ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2014.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014L I B RA Y •- OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 492.4 H 35HEBREW STUDENT'S MANUAL: CONSISTING OF I.—A HEBREW GRAMMAR. II.—A SERIES OF HEBREW READING LESSONS ANALYSED. III.—THE BOOK OF PSALMS WITH INTERLINEARY TRANSLATION. IV.—A HEBREW-ENGLISH LEXICON. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW. Mm> (- ■ V-a i- "titLo ■HEADS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR; CONTAINING ALL THE PRINCIPLES NEEDED BY A LEARNER. BY S. PKIDEAUX TREGELLES, LL.D. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATEHNOSTER EOW.Ac c\ 2. 4r )-{ 35" i /\f o PEEPACE. 0 0The object of these Heads of Hebrew Grammar is to furnish . ~ the learner of that language with all that is needful for him r^in his introductory studies, so that he may be thoroughly „ grounded in all that is elementary. 5 In teaching Hebrew, I have been accustomed to give oral ^instruction as to all the elements, .commonly making use of ^• some short Hebrew grammar marking the rules which re- quire attention, and adding others which are not to be found elementary grammars in general. In this way I have had a kind of oral Hebrew grammar for learners; and the same grammatical instruction which I have r thus communicated to those whom I have thus taught, is here given written down for use or reference. I am well aware that the number of Hebrew grammars,—- both of those called elementary, and of those called critical, -—is very great; this consideration made me long feel re- luctant to commit my oral grammatical instruction to writing; 200401iv PREFACE. but, if the mass of Hebrew grammars be examined, it will be found that very few of them possess any distinctive features; and I am not aware of one which I have been able to use as thoroughly adapted to the wants of learners. The outline grammars are mostly unclear in arrangement, and often in- correct in statement. With regard to this outline, I can only say, that it has already stood the test of experience in its practical use, and thus I am able to speak of the result as satisfactory. This gives me a confidence in introducing this outline to others, besides those to whom I have given oral instruction. I am well aware that in recommending an outline of Hebrew grammar to beginners, I have no less an authority than that of Gesenius opposed to me : — the opinion of that learned man, the greatest Hebraist of modern times, was, that a learner should use a critical grammar from the com- mencement of his studies. But Gesenius, in his Hebrew tuition, had to do not with mere beginners; the students came to him with an elementary grounding in forms and in- flections acquired in the Gymnasium, previous to their uni- versity course; and I believe that a critical grammar, if put into the hands of a mere beginner, will be found to deal with subjects in a deep and philosophic manner, which will, for a time, be rather a hindrance than a help, because the subjects themselves are not .understood. Let there be a proper groundwork laid of forms and in- flections, as well as of the ordinary forms of construction, and then the best and most critical Hebrew grammars may be studied, and that with profit. I wish that every one who seeks an intimate knowledge of Hebrew, might not only use, but study, both the grammar and the Lehrgebaude ofPREFACE. v Gesenius; but I could not recommend any to attempt this, unless elementary knowledge be first acquired with accuracy, either from an elementary grammar, or by selection from one that is critical. I have endeavoured to lead the learner into a practice of fluently reading Hebrew; few things are more necessary to him than this; with this object, the Hebrew words in the former part of the grammar have their pronunciation appended to them in our letters, with the syllables divided, and the accents marked. In dividing the syllables, I have followed the common practice of Hebraists, such as may be seen in Bythner's " Lyra," and other old works :—I mention this, because I believe that a learned Professor, now living, claims the discovery of the principles of Hebrew syllabifica- tion :—if so, how could they have been learned from him by those who lived some centuries ago ? I have added a chapter on the accents ; this is a subject which is generally passed over in Hebrew grammars in a manner much too summary; the Table of Consecution will be found, I believe, much more complete and accurate than those generally given. It may be thought that even in this brief grammar some things are repeated which need only have been stated once; my reason is that I have found in practice that some things require to be stated in different connections ; and, therefore, a little repetition is a less" evil than to neglect -the convenience of the learner would be. The learners of Hebrew are either adults who wish to read the word of God in the original, or else children who have Hebrew assigned as part of their studies. The adult learner, I believe, if he acquire some small abilityvi PREFACE. of reading the Hebrew Bible first, will afterwards find the critical details of Hebrew grammar far more easy to be understood; while for a young person the memory is com- monly in advance of mere reasoning power, and thus things can be better learned first, and the full and minute explana- tions of the reasons, etc., may follow after. Hence I have left many things without minute explanation, as my wish was in no sense to supersede critical grammars ; and, also, many things may be presented in a different form and connection to an advanced scholar, from that in which they can to a student. In recommending critical Hebrew grammars, I must of course give the first place to Gesenius ; but I cannot mention him, or any other of the critics, tinctured with neology, without warning the learner, young or old, against the 'principles unhappily found in their writings. I endea- voured to do this in my translation of Gesenius's Hebrew Lexicon, by correcting the objectionable statements; and too careful the learner cannot be not to give heed to any of the suggestions which run counter to the Divine authority and inspiration of the Old and New Testaments. Let the doc- trines of the Bible,—the love of God the Father in giving his blessed and only-begotten Son to die, that whosoever be- lieveth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life,-—be received into the heart by the power of the Holy Ghost; — and then the Bible is not to us that which we can subject to our opinions and feelings; but it is valued as the authori- tative communication of God's will, and it is listened to as though we heard the voice of God speaking to us in his word, as truly as Israel once heard Him speak from Mount Sinai. We may use all critical aids to understand the wordsPREFACE. vii and sentences in which God has communicated his revela- tion, but we must take heed not to do as the neologians have done,—to set our thoughts, feelings, and sceptical objections, as though they could be a standard. As the study of Hebrew evidently attracts increasing at- tention in this country, a warning against the deadening power of neology is, I believe, by no means out of place. The importance of Hebrew to every biblical student is very great; this is an admitted fact; and yet how is it that so very many in this country possess at least some knowledge of the Greek New Testament, who still (in spite of all the increase of Hebrew learning) know nothing of the Old Testa- ment in the original ? The following remarks on this subject, although strong, by the Rev. T. Boys (" Helps to HebrewPreface), may suitably close these introductory observations : — " A disbelief of the plenary inspiration of Holy Scrip- ture, and a neglect of the study of Hebrew, are two evils which, very extensively, and very naturally, prevail together. If, in our view, the Bible was only superintended as to matter, and not inspired as to terms;—and if, in consequence, we virtually consider the text of Scripture not, as we affect to call it, the word of God, but the word of man;—we shall naturally regard the acquirement of the sacred tongue as of little importance, and as scarcely meriting the labour of study. A fair translation will give the general sense; and the general sense is all that we regard as of divine authority. But if we view the Scriptures as literally the word of God, if we regard it as a book not merely superintended, but suggested by the Holy Ghost, then surely it will be our object to know exactly what it means, and the sacred language will be studiedPREFACE. diligently for that purpose. We cannot, indeed, pronounce a man's views of Scriptural inspiration to be sound, merely because he studies the Bible in the original. But it argues, at any* rate, a practical disbelief of the doctrine, when it is not acted upon. And, surely, when we go on for years acknowledging and asserting verbal inspiration, and yet all that time expounding Scripture only in a version, and not striving to reach the fountain head, we are not acting up to our own convictions, and are making Truth a plaything."TO THE LEARNER. I recommend the learner — 1st. To acquire a knowledge of the letters, etc., and to learn to read and enunciate fluently. 2nd. Then to learn the personal pronouns and the verb in Kal;—to observe the differences of the species; and gradually to obtain an entire familiarity with the whole of the regular verb. 3rd. Then attention may be paid to the common prefixes and suffixes. 4th. Then to the nouns—feminine, plural, construct state, article, etc. 5th. Then the irregular verbs may be learned (in this the mind may be used more than the memory merely). 6th. After this the declensions of nouns may be acquired. While learning these parts, the learner should read care- fully and often the remarks and rules which are introduced; and when an accurate knowledge has been gained of regular forms and inflections, and a good general knowledge of those that are irregular, the learner may study all that relates to Syntax.X TO THE LEARNER. A small volume of Hebrew Reading Lessons, containing the first four chapters of Genesis, and the eighth of Proverbs, giving the lessons, which I have been accustomed to impart orally, has been published by Messrs. Bagster ; this will be found, I believe, of much assistance by the learner; many have, I know, been aided by it. * Let the learner keep the Table of Verbs open before him in reading Hebrew ; he will thus be aided in finding what any part of a verb is with which he may meet. The rules given at the conclusion of the " Heads of He- brew Grammar" for finding words in a lexicon, will be suf- ficient for ordinary purposes, whether the lexicon be one of the old ones according to roots, or one arranged alphabetically like that of Gesenius. It may here be mentioned, that besides the Hebrew lexicons of ordinary arrangement, there has been of late published by Messrs. Bagstek, " An Analytical Hebrew Lexicon"; this work, by Mr. B. Davidson, will be peculiarly useful to learners; for they may there find every word in the Hebrew Bible in alphabetical arrangement, just as it is read in the Sacred Text; the word is referred to its root, and the parsing is given very clearly. * I observe that my " Hebrew Reading Lessons " have been adopted as one of the books used in the "Honour Course" at St. Aidan's College, Birkenhead. I take this opportunity of stating that the Grammatical Remarks prefixed to them are by another author.CONTENTS. PART I.—THE LETTERS AND READING. page § 1. Mode of writing ....... 1 § 2. The letters ....... 1 § 3. Remarks on the letters as to form .... 3 § 4. On the powers of some of the letters. Daghesh . 4 § 5. The vowels ....... 5 § 6. Remarks on some of the vowels. Kiimets Khateph, etc. 6 § 7. Accents, etc. ....... 7 § 8. Syllables. Furtive Pa'-thakh ..... 8 § 9. Spelling ........ 9 § 10. Division of the letters according to their powers . . 12 § 11. Remarks on the gutturals . . . . . 12 § 12. On Daghesh lene . . . . . .13 § 13. On Daghesh forte . . . . . . 13 § 14. Division of the letters according to their use . . 14 § 15. Mutation of vowels . . . . . . 14 PART II.—PARTS OF SPEECH. DIVISION. I.—Pronouns. § 1. The personal pronouns . . . (Table A)* . 16 * The Tables will be found at the end of the Volume.xii CONTENTS. PAGE § 2. Demonstrative pronouns . . . . 17 § 3. The relative pronoun . . . . . .17 § 4. Interrogative and indefinite pronouns . . . 17 II.—The Verb. § 1. Species or conjugations ...... § 2. Moods and tenses . . . . . § 3. Flexion of the regular verb ..... § 4. Remarks on the table of the verb . (Table B) § 5. On the preterite of Kal ...... § 6. The infinitive and imperative .... § 7. On the future of Kal, and the distinction of the futures in the different species § 8. Niphal .... § 9. Piel and Pual . § 10. Hiphil and Hophal . § 11. Hithpael .... § 12. Species less frequently used § 13. Quadriliterals § 14. Irregular verbs in general § 15. Verbs with gutturals in general § 16. Verbs S guttural . . . (Table D) §17. Verbs guttural .... (Table E) § 18. Verbs h guttural . . . (Table F) § 19. Defective verbs in general § 20. Verbs Pe Nun . . . (Table G) § 21. Geminate verbs (or verbs . (Table H) § 22. Verbs quiescent in general .... § 23. Verbs Pe A-leph .... (Table I) § 24. Verbs Pe Yodh (properly Pe Vav) (Table K) § 25. Verbs Pe Yodh (properly) . . (Table L) § 26. Verbs Pe Yodh contracted .... § 27. Quiescent verbs A'-yin Vav . . (Table M) 18 20 21 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46CONTENTS. xiii page § 28. Quiescent verbs A'-yin Yodh . (Table N) . 47 § 29. Quiescent verbs La-med A-leph . (Table O) •. 47 § 30. Quiescent verbs La-med He . (Table P) . 48 § 31. Relation of the verbs of different classes ... 49 § 32. Verbs doubly irregular ..... 49 § 33. Pronominal suffixes for the verb . (Table C) . 50 § 34. The preterite with pronominal suffixes . . . 51 § 35. The future with pronominal suffixes .... 53 § 36. Infinitive, imperative, and participle, with suffixes . 53 § 37. Irregular verbs with suffixes ..... 54 § 38. Vav conversive . . . . . 54 § 39. The apocopated future . . . . . .55 § 40. The paragogic future ..... 56 § 41. Apocopated and paragogic imperatives ... 56 § 42. Formation of verbs. Denominatives ... 57 III.—The Noun. § 1. Gender ........ 57 § 2. Changes of nouns as to inflection ... 58 § 3. Number: formation of plural ..... 58 § 4. The dual and its formation . . . . 59 § 5. The construct state ...... 60 § 6. Paragogic letters . . . . . . 61 § 7. The noun with the article ..... 62 § 8. The noun with prefixes ..... 62 § 9. The excluded article ...... 63 §10. The noun with pronominal suffixes ... 64 § 11. The vowel-changes of nouns ..... 67 § 12. Declension of masculine nouns . (Table) . 69 § 13. Arrangement of nouns masc. alone under the declensions . 69 § 14. The changes of vowels in the formation of feminine nouns 71 § 15. Tables of feminine nouns . . (Table) . 73 § 16. Arrangement of feminine nouns under the declensions . 73xiv CONTENTS. tage §17. Irregular nouns . ■ . . . . . 73 §18. Derivation of nouns . . . . . . 75 § 19. Verbal nouns . • • • • • • 76 § 20. Forms of verbal nouns, from the regular verb . . 77 § 21. Forms of verbal nouns from the irregular verb . , 80 § 22. Denominative nouns . . . . 83 § 23. Cardinal numbers . . . - . 85 § 24. Ordinal numbers ........ 87 IV.—Particles. § 1. The particles in general . . * . . 88 § 2. Adverbs ... ..... 89 § 3. Prepositions . . . - . • . 90 § 4. Conjunctions . . ..... 92 § 5. Interjections . . . . . • 93 PART III—SYNTAX. I.—The Noun. § 1. Substantives for adjectives . . .94 § 2. Plurals and collectives . . . . 95 § 3. Use of the article . . . . , .96 § 4. Substantive and adjective . . . . 97 § 5. The construct state . . . . . .97 § 6. The accusative . . . . . . 98 § 7. Degrees of comparison . . . . . . 99 § 8. Use of the numerals ..... 99 II.—Pronouns. § 1. Personal pronouns . . . . . .100 § 2. Demonstrative and interrogative pronouns . . 101CONTENTS. xv page §f 3. The relative ....... 102 III.—The Verb. § 1. Tenses ........ 103 § 2. Use of the preterite . . . . . .103 § 3. Use of the future . . . . . . 104 § 4. The future with 1 conversive . . . . .105 § 5. The preterite converted . . . . . 106 § 6. The imperative . . . . . .106 § 7. The infinitive absolute . . . . . 107 § 8. The infinite construct . . . . . .107 § 9. The participle . . . . . . . 108 § 10. The accusative after a verb . . . . .109 § 11. Verbs with two accusatives . . . . . 109 § 12. Verbs used impersonally . . . .110 § 13. Passive voices . . . . . . 110 § 14. Connection of subject and predicate : coucord . . 110 IV.—Particles. § 1. Construction of adverbs . . . . .111 § 2. Prepositions . . . . . . .112 § 3. Conjunctions . . . . . . .113 § 4. Interjections . . . . » . .113 V.—THE ACCENTS. § 1. The general use of the accents . . . 114 § 2. Table of the accents in the Hebrew Bible in general . 114 § 3. Remarks on the accents . . . . . 116 § 4.. Table of the consecution of accents . . . .118 § 5. Explanation of the table . . . . . 118xvi CONTENTS. PAGE § 6. Specimens of Hebrew accentuation . . . 119 § 7. Accentuation of the Psalms, Proverbs, and Job . . 120 § 8. Consecution of the accents in these books . . . 121 § 9. On the accents as musical signs . . . 121 § 10. K'rl and K'thiv ...... 122 CONCLUSION. To find words in the lexicon . . . . , 123 TABLES. A. The Personal Pronoun. B. The Regular Verb. C. The Regular Verb with Suffixes. D. Verb Pe Guttural. E. Verb A'-yin Guttural. F. Verb La-med Guttural. G. Verb Pe Nun. H. Verb A'-yin doubled {V"]))' I. Verb Pe A-leph. K. Verb Pe Yodh (properly Pe Vav). L. Verb Pe Yodh (properly). M. Verb A'-yin Vav. N. Verb A'-yin Yodh. O. Verb La-med A-leph. P. Verb La-med He. Declension of Masculine Nouns, Declension of Feminine NounsHEADS op HEBREW GRAMMAR. PART I. THE LETTERS AND READING. § 1.—Hebrew is written, like most of the languages of the same class, from right to left. The letters are all regarded as consonants; the vowels are supplied by points; of which most are placed below the letter which they follow in pronunciation. § 2.—THE LETTERS. The Hebrew letters are twenty-two in number. The following table exhibits the Alphabet, showing the order, names, and powers of the letters:— 2THE ALPHABET. *) r A-leph a light breathing. 3 Beth B. ^ Gl-mel G hard. ^ Da-leth D. n He H. 1 Vav Y. J Za'-yin Z. If Kheth Kh. (a hard aspirated guttural. Teth T. [Germ, ch.) 1 Yodh y. 3 Caph K or C hard. 7 La-med L. Q / Mem M. J (Nun 1ST 5 Sa-mech S. y A'-yin probably a hard breathing. fi Pe P. ^ Tsa-de Ts. p Kuph K hard. *) Resh R. & Sin S. "I These are counted as but $ Shin Sh. J one letter. Pl Tav T. THE ALPHABET. In pronouncing the names of the letters, let the vowels be sounded as in Italian and some other continental languages; i.e. a like ah (or a in father). % like ee. e „ eh or ay. u „ 00. Attention should be given to this vowel scale, as it will be used throughout the present work, because of its presenting many con-FORMS AND POWERS OF LETTERS. 3 veniences to the learner in enabling the pronunciation of Hebrew words to be given with uniformity and accuracy. § 3.—REMARKS ON THE LETTERS AS TO FORiyt. It is needful to learn carefully to distinguish from one another the letters which are somewhat similar in form. 21 Beth resembles 3 Caph; but the lower corner of 3 Caph on the right-hand is rounded, while 2 Beth is not. ^ Da-leth resembles "1 Resh; but the latter is rounded at the shoulder, while the former is not. T Da-leth also resembles "| final Caph; but it is distinguished by the latter being extended below the line. n He, n Kheth, and ft Tav, resemble each other; they are thus dis- tinguished :—PI He has its left-hand stroke not joined to the upper line, while H Kheth is so joined; Tav is distinguished from both by having a kind of foot at the bottom of the left-hand stroke. 1 Vav is distinguished from t Za'-yin by being rounded at the top; it is distinguished from * Yodh, by the latter being smaller, and not being drawn down to the line ; and 1 Vav and T Za'-yin are both distinguished from | final Nun by the latter being drawn below the line. D Teth is open at the top, and D Mem is open at the bottom. D Final Mem is square at the lower right-hand corner, while D Sa-mech is rounded. V A'-yin has its tail turned to the left, but ¥ Tsa-de has the tail with a curve first to the right, and f final Tsa-de has the tail drawn straight down. fc? Sin has a dot on the left tooth, W Shin on the right. A little attention to these remarks will soon enable the learner to distinguish those which at first appear to the eye as somewhat alike. It is important to be thoroughly versed in the letters; to this end it is well to take any passage in the Hebrew Bible and name aloud each letter in succession, with reference to the table in all cases of doubt. The five forms of letters marked finals, are those which are used when the letter happens to be at the end of a word.4 POWERS OF LETTERS. Sometimes a letter is found dilated, thus, ED, ; this is merely to fill up the line. § 4.—ON THE POWERS OF SOME OF THE LETTERS. X A-leph and V A'-yin are generally omitted in pronunciation; the former is simply a breathing enunciated with the vowel with which this letter is connected. V A'-yin seems to have had originally a guttural aspirate sound;— and it is not improbable that, even while Hebrew was a living language, it was almost entirely dropped as to pronunciation in some words, even though retained in others. As there is much doubt as to its true power, it will be better to treat it in the same way as K A-leph in reading. In giving the pronunciation of any Hebrew words in which V A'-yin occurs, it will be itself inserted instead of any attempt being made to supply an equivalent in Roman letters. Six of the letters—2 Beth, 3 Glmel, ^ Daleth, 3 Caph, 3 Pe, ft Tav, are given in the above table with a dot in the middle of each. This dot is called Daghesh lene, and its use is to harden the letter in pro- nunciation ; without it 2 B becomes 2 V; 3 G becomes 3 Gh; ^ D becomes *1 Dh; 3 K becomes 3 Kh (like n in sound, but fuller); B P becomes Q Ph or F; ft T becomes ft Th. In 5 and *1 the differ- ence of sound is rarely observed; however, for convenience sake, they will be in this Grammar expressed by 3 Gh and *7 Dh, when Hebrew words are given in our letters. This twofold sound of these six letters requires particular attention. The point Daghesh may also be written in any letter except K A-leph, H He, n Kheth, V A'-yin, and 1 Resh. It is then called Daghesh forte or double Daghesh, and its use is to double the letter in which it is written. The six letters 2, 3, T, 3, £>, ft, may also have Daghesh forte; and then they are both hardened and doubled ; they become Bb, Gg, Dd, Kk, Pp, Tt, and not Vv, etc., nor yet Bv, etc., nor Vb. (The distinction be- tween Daghesh lene and Daghesh forte in these six letters will be ex- plained when we speak of the division of syllables.) A small line, called Raphe ("), over one of the letters which take Daghesh lene (thus, 3) is scarcely ever found in printed HebrewVOWELS. 5 (although frequent in MSS.) ; its only use is to show the absence of Daghesh lene. A similar point called Mappik is written in the letter r\ He, which has then a fuller sound. i § 5.—THE VOWELS. It has been already said that the vowels are expressed by points, and that these points are appended to the letter which they follow in pro- inundation. In the following list of the vowels, the letter 2 is so placed with the long vowels as to show the places of the point and the letter. The letters 12 are given to exhibit the place in which the short vowels stand. With regard to the sounds of the vowels, the reader is requested to remember the Italian vowel scale : « = ah; £ = eh, or ay; i — ee (or i in pique); 5; u = oo. There are five long vowels— '(~) Ka-mets a as 2 Ba, (—) Tse-re e as 3 Be. * — Long KhI-rik i as Bi. 1 or Kh5-lem o as 12 or 2 Bo. •1 Shu-rek u as -12 Bu. There are five short vowels— — Pa'-thakh a as 12 Bad. — Se'-gol e as 12 Bed. — Short KhI-rik i as 12 Bid. . ~ Ka-mets Khateph o as 12 Bod. — Kib-buts u as 12 Bud. Besides these ten vowels there are also what are called imperfect vowels. Every letter which has no vowel of its own has Sh'va (:) ex- pressed or understood beneath it. When Sh'va ( :) is sounded at all (vocal Sh'va), it is like an extremely short e, hardly more than an6 REMARKS ON VOWELS. elision between two consonants. When silent it serves to divide the syllables. But when Sh'va would, in accordance with analogy, be written under Jthe letters X, H, fl, V (called gutturals), for greater convenience of enunciation, a more distinct vowel sound is combined with it; and thus there arise three imperfect vowels, called compound Sh'vas. They are— — Khateph Pa'-thakh: a extremely short, like a in abound. ~ Khateph Se'-gol: e extremely short, like e in beneath. — Khateph Ka-mets: o extremely short, like o in collection. § 6.—REMARKS ON SOME OF THE VOWELS. It will be observed that the Ka-mets a, and Ka-mets Khateph o, have precisely the same form. When —, not accompanied by an accent, is followed immediately by a letter doubled by Daghesh expressed or understood, or by a Sh'va, or by Mak-keph (see below), it is o; other- wise it is almost necessarily a. But if another - as o follows, then it is o even though accompanied by an accent. The rules for the division of syllables will show the meaning of this rule, and also how simple it is as to its practical application. The 1 Yodh, which is given with long KhI-rik, is said to coalesce with the vowel, and thus it is not enunciated separately. This * Yodh is not unfrequently omitted, and then long KhI-rik and short are to the eye alike; but the division of syllables shows whether it be long or short. Kho-lem may have the letter 1 standing under or not; the sound is wholly unaffected. Shu-rek cannot be written without the letter 1; the point resembles Daghesh, but it may be thus distinguished; if the 1 have another vowel to be pronounced after it, then the dot is Daghesh; if not, it is Shu-rek. Thus, n-Jll Hav-vah; the dot here is Daghesh; because the 1 has an- other vowel. If the 1 be omitted in any word which ought to take Shu-rek, then Kib-buts — is used in its stead. When a vowel is followed by a homogeneous letter, they coalesce in sound; this is the case with KhI-rik followed by * Yodh, and also with — Tse-re followed by the same letter; when * Yodh or 1 Vav follows a vowel not homogeneous, then the power of the letter must be fullyVOWELS AND ACCENTS. 7 retained; this is the case in such terminations as 1— V— ^1— pro- nounced ay (like the Greek ai)» Di?n tik-ka-tel'-nah, ye will be killed (fem.). i- nik-ka-tel', we shall be killed. Participle. nik-tal', killed.24 FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. PIEL. Preterite. Sing. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1. Plur. 3. 2. ^i?* kit-tel', he killed diligently. kit-t'lah', she killed diligently. kit-tal'-ta, thou killedst diligently (masc.). kit-talt', thou killedst diligently (fem.). kit-tal'-ti, I killed diligently. kit-t'lu', they killed diligently. kit-tal-tem', ye killed diligently (masc.). kit-tal-ten', ye killed diligently (fem.). kit-tal'-nu, we killed diligently. Infinitive. Abs. kat-tel', to kill diligently, kat-tol', to kill diligently. Imperative. Sing. 2. 2. Plur. 2. 2. kat-tel', kill thou diligently (masc.). kat-t'li', kill thou diligently (fem.). kat-t'lu', kill ye diligently (masc.). HjStSg* kat-tel'-nah, kill ye diligently (fem.). Future. Sing. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1. Plur. 3. y* kat-tel', he will kill diligently. t'kal-tel', she will kill diligently. t'kat-tel', thou wilt kill diligently (masc.). t'kat-t'li, thou wilt kill diligently (fem.). akat-tel', I shall kill diligently. y'kat-t'lu', they will kill diligently (masc.).FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. 25 t'kat-tel'-nah, they will kill diligently (fem.). 2. • ■ -1^151? t'kat- t'lu', ye will kill diligently (masc.). 2. njjragj? t'kat-tel'-nah, ye will kill diligently (fem.). i- n'kat-tel', we shall kill diligently. Participle. Act. ^29* m'kat-tel', killing diligently. PUAL. Preterite. Sing. 3. Wfl?* kut-tal', he was killed diligently. 3. kut-t'lah', she was killed diligently. 2. $3jJ* kut-tal'-ta, thou wast killed diligently (masc.). kut-talt', thou wast killed diligently (fem.). j? kut-tal'-tl, I was killed diligently. Plur. 3. -I^j? kat-t'lu', they were killed diligently. 2. kut-tal-tem', ye were killed diligently (mase.). 2. kut-tal-ten', ye were killed diligently (fem.). 1. kut-tal'-nu, we were killed diligently. 2. 1. Infinitive. kut-tal', to be killed diligently. Abs. VtSp* kut-tol', to be killed diligently. \ Imperative. Wanting. Future. Sing. 3. y'kut-tal', he will be killed diligently. 3. t'kut-tal', she will be killed diligently.26 2. 1. Plur. 3. FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. t'kut-tal', thou wilt be killed diligently (masc.). t'kut-t'li', thou wilt be killed diligently (fem.). akut-tal', I shall be killed diligently. y'kut-t'lu', they will be killed diligently (masc.). t'kut-tal'-nah, they will be killed diligently (fem.). 2. 6pj51-> t'kut-t'lu', ye will be killed diligently (masc.). t'kut-tal'-nah, ye will be killed diligently (fem.). i- n'kut-tal", we shall be killed diligently. Participle. m'kut-tal", being killed diligently. Preterite. Sing. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1. Plur. 3. -I^tpipn 2. DR^tppn 2. i. ^tppn* n^ppn* Fi^pn* ijfrapn HIPHIL. . hik-til', he caused to kill. hik-tl'-lah, she caused to kill. hik-tal'-ta, thou eausedst to kill (masc.). hik-talt', thou eausedst to kill (fem.). hik-tal'-ti, I caused to kill. hik-ti'-lu, they caused to kill, hik-tal-tem', ye caused to kill (masc.). hik-tal-ten', ye caused to kill (fem.). hik-tal'-nu, we caused to kill. Infinitive. hak-til', to cause to kill. Abs. hak-tel", to cause to kill. Imperative. Sing. 2. hak-tel', cause thou to kill (masc.).FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. 2. hak-tl'-ll, cause thou to kill (fem.). Plur. 2. hak-tT'-lu, cause ye to kill (masc.). 2. n3^fcJi?0* hak-ter-nah, cause ye to kill (fem.). Future. Sing. 3. yak-til', he will cause to kill. 3. tak-til', she will cause to kill. 2. tak-til', thou wilt cause to kill (masc.). 2. tak-ti'-ll, thou wilt cause to kill (fem.). 1. ak-tll', I shall cause to kill. Plur. 3. yak-tl'-lu, they will cause to kill (masc.). 3. n^tbpn tak-tel'-nah, they will cause to kill (fem.). 2. iWbpn tak-ti'-lu, ye will cause to kill (masc.). 2. tak-tel'-nah, ye will cause to kill (fem.). 1. nak-fil', we shall cause to kill. Apocopated Future. yak-til', etc. Participle. Act. mak-til', causing to kill. HOPHAL. Preterite. Sing. 3. hok-tal', he was caused to kill. 3. n^tppn* hok-t'lah", she was caused to kill. 2. hok-tal'-ta, thou wast caused to kill (masc.). 2. hok-talt', thou wast caused to kill (fem.). 1. hok-tal'ti, I was caused to kill.28 FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. Plur. 3. ^t?(?n hok-t'lu', they were caused to kill. 2. Dnj»t3j?n hok-tal-tem', ye were caused to kill (masc.). 2. hok-tal-ten', ye were caused to kill (fem.). hok-tal'-nu, we were caused to kill. Infinitive. l?Dpn pH* hok-tal', to be caused to kill. Imperative. Wanting. Future. Sing. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1. Plur. 3. btDpK •l!?Dp> ; ':t 3. n^Dpn* t : - t 2. -lijDpn : t 2. ruSnpn t; - t 1. ^Dp3 -t yok-tal', he will be caused to kill. tok-tal', she will be caused to kill. tok-tal', thou wilt be caused to kill (masc.). tok-t'li', thou wilt be caused to kill (fem.). ok-tal', I shall be caused to kill. yok-t'lu, they will be caused to kill (masc.). tok-tal'-nah, they will be caused to kill (fem.). tok-t'lii', ye will be caused to kill (masc.). tok-tal'-nah, ye will be caused to kill (fem.). nok-tal'> we shall be caused to kill. Participle, Act. mok-tal', causing to kill. mTHPAEL. Preterite. Sing. 3. hith-kat-tel', he killed himself. 3. ntagnij* hith-kat-t'lah', she killed herself.FLEXION OF REGULAR VERB. 29 2. ri^gnn* hith-kat-tal'-ta, thou killedst thyself (masc.). 2. hith-kat-talt', thou killedst thyself (fem.). 1. hith-kat-tal'-tl, I killed myself. Plur. 3. -ibl^nn hith-kat-t'lu', they killed themselves. 2.Dri^2nni hith-kat-tal-tem', ye killed yourselves (masc.). 2. hith-kat-tal-ten', ye killed yourselves (fem.). 1. hith-kat-tal'-nu, we killed ourselves. Infinitive. hith-kat-tel', to kill one's self. Imperative. Sing. 2. ^p_nn* hith-kat-tel', kill thyself (masc.). 2. hith-kat-t'll', kill thyself (fem.). Plur. 2. -I^nn hith-kat-t'lu', kill yourselves (masc.j.^nn* hith-kat-tel'-nah, kill yourselves (fem.). Future. Sing. 3. yith-kat-tel', he will kill himself. 3. tith-kat-tel', she will kill himself. tith-kat-tel', thou wilt kill thyself (masc.). 2. tith-kat-t'li, thou wilt kill thyself (fem.). 1. eth-kat-tel', I shall kill myself. Plur. 3. *1^5V* yith-kat-t'lu', they will kill themselves (masc.). 3. tith-kat-tel'-nah, they will kill themselves (fem.). •2. -iStsiwi tith-kat-t'lu', ye will kill yourselves (masc.;. 2. roStsgnri tith-kat-tel'-nah, ye will kill yourselves (fem.). i- ^t?prg nith-kat-tel', we shall kill ourselves. Participle. Act. mith-kat-tel', killing one's self.30 THE TABLE OF THE VERB—PRETERITE OF KAL. § 4.—REMARKS ON THE TABLE OF THE VERB. 4 It is not requisite to use the personal pronouns with the pret. and fut.; when they are inserted, they have a peculiar emphasis. The terminations of the pret., and the preformatives of the future, are almost entirely taken from fragments of the personal pronouns, com- pounded, as it were, with the root of the verb. Those parts of the verb, which are marked in the Table with an asterisk, are those from which others are formed. The manner in which the vowels in Hebrew are contracted, when a word is lengthened, is very well exhibited in the flexion of the verb. § 5.—ON THE PRETERITE OF KAL. t The verb being a verb middle A, differs in some respects, as to its flexion, from verbs middle E and middle 0. The following is the pret. of kah-vedh', a verb middle E, which will show how the E sound disappears in flexion. Sing. 3. kah-vedh', he was heavy. 3. iYTllD* kah-v'dhah', she was heavy. £ 2. JVD?* kah-vadh'-ta, thou wast heavy (masc.). 2. 913? kah-vadht', thou wast heavy (fem.). 1. kah-vadh'-tl, I was heavy. Plur. 3 : it kah-v'dhu', they were heavy. 2. k,vadh-tem/, ye were heavy (masc.). 2. k'vadh-ten', ye were heavy (fem.). 1. was ka-vadh'-nu, we were heavy. In pause, however, the E sound may often re-appear. In verbs middle O, the O, when accented, is retained; as, from VdJ to be able; ya-chol'-ta, thou wast able;—but if for any reason that syllable should lose the accent, then the J_ Kho-lem becomes — Ka-mets Khateph; e.g. from ya-ch51'-tl, I have been able, or have pre- vailed ; ya-chol-tr/, I have prevailed over himINFINIT. AND IMPERAT.—FUT. IN KAL, etc. 31 § 6.—ON THE INFINITIVE AND IMPERATIVE. It will be observed, that there are two forms given of the inf.,—the construct and the absolute. This distinction is taken from the analogy of nouns: it must, however, be observed that the construct infinitive is the more simple form, and that it is not shortened from the other. Infinitives are also found with feminine terminations H—, Jl—, like nouns: this is especially the case in some classes of irregular verbs. The form of the imperative bears (as is manifest) a very close rela- tion to the infinitive; and the same form also lies at the basis of the future. § 7.—ON THE FUTURE OF KAL, AND THE DISTINCTION OF THE FUTURE IN THE DIFFERENT SPECIES. In the example given above, ^tpj? ka-tal', the middle radical takes J_ in the future, hh\)\ yik-t5l'; this, however, is almost entirely confined to verbs middle A; a good lexicon will, however, always prevent difficulty by showing what is the vowel of the future in cases of any irregularity, If allowance be made for the variation as to the vowel of the middle radical, no difficulty will be found in the flexion of the future. The following is the future of *113 kah-vedh': — Sing. 3. yich-badh', he will be heavy. 3. tich-badh', she will be heavy. 2. tich-badh', thou wilt be heavy (masc.). 2, tich-b'dhi', thou wilt be heavy (fem.). 1. *15? $ ech-badh', I shall be heavy. Plur. 3. ^9?* yich-b'dhii', they will be heavy (masc.). 3. tich-badh'-nah, they will be heavy (fem.). 2. •Illppn tich-b'dhu', ye will be heavy (masc.). »* 2. tich-badh'-nah, ye will be heavy (fem.), nich-badh', we shall be heavy.32 NIPHAL. So, also, in the imperative: Sing. 2, 15?* k'vadh', be thou heavy (masc.). 2. n??* kiv-dhl', be thou heavy (fem.). Plur. 2. *11 kiv-dhu', be ye heavy, (masc.). 2. k'vadh'-nah, be ye heavy (fem.). In the future of kah-vedh', it will be observed that the letter 2 receives Daghesh: this has nothing to do with the inflexion, but it arises solely from the second radical being one of the *133 b'gad k'phath letters, In IpQ pa-kadh', to visit, in the future tense the E) on the same principle loses its Daghesh lene; yiph-kodh', he will visit. It is necessary not to confound Daghesh, inserted in one of these letters, with Daghesh forte, when found as a characteristic of a Dagheshed species. It facilitates the distinction of the seven species in the future, to remember that in the regular verb the preformative takes, in Kal and Niphal, Khi-rik (Niphal having the next letter doubled by Daghesh), in Piel and Pual, Sh'va; in Hiphil, Pa'-thakh; in Hophal, Ka-mets Khateph; in Hithpael, Khi-rik, with J"l following, making the syllable JV yith. In the first person singular of the future, however, the preformative X takes Se'-gol in those cases in which * of the third has Khi-rik; and it takes — Khateph Pa'-thakh when the * has Sh'va. § 8 —NIPHAL. It is considered that the syllable prefixed to the pret. of this species was originally and properly hin. This, however, appears only in an abbreviated form; nik-tal' being for hin-k'tal': in the inf., however, the more full form is seen, for bftjjjn hik-ka-tel' is for hin-ka-tel', the p doubled by Daghesh being a compensation for the omission of the 3< This more full expression of the prefix is also found in the impera- tive, as being formed from the infinitive. In the future the 2 of the prefix is altogether excluded, and itsPIEL AND PUAL-—HIPHIL AND HOPHAL. 33 omission is compensated by Daghesh in the following letter; thus, from yin-ka-tel', by excluding the 3, and doubling the next letter, we get the existing form yik-ka-tel'. Care must be taken to distinguish the participle of Niphal from the pret. third person sing. The pret. has Pa'-thakh under the middle radical; the part, has Ka-mets. § 9.—PIEL AND PUAL. The characteristic of these two species is, that they are formed by internal modification of the root. They are emphatic in their character, and that appears to be denoted by the internal strengthening of the form by doubling the middle radical. In Pual, as well as in Hophal, it may be observed how, in Hebrew, the thicker and blunter vowels are used in the passive voice. Piel. Pual. Hiphil. Hophal. Pret. i e u a i 1 o a Fut. a e , ua al oa The participles of all the species, from Piel onward, take the pre- formative 2D; these participles may be distinguished from one another, by bearing in mind that this letter is prefixed with the same vowel as the * of the third pers. of the fut., if the same species takes. § 10.—HIPHIL AND HOPHAL. The characteristic of Hiphil is the prefixed 'H in the pret.; the * in- serted before the last radical is retained in the third persons sing, and plur. of the pret., in the inf., part of the imperative, and almost all through the future. In regular verbs, Hiphil is the only species in which the apocopated future appears; the * is then omitted in the third and second persons (to which alone this future belongs), and the middle radical is pointed with Tse-re —. The characteristic of Hophal is the prefixed 'H ho: instead, however, 434 HITHPAEL. of Ka-mets Khateph, Kib-buts is sometimes found as the vowel, both of this prefixed syllable, and also of the preformatives of the future. § 11.—HITHPAEL. This species is plainly distinguished from the other species by the peculiar prefix, and the Daghesh in the middle radical. The n,-however, of this prefix sometimes suffers certain modifica- tions : — a) If the verb have a sibilant T, D, V, for its first radical, then the H of the preformative and the sibilant are transposed; thus, from sha-mar', we should have regularly hith-sham-mer', and then by transposing the fi and the sibilant W we get hish-tam-mer', to take heed. And when the sibilant is ¥, not only is there this transposition, but the fi is then also changed into D;—thus, from p"]^? tsa-dak', to be righteous, we should have analogically in Hithpael hith-tsad-dek', by trans- position pUfiVD hits-tad-dek'; and then by changing D into D, PU^V"? to justify one's self. This substitution of ID for H is the only case in which one of the eleven radicals can be used as a servile. &) Before t3, and ]"), the fi of the prefixed syllable is assimilated, Daghesh forte being inserted to compensate for its omission; as from nntD ta-har', to be pure, we should have analogically nntorin hith-ta-her'; and this becomes "intSn hit-ta-her', to cleanse one's self. (The H which cannot take Daghesh is here re- r">-ded as doubled by implication.) Assimilation, also, some- times takes place when the root begins with 3 or D. The signification of Hithpael is commonly reflexive, but chiefly of Piel; it also is sometimes used for to make one's self to be whatever the verb expresses, or to show one's self to be so, or to feign to be so. It has sometimes a merely intransitive signification, and sometimes it is passive. The ideal meanings of the other species are often not the significa- tion with which they are actually used:—thus, Piel is often causative. The lexicon must, therefore, be used to know in what species a verb is used (for very few are used in all seven), and what the actual signifi- cation is of each species.UNFREQUENT SPECIES—QUADRILITERALS. 35 § 12.—SPECIES LESS FREQUENTLY USED. Of these some are mostly connected with Piel, as being formed by changes within the root, either by repeating one or more of the radical letters, or by inserting a long vowel. Similarly there are found passive forms analogous to Pual, and marked by the vowel of the final syllable: there are also found forms analogous to Hithpael. The flexion of these forms may be known from the analogy respec- tively of Piel, Pual, and Hithpael. 1. Poel, tap kd-tel', act. 2. Poal, i>Dip ko-tal', pass. 3. Hithpoel, tapnn hith-ko-tel', reflective. 4. Pilel, kit-lel', act.; and ^taj? kit-lal', act. 5. Pulal, kut-lal', pass. 6. Hithpalel, ^tapnn hith-kat-lel', reflective. 7. Pealal, k'tal-tal'. 8. Pilpel. This is formed from verbs whose middle radical is 1, or whose last two radicals are alike. This form will be noticed when the peculiarities of such verbs have been pointed out. 9. 10. Poel and Poal will be considered in speaking of verbs whose two latter radicals are alike. 11. Tiphel, as tapft tik-tel', following the analogy of Hiphil. 12. Shaphel, as taj?S^ shak-tel', also following Hiphil. (In Hebrew only in a derivative noun.) 13. Hothpeal, as tafjrin hoth-ka-tal', passive of Hithpael. There are also a few reduplicated forms found in Hebrew in single examples. § 13.—QUADRILITERALS. It will have been seen that a Hebrew root commonly and properly consists of three letters:—there are, however, some forms of more than three letters. The following are all the quadriliterals which exist as verbal roots:— TKHS par-shez', to spread out.36 IRREGULAR VERBS—VERBS WITH GUTTURALS. kir-sem', to devour. ru-taphash', to become green again. ^2*73 kur-bal', to be girded. Vwpbn his-m'Il' (a Hiphil form) contracted his-mll', to turn to the left. The two former of these roots resemble Piel; the third and fourth resemble Pual. Some of them appear as if they were formed by the insertion of *1, instead of doubling the middle radical. Besides these there occur also other pluriliteral forms as nouns. § 14.—IRREGULAR VERBS. Irregular verbs in Hebrew do not mean verbs whose flexion is anomalous, but verbs which, because of some peculiarity in their in- ternal structure, have some peculiarity in their flexion. For instance, if a letter, which ought regularly to take Daghesh, because of its place in the root, be one of those incapable of receiving Daghesh, then this circumstance will modify the application of the regular forms with regard to such a verb. The same must be observed with regard to verbs in which there is peculiarity in the nature of any of the radicals. But it cannot be too fully borne in mind that the formative letters of the several parts are always the same, whether verbs are called regular or irregular. A. § 15.—VERBS WITH GUTTURALS. The first kind of irregular verbs is that of verbs with gutturals. Of these there are three classes. When either of the three radicals is a guttural, the vowels of the word are necessarily affected by the peculiar properties of the letter. and H do not come into consideration under the head of these verbs, except when these letters are regarded as actual consonants. The letter 1 must, for most purposes, be treated in verbs as a guttural. These verbs must be distinguished according as the guttural is the first, the second, or the third radical (called, technically, verbs £ gut- tural, V guttural, or b guttural).VERBS S GUTTURAL. Si § 16.—VERBS B GUTTURAL. The Table of verbs exhibits the verb J/a-madh', to stand:—the parts in which the regular pointing, etc., are not exactly followed in this verb, will be easily observed by the learner. These deviations fall under the following heads: — a) When the first radical would ordinarily take a simple Sh'va at the beginning of a word, in these verbs a compound Sh'va is used. b) When a preformative is affixed, it will take the vowel homogeneous to the compound Sh'va, as TbjP ya-JJarnddh'* or else the com- pound Sh'va is changed into that which is homogeneous to the prefixed vowel; as Niph. pret. ne-^emadh' (for nij/- madh'J; Hoph. pret. ho~5Jomadh'. c) The guttural, however (especially 11), in many verbs, which standing after a preformative at the end of a syllable, retains the simple Sh'va ; but, in this case, the preformative takes the same vowel which corresponds with the compound Sh'va, which would have been used according to the rule given above. Thus, *lbfT yakh- mddh', he will desire. (This, according to the above rule, would have been *TbrP_ ya-khamodh'.) This is technically called the hard combination; when the compound Sh'va is used, it is termed the soft combination. Many verbs have both forms. d) When in such a form as ibjj. ya-JJamddh', there is an addition of a sufformative (-1—, ), which causes the final vowel to dis- appear in Sh'va, then the compound Sh'va of the guttural is regularly exchanged for the corresponding short vowel; as "ibjP ya-Vamodh', plur. ya-JJa-m'dhu. (The Sh'va under the middle radical in such a case may be regarded as Sh'va vocal. But in these cases, also, the harder form may be used.) e) In the inf., imp., and fut. of Niphal, where the first radical would regularly be doubled by Daghesh, this doubling is of necessity omitted, and the previous vowel is lengthened to make com- pensation. Verbs, whose first radical is K, fall under the rules here given, so far38 VERBS V GUTTURAL. as the is treated as a consonant at the commencement of a syllable. These verbs also require a separate consideration as to the cases in which the N quiesces. See verbs Pe A-leph (§ 23, below). The rules will appear far from difficult when the learner's ear is well accustomed to the flexion of verbs with gutturals. The H initial in the verb fljn ha-yah', to be, and n in kha-yah', to live, are not commonly treated as gutturals. § 17.—VERBS V GUTTURAL. The variation of these verbs, from the flexion of ka-tal', is not so great as is the case with verbs 2 guttural. This will be seen from the flexion of pgT za-3;ak, to cry out, a verb of this class, given in the Table of verbs. The variations from the regular forms take place on the following principles:— a) When a simple Sh'va would regularly be placed under the middle guttural, the compound Sh'va — Khateph Pa'-thakh is used with- out exception. For instance, as from ka-tal', we have third pers. fem. nStpj?. ka-t'lah', so from pJJT za-JJak', we have (merely by the change of the Sh'va under the middle radical into ~) njJVT. za-JJakah'. b) In the imperative, the vowel which precedes the Khateph Pa'-thakh is assimilated to it; i.e. the vowel homogeneous to the compound Sh'va is used instead of the Khi-rik; thus, za-J/aki'. c) The preference of gutturals for the A sound has some influence in these verbs on the vowel following the guttural; and thus in the fut. and imperative of Kal, these verbs, even when transitive, are commonly inflected middle A. See the Table. d) This preference of gutturals for the A sound following them, not being, however, so strong or decided as for that sound preceding them, the Tse-re of the fut. Niph. and in Piel is commonly retained (even when shortened), and so is the Kh5-lem of the inf. Kal. e) But in Piel pret. the last syllable often takes Pa'-thakh.VERBS ? GUTTURAL. 39 /) In the three Dagheshed species, the Daghesh cannot of course appear, because it is the middle radical that takes it; however, H, n, and V are generally regarded as doubled by implication; and thus the preceding vowel remains short. g) But when is the middle radical, the Khi-rik is commonly length- ened into Tse-re, as me-en, to refuse; and the vowel istaluays lengthened when ") is the middle radical, as be-rech', to bless. In order fully to exhibit this peculiarity of Piel, "JQB be-rech' has been inserted in the Table in Piel and Pual, instead of pjtJt za-I?ak'. § 18.—VERBS h GUTTURAL. With regard to the verbs which have a guttural for the third radical, there are two general rules which apply as the basis of their irre- gularities : 1) If the regular vowel of the final syllable remains, then furtive Pa'-thakh is inserted under the final guttural; 2) Or else Pa'-thakh is substituted for the regular vowel before the guttural. a) The strong unchangeable vowels 1, -1 are always retained; thus, in VQW sha-majr (the verb b guttural, given in the Table of verbs), the inf. Kal is JJtoG? sha-moay. b) The O of the fut. and imper, Kal, not being a sound so strongly fixed (as it is always shortened when deprived of the accent), becomes Pa'-thakh, instead of remaining, and Pa'-thakh being inserted under the guttural. Thus, these verbs, whether transitive or not, become future A, as yish-may'. c) When the regular vowel of the final syllable is Tse-re, this is either retained (the guttural taking furtive Pa'-thakh), or else Pa'-thakh is substituted for the Tse-re. This takes place with regularity in particular parts of the verb: the participles of Kal and Piel take Tse-re (except in the construct state; see under Nouns). In the fut. and inf. Niphal, and the pret., inf., and fut. Piel, the form with Pa'-thakh is used, except at the end of a period and in pause; then it is Tse-re, followed by furtive Pa'-thakh.40 DEFECTIVE VERBS—VERBS PE NUN. In the inf. constr. of Piel and Hiphil, Pa'-thakh is used; and so also in the shortened forms of the fat. and imperat. Hiphil. d) When the third radical regularly takes simple Sh'va, the guttural commonly retains it, as being Sh'va quiescent. e) In the second pers. fem. sing, of the pret., an auxiliary Pa'-thakh is placed under the guttural instead of Sh'va; thus, instead of flrfcs? sha-lakht', we have sha-la'-khat, thou hast sent (fem.). This Pa'-thakh has sometimes been incorrectly called a furtive Pa'-thakh; and this error in name has led to an error in enunciation, by taking the Pa'-thakh before the guttural, as the real furtive Pa'-thakh ought to be sounded. B. § 19.—DEFECTIVE VERBS IN GENERAL. The second kind of irregular verbs consists of contracted or defective verbs. These differ from the three classes of verbs with gutturals, in the letters being affected in these verbs: in these, one of the three radicals frequently disappears altogether. There are two classes of defective verbs: a) Verbs Pe Nun. b) Verbs "ffl, or geminate verbs; i.e. verbs whose second and third radicals are alike. § 20.—VERBS PE NUN. The verb £>33 na-ghash', to approach (given in the Table), exhibits the peculiar flexion of this class of verbs. The general principle, with regard to this letter J, in these verbs is, that, when it would be pointed with Sh'va in any tense, it may be wholly omitted. a) Thus the initial 2 often entirely disappears in the imper. and in the inf. const. The fem. termination )"|— -eth (or with gutturals H— -ath), is then, however, regularly added to the inf. The imper. often is also lengthened with a paragogic H. b) When the 3, pointed with Sh'va, stands after a preformative at theVERBS "yy, OR GEMINATE VERBS. 41 end of a syllable, it is omitted, and compensation is made by Daghesh in the following letter; as from bsj na-phal', to fall, fut. Vb* yip-p51' for ^33* yin-p51'. This takes place also in the pret. Niphal, and throughout Hiphil and Hophal (which latter species always takes Kib-buts instead of Ka-mets Khateph.) The other parts of verbs Pe Nun are all regular. The future with 0 is the most common, as in the regular verb:—one verb only, to? na-than', to give, has the future with E;—others, as in the example in the Table, have the future with A. It will be seen from these remarks that the irregularity of verbs "[2 is confined to a very narrow compass, easily understood and easily remembered. The Nun is sometimes retained in parts in which it might have been omitted. In the verb )H3 na-than', to give, the final } is also often assimilated to the following letter, which is then doubled by Daghesh : thus, first pers. pret. Kal for na-than'-ti, we find na-that'-ti. In the verb la-kakh', to take, the h is omitted in the same manner as 3 would be; and thus it falls, as to flexion, under this class of verbs. § 21.—"VERBS "yy, OR GEMINATE VERBS. The general principle of the irregularity of these verbs is the con- traction of the second and third radicals into one letter (doubled by Daghesh, in many cases, when practicable). The flexion of the verb 229 s^-vaV,to surround (given in the Table), exhibits the peculiarities of this class. a) The contraction takes place even when a full vowel would regularly stand between the second and third radicals;—thus, 3D so/ for nap s'vov, Hp sav for sa-vav'. h) But when an unchangeable vowel is found between these radicals, or the middle one has Daghesh forte, no contraction takes place. c) The effect of the contraction is to reduce the form of the root to a monosyllable; and this form takes throughout the vowel which42 VERBS QUIESCENT. properly belongs to the second syllable of the full form. ' This may be seen by comparing all these shortened forms in the Table, with those of the regular verb. d) The Daghesh forte, which properly belongs to the third radical, is not inserted except when formative additions are made at the end of the word. So that we have pret. third pers. sing. Hp sav and not 2D sabb. e) When the afformative addition begins with a consonant (3, fl), a vowel is inserted between it and the Dagheshed third radical. This vowel is in the pret. 1, in the fat. (see Table). This inserted vowel may (like the terminations of the persons) belong to the fragments of the personal pronouns which are combined with the root to form the flexion. f ) The preformatives of the future Kal, pret. Niphal, and of Hiphil and Hophal, stand in an open syllable; they are, therefore, prefixed with a long vowel. This long vowel is changeable when addition is made at the end of the word, etc., except the *1 of Hophal. g) There is also another way of concluding the syllable of these pre- formatives ; the short vowel is retained, and the syllable is closed by doubling the following letter by Daghesh. Thus, from sa-vav' (contr. Dp sav) the regular future would be 23D* yis-bov'; the first contracted form is 1DJ ya-s5v', the second ID''. yis-s5V\ h) Attention must be paid to the tone-syllable of these verbs as marked in the Table; because, with regard to this, they differ in some respects from the regular verb:—the contracted root retains the accent on itself in several cases. i) In many verbs of this class, instead of Piel, Pual, and Hithpael, there are found the species Poel, its passive Poal, and the reflective Hithpoel. Sometimes Pilpel and Hithpalpel are found. The flexion of these species is regular like Piel. C. § 22.—VERBS QUIESCENT. The third kind of irregular verbs are those which contain one of the quiescent letters, e-hevi', in such a part of the root that it quiesces or coalesces in flexion with a vowel sound.VERBS PE A-LEPH. 43 Of quiescent verbs there are eight classes a) verbs Pe A-leph. b) „ Pe Yodh (when the * is for 1). c) „ Pe Yodh (properly). d) „ Pe Yodh (contracted). e) „ A'-yin Vav. /) „ A'-yin Yodh. g) „ La-med A-leph. h) „ La-rned He (for 1 or ^. It will be observed that there are only six forms of these verbs, for roots of classes b, c, d are alike in pret. Kal. § 23.—VERBS PE A-LEPH. In those respects in which the initial A-leph is treated as a guttural consonant, these verbs belong to the class of verbs Pe guttural. (See § 16.) They must, however, be here regarded in those cases in which the X quiesces, i. e. is not treated as a consonant, but is blended with the preceding vowel sound. This only takes place with particular verbs, and in certain parts of the verb. а) In the fut. Kal of five verbs, "DtJ a vadh, to perish; J"DK a-vah', to be willing; a-chal', to eat; HDK a-mar', to say; HSK a-phah', to bake; the K always quiesces in Kh5-lem; thus, from "IDX a-mai/, fut. yo-mer': these verbs receive ~ for the vowel of the concluding syllable, instead of Kho-lem; but, when not in pause, this — becomes —; when the accent is drawn back from the concluding syllable, the vowel sometimes becomes —, sometimes —. б) Some verbs have the future in two forms; one quiescing in O, the other with the treated as a guttural; e.g. from ?riK a-khaz', to lay hold; fut. triK* yo-khe/, ana also ye-ekhoz'. c) In these verbs with the X quiescing in O, in the first person of the fut. the X is regularly omitted, iri order to prevent the letter from coming twice together. In the Table of verbs is giveii the flexion of a verb of this class.44 VERBS PE YODH. A lexicon will always show whether, in a verb with X for the first radical, the X is treated as a guttural or as a quiescent. In some verbs the K seems to quiesce in —, but in these cases the K has been treated as a guttural, and a contraction has taken place; e.g. from nnNI a-thah', to come, fut. Kal third pers. sing. fern, nfiXn te-theh' is contracted from te-etheh'. § 24.—VERBS PE YODH (properly PE VAV). The three different classes of verbs Pe Yodh must be carefully dis- tinguished from one another, because their flexion is modified on entirely different principles. The verbs of this class are regarded as if they originally had com- menced with 1; and thus the letter 1 has a continual tendency to appear. a) In verbs Pe Yodh for Vav, there is a twofold form in the fut., imper., and inf. const. Kal. About half of these verbs have the * in these parts treated thoroughly as a quiescent; thus, from 2^ ya-shaV, to sit, fut. 2^ ye-shev', with the * of the root blended with the vowel —. Imper. 2W shev, from by omission of and inf. const. she'-veth, similarly shortened, with the fem. termination H—. b) The rest of these verbs retain the * in these parts: they have the future A. Thus, in imper. as y'rash', and inf. as "lb% the * is retained as a consonant, and in fut. as yl-rash', it quiesces as belonging to the vowel KhI-rik. c) In Niphal, Hiphil, and Hophal the original 1 appears. It quiesces in Kho-lem in the pret. and part, of Niphal, and throughout Hiphil; thus, from ya-shav', the Hiphil would be by restoring the 1, SW[H hiv-shiv', then by blending the iv (perhaps originally iu) sound into one long vowel, Win ho-shl/. In Hophal, the restored 1 quiesces in Shu-rek. In the inf., imper., and fut. Niphal, V remains as a consonant, and is regularly doubled by Daghesh. d) In the Hithpael of some verbs, 1 is used, retaining its consonant power.VERBS PE YODH. 45 The other parts of the flexion of these verbs is mostly regular. (See the Table of verbs.) As the initial * so frequently disappears, it is important to observe that'these verbs, in most of the forms in which * is omitted or changed, may be distinguished thus :—in Kal fut. by — under the preformatives; in Niph., Hiph., Hoph., by the 1 before the second radical. § 25.—VERBS PE YODH (properly so). The peculiarities of this class are — a) In Kal they take the .same forms as those of the verbs Pe Yodh for Vav, which retain the * as a consonant, with the fut. A. The — becomes — when it loses the accent. b) In Hiphil the * is retained, but quiesces in — (see the Table of verbs), sometimes with — . The only verbs belonging to this class are the following:— ya-ta/, to be good; ya-nak', to suck; ya-katz', to awake; ya-tzar', to form ; ya-lal', to bemoan ; ya-shar', to be straight. In the fut. Hiph. has an anomalous form, with Sh'va placed under the first *, and the Tse-re placed under the second instead; thus, y'ye-lii'. A similar form is sometimes found in ya-tav'. § 26.—VERBS PE YODH CONTRACTED. The * in these verbs does not quiesce in a preceding vowel, but it disappears, and its absence is compensated by doubling the next letter with Daghesh. Thus, JJVJ. ya-tsaJT, to spread beneath; Hiphil IP# ft hits-tsla#, Hoph. V^ft huts-tsalT, ya-tsath', to burn up; fut. D-^ yits-tsath', Hiphil hits-tsith'. Some verbs have two forms, one in which the * is assimilated and the next letter doubled; and the other in which it quiesces in a vowel. An example of these verbs is not given in the Table: their flexion is exactly like that of verbs Pe Nun, and they are of unfrequent occurrence.46 QUIESCENT VERBS A'-YIN VAV. § 27.—QUIESCENT VERBS A'-YIN VAV. a) The medial 1 of these verbs always quiesces; and th as the "root always appears as a monosyllable. b) The vowel in which the 1 quiesces is properly the vowel of the second syllable. c) But from the 1 being ordinarily united with this vowel sound, it generally becomes fuller; thus, pret. Kal for D1|? ka-vam', we have DjJ kam. d) A verb of this class middle E will have — as its vowel; and so a verb middle O will retain its Kh5-lem. e) The preformatives of Kal fut., Niph. pret., Hiphil, and Hophai, take a long vowel instead of a short one. Fut. Kal and Niph. pret. take —, Hiphil takes —, and Hophai *1. /) In the pret. Niph. and Hiph., 1 is commonly inserted before the afformatives of first and second persons, is similarly inserted in fut. Kal before the termination . g) The accented syllable, as given in the Paradigm, requires particular attention, this class resembling verbs "ty in several respects with regard to the accent. h) In verbs properly "Itf, the species Piel, Pual, and Hithpael are of very rare occurrence. The verb XJudl/, to surround, Piel yiv-vedh' is the only verb in which the 1 is retained in these species as a consonant. In some other verbs * has taken the place of 1; e.g. from D-1p kum, to arise, Piel DJj? kiy-yem'. i) For Piel, Pual, and Hithpael, this class of verbs generally have Pilel, Pulal, as given in the Table, and Hithpalel. Some of these verbs are found with Pilpel. It must be observed that the part of these verbs, which is given as the name of the verb, is the inf., and not the pret. The reason of this is, that in the pret. the medial radical is omitted, and thus the inf. is taken as the simplest form which exhibits all the three radical letters. There are various peculiarities of punctuation found in verbs of this class; practice, and a lexicon which gives the peculiarities of the dif-QUIESCENT VERBS A'-YIN YODH—LA-MED A-LEPH. 47 ferent verbs, will do more than anything else to make these anomalies familiar. As these verbs, in many respects, greatly resemble verbs "VV, it will be well carefully to observe in the Table the parts in which they differ. Besides quiescent verbs , there are also verbs whose middle radical is 1, treated as a consonant throughout; e.g. *1111 kha-var', to be white; a verb Pe guttural, fut. "TWV. ye-khevar'. § 28.—QUIESCENT VERBS A'-YIN YODH. The general flexion of these verbs is the same as that of verbs' A'-yin Vav; the * in these words is treated just as the 1 is in those. The principal distinguishing peculiarity of the verbs medial *, is the second form of the pret. with the s retained. This form resembles, in its structure, Hiphil, but with the prefixed H omitted. Some verbs possess both forms, medial 1 and medial *; and, indeed, in almost all cases the connection between these two classes is exceed- ingly close. § 29.—QUIESCENT VERBS LA-MED A-LEPH. The X in these verbs is partly treated like a guttural, partly as quiescing in the vowel sound with which it is connected. a) In those parts of the verb in which the remains at the end of the word, the regular vowels are found, only Pa'-thakli is there changed into Ka-mets;—thus, the pret. is pointed thus, ma-tsa', to find. This — is, however, mutable when additions are T made at the end of the word. b) The fut. and imp. Kal take A, according to the analogy of verbs La-med guttural. c) Before afformatives, beginning with a consonant (H, 3), the K quiesces in the pret. Kal in Ka-mets, in the pret. of the other species in Tse-re, and in the imper. and fut. of all the species in Se'-gol.48 QUIESCENT VERBS LA-MED HE. d) Before afformatives beginning with a vowel, the punctuation is regular. e) Verbs of this class, that are middle E, retain the Tse-re throughout the pret. § 30.—QUIESCENT VERBS LA-MED HE. These verbs were originally, some and some ; but as the 1 or * is always, in these verbs, changed into H in the pret. third person sing., they are classed together as verbs "vh. Very few verbs, however, occur which are properly "*h. The verb kha-yay', to live, is the only verb final * which does not change it into PI; there are, in fact, two roots, the one "VV (pret. %n khay), the other "\h (PPI! kha-yah'). There are also verbs with La-med He Mappik, such a PQJ ga-vah', to be high: they must not be confounded with verbs "\h quiescent. The chief peculiarities of these verbs are— a) In all forms (except one) which end with the third radical, H is substituted for * or 1. b) This Pi is pointed— H— in all the preterites, in all the species. H— in all the futures and parts, act., in all the species. H— in all imperatives, in all the species. H_1 in the inf. absol., in all the species, except Hiph. and Hoph. c) The one exception in which the final * appears is the part. pass. Kal j thus, from nV>| ga-lah', to reveal, ga-luy'. d) The inf. const, has always the fem. form in TV-. e) The original * remains, but is quiescent, before the afformatives beginning with a consonant (H, J); in the pret., in the fut., and imper. it quiesces in in the pret. Kal in the pret of the other active species or ; in the pret. of the passive species only . /) The * and the preceding vowel usually fall away before the afforma- tives beginning with a vowel. g) The apocopated future (which has been already mentioned) is found in verbs of this class in all the species.VERBS DOUBLY IRREGULAR. 49 The variations from the form of tei?. occasioned by the principles mentioned above, will be easily remembered as to their application, by thoroughly acquiring the flexion of the verb itself. The learner cannot have too deeply impressed upon him the importance of having the eye, the ear, and the tongue, all combined to assist the memory and the reason in the application of rules. § 31.—RELATION OF VERBS OF DIFFERENT CLASSES TO ONE ANOTHER. There are many of these classes of verbs which stand in such close relation to one another, that two verbs which are nearly alike in their radical letters, but which belong to different classes, borrow forms from the verb with which they are closely connected. a) Verbs "rh and "$h are often thus connected; so that verbs have adopted—(i.) the vowel points of verbs "th, as ka-li'-thl (for ka-la'-thi)—(ii.) the letter H though retain- ing the pointing proper to verbs "$h—(iii.) the form of verbs "I"6 altogether, as ma-lu", they are full, from ma-la'. On the other hand, verbs "rh sometimes follow the analogy of verbs : (i.) in the letters, as yish-ne', will be changed, from sha-nah'. (ii.) In the points, as rfcsn tich-lah' (for rfap. tich-leh'). (iii.) In both letters and points, as O'InSh t'la-um. b) Verbs 'TO and "1JJ. The similarity of these verbs is seen in their flexion in the Table,—and thus they occasionally borrow forms from one another; thus, ya-run', he will rejoice (for }1T ya-r5n'), from the root ra-nan' (as if from J-'n run). c) The connection of verbs "ty and has been already noticed:—in these classes the connection of forms is so intimate, that in many of them a twofold root is laid down, as D-1C? sum or CW sim, to put or place. § 32.~VERBS DOUBLY IRREGULAR. Many verbs partake of the peculiarities of more than one of these 550 PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES FOR THE VERB. classes; thus, a verb may be "[D and "VV, or and "Th, etc. In such verbs the analogy followed is sometimes of the one class, some- times of the other, and sometimes all the peculiarities of both are observed. These forms, when met with, should be examined with the Tables of both the classes of verbs which are combined in the one root; thus, few of them will present any real difficulty. § 33 —PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES FOR THE VERB. When the object of the verb is expressed by a pronoun, it may either be done by using the word (the mark of the object) with a prono- minal suffix joined to it; or else by placing a fragment of a personal pronoun as a suffix to the verb itself. The following is the Table of these pronominal suffixes : — Singular. a. > 1 pers. c. ^ ...... me. 2 pers. m. t|, (ekha), in pause t|— ] : > v )■ thee. 2 pers. f. T|, 1\T, 1J7 . ^ . , . . j 3 pers. m. -in, 1; 'in—, (»!), 1; 'IH" . . . him. 3 pers. f. H; ; H— . ... her. Plural. > * 1 pers. c. -13; -IJ—; -1J— ...... us. 2 pers. m. DD, DD— . . . . . 2 pers. f. |5, ..... 3 pers. m. f OH, D; D— (contr. from DH—), D—, D— (contr. 1 J from DH—), D~, poet, to, tof, . [them. 3 pers. . [tn.t; tT, Jt; Jr.....J In most of these suffixes there are three forms;— a) One beginning with a consonant; > you.PRETERITE WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. 51 b) c) Two beginning with a vowel (for forms ending with a consonant), which must be written under the concluding letter of the preced- ing word. Of these two forms (as "0—, *0~), that with the union vowel a is for the forms of the pret.; that with e (rarely with a) for the forms of the fut. and imper. The suffixes beginning with D have only Sh'va instead of a proper union vowel;—in pause this Sh'va becomes — with the accent. The suffix is sometimes strengthened by an epenthetic 3 being inserted between the verb and it; it may be properly termed 3 demonstrative: this only occurs in the fut. and in pause. This 3, however, is com- monly blended with the suffixes (represented by Daghesh forte in the next letter). Thus, we find a new series of forms in the following persons: — ] pers. *3—, *3— (for *0}—). 2 pers. '"J— (once ^3—). 3 pers. masc. -13— (for -in>j), also -13—. 3 pers. fem. H3~ (for H3—). 1 pers. pi. •13— (for -133—). § 34.—THE PRETERITE WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. These suffixes often affect the word to which they are joined. In the pret. this may take place in two ways— a) The terminations of some of the persons of the pret. are changed before a suffix. Thus,— 3 pers. sing. fem. the termination is J"}—, (for H—). 2 pers. sing. masc. besides there is fl with a union vowel (at least with the suffix ^3—). 2 pers. sing. ^ (for fl). This coincides in form with the first person. 2 pers. plur. masc. -in (for DJT1). This, as being the most remarkable variation, requires particular notice :—2 pers. plur. fem. is no- where found with suffixes.52 PRETERITE WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. The following is the flexion of the pret. in Hiphil before the suffixes: Singular. 3 pers. m. . . . hik-tll. 3 pers. f. n^tppn . . . hik-tl-lath. 2 pers. m. rtepn, . . hik-tal-ta, hik-talt. 2 pers. f. ri^jpn . hik-tal-tl, hik-talt'. 1 pers. c. . ! . . hik-tal-tl. Plural. 3 pers. c. . . hik-ti-lu. 2 pers. m. . hik-tal-tu. 1 pers. c. WDpn . . . hik-tal-nu. b) The form is also varied, because the accent is drawn on towards the suffix, so that it never rests on the root itself: this occasions, particularly in the pret. of Kal, changes in the vowels. Singular. 3 pers. m. (^PP, with grave suff.) . k'tal (k'tal) 3 pers. f. . . . . k'ta-lath. 2 pers. m. rare) . . k'tal-ta (k'talt). 2 pers. f. (£&£(?, rare) . . k'tal-ti (k'talt). 1 pers. c. . . . k'tal-tl. Plural. 3 pers. c. ..... k'ta-lu. 2 pers. m. •wSoj? k'tal-tu. 1 pers. c. . k'tal-nu. The suffixes Dp and |3, and DH and |H, always take the accent: they are distinguished by the designation grave suffixes. The third pers. sing. fem. has (except with the grave suffixes) the accent on its own last syllable:—when followed by the suffixes, which do not make a syllable of themselves, they have their vowels shortened; (17' D~')-INF., IMPER., AND PART., WITH SUFFIXES. 53 In the Table of verbs is given the verb combined with the prono- minal suffixes. § 35.—THE FUTURE WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. a) In verbs Future O, those parts of the future which end with the last radical, change the Kh5-lem of the final syllable commonly to Sh'va vocal;—sometimes to Khateph Ka-mets (~); but to Ka-mets Khateph (—) before t|, DD> t?- i) For the second and third persons pi. fem., instead of nj^bpfi tik-t51 nah, is the form used. c) At the end of a clause, the form with Nun demonstrative is fre- quently used. d) Verbs Future A retain the Pa'-thakh in the fut. and imper.; and when it would have to stand in an open syllable, it is lengthened into Ka-mets. e) In Piel the Tse-re of the final syllable becomes Sh'va, except that before *?}, Dp, |p it is only shortened into Se'-gol (and occasion- ally into Khi-rek). § 36.—INFINITIVE, IMPERATIVE, AND PARTICIPLE, WITH SUFFIXES. a) The inf. of an active verb can take an accusative of the object, and, when so used, it has the verbal suffix properly so called; thus, from inf. est. ^bj? k'tSl, kot-le-nl', to kill me: it may, however, be used as a noun, and take a suffix as a genitive (a nominal suffix); thus, kot-11', my killing. The form which the inf. thus assumes will be explained when speaking of nouns. b) The imper. second pers. masc. sing, takes its suffix like the infin. with accus.:—second pers. fem. sing, and second pers. masc. pi. remain unchanged:—for the fem. k'tol'-nah is substituted before a suff. kit-lu'. o) The participles receive suffixes in the same manner as nouns do of the same form.54 VAV CONVERSIVE. § 37.—IRREGULAR VERBS WITH SUFFIXES, As in many classes of the verbs, called irregular, the form arid the vowels are considerably changed, of course the addition of a suffix will affect them in a manner not altogether the same as the regular verb. The following variations require notice :— In verbs "tih, the fc* is treated as a guttural, and not as a mere quiescent before Dp, JD, and thus it takes (—). Verbs "rh lose the final H with the preceding vowel when a suffix is added; thus, from Va-nah', he answered, ^ana-nl, he answered me. Sometimes takes the place of final H— or H—. The third pers. pret. fem. before a suff. always takes the form ending in J")—. § 38.—VAV CONVERSIVE. In this place it is needful to treat of 1 conversive, because otherwise some particulars with regard to the verbs cannot be explained. In general, it must be remarked that the power of expressing time is not strongly impressed on the two tenses of the Hebrew verb :—if a note of time be given in the sentence by an adverb, or in any other way, then the pret. or fut. has its own proper notion of time subor- dinated to that which is specified; this may take place either absolutely or relatively. When the conjunction 1 and is prefixed to a verb, in many cases it has the effect either of so joining the verb to something which has preceded, as to change the force of the tense, or else to change the force of the tense simply and of itself. a) This is markedly the case with the future tense. 1 conversive of the future is prefixed with Pa'-thakh and Daghesh forte in the next letter *1. (It is thus distinguished from the ordinary copulative 1, which takes Sh'va 1.) From ^bp. yik-t51', he will kill, we get by prefixing 1 conversive ^bp*J vay-yik-t51', and he killed. With the preformative of the first person the pointing is slightly varied, because cannot take Daghesh; the 1 thus receives — as compensation for the omitted Daghesh: ek-tol', I will kill;APOCOPATED FUTURE. 55 va-ek-tcl', and I killed. This Daghesh forte may be omitted (see above, Part I. § 13), when the letter which should receive it is pointed with Sh'va:—thus, in fut. Piel, "0T y'dab- ber, he will speak; "GT1 vay-dab-ber for vay-y'dab-ber, and he spoke. The effect which 1 conversive of the future has on the form of the verb to which it is prefixed, is important:—when an apocopated future exists, that shortened form is used after 1 conversive:1—the accent is also often drawn back from the last syllable. Thus, * from fi-ID muth, to die, fut. TV1D* ya-mutb, fut. apoc. fiD* ya- . > m5th'; with 1 conv. vay-ya'-moth. b) Vav conversive of the pret. does not differ in its form from a com- mon copulative 1 (1). In general, when a pret. is thus joined to a common fut., it loses its signification of past time. Thus, rPH ha-yah', it was; v'ha-yah' (after a fut.), and it will be. This 1 conversive of the pret. has generally the effect of throwing forward the accent to the last syllable, in those parts of the pret. which would ordinarily have it on the penultima :—thus, ha-lach'-tT, I went; then with 1 after a fut. v'ha-lach-tl', and I will go. This throwing forward of the tone does not take place in the firs4: person pi., nor in verbs "vb, "Th. § 39.—THE APOCOPATED FUTURE. In the second and third persons of the future of Hiphil in all verbs, —in certain parts of others,—and in all the species of verbs "Tlhy— there is a shortened form of the future, called the jussive or apocopated future. The Table of the verbs exhibits those species of the different classes of verbs in which this is found. The principal uses of the apocopated future are:—to express a com- mand or wish, after a negative to express a prohibition,—in inferential clauses as after conjunctions signifying that,—and after 1 conversive. The use of this fut. after 1 conversive, appears to be closely con- nected with its use after conjunctions signifying that; the 1 conversive56 APOCOPATED AND PARAGOGIC IMPERATIVES. appears to be stronger than a mere copulative, as though the verb to which it is joined expressed a kind of consequence or inference. § 40.—THE PARAGOGIC FUTURE. The lengthened form of the future only belongs to the first person (thus resembling the deliberative use of the subj. in Greek); it is formed by adding He paragogic (H—) to the simple form of the tense; thus, nbpjpK ek-t'lah' from ek-tol. It is found in all the species of verbs (except the passive) whether regular or irregular. It takes the accent whenever the afformatives *1 and would do so, and thus it affects the final vowel of the future in the same way as these afforma- tives would do. In signification and use, the paragogic future resembles the apocopated future;—it has not, however, the same tendency to follow a conversive ). It may also be here mentioned, that J paragogic is sometimes added by way of emphasis to parts of a verb ending with a vowel. § 41—APOCOPATED AND PARAGOGIC IMPERATIVES. The imperative may be shortened in a similar manner and form to the future; it may also (although it is not used in the first person) receive the paragogic fl~. In many verbs it is only one of the forms (common, apocopated, paragogic) which is found in actual use. Their significations are thus not so strongly marked as is the case in the future; the apocopated form, however, appears in its nature to mark energy—the lengthened emphasis. The imperative cannot, in Hebrew, be used with a negative; this alone takes away a whole class from the uses which the corresponding future has: 1 conversive is, of course, out of place when an imper. is concerned; and thus any analogy, which might have been drawn from the fut. to these forms of the imperat., becomes exceedingly circum- scribed. When the sense of a negative imperative is wanted, the future is used with a prohibitory particle.NOUNS. 57 § 42.—FORMATION OF VERBS. DENOMINATIVES. The verb is generally regarded as the root from which nouns, etc., are formed; and no doubt, in the great majority of cases, it is the most simple form which the Hebrew language possesses. We may regard the different species as derivatives from Kal; and in fact, in many important respects as to signification and use, they must be so treated. But there are also some real derivative verbs; they are formed from nouns, and hence they have the name of denominatives:—de nomine. For instance, a-hal', and i-hel', to pitch a tent, from o'-hel, a tent. The noun from which the denominative verb is formed, is itself commonly derived from some other verb. Denominatives are often formed in some particular species, e.g. Piel or Hiphil. III.—THE NOUN. § 1.—GENDER. In Hebrew there are only two genders, the masculine and the feminine. Feminine nouns commonly end in H— or I"|—* (preceded by a guttural *); the termination H— is by far the most common : sometimes there is a double termination DH—. Feminines are formed T T from masculine nouns by adding these terminations; thus, DID sus, a horse; HDID su-sah', a mare. If the masc. ends with a vowel sound, H only is added; thus, "QfcOD mo-a-vl', masc. Moabite; 1TQX1D, m5- a-vith', Moabitess; KLSn kha-ta', sinner: khat-tath', sinfulness, 9 T ~ 7 9 sin. Besides the words which are denoted by their termination to be feminines, there are also others of this gender; such as words which denote females, or names of countries and towns, and also in general those of members of the body;—besides these, there are many which are sometimes used in the one gender, sometimes in the other, such as PS e'-rets, earth.58 NUMBER, FORMATION OF PLURAL. But whatever their termination may be, names of men, offices of men, of rivers, mountains, and of nations, are masculine. Also, care must be taken not to confound words ending with fl, when the pre- ceding vowel is not accented Ka-mets, with those having the fem. termi- nation. In general, if the vowel be not Iva-mets, the H is part of the root; if the Ka-mets be without the accent, the termination H— is com- monly a paragogic H appended to a masc. noun. § 2.—CHANGES OF NOUNS AS TO INFLEXION. The changes which a noun can undergo (besides the instances in which a fem. is formed from a masc.) are those of number, and the construct state: to these may be added the changes in connection with pronominal suffixes, when the vowels often alter, as is also the case with regard to the plural and the construct state. In Hebrew there are no cases such as are found in Greek, Latin, and German:—their want is mostly supplied by prefixed prepositions. The term declension is therefore, when employed in Hebrew, used in a new sense. Motion towards a place is often denoted by a paragogic H—> (called H local), and this has sometimes been compared to an accusative case. § 3.—NUMBER. FORMATION OF PLURAL. Besides the numbers used in the pronoun anil verb, we find here also a dual; its use, however, is exceedingly limited;—it is wholly confined to substantives, and a dual substantive will take a plural adjective. a) The masc. plural is formed by adding D1*— (sometimes written defectively D—) to the singular; as D-1D sus, a horse; D^p-ID su- slm', horses. If the masc. noun ends in , the termination may be ; thus, from $Jiv-ri', a Hebrew, yiv-riy-ylm', Hebrews; but a contraction of the termination is c6mmonly found, as from sha-nl', a crimson garment, sha-nim', (not sha-niy-ylm') crimson garments. b) There are three very uncommon forms of the plural masc.—DUAL AND ITS FORMATION. 59 1) }*— as in Chaldee and Syriac,—D being changed into }. 2) the D being omitted. 3) "T. c) The termination for the fern, plural is D1—. When the noun in the sing, ends with H—, T)—or T\—the termination is omitted to give place to the plural ending; thus, t'hil-lah', song of praise; pi. t'hil-lotli', ig-ge'-reth, a letter; pl/DII^ ig-g'roth'. If the noun have no fem. termination in the sing., the pi. ending is added to the sing., as "1^3 b'er, a well; pi. b'e-r5th'. If the fem. sing, end in TV", the pi. ends in HI*—, as JVpy J?iv- rith', a Hebrewess; pi. JJiv-riy-ySth'. If the sing, end in n-1—, the pi. ends in W—, as mal-kuth', a kingdom; pi. ni'sSp mal-kuy-ySth'. d) Words which are sometimes used in one gender, and sometimes in the other, often have both forms in the plural: thus, ne-' phesh, soul; pi. n'pha-shim', and n'pha-sh5th'. The gender of these plurals is not necessarily that which their terminations would seem to indicate; the usage of the language, with regard to each particular word, is the only sure rule. e) Many masculine substantives form their plural in fll— as av, father; pi. JTDiJ a-voth'; shem, a name (masc.); pi. she-mStlV. Also many feminine substantives take the termina- tion D*— in the plural, as mil-lah', a word; pi. mil- 11m'. f) The certain use of the masc. and fem. pi. terminations is only found in adjectives and 'participles; these always take the regular form for denoting the two genders; so also nouns, of which there are a masc. and fem., only distinguished by the form. § 4.—THE DUAL AND ITS FORMATION. The use of the dual in Hebrew is almost confined to those objects of nature or art which are in pairs; if two ordinary objects, such as men,60 CONSTRUCT STATE. trees, houses, -are spoken of, the substantive is generally put in the plural with a numeral. The dual is denoted by the termination OJ— (a'-yim) for both * genders: thus, yadh', a hand; dual ya-dha'-yim, both hands; *. Dl*1 yom, a day; yd-ma'-yim, two days. Before the dual ending, > . the fem. termination PI— becomes H—, as HEft? sa-phah', a lip; s'pha-tha'-yim, both lips. Feminines which end in ft— retain the D, « * . n'kh5'-sheth, brass; dual n'khush-ta'-yim, double fetters. § 5.—THE CONSTRUCT STATE. The relation of one noun depending on another is expressed in Greek and Latin by the second noun, or the one depending being put in the genitive case; thus, caput regis, the head of the king: the mode of denoting this relation in Hebrew is, however, just the contrary. In Hebrew, the change (if any) is made in the former noun, or that on which the other depends. This position is called the construct state. Thus, to express the horse of a king, or a king's horse, which would be in Latin equus regis, we must place, first, the noun horse, on which the other depends, and the word king in close connection with it;—thus, •sfe? D1D sus me'-lech; in this instance it will be observed that the former noun is not changed at all; this arises from its absolute and construct forms being the same. But from the close connection of the two words, the former is commonly shortened in the construct state. a) In the sing. masc. the vowels are, in most cases, shortened; thus, W da-var', a word; Dd'var ElS-hlm', word of God; T yadh, hand; T yadh me'-lech, hand of a king. b) In the sing. fem. the termination H— is changed into n~, as from mal-kah', queen; mal-kath' Sh'va, queen of Sheba. Feminines in retain their termination, and if the same noun has both forms, that ending in and that in n~, the latter is used in the construct state, instead of changing the former. c) The plural and dual terminations D*1" and D*— are changed in thePARAGOGIC LETTERS. 61 construct state to *77 (so that the dual then coincides in form with the plural); thus, from D^D-ID su-sim', horses; construct *D-1D su-se' me'-lech, horses of a king: both hands; y'de M6-sheh', hands of Moses. d) In plural with the fem. terminations no change is made, except that of shortening the vowels when mutable. e) A peculiarity must be noticed with regard to nouns formed from verbs "r6, when in the construct state : those ending in H— (masc.) form their constr< state in ft—, as HKI ro-eh', a seer (from HiO ra-ah', to see); constr. HtO r5-eh', seer of. Those in change this termination to *7-, as *n khay, life; *fj khe, life of. The vowel changes in forming the plural and construct state are shown in the Tables. § 6.—PARAGOGIC LETTERS. The termination H— (unaccented) is often appended to a noun to * signify motion towards; thus, from DJ vam, sea; TO* yam'-mah, towards the sea, sea-ward, or westward: tsa-phon', north; tsa-ph5'- nah, northward: kas-dim', the Chaldeans; kas-di'- mah, towards the Chaldeans. This paragogic H is commonly called H local, and it is sometimes used merely as denoting at a place, instead of towards. The terminations *-7 and 1 are sometimes found added to nouns in the construct state: they are also used in compound proper names in the same use (for instance, p7.-£ rcial-ki' tse'-dek, Melchisedek, "first, being by interpretation, king of righteousness"). Thus, from JDS? sh5-chen', a dweller; Hip shd-ch'nl' s'neh', dweller of the bush. With a fem. noun, as from rniH div-rah', manner, order; div-ra-thf mal-ki' tse'-dek, after the order of Melchisedek. It may be seen that in these examples the paragogic *— has the accent, and that is usually the case. The termination 1 is much more rare: in prose it is only found in the Pentateuch; from iTH khay-yah', a beast; JHK iJVn khay-tho' e'-rets, beast of earth.62 NOUN WITH THE iVRTICLE—NOUN WITH PREFIXES. § 7.—THE NOUN WITH THE ARTICLE. The article in Hebrew is formed by prefixing the letter H to the noun, with Pa'-thakh for its vowel, and Daghesh in the next letter; thus, "D1! da-var', a word; 13^11 had-da-var', the word: mal- kah', a queen; ham-mal-kah', the queen. The article is considered to be a kind of demonstrative pronoun, and most grammarians regard its original form to have been hal, but that the letter is always blended with the following letter, and its absence is compensated by Daghesh forte. If the initial letter of the noun cannot receive Daghesh, then com- pensation is commonly made by lengthening the vowel of the article. Thus, before & and "), the Pa'-thakh is always lengthened into Ka-mets, as av, father; ha-av, the father: r5sh, a T T T ' head; ha-r5sh', the head. T ' The gutturals n and H may be sometimes regarded as doubled by implication, and thus the short vowel may be retained before them, with- out any difficulty as to closing the syllable; thus, we find that it regularly remains H, as KH.nn ha-kho'-dhesh, the month. Before the guttural V, the Pa'-thakh is generally lengthened, as ha-yir", the city. But if the guttural is pointed with Ka-mets, then before H and the article is H, provided it stand before the accented syllable (hence this js the form before all monosyllables), as DJJH ha-^am', the people; inn ha-har', the mountain. But if the following syllable be not accented, then JJ and H take H as the article, as D'HHn he-ha-rim', the moun- T T V 1 *TV tains; [IJjn he-JJa-v5n', the guilt. Before 11 the article is H wherever the accent may be placed, as 3nn he-khag, the feast; and so also before PI, as he-kholl', the sickness. § 8.—THE NOUN WITH PREFIXES. Various relations of nouns, which in some other languages are ex-EXCLUDED ARTICLE. 63 pressed by cases, are supplied in Hebrew by prefixes. The following letters are prefixed to nouns for these and other purposes: — 3 in, with, by, as b're-shlth', in beginning. S to, for, towards, as i'l/am-mim', for peoples. 3 as, or like, as T&3 k'6-yev', as an enemy. •D (from Jp) from, out of, as miy-ya'-Par, from a forest. We have here only to do with the manner in which these prefixes are united to the nouns, and not to consider the extent and variety of meaning with which they are used. The prefixes 3, *p, 3 regularly take Sh'va; but as two Sh'vas cannot follow each other at the beginning of a word, these prefixes take KhI-rik, when a Sh'va immediately follows; thus, "HB p'rl, fruit; "HSZl biph-rl', in fruit; "Hi?*? liph-ri, for fruit; "Hip3 kiph-ri', as fruit. Before a com- pound Sh'va they regularly take the short vowel (followed by Metheg) that is homogeneous to the compound Sh'va; thus, nEHK adha-mah', land; ba-adha-mah', in land: before quiescents this short vowel and the compound Sh'va may coalesce in one long vowel, as emor, inf. of a-mar*, to say; le -mor/ for i bsj? le-emor, to say (saying, dicendo). The prefixes 3, h, 3, when they come immediately before the accented syllable, may be pointed 3, b, 3. The prefix -ft, as being really min, written in union with the following noun, regularly places Daghesh in the following letter:—when the following letter is pointed with Sh'va, this Daghesh may (as has been said above, Part I., § 13) be omitted, as from 'HjS p'rl, fruit, we may form ^$0 mip-p'ri', from fruit; and then by omission of the Daghesh in the S, pointed with Sh'va, miph-rl'. Before the gutturals becomes D, as DJ/ft me-Pam', from a people : if the guttural bfe J1, D may be used, and the guttural is treated as doubled by implication. § 9.—THE EXCLUDED ARTICLE. When a noun has the article, and the prefixes 3, 3, ^ are to be joined to it, the PI of the article is omitted, and #the prefix takes the64 NOUN WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. * % vowel of the article; thus, ham-ma/-yim, the water: DM33 bam- & ma'-yim, in the water (for DJDHIl b'ham-ma'-yim) : ha-^am', the people; la-yam', for the people : D'HriH he-ha-nm', the mountains ; DnnSJ ke-ha-rim', like the mountains. •TV But as the connection of 2 of similitude is much less close with the noun than is that of the prepositions 2, h, the article may be retained after it; thus, D'Vil hay-yom', the day; Di*H3 k'hay-yom' or kay- yom', as the day. The article is also sometimes found retained after $ and h. The copulative conjunction ) does not exclude the article, as having no particular relation to the noun to which it is joined, only from such noun standing first in the sentence or member. It will be observed that the excluded article is only traced by the vowel points remaining under the prefix, and the Daghesh remaining in the following letter. § 10.—THE NOUN WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. To express a pronoun in connection with a noun (thus, my hand, the possession of us), there is used in Hebrew a suffix in the same manner as has been shown in the case of the verb. The suffix joined to the noun is, in fact, the genitive of the personal pronoun. The internal change in the noun, when it takes a suffix, is shown in the Tables of nouns. The following are the suffixes used with the singular:— Singular. 1 pers. c. . . . . my. 2 pers. m. t|, t|—, in pause ^J— 2 pers. f. tj, 1j— 3 pers. m. -IH, 1; 'in—, , ft . his. 3 pers. f. H, rl~, . . . her.NOUN WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. 65 Plural. % 1 pers. c. -13, -1-5— . . . our. 2 pers. m. DD, Ep— 2 pers. f. ]D, |3t • 3 pers. m. DH, D~poet. ID— . 3 pers. f. in, JO, t— Of these forms, those which are without a union vowel are joined to nouns ending with a vowel (H— and are not here treated as vowel endings). The forms with a union vowel are used with words ending in a consonant. In the dual and masc. pi., the terminations and D*— are changed for the construct termination which is then blended with the suffixes. Suffixes of Plural and Dual Nouns. Singular. 1 pers. c. my. 2 pers. m. TT • 1 thy. 2 pers. f. *1!T • ■ J 3 pers. m. 1*—, poet. W— . his. 3 pers. f. her, Plural. * 1 pers. c. -ly— . . . our. 2 pers. m. D?*— . 2 pers. f. 3 pers. m. poet. 3 pers. f. |n*- The * in these forms is not unfrequently omitted in most of the persons. 6 your, their.66 NOUN WITH PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. To form the suffixes of the fem. pi., the same suffixes as are used fox the masc. are adjoined to the fem. pi. termination. In the following example of a noun masc. and a noun fem. with suffixes, one is chosen of which the vowels are not changed; and thus the attention only has to be directed to the manner of combining the suffix with the noun. Masculine Noun. Singular. D-1D sus, a horse. Sing. 1 pers. c. ^D-ID su-si', my horse. 2 pers. m. sui-s'cha', thy horse. 2 pers. f. 1JWD sii-sech', thy horse. 3 pers. m. ID-ID sii-sd', his horse. 3 pers. f. FID-ID su-sah", her horse. * Plur. 1 pers. c. *13D*1D su-se'-nu, our horse. 2 pers. m. DDD-1D su-s'chem', your horse. 2 pers. f. 15P-1D su-s'chen", your horse. 3 pers. m. Op-ID su-sam', their horse. 3 pers. f. JWD su-san', their horse. Feminine Noun. Singular. .HD-ID su-sah', a mare. T ' Sing. 1 pers. c. *Hp-1D su-sa-thi', my mare. 2 pers. m. inD-iD sa-sa-th'cha', thy mare. 2 pers. f. ■s]nwD su-sa-thechr, thy mare. 3 pers. m. inoffl su-sa-tho', his mare. 3 pers. f. rlHD-ID su-sa-thah', her mare. Plur. 1 pers. c. ^HD-ID su-sa-the'-nu, our mare. 2 pers. m. DDHD-ID su-sath-chem', your mare. 2 pers. f. pnp-iD su-sath-chen', yoqr mare. 3 pers. m. DHD-ID su-sa-tham', their mare. 3 pers. f. [HD-ID su-sa-than', their mare.VOWEL* CHANGES OF NOUNS. 67 Masculine Noun. Plural. D^DID su-sim', horses. Sing. 1 pers. c. su-say', my horses. 2 pers. m. TI-ID su-sey'-cha, thy horses. 2 pers. f. •spD-ID su-sa'-yich, thy horses. 3 pers. m. rp-iD su-sayv', his horses. 3 pers. f. rPD-iD su-sey'-ha, her horses. Plur. 1 pers. c. who su-se'-nu, our horses. 2 pers. m. DD^D-ID su-se-chem', your horses. 2 pers. f. su-se-chen', your horses. 3 pers. m. DiTp-ID su-se-hem', their horses. 3 pers. f. su-se-hen', their horses. Feminine Noun. Plural. rtoD su-soth', mares. Sing. 1 pers. c. su-so-thay', my mares. 2 pers. m. . ?I»ri1D5D su-s5-they'-cha, thy mares. i, 2 pers. f. su-s5-tha'-yich, thy mares. 3 pers. m. VHID-ID sii-so-thayv', his mares. 3 pers. f. irrtoiD su-so-the/-ha, her mares. >. Plur. 1 pers. c. su-so-the'-nu, our mares. 2 pers. m. DD^niD-lD au-so-the-chem', your mares. 2 pers. f. ID^niDID su-sS-the-chen', your mares. 3 pers. m. DrVfYlD-tD su-so-the-hem', their mares. 3 pers. f. jn^rtD-ID su-s5-the-hen', their mares. § 11.—THE VOWEL CHANGES OF NOUNS. The vowels of nouns are shortened on the same principles which pre- vail, more or less, throughout the Hebrew language; all addition to a word has a tendency to shorten the mutable vowels.68 VOWEL CHANGES OF NOUNS. In nouns, these changes are caused by— «) The noun being in the construct state (and thus almost united to the following noun). b) The noun having a pronominal suffix. c) The addition of the plural and dual terminations. d) The construct state in the plural, or a suffix added in the plural. The term declension has been employed in Hebrew grammar to denote these changes. It will be observed that in the changes of the vowels of verbs, the later vowel was the most affected; in nouns, on the contrary, the vowel of the penultimate syllable suffers the greatest change. In all the changes of a noun by addition at the end, the accent is thrown forward. We thus may find— a) The accent thrown one syllable forward. This occurs with most of the suffixes of nouns singular, and by the dual and plural termina- tions : thus, da-var', a word; 'HIH d'va-rl', my word; pi. Dnrn d'va-rim', words. So also with the light suffixes (i.e. all but DD, p, &D, ID) with plural nouns. b) The accent thrown two syllables forward. This takes place with the grave suffixes in the plural, when both vowels of the noun are shortened as far as possible;—the same shortening exactly takes place in the plural construct; thus, div-re', words of; DpHin div-re-chem', your words. In the construct state of the sing., the vowel-shortening is rather more marked than when the sing, has a light suffix; the same is the case with the sing, and a grave suffix; as "D1*! d'var, word of; d'var-chem', your word. In feminine nouns with the fem. termination, the changes of vowels are not so great, these nouns having been already shortened in their vowels in the course of formation; thus, from ga-dhol' (masc.) great; n^Hil g'dh5-lah' fem. The peculiar form of particular words may prevent all the different degrees in the shortening of the vowels; we may, for instance, find words, the vowels of which are immutable, or in which one change only is possible.NOUNS MASCULINE UNDER DECLENSIONS. 69 § 12.—DECLENSION OF MASCULINE NOUNS. The Tables adjoining exhibit the classes into which masculine nouns are conveniently divided, with regard to their internal structure and changes. The parts given in these Tables are all which it is needful to know, in order to be able to append the pronominal suffixes, etc., in all their variety. If feminine nouns be without a distinctive termination, then they will follow the changes given here in the sing.; but if their plurals (as is commonly the case) be formed with the fern. term. Hi—, then in the plural they follow the analogy of fem. nouns in general. In the plural, all light suffixes are joined to the absolute state; the grave suffixes (those ending in DD, DH, }H) are joined to the con- struct state. [ The Declensions of Masculine and Feminine Nouns are shown in the Tables at the end of the volume.] § 13.—ARRANGEMENT OF NOUNS MASCULINE UNDER THE DECLENSIONS. I. All nouns whose vowels are immutable belong to Paradigm I. As this Table exhibits no vowel changes, it is only given to show the most simple formation, and to make the arrangement complete. II. To Paradigm II. belong the nouns which have a mutable Ka-mets in the final syllable, and are either monosyllables or else have no mutable vowel preceding the Ka-mets. III. The nouns which follow Paradigm III. have an immutable vowel in the final syllable, and a mutable Ka-mets or Tse-re in the penultima. IV. Dissyllables, which have a mutable Ka-mets in each syllable, belong to the form of Paradigm IV. In the word DSPI kha-cham' (given as one of the examples), the effect of a guttural is shown in influencing the vowel changes. This class of nouns is very numerous. Nouns of the more rare form ke-tal' (i.e. with the mutable70 NOUNS MASCULINE UNDER DECLENSIONS. Tse-re instead of mutable Ka-mets in the penultimate), follow the same analogy: examples of this form are 3?!? le-vav', heart; she- char', strong drink; and with a guttural she-Va/, hair; Ve- nav', grape. V. Nouns following the analogy of Paradigm V. are hardly more than a variety of the preceding class; they have final Tse-re instead of final Ka-mets; but this vowel is treated, in most parts, as the Ka-mets is in the preceding class. VI. The Vlth. class, of which several varieties are given, is very numerous: it comprises the forms called Segolates; the principle of these nouns is, that they were originally monosyllabic, with a vowel under the first letter; thus, there were two letters at the end of the syllable, as malch;—to facilitate the enunciation of the letters, the Sh'va under the second letter is changed into a short vowel, commonly Segol, and hence the name of Segolates applied to the whole class; — the accent remains on the place of the original vowel, so that the forms are generally with the accent on the penultimate. Before the newly-introduced Se'-gol, if the vowel, which the word had originally, was short, it was often assimilated to that newly introduced, and thus many of the nouns are pointed —For malch, by in- troducing a Se'-gol we get ma'-lech, and then by assimilation Ijbp * 5. me'-lech: *)QD siphr; inserting Se'-gol, "ISD si'-pher, and then se- . . . pher. From Ip*]p k5dhsh, comes £Hp k5'-dhesh. If one radical be a guttural, the common inclination of gutturals for the A sound prevails, as shown in the examples d, e, /. The effect of a quiescent is seen in g> Ki. The chief peculiarities of these nouns in their declension is, that before suffixes, and in the dual and pi. construct, the word itself returns to its monosyllabic form. Thus, * mal-k I', * siph-r I'. The plural absol. is not taken as if from the form me'-lech, but from m'lach, kindred to the monosyllabic malch. The examples of this class exhibit in a, b, and c, derivatives of the regular verb; in d, e, /, guttural forms; in g> h, derivatives from verbs "W and "ty; and i, a derivative from a verb "vh.CHANGES OF VOWELS IN FEMININE NOUNS. 71 VII. Nouns with mutable Tse-re in their final syllable, and which are either monosyllables or else have their preceding vowels immutable, belong under Paradigm VII. Besides many nouns, the participle of Kal of the form ^LD*p ko-tel, and those of Piel and Hiphil, belong to this class. VIII. The characteristic of Paradigm VIII. is the doubling of the final consonant when any addition is made at the end of the word, and the consequent shortening of the preceding vowel. If the word be of more than one syllable, the vowel of the penultimate is affected accord- ing to the usual principles; thus, ga-mal', camel; plur. g'mal-lim'; const. g'mal-le': JQIK 5-phan', wheel; plural 5-phan-nim'. (O immutable.) The mere form of a word will not show whether it belongs to this class; that depends mostly upon its etymology: a lexicon is the proper guide for indicating this. The Daghesh in the last letter may be omitted when that letter is pointed with Sh'va. IX. The nouns which follow Paradigm IX. are those derivatives of verbs "7\h which terminate in H—. The peculiarities of this class belong here only as relates to the final syllables; the other vowel changes will be according to general analogy. § 14.—THE CHANGES OF VOWELS IN THE FORMATION OF FEMININE NOUNS. a) The fem. termination H— receives the accent, and hence, when added to a masc. form, it would affect the vowels in the same manner as do the light suffixes which commence with a vowel. The following are examples of how feminines are formed from mas- culines : the numerals refer to the classification of masculines in the Tables. I. D-1D sus, fem. Hp-ID sii-sah'. II. md-tsa', fem. nfcJVID mo- tsa-ah', outgoing. III. ^13 ga-dhol', fem. g'dho-lah', great. IV. na-kam', fem. n'ka-mah', vengeance. V. jj?!72 CHANGES OF VOWELS IN FEMININE NOUNS. za-ken', fem. POp.f z'ke-nah', old. VI. me'-lech, king, fem.. mal-kah', queen: "1HD se'-ther, fem. iTinD sith-rah', covert: J/e'-dhen, fem. njHJJ yedh-nah', delight: o'-khel, fem. rhlX och-lah', food : IV^ na'-JJar, fem. rnjj} n'^a-rah', young woman : YV tsa'-yidh, fem. PlT^ tse-dhah', game: ^ l'vl (un- used), fem. liv-yah', garland. VII. i?tpp k5-tel', fem. ko-t'lah', killing. VIII. in> fem. H2n rab-bah', much: ph khok, fem. npn khuk-kah', ordinance: ID madh, fem. il'lQ mid-dah', T \ ' ' T • ' measure. IX. nVf? ka-tseh', fem. ka-tsah', end. b) "When the fem. termination J")—* is used, the vowels are similarly affected, although the accent is not thrown forward; as "Dri kha- i. ver', fem. rn.50. khave'-reth, compainon. The final vowel is .also affected, so that the termination of the word follows the analogy of the masc. Segolates (class VI.). i. Ka-mets and Pa'-thakh are both changed to Se'-gol; as D]")in >.. kh5-tham', fem. HDnin kho-the'-meth, seal. ii. Tse-re is sometimes retained, but in some words it is changed to Se'-gol; as kha-mesh', fem. ri^Dn khame'-sheth, five: "HS ga-dher/, * fem. rn*!.! g'dhe'-reth, fence. iii. Immutable vowels (1, -1, *—) are exchanged for their correspond- > ing mutable vowels; thus, 2^13 bosh, fem. bd'-sheth, shame: • > . "VIDIAN ash-mur', fem. rnp&^K ash-mo'-reth, watch (of the night); from ^51 g'vir, fem. g've'-reth, lady. > » > > Thus, these terminations are three, ft—— (for J")—— or fi~~), . i. and T\~—, corresponding to the masc. Segolate forms. When the masc., from which the fem. is formed, ends in a guttural, * then this termination is pointed J1—, and it changes the preceding vowel into Pa'-thakh; as from into mo-dhaP', fem. DjniD mG-dha'-tfath, acquaintance. If a fem. in D— is formed from a masc. of the analogy of Para- digm VIIIthen the final letter is not doubled.IRREGULAR NOUNS. 73 § 15.—TABLES OF FEMININE NOUNS. The declension of feminines is less complicated than that of mas- culines, because the fem. termination has already shortened the vowels. Thus, the feminines given from the masc., in classes III., VII., VIII., all belong (as well as those of class I.) to the fem. Paradigm A. of nouns with unchangeable vowels. In the plural fem. there is no distinction between the form before light and grave suffixes; the construct state is used equally before each. The examples given in the Table (vide end of vol.), exhibit the four forms, the analogy of which is followed by feminine nouns. § 16.—ARRANGEMENT OF NOUNS FEMININE UNDER THE DECLENSIONS. A. All that have immutuable vowels belong, of course, to Paradigm A. B. Those which have a mutable Ka-mets or Tse-re before the fem. termination ft— belong to Paradigm B. It thus comprehends the feminines from the masc. nouns of classes II., IV., V., and several of class IX. In many nouns of this form, the co-existing form in n-7-7 or is used in the construct state, and before suffixes. C. To Paradigm C. belong the feminines from Segolate masc. forms. Nouns similar in form, but not derived from Segolates, do not belong here. D. The feminine nouns, formed by the termination JT7, belong to Paradigm D. In the sing., these resemble the declension of masc. Segolates. Many of this class borrow a plural from the co-existing form in H---, or H—— of Paradigm B. § 17.—IRREGULAR NOUNS. There are many nouns which slightly deviate from the general74 IRREGULAR NOUNS. analogy of the declension: a lexicon ought to point out all such pecu- liarities to the learner. There are, however, seventeen nouns which are declined in an anomalous manner; and, as they are in common use, it is of particular importance for the learner to be acquainted with them. Most of their irregularities arise from the construct state or the plural not being actually derived from the absolute, but from some wholly different (unused) form. av (as though for rn& a-veh', as if from H3K), father; est. 'OK avl (twice IK av), suff. "OK a-vf, a-vi'-cha, I'QK a-vlv', avl-chem'; plural TVDX a-v5th'. HK akh, brother ; est. akhl', suff. a-khf, a-khl'-cha, nym akhl-chem'; plural est. &khey, akhey-chem'. In these forms the analogy of verbs "ill? is followed, as if flK akh stood for nnij a-kheh', from nnK a-khah'; plural abs. a-khim' (Daghesh implied in J1), as if from nij& a-khakh'; hence, a-kha/, etc.: instead of Vntf a-khay/, VHfcJ e-khayv' is used, e-khadh', one (for TPIX a-khadh', Daghesh implied) ; est. IPl^l a-khadh', fem. DPI^ a-khath' (for a-khe'-dheth), in pause T\m e-khath'; plural akha-dhlm', some. JYinK a-khoth, sister (contr. for JYinK akho-veth, from masc. *in&$ a-khu^HK a-khl'); plural riVntf. akha-ydth', suff. WflK akh- yd-thay' (as if from a sing. rPJlfc* akh-yah): also, akh5- tha'-yich (as if from sing. nnfcj). ish, man, softened for e'-nesh; plural ana-shim', est. an-shey' (rarely plural l-shim'). HDX a-mah', maid-servant; plural (with H as consonant) mnDN ama- hoth', T\)r\m am-hoth'. ish-shah, woman (for in-shah', from masc. e'-nesh); est. e-'sheth (fem. from ish), suff. ish-ti', etc.; plural na-shim' (abbreviated from ana-shim'). HJ3 ba'-yith, house (probably shortened from D32 be'-neth), derived from ba-nah', to build; est. JV2 beth; plural bot-tlm', as if from another sing.DERIVATION OF NOUNS. 75 ben, son (for 1T321 be-neh', from JT121 ba-nah'); est. "|3i ben, rarely "}|l bin, once b'nl; suff. b'ni, ^33 bin-cha'; plural ba-nim' (as if from another sing. J2 ban), est. \32i b'ne. H|l bath, daughter (for fli2 be'-neth, fem. of JB); suff. bit-ti' (for bin-ti'); plural ba-n5th' (as from sing. PIJS ba-nah'), est. ni33 b'n5th. * dh kham, father-in-law; suff. ^DII kha-mi'-cha; compare brother, rvinK sister. niDn kha-moth', mother-in-law. T ' DV y5m, day; dual DJDT* yo-ma'-yim; but plural ya-mim', y'me (as if from sing. for HD'' ya-meh'). *3 k'lT, vessel; plural ke-lim' (as though from ^3 kel, r£>3 ke-leh'). d;d ma'-yim, plural, water; est. 41D me: also, WID me-me', suff. DD^P me-me-chem'. IK) yir, city; plurai ^a-rlm', "HjlJ J/a-re' (from the sing. 5?ar, found in use in proper names). HS> peh, mouth (for ilKS pe-eh', from the root HK3 pa-ah', to breathe); est. pi (for ^$3 p'i'), suff. pf, my mouth; pi-cha', 1*2 piv. r5sh, head (for ro-esh'); plural DWO ra-shlm' (for r'a-shim'). § 18.—DERIVATION OF NOUNS. Some few nouns are primitives, or at least there are no roots in the Hebrew language to which they can be referred; but Hebrew nouns in general are derived from the different parts of the verb. av, father; DK cm, mother; and others are primitives. Nouns derived from verbs are called verbals, as p^¥ tsad-dlk', just; pT[¥ tse'- dek, njJ-JV ts'da-kah', righteousness, from p*]¥ tsa-dak', to be just. Besides these, there are also nouns derived from other nouns, called denominatives; thus, from to re'gel, foot; ni^inp mar-g'loth', place76 VERBAL NOUNS. at the feet. Many of the nouns, from which denominatives are formed, are themselves verbal derivatives. Hebrew nouns, derived from verbs, have been sometimes divided into naked forms, i.e. those which simply exhibit the radical letters of the verb ; and augmented forms, i. e. those in which some addition is found to the letters of the root. The letters which are added, in order to form nouns, are yn ,1 / ,n, IWDgn he-eman-tiv'; this memorial word has hence been used to designate such nouns as Heemantive nouns. In Hebrew there are very few compound nouns, with the exception of proper names; tsal-ma'-veth, shadow of death, is an instance : as proper names, compounds are very frequent. § 19.—VERBAL NOUNS. A very brief sketch of the formation of verbals must here suffice: the importance of the principles of formation being attended to by the learner, arises mostly from the signification of words being indicated by their form, and also from their inflection often being known from under- standing from what class of the verb they come. The parts of the verb with which verbals are connected are the participles and infinitives, which may themselves, without any change in form, be used as nouns. Nouns connected with the inf. regularly denote action or state (according as the meaning be transitive or intransitive), with other connected ideas, such as place of action; they are mostly abstract. Participial nouns commonly denote the subject of the action or state, and hence are concrete. Particular words, however, often differ in meaning from that which they should ideally signify according to their form. This is much the same as is found in other languages, when a noun, properly abstract, is used by a kind of metaphor as a concrete, or vice versa. The English word acquaintance is properly abstract; «I have no acquaintance with that science but it is used as a concrete, whenVERBAL NOUNS FROM THE REGULAR VERB. 77 we say, "He is an acquaintance of mine," i.e. one of those with whom I am acquainted. This is the case in Hebrew with regard to many words. § 20.—FORMS OF VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE REGULAR VERB. Of these, a brief view is given in the following list:—the letters D, p, are given, not as though words necessarily existed with such letters, but in order to reduce the forms to a kind of common standard. I. Forms originally Participles or Participial Nouns of Kal. ka-tal', fem. k'ta-lah'; the most simple partic. form from verbs middle A, mostly used as an adjective expressing quality. See a similar form below (m). b) ka-tel', fem. k'te-lah'; partic. form of middle E, mostly used for intransitive ideas and adjectives of quality. c) tej? ka-t5r, and ka-t51' (with O unchangeable), fem. k'to-lah'; partic. form of middle 0, intransitive in sense: —also an adjective form, even when in pret. middle O is not found. The same form in substantives is abstract. (The similar form ee, with the last radical doubled, must not be confounded with this.) i) Vtjp kd-tel', fem. kS-t'lah', ko-te'-leth; the com- mon form of the act. part, of verbs transitive; hence, used of the instrument with which an action is performed. e) ka-tul', and ka-tlT; the pass. part, of Kal, and a kindred form mostly used as a subst. This form from intrans. verbs . expresses quality. Some words of this form express the time of action. The feminines of these forms are apt to take an abstract signification. /) ^p kat-tal', with Ka-mets immutable; this form is used to express what is habitual; hence, used of trades or occupations. The feminines kat-ta-lah', kat-te'-leth, often leave an abstract signification.78 VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE REGULAR VERB. The doubled middle radical is intensitive in this and the three follow- ing forms: — as the correspond- ing concrete. The form ke-tal' (a concrete) is more rarely found. n) bap k'tal, k'tel, k'til', ^Dj? k'tol, k'tul, forms all of which have a Sh'va, and an unchangeable long vowel. Some- times a prosthetic & is adjoined, so that we have the formVERBAL NOUNS FROM THE REGULAR VERB. 79 ek-tol'. The feminines are simply formed. The forms k'tl-lah', r6-1tDj? k'tu-lah', coincide with those of feminine e. o) mik-tal'. This is an Aramaean inf. form. Similar forms are pointed -77, -^77, -77: This form often expresses, besides the action, the place of action; sometimes the instrument. p) kit-Ion', kit-Ian, and other similar forms ending in ji— and J—. For f)— there is also a truncated form 1 (or H) found especially in proper names. q) kit-luth', fem. An Aramaean inf. term, not frequent in Heb., except in the later books. III. Participial Forms from the Derived Species or Conjugations. aa) From Niph., nik-tal', as niph-la-oth', fem. pi., wonders, bb cc) From Piel and Hiphil, rn$!P m'zam-me'-reth, snuffers; maz-me-rah', pruning-knife. dd) From Poel, as tfo-lel' and tfd-lal', child. ee) From Pilel, hbpr ka-t51', fem. r&ttp k'-tul-lah', and— //) kit-lal'; mostly adjectives of colour. gg) k'tal-tal', k'tal-tol'; forms of diminutive adjectives. IV. Infinitive Forms of the Derived Species. hh) From Niph., the form naph-tu-llm', struggles. ii) From Piel, as nap-pets', dispersion; more often in a fem. form, as bak-ka-shah', request; with immutable Ka-mets. lkk) b-ltSj? kit-tul', and— 11) /"-IDpn tak-tul, ^tppF) tak-tfl'. These are also inf. forms of Piel. (The latter is very common in Arabic.) mm) From Hiphil of the Aramaean inf. form, rHSTtf az-ka-rah', hash-ma-tfuth', announcing. The Ka-mets is unchangeable. nn) From Hithpael, as brPHH hith-yakh-kheh', register. 00) From Poel, as n$?in ho-le-lah', folly; also, perhaps— pp) Such as kl-tor', smoke; tsi-n5k', prison.80 VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE IRREGULAR VERBS. qq) From Pilel, fnQfcjt a putting on, and — rr) na-aphuph', adultery. ss) nipn^S p'kakh-ko'akh, opening; inf. form to gg. tt) ^tJpG5* shak-tel', as fem. shal-he'-veth, flame. uu) Quadrilaterals, as djjIpd sol-Van/, locust. § 21.—FORMS OF VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE IRREGULAR VERBS. The variations in the formation of such nouns, are almost entirely caused by the peculiar forms of the verbs themselves. Those, there- fore, only will be particularly noticed in which the variation is marked. The verbals from verbs with gutturals fall, as to general principles, under the nouns from the regular verb. The letters of reference, in the following lists, connect the forms with those of the regular verb, which have been similarly marked above. I. From Verbs "'3. Inf. Kal. o) mat-tan', gift (from jfij na-than'). Inf. .Hiph. mm) ilSttH hats-tsa-lah', deliverance (from ^>¥3 na-tsal'). Similarly formed to o is SHD mad-da^, knowledge, from the verb JJT ya-dhaj}'. II. From Verbs 'to. Part. Kal. a) DA tam, upright (from DDFI ta-mam'), more commonly with Pa'-thakh, as dal, abject (from da-lal'); 21 rav, much (from 22'! ra-vav'): fem. dal-lah', n3"] rab-bah', b) TO me'akh, fat (from nriD ma-khakh'). Inf. Kal. k I) T3 baz, booty; jn khen, favour; ph khdk, law: fem. r&tp mil- lah', word; H[?n khuk-kah', law.VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE IRREGULAR VERBS. 81 o) TJJD ma-poz', fortress; 20D me-sav', that which surrounds: fem. m'ghil-lah', a roll. By drawing back the accent, the form 3DD assumes a Segolate form, as llpp me'-mer, bitterness (from ma-rar'); Tj"lb mo'-rech, timidity (from Tp'H ra-chach'). Part. Derived Species. ff) k'15-kel', contemned (from \h\> ka-lal'); "18*112 yaro-yer', naked (a form collateral to Pilpel). Inf. Derived Species. ii) rtain t'hil-lah', praise ; t'phil-lah', prayer; also the Segolate form DDFl te'-mes, a melting away (from DDD ma-sas'). From the species Pilpel, gal-gal', a wheel (from ga-lal'). III. From Verbs "13 and r,>D. The participial forms are regular. Inf. forms. k) JH de'-a#; fem. PI^l de-^ah', da'-JJath, knowledge (from yT ya-dhay). n) 11D sodh, for 11D? y'sodh, council (from 1DJ ya-sadh'). 0) X"YID m5-ra', fear; m5-kesh' (from ya-ra' and ya- kosh'): fem. rilS'lD mo-le'-dheth, birth (from 1*?* ya-ladh'). From a verb prop. "''D, me-tav', the best. II) t5-shav', inhabitant; riljpin t5-le'-dheth, generation, JD^F! te- man' south. IV. From Verbs "iy and . Part, forms. a) IT zar, foreign. b) 13 ger, stranger; fem. ill# J?e-dhahr, witness. c) 21D tov, good; HjitO t5-vah', what is good. Inf. forms. * * 1) Different Segolate forms, as DID ma -veth, death; JVIl ba -yith, 782 VERBAL NOUNS FROM THE IRREGULAR VERBS. house; bip kdl, voice; (TH ru'akh, spirit: fern. yav-lah' and nSiy J^o-lah', evil; bo'-sheth, shame. 0) ma-nd'akh, fern. iHTlIip m'nu-khah', rest; DIpD ma-kom', place: also mish-sh5t', oar (from tS-IE?). II) t'vu-nah', intelligence; rH^F) t'Uu-dhah', testimony. mm) nmn hana-khah', rest (n-13 nuakh). V. From Verbs "rh. Part, forms. b) ya-pheh', fair; Pll^j? ka-sheh', hard : fem. ya-phah', ka-shah'. The term. H— is sometimes lost, as IJH tav, mark, for V T H1FI ta-veh'. d) n&O ro-eh', seer: fem. J/o-lah', burnt-offering. e) ^1D3 ka-su'y, covering: ^pj na-kl', pure; J/a-nl', poor. Inf. forms. 1) Various forms of Segolates (the H— rarely retained), PD3 be'cheh, a * mourning; !~!jn re'-SJeh, friend:—without the H, as real) for * iljn re'-^eh. The original ^ or 1 sometimes appears; * then quiesces , "HS> p'ri, fruit; kholf, sickness: Valso quiesces, as -1113 bo'-hu for 1H2 bo'-hev, wasteness. In masculines the s. third radical rarely remains as a consonant, as ke'-tsev; d'vay, sickness : but in feminines it is always found with its con- sonant power, as rr6e> shal-vah', rest; IV^ liv-yah', garland. n) 1J1D s'thav, winter; sh'thl, fem. sh'thiy-yah', a drinking: fem. Hip m'nath, part; nWn khatsoth', the half; and rprrc* sh'khith', pit. o) Hipp mik-neh', possession; Hfcnp mar-eh', appearance: fem. HJVP mits-vah', command; bV'D ma'-JJal, height, is an apoc. form for ma-Valeh'. p) J'Op kin-van', wealth; kil-la-yon' destruction. II) JVb3Fl tav-lith', destruction; TVjDfl tav-nith', structure; tar-buth', brood. mm) Tjt^N e'-shech, for ash-keh', from sha-chah'.DENOMINATIVE NOUNS. 83 VI. From Verbs Doubly Irregular. The following are cases of some peculiar difficulty:— i.) From a verb "|D and "&!?, T& seth, elevation, for seth, from Kbj na-sa'. ii.) From a verb "''D and "rb, rnifl t5-rah', law; HS'lD mo-pheth', sign, prob. from HDJ ya-phah'. iii.) From a verb "it# and "rh, sheth, tumult, for fiXE?, from sha-ah'. iv.) From a verb "IJJ and "rb, I, island, from HJfcJ a-vah', to dwell, for *"(&$ evl: DIK oth, sign, for o'-veth, from HJISI a-vah': IfJ kav, line, from nij? ka-vah': ta, chamber, for 1FI tav, from njH ta-vah' to dwell: ^15 goy, people, from PIJ3 ga-vah' (Arab, to flow together): "H ri, irrigating, for r'vi, from HVJ ra-vah'. Difficulty is also sometimes found from a contraction having taken place, when the root originally contained 3, *7, or H; as gath, wine- > s> press, for DpJ ge'-neth, rVJjP y'ghe'-neth (from ya-ghan') : S\8 aph, anger, for e'-neph : DXJ, JJeth, time, for JJe'-dheth (from rnjj Va-dhah'): It ziv, VHT z'hiv, brightness (from HHT za-hah'). § 22.—DENOMINATIVE NOUNS. These are formed from other nouns, whether such nouns are them- selves primitives or verbals. Thus, kadh-mon', eastern, comes from D7.i2 ke'-dhem, the east, which is a derivative of the verb ka- dham'. The forms assumed by denominatives have been mostly given already, since these nouns generally imitate the forms of verbals. Thus, a verbal, with the prefixed letter D (see o, the form mik-tal'), was used to signify the place of an action; and in denominatives D is prefixed to a noun to make it a designation of place. The following are the principal forms of denominatives: — i.) Like part. Kal (verbals d) sho-^er', porter, from sha'-^ar,84 DENOMINATIVE NOUNS. gate: "ljP.3 bo-ker', herdsman, from "ljJSl ba-kar', cattle: k5- rem', vine-dresser, from Q"}3 ke'-rem, vineyard. . i. ii.) Like verbals /, kash-shath', archer, from T\V\> ke'-sheth, bow : r&p mal-lakh', seaman, from rbb me'-lakh, salt. This and the previous form indicate occupation, trade. iii.) Nouns with a prefixed D (see verbals o) expressing the place of any- thing, as maV-yan', place of fountains, from )]}J tfa'-yin, fountain: mar-g'loth', place about the feet, from re'- ghel, foot: JniCfcOD m'ra-ash5th, place about the head, from rosh, head: n^f?D mik.shah' (for mik-sh'ah), field of cucumbers, from K&'j? kish-shu', cucumber. iv.) Concretes, formed by the addition of jY—, , as JIDIj"? kadh-mon' eastern, from ke'-dhem, east: a-kharon', hinder, from ItlX a'-khar:' liv-ya-than', twisted animal, serpent, from ITlS liv-yah', a winding. P— and |-1 also form diminutives; as, from Ish, man, i-shon', little man (apple) of the eye. v.) The termination is peculiar to denominatives: this termination changes a subst. into an adj., and it is added particularly to numerals, and names of persons and countries, to form the cor- responding ordinals, gentile nouns, and patronymics. Thus, from no'-cher, something foreign, noch-ri', strange; from WW shesh, six, 'CW shish-shf, sixth; from mo-av', Moab, 'OJjiD mS-a-vI', Moabite; from yis-ra-el', Israel, yis-ra-e-11', Israelite. In forming a denominative thus from com- pound words, the compound is generally divided; thus, from PP'03 bin-ya-mm', Benjamin, ben-y'mi-ni7, Benjamite. Rarely for this term, we find , as kl-lay', deceitful; and n-, as rui^ liv-neh', the white poplar. vi.) Abstract nouns formed by the addition of fl*Y— or JV—; as mal-kuth', kingdom, from t]^D me'-lech: TVI^fcO re-shlth', begin- ning, from resh = fc?&T) rosh, head.CARDINAL NUMBERS. 85 § 23.—CARDINAL NUMBERS. The cardinals in Hebrew, from two to ten, are abstract substantives, like the English dozen, score; they are also used adverbially. One, masc. iriNt ekh-khadh', fem. akh-khath', is only used as an adj. The other cardinals have also a masc. and fem. form ; but they are used in connection with the oppositive genders to their own in form. Only in the dual for two, the numeral agrees with the object numbered in gender. Masculine. Absol. Constr. 1. ekh-khadh'. akh-kadh'. 2. sh'na'-yim. W sh'ne'. 3. rwhf sh'lo-shah'- n^V sh'lo'-sheth. 4. nyanx ar-ba-^ah'. ar-ba'-yath. . 5- n$pn khamish-shah'. fl£'pn khame'-sheth. 6. nw shish-shah'. rm? she'-sheth. 7. shiv-I/ah'. nyn^ shiv-yath'. 8. nfiw sh'mo-nah'. nafaK? sh'mo-nath'. 9. tish-Pah'. tish-yath'. 10. mby tt yasa-rah'. n^y yase'-reth. Feminine. 1. nm akh-khath'. nnx akh-khath', 2. why sh'ta'-yim. w sh'te'. 3. vhw sha-losh'. sh'losh. 4. yanx ar-bay'. WIS ar-bay'. 5. &>>pn kha-mesh'. khamesh'. 6. shesh. shesh. 7. she'-vay. ynsy sh'vay.86 CARDINAL NUMBERS. 8. sh'mo-neh'. sh'mo-neh'. 9. te'-shatf. POT t'shay. 10. ^ pe'-ser. ye'-ser. The numbers from 11 to 19 are expressed by the simple juxtaposition of the units with the numeral 10 (without a conjunction); the form of ten is then ya-sar', masc., yes-reh', fem. In such as are fem. (masc. in form), the units are in the construct state, which in these cases only expresses close relation. These compound numerals Have no construct state, and are always construed adverbially. In the first two of these numerals there are some peculiarities; the third (13) shows how the rest are formed. Masculine. in# akh-khadh ya-sar'. JJash-te' ya-sar'. sh'nem' ya-sar'. sh'ne' ya-sar'. W sh'15-shah' ya-sar'. Feminine. nnx akh-khath' yes-reh'. 11' WJJ yash-te' yes-reh'. jH'lby. DW sh'tem yes-reh'. 12' W* sh'te yes-reh'. 13. nnby vihw sh'losh yes-reh'. Twenty is expressed by yes-rim', pi. of ye'-ser, ten. The tens, from 30 to 90, are expressed by the plural forms of the corresponding units; thus, sh'15-shlm', 30; ar-ba- yim', 40 ; Cl^pri khamish-shim', 50 ; D W shish-stum', 60 ; shiv-yim, 70; sh'mS-nlm', 80 ; tish-yim', 90. These are of the common gender, and have no construct state. nby "• {■*£ n'^y 12- {^yT 13. i&y * The word is peculiar, and of uncertain derivation; it is only used thus in connection withORDINAL NUMBERS. 87 When units and tens are used together, they are connected by the conjunction; the earlier usage appears to have been to place the units first, the later to place them last. The following are the remaining numerals:— 100 me-ah', fern, constr. HNID m'ath, plur. rfltfD me-oth', hundreds. 200 ma-tha'-yim, dual (for DJHfcJD m'a-tha'-yim). 300 niu^p uhw sh'ISsh me-5th', 400 niKft yaiK, ar-bajr m'oth', etc. 1,000 ?]e'-leph, constr. e'-leph, plural ala-phim', thousands. 2,000 al-pa'-yim, dual. 3,000 ng^V sh'15-sheth ala-phim', 4000 ng|"]K av-ba-^ath ala-phim', etc. T\ZT) r'va-vah'. fctfsn rib-b5', (prop, multitude), plural HI Kin rib-bo-dth', ten thousands. rtan rib-b5th'. 20,000 Qjrflin rib-bo-tha'-yim, dual. 30,000 vhp sh'losh rib-bd-oth', 40,000 ar-baj?' rib-bd-oth', etc. Some of the units are found in the dual with the signification fold; as DJflgriK ar-baJJ-ta'-yim ; four-fold. The plural filing JJasa-roth', means decads, not ten. Pronominal suffixes to numerals are translated as in apposition with the numerals, as sh'losh-t'cherr/, you three. 10,000 § 24.—-ORDINAL NUMBERS. The ordinal First is expressed in Hebrew by ri-sh5n' (lor r'i-shon') denom. from r5sh, head, beginning. The ordi- nals, from 2 to 10, are formed as denominatives from the corresponding88 PARTICLES IN GENERAL. cardinals, with the term. and also * sometimes inserted in the final syllable. Second she-nl'. Third Why? sh'li-shl'. Fourth r'vr-yr. Fifth ^;pn khamish-shi', or khaml-shi'. Sixth shish-shf. Seventh W'ZV? sh'vl-pl'. Eighth sh'mi-nl'. Ninth t'shi-yr. Tenth The fem. forms have the term. T)s~, rarely i"l*—; they are also used to express fractional parts; as JV&^pn khamish-shlth', fifth part: . .> Segolate masc. forms are found with the same signification; as kho'-mesh, fifth part. IV.—PARTICLES. § 1.—THE PARTICLES IN GENERAL. All the words used as adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and inter- jections, fall, in Hebrew, under the general name of particles. They are mostly borrowed or derived from nouns; some few from pronouns or verbs. .A very small number are primitive. Those which are derivatives are either, (i.) words borrowed and used with some relation to their original meaning; or (ii.) derivatives formed by addition to another word, as DW y5-mam', by day, from DV yom, day; or (iii.) by abbreviation. Thi3 is the most common method. Some of the particles are words so much abbreviated that all character of independent words is lost, and there only remains a letter prefixed to the following word. Such are called inseparable particles. Particles are also formed (though but rarely) by composition; andADVERBS. 89 frequently two particles are so connected that they require to be con- strued together. § 2.—ADVERBS. i.) There are primitive adverbs such as those of negation, 16, not; al, not (Greek ^); en, there is not; and some few others of place and time; as sham, there; az, then. These may, at all events for grammatical purposes, be regarded as primitives. ii.) Other parts of speech, used as adverbs without change of form, are— a) Substantives with prepositions; as bim-5dh' (with might), very, greatly; k'ekh-khadh' (as one), together. b) Substantives regarded as in the acc.; as m'odh (might), very, greatly; "JIT ya'-khadh' (union), together. Some substantives, so used, are not often found in their original signification as nouns; as Vodh (repetition), again, yet, farther, longer; 3*00 sa-vlv' (circuit), round about. c) Adjectives, as so (properly, straight, right)—especially fem. adjec tives; as POi^&n rl-shd-nah', at first, formerly; i12n rab-bah', and D51 rab-bath', much. d) The inf. absol. of verbs, especially those of Hiphil; these, like sub- stantives, are regarded as accusatives; as niHil har-bel/, much (prop, doing much). e) Pronouns, as HT zeh, this, used for here. iii.) Other adverbs have been formed by adding D~, more rarely D_to substantives; as om-nam', and DJPX um-nam', truly, from o'-men, truth ; D3n khin-nam' (for thanks), gratis, in vain. iv.) Adverbs formed by some abbreviation of longer words; as "TJtf ach, surely, from }!DN a-chen'; and the inseparable interrogative —0» halo, not? from the full form hal. (Deut. xxxii. 6.) v.) Some adverbs involve a kind of verbal idea, and thus may be used with pronominal suffixes; these suffixes generally have the same form as when used with verbs; ^ yesh, a particle of existence; a'-yin, a part, of non-existence, are thus used; as '•SVK e-nen- nf, I am not; e-nen-nu', he is not. The word a'-yin,90 PREPOSITIONS. or construct state en, implying non-existence, involves the verb to be understood. § 3.—PREPOSITIONS. i.) Most of these were originally— a) Substantives in the accusative and construct state, so that the noun governed is regarded as a dependent genitive; thus, "TINI ak-khar', hinder part, stands as a pret. for behind, after; min (part), from, out of; (duration) until. b) Substantives in the construct state with prefixes; as liph-ne' (in face of), before; jypb l'ma'-Van (for the purpose) on account of. Many substantives, used as prepositions, are found in the plural con- struct state; thus, akh-khare', is of more frequent occur- rence than ""initf akh-khar'. ii.) Prefix prepositions. There are four prefixes of a single letter, which are regarded as abbreviations of entire words: they are— 2 in, at, on, with, by (from 1V2 beth, *2 be). 9 .towards, to, for (from el). 3 as, like, according to (from ken). •D from, out of (from |P min, mentioned above). The three first of these are regularly prefixed with Sh'va; as b're-shith, in beginning:—if a Sh'va follows, they take KhI-rik; as liph-rl', for fruit: if a compound Sh'va follows, they take the short vowel homogeneous thereto; as 'HfcO ka-ari, like a lion: before quiescents, however, the short vowel and the compound Sh'va may coalesce into one long vowel. If 3, 3 precede a monosyllable, or syllable having the accent, they are often pointed with Ka-mets, instead of Sh'va; as J"ir6 la-theth', for to give. Before the article, these three prefixes displace it, and receive its vowel, as has been explained above (III. § 9). •p is a contracted form of JD, in which the } is combined with the following word by doubling its first letter by Daghesh forte; thus, MJ2D mib-ba'-yith, for JVB IP min ba'-yith, out of a house (if the initial letterPREPOSITIONS. 91 of the word, to which it is prefixed, be pointed with Sh'va, the Daghesh may be omitted). Before gutturals, -p becomes p (to compensate, by the long vowel, for the want of the doubled consonant); as D5Jp rae- yam', from a nation: (1 is sometimes regarded as doubled by implica- tion, and then D retains KhI-rik, as D-inp mikh-khut', from a thread. iii.) Prepositions with pronominal suffixes. A pronoun follows a prep, in the same manner as it does a noun, in the form of a suffix. The following Table exhibits the inseparable prepositions with suffixes: — a) h with pronominal suffixes: Singular. Plural. 1 p. c. ft to me. to us. 2 p. m. , in pause t: '[to thee. "I >,y°you. 2 p. f. ^ J n»?f 3 p. m. ft to him. orb, nisrb, poet. \)£) i * L T T T (to them. 3 p. f. PP to her. J 2 takes suffixes in the same manner, except that for the third person plural we have both DH2 and 03, fem. but not 1D2. b) 3 with pronominal suffixes : Singular. Plural. 1 p. c. as I. -WD3 as we. 2 p. m. *pD3-) bJS, seldom DpiDS) T thou. ' T ' * >as ye. 2 p. f. — J — — — J 3 p. m. -imiOS as he. DPD, DH3, DH1D3) . >T ' T .TV. I 3 p. f. as she. — — — J c) )P with pronominal suffixes: Singular. Plural. 1 p. c. ^|PP poet. *|P from me. -ISpp from us. 2 p. m. in pause ^pp] ESP) : v " >fromthee. " ' >frv™ you. 2 p. f. 1JPP J }3pj 3 p. m. •13pp,po.Jinpp,iin3p/rom/i'im. Drip, poet. DH3P) i ' 1 '* ' v v: * yfrom them. 3 p. f. nj^p from, her. JHD j92 CONJUNCTIONS. As some prepositions were originally nouns sing., and others nouns plural, and as in others, both the sing, and plural were so used,—it will be found that the suffixes also vary accordingly. In some there is a peculiarity of pointing, when combined with suffixes; thus, eth, near, by, with (from JT3K e'-neth), forms its suffixes it-tl', IflK it-to, etc.: they are thus distinguished from the word m eth, as the mark of the object (hence of the accusative in the active species) with suffixes; this latter eth, is thus combined, K o-thl, *|nfc 5-th'cha', etc.: in the later Hebrew (especially in Ezekiel) these forms are sometimes interchanged. § 4—CONJUNCTIONS. Conjunctions were mostly originally other parts of speech, or words which had become previously adverbs or prepositions. Such as asher', *3 kl, that, because, for, were originally relative pronouns. (Compare quod in Latin.) Such as al, ^3 bal, that not, were previously adverbs: such > adverbs maybe combined with a prep.; as DIES b'te'-rem (in not yet), befoj-e that; or another conjunction may be prefixed, as 113 S)N aph kl, in addition that = much more, or much less. The words asher', and ^3 kl, may be preceded by prepositions (or nouns so used); and thus combined conjunctions are produced ; as ya'-Van asher', because (lit. in consequence that), *3 3PJJ Ve'~ kev kT, because. But the conjunctive "ltjPfcjt or may be omitted, and the prep, may remain as a conjunction with the same signification as belonged to the combination. No conjunction is used, with nearly the same frequency, as the inseparable copulative 1. This conj. is regularly prefixed with Sh'va; as v'lib-bo', and his heart: before a Sh'va, it is pointed -1; as u-l'chSl' (the only case in which a vowel can begin a word):—before the other labials 2, D, Q, it also takes the pointing *1; as u-me'- lech, and a king. Before \ is changed into 1; as vl-hi' (and it will be), for ''ITI which would be unpronounceable in Hebrew:—beforeINTERJECTIONS. 93 H and n it is sometimes pointed *1 or 1 :—immediately before the hu, and emptiness. The punctuation of this letter, when prefixed to verbs, has been con- sidered elsewhere (II. § 38). § 5.—INTERJECTIONS. Several of these are primitive words, being the expression of mere natural sounds; as nnitf ahah', PIK akh, ah! hoy, ""IK oy, ho / or woe to 1 riKn he-akh', aha I T V ' The greater part of the interjections were, however, other parts of speech, which from usage acquired this character ; as JH hen, or njJH hin-neh', behold, lo ! (prop, here) <"Dn ha'-vah, pi. ha-vu" (prop. give, imper. of 2iT ya-ha1/), used for, come on ! go to ! and many other words. accented syllable, it often takes Ka-metsPART III. SYNTAX. In treating of the peculiarities in Hebrew construction, it has not been thought needful to premise those particulars which are necessarily found in all languages governed by ordinary rules. Those points are noticed in which some peculiarity arises from the nature of the lan- guage, or from the application of peculiar laws. I.—THE NOUN. § 1.—SUBSTANTIVES FOR ADJECTIVES. In Hebrew the proportion of adjectives is comparatively small;—this deficiency is supplied by substantives. A substantive, denoting quality or material, is placed after another which it is intended to qualify, the last mentioned being in the construct state; thus, P]D3 ^3, vessels of silver, for silver vessels; Dpi!/ a possession of eternity, for an eternal possession. Occasionally the substantive, which qualifies another, stands first in the construct state; thus, "in2D the choice of thy valleys, for thy choice valleys. With the substantive Sb totality, used for the adj. all, this is the common construction. Many adjectives, expressive of property, attribute, or habit, are sup- plied in Hebrew by a circumlocution; a word, such as man, men, master, lord, son, D2 daughter;—thus, ^IT[2 is used for a valiant man (lit. son of might); ^3 for hairy (lit. master of hair), and so with the other terms. Some few adjectives are so applied as to be used for substantives;PLURALS AND COLLECTIVES. 95 that is, they are appropriated to some object peculiarly possessed of the quality denoted; thus, mighty, for God; pale, for the moon. § 2.—PLURALS AND COLLECTIVES. Many words are used in the plural, in Hebrew, when other languages would employ the singular. Thus all terms which imply parts, space, extension, or continuance; as life, D*"VJSJ3 youth, D'Oj?? old age, DW heaven, height. The word God, is more often used in the plural than in the singular; but it commonly then takes singular adjectives, verbs, etc., so that the idea of singular and plural appears to be blended in the form: —this is commonly referred to the plurality of persons in the Godhead; especially relying upon such passages as, "And God (pi.) said (sing.), Let us (pi.) make (pi.) man in our image," etc. Some words of dominion are also found applied to one person or thing, but never with the same adjunct of real plurality, and generally, at least, from the terms having been originally abstracts (like his lordship) applied to some one person. Plurals are much more common in poetry than in prose in connection with ideas of parts or extension. Many nouns in the singular are employed to express a whole class, while another word is employed for an individual of that class; thus, "W is an ox, "1^2. is the collective, oxen; a sheep (or goat), sheep (or goats). The fem. termination is sometimes added to form a collective noun; thus, nViji an exile, a company of exiles;—but in such cases the masc. plural will also be found. Some nouns are used both as singulars and as collectives; thus, a man, or men ; enemy, or enemies. A noun repeated sometimes implies plurality; thus, a man a man, for every man; but in such cases the copulative 1 often connects the two nouns; such a repetition, without the copulative, may often signify distribution and diversity.96 USE OF THE ARTICLE. § 3.—USE OF THE ARTICLE. The article *H had originally a demonstrative force, which is still shown in some cases; as DVH the day, for this day, to-day, 0^211 the time, i.e. this time. * A proof of its demonstrative power is found in its standing sometimes before the verb as a relative. The principal use of the article is when a noun has to be designated as definite, either as previously mentioned, or as well known, or the only one of its kind, or as one of its kind to which some peculiar prominence is given. In poetry, however, the article is often omitted, and that in cases in which it would be almost certain that it would have been found in prose. The article is used in some special cases: i.) When the name of a class is used collectively to express all the individuals it contains. ii.) When some particular designation is applied by way of eminence to an individual. iii.) With some proper names, such as those of well-known rivers, mountains, and some towns, with reference to their original meaning as appellatives. iv.) To objects used for comparison; from the idea that all terms, so used, must from the nature of the case be well-known objects. The article is not inserted— Before a substantive in construction before another substantive, or before substantives which have a pronominal suffix (any apparent exceptions from this rule can generally be explained from the nature of the case). This rule is of great importance, and it is in part founded on the idea that a genitive following, or a suffix, makes the substantive definite already. If the substantive in construction (which, as just said, cannot take the article) and the following genitive express one compound idea, which it is needful to render definite, then the article is prefixed to the genitive itself; thus, HDn^D a man of war, nionbftn ''SSONI the men of war; in such cases the article belongs to the whole of the com- pound idea. In compound proper names a division sometimes takesSUBSTANTIVE AND ADJECTIVE—CONSTRUCT STATE. 97 place so as to insert the article; thus, Beth-el, is compounded of )V2 (construct state of JV2) house of and God; hence comes Bethelite, but with the article JV3 the Bethelite. If the substantive has the article, or is made definite by a following genitive or suffix, the adjective or demonstrative pronoun (HT, K-1H) belonging to such substantive must take the article, so as to be definite also; thus, n^7|H the great city (lit. the city the great); wnn Dip^n that place; njjjnn thy strong hand; HW Vn|n the great work of Jehovah. § 4.—SUBSTANTIVE AND ADJECTIVE. The adjective, which qualifies the substantive, stands after it in the same gender and number. Nouns in the dual take plural adjectives. It is only on account of some peculiarity or emphasis that an adjective stands before its substantive. Feminine substantives, when they have two adjectives after them, are sometimes found with the former only of the adjectives in concord with them. When the adjective is not in direct concord, but the predicate of a sentence, its place is determined by the emphasis and general structure of the sentence : when the predicate thus stands at the beginning of the sentence, it may stand in the masc. sing., i.e. as an undeclined word. An adjective can take a substantive after it, depending upon it, in order to define its meaning or application; thus, ^KlTTia* beautiful of form; sorrowful of spirit. Verbal adjectives can take a substantive after them in the same manner as their verbs. § 5.—THE CONSTRUCT STATE. A few further particulars respecting the construct state require notice. Several nouns may follow each other, each depending on the one before it; all, therefore, except the last, being in construction; thus, • 838 ACCUSATIVE. "VljJ ^2} nj^B 1SDp the rest of the number of the bows of the mighty ones of the children of Kedar. But this repetition of nouns in construction is often avoided by a periphrasis, by means of the prep. ^ to, for; this is used to express the genitive of possession, and often generally so as to avoid the repetition of the construct state. The construct state is sometimes used when the noun is not strictly that on which a genitive depends, but when the two nouns are in close relation in some other way; thus, it is sometimes found before a preposition; as finpS^ joy in the harvest: this is more frequently the case with participles than with substantives; thus, those who love to sleep; *12 ''pin those who trust in Him. The prep., in such cases, is generally inseparable; but the construct state is used before in Judges v. 10. (To account for this use of the construct before a prep., we may consider what was said as to pre- positions having originally been nouns.) The construct is formed sometimes by the relative; as Dlpp the place where:—also before relative clauses, without "1E3W; as HJIJ nn the city (where) David encamped; D1pp the place of (him who) knows not God. The construct is rarely found even before 1 copulative; as njJTI ftP^n wisdom and knowledge. The construct is also employed in other cases in which close connection has to be expressed; thus we find one, for im. T %V § 6.—THE ACCUSATIVE. • The Hebrew has no case terminations;—the only partial exception is the termination H— joined frequently to the accus., when direction or motion to a place is expressed. But this is only a partial expression of case; for even when motion or direction is implied, this termination is often not added, and when the accusative is used in ordinary circum- stances, it has nothing in its form to distinguish it from the nominative: it is only by the structure of the sentence (e.g. by its being the object of a transitive verb) that it can be distinguished.DEGREES OF COMPARISON—USE OF THE NUMERALS. 99 The object is often marked by the particle (or T)K) being inserted before it; this particle, however (which with suffixes becomes JYIK), can only stand when the substantive is definite; this may take place, 1st. by its having the article; 2nd. by being in construction; 3rd. by its having a pronominal suffix; or 4th. from its being definite in its own nature, as proper names. Nouns are often found not governed by any verb or preposition; they then become adverbial designations; (1) with regard to place, as answering the question whither ? after verbs of motion, where ? after verbs of rest; also with regard to space and measure, as answering how far ? (2) With regard to time; in answer to when ? or how long ? (3) And also in other adverbial designations; thus, 2 Sam. xxi. 20, twenty-four "lippD in number; "TllN! HS with one mouth; and so on, in very many expressions in which manner is expressed; we then find habitually, in Hebrew, a noun without any governing word, so that these cases cannot be looked on as merely elliptical. § 7.—DEGREES OF COMPARISON. Hebrew adjectives have no terminations to express the comparative and the superlative ; hence circumlocutions are employed. The comparative is expressed by prefixing }D (-D) to the word with which the comparison is made; thus, p'lHO sweeter than honey (lit. sweet from [i.e. in comparison with] honey); PQ| taller than any of the people. The superlative is expressed by some emphatic use of the positive, by the article (as in French) or a suffix, or a following genitive; thus, David was the small (i.e. the least), and the three great ones (i.e. the greater); DJBj? Igl &V"T|0 from their great one and e^n unto their little one (i.e. from the greatest and even unto the least of them). § 8.—USE OF THE NUMERALS. a) The cardinal numbers from 2 to 10 (properly substantives) are con- nected with their substantives in three different ways; (i.) as theLOO PERSONAL PRONOUNS, est. before the subst., as Ttiflhp triad of days, i.e. three days; (ii.) in the absol. state before the subst., which may then be regarded as in apposition, as D*0!I1 nvhw three sons; or (iii.) also in apposition after the object numbered (especially in the later books), as Vfhw three daughters. b) The numerals from 2 to 10 are almost always found with the plural: the tens, however (from 20 to 90), when they precede the subst. regularly take the sing.; when they follow it in apposition, the plur. The former construction is the mor.e common. Thus, we find twenty cities; and on the contrary, fl'lDK twenty cubits. In the former case the plural may be used, but not the sing, in the second. The numerals from 11 to 19 only take certain particular substantives in the sing., such as day, year, man,—in general they are found with the plural. c) When numerals are compounded of tens and units (e.g. 21, 62, 39), they either take the object numbered after them in the sing., as rw two an(l sixty years;—else they take it before them in the plural,—this is the case in the later books;—or else the object numbered is repeated with the smaller number in the plural, the larger in the singular. d) The ordinals beyond ten have no other forms than those of the cardinals, which stand either before or after the object numbered (in the latter case as a genitive); as DV ftjDK'S1 on the seventeenth day; 5D&0 in the twenty-seventh year. In numbering days of the month and years, the cardinals are used even from 2 to 10. II.—PRONOUNS. § 1.—PERSONAL PRONOUNS. The personal pronoun, when separatet is regarded as the nominative, the other cases being expressed by suffixes; in one case, however, the separable pronoun stands for an oblique case; that is, when the pronounDEMONSTRATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 101 is repeated a second time for the sake of emphasis, the previous expres- sion having been by means of a suffix; thus, D| bless me, me also:—iiritf 03 thy blood, even thine; DFltf for you, (even) you. The suffix of the verb is properly regarded as the accusative after jt; it sometimes has a dative force ; at least it is so found after some in- transitive verbs, or verbs which, from their signification, require a dative. The accusative after a verb may be always expressed by the suffixes with niK ; this form must be used when, for the sake of emphasis, the governed pronoun precedes the verb, also when the same verb (e.g. a transitive verb in Hiphil) governs two accusatives; one only of these can be joined as a suffix. The suffix to a noun is regularly the possessive pronoun (genitive of the pronoun) connected with that noun; when a compound idea is ex- pressed by a noun in the construct, followed by one in the genitive, then the latter takes the suffix which belongs to the compound idea; thus, in mountain of my holiness; i.e. my holy mountain. It may here be mentioned, that in a few places the pronominal suffix does not follow the gender of the noun to which it refers. § 2.—DEMONSTRATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. A personal pronoun of the third person may be joined to a sub- stantive as a demonstrative, and then (like adjectives), if the substantive has the article, the pronoun should also take it. Thus, N-IHn that man. The demonstratives HJ, -IT, IT are, also, sometimes (especially in poetry) used for the relative. The interrogative may be used of things, when persons are really implied; thus, w^° is Shechem ? for, who are the Shechemites ? may be used with reference to a plural, and also in the genitive, as W HI! whose daughter? is also used as an indefinite for any one whatever, and similarly nft for any thing whatever.102 RELATIVE. § 3.—THE RELATIVE. is very often used simply as a sign of relation, and thus it gives a relative signification to other words in the sentence, whether substan- tives, adverbs, or pronouns. Thus, there;—where;— HW thither;—whither ;—thence T T T T V — T • T * V "J whence. It is from the ability of thus to combine with words which may follow in the sentence, that its oblique cases are supplied:—thus, dative i!? to him ; to whom ; Dr6 masc., 10^ fem-> to them ; Dr6 masc., jr6 fem., to whom. The accusative may either be represented by alone, or by a combination, such as infc him, )T)& whom. With prepositions, as therein, 12 "IKW wherein; therefrom; •13E>P wherefrom, whence. Genitive whose language. is often used without the antecedent personal pronoun being expressed:—it must then be rendered, he who, she who, those who, etc., according to the manifest sense. Thus, "^£0 and he whom thou wilt curse. "When has a preposition joined to it, then the preposition almost always belongs to the pronoun understood; as to him who. The idea to be supplied in such expressions is sometimes that of place or time. The relative may (as in English) be omitted; this need not present any difficulty, as we are familiar with the idiom; this is the horse he bought (for which he bought); this omission of the relative is more frequent in poetry than in prose. With regard to other relatives, besides little need be said; *3 had almost lost its use as a relative when the oldest Hebrew was written, though it is certain, from Gen. iv. 28, that it has this use in the words spoken by Eve; the prefixed relative which is only an abbreviated form of has been noticed above. (Part II. (i.) § 3.)TENSES—USE OF THE PRETERITE. 103 III.—T H E VERB. § 1.—TENSES. As the Hebrew language has but little variety in the forms of the verb itself, to express divisions of relative or absolute time, the tenses which it possesses are necessarily used in many gradations of sense, as denoted by connected words, or by the form of sentences. It need not be supposed that the difficulty and ambiguity of Hebrew are of necessity peculiar from the fact of its having only two tenses; English is similarly circumstanced; we have only formed in the verb itself two, a present and a past; and yet by circumlocutory phrases we can express futures, imperfects, pluperfects, with all the exactitude we please. The primary idea of the Hebrew preterite is past time; the primary idea of the future is time yet to come. § 2.—USE OF THE PRETERITE. The preterite is used for— 1. Time fully past. 2. A pluperfect; when so connected with another tense as to show that an action had not then taken place. 3. Present; when marking a condition or attribute,which has existed and does exist; or when used in connection with permanent or habitual action. 4. In protestations and assurances it is sometimes said to be used as a future; that 4s, a thing is said to be already done, when it is promised, fixed, determined: in most cases when so found it is God who promises, etc., and this accounts for the past tense being used. Past tenses are so used in the New Testament, but no grammarian would say they were for futures. 5. The preterite is also used for relative tenses, in which the past is the leading thought:—thus, for the imperf. subj. we should have104 USE OF THE FUTURE. been as Sodom; this sense is shown from the preceding unless, « unless the Lord had left us," etc. For the pluperf. subj. as (in the preceding clause of the sentence just cited) THin unless he had left; for the future perfect prn DK when he shall have washed away (or, as we often say, when he has washed). The preterite with 1 conversive will be considered separately. § 3.—USE OF THE FUTURE. The future in its simple use expresses— 1. Time strictly future. 2. Time present (as in Welsh, in which there is no present); this is especially the case in expressing permanent states/—things which exist now and always will exist,—general truths, or anything customary, even when such custom belongs to some time long past, but which existed as a custom at the time to which the narration belongs. 3. The future, in combination, is used to express various relations for which other languages would employ the subjunctive mood, etc. Thus— a) After particles, signifying that, that not, as JJ£, *3, that, that not, lest, it is used in a subjunctive sense. b) It is used in an optative sense; this is sometimes marked by the form (apocopated or paragogic) of the fut.; and sometimes a par- ticle, such as K2, accompanies it. c) In negative commands the fut. is used in an imperative sense. When simply dehortatory, it takes the negative (with which the apocopated or paragogic is the proper form); when expressive of prohibition it takes n!?. It is used also for imperatives of the third person, and also for the imperative of those passive species which have no proper imperative in use:—thus, "lift let there be light! fiDl* let him be put to death! (fut. Hoph. for imperat.). d) The fut. is sometimes used in a potential sense; as with may, can, might, could. 4. With any adverbs which denote time, or refer to some particular time, the fut. is used in the sense of the time so designated. It is thusFUTURE WITH 1 CONVERSIVE. 105 found denoting time past. Thus, after the part. Ttf then (when relating to past time), not yet, before. The future is also found in some cases in which the preterite might have been expected; generally, however, the action is such that no ambiguity is occasioned ; and often the nature of the thought involved, explains why a future may be used; thus, Job says, « Perish the day in which I was born!"—« Oh that the day had perished previous to my having been born in it I' In conditional sentences, the future is often found as the imperf. subj.; in this case the apocopated future is properly used. In general, when this tense expresses actual futurity, the actual time, whether future, or future-perfect, is pointed out by the connection of the sentence, and more particularly by the introductory particles, such as until, when, etc. The cases in which the paragogic and apocopated future (when such forms exist) are used, have been shown in the mention now made of the tense, as well as in what has been said above (Part II. (ii.) §§ 39, 40): —this variation in form materially extends the use of the tense. § 4.—THE FUTURE WITH ) CONVERSIVE. It must be remembered that the notion of time, in the mere tense of a Hebrew verb, is always less forcible than any other indications of time which a sentence may contain; any adverb of time will mark the time so absolutely, that the verb must conform to it in signification. This principle will explain most of the difficulty which otherwise would have been felt with regard to converted tenses. The future, with ) conversive (•}), is contemplated, as so connected with what has preceded, that the time becomes that of the general nar- ration. The most simple use of a converted future is to continue a narration,—taking up the train of events which the principal verb has enunciated in the preterite. But as the 1 conversive has a different form from the mere copulative conjunction, we find that the idea of past time is so strongly impressed upon the form, that an historical narration106 PRETERITE CONVERTED—IMPERATIVE^. may even commence with a converted future: in practice it becomes the Hebrew historical tense. The future, with 1 conversive, often strongly marks the consecution of events; thus, after because it becomes equivalent to therefore. Care must be taken not to confound a common future with the copulative 1 with a converted future. It may here be repeated that a conversive 1 takes the apocopated future (when such a form exists), and that it draws back the accent. § 5,—THE PRETERITE CONVERTED. When a preterite is closely connected with a preceding future by the conjunction 1, it takes the time of such future, and the particular shade of meaning which it may have, according to all the variety of which the future is capable. The 1 has no particular form when thus changing a preterite; but it may be stated as a general rule, that when a preterite is joined to another verb by the conjunctive 1, it takes the tense and mood of the verb going before, and it shifts the accent forward. It occurs occasionally that a preterite, changed into future time, is followed by a converted future; in such a case, the converted future is subjected to the preterite as converted, and it refers itself to future time, being altogether conformed to the verb on which it depends. § 6.—THE IMPERATIVE. The imperative is used not only in commands, but also in exhorta- tion, entreaty, wish; and sometimes it is considered to imply permission, and sometimes strong assurance; this latter appears, however, to be simply a doomed futurity; compare, in the New Testament, « Fill ye up the measure of your fathers 1" The imperative, in thus marking what is certainly future, may be con- nected with future tenses; and a future or preterite (with *1) following may become altogether imperative in signification. When two imperatives are joined by the copulative 1, the second mayINFINITIVE ABSOLUTE—INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT. 107 often imply a consequence resulting from the first, without, however, losing sight of the true imperative signification; thus, -1^ DNT this do, and live:—the second imperative implies a promise of the strongest kind, resulting from obedience to the former. § 7.—THE INFINITIVE ABSOLUTE. The infinitive absolute is used when the action of the verb has to be expressed, neither depending on a preceding noun or participle, nor yet connected with something following. It is used— a) As the accusative after a transitive verb; as they were not willing to go. b) Adverbially for the sake of giving emphasis to the finite verb; this Usage is exceedingly frequent; as Tyn he straitly charged. When the infinitive stands after the finite verb, it commonly in- dicates emphasis in the way of continued or lasting action. c) This infinitive is sometimes used instead of the finite verb: this frequently occurs when a finite verb has preceded to which it is joined by the copulative; in such a case it takes the idea of tense, person, etc., from the preceding verb. When the infinitive is used at the beginning, of a sentence for the finite verb, it presents an action vividly sketched, while the circumstances of the case supply the needful particulars. It more often, in such a use, stands as an emphatic imperative. § 8.—-THE INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT. The infinitive construct is used as a verbal substantive, and is in most respects so treated :—thus it is used— a) As the subject of a sentence; as, « for man flVn to be alone is not good." b) As a genitive; as $]D&n ]")$![ time of gathering: so too when depend- ent on a preposition.108 PARTICIPLE. c) As an accusative; as, I do not know how fcttlll to go out and come in. (The infinitive absolute may also be used in this sense.) "When the infinitive construct is joined with a prep., it would com- monly be rendered in English by the finite verb* with a conj.; thus, is lit. on account of thy saying; i.e. because thou sayest. In transitive verbs the infinitive construct may take the accusative of the object, whether the object be a substantive or a pronoun; as to establish thee; with a pronoun as the object, either the separable form with DK, may be used (as in the above example), or a suffix. With verbal nouns (analogous to infinitives) the same construction with an accusative may be used. The infinitive construct may be used as a noun with another noun dependent upon it; this connection is manifest in infinitives with a fem. termination. The infinitive thus used with a subject may also take an accusative; and very often the infinitive is not treated as though it had a genitive dependent on it. § 9.—THE PARTICIPLE. The active participle, in Hebrew, is used in an abstract sense; thus, is one who falls, has fallen, or will fall:—the present is, however, the more ordinary signification. The participle is often used instead of a tense of a verb; thus, ilfcO 'OK I—seeing, may be put for, I will see, do see, or have seen : with the preterite of the verb rPH to be, the active participle is used to express the imperfect (as in English). The passive participles may be so used, in an abstract sense, as to express the force of the Latin participle in dus; as SO5!} metuendus, to be feared. Ah active participle may, of course, take the accusative after it, the same as its verb; or, instead of this, it may be treated as a noun, and the word connected with it may be regarded as a genitive dependent upon it. In the same way the participle may either take the nominalVERBS WITH TWO ACCUSATIVES. 109 suffixes (genitive of the pronoun), or the verbal (accusative of the pronoun). § 10.—THE ACCUSATIVE AFTER A VERB. It must be observed that many verbs, in Hebrew, take an accusative after them, although it would seem as though, in other languages, they would not be transitive. This is explained by the fact of such Hebrew verbs including more than what we should regard as the mere verbal idea,—the preposition, which we might deem necessary to connect the verb with an object, being comprised in the very meaning of the verb itself. Hebrew verbs which signify clothing or unclothing, fulness or defi- ciency, most verbs of dwelling in or with, and those which express com- ing or going, are followed by an accusative. As so many verbs take an accusative, it is common in lexicons to express whether a verb is construed immediately, or with a preposition, and if so, with what preposition. The passives of causative species, in transitive verbs, will take an accusative of the person or thing affected by the action; as, he was caused to kill me. § 11.—VERBS WITH TWO ACCUSATIVES. The causative species, Hiphil (and Piel when so used), take two accusatives, when the verb in Kal takes one. Also verbs which have a causative signification in Kal take two accusatives in that species; such as to clothe any one with anything, to sow, to plant, to anoint, to fill, to bestow, to deprive, to make some- thing to be (or into) anything. This is merely what is found in other languages when a verb takes two accusatives, one of the person and one of the SUBJECT AND PREDICATE: CONCORD. § 12.—VERBS USED IMPERSONALLY. We frequently find the third person singular of a verb used imper- sonally ; thus, he shall call, may be used for, one will call, they shall call, on appellera; active forms of this kind are often equivalent to passives in an inverted construction; thus, (he shall call him), one shall call him, on l'appellera, would be more fitly rendered in English, " he shall be called." § 13.—PASSIVE VOICES. The agent of a passive verb frequently takes the preposition h, as T|-ra blessed by God;—sometimes (*p) is used, as implying the origin from which the action proceeds; sometimes 21 is used. Sometimes the instrument is denoted by a noun put absolutely without any governing preposition. § 14.—CONNECTION OF SUBJECT AND PREDICATE: CONCORD. When the verb to be would express simply the connection of the sub- ject and predicate, it is commonly omitted in Hebrew; as flJiV Jehovah (is) God. A personal pronoun may be used after the subject for emphasis, or as though it carried with itself the idea of the verb substantive. The common rule is that the predicate (that is whatever is asserted, denied, or defined, with regard to the subject of the sentence) shall con- form to the subject in gender and number; and that, whether the predicate be expressed by a verb, adjective, or substantive with copula. To this rule of concord there are, however, many exceptions. a) Collectives, and nouns used as such, commonly are joined to plurals; fem. collectives, which represent masc. individuals, take the masc. b) Plurals which denote animals or things, whether masc. or fem., will often take the fem. sing.CONSTRUCTION OF ADVERBS. Ill c) Plurals which relate to persons will be found united to singulars, when the attention is rather directed to each one, individually. d) If the predicate (verb, participle, adjective, etc.) stand at the begin- ning of the sentence, a verb will often take the masc. sing., what- ever be the gender and number of the subject:—an adjective or participle may thus stand without inflection in the sing. masc.: but if in such cases there are words which, forming part of the predicate, follow the subject, they must conform to it in gender and number. The idea which explains this usage is, that when no governing word has been as yet expressed, a verb or adjective is stated in its most simple uninfected form. e) When a nominative and genitive form the subject together, the verb sometimes conforms to the gender and number of the noun governed, especially when it contains the principal idea; thus, the multitude (sing.) of years (pi.) should teach (pi.) wisdom. /) When several nouns are joined by the conjunction 1 and, these form- ing one united subject, the verb, etc., may be in the plural, especially if it follows them : when it precedes, it often agrees with the nearest in gender and number:—a preference for the masc. is rarely seen. g) It must be noticed that there is often a kind of neglect of the gender of the verb,—the masc. being sometimes found where the fem. would be expected; this is generally (if not always) in passages in which no ambiguity could arise; and the masc. is taken as the simpler and first occurring form. IV.—PARTICLES. § 1.—CONSTRUCTION OF ADVERBS. The remarks to be made on the particles, in this place, must be brief (from the nature of the case), because the peculiarities in the usage of each belong rather to lexicography than to grammar.112 PREPOSITIONS. a) Adverbs may qualify sentences, or even single words; and the word so qualified may be even a substantive; as D3n D*5! innocent blood:—the sense is then equivalent to that of an adjective in other languages. b) An adverb is repeated to denote intensity, or continued accession. c) Two negatives in Hebrew do not destroy one another; that is, they do not, as in English, qualify the one the other, but they both qualify the same clause or word. d) A negative is often expressed in the former member of a sentence, and its force is carried forward by the copulative 1 into a follow- ing member ; the adverb, in such cases, qualifies the whole sentence. e) The more important negatives are not (absolute negative) not 5. i (dehortatory), pK there is not; D'lp not yet; DSN no more:— also (mostly in poetic usage) ^3, ^3 not. Positive interrogations are often so put as to imply strong negations: —canst thou make? for, thou canst not make;—negative interroga- tions may, on the other hand, imply strong assertions; as, are they not written? i.e. they are written. § 2.—PREPOSITIONS. The varied usages of the prepositions, simple and compounded, must be learned from the lexicon, as each one is met with; it would be mere repetition for a statement on the subject to be given here. The compound prepositions, formed by simple prepositions with pre- fixes, etc., enable very minute shades of meaning to be expressed; each part of the compound form retains its own meaning, the one part so qualifying the other as to produce a nicety of distinction in the shade of thought that can hardly be shown in translation:—hence, the idea has arisen that some of the compound forms are really pleonastic. A preposition, which is expressed in the first member of a sentence, often has its force carried on by the copulative ) to a following word or phrase.CONJUNCTIONS—INTERJECTIONS. 113 § 3.—CONJUNCTIONS. No conjunction has so frequent a use as 1, nor is there any of which the meaning appears to be so various. It is properly, simply, a connective link; but if the nature of the sentence require, this link will be rendered very variously. If a reason has been given, and an inference is drawn, it will be equivalent to therefore; thus, «Because I am Jehovah, I change not, and ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" =s" therefore ye are not," etc. 1 may be simply explicative: we may thus use and in English; « he uttereth his voice, and that a mighty voice":—when 1 is simply ex- plicative, it will commonly be rendered in English by even. When 1 introduces a reason, it will commonly be rendered by because. These instances of rendering are given, not as showing the varied uses of the copulative, but as informing the learner of what otherwise might occasion surprise, and as illustrating the principles which explain this varied use. To the negative adverbs mentioned above (§ 1), may be added the following negative conjunctions: (as a conj.), jD, all signify- ing, that not, lest. A conjunction is sometimes omitted by a certain brevity of expres- sion,; thus, Drive them hard, then they will die; for, If they drive them hard, etc. The connection will easily enable a reader to supply such ellipses ; the hypothetical if is the word commonly understood. § 4.—INTERJECTIONS. Such interjections as answer to the English, ah! oh I alas I woe ! ex- pressing not merely lamentation, but also denunciation, will take after them the prepositions h]3 upon, unto, to connect them with the object of the denunciation: or this object may follow without any connecting particle; as woe to us I or woe to the people!114 TABLE OF ACCENTS IN THE HEBREW BIBLE. Y.—THE ACCENTS. § 1—THE GENERAL USE OF THE ACCENTS. As yet but little allusion has been made to the accents, except as marking the syllable of each word on which the stress must be laid. * With regard to this it must be remembered that if a word be found with two accents, the stress must be laid on the latter syllable thus marked; but observe that if a word has the same accent repeated, the former then marks the tone-syllable. The accented syllable is most frequently the last; such a word is termed by the Hebrew grammarians ybl? milra® (from below) ; if the accented syllable be the penultimate, the word is termed mil^el (from above); farther back than the penultimate the tone-syllable can- not be. The mark Metheg, which has been previously mentioned (or an accent used instead of it) is often placed on syllables nearer the beginning of the word; its object is, to rest the voice, to end syllables which have short vowels and no closing consonant, and to prevent Ka-mets from being confounded with Ka-mets Khateph. The accents, as signs of the tone-syllable, are often useful in dis- tinguishing words which are alike in spelling and in vowel-points; thus, •123 ba-nu', is they built; but if accented ba'-nu, it means in us;—HJpjJ ka'-mah, is pret. 3 pers. fem. sing, of D-1p to stand; but ka-mah' is, the part. fem. But besides the tonic use, the accents have also another, as signs of interpunction, and as marking the connection and distinction of words and members of a sentence. § 2.—TABLE OF THE ACCENTS IN THE HEBREW BIBLE IN GENERAL. I.—Distinctive Accents. (Domini.) a) Greatest distinctives. (Imperatores.) 1. Silluk' (end) — (at the end of a verse, and followed by J Soph- pa-suk').TABLE OF ACCENTS IN THE HEBREW BIBLE. 115 2. Athnakh' (respiration) — b) Great distinctives. (Reges.) 3. Seghoi'taf ± 4. Zakeph Katon' ' 5. Zakeph' Gadh51' 6. Tiphkha — c) Smaller distinctives. (Daces.) 7. RevlaV _L 8. Shalshe'leth, followed by Peslk', | j_ 9. Zarka'f H 10. Pashta'tL. 11. Y'thlv* - 12. T'vlr — d 13. Merca K'phula' — d) Smallest distinctives. (Comites.) 14. Pazer' JJ. 5. Karne Phara' 6. T'llsha' Gh'dSlab/* JL 17. Ge'resh _1 18. Gerasha'yim 19. Peslk' —J — between words (if preceded by — called Legarme'). II.—Conjunctive Accents. (Servi.) 20. Merka' — j 21. Munakh' — s 22. Mahpach' — 23. Kadma' _L 24. Darga' — 25. Ye'rach — 26. T'llsha K'tannah'f A To these may be added— The euphonic Metheg — (in form like Silluk'), and the word-con- necter Makkaph " (thus, DV-^2)). The accents marked * are called prepositives, i.e. instead of marking the tone-syllable, they are plaeed at the beginning of the word.116 REMARKS ON THE ACCENTS. Those marked f are post-positives, standing at the end of the word. It will be observed that Pashta' (a lesser distinctive), and Kadma' (a conjunctive), have the same form; they are distinguished by Pashta' being always written on the last letter of the word. So, also, Mahpach', conjunctive, and Y'thlv, distinctive, are only distinguished by position. The accent, Merca K'phiild' —, which is here placed among the smaller distinctives, is reckoned by some among the conjunctives. § 3.—REMARKS ON THE ACCENTS. As marks of interpunction, the greatest distinctives are equivalent to our longer stops; the great distinctives are also often similarly used for smaller pauses. It is as marking pauses that the greatest distinctive accents lengthen vowels, and sometimes change the tone-syllable: this is regularly the effect of t — and —; often also of Jl and _i; sometimes of : . I A — With regard to a change in the accented syllable, it should be observed that if two accented syllables would come together in a sen- tence, one of them will often, for the sake of euphony, shift the accent to another syllable. When the distinctives do not precisely answer to our ideas of a gram- matical pause, admitted by the construction of the sentence, then they do imply pauses of emphasis at least. To understand the uses of the accents, in connecting and distinguish- ing the parts of a sentence, we must always take a whole verse: we shall then commonly find that Athnakh' divides it into two parts; we may then examine the members backwards, and we shall find that dis- tinctive accents separate it (especially if pretty long) into many smaller members:—we shall also often find that the word which is marked with a distinctive accent is preceded by one with a conjunctive; in such a case, the word which has a conjunctive is very closely connected with that which follows it; it may often be also in some measure connected with the preceding word, but such preceding word will be found with some distinctive accent (a small one probably) to show that it is lessREMARKS ON THE ACCENTS. 117 closely joined to the word with the conjunctive, than that itself is joined to that which follows. Two conjunctives, as such, cannot follow each other; if three words or more are to be most closely united, all of them but one must be connected by Makkaph. In very short verses few conjunctives are found j a small distinctive before a great one has then a conjunctive force; for everything depends upon the relative power of these accents. In very long verses, sometimes, instead of the smallest distinctive*!, conjunctives will be found. These remarks will explain the fact mentioned above as to the differ- ent arrangement which has been assigned to Merca K'phula'; this smaller distinctive, if standing between two greater ones, would (like any other in such a situation) connect its word more with that which follows than with that which precedes. The order in which the members of a sentence receive the distinctives is subject to certain rules which are of very great convenience in the investigation of the construction indicated by the accents. Each distinctive, likewise, if the preceding word is joined with it, has a peculiar conjunctive, which will be used to precede it.118 TABLE: CONSECUTION OF ACCENTS—EXPLANATION. § 4.—TABLE OF CONSECUTION OF ACCENTS. liL f[, ■ j-j Lt - _* _ JL*) J IT "J CO r Lt .It § 5.—EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE. The left hand column gives the distinctives in their classes, with the conjunctive accent which eacl> takes when the preceding word is con- nected with it. Across the table are given the distinctives in the order in which they commonly stand in dividing the clauses of a verse.SPECIMENS OF HEBREW ACCENTUATION. 119 It may be stated generally, that if two conjunctives come together, the latter is treated as a very slight distinctive. In many Hebrew Bibles, considerable irregularities are found in the order of the accents, particularly of the conjunctives; these irregularities must mostly be regarded as mere errata. The edition of the Hebrew Bible which is considered as most correct, with regard to the accents, is the valuable one of Jablonsky, Berlin, 1699. The construction of a sentence is often aided by a knowledge of the accentuation, for thus expressions which might be ambiguous are rendered definite. Thus, in Gen. x. 21, J niD^ TIK ; without regarding the accents, these words might be rendered (as they actually are in many versions) ««the elder brother of Japheth"; but the conjunctive -j shows that the following adjective belongs to it, and thus the rendering of the English translation is confirmed, ««the brother of Japheth the elder"; the other D C rendering would have required the accents thus:—♦"7"7T* instance it is seen that comparative closeness must be regarded in the accents; the noun on which another depends, is regarded as less plosely united to it, than it is itself with the adjective qualifying it. § 6.—SPECIMENS OF HEBREW ACCENTUATION. In the following examples, the accents of the Hebrew verse are first given; then the English translation, with divisions according to the degrees of the distinctive accents:— Deut. vi. 4, ----- ' i j \ J & Hear ||1 O-Israel m| Jehovah our-God ||j (is) Jehovah | one ||]| 5, :------— ' I v ^ A ■» V And-thou-shalt-love |j| X III Jehovah thy-God ij|j with-all"thy- heart and-with-all"thy-soul l|| and-with-all"thy strength. | J11 Gen. xxix. 1, ♦------ > » J v A v ' And-lifted-up Jacob |]| his feet j])) and-he-came m to-the-land-of the-children-of"the-east. 1111 : : ir . it 2 1------------------ 'i^v^Av j. <; a as120 ' specimens of hebrew accentuation. And-he-saw j and-behold a-well |}in-the-field ]} and-behold"there [ three flocks-of" sheep 11 lying-down by-it |j[ for || from" the-well that ill they-watered m the flocks |j[j and-the-stone great jjj on " the- mouth-of the-well. j | {j It will be seen that the sentences, in Hebrew, are so constructed that the rhythm is according to the accentual interpunction. § 7.—ACCENTUATION OF THE PSALMS, PROVERBS, AND JOB. In these three books there is a different scale of accentuation (except in the prose beginning and end of Job); the accents differ both in their arrangement and in their consecution. i.— distinctives. (domini.) 1. Silluk' — (with I S5ph Pasuk) < 2. Merca with Mahpach -— 3. Athnakh — A 4. ReviaJJ with Geresh 5. ReviaSJ 6. Zarka' 7. Tiphkha anterior — 8. Pazer 9. Shalshe'leth with P'sik | J 10. Kadma with P'sik | J* 11. Mahpach with P'sik j — II.—Conjunctives. 12. Merca — j oo 13. Merca with Zarka' —- j 14. Mahpach — CO 15. Mahpach with Zarka' -— 16. Munach — j 17. Munach superiorTHE ACCENTS AS MUSICAL SIGNS. 121 18. Tiphkha (not anterior) — 19. Ye'rach — It will be seen that, in this poetical scale, some of the accents materi- ally change their powers, and many of the combinations are wholly peculiar to this scale. § 8.—CONSECUTION OF ACCENTS IN PSALMS, PROVERBS, AND JOB. Usual Attendants. Less Usual. co a . t ■c * , j ' J J ' A i < CO . . CO J V c ' i ' co A j. * J J . f CO H J J V ' CO J •* H H H J ' % * 1 > 1 * ' 1_ M a J 1 % 1 — V V JL 1 V % 1_ V * i 1 % l~~ < ' < % CO J f 1"" T» ^ """» 7 i" As in this poetical scale there are two greater divisions which can occur in the verse, more variety can be introduced as to the members122 K'RI AND KTHIV. of the sentences. Also, the consecution is more varied, so that many shades of emphasis may be expressed. § 9.— ON THE ACCENTS AS MUSICAL SIGNS. It will be observed that many of the disjunctives do not differ in power from one another; it may, therefore, be asked, Why is one or another in particular chosen? This leads to the mention of these accents as musical signs for the regulation of the chanting of the Old Testament in the synagogue reading. It is well known that ancient nations (as many of the Orientals do still) always read aloud in a kind of recitative; and orators even spoke in the same manner, so that such a thing is mentioned as a flute as an accompaniment of an oration : the great variety of the Hebrew accents appear to have been invented with this object; the notes to which the Scripture was chanted had some relation to the emphasis of the parts of the sentence, and thus the grammatical and musical notation were made to coincide. As the Psalms, etc., were chanted in a different manner from the ordinary books, so the notation is of a different kind. We need not here consider the musical value of the different accents; all that is required in this place is to state the fact; a full illustration of it would belong rather to a history of Music than to an outline of Hebrew Grammar. § 10.—K'RI AND K'THIY. Besides the accents, there will also' be found a small circle in several places above a Hebrew word; thus, in 1 Kings i. 47, 'Spnlp&t is found in the text; in the margin is seen the word Dwithout any vowels; the small circle refers from the text to the margin, and the'tetter; in the margin are to be read with the vowels of the text. The word in the text is called the 2TD k'thlv (written), and the word in the margin is called the (read). These are, in fact, a kind of various readingsTO FIND WORDS IN THE LEXICON. 123 which were noted in this way by the Jews, through whom we have received the Hebrew Scriptures. Some of these notes relate to a redundant letter, or to one omitted; some to a large or a small letter, or one above the line, or a final in the middle of a word; these peculiarities are commonly retained in the printed editions, and these notes (called Masoretic, from the Jewish scribes, to whom they are attributed, having been called Masorites) direct the attention of the reader to such points. They require no further notice in this place. The general rule of "Hp and 1T1D is that the letters of the margin be read with the vowels of the text; and that, whether the margin alters the letters, adds to them, divides the word in two, reads one wholly different, directs the word not to be read at all (in which case it has no vowels in the text), or adds a word which is not in the text (in which case there are vowels in the text without letters). In the Pentateuch the letters &OH stand both for he and she; in the former case they are pointed according to the table, fcWH hu, in the latter they are pointed Kin, but this is read as though it had been (by a continual 'Hp) hi; it would be considered barbarous to read it hiv. The form fcMn is supposed to have been originally of the common gender; and the punctuators have indicated the grammatical distinction which sprung up in course of time. CONCLUSION. TO FIND WORDS IN THE LEXICON. Hebrew lexicons were formerly arranged according to roots, so that every noun or other part of speech had to be traced etymologically to its root of three letters, before it could be found in the lexicon. To a mature scholar there are many advantages in getting all the derivatives together at one view, but a learner should be aided to find out words124 TO FIND WORDS IN THE LEXICON. readily so as to save his time and to smooth his way. A different arrangement is, therefore, now commonly adopted:—the rootfe and derivatives are arranged in proper alphabetic order. But the learner must remember that a word must not be sought with prefixed letters;—and thus, if it be a verb, we must reject— The letters which are preformatives of the future, when they are such in the particular case. when prefixed in the species Niphal, Hiphil, Hophal, and Hithpael. Also the 3 as prepositions, whether before nouns, infinitives, or prefixes b other words. 10 The relative W The article H Interrogative H The conjunction 1 The letters inserted in the foimation of a verb, and the terminations of the persons, are of course not to be sought in a lexicon, nor the suffixes, whether of a noun or a verb. In thus reducing a verb to its triliteral root, we may find that when formative letters have been cast away, we have fewer than three left; in that case the verb must be one of the defective or irregular kinds:— It may require initial * J 1 medial or or or „ * or final H or the second radical to be doubled, and in one of these ways we Shall obtain the triliteral root which a lexicon will exhibit. A knowledge of the forms in the table of the verb, will soon enableTO FIND WORDS IN THE LEXICON. 125 a student to determine pretty accurately to which kind of defective verbs the one before him must belong. An initial * is suggested by the lengthened vowel in prefixed forma- tives; and initial 3 (and sometimes *) by the Daghesh in the first of the remaining radicals. The vowels often indicate the forms medial 1 or *; while the general form of the word indicates a final PI; and the form, and the frequently inserted Daghesh, mark verbs "W. Some forms might belong to more than one root; but even in such cases the limits of doubt are but narrow; and it will require but an ex- amination of a few roots, in the lexicon, to see which is the one in question. It must be remembered that the verb ni£ rejects its h, as though it were a verb "JD. A new mode has been proposed of late for the arrangement of Hebrew roots; this is by simply giving them under their permanent letters; so that in all words which might come from different roots, those roots will be found near together at least. But the supposed advantages of this new arrangement are utterly fallacious; for the learner is left without a clue to which of the roots he must refer a doubtful form; while, to obtain this supposed advantage, alphabetic arrangement has been discarded;—many roots have to be thrown into a class by themselves (because they cannot conform to the new arrangement), and the rules for finding the place of a root are far more difficult and complicated than the simple method presented for looking out a verb in the alphabetic lexicons. As nouns stand in an alphabetic lexicon in their entire form (i. e. with the letters added to the root in formation,—if any addition be made) no remark is needed as to how they are to be sought for; reject prefixes, suffixes, and plural terminations, and then look for the word as it remains. But it may be that the learner has a lexicon with the words arranged under roots, and, therefore, a word of direction may be needful with regard to nouns as well as verbs. Reject all servile letters. (Remember, however, that letters of that class may be radical in the word: if rejected, they must be formative126 TO FIND WORDS IN THE LEXICON. serviles,—prefixes, suffixes, or such as are used in forming nouns, parts of verbs, etc.). If three letters remain, you have the root. If less than three, pro- ceed as directed above with regard to defective verbs. The following mnemonic rhymes may be found useful:— The servile letters cast away, And if behind three letters stay, You have the root without delay. But if you have not letters three, The root will then defective be. Perhaps the root you seek is one Which drops initial Yodh or Nun : — A medial Vav or Yodh may show The letters three you want to know:— Perhaps the letter which stands second, To make the three must twice be reckoned: — Or finally, perhaps, you may Require to add a final He. nspn t]iDPARADIGMS.— 1A. THE PERSONAL PRONOUN* p. IS. NOMINATIVE OF THE PRONOUN, OR SEPARATE PRONOUN. 2. <( thou Singular. 1. com.*p3K, in pause*j *?3K; T3t§,in pause I /. ^ ' ' J Vit. nnt< (FIS), in pause nJJljJ /. fiXC^prop. f m. K-1H he. 3. ] [f. N'll she. Plural. 1. com. «m« (on?),-) («8) *' ' ' J ' fm.'Dfitf ") 2. 1 ,v' [ ye. {/. jng, rum J cm. dh, ran r* Ti- 3. ^ I/- !£> n?p. they. ACCUSATIVE OF THE PRONOUN, OR VERBAL SUFFIX. A. Simple Form. *0; *3—; me. i*. •••• tl. TI7. in pause-j 1:7 At) \ lhee- ■q;^-; "n—; ("H—)J j- him. •in, 1; -in-, (n),-j t. i; -in- H; pj—; PI— her. T ' |T T IV •13; -13"; -13— (nos) tis. D,3. D=Tl J (on), D; d—, D-r»' 1D-*; D—, (Q-), ID—* (eos) (ft). t» Ot); ?- («as) jro«. r 3 B. With 3 Epenthetic JfrQfci not found. •in?-, 13-, (b) H3- T IV •13- not found. not found. GENITIVE OF THE PRONOUN, OR NOMINAL SUFFIX (PRON. POSSESSIVE). A. Suff. to Nouns Singular, Tj,T{7-,in pause my. thy. % V' At) J •in, ij -m-, i, (ri) Ms. ; n— her. •13; -1J-; («-) our. 03, M— •) i t=f J 1,0' la t J your. their. B. To Nouns Plural and Dual. I rny. thy. J 1.^ V-l-W-'Ais. IT' |T* I" n*- T IV I" P;- 'IV •• her. your, lO'r * The forms with an asterisk are exclusively poetical, and those in parentheses are of rare occurrence.TABLE B. REGULAR, VERB. p. 30. KAL. NIPHAL. PIEL. PUAL. HIPHIL. HOPHAL. HITHPAEL. Pret. 3. m. > nns* bapi* bnapn * b>ppn* btspnn* 3./. rtaip* it : it maa* it : it n^Dpi* it : n'ptsp* it : »• r6t2p* it ; n^ppn* ntapn» it : ': t n^tspnn* it ; • 2. m. nVop* t : i- t mas# JJr'PPJ* n^iap* rasp* til- \ ntapn* t; i-': • nbppn * jj^pnn* 2./. mna rtep i^ppn i^ppn j?^i3i?i-in 1. c. vnaa ^pp 'fif'pp vtppn Plur. 3. c. •ma •If'tpp? ^ei? •l^ppn •^ppn •ii>i2pnn 2. m. DRi'Bp* &£naa DFl^p: DPI^tSp Q)5^pn antepn iv : -t DnSegnn 2./. 1. c. IRr'Pi? •13^Dp : i- 't l£H3? «1,3? •1:tap? ijD^P •I^PP ijDr •i^pp jnVopn •i^ppn tljVppn jrtepnn •l^tspipn INF. «6soZ. VlDiJ* ^top3, i?bppi * Vtsp* ^bp* ^ppn* constr. !?bp* i ^Pi?* ^ppn* ^>Dpn* r': t ^pp.i^n* Imp. m. ^i?P* nas* i>apn * i>ppi?n* /. ij?pp * £?i?n * wanting '^tspn * PZwr. m. •l'ppp •ma •fe •i^ppn wanting /. ni&top* t : i runaa* n^Dpn* t: r* 't • njr>!3P* nj^ppn * n^Bprin* Fut. 3. m. ^bp»* ^,PK* ^i?!* ^PK* bpp>* Stspn'.* 3./. !?bpn bppiji '"ppJD t>pj?n 2. m. H>pn Stspri ^>ppn bppn 2./. »|?t?pn * napn* i* * . it • 'Jptspn * ^ppn * ^Dpn* r • # T ^tspnn* 1. c. Vl3p« •I1?!??. ^Pi?? ^tspns P/wr. 3. m. -I'ptpj?* •1^2! •if"3p; 6tppri» 3./. ru^bpn* t : i• nr?aan* rutapn* t: i" 't • n^ispjji* n^>tspn* t : r \ : n^PPS ru^opn* t : r ': t nj'jBpnri* 2. m. •^tppn' •i^Bpri ■ibtppjji •i^ppn ■l'pDpn •liptspnn 2./. naVtipn t : i 1: • nman t :i- : • na^tapn t: i"»t • n^tspn t : !••: fl^Dpjp n^ppn ruStspn t : r ': t nj^tspnn t : i" i- ; • 1. c. n,3D3 !?LSpJ ^PP? ^13p3 i:- I?t3p3 r ':t ^50? Fut. apoc. !?t?pi* Part. H?P* W>* it':* ^5»* btSpD* it \: V>t3pD* ^DpD* ^j§2np* pass. fetpg* C. REGULAR VERB WITH SUFFIXES. VP- 50—53. Suffixes for 1 Sing. 2 Sing. m. 2 Sing./. 3 Sing. m. 3 Sing.f. 1 Plur. 2 Plur. m. 2 Plur. /. 3 Plur. m. 3 Plur.f. Pret. , t, t,dp -injpDp 1 ^ ^ D^Dp gtap D^tjp tep Kal. 3. m. >Snrh i,tt': fttDj? [ ,T 1 3./. ^DP in^Dp •qnStop nr6np qj$po gipfop artel? tojw? r T I; J 2. m, 1^} - - lis} ^ 2./. W^Dp — — '1n^l? 1 rvrtap Wptap — — D^'pcp TFl^Dp VWDipJ ' • 1.e. — Tjifep ^rtep v$>Dp n*n^p — M'Fi^Dp js^ap D'ri^Dp t\n^p Plur. 3. c. ^•tep ^tpp ij-ibop •lmi'Dp ni'ppp «tep D>tep ta-i^pp otep |-itap 2. m. y-w^op — — -inin^Dp nin^p -iMn^pp — — dib^dp i-w^np *l«^ap 'sj-i^Dp -in-ij^p m^np — Dao'pnp !>i^ap D-ip^Dp j-i^Dp I.e. — Inf. Kal. to? 1 '* 1 ^P ^PJ ' ntap it :'t "' q?^p J Imp. Kal. »&?? — — -irtep i" :'T a^Dp J it :'t / - qj??? - Fut. Kal. 3. m. 3. m. with Nun epenlhet. Plur. 3. m. »3-lVtDp* • » : • ^.?P! -i^tpp? ^opj - -i-tap; ^t?p; •=i6t?p; -intep; #P-1 ^t?P!j natap* tiv : n-i^p: «Vl3p» DD^Dpi ,.. ; i. . |V ; T • •isStppj — wteip; DD-i^cp; t^np; Dj>t?p? tjp.tpp; |2&t2j5> D-tep* l^DpJ Pret. Piel. ^®P •#!? 'tep •l^>t3p ortep it : iv : v »• I^ep D^tjip £®P I.e. —D. Verb PE Guttural, p• 37- E. Verb AYIN Guttubal. p. 38. kal. niphal. hiphil. hophal. kal. niphal. piel. pual. hithpael. pret.3. m. * Tpyn* iDyn* i- t;it toriw l-t ttnpg V2* TO* f ^nann* 3. /. rnpjn * n^pyn n^PVp* nttn&y* it -:it niDn^ * it • h313 it ;i'« nana it : i nrronn it :it : • 2. m. t :i- t n~iD3?3 t :i-"v:iv m^yn t : r >;it t : r t mn&i t : r : • fd13 t : nm'a t : i- 2. /• rnpy nnpyn jpipv.p ritpp^ npne'j ji9p3 1. c. wpil wpyn vnoyn • :i-t:it *]jt?pb> vipneo 'np pa p/wr. 3. c. m mi •lYpyn •ndjm i : tit •money* i _:it •itpnb'j * •1313 i :f •13-13 onjnnn 2. m. dgnpyn Dninyn iv : - t:it dnpne* dflonb'j dfiana dnpngnn 2. /. |r"!dy * jj3152.3 ©TO tjjpd?' jfipne'j ®?d,3 jrid-ia tgrnann 1. c. •ttip?;p "tfipf? wapa •1j3p3 «?nann Inf. constr. nbj>« i * t»s.n* nnyn r t;it dhe> i : tsnB'n VI* ^.3* TO^^1* Inf. absol. 1 t * *w?ep* 1 t Dinfj ^11* Imp. m. ' ^ nby* ptn* idvh l-ti" * Wfip * dnb>* tjn{?n 1" t • VI* TO^1^* /• Plur. m. ney >j??n •npy -liptn •vioyn i : it" *t£2p •iTpyp wanting »t2ne>* i* -:r •ipni^ nsn^n* r ~:it • •icn^n i *":it • ♦313 * r :it •id-a •wanting ^nsrin-— ifapri A nnbJ>* n3prn*njip5?n njippn nt3t?p f n3!2pe>n h3313 t : i- t m?pann Fut. 3. m. *ibj£* fjjiv* TW* i"~\" i* -:i- nojn* r t:it ton^* r : • dp "ijnb;* TO^.* 3. /. ■tbyn j^mn r c:r "i»yn i- ?:it tdp^jjj dp^n to1? tow 2. m. ibjnj f>rnri ^psp npsm ton^n i~ : • dpfn VW tjphjji tow 2. /. np5?ri* »j?Tnri* ndot r : fr •• *tps5 ♦nojm* i* : t it TO* nonjf>n* ^13p1 i* :it ; »3ibn i' : i : 1. c. *ipyx 1*P2*S "ipyx mm dries'k 1" t v VI* •qpbx TO^1? Plur. 3. m. -li?!.®* wpjm •ndjj* 1 : *rit •itpn^> •ipng" i :it : -irnh* onan* i :it : • 3. /. nnbpn n^rnn nyioyn t :rxi" njipjm njipyn n^n^n t : i- : • njpn^pi mmnn t : r t : njDnbip n^nann t : i-t : • 2. m. •npyn -iptnn noun i :1t" •iTpyn viejm i : ^ it •iDne>n •iDng'n •iDinn i :it : •1313J? ■i3-i3nn 1 jit j • 2. /. rn-ibjm njpmn rn-ipjjn njnpyn n^Dyn t rr^it njDne>n t : i- : • n3DnB>n t ; i-t • nappbjp ii3Di3nn t : i-t ; • 1. c. ntoga fjtnj r* xr* n^pga noyj |- t:it bp?*} priBb TO? vm Fut. apoc. t&k,! . Fut. with Suff. •irjtjn^ Part. act. 10 * vpjjp* nayo* it f;it ttnfc> i" Dntj'j it j * w?«?* pass. "iiny tane* F. Vebb LAMEDH Guttural. p• 39- KA.L. NIPHAL. PIEL. PUAL. HIPHIL. HOPHAL. HITHPAEL. Pret. 3. m. 3. /. 2. m. 2. /. 1. c. Plur. 3. c. 2. m. 2. /. 1. c. rhw nrb& it : it nr6tj> t : r t nrbw* : " i- t • : i- T •inbt? I : it Dnn!?E> it : : • Pin1? co nnjptjo* inbeg DPin^i n^e>* nrb& it : • wW •inW nnnW nW nrbw it: % nnW jjiqW* wnW •inW DFinW •urfee> •iin^E>3 nWne'n* nr6m>n it : - : • nnWn T :r - ; • nnj?riE>n* •lnWn i : - : • DnnWn «nW -un^n -un^n •un^nK'n rr^n * nrvfen t i*: • rin^n » •in^rt Dnn^n rte'n i- : T nrten IT : ; T nnbc'n T : i- : T pinWn« •m^n i : : T Dnrke'n Inf. constr. Inf. absol. rbw* - i : nV?e>* rb&n* r t • rifej* nk>* i— rh&* ir)e>n * r6e>n* n^n nWn* Imp. m. f. Plur. m. /• r£>E>* *ri • r : • nrh& i : • mnW* t :r : r£e>n* i : it • mnWn rbw* •mW i : - nanW* wanting n^n* ■irv^n runWn wanting *n|wn •ln^mn Fut. 3 ./to. 3. /. 2. m. 2. /. 1. c. Plur. 3. to. 3. /. 2. TO. 2. /. 1. c. rbv\* r6e>n n"?K>n i- : • i- : v •in'pE" is:* mrfen * t ;r • • njnStpn rbvh rb&i* r T • nfen I- T • Tfem I* : it • r6ts>« r t v i : it • run t :i- T • •ir6e>n i : it • n3r6e>pi t : r t • rbm I" T nW|* rbpy nWg •wW* i : ~ : njnW>n* t :i— : rnnWn rbm n^j nWjji nWri iinW? runWn inWn runW'Fi t : r •.. : rf?&3 D^l* rrtan n^n w'pE'ri •in^K» •m^n rpi?e>3 r6e» i" : t r6E>fi i- : T r : : t rbwH i- : T i : : T ronton t : r : t snton ronton t : i- : T rbtf) * n^npFi nW-Ti ^nipri n^ne^ •in^wj ronW?E>n* •m;wn i : - : • runWn Fut. apoc. Fut. with Suff. Part. act. pass. nSy* mfe* n!?E>3 nWa" n^D n"?e» nh&v* rbwK> n^ro< G. VERB PE NUN (!"*). p. 40. KAL. NIPHAL. HIPHIL. HOPHAL. Pret. 3. m. it mi* B^SJ* mn* 3./. n^aa it i • n^an t i* • ntyan it : \ 2. m. nejjj r^an t ; i- • fi^an t ; r \ 2./. ne'aj Win wan : ; r \ 1. c. regular Wi3 wan untfan • s 1" \ Plur. 3. c. WJ3 i : • ie»3n •i^an i : \ 2. 771. d mn origin origan 2./. ]Win 1. c. •maa •wan •wan Inf. constr. ,..T »_ t^an* i* ~ &>an* i- \ Inf. absol. 55^15 it tyaan 1 t • ^an * Imp. m. fc>a* i- Bjl|3 f. n^aan i* :it • n0*an . - wanting Plur. m, nston i :it • •lefcan A n^a na^aan nj£>an Fut. 3. m. tw* i- • rnv l"t • ^,1!* l-s 3./. K'Jfl 1- * e>4an i* vm r \ 2. m. B>an mn i- \ 2./. WF1 • r - 4e>an r : \ 1. c. regular i* - mx i~ Plur. 3. m. i : * wfrv i*~ wv i 3./. r\wm t : r • na^'an t : i" - natfan r: i- \ 2. m. •i£>an i : • •i£»an •iti>an ( : \ 2./. • na^an t : r • na^an t : i" - na^an I. c. ^1? mi Fut. apoc. &$!* Part. oc£. Bjji b>aa* it • ^3D* r - b>3d* it x pass. 1 t  H. Verb AYIN DOUBLED (]>"*>). />. 41. kal. niphal. hiphil. hophal. poel. poal. pret. 3. m. no* nw* i- t non* i*# •• no-in* i- nn'iD* 22)0* i- 3./. H2D* t i" nuDi* tl-t nnon * t |" •• nno-in * t |- nnnio it ; i nnnio it : i 2. m. ntap* rnnoj * t i - : riiapo * nisD-in * t 1 ~ 1 mnio t : r n331D t : r 2./. nuD i - ninoi niapn rrinp-in rnniD 1. c. >ntep *ni3M 'niapn ^rrinDin • i - i ^mio >nnito Plur. 3. c. teD i- •12D3 |-t •i3pn •mo-in i- •unto i : i •into i : i 2. m. nnino oniapn Drfinp-'in Dronip DMlip 2./. jniap jniscg jniapn jninpin )n??iD ®?3^9 1. c. •U'IBD i - •Ui3D3 •niapn mp-in •1333'lD •i^nniD Inf. constr. nb* i 3Dn * 3on* r* t Inf. absol. ninp 3ipn * non i" t np-in* 33*10 i" rn'io Imp. m. nb* i 3Dn* r • non* ,.. t nnio i" /. Plur. m. >nb* • i •mb vsBn* . r. *3Dn 1" • ^3Dn * .t . WDn r. T wanting ^nnio i* : i •inniD i : i wanting /. nr.?p * n^npn * nj\|pn * n3331D t : i" fut. 3. m. nb^* 1 t nb>* i • apt* no** i" t (n&!) npv * (3p'J 3aiD; nn'iD^ r : 3./. nbn 1 t nbn i • npn 3Dfi i" t i~ 331DFI im : 33bjp 2. m. nbn l t nbn i • npri 3Dn i" t 3D-1F) niton 331Dn 2./. *3bn * • 1 t <3Dn r : • • i~ • >non* • |«« T 13D-1F1 * • r \13to9 »33iDPl i* : i : 1. c. 3DK 1 t nbK 1 v nDK r v DDK i" t 3D-1K l~ nitoK nniDK r . Plur. 3. m. teb* 1 t •13D' i**t •13D-V r •mio* i : i : •133b' i : i : 3./. n^aon * njnbn t iv \ : t : i • rwzm* t iv - • rwnon * t iv • ; rwsD-in * t iv " 1 runnton t : i" s rmniofi T : i~ : 2. m. . tebn 1 T •inpfi i- • •ttDfi 1" t top-in •I33ipn •nniDn i : i : 2./. rwnDfi mnbn t iv v : t : i • rwnDn t iv - * n^non t iv • : rwDD-ia t iv - 1 n333iDD T ;r j njnnbn 1. c. nbi 1 t nbj r • DD3 |..T nDtt r 33*103 i" : rniD} Fut. Fay cora\ 30*1 * t it- DDM* v it- Fut. with Suf. (Q??PP \mid> • i" : i : Part. act. nnio it t ddd* .. 3D-1D * it iitop DiiDD it ; pass. n-no  I. Verb PE ALEPH (tf©> p. 43. kal. NIPHAL. hiphil. hophal. Pret. 3. m. r t i- v:iv i* v:iv bptsn* 3. /. 2. m. 2. /. i. c. Plur. 3. c. Like the Verb Pe guttural, in Paradigm c. 2. 7W. 2. /. 1. c. Inf. constr. vDK* taxn bsn r t:it iNF. atol. 1 T Imp. m. /• Piwr. m. i v: ,.. Tl.» etc. etc. wanting /• nj^bK t : i Fut. 3. m. 3. /. kjK'n ^3iP» r -;r r t:jt 2. m. bKFl 2. /. ETC. etc. etc. 1. c. Plur. 3. w. CO n:"?pt 1- t 3*p*n * 3. /. na^to it : i nswn t r na^-in it : i na^n t r •• 2. m. t : r nn^in t ; mmn naD'n t : r •• 2. /. ro^b • nae>in 1. c. regular ♦naehn regular Plur. 3. c. •la^in •n^-in i : i •n^n ,. .. 2. m. Dnns^b anat?in dragon DFiat2»n iv : - i" 2. /: tR3B>in 10?^'7 1. c. •U3gnj •uat^n : r •ua^-in • r •ijats*n : r •• Inf. constr. TUB* i : n* t • win* r a^-in* 3b* i : 3*D*n * ,. .. Inf. aftsoZ. 1 t a^n, 3K>in* 3to> 1 T Imp. m. ghi* imn* ,.. T. 3&nn* r* ao» i- : an»n* ,.. .. /. PZwr. m. r : i : i* :• rah* i :• r ; it • •w;in *3*enn • r •lawn I* wanting lata* i : • wn . ,. .. wn |. .. /. n3n^ t :i## njtsh* t : r: PI33E'm T : |#* T • rtta^in T :i" n33B* t : r : H33^n FUT. 3. wi. a&?* * 3B>-V* t• a*w *• i* aw * ap*** 3V-* 3. /. 3g>n r • ntshn ,.. x. 3^'w a^'-in r at^n r • awn r " 2. m. .. wyn n^n ,.. T. nyin a^-un 3^n r • a^-ri 2. /. r : f >a^-in • r •»a^n i* : i *3DVI i* : r 1. c. 3g>K i~ • zrnx * a^-iK r 3LM« i- • awN i* - Plur. 3. m. i : r* *G3h» i : r •law i : it* •in'w r jja^.i> i : i •laa* i : i* ,. .. 3. /. rme>n niacin t : r* t • ruagnn nja^n fU3B*m t : r • t :i" •• 2. m. •UOTI ■iK»Tn i : i* •la^-in i : it • •lawn r •lapin Jia^^n 2. /. mnK>n T ; |- •• t : i- • t :r* t • r ; r* nja^-m rmtwi t ; j- • 1. c. .. wy) ,.. x. a^-13 at^i r • ,. .. FUT. «poc. 3t3M* FUT. Faw cora\ ntfji * 3g^l* 3^?!, Part. act. pass. 3£" f i ▼ aeni*- it 2WD* a^-iD* it 3D* i" 3-ID; a^nD 1 • '• 11 m. verb ayin vav (W). p. 46. 1 n. ayin yod (*"*>). P- 47. KAL. NIPHAL. HIPHIL. HOPHAL. PILEL. pulal. KAL. NIPHAL. Pret. 3. m. Dp* 'tr ^i?j * * Dipjin* d Dip* Dpip ?i* r?* 3. /. n?i?t* npiipi *• np^d * npp-in * nppipf nppiip ma * rwa * t it t c n:in: t 1 t 2. m. npip_* nto-ipj * ntopn* fiPi>in* rippip fippip ma* nira* nimn: t i : 2. /• wi?. nto-ipj riip^n fippjin jjppip rippip ma riu'a : ; i~ i • ni>in: l ; 1. c. ijyto-ip) ovi?q ^djrin ♦nppip »nppip »n;a *nb'a ♦rtona • • : Plur. 3. c. toijpj •ippin •ippii? •1991,7 •133 w3 it i* 1 t 2. m. drtojo dnid^n &£pi>i'7 nnppiip draa oni^a dn'13-133 2. /. ig!92 jn'id^n jnpi>in jnppiip jnppij? jwa )nu»3 |ni3-133 1. c. •^pi?_ •uto-ipj •upj>in •uppip •uppip •133 43*13*3 r t • •13'13'133 i ; Inf. constr. d*jp* Dijpn * d^n * d|>m * fip'v ddid 1- 1 ra* iisn Inf. absol. Dip* Dijpn * dpn, d^n* fian Imp. m. d-1,?* Dijpn * d?sj* cpip rp m f. 1 Plur, m. *d-1jp * •id-id r| nrijpn* •idipn n^pn * • v t •id^n wanting ^ppij? •ippij? wanting wa as DIpH •i • /• ropjp* nje]pn njoijn njpp'ip — Fut. 3. m. d-lpv* •l t cdiipi * d*gj* di>v* BP'IP: r?r t*. 3. /. &ii?n Dijpn di>in dpipjji DpipJji t'?1? as d'ljp* 2. m. di>in dpipj? Dp'ipri ! I'?* 2. /• ♦o-ijw * nrijpij* *pp-in *3*3fl • i* t 1. c. rijpk Dj>1tf dpipk dpi ps r?¥ PJwr. 3. m. •idipl •W, •ippijp* •ippij^ •13*3' r t 3. /. nrd-ipiji roppipfl rnppipn nrrari* 2. m. •id-iipn •idipn •id^ri •ipp-in •ippii^ •ippipjp •isnn 2. /. n^p-ipn njDjpn nJ9?5 hjjpipjin ruppipfl njppipn 1. c. d-1d3 Diipi D^? DjpjlJ Dbipa &p^P? 'V?? Fut. apoc. Dp1* * i,..t 1,31* Fut. with 1 conv. Dp*1, Dp^l * 'tit-' 'i t- TStl* Fut. with Suff. ^D-lp^. * ■0.t 31* Part, act, dp* '|t dipj* d^d* Dp-id* •it apip» DpipD tr pass. d-ip * . ... }13* '  0. verb lamedh aleph («6). p. 47- kal. niphal. piel. pual. hiphil. hophal. hithpael. pret. 3. m. it t it : • n-vd i- • SttfD * it % *oypn aspn * njspi}1? co it : it piksd it : \ nwjfpn n^ron it : : \ rikwdnn it : - : • 2. m. nxvD* t it t na vpj * jpasp* mvn* nran* n«spijn * 2. /. mm it t nKroa n^d n&tjfpn nkjfpn nkjfpjjn 1. c. it t '•rikvdn • r* : • *n«jfpn ^nx-jfenn Plur. 3. c. •1k¥d i : it •IKtfD •1ksd • : *% wjppn •i^vpn w-vp^n 2. m. nmm »v t : DnKtfD DriK-vd iv •• \ dnxvpn DnKVon djjk-spnn to 1£>k?p ijjk-xp id^s? jrjkvpn trik^dn jnxspnn 1. c. ■13kxd it t ttkjjpj ,... UKSD •u«spn OKSDP1 r* : \ tinspnn inf. constr. k-vd it \ wypn kvdh it : •.. % «?fp0n inf. absol. 1 t kvdj fii-vo 1 - mvpn imp. m. it : kjf?1? n£pd f. 7¥p TV® wanting ^795 ^k-vpnn Plur. m. •1K¥D i : j________ ___ 1; |t • *K*D wvon wanting w-vonn f. njKVD* * n3k-j»* njnvpn* nj^pj^n * fut. 3. m. it ; • * fcttfld* it \: ^7p1 kvpj co kj??1? k$?e* • M it *..: ^7?9 KTOJJ 2. m. KVDn it ; • Kjfsn ' ntfpn NSDPI |t \ : k^pg it : % 2. /. ^visn i* : it • *k¥»n WJMpfi »ssDn ^•vpnn 1. c. KVDK K-VDK it \ -: it : \ Plur. 3. m. w vp! •iktfp* •IX-SD; •^7p! 1 : : \ •i^-vpn! co njxvpn* njKVBn* imtfOT * rmgDj-i* njNvpn * njNjpij * nj^pnri* 2. m. •1XOT •1k-?pfi W-YDFI wypn mpfi •1^-VPnn 2. / n3«v»n t iv : • naKVsm t iv t • njaypn njX;VDn njK^pri nj^ypn njK-vpnn I. c. it : • KSBJ K;39J K-XDJ it *••: it : \ Fut. apoc. k,3fpl ! Fut. with Suff. • r* t : • *?,$•¥&! Part. act. KVIM it : • KjSSP fcMtoD it s: WJflDO KV&D «-VDnD ,.. -.. pass. P. Verb LAMEDH HE (n«V). p. 48. KAL. NIPHAL. PIEL. PUAL. HIPHIL. HOPHAL. HITHPAEL. Pret.3. m. r&l* * nh* nh* rfan* n)j!?n* 3- /• nn^a * nn^s* nrta* nn^n * nn^n» nn^nn * 2. m. n 'hi* n^aa * n4|* n4a* n^jn* n^jn* rviann* tit > > ti"s t i- ; • t i": t t i" - : • 2. /• fv?| nj?M n'?| n^a rvSan iv^an rv>>ann it i . * i« • i-; . i** i t i"- : • 1. c. w?| w?aa w?l w^an wban W;>ann i t ' • 1 '** • i": t piur. 3. c. -171 * -ipa? -ip| -i>>a •I'pjn tan tann 1 t i : i • i \ i : • | ; t i - : • 2. m. D07| Drp?a Dn^a Dn^an Dir^an Dn^ann i. ; iv :• iv * • iv y\ iv : • iv •• : t iv •• - : • 2- f- »0?| ijrvpa jivja jn^n jrv^n jn^aon i. c. la^a -la^a -u^a -la^an -la^an w^ann inf. comir. nbi* rtan* rr&a* rv&a * niban* ni"?an* n'tann*' I : IT* I - | •.. | ; - | ; T , - ; . Inf. absol. fi?a * florin* it i : i - i \ r*: - i": t i - : * Imp. m. r£a* rfan* r$a* rtan* n'pann * /. ^>a* ^>an* *>>a* <.• ^an* ^ann J /: i t * /- wanting /f - wanting /-V * piur7m7 ~/6i -fen m mn ~ ~ < i : it* i- i : - i-:* /. na^a * na^an* na^a * na^an* na^ann* " t iv: t iv t • t iv - t iv : - t iv - : • fot. 3. m. rta* * r&r.» rta* * rfaii* r6a; » nj>aiv* 3. /. r6an r6an n^aiji nj>an rfan n^an rtann 2. m. rfan r6an rtajji r^ari rfan rtan n^ann 2. /. tan * tan * tan * tan * tan* tan* tann* 1. c. rtax rtax rtax itatf nSax rtatf n^atix Plur. 3. m. ta> 6a' -isa' ^a' 6an» i : • IT* i - : i \; i j- i :T i - : • 3. /. na^an* na^an* na^an» na^an * na^an * na^an * na^ann * t iv : * t iv t * t iv - ; t iv \: t iv : - t iv : t t iv - : * 2. m. •l'pan -tan -iVan 6an 6jn 6an 6ann i : * it* i -i •..: i ; - i : t i - : * 2. /. na^an na^an na^an na^an na^an na^an na^ann t iv : * t iv t * t iv - : t iv •..: t iv : - t iv : t t iv - : * i- c. r6aa n^aa n^aa ri^aa n.^aa nVw n^ana fut. apoc. bv* ^a"* * San** r Vl. |T . . . Fut. with Suff. Part. act. H^a * n^aa* n^an» n^aa* nbao* nSan* n^an»* iv iv : * rv - : iv : iv : - iv : t iv - : * pass. ^1*pa *DECLENSION OF MASCULINE NOUNS. P- 69. I. II. III. IV. V. a. b. a. b. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. Sing*. a&soJ. D-1D "1135 DI it D^>iy it Ill it t 33^ it" Dsn it t w Tr" IW IP? ivn r* t (horse) (hero) (blood) (eternity) (overseer) (in- terpreter) (remem- brance) (word) (heart) (wise) (hair) (old) (shoulder) (court) constr. D-1D -1133 D^>iV r>» PT?t Dpn Tgjp 1PJ Wl light suff. TOD i* ni33 *D1 i* t 'pViy 7'BS »V'So V'1"1?? mi r t : njjb ?RT grave suff. D3D-1D iv : i 031133 iv : i • DDP"? D3I&J> D3?£t? cgl?1? D3?3V 0,3955 D,?W D,9?K Dsnxn iv : —: Plur. absol. CD-ID Dnisa D*J?1 D»pSty D*i*j?a D'S'Sp Dm? D'33^ D^DDn D^agy 0*3X0 constr. 'D-1D 1" n)3| VI 'Ps'W 73*? '33^ n^n nyjp Si?! 7.yn light suff. 'D-ID l- nisa i- W |- t r t *1 yViat i- : * mi rt • n»n r t nyb r t : *psn grave suff. D3n'l33 iv •• 1 • D3»D^y iv •• : \ D3^D DD^rar iv •• i; * DDn^i D3»33V DD^ipr DDn.VD Dual absol. DW D^ntei Djyn^ D$q Dpi^. (two days) (two myriads) (hands) (pair of tongs) (two weeks) (wings) (hips) (loins) (heels) constr. 7.! *8j® \$Q VI. b. Sing. absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. Plur. absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. Dual absol. constr. (king) 03^>!D i* T ; D^'n (feet) "up v 'iv (grave) ISD v' iv nnp w DJSia (knees) *313 "IBD BHjp (book) (sanctuary) ^j? lap 799 DDl£p nnao r t ; n?D nsD i-t : nansD TR »ehp i" t't; Mini} nym (hips) WD d. e. u??. n*a (a youth) (perpetuity) -v> nj>j. w qanjn (shoes) &?- nxj ♦py? Djnvj D»nM i* T : w i- t : D3*nS3 h?S (work) ^3 D3^a iv : "t it D^JJS £ys D3^a onirs (noon) g- niD vit (death) r»D i Tl'lD f ddjyid iv : i D^ni» ^pto DD^nto h. rv? •r (olive) nn wr .. dsitt n-nn wr wr ddwt Djyg (eyes) OT k. 7? (fruit) •na f: »na i* : • D,?ni Dv?v (gazelles) D"l$ (cheeks) •6n ^n i* t; «^>n r: t DD^n D"Sn i-t t; D3«!?nSing, absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. Plur. absol. constr. light suff. gravesuff. Dual absol. constr. Sing, absol. constr. light suff. VII. Declension or Masculine Nouns—continued. VIII. IX. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. e. f. a. b. (name) Dfc? njfc (enemy) ngtrp (altar) nSTD D* it (sea) DJSt ^mother) DK r* pn (statute) TO ni (much) m i- "ID (garments) np (Levite) mn (seer) nm rnb (fieid) *p?tp *$1 'ijin i* - v'n 1" t DDpb DDnsrp &?P1 D,??S D3|?n nosn q^p Djm J11D& t •* OWN r : \ ninarp Dnp* n Sm C3^p onh r onb r t rripb i": i ninarp n\m i • 'pn ^in ?.p : i ♦ptaafp *ni m 'r\ no r • *rh r Dyn)m D'itND •r: i (balances) D^rfratp (hands) DDTOBK IV •* 1 • (teeth) i" • D3*pn iv \ iv •• • DDnh IV •• 1 Sing, absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. Plur. absol. constr. light suff. gravesuff. Dual absol. constr. VII. Declension or Masculine Nouns—continued. VIII. IX. A. A. nS-ina it ; (virgin) rtan? 'rfona B. DECLENSION OF FEMININE NOUNS, v- 73. C. D. grave suff. Mn^-ina niVin? n'tan? 'nib-ina Plur. absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. M'nib-ina Dual absol. (two cubits) constr. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. *— ■ ■ a. b. c. ngjy rite's? IT : • nain nam it : t TO n^lPP nil? n5,J?? (year) (sleep) (righteous- ness) (queen) (garment) (reproach) (waste) (maid) (inclosure) (mistress) (wife) (coat) JW rob riivn* m^p rf?w nsin rcrjn npjn nnapp nnn5 ribK ^npnv *p?in ^.DP vwna i* : t DDlJjTlV D30?^1? D3ntee> DDnann &5TO5y □Drnapp WPI n'm nip^D nite'f nbnn nny? rfnapp nuns n'w nub ni^iv nto^p niW rrimn i : t nn|pp ntana i : t *pup *rnpn? »nb^D >pite'E> »niain ^ninnn -ph|pp D3*0W D;nab> (lips) (corners) *pip*i? q^nb^p Q!P?TI (sides) Da'Tiitee* (double* embroidery) M'piann nawa-in tD*nhaD» iv •• i: : • (slothMness) n*n^vP (cymbals) Dwm (double ffetters) B. DECLENSION OF FEMININE NOUNS, v- 73. C. D. grave suff. Mn^-ina niVin? n'tan? 'nib-ina Plur. absol. constr. light suff. grave suff. M'nib-ina Dual absol. (two cubits) constr.HEBREW READING LESSONS: CONSISTING 01? THE FIRST POUR CHAPTERS OP THE BOOK OP GENESIS, AND THE EIGHTH CHAPTER OP THE PROYERBS. ■WITH A GRAMMATICAL PRAXIS, AND AN INTERLINEARY TRANSLATION. BY S. P, TREGELLES, LL.D. Malta; terricolis linguee, ccelestibus una. SAMUEL LONDON: BAGSTER AND 13, PATERNOSTER ROW. SONS,■i.INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. The following Grammatical Analysis and interlineary Version have been prepared with the object of aiding beginners in the study of the Hebrew language. The first Four Chapters of Genesis have been selected as containing specimens of almost every simple form of construction, as well as a very large number of words:—to these, the Eighth of Proverbs has been added, as a specimen of one of the Poetical books. The Serviles added to the root, as well as all Pre- fixes and Suffixes of each word, are printed in hollow letters; and all letters which have been dropped from the root, are placed above the line. Beneath each Hebrew word the corresponding English is given literally. Whatever in the Hebrew Text cannot be rendered into English (such as the particle HK marking the object), is represented by the sign )(. Words neces- 1*ii INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. sarily added to complete the English form of expression, are printed in italic. Words expressed in Hebrew, but which are redundant in English, are inclosed within brackets [ ]. The article when expressed or implied in Hebrew is distinguished by small capital letters. The Grammatical Praxis is connected with the Text by a reference letter prefixed to each word. The aim in the construction of this analysis has been to give the learner sufficient information about every word;—all the circumstances of each word (i. e. its prefixes, suffixes, &c.) being fully described on its first occurrence. Where the same word occurs again, it has been deemed suf- ficient to note more briefly its peculiarities and to refer to the chapter, verse, and letter, where it has been before explained. Proper names have been left without being referred to any root. The pronunciation of the Hebrew words has been given to aid in the acquirement of what is so indispen- sable to success—fluency of reading the language. The Vowel sounds employed are those of the Italian, and some other continental languages, viz.: ^ •— ™ ~ to this especial attention should be given. The Con- sonants employed to indicate the pronunciation have the same power as in English. The letter K having as a consonant no representative in English, is not noticed in the pronunciation; V is, however, always indicated, because, in the opinion of some, it possesses a guttural sound.1NTU0DUCTOJRY NOTICE. ill In spelling it is impossible to attach too much im- portance to the division of the Hebrew syllables. The following memoranda will be found of some assistance to the student. 1. In Hebrew every syllable must commence with a consonant:—the only seeming exception is when a word begins with N, V, or 1, pointed thus, -1. 2. Every syllable must be closed either, 1st. By a consonantor, 2nd. By a long vowel:— the only exception is when a syllable is ended by a short vowel with an accent. A long vowel does not take the following consonant unless it have an accent, or unless the consonant be doubled by a dagesh. 3. The compound sh'vas (or imperfect vowels) (_;), (t;), never can be the vowel of a syllable; they simply enable the guttural letter under which they stand to be more easily enunciated. 4. Furtive pathach also never forms a syllable; in accordance with the rule which requires that ever} syllable must commence with a consonant. 5. Simple sh'va where vocal is to be pronounced like e in below, only rather more lightly. After a few hours have been spent in learning to enunciate distinctly, the student may acquire the flexion of the regular verb,—after this, the common prefixes and suffixes, and then the irregular verbs. It is well for the student to bear in mind that however formida-IV INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. ble the Hebrew verbs may appear in a table, yet the terminations or prefixes in all the seven species (whether the verb be regular, irregular, or defective) are the same; so that the exercise of memory is confined to acquiring twenty-eight words (the verb in Kal), no very hard half an hour's work,—and then all else may be made an exercise, not of the memory, but of the understanding. The learner will have acquired a tolerable stock of words, when he really knows the translation and Praxis here given: he will then do well to pay considerable attention to a good Hebrew grammar;—not overlooking the accents, both as to their powers and consecution;— for although but a slight knowledge of grammar will enable him to read Hebrew, yet the more accurate is his knowledge of grammar, the more will he appreciate the exactitude of the Hebrew language, and be thus fully repaid for the labour bestowed in acquiring a knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures in their original language. References have not been made in the Praxis to any Hebrew Grammar, but concise rules have been supplied as required—almost continually in the first chapter (where all changes of points, the excluded article,, &c. are fully explained) and more sparingly afterwards, when the learner might be supposed to have acquired some familiarity with the particulars which have been so often repeated. No Hebrew Grammar is altogether equal for theintroductory notice. t purposes of the learner to that by the late Prof. Gesenitjs : the much improved last edition of which, having been edited since his death by Rodiger, has been put forth by the Publishers of this Work. This aid to beginners in Hebrew originated in a plan of teaching which the author had used. It was com- menced many years ago, and circumstances led to its resumption and publication. It contains in fact lessons, which having been often gone through with pupils orally, are here given on paper for the use of learners. It is scarcely needful to dwell on the usefulness of introductory books to Hebrew students;—books in which explanations are given as required; so as to ground the learner in the rules and their exemplifica- tions, and thus to lead as far as may be into a thorough acquaintance with the language, and that gradually; and if possible, to induce habits of careful investigation of every word met with in reading, both as to its own value, and also as to its connection and bearing upon the rest of the sentence. This elementary book was compiled with these ob- jects ; and it may be confidently stated that it contains the results actually arrived at in practically teaching the language, not merely to adults but also to children, meeting the difficulties and answering the questions which from time to time have been felt by learners. It may also be stated that the mode of learning exhibited in this little book, has been attended withVI INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. satisfactory practical success in oral instruction; a great part of the advantage of which will, it is believed, be conveyed by these Reading Lessons even to those who are studying the language without the aid of an in- structor. It may also be suggested that teachers themselves might find such an elementary book as this a means of lightening their labours, and promoting the progress of their pupils. S. P. T. ris-m aft** t M " J v; j- : • * I'r.ov. 30.5. : la ty~r6 a-in pro i j- r •ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR.ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. THE ALPHABET. Hebrew. Name. Fewer. Rabbinic. Sama- ritan. No. K Aleph » P N- 1 3 JV5 Beth b&v 3 3 2 J Gimel S a 3 1 Daleth v it d 7 ? 4 n KH He iv h 0 5 i 11 Vav it V ) 6 T Zain z I 7 n n^n Cheth kh P 8 & JVB Teth t D 9 i n'r Yod y ' nr 10 ? "I Caph k a 20 I'd? Lamed v it I i Z 30 23 D Dp Mem m P D 40 J | )-13 Nun n 3 i 50 D "SJDD Samech 8 p * CO V Ayin a r> V 70 3S] H3 Pe p, ph ?q 3 80 x Y Tzadde r# t tz i r 90 I p sjiD Koph k P V 100 -) C^n Resh 1" r n °v 200 Shin sScsh D 300 * If! Tav it t, th | P i A 400 THE ALPHABET.ELEMENTS OF HEBKE W GRAMMAS. ix THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF THE LETTERS. The intermediate numbers, from 10 to 20, from 20 to 30, 8tc., are expressed by adding to (*) Yod, (D) Caph, &c., the letters which represent the desired unit, e.g. 50 11, fcO 21, Ith 31, &c., except in the case of 15, which, instead of being n* in regular form, is represented by ID or 9 8c 6 = 15, because the use of the first two letters of HOT (Jehovah) is esteemed by the Jews irre- verent. The Hebrew letters preserve their own numerical value, whether placed in the order of numeration, or irregularly, thus— IlDp or 3pD or p32 equally represent 122 ; p is 100 wherever placed, 2 is likewise equal to 2, and D stands for 20, without regard to relative position. The current year would therefore be represented by nftfinS, & 1000 HH 400 twice ft 40 n 8. DAGESH. The six consonants fi & D T 2, pronounced technically alto- gether Begadkephat, have a twofold pronunciation. When they are found without the central point, called Dagesh, they are pro- nounced respectively 2 v, 3 gh, I dht (strictly, but conventionally g and d, for the exact force of these two letters is unknown,) D the guttural German ch, Q ph, D th. When dagesh is inserted thus n 3 3 3 3, their pronunciation is exactly that of t, p, A', d, g, in go, and b, in English. DIVISION OF LETTERS. The Hebrew alphabet is also divided according to the, organs of speech used in uttering the letters, as follows ;—x ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAS,. ♦ Gutturals . PI, H; & K Palatals . . p, D, 3, * Unguals . D, D, 1, 3, h Sibilants, or Dentals 5^, D, ? Labials . . B, 3, D, 1. Letters of the same organs are frequently interchanged, as -DD=-ob>; PRONUNCIATION. The sounds of X and V are lost, consequently their equivalents in English cannot be denoted ; they are quiescent in Hebrew, and take invariably the sound given to them by the vowels, as V o, % ee, V a, & o, K ee, K a, &c. : in the same way the letters 1 and * when used with the vowels cholem and shoorek are quiescent, as j-13 pronounced boon, and |13 bone. But 1 is a consonant at the beginning of a word, as vayomer; so also mn* pronounced yehovah: in this last example it will be observed that the 1 commences a syllable, and therefore is a consonant as at the beginning of a word; it may be further illustrated by dividing the word into syllables, thus, HI 1 h IJ = ye I ho I vah. Yod (*) is a consonant at the beginning of a word like our y in yard, as DV yom, day; yad, a hand : yod is quiescent with keerik in the middle of a word, as pro- nounced eloheem; when keerik has a yod after it (\J, the vowel (—) is long, as ee in feet; sometimes it is long without the yod, as hataneeneemy Gen. 1.21.ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. xi OF RADICAL AND SERVILE LETTERS. The following letters are used to designate persons, numbers, genders, and other modifications of the words of the Hebrew language, viz., tf, H, 1, \ D, 3, fl, and are called Serviles; though these are sometimes also Radicals when they form roots, as yashav, he sat; PIT! haiah, he was, &c. The letters of this last •- ' T T ' ' example are all serviles used as radicals. The remaining letters of the alphabet are radicals, i. e. they never serve to distinguish persons, numbers, &c., as the serviles do, and are used only for roots, as pakad, he visited; pS"! kaiak, he divided, &c. Radicals 3 311 n D 3 D y 3 V T i?. Serviles K fT 1 * D 3 ft. THE VOWELS. Series of Perfect Vowels. Figure. Power. Name. T a as in Ah! Kamets — a as in mate Tsaray *— ee as in feet Vna pyn Keerik Gadol 0 as in note D.Vin Cholem V 00 as in boot py\W Shoorek Series of Imperjcct Vowels. Figure. Power. Name. i as in fit pyn Keerik Katon ~ o as in not Kamets Katuph ~ oo as in foot Kibbuts -7 a as in bad flfiS Pattach e as in met blip SegolXii ELEMENTS OP HEBREW GRAMMAR* The vowels are sounded after the consonants under which they are placed. Thus 2 is pronounced bah, 3 bay% &c. A consonant with one of the perfect vowels forms what is called an open syllable, as 2, bah, but with an imperfect vowel a second consonant is required, as 12 bad, and a closed syllable is formed; except where an accent immediately follows the im- perfect vowel, as ^£>jj a soul, pronounced nafesh, not nefesh. The pattach under a final Cheth or Ayin is exceptional. It is there called pattach furtive, and is sounded before the consonant, as ITn rooach, not roocha. SHEVA. Sheva is a sign invented to accompany vowelless letters, to certify that the vowel has not been omitted through mistake. It is placed under all initial and medial letters, which have no vowel of their own, except the quiescents. Figure. Name. * Power. -7 Sheva Simple the shortest e as in between, and peruke, except when quiescent by position. The Simple Sheva, when it occurs under the guttural letters PI, V, and *1, is associated with the short vowels to increase its power, and it then has a power equal to the shortest utterance of those vowels. Power. a as in mat. e as in met. o as in hot. Figure, Name. — nnS) Chateph Pattach - f?UD S|t?n Chateph Segol ~ Chateph KametsELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. xiii THE CONJUGATIONS. The Conjugations in Hebrew are also denominated Moods or Species. 'They are seven in number : three Active, three Passive, and one Reflective, the last is similar to the Middle voice in Greek. Their names are as follow :— Kal, Niphal, Piel, Pual, Hiphil, Hophal, Hithpael. The distinctions between these names may be explained thus, \ising the verb, to love, as an illustration:— Active, Kal, to love, Passive, Niphal, to be loved, Active, Piel, to love ardently, Passive, Pual, to be loved ardently, Active, Hiphil, to cause to love, Passive, Hophal, to be caused to love, Reflective, Hithpael, to love oneself. THE SEPARATE PRONOUN. Singular. 1. com. in pause {masc. (FlK), in pause HjJSt fem. prop. ) 3. masc. &OH he, . fem. Plural. 1. com. (-lim), (UK) . . . we, 2. masc. DPlK . . . fem. JFltf, HJftK V*• 3. masc. DH, TOH f fem. JH, H3n they. L j. thou. she.TABLE OF ACCENTS. POSITION AND NAMES. FORMS POSITION AND NAMES. 3. 4. Distinctives. p-lDB f)'lD or : p-1>>D . . NPimnx ,n:m t : - : v ' at : v an^nip ,^'iJD . • . . P|S» . *amD—ansa t ; - vt ; • ...... S'31 co .... Njjnr .... "van -y : . . . . . nw • :< . . bill its .nra . . . rn§ tu-ffi mbn .nVna vwrbfi t ; - ' t : t * : . . . t&rx ,tjn|. . pena •>$—Djena .... "ip'pa ° PJaced between words, as nbs i (Gen. 18. 21).* This accent is also called rvniiS when it oc- curs before ---as— run w? i nfe^jo (Gen. 18.25). Conjunctives. . TP* *1ES^ or m-ID t t t j- Tj-isn ,i]sn» .... ND"li5 . bibs naie'—turn - t jt : - . .+ri3cp . . . . Kmo n : •• . . . rbbbw . . . nS-isa ND-ip . . . ioV ja rpj The following occur only in the Psalms, Pro- verbs, and Job . . . . . nko . Tfn; rb)y tjsriD . . . jpirvi cna w ,p*DSD Knsp . . xpyyi Kijnr . . . tjanS-i Kjjnr To the above maybe added ("), which is placed between two or more words; and — 3HD Metheg. "When this mark is placed at the right of sh'va, as in it is called gang-ya. * There are some instances in which this accent is used as a con- junctive. + .Called also KDIfl, and j used sometimes as a dis- j tinctive of the 4th class. ' jmty sis GENESIS. CHAPTERS L—IV - rm' e\n'^- *m* • heaven-the )( God created beginning-In ^riiv \nn* nnvr n^V : H^C'4 voidness-& wasteness was earth-THE-And .earth-THE )(-and nriy tfifljy "^ny God of-spirit-the-and ;deep-the of-face-the upon (Mm)-darkne»8-& :b^|2H" .waters-THB of-face~the upon hovering-(was) Chap. I. Verse 1.—ab're-shith', subsfc. fem.with fem. term. TV." with pref. part. 3 with its usual pointing. R. (not used in Heb.) r'aashf whence the common word head; from which is formed this noun, a denominative, (de nomine). 4 bd-ra', verb Kai pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. Fut. (tf"V) Q under the middle radical instead of the usual Q because of the following X. e "Elo-hlm', subst. masc. pi. with the usua* masc. pi. term. ; from the sing, vtfbS*. This word when applied to the one God usually takes singular verbs and adjectives; this is not however always the case, so that the plurality of the idea of the word is distinctly conveyed, see ver. 26. This word is also applied to kings or judges, as holding power delegated from God, Ex. 22. 27(28.) Ps. 82.6; and also to angels, see Ps. 8. 6(5.) and 97. 7. (comp. Heb. 2. 7, 9. and 1. 6.) 22 L v. 1.—GENESIS.— I. t>. 2. d €th. This word is used to mark the object, and can only properly stand before a definite noun, i.e. one which is so either (1) by being a proper name, or (.2) having the definite article H, or (3) having a word dependent upon it, or (4) having a pronominal suff. The word with which it is here used is rendered definite by the article. * hash-sha-mar-yirn, subst. masc. dual or pi. (sing, unused). (pl forms are often used in Heb. in the names of objects in which extension or parts form a prominent idea.) With the definite article prefixed. The full form of the article is bn, but when joined (as it always is) to the following word, the b is omitted, and the first letter of its substantive is doubled by dagesh, and thus here there is W for W. R. (unused in Heb.) doubtful. f v'eth. The copulative conjunction prefixed to (d). 1 has here its usual pointing. * hd-a'-retz, (mostly fem.) (simple form JHJ# pi. nilTjN); with art. a change takes place, thus:—the ft not admitting dagesh (_) of the art. is lengthened into Q by way of compensation; and the accented y following the (t) thus formed is likewise changed into that vowel. (The pause accent would suffice to lengthen the vowel, but the form would have been the same had the word not been in pause.) Verse 2. a v1 -ha-a'-retz. The conj. nop. prefixed to (*) chap. I. ver. i. 4 ha-yHhdh\ verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. fem. (the nominative being here used as fem.) R. ITn fut. i"PrP apoc. e tho'-hu, subst. masc. (the preceding vowel sound deprives the initial of its dagesh lene). R. unused in Heb. d va-vdr-hit, subst. masc. with cop. conj. prefixed, pointed with instead of its usual Q, because of its being followed by an accented syllable. (Hence we may find 1 for 1 before any monosyllable.) R. (unused in Heb.) prob. to be empty. * v'khd'-shech, subst. masc. with cop. conj. prefixed. R. to be dark, obscure. * Veil, prep. R. to be high, over. s p'ney, subst. masc. pi. const, (sing, unused) absolute form DOBl a pi. noun as implying parts or extension. R. to turn. | ttihdm, subst. corn. (pi. niDHJR). The initial fi here loses its [ dagesh lene because of the preceding vowel sound. R. doubtful. ' vrll'akh, subst. com. (generally fem.) with cop. conj. prefixed. pi. ninn r. to breathe.L V. S.— GENESIS.—L v. 5. 3 i °Eld-hlm'. Chap. I. ver. i. (c). h mrah-khe'-pheth, Piel part. fera. (In the division of the syllables in this word the n must be regarded as doubled by implication; hence the ( ) is not lengthened to compensate for the non-insertion of dagesh.) ' Val, ('). m p'ney (*). ■ ham-ma'-yim, subst. dual or pi. (sing, unused). PI. as implying parts or extension, constr. "'D, sometimes With the art. -H. Q is lengthened from Q, because of the pause accent. R. unused. : "rtK'-vm • -lis' Vnc j • :i- a j* : .light was-there-and —slight be-there-Let ate'—>a* -iiKR'-m' a v t v ;good {was-it}-that light-THE ipv r,3' between-and light-THE between dY*' T)N^' i t «* v: ,day light-THE-to God fiT'4?" &ribx' "id^V 3 v.- v: v t - ,God said-And 1n*V4 God saw-And v )v • ;|- r :at was-there-& evening was-there-arid ; night God separated-and called-And ,darkness-th e tag.' called-he darkness-XHE-to-and nna- DIv -ipi* jt v / »vv .one day-the .morning Vkrse 3. fl vay-yd'-mer, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive, with its usual points, viz. Q and the next letter doubled by dagesh inserted: the accent is drawn back to the penultimate because of the 1 conversive. b vEld-him'. Chap. I. ver. i. (c). e y'hl, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. The apoc. fut. (v hen one is found in the species) is used to express an imp. or subj. roood (as after ^ords signifying that), and after 1 conversive, a or, subst. masc. (it once occurs fem.) R. to be or become light. * va-y'hi, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. which accounts for the use of the apoc. form. See (6) chap. I. ver. 2. 1 conv. 2*4 L 0. 3.—GENESIS.—I. t>. 5. is not here followed by dagesh, because when dagesh should regularly be inserted in a letter pointed with a simple or compound Q, such dagesh may be omitted. f 6r (*). Verse 4. a vay-yar&f, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. mase. with 1 conv. (regularly pointed) which accounts for the use of the apoc. form. The simple future of the verb is HfctT. * "Elo-hlm'. Chap. I. ver. i. (c). * eih^ see (*) chap. I. ver. i. The (..) is here shortened to (v) be- cause of the Makkaph by which it is joined to the next word. d ha-dr(d) chap. I. ver. 3. with art. The art. is pointed with Q because K does not admit dagesh. e Ja conj. (the verb to be is understood here). f tov, adj. (fern, nDHD). R. to be good. s vay-yav-del', verb Hiphil fut. apoc. with 1 conv. regularly pointed. R. not used in Kal. A "Eld-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. (•). ' 5lyn, prep. (prop, constr. of subst. {^3). i ha-or (d), and (*) chap. I. ver. 3. * H-veyn', prep. (•) with conj. 1 prefixed, pointed -1 instead of having Q because it precedes a labial. The prep. is often repeated in the sentence before both the boundaries as we here find it. 1 hah-khd'-shech, (e) chap. I. ver. 2. with art. which retains its (_), although the H cannot take dagesh; but it is doubled by implication. Verse 5. 0 vay-yik-ra', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. mase,. with 1 conversive. (In this part of the verb there is no apoc. fut.) * "Eld-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. (c). e ld-dr', (a) chap. I. ver. 3. and (d) chap. I. ver. 4. Here with the prefix which excludes the letter of the art. retaining its vowel; so that "feS is for (For the Q see (a) chap. I, ver. 4.) d ydm, subst. com. (rarely fem.) pi. D^. ' tflah-khd'-shech, (') chap. I. ver. 2. and (0 chap. I. ver. 4 with ? and 1 conj. prefixed: the art. excluded, see (c). / kd'-ra, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. maac. (With the accent drawn , back, because the syllable which follows is accented.) Fut. s Idy'-lah, subst. masc. with H paragogic (which may be dis- tinguished from the fem. term. H" by the latter tak'ng the accent). InI. ». 6.—GENESIS.—I. ». 8. Q in the penultimate is lengthened into Q because of the pause accent. * va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). ' Ve'-rev, subst. masc. Dual R. to set (of the sun). 1 va-yhl, chap. I. ver. 3. ('), k vd'-ker, subst. masc. PL (dagesh in 2 initial is omitted because of the preceding closely connected vowel sound.) ' yOm, C). 1 m eh-kh&d', numeral adj. masc.—Fem, flTOt. (The n is regarded as doubled, and thus it closes the first syllable as well as commences the second.) This cardinal number is used in commencing a series (as in this case), or in naming the days of the month, as though it were an ordinal, first. ipna' "ny o'cftg* 6 of-midst-the-in expanse-an be-there-let ,Ood said-And :B^* ra1 Vna&'Aw B^br' •ttt 'v- i r • ; ~ j* • • at - .waters-to waters between dividing be-it-iet-and .waters-THK pa' 1 between divided-and ,expanse-THB )( God made-And o?©9* rpv JtnhJ' Vs* ^jgig* waters-THK between-& expanse-THB-to beneath-from (arc)-which waters-THB inj?vr : p'T'5!,!' i^"8 called^And .so was-it-And ,expanse-TUE~to above-from (are)-which -\w aniT^-Vm* jnp->^c ovftK* * :i- vjv • :l- *at t K* tit v: was-there-S? evening waa-there-And .heaven expanse-THB-to God a :):vJ ti)y •second day morning VHRSB 6. a vay-ytf-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (°). * Elo-hzmchap. I. ver. 1. (c). e y'h% chap. I. ver. 3. («). d ra-ki'&y, subst. masc. R. to spiead out, also to beat, to beat out. * b'thdch, subst. masc. const, with pref. 3. Absolute form R. unused in Heb. * ha?n-?ruV-t/im, chap. I. ver. 2. (*). 8 vuhV, chap. I. ver. 3. (c), with copul. conj. 1 pref. For Q isL » 6.—GENESIS.—I. v. 8 inserted under 1, because two Q cannot come together at the beginning of a word; and the q so inserted coalesces with the homogeneous \ so that it is written without (,). * mav-deeV, Hiphil partic. chap. I. ver. 4. (*). ' biyn, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). J ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (*). (The word being here not in pause (_) is retained.) * la-ma'-yim. chap. I. ver. 2. ("), with the pref. which is here pointed with instead of (.) because it immediately precedes the accented syllable, b is here used as equivalent to a repetition of )*§. Verse 7. « vay-ya'-Vas, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 con- versive. (JT'D and »Tv) The ordinary fut. is . (Thus pointed because the first radical is a guttural.) * *Eld-hlm', chap. I. ver. 1. (c). 9 eth chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). changed to Q because of the Makkaph. 4 hd-rd-kVaV, chap. I. ver. 6. (d). with art. pointed with Q because "1 cannot take dagesh. * vay-yav-del'. Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 con v. f blyn, chap. I. ver. 4. * ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (*), and chap. 1. ver. 6. (J). * fisher, relative; indeclinable. (The verb to be is here understood.) * mit-ta -Miathy subst. masc. (often used as a prep.) with prefix •ID for fp; this prefix is pointed with the vowel Q and dagesh is inserted in the next letter to compensate for the excluded 3; nnnp for riDE IP J la-rd-kV-aV, chap. I. ver. 6. (d), with the art. excluded by the prefix ^; for * H-veynf, chap. I. ver. 4. (*). 1 ham-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (*), and chap. I. ver. 6. 0. " fisher, (A). " me-Val', subst. (very often used as a prep.) with D prefixed (see ('); ( ^ is for q because the following letter V cannot take dagesh. R. to go up. * la-ra-ktfiV, chap. I. ver. 6. (*), and chap. I. ver. 7. (•/). * va-yht, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). * chen, adv. Dagesh h omitted in the initial D because of the pre- ceding vowel sound. Vkrsr 8. * vay-yik-ra,', chap. I. ver. 5. ("). * "Eld-him', chap. I. ver. 1. (•).I. t?. 9.—GENESIS.—L t>. 18. 1 9 Id-rd-kV&y, chap. I. ver. 7. (°). 4 sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (*), (_) changed into q because of the pause. ' va-y'hl, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). / Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. ('). r va-y'Af, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). h v&-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). ' yom, chap. I. ver. 5. ('). * she-nV, ordinal adj. masc.—fem. TVJg'. R. to double, to repeat. waters-THB together-gathered-be-there-Let ,God said-And n*nnv nri»' dip&iJ?k' nnnD* VV T I" : TV 'J T V • - T ~ - <- • ieen-be-shall-and ,one place unto heaven-THE under-from 1 : ip—Vnv * >° God called-And .so was-it-and ; land-dry-THE inj?' Bis.T yik' called-he waters-THE of-gathering-the-to-and ,earth land-dry-THE-to : zrttp •--'*5* avftg' Vw efey » said-And .good («?as-<*)-that God saw-and ; seas H&?' ^1/?' herbage-greea grass earth-THB forth-sprout-Let ,God n,h&' n($;• n,H9' y%' inr jrnr&' ,kind-its-to fruit making fruit of-tree ,seed seeding •' p'"^v p.isrr"'?#' .so was-it-and ;earth-THE upon it-in (i$)-seed-its which inJ:y K£He n^'T Kjftni*12 seed seeding herbage-green grass earth-THE forth-brought-And it-in (t's)-seed-its which fruit making tree-and ,kind-its-to :nicp'-i5' B^nW "im* >3 was-there-And .good (was-it)-thM God saw-and :kind-its-to £ Dlv 1pn'"VW 21V* »• * : j >'.• v • :i" v7v .third day morning was-there-and .evenings I. 17. 9.—GENESIS.—I. ». It. Versk 9. * vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (a). * "Eld-Mm', chap. I. ver. 1. (c). e yik-ka-vu!, verb Niphal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (H"?). The fiit. to here used as an imperative, such as is expressed by an apoc. fut. where that is found. R. to collect. 4 ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (w). * mit- ta -khath, chap. I. ver. 7. ('). * hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ('). * el, prep. * ma-hom', (herem.) pi. DIDIpp. R. to rise up, to stand. ' eh-khad\ chap. I. ver. 5. (m). 1 n the-rd-eh', verb Niphal fut. sing. 3 pers. fern. (T2> and and n"7), with 1 copulative prefixed, chap. I. ver. 4. (a). k hay-yab-ba~shahr, subst. fern, with art. R. to be dry. 1 va-y'h% chap. I. ver. 3. (*). m chen, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). Verse 10. " vay-yik-ra'y chap. I. ver. 5. (a). * "Eld-him', chap. I. ver. 1. (*). c lay-yab-bd-shdh', chap. I. ver. 9. (*), with 7 prefixed, which ex- cludes the article. 4 e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). * u-l'mik-veh', subst. masc. const, (absolute with pref. s and copulative conj. 1 prefixed. '1 stands for 1 to prevent two Q from standing together at the beginning of a word. R. chap. I. ver. 9. (c). * ham-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (n). * ka-ra', chap. I. ver. 5. (/). h yam-mim', subst. masc. pi. (sing. Dp. R. (unused in Heb.) doubtful. * vay-yarVs, (a) chap. I. ver. 4. J vEld-himf, chap. I. ver. 1. (e). * hi, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). 1 tov, chap. I. ver. 4. {/). Verse 11. * vay-yo'-mer, chap. I.ver.3. (°). 4"Elo-hlm', chaD. I. ver. 1. («). e tad-sheh\ verb Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fern. (K"?). R. to sprout. 4 ha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). * dell'-sheh} subst. masc. const, (same form as absolute). Young fresh grass. The verb is a denom. / ye'-sev, subst. masc. Pi. const. R. (unused in Heb.) perhaps to sprout.L if. 9. — GENESIS. — L v. 14. 9 * maz-rV&V, Hiphil part. Qtf'6). * zeh'-raV, subst. masc.—PL with suff. DDs$n?. R. to scatter, to sow. 4 Vetz, subst. const, (absol. the same) pi. R. doubtful. J p'ri, subst. masc. R. to bear fruit. 1 Uo-seh', Kal part. Poel (JTD and H'6). ' p'ri, P). m Vmi-no\ subst. masc. with pref. ? and pron. suff. of the 3 pers. sing. masc. referring to R. (unused in Heb.) doubtful. * fisher, chap. I. ver. 7. (A). * zar-Vd% chap. I. ver. 11. (*), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. 9 vO, pref. 2 with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. * Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). r ha-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). * va-y'ki, chap. I. ver. 3. («) ' cAe/t, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). Verse 12. * vat-t6-tz&, Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fem. (V'D and with 1 conversive, which accounts for the apoc. form. R. in Kal to go out. b hd-ar-retz9 chap. I. ver. 1. (*). c de'-sheh, chap. I. ver. 11. ('). 4 Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. 11. (/). e maz-ri'&V, chap. I. ver. 11. (*). * zeh'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11. (*). * V mi-ne'-hu, chap. I. ver. 11. (m), with the pron. suff. « S. h v^Vetz, chap. I. ver. 11. ('), with 1 copulative. ' Vd-seh, chap. I. ver. 11. (*). J jfr% chap. I. ver. 11. (0. * dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). ' zar-Vof, chap. I. ver. 11. (*) and (°). * v6, chap. 1. ver. 11. (^). " Vrrii-nef-hu, chap. I. ver. 11. (OT), and chap. I. ver. 12. (*). * vay-yarW, chap. I. ver. 4. (*). * "Eld-kirn*. Chap. I. ver. 1. (c). * kl, chap. I. ver. 4. (*). * tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 13. * va-y'ht, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). b Ve'-rev, chap. 1. ver. 5. ('). * va-y'hi, chap. I, ver. 3. ('). d vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). * yom, chap. I. ver. 5. (d). / shHi-shlordinal adj. Fem. JV5?v^ denom. from three. rnkD* "ny ~ip^y u of-expanse-the-ia luminaries be-there-Let ,God said-And jvjv owr pn4 between-arid day-THis between divide-to heaven-theiO L v. 14.—GENESIS.—I. v. 19. B^H* Bnjii&h" times-set-for-and V T days-for-and wv ..... : < t : t :at • signs-for be-shali-they-and ,night-the JtPS'p' :b^"S heaven-THB of-expanse-the-in luminaries-for be-sb all-they-And .years-and made-And -m* upon )(-and my )(-and rule-to-And -nan' T ** great-THK pj?D" «imall-THE was-it-and ; earth-THB B^ar?' jfikarr a* : - v : - r* : ; great-[the] luminaries-the of-two )( Cph* Fbu}Dbt?i °L vjv : v : ,day-THE of-ruling-the-for t - vjv ; v ~ night-THE of-ruling-the-for JSPjjHS' Bvfr$ of-ezpanse-the-in God Styph* : light-give-to jn/]- light-THE between divide-to-and ,night-THE-in-and *6 v t : light-give-to * luminary-THK "liK^rr < t " luminary-THK 3 /r them ]£*!* : B^3139' '7 set-And : earth-THB upon rr L .stars-the heaven-THB ert»a§ j- day-THE-in * 18 .good (was-ii)-that God saw-and ; darkness-THB between-and a : urav Div -iph'-Vpv :nj/'--vTtv >9 r ' - t Pv v • :i- v*7v • ; r .fourth day morning was-there-and evening was-there-And Verse 14. a vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (a). * *'Elo-hlmchap. I. ver. 1. (c) « y'Az, chap. I. ver. 3. (e). d mo-roth', subst. masc. pi. Sing. *V)ND (pi. also (DHXD). R. to be light. ' bir-kV&V, chap. I. ver. 6. (rf), const, with pref. 2. q under 1 changed into q because of the word being in const, and Q under the prefix 2 is changed into q because two y cannot stand at the beginning of a word. f hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (").I. r. 14.—GENESIS.—I. r. 19. 11 I s Vhav-dil', Hiphil, suff. chap. I. ver. 4. (£"), with h prefixed as it is to a noun. h beyn, chap. I. ver. 4. (''). ' hay-yom', chap. I. ver. 5. (a), with art. regularly pointed. j u-veyn\ chap. I. ver. 4. (') and (A). k hal-ldy'-ldh, chap. I. ver. 5. .(«"), with art. regularly pointed. I rfha-yu', verb Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. with 1, giving it a future force. m Vo-thothsubst. com. pi. sing. With b prefixed. R. III. to mark, to describe with a mark. n ii-l'md-Vadim', subst. masc. pi. Sing. (pi- also HI").; with prefixes, prep, h, and 1 copulative, pointed -1 to prevent the concurrence of two Q. R. to appoint, to fix. 0 H-Vyd-mim', pi. of chap. I. ver. 5. (d), with prefixes as the last word. p v'shd-nlm', subst. fem. pi. Sing. HJt? (pi. also Hr) with 1 pre- fixed. R. to repeat, to double. Verse 15. u v'hd-yuchap. I. ver. 14. (7). . b Um-6-roth', chap. I. ver. 14. (d), with 7 prefixed, pointed with (.) instead of Q because of the following q. * c bir-M'aV, chap. I. ver. 6. (*), and chap. I. ver. 14. ('). d hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (e). e Vha-ir\ verb Hiph. inf. and V'JJ) with pref. ?. R. in Kal to be light. f Valj chap. I. ver. 2. (/). ^ hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (s1). h va-y'hv, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). ' chm, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 16. II vay-ya'-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). b "Eio-Mm *3 7 • % f HI r p|j|r rwr Brf^Pr BI©??" wing of-fovvl every X-and ,kind-their-to waters-THE : znLr-vr s^I" n^v blessed-And .good (was-it)-tha.t God saw-and ;kind-its-to T13e "ibK^ BTftK* Sfm4 < •: • : j : A *.••.*: jt fill-and ,multiply-and fruitful-Be ,saying ,God them H - . □ : : HP" 3~iy B^p?^ . .earth-THE-in multiply-let fowl-THE-and ,seas-THE-in waters-THE )( d : ^piv Diy 23 .fifth day morning was-there-& ,evening was-there-And Verse 20. 0 vay-y5'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. («). b uElo-Mm\ chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c yuh-r'tzu\ verb Kal fat. pi. 3 pers. 4 ham-ma!-yim, chap. I. ver. 2. ("). e she'-retz, subst. masc. a collective noun. R. to creep, to miiltiply. f ne'-phesh, subst. com. (more usually fem.) pi. Const, absol. satne form. R. to breathe. ^lihay-yah', subst. fem. R. to live. ,"r h v'Vdph, subst. masc. with prefix 1. R. to fly. 1 y'Vd-pheph'i verb Pilel fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). k hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. («•).U I. 0. 20.—GENE SIS.—I. 23. 1 $al, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). m priey, chap. I. ver. 2. («"). " r'kVatf, chap. I. ver. 7. (d). 0 hash-shd-mor-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (e). Verse 21. a vay-yiv-rd', Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (chap. I. ver. 1. (J). with 1 conversive. b \'Elo-hlw!, chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). d hat-tan-ni-nim', subst. masc. pi. (sing, pilfi) with art. R. prop. to stretch out, extend. e hag-g do-lim', chap. 1. ver. 16. (/). f 1?eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). 8 hoi, subst. prop, totality. 73 is shortened into because of the following makkaph. R. to complete. h ne'-phesh, chap. I. ver. 20. (/). ' ha-Ichay-yahchap. I. ver. 20. («"). with art. dagesh implied in f"I. Note.—When one noun is dependent on another, the expression can only be made definite by prefixing the article to the second, since a noun in const, does not take the art. j ha-rd-me'-seth, Kal part. poel. fern, with H prefixed in the sense of the relative. Q is because 1 does not admit dagesh. k asher, chap. I. ver. 7. (7l). 1 shu-r'tzuKal pret. pi. 3 pers. chap. I. ver. 20. (c). m ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. («).. n Vmi-ne-hem\ chap. I. ver. 11. (*"). with pref. ? and suff. 3 p.~pl. m. 0 tfeth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). p hoi, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). 9 V6ph, chap. I. ver. 20. (A). r kd-ndph', subst. fern. Dual R. to cover, or protect. 9 Vmi-ne- hu, chap. I. ver.. 11. ("•). * vap-yar$\ chap. I. ver. 4. ("). M *'Elo-hvmchap. I. ver. 1. (c). w Jd, chap. I. ver. 4. (*).> w tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 22. a vay-vuh*-rech, verb Piel fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (T'l?) with 1 conv. The dagesh which should regularly stand in the * after the 1 conversive is omitted, which may be done, when a letter which should take dagesh is pointed with ,Q. The 1 conv. draws back the accent to the penul- timate. ' R. to kneel down, to bless. b d-thdm\ chap. I. ver. 17. (b). c "Elo-hlm\ chap. I. ver. 1. (c). d le-mdr\ verb Kal inf. const. (K"S) with pref. 7. The inf. const, isI. v. 20 —GENESIS.—I. ». 26. 15 and as two Sh'vas simple or compound cannot stand together at the beginning of a word, the b should take the vowel homogenous to the compound q, and then (.....) are contracted into (.j. The inf. thus used has the force of the Lat. gerund in dot dicendo. e prti, verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. masc. (H'6). f u'-rvu', verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. masc. (H"b) ; with 1 copul. prefixed; -1 instead of \ because of the immediately following Q. 8 il-miV-u', verb Kal imp. 2 pers. masc. (K'6) with 1 copul. prefixed, for 1 because of the following labial. h eth, chap. I. ver. i. (d). - ' ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (»). " j bay-yam-mim', chap. I. ver. 10. (A). withpref. 2 excluding the art. * v ha,-Voph\ chap. I. ver. 20 (A). with art. (pointed with Q because of the following guttural) and copul. 1. 1 yV-rev, (/) verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. . The apoc. fut. used to express an imperative. Full form i"DT. m bd-d-retzchap. I. ver. 1. (f), with pref. 2 excluding the art. Verse 23. '.va-y'ht, chap. I. ver. 3. (fy 6 Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. ('). c va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). d vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). * e ydm, chap. I. ver. 3. (d). f Ichami-shi', ordinal adj. masc. from cardinal fiijii' "19^10 24 of-soul earth-THE forth-bring-Let ,God said-And -wnv frznv nana4 : r : v yv t jt •• : t • ; t - of-beast-and thing-creeping-and cattle ,kind-its-to life God < made-And .so was-it-and ;kind-its-to earth cattle-THE ){-and ,kind-its-to earth-THE of-beast-the J( mrmrr -nsv • : AT T -JIT v JV t -J" j t . . ;kind-its-to ground-THE of-thing-creeping every )(-and ,kind-its-to ^ • • J I • • J ,<3o& < said-And .Rood (u?u$-tt)«.that God *aw~and-16 I. v. 27.—GENESIS.—I. o. 28. Qsnw DIN* n&ps : • : a- : • «.•• : - : -jr t ;v *~i- rule-them-let-& ,likeness-our-to-according image-our-in man make-us-Let nprqiav a"bty.n4 *yu>3V D*D' rg"p4 cattle-the-over-and lieaven-THE of-fowl-the-over-and .sea-THE of-flsli-the-over fr&hrr , {ymFF'^aav psrr"-^^" J" it v v.* t t ; | v t t t .* creeping-(i6-)-which thing-creeping-THE all-over-and ,earth-THE all-over-and D"T8H*-m* 1 &rihx* *m*i" :p»rr*-l7jr'»7 t t it v <• v; t; •- I vit t man-TnE )( God created-And .earth-THE upon •w ink' K*Q* eirftK* -ioto* JT t a jt t K' v: VJV I . i male ,him created-lie God of-image-the-in ,image-his-in Qfik4 IBM" S13' them blessed-And .them created-he female-and ilni* ria4" sn^v-inriV •J : J : v: v t multiply-& fruitful-Be ,God them-to said-and ,God Khs" Ynv° nt^rpy ^PV- of-fish-the-over rule-and ;it-subdue-and earth-THE X fill-and mv-^yr v))yy\p crrr* beast every-over-and heaven-THE of-fowl-the-over-and ,sea-THE .earth-THE upon creeping-(ii)-which f Verse 24. a vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (°). 4 jffljQ-Jiim', chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c to-tze\ chap. I. ver. 12. (°). d hd-af-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (&). e ne'-phesh, chap. I. ver. 20. ([/). f khay-ydti, chap. I. ver. 20. (*). s Vml-nah', chap. I. ver. 11. (w). with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. h Vhe-mdh\ subst. fem. (pi. rflDHS). R. (not used in Heb.) to shut, close; to be dumb. 1 vd-ref-mes, subst. masc. collect, with 1 copul. pointed with q instead of Q because of the accent on the syllable which follows. R. to creep. J tfkha-yHho, subst.* fem. const, in a peculiar form with 1 added (seeL v. 24.—GENESIS.—I. p. 28. 17 ' Ps. 104.11, 20). ^ The absol. form dagesh is here "omitted because ' of the Q under the letter. R. to live. k e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). 1 Vmi-nah, chap. I. ver. 11^ ('"). and chap. I. ver. 24. («"). m va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. («*). « chin, chap. I. ver. 7. (?J. Verse 25. a vay-yaf-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7. (a). h "Elo-himchap. I. ver. 1. (c). 0 chap. I. ver. (rf). d khay-yathr, regular const, form of chap. I. ver. 24. (•/). e Jia-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). / V-mi-nah\ chap. I.ver. 11. ('"). v'etfA, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). h hab-b'he-maii', chap. I. ver. 24* (A). with art. 4 Vmi-nahchap. I. ver. 11. ('"). 3 v'eth, chap. I. ver..1. (d). * icol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). 1 re'-mes, chap. I. ver. 24. 0. m ha-ada-mah', subst. fern. (PL niD'lK) with art. pointed with instead of (_) because X does not admit dagesh. R. to be red. " Vmune'-hu, chapx. I. ver. 11. (m). ° vay-yar#', chap. I. ver. 4. (a). p vEld-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. (e). 9 fa, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). ( * fov, chap. I. ver. 4. •(/).' Verse 26. * vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. (°). 6 'JEld-Mm', chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c na-Vdseh', chap. I. ver. 7. (a). Fut. pi. 1 pers. God being pi. He here uses the pi. verb, and pi. suffixes. d a-dam\ subst. masc. (no pi.) R. to be red, ruddy. e b'tzal-me'-nu, subst. masc. (d{?V) with suff. 1 pers. pi. R. (unused in Heb.) to be shady, hence this word, prop, shade. , * kid-m&-the'-nu, subst. fem. (H-ID^) with pref. 3 regularly pointed with Q, and suff. 1 pers. pi. R. to be like. s v'yir-du', verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. (PI'6); with 1 copul. prefixed. R. tq rule over. h vid-gath', subst. fem. (fOT).- Const, with pref. 2, pointed with q because of the following (.); dagesh lene is omitted because of the previous vowel sound. R. to multiply. 1 hay-yam', sing, of chap. I. ver. 10. (A). i il-v>Voph\ chap. I. ver. 20. (A), with copul. *1 pointed thus before a ! labial. ! 318 I. v. 24.—GENESIS.—I. v. 28. k hash-shd-maf-yim, chap. I. ver. i. ('). 1 u-vab-b'he-mdh\ chap. I. ver. 24. (ft), with pref. 2 (excluding art. and 1; (-1 before a labial). m u-tflchol) chap. I. ver. 21. (*), with pref. 2, and -1, so pointed before a labial. n hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. («"). 0 H-tfJchol) chap. I. ver. 21. («"), and chap. I. ver. 26. (m). 9 Jid-re'-mes, chap. I. ver. 24. ('), with art. pointed with (t) because- 1 does not admit dagesh. 9 ha-rd-mesf, Kal part. Poel, with PI prefixed as the relative; Q instead of (_) because *) does not receive dagesh. r Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). ' ha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. r. («"). Verse 27. a vay-yiv-rd\ Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. of chap. I. ver. 1. (A). with 1 conv. v 6 vEl6-htm\ chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). d ha-a-dam!, chap. I. ver. 26. (<*), with art. pointed with (t) be- cause X does not receive dagesh. * Vtzal-mo', chap. I. ver. 26. (*), with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. f Vtze'-lem, chap. I. ver. 26. (e), with prefix .1. * *Elo-him, chap. I. ver. 1. (c). h bd-ra', chap. I. ver. 1. (b). * o-thof, suff. of 3 pers. sing. masc. with nXj used as the objective case of the pronoun. J zd-chdradj. masc. R. to remember, to keep in memory. k ti-ri* ke-vah', adj. fem. with 1 prefixed; so pointed because of the following (J. v 1 bd~rd', chap. I. ver. 1. (ft). m o-thdm\ chap. I. ver. 22. (ft). Verse 28. a vay-vd'-rech, chap. I. ver. 22. (°). b o-thdm', chap. I. ver. 22. (6). c "Elo-Mm', chap. I. yer. 1. (*). * vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (fl). e Id-hem1, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. with pref. b; pointed with (r) instead of (.) because of the accent on the next syllable. t "Elo-hlm/, chap. I. ver. 1. (c) Sp'-Hi* chap. I. ver. 22. (ff). h u-r'vu\ chap. I. ver. 22. (/). * u-mil-u\ chap. ver. .42. («"). * eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). k ha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*)m 1 chiv-shu'-ha> verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. with suff. 3 pers. sing.I. r, 29.—GENESIS.-—t 31. 19 fem. with 1 copul. prefixed. In this word the formative '1 is omitted, and its place is Supplied by (. ) under m xL-r'dv!, verb Kal 2 pers. chap. I. ver. 26. («"), (iY'bj with 1 copulative prefixed, thus pointed because of the following Q, n bid-gath', chap. I. ver. 26. (A). * 0 hay-yam\ chap. I. ver. 10. (A), sing, with art. p d-v'Vopk', chap. I. ver. 20. (A). 9 hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (e). r u-tfchot, chap. I. ver. 21. («"), and chap. I. ver. 26. " ' khay-yah\ absol. form of chap. I. ver. 24. (•>). * ha-rd-mef-seth, Kal part. fem. (chap. I. ver. 26. (?) ), with art. pointed with Q instead of (_) because "1 does not admit dagesh. " Val, chap. I. ver 2. (/). v hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. («"). ^3" Han* ^ you-to given-have-I , Behold ,God said-And n&'K* jri' 1 J « ™" •• • J » J # X V of-face-the upon (fc)-wliich ,seed seeding grass all )( of-fruit it-in which tree-[THE] every )(-and ,earth-TiiE all mm* ssJ" jnr" jrii' vy it : T : vv : I* jv T ^ -AT ^ j- J T* .food-for be-shall-it you-to ; seed seeding tree n)n ilL?p;h ° 3° heaven-THE of-fowl every-to-and earth-THE of-beast every-to-And , 2^3m. frpYv 1 7b^r of-soul (£s)-it-ia which earth-THE upon thinig-creeping every-to-and nVr • :l- at ; t : v » v;v t v t - was-it-and ; food-for herbage-green of-greenness every )( life "ittfK *-n«c 4 0 :\Du3i JV T V • v: :<— 11" which all X God saw-And .so 21)! *-nNrv I'm' niB'-rrarrp r\'wyj vvv • :r a : v • t *t .evening was-there-and —; very good-(was-it) behold-and . ,made-he D :wrr D'P® -iphm-w I* • " j »v v :r > .sixth-THE day morning was-there-& '» - . — __ , _ 1 3*•20 " I. v 29.—GENESIS.—.I. v. 31. Verse £9. a vay-yd'-mer, chap.I.ver. 3. (°). b \'Elo-Mmchap. I. ver. 1. (c). c 7iin-nehf, adv. demonstrative. » na-that'-ti, verb Kal pret.sing. 1 pers. (}"B, |'6) ; the formative H is doubled by dagesh to compensate for the omission of the third radical J''. e la-chem\ suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. with prefix h; pointed with (t) because of the accent immediately following. f eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). & kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). h Ve'-seV) chap. I. ver. 11. (/). ' zo-re'aV, Kal part. Poel. (J7"!?). * ze'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11. (A). k dsherchap. I. ver. 7. (A). 1 Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). m p'ney\ chap. I. ver. 2. («"). n chol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). „ 0 ha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. («"). p v'eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). « /col, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). r hu-Vetzchap. I. ver. 11. ('), with art. pointed with y because V does not admit dagesh. ' dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. (7<).' ' 5o, sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. with.prefix 2. ill which, in if, i.e. in which. . u ph/ri, chap. I. ver. ir. (J)9 dagesh lene omitted in 0 because of the preceding vowel sound. v Vetz, chap. I. ver. 11. (f). w zo-re'aV, chap. I. ver. 29. ('). * za'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11, (A), q lengthened into q because of the pause. y la-chem', chap. I. ver. 29. ('). yl-KyehKal fat. sing. 3 pers. masc. from HVl. at* Voch-ldh', subst. fem. with ^ pref. R. to eat. Verse 30. a uJVchol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"), with prefixes ? and -1 (so pointed because of the q following). h izhay-yatti, chap. I. ver. 24. (•?'). c hu-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (s). d ti-Vchol) chap. I. ver. 24. p), and chap- I. ver. 30. (a). e VOph, chap. I. ver. 20. (A). f hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ('). 8 d-l'chol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). h rd-mes', chap. I. ver. 21. (J), masc. 4 Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (-0- i hu-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. ir (*). * ds/ier\ chap. I. ver. 7. (A). z chap. J. ver. 29. ('). foe'-pheshj chap. I. ver. 20. (-Q. " khay-ydh', chap.I.ver. 20. (g).II/* 1.—GENESIS—II. v. 3. 314 ° eth, chap. I. ver. i. (d). p fool, chap. I.~ver. 21. (£). 9 ye'-reh, subst. masc. R. (unused in Heb.) to be green. r Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. 11. (/), * Voch-lah\ chap. I.ver. 29. (aa). f va-tfM, chap. I. ver. 3. (e). " cAera, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 31. a vay-yar'#, chap. I. ver. 4. (a). b "Eld-Mm', chap. I. ver. 1. (c). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). Jcol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). * asAer', chap. I. ver. 7. (A), Va-saTi', verbKalpret.smg.3pers.masc. (H"?, V'S),chap.I.ver. 7. (®). * tfhin-neh'i chap. I. ver. 29. (c), with 1 copulative prefixed. A tdv, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). f vrtod, subst. used as an adv. R. to be strong. 1 va-y'M, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). k Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. 0. 1 va-y'hl, chap. I. ver. 3. (e). m vo'-her, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). n yom, chap. I. ver. 5. (rf). 0 hash-shish-shV, ordinal adj. masc. with art. regularly pointed; although an adj. must take the art. if its subst. has it, yet this does not hinder the adj. from having it when needful, though the subst. is without it. From W six. it t : t : » vvt t : -j- t - y ■and earth-THE-and heaven-THE completed-were-And crra* seventli-THE , day-THE-on Dl\|' day-THE-on rested-he-and :njwr it *T jv .made-he which ; it .host-their work-his sev.enth-THE God completed-And ncyy* AT T ; mude-he which t,. v3 *.•••- jt t ~ I- : - i - I v JV : second-[the] river-the of-name-the-And .onyx-the of-stone-the-and p.)*'-1??* rm* rdiDn' s^iiv fima' of-land-tlie all )( .surrounding-(/&)-which that ,Gihon-(is) Kin* ^n" ^Wrr* "inan'-nttfv : j ' v v • • : - thus pointed because of the following labial. h yip-pa-red', verb Niphal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. The fat. used to express the continuity of the act. ' tfJia-yah', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 copul. * l'ar-ba-Vdh\ numeral adj. with ? prefixed. The numerals from, 3 to 10 take the fem. form with a masc. noun, and vice versa. k ra-shimsubst. masc. pi. (sing. R. (not used in Heb.) perhaps to be moved, shaken. Verse 11. a shem, subst. masc. (PI. lYIDK*) const, same as absol. b ha-eh-Tchad', chap. I. ver. 5. (m), with art. pointed with Q be- cause of X which follows. c Pi-shon', pr. name of a river. d demonst. pron. masc. sing. e has-sd-vtvKal part. with H prefixed as the relative. f nth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). s hoi, chap. I. ver.28 II. v. 8.—GENESIS.—II. r.- 14. h e'-retz, chap. I. ver. i. (*). * hah-khavi-lati, pr. name fern, with art. the fl is doubled by implication. * asher, chap. I. ver. 7. (A). k sham, chap. II. ver. 8. (A). 1 hciz-za-hav!, subst. masc. (see next word) with art. R. (unused in Heb.) to be bright. Verse 12. 0 u-zahav\ chap. II. ver. 11. ('), in const, (usual form HP!?). h ha-a'-refa, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). 0 ha-hi#', pron. demonst. fern, with article (because its substantive has the article) H doubled by implication. Note, that in the Pen- tateuch fcttn is ordinarily written for fcOH; it is read as though the 1 had been \ d tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). e sham, chap. II. ver. 8. (A). f hafab'do'-lakh, subst. masc. with art. Some suppose this to mean pearls; but its signification is doubtful. vre'-ven, subst. com. (mostly fem.) Pl.< D'OIK. R. (not used in Heb.) probably to build. h hash-sho'-ham, subst. masc. with art.R. (not used in Heb.) to be pale. Verse 13. a v'shem, chap. II. ver. 11. ("), with 1 copulative. 6 han-na-har\ chap. II. ver. 10. (fl), with art. c hash-she-nV, chap. I. ver. 8. (J) with article (because its subst. has the article.) d jGri-khonpr. name of a river. e hu$, chap. II. ver. 11. (rf). f has-so-vev', chap. II. ver. iiw ('). s eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). h hoi, chap. I. ver. 21. (?). , * e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. («"). 5 Cush, pr. name of a man, hence applied to a country. Verse 14. a vshem, chap. II. ver. 11. (a), and chap. II. ver. 13. («). 6 han-na-harf, chap. II. ver. 10. (a). c hash-sKll-shl\ chap. I. ver. 13. (/), with art. d Khid-de'-kel, pr. name of a river. e hutt, chap. II. ver. 11. (d). f ha-ho-lechKal part. Poel, with H as the relative. s kid-math!, subst. fem. const, (absol. ntjnp). R. to go before. h Ash-sharpr. name of a country. ' v'han-na-har', chap. II. ver. 10. (a), with art. and copul. 1.II. v. 15.—GENESIS.—IJ. 20. 29 i hd-r^vV-W^ chap. I. ver. 19. (/), with article pointed with Q because 1 does not admit dagesh. This word has the article because its subst. has it k hu8, chap. II. ver. 11. (d). 1 PKrathpr. name of a river. □"mrr-m* rrtrp* rn^r *s at t it v v.* v; jt : ij- • - man-THE )( God Jehovah took-And : A "'!?■? * .it-lceep-to-and it-till-to ,Eden of-garden-the-in him-placed-and Diarr-ty' rnrp* 16 a . •• u t it - v: jt : - : - ,saying ,man-THE upon God Jehovah commanded-And nya?&v «7- of-tree-the-from-And .eat-shalt-thou eat-to garden-THE of-tree every-From kV Ihv nra4 . ;it-from eat-shalt-thou not evil-and good of-knowledge-THE jroofi* niD' DY^* it j wv • j' : t -j : , • .die-shalt-thou die-to it-from eating-thy of-day-the-in for /fprv rrim* imh" ^ j v: -j 1 • v: jt : be-rto good not-{is-It) ,God Jehovah said-And : -1$/ .front-his-in-as lielper-a him-for make-will-I ,solitariness-his-in man-THE -bs' HDnKh'-ta' rhrn5 Q-i^i° »9 t t t it 1 • * v: t : v • - every ground-the from God Jehovah formed-And a?6$D' f]ii^4~i73-' fmy fm* ,heaven-THE of-fowl every }(-and field-THE of-beast >*Vr a t»: * v. : • t t jt v •• t - ;it-to call-will-he what see-to man-THE unto brought-he-and • atey i=C$p' ,Pi-7by • of-soul man-THE it-to called which thing-every-and onKrj4 ^vin- rm*«» t t it ti : j itt v man-THE called-And .name-its (leas)-that ,lifeSO II. v. 15.—GENESIS.—II. t?. 20. rf6^Dc ,heaven-THB of-fovvl-the-to-and ,cattle-THB all-to names -$?' miyr?' nVr i t t : av t - j- - v. : not man-to-and ;field-THE of-beast every-to-and -iw kvd" I: v : v r t .front-his-in-as helper-a found-he Verse 15. a vay-yik-kakh', verb Kal fat. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. This is the only verb beginning with h which rejects the b in the course of flexion, and forms its tenses like a verb |"Q. b Y'ho-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. (5). c fc'Elo-hlmchap. I. ver. 1. (c). d eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). * ha-a-dam\ chap. I. ver. 26. (d). * vay-yan-ni-khe'-hu, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'JJ), with sufif. 3 pers. masc. sing, and prefix 1 conversive. R. (in Kal) to rest. s v'gan, chap. II. ver. 8. (d), with prefix 3, which loses its dagesh lene because of the preceding vowel sound. h Ve'-den, chap. II. ver. 8. ('). * VVov-dah\ Kal inf. with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing., and pref. b. 3 u-Vshom-rati, Kal inf. with suff. and pref. like the preceding word, also pref. 1. Verse 16. a vay-tzav\ verb Piel fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (fl"^) (full form of fut. with 1 conversive. b Y'ho-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. (*). c "Mo-Mmchap. I. ver. 1. d Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (Q. * ha-a-dam', chap. I. ver. 26. (rf). * le-mor\ chap. I. ver. 22. (d). mik-Jcol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). h Vetz, chap. I. ver. 11. (*). f hag-gaii', chap. II. ver. 8. (d). * a-chol\ inf. absol. used with finite verb : placed before it it denotes intensity. k td-chel\ verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (K"D). Verse 17. 0 u-me-Vetzr, chap. I. ver. 11. ('), with pref. 12, with because V does not receive dagesh, and *1, so pointed because of the following labial. b had-da'-Vath, chap. II. ver. 9. (?). c tdv, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). d vu-rdV'y chap. II. ver. 9, ('). * 7d, adv« of negation.II. V. 15.—-GENESIS.—II. r. 20. 31 J thd-chal', chap. II. ver. 16. (*). Dagesh omitted in D because of the preceding vowel sound. 8 mim^men'-nU) suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. with pref. D. (Note, that the same form may also be 1 pers. pi.) h kl9 chap. I. ver. 4. ('). * b'yom, chap. I. ver. 5. (d). j achol-chaf, Kal inf. with suff. 2 pers. masc. * mim-men'-nil, cliap. II. ver. 17. (*"). 1 moth, Kal inf. (V'JJ) placed before the finite verb. m td-muth\ verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (V'JJ) Verse 18. a vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (a) b Y'hO-vah', chap. II. ver.4. (4). c "jElo-him\ chap. I. ver. i.(c) d Zo, chap. II. ver. 17. ('). e tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (^) f heyoth\ Kal inf. const. (PI"/). hd-a-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. (d). A Vvad-do\ subst. masc. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. and pref. 7 • This subst. with this pref. is used as an adv. R. to separate. * e-Veseh', verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. (JT'D and JY'b). J Id, suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, with pref. ?. The dagesh in the ? con- nects it in pronunciation with the preceding word, e-esehl-ld'. k Ve'-zer, subst. masc. R. to surround, to help. 1 Kneg-dd\ subst. masc. (often used as a prep.) *7^3 with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, and pref. D part, of similitude. R. (not used in Kal) properly to be in front. Verse 19. 0 vay~yi-tzerr, verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (v'fi) with 1 conv. b Y'ho-vahchap. II. ver. 4. (*). - c "Elo-him!, chap. I. ver. 1. (c). d min, chap. II. ver. 6. (c). e ha-a-dd-mah', chap. I. ver. 25. (m). / kol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). * khay-yatti, chap. I. ver. 24. (Jy, and chap. I. ver. 25. (d). h has-sa-dehf, chap. II. ver. 5. ('). •' veth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d). * kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). k Voph, chap. 1. ver. 20. (A). 1 hash-sha-maJ-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (e). m vay-yd-ve', verb Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'JJ and - with 1 conv. R. to come, hence Hiph. to cause to come = to bring. n el, chap. I. ver. 9. («"). 0 ha-u-dam', chap I. ver. 26. (rf). p Ur-othf, Kal inf. (il'6) with pref. 7, pointed with Q because of the following (.). 9 mail, interrog. and indef. pronoun applied to things, in the same manner as is to persons. '32 II. r, 21.—GENESIS.—II. v. 25. r yik~ra\ chap. I. ver. 5. (a). Dagesh in * is connective. 9 Id, chap. II. ver. 18. p). ' v'chol, chap. I. ver. 21. (s-). " asher, chap. I. ver. 7. (A). * yik-ra\ chap. I. ver. 5. (a). w £0, chap. II. ver. 18. (J). * hd-a-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. (rf). y ne'-phesh, chap. I. 20. (^). * khay-yahr, chap. I. ver. 20. (s). aa chap. II. ver. 11. (a). hb sh'md, chap. II. ver. 11. (a), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. Verse 20. a vay-yik-rachap.I.ver.5.(a). b ha-a-dam', chap.I.ver.26,(d). c she-mothpi. of chap. II. ver. 11. (fl). d Vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. (s). * hab-Vhe-mah', chap.I. ver.24. (J1), f M-Wdph', chap.I. ver.20. (A). s hash-sha-ma!-yim, chap.I.ver.i.(e). h u-Vchol, chap.I.ver.2i.(s"). i khay-yathchap. I. ver. 24. (f). J has-sa-deh', chap. II. ver. 5. (e). * '&-Va-dam\ chap. I. ver. 26. (d). 1 Id, chap. II. ver. 17. (*). rn ma-faar, verb Kal, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc.(K'6). * Ve'-zer, chap. II. ver. 18. (*). 0 k'neg-dd\ chap. II. ver. 18.0. -by 1 riiny QL?s!i" ^ j/T" • S • • T • ^ upon sleep-deep-a God Jehovah fall-to-caused-And Tiffed W8' nj?V ,Tibs-his^from . one took-he-and ;slept-he-and ,man-THE nttn* \2^a : nanrm" nfca* niiD^4" t : iv •- t iv : - it t j : •- Jehovah builded-And .it-of-instead s flesh closed-he-and .DisfT^iD*. npV'-ittfK7 vt T IT I • h~T v -JT - - V S' v: man-THE from took-he which rib-THE )( Grod IT T IT V T K'.' • AT • : said-And .man-THE unto her-brought-he-and ,woman-a-to a)fp' caparr' ft&r i=3"T»rr* - ------J T TIT bones-my-from bone-(is) - time-THE This ,man-THE •nfeoa*'-lfea5!' J\ T • J"IT* : A* T ; • *.T T because ,woman called-be-sh all this-to ; flesh-my-from flesh-and man-a leave-shall this Upon .this taken-was mnri-fromII. v. 21.—GENESIS.—II. v. 25. S3 pmv vnx' : • : ' j- t : fem. with 1 conversive. b hd-ish-shdhf, chap. II. ver. 22.0. c chap. I. ver. 9. (*). han-nd-khdsh', chap. III. ver. 1. (a). mip-pWV, chap. I. ver. 11. (•?), with prefix. chap. I. ver. 11. (*). hag-gdnchap. II. ver. 8.(d). 7< no-chel', chap. II. ver. 16. (*), pi. 1 pers. Verse 3. * u-mip-p rV, chap. I. ver. 11. (•?), with prefixes. 4 hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. 11. (•'), with art. c asher, chap. 1. ver. 7. (s). b'thoch, chap. I. ver. 6.(*). * hag-gdn', chap. II. ver. 8. (d). a-mar', chap. III. ver. 1. p»). s "JSlo-himchap. I. ver. 1. (c). * /o, chap. II. ver. 17. ('). f tho-cKluf, chap. II. ver. 16. (*). 3 mim-men'-nu, chap.II.ver.^.^). A v'/o, chap.II.ver-i7.(^3,with 1 conj. 1 thig-g'Vur, verb Kal fut. pi. 2 pers. masc. ()"S and JJ'6). m bo, chap. I. ver. 11.('J. 11 pen, conjunction. 0 tfmu-thu7i\ verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (V'JJ) with J paragogic, shortening the Q which should have been under the formative D into Q. rnD/-xLr 4 V. I AT • IT V T "* V J - die-to not ,\voman-THE unto serpent-THE said-And ^ nyy :isniDipff5 of-day-the-in that God (isj-knowing For .die-shall-ye bc-sliall-ye-and ,eyes-your opened-be-shall-and ,it-of euting-your : jm" lD'" |T T J A** : I • l*# .evil-and good knowing God-like Verse 4. 0 vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (fl). b han-nd-khdsh', chap.III.ver.i.(a). c el, chap. I. ver. 9. (f). d hd-ish-shdh', chap. II. ver. 22. (J). e Iq9 chap. II. ver. 17. (*). f moth, Kal inf. prefixed intensitively to the finite verb. * fmu-thun\ chap. III. ver. 3. (°). Verse 5. « la, chap. I. ver. 4.(0. h yd-de'aV, Kal part. Poel (V/Q andIII. v. 6.-—GENESIS.—III. v. 7. 37 c "Elo-hwi', chap. I. ver. i.(c). d M, chap. I. ver. 4. (*). e Vyom, chap. I. ver. 5. (rf). f achol-chem\ s mim-men'-nu, chap. II. ver. 17. («"). 7< v'niph-ttkhu', verb Niph. pret. pi. 3 pers. with 1 copulative. 1 Ve-ne-chemsubst. com. (rarely masc.) dual (sing. JJJJ, dual abs. su^- ^ pers. pi. masc. R. (not used in Heb.) to flow, to flow out. 3 vi-Ji yi-them\ chap. III. ver. i.(6), 2 pers. pi. masc. with 1 copulative. k ke-ld-him% chap. I. ver. i.(c), with D, part of similitude prefixed. 'frO is for which would be instead of rX!D. 1 yd-(FVeyf, chap. III. ver. 5-(A), pi. const. m tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (-Q. " vd-raV, chap. II. ver. 9. (4). nm* 210" rs* n&krf4 Wifiv 6 ) t j' t • it v j" - tree-THE (toai-)-good that woman-THE saw-And nonai* swi" Kin'-mKJV w 3 v.t • it -j' v: st : (is)-Wliat woman-Til E-to . God Jehovah said-And rvizw* JT -r - T • IT V - "t J serpent-TiiE ,woman-THE said-And ? done-liast-tliou thisIII. 14.—GENESIS.—III. r. 15. 41 i s^' nirp5 : ^kv j. v; T ; v I- IT God Jehovah said-And .ate-I-and me-beguiled -in**' rim4 fpw rs' ^n-ur-^* < T T J* t" J- T T ~ cursed ,this done-liast-tliou Because ,serpent-THE unto m&rr wr nonarr'"1?^* nrw AVT - J----t. . T - T • T - ;field-THE of-beast all-above-and ,cattle-THE all-above thou-(artf) ^rr of-days-the all eat-shalt-tliou dust-and ,walk-shalt-thou belly-thy upon pnv ^3c rrti>|4 i nTK'r : ?pVr between-and tlice-between put-will-I enmity-And .life-tliy Kin' p?$nsi' pnv n&kr?* it ;seed-her between-and seed-thy between-and woman-THE D :3j$° rrrmr ^sit^4 .lieel-the liim-bruise-shalt thou-and ;liead-the thee-bruise-shall Verse 13. ° vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3-(a). h Y'hd-vahf, chap. II. ver. 4.(b). c ''Eld-him/, chap. I. ver. i. (c). d ld-ish-shdh', chap. II.. ver. 22,0, with prefix ?. mah, chap. II. ver. 19. (?). * zoth\ chap. II. ver. 23.('), (with dagesh connective). * Va-sithverb Kal, pret. sing. 2 pers. fem. (V"S and H'6). h vat-td'-mer,chap. I. ver. 3. (a), fem. ' Aa-ts^-5AaA',chap.II.ver.22. p). J han-nd-khush', chap.III.ver.i.(«). k hisTi-shl-a'~nl, verb Hiphil pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. ()"£ and Kv) with suff. 1 pers. sing. 1 vu-o-chelchap. III. ver. 12. (*). Verse 14. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (a). b Ylio-vdh^ chap. II. ver. 4. (A). c 'Elo-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. (c). d el, chap. I. ver. $.(?). e han-nd-khdsh\ch^.lll.ver.i.(a). f M, chap. I. ver. 4. (e). s Vd-sV-thd, chap.III.ver. 13.(«■),masc. A zotli, chap.II. ver.23. ('), (and chap. III. ver. 13. (/). * d-rur', Kal, part. Paul. * at-tdh/, chap. III. ver. 11. («"), (here not in pause). k mik-kol, chap. I. ver. 21. («"). 1 hab-5'he-mdhf, chap. I. ver. 24. (A). m u-mik-kol, chap. I. ver. 21.(tf). " hhay-yath\ chap. I. ver. 24.(i).42 III. 16.—GENE SIS.—III. r. 16. 0 has-su-deh', chap. II. ver. 5. ('). p $al, chap. I. ver. 2.(/). q g1 hho-rCchu\ subst. masc.with suff. 2 pers. masc. (absol. pn,3). R. (unused in Heb.) to bend. r the-lech/, verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (v/3). ' v'-Vd-phar\ chap. II. ver. 7. (■*"). ' to-chal', chap. II. ver. 16. (*). H kol, chap. I. ver. 2i.(s"). v y'mey, pi. const, of chap. I. ver. 5. (r/). w khciy-ye'-chd, chap. II. ver. 7.(0. with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. Verse 15. a v'e-vdhsubst. fem. with conj. pref. R. to be hostile. b d-shith, verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. c beyn-chdchap. I. ver. 4. ('), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. ti-veyn', chap. I. ver. 4. ('). ' hd-ish-shdh', chap. II. ver. 22. (J). f u-veyn', chap. I. ver. 4. ('"). s zar-Vacha', chap. I. ver. 11. (A). h u-veyn', chap. I. ver. 4.(e). ' zar-Vahchap. I. ver. 11 (;')? with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. J hu$', chap. II. ver. 11. (rf). * y'skU-ph'chdf, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (Vy), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing, (shortening q under the * into Q. 1 rosh, subst. masc. R. (not used in Heb.) to shake, to move, vat-tdhchap. III. ver. n.(0, with 1 conj. » f shu-phen'-ivd, chap. III. ver. 15. (*), 2 pers. with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. 0 Vu-Mv', subst. masc. (const. 3j?J£, pi. D'Qjpjtf and fitapg). reia* rmr?" ihxc '6 v : - 1fc^)). R. to run after. n rfhutf,, chap. II. ver. 11. (d). 0 yim-shoV, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc., i in the last syllable shortened into Q short, because of the following Makkaph. p bach, pref. with suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. in pause. 'j: t*\ - r j* - t jtt; of-voice-f.he-to heard-hast-tliou Because ,said-lie man-to-And j ,thee-commanded-I which tree-THE of eaten-hast-and ,\vife-thy rrynsf hoRh" xhm -)£»!?' (ii-)-cursed ,it-l'rom eat-shalt-thou not , saying b'2- nifp&v nrp7^p all it-eat-shalt-thou, pain-with ,account-thy-on ground-the tttt]4 fij^r ■'pv18 gro;v-to-cause-it-shall bramble-and thorn-And .lil'e-thy of-days-the :rn&rf5 rnteav ^'19 : iv t - v j- v vt'j - it : • » •jt t it st»: •- it ktt v : t - man-THE culled-And .return-shalt-thou dust unto-and ,thou»(arf) rrfpn'* Kin* w rwv ■ a#* S.t : it j* -j' at- V: • *""yr was she because ,Eve ,wife-his of-name-the nVr>* ifon* pn1-^ v; T : - - - IT T J" God Jehovah made-And .living all of-mother iws miro' D"T^" i" • i ~~ v. j : t ;; : • ; st t : .them-clothed-and skin of-coats wife-his-to-and man-to44 HI. v. 17.—GENESIS.—III. v. 21. Verse 17. * -k-Va-dam\ chap. I. ver. 26. (rf). h d-marr, chap. III. ver. 16. (c). c ki, chap. I. ver. 4. (tf). d shd-maV'-td, chap.III. ver. 10. (rf), 2 pers. masc. * rkol, chap. III. ver. 8. (c). / ish-te'-chd, chap. II. ver. 22. 0, with suff.2pers.masc.sing. s vat-td'-chal, chap. II. ver. 16. (*), with 1 conv. h min, chap. II. ver. 6.(c). 1 kd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. 11.0. j dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. (A). k tziv-vi-thV-chd, chap. III. ver. 11. (*). 1 le-mdrf, chap. I. ver. 22. (rf). m Id, chap. II. ver. 17. ('). n tho-chaV, chap. II. ver. 16.(*). 0 mim-men'-nu, chap.II. ver. 17.^). p arw-mA',fem.ofchap.III.ver.i4.(1'). ? hd-Md-mdh', chap.I.ver.25.('"). r ba-Vavu-re'-chd, pref. with suff.2pers.masc.sing.the prep, formed from subst. and pref. ' Witz-tzd-von', absol. of chap.III.ver. 16. (/),with pref. * to-chalen'-ndh, chap. II. ver. 16. (*), with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. * kol, chap. I. ver. 2i.(*). w y'mey, chap. III. ver. i5.(r)« w khay-ye'-chd, chap. III. ver. 15. ("0. Verse 18. " tfkdtz, subst.masc.with prefix 1. R. (not so used inHeb.) to cut up,OYoff. b dar-dar\ subst. masc. with pref. R. (not so used in Heb.) to sprout out, to grow freely. c tatz-ml'dch, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. d Idch, pref. with suff. 2 pers. masc. in pause. e 1?d-chat-id, chap. III. ver. n. (®). / eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). s VZ'-sev, chap. I. ver. n.(/). h has-sa-deti, chap. II. ver. 5- (c). Verse 19. a Vzeh-Vath\ subst. fem. const, (absol. H^t). R. (notused in Heb.) to flow. b ap-pe'-chd, subst. masc. dual with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. (sing. dual D'jStf)., R. to breathe. c to'-chal, chap. II. ver. 16. (*). d le'-cliem, subst. com. R. to eat. e yad, prep. * shu-v'chd\ verb Kal Inf. (V'P) with suff. 2 pels. masc. sing. z el, chap. I. ver. 9.(ff). h hd-add-mdh', chap. I. ver. 25. (w). 4 Id, chap.I.ver.4.(e). J mtm-men'-ndh, prep.with suff.3pers.fem.sing. k luk-kuch'-td, 2 pers.masc.ofchap.II.ver.23.(w), Qbecauseof thepause. 1 Id, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). m Vu-phdr', chap. II. ver. 7.(^). n at-tdh\ chap. III. ver. 11. (*). 0 if el, chap. I. ver. 9. (*). p Vd-phdr', chap. II. ver. 7.(/). 9 td-shuv', verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (V^). Verse 20. a vay-yik-rd', chap. I. ver, 5-(a). b hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. (d).III. p. 22.— GENESIS.—III. v. 24. 45 c skem, chap. II. ver. n.(°). d ish-to, chap. II. ver. 22.(■?'). * hhav-vdh', pr. name, signifying /i/i'. / ^ chap. I. ver. 4. («). AzX, chap. II. ver. 12. (e). A ha-ythah', chap. I. ver. 2. (J). 1 ew, subst. fem. (pi. J chap. I. ver. 21. (5). k Jchdy, adj. R. to live. Verse 21. * vay-ya'-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7-(a). b Y'hd-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.(A). c "Elo-him*, chap. I. ver. i.(6'). d Va-damf, chap. I. ver. 26. (d). j e u-Vish-to', chap. II. ver. 22. (/). / 1cot-ndth\ subst. fem. pi. (sing. nan? and rii'DSJ). R. (unused in Heb.) to cover, fo /mie. ® Vdr', subst. masc. (pi. niliy). R. to be naked. h vay-yal-bl-sMm', verb Hiph. fat. sing. 3 pers. masc. with *5 conv. nrmr in" rnm* 1 na^v « t t it I <•• • v: jt : j ~ man-THE > ,Lo ,God Jehovah said-And JHV 3*163' 13&D* HW ATT J V.- T V • J" ~ I T T ; eviUand good know-to ,us-of one-as been-has □2/ np^i/ 'r\y 1 njiyv also take-and hand-his send-shall-lie lest nov-and ichjjb' 'tiv *73»v rfnrr* It ; j" t v- t : • - r .ever-for live-and ,eat-and ,life-[TnE] o --'jag' r-nrp' Eden of-garden-the-from God Jehovali him-sent-And |T • y; t t -;jT v ^:r .thence-from taken-was-he which ground-THE )( till-to ' a"$b' □nNrr-fm4 h east-the-from. dwell-to-caused-lie-and ,man-THE )( out-drove-lie-And 0nt7i rigy of-flame-the )(-and cherubim-THE )( Eden of-garden-the-to of-way )( keep-to way-every-turned-which sword-THE D JS^np' "y#1 .life-fTHE] of-tree-the46 HI. i>. 22.—GENESIS.—III. v. 24. Verse 22. ; a vciy-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (")• b Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. (A). c "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i.(c). d hen, interj. e hd-d-damchap. I. ver. 26. (d). / hd-ydh1, chap. III. ver. i.(6). s k'ah-khadchap. I. ver. 5. (m), in const, with conj. pref. h mim-men'-nu, pref. with suff. 1 pers. pi. (The same form may be 3 pers. masc. sin6.^ ' la-da'-Vath, verb Kal Inf. (*"£}) with prefix, pointed with because of the accent being on the next syllable. * tov, chap. I. ver. 4.{/). k vd-rdVchap. II. ver. 9.(*). 1 V'Vat-tdh\ adv. with conj. pref. m pen, conj. B yish-lakh', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (Iy6) . 0 yd-dd\ subst. fem. with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, (absol. dual pi. nnj). R. to stretchout. p v'ld-kakh\ verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (see chap.II. ver. 15.°), with 1 copulative. ? yam, conj. * me-Vetz\ chap. I. ver. 11. Q, with D pref., pointed with y because cannot take dagesh. * hah-Tchay-yim', chap. II. ver. 9. (m). * vd-chal\ verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 copulative. u vd-k'hayverb Kal pret. 3 pers. masc. with 1 copulative. v Wo-ldm\ subst. masc. (pi. with prefix. R. to hide. Verse 23. a vay-shal-VkJie-Iiij./, verb Piel sing. 3 pers. masc. with suff. 3 pers. masc. and with 1 conversive. b Y'hd-vdhf, chap. II. ver. 4. (A). 0 "Elo-him/, chap.I.ver.i.(c). d miy-yan, chap.II.ver.8.(d),with pref. yef-den, chap. II.ver.8.(c). f la-Vdvodf, verb Kal Inf. QJ"S) with pref. * eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). h hd-add-mdhchap. I. ver. 25. ('"). 1 Usher, chap. I. ver. 7.(A). J Mk-kakhfy masc. of chap. II. ver. 2$. (»). k mish-s7idmft adv. of place with prefix. Verse 24. a vay-yd'-resh, verb Piel fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (TJJ) with 1 conv. b eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). c hd-d-dam,', chap. I. ver. 26, (d). d vay-yask-ken', verb Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. e mik-ke'-dem, subst. masc. with prefix. R. to go before. * Vyan, chap. II. ver. 8.(d), with pref. s Ve'-den, chap. II. ver. 8.('). h eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). ' hak-lz rti-vim', subst. masc. pi. (sing. 3-V13) with article. J v'eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). k la!-hat, subst. masc. R. to flame. 1 hall-like'-rev, subst. fem. R. to lay waste. m ham-mith-hap-pe'-cheth, Hithpael part. fem. with art. n lish-mdr\ verb Kal Inf. with pref. 0 eth, chap. I. ver. 1.( -IV. r. 1.—GENESIS.—IV. v. 2. 47 p de'-rech, subst. com. (pi. D'OTl). R. to tread. ? Vetz/ chap. I. ver. n.Q. r hah-khay-ymichap. II. ver. mrr-nr JT " Eve )( a : ,wife-his possessed-have-I said-slie-and b PV ^ \r r knew bear-to -nsr )(' )$iij n^4]' ,sheep of-feeder-a said-slie-and ; Cain )( bare-and mf /4 r\gm □n»riv T TJT : man-Tgu-And rr ■> "in^y bare-and conCeived-she-& jt : .Jehovah with Snn^JTV "nn'-rw " " - — VAT Abel )( added-she-And n Ujel was-and : rrm^" it t .ground-the •nir tilling ,T,T «.T T 2 V man-a Trw T brother-his m* Cain-and Chap. IV. Verse 1.—a v'ha-a-d&m', chap. I. ver. 26.(d). b ya-daV', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'D and )3'h). c eth, chap. 1. ver. i.(rf). d khav-vdti, chap. III. ver. 20. («). e ish-to\ chap. II. ver. 22. (J). vat-td'-har, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fem. with 1 conv. s vat-te'-led, 3 pers. fem. sing, of chap. III. ver. 16. ('), with 1 conv. h eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). ' ka'-yin, pr. name, explained below. 3 vat-to'-mer, fem. of chap. I. ver. 3. (a). h kd-nV-thl, verb Kal pressing. I pers. (H'v). 1 tsh, chap. II. ver. 23.(w). m eth) prep, (not to be confounded with HK marking the object). R. to approach. n Y'hd-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. Verse 2. a vdt-t&seph, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. (V/D) with 1 conv. h la-le'-deth, inf. of chap. IV. ver. 1. (#), with pref. c eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). d d-khiv, subst. masc. (absol. nfcj pi. DT1ISI) with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. * eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). f ha-vel, pr. name vanity; in pause for 8 vct-y'h?, chap. I. ver. 3. (e). A he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(0. ' ro'-Veh, Kal part. Poel. and H'v). J tzon, subst. com. ? h v1 ka'-yin, chap.IV.ver. 1. (-Q with pref. 1 Jid~ydti, chap.III.ver. 1. (d). Vd-ved\ Kal part. Poel. * Md-mdti, chap. I. ver. 25. ('").48 IV. Vb 3.—GENE SIS.—IY. 5. yij?* KnV Vjpb5 *.• :r of-fruit-the-of Cain brought-and ,days of-end-the-from was-it-And s^arr* 'nrn- :nin^' man* noisr?* 4 j' *• v v : it |- vt i * 'jt t it brought Abel-And .Jehovah-to offering-an ground-the aur-cr regarded-& ; fat-their-of-and sheep-his of-firstlings-the-of lie also w*-l78V :iflruD"-I7»v nrr' 5 1 • y v : »t:* v : v <.v v t : Cain unto-And .offering-his unto-and Abel unto Jehovah rp64 n-irmff nw tih' innaa'-^K'r 1 •»-: - <• - vTtt j v t ; • v : Cain-to angry-was-it-and ,regarded-he not offering-his unto-and im' It t k : : .face-his fell-and »very Verse 3. va-tfhi', chap. I. ver. s.(e). h mik-ketz\ subst. masc. with pref. R. to cut off. c yd-mim\ chap. I. ver. 5.(9. d vay-yd-ve', chap. II. ver. 19. (,w). 9 ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1.(9. f mip-p'rV, chap. I. ver. 11.0. s M-dcld-mdh', chap. I. ver. 25.(*"). h min-khahf, subst. fem. R. (not used in Heb.) to give. 1 lay-ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.(;<). Verse '4. a v'he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(-Q. h Jie-vV, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. of chap. II. ver. * gam, chap. III. ver. 6. (r). d Jiu$, chap. II. ver. n.-(rf). * mib-1) cho-roth', subst. fem. pi. (sing. iTYD2) with pref. R. (not used in Kal) to be early. f tzd-nd', chap. IV. ver. 2.0, with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. 8 &-me-khel-ve-1ien', subst. masc. pi. with suff. 3 pers. fem. pi. ancf prefixes, prep, and conj. "I, (sing. pi. absol. D'Q^n). R. (not used in Heb.) to be fat. 4 vay-yi'-shaV, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (H"?) with 1 conv. i Y'hd-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. (7i). i el, chap. I. ver. 9. (?). h he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(-Q. 1 vel, chap. I. ver. $.(?). m min-khd-thd', chap. IV. ver. 3-(A), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing.IV. V, 6.—GENESIS.—IV. v. 7. 49 Verse 5. a tfel, chap. I. ver. 9. (ff). h ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1. ('). c t?W, chap. I. ver. 9. («"). d min-khd-tho', chap. IV. ver. 3. (J). e Id, chap.II.ver.19.0. f shd-Vtih', verbKalpret.sing.3pers.masc.(iYv). s vay-yi'-khar, verb Kal fut. apoe. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. h V ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1. ('*), with pref. ' m'od, chap. I. ver: 31. (rf). J vay-yip-p'lu') verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. ()"Q) with 1 conv. h pa-nay v', chap. I. ver. 2. (&), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, mn' na^* rp'-'w0 nim4 6 TJT T T< I'Iat V VT : V J - angry-been-it-has Why ,Cain unto Jehovah said-Arid -DK* NVjrr to1 1 • < 1 iv t j : it t\t : It if ?Not .face-tliy falien-has why-and ?thee-to dkv well-do-slialt-thou not if-and ? exaltation well-do-shalt-thou ^(51^' rmrn■' nn^» ,desire-hi3-C&e-sAaW) thee-to-& rcouches-vvhich-Miat (is)-sin door-THE-at : ' rrjn»i" I T ; • V.T - ; .him-over rule-shalt thou-and ^ Verse 6. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver.3.("). h Y'ho-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. (7'). c el, chap. I. ver. 9. (&). d ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1. ('), in pause. e lam,'-mah, pron. interrog. with pref. / khd'-rah, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (fi'6). s lakh, pron. sufF. 2 pers. masc. sing, with prefix in pause, v lam'-mail, chap. IV. ver. 6.(c), with 1 conj. nd-pKW, verb Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. J * phd-ne'-cha, chap. I. ver. 2.(«"), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. 'w Verse 7. a fyalo', chap. II. ver. 17. (e), with H interrog. b %m, conj. c tey-tW, verb Hiph. fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. d s'eth, Kal inf. fem. (|"£). e v'im, chap. IV. ver. 7-(&), with conj^ \ f Id, ehap. II. ver. 17. (*). they-Uv', chap. IV. ver. 7. (c.) lap-pe'-thakh, subst. masc. (pi. D^nHS) with pref. h excluding art. R. to open. •«50 IV. v. 8.—GENESIS.—IV. z>. 12,, * khat-tath', subst. fem. R. to sin. J rd-vetz\ Kal part. Poel masc. k v e-le!-chd, chap.I.ver.9.(<§"),with pron.suff. 2 pers. masc. sing.and conj. 1 fshu-ka-thof, chap. III. ver. 16. (m), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. ,n vat-tdhchap. III. ver. 11. C^). n tim-shol2 pers. masc. of cliap. III. ver. 16.(°). 0 5o, chap. I. ver. ii.(*).. ni "nn'-'w pp4 s • :r a* t vjv v 1 •'6' njpan* bin/ ;know-I Not ,said-he-And ? brother-thy Abel (wO-Where np* -)£^V "ipt^D*10 What ,said-he-And ?I~(am) brother-my of-keeper? c ' me-unto crying-(is) brother-thy of-blood-the of-voice-The ? done-tRou-hast JIP" nr\«° Tms » from thou-(«r£) cursed now-And .ground-THB frorA nnpbj fr^'-m4 mm* -ittfK' hehkii* - uj-t T • V JT : IT JV T T It receive-to mouth-her )( opened-has which ,ground-THE ih^m4 \3 • : frb • Tm •» pf' 12 till-shalt-thou When .liand-thy-from brother-thy of-blood )( rniV'Hri* > ;tliee-to strength-lier give-to add-shall-it not ,ground-THE )( :p»3" iTHfl' "T3V J/J-' | v it t - y: : 1* ut jt .earth-THE-on be-shalt-thou wandering-and moving Verse 8. ' vay-yd'-mcr, chap. I ver. 3. (fl). b Jca'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1. (•'). ' chap. I. ver. 9. («"}. d fie'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2. (/).rv. v. 8.—GENESIS.—IV. i>. 12. 51 * a-fohwr, chap. IV. ver. 2.{d). f va-xflvif, chap. I. ver. 3.(c). 8 bl-h'yd-thdm', Kal Inf. with sufF. 3 pers. masc. pi. and prep. h bas-sd-deti, chap. II. ver. 5.(c). ' vay-yd'-kom, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'JJ) with 1 conv. i ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i. 0. k el, chap. I. ver. 9.,(*). 1 he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(f). m d-fokw', chap. IV. ver. 2.(rf). n vay-ya-har-ge-'hu, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (ITS) with, suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, and 1 conv. Verse 9. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (fl). b Y'ho-vdhf, chap. II. ver. 4. (A). c el, chap. I. ver. $.(*). d ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.0. 9 ey, interrog. adv. f he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2. (/). 8 d-khi'-chd, chap. IV. ver. 2.(d), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. h vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3.(G). * Id, chap. II. ver. 17.(e). ' yd-daV'-ti, 1 pers. of chap. IV. ver. i.(»). * Msho-mer', Kal part. Poel with PI interrog. z a-cAz, chap. IV. ver. 2.(rf), with suff. 1 pers. m d-no'-chi, chap. III. ver. 10. 0. Verse 10. a vay-yo'-mer, chap.I.ver.3.(a). b meh, pron. interrog. & indef. i.cj. HD. c Vd-sl'-thd, masc. of chap. III. ver. 13. («•). d fool, chap. III. ver. 8.(c). e d'mey, subst. masc. pi. const, (sing. EH, pi. absol. DW). R. to be red. * u-khl'-cha, chap.IV. ver.2.(rf). tzo-Va7dm', Kal part. Poel masc. pi. h e-lay', chap. I. ver. g.(8), with suff. 1 pers. sing. 1 min, chap. II. ver. 6.(fc). J hd-dda-mdh', chap. I. ver. 25. («*). Verse 11. a v'Vat-tdti, chap. III. ver. 22.(0. b d-rur', chap. III. ver. 14.0. c at'-tdh, chap. III. ver. 11. (£"). d min, chap. II. ver. 6.(c) e ha-ada-mah\ chap. I. ver. 25. (m). / asher, chap. I. ver. 7.(A). *pd-tz'tha'9 verb Kalpret. sing. 3 pers. fem. h eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). 1 pl'-hd, subst. masc. (absol. HQ) with suff. 3 pers. fem. R. to breathe, to blow. J Id-ka'-khath, >Kal Inf. fem. (verb like )"£) with pref. k eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). 1 d'mey, chap. IV. ver. 10. (®). ' / m u-khV-chd, chap. IV. ver. 2.(d). , n miy-ya-de'-chd, chap. III. ver. 22. (°), with suff. 2 pers. masc. ancTpreftx. * - ---—-A—---—____• - > 5*52 lY/v. 13.—GENESIS.—IY. i?. 15. Verse 12. a Id, chap. I. ver. 4.(*). b tha-avodverb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (V'SD). c eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). ' d ha-ada-mah,', chap. L ver. e Id, chap. II. ver. 17.(*"). f tho-sephchap. IV. ver. 2.(°). teth, verb Kal Inf. (|7/£5 and |'6). h cd-khdhr, subst. masc. (absol. ni3) with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. 1 lack, chap. IV. ver. 6. (<§"). ndV, Kal part. Poel (V'i? and V"h). k va-nddr, part. Poel (1"V), with conj. 1 tl-h'yeh2 pers. not apoc. of chap. I. ver, 3.(r). w vd-d-retz, chap. I. ver. 1.(5). bSii' rp4 j3 k' j t at ; v I v j - iniquity-my (is)-Great .Jehovah unto Cain said-And Di%" Miir * |,r '4 upon-from day-THE me driven-hast-thou ,Lo .up-lifted-be-to-than nriD«' Mkai* RDiKr?s . . . t : fx" tv i «.v t • t t it j" : be-shall-I-and ,hid-be-shall-I face-thy-from-and ground-THE of-face-the -L73* p-piTT P**3m 'TJV ]}}k t ;tt ; i v t t tt kt one-every-(that) be-shall-it-and ;earth-THE-on wandering-and moving pV rfirp* i^4 :w ^8)£fc)r >s ) .. t t : j v s - v ; 1 Therefore ,Jehovah him-to said-And .me-kill-will iue-finding D^V lip/ jnlT-1?!' set-and ; vengeance-receive-shall sevenfold Cain killing one-every iJw-nisW' Fr\km rp^' ni;r* l ~ j* : • : 1 • 1-; ' rp4 dwelt-he-and Jehovah of-face-the-from Cain out-went-And )( Cain knew-And .Eden of-eastward Nod of-land-the-in * nvrof-namelthe-to-according city-THE of-name-the called-he-and ,city-a building -------------------54 IV. v. 16.—GENESIS.—IV. v. 18. 4 Y?^.r n^3?i8 ,Irad )( Enoch-to bom-was-And .Enoch son-his -rty S^rupv ^inp'-jw -r)y tpj/i* begat Mehujael-and ,Mehujael )( begat Irad-and *T'?v "wttfviD'r » V IT V J~ T V T I : •• T J : .Lamech )( begat Methushael-and ,MethushaeI )( Verse 16. a vay-ye'-tze, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (*"S) with 1 conv. h ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i. 0. c mil-liph-ney', chap. I. ver. 2.(s), with prefixes. d Y'ho-vahchap. II. ver. 4. (A). e vay-ye'-shev, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (v'&) with *1 conv. r b'e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (/). s Nod, pr. name, wandering. h kid-math', chap. II. ver. 14. («"). * Ve'-den, chap. II. ver. 8.('). Verse 17. a vay-ye'-daV, verb Kal fat. sing. 3 pers. masc. (v'£) with 1 coriv. b ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. 1. (f). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (rf). d ish-tdchap. II. ver. 22. (£). * vat-ta'-har, chap. IV. ver. i.(^). * vat-te'-led, chap. IV. ver. s eth, chap. I. ver. i.{d). h khtinochpr. name. 1 va-y'M, chap. I. ver. 3-(e). j bd-'neh, Kal part.Poel (PI'v) with the accent drawn back because of the accented syllable that follows. k Vlr'y subst.fem.(pl. . R. to wake. 1 vay-yik-rdchap. I. ver. 5.(a). m shem, chap. II. ver. 11. (a). M hd-Vir', chap. IV. ver. 17. (*}. 0 k'shem, chap. II. ver. n. («), with pref. p b'nd, sing, with suff. 3 pers. masc. of chap. III. ver. 16. (J), 9 khtinoch, pr. name. Verse 18. a vay-yiv-va-led', verb Niphal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V/Q) with 1 conv. b la-khtinoch', chap. IV.ver. 17.(A), with pref. c eth, chap. I.ver. 1.(rf). d Vl-rad', pr. name. e v'Vl-radpr. name with pref. *f ya-lad', verb Kal pret.sing.3 pers.masc. (V/S) * eth, chap.I.ver. 1.(a). A mkhu-yd-eV, pr. name. ' u-mlihiy-yd-yeV, pr. name with pref. j ya-ladchap. IV. ver. 18. (-Q. h eth, chap. I. ver. i.(rf). 1 m thu-sha-el', pr. name. m u-m? thu-shd-el', pr. name with pref. 9 ya-lad\ (0. 0 eth, chap. I. ver. • * Id'-mech, pr. name, in pause for 7]DaIV. V. 19.—GENESIS.—IY. v. 22. 55 £DU}f ^b1?/ i^s-n^ia '9 of-name-the ,wives two Laniech liim-to took-And n^jts^rr' o^v nip* Pin»rr* it • v •• ~ j" : t*t ■»■ r it .Zillah-(itfas) second-THE of-name-the-and ,Adah-(M>«6*) one-THE •a#* rnrv sirr Vrp'-fm* my4 • t t j at t v v.t't v J" ~ of-father-the was he ,Jabal )( Adah bare-And wk4 d#!" :n,?.i?£V Snfc' 21 brother-his of-name-the-And .cattle-and tent of-dweller-the -to fraiv-te* nVr aiir biv v * 1" t • tt j at harp handling one-every of-father-the was he ,Jubal-(M?«A*) -n«* rn^' airr-or ntofr .•zuwv" t : it • - jt • : it ^ : )( bore she also Zillah-And .organ-and brass of-artificer every of-whetter-a ,Cain Tubal- :rw rp'-^aw flinw ^mv it i *k- ~l ) av :- •Naamah-(wa6) ,Cain Tubal- of-sister-tlie-and ; iron-and Verse 19. a vay-yik-kahlichap. II. ver. 15. (a). 6 Id, pref. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. c le'-mech, pr. name. d sti-tey\ fem. const, of chap. I. ver. 16. (d). e nd-shimsubst. fem. pi. (used as the pi. of fltPK). f shem, chap. II. ver. ii.("). * hd-ah-Math\ fem. of chap. I. ver. with art. h Vd-d(lh\ pr. name fem. 1 v'shem, chap. II. ver. ii.(a). 3 hash-she-mth', fem. of chap. I. ver. 8. (*). k tzil-lahpr. name fem. Verse 20. a vat-te'-led, chap. IV. ver. i.(s). b Va-dahpr. name fem. c eth, chap. I. ver. i.(d). d yd-vdl', pr. name masc. ' Mtf, chap. II. ver. 11.(rf) / hd-ydhchap. III. ver. tivt, subst. masc. const, (absol. pi. TVDK). h yd-shevKal part. Poel (v'£). i O'-hel, subst. masc. (pi. D^PIK). R. (not so used in Kal) to shine. J UL-mik-neh£, subst. masc. with 1 conj. R. to"56 IV. v. 23.—GENESIS.—IV. r. 24. Verse 21. a v'shem, chap. II. ver. n.(fl). 6 a-khw\ chap. IV. ver. 2<('i). c yu-val, pr. name masc. d hu&, chap. II. ver. n. (rf). e ha-ydh\ chap. III. ver. i.(6). ^ avz, chap. IV. ver. 20. (^). s kol, chap. I. ver. 2i.«). h td-phesKal part. Poel. '* kin-norsubst. masc. (pi. IVnllS). R. (unused) to give a murmuring sound. i v'Vu-gav\ subst. masc. R. to breathe, to blow. Verse 22. " vtzil-lati, pr. name fern, with 1 conj. 6 gam, conj. c hi#, chap. II. ver. 12. (c). d ya-Vdah\ fern, of chap. IV. ver. 18. (/). „ .7 f tu-valf 1 e eth, chap. I. ver. i. r). „ 7 , . y pr. name masc. ' ka'-ym, J h lo-tesh\ Kal part. Poel. k kol, chap. I. ver. 2i.(*). j kho-resh\ Kal part. Poel. (Many have taken this as a subst. sig- nifying tool.) h rikho'-sheth, subst. fem. R. possibly to be bright. 1 'u-var-zel', subst. masc. with 1 conj. R. Ch. to transfix, with b> added. m va-akhdth\ subst. fem. const, with conj. 1 (absol. tu-ial 1 name masc. * na-amahr, pr. name fem. 0 ka'-ym, J riVyy rvjy' 23 ,Zillah-and Adah wives-his-to Lamech said-And wqN4 r?a).Sp' ljpp#' ; word-my to-ear-give ,Lamech of-wives ,voice-my Hear fyvzb' \ftrirp 13' vv.v: ' : • : • : -t j* youtlv-a-and wounding-my-to killed-have-I man-a for „prf-_aJv **3' :w3n^24 1 -'at i- >, * <~t ; • j• i* t|\ ~ : ,Caiu avenged-be-sliall sevenfold Surely .bruising-my-to .seven-and seventy Lamecli-and Verse 23. * vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3.(°). b le'-mech, pr. name masc. c Vna-§hayv\ chap. IV. ver. 19-Ce)» Pref- suff- 3 pers. masc. sing. d Va-dah\ pr. name fem, e v'tzil-ldhpr. name fem. with 1 conj. * sh'ma'-Van, verb Kal Imp. pi. 2 pers. fem. (JJ'6).IV. r. 25.—GENESIS.—IV. v. 26. 57 e Jed-It, chap. III. ver. 8. (c) with suff. 1 pers. sing. h rishey^ const, of chap. IV. ver. 19.(e). * le'-mech, pr. name masc. * ha-dzen'-ndh, verb Hiphil Inf. pi. 2 pers. fem. (K"&). k im-ra-thV, subst. fem. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. mDtf, pi. nhDg). R. to say. 1 la, conj. m Ish, chap. II. ver. 23. (m). n Jid-rag'-tl, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. 0 Vphitz-Vl\ subst. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. pi. R. to cut, to wound. p v'ye'-led, subst. masc. R. to beget, to bear. q Vhhab-M-rd-thl\ subst. fem. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. iTJtoH). R. to bind. Verse 24. * M, conj. b shiv-Va-tha'-yim, chap. IV. ver. i6.(7'). c yiik-kam\ chap. IV. ver. 16.0. d kd'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.Q. e v le'-mech, pr. name masc. with 1 conj. / shiv-Vwinumeral adj. pi. of seven. s shiv-Vdh'. numeral adj. masc. of nty* dik* JHV 2s vj" - : v jt t bare-she-and ,wife-his )( again Adam knew-And -j-ittf- ip' riW* *nj?ipv 13s appointed-has because ,Sheth name-his )( called-she-and son-a bnh* nrwv -in«? y-\r j. ... ... - j- ^ -jV • v: <• whom ,Abel of-instead another seed-a God me-to ru$v 'TP/ ^"30"26 son-a born-was him-(fo) also Sheth-to-And .Cain [him]-slew ?«' bojk' -anP*Y jr a v; v. : v )t»: •- begun-was-it then : Enoch name-his )( called-he-and :niiT" D'^3" *hp^' it : j" : • .Jehovah of-name-the-on call-to Verse 25. fl vay-ye'-daV, chap. IV. ver. 17. (a). b a~ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. (d). c Vodadv. d eth, chap. I. ver. 1.(rf). e ish-to', chap. II. ver. 22. (i) vat-te'-led, chap. IV. ver. 1. (/). chap. III. ver. 16.0. h vat-tik-ra/, chap. L ver. 5.(a). 1 eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (d).,58 IV. v. ,25.—GENESIS.—IV. v. 26. sh'md, chap. II. ver. n.(a), with sufF. k sheth, pr. name masc. 1 hi, conj. m shuth, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc.(V'JJ). n lly prefix with pron. suff. 1 pers. sing. 0 ;Elo-him!, chap.I.ver.i.(c)- p ze'-raV, chap. I. ver. n.(A). q ah-kheradj. r ta'-hhath, subst. used as prep. * he'-vel, pr. name masc. * /el, this word which is commonly a conj. is here used in its primary sense as a relative. " hard-go', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. v hul-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.('). Verse 26. a ii-Pshzth', pr. name with prefixes. b yam, conj. c MX, chap.II.ver.i i . (d). d yul-lad\ verb Pual pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. e ben, chap. III. ver. i6.p). / vay-yik-raf, chap. I. ver. 5.("). s eth, chap. I. ver. i;(rf). h sh'md, chap. II. ver. n.(fl). 1 "Enosh, pr. name masc. J az, adv. of time. * hu-Jchal, verb Hophal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. 1 lik-rof, Kal Inf. with prefix. frshem, chap. II. ver. * Y'ha-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. (J1).ibtVD PROVERBS. CHAPTER VIII. n give-will understanding-and call-will wisdom Not? rv2e •spv-i'y/* jfiVip' « v » vat j' : : it j of-place-the-(ira) way-the on places-high of-liead-the-In .voice-her ninviy 3 • : f t t it « j • : of-mouth-the-at gates-the of-side-the-At .standing-(s£e-?s) paths B^nri2/ Kins' jrip' tit j* t ; v. : v» at .shout-she-will doors-the of-entrance-the ;city-the Chap. VIII. Verse 1.—a halo, negative part, with H interrogative. 6 khoch-mdhsubst. fem. R. to be wise. c thik-rd', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. d u-ttivu-nah', subst. fem. R. to understand, with 1 copulative. e tit-ten', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. (J"Q). f kd-ldh\ subst. masc. (pi. fl'r). With suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. Verse 2. a lirosh, subst. masc. (pi. . With 2 pref. R. (unused) perhaps to be moved} shaken. b niro-mim', subst. masc. pi. (sing. Di"M0). R. to be high. c Valei/, prep, with termination of the pi. const, state, (as is very fre- quent in poetry.) R. to be above, over. d da1-rech, subst. com. (pi. D'OTT). Here (..) in the penultimate is lengthened into y by the pause accent. R. to tread. e beyth, subst. masc. const, (absol. JV2, pi. D^JJD) ; commonly a house. R. to pass the night. * rithi-vdth\ (sing. PD'TO). R. (unused) prob. to tread. s 7iitz-tzd-vdhf, part. Niphal fem. )"D unused in Kal.<50 VIII. it. 4. PROVERBS.—VIII. b. 7. Verse 3. a Vyad, subst. fem. const, (absol. a hand, dual DJTJ, f"1^)« With prefix. R. to throw. h sh'Vd-rtm', subst. com. pi. (sing. ^1^). R. (unused) to cleave, to open. c Vphi, subst. masc. const, (absol. HQ, pi. rfl5S) with prefix. R. to breathe, to blow. d Jca'-reth, subst. fem. y in pause lengthened into Q. R. to meet. e m'vdtV, subst. masc. const, (absol. &03D, pi. D'WDp and fir). R. to come, to go. *ph?thd-khim\ subst. masc. pi. (sing. IDID). R. to open, ta-ron'-ndh, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. 4 unto (ts}-voice-my-and ,call-will-I men-O you-Unto p?W a^na4 warr W s at :"t j' t : j- t it t j" : cunning ones-simple-O Understand .man of-sons-tlie wnu/" in1?' 6 J. . ; r . J. T • • : tliings-noble because ,ye-Hear .heart ye-understand fools-O-and -\3° 'jo'ntsfca* viibi!/' nnaav Trm* i i* t i" - t : j- : • a" - Because .uprightnesses-(6e-sftaZZ) lips-my of-opening-the-and of-speak-will-I nnjhnv ^n4 nam* j- t ; v.- . I : a* • jv : v v v:v. lips-my of-abomination-the-and ,palate-my utter-shall truth : yujy .wickedness-{is) Verse 4. a dle-chemprep, with suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. b i-shim/, (sing. is commonly used for the pi.) c eJc-r&R\ ver. i.(c). d vWco-lV, ver. i.(-0, with suff. 1 pers. sing, and cop. conj. e el, prep. f Vney\ subst. masc. pi. const, (sing. |2, const. |2; pi. MB). R. to build. s a-dam\ subst. masc. R. to be red. Verse 5. a ha-vf-nti, verb Hiph. Imperat. pi. 2 pers. masc. (V/J?). h ph'thd-yimf9 subst.masc. pi. (sing. ''fiS; pi. also R. to be open.) 0 Vor-mdti, subst. fem. R. to be cunning.VIII. IT. 8.—PROVERBS.—VIII. v. 9. 61 d u-ctisi-lim!, (sing.'^03) with 1'cop.pref. R.tobe foolish. e hd-vV-nu, (see «). / lev, subst. masc. (const. lA, pi. TVI2^). R. (unused) perhaps to be fat. (Be of understanding heart.) Verse 6. a shim-Vu', verb Kal Imper. pi. 2 pers. masc. b Jfi, conj. c rigi-dim>/, (sing. . R. (not used in Kal) to be in front. d adab-berf, verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. R. in Kal to put in order. e u-miph-taJih', subst. masc. const, state sing, (absol. HJJDp), with 1 copul. R. to open. f s'pha-thai', subst. fem. dual with suff. 1 pers. sing. (sing. dual absol. DjriSS^). R. (unused) prop, to suck up. me-shd-rim', subst. pi. masc. (not used in sing.) R. to be straight. • Verse 7. a /cconj. b emeth, subst. fem. (with suff. ^DX). R. to be steadfast. e yeh-geh', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. d khik-klf, subst. masc. (absol. "7jri). R. to make narrow. e v'thd-Vavath', subst. fem. const, (absol. rDJJifi) with *1 copul. R. (not used in Kal) to abominate. f s'pha-thaiver. 6. (^). e re'-shaV, subst. masc. R. to make tumult, to do evil. any pi** PIM" 8 thera-in not-is-there mouth-my of-words-the all . (are)-righteousness-In orba* efer 9 • ;v jt 'i** • : jt ; • straight-(are) them-of-All .perverted-and crooked-thing-any .knowledge find-who-those-to upright-and ; understandeth-that-him-to Verse 8. a b*tzer-dek, subst. masc. with 2 prefixed. R. to be right, to be just. b col, pr. subst. totality, used as an adj. everyy all, the whole of. R. to complete. c im-re!, subst. masc. pi. const, (sing, absol. *)DK, but only with suff. pi. absol. DniDK). R. to say. d phi, ver. 3.(c), with suff. 1 pers. sing. e en, negative part, including the verb substantive. f bd-hem!, pronoun pi. 3 pers. masc. with 2 prefixed. niph-tdl', Niphal part, used as a subst. - h v1Vik-Jceshf, adj. with copul. 1. R. to pervert.62 * VIII. v. 10.—PROVERBS.—Yni. 0. 11. Verse 9. a cul-ldm/,■ ver. 8.(ft), with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. b ri>chd-7chtmr, adj. masc. pi. (sing. nbj). R. (unused) to be in front. c lam-me-vin', Hiphil part, with pref. h and the excluded article. d vi-shd-rlmadj. masc. pi. (sing. with 1 copul, prefixed. R. to be straight. e Vmd'-tze, Kal part. Poel pi. const, masc. with 7 prefixed, with the accent drawn back to the Penultimate because of the following accented syllable. f du'-Vath, Inf. of used as a subst. in the Penultimate lengthened into Q by the pause. fnnp' furf}* TO'-I78V ,nps)Di"?)nj?'1 10 gold-than knowledge-and ; silver not-and correction-my ye-Take n»an* fQto'-vr :"ina3*» a* • : * t : tv jt \' it : • ; (cora?-or>pearls-than-more wisdom (is)-good Because .chosen it : i* j • t t : .it-with equal-be-will not things-precious all-and Verse 10. * VkhA, verb Kal Imper. pi. 2 pers. masc. (^>"5, inflected like J"Q). b mu-sa-rV, subst. masc. with suff. 1 pers. (absol. "ID-lb). R. to correct. c val, negative particle (= Gr. p)) with 1 copulat. d ka'-seph, subst. lengthened from q because of the pause. R. to be pale. e v'da'-Vath, ver. 9. (/), with 1 copulate f me-7chd-rutzf, part. Paul used as a subst. (prop, something dug out) with D prefixed in a comparative sense. g niv-hhdrNiph. part. Verse 11. a /a, conj. h to-vdh', adj. fem. (masc. 2-VJ). R. to be good. c khoch-mdhver. i.(A). d mip-p1 ni-nim', subst. masc. pi. (sing, not used), with D comparative. e v'col, ver. 8. (6), with 1 copulat. f Jchaphd-tzim\ subst. (sing. f^n). R. to incline, to desire, s Zo, negat. adv. v h yish-vti,', verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (ri'v). ; 1 vdh, pron. suff. sing. 3 pers. fem. with pref. 3. <.\ T*VIlY"v. 12.—PROVERBS.—VHI. v. 14. 63 runv vuaizM ftddit •w ^ \r i at ;t • : j- t t : tv j* of-knowledge-and ,cunning inhabit wisdom I vi: mm* t : hate-to (is)-Jehovah m 3? * —i h inhabit ak-P" j- : • of-fear-The mats'*3 it ; v j • : .find-shall-1 rr co devices < V2h TO!* 1 }rv of-mouth-the-and ,evil way-the-and ,haughtiness-and pride ; evil mtfwiv :vuuly* jfDarm'n at* i : t^'k • |-t : - ,discretion-and ,counsel (iiO-me-To .hated-have-I ,pervei'senesses jminj* ^ ffird' *08'' .strength (fs)-me-to ,understanding am-1 «• Verse 12. a am, pron. 1 pers. sing. b khoch-mdh', v c shd-chan'-tl, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. d Vor-mahsubst. fem. (This word is sometimes used in a good, sometimes in a bad sense.) R. to be subtle. e tfdaf-Vath, ver. 9. (/); here used as in const, state. N 5 mzim-moth\ subst. fem. pi. (sing. R. to devise. (Both the verb and this derivative are used sometimes in a good and some- times in a bad sense.) s em-tzdf, verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. Verse 13. a yir-atJi', subst. fem. const, (absol. PlfcH*). R. to fear, b Y'hd-vah'y the Divine name, implying existence. c s'noth, Kal Inf. const, with fem. termination. d rdV, adj. (used here as.a concrete), in pause for JH. R. to break in pieces, to be evil. e ge-ah', subst. fem. R. to lift up one's-self. f v>gd-on\ subst. masc. with 1 copul. R. id. e v'de'-rech, ver. 2. (d). h rdV, (rf). • u-phl\ ver. 3. (c), with 1 copul. J thah-pu-chd'th\ subst. fem. pi. (sing, not found). R. to overturn. k $d-ne-thi, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. Verse 14. a li, suff. 1 pers. sing, with h prefixed. 6 Ve-tzdhf, subst. fem. R. to give counsel.64 VIII. r. 15.—PROVERBS.—VIII. v. 19. *73' e thu-shiy-yah\ subst. fem. with 1 copul. R. to make even. d dm, pron. pers. 1 pers. sing. 9 vi-nahsubst. fem. R. to understand. f fc, ("). 8 g vu-rah\ subst. fem. R. to prevail. ^iny s^n"}' la* «s princes-and reign-will kings me-By" .'p-TV^ •: at. j* t -v » viv all ,nobles-and rule-will rulers me-By .righteousness .earth-tl>e of-judges Verse 15. a hi9 suff. 1 pers. sing, with 3 prefixed. h m'la-chim!, subst. masc. pi. (sing. R. to rule, to reign. 0 yim-lo1-chu, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (The fut. used to express what is customary). d vrO'dnim', part Poel (used as a subst.) masc. pi. "With 1 copul. * y'khd'-KM, verb Poel fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. / tze'-dek, ver. 8.(«). Verse 16. ° M, ver. 15. ("). b sa-rlm/ (sing. ^) R. to rule. c yd-so'-rH, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. d u-n!dl-vim!, subst. (sing. R- to impel, to be willing. e col) ver. 8.(6). f shd->ph'te\ part. Poel (used as a subst.) masc. pi. const. s u'-retz, see Gen. I. i.(d). •nna^' 3nV rnanfc* ' 17 - r : at •• j- 1 • -:v early-me-seek-who-those-and ,love-will me-love-who-those I fin' todv—i#y 1 j a* • j r : v \ • : i\t : • wealth ,me-with (are)-honour-and Riches .me-find-will fnnjp* nicp" : rfpnyv TO'19 ,gold-than-more fruit-my (i's)-Good .righteousness-and enduring .chosen silver-than-more income-my-and ; gold-fine-than-& 4- °npVIIL v. -20—PROVERBS.—Vni. v. 21. 65 Verse 17. * am, ver. 14. (rf). b o-Jiavai\ (so Hp) part. Poel pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. c e-hav\ verb Kal fut. (K"S) sing. 1 pers. (in pause). d u-m1 sha-kharai', Piel part pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing, with 1 copul. e yim-tza-u'-rini, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. (suff. with 3 epenthetic). Verse 18. a Vo'-sher, subst. masc. R. to be rich. b v*cha-v6d\ subst. masc. with 1 copul. prefixed. R. to be heavy. c it-tV, prep. (HN) with suff. 1 pers. sing. d hon, subst. masc. R. to be light, easy. e Va-thek', adj. masc. R. to grow old. f ii-tz'da-kaJi', subst. fem. with 1 copulative. R. to be just. Verse 19. a tov, adj. ver. 11. (&). b pir-yi', subst. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. form Hg). R. to bear. c me-kha-rutz', ver. io.(-Q. d u-mip'pdz\ adj. masc. (used as subst.) with 1 copul. and D prep, prefixed. R. to separate. e fa-itCvu-a-thV, subst. fem. with prefix 1 copul. and with suff. 1 pers. sing. R. to come. f mik-ke'-seph, ver. 10. (d). s niv-khar\ ver. 10. («-). 4 rnK|- 20 of-midst-the-in , righteousness of-way-the-In me-love-who-those inherit-to-cause-To .judgment of-paths-the .fill-will-I treasuries-their-and (me-fo)-is-what Verse 20. a Vo'-rakh, subst. masc. with prefix. R. to go. h t£da-kahf, ver.i8.(/). e ahal-lech', verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. (Piel used in a causative sense). d Vthoch, subst. in const, (absol. Tjlfi) withpref. R.unusedinHeb.tocwfwp. * n'thi-voth', ver. 2. {f). / mish-pdtsubst. masc. R. to judge. Verse 21. 0 Vhan-khilverb Hiphil Inf. with h prefixed. 6 d-havaiKal part. Poel pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. . _66 YIIL 22.—PROVERBS.—VIII. v. 26. c yesh, a word implying beingyor existence; often used for the verb 2o here with the ellipsis of what is (to me) ; i. e. what (I) have. d 6-tZ ro-the-hem', subst. masc. pi. (with fern, termination in pi.) with 1 copal, prefixed, and suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. R. to lay up. e amal-le\ verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. nil?./ iiriv rr^y ijjj?* njny '" before way-his of-beginning-the me-possessed Jehovah aVws" : "ma* -3 ; anointed-vvas-I ,eternity-From .then-from works-his ^-iDe 24 depths being-not-In .earth-the before-from ,beginning-the-from nii#* i^irr • it •• t : • t. - 1 j" : • :p43i Rejoicing .time every-in him-before Rejoicing yj&jjvh* iv-ia* tena' it t j" ; v - •% —a~ : a : - j" " : .man of-sons-the with (loere)-delights-my-and ,eartli-his of-world-the-in Verse 27. a ba-hdchl-no', Hiphil Inf. with pref. 2, and suff. 3 pers. masc. b shu-ma'-yim, Gen. I. i.(c). c sham, adv. of place. a a'-nl, pron. pers. 1 pers. sing, (in pause for e b'khuk-kd\ Kal Inf. with pref. 2, and suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. J klity, subst. masc. R. to make a circle. s Val, prep. }ip*ney\ Gen. I. 2.(*). ' th'hom, Gen. I. 2.(;'). Verse 28. " ftam-m>tzor, Piel Inf. with prefix 3, and suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. b s/i Ichdh-kim', subst. masc. pi. (sing. pH^). R. to rub in pieces. c mim-md'-Val, subst. with prefix, used as an adverb. R. to go up. d ba-Vazoz\ verb Kal Inf. with pref. 2. e Ve-ndth\ subst. fern. (prop, an eye), dual eyes, pi. fountains f fhom. Gen. I. 2. (7'). Verse 29. a Vsu-mo\ verb Kal Inf. with pref. and suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. b lay-yamsubst. masc. with pref. h and the excluded article. e Izhuk-lzdsubst. masc. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (absol. pi"l). R to engrave. d "fa-ma'-yim, Gen. I. 2.("). * Id, adv. f ya-Vav-ru', verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc 8phiv, Gen. IV. n.('). h blihu-liOver. 27. (#). The Inf. here of another form. 1 mo-s'dey\ subst. masc. pi. const. R. to found. 3 d'-retz, Gen. I. i.(*). Verse 30. * vd-e-h'yeti, verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. with 1 conv. b etz-ldsubst. masc. with suff. (used as a preposition). j * d-monf, subst. masc. R. to support. d vd-e-Kyeh\ ("). j * sha-Vdshu-yim\.subst. masc. pi. R. to delight. f yom, Gen. I. 5. (d). * ydm, id.Yin. r. 32.—PROVERBS.—VIII. v. 34. G9 h m? sa-khe'-keth, Piel part. fem. (as agreeing with Hftpn wisdom). 1 Vphd-ndyv\ Gen. I. 2 .(s). j ft col, ver. 8. * subst. com. R. *0 Verse 31. a m'sa-khe'-keth, ver. 30. (A). 6 ftthe-velver. 26. (A). c ar-tzoGen. I. i.(*). d v sha-Vdshu-Vayr, ver. 30. (*), with prefix 1 copul. and sufF. 1 pers. s ' prep. Gen. IV. i.("). f ftneyGen. III. 16. (•>)• a-dam', Gen. I. 26. (d). 'b'-tynv}' rmj/v : a* ^ ; * • tv jt ^ : (it;fto-faoa'e)-of-blessings-& me-to ye-heurken sons O now-And loanv "TO4 watf" :WS "o-n'ss t -:r jt T : • I : • v- t : ,wise-be-and instruction ye-Hear .keep-will wavs-my ""78V .(i7)-reject not-and Verse 32. a vVat-tah\ Gen. III. 22.('). b bd-mm', Gen. III. 16.(J). 0 shtm-Vu\ Imp. pi. 2 pers. masc. Gen. III. 10. (d). d li, prep, with suff. 1 pers. sing. * vash-rey\ subst. masc. pi. const, with 1 copul. * &rd-chay\ ver. 2.(d). s yish-md-ru'i verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. Verse 33. shim-Vu', ver. 32. (c). b mfi~sdrfy ver. 10. (*). c va-khachd-mu', Kal Imper. 2 pers. pi. with 1 copul. d v'al, adv. with pref. * tiph-rdi-Vu', verb Kal fut. pi. 2 pers. *hyf *Tpath* ynve cm** 34 »j : • r ^ v tt s' : - at early-watch-to me-to hearkening man-the of-Blessings : inns' rfiw niba#' Di*1' 1 or4 it t : j : « • a j - : -v .doors-mv of-thresliolds-the keep-to day (6y)-day doors-my70 VIII, v. 35.—PROVERBS.—vST 36. frcfv pVi* s^n* mb' 13-35 1 T I VJT" A* ~ JT T * I V J* favour obtained-hath-and life found-liath me-fmding-one For iator Dm4 ir-nrT^*.^ A : - j- • ; 1 :k it :i- ; soul-his to-violence-doeth me-against-sinneth-who-lie-And .Jehovah-from -W VIT JT - : - ; T .death loved-have me-hating one-every Verse 34. a ash-rey', ver. 32. (ff). b udam, Gen. I. 26. (rf). c sho-me'aM, Kal part. Poel. d U, pref. and suff. * lish-kdd\ Kal Inf. with prefix a f Val, prep. g dcil-thd-thay', sabst. fem. pi. with suff. 1 pers. sing. h yom, Gen. I. 5-Crf)- '* ydm, id. 1 lish-morGen. III. 24. (w). * m'zi\-zoth\ subst.fem. pl. const. R. (unused) to move one's-self. 1 p tJui-Jchdy', ver. 3-(6). Verse 35. /a, conj. b mo-tzl', ver. <).(<). c mu-tzu', id. Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. d khay-yim\ Gen. II. 9. (»). e vay-ya'-phek, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. f ra-tzonsubst. masc. R. to please. s me-Y'hd-vdh', ver. 13. (&), with pref. Verse 36. | rt vWcho'-fl', Kal part. Poel with suff. b khd-mes\ Kal part. Poel. e 7iaph-shd\ Gen. I. 20. (4), with suff. d col, ver. 8.(6). e n£san~ay\ Piel part. pi. with suff. * d -havu', Pret. pi. 3 pers. of ver. 17. (c). g ma'-veth, subst. masc. R. to die. o ver. 35. r$ KSD-TIIE INTERLINEAKY HEBREW AND ENGLISH PSALTER............ IN WHICH THE CONSTRUCTION OF EVERY WORD IS INDICATED, AND THE ROOT OF EACH DISTINGUISHED BY THE USE OF HOLLOW AND OTHER TYPES. Multsc terricolis linguae, ccelestibus ana. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS; PATERNOSTER ROW.ADVERTISEMENT. The object of this Work is to afford to the Hebrew Student grammatical aid in reading the book of Psalms in the original language. The Hebrew Text is printed with care, accord- ing to Yan der Hooght. The servile letters are distinguished by hollow types, the root remaining black: and in all cases where a radical letter has been dropped from a word, it is supplied in small type above the line. The English translation has been made as literal as seemed practically useful; and the greatest pos- sible uniformity in rendering the Hebrew has been preserved. That is to say, every needless variation of the translation, where the original remained the same, has been avoided. In many instances, however, strict uniformity of rendering would have altered the true sense;—advertisement. as in the case of verbs having both transitive and intransitive meanings,—in words applied to God,— and when the context affected the signification: these peculiarities have been observed. Words which cannot be expressed in English are marked with )(; this is almost exclusively confined to JlX. Words which the idiom of the English language has required, are inclosed between [ ]. All supplied words are inclosed within ( ). The Hebrew article, when prefixed to substan- tives, has been distinguished thus, 4 the '; but this was not always practicable before participles and adjectives. The interrogative H is marked by a prefixed (?).: n^nn isd THE BOOK OF PS AT,^nn "isd THE BOOK OF PSALMS. o^^"! nv^a f?n ^ i -u^ a^Nr? ,wicked-the of-counsel-the-in walked not who man-THE of-Blessings : xh aj&toi inj; x) a^n ^-ra •sat not scorners of-seat-the-in-and ,stood not sinners of-way-the-in-and nartf ifiii'm5) Sypri n)n^ DK ps2 me j waters of-channels-the by planted tree-a-as be-shall-he-And .night-and day-by life i -)^K ,fade-shall not leaf-its-and ;season-its-in give-shall fruit-its which DW"!j? ]?.'£)* " T ,l i ' v I "" r J * JV *;r V "*5 \ l ,wlcked-THB so Not .prosper-shall-he work-shall-he which thing-every-{i«)-and 'TH —1^8 ffei"DK vp not Therefore .wind-the away-[itj-driveth which chaff-THE-as rather but nijp s^tarn QWl of-congregation-THE-in sinners-and judgment- TH» wicked-the stand-shall2 I. v 6.—PSALMS.—II, *11. TD! TO nirn jhy*--^6 : B^y ©f-way-the-and jrighteous-the of-way-the Jehovah knowing (is) For .righteous-th6 : BW> |«* J* ▼ I .perish-sh&U wicked-the 3 :»««—mmbh D^i: wn ns^ » I* :i v • s : *♦ j : it m ?vanitv meditate-will peoples-the-and ,nations-tlie thronged-have Why o^fni i .together eonsulted-have rulers-the-and ,earth-the of-kings-the themselves-set-Will —riK rrpT^3|3 : r^ny-2?# )( asunder-break-will-We .(sg)-anointed-his against-and Jehovah against 3$Y>4 : sifcteth-that-He ,cords-th*eir us-from cast-and ,bands-their "13*1*1 t£5 : pn^ speak-he-will Then .them-at mock-will Lord-The ;laugh-will heavens-THE-in •y?3p3 ^;i6 :is firm-set-have I-And .them-trouble-will-he wrath-his-in-& ;anger-his-in them-to ^n_l7« n"j?pi7 statute-a for declare-will-1 .holiness-my of-mountain-the ,Zion-upon king-my : o^rr m inx riim j - • t a- j» ; v- - t t : .thee-begotten-have day-to I ;thou-(ar£) son-rny —,me-to said Jehovah rih: ,inheritance-thy-(as) nations-the give-will-I-and ,me-from Ask tD2&$ : flippy ^nrn^i of-rod-a-with them-break-shalt-Thou .earth-the of-ends-the possession-thy-(a«)-and B^p nfun10 $ w Vns ,Kings-0 ,now-And ,them-dash-wilt-thou potter-a of«vessel-a-as ;iron rrirrr\K rqj;11 : JT • • J • r * • J • IT A t Jehovah )( Serve .earth-the of-judges-O admonished-be ; be wiseII. v. 12.—PSALMS.—III. v. 9. 3 i 13 : rn^na t»\?i r?$T3 ,angry-be-he lest }son-the ye-Kiss .trembling with-rejoice-and ; fear-with lag tq/pj) :anger-his little-a-(m)-as Mndle-shall for ,way-the-(/Vom) perish-ye-and : ^Din-b I "J T - I Him-in trusting all of-blessings-the-0 3 fm Ditea "jss i iriini Tni» tod • ' t : - <•* : • : t : a* t : j ; • .son-his Absalom of-face-the-froni flying-his-in ;David-of Psalm-A a^in "hv b"r-ra ■—fyT .me-against rising-(are) Many ! distressors-my multiplied-liavc How Jehovali-0 sprite $ frfuht^ rs b'hok a'2-13 • l** t t 1 : « j** j- ; -; v* : I * — .God-in him-for salvation not-is-tliere —; soul-rny-to saying-(arT J : l' •• t ' (themselves)-set around which nation-a of-myriads-of-because fear-will-I irrfo wSfo 1 rh it hdip 8 T j. • - v; • • i t -J?» ^inconn pnv-^nar' j» - IT : : • 1 vav •• ; • Many .Jehovah upon confident-be-& ;righteousness of-sacrifices-the "IlK ^S4_np3 310 ,face-thy of-light-the us-upon up-lift ?good see-us-make-will who ,saying-(«re) n#D hb^ rtnQfr rrfiro8 : rnfr ,season-the-than-more hcart-my-in gladness given-hast-Thou .Jehovah-O Tin: Di^l9 : bn mn down-lie-will-I together peace-In .multiplied wine-new-their-& corn-their : naii!? nin^ nrjg-rp .dwell-me-make-wilt confidence-in alone , Jehovah-0 ,thou for jsleep-and n •no#2 : th^ flVjinafHw mnbj1 \r t l* t: j : • • : v t" : I words-My .David-of Psalm-a ;Necliiloth-THE upon ,over-is-that-him-Toy. r. 3.—PSALMS.—Y. v. 12. 5 hhf? pQ^j?f?3 :^jn rnm: of-voice-the-to Attend .meditation-my consider ;Jehovah-0 ,to-ear-give rVliT>* Tlltf t : it - : v I v •• i- at j' : ' • : - ,Jehovah-0 .pray-will-I thee-unto for ;God-my-& king-my-0 ,cry-my ^"TWM "IB? thee-to order-in-set-will-1 morning-the-(m) ;voice-my hear-wilt-thou morning-tlie-(m) *6 nns j/eh van-Sk *6 i ^5 : nav«i v. t a- " j\' i •• t < v iv--:r not ;thou-(art) wickedness (iw)-delighting-God-a not For ,watch-will-& 0 :jn spY vjv: • : v j : - : • i ^ it j' : before foolish-the themselves-set-shall Not .evil thee-with-sojourn-shali \i:n 7 : 73 ni«t£ ?pAy# speak-who-those destroy-wilt-Thou .iniquity of-doers all hated-hast-Thou ; eyes-thy ■•isi8 : nim 1 rumi nb-i^ n?5 • r it : t : t : • r t • jt t I-And .Jehovah abhor-will deceit-and blood of-man-the ; falsehood OWlPS ^3 **i:m TOE? ^15 towards down-bow-will-I ;house-thy (iwfo)-go-will mercy-thy of-multitude-the-in TOTO 1 Hin-9 : ,righteousness-thy-in me-lead ,Jehovah-0 .fear-thy-in holiness-thy of-temple-the ^,0 : ?f3"n -5^ TlT1^ n|j;p}» For .way-thy me-before straight-make ; me-observe-who-those of-because --13J?. niih QJIi? sepulchre-a ; wickedness (is)-part-inward-their ,steadfastness mouth-his-in not-is-there 1 rrip^m eSna rnna •• • l~ ' m • i" t : at : j t ,guilt-with-them-Charge .flatter-will-they tongue-their-(wi^) ;throat-their-(is) opened transgressions-their of-multitude-the-in ; counsels-their-by fall-shall-they ,God-0 ^Dirrte 12 : Via—>3 v t : : •: 'It • a- • - trust-who all glad-be-shall-And. thee-against rebelled-have-they for ; away-them-drive \prn: thhyb exult-shall-& ;them-over cover-wilt-thou-& ;joy-for-shout-shall-they ever-for ,thee-in6 Y. v. 13.—PSALMS.—VI. v. 10. i pw irnsr^13 : s\gur ^ (sg.)-righteous-the bless-wilt thou For .name-thy love-who-those thee-in : ^"ispy# |iy-i r4ivs H,VT: • favour -(with) bucltler-THE-as ;Jehovah-0 1 : THV liora JWD^rrV jwoaa ,. t; j : • * • : - - • : •*. ~J" - : r .David-of Psalm-a ; Sheminith-THE-upon ,Neginoth-on over-is-that-him-To : Hirr:2 .me-chasten wrath-thy-in not-and ;me-rebuke anger-tliy-in not ,Jehovah-0 ^ nim Wdk ^ nim 3 ■ v AT ; • y T ; • jt <• T : -j *• T for ,Jehovah-0 ,me-heal ; I-(am) weak-very for ; Jehovah-0 ,me-to-gracious-Be aki I'xd rrSnaa jt - : A : jt-; : • : — ir T^: j • thou-& ; greatly troubled-been-has soul-my-And .bones-my troubled-been-have mf^n nim rraittf.5 : intra? riirn A* : - JT : - T l\. JT IT T T : ;soul-my deliver ,Jehovah-0 ,Return ? When until ,Jehovah-0 nip yn wearied-been-have-I thee-to-thanks-give-shall who hades-in ; remembrance-thy ^Hbb nnfem \nn:m • : • : a* t • Tin t ; jv : - • t : - i: tear-my-with ,bed-my niglit-the all-in swim-to-make-shall-1 ,groaning-my-in ^ HffW : nppi %-y; ;eye-my grief-of-because consumed-been-Has .melt-to-make-shall-I couch-my mo9 rrpnif •• : j T * j IT : i T : H : *T of-doers-ye all ,me-from Depart .oppressors-rny all-through old-become-has-it nim ysw10 : Sip riiir n» T j— T i • : • »j T : ^ j- T I* 1 vat Jehovah Heard .weeping-my of-voice-the Jehovah heard for ; iniquityVI. v. 11.—PSALMS.—YII. v. 9. 7 iVpg^ i^11 :np iji-jajn film' inarm j it • : < •• 'it* j* T ' i; t : a • t • : troubied-& ashamed-be-Shall .receive-will prayer-my Jehovah ; supplication-ray : yri da*' "rfoo it J " *•. t a t i i t jv. .moment-a-in ashamed-be-(§*) return-shall-they ; enemies-my all greatly T nirp) Tnj> 1^1 & Cush of-words-the of-because ,Jehovah-to sang-he which ,David-of wandering-A wpn ?j$ nvr;' : me-save ,trusted-I thee-in ,God-my Jehovah-O .Ben-jamite-the njn.K? ^pf-]a3 : lion-a-as tear-he Lest .me-deliver-and ,me-pursue-who-tliose all-from -dk niiT4 :^b rm ?lk ^53 if ,God-my Jehovah-0 .delivering none-be-there-& ,(ii)-rending ,soul-my \fterDK 5 : VIP VI-DK nk? • : - tv • it - : vtr v a • j- *r rewarded-I if ;hands-my-in iniquity be-there if ;this done-have-I : Bpn "mitf rrifVrmi 5n ^riru/ i|t •• j* : i t : —:i t ^ at • : j .causelessly me-oppressed-who-him delivered-even-have-I —;evil me-with-peace-at-oneto y-iith Dbnil *$93 i iriis ppny ;life-my earth-the-to trample-shall-& ;overtake-8c ,soul-my enemv-the pursue-Shall i ri:jrp; rrDip7 : r6p -p/? i ^Voyi ,Jehovah-0 ,Rise Selah. .dwell-to-make-shall dust-the-in honour-my-& nfiy r=ii*}TO awake-and ; oppressors-my . of-rage-the-of-account-on up-lifted-be ; anger-thy-in n^i8 : n^iv peoples-the of-congregation-the-And .commanded-hast-thou judgment ;me-for nim9 : mittf tzri-ii^ "paiDin t : t i j t - t v't : t'av : i : Jehovah .return high-[the]-on it-of-because-& ; thee-surround-shall ijriV? nin^i a° si pT righteousness-my-to-according Jehovah-0 me-judge ; peoples-the judge-will8 VII. i;. 10.—PSALMS.—Yin. v. 2. iVl —iej^10 isnsi T T » • |TT J" \ • of-evil-the ,pray-I ,end-an-to-come-Let .me-upon integrity-my-to-according-& niV? ]n'^ p^y $3^ heart-the proving-(«.s)-& ; (sg.)-righteous-the establish-wilt-thou-& vvicked-the j^B to11 : p^y saves-who ,God upon-(is) shield-My .righteous-the God reins-and £30 p^y indignant-(?'6') God-& ;(sg.)-righteous-the judging-(w) God .heart of-upright-the Wp S2in K^-DK13 ; J • *_ ^ • J • TV J IT# bow-his ; vvhet-will-he sword-his > turn-will-he not If .day every-in -■^9' i^u : "sj-n .of-instruments-the established-hath-he him-for-And .it-establish-\vill-& ,bent-hath-he nun15 : b^PVi? i^ri ma v ~ : j" • it : • b': I : t • v mh# jv | VAT t T : I : •*. j« - t \v\\xc\\-(of~because) ;earth-THE all-in name-thy-(is) excellent how ,Lord-ourVIII. v. 3.—PSALMS.—IX. v. 3. 9 i : QWrr^ ?ffin run3 babes of-mouth-the-From .lieavens-THE above honour-thy thou-set rp2^r?j> TJTV nU?^ cease-to-cause-to ; oppressors-thy of-because ,strength founded-liast-tliou sucklings-& 5jW nirntps4 : niiK of-work-the ,heavens-thy see-I When .avenger-and enemy-the -nn8 : rr^ala (£s)-What : established-hast-thou which stars-the-and moon-the —; fingers-thy ? him-visit-vvilt-thou that ,man of-son-the-& ? him-remember-wilt-thou that ,man -nni TbDi vyn ^nnipmpr honour-& glory-and *; angels-the-than little-a less-him-made-hast-thou-And ^3 : ^nntpjwyi all ; hands-thy of-works-the-over rule-him-make-wilt-Thou .with-liim-crown-wilt-thou tbj'i r?r^8 n^vnnn rmW at-.. jv it: - - r tj- moreover-& ,them-of-all oxen-and Sheep : feet-his under put-hast-thou d»fj sW liaif9 : hfr ninra at - j" : • - tv, j • it t j i- ,sea-THE of-fishes- £he-& ,heavens-the of-bird-The : fields-the of-cattle-the -nip i^ibs run*10 : nip how ,Lord-our Jehovah-0 .seas-the of-paths-the passeth-(which-that) ! earth-TiiE all-in name-thy-(/s) excellent D : TT£ tiiDTb lib niD^ji t: J i • I - j - " - : -V .David-of Psalm-a ; Labben Muth upon over-is-that-him-To --l73 rriaps nirn nrm2 all declare-will-I ; heart-my all-with Jehovah to-thanks-give-will-I rn$m nnp^3 to-psalms-sing-will-I ; thee-in exult-and glad-be-will-I .works-wondrous-thy10 IX. v. 4.—PSALMS.—IX, 17. 14. ihm : ]%y 'nntv J : IT • AT j- : i i ; 1 i :*v J' : \ stumble-shall-they ,backward enemies-my turning-In .high-most-0 ,name-thy a* • : j* T : • t • *TV i* I IVT • : : ; cause-my-& judgment-my wrought-hast-thou For presence-tny-at perish-and rmj/a® : p*nf tDEflttf **D3i» • v t yjtt i viv J" " • : t : j- t ,Gentiles-the rebuked-liast-Thou .righteousness judging throne-tlie-on sat-hast-thou fitijd DQE' yah pmK JT I T • T JT : AT T T : J- * ever-for out-blotted-hast-thou name-their (sg.)-wicked-the destroyed-hast-thou aHifi rrf minnn fan i 7 :nTin i%0t: -jv t tt: j- •• it hyt cities-and ; ever-for desolations ended-have ,enemy-[THE] .ever-and rfirm8 : nan b-gt nax J^ru t t I" jt : • v- t t : a- t Jehovah-And .them-(u?ii5/4) remembrance-their perished-has ; up-plucked-hast-thou «im9 : inds toae^ pis 2^ vtiwh : i : • JT : • - K- A- •• jt he-And .throne-his judgment-THE-for established-he ; sit-shall ever-for .uprightness-in peoples-the judge-(fmd) ; righteousness-in world-the judge-shall nifrD Vri iz'm nirp n\-n~10 j ~ : T ; 'at- JT : • JT : <• seasons-for place-high-a ; (sg.)-oppressed-the-for place-high-a Jehovah be-shall-And 13 ^ 11 : not for ; name-thy know-vvho-those thee-in confide-shall-And .distress-THE-in »—lirr^' ruar 12 : rfirp spah'i m# T 2 " IT S 1 JV • I T ; T Jehovah-to psalms-Sing .Jehovah-0 ,thee-seek-\vho-those forsaken-thou-hast -^318 : nag fty 3a* When .deeds-liis nations-THE-among Shew ; Zion inhabits-who *6 "i3j of-cry-the forgot-he not ; remembered-lie them blood seeking run 1 Hirp 14 : ofig affliction-my see , Jehovah-0 ,me-to-gracious-Be .humble-the .death of-gates-the-from up-me-liftest-who-thou-0 ; me-hate-who-those-of-becauseIX. v. 15.—PSALMS.—X. V. 3. 11 l^y-nn rr^stf 15 ; Zion of-daughter-the of-gates-the-in praise-thy all declare-will-I Therefore nnW| efrij 16 : ditch-the-in Gentiles-the sunk-Have .salvation-thy-in rejoice-will-I : eta-i ms1?] labto Vnaha to it : )t : ; * t t j v iv : a 0r .foot-their cauglit-been-has ,concealed-they which net-the-in ; made-they-(«?McA) ■fe rto tsatfa rnm i jrrb" t"\. -j: jt i vt : • t: - < hands-his of-deed-the-in ; wrouglit-he judgment ; Jehovah known-been-ITas s^n 18 : y®~\ wicked-the turn-Shall .Selah aneditation-A (sg.) wicked-the snares-luying-/s ^19 : ssrftK TO# nSWfr J <* I* v; ->*•••; • t taj* not For .God forgetting Gentiles-the all-(eyew) ;hades-to p5?S npts^ nvaj perish-shall poor-the of-waiting-the-(wor) ; (sg.) needy-the forgotten-be-8hall ever-for rfirp rraip20 : 'hyb a v; rjt - t :k jt • n*"t ;man himself-strengthen-shall not ;Jehovali-0 ,Rise .ever-for i niir 21 : dfti ^atf> t : K Bh-n3-?:! iaa It • : t v: i a : • - -v .devices-his all-(in) God not-is-there ; seek-will not countenance-his o"n& ny-Sna i iott ^n~5 ' v t : •». j t t ; t t : <• t judgments-thy (are)-high ; season every-in ways-his painful-be-Will -ia$6 : am rn^ Tn-iiy-Ss J T IV T - j' T T : T A: V • said-He .them-at puff-will-he oppressors-his all-(for-as) ; him-before-from xh -Hi -n^ ife j jv t j : a v - • :k. ( naif10 : "iy "at jv : • i : • : j : T, ; *^r ; down-bow-will-lie, himself-brealc-will-He .net-his-in him-drawing-in (sg.)-poor-the "m11 : to • :<. J- T I* T : j** T :\- j--t : —; heart-his-in said-He .poor-the ones-strong-his-by fallen-hath-& :niui» rm-rSa W -i^dpt 9k nosy -|v T jt T - T T j' : • A- - JT .ever-for see-should-he lest ; face-his hid-liath-he ; God forgotten-Hath : efoj/ rDattn-'?# KIM VK Him naip12 I * t 1 j- i - I AVT JT : T : VT I .humble-the forget not ; hand-thy up-lift ,God-0 ;Jehovah-0 ,Rise xh Sib$ i yah 1 fig-by13 Not —jheart-his-in said-he ? God (sg.)-wicked-the despised-has what of-BecauseX. V. 14.—PSALMS.—XI. v. 4. 13 i qyin bny i ruiins i H : tthifi T Is : nop n^n i nn» aiir nzbn :v I" ^ T • T 38 : Vs'Hhm t -v j* l" : v ; j • foundations-THE When .heart of-upright-the-at darkness in shoot-to i rnn^4 : "7#§rfi© of-temple-the-in-(is) Jehovah ? done-hath what (sg.)-righteous-the ; destroyed-be-shall14 XI. v. 5.—PSALMS.—XII. v. 6. %rp w tooi nim /»v:iv vt ^ j x ' *v~ t - t : :»t ,behold-will eyes-his ; throne-his-(is) heavens-THE-in ,Jehovah-(io-^/s) ; holiness-his p;!¥ niiT5 (sg.)-rigliteous-the J ehovah IT T j- ; .man of-sons-the prove-will eyelids-his : ocn 3rmi yarn l : - >T : it tv. jt" ; salvation-in (fZtem)-put-will-I ; Jehovah say-will ;rise-I-will now JvnDK rhm nrm7 : ft rv^ j : v t t : j : !• ( - j' t ; clean words-(are) Jehovah of-vvords-The .him-at pufF-will-he : pgrB ?\d£ .times-seven purified ,earth-of furnace-a-in refined silver-(as) Tnfrta i ^h)SF\ nirp-nrii*8 v. ~ 1 • v: a*° : : jt : it - generation-[THE] from him-preserve-wilt-thou ,them-keep-wilt Jehovah-0 ,Tliou n^f D^i md' : % vileness raising-at ,walk-will vvicked-the Around .ever-for this : DTK it t j" : • .man of-sons-the-of niiT mK-Tj?2 : Ti*ft -nora t tjt i* t : j : • ,Jehovah-0 ,when Until .David-of Psalm-a ,over-is-that-him-To spaa-m -iviofi ms-V rraa ' jv t v ; r r -a v • j •• t ; face-thy )( hide-tliou-wilt when Until ? ever-for me-forget-thou-wilt n]ir fS%S rpttf® sorrow-(wn'£/i) ,soul-my-in counsel put-I-shall when Until ?me-lrom di-p BOY* "ante I "r t J* : I V.T T T — AT J* T ; • ?me-against enemy-my rise-shall when Until ?day-by heart-my-in na w nn^rr rfim ^ ftcs'dW4 lv - t j- t at v: jt : t j- - lest cyes-my shine-to-make ,God-my Jehovah-0 ,me-answer ,Look ^$2) *□"!& : rnpg ; him-overcome-liave-I ,enemy-the say-shall Lest .death-[THE] sleep-shall-I p;pn^ 1 WU : ">3 t mercy-thy-in I-And .moved-be-shall-I when rejoice-will distressors-my16 XIY. ©. 1.—PSALMS.—XIV. v. 7. njn^ frva^ ^ ,Jehovah-unto sing-will-I jsalvation-thy-in heart-my rejoice-shall ; confided-have , :%? "»3 It i J" T v .me-unto rewarded-hath-he for T i j" • :< -t t <- t j' t ; .1 no-is-there ,heart-his-in fool-the Said .David-of ; over-is-that-him-To ; deeds abominable-done-have-they ; corrupt-become-have-they ; God fews n\-p3 : niip-ni#/ down-looked heavens-the-from Jehovah .good doing none-is-there Bh^ A. . - j.. : -K )T T seeks-who ;understands-(w;7io-a«2/) were-there-if see-to ,man of-sons-the upon tut nb jt v:iv vt : - t j l* ; filthy-become-have-they together ,departed-has one-every-[the] .God )( ^D1 : y>$ nia-nkty Not'/ .one even not-is-there ;good doing none-is-there on*? ^ ^ ]\k ? bread eaten-have-they nation-my eating ,iniquity of-doers-the all known-have -■$ -ma nog i d£5 • sV riirn for ,fear-(w?i£/0 afraid-were-they There .on-called-they-have not Jehovah %-nyif6 : "till (sg.)-poor-the of-counsel-The (sg.)-righteous-th.e of-generation-the-in (is)-God 7 i nirn ■s j • j* i- j - jt . v. n i give-will Who .refuge-his-(is) Jehovah when ; shame-to-put-have-ye nm> nirn m^:a iTO of-captivity-the Jehovah of-turniug-In ? Israel of-salvation-the Zion-from : npfri npjtn .Israel glad-be-shall-(#) ;Jacob rejoice-shall nation-hisXV. v. 1.—PSALMS.—XYI. v. 4. 17 IB 'v ^r? Who ? tent-thy-in sojourn-shall who , Jehovah O .David-of Psalm-A D^pri ^in3 : Vi$ ps^ does-and ,uprightZ?/ walks-who-He ? holiness-thy of-mountain-the-in dwell-shall -by i Hps "mi pTg upon slandered-he Not .heart-his-in truth speaks-and ,righteousness rrsnm ryh ntw/-*6 J T T I T ; V : KX T *J" : J T T i : up-taken-has not reproach-a-& ; evil neighbour-his-to wrought-has-he not ,tongue-his dxqz 1^5 i rina4 : inhp--1-?;; X-and ; reprobate-a eyes-his-in despised-been-Has .him-near-is-that-him against tfn jnr$ V2U/2 122^ rnm w j : T : J- : • J T : j- : • not-& ,evil-(/M'wse^J-doing-to sware-he honour-vvill-he Jehovah fear-who-those ^j?32L7i£ nnt^ 1 5 : ^ innocent-the against bribe-a-& ,usury-with gave-he not silver-His .change-will : o'w *6 hp1? tib it j j • v v a- •• n b-T j .ever-for moved-be-shall not things-these does-that-he :received-hath-he not T> : lis "woms TH^ dfod 'IT J' T I * " T <"»• T : JT : • .thee-in trusted-I for ,God-0 ,me-Keep .David-of ,Michtam 2l73 volta nn» rnrr^ .n-iDK2 • T T A T JT -: T -v. : : J- T not-lis) goodness-my ;thou-(«r£) Lord-my ,Jehovah-to (fem.)-said-hast-Thou ,excellent-the-and [;they] ,earth-THE-in (are)-who ones-holy-the-To .thee-unto ms SniziKi^ ^n*14 : v- T •„ j ; • it • : v t (6rod)-another-(w;/io) ,sorrows-their increase-Shall .them-in-(is) delight-my all D^ID BTODJ TDsrSa -nnD JT V - AT • JV •• : • ' J* ~ ~ J T T up-take-will not-& ,blood-of offerings-drinlc-their out-pour-\vill-I not ; after-hasted-have 318 XVI. v. 5.—PSALMS.—XVII. v. 3. ^rr-njQ H'iiT 5 : *j'i v t : t :v. it t ; t : portion-my of-allotment-the (ii')-Jehovah .lips-my upon names-their )( jiWia "Spain •v. : it j* t i* t i » j' t - a* : me-to fallen-are cords-The .lot-my maintaining-(ar£) thou ; cup-my-& bless-will-I .me-unto goodly-been-has inlieritance-the yea ; places-pleasant-THE-in rftW-nK natot rrtrp-rm j : • I - •at't : j v t me-cliasten-will nights-the-(irc) also ; me-counsel-will who Jehovah )( *»3 Ton mrr> ^"W8 : vifc j' A- T j» : v: jt ; ... IT : • because ; always nie-before Jehovah set-have-I .reins-my rinfr i p^9 : tois^a wwh • *V J- T K" T IV - ... ,heart-my glad-been-has Therefore .moved-be-I-shall not ,hand-right-my-at-(is-fce) i •'s10 : riEDn^ pt^ •ntwrnK ^33 - IV T I J : • • T ; I - A- : VJT- For : conflderice-in dwell-shall flesh-my also ; glory-my rejoiced-has-and TTPD ^3 saint-thy give-thou-wilt not ,hades-to soul-my forsake-thou-wilt not yiw B^n mk : nnV j J' ~ - v . " • I - it j :• of-fulness ; life of-path-the know-me-make-wilt-Thou .corruption see-to : nv,3 fiinDtr .ever-for hand-riglit-thy-at (are)-pleasures ; presence-thy with-(is) joys P nzt^r? p"ri* i nirp. fjgjptf Tn$> to-attend ; righteousness ,Jehovah-0 ,Hear .David-of prayer-A \n^an nwsn it : • j- : • : a» t • : t j> r . t • .deceit of-lips not-in-{is-which) ; prayer-my to-ear-give ; outcry-my rfKnin ^a^a 2 behold-shall eyes-thy ; out-go-shall judgment-my presence-thy-From rfW mipa i ^ jwq1 : T T :'<-t v T : T I* I ;night-(at) (ift-visited-hast-tliou ,heart-my proved-hast-Thou .uprightnessXVII. v. 4.—PSALMS.—XVII. v. 14. 11) —'—>2 not-that-(is) purposing-my ; And-wilt-tliou nothing ,me-refined-hast-thou "p-ra dik lips-thy of-word-the-by man of-doings-the-to-As .mouth-my transtress-shall ^br>5 : fns niniK ^ goings-my maintain-To ,destroyer-the of-paths-the (/V*om)-kept-have I :W? ,thee-called I .steps-my moved-been-have not-that ,tracks-thy-in .word-my hear ,me-to ear-thy turn ; God-0 ,me-answer-wilt-thou for rftain jpttfib TlpD, (i/iee-ira)-trust-who-those savest-wlio-(£/iow) ,mercies-thy apart-Set -\h3 of-daughter-the apple-the-as me-Keep .hand-right-thy-by up-rise-who-those-from of-face-the-From .me-hide-wilt-thou wings-thy of-shadow-the-in ;eye-the ijrn# an/ah inclose-will-they ;soul-(m2/)-against enemies-my-(et'ew) ;me-destroyed-have who 5wicked-thc T\2i. 10 rfy spoken-have-they mouth-their-(w;i£7i) ; with-up-shut-are-they fat-Their .me-about BHW °3mo rw., n : imja JV •• I** jWc7i) lion-a-as (is)-likeness-IIis .earth-THE-in incline-to put-will-they rrDip13 : a*nr}pbp na* ' ,Rise .places-secret-in sitting lion-young-a-as-and ; tear-to ^3 rrj?^ ^135 ^32 rrp^p. riirr soul-my deliver ;him-subdue ;face-his prevent ,Jehovah-C> i ,hand-thy (are-toAo)-,mortals-From .sword-thy-(is-who) (sg.)-wicked-the-from 3*20 XVII. V. 15.—PSALMS.—xvni. v. 7. a^bp Hi,T: ;life-[THE]-in portion-their VL%z-(present-the)-fxora. (Ziaw-w;7to)-mortals-from ;Jehovah-0 D'Jn ^3^. Bicpn ,sons with-satisfied-be-will-they ; belly-their with-fill-wilt-thou (£reaswre)-hid-thy-and TJ08 pTO 15 :ajrr^tyj» ehn* -^mam behold-shall righteousness-in I .babes-their-to plenty-their leave-will-& .likeness-thy awaking-in with-satisfied-be-shall-I ;face-thy rr» i nil neto Trft niir *i3j^ v • ^^85 : rnir ,death of-cords-the me-Compassed .saved-be-shall-I enemies-my from-& ; Jehovah j : j" : v • i :i~ : . v.. -;r ; liades of-cords-The .afraid-me-make-will Belial of-streams-the-& i ^""iv37 : ^mp me-to distress-[THE]-In .death of-snares-the me-prevented ; me-surrounded tanp pm) jt;#^ \it7^-t7^i ITMT temple-his-from hear-will-lie ;cry-vvill-I God-myunto-& ,Jehovah call-wiil-IXVIII. v. 8.—PSALMS.—xvni. v. 18. 21 kzi.PI i ^w\ ^ip shook-And .ears-his-into in-go-shall him-before cry-my-and ,voice-my a^n f$r? i t^jrai ,troubled-be-will mountains-the of-foundations-the-& ;earth-THE trembled-and n$?9 : Sb rnn--\3 smoke up-Went .liim-to wrath-was-it because shaken-were-& ^3 o^na Hokpi ^aa--ewi i i it • T V A" J' • : kindled coals ; devour-shall mouth-his-from fire-& nnn ^a-un t> 0^10 - J- V T :i~ A-"- • - TV j* — under (was)-darkness-& ; descended-& ,heavens-the bowed-he-And : KT! fjj^i n'nsrbs? 331!!11 .wind-the of-wings-the upon soared-he-& ; flew-& 5cherub-a upon rode-he-And trfaD ^rnrroD vino 1 •sittfri - : V a t •% JT I* ; : • I V V 1 j** • 1 : v t : • - t - of-coals-& hail ;voice-his give-will high-most-the-& ,Jehovah heavens-THE-in B^P-DI o^a^ T&m n1?^15 : h'T : a- • T •*. j- : •- r* lightnings-& ,them-scattered-and arrows-his sent-he-And .fire oih ^a** 1 16 : aan^i :n ; water of-brooks-the seen-were-And .them-discomfited-and ,out-shot-he nim bari ninois at : ' : jt^:i- • j" •• v : 1 t •- ,Jehovah-0 ,rebuke-thy-of-because ,world-the of-foundations-the discovered-were-& crn^a n1?^17 : was mi notfaa t j- : • • iv - j - ; • • ,high-on-from send-will-He .nose-thy of-wind-the of-breath-the-of-because -^vV8 : a'si me-deliver-will-He .many waters-from out-me-draw-will-he ; me-take-will-he iaka .1 : vfon IT ; - .feet-his22 XVIII. v. 19.—PSALMS.—XYIII. v. 30. j : it i* - : i * nT y : i •• .I-than-more strong-were-they for ; me-hate-who-those-from-& ; strong enemy-my-from i:irT_ ninpTi wip.19 stay-a-for Jehovah was-and ,calainity-my of-day-the-in me-prevent-will-They I* for ,me-deliver-will-He ; place-large-THE-to out-me-brought-he-And .me-to •>5 nms^ ....... AT : V - . j" • i - e-deliver-will-He ; place-large-THE-to out-me-brought-he- njn: 21 :fan ; righteousness-my-to-according Jehovah me-reward-Will .me-in delighted-he 22 : ^ • : - tv, r i» j* T -T j : kept-I For .me-to restore-will-he hands-my of-pureness-the-to-according ~bD ">323 : with' nirp ^rm t j* It v: I- • T - t i : at : j- : - all For .God-my-from departed-wickedly not-& ;Jehovah of-ways-the : fj?prri • iv j* t i t i \ : a* : v: jtt : • .me-from remove-will-1 not statutes-his-& ,me-before-(tuere) judgments-lm -dm25 : "n»i24 V IT- I- . I" : V T A '• J. T J* V:|T restored-And .iniquity-my-from myself-kept-I-& ;him-with upright was-I-And yrcs ^ mrr1 T - j ; >a* : • : j* JT : liands-my of-pureness-the-to-according ; righteousness-my-to-according me-to Jehovah ed# "fStup# ^5?05W26 ♦ with ; merciful-thyself-shew-wilt-thou saint-the With .eyes-his before "Sna—cnv27 : nanfi aw ma JT T ^ IT " • • T J- : (sg.)-purified-the with : upright-thyself-shew-wilt-thou upright man-a .contrary-thy self-shew-wilt-thou ,(sg.)-froward-the with-& ,pure-tliyself-shew-wilt-thou : nSm .low-make-wilt exalted eyes-and ; save-wilt poor nation-the thou For pr^ pTiiT Wa -i1^ rmK-ra j' - - v: jt : a»" t t i* brighten-will God-my Jehovah ;lamp-my shine-to-make-wilt thou For th| 77$ ^2, ^80 : ^ God-my-by-and ; troop-a through-run-will-I thee-by For .darkness-myXVIII. v. 31.—PSALMS.—XVIII. v. 42. 23 -ma» b-n fe31 : - . . J . - y. T •• t I v —: of-word-the ; way-his-(7o-«s) upright-(is) God-[THE] .wall-a over-leap-will-I bt d^Dinrr i bbb Kin nam rrirp T I" < ; lr* t at ; jt : .hixn-in trust-who all-to (is)-he shield-a ; purified (is)-Jehovah viSit mi? nim ^ 82 j' t i j' at : • - v:v. j* v except rock-a (is)-wlio-& ? Jehovah beside God-a (i's)-who For D^Dh trfo Vri ^"ir^Drr Vart33 : mi1?# j. T K" • - • at • j": - : I- "tv I- v: upright niade-has-& ; might with-me-girdeth-\vho God-[THE] ? God-our m^34 : places-high-my on-and ,hinds-THE-like feet-my setting-(is-He) .way-my rrnnai "t "rate35 : jt i* : AT t : • - "TV. J** - : • \- • .r broken-been-has-& ; war-THE-to hands-my Teaching .stand-me-make-will-he ^""1^186 : ^^"IT rr^nr-n^ of-shield-the me-to given-hast-thou-And .arms-my-(ft?/) brass of-bow-a : m-ifi ffjjjjyr) -"OTPA W- .great-me-make-willhumility-thy-&;up-me-hold-\vilthand-right-thy.(MJifZi)-&;salvation-thy : ^D"ip HI?D $71 ijnnjci ^m#37 IT •% ;it j z AT ; j* J* J .ancles-my slid-have not-& ;me-under step-my enlarge-wilt-Thoui until turn-\vill-I not-& ;them-6vertake-will-& ,enemies-my pursue-will-I DIP DvriD^39 : : • 'a : j\ : •• r ; vi it fall-will-they ;risc-to able-be-they-will not-& ,them-wound-will-I .consuming-their rfcn1?^ :'fa-t nnn at t : • - • *\ • j": - : - it : - * _r jwar-THE-for might with-me-girded -hast-thou- And .feet-my under 41 : ijjg SPU® enemies-my-And .me-under me-against-rise-wlio-those subdue-wilt-thou : oivojro *njf ^ • rmVo l" • : - - : - : • j« T J- T .off-them-cut-will-1 me-hate-who-those-and ;neck-the me-to given-hast-thou i« .them-answered-he not-& ,Jehovah unto ; saving none-is-there-& ,cry-will-They24 XYIII. v. 43.—PSALMS.—XIX. v. 2. 13 of-mire-as ;wind-the of-face-the on dust-as them-grind-will-I-And dcd# ^t?^44 : rann ; nation*-the of-strivings-the-from me-deliver-wilt-Thou .them-spread-will-I streets-the do£ -M-h ,knew-I riot '{which) nation-a ; Gentiles-the of-head-the-for me-set-wilt-thou m *b |TK you;1?45 : of-sons the ; me-to obey-shall-they ear-the of-hearing-the-At .me-serve-shall li-urn 46 : -dS : : a • jt •• i- : i* r : t •• afraid-be-& ,fade-shall stranger-the of-sons-The .me-to submit-shall stranger-the "niv Tna^ nin^n47 : amniiiiD&a A• I j T r :K iv •• I : : • i* ; rock-my-(Je) blessed-& ,Jehovah Lived .borders-their-from ini-sg Skh 48 :^v\nV?K avengements givetli-that God-THE .salvation-my of-God-the raise-shall-(owe)-& ^bte49 : a°sj/ -Q-m ^ • : - : IT : - j-^ v A* me-delivers-who-He .me-under nations destroy-will-he-& ; me-to ; me-exalt-wilt-thou me-against-rise-who-those from yea ; enemies-my-from flik i ]32^50 : o6n thanks-thee-give-will-1 Therefore .me-deliver-wilt-thou violence of-man-the-from 'hjd61 : mara nim q$i;q - TI"--; j' ; • : AT : j« Magnifying .psalms-sing-will-I name-thy-to-& ;Jehovah-0 ,Gentiles-THE-among Tnj> i ion nt$n ia1?© David-to ; anointed-his-to mercy working-& ,king-his of-salvations-the : ijnrM .ever for seed-his-to-and tO"1 rwJ declaring-(are) heavens-THE .David-of Psalm-a ; over-is-that-him-ToXIX. v. 3.—PSALMS.—XIX, v. 12. 25 oiy :^pTp I'i'Q VK-TD? Day .expanse-THE sliewing-(is) hands-his of-work-the-and ; God of-glory-the : n^rmn^ r=f^9^ rr^i iDk aY^ it v ~ ; t : ~ : t :: v a ~ j* - .knowledge shew-will night-unto night-and ; speech utter-will day-unto : ejfip ymz "Si B'nn^ pxi -laa-ps*4 .voice-their heard-(is) not-where ,words no-are-there-and speech no-is-There San aji? I world-the of-ends-the-in-and ;line-their out-gone-has earth-THE all-in inns aim6 :ar?3 Btoa# Bf&D I t t ;v : iv t v j t v v - av •• • bridegroom-a-as (is)-he-And .them-in tent-a set-hath-he sun-THE-for ; words-tlieir : rnfc rn^ niiui vfena - i | JT • : i' t a t *% i" j** .path-the run-to man-mighty-a-as joyful-be-will-he ; canopy-his-from out-coming "Hp_ imp 1 sW? H£]?a7 unto circuit-liis-and ,out-going-his-(is) heavens-THE of-end-the-From niiT 8 : iHanp iripi pai B^ip Jehovah of-law-The .heat-its-from hidden nothing-is-there-& ;ends-their rfirp ,fetedfast (is)-Jehovah of-testimony-the ;soul-the restoring ,upright-(is) 'VWp nin^ \*npa9 w;?nib glad-making ,upright-{are) Jehovah of-precepts-The .simple-the wise-making :b^ nSi nirp. nivb V? .eyes-the enlightening pure-(is) Jehovah of-commandment-the ;heart-the --icp^p ninSjr rhincp i niir .tint 10 of-judgments-The ;ever-for standing ,clean-is Jehovah of-fear-The ononarr11 : "rorp ipnv rrirp • t v;lv~ It : ~ i : t av v; jt . desirable-are-Which .together righteous-are-they ; truth-(are) Jehovali ttfni.D an nn-TD honey-than-more sweet-and ;much gold-pure-than-and ,gold-than-more Bfli nntt ray-Dali! : B^itf jiaji . av t ' jt : • » : : i~ i* vj : ;them-by warned-(is) servant-thy Moreover .honeycombs of-droppings-and26 XIX. z?. 13.—PSALMS.—XX. * 7, P5PP 13 ::n agjj ? consider-sliall who wariderings-(22is) .great (is)-recompense-the them-keeping-in i Da|14 ' ^i?i ninripia back-keep proudnesses-from Moreover .me-cleanse (./imZiA'j-hidden-from innocent-be-shall-I-& ,upright-be-shall-I then ; me-over rule-them-let not ;servant-thy i }iW-^\T15 :2ii yvz'Q mouth-my of-words-the favour-for be-Shall .great transgression-from ■ ^ niiT ^ .redeerner-my-and ,rock-my ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-befoie ,heart-my of-meditation-the-and nim : TnJ» liora nintob t :v, j1 i* t: j : • r Jehovah thee-answer-Shall .David-of Psalm-a ,over-is-that-him-To : ^7$ i Dtf .Jacob of-God-the of-name-the liigh-on-thee-set-Shall ; distress of-day-the-in : 3 .up-thee-hold-shall Zion-from-and ; sanctuary-the-from help-thy send-shall-He rrifi) 4 .accept-shall sacriflce-burnt-thy-and ; offerings-thy all remember-shall-He : ji^vrV: W?? trwr .fultil-shall-he counscl-thy all-& ; heart-thy-to-aceording thee-to give-shall-He .Selah God-our of-name-the-in-and ; salvation-thy-in joy-for-shout-will-We : riirp V|f3 .petitions-tliy all Jehovah fulfil-shall : banners-our-up-set-will-we irr^p rniT i iptfih ^ • r?|ur ; (sg.)-anointed-his Jehovah saved-hath that known-liave-I Now ninu# is^i? "pffe of-might-the-vvith ,holiness-his of-heavens-the-from him-an3wer-will-heXX. V. 8.—PSALMS.—XXL v. 9. 27 s^DiDa ffvw f&K8 : pub is* - vr; v v n vj- I • : ^ -j" ,horses-THE-in these-and ,chariofc-THE-in These .hand-right-his of-salvation-the : 1^3 rnrp-nttfj i .remember-to-make-will God-our Jehovah of-name-the-in we-and : infill ^n;ri r?^n9 .upright-stood-and ,risen-have we-and ;fallen-and ,down-bowed-have They .: n^p'irs nin^10 .calling-our of-day-the-in us-answer-will king-THE ;save sJehovali-O *0 rivr»s- : th^ -iiata ni»^ J': ■r : T I* T: j : • strength-thy-in Jeliovah-O .David-of Psalm-A ; over-is-that-him-To : i2B"n^'T- .greatly rejoice-he-shall how salvation-thy-in-and ; king-the glad-be-shall ntahKi Sb rrffria Skb 3 t t : v jv -:r a t j- t •*. j--: r lips-his of-request-the-and ; him-to given-hast-thou heart-his of-desire-The ^D^ip54 : n^D of-blessings-the-(u?i£70 him-prevent-wilt-thou For .Selah .withheld-thou-hast not i B^n5 : ra JTW rpattn' nto <• - IT VJV^I : J' T m mo-"iayh inipte t ; j• v;t ~^:ir : at i : - me-surrounded-have For .me-bring-wilt-thou death of-dust-the-to-& ; palate-my h) hands-my piercing ; me-inclosed-have wicked-the of-congregation-the ; dogs30 XXII. a. 18.—PSALMS.—XXII. v. 28. / rtsp -)S£tf18 : i^Tl ,look-will they ;bones-my all declare-will-I .feet-my-and : ^ : AV t J-T : u: - : i* :• clothing-my upon-& ;them-to garments-my divide-will-They .me-[upon] see-will-They pmir-^ nim nnsi50 : '-rm ' AT : • - T :v. JT - : it j* - ; ofF-far-be not , Jeliovah-O ,tliou-And .lot-a cast-will-they nnn.b 21 : nwn sword-the-from Deliver .haste-make help-my-to ,strength-my-0 WtfiVf22 : •wm v |. T I* : v v - • <: : • T jv : - ; Km : at : i t :v. remember-Shall .ever-for heart-yonr live-shall ; him-seek-who-those Jehovah Tirn^ r-)K-^DD«2i73 nirp-te laVn j "i r : i •: I vw •» : - t t :v v j\t: down-bow-shall-and ; earth-the of-ends-tlie all Jehovah to • turn-shall-andXXII. 27. 29.—PSALMS.—XXHL v. 5. 31 rfrn^ ^29 : a"i3 • rfinaato--^ fisi? r -\ j* I* J : : • T • I vt ; Jehovah-to For .Gentiles-the of-families-the all thee-before 30,. : rfias rro^rj : it I* •• AT : - eaten-Iiave .Gentiles-THE-among ruler-the-(is-Ae)-and ; kingdom-THE-(is) -^3 I . all bend-shall him-before ; earth-the of-ones-fat-tbe all down-bowed-and jht 81 : iTn nay iTi{r> -jv it • j : - : at x j" : i seed-A .alive-kept-he not soul-his-and ;dust-the to-descend-who-those 83 :n i*^ -iaD^ law TV I"" JT I*" v \ I av ; " |" Come-shall-They .generation-THE-for Lord-the-to counted-be-shall-it ,him-serve-shall '*? n9iS h:$ because ,born-be-sliall-that nation-a-to righteousness-his shew-shall-and : nfetff IT i . (t O-wrought-hath-he : -igm &] ^ nin"i TH^ liptb' •want-shall-I not ,shepherd-my-(is) Jehovah .David-of Psalm-A nrnno V'ty ^51- .n^a2 rest of-waters-the by ; do\vn-me-lay-will-he herb-tender of-pastures-In snit^ ^as3 : of-tracks-the-in me-lead-will-lie ; restore-will-lie soul-My .me-guide-will-he tfr'? a|4 : w pnv. of-valley-the-in walk-sliall-I when Moreover .name-his of-because ,righteousness 5fp3t^ nrv*p;3 jn nip1?* rod-thy me-with-(ari) thou for ; evil fear-will-I not death-of-shadow-the i "3?^ "rtfp5 ♦ me-before order-in-s e t-wilt-Thou •' .me-eomfort-will [they] staff-thy-and ^in ipfi in1?^ ; head-my oil-with fat-«§*d«-hMt-thou ; oppressors-my of-pre^ence-the-in table-a32 XXIII. v. 6.—PSALMS.—XXIV. v. 9. ' %____ ^anT nom i r^6 : rrnn ^Dia : :-v vjvt < u- itt : j. me-pursue-wiU mercy-and goodness Surely .overflowing-(is) cup-my ra^ ^n'^ rnrr-rvaa i* t ' vj : t : i- ; : at- j-: t .days of-length-to Jehovah of-house-the-in dwell-shall-I-& ;life-my of-days-the all ID *7ari pKff nirpfr iiDt6 nin^ - •• •• at ; | vjt t t -v j : • • r: world-the ; fulness-its-and earth-the (i*6-)-Jehovah-To .Psalm-A ,David-Of Kims3 : <0^ ^ : at t : j* ~ i* it : j : upon-& ; it-founded seas-the upon he For .it-in awelling-those-& nirp-nns 3 : jfhn: at : - : jv^:i- • t iv: i : t ; ? Jehovah of-mountain-the-into up-go-shall Who .it-establish-will-he rivers-the 4 : Dlp&£ Dip* ,hands of-(sg.)-innocent-The ? holiness-his of-place-the-into rise-shall who-and fetoa sctfrN1? i njtfx aa'rnaV a* : — :jt - jt t i v.* -j jt •• - i ; soul-his vanity-[THE]-to up-lifted-has not who ; heart of-(sg.)-pure-the-& riKD nana sis*5 : rrbnb^ ysxtfi ^ j- •• t t jt • it ; • ; "j- : • v : )(-from blessing receive-shall-He .deceit-to sworn-hath not-and nin m6 : vite r?jjn^ pnrr of-generation-the (is)-This .salvation-liis of-God-the-from righteousness-& ,Jehovah : r6p a$£ ^j?ae V"H .Selah .Jacob-0 .face-thy for-enquire-who-those ,him-seek-who-those thhp inns wiwrn si^xn r a^ny^ W7 at j" : • : it • v •• it : < ; ,eternity of-doors-0 ,up-lifted-be-and ; heads-your gates-0 up-Lift niairt npp8 : niaag siim ? glory-[the] of-king this (is)-Who ,glory-[tiie] of-king-the come-shall-& niaa riin^ nian w'rrim < : it t ; • j • « t ; a • ; jt- t ,up-Lift .war of-mighty Jehova'a ,mighty-& strong Jehovah xa^i ai^an i a^w t : a t r j** : • : < v it •#t : come-shall-& eternity of-doors-0 ,up-lift-& ,heads-your ,Gates-0XXIV, v. 10.—PSALMS.—XXV. v. 9. 33 ■roarr to nr Kin ^10 : naarr J T " I Vl nrw-\3 I - t • y : I w ; • j" v: t ~k j* .day-THE all for-waited-I»have thee ; salvation-my of-God-the (ar^)-thou for dbwp ^ ?pnom nirn . ^prnnrir old-of-from for ;mercies-thy-and ,Jehovah-0 ,mercies-tender-thy Remember i ^5 ni«£sn7 : mn ; remember not transgressions-my-and ,youth-my of-sins-The (were)-they jfrnp n^j» oodness-thy of-because ;thou me-[for] remember mercy-thy-to-accord mV> p-nL7^ niiT 8 : pfirp K'; ^ at : jt T; i IT : goodness-thy of-because ;thou me-[for] remember mercy-thy-to-according Av Ic* ■ " "" AT : jt T; T |T teach-will-he this of-because ; Jehovah-(is) upright-and Good .Jehovah-O TT^9 : Tina n^n ;judgment-THE-in humble-the guide-\vill-He .way-THE-in sinners 434 XXY. v. 10.—PSALMS.—XXV. r. 22. nim ffimK-ba10 : is-n s^3y T n J : T T I : - J-Tv - I* Jehovah of-paths-the All .way-his liumble-the teach-will-he-& : vrhjh irtm rb»i ion it *\" : • : j"; i ; av vi iv V jv •testimQnies-his-and covenant-his preserve-who-those-to ,truth-and mercy-(are) : Kirrm ">5 "ii;# rrirr 11 i ~ j' • i r >t ; "it : at i ^' i I - r i .it (is)-great for ,iniquity-my pardon-even ,Jehovah-0 ,name-thy of-Because iri^' rnm kt t^arr nnDM i vjv ; v at : j** : • tv. jv (tcTiicft)-way-thc-m him-teach-will-he ? Jehovah fearing man-THE this (is)-Who Eh"* iinri r^jn nitaa 13 : -inn^ — j • : I A* T ji i -v IT i* inherit-shall seed-his-and ; lodge-shall «ood-in soul-His .choose-will-he ir^-a5) niir nio14 :n$ • i at •• i • t :k j I v it covenant-his-& ; him-fear-who-those-for (is)-Jehovah of-counsel-secret-The .earth-the ■Kin ^3 nim-*?** Ton w15 l <• at : v • TV j— \T * 1 : he for ; Jehovah unto-(an?) continually eyes-My .know-them-make-to rwa18 : •fai nah& v- - j- ; it i - v jv •• k* ,me-unto faee-thy-Turn .feet-my net-the-from out-bring-will ivnv17 : TIT^S •tfam J T • IT J**T : V T I* 'A'* T : of-distresses-The .1 -(am) poor-and alone for ; me-with-gracious-be-and rm")18 : \mp^6 wri-irr ^22) See 'out-me-bring afflictions-my-from. ; enlarged-been-have heart-my -nin19 : I" : |T T 1 T : A* T ^II- • I "tx See .sins-my all forgive-& ,grievousness-my-& ,affliction-my DDH nw&fl «aik 1 ••; jt t v-; • : at j : 1 .me-hated-have-they violence of-hatred-(w>itf/i)-& multipied-are-they for, eneraies-my H .. • f f . „kL 3 20 trusted-I for ,ashamed-be-me-let not ; me-deliver-and soul-my Keep .thee-for-waited-have-I for ,me-preserve-shall uprightness-& Integrity .thee-in : ma23 it it • a** t i * v • viv. j" : .distresses-his all-from Israel )( ,God-0 ,RedeemXXVI. v. 1.—PSALMS.—XXYI. v. 12. 35 ID \s riiir ^3toat^ r ti"t^ • : a- t j* •«. : • -;v. j» t : •<••: t • t : ; walked-hajje integrity-my-in I for ,Jehovah-0 ,me-Judge .David-Of rrim OT32 : mm xb wibi nin^ jt : *j- t ; Tt ; v j • : - t jt i ,Jehovah-0, me-Prove .slide-shall-I not ,confided-I-liave Jehovah-in-& 133) ^Hpn v?3 : before [is) mercy-thy For .heart-my-and reins-my refine ; me-try-and -qy : ^PSI ^IPSlITO ^ with sat-have-I Not .truth-thy-in walked-have-I-and ;eyes-my : jfiaa x1? b^Ibhph on Kiar'do • •• it j • t ~:i~ j' : :at •• ; hated-have-I .go-wiU-I not themselves-of-hiders \vith-& ; vanity of-mortals : 30$ xb B^jhp Snj? •sit-will-I not wicked-the with-and ; doers-wicked-the of-congregation-tlie : nini yn-m6 .Jehovah O ,altar-thy )( surround-will-I-& ; hands-my innocency-in wash-will-1 -1?! -isp^ rnih Vips #p^7 all declare-to-and thanksgiving of-voice-the-[witli] hear-to-cause-To ]ij;p rnrp8 liouse-thy of-habitation-the loved-have-I ,Jehovah-0 .works-wondrous-thy "Dj; 9 : ^*05 DljM with gather Not *honour-thy of-dwelling-the of-place-the-& —1#810 : j t .confiding-(am) I this-in ,\var me-against rise-shall ni.T-rusD \ fins-4 ; for-enquire-\vill-I it ; Jehovah )( from asked-I (thing)-One nirp-nm j i - a- - j- : t t : j* : • behold-to ; life-my of-days-the all Jehovah of-house-tlie-in dwelling-my ^35 : tona npato nirp-D.yja <• it i" : b"' : t : : For .temple-his-in enquiry-make-to-& , Jehovah of-beauty-the [upon] r?jn i • vt t v: me-hide-will-he ; evil of-day-the-in pavilion-his-in me-hide-will-he nw : mva wm -inca t ~ i • i" : i : : a t; it vj •' : novv-And .me-exalt-will-he rock-a-on ; tent-his of-place-hiding-the-in sacrifice-will-1-& ; me-about-round enemies-my above head-my exalted-be-shall FTiarai rrjmfi ^nnr ftnss 4 t : --;r t y t *at : j" : • t: it ilms-sing-will-I-and sing-will-1 ; shouting of-sacrifices tent-his-in ifam ^ip ninp/Dtf'7 : nin^ ; me-to-gracious-be-& ; call-shall-I-(it;^ew) voice-my ,Jehovah-0 HearXXVII. v. 8.—PSALMS.—XXVIIL 17. 2. 37 h\ -idk i ^8-f : ,face-thy )( ; face-my for-ye-Enquire ; heart-my said thee-To .me-answer-and i foa "irip^-^9 : t^jptf nim; not ;me-from face-tliy hide Not .for-enquire-will-I ,Jehovah-0 rr^n \pnrj; ^nj; r\k$ narn ,me-leave not ;been-hast-thou help-my ;servant-thy anger-in away-turn 'OK-'E10 : lytz^ J. . : J. T . . J.. ... . .. . - r - ; ,mother-my-& father-my "When .salvation-my of-God-0 ,me-fdrsake not-and ?p-n riim ^riih11 : ijbdsj. rjirri »>v : " t < • i : i jt at -j ; way-thy ,Jehovah-O ,me-Teach .me-gathered Jehovah-then ,me-forsook -^,2 : 'n-w m_i*3 Not .me-observe-who-those of-because plainness of-path-a-in me-lead-& j- it r at t vjv : • •• : *v me-against risen-liave for ; distressors-my of-soul-the-in me-give 13 : Dprt believed-had-l Unless .violence out-breathes-who-he-& ; falsehood of-witnesses nil?M : a^n r~tin^;—mcoa. Expect .living-the of-land-the-in ,Jehovah of-goodness-the-[in] see-to rni?1 pm niiT-^ [unto] expect-& ; heart-thy strengthen-shall-he-&, strong-be ,Jehovah [unto] : rrirp it : .Jehovah no i nirp silent-be not ,rock-my-0 ; call-vvill-I ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-Unto .David-Of bdj; unto like-be-I-and ,me-from peace-thy-hold-thou («7)-lest ; me-from Hnj? you;* : i)2 *htpv supplications-my of-voice-the Hear .pit-the to-descend-who-those38 XXYHI. v. 3.—PSALMS.—XXIX. v. .. ^"6 1*^1 Th# .holiness-thy of-oracle-the unto hands-my up-lifting-my-in ; thee-unto crying-my-in ^S""'bjtn s ; iniquity of-doers-the with-and ' ,wicked-the with me-draw Not : mate r?jH srfyrrhp DiW *n:n it T : • T T : AV i" *• iv j" : i .hearts-their-in-(«6') evil-and ,neighbours-their with peace speak-who-those err^Tlfia jns5! eb^a^ J.. .. . ^ Wi. v . 1T . JV T | v ; actions-their of-evil-the-to-according-& deed-their-to-according them-to Give nVg Bhjnri3 DnV desert-their return ; thera-to give hands-their of-work-the-to-according rrirp was xb i 135 : T IS* J*\ : • T < V IV T >Jehovah of-deeds-the [unto] consider-they-will not For .tliem-to : eMii ^ BDin^ y^T i" : • j : •• jviv att j- 1- v : .them-build-will not-and ,them-destroy-will-he ; hands-his of-work-the unto-and 1 nirr7 jiawifi Vip yh& ^ niir W38 j -nna nirr^ *nr?2 : rjri Tins rhirtf a; j: t-v jt *| t J t t name-his of-glory-the Jehovah-to Give .strength-and Glory Jehovah-to nim Vip3 : ttfnjr-frnna riirr# firmer? t : • j v' i - : - : t - • Jehovah of-voice-The .holiness of-majesty-the-in Jehovah-to down-Bow --bp riirr CD^in roan-Si* - t : a j i ;t t it v" : t - It: < t stumbled-has ; gro'aning-THE-with vears-my-and ,life-my sorrow-with consumed-has 2i?ab12 : ^ria T • f "T >- T^:r A* J* all-of-Because .consumed-been-have bones-my-and ; strength-my iniquity-my-with "rnai IKD i ^aa^i nsin ■n-iiv -V- : t : v • t - : i fear-a-and ; especially neighbours-my-to-& ,reproach-a been-have-I oppressors-my : ma nna •iv • t :ir J a - j- v t t • •me-frora fled without me-see-who-those ; acquaintances-my-to :-rafc "te i/pi'n ate rios TOfj" j. . . • -T A- • j" : .perishing vessel-a-as been-have-I ;heart-the-from man-dead-a-as forgotten-been-have-I a^aDD -iiJb B'ai rilin i watf ^14 J. T • v T • - J" * • T " T <• ; around-from (w?as)-fear ;many of-slander-the heard-have-I For : waa % im BTD^s ITT J* I ~ - k-T AT t" -J- JT ; IT • : .purposed-have-they soul-ray take-to ,me-against together consulting-their-in :nn» vnb» rrtrp virm nasi15 t it j- v: • : - t at : • : j- t I jv*t <• -;|- .thou-(arf) " God-my ,said-1 ;Jehovah-0 ,confided-have thee-unto I-And wy ^Ti1G - : - • • - at :IT : enemies-my of-hand-the-frora me-deliver , seasons-my-(areJ hand-thy-In ?paa n-1%-717 : ,servaut-thy upon face-thy shine-to-Cause .me-pursue-whoTthose-from-& 13 f^iasr^N hirp18 : for ,ashamed-be-me-let not ,Jehovah-0 .mercy-thy-iu me-save .hades-in silent-be-shall-they ,wicked-the ashamed-be-shall ; thee-on-called-have-Iy XXXI. 19.—PSALMS.—XXXII. v. 2. 43 nra'ir? np&r\nbti> mate » j' - v: I " I'.vt • t : - t i" 19 (sg.)-righteous-the against speak-which ; falsehood of-lips-the dumb-be-^liall am na20 : nm maai pru? ' : i j- --m ^arm24 j" • v;v jt • t t : v t v: iv ,preserving-(is) faithful-the ;saints-his all , Jehovah )( ye-Love ^prn25 : mm nt#/ DWbi niir I *v it-:i- y vv j-~: at : strong-Be .pride doeth-who-him plenty with paying-{is-he)-8t ; Jehovah : nin^ a^ntsrr^ vnwi it r • -il z t rnrp; ^prpjT1: 23 .thee-in hoped-we as ,us-upon ,Jehovah-0 ,mercy-thy be-Shall -6 ■^3# .ioptr-rm im1? ' vav * j" : • T *\ v j - ; . • t; ; Abimelech before judgment-his )( changing-his-in ,David-OfXXXIY. v. 2.—PSALMS.—XXXIV. v. 14. 47 nipp-fl« f?rma jfw WW t : jt : v jt :it-; f|-«- •• :it:- ; season every-in Jehovah )( bless-will-I .went-he-& ,away-him-drove-he-& niiT§3 Ttih glory-shall Jehovah-In .mouth-my-in-(&e-&'7iaZ7) praise-his continually nin^ ta4 sw ytnuh JT r j : - it : •: ••r*j : : • Jehovah-[to] Magnify .glad-be-and humble-the hear-shall ; soul-my riim-fro wn5 ;w to# naanai ^ jt : v : : j- t it : - j ; v.t ; I: /»• • ,Jehovah )( sought-I .together name-liis exalt-will-we-and ,me-vvith x ' 'IT • • - ; T • 'ATT : lQoked-They .me-delivered-he fears-my all-of-out-& ,me-answered-he-& m7 : nmi nt? ^nB ' nirp—run8 ,him-fear-who-those-[to] around Jehovah of-angel-the encamping-(2&0 niiT 9 : opto ; Jehovah (is)-good that see-and Taste .them-delivered-he-and ■rm 10 : "1226 *9## )( fear-Will .liim-in trust-will-(tt'^o) man-TiiE of-blessings-the-0 : -lions r^"'^ ^l^i? rf^r •him-fear-who-those-to want not-is-there for ; ories-holy-his Jehovah nirn ^'"hi 11 not Jeliovah seek-wlio-those-& ;hungred-and lacked-have lions-young-The 13 : aitD-^a nDm > : • a* ^ : • • TV i: I T j : : - of-fear-the ;me-to hearken ,sons-ye ,Come .thing-good every want-shall arifc B^n fan 17 13 : riirr loving ,life desires-who man-THE-(ii') Who .you-teach-will-I Jehovah" TihaiM jn£ iW? "to14 • 3itp lips-thy-and ,evil-from tongue-thy Preserve .good see-to days,48 XXXIY. v. 15.—PSALMS.—XXXV. v. 3. ni£$-n^i jna tid15 : Hcrp for-enquire ; good do-and ,evil-from Depart .deceit speaking-from owy-SK nim wy16 : insnn DiW - v t jv x' '• I** : t; J t ; righteous-the upon-(are) Jehovah of-eyes-The .it-pursue-and ,peace %j/,a nim 17 : gnj/ir-1?!? •* *j : t :v j- : it*t : - v t; t : do-who-those against-(is) Jehovah of-iace-The .cry-tlieir unto-tare) ears-his-and nim ipyv18 : d~ot p»D jn jt i- i tv, it ; • | vjv v : - : at Jehovah-and cried-They .remembrance-tlieir earth-the-from off-cut-to . ,evil nim arip19 : TL- :v j'T it • • t t t • t ,Jehovah-(»s) Near .tliem-rdelivered-he distresses all-from-and ^heard f)i:avo : my-^?T~rmi by-^13^ (are)-Many .save-will-he spirit of-crushed-those and )( ; heart of-broken-those-to : rpnv p^y nijn .Jehovah him-deliver-will all-them-of-out-and ; righteous-the of-distresses- tfh nsnfe .nrm tit : • j t •* j" - at i t j" ,Jehovah-(»s) Near .tliem-rdelivered-he distresses all-from-and ^heard ii3V° q (are)-Many .save-will-he spirit of-crushed-those and )( ; heart of-broken-those-to pny rrjj; .Jehovah him-deliver-will all-them-of-out-and ; righteous-the of-distresses-the ,broken>-been-has not them-of one ; bones-his all keeping-(fs-^Te) pny 'wfri rti/i jjvh nrnDfi5® » j" v : i : at t jt t j- ; (sg.)-righteous-the hate-who-thosc-and jevil (sg.)-wicked-the kill-Shall ^71 map ■-atoa nim mis23 : j : at t : vjv t jv it : v not-and ; servants-his of-soul-the Jehovah reiieeming-(Js) .guilty-be-shall : ^Dinrrte i j' l~ t ; ; v .him-in trust-who-those all guilty-be-shall rh artf w»-—rm nim ran i - : a- •: v t :v. jt • • t: with-Fight ;me-with-plead-who-tliose-(w>iM))( Jehovah-0 ,Plead .David-Of rfDtpi rf|V 1 pjnp 2 : ^anV-n^ arise-and ,buckler-and shield-the > last-Hold .me-witli-flght-who-those )( \a"H, n*np^ -ijpi pp.nv3 : ;pursuers-my meet-to inclose-and ;spear-the out-stretch-And .help-my-inXXXY. ^ 4.—PSALMS.—XXXV. ». 13. 49 ^h*14 : 1^3^' nbK : it • : j • it I >""t i\ : • : - : i v: shame-to-put-& ,ashamed-be-Shall .(am)-1 salvation-Tliy ,soul-my-to say confounded-and backward turned-be-shall ; soul-my for-enquire-who-those ,wind-the before chaff-as be-shall-They .me-to-evil devise-who-those ■^n 6 : nni rfyT darkness way-their be-Shall .(iZiem)-thrusting Jehovah of-angel-tlie-and ^sn-^7 : ss-n riirn n'p^m jt^> i* it : i t : ' j- : - 'a-': - -;p causelessly For .them-pursuing Jehovah of-angel-the-& ,slipperinesses-and nan efiri BPIE'I nnV ^--^DED J : IT T • AT : - j- *v. : IT bored-have-they causelessly ; net-their ditch-a-(m) me-for hid-have-they inehi yT *6 mtf IFTM afi8 : J ; . ; r- J-.. v T J.. ; |. ; - ; net-his-& ; know-shall-he r\ot-(which),destruction him-to-come-Shall .soul-my-for insV.n intD— • : ~ :k it t • T : a : : • I j- T V soul-my-And ,it-in fall-shall-he destruction-into ; him-catch-shall hid-he which 10 : brtirb nin\s '-ron JT I T I * • T AT I" . J* T All .salvation-his-in joyful-be-shall-it ;Jehovah-in rejoice-shall delivering ? thee-like-(fs) who ,Jehovah-0 ,say-shall bones-my ^ (sg.)-needy-& (sg.)-poor-the-& ; he-than-more strong-is-who-him-from (sg)-poor-the opn pDipy1 : not which-Ci^iw^s) ; violence of-witnesses rise-Will .him-spoils-who-him-from nnico rinn ran 12 : W"p AT - j" T tv J : ~ : I T : • • *; -T ; good of-instead evil me-to-pay-will-They .me-ask-will-tliey knew-1 13 : Sbttf : t r <• r i» : - : j : clothing-my sickness-their-in I-And .soul-my-to bereaving-(euew) ^2 Dip TO# *. bosom-my unto prayer-my-and ; soul-my fasting-THE-with humbled-I ; sackcloth-(tms)50 XXXY. v. 14.—PSALMS.—XXXY. 24. --Snas ^ "ms14 : v -;r • ;a t * : • *k jt : : I t mourning-((me)-as ; myself-behaved-I me-to brother-a-as neighbour-a-As .return-will nEfr V«av5 : vfiW ini? a» v : it • : - : I ~ J"' , glad-were-they halting-my-in-And .down-bovved-I mourning ,mother-a i$r\ % ibdm *IBD»3I j : • "v. jr r j : v iv it v:iv : not-and ;abjects-the me-against together-gathered-were ; together-gathered-were-& jtyD 16 : cake-a of-mockers of-hypocrites-With .silent-were not-and ,tore-they ; (££)-knew-I rm-i.n nas ~rm17 : % rnn /v : • vt - T |" • j-^t I T ? see-thou-wilt how Lord-O .teeth-their-(wu7ft) me-upon gnash-to : vrrrp errW&D rator? I* t i* : • • : • av •• i • • : -v. t j* t •one-only-my lions-young-from ,destructions-their-from soul-my restore i?, '-m ff«r strong nation-a-in ; great congregation-the-in tlianks-thee-give-will-I m tfi* strong nation-a-in ; great congregation-the-in tlianks-tliee-gr 19 : ; falsehood-{with) enemies-my me-at glad-be-let Not .thee-praise-will-I DiSty *6 \?20 : din peace not For .eye-the wink-(rao£)-let causelessly me-liate-who-tliose nib-}£. ^-151. nL7^i: -mT! deceits of-words earth-the of-ones-quiet-the against-and ; speak-they-will i n»n noa 21 : at v : itv, j-." • -*t j* I i -:r ! Aha said-they ; mouth-their me-upon widened-they-And .devise-they-will shrift-1?** nim f?mn22 : wy nHin nan ••;- jt v t • :v J : I ,say-them-let not !soul-our !Aha ,hearts-their-in say-them-let Not Tnrr i 26 : together confounded-and ashamed-be-Shall .up-him-swallowed-have-We ^hin TIDIP • at • : v t : : • j- t t v" " i dishonour-and shame with-clothed-be-shall ; evil-my of-gla^l-arfe-vvho-those winif'i sfesr*37 : ^ ; : • : JT IT^T y •;--- glad-be-and joy-for-shout-Shall .me-against themselves-magnify-who-those l7,!U,» Ton j-: • • -k j ; i ; bm : ' v •• magnify-'shall-(one) ,continually say-shall-they-& ; righteousness-my in-delight-who-those : vizi# ying tongue-my-and servant-his of-peace-the in-delighting-(w)-who ,Jehovah : D'^rrSi HIC1^ .praise-thy day-the all-(awd) ,rigliteousness-thy meditate-shall ib 'dw 2 :*mi» nim—nhfeb I* t : t : v?.*: - : r Said .David-Of ,Jehovah of-servant-the-Of ; over-is-tliat-him-To "rngrTS ^ Vpil of-fear-the not-is-there ;heart-my within (sg.)-wicked-the-of transgression-the jt •• ' j* v:iv i' it * vjv : • v: (j?e£0-him-unto flattered-has-he For .eyes-his before God 5*52 XXXVI. v. 7.—PSALMS.—XXXVII. v. 4. i-r;-:-^-:-r i 7 ♦ of-mountains-the-as-(zs) righteousness-Thy .skies-the unto-(/s) truth-tliy rtbmi q*tk rhn airm spcDaato % t : jt t at - j : ' v t ; cattle-and man ; great depth-a-(ar310 .light see-shall-we light-thy-in ; life of-fountain-the-(/s) thee-with For itovi to?!* too WPu righteousness-thy-and ; thee-know-who-those-to mercy-thy out-Draw . nTi niio VJI 13 : j-i at-: i- vjv • •• :t. - I" : •; of-hand-the-& ; pride of-foot-the me-to-bring Not .heart of-upright-the-to \)X ^3 D£13 : ; iniquity of-doers-the fallen-have There .me-move-let not wicked-the : dip w 'l :j T I : .rise-to able-be-shall not-and ,down-thrust-been-have-They Is? i i)ih jealous-be not ; doers-wicked-THE-at thyself-fret Not .David-Of mno "i^ns ^2 : nbw AT • JT" : • T VV. J* IT z ; off-cut-be-shall-they speedily grass-as For .iniquity of-workers-the-at rnrm np53 : j^iaY #12*5 POT ,Jehovah-in confident-Be .fade-sliall-they herb-tender of-greenness-the-as-and thyself-delight-And .faithfulness-(m) feed-and land-the in-dwell ; good do-andXXXVII. v. 5.—PSALMS.—XXXVII. v. 16. 53 2l^.V)a# : ^ ffbgarte upon roll-To .heart-tliy of-requests-the thee-to give-will-he-& ; Jehovah upon : npyi niir .(i£)-do-will he-and ; him-upon confident-be-and ,way-thy Jehovah : "nip ss^vih6 .noon-THE-as judgment-thy-& ,righteousness-thy light-THE-as forth-bring-will-he-And rnn^ i Daii7 : •<. - j v : • : t r < thyself-fret not ; him-for patiently-wait-and , Jehovah-for silent-Be : nfyrg n'0 13-11 .devices' making man-a-against ; way-his prosper-to-makes-wlio-him-against *.. t n Hbn npn ^ n^n 8 .evil-do-to surely thyself-fret not ,wrath forsake-& anger-from still-Be r^r? riirn ^ipi: a*jn& ^9 [they] Jehovah expect-who-those-& ; off-cut-be-shall doers-wicked For ytth *7^110 : pa, lahvi ; (sg.)-wicked-the not-is-and ,little-a yet-And .earth-the inherit-shall a\ifeu JiWj humble-the-And .not-is-it-and ,place-his upon considered-hast-thou-and .peace much with themselves-delight-shall-& ,earth-the inherit-shall pn'm: aa'r12 him-upon gnashirig-(iiO-& ,(sg.)-rigliteous-THE-against (sg.)-wicked-the purposing-(Is)' :sdv ait-is nin-">3 ^--pnfc^ ^m13 I J T I* T T I* A I - : • JT |T • .day-his come-will that seen-hath-he for ,liim-at laugh-will Lord-Tlie .teeth-his i 2"in14 fall-to-cause-to ,bow-their bent-have-and ,wicked-the drawn-have sword-A B3"in15 : ITT—'nti* niicp^ fipKi ^ sword-Their .way of-upright-are-who-those slay-to ,(sg.)-needy-& (sgj-poor-the niDD16 : ariin^pi Kinfi (ts)-Good .broken-be-shall bows-tlieir-and ; lieart-own-their-into go-shall54 XXXVII. v. 17.—PSALMS.—XXXYII. v. 28. : Qigtth. "jibftp pi^ •many wicked of-plenty-the-than-more (sg.)-righteou3-THE-to little-a B"u/t2h niirnr 1 v?17 righteous-the holding-(320 : |i3tn jperish-shall wicked-the For .satisfied-be-shall-they famine of-days-the-in-& ens n*pp v. t a* t 1 j- • t ;v j**: 1 : ;consumed-have-they ; lambs of-fa.t-the-as-(be-shall) Jehovah of-enemies-the-and y&i ni1?21 nVs tatya A" ~ : J : T "l\ JV |T IJT^IV ; pay-will not-& ,(sg.)-wicked-the borrowing-(Is) .consumed-have-they smoke-igto ^3-i3S ">323 Ijin p^vi him-by-blessed-are-who-those For .giving-& ,gracious-(is) (sg.)-righteous-the-& rriiTD23 : imsi I^VPDI m** T : "V. T * T T i\ ; J VAT I J* Jehovah-From .off-cut-be-shall him-of-cursed-are-who-those-& ;earth-the inherit-shall "*3 24 rf.SJY! ill"!5] ^313 Though .in-delight-will-he way-his-& ; established-been-have man-a of-steps-the n-p ' Hm lib I T ' J" T : |* AT J J • .hand-his holding-(is) Jehovah for ; down-cast-utterly-be-shall-he not fall-he ijTXI ^3pT—"C33 l "lj/325 • TV j : • ; 1 j-T T • T *-<- seen-I-have not-and ; man-old-an-become-have-1 moreover ,been-have-I youth-A Drrrbs26 ijnn 3$$ p^y day-THE All .bread for-enquiring seed-his-and forsaken (sg.)-righteous-the jtnD no27 '^1?^ inn rnte^i $in evil-frorn Depart .blessing-a-for-(/s) seed-his-& ;lending-& gracious-(is-Ae) 1 Hirn \3 23 : rzhtyb aljp'n&gi loving-(/s) Jehovah For .ever-for dwell-and ;good do-andXXXVII. ». 29.—PSALMS.—XXXVII. v. 39. 55 TlD!^ D2t£>$> ; kept-been-have-they ever-for ;saints-his )( forsa,ke-he-will not-& j judgment B^V29 JTU1 ; earth-the inherit-shall righteous-The .off-cut-been-has wicked-the of-seed-the-& ruT p^—-1230 : ri'bi! ^3t^i jv : v I • • t iv*t *j-r v ; : •; meditaterwill (sg.)-righteous-the of-mouth-The .it-upon ever-for dwell-shall-and vn1?^ nim31 : toaato -n-m iiia^ riioan jt v; j- it : • y - : : at : t God-his of-law-The .judgment speak-will tongue-his-and ; wisdom j/tth nail?32 ipdd xh fete T T*. JV it -• J- : • v A • : (sg.)-wicked-the watching-(Zs) .goings-his-(q/") slide-(a»2/)-shall not ; heart-his-in-(?*6-) ■ nirn33 : not Jehovah .him-slay-to enquiring-(i«)-& 5(sg.)-righteous-THE-for : tfVi ni"m m?;n i : it • : *v • : - j : at ; jv r-i- .judged-is-he-when him-condemn-will not-and ;hand-his-in him-forsake-will fit£$ i nin^K nip34 inherit-to thee-exalt-shall-he-& ; way-his keep-and , Jehovah unto Expect ^n*n85 : nisifl 8^1 rn$ft| H& seen-have-I .(if)-see-shalt-thou wicked-the of-off-cutting-the-in ; earth-the :}3jn rnm$ fnjy yah .green tree-native-a-as himsel£"-spreading-and oppressing (sg.)-wicked-the xb) Wj?:itfV ^3\s: rfam not-and ,him-for~enquired-have-I-and ;not-is-lie behold-and, away-passed-he-And -<>3 reni bfi—iBt^37 V j" : tv t ; it : • for ; (sg.)-upright-the see-and (sg.)-perfcct-the Keep .found-he-was B^^q38 :ai^ JTH.0£ destroyed-been-have transgressors-And .peace-(is) man-(£Zia£)-to end-latter-the 39 : rrm^ o'u/ah rmrm vnrp *j- : t IT : • j? T i v -j i- at : - of-salvation-the-And .ofF-cut-been-has wicked-the of-end-latter-tlie ; together : rm eafiifij njn^a s^p^v .distress of-season-the-in strength-their-(is-^e) ; Jehovah-from-(ii-) righteous-the5G XXXVII. v. 40.—PSALMS.—XXXYni. v. 11. PriiT an.t^!l40 wicked-the-from them-deliver-will-he ; them-delivered-& , Jehovah them-helped-has-And : ia ?Dn—13 JT • W* • |. .him-in trusted-they because ; them-save-will-& r6 -bx nim2 : YI-^ -natD t : i* : - : j* t : v : • not ,Jehovah~0 .remembrance-to-bring-to ,David-of psalm-A 3 : ^3^ For .me-chasten-(wo£) wrath-thy-in-and ; me-rebuke anger-thy-in not-is-There .liand-thy me-upon down-come-lias-& ; me-into entered-are arrows-thy bones-my-in pjeace not-is-There ; indignation-thy of-because flesh-my-in soundness my • ">35 : ihKtsn "jaD a- j :TT - J* i* T - j" : • ,head-my over-passed-have iniquities-my For .sin-my of-because la^r?6 : mpi "133 ,stunk-Have .me-for-much-too heavy-be-will-they heavy burden-a-as 7 : "isb vnian &>dz • i* : - • • at i - J - T«. ,bent-was-I .foolishness-my of-because bruises-my dissolved-have : nb "rfca-iy minitf • ;|T • j"l - T a : ^ j - .walked-have-I mourning day-the all ,greatly down-bowed-I : •nfcas ohb nbps wbn 3-\s 8 l* T : • : I j" : av • j : it ~ T i* •flesh-my-in soundness not-is-there ; dryness of-full-been-have loins-my For *TKD~1# ^3*731 •'fljlM 9 • : - t A ; • j" : • : • j : roared-have-I ; greatly broken-been-have-and feeble-been-have-I '•'FilKjAa spltt ^rm10 flDHSD a* t-:i- t ) I ::v t i* • j—:i- ^ ; desire-my all-(is) thee-before ,Lord-0 .heart-my of-roaring-the-of-account-on ^DirtD ^11 : rnripr^ ,panted-has heart-My .hidden-been-has not thee-from groaning-my-andXXXYIH. v. 12.—PSALMS.—XXXVIII. v. 22. 57 arros yji—nsi \nb mr# not-are they moreover ,eyes-my of-light-tlie-& ; strength-my me-forsaken-has ^2 1J3D n^-ii i "oqfc13 " : stroke-my before-from neighbours-my-and me-love-vvho-Those .me-with i w : npy phna rrb;n snares-laid-have-And .stood-have off-afar me-near-those-and ; stand-will ^n:n J : * spoken-have "OKI14 j* ~:i" I-And -run^ open-will not-(wZw)) man-dumb-a-as-and ; hear-will not man-deaf-a-as \"mv5 n^a not-are-there-& ,hearing-(u) not who man-a-as was-I-And .mouth-liis nrm njr^ jf^s16 : jiinpin ^93 thou jhoped-have-I Jehovah-0 ,thee-to For .rebukes mouth-his-in -iniot5*"ia 17 : ^ribx niph : : • iv • : - TV. i* JT V: jT V^JI- glad-be-shall-they Lest ,said-have-I For .God-my Lord-0 ,answer-wilt 18 ^:n diei I* I* : * j~ T • : " j : A* . But .themselves-magnified-they me-over foot-my of-moving-the-in ; me-at : Tan 'wua 'aiioai flaa jfath i* t j* : v v ; - 1 at ^ - jv: • -x .continually me-before-(is) sorrow-my-and .established-(am) halting-for I 20 : jK-m Tik 19 - : i ik i* t - i" - : v iv - j• enemies-my-And .sin-my-of-because afraid-be-will-I ; shew-will-I iniquity-my For : 1 pa? fa-n B^n 'v it j- : i v ~ : a** t j* - .falsehood-(tttt'fA) me-hate-who-those multiplied-have-and ; strong-been-have living nnn nnio nrm Hjn 21 - j- : : • AT - j- I tv J- : - : of-because ,me-oppose-will good of-instead evil pay-who-those-And niiT mt23 : nica ibhi v: at : • j": i~ - 1 : jt ; God-my Jehovah-0 ,me-forsake Not .good pursuing-my \mn ^TT) ittfaa * T Tt j" : 1 : • : - me-for-evil seek-who-those-and ; soul-my for-enquire-who-those nam nibnDi Jfnn 1 s v j - t ; • a - .meditate-will-they day-THE all deceits-and ; wickednesses K1? jflDate *6 ahns J •• • : at • v 1 •• •• ?i58 XXXVIII. v. 23.—PSALMS.—XXXIX. v. 9. ,Lord-0 help-iny-for Haste .me-from far-be not .salvation-my vh TM iin°T^ nwaV . ; - T |. T: j : • I c - j" - : - ,said-I .David-of psalm-A : Jeduthun-to ; over-is-that-him-To KiDnb "an moa's j* : jt ; ; v j' : • v i- - t : jt : : v mouth-my-to keep-will-I ; tongue-my-with sinning-from ^ways-my keep-will-I nfpn wi&r : ytii ,silence-(tt;i2Zt) dumb-was-I .me-before (is)-(sg)-wicldeliver trail sgressions-my all-FromXXXIX. v. 10.—PSALMS.—XL. v. 5. 59 rm» ^ Vnn&K xh *F\nbxz10 : jt - *.• a* - : v j • : - v:vv. • »•• • : thou because ,mouth-my open-will-I not ,dumb-was-I .me-set rriimb "tag11 • • »£v : • jt't i" j- t t »• t of-conflict-the-of-because ;stroke-thy me-off-from Remove .(i£)-done-hast I nindim13 : ^3 f~r iniquity upon "YVith-rebukes .consumed-been-have I hand-thy Vnen "obini fne1* a jT t v jv - • t : - • : desirableness-his moth-THE-as melt-to-causedst-thou-and ,man chastened-hast-thou i^nWi wnv13 : nbo bnn V- • t • : 7t : • t iv jt t t v vv ' v" ,prayer-:my, Hear .Selah .(is)-man every vanity surely ;silent-be not tear-my unto ; to-ear-give cry-my-and ;Jehovali-0 3&w fay 153$ TJ ^ .fathers-my all-(were)-as sojourner-a ;thee-with (am)-1 stranger-a for DitDS pjj^n •|V •• S 'j** ** VW • T A* ; - ! * J •* J ' .not-am-and go-shall-I before ,comi'ort-take-\vill-I-and ,me-from Look » rn«T; rnj?2 : iS?2p Tnj? nirasp? ; Jehovah expected-I Expecting .psalm-a David-Of ;over-is-that-him-To -I13D 1 n£oj.I iof-pit*a-from up-me-brouglit-he-And .cry-my heard-and ,me-unto inclined-he-& , 13)3 ybp-by. D^I toxpa established-he ; feet-my crag-a upon raised-he-& ; mire-TiiK of-clay-from ,noise w'SKfr rfonfl tbin naa 4 ♦ •nato j.. |.. v t • s t t jm • : ' It ; God-our-to praise ,new song-a mouth-my-in put-he-And .goings-my ■nts'K5 :niT3 ikt^ a^n ikt rm : ~ It r : ; • : at •: «r ~ j : • of-blessings-the-0 .Jehovah-in confident-be-and ,fear-shall-& ,many see-shall intD3D HIT Dfenato mi? v )t t i : a t ; t h jt v v v " to turned-lias not-And .confidence-his-(as) Jehovah set-has who man-THE60 XL. a. 6.—PSALMS.—XL. tf. 13. and offering-burnt ; me-for digged-hast-thou ears avo "iDD-Tta&i *»n^a-r=fan m8 j t v •• - • : • 7?r •• • • : - tv jt written-(ts-i"0 book-the of-roll-the-in ; come-have-I Behold ,said-1 Then ^lirn Jjj/' law-thy-and ; delighted-have-I ,God-my-0 ,pleasure-thy do-To ; me-of i pni 10 fOi1 righteousness of-tidings-borne-have-I .bowels-my of-midst-the-in-(is) riiir aSaa *6 nan :n Snpa t : at : v j - t :v. j" • t wfcfo ; see-to able-been-have-I not-and ,iniquities-my jne-overtaken-haveXL. r, 14.—PSALMS.—XLI. v.A. 61 ♦me-forsaken-has lieart-my-& ,head-my of-hairs-the-than-more strong-been-have-tliey jfTB^in riirp pflrp mn14 t i • jt:*v: t : : t :k. j- : .haste help-my-for ,Jehovah-0 ; me-deliver-to ,Jehovah-0 pleased-Be **^53 ^30 ipi i soul-my for-enquire-who-those together confounded-and ashamed-be-Shall •van nin» ••••-; a : it •; tv. j • jt : • in-delight-vvlio-those shame-to-put-be-shall-& ,backward turned-be-sliall ; it-destroy-to B^iDkr? ema npjruby 16 : ^nm j' i it at : t k'j" ^ tv. |« *1- it say-who ,shame-their of-recompense-a for desolate-be-shall-They .me-for-evil ^3 W3 i iriDfe^ i 17 : rmn ' nsn t i : : ; • : v t it v ;t v • all thee-in glad-be-and joyful-be-Shall !Aha !Aha ,me-to rjjrp ^ Tpn ,Jehovah magnified-be-Let ,continually say-shall ; tliee-for-enquire-who-those Lord-the ; needy-and poor (am)-I-And .salvation-thy love-who-those -bx nriK wu/ v: ta- j* : - ; j- t:*v j• r not God-my-0 ; thou-(arf) deliverer-my-and help-my ; me-for devise-will :in^ .tarry »P '•nate* :TTH? ntora niraa^ j. ; - .. . |. T ; j : • #considers-\vho-him of-blessings-the-0 .David-of Psalm-A ; over-is-that-him-To i niiT3 : nim Hjin a'pa •cr : it : t t j : at v Jehovah .Jehovah liim-deliver-will evil of-day-the-in ; (sg.)-poor-the unto ")£>K° iFfW IfriBB* - : i vat t j- \ : •• - •*. j** : : • not-and ,earth-THE-in blessed-be-shall-he-& ; alive-him-keep-will-& ,him-keep-will -bp impD'* riim4 irtirifi ':~r : -v. t : it : i vjv : .... upon up-him-hold-will Jehovah .enemies-his of-soul-the-unto given-be-shall62 XLI. r. 5.—PSALMS.—XLI. v. .14. ijx5 hfyns ffiaan Hisu/b-hs tthif j* i: t : t : j- r t • • t at : vjv I .sickness-his-in turned-hast-thou bed-his ail ; languishing of-couch-the viKtoma ^23 nsan ^inn nirp ifnoK jt T i* • : - >T T : »A" T jt : • : - TV sinned-have-I for ,soul-my heal ; me-to-gracious-be ,Jehovah-0 ,said nib* tie ^ jh j- T : T j- T a* j~ J : i - : i I it perish-and ,>die-he-will When ;me-to evil say-will enemies-My .thee-against fii1? iiT: i 7 : ip# heart-his ; speak-will-he vanity see-to come-lie if-And ?namc-his ur8 :-i2T Kvj Sb n^TT?^. Together .speak-will-he without-[THE]-to ,go-will-he ; itself-to iniquity gather-will devise-will-they me-against ; me-hate-who-those all together-vvliisper-will me-against pw* Ws'W9 : ~ r r: -;r a • j t • ;v. - i: i* 't t down-laid-has-lie when-& ;him-in firm-(jA-) Belial of-matter-A .rne-for evil ■ntfg i t^traa10' .:Dij$ whom ,peace-my of-man-a Moreover .rise-to add-he-will not teiK is vintoa T j-*T • v : • A* : - j- v • : J- T .heel-(fiis) me-against magnified-has bread-my eating-one ,liim-in confided-I nDVttfifi wpm ni!T nnai11 jt : - -:i- • a" I* -:r t t : me-upon out-pour-will-I-arid ,remember-will-I things-These ? God-thy mnVs rvgris i niym \2 ,God of-house-the unto them-with-go-will-I ,multitude-THE-with pass-wiU-I for "Hd6 : j Jin \Snn rrrirn rfan~-L-> i]?| Why .feast-a-keeping multitude-tlie ; thanksgiving-& ,shouting of-yoice-the-with ^niW forum ^22 1 • j* j- 'r v v:iv - • I : i* ho£e ?me-upon disquieted-been-hast-and ,soul-my-0 down-bowed-be-thou-wilt : 13TH* ilms itt j : j • "a .face-his of-salvations-the jthatiks-him-give-shall-I yet for ; God-in fism \2~bu nmj^f) n%/ ^rib#7 thee-remember-will-I therefore ; down-bowed-be-will soul-my me-upon ,God-my-0 : -y/yp B^tonrn ]T£ .Mizar mountain-tlie-from ,Hermonites-the-and ,Jordan of-land-the-from -*73 Kni|p 8 all ; waterspouts-thy of-voice-the-at calling-(is) deep unto Deep irnrr; iw 1 spi"19 tra# "by Jehovah command-will day-By .passed-have me-over billows-thy-& ,waves-thy64 XLII. v. 10.—PSALMS.-—XLIIL v: 4. :^n W TnDn it - j.. : t • : • j • T :--: - life-my of-God-tlie-to prayer-( hd^ S^imoiS10 v' tit • ./T : - : VT T •: - y: a "arm •••*.• j* i-mt v v: iv yet for God-in hope ? me-upon disquieted-be-thou-wilt : "is fu^i; .God-my-and ,lace-my of-salvations-the ,him-praise-will-I JD -*6 "iss w nan" i stoats' I j • • aa nki j t - it • : j* » v t ) : he (ari)-Thou .them-favoured-hast-thou because ,face-thy of-light-the-and ?ja6 : risk thee-By .Jacob of-salvations-the command ; God-0 ,king-my D123 njp down-tread-will-we name-thy-in ; down-push-will-we distressors-our ^7 : ^pi? sword-my-& ,conflde-wiil-I bow-my-in not For .us-against-rise-who-those ; distressors-our-from us-saved-hast-thou But .me-save-shall not66 XLIV. v. 9.—PSALMS.—XLIV. 20. wgats^i raised-have-we God-In .shame-to-put-hast-thou us-hate-who-those-ai :n^ nii3 I ^ptaPj D^rr1?? .Selali .to-thanks-give-will-we ever-for name-thy-and ; day-THE iwiismi .nmr-siK .... , . a- • ;----T : -tv I - I • v: v: praised-have-we God-In .shame-to-put-hast-thou us-hate-who-those-and k .Selali .to-thanks-give-will-we ever-for name-thy-and ; day-THE all 1 e "' ' - • • '..... - 10 .hosts-our-with out-go-wilt not-& ; shame-to-us-put-& off-cast-hast-thou Yea "lina uaiWfi11 jt : AT • • TV j- • : spoiled-have us-hate-who-those-& ; distressor-tlie from backward us-turn-wilt-Thou n*. jftasi 12 : ibl at i- I j : •• : «v if Gentiles-TiiE-among-& ;food of-sheep-as us-make-wilt-Thou .themselves-for --£)) pn'"^5 —lippri13 : OT"-IT not-and ; wealth without nation-thy sell-wilt-Thou .us-scattered-hast-thou nam jem-mos n"in t : vv. j** • : iv t • • reproach-a ' us-set-wilt-Thou .price-their-by increased-hast-thou .us-around-are-who-those-to derision-and moclung-a ; neighbours-our-to —ma rih-ia Hvn 15 1 : A* — T tv, j" • : head-the of-shaking-a ,Gentiles-THE-among proverb-a us-set-wilt-Thou ^ msta D'TPTSS 16 : v v a* : v j' t • : t of-shame-tlie-& ; me-before-(is) dishonour-my day-THE All .peoples-THE-among *13.^ t\~m% V^b17 : \3jpD3 blasphemes-& reproaches-who-him of-voice-the-of-Because : me-covered-has face-my xh) 18 JDj^b5] 2t& "l?9b not-and ,us-on-come-has this All .avenger-and enemy-the of-because 19 : Not .covenant-thy-in false-been-we-have not-& ; thee-forgotten-have-we iao "t&n ihb "lina JIM j' • •• j" " A" • j t J T from going-our inclined-has-(»o£)-& ; heart-our backward turned-has o'jaEt _ wVr ^20 :^rm ,dragons of-place-tlie-in us-broken-hast-thou Though .path-thyXLIY. v. 21.—PSALMS.—XLY. v. 3. 67 wra# 21 :moto ijfyj; oo^n : tv • v it : - : j-*r v- : - forgotten-have-we If .death-of-shadow-the-with us-over covered-hast-& : "it it j-: - ) ; • - a" v: s* .strange God-a-to hands-our spread-have-and ,God-our of-name-the ffiDta V'v Kims fim-ipm gipft# ^rr25 J \ " ) a It -;r • v:v J of-secrets-the knowing-(?6') he for ? this search-will God Not ? DVTT-te 2 3*7 A - T : J- I V*TV I' |" ; day-THE all killed-been-have-we thee-of-because For .heart-the i rnu;24 : ]K¥|> Why , Arouse .slaughter of-sheep-as counted-been-liave-We .ever-for off-cast not ,Awake ? Lord-O ,sleep-thou-wilt :mr6i *\hy l" ~:r : j*«: t v.- : a* : - I j\- t tit ,oppression-our-& affliction-our forget-thou-wilt ? hide-thou-wilt face-thy Why rtpm laatoa. izy1? rrnV ^ Kt : IT A" : - JT i"IV T JT <• i'JTT Kt : IT A" : - JT i"IV T JT earth-THE-to cleaved-has ;soul-our dust-the-to bowed-been-has For # rrfin^ rraip27 :^3£p2 us-redeem-and ;us-to help , Arise .belly-our U# .mercy-thy of-because no r\pp!? ; Korah of-sons-the-to ; lilies-the upon ; over-is-that-him-To i a£n2 : heart-my uttered-Has .loves of-song-a ; understand-to-causing -ok -i»& 2)a -i:n : ' VAV : J- I - • TV J"* KT T (is)-tongue-my ,king-the-to works-my I speaking-(am) jgood matter-a "itaib 3 : "•VP 1 4? of-sons-the-than-more faic-been-hast-Thou .quick scribe-a of-pen-the 6*68 XLY. a. 4.—PSALMS.—XLY. v. 12. 'in D-f« thec-blessed-has therefore ; lips-tliy-into grace poured-been-has ;man pin lijq4 : ,thigh-(i/i?/) upon sword-thy Gird .ever-for God i TITO* : TO5?- TTifr. ,Prosper ,majesty-thy-(m)-And .majesty-thy-and honour-thy-(wi/i) ; one-mighty-0 i pnv-rTi^i nb^—n-n. thee-teach-will-& ;righteousness-(ira) humility-& ,truth of-matter-tlie upon ;ride 0)^2# ?f%n6 : jm-rb thee-under nations-the ; whetted-(are) arrows-Tliy .hand-right-thy things-terrible o^n% !f$P?7 : t^arr (is)-,God-0 ,throne-Thy .king-THE of-enemies-the of-heart-the-in ; fall-will : cozier n*T|n obiy .kingdom-thy of-sceptre-the (is)-rightness of-sceptre-a ;ever-and ever-(/or) i fir1?# yvi nv 8 therefore ; wickedness hated-hast-and , righteousness loved-hast-Thou nfiie$ ]n& rejoicing of-oil-the God-thy-(euew) God with-thee-anointed-has "bp fnryj? iiibn^r-ib9 : TOJtp all (o n-are)-cassia- (an d) aloes-and Myrrh .companions-thy-than-more : ?pin$ty ^^rr'l'9 ^jrrm- •thee-gladdened-have instruments-stringed-the ; ivory of-palaces-the from ,garments-thy consort-the stood-has ; women-honourable-thy-among (are)-kings of-Daughters nn-^p^11 : "i^iK Dn35 ,see-and }Daughter-0 Hear .Ophir of-gold-fine-in hand-right-thy-at rpzi5] fa# Vm; < .father-thy of-house-the-and nation-thy forget^and ;ear-thy incline-and ^intf ^ ,lord-thy (is)-he for ,beauty-tliy king-THE • desire-greatly-shall-AndXLY. v. 13—PSALMS.—XLVI. ». 4. 69 Ha nnjDi ni-rar I j -j t t : • :v r i • r : • : face-thy —jOffering-an-with Tyre of-daughter-the-And .him-to down-bow-and —nn 14 :Dqy "VjrK jt ; t \t '• j': of-daughter-the-(?s,) glorious All .nation-the of-rich-the intreat-sliall jiiDjnJ15 : nnr ftatfaa no^a 't : • it : jt t v. : : • • t a* : ' vjv needlework-In .clothing-her (is)-gold of-embroiderings-of ; within king-the i^Affi;n companions-her her-after virgins-the ;king-THE-to brought-be-sliall-she nhojya 16 : jrutaia distresses-in help-a ; strength-and refuge-a us-to-(is) God p.K i^r?| : "mp ,earth-the changing-in ,fear-will-vve not Therefore greatly found-be-to n^9C?iv4 ^5 a'"in bioyi ,disquieted-be-Shall .seas-the of-heart-the-into mountains-the of-moving-the-in-and70 XLVI. v. 5.—PSALMS.—XLVII. 2. : rbv gn-ntftn^ wo nam t iv j t ~:r : v t : • at •• j : : v .Selah .pride-its-with mountains-the tremble-shall ; waters-its turbid-be-shall' .&if> -in^ -ina8 of-place-lioly-the ,God of-city-the gladden-shall channels-its river-a-(^s) "■u?3 s^ni?! 6 "J33#£' not ,tnidst-her-in-(is) God .high-most-the of-tabernacles-the :nj?3 ■ QVbx rnwi iD)rpp\ .morning-the of-appearing-the-at God her-help-shall ; moved-be-shall-she log a)ii fon7 ,voice-his-[with] gave-he ; kingdoms-the moved-were ; Gentiles-the disquieted-Were Fhxys mm8 : pa jiojn jt : • at * j t : j t : | vit j t place-high-a ; us-with-(is) hosts-(q/") Jehovah .earth-the dissolve-will nV?jtoa %n ^d1?9 :nbo afep ipftK fa? : • ~:v j i: t iv r* v: t of-works-the behold ,Come .Selah .Jacob of-God-the-(is) us-for r-\^d10 . tpaa afcrntfK nirv j' : - i vit t j - vt v at : cease-to-making-(/s-22"e) .earth-the-in desolations set-has who ; Jehovah "13^ i par? .ni^nfe ,break-will-he bow-the ;earth-THE of-end-the unto wars : rfhifr rvyq yyj?i .fire-THE-in . burn-will-he chariots-the ; spear-the sunder-in-cut-will-and ona m^11 i t a» v: j* it : v j : ~ exalted-be-will-I ;God (am)-1 that know-and ,still-Be ni^nv niiT13 :yim DII« enai . j t : jt : i vit t ) t • - hosts-(of) Jehovah .earth-THE-in exalted-be-will-I ,Gentiles-THE-among : nVp ajyp fa? fazy? tiv 'j-:l~ v v: t jt ; • at'* ;Selah .Jacob of-God-the-(is) us-for place-high-a us-with-(fs) TO .'lipp nip--"^ ,nations-THB All .psalm-A ; Korah of-sons-the-to ; over-is-that-him-ToXLVII. v. 3.—PSALMS.—XL VIII. v. % 71 : Hp. yij?! b%SW .shouting of-voice-the-with God-to ye-shout ,hand-the je-Clap -bs-by. Vni *^a ?-O;d n|^ niiT"1!3 all over great king-a ; feared-be-to-(is) high-most Jehovah For ^^nri a°ay "OT.4 : p.j*rf peoples-the-and ,us-under nations-the destroy-will-He .earth-THK m urftnrm ^-)nn^5 n^j-i r\nn jv a" t ~:l~ v - : • l": ~ ~ j~ )( ,inheritance-our )( us-for choose-will-IIe .feet-our under B^K nby6 : nSg nrr«—2p^ fifta God up-gone-Hath .Selah .loved-lie whom Jacob of-pride-tlie b%-6k na?7 : -iaia/ Vipa riirn nimm j* v: j : " it »j : t : Tor : • ,God to-psalms-Sing .cornet-a of-voice-the-with Jehovah ; shouting-with •site ^8 : mat ^a^ nar nar • v vv <• , I- - j- : - : v : - a- - of-king-the For .psalms-sing ,king-our-to psalms-sing ; psalms-sing •^a9 *nat nS'T1?? reigned-Has .^nderstand-to-causing psalms-sing ; God-(is) earth-THE all iR2) 9 |- As : htt. m# [e te marvelled-they so DI^ kings-THE : iram sfrnaj won it : v j : • at t .away-liasted-they ,troubled-were-tliey marvelled-they J Vn ,forth-brings-who-her-like anguish nroN anrn« m "jt t There them-upon-hold-took a«tanfl i* : - .Tarsliish □HP a* ' t east-the of-ships-the break-wilt-thou of-city-the-in ,hosts-(o/) Jehovah of-city-the-in seen-have-we so heard-liave-we : nSo mn'^K m-fra t i v jt tvv: i : <• v: a- v: .Selah .ever until her-establish-will God ; God-our ' 3~U?.$ ^.pn An10 .temple-thy of-midst-the-in mercy-thy ,God-0 ,of-thought-have-We to praise-thy-(t's) so ,God-0 ,name-thy-to-According np^ 12 : n$n pi% ;earth-the of-ends-the unto praise-thy-(t's) ,Zion of-mountain-tlie glad-be-Shall .hand-right-thy sflD: of-full-is righteousness sis'? ,ye-Surround _ I heart-your vi&pjji . declare-may-ye : hti.T flip .judgments-thy of-because ,Judah of-daughters-the rejoice-shall ye-Set .towers-her ye-count ; it-inclose-and ,Zion WDa rfrni? j : - t -i: investigate ; bulwark-the-to t av : : - ,courts-herXLVIIL v. 15.—PSALMS.—XLIX. 11. 73 i nj ^15 : frjnK -)i"$ God-our-(is) God this For .after generation-the-to »in Tin rbfy I J" : V nVT JT .death unto us-direct-will-he he ; ever-and ever~{for) tDD ye-Hear .Psalm-a Korah of-sons-the-To .over-is-that-him-To : "ftn wsft rfai/fr'js v it j t • r rr Dy-m' - IT - JV : • V -VSVT 1 .ever-for off-left-has-it-and ; soul-their of-redemption-the precious-be-shall-And i i i i ■ rw . » LW » i ■ I 10 IT „corruption-[THE] see-he-shall not ; ever-for yet live-shall-he-And ^D3 tit imb1*' e^Sn i.n»T» JT : " <- T V T V .: • <• fool-the together ; die-will men-wise (f/ta£)-see-will-he For74 XLIX. v. 12.—PSALMS.—XLIX. v. 20. : Q'nn^ sQun noi it , •• j* •• -;r <. :tt : -j-t .wealth-their others-for forsake-and ,perish-will (sg.)-brutish-the-& Q$i^ i o:np12 t : ; *v. t v. " t t : • j :'it at j: upon names-own-their-by called-have-They ; generation-and generation-to L-?ti/n3 -ip^s DTKI13 jjwts v- : • i a* t - »t *v jt t ; it": like-been-has-he ,lodge-will not honour-in man-And ,lands-(£7ie'ir) ^03 asm nru this nfonns at vjv t : •%. j v i : • j ** : ; them-to folly-(is) way-their This .alike-been-have-they ; cattle-THE-as i )to15 : rftp e.T?3 i sheep-THE-Like Selali. .pleased-be-will mouth-their-in them-after-are-who-those-& "vrw ehrr mo vfa *p,. . . VvT - j ; • dominion-liad-have-& ; them-feed-shall death ,appointed-been-have-they Hades-to nM* qto . "ipi^» i oi ) - : t :v »v - * r : n frame-will tongue-thy-and ,evii-into sent-hast-tliou mouth-Thy .portion-thy-(fs) -)3| 3^h20 :npib of-son-tlie-against ; speak-wilt-thou brother-thy-against ,sit-wilt-Thou .deceit ^inm i n&y nbx31 : silent-been-have-I-& ,done-hast-thou things-These .slander give-wilt-thou mother-thy ponjm5! order-in-set-& thee-rebuke-will-I ; thee-like be-shall-I being thought-hast-ThouL. v. 22.—PSALMS.—LI. v. 9. 77 '.■fa TD&? Jim .arm* :5ro>^ lv -a v: j" : i v jt • iv ^: lest ; God forget-who-ye ,this ,pray-I ,Consider .eyes-thy-to Hiiji rn?23 :V»fb pai *ptp^ ; me-glorify-will thanksgiving sacrifices-\vho-He .delivering none-is-there-& ,tear-shall-I : lilm aVi l* v: -j" : v : - ' vav jt : .God of-salvation-the-[in] see-to-[him]-make-will-I ,\vay-(7m) sets-who-him-And ]ni Y^K-tfm2 iSmp ri-kxgb Nathan him-to going-In .David-of Psalm-A .over-is-who-him-To ^ans ^oarr .j.. t r — | t - v t ... a* t ~ ,me-to-gracious-Be .sheba-Bath unto went-he Wheti ;prophet-THE mercies-tender-thy of-multitude-the-to-according ; mercy-thy-to-according ,God-0 "styts ^D33 niia4 : wsj nna a* -j •• : - v vi Ttt : j- : jiniquity-my-from ,me-wash ,thou-Increase .transgressions-my out-blot ;nk "»a$ 5 ♦ ^naisnb5) >know-will I transgressions-my For .rne-cleanse sin-my-from-and 1^3^ : Ton ^ • : ~ : : i* t j* : v t - ; only-thee ,thee-A gainst .continually me-before-(/s) sin-my-and pvypi }y_'Qb jnm \nNtpn 1 justified-be-shalt-thou that ;done-have-I eyes-thy-in evil-THE-& ,sinned-have-I 7 : nam TO7I iniquity-in Behold .judging-thy-in clear-be-shalt-thou ,speaking-thy-in fta^-in8 : »con^ v v:v i •* !• • • : j- v; i v : : • ;at truth Behold .mother-my me-conceived sin-in-and }forth-brought-was-I ■ r?Dan- djidsi niricss . rnyan jt : t \ t : a \ - t : j- t wisdom closed-is-which-that-in-and ; parts-inward-the-m in-delighted-hast-thou : nntoai ziima "OKBnfi9 : WTiri at : v : j : • j- : - : •n- • i ;Clean-be-shall-I-and ,hyssop-with me-Purge .know-me-make-wilt-thou78 LI. r. 10.—PSALMS.—LI. 21. 10 : *3533$. hear-me-make-wilt-Thou .white-be-shall-I snovv-than-more-and ,me-wash-wilt-thou : rto;/ rmn'm licyfr t i* • j t t : t at : • : I j t .broken-hast-thou (ir/iic^)-bones-the-(o/r) rejoice-shall-CeacA); gladness-and rejoicing nV13 :nn& •wtDna -iad^11 j*• r* ; jr I : t : at t i •• ' v tv. j** : " heart-A .out-blot iniquities-my all-and sins-my-from face-thy Hide aftn pii mn iinto j" - It j : a* v: _i- t : t*. renew established spirit-a-and ; God-0 ,me-for create pure ni7] 13 : of-spirit-the-and ,presence-thy-from me-cast Not .midst-my-in ^ raVr?M n;^-^ of-rejoicing-the me-to Restore .me-from take not holiness-thy rrrs'm15 : ^3dodj=) nzma mm jt : —: JT • : - ■ v: 'v»v: • teach-will-I .me-hold-let free spirit-the-and ,salvation-thy ^Wrr18 e^rri spo-ft • " IT I J V •• • T - ; 1 AV T : *J* ; 1 me-Deliver .turn-shall thee-unto sinners-and ,ways-thy transgressors tongue-my shout-shall ; salvation-my of-God-the ,God-0 ,blood-from : ^mpTf • at : • j- t ; t -:v. » iv »t : • mouth-my-and ,open-wilt-thou lips-my .Lord-0 .righteousness-thy-(q/t>) nnj fsnfr-s1? 1 \318 : -nil ,sacrifice in-delight-wilt-thou not For .praise-thy shew-will tqt19 : n-nfi K®7 r6Sjj rrarf^i j" : • iv : • j t ta" v : of-sacrifices-The .with-pleased-be-wilt-thou not offering-burnt ; it-give-would-I-or praiai "laate-a1? rmtitt rvn v: av : • : jt : • i" n t : • - v • v: God-0 ,contrite-and broken lieart-a ; broken spirit-a-(artf) God fty/m flivna 20 : ripji a1? ,Zion )( pleasure-thy-in to-good-Do .despise-wilt-thou not m 21 : D^IT niain ninin 1 : in-delight-wilt-thou Then .Jerusalem of-walls-the build-wilt-thou -----,-\LH. 27. 1 .—PSALMS.—LII. v. 10. 79 m p-nr-^rnr v^:r .guile working ,whetted razor-a-as-(is-i£) ,tongue-thy-(w;i77i; devise-wilt-thou pnv i ai&sa )n nana5 » VJV «.*• - * V A • ^ JT T : J- T .righteousness speaking-than falsehood ; good-than-more evil loved-hast-Thou : rfe-ib mrr»6 : hSD It : • 1 j : t •• : r t : j- t t iv .deceit of-tongue-0 ,devouring of-words all loved-hast-Thou .Selah ^riDyi jfipni rm.f thee-pluck-& ,away-thee-take-will-lie ;ever-for down-tliee-break-shall God Moreover 8 : nSp p.Nh • H'nkb see-shall-And .Selah .living-the of-land-the-from thee-root-will-& ; tent-(My)-from i?irf nan9 npn^. man-THE Behold .laugh-shall-they it-upon-and ; fear-shall-and righteous-the ana rm^i wa mrfts tib j i - : • j t v: j' t < of-multitude-the-in confided-And ; strength-his-(as) God put-will not-(who) rrts i •OKI10 : im-ra vvtfp • j-: t t - ; ~ t A : "T tree-olive-an-as (aw)-I-And .wickedness-his-in liimself-strengthen-will-he ; riches-his80 Ln. v. 11.—PSALMS.—LHI. v. 7. evftk—rona \fina2 rroa wi' • v; v iv : • : j- t a* v: j" * It^-: -v God of-raercy-the-in conflded-have-I ; God of-house-the-in green ?rm11 ; (£7m)-done-hast-thou because ,ever-for thanks-thee-give-will-I .ever-and ever -{for) : TTPD 'p jfpttf nip.^i .saints-tliy before good-(zs-ii) for ,name-thy expected-have-I-and T; j- : - —: i- ^ "J" - : r .David-Of ; understand-to-causing ;Mahalath upon over-is-who-him-To irmtfn fete *733 2 • : • a* v: I j" • :v. jtt •» . 7T 3^1 sjjfq 1 7 a 1 ym)20 rnay dwclls-who-he-even me-answer-& ,God hear-Will .me-with were-they rna^n r» nate 1 nte DIP v ; at j • 1 j** d yh:ii fan iaS. i • : t j" : lv v • jt t : v. - ; • .swords-drawn (icere)-they-and ,oil-than-more words-his soft-were ; lieart-his 7*84 JLV. 27. 23.—PSALMS.—LYI. z>. 7. ^101 TO: ' 23 .thee-nourish-wiil he-& ,{which-that) Jehovah upon Cast i rrn^v4 : coib IPT**1? ,thou-And .(sg)-righteous-THE-to moving ever-for give-he-will not 1028 r\nti> -iih$> fenih i v : - " " • *" * I v: of-men ; corruption of-pit-the-to down-come-them-make-wilt ,God-0 ^81 offD*1 Hb-i^ • -:i - av •• : jvjiv i t : • v j* r I-and : days-their halve-shall not deceit-and blood : .thee-in confide-will 13 *rnfr o^prn 0^8 i j. T; !• v j" ~ *= -<••-: r ; David-Of ; off-far-{places-in) silence of-dove-the upon ,over-is-that-him-To 2 : ros ijtm ?ri83 croa •j- t r : j* : • : s v: v at : • ,me-to-gracious-Be .Gath-in Philistines-the him taking-In ; Michtam on1? tfprrVa 0138 t'3D80-,,3 j** t a v: *j- t ; i* • v:v fighting day-THE all ; man me-for-panted-has for ,God-0 -13 DVrrte 'mittf ibkbm * a - t - : \ j it • 1** t ; • for ; day-THE all me-observe-who-those me-for-panted-Have .me-oppress-will-he 8-m D'V1 : Dinb ^ »3in at • J it j* v.' i • - ,fear-shall-I-u>Aett day-the-(Jra) .loftily me-with fighting-(are) many ?^8 ,word-his praise-will-I God-In .confide-will thee-unto I n&w*—no 81? eycrta \.v ^:r - at • j • : - tv. j* r* do-shall what ;fear-will-I not confided-have-I God-In ^21 nVrr-te4 : ^ *ifca v.-^r a"4^ : j-t : -v. t i» jt t me-against ; wrest-will-they words-my day-THE All ?me-to flesh * 1 wiji 7 'xjrb Bfih0nb--L73: nj?*f : .rrnn npn^ ?pa3? call-will-I .wickednesses pass-shall until trust-will-I wings-thy tfyp -IIM bx1? 11% |t^t J" ** t i a ;*v j* i" .me-upon (w^a£-is)-end-an-to-brings-who ,God-to ;higli-most God-to f]nn i n^v .me-for-pants-who-he reproached-has ; me-save-will-& ,heavens-tlie-from scnd-will-He i itfaj 5 : WDKI i^on B^K riSo j* : - i • r j : ~ v: : • tav soul-My .truth-his-and mercy-his God send-Will .Selah rasate San1? •tfna •• i: J' vt : : v • t : ' j : of-sons-the ; fire-on-set-are-who-those with-dovvn-lie-will-I ; lions of-midst-the-in-(i's) ain oait^ e^m iron BPfW D"ris vjv t : a* • ; j* —: v •• •*. t t sword-a-(/s) tongue-their-andv : arrows-& spear-a-(ure) teeth-their ,man -bs nby B^b^rrni?j7 nm6 :rnn T a* v: -j- T - T J |T - all above ; God-0 ,heavens-THE above exalted-Be .sharp WJFT i r-i£h7 : ^TO? jngg ; steps-my-for established-they-have net-A .glory-thy-(6e-sAa?0 earth-THE i*7Si3 rrrpitf ^-13 ^aa ^as ^ : it at • j- t : j t j' : - ly- t fallen-have-they ; pit-a me-before digged-have-they ; soul-my down-bowed-has hb liol8 :nbD malna • J T v;v J* * I < T T IV JT : established-(/s) ,God-0 ,heart-my established-(Zs) .Selah .it-of-midst-the-into "HiiD miy9 : nia?^ rrptfK hb • : t s t |" - i- t • t a* • ,glory-my Awake .psalms-sing-will-I-and ,sing-will-I ,heart-my : inty mim "fiiai hoar? mw - it t }* t • : \'i" - t \ .dawn-(atf) myself-arouse-will-I ,harp-and psaltery-[THE] Awake ^nara irro i B°SP ^*rik10 » : v at it j' : i psalms-sing-will-1 ;Lord-0 ,nations-THE-among thanks-thee-give-will-I "fy-1 ^.pn sfpttf-iy 11 : unto-and ; mercy-thy-(fs) heavens-the unto great For .peoples-THE-amongLVII. v. 12.—PSALMS.—LYin. v. 9. 87 hdi-I13 ; Qod-O heavens-tlie above exalted-Be .truth-thy skies-the .glory-thy-{be-shall) earth-Til e all above m : oroD nn^-^ nitta^ IT ; • T J " J - ~ - j.. - ■ j- .Michtam ; Daviil-Of .destroy not ; over-is-that-him-To 1021^ B*nts^p imiip p-rc dp«f52 judge-ye-will uprightnesses ? speak-ye-will righteousness of-silence-the Indeed ? : oik m earth-the-in ; do-will-ye iniquities heart-the-witli ,Yea ? man of-sons-ye nj4 : opq wicked-the estranged-been-Have .tveigh^will-ye hands-your of-violence-the -Hbn5 .: 2TD *3^ ?jm CDiTO (is)-Wrath .lies speaking ,belly-the-from wandered-have-they ,womb-the-from t^ri ina-ias ttfnrribn ' nfc"T3. 1 v jv : at t - j : • t ,deaf adder-an like ; serpent-a of-wrath-the of-likeness-the-to-according them-to L7ip^ yDu/^-iih note6■ : i:rK u: ^ ~ : 'k i jv i : t j- : - of-voice-the-[to] hear-will not Which .ear-its stop-will-(u;Aic7i) bv^k7 j'osna a^nan min v: it \ : j* t v.** a* -:i- ; ,God-0 .wise-very charms charming-one-(or) ,whisperers i fin? EFTB? rfym'pD idtaj ,down-break lions-young-the of-teeth-great-the ; mouth-their-in teeth-their destroy owas 8 : nlrp at : - j • • ; j -;it • >t : ;them-for away-go-shall-they ; waters like away-melt-shall-They .Jehovah-0 9"f' f 9 : thbrv tea %n tit j: it :• j: t • ' ) : • (w>ftic7i)-s»ail-a As ,pieces-in-cut-be-shall-they if-as arrows-his bend-will-he lrn-nS3 nvfii Hzi om JT - V " VJ" » A V JV behold-they not-that ,woman-a of-abortion-an-(fls) ; away-go-shall-they ,melt-will88 LVIil. 10.—PSALMS.—LIX. v. 6. -103 B3WD va** tinm10 : u/m : AT T JV •• I • J* T V—sy God for ,psalms-sing-will-I thee-unto strength-my-0 .me-to distress .* ^pn .mercy-my of-God-tlie ,place-high-my-(fc) "TVT^ DflDD j* t: vt : • ; David-of Mitchtam ; testimony eb"nrra of-lily-the upon ; over-is-that-him-To m i imma2 with-and rivers-two-the of-Syria DiTK-m V> j v; v »j— Edom )( smote-and striving-liis-In t Joab duM t Dn I v; • j- t w at ...... j. ? Edom unto me-lead-has who ? strength of-city-the (£o)-me-bring-will Who v •• i : at : -: j- v: t -s, i ,out-go-tliou-wilt not-And ? off-us-cast-hast ,God-0 ,thou ftot? iH/D mij; 13 jwtavs at • jr: v jt t it • v: ,distreas-from help us-to Give ? hosts-our-with ,God-0 "TTr-niw^ mn'to14 :DTK runtfh aiert •at v ^:r j' i" itt o- : : t : ,might-(i0}7ZO do-will-we God-By .man of-salvation-the (is)-vanity-& : Dim Kim i** t j t : .distressors-our down-tread-will lie-and 8D nyn& 2 : Trri r&jr-*-?;/ i niba^ jt s i* t : • ; ~ ~ : i- ,Hear .David-Of .Neginath upon ; over-is-that-him-To nypa3 of-end-the-From .prayer-my to-attend outcry-my God-0 —rib ^£3 i psn rock-a-dn ; heart-my overwhelming-in call-will-I thee-unto earth-THE nVr-^>4 : ^Snan oit t j. t c ^ : " • jv • vt been-hast-thou For .me-lead-wilt-thou I-than-more exalted-be-shall-Cwft/cA) rnms ::m •Saa $ nona t j t i" y : • . ": • jv : - sojourn-will-1 .enemy-the before-from strength of-tower-a ; me-to refuge-a92 LXI. 6.—PSALMS.—LXII. v. 5. -inp5 npnif .wings-thy of-place-hiding-the-in trust-will-I ;ever-for tent-thy-in nm*--^6 :r6p at t : • t j- t • V;Vi jt - |» t Iv ; vows-my-[to] heard-hast ,God-0 ,thou For .Selah °7jj a^7 ikt ria>T mVo j't 1 iv : t j- t upon Days .name-thy fear-who-tliose of-inheritance-the given-hast-thou riifi iViDi Y^via^ eppfa .generation-& generation as-(be-shall) years-his ; add-wilt-thou king-the of-days-the Hbtfi ion hzb chhp aa*8 V v: IV V JV A* v; j- : • t t j- •• truth-and mercy ; God before ever-(for) sit-shall-He lyb 1 ]39 ever-for name-thy to-psalms-sing-I-will So .him-preserve-them-let ,thou-appoint : Di1 1 Dv lini 1 j " t : j' : - : •day-(&2/) day vows-my paying-my-for 3D ;%a : -iinp prin^V. nwpb Surely .David-of psalm-a ; Jedutliun upon .over-is-that-him-To : ^§6 ^2 rrfp^ .salvation-my-(is') him-from ; soul-my-(is) silenc e-(ira) God unto --tfj "Hitf Kirr-%s not ,place-high-my ,salvation-my-and rock-my-(ii-) he Surely ~by ^nninjyi 1 : fjjri aim' against mischief-imagine-ye-will when Until .much moved-be-shall-I -m ^03 -pps inmft •• t at 'j* : j%- : \ v : t ; fence-a , inclined wall-a-like ,you-of-all slain-be-shall-Ye ?man-a n^rt^ w 1 im&b ^5 : rmrnn • - : J^:IT it : - ; away-(7um>drive-to consult-will-they dignity-his-from Surely .down-thrust-is-wliichLXH. v. 6.—PSALMS.—LXIII. v. 1. 93 ailP31 W131 3T3 t :'• ; a** t ; j' : jt t v : • j>art-inward-their-in-& ; bless-will-they mouth-their-in ;lies with-pleased-be-will-they ^23 ^rc Vf.6 : ;soul-my-0 silent-thou-be God-to Surely .Selah .curse-will-they tni¥ Nin-%7 : salvation-my-& rock-my-(is) he Surely .expectation-my-(is) him-from for ^ mrihx--by8 :toi^ tit] ^2^6 8alvation-my-(is) God Upon .moved-be-shall-I not ,place-high-my intoa9 ^6n6 —iw •ntoi • * i* l"* * j ~ j' \ i a* ; confident-Be .God-in-(is) refuge-my strength-my of-rock-the ; glory-my-and 0333"? udv 1 nir^a is AV ; - : j t T : 1 : • *T T ; < .heart-your him-before out-pour ,nation-0 ; season every-in him-in -^2 bin 1V10 ' tHD •• : v jv U- ti v jt v r v v: of-sona-the-(are) vanity Surely .Selah .us-for refuge-a (is)-God rw 'rfhyb 3T3 5"m t •• a^:i- v-: : j» " : vtt t t they ,up-go-to scales-the-in ;man of-sons-the-(are) lie-a ;man h.m5! : *rm Hnn£ robbery-in-& ,oppres3ion-in confide Not .together vanity-than-(teas-are) :2b 1 'rn i" j' t - ati* • <" j t : v - .heart-the ye-set not ,increase-shall when wealth ;vain-be not "i3i 1 nfia12 • \ at t j • i~ : v: v • o ~ heard-have-I which things-two-(are-i/tere) ; God spoken-lias Once -12 ion lynr-^to" javT^ W "G l* v at jt 1 : !• ^ ') for ,mercy-(is) ,Lord-0 thee-to-And .God-unto (is)-strength that Dv>^ 1 nr)» .work-liis-to-according man-a-to pay-wilt thou rrmT naiaa ifvrni mb niora it : j- : • : : • a* t; j ; • .Judah of-wilderness-the-in being-his-in ,David-of psalm-A94 LXIII. v. 2.—PSALMS.—LXIII. v. 12. i ^ nm i e^n^2 thee-for thirsted-has ; early-thee-seek-will-I : thou-(artf) God-my ,God-0 -"V? *\yr) 'n#? ^ rips without weary-and dry land-a-ia flesli-my thee-for longed-has ;soul-my t£>*Yjp ]33 :D^p strength-thy see-to ; thee-beheld-have-I place-hoIjr-THE-in as-So .water ^2^ D^np ?p]pn ator^i4 ^TO^I lips-my ,life-than-more mercy-thy (es)-good Because .glory-thy-and ?p-]:y# \r : ^173^ up-lift-will-I name-thy-in ,life-my-in thee-bless-will-I So .thee-praise-shall yztofi ttsTi nbn ins6 :$B3 j.. : ft' i " j~ : • lv vt^ v j** < : it - of-lips-(wifA)-& ; soul-my satisfy-wilt-thou fatness-& fat-{with) As .liands-my "V# 7 : rvuaS. upon thee-remembered-have-I When .mouth-my (£7iee)-praise-will joy-for-shoutings nVr-^>8 : 'p-ru-m jrnotfitoi w t j* t i* I it v : iv \ : - : kt : been-hast-thou For .thee-on meditate-will-I watches-the-in ;bed-my rjftirj9 ^ritf Tj??? ^ cleaved-Has .joy-for-shout-will-I wings-thy of-shadow-the-in-& ;me-to strength-a nzsrfi10 : ^d) rrppri 105a they-And .hand-right-thy maintained-has me-[upon] ; thee-after soul-my ^?i3 of-parts-lowest-the-into go-shall-they ; soul-my for-enquire-will destruction-for njp 11 : par? v for-portion-a ,sword-the of-hands-the into out-run-him-make-shall-They .eartli-THE 12 : u mro taatf at : v jv " j : it B? th^ iSbvz <1: i* j' t : : • - y - : i- thee-For .song-A .David-Of psalm-A ; over-is-that-him-To paid-be-shall thee-to-and ;Zion-ia ,God-0 .praise (/o^-^-Silence Jlfoi -1t^2-,i73 5fHJ/ f&Qjn $120}3 : TT3 it jt t t i y t at • : ^~j~ viv .go-shall flesh al] thee-unto ,prayer hearest-(wtfio-2Viow) .vow-the ID man .mii; "nan4 t i ' av :jt -:v j** : • transgressions-our ; me-for-much-too strong-been-have iniquities of-Matters nnam i •nttfK5 : B-ison fin# j- : • <•• : - i": - : jt - choose-wilt-thou (w/iom-7i»m)-of-blessings-the-0 .them-purge-wilt thou satisfied-be-shall-we ; courts-thy in-dwell-shall-hc ,near-bring-wilt-and L i ftffcria6 : U)ip ?jrra 1193 things-terrible-CJFiM) .temple-thy of-(2?Zacnfl Vip I T .praise-his g llPp^DI of-voice-the heard-be-to-cause-and 10 : j - I v.- t i : moving-THE-for given-has not-and A* " I" ,life-THE-in Ujnana •silver of-refining-the-as ,us-refined-hast-thou Joanna rrpiha ADV rrmaa wmrt1' I" : t : 'jtt i t : at ; - jt .loins-our-on affliction set-hast-thou ; fortress-THE-into us-brought-hast-Thou 1383 t^l3» ---- - . v. T . j- . . ; heads-our-on man ride-to-made-hast-Thou >•* T fire-THE-through went-we 13 : prm* J T ITT :IT ... I - «AT - go-will-I ,overflowing-( place-a)-to us-brought-hast-thou-& ; waters-THE-through-& : pfrh ITT :IT of-offerings-Burnt .me-to distress-THE-in mouth-my spoke-and ,lips-my opened-have n&in$ g^nb offer-will-I ;rams of-incense-the with ,thee-to up-go-make-will-I fallingsLXVI. v. 16.—PSALMS.—LXVII. v. 6. 99 10*?16 : nbg B^TU^-CU; "ij?n ,ye-Hear ,ye-Come .Selah .goats-he with bullocks ntw? nttf# w-'te msDia j t 1 vv a* v: j** : • t t ; - ~:i-v did-he which-(iftaf) ,(Jod fear-who-ye all jdeclare-vvill-I-and nnr\ api-n 17 under exalted-was-he-and ,called-L mouth-my-(wifft) him-Unto .soul-my-for yDvh ^ ^72 ^mo-Di* ns18 j— • * v A* • : j* T • lvi\ I* : (me)-hear-wlll not ,heart-my-with seen-have-I if Iniquity .tongue-my Hnj'S yiyy w of-voice-the-to attended-has-he ,God heard-has Surely .Lord-the -ibjk Tna20 <* *• I 3 sw l* J' \ : : - I* J : : • it \ r - for ,peoples-the joy-for-shout-and glad-be-Shall .them-of-all nations-the p83 I "I^D I '.htt • \ : A • J* J : • earth-THK-on peoples-the-and ,rightness-(iw) ,nations-the judge-shait-thou i sw ^nYn6 : nbo onm a- v: r - » j t iv j" : - ,God-0 ,nations-the thanks-thee-give-Shall .Selah. [them]-lead-wilt-thou 8*f 100 LXVn. v. 7.—PSALMS.—LXVIIL v. 8. rfpyi ran: pa7 d^ipy. ; increase-its given-has earth-The .them-of-all nations-the thanks-thee-give-shall b^K ^5-a^ a* v: J" : it : i« v: j• v: *• : it : ,God us-bless«Shall .God-our (ev? b^-iid dt^3 mama jt 1 < : • • : u- : at t it t Jah dwell-to revolters-the-(/orj and ; man-THE-for gifts Di"1 1 DP Syra 20 jsiflfa* t t^:i- j < t j t r v: us-to load-will day-l&y) day ,Lord-the (Je)-Biessed .God Vs 1 fe21 : PI^D Skp? V** T J" p$r? .Selah .Lord-the to-psalms-sing ; God-to ye-sing earth-THE tn dip-W aaii>84 I;.. . V|AV .. ; j-. ; . .. forth-give-will-he behold ; old of-heavens of-heavens-the-on rides-who-him-To —by rj7 ^35 : rj; Vig Vjipl over ; God-to strength ye-Give .strength of-voice-a ,voice-his-with fr-rfb86 iun jt < h-T : - : a T~: r j- T ; • (f^OM-aj*0-Terrible .skies-THE-in strength-his-and ; exceliency-his-(?6') Israel (/s)-he ; Israel of-God-the ,sanctuaries-thy-of-out God-O ira cd}}!? ri? i ]ni (fte)-Blessed ; nation-THE-to powers-and strength giving : I* v; .God104 LXIX. v. 1.—PSALMS.—LXIX. v. 10. £0D : th^ i me-Save .David-Of ; lilies-the upon over-is-that-him-To I w a^D 183 13 BipfrK • ~ <- T VIT 'J- VT <• A* v: sunk-have-I .soul-Cmy) unto waters come-have for God-0 inyfe |"W rfrivD ]i.:3 of-places-deep-into come-have-I ; standing no-is-there-and ; depth of-mire-in ,calling-my-in wearied-am-I .me-overflowed-has flood-the-and ,waters : bivb w n^3 nm IT 1- - ; AT j T j' ; v- • .God-my-for hoping eyes-my end-an-to-come-have ; throat-my burned-been-has rian i ; causelessly ; me-hate-who-those head-my of-hairs-the-than-more multiplied-been-Have -1^8 -ipttf vrfe wava IDXP jv 'vav j-: I • : -v j :Tt which-(£Aat) ; falsehood-(w>ifft) enemies-my ,off-me-cut-who-those strong-been-have nrm 6 : m t-: jt - v: I* t jt • :~t i known-hast thou ,God-0 .restored-I then spoil-by-took-1 not Not .concealed-been-have not thee-from trespasses-my-& ,foolishness-my-[to] nim riirp fnp 1 "d j t ; • vi jt ' v» • v* ; hosts-(of) Jehovah Lord-0 ,thee-on-wait-who-tliose me-in ashamed-be-let snfrfc T'gfW ^ .Israel of-God-0 ; thee-for-enquire-who-those me-in shame-to-put-be-let not mhD nHba nsin f^-^38 jt • : <.t ; • at : v * jt t ' v tv c dishonour covered-has ; reproach borne-have-I thee-of-account-on For inaa'i "iris9 j" ; * • ; t : at v : • j* t t it t of-sons-the-to alien-an-and ,brethren-my-to been-have-I stranger-A. .face-my nianm nwj?"^10 : of-reproaches-the-& ; me-eaten-has house-thy of-jealousy-the For .mother-myLXIX. v. 11.—PSALMS.—LXIX. v. 20. 105 waa Diva nanai11 spa-iin a* : - j - jv : v it it i j : it 1 v : ; soul-my fasting-THE-with wept-I-And .me-upon fell thee-reproaching-those W rami12 : ^ niEnnfr " nfii 'AT j* : JT : *•' it I* J T-;|- V : - ; sackcloth clothing-my made-I-And .me-to reproaclies-for was-it-and •otfi 13 : hwiib an^ " rmi •* : j •«. j* t it t : jv t v: it inhabit-who-those me-at meditate-Will .proverb-a-for them-to was-I-and "nW tin# <• I- it •• y • : AT I-And .drink-strong of-drinkers of-songs-the-(ii;as-7)-and ; gate-the fran ni/. run) i ,God-0 ; pleasing of-season-a-(a£) ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-to-(is) prayer-ray : Hp»| ^ ^pn--:m .salvation-thy of-truth-the-in me-answer mercy-thy of-multitude-the-in r=fo)nK ^Wrr15 jr : it • t" at : v - : • -j" • - delivered-be-shall-I ,sink-me-let not-and mire-the-from me-Deliver 16 : sp— Not .waters-the of-places-deep-the-from-& ,me-hate-who-those-from at : m S't : • - : • n. v j • ; depth-the me-swallow-let not-and ; waters of-flood-the me-overflovv-let niiT :fr>a -)«3 %y—itoitfr-'jffj t -x 'S'^: t i* j- : \r*r - : v - ; ,Jehovah-0 ,me-Answer .mouth-its pit-the me-upon shut-let not-and fptn ihs ^.pn niD—'S mercies-tender-thy of-multitude-the-to-according ; mercy-thy (ts)-good because -13 18 : for ; servant-thy-from face-thy hide not-And ,me-unto thou-turn nn-|i?19 "ihd soul-my unto near-Bring .me-answer speedily ; me-to distress-is-there ay-p nna20 : ^rra t . -T t : at : jr*^* v : * :v. ! ,there inhabit-shall-they-and ; Judah of-cities-the build-will-and ,Zion "anfci may jnn87 : mt^Ti >*• i : t at:* t t *~v ~jv : t i •• i* love-who-those-and ,it-inherit-shall servants-his of-seed-the-And .it-inherit-and it : : • : .it-in dwell-shall name-his V b^K2 : iwnb TH^ nina^ v v: i• : ** : i" t: ,God-0 reniembrance-to-bring-to David-Of ; over-is-that-him-To View W:r»3 : rrirn : : j •* t i • jt-.-S: t : -a" • - : confounded-& ashamed-be-Shall .hasten he)p-my-for Jehovah-0 ,me-deliver-to "iin» lib'' ^53 a : it * : tv j • r : - v* ~ : shame-to-put-be-and ,backward driven-be-shall ; soul-my seek-who-those shame-their of-reasou-by turned-bc-Shall .me-to-evil in-delight-who-those ^3 i inpjy?) :nj*n i rmri b^pkp? thee-in glad-be-and joyful-be-Shall ! Aha ,Aha ,say-who-those B^K TDH ^^pflD--S5 a- v: j-: • • tv. j : i : ' r: - : t ,God magnified-be-Let ,continually say-shall-& ; thee-seek-who-those all X I \^,IG : GodO ; needy-and ,poor-(ar«J I-And .salvation-thy love-who-those108 LXXI. 0. 1-PSALMS.—LXXI. v. 10. rrirp run# T : T AT J* : - : J* )' T I ; me-for hasten : -insj^K T AT J* : - : j*; ,Jehovah-0 ;thou-(arf) deliverer-my-and help-my ; me-for hasten .tarry ay : xti\yh vfon rnT^a it : t j " - • a* t jt : i : .ever-for ashamed-be-me-let not ,trusted-have-I ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-In ,ear-thy me-unto incline ; free-me-set-and ,me-deliver righteousness-thy-In Ki:$ pj/b "ii^ i ^ rrn8 : (fo)-go-to dwelling of-rock-a-for me-to thou-Be .me-save-and u^D->i3 fro T&r\ j. r i : *V : - r •'A- • I : T • • t fortress-my-and crag-my for ,me-save-to commanded-hast-thou ; continually yah TD mm* K- • at t j- • •••:-*. - v: t it of-hand-the-from ; wicked-the of-hand-the-from me-deliver God-my-0 .(art)-thou riirp rm*P35 : yp^ni , Jehovah Lord-0 ,expectation-my (ari)-thou For .man-cruel-and unjust-the iflpopj i 6 : ,womb-the-from held-been-have-I thee-Upon .youth-my-from confidence-my ^v»rm ^riJi run** VSD J* t • : v' : A* jt - • •*. j" : • praise-my (fo)-thee-in ; me-upon-bestowing (tcas£)-thou mother-my of-bowels-the-from t"onD nrmi n Dibs7 JTDH \ • r t - : a» • j* t •• :v i* t refuge-ray-{art) thou-and ,many-to been-have-I wonder-a-As .continually n,m-u?3 8 : u? T I AV T • : •*. "JT • n day-'VHE all ,praise-thy mouth-my with-filled-be-Shall .strength-(awd) 'h;a|?T njf!' 9 : ^£n&§JJii ,age-old of-season-the-at away-me-cast Not .honour-thy-(ewew) Tiptpjp10 : mrjwr1?** nfes said-have For .me-forsake not ; strength-my of-ending-the-to-accordingLXXI. v. 11.—PSALMS.—LXXI. v. 20. 109 : tirp wjro ^ WK IT : - j i i : A» J- : I ; together consulted-have soul-my keep-who-those-& ; me-against enemies-my ^7") far# 11 for ,him-take-and pursue ; him-forsaken-has God , Saying God-my-0 ;me-from otf-far-be not ,God-0 .deliverer no-is-there ^2/T 13 :rm»n v : i : • j" t i • n'.\' : of-adversaries-the consumed-be-shall ,ashameti-be-Shall .hasten help-my-for ^jp3D rfpbpi rfsnn for-enquire-who-those dishonour-and reproach with-covered-be-shall ; soul-my ^QDi'm 'jrm Ton :vun T ^ - : A"--; j* r * \-'t it all unto add-will-I-And ; hope-will continually I-And .me-for-evil ")&P^ i ^215 : day-THE all-{even) ,righteousness-thy declare-shall mouth-My .praise-thy tfdlf16 : ni-jbp ^ go-will-1 .numbers-the known-have-I not for ; salvation-thy WTif Tsm niir» tf-rK ni-aJ3 j' : 'it: • v*; ~ a* v: jt : •». righteousness-thy remember-to-cause-will-1 ; Jehovah Lord-the of-might-the-in narr-uq e^x17 :%nj» ; this unto-and ,youth-my-from me-taught-hast-Thou sGod-0 .only-thine nijprnj; i DJV8 : Tak ,hairs-gray-and age-old unto moreover-And .works-wondrous-thy shew-will-I pn"ir TaVTtf jgeneration-a-to arm-thy shew-shall-I until ;me-forsake not ,God-0 -i% ^jVTVI19 unto -(is) God-0 righteousness-thy-And .might-thy come-will-(£M£) all-to "»D rfbi) Dins • it j* • v: a : t j' r v j t ? thee-like (is)-who God-0 ; things-great done-hast who ; high-very znt^ #-ii rni-i rrhif i i3j¥Wnn -ittfK20 j T j T ; - j T turn-wilt-thou ;evil-and many distresses see-me-made-hast Who110 LXXI. v. 21.—PSALMS.—LXXII. v. 5. mattp niDin#^ turn-wiit-thou earth-THE of-depths-the-from-and ; alive-me-keep-wilt-thou hbm ^-r-i i nn-iin21 : > • : • t \i: v $?£■? *hv of-rain-pouring-a ,sho\vers-as ;grass-mown-the upon Tain-like descend-shall-He -ill DiSt^ bni p^v :jn$ until ,peace much-&,(sg.)-righteous-the days-his-in flourish-Shall .earth-the era Vm8 : ny_ "*73 : sea unto sea-irom dominion-have-shall-he-And I-t .moon-the not-(be-shall) 113 9 : fijppaNri# "ina^ t t :i dovvn-bow-shall him-Before .earth-the of-ends-the unto river-the-l'rom-and .lick-shall 1 JT T dust-the 3^f wef r?roD a' t jt : • jbring-shall offering-an : ^np! "13^ .near-bring-shall : mnri enemies-his-and ; wilderness-the-in-dwell-who-those t^ahn • • :k x : - : of-kings-Tlie j t : gil't-a coasts-sea-the-of-and Tarshish t : Seba-and Sheba j" : of-kings-the n * . 3^3-^3 St,Dl70"i73 11 a* t : r j r : c : i kings all him-to down-bow-shall-And fro# 13 .him-serve-shail Gentiles-the all "T$1 not-is-there-(Am)-& (sg.)-poor-the-& ,cries-who (sg.)-needy-the deliver-sliall-he For Dh^13 :ij? nrjj .him-to helper-a ; (sg.)-needy-and (sgO-poor-the upon DOn^ t t i" i, violence-from-and fraud-From 14 : .eyes-his-in □D1 jt t blood-their pitv-have-shall-IIe .save-wili-he needy-the precious-be-shall-and ; soul-their ni^aai of-souls-the-and j~ : - redeem-vvill-he " rni15 pray-shall-(one)-& ; Sheba of-gold-the-of him-to give-shall- Vt^16 : ^33-13^ efrfirte Ton niTO <• ; ; iv : it : t a- t jT'r be-Shall .hhn-bless-(ow<0-shall day-THE all ttfjni ^19 tremble-shall ; mountains-the of-top-the-in t t eartli-THE-in ; continually account-his-on "I ^ D 13~nD3 corn of-handful-a112 LXXn. v. 17.—PSALMS.—LXXHI. v. 6. 3^.4) tj)6 in? of-grass-the-as city-the-from flourish-shall-they-and ,fruit-its ri'iSyb 1 S6& vn17 v v •• : • t i: : <• : sun-the before ; ever-for name-his be-Shall im T /s : IT : • : j : Gentiles-the all ;him~in themselves-bless-sliall-they-& ,name-his (ifas)-Descendant rriJT i ttisl18 : j"* v: • v:v jt : ' < t i\ : - : of-God-tlie ,God Jehovah (63 W9 : TOT T : av • • j- t - j - I" - ; tongue-their-and ;mout,h-their heavens-THE-in set-have-They .speak-will-they i - v.m to ; hither nation-liis return-shall Therefore .earth-THE-in walk-will FWK tidki 11 : K$n tan JT «• : IT : |T JT • " T J" How ,said-they-And .them-to out-wrung-be-shall (czr? oWl Surely .wealth in-grown-have age-the of-prosperous-the-& ;wicked-the fn*w "m1? ij^sr pn .hands-my innocency-in washed-have-and ,heart-my cleansed-have-I vanity-(/or) :efipa^ D'pn^s ywa "viin l«»T : - • : - : a- t nv j» v:n .mornings-THE-at (w?as)-rebuking-my-and ; day-THE all smitten was-I-And ?p33 "fn nan ibs maon \maa-DK I JV T V V * (S ; JT ; - - TV sons-thy of-generation-the behold ;thus declare-will-I }said-have-I If 14 15 K°n bw ri^r r\y-6 j vrt a j~ t t : —; -v • : it t (wjas)-it grievousness ,this know-to thought-I-And .offended-have-I nrim 17 pa^a consider-will-1 ; God of-sanctuaries-the unto went-I Until .eyes-my-in rpt^n itip^na 'W8 :BJTnnK^ at j* T i T -\ ' j- it - —: |-: ; them-[for] set-wilt-thou slipperinesses-in Surely .end-latter-their-of $n T>K 19 Qi^sr? JT ' i - : T : - • been-they-have How .destructions-into fall-to-thera-caused-hast-thou114 LXXIII. v. 20.—PSALMS.—LXXIY. 17. 1. fain WD yj-o j T - AT ; JT - : ended-been-have-They ,completed-been-have-They ; moment-a-(a£)-as desolation-a-for Titf 20 :ninV3"|p ,Lord-0 ,awaking-at dream-a-As .terrors of-because m*? ^21 ap'pv 1 heart-my grieved-be-will For .despise-wilt-thou image-their arousing-in jrj$ $71 23 ; know-will not-and brutish-(was') I-And .sharpened-be-shall-I reins-my-(m)-& "nan ^r~:! : %j/ \h";n nizbnl thee-with-(amj continually I-And .thee-with was-I cattle-the-(as) ynjfi wmya24 n"P3 mhb •a**: - j' : ir r i* • : j~ i t : - t ,me-lead-wilt-thou counsel-thy-By .right-my hand-the-on hold-taken-hast-thou ristste ^--^25 : tqs -irmi • AT T - J• • • I" IT • J T ~ - : ? heavens-THE-in me-to (is)-Who .me-take-wilt-thou glory-(io) after-and n^26 :n»3 ^van--^ lain jt t I v it t •: j- t 1 I : • : consurned-been-Has .earth-THE-in with-deliglited-have-I not thee-beside-and j' v; j* t : ;• t : • •• : God-(is) portion-my-and ,lieart-my of-roclc-the ; heart-my-and flesh-my nfth)sh nn^ TEP! 27 : off-cut-hast-thou ; perish-shall thee-from-far-those behold For .ever-for rmp 1 ■oki28 v; j- : h <• r t' IV • jv t God of-near-drawing-the me-(£o-as)-And .thee-from whoring one-every ")3D? "dhd niiT 1 ^ TltO $ : )-to nhib £D3nao natWn j : it i* a* : - j- - -iv t j- : • of-full-been-have for ,covenant-THE-to Look .ever-for forget-thou-wilt 21 roan rfmj pir-^nD j t - it t j : l vv •• - r return-let Not .violence of-habitations-the earth-the of-places-dark-the : -bin) ^ .name-thy praise-shall (sg,)-needy-and (sg.)-poor-the ; shame-to-put oppressed-the -ibr wn ran HDIP22 : it : v j : ' av • jt • v:v jt i reproach-thy remember ; cause-thy plead God-0 ,AriseLXXIY. v. 23.—PSALMS.—LXXV. v. 9. 117 Sip : aiprrL73 SiWuD - j%- • v" — drink-shall-C#) out-wring-shall it-of-dregs-the surely ; it-from out-run-to-made-he-&118 LXXV. v. 10.—PSALMS.—LXXYI. v. 10. Tjfe "g^v0 : '^3 psalms-sing-will-I ;ever-for shew-vvill I-And .earth-the of-wicked-the all jrm o^tsh : ; off-cut-will-1 wicked-the of-horns-the all-And .Jacob of-God-the-to : ni;np (.sg)-righteous-the of-horns-the exalted-be-shall V : Titf iSdtd mid? I* Ijt t : v. : • t\ •; * - j" - : r .song-A ,Asaph-of Psalm-A :Neginoth-on ; over-is-that-him-To jiDttf Vina rmrra jniV I : jt - t : • : v: jt i- ^ jt .name-his (j's)-Great Israel-in ; God Judah-in known-(Zs) :ivs3 i73D Vni» t n i I • : J t I i A j" T : J* : - There .Zion-in place-dwelling-his-& ,pavilion-his Salem-in was-And npntyi :nm ']jb .war-the-and sword-the-and shield-the ; bow-the of-darts-fiery-the broke-he ■tnna T«IK PWK -rtitt5 jpjSD . - Jf - TV> T j.. of-mountains-the-than-xnore,excellent (ari)-thou (orc311 : rfoo JT T J" I- T IV I VJV •• - man of-wrath-the Surely .Selah .earth-the of-humble-the 12 : "larrn jibn mats* %-njn J iJ' I : - J •• <.*••: T'AV Vow .in-gird-wilt-thou wraths of-remainder-the thanks-thee-give-shall sfrvfri wnD-Va nin^ J• at • : t jv •• I v; vt |- : - : bring-shall him-around all ; God-your Jehovah-to pay-and aiTja rvn i)sy*w T A* • ; - j : IT terrible-(is-he) ; princes of-spirit-the off-cut-will-He .fear-THE-to present-a : .earth-the of-kings-the-to W ^ip2 : «]D^ pfvTpffi voice-my-(With) .psalm-a ,Asaph-Of 5Jeduthun upon ;over-is-that-him-To ear-gave-he-And ,God unto voice-my-(ioi^) ,cry-even-will-I God unto i "T wh vm al^3 <• t • : jt t vt • tit j : it hand-my ;sought-I Lord-the distress-my of-day-the-In .me-to onar? m»D jian mib rr^1? j- T • V.T I- at j : T : T :J- coraforted-be-to refused ; cease-will not-and ,out-stretched-\vas night-{the-iri) i r?rp$» rHbrroi msra4 : t • t tat v: iv : j* v: jt : : v i* ; - ,meditate-will-I ,disquieted-be-will-I-& ,God remember-will-X .soul-my nSin$ *TTO5 of-watches-the on-hold-taken-hast-Thou .Selah .spirit-my overwhelmed-be-wiJl-& nan* afti iwai w j* T • : j- • I- - J : • ; ^ • AT days-the of-thouglit-I .speak-will-I not-and troubled-been-have-I ;eyes-my song-my remember-will-I .ages of-years-the ,old-of-from : fram rrirfcrn laa^ap r6^i |* j" - ;|- T A« T j' t : t T :jt- .spirit-my searched-and ; meditate-will-I heart-my with ;night-THE-in120 LXXVn. v. 8.—PSALMS.—LXXVH. v. 19. Fmnb i rw» 8! j : • i : at j -: • • t n : -v. pleased-be-to add-he-will not-and ? Lord-the off-cast-will ever-For? j idx -idii Vron nsai> Dasr?9 : ity -j T A; - -JVT J" T IV \ wrord-(7iis) end-an-to-come-has ? mercy-liis ever-for failed-Has? ?yet "dk Vk ni'an roti^10 :tti . A- j - j- T IT j : if ? God gracious-be-to forgotten-Has ? ? generation-and generation-to iDkv1 : rftp Tprn ^3 intreaty-my said-I-And .Selah ? mercies-tender-his anger-in stopped-he-lias "tyjlp 12 : of-actions-the remember-will-I .high-most-the of-hand-riglit-the of-years-the —;this-(&) WJnv3 : cijjp prj all-in meditated-have-I-And .wonder-thy old-of-froni remember-will-I for ;Jah 14 : nrnfcm place-holy-THE-in God-0 .meditate-will-I deeds-thy-in-and doing-thy fe nna15 :B^n'te bSih *f3"n •• TV. JT - I* \" T j" ' 1 AY : - God-THE (arO-Thou ? God-like great God-a (is)-Who ; way-thy-(is) : nitfjj. .strength-thy nations-THE-among known-made-hast-thou ; wonder-a working Jfnp FY7W16 .Joseph-and Jacob of-sons-the ,nation-thy arm-thy-with redeemed-liast-Thou ^%~i 1 af® ?|%n17 : r6o ;waters-the thee-saw ,God-0 ,waters-the thee-Savv .Selah W8 :ffiDnn ^ir-i-p ^Vn :< 1 : j : : „• > - a* T with-out-poured-Were .depths-the troubled-be-will yea ; pained-be-will-they ^i? 1 QIC arrovvs-thy yea ; skies-the gave voice-a ; clouds-thick-the waters-the ri%g 1 Sijp19 n^ru^. lightened ; circuit-THE-in (icas)-thunder-thy of-voice-The .forth-go-will .earth-THE trembled-and troubled-was ; world-the liglitnings-theLXXYII. v. 20.—PSALMS.—LXXYIII. v. 7. 121 prints-foot-thy-and ; many waters-the-in path-thy-and ,way~thy (is)-sea-THE-In ""T| ]^s ri^n?21 : of-hand-the-by nation-thy sheep-THE-as led-liast-Thou .knovvn-been-have not : ]nq^l n#D W imik A' T I ; law-my hmm jt t : parable-a-in Ijt T : • : - HKKr? t j* -: r ,nation-my ,to-ear-Give .Asaph-of ; understand-to-Causing nnrm2 QSj?!* W? jt ; : v r : v : : t j - open-will-I .mouth-my of-words-the-to ear-your incline : niTn % •old-of from sayings-dark utter-will-I ; mouth-my new j v Which *64 < Not S^2DD f)~\m "111^ W-I-ISD eunai it : • •• . - TV. .us-to declared-have fathers-our-& [them]-known-& ,heard-have-we srroaD' i "rnoi declaring following generation-a-to ,sons-their-from conceal-will-we "M : r\'my nttf# wtm rrim jt r1 jv T : : • : j v:iv at : j * ; .wrought-he which ,works-wondrous-his-& strength-his-& ; Jehovah of-praises-the pW mirn i fin# Qj£V ;Israel-in set-he law-a-and ,Jacob-in testimony-a raised-he-And : ar?":^ sirnir# nix iv • t" • : a- ,ke-to fath( fnp$ .sons-their-to known-tliem-make-to fathers-our A** T ,born-be-shall _ "IBW T J v )( commanded-he which tpi i JT c ; following generation-tlie know-shall That iDy*}7 : -lapj God-on set-shall-they-And .sons-their-to declare-and arise-shall-they nboi ^t : • a" - i~ : : *v. j : jt ; * commandments-his-and God of-actions-the forget-they-shall not-and ; confldence-their122 LXXVni. v. 8.—PSALMS.—LXXVIH. v. 19. -nio nrn i v t r ; i" < : I : • revolting generation-a fathers-tlieir-as be-shall-they not-And .preserve-shall-they fttDWtfVi fa1? tarr-tf1? TH m&i v.t : viv i : a • I j* •• i v jv stedfast-was not-and lieart-their established x\ot-{which) generation-a ; rebellious-and Dn?j«"m9 nnn Vs-fiK with-casting ,armed Ephraim of-sons-The .spirit-their God with n*na snotf *610 :mp dye wan nttfp j* : : m j IT': j : : IT V 'AT of-covenant-the kept-they Not .battle of-day-the-in turned bow-the 11 iirnmi s j : : v iv t j i- t i : a* v: forgot-they-And .walk-to refused-they law-liis-in-and ,God ua12 :.E38irr nato vrr\trbj? vjv it : v jv t : ; • : at i'^: Before .see-to-them-caused-he which works-wondrous-his-and deeds-his --rn# onyp HS? nfrj; sjtqk of-field-the sEgypt of-land-the-in wonder-a wrought-he fathers-their 13 : jj/y stand-to-made-he-& ; through-pass-them-made-he-& ,sea-the cleft-He .Zoan -*731 sd'P pi?3 en^v4 : Trias t : at IjTTiv j" : — l" : • j~ all-and ,day-by cloud-a-with them-led-he-And .wall-a as waters-the -ijma ^V3 : TIK| ,wilderness-THE-in rocks-the cleave-will-He .fire of-light-a-with night-THE M : rh~\ jmnm npc^ j- : i J- IT - j — waters-flowing out-brought-he-And .much depths-the-as drink-them-made-& 12WV JBI'D fVnnas "nfa jhBft J* • IT J T : ~ V V. ~ - AT • added-they-And .waters rivers-THE-like down-come-made-he-& ; crag-tlie-frora : r?*ys "fill . (tarad)-dry-THE-in High-Most-the against-rebel-to ;him-against sin-to yet Vg-Hfeyji18' .souls-their-for food asking-by ,hearts-their-in God tempted-they-& 19 order-in-set-to God able-be-Shall ? — ,said-they ; God-against spoke-they-AndLXXVHI. 0. 20.—PSALMS.—LXXVIII. v. 31. 123 mr;! i nw-rpVr in20 :~i3napi out-gushed-and rock-the smote-he Behold ? wilderness-THE-in table-a ntf VaV Dr65Djr? labatf a^nai sfo - j v vv. - j : • v t : • - ? give-to able-be-he-shall bread moreover ? ; overflow-will streams-the-and ,waters rn'rn i |b^21 :fzp^ -ike? r?r'D£ ,Jehovah heard Therefore ?nation-his-for flesh establish-he-shall if up-went anger moreover-& ,Jacob-against kindled-was fire-a-& ; wroth-was-he-& J : fa'c7i) 2in^ 62 r-lV'-Ta VTlNDffi vjv - j": it - : sword-THE-to over-gave-he-And .distressor-the of-hand-the-into honour-his-and Yn^na" naym ir^nn^ "is# t : it jt ~ it • t r: a - eat men-chosen-Their .wroth-was-he inheritance-his-with-& ; nation-his anna i^nii64 n^n tfh wtonaS VJV - T V. IT J T : A"* sword-THE-by priests-Their .praised-were not virgins-their-and ; fire-the 1 fk1-65 : sleeping-(orce)-as awoke-And .weep-will not widows-their-and ; fell "■fe" -liksj) smote-he-And .wine-of-because joy-for-shouting man-mighty-a-as ;Lord-the \m rhw nam -lina tnv IT I -J T T j~ : V A T JT T .them-to gave-he ever for-reproach-a ; backward distressors-his *6 onaK toaetei spi*1 oxm67 j •-:••• v " 5 <. I a- v j : - : • ~C . not Ephraim of-tribe-the-[in]-and ; Joseph of-tent-the-[in] rejected-lie-AndLXXVm. v. 68.—PSALMS.—LXXIX. v. 4. 127 p¥ "in-- Zion of-mountain-theX miiT at : v j- ;Judah of-tribe-the )( 1 n in51.! tnn^68 :-ira it t chose-he-And .chose-lie :arm l" t jv which earth-the-as ; sanctuary-his (pfaces)-exalted like built-he-And .loved-he irrDi?M ^132 th? irq'fi/0 : RIP1 liim-took-he-& ;servant-his David-fin] chose-he-And rfhp -irmg71 j t t .ever-for it-founded-he j- - i- him-brought-he (etoes)-suckling-the after-Frora i t -:i- •• t : • ; .inheritance-his Israel-[in]-and inn1? nation-his Dahs .sheep of-folds-the-from Jacob-[in] to-feed S0(H:!!73 of-understanding-the-in-& heart-liis of-integrity-the-to-according them-fed-he-And : ^23 i" : - jt - .them-lead-will hands-his toy l Gentiles-the 1H& 3 spam c:*t i : j - v I «sv r us-Help .greatly low-brought-been-liave-we for mercies-tender-thy ^fvbl -QT-^ ; us-deliver-and ,name-thy of-glory-the of-matter-the upon ,salvation-our of-God-0 i na*?10 mnKtfln-bj; 125^ Why .name-thy of-because sins-our upon purge-and J/TP S=PK s^iarr ^ j-t • Jv •• v: v" " • j : i known-be-shall-he God-their (fs)-Where ,Gentiles-the say-shall ^TnjT-a'jf rn6i?i ejlis servants-thy of-blood-the of-revenging-the-(6r/) ; eyes-our-in Gentiles-the-among -FD« NinjV1 J' t v'~ : v ' v t : j t i i t - ; prisoner-the of-sighing-the thee-before come-Shall .out-poured-is-which : pfman m -iriir? nui-ir It ; s- : " 1: J : .death of-sons-the thou-reserve arm-thy of-greatness-the-to-according ana5n SRtD'VK ,reproach-their bosom-their unto sevenfold neighbours-our-to return-And 1 fzw I2n3^i13 ^D-|n ,nation-thy we-And .Lord-0 ,thee-reproached-have-they which-(id £/t)LXXX. v. 1.—PSALMS.—LXXX. v. 10. 129 th^ ^ nTtf 5jj$n£ ( generation-to ;ever-for thee-to thanks-give-will pasture-thy of-sheep-the-and "isdS ni-n iv t • : •• - : at .praise-thy declare-will-we generation-& 2 : liarD tvhjj l ; • Ijt t : \^' a* - i v - i-~ ; i- .psalm-a Asaph-of jtestimony-A .lilies-the upon ; over-is-that-him-To ^Di'1 jnj rmap' i Hj£v2 ; Joseph sheep-THE-as directest-that-thou ; ear-give Israel of-shepherd-0 3 : nraifi ffinsrr j i* j' - v Before .forth-shine ,Cherubim-THE (&e£iwew)-dwellest-that-thou CO ^fn^nrrm rmi;: i onp^ might-tliy )( arouse Manasseh-and Benjamin-and Ephraim mVrr q^K4 rmyt^ m'ri a- • J' v: it t jT i* \.T : ,us-turn ,God-0 .us-to salvation-for come-and rnm5 irr^bi spaa ikm J. .... JT : Tl- T* : I V T J" T ; God Jehovah .saved-be-shall-we-and ;face-thy shine-to-cause-and .* w2*7# ? nation-thy of-prayer-the-against smoked-thou-hast ? when until ; hosts-Co/") fnj/EH3 idj?#£Vi on1? 6 tears-with ,drink-them-madest-thou-& ,tears of-bread-the eat-thein-made-hast-Thou ihe 7 : : l : A** • I T*. J- • : I- r enemies-ou^-and ; neiglibours-our-to strife-a us-made-hast-Thou .measure-large-a -mm mtorr rhxix j" t : a- • j t : j* v; it • shine-to-cause-& ,us-turn ,liosts-(o/p) God-O .themselves-for mock-will anyaD ]^.9 : ; go-to-cause-wilt-thou Egypt-of-out vine-A .saved-be-shall-we-& ; face-thy 10130 LXXX. 27. 10.—PSALMS.—LXXX. v. 20. maafr rras10 inptsffii B'ni ahjfi T AV T ; T J' • T \\' T • ~ * J" T : ,it-before prepared-hast-Thou .it-planted-hast-and ,Gentiles-the out-drive-wiit-thou j t | v it •• - : - t v - t with-covered-Were .land-the (i£)-with-filIed-hast-thou-& ,roots-its rooted-liast-& nWm12 : mayn am J--: I" - T V T AT • J* T send-will-It .God of-cedars-the (as-w;ere)-boughs-its-& shadow-its mountains-the 13 : Why .boughs-its river-the unto-and ,sea-the unto branches-its : in mi«i rmnj Pima • v it " : j t t t : t av : t : j-t ? way-the by-pass-vvho all it-plucked-have-& ? fences-its down-broken-thou-hast "-rfr m -i^D -mn rfSDo-D^H j- t \.'l: ^at • j* t jv : : - : field-the of-beast-wild-the-& ; forest-the-of-out hoar-the waste-it-lay-Wiil toir? id aiitf 15 : rfion'1 j- - jt v t : j* v: tIv : • lootf ; pray-I ,turn hosts-(o/) God-0 .it-on-feed-will —ib>k n'asi10 :rmr laa aWb v t - :v i I v jv I : a- : • j- t • which-(£7iai) protect-And ;this vine-the visit-and ; see-and heavens-the-from rmv&N njNpjj strengthened-hast-thou-(wAom) son-the upon-and ,hand-right-thy planted-has spaa mwa nmoa r=ra-ii^17 ' J V T • AT : J-T JT ; '|T face-thy of-rebuke-the-of-because ; down-cut ,fire-with burned-(ts-/0 .tliee-for ,8 • rr:?^ ; liand-right-thy of-man-tlie upon hand-thy be-Shall .perish-will-they -^Sv9 :*$ □is-p--1?;? I : 'it t : j- • t t 1 v *- not-And .thee-for strengthened-hast-thou-(w;7iom) man of-son-the upon .call-shall-we name-thy-upon-& ,alive-us-keep-wilt-thou ; thee-from back-go-will-we ?pia i»rr nisnjf nirfi20 ' v t j" t /*•••-; j t ; j- v: : • .festival-our of-day-the-at ,time-set-THE-in ;cornet-the moon-new-THE-in ye-Blow ebb's sssm ?ph ^35 J" I" t : • A j- T : •: I j <* of-God-the-to judgment-a ,this-(io«s) Israel-to statute-a For -by i :3jja£ over out-going-his-in ,it-set-he Joseph-in testimony-A .Jacob IT : v • T J-T i <>- : 'AT : • | vjv .hear-shall-I knew-I not-{which) lip-a ; Egypt of-land-the : nniu/fi Tnd iDattf "?3D& 7 T : | ; |~ j • t - a ; • v j" • • j • .away-pass-will pot-the-from hands-liis ; shoulder-his burden-the-from away-took-1 thee-answer-will-I ;thee-delivered-I-and ,called-hast-thou distress-THE-In nana ^--hv. .^arm cup -inpa JT * • V • T • * AT • ^| ( .Meribah of-waters-the at thee-prove-will-I ; thunder of-place-hiding-the-ln rrpW] VW'J :r,i?S ,Israel-0 ; thee-against testify-will-I-& ,nation-my-0 ,Hear .Selah ^ "tr nw^'° : j : at J" i A jv : i» i v ~ • and-not ;strange god-a thee-in be-shall Not ,me-[to] hear-wilt-thou if rniT i "oaa11 : -Da ^ rnrmt^n » v v: '.p p-iag mouth-thy wide-make ; Egypt of-land-the-from up-thee-brought-who 10*132 LXXXI. 2;. 12.—PSALMS.—LXXXII. v. 5. w j/Bar-ifri 13 : .. T; • ; *• i ; j- - j— T i : i- : - i- Israel-and ;voice-my-to nation-my heard not-And .it-fill-will-I-and B31? rvrrnate 13 : ^ nnK-s1? at • j • : • •• : - i\ c t jt i ; heart-their of-revolting-the-into them-sent-I-And .me-for willing-was not ^ pnii; ^ ^14 : ,me-[to] hearing-(wer it ^ : jt~ v.* a r : t :v .ever-for season-their be-shall-and ,him-to submit-shall Jehovah tfrn rrtsn aSna 17 j- : • at • v j" •• •• • 1—i. honey rock-the-from-and ,wheat of-fat-the-of eat-them-made-I-And : .with-thee-satisfy-will-I Vir-rni/k 2^1 *19^ iShp ; God of-congregation-the-in standing-(u) God .Asaph-of psalm-A -^05^ inn-iy2 : otp) ■ judge-ye-will when Until .judge-will-he gods-tlie of-midst-the-in -^t^8 : B^tih ^ bw : • t iv ; ~ r : j" : v't Judge .Selah ? up-lift-ye-will wicked-the of-faces-the-and ? iniquity-(in) 4 : v^rr ahi V aim : ~ » i* : - jtt v t at: jt Deliver .to-justice-do destitute-and ,poor-the ; orphan-the-& (sg)-poor-the Not .deliver wicked-the of-hand-the-from ; (sg)-needy-& (sg)-poor-the 1 wtLXXXH. v. 6.—PSALMS.—LXXXIH. v. 8. 133 ijmoR • : - TV vis6 J- : f-ts Hpib"1?! —,said I .earth-the of-foundations-the all moved-be-shall 7 ♦ E J* v; Surely .you-of-all liigh-most-the of-sons-and ,{are)-je gods : j. T - D"tHS JT T ; .fall-sliall-ye princes-THE of-one-as-and ,die-shall-ye man-as j~f - |» | VAT T nvz'i} m'rihs jt : t • v:*. rrftip8 thou for ; earth-THE judge ,God-0 : dViarrte I* T ; .Gentiles-TiiE all-in ,Arise inherit-shalt -niDTD Tttf • t: - v v: 'it t ; j : • v.- silence-(be-there-let) not ,God-0 .Asapli-of psalm-a ,song-A 3 : %^ ^ behold For .God-0 ,still-be not-and ,silent-be not ;thee-to .liead-the lifted-have thee-hate-who-those-and ,disquieted-be-will enemies-thy "L7J^ 4 against consult-will-and ; secret-a devise-craftily-will-they nation-thy Against BTnaai la1? T-m5 a • j" • : - : *a : it u v : ; nation-a-C&eiwsO-from off-them-cut-will-we-& ,Come ,said-have-They .ones-liidden-thy 136 : "TW ")2^— <• n j** t ; • I"* v* t • 1 : For .still Israel of-name-the remembered-be-shall not-and I • Jl • • T AX • J J • I ,^,make-will-they covenant-a thee-against; together heart-the-(tm77i) consulted-liave-they Dint* ^n»7 l* : ~ : jr ; : • : v:v j- t: it .Hagarenes-the-and ,Moab ,Ishmaelites-the-and Edom \c>f-tents-The of-inhabitants-the with ,Philistia ,Amalek-and ,Ammon-and ,Gebal134 LXXXIII. v. 9—PSALMS.—LXXXIV. v. 1. jhT my rrfo TIC^-D-i 9 :-rnf ^ v: < t ti~x ' jt : • i arm-an been-have-they : them-with joined-is Asshur Also .Tyre Bp^~n^10 :r6p ,Midian-(£o)-as them-to Do .Selah .Lot of-sons-the-to rrfpt^a11 destroyed-were-They .Kishon stream-tlie-at Jabin-as Sisera-as i&rptf12 : pi T»n -i*n-ry3 • :v. J** • IT T IT I V JT A I : princes-their [them]-Set .ground-the-for dun«-(«&•) were-they ; dor- -En-at : ngryi .rulers-their all Zalmunnali-as-and ,Zebali-as-and ; Zeeb-as-and Oreb-as riiiu n» ^--rftjh'o nsK -it£>K13 J : " at t : i* : itv jv of-habitations-the )( ourselves-for inherit-will-we said-have Who i&JT# '5'^^ before stubble-as ,wheel-THE-as them-set ,God-my-0 .God mri^ ur'ijJift 15 : nm j" ~ : t t iv : at ^ • r- ; fire-on-set-will flame-a-as-and ,forest-a burn-wiil fire-As .wind-the '^yp| 16 : Bsnn whirlwind-thy-with-& tempest-thy-with them-pursue-wilt-thou So .mountains-the spS? k-70 17 ' for-enquire-shall-they-& ; shame faces-their with-Fill .them-trouble-wilt-thou : nirp ; ever for troubled-and ashamed-be-shall-They .Jehovah-0 ,name-thy nri^-^ \infj19 name-thy ,thou that know-shall-they-And .perish-& ,confounded-be-shall-they-& : nirp .eartli-THE all above high-most-(arJ) ,only-thine Jehovah ♦ ID psalm-a ; Korah of-sons-the-to ; Gittith-TiiE upon ,over-is-that-him-ToLXXXIV. v. 2.—PSALMS.—LXXXIY. v. 11. 135 rrj,T niTT-np2 ,hosts-(o/) Jehovah-0 ,tabernacles-thy-(are) beloved How rriiT frmn^ I rrfe-DJi nspnp jt : v : - : • : - t:it - : tT : ■ ; Jehovah of-courts-the-for soul-my consurned-been-has also-and desired-Has l "IISV"°Dil * ">n laST* 312 ijnth Ij- j' v: vt : I- t v v <• ^ - iv grace ; God Jehovah-(u-) shield-a-and sun-a For .wickedness tfb rrim Tiaai j' : I ~ : • j at : 1 j" • T :<> walk-who-those-for good withhold-he-will not ; Jehovah give-will glory-and o"r» ■nap# niKav nirp13 T T j" i ~ AT: jt : i* r : man-the of-blessings-the ,hosts-(o/) Jeliovah-0 .uprightness-in : np!a ! thee-in confiding HQ nVv ,favoured-hast-Thou .Psalm-A ; Korah of-sons-the-to ; over-is-that-him-To : 3j?^_ nhtf ?$-;$ rnr^ •Jacob of-captivity-the turned-hast-thou ; land-thy ,Jehovah-0 * afmtsrr^ ffe ny n^]3 JT T T T *.' * 'AV " 'j "I T T TV •sin-their all covered-hast-thou ; nation-thy of-iniquity-the away-taken-hast-Thou nii^Vc? away-turned-hast-thou ; rage-thy all in-gathered-hast-Thou .Selah igm mit^5 : fnnp void-make-& ; salvation-our of-God-0 ,us-Turn .anger-thy of-wrath-the-from aS^!3# nfaj; ?jpj;3 ?us-with angry-be-thou-wilt ever-For? .us-with grief-thy nj™ :yti Y$ ^ thou Not ? ? generation-and generation-to anger-thy out-draw-thou-wilt .thee-in glad-be-shall nation-thy-and ? alive-us-keep-thou-wilt ? turn-wilt %^;i ^pn nirp mig8 .us-to give-wilt-thou salvation-thy-and ;mercy-thy ,Jehovah-0 ,see-us-Make -i3T i ">3 nirn. nsiT-no ftjjfce/yi9 speak-will-he for ; Jehovah God-THE speak-will what hear-will-ILXXXV. v. 10.—PSALMS.—LXXXVI. v. 6. 137 : rhozh ^-ncrr^ "isp-1?** DiW It ; • : j t -1: at • -: v : j v t .folly-to turn-them-let not-anil ;saints-liis to-and ,nation-his to peace ■to aVig 10 glory dwell-to ,salvation-his-(is) liim-fear-who-those-to near Surely ofaah p"rv rfoffnon11 : miRi j t ; » vv.v at ; • ;v v:iv v iv r* : " : peace-and righteousness ; met-have trufch-and Mercy p*m rtgy^ rW righteousness-& ; up-spring-shall earth-the-from Truth ni^n1 ]y\\ niiTsna13 ; good-is-which-that give-will Jehovah Moreover .down-looked-has heavens-the-from \v>.rn pr^14 : ^2"! ; go-will him-before Righteousness .increase-its give-will land-our-and : cd^i .footsteps-his of-way-the-in set-will-and "ID -13 ^ sats rfim-ntsir? i th^ ffefi |. 'A" : j': : t jt : r* - j' t : t • : for ; me-answer ,ear-thy ,Jeliovah-0 ,Incline .David-Of prayer-A TDms Vaa' rnioti'2 pas froKi % • jt v t i* • : - jt ; jt -it I j : v : *.• t ; I (am)-saint-a for soul-rny Keep .(aw)-1 needy-and poor : rjpisg nrm yafih .thee-unto confides-who ,God-my thou-0 ,servant-tliy save jcvrrte *np*t sp'w'S ^isn3 I - r t': v *}•.'" I* at j' •• t .day-TUE all call-will-I thee-unto for ,Lord-0 ,me-to-gracious-Be ^?>3 soul-my ,Lord-0 , thee-unto for ,servant-thy of-soul-the Gladden -mi niB irm nfiins5 : AT - : J T -;v. JT - l- IT V in-plentiful-& ,pardoning-& ,good-(arf) Lord-0 ,thou For .up-lift-will-I mm rmsr?6 : spK-ijr^» non a* t ♦ : jt : t j* -;i- ' iv : 'i t : v v prayer-my ,Jehovah-0 ,to-ear-Give .thee-on-call-wlio-those all-to mercy •w? .kissed-have Ml$12138 LXXXVI. 0. 7.—PSALMS.—LXXXYI. v. 17. dV^7 : ^ia^n^ rcn'^^nl distress-my of-day-the-In .supplications-my of-voice-the-to attend-and ,gods-the-among thee-like none-is-There .me-ans\ver-wilt-thou for jt.hee-call-will-I l E=£iiT"i739 \3'l$ whom Gentiles-the All .works-thy-like none-are-there •& ; Lord-0 j : - r at ' jv t : j r : •: < t t • *t glorify-shall-& ; Lord-O ,thee-before dovvn-bow-and ,come-shall made-hast-thou nn» nitfin nan bii^s10 VT - AT : • j v : T j T I* I IV : • (artf)-thou ; works-wondrous doing-and thou-(ari) great For .name-thy-[to] 1311 i riirn walk-will-1 ,way-thy }Jehovah-0 ,me-Teach .alone-thou ,God i 13 : rrarvj' 'an1? irp ,thanks-thee-give-will-I .name-thy fear-to heart-my unite ; truth-thy-in :D^ rfTSDHi ^nn1?2^ ^a'-m it : j' : vt ; —;i- a* t : t : - v:v jt .ever-for name-thy glorify-will-I-and ; heart-my all-with ,God-my Lord-O Waa FfoTtm "by 13 • : - t : j- ' : at't J T ' : : -V. r 1 soul-my delivered-hast-thou-and ,me-unto great-(w) mercy-thy For % ^DP anT 1 Bipft#14 : r^iinn -*r bt <••• <• v: it • : - j : • ; me-against rose proud-the ,God-0 .lovvest-the Ilades-from ?nDiy ^aa mjh IJT A-:- J ': • • •'T\ j-^:I- thee-set-they not-and ; soul-my sought oppressors of-congregation-the-& tin Mam mrrrSa ^a'-m nnsi15 : eua^ ' •; j-; 1 A - : j - •- T -;V. JT - : it : v ; of-slow ; gracious-and merciful God-a-(ari) ,Lord-O ,thou-And .them-before na?16 : Hpgn ton-nil ,me-unto Turn .truth-and mercy in-plentiful-& anger of-son-the-[toJ save-and ,servant-thy-to strength-thy Give. ;me-to-gracious-be-& naitb?1 irik hy-n&y17 : see-shall-and ; good-for sign-a me-with Make .handmaid-thyLXXXYII. v. 1—PSALMS—LXXXVIII. v. 1. 139 •Ofnty .Tirr* rimms • j" t : jt - !• a ••: j- : i me-helped-hast Jehovah-0 thou because ,ashamed-be-shall-and me-hate-who-those : 'omrm • it : - i-: .me-comforted-and. Tttf t : a* (is)-foundation-His .song-a Zion of-gates-the •p 121% ni"T333s 'at jt : t ; -v. ,thee-of spoken-(are') things-Glorious mm t :< Jehovah T3 -11ZDTD j : • ,psalm-a arm3 j** loving-(Zs) ; Korah of-sons-the-To •holiness of-mountains-the-in .Jacob of-tabernacles-the all-than-more tern am i -i^m4 :nbD a^arr Ty v t - j- <• : - t iv j* v:it v ,Babylon-& Itahab remember-to-make-will-I .Selah .God-[the] of-city-0 Hi "rim ria^a nan a * j : v jv : <•• • *i-r : i: listia behold ; me-know-who-those-to man-This ; Cusli with Tyre-and born-were man-a-and ws "idki i ]v^5 : man-A ,said-be-shall-it Zion-to-And .there born-was -isd^ riiir6 i]%p rraaiD6* Kim aa : •*. t : i i : •• tjv : i : k : at ; count-will Jehovah ,high-most-the-(ei;i nf t iv jt - \ • Selah .there born-was man- :i13 •thee-in f«rtf)-springs-my all _____ 7 a- : i : j-r : ,pipers-the-as-vvell-as singers-the-And na -by upon ,over-is-that-him-to : Korah of-sons-the-for psalm-a : ^mmrr idti^ i* t;v it I;t : • : - : TB> j' ,song-A ri^nia .Zarhite-the Ileman-Of understand-to-Causing .Leannoth140 LXXXVni. v. 2.—PSALMS.—LXXXYIII. v. 12. rf^Vs niir2 night-THE-in-Caw36 j^nn^ W'n -iin j- : t • " - itv: I •* vjv : • • t a ,free dead-THE-Amongst .strength without man-a-as been-have-I ; pit-the -x1? -it^K -dp 133^ i a^n i < v v ' v •• : j • t < : not whom. ; grave-the in-down-lie-who wounded-the as : nua f-PD rr&m nty Bfliar it : • ji ;it • t •• : *a jt : - : .off-cut-been-have hand-thy-from they-and ; still [them]-remembered-hast-thou ni^ri? "ilas ^V7 ,places-dark-the-in parts-lowest-the of-pit-the-in me-set-hast-Thou ?mbn p?:)ed jjfitea t v t : t : l av t jt ; it -Tv I : waves-thy all-(with)-8z ;wrath-thy held-has me-Upon .deej)s-the-in inpmrf9 JTV • j----• jv • t*«. ; t I; j- : • t.iv t j'** me-set-hast-thou ;me-from acquaintance-my far-put-hast-Thou .Selah .humbled-liast-thou W10 ^ niryhn j' i" •• j : xt at j <• i eye-My .out-come-shall-I not-and withheld-(am-7) : them-to abominations rnrn TP**-}]? rq*n ;day every-in ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-on-called-have-I ;affliction-my of-because mourned-has -nfejm 11 Tj?** do-thou-wilt dead-THE-To? .hands-my tliee-unto out-stretched-have-I : nbo loipj S^TDK .Selah ? thee-praise-they-shall ,arise-shall dead-the If ? wonder-a : ^,pn -i?^a "isd^12 ? destruction-in faithfulness-thy ? mercy-thy grave-THE-in declared-be-ShallLXXXVIII. v. 13.—PSALMS.—LXXXIX. v. 5. 141 pp ^invi jhW?13 of-land-the-in righteousness-thy-and ?wonder-thy darkness-THE-in known-be-shall ? rnrn i "OKI 14 : morning-THE-in-& ,cried-liave ,Jehovah-0 ,thee-unto I-And ?forgetfulness ^ttfaa mm rfi.T HD^15 nmpn a* : - j-: • t jtt t'iv :: j* t • : ?soul-my off-cast-thou-wilt ,Jehovah-0 ,Why .thee-before-come-shall prayer-my jfiai ^3» ?^aa TnDfl : j* r • iv • ' jv r v : - expiring-and I-{am) Poor ? me-from face-thy hide-thou-wilt ^bp17 : naiaK ?pak viKtM ii/iD T|T » JV *• * V.T T ~ W0 • j* • v - ' v • |- I t : t : - : - J • TV I - IT : i not-and ; sword-his of-edge-the turn-wilt-thou Yea .enemies-liis i-intss rnWrr45 :*bnnte ijiibpfi a T T: • T j- : • it T : • - I"-: ; brightness-his-from cease-to-made-hast-Thou ; war-THE-in stand-him-made-hast i 46 rnivp^46 :^map fw i»P?1 of-days-the shortened-hast-Thou .down-cast-hast-thou earth-THE-to throne-his-and -ipK : PISD rrafta nwrr viyby T |V JT KT T T • IV AT Until .Selah .shame him-upon cover-to-caused-hast-thou ; youth-his Tpfi rm) -inpir» niir np fire as burn-shall ? ever-for thyself-hide-tliou-wilt , Jehovah-0 ,\vhen "ftrr-nD ■OK—or48 : t v at v j' t : » iv t vanity-(/or) what for ? age-the what-(is) me-(to-as) Remember ? wrath-thy tip. .TIT in: ^p49 :fiim not-and live-shall man "What ?man of-sons-the all created-thou-hast : n^D ms-nr^ t iv j : " • v. : - : vat v : • .Selah ? Hades of-hand-the-from soul-his deliver-he-shall ? death see-shali i B^ijnrr ?p*TDrt i rpK50 T : j- : • AT J' I' T » vvt - sworn-hast-thou ? Lord-0 ,former-THE mercies-thy (are)-Where nsnn nbr51 th? J J ♦* AT (V J • l»T|#»|« ' • of-reproach-the Lord-O , Remember .faithfulness-thy-in David-to : Q°p# TP# .nations many all bosom-my-in borne-have-I ; servants-thy nttfK nirp i ^-in jv "J AT Z ' J«' ! I ^ 5 I # . which-(urffA) ; Jeliovah-O ,enemies-thy reproached-liave which-(WWi) niT 53 : ^m^p ^-jn Jehovah (&e)-Blessed (sg.)-anointed-tliy of-heels-tlie reproached-have-they Jipff) i ipSt 11146 XC. v. 1.—PSALMS.—XC. p. 10. wd tf-n* - ntz/nb • j t t -:v )' v: it i* vv : t • : habitation-a ,Lord-0 .God-[the] of-man-the ,Moses-of prayer-A l D~IE33 :Y71 YT£ 13s»' PJflK v3 .meditation-a as years-our consumed-have-we ;rage-thy-in turned-been-have bps i 10 <• : t t w ; • vv t : : if-and ; years seventy-(are) them-in ,years-our of-days-The Hw eami q^SdB I rri^njs jt*t t:t:\. tt <•: :• grievousness (is)-strength-their-even ,years eighty-(be-they) might-by ___XC. r. 11.—PSALMS.—XCI. V. 4. 147 jHTpv?11 : ti^ri fr-vp know-ing-(is) Who .fiown-have-we-and soon off-cut-been-has-it for ;iniquity-& 13 : ^ W number-To .rage-thy-(is-so) fear-tliy-as-And ?anger-thy of-strength-the : nftsn 22b sy*x 2tosi (it-is)-; iniquity of-doers-the all flourished-and ,grass as DiiD nnm9 :n"r;n-ry : T JT - : T" m%0Z". jt : IT • ; ,ever-for liigh-on-(ar£) thou-And .ever unto destroyed-be-to-them-for riirp 1 ?p:r'K n$n ^10 : i-nrr: behold for ; Jeliovah-0 enemies-thy behold For .'Jehovah-0 .iniquity of-doers-the all separated-be-shall ; perish-shall enemies-thy150 XCII. v. 11.—PSALMS.—XCIII. v. 4. ;>il-with % tzninv1 (s. ... . . v jt - oil-with anointed-been-have-I ; horn-my 1 unicorn-the-as up-lifted- hast-thou-And £03^112 M^;?- me-against rise-who-those-upon ; observers-my-on eye-my look-shall-And .fresh 3? * t lona p^y13 : "WK jt t - > • -*. it : t j~ : tree-palm-THE-as (sg.)-rigliteous-The .ears-my liear-shall doers-wicked :nsts* iv : • I j t : - vv.v : at : • planted-are-who-Those .grow-shall-he Lebanon-[TiiE]-in cedar-a-as ; flourish-shall : wis** m'-fta rfmna nim rroa .flourish-shall God-o: nvt1 awn I : c J' . r : .be-shall-they fresh-and not-{is-there)-& ,rock-my of-courts-the-in , Jehovah of-house-the-in "ri;/15 fat ,age-old-in increase-they-shall Yet TaV#16 • " shew-To : i| rmj#_ mrp at : , Jehovah jt t i' (?s)-upright that S'T nm .him-in iniquity nirr ' t t jt : with-clothed-been-has ; with-clothed-been-has-he exaltation ;reigned-has Jehovah Shri \ nirp ,world-the established-be-will yea ; with-himself-girded-has-he ,strength Jehovah old-of^from ; then-from throne-thy established-(Js) .moved-be-shall-it not-that fii-iru ikiw fi].T i /mna ^tw3 :r?E8 it j T : rivers-the up-lifted-liave : Jehovah-0 &}£ i fl^'pD4 waters of-voices-tlie-than-More .waves-their ,rivers-the up-lifted-Have jrnna isferi j t rivers-tlie OT.SI ,sea-the of-waves-the-(315 :;mn & inSmi nim b#> I* i -:r j t i- : jt : j • When .forsake-will not inheritance-his-& ; people-his Jehovah leave-will vinai 31p~rx"~w •• : • t t -; |- ; T : .... - A.. . . - IT : T Jehovah off-them-cut-wili ; off-them-cut-will-he evil-their-in-& ; iniquity-their : rra njrni nirr^ rraanj ^ j : T • T AT |- JT : -; :k of-rock-the-to shout-will-we ;Jehovah-to joy-for-shout-will-We .Come r2 :psr?-i73 j : - A : J ; IT T J* ) V IT T T of-tidings-Bear ; name-his bless ; Jehovah-to ye-Sing .earth-THE all rma visd3 Di^'-aip a : J* - J : - I t i : : I • ; glory-his Gentiles-THE-among ye-Declare .salvation-his day-to day-from rrim ViTns4 : wisSaa awrr-hoa jt : 8--,731 tV" 15 jt a v t : - tv. j r theu ; it-in. (la)-which all-and field-the exult-Shall b li ">3 i n\T :ip—^ty—bs : fulness-its-and ,Jehovah Before forest-the of-trees-the all joy-for-shout-shal] "-jarr-to&a* par? £aa \s j.. .. i ; • I vjt t v : • t j• t world-the judge-shall-he ;earth-THE judge-to came-he for ,came-he .truth-his-with nations-and ,righteousness-with re pgr? rnrp coasts-sea-the glad-be-shall ;earth-THE rejoice-shall ; reigned-has Jehovah EOBB^ "7QTV1 pt/3 t : • ' vyv a r • : jvt^I- 'jtt i* - judgment-and righteousness jliim-around-Care) darkness-and Cloud .many conSjp5! t£^3 j'ozp fire-on-set-shall-& ; go-shall him-before fire-A .throne-his of-settlement-the-(ar I vat - t j t j" t ; • v: )( earth-the of-ends-the all seen-liave ; Israel of-hou|e-the-toxcvni. 0. 4.—PSALMS.—XCIX. v. 5. 157 rfirr£ ye-Shout .God-our of-salvation-the ; earth-the all Jehovah-to ~iip5 pfirr£ i^a-vi invs ,harp-the-with , Jehovah-to psalms-Sing .psalms-sing-& joy-for-shout-& forth-ye-break Vlgi firmria6 : rrnpt ; cornet-the of-voice-the-& trumpets-With psalm-a of-voice-the-& harp-the-with cm uspy :nin^ i ^ sea-THE roar-Shall .Jehovah ,king-THE before ye-Shout "WDP1 ffnna8 :m "nri o-those-& ^ J ^3"!^ 31-shOUt-wil %y_) pTO 'nrr-fcDsc^. psn to&t$ nations-the-& righteousness-in world-the judge-vvill-he ;earth-THE judge-to : an I* T I- : .uprightness-in i T rivers-The clap-shall A:n3 .it-in dwell-\vho-those-& world-the ,fulness-its-and ,f n "ft- *13 came-he for ,Jehovah Before joy-for-shout-will mountains-the together ;hand-the □ e'nn j" sitting-(is-Tie) SDlf \?|T. troubled-be-shall mim jt : Jehovah bSij nirn2 : par? mm o^-i? ;great-0'sj Zion-in Jehovah .earth-the moved-be-shall ,cherubim-the-(«2?o») fii"13 : wri name-thy praise-shall-They .nations-THE all above \jn4 :^n ttfi-rg king-the of-strength-the-And .(i's)-it holy ftials rwnK JT : • . A* T |" T ;j- T judgment ; uprightness established-hast thou ^bpi-i5 :ri^j£ ye-Exalt .wrought-hast thou Jacob-in an j t : he exalted-is-and ^"ra t : j t ; terrible-and great 3i"T» J" T vt : loved-hath judgment r^-m righteousness-and158 XCIX. v. 6.—PSALMS.—C. r. 5. t^np t6:n Qin^ nirr j' t t : - j ~: i~ -: r : • •• v: 7i*c/i) statute-the-& testimonies-his npji BrfV su/2 SK nnK . av t t j* t *• v j" jt : vt - avenging-and ,them-to wast-thou pardoning God-a ; them-ansvveredst thou nirn ^div : r : • •• v: 3 5fayi?1 11": up-me-lifted-hast-thou for ; anger-thy-& indignation-thy of-Because .mingldd-have-I iftoa ^12 : - at J- : - T(. •!•••:-- I-and ,inclined-(is-w;7«e^) shadow-a-as (are)-days-My .down-me-cast-hast-and rnrr nfiKi13 : ttfya 2&ys> a** . jt ; t :k jt - : it • v T** t ; dvvell-wilt ever-for ,Jehovah-0 ,thou-And .dried-be-shall grass-THE-as Dipn rm14 : Tn -n^ ^-)?n ,arise-wilt Thou .generation-and generation-to-(fc) rernembrance-thy-and sr^n-^3 nnup come-lias for ,her-to-gracious-be-to season-the for ; Zion compassionate-wilt-thou ; stones-her )( servants-thy with-pleased-been-have For .time-set-the -fm 1K7K1 w : • v j ;i *: r* : jt t^: v : )( Gentiles fear-shall-And .to-gracious-be-will-they dust-her )(-and : ?ni:i3-m parr nim db? ' iv : v | v t t j" : - t : at : j- .glory-thy X earth-THE of-kings-the all-and ; Jehovah of-name-the nja18 nroas ns>ni tin* nim pranks17 t tv. i : • t : • 1 a • jt : jt t c turned-He .glory-his-in seen-was-he ,Zion Jehovali built When, : nm uru/rr jftafr1?** it t • : v tt j : 'at it j- • : v .prayer-their )( despised not-and ,(sg.)-destitute-THE of-prayer-the unto fnnis -iV? nnpft19 created-be-to nation-a-and ; afterwards generation-a-for this "written-be-Shall itfti? QVigG ^ip^n--^20 :iT"SVIT. ; place-holy-his of-height-the-from down-looked-has-he For .Jah praise-shall yfop?21 : D'dW nr^ 1 nin1' hear-To ,looked-has earth-the unto heavens-the-from Jehovah n^p^22 ^35 nri?f nj^K declare-To .death of-sons-the unto-open-to ; prisoner-the of-sighing-the : iffenffl rApp attf rin?i •it t i • t • : at : j- i ;v .Jerusalem-in praise-his-and , Jehovah of-name-the Zion-in 12162 cn. 0. 23.—PSALMS.—CIII. c. 5. -n^ 12$ rt\bb^i e?s# pi??|23 )( serve-to kingdoms-the-and together nations-the gathered-being-In : "p; nvi? nay24 : nirp .days-my shortened-he ,strength-my way-THE-in humbled-He .Jehovah "iifl ^ n©^25- of-generation-In .days-my half-ia away-me-take not ,God-My ,say-will-I psn 28 ; founded-hast-thou earth-THE old-Of .years-thy-(are) generations nrmi i r%p27 :afp^ thou-and ,perish-shall They .heavens-the-(are) hands-thy of-vvork-the-& *M33 OvOI v : ~ a ; • vjv - t j :i- clothing-THE-as ,old-wax-shall garment-THE-as tliem-of-all-and ;stand-shalt nri^i28 af^rm years-thy-and ;he-(art) thou-And .changed-be-\vill-they-& them-change-wilt-thou oH/l " : f»rp. a1? seed-their-and ; dwell-shall servants-thy of-sons-The .end-an-to-come-shall not ♦ii ?. t)# .establislied-be-shall thee-before sfnp-SDi ni.T-fm 1312 1 ■ t t : at : v • : -v j* : i t • t ;cm. v. 6.—PSALMS.—cm. v. 17. 163 flijnv n&yG -IE>3U ahrij^ ip# righteousness working-C/s) .youth-thy eagle-THE-like renew-wilt-thou ; mouth-thy 7 . njrn known-make-will-IIe .oppressed-are-who-those all-for judgments-and Jehovah Dim8 : vnirb]} ntinh Ton j - it • •• t ; • y : • av : jt t : Merciful .deeds-his Israel of-sons-the-to ,Moses-to ways-his -*6° inpn-nii nirn )ism Not .mercy of-plentiful-& anger of-slow ; Jehovah- (is) gracioits-and *610 : $71 ant j i * jt ; v : a* t t.' t Not f (aw$w)-keep-he-will ever-for not-and ; plead-lie-will ever-for ~:l- j : at t "jt •* t —; -v. iniquities-our-to-according not-and ;us-to done-he-has sins-our-to-according pKffty nins rdfyy L- i vat t • - tv. - j : • <• |"'t j- t ,earth-THE above heavens-the of-height-tlie-as For .us-upon rewarded-he-has mra pro12 toon ina t: -k ' j : • it - j- t east-the far-is-As .him-fear-who-those upon mercy-liis strong-been-has : p^ms? .transgressions-our )( us-from far-made-has-he ,west-the-from 13 Jehovah compassionated-has ,sons-his upon father-a of-compassionating-the-As niiT nrn ax narm t : i- • a • t ~ tv. j" - : shovah compassionated-has ,sons-his upon father-a of-compassionatin -iiif WIP jrp Kims14 : t a** : • j- t v. it *•: *- remembering ; workmanship-our known-lias He For .liim-fear-who-those upon wx§ tuna# i j- : att j- tiv v:<. :it jt*t i« of-flower-a-as ; days-his-(are) grass-like man-(£o-^>) .(are)-we dust that irrrrn rrn ^10 p rn&rr j t : \t j v | i* t i j- v t - ,it-upon by-passed-has wind-the For .flourish-he-will so field-THE "ipn"]17. :ioip£ -ny ^3^1 of-mercy-the-And .place-his yet him-know-shall not-and ;not-is-it-and w-1-?;/ DVip-^ijri aSfyb 1 rnm at : - t \ ^ : jt i" t : ; him-fear-who-those upon ,everlasting unto-and everlasting-from-(fs) Jehovah 12*164 CIIL v. 18.—PSALMS.—CIY. v. 4. inm "HD^13 :e?:o ^ ifip"nn A • : ^** : I : I T y : • »T : • : covenant-liis kecp-who-those-To .sons of-sons-to-(/6') rigliteousness-his-and Hi it19 : yhpd •natto t ; it *-;r tk • j" ; : Jehovah .them-do-to precepts-his remember-who-those-to-and •ruling-(is) all-[tiie]-over kingdom-his-& ,throne-his established-has heavens-THE-in inm .nb "m-i i rnm wa20 at: j" V. •• J • jT t : - T : j : i T ,word-his doing ; strength of-mighty angels-his-ye Jehovah, ye-Bless ^3 nipp inaSl : iim S'ipu t t :v j : i t it: 'j : ,> *- : • all , Jehovah ye-Bless .word-his of-voice-the-[in] hear-to i rhm la-ia22 : ^ vhn&h fan* t : •< :it 1 : ^j" r :it : at t : ,Jehovah ye-Bless .pleasure-his doing ministers-liis ,hosts-his ,Bless ; ruling-his of-places all-in ,works-his all : niir-m it : v • : - .Jehovah X .soul-my-O -rp nim rnrn-m wia v:v jt : jt : v • : ~ j' : it God-my Jehovah-0 : Jehovah )( soul-my-0 ,Bless : mm nin ikd tHih t : it t jt t : v. a ; t : j-r .with-clothed-been-hast-thou majesty-and honour ;very great-been-hast-thou a"b& ncoia riot's tik n^i;3 • - t >v at : - - v. v j heavens-the spreading ; garment-THE-as light \\'ith-(thyself )-coverest-Who d&rr vFivbst whs mpsrr3 : jt - jt ' ; . - - y. jt ; . . - sets-who ; chambers-his waters-the-in of-beams-lays-Who .curtain-THE-as .wind-the of-wings-the upon walks-who ; chariot-his-(a6>) clouds-thick-the : Qrih iirm'b fvirm Yo*6b n&ji4 l" j- t : 1 t : a jr t : - jv **CIV. P. 5.—PSALMS.—CIV. v. 16. 165 0isir"L"?3 fix—rc£5 moved-be-shall-it not-that ; settlements-tts upop earth-the founded-hath-He Din^# : ijjn dfip ;[lt>with-(<^se(f}-covered-hast-thou clothing-THE-as deep-The ,ever-and ever-{for) ^^r-]p7 :8^p-np^. onn2^ ; flee-will-they rebuke-thy of-Because .waters-the stand-will mountains-the above □nri 8 : pram Sip-fe ; mountains up-go-Will .awav-hasten-will-they thunder-thv of-voice-the from : jthf: 1 ni oipr^ .them-for founded-hast-thou which place-the unto ,valleys descend-will npVto8 j cover-to turn-shall-they not-that ,pass-shall-they not-that ,set-hast-thou bound-A ra Q^naa awa nb&ion10 I j" A- T : - »tT "J"° ~ : I" between ; ravines-THE-into springs sends-Who j ; field-the of-beast every drink-make-will-They ,go-will-they afotfrr-f}W 12 : bkdv BWD • j- r - I 1 v it t : j* t : v : : • heavens-THE of-fowl-the them-Beside .thirst-their asses-wi]d-the quench-will ngafe" B?K5ig pap watering-(is-He) .voice-a give-will-they branches amongst-from ; dwell-will satisfied-is works-thy nti^n fibn?!? i herb-and cattle-THE-for :nn? on"? .earth-THE from breaa cfoa nn4? nisfc^ i j • t j' : - : v: -j: - - : I •<-: faot-{Ms) shine-to-make-to ,man of-heart-the gladden-shall. wine-And W3^V6 : "W! ^ST"^1? nnj] satisfied-be-Will .support-will man of-heart-the bread-and ; oil-with V IT T .earth-THE ynn mountains-the "nsD 'pnfca cam j' : • at »• -.-p* • TV of-fruit-the-by ; charnbers-his-from mountains-the wn i irpvD14 :n^'? gi*ass spring-to-making-(?«-iSrrr< nwg a# 36 : nVpray this Leviathan ;go-will ships There .great with rin9 sb27 :i|-pn^ jjnv? give-to ,wait-will thee-upon them-of-All .it-in play-to formed-hast-thou ar$ iffa28 :wj/$ ! open-wilt-Thou ; gather- will 'they , them-to give-wilt-Thou .season-iU-in %5»i»fchei!rCIV. V. 29.—PSALMS.—CV. v. 3. 167 ^39 ^PS29 : nijp ,face-thy hide-wilt-Thou .good with-satisfied-be-will-they ,hand-tliy j^iJi arm ?ip$ }^6^\ dust-their unto-and ; die-will-they ,spirit-their gather-wilt-thou ; troubled-be-will-they nV^30 :p;nt£* renew-wilt-thou-& ; created-be-will-they ,spirit-thy send-wilt-Thou .turn-will-they nim -to Vn31 :r?aiK at i jt : j : <• : it t j- : ;ever-for Jehovah of-glory-the be-Shall .earth-the of-face-the iD^srr32 nim nofe* .* t tv, j*----it : jt : v- : • earth-THE-[upon] beholds-Who .works-his-in Jehovah glad-be-shall mmt33 : "un,m t j* t It *v:iv : j* t iv * ht: • - sing-will-1 .smoke-will-they-& mountains-the-[upon] touch-will-he ; trembled-it-& : vfjya mara rnrr^ I* : j- I" K-t : - at - : JT I - ,yet-(being)-my-iri God-my-to psalms-sing-will-I ;life-my-ia Jeliovah-to : nin\3 nDfrtf imfr $by mjn IT |- J- ; V T A* • J T t" J-^-:IV 34 | 35 .Jehovah-in glad-be-will I ; meditation-my him-upon sweet-be-Shall "Hi/ i 1 s^&pn fsrjv yet wicked-the-and ,earth-THE from sinners end-an-to-come-Shall : rm^n riirp-m it : r t : v • : -v. j* : it t •• .Jah ye-Praise : Jehovah )( ,soul-my-0 ,Bless .be-not-shall np rr wnrt p rfirp? mr? ^ )' A : • J : »• r j known-make ; name-his-upon call ;Jehovah-to thanks-ye-Give a : - <. I* it l* ; • ^ T ;him-to psalms-sing ;liim-to Sing .deeds-his nations-THE-among □^3 i^nnr?* : irp# j** : : — ; IT : : • T : • of-name-the-in yourselves-Boast .works-wondrous-his all-in meditate168 CY. v. 4.—PSALMS.—CV". v.. 16. :nvt i 3nV nb^ .Jehovah for-enquire-who-those of-heart-tlie glad-be-shall ; holiness-his itda ittfpa Vyn mrp ^-n4 ' I • T IT T I I . — jl ^». « IT • J • • 5 ' i* t jt t .continually face-his for-enquire ; strength-his-and Jehovah ye-Seelc -iDattfS5) for •• : ; t : at v jt : ; • : • of-judgments the-& wonders-his ;wrought-he which ,works-wondrous-his ye-Remember nj?ir> Vnqp jnr6 :^a ' j -:l~ v : a : ^ jt t : - ^ -vv i* , Jacob of-sons-the ,servant-his Abraham of-seed-Ye .mouth-his pKfr1?^ m-fts rrim am7 :TnK9 : fn shk? mif - tv. jv i I v jv: t • with made-he Which .generations thousand-a-to commanded-lie 2^7 nTp^.v0 : onngs Jacob-to stand-it-made-he-And ^ -ibsi?11 ithHy rrna Pph^ thee-to ,Saying .ever -(for) covenant-a Israel-to ;statute-a-f : B^m i-?3n 1^35 pST^ .inheritance-your of-cord-the ,Canaan of-land-the )( give-will-I : sa e'nji tsirob isdd ^PID Dwna it )' t : ~ : • at ; • j" : t : *v. .it-in sojourners-and few-a-as ; number-(smaZ/;-a of-men being-their-In nijrhik hitob "I-ID 13^*1 *j- v t t ; - • a v j • : - : • 1 nation-a to kingdom-a-from. nation to nation-from walked-they-And 12 13 swi bp^ ez3"tk mam*1?14 nns - v." 'at ; ~t : jt t - j' • i i" - rebuked-ne-and ; them-oppress-to man-a left-he Not .other 15 : b^D bh% at • ; • i : m " r t : jv ; ones-anointed-my-[on] ye-touch Not .kings them-of-because upon famine-a called-he-And .evil-do not prophets-my-to-attdCY. v. 17.—PSALMS.—CV. v. 30. 169 n^17 nattf Dn^-ncsb2^ p»n jv j- t it t v;v •• - t i vat t them-before sent-He .broke-he bread of-staff-the all jearth-Tiiia U?3J|3 %18 120 ^ fetter-THE-with humbled-They .Joseph ,sold-was-he servant-a-for ,man-a nV"V19 :its>aa nits bhii , ry. i : - t jt v : i - a : - of-coming-the of-season-the Until .soul-his went iron-{into) ; foot-his n^20 nrffuny rriir jtidk i-im ' v vv - jt : it t : jt : * at: king-the Sent .him-refined Jehovah of-word-the ; word-his i&jy21 : BW ^rrwi . j t i- : - : - • ^ j" a" • -- him-set-He .him-unto-opened-he-and ,nations-the of-ruler-tlie ; liim-loosed-and ID^ 23 : *7^ irva^ n-m jtt j : v 1 t: b t : •• a - : 1 j t princes-liis bind-To .possession-liis all-in ruler-and ,house-his-to lord ^1" :D3nt' j-- it : - : of-trees-the broke-he-and ;figtrees-anu vines-their smote-he-And .land-their-in pW ids 34 : Q^n-i » v v: av : - j t - - tv. it : ,cankerworms-the-and ,locusts-the came-and ,said-He .border-their 0VIK3 SfcflAs *73^35 :12DS at : - : v t j- it : • » j" : ; land-their-in grass-the all eat-they-And .number not-was-there-and -ta-Sa 36 : often# ""12 j : t »j— it t : - j-: - - firstborn-the all smote-he-And .ground-their of-fruit-the eat-they-arid BWI" jaaiK-^ Bmaa i **1 it t : ... at : - : out-them-brought-he-And .strength-their all-of beginning-the ; land-their-in Y^at^s iW ann- noai i" jt t : i v : at t: l v jv : .stumbling-Cowe-awy) tribes-their-among not-was-there-and ,gold-and ,silver-with sina "72^3 Bfinjfi nnya rtnfr38 jt : - v~t i« at ; *j~: • j-t fear-their fell for ,out-going-their-in Egypt glad-Was ny fena89 :en"% j' t : : 'at t : Ijt't j-t iv light-give-to fire-and ,covering-a-for cloud-a spread-He .tliem-upon onVi 0i^ aa^ bxti40 : •- t vjv : at ; j-t- - 71 t :it heaven cf-bread-the-and ; quails brought-lie-and ,asked-(Owe) .night-(af) iSW b^'d law nna41 : oi^afe^ : it -at jt- v. -jt - went-they ,waters out-gushed-& ,rock-the opened-He .with-them-satisfy-will-he ^np -ai-fm "IDT ">3 43 : nna nte a :'t j- : v -tv. j* it t j- - ,holiness-his of-word-the )( remembered-he For .river-a-($ land-THE polluted-was-and ; Canaan of-idols-the-to sacrificed-they whom whoring-a-went-they-and ; works-their-in defiled-were-they-And .blood-TiiE-with rnrri 40 : Qfityypp, ; nation-his-with Jehovah of-anger-tlie wroth-was-And .acfions-their-with Efnr'TS asrfo41 : iffrnrfm aprH a* " : y : * " ■ I T " T : Gentiles-the of-hand-the-into tliem-gave-he-And .inheritance-his X abhorred-he-& BfTa^iK Bivn^43 : Brr^fr Bfd 316 :D*TK ^33^ wiitoi' j : ~ ~ *v I* it t j" : • t : : • : of-doors-the broke-He For .man of-sons-the-to works-wondrous-his-and •siTna a^is17 bnn "Wini nitfna 1 vjv • • • v:v. 1- • jv : - v • : v a : of-way-the-of-because Fools .off-cut-he iron of-bars-the-and ,bi*ass bl'x-bs18 : %/J^. ay&p food All .afflicted-be-will iniquities-their-of-because-and transgression-tlie^ir ^TH19 : nimip cried-they-And .death of-gates-the unto near-drew-they-& ; soul-their abhor-will :eupE$l .them-save-will-he afflictions-their-from. ;them-to distress-the-in Jehovah unto :Bjfirmts>& BKa-m i-m n1?^20 it 1* : " ~ /s- t : • : t :v. j- : • .destructions-their-from them-deliver-and ,tbem-heal-and wordrhis send-will-IIe, "33^ ; vnpn nim^ rt^21. jmm 2* t • • * • ^ i j of-sons-the-to works-wondrous-his-& ,mercy-his-(/or) Jehovah-to thanks-give-shall-They. 'nOT. rriin "mr instil» : works-hi3 declare-sball-and ; praise of-sacrifices sacrifice-shall-they-And .man %j/ nMiita err •mi'123 : rr'sns j- * a • t;it t -x j" : 1 it • : do-who-those ; ships-the-in sea-the to-descend-who-Those .shouting-withCVIL v. 24.—PSALMS.—CYII. v. 36. 177 "cw/p wv r®r?24 : etas n^6 j- ^:i- tv T j#* I* - *j- : T T : of-works-the seen-have They ; great waters-in work "WJ 25 : hSivaa nim *■ .1—v. v - it : • t : : • : at : . stand-to-made-he-& ,said-he-And .depth-the-in works-woydrous-his-& ; Jehovah 'Vyn2(1 nfya abi-mi mpD mi •-TV. j .l~ it- •• ; - at t : j ,heavens-the-(£o) up-go-will-They .billows-its exalted-it-and ,tempest of-wind-the : zfinnn njm satoa niainn HT it : • *jt t : t : - * ; j :r* .melted-be-will evil-with soul-their ; deeps-the to-descend-will-they a/mari-Sai 27 t t ; t t : £ pai -Q-rs ct^35 " jt : t* I vjv : *A- —: |- T : *v. j- r of-springs-to dryness of-land-a-and ,waters of-pool-a-to wilderness-the set-will-He ottf 3^1" :eta : I : - A* •• ; jt J- • IT establisli-will-they-and ,hungry-the there dwell-to-make-shall-he-And .waters 13178 cvn. v. 37.—PSALMS.—CVIH. v. 6. JTHfr ^m87 : 3&KD TJ! a- t : *j ; • - . k - it j* ; vineyards plant-and ,fields sow-shall-they-And .habitation of-city-a £rp;! DD")^!38 : fijffiafl n? multiplied-and them-blessed-lie-And .increase ©f-fruit yield-shall-they-& wa*i" *6 erionni' j : • - T* : J t : v : * : ,less-became-they-And .less-make-he-will not cattle-their-and ,greatly re 40 :fi;m i contempt Pouring .sorrow-and evil oppression-of-because ,down-bowed-& : mm dfei .way-a not-(is-there) ,confusion-in wander-them-made-he-and ,princes upon 1^1 flpK 3,3^141 sheep-the-as place-will-and ; affliction-from (sg.)-needy-the high-on-set-he-And rfrsAy) 'inDftwi ana* tfnnaato t ; t : at : • : j* t : j : • i t : • iniquity all-and ; glad-be-and upright-the see-Shall .families —inBhi aarr-^o43 : rfa r?yap v a** t ; •: ^t t «• t i* t : »jt ,things-these keep-will-and wise (w)-Who .mouth-her stopped-has : njn- ? Jehovah of-mercies-the consider-will-tlxey-and np ^ rtaa2 : TH^ ninra tb? a* v: j* • I j t l* t : j : • v.* ; God-0 ,heart-my established-(Zs) .David-of psalm-a ,song-A Saarr mw3 rriarai frvate vjv t j i* : I - t : - -:r t /• t psaltery-[theJ , Awake .glory-my-(wiWO yea ,psalms-sing-will-and sing-will-1 i jffik4 :nn^ frrfy$ -nap*} ,nations-THE-among thanks-thee-give-will-I .dawn-(a£) myself-arouse-will-I ; harp-& "bjiO 'wp?5 niny above great For .peoples-the-among thee-to-psalms-sing-will-I-& ;Jehovah-0 exalted-Be .truth-thy skies-the unto-and ; mercy-thy-(is) heavens-theCVIII. r. 7.—PSALMS.—CIX. v. 2. 179 .glory-thy-(fc£-sftaZZ) earth-THE all above-and ; God-0 heavens-the above : 133^1 5?^ T.TT "$£<>7 .me-answer-& liand-right-thy with-save ;beloved-thy delivered-be-shall Therefore .DOt£> n|^ni nftjtm "3'n i B^K8 ; Shechern divide-will-I ,exult-will-I holiness-his-in spoken-has God ntbjip ^ t-rjftj i}9 : nfso ppgi ; Manasseh-(is) me-to ,Gilead- (is) me-To .measure-will-I Succoth of-valley-the-& : sppha rmT fwfa '|*'I I I T i A* J T ' .> A .lawgiver-my-(is) Judah ;head-rny of-strength-the-(is) Ephraim-and' ibpi thivrby "^m TD I aaiD10 a* :r 'J* : ~ v:*. - • i7ft) do-will-we God-By top vfenri 11DTD THj» • t • i j" v: a : • j* t : i "V praise-my of-God-O .psalm-A David-Of ,over-is-that-him-To yah n,p . 2 : of-mouth-the-and (sg.)-wicked-the of-mouth-the Because .silent-be not l^1? wna "by HbiD; of-tongue-a-(toifZt) me-with spoken-have-they ; opened-have-they me-against deceit 13*180 CIX. v. 3.—PSALMS.—CIX. v. 15. 13132D rmjfr iian3 : iptf A T : JT : • j" : • : 'vit ; me-surrounded-have-they hatred of-words-(wi^;-And .falsehood ^ranK—nrm4 : Qr3n J' t -;l- - r it • j -;|T •- love-my of-Instead .causelessly me-against-fought-have-they-and me-upon set-they-And .prayer (unto-am)~I-8z ,adversaries-my-be-will-they : nnn r?wi£n ralco nrrn run I T JI J- T ; • ; AT - J- *T TV .love-my of-instead hatred-and jgood of-instead evil 6 .hand-right-his at stand-let adversary-an-& ;man-wicked-a him-over Appoint : ysh ^ -rg^r? .hand-right-his at stand-let adversary-an-& ;man-wicked-a him-over Appoint rpnfl psh 5-*^ j'.': I* T • : AT T j.... ;jt • be-shall prayer-his-and ; wicked out-go-shall-he judged-being-his-In njp3. imj?5 8 : talce-shall office-his ;few days-his be-Shall .sin-for •MrHVp9 :in» it T : ■ : • : A* : JT T : i • |- - .widow-a wife-his-and ,orphans sons-his be-Shall .another itah"K jfiai10 : it : • ; jt t ' jt : seek-and ; ask-and ,sons-his wander-shall wandering-And a v t : v v /j*—: iv •• i : t i- ;him-to-(is) which all-for exactor-the snare-a-lay-Shall .desolations-their-of-out ■sftfo bWT ]j" K •: - T • : j*T VT: out-draws-who-one him-for be-let Not .labour-his strangers spoil-shall-and w-ina-Tn13 ivtzSrrb pin Vn-^i Ton j • -:i- i* : it i* 1- J' : - : v at end-latter-his be-Shall .orphans-his-to gracious-(owe) be-let not-and ; mercy : QDttf 'to -m fna it : j- • - - j : A* : - ; .name-their out-blotted-be-shall another generation-in ; off-cutting-for n'stsm rfirp-^K ffoa "ny \ w " j— : at : v t -:v • j: s" t • of-sin-the-and ;Jehovah unto fathers-his of-iniquity-the remembered-be-Shall Ton rnm-*na ?>m15 Sm A* T JT I V|V J I I * IT • " • ; continually Jehovah before be-shall-They .out-blotted-be-shall not mother-hisCIX. v. 16.—PSALMS.—CIX. v. 26. 181 i yn16 : snpr rn?^ not that Because .memory-their earth-the-from off-cut-shall-he-and 1^3$! "ion F)Svy: nor ,needy-and poor man-the pursued-and ; mercy do-to remembered-he 17 : nni^ 33^ n»33i. t t »:v, j- v:iv- I" : jt - v." : • : ,cursing loved-he-And .kill-to heart of-broken-the-and : pn-iijii rtinzii .him-from off-far-was-it-and ,blessing-in delighted-he not-& i him-to-came-it-and nSSp ^3^118 •j- - j t - j - : tt': j- • • - water-THE-as came-it-and ; garment-his-as cursing with-clothed-was-he-And "m$ ipvijyi19 i3ip| garment-a-as him-to be-shall-It .bones-his-into oil-THE-as-& ,midst-his-into : mun^ T»fi mbW rw t iv: : - j' t " *• ; av*; - .it-with-himself-gird-will-he continually ,girdle-a-for-& ,with-himself-cover-will-he-(ioA/cA) n'm^rn njjrn 1 ftw-20 speak-who-those-and ; Jehovah )(-from adversaries-my of-doing-the (is)-This tjig nirn 1 jtn ,me-with do ,Lord Jehovah-0 ,thou-And .soul-my against evil -vp» T?pn Because .me-deliver ,mercy-thy (?\s)-good because ; name-thy of-because : "oil* 5u? .midst-my-in wounded-(is) heart-my-and ; I-(am) needy-and poor Amjbi ^3^3 iJiitDas ^vs23 »v : -it • ; ~ • • i at :i •• j ; • j*» ; •locust-THE-as shaken-been-have-I ;gone-have-I declining-its-at shadow-a-As ttfns 'nferfl tZDlVD 1*7^3 13-1324 i v |t .oil-from failed-has flesh-my-& ,fasting-of-because stumbled-have knees-My mrfr sr£ na-in 1 *■*]>•: ' : • AV t jt ; v • j* t <• -;|- sliake-will-they me-see-will-they ;them-to reproach-a becn-have I-And wafiW rrtrp 26 : attfih •*j" • 1 at v: jt : • it me-save ; God-my Jehovah-0 ,me-Help .head-their182 CIX. ». 27.—PSALMS.—CX. v. 4. ■ it - a i :jt |. : •* a i iv: thou ; this-(iA') hand-thy that know-shall-they-And .mercy-thy-to-according •nan nnKi 28 : arfW nim ' r* r- : vt - : t •• : m": >t • jt : : bless-wilt thou-and ,they curse-Shall 129 : nofe* .it-done-hast Jehovah-O V t . 1 it with-clothed-be-Shall .glad-be-will servant-thy-and ; ashamed-were-& up-rose-they W-! mantle-THE-as with-themselves-cover-shall-they-and ; dishonour JT ^ a* : j : ; mouth-my-with greatly 31 : stand-will-he Because .him-praise-will-I at * ; dishoi 30 give-will- niiT jt : s.- Jehovah to-thanks-give-will-1 2 i : - j" i i * ^ • .soul-his judge-who-those-from j- : i adversaries-my : tafliti? .shame-their nidst-the-i of-midst-the-in-and many needy-the of-hand-right-the-at ."■P i mm j- -r t : Sit ;Lord-my-to Jehovah EDM : Declared mora j : • .Psalm-A ■mi* • t : ,David-Of Din ?p^ nyiri# enemies-thy set-shall-I until ,hand-right-my-at .feet-thy-for stool-a rrri ]p>'D nim r6t£>y % md'o2 Jehovah send-shall strength-thy of-staff-The dominion-Have ; Zion-of-out dye rona fpj;3 : znjja of-day-the-in freenesses-(m-6(?-s^aW) nation-Thy .enemies-thy of-midst-the-in nna^D orna at : • v jv vk : thee-to ; dawn-the of-womb-the-from ,holiness of-majesties-the-in ,might-thy □n^ xb) i mm 4 :W??- ,repent-will not-and ,Jehovah sworn-Hath .birth-thy of-dew-the-(fs) jpn^-^p ^rn^T-Sj; ]nb"PV)K .Zedek -Melchi of-order-the to-according ,ever-for priest-a (arJ)-ThouCX. i>. 5.—PSALMS.—CXI. 0. 9. 183 : iaV-ai^ ynn 5 .kings anger-his of-day-the-in wounded-has hand-right-thy at Lord-The pnp rnjiji kJ?9 pT6 wounded-has-He ; bodies with-filled-has-he ,Gentiles-THE-among judge-shall-He •sprjs "7ms7 : nni ^ jdrink-shall-he way-THE-in brook-the-From .much earth over head-the : d^t {rto •head-the exalt-shali-he therefore iPp aa^aa nirr> rrm 1 pp Mrr at •• t : t jv t : j- jheart-Cmy) all-with Jehovah to-thanks-give-will-I ;Jah ye-Praise "tw/b 2 : mjn Q'nt^ yids j** ^:i- • a n^» : j* t : v : of-works-the (are)-Great .congregation-the-and upright-the of- secret- the-in "inm—-fin3 : Qrr^srr-Sa^ a^rn niir jt t : 1 iv ; v t : • : at : Majesty-& Honour .them-in-delighting-(are-w?/io) all-by out-sought ,Jehovah "i a r4 :i$ nnp'p ife Remembrance .ever-for standing-(is) righteousness-his-and ; (is)-work-his 5 • rftrp. wrn') fian Prey .Jehovah-(is) merciful-and gracious ; works-wondrous-his-for made-he rfe6 :in"-ia ■ ma - j 1 • : JT ; \. : * AT •• i* lj- r of-strength-The .covenant-his ever-for remember-will-he ;him-fearing-those-to gave-he nbra bp$ Hrft Shy1? j--;i- v t j" t : j* • t ^-:rv of-inheritance-the them-to give-to ; nation-his-to shown-has-he works-liis EMDKS fl'DK "t2^D7 : • t v:v at : • jv v: tti j" I* steadfast 5 judgment-and truth-(are) hands-his of-works-The .Gentiles-the d1?^ n"B$ B^DP8 n^Ytpa-^a made ; ever-for ever-for held- (are-They) .precepts-his all-(are) nii' r\%/1 fflia9 : 1^1 jt • - \ t < : it t : jv v:iv commanded-He ; nation-his-to sent-he Redemption .uprightness-and truth-in184 CXI. v. 10.—PSALMS—CXH. v. 9. PWKV0 notf siw WTS DW' <• " i : jt : v »T A • : jt : of-beginning-The .name-his-(is) feared-be-to-& Holy : covenant-liis ever-for nits bit riirr n»T> i noan AV "i T : v VJ- T : - : • T : t ; them-do-who all-to-(is) good understanding ; Jehovah of-fear-the-(is) wisdom nnpi? •ever-for standing-(is) praise-his ny nirr-fm i w AT ; v j**t 's. •• ; - t : j- ,Jehovah )( fearing man-the of-blessings-the-0 .Jah ye-Praise iTjij 2 : IKO yan wiypl be-wili earth-THE-on Mighty .greatly delighting commandments-his-in 3 : ^~p) ^ ^"1! riches-and Wealth .blessed-be-shall upright-the of-generation-the ;seed-his rn?4 :nij^ n-rpir irinvl ^33 arisen-Has .ever-for standing-(is) rigliteousness-his-& ,house-his-in-(6e-s/iaM) ranii "riK merciful-and gracious-(w-/te) ;upright-THE-for light darkness-THE-in Hl1?^ Ipn 5 :p^Vl nourish-will-he ; lending-(£s)-and gracious-(is) man of-good-The .righteous-and Di^~ N1? JBattfas Yn3*n A • i jt ^ : !• it : • ; JT r : ; moved-be-shall-he not ever-for For .judgment-with matters-his TOfln&Q7 : rrn;y o'jij/ . report-a-From .(sg.)-righteous-the be-shall ever-(/or) remembrance-for jiTiiTa nco3 fa1? ii33 *6 ru;-) |T I- " AT * I j T AT • j *T Tt .Jehovah-in confident ; heart-his (is)-establislied ; fear-he-will not evil nKii-itfK fr-rr* xh faS ^DD8 jv T- at • j •*. ' j t see-shall-he when until ; fear-will-he not heart-his held-(Is) righteousness-his ; needy-the-to gave-he ^scattered-has-He .distressors-his-[on]CXII. v. 10.—PSALMS.—CXIII. V. 9. 185 jtafi10 : ninaa onjn ti-ip "ijtb mnji T V JV (sg.)-wicked-The .glory-with exalted-be-sliall horn-his ;ever-for standing-(is) PnKfi DD31 pnm oj?3i 1 nfcT —: i - at t ; * j r jt • - t : v : • of-desire-the ;away-melt-& ,gnash-will-he teeth-liis ; grieved-be-and see-shall : .perish-shall wicked-the J? -fi» Hhh rrim my i fp : - AT : j** : : n. T : J- )i ye-Praise ; Jehovah of-servants-ye ,ye-Praise ;Jah ye-Praise Tina nim db> Vr»" :rnm atf- ' AT ; jt ; J" <• : IT : J" ,blessed Jehovah of-name-the be-Shall .Jehovah of-name-the ,down-going-his unto sun-the of-rising-the-Frora .ever unto-and now-from i an4 : HiiT b$ri6 j• T ~ , tv. IT : j- T \ : Gentiles-the all above Exalted .Jehovah of-name-the be-praised rfims '•o6 : vros B^F? nim jt |- •<. I : *j- t - v.- at : Jehovah-like (is)-Who ,glory-his-(is; heavens-THE above ; Jehovah-(is) : rot$» .wajarr j* • : - - v it t . j- • : - - a** v: low-(WmseZf)-makes-Who .dwell-to high-CAimseZ/^-makes-who God-our "iajvp . 7 : B^S diist-the-from raises-Who ? earth-THE-in-and heavens-THE~in see-to ffn:j nbtixh sit-make-To .needy-the up-lift-will-he dunghill-the-from (sg.)-poor-the i 9 \T*t? py e^Troy dwell-to-making-(is-.He) .nation-his of-princes-the with ,princes with rrri/D^ n"?3n-D« rrag ♦glad sons-THE of-mother-a ,house-THE-(m) woman-barren-the .Jah ye-Praise186 CXIV. v. 1.—PSALMS.—CXV. V. 3. TP npui ron onya?? Jacob of-house-the ,Egypt-from Israel of-out-going-the-In nTim n^n2 :rjft A : h ; JT : JT :1T T- w" ,place-holy-his-for Judah Was .strangely-speaking nation-a-from rrm nm D'fr3 : Sinlp* 1 •' - - - A T- T JT - IT : : - •• T : • Jordan-the ,fled-and saw sea-THE .rulings-his Israel D^nr?4 : ~iins^ a&l ; rams-like skipped mountains-THE .backward turned-be-will that ,sea-[the] ,thee-to-(was) What .sheep of-sons-like hills-the onir?6 :-iin^ 'n-m Dim --• T •.% it: j • AT ,mountains-[The] ? backward turned-be-wilt-thou ,Jordan-[the] ?flee-wilt-thou "jiak?7 niini ^71?"!^ of-presence-the-At ? sheep of-sons-like ,hills ; rams-like skipped-ye-(£AaO : 3^. nV7K ^in fi-m .Jacob of-God-the of-presence-the-at ;earth-0 pained-be ,Lord-the -nyg 8 turns-Who r : I ,waters of-pool-a-(mfo) xopk-the turns-Who .waters of-spring-a-to lBp \r\ srjD&^-rs nim ^ tib I jr- ' : • :v i« if i t : jt < give name-thy-to but ,us-unto not ,Jehovah-0 ,us-unto Not n&^2 ^prr-*?# YDS say-shall Why «truth-thy of-because ,mercy-thy of-because ; glory s^bt^ 3 : aHar? •AT j - j•• r* IV •• I v: T A* - ; lieavens-the-in (is)-God-our-And ? God-their-(is) ,pray-I ,Where ,Gentiles-thrCXY. 2>. 4.—PSALMS.—CXV. r. 16. 187 in&% . yjsn-ntfg silver-(ar7 nirp j* - v : j* : • at : j» t : ,Return .save-will-he me-[to]-& ,low-brouglit-was-I ; Jehovah ones-simple-the is® riirp-vs ^ssa >• • j- T T : i* • :at : • • : -i Because .thee-upon rewarded-has Jehovah for ; rest-thy-to ,soul-my-0 ,tears from eye-my )( ,death-from soul-my delivered-hast-thou rfiiriKii niir ^ :th& : - : at : j- : • • •• - : v«. • iv • j- : - of-lands-the-in Jehovah before walk-will-I .falling-from foot-my )C* "OK laTK *»3 ^aasr?10 :B^nrr • j'*r • a- - j* • : - v: v*. i* - \- humbled-been-have I ; speak-will-1 therefore ,believed-I .living-THECXVI. v. 11.—PSALMS:—CXYII. r. 2. 189 Dixn-bs ^rarte \FnaK i- jt t it t a* : t : • : j- t .liar-a-(is) man-[the] every ,haste-my-in said : "bp nin^ |t"t • j : - t at |- ?me-upon benefits-his all-(^o-as) ,Jehovah-to :*np* rrirp atra it»: v jt : : at v j : i .call-will-I Jehovah of-name-the-in-and ; up-lift-will-I salvation of-cup-The sssrrra rrirr^ inau i t : t t : v a" - jt |- - t is. \3Kn : TKP I .greatly aWno 12 j' t t return-I-shall What .nation-his all-[to] ,pray-I .before pay-me-let Jehovah-to vows-My naK16 ntTDn^ rrmarr nim ip115 jtjt It • -:r t : t - at : j" : Itt^ .saints-his-of death-the-(is) Jehovah of-eyes-the-in Precious "OK snap »3 nliT j. | y. . ^ v. T I (am)-1 ;servant-thy (am)*I surely ,Jehovah-0 : •HD^ mnna ,beseech-I "12 TO of-son-the ,servant-thy nam sacrifice-will-I thee-To 1-lTj 18 - t :v. vows-My .call-will-I it" .bonds-my-to hee-To : .call-will-I mrr jt Jehovah of-name-the-on-and .nation-his all-[to] , pray-1 DSB'it ,before riirp t : ; Jerusalem-0 ,thee-of-midst-the-in ,Jehovah opened-hast-thou ; handmaid-thy Hhfa ru? praise of-sacrifice-the C3^« PfifT^ a" - jt i- ; pay-me-let Jehovah-to roa i .rvmni19 of-house-the of-courts-the-In : a^n ,Jah ye-Praise -■73 imrnir t : - all him-praise PP ^l3-b3 Gentiles-ye all Vnpri i . _________ <" t of-truth-the-and jmercy-his us-upon strong-been-has For nvr-fm ^y?n . ,Jehovah )( ye-Praise co " -QJ ->52 : i .people—the : d1?5^ nirp it : r t : jt ; .Jah ye-Praise : ever-for-(z's) Jehovah190 CXYIII. v. 1.—PSALMS.—CXYin. v. 13. mp ^ airr-^ rnrr^ nirr jrr i v a • jt r j (ii-)-ever-for because ;good (is-it)-for ;Jehovah-to thanks-ye-Give n'iDn thSyb 13 iVron I : - jt ; v a** t ; • j t | | ; - .mercy-his (is)-ever-for that Israel ,pray-I ,say-Let .mercy-his jVnpn ftrrjarrfy s^rrupK6;8 .mercy-his (is)-ever-for that , Aaron of-house-the .,pray-I ,say-Let rVnort ^ rrtrp I : ~ jt : v at : j" : • tv, : i « .mercy-his (is)-ever-for that ; Jehovah fear-vvho-those ,pray-I ,say-Let : PP arnisa fjjy ,T iniOj? "S^CflP5 .Jah place-large-THB-in me-answered ; Jah on-called-have-I strait-THE From ^ nii^-na t**T» *6 ^ nim6 j* vv - at • j •*. jt : me-to .do-shall what ;fear-will-I not ;me-for (j's)-Jehovah pfk-to ^ 'nri/s nim7 : D*TK jv : v • - at: i : •«. jt : it t see-shall I-and ; me-help-who-those-amongst me-for (is)-Jehovah ?man rnn*^ .nipn^ ate8 : conflde-to-than-more ,Jehovah-in trust-to good-(is-Jif) .me-hate-vvho-those-[on] nbab niiTa niori^ 2109 :a"rm : • at r j -;r Itt it confide-to-than-more ,Jehovah-in trust-to good-(is-Ji) .man-[THE]-in riirp T : j" : a T : j• T 1* • : • Jehovah of-name-the-in ; me-surrounded Gentiles-the All .princes-in ^33D~aJ- 11 : ^ • at: - • j - IT • ; me-surrounded-they also ,me-surrounded-They .off-them-cut-will-I surely e'nins ^13013 : b^idk ">3 riirp aty'a % : • • < - it • j- T : y : ; bees-like me-surrounded-They .off-them-cut-will-I surely Jehovah of-name-the-in *■3 riirp sate b^ip laift j* t : y : a* 1 j•• : v surely Jehovah of-name-the-in ; thorns of-fire-the-as ,quenched-been-have-jthey nirpi ^jwn n'rn13 : b^dk JT 1 - A : • • j- • : j T it • Jehovah-& ; fall-(m*07i£-/>that me-thrust-hast-thou Thrusting .off-them-cut-will-ICXYIII. 14.—PSALMS.—CXVIII. v. 27. 191 rr mon fyy14' : ^-iry it i* • :r at jt : • : j**t • itt^: .salvation-for me-to was-he~& , Jah-(is) psalm-and strength-My .me-helped o^y r=rT|-i i Sij?15 ; righteous-the of-tents-the-in-(fs) salvation-and shouting of-voice-The rnrr pp^16 : Lrp nu/y riVr Jehovah of-hand-right-The .might-{with) doing-(is) Jehovah of-hand-right-the m^bv : nfyi Hirr rrDDii i • IT T *J T : I v : at •• i Not .might-(w>i£7i) doing-(is) Jehovah of-hand-right-the ; exalted-been-has "i&^18 :pt> liotib rrmns mm j it j•• ^-:r •• - -a- av : iv r j r Chastening .Jah of-works-the declare-will-I-and ; live-shall-I but ,die-shall-l ^Hnna19 j^aru *6 -maW it j• : • mt t : j v r - : at • j- : • me-to ye-Open .me-gave-he not death-THE-to-and ;Jah me-chastened-has -nr20 : m mi IV IT JV T |T » VAV (is)-This .Jah praise-will-I ;them-into go-will-I ; righteousness of-gates-the 5pm21 : is nirn^ i^rr thanks-thee-give-will-I .it-into go-shall righteous-the ;Jehovah-of gate-THE I2N22 ^ stone-The .salvation-for me-to wast-thou-& ; me-heard-hast-thou because ma« :rfaa Hfprr star? j- •• it • j: t :it a* j -;it From )( .corner-the of-head-the-for been-has ,builders-THE rejected-(w^icA) :iaW3 nita wn m? nrpn nirr l" : jt : • -v. a t ;jt t .eyes-our-in wonderful-been-has it ;this been-has Jehovah : to nnblwi l JT ; : • : ,him-in glad-be-and r-nrp ksn T t » T JT Jeliovah-0 ,beseech-I niir oate AT : j- : j Jehovah of-name-the-in nim i Sk27 t : ,Jehovah (is)-God rrVoa nirp ti'w Di"n~nr24 T K' r AT ; JT T IV rejoice-will-we ;Jehovah made day-THE This npVlf? I HliT N2N25 :■ AT OT • T T JT ;pray-I save Jehovah-0 ,beseech-I N3rr ■spna*. :»a nn^yrr T 1 JT IT JT * ; comes-who-he (&e)-Blessed .pray-I prosper-to-make : nini rrap syoa-ii .Jehovah of-house-the-of-out you-blessed-have-we192 cxym. v. 28.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 8. jrr-^npK TWi of-horns-the unto cords-with sacrifice-the ye-bind ;us-to light-made-he-& nrm 28 : natarr .: T'AV : JT - j« •• -1" : • - ,God-my-0 ; thanks-thee-give-will-I-& ;thou-(arf) God-My .altar-THE \3 niip—'3 niir) rpr?29 because ; good-(is-Zie) because ,Jehovah-to thanks-ye-Give .thee-exalt-will-I : i^ion D1?^ I : - jt : .mercy-his (is)-ever-for tPp x jriim ■spH-^inn ■nafa j- : • : I - ' vat •• i- : j": - of-law-the-in walk-who ; way of-upright-the of-blessings-the-0 iimi •nyj tnt£>Ka :rfipp j" t : at i" j": I " : IT : heart-the all-with ; testimonies-his preserve-who-those of-blessings-the-0 .Jehovah YD-na nbw ^jMr-KV Sns nnitzhT jt t : • at j^-:it i I -v I : : • ways-his-in ; iniquity done-have-they not Yea .him-seek-will-they rm4 noVr? j : • ' v K • T )• ' t ■% keep-to precepts-thy commanded-hast Thou .walked-have-they 1. :^P>n "on usi ^rm5 :"rko l l|v\ j : • t t : j • I T ,statutes-thy keep-to ways-my established-be-shall that-Oh .greatly : nrg» .commandments-thy all unto looking-my-in ,ashamed-be-I-shall not Then HbSa na!? "i^a f-rm7 j" : : • • : t ; at •• v j : of-judgments-the learning-my-in ,heart of-uprightness-in thanks-thee-give-will-I me-forsake not ; keep-will-I statutes-thy .righteousness-thy : "r^-njy .much-very untoCXIX. V. 9.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 22. 193 2 ibu/1? irm-na ii/r-nsn naa9 . . a ; r v v -: j" - (itf)-keep-to ,path-his )( youth-a cleanse-shall what-With TI^'H 10 : TO7? wander-me-make not ; thee-sought-have-I heart-my all-With ?word-thy-to-according W!1?# 11 : therefore ; word-thy hid-have-I heart-my-In .commandments-thy-from rfirp rwK TnaM : T : JT - I IT 'IT T VJIV J me-teach ;Jehovah-0 ,thou (arZ)-Blessed .thee-against sin-shall-I not : .moutli-thy of-judgments-the all declared-have-I lips-my-"With .statutes-tliy : pn_2i73 TpH# "H3I14 .wealth all upon-as ,joyful-been-have-I testimonies-thy of-way-the-In : spfl.ivii* 15 .paths-thy at-look-will-I-and ; meditate-will-I precepts-thy-In .word-thy forget-shall-I not ; myself-delight-will-I statutes-thy-In a : sq:rj rnptpf] rm^f jpjsur21® ^17 .word-thy keep-will-I-and live-shall-I ;servant-thy upon Reward : rnp^l ^^"£~?|]8 .law-thy-of-out things-wondrous at-look-shall-I-and ,eyes-my thou-Open ^6 "9^ ' "1519 me-from hide not ;earth-THE-in I -(am) sojourner-A rrnxn}' ^93 rrpnj^20 : for longing-for noul-my broken-been-Has .commandments-thy anna bWT ,cursed proud-tlie rebuked-hast-Thou .season every-in judgments-thy rja-in Sr-2 reproach me-from away-Roll .commandments-thy-from wander-who 14194 CXIX. v. 23.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 35. *aeh oa23 : ^ nm j it <- • :it t i jv 1- ^ at sat-have Also .preserved-have?I .testimonies-tliy for ; contempt-and : 5ppjpn? irfe* ^3$ m-p \$ .statutes-thy-in meditate-will servant-thy ; spoken-have-they me-against ; princes :\n$/ 24 .counsel-my of-men-the ; delights-my-(are) testimonies-tliy Also : ?ro*T3 rtpm25 ' ivt : • ••• - a« : - jt'tiv ut: it .word-thy-to-according alive-me-keep ; soul-my dust-the-to cleaved-Has : ?f%i IrHSp "O-H26 .statutes-thy me-teach ; me-answered-hast-thou-& ,declared-liave-I ways-My .works-wondrous-thy-in meditate-will-I-& ; consider-me-make precepts-thy of-way-The : ^27$ na£p,n28 .word-tliy-to-according up-me-set ; heaviness-of-because soul-my dropped-Has : ifan jf^Vn nprr nj^'TH29 .me-grant-graciously lavv-thy-and ; me-from. remove falsehood of-way-The sptoaajfc vnra TH® • i* • » ;v t : • • :att jt v: » vjv .held-have-I judgments-thy ; chosen-have-I faithfulness of-way-The "TO* rnrr; TiDH#? 81 of-way-The .shame-to-me-put not ,Jehovah-0 ; testimonies-thy-to cleaved-have-I : zm-),n \2 fro T-p1^ .heart-my enlarge-wilt-thou for ;run-will-I commandments-tliy n 'Hi?- ^.irf33 it-preserve-shall-I-and ; statutes-thy of-way-the ,Jehovah-0 ,me-Teach ■ fijn^ 34 :agg | ,law-thy preserve-shall-I-and ,consider-to-me-Make .end-the-(wntfo) ■ of-path-the-in me-Guide .heart-(mj/) all-with U'O-keep-shail-andCXIX. 0. 36.—PSALMS.—CXIX. ®. 47. 195 -bx •oWrr* • - • : it t j J av : • unto heart-my Incline .delighted-have-I it-in for ; commandments-thy niinp ■ 37 seeing-from eyes-my pass-to-Make -.gain unto not-and ,testimonies-thy Tiatfjj D^n-38 Kijtf ,word-tliy servant-thy-for up-Set .alive-me-keep way-thy-in ,vanity M?TI:P sfiain nnj/rr39 "it^x • : at jv • t : vv s,r-:\- mv t : v ; feared-have-I which reproach-my pass-to-Make .fear-thy-unto (is)rwho ?pTip^ nan40 :Q^nit3 v? ; precepts-thy-for longed-liave-I Behold ' .good-(ar£) judgments-thy for .alive-me-keep righteousness-thy-in ) .1 yi nirp ^nprj 41 salvation-thy-(awtf) ,Jehovah-0 ,mercy-thy me-to-come-shall-And i3"T for ;word-a me-reproaching-one answer-will-X-And .word-thy-to-according —in1! 43 : TO73 \nriLpn of-word-the mouth-my-from deliver not-And .word-thy-in confided-have-I j^rp ( vs *7kp"*Tjc; rfatf .hoped-have-I judgments-thy for ,tnuch-very unto truth fijfn Tpn 44 .ever-and ever-for ,continually law-thy keep-will-I-And jifiahn .thpb *>3 rarm ^nrm45 it t I jvK* v.* at t :it jt : .sought-have-I precepts-thy for ,wideness-THE-in walk-will-I-And tfri 122 ?pfnVa ma-mi48 j : • t ; v;v I V \" :k jt : - -;|- not-and >ltings before testimonies-thy-with spoken-have-I-And -it^N ypgftu/f]47 : which commandments-thy-in myself-delight-will-I-And ,ashamed-be-will-I 14*196 CXIX: v. 48.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 58. i&x ama48 nmnis jv : ' v : •<. v - - jt v : • : it t which ,commandments-thy unto hands-my up-lift-will-I-And #loved-have-I : ^3^ .stafcutes-thy-in , meditate-will-I-and ;loved-have-I -ittfK "bp -i:n—ID?49 • it : - • jv ^ I av : c : jt t t : -liope-me-made-hast-thou which upon ,servant-thy-to word-the Remember :^n 5ffno»' 13 ^#2 wro fm? • : IT • j I : IT : • v A«:*T : j T TIV J .alive-me-kept-has word-thy because ,affliction-my-in comfort-my (is)-This ikb ifcp-TJ? 50 51 • J*% • not lavv-thy-from ; much-very unto me-scorned-have proud-The niir i D^b i ^-idt52 t ; jt » vv t : • :<-t i* t ;Jehovah-0 ,old-of-from judgments-tliy remembered-have-I .declined-have-I- s^-ih ^nrn» rr^r53 : DrunKi n fix?56 jsrjfiiin rnrn A' T :|T j ' IV T J T : : V T AT : ,me-to was This .law-thy keep-will-I-and ; Jehovah-0 : ''J-nya V? .preserved-have-I precepts-thy because n : sp-im ihvb nirp ipVrr67 » iv t : j : • • : - t jt : »*.•; v .words-thy keey-to said-have-I ; Jehovah-(is) portion-MyCXIX. v. 59.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 71. 197 ; W ■■•on *^mt£>n59 ' iv T** v - : - t j' tit at t : •: j- • .testimonies-thy unto feet-my turned-have-I-and ;ways-my on-thought-have-I : ?pfnvD Hba# sjjinpn&jnrr Wn60 .commandinents-thy keep-to delayed not-and hasted-I : 61 .forgotten-have-I not law-thy ; me-surrounded wicked-the of-cords-The nL-?£ i}J» Dip$ pr^-jiwq M of-because ,tliee-to thanks-give-to rise-will-I night-the of-halves-(^tf) "ok "inn63 :5fp-r¥ jv t : • t*. j** t » 'iv : • y : : • who all-to I-{am) companion-A .righteousness-thy of-judgments-the r",;Jn* 64 WlV ,Jehovah-0 ,mercy-Thy .precepts-thy keep-who-those-to-and ,thee-feared : ?p|n ,me-teach statutes-thy ;earth-THE of-full-been-has D : TO"!? Hirr' nico05 .word-thy-to-according ,Jehovah-0 ,servant-thy with done-hast-thou Good furrj 3i9C6 commandments-thy-in for ;me-teac'.i knowledge-and judgment of-Goodness W "»a» roim did 67 :^aD»rr T : A*- J* vv:w vjv • : IT V:IV now-and ; ignorant-Ctoas) I ,humbled-was-I Before .believed-have«I d^ibh5) nnx-nito68 ^m-iiDK yi- • •• JT - I ' :IT T j* : it : • me-teach ; good-doing-and thou (ari)-Good .kept-have-I word-thy 2i?D$ •>;& anr "byr tfajp69 : all-with I ;proud-the falsehood me-against forged-Have .statutes-thy nbna mz®70 : spTipa "i^m i aS AT • V J" - J" T ' IV I • V V ;heart-their fat-THE-as fat-been-Has .precepts-thy preserve-will heart-(mi/) -">3 ^—nico71 : that me-for (is,-i£j-Good .with-myself-delighted-have law-thy I198 CXIX. v. 72.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 82. ^-nico 72 :?j^n of-law-the me-to-(is) Good .statutes-thy learn-wiil-I because ; humbled-was-I : 81D31 anr f5 bWtv ^ni78 I j me-perverted-have-they falsehood-(wilA) because ,proud-the ashamed-be-Shall 131?^79 • '-Hi??! rnti^ ,thee-fear-who-those me-to turn-Shall .precepts-thy-in meditate-will Dpn ^-"iT80 : UHyi ; statutes-thy-in upright heart-my be-Shall .testimonies-thy know-who-those-& : iih .ashamed-be-I-will not : ^rp 81 •hoped-have-I word-thy-for ;soul-my salvation-thy-for consumed-been-Has ; word-thy-for eyes-my consumed-been-HaveCXIX. v. 83.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 95. 199 ?pi?n 83 : "tiprjafi statute3-thy ; smoke-the-in bottle-a-as been-have-I Surely ? me-coxnfort-thou-wilt via- 84 : vjrDttf tih - t ) /sv: i- : it - • : it t j When ? servant-thy of-days-the (are)-what-As .forgotten-have-I not X" x IT IT ; • 4- : I : vv ^:|- proud-the me-for digged-Have ?judgment me-pursue-who-those-on do-thou-wilt sp$iy5r"l79w : ninV commanuments-thy All .law-thy-to-according not-(are) which ,ditches Dj^ipi87 : ^"n little-a-As .me-help ,me-pursued-have-they falsehood^ wtf££) ; faithfulness-(are) .precepts-thy forsaken-have not I-and ; earth-TiiE-in me-consumed-have-they : rrnV *Hpn|>88 .mouth-thy of-testimony-the keep-will-I-and ; alive-me-keep mercy-thy-to-According b : 316 nim 80 • IT T - jT • • : IT : at : JT ^ : : it .heavens-THE-in standing word-thy-(&) ,Jehovah-0 ,ever-For ^ .L 90 nsais mi n? t >av t | v: tv. j: ,earth-the established-hast-thou ;faithfulness-thy-(is) generation-and generation-To 13 cfyg inqg 91 : *r$gj3! for j day-to stood-have-tliey judgments-thy-At .stood-has-it-and m y&yfi 'frh* 'Siirr T AT \ -:r ' • IT \ JM ' |V 1 "2 J — then ,delights-my-(w?ere) law-thy Unless .servants-thy (are)-all-[THE] np^-iib zhSyb33 wnK ,precepts-thy forget-will-I not ever-For .affliction-my-in perished-had-X \3 qJT"\3 because ;me-save thee-To .alive-me-kept-hast-thou tliem-by because 95 : ^"rr ?pTipa( ; me-destroy-to wicked-the expected-have me-For .sought-have-I precepts-thyme CXIX. V. 96.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 106. Ye. 90 nptam ;end-the seen-liave-I perfection all-To .consider-will-I testimonies-tliy •very commandment-thy (is)-wide D ;day-THE all ;law-thy loved-have-I How iTka98 : *>m • j- : - : - : I i* T i* J* wise-me-make-wilt-thou enemies-my-than-More .on-meditated-have-I it T • I* • JT : v l av : • all-than-More .me-to (is)-it ever-for because ; precepts-thy-(wiM) .me-to meditation-a-(ar3 $3^$ 100 .preserved-have-I precepts-tliy for ,consider-\vill-I men-old-the-than-More u?ij# ^2") 'jn rnfc^sa101 j j V I " " J AT I " # J* T *I\ J T keep-will-I because ,feet-my withheld-have-I evil of-path every-From \Pnp--^ tliou for ; departed-liave-I not judgments-thy-From .word-thy 103 : ^fnirr ,\vords-thy palate-my-to svveet-been-have How .me-taught-hast ]£Q£M therefore ,consider-shall-I precepts-thy-By .mouth-my-to honey-than-more : -IJ$P mi*-1?? i \nN3k> .falsehood of-path every hated-have-i 2 ♦ * 1 105 .path-my-to light-a-and ,word-tliy-(is) feet-my-to lamp-A : vaina^ —is l* t l* ; * : ' 3 zhSv1? 111 : *wn tih l* at : » jv : r* • : j~ t r t j for ; ever-for testimonies-thy inherited-have-1 .wandered-have-I not ^ 113 : hb do-to heart-my inclined-have-I .{are)-they heart-my of-rejoicing-the : 3j$ d1^ ?p|n .end-the-(«m£o) ,ever-for statutes-thy : ifDHK smiim wafer BIS^D™ • : it t j* : it : a- t j• -:i- .loved-have-I law-thy-and ; hated-have-I thoughts-Doubtful ^21^ nns "nnDm • : It • ' :it ; • t at _p • it j* : • •hoped-have-I word-thy-for ;thou-(ari) shield-my-and place-liiding-My ni¥D rfiw niD115 j : • t : v : *a- •• : • jv • j of-commandments-the preserve-vvill-I-& : doers-wicked-ye ,me-from Depart -Vki rrrmi 116 : - : av : iv : j> : it ; • : -j- : t it v; not-and ,live-shall-I-and ,word-thy-to-according up-me-Hold .God-my ^^P117 ; saved-be-shall-I-and ,up-me-Hold .waiting-my-of ashamed-me-make -^3 rn'pD118 : Tpn all down-trodden-hast-Thou .continually statutes-thy-in look-will-I-and : Tfep ow' .deceit-their-(is-) falsehood because ; statutes-thy-from wander-who-those302 CXIX. v. 119.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 130. therefore ;earth-the of-wicked-the all cease-to-made-hast-thou dross-(^s) •Hfca "ipp120 : ,flesh-my fear-thy-of-because up-stood-IIas .testimonies-thy loved -have-1 .feared-have-1 judgments-thy-of-because-aad v me-leave-wilt-thou not ; righteousness-and judgment done-have-I irit^ 5^5# zn#133 me-oppress-let not ; good-for servant-thy for-surety-Be .oppressors-my-to fnpKj^ T,y123 :sWr of-word-the-for-and ,salvation-thy-for consumed-been-have eyes-My .proud-the Tnpn? 124 : ; mercy-tliy-to-according servant-thy with Do .righteousness-thy ^39 125 : ^nzp1? ; consider-to-me-cause servant-Thy .me-teach statutes-thy-and i-firpj nii^ n\1M : Tp'i# ninVi ; Jehovah-to working-for season-a-(zs-7i!) .testimonies-thy know-shall-I-and I3ll7K 127 i loved-have-I 'Therefore .lavv-thy void-made-have-they ^ i i/'by128 : 'rsDi nnm all Therefore .gold-fine-than-and gold-than-more commandments-thy "igtf rnk--L-?3 ""Tiga falsehood of-path every ;right-accounted-have-I all of-precepts-the : • I •• T .hated-have-I a : TjpH# 129 .soul-my them-preserved-has therefore ,testimonies-thy (are)-WonderfulCXIX. 17. 130.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 142. 208 77 w T^?T"nna130 •simple-the understand-to-causing ; enlighten-will words-thy of-opening-The ' jv : • : v t at ; yit • tv. 7 131 commandments-thy-for because ;panted-and opened-have-I mouth-My •ti'am ^STiaa132 : •r ; . . " a** t : j— •• « : • : itt manner-the-to-according ,me-to-gracious-be-& me-unto thou-Turn .longed-have-I fprr 133 : 5fp^ ; word-thy-in thou-establish steps-My .name-thy love-who-those-to of-oppression-the-from me-Redeem .iniquity any me-over dominion-have-let not-& "ijtrr 135 t^pTipa rnpts^ shine-to-make face-Thy .precepts-thy keep-shall-I-and ; man 136 :5%-rrm waters of-Channels .statutes-t.hy )( me-teach-and ,servant-thy-on HnniJi "by TTT .law-thy kept-have-they not because ,eyes-my descended-have : ?ptps^? rrrp rmg p^y137 .judgments-tliy (are)-upright-and ;Jehovah-0 ,thou-(ar£) Righteous : -tkp Tlffy. p"$ 138 .very faithfulness-& ; testimonies-thy of-righteousness-the commanded-hast-rThou itt i jvt : : it i* a* t : .distressors-my words-thy forgotten-have because ; zeal-my off-me-cut-Has : pong jf^jtn ifcp Jf^nps 110 .it-loved-has servant-thy-and ; very word-thy (is)-Refined :wdb> *6 ^ipa nn^ "oiK iw • : it t j ' vK • av : • : j- it 'j* t .forgotten-have-I not statutes-thy ; despised-and I-(am) Little p-ry ^jrjr204 CXIX. v. 143.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 154. n- . : Ttfiys ■ piy^'iv143 .delights-my-(are) commandments-thy ; me-found-have anguish-and Distress P1V144 understand-to-me-cause ; ever-for testimonies-thy-(are) Righteousness : nTUfi .live-sliali-I-and P riirp w nirL-m \hinp145 • T : y^-i t : • JTIT statutes-thy ;Jehovah-0 ;me-answer ,heart-(m2/) all-with called-have-I rrjptf^i us •' ^1*% keep-will-I-and ; me-save ,thee-upon-called-have-I .preserve-will-I s^aa ^pjip147 word-thy-for ; cried-have-and twilight-THE-[vvith] prevented-have-I .testimonies-tliy CPfcf ri^Dm ^p118 : ^rp meditate-to ,watches-(m'0A£)-the eyes-my prevented-Have .hoped-have-I riirp' ngptf ^ip149 : ,Jehovah-0 ; mercy-thy-to-according tliou-hear voice-My .word-thy-in rrar ^"h ^mp150 :^n ^rcoat^a^ at • j" : i j : 'it 'i" - hv t : • : ; mischief of-pursuers-the near-dravvn-Have .alive-me-keep judgment-thy-to-according -bp) nirp nrm ni~ip151 : ^pn-j all-and ,Jehovah-0 ,thou-(ar£) Near .off-far-been-have-they law-thy-from ^Tn Q7E.152 •'TtfiVP ; testimonies-thy-of-because knovvn-have-I old-Of .truth-(are) commandments-tliy : ajmo*1 ^ it : - : jt : tT .them-founded-hast-thou ever-for because n ^rn 153 not law-thy for ; me-deliver-and ,affliction-my See ■tiSiui ^:rn ran151 : j I : it : • ; T : •*. JT • • : IT t word-thy-with ; me-redeem-and cause-my Piead .forgotten-liave-ICXIX. v. 155.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 166. 205 —13 pirn155 : wi because ; salvation-(is) wicked-the-C/irom) off-Far .alive-me-keep nim i rfn ?p£m166 nttf-n k1? ?pppri at : r - ' vv r it t j ' »y\ ;Jeliovah-0 ,many-(are) mercies-tender-Thy .sought-have-they not statutes-thy e^n157 : ?p6D3ts>&3 att ; J- : I • ' J'.' T : • : ; distressors-my-& pursuers-my (are)-Many .alive-me-keep judgments-thy-to-according anjia 158 : tib offenders-the seen-have-I .declined-have-I not testimonies-thy-from .kept-have not word-thy who ; grieved-was-and jpipnji riiir ^Tipa-^ n*n169 mercy-thy-t.o-according ,Jehovah-0 ; loved-liave-I precepts-thy that ,See -*73 oSfyW rtatf 160 : $n t t ; av v: j' :It : i ~ all-(is) ever-for-and ;truth-(is) word-thy of-sum-The .alive-me-keep :?f£*7y .righteousness-thy of-judgment-the ina s'sn j- t I :it : • at • j t : • tv. feared-has word-thy-at-and ; causelessly me-pursued-have Princes bbtf Kirmi "ojtf fc^162, :hb JT T •• : 'AY T : • - TV JT I* • spoil finding-(orcas ,word-thy upon I joyful-(^m) .heart-my 163 : an law-thy j abhorred-and ,hated-have-I Falsehood .much nL7& 01*3 164 ♦ of-because ; thee-praised-have-I day-THE-in (tifnes)-Seven .loved-have-I an. cdi^165 love-who-those-to (is)-much Peace .righteousness-thy of-judgments-the ifrafr166 : Sfeb rsi sMviin • ;j— • I J * JT IV; 1 AY T | waited-have-I .block-stumbling-a them-for not-is-there-and ; law-thy206 CXIX. v. 167.—PSALMS.—CXIX. v. 176. . nirp .dor.e-have-I commandments-thy-and ,Jehovah-0 : nba snnki ?pmV I : J" ■; I T » av I- .greatly them-loved-have-I-and ,testimonies-thy ways-my all because j testirnonies-thy-and precepts-thy • : soul-my .jgalvation-thy-for 167 JT : IT kept-Has 168 • :j- t kept-have-I .thee-before-(are) ^1313 rrtrp k' :it : • at : ' jv t : werd-thy-to-according ; Jehovah-0 ,thee-before 169 vi'an J* T • outcry-my near-draw-Will TJ9 ; tliee-before supplication-my 151 nriyifl171 j- T : T ; j- - utter-Shall ♦ ^33 .consider-to-me-cause I J VI AT • ;praise >s-my 1,0 J T come-Shall : .me-deliver word-thy-to-according 13^ n$j?172 \2 .statutes-thy me-teach-wilt-thou% for * P1V •»§ .righteousness-(are) commandments-thy all for \3 ; word-thy n n ^T-^njn j I :it i* : liand-thy be-Shall tongue-my answer-Shall 173 174 •o-irjrt • A" :*t : help-my-for • njir .delights-my-(is) law-thy-and ; Jehovah-0 ,salvation-thy-for w^176 i^VA **b>M wandered-have-I .me-help-shall judgments-thy-and thee-praise-shall-and soul-my xb ^ tnk niy| not comraandments-thy for ,servant-thy seek ; perishing lamb-a-as : • : it t .forgotten-havei-I : ifnm - ; j • • i t T longed-have-I .chosen-Iiave-I precepts-thy for ; help-my-for "Ylfi175 * i: live-Shall nCXX. V. 1.—PSALMS.—CXXI. v. 5. 207 . < ' nrma nirp-^ jiVzu&D Tttf JT T me-to distress-THE-in Jehovah Unto .up-goings-THE of-song-A. 3 *. n -jfalMb ftWpt riirp* \n*np -v t j* - t : •I' M"" • t't of-lip-a-from soul-my deliver Jehovah-0 .me-heard-he-and ;called-I -ncfi ^ "W what-and ,thee-to give-(o?i£)-shall What .guile of-tongue-a-from ,lying 1121 4 : nfp-} ^ spp* ,man-mighty-a of-Arro\vs ? guile of-tongue-0 ,thee-to add-(orce)-shall -13, nV)&5 :B^m Dcif • ' ■ t i i- t : j" -:r • a* : that ;me-for !Alas .Rethem of-coals with sharpened .Kedar of-teots-the with dwelt-have-I ; Meshech in-sojourned-have-I itihv Doi/ J1216 (T J" • A* : - JT T : IT - .peace hateth-who-him with soul-my itself-for dwelt-has Much : nan -tirm ^ Dftttf-'OK7 IT T : • - T •• j* : TV . • •war-THE-for (are)-they speak-will-I when-and ,peace (o/-am)-I 83p atnnn-J7K w A* T IV V ~ JT V J^U-- ?mountains-THE unto eyes-my up-lift-I-Shall .up-goings-THE-of song-A nim Dn^a 2 : tnw sin'1 at : •• •: vv. I*: v j t ! • - •• ; Jehovah with-from (is)-help-My ? help-my come-shall whence-from i^"^3 vow n&v moving-THE~to give-him-let Not .earth-and heavens-the of-malcer-the rf2n4 : not Behold .thee-keeps-wlio-him slumber-let not ; foot-thy nim8 nn& ^ . nia? JT : \" T ; • •* I AT * J : TV. Jehovah .Israel keeps-who-he sleep-shall not-and ,slumber-shull208 CXXI. r. 6.—PSALMS.—CXXn. v. 8. . BD'r0 : • ruT; .right-thy hand upon sliadow-thy (is)-Jehovah ; thee-keeping-(is) : n-m u/Dtin t :it - - j"t: t v - I v r; "* .night-THE-in moon-the-and ,thee-smite-shall not sun-THE : "ib^i In-^a .soul-thy )( keep-will-he ,evil all-from thee-keep-will : QVijr'"un •ever until-and now-frorn ,in-coming-thy-and out-going-thy keep-will 2SP< n • Q'HDfea ^nDtf TH^1 Itfeff Ttf j* : i ; • : - tv, y t : - j' saying-those-of-because glad-was-I .David-Of ;up-goings-THE of-song-A TT7 rfn;Dj?2 : ^ nirp rv3 ^ j t : '!•••• jt : v a* been-have Standing .go-will-we Jehovah of-house-the-(£o) ;me-to rr>^33rr 8 id^TT at : - •)- t i : *it t i : »• -*t : • a- : - builded-is-that ! Jerusalem .Jerusalem-0 ,gates-thy-in ,feet-our ^ Dtk^4 :w f^v»-rmrw Tjfci <*V tv it : - jt t : \ v ^ : up-gone-have Whither .together itself-to joined-(£&■)-which city-a-as : a- t : j •* tv "i ' thanks-give-to ,Israel-to testimony-a ;Jah of-tribes-the isti* i ">35 :rnrp j : • j : it t t <• it : thrones-(ow) sat-have-they there For .Jehovah fix#6 : in rra^ -;-v l* T j" ; ; • ye-Ask .David of-house-the-of thrones-the 7 :Tank D^IT j t i* : ' *it i t : • »at t i : peace be-Shall .thee-love-who-those prosper-shall ; Jerusalem brethren-my of-Btcause .courts-thy-in prosperity ,bulwark-thv-within : ij3 ebb® 'it j t vt t ; - "at ••; .thee-within (&pray-I « ,say-me-let ,neighbours-my-and ryiiT7 t i: Jehovah riim8 t i: Jehovah • t : ,tribes-the ob£ j" : of-name-the-to toat^ at : • : jjudgment-for j : of-peace-theCXXH. v. 9.—PSALMS.—CXXIV. v. 3. 209 rf^pni? njrp--rTa for-enquire-will-I , God- our Jehovah of-house-the of-Because 31D J good ,eyes-my )( JT T up-lifted-have-I JDj? FffyjlpTji V "V. thee-Unto .Up-gOingS-THE of-song-A r?an2 Behold rT-""L~?$ of-hand-the unto-(are) wj; p simaa "i"1 a- v: jt : v •• I j" jt : • : v~ servants of-eyes-the-as -H>x nnssta? .heavens-THE-in dwellest-who-Thou siToi-m unto-(are) handmaid-a of-eyes-the-as —,lords-their God-our Jehovah unto 3 eyes-our (are)-so —; mistress-her of-hand-the tl? ; up-to-gracious-be ,Jehovah-0 ,us-to-gracious-Be .us-to-gracious-be-will-he-that until -nynfr mi4 :na Vr-^ i" : it - - i : J- -r - with-satisfied-been-has Much .contempt with-satisfied-been-have-we much because A. - —j— - y. ■ - yT contempt-THE ,ease-at-are-who-those (o/>mocking-THE soul-our itself-for : ,, . . .proud-the-of nirp 13 an nag nw T JT V was-who irne? T JT V was-who j* living r-ri.T , Tn^» Tttf t :v j- j' t: ^;r - j• Jehovah (too5-ii)-Unless .David-of : up-goings-TiiE of-song-A nirp ■''n1?2 ^ T J" I" T : • T - I AT Jehovah {was-it)-Unless .Israel ,pray-I say-let ,us-for \TXS Then : Q7K IT T .man 15~ j" • us-against C3^3 of-rising-the-in ,us-for vb'210 CXXIY. r. 4.—PSALMS.—CXXV. ?>. 4. : m B2S' ninns - -;v IT JT - v I - p ■nt^K jhVa/arj mtb rtt ; j~ ; i : "v. J ~ ,Jehovah fearing one-every of-blessings-the*0 .up-goings-THE of-song-A Hoka ?pW j^2 : 1^13 ^nrr ; eat-shalt-thou surely hands-thy of-labour-The .ways-his-in walks-who nj-ia 1 ^ rriDi fruitful vine-a-as (6e-s7iaZZ)-wife-Thy .thee-to (is)-good-and ! blessings-thy-0 o^JTT ?p33 ^rpfi ^1"]^ around olives of-plants-as sons-thy ; house-thy of-sides-the-on 1 -13a "nzri : .table-thy-fto] man-a blessed-be-shall thus that BeholdCXXVIII. v. 5.—PSALMS.—CXXIX. v. 8. 213 nitp! niiT; :iTtrv) of-good-the-[in] thou-see-and ;Zion-of-out Jehovah thee-bless-Shall .Jehovah ^ 'SS DWit j" : *at t i: ■days-the all Jerusalem : ■wifely oft# ?p32^ i" t ; • t i av t : ! Israel upon (fte)-peace ; sons-thy-of rfn-nmi6 j' t i" : sons-the thou-see-And 1 IV .life-thy £D3p "niwft wiv nan at : • j t : - -v. ; youth-my-from me-oppressed-they-have Much wiv Han2 : L7*nfeo j t ; - -v i" t : • me-oppressed-they-have Much .Israel 3 : ^ baclc-my Upon .me-unto rnrp4 : jt : it : Jehovah .furrows-their-[toJ nSby&ri Ttb ,up-goings-THE of-song-A j-s'i—\nx) t - i ,pray-I say-let njf tliey-could not moreover ; youth-my-from lengthened-they B^tihh itshn a* : i j :it ; ploughers ploughed-have 5 : e^~i may •u 1't: .wicked-the : \)y ashamed-be- Shall &7V be-shall-They rvi? mv of-cord-the asunder-cut-has-lie ; righteous-(is) ^3^ hL72 "firm .Zion hate-who-those all a t backward driven-and not-Which .withered-has up-grown-has-it before-which ,roofs-the of-grass-the-as «5?l8 ^vni "ijrip isa not-And .sheaves-binds-who-he lap-nis-and ,reaper-the hand-his with-fllled-has jyou-unto (fte)-Jehovah of-blessing-The ; by-pass-who-those said-have : nirp o&s aim ^rna .Jehovah of-name-the-in : j~ blessed-have-we214 CXXX. v. 1.—PSALMS.—CXXXT. v. 2. ,thee-called-have-I places-deep-the-of-Out .up-goings-THE of-song-A ^ip3 wnti ~rm2 inim I v: TV. t jv: i* j' ' : : • t it : ears-thy be-shall ; voice-my-[in] hear ,Lord-0 .Jehovah-0 --ip^jy) jTDttrDi*3 Sip}' ,keep-wilt-thou iniquities If .supplications-my of-voice-the-to attentive fjrr^DfT 5ffcjr>34 ^ ft-m m AT • : - j I ; ~ i« 1^:1- J* T at ,pardon-THE-(i6') thee-with But .stand-will who ,Lord-0 ; Jah-O rmip niiT wp5 : expected-has , Jehovah expected-have-I .feared-be-shalt-thou therefore ^'■ra^ ^256 : m^mr? ranH -^aa at i- y : * • : IT T : • : A* : - ,Lord-the-for (hoped-has)-soul-My .hoped-have-I word-his-for-and ,soul-my 7 : "ipin^ ~ip^ j" - »v i - }' : I b - j' ; i • hope-Shall .morning-THE-for watching morning-THE-for watchers-the-than-more nanm tdhh rnrr-qy-^ nirp-1?# v : " : v av - jt : ' • jt : v « t ; • ■jinfeo-fm mat Kim8 :rin3 w A" T': • v jv : • I : Israel )( redeem-will he-And .redemption him-with-(is-ii) : '^6 it I: .iniquities-his all-of-out ^p "K1? i rfirp irft rfVzp&fr Tttf i a • •.. t :k j- : - • : - i: ... ; mother-its from weaned-(c/«M-a)-as ,soul-my silent-made-and ,set-have-I -I7K :^ej3 %v .. T ; «v. j" - i* : - j- t «/•. t - for Israel hope-Shall .soul-my-(is) me-upon (c/M7«Z)-weaned-THE-a3 : rnrn .ever unto-and now-from ,Jehovah nit TH^ nirp-ntor TBP a- t : jt ; : j - X David-for ,Jehovah-0 ,Remember .up-goings-THE of-song-A ■ -ni rnn^ njtfg2 : vowed-he ; Jehovah-to swore Who .humbled-being-hisj all wa Srma 3 : nfcp a- •• v j : tv. h^:\- j* -;r jhouse-my of-tent-the-into go-shall-I If .Jacob of-one-mighty-the-to tnjrbjj n^-iDX sleep give-will-I If : beds-my of-couch-the upon up-go-shall-I if Dipb 5 : place-a find-shall-1 Until —; slumber eyelids-my-to ,eyes-my-to nan6 : atv,"* nirn^ .. ,v m :i~ j' ~:r t : at 1- ,Behold .Jacob of-one-mighty-the-for tabernacles ; Jehovah-for : nmsia "It •• : • t t : t at : v ; t j^:r : .forest-the of-fields-the-in it-found-we ; Ephratah-in it-heard-we o'lnfr nhnfiatf rrNiaa7 j -:r v : • at : : • : t j t of-stool-the-to down-bovv-will-we ; tabernacles-his-to go-will-We njjs n'3n* ^P8 thou ; rest-thy-to Jehovah-0 Arise .feet-his ; righteousness with-clothed-be-shall priests-Thy .strength-thy of-ark-the-and ^;u/ "rn : ^2-n ^T>pm not ,servant-thy David of-Because .joy-for-shout-shall saints-thy-and216 CXXXIL v. 11.—PSALMS.—CXXXIII. v. 1. "rn^ i nirp-ya^ii11 : "32 aWi David-to ,Jehovah Swore (sg.)-anointed-thy of-face-the away-turn jt»$$ ?f?£pa *355 set-will-1 belly-thy of-fruit-the-of ;it-from turn-will-he not ,truth-(irc) 1 ^pia 12 : ^"i^paj' ,covenant-my sons-thy keep-will If .thee-for throne-the-on s^33sD3 it - ^fyjv) ever until sons-their also ; them-teach-will-I which testimony-my-and fpva rrtrp inn-^13 watf I A • ; jt : j- T i* 'jT ; Zion-[in] Jehovah chosen-lias For .thee-for throne-the-in sit-shall -ha mmjb-fim14 attfib^ nix *• J' t 1 ; 1 jT : T • until rest-my (is)-This .him-to dwelling-a-for (itf)-desired-has-he •na rtv 15 irwiN ■a ati& n& % |j.. T T T I* • • J' •• •• J "A" blessing provision-Its .it-desired-have-I for ,dwell-will-I here ;ever n^nbv6 :t>r\b ;nafem min^a** rm t v1 :v. vit ~ ~ tv : v 'a** t priests-its-And .bread with-satisfy-will-I needy-its ; bless-will-1 : liyni }}i n^Tpqi yuh. t^a1?^ .joy-for-shout-shall joy-for-shouting saints-its-and ,salvation with-clothe-will-I ^any th^ np iroim 1 nttf17 • : j r a* t : 1 vuv - j* : - 3 <• for IT IT - .eternity-THE unto ninrrm t :v. ,Jehovah )( ^3 j :it ye-bless ruT-rma ^ t : i" : Jehovah of-house-the-in -6p i nan <•* • , Behold stand-who n .up-goings-THE nim ,Jehovah 3 „ SD-O5) t£Hft D3T""^ST ye-bless-and ,place-holy-tlie-(m) hands-your up-Lift niiT s of-song-A n3J^"2l7| servants-ye all : ntojj }vm made-who ; Zion-of-out I?V! thee-bless-Shall ♦ I .nights-THE-in nim-m .Jehovah )( •J" T .earth-the-and ,heavens-the • rm mrp aty at : j- ; Jehovah of-name-the )( nbp. tibn i pp W?n : -k T : j- ye-Praise ; Jah ye-Praise rra^ 2 • of-house-the-in stand-Who ; Jehovah of-servants rr-^n3 rv3 niivnl good for ,Jah ye-Praise .God-our of-house-the of-courts-the-in ,ye-Praise rnir at : ,Jehovah 3iC0"^3218 CXXXV. v. 4.—PSALMS.—CXXXV. v. 14. 4 : af 3 ^ tea# *n&r nirp ' «l > i" l*t j* • • J • " at j Jacob For .pleasant-(is-i£) for ,name-his-to psalms-sing ; Jehovah-(is) :i^D^ m Sh -ra i t \ : • •• t : • at j j— t sasure-peculiar-his-for Israel ;Jah him-to chose : B^nW^D wrnH nim i* v: t • at : j t i» ">35 j- v I Surely .Gods all-than-more Lord-our-and ; Jehovah (is)-great that 3^3 nivv J T X ; did-he nim ^ : Jehovah known-have heavens-THE-in ntya7 : ffionrr'-oi jv*5-:!- I : T ; up-brings-Who .depths all-and ypT)—Mi* delighted which thing-Every s^it seas-THE-in vat t, ; earth-THE-in-and nfrj/ b^-i? HW ; made-he rain-THE-for lightnings ; earth-THE of-end-the-from vapours •nina nsWs j" : t • \'y. of-firstborn-the smote-Who jiiRk : wnmKib it : i •• .storehouses-his- from r6ttf1 sent-He n nona-TP it ^ .cattle unto run 53 all-upon-and Pharaoh-upon rrn wind-the t t " man-from onvD •at: • -j- i ,Egypt-0 ,midst-thy-into B'ota jim am rfia niFjtf10 j' r : -t : a* - j* t • w kings slew-and ,many Gentiles smote-Who 'nbK,? li?p i rrpp:^" ; Og-[to]-and ,Amorites-THE of-king Sihon-[To] .strohg lp?V2 :U£? l!?p .Canaan of-kingdoms-the all-[to]-and ,Bashan*THE of-king Vintr^ rftni ems i out-bringing onvo •at : • ,Egypt BVl^ wonders-and : Ynry; Itt'1: .servants-his gave-he-And "ipj? .nation-his Israel-to inheritance-an ,inheritance-an land-their ,TOf nim (is)-remembrance-thy ,Jehovah-0 =l7JT! concerning-& ; nation-his Jehovah judge-will For jfpty nim13 ;ever-for (is)-name-thy ,Jehovah-0 IT. | ; .generations generation-toCXXXV. v. 15.—PSALMS.—CXXXVI. v. 4. 219 15 : cDrm YH3jy j- - it v : • t t ; silver-(are) Gentiles-THE of-idols-The .himself-repent-will servants-his na16 : cm ann v tv jv it t J" : *• -:r at t : ; them-to-(is) mouth-A .man of-hands-the of-work-the ,gold-and : 1KT B^' TOT ^ I :• j : VT 'j" * A-* j : ,see-will-they not-and them- to-{ are) eyes ; speak-will-they not-and m-ra^-ps wm*' tih*) snfr 17 j vl" I - a* -;i- j : v tv. -j-: t breath is-there not yea ; ear-give-will-they not-and ,them-to (art)-Ears ^3 QniS2>18 : Bnf>aa av •• n j : i* v :v iv • : one-every ; them-make-vvho-those be-will them-Like .mouth-their-in lain •jjnjjn r-va19 :ona rm-iate j :it •• t : «v. j- iv t - j- v ye-bless ,Israel of-house-0 .them-in confiding-(is) who : pfiiT-fia wis thru* rvs niir-m It : v j :it I -:i- y at : ; Jehovah )( ye-bless , Aaron of-house-0 ; Jehovah )( rilrp w nirp-m i:m ^rr rrs20 t : j" : * at : v j :it • n. j- ,Jehovah fear-who-ye jJehovah )( ye-bless ,Levi-[THE] of-house-0 i rnn"! 21 : ;Zion-of-out Jehovah (de)-Blessed .Jehovah )( ye-bless : nn^rr p& it : - *t t i : lr .Jah ye-Praise : Jerusalem inhabiting tip ">3 310—3 rflfr^ nir? jt : v a jt |- j ever-for because : good-(is-it) for Jehovah-to thanks-ye-Give *3 nin3 jVron jt ; v A* v:It j" i" v i: - ever-for because ; gods-THK of-God-the-to thanks-ye-Give .mercy-his-(is) tDWf ^3 aia^rr Tiin3 nion jt : v a* -:it j" -;r v. I : - ever-for because ; lords-THE of-Lord-tlie-to thanks-ye-Give .mercy-his-(is) niVni 4 : i-qpn ; alone igreat. ljvorks-wondrous does-who-him-To .mercy-his-(is)220 CXXXYI. v. 5.—PSALMS.—CXXXYI. v. 17. ES^Dt^rr 'ntv'yh5 : Ynon 13 • - t -v j** : 1 : - jt : <>• heavens-THE made-vvho-him-To .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ypi-)^6 :Ynpn oW ^ Prttam ij- : 1 : - jt : v at : • spread-who-him-To .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; understanding-with : Vipn \3 b^d2u?^ .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; waters-THE upon eartli-THE : Vnpn zhhy1? 13 mix nivy*?7 i : - jt : *.• a* : j* " ^ :k .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because : great lights made-who-him-To ^ ai'a rhtizibh jt : v a- vjv : v : v v ever-for because ,day-THE-in ruling-for sun-THE X rihtivd? nT»rr-n«9 : fapn j : : v : • t :k - j**t - v I : - ruling-for stars-and moon-THE )( .mercy-his-(/s) pdb^M jVron ^3 .rHbs • -: -v j- - : i : - jt ^ ; *.• t :at - Egypt *smote-who-him-To .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; night-THE-in 11 : Vron aW ^ Brmtoaa j** 1 : - jt : v av •• 1 : • brought-he-And .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; born-first-their-in T312 J^DH rhSpb ">3 BDifiD *7infc« jt : i : - jt ; <.• at • •• t : •*. hand-a-With .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; midst-their-from Israel : Yipn ^ rrjfe rr^m .mercy-his-(/s) ever-for because ; out-stretched arm-an-with-and ,strong ">3 B'nr^ ^P-CP 13 jt ; *.• a«t: • is, - j" : ever-for because ; parts-into Suph of-sea-the parted-who-him-To "*3 to'ina -rqpmM nipri jt ; a : j" t : • j'*v:iv : i : - ever-for because ; midst-its-in Israel pass-to-made-he-And .mercy-his-(is/ *pp--o;^ Vpcn njn? 15 : Vnpn ; Suph of-sea-the-into host-his-and Pharaoh shook-he-And .mercy-his-(is) 10 : SJ? naiion-his walk-made-who-him-To .mercy-his-(j's) ever-for because 17 : Vron cd1?^ \3 -isnm 1 : - jt 1 v at : • - smote-who-him-To .mercy-his-(zs) ever-for because ; wilderness-THE-inCXXXVI. r. 18.—PSALMS.—CXXXVII. v. 3. 221 I jnw18 : i-non thhpb ^ B'oto -:r-v i : - jt : s.« a* : j* t : slew-he-And .mercy-his-(?.s) ever-for because ; great kings VimD^19 : V-ron zhhy1? ">3 an*!** l • :v l : - jt ; *.• a» • - j* t : Sihon-[To] .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; excellent kings 20 : Yqpn of-king Og-[to]-And .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; Amorites-the of-king emx inn31 tYron thhpb ^ jt : - i j- t : i : - jt ^ iat t - land-their gave-lie-And .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ,Bashan-THE r^ro53 riiDn CD1?^ "O rftna^ t -v. i : - jt ^ at -:r: inlieritance-An .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; inheritance-an-for jYron Ynai; i : - jt ^ : v.* a : - j- t : •: lowness-our-in-Who .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ;servant-his Israel-to ^pn^i24 rvnon D1?^ "»3 ^ "or u" i : - jt ^ : v at -jt us-rent-has-And .mercy-his-(/s) ever-for because ;us-[for] remembered-has Dr6 tni25 j-toon d1?^ "»3 v v*. I j" i : ~ jt : v.* a** t • bread Giving .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; distressors-our-from Wr* jYnon rhSyb ^ j" : v i : - jt : v at t t : of-God-the-to thanks-ye-Give .mercy-his-(is) ever-for because ; flesh all-to :inDn D1?^ 13 e^bt^rr 1 : - jt ; v 'att ■ .mercy-his-fis) ever-for because ;heavens-THE 1/33-0:1 DLL? bin1 frnnrL?y a' t : - tv. jt v t -:i- - ,wept-we also ;sat-have-we there ,Babylon of-rivers-the Upon midst-its-in willows-the Upon .Zion )( remembering-our-in idD&; ^33 : OTriias v •• : t v I- 1 • • t captors-our us-asked there Because .harps-our hung-we t )' at ; • j" t i : •• : • us-to ye-sing ; gladness devastators-our-and ; song-a of-words-the222 CXXXVII. v. 4—PSALMS.—CXXXYin. v. 2. niir.—Tti>b Jehovah of-song-tlie )( sing-we-shall How .Zion of-song-the-of D^TT \n3^"D«5 rnpj npi^ nL7g ,Jerusalem-0 ,thee-forget-shall-I If .strange land-a upon -DK ~in^ i 6 nptfj-i if ,palate-my-to tongue-my cleave-Will .liand-right-my forget-shall nbm k'tdk •'O'isra ^ .a- t I : v v^: -v j • v v Jerusalem )( up-bring-will-I not if ; thee-remember-will-I not i rhm ibr7 : virion nL-?)7 of-sons-the-for ,Jehovah-0 ..Remember .gladness-my of-head-the above iViy e^Dforr DWTT ny m D'HK jt i ti *jt t i ; < •• v: ,bare-Make ,say-who ; Jerusalem of-day-the )( ,Edom '-n-r-nn8 : ma "ncrr ha V T - IT J : - V»T Babylon-of Daughter .it-in foundation-THE unto ,bare-make -rm "nttfa mHa^ »at v - : v j": " jt ; - , X thee-to pay-will-who-him of-blessings-tlie-0 ,destroyed-be-to-art-who i rrm^ i 9 #02 - it : : r t v I •• : take-will-who-him of-blessings-the-0 .us-to reward-didst-thou-which desert-thy .crag-THE against babes-thy )( dash-and r6p .*ua fm i "rVrt j* VI V^V A* • T : ! I * T ; gods-the before ;heart-my all-with thanks-thee-give-will-I .David-Of i n\qm^2 : ; holiness-thy of-temple-the unto down-bow-will-I .thee-to-psalms-sing-will-I rrr__nr_^ • . . . . V ^ of-because-and mercy-thy of-because ; name-thy )( to-thanks-give-will-l-and .vofd-thy name-thy all above magnified-hast-tliou because ; truth-thyCXXXVHI. v. 3.—PSALMS.—CXXXIX. v. 4. 223 with-up-me-set-wilt-thou ; me-answered-hast-thou-and called-1 day-the-In nirn :'rif ;earth-the of-kings-the all ,Jehovah-0 thanks-thee-give-Shall .strength soul-my-in of-ways-the-in sing-shall-they-And .mouth-thy of-words-the heard-have-they because 6 : nim nias bSi} ^ nim JT it : j : T j' AT : exalted-(ii') Though .Jehovah of-glory-the (is)-great because ; Jehovah :jrr* prn&a ni:rm-i^ nirp it' jt : v • - t : 34 : rrfwaoft "o-rc-Sai n"nr <• T :i- : • j- T : T : T *••• For .with-acquainted-been-hast-thou ways-my all-and ; scattered-hast-thou mm rii,T in •tfefta r&o T ; j-t T : b" a» : • T •*. I j- known-hast-thou Jehovah-O beholcl-(6«i) ;tongue-my-on word-a not-is-there vhp niiT me-searched-hast-thou ,Jehovah-0 ,Psalm-A ipipl WEv ; rising-my-and sitting-my known-hast224 CXXXIX. v. 5.—PSALMS.—CXXXJX. v. 15. n'twrn mpi -iirm5 : &d v - * at : - v (jvt j t it \ set-hast-and ; me-besieged-hast-thou before-and Behind .all-it run' 6 : rdaa ^ * av • - j- t j* : t iv ~ j~ t ;me-for-much-too knowledge-(£/m-is) Wonderful .hand-thy me-upon 1% r=T3|^i go-I-shall "Whither .it-unto able-be-shall-I not ,high-on-set-been-has-it pp\r_DX8 : rm^ ascend-shall-I If ? flee-I-shall face-thy-from whither-and ? Spirit-thy-from SiKttf nnx art j : tv-: t at jt • - tv. Hades-(in) bed-a-spread-shall-I-and ; (ari)-thou there ,heavens-the rriattfit : •nan t ; ; v -at •• : - JT v t'lv • dwell-will-I ; dawn-the of-wings-the take-will-I —: (i^ere-ari)-thou-behold f-p DBHDSm : cp rvnnai •a**: - i :it tv - it }• -:i- : ; me-lead-shall hand-thy there Moreover —;sea-the of-end-utmost-the-in "i£kvi : darkness surely ,said-I-And .hand-right-thy me-of-hold-take-shall-and %n-Dci)a12 : -na darkness Moreover .me-about light-was night-the-and ; me-cover-shall rr^Vv a* t j- t :v. t';v • ' v ~:i~ I . shine-will day-THE-as night-the-and ; thee-from dark-make-will not J^j? nri*p313 : ; reins-my possessed-hast thou For ,light-(is)-so darkness-(is)-as ^ n^_ "sjfitf14 : that because ,thanks-thee-give-will-I .mother-my of-belly-the-in me-cover-wilt-thou niK-m ; works-thy (cre)-wonderful ; wonderful-made-been-have-I things-terrible-(^77t) nmra1?15 :*T&D Waai • -.r J- ; • I I : t- • : - : bone-my concealed-was Not .exceedingly (ii)-knowing-(is) soul-my-and nnpa embroidered-was-I ,place-hiding-THE-in made-was-I when ; thee-froraCXXXIX. 17. 16.—PSALMS.—CXL. v. 2. 225 "bin i 16 : pK ni^nn| upon-and ; ejres-thy saw substance-unformed-My .earth-the of-parts-lowest-the-in W tans* d&3 %"IQD at J' t y t • vt ' : : • ; fashioned-were-they-(w>/j me-lead-and ;me-in-(&n it:* j t t a" : j t j : it .wars gather-they-will day-the all ; heart-the-in evils devised-hq,ve niitfay Hon t^nriDS a : j~ jt t u t : j :it (ts)-adder-an of-wrath ;serpent-a like tongue-their whetted-have-They i rhir tnbD ia^afe nnn t : • <** : t t iv j- t : - ,Jehovah-0 me-Keep .Selah .lips-their under D^D^n uhxfe yah "-p5 • a" : ; • j- t j. •• t t <•* • : me-preserve-wilt-thou violences of-man-the-from ; (sg.)-wicked-the of-hands-the-from i :^a .mrn^ litfn -IBTK • •• : it it *t : j : • : it jv proud-the hid-Have .steps-my down-thrust-to devised-have who L7a;7D"T^ ntsh liana a^nm ^ na at*: - v vi : jt • t -;|- ;track-the of-side-the-by net-a spread-have-they ;cords-and me-for trap-a rriir^ "■mmx7 :nbD ti—iriaf B^pb t -v •. :j- t tiv j» it v »•: i ,Jehovah-to said-I .Selah .me-for set-have-they snares :OTin Vip rnrn nrm It -:i- 'j t : t j* -:i- t at • j- .supplications-my of-voice-the ,Jehovah-0 ,to-ear-give ;thou-(ar£) God-My r?fl?3D Trjf 'to rnir8 : t j - a* t i : "j t -;v, j« v: head-my-[to] covered-hast-thou ,salvation-my of-strength-the ,Lord Jehovah-O n pi irjfl~bx° :p^pT ctfya of-desires-the Jehovah-0 jgive Not .armour of-day-the-in :nbp iDinj pajg-te i£Dt yah tiv jt t " t - j t at t .Selah .exalted-be-(m>i)-them-Iet ;further not device-liis ; (sg.)-wicked-the .them-cover-shall lips-their of-grievousness-the ,me-around-those of-head-the-(£o-^0 abii e^na Bf/^g u fall-them-make-shall-they ;fire-with coals them-upon moved-be-Shall -'n S3, ffin&fjpii not tongue of-man-The .rise-shall-they not-that ,pits-intoCXL. v. 13.—PSALMS.—CXLI. v. 6. 227 jn DDrr-B^K p»i fis^ ! AT JT T f | VJT T I V * him-hunt-shall evil violence of-man-the-(/o»*-as) ; earth-THE-in establi$hed-be-shall H nin\ ni^ps %Tt 13 : of-cause-the Jehovah undertake-will that lcnown-have-I .overthrowing-for rigliteous-the Surely .needy-the of-judgment-the ; (sg.)-poor-the : fWrm e'nts^ 1902 ^01$ .presence-thy }( upright-the in-dwell-shall ;name-thy-to thanks-give-shall 8»p ^ rrttfin ?pjiinp pfirp nibrD A* T j '»• T»-A jt : J' T : : • ;me-for Hasten ; thee-called-have-I ,Jehovah-0 .David-of psalm-A prayer-my establisned-be-Shali .thee-to calling-my-in ,voice-my to-ear-give : nn^-nn^p flKjfb rnbp .evening-the of-offering-the-(as) hands-my of-up-lifting-the ;thee-before incense-(as) r™ ^ rrrnu/ niir nri^'8 j- t ; • a* ; jt : t t jt of-door-the upon preserve ;mouth-my-to keeping-a ,Jehovah-0 ,Set jn -\2ib oi1? t ooA£c/i) trap-the of-hands-the-from me-Keep .soul-my bare-make Tnbpsj ^10 : $ nets-own-their-in fall-Shall .iniquity of-doers-the of-snares-the-and ;me-for : "oiK in; mi/LLh .by-pass-shall even I ; together wicked-the 3&p : rfoafi myoa i-nrm nin^ IT • : JT T : - : i* A* T : - .prayer-a ;cave-THE-in being-his-in ;David-of ; understand-to-Causing niiT_17« ^Sip pjt/m niir-bi* ^Vip2 Jehovah unto voice-my-(twf/t) ; cry-will-I Jehovah unto voice-my-(fFitfft) ^2^3 : ]3nm him-before distress-my ; meditation-ray him-before out-pour-will-1 .supplicate-will-1 ^jrv nrmi inn i % i :n^ knovvn-hast also-thou ; spirit-my me-upon overwhelming-In .shew-will-I : ^ "na 13D0 *si^h« trrma iro^na I* j- v : it '/»••--: j : j* T • ; .me-for trap-a hid-have-they ,walk-will-I which path-the-in ;path-my na-p , pps ®\3Fi s ; knowing me-[for] none-is-there-& ,see-and hand-right-the-(on) Look : ^23^ BhTO PK D13D "OK " l* ; j" lv »av • j t jt T .soul-my-for seeking none-is-there ;me-from refuge perished pnb nrm -"Tfi 6 ,refuge-my (arf)-tnou ,said-have-I ; Jehovah-0 ,thee-unto cried-have-ICXLII. v. 7.—PSALMS.—CXLin. v. 7. 229 «^nrf ^rt ,outcry-my unto attention-Give .living-THE of-land-the-in portion-my "ike at : i •• 'j" • - j : v ~ I* ,me-pursue-wlio-those-from me-deliver ; greatly low-brought-been-have-I for "ttfaa i "laoafc rr»mT8 ^ • ; - ...... t <• • iv • J ; It V* soul-my prison-from out-Bring .I-than-more strong-been-have-they for for ,righteous-tlie encompass-shall me-upon ;name-thy )( to-thanks-give-to It T j : • .me-upon reward-wiit-thou JBp rr^r^rr vfeafl pnu; i rrim -th^ niora t y -:i- • T • : - : %! ir~TO .soul-my lifted-have-I thee-unto for ; walk-shall-I which way-the : in%o riim i *Mn9 . |. . i j.. .. T : j J~ : I " 'V ' " .(m2/se^)-covered-have-I thee-unto £ Jehovah-0 fenemies-my-from me-Deliver inVn* nn»o3 *jhr\ i 10 jt v: vt - c i v : j • <•* : - ;God-my (ar£)-thou for ; pleasure-thy do-to me-Teach 11 POID jfryn of-Because .plainness of-land-the-in me-lead-shall good spirit-thy i ^njnvi njipp bring-wilt-thou righteousness-thy-in ; alive-me-keep Jehovah-0 name-thy rvoiffl ^poriM13 rriif& jt : v : - ' : : - : I I* : - jt t • ; enemies-my off-cut-wilt-thou mercy-thy-in-And .soul-my distress-of-out : rap ">3 itstaa maam ' iv : ^ j' • 5 :-Qip Svd noi T IV. 1- J" : T T AT T » VJV ,Jehovah-0 .by-passing shadovv-a-as (are)-days-his ; like-been-has vanity-THE-to anna pi . -mi it v:iv: j*tiv ^ \r " : ' jv t .smoke-will-they-& ,mountains-the-[on] touch ; down-come-and ,hea\ens-thy bow :Bpni^i sp^n nW BJT?^ PT3 pin? .them-discomfit-& ,arrows-thy send ; them-scatter-and ,lightning forth-Light a^ss i&a Dii^b rhv • j- • • •• • - :v. : j t • I vt j- : ; high-on-from hands-thy Send : 133 ^33 "TD B*3"l IT •• j" ; - • A* - .stranger-the of-sons of-hand-the-from ; many waters-from me-deliver-and ■"I3T BIT'S "lg\^ spoken-has mouth-their Who npttf pn) ,God-0 .falsehood of-hand-right-a-(is) hand-right-their-and ; vanity c7lU2 ^ prrtste ^in -ptf 1WJ! ____ , . . . _ .. _ .. T vj" : 'AT t J* T T TV (stringed)-ten psaltery-a-with ; thee-to sing-will-I new song-a a^p^ ru/ntffi iniun 10 ,kings-THE-to i n • j** : me-Rid mouth-their -)08M K inVnM "tkd nim i j" t • : a : jt \ : jt : not-is-there greatness-his-to-and ; greatly praised-be-to-and ,Jehovah-(i«) n3^: "i'hJ Th4 :ij?p mights-thy-and ,\vorks-thy praise-shall generation-to Generation .search-a nni ?nin tqs "inn5 : vfih v : * : J : * I* " of-matters-the-and ,honour-thy of-glory-the of-majesty-The .shew-shall-they riTjn6 : rrrrfem TJpk'pP? works-terrible-thy of-strength-the-And .meditate-will-I ,works-wondrous-thy -DT7 : rf|nspi snp»,> of-remembrance-The .[it]-declare-will-I greatness-tliy-and ; speak-shall-they : ^ani fWJVI ■fpicp-'n-i .joy-for-shout-shall-they righteousness-thy-(£ra)-& ,utter-shall-they goodness-thy great njrp. D^rni ]^n8 of-great-and , anger of-long ; Jehovah-(is) merciful-apd GraciousCXLY. v. 9.—PSALMS.—CXLY. v. 21. 233 -by Gianni' riim-nito9 : non t -: a - jt : i v it over-(are) mercies-tender-his-& ,all-the-to Jehovah (ii-)-Good .mercy n'pi fnv*10 ,works-tliy all ,Jehovali-0 3thanks-thee-give-Sliall .works-his all T0511 ^Tprn : say-shall-they kingdom-tliy of-glory-The thee-bless-shall saints-thy-and D"r^rr ^35^ 1 13 : nj-ni man-[the] of-sons-the-to known-make-To .speak-shall-they might-thy-and 13 : -rrn ^rh^oa i : - j-~: : at i : (is)-kingdom-Thy .kingdom-his of-majesty-the of-glory-the-& ,mights-his ni,q--L7p3 a^pi7i/2i?| rro^D generation all-in (is)-ruling-thy-and ; eternities all of-kingdom-a e^arr^ niir 14 ":YTJ raising-(«\s)-and ;fall-who all-for Jehovah holding-(Zs) .generation-and '^b'-w15 : q^dspt-1-?:^ a" - : ' jv •• v. •• T" i* : - r : ; wait-will thee-upon all of-eyes-The .down-bowed-are-vvho-those all-for nr\ia16 sVoK-m err!»-mia njn»i - y i ~ : jt : t v <.v t I •• 1 rib •;-- AT T mountains-tlie forth-bring-to-makes-who ; rain V JT T earth-THE-for236 CXLYII. v. 9.—PSALMS.—CXLVIL v. 20. "itfK nij} ^ rrona^ irna9 jv )" : • at : - jt •• ; • I j- which ravens of-sons-the-to ,food>their cattle-the-to giving-(is-He) xh f am Dtpg xh10 : not ; delight-he-will horse-THE of-strength-the-in Not .call-will -iik nirn np-i11 : n^-p. wx'n with Jehovah pleased-(Js) .pleased-be-vvill-he man-THE of-legs-the-in ^nsttf12 : B^n^rr.nk j» : - 1 : - : r ~:r : r v at ••: ,thou-Praise .mercy-his-for hope-who-those with ; him-fear-who-those -«j» : tyn njiir-fig Because .Zion-0 God-thy thou-Praise ; Jehovah )( Jerusalem-0 TO ^3 fpyti wa pin sons-thy blessed-has-he : gates-thy of-bars-the strengthened-has-he D^n nbn i^3|-d¥l? 14 : ^3")I?| wheat of-fat ; peace border-thy makes-Who .midst-thy-in -7# yix irinzpx r6&ff15 : ^3^! unto ; earth-the-(wpore) word-his sends-Who .with-thee-satisfy-will-he shut marr16 : rn** rrino vat- v j v i j" - it : i jt t ; .wool-THE-like snow gives-Who .word-liis run-will speed irnp T^©17 ")^l ; morsels-like ice-his casts-Who .scatter-will-he ashes-like frost-hoar S121 18 : iftr* vhp hzb jt : j- : • 1 ~:l~ j" t't y : • word-his send-will-He ? stand-shall who cold-his before Tib19 jBwVn inn 3^ QDW j« - mt : • j" - a** : -: showing-vi.5-.He) .waters-the flow-will ;wind-his blow-to-make-will-he ;'them-melt-will-& -xb20 tfen 3j?jr£ i t : •: t t : br \ 'a^h-: jt t ; Not .Israel-to judgments-his-and statutes-his ; Jacob-to words-his aWT2u?3 i p n'm t : - j' t : • t : 1 •• t *W- .pass-will-they 8 : rntihirby] Fire : i-ai i t : .word-his .depths all-and ntoj? rrjyp doing ,tempest m-i Ti5\ of-vvind ; smoke-and snow ,hail-and y# a~nn^9 of-tree ; hills all-and mountains-[The] rrDnaSsi n'^nn10 : na v v at ; t : jt - r I • t t : • : , thing-moving ,cattle all-and beasts-[The] .cedars all-and ,fruit BV|j£ 8^Kiri?DY ptf-^O11 :s>33 -item • t a* •% : t : |v v*. - Htt j • : ,princes ,peoples all-and earth-the of-Kings .wing of-bird-and rfan^-DJV s^ro12 .earth-the of-judges all-and 13 : &iyrny < : - : I't : ** men-old ;virgins also-and men-Young rnrr cd^ t : - ,Jehovah of-name-the )( praise-shall-They for .youths with238 CXLVin. r. 14.—PSALMS.—CXLIX. v. 9. : Vfin Sdv 33^3 'It t : p vr: ~ a - : j ; jt : • .heavens-and earth-the above (ts)-honour-his ; alone name-his high-on-set-(ts) ■ r^njp S&yb i p.p. cd-£i14 ;saints-his all-of praise-the ,nation-his-of horn-the exalted-he-And : pp-^n iinp it : r T- •* t : -v. j- : • .Jah ye~Prai§e .nearness-his of-nation-the ,Israel of-sons-the-of CDEp t^nn t&> rfin^ rpttf i rv -hhn T • : mt j- T J* T : j- praise-his-(euew) ;new song-a Jehovah-to ye-Sing ,Jah ye-Praise jB^TDn H'npa at ; j** T : • j- : • i* • J- »: • ; maker-his-in Israel glad-be-Shall .saints-the of-congregation-the-in 3 : 03^1 7l*5f~^3 j : J : - : ' it : - : j'T • : name-his praise-shall-They .king-their-in rejoice-shall Zion of-sons-the .^4 . niis dS For .him-to psalms-sing-shall-they harp-and timbrel-the-with ; dance-the-iii : rnrr; rnn"i .salvation-with humble-the honour-will-he ; nation-his-in Jehovah pleased-(is) 2L7P 133"^ • TIM B^TDH IT1^5 at: j* • j : - upon joy-with-shout-shall-they ; glory-in saints-the exult-Shall . o3i-iJ3 ffiboVi6 : eftotflb at : • -v. j : I it : : ; throat-their-in (be-shall)-God of-(.pra£.s68 ffinSifi W* : jv - j :v r : - ,chains-with kings-their bind-To .peoples-THE-on rebukes I arm j^ro srpnaMi v T < *":r IV : - J" : - : them-on do-To .iron of-fetters-with ones-honourahle-their-& t ^Tori-^ Kin -nn ains toaa'a it : r t • t : v jtt t t ; • .Jali ye-Praise ,saints-his all-to-(is) this majesty ; written judgment-tlieCL. v. 1.—PSALMS.—CL. v. 6. 239 inVftri i pt *hhn' . : ~ a : »T : j" : - .t : j- him-praise ; holiness-his-in God ye-Praise .Jah ye-Praise . :ifj/ jtrfns hirn-pvaise ; mights-his-in him-Praise .strength-hi3 of-expanse-tlie-in "laitf ypns, ^rrMn3 :Vna nh^ ftT ■ I-J" : : -k. I : j : ;cornet-the of-sound-with him-Praise .greatness-his of-multitude-the-to-according ^33 timbrel-the-with him-Praise .harp-and psaltery-the-with him-praise imSSn6 : ns;n d^dds imftri Vmhi : -v. it % : j- ' : : - at him-Praise .organs-and instruments-stringed-with ,hirn-praise ; dance-and : ngnfl -tri&id .shouting of-cymbals-the-with him-praise ; hearing of-cymbals-tlie-with n>i rroa'arr it : r t y — : t t : j •Jali ye-Praise ;Jali praise-shall breathes-that All ptn nToi n'p 1TO 5: : 9 ntrr\ 17: 11 •■amp wniD 6 : 9 : : 4 : 13 W nnai 21 : 14 : 2 " W: 19 ja 24: : 4 10 : : 5 •DT] mm 6 wi1 Vfinn 10 POT DWD hn 26 : 27: : 2 : 5 nam nbo? flDIX WDl 12 aw 30: : 4 *TWD 11 : 16 : : 1 ; 10 TTPt! TT'Dn 38: 39 : : 21 1 ^TJ jinn^3YD1 "Hp irra 41 : . o : o 49: : 15 D'vxi T : 51 : : 4 nnnn 54: : 7 nits* • T 55 : : 16 V T • T 56 : : 7 •way'. 58 : : 8 vsn 59 : : 11 •non 16 60 : : 7 66 : : 7 wij 71 : : 12 n^n T 20 _ — 72: : 17 r> 73: : 2 ^93 — 10 16 74: : 6 JJ81 11 lijui 77: : 1 prws 12 20 79 : : 10 b^aa 85 : 2 ■np 89 : 18 DW1 29 nnn 90 : 8 92 : 16 niD ^ 100 : 3 wax* 102 : 24 vvn 105 : 18 non 28 4.0 106 : 45 wh* 108 : 7 nt^in 119 : 79 w&nn 147 •o^nn rfcjm 161 tw 123 : 4 VIM 126 : 4 ism 129 : 3 y\w 139 : 6 Kin 16 nnjn 140 : 10 1i*n 11 pnn» 13 TDTtf 145 : 6 8 147 : 19 ivnty 148 : 2 76 rro *v ■D *"in Dnn - nnts> r\rh)V *6\ to iri'3 *ro i^n ton \n6n m Vf?5? mon i??ij *i>jn 1W1 TV) TG*IDI bw •unnp> wrpnt? IV*6B nato) to toiM! IBID1' *n: W irto™ nrn mm HEBREW-ENGLISH LEXICON CONTAINING ALL THE HEBREW AND CHALDEE WORDS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES, WITH THEIR MEANINGS IN ENGLISH. .C p /\A ee LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS; PATERNOSTER ROW.\ PREFACE. The best modern authorities have been consulted in the preparation of the present work; and we have endea- voured to give the results of their researches in as con- densed and convenient a form for reference as possible. The arrangement is that of Leopold's " Lexicon Manuale," which is itself taken altogether from the larger lexicons of Gesenius and Winer. The valuable analytical Index which Leopold, from the same authorities, prints separately as an appendix, we have incorporated with the lexicon itself, in alpha- betical order; thus making, it is hoped, a useful ad- dition to his already copious collection of references. To economise the student's time as far as possible, the meaning in English accompanies the reference wherever it has been found practicable to express it by a single word; in the hope of combining, in some degree, the advantages of the alphabetical with those of the radical arrangement, upon which the lexicon of Leopold is formed. All fictitious roots have been discarded: i. e< words( iv ) / occurring in no language, but which ought to be the roots whence certain Hebrew nouns have been derived, according to the analogy of the Hebrew grammar. We are well aware of the advantage which these invented words afford to the arrangement under roots; but it is obvious, nevertheless, that nothing of this nature can compensate for the evil which arises from the pre- sentation of a falsity to the mind of a beginner. The only words not occurring in the Bible which will be found in this lexicon are roots from the cognate languages, bearing a fair similarity of meaning to the Hebrew compounds which are arranged with them. In the many cases in which no such resemblance is to be found, the simplest form of the Hebrew compound has been printed in the larger character by which radical words are denoted. The proper names are arranged as Leopold has given them, under the roots whence, according to the analogy of the Hebrew grammar, they would appear to be de- rived. This, however, is merely for the convenience of finding them in the lexicon. The derivations which he has added have been all but invariably discarded. A high authority in Hebrew lexicography having ques- tioned the necessity, or even propriety, of inserting the proper names in the lexicon at all, it is right to explain that they have been retained in order to relieve the be- ginner in Hebrew from the necessity of resorting to the very expedient whereby that author proposes to dispense with them, namely, by referring him to an approved version. The compiler of the present work has found( V ) a frequent appeal to translations to interfere so fatally with his own progress in the acquisition of a language, that he has felt it his duty to bestow much care and pains upon them, making many additions to Leopold, so as to put the student in possession of the whole of the proper names that occur in the Hebrew Bible, even though in so many instances no better account of them can be given, than that they are names of persons or places. As to the meanings (which form of course the really important part of the work), but very little use has been made of the Latin renderings of Leopold, which are only of any value when they repeat those of the authors upon whose labours his lexicon is founded. Leopold's au- thorities themselves, as well as others, to whose works he had probably no access, have been consulted upon every word. The concordances of Noldius and Fiirst have also been appealed to in all cases of difficulty arising from variations of opinion among the authorities consulted; and thus from the passages themselves it has been endeavoured to form a judgment of the words which best expressed the sense of the sacred text. For this purpose, the racy idiomatic English of Professor Lee's renderings has been freely taken advantage of; this obligation to him is thankfully acknowledged. The lexicon is specially designed to put into the hands of the English student, in a compressed and com- pendious form, the contributions of modern philology to the interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. There are many words the meaning of which the researches of( vi ) the learned have not succeeded hitherto in elucidating. In such cases it has been deemed the best course to give the rendering in the Authorised English Version only. The speculations which may have been indulged in by interpreters, ancient or modern, as to their meaning, are of little value in themselves, while to the beginner they are worse than worthless; they are moreover known to the proficient, and the student will readily find them in the larger lexicons. We give a single instance. The word TJ?*? Gen. 41:43, is rendered by our translators "bow the knee," assuming it to be an anomalous Hiphil form of the denominative from " knee." This, though somewhat forced, is at any rate more feasible than the modern interpretation, which, assuming with considerable probability that it is an Egyptian word or phrase, declares that it is equivalent to AriepGK, which is to be translated "bow the head." Such however is by no means the case. The general meaning of the word <\ne or A.(j)e is " the top or summit of a thing." It does not appear to be used of the head at all in the Coptic Bible, but rather of the crown or scalp. The Egyptian word for the head, as a member of the body, is 3CCO. The word peK means "to bow," but the construction of the supposed phrase is altogether foreign to the idiom of the language. Nor does it appear in any degree pro- bable from the remains of it, which are very copious, that AnepeK or <\ct>ep6K would be a more intelligible direction to an Egyptian to bow the head than "crown bow" would be to an Englishman. The phrase repeatedly occurs in the Coptic Bible, and is written p6K2CCO. It(vii) is to be regretted that biblical difficulties are too often dealt with in this loose unsatisfactory manner. In the English meanings throughout, it has been endeavoured to counteract the blasphemous attempt of one of the great modern schools of sacred hermeneutics to vulgarise and debase the word of God by quaint and burlesque interpretations. On the other hand, it has been deemed expedient to avoid the equally fallacious prin- ciple of another class of interpreters, who elevate into authoritative glosses the renderings of writers confessedly ignorant of Hebrew, for no better reason than that they wrote some twelve or fifteen centuries ago. We have striven to give the student the benefit of the labours of both schools, without leading him into the errors of either. It is only needful further to explain that wherever a word or meaning is accompanied by one, or in some instances by two references, it is denoted that such word or meaning occurs in those places only in the Hebrew Bible. W. O., j.ABBREVIATIONS OF GRAMMATICAL TERMS USED IN THE LEXICON. m. masculine, f. feminine, s. substantive, pa. particle. part, participle. denom. denominative; that is, a verb derived imme- diately from a noun (de nomine). patron.patronymic: a pro- per name derived from that of the father of the individual. sing, singular. pi. plural. Niph. Niphal form of verb. Hiph. Hiphil „ „ Hith. Hithpael ,, Pi. Piel Pu. Pual Po. Poel or Polel ,, Hoth. Hothpael „ Ith. Ithpael „ „ imp. imperative mood, const, construct state of noun. emph. emphatic state of noun.LEXICON. IlX m. (const. *5$ and Gen. 17:4, T 5; with suff. *nK, SpnK, ; pi. nilX).—I. a father.—II. a pro- genitor, ancestor; used generally for any ^pnior male relative.—III. an originator, inventor>Gen. 10:21, &c.—IV. a head, chief, or ruler; applied to kings, prophets, priests, &c.; njn?^ 3$ a father, that is, a counsellor to Pharaoh, Gen. 45:8. m. Ch. (with suff. rig, -spnK, \n-12K, pi. JHSK), a father. not used. m., greenness, freshness, k green herbs. m.,Ch.fruit; R23K for PDK, his fruit. 1*3$ m.—I. a green ear of corn, Lev. 2:14.—II. shooting into the ear; spoken of barley, Ex.9:31. Hence CSHh the month Abib, the • T T V name of the month in which the barley shoots into ear, correspond- ing partly with our March, partly r with April, otherwise called JD'O. Wljltf p.n., one of the chamberlains of King Ahasuerus, Est. 1:10. ma "DK (inf. 13K, 13S?, fut. "ON* and —I. strayed, lost.— II. vm ruined, perished (const, with h or )D); part.*ll& one about to perisht a wretch; Pi. and Hiph. TINH made to stray, dispersed, laid waste, ruined, destroyed. *nx Ch. (fut.nn^l), perished; Aph* Hlin destroyed; Hoph. ^D-in was destroyed. "1lfc m., perishing, ruin. f., something lost, the grave; see following word. ]talfc$ extermination, destruction, the grave, the place where the body decays after death, opposed to the place of the soul after death, Pro. 15:11, &c.; see the word. *p]§K, TjagJ for TllgBJ, Pi. fut. with suff. plX m., extermination, ruin, Est. 9: 5; jll^the same, Est. 8:6. rQX (fut. nriso), in Kal only, desir- ous, willing; const, mostly with the neg. and with or without 713$ m., a reed, rush; HIK vessels made of reeds, Job 9:26, 213K ( ! K-iaK fP3K m., wishing, desiring; hence, destitute, ^oor, miserable. f., desire, Eccl. 12:5. (lit. misery), alas! Pro.23:29. fcnaKfut.; seeBna. PQX> ffl-QK f.; mn rraN, «e - t t : • . ' resting, descent of the sword; ac- cording to others, the threatening of the sword, or, the drawn sword. Ezek.21:20. 0^1338 m. pi.,melons, Nu. 11:5; see " rati- for fcOa&J Hiph. fut. 1 pers.; see Kia, 1 Ki. 21:29; Mic. 1:15. %?8 imy father), p. n., the mother of " King Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:2. HTak for n^asx Hiph. fut. 1. pers.; T see ia«. hW2K(the divine Father), p.n.— I. the grandfather of Saul, 1 Sa. 9:1.— II. one of David's generals. Spfc038. *]Dja$ (father of gathering, collector), p.n., one of the Korahites. fyl*38»^?S (she whose father re- joiceth, or, the dancer), p. n.—I. the wife of Nabal, afterwards of David__-II. the sister of David, 1 Chron. 2:16. p^atf {the father of judgment, the judge) p. n., one of the princes of Benja- min, Nu. 1:11, &c. •IP! OK, rijafe? {he whose father is Jeho- vah), see DjaK; p.n.—I. of a man. —II. of a woman. KWlg p. n, a son of Aaron. "l-irVajK (the father of glory, n arpoisXog), p. n. of a man. (ithe father of artifices, he who is skilful), p.n. of a man. i ) >a« (the same), p. n. of a woman. aW3g {father of goodness), p. n. of a man. ^P^a^ {father of dew, vigorous), p.n., a wife of David. Qja^ (the sailor), p. n. of a man; the same as -injatf, and probably an error of some transcriber. TW^aX p. n. of a man. ■^0*38 (f^her of a king), p. n.—I. a king of the Philistines, Gen. c. 20, perhaps the common name of the kings of that country.—II. name of a man, Jud. 8:31, See. aWaK {father of willingness), p. n. of a man. DJJ^aK (father of pleasantness), p.n. of a man. *13*38, "03K (father of light), p.n., one of Saul's generals. (father of help), p. n. of a man. |tofyP38 m- {violator), p. n. of a man. TaK, *V?8 mighty; see 13K- DT38 m. (father of pride, a proud one), p. n. of a man. ^8^38 ^ P* n-» one °f David's concu- bines, 1 Kings 1:15, &c. yj\W2K (father of salvation), p. n. of a man. *Tlt5^38 (father of song, singer), p. n. of a man, 1 Chron. 2:28. *K^38» (father of gifts,generous), p. n. of a man. Di^a^ (father of peace), the grand- father of Abijam king of Judah, 1 Kings 15:2. "injaK (a father of excellence, he who excels), Abiathar, the son of Ahi- melech, a high priest in David's time, 1 Sa. 22:20."pK ( 3 ) »3« Hith. only. "they swell with a rolling motion like volumes of smoke," Isa. 9:17. (fut.^frO), mourned, lamented; const, with Vj); Hiph.^l^n made or caused to mourn; Hith. grieved, betook himself to mourn; const, with or hVj blXm. (const. ^3g,-^3S5 pi. £3^38), mourning; ^38 m« (with suff.-^l®^6 same, grief, howling. d nvp (the mourning of Egypt), p.n., a place beyond Jordan, where the children of Israel mourned for their father when they carried him forth to his burial, Gen. 50:11. ii. ^ not used (Arab, fresh, green, gross). a grassy place, field; hence the following names of places.—I. 'K r6'njn the greater Abel, a district of the Philistines, 1 Sa. 6:18.—II. 'X a large city in the land of the tribe ofManasseh, called tPJD 'K, 2 Chron. 16:4.-111. 'K DWB a place in the land ofMoab. —IV. 'K a village of the Ammonites.—V.nVinp 'N a village in the land of Issachar; hence the appellation *r6hp; see the word. III. adv., certainly, but, indeed. 'pO-IK; seeds'- tiNt f., I. a stone, rock (pi. D"02N, \nK); 13$ like a stone; a stone which may be thrown with the hand; T13 'K (ni!?'l| hail stones.—II. precious stones, jewels; shining stones. —III. a weight; )3$H?$ divers weights.—IV. a plummet. "It# J3« (stone of help), p. n. of a place, 1 Sa. 7:12. J3K (stone of departure), p. n. of a place. J3X f. Ch. emph. state a stone. J3& m., dual IIDJJINI.—I. "potter's wheel," Jer. 18:3.—II. "upon the stools," Ex. 1:16 j Eng. Ver. The true meaning is uncertain, p. n., a river of Damascus, 2 Ki. " 5:12. tMlK see tMl. ""OIK p. n. of a man; see "lyiK* D3X, part.D-12K fattened. D'lltfm. (pi. d^ng) a crib or stall in which animals are fed; D-HKD m., barn, granary, Jer. 50:26. nijf3j?3&? ulcers; see £13. ^3$ P-n- ofacityinthe tribe of Issachar. (he who is shining, famous), p. n., a judge of Israel. m., fine dust, powder; f., aromatic dust,powdered perfume; "powder of the mer- chant," Cant. 3:6, Eng. Ver.; p3£U Niph. wrestled (because the ancient wrestlers covered their bodies with dust before they began to wrestle). ^5^ Kal, not used, was strong; Hiph. soared. *0^ m., quill, wing-feather. rniN f., the same. T3X m.—I. mighty (an epithet of God).—II. strong, valiant,noble; strong bulls, or horses; D^jnn ^2^ the prince of the shepherds.nntf ( CTOK (exalted father), p. n., Abram; Drn^X (father of a multitude), p. n., the patriarch Abraham. 7338 Gen. 41:43, "bow the knee/' Eng. Ver. The true meaning is uncertain. Pi. fat. with suff.; see ^iXp.n., see (father of peace), p. n., Ab- salom, the son of David. (fugitive), p. n. of a man. Hith.pret. l.pers. for see 22K p.n., a king of the Amalekites. Agagite, a title of Haman, Est. 3:1. not used (Ch. and Arab, bound in amass). jT'JJX f.—I. a bunch or bundle (of hys- sop)__II. a band or body of men; his church, people, Am. 9:6. <—Ill./mote, bindings, Isa. 58:6. tux m., a nut, Cant. 6:11. TISfcJ (companion), p. n. of a woman. miiK wages; see hi* not used (Arab, gathered together, collected). m., drops of dew, Job *38:28. D (two fountains), p. n., a village of the Moabites, Isa. 15:8. MX not used (Arab, was hot). DJK Ch., was stagnant (of water); see DW. &}K m. (pLtTOMS, ^38) •—I* a J>ool, pond, marsh.—II. flags, reeds. DJX m., sorrowful. m.—I. a reed, rush.—II. a rope of rushes.—III. a cauldron, kettle, [) erne Job 41:12, this is however doubt- ful. See Lee in loco. PX (Arab.a bason); }|Km., nj|Kf., (pi. ni3|X), a bason or bowl. m., pi.&By$hosts,armies; see S)|. (fut. he laid up provision. f., a small coin; 6(3o\6q, 1 Sa. 2:36; see nij. f. Ch. emph. state KFnSK; same as the following word. rnatf f. (pi. nVlJK), letter, edict, a dish or bason, Ezr. 1:9. the fist; see fcp!|. "IN mist, vapour; see T1K* Kal, not used, Hiph. Ae languished, was fatigued; for inf.). ^83*18 (the finger of God), p.n. of a man. nr™ for Hith. fat.; with suff. DTl$; see H11. *1*1$ (long-lived), p. n. of a man. ns* p. n. of a man. fnN, Lord; see pTK. tfwo hills), p. n., a city of Judah. DllHN p. n. of a man. Ch. adv., then; at that very time; \tp from that time. Hiph. fat. with suff. for Dj^TX; see pp^T- great; see TJX. (Jehovah's righteousness), p. n. of a man. was red,reddish brown; Pu.part, growing, turning red; Hiph. be red; Hith. grow red. m. (const. ; with suff.iOT,D3D,!f; Tpl. &m, ^OT).—I. blood] ^Ych!D1K 1 innocent blood; a man of bloods, i.e. cruel— II. slaughter, murder; D1H /K3 avenger of blood; D*1! V? blood is not on him, i.e. he has done no murder ; DWn a bloody house.—III. 0*232 blood of grapes, wine; see nibT 0*18 m., man (in general); all men; a man, as distin- ' TT guished from a woman; D*INr|2 mortal man. O^N p.n.—I. Adam, the first man.— II. a city on Jordan, Jos. 3:16. tntf, D'HK m., ni^K f., red, reddish brown, Dhtf {red), p.n., one of the names of Esau. OIK p.n., the land of Edom; an Edomite. m., a ruby, or carnelion. Kal fut.; see DDI- Origin.;f.nOT01g; pl-nte^TS very red, glowing. nDIg f.—1. ground,soil; 2 T]\^ given to agriculture, lit. loving the ground. —II. fruit, produce.—III. region, country, the whole earth.—IV. p.n., a city of the tribe of Naphtali. HOTS p.n., one of the cities of the plain. HOTK for nEHflK Hith. fut. 1. pers.; see nDT p.n. of a place. red haired, irvppdicrjQ. p. n., a city of the tribe of Naphtali. (land), p. n. of a man. m m. (pi. D*?ng)—I. the base of a column.—II. any foundation. p»n* °fa man- m. (from pK, pi. D'O'ftK), pro- prietor master, lord. *31 m., the Lord, exclusively applied to God. p{2 (lord ofBezek), p. n., a king of the Canaanites, Jud. 1:5. PI? (righteous lord), p.n., Canaan- itish king of Jerusalem, Jos. 10:1. PljnK (the Lord is my Lord), p.n. of a m. p. n. of a man. DfTOIK (the Lord confirmeth), p.n. of am. (the Lord exalteth), p. n. of a man, 1 Ki. 4:6. does not occur in Kal; Niph. part.TJSO, with Jod parag. it hath become glorious; Hiph. (fut. he mdde glorious. great, powerful, glorious, ma- jestic. m., a prince TJK m.—I. a cloak; see —II. amplitude, splendour. nTTK f- (with suff. I. a cloak; a Babylonish gar- ment ; a hair cloak.—1L magnificence. P^TIK Ch. pi., officers of the court at Babylon, Daji. 3:2,3, the nature of their office unknown. Tltfp.n.— I. a place in the tribe of Judah.—II. of a man. TTtf threshing-floor; see TJ3» m., the twelfth month of the Hebrew year, corresponding with our February and March. Wffm Ch., quickly, diligently. p3TI& dapeitcbg, a Persian gold coin. ( 5 )-m (( {the exalted Moloch), p. n.—I. an idol of the Sepharvites, 2 Ki. 17:31.—II. a son of Sennacherib, Isa.37:38,&c. arm; see rn- *8118 (planting), p. n.—I. the city of Og, Deu. 1:4.—II. a city of the tribe of Naphtali. fcih'TX for ^Tin Niph. inf. abs.; see Tcrn. (inf. the same as tW), threshing, beating out corn with the wheel, Isa. 28:28. !iriK, (inf. const, lb*?, rnHK; imp.nnx; fut.nngj; p. l/anfc and 2HK), loved, desired, delighted in; part, infc (pi. Df. nnrifc) a friend; Niph. part. pi. D'QHiO loved, amiable; Pi. part. IHW? lover. Kalfut. l.pers. f., love, beloved. m* pl* (sing. amours, loves, love-gifts. D'OHK m. pi. (sing.Snfc), the same, ink {strength), p.n., one of the sons of 'Simeon. &TIK ah! alas! an exclamation of t sorrow. p.n.—I. of a country.—-II. of a river. Ung {he who is powerful), p.n. of a man. ^•"^(for -15^3 X)Hiph. fut. 1. pers. with suff.; see PIT. the same as ^ where ? probably for fljtf where? which see: Hos. 13:10. fut. apoc. l.pers.; seeiTn. ) mat (fut. ^ng*), pitched a tent, lived in tents; Pi. fut. /H* for /'HfcO the same; ^TllO shone, Job 25:5; , see^n to shine. m. (with n parag. njnfc; with '''suff. Syr! sfenfc; pi. n^ns ; Syr. D^n'X, Vvl'S).— I. tabernacle, tent, habitation.—II. p. n. of a man, 1 Chron. 3:20. rhnx {her tent),p.n., allegorical name of Samaria, Eze. 23:4. (tent of her father), p.n. of a m. PQ^filj (my tent with her), p.n., alle- gorical name of Jerusalem, Eze. 23:4. (my tent a high place), p.n. of a wife of Esau. m. pi., f., ZvXaXov), ayaWoxov, lign-aloes, a perfumed wood. njOHK fut. with H parag. for , see n on. fnHK p.n., Aaron, the brother of Moses; 'K VJ3, 'X JV2 Aaronites. conj.—I. or, either; IK On?J ten days at least.—II. for; *2 IK but if.—III. 5ltf....5)tf, whether....or. IK desire; see ma- p.n. of a man. nix not used. m. (pi. rfnitf).—I. a spintof divi- nation, or necromancy.—II. veicpo- HcivTiQ, a necromancer, one who calls up spirits from the abyss to foretel future events.—III. the art of necromancy. fillip I. skins used as bottles for wine, Job 32:19.—II. p.n. of a place in the wilderness.( 7 (he that causeth joy), p. n. of a ' man, 1 Chron. 27:30. TO-1K; see not used (Arab, bent, crooked; also wood); etymology doubtful. *1X m., smoke, mist. *T1X m., smoking firebrand. rfn'lN f. pi., projects, means, cause ; rfniX hi (and $X for ^X) cause of; *rfn'X on my account; because of thee. TP**' with J epenth. JfJIX Hiph. fut. I. pers. with suff.; see iTT'. m., calamity, destruction. *7*XD m.—1.power, might, excess; ^."XP flW My might; '"iXpil *fXD in greotf excess; *1XD iV, Ys<#> 12 even to excess, exceed- ingly.—II. adv. exceedingly. m* not used (Arab, desired); Pi. H^X (fut. fl-lfcO), desired, longed for, const, with 2 and 7; Hith. n-l^nn (fut. apoc. 1X1V), desired, coveted, claimed; and claim for yourselves, Nu.34:10. IX or IX m., desire, Pro. 31:4. fl-JX f.—I. natural desire for food.— II. lust. m. (pi. D^IXD), desires, Ps. *140:9. njXFI f.—I. desire, lust.—II. an object of desire; see PIXD- "P-1niX, Kri H^lTlX Hiph.fut. l.pers.; see >in. "•IX, JT1X I. alas! expression of grief. —II. ho! expressing anger. niX com. (pi. rri)YX).—I. mark, me- morial, warning.—II. sign, portent, miracle. fiX Ch. (pi. priX), the same. ) w *X m. (pi. D^'X).—I. habitable land, continent, island.—II. shore, coast, countries on the coast; D^3n **X and D*H **X isles of the Gentiles, isles of the West, countries little known to the Hebrews.—III. d^X savage land animals, Is. 13:22, hence:—IV. inteij. woe ! horror! see J-1X. :tfx enemy; see n*x. V-1X p. n. of a man. bm P. n. of a city in Arabia; probably Senaar, the capital of Arabia Felix, Gen.10:27. *)X p. n. of a king of Midian. Hiph. fut. 1. pers.; see !?3X» Kal fut. 1. pers.; see root not used; same as a fool, an impious person. p. n., a king of Babylon, descendant of Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Ki. 25:27. v^X, same as ^}X« f. (with suff. 'n^lK), folly, sin. i. 9ik (Arab, to dispose, govern aright); root not used. !tfX m.—I. a prince.—II. administra- tion.—III. body, Ps. 73:4. •6-1X adv.—I.perhaps, unless.—Il.p.n* of a river, Dan. 8:2. D^IK, (pi. CS^).—I .m., an en- trance hall, vestibule.—II. pa. but, nevertheless.—III. p. n. of a man. II. «*k (Arab, grew thick, of fluids); root not used* m. (const. ^6?; pi. D^N).—I.a ram.—II. lintel, arch over a door or window.W ( ! m., strength, force. rr'frjU f.t the same. com., an antelope, gazelle. nW f. (pi. nfyg ; const. rv6»K), female antelope. nW f., the same; "in^n flW the name of the tune to "which the Psalm is to be sung, Ps. 22. m. (pi. D^K).—I. hero, mighty man.—II. the pine or tere- binth (a tall thick tree). p.n. of one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness, Ex.c. 15. (with suff.^K; pl.D^>K, ri?K).— I. hero, man of might.—II. power; it is in the power of my hand, i.e. I am able.—III. God (the true God); the sons of God, i. e. the angels.—IV. an epithet denoting excellence; ^8 T18 cedars of God, i. e. lofty, well grown.—V. an idol, false god. f., terebinth; see n^x, &c. m.—I. oak, lofty tree; compare preceding word.—II. p.n. of a man. —III. of a city. m., a lintel; see I. m. Ch., a tree. Hiph. fut. 1. pers.; see p. n. of a man. |4M or r* root not used; (Arab, time, a fit time). m.(with suff.^ritf, D31K; pi. DVIIK).—I. vanity, falseness, that which is nothing, hence:—II. an idol; fljSt n^2l house of idols; valley of idols (a valley near Damascus, now Un, Am. 1:5). —III. sin, wickedness.—IV. sorrow, ) 51K distress; the son of my sor- row; nrb bread of afflic- tion; see pK- m. (with suff. like J)K).—I. power, —II.manhood; fltfri TWtfl first- born.—III. wealth, riches. const, I. non-existence; 1133 he was not in 'the pit; K2 there was neither going out nor coming in; )*&$ 1 have not, lit. there is nothing to me; "none might enter," Eng. Ver., Est. 4:2 ; 1KD, nothing; Vn ft? absolutely nothing; •13^ $ it is not.—II. with personal pronoun WK, TpW, }3J*K, n33>& and 1 am, was, not, shall not be, thou art not, fyc.—III. with prepositions, in not being, before, without, like not being, nearly, Ps.73:2; ptf'p to him who has not, Is. 40:29; (poetic only), not, absolute negation; no inhabi- tant, Jer. 33:10. same as 1 Sa. 21:9. ^ (perhaps from p&$), not, Job c. 22; {ignoble), p. n. of a man. *"*t^ (tree and fruit); nnri he sat under his fig-tree, i. e. he lived peace- fully and prosperously. m. pi., vexation, vanity, false- hood, Eze. 24:12. P*L {strength), p. n. of a man.—-II. flK, }& Heliopolis, a city of Lower Egypt. Wtf (strong), p. n. of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. D31K (the same), p. n. of a man.31* (! 1{vigorous), p. n., one of the sons of Judah. TB-1N p. n., a country where gold was found (perhaps the same as the i following word). liplX p. n., a country abounding in gold, gems, and perfumed wood. a wheel; see pressed, was urgent upon; const, with 3, ?, 12>; Hiph. pressed, has- tened ; const, with 3, treasure; see Hiph. fut. l.pers.with PI parag.; * see K^TI. TIN I. became light, shone, enlightened. —II. prospered; imperat. f. shine thou, Isa. 60:1. Niph. "lifcO (fut. become bright; part. illustrious. Hiph. TWH (fut. apoc. *IKJ).—I. enlighten, illu- „ minate, kindle.—II. yQ "0"% TJ cheer up, exhilarate, lit. enlighten the eyes, or face; VJ3 71 (const, with nx, 7, ^>5?).—III. in- struct, inform (illuminate the mind), Ps. 119:130. ■ *ViK m.(f.Job36:32).—I.light,bright- ness, lightning, luminary; D^n the light of life; D"0D 'K light of the face, i.e. cheerfulness, good will; pi. stars, i.e. lumina- ries, Ps. 136:7.—II. metaph. pros- perity.—III. knowledge. I, fire, the light of fire.—II. p.n. of . a man.—III. DniK (D^K) LXX.^j/Xoxriff Kai akr/Qeia/'Urim and Thummim," Eng.Ver., a part of the high-priest's breast-plate; meaning uncertain.—IV. DHX ) > in* (lights), p. n. of a country.—V. UK p.n., Ur of the Chal- deans, a place in Mesopotamia. rnta f.(pi;nWK).—i.ught, ps. 139: 12.—11. prosperity, joy, Est.8:16.— iii. n'nis light reflecting dew, Isa. 26:19; nWlK herbs, 2 Kings 4:39. •Vl'lK imp. pi.; see Yltf. "IIKD m.—I. light; riWtfp stars; lu- minaries.—II. candlestick; the candlestick in the taber- nacle, lit. place of light. JTVlKP f., den, hole, of a serpent, Isa. Tll:*8. nniX stables; see PHK. H-IK {fiery), p. n. of a man. {fire of God), p. n. of a man. iTH-IK (the same), p. n.—I. the hus- band of Bathsheba.—II. a priest in the reign of Ahaz. sign; see m«. Of T T nix or ItlN; Niph. (fut. pi. p. 1. HI fcO, p.3.-im&0), consenting to, agreeing. riVni^ part. f. pi.; see nfltf* adv., then, at that time (used with either tense); t&jp (Ttf-jP).—I. from that time, of old, before.—II .whence; tJSK TN»P whence thine anger (was kindled); T*JP whence I came; withinfin. 'D where- of thou hast spoken. then, Ps. 124:3,4,5. KTX or njK Ch., he kindled. 3TK, root not used; Arab, the same meaning. H1TN m., hyssop. p. n. of a man. Ch., went forth, departed.ITU ( 1 "tits? belt; see "ITS- J'JK for ptNX Hiph. fut. 1. pers.; see ' !)*• m3?tf memorial; see "DI* he went away, departed; from Uzal (see the word), Ez. 27:19, taken by mistake for Pu. part, of this verb. See Rosen- muller on the passage. Ch., the same. Via m., departure, 1 Sa. 20:19, (some call it a p. n.). Ch. imp. for Syr. for ; '''"'see^TK- JTX, Pi. j-TS attended to and inves- tigated, Ecc. 12:9. Hiph. |\TNH heard, attended; const, with ?, by_: of God, he hearkened, heard prayer; of man, he obeyed. D)3TKD dual, the balance, lit. having two dishes, bilanx. t'OTKD Ch., the same. }T& f. (with suff. "OTtf; dual D?3]K), the ear; 'D 'OTK 2 in the ears (that is, the hearing), of any one. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Naphtali. fem.). m interj., alas I exclamation of grief, nntf not used; oijjLU)&ivt to howl; whence is derived:—, howlings, or howling ani- mals (it is uncertain which), Isa. 13:21. n«f., a pot filled with hot coals to warm rooms in winter, Jer. 36: 22, 23. (brother of the father), p.n.9Ahaht king of Israel. IinX p. n. of the same king. p. n. of a man. nilN const. m., nm with the pause, T\m f.—I. one.—II. the firstmfc ( l (used with days of the month); Kh'nS inx3 on the first day of the month; niig the first year.— III. alone, a single one; tih nng not a single one, no one.—IV. a certain one (rig); it has the power of theind.articles, an; DJJH one of the people, a person; &03J, 7rponhg.: ^ng, with 3 epenth. 3j!Dg> ^ut- 1 • pers. with suff.; see nifT Vp-ing p. n. of a man. nirw'after; see THN» (inf. c. ]m ; with pref. fng2 ; draper, Thtf; fut. T0&O and ?h&0)-— I. seized (fear, terror); const, with 3.—II. caught (i.e. in hunting). —III. took hold of, seized; const, with 3 of the part seized.—IV. held, kept.—V. joined,united.—VI. locked up, Neh. 7:3.—VII. covered, overlaid, veneered, 1 Ki. 6:10.— VIII. drew by lot. Niph.—I. was 1)" caught, Ecc. 9:12.-11. was held, Gen. 22: 13. Pi. TPIgp shut up (same as KalVI.), Job 26:9. Hoph. tJIWO joined, united (same as Kal V.ji 2 Chron. 9:18. tni* p.n.—l.Ahaz, king of Judah.—• II. of a man. THK fut. apoc. in pause for Tng, Hjng; see run. ITTng f., possession, tenure. nntj p. n. of a man. nnng and Wing p.n.—I.of the son of Ahab king of Israel.—II. of the son of Joram king of Judah. D-tng p. n. of a man. ning p. n. of a man. n|B|jg Pi. fut. l. pers. with suff. for TVn3W?ng; seeK&n. Tig p. n. of a man. HTJig; see PI. n^ng (friend of God), p. n. of a man. H-liTng (friend of the Jews), p.n. of a m. VPlg p. n. of a man. T\Vm sisters; see JYIPIK, in PIN- T ' T T "l-UTng and IPl'Tlg p. n. of a man. l-IDTlg (loving good), p. n. of a man. {brother1 s son), p. n. of a man. ntong (brother of death), p. n. of a m. ^D^ng (brother of a king), p.n. of a m. JD^ng {brother of gifts), p. n. of a man. (brother of anger), p.n. of a m. Prng (brotherly) p. n. of a man. ITPPIg (brother of good will), p. n. of a man. Dy>ng (brother of delight), p.n. of a w. ^DD^ng (brother of defence),p.:n. of am. (brother of help), p. n. of a man. EfWg (brother of enmity), p. n. of a m. E'VOg (exalted brother), p. n. of a m. STl^ng (evil brother), p. n. of a man.( l (brother of the morning), p. n. of a man. (brother of song), p. n. of a man. (foolish brother), p.n. of a m. Hiph. fut. 1. pers., 7llS with dag. forte imp.; see (fecundity), p. n. of a place in the tribe of Asher. (would that!) p. n.—I. of a man.— II. of a woman. *!?B& would that! I wish! see r6n-' nr&ntjt amethyst; see D^n. ^SpnSt p. n. of a man. KHpnS p. n., Ecbatana, a city of Media, Ezr. 6:2. root not used; fut. l.pers. pi. Gen. 32:5. Pi. nnK (fut. ->n&0), delayed, waited, deferred (Arab, the same); see m. (pi. nnhS).—I. the but-end of a spear, 2 Sa.2:23.—II. the west, westward. Adv. behind, after; -iinx?, ninsp behind; li/IS? hereafter, Isa. 41:23. ■ra m.7rnng f. (pi.Dnng, rvhn®. —1. another; 'S other gods, idols.—II. p. n. of a man. the hinder part. Adv. of time and place, behind, afterwards. Prep. behind, after; 'X follow; 'N nWn DHXnn after these things, aftencards; '£ "IB*5! 'S after he had spoken; pi. const. nnS (with suff. nnx, inns, T1QK), behind, after; after; Jp 'S after- wards; with prefixes inSD, nnSD after something past, after that; 'SD afterwards; iT^nsp behind ton: *?£!? ^ after; behind. 2 ) 10K innx Pi. for-nnK; see TX. fhqxm., ™'nq« f.—i. the kinder part, the back part.—II. the latter day, or time.—III. the west; DjH 'SH the Mediterranean sea.—IV. T # posterity; X nH the generation to come; Q^nriS successors; njhnxa, Jnahn^ afterwards• nn.ij Ch. adj. f., another. Ch., at last, at length. JTHnS f.—I. the last, the latter time; the latter days.—II. the end; 'S end of the year.— III. posterity. HD? Ch. m., another. adv., backwards. rnnK (after his brother?) p.n.of a man. (behind a wall), p. n. of a man. m. pi., chief satraps, or doorkeepers, officers of the Per- sian court. Ch., the same. a title common to all the kings of Persia. It is spelt Chos- roes by the later Greek and Latin historians. BHBTIK the same. p. n. of a man; see next word. m. pi., mules. nngf. , one; see "ins. HPIS Ch. Aph. imp.; see Hnj» nrinX Niph. fut. l. pers. with H parag.; see nnn. IDS Hiph. fut. apoc. 1. pers. for HISS; see ntM. ntOX m., black thorn; rhamnus pa- liurus (Linn.). IDS p.n., a place beyond Jordan, where was a threshing-floor; afterwards Abel-mizraim, Gen. 50:10,11.( 1; m., linen (of Egypt) iQovtov,pro- bably an Egyptian word, Pro. 7:16. not used; (Arab, uttered a low sound). * m. (pi. D^S).—I. necromancers, enchanters.—II. gentle, soft. Adv. t5S, DS& Dsoftly,slowly, »t3i$ at my convenience. shut up, closed. Hiph. the same; )T& EEfcO he closes (his) ear. with shut; fut. "IQK*., Ps. 69:16. r maimed; lit. having his right hand bound (left-handed). IDK (he that halteth), p. n. of a man. *Ks see and J-1K. where? with suff. where art thou? VX where is he? DJX where are they ? also with pronouns and adverbs, HT ^ who? what? where? ri-TD ^ whence? ^ where- fore? why? with H demonst. iTN where ? where? how? (apoc.) how? (Kri b*g) where? 2 K. 6:13. ■npys how? always in comp.; J^D whence? (for another meaning see where ? how ? (contract.from \)$),where? whither? JXD whence? until; with the paragogic H, HJK whither? whereunto? where? how T T " long? HjJX hither and thi- ther, 1 K.2T:36,'42. hated, was an enemy, Ex. 23:22. m., enemy; HlVW *"■» the same, nyg f., enmity. V ) T'X calamity; see nj« where? see PPK f.—Lnameof a bird of prey;" vul- ture, kite," Eng. Ver.; LXX.Uriv; Vulg. vultur.—II. p. n. of a man. 11*5$ (miserable),-p.n., Job, the patriarch, p. n.# Jezebel, the wife of Ahab. T& J see 'W- (where is the glory? i.e. with- out glory); p. n. of a man. rD?K where art thou? ^ with suff. and 3 epenth. £»K, &c.; see^-IN. (oak), p. n.—X. of a city.—II. of a man. (place of hinds), p. n. of a city, napix for Kal fut. 1. pers. with H parag.; see ■>, i?n. (grove of oaks), p. n. of a place. r6»K (tree), (trees), p.n., Math, a city on the eastern gulf of the Red Sea, now Akabah. ni?»K a gazelle; see root not used, was terrible; Ch. Pa. frightened. D*K, nfcJK m., terrible, Hab. 1:7. nD^V(pl. with n parag. TnnD^) terror; pi. —I. terrible things.—II. idols, Jer.50:38.—III. p.n. of one of the tribes of the Moabites. ; see )-1X and they are not; see with suff. (helpless), p. n. of a man. f-» Ephah, a corn mea- sure, capacity unknown; divers measures; just measure.m ( 1 nb*Us see**?. same as m. (pi. see three times D^K).—I. a man, as distinguished from a woman.—II. a husband.—III. a male.—IV. used collectively for the inhabitants of a country; e»i 'K a husbandman.—VI. any one; one...another.— VII. every man; opposed to flX, JVDJJ, 5Ti; they went every one to his place; -^3 every one.—VIII. every thing, Ex. 25:20.—IX. impers., i"D thus it was said. Hith. Wi^nn {avdpi&adai, 1 Cor. 16:13); pi. -IWKnn be- come ye men, i. e. be courageous, Isa. 46:8. m., lit. little man, i. e. the small image of one's self seen in the eye of another.—I. J $ r\Z 'K, pupil of the eye; hence:—II. Wn lit. pupil, i.e. middle, of the night, midnight. or wk f. (with suff. w'k, and 1.—woman.— II.wife.—III. concubine.—IV. op- posed to fiintf and rVlSTl, like t-V. any one, every one.—VI. applied to men by way of reproach, p. n. of a son of Saul. •fin^K {man of vigour), p.n. of a man. {manly), p. n. of a man* Ch., same as he is; 'JppNK i > thou art; Vlin'tf he is; iUlVK . ' • ' T T • we are; ye are. WK p.n. of a man. hwiplt {God with me), p. n. of a man. for Dn$ Kal fut. I. pers.j see Don. ' nftJTK {place of palm trees), p. n. of one of the sons of Aaron. JJVK p.n. of a man; see adv., only, alone, except; "S]X only (i.e. nothing else but) rejoic- ing, Deu. 16:15; 1]£Tl ^ only (nothing but) darkness, Ps. 139:11; Ppb ?]"1D he is only torn in pieces, i.e. nothing else has hap- pened to him, Gen. 44:28. {fortress), p. n. of a city built by Nimrod, Gen. 10:10. Kal fut. 1. pers.; see flfD* p. n.—I. of a city in the tribe of Asher, Greek ticdnnra, now Zib. —II. of a city in the tribe of Judah. see-ID- (■Ethiopian), p. n. of a king of the Philistines. (inf. binx ; const. ; with pref. SbjS&; with suff. imper. ; with H parag. ; fut. and ^fcO).— I. ate.—II. devoured, spoken of men or things; joined to the ac- cusative with 2, jD : DnJ? feasted; 'Q Dljl1? "?3K and Dn^'a, /a in^!?3?no|'K to be the guest, inmate, of any one; ninj ate that which was offered in sacrifice; 'Q ^21 ^3^ ate his fleshy i.e. injured him, Ps. 27:2; Niphi ^3X3, part. f. rtalW is, may be,fcw •( 15 ) eaten. Pu. devoured, $on- mmed. Hiph. (fut.^3^; inf. gave, made, caused, to eat, devour. Ch., the same. m., food; with suff. ri^3K f., meat, food, Gen. 1:29, 30. f., meat, feast, 1 K. 19:8. m.. food, that which may be . eaten; 72^9 fruit tree; 'D cattle to be slaughtered for the table. n^b^D, rrap f., food. nSjNo i, slaughtering knife, lit. de- vour er; pi. >?* (eaten, consumed), p. n. of a man. Pi* fat. apoc. 1. pers.; see ":n?a-:T Ex. 33:3, Pi. fut. 1. pers. with suff. for see truly; see J-lb* •1336$ Hiph. fut. 1. pers. with suff.; see V "n33. compel, bow down to, Pro. 16:26. P}3K m. (with suff. *S3JSI), palm of the hand, Job 33:7. ?|3X for P}3K Niph. fut. 1. pers.; see "p)Q2. root not used;(Arab, digged). "13 K m., ploughman, husbandman. (city of magicians), p. n. of a city in the tribe of Asher. not, 8fc.; see !?$ God; see -fa prep, (with suff. ' •?*!?& poetto^fc}; pi poet. vS).—I. sign of the dative, like h—II. to, towards.—III. unto, at.—IV. of, concerning.—V. in, into1. —VI.among.—VII. by, through.— VIII. for, on account of; the origi- nal meaning is to, towards, variously modified by the context; rnr*P according to the command (mouth) of God; a cubit, i. e. according to the measure of a cubit, Gen. 6:16; "Stf TOSty he said concerning (relative to) Sarah; he went, having regard to his life, i. e. to save his life; DV3H near (i.e. towards) the well; 385* jn^n he sat at (i.e. to) the table. —IX. used with other particles 5 behind me; h without; nnn"^ a pleonasm, . same as flnfi. with article n|t? pron., these, those; n?K1 -nW'' 01 flEV—- ol ds, these—those; Ch., the same, (terebinth),p.n. ofaman; seeH^X. CJ"33?tS m., hail; see EJQ3- T" name of a tree; see (beloved of God), p. n. of a man. (called of God), p.n. of a man. i. lay under a curse, imprecate. —II. howl, see Hiph. swore, execrated, laid under a curse; fut. apoc. f.—I. oath,imprecation; fc03 come into the terms of the 'oath, agree by oath, Neh. 10:30; W2T1 r-6xa make one swear, Eze. 17:13; 3 n'pN urn lay an oath upon any one. —II. curse, cursing; rrn he was for a curse; rrpiO he gave over unto cursing. rr^Fl f., cursing.nVs m. Ch., God. m., God (pi. CnSs).—I. God, the true God.—II. false gods, idols; followed by the verb in the sing., very rarely in the pi.; a man of God; 'K "03, sons of God, i. e. they that loved and served God; with pref.D^n^fcO, D^n?K3, ; const. *fpK- gazelle; see nVk terebinth; see /NS Ch., behold I same as TO# for otherwise, unless, . . Ecc. 6:6, Est. 7:4. /N» m.—I. vanity; same as see —II. Elul, the sixth month of the Hebrew year, answering nearly to our September, Neh. 6:15. see the same; in friend; see mb't$ {lion's den), p. n., one of the encampments of the Israelites. (Oeodwpog), p. n. of a man. n?x, Niph. was corrupt, base. J}|£« {gift of Godj, p.n. of a man. {who has God for his father), p.n. of a man. {strong in God), p.n. of a man. or (to whom God comes), p.n. of a man. (beloved of God), p.n. of a prince of the Benjamites. (known of God), p.n. of a man. r™T^j! f. (Arab, the same), the fat tail of the sheep in the East. {the Lord he is God), p.n., Elijah ('HXiag), the prophet. ( 16 )' (the same), p.n. of one" of Job's friends. TKi'f1?? (mine eyes are unto the Lord), p.n. of a man. {hidden of God), p.n. of one of - David's generals. {God is his avenger), p. n. of a man. vanity; see a* {God is king), p. n. of a man. pron. pi. Ch., these, those, {increased of God), p. n. of a prince of the Gadites. {holpen of God), p.n. of a man. {God is mine eye, i. e. directs me), p.n. of a man. {people of God), p. n. of a man. TQy$ (God ™ precious), p.n.—I. of a son of Esau.—II. of one of Job's friends. {my God is strong), p.n. of a man. {whom God makes famous), p.n. ofamaji. {God is his help), p.n. of a m. {God is his rock), p.n. of a man. {whom God protects), p. n. of a man. n. of a man. (whom God makes strong), p. n. —I. of the house-steward of He- zekiah.—II. of a king of Judah, afterwards changed to (Jehovah makes strong). $1$^# (vowed to God), p.n., Elishe- bah ('E\i« p. n. of a city. (God is his help), p.n. of a man. (whom God adorns), p. n. of a m. (God my strength), p.n. of a m. (God 1S HIS helper), p.n. of a m. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Reuben. (made of God), p.n. of a man. learnt; fut. ?\?$\ Pi. taught. Hiph. part. f. (from producing a thousand, Ps. 144:13. ^m.,fl thousand; dual two thousand; pi. thousands; three thousand; £)5?NI Qtyznitf forty thousand; n$D a hundred thousand; a thousand thousands; nnin wk'10,000,000; *]S?Ks.— I. a chiliad (a troop of 1000 sol- diers); "lb*, \iapx°Q> com- mander of a chiliad.—II. a nation, 3 tribe (i.e. many persons).—III. pi. OWN oxen; see below.—IV. p.n. of a city in the tribe of Benjamin, Jos. 18:28. Ch., a thousand. ac\}-» familiar, tame, Jer. 11:19. ft.—I. a friend.—II. an ox (a tame animal).—III. head of a tribe or family, (pvXapxoQ. (God the deliverer), p.n. of a m. (God who performeth), p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man; see (Syr. he urged). Pi. pressed, urged on, Jud. 16:16. m., Prov. 30:31, D-lp^K a king who is irresistible; " against whom there is no rising up," Eng.Ver.; meaning uncertain. n?i{for whom God cared), p. n. of a man. p.n. of a people. P-n. of a city; same as of a city of the Levites in the tribe of Dan. fprPSI p.n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. EX f. (with suff. ; pi. —I. a mother.—11. a grand-mother.— III. a step-mother.—IV. metropolis, chief city; DX mother, i.e. head of two ways, Ez. 21:2 6.—V. nation, entire people. HEX f.—I. fore arm, hence:—II. a cubit, measure of 21-888 inches; dual QjnEK two cubits; rfetf ten cubits; HI0N rtKD $>& three hundred cubits.—III. a basis or pedestal, Isa. 6:4.—IV. p. n. of a hill, 2 Sa. 2:24. ( 18 ) n»N f. Ch., cubit. f. (pi. ni»K, On?K), families, tribes. f. Ch., the same.—I. surely, truly, this is its radical meaning, hence:—II. if; C3X...0K whether...or; whilst,until.—III. if? whether? DK...DK, DKUH whether?...or?—IV. used as an asseveration Dtf has the power of denial, of affirmation; nbytf-DK let me be accursed if I do it, i.e. I will not do it.—V. in comp. DNH same as is not? &6-dk unless. *|KDjRI?K Hos. 4:6; perhaps for '^KDKDK i. e.lJDKDK Kal fut. 1. pers. with suff.; see DKD- HfcX f. (with suff. pl.JYIITOX; const. Dinp«), maid-servant; "|3 HDK servant. rtflDK pi.; see flDK- nm, TOK; see b& \\p$, J-1DN, ilJ-IDK; see pfr (strong), p.n. of the father of Isaiah, Isa. 1:1. piJ p. n. of a man. D*I?K p.n. of one of the giant races in Canaan. strong; see^DN- TDK top; see TOK. root not used; was sick. Pul. TvpK sick, wasting, declining. f., pained, sick, Eze. 16:30. m., wasting with disease, Ps. 6:3. m. (pi. wasted, feeble men, Neh.3:34.tim ( 19 ) tDDK p. n. of a city. m i- was true, faithful; part. D'O-ltoK the faithful.—II. nursed, brought up; part. jp'tf foster-father, nurse. Niph.JpKJ)—I .was sure.— II. was enduring, durable; DJ5 JftiO an enduring house.—III. was faithful.—IV. was carried (as a child), Isa.60:4. Hiph.^pKH con- fided, entrusted, believed, relied on, followed by 3, ? with inf. }ptf Ch. Aph. jb^n entrusted. m., artificer, Cant. 7:2. m.—I. a true thing, truth; the God of truth.—II. formula of acquiescence, Amen, so be it. flDK m.—I. constant, unvarying, Pro. 8:30.—II. same as pDH the mul- titude, Jer. 52:15.—III. p.n. of an Egyptian idol Amoun in pDK fcO, which see.—IV. p.n. of a king of Judah. peg m.—I. a faithful, true, sincere one.—II. educated, brought up, Lam. 4:5. Jp'tf m., faith; adv. truly. Hjpfc {., beam, lintel, 2 Kings 18:16. niibtf i.f.ofiiDK; njws VTJ w his hands were made steady, true. —II. faithfulness.—III. truth. PI. KM f.-I. covenant, contract, Neh. 11:23,.~II. p. n. of a river near Damascus.—III. of a region. HJpX I. adv., truly, indeed.—II. f., education, nursing, Est. 2:20. Djptf, DJDX adv., certainly, verily ; T DJP^n indeed? 1 Kings 8:27. flDX f. 'T(with suff. 1. per- manency, durability.— II. truth, especially religious truth; used for truthfulness in God, and piety in man. jfo&K, fWpfc? {faithful), p.n. of a son of David. m (imp. fpb?; fut. fEKp, was powerful, courageous; with |p pre- vailed, was mightier than.—Pi. I. strengthen, Job 4:1.—II. repair (a house), 2 Chro. 24:13.—III. fasten, secure, Pro. 8:28.—IV. encourage. —V. 'D II^5 'K harden the heart. Hiph. strengthen, confirm. Hith. acquired power, took courage. 'PPK strong, prevailing. fP'K m., vigour, Job 17:9. m.,powerful, vigorous (of horses); pi. D*-?P£ Zee. 6:3. n^p$ f., strength, Zee. 12:5. *¥P£ {strong), p. n. of a man. HJVP^, WV»8 {strengthened of God), p. n., Amaziah king of Judah. 0*?PSP m. pi.; lib ^SPND con. firmers of power, Job 36:19. ION i. he said (to any one, with h ; of any one, with ^ and accus.j; sometimes same as he spoke; inf. saying.—II. commanded. — III. he thought, lit. he spake inwardly, Gen. 44:28, Ex. 2:14, &c. &c. 12^3, *123^3. Niph. was said of or concerning any one (with ^>); impers. "ipfrO it is said; with ^5 it is said to some one. Hiph. made declared, "avouched," Eng. Ver., Deu. 26:17, 18. Hith. were declared, published, made famous. "ip&$ Ch., he said, commanded. m.—I. same as '"CH a discourse. v .. T T 9TON ( £ speech; nON the words of God. —II. an appointment, declaration, Job 20:29; with suff. pi. anm ")19& m., enunciation, expression, say- ing; same as 121 a thing, a matter. (tall), p. n. of a man. TOK Ch., a lamb, Ezr.6:9,17, &c. mpK f., word, declaration, discourse; pi! nh»s. Hiptf f., the same. "Pbtf m., the pod which contains the fruit of the palm tree, Isa. 17:6, m., edict, command, Ezr. 1: T15, &c. m. Ch., the same. (eloquent), p. n. of a man. HbjJ theAmorite; LXX.'AftoppaTog. rP"]DX and WlftK P-n- °f a man- of the king of Shinar, ' TGen. 14:1,9. yesterday, lit. the day before last night. TlDN truth; see JftX- mm# sack; seennD. (truth-teller), p. n. of the father of the prophet Jonah, Jon. 1:1. 1«, ri}K, njK; see ■)« Heliopolis; see Ch., pers. pron. /. interj., gently, I pray, Sfc. Ch., for PDK; see IK in ni«; seeJTMV' roa /ie suffered, Isa. 3:19. Pi. il|K he caused pain, Ex. 21:13. Pu. was made to suffer, Pro. 12:21, Ps. 91:10. Hith. part. )) w affecting irritation, seeming to be irritated, followed by !?• p. n. of a city. f., suffering, pain, Isa. 29; 2. mm f., the same, Lam. 2:5. "OK com., a ship; collectively, a fleet. iTJK f., a ship. n^JT) f., sexual impulse, Jer. 2:24. f. opportunity, revenge, Jud. 14:4. •13N com., we, Jer. 42:6 ; see . J-13X m., j\3i< f. pron. pi. Ch., these, 85138 p. ri.j seeB>3«. rm Nipli. l"I35tf 3 he sighed (the things sighed for preceded by Jft). Hn3N f., sighing, sobbing. ^7;'see >3K, MK, fttg; see H3K- DJPJK (mourning of the people), p.n. of a man. m.—I .lead.—ll.aplummet, Am. T 7:7,8. (contr.'Otf; with the pause ^38), pers. pron. I; pl.«13n3fc$, sometimes •13m 03K Jer. 42:6), we. W- Hith. }3*^nn he groaned, Nu. 11:1, Lam. 3:39. urge, force, Est. 1:8. D35K Ch., the same; trouble, Dan.4:6. (fut. 5)3fcO), breathe through the nose, snort; hence was irritated, angry (with 2). Hith. £)3fc$nn became angry. m. (with suff. —I. nose; H33 disdainful, haughty, lit. turned up of nose, Ps. 10:4.—II. anger; dual I. nostrils by synecd.— II. face, countenance; sameW ( 2 as in the sight of, before; Jinx nj?0 one of two persons, i. e. a double portion, 1 Sa. 1:5.— III. anger, 'K "JpjS slow to anger; 'K quick to anger, hasty. also; see in its place. PJDX Ch., dual, nostrils, face. f., name of an unclean bird, "heron," Eng. Ver.; LXX. xaPa" Spioe; Lev. 11:19, Deu. 14:18. cry out for pain; inf. pjjSS; fut. Niph. lament " const. ng?K f.—I. crying out for pain.—II. name of a reptile so called from its cry, Lev. 11:30. root not used. (D3KCh., compress, ' Compel). Part. m., ntim f. incurable (of a wound), grievous, mortal, unlucky (of a day), ma- lignant (of a disposition); Niph. he became mortally sick, 2 Sa. 12:15. m.—I. man (as mortal and miserable). —II. mankind. — III. plebeian, low person; pi. D'TOK (const. ; with suff. "rpBOK, man, men; see — IV. p.n. of a son of Seth. BOK, Ch., man. Ch., pers. pron. m., thou. SDN (healing), p.n. of a king of Judah. ■SpDK cup; see 1-1DK, TDK, TDK bound; see "IDK- ^DK harvest; see S]DK. m., pi. OppK store-houses, granaries; LXX. ra/ma. m root not used; (Arab, death, des- truction). fl DS m., injury, death by accident. HJDK p. n. of a man. 1 ) SDK 133 pX p. il. of an Assyrian general. n^DSSt (ibelonging to Neith), p. n. of the wife of Joseph. Dl&DK Syr. for DlJgDfct Pi. fut. l.pers. with suff.; see 1JJD* (inf. P|*DK ; const. f]DK ; with suff. ^jSpK; fut. f]D^, with suff. •OSpfcO'; 'l 'pers. ^DKKand^pK).— I. collected, gathered (with and hy_ before the place in which). —II. take away, take off, destroy; he deprived himself of life. Niph. *]DiO I. was gathered, received.—II. was taken away, ceased. — III. perished, Hos. 4:3, (with SK,), S®; torStf O VrVQK", VljjT, was gathered to his people, fathers, i.e. was buried; used in this sense alone *)pK!l Nu. 20:26.—Pi. I. gather, receive.— II. close the rear of a march, Nu. 10:25, Jos. 6:9, 13. Pu. was gathered. Hith. £)DKnn gather themselves together, Deu. 33:5. ?}DK (collector), p. n. of a man. 5|DK m., ingathering, harvest of fruits. i^pK m., harvest of apples. HSDK f., collection, gathering, Isa. T24:22. D^SDK m. pi., collection of stores or money, storehouses. HI SDK f. pi., the same. "^SDK Kal fut. 1. pers. with suff. 1 Sa. 15:6; Kal part, with suff. 2 Ki. 22:20; see *|DK- fjpSpN! m., with the article ?)p£}pKrT mixed multitude, Nu. 11:4. &0-1BDX Ch. adv., exactly, carefully, quickly.SDK ( 22 ) £>1K tfnSpX p. n. of a son of Haman. ")DX (fut."l'Di<» and ibK.p.—I. he tied, bound, followed by b ; rD3"]£Sn 'X yoking the horses to the chariot.— ii; 1DK captive, prisoner. Niph. becoming bound. Pu. taken, reduced to bondage. m., chain; pi. n-IDXH prison. "VlDfc? Ch., the same. m., a captive. *VDi$ m.—I. captive.—II. p.n. of a man. m., an obligation. m. Ch., the same. t v: lljtf m., the same. -IpiD m.; see in its place. jVnrnos p. n.,Esar-haddon king of Assyria, the successor of Senna- cherib ; LXX. 'AGopdav. Kal fut. 1. pers. with suff.; see 'IFlDK {star), p. n., Esther queen of Persia; her name before was HD^n Est. 2:7. m. Ch., same as Heb. wood. m nose; see part., also, moreover, nay, indeed; *3 P|K indeed, truly; >3 hath (God) indeed said, Gen. 3:1. Ch., the same. Hiph. fut. 1. pers. with suff.; see DNS. -jsk he put on the Ephod, Ex. 29:5, Lev. 8:7 (with b of the person, and 21 of the thing). m.—I. Ephod, a garment worn by the priesthood; /X he wore the ephod, i. e. he fulfilled the priest's office.—II. perhaps the name of an idol, Jud. 8:27, &c. rn£)^ f., made like an ephod; pro- bably the dress of an idol. p. n. of a man. xm camp; see pa. nsx baking. Niph. baked. m., a baker; pi. flB'tf f., the same; pi. JYISD& nQ^lD m., bakemeat. Syr. for -IDK imp. pi. of the verb nBK. pa., ovv, drj, now, then; /K }3 DK if then it be so; /K .TN where then? what then? r /X -1jn yivwviceTS ovv I know then! "liSK ephod; see ISX- n»BK p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. swelling; see pDtf. /3K root not used (Arab, set as the sun). V&K m., iT»BK f.—I. concealed.— . t » r • II. very dark. m., obscure. m., thick darkness; more intense ' than rj&ri' f.,' darkness; /K thick darkness. m., darkness. f., extreme darkness, Jer. T2:31. (Judgment), p. n. of a man. m root not used; same as H3S turn, roll. JQitf m., wheel; const. ; pi. tMB'K..jbk ( 2 season (ttepiodog); a word in season, Pro. 25:11. DSN m.—I. termination, extremity; ends °f the earth; dual D^Diptf two extremities, i.e. of both feet; the soles or ankles, Eze.47:3. —II. deficiency, wanting; DSfcO without, lit. in there not being, fol- lowed by the genitive of the thing; until there is none; besides me; DQX2 without; oft from nothing; *3 DipNI except, unless. DSN p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah, 1 Sa. 17:1; see DW D& m., an adder, Isa. 41:24; see nyTs>. adder; see enclose, hem in; pret. pi. ; with suff. £)£)&$• psx Kal, root not used; (Arab.visited many countries). Hith.pStfHn I. went on, proceeded.—II. restrained himself from proceeding, Gen. 45:1, &C.; LXX. avsxo[iai, kyKparev- Ofxai. m. adj.—I. mighty, eminent man, Job 12:21.-11. river, tor- rent.—III. the bosses of a shield, Job 41 ;7.—IV. swellings of the sea.— V. p.n. of a city in the tribe of Asher, Jud. 1:31, sanie as:— pStf p.n.—I. of a city in the tribe of Asher.—II. of a city in the tribe of Issachar. HpBK p. n. of a town in the moun- tains of Judah, Jos. 15:53. root not used; (Arab, casting away). } ) m.—I. ashes.—II. any thing worthless. p. n. of a kingdom; see in its place. m. (transpos. of "ISiS), a tiara, crown, 1 Ki. 20:38, 41. chicken; see PHD- m., LXX. (popuov, car, sedan, Cant. 3:9, 10. P-n-—I-Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph.—II. the tribe that descended from him.—III. after- wards, the kingdom formed by the ten tribes that revolted from the house of David. rn&K, rtrnSK p.n.—I. of a city in the tribe of Judah: called also DpiriVa—II. same as CDnSK, Ps. 132:6. l.anEphraimite.—II. an inha- bitant of Ephratah. WDK p. n. of an unknown people, T Ezr. 4:9. p.n., as above, Ezr. 5:6. p. n. of the inhabitants of a city in Assyria, Ezr. 4:9. nsx, Niph.fut. apoc. 1. pers.for see nns. DhSK pa., thus then, then moreover. Ezr. 4:13. P- n- a man, finger; seeJD*. Hiph.fut. l.pers.with H parag.; T see JW. /XX I. holding bach, withholding, with }D—II. laying up with one's self, with *?. Niph. contracted, Eze. 42:6. Hiph. withhold; fut. *1, Nu. 11:25.tys ( 2 in. (Arab, rooted, firm).—I. nobleman, Eze. 24:11.—II. end, extremity, Isa. 41:9. ^•¥8 m- Joint* suture; the wrists. p. n.—I. of a man.—II. of a place near Jerusalem, Zee. 14:5. prep., near; near; near him. p.n. of a man. D¥& p. n. of a man. rnyrV$ bracelet; see p-VX Kal fut. l.pers.of the verb; see Vp^. treasured. Niph. laid up, Isa. 23:1,18. Hiph. IVin appoint as treasurer, Neh. 13 :13, with ; fut. with H parag. ntflK m. (pi. nh^i^).—I. treasury. —II. treasure; 'KH rPS I. trea- sure-house.—II. warehouse. P- n» °f a man. Kri, Jer. 1:5, Kal fut. l.pers. withsuff.; see^lV- rnpK carbuncle; see PHp- 1(5K m., gazelle, Deu. 14:5. HpX Kal fut. 1. pers. of the verb Hp^. nnp£ for nnp£ Isa.56:12, Kal fut. 1. pers. with fl parag., from np^- HNHptf Kal fut. 1. pers. with H parag., from &Op- IX light; see fcOK p. n. of a man. Niph. fut. apoc., from rm"T name of Jerusalem; see 'm«. nix lying in wait, ambush; with h, %; fut. 3'nK», part. 311K ambus- y tis cader. Pi. part. pi. tying in wait. Hiph. he places an ambush, 1 Sa. 15 : 5. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. a native of Arabia. H'ljSI m., lying in wait, place of am- bush, Job 37:8, 38:40. m., the same; with suff. f.,the same; pi. flilTlK; const. riirns. m., a species of locust, from n:n was many. f.—I. net or wicker work to cover windows: hence,—II. win- dow.—III. pigeon-holes, Isa. 60:8. IV. applied to the visible heavens, Gen. 7:11, 8:2.—V. a chimney, Hos. 13:3. rfllTlX {plots), p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. m., ambush, ambuscade. p.n. of a place, Hos. 10:14; see na- ^5"]^ P- n. of a giant. ysHsi four; see V21- I. plaiting the hair, Jud. 16:13. —II. weaving, Isa.59:5; part.J'TK a weaver, f. t : m.—I. texture, web, Job 7:6.— II. weaver's comb, Jud. 16:14. s-nKp. n.—I. of the district of Og. —II. of a man. |}3*!$ Ch., purple, same as bag; see T!H. j.DinX m., purple. ^5$ p. n. Ard, a son of Benjamin ; patronymic of Ard.TTC ( 25 ) 11X {HIX p. n. of a man. !"nX I. pluck fruit, Ps. 80:13.—II. gather. niX Nu. 22:6, imp. with H parag.; see TTmx. nVrig f. pi., stables, stalls for beasts, 2 Chron. 32:28. f n'inx f. Pi., const, rtntj. jninx f. pi., const, ninx—i. stalls. —II. stable. nx m., a lion; pi. D"1X and HinX. nHX m., a iion. rvnx m. Ch., a Zww; pi. JV1X. Isa. 16:9, transpos. for ^;VlX or (sameas njl). Pi.fut. l.pers. with sufF,; see nil- bo? (lion of God).—I. a name of the altar of burnt-offer- ing.—II. a name for Jerusalem. —III. p. n. of a man. (the same), p. n. of a man. ^XIX (the same), p. n. of a man. dW"!S* m., "their valiant ones," Isa. 33 :7, Eng. Ver.; probably for nXIX I will appear unto them (Lee). fllX com.—I. ark, chest; JTHSin fllX n-nyn, the ark of the co- venant.— II. coffin, mummy-case, Gen. 50:26. Ch., behold! see! P- n., Aradus, a city and district on the coast of Phoenicia. p. n. of a man. Hp-liX repairing; see *pX« nip-IIX p. n. of a city. Syrians; see D1X- 0DV"IX for D/D'HriX Hith. fut. 1. pers.; see on was firm, closely packed; part. rm, tlX m.', cedar; pi. ENIX, const. *'\nx. n?1X f., cedar wainscot, Zep. 2:14. mx he goeth to herd with, Job 34:8; part, rn'tf traveller. niX {wanderer), p. n. of a man. mfc com. (with sufF. ; pi. J"liniX; const, niniX; with sufF. . tt: ' . ; T DfiniX and 'IX).—I. way, road, path.—II. mode or manner; yX mST way of the Lord, i. e. the way that pleases the Lord; D^n /X the way of life, i. e. that leads to life; oS'lp /K the old path, i. e. the manners of ancient times.— III. wayfaring man. niX m. Ch., the same; pi. }111X* nrn& f.—I. step, progress.—II. tra- velling company, caravan. nrnX f.—I. fixed portion, ration.—II. portion generally. nx, rns, ninx, rfTnx, p. n.; see nix." P- n- a son °f Haman, 'Api- daloQ. XrnHX (strong), p. n. of a man. p.n.—I. of a king of Ellasar, Gen. 14:1.—II. of a Chaldean. *P*1X p. n. of a son of Haman. (fut. ^IX^; pi. -IDIX^), was long, became or was made long; "1D1X D^sn \h he had tarried there ' T " many days, Gen. 26:8. Hiph. trans, make long, prolong; 'D 'n lengthen his days, pro- long life; IK'S 3, 13X /n was long- suffering, patient. n>nx, n31X f.—I. lengthening out.( 26 ) ens? —II. repairing, restoring, healing ; (Arab, the same). IpN Ch. (part. becoming, suitable. "SpK (const. •JftKyong-; nnKH /X with long pinions, Ecc. 7:8; /X stow £o anger; Pi-I") /N jj,aicp69vfjioQ, long-suffering. IpK p. n. of a city of Shinar, Gen. 10:10; hence an inhabi- tant of Erech; '•SnK the same, m., length (of time and space); with suff. *13^5$• ;T m., nSHN f., long, lasting long. fcOlfcC, f. Ch., time, duration. nj-IShX the knee, Dan. 5:6; see TO* f« (const. ), p.n., Aramea; the region of Damascus and Syria to the Orontes and Mesopotamia; /N Mesopotamia; Padan Aram; HlW 'K part of Syria; pg^l 'K Syria of Da- mascus; 'X the region be- yond Jordan at the foot of Anti- Libanus; HiriTn^ /tf part of Syria; see m., Syrian (f." ; pi. ' ^d D'pVl®. fTOnK adv., in Syriac, in the lan- guage of Syria. m. (pi. const. ntop*)X), palace. "Ofo"l!S> p.n. of one of the sons of Saul. jnX m., the mountain ash, Isa. 44:14; LXX. 7rirvg; Vulg. pinus. nu p. n. of a man. }"}& p. n. of a man. f., the hare, Lev. 11:6, Deu. 14:17; (Arab, the same). (sounding, see }^), p.n., Arnon, a river which bounded the land of Israel to the east. jyiX p. n. of a man. }3")« 2 Sa. 24:15). p. n., Arau- nah, the Jebusite. ns, ksh# m. Ch.—I. the earth. —II. an epithet: low, inferior, fol- lowed by |p. Ch., low, mean. *7£f)K p. n. of a city of Syria. "IKOSnjK p.n. of a son of Shem. f., sometimes m. (with art. 15JH; ' with suff. te"]K; pi. 1. earth.—II. the world.—III. the ground; on the grownd.— IV. region, province. Pi. Hiintf I. lands, countries.—II. heathen nations. p. n. of a man. p1?L? f. Ch., the earth, Jer. 10:11. TIN (imp. *1$; with H parag. PHX ; pl.'VliX; fut.nfcj), denounce, curse. Niph. part. pi. denounced, cursed. Pi. "Htf denounce, bring onacurse; □''Ylfcjp. Hoph. fut. is made accursed. T rnap f., cursing. DTJS p. n., Ararat, a mountain in Armenia. same as Hin Ararite. Pi. (with accusative HBW) espouse a wife by entering into a contract under a fine; with 3 of the sum mulcted. Pu. pret. f. ribTlK espoused; paxt.f. nfeHiXp-' root not used; (Arab.he desiietf). ngHK f., petition; LXX. ^sqcric, Ps. *21:3.mac ( 2 ac^p^ngnac, i jrta- xerxes, king of Persia. (same» as p.n. of a m. p.n. of a man; *>— patronymic of above. sometimes m. (with suff. 'l^K, D^«).—I. fire.-—II. light- ning; lightning.—III. heat of the sun, Joel 1:19, 20.— IV. appearance of God.—V. God's fierce anger.—VI. ardour of mind. —VII. great tribulations. com. Ch., emph. state fire. ngtem.(const, ngta; pl.D^K,^K). —I. burnt-offering. — II. incense- offering. T)fX f. (Dptfg Jer. 6:29), for Dfi W# (by) fire is consumed. p. n. of a son of Benjamin; patronymic of the same. p.n. of a man. p. n. of a son of Saul. byipx p.n. of a son of Saul. root not used; (Arab. he rushed). m., bed of a river or brook; 'K D^n|n bed of the torrents, Nu. 21:15. mm foot, base of a mountain; pi. Tnn^«; const, rftlfx- (from1-[^),p.n. Ashdod ("A£w- toq), a city of the Philistines; n'Wg an Ashdodite; JVT I. a woman of Ashdod.—II. in the lan- guage of Ashdod. ntSW woman; see ESOaC- T .• r JWaC f., foundation, Jer. 50:15; from T: *m?g, footstep; see^m. i ) tm 1-1 p. n. of a man. KD^aC p.n.of a god of the Hamathites. erection; see foundation, Isa. 16:7, see TC>a$, perhaps for *6?*$ men, as Jer. 48:31. 7)Wm, ] WXfood; seeW m-> testicles, Lev. 21:20. Eshcol; from hlW- DCh. Hiph. inf. abs.; from tDt£ p. n. of a people of North Asia. a rich gift, Eze. 27:15, Ps. 72: 1*4; from 13^- m., the tamarisk, a middle-sized thorny tree; tamarix orientalis (Linn.). and DWt (fut.DB'Sjl.p.—I. was guilty, sinned (when against any one, with b; when in any thing, with 2 and ?).—II. was conscious of guilt.—III. suffered for sin, Ps. 34:22, &c. Nipli.suffered the con- sequences of sin, Joel 1:18; Hiph. bring on the consequences of guilt, Ps. 5:11. m., guilty. m.—I. guilt, i.e. the conse- quence of sin.—II. a sacrifice to expiate it. mfx f.—i. (mf. of dm), np? to trespass therein, Lev. 5:26; so that the people trespass.—II. guilt, trespass.—III. a trespass-offering, Lev. 6:5. D*J»B>aC m., "desolate places," Eng. Ver., Isa. 59:10; meaning uncer- tain. rnWK f., the three watches into which the night was divided; root "OP-.( < m., a latticed window, Jud. 5: T* 28, Pro. 7:6. njKWt p. n. of two cities in the tribe of Judah. {a prop), p. n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. m. Heb. and Ch. (pi. an enchanter. f., quiver; /K ^3 sons of the quiver, arrows, Lam. 3:13. f. pi., dung, dung heap. f. pi., the same. p. n. of one of the eunuchs of Nebuchadnezzar. measure, cup, 2 Sa. 6:10, 1 Chron. 6:3. P-n- of a city of the Philistines. went straight on, walked along. —Pi. I. guide, lead aright.—II. con- sider, pronounce good, happy; Pu. -)#)N—I. was guided.—II. was esteemed happy. p.n. of one of the sons of Jacob; I. an Asherite.—II. p.n. of a city near Sichem, Jos. 17:7. m.,happiness; only in the const. " pi. as mSH blessed is the man, Ps. 1:1; blessed art thou, Deu. 33:29. m., happiness, Gen. 30:13; with ' suff. f.—I. a step.—II. wood of the box tree, Eze. 27:6. WKf.—I. step, J ob 31:7.—Il.p.n.f., Assyria, kingdom of; m., an Assy- rian; TFhWR into Assyria; T]*n the way of Assyria.—III. a race of Ishmaelites, Gen. 25:3. p. n. of a man. m.Ch., wall,building, Eze.5:3. S ) m., the box tree, Isa.41:10, 60:13. relat. pron. of every gender and number; he who, she who, it which, fyc.—II. note of the relative when it comes before pronouns and adverbs; *il K-1H he who lives; /N which is dust; FP, v 'K to whom, sing.; /K )H?, to whom, which, pi.; ihtf 'K nrj'X, whom, which, sing.; Drftf 'X ink, whom, which, pi.; whose tongue; *13 'K in whom, which; /X in whose land; •13 ftp 'K from whom; 'K where; Dfc>p 'X whence; /K whither; VBJ? ^—IHTH /K under whose wings.—III. precedes pron. ofthel.and2.pers.; {ye) who have sold me; TpljnO? thee whom I have chosen.—IV. compounded with preps.; "IGPSTIK him whom; where; according to, as if, because, when; from thence, whence.—V. preceded by adverbs; "UlN, U2» nnn connecting them with the following words.-—VI. h note of the genitive; her father's cattle; conj. on, because, that; 'iva with fut.; since, when, ore; wg as, with )3- mW with dag. forte (sometimes same as relat. pron. and in its other significations; where; 7$ of, whose; "E^21 because; m$ almost; "fcrnjj until. For and W; see Noldii Concor- dantise, and Prof. Lee's Grammar.( 2 because, on account of; ^£>3 for my sake; on whose account? ^3, whatever. ^81^8 (from'^^' and 5?«), p. n. of a man. n'TEJ^ (probably m. of p. n. of a deity of the Syrians; pi. Dng>S and nhg>8 images of this idol. buildings; see root not used. Hith. HS^KJjn be men; see m. pi., const, founda- tions ; see in its place. DfcWK f., cake, pancake; pi. D*~ Tand:ni^^- m. pi. Ch., foundations. T\W$ woman; see KOtf. Ch. pret. pi. with K prosthet., ' 'from nn^- p. n. of a town of the Danites. WfiVK Hith. of'YIt£ p.n. of a man. nbriK>K and p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. m sign; see rrn. i. nx m., ploughshare; pi. and CHK 1 Sa. 13:21; with suff. Daw ii. nx, ~nx note of:—I. the accus. —II. the nom. with verbs pas- sive and neuter; thy name shall be called; with suff. me; S|]j"K, (with pause ; with H parag. rojYK, ronlK) m., •sjnfc f., thee; inW him; her;T tin# us; nim, DDni^yow; Dpfc/oow, ? ) tim Dnni« them, m.; with ii parag. n^ptf, jnfi'K them, f. III. fiX,""T)Xprep . with, by fin, besides, towards; /£ 'O STfl X before some one; with suff. with me; (with pause tj-riK) m„ TJJJX, IjflX f., with thee; with him; with her; -UAH with us; DpfiK, with you; DfiK with them (some- times *nfc, r\m, &c.); naft denotes separation, from; TVim from me; TjriXD, IjniSD from thee, fyc. p. n. of a king of Sidon. PlPlX (sometimes m.; with pause r)jj> sometimes 'TlK f.), pers. pron. thou; DfiX m., JAN, HJPIK f., ye. nr\X (KriK Isa. 21:12), came; pret. pi. -ttKfcJ; imper. pi. VHX; fut. nn$, nn^ri, ^n;i,T "mtl; pi. •VhtfJ. Hiph. imper. pi. -Vrin bring ye. T\m Ch., came. Aph.WH brought. Hoph. was brought. fWK m., entrance, Eze. 40:15. Hith. fut. 1. pers., from STl1'* priN com. Ch., furnace, Dan. 3: 6, 11, 15. m., gallery, Eze. 41: 3,15. *08 p. n. of a man. •VHtf Syr, for Vn.8 which is for -1]")$ imp. pi., from hriK* •1sn^ for toKHK pret. pi. 1. pers., from TTsnx.nnT^ DFI8, jrix you; see nm- DH8 p. n. of a place in the desert.»ns (i Si»n& Sioijis yesterday; same as m root not used (Arab, stepping shortly, she-ass). she-ass. njpK, }})JK gift; see \T\^ V3HK {gift), p. n. of a man. Kal fut. 1. pers. with sufF. and 3 epenth., from p]"U' "DM? m. Ch., place; ^ "IfiX in that place, where; after; after thee. m., places; orp.n. according to others Nu. 21:1, a 3 prep.—I. of place: in, among, with, near, before; never motion either to or in a place.—II. of time: in, within.—III. used of the means or instrument: by, with.—IV. of the cause: for, because.—V. of the rule: according to.—VI. by (in an oath).—VII. often prefixed to the inf. of verbs, translated by in or when; with sufF. ^3; t|3di. (with the pause "*|3); 1J31; % rl3; -US; 033; DnaandD3,}n3. niS3imp.withHparag.; D*X3,^3 part, pi.; n3K3 inf.with sufF.; DK3 and HK3 pret. f. 2. pers., fromKi3' HX3 entrance; see &03» t^1K3 wicked; see t?K3« 1N3 , Pi. *1X3—I. dig, cut upon or into, define well; with ^—II. make clear, publish, Deu. 1:5. *)K3 f. (pi. const. rin^3).—I. well, cistern.—II. p. n. of one of the stations in the desert.—III. p.n. of ) mi a town in the tribe of Judah. 1X3 D^Sjl (the well of heroes), p. n. of a well. >ijh in1? "IK? (the well of the living God that seeth me), p. n. of a well in the desert. *1N3 (well of the oath), p. n. of a city in the tribe of Simeon. riilX3 p. n. of a city in the tribe of Benjamin ; ^]T")K3 W3, epithet of an inha- bitant'of Beeroth. JjJJP \33 nh«3 (wells ofthesonsoflaachan), p. n. of a station in the desert. *1N3 often, *Y)3 m.—I. well of water; well of bitumen, Gen. 14:10.-11. pit or dungeon in which prisoners were kept; *Vl3n prison house. —III. grave, sepulchre; 1*13 they that go down into the pit, i. e. the dead; *Y)3 even to the grave; with H den, place, JTl'3, pi. rfn>N3, nra. K*]K3 p. n. of a man. rn$3 p. n. of a man. ■HNS p. n.—I. of the father of Hosea. —II. of the father-in-law of Esau. £5^3 (fut.) emittedanillsavour, stank. Niph. became fetid, in ill odour, i.e. hateful; (with 3, JIN). Hiph. £^i*3n rendered, made bad, i. e. odious; (with 3); int. stank, Ex. 16:24; did wickedly, became bad; (with DJJ), 1 Chron. 19:6. L?K3 Ch., was evil; (with Dan. 6:15. £^K3 m.—I. stench; with sufF. 1^X3 D£>&3.—II. evil, affliction. f., poisonous herb, probably hemlock, Job 31:40. D^5S3 m. pi., wild, sour grapes, Is. 5:2,4.\&2 ( 31 ) p12 t?-1X2 m. Ch., bad, wicked; f. emph. xn^-iK3. iriWfl^er; see i"l33 pupil of the eye; see 2«12. *33 p.n. of a man. p.n.f.—I. Babylon; with H, sig- nifying place, H^23.—II. the king- dom of Babylon. ^2 p Ch. Babylonish; pi. const. N^33. m., Eze. 23:7, a wrong read- ing; Krif2^ "for a spoil/' Eng. Ver. 135(fut.,,l]0':)n!?»; inf. "1133; const. ^11^2; with suff. *1133), dissem- bledt acted perfidiously, cheated, with 3 and ]D; part. 133 a per- *fidious person. 133 m.(f.Lev. 6:20; with suff. >133, VVl33; pi. DnW; const. ^£11133, Ps. 45:9).—I. wrapper, coverlet.—II. cloak, garment.—III. dissimulation, perfidy.—IV. rapine, violence. HI 133 f. pi., gratf perfidy, Zep. 3:4. 1133 m., H1133 f., perfidious, Jer. 3: 7,10. *133 p. n. of a man. because; see ^H33 p.n. of a eunuch ofAhasuerus. |H33 p.n. of a eunuch ofAhasuerus. m., fine linen; D>13 linen gar- ments; see also 13 under 112. *na originated, innovated; part, with 'suff. DSn'3 Syr. for DK13. TI3, part. 11*13 separate, solitary person. m., being alone, separate, apart; pi. D^IS.—I. shoots, branches.—II. staves of wood.—III. limbs, mem- bers of the body.—IV. defences, i. e. princes, Hos. 11:6, &c.-—V. lies, Is. 16:6, &c. adv., alone, separate, only; *33tf I alone; t|12^ thou alone; ^J13*? to thee alone; he alone; |D and besides; 1^« *12;?D beside that which; 13*? the same. 113 m., separate, alone, solitary; 112^ and 113 adv. apart, separate. 113 p. n. of the father of Hadad king of Edom. same as 3 ; see *1. HJ13 p. n. of a man. Niph. was separated; with b it signifies, unto something; with from something; with he se- parated himself unto one thing alone. Hiph. i. made, caused division, const, with JO and b]yQ—II. distinguished, divided, with j^-i...^, b...n- —III. designed, with h- !?13 m., )t*K ^13 portion of the ear, Amos 3:12. ^13 m., tin; J3K the weight at the plumb-line, the plummet. ni Vwo f. pi., separations, separate places, Jos. 16:9. m. bdellium, a translucent and odoriferous gum; according to Lee, a precious stone, either the crystal or the beryl, Gen. 2:12,Num. 11:7. ]13 p. n. —I. of a judge, perhaps the same as pi?. 1 Sam. 12:11.—II. of another man, 1 Chron. 7:17. p*T3 (Arab. tear, rend); inf. p*113p-n (a repairing injury, decay, 2 Chron. 34:10. injury, decay in a building; with suff. 1513- p. n. of a man. -n? Ch. same as Heb. "1T3; Pa. imper. sprinkle. nna (Arab. void). •inn m., emptiness, destitution. tons m., marble, Est. 1:6. Niph. —I .was terrified, as- tonished.—II. cast down. ruined, with b at, D from. Pi. 7(12.—-I. cawse £o hurry, hasten.—II. astonish, confound, ruin; fut. ^>rn». Pu. part. i?nbp hurried, gotten too speedily. Hiph. same as Pihel. Ch., Pa. affrighted. Ithp. part. alarmed. i.,fear, terror, ruin; pi. rii^HS. f. Ch., hurry, haste, Ezr.4:23. r6nimn f. ch., haste. t T : : • ' root not used; (Arab, was dumb). nDns f. (const. ; with suff. Tsppna). —i. cattle. — II. wild beast'-, 'rnbn, fian, ^ ronii, wild beasts; pi. niDH3; const. niDna, Job 40:15, name of some stupendous quadruped. pa m.—I. the thumb.—II. the great ' toe; pi. nunf jn2 {thumb), p.n. of a son of Reuben; jriS p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. root not used; (Arab, was shining). 2 ) kt:I pH3 m., LXX.aXpdg, a white scurf, cicatrix on the skin, Lev. 13:39. root not used; Ch. he shone. "VH3 m., breaking through the clouds (of light), Job 37:21. rnnil f., the white spot covered with hair which was the sure symptom of leprosy; pi. I"Vnn2, Lev. c. 13 jnrQ for iinna Niph/inf. with the pref. 21 from 5"in« for Hoph. inf. with suff. and pref. from xi3 (fut. xn\ xbsi j part, pi.cxa, entered, came or went in, to, for, &c„ with b$, b; KVJ fcO-1 same as he went■ in and out, i.e. he lived familiarly; with D£n to go before, lead the people; Kia he entered into covenant; with % &OS had connection with a woman; i"IKa the sun was setting; const, also with ?, b, hy_, Hi; Kia advanced in years; with DK, DJJ went with, had in- tercourse with, Ps. 26:4, Pro. 22: 24. Hiph. Win (with suff. 1^3H; imper. fcOnn, Knn/3H; fut. caused, made, induced to enter, come in; with hv, h, Hoph. K3-1 PI brought in. f., entrance. T • 7 Klip m., entrance, porch; Kiap UtftWn place of sunset. PI. D1 UP, const. *KUD and DIKM. &OiD m., entrance, 2 Sa. 3:25, Ez. T43:ll. hk-ub f.—I, income.—II. store.—III. profit.—IN. produce; pi. fijKUfl'W3 ( 33 ) pn nKtan f., Job 22:21; ^$1$ from X12, fut. Kal with H parag. as Niph. part. 2-11 J.—I. proud, in- solent, Job 11:12.—II. hollow. i"Q2 f., apple of the eye, pupil; pupil, Zee. 2:12. T*l!3 (fut. T-1111), despised, neglected; with f comp.TO ID- f-12 m.—I. contempt.—II. p. n. of a brother of Abraham, and of the nation he founded in Arabia De- serta; V-l 1 aBuzite.—III. p.n. of a man, 1 Chron. 5:14. ' nT-13 f., contempt, contemptible thing. p. n. of a man. Niph. lfQ3 confused, perplexed, Ex. 14:3, Est. 3:15. H 3*1 Hp f.5 confusion, perplexity, Isa. T22:5;Mic. 7:4. Kal, part, from P131. Ma increase, same as Ma'.; see^a*. J13 and P?.—I. distinguished, dis- cerned.—II. perceived, understood, with bvj part. a>:a prudent persons; pret. |2, and fut. fOJ. * Niph. ji 13 became discerning; part. wise: 0 wise in word, elo- T T quent. Pil. )312 made him dis- cerning, Deu. 32:10. Hiph. J*?n. — I. taught, explained, with 7, 3, —II. understood, was wise; part. ^IP skilful, learned; imper. jnn and pnn; with suff. ^jynn; fut! flj, jajlT Hith. IJiapri same as Niph.; with 2, h]), 1?3 const. P3 ?• interval, midst; dual DJ23 man °f iw° inter- vals, i.e. between the two. armies, 1 Sam. 17:4.—II. prep, between, among, within; pa-i-p, b-pa, rs^-rs between...and (iwhether... or,Lev.27:12);withsuff.^3,^3; with pause ^3 ; with suff. pi. and w.33, Dyya, Qn'j'ia; fem. on'irrrs-^ •ivfl'wa among; hh§r>$ the same; }*3p from between; fillip b the same; up among; m in the midst. )v2 Ch., among; pi. with suff. piTO^. f., intelligence, discernment, pry,- dence; Ch. the same. pan m., ni-IUjl f., understanding, pru- dence ; pi. rvo-nri. H3-121 (intelligence), p.n. of a man. from H33, p. n. of a man. D13 (fut. Diaj and D-12J; part. pi. D^pi2) trampled, trod upon, despised. Pil. Dpia trod down (profaned holy place). Hoph. part. D3-1D trodden down. Hith. part. f. fippi3flp be- come trodden down, Eze. 16:6, 22. HD-Ilp f., treading upon. nb-inn f., destruction, 2 Chron. 22:7. SPfl root not used; Ch. was boiling. f» pl*» sP°ts 071 the skin. p3 root not used; (Arab, fine linen). ^•13, ^2 m., fivergoq, linen, fine linen. )»3 m.j or nya f., pi. D^3 eggs. Y)ti2 {shining), p. n. of a rock near Gi- beah. root not used; (Arab, heavy rain; see pp3). nwa f., emptiness, devastation, Neh. 2:11. Hp-lip f., emptiness; the same. "113 well, same as "1X3; see 1K2' 4to (£ •mi (same as 113), explored. EH2 (pret. tJ>i3, W3, WiS, -lif3; fut. 85^3.1, t£^3K) ashamed, put to shame, blushed, with )D and b; until they were ashamed. Pil. W>'l3 put to a stand, delayed, Jud. 5:28, Ex. 32:30. Hiph. Bfcin and ^2*1 H (from cognate £>3*) brought to shame, confusion; part, E5^3p bringing, causing shame, wicked. Hith. tW3Hn become ashamed, Gen. 2:25. n^-13 f., shame, ignominy. f., the same, Hos. 10:6. T I T ' ]"1|S>3 f.—I. shame, blushing.—II. ig- nominy.—III. an idol. fc*)3D m., pi. D^3p secret parts, Deu. 25:11. a?D2^3 Po. inf. with suff. from DB>3- rvia Ch.; fi3 passed the night, Dan. 6:19. IV3 m. (const. JV3; with suff. ^1V3, ^1V3; pi. D»M, const. 'fl-jtt/Aa- bitation.—I. temple of God or idols. ~^-II. palace.—III. house, tent, cave; (JV3 ?V_ mayor of the palace; |3, or JV3 household- slave).— IV. sepulchre. —V. re- ceptacle of anything; *£13 perfume boxes, Isa. 3:20.—VI. family, race. With PI parag. HIV3, const, nJV3, adv. inwards; JV3D, nn»3D "within; b n'3, ? njsb, K'ab, V rvacf within. 1V3 m. Ch., house, palace, temple. ]n*2t m., great house, palace, Est. 1: T 5; 7:7,8. The p. n. of many towns are com- pounds of IT3; ))K rP3 in the ) 71*3 tribe of Benjamin; be- tween Jerusalem and Sichem; n'3 a Bethelite; bm /a in Samaria; /3 Arbela in Galilee; jil?P ^3 /3, ^3 and )fyp JV3 in the tribe of Reu- ben; fn3 /3 {ferry-house) Brj9a- (3apa, near Jordan; ^"13 '3 in the tribe of Simeon; TT3 >3 in the tribe of Judah; same as ^3^5, see £j; % '3 (see ^>D|) in the land of Moab; '3, see QTfcn; fin a {temple of Dagon), in the tribe of Judah, also in the tribe of Asher; Din '3 and pn in the tribe of TT | 'TT Gad; iTOn {place of partridges), town of the Benjamites in the tribe of Judah; J3n '3 {house of mercy), in the tribe of Judah or Dan; )Ph '2 two towns in the tribe of Ephraim; '3 town of the Reubenites on the shore of the Red Sea; 13 '3 a strong place of the Philistines in the tribe of Judah; £D"}3H '3 {house of vineyards), in the tribe of Judah; niXD1? '3 (place of lionesses), in the tribe of Simeon; do!? '3 {house of bread) Br]9\eefi, in the tribe of Judah, see nrTONt; another town in the tribe of Ze- bulun; '3 a Bethlehemite; '3, see rnaj}; tf&p '3," see 'XI^P; rDJffi" '3 a town at the foot of Hermon; pD"jl3n '3 (from pITl), on the banks of Kedron; JYDSIpn '3 {house of chariots), in the tribe of Simeon; n^pj '3 {place of pure water),rva ( a in the tribe of Gad; }T® '3 [plea- sant place), a town near Damascus; nrorsi '3, see njotg; p»yn >2 (ihouse of the valley), in the tribe of Asher; Ffity '3 {place of echo), in the tribe of Judah; rOJJ. y3 (the same), in the tribe of Naphtali; DT)H "IRJ? '3 {place where shepherds bind their sheep), near Samaria; nyj®? '2 {place in the desert), on the confines of Judah and Benjamin; '3 {place of flight), in the tribe of Judah; ityZ '3 (see 7)^), in the land of Moab, not far from Jor- dan; '2 {place of dispersion), in the tribe of Issachar; '3 {house of the rock), in the moun- tains of Judah; 3'fT"] '3 (see 3*11"], D1K), a city of Syria; ft, ft 'i, W '3 (house of sleep), in the tribe of Manasseh, beyond Jor- dan; nta^n '3 (see nB£>), a town on Jordan; '3 {house of the sun), name of several towns: a. of the Levites in the tribe of Judah; inhabitant of...,; /3. in the tribe of Naphtali; y. in the tribe of Issachar or Zebulon; d. same as )itf in Egypt; '3, see nip^h; man'3 {place of apple trees), in the tribe of Judah. T3 from U3 for t3, Zee.4:10; see T-13- T3, JTT3 spoiled; see TT3- KT3, Isa. 18:2, have spoiled. same as na despised, spurned; const, with ^52- Niph.part.np3 despised; pi. £□'733. Hiph. inf. nnnn make despised, Est. 1:17. 5} "inn HT3 inf., despised, Isa. 49:7. )'V-J3 m., great contempt, Est. 1:18. njnVt? {despised of the Lord), p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. n?3D3 contemptible, 1 Sa. 15:9. TT3 took the spoil or prey; part. pi. D*JT3 spoilers; pret. pi. •ITTjS, -UTT2, and -OT3; inf. ?3; fut. Niph.T3J,and Pu.T-f3 were spoiled, Jer. 50:37, t3 m. (with sufF. n-T3), spoil; Hjn was for a spoil; gave for a spoil. n*T3 f., booty. PI? m., lightning, Eze. 1:14. pt3 p.n. of a town to the southward of Bethshan, Bessie. HI (fut. dispersed, Dan. 11:24; Pi. *V?3 the same, Ps. 68 :31. NfiT3 p.n. of a eunuch of Ahasuerus. was greedy, niggard; with 3, Zee. 11:8. Pu. part. f. Wpnhb coveted, gotten by covetousness. Pro. 20:21. JHS (imper. JPI3; with suff. *33(13, *>12(121; fut. joyj.—I. tried, tested (metals with fire).—II. tried (men with affliction).—III. tried (God.... the heart). Niph. be tried. )n*3 m., examination, trial, Isa.28:16, Eze. 21:18. JD3 m., watch-tower, Isa. 32:14. ]in3 m., mound, watch-tower, Isa. 23:14. jinj m., trial, experiment. ina (fat. nna*), chose; with 3, b, % & Ini he chose for himself; with preferred; part. I1) 113. *ra ( s chosen, excellent. Niph. chosen ; part. iniJJ elect, excellent; with IP better. THS m>, elect; (skXektoq tov Qsov the elect of God). m., a youth-, pi. D*"Vin5 youths, liable to be chosen (balloted) for military service. D'H-IPD m. pi., youth. n'n-iriB f. pi., the same. D'HhS p. n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin; ^p-HnSl and ^prnS an inhabitant of Bachurim. in 3D, in Zip m.—I. the choice, the best.—II. p. n. of a man. "lirap m., the same, 2 Ki. 3:19; 19:23. and ri£03 speaks wrongfully, falsely, Pro. 12:18; part. np'U. Pi. spake falsely. tflpnp m., rashness in speaking; TD;nab 'ft, Nu. 30:7,9. nb3 (inf. nto3; with suff. ; imper. np2; fut. Jltpl^; p'l. f. •inpnfi), trusted in, to, on; with , Job 6: 20 ; impers. was for a confidence ; part. TOLDS trusted, was confident, incautious; part.TOttsecwre, confiding. Hiph. PPpiin made to confide, trust; with % and % np3 m.. confidence, security; nt?2t and jipi? adv. confidently, securely, safely. nt?2l p.n. of a town of Aram Zobah, 2 Sam. 8:8. nnp3 f., confidence, Isa. 30:15. nt22 m., the same, Isa. 36:4, Ecc. 9:4. 'nroB3 U the same; pi. rtrm, Job 12:6. ) rm npnp m. (with suff. >npnp, nnpniD, bn^np; Pi. n*TObpy/nJ/f-(ii- fidence; metonym. he in whom trust is reposed. twpnK see nn&. cease, fail, Ecc. 12:3. Ch., ceased, Ezr. 4:24. Pa. caused to cease, hindered. }tp3 f. (with suff. —I. belly.— II. womb; [P5 fruit of the womb, offspring; )D3H"|p, Jt?3p, *PX *K yaorpdc, the same.— III. r) KoiXict the inner man, seyt of thought, feelings.—IV. the projec- ting part of the chapiter of a co- lumn, 1 Ki. 7:20.—V. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Asher. D*0p2 m. pi., nuts, Gen. 43:11. Pis- tachia vera (Lin.), a tree abound- ing in Palestine, but unknown in Egypt. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Gad. ^ pa. of supplication, (always with or "Oh 5$), Lord, I pray thee; ah, Lord! understand; see eg-g-s; see Pl«» with suff., pref., and dag. euphon. see well; same as f-~I.palace.—II. the temple. ■TV? f. Ch., the same. TTPin^jl f. pi., palaces; sing, nevei occurs. T\% house, 8fc.; see n-13. np3(fut. inf. 133 and HD2). —I. wept. — II. mourned;i03 ( 37 ) ■with b, by_, JIN. Pi. de- plored, with l?J>- fcO|l m.—I. the Baka shrub, Amyris Gileadensis (Linn.) ; pi. —II. KJSn p»JJ (:valley of weep- ing), p.n. of a valley in Palestine, Ps. 84:7- np3 m-» weeping, Eze. 10:1. inf. abs. from HSU' T TVD2 and JV32 f., weeping, Gen. 50:4. *02 m. (with pause ^32; with sufF. ".??)•—i- weeping.—II. dropping of water in wells, Job, 28:11. p. n. of a town near Gilgal. Kal,root not used; (Arab, early). Pi. —I. brought forth early fruits.—II. was the first-born, Deu. 21:16. Pu. passive of Pi., Lev. 27:26. Hiph. brought forth her first-born, Jer. 4:13. "YDS m., first-born; n'ra^l pi., the first-born of brutes, Gen. 4:4, Deu. 12:17. Trop. "YDS the worm, Job 18:13; WDIl the first- born of the poor, the poorest. f., primogeniture. I"np2l p.n. of a man, 1 Sa. 9:1. rn'Oil f., eldest, first-born daughter. •1133 (same as N-in *15^) > P'n- °f a man. "HD? (my first-born), p. n. of a man. m., a young camel, Isa. 60:6; f. rnS? a young she-camel, Jer. 2:23.' *155 P*n*—of a son of Eph- raim.—II. of a son of Benjamin, -flaa m., pi. Dn-m and ansa first-fruits; DH-lsin Dl* feast 'of first-fruits, Pentecost, Nu. 28:26. rmS f., the early fig; n'nSS fYYDS p. n. of a man. "??; see rta- Bel, same as ^3; destroy; see ^ (whose lord is Baal), p.n. of a . king of Babylon; see ^T")D* Kal, root not used (Arab, opened, shone).—Hiph. with ^ I. made to rise, Am. 5:9.—II. made glad, Ps. 39:14. H|?2l {joy), p. n. of a priest, rvj^at? f., exhilaration, Jer. 8:18. p. n. of one of Job's friends. r-na (fut. rfa>).—t. grew old.—II. perished; with /VJ2 worn off, spoken of clothes. Pi. nfp3 made cold. Ch. form. Pa. destroy, make to disappear, Dan. 7:25; see Pi. m., nb t, old, effetet worn out, Jos. 9:4,5, Eze. 23:43. p.n. of a city. and Dji/3 m. pi., old, worn, Jer. 38:11,12.' m. Ch., custom, tax. r-fen f., destruction, Isa. 10:26. , m. Ch., the heart, mind, Dan. 6:15. (wanting); adv., not, nothing. ^3 I. loss, destruction, Isa. 38:17.— II. wanting, without (written and v2); /2 without know- ledge; without; from want of.—III. adv., same as not; is it not because there is not? nV ex- cepting that not, Ecc. 3:11; *1# ^3 until the ceasing of, Mai. 3: 10; ^2 ^becausenot, Gen; 3.1:20.^3 ( 38 ) nna TO*^2 (compounded of ^2 and i"lD), nothing, Job 26:7. (compounded of ^2 and —I. uselessness.— II. wickedness, sin; /2 a wicked man.—III. injury, destruction; /2 *!?D3 des- tructive torrents, i.e. overwhelming oppressions, Ps. 18:5. and ^^2, (compounded of ^2 and —I. besides, without.—II. not concerning, nothing to; nothing to me; ^20 the same. consumption; used only with the parag. jod, vfe?.—I. without. —II. besides, except.—III. adv., not; with suff. besides me, besides thee; not, that it may not, with a verb; vfcip with inf., because it is not; until it is not. Pi. r&2 same as ^H2, harass- ing, Ezr.4:4. nnk f. .—I. terror.—II. calamity. nn?2 p. n.—I. of the handmaid of Rachel.—II. of a town in the tribe of Simeon. }il?2 p. n. of a man. i?|, see rta- p2 p. n., Chaldee name of Daniel. ^3, nb^, ^2 ; see n^?2. % (fut. V2J).—I. suffused, Ps.92:3. —II. confounded, const, with 2- Hith. become confounded, Hos. 7: 8, with 2—III. from gave fodder, Jud. 19:21. — IV. fade, wither, Isa. 64:5. ^2 m., fodder for cattle, lit. mixture. m., unnatural intercourse, Lev. ' i8:23,20:12. ; m., a disease in the eye, Lev. 2i:20; U^2 'fl confused (i. e. in- distinct for vision) in his eye. D/3 bound, bridled, Ps. 32:8. pluck figs, Am. 7:14. J?I. swallowed. — II. destroyed; " »j5n *3^3-12 until I have swal- lowed my spittle; i. e. in a moment, Job 7:19. Niph. be swallowed up, lost; with }»n )D immersed in wine, Isa. 28:7. Pi. as Kal; 0^3? as in a moment). Pu. was swallowed up. Hith. as Niph., Ps. 107:27. JT?2 m.—I. swallowing up.—II. des- truction; with sufF. "iy^2—Ill.p.n. of a town on the Dead Sea.—IV. of a man ; ^^2 m., inhabitant of Bela. H.^3, Hj£>3 besides; see n^2. tD^2 (stranger).—I. p.n. of the pro- phet Balaam.—II. same as p73 make waste, Isa. 24:1. Pu. part, f. npjDD desolate, Nah. 2:11. p.n. of a king of Moab. >VKK?3 and >¥^3 p.n. of the last king of the Chaldees (Nabonne- dus or Labynetus). ]t£v2 p.n. of a man. not; see rib under nib3 f.(pi. nioa, const, 'nina [*npa Kri] with suff. *0103)'— I. high place for idolatrous worship; px 'fli»3 33"; he rode upon the high places of the earth, i.e. he conquered. — II. places for true worship.—III. fortresses,places of strength; '2 h)l "j]T} he rode upon the high places, i. e. heV33 ( 3 subdued.—IV. waves of the sea, Job 9:8.—-V. clouds, Isa. 14:14. rtoari -$3 same as fiiD3 idol temples; rtoan r?n'3 idolatrous priests. nioa and !?5>3 niD3 p.m. of a town in Moab on the Arnon. (son of circumcision), p.n.of a m. 1D3 same as 3; see ID, HD- *nD3 pi. const, from HD3. .. t; T * T T PI33 (inf. nba; const, rto; fut. nj3\ built, really.—II. built, metaphorically, i. e. raised, in- creased in family; const, with f>, 3, W-, inn-m '21 he built upon the hill, 1 Ki. 16:24; '3 he raised up a house to. —Niph. I .was built.—II. was raised up, as a house, family. HJ3, Ch., built. Ithip. was built. )3 m. (const. |3, sometimes |3 ; with " suff. *}?, bf, S[33; pi. M3, "03). —I. son; D*J3 *j)3 grandsons, pos- terity; ^2 Ammonites; ^>SOfan Israelite; inhabitants of Zion; *23 sons, i.e. disciples of the prophets.— II. used metaphorically; r6l5TJ3 son of perverseness, i.e. perverse person; n)P"|3 son of death, i.e. a person guilty of a capital crime; son of the bow, i.e. arrow, Job 41:20.—III. used with nu- merals; one eighty years old, octogenarian; i"W"t3 yearling.—IV. the young of brutes; n?'H| young dove.—V. young shoots of trees; rnS'|3 twig of a fruit tree. ) ) rn |5 p- n. of a Levite, 1 Chron. 15:18. |3 m. Ch., son; pi. | *0iK"|3 (son of my sorrow), p.n. given to Benjamin by his mother. *niT"|3p.n. of the kings of Damascus. "*•1321 p. n. of a man. ^ir|3 (strong), p. n. of a man. ]jn"[3 (son of mercy), p.n. of a man. *33 (built up), p.n. of a man. *33 (built up), p. n. of two men. p!3 *33 p. n. of a town in the tribe of Dan. tiJKl ^3 p.n. of a place. TO3 f., building, Eze.41:13. H*33 (built up of God), p.n. of a man. •1TO3 the same. )*P*33 (son of my right hand), p. n., Benjamin, the son of Jacob ; *3*P*-J3, wwrwx and *3*D* a Benjamite; pi. *3*D* *33; land of the Benjamites. r»rt? I. same as PP;?3-II. p.n. of a man, 1 Sa. 9:1. I!?? m„ building, Eze.40:5. •13*33 (our son), p. n. of a man. •133 for -13N3 Kal pret. pi. 1. pers., from T K13. for Kal inf. with suff., from H33- ri3f. (with suff. *£)3; pi. rfl33; const. J—1133).—I.daughter.—II. niece.— III. the female inhabitants of any place; rfl33 the daughters of Zion, Isa. 3:17; Sgi?* flfo? daughters of Israel.—IV. used for the inhabitants of any place col- lectively; 113 the Tyrians, Ps. 45:12; ^5 the Egyptians. —V. TJ/rf fi'133 smaller citiesrn dependent upon larger ones.—VI. used with numerals in the age of women: T\W r® a woman of ninety (see |3 III.).—VII. used metaph.: "Win TV03 daughters of song, i.e. singers; fl3pupil of the eye (see )3 H.).—VIII. applied to the produce of animals, trees, or places; n^Pl T\S female ostrich, 8fc. nn f. Ch., the same; pi. D^Tna (daughter of multitudes), p. n. of the gate of Heshbon. {daughter of an oath), p.n. of the wife of Uriah. the same. rOip m., building, Eze. 40:2. f.—I. model, TrpiororvTTov.—II. form, resemblance.—III. building. ^3^> Pers. bando; Sansc. bandha ; Eng. band. tD!)2K m., a girdle (a foreign word). D33 Ch., was angry, Dan. 2:12. KJW3, HJM3 p.n. of a man. nHIDB {in the council of the Lord), p. rx. of a man. p. n. of a man. "1D3 rootnot used; (Arab, unripe date). "IDS m., unripe, sour grape, Job 15:33. *ID3 m., the same. KV3; seenjD. root not used; (Arab, after). prep., after, behind, as to time or place; with suff.HyS and nya, wyiTnd wiS, 13J3D behind, Cant. 4: i, &c. . pressed forward, ran over, Isa. 64:1.—II. requested, importuned; fut. pi. 1 Vjnri; imp. pi. -VJJ?. Niph. —I. become obtruded, swelled out, Isa. 30:13.—II. being sought,Obad. v. 6. HJJ3 and KJJ3 Ch., requested, prayed, "with )P arid }». •1^2 f. Ch., petition, Dan. 6:8, 14. m., prayer, Job 30:24. habitation; same as fljjp* p.n. of the father of Balaam. TJJ3 p. n.—I. the husband of Ruth.— II. name of one of the pillars in Solomon's temple. . trample upon, kick at: hence, —II. despise, reject. ^73 building; see ny3- •V^3 Kal imper. pi. with pause, from run. TO3 beast; see "flD- /3J3 I. possess, govern.—II. marry a wife; part. pi. majest. ^^3 thy husband; and married. — III. (with 3) despised, Jer.3:14;31:32. Niph .be married. fem. (suff. hyz, n^3, Dn^2). —I. lord.—II. husband.—III. owner, possessor, that wherein any one excels; ni»$nn '3 dreamer; ^J?3 the Shechemites, 8fc.; pi. D^J/S (const.'^5)3; with suff. I^JQ, often used of one only.— IV. 5|?3n p. n., Baal, name of a Phenician god; D*6p3n statues of Baal.—V. p. n. of a man.—VI. compounded in the names of many towns: ^JJ3 a town on the borders of Palestine, to the north; flDH '3 at the foot of Lebanon; '3 in the tribe of Ephraim; ( 40 )bsa 73 one of the peaks of Mount Hermon; a town near it; pyD '2. and fiyp in the tribe of Reuben; D^IS) '3 (place of slaughter) where the Philistines were routed by David; pSV in Egypt; '2 in Mount Ephraim; '2 (place of palms) not far from Gibeah; fTTin* ^JJ2 Jews. to? m. Ch., lord. r6jj@ f-—!• use<* collec- tively (like H2) a city.—III. p. n. of a city in the north of Judah; otherwise and nnp D'Hy\—IV.another city in Judah; otherwise and nn^>2- | p. n. of a city in the tribe of Dan. fl1^2 p.n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. (whom Baal knows), same as (in whom the Lord rules),p.n. of a man. (the Lord of grace), p. n. of a king of Edom. D^a p.n. of a king of the Ammon- ites. XJJS (son of misery), p. n. of a man. n3JJ2 (the same), p.n. of a man. injure, consume.—I. by fire.— II. with anger.—III. burn.—IV. that which injures, is brutish (from "PJJ2); part. D'Hj/lil cattle, beasts. Niph. become brutish. Pi. ^2.— —I. injured, destroyed.—II. con- sumed with fire; with 2, )D and nn«. Pu. part. f. burnt. Hiph. same as Pi. (41 ) 1^3 m.-—I. beast, cattle generally.*— II. beast of burden. *1^2 m., stupid, brutish. rnyn f., burning, Ex. 22; 5. N^2 p. n. of a man. rnjnjF) p.n. of a place in the desert. (work of God), p.n. of a man. Kt^J/2 p. n. of a king of Israel, son of Ahijah. an idol; see rnw&. , Niph. was terrified. Pi. na?.—I- alarmed.— II. excited, came suddenly upon; fut. ; part. f. with suff. f., terror, Jer. 8:15; 14:19. DWi?? m. pi., terrors, Ps. 88:17. p, n-vi mud; see f¥2- )mxi for vn'm pi. with suff. from rm or pvn. ^2 (same as ''pa), p. n. of a man. *V¥2 vintage; see *l¥2. m., onion, Nu. 11:5. n-i^a, n^>?3 p.n. of a man. cut off parts, pieces.—II. ac- quire gain. Pi. JJ*¥2 I. cutting off (as the weaver his web from the loom): hence,—II. finish, complete. —III. acquired filthy lucre, Eze. 22:12. }J¥2 m. (with suff. DJJV?)*—I. gain. —II. filthy lucre; what gain? m root not used; ( slowly). }*2 m., mud, mire, Jer. 38:22. 1T¥2 f.,the same; pi.with Tfor rni*2. m swelled (of the foot), Deu. 8:11, Neh. 9:21.p*3 ( 4 P5?3m., dough ( from its swelling in fermenting). p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. *1X3 I. cut, cropped off: hence,—II. pruned the vine.—III. gathered the vintage, Ps. 76:13; part. vintage-gatherer; trop. remorseless enemy; part. "V)¥11 inaccessible, lit. cut off from access; hid- den, incomprehensible, Jer. 33:3. Niph. cut off, prohibited, with )D. Pi. fortified (of cities). m»» vintage; adj., same as 'WS fortified, Zee. 11:2. m., gold; perhaps wealth, Job T 36:19. *)¥£ m.—I. the same, Job 22:24,25. —II. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Reuben.—III. p. n. of a man. f0^ for cattle, Mic. 2: 12.—II. p. n. of a city of Edom, Boorpa.—III. of a city of Moab. fnSfS m., fortified place, Zee. 9:12. nnbh f., and pi. n'ma withholding of rain, drought, Jer. 14:1; 17:8. m.—I. fortification; /D TJJ fortified town; pi. and —II. p. n. of & chief of the Edomites. pttpa, &c.; see pp2. with 3—I. cut, cleft, divided.— II. laid open, i. e. subdued, took (of fortified places).—III. let go (as young birds from eggs, or water from a dam).—Niph. I. be- came cleft, destroyed.—II. laid open, subdued.—III. let go (as young birds or water). Pi. same 2 ) npa as Kal. Pu. pass, of Pi. Hiph. I. ' cause to be subdued.—II. sent forth, with Hoph. was broken up, Jer. 39:2. Hith. as Niph. I., Jos. 9:13, Mic. 1:4. m., fissure, Isa. 22:9, Am. 6:11. y|23 m. {cutting), half a shekel, Gen. 24:22, Ex. 38:26. n$>a f., valley, plain; pi. JPTlVi^3; valley of Lebanon, between Anti-Libanus and Her- mon, tcoiXrj Svpia, Coele-Syria, Jos. 11:37, 12:7; ])$ nj>p?, see J1K. Dp3 i. threw, cast off, out (as fruitj from a tree); with nVJTntf I will cast off (deprive of) counsel, Jer. 19:7.—II. make empty, void, Isa. 24:1. Niph. pij (inf. ffcin, fut. pi^) become void, Isa. 19:3;24:3. Pi. fut. •Ippbl make empty, void, Jer. 51:2. pwp? i. bottle, narrow-necked vase; the word expresses the sound of a fluid issuing from it.—II. p.n. of a man. fPj?3ip3 p.n. of a man. T?3P3 p.n. of a man. ^jp2l p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. "ip3 cut, laid open; not in use: hence, Pi.—I. look, inquire after.—II. ob* serve.—III. care for, with and Pa. Ch., inquired. Ithpa. was sought. i"ni?5 f., inquiring after, seeking, Ezr. *34:12. J—np2 f., observation, chastisement, Lev. 19:20.ipa (4 k 1j32 (from the plough which cleaves the earth).—I. o#en used in plough- ing, Job. 1:14.—II.oxen generally; ribyimikh COWS; 19 steer; seldom pi. D*1jJ2 oxen. Ip.12 m., herdsman, Am. 7:14. 1|12 m. (pi. D*1j?2).—I. dawn, morn- ing; 1|12, 1|?.22, 1i?2l? in the morning; 1g22 1£23, DHi^, every morning; iiihnii; to-morrow morning. — II. 1j?2l? early, soon, Ps. 49:15, &c. *P*. Pi. t^jp2 sought, sought out, after or into, with JP, hv. or according to the sense; '2 n\r\\ \3rnx or njnpix '2 he sought the Lord; 'D '2 the soul, life of any one, to injure de- stroy it; yG D1 '3...his blood. £» petition, Est. 5:3; 7:3, Ezr. r 1:6. ^ 12, 12,12 son, 8fc.; see Nil and "112. fcOSl (inf. SO? ; with sufF. imp. ^12; fut. K12^).—L created, formed, made.—II. same as »112 he ate. Niph. was created, born, produced. Pi. K12--1, cwf, as with a sword or axe.—II. make, form, Hiph. &012H fatten, 1 Sa. 2:29. nX*12 f., a wonderful, new thing. 12 m., son; with suff. *12; another meaning, see in 112* m. Ch.—I. son.—II. grandson; with suff. P112. «V>K12 (created of God), p. n. of a m. 1J1«12*; see^lKip. Dn212 fed beasts;' see 112. hailed, Isa. 32:19. 3 ) rro 112 m., hail. • TT 112m. (pi. D^112), spotted,**grisled," Eng. Yer. 112 p. n.—I. of a place in the wilder- ness of Shur.—II. of a man. ma I. ate.—II. same as 112 chose. TT -T Pi. inf. nra eating. Hiph. give food. X*12 m., JW12 f., fat; see another meaning above. *1? m., HJ12 f., fat, Eze. 34:20. iin2 l, food, 2 Sa. 13:5, 7, 10. n-112, Ps. 69:22. JV12 f.—I. any agreement; '2 ^2 united in covenant, Gen. 14:13.— II. the covenant made by God with the patriarchs, and ratified in the person of Jesus Christ.—III. the sign of that covenant (circumcision), Gen. 17:13; nn?H the angel of the covenant, Messiah; nn? $22 a name of Baal. blessed; see To- D'P'llS costly clothing; see D"Q- m.—I. fir-tree; DW12 in- struments of fir-wood, 2 Sa. 6:5.— II. staves of lances made of fir- wood, Nah. 2:4. rfh2 m. the same, Cant. 1:17. nnil2, ^nil2 p. n. of a city in Sy- ria of Zobah. n-112 eating; see i112. nni2 p. n. of a woman. m. (with suff. i^T12)—I. iron. —II. hard as iron.—III. instru- ment of iron. P» n- °f a man. ni3 (fut. rrp*; part. m.rn°3,f. finna). —I. pass on.— II. fly, with }£?,tro ( 4 n«», »3S», nnK; imper. ^ rn? flee away.—IV. pass through, Ex. 36:33. Hiph. made to pass, fly. ITna, n"l!lm.—I. a fugitive.—II. p. n. of a man. rpna m.—I. transverse bar.—II. bars or bolts for fastening the gates of a city; nn'HS, Isa. 15:6, "her fu- gitives" as above, not "her princes" i.e. bars, defences. m_np m., fugitive, Eze. 40:2. na, ana, nna; see ma. •Ha (same as *ntfa my well), p.n. of a man. rojn?; see ana- nj^na p.n. of a man. IVna covenant; see nna» IVna soap; see VQ- ^p3 f., knee; dual D^ana both knees. f. Ch., the same. . *?jna (fut. IjlT; inf.abs.1jha).—I. knelt.—II. worshipped, blessed; nin^> ip-a and rrin; ip-a blessed of the Lord; niH) blessed be the Lord. Niph. be blessed. Pi. "?p3, "spa pronounced, made, blessed, with b, HIIT CE^2- Pu. • 1]13 be or become blessed. Hiph. made kneel down, Gen. 24: 11. Hith. ^pariH be made blessed, Gen. 22:18, &c.; account oneself blessed, Deu. 29:18, &c. *S]na Ch., knelt. Pa. blessed. ■sp-ia p. n. of the friend of Jeremiah. (blessed of God), p.n. of a man. nanaTf. (nana Gen. 27-.38; const. Tnana; pi.nbna, const, niana). —I. blessing, ascription of praise to God.—II. the same received t) na from God.—III. favour, present ' —IV. p. n. of a man. nana f., pool, fish-pond. n£ra and wana (blessed of the Lord), p.n. of a man. see in its place. nabnK f. Ch., knee. D1J3 Ch. pa. of confirmation, but. □15 root not used; (Arab, garment adorned with gems). D^na m. pi., costly raiment, Eze. 27:24. ana, Q-u1? Kal inf. with pref. and suff., from ina- Sana (fountain of delight), p. n. of a place in the wilderness, written /a-KhjJ, which see. yna p.n. of a king of Sodom. njPna p. n. of a man. lightened, Ps. 144:6. pna m. (pi. D^fpna).—I. lightning.— II. glitter of a sword.-—III. p. n. of the captain who defeated the Canaanites, Jud. 4:6, &c. carbuncle. D*J|jna m. pi., threshing waggons, having sharp iron teeth, Jud. 8: 7,16. Dlpna p. n. of a man. T131 . examined, tested, Ecc. 3:18.'— II. separated, selected, chose, Eze. 20:38, with }D and h ; part, nm pure, chaste. Niph. naj became pure; part, naj pure Pi. purify, Dan. 11:35. Hiph. make clean, polish. Hith. become, appear pure. nam., nnaf.—I. beloved, Cant. 6:9. ' TT — II. pure, clean.—III. empty\ void, Pro. 14:4. *>3, 13 m.—I. corn, purified from the chaff.—II. growing corn; see another meaning in m., field, open plain, Job 39:4, *13 m. Ch., the same. *)3 m.—-I.. pureness.— II. same as nn*3. nna f., soap, Jer. 2:22, Mai. 3:2. Dnrs m., stalled cattle, 1 Ki.5:3. JJBH? p. n. of king of Gomorrah. n*Tlb^2 good news; see "1^3 • m. (Anyrum opobalsamum), the balsam tree, an aromatic shrub. and Dg>3 m. (pi. DW3).-I. the odour of perfumes.—II. the perfumes themselves. mfl I. p. n. of the wife of Isaiah. —II. of the daughter of Solomon, p. n. of a man. Pi. nba i. announce, declare. —II. tell glad tidings. Hith. was, became informed, 2 Sa. 18:31. and f.—I. good tidings, 2 Sa. 18:22,27.—II. the reward of good tidings, 2 Sa. 4:10. *W3 p. n. of a river near Gaza. m.—I. flesh.—II. body.—III. ^3"^3 all living creatures.—IV. my bone and flesh, kinsman; also *"1^3 kinsman, Lev. 15:2, &c.—V. secret parts (male). *"lfc^3 m. Ch.—I. flesh.—II. mankind. /£J^3l. ripened, Joel 4:13.—II. boiled, cooked,Eze. 24:5. Pi. boiled, cooked; part. pi. cooked, Eze. 46: 24; ?u.was cooked. Hiph.matured, ripened, Gen. 40:10. m., f. , cooked. Tfh^yO f. pi., boilers, Eze. 46 ; 23. ( 45 > nra see in DJE>3 p. n. of a man. is* p.n., Batanea, the region beyond Jordan, between Hermon and the brook of Jabbok. shame-y see ^3. D^3. Po. DB-ia same as DD13 trampling on, injuring, Am. 5:11. shame; see £^i3- fill daughter; see iU3- na measure; see nra- nna.and.nns; see nra ^Yn3 p.n.—I. of the father of Laban. —II. same as Vina name of a place. p. n. of a man. houses; see n^S, n-13* to* root not used; (Arab, separated). rtan? f. (pi. ni^ns, nibna).—i. a virgin. — II. used for nation, city, people, like J"12, which see. n^-ina m. pi., tokens of virginity. pnS. Pi. pF)3 cut, pierce, Eze. 16:40, -m Pi. dissect, cut in two, Gen. 15:10. 17)3 m. (with suff. —I. part, piece.—II. separation, Cant. 2:17. "inS Ch., same as *ljTlK3 after; see ~T*W |YinS p.n. of a place on Jordan, nna root not used; (Arab, cut, cleft). H5 m. (f. Isa. 5:10), Bath; a liquid measure, the tenth part of a; Ho- mer. n|l m. Ch., the same. nn3l f., desolation, excision, Isa. 5:6. nrii f. (pi. nina), isa. 7:19, clefts,nw (4 J nxa (fut. PI&W).—I. grew high (as a plant), Job 8:11; (as water,) Ezr. 47:5.— II. becoming lofty, power- ful, proud. &53 m., proud, Isa. 16:6. HN3 m.—I. elevated.—II. proud, ar- rogant; pi. d*K3- n«Jl f., pride, arrogance, Pro. 8:13. mgj f.—I. excellency, majesty.—II. pride, arrogance. ^N-1K3 {the divine majesty), p. n. of a man. }itf| m.— I. excellency, glory.— II. pride; pi. nm f.—1.ascent, Isa.9:17.—11.sub- limity, excellency.—III. pride, ar- rogance. m., proud, Ps. 123:4. njS'f. (for nj^s).— I. elevation, vic- tory, Job 22 :29. — II. pride, Job 33:17. nii f. Ch., the same, Dan. 4:34. . T" ' ' 1YPK3 valleys; see nj|- 7K3 (fut. i. redeem by paying value for.—II. retribute, avenge.— III .pollute; part. ^K3 redeemer, avenger, relative, to whom the duty of avenging the death of any- one was assigned ; part. pass. redeemed, set at li- berty.'' Niph! bsM was re- deemed, liberated, polluted. Pi. polluted, Mai. 1:7. Pu. was polluted. Hiph. conta- minate, Isa. 63:1. Hiph. polluted himself, Dan. 1:8. ?K3 m., pollution; pi. const. *Neh. 13:29. 3 ) nai nVs? f — i. relationship.—II. right, duty of redemption.—III. price of redemption.—IV. thing redeemed. ^K3D m., next of kin after the God* 23 locust; see 2-13* root not used; (Arab, gathered together). Kill m., cistern, pit. root not used. nVm. (with suff. >23; pi. D>2|, rt3J). —I. back.—II. defence, mound.— III. vaults.—IV. arch of the eye- brow, Lev. 14:9; }3)D 23 the boss of a shield, Job 15:26. 33 m. Ch., back. 23 m. Ch., well; emph. K23» aw m., locust; pi. *3*1 23 m. (pi. D*23), locusts. (fut. PI3J»; inf. nn?|).—I. was high, lofty, with when with \0 was higher than.—II. exalted; ')& nna his heart was lifted up; or merely PD3 lifted up. Hiph. raise, exalt. raj m. (const. s=ib|; f.rmhp.—l high, tall.—II. haughty, proud. Subst. height, 1 Sa. 16:7. FI23; const. F123 m. — I. high.-— II. arrogant, proud. rD3 m. (with suff. *1)123; pi. const. *H23).—I. height.—II. majesty, Job 40:10.—III. arrogance; rI23 insolence, Ps. 10:4. nJjn23 m.,pride, Isa. 2:11, 17. border; see 1133, nnnil mighty; see "I33- nas m., bald, Lev. 13:41. DH23 f.—I. baldness.—II. loss of knap (in cloth), Lev. 13 :55.♦3J (. 4 *35 p. n. of a man. troll (see 23), p. n. of a place not far from Jerusalem. na*3! cheese; see |23* cup; see T3|, ITyaS master; see "12J- E>'33; seet5>3J- limited; with 2 and fltf* Hiph. set bounds to. ^31 P-n- of a Phenician city; v3| an inhabitant of Gebal. p. n. of a mountainous district beyond Jordan, Ps. 83:8. ^•123, ^23 m.—I. limit, boundary.— II. space or country limited. r&Q?, nipria f.,>12|&owra(knes, lands. n6?| f., artificial work, device, Ex. 28:22; 37:15. f- (pi- the same, Ex. T 28:14. pa root not used; (Syr. curdled). f., cheese, 2 Sa. 16:2. }23 m., hunchback, Lev. 21:20. m. pi., risings, mounds; '3 a AiZZ o/ mounds, i. e. made up of other hills. Jpnj rn. (with sufF. ^2)1; pi. D^ajl). —I. a cup or vase.—11.flower, the calix of an artificial flower. y23 p- n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin. *$23 p. n. of a man. njnjl f., a hill; pi. nty23. D*r6fcjt fiJJ23 p.n. of a place. \32 njJ23 p.n. of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. 1"$23 p. n. of a city. hwf njna p. n. of a hill. r ) inhabitant of Gibeah. jijni p.n. of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. nyaap f. (pi. ntyjajfc), the mitre or bonnet of the priests. flowering (of flax), Ex. 9:31. -laa and (fut. 135*). — I. was powerful, mighty.— II. conquered, (prevailed), with or bVj Pi' made strong. Hiph.—I. was power- ful, Ps. 12:5.— II. confirm, Dan. 9:27. Hith. became powerful, vic- torious. *123 m.—I. man, husband, Aero; pi. v'bro?; nmjb manfully.—II. p. n. of a man, 1 Ki. 4:19. "123 m., Ch. the same; pi. "DS m. (same as Ch.), man, Ps.l8:26. T23 m., lord, Gen. 27:29, 37. rrVQll f., lady, queen. rn2Jl f. (with suff. W]23), the same. 123 m.—I. mighty, brave.—II. renowned; ^*[11 *1133 renowned for wealth, rich. *123 m. Ch.—I. brave, strong, heroic. —II.p.n.same as Jiy23, Ezr.2:20. n*Vl2| f-—I. power.—II. courage.— III. acts of courage, power; TVn-123 rrtrp acts of God, i.e. miracles. rT>12| f. Ch. the same. p.n. of an archangel. J^5*!rootnot used; (Arab, congelation). t^23 m., crystal (lit. ice), Job28:18. pn23 p. n. of a town of the Philistines in the tribe of Dan. m. (with suff. *133 ; pi. rf3|).—1. roof of a house.—II. covering, grate of the altar. 1|, *13; see (4 1^5^? m- pi- Ch., treasures, Dan.3: *2,3; same as 1IIT3. mins p. n. of a place in the Arabian desert. ma assault, attack (as an army). Hith. Yliinn I.cutting, making in- cisions.—ii. attacking, assembling to attack. Tl} Ch., cut down (of a tree), Dan. 4:11,20. *rna m. (pi. DH-n?, nVnj).—i. cutting, Jer. 48:37.—II. furrow, Ps. 65:11.—III. section, detach- ment of an army. "IS m., coriander seed, Ex. 16:31, Nu. 11:7. 13 m., good fortune; *73? prosper- ously, Gen. 30:11. *13 nbm., p.n. of an idol, Isa. 65:11. 13 p. n. Gad.—I. one of the sons of T Jacob.—II. the tribe descended from him; a Gadite. p.n. of a man, Nu. 13:11. P*n- of a man* rna root not used; (Syr. leaping). H3 m., a kid; pl.D*V}|; const. nn3 f., pi. nina fema^e kids, Cant. 1:8. m.3 f., const, pi. nVl| banks of a river. nn3, see na. nSn?, great; see Ha. tj-ni, na-lijl reproach; see *p3- Hi/ nna; 'see rna. pH3 heap; see t£H3. Ttt and ?"I3 (fut. was or grew great (in anything), with HK, 3. )> IP, W Pi- H|, Hi L wade or pronounced great; hence, > im -—II. trained, educated. Hiph. I. became great.—II. made great, Mgh; vb ntf on toe spake inso- lently. Hith. showed himself great. H| m., pi. const. \Ha, great ones, TEze. 16:26. 7H| m. (const. and H| ^ f. nVn3),g:rea^(in anything); Dvil3 nobles; -tpnVnj great in mercy; i?i-i| Di»n niy it is yet high day, i. e. early, Gen. 29:7 ; pi. rivH3 great (i. e. proud) things, Ps. 12:4. H.3 m. (with sufF. iH|, lH|)» great- ness, magnificence, pride. n^H3, nH|f-—I- 'great(act or deed). —ii. greatness; pi. Xl'lHa great things. D^H3,platted chain-work, 1 Ki. 7:17. hi p. n. of a man. Gedaliah, p.n.ofaman. ^Hi p. n. of a man. 1 Ch. 25:4, 29. ^njD (pi. W^P).—I. tower, castle.—11. pulpit, Neh. 8:4.—III. artificial mound, in a garden covered with sweet flowers, Cant. 5:13. Sfaap, Hap p.n. of a city in Egypt. bg"HjP P-n« of a fortress in the tribe of Naphtali. la-Hap p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. mg Hap p.n. of a place near Beth- lehem. jn?i- cut off or down.—II. broke. Niph. became cut off, down. Pi. broke. Pu. was cut down, Isa. 9:9. D*jn3 p. n. of a place in the tribe of Benjamin. PSni p.n. of a judge of Israel. ; p-n- °fa man**ru (4 *T!|. Pi. ^3 blasphemed. S|JRI m., pLD^-ni, niani re- proaches, Isa. 43:28; 51:7. HQ-nil f., reproach, Zep. 2:8. "n? walled, fenced up; part. Till fencer. THa com. (const, Tl|; with suff. *ni3; pi. D^13).~I. wall, fence. —II. fenced place. Tm} f.—I. wall.—11. fence, hurdle.— III. same as "Via JV3 p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah; *nTT«! « Ge- derite.—IV. JTlVia and Vn*rn| p. n. of places in the tribe of Judah. nT73 f., a fence, Eze. 42:12. T15 p.n. of a city of the Canaanites. "Hi p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. *77.1 an inhabitant of TT| JV3- sna root not used; Ch. heaped up. m.—I. sepulchral mound.—II. heap of corn. Ha for HJ, Eze. 47:13. nna raise up, Hos. 5:12. nna f., relief, healing, Pro. 17:22. nna bowed, bent downwards. U ia, 8ia; see ma- 2^3 cut, cleft; part. ploughers. H3 m.—I. board, plank.—II. well; see another meaning in nij' Is!5 {cistern), p.n. of a place; see another meaning in nij- i'la p.n. of the king of Magog; see Jfa». T see Y7|; shall rush upon him, Gen.49:19;Hab.3:16. .rna root not used. Xlil, 13 m. Ch., middle. ) ) tiv 1| m. Ch.—I. middle; with suff. rtt|. —II. Heb. back; with suff. Via- m.—I. back.—II. middle; with suff. *13/ ni3 f., a body, Job 20:25; see another meaning under n&ja. njia f.—I. body, person.—II. dead body, carcase of men or animals. *>12 m. (with suff. ^12; pi. Dfl2, with suff. ^)a, DiTia).—I. gene- rally people, Israelites as well as foreigners.—II. specially, foreign nations.—III. multitudes of locusts, Joel 1:6; of animals, Zep.2:14. m com. (const, fr^a; pi. nitfja), valley. K\a, the same. ^ m. (const. \a), the same. n'Vtf a f. pi., valleys. pass over, Ps. 90:10; fut. apoc. T}ts1, Nu. 11:31. !?}ia young bird; see ^ta- . JTia p.n., a district in North Mesopo- tamia, between the rivers Chaboras and Saocoras, the Tav^avirig of Ptolemy. ma break forth; see ma« •U nj)|; see ma. S-ia rejoice; see nh\i, iVu; see nfa fi&tipit; seefDJ. •»>ia p. n. of a man. r,a(fut.JJir; inf.; const. JJ13 and VVf)> expire, die. W3 Kal, root not used; (Arab, shut up).. Hiph. fut. pi. -IS^aj let {them) shut, Neh. 7:3. nS-ia f., dead body; (Arab, the same). DSl sojourned, dwelt, with 3, D& 5Ttt {( 5 J1K; part. *l| dwelling with; Aer inmate.—II. avoided, feared, with }D and —III. congregated, come together, with bjJ; see rna. mth. TYiapn—I. withdraw.—II. dwell, 1 Ki. 17 '.20. —III. violent destroying, Jer. 30:23. -j!) (T3, 2. Ch. 2:16), m., sojourner, stranger. n-1"l5 f., sojourning, residing, Jer. 41: 17. "Via m.—I. lion's whelp; iVHtf *>15, Gen. 49:9, &c.—II. jackall, 2 Sa. 4:3. ^3 m. the same; f. pi. nV"l3. "1-1 a {dwelling of Baal), p. n. of a town in Arabia. "1-1 iD m.—I. sojourning.—11.residence, habitation.—III. human life; so- journ on earth. *Y)3D m., fear, terror; pi. rn^D f., fear; pi. H'TOP- nnnap f.—I. granary.—li. fear, ter- Vor; pi. rin-up- iTVlJPP f. (pi. nniEto), granaries, Veil: 17. Wl-I lot; see 7U- m, clod, Job 7: 5. p, n. of a man. ti fleece; see Tt3. treasurer, Ezr. 1:8; pi. T 1 Ezr. 7:21, and H?7T|> Dan. 3:2,3. nt| (Arab, bring forth); part. *T13, lit.« he who brought me forth** Ps. 71:6. JVT-I f.—I.lit. cutting,hewing: hence, —II. hewn stones. tt3 (fut. UJ; inf. Til and lU).—I. shear, cut off hair, wool, <§rc.; part. ) i) to shaver8.—11. drive away (oi quails), » Nu. 11:31. Niph, pret. pL H3J were cut off. T5 m. (pi. const. *J5).—I. shearing of sheep: hence,—II. the fleece.-^- III. , young grass after mbwing. H-til f., fleece, Jud. 6:39, 40. TT5 {barber), p. n. of a man. /TS I. cut off.—II. snatch away, injure. Niph. was taken away, Pro. 4:16. m., const. rapine, plunder. r6ta f., the same. bi\i m., young pigeon, Gen. 15:9; TDeu. 32:11. ' DT3 root not used; (Arab, destruction). DT| m., a species of locust. D-JI p.n. of a man. m., an inhabitant of Gizon. root not used; (Arab, cutting off), Vll m. (with suff. DJJTll), stock; trunk of a tree, -iw I. cut off, down.—II. in two parts divided. — III. decided, as judg- ment. Niph. was cut off, with )D ; was decided, Est. 2:1. "1TJJ Ch., decided, determined the fate of others by astrology; part. pi. nnjj soothsayers. "\Ta I. division, section; pi. D'HTI*— II. p. n. of a city on the western frontier of the tribe of Ephraim, Ta%r]pa, rntj (iTy|J)f., place cut off,separated, Lev. 16:22. f. Ch., decision. Dan. 4:14,21. rnii f.—i. cut, polish (of precious stones), Lam. 4:7.— II. insulated, separated (of a certain enclosure of the temple), Eze. ( 51 ) rh* rnyft f., axe, 2 Sa. 12:31. inhabitant of Gezer, firij belly; see }fU nni, p. n. of a servant of the prophet Elisha. /Hd root not used; (Arab, to burn). Vn|m.(pl.D^ra> ^m).—I. burning coals.—II. thunderbolts. n?n| f., the same; with suff. DDI p. n. of a man. JPl3 root not used; Ch. }n!l bowed down. )in| m., belly of a serpent, Lev. 11:42; with suff. *ph|, Gen. 3:14. *1, % «!l, ;' see PI13. in| p. n. of a man. T| m., sinew, nerve. m and FPU (fut. n*JJ; part. ftil).— I. drew out. — II. extended, elon- gated. Hiph. drew out. or m Ch. Aph. rushed forth. )T3 p. n. of a place near Gibeon, 2 Sa. 2:24. I. p. n. of a river of Paradise, Gen. 2:13.—II. of an aqueduct near Jerusalem; otherwise n?G5\ ^\3 and (fut. leap, exult, rejoice, with 3, ]%$?• m., exultation, rejoicing. m. Ch., equal in age, rank, fyc., Dan. 1:10. f., exultation. see r6| in nSj- IU*|; see pJ- 01) m., burnt lime-stone,Isa.27:9. T| m. Ch., plaster of lime, Dan. 5:5. stranger, same as see >1il. clod, same as $-13• p. n. of a man. 7| for Kal imper. from Ps. 119: 12. Pi. imper. apoc. from n?3. Ps. 119:18. Ch ., reveal; see r6a. root not used; (Arab, drew,shaved). 2? 3 m., barber, Eze. 5:1. 3mi p. n., Gilboa, hills in the tribe of Issachar. b&i, n^>| ; see bbi. -pa m.,skin; with suff. my skin, 'Job 14:15. n?| bowl; see bbi. inf. n$|, nil?!).— i. laid bare, disclosed, opened.—II. depopulated a country, i. e. led into captivity,migrated; part.m. f. migrated, gone into cap- tivity; opened, proclaimed, published (of an edict). Niph. (fut. inf.abs.r6jj, iwjj).—i .was uncovered, exposed, revealed.— II. migrated, went into captivity, Isa. 38:12 ; part. f. pi. Tim) revealed, T>eu. 29:29. Pi. rta (fut. njp3*, —I. uncovered, made naked.— II. had carnal con- nexion with, with ^Kand^. Pu. n^jl was uncovered; part.f. openly said. Hiph. H^PI, led captive (fat. THoph. was made captive. Hithp. n^l'nn made himself naked', fut. apoc.^lHfl, Gen. 9:21. Ch., revealed. Piel "6 3, ^>j( re- vealed. Aph. carried captive, Ezr. 4:10, 12. p6| p. n. of a city in the mountains!>U ( 52 ) fa of Judah; its inhabitants were I m. Ch., great, heavy, (of stones). styled n'rta, n)a f.—I. captivity.—II. cap- tive, troop of captives. p.n.of a city of Batanea, Yav\wv. iv6|, f., captive; as r6fa- f. Ch., the same. m., tablet, book, Isa. 8:1; pi. D"Oivll mirrors, Isa. 3:23. Writ- ing tablets and mirrors were both, in ancient times, plates of metal. IV*?! p. n., Goliath, the giant whom David slew. n^JI, ; see Dl1??; see'oW- n% pi.n^j.—i . shaved head or beard. II. devastated by war, Isa. 7:20. Pu. was shaven, Ju. 16:17, 22; Jer. 41:5. Hithp. shave himself. n$5 p. n. of a city. see nba- 7/3 (sing. p. l.'irta, pi. ; inf. % "?13; imp.l?3,'?|).—1. roll (as a stone).—II.with ?gD roll away, used metaphorically of things mo- rally heavy. — III. with ^ commit to, lit. roll upon; S)t commit thy way unto the Lord, Ps. 37:5. Niph. were rolled up, Isa. 34:4; rolled away, Am. 5:24. Pil. roll off, Jer. 51:25. Hithpal. roll, rush in vio- lently, Job30:14. Hiph. roll, Gen. 29:10. Po. -I roll about in, Isa.9:4. Hithpo.^yiUnnrolled in, weltered in, 2 Sa. 20:12.—II. fall upon, with h])_, Gen. 43:18. m.—I. dung.—11. ^321 because, f&r the sake of; for thy sake.—lit. p.n. of a man. m. (with suff. )9?$ ; pi. ; const. ^$) dung. p. n. of a man. DW3 m. pi., idols. m.—I. that which can be turned on hinges, 1 Ki. 6:34.—II. ring-, Cant. 5:14.—III. circuit, tract of country; ^iin and nJ>^|PI p. n. of a region in the tribe of Naph- tali, Galilee. f. circuit, region. m. (pi. D^|).—I. a heap (of stones, fyc.). — II. spring, fountain.—III. pi. waves, breakers. D'j>J p. n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin; 1 Sa. c. 25; Jos. c. 10. m., oil jar, Zee. 4:2. f.—I. same as *?! (pi. ni^a) weii, Jos. 15:10; Jud. 1:15.—II. const. oil jar or vessel.— III. vase- like ornaments, or flowers on the capitals of columns. ^3 m.—I. wheel; pi. II. whirlwind.—III. chaff (as driven by the wind). m. Ch., wheel, Dan. 7:9. m.—I. cart wheel, Isa. 28:28. —II. p. n. of a city between Je- richo and Jordan. rb'm f-—I- skull.—II. used in num- bering men, as we say, head of cattle; with suff. IFlW??.; pi. With suff. rfap f., volume, roll, book. rijpjb f. Ch., the same. d y wrapped together (as a mantle), 2Ki. 2:8. D*1^3 m., cloak, mantle, Eze. 27:24.tbi ( obi m., embryo, foetus, Ps. 139:16. m., hard, barren, fruitless. vW- Hithp. yjpjnri intermeddle, impudent. I. p.n., Gilead, the son of Machir, grandson of Manasseh: hence,— II.p.n. of a hill and town near Le- banon.—III. of a region beyond Jordan ; a Gileadite. {heap of witness), p. n. of the heap of stones erected by Laban and Jacob, Gen. 31:47,48. $« appear/' Cant. 4:1; 6:5, Eng. Ver.; meaning uncertain. D3;seeDD5. Pi. drink in, Job 29:24. Hiph. give to drink, Gen. 24:17. XplI m., the paper reed; KpH rDfl an ark of reeds, and 'il ^3 a boat of reeds. m., pruning knife, short-sword, ' Ju. 3:16. m* pl-» short-swordsmen, Eze. 27:11. itp3 p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. /toil (fut. — I. recompense, re- pay, with ip and hy_.—II. mature, ripen. — III. wean as a child. Niph. was weaned. recompence, retribution, either of good or bad actions. ^IO| p. n. of a man. r6-i»| f., recompence, retribution. (God my restorer), p.n. of a man. m., retribution, kindness, Ps. 116:12. 53 ) H3J boa com., camel; pi. D^DJ. 7»J p. n. of a man. (Arab, filled up, desired). D| moreover, also; DiH is it not also? D|—D| and...also; *3 D5 but if, although. TOJD f., desire, object, Hab. 1:9. (Syr. a well). m., a well or pit, Ecc. 10:8. (fut. ib^).—!• bring to pass.— 11. finish, fail. ipjl Ch., complete, learned, Eze. 7:12. nn»! and -innpi p.n. of a man. "IDS p. n.—I. of a northern race of people, perhaps the Cymri.— II. of the wife of Hosea. J3 garden; see jJJ. he stole, with or without violence; Twith lb, Gen. 31:20, 26, 27, «stole away unawares." Niph. stolen. Pi. secretly, Ex. 22:11. Pu. steals, was stolen. Hith. stole themselves away. m., a thief. f., stolen thing, Ex. 22:2, 3. ]"Dpil p. n. of a man. n^naa; see pa. root not used; (Arab, covered). tjj m., pi. qpnst. trea- sures. TJJ or m. Ch., pi. }*?3a treasure •jjtil m., treasury, 2 Ch. 28:11. J33 guard, protect, with h#. Hiph. the same. JJ com. (with suff. pi. a garden. HJS f., a garden; pi. nil5 f., .the same, T • n^jl Pt Tfi. of a man. p. n. of a man. |jD:m. (suff. *}}&, pi. D^D) shield, fig., God the protectory Gen. 15:10; shields of the earth, i.e. princes, Ps. 47:10., &c. njJTp f., with veiling, covering of heart, Lam. 3:65. lowed (as oxen), Job 6:5. nyi p. n. of a place near Jerusalem. y loathed, abhorred. Niph. was rejected, cast away, 2 Sa. 1:21. Hiph. cast (brought forth prema- turely), Job 21:10. bsi ni., loathing, Eze. 16:5. !?J?J p.n. of a man. "ffif (fut. rebuked, reproved, with niJJS f., chiding, reproof. fiSjjilp rebuke, calamity, Deu. 28:20. s/ioofc, trembled, Ps. 18:8. Pu. was shaken, Job34:20. Hithp. was moved. Hithpo. the same, Jer. 25:16. p. n. of a mountain in the tribe of Ephraim. T\V_l Kal. inf. const, from DFIJJ3 p.n. of the son of Eliphaz. P]3 body; see |S3 com.—I. climbing plant.—II. vine. root not used; (Arab, troop of men). Cj3 m.—I.person, self; 1333 with him- self only, i.e. alone, Ex. 21:3,4.— II. back, i.e. hillock, Pro. 9:3. t]Jl m. Ch., pi. }*BJ wings. nsii m., name of a tree; probably, the pitch-pine, Gen. 6:14. ( 54 ) ■ Vu nn£55 f., brimstone. •: t ' *1|; see T1JI and *1*15. \ *li; seem fcOS (same as mil), p. n. of a man. root not used; like scratch, scurf \ and many other words in all lan- guages, an imitation of the noise made in scratching, &c. m., scurf, scurvy. SIS p. n. of one of David's generals. nWinVlJO!; seeTtf. ^|"]| p. n. of a nation of Canaanites. H Hithp. inf. VlS H scrape, scratch, Job 2:8; see mj Pi. fn|. produce, kindle strife. Hithp. prepare to contend, contend with; const, with 2* fnjJjl f., attack, stroke, Ps. 39; 11. fyii m., throat; see Tti- n^,Tfn|; see VlJ. T\T\l sojourning; see ^-13- 1*13 same as 1T|. Niph. pret. ^133 I am cut off, Ps. 31:23; 88:6. 1P3 m., axe. nil Mil) P« n- a nation of Ca- naanites. p n.of a mountain, Gerizim. root not used; (Arab, was gravelly, Wl2 m. (pi. —I. lot, lit. the pebble by which it was determined. —ii. pit, rn\ •n^trn, ^sn, { . tt tt • • ; * • •* tn: determined by lot; Wa n^SJ, V-pi \b rvn i.e. the lot fell.—III. the thing obtained by lot. ft* ^ (const. 9"l|) Pro. 19:19; keri great.D-U ( 5 D*l| m. (pi. D'p-IJ).—I. bone.—II. powerful, Gen. 49:14.—lll.frame- work, pulpit, 2 Ki. 9:13. m. Ch., 6owe. Dij citf, spot/, Zep. 3:3. Pi. fut. D*W shall destroy. p. n. of a man. m root not used; ( for drying dates). f. (pi. nirj!; const. nbn|).—i. open place at the gate of a city, court of justice.—II. threshing- floor.—III. corn of the floor, Job 39:12. ntSKn p. n. of a place beyond Jordan; see D"l3 pained, overwhelmed, Ps. 119:20. Hiph. fut. D"W and brake, des- troyed, Lam. 3:16. bHil m. (with sufF. thrashed; perhaps, ground corn, Lev. 2: 14,16. sna I. took away.—II. shaved, took away the beard, Jer.48:37. Niph. (fut. jna?, was taken away. Pi. draws off; fut. JHJJ Job 36:27. flijTtip f. pi., ledges, steps in build- ings, 1 Ki. 6:6. ST"]! swept away (as a flood), Jud. 5:21. sjnjK m., fist. f., furrow, Joel 1:17. Til he drew, dragged; fut. *115 J- Niph. fut. chew the cud. Po. sawed, 1 Ki. 7:9. Hithpo. swept away, Jer. 30:23. rna f.—1. the cud.—-II. Gerah, a T«. weight equal to the twentieth part of a shekel. "1|1| m., berry, Isa. 17:6. 5 ), wi f., throat, front of the neck, Jhi m. (const. p")5), throat, mjD f., saw. T.. ; » T]| p. n. of a city of the Philistines, fenj flower; see D"l!l. put forth, cast forth. Niph. was cast, driven, out. Pi. expel. Pu. £Hil was expelled. KHll m., produce, fruit, Deu. 33:14. nSSH5 expulsion. m.—I. suburbs.—II. pastures, open places.—III. lands, surround- ing the cities of the Levites; pi. D*phjp, nitrup. DKH3 p. n. of the son of Moses. ftfinjj (Gershon), p. n. of a man; s3t2H2 a Gershonite, m, mm, nm Kal imp., from •1C^| Kal imp. pi., from EWJ. ^65^3 (bridge), p. n. of three places.— I. the country of the Canaanites to the east of Jordan.—II. of a district in South Palestine.—III. of a district in Syria. a Geshurite, d m Kal, root not used; (Arab, fat- ' hess). Hiph. part. pi. OWmD cause to rain, Jer. 14:22. m., heavy shower; pi. 0*p&?|, vwi* DK>il m., the same; with suff. m., body. p. n. of a man. [Goshen), p. n.—1. of the country bordering on Egypt, which was in- habited by the Israelites during the first captivity.—- II, of a town in the tribe of Judah.(5 p. n. of a man. B'B'S. Pi. fut. with n parag. HW33 we feel, grope about, Isa. 59:10. r\m Kal inf. with sufF. hJlK>3, from v v&m na f.-i. the vat in which grapes were trodden; pi. JliJl3—II. p. n. of a city of the Philistines in the country of Goliath. *151111 H3 p.n. of a town in the tribe of Zebulun; flftl J13 p. n. of cities of the Levites inDanandManasseh; ''JIS aGittite. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin. JVJ13 f., probably the name of a mu- sical instrument; occurs in the titles of certain psalms. p. n. of a people of Syria, Gen. " 10:23. i pron. Ch. f. and neuter, this; N1 together. same as n-n was languid. iin^'l f., pining away, Job 41:14. fQ5d m., extreme languor, fainting; const. Deu. 28:65, 3K1 fish, same as 31; see 1131. T T T T . grieve, be anxious, with h— 11. fear, with )D. JK1'! (Syr. 2.*n), p. n. of a prince of the Edomites. 113^1 f., anxiety, alarm. fut. nxT, tnsi. JUSTl f., name of a bird, kite, Lev. 11: 14; LXX. yv\fs; Vulg. milvus; corresponding passage, Deu. 14:13, rm T T 3 ) P3T p. n., same as 111. 3*1 bear; see root not used; (Arab, produced, multiplied). Nil riches, power; LXX. i$ there is nothing; '1 ^2 he who pleads a cause; ■m and n:n hy_ because; "D*5! hy_ because of. m., pestilence; pi. D^IPT. 1*21. m.—I. the oracle, i. e. the place in the temple whence responses were given.—II. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. m., fold, pasture, Mic. 2:12. f., cause for adjudication; hv_ because; with mW because that; WjrPT ^ according to, af- ter the order of, Ps. 110:4. i) tt f. Ch., cause. ^21 f.—I. a bee; pi. Dnrn—II. p. n. of a woman who judged Is- rael. JrniM f. pi., floats, rafts, 1 Ki. 5:23. frt*l2n f. pi., sayings, Deu. 33:3. 12np m.—I. any large plain used for pasture.—II. a desert or wilder- ness; "Tin ft H the desert of Sinai. —III. speech, address, Cant. 4:3. m. (with suff. ^21).—I. honey of bees.—II. honey dew,collected in large quantities in Palestine. naw f.-i . the hunch, or more pro- bably, the pack-saddle of a camel. —II. p.n. of a place, Jos. 19:11. HIP? multiplied, Gen. 48:16. W{^™.,fish; pi.D^vn. nri const, nn f., a fish, fish in ge- neral. JlU'n m., p. n. of an idol of the Phi- listines, probably in the form of a fish. Jin (const, p^) m.—I .bread.—II. corn, part. Sm.-i . marked, signal- ised, Cant. 5:10.—II. fut. 73*13 we will set up our banner, Ps. 20:6. Niph. part. pi. fifen} having ban- ners, i.e. an army, Cant. 6:4,10; see next word. m. (with suff. fen; pi. \^3*TJ), standard, banner. com.; see PUT hatch, brood over eggs, Isa. 34: T15; Jer.l7:ll. m., dual *11 the two breasts of a woman.rm ( i rrn \ Hith. fut. nTW I will pro- ceed gently, submissively, joyfully- Pj'f (pl.\p*?l^), P- n. of the inhabi- " tants of a district in the north of Arabia. m. pi., p. n. of a people. m. Ch., gold. HinTO f., an epithet of Babylon, lit. place of gold, Isa. 14:4. fc^rn p. n. of a people 'who were colo- nised in Samaria, Ezr. 4:9. Drn. Niph. part. Drn? reduced, im- potent, Jer. 14:9. TH, part, nrri charging, attacking, Nah. 3:2. f., charge of cavalry; pi. Jud. 5:22. "irnri m., name of a tree; Vulg. ulnus; the elm or box. n'n same as bear; see2QT aw same as waiting. Hiph. part. pi. fliinp things wasting, Lev. 26:16. and (from 5^) he shall fish, Jer. 16:16. m., a fisher. HOT f., fishing, Am. 4 :2. I. root not used; Ch. was agitated.—II. same as YTJ he loved. YH m.—I. a pot or caldron; pi. basket; pi. DH-IT D'WYn m. pi.—I. baskets.—II. man- drakes, plants used as philtres or love potions. *rn m. (pi. Dn^).-1, love.—ll. offices of love.—III. beloved.—IV. uncle. 8 ) vn- fnta f., aunt. T in, Yll p. n., David king of Israel. nH I. was sick.—II. was unclean, polluted; inf. PinTl her uncleanness (i. e. the menses), Lev. 12:2. ITn m., nil f., sick, unclean. V T ' T T ' m., sickness, disease, Ps. 40 :4. ^ m., habitual (chronic) disorder. nil inf. of iTn, which see. nriD m., consuming disease. rrn. Hiph. nnn I. expel, Jer. 51: 34.—II. dispel, i. e. scour clean. P- n., same as nyn; see m same as beat, pounded, Nu. 11:8. HDID f., mortar, Nu. 11:8. f., LXX. €7roxf/; Vulg.upupa; the hoopoe, Lev. 11:19; Deu. 14:18. DFI root not used, same as DDI was - T silent. HD-n f.—I. silent.—II. death.—III. the grave.—IV. p. n. of a people of Arabia. njcm f.—I. remaining, abiding.—IT. quietness, silence. DD-H m., very quiet, silent. p. n., same as p&ft'l. \rn) see n- jjh, an m., wax. Vn (fut. f-1Y) leaps, exults, Job 41:14. Ch., grind small, Dan. 2:35. p.yj m., entrenchment, foss, dyke, used in sieges. I. dwell, reside, Ps. 84:11.—II. encircle, place roundf Eze. 24:5. Ch., dwell.m (5 "I'll a circle, Isa. 29:3.—II. a ball, Isa. 22:18. ita, m. (lit. circle of years),— I. age, generation.—II. race of men; n'-ii -n, -ni in!?, -rc v6, -n "H}, TI Tip from generation to generation, for ever; pi. ")'n eternity; fiWn generations of men, posterity.—III. habitation (see ; with DHNI sepulchre, Ps. 49:20. "H m. Ch., age, generation. in, -iSM.-l'n nsj and /'I fllSJ p.11. of acitynotfarfromMountCarmel. I'np m. Ch., habitation. yip m. Ch., the same. n*Vn£> f., pile of fire. fconn f. Ch., a revolution; &nnn2l T . ; ' T * : • continually, Dan. 6:17,21. fcO-'H p. n. of a valley or plain in Ba- bylonia. and EJ^ (fut. —I. tread, trample on.—II. tread out corn.— III. metaphorically, conquer ene- mies, Niph. was trampled down; inf. abs. fcWH. Hoph.fut. is trodden, Isa. 28:27. Ch., is trodden, Dan. 7:23. m., time of treading out corn, Lev. 26:5. H^-np f., with suff. Wip my treading out, Isa. 21:10. rvn see nn. : t t nm drive, urge on to fall; inf. abs. nni; part. f. HJ-irn impelled. Niph. urged or impelled; part. pi. D'mj, VT]?- Pu. pi. -irtt are driven. *rn m. (with pause impulse, being driven on. d ) n n mn;^ Ch. f., pi. tin1! Dan. 6:19. " instruments of music/' Eng. Ver.; meaning uncertain. nrnp m., driving out, ruin, Prov. *26:28. nm Niph. fut. pi. -in^, same as nirj Niph., is urged, impelled. /IT1! Ch., part, !?*rn fearful. Pa. affright, Dan. 4:2. tm m., millet, Eze. 4:9. SjnT, part. pi. hurried, hasten- ed. Niph. was hurried. f. pi.; /*]swiftly, hastily, Ps. *140:12. press upon, Joel 2:8; part. pnM oppressor, Ju. 2:18. ^ m. (const. with suff. a sufficiency, enough; as much as shall restore, Lev. 25:28; sufficient for them; enough of milk. Pro. 27:27; same as as (it were) enough; same as }D; T]M3, TUW ... I • T T : T T •• • from year to year, yearly, ^ Ch.—I. the relative pron. who, which, what, like — II. of, like the de of the modern European languages. — III. conj. like that.—IV. same as *3, on. *"73 when, as; ^ |Q from the time when; ^ until. 3HT (enough of gold) ; p. n. of a place in the desert near Sinai, Deut. 1:1. p. n.—I. of a town of the Moab- ites.—II. of a place in the tribe of Judah; same as M, fishermen; see OT. PTT root not used; Ch. KiTH was black, T T ' T ;nn ( c fW f., black vulture, turkey buzzard; LXX. iktlvoq, Vulg. milvus, Deut. 14:13, &c. m., inky Jer.36:l8. same as p. n. of a town of Moab. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. n and (pret. and part. inf. and imper. fut. JHJ).—I. judged.—II. pleaded, defended.— III. punished, with 3.—IV. con- tend with one, with DJJ.—V. go- vern, with 2. Niph. part. j'HJ contend, 2 Sa. 19:10. J*'5] and J-H Ch., the same. (I'll Job 19:29.)m.—I.judgment. —II. cause for judgment (]^ and TWV he pleaded a cause).— III. litigation, strife. m.Ch.—I .judgment.—II. court of judgment.—III. punishment. p.n. of the daughter of Jacob. fcW'n Ch., p.n. of a people of Assyria. a judge; Ch. pi. judges. JTp.n., Dan.—I. a son of Jacob and his tribe.—II. a city in the north of Palestine. p.n., Daniel. ji*JD m.—I. dispute, contention; pi. DWD, —II. jVlE man of height, stature (see HID), 2 Sa. 21:20.—III. p. n. of a city of the Canaanites. m. (pi. D'OTp).—I. strifes, dis- putes.—II. p.n. of the son of Abra- ham and Keturah. (pi. D'onp) Midianite; see ' ii«, •t : • o ) ronp f., lit .jurisdiction: hence,—I. province.—II. region, country. n^D f. Ch., the same. t • : 7 p. n. of a son of Japhet, 1 Ch. 1:6, a wrong reading for Gen.10:3. dyke; see pM. tread; see ii'-H. pB^I m.—I. a species of deer, Deut. 14:5.—II. p.n. of a son of Seir . and of a district called after him. v. poor; see pi. ^ Ch. pron., this, he; fem. Pi. —I. beat small, break. —II. trample on.—Pu. was broken, contrite. Hith. fut. -IfcOT shall be broken. Niph. part., beaten, op- pressed, Isa. 57:15. m.—I. crushed.—II. humbled, dejected. is broken, Ps. 10:10. Niph. broken, afflicted. Pi. thou hast broken. *3^ m., with suff. their beat- ing, dashing, Ps. 93:3. root not used, same as rD1*? and (with pause ^ m.), poor, mean, afflicted, Pro. 26:28; makes hateful those whom it has afflicted. HID11! f., bruising, QXacrig, Deu. 33:2. {2f*J Ch. pron., this. Ch., same as "DT male. tt m. Ch., a ram; pi. fHp'1?. fni*5! m. Ch. (emph. state memorial, record, Ezr. 6:2. J'TD'1} m. Ch., the same, Ezr. ^ poor; see n"?T and m leaping, skipping. Pi. the same, with I. draw (-water from a well). Pi. draw up out of prison, Ps. 30:2. —II. totter, vacillate, be lame; for -iW, Pro. 26:7. m. for nV?. door, Ps. 141:3. n^. gate, door; dual folding, double doors or gates ; the doors of heaven (clouds?);' '1 doors of the face (jaws), Job 41:6; .{t£Q '"l doors of the womb. PI. ; const. nin^_ f. (m. Neh. 13:T19). —I. doors.— II. leaves, valves of gates.—III. leaves of a book, Jer. 36:23. m., bucket, Isa. 40:15. m., dual (with suff. V^), his drawings up or forth, Nu. 24:7. f-, pi. boughs, branches. p. n. of a man. poverty; see disturb, render muddy (of water), Eze. 32:2,13. „.vh for -1^ Pi. imp. pi., from rpT ft* wasted,reduced, weakened. Niph. " (fat. is wasted, reduced. In.m. (pi. D'H; f-nH p1- ni^)' poor, weak. * nWf.—I- thin thread, Isa. 38:12.— T ~ II. smallness, poverty.—III. hair of the head, Cant. 7:6; pi. IY1^- p. n. of the concubine of » Samson. I?/5**! P-n* °f a town in the tribe of Judah. ( 61 ) I. dropped.—II. shed tears. *ih m., rain drop. pb?! p.n. of the son of Haman. (fut. p^T).—I. burning, consu- ming.—II. applied metaphorically to strong mental affections, with nn«. Hiph. kindled, inflamed. Ch., burnt, Dan. 7:9. npjfo f., burning fever, Deu. 28:22. n'lnS^; see rhi- th; see Dm i. ntyi was like to, resembled, with !p, Niph. was assimilated, with 2). Pi. —I. assimilated, com- pare, with —11. imagined, thought, meditated. Hithp. fut. same as Niph., Isa. 14:14. II. HOT same as — I. silent, T T - T quiet.—II.ruined, destroyed. Niph. was silent, ruined. Pi. extermi- nate, destroy. Ch., be similar, like. f., similitude, likeness; rV)D*,l3 (also without 3) as, like. m., silence, rest. "'D'i m., the same. JVP'H m., same as likeness, Ps. *17:12. DS**! (pret. pi. •ID'n; imp. and inf. DM; fut. OT; pi. -IDT) was dumb, quiet, inactive, in consequence of some strong affection of the mind, with b-, nin^ H to wait silently upon the Lord. Po. made silent, Ps. 131:2. Hiph. re- duced to silence, ruined, Jer. 8:14. Niph. D!J (fut. i)E>T, ^fl) became silent, destroyed. f., cut off, ruined, Eze. 27:32.DOT TOOT i., silence, 1 Ki. 19:12. ,T T • m., dung. lijPl p. n. of a town in the tribe of Zebulun. |P1P p. n. of a town of Moab. rijOip f.—I. dung-hill, Isa. 25:10 — II. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15:31. m., lit. tear (with suff. ^Pl, Ex. 22:29), juice of the grape, olive, 8fc. r\VTW f. (pi. — l. tear.—II. weeping. pm\ pto"H> pton P. n. —I. Damascus, a city of Syria.— II. a Damascene (supp. fc^K), Gen. 15:2. pfe'pi or p£>pi damask, silk cloth made at Damascus. see p. Ch. pron., this, that• emph. njl; njis thus; nji hvi nii afterwards. njl p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. nnmi p. n. of a town in Edom. p.n.; see H- Kal pret. with sufF. and J epenth., from p. jn, n^l knowledge; see JTP. njj^ Kal imp. with PI parag., from :sn'. p. n. of a man. put out, extinguish. — II. made worse. Niph. are ex- tinguished, Job 6:17. Pu. WjJ/F the same, Ps. 118:12. ( 62 ) niH knowledge; see JH\ nin root not used; (Arab, slaying). (with pause m.) stroke, de- struction, Ps. 50:20. p|TT.—I . beat, drive (as cattle), Gen. 33:13.—II. knock at a door, Cant. 5:2. Hith. knocked, Judg. 19:22. IjJD*5! p. n. of one of the stations of the Israelites in the desert. pl> pi; see ppT p. n. of a district of Joktan in Arabia, Gen. 10:27. pjTl (fut. pT, with suff. -1-lpTJ beat or grind small. Hiph. pin (fiat, with suff. DpH$ for inf. pin, also pin adv., as fine as dust, Ex. 30:36), reduce to powder. Hoph. fut. plV is ground, powdered, Isa. 28:28. ppi Ch., pounded. Aph.made small; see p'11* plm., nplf., small, thin, impalpable; PI «, small dust. p'l m., thin, fine cloth, Isa. 40:42.. np"! (fat. npi^) pierce, run through. Niph. fut. *ljW shall be thrust through, Isa. 13:15. Pu. part. Onpip—I. they who are thrust through.—II. slain by want, Lam. 4:9. *)p! p. n. of a man. rrilpIP f. pi., piercings of the sword, Pro. 12:18. marble; see TH- 11, TJ race; see "l-ll* ktj root not used; (Arab, excite evil). j*W}! m., abhorring, contempt, Dan. 12:2.»nrc ;( ( ' m., abomination, Isa. 66:24. root not used; (Arab, point). m., goad; (SovKsvrpov, 1 Sa. T 13:21. flWZTV? f. pi., goads, Ece. 12:11. root not used; (Arab, step, stair). H JYID f., steep place, precipice. C)iT}, ; see TlT ®^V7rI P- n- kings of Persia.— —I. Darius the Median (Cyaxares II.).—II. Darius Hystaspes.—III. Darius Nothus. T-TH tread (as grapes), with 3. —II. bend a bow, by placing the left foot upon it; he shot arrows from the bent bow.—III. tread down, 'destroy.—IV. enter, pass in, with h)l, ?—V. walk in state.—Hiph. I. caused to proceed, led.—II. bent as a bow.—III. trod down.—IV. took possession of. TO com. (with suff! pi. D'OTT, *371; dual D??TI).—I. way,road; 1*2 '1 way to the tree; H king's highway.—II. journey, /I ni»n a day's journey.—III. mode, manner, custom; HTTP /%!I God's dealings.—IV. the fruits of one's ways, Isa. 10:24, &c. TpnJD m.t foot-prints, Deu. 2:5. drachm, same as Damascus, same as com. Ch., arm, Dan. 2:32. jnit$ com. Ch., arm, Ezr. 4:23. fip-n p.n. of a man. Tn root not used; (Arab.flew, went, round). "ftYT m.—I. swallow or wild pigeon. 3 ) j m —II. spontaneously flowing myrrh, Ex. 30:23, hence:—III. liberty; 2 and b z*1! he proclaimed liberty to any one, he manumitted his slave; TlYin the year of Jubilee, in which all Hebrew slaves were free, Lev. 25:10. Yl m., some unknown kind of marble, Ezr. 1:6; LXX. ttlvvivoq XIOoq. yTH p. n. of a man. TIT! m-» brambles. m., the country south of Judea. E>T! I . he sought, enquired for, into, £c., with ?, ^ m— II. en* quired about, concerning, with bVi used especially of asking super- natural counsel: with before the person asked; with 3 before the being from whom the oracle is asked.—III. demanded, asked, required: with JD before the person from whom the demand is made; GTtt with )D or DJJD or required the blood of one slain, i. e. avenge his death.—IV. promoted, sought to accomplish; run H sought to do him evil. —V. rm\ /,Tl sought the Lord, in acts of worship.—VI. cared for. Niph. was sought, enquired after. m., seeking, Ezr. 10:16. &^T]P m., book, commentary, 2 Chron. 73:22. became grassy, Joel 2:22. Hiph. sent forth grass, Gen. 1:11,12. m., tender herb, first blades of grass. grew fat, Deu. 31:20.—-Pi,tBtt ( 6 I, made, considered fat.—11. anoint- ed.—III.from JgH removed ashes. Pu.wasmadefat, satisfied. Hothpa. pret. made fat (of a sword), Isa.34V6. m., fat, fruitful. m. (with suff. I. fatness of meat.—11. fertility.—III. ashes, specially those of burnt-offerings, &c. which were used for manure, m f. (pi. '•rn), edict, mandate, law. rn f. Ch., law, edict. T nan'n m. Ch., judges or lawyers, T Dan. 4:12, 20. «rn emph. n^n*1! Ch. m., same as ' Heb. KKH grass. P-n- °f a place north of Samaria, p.n. of one of the accomplices of Korah. n n (Pl, n).—I., rj, rb the.— II. demon, pron, this; DVn this day,—hi. relat. pron. who, which; N-ID^pn who went, Jos. 10:24; n^yn that which is above her.— IV. sign of the vocative; 0 King I 0 Baal! lKi. 18:26. H (H, H) pref., sign of an interro- gation; tiwnamlmy brother's keeper, Gen. 4:9. Nil Ch.) behold t nan aha / exclamation of joy or scorn. WJTKn for, from ' TOT- with H parag. pl. 'IIH Kal imper., from 3HV I ) Din Kin, Win Hiph. imper., from > n^in Hoph. pret. f., from &02- for ^nin Hiph., from D^innn gifts; see in* •inn Hos. 4:18, pret. pl. for -12from , ' nrp. piin Niph. inf., from ppl« Ruth 3:15, Kal imp. f., from IP!*; or Hiph. imp. f. for &03H, from , ttfa. (fut. act vainly, sinfully. Hiph. cause to act vainly, Jer. 23: 16. m. (with suff. 71H; pl. ' \bn).—I. vanity, instability, de- ception.—II. idols.—III. abortions, Ecc. 6:4, and thence, men in ge- neral.—IV. adv., vainly, in vain.—' V. p.n., Abel, the son of Adam, m., vanity. (D'nin) ebony, Eze. 27:15. (Arab, that which cuts); ''l.llh they who cut, divide the hea- vens, astrologers, Isa. 47:13; Vulg. augures cceli; LXX. aarpoXoyoL tov ovpavov. "inn Hiph. inf. from "1-13- root not used; (Syr. imagined). m., deep, ardent meditation. run (fut. HgiV; inf. flirt)—I. mur- mur, coo, growl. — II. meditate.— III. declare one's meditations, with 2—IV. discern, separate. Po. inf. Ynh utter, speak. Hiph. part. pl. CD^np mutterers, i. e. enchanters, Isa. 8:19. run m.—murmur, whisper.—II. thun- der. ;un ( 65 ) in* * n»13n f., meditation, Ps. 49:4. 1 m., a musical stringed-instru- I'vin j ment or the sound of one. njh* 2 Sa, 20:13, for njin Hiph. from J PW he removed. fan Kal inf. abs. from II. fab Po. inf. from mi- m., n^jn f., straight, commodi- . ows, Eze. 42:12. npan (Syr. for nr^lin) Hoph. pret. f., from n^J* njil p.n. of the mother of Ishmael. D^"lin, D'^njn p. n. of a people east- i ward of Gilead. nn shout; see lin- j*n!2nn m. pi. Ch., title of certain of- ficers in the court of Babylon; " counsellors," Eng. Vcr. root not used; (Arab, shouting). nn^n shouting (of bodies of men), nn m., shouting, Eze. 7:7. > T3D p. n. of a king of Edom. ^PJTIl! P-n. of a king of Syria. JIEfnnn p.n. of a town not far from Megiddo. nnn guided (his hand), Isa. 11:8. ' nh (for Hindu), p. n. Hin- dustan, India. nnnn p. n. of an Arab tribe, de- scended from Joktan, Gen. 10:27. ^n, nm p. n. of a man. break down, overturn, Job40:12. tnn root not used; (Arab, destruc- tion). Din m., footstool. m. Ch., piece, fragment. ClH m., myrtle; pi. D^Din. nDnn p.n. the former name of Esther. spn (fut. thrust out, drive back. (fut. nw), honoured, dignified (in dress), Isa. 63:1 ; with /£ "03 take the part of any one. Niph. was honoured, Lam. 5:12. Hith. was glorious, Pro. 25:5. nnn Ch. Pa. honoured. nnn m., glorious, honourable, dignified. nin m., honour, Dan. 11:20. nnnn f. (const, D Y7n), honourable (in apparel). nj^nn Hothp. pret. f., from JKH. nrt ah! exclamation of grief, in same as "'in alas! pers. pron. m.—I. he, it.—TI. this, the same. Kin Ch., was; same as nin. Kin for nin imp., from nin. ni-in Hoph. pret., from nUK. nnnin Ch. Aph. inf., from nnK. ^nin Hiph., from ^ and nin glory; see with its comp. in nm nnin Hiph. pret. -nin; imp. pi. nnin; inf. from nn\ nin.—I .fell, descended.—II. existed, was; part, nin; imper. nin, Kin, f. ^in; fut. Kin? (for •in^mqio. nin, Kin Ch., was. t-;' t-; • nin f.—I.intense desire, lust.—II. ac- cident, injury, ruin. nin f., accident, wjypg7~ n*n f., same as J1-1PI calamity.\ nin; Jehovah, the name whereby (Sod would be known to the Hebrews, Ex. 3:14. Written with prefixes 6mrr (6 (like nin^, nin^, nii?o; with ^'iS! it is written rftnj (like FP an abbreviated form of HIPP. WPP p. n.—I. Jehu, king of Israel.— II. of a man. fn^ini, TpfP p. n.—I. a king of Is- rael, the son of Jehu.—II. a king of Judah, the son of Josiah. BWftrP, p. n.—I. a king of Ju- dah, the son of Ahaziah.—II. a king of Israel, the son of Joash. nit'irv p. n. of a man. 15m rp, |J!TP {the Lord is merciful), *luidvvriQ, p.n. of a man. jr#rp. JHjV p. n. of a man. P- n- °fa kins of Judah, the son of Jehoiakim. D^jirP, D^jW, {the Lord con- firmeth), p. n. of a king of Judah, the son of Josiah. l^rP, p.n.of a man. l^jirP, {the Lord's gift), p. n. of a man. |njirP, ]t)W {the Lord giveth, Qeo- 5u)pog), p. n. of a man. n^in? {the Lord adorneth), p. n. of a man. ntfrr p. n. of a woman. p*j¥irP, {the Lord is righteous), p. n. of a man. b"ftrP, {the Lord is exalted), p. n.—I. a king of Judah, the son of Jehosaphat. — II. a king of Israel, the son of Ahab. JD^irP {the Lord hath sworn), p.n. of a son of king Joram. {the Lord saveth), p.n. of a man, Joshua. {the Lord judgeth), p. n.—I. i > prt • of a king of Judah, the son of Asa. —II. of many men. * p. n. of a man. TWfc p.n. of a man. {the Lord he is God), p. n. of a, man. p. n. of a man. *DT*V p. n. of a man. TT r p. n. of the mother of Moses. {the Lord is witness), p. n. of a man. {the Lord helpeth), p. n. of a m. fcty'P p. n. of a man. Dpi* p. n.—I. of a king of Judah, the son of Uzziah.—II. of, a man. Onin p.n. of a king. *in, in interj. of exhortation, threat- ening, grief, with btt, and *?• Ch., proceed, go; fut. ^rP.; inf. tjilD. n^n for nan Hoph., from naj. rnVin, ni|b Hoph. inf., from for Pu. pret. pi., from rifo'in, n-i^i'n ; see Din pret. OH perturb, harass, Deu. 1:23. Niph. was moved, excited; fut. f. Dim Hiph. heave, swell, be tumultuous. riD-inp f., perturbation, tumult, vex- ation. Dinri com. (pi. n'lD^nn), the deep, the ocean; from its tossing and roaring. nipin, rppin part, f., from nDJT Dlpin p.n. of a man. pn Kal, root not used; (Arab, was light). Hiph. made light of, des- pised, with inf. and !?•pn ]in m.—l. wealth, plenty.— II. adv. enough, Pro. 30:15, 16. )">n m., a liquid measure containing twelve logs (A). H, »thy progenitors," Eng. Ver., Gen. 49:26, from mil- D^nin^in Zee. 10:6. Hiph. pret. 1. pers., with suff.,for D^QI!^in,from 2Xfr> (the Lord heareth), p. n. of a m. J^in p.n., name of Joshua, afterwards changed to n^^in (the Lord saveth), p.n. of a m. rvn Po. fut. -mninri attack unjustly, Ps. 62:4. ^rvin Pu. or Hoph., from ^nn> nm doze, sleep idly, Isa. 56:10. nnjn Ch. Aph. inf., from T1f- Ch. Ithp., from IDT- Hiph. pret. pi., from 7?T- •13-tn for -IStnn Hithp. imper. pi., from " HDT- Dynh-rn for nntfn-jn Niph. inf., with suff., from mt* nnjSiann Jos. 6:17. Hiph. pret. fem with n parag., for iWSnn, from 'flVinn jud. 9:9,11,13. for vfonn Kalpret. l.pers., with H interrog., from im ^pnn Hiph. pret.for fcWpQfl, njQO inf. *for fcOtpnn, from NtiH- ^nn Hiph. pret., Eze. 20. Niph.inf., with suff. and pref. i?nn?, Lev. 21:4; see DH Hiph. imp. apoc., from KEBH Hothp., from HDD* Hiph.pret. 3; pers. fem. with sufif., " from HD3. rlJnbn Hiph. inf. with sufif., from HID3- ( 67 ) ran \*Tlamentation; see HPO- pers. pron. f., she, this; see N-IH; with art. fcOnn the same, this very {woman, Sfc.); Ch. the same. niTH f. pi., Neh. 12:8; wrong reading for JYnin dignities; see in ITH shouting; see Yin* n;n (inf. abs. iVi!; const. flVn, njrj, with pref. WHip; imper. iijn, f. *;n, pi. -i\n; fut. nw, apoc. "'hp. —I. came to pass with 3 and \ and it came to pass that.—II. was, i.e. existed; never used as the lo- gical copula, is, was; const, with 7 there was to any one, i.e. he had; with ^ and the inf. was about to, intent upon; with 3 was the same as; with DJJ was, had communica- tion with. Niph. came to be, took effect, with for Dan. 8:27. Hjn ruin; see Hin. Ch., same as how? m. (pi. n^yn, n^a*n).—i. any great and splendid building, temple, palace, Sec.—II. the temple of Jehovah built by Solomon. m. Ch.—I. palace.—II. temple. ■O^il Hiph. imp. f., from ^il, glorious; see swell; see D-1H. p. n. of a man. |D*n Ch. Aph. pret., from JOX. for ym Hiph., from l-ID. light; see'l-in. Ch. Aph. pret.; HWH inf.; HWH Hoph. pret. f. 3. pers.; •wn pi., from nm. 1JH Hiph. imp. apoc., from D-13H Hiph. pret. pi., with suff.,from HDl13.T ( 68 ) nisn Hiph. inf., from H33. niBii for tularin Hithpo., from |-13. ?'?PI Eze. 21:33, for 'j'aS.n Hiph. inf., from 'jDK (others make it Hiph., from ^13). Hiph imp., with sufF. for 'OSH, from i"D3. Hiph. pret. with suff., from HDi. «'^3n for «P^3n Hiph. pret. pi. 1. I pers., from D3H Hiph. pret. with suff., from HD1 «ah for ttjan Hiph. pret. pi. 1. pers., from }}3. Hiph. pret. with sufF., from -on, fut. •'HSnJ-l ye contemn, Job T19:3. ni3n astonishment; see H, the H inter, and the pref. ^ writ- ten thus, for reverence sake, in the phrase ;; hr\ Deu.32-.6. ?n. Niph. part. f. nt6rn removed, cast away, Mic. 4:7. tibn removed; ilK^n pa., thence, v t ' t ; |t ' farther, onward; denotes time and place. n$>n for nmbn Hiph. pret. f., from Kal inf. with suff., from DWil great praise; see ttn. t^n, rijVn, -nWi ; see nl- and^S' (part.^in; pl.Cpyn; f. na^h, rnVn: mf.^i$n; const. ; with suff. imper. ^; with H parag. HD1?, ^ ; fut- ^.1» poet, ^nn).— I. walked, went, pro- ceeded; const, with many parti- cles which modify the sense, e. g. with njlK followed; with m, DJ? % UK ton. i>in accompanied; with 3 walked with, i. e. brought, Hos. 5:6.—II. made way, progress ; ^nri. 1^.3 in- creased continually.—III. proceed- ed, went on.—IV. went off, disap- peared, i.e. died, Gen. 15:2; Bs. 39:14. Niph. set about departing, Ps. 109:23. Pi. f(?i) went, proceeded. Hiph. and . cause to go, lead, con- duct.—II. let perish, Ps. 125:5. Hith. 1&nnn becomewalking, pro- ceed, go on, go about. m.—I. going, travel, 2 Sa.l2:4. —II. a stream, 1 Sa. 14:26. Ch., walked, proceeded. Aph. the same. m. Ch., proceeds of the state, taxation. T"?l] rn.; f.; pi. ITD^n..—I. step.—II. way.—III. proceduie. m.—I. walk.—II.journey. na-iSnPi f., procession, Neh. 12:31. s^-ia'pn', x-iJpnn who went, Jos. 10:24. Kal pret. pi. with K parag. and H relat., from //H shone. Pi. vraise,. — II. gloried.—III. pronounced vain-glorious, foolish, mad; const, with ^ PJ'wH [without dag. forte] praise ye the Lord). Pu. was praised; part. praised, to be praised. Hiph. shone. Hith. began to glory, boast. Po. fut. yp'irp make a fool, shame. Poal part. mad. Hithpo. became mad. m., Lucifer, i.e. the morning star, Isa. 14:12. nV?in f. (pi. niVTin), glory, foiiy.Vin ( 69 ) n-ttin f., folly, Ecc. 10:13. m. pi.—I. great praise, sub- ject of praise, Lev. 19:24.—II. songs of, feasts of, joy, Ju. 9:27. p.n. of a man. zpTO m., praising, Pro. 27:21. btwnp (thepraiseofGod), p .n.of am. f.—I. praise.—II. hymn of praise; pi. praises; pi. m. n^nn the book of Psalms. r6nn f.,' folly, emptiness, Job 4:18. cS5' struck, beat. efcn adv., hither; thus far. (blow), p. n. of a man. rVlD^H f., workman*s hammer, Jud. 5:26. m., name of a gem, adamant. nteprj? f. pi., beatings, stripes. DPI or on p.n. of an unknown place, Gen/l4:5. Dn, pers. pron. m. pi., these, they] with the art. DHH, rttSpn. }ten Ch., these, they. fc$n*7pn p. n. of a man. nprt (inf. const, rflfon; fut. DDn''.; part. m. HDh; f. nbin).—I.'/er- ment (as wine).—II. moved (as the bowels with mental emotions).— III. roar, rage, murmur, moan; part. f. pi. nW'in noisy, i.e. full of people, Pro. 1:21. orDil, pi. DV?n; with suff. and pref. DilbTO their riches, Ezr. 7:11. njpn f., sound of the lute, Isa. 14:11. flDH m. (f. Job 31:34).—I. emotion, lit. moving the bowels.—II. musical sounds.—III. multitude of men, fyc. Jbn m., abundance; with suff. Eze. 5:7. ran ri31Dn the mystical name of a city, Eze. 39:16; see preceding verse, ppn for pp^n Hiph., from |D*. Vijpbq 1 Sa. 17:35, for Vflnpn, VflHpn, Hiph. pret. 1. pers. with suff., from n*1D. for top-in, from *pQ. root not used; (Arab, rain continually). rfon n)>-i»n f., commotion, rushing of wings. D$n (fut. air, Dnsi; inf. const, with - T V T' T T- * suff. ran).—I. put in motion, agitated.—II. dispersed, put to the rout. jpn p.n. of a man. Jbn multitude; see in HIDPN *spJSn or^30n Ch., collar, bracelet, Dan. c. 5. Dpn Niph. inf., from DDD. rppn Ch. for -IDpn Hiph. pi., from 'nDD. Don m., pi. D^DDn slight noises, Isa, ' 64:1. root not used; (Arab, poured water). rrntonn f. pi., torrents, floods, Ps. 140:11. Drfipn Hiph. inf. with suff. and dag. euphon., from mD- nripn Hiph. 2. pers. with H parag., ^pn l.pers., n^pn l. pers. with suff., D£lDn 2. pers. pl.,from fi-ID. in, H3n pers. pron. f. pi., they, them; with art. njnn; adv., here, hither; nam nun hither and thither; T " T T *• * njin} ^pp from thee hitherwards; nan thus far.m ( ; J-ISn pers. pron. m. pi. Ch., he; f. she. run, nan inteij., behold! lot' with suff. ^3H, be- hold me I lo I am here! ^31^ be- hold thou art, fyc. jn Ch., if, whether; either... or, mn Hiph. imp., from n^- n^3n Hiph. mn Hoph., from tW. nri3n rest; see TO* D3H p. n.; D3n"|3 the valley of the sons of Hinnom (where Molech was worshipped). Jttn p. n. of a city in Mesopotamia. V?!?n Ch. Aph. pret.,n^?D inf., from Ch. for fpH Hiph. inf., from Tlu. npn. Pi. imp. DH ; with pause Dn hush! be silent! pi. 'IDH- Hiph. (fut. apoc. DHffi, made to be silent, Nu. 13:30. IVsn for JVpn Hiph., from H-ID- Hiph. imper. apoc., from n^JJ- n5gn for n^n Hiph., from rbv- for n)rn'Hoph., from r6]>. rfasn remission; see Tj^lSn part, with suff. and art., from rna. •Sjfin (fut. "qbni; inf. ; const. with suff. *pSn).—I. turn over. — II. subvert, ruin. — III. change, pervert, convert. Niph. IjSrO was turned, fyc.; with b, to or into, was ruined. Hoph. tjann turned upon, against, Job 30:15. Hith.part. 1j3nnp becomes turned about; f. J-DSnHft the o) nn same; fut. f. *s]SnriJfl becomes changed, Job 38:14. ■ijgn m., perversion, Eze. 16:34. nDQn f., subversion, Gen. 19:29. ^SDjpQ m., turning, tortuous, Pro. 21:8. PDSnp f., overthrow, subversion. n^np f., imprisonment, stocks; prison-house. r\^Brjn f. (pl.'nn-lsrtjn), perver- sion, perverseness. Hiph. inf. with suff., from TIB* "I»b:vn Hith. denom., from T¥ or m* deliverance; see PP m., an armament, force, Eze. 23:24. T m. (with art. Tin; pi. t^nn; with art. D^n®, aff. *TJPJ, nnn; pi. ITTjri; also const, JVTin, HH, nn.—I. mountain.—II. moun- tainous district. — III. fastness, stronghold.—IV. strong men, Isa. 41:15; with H— affix (iTVJ), to- wards the mountain. mi a mountaineer, 2 Sa. 23:33. *"Tin the same, v. 11, a title of Sham- mah. "in p.n.—I. of the mountain in Edom where Aaron was buried.—II. of a mountain in Palestine. Din "in p. n. of a mountain in the tribe of Dan, Jud. 1:35. fcTin p. n. of a region in Syria. Win p. n. of the altar of burnt- offering, Eze. 43:15; elsewhere !?&$*")&$ which see in nitf* DTI Hiph. imp. apoc., from (fut. rin!: inf. j'nn: const, inn), with 7, 21 kill, slay, generally withnn ( : violence. Niph. was slain. Pu. in'n slain. Hi \ slaughter, slaying. ruin r., j mn (inf. abs. rnn, iin ; fut. f. rnnn, -inni).—i. conceived, be- came pregnant, with fiX, ^; part, f. nilH; inf. "Hri she that con- T ceiveth.—II. conceive in the mind, devise. Pu. n-jb conceived, Job 3:3. rnn adj. f., pregnant; pi. D'TUT n^n adj. f., pi. with suff. her T • T ' * T 'T pregnant women. "irnri m. Ch., imaginations,D*xiA:2, from Pa. Ch. nrnn* D^n p.n. of a king of Canaan. Din p. n. of a man. Niph. imp. pi., from pD-in m. (same as palace, Am. *4:3. n? p.n. of a man. Hiph. pret. with suff., from HT. D*in (inf. Dhn; fut. Dhn;, Dins broke down.— 1. houses, fyc.—2. men, i.e. put down, reduced.—3. teeth, Ps. 58:7. Niph. was broken down. Pi. destroyed; as Kal. Din m., Dnnn p.n. of an un- known city in Egypt, Isa. 19:18; « city of destruction," Eng. Ver.; some read DnjTI which see. npnn f., broken down, Am. 9:11. n-IDnn f., ruin, Isa. 49:19. SpH Hiph. imp. apoc., from HQl. Hrin Ch. for nnvin Hiph. pret. f. 3. pers., from n^H* Yin, Yin, mn; see "IH- TT ' W * • T-J * I) 1 l^n with pause for 2fc?n, S^n Hiph. imp. from nD^n (in some editions n»^n) Hoph. inf. with suff., from DD&^. D^n p. n. of a man. n-iy^^n hearing; see V^n Ps. 39:14, Hiph. imp., from Isa. 6:10, Hiph. imp., from ]}]}$• njnwn Hithp., from nnp. y&yn&n Hithpa., from yyy}. •iwxnn Hithp., from •qri-nn'n Ch. Aph. inf. with suff., from n|rin Hithp. imp. apoc., from n\inn mthp., from nY. ^nnh Hithp. imp. apoc., from n^n- vnn for wjkh which is for -vngo, Hiph. imp. pi., from nfiX* ^O^nq for Hiph, inf. with suff., from DftJT Tj-inn melting; see m P' n. of a Persian eunuch. ?nn. pi. Snn, Jprip: (inf. ^nn: futprin); pi. i?nn», -i^nnri) h. luded, deceived. Hoph. ^H-in de- ceived. D^nn m. pi., mockeries, Job 17:2. nftnnn f. pi., delusions, Isa. 30:10. ^nn Pi.;* see !?nn. rrii^nn Hithp. inf., from mi. n^^n Hithp. pret., from T •), 1 conj., used to connect together words, phrases, sentences, &c.; it may be interpreted in modern lan- guages by any of the particles which are applied to the same use: such as and, but, if, moreover, &c. according to the context.p* m p.n. of a place in Arabia, nnj Num. 21:14, probably p.n. of a place or well. m., pi. D*}} hooks or pins at the top of the pillars of the tabernacle. 1T1 loaded; see TT p. n. of a son of Hainan, "''pi "4)' see "6\ nja p.n. of a man. *p!p} p.n. of a man. *3^1 p.n. of a man. P*n* the wife of Ahasuerus. T as* m.—I. a wolf.—II. p. n. of one of the princes of Midian. rwT demonst. pron. f. of i"1T this, that. lit for riKT this. it for PIT relat. pron. this, Ps. 132:12. root not used; (Arab.^y). 3-13J or bee; 3-131 Sis (fly- god), p. n. Baalzebub, the idol of the Ekronites. hath given, endowed, Gen. 30:20. a gift, Gen. 30:20. VI p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. {gift of God), p.n. of a man. HHIT {given of the Lord), p. n. of a man, Ze/3edaiO£. •1HH2T p.n. of a man. *TDT p.n. of a man. p. n. of a man. rn-12T, iWlt p. n. of a woman. a«|fly; seeilt- b3], see ^3T- ( 72 ) tbn n?T (inf. const, nbr; fut. nstr), slaughtered for sacrifice. Pi. fist sacrificed. raj m. (with sufF. rat; pi. D^nnj [ninnt], ''nit).—I. slaughter of men or animals.—II. the thing slaughtered.—III. sacrifice.—IV. that which is offered in sacrifice.— V. p. n. of a king of Midian. HSTp m. (const. najD; with suff. pi. frin^TD), altar; nn^ipn toward the altar. p.n. of a man. 72T, fut. with suff. V&an he will dwell with me, Gen. 30 :20. m.—I. habitation, place of residence.—II. p. n. of a man. fp-'Qt, {residence), p. n. of a son of Jacob; a Zebulonite. J5J Ch., gaining (time), Dan. 2:8. KJ'OT p. n. of a man. JT m., the transparent skin of the grape, Nu. 6:4. Hint; see W HT demonst. pron., he, it, this, that; with art. this: ni...rtt the one...the other; HJ-pK ill the one to the other; Pljaj HT3 thus and thus; sometimes same as that; ilt these two times; in this place, here, there; nip hence; Ptfp from this and that part; n-f~np what is this? npK where? ' r\Vfifth why? •IT com., this; sometimes for npnm, "i fnl \t T?H com., J , this.nnr illT m. (const, nnt, Silt).—I. gold; with a numeral preceding, supply : nnt fWg ten shekels of gold.—II. perhaps fair weather, Job 37:22. nnT root not used; (Syr. splendour). IT m. (beauty of flowers), the second month of the Hebrew year, which probably began on the thirty-first day after the sun had entered Aries. VT m. Ch., majesty, splendour. DHT. Pi. OHT abhorred, Job 33:20. DilT p. n. of a man. TIT. Hiph. i. enlighten, give light.—II. admonish, warn, with )P of the thing to be avoided. Niph. int? was admonished. "1HT Ch., part. PT'HJ admonished, cautioned. in? m., brilliancy. iT, this; see DKT- •1t the same; see PIT* IT; see HUT* issue, flow, as water, blood, &c. — II. abound, overflow. — III. waste away, expire; part. IT; f. PDT: const. I"DT. TT* -T 11T m., issue, discharge of blood, &c. -m, nn.-i . boil, seethe, Gen. 25:29. —II. behave or act inso- lently, with or (fut. with 3 parag. )mp,*Deu. 17: 13. TIT Ch. Aph., was proud, haughty, Dan. 5:20. [ IT m., proud, haughty, ]*n\T m., overflowing, overwhelming, Ps. 124:5. ( 73 ) mr const. JHT m., pnde, haughti- ness, insolence. TT3 m. (part. Niph. for lift), any viand prepared by boiling. rm root not used; (Arab, angle, corner). I"MT or JV1T f. (pi. nVlT), angle, corner of a building, See. 1JP m. (pi. vault for corn, matadore, Ps. 144:13. ft?, TT root not used; (Arab, abund- ance, riches). T*T m.—I. abundance, Isa. 66:11,.— II. PT wealth (i.e. cattle) of the fields, Ps. 50:11; 80:14. KPT p.n. of a man. T\V] p.n. of a man. HT-ITP f., doorpost, jamb. D\T*1T p. n. of a race of giants. nrm p. n. of a man. S^part. removing, pouring forth, casting out, Isa. 46:6. r&lT const. r6-n f. (lit. removal, re- jection), prep, besides; with sufF. inVu besides me; TjnS-IT besides thee, 8fc.; with * parag. ''H^-IT be- sides. pT. Hoph. part. D*0t-1D fed, fattened, Jer. 5:8. J-1T Ch. Hithp. nourished, fed, Dan. 4:9. flTD m., food, meat. j'lTD m. Ch., meat. r$T; see im nln,for HUT, Pu.; see H2T. moved, was agitated. Pil. part. VT^Tp vexing, Hab. 2:7. yjir Ch.; part. pi. |>yKT Dan. 5:19, ijnr ( 74 ) Vft (PJTJ) id. 6:27. moving, in com- motion. itgIT f., agitation, commotion. n^r f., vexation. f., (as the result of wo- ft'on), Gen. 3:19. P*n- °f a man. P- n. of a man. "fit (pret. IT, "IT; fut. I-ITJ, It'l).—I. compressed, squeezed.—II. (same as "VID departed) departed, receded, was strange, abominable, adulte- rous; part. IT a stranger, a bar- barian, an enemy; f. PHT strange woman, harlot. Niph. been receding, falling off, Isa. 1:4. Hoph. part. ^T-ID made separate, Ps.69:9. OUT m., pressed together, broken, Is. *59:5. m., compression of a wound by bandages; 'D-1 WW they make a binding (wound), Obad. 7. nm. Niph. be removed, separated; . fut. n-T\ "T withdrew, hesitated, delayed, Job 32:6; part. pi. fearful things {serpents of the dust). TT, fm pride; see *7-11. VT splendour; see HP!?. tn, Ktn, HW; seeWT. p.n.—I. of a town and desert in the tribe of Judah; "'Q1'} a Ziphite. —II. p. n. of a man. Hip*? ornaments, &c.; see pJT. m const. n\T m.—I. olive tree.—II. olive; DW-TH *|p| Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem. }1VT p. n. of a man. same as was pure. Pi. H3J cleanse, purify. Hithp. imp. •ISJH (for '13jnn) be, become, clean, Isa. 1:16. •ID J f. Ch., purity, innocence, Dan. 6: 23. Vi was pure, clean. Hiph. "?JTn have cleansed, Job 9:30. **|{, ^T m., PlDT f.—I. pure, free from dregs.—II.innocent, upright. n^-IDT f., glass or crystal, Job 28:17. 1 P-n- °f a man. IDT (fut. lbP).—I. remember.—II. me- ditate upon, call to mind, with h, D; part. *V)D? remembered. Niph. *")2TJ.— I. be remembered, recollec- ted.—II. be born a male, from IDT, Ex. 34:19. — Hiph. YDTPf record, commemorate, make- mention of; part. bringing a me- morial or praise-offering of frankin- cense,Isa.. 66:3; TDTft s., recorder, i male. T)DT m.,male. *)-1DT p.n. of a man. fn3J m. (const. |h?t; pi. OtflpJ,* HI—) memorial, record. **1DT p.n. of a man. nnbl, -mnDJ (whom the Lord re- members), Zaxapiag, p. n. of a m. n-ars f, an offering for a memorial*: . Lev. 2:2, &c. J/T root not used. i^Tp m., a fork with three teeth. f-. pi- nia^ip the same. " 7?T, part. S"?ir acting basely, projli- gately, obscenely.H,iiph. ^-TPl debase,&T ( 75 ) defile. Niph. Sb; puVf:, were debased. rvfy f., baseness, lightness, Ps. 12:9. OpT?] m. pi., tender branches, Isa, f.—1.poisonous wind, Simoon.—II. great excitement.— III. hunger, famine. nsh p.n. of the hand-maid of Leah see DDT- nntof, TDT, ""TOT; see IDT- ♦tfSt'PB. 17:3, for see HDT or DDT- DDJ (pret. 'ntot; fut.pi. isp, intended, determined; part. DDT determines,plots against.Ps.37:12. DDT m., determination, project, Ps. 140:9. ' HDT f.—I. intention, imagination.— II.sin, specially adultery.—III. p.n. of a man. HDJ f., pi. with suff. ^IDT my medi- tation (Gesenius), Ps. 17:3. D^TDT p. n. of a race of giants, same as D^T-IT, which see. HDTD f., thought, intention, purpose (for good or evil). Kal, root not used; (Arab, appointed time). Pu. part. D'ODTD CD^y, TYODTp D^y stated times. *JDT Ch. * Pa. appointed, concerted, or Hith. }EttTn according to Ketib, Dan. 2:9.' }DT m., appointed time; pi. D^DT* }D{f JDJ m. Ch. (pi. pjpj), appointed time i nn?fl PPPT thrice, three times. 1XDT (fut. ibr), cut, prune. Niph. was cut.* Pi. IDf he sang, rI3T celebrated the praises with 3 ; of, with b- "IDT m., mountain goat, Deu. 14:5. "TOT m.,pruning time, Cant. 2:12. "Vpj m., song, hymn; pi. rflTDT- niiDT f., branch, bough; pi. D^DT- rjIDT,' rnDT, const. rnDT f., song, praise, music; pKH 'nifi\ the cropping, gathering of the 'earth, Gen. 43:11. ^DT p. n. of a man. |"lbT p. n. of a son of Abraham. "IDT m. Ch., sound (of musical in- struments). m. Ch., singer, Ezr. 7:24. *11 DTD m., psalm or hymn. rODTD f., pi. nhpTD psalteries. rnpjb f., pi. n'npjp pruning in- struments. jt, with pause )T m. (pi. D"0T), kind, JT m. Ch., the same. ^I m- (pl.rito3J; const. fifallT), tail of an animal. 1ST, Pi., cut off, smite the rear of an army, lit. tail it. !l!lt I. play the whore.—II. become, be idolatrous, with bx, 3, nnx, 19. *10^9, nnna, nnri, S£d: part. f. hj'tt harlot. Pu. MS-IT com- mitted fornication. Hiph. HSTH caused to commit whoredom. m., pi. DW-I. whoredom.— II. idolatry. fi-IST idolatry; pi. D^H-IST. fi-ISTfi f., the same; pi. D*rj*UJfl. raj I. stank, Hos. 8:5.—II. rejected, loathed. Hiph. rPJTil.— I. stankr Isa. 19:6.—II. rejected.w niit p. n. of, two towns in the tribe of Judah. pi?, k. fat. strikes, restrains, TDeu. 33:22. pT f., pi. D^T Pro. 26:18, "fire- brands," Eng. Ver.; arrows tipped with fire; see ppT. fljjn f.,pl.nip^ Isa.50:11, "sparks," Eng. Ver.; sparkling ornaments, (Lee); meaning uncertain. nyt, njgt, see JN?. TJJT little; see ' Eng. Niph. " are extinct,5 Ver.; are swift (Lee). m (imp. TO#?; fut. DtyfK), was in- dignant, angry, with 7$}, J"1N. Niph. part. DMpJJTJ became indig- nant, angry, Pro. 25:23. UVA m. (with suff. ^T, SjOfiD. in- dignation, anger. Wt I. was indignant, enraged, with "V DJ>.—II. part. pi. D^EJJJT men- tally excited, wretched, TJ. 0% seed; see JTIT. fTPt shower; see PpT. ppi firm; see V)T. fTTTT (fut. nil); inf. nit).—I. rise as the sun.—II. give light, glory. — white; hence, have leprosy. Tilt. m.—I. rising.—II. p. n. of one of the sons of Judah, and others; a Zarchite. rpnif! P- n. Of a man. rnTK m., indigenous, home born, a tree not transplanted, Ps. 37:35. (nnp) p.n., an Ezrachite. i rnrb m., the east, the quarter of heaven whence the sun rises; nnnrp (and without H affix) to- wards the east. cni overwhelm, Ps. 90:5. Po. D^T * made to pour down, Ps. 77:18. D"Tt m., inundation, of rain or other- wise. ncnt f., effusion, emission, Eze. 23:20. D"1T Pi. pret. with suff.; see mf* 'JHT (fut. jnr; inf. jnt; imp. yip. I. sowing (as seed, &c.).—11. plant- ing.—III. metaphorically of right- eousness, wickedness, &c. Niph. I was sown, was propagated, was f dispersed, Eze. 36:9. Pu. shall they be sown, Isa. 40:24. Hiph. part. JJ^JP producing seed; fut. y„nrri, Lev? 12:2. m. (with suff. ^Ht, ; pi. Tit)-— 1. seed.—II. seed time.—III. semen (of animals).— IV. issue, progeny. w m. Ch., the same. yrr\\ t, sometimes m. (pl.&TlT, TIT, jfttjnj).— I. arm.— II. fore-leg of an animal.—III. strength, power, violence. JJ-'HT m., seed corn; pi. D^ltand m. pi., legumes, ve- JTHTK f., same as JTHT arm. P- n-—a town in the tribe of Issachar; m. ; f. iv'pjnp. a Jezreelite. —II. of a town in the tribe of Ju- dah.—III. of a man. JTltp const. JHTfp m., sown field, Isa. *19:7. root not used. PppT m., copiously raining, Ps. 72:6. p"]T (fut. PifJ scatter, sprinkle; with ^8 of grey hairs, Hos. 7:9. Pu. PIT was sprinkled, Nu. 19:13, 20. p^TP m., bowl or cup; pi. OjTTTP, 'Wpntp. *IT m., border, moulding. "VpT m., firm, compact, Pro. 30:31. £HT p.n. of the wife of Haman. rnf span; see mf- Writ p. n. of a man. DHT p. n. of a man. p. n. of a eunuch of Ahasuerus. Kal, root not used. Niph. X|inD became, was, hidden; with Itun ( 78 ) nan followed by inf. with h i\a9e, in secret; rhab nxara thou fleddest secretly. Pu. Kan same as Niph., Job 24:4. Hiph. hide, conceal. Hoph. Karjn same as Niph., Isa. 42:22. Hithp. NSnrin was, lay, hidden. fcODD m., hiding-place, Isa. 32:2. ^nnp m., pi. D^KhnD the same, ISa. 23:23. aan part. aih loving, cherishing, Deu. 33:3. in m., with suff. my bosom, Job 31:33. nan p. n. of the father-in-law of Moses. nan same as Kan hide, be in conceal- T T T T ' ment; imp. f. *an. Niph. inf. nann lay hidden. n*an p.n. of a man. tt r |^an covering, vail, Hab. 3:4. nam p.n.of a place near Damascus, TGen. 14:15. ^3tna p. n. of a man. n'nn, nn-ian; see nan. tDjn (fut. mW) beat off, threshed out. Niph. is beaten out, Isa. 28:27. I. 7311 1. bind; part. n^ah binders, bands, Zee. 11:7 .—2. bind by pledge, pledge; inf. Van; imp. fut. Saq!, Van\ * Pi. San brought forth with pain. II. 73 H inflicting pain, oppressing. Niph. suffer pain, loss, Pro. 13:13. Pi. injure, corrupt. Pu. ^ai} in- jured, destroyed. ^an Ch. Pa. injure, destroy. Ithp. perish. ^an m.—I. the throes of child-bearing, wdig.—II. pains generally, Job 21: 17; pi. D^an, £an. ^an tn. (f. Zep. 2 :6, with suff. *^30; ' pi. Dvan, 'ho, \?an)—i . rope, cord.— II. measuring line. — III. tract of land, region, inheritance. — IV. snare, gin.— V. company, band of men, I Sa. 10:5, 10. ' j- pledge, deposit. Van in. Ch., 1 . . Vaq rn. Ch.,)JW'hurL K>ian f. Ch., corrupt thing, Dan 6: T 23.* /3n m., mast of a ship, Pro. 23:34. $ah m., sailor. ni^a^n, nfraori i.y\.—i.guidance, direction.—II. rule of action.—III- wisdom. rfann f., bulbous-rooted flower, lily. nj>ynn p. n. of a man. P?n embrace, fold together, with ^ Pi. pan embraced. pan m., folding of the hands. p-lpan p. n. of a prophet; LXX. 'Ajti/3 aKovfi. nan i. joined, attached, assembled, with —II. charm, bind with a spell. Pi. "Ian bind, join, with Pu. nan was joined, with b, Ps. 94:20. Hiph. fut. n^ank I might compose, put together, with Job. 16: 4. Hithp. be joined. "ian m., companion; pi. D^afl, ban- rnan f., associate. nan m. Ch., companion. n^an f. Ch., the same.nan ( 7 *12n m., pi., D^an associates, Job T40:30. "On m.—I. association.—II. incant- ation, Isa. 47 s 9,12; pi. Dnm— III. p. n. of a man; Heberite, Nu. 26:45. niin f.. association. T : y man f., coupling, Ex. 26:4,10. "fan p. n. of a river in Mesopotamia, Chaboras. ni-ian, n*>ian f., closing, seam, scar of a wound; with suff. '•n^ari; pi. nnan, with suff. ^riWian- pan p. n.—I. of a town in the tribe of Judah.— II. of a man; TQn a Hebronite. n'yia-pn f. pi., spots of the leopard, Jer! 13:23. nnanp f., joining, seam; with suff. nnanp f. pi.—I. binders, beams of timber, 2 Chron. 34:11.—II. iron cramps, 1 Chron. 22:3. n-nannn f., league, Dan. 11:23. Bhn (inf. c^nn; fat. carv, B'SDS' —I. bind, gird, with *7, 7J?.—II. govern, restrain. Pi. restrain, Job 28:11, with JD- Pu. 5?an was bound up. rrsq m., pi. D^an pancakes, 1 Chron. 9:31. nanp f., frying pan. aan.—l locust.—II. p. n. of a man. T T A nain p.n. of a man. TT-i * Jin (fut. JIT), feasting, revelling, r specially, keeping the festivals pre- scribed by law. jn m. (const, in; with art. JJJH ; ) ) rrn with suff. -lain; pi. D^D), festival under the law. tf|n f., refuge, Isa. 19:17. *JD p-n. of the prophet Haggai; LXX.'AyyaXog. ^n p. n. of a son of Gad. njjn p. n. of a man. n^n p. n. of one of the wives of David, rnn root not used; (Syr. a rock). D^jn, \13n m. pi., fastnesses, clefts. niin^nniaq girdle; see *m n^an p. n. of a woman. '"DPI (fut. niirro.—I. gird, attire; with ^ of the part of the body at- tired; with a of the object put on; part. *Vl!in girt.—II. withhold, re- strain. -fan m., 1 ibll m., I girdle, belt; pi. Xrilin. nnian U J nniinb f., girding, Isa. 3:24. in Ch., a, an, once; see UIN, also Tin- Tin are keen, fierce; pret. -Iin Hab. 1:8. Hiph.fut. "irP,TIT sharpens, Pro.27:17. Hoph.*in-in sharpened, Eze. 21:14—16. nn m., n^n f., sharp. □nnn, nnn m. pi., very sharp, Job 41:22. p.n. of a son of Ishmael. "inn p. n. of a town of the Ben- jamites. mn (fut. apoc. 1W), rejoice, Ex. 18:9. Pi. fut. with suff. make glad, Ps. 21:7. Hiph. delight, make glad, Pro. 27:17. nnn f. Ch., joy, gladness.nn r&? m. pi. Ch., Dan. 2:32, same as Heb. njH breast. /"in and (inf. VlQ; imp.^iq; fut. VlIT) cease, desist, forbear, fail, with JD. ^•0 m., ceasing, wanting, failing. ^in with pause ^lp m., leisure, Isa. *38:11. Jud. 5:7, with pause and with dag. euphon. for •v'l.n, 'l^lp pret. pi., from ^?nn p. n. of a man. T6in; see v6inn. • ; -t; • ; -t: v root not used; (Arab, melongena spinosa, a thorny shrub). pin and pin, with pause pip m., a species of thorn, Pro. 15:19. fen a river of Mesopotamia, perhaps the Tigris. rtn, part. f. nilh enclosing, laying siege to, Eze. 21:19. TIG m. (const. "110; with suff.lYiri; pi. Dnnn, nnn), chamber, inner apartment; fig. t9D~vTTCl chambers of the south, i. e. the south; jcjn nin Me wmer of the body; HID ^n the tomb. •mo p. n. of a part of Syria, near Damascus, Zee. 9:1. tnn. Pi. t^in renew, restore. Hith. is renewed, Ps. 103:5. Bnn m., new, recent, fresh; f. n^in T(pi. ni^nnj. Bnh m. (with'suff.^in; pi. ^tsnn, ^nil) —I. new moon: hence,— II. certain feasts regulated by the moon.— III. month which began with the new moon; £Hn . r a whole month. — IV. p. n. of a ( so ) wr woman; ^111 the son of Ho- dash. niQ m. Ch., new. nin. Pi. render due, forfeit, Dan. 1:10. 2*m m., debt, Eze. 18:7. nrrtn p. n.; see ron. T T T an circumscribe, Job 26:10. 3-1 n m., sphere, globe. HJ-inp f., compasses, Isa. 44:13. *nn propose a riddle, problem. HTn f., parable, riddle. n^ng f. Ch., the same, Dan. 5:12. mn. Pi. H-in shew, declare. n:in, Pa. Ch., shew, de- clare. Aph. the same. mn« f., shewing, argument, Job T *13: 17. f. Ch., the same, Dan. 5 :12. n-Jll f., pi. nVin villages of huts; see also under ^n. nxsn f., crowd of men, 2 Sa. 23:11, 13; Ps. 68:11; see also under »n. nn root not used; (Arab, shore, coast). TinD m., haven, harbour, Ps. 107:30. nin p. n. of a man. nin m. (pi. D»nin, D»mn).—I. thorn or bramble generally.—11. fishhook, Job 40:26.—III. a ring with spikes put round the necks of captives, 2 Ch. 33:11. nn m.—I. hook or ring put into the nose of animals, e.g. the camel. —II. a nose jewel, worn as an or- nament. tDin Ch. Aph., join in one threap, Ezr. 4; 12.Din tMH m., thread; TV.Fty'V TO t^np from a thread to a shoe-latchet, Gen. 14:23, i. e. nothing whatever, p. n., the Hivites, a people of Canaan. p. n. of an unknown district where there was gold. and (fut. W, apoc. bm, "?nm, Vnm; TimP'.Tf. ^-in; •.*W •* T-' T~ r pl. -V^n).—I. feel, be in pain.—II. tremble as a woman in labour.— III. bring forth, Isa. 54:1. — IV. precipitate, fall upon.—V. be strong, durable.—VI. waited; see /FV. Hiph. fut.^IT.—I.shake, Ps. 29:8. —II. exult, Job 20:21. Hoph. fut. W shallbebrought forth, Isa. 66:8. Pil. . dance in a circle, Jud. 21:23. — II. humble, Job 26:5.— III. bring forth.—IV. wait, Job 35: 14. Pul. was born. Hithpo. y?innn—i. was tormented.—II. fell upon.— III. waited, Ps. 37:7. Hithpai. ^nnn was pained, Est. 4:4. Sin m.—I. sand.—II. measure, num- ber, Job 29:18.—III. weight.—IV. abundance. ^•in p.n. of a son of Aram, Gen. 10: 23. m. (const, ^ri; with suff. ' dI. D^n).—I. strength, power; did valiantly.— II. an army; *021 or /n H50K soldiers; S'nn general. — III. riches, wealth; acquired wealth. •—IV. virtue, integrity.— V. S*n strength (i.e. fruit) of the tree, Joel 2:22. h\n m. Ch.—I. strength.—II. army. ( 81 ) tfn and^H m.—I .army.—11. outwork, space before a fortification. m. "I —I. pain. —II. trembling, n^n f. J fear, Ex. 15:14. n^n Ps. 48:14, same as forti- fication; others read nSnSn f., great, grievous pain. Sinbm.—I. dance, dancing.—II.p. n. of a man. nVno f„ dance. t : 9 mn root not used; (Arab, was black). E*in m., black. nam f., a wall; const. Hpin ; pl. T rtoin; dual D?nbb- D-in (fut. Din;, d'it; i.pers. D-inx) spare, pity, grieve for; often with the eye. fjin shore; see Ppn* DS-in, D*arj P-n- of a son of Benjamin; "'DS-in a Chuphamite. pn root not used; (Arab, surrounded). fin m. (pi. niv-in, nivn).—i. open place, court, garden.—II. out-fields, lands (without a city). — Adv. I. without, opposed to within; nV-in, n^nn without; y*in2l the same; ffr6, nv-m^the same; finp the same; with h besides; p^*0 with- out, Eze.41:25; finn |P without; nV-inp the same, Eze. 40:40,44 ; pnn-^, the same, Eze. 41:9; ns-inn the same, Eze. 34:21; b 'f-inp 9^ the same; jp ym more than, Ecc. 2:25. fjn m., a wall, Eze. 13:10. fi^n m., r\ywn f., outer, exterior; jVirnS without; rntenn nD^pn outward business, i.e. civil, op- posed to sacred, 1 Ch. 26:29. 7pin ( e l>in, pin same as p*n. -iin , fut. pi. shatt be white, pale, T Isa. 29:22/"* Tn, >in, in m.—I. white linen.— —II .nobles.—III .cavern, aperture, hole; pi. nin, Dnh, nh; see also Tin. Tn m. Ch., white, Dan. 7:9. nn m., white bread, Gen. 40:16. nn (Tp(oyXodvri]Q) p.n., a Horite, i.e. dweller in a cave, a Canaanitish nation.—II. p. n. of a man. nin p.n. of a man. v-vin same as p. n. of a man. D^n, DTri p. n.—I. of a king of Tyre.—II. of a man. mo p. n. of a country beyond Jor- 'dan, Eze. 47:16, 18. d!Jin p. n. of a city of the Moabites; ^"in a Horonite. Dnin white, fyc.; see lb in Tin. and (fut. t^n; ; apoc. t^nni; imp*, HP-in).—I. hasten (part. hasting).—II. felt, en- joyed, Ecc. 2:25, with !?. Hiph. Wtin.—I. hasten, accelerate.—II. stumble, fail. n^-m p.n.of a man: aCusha- T * • T thite. ^•in p. n. of one of David's com- panions. D^-in p. n. of a man. ^n adv., hastily, Ps. 90:10. Dfiin seal; see DHn. nin (inf. nim; imp. ntrij fut. ntffi: apoc. TO0, tnX).—I. saw visions. —II. saw with pleasure.—III. look at, regard, with 21; look for, search out, choose, with JD; part. HTJI; 2) pm subst. const, nrin, njb; pi. D*tb. —I. prophet, seer.—II. agreement, Isa. 28:15. N{n, nrn Ch., he saw. ntn m., breast of an animal cut up; const. nrn; Pi. ni?p. ■ Itn m. Ch., vision. itn p. n. of a man. pin m., vision, revelation. H-lfn f.—I. vision, revelation.-^11. matter of vision.—III. agreement, Isa. 28:18. nim f., vision, 2 Ch. 9:29. nirn f. Ch., appearance, Dan. 4:8,17; fp-tn m. const, jinn; pi. niivjn dream, vision. jinn p. n. of a man, 1 Ki. 15:18. nrra m ., vision. nrnp f., window, 1 Ki. 7:4, 5. ni&OTnD p.n. of a man. ^TQ p.n. of a king of Syria. p.n. of a man. nnn p. n. of a man. p.n. of a man. njtnl p.n. of a man. jjn root not used; (Arab, pierced). T^n or Tin m., thunder-bolt, Zee. 10:1. -i-tn m., hog, swine. TTn p.n. of a man. pill (fut. ptnj) was strong, firm, power- ful, unyielding, applied to persons, mind, or things: const, with 2 in; to, ^ on, to; |D more than; p to, for. Pi. p-Tn made strong, firm. —I. with T 1. strengthened the hand.—2. supported.—II. with J? 1. hardened the heart.—2. restored, healed. Hiph. p^tnn I. take fastptn ( { hole of, obtain, retain, with 3, h, —II. applying strength to, re- pairing, confirming, prevailing. Hith. pjtnnn became, waxed strong, received strength, fyc.; with oppese, resist; with 2 or assist, aid. pjn m, becoming strong; Til ^7*1 H waocing strong. pjn m., strong, mighty, unyielding, prevailing, used either in a good or bad sense. ptn m., strength; withsuff. *ptn Ps. ' 18:2. pjh m., the same; with suff. *pt)T ngtO ^ (same as p'?n inf., see ptn), ifliJTnS when he gained strength, with 3; TiTnptnil when the hand of God impelled. n^rn f.-i . force, vehemence; M fjT 113 with power, vehemently.—II. re- pairing an edifice, 2 Ki. 12:13. *»ptn p.n. of a man. ^i??n, -mjpjn, njpw, wpjn* p.n., Hezekiah, kingof Judah, and others; LXX. 'E^x'ae. (the Lord strengthens), p. n., Ezekiel the prophet; LXX. nn, D^nn hook; see rtn» NJpn (inf. Nion, torj; fut. kbit).— I. err, wander from.—II. sin; with 3, h, or by, against.—III. miss the mark, fall short of, with )P; part.m.KD'nKDin; pLDWph; f. Pi. XtSli expiate, cleanse, free from sin. Hiph. fcOpnn I. miss the mark.—II. cause to sin. Hith. I. be, become erring, Job 41: 17.—II. be cleansed from tin. ) n >n «Ipn m. (with suff. Wtpn; pi. D^Dq, ^DPl), sin, wickedness. *tpn or inn m. Ch., sin, Dan. 4:24. nVbn f.Jsin. T T ' Ktpn m., sinner; ntft2)l f., Am. 9:8. n^n f., sin, Gen. 2V: 9. f., sin, Ex. 34:7; Isa. 5:18. n«pn f.,sin, Nu. 15:28. n^tsn f. (const, pi. niatsn; const. n^n).—I. sin.—II. sin- offering.-— III. idol.— IV. punish- ment of sin, Zee. 14:19; Pro. 10:16. nxtsn Ch. (Kri), (Ketib), sin- offering, Ezr. 6:17. Kftn, iton Kal inf. const., from KEn. itpn (fut. 3 b rP) cutting wood. Pu. part. f. nii^np hewn stones, Ps. 144:12. rroipn, stripedt variegated, Pro. 7:16. nm f. , wheat; pi. D^n; ch.pt3n and inpin grains of wheat. ^•1l2n p. n. of a man. KipWl p. n. of a man. ^isn p.n. of a man. DtOPt (lit. ring a camel through the nose, which is the mode of bitting that animal); fut. ^"Dtpn.N I will restrain my anger against thee, Isa. 48:9. f|t?n (fut. fjton^ rob, take by violence. NQ^pn p. n. of a man. nt?h m.,stick, rod, Pro. 14:3; Isa. 11:1. ^nl^ri; see ^n. HTn riddle; see Tin* r • rrn (inf. nfyVn; const. flVri; imp. T Tn?.ri5 fut. nWj apoc. ^n?) he lived in health, safety, vigour, fyc.; withn*n ( 8 |P recovered after sickness. Pi. n»n—I. giving, preserving, restor- - ing life.—II. strengthen, make ef- fectual; ynt n»n preserve seed, Gen. 7:3. Hiph. njnn give, pre- serve life. n>n or Xjn Ch., fte lived; imp. *}£]• Aph. part. NTO g-wircg- life. nin m., not used; f. H^n; pi. flVTl lively, strong, Ex. 1:19. p.n. of a man. rPTO f.—I. means of living, food.— II. crude, raw, i.e. unsound, diseased, Lev. 13:10,24; see also in il 1 !"!• "ft lived; pret. m. ; f. T Ex. 1:16. m. (const. VI; pl.D^H, ; with suff., alive; HI*n •'HI as the Lord liveth and thy soul liveth; adj. (f. HJIT, pi. JYPn) living, alive, safe, reviving; nsn DJJ3 according to the time of life; metaphorically, living (i. e. springing) ivater; living (i.e. fresh) meat. m. Ch., living; pi. |^n, ^n, s. life. njn f. (const, rvn, ijvn; with suff. T in;n; pi. nVn).——II. ani- mal, wild beast; see also in HUT Hp (same as n*n life), p. n. Eve the first woman; LXX. "Eva, Vulg. Heva; see also in Plin* Wn f. Ch., living creature. WO f., life. const, state with 1 parag. for TVI1 from n^n; see in p.n. of a man; one of the family of Jehoel. p.n. of a man. n^n; see bin- l ) »=n D^n. p. n. of a city not far from the Euphrates. same as |Vn« j>n; seepn. Tin, fi^n, njtevi; seef-in. p'D and pPl m., the bosom.—I. in a conjugal sense.—II. in a dishonest sense, Pro. 5:20.—III. in a moral, sense, the feelings, affections.—IV. bosom, lappet of a garment.—V. hollow place in a chariot, I Ki. 22: 35; in the altar, Eze. 43:13, &c. iTVn p. n. of a man. hastily; see *nD» palate; see *pn. D3n waiting, with b, Isa. 30:18. Pi. HSn the same. *30 for nan Pi. inf. of nsn. ^?n m., brightened with wine (of the eyes), Gen. 49:12. n-^sn ffierceness of eyes, Pro. 23: 29.* n^pn p. n. of a hill in the wilder- ness of Ziph. n^5D p.n. of a man. D?H (fut. DSn.1!) was wise> intelligent, taught. Pi. made wise, taught. Pu. part. DSriP made wise. Hiph. part. f. nD*3nb making wise, Ps. 19:8. Hithp. account oneself wise, cunning. nsn m. (f. nipsn).— i. wise.— n. teacher of wisdom. — III. intelli- gent, clever; wise men (of soothsayers, &c.); nibsn (i.e. women skilled in lamenting at fu- nerals, Jer. 9:16. D*3PI m. Ch., wise man, magician. nDSn f., wisdom. T J Tcan ( 85 ) rt>n nppn f. Ch., wisdom. nfen, n'lDpn f., the same. *0b2ri p.n. of a man. "?n same as ^0 pain; see ton. 7h profane; see same as i"6n sick, weak, afflicted. n?r5Cl f.—I. refuse, filth, scum, Eze. 24:6.—II. p. n. of a woman. D'Wn diseases; see in n^n- m. (const. 3j?n; with suff. ^bn), new milk or cream. and m. (with suff. ; ' pi. D',?i?p,',3^0).—I- fat, fatness, the best of any thing; 'PI the fatness of the earth; HtSn 'PI the best of the wheat.—II. hardness, impenitency, Ps. 17:10, &c.—III. p. n. of a man. na^n p. n. of a town in the tribe of Asher. p. n. of a city in Syria, Xa- \vj3ojv. rm'pn t, galbanum, an odoriferous gum, Ex. 30:34. root not used; (Arab, duration). ijpn m. (with suff. v^n), time, dura- tion; D^nb men of time, i. e. of this world, Ps. 17:14. m., a mole. p. n. of a prophetess; LXX. 'OXda. p.n. of a man. I. nSll (fut. apoc. was sick, weak, afflicted, with Niph. rbni became sick, weak, afflicted; part, (f. n^nJ), diseased, infirm. Pi. n^>n afflicted; with suff. my sickness. Pu, H^n afflicted, infirm, Isa. 14:10. Hiph. ^nn (for H^nri) afflicted, made sick, infirm. Hoph. r6pn wounded. Hith. feigned sickness; imper. apoc. fut. apoc. *ni?n Ps. 77:11. Pi. inf. with suff., from i. rbri. with pause m. (with suff. i^n ; pi. D^n). disease, sickness, evil, inconvenience. m., ornament, necklace; pi. ' own. f., the same. m., prayer; would that1 r6riD m., I .. f > sickness, disease. p. n. of a woman. )i!?nb p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. »&!3»m.,pl. D'^np circumstances of disease, 2 Chron. 24:25. r&jo m., a title of Ps. 53 and 88; meaning uncertain. rbnv p. n. of a woman. ttfrqn m., pi. Dw^riri, o*$r® II. rhll Kal not used; (Arab, was sweet). Pi. n^n, with make propitious, conciliate favour, satisfy; imp. apoc. fut. apoc. £ri}J< n?n, )i?n> see??n- D'??n dream; see D^n- pVn' p. n. of a town in the land of Moab. passing away; see p£>n. nesfcn defeat; see &hn. ffcn p.n. of a province in the kingdom of Assyria (KaXax'hvTi). n?n?0 pain; see ton.B$>rt bSn. Hiph. fut. I Ki. 20:33, «did hastily catch," Eng. Ver.; "hasted greatly" (Lee). ^>q, ^ri, njVn ; see r6n- Wh pipe; see %n. change; see nv^o spoil; see root not used; (Arab, intense blackness). n:6n with pause m., very mi- . .T serable,Ps. 10:8,14;pl. v.10. T?H pierced, wounded, Ps. 109:22. Niph. profaned, became com- mon, prostituted; inf. i?nri; fut. ^CE, ^>nn- Pi. ^?n—i . wounded, Eze. 28:9.— II. profaned, made common, violated (a covenant).— III. played upon the flute, 1 Ki. 1: 40, from Wn. Pu. part. profaned. Po. 771 n wounding. Poal. part. ^ViriD wounded. Hiph. make profane, violate, loose, set free.—II. begin; pret. 1. pers. 'r6nn ; inf. with sufF. tkm their beginning; fut. shall begin; shall loose. Hoph. was begun, Gen. 4:26. ~^>n m., pipe; pi. ci^q; nWn int. profane 1 fie t with^oftheners. and inf. with ]D; nit5>i>D Tl that be far from thee to do so. (const .7? H m.) .—I.pierced, wound- ed, slain.—II. profane, common; f. rwn prostitute, Lev. 21:7, 14. Vn m., profane, common. nVn const. n^n f., cake (pierced with holes). f6n com., window, (i. e. opening); pi. ( 86 > ybn n^np f., pi. ni^np caves, holes of the earth, Isa. 2:19. f., beginning; n^nra at first, formerly. D/H (fut. D^nS—I. dream.—II. be fat, Job 39:4. Hiph.— I. make stout, strong, Isa. 38:16.—II. part. Dwnp causing to see visions, Jer. 29:8. Dibn m., a dream; pi. D^n m. Ch.—I. dream.—II. p. n. of a man. n-1!0)nf., Job 6:6, «egg," Eng. Ver.; cheese, (Lee). Bfy&ri m., flint, stone striking fire. nzbm f., a precious stone; LXX. aflWvGTOQ. |Vn p. n.—I. of a town in the tribe of Judah; same as —II. jfrn . in the land of Moab; same as |Wn« ®i?n p^ce)—i .pass by, away.—II. put away. Pi. change (as clothes). Hiph. —I. change (as clothes).—II. renew. S)2D Ch., pass by or away. prep, for, instead of, Nu. 18:21, ' 31. Sffcn m. j Tl children of those passed away, orphans, Pro. 31:8. ns^n f, change, renewal (of clothes, troops, &c.)« 5]^0P m., knife for sacrifice, Ezr. 1:9. niEfenp pi. f., locks of hair, Jud. 16: . 13,' 19. f?n (fut. ) .—I. deliver, free.—II. give the breast, Lam. 4:3.— III. gird, arm for battle, with JD; without sandals. Niph. —I. was delivered.—II. was armed.( 87 Pi. deliver, set free; f-1^n girt, armed, ready; host armed; IfcOD""' v>bT warriors of Moab. Hiph.^p* make strong, Isa. 58:11. flT^O f., spoil, Jud. 14:19; 2 Sa.2:21. dual D^V^O loins. Y?D p-n* °f a man' nivbnp f. pi., dress of honour, mantle. pSn (fut. p'^r©.—I. apportioned, di- vided land, wealth, spoil.— II. was smooth, fallacious, with DJJ. Niph. was divided, distributed. Pi.—I. divided, distributed, with —II. dispersed, with h. Pu. was divided. Hiph. P70H. — I. make smooth, flattering.—II. taking portion, Jer. 37:12. Hithp. dividing, appor- tioning, Jos. 18:5. m., smooth, slippery, fallacious, flattering. p^n m. (with suff. *»p?n; pi. D^p/Pl). —I. part, portion, lot of land, field. —II. portion of the sacrifice.—III. prey; Isa.57:6, "smooth stones;" Eng. Ver. river gods (Lee); p^n ^ with nx, di?,? my portion is with, fyc.—IV. smoothness.—V. p. n. of a son of Gilead; son of Chelek. pbn m. Ch., part, portion. ppn m., pi. D^n smooth stones, 1 Sa. " 17:40. H^n f.—I. slipperiness.—II. flattery. —III. portion; pi. slippery ways, Ps. 73:18. npb>n f., division, divided part, 2 Chron. T35:5. r\)fbn f. pi. Ch., blandishments, Dan. 11:32. ) ton 'p-jn pi. const, with dag. euphon.,from p. n. of a man. n^n, -w^n p.n.—i. of a man.— II. the high priest in Josiah's reign. —III. the father of Jeremiah the prophet.— IV. the father of Eli- akim. rflp^n very slippery ways, devices. n^np'f. (with suff. inp^nD; pi. hip^nD).— I. appointment, distri- bution, order,course.—II. p.n. of a place; rrip^n yho. npSnp f. Ch.,'distribution, order, Ezr. Tn (fut. tfrij, onji; m. on, with suff. ten).—I. be, grow hot; tih? D'Vn in the heat of the day; v DPI he becomes warm.— II. hot with lust. Niph. became hot, inflamed; . fut. DIT, Qn^; part. pi. D^pn?.. Pi. warms, hatches, Job 39:14. Hithp. becomes warm, Job 31:20. Dn m.—I. warm, growing hot; pi. TD^n—II. p. n. of a son of Noah. —III. perhaps Egypt (Copt. XW1)> Ps. 78:51, &c.; see also Dn in its place. DPI m., heat; Dn? DPI hot bread, i.e. new. niDn f., const, n^n heat; see in Dtl*. T •* i I ) P»n n^n f.—I. heat, glow, Ps. 19:7.—II. ' the sun. p.n. of a man. flEn p. n.— I. of a town in the tribe of Asher.—II. of a town in the tribe of Naphtali. j&n m., pi. D'ODn sun-images; pro- bably the Amoun of Egypt; Greek dfiovv. (fut.Dbns, doing violence, in- jury, wrong, with Niph. violated, Jer. 13:22. DOT m. (const. DOT; with suff. •>pOT; pi. D^DOT), violence, in- jury, that which is obtained by violence. DOTfi m., ostrich; LXX. y\av% ; Vulg. noctua. (fut. with pause f OT*; inf. nvpn), fermented, leavened; part. flDn scarlet; part. ^pn« Hiph. part. f. DVpnp fermented Hith. was excited, perturbed, Ps. 73:21. ym m., leavened, fermented. H?n m., vinegar. pOT m., injured, oppressed, Isa. 1:17. ppn m., "clean provender," Isa. 30: 24, Eng.Ver.; « a salt, sour plant of the desert, much relished by the camel" (Lee). withdrew, disappeared, Cant. 5: 6. Hith. loiter, act undecidedly, Jer. 31:22. p-IDO m., IprV Ti Cant. 7:2; pro- bably large beads, strung together and worn as a girdle; such girdles are often represented in the tombs of Egypt.n»n ( 89 ) wn ion (fut. pi. •npir), fermented, was excited. Poal. ^p"lpn excited, be- come inflamed. (From "Ifcpn) Hiph. fut. with suff. rnpnrft she cemented it with pitch, Ex. 2:3. *")?Dn m., mineral pitch, aapn, nf'pq m., five; pi. b^Dn fiftyj with suff. spBtoq. / D^pq i? captain of fifty. fcj>pn Pi. divided into fifth part, Gen. 41:34. fc^pn m., fifth part, Gen. 47:26. ^Apn, ^pn m., fifth; f. n^pn, ' ri^PH; 'pi. with suff. W^PD the fifth part of it. O^pn m. pi., compact in battle array; AquilafivwTrXio/ilj'oi; Vulg. armati. n»n m., bottle, skin for holding liquids; const, fipn, ftPD- HDn p. n., Hamath in Syria, north of Palestine; a Hamathite. "IfcH nbn p. n. of a town in the tribe of Naphtali. jn,Y}jn; seepn- njrt (fut. nW; apoc. ]n?1).—I. de- clined (of the day), Jud. 19:9.— II. pitch a tent, encamp; with h]3 encamp against; with b defended. —III. dwell, reside, Isa. 29:1. f., pi. Dion wells used as dungeons, Jer. 37:16. rron f., spear, lance; pi. rtfrvjq- HJnp m. (f. Gen. 32:9).—I. camp. —II. army, body of people.—III. flock of cattle, locusts, fyc.; const. roqP; pi.D^qp (D^np), nbqp. p-rmp (camp of the Danites), p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. DJJnp {two troops), p. n. of a town in the tribe of Gad. ni^nJ? f. pi., camp, 2 Ki. 6:8. jnn p. n. of a man; *jnF) son of Tachan. run, J-13D, jwn. !?S*|0, rmn: see Tpn. lfl3n, 'q^n; see "pll- tDjH I. ripened, Cant. 2:13.—II. em- balmed, mummified, Gen. 50:2, 2,26. Dtp?n m. pi., mummy, embalmed body. man, D^n, ptMn wheat; see ntsn- adapt, fit to certain ends.—I. teach a child, Pro.22:6.—II. dedi- cate a temple. no m. (with suff. ^n).—I. palate, taste.—II. moral perception, Pro. 8:7. nsn f., fish-hook. •jiJIlm., trained men, Gen. 14:14. Tpjn p. n. of a man; P16 son of Chanoch*Mft ( 9 f., dedication. nsin Ch., the same. Dan in vain; see pn. ^>SP5n p. n. of a man. m., /ros£. pn (fut. fnj, |anj, jqji; with suff. T Dann, -Uan^an^with a epenth. ^3lV; in£ abs. jian; const. jan ; with suff. DD^n, njjri; imper. with suff. raari, *aaari,' -ia3n; pi. ,j.. f ... ; T ' T r •IMUn, *}3n), being, acting favour- ably, graciously, kindly. Niph. Jlia was pitiable, Jer. 22:23. Pi. fut. }3!T be favourable, gracious to. Po. tain the same, Pro. 14:21. Hoph. fut. )rP be favoured, find favour. Hith. jannn implore, sup- plicate favour, with h, 'OS? > inf. with suff. iaannn* jan Ch., show favour. Hith. implore favour. p.n. of a fortress of Jerusalem, ^aan p. n. of a man. iTOan ('A vaviaQ), p. n. of a man. jn m. (with suff. 1311).—I. grace, " favour; %B WJS JPI found fa- vour in his sight; 'a \n jna gave favour in the sight of him.— II. elegance, grace of deportment. —III. worth, value.—IV. prayer for grace, Zee. 12:10.—V. p.n. of a man. *nan p. n. of a man. TT •• * pn m., destructiveness, Job 41:4. Han f. (pi. n'lan).—I. entreaty for favour, showing favour.—II. p. n. of a woman, "Avva. pan p. n. of a man. J-ian m., very gracious. )") 'DH p. n. of a man. na\an f., grace, favour, Jer. 16:13. D3n adv.—I. freely, for nothing.—II. in vain.—III. for nothing, unde- servedly. nann f.—I. favour,mercy.—ll.pi'ayer for favour, prayer. Cn-iam m. pi., prayers for mercy, supplications. nia-iann f. pi., the same. D^n p.n. of a city in Egypt ('Hpa- kxeovq ttoxlc). (fut. fjani), was heathenish, pro- fane, ungodly. Hiph. fj'Orjn the same. f]an m., profane, ungodly; D^San, t]an m., heathenism, Isa. 32:6. nban f., the same, Jer. 23:15. Niph. fut. pan?.! hanged him- self, 2 Sa. 17:23.T Pi. part. p3np suffocating, Nah. 2:13. panD m., suffocation, Job 7:15. "Ipn. pi. ten accuse of baseness, impiety, Pro. 25:10. Hith. (fut. npnnn) show thyself merciful, 2 Sa.*22:26; Ps. 18:26. IDH m. (with suff.'npll; pi. DHDQ, Hpn).—1.favour,kindness, mercy; "IDn nbjj with DJ?, b, bv., nx he showed mercy to him.—II. good- ness, benevolence.—III. shame, dis- grace, incest, Lev. 20:17. — IV. p. n. of a man. nnpn p.n. of the son of Zerubbabel. Tpn m., gracious, confident; H/pn rrtn; they that trust in the Lord., nTpn f., stork, supposed by the an- cients to be pious to its parents,nDn ( 91 ) npn (fat. npnK, nDns), trusty con- fide in, with 2. riDh p. n. of a man. n-IDn f., confidence, Isa. 30:3. rrDilfor nnon Kal pret.f.; pl.Vpn t|t t t : |t 1 x |t t for ton, from P!Dn. npnp, nbpo m. (with suff. *pq»), refuge. njpnD p. n. of a man. bon crop off', devour, Deu. 28:38. ^pn m., kind of locust, LXX. Ppovxog. DDH (fut. Dbns, bind, tie up, stop (the mouth). ftbriD m., bridle, curb, Ps. 39:2. Niph. fut. jpnj was strong, powerful, Isa. 23:18. 1PD Ch. Aph. confirm, make strong. JpH m. Ch., might, power. Jph m., strength, power, wealth. fion m., strong, powerful. j*pn m., mighty, Ps. 89:9. f)P0 m., potter's clay. DSpnp m., scaly, having scales, Ex. i6:i4. *lpn (inf. lion; fut. npn.;, ntpoy want, lack, be in need. Pi. dimi- nish, make to want. Hiph. n^pnn cause to fall short. npn m., wanting, destitute of, with "fp; a|?"ipn without heart (i. e. sense), foolish. m., deficiency, want. nph m., the same. nnpn (Dnnri) p. n. of a man. j'npn m.,much want, Ecc. 1:15. TDI1 m. Ch., deficient, Dan. 5:27. libra m. (with suff. nbra; pi. want, lack, need, same as nan. Pi. acted se- r t t t cretly, clandestinely, 2 Ki. 17:9. nsn covered, veiled. Pi. nan over- t t ' t • laid, cased (with gold). Pu. nan "defence;" Eng. Ver., Isa. 4:5; see Niph. HSIIJ covered, overlaid, with 3, Ps. 68:14. TSn (fut. taiT).—I .affright, alarm.— II. hurry. Niph. T3ITJ was hurried. pTSn m., haste, hurry. |Sn root not used; (Arab, a measure containing two hands full). |5*n m., dual QJJSn, 'Oan both hands closed so as to contain something. "0an p.n. of the son of Eli. cover, protect, Deu. 33:12, with fcpn, ?in m., shore of the sea. P]n m., pure, faultless, Job 33:9 (lit. protected). HSn f.—■ I. defence; see ?]Qn— II. bridal chamber. — III. p. n. of a man. D*fin p.n. of a man. ySH (fut. yhni, fanp.— i. delight, be pleased with, with h and 2— II. bend, move. Y$n m., willing, delighting, acqui- escing; nritf 'n Dtf if thou wilt; 'n delighting in wickedness. fan m. (with suff. ^Sn).—l.pleasure, delight.— II. wish, desire, will* III. costly, precious.—IV. businessy concern, affair; pi. D*¥pD pre- cious things. mV delight (is) in her.—I. a mystic title of Christ's true church, Isa. 62:4.—II. p. n. ofnan ( 9 the mother of Manasseh. 2 Ki. 21:1. ISn (fut. ibnil).—I. dig (as a well, &c). —II. search out, investigate; "1DI1 (fut. -1BTO blush, be ashamed, con- founded. Hiph. "vann.—i. blush. —II. cause to blush, put to shame. "lSn p. n.—I. of a city of Canaan.— ' II. of a man; 'Han a Hepherite. DHQn p. n. of a town in the tribe of Issachar. rrnsnDn (digger), a mole, Isa. 2: 20; probably wrong reading for rvnspsn moles. jnan P. n!, Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt; LXX. Ovaan search diligently. Pu. is searched. Hithp. fc^anrin (from another root), was clothed, bound, equipped, accoutred. m., search, enquiry, Ps. 64:7. Pu. she was freed, Lev. 19:20. m. T1 clothes of liberation, i. e. spread out to exhibit for sale, Eze. 27:20. n^an f., freedom, Lev. 19:20. ^an m. (pi. D^an), free from ser- vitude, evil,fyc.; Tl CHD? free from the dead, Ps. 88:6, i.e. free from the evils of life. n-l^an, n^an f., freedom from bu- siness, servitude, 8fc. Tl T\^ retreat, place of retirement, 2 Ki. 15:5. ro arrow; see and (fut. D'vns cut, hew out wood, stone, metal, fyc.; part. l ) ssn s., hewer; applied to light- * ning, 1 Chron. 22:2, 15. Niph. was engraven, Job 19:24. Pu. hewn, Isa. 51:1. Hiph. cause to cut to pieces. m., hewing (of stones). nxn (fut. n^rP; apoc. flTV) divide, apportion, Ps. 55:24; •IVrp-'K? shall not live out half their days. Niph. was divided. ' nWn const, f., middle. with pause *¥0 hi. (with suff. *WD) half, part, portion of any thing; see also in niniDn P- n* of a man; patron. wiJEn *vn. nvnd f.T, half, Nu. 31:36, 43. . same. -ton, rnmn, van-, see nm t ' T ; • T * root not used; (Arab, bosom), )^n m.—I. bosom,chest.—II.bosom of garment, perhaps, girdle, Neh. 5: 13; with suff. fay IT JV'n m., the same; with suff. OVIl. Ch. Aph. was urgent, pressing, Dan. 2:15; 3:22. no , part, rushing on, Pro. 30: 27. Pi. part. pi. persons taking part (in conversation), Jud. 5:11. Pu. are cut, decided, Job 21:21. ^Vn m.—I. gravel.—II. arrow, i. e. lightning, Ps. 77:18. Yn m. (with suff. wn; pi. ' I. arrow; b^fT^.5 bow- men.—II. metaph. lightning. < "tiJrrftfVn and P-n- of a P^pe in the tribe of Judah. trumpet; see *)^n«■ran ( £ *1X11 root not used.—I. (Arab, sur- rounding) .—II. (Arab, field). com. (pi. D^n, nh®.-i. enclosure, areas, cowrtf.—II. village; ' {threshing-floor of Ad- dar), p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah; Hp-ID 'PJ, D^D-ID 'PI p. n. of a town in the tribe of Simeon; 'PI, 'PI a town in the north of Palestine; hypW 'PI a town in the tribe of Simeon; 1¥P1 a town on the borders of Syria; rfllVn p. n. of a station in the desert. p.n.—I. of a town in the tribe of Naphtali.—II. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin.—III. of a region of Arabia. {"TOPI p.n.—I. of a son of Reuben.— Il.ofasonof Perez; patron. 'OIIVD- •n^n p. n. of a man. (court of death), p. n. of a district in Arabia. m. — I. enclosure (habitable place).—II. grass; see root II. rm'^n, rn^n f., trumpet; from this word comes Pi. DH-Vnp or Hiph. Dn^nD (ketib D^V'inp, Dnivnp) persons blowing with trumpets. pPl bosom; see p^PJ. ph,-pn,nijn; seepppi. Dj^n. Pu. part. r"I|?np engraven, carved. Hith. with impressed, furrowed, Job 13:27. NS-lpPI p. n. of a man. PPL carve, engrave, inscribe; part, ppn legislator, Jud. 5:9. Pu. part. pgTO- statute, Pro. 31:5. Po. I ) am decide, decree, Pro. 8:15; part, pphp lawgiver. Hoph. fut. -Iprp engraven, inscribed, Job 19:23. pgPI m., pi. const. *ppn—I. impres- sions, imaginations, Jud. 5:15.— II. decrees, Isa. 10:1. ph, -pn m. (with suff. Tjpn, T|pn; pi. ^l^n, —I. statute, law. —II. custom, privilege. Plpn f.—I. statute.—II. custom. IpH (fut. IpPP; inf. Ipn), search, in- vestigate, try. Niph. IpJTD that may be searched. Pi. lj?n like Kal, Ecc. 12:9. Ipfl m., investigation, search, enquiry. Ijjnp m., pi. const, npnp depths (of the earth), Ps. 95:4. in, in; see iin iin. inn root not used; (Arab. dung). KIP! or Kltf m., pi. D^lPI dung, 7sa. 36:12. "IPI or in m.,the same; pi.const, *ljpj. HfcOnpf., draught-house,2Ki. 10:27. (fut. nnnj, 21JT).—I. dry, be dry.—II. desolate, ruin. Niph. 3"TO was ruined. Pu. 2lh been dried. Hiph. aHPin I. dry up.— II. ruin. Hoph. aipl was wasted, destroyed. ai_n Ch. Hoph. f., n^inn is wasted, Ezr. 4:15. 21PI m.—I. dry.—II. desolate, devas- tated; i. nnnn; pi. rriain. 2in f. (with suff. «nrj; pi. fli'llll). I. sword.— II. sharp weapon or cutting instrument.—III. drought, Deut. 28:22. aiP! m.—I. drought.—II. heat.—III. desolation.mrr ( 94 ) 3lh, (dry, desolate), p. n. of one of the summits of Sinai. nrin f., pi. nimn (const, ntonn) desolations. rain f., drought. fDIII m., pi. const, great droughts, Ps. 32:4. iOtain P-n» °f a Persian eunuch. inn suffer pressure, trouble, Ps.l8:46. Sinn m., the larva of the locust, Lev. 11:22. *nn or (fut. 1112), was timid, fearful, trembling, with h or )D. Hiph. affrighted. Tin m.—I. fearful, anxious, with "% bx, f—ii. trembling. niin const, niin f.—I. fear.—II. trembling.—III. p. n. of a station of the Israelites, Nu. 33:24. in p. n. of a place in the moun- tain of Gilboa, Ju. 7:1; ''Yin a Harodite, 2 Sa. 23:25. mn (inf. abs. il'in; fut. ni£|J; apoc. in J), was, became hot, angry; iax illll with 3, hv his anger was kindled against; 1? nin he was angry; VJ*V.2l i11I1 it grieved him. Niph. -iini were enraged, angry; part. D'HrD angry. Hiph. ninn.—I. made angry.—II. be- came warm, zealous, Neh. 3:20. Hithp. fut. apoc. innft be thou vexed. flip m.—I. *|K ;n heat of anger.— II. angry person, Ps. 58:10. Hn m.; ;n heat, burning. KinFlm., "habergeon," Eng. Ver.,Ex. 28:32, &c.; meaning uncertain. Din rnnfl contend with, emulate, Jer. *12:5; 22:15. Will m., pi. D^nn necklace of pre- cious stones, Cant. 1:10. THl! m., a thorny shrub; pi. D»hp=- pin fine gold; see fin. inin heat; see lin. tO^n (Arab, engraver), LDHP1 m., pi. D^tpnn pockets, purses. Din m.—I. graving tool, Ex. 32:4. —II. writing style, Isa. 8:1. Dbin m., pi. D^pin.—I. the sacred scribes of Egypt who engraved hieroglyphics, iepoypafifiarug.— II. the wise men of Babylon, Dan. 1:20; 2:2. J^tQin m. pi. Ch., same as D>Bt?in wise men, magicians. nil heat; see nill. *lh bread; see 1111. nn pi. const, from in dung; see Kin. fin cutting; see pin. s^in, ^nn; seefchn. (fut. 'JJiny, roasts, Pro. 12:27. 'JJin Ch. Hith. was burnt, Dan. 3:27. D^in m. pi., latticed windows, LXX. SiKTva, Cant. 2:9. Din. Kal not used; (Arab, forbid- den, sacred). Hiph. Dnnn— I. devote to destruction.— II. apply to sacred uses. Hoph. Dinn.—I. was devoted to destruction, slain. —II. was consecrated. Din m. (with suff.'^pin).—I. devo- tion to destruction.—II. the thing so devoted. Din p.n. of a town in the tribe of Naphtali.Din ( < Din m. with suff. >pin; (pi. D^pin). I. a net.— II. allurements, Ecc. 7: 26. Din m. (Arab, cut off\ tear), flat- nosed, Lev. 21:18. Din p. n. of a man. HDnn p. n. of a town of the Ca- t :t r naanites. jtolD p. n. of a range of hills in Anti-Libanus; D'ODin Hermonites. m. (from Dill and E5Hn), sickle, reaping hook. pTll p. n.—I. of a city of Mesopotamia, Xappap.—II. of a city of Arabia. —III. of a man. DJJin p. n. of a place; see 1VT 1D31.0 p. n. of a man. Din, STf! root not used; (Arab. scratching). Din m., the itch, Deu. 28:27. Din m. (with H parag. ilDin), the "sun, Ju. 8:13; 14:18; Dlhtf l*y prophetic name of a city in Egypt, lsa. 19:18; see Din. bin m., earthenware, potsherd; ^3 bin earthen vase. n-ID^Hf., pottery; n-IDlJll 1^ the potter's gate, one of the gates of Jerusalem. (fut. f]ini).—I. pluck (the fruit of), eat up, lsa. 18:6.—II. strip of honour, value; reproach. Pi. f)in I. reproach, blaspheme.—II. expose to reproach, Ju. 5:18. Niph. part, f. fiSniT) deprived of all right, es- poused, Lev. 19:20. fpp m.—I. autumn.—II. youth, Job 29:4, (the year was supposed to begin in autumn). 5 ) Tin nsnn f. (pi. nto-irt; const, nisnn). —I. reproach, contempt.—II. per- son or thing reproached. Spill p.n. of a man; patron. *B*irja tpn p. n. of a man. n? (fut. pIT).—I. was sharp, active, courageous.—II. was decided, de- termined; part, pin.—I. maimed, rent, Lev. 22:22.—II. decided, de- termined.—III. punishment, Niph. part. f. nvim, nvim decided, de- termined, decreed. pin m.—I. ditch, foss.—II. the sharp spikes of a thrashing dray; pi. const, ni^in.—III. sharpened, in- structed.—IV. gold.—V. decree; pi. D*yrV?; see pn.—VI. p. n. of a man. Pin m. (pi. const, ^in).—I. cut- tings of cheese, LXX. rpvtpaXig, 1 Sa. 17:18.-11. same as pin spikes, sharp points. )V1I1 m., pi. D*3¥in sour grapes, Nu. 6:4. pri Ch., same as Heb. loins, Dan. 5:6. nisann f. pi.—I. bonds, bandages, Ps. 73:4.—II. grievous pains, lsa. 58:6. (TIP! (fut. pinS, ground, gnashed the "teeth; (with and ^ against). .was hot.—II. was dry. Niph. im, irO (fut. 11T), was hot, dry; im became dry. Pilp. inf. iniJl make hot, kindle, as fire, Pro. 26:21. D*iin m. pi., dry, parched places, Jer*. 17:6.m ( 9 ih m., pi. dnh, D'Hin nobles, great men; see also 1111. ' - T .inin m. — I. inflammation, fever, ' Deu. 28 :22.—II p.n. of a man. potsherd; see Din. BHPI (fut. £hr©.—i. cut, plough the land.—II. engrave, sculpture, with ^ (Bhh ploughman).—.III. (fut. was dumb, sitercrf, was dea/, with )p. Niph. was ploughed. Hiph.—I. engrave, can?e.—II. fa- bricate, devise evil, 1 Sa. 23:9.— III. be still, quiet. Hith. fut. pi. NShniT were silent, Ju. 16:2. % :|T : • t^nn m., ploughing, tilling the land; i^nn his field. fill m., rwnn f., very drying, Jon. 4:8. enn m. (const. Bhn; pi. D^in, fin), worker, artificer, in wood, stone, metal, &c.; nWtt ^111 forgers of destruction, Eze. 21:36. Bhn m.—I.cunning work; (D^IPl *3 valley of the mechanics, near Je- rusalem).— II. silence, silently.— III. p. n. of a man. Bhh m. wood, forest; pi. DfTI; HKnh into the wood; n£Hn2 in t : ' T : the wood. {Tin m., artificer; cutting instrument (Gesen.), Gen. 4:22. Khn m., deaf; pi. D^lll. tf£Hn p. n. of a man. nghn f.—I. sculpture.—II. p. n. of a place in North Palestine. nChDD f., coulter, 1 Sa. 13:21; pi. TnWiro. n^inn' 'f. (with suff. tafchnD), ploughshare, 1 Sa. 13:20. 5 ) 2m mn same as fchn; part. fi-Hn cut, engraven, Ex. 32:16. rnn (same as S^lft), p. n. of a wood in the tribe of Judah. as-ibn, tpbri; see (fut. ^nn, ifcnx, I. withhold, keep back.—II. save, with )p.—III. refuse.—IV. spare. ■qfcfn sparing, Pro. 13:24. Niph. fut. is restrained, Job 16:6; Tj'^pMdT. 21:30. (fut. tjbnj), make bare, denu- ^ date, expose.—II. draw (as water) p.n. of a man. 9$n m., flock, 1 Ki. 20:27. SjfeTlD m., laying bare, Gen. 30:37. (fut. ■n^ns.—i. think, devise, meditate.— II. consider, es- teem, reckon, impute, with inf. and h; n^n artificer, deviser; with N? of no esteem. Niph. 2£'n3 (fut. St^rP) was thought, esteemed, computed, reckoned, with h, 3, DJJ, 2, hVj Pi- think, compute, es- teem, reckon, with /tf. Hithp. was accounted, Nu. 23:9. Ch., considered, esteemed, Dan. 4:32. Dt^n m., the belt, girdle of the ephod. t'lil^n m.—I. device, discovery.— II. p. n. of a city of the Amorites, 'E ftif n m. p]., nbb^n warlike ma- chines, 2 Chron. 26:15. nj12^n p. n. of a man. 2-1^11 p. n. of a man. nn^n p. n. of a man. np^n, -injl^n p. n. of a man. > niil^n, miwn p. n. of a man. t : —T; ; - ratWT. ( 97 ) I nn^nn, nn^np f. (pi. ntofc>np; const. nint?np).—I. thought, de- sign, project.— II. work of art, in- genuity. n&?n was silent. Hiph. fibrin,part. nt?TO was or made silent. n^n Ch., persons, things wanting. rnn^n f. Ch., want, necessity, Ezr. 7*: 20. na^n same as rOOT dark; see (fut. &Q m. Ch., darkness. •JJ^n m., pi. obscured, dark- ened. fD#n, f., obscurity, darkness. ns^ri, Pl3E>n f., the same. t ; v t : t 7 m., I. darkness.—II. adversity, T trouble; pi. D^nD, ^nft. b&n. Niph. part. debili- tated, infirm persons, Deu.25:18. Ch., pounded to powder, Dan. ^>nn some brilliant white or pale yellow metal; LXX. r'jXeicrpov. D^n p.n. of a man. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. p. n. of a station of the Israelites in the desert. m., pi. D*3DttTI rich, powerful men, Ps. 68:32 m (Arab, to adorn). \m m., breast-plate of the high priest; ' called also /n- pfc^Pt.—I. desire, delight in, with 3. —II. it pleased, seemed good, with b and inf. Pi. p^PI attached to, Ex. 38:28. Pu. was joined to, Ex. 27:17. pfn m. (with suff. ^n), desire, delight. D^iP^n m. pi.—the tie-rods or poles which passed through the upright pillars of the forecourt of the tabernacle. D^n m. pi., spokes of a wheel, IKi. 7 :33. "i^n root not used; (Arab.collected). rwn f., collection of waters, 2 TSam. 22 : 12. D^n m. pi., naves of wheels, 1 Ki. 7:33. m., dry grass, hay. ™, pi. D^rin p. n. of a people of Canaan. nnn (fUt. nijns, take up and remove (as fire, coals, &c.), lay hold of; fut. with suff. he will lay hold on thee, Ps. 52 :7. nrillD f.—I. shovel or pan for re- moving hot coals.—II. censer.— III. dishes for receiving the snuffs of the lamps; LXX. viroQzfia. nn, nnn, nn^n, rrwi; see nnn. Niph. ^Fin^ has been deter- . mined, Dan. 9:24. 7Hn. Pu.andHoph.^nn &6 ^finn, thou wast not bandaged, Eze. 16:4. /•I^n m., bandage for a wound, Eze. 30:21. 8bnn (j n^nn t, swaddling, bandage, Job T 38 :9. t^nn p. n., of a place in Syria. Dnn ^fut( .DniT).—I. seal) seal up. II. conclude, finish, with 1^2, 3. Niph. was, became sealed. Pi. sealed, determined upon, .Job 24: 16. Hiph. D^nn seal, shut up, Lev. 15:3. Dnn Ch., sealed. Drrih m. (with suff. ^Jpph).—-I. seal- ring.— II. seal.— III. p. n. of a man. npnh t, seal, Gen. 38:25. m part. m. )nh father-in-law, wife's father; f. Jlpnn mother-in- law, wife's mother; with suff. tonh. Hith. |nnnn became re- lated by marriage, specially with a daughter, with 21, b* )pn m. (const, jnn; with suff. tonn; pi. D^nn).—I. relative.—II. son- in-law.—III. bridegroom.—IV. re- lative by blood, i. e. circumcision, DW-tfin Ex. 4:25, 26. mnn f., marriage, Cant. 3:11. spri same as ^1217; (Arab, destruc- tion;) fut. S]hrP snatch away, Job 9:12. Pjnn m., Tl man of rapine, Pro. *23:28. inn (fut. ipiit)-—i- dig, delve, with 2 into.—II. row (dig into water), Jon. 1:13. nnrinp f., digging through, i. e. breaking in. nnn be, become broken with shame, fear, fyc. Niph. nnj (fut. n®; 3 ) rno pi. -iniT), same as Kal, with JD, Pi. nnn I. broken to pieces, shivered.—II. affrighted, Job i: i4. Hiph. nnn (pret. nhnn, Winn), break to pieces, ruin. nnn m.—I. ruin, Job 6:21.—II. p.n. of a man. nn m. (with suff. Djrin; pi. D*nn> broken, spoiled, applied/ to persons or things. nnn f.—I. the same.—II. fear, Gen. T35:5. n^nn f., fear, terror, dread. nnnn m., pi. D^nnnn broken down with fear, Ecc. 12:5. nnnp f.—I. stroke, injury, ruin.—II. fear, terror. b 2Kb Ch., was glad, Dan. 6:24. KBKt? debase; see K-1D- 3D, 7Xntp; see 2iD- m. pi. (Ethiop. folded) turbans, Eze. 23:15. m., mountain, high place. fDtp (inf. const, nhtp; imp. niB) slaughter, specially animals for eat- ing, also of men. n^p m.—I. cook, butcher.—II. officer of state, probably, executioner; D^nnp (11) nb Chief officer. n2tp m. Ch., officer of state. nrDD f., female cook. nip m. (with suff.nnnp).—I. slaugh- ter of animals. — II. animals slaughtered.—III. p. n. of a man. nnip f., the same. DVVEDK (trans.) m. pi., melons, Nu. 11:5."rata ( 9 HBtpp m., slaughter, Isa. 14:21. nroi? (elsewhere np|), p. n. of a city of Syria. diP* vlunse'—I]t- sta™> dye- Niph. were dipped, Jos. 3:15. see in its place. •IHjSlp p.n. of a man. sank down (as into mud). Pu. sank in, were immerged, Ex. 15:4. Hoph. J?|ipn were let in (as pillars in their bases, &c.). nj?3tp f. (pi. fitySP; const. TVft^P). —I. seal ring.—II. any ring. p.n. of a man. flETOD; see lift. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Ephraim. nnt? m., the tenth month of the He- brew year, Est. 2:16. (fat. nntp^) was, became, clean, pure, from disease, from legal un- cleanness, from moral impurity. Pi. inp.—I. cleanse, purify.—II. declare clean. Pu. was purified. Hithp. nntsn (pi.nntsn; imp. pi. •V"in EH) was, became clean,purified. r ninip^const. ninp, nnp; f.rnnp; pi. nnhp) clean, pure. -inb m.— I. brightness, glory.— II. purification. 1PIB m., 1 , nnnDf.,)thesame- tt;t * J Nit? Ch., root not used; (Syr. fasted). DID f. Ch., fa&ting, Dan. 6:19. frttb or Pil. i^ptfp humble, r debase; part. KP^PP humbling, debasing, Isa. 14:23. UitO (pret. pi. -lib; fut. 2W\ from ) !>«> 313J) was good, agreeable; ^ it pleases me, Nu. 24:1; with the same. Hiph. I^pn do well, liberally, make good, Hos. 10:1; make happy, Ecc. 11:9. n'lD m. nniD f.—I. good.—11. happy, prosperous. — III. valuable. — IV. handsome (goodlike).—V. kind.-— VI. used adverbially, well, rightly; s. m. and f. Hl'lD.— I. goodness. —II. wealth.—III. prosperity, hap- piness; n2i!2> , with ? that it may be well with thee.—IV. beauty. —V. p. n. of a country on the other side Jordan. HtD m. Ch., good, excellent. ^$1^9 with pause P» n. of a man, Syrian or Persian. flEHlp p. n., the father of Benhadad, king of Syria. m.—I. goodness.— II. wealth.— III. prosperity.— IV. beauty.—V, goodness (of discernment). — VI. God, as the source of all good. 2-1D yiJK the best part of the land, Gen. 45:18. •injy"l§ liD p.n. of a man. n#2it0, WSID p. n. of a man. t * * t • x mtp spin (lit. twine), Ex. 35:25, 26. mpp m., yarn, Ex. 35:25. plaister, paint. — II. overlay- Niph.inf. nitSH was covered, plast- ered, Lev. 14:43,48. (TO m., plastering,^. 13:12. ninp f. pi.—i. inward parts, viscera, Ps. 51:8.—II. the motive power of the heavenly bodies, Job 38:36. rflDDiD bandages; see . Hiph. ^pn cast forth, out, , into. it&D ( 100 ) S«D Hoph. ^D-in was,became cast out, forth, 8fc. Pil. Sp^p cast out, Isa. 22:17. f6p^p f., entire casting out, Isa. 22: T 17. (Arab, surrounded). n^DtDiD f. pi., (pvXaKrrjpia, frontlets; probably jewels worn on the fore- head. tlJD see in and Tin. T-1D m. (pi. Dn-IQ, nna), series, order, range. HTD f.—I. any series of buildings. —II. palace.—III. certain cham- bers in the Temple. •WtD m. Ch., same as mountain, Dan. 2:35, 45. msjiy swiftly, Job 9:26. flip fasting; see fcOD. nniD (Arab, expand). Pil. part.""0npp archers, Gen. 21:16. rrinp viscera; see mo. QHlritS haemorrhoids; see "int3. P? (fut. jnpj).— I. grind with a hand-mill.—II. oppress. Jinp m., hand-mill, Lam. 5:13. njrjp f., the same, Ecc. 12-<4. nna (Syr. arms). D'Hinp m. pi., emerods (haemorrhoids). rTp plaster; see !T1D. m., mud, mire. m. Ch., clay, potter's clay. ?r?tp row; see "1-1D. dew; see ^D. 4*St?, part. patched, having patches of various colours; pi. P^P, ni^p. Pu. part. f. pi. patched (of shoes), Jos. 9:5. T " ' D^tp ; see oj?Q. (Syr. an infant). nS?D const. H^p m., young lamb. ^P m.—I. the same; pi. D*^P-— II. p. n. of a town ; see Vt&p, see^-ID. 'pi. ^j?P covered, roofed, Neh. 3:15. ^P Ch. Aph. ^p« takes shade, Dan. 4:9. ^P m. (with pause with sufF. D^P), dew. ^P m. Ch., dew. p. n. of a town in the tribe of V 'Judah; also D^p. flD^P p. n. of a man. KXptO (fut. KDp;; inf. with H parag. HSpiO), was unclean, polluted, with 3. Niph. K£P3 was polluted, with 3. Pi. Nftp.—1. polluted, de- filed.—II. pronounced unclean. Pu. part. f. n^PP polluted. Hith. K£>pn polluted, with h. Hothp. pret. f. ilKftpn the same, Deu. 24:4. NDD m., unclean, polluted', f. HKpp. ntJPP f. (pi. const. TWO®),.polluted, defied. same a.« SOQ. we are unclean, despised. JfitD conceal, hide in the earth. Niph. was hidden.. Hiph. hide, 2 Ki. 7:8; P»PP m. (pi. D'JDPP), treasure, that which is laid up, hidden. (with suff. *JSUD) m„ basket.( 101 ) ts» Pi. soil, Cant. 5:3. same as Hjm. Hiph. PlJJtpn made to err, Eze. 13:10. (fut. Dglp;).—I. taste.—II. dis- criminate, judge. Ch. Pa. make to eat. D^D m.—I. reason, judgment.—II. taste. DJjp m. Ch., edict. DyD m. Ch.—I. taste.—II. judgment. —III. edict. bnsjnpo m., f. pi., dainty meats. —1. load (of beasts of burden), Gen. 45:17.-II. Pu. JJjb pierced through, lsa. 14:19. JlgE Kal. inf.; see ytM. *)P infant; see nsD. Pi. nStp spread out, extend (from nSD), spec, with the hand. nSD m.—I. palm, hand-breadth, a measure of about three and-a-half inches; pi. fiinipp Ps. 39:6.—II. coping stones of a building. nSD m., hand-breadth, measure. D^natp m. pi., Lam. 2:20, that which is stroked with the hand. nnapo f. (pi. ninsibp), upper gar- ment, mantle. S§tp.—I. lay on or over.—II. cover, conceal. m., prince, general. *"ID2D m., the same; pi. D'HDSD. tripping, mincing, lsa. 3:16. m. (with pause P]D; with sufF. •UDD), child, infant. nsz? m. Ch., nails, claws* fat, stupid, Ps. 119:70. nSD p. n. of a daughter of Solomon. driving out; part. T}b perpetual, successive (i. e. one driving out the other), Pro. 19:13; 27:15. Tip Ch., driving out, driven out. rrp root not used; (Arab, was fresK). m., nnp f., fresh, moist, Jud. 15:15;TIsa. 1:6. Dhp ketib, same as DIP- nntO. Hiph. stretches out, Job37:11. nib m. (with suff. DprnD), pressure, wearying. DID root not used; (Arab, cut off). D1JD adv., not yet; D1P2 and Dlb before that; the same. (fut. Pj'ip), P)"ip^), tear in pieces, wound, injure. Niph. be torn in pieces. Pu. P)lb the same. Hiph. feed, provide for. S]!P m., prey, provision, food. P)")ip m., leaf (that which is plucked), Gen. 8:11. nsnp f.—I. any thing torn.—II. animal torn by a wild beast. Ch., p. n., a people so called, Ezr. 4:9; LXX. Tap3»; pi. was or became dry, arid. Pi. 5^2* dry up. Hiph. —I. dry up, make to wither.—II. was ashamed, confounded; see WT m., fl&O*. f.—I. dry.—II. p. n. of a town in Gilead; called also —III. p. n. of a man. nwzi, f., dry land. f. Ch., the same. f., dried, Gen. 8:7. -inra^ for Pi. fut. with suff.; see BP!*- T\W2\ Kal inf. const.; see {the Lord redeemeth), p. n. of a man. same as S-IjI ploughed; part. ploughmen. 2 J* m.'pl., D'Q}1'. ploughed lands, Jer. 39:10. with parag. nH2!lJ p.n. of a town in the tribe of Gad. Vet the Lwd be magnified),p.n. of a man. naj. Niph. part. (12-13 pained (perhaps cast out). Pi. fl|* afflict, pain, Lam. 3:33. Hiph. n^fl.—I. af- flicted.— II. removed, 2 Sa. 20:13. >3 ) ^ mi riga for Pi. fut., from nr. ])V m., affliction, grief. nan f., sorrow, grief. (the Lord dwelleth there), p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. p. n. of a man. hv, Hiph. fut. apoc.; see ni>j. yij (fut. pi. V?"), labour to weariness; with 2 and?, be wearied. Pi. y|J fatigue, cause to labour to weariness. Hiph. same as Pi. with 2. m., wearying, wearied. JW const. JPJ* m.—I. wearied, fa- tigued.—II. labour.—III. the fruit of labour, wealth. m., wealth, Job 20:18. f., hard labour, exertion, Ecc. T12:12. m. Ch., heap of stones, Gen. '31:47. *13* Niph. fut., from Ttt. ir (pret. rn3j, n3j), fear, be afraid T of, with *ia»! *)3j m., fearing, afraid of. *V com., generally f. (const. T; with T suff. HJ, dual DJT, "T, const. with suff. VTJ, D^T)- —I. hand; with assist, aid; with 2 hand against, afflicting, troubling; with ^ upon him, inspiring, strengthening.—II. power, spirit or word of God, 1 Sa. 5:11, &c.—III. with prep, same as 2; t by_, hn, t bV_ and NT'. Ch. Aph. praise, celebrate. HTiiR f.—I. confession.—II. praise, thanksgiving.—III. company of per- sons giving thanks. •IT, -ITl for Pi. fut.; see HT. DDT, J3T; see T with suff. 34) ar Kal fat.; pi. -IDT; see DDI. HTliT p. n.—I. the patriarch Judah. —II. Afterwards applied to the kingdom of the house of David. —III. Ultimately to the whole of Palestine.—IV. p. n. of a man. TT Ch., the Jews, the kingdom of Judah. H-1.T (pi. D*T).T, I. a Jew; f. rniT Jewess; rPTT adv. Hebrew, the Hebrew tongue.—II. p. n. of a man. Hith. became a Jew. nirp Ch., a Jew. JVTT; see *TT p. n. of a wife of Esau. IT p. n. of a town in the tribe of i)an. 4... njJTfin p. n. of a man. •ITnin p. n. of a man. flT p. n. of a man. JJ-1T p. n. of a man. pn-n;, t-iriT, pnnj p. n. of a Levite skilled in music; probably also a musical instrument invented by him. *T P- n. of a man. nTT, nrrnj, ttt; seeTi\ TT p. n. of a man. P. n. of a son of Benjamin. SpT p. n. of a son of Nahor. n: (fut. JJT, VT.!; inf. abs. JttT; const, with suff. HASH; imp. n' njnj part. jni\T "in*s f. mnV—l- perceive, become in- formed, aware of, feel.—II. know carnally.—III. recognise, acknow- ledge.—IV.regard; part. Unwise; JJ-1T noted, illustrious. Niph. JJT3 known, apparent, recognised. Pi.w ( i< made to know. Pu. part. known, familiar. Po. jn"P declared, indicated. Hiph. JfHIH (imp. yTiri; fut. ; apoc. JTVP), make known, show, confess, inform, teach. Hoph. JHin wots, known. Hith. jninn made himself known; with vr. Ch., know, understand, perceive; fut.jry\ Hoph. ^Tin made known, taught. yn m., pi. \ knowledge, science, njin f., pi. n'un j opinion. TOl f., knowledge, science, opinion. JJTp.n. of a man. iVjn'l p. n. of a man. Vftj'T." m. (pi. D'Ojn*), false prophet, soothsayer. JJTO, W? m.—I. knowledge, expe- rience.—II. mind. adv. interrog., why then? why indeed? JHJD m. Ch.—I. knowledge.—II. in- . telligence. I m., familiar, friend. | rUTl'lD f., the same. Pi. fut. with H parag.; see '*'* ]£h- one of the names of God; probably an abbreviation of nifty . give, allow.—II. appoint, place; imper. 2H; with H parag. HIH; f. un; pi.-inn- ' HIT Ch., give, place. Ith .was given. 3!T m., burden; with suff. Ps. 55:23. D^nnnn, gifts, Hos.8:13. p.n. of a man. K-irVj for !\T)\ fat. apoc. pi., from HI PI. N-irVp. n.; see mn. 15 ) W niW Ch.Aph. fut.; see^D#. nniir for rrrp Hiph. fut.; see rm n-ih^Tun\ see m*. : T : * : • : mn^ the most sacred and unalienable t : name of God; see PJin* JWiiT for JWV Hiph. fut.; see •>rr, fut. apoc.; see n\n* •W*n( for -I^V. Hiph. fut.; see 9?*- Tj.T Ch. fut.; see Tfin. hni for Pi. fut.; see yrx1 m., haughty, vain. D^>q»T; seeD^n- }VDiT fut. pi. with 2 parag.; see PIDn* fir, nVPP p. n. of a city of Moab. Pi. fut. pi. with dag. euphon. see bn n. 21* p. n. of a son of Issachar. rn5P; see M*. hi)\ ; see &2V Eze. 42:5, for-1^^,Hoph. fut.; see^DK- for part.f.; see DV m.—I. day; Di^H this day, to- day, now; this very day, im- mediately; DV3 with inf. on the day, when; DV3 now, at present; run DV^ as it is at this day; DVp from the day since; DV Dl*, DV5 tiV, D'V| daily; dual Dtwo days; pi. const. sometimes JYlE^ days, many days; DD*DJ fj?D after many days, some days, some time after; CW fcnh i.e. PIT an entire month; h D*JTIJfe? two whole years.—II. duration, time; *pQ*D so long as thou livest; DWn'^3 all his days; KB advanced in years.—III. anniversary; Dw ( 1< annually; the same, Jud. 17:10; rDT an- nual sacrifice. D*V m. Ch., day, period. DDI*1 adv., by day. |V p. n. Javan the founder of the Greeks, Ionians; EZTOVn Ionians, Greeks. JV mire, clay. m. (const. with suff. VPJ)-—I. wine.—II. intoxication. PDV f. (pi. DW).—I. dove.—II. p. n. of a prophet; see also in pji\npjrt*; seep^. PJD)r\\ (from *)DK or f]DJ).—I. p. n. Joseph, the son of Israel, 'lw(T7)6 ) W p. n. of a man. ' nr. Niph. fut.; see nnr« H'-r p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. for -IttP Kal fut. pi.; see DDT- ; jr. (Arab, weighed, was heavy). Pu. part. D'O-rp appointed, accoutred for war (of horses), Jer. 5:8, Kri. rrgr., -war.; see nyiw rnrj nyi'ip; see nnt-' yr m., sweat, Eze. 44:18. X, ntjl Kal fut. apoc; see "l-IT- bsyilfp.n.; see PIT- HPT (fut. 1PI3 unite, be as one, with' HK, 3. Pi. irp unite, make as one, Ps. 86:11. m., solitary one, only one; f. 'rnw> t • : UT m., union, 1 Chron. 12:17; adv. —I. as one.— II. singly, at once. —III. wholly, entirely, together; V'liT, HIT the same; the pron. is a pleonasm. "Wl Kal fut. apoc.; see mri* irp for IPP Hiph.#fut.; see nn. 'nil! (united), p. n. of a man. (united with God), p. n. of a,. man. (united to the Lord), p.n. of a man. nnir p.n.; see nm. taplER. p.n,; see ptn. fut, pi. with 3 parag.; see H?n. mjlij p. n. of a man. p.n.; see rmf "n- W, *rP1 fut. apoc?; see HTN JO^Oi Hiph. fut. with suff. }— for J— because of the pause; see nJIH*w (II >WP;. seeltv ^>)T. Pi. "?rp—I. hope for, expect, wait.— II. cause to hope, with b, Hiph. ^nin same as Pi., with , hi Niph. hm (fut. same as Pi. he will begin; ^rp he will play, Hiph. fut.; see y?n« m., one waiting, Lam. 3:26. p. n. of one of the sons of Zebulon; patron, WW Pi. pret. pi. with dag. euphon., from 7n*» , rfe'w f-, expectation, hope. BPP (fut. an*., ani; pi.-10.n5; f. njpn^l).—I. be in heat (for sexual intercourse): hence,—II. conceive. —III. be hot with anger. Niph. part. pi. m. heated with idol worship, Isa. 57:5. Pi. (inf. D!T; pret. f. with suff. conceived. , Iftrv for -loni Pi. pret. pi., from DPI*. Hjpni, Gen. 30:38. for njpnfl Kal fut. pi. f., from Dm. non, const, nart f.—i .heat.—II. an- ger, fury.—III. venom of noxious creatures, Deut. 32:33. N)pn, fcSDn f. Ch., heat, anger. *£0! P-n- °f a man. "1-1DIT gazelle; see "l£n. for Pi. pret. f. with suff.; see DhV Kal fut. apoc.; see H^n. Spn* for TpIT Kal fut. with suff.; see ;'pn. 1ivpD.; fut. pi. with 3 parag.; see HDIl- *pl m., barefooted. P-n. of a man.; ^>i$yn\ (7) r same as *)£!&$ tarrying, 2 Sa. 20: 5; fut. in^i; OpVl Kri Hiph. fut. Ch.; see 1I1X)' in\, *\m Kal fut. apoc.; see im m., generation, family; "1DD register of descent, Neh. 7:5. E^ninn. Hiph. being, becoming re- gistered (as to pedigree); a7ro- ypdtpsaOai; inf. s., registration. nm Kal fut. pi. -inni with dag. euphon.; see nnj- Niph. fut.; see nnn- 10.1, 9!L Kal. fut. apoc.; see HtM. LD^, Hiph. fut. apoc.; see TOJ. same as nto (fut. 3^, ^P^FI) be or seem, good, happy; with*? it was well with him; with it seemed good to him; with 27 was glad (did the heart good). " Hiph. (fut. U^PJS do good, well to; thou hast rightly seen, Jer. 2:12; skilled in music; with DJJ; inf. adv. well, rightly. Ch., was good, happy; with ^ it pleased him. m., good, choice, best. nitpj p.n. of a place. nnitpj p. n. of a station of the Is- raelites in the desert. nt3\ riD-V p. n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. p.n. of a son of Ishmael and of the people descended from him* the Itureans. jn;* for JTP Kal fut.; see JJT- for Hiph. fut.; see 2W* W.^for W" Hiph. fut.; see 1?!; see ji;.'T Kal fut. apoc.; see HS\ t|*, 1 Sa. 4:13. for hand. 1\l, T]»VHiph. fut. apoc.; see PDJ* Pi. fut. with suff. and 2 epenth; see *123. for Pil. fut. with suff.; see J-13- n^. Hiph. irpin.—i. show, evince. —II. convince, chastise, punish, with oy, bs, nx. Hoph. nam was reproved, Job 33:19. Niph. rDIJ be contending. Hith. 1131HH same as Niph., with Mic. 6:2. nnpin f., reproof, punishment. nroin f. (with suff. ^nnsin; pi. nirDin).—I. argument.— II. re- proof punishment. p. n.; see |-13- (fut. inf. abs. ^13* ; const, ripb^) capable of, equal to, any action, so as to succeed, prevail, overcome, with ^ ^3' Ch. (part. ; fut. 73P1, ^?-V) was able, prevailed, overcame. {the Lord who prevail- ed), p. n., the mother of king Uzziah. ^3-irp. p. n. of a man. Kal fut. apoc.; see r6a. hi? Ch. fut.; see r&b; inf. const.; see ^bj» nw"p.n.5 see in HIH- Ex. 15:5, for Pi. fut. with suff.; see HDD- for n?v, -inriV Hoph. fut.; see tina- 5n?: for -lna; Hiph. fut. pi.; see ' nna- ( 108 ) (fut. 1^; inf. abs. HTp; const, fn1?, with suff. Hrn'?).-'—-I. bring forth.—II. beget (part. mother). Niph. "6'u (fat. "63?) , was born. Pi. aiding to bring forth, Ex. 1:16; part. fpipVp midwife; pi. nn^:p. pu.i£\ -iW was born. Hiph. h^in cause to bring forth, produce, beget. Hoph. inf. n-j^-in be born; "TiX n^n'ov n*y")5> Pharaoh's birthday, Gen. 40:20. Hith. ^^>7 recorded in the genealogies as begotten, Nu. 1:18. m., son, progeny. •to m., the same. m.—I. lad, youth, child.— II. young of beasts, Isa. 11:7. m., offspring, son; Tl)3 household slave. m., offspring, son. nf?: f. , girl, female child. rvn1?! f.—i. birth, Ps. 110:3.—II. youth, Ecc. 11:9, 10. rn^iD p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. nn^iD f. (pi. nn'piD).—i. nativity, birth.—II. birth-place.—III. person born.—IV. relatives, members of the same family. tVid p. n. of a man. n^iFi p. n. of a town in the tribe of Simeon; same as nnVw f. pi.—I. birth, Ex. 28:10.— II. posterity.—III. history; *1{DD n'nbin genealogy, Gen. 2:4; 6:9. p. n*of a man. Rabbinical, for Hiph. fut, pi.; seel-l!?.■fy ( Hiph.; see II. ]>b- ■SO* walk; see 11?H* I iT 7T. Hiph. (fut. Ww), watf, Aow/, cry, mourn. ^ m., howling, Deu. 32:10. i r6h\ const., n$? f, wailing, /a- | menting. D^VlFl m. pi., Mose wfto cawse to * lament, Ps. 137:3. Kal fut. apoc. in pause for ; see 7 ^ V-t retain, hold, Pro. 20:25. •ns1?: f., itching scurvy, Lev. 21:20; , 22:22. m., a hairy, winged locust. lO-lpSi bag; see I0p^. DJ, const. m.—I. the sea.—II. any great lake.—III. any large river; pi. D*©!; SVl|n DH or fnnKp the Mediterranean, i.e. i Western Sea: hence DJ the west; h> n-n the west wind; iip1' west- T." L * ward; Djp/rora Me west; p DJp /rom the west of a district; VIKS) sea (that is western) quarter; * mmn DJ brazen sea, a large vessel for ablution in the temple of Solomon. p. n. of a son of Simeon. r\)W, D^PJ days; see Dl*. rn^,'n^l Kal fut. apoc.; see HPIID. m. pi., Gen. 36:24, perhaps hot springs; Vulg. aquae calidae. PIETO* p. n. of one of Job's daughters. "fDJ, WW right hand; see p. n. of the father of Mi- caiah the prophet. 109 ) H?©; for S&W Pi. fut.; see IJ^P! p.n. of a prince of the Simeonites. Hiph. take the right hand or southward. PPJ m.—I. the right side, hand, leg, eye; fa'PJ his right hand; I'D; by_, j»bjO~ O with b and sufF., J^p^ at the right hand; pp^, PP£, j4?JPI htt to, towards the right.—II. south; 'fP^P south- ward of anywhere.—III. p.n. of a man. njpl p. n. of a son of Asher. m., IVJD* f., right hand, side, fyc. ^HP? a Benjamin; see |*PJ}3 in f|33 lit. right (because a man facing the rising of the sun would have his hand to the south).—I. the south. —II. the south wind; towards the south.—III. p. n. of a city and district of the Edomites; a Temanite. • T •• J^P? p. n. of a man. •1 for •")&$¥]?! Niph. fut. pi.; see IfiVsame asl-10- Hiph.WH change, exchange, Jer. 2:11. Hith. H ye shall obtain rule, Isa. 61:6 (like Arab. word for commanded; whence " Emir"—Lee). "Ipl for yyO) {was bitter) fut.; see rnO\ p. n. of a man. for *|mp&0 Kal fut. pi. with suff.; see")DX. same as Hiph. imp. ^pn Kri, Ketib, let me grope, feel, Jud. 16:26. Syr. for Hiph. fut.; see i"TV ( 110 ) *®* for JH? Ch. Pe. fut.; see JTV- oppress, rwm; (part. f. PI}!*). TTHiph. nm (fut. Plj'V) same as Kal; with drove away. p. n., a town in the confines of Ephraim and Manasseh. 0-13J p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. HV, see mi Hiph. n»3n (fut. D»3!, 113*1).—I. gave rest to.—II. gave comfort to.—III. allowed to fall down.—IV. caused to rest upon, with^« Hoph. JT3H I. was placed, Zee. 5:11.—II. left, remaining, Eze. 41:9,11. W for KW Hiph. fut.; see K-13- rP3J Hiph. fut. nj*1 fut. apoc.; see " 'Tn3\ py (fut. p3^J suck in; trop. enjoy; part, p311' sucking infant. Hiph. p7>H suckle, give suck; part. f. fip3.p nurse; with suff. ifi'j?3p, nripib; Pi. rrip\?p- p3*1v m.—I. suckling. — II. sucker (young shoot). np.?> f., the same. HjW f., the same; pi. filp'O*. Niph. fut. with X parag.; see KP3. SpKW, SflBO* owl; see 3b;"for nbj Kal fut.; see 330- 30* for npj Hiph. fut.; see 330- . founded, established, placed.— II. fixed, laid up. Niph. *1D13 was plotting, laying the ground-work of, Ps. 2:2; was founded, Isa. 44: 28. Pi. *101 cause to found, fix, establish. Pu. 101 was founded. Hoph. inf. ID-IP! was founded; part. founded, secure, Isa.' 28:16, &c. *710* m., foundation; pi. 0^iD% e nnbj. HID m.—I. setting a fence about.— , II. decree, counsel.—III. deliberaS tion.—IV. consideration, prudence. —V. assembly for deliberation.— VI. secret. HID p. n. of a man. ID? m., beginning, i. e. foundation of a building, Ezr. 7:9. PH-ID* f., foundation, Ps. 87:1. ID-ID m., foundation, support, prop. mo-ID f., the same. 1D1D m., foundation, support; pi. T D'l.Dto and lYIipiD. m., foundation, 1 Ki. 7:9. was poured out, Ex. 30:32 ; see " H3D* p.n. of Lot's sister. •1iT3pD* p. n. of a man. (part. ; pi. D^pi* and Hiph. Vp5! H; fut. ^pi\ C|pV\ P|p*!®ppKt, f|DKh; part. J^O'lD).—I. added, repeated, with h)l, I?—II, used as an auxiliary, with ?, before the inf. when it may mostly be translated by again. Niph. *|PU was added, repeated; part, f. pi. HI £0*13 additions of calamity. S\D\ Ch., Hoph. 5)0-1 n was added. *")D^ (fut. with sufF. D'lDK; part. ID*). Pi. "ID* (fut. IB"' inf. 1BI, PHD*) chastised, corrected (as parents their children), with jft. Niph. "10*13 was chastised; pi. -1*10-13. Hiph. fut. 0*Vp*fc$ I will chastise them, Hos. 7 :12.ID* ( ► TlD") will chastise, Job 40:2. IpiD chains; see "lDX- m. — I. chastisement, discipline. —II. learning, doctrine. ^Db m., the same, Job 33:16. f T shovel; see p.n.—I. of a man.—II. of a town in the tribe of Judah. (fut. appoint, determine. v Niph. lyij.—I. brought together, assembled, me£.— II. agreed, with h. by_. Hiph. Tihn appoint. Hoph. appointed, fixed, Jer. 24:1. iTJJ} const. Hiy f.—I. an assembly.— II. party, persons united for a pur- pose.—III. a family.—IV. the con- gregation of Israel.—V. y swarm of bees, Jud. 14:8. njriDm. (pi. coming together, congregation ; the tabernacle of the con- gregation.—II. time, season.—III. place appointed; see also 1^0. "TjfiD m., assembly, host, Isa. 14:31. rnyiD f., pi. nn^D solemn feasts, 2 Chron. 8:13. . rnjttD f., appointment; appointed cities of refuge. Hiph. fut.; see "Ity- njr carry off, destroy, Isa. 28:17. JP m., pi. shovels or fire-pans. p.n. of a man. p. n. of a man. m. pi., woods, Eze. 34:25 ; see # * TXP. p.n. of a man. Niph. part. Isa. 33:19; Vulg. impudens, powerful, formidably. Ill ) Vjl?! p- n. of a man. P- n- of a man. Lord helpeth) p. n. of a town beyond Jordan of the tribe of Gad. clothe, cover, Isa. 61:10. m. Ch. same as Heb., advise, counsel. Ith. consulted together, Dan. 6:8. m. pi., councillors. f., counsel, wisdom, Dan. 2:14. ibgjl Kal fut.; see B-iy. P* n- of a man. p. n. of a man. 7j£. Hiph. ^j?in be profitable, ad- vantageous, with h- m.—I. ibex, mountain goat; pi. II. p. n. of a judge of Israel.—III. p. n. of a woman, —iv. D^n p. n. of a rock in the desert of Engaddi. fi/K f»—I. female ibex.—II. p. n. of a man. Dp. n. of the son of Esau, nrito^ Dan. 8:22. Kal fut. pi. f. for njlbgn; see ]V1 see my. PerliaPs from flJJJ cried. pi. f., ostriches,Lam. 4:3. rijg! f. njjjy nn (pi. njgi nfos fe- male ostriches. (fut. lit. ran swiftly, was fatigued, wearied. Hoph. part. swift, Dan. 9:21. m., weary, fatigued, Isa. 40:29; 50:4. m., flight, Dan. 9:21. f. pi. — I. swiftness„ — II.YP ( 112 ) wealth, treasure (acquired by fa- tigue). ^ (fut. advise, admonish, coun- sel self or others, with ; part. TV)' counsellor. Niph. ^*13 be ad- vised counselling, consulting, with m, ?§, ny. Hithp. same as Niph. TOP. const. counsel; deliberately; see also f., pi. JYl¥$D counsels, devices. n'p®, nnp^_ p. n.; see npy. \py; see TS! m.—I. honey-comb (const. rnjQ. —II. wood, forest; PHJP to the wood; pi.Dn^, nnun, nny).—m.p.n.: ansa' Tfii grove of Ephraim; DHST nn.p a city in the tribe of Judah; JTHJl the wood of Hereth in the tribe of Judah. njr, -ijn Hiph. fut.; see i-iy. n*JB! same as iTnjftn* p.n. of a man. {thickets, perhaps abbre- viated p. n. of a man. njPTK! p-n- °f a man» ^V.l p-n« °fa man* bfcjwjc p-n* °fa man« JT'W (the Lord redeemeth), p. n. of a man. Hfi* (fut. 5]^$) was fair, beauti- ful. Pi. beautified, Jer. 10:4. Pul. nDJQJ was very beautiful. Hith. beautify oneself. const, na'1 m.; PIS'' const. flD'' v t ••: t t - ; f., beautiful, excellent. \).n.,Joppa, a celebrated port on the Mediterranean, ^oinrrj. m. (with pause "*3*; with suff. beauty, excellence. n^STflB* f., very beautiful, Jer. 46:20 ~ Pul., Ps. 45:3, from HSV T * T J T PIS* same as PI-IS- Hith. was panting in agony, Jer. 4: 31. npj m.—I. breathing out,—II. pant-J* ing after, longing for. abzi p.n. of a man; patron. PI 3^ p.n. of the father of Caleb and others. Hiph. JWDin exhibit brilliancy, shine forth. f., beauty, brilliancy, Eze. 28: r1, 17. p. n.—I. of a town in the tribe ' of Zebulun.—II. of a man. Hiph. fut. apoc.; see mS- Hiph. fut apoc.; see HDQ* n&! root not used. nsflD m.—I. sign, wonder.—II. in- timation, portent (tvttoq). nD.1 p.n., Japheth, son of Noah; LXX. 'ldtysQ. nn& p. n.—I. a town in the tribe of Judah.—II. a judge of Israel (It of the place whence; with 3 of the place whither.—II. issue (from the womb), be born.—III. descended.—IV. go forth (from captivity or into captivity).—V., shooting of a tree, Isa. 11:1, alsd grew, came forth (of plants and flowers).—VI. arose (of the sun( 113 ) TO and stars).—VII. issue a decree. There are many similar usages, all modifications of the primary mean- ing go forth. Hiph. fcOVin cause to come out, bring out; with Hin brought up an evil report, Nu. 14: 36. Hoph. was brought forth, out. Ch., Shaph. wrought out, finished, Ezr. 6:15. m., isswe, child, 2 Chron.32:21. • T m.-—I. outgoing.—II. time of outgoing.—III. place of outgoing. —IV. the east.—V. that which goeth out, production, speech, &c. —VI. p. n. of a man. f.—I. going forth, Mic.5:1.— II. draught-house, 2 Ki. 10:27. f. pi.—I. termination.—II. escape, Ps. 68:21.—III. result, Pro. 4:23. m. pi.—I. productions of the earth.—II. offspring. same as 3X3. Hith. 3-Tjn I. was set up, stood fast, with II. stood up against, with —III. stood before, in presence of, with '332, DJJ- Ch. Pa. certify. m. Ch., firm, fixed, settled; 2^ adv., surely. W; seem IHVI p.n.; seeing- pTOp.n.; seepmf- xraiby? ch. ithp.fut.; seejn*. Mi* Hith.; seel**. n\, part. laid, placed, s. bed. Hiph. place, strew. Hoph. JJtfH spread (as a couch), Isa. 14 :11. same as JJtfD m., bed or couch, Isa. 28:20. pVJ (fut. pv>, pp.; inf. const. ; imp. p^, p¥).—I. pour out.—II. fuse (as metal), with 21, ; part. p-1 hard (like a cast of metal). Hiph. p^H Pui down, place, lay out, Jos> 7:23; 2 Sa. 15:24. Hoph. p^in be, become poured out; part. P'VP firm, Job 11:15. pV, p**S Kal fut., from p^- p'^ Kal fut., from p^. njjV? f-^ casting, cast, 1 Ki. 7:24. p^-1D, const, p-^p m., cast of brass; see also in p-1¥. f., pi. nip*1D funnels for pouring the metal into moulds or casts, Zee. 4:2. ngV-ID f., with suff. inpVD Us being fused, 2 Chron. 4:3. I.1*1 (fut. "l^l, iV), form, fashion, make; part. Ttfi'' moulder, potter; ^>3 fictile vases; creator. Niph. "I¥1J and Hoph. H was formed, made. Pu. the same. m. (with suff. •—I* figment, any thing formed.—II. thought, imagination.—III. p. n. of a son ofNaphtali; patron. lyjiyi Kalfut.,G.en.2:19,fromI.TO. m. pi., things formed, members, Job 17:7. II. same as 1-1 ¥ but intrans., was - T ' straitened, distressed, anxious; '■b "ivsi and he was in anxiety, Gen. 32:8. TO, -inTO Kal fut. with suff., from ii. i'i>. 9( 1: nv.'., "I VI Kal fut., from II. "IV- iv;, *1Y») Kal fut. apoc.; see 11V- nx* (fut. n-V*, W-V*).—I. bum, Isa. 9:17, with 2—II. was on fire. Niph. ntfJ I. was on fire, burnt.— II. burnt with anger, with 3, 2 Ki. 22:13,17. Hiph. rVtfn, 'JVSin kindle, set fire to. ■1JW Kal fut. pi. with dag. euphon., 'from JW ••IWfor seefettP. • T T * TT * root not used; (Arab, a tank). m. (with suff. *|j2p*.).—I. wine or oil vat.—II. the trough in which grapes are trodden, Job 24:11. p.n., same as Tp* (fut. burnt (as fire). Hoph. "Ip-lil became, was, burning. Ch., burning, Dan. 3:6, &c. *11 p* m., the same, fire-brand, Isa. 10:16. f. Ch., the same. Dan. 7:11. m.— I. burning, Isa. 33:14.— II. fire-brand, Ps. 102:4. rnpift f., hearth where the burnt- offerings were consumed, Lev. 6:2. DsnPlP-n- of a city in the tribe of Judah. root not used; (Arab, he obeyed). nnp or nnjp'J, const, nnjp^ f. obedi- ence. HpJ p.n. of a man. D-lp*. whatever has been called into ex- istence, Gen. 7:4, 23; Deut. 11:6; see D*1p* t^pjt^pj; see t?p*. Sx'n-ip* p. n. of a man. ng* Kal fut.; ng? Hoph. fut.; see " np^>. 4) pi' JEpJ p. n., a descendant of Shem, the son of Eber, Gen. 10:25, 26. p. n. of a man. P- n. of a man. DJJtpp. p.n. of a man. DJMppJ p. n., a city of the Levites in the tribe of Ephraim; see also DyjpJ p. n. of a city in the tribe of Zebulun. (^ut* y; pret. yp3 which see).—- I. fell, became dislocated, Gen. 32: 26.—II. fell away (in mind, affec- tion). Hiph. jpjjin suspend, hang, avacncoXoirLZsiv. Hoph. part. D^-ID hanged, 2 Sa. 21:13. ^|T (fut. fi^, awake out of sleep; see pp. Kal fut.; see fp*. (fut. "Igl, 12^1) became pre- cious, prised, valued, -with b, '3'JIB. Hiph. Tp'in (lit. make precious), rare, scarce. m. iTlp f.— I. precious, dear.— II. rare, scarce. — III. honorable, glorious. 1p* m., weight, value, honour, glory. *)jj* m. Ch. — I. costly things, Dan, 2:6.—II. honor, glory. m., precious, honored, Jer. 31:20. m. Ch., honored, grave. Tj'lpl Kal. fut. with suff. and dag. eu- phon.; see mp* tZ'pl (see K>i?3, 2>'lp) snaring, taking by means of snares; part. a fowler. Niph. was ensnared as a bird. E^-ip; m., fowler. m.,pl.D,K'j>V snared, Ecc.9:12.( 1 Jtyp* p. n. of a son of Abraham. m. (pi. D^j?to,ni$f»») snares or traps for birds or beasts; mostly used metaphorically, as HID snares of death, 8fc. Kal fut. apoc.; see HC^p- tPj?^ Hiph. fut. apoc.; see \ W\>- p. n.—I. a town in the tribe of judah.—II. a city in Arabia. K"V (fut. XT; imp. KT; inf. const. KY; with pref. with PI parag. HK")?), feared God, man, anything; with fltf, 3, /, JD. Niph. fut. thou art to befeared, Ps. 130:4; part. K"VI3 fearful, ter- rible, marvellous thing; pi. Hi Pi. fcO.1 alarm, cause to fear. Knj, const. KT m. (HK^, const, f.), fearing God or man, with *3PP- HKY, const, f., the same. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Naphtali. KTlD m.—I. fear.— II. reverence, Mai. 1:6.—III. object of fear, re- verence.—IV. fearful, stupendous act. rniD same as fcOID; see also in Trra. KT, Kal fut. apoc.; see nfcO. •IKY for -1XY Ps. 34:10, imp. pi.; see an\ •IKY Kal fut. pi., see HY; -IKY Kal fut. pi., see nan. -IXlh 2 Sa. 11:24, for -IT),- Hiph. fut. pi. apoc.; see m\ p. n. Of a man. iyT> ; see 2Y, nnjir for' iikl, Hiph. fut.; see *T 5 ) -no J-V3Y Kal fut. pi. with 3 parag.; see : hm. DJJ2T p. n., Jeroboam, the name of two of the kings of Israel. TV (fut. "IT, *1T1, ITI; imp. IT, rrn, *it; inf. abs. "it, const, rrnj. — descended, went down, Karkfir] (used both of men and things in a great variety of acceptations). Hiph. nniH make descend, bring down, cast down (of men and things); subdued, vdthT\T\P\. Hoph. YVIH brought down, lowered. Y£ p. n. of a man, 'Iaps£. IT)- P* n* °f the river Jordan. YYlD m., descent, declivity; TTlD sloping, perhaps arched work, 1 Ki. 1:29. FjTV Ps. 7:6, apparently a corruption, from Kal fut. and e)T?; Pi. fut.; or possibly from two read- ings fcpHJ and PpY. PTT (fut. nn^; inf. rrv; const, iyiy, fctiY; imp. nil). — I* cast out> shoot, as arrows, &c.; part. CHI* archers, Pro. 26:18.—II. cast, lay a foundation; see iTVI\ Niph. fut. PHjJ! shall be shot, Ex. 19:13. Hiph. rnin (fut. ni)\ ni^.—i. cast forth, shoot, as arrows, rain, &c. (DHID archers); see — II. put forth, as instruction, teach, with b, 3, |D. nY* m." (part. Kal).—I. the former rain, i. e. of the autumn.—II. p. n. of a man; same as P|nn. "HV p. n. of a man. rn)D m. (part. Hiph.).—I. teacher, doctor.—II. arrow, archer.—III. former rain.— IV. p. n. or inm ( l rnjorjftx the oaks of Moreh, near Sichem; n^HTiy^ hill of Moreh in the valley of Jezreel. nnin f.—I. instruction, direction.— T II. law, enactment.—III. the law, as revealed to Moses and recorded in the Pentateuch. !TV (fut. -irnfl), was astounded with fear, Isa. 44:8. •IT, nh Kiph. fut. pi.; see m\ KIT, ttfT^ for in) Kal inf.; see HT. Wt p. n. of a desert. rfnj (same as PIT), p. n. of a man. PT Kal fut. pi. with 3 parag.; see :'nn. J-IT Pro. 29:6, Kal fut.; see p"l. Others refer it to )-*n. y-nj for p} Kal fut.; see f ¥1. mw, p. n. of the mother of king Jotham. for thfW (the habitation of peace), p. n. of the principal city of Palestine, 'Iepou- 1T Ch., the same. P7 m., the moon. "nr m., (pi. D^ITYl, *ryp.—I. month, one revolution of the moon round the earth.—II. p. n. of a people and country, Gen. 10:26. nT m* Ch., month. 'inT/inn?, nnnj p.n., Jericho, a city in Palestine. DnT p. n. of a man. p.n. of a man; patron. . VUll P-n* of a woman. cast down to ruin, ruin. m., « peeled" Eng. Ver.; "ruined" (Gesenius), Isa. 18:2,7. L6 ) PT ^T p. n. of a man. nnj/'an?; see an. -IHJT p. n. of a man. nhn>, inn* p. n.; see \rn\ nyn?, rnyn; shouting; see yr. m. (const. 1]T; with sufF. 13T). —I. thigh; pW hip and thigh, i. e. wholly, Ju. 15:8; *T3» offspring, Ex. 1:5.—II. stem of the candlestick in the tabernacle; dual DJ3TJ both thighs. na*V f., side, part, quarter; dual T±3)HDT. const. *rD*£ the two sides. n3T f. Ch., thigh. •sjT Niph. fut., from "pi mJDT p. n. — I. a town in the tribe of Judah.—II. a town of Israel. ntoT, nton; p.n. Of a man. ■•DT p. n. of a man. rrpT, -in;pT (,exalted of the Lord), p. n. Jeremiah, the prophet. n: same as yVl.—I. was in evil con- dition; fut. VT with *6 I am in affliction; with WJ?? was evM in the eyes of.—II. was grieved, pained. I. JTV Kal fut., from II. y*V Job 20:26; fut. apoc., from nyi. nyn; f., veil, curtain of a tent. rtyn? (veiled), p. n. of a woman. P- n- a P^ace *n tr^e °t Benjamin. PT same as p|TJ spit. pnj m., green herb, shoot, Job 39:8. green herb. pT m., freshness, green herbage«p-v ( 117 ) it*-: jip"Vm.—I.withering,wasting; LXX. eoXpa.—II. the smut in corn. pljTV m.—I. gold colour, Ps. 68:14. —II. greenish or yellowish; pi. f. rtplpll- ^"}.t (fut. E£H\\ ; inf. const. "ngh ;7mp. m::, fen, t&h).—i. pos- sess, inherit.—II. dispossess others. —III. be, become poor; tSHV heir. Niph. be, become poor. Pi. SSH1'. take into possession, Deu. 28:42. Hiph. —I. cause to possess. —II. dispossess.—III. make poor, desolate. y f., possession, Nu. 24:18. , 7\fyt f., the same. n&H f. (inf. to take; with suff. —I. net. — II. snare. — III. net- work. BHto m. 1 ntniDf.jpos~ T T J n| ngnto p.n. of a district near Gath; a Moreshethite. trvri m., new wine, must. pne?! same as pnv? P- n-J see pn¥. p. n. of a man. ntr same as D-1K> intrans. was set, " laid; fut. (a prince with God), p.n., Israel, the new name given by God to Jacob, afterwards applied to his de- scendants; m. an Israelite. "DfiWJ p. n. Issachar, the son of Ja- cob, and the tribe that descended from him. (to elvai), is, are, was, were; with suff. thou art-, he is; ye are; ^ I have; ^ it is, because that; it is, yea it is, 2 Ki. 10: 15. (fut. inf.n^; const. n3B>; with suff. imp. 2W, —I. sit, sit down, with 3, — II. lie in wait for.—III. have in- tercourse with, with DJJ.—IV. re- main.—V. dwell in.—VI. was in- habited, with 3, Niph. was inhabited. Pi. DGPJ cause to remain, Eze. 26:4. Hiph. D^in cause to sit, dwell, reside in or with, inhabit. Hoph. 2^-1 H made, caused to dwell. Vng*; see^lW. niW f., residing, 2 Sa. 19:33 ; see Tin p. n. of one of David's generals. p. n. of a man. liD 12^ p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. 2f)i'm. (pi. f. nbflD; const. m.).—I. residence.—11. seat. — III. time of residing, Ex. 12: 40.— IV. act of sitting.—V. inha- bitants. m., settler, sojourner. 11355^ p.n. of a man. on1? "ob" p. n. of a man. nyiw p. n. of a man. pH£^ p. n. of a son of Abraham. p. n. of a man; patron. 1^1 for i&l Kal fut.; see Yl^ WW, *155^ p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. yjw, rtJAP* salvation; see r\&i m., baseness, hypocrisy, Mic. 6: i4.rte* ( 1: •lnEJ>> Niph. fut.; see Pint?- Hiph. twin extend, stretch out. p. n., Jesse, the father of David ; LLX. 'Itaaai. for Hiph. fut.; see KBO. n»p^, -in^. p. n. of a man. oVi forTHiph. fut.; see ^{5* Kal. fat. apoc., from III. D&T was desolate, laid waste; fut. ~ DBfrl, njPS^ri; see m.— I. any great desert.—II. specially, the Desert of Sinai. f., desolations, Ps. 55:16. nto^rrrv;* p. n. of a place near the Dead Sea. D$J for Dfe>J Kal.fut.; see DDt£ m&) Hiph. fut.; see p. n. of a man. p. n.—I. Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. — II. of a man; Ishmaelites. "p! n. of a man. p. n. of a man. (fut. J6JW) slept, slumbered, dozed. Niph. grew old, dry. Pi. made to sleep, Jud. 16:19. m., old. T\W\ f.—I. the same.—II. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. m. f.—I .sleepy.—II. p. n. of a man. f. — I. sleep. — II. dream, Ps. 90:5. f., sleep, Ps. 127:2. or H}£> f. Ch., the same. f., sleep, Ps. 132:4. 135^ compounded of and suff. 1 with 3 epenth. 8 ) W Hiph. ; apoc. deliver, set free, save, with }», TO, b. Niph. yWU was delivered, with |P; part. one saved, Zee. 9:9. yu>l m. (with suff. deliverance, freedom, safety, sail vation. j VP), VP* 1 Kal fut. apoc., from Hiph. fut. apoc. fut. with suff., from V&i' p. n. of a man. ; p. n., Isaiah the prophet; LXX. 'Haaiag; Vulg. Isaias. p. n. of a man. y' (same as 'Irjcrovg), p. ri> of a man. f., freedom, safety, salvation. f. pi., great salvation, Ps. 68: 21. the jasper, a variegated gem. p.n. of a man. |£>5^ p. n. of a man. (fut. "IE"'., IK".).—I. proceed, go right, i. e. directly onwards; he went straight on his way. —II. with 3, \yjj3 he was right, upright, good. Pi. *"1^1 make right, direct. Pu. part, made di- rect, plain, laid smooth, 1 Ki. 6:35. Hiph. made direct, straight for- ward, Pro. 4:25.; (imp. make direct, Ps. 5:9. m., r*n^ f., right, upright, righteous, true; IM?*1 s., the book a 7 T T of right, i.e. right things, Deu. 6:18. "1$J p. n. of a man.*m ( 11 m., rectitude, integrity. f., the same. p.n. of a man. II-IK* m., a periphrastic title of Is- rael, applied to the whole people generally, lit. entirely righteous. ron#; 1 Sa. 6:12, for njngtf) Kal fut. f. pl.3.pers,, from m.—I. a plain.—II. truth, righteousness; adv. righteously, truly. DHtPO m. pi.—I. true men. •T • T •• —II. truth, righteousness.—III. truly, right- eously. m., 2 Chron. 36:17, aged, elderly person. m., the same. p.n. of a man. Hith. fut. apoc. sing. " for njnn^; see T\r\w> Kal fut. pi. with 3 parag., from T:nn^. Hith. fut. pi., from ppW- JV Ch., same as Heb. Htf* arvi Kai fut. apoc. for n$, nn^.; seennx. WHJ Hith. fut. apoc., from HIK* an? Ch., same as sit. Aph. reside, Ezr. 4:17. Hith. fut. apoc., from «"6j. nrv root not used; (Arab, pin, nail), njv, const, nn* f. (pi. nnnp.—i. pin, peg.—ll'tent-pin; hence wise (i. e. firmly fixed) rulers, Isa. 22: 23,25.-111. dibble, to bore holes in the earth, Deu. 23:14. 1JV1 Pi. fut. apoc., from Hiri- Hith. fut., from fiT- 9 ) W "VHV abundance; see Tift- PW Ch. Ithp. fut., from J-1T- nn; root not used; (Arab, smote with a club). nnin m., club; LXX. a33 3 pa. pref. signifying comparison, resemblance.—I. as, as if, like; 3...3, 3*1...3, |3'«3; with suff.' Q33,1 DH3;" see 103—II. according to (Kara).—III. nearly, almost; JTtn DV'S as on this day; riVnS about midnight IV. with inf. (sometimes with part.) when, a>q. 2K3 (fut. 3*09 be pained. Hiph. I. cause pain, Eze. 13:22.—II. mar, ruinJ 2 Ki. 3:19. m., pain. m. (pi. D*-, n\-).—l. pain. —II. cause of pain.—III. sorrow. HX3. Niph. pained, enfeebled, Dan> 11:30. Hiph. pain, enfeeble the heart, Eze. 13:22. n«3 m., afflicted, helpless, Ps. 10:10. ta)K3Am.8:8, for "1*03. n^3Ps. 22:11; see i-IS- ^53 and (fut. *733*.— I. be grievous.—II. be grave, re- honorable, with hv_, Niph. became honorable, glorious\ part. DH33J nobles, fi*n33} made glorious, with 3. Pi. *733 I. make heavy, sullen, unrelenting. — II. make honourable, honour, with h, Pu. 133 was honoured. Hiph. I. made heavy, grievous, sullen.—II. made honorable, glo- rious. — Hith. HSSJip fancying himself honorable, Pro. 12:9. const. 133, 133 m.—I. heavy. —II. rich.— III. numerous.— IV. stupid, sullen.—V. grievous.—VI. dense.—VII. slow of utterance.-— VIII. hard to be understood.—IX. the liver. m., lit. heaviness: hence,— I. glory, splendour, majesty. — II. abundance, wealth.—111. multitude. —IV. mind, soul.—V. honour; fljPP "MIS the glory of God; LXX. do%a KvpLov. *133, f. rn-133 glorious, precious. *133 m.—I. weight.—II. abundance. H-H33 f., heavily, Ex. 14:25. ma was extinguished. Pi. extin- S-133 p. n.— I. a district of Galilee. —II. a town in the tribe of Asher. P33 p. n., a town in the tribe of Judah. ,T3|, "V33; see *133- ^33 root not used; {Arab, iron fetter).f>33 ( 1! *38 m., footlock of iron. D33 part. D313 fuller. Pi. D33, D33 wash, cleanse clothes and the like, not the body. Pu. D33 was washed. Hothp. inf. D33H to be washed, Lev. 13:55, 56. root not used; see 5?33, J?3p- jnis, yn'iB m., helmet. ^23. Hiph. multiplied, Job 35:16; part, abundance, Job 36:31. "133 p. n. of a river in Mesopotamia, the Chaboras. 133 adv., already, now. T33 m., mighty, powerful, great. *V33 m., cushion or pillow cased with goat skin, 1 Sa. 19:13, 16. nn33 f., sieve, Am. 9:9. m33 f., an unknown measure of T : • length; LXX. L7nr6dpofjLog* m., brazen lattice-work. "133D m., carpet, coarse cloth, 2 Ki. 8:15. root not used; same as t503 subdue. fe>33 m., a lamb. nfes, nb33 f. (pi. nb>33 const, rib 33) a she-lamb. . trample, tread under foot; me - taph. shall trample on sling stones, i. e. not be h,armedby them, Zee. 9: 15.—i I. subdue, humble.—Ill .force, Est. 7:8. Niph. be subdued, hum- bled. Pi. subdued, 2 Sa. 8:11. t^33 m., footstool, 2 Chron. 9:18. |^33 m., smelting furnace. *13 jar; see TTD* 3"13 m., rnt.3 f. Ch., lying, false, Dan. 2:9.' * !1 ) !na "HI root not used; (perhaps from Arab, straitness). *73 f. (with suff. ; pi. m. D^3) earthen jar, water vessel. *TlT3 m., spark of fire, Job 41:11. 1313 m., a precious stone, perhaps the ruby. H3, see "I; **73, see nns, see "'ii- TIT? m., attack, onset, Job 15:24. ipi?^Tl3 p. n. of a king of Elam. H5 pa.-I. so, thus, in this formt manner, fyc.; n*33 • • • n*33 on this manner and on that manner, 1 Ki. 22:20.—II. here, hither; n*31• • • ii'3 hither and thither, Ex. 2:12; *1^ H'3 yonder, Gen. 22:5.—III. now; n'3 nj; until now, Ex. 7:16; H3 n'3 so and so long, i.e. a very short time, 1 Ki. 18:45. n3 Ch., n3 ny thus far, Dan,7:28. nn| (fut. nnp*.; apoc. n3F)l)— I. become weak, languid (of the eyes). —II. of the mind or person, Isa. 42:4. Pi. nn3, nn3 made weak, T * ' T •• disheartened. nri3 f. nn3.—I. expiring, fading (of a lamp), Isa. 42: 3.—II. of the eyes, — III. of a disease or eruption.— IV. nn3 not weak, i. e. vigo- rous, Nah. 3:19. nins Pi. inf., from nn3. Ch., able, adequate. JH3. Pi. JH? act, officiate as priest. jn3 m. (pi. D^n'3, ^n'3) priest; with " Vnan or' or n^h the T - T - • T - high priest. JPI3 m. Ch., priest.|H3 ( 1: n|H3 f., priesthood, office of the priest. 3*3 p. n., a country in the south, Eze. 30:5. JDte helmet; see JD3. . ni3. Niph. ni3fi was, became burnt. *3 m. Ch., pi. |^3 windows, case- ments, Dan. 6:11. nj12) f., burning, branding,Ex.21:25. *3 m. (for ''lip) branding, Isa. 3:24. *3 pa.; see further. nj?P f., inflamed part (of body), Lev. T 13:24, 25, 28. *13 root not used; (Arab, conquer in battle). 1113, n'3 m.—I. strength, vigour, pow- er, ability.—II. wealth; n*3 /rwif o/ the earth, Gen. 4:12.—III. a kind of lizard (from its strength), Lev. 11:30. 3313 m., star, constellation. ft measured, Isa. 40:12. Hiph. Van I. contain.—Il.swstain. Pil. ^3^3 I. contain (as a vessel).— II. sustain (with food).—III. bear (with firmness). Pu. ^3^3 were sustained. nD^S the constellation of the pleiades. Tfi13 bracelet of gold beads. pa fashioned, set in order, Job 31:15. Pil. jil3 dispose, prepare, fix, estab- lish, with ns, "I& "?JI Pul. 1313 established, confirmed. Hiph. j*3jl dispose, prepare, fix, establish. Hoph. }3*m was disposed, pre- pared. Niph. be, become disposed, set in order, fixed, established (of person or thing); part. |i3J (f. nj*33) firm, established, sure; 52 ) .ID p33 inK' the true dawn, as op- posed to the false, or premature twilight in the East, Hos. 0:3; certainly, for certain. Hith.[yi3^in, fjtan same as Niph. J3 adj.—I. substantial, true; pi. D'OS. —II. part, really, truly: whence, —III. as, so, thus; |3 ing, J3"nnX afterwards; thus; (31? there- fore; |3^) because i because; )3"nj/ hitherto; see also in p3« ]3 Ch., thus. )3tf pa. (for ]3n inf. abs. Hiph. con- firmed), surely, certainly, truly. |-13 p. n., a Phenician city, 1 Chron. 18:8, called in 2 Sa. 8:8, VT"B Berytus. [•IS m., small round cake, Jer. 7:18; T 44:19. p.n. of an idol, Am. 5:26, called PsjjLfpav, Acts 7:43, the planet Saturn. }*3* I. p. n. of a son of Simeon; pa- tron. ^3 J.—II. one of the columns in the temple of Solomon. p3D m.—I. place, establishment.— II. foundation. njISP f.—I. basis.—II. p.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. njop f., place, Zee. 5:11. nj-13n f.—I. presence.—II. arrange- ment.—III. furniture, stores. D13 f.—I. drinking cup; pi. IYID3.— II. rough-billed pelican, Lev. 11: 17; Deu. 14:16; Ps. 102:7. -113 root not used; (Arab, digging, piercing); piercing, Ps. 22:17."D ( 1S * *T3 m., camel's pack-saddle, Gen. 31: 34 ; see also YD- *"13 an officer of a certain rank, 2 Ki. Tll:4,19; W3 Kri, 2 Sa.20:23. , "I-13 m., furnace for melting metals. \&Vt "V13 (smoking furnace), p. n. of a city in the tribe of Simeon. "13 m., a measure of capacity, con- taining 10 baths. ' nto m. (pi. Dnb, nnb).—i. a pot or brazier for fire, Zee. 12:6.— II. laver of brass.—III. chafing dish, 1 Sa. 2:14. — IV. pulpit, 2 Chron. 6:13. D)*V3 m. dual, pots or jars, Lev.l 1:35; LXX. xwrpoTTodeg. 133 f. (for 13^3).—I . tract of country. —II. Dn!? *133 cake of bread; pi. m. JTHSS talent (of gold or silver); dual Dconst. Dn??; pi- f. fin33/na?. ")33 f. Ch., pi. tn33 the same. rni3D f., place of origin, birth, lit. digging; see Isa. 51:1. m3D f., sword, Gen. 49:5. T" I b«d p. n.—I. Ethiopia.—II. name of a man, Ps. 7:1. 1 ^.13 m. (pl.D^lD; f. 1W-13).—I. an Ethiopian.—II. p. n. of a man. ]£*)3 f., Hab. 3:7, same as E*)3 Ethiopia. )^!3 p.n. of a king of Me- sopotamia. nignsf., wealth; see 1^3. TVI3, nn-13 p.n. of a region whence the kingdom of Israel was colo- nised after its depopulation. part. 3T3 deficient, falling short, Ps. 116:11. Pi. 3;?3—I. lie, deceive. ) * —II. fail, with b or 3. Hiph. con- vict of falsehood, Job 24:25. Niph. was fallacious, false. 3T3 m., falling short of truth, lying, falsehood. K3T3 p.n., same as 3V3* ^3T3 p.n. of a Midianitish woman. I11!? p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. 3t3X mdeficient, deception, unstable. 2*T3K p.n.—I. a town in the tribe of Judah.—II. a town in the tribe of Asher, on the Mediterranean. "EKdnrwa. root not used; (Arab, muddy, turbid). 1T3K m., untr act able, cruel, fierce, very cruel. nvSj3^ f., great cruelty, Pro. 27 :4. n"3 strength; see H13- ins. Pi. 1(13 keep back, conceal, with JO or !?• Niph. I. was con- cealed.—II. made useless, destroyed. Hiph. I. hold back.—II. bring to nought. /H3 black (the eyes) with antimony, Eze. 23:40. mi fail, be deficient. Pi. fc^n3 L withhold.—II. fail, deceive, deny, lie, with 3 and p. Niph. and Hith. were, became liars, with *?• £>113 m.—I. deficiency*—II. failure, falsehood. ET13 m., lying, Isa. 30:9. *5 pa.—I. if, for, at the beginning of a speech.—II. because, therefore, in the second member of a sentence: also,— III. surely, without doubt.It connects the hypothesis and condition of an entire sentence, and may be translated by almost any particle that is so used; 'OH whether? is not? *2 IK!,W be- cause; until; therefore; see also HI 3 Dtf ^ I. that.—II. if not, with oaths. —III. except, after a negative.— IV. but, only. *V3 m., ruin, destruction, Job 21:20. flT3 m. — I. spear.—II. JIT? ]")} (the plain of spears), p. n. of a district; see •jit? sparks; see n'n*? attack; see ma. j-V3 an idol; see J-13. ^2 pot; see "1*13- ^3 vessel; see ^33- niS^3 axes; see ^3- Pleiades; see D-13. . T • 7 bag; see D33« "VS pot; see "VIS- frilTO Syr. for PI 33 same as H*3 thus; see in "133; see >13. " ^3, "^3 all; see C%P3 restrain, confine, withhold (part. shut up), with |D; fut. Hpi- Niph. restrained, with- holden. m. (with suflf. 1X^3), prison; ' K?? JT>a, rva the same; pi. 0^73 K;>3, n^3 f,, 'all that, from ^3; see ^3. d&? dual, of two sorts or kinds, ertpoyivfj. m., prison. ( 124 ) nb n^3D f. (pi. ni^3D), fold, or perf for flocks. 3s!?3 p. n. of a son of David. 3-1 ?3 m.—I. fruit-basket, Am. 8:1,2. — II. bird-cage, Jer. 5:27.—III. . p. n. of a man. -173 m.—I. a dog.—II. bad, cruel mpw how? T|T .. man. *!?!> p. n . of a man, Caleb; patron. ,*???• 1173 (fut. n!?;?*, ri^3Pi ; apoc. ^3* ^rn).—i. was completed, finisheu. —II. was wasted, ruined, decayed. Pi. H?3 I. complete, determine.—* II. waste, ruin, destroy, with h- Pu.rta (fut.n^' ),were completed. nb, f. n^s consuming, Deu. 28:32. r6s f., completion, destruction; T\W LL T *T^I ii/3 hath done even to destruction, altogether, with 3, HX; adv. n!?3, n?3? completely, entirely. ^3 m. (with pause ^3; pi. D^3, V?).—I. vessel.—II. boat, Isa. 18:*" 2.—III. musical instrument.—IV. arms, weapon.—V. implement of husbandry.—VI. clothing. ni^3 const., f. pi., the reins, kidneys, metaph. as the seat of sense, the feeling. )iv3 const., }V^3 m.—I. consumption Isa. 10:22.—II. wasting of the eye$> Deu.28:65. )i\^3 p. n. of a man. ^ nfepp f. pi., with 3HT, 2 Chron. 4: 21. pure gold. ."tan imperfection; LXX. rrvvTeXeia, f.—I. extremity, Neh. 3:21.—- II. boundary. — III. completeness^ perfection.f&5 ( 125 ) » rta, see ^>3- p.n. of a man. 0n?3 for D^3, from ^3; see V?2' njnViD for nj?3, from ^3; see •1^3 1 Sa.6:10, kal pret. pl.,from N^3- no3 tfn. ) m.—I. wealth.—II. insolence, Job 30:2. rft>3 p.n. of a city, Gen. 10:11. hi, ni^s, I'vb; see nb- L L T : T pb?3 p. n. of a man. perfected, Eze. 27:4,11. % Ch., finished, completed: Shaph. the same; passive /j?3,P)!£jjtf was completed. m.—I. whole, entire; adv. wholly, entirely; 'VJJn V?3 the whole city.—II. whole burnt-offering,i.e. offering entirely consumed, Deu. 33:10; Ps. 51:21. f.—I. daughter-in-law. — II. spouse. fliW?? f- pU espousals, Jer. 2:2. '■ Vs (Vl3 Jer.33:8) "^3.-1. the whole, all.—II. complete, entire.—III. all, every.—IV. many, most of; b'3 none: with suff. *1^3 all we; Daks all ye; D^>3, DJlfe all they; ri^3,nin-33 all they] U all tt t :| / \ v> > of it, m.; H?3 the same, f.; with adv.lijH?? as long as, "V just as, Ecc. 5:15. te, _I?3 Ch ., the same; Kp!3 adv., altogether, entirely. m., perfection, Ps. 50:2. Sl^3P m., the same (of clothing), Eze. 23:12, &c. m. pi., splendid garments, Eze. 27:24. D?3. Hiph. D^srr, put to shame, make ashamed, injure. Hoph. was ashamed, confounded. Niph. was ashamed, confounded. ns^? f., shame, ignominy. n-1^3 state of shame, Jer. 23:40. p. n. of a region or city. nibs, p. n. of a city on the river Tigris (Ctesiphon?). £]/3 root not used; (Arab, drove). niabs f. Pi ., axes or hammer, Ps. 74:6; LXX. Xa&VTrjpia, Pi. pret. 3.pers. f. with suff., from r6a. »3p^3 1 Sa. 25:33, Kal pret. 2. pers. f. with suff., from desired intensely even to fainting. Dn)p3 p. n. of a man. nD|,:TO3, PH33; seenD. pa., same as 3 thus, as, whether; with suff. "OIDS as I am, *pD3, H3b3 as thou art; .1if)D3 as he is; HI703 as she is; -1^103 as we are, sometimes for D33, DH3 ; D3iD3, DIT1D3 as ye, they, are; iD3...iD3 fc^D3 p. n., an idol of the children of Moab and Ammon; E3JJ the Moabites. P&5 m., the herb cummin, Isa. 28: 25,27. m. pi., treasures, Dan. II :43. DM laid, treasured, up, Deu. 32:34. ")23. Niph. "ID3p I. was affected (warmed with intense feeling, love, compassion).— II. was black with burning, Lam. 5:10. "ID'S m., pi. D'H£?3 idolatrous priests. ")HD3 blackest, gloomiest thing, Job 3:5.P ( 1: 1MO, m., pi. anbjo net used by fishermen. f., Tie* used by fisher- men. |3 ; see 1-13 and }J3. Kal not used; (Syr. named). Pi. H33 I. call by name.—II. flatter. fij!p m. (man of the same name), companion, associate; pi. nilJ3 ( lice i pi. D^33 LXX. gkviQsq. D33 for D33 same as D^33; see pre- ceding word, Ex. 8:12. D-J3 collect, gather together. Pi. like Kal. Hith. being collecting, com- prehending, Isa. 28:20. 16 ) n M m., dual const. *D33D drawers, breeches of linen (for the priests). W?. Hiph. g\33H humble, debase, inwg* down. Niph. JES} was /mm- fc/ed, debased. f., package, bale of merchan- dise, Jer. 10:17. P^-^P I. P- n. of a son of Ham.— of the land inhabited by his pos- terity.—III. m., a merchant. *323? (f. n^_|; pi. D*Jg3?)'—I. a Canaanite.—II. a merchant. njg33 p. n. of a man. rPSyjS pi. with suff., from root not used; (Arab, put away). Niph. put away, remove, Isa. 30:20. f. (dual DJBJ?, f.; pi. const., m. and f.).—I. wing (of a bird, &c.).—II. wing (of an army). — III. skirt (of a garment).—IV. extreme part (of the earth or land). —V. by meton. person protected/ i. e. wife &c. rn33, n*y")33, flVljlj) p. n., a city in the tribe of Naphtali, near the sea of Galilee ([rsvvTjarapsr); rnjD D* the sea of Galilee. Ch., collect, Dan. 3:2. Hith. being assembled, Dan. 3:3, 27. Ch., same as ^2^3 a Chaldean. nD3, part. HD3 covering, concealing, t Pro. 12:16, 23 ; *-1D3 covered. Nu. T ' 4:6, 14. Niph. Hpp3 being co- vered, concealed. Pi. i7D3 cover, conceal, with ^g, b, 3, fiK, Pu. i"lD3, HD3 covered, was Co- vered, with 3. Hith. same as Niph. Pu. with 3. ,D3 ( 127 ) JSD D3 m., FP '3 the throne of Jehovah, Ex. 17:16. &SD3, np3 m., the new moon, Ps. *81:4;*Pro. 7:20. KD3, HD3 m. (with suff. *KD3 ; pi. niKD3), regal chair, throne. D-1D3 f.—I. covering.—II. clothing. n-1D f., a false reading for TV1D3 gar- ments, Gen. 49:11. niriD| f. pi., Eze. 13:18, 20, LXX. 7rpo(tKE(pa.\aiat cushions, probably ornaments. nppD m., covering. HD5P m., covering, Isa. 14:11. part. n-1D3 cut off. nmD3 like filth, Isa. 5 : 25 ; see TOD. was a fool; fut. -1^3' Jer.l0:8. m.—I. a fool.—II. the constel- lation Orion.—III. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. n-iV'p? f., foolish woman, Pro. 9:13. m.—I. the loins.—II. the viscera; ' pi. D^D3.—III. eocpectation, con- fidence.—IV. foolishness. n?D3 f.—I. confidence.—II. folly. ii?D3 m., the ninth month of the Hebrew year, answering to our November and December. $>dI p. n. of a town on the borders of the tribe of Judah. }&D3 p. n. of a man. n$D3 p. n. of a town in the tribe of Issachar. inrrni'pp? p. n. of a town at the foot of Mount Tabor. m. pi., p. n. a people so called. DD3 adorn, Eze. 44:20. - T nJOS? f-> a kind of corn, spelt, £la; vpi.Vpp3. DD3 apportion, divide out, Ex. 12:4* DDP m., fractional part, number. MOM {., number. desired intensely (lit. grew pale with desire), with h. Niph. become desirous, earnestly longing for, with *]p|) m. (with suff. '•Sp?; pi. D"»Sp3). —I. silver.—II. money; with nu- merals, the shekel of silver ; 1,000 shekels. f]p!D m. Ch., silver. XJQD3 p. n. of a country. DinpS ornaments; see P1D3. Pi. pret. 3 pers. f. with suff.,from HDD. adv. Ch.—I. so, therefore.—II. but. —III. now; 113^3 so on; see (fut. DJO*).—I. was angry.—II. irritated. Pi. D)£3 irritate. Hiph. D^JpPI.—I. was angry.-r-ll. made angry, irritated. DJJ3 m.—I. vexation, sadness.—II. anger; pl. excitements to anger. £^3 m., the same, in Job only. *15, ntes, nsD; see f)S3. £|3 rock, Job 30:6; Jer. 4:29. avert, appease, Pro. 21:14; see T nm. TID3, TB3, HTB3; see IM. doubled; part. ^)Q3. Niph. be repeated, Eze. 21:19. m., doubling, twofold; dujal *D^B3 Job 11:6; Isa. 40:2. became languid, Eze. 17:7. |&3 m., hunger, Job 5:22; 30:3.DM ( 1 D33 (Syr. tie, join). m., tie-beam; "tenon" (Lee); LXX. kavQapog. bend, bow down, with distress. Niph. bow myself down, with be- fore, Mic. 6:6. t|3 f.-I. palm of the hand.—II. hand (with suff. *B3; dual D?5>3 both hands; pi. HISS).—III. sole of the foot.—IV. foot of a beast.—V. bason or phial.—VI. receptacle for the stone in a sling; cup of the sling, 1 Sa. 25:29.—VII. bent palm branches; rfl5)3 bent palm branches, Lev. 23:40.— VIII. •q'Vrr?)? cup of the thigh joint, Gen. 32:26, &c. 7133 f., curved branch, branch. H9—I. generally cover.—II. spe- cially, pitch, smear with pitch, Gen. 6:14, with 3. Pi. 133 (fut. "133^ I. cover, expiate for sin, used of the sinner and the sin.—II. appease anger.—III. avert calamity, with 5®.^. *18?. ris. Pu. 133—i .was expiated.—II. was abolished. Hith. was expiated; *1333 f°r Deu. 21:8. *Vl33 m.—I. vessel, covered cup.—II. hoarfrost, Ex. 16:14; Ps. 147:16. *V£3 m.—l.ayounglion.—Il.metaph. fierce, bold man.—lll.village, Neh. 6:2l n?? m., village. »TV!p3 p. n. of a city of the Hivites. "133 p. n., a town in the tribe of Benjamin. lS3 m,—I. pitch, Gen. 6:14.—II. a milage, 1 Sa. 6:18.—III. expiation, 18 ) 113 lit. covering for sin, Xvrpov.—IV. the cypress tree, Cant. 1:14. D'HSS m. pi., expiation. JTV33 f., the covering of the ark; mercy-seat; rn33H JV3 the holy of holies. Hiph. overwhelmed, covered, Lam. 3:16. nsi Ch., bound, tied. "VlfiSS p. n., a country of the Philis- tines; anna? its inhabitants, Gen.10:14. m. pi. — I. twisted capitals or columns.—II. ornamented bowls of the golden candlestick, Ex. 25:36. "13, see "1-13; *13, see 1-13 and "113. K13 or rn? Ch. Ithp. was pained, afflicted. Pu. part. SsTDD equipped, clothed, 1 Chron. 15:27. *6|-)3 Ch., a cloak, Dan. 3:21. dig (as a well, pit); with mine ears hast thou digged, opened, Ps. 40:7. Niph. I. was dug.—II. buy, purchase, Deu. 2:6; Hos. 3:2.—III .feast, 2 Ki. 6:23. m3 f. — l. digging, Zep. 2:6; pi. 'const. n'"l3.—II. feast, 2 Ki. 6:23. H13D m., pit, Zep. 2:9. UrG m., pi. era-i-a, D'lns. — i. cherub; a symbolical figure over the mercy-seat; described Eze.4:6. —II. p. n. of a man, Ezr. c. 2 ; Neh. c. 7. n_3 Ch. Aph. proclaim, Krjpvaasiv Dan. 5:29. m. Ch., herald, Dan. ( i« n.3; see "W3- nns, ninna; see ma. 33~)5 m. (with suff. imp""!!?) brazier (011 the grating of the altar for containing the fire). m., robe, Est. 8:15. p. n. of a city on the Eu- phrates, Carchemish (KipKr/aiov). □313 m., saffron, Cant. 4:14. p. n. a Persian eunuch. nWshsis see TO. t : • Q"I3 m. (f. Isa. 27:2, 3).—I. vineyard. —II. olive yard.—III. orchard. cnb m., vine-dresser. p. n. of a man. m. (quasi ; with sufF. I. well-cultivatedplain, or- chard,field.—II. Carme/, a very fruit- ful hill south of Asher, near the Me- diterranean ; m.; {., a Carmelite ~ III. £n3 and first fruits (of the most fertile land), Lev. 2:14; 23:14. m.f crimson. p. n. of a man. XD")3 m. Ch., same as XD3 throne. m " • ' quadrilit. devoured, Ps. 80:14. —I. bent his legs (as an animal to lie down).—II. bowed, lay down, crouched (with h or before * any one).—III. was weak. Hiph. cause to bow down, depress, afflict. DJJH? f. dual, both the legs ox leg bones. D313 m., cotton cloth, calico, Est. 1: 6; (Arab, the same). T13. Pil. leap about, dance, T2Sa.6:14,16. 9 ) neo "13 m. (p.. D^)3).—I. fatted lamb.— II. the pasture where lambs feed. —III. battering ram., dromedaries, Isa. 66:20. 85^3 m., belly, Jer. 51:34. CH3 p. n., Cyrus king of Persia, p. n., a Persian prince. H"^3 (imp. "TT)3; with H parag. nn-o; fut. fhy).—i. cut off, down-, n-n3 arid rDBB> n-113 T T ; T : eunuch. — II. with or without nha make a covenant (opicia ts\uvsiv), (lit. strike a bargain), with HK, Dy, h—III. kill men, Jer. 11:19. Niph. was cut down, cut off. pu. rra, rna cut off. Hiph. nnpn cut off, destroy. Hoph. rilDH was cut off, Joel 1:9. ninnS f. pi., beams (things cut). JTH3 p.n. of the brook Cherith, which falls into the Jordan not far from Samaria. n-WO, nrp3 f., divorce; with "1BD bill of divorce. •"HIS p. n.—I. a tribe of the Phi- listines of the south west coast of Judea, derived from the Island of Crete.—II. title of certain brave soldiers in David's army. 3£^3 m., same as &03 lamb, female-lamb. 1^3 p. n., a son of Nahor; the pro- genitor of the Chaldees. pi.—I. Chaldees, inhabitants of Babylon.—II. astrologer. ^#3m. Gh„ a Chaldee. i"ll£0 covered with fat, Den* 32:15. T T * - 10 fttea ( i. (fut. yiBbj).—i. tottery stagger. —II. stumble.—III. stumble to fall (part. ^13 weak, weary), with 2. Niph. be tottering from weakness. Pi. and Hiph. I. cause to stumble.—11. fail, become weak. Hoph. part. made to stumble, Jer. 18:23. ^6^5 ni., an axe, Ps. 74:6. m., ruin, Pro. 16:18. m.—I. offence, delusion.—II. cicavdaXov, cause of offence, place, instrument or cause of sin. r6t?bp f., fall, ruin, Isa. 3:6; Zep. T 1:3. Pi. used witchcraft, 2 Ch. 33:6; part. magician, wi- zard ; witch. 5)5^3 m., magician, Jer. 27:9. m. pi., magical rites, incan- tations. do well, be acceptable, Est. 8:5; Ecc. 11:6. Hiph. give prosperity, Ecc. 10:10. rn^'13 f., pi. great prosperity, wealth, Ps. 68:7. prosperity, profit, Ecc. 5:10. iWS m., distaff, Pro. 31:19. I. write, engrave, with h))t 2, before the material written upon; with ^ before the person to whom the writing was addressed. Niph. was written. Pi. wrote, Isa. 10:1. Hri3 Ch., he wrote. Uri3 m.—I. writing.—II. epistle.— III. record.—IV. Scripture. m. Ch., writing, edict. f., writing, Lev. 19:28. to ) HY3 2FDD m.—I. writing.—II. epistle, ordinance (thing written). p.n. the Chittim, pro- bably the inhabitants of Cyprus and of some part of Asia Minor. JVm) beaten small; see iirD. m., wall, Cant. 2:9. m. Ch., wall; pi. emph. Dan. 5:5. P. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. DJ13 Kal not used; (Arab, treasure up). Niph. DFDJ treasured up, or as some interpret, embroidered with gold; see the next word, Jer. 2:22. m., the purest gold. DniDp m., Michtam, a word of uncer- tain meaning, occurring in the titles of Psalms 16, 56—60, pro- bably the name of the tune or air to which they were sung. r0f"l3, nJPD (with suflf. VUljD; pi. nfariS; const.TtilTy'S), garment, shirt, yiThiv. WIS const. P]ri3 f.—I. shoulder (with , suflf. Pi- II. side (of a building, the sea, a town); pi. niDHlp; const. ; with suflf. VQJ13 sides, jambs of doors, Eze. 41:2,26. — III. shoulders of axles, pivots, 1 Ki. 7:30,34. "iro. Pi. "1FD surround, encompass. Hiph. I. surround, come about- II. comprehend. "ins m., diadem, crown. r-no'13 f. (pi. n'nn'3), cincture, capital of a column.e»ro break, bruise. m.—I. mortar, Pro. 27:22.— II. p. n. of a place, Jud. 15:19; Zep. 1:11. ' (fut. imp. pi. -inls).— I. break to pieces (as a vessel, &c.). —II. beat out (as iron).—III. beat down (as enemies); part. )T)ri3 i QXadLag, eunuch. Pi. same as Kal. Pu. was broken. Iliph. (fut. *n?J) defeat. Hoph. (fut. •1FD?) pounded to dust. rvns m., fine, pure oil. HMD f., breaking, Isa. 30:14. b I insep. pa.—I. to, towards.—II. at, in.—III. till, until.—IV. in order to, for the purpose of.—V. for, belonging to, with respect to: jnb therefore; pb so, thus, there- fore; TO? why? When joined with subs, and adjs. it sometimes admits of being translated adver- bially: "|j■)$} falsely; justly. It is also used in a sense allied to that of the Arab.^J, and very foreign to the idiom of any Euro- pean language: e.g. n|?5 he took hold on Jeremiah, Jer. 40: 2, where it is equivalent to flK ; probably it corroborates the mean- ing like the Arabic. With suff. ^ ; \ Ch., to, in order to, fyc., like the Hebrew. sometimes not, no; ^ 16 ( m ) no one, none; && no one; "HI nothing, used for with- out, and is it? with pref. t6a without, there is none; »6d is it not? idov; tfhh without; not even. t*6, r6 Ch., not, nothing. 10? Ch., therefore, on that account (see ^), for unless. 13^ therefore (see b), for |3 but if. inn -m \b p. n., a town in Gilead. (not my people) mystic name given to the prophet Hosea, Hos, 1:9. 3X7 (Arab, thirsted). riu-iK^Fi, thirst, drought, Hos'. 13:5. anfcsb for SHKrfc Hiph. inf. with pref., from HxS I. be weary, faint, Job 4:2,5.—■ II. be vexed, Gen. 19:11. Niph. '1^3 X. become weary, faint.—II. was vexed.—III. dislike. Hiph. n$>n i. make weary.—II. vex.— III. ruin. nx1? p. n., Leah, one of Jacob's wives, n&dn f., weariness, trouble, vexation. for Niph. inf. with pref., from bxS same as vail, cover the face, 2 Sa. 19:5; see also DlSlb, mh in m. DN1? same as lib, secretly, Jud. 4:21. root not used; (Ethiop. he sent, ministered). • m.—I. messenger.--1L artgei (messenger of God).-~IH. theWml-i&6 ( 132 ) vrib of God, Jesus Christ, Ex. 23:20, seq., &c.—IV. prophet.—V. priest. m. Ch., angel. (const.with suff. . const.TliD^P).—I. ministry.—II. work.—III. making, acquisition, wealth.—IV. flocks. rmsta f., message, embassy, Hag. 1:13. p. n., Malachi, the prophet, M aXax'taQ. p. n. of a man. (Arab, assemblage). 0's£ m.(with suff. pi. — I. family, fnfo, nation.— IL D'SK? p. n. of a people, A\\ov- fjLaluiTat, Gen. 25:3. ?b, ~^h (with suff. '3^; pi. Di3^). (const. 33^>; with suff. *33^, cmn1?; piVn'm^) m.— i.Yhe heart of man or beast.—II. the seat of thought, affection, 8fc., in man; 3^13^3 with a double heart, i.e. deceitfui, Ps. 12:3.—III. the middle or interior of any thing. m. Ch., heart, mind, as Heb. 33^ . Niph.ta&e heart, be bold, daring, Job 11:12. Pi. 33^ give heart, encourage, Cant. 4:9; see also in nib f., heart, mind, as n3'3^> f„ pi. ni3*3^ pancakes made of fine wheaten flour. Pi. 33^ he made such pancakes, 2 Sa. 13: 6—10, only. H27 for flame, Ex. 3:2. D»83^>, rtisu1? ; see I?1? alone; see *13, 111 tOjS. Niph. stumbled, fell, Pro. 10:8,10; Hos. 4:14. lioness; perhaps also lion. *3? m., pi. m. D»K3^>.—I. lions; f. 'ni&u? lionesses.— II. p. n. of- a town in the tribe of Simeon, f., lioness. nin^; see in 3.!?. (from J"tJ3^) make bricks, -Gen. 11:3. Hiph.—I. was white, pure. — II.made white, clean, Dan. 11: 35. Hithp. shall become white, clean, Dan. 12:10. m.—I. white.—II. p. n., Laban, the father-in-law of Jacob.— III. a place in the desert. n::6 f.—I. the moon (from her white- ness).—II. p. n. of a man. v m., white. r n.331? m., the white poplar. f.—I. whiteness, clearness, Ex. 24:10.— II. p. n., a city in the tribe of Judah.— III. a station of Israel in the desert. nj3^> f. (pi. b'33^) brick or tile. mii!?, rm1? f. —I. pure frankincense, \i(3avog.—II. p.n. of a town near Shiloh. p.n., Mount Lebanon; so called from the whiteness of the snow on its eastern peak, p.n. of a man. 3?D m., brick kiln. ^3?, wi? (fut. i. put on clothing, cloak; part. ^-11^ clothed. —II. used metaphorically for the possession of certain qualities, Aq clothed with, glory, justice, 8fc.; < covered with flocks (as a pasture); with many others. Pu. clothed.—Hiph. I. clothe, invest, with hy_.—II. cover (as the sky with clouds). Bob Ch., clothe. Aph. the same. V21? m., upper or outer gar- ment, cloak. m., the same. nfibn f., the same. na?, Ex. 3:2, for n2$ const., from! " "nan1?. ♦ T T T * m., the log, a liquid measure con- taining 24-3 solid inches, p. n., a town in the tribe of Ben- jamin, Lydda. ill1? Kal inf., from $»• '"ft Kal inf., from Kal inf. with suff. and H parag., T T from root not used; (Arab, tongue of fire, flame). m.— I. flame.—II. glitter of a sword or other weapon.—III. the weapon itself. nin^ f., flame; pi. filing; const. 'nnqi? ; s. const. Ex. 3:2. nanb f ., the same. TfoThv) flame, destruction, fire. rh same as DU-I1? the Lybians, Gen. 10:13. root not used; (Arab, intense oc- cupation). m., much study, Ecc. 12:12. inb p. n. of a man. T\rb (fut. n^rii) same as mh was faint, feeble, Gen.47:13. 133 ) n^> n?6. Hithp. part. r6r6np insane, mad person, Pro. 26:18. tOlT? flaming, Ps. 104:4; part. inflamed (i.e. furious) men, Ps. 57: 5. pi. tsnS set on fire, inflame. m., flame, Gen. 3:24. lit. flames: hence, dazzlings, . delusions, Ex. 7:11. Dnb. Hith. part. enchant- ing, fascinating things, dainties, Pro. 18:8; 26:22. pr6, f. }i)T)b (ithat they may be) Ch. fut., the preformant dropped with the pref. h, from K1H, ill PI. ]H^; see b and rijjn^ (const. rij?n^) trans, for nVqi? congregation, 1 Sa. 19:20. b, tab I. if, el, lav.—II.would that! (compound of *h, tfh for N^) unless. vyb, d p.n., the Lybians, inha- bitants of the deserts west of Egypt. I*) / p. n. of a people descended from Shem, Gen. 10:22; pi. ; they inhabited some part of Africa^ and probably Asia Minor. nl7 I. borrow at usury.—II. get, ob- tain. Niph. m?? become turned, attached, joined, with DJ7. Hiph. nipn—I. cause to borrow. —II. lend. iff* p-n.—I.Levi, one of the sons of Ja- cob and Lieah.—II. and a Le- vite; pl.W> and Levites. Ch., a Levite. const. i-v$ chaplet, garland, Pro. 1:9, &c. - for nip, f., Pi. nV$ perhaps architectural ornaments like gar- lands, 1 Ki. 7:29, 30, 36. JIVI/* m.— I. any sea monster.— II. the sea serpent, Isa. 27:1.—III. one of the carnivorous whales, Job 3:8, &c. T\f? Ch., with, Ezr. 4:12. nS escape, depart from, Pro. 3:21. Niph. part. perverse, incorri- gible. Hiph. fut.escape, flee from. m.—I. almond tree, Gen. 30:37. —II. p.n. of the town afterwards called in the tribe of Benjamin. f., perverseness, Pro. 4:24. m.—I .tablet of stone or wood.—II. metaphorically, of the heart.—III. leaf of a folding-door, Cant. 8:9; man nh-11?, n-nyn n'r6 tables of the covenant, testimony; dual benches for the rowers of a ship, Eze. 27:5. n'n6 p.n. of a town in Moab. p.n. of a man. cover, conceal; part, &{? cover- ing ; H f., concealed. H iph. hid. m.. covert; 13^3 secretly; pi. secret parts. m.— I. veil, covering, Isa. 25:7. — II. p. n., Lot, the nephew of Abraham. m., gum-ladanum. ipft p. n. of a man. *17, [JVl1?; see nft. m. pi., winding-stairs, IKi. 6:8. rifc$V const, f. pi., loops or eyes for hooks. ( 134 ) rtr6 K.b-l"?, see I. f-l7 and P /(fut.; apoc. ; with pause "imper. l^).—I. lodge, remain, pass the night, with ?, nx. Hiph. cause to re- ' main, Jer. 4:14. Hith. lodge, remain, Ps. 91:1; Job 39:28. JvD m.—I. lodging-house, inn.—II. quarters (as of soldiers).—III. - tent, cot, hut; II. J-lS. Niph. complain, murmur; with against; fut. pi. Hiph. r?n the same; fut. apoc. Wfll part. D^D. nb-ipn f. pi. (with suff. Dp^n^ri), murmurings. Jrl / swallow, Obad. v. 16. JJy m., throat, Pro. 23:2. deride, scorn, Pro. 9:12; part. scorner. Hiph.PI derided; part. f/O interpreter, orator, ambas- sador. Hith. was mock- ing, Isa. 28:22. m., derision, Pro. 1:22. n^p f.—I. interpretation.—II. say- ing, parable, enigma, Pro. 1:6; Hab. 2:6. / knead dough. p.n. of a man, same as nf?; see mb- rrn1?; see M^>. HIT? root not used; (Arab, cheek-bone). with pause f. (dual D"^r6; const, —I. cheek, jaw.—il. >n? and *6 nD-J p.n., a place on the borders of Philistia. rin 7 root not used; (Arab, eyes wet with tears).nV ( 135 ) rh m., moist, green, fresh, new. nj? m. (with suff. t\rh Deu. 34:7), vigour of youth. ^IT? (inf. ^rb) and Pi. "Sjrfr licked, Nu. 22:4, lapped up (as a dog); with lick the dust, DPI1? (fut.DIl^; inf. Dh^; imp.Dn^). ■—I. eat, feast upon, devour; with ? of; ^nb consumed of fever. —II. make, wage war, with m. Niph. nnb) (inf. abs. Dr6j; fut. pi. -ipn^).—I. make warj with 3, S¥, 'ay, ^ against; with b for.—II. with 2, be- siege. m.—I. eating, feasting (with suff.iDir6).—II. flesh (with sufF. DOT1? Zep. 1:17). com.—I. provision; tree with its provision, i. e. fruit, Jer. 11:19.—II. feast.—III. bread. — IV. bread-corn, Isa. 28:28 ; D'osri Drfe (apTOQTOv TrpoatiiTTov) shew-bread, lit. bread of the pre- sence. Dnb m. Ch., a feast, Dan. 5:1. drb m. (inf. Pi.), const. Dn? war, jud. 5:8. wnb p. n. of a man, 1 Chron.20:5. f.—I. battle, war.—II. in- t t : • struments of war, Ps. 76:4; T\W)} nanfyo with nx, qj? made war; 'D warrior, soldier; 'tD D)}_ the same.—III. event of war, vic- tory, Ecc.9:11. npn^p f., the same; with suff. njr/p f. ch. , concubine, Dan. 5:2, , M ... oppress, afflict; part. Wd5' oppressors. Niph. was pressed, injured, Nu. 22: 25. |>rp m. oppression, affliction. tfnb. Pi. part. pi. whisperers, pronouncers of charms. Hith. muse of, secretly consider, DfjnS p. n. of a place in the tribe of Judah. wnb m.—I. whisper.—II.incantation, charm.—III. pi. D^r6 amulets, Isa. 3:20. t&,D$ ; see ryb. *v? (Arab, cleave to the ground), mbb f. , a kind of lizard. sharpen. Pu.part. sharp- ened, Ps. 52:4. n'V$; see tali?. h'h (const. ^?) rM (pi. Tvhfy) m. —I. night.—II. time of adversity; adv. n W, n'M, ni^|?a by night; DDV day and night. W m., night, Isa. 21:11. m. Ch., night. rrW f., screech owl, Isa. 34:14. pV; see \6. Kal inf. with pref. and dag. en- phon., from taID>. nnp^> for nrf^ ; see as;- m.—I. strong lion.—II. p. n. of a man.—III. of a town in the north of Palestine. ib.pi?, *lV imp., from "|V. I J? I. take, (as a beast in toils, cap- tives in war, &c.)—II. intercept.13^ Niph„ was taken. Hlth. was, be- came adhering, Job 41:9. is!? m., capture, Pro. 3:26. f., snare, trap, Job 18:10. ro^'imp-of n^> for ; see b. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. p. n. of a city in the tribe of Judah. see J3, ) i&. ri3^ Kal inf.," from ; see (fut. — I. accustom to, with bs.—II. learn, with acc. iiif. Pi.TO^5.—I. accustom to.—II. teach, with h of the person, and 2 of the thing taught. Pu. ^I. was accustomed.—II. was taught. m.—I. accustomed.—II. trained, taught.—III. disciple. -ik6d m., ox-goad, Jud. 3:31. TE&Fl m., learner, 1 Ch. 25:8. nD1?,'no1? why; see TO. r T tL to?; see 7. p. n. or title of king So- lomon, Pro. c. 31. p. n. of a man, Lamech. \y_6hi seen#. Zee. 5:4, for Hlfc Kal pret. f., from )rb for Wb Kal pret. pi., from pf?. Kal part, pi., from \>b- )h throat; see vjh. Hiph.ridiculing, deriding, with 21, 2 Chron. 36; 16. (fut. JJJ^) mock, deride, scorn, Niph. stammer, Isa. 33:19. Hiph. mock, with 2, p, bv_- c 136 ) nph vh m.—I. derision, ridicule.—II. cause of derision. m., mocker, Ps. 35:16. p. n. of a man. m p.n. of a man. was rash, Job 6:3. tyS spoke barbarously, Ps. 114:1. tDj/p. Hiph. feed, give to eat. (Arab, drove away). f.—I. wormwood.—II. metaph. distress. t $lp m., lamp or torch. p. n., Lapidoth the husband of Deborah. ; see D»JB or H3S. turned to, towards, Jud. 16:29. Niph. turned about, nia^? for ni3Vn^> Hiph. inf. with pref., from i"Q¥. scorn; see Xib , part. scorners, Hos.7:5. CZ3-1|?^ p.n., a town in the tribe of Naphtali. Hp? (fut. fig*; inf. abs. nip^>; const, nnj?; imp. n^, Plj?; with pause with H parag. nnp).—I. take, with 3—II. idiom, like the Eng- lish take and do.—III. take away. —IV. take possession of.—V. re- ceive. Niph. n|p^3 was taken. Pu. Hi?1? same as Niph. Hoph. (fut. fig? the same). Hith. part. f. nn^np being taken with, i..e. mixed, mingled with (of lire), Ex. 9:24, Eze. 1:4. , "i?!? m., taking, receiving, specially instruction in religion.ftpb p- n. of a man. nip^o m., capture, spoil; dual the jaws. m. dual. — I. fong-s.-r-II. snuffers. D^Oi^D m. dual, the same. ngD m., accepting (of gifts), 2 Chron. T19:7. ninjjp f. pi., merchandise, Neh. 10:32. and Pi. collectt glean. Pu. and Hith. was gathered. Dp1? m., collecting, gleaning m., bag or purse, 1 Sa. 17:40. pi£. lick (as dogs); fut. ; pi. •1p?V Pi. part. D*i?j?ta licking. (Syr. late). Pi. cut, crop, Job 24:6. m., latter grass, aftermath, Am. '7:1. vn pbn m., the latter rain (in March and April). K-b for KT^> Kal inf. with pref., from XT- (Arab, sucking). m. (with suff. *^) moisture, Ps. 32:4; jDB'n "ig$'"perhapsfluid oil, Nu.ll :8. com.—I. tongue; ca- lumniator.— II. language.— III. nation, community (having one lan- guage).—IV. tongue of flame, Is. 5:24.—V. tongue (wedge) of gold, Jos. 7:21,24. \V3 in r6a. ill) 3D building; see H.D2- ^p for *33D,2Sa. 23:27. *10839 for *100839 Pi. part. f. with suff., from hy3- J8 ) IVip fortress; see *l¥3. njfcwiap comp.of pid, 3 and njbm jd m., fire worshipper, magian, Jer. 39:3. p. n. of a place or person, n'paap devices; see ^23- nyajb mitre; see ]D3. *130 (^ra^- gi°ry)- *13P m., excellence, g^ory. 'nib, fn?P p.n., a city of the Ma- nassites in the tribe of Issachar; LXX. May^w; hjp-nfijj? val- ley of Megiddo; fajp "'P brook Kishon. rfaljjp f. pi., choice, precious things. vN^JP p. n. of a prince of the Edomites. h?o, b'njp p.n.; see hs. p. n. of a people and country, Magog. -fan, thd, mu&, m-uD; see m t ' t ' t ;7 t : * ?T3MP axes; see ira- V|D sickle; see 7-bve> mound; see tts. TOJD desire ; see DDI t - ; pD. Pi. jap give, give freely. J.3D, njJP; seep:- rVTjttD* rebuke; see "IJtt- flBjb plague; see PpJ. fe^-PJP p. n. of a man. part. pi. const. H^P fallen, de- livered up, Eze. 21:17. Pi. *15P cast down. 13p Ch. Pa. *13p cast down, Ezr. 6:12. jhJD p. n., a town in the tribe of Benjamin. rnJJ? saw; see Til■WD ( 12 furrow; see 5)13. t5njpV». see Bhl "I2TO wilderness; see *111. Tift (pret. -mp, 'n'TO; fut. np;). —I. extend a line.—II. measure. —III. apportion, Isa. 65:1. Niph. (fut. TO?) be, can be, measured. Pi. *1TO measure (see also in *TO). Po. TT1D the same, Hab. 3:6; "viewed" (Lee); see *TO. Hith. *nbnn extended, stretched out. TO m.—I. measure, extent; with suff. rlTO; pi. D^TO.—II. upper gar- ment, tunic, with suff. iTO, 1 TO; pi. D*TO, pip.—III. hammer- cloth, covering for a throne, Jud. 5:10.~—IV. pTO p. n., a city in the desert of Judah. nTO f. (m. Neh. 3:30).—I. extent, measurei nTO tall man, 1 Chron. 11:23; fllTO JV3 spa- cious house, Jer. 22:14; HTO measure of my days.—II. tribute. —III. vesture, Ps. 133:2. HTO, mm f. Ch., tribute. t • T : • ' D^TOp m. pi., extents, measure, Job 38:5. 1TO m. (pi. with sufF. DrVJTO), gar- ment. flTO m., height, tallness, 2 Sa. 21:20; see also in pi. fllTO disease; see HIT V : ~ ' T T D'H-ITO drivings out; see ITB. JOTD why; see JTP. nisn-IJ?; see t|m. no f.', Media, the Medea; HO Ch. a - T ' * T Mediant const, emph. HKTO the same. ^TO; see .TO. *TO; see «[. }JTO p. n., the son of Abraham and 9 ) 1Kb Keturah; - WD m., flWf,, a ' • T : • ' • T : • ' Midianite. HP pi. for D^TO; see ID in 11D, HiHp; see pj.' HDTO mortar; see "JJ-H. IPIP, fUDTO, H|PTO; see fJDT JTO, D^TO; see }% VTO, J>TO; see JTP.' ")TO Ch., same as ihD habitation; see "I'll. •q^P; see TH. KHTOwith art. KHTOH p.n.the father of Haman. no,-no, no inter, pron.—I. what ? ri; 'qrnp what wilt thou ? ^ j>"jTO what have I to do with thee ? —II. how ? how much ?—III. /or what? why?—IV. what? what sort? — V. something, anything, anything whatever; ...p TO that which, the thing which (in the book of Ecclesiastes only); "TO NTI3 how terrible; PI-TP for nr.TO what is this? D5>>D' what mean ye? Isa. 3:15; for >TTO^ sufficiently, 2 Chron. 30:3. Com- pounds: TO3, why? how? wherefore? TO5, how many? how long? how much? TO^, TO^ ° » t|t t t why? n:J TO? why? wherefore? HJ^3D^(for '3 nob) became at first, 1 Chron. 15:13; TO"*1JJ how long? «TO'^& np"1?^ where- fore? TO (KD) Ch., why, wherefore? 6^"Jip that which, Dan. 2:28,29; TO"/}/ wherefore? PTO3 how? how much ? so much ? Dan. 3:33 ; **1 TO that which. .TO-IKD (comp. of TO-I TO or TO T : x * T T Tnno ( I- n?3) any thing; with bt< nothing. nnfi. Hith. FlDnDl^n delay, tarry, wait. HD-mp tumult; see D-IH- tD-inD p.n. of a Persian eunuch. V&0pl,np p. n.—I. of a man, Neh. 6: 10.—II. of a woman, Gen. 36:39. Ch., Aph. part, pass.; see JDK. pnniip Ch. Aph. part. ; see Tin* •Sjnp Ch. Pe. inf., from IJ-in. /HO, part.^-inD debased, adulterated, Isa. 1:22. annnp Eze. 7:11, from DH; see ' n&n. nty¥j?np for ntyypD H°Ph- Part-f- pl./from i.nna hasten, hurry, Ps. 16:4. Pi. nnD hasten, hurry; used as an auxiliary, e. g. they soon forgot, Ps. 10 6:13, &c. Niph. was hasty, hurried, rash. *VHD m., ready, quick, skilful, hasty, speedy. "inp m., nnnp f., quick, ready, hasty, speedy, speed; ninpS, n"jnp"l^, mnp adv., quickly, readily, speedily. Il.^inS endow (a wife with a dowry), Ex. 22:15; or buy (a wife with a dowry)* -into m., gift or dower (present made by a suitor to the parents of a damsel). nnD p. n., one of David's generals. SKID p.n.—I. of a man, Moab, the descendant of Lot.—II. f., the land of Moab, situated between 0 ) the Dead Sea and the river Anion;• m. usio, f. rraxiD, rvaxio a Moabite. same as to over against, Neh. 12:38. fcOiD entrance; see (fut. MDJ).—I. flow.—II. dissolve, melt (indicating weakness). Niph. JiD3 were dissolved, undone. Pil. jriD 1. dissolve, Ps. 65:11.-11. waste away, Job 30:22. Hith. was dissolved, undone. Kal not used; see DID- Po. "HID moved, Hab. 3:6. m.—I. perpetuity.—II. per- petual.—III. continually; r~h\s n^pfin the continual, i. e. daily offering; TDftn Dilj? the bread constantly placed in the temple. jrfiD, jnto, njnto; see jtp- (fut. D-1DJ) totter (to a fall), fail. Niph. DiDJ be moved, tottering. Hiph. fut. •ID^ cause to fall, come down. Hithpo. be moved, Isa. 24:19. DID m.—I. tottering, vacillating.— II. pole, staff.—III. yoke (for bur- dens), Nah. 1:12. nDID f., pole or staff. same as TjDD become indigent. *«ID circumcise. was circum- cised.—II. circumcise one's self. Pil. y?*1D cut off, Ps. 90:6. Hiph. cut off, down, Ps. 118 :10-12. Hithpo, T?iDnn is cut off, down, Ps. 58: 8. S-1D 6iO Deu. 1:1, "rXiD Neh. 12: 3 8).—I. near, with.—II. opposite, over against, avtikpv: compounds( 141 o«/er«, over against; \3B 73D in front of, befme; from before, opposite. circumcision#, Ex. T 4:26. rn^D, JTT^D, T^B; me D^D (Q$D) m.? spot, blemish from disease. nD'IO Hoph. part,, from rtfD. pD; see pp. Hoph.part.; see!QD- mwa, rrtiDte ; see i&- T TT T 3wc&; see'"pD* 1D1D (from 1D»)f pi. Onpto and nhpiD ctoifts. 1D1D and jPrt— p. n. of a place in the wilderness, 1D4D bonds; see 1D\ -tyiD, IJjto, nn^D, iTJpD; see"W\ JTlJttD assembly; see rny-io for Kai part, f., from VT^1D. darkness; see Spy. H counsel; see fJP n^D ^ain; see |W« nsfe sign; see part, fp oppressor, Isa, 16:4 ' flD, fb m., dw# y^p m., pressing, squeezing (cream to make butter), Pro. 30:33. nijvto; see a**. Hoph. part., from PY-1D, njttflD /uw«i, cosi; see p&D, p$E; seep^. p*». Hiph. p^tpn mock, inmlt, Ps, 73:8. Igjto, rnpto burning; see ^piD srmrei see ."WD Hiph, tp5- *• «*««•> nm with §• — II. exchange. Niph. IDS was changed, Jer, 48 :11 mt&9 f.—I. equivalent, recumpen&tt. •—II. restitution, Job 20:18. — III. exchange, Eu. 4:7. &Oto; see «T. QiJo'lD for CJ^D Hiph. part, pi., from mv J-fo or riiD m. (pi. D'JTb.D'jn1©) threshing wain. "rtlD descent, declivity; see rniD, Ps. 9:21, same as fcOiD /wr; T see also in fiTD; rn)D teacher; see HT- Chto ruin; see ET^- nhto p.n,, same as nhb. rranto tor D*nto pi., from rfo. ehiD, HBhto possession, inheritance 7 see Bhi*. SWD I. move. — II. remove, Zee, 3:9, Hiph. $P*PD* 1. maw, de- part.—-11. remove, p«* away.—III. cmse, tiemf, Jer. 17:8, with JD. II. 8*10 same as feel, Gen, 27:21, 3tc. Hiph. the same, Ps. 115:7, &c. p. n. of a mail. ^ dwelling, #c.; see 2H£*« ntertOj see "jEto- salvation; see (preto HO; 1. pers. W; pL ^np; part, np; f. HHp; inf. abs. HIE); const. ri*D; imp, Hp; fut. JMDJ ; apoc. fl'lD*, HDJIj (of man or beast). Pil. finitJ put to death, earned to die, Hiph. rppn the same. Hoph. fipiH was caused to die.. m m, (with H parag. constnm ( i / r\Sx>; witksufnnto; pi. D^nte). —I. death; njD sentence of death, Deut. 19:6,; niD"}3 or n- rtpqp, r6qe;" see nSn- ■'JlVnp Mekolathite; seeVaifc ntephD; see NPH- nVDTO; see yen. 1DP Ch. Pe. mi\, from pfr.ono ( 143 ) njnO, D^jnp camp; see fUn. nbnp, npqp, hjdop; see nort. . D'lDnD curb; see DDI1. DSD'np part, of the quadriliteral verb DSpO ; see f)DiT (fut. ynp^).— I. dash violently (the head to pieces)—(the foot into blood), Ps. 68:22.-II.shoot arrows, Nu. 24:8. m., contusion, bruise, Isa. 30:26. rrenio, n*?q9; see nm bniVTO; seeiriWI- destroyed, Jud. 5:26. ijjno; see npn- nno same as "DD- "l*np m.— I. price; *Vnp3 with a price.—II. p.n. of a man. nnD m. — I. morrow, some future day; *TID Q*V2 to-morrow; "inD^ 9' t t : t t : for the morrow; "lnD fi}3 and n^-rri *inp a&ow* mw to-morrow; rvV^n nnD nj» this time the day after to-morrow. —II. adv. hereafter, henceforward. rnnou to-morrow-, nnnp^.rnnpp Ihe day after; flTOO day after the sabbath; J"npPP'IJJ the next day; DH'inD^ adv. the day after. n^inp, nfchqp; seeBhn. ^TO; seeS^n. n^qp, na&>qp; seenfcyn. 1|^np darkness; see nnp p. n. of a man. ■ nnnp shovel, #c.; see nnn- nnnp breaking, 8fc.; see Jinn* rnnnp digging; see inn. N&2? Ch., come on, to, arrive at, with T % KtiStiP; see WD- nnep for "inpnp Hith. part.; see ■into- ntsp, nap, ntap, nap, nitsp; see nDJ. D1DD yarn; see HID- {i-:* /Ow (Arab, forged iron): hence, the English word metal. b'pp m., iron bar, Job 40:18. JIDIPP treasure; see |DD- JftSp plant; see ytOJD- . m dainties; see DtfD. nnatpp mantle; see 1DD. Hiph. "Mppn rain, cause, give rain; used also of lightning, AaiZ, /re and brimstone, manna, bread. Niph. was rained on, Am. 4:7. "OS m. (pi. ni"lt2D; const. flhtJO) r t t : . • rain, shower. ^"Itpp p. n. of a man. H")PP p. n. of a woman. mtSD, fcOBD; see TO* tt tt " VP interrog. pron.—I. who? *P"T")2i whose daughter? to whom? *PT1K- whom? *pil by whom? njD who can number? )JV ^p njni. would that it wereI |FP 2"TJ( would that it were evening 1 —II. without interrog., who, every one; whoever. Kl^P p. n. of a city in the tribe of Reuben. YVp p. n. of a man. St^P good; see fcO*D p. n. of a man, same as » t * tt • ✓frO^P (who is like unto God?) p. n.3*0 ( 1 —I. Michael the archangel.—II. of a man. riD^D p. n.—I. Micah the pro- phet.—II. also of other men. p. n.—I. of a man.—II. of a woman. Wp*D, nr^D p.n. of a man. p.n.; see XV whose son, des- •• • T T ' cendant he is, Isa. 48:1. PP1!lPP p. n., a city in the tribe of Dan. nifiD3"',p p.n., a fountain near Jeru- salem. p&(Syr .family). PP m., kind, species, always with 7 pref.; na fruit after his kind. ni-IDfl f., resemblance, likeness. n^P,'ni|WP; seepV. . nj^P, n^Qp p.n., a town of the Levites in the tribe of Reuben. chaff; seeflD- N^p p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. see "jj^P p. n., Meshach, one of the cap- tivity, called also ^KK^p. y^p p. n., a king of Moab. y^P p.n, a son of Caleb. bngfrp; seeT63». "in^D cord; see "W. 31K30 pain; see 3K3- K?33p same as Ji33. *21130 P n* °f a man. [4 ) 130 1330, carpet; see "113. i130 stroke; see H33- 11130 burning; see I113* 1*130, njtop, H3-13P; see )-13. nnop/seem T30 p. n., Machir the son of Manas- seh, Gen. 50:23; perhaps for a Manassite, Jud. 5:14; patronymic *T3D. Niph. fut. ■qs; become weak, Ecc. 10:18. Hoph. pi. -130.1 for *13pn they perish, Job 24:24. /JO root not used; (Arab, empty of water). byo m.; n;»n bytp brooks of water, 2 Sa. 17:20. — II. p.n., Michal, the daughter of Saul and wife of David. rfoo, rflK^D, see Kb ; nfon, see rfa- !' see ^3- rbio for n^bm/ood; see Dlb?», {5^?P (see D»3), p.n. a town in the tribe of Benjamin, Max/*«£, 1030, nbpp, rn#?P net; see 103, nnppp p. n., a town on the borders of Ephraim and Manasseh. '♦I'lipp p.n. of a man. DJpp breeches; see D33- D30, J1D30 price; see DD3* HlD30,nfeOO; see PID3- rfebp p.n. of a district near Hebron. ^39 (fut- ^*3p); inf. with suff. H13D, 0*13D; imp. with H parag. 11*130). —I. he sold, with 3 of the price; —II. he gave a daughter in mar- riage (in consideration of a gift). —III. he gave up men into the-DD ( b power of others. Niph. was sold. Hith. "GJpnn I. was sold.— II. was surrendered. *"OP m. (with suff. D"pp).—I. value, price.—II. valuable article, Neh. 13:16. p. n. of a man. T3DD m., n"T399 f.—I. sale.—II. thing sold. "DP relative; see "D3. rnpp pit of salt; see m3- rnDft sword; see >13- t •• : 9 ^fi-DP Macherathite, patron. lChron. T 11:36. Vieop, n^KOP ; see "?eb- SfiDD writing; see SHD- HFDp breaking; see HDD. Dn?6;'fleeDn3. t^JTlpp mortar; see fc/TD. kS/D (fut. vhn\; inf. n&6p). T— l. fill; JM3fill the shields, i. e. enlarge them so as to cover you, Jer. 51:11; T filled the hand, i. e. conferred an office.—II. fulfil, execute fully, thoroughly; PISOV her war- fare is accomplished; my soul is full, Ex. 15:9. Niph. (fat. t6&) is full, filled, with' }p, b. Pi' N?P, N?P (inf. aha, nt6P; fut. kW).—i. fui- fil (of time, promise, &c.). — II. fill the hand, i. e. consecrate to the priest's office.—111. fill as a vessel (with accus. |p), insert, i. e.fill in, of the stones in the breast-plate, Ex. 28:17.—IV. used with other verbs, &c., implying the comple- tion of their action; Jl^|p3 'D he fully drew the bow, lit. filled his 5 ) *6D hand with, 2Ki.9:24; -1&6p cry out strongly; 'H.nK X;?p ful- filled the followings, i. e. followed fully. Pu. part. O^DP filled with gems, Cant. 5:14. Hith. fut. they are fully set against me, Job 16:10. *6p Ch., filled, Dan. 2:35. Hith. was filled, Dan. 3:19. m., flfcj&P f., full (used as see above Pi. IV.); tibfe S|D3 full (i. e. just), money; ''p waters of fulness (i. e. ample), abundant; D^p; vhv full of days, Jer. 6: 11. t6p, xibp, i^p m.—I. filling, ful- ness; f|3 Sip the filling of the palm, palm full; ITS 'ft both your closed hands full of ashes, Ex. 9:8; iDDIp 'D his full sta- ture, 1 Sam. 28:20.—II. multitude, Gen.48:19. f., overplus, excess of corn and wine which was to be offered to the Lord, Ex. 22:28 ; Nu. 18:27. nifc6p for ns6p Kal inf., from &6». O for D^Q pi., from t£>D. m., p. n.—I. a certain part of the citadel of Jerusalem, called also «'^P rP3 2Ki.12:21 .—II.a castle of the Sichemites, Jud. 9:6,20. ns<6p, naaVp f., insertion of gems (see above t&D Pi. III.). D>8^P m. pi.—I. inauguration, conse- cration (of priests). — II. set (inserted jewels); see naVp. ns.i>p if., Cant. 5:12, fulness, perhaps prominency, some peculiar mode of setting jewels. 11*6D ( 146 ) ^DD ro*6p, nw$>p, »?$>p ; see D reigned; with 2t, was made a )5^P brick kiln; see p^. n£p saying; see fco. •1^D for wbp Kal pret. pi., from S&D. ■flTD, n3-1 %rule; see "pD. )ii?D, nvbpinn; see i. rh&.' Niph. nSp? /?ass away, vanish, Isa. 51:6. m. pi., rolling, passing away, Jer. 38:11, 12. II. nVo (from rfe), salted, Ex. 30: 35. Pu. part.n?tjp. Hoph.salted, Eze.l6:4. m., salt; n^n-q; the salt sea, i. e. the Dead Sea; rfcp co- venant of salt, i. e. perpetual, Nu. 18:19. r6p m. Ch., salt. n?D Ch., eat salt, Ezr. 4:14. n-iVp m., ciXifioQ, salt plant, (halimus atriplex—Linn.). n?p m., pi. D»n>>p sailors. nnjpp f., saZJ land, waste. npn?p war; see on1?. Pi. P^P. P^P-—I- came to escape, slip.—II. deliver, save.—III. hatch (of eggs), Isa. 34:15. Hiph. same as Pi. Niph. was delivered, set at liberty, saved. Hith. same as Niph. m., clay. rr&p p.n. of a man. ears of corn; see Hiph. part, pi., from H^p saying; see ^-1 a king. Hiph. make any one a king, with h. Hoph. was made king, Dan. 9:1. Niph. took, sought, counsel. 1^0 m. (with suff. rs£p ; pi. D^P, ^P) king, applied to God and also to idols; ^pil 1]*J5 royal way.—II. p. n. of a man.—III. ^pn pDJJ p.n., a valley not far from the Dead Sea. "TJ^P m. Ch., king. "JJ^P m. Ch., counsel, Dan. 4:24. ^6, with art. MoXox, Moloch, an idol of the Ammonites. nsi?p f.( queen. Ch. the same. p. n. of a daughter of Haran. J-D^p f., DJDB'n 'D the queen of Heaven, Ashtoreth, Astarte, an idol of Canaan. p. n. of a woman. ^■lVp ('3-l^p, -13^p) p. n. of a man. PD'Vp f., rule, government, royalty. TV'D/p i.,rule, kingdom,royal dignity. •13^P,"n-13^P f. Ch ., the same. ^&03^P p. n. of a man; patron. n»3$b, -in^D p.n. of a man. t • : - *» T • : - r PT[¥"*37P p. n., Melchizedek, king of Salem. DTS^P p. n. of a man. JJ-l£T'3^p p. n. of one of Saul's sons. D3^p,'D'3^p same as •$fa. DD?P for DaS-nP; see nD. na^pp f. (const. na^PP; \rithsuff. in^pp; pi. nwpp rule, regal government; 'D 1Y2 seat of go- vernment; 'D yy capital city; 'D JHJ royal family. n-iD^Dp const. rvotap f., the same.( 147 ) 1 nnb^to trap; see speaking. Pi. S;>P announce, tell. y?» Ch. Pa. ^>D speak, announce. r&p f. (pi. D^p, j^p).— i. saying, argument.—II. thing spoken of. nk> f. Ch. (pi. t'^P) saying, decree. p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. r6>>p f., pi. n'Mp ears of cam, Deu. 23:26. np'pp goad; see vob. f?D. Niph. -iv)p: are become smooth, agreeable, Ps. 119:103. *")!£/D a certain office in the king of Babylon's palace; nature of the office unknown, Dan. 1:11, 16. break, bruise, Lev. 1:15; 5:8; LXX. airoKvi&iv. mpbp, D?nj^D, Djn^D; see np^>. latter rain; see Wp^>. 130 nnn'po f., wardrobe, 2 Ki. 10:22. niyn^>p jaws; see vrh. JTHSpp granary; see *V)JI- D^PP measures; see *HD. J>1DD p. n. of a prince of Persia. riiDD, DWDP; see H-1D. m.— 1. foreigner.—II. bastard. 13»p, rnapp sale; see "I3D. ri^pp, nib^pp kingdom; see ■fa. np», Dnnpp; see mo. KTOD p. n.'; see tOO- ^PP, n^pp, n^pp; see b&Q. }p manna; |D, D^D; see pD. IP, -|9 Ch. pron. — I. who? — II. what? H'tP whoever. |P, "p, », ^0, (with suff. ^p, 'JO; ■iriap, -in:p; asp, Dnp or Dnip, jnp; 'see JD in J3D) prep.—I .from.—II. from, out of.—III. of.— IV. by.—V. became of. — VI. besides. — VII. among; D'E'iP biyn she shall be bar- ren among women.—VIII. some of, part of. — IX. more than; used also with inf.; DntoKD -inWff they are worse than the fathers; t^lip pi Dp sweeter than honey; " ^PP I shall be greater than thee; %..)P; njTj-lP from —unto; ]pi? from ihence. jP Ch., the same. lYlKJP; see Tttp in H3D- n^p same as iTTP; see TID. JT13P knowledge, fyc.; see JH\ ri3D I. number.— II. appoint, consti- tute, with b> Niph. njpj was numbered, with !")&$• Pi. H3p ap- point, constitute, with W Pu. part. D'ipp persons appointed, 1 Chron. 9:29. KJP, Hip Ch., numbered, tried. Pa. constituted, appointed. fDO m., a certain weight, perhaps of one hundred shekels. njE) f. (pi. nfap) part, portion. rop f. (pi. ntejp, n'VJP) part, par- tion. D'Ob m. pi., times; 'ft ten times, Gen. 31:7, 41. *5P m., an idol, Isa. 65:11. IPP m. Ch., number, Ezr. 6:17. n'nn^p; see TOD refuge; &4e TO- n'UD, nnop; see ri-U.tttf ( 1 )to; see J-13. p'Ulp, np-MD; see D-1J. "IM»; see T3. irjijP; see 1-13. nnnp same as mo (Arab, he gave). nmp f. (pi. nirap; with SUfF. DD^hjp).— I. gift to men.— II. to God, meat-offering. nnj? f. Ch., gift. Dmp p. n. of a man. rimp p.n.—I. of a man.— II. of a place. *19 p . n. of a place, perhaps Armenia, Jer. 51:27; see also in )D, pD. r?P, n'VJD, IJJD; see H2D- fp^jp, }*bjp p- n. of a man. JD m., manna, the food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in the wilderness. }D m. with suff. -IHSp part of him, with prep. |p and suff.; from me; Tjpp, f. ijpp from thee; -13PP from him; Hjpp from her; see |P- tu^p, *jb Pi., strings of an instru- ment, Ps. 150:4; 45:9. JV3P p. n., a place in Ammon. (fut. V5P!) keeV back, withhold, with |p and Niph. yjpil was withholden, kept back. ; see to- D^P^P delicacies; see DJ72. D^3J?3P cymbals; seeJMJ. ni*ip3p * bowls; see JTjjOD in HpJ- npyosee pa*. n^jp (that which is forgotten), p. n. 8 ) t>D — I. Manasseh the son of Jo- seph, Mavaaarjg ; patron. Hf:pn.— II. given also to other men. fijp part; see POft- oh] DP, D^DD ; see DDft. 3pp, ^pp, ni3pp; see IID- 13pp, rnipp ; see 1JD- Ipp foundation; see ID** |111ppportico; see D. npo same as Dpp. Hiph. ilDpH I. dissolved, melted.—II.fainted. HDp, see DDD; HDD, see HDJ. rnpa m., veil of Moses, Ex. 34:33-35. ni-iop same asHD-IE^p hedge; see1]-lfe\ npD;: see J1D3. inpp traffic; see 1PID. ^|DO mixed. TJDD m., mixture, Ps. 75:9. }DPP mixed wine. 1]DD, nSDD; see 13D. nasp, nisp ; see "|D3. )3pp, n-133pp, n'WSpp; see pD. nVpp, "?6dd ; see ftb. nnppp, Dnppp^nhppp; seeiDD. DDfii .dissolve, melt.—11.faint. Niph. Dpj, with pause DDJ (fut. Dp^; inf. Dpi).—I. was dissolved, melt- ed. — II. enervated by fear, grief, pain. Hiph. pi. •*) Dpi cause to faint, Deu. 1:28; see DND- DD m., wasting, miserable, Job 6:14. DD m., tribute, tax; DD*? HTl and r 1 - T T T 133? Dp? n;n became tributary; w? or DD^ D-1E? the same; who was over the tribute; pi. D^pp *152> chief collectors (of tribute), Ex. 1:11.HDD ( U HDp f., const, rIpp tribute, offering, TDeu. 16:10. Dpn m., melting, wasting away, Ps. *58:9. PDD, PDD ; see yDJ. nypDprop; see ^yD- T3PP grief; see *1BD. X*1Spp provender; see XDD. nngpb. ninspp; see nao. "ISpp, niSpp number; see 1BD- 1DD, inf. —ID»5? to stir up, wring out rebellion, Nu. 31:16. Niph. fut.-IID^ were extracted, selected, Nu. 31:5. T)'ip'0 f., fetters, bonds, Eze. 20:37, from 1DK. nDb discipline; see *)D\ ifnpD, nritpp J see TT1D. 12JJP worA, see *11^; H^fiP deep, see T'my. "Q&P, rr\y$ft passage; see my. biyp, biyn, rbsyn ; see b:y. vacillate. Hiph. cause to vacil- late. Hoph. made to vacillate, Pro. 25:19. p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. 0*?TSS, riiST^P delicacies; see n* nj;o (Arab, bowels). D^P const. m. pi. (with suff. ^P, TpJJp).—I. intestines.—II. belly.— III. womb. — IV. heart, mind. fjjp m. pi. Ch., belly. HJJP f., Vn'iyp «its extent" (Lee), Isa. 48 :19. ' iiyp cake; see WD, D^jyD; see TTJJ. p.n. of a man, 1 Sa. 27 :2. 9 > Jiyo, njtyD, , see T1W. F|WD; see "fljjb nakedness; see Tiy. HiffiP, -irW£2P p.n. of a man. JOy£3 was, became, few, small. Pi. lOyp the same, Ecc. 12:3. Hiph. tO^pn I. make few.— II. gwe little. B8P (tDJJp) a ZittZe, /ew; pi. D^8» /ew;; D?P DJjp a ZiZZZe water, Gen. 18:4; LD^p '•Hp /eit> men, Deu. 26:5; D^P % ZittZe and ZiZZZe, Ex. 23:23; tO^pS I. within a little.—II. shortly, soon.—III. as a few, as nothing. D'yD, f. n^yp drawn,naked (lit.bald), of a sword, Eze. 21:20. HtD^P garment; see HDy. rit^P; see Vfty. ^P; see my. p. n. of a man. ^^p cloak; see D*jjb bowels, 8fc.; see H^D. t$P weZZ; see JJg. part. IjtyD I. pressed, 1 Sa- 26:7.—II. bruised, injured (9\ci- diag), Lev. 22:24.with 2. Pu. 1|JJb pressed, Eze. 23:3. P* n*—I- °f a region and city near Mount Hermon.— II. a name applied both to men and women; sT\^'OaMaachathite. 7J$3 (inf. 'pjjD; fat. do perversely, wickedly, rebel, with 2. ^P m., perverseness, sin, Job 21:34; see also in r6y. m., long upper garment worn . by persons of rank.^K> ( 1 ^V(o, bub, rhyp, nbvp; see n"?y. Wj>P, bbyv, see hbv. npgp, npyo; see noy. np»JJD; seeDOy. D^IPPlio depths; see pW- 15J» (jjro^), royp, njy;p, rrago ; see .. same as n31JftD habitation; see T }w. yjD p.n. of a man. nn'^P Za&owr; see IVJf. lVfiO"«Pe; see*W. see *1^. np.yb; see'npy. &*9>BS®5 see tPpp. TSffl. ^P> rnyp, nhgp, rrjgS; see rritf. zn^p, nrjjps see my. Ipgb, ni^S, HD-JBD; see Ttf. see DTP- n^P terror; see pJJ. n&gb, ^yp, n^p; see r\by. i&SS, iym nh'^Pi see ivy. n'ip^»; see ' »|D and Sp p. n., a city of Egypt. nBD, ns»; see OS3. nra'Ep; ngQQD p. n.—I. a son of Saul.—II. a son of Jonathan. t»ap; see pa. ?BD, r6sp, n5?|D; see f?D3. ntj6fpVsee 5?Va. na^a'p classes; see Aa. c&sb escape; see D^a. nsSap idol; see ^Q. E>?ap poising; see d"?s. r6jK>p; see ^>J?a. n^bp same as r®Q*D. fap,yap; see fSl >0 ) 1V& ngpp; see *7pB. pap; see pa. npiap vertebra; see plB. fcnaip; see b*ia. ny^ap buttocks; see yba. nriab, nnaD; see nna. - T : • 15»P threshold; see jna. fO chaff, same as f'lD. NSO (fut. KXP*; imp. KSD; pi. f. }XXP; inf. KSD; with suff. D3XVto; part.' KX'm, V^'lD; f. n^Sb, nxsto).—i. come £o, arrive at.— II. obtain, acquire.—III. find, dis- cover.—IV. find, i. e. meet with, discover.—V. be enough, with ■Ifi. Niph. KVpj (fut. KSfc?).— I. wax obtained, acquired.—II. was found, arrived at.—III. was pre- sent, at hand, with b. Hiph. fcOVpn I. cause to come, deliver up, with into the power of any one.—II. recompense, repay.—III. present, offer up. asp, n*p, rnsp, rmp, rmp, ri3-/p; see'aVl njl'^p p. n. of an unknown place. ^p/nivp, twd, rnivp, rnwp; '"seem suck, drain, wring out, with jp. Niph. n^pi become sucked, drained, wrung out. Htfp see in and rm nvb p. n., a town in the tribe of Ben- jamin. n^rrcp neighing; see ^ns. njvP; see nis. r&xD, rtaxa depth; see hn. p'lVD,' p-isp,' H|>ivp restraint; see p-IX.TO' ( 1J nisa P.n., Egypt; 'D *llO the river of Egypt, the Nile; see also 1*1 ¥D, nnrep in 1W. D)iyp p. n.—I. a son of Ham.—II. Egypt.—III. an Egyptian. n^m.; pi. Dnv»; f.nnyp; pi. TVPIVP an Egyptian. HWP contention; see nvo m. (with suff. inVp; pi. const. hinVP), forehead. nnyp f.. greaves (guards for the 'legs), 1 Sa. 17:6. n?*p, ; see "*• nai'VP turban; Pp¥. yvh'bed; see JttP. ijjyp; Becnyv. HI^'VPi ZittZe; see 1$J¥. ngyb/neyps seenav. D^aVP places; see }S¥. VXD swcfc (as an infant), Isa. 66:11. n-^b f., aZviiov, pi. nVSD pure, wra- leavened bread, ra d^vjia-, rnV^pn ?7 eoprri ruiv aZvfuov, the feast of unleavened bread; see also in 1¥D, D'HVD trouble; see Yl¥. D^"1VP Egypt, 8fc.; see 11 ¥D. pD rottenness; see ppD. nigD, fllpD; see lp3« rnpp p.n!, a town in the tribe of Judah. G^lpD; seefcHp. D^npp, n^npp assemblies; see ^Hp- ni.pp,: mpp Aope; see Hip. E'ipD place; see D-1p. 11pD fountain; see 1-lp* nprpT, ninijp; see np> IDpD, nnjbpp; seelDp- /5D m. (const, ^pD, ^pp ; with suff. D5^>|)?;' pi. niVj3»), )M. .1 ) 310 p. n. of a man. n^pb safety; see vbp. r>55p» sculpture; see ifcp- rupo, n3j?p, -in;3i?»; see nap. }*pD p. n. of a place. ytopD, ntyVpD,.rnyspD; seejntp. a*?- Niph. ppj waste away, con- sume, fail. Hiph. pDH cause to waste, Zee. 14:12. pp m., rottenness, Isa. 3:24. KIpD; see Kip. rrijfo, HIpD ; see Hip. n-jpo coolness; see Hp. Iplpb Pi. part., from 1-1 p. nfc>pp, H^pp; see nCPp. IP,'lb, "liD, ~l»; see TlD. part. nKTlD rebellious, Zep. 3:1. Hiph. put forth courage, Job 39:19; see HID- K^ID m.—I. fattened.—II. specially a fatted calf. KID m. Ch., Lord. HK1D f., crop (of birds), Lev. 1:16. KIDp p.n.—I. of a man, Mamre.— ii. snpp ">yb# (oaks of Mamre), and K1DD p. n. of a place near Hebron. KID p. n. of a woman. pj6? '3 TJlXig. p. n., one of the kings of Babylon. HK1D, HK1D ; see i"IK1« h&kid, ntshD, nteteiD, ntefciD; T **T . #T "t -:' T : - ' see £>K1. Hip p. n., Merab, a daughter of Saul. D^llID coverlets; see 121. nsnp," PIJJID, nw ; see .111. pine,yiib; seerm. pl-jp stall; see pll. jftii©, nysip; see m31D ( ni^jnD at the feet; see PlOno heap of stones; see DJ1- *710 rebelled, with ?• Tip Ch., rebelliony Ezr. 4:19. tid m.—I. the same, Jos. 22 :22.— II. p. n. of a mail. "HD Ch., f. rebellious, Ezr. 4: TT ' T T T ' 12,15. n-nnp f., rebellion, 1 Sa. 20:30. •SppD m*» perhaps the name of an idol of Babylon, Jer. 50:2. P* n,» Mordechai, a Jew in Persia, Mapdo%cuo£. mip rebelled, rebelled against, dis- TTobeyed, with 3; mil} 'D f/iey rebelled against the mouth (i.e. words) of the Lord. Hiph. r*npn fought against, embittered, an- gered, with 3, Tnift m., razor. T ' ly? m. (with pause 'Hp; with suff. DnD).—I. bitterness.—11. rebellion.—III. rebellious. *?jn ni? (^j)3 an») p. n., the son of Jonathan, called also nnp p.n. of a man. WTt? p. n. of a man. DHD p. n., Miriam the sister of Moses, Mapia. DJJTlp dual f. (double rebellion), a prophetic title of Babylon, Jer. 50:21. mo, mo, rnto, nVi»; see to. it' TT T ' T WD persecuted; see m ti"ip p. n., a town in the north of Pa- lestine. nhD; see mo. n'no, D'nip; see on fnp nynbj see prv 152 ) P"1D nnp, nnp; see nn. ma apply (as a plaster). Isa. 38:21, with h)l' nnp m., y&K rihp with crushed tes- ticles, Lev. 21:20. 3rnp wide; see nm. prnp, D^jpnnp; see pm n^H'lP pot; 'see B>m. DID I . pluck out hair: hence,— II. made smooth, polished. Niph. be- came bald. Pu. polished, 1 Ki. 7: 45. trip Ch., plucked, Dan. 7:4. np, nnp, rrinp, Dnp; see mo. Knp/a^i seefcOD. T* nnnp s/n/e; see nn. nnb,' iT*to f. p. n., Moria^, a hill in Jerusalem. nnnp nnp; see m m., softness, cowardice, Lev. 26. 36; LXX. dei\ia. nsnp, nns-io, rinsnp; seennn. rnip'inp merchandise; see deceit; see HD1- n'lDhp p. n. of a man. D^p p. n. of a Persian prince. fcODip p. n. of a Persian prince, 0?/njnp, IVjnD; see njTV ''Hbhp m., a Maronothite. pf'srio p. n., a town in the tribe of Zebulun. KSnp, nSIP; see K£TI, HD"|. pj?. Niph. was, became, unsound, weak, diseased. Hiph. urge to folly, Job 16:3. SWP aw J; see see C|Vn- rubbed bright, polished. Pu. p"ito was polished, Lev. 6 : ( u D^pnD m. pi., purifications, Est. 2: 12.' p"}D m., broth, Jud. 6:19, 20. pnpn m., purification, cleansing. njnp>, nnjrip, nop-ip; see np"i. "n&; ^ "lp is bitter to me, with jp. Niph."lD3 was offensive (an odour), Jer. 48:11. Pi. TO (fut. TlD*) makes bitter, grieves; 'D was fester in weeping, bitter tears. Hiph. IDH (inf. nOH) make bitter. Hithpalp. "iPIPHn was angry, Dan. 8:7; 11:11. "ID m.— I. a drop, Isa. 40:15.— II. bitterness; adj. "ID (pi. DnO; f. PHD) fitter, -lb, *YlD, ""ID m., myrrh. n"ID f.—I. bitterness, sorrow, 2 Sa. 2: TT 26.—II. p. n., a well in the desert of Sinai.— III. title which Naomi gave herself, Ru. 1:20. mD f., sorrow, Pro. 14:10. mb f., the same., Gen. 26:35. .T nhD p. n, a town of Judah. nnb m., bitter, Deu. 32:24. nnnp f., bitter sorrow, Eze. 21:11. HTI? f.—I. gall.—\l. bitterness. f., g-a« bladder, Job 16:13. Dn'"lD m. pi., bitter herbs. p. n., a son of Levi. "|DD m., bitterness, Pro. 17:25. H"ppp f., gall bladder, Job 20:25. D^TipD m. pi., bitter things, Job 9: 18*. DnnpFI m. pi., bitterness, bitter sor- row; see also "iDn. KPO, Kbp, n«B>p, nxbp, nabp, nsbp; seeV^. l|bp; 'see 3 ) nt?o Hp-IPO, see fl^bp, see "iV^P saw; see *1650. n-[J|bp; see "TO. WW; seeb-lb- pn^D olj/ecf o/ laughter; see pn&V nDb'pp hatred; see D n^'^p, n'l^bD; see Tl±>- nnb^p wages; see "DP* n'npbp watte; see "IDD- naro; see (Arab, divided). nwp f., measure for liquids. ni^P government; see PHP* niQ^p burning; see tpBP. n^p p. n., a place in Edom. m., frying-pan, 2 Sa. 13:9. £>D p.n., Mas/i, Gen. 10:23, probably the district called Mount Masius, which separates Armenia from Me- sopotamia. Kfc^p p.n., Mesha, one of the boun- daries of the district of the Jok- tanites, Gen. 10:30, not exactly known. N^p, n«K?p, see nBO ; JWD, see D*3Kfc?P watering places; see *?kb>d, ; see n^S^P kneading trough; see "IK£?. ni'^i^P; see fill). nS^P, ^D pain; see DVWjPp- see mWD mistake; see drew (out of the water), Ex. 2: 10. Hiph. the same. Hgte {drawn out of water, Ex. 2:10), p. n., Moses, the lawgiver, Mwu4 ) b&D Ecc. 2:3. Niph. was protracted, delayed. Pu. I. spoiled, Isa. 18:2, 7.—II. obtained, Pro. 13:12. m.—I. acquiring, Job 28-t 18. —II. ^P scattering of seed, Ps. 126:6. f. pi., attractions, influences, Job 38:31. p.n.—I. one of the sons of Japhet. —II.the people descended from him, Gen. 10:2. They were probably the Muscovites ; LXX. Motrox ; Vulg. Mosoch. n|^p, 33£>p bed; see 33fc\ JSS^P dwelling; see p£\ bm i. ruled.—II. had power over, with 3.—III. had power to do, with —IV. assimilated, compared to, with 21, bjf. Niph. became like, with 3, ny, hx. Pi. speaking pa- rables, Eze. 21:5. Hiph. I. give authority (inf. ^pn)Dan. 11:39. —II. made like, Isa. 46:5. Hith. become like, Job 30:19. hfo m.—I. authority, Zee. 9:10.— II. anything like, Job 41:25. m.—I. solemn declaration.—II. decision, rule, proverb, yvibjiri.— III. bye word, subject of taunt. tep m., taunting proverb, Job 17:6. ^PP m., dominion; pi. rulers, I Ch. 26:6. nVron f., dominion, rule. rfepn f. (pi. ni^pD, nhwii), the same. rfep, pVp, n'l^p, nrt>t?p ; see rw. ' ' see ts6t5\ p. n. of a man.■?E>0 ( 1, njp^p, njp^ p. n. of a man. niofep, JVp^D p. n. of a man. JipWp p. n., Meshullemeth, the wife of Manasseh. nDE>D desolation, 8fc.; see DDB\ })X>P, H3D^P, D^3WP; see JDK?. y»B>P, nfiDC^D; see yDK>. ^DfiPP, nnD^'D, nhDfD; see *1D$. n^D; see ?UB>. HD^P prey; see DD£\ biy^b narrow way; see hy$. (Arab, take pains). ty&'D 'th carefully, Eze. 16:4. Dyeto p. n. of a man. $fc;D, njg^P, najjpp; see T: iy^."; nns^p, nni^p/am%; see na^. DSI^D judgment; see D2£\ Djnepte; see PIMP. pK'D m., LXX- "'of MilTfK' Gen. 15:2, probably the name of a tribe or district in Syria, whence pb>p-n Damascus. p^jpip m., overspreading, Zep. 2:9; but LXX. read Damascus. PK>P running about; see ppB\ np^D drink; see HpK\ Vippp, pp, n^p, r&pipp ; see 'bps'. T' S)ipW3 see f)pE>. nntj'p" juice; see mt5>. Kivpnfp flute; see pit?. VJPP p- n. of a man. same as t^-1D touch, feel, Gen. 27:12. Pi. fc^D I. examine by feeling.—II. felt his way, groped. Hiph. (fut. fc^DJ) that may be felt, Ex. 10:21 /see in fc*)D. ►5 ) priD Dn^nmp Eze. 8:16. Hitli. part. pi. with pers. pron., from PI06^. or no m., pi. D>np, Dnp, const. men. np, nnp, np, nnp, >np, -inp, D^np, from n-1DTKal. xnp Ch. Pe. inf., from HJIK. J2np heap of straw; see pFl. m. (with sufF. ^nD), bridle. pihp, npnp; see pnb. 7^^-inp p.n., Methusael, one of Cain's descendants. rtenp p. n., Methuselah, the pa- triarch, the son of Enoch. nno stretched out (as a curtain), Isa. 40:22. nnnpa f. (pi. const, ninnpK), sack or bag. ♦in 9 pa.—I. when?—II.when; ''JID after how long? Jer. 13:27; *09 h°w long? njbOP; seepn. n*6np for ns6?rn» what trouble. see n&6. rfcn^np mth. part., from anS. ni$?DP teeth; see yrb- DhD soundness; see DDH. !*$> root not used; (Arab, was firm). D^np m. dual, loins. ^FlDK Ch. f., powerful, mighty, Dan. V: 7. jnp, **wnp, njnp, *3150, njjne, •in^nb; seeTjni *3r)P p. n. of a man. pno (fut. pnpi), were, became sweet. Hiph. p^npn I. was sweet, Job 20:12.—II. made sweet, Ps. 55:15.ino ( U pinD m. (pi. D*j?-ino; f.'npnp). — I. sweet.—II. sweetness. — III. pleasant. priD m., sweetness. phb m., the same, Jud. 9:11. njjnp p.n., a station of the Israelites in the desert. pnpp m., pi. sweeti7 ?ss, Neh.8:10; Cant. 5:16. p. n., Mithridates the Persian (MiBpidaTrjo). nnD, nmn, rrnno, wnns; see jxu.T 'flpb Pil. pret. 1. pers., from JT1I3. 3 S3 interj., I pray! used,—I. in sup- plication.— II. in exhortation.— III. in irony or blame; go I pray! speak I pray! fcO let me go, I pray! "135® NO"1?*! pass not over, I pray! fcO-'lDK* let it be told, I pray! do not I pray! with particles: # if indeed; not so, I pray! fcOTljDn behold! alas! see also in &03. W, pDNTK3 p.n.; Ai67 ) tea 1133 p. n. of a man; also of a town in Gilead, N u. 32:42; Jud. 8:11. TCI33 p.n., an idol of the Avites, 2 Ki. ' 17:31. Pi. D33 and Hiph. D*3n—I. looked.—II. look at, towards, with ^; looked after, with HrjK— III. looked favourably at, with 3; same as /liO perceived. — IV. attended to.—V. noticed, Ps. 10: 14. 1033 p. n., Nebat, the father of Jero- boam. D3D m., expectation, hope, Isa. 20: 5:6. B3D m., the same, Zee. 9:5. seeK33. n*V33 p. n., Nebaioth, a people of the race of Ishmael, Gen. 25:13, &c. JV33, W33 for 11X33, 'n«33 Niph. pret., from K33. «mazes of the sea" (Lee), Job *38:16. (fut. ^>3^)— I. became shrivelled and fell (as flowers, &c.). — II. wasted away. — III. crumbled to dust.—IV. acted foolishly, Pro. 30: 32. Pi. ^33 treated as worthless, set at nought. m., H^33 f.—I. foolish.—II. im- pious.— III. p. n. of a man, 1 Sa. c. 25. 733, ^33}, Isa. 64:5, Hiph. fut. pi. 1. pers. from ^3; or for ^>331 Kal fut., from ^33- r~&33 for r&33 Kal fut. pi. 1. pers., with H parag.; see ^3. ^33 f.—I. disgraceful action.— II. punishment of such an action, ( 7:15.— III. impiety, Isa. 32:6.— IV. folly, 1 Sa. 25:25. f. (const, with suff. T *fi^33, —I. carcase of an animal.— II. dead body of a man. —III. idols, Jer. 16:18 ; collect. carcases. nib?? f., shame, nakedness, Hos. 2: 12. (pi. D^33).-~I. (of skin).— II. earthen jar.— III. lute, va(3\iov• D>>33 p. n., a town in the tribe of Ben- jamin. 3W, 32313 springing (as a fountain), Pro. 18:4. Hiph. —I. ut- ters, declares.—II. prepares. m., spring, fountain of water. npnp for nj?33 Niph. pret. f., from "pp3. 133 Niph., from VQ. Ch., lamp, Dan. 5:5. )fc^33 p. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah. for Niph. pret. pi., from ":ll.i>ta 333 (Ch. 333 was dry) 333 m. — I. the arid desert to the south of Judea. — II. the south; naj: towards, on, the south ; nakjl, towards the south; 33iJD from the south. TJ3. Hiph. TOPI brought before, told, made known; with b of the per- son to whom. Hoph. was told. Ch., proceeding, flowing, Dan. 7:10. 8 ) »» *133 subst. fore part of the body, prep. before, in front of, opposite to; adv. straightforwards; *1333, fa$33 opposite to him; before, op- posite to; *733D in presence of, in sight, out of sight, aver against, opposite to, against. *1*33 m.—I. leader.—II. prince.—III. chief.—IV. one appointed to any charge. shined. Hiph. FP3n caused to shine, Isa. 13:10, made light. rl33 f. (with suff. DH33).—I. the dawn. — II. light. — III. p. n. a son of David.. PI33 f. Ch., dawn, Dan. 6:20. nn33 f., light, Isa. 59:9. (fut. m?), push with the horn. Pi. 11113 the same. Hith. 1133HH entered into conflict, Dan. 11:40. n|3 m., addicted to pushing with the horn, Ex. 21:29, 36. root not used; (Arab, sickle). 7 3D m., sickle, Jer. 50:16; Joel 4:13. and Pi. J33 performed music. f.—i. music.—II. a song.—III. subject of a song. f., song of ridicule, Lam, T3:63. ^3 (inf. JJ33, n^3; with suff. ty33; imp. ; fut. 5?3*; part. f. nj>33). —I. touched, with 3, ^.—11. touched gently, awakened, with 3. —III. touched the heart, with 3, 1 Sa. 10:26.—IV. touched so as to injure, with 3.—V. struck, with 3, Job 1:19. — VI. arrived.— VII. arrived at, reached, with ?, "pK, by..—VIII. reached theya ( ear of, with Jon. 3:6. Niph. were beaten in battle, Jos. 8:15. Pi.J233 struck with disease. Pu.are afflicted, Ps. 73:5. Hiph. I. made to touch, with ^6$, h, *1^, ^.—11. reached, with h$, % 1V_, —III. reached the ears of, with (?X, Est. 9:26.—IV. reached its proper time, with h, Est. 9:1.—V. came near, with h, Ps. 88:4.—VI. arrived (of time).—VII. arrived at, with JJ33 m- (with suff. *JJ33; pi. £3*^33, ^33).—I- stroke, blow.—II. inflic- tion of evil.—III. affliction.—IV. mark of a blow, spot. M 3 (fut. Pji ^ •—I • struck.—11. wounded. T—III. killed. — IV. defeated. —V. struck with disease.—VI. stumbled. Niph. ^33 (inf. abs. *1*133), was de- feated, routed (of an army), with of the enemy. Hith. stumble, Jer. 13:16. 5]33 m.—I. infliction of disease.—II. act of stumbling, Isa. 8:14. n£)3D, const. fi£3D f.—I. plague, pestilence.—II. defeat. -133. Niph. *)33 I. was put forth (the hand), Ps. 77:3.—II. overflowed, was spilt.—III. was scattered, as wealth, Job 20:28. Hiph. "V|n I. dragged away.—II. poured out, Ps. 75:9.—III. scattered, Mic.l: 6. Hoph. poured out, Mic. 1:4. E'33 (fat. fety, exacted a task, debt or tax; part. £013 exactor, taskmaster, slave-driver. Niph. b|3 was pressed, vexed, fatigued. (fut. inf. with. suff. >9 ) TO 1W|; imp. m, mm, W'jO and Niph. £^J3 I. came near to, up to, touched, with 3, h, *1& hy_.— II. perhaps depart, go away, Gen. 19:9. Hiph. 85^3 H I. brought near. —II. offered, i. e. brought near (an offering). Hoph. PI was brought, placed. Hith. approach, Isa.45:20. *13 heap; see *1*73. fat. drave away, 2 Ki. T17:21. in: i. rendered willing, with ll? and nn.—ii. impelled. Hith. nijnn offered or performed willingly. 2*13 Ch. Hith. was willing, gave willingly. 2*13 p. n., Nadab. — I. the son ot TT X Aaron.—II. given also to othermen. J"lin3, const. rn*!3 f.—I. voluntary offering. — II. free-will (i"lin33, nniT3 of his own accord, willingly), —III. pi. abundance; HI 213 DS^3 plenteous rain, Ps. 68:10. HJ213 p. n. of a man. 2H3 m.—I. willing, liberal.—II. noble, distinguished.—III. Job 21:28; perhaps " a libertine" (Lee), fiyw f-, liberality. n-U^bnn (inf. Hith.) f. Ch., free- will offerings, Ezr. 7:16. *n2T]3 m. Ch., layer, course of stones, T Ezr. 6:4. T]3 (inf.n'i?; fut. n'T, "it.)-—i- fled. —II. wandered, walked to and fro. —III. flapped the wings, Isa. 10: 14; part. *TTl3. Po. *11*13 was driven away, Nah. 3:17. Hiph. cause to wander, Jobl8:18. Hoph. *13H made to wander, JobTIJ ( 1 20:8; driven about, 2 Sa. 23:6. Hith. was agitated. TU Ch., fled, Dan. 6:19. m. pi., restlessness (of body or mind), Job 7:4. *13 m.—I. a heap, Isa. 17:11.—II. a mound. iTTD f.—I. legal impurity.—II. a wo- man in that state.—III. moral im- purity.—IV. that which is impure, worthless, Eze. 7:19, 20; iTHSn water of impurity, i. e. for the cleansing of legal impurity, f., impurity, Lam. 1:8. 1^0 m., flight, Job 7:4. rro same as T1J. Pi. PHS put aside, TT * > desired to avoid, with ?, Isa. 66:5; Am. 6:3. PH.?! m> present, gift, Eze. 16:33. 1*0 m., the same; see also below. rrp (fut. i. drove an axe, Deu. 20:19.—II. drove away, 2Sa. 14:14. Hiph. 1. brought with violence, with —II. drove away.—III. induced to any thing, Pro. 7:21. Niph. I. was im- pelled.—II. was driven away.— III. was induced to an action; part, rnj (with suff. ifR}; f.rnrtt). Pu. part, rrap driven, Isa. 8:22. Hoph. part, rnp driven astray, Isa. 13:14. m. pi., expulsions, drivings out, Lam. 2:14. ana, ran?; see m. for HER} l.pers. with H parag., from DDI. r» m., sheath (of a sword), 1 Chron. 21:27; see also in mJ. 30 ) Vnj FT)1!} m. Ch., "midst," Eng. Ver.; " sheath," Marg., Dan. 7:15. (fut. SpJ, tfr)?).— I. scattered, drove about.—II. routed, conquered (an enemy), Job 32:13. Niph. (inf. tfttPI) driven away. i. "115 (fut. vi.\ tt) made a vow. TP. m- (with suff. ; pi. *TTtQ-—I* vow.—ii. thing vowed. II. -to root not used; (Arab, thresh corn), Ch., threshing-floor, Dan. 2:35; (Arab, the same). lamentation, Eze. 7:11; see JinJ. T T (imp. jrp; fut. inij.-l. led, conducted.— II. drave cattle, 8$c. —III. guided.—IV. commanded an army. Pi. J Hp (fut. JjlJJ) I. brought on a wind: hence—II. 3 PIJ breathed, Nah. 2:8.—III. led.— IV. drave. m., driving of horses, 2 Ki. T 9:20. "in? root not used; (Arab, swelled, grew vigorous). Yin m. — I. vigour, Pro. 5:9. —II. glory, majesty.—Ill.p.n. of a man. n^nin, p.n.; see rm nHin P-n. of a man. njl'in p. n. of a man. nm lamented, Mic. 2:4. Niph. fut •inu;i mourn after the Lord, 1 Sa. 7:2. *H3, with pause m., lamentation. Tip, fut.apoc. pi.l.pers.,fromHTI. ri^ni'Mic. 2:4; see Hjn. ( ?ni. Pi. bm (fut.Vn?!).—I. led.-ibna ( l II. tended, fed.—III. gave rest to, 2 Chron. 32:22. Hith. proceed with a flock, Gen. 33:14. m.— I. pasture, Isa. 7:19. ——II. p. n., a town in the tribe of Ze- bulun, called also Dili (fut. bhyj.—I. roared, Isa. 5: 29,30.—II. groaned. DfU m., roaring of a lion. nDnp, const, npnj f., roaring of the sea, Isa. 5:30.—II. groaning, Ps. 38:9. (fut. pnr ) brayed (as an ass), TJob 6:5; *30:7. D I. brighten (of the face), Isa. 60:5; TPs.34:6.—II. (fut. *in^P) flow un- to, assemble in. nns m. (pi. Dnrtj, nhn^, rrhrii). —I. river, stream.—II. current of the sea, Jonah; ^n|n, same as J1TB "lnj Euphrates; nnn: di_x Aram (Syria) of the rivers, Mesopotamia. m. Ch., river. "Vin3 CVH3) m. Ch., light, Dan. 2:22. nW f. Ch., light, wisdom, Dan. 5:11,14. irnnj f., light of day, Job 3:4. niiniD f. pi., clefts in mountains, serving as channels for the rain, Jud. 6:2. X?l3 or NIX Hiph. *«Wn—I. dis- couraged, Nu. 32:7.—II .prohibited. —III. frustrated. HX-'On f.— I. aversion, Nu. 14:34.— t : II. heavy things, Job 33:10. nu (fut. 2-13J).— I. threw out shoots, Ps. 92:15.—II. produced fruit, Pro. !! ) nia 10:31.— III. increased, Ps. 62 : 11. Pi. 25b makes fruitful, Zee. 9:17. m., produce, fruit. *2*3 p. n. of a man. f., produce, fruit. AIM 3 Niph. part. pi. f. for Hi 313, from rw- Niph. part. pi. for 'OU, from H3\ CMM; see fti*. (fut. w).—1. move to and fro. —II. wandered as a fugitive; part. *13 a fugitive.— III. departed.— IV. shook the head, expressing pity, condoled. Hiph. *PJ1T—I. moved to and fro.— II. drove out.— III. disturbed.— IV. shake the head in pity, Jer. 18:16. Hoph. part. *1|D expelled, 2 Sa. 23:6. Hithpol. Ylfann bemoan himself\ Jer. 31: 18. *M3 Ch., departs, Dan. 4:11. *113 m.—I. wandering, Ps. 56:9.—II. p. n. (exile), the country to which Cain was banished. m., moving of the lips, Job 16:5. *J13D m., shaking the head, Ps. 44:15. 1*113 p.n., a son of Ishmael. HI! (fut. iWJ dwelt, Hab. 2:5. Hiph. prepare a dwelling; fut. with suff. •IPIYJK, Ex. 15:2. TTI3 m. (const. iT)3; with suff. ^]13, $TI3, DH13).—I. fold for cattle.— II .dwelling of men.—III. habitation of God. H13 f., habitation, Job 8:6; JV2 TI13 she that remaineth at home; ohcov- poc, Ps. 68:13. HJ3 dwelt quietly, Jer. 6:2. 12w ( 1< nV3, Ketib n'VJ3 (habitations), p. n., a place near Ramah. rw (fut. (W, I. lay down, rested.— II. halted, ceased.— III. abode in, with 2.—IV. alighted on. — V. came down and possessed, with VI. settled on (as on a shoal, of the ark), Gen. 8:4. Hiph. I. O'Ori:— 1. gave rest to. — 2. comforted.—3. let fall, Ex. 17:11.'— 4. caused to rest upon.— II. mn and run—l. placed.— 2. left, forsook, quitted.—3. let rest, remain.—4. permitted, gave into the power of.— 5. left untouched, 2 Ki. 23:18, with h- Hoph. I. rest was given, Lam. 5:5.—II. was placed, left, remaining. TO, lib m. (with suff. ^|pO).—I. rest, Est. 9:16-18.— II. p. n., Noah; LXX. D £13 f., being placed, Job 3 6:16; see also rm nmn (verb. Hiph.) f., rest, peace, Est. T2:*18. rrbD m. (pi. with suff. I. place of rest.—II. p. n., Manoah, the father of Samson. nn-up, nros f.-— I. rest, quiet.— II. place of rest.—III. metaphorically, the land of Canaan. rfirro, nrrg m., satisfaction, approba- tion; nh^n rPl a sweet (pleasant) savour. nirrg m. Ch., offerings to God or man. * same as agitate, shake, Ps. 99:1. ^5? root not used; Ch. Pa., polluted. ) W ^ Ch. f., dunghill Niph. pret. pi. with dag. euphon. 1 for >n%, from *6\ DM slept. HD-IJ f., sluggishness, Pro. 23:21. np-UH f., sleep, slumber. pQ. Niph. fut. Jty (Ketib Hiph. fut.) drawn out, perpetuated, Ps. 72:17. }-1J p. n., Nun, the father of Joshua. fO m., posterity. m., despiser, Pro. 29:21. I. fled.—II. escaped.— III. passed away. Pol. DD13 drive away, Isa. 59:19. Hiph. D'OH caused to flee, put to flight; see DD3- m., fugitive, Jer. 48:44; Kri. DJ. DUD m. (with suff. ^D-^p).—I. flight. —II. refuge. HD-UP, const. np3D f., flight. Eze. 23:48 for -npinj Nith., from *1D*. (fut. JW).—I. was shaken.— II. was disturbed. — III. wandered about.—IV. varied, Pro. 5:6.—V. staggered (as one drunken).—VI. moved (as the lips), 1 Sa. 1:13. Niph.was shaken; fut.Hiph. — I. shook.— II. caused to wander, 7t\dZ,uv. —III. dispersed (as fugitives), Ps. 59:12. m. pi., a musical instrument, allied to the tambourine; Vulg. " sistra." ilJTSU p. n. of men and women. have sprinkled, Pro. 7:17. Hiph. cause to sprinkle, Ps. 68: 10.—II. shake to and fro.—III.*l» < l lifted up the hand, over, and against, with —IV. lifted up an instru- ment, with —V. presented an offering. Hoph. was offered, Ex. 29:27. Pil. beckons with his hand, Isa. 10:32. Pp.*) m., elevated situation; 0 beautiful for situation, Ps. 48:3 ; see also Sp in *)fo. HD3 f.—I. a sieve, Isa. 30:28.—II. tt, TH DS3 p. n. of a city, f., elevated district, Jos. 17:11. DQi) f., dropping liquid, honey. na-un f.—I. lifting up the hand, Isa. 19:16.—II. agitation, tumult, Isa. 30:32.—III. an offering. Hiph. y^ blossomedi see m., a spark, Isa. 1: 31. crest; see HVJ. po same as pJJ. Hiph. fut. with suff. gave him suck, Ex. 2:9. f. Ch., fire. ID m.—I. a light.—II. prosperity.— III. p.n. of a man. TO same as "O. m., a light, metaph. prosperity, rank; see also in TO. p. n. of a man. iTTOD f.. the candlestick used in the t : Jewish ritual. be diseased, Ps. 69:21, same as ~ t HT3 (fut. W, T.?I, T^l), was sprinkled, "with ^ and }D.' Hiph. HJH (fut. n-r, T?l), sprinkled, specially with blood, with TJJ; see TIT. TTJ; see*W >3 ) ana (fut. Vt?).—I. sank down, Jud.5: 5.—II. dropped, dropped down; part. flowing streams. Hiph. fyn caused to flow, Isa. 48:21. n'^-TD f. pi., the planets, 2 Ki. 23:5. D1TTP a constellation; according to some from TJ the northern crown. Others read rt'lTNp a belt, the belt of Orion. DI3 m.—I. a nose-jewel.—II. an ear- ring, Gen. 35:4. J*?. Ch., suffered loss. Aph. caused loss. pJJ m., injury, loss, Est. 7:4. *|T3. Niph. 1-n I. restricted himself.— II. devoted him to, with —III, withdrew from. — IV". abstained from, with }p- Hiph. T-TH I. set apart to, with HNJ, —II. res- trained from, with flK, )D.—III. devoted himself to. TT3 m.—I. a Nazarite, one precluded by a vow from certain things lawful to others.—II. Gen.49:26, applied to Joseph as separate from his bre- thren.—III. Lev. 25:5, 11, vines not pruned. 1TJ m. (with suff. Tftp, rip).—I. state of separation and dedication. —II. mark of such separation, spe- cially the plate of gold in the high priest's mitre.—III. diadem. —IV. sovereignty, Pro. 27:24.—V. hair of the head, as shorn by the Nazarites, Jer. 7:29. D'Hjap m. pi., nobles, princes, Nah. 3:17. *?P13; see mn.nm ( 164 ) nra iTTlJ (pret. with suff. DjlJ; imp. PiPp; T with suff. Hiph. nran (fut. with suff. led, conducted, wnj same as D-IPH p. n. of a man. , D-im, see*Dm. imi, D^n:; seenm. n^Vn; see 7H3 (inf. Vm; fut. ^n?J).—I. took possession of.—II. possessed.—III. took, received, as his portion.—IV. apportioned, Nu. 34:17. Pi. ^£13 gave settlement to. Hiph. I. caused to possess.—II. left as an inheritance to, lChron.28:8. —III. gave an inheritance, Eze. 46:18. Hoph. was made to possess, Job 7:3. Hith. nPI I. took for himself.—II. left as an inheritance, Lev. 25:46. r6_m f.-—I. settlement, dwelling.—II. possession.— III. assigned portion, • share; Pl'lPI? Tlbnz the Lord's por- tion, i. e. Israel, his chosen people. —IV. inheritance. portion, Ps. 16:6. f. pi. nom., flutes (root ^Pl), Ps. 5:1. Niph. pret., from hkfi; also Pi. pret., from ^PIJ. 705 m. (dual ; pi. *i?m; with H loc. —I. stream; /HP the stream that di- videsEgypt and Palestine.—II. tor- rent.—III. valley. same as stream, Ps. 124:4. p. n., one of the stations of Israel in the wilderness. *9^33 p. n., Nehelamite, a title. DH3. Niph. onjj I. was grieved, repented, with —II. pitied, felt pity, with <*, tP*—in- pitied and withdrew an inflic- tion, with ^—IV. recovered from his grief, with —V. avenged, freed himself from one displeasing, with [p.—VI. moumed _ over, with or 'hV,.—-VII. changed his purpose, with ?]}. Pi. DPO sympathised with, comforted, with |p, pJJ. Pu. DPI3 comforted, appeased. Hith. Dnihil, DPI3H I. comforted himself.—II. changed his purpose, with 1, Nu. 23:19. —III. gratified his anger, with h- DPD p. n. of a man. 1 an: m., pity, change of purpose, Hos. 13:14. tD^p-IIT), D^pPti m. pi.—I. consola- tions.—II. pity, Hos. 11:8. Din J p. n., Nahum the prophet, ~NaovfJL. npnj f., consolation. iTpn^l p. n. of a man, Nehemiah, 'Nssfjiia, p.n. of a man. D^p-iPOfl m. pL, consolations, comforts. . niE-inpn f. pi., the same, Job 15:11; 21:2. p.n. of a man. DPlp pret. Niph. and Pi., from DDPI. D^pnj Niph. part, pi., from DDI"!. { we; see Niph. pret. f. 2. pers. with * parag., from pn. ITU part. urgent, 1 Sa. 21:9. *1113 (Arab. snorted). VQ m., snorting, Job 39:20.ira ( K mnj f., the same, Jer. 8:16. t-;- 7 TK, HW P- n» a man. *1*1n3 p. n., Nahor, the brother of Abraham. 113 m. pi., nostrils, Job 41:12. "1113 Niph. pret., from TUT m.—I. serpent.— II. p. n. of a man.— III. E2TIJ YJJ p. n., a city in the tribe of Judah. i£TD Pi. (denom. from o^>iop.avTua, divination by serpents).—I. used divination.—II. watched, observed. KTO m., divination. p. n., Naashon, the son of Am- minadab. m. Ch., brass or copper. n^'rj com. (with suff. ^n:).-i. brass. — II. chain, Lam. 3:7; dual fetters, shackles.— III. money, Eze. 16:36. p.n. of a woman. m., the brazen serpent idolized, T 2Ki. 18:4. m., copper or brass, Job 6:12. nwij, f., the same. t ;' t ' firtt (fut. nn?», nr® same as TV.— I .came down, Job 17:16.—II. came down violently, with h%.—III. pe- netrated the mind, with 2t. Niph. nrp penetrated (of arrows), with 2, Ps. 38:3. Pi. JHn3 brought down, levelled (the bow), Ps. 65:11. Hiph. imp. depress, Joel 4:11. nn3 Ch., came down. Aph. placed. Hoph. made to descend, Dan. 5: 2C. nm m.— 1. descent, lighting down, Isa. 30:30.—II. being placed, Job 36:16; .see also in ty) 3. 5 ) OBJ nm m., pi. coming down (of an army), 2 Ki. 6:9. nPQ p. n. of a man; same as rtfl. nru Niph. pret., from rinn» (inf. const. ]"11 123 ; fut. ; T apoc. t^, m, "PJJ). — I. stretch out, extend (the hand, &c.).— II. spread outstretch, pitch a tent.— 111. bowed, inclined.—IV. turn, lead to, with h; or from, with }P—V.go',depart, i Sa.l4:7. Niph. stretched out. Hiph. (fut. nt3!; apoc. imp.npH; apoc. DH).— I. stretch out.— II. spread out.—III .incline, benddown, lower.—IV. turn away, put away. —V. wrest, pervert. Hoph. part. i"lL2p s., wresting, perversion. HEP, const. TOD m. (f., Mic. 6:9).— I. branch of a tree.—II. staff; anb-nm he brake the staff of bread, i.e. support, that on which life leans.—III. rod.—IV. sceptre. —V. tribe, government, of which the sceptre was a symbol; pi. nitSp- HED downwards; riCSD^D t- * t - ; ' t - ; • the same. HISp f.—I. couch, bed.—II. bier (for the dead), 2 Sa. 3:31. earrings; see (fut. VlL^).—L lifted up, Isa. 40: 15.—II. laid a burden on, with Lam. 3:28. Hiph. took up and removed. Ch., lifted up. m., burden, Pro. 27:3. m., loaded, Zep. 1:11. Dnpp3 for DH^PP3 Niph. pi., from ' 'KDB.'(1 HQ) (fut.y^.; inf.jrtDf nj?D).— I. planted.—-II, pitched a tent.—III. set up an idol temple, Deut. 16: 21.— IV. drove a nail. Niph. planted, Isa. 40:24. JJ*PJ m., pi. planted, Ps. 144: 12. JJPJ m. (with suff, ^Jjpj; pi. ^P}).—I. plant.—11. plantation. JJtpj const, ypj m., plant, Isa. 5:7. m., planting. (fat. *|fej).—I. drop, Job 29:22.— H .let drop. Hiph.P|^n—I .let drop (water), Am. 9:13.—II. te# fall (sen- timents, prophetic declarations). m.— I. drop, Job 36:27. — II. araKTr), myrrh, Ex. 30:34. nattt p. n., a town near Bethlehem; a Netophathite. f. pi., earrings or drops, Jud. 8:26; Isa. 3:19. (fut. ib*. watched,—1. for good.—2. for evil, with b, HS. "TO Ch., kept, Dan. 7:28. rnbp (&OBD, Lam. 3:12) f.—I. cus- tody, prison.—11. mark, object, butt. (fut.C'itS!).—l.left.—11. forsook, God, a law, &c.— III. left.— IV. ceased to think of, 1 Sa. 10:2.— V. spread, scattered. — VI. drew a sword, Isa. 21:15.—VII. allowed. Niph. I. was forsaken.—II .spread itself.—III. became loose. Pu. was forsaken, Isa. 32:14. f. pi.—I. shoots of the vine. —II. small towns, shoots of the ca- pital, Jer. 5:10. DiT? 2 an error for DH^a, Eze. 27: 32. ' 16 ) raj (Arab. raw). iO m., raw (uncooked), Ex. 12:9. seea-IJ. TO, rno; see m nvj ; see TO- DTO; see D-13. posterity; see [-U. TO p.n., Nineveh, a city of Assyria; *LXX. Ntvfiu. D^IJ Kal fut. pi. 1. pers. with suff., from ' nr. see D-1J« m., the first month of the He- brew year, called also a^afrjl, which see. P¥"0 sparks; see TJ light; see TO. T? i. clear ground for cultivation.— II. cultivate ground. TO m., field newly cultivated; see also in "V13. m.; d* weaver's beam, 1 Sa. 17:7;' 2 Sa. 21:19. dT3, Kal fut. pi. 1. pers. with suff., from rn\ ^31 Hiph. fut. apoc. pi. 1. pers., from rOl "KM, K3*. see Ha:; see nfcO- T T •• T ■ ' : nXD? f., storax, Gen. 37:25; 43:11; LXX. Ovfiiafia; Aquila GTvpa%. m. (with suff. ^.aj), posterity; always with which see. npi Hiph.nan(imp. n3n,T[n; fut. T na!, T\lb With n parag. rD20.—I. struck.—-II. wounded.—III. killed. — IV. conquered. — V. taunted (struck with the tongue).—VI. struck the hands together.—VII.HD3 ( II his heart smote him, 1 Sa. 24:6. Hoph. H3n, PlS-in was smitten, fyc., pass, of Hiph. Niph. H33 was wounded, 2 Sa. 11:15. Pi. inf. H33, "^33 smiting. Pu. H33 smitten. H33 m'.—I. D^>31 H33 lame (smitten in the feet), 2 Sa. 4:4; 9:3.— II. nn 0 afflicted in spirit, Isa. 66:2. H33 m., pi. smiting (with the tongue), calumniators, Ps. 35:15. 33 m., f. HN33 n-n afflicted, broken spirit, Pro. 15:13, &c. N33 m., pi. 0^33 smitten, Isa. 16:7. nyo f. (pi. niao, d^d).—i. stroke, blow.—II. wound.—III. slaughter. —IV. calamity. 133, .133 p. n., Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt; LXX. |*133 (same as JITS), p. n. of a place. H33 i. straight forwards.—II. op- posite, over against.—III. in sight of; fl33'/K towards; roib in front of, in behalf of, straight forwards; npiriJJ as far as. 1133 (with suff. 11133) opposite to, against. nbj m. (f. nnb?; pi. ninb?).—i. straight forward, upright.—II. up- rightness, Isa. 57:2. n!133 Niph. part, f., from !"D\ withholding, Mai. 1:14. Pi. used artifice, with h, Nu. 25:18. Hith. the same, with 2. ^33 m., pi. D^3p,: 'i??? artifices, Nu. ' 25:18. ^?*3, ^3 m., avaricious, oppressive, Isa. 32:5,7. 7 ) rbi D33 root not used; same as D33. D33 m., pi. treasures, wealth, D33 m. Ch., pi. PP33 treasures, wealth. m., purse, bag. 133*3 Nith., from "133. Pi. 133 I. recognised.—II. con- sidered.—III. acknowledged.—IV. alienated, Deu. 32:27.—V. rejected, with 3, 1 Sa. 23:7. Niph. 133 I. feigned himself unknown, Pro. 26: 24.—II. was "-ecognised,Lam. 4:8. 11.— Hiph. "VSri I. recognised, knew, acknowledged.—II. was par- tial in judgment, with 0*03.—III. beheld. — IV. regarded.—V. es- teemed, accounted.—VI. took judi- cial cognizance of. Hith. 133HH make one's self strange, Gen. 42:7. 133, const. 133 m., strange, foreign, a foreigner; 133'|3 son of the stranger, foreigner; 133 \l1?$ strange gods. **D} m. (pl.QnpJ; f. n»133, pi. *133).—I. foreign.—II. a stran- ger.—III. strange, singular. 133, 133 m., treating as a stranger, punishment. ni3n (verb Hiph.) f., astonishment, consciousness of guilt, Isa. 3:9. 13D m., relative, neighbour, 2 Ki. T 12:6,8. nb}, n'nbjl n»3 2Ki.20:13; Isa. 39:2, treasury, ya£oM).—I. fell, fell down, was killed, 33, ^33 m., abortion. D m. pi., a tribe of the first in- habitants of Canaan, v^ho were of gigantic stature. Niph. pret. f. with H parag., from Eze. 28:23, probably an error for ^>33. ^>BO m.—I. that which falls out of the ear, the worst, of the corn, Am. 8:6.—II. pendulous, flaccid parts (of the flesh), Job 41:15. % f., ruins of an edifice, Jeremiah only. f.'—I. fall, ruin.—II. that which falls, leaf, Eze.31:13.—III. carcase, Jud. 14:8. same as f-IS.—I. broke, dashed down.—II. dispersed, Isa. 11:12. —III. dispersed itself. Pi. same as Kal I., II. Pu. was broken down, Isa. 27:9» m., breaking forth, bursting. m., "battle axe," Eng. Ver., Jer. 51:20. m., bruising, Eze. 9:2. Ch., came forth. Aph. brought out. Nj'JBp Ch. f., outgoings, expence, Ezr. T6:4,8. Niph. I. had breathing time, rest, Ex. 23:12.—II. rested. f., seldom m. (with sufF. ; vpi.niTOp; const, ni^; D^aj).HM. ( I —1. breath.—11. an animai (that which breathes).—III. a person; seventy souls, i. e. persons ; $33 every one, who- soever.—IV. selfj myself; thyself —V. HD dead body, carcase; ndd, KDIO polluted by a dead body. —VI. livelihood, Deu. 24:6.—VII. the feelings, desire, inclination. J-iw, nab ; see tfo- D^-IFIDJ; see^na- p.n. of a people. (my wrestlings, Gen. 30:8), p.n., Naphtali, the son of Jacob and Bilhah. hawk; see ^¥3. flew away, Jer. 48:9; Lam. T 4:15*. T Niph. 3-XJ I. stood.—II. was placed; appointed, with hill part. one set over, officer. Hiph. I. placed.—II. set up.—III. fixed, appointed.—IV. set a trap, Jer.5:26.—V. uphold, Ps. 41:13. Hoph. set UP> Gen. 28:12. m.—I. pillar, Gen. 19:26.-11. garrison.—III. chief commander, 1 Ki.4:19.—IV. p.n., a town in the tribe of Judah. m. (part. Niph.), handle of a knife, Jud. 3:22. N2V3 f. Ch., firmness, strength, Dan. T 2:41. 1-VD, const. m.—I. standing place.—II. station, dignity, Isa. 22:19.—III. station, column of soldiers. m. (part. Hoph.), the same. 1 ) DY3 rD-^D, f., the same. rmD, const. ri2*VP f.—I. pillar set up as a memorial.—II. image, statue of an idol. rQ-TO f.—I.pillar.—II. monument.— III. stem, root, Isa. 6:13. JW. Hiph. r-vn set up, make stand up. Hoph. jtffl was stayed, Ex. 10:24. im Kal was laid waste; fut. TTnj«fri, Jer.4.7. Niph. I. ex- cited to quarrel.—II. was stripped; (part. pi. D*-?}). Hiphil Htfn was desolate; see also tt f. affix FlITO contents of a bird's T T T crop, entrails, Lev. 1:16. a feather, Eze. 17:3. HTO f., quarrel, strife, Pro. 13:10; 17:19; see also in D-V^P f., the same, Isa. 41:12. blossom; see ^¥3. Kal not used; (Arab, was innocent). Pi. n-^J superintend, preside over; part. n¥3D 1. leadert chief. — II. choragus, leader of music. rTO Ch. Ith. superior, with nm*—a God; 0 strength of Israel, 1 Sa. 15:29.—II. perpetuity.—III. suc- cess ; nv^> rm1? and n¥2 I. ac- cording to truth. — II. entirely, wholly; continually, for ever. fTO m., juice of grapes, Isa. 63:3,6; (Arab, sprinkled). (part. Niph.) f. n|T¥3 was per- fected, finished. PieVJ Hith. l.pers., from**J ( 1 see 3X3. Pi.^I . delivered, Eze. 14:14. —II. plundered.—III. gained spoil, 2 Chron. 20:25. Hiph. I. delivered, rescued.—II. took away, with |p«"—III. parted, with |*2— IV. deliver himself. Hoph. part. rescued. Niph. I. was delivered, escaped.— II. ran away to, with Hith. strip them- selves, Ex. 33:6. Ch. Aph. rescued. (verb Hiph.) f., deliverance, Est. 4:14. . glittering, Eze. 1:7.—11. fled. JO m. (with suff. 7[%)).—I. flower, Gen. 40:10.—II. hawk, f., blossom. m., pi. D'O-'ifJ flowers, Cant. 2:12. "1X3 (fut. -i%\ inf. abs. 11X3; const. ; imp. *Yi?J ; with Vl parag. rryb; with suff. — I. guarded. — II. preserved from evil.—III. watched.—IV. besieged, shut up.— V. observed; keepers. m., shoot, branch; (Arab, shone). m., pi. const, HW) pre- served, liberated. Kal imp. with H parag. and dag. euphon., from XpJ, white; see flpj. (fut. 3p», 2p3'J.— I. pierced.— II. bored through. — III. bored a hole.— IV. broke the head with a staff, Hab. 3:14.— V. marked.— VI. named.—VII. pronounced un- fortunate.— VIII. cursed. Niph. were marked by name. 2 ) Dp npJ m.— I. holes bored in precious stones, Eze. 28:13.—II. np3H p.n., a city in the tribe of Naphtali. Hip} f., female. raj?p f., hammer. J"0pp f.—I. hammer.—II. hole, shaft of a well, Isa. 51:1. root not used; (Ch. marftr with spots). n'p} m. (pi. D«|p3; f. fT-jj??) spotted sheep or goats, Gen. 30:32, 33. ' f., studs of silver, Cant. 1:11. *7pj m., shepherd, 2 Ki. 3:4; Am. 1:1. m. pi.—I. bread, Jos. 9: 5, 12. —II. cakes (probably pricked like Passover cakes), 1 Ki. 14:3. fcHlpJ p. n. of a man. np; inf. HpJ was pure, Jer. 49:12. Niph. npj—I. was innocent, clear. —II. was made innocent, cleared, with jp—III. was swept away, devastated. Pi. H.jM I. cleansed. ' — II. treated as innocent, freed from punishment, with jp. Ch., Pe. part. fr*$p3 pure, white, Tban. 7:9. *p| m. (pi. D^pJ).—I. innocent.—II. ' clear from guilt, an oath, tyc., with |P—III. exempt, 1 Ki. 15:22. fcOpJ the same, Joel 4:19; Jonah 1: 14. m.—I. innocency.—II. cleanness < of teeth, i. e. hunger, Am. 4:6. 1VP2P f., pi. nVp^p bowls for drink- offerings. same as 13-1 p loathe, Job 10:1. Niph. pret., from ^p. DpJ (fut. Dp^J.—I. avenged^ took re•m ( 1: venge on, with hv_, IP, HXD, TD, h—II. punished.—Niph. DfpJ I. revenged himself on.—II. was pun- ished, with jp, 21. Pi. DjI. revenged, with Jp and 3. Hoph. fut. Dj3* shall be avenged. Hith. I. revenged himself. — II. part. desired vengeance. DpJ m.| riDJO f. (with suff. ; pi. ni»^).-L vengeance taken or inflicted; nj^>, 7]®% took vengeance; )jT1J let vengeance come upon any one.—II. punishment.—III. thirst for re- venge, Lam. 3:60. (fut. JJpJ; see ypj) fell away, was estranged from, Eze. 23:18, 22,28. ; D^n "let them kill sa- crifices," Eng. Ver., Isa. 29:1. Pi. *|jj9'I. cut down, Isa. 10:34.— II. pierced, Job 19:26. Hiph. fpj?H I. fixed, placed around, with —II. surrounded. — III. went round a place, Isa. 15:8.—IV. came round (of time), Job 1:5.— V. shaved the head in a circle, Lev. 19:27; inf. SgH. S\$ m., shaking of an olive tree to make the fruit fall, Isa. 17:6; 24:13. f., "a rent" (in a garment), Eng. Ver., Isa. 3:24. w same as 3BJ- m., fissure in a rock. 1pJ(fut. ip) and Pi. Igl—I . pierced through.—II.pecked out (as a bird). —III. put out an eye. Pu. dug out, Isa. 51:1. rnj?3 f., cleft (of a rock). '3 ) KM snared (as a fowler). Niph. is ensnared, Deu. 12:30. Pi. spread a snare for, with Hith. the same, with Ch., struck each other (of knees), Dan. 5:6. 13, ij, nnD; see m m., name of an idol, 2 Ki. 17:30. "?5-)3 p. n. of an Assyrian prince, Jer. 39 :3,13. j-H,! m., babbler, calumniator. ^3 m. (with suff. pi. 0*T3?)» spikenard, Cant. 1:12; 4:13, 14. (fut. X'fyiKE" ■isb'; inf. abs. T sibj; const, nsb, nxb, imp. KDJ, I. lifted up: (a) his hand; (b) with 3 against; (c) beckoned; (d) lifted up his voice; (e) lifted up his feet; (f) lifted up his face, looked towards, with (g) lifted up his eyes; (h) lifted up his soul (set his heart on, paid regard, yith 5PS2); (i) raised the head, elevated, with ; (k) took the sum of, examined the case of, with —II. took, took up: (a) took into hand; (b) took into the mouth; (c) uttered, offered a prayer; (d) received a precept; (e) took away, took hold of, obtained.—III. 0 accepted the person, acted with partiality. —IV. (a) jijj 0 took away ini- quity: (b) forgave (without pJJ, with h of the person).—V* (a) car- ried, brought; (b) carried away; (c) endured; (d) bore punishment; (e) supported dignity; (f) assisted;.kcm ( r (g) bore fruit, fyc.; (h) supported, with 21; (i) laid upon, with hy_; (k) imposed an oath upon, 1 Ki. 8:31; (1) removed itself (of the earth), Nah. 1:5. Niph. KBO I. was lifted up; part. lifted up.—II. raised himself.—III. was carried.—IV. was carried away. Pi. I, took away.—II. presented a gift.—III. carried.— IV. assisted.—V*. raised in rank, Est. 3:1.—VI. £>£0 0 set his heart. Hiph. feWH I. caused to bear.— II. brought, 2 Sa. 17:13. Hith. K'snnn, I. arose.—II. ex- alted himself.—III. was exalted. Ch.—I. carried away, Dan. 2: 35.—II. took, Ezr. 5:15. Ithpa. exalted himself, Ezr. 4:19. fcOfcO m.—I. chief.—II. chief of a tribe among the Israelites.—III. chief of a subdivision of a tribe. — IV. prince. — V. pi. vapours. burden, Isa. 46:1. riKEO (Niph. part.) a gift, 2 Sa. 19:43. &W m., elevation, dignity, Job 20:6. inf.—I. lifting up, elevation, Gen. 4:7. — II. swelling in the skin.—III. exaltation, dignity.— IV. judgment, sentence, Hab. 1:7. nb same as HKb rising, Job 41: 17. WD m., preference of persons, 2 Chron. 19:7. m.—I. carrying.—II. a burden. T—hi. a load.—IV. that which is burdensome.—V. a tribute.—VI. calamity.—VII. lifting up the '4 ) rtfeo voice to sing.—VIII. solemn de- " claration.—IX. prophecy. f., rising of flame, burning, Isa. 30:27. mftO f. (const. JWD; pl.nfc^D). . —I. the act of lifting up.—II. a signal.—III. prophecy.—IV. gift. —V. tribute. I. Hiph. .Wil I. reached.—II. - was able to reach.—III. attained, obtained, overtook.—IV. befel. n.^ same as 3-1D. Hiph. removed (land marks), Job 24:2. Hiph. pfyn kindled a fire. ' Niph. was kindled. root not used; (Arab. saw). m., a saw, Isa. 10:15. I. Hp}. Hiph.fcWHI. caused to err, led astray.—II. deceived, with HK, 21.—III. laid a burden on, with 21. Niph. was deceived. m., deceit, Pro. 26:26. II. NKO same as HKO which see. T T T T blew, Isa. 40:7. Hiph. I. caused to blow.—II. dispersed, as dust. : i. neb i. forgot.—II. neglected, Jer. 23: 39. Niph. the same, Isa. 44: 21. Pi. cause to forget. Gen. 41: 51. Hiph. Hfn cause to forget, Job 11:6; 39:17. ii. PI03, ient money> Jer- *5: 10T, with 21; HKO, KgO creditor; nKO money lender. Hiph. the same, with 21; fut. m., the ischiatic nerve, Gen. 32: 33; (Arab, the same).w ( 1: m., a debt, 2 Ki. 4:7. f., forgetfulness, Ps. 88:13. n^D m., debt, Deu. 15:2. m., interest, Neh. 5:7. T\xfr? const, mwn f., debt. for -wi, from KfeO. Ps. 32:1. for WlbO Kal part, pass., from woman; see in KOtf* for DNPJ or dV? Hiph.fut. pi. 1. pers., from (fut.ljfe" *5]^) I. Wf.— II. an- noyed.—III. was lent on interest, Deu. 23:20. Pi. bit (of a serpent). Hiph. lent on interest, with b, Deu. 23:20,21. IjKO m., interest. for ns^) Cham, ber of the temple (book of Nehe- miah only). bp; (fut. imp. •bp).—I. fell off. —II. pulled off a shoe.—III. drove out. Pi. drove out, 2 Ki. 16:6. snort; fut. Isa. 42:14; " see Dft®. f.—I. breath.—II. life.—III. a T t ; human being.—IV. breath of God; (a) his anger; (b) the life he gives. —V. the wind. f. Ch., breath, life, Dan. 5:23. nptwn f.—i. an unclean bird (spe- cies uncertain), Lev. 11:18; Deu. 14:16.—II. an unclean beast, Lev. 11:30. (species unknown). I. blew.—II. blew on, with P]£0 m. (with suff. i5)120).—I. dawn. —II. evening, twilight.—III. dark- ness. 5 ) \K m., bittern; LXX. ijSic. pp; (fut. p(S», pw\; imp. |X>, n^). —I. kissed; with b and 7K kissed each other.—II. adored, with — III. rule, order, Gen. 41:40.—IV. draw up in battle array, with bv_- Pi. kissed. Hiph. joined, touched, Eze. 3:13. pm, pm m.—I. battle, Ps. 140:8. —II. battle array, Job 39:21.—III. arms.—IV. an armoury. njWJ f., kiss. (Arab, eagle). "1K0 m., an eagle. m. Ch., an eagle. ngtti. was parched, Isa. 41:17.—II. wasted away, Jer. 51:30. Niph. dried up, Isa. 19:5. Nith., from rW- m., a letter. Ch. the same (book of Ezra only). 3H3 (Arab. was lofty, raised up). m., nynj f.— I. path.— II. drift of a vein of metab, Job 28:7. —III. course of life. nra Pi. IIFD divided, cut in pieces (a slaughtered animal). nrO m., joint, piece of jlesh; pi. D^nru- • t : (fut. 1]f[P) poured out. Niph. I. was poured out.—II. was melted. Hiph. 'tprin I. poured out, — II. melted. Hoph. IJPin be melted, Eze. 22:22. IpflPI (verb Hiph.) m., melting (me- tal), Eze. 22:22. jW (fut. |n>,-JJV; pl-JW.-tO?; inf. abs. pnJ; const. jhj/flQ; withjm: ( 1: . suff. "WU imp. )0, I.gave (as & present, in marriage, &c.).— II. gave forth (produced fruit, emitted odour, &c.).—III. ascribed. —IV. sold.—V. offered, Lev. 20:2, 3, with m—VI. placed, with a, b, vii. appointed.—VIII. imposed tribute, with hv—IX. in- flicted.—X. wrought miracles.— XI. rendered like, considered as, with 3—XII. made, rendered, with b' |F1* n?; see »D. Niph. pass, of Kal.—Hoph. fut. |PP shall be given, 8fc. Wi Ch., gave. jni p. n.—I. Nathan, the prophet. —II. the name also of a son of David and of other men. (gift of God), p. n. of a man, N aQavarjX- nyna, -inyn? {gift of the Lord), p. n„ of a man. fe™ P-n- of king Josiah's cham- berlain, 2 Ki. 23:11. EDWn? m. pi., (devoted), Nethinim, servants of the Temple, waiting upon the Levites; Ch. ]^rU- JJJD m. — I. gift.— II. p. n. of a man. TOTE) f.—I. the 'same.—II. p.n. of a place between Moab and the desert. KjrttD f. Ch., the same. (for rronp), p. n. of a man. irhfiD, p.n. of a man. nrip f., a gift. rrnnp, -injnAS p. n. of a man, M ar9a9iag. nftflp p-n« of a man* DH3 break down, cut off, Job 30:13. 6 ) wj m Niph. broken down, cut off\ Job 4:10, for piU (fut. fW).—I. broke down, des- troyed.—II. ruined a person.—III. struck out teeth, Ps. 58:7. Pir " destroyed. Niph. j*r)3, Pu* and Hoph. was destroyed. prn I. drew one away from (a place), Jud. 20:32.—II .drew off (a ring), Jer. 22:24.—III. part, p-inj cas- trated, Lev. 22:24. Niph. pfl> I. drawn away.—11. purged away, Jer. 6:29.—III. broken (of a shoe- string, cord). Pi. pPlJ I. removed, took off\ Isa. 58:6.-11. pulled up, uprooted. — III. broke a cord.-r- IV. broke off, frustrated, Job 17: II. &c. Hiph. p^fiH drew away. Hoph. p£pn pass, of Hiph., Jud. 20:31. pn: m., scalled head-, lit. plucking off of hair, Lev. 13:30 — 37 ; 14:54. •inWjpnj Jud. 20:32, Kal pi. 1. pers. with suff. and dag. euphon., from pni (fut. *W), beat violently (the heart), Job 37:1. Pi .leap (as locusts), Lev. 11:21. Hiph. I. loosened, Ps. 105:20, &c.—II. stretched out the hand, Job 6:9.— III. straightened, 2 Sa. 22:33.— IV. made vibrate, caused to trem- ble, Hab. 3:6. "iHi Ch., fell off. Aph. shake off, Dan. 4:11. *17)3 m.—I. nitre, natron, Pro. 25:20. —II. soap made of natron and oil, Jer. 2:22.ETU ( 1 (fut. OTP), with 11$.—I. ex- pelled.—II. destroyed. Niph. I. was expelled, destroyed.—II. failed (of waters). Hoph. plucked up (of trees), Eze. 19:12. nrij, runnj, run:, Kai pret.f from jnj. D a dry measure, containing one third of an ephah, g&tov; dual D;riXD;. pi. D*KD. ilXDND f., the same, Isa. 27:8. m part. J Sib having greaves, Isa. ^ T9:4. ji^D m., greaves (armour for the legs), Isa. 9:4. drank wine, became drunk; part. K31D drinker (pi. D*tf31D Ketib, D*tf3p Kri, Eze. 23:42). N3D m. (with suff. ^K3D).—I. wine. —II. the act of drinking wine, Nah. 1:10. KID p. n.—I. the son of Cush, Gen. 10:7.—II. the people descended from him j D*fc$3D the Sabeans. i3D (pret. 'ri'3D, -133D, -13D; fut. abj, pi. d'D»; inf. ahp, 3b; imp. 3D; part. 331D, l^bj. —I. turned about.—II. made a circuity with J"!K, 3.—III. reached round.—IV. surrounded, with fitf, V. ended a circuit at, with or —VI. an act overtaken in its consequences, with T)$.—VII. circumvented, entrapped. — VIII. went round, examined in succes- sion, Ecc. 7:25.—IX. arrived at a 7 ) 33D conclusion (after going round), Ecc. 2:20. Niph. 3DJ (fut. 3D*; pi. •13 D*). — I. turn about, make a circle, surround.—II. returned.— III. came round in turn.—IV. was changed, changed, changed his conduct. Pi. 33D brought to pass, 2 Sa. 14:20. Poel 331D I. made a circuit, with 7^.—II. surrounded, with by_. Hiph. 3Dn (fut. 3D!, •Hp*).—I. caused to turn about, make a circuit, surround. — II. changed his name to. Hoph. 3D-in was turned round, enclosed. 3*20 m.—I. a circuit; adv. 3*3DD, 3*3D 3'QD around, from around; 7 3*3D around.—II. pi. 0*3*3D, ill3*3D surrounding places, sub- urbs, Jfer. 17:26; 33:13; with suff. *rV!3*3p around me. 3*3D for 33D Kal part., from 33D. »H3D f., change, turn in affairs, 1 Ki. 12:15. H3D3 f., the same, 2 Chron. 10:15. 3D-1D m., the wall that surrounds a house, Eze. 41:7. 3DD m. (pi. const. *3Dft, fttapD). I. sofas for reclining on (ranged round), Cant. 1:12.—II. places surrounding. — III. adv. round. about, 1 Ki. 6:29. wrapped, folded, coiled, entan- gled, Pu. •sjSp. m., thicket, tangled place. ^JP m., pl- const. *3^0; the same. ^3D m., the same; with suff. *1330. "l3?D with dag. euphon. for 1330, from ^3b. ^5?P P» n., Sibbechai, one of Da- vid's generals, 2 Sa. 21:18, &c. 1333D f. Ch., a certain' musical instrument, ffafifiuKr], of what kind is unknown, Dan. 3:5, 7,10. I- carried (a load), Isa. 46:4.— II. carried (as a child).—III. bore consequences of. Pu. laden, Ps. 144:14. Hith. become a burden. Ch., the same. Po. brought, Ezr. 6:3. m., burden, task. hip m., porter. m. (with suff. i?BD), burden, Isaiah only. *^3D; see above. nVho {., pi. const. nibnD burdens, t : • : * labours, tasks, Exodus only. nVnp f. (in the dialect of the tribe 'of Ephraim, for ear of corn, Jud. 12:6. *DD Ch., hope, propose, Dan. 7:25. Enip p.n., a city between Damascus and Hamath. nrqp, kj??P p. n., Sabtah, one of the sons of Cush, Gen. 10:7, and the people descended from him. fDFDD, fcOfllp p. n., Sabtechah, one of the sons of Cush, Gen. 10:7. same as D^D; see J-1D* worshipped, with *13D Ch., the same. root not used; bought, ac- quired. f.—I. collection of valuables.— ii. an object of special regard. m., pi. B'OJD.—I. chiefs among the Babylonians and Persians.— ( 178 ) —II. chiefs among the Jews after > the second captivity. )3P m. Ch., pi. the same. "0D (fat. nip*).—i. shut a door, shut in.—II. closed a breach, 1 Ki. 11: 27, with hy_, part. "VI 3D shut up; "VOD DHT pure gold, lit. such gold as is shut, hoarded up. Niph. *150} was shut. Pi. 13D, with T2 delivered up, surrendered. Pu. ""IIP was shut up. Hiph. "Vilpn I. shut up, with *1*3, b.—II. delivered up; part. TJlpp. 130 Ch., shut. Dan. 6 : 23.' nUt? m.—I. enclosure, Hos. 13:8.— ii. refined gold, Job 28: 15. m.,'prison, Eze. 19:9. *YH3P m., rain, Pro. 27:15. Ijlpp (part. Hiph.) m. — I. confine- ment, prison.—II. joiner,i.e. closer, rrjjlpp f. (pi. nnipD).—I. inclosure. —II. border, moulding. TID root not used; (Arab, shut up). *ID m., fetters. DID p.n., Sodom, one of the cities of the plain, 2o<5o/ia. HP root not used; (Arab, wool, covering). |'Hp m.—I .fine cloth of Syrian manu- facture.—II. a dress made of it, Isa. 3:23.—III. a piece of it used as a sheet, Jud. 14:12,13. "Hp root not used; (Syr. set in order). Tip m., pi. D^TlD ranks, orderly arrangement, Job 10:22. HTlb f., pi. nmb the same. flTnpD m., portico, Jud. 3:23. Tip root not used (Samar. ")HD), encompassed aboutt was round.VID ( 179 the full ) IVID ->np m., roundness (like moon), Cant. 7:3. inb m., nnbn rV2 prison, Gen. 39& 40, only. DTW m< pl*» moons (orna- ments). KID p. n., Sevechus king of Egypt, 2 Ki. 17:4. I. i-)D slid back from, God. Niph. JlDJ (fut. TID*).—I. driven back.—II. induced to go back. II. J-D fenced, Cant. 7:3. J*P, MD m. (pi. DWD, mp), dross (of metals). "liD, **y\D; see n*lDrootnot used; same as tfflD cleanse. PHD p. n. of a man. nn-1D ffilth, Isa. 5:25. (see D-1^) p. n. of a man. flD same as anoint himself. —II. anoint another, with 3. Hiph. anointed himself; fut. ^0*1- TflDK m., vessel for anointing oil, 2 Ki. 4:2. ppjsa® f. Ch., (JVjMpwvia, a musi- cal instrument, the hautboy, Ital. zampogna, Dan. 3:5, 15. rwp p. n., Syene, a city of Egypt; (hierog. Soun). WD m.— I. a horse.—II. a swallow, Isa. 38:14; Jer. 8:7. Hp-ID f., horses, Cant. 1:9. *D-1D p.n. of a man. epD come to an end, perish. Hiph. cause to perish. ffiD Ch., came to an end, was com- pleted. Aph. destroyed. tjlD m.—I. end, termination, comple- tion, result.—II. rear of an army, Joel 2:20. ?)1D m. Ch., the same. H&-1D f., whirlwind, tornado, with fl parag. nris-iD* *]© m.—I. sea weed; Sj-ID'D^ the Red Sea.—II. p. n. of a rflan. (fut. T1DJ,ppJ1).r—I. went, turned aside, with SkIjO, fO, nnSD— II. went away, with ]D.— iil. was removed.—IY. ceased.—V. rebelled against, with 3. Pil. Y}jD turned away, Lam. 3:11. Hiph. YDH (fut. YDJ ID*}).—I. removed, Lev. 1:16.—II. laid aside, gave up.— III. drew off (a ring).—IV. set aside.—V. destroyed. yH '£> cut off his head; T\)T]\ nnKO T! estranged him from following the Lord. Hoph. ^Ip-in was removed, taken away. "V1D m.— I. degenerate branch, Jer. 2:21.—II. p. n., one of the gates of the temple, 2 Ki. 11:6, called ^iDI in the parall. pass., 2 Chron. 23:5. *Vp com.—I. a thorn; pi. D^TD.— II. pi. nh*p hooks, Am. 4:2.-—-III. pot, vessel; pi. Hi YD. PHD f.— I. turning from God, rebel- lion.—II. ... from the truth, false- hood, Deu. 19:16; see Yip. PHD p.n. of a well or tank, 2 Sa. 3: 26. rVlD. Hiph. iron, nvrj. beat down, crush, Pro. 28:3. Niph. beaten down, Jer. 46:15. "inp travelled to a place, with ; over a country, with part, nnb (pi. czinnb, nnb) traveller, merchant; f. Hinb. Pil. *""in*nnp was agitated (the heart), Ps. 38: 11. nno m.— I. commerce. — II. wealth T T acquired by commerce.—III. seat of commerce, Isa. 23:3. *inp m., the same. mhp f., seat of commerce, Eze. 27: T15. rrjn'D f., tower, Ps. 91:4; (Syr. tower). ninb f., black marble or tortoise- shell (uncertain which), Est. 1:6; LXX. irapivog XiQoq. "inpD m., traffic, 1 Ki. 10:15. D«>tpp sinners; same as see ' yp dross; see >1D« ]Vp m., name of the third month of the Jewish year, Est. 8:9. *0 ) TDD prvp p. n.—I. Sihon, king of the Amo- rites.—II. the district over which he ruled. pD p. n., a city of Egypt, "Pelusium," (Jerome); probably Syene; Eze. 30:15, 16; see TOID. Cp'^np p. n., the wilderness of Sin. p. n.—I. a people of Canaan, Gen. 10:17; 1 Ch. 1:15.-11. YjN the land of Sin. p. n., a mountain on the pro- montory between Egypt and Ca- naan ; its two summits are called Sinai and Horeb. D^D Jer. 8:7, same as D-ID a swallow. p. n., Sisera, a Canaanitish leader, and other men. XJTD, KnXT'p p. n. of a man. TD; see'i-ID. covered.—II. protected by co- vering.—III. placed as a covering, ' with —IV. compacted, put to- gether, Ps. 139:13; part. IjSiD de- fence. Hiph. 1]pn I. covered, with hy_.—II. 'protected, with b.—III. dressed himself, 2 Sa. 12:20.—IV. confined, with ^3. Hoph. *j|pn was covered, with 3. Pilp. T]ppp armed, Isa. 9:10; 19:2. m., multitude, crowd, Ps. 42:5. T|b m. (with suff. *12D, HSD), thicket, hiding-place, dwelling. n^p f.—I. thicket, Job 38:40.-11. hiding-place, Ps. 31:21.—III. hut (of branches or wattles).— IV. dwelling; pi. Hi 2D I. tabernacles; JTOpH 3n feast of tabernacles.— II. nfoa ITOD, 2 Ki. 17:30, pro- bably a proper name.—III. p. n., a13D C 181 ) &D station of the Israelites.— IV. a town of the Gadites. rVlSD f., shrine, Am. 5:26. p. n., Sukkiims, 2 Ch. 12:3, some part of the invading army of Shishak; meaning unknown. P- n., a town in the tribe of Judah. const. *J]DD m.—I. covering (of tabernacle).— II. (with DD")3) a veil.—III. curtain of a fortress, Isa. 22:8. i"l3pp f., covering, Eze. 28:13. "Tp-ID p|DHD) m., coloring, porch, T2 Ki. 16:18. /3P« Niph. became foolish, acted foolishly. Pi. made foolish. Hiph. acted the fool. m., a fool, foolish. m.,. folly, Ecc. 10:6. niSpp, n-i^b f., folly, book of Eccles. only. pp. with b, hy_.—i . was prosperous, #Job 34:9.—II. was beneficial, Sob 15:3.—III. part. JDD a companion, counsellor; f. Hiph. was familiar with, accustomed to, with Dy. Pu. part. t?DP poor, needy (Arab, was poor), Isa. 40:20. Niph. ]5p} exposed himself to danger (Ch. J3P was danger), Ecc. 10:9. J3pp m., poor. n-lbspp f., poverty, Deu. 8:9. JVI33DD f. pi. (same as ntopD; see magazines, treasuries. Niph. was shut. Pi. (see "IJD), delivered up, Isa. 19:4. n. 15? same as*")^ hired, Ezr. 4:5. J"Dp. Hiph. rpspn was silent, Deu. 27:9. ?p, D^D, SOD; see ^D. Pu. valued, Lam. 4:2. Pi. harden oneself, Job 6:10. p. n . of a man. n?D trampled on, Ps. 119:118. Pi. the same, Lam, 1:15. Pu. valued, . estimated, Job 28:16, 19. n?D a musical note, in the Psalms and the prayer of Habakkuk. H/D (fut. rfcpj), forgave. Niph. was forgiven. n>>p m., one who forgives, is plac- able, Ps. 86:5. HIT1?? f., forgiveness. robV p. n., a town in the land of Ba- shan. //D threw up an embankment, le- velled, made a road. Pilp. exalt, Pro. 4:8. Hithpo. Vpinpn opposing, exalting himself, with 2, Ex. 9:17. m. (pi. D^D) basket. p.n. of a place. p.n. of a man. **1i>P, K>>p p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. * j>D p. n. of a man. |'1;>P a thorn, Eze. 28:24. $»d m., the same; metaph. wicked man, Eze. 2:6. n^b f., a mound. oft m., a ladder, Gen. 28:12. niVp^D f. pi., baskets, Jer. 6:9. nV>pi? f.—i. raised highway.—II. road, path.—III. terraces (Lee),J^D «steps" (Gesenius), 2 Chron. 9: 11. W>D» m., highway, Isa. 35:8. m.—I. cleft in a rocky cavern. —II. rock,—III. p. n. of a city, perhaps Petra in Edom. Dy /D m., a kind cf locust, Lev. 11:22. fr: T » Pl/D. Pi. P|j>p I. perverts.—II. over- throws. m., capriciousness, perverseness. p7p Ch., came up, grew up. root not used; (Arab, shelled grain). r6b com., shelled grain, fine flour. Dpi"' DV3D; see DDD. •125'^IPP P-n-» a prince of Babylon. T7D D m., flower (of the grape). i. (with Sy, vt n$ laid his hands on.— II. supported. — III. pressed, weighed upon, with hV_, Ps. 88 *. 8.—IV. advanced towards, with Eze. 24:2. Niph. I. leaned on.— II. trusted in.— Pi. support, Cant. 2:5, n:)W f., coverlet, Jud. 4:18. •W?Dp p. n. of a man. m., figure, /orm. DQD (Arab, exhaled perfume). DD m., pi. D^D perfumes. •pp. Niph. part. « appointed" Eng. Ver. (of barley), Isa. 28:25. -IOD grew hard, rigid, Ps. 119:120. Pi. the same, Job 4:15. D m., rough, bristly (of a locust), upBoQpi£, Jer. 51:27. nnppp, Dn.ppp m. pl>, wai/s. ( 182 ) DJ® rrnppp, rfnppp, nnpf» f. pi., the same. H&OD p.n., a town of Judah. HK-ttp p. n., probably of a woman, T Neh. 11:9. p. n. of a Persian governor of Samaria. m., the bush of Sinai, Ex. 3 : 2—4; Deu. 33:16. H3D p.n., a rock near Michmash, 1 Sa. 14:4. m. pi., blindness, Gen. 19:11; 2Ki. 6:18. I'HjTIJp p. n., Sennacherib, king of Assyria. m. pi., the plume of the palm- tree, Cant. 7:9. n3D3p p. n., a city of the tribe of Judah. -P33? m., fin of a fish, Lev. 11:9? Deu. 14:9. DD m., clothes-moth, Isa. 51:8. T ''pDp p. n. of a man. Ijjp (fut. imp. 1JJD, '—IJ?D; with n parag. HT^D).—I. was prosperous, Pro. 20:28.— II. made pi'osperous, Ps. 20:3.— III. supported.—IV. cheered, refreshed, with "TJJD Ch., assisting, Ezr. 5:2. ^TVpp m.,prop, support, 1 Ki. 10:12. nyp; nyb nn rapid wind, Ps. 55:9. ^D Kal not used; (Arab, palm branch). Pi. PJJJD (perhaps from Sj^p) cutoff bmnches, Isa. 10:33. m.— I. cleft, cavern.— II. sect, party, 1 Ki. 18:21.—III. a branch. f. pi., branches, Eze. 31:6,8.jno ( l1 ni BJTlP f. pi., the same, Eze. 31:5. m., pi. D^BJJD persons of divided minds, Ps. 119*. 113. thoughts of the mind (lit. branches). m- P1" Noughts, Ps. 94:19; 139:23. I. was tempestuous, Jon. 1:11, 13, &c.—ll.tossed by calamity, Isa. 54: 11. Niph. was agitated (the heart), 2 Ki. 6:11. Pi. 1J7D scattered, Zee. 7:14. Po. scattered, Hos. 13:3; see "ftJD m., pestilential, violent wind, whirlwind. nnjJD, const, mgg f., the same. fc|D with pause m. (pi. CBD, JTVlBp). — I. dish, bason, goblet, bowl.—II. threshold.— III. p. n. of a man. £|£>ifipn Hith. inf., remain at the threshold, Ps. 84:11. NSD (Arab, filled). KIBpp m., provender, fodder. TSD lamented, bewailed, with Niph. was lamented. IBDP, const. TBDp m., lamentation. nsD i. came to an end, perished.— II. brought to an end, destroyed ; inf. niDD increase, Nu. 32:14. Niph. HBp3 was perished. Hiph. nSSpH heap, accumulate (trouble), Deu. 23:23. pap; see |BD- m'lBD; see "IBD- t : nso admitted, 1 Sa. 2:36. Niph. was admitted, Isa. 14:1. Pi. poured out, Hab. 2:15. Fu. scattered, Job 3 ) 30:7. Hith. nBHOH obtained ad- mission, 1 Sa. 26:19. ITBD m.—I. pouring out of water, Job 14:19.— II. spilt, self-sown, grain; pi. D^BD* nnSD f., a scar, scald, Lev. 13 : 2 ; 14:56. nnspp f., scurf, scab, Lev. 13:6—8. ninspp f.pi., cushions, pillows, Eze. 13:'l8, 21. *BD p. n., same as S]D« T3D m., a sapphire. m., a bowl, Jud. 5:25; 6:38. I. covered.—II. secured, Deu. 33: T 21. J*1Bp m., ceiling, 1 Ki. 6:15. WBD f., ship, Jon. 1:5. t)QD, see P)D- DSD I. clapped the hands together,— II. smote upon the thigh.—III. ex- pressed contempt for. pBD m., abundance, sufficiency, with '* suff. ipap, Job 20:22. "lSD (fut. "lbp^) numbered, reckoned; Tpart. IBD (pi. Dnab) writer, scribe, ypafiiiaTsvg. Niph. was num- bered. Pi. "IBD I. counted.— II. recounted.—III. talked. Pu. *IBD was related, fyc. "IBD m. Ch., scribe. IBD m., enumeration, 2 Chron. 2:16. *"1BD m. (with suff. ^JIBD; pi. DHBD, ' nap).—i. enumeration, Gen. 5:1. —II. register.—III. book.—IV. let- ter.—V. writing. IBD m. Ch., book. rnap f., book, Ps. 56:9. rPBD p.n. of a man. rriiBD f., number, Ps. 71:15., T !"1BD ( 5r84 ) 1I1D 1QDD m.— I. number; yD cr t : • - 'D *jTlD few men.—11. narrative Jud. 7:15.—III. p.n. of a man; niSpp the same. "1BD p. n. of a city, Gen. 10:30. "TOD p. n., a country into which the Jews were carried, Obad. v. 20. OJV")Qp p. n., Sepharvaim, a city of Assyria; Sepharvites. SpD stoned. Pi.— I. as Kal.— II. cleared of stones. Niph. and Pu. was stoned. Tp rebellious, Eze. 2:6. iVp m. pi. Ch., drawers, trousers, * Dan. 3:21, 27. fljHD p. n., Sargon, king of Assyria. Tip p. n. of a man; patron. rnp, nnD; see tid, "no- m_p i. unconjined, loose, Ex. 26:12, 13, &c.—II. luxuriant (of a vine), Eze. 17:6. — III. loose, dissolute, Am. 6:4, 7. Niph. scattered, va- nished (of wisdom), Jer. 49:7. rnp m., portion of a thing left loose, Ex. 26:12. fVID corslet, same as ; see iTIBP. D^p m. (const. DnD; pi. D»pnD, const. "'DHD).—I. eunuch.—II. any chief officer. PTP m. pi. Ch., superintendants of the whole empire, Dan. 6:3. dttd, const. \21P m- pi.—I. axles, 1 Ki. 7:30.—II. the name of the five princes of the Philistines. TVlSJinP branches; see 6pD same as Pi. part. Sp.pp burning, he who burns, Am. 6:10. isnp m., the name of an unknown shrub; LXX.Jc6i>i>£a; Vulg.urtica. Tip was perverse, refractory, Hos. 4: ~T16; part. Tip (pi. »Y|1D; f. HTVlD, n*VVlD) perverse, rebellious. ID m.,n-|Df., averse, disinclined, sad; ' tt ' see also another mD in T1D. tt nnp root not used; (Arab, winter). 1HD (VHP) m., winter, Cant. 2:11. Dnp I. filled, blocked up.—II. re- paired.—III. shut up, concealed. Niph. was repaired, Neh. 4:1. Pi. blocked up, Gen. 26:15,18. inn concealed, Pro. 22:3. Niph. nnpi 1. concealed himself.—II. was concealed, unknown.—III. was sheltered.—IV. was distant.—V. was excluded; part. IFlD} hidden, hidden thing; pi. ni"inp3 hidden things. Pi. hide, shelter, Isa. 16:3. Pu. concealed, Pro. 27:5. Hiph. Tnpi} I. concealed.—II. sheltered. —III. placed for security, Isa. ,49:2.—IV. turned his face from. Hith. nriripn I. concealed, lost.— II. hid himself. ^IJID Ch. Pa. nriD put out of sight, destroyed. >inp p.n., a prince of Assher. nnp m. (with suff.nnp).—I. secresy. —II. secret place.—III. *irip2l secretly.—IV. place of conceal- ment.—V. place of security. mnp f., shelter, protection, Deu. 32:38. nnp p. n. of a man. nnDD m.—I. ambush.—II. secret t : • place. linpD hiding place, Isa. 4:6.. 33T (If V as m., epistyle, frieze (in architec- ture), 1 Ki. 7:6; Eze. 41:25, 26; pi. ti^V; see also n-W- (inf. and imp. ihg; fut. *DJ^). — I. served (God or man).— II. worked, laboured.—III. tilled the ground.—IV. assented to, 1 Ki. 12:7.—V. performed a religious service.—VI. made to * serve, with 2 of the person. Niph. 13JJJ I. became, was, served, Ecc. 5:8.— II. was tilled. Pu. labour was imposed upon, with 3. Hiph. caused to labour.—II. caused to serve.—III. wearied, Isa. 43:23,24. Hoph. was in- duced to worship. Ch.—I. made.—II. performed, did, with 2, DJJ- Ith. was made. m. (with suff. ; pi. * —I. slave, servant.—II. vassal.— III. ifirP 132 servant of the Lord, i. e. one who worships and serves him, or executes some special commission for him.—IV. a sub- missive epithet.—V. p. n. of a man. m. Ch., the same. p.n. of a man. p. n. of a man. Sxiaj? p. n. of a man. J'mv.p.n., a city of the Levites in the tribe of Asher. *138 P- n- of a man- p. n. of a man. •inHliV* (servant of the Lord, 'AjQdiag),' p. n., Obadiah the pro- phet and others. ifet? lag p.n., an Ethiopian in the 15 ) ' service of king Zedekiah, Jer. 38:7, &c. fa} (&033) p. n., Abednego, one of the three holy children, Dan. chaps. I. II. III. m., work, Ecc. 9:1. rnbiy. f.—I. servitude.—II. employ- ment.—III. tillage.—IV. religious service, worship.—V. service re- quired by the king.—VI. for the service (use) of man, Ps^ 104:14. rniJJ f., slaves, gang of slaves, Gen. T26:14; Job 1:3. &n*3JJ.f. Ch.—I. work, building.—II. worship, service, Ezr. 6:18.—III. business, Dan. 2: 49 ; 3 : 12. f., slavery, Ezr. 9:8,9; Neh. 9:17. m. (Heb.and Ch.), pi. DHSJD works, doings, Job 34:25; Dan. 4: 34. became large, thick, heavy. *38. m., thickness. m., the same. thickness, 1 Ki. 7:46. gave & pledge; fut. Pi. break ranks, Joel 2:7. Hiph. b'Qyn lent on security, Deu. 15:6,8. IDtag. m., pledge, Deu. 24:10-13. m., accumulation of pledges in the hands of an unfeeling usurer; " thick clay," Eng. Ver., Hab. 2:6. (inf. and imp. ihjJ; fut. ihj!!)' —I. passed on.—II. passed away, ceased.—III. passed a person,place, river, &c.—IV. passed a limit.— V. trespassed. transgressed; r•OP v ( u 1V*U transgressed a covenant.— VI. exceeded, went beyond.—VII. overflowed, overwhelmed, with —VIII. passed through, with bjtt?, *32 by_, IX. passed away, disappeared. — X. passed through, with 3.—X[. entered into, with 3; JV)i? 'V made a cove- nant.—XII. dropped (as liquid).— XIII. "UV P|D3 current money, Gen. 23:16. Niph. can be passed, Eze. 47:5. Pi. "13? !• conceived, Job 21:10.—II. caused to pass, 1 Ki.6:2I. Hiph. I. caused, allowed to pass.—II. removed, took, or put away.—III. removed guilt, 8fc.—IV. destroyed.—V. trans- ferred.—VI. offered presents to God or idols; 'H caused to pass through fire to Moloch.—VII. 'H blew a trumpet, lit. caused the breath to pass through it. Hith. allowed himself be- yond 'proper limits, was angry, with by_, 3, DJJ- "VQJ? (only with pref.), "VUJJ3 I. prep. because of, in return for; with suff. on my account; because of thee.— II. conj. 1. for the purpose that OgW "tinjnb the same).—2. because, while. *VDy m., produce of the ground, Jos. 5*11, 12. "OK. m.—I. ford.—II. mountain pass. —Ill .passage over.—IV. banks of a river.—V.side; towards, on the other side; sepa- rately, alone; "UJ7D beyond, op- posite to, across; bnny.-^p/rom every side; *1118 "U^ 6 ) UP- on this and on that side; in front of it, Ex. 25:37; "'jK 15V. forwards, Eze. 1:9, 12. —VI. p. n., Eber, the grandson of Shem, Gen. 10:24, 25, and pro- genitor of Abraham, whose de- scendants were called from him; "OX "UK Hebrews; "in or nn D*"UJJn a range of hills beyond Jordan. *UK Ch./ beyond. m., a Hebrew; pi. On?#, ' D*ru?; f. nnnj; pi. riin^iy. iTUfi f., raft, passage boat, 2 Sa. 19: T19. mny f., any unrestrained feeling, specially, anger. Iiyp m.— I. ford. — II. mountain pass. rrayD f., pi. nhajp the same. p. n., a station of the Israel- ites. became shrivelled, worthless, Joel 1:17. Pi. confirm, establish, Mic. 7:3. nhy m., f., thick, entangled. rrtng m. (pLD^nhK, nhhjp.—- i. thick branches, Eze. 31:3, 10, 14. —ll.cord, rope.—III. twisted chain. —IV. obligation, restraint. (fut. 3 loved, fell in love with, with hy_, 7$, Eze. c. 23. f., love; with suff. Eze. T23:ll. na. pi., the same, Eze.33:31,32. m., a musical instrument, probably, the pipe, Gen. 4:21, &c. W, see My. m., crane.V>ay ( u J (Syr. turned round). m., f., round, circular. / "t t TiV m., ear-ring. ^jjfm. (with suff. L calfr— — II. image of one. — III. princes, leaders, of the people, Ps. 68:31. f.—I. she -calf, heifer —II. p. n., one of the wives of David. "vhty f. (with suff. \rbysti pi. rimy., . waggon drawn by two bullocks.—II. war chariot, Ps.4 6:10. $38 p. n.—I. a city in the tribe of Judah.—II. a king of Moab. SiJJP or SJJJD m. (pi. wheel.—II. track of a wheel.— III. way, path.— IV. way, manner.—V. waggon.— VI. barricade of waggons. nbsyi? f., the same. despise. Job. 30; 25. ?*. Niph. prevented from marrying, TRu. 1:13. Ig, see my-, ity, see "Ity. (Arab, numbered, computed). menstruous, Isa. 64:5; (Arab.the same). m. Ch.—I. time.—II. a prophetic period of time. 'prig; seenw- my (fut. n^).—I. passed through, with hy_, Job 28:8.—II. adorned, — III. put on as an ornament. Hiph. stripped off a garment, Pro. 25:20. mj?, Ch.—I. passed upon, with 3—II .passed away, with |P—III. was altered. Aph. removed. 7) nv iy_ m.— I. spoil, Gen. 49:27; Isa. 33:23; Zep. 3:8.— II. perpetuity, eternity. — III. antiquity; TS!» cb)V for ever; (pi. HJ?) pa. unto, as far as, until, before, while, during, still; DijriJ? while; (■W) while; OXuntil; before; with suff. HJ) to me; 1)1 Ch., to, as far as, until; while. py, Ecc. 4:3, same as hitherto, as yet. nni! Ecc. 4:2, the same. rm p. n., Adah.—I. the wife of La- mech.—II. the wife of Esau, m. (with pause with suff. ' P1- Cl^ni!).--I. orna- ments.—II. trappings of a horse. —III. lot, appointment, Ps. 103:5. p. n. of a man. nHy, 'irPlj} p. n. of a man. P- n*» a town in the tribe of Judah. toy, p.n. of a man. n-njjt; see P- n. of a man. p. n., a cave and city of the tribe of Judah; an AduU lamite. m, Hith. live luxuriously, Neh. 9:25. JHJJ, f. TOHg luxurious, delicate, Isa. 47:8; (s. smiting, perhaps), 2 Sa. 23:8; a very difficult place, see Ges. Thes. p. n. of a man. m.— I. pleasure.— II. Eden, the abode of our first (li I7.J! p. n., a district of Mesopotamia; ' ''V n^; see n®. njlH f., pleasure, Gen. 18:12. Njnjj p.n. of a man. rtnjJ p. n. of a man. Diiyp, D^TJ?p, Tftrgrs pi., de- licacies, delights; adv. willingly; ninyp trans, for rfrayp bands, i.e. influences, Job 38:31; see Ity. time; see with *JJ7. p.n., a town in the tribe of Judah. TO- . was superfluous.—II. exceeded, with Hiph. sjvsjyn allowed to exceed. rsi arranged, set in order. Niph. TS>3 I, was missing, left behind. —II. was dilatory, delayed, Zep. 3--5.—III. was cleared out. Pi. omitted, neglected, 1 Ki. 5:7. TJg m. (with suff.lT]#; pi. DnTJ?, '^.1®.—I. flock or herd.—II. p.n!, a town in the tribe of Judah.— III. p. n. of a man. TM P. n- of a man. p.n., Adriel, son-in-law of Saul, 1 Sa. 18:19, &c. y$$!FQ m., rake, Isa. 7:25. m. pi., lentiles. njy p. n. of an ancient un- known city; the Avims, either the inhabitants of this city, or the early settlers in Canaan. Hiph. treated as worth- less, rejected, Lam. 2:1. com. (pi. D'aj;, rajf, rfajp.— i. ) "nif cloud.— II. covering, Ex. 19:9; see also in its place. p. n. of a people de- scended from Shem. bake cakes, Eze. 4:12. Hiy, n|)|J, f., cakes, £yKpvnn stood upright, Ps. 20:9, &c. m.—I. witness.— II. testimony.— in. proof, a ny gave testi- mony against. — IV. commander, Isa. 55:4. •Tig f.— I. eye or ear witness.—II. proof; see also in *7®. nny, rngf- (pi- nn®.—I. covenant. —II. the law.—III. the book of the law. — IV. the decalogue. — V. religious ordinance, Ps. 122:4; nnjjn n'r6, nnjm fn& bn'x nngn the tables, the ark, the ta- bernacle of the covenant.—VI. Ps. 60:1; 80:1, the name of some unknown musical instrument, liy, I. again.— II. besides.— III. still.—IV. any longer; with suff. I {am) still; Tp.ty thou {art)TO still; he, she (is) still; D'liV they {are) still, 8fc.; *11^2, l)}3, as yet, while, within; "ityp since; H'W? smce / (am). TTlV p. n., Oded—I. the father of Aza- riah the prophet, 2 Chron. 15:1,8.- II. another prophet, 2 Chron. 28:9. rn-ijm f.—i. institution, custom, Ru. 4:7.—II. law, oracle, Isa. 8:16,20. p.n.; see Mg. toas crooked, perverse, did wrong, T Est. 1:16; Dan. 9:5. Niph. njgJ I. bent with pain, Isa. 21:3. — II. bowed with sorrow, Ps. 38:7.—III. perverse in mind, Pro. 12:8. Pi. njy I. made crooked, Lam. 3:9 — II. overturned, Isa. 24:1. Hiph. nJS® L made crooked, Jer. 3:21. —II. perverted, Job 33:27.— III. walked perversely. f., being overturned, Eze. 21:32. KJJgX Ch., iniquities, Dan. 4:24. n-T-iy for n-ty Kal imp. with H parag., from Tty- flJJ, )il^ m. (const, Jig; with suff. Tnjigl pi. D'oig, niiiy).— i. «», iniquity.—11. guilt.— III. punish- ment, JV)g, Wg p. n., a town of Edom. m. (pi. HD^g).— I. ruin, heap of ruins, heap. — II. D^g p. n.— 1. a part of Mount Abarim.—2. a town in the tribe of Judah. % n$> ni» p-n-> a city of the Canaanites in the tribe of Ben- jamin. {Vg p.n., a strong city in the tribe of Naphtali. D^glg m. pi., giddiness; Vulg. ver- tigo, Isa. 19:14. ( 189 ) ^P m., heap of ruins, lsu. 17:1. T^)J7 took refuge with, Isa. 30:2. Hiph. PgH I. took refuge, Isa. 10:31.— II . caused to take refuge, collected in a place of safety. tty; see JtJ?- (Arab, dug into any thing). tOg m.—I. graver.—II. pen. 7^ part. f. pi. — I. being with * young.—II. suckling. m., infant at the breast. m., suckling, Job 21:11; see also ?JJ? 7$. Pi. acts unjustly. %v. wicked. ?J8! m., one habitually unfair, unjust, wicked. m.—1. unfairness.—II. injus- tice.—III. iniquity. r&lg f., the same; with H parag. n^lJJ f., the same; with H parag. T nr^!>; pi. niViy; see also in rh])r- see y?y- see D^J?. (Arab, to live with). Hjig f., conjugal rites, Ex. 21:10. jigD m.—I. habitation.—II. refuge.— III. den of wild beasts.—IV. p. n.: (a) of a town in the tribe of Ju- dah; (b) of a strange people, Jud. 10:12, &c.; (c) of a man. rnigp, njVp f., the same. D'O-lgp p.n., the inhabitants of the city of Meon. p. n. of a man. ity D'glg; see mg. I. (fut. —I .flew.—11. fleww away.—III. flew upon (as a bird of prey). Pil. PjgW I. flew. — II. brandished (a sword), Eze. 32:10. Hiph. turned the eyes on, Pro. 23: 5. Hithpo. same as Kal II., Hos. 9:11. Spy m. collect., birds. Ch. the same, ii. ^ (fut. f)$T1) fainted. f.—I. darkness, Am. 4:13. (with H parag. nHSD^) great darkness, Job 10:22.—II. p. n.: (a) of a son of Midian and the people descended from him; (b) of a man; (c) of a woman. const. m. dual.— I. eyelids.—II. synec. eyes. m., darkness, Isa. 8:22. m., the same, Isa. 8:23. (imp. pi. •IVJJ) consult ye, Jud. 19: 30; Isa. 8:lo!' PW p.n., a district of Arabia, Avvlrig. p V. Hiph. presses, rushes, Am. 2:13. njJJJ f., pressure, oppression, Ps. 55:4. flpJMD f., pressure, pain, Ps. 66:11. aroused, awoke, arose (imp. rn-W, niy arise!) Niph. ^ I. was awakened. — II. was raised to strike (shoot), Hab. 3:9. Pil. TYI^. —I. roused.—II. excited, stirred up. —III. raised a spear, scourge, cry. Hiph. "Vyn I. roused, excited.—II. awoke, Ps. 57:9; 108:3. Hith. awoke. m. Ch., watcher, probably an angel, Dan. 4:10,14,20. m. (pi. n'lliy) the skin of man or animals; skin of his teeth, Job 19:20, i.e. gum. ( 190 ) 31P fnjMp f., cave; (Arab, went under ground). D"HiyD m. plt, nakedness, Hab. 2:15. Pi. 1$ blinded. TlJJ m. Ch., chaff, Dan. 2:35. *"IW m-> f.—I. blind.—II. men- tally blind. m., blindness. TJ.5S the same, Lev. 22:22. my assemble yourselves, Joel 4:11. aid, help, Isa. 50:4. m- Pi. 1. made crooked.— II. perverted.— III. treated unfairly, unjustly. Pu. part. bowed down. Hith. bowed himself \ Ecc. 12:3. n roj* f., oppression, Lam. 3:59. p.n. of a man. ® (pl- —I* g°at>—11.she goat. —III. pi. goats' hair. f. Ch., the same, Ezr. 6:17. W, KfJJs see W' m. (lit. goat of departure; see Tftf) the scape-goat, Lev. 16:8, 10, 26; LXX. dTroTrofjiTraiog. (fut. n®.— I. left behind.—II. ^ allowed to remain.—111. went away from.—IV. forsook, neglected.—V. failed, allowed to fail.— VI. took away.—VII. gave loose to.—VIII. with entrusted to, left with; also with Sy. Niph. was forsaken, entrusted, fyc.t with h. Pu. was forsaken. ni-lf.—I. ruins, Is. 17; 9.—II. p.n. of a woman. » D'O'llty I. merchandise.-—11. a market, Eze. c. 27.n«> ( 191 ) W p'lST^ p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. ux (fut. TJP, inf. TITS).—I. was strong.— II. prevailed. — III. con- sidered himself strong, Ps. 52:9.— IV. showed himself strong, Ps. 68: 29. Hiph. TJJH made bold'> 'n or V3S2 put on a bold face, Pro. 7:137*21:29. T3^» wit*1 pause T JJ m. (pi. W)l; f. iTj5/, Pi. ntoffl.—i. strong.—II. harsh.— III. strength.—TV. D*?£TT8 bold. p. n, Gaza, a city of the Philis- tines; a Gazathite. TV, W, "T5J m. (with suff. •WW).—I. strength, power, might. —II. ascription of power, praise, Ps. 8:3.— III. source of strength, refuge.—IV. D\312 ft} impudence, wy, njjf p.n. of a man. t-ITJ? m.—I. might of God.—II. might in war, Isa. 42:25. T-VTJ? m.— I. mighty, Ps. 24:8.— II. mighty men, Isa. 43:17. TJJJ p. n. of a man. p.n. of a man. My p. n. of a man. P- n- of a man* same as nj-fy, -injty (the strength of the Lord), p.n., Uzziah,king of Judah; LXX. *0£iag; elsewhere applied also to other men. KrjK p.n. of a man. p. n. of a man; a place in Judah or Benjamin. tiyp, fyD m. (with suff. ** JJD, ; pi. DMJJD) place of strength, mu- nition; often applied to persons. f., the sea-eagle, Lev, 11:13; T Deu. 14:12. piy. pi. pry digged, Isa. 5:2. NpTJJ f. Ch., engraved ring, seal, Dan. T 6:18. P*n., Azekah, a city in the tribe of Judah. (fut. "ITJC; pi. imp. with " Tsuff. 'giTij; Pi. helped, as- sisted, with 7, DJJ, nn^ ; part. "Ifj? helper, patron, companion. Niph. "ITJJJJ was holpen. Hiph. ' helped, 2 Ch. 28:23. *1$ m. (with suff. i")T®.— I. help.— II. helper.—III. p. n. of a man. *1{$J p.n. of a man. iT}?& n"JIV. f. (with n parag. mjjtjp. i—I. help.— II. p. n. of a man; same as ")TJ£. P-n,» Ezra; LXX."Eadpag. "VVTJJ p. n. of a man. p.n. of a man. fntg f.—I. court of the temple.—II. border, moulding. p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. rVHtj?, -1Hp.n., Azariah.—I. king of Judah; called also —II. T* \ used also for other men. DpHTJJ p.n. of a man. Bg/see'tDW; Klpg, see t2y\ I. put on, wore. — II. coveredt with —III. invested.—IV. took possession of, invested with, Jer. 43: 12. with HK- Hiph. ilttgn placed as a covering, Ps. 89:46, with m., garment (of praise), Isa. * ( 1 m., bat.Lev. 11; 19 ; Isa.2: 20. (Arab, prepared skin). plp2 m., pi. QWtpJJ water or milk skin, Job 21:24. m (fut. —I. covered, with h- —II. covered himself.—III. covered his face, was exhausted; part. Sj-ILDy worn out, weak. Niph. was exhausted, Lam. 2:11. Hiph. tptpgn the same, Gen. 30:42. Hith. the same. nsDgp f., mantle, Isa. 3:22. TDVi. surrounded.— II. covered, Ps. 5:13. Pi. I. crowned, Cant. 3:11.— II. adorned, blessed, with Hiph. part. f. iTytppID giving crowns, Isa. 23:8. nntpy. (const. rngg; Pi. nntpy) f. —I. crown, royal diadem.—II. p.n. of a woman. nVlOgp.n., a city in the tribe of Gad; nVltpy and "ttK nhtpg a city in the tribe of Ephraim; JV2 'V 2XV a place in Judah; 'JJ a place in Gad. my (Arab, sneezed). f., sneezing, Job 41:10. %% see my. p.n.—I. same as II. a rock in the northern range of Mount Ephraim; LXX. YaifiaX. i . was angry with, with S—II. rushed on with anger, pounced on, with h>i<; fut. DJ/»V const. m., rapacious bird or beast. )2 ) W p. n., a town and hill in the _ tribe of Judah. D'lW same as oVlJ?; see thy- p.n., one of David's generals. p.n., a people and district, situ- - ation uncertain; wvhy pi. ch., the Elamites. m., drought, Isa. 11:15. (const. pg; with suff. dual DWg, I. an eye.— II. the sight.— III. the judgment.— IV. appearance in the eye.— V. outward appearance, 1 Sa. 16:7 ; 'B in the sight of; Wya in the judgment of; without the knowledge of; be- tween the eyes, on the forehead; PJff eVe t° eye—VI.fountain, spring; with H parag. t° the fountain; pi. const, HWJJ: hence many p.n.:—I. py a town of the Levites in the tribe of Simeon. —II. a town in the north of Ca- naan.— III.a town of Judah. — IV.' a town of Judah.—V. 0»3| pg a town of Judah.— VI. a town of Issachar. — VII. Ifcft ]% yn a town of the Manassites.—VIII. rnn a town of Issachar.—IX. pg a town of Naphtali.—X. Ynn pg a well near the town of Charod. —XI. Umt? a well in Kadesh. * —XII. py a town of Moab. —XIII. pg a well on the con- fines of Judah and benjamin.— XIV. EH pg a town in the tribe ■ of Judah.—XV. a town on the confines of Judah andTV ( 1 Benjamin.—XVI. D"5n pg a well near Jerusalem.—XVII. a town of Manasseh. PJJ com. Ch., eye. m., watching with an evil eye, 1 Sa. 18:9. p. n. of a man. m. (with 1 parag. with : suff. wyip; pi. cr^ib, w n'W^D) fountain, «;e/i o/ water. is weary, Jer. 4:31; see " r tjjjj m., nBJg f. — I. weary. — II. parched. p.n. of a man. darkness; see w- ,TV$2 m. (with suff. ifVJ?; pi. Dn$). —I. ass.—II. young ass. "1^ m.—I. heat, anger, fear, Ps. 73: *20; Jer. 15:8; Hos. 7:4; 11:9; (Ges.)—II.a city, town, settlement; iTVy towards the city; pi. see next word. m.— I. an enemy.— II. city; pi. T D*TSJ; 3Kto "15}, ^ Ar of Moab, ^ otherwise Rabbah, the chief city of Moab. m. Ch., an enemy. "VV Ch.; see "liy. p.n. of a man. ^ 'ITy p. n. of a man. 0*^3? P* n-> a prince of Edom. *1*V j p. n. of a man. tfVg, D^g; see DTP- ^g; seefcfy TVg same as see ?)}#- m., a spider. >3.) r6y the jerboa; "dipus jaculus" (Linn.) p. n. of a man. p. n., a city in the tribe of Asher, "Aky), "Ptolemais." py 05^) P- n- °fa man» DD.V. m.—I. fetter, Pro. 7:22.—II. pi. anklets, rings for the feet, Isa. 3:'18. D3g, Pi. wear anklets, Isa. 3:16. nDDJJ p. n., the daughter of Caleb. (fut. with suff. caused sorrow, vexation, disgrace. Niph. was irritated, excited. p.n., a valley near Jericho. pDV p.n. of a man. nwrsy m., an asp, Ps. 140:4. by, hi ; see r6y. & n?V; see \hV- m., foreigner, stammerer, Isa. 32:4. (fut. r-6g! ; apoc. const. T with hy_, SW, b, 3—I. went up, came up.—11, arose (of the dawn).— III. grew up, grew.—IV. increased. — V. produced, Pro. 24:31.— VL was put upon. Niph. rfejjQ I. is exalted (God).— II. was lifted up, Eze. 9:3.—III. was led away, 2 Sa. 2:27.—IV. was taken up, Eze.36: 3. Hiph. r6jm (pret. ; imp. apoc. fut. rpgl; apoc. —I. caused to go up. — II. offered a burnt- offering.— III. placed a thing on another.— IV. placed, set up, Nu. 8:2. Hoph. rbvp I. was offered, Jud. 6:28.— II. was brought up, 14 ( Nah. 2: 8.— III. was placed upon, inscribed, 2 Chron. 20:34. Hith. fut. apoc. lifts up himself, Jer. 51:3. by m., the Lofty One, the Most High; adv. on high, 2 Sa. 23:1; hyjo i. from, above, Gen. 27:39; 49:25. —II. above, Ps. 50:4, &c. "by-, (with suff. ^>5}; prep. (vTrip, inl).—I.upon, on.—II. above, over.—III. beside, near, be- fore.—IV. besides, over and above. — V. in reference to, towards, against.— VI. for. on account of, in behalf of; DJI? it is mine to give (the kingdom); HTI, %rjv &iri, live by (bread), Deu. 8:3. byo (with sue DS^yp, &.C.).—I. from upon.—II. from above.—III. above. W Ch . same as Heb., upon, above, besides, for. Ch., with |P above, Dan. 6:3. const. n^B m. (with suff. -1 ; pi. const. vj[).— I. leaf.— II. fo- liage. nj?'y, nViy f.—I. a step.—II. a burnt- offering. rb%, Kphy f. Ch., burnt-offering. f. upper, Jos. 15:19; Jud. * *i:i5; 'pi. nV/>y. vJJ m. Ch. — I. high, supreme (of " God).—II. the Most High. rvhy f. Ch., upper room, chamber, Dan. 6:11. p. n., Eli, 'HXi, the priest, m., pestle, Pro. 27:22. rV^ f.— I. upper room, chamber.— II.ascent, staircase, 2 Chron.9:4. 194 > y?y m., nji^V. f.—I. lofty.—n. higher, upper (in place).—III. high (in rank).— IV. the Supreme, the Most High (of God). m. Ch., the Most High. n!?Jjb m.—I. ascent.—II. mount, hyc m., with n r-hya— I. over against, near, Isa. 6:2, &c.— U. above; rbyd? upwards, onwards, over, above; ffayfch'D from above, upward; from above, with h over, above. ipyb m., elevating, lifting up of, Neh, 8:6. rbyft f.—I. ascent.—II. step of stairs. ■—III. graduated face of a sun- dial.—IV. mental suggestions, Ezr. 1:9.— unknown title of some of the Psalms. rbypi f.— I. channel for water.— II. recovery from illness, Jer. 30:13 ; 46:1]. rn"?y f.—i. same as pfoj?—II. p.n., a tribe of the Edomites. avby youth ; see thy- ]hy p.n. of an Edomite. f., a leech, Pro. 30:15. (fut. ; pi. rejoiced, ex- ulted, with hy_ or 3 (of the sub- ject of joy). PJJ m., rejoicing, Isa. 5:14. m., rejoicing, expressing joy. (Arab, was covered with clouds). 7\d?y f., i t t :• hy/nhy, \vby-, see rhy- n-is^s? ; see (Syr. entered). Po. I. made to enter, Job 16:15.— II. treated,( 195 *>Jf s acted towards, with b--III. af- fected. — IV. gleaned. — V. part. babyish boy, Isa. 3:12. Poa. was done, caused, Lam.1:12. ^ Hith. I. exerted himself against. —II. insulted. Hithpo.practised, Ps. 141:4 bh)! Ch., entered. Aph. brought in. Hoph. was brought in. * m. (with suff. *^y).—I. yoke, —II. servitude. p.n. of a man. npy "f. ch., pretext, ground for com- y plaint, Dan. 6:5, 6. m., crucible, Ps. 12:7. m. (pi. D^ij?) infant, young child, child. niVVj?, f. pi., gleanings. * f.—i. action.— II. an action (good or bad). nWJJ f., action, Jer. 32:19. m. Ch., setting (of the sun), Dan. * T 6:15. m., pi. habitual doings (good or bad). m., pi. I. children, Isa. 3:4.—II. vexations, calamities, " Isa. 66:4. part. hidden things, sins, Ps. 90:8. Niph. was hid- den; part. hidden (crafty) t men. Hiph. hide, conceal; l'p DJ3V. #n turned his eyes away from, Pro. 28:27. Hith. was hidden, with )D« thy m.— I. antiquity. — II. * eternity.—III. duration of the earth. — IV. whole life.— V. unlimited, future time; from of old; ) *!»J> the ancient days; Dn^to, dVw for ever; future duration, unlimited, but not endless. m., eternity, 2 Chron. 33:7. DyJJ m. Ch., eternity. cf?v m., a young man. MDpy f., damsel, virgin, rj 7rap9kvog. m. pi., youth. p. n. of a town in the tribe of Benjamin; nDjrfcn ']) p.n., a station of Israel. niD^j! f. Pi an unknown title of Psalm 46. f., the same, Ps. 9:1; 48:15. T)uiti p. n. of a man. P-n-> same as fy any thing hidden, secret; pi." Elamites; see exult, rejoice, Job 20: 18. Niph. is exulting, Job 39:13. Hith. be exulting, Pro. 7:18. VsVr gulped, swallowed down, Job 39: hi com. Ch., rib, Dan. 7:5. Pu. I. fainted, Isa. 51:20.— II. covered, overlaid, Cant. 5:14. Hith. was clothed, Gen. 38:14, fainted. m., languor, fainting, Eze. 31: exult ^rejoice; with 2 in, 7 against, before. 3™IJf., rejoicing, Hab. 3:14. D&DvliVi seeDDtf. (fut. nto®.—I. stood fast, still. — II. stood over, overlooked, withicy ( 196 \3E&- — III. stood over, presided, with —IV. stood before, with n& W-—V. ceased,, with JD—VI. stood before, with t?» *733—VII.persevere, remain in any occupation, with 3- — VIII. stood against, opposed, with by. Hiph. *PpJ?n I. cause to stand.—II. set up, raise.—III. establish.—IV. ap- point. — V. confirm, accomplish. (rnDjm, Eze. 29:7, a wrong read- ing for rr$pn thou madest to tremble.) Hoph. lOyn made to stand. TO)} m., standing-place, station. DO# m., pillar. rnpy f., station, standing. Mic. 1:11. 30 m.— I. standing, order.— II. station. *10$, see DJ?, ntty-, f\Oy_, see DDV- DIDJJ, see DDtf/ ptojj, see pDJJ. T>PJJ; see 10$. TO society, company. wrought, laboured. ho)l m.—I. working, labouring; pi. labourers. — II. weary, wretched. ^0)^ m.—I. labour.—II. sorrow, vex- ation.— III. sorrow brought on by sin.— IV. weariness.—V. fruit of labour.—VI. p. n. of a man. P« n-> Amalek, a people inha- biting the south of Palestine and the borders of the desert of Sinai; "i?.^ Amalekite; ^hoyn hill of the Amalekites in the tribe of Ephraim. concealed, Eze, 28:3; 31:8. ) DDJ/ Hoph. was obscured, Lam. 4:1. DJJ, DJJ com. (with suff. people, nation; ^Oy *02 the children of my people; pi. h^Oy, WOOy. « DJJ m. Ch., people; pi. ^OOy. DJ? prep, (with suff. >0$, no]); Tjpy, \Oy, tioy-, *D3©V; D©3?, dn?3y) with, along with; D$?p from with, (like the French de par). DJJ Ch., the same. noy f.—i. ..g> nwhs in the same way as; near, towards, like, opposite to; pi. like; n near.—II. p.n., a town of Asher. }1 Oy_ p.n., Ammon, the son of Lot's ' daughter, and his descendants, *my_; pi. ci^bv, f\oy vj3; f. T)^)Oy_; pi. Ammonites. '^PJJ P- n. of a man. TliTp$/ p. n. of a man. ^Zl^P^ P- n- of a man. •* "l-IITpjJ p. n. of a man. 2TPPJJ p. n. of a man. p# n> 0f a man. P- n-» a town in the tribe of Asher. p. n. of a man; patron.''p'Tpj^ (God with us), Immanuel, one of our Lord's prophetic titles, 'EnnavovrfX, Isa. 7 :14. DOJ?, b>£J? (fut. Dbgl) load, lay a" burden upon. Hiph. D^PJJH caused to be laden, 1 Ki. 12:11; 2 Chron. 10:11. DiDy p.n., Amos, the prophet. rpo oy p.n. of a man. Hpbyb f., burden, Zee. 12:3.P»J> ( 1 was very deep, Ps. 92:6. Hiph. make deep, Isa. 30:33. pDJJ m., P^Ogf.—I. deep.—II.subtle, £ unsearchable. * or ppy m., the same; pi. const. piDJJ p. n. of a man. pft# m. (with suff. ^pp?; pi. I _—I- deep place.—II. unintelligible, ptiy m., depth, Pro. 25:3. P*PJ7 m. Ch., deep, profound thing, Dan. 2:22. t^ppyp m. pi., depths. Pi. binding-sheaves, Ps. 129:7. Hith. "IpJJrin treat as a slave, with 3. T'PJ/ m., sheaf of corn. , ^ m.—I. sheaf; pi. dniDg.—II. omer, a dry measure, the tenth part of an ephah. P- n., Gomorrah, one of the cities of the plain; LXX.rojuoppa. ^IPJJ P- n-—I. Omri, king of Israel.— II. of other men. m. Ch., wool, Dan. 7:9. E^P32 P- n-; see DDJJ. same as DP)£ carried. p.n. of a man. P- n- of a man. p. n. of a man. (Arab, grapes). p. n., a town in the tribe of Judah. 3$# m. (pi. Mag, •a?®, grapes. p. n. of a man. pl- const, with dag. euphon., from ' w' 3$ Pn. delicately brought up, Jer. ) W 6:2. Hith. delighted himself in, # with ?V_, fp. m., f., delicate, tender. m., delight, pleasure. m., delight, pleasure, enjoy- ment, luxury. *7bound, Job 31:3 6; Pro. 6:21. I.Tlty (fut.H^, n^,]V_l)).~l.spoke. —II. celebrated.—III. shout.—IV. bellow, bleat.—V. answer. Niph. was answering, answered. Pi. answered, sang in response. Hiph. answer favorably, Ecc. 5:19. HJJJ Ch.—I. answered, spoke, began to speak.—II. was afflicted; see below. I- was humbled.—II. was afflicted. Niph. was humbled, afflicted, with *02p. Pi. I. hum- bled, subdued.—II. afflicted; with had connexion with a woman; with fasted. Pu. was afflicted, humbled; inf. his suffering affliction, Ps. 132:1. Hiph. op- pressed. Hith. MJ^nn I. was af- flicted, 1 Ki. 2:26.—11. was hum- bled, with P- n-—!• the son of Seir, and his descendants.—II. the son of Zi- beon. 1$, VJJJ m. (pi. *yg), humble, meek, poor, afflicted. njjg f j meekness, humility. f., the same. DOJJ f., affliction of the humble (Lee), Ps. 22: 25. vy adj.m. (pi. DVJJJ-; f. fl Jffi), afflicted miserable, poor. "OJJ, with pause m., misery. p. n. of a man. ( 198 ) hsy m p- n. of a man. m., thing, matter. njg p. n. of a man; see IVS* nin^ p.n.—I. a city of the Levites in Benjamin; inhabitant of Anathoth.—II. of a man. njnh^ p. n. of a man. because; |J£, *3 because, because of; ]Vl, 183 18? the same. p. n. of a man. flffiD m.—I. answer.— II. answer to prayer. Pro. 16:1. n», m? intent, purpose. — I. be- cause.—II. thence, so, accordingly; ]V.d? in order that, because that. njXJD f., furrow, Ps. 129:3. Kri, the same. JV380 f-> self-humiliation, Ezr. 9:5. p.n., a town of Judah. B» p.n., a town of Issachar; else- where p.n., a foreign people unknown. "*l!??P32 P*n-> an idol °f the Sepharvites. |3j)(part.|3i?; f.rU#?) and Po.l#(fut. part. jityD) divined, used auguries, Isa.2:6, &c. Pi. (inf. with suff. my bringing on a cloud, Gen. 9:14; see py. m, const, py m.— I. a cloud.— II. p. n. of a man. f., cloud, Job 3:5. ,}JJ7 m. Ch., cloud, Dan. 7:13. p.n. of a man. ('Avaviaq) p.n.—I. of a man. —II. of a place in Benjamin. const. 5py_ m. (pi. with sufF. STBJg, a branch. m. Ch., a branch. f. branching out, Eze. 19: 10. m. (pi. nipjjp. —i. a chain (collarfortheneck).—II., o^s. (PK?) p$ P$\>> *03i the Anakims, the first inhabitants of Canaan, who were p3y put on a collar, i.e. exalted, lifted up, Ps. 73:6. Hiph. p*3}jn place on the neck like a collar, Deu. 15:14. p.n.—I. a man of Canaan, Gen. 14: 13,24.— II. p.n., 1 Chron. 6:55, probably a wrong reading for *05®. (fut. EOJjy.—I. taxed.—II. fined in money, with Niph. was fined, mulcted. my m., mulct, fine, tax. GSOg m. Ch., tax. njy./ninjg, njnhjy; see roy. np.y, nggzl seenhy. ddj; tread (as grapes), Mai. 3:21. • D^Dy m. — I. new wine-juice.— II. juice of the pomegranate, Cant.8:2. nyy, >nvy\ for •nyiyi raised a cry, Isa. 15: 5;' see "l-iy Pil. nay, nnsy; see na*y in spy. root not used; (Syr. flourished.) m., pi. leaves, Ps. 104:12. m. Ch., leaves. Pu. swollen, inflated, Hab. 2: 4. Hiph. raised themselves, Nu. 14:44. m. — I. swelling tumour.— II. mount, hill."?sy ( i! p.n. of a peak of Mount Zion, to the east. pi. const. hemorrhoids, emerods; see also DHiriD- p. n., a city of Benjamin, Jos. ' T18:24. see P|W. 13JJ Pi. igy dashed with dust, 2 Sa. 16:13.with "lE^a. nnaj; f., lead. const. m.—I. earth, mould, clay.— II. dws/.— III. the earth.— IV. depth of the earth; pi. const. nVlBg dusts, i. e. small dust, mole- cules. m., kid, young goat. p. n. of a man. iTJDJJ p. n.—I. a city of Benjamin. —II. a city of Manasseh.—III. of a man. fnSJJ p.n.—I. a town on the borders of Ephraim.—II. a moun- tain between Judah and Benjamin. —III. the name of a Hittite, Gen. 23:8, &c. YV, D*SJ>, see m pained, grieved, thwarted. Niph. was pained, grieved, with 2, Pi. I. bound together, Job 10: 8.—II. pained, thwarted. Hiph. I.grieved, thwarted, Ps. 78:40.—II. worship, Jer. 44:19; (see Lee). Hith. was grieved. Ch., grieved. nvj; m., pi. MSg idob. m-— 1- tendon, smew, Jer. 22:28.—II. labour.—III. pain. m.—I. idol.—II. pain, grief. m. (pi. with sufif. CD'O-VJD your labours, Isa. 58 :3. 9 ) SW nnsg, njsg f. (const, nn-vy; pi. with suff. Dri'll^).—I. pain, grief. —II. ^sorrows," Eng. Ver.; per- haps idols, Ps, 16:4. m., painful, great, labour, Gen. 3:16, 17. f., labour, affliction, Isa. 50: T11.* (Arab. a#e). m., n¥S? cZose Me eyes,Pro. 16:30. fgm. (pi. — I- « free, •H2 fruit-tree—II. wood.—III. gallows. f., wood, Jer. 6:6; see also in >• m., spme o/ the back, Lev. 3:9. "ids P- n., a sea-port, probably on the eastern coast of the Red Sea. Niph. be sluggish, Jud. 18:9. fyy m., sluggard; book of Proverbs sloth, Pro. 19:15, f-, T Pro. 31:27; dual Djr&Vg great sloth, Ecc. 10:18. I. was numerous .—II. was strong.— III. was great. Pi. I. bind the eyes, Isa. 29:10.— II. break the bones, Jer. 50:17, from Hiph. strengthens, Ps. 105:24. m.—I. numerous.— II. strong. — III. great; pi. 0*DWg great ones, Ps. 10:10. D$J f. (pl. ntejnp.—I. bone. —II. body.—III. self-same (never of persons); Hjn tim on this very day —IV. p.n., a city of Judah. Dp m., HDV^J f.—I. strength.—II. power.—III. multitude, Nah. 3:9. flDV# p. n., a town in the southern borders of Canaan. f. pi., defence in argument, Isa. 41:21. rhmyn f. pi., strength, Ps. 68:36. m., p.n. of a place, 2 Sa. 23:8. (fut. *)¥)?!)•—I. shut up, restrain, detain, with b.— II. with lib re- tain power, reign. Niph. was shut up, detained.— II. was assembled. 1)$% m., rule, supreme power, Jud. ' 18:7. y$)} m.— I. shutting up the womb from child-bearing, Pro. 30:16.— II. in prison, Isa. 53:8. rn^y_, rn^»y; f.—I. day of assembly. —II. restraint. m., restraint, hindrance, Pro. T 25:28. m., the same, 1 Sa. 14:6. (fut. Hpjp.—I. take by the heel, Hos. 12:4; see 3pV.—II. circum- vent, defraud; part. n2pj? traced, marked, Hos. 6:8. Pi. trace, Job 37:4. m.— I. heel.— II. impression of the heel, track; pi. heels; nilljpy footsteps.—III. rear of an army, Gen. 49:19, &c.— IV. •QR7 iniquity of my tracks, i. e. ways, Ps. 49:6. 2p}7 m., steep place, Isa. 40:4; see above. 3j?.» m.—I. in consequence that, for the sake of—II. consequence, fruit; T} 'V, Ps. 19:12, "great reward," ( 200 ) 1pJ> Eng. Ver.; 3® bit, 3j$ in con- sequence, because, for that reason, with ^ the same. H!2pJJ f., fraud, deceit, 2 Ki. 10:19. H-lpy p.n. of men. (took by the heel), p. n., Jacob, the son of Isaac, afterwards Is- rael; n'pJP \33, '» JV3, » T&nj?, JHT I. his descendants, the Is- raelites.—II. the name also of their land and national polity. nnpg! p. n. of a man. HPJ7 (fut. l) he binds, ties, Gen. 22:9. *!pJJ m. (pi. D^plf) stripe, streak on cattle. oppression; see p-IJJ- m., parapet, battlement; LXX. arecpavrj, Deut. 22:8. Pu. part. became per- verted, Hab. 1:4. m-> ver"y crooked, Isa. 27 :1. m., f. pi., very crooked, perverted. eradicate, Ecc. 3:2. Niph. was rooted up, destroyed, Zep. 2:4. Pi. Ipy hough, cut the hamstring. IpJ^ Ch. Ith. was rooted, Dan. 7:8. m., rn^y., r-np;;. f., barren, sterile. m.—I. root, i.e. head of a strange family, Lev. 25:47.—II. p. n. of a man. Ipy m. Ch., nerve, stump, Dan.4:12. P- n-> one °f ^ve principal cities of the Philistines, 'Aicapwv; ^Ipy an Ekronite. m.—I. a scorpion.—II. some implement of torture.—III. a war-cpy (2( like engine.—IV. d'SHR? n"?3>P p. n., a place in the south of Palestine, 'Aicpafiiv. convict of perverseness, Job 9:20. Niph. is perverse, Pro. 28:18. Pi. made crooked. m.—I. perverse, tortuous.—II. p. n. of a man. rW|?y m., perverseness. m., pi. unlevel, abrupt places, Isa. 42:16. DnjJ; see^. 1% p. n., Er, the son of Judah, and other men. I. was agreeable, sweet.—II. agreed, made compact.—III. be- came surety, pledged, with — IV. became dark; imp. fut. rnjp. mth. n^nni. intermixed with, with 3, h, DJJ.—II. agreed, made compact with, with D5$. Hiph. inf. growing late (of the day), 1 Sa. 17:16. tsl Ch., mixed. Ith. was mixed, associated. Arabia; ♦rrjg, an "Arab; 'pi. D'3"!5J, Arabs. m.—I. a raven.—II. p. n., a prince of Midian.—III. Oreb, a rock beyond Jordan. m., agreeable, sweet, Pro. 20: 17, &c. m., gad-fly; LXX. Kvvofivia. m. (with art. 3"$n).—I .foreigner, stranger, mixed multitude. — II. woof in weaving. m. (f. 1 Sa. 20:5).—I. evening, virm any, 21$ in the evening; pl.'nbni; dual b^n ]^from 1 ) my evening to evening, i.e. a whole day.—II. pi. O'Onj;, oziers, willows.—III. a stream in Moab, Isa. 15:7. nn'Jg.f.—I. plain, open country.— II.desert.—III. the country between Jericho and the gulf of Akabah, called by the Arabs El Arabah; 'jjn d; Sea of Arabah, Dead Sea; 'J?n "?m brook Kedron. —IV. p. n.> a town in Benjamin; "'Hl'iy an Arbite. nriy. f., pledge, surety. m. (appafiojv), security, pledge, Gen. 38:17, &c. HH^P m.—I. the west.—II. mer- chandise, Eze.c.27; rDJTjp to- wards the west. nnnyp f., the west. rQ-'nyfi f., security, hostages.' bleat, cry as an animal from de- sire, with fut.^. n*r® f., raised bed in a garden, parterre. root not used; (Krvfo. fled away). m., wild ass, Job 39:5. "np m. Ch.—I. wild ass, Dan. 5:21. —II. p. n., a place in the wilder- ness of Judah.—III: p.n. of a man. Pi. rnj; (inf. nhjj; fut. apoc. "l^n).—I. make naked.—II. empty, pour out. Hiph. rnjfD I. make bare, expose, Lev. 20:18,19.—II. pour out, Isa. 53:12. Niph. rnjJj was poured out, Isa. 32:15. Hith. rnjmn i. was stripped, exposed, Lam.4:21.—11. was spread abroad, ( 202 ) rnjJ f., pi. bare places, pastures, Ysa. 19:7. nVffi f.— I. unfortified country, Gen. 42:9, 12.—II. nudity.—III. shame, disgrace. f. Ch., to, Ezr. 4:14. nny f., nakedness. rriyp m., 6are pZace, moor, Jud. 20: 33. "IJJP m., nudity. f. pi., plains, suburbs, 1 Sa. 17:23. rvgffi) P- n-» a town in Judah. m. (with suff. iTJJJfi).—I. razor. — II. penknife, Jer. 36:23. — III. scabbard of a sword. nwr, Dh}>; see D-iy. •nynV. p.n.; 'see ^ny. p. n., one of the sons of Gad. rriDn$ dough; see D1V- nobles; see fpy- PU?; .'see pJJ. 'TIV. see T8?. rst (fut. — I. set in order, ar- range, dispose; with or without npn^p in battle array; with or without D^p prepared an ad- dress, speech; with ^ to any one; with ^ against any one; with or without prepared a cause for judgment; JTH* ')! pre- pare a covenant.— II. compared together, valued, estimated, with h- Hiph. ijnyn valued, set a tax on. IpJU m.—I. order, arrangement, sys- tem.—II. value, estimation. ^"J^P m., disposings (of the heart), Pro. 16:1. fD'Jgp f., disposition, arrangement. nD*]J?p f., the same. profane, Lev. 19.23. uncircumcised, esteem Niph. Hab. 2:16. const. m., uncircum- cised person; hesitating of speech; uncircumcised of heart; D33^> their heart uncircumcised; uncir- cumcised of ears. rtay f., foreskin; sj? ')) uncircum- T cised of heart; in?) iuncir- cumcision of its fruits, i.e. first fruits of a tree, Lev. 19:23; pi. ni1?-}!), const, ni'p-ij; i. foreskins. — II. p. n., a hill not far from Gilgal. DTK was cunning, subtle. Hiph. Dnyn I. act cunningly.—II. act prudently, wisely. Niph. became swollen, heaped, Ex. 15:8. m.— I. cunning.— II. prudent, cautious. nwT, niyT m. (pi. ; f. nsig), —I. naked.—II. exposed, spoiled. Dl^, m.— I. nakedness.— II. naked; adj. pi. m., craftiness, cunningt Job 5: *13. nD*lSJ f.—I. cunning.—II. prudence. np-$. f., pi. Hi- D1* — heap (of ruins, of corn, &c.). m., the plane tree. D'nyp m., pi. Omyn nudities, 2 Chron. 28:15. 1*38 P- n* of a man.; patron. try rpot not used; (Ch. D*]^ mixed), npnj; f., Pi. rriony. dough; lxx. "133 turned the back, fled; |ni gave him, the back of his ene- mies, i.e. made them flee before him, Ps. 18:41, with b or HBIV p. n., Orpah, a woman of Moab.,clouds; metaph. nobles, Gen. 37:9. m., thick darkness. (fut. —*• feared> trembled. — II. affrighted, alarmed. — III. shook, with acc. "OSP* Niph. part. terrible, Ps. 89:8. Hiph. causing to fear, Isa. 8:13. m., abrupt, fearful place, Job 30:6. m.—I. strong, mighty.—II. vio- lent, cruel. ynyp m., terrible, fearful one, Isa. 8:13. nrWB f.» fearfulness, terror, Isa. 10: T33'. fled> escaped, Job 30:3. my nerves, Job 30:17. *Pi8 P- n-> the Arkites, a people of Canaan. TBI (imp. rnV) was naked, Isa. 32 11. Po. I. stir up.—II. make naked. Pil. "O and Hithpai. ^JHgnn was, became, exposed. in. (pi. Dnn^) childless. m., naked, destitute, poor. "1Jpg I. perhaps stump, dead tree, Jer. 48:6.—II. p.n., Aroer, a town on the river Arnon, called also — III. a town near Rabbath Ammon. — IV. p.n., a town in Judah; an inha- bitant of Aroer. f. (pi. nibHPj couch, bed. m. (with suff. pi. const, jnil'^y) green herb (considered as food). m. Ch., the same. (fut. nfe &V*A; inf. abs. n'BT?, T Vb>jj; const. nfc>j|, nibj!).— i. wrought, laboured in, with 3.— II. made, fabricated, produced, con- stituted, appointed, with a—III. did, performed, made, exercised.— IV. passed time, Ecc. 6:12. Niph. nipja (pret. f. fut. f. ' nbyri; apoc. l. was made. —II. was done; to be done. Pu. WGPJJI was made, Ps. 139:15. Pi. n'^ pressed, injured, Eze. 23: 3, 8. T p.n. of a man. p. n. of a man. rWJJ p. n. of a man. nbyjp m. (pi. D^D).— I. work (of an artificer).— II. labour, business, occupation. *65^© p- n. of a man. rwyp, WbgB p.n. of a man. {hairy), p. n., Esau, the son of Isaac; IPg 'V JV2, ifcty. theW ( 2< sons of Esau, Edomites; see DTK; "ID mountains of Edom. see Hithp. contend with, Gen. 26: 20. (strife), p.n. of a fountain. t, rnbif, ni^ m., ten; pi. inwjf tithes. ~\Wy m., hiwy f. (used only in com- position with the other numbers), ten; eleven, the eleventh; f. nn^nn^; iky m., rnbg' f., sutfeerj pi. twenty. v. (fut. *IEPJP) decimate, tithe, 1 Sa. /8:15, 17. "Pi. ta&e or pay tithe. Hiph. inf. with pref. to pay tithe. *YIW m., ten; KHrfc the ■t- ' V T TV L tenth (day) of the month; "y&y a lute of ten strings, i&y t, 7]"p% m. Ch., ten; twenty. m., tenth; i. nn^y. m. (pi. a dry measure, the tenth part of an ephah. "1m. (const, ; with suff. "wyp; pi. nh^D) tithe, nby for nnb^ Kal pret. f., from m., name of a constellation, pro- bably the great bear, Job 9:9; 38: 32; see also &)]} m.; tV])l \32l the three stars in the tail of the bear, Job. 38 : 32. p. n. of a man. (fut. 1^.1)— I. smoked.—II. me- taphorically, of the divine wrath, m., smoking, Ex. 20:18. m. (const. ; with suff. i3|£©- 4 ) W —I. smoke.—II. fierce anger — III. cloud.—IV. p.n. of a town, same as^Jpte. m., the same, Ex. 19:18. pm (fut. pfe^jp.—I. oppressed, in- jured, wronged, defrauded.—II. press upon. Pu. part. f. H one oppressed, Isa. 23:12. pV^y m., fraudulent, oppressive person, Jer. 22:3. D^p-lfc^. m. pi., frauds, oppressions. PM P- n- °f a man- pE^V m.—I. oppression, injury.—II. that which is obtained thereby. Hp^JJ f., oppresses, ruins me, Isa. T'68: 14. Jlip^yf? f. pi., oppressions. -vv, (fut. "It?$£) was rich. Hiph. I. made rich.—II. was, be- came, rich. Hith. part. becomes rich, Pro. 13:7. m.—I. rich.—II. proud.—III. rich (in grace), Ecc. 10:6. H&V m., riches. became old, wasted. m., moth (that which wastes, eats). was made smooth, shone, Jer. 5:28. Hith. remember, Jon. 1:6. n#K, Npy. Ch., thought, designed, Dan. 6:4. m.—I. net-work of ivory, Cant. 5:14.—II. with iby, nip# (perhaps excess beyond ten) eleven. f., taunting, Job 12:5. f. pi., devices, machinations, Ps'. 146:4. rnn?ty f., 'Acrraprr], perhaps the deified planet Venus. It is pro- bably the feminine of fTTKW ;r\y ( 21 pi. nVlFMBty statues of Ashtoreth. —II. p. n. of a city of Bashan, called also Ash- toreth with horns; an inhabitant of Ashtoreth; produce of the flock; LXX. 7roifivia to)V TtpofiaTixiv, Deu. 7: 13, &c. com. (with suff. time, season, o icaipog; ntt-TH fl}?3 about this time; "lTO T\V3 about this T T • T time to-morrow; HTl r~lU3 this T - T time next year, or, as in the times of a vigorous woman (Lee), Gen. 18:10,14; as at this time; wnn nya in that time; inya in his time; in the evening] *1$? ttyQ from time to time, always; adv. now, sometimes; pi. times, vicissitudes; nian many times, on many occasions, Neh. 9:28. njTiy (with pause adv. vvv, vvv). —I. now, shortly, speedily.—II. then; nny.D from this time; nri3; until this time. ni., seasonable, Ley. 16:21. p. n. of a man. PViJ p. n. of a man; with H loc. PVIJ nJR^ p. n., a city of Zebulon. "injr. Pi. prepare, Pro. 24:27. Hith. have become prepared, Job 15:28. TfiJJ m., prepared, ready. PL 1. things ready to take place.—II. wealth. *7*riJ£m. Ch., ready, Dan. 3:15. HF® m.—I. he-goat. — II. leader, governor. Hjny p. n. of a man. )5 ) flKB ?r®. p. n., a town of Judah. p. n. of a man. n^riy., -in^r® p. n.—I. Athaliah, the wife of Joram.—II. used also for men. Dny. Niph. turiyj is burnt, con- sumed, Isa. 9:18. p. n. of a man. P.n., Othniel, a judge of Israel; LXX. Yo6ovir}\. (fut. WW.—I. remove quickly, hurry from, with }D.—II. grow old. Hiph. pVij?n I. cause to re- move.—II. transcribe, Pro. 25:1.— III. put away, silenced, Job 32:15. pHJJ m., insolent, biting word. pHjj m., freedom, liberty, Pro. 8:18. m., freely, Isa. 23:18. p*lj® m.—I. ancient, 1 Chron. 4:22. —II. removed, with |D, Isa. 28:9. m. Ch., ancient, Dan. 7:9,13,22. (fut. prayed, supplicated, with h, Niph. (inf. linyi) I. was prevailed upon by prayer, was made propitious.—II. niinyj seemingly propitious (false), Pro/27:6, with h- Hiph. I. prayed, with V> "ifia- —II. mul- tiplied, JLze. 35:13. "lJiy m. — I. suppliant, Zep. 3:10.— II. abundance, Eze. 8:1. IF® p. n., a town of Simeon. rojrffi. riches, abundance, Jer. 33:6. here, Job 38:11, for HQ. ** ri5^3. Hiph. fut. with suff. I will scatter them far and widet Deu. 32 :26.nxa ( 2 .IKS, const. mB f.—I. corner, angle T(of a field, table, &c.).—II. Vp HNQ having the hair clipped or shaven in angles; a Canaanitish custom forbidden to the Israelites; INto Nu. 24:17, the clip- ped cornered, ones of Moab, i. e. who trim their hair thus. H3 m. (const. *B; with suff. ^pa, VQ, WS, Dn*S; pi. D*B,'rn*B). —I.mouth; HQ H£) mouth to mouth, without intervention, Nu. 12:8; HS unanimously.— II. mouth of a sack, aperture in anything.— III. edge of a sword, fyc.— IV. border of the sea, Pro. 8:29.—v. naS HQ from end to end.—VI. share, portion; *3 two parts.— VII. word, command. — VIII. expression, tenor; with pref. as, according to; Tp&S as thou (art); ''IDS so as; according to; ^3 according to. n*g f., edge of a sword; pi. nVS, Jud. 3:16. f. pi., edges, two-edged, Ps. 149:6; Isa. 41:15. npa-*a p.n., a city of Egypt, Bu- bastis. rfyvnrr^B, n'lTnn p.n., a place on the Red Sea. p.n. of a man. DITJ*a p. n. of a man. Pi. IX S) I .adorned, made beau- tiful.—II. went over the branches accurately, Deu. 24:20. Hith. ^lXann I. felt complacency, with 2—II. boasted himselft with^J. "Kjta m.(pl.D'H8a, ornamental head-dress. )6 ) ma fTlKS, nnxa f., a branch. T T \ >11^a m., blackness, paleness (pi face), Joel 2:6; Nah.2:ll. n^ari, rnXSfl f.—I. beauty, orna- ment.—II. glory.—III. boast, sub- ject of glorying. )*JXa p. n., Par an, the wilderness be- tween Egypt and Palestine. (Arab. unripe Jig). 33 m., pi. D*|B unripe Jigs, Cant. 2; 13. m., pi. D^aS impure, disgusting (thing). JttSi . came to a place, reached, with 3.—II. met, fell in with, with 2— III. met hostilely, fell upon, with 21—IV. waited on in prayer, entreated.— V. admitted favour- ably. Hiph. I. cause to come, fall in with, wait upon.—II. fell upon.—III. entreated. yja m., occurrence, accident. bwyiB p. n., a prince of Asher. yiap m., object of attack, butt, Job T 7:20. Pi. *13 a became languid, unable to proceed, 1 Sa. 30:10, 21, with IP. naa m. (pi. Dnja, *133) dead body of man or beast. tws i . met, with 21.—II. met hostilely, Hos. 13:8, &c. Niph. t^|33 met each other. Pi. stumble against, Job 5:14. I. redeemed, with 2 (of the price). —II. delivered. Niph. H^aJ was redeemed, delivered. Hiph. man allowed to be redeemed, Ex. Hoph. inf. !Tn£5n same as Niph., Lev. 19:20. 'pxniQ p. n. of a man. p.n. of a man. D^na" m. pi., Xvrpov.—I. redemption pricey ransom.— II. redeemed, de- livered persons. JH Q p. n. of a man. rvVTS.f.— I. redemption. — II. D-HS separation, Ex. 8:19. rPlS. •in>"TS p. n. of a man. T T J T T : * D1HS, 1'vnS) m., ransom. m., plain, Gen.48:7; J^a Padan-Aram; with H, D"}K towards Padan-Aram. pSX Ch., palace, camp, Dan. 11:45. redeem, deliver, Job 33:24. m. (with suff. ITIS) fat. HQ; see HKS* HQ (fc^S, *13).— I. here.— II. hither; nfeD hence; TIB 1% thus far; nbfcj where? rw-is (HJ3) p. n. of a man. (fut. became chilled, languid, ceased to act. Niph. the same, Ps. 38:9. f., intermission, Lam. 2:18. nttBD f., intermission, Lam. 3:49. ms i. blew.—II. became cool by a breeze. Hiph. rVBH I. inflamed, Pro. 29:8.—II. blew, blew a fire, with 2—III. puffed at (scornfully), with 3—IV. uttered.—V. (from nS) ensnared, Ps. 12:6. rvs m., ashes, Ex. 9:8, 10. D-1S p. n., one of the sons of Ham, and his descendants. ( 207 ) pIQ V'P-IS P-n. of a man. p. n. (7reT6(f>pr], he who is de- voted to the sun), an officer in Pha- raoh's household. jnjD "'IpiSS (the same); p. n., Joseph's father-in-law. m.— I. stibium, powdered anti- mony.—II. "S]-ia •»piK; LXX. XiOoi 7roXvreXelg, a precious stone; p. n. of a woman. VlS m., beans. p.n.—I. a people and nation of Africa.-—II. a king of Assyria. MS, DS m. Ch., mouth, aperture. ps, fut. riJ-IQiJ; LXX. e^ijTToprjOriv; Vulg. conturbatus sum, I pine away, Ps. 88:16. p.n., a gate of Jerusalem. P-IS p.n. of a man. Jb-13 p.n., a town on the borders of the desert. n^-13 p.n. of a woman. ps 1 . dispersed themselves, were scat- tered.—II. overflowed. Niph. were scattered. Pil. and Pilp. shatter, shake to pieces. Hiph. pan I. scattered, confused. —II. poured out.— III. was scat- tered. Hithpo. are shattered, Hab. 3:6. Tiphel I will scatter you, Jer. 25:34. m.—I. disperser.—II. club, Pro. 25:18. 1. pis stagger, stumble, Isa. 28:7. Hiph. stagger, stumble, Jer. 10:4. p-13 Hiph. p^an 1. supplied, Isa. 08:10.—2. obtained.—3. prospered, Ps. 140:9. II,P»'- ( 2 np-12 f., cause of stumbling, 1 Sa. T25:31. p*3 m., staggering, Nah. 2:11. I. ^3 (Arab. bubbled); see "HS). iTTlS f., wine-press. TP3 m., pot for boiling. m., a Persian word.—I .lot; pi. D'H-IS).—II. the feast of Purim. KIWIS) p.n., a son of Haman. T T 1 ' (pret. DPlK>3).—I. became nu- merous, flourished. — II. spread themselves, Hab. 1:8. Niph. were scattered, Nah. 3:18. m., extent, Job 35:15. p.n., one of the rivers of Pa- radise. T\)B (Arab, interstice). nb m., Isa. 3:17; pi. rnflS) hinges, 1 Ki. 7:50. WS p. n. of a man. IT3 (fut.pi.-vtb;) are strong and ac- tive, Gen. 49:24. Pi. t-TS dancing, 2 Sa. 6:16. Hoph. part. TS-1D purified, 1 Ki. 10:18. T£) m.—I. refined gold.— II. refined, T Cant. 5:11. nTiS dispersed, Jer. 50:17. Pi. H-tS) I. dispersed.—II. distributed liberally. Niph. and Pu. was scattered. ns m. (pi. DTIS).—I .snare, gin.— II. any concealed danger.—III. plate of metal, Ex. 39:3; Nu. 17:3. "IHQ (fut.nnp>.).—i .feared, with )D, "OSD--II. was agitated. — III. hastened. Pi. feared greatly, con- tinually. Hiph. caused to shake, tremble, Job 4:14. i ) nsa ins m. (with suff. tDD^nS; pi. PIS).—I. fear, dread, reverence. —II. object of fear.— III. thigh, Job 40:17; '£> fear of God. rnna f., fear, Jer. 2:19. r*in5) m. (const. nnS; with suff. ^nna, Dn3; pi. ninsi; const, minp).—I.governor of a province. — II. captain; Ch. the same; hence the modern word Pacha. (swelling like boiling water).—I. was dissolute, Jud. 9:4.— II. was proud, Zep. 3:4. TD3 m., wantonness, pride, Gen.49:4. rmilS) f., pride, Jer. 23:32. root not used; (Arab, charcoal). DHS m., charcoal. ins root not used; (Syr. he founded). *)ri5> m. Ch.,potter, Dan. 2:41. nna m. (pi. D^rirjQ).—I. a pit, well. —II. destruction. corrosion, fretting into a garment, Lev. 13:55. D^iftTinS) p. n. of a man. ring Kal inf., from n&l rnc?Q f„ a precious stone, topaz or emerald. (fat. IDs;).—I. slipped out, or away. — II. let out (of water).— III. expand (of flowers), 1 Ki. c. 6. —IV. exempt from duty, 1 Chron. 9:33. Hiph. open wide (the mouth), Ps. 22:8. Ketib, same as (part, see "IDS), exempt from duty, 1 Chron. 9:33.ntaa ( 209 ) "It?3 m., opening, beginning; IDS DITt first-born. iTTipQ f., the same, Nu. 8:16. trios root not used; (Arab, beat out iron with a hammer, spread out). m., a hammer. £"t33 m. Ch., a tunic, Dan. 3:21. ^3 with comp. H^3; see H3 in <"1X3. TS root not used; (Arab.disappeared, died). *P3 m., destruction. ; see ms. ; see D^S root not used; (Arab, was fat). ilD*B {., fatness, food, strength, Job T15:27. jlj^3 p. n., a prince of Edom. rnfcB*S ; see nas- p>3 ; see p-13* P^3; see P-13- }']V3 p. n. of a man. roa Pi. flowing out, Eze. 47:2 T]3 m., flask, cruse. rro'3 P- n' a man* SOB. Niph. *6eQ I. was marvellous. —II. appeared marvellous, with wa—hi. was concealed, with IP—IV. was struck with wonder; part. pi. n'l&6?>3 wonder- ful things, wonderfully. Pi. fcv?3 set apart; TlJ K?3 set apart by vow, devoted. Hiph. I. set apart.—II. made wonderful. —III. acted wonderfully. Hith. show one*s self wonderful, with 5, Job 10:16. m. (with suff. tJS&S).—I. sepa- ration, peculiarity.—II ••marvellous- ness.—III. a miracle; pi. adv. wonderfully; Hlfcy 5> wonder- ful things. or ^2m., wonderful, Jud. 13: *18; Ps. i39:6. f., or n*Sjl'?S the same. rr&6s p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. p.n., a son of Reuben; patron. ^3. n*6s» f. , miracle, Job 37:16. i'??. Niph. was divided. Pi. I. cut out,formed, Job 38:25.—II. divided, Ps. 55:10. 3^3 Ch., divided, Dan. 2:41. 3^3 m. Ch., half, Dan. 7:25. 3*p3 m.—I. channel,stream.—II.p.n., a son of Eber. ni^3 f. pi., brooks. H|^3 f., pi. rri-te divisions, 2 Chron. T 35:5. na^ao f., pi. nia^sp the same, 2 Chron. 35:12. f. (Pi. o^Vs, ^3^3), concubine, iraWaicrj. rnV® f.. pi. nn^3 iron of chariots, perhaps scythes, Nah. 2:4. p. n. of a man. rns same as &^3- Niph. are sepa- T ^rated, Ex. 33^. 16. Hiph. I. separated.—II. set apart, Ps. 4:4. *}$B m.—I. with dtlva, a certain one.—II. p. n. of a man. ■0b^3 m., this particular one, Dan. 8:13. ri73 cm*, Ps. 141:7. Pi. E&? I. cut to 15nVs pieces, 2 Ki. 4:39.—II. disentangle, Job 39:3. — III .pierce through, Pro. 7:23.—IV. harrow, Job 16:13: n^s m.—I. piece, part.—II. mill- stone; upper mill-stone. IVflnfi 'B nether mill-stone. arba'p. n. of a man. Ch., served, worshipped. m. Ch., service, worship, Ezr. *7:19. tO/3 escaped, Eze. 7:16. Pi. I. de- livered.—II. bring forth safely, Job 21:10. Hiph. delivered. D^S, 0^2 m., fugitive, one escap nD^s, no5?s f., the escaped, remnant. pp© m., deliverance. p. n. of a man. 'pVs P- n. of a man. p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. •irvtbSa p. n. of a man. m., escape, safety, Ps. 55:9. ^ nx^s, njjs; see *6a- W?b, ; see "SJpQ root not used; (Arab, was round). m.—I. spinning distaff. — II. circuit, district. 7/3. Pi. ^>3 I. judged, 1 Sa. 2:25. —II. adjudged punishment, with h, Eze. 16:52.—III. inflicted punish- ment, Ps. 106:30.—IV. expected, Gen. 48:11. Hith. prayed (lit. appealed to a judge), with "71/2, L by, i, , pClipp m. Ch„ xf/a\- rrjpiov, a musical instrument. DD3 ceased to exist, disappeared, Ps. T12:2. DS m. D^DB rOh3 coat of many co- lours, Gen. 37:3; long cloak, covering the hands and feet (Ges. and Lee); but Jacob knew Jo- seph's coat when torn and dipped in blood; it was the quality or colour of the cloth, therefore, not the shape that distinguished it; LXX. 7TOLKl\.OQ, DB m., palm of the hand. nDB f., abundance, Ps. 72:16. DB p. n., same as DV?! Das. napB p.n. of a man. nys cry out, Isa. 42:14. com., adder, viper. JJBtf the same. •1J73, *JJ3 p.n., a city of Edom. %3; see 1V& (fut. b]lp\ — I worked. —II. made, formed.—III. did, per- formed.— IV. practised, with p or 2 of the person for whom the ac- tion is performed. m. (with suff. fy?B, )W?>; pl. Dy^Q).—I. work, action, prac- m tine.—II. wages.—III. acquisition, Pro. 21:6. n^ya f.—i. work, employment.— II. wages, Lev. 19:13.—III. reward or punishment. for ftys, from p.n. of a man. bvhh m„ 1 r%VBVf.,\work>doinss- moved, excited to action, Jud. 13: 25. Niph. was moved, disturbed. Hith. same as Niph., Dan. 2:1. 0^3 f. (m.Jud. 16:28).—I. pl. CDJJS footsteps, feet.—II. progress.—III. an anvil, Isa. 41:7. — IV. pl. rribyS) feet of the ark (Lee).—V. an act, and the time of its perform- ance, a time, once; dual D?DJ?3 twice; seven times; DPS once or twice, Neh. 13:20; pjffln, nfc&H *onn Dgss no«?, at the present time; D3JS3 DJ?B3 even so as Z>e- /ore; DJJ3...DJJ3 sometimes. t'ltOVS) m., fce/Z, Ex. chapters 38 and 39 only. 6J8J9; see '3 "nyS open Me mouth, gape, with HQ, na?. niys p. n. of a mountain of Moab; ( 212 ) and *11^3 an idol of Moab. P- n-» one of David's generals; elsewhere hssl opened the mouth.—II. rescued. PIXS broke forth into singing, with •in. Pi. broke to pieces, Mic. 3:3. rryya; see -raa. Pi. ^-¥3 peeled, Gen. 30:37,38. f. pl., the parts peeled, stripped of bark, Gen. 30:37. DX2 broke the earth, Ps. 60:4. wounded; JJ-1V3 eunuch. VVQ m. (with suff. '►j/VSj'pL D^3), a wound. Hithpo.; see p3« f*tf3 p. n. of a man. *"IXB (fut. -IVS*).—I. pressed upon to injure, Gen. 19:9.—II. urged to consent, with SU Hiph. inf. 1^3H was too urgent, obstinate, 1 Sam. 15:23. HTV3 f., a file, 1 Sam. 13:21. visited, enquired for.—II. en- quired for without finding, missed. —III. enquired into or after, cared for.—IV. punished, with ^ of the crime, or hv_ of the person, and 21 of the punishment.—V. examined and arranged—VI. num- bered, took account of—Yll. placed, appointed, set over, with h]l_, fiK, (DH-1p3 officers).—VIII. laid a charge upon any one, with Niph. I. was missed. — II. was punished.—III. was numbered. — IV. punishment was inflicted.—V. was visited with evil. Pi. exrnps (213) na amined, numbered. Pu. I. was taken account of, Ex. 38:21.— II. was deprived of, Isa. 38:10. Hiph. I. placed, appointed, with or h.—II. committed to some one, with m. Hoph. I. was punished, Jer. 6:6.—II. placed, appointed; part. officers. Hith. was examined, numbered. Hoth. pi. npgnn the same. •"HpS f.—I. providence, Job 10:12. —II. office.—III. government.— IV. class, I Chron. 23:11. — V. treasure, lsa. 15:7.—VI. punish- ment; fitopSn TV? prison. . m., deposit. TVnpS f., captain of the guard, Jer. 37!13. HpS m.—I. punishment, an allegori- cal name of Babylon, Jer. 50:21. —II. dominion, Eze. 23: 23. D'H-lpS m. pi., precepts of God. TpS m., officer, chief, superintendent. "IjJQD m.—I. arrangement, 2 Chron. 31:13.-11. census publicly ap- pointed, 2 Sa. 24:9. —III. "IjPDJSn one of the gates of Jeru- salem, Neh. 3:31. Hp3 (fut. ni?a*) opened the eyes or ears. Niph. was opened. npS) p.n., Pekah, king of Israel. njn^S p.n., Pekahiah, king of Israel. n;ps m., having the eyes opened, able to see. nip-n^S m., complete opening, open- ing of the prison, Isa. 61:1. HpS officer; seelpD. f. pi., the fox-grape, 2 Ki.4: D^jjS m. pi., architectural ornaments of a globular form, 1 Ki. 6:18; 7:24. 13,-13 m., young bull. rnQ f.—I. young cow, heifer.—II. mSH p.n., a town in the tribe TT" r ' of Benjamin. i03 same as PHS Hiph., propagate, THos. 13:15. *nS, iT}S com. (pi. DWS), wild ass. DfrOS p. n., a king of Canaan. HfcOS same as rhtfS; see rntfS. ill?, -in? m., suburb. *1*53 separated, spread (of wings). Niph. separated himself, with JD, hiPO. Pi. go aside, Hos. 4:14. Pu. part. Tlbp separate, Est. 3:8. Hiph. same as Kal. Hith. same as Niph. *1*13 m. (with suff. falS ; pi. a mule. f., she-mule. rms> f. pi., seeds scattered, corn sown, Joel 1:17. DT!3 m., 7rapadsiaoQ, enclosure, park, Neh. 2:8; Cant. 4:13; Ecc. 2:5. rnS heifer; see "IS; n"lQ same as fcOJ) wild ass. rns bore fruit, was fruitful (of trees, plants, men, animals, &c.); part, f. fruit tree. Hiph. rnsn (fut. apoc. *13*1) made fruit- ful. (HS m. (with pause with suff. sjps, Dns, bSns, Dnns). I. fruit of a tree; "HQ fruit tree.—II. produce of the ground; piK a fruitful land. — III. fruit of the womb, offspring.— (2: result of actions, reward or punish- ment. ma p. n. of a man. KT13 p.n. of a man. D^*15 p. n. of a country, same as DJpSD, which see. 11*13 suburb; see *')2'"l!3» t ; - * T ; - "VHB pot; see T"]3 (Arab, separated), see JpQ. HSS m., ruler, Hab. 3:14. jlPSl m., justice; with suff. Wp3, Jud. 5:7, 11. nipTa f. pi., unwalied towns, villages. m., one living in a village; Tpl. DTJ3; KetibDnh3- *p5> p. n., the Perizzite, a people of Canaan. m. Ch., iron; Heb. Vm- nis (fut. nisi).—i. budded.—II. shot up, flourished:—III. spread, extended itself. Hiph. caused to bud, bud- ded. rnS) m.(with suff. Dma; pi.D-nns). —I. young shoot.— II. bud. — III. the artificial representation of a bud. ITH3 p.n. of a man. nrna m., insolent, with insult, Job T 30:12. ITIDK m., pi. young of birds. trie abounded or sang; LXX.&7nicpo- rovvreg, Am. 6:5. m., omission, what is omitted, Lev. 19:10. pB fruit; see HIS). wild beast; see ^1? m., harshness, oppression. rip IS) f., the veil which separates the holy place from the holy of holies. 4 ) pa D13 (fut. tflS*) rent, torn (of gar- ments), Leviticus only. p.n., a son of Haman. p.n. of a man. DID broke, distributed, bread. Hiph. dividing the hoof; see Pip*]?)- D*l£) Ch., divide. D'lSS m., the osprey, Lev. 11:13; Deu. i4:12. np-12 f., a hoof; pi. const. niDlB, T>biS). D'lS) Persia; a Persian, Par see. I. uncovered the head.—II. placed •in a state of disorder, Ex. 32:25. III. was disregarded.— IV. left a road, Pro. 4:15. — V. exempted, Eze. 24:14.—VI. avenged, Jud. 5: 2. Niph. became lawless, Pro. 29: 18. Hiph. I. made idle, Ex. 5:4.— II. brought vengeance on, 2 Chron. 28:19. JH3 m., head of hair; pi. JHiSpS, nijTlS), vengeance, Deu. 32:42; Jud. 5 :2. pDjnS p.n., a town of Ephraim; a Pirathonite. njna title of all monarchs of Egypt (lit. B m., a step, 1 Sa.20:3. n^QD f., buttocks, 1 Chron. 19:4. opened, expanded, Pro. 13:3. Pi. the same, Eze. 16:25. spreading; see E^-13. WB. Pi. fore pieces, Lam. 3:11. "WB p.n. of a man. (fut. LDb^).—I. stripped off his dress.—11. spread, extended itself \ with !?J?. 3, ^ Pi. stripped an- other. Hiph. I. stripped another. II. skinned, with ^JJD. Hith. strip- ped himself\ 1 Sa. 18:4. . rebelled, rebelled against, with rinn? and 3--II. transgressed. Niph. transgressed against, Pro. 18; 19. y^Qm.(withsuff.^Q; pi. D^B). —I. rebellion. — II. transgression, sin. — III. injury (by loss), Ex. 22:8. 1£?3 Ch., interpreted, explained. Pa. the same. *1^3 m. Ch., interpretation. "l£/>a m. Heb., the same, Ecc. 8:1. m.—I. flax.—II. linen. nn'^Sl f., a lamp-wick of flax, Isa. T42 : 3; 43 : 17; (pLDWB) linen, Ex. 9:31. na, D*na, see nna; na, see n*i3» D^np; see^n^."T D'tfJlB suddenly; see JJri3» Jans m. Heb. and Ch., portion of food, mess. D2J-IS m. Ch.— I. decree. — II. royal letter.— III. epistle; Heb .decree, sentence. .6 ) nna nn3 was silly, Deu. 11:16, Job 31; 27. Niph. was persuaded, enticed. Pi. I. led to folly., persuaded, en- ticed.—II. deceived.—III. used fair words to. Pu. pass, of Pi. Hiph. (fut. apoc. declared foolish, idolatrous, with b, Gen. 9:27. p. n. of a man. ^13, with pause m. (pi. D^fl3, DWlB).—I. ignorant.—II. foolish. —III. 'folly, Pro. 1:22. VJB m. Ch., breadth. nVfJBf., folly, Pro. 9:13. -una, see -ina; rnna, see nna. nn? (fut. nna^J.— I. opened.—II. uttered, opened his mouth. — III. opened the ears, Isa. 50:5.—IV. cleft a rock, Ps. 105:41.— V. loosened, untied, Isa. 14:17.—VI. brought out for sale.—VII. drew a sword, Ps. 37:14. Niph. was opened, unloosed. Pi. I. opened, 8fc., as Kal.—II. carved, engraved. > Pu. engraven. Hith. loose thy. self, Isa. 52:2. nn3 Ch., opened. nna m.(with suff. inria; pi. DNina, ^nnB). — I. opening, gateway, entrance.—II. door ox gale; nnB2, nna, nnnan to the gate. nna m., opening, laying open, Ps. 119:130. rtmna f. pi., drawn swords, Ps. 55:22. mna m., engraving, carving. Jinna, const. )inna m., opening of the mouth. irnna p.n. of a'man. nnaD m., key.nna ( 2 , nriQD m., opening the lips, Pro. 8:6. m., «stomacher," Eng.Ver., Isa. 3:24, meaning uncertain. /H2. Niph. was twisted with, strug- gled together, Gen. 30:8. Hith. struggled against, Ps. 18:27; for 'pjFianfl the same, 2 Sa. 22:27. i?»ns m.—I. lace, thread, cord.—II. string for a signet-ring.—III. plate of gold.—IV. cloth for a cover, Nu. 19:15. Vn"?na m., perverse, Deu. 32:5. m., struggles, Gen. 30:8. p.n., a city of Egypt in the vicinity of Goshen, probably Da- mietta. jns m., an asp. jriDD m., threshold of a door, gate, fyc. m.—I. suddenness.—II. adv. sud- denly; the same. adv., suddenly, immediately; D&inStt the same; DKna ynsa, 'S jmsi? and 'S the same; '3 TI1B sudden fear. *102 (fut. IDSJ) interpreted, explained, Gen. chaps. 40 and 41 only. |nn5> m., interpretation, Gen. chaps. 40 and 41 only. p.n., the country of the pro- phet Balaam, probably Petra. Dnna p. n., some nation bordering upon Egypt; D^D'inB its inha- bitants. na same as jaghs- rir© broke to pieces, Lev. 2:6. na f. (with sufF. '•ria; pi. D^Pia), a piece, piece of bread. nina m., the same, Eze. 13:19. L7 ) a* X NX, with n parag. HKV Kal imp., from i"IX¥ excrement; see NIV- m. pi., trees in dry places, shady bushes, Job 40:21,22. (}W¥) com. — I. coll. sheep or goats.—11. a flock of sheep or goats. —III. a people (the flock of God). JJXV p. n., a city in the tribe of Judah; called also JJ¥. seeKS*. n^V kkl inf., from ay, ; see aa*. . assembled for war, fought.—II. assembled for a service, performed it. Hiph. marshalled an army. way m. (pi. ntaay, D'Kay ps. 103: 21).—I. an army.—II. any mul- titude; imx soldiers; ip KatfH commander in chief.—III warfare, military service.—IV. any appointed service or trial, awn the host of heaveny i.e.—1. the stars.—2. the angels; rriaay ^ n'w the Lord of Hosts, one of the titles of God; see also D^aV, JVlKa? in *2? under Ha¥. D^av, D?iaV p. n., one of the cities of the plain destroyed with Sodom. Ch., wished, was willing. •la? f. Ch., determination, resolution, Dan. 6:18. (Arab. hid, concealed!). 2¥ m.—I. a covered waggon; pi. D^aV-—II. o kind of lizard, Lev. 11:29.33* ( 2 Hlltf p. n. of a woman. naif same as part, mV I. T T T T waging war.—II. fewrs/, Nu. 5:27. Hiph. caused to burst, Nu. 5:22. rn^ m., f., swelling, Nu. 5:21. m-—beauty, ornament, honour. — II. aw antelope; pi. d^V, D*Kiy; f. D1K3V. .T1V antelope.. iTO^ p. n. of a woman. p. n. of a man. took up in his hand, Ru. 2:14. (Arab. dyed). V5V Ch. Pa. dyed, made wet. Hith. was dyed. m., a dyed dress, Jud. 5:30. ¥ m., hycena, Jer. 12:9 (Arab. hycena). p. n., a valley and town of Benjamin. jiyiy p. n., a son of Seir. f. (with suff. tyayK; pi. —I- a finger.—II. a toe. —III. the hand.—IV. a digit. Ch. the same. "Oy (fut. iay?).—i. heaped up.—II. laid up, treasured up. m. pi., heaps, 2 Ki. 10:8. J"D¥ (Arab. took in his hand). raV m., pi. DMliy handfuls, Ru. *2:16. *"T*T£ (Arab. turned the face away). m. (with suff. pl. d«j¥). —I. side, with H parag. PHy to the side; ^I-VD at the side; IV ^ the same.—II. adversary, Jud. 2:3. m- Ch. side; TVD at the side; against. L8 ) anx *ny P- n-» a town in the north of Palestine. d^V P- n-> a town of Naphtali. PHX laid wait for, Ex. 21:13. Niph. was destroyed, Zep. 3:6. fcm m. Ch. , perverseness, Dan. 3:14. rPHV f., lying in wait, Nu. 35: 20, 22. pIV (fut- P1¥?)«—I* was righteous, equitable.—II. acted justly.—III. was in the right.—IV. was acknow- ledged to be just, in the right. Niph. was purified, exculpated, Dan. 8:14. Pi. justified, cleared, himself or another. Hiph. — I. did justice.—II. gave judgment in favour of, acquitted.—III justified before God, Ex. 23:7. Hith. fut. pl. p^tpy^ cleared himself, Gen. 44:16. p*j¥ m. (with suff. i|TT¥).—I. truth. —II. fairness, equity.—III. a just cause.—IV. acquittal, justification. V. righteousness. njTiy f.—I. truth, equity.—II. a just cause or claim.— III. righteous- ness.—IV. favor, approbation. HP^y f. Ch., equity, righteousness.- p^y m.—I. righteous.—II. having a just cause.—III. innocent.—IV. true, Isa. 41:26. pnV p. n. of a man. •1 njpny, .TjriV p. n.—I. Zedekiah king of Judah.—II. also of other men. Eze. 16:52. Pi. inf., with suff. and f, termination, from p*T¥. UPlX. Hoph. part. of a gold colour, Ezr. 8:27. m., red. T ' (219 ) pis i. Snx 1. neighed.— 2. shouted for joy. Pi. shouted for joy or sorrow, with Vl p.—II. same as "1 PI T. Hiph. caused to shine, Ps. 104: 15. ' r6n?» f., neighing. in* same as "int. Hiph. made the fine oil called "IHV, Job 24:11. "in'V m.—I. a light, window, fyc.—II. noon, m.— I. fine olive oil.—II. p.n. of a man; patron. is, ix; see ni* m.t filthy, Zee. 3:3, 4. ilKto f., filth, dung. nXV f., excrement. T *• * -|N«, 7l¥, const. "IfcMV m. (pi. nnsMX, ns-iV; n'm-n) neck, shoulder, back; Ch. the same. D'Oil-IX m. pi., the neck, Cant. 4:9. fcOIX, nnix or 'X Dig p. n., a city and district of Syria. "TW hunted, pursued, watched for, men or animals. Pil, TTlX ensnare, beguile. Hith. (see TV) furnished with provisions, Jos. 9: 12. T¥> const. TX m.—I. hunting.—II. game, prey. — III. provisions (of any kind). rn*V, rn¥ f., provisions. m-> hunter, Jer. 16:16. pT'V p.n., Zidon, a city of Phenicia; *rPV m-» a Zidonian. nyp m. (pi. fortress, strong place. *71¥D m. "1 —I. prey,—II. net.—III. f. J fortress. TIXD m., hunter's net, Job 19:6. HTlXD, ?mp f.—I. prey.—II. net. —III. fortress. niS. Pi. H-IX (fut. HW; apoc. W, imp. HjlJ?; apoc. 1V).— I. com- manded, gave orders, with h—II. appointed.—III .caused, i.e. appointed a thing; ilVS ITJX he gave his last orders to his house, 2 Sa. 17 :23. Pu. PttX was com- r\ manded. IX, 1X m., precept, command. t'VX m.— I. sepulchral monument.— II. way mark, Jer. 31:21. njXD f. (pi. niXD) command, precept. shouted for joy, Isa. 42:11. nmV f., cry of sorrow. (Arab, lay hid); see i?W sank. f., the deep, Isa. 44:27. rfc-IXJ?, nVlSD f., depth (of the sea, &c.) fasted. D'lX m. (pi. fiiftiX) fasting. 2W (Arab, formed, designed). m. pi., 'X Tlbyp carvings, 2 Chron. 3:10. TglS, Tip*; see 1$*- fj-lX flowed, Lam. 3:54. Hiph. I. caused to flow. — II. caused to float. f)-1X m.— I. honey-comb. — II. tJ-IX, p.n., the son of Elka- nah. n&X f., overflowing, Eze. 32:6. naiav « willow, Eze. 17:5. pwVsee J»¥- I.13W same as pXJ pour, Job 28:2; 29:6.pis ( 220 ) n'S u. pW was in difficulty, Dan. 9:25. Hiph. L urged, constrained. —II. distressed. n|>1¥ f., distress. pWD m., restraint, difficulty, trouble. p-IXD m.— I. pillars, supports.— II. peaks projections of rocks, 1 Sa.l4:5. pV-ID with pause p^JD m.,constraint; see also in p¥^ Hp-Hp f., restraint, difficulty, trouble. "TlX I. formed, fashioned.—II. tied up money. — III. surrounded. — IV. overlaid.—V. acted hostilely.—VI. besieged, with bjj, m. (pi. bn5).—I. a rock. —II. a refuge (applied to God).— III. a stone, Isa. 8:14. — IV. a sharp stone used as a knife, Jos. 5:2,3.—V. edge of a sword, Ps. 89:44.— VI. form, figure, Ps. 49: 15.—VII. p. n. of a man. m.— I. a rock, Eze. 3:9. —II. a knife, Ex. 4:25. p. n., Tyre, the capital of Phenicia, Tvpog; a Tyrian. iTVl ¥ t, form, figure, Eze. 43:11. ^sn-iv p.n. of a man. (my rock is the Almighty), p. n. of a man. m.—I. figure, image, Isa. 45:16. —II. hinge, Pro. 26:14. — III. pangs of a woman in labour; see also in loc. m., rm f., narrow, small, close; see also in VI p.n., a town in the tribeof Naphtali. "11 m.—I. restraint.—II. siege.— III. mound of besiegers.—IV. mu- nition, citadel.— V. p. n., Egypt, same as 0)"V¥13, which see. rn-l¥p i., fortress, citadel, mound. DW-1V; see "IK-IS. T-» . r- T- ]"V|X. Hiph. JT'yn set on fire, Isa. 27: 4; same as ]!¥*• * - T nns root not used; Ch. thirsted. T T * Piny m., parched, Isa. 5:13. NnV p. n. of a man. rm was white, Lam. 4:7. nV m., nnv f.— I. hot, burning.— II. bright, white.—III. distinctly, plainly, Isa. 32:4. ITnV m.—I. dry, bare.—II. open, ex- posed, Neh. 4:7. wnv m., pi. C3^nn^ dry places, Neh. 4:7. nrpny f., a parched land, Ps. 68:7. ninVHV f. pi., dry places, Isa. 58: 11- (Arab, was hot). njnV f.» the heat of putrefaction, stench, Joel 2:20. pm laughed, with ^ Pi. pPI¥ I. made laughter, joked.—II. laughed at, insulted, with 21* pnV m., laughter, ridicule. pnV!» Pp^! P« n'» Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah; LXX. laaaic. m., whiteness, Eze. 27: 18. m., white, Jud. 10: 5. "lITi? p. n. of a man. P-n* a roan. njV/'TPjf. njs, frpy; see *«¥. -TV root not used; (Arab, drought). m. (see H*¥), a $hip; pi. E3^¥, ' D*?- HJV f.—I. drought, Job 24:19.-11. parched land, wilderness. O^V m. pi., inhabitants of the desert, men or beasts. JVV m., parched land. {•vy"; see ni¥- jVV f. {citadel), p. n., Zion, the well known hill on and around which Jerusalem was built. TV» IV P-n-» the desert between Ca- naan and the land of Edom. pipy fetters; see pi V- ijpy p. n., a town of Judah. (pret. ; fut.f^yj).—I. flowered. — II. flourished. Hiph. looked cheerfully, Cant. 2:9. m.—I. a flower; pi. —II. anything shining, plate of metal.— III. plumage, wings.—IV. p. n. of a place. nyy f., flower, Isa. 28:4. jryV f-—^ck of hair, Eze. 8:3.— —II.fringe, Nu. 15:38,39. 5^?, ^i?V P- n., a city of the Philistines in the land of Simeon. Kal not used; (Arab. went). Hith. TDyn prepared for a jour- ney, Jos. 9:4. *Vy m., person sent on a journey, mes- senger; see also in W, nW, bh*; see ^V. Ch. Pa .prayed. roasted, Isa. 44:16,19. m., roasted. r6x, nSv (fut. rhv).—I. crossed a river.—II. fell upon, descended; with bfi, 7$--III. advanced, flourished.—IV.was useful, fit, with b. Hiph. rvbyn i. made to pros- ( 221 ) per, with b—II. accomplished.— III. was prosperous. r6y Ch. Aph. rhm I. made pros- perous.—II. was prosperous. rrinby f. pi., dishes. r-l^n'^y f., a dish, 2 Ki. 2:20. nnW f., the same. I. sank in the water, Ex. 15: 10.—II.became shaded,Neh.13:19. Hiph. part. byp giving shade, Eze. 31:3. b-lby (^y) ma barley cake, Jud. 7:13. bby m. (with suff. i^y; pi. D^y. •»bby), a shadow. by m. (with suff. rlby).—I. a shadow. —II. dusk.—III. shelter, protection. "h P- n., Zillah, the wife of Lamech. nipby m., shadow of death, applied to any thick darkness. J7|pby p.n., a king of the Midianites. ^iSp^y (with art.), p. n. of a man. nWb f., shady place. n.% I. tingled (of the ears).—II. quivered (of the lips), Hab. 3:1G. , const, by W m.—I. a cymbal.— 11. a species of locust, Deu. 28:42. — III. tumult of an army or shadowing; see I. bbtf Isa. 18:1. —IV. harpoon, Job 40:31, D^yby, pi. const, \byby cymbals. nH't? f., pi. n'lWP-—I- cymbals.— TII .'bells. r6vp f., dual D^J^yp pair of cym- bals. root not used; (Arab, was dark). m.—I. a shadow, Ps. 39:7.—II. | an imagination, Ps. 73:20.-111.0$X (25 representation, picture, image.— IV. resemblance. D^, d!?V m. Ch., an image. {shady ?) p. n., a mountain of Ephraim. n., one of the stations in the wilderness. niD^'; see in I. part; f. H}/?* Rafting-, lame. m., limping, falling. f. (const. j£>X; with suff. I. o rift,—II. a ptoiA for wainscoting. —III. aside.—IV. side chamber; pi. 5 const, nij^y side planks, side chambers; D'JPV folding doors.— V. p. n., the town of Benjamin where Saul was buried. ■fry. p. n. of a man. *in^y p. n. of a man. ny^v'p. n., a place in Benjamin. Vy!?v, ; see II. fc*. p!?v p. n., one of'David's captains, p. n. of a man. fut. KttV? —I. thirsted.—II. earnestly desired. KID* m., n^PV U thirsty. m., thirst. T T » Jer. 2:25. m., thirsty land. 10X. Niph. was bound, t/o&ed (to idolatry). Pu. tied, fastened, 2 Sa. 20:8. Hiph. contrived, Ps. 50:19. Tip* m.—I. tied,fastened, Nu. 19:15. —II. a band, bracelet. ^ m. (with sufF.topV; pi. 12 ) npy).—I. a pair, yoke (of oxen, &c.).—II. the quantity of land ploughed in a day by a yoke of oxen. P-IE?; see pD¥. r\m (fut. npv?).—i. shot, grew up. —II. flourished.—III. sprang up, arose, began.—IV. produced. Pi. grew (of hair). Hiph. (fut. ITP¥!> npV!D caused to grow, pro- duced. TO* m. (with suff. PinpV).—I- shoot- ing.—II. a shoot.—III. plants.— IV. the Branch (a title of Christ). nirpV; see TO*. n m root not used; (Arab, tied); Ch. covered. a woman1 s veil. 0m-—no°se, snare.—II. de- struction. dry (of the breasts), Hos. 9:14. p**IE>¥ m., dry grapes; Ital. simmuki. *")jy£ m. (with suff. HD¥), wool. nip* f., foliage. HD V p. n., an unknown people, Gen. T10:18. D'HD* p. n., a town of Benjamin. rm silenced, destroyed, Lam. 3:53. Niph. was put to silence. Pi. and Hiph. put to silence, destroyed. Pilp. nnp* the same. niVP? f., perfect silence; finpy^, nn^p*b completely (withoutpower of redemption), Lev. 25:23, 30. Vj-innpV Ps. 88:17. Pil. pret. pi., with suff., from )?; see K3V, r\p; see }K*S.nas ( 2: H|V, D'|¥, see pV. "tiav m., watercourse, cataract. njx i. dismounted.—II. wen* down, TJud. 4:21. D5S part., f. pi. TVlDJ? " withered/' Eng. Ver.; Gen. 41:23 (meaning not very certain). D-JJV ra. pi., fence of thorns, thorns. m. pi., thorns. £—I* barb of hook, Am. 4:2.— II. see ny*. 15$ removed', Isa. 33:20. P- n., a city of the Kenites in Naphtali. p. n., Zoan, a city of Lower Egypt; possibly Tanis. DTO; seejtt*. (fut. p#V?) cried out for help, with hx, $ Pi. cried vehemently, 2 Ki. 2:12. Hiph. cause to be summoned, 1 Sa. 10:17. Niph. I. were called, summoned.— II. as- sembled themselves. njjVV const, npyj f., a cry for help. TS# was small, of little importance. "01$» p. n., one of the cities of the plain, formerly yyy m., f.—I. '''small.—11. young.—III. p. n. of a place, 2 Ki. 8:21. Ketib, same as TJJV, Jer. 14:3; 48:4. smallness, inferiority in age. VVP m-> Utile, small; TyVtib for a little time. fTVJJtfp f., of a small kind, Dan. V.9. "15* adhered, cleaved to, Lam. 4:8. i. n|« i. kept watch.—II. looked for, expected; nsi^ observer, watch- man.—III. watched, obserwd, with 2, —IV. plotted against, with*B¥: ( 2i h. Pi. H3y I. kept watch.—II. looked, expected, help. n^Siy f., watch-tower, Lam. 4:17. JVBtf f., watch-tower, Isa. 21:5. rm p. n., a town of Canaan, after- wards called nnnn. P- n-» a valley near Maresha in Judah. ngVP m-—I* watch-tower.—II. p. n., a town in Judah.—III. in Moab. —IV. in Gad.—V. in Benjamin.— VI. a valley in the north of Pales- tine. H3VP P-n*—I- a town in G lead, same as .—II. a town in Benjamin, same as HQ VP* ii. fiBV covered, overlaid with wood or metal, with 2, Pu. was overlaid. s. f.; see 5)1 V. 1B¥, P- n-» a son Eliphaz. *•10 ¥ m-» covering, coat. j"VpV» P* n« °f a man; patron. \jbv. ]iQV> see tQ*- nVsv, V; see ibv. HStt (Arab, made broad!). nB¥, p. n. of a man. nriSV f-, a dish, vessel. rPIVQV f., flat cake, cake. .J£B¥, nty^V; see JJB*. Tpy, nTBVs see "ID* JVsV; see HDV. i§>v I. hid, concealed. — II. excluded, Job 17:4.—III. laid up, treasured up.—IV. lay hid, lay in wait, with part. a secret, treasure, one hidden (of God). Niph. I. was 4 ) IB* hidden, with )p.—II. was laid up, destined for, with *?• Hiph. hid. com. (hidden, dark quarter).—I. the north. — II. the north wind; b jiSV, ^ flB'VP northward of any where; towards the north; nfizvh the same; ntfBtft? from the north; with b from the north of any where.—II. p. n., a town of Gad; see also pDV same as in II. i"!Q¥; see also in '21B¥ m-» northern, Joel 2:20. Q-IBV) m., treasure. nj3BV» (whom the Lord hath hidden), p. n.—I. Zephaniah, the prophet; LXX. So^oWag. — II. other men. }-15>¥P m-» hidden place, Obad. v. 6. ri3!p^ the Egyptian title of Jo- seph ; its meaning altogether un- known, Gen. 41:45. m., basilisk, Isa. 14:29. ♦jrtypV m. (pi. the same. m., pi. D^B¥ dung, Eze. 4:15. n^BV f., pi.' nty'BV, "issue," Eng. Ver., Isa. 22:24. Pil. *]¥!?¥ I. chirped (as a bird), Isa. 10:14, &c.—II. spoke in a low voice. HBVBV; see tj-IV. "is? hastened (fut. *I3¥!)» Jud. 7:3. m., goat, he-goat. *V£>¥ m. Ch., the same. nTBV f-—I. a crown, Isa. 28:5.—II. "morning," Eng. Ver., Eze. 7: 7, 10 ; sense uncertain. *TI5)¥ com. (pi. Dns>¥).—I. a bird.— II. specially, a sparrow.—III. p. n., the father of Balaam the prophet.nss ( 2 / ")SV com. Ch., a bird. nnav P- n-» *he w^e & Moses, 2T®¥ com., a frog. pbV m.—I. nail of the finger.—II. point of the graver. nav, nngv; see ns* f., capital of a pillar, 2 Chrcn. " 3:15. D^-VV; see^V- p¥ Kal imp., from same as ft* m., husk, 2 Ki. 4:42. nj?V Kal inf., from pV- 7$, "ft, see "Vl¥; TO, n¥, see Tl¥. Niph. was scorched, Eze. 21:3. nni"^ f.-r-I. burning, Pro. 16:27.— II. inflammation, Lev. 13:23, 28. mi? p. n., a town of Manasseh; T rrn.V, {FTO the same, n^s.Tf,:; see* VI* with pause m., mastich, the gum from the pistachia len- tiscus. "•"■jV P- n-»same as see PT*m, nnv p. nthe mother of t t • Joab. nbV same as V)V* rny shouted, Zep. 1:14. Hiph. the same, Isa. 42:13. JlHy m., a high tower. m.,need, necessity, 2 Chron. 2:15. 9 part. JJ-'m and Pu. part. jmp m., njnVP u struck with leprosy. p.n., the mother of Jeroboam. % T • p.n., a town of the Danites in Judah; *jm, a Zara- thite. >5 ) mv' nin^ f., coll. wasps, hornets. n^TO f. (with suff. .inyiV) the le- prosy. (fut. fpVD-—I. refined metals.— II.purified a person's character.— III. tried a person's character; part. refiner, goldsmith, silver- smith; purified, pure. Niph. shall be purified, Dan. 12:10. Pi. part. goldsmith, Mai. 3: 2,3. *£n'¥ (with art.), p. n. of a man. p.n., a town between Tyre* and Zidon; 2dp67rra, with H loc. nrisnv. t]"}VD m., crucible. "ilV i- tied or bound up.— II. acted hostilelyto.—III. was straitened; part. TTJ? an adversary; impers. I am distressed, grieved, concerned for some one, with Niph. 1VD (inf. distressed. Pu. part. "TlVp- with pause m,—I. difficulty, adversity, distress; f. ?TT£; ^ >^3 when I am in distress.—II. enemy, besieger.—III. rival; with art. with suff. pi. Dm — IV. rock; see "Atf. rm f., enemy, adversary; with H parag. *6 nrrroB when I am in trouble. viv> m- (pi. r-iWiv).— I- bundle.—II. a bag of money.— III. a small stone, a particle, grain. —IV. p. n. of a man. *1 VP m-> restraint, trouble. rrni; seetrrw. t t : f ni? p.n. of a man. 16im "in^n ITT$ p. n., a town of Reuben, Kp vomit; see Kip. DKjJ for DjJ Kal pret., from D-lp. DNt£ Ch. Pe. part., from D-1p. JlNp (with art. ; const. Htfp f.), a pelican or heron, not certain which. 33i? cursed; imp. with suff. and 3 epenth. with PI parag. m., a measure, the sixth part of "riKD, 2Ki.6:25. nap t, alcove, tent, Nu. 25:8, again iii the same verse ^ her alcove" (Lee), generally inter- preted of the person of the woman. mp, arop •, see npi to root not used; (Arab, stomach). Hip f., the stomach, Deut. 18:3. rDfj (pronounced kobah), Kal imp.with H parag., from Mp. ^31? . Pi. ^ii? i. accepted.—II. took. — III. undertook, Est. 9:23, 27. Hiph. taking hold of. ^3i? Ch. Pa., received, took. prep., before, the front, 2 Ki. ,T"!l°- , ?3P m. (with suff. V?3|3 or W3j>), opposing, Eze. 26:9. hli>, i?3j5 m. Ch., the front; bnifj? 1. in front of.—2. in consideration of; with ^ in consequence of; nr; all before that, i. e. for this reason, therefore; ^ because. ( 226 ) mp Kal imp. with suff. and 2 epenth., from 23p. wp forsook, neglected. JDIp m., a helmet. DJSp f., a drinking cup, Isa. 51: 17'; 22. I*collected, gathered together. Niph. were assembled, assembled them- selves. Pi. I. collected.—II. ac- quired. Pu. was gathered togethert Eze. 38:8. Hith. assembled them- nV2p f., collection, heap, Eze. 22:20. ^3p m., company, troop, Isa. 57:13. D)¥?P {two heaps), p. n., a town in Ephraim. p. n., a town of Judah. 15p (fut. 13|>) and Pi. -|3j? buried. Niph. and Pu. was buried. "Dp m-> burial place, sepulchre, 'withsuff.rap; pi.Drap,rap; nrap, n'rap. njffin hillp {the graves of lust); p. n., a place in the wilderness of Sinai, Nu. 11:34. n-vnp const. mjop, rnap f.—i. burial.—II. burial place. IT? bowed his head; fut. mj? CCLSSZQf Ip"]^ m. (with suflf. crown of the head. mip; see Bhp. nip I. struck, kindled a fire.—II. afire was kindled. nrnp f., a fever. ITnpS. m-> a precious stone, the car- buncle, Isa. ( 2 tnp. Pi. D?j3 I. preceded, came be- fore. — II. came upon, against.— III. hastened, was early, Ps. 119: 147. Hiph. I. anticipate, Job 41:3.—II. come upon any one of misfortune, Am. 9:10. DIP. m. {that which precedes).—I. adv., before, in place.—II. s., the east; D^lp JHJSI and D*lp the east, i. e. eastern country; HDHp to- wards the east; D*Tj?D from the east; with !? from the eastward of any place; DID those to the east of Palestine.—III. antiquity; ' CnpD from of old; adv. formerly; ''Enp the ancient ones of the earth. DHj? m.—-I. the east.—II. the east wind; eastward. Dnpnp m. pi., the ancients, Jud. 5:21. D*Jp, DlfJ. Ch.—I. before.—II. Dn j? from the presence, power of, by order of. nmp f.—I. former condition.—II. origin, Isa. 23:7. — III. const. nCHp before (in time), Ps. 129:6. HDlp f. Ch., former state or time; Tnri nrnp |p before. nDlp f., const. eastward of any place. riDHp p. n., a son of Ishmael. ntoT(i? p. n., a town of the Reuben- ites. VP1P m- Ch., first, former. ^fcOpnp p. n. of a man. jtonps m., njtonp f., eastern, Eze. 47:8. m.—I. eastern.—II. former, ancient; pi. D*3tolp ancestors; f. 17 ) V*tp nVib'lp former things.—III. p.n. of a man. *7jT!p crown of head; see Tip. I. was dark, black, darkened.— II. was gloomy, distressed; Tip darkening, mourning. Hiph. made dark, Eze. 31:15; 32:1,8. Hith. became dark, 1 Ki. 18:45. Tip {blackness), -p.n., Kedar, the son of Ishmael and his descendants; Tip *33 the sons of Kedar. pYTp p. n., Kedron, a brook which flows by Jerusalem. fVlVlp f., darkness, Isa. 50:3. adv., mournfully, Mai. 3:14. p (fut.£Hp;).—I. hallowed, consecrated.—II. rendered sacred, set apart from, Isa. 65:5. Niph. I. was made holy, Ex. 29^:43.—II. was reverenced, with 2. Pi. £JHp I. hallowed, set apart.—II. reve- renced, Deu. 32:51.—III. kept holy. —IV. rendered sacred by contact, Eze. 44: 19.—V. purified by rites. —VI. appointed a religious ser- vice.—VII. prepared, Mic. 3:5. Pu. was consecrated, Sfc. pass, of Pi. Hiph. I. hallowed.— II. re- verenced.—III. purified.—IV. pre- pared. Hith. L made himself to be reverenced.—II. was celebrated (a festival).—III. purified himself. —IV. kept himself pure. W\lpr, m.—I. holy, pure (of God, angels, and men).—II.sacred, set apart to God; pi. fc^P m. Ch., holy. KH'p, m)p m. (with suff. ^hpT; pi. or DWp, const, ^JJ). —I. holiness.—II, that which isimp consecrated to God, holy; t^7.P Holy of Holies (the place within the vail of the tabernacle and temple). KHiJ m. {one devoted to an idol).—I. Sodomite or, perhaps, priest of Baal-peor.—II. f. PlBHp a harlot. III. BHj5, 8J-13 p' n., a city of the wilderness, between Edom and Egypt. KHp p. n.—I. a town of Judah.—II. of Naphtali.—III. of Issachar, called also fWp. B^PP (KHpD) m.—I. sanctuary (the tabernacle or temple).— II. sacred thing, part, Nu. 18:29.—-III. asy- lum (place of safety). were set on edge (of teeth). Pi. nnp. became blunt (of an in- strument), Ecc. 10:10. nnj? p. n., Kohath, the son of Levi; patron. *nnp. Hiph. ^npn called together, summoned. Niph. assembled them- selves. m.—I. a meeting.—II. assem- blage, multitude.—III. 'pH the con- gregation of Israel. p. n., a station of Israel in the wilderness. n^np f., assembly. r&n'p m. (f., Ecc. 7:27), p. n. (preacher), applied to Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes; LXX. iKKXrjtnaarriQ. D^HpD m. pi., congregations, as- semblies. nftnpD f. pi.—I. the same.—II. p. n., a station in the wilderness. ( 228 ) ^1? 1|5, 0}p; see nip. Nip. I. vomited.—II. expelled with dis- gust. Hiph. fc^pH the same. Np m., a vomit, Pro. 26:11. frOp m., the same. p^l^p m., " shameful spewing," Eng. Ver.; Hab. 2 :16. JD1P; see yap. rnp hoped in, waited for; part. HJp. T Pi. rop (inf. np_, n-ip; fut. w, 1p*).—I. trusted in, expected, with . — II. watched for evil, plotted against. Niph. assembled themselves. IfJ, 1p ni.—I. a measuring line.-—II. a boundary line.—III. a limit, rule, direction, Ps. 19:5 ; with suff. Q-JB. iTlp m., 1 Ki. 7:23, Ketib for 1p. njpp m.—I. expectation, confidence, hope.—II. one confided in.—III. col- lection, assemblage. Hipp f., collection, repository, Isa. T22:ll. HJpfl f.—L hope, expectation.—II. a cord, thread.—III. p. n. of a man. nip; see npS. I. tO-)p (fut. tO-lp^), was wearied, loathed, scorned, with 3. Niph. were loathed. Hith. tOLDpnn same as Kal, with 21. II. tO^lp (Arab, was broken); fut. tDlpJ will be broken, Job 8:14. (Arab, he said). Sip m. (with suff. iVlp, ^p; pi. HIPP).—I. voice.—II. cry of ani- mals.—III. any sound; frtn*'^p the voice of the Lord, thunder."?1P ( 229 ) TP n^ip i . ..VP- n. of a man* m. Ch., voice, sound. Dip (fut. Dip;, DpJ, DpJI).—I. rose up.—II. arose from bed.—III. arose from an ambush.—IV. with arose against in anger (abs. ^pj? they that rise up against me). —V. stood up.—VI. began any- thing.—VII. came into being, ap- peared.—VIII. took place.-— IX. stood, stood firm.—X. was perma- nent (an office).—XI. was fixed (of the eyes). Pi. D*j? I. strength- ened, supported.—II. kept a reso- lution.—III. fixed a time. Pil. Dp'lp I. set up, restore.—II. set himself up, Mic. 2:8. Hiph. D^pH (fut. D*|Dp.J, DpJI).—I. caused to rise up.—II. raised up.—III. strengthened.—IV. set up, fixed.— V. raised up, appointed.—VI. made or confirmed a covenant, or other engagement.—VII. put in force. Hoph. Dp-IPl I. was set up.—II. was appointed.—III. was confirmed. Hith. DDiprin arose against ,mthh. D*1p Ch. I. arise.—II. stand up.—III. stand. Pa. D*p confirmed an en- gagement. Aph. (fut. D^p?, D^p.iT).—I. set up.-r-ll. es- tablished.III. appointed. — IV. confirmed. Hoph. D^pH was set up, Dan. 7:4. nDip f., height, stature. D^p an adversary, Job 22:20. HD^p f., the act of rising up, Lam. 3:63. DJp m. Ch., a decree, Dan. 6: 8, 16. m., HDJp f. Ch., enduring, stead- fast. nD£ f. (pi. standing corn, specially in the ear. j'lDp p. n., a town of Gilead. Wppp adv., at full height, erect, Lev. 26:13. CMP! m., all that lives, i.e. has been raised up, Gen. 7:4,23; Deu.ll:6. DipD com. (pi. niDipp).—I. place. — II. habitation, residence. — 111. room, space.—IV. place, country, neighbourhood; QlppS in the place where. TO-lpH f., power of resisting, Lev. T26:37. DpipFl m., an adversary, Ps. 139:21. J*)p. Pil. p/lp uttered a lamentation, lamented, with nypf.—i. lamentation; pi. D^p, niJ^p—II. p. n., a city of Judah. Dip or DM. Pil. Dpip cut off, Eze. 17:9, same as p¥p- J?1p m., prince, Eze. 23:23; etymon unknown. PjTp ape, 1 Ki. 10:22; 2 Chron. 9:21. go round, like f|p3; not used. HStopn f.— I. orbit of the sun, Ps. 19:7.—II. circle of the year. I. loathed, with 2 —II .feared, with 1 — I. Hiph. fpH besieged, Isa. 7:6—II. Hiph.— 1. awoke.— 2. arose from the dead, came to life.—3. was vigilant, active; JMp from pjj? pass the summer, Isa. 18:6. pp m.—I. a thorn bush; pi. D*¥P» *Vip—II. p. n. of a man. yjj? m. — I. summer. — II. summer fruits.w ( 2! nVmp f. pi., locks of hair, Cant. 5 :2. up dig a well. Pil. *lp")p I. dug down, Num. 24:17.— II. destroyed a people, Isa. 22:5. Hiph. "Ipn threw up water (a well), Jer. 6:7. *Vlp m., thread, Isa. 59:5, 6. rrVip; see nip. ^ipD I. spring.—II. origin.—III.wife. t£hp (fut. pi. I'l^pl) ensnared, Isa. 29:21. JS^p p.n, of a man. •W^-lp, p. n. of a man. Jlfc^p p. n., Kishon. — I.a river of Palestine.—II. a town in Issachar. ngfe com. (pi. rriwp, niwp).—i. a bow.—II. the rainbow. n^p m., an archer, Gen. 21:20. np, in pause with H parag. nnp Kal imp., from np^- n|5 for ni?5?, Eze. 17:5; with suff. for DnjJ^, Hos. 11:3. nnp, nnp Kalinf., from np^>- m.(withsuff.^pDjJ) cut- ting down, destruction. pOjJ same as t2*1p- ^5?j2 slew. ttDp Ch., slew. Pa. !?t3p the same. Ithpe. and Ithpa. was slain. m., slaughter, Gbad. v. 9. Jbp (fut. |t?P9 was small, of little importance. Hiph. made small, Am. 8:5. jbij, tpg m. (pi. D-3DP; f. H3Dp).~ I. small, in size, quantity or im- portance.— II. young.— III. s. the little finger; with suff. 'ODp or *?9g.—IV. jtjgn p.n. of a man. plucked off. Niph. was cut off, withered, Job 8:12. !0 ) VP Pi. *lt3p I. burnt vncense.—II. fumigated.—III. burnt fat; part, f. pi. nnt^pD altars of incense. Pu. part. f. rntSpp was perfumed, Cant. 3:6. Hiph. "VtppH I. burnt incense.—II. burnt sacrifice. Hoph. *)t?pn was burnt in sacrifice; part. "JtppD offering of incense, Mai. 1: 11." " iTJlLDp f., incense, Deu. 33:10. rn-1Dp p. n., Keturah, one of Abra-. ham's wives. •>, pi. rihtpp n'mq ^courts joined/' Eng. Ver.; «with ^Jiim- neys," marg.; covered (Ges.), Eze. 46:22. rnbp f., incense. I'lD^p m.—I. smoke.—II. vapour, Ps. 148:8. "iDpD m., incense, Ex. 30:1. rntppp f., a censer, (Syr. bound). nDp m. Ch., pi. Htpp.—I. joints, li- gatures.—II. difficulties. Jllipp p. n. of a place in Zebulun, called also fitSp* 60p; see Kip. !"Vp vomited-, imp. pi. 'Vp, Jer. 25: 27. m. Ch., summer, Dan. 2:35. li^p; see nop. D>p, DJp, DJp, fflD*p; see Dip. K>to»p sameT as G^Bp; see &>»p. root not used; (Arab, cane, a spear). )*p m.—I. a spear made of cane, 2 Sa. 21:16.—II. p. n., Cain, the son of Adam.—III. p.n., the Kenites, a3-p tribe of Canaan.—IV. )JpH a town of Judah. ^P» *??.. ^p Kenites, one of the tribes inhabiting Canaan. iWj?; see J-ip. }2*p p. n. of a man. y\\> summer, fyc,; see pp- fl^p, ntfV'p; see )>Vp. PW m., the shrub palma Christi, ricinus comm., Kitei. see fctfp. Tp,T? com. (pi. flVVj?).—I. a wall. —-II. side of the altar.—III. sides %f the heart, Jer. 4:19. — IV. city, Isa. 15:1; 16:7.—V. lljib Tp, bnn yp, nfcnn yp P. n.f a city of Moab. —VI. p. n., a part of Assyria. DT'p, Dip p. n. of a man. E»j?, flt^'p; see mp. Dnn^p m. Ch., KiOaptc, a harp. bp, i^P; see ^p. hp Ch., ?p voice; see ?ip- ,n^ I. roasted. — II. burnt alive, Jer. 29:22. Niph. part. burning disease, Ps. 38:8. m., corn roasted in the ear. II. n7jP same as Niph. was despised; part, despised, mean. Hiph. despised, Deu. 27:16. jftj? m.—I.worthlessness — II.shame. —III. contempt.—IV. pudenda. ryhm 2 f., a caldron. D/j5 (Arab, deformity); part. tD-lipjJ dwarfish<. D^pp asylum, place of refuge. Tlf?p, nDvp p.n. of a Levite. ( 23i > j£p b^pr (fut. -1^1) .—I. was dimi- nished, became shallow. —II. was swift.—III. was worthless, un- worthy. Niph. ^pi, ^p3 (fut. •l^pl).—I. was thought a small, easy thing; impers. jD ^pj it is a small thing that; 'nVpV-Sj; lightly, easily.—II. was despised. —III. lowered himself, 2 Sa. 6 :22. — IV. became easy, Pro. 14:6. Pi. ^P revile, wished ill to, with f Pil. I. shook arrow in divination, Eze. 21:26 (like the Arab, removed, shook). Hiph. ^pri I. slighted.—II. lightened, removed a load, with jp, hy_*0. Hithpal. was shaken, Jer. 4:24. bp. m. (pi. tr|?P; f. n)p).—I. swift. —II. swiftly.—III. swift-footed. ^p p. n. of a man. m., polished, shining. rthB, const, n^p f.—I reviling.— —II. a curse.—III. object of re- viling. bpbp m., worthless food, Nu. 21:5. . Pi. and Hith. mocked, scorned. m., scorn, contempt. !"i$E f., the same, Eze. 22:4. h> I. cut out, carved.—II. slung, Jud. 20:16.—III. expelled, Jer. 10: 18; j/?p a slinger. Pi. slung a stone. yhp m. (with suff. ty^p; pi. D^?p), —I. a sling.—II. a curtain, from its tremulous motion. y^>p m., pi. D^p slingers, 2 Ki. 3:25. nj&p» f., carving, sculpture, 1 Ki. only.p>p ( 2232 ) see^p. j?P m., 'p three pronged pitch- fork, 1 Sa. 13:21. bx-IDp p.n. of a man. }to|7, see C-1P; E'iSi?, see E>Dp. n£j? m., flour. tODp (Arab, bound with a rope), bound as a captive, Job 16:8. Pu. was seized and carried off, Job 22:16. withered. grasped, took up in the hand. J*Dp m. (with suff. i^pp).—I. the handt fist. — II. abundance.— III. pi* D^Dp handfuls. wpp root not used. BTOp, fc^top, pi. omftp m., net- tles. IP, 12. Q'li?; see pp. Pi. K3p I. was jealous for, with 5? (ZrjXovv).—II. emulated, with 2; envied, with 2, b—III. was jealous of \ with Hiph. fcOJpH made jealous, angry. K3p m., jealous (of God against idols only). fc03p m., the same. H^5P f-—I. jealousy.—II. envy.—III. anger.—IV. zeal. nip (fut. apoc. 15^1). — I. make. — II. acquire, appropriate to one- self. Niph. was acquired, pur- chased, Jer. 32:15, 43. Hiph. I. appropriated as a slave, Zee. 13: 5.—II. provoked to jealousy, Eze. 8:3. &Op Ch., acquired, procured, Ezr. 7: T 17. DDp fijp p. n., a town of Manasseh, }^p m., possession, wealth. njpD m. (with suff. -Vnjpp; pi. D^pD) possession, wealth of land, flocks, cattle; 'D possession of cattle; 'D JHJK land full of cattle. Hipp i., acquirement, purchase, pos- session. •IITOpp p. n. of a man. nj5p m. (const. ilJJp; with suff. njj? ; pi. D"0j2 r03£).— I. reed, cane.— II. sweet cane. — III. measuring reed of six cubits.—IV. beam of the balance.—V. stalk of wheat.— VI. branch of candlestick.—VII. arm-bone above the elbow, Job 31: 22.—VIII. a staff to lean upon. ni£5 p. n.— I. a place on the borders of Ephraim and Manasseh.—II. a town in Asher. Ki3p same as K3p; see X3p. T3p p. n.—I. of a man- *-T3p patron. —II. of a people of Canaan. ^p same as pa?p, const. ~JE>3p m., cinnamon. Up. Pi. )3p built a nest. Pu. part. *]33!pD(O)«0flW built (of a nest). ]p, const. "Jp m. (with suff. *|p; pi. a nest.—II. a dwelling, —III. a family.—IV. cells, cham- bers. *S3p for «fp, Job 18:2; see fp in • rsp- «*>j? divine with arrows, 8fc.; part- ID Dp diviner. DDp m. — I. dibination, enchant- ment.—II. the reward of divina- tion.>DDp ( 233 ) GppD m., divination, Eze. 12:24; T13:7. DD£; see D-1 p. DDp;. see n*G5>p. np^p p.n., a city of Judah. m., mark, impression, Lev. 19: 28. root not used; (Arab, being deep). rnsjp f. (const. nngR; Pi. n'nyp, nVlgp; with suff.' Whjjp) deep saucer, dish. congealed (of waters).— II. hardened (of men), Zep. 1:12. Hiph. condense, Job 10:10. flK&P m., congealing, denseness, Zee. 14:6. Hfip (Arab, finished his work). Pi. finished, cut short, Isa. 38:12. *!!pp, with n parag. m., de- struction, Eze. 7:25. Hbp m., a hedge-hog; (Arab, the ? same). (Arab, springing serpent), T*1Dp m., one of the springing snakes, Isa. 34:15. .re? shut up, close, constrict (the hand, &c.)—Niph. are shut up, Job 24:24. Pi. leaping, Cant. 2:8. end; see pfp. rraj? I* cut wood, 2 Ki. 6:6.—II. shear * sheep, Cant. 4:2. m., clefts of the mountains.—II. * form, character, Jon. 2:7. flip1 . cut off, destroy.—II. cut down. * pi. cutting off, down, 2 Ki. 10:32; Pro. 26:6. Hiph. cut, scraped, off; inf. nivpn- m. (const. nVp; with suff. -in^; pi. D^p, ^p) end, extremity, li- mit; HVpp men from all parts; Dn?; nxpp at the end of three days. n^p m., the same. nVfJ fM extremity, border, limit; nV|5p from the extreme parts; pi. nW|j, with dyn the extremi- ties of the people, i. e. any of them, f. Ch., end. 1¥p m., pi. const. extremities, borders. nil^p f. pi., the same. nVpf.—l. end, limit; WW nVpD at the end of ten days.— II. Ch. a part. p^p m-— I- judge.— II. governor.— III. prince. nypD f., part, limit. n^(? m., black pepper, Isa. 28:25,27. harvest; see ")¥p- Wp. Hiph. scrapes off, Lev. 14:41. Pu. part. an(^ Hoph.part. TYiy^pripsmaM courts, Eze. 46-.22. ny¥P f«» tcavaria.—I. cassia, Ps. 45:9. —II. p. n., a daughter of Job, Ke- ziah. ¥pp m., corner, angle; pi. D^i¥pp, riiy^PP- n^VpD f., "planes," Eng. Ver., Isa. *44:13. was angry, wroth, enraged, with Hiph. made angry, with m- Hithp. became wroth, Isa. 8:21. P]Vp Ch., was angry, P]¥P. m.— I. a broken branch, stick,w ( 2> Hos. 10 i 7.— II. anger, wrath of God, with suff. t)Vi? m« Ch., anger. nBVj? f., fracture, wasting, Joel 1:7. VXD cut off. Pi. yvp, yvp cut off. Pu. part. D^PP, Jud. 1:7. f ¥p Ch. Pa. cut oj. YP m. (with suff. V*|?; pi. D^p, *•$?). —I. end, limit.—II. end, cessation. —Ill .end, ruin; fipD from the end (of the earth), at the end (of a time); the same; YP. r$, YP *rjto, ofejn YP. the time °f the end, i.e. of our Lord's first and second advent. j'l^p m., f., the last, Exodus only. I. (^ut- cut down, reap; part, reaper. Hiph. reaped, Job. 24:6. ^Vl? I- crop.— II. harvest.— III. branches. ii. "rap (fut. -ivro .—1. short, defi- cient, unable for.—2. with PI1)") or unable to bear up, discouraged. Pi. *V¥p made short, Ps. 102:24. Hiph. made short, Ps. 89:46. -1^ m., short, cut off; iVR. rVH 'p angry. "l¥p m., with fj-n impatience, Ex. '6:9. DnjJ, ip; see Tip. "Ip same as I. K"}p (inf. Kip, TV) Nip with suff. imp. fcOp; fut. K^J.—■ 1. cried, called, shouted.—2. called to or for, with —3. called after, with 'HnSl.—4. call upon in prayer'—5. celebrate.—6. call ■4 ) 3Tp by name, name, with h.—7. call together, assemble, invite, with ^.—8 . called into question, litigation.—9. appointed to an of- fice.—10. called forth soldiers, Isa. 13:3.— 11. proclaim, publisht preach.—12. read from a book, read aloud. Niph. &Hp3 1. called for, summoned.—2. called together, assembled, with 3 or in the name of some one.—3. named, with by_ '3 the name of some one is upon thee, with ^ PljrP the name of the Lord is named upon thee, Deu. 28:10. Pu. fcOp called, named, with h. Kip Ch., read, recited, proclaimed. Ithp. was called, Dan. 5:12. fcOp m.—I. partridge.—II. p. n. of a man. &0"}p m., called, sent, Numbers only. HS'Hp f., cry, proclamation, Jon. 3:2- &OpD m.—I. act of assembly.—II. convocation.—III. reading, recit- ing, Neh. 8:8. n. same as rnj? I. approached, met hostilely.—2.met.—3. happened; inf. ntop?, nsop to meet, meet- ing with; with suff. over, against thee; over, against you. Niph. 1. met, hap- pened to meet, with hVi-—2. hap- pened; fut. fcOjPj; inf. K1p3. Hiph. cause to happen to, Jer. 32:23. JfcOp for njfcnp Kal imp. pi. f., Ex. ' *2:20, from I. Kip fll&Tlj? Kal inf., with 1 quiescent, Jud, 8*: 1, from I. *Op ; (fut. a-®!; inf. :np, imp. lip).—I .approached)a-ip ( 2; drew near, with —II. attacked, with hy_, —HI. keep by thyself \ with Isa. 65:5. Niph. should, ought to draw near. Pi. HHp made, caused to draw near. Hiph. I. made approach.— II. pre- sented.—III. removed, with 3, |D. 2Hp Ch., came to. Pa. offered. Aph. brought to, offered. I'lfJ m., approaching, drawing near. unjj m., rn'np f., near, at hand, with h (of time, place, things, , *lj?>3), met, happened, with p. Niph. met with persons only, with h})_ met accidentally, dropped in with. Pi. i*np# framed together, made to join. Hiph. I. made, caused to meet with him, Gen. 27:20.—II. & rnpn made con- venient for him, Nu. 35:11. nnpT m, rM-rnj? accidental pollu- tion during sleep, Deu. 23:11. 5 ) mp rnip f.-i. a beam.—II. a roof, Gen. T19:8. ^p in pause "Hp m., meeting, op- ' posing; DJ? *")(? or 'IP? he opposed, resisted. njlP U a town or city, combined in the names of many cities.—I. fillp in the tribe of Benjamin.—II. in the tribe of Judah, afterwards Hebron.—III. 'P same as Dnjr 'p.—iv. ni*n 'p in Moab.—V;SDTJP 'p, 'p in Judah.—VI. njD*'p, npD 'p in Judah, called also TOT— VII. DW"]p Reuben.—2. inNaph- tali, called also )FHp.—VIII. ni*"]p in Moab. nnp/^np Gh. rnp f.—I. a city.—II. a pulpit, Job 29:7. nrnp p. n., a town of Zebulun. mpD m.—I. accident.-—II. event, result. rnpD m., building, edifice,Ecc.10:18. Klpr and Hiph. DHpn shaved, made bald. Niph. and Hoph. have made themselves, become, bald. nnp P-n. of a man. mg m., bald (on the crown of the head). rnp m.—I. cold.—II. frost, ice.—III. crystal, Eze. 1:22. rnp m.—I. frost, ice, Ps. 147:17.— II. p. n., Korah, a son of Esau.— III. a son of Eliphaz.—IV. the Levite who conspired against Moses, patron. ^rnfX—V. applied to other men. nmp, tfn-ij? f., baldness. nrnp t, thread bare (of cloth), Lev. c. 13 only.hp ( 236 ) Hi?, nnp, nnp, rfnp; see nip. Nn^, nxnp; 'see Kip. DIP overlaid, cased, with hy_\ fut. bl|TEze.37:6, 8. (dual. Djr®, D^np; Pi. riwnp, nb")0.—I. the horn of an ani- mal.—II. used as a vessel for oil. —III. used as a trumpet, Jos. 6:5. —IV. Lsa. 5:1, "a very fruitful hill," Eng. Ver.; " a horn, the son of oil;" marg. perhaps Mount Ta- bor.—V. metaphorically, power, strength, in men or states.—VI. probably the name of a weapon, 2 Sa. 22:3.—VII. the ornaments at each corner of the altar.—VIII. rays of light, Hab. 3:4. •pj5 com. Ch., horn. HR v. denom., emitted rays,shone (the face of Moses), Exodus c. 34 only. Hiph. produced horns, Ps. 69:32. DIP became bent, bowed down, lsa. 46:2. D*]p m., hook, link, loop. Dip same as DTp- n^D-ip m. dual, ankles. snp tore, rent (as a garment, &c.); once, of the eyes, Jer. 4 :30, «thou rendest thine eyes with stibium," i. e. givest them an enlarged ap- pearance as if they were torn open; this is the effect of it. Niph. was torn, rent. D^lp m. pi., rendings, pieces, rags. TV closed, pressed together (the lips or eyes, denoting fraud or cun- ning). Pu. was cut, hewn out, Job 33:6. }Hp m., destruction, Jer. 46:20/ yip m. Ch., rending. wv. m.—I. basis, foundation of the Tabernacle.— II. p. n„ a town of Judah. *)p"]p p. n. of a place. ""Hp (Arab, was cold, quiet). or m., cold water; pi. cool, quiet, Pro. 17:27. "Ip m., cold (season), Gen. 8:22. mp f., cold, chilliness. mTi?.p f., coolness, refreshing, Jud. 3: T20. (Arab, he cut). £Hp m.—I. plank or board.—II. bench of a ship, Eze. 27:6. rng, nrnp, ]rn:p; see mp. n^j? (Arab, wicker basket). nibp, nilbp f. pi., small vessel, pat- tent phial, or the like. npp f., inkhorn carried in the girdle, *Eze. 9:2, 3, 11. fc>pbp m., pi. D^pbp_—I. scales of a fish.— II. scale armour, 1 Sa. 17:5. nbpbp f., the same. (Arab, pair of scales). riD-bp f., a piece of silver, weighed out to pass for a given value as money. £>p; see mp- DnjjMPp; see T\Vp> (fut. D^py attend, listen, lsa. 32:3. Hiph. attended to, regarded, with ^5, ?JJ, h, 3- 2^5 m., attention, hearkening. l&p, f. nn^p attentive, Neh. 1 : 6, Tll.( 2; !Wp, f. pi. rVQSf p attentive. I. was ZiartZ, grievous.—II. was difficult, Deu. 1:17. Niph. part. subject to difficulty, Isa. 8: 21. Pi. hardened (fut. apoc. fc^pFIl)- Hiph. n^ipn (fut. apoc. — I. hardened.— II. made grievous, difficult. — III. made refractory, Pro. 28:14; Job 9:4. m., f.—I. obdurate, unyield- ing, cruel. — II. with fpV stiff- necked, obstinate.—III. with D'OE) impudent, Eze. 2:4. — IV. hard, grievous (of servitude).—V. with mi overwhelmed, depressed, I Sa. 1:15. *£>p m., obstinacy, Deu. 9:27. JWp p.n., a place in Issachar; KHP the same. D'Wfc^p m. pi., cucumbers, Nu. 11:5. n^pp m,, wreathed work. n^pp f.— I. wreathed work. — II. place, garden, of cucumbers, Isa. 1:8. rwp. Hiph—I. made obdurate, Isa. 63:17.—II. treated hardly, Job 39: 16. m., religious truth. ttiCTp m. Ch., truth. (fut. X>p!). — I. tied, bound; part. bound, firmII. con- spired against. Niph. bound, made firm, sure, Neh. 3:38; metaph., 1 Sa. 18:1. Pi. I. bind on (as or- naments), Isa. 49:18. — II. secure to thyself, Job 38:31. Pu. part, f. n\~W\>n compact, Gen. 30:41. Hith. conspired, 17 ) *"lt?p m. (with suff. i^p) conspiracy, treason. D^.^p m. pi., bandages, belts. collect, assemble together, Zep. 2:1. Po. ti^p collect, gather. Hithpo. assemble yourselves, Zep. 2:1. £>p m.—I. stubble.—II. chaff. ngfc n^p; see mp. D"inp same as DUVp- . I HJO (inf. abs. n'SO, const. T niao, n'{<1; imp. nsi; fut. nKT; apoc. KITO).— I. saw, viewed, observed, with — II. looked outf provided, chose, cared for, with 2, — HJ. visited (a sick person, &c.).— IV. saw the sun, lived, Ecc. 7:11.—V. perceived, found, felt, with 2.— VI. discern, discriminate (as a soothsayer). Niph, (inf. ni&on, ruriri; imp.Tn&on; fut. nfcO!; apoc. &n&0).—I. was seen, apparent, appearing, with '\33T1S--II. was pror vided. Pu. -IfcO were seen, Job 33:21. Hiph. Hfcnn, rifcOn (fut. fcpil).— I. showed.— II. see, experience, evil, with 3. Hoph. Pltf-in--I. was seen.— II. was t : T shown. Hith. P"lX"inn looked at each other. n&n, Deu. 14:13, an incorrect read- T T ing for HNH, a vulture or kite. nsri m., seer, prophet. miO, Eze. 28:17, Kal inf.,from HNT With, rVfcO seeingj viewing, Ecc. 5: 10.fcn (2 p-l&O (behold a son!), p.n., Reuben, Jacob's eldest son; patron. a Reubenite. m., mirror, Job 37:18. with pause m.—I. vision, re- velation.—II. appearance, sight.— —III. monstrosity, Nah. 3:6. rPfcO p.n. of a man. T T : *1*71 m. Ch., aspect, appearance. fig"© m.— I. vision, appearance.— II. view, sight. nfcOJD f.— I. vision (seen by a seer). —II. mirror, Ex. 38:8. Dsn was raised, elevated, Zee. 14: 10. DBH, CSO, Dn m. (pi. D^*n, DW) buffalo, wild ox; LXX. unicorn, flOVOK SpU)Q- TliD&O f. pi.— I. things high, sub- lime, Pro. 24:7.—II. most precious. —III.p.n.: (a) a town of Issachar; (b) of Gilead. np**n p. n. of a wonjan. njj nbarj p.n., same as 333 nton. ^;T see W1- tith m. (pi. \K*n; with suff. DHWJ," WiO).—I. ted o/ wan or —II. chief, leader.— III. metropolis, chief city.—IV. top of a mountain, fyc.—V. first, chief, principal of any thing; nnp^ chief joy. — VI. capital, amount, mm (of numbers, money, &c.).—VII. source, commencement (of a river).— VIII. an unknown poisonous plant, poison. Phrases : appointed a chief; from the beginning; D^KHn the first month (of the year) j 52W ►8 ) 33Y HIS head stone of the corner; H - a cross way, Eze. 16:25; ni^-in the head of the streets ; sources of rivers, Gen. 2:10. VfcQ m.Ch. (pi. I. head.—II. chapter, summary, Dan. 7:1. nmi f., HP&nPI pK head stone, T ' T T I V V ■ Zee. 4:7. nmi f., beginning, Eze. 36:11. riltPgn, pi. const. Wfcn the part about the head (of Saul), I Sa. 26: 12. |im~) (for jte>n m. — I. first, former, foremost (in time, place, dignity, &c.); pi. D^S"1 ancestors; from the be- ginning; f. nj&W) the same.— II. adv. formerly; njBWO in- front; iiy&^K'"Q3 as formerly, Isa. 1:26; formerly; pi. former things, •W&0, f. first, Jer. 25:1. n^fcO, fWl f.—I. first, former, in state or time.—II. firstfruits, first- born.—III. first of way, beginning. f. pi., places or things where the head is. nteWIP f- pi., the same; with suff. 1WK1P at his head. n^fcOD, p. n.: (a) a fortress of Judah, Mapura ; (b) of a man. efch, ann m., poison; see BPNI. p. n., a northern nation: pro- bably the Pu>s of the Byzantine authors ; now Russia. 2*) same as 3**1. - 35^ (pret. 21, inf. 21).—I. became many, numerous. Pu. see PDlin.X> ( 21 2n m. (in pause 2"), pi. ; f. pi. n'12-T).—I. much, many. — II. abundant, enough. — III. great, vast, in extent, station, dignity, &c. HID (metropolis) p. n. — I. the chief city of Ammon.—II. a city of Judah. 21 m. Ch. (pi. — !• S^ea*, large.—II. s., greatf men, nobles. 21, li"l, m21 m. (with sufF. CD 21"]) multitude, abundance. abun- * T dantly. man f., fen thousand, myriad; pi. nibl"), myriads. Pu. denom. part. niaSHD increased to myriads, Ps. 144:13. ian, sian f., the same; dual Djni^n myriads; pi. filKSn, J")ISO*"], niS") myriads. ia-! Ch., the same; pl-JHT (1331). m. pi., showers. rum p. n., a city of Issachar. m. Ch., a prince. npBai p. n., Rabshakeh, leader of the Assyrians. II. s/io£, as arrows, &c. Pret. pi. •m 15"! spread, strewed, made up, Pro. 7:16; (Arab, /ied, bound). m., collar, neck-chain; (Arab, the same.) Q*^jjnD m. pi., coverlets. rQ"1 (fat. naT, apoc. 3"V, 3T).— I. became many, multiplied. — II. grew. — III. was great, powerful. Pi. HSn made much, Ps. 44:13. Hiph.n'snn (fut. nrv; apoc. it ; imp. rnV; inf. abs.'nS'in, nni.B; 19 ) W const. ]Tl2nn).—I. multiplied, in- creased.—II. extended, made large. — III. made great. Inf. H^nri, sometimes filSin adv. much, very much ; nanr6 plentifully. HI") Ch., grew great, Dan. 4:8, 19. Pa. became great, Dan. 2:48. riai ten, tt\2I, D^ri, T Blj see 221. D-lin, -11") f. Ch., greatness. na"]X m-» a species of locust, so called from the multitudes of them. n3HD m., greatness, abundance. niinp f., much, too much, Eze.23:32. N2112, f. — I. abundance. — It. in- crease, interest.—III. offspring. n-ISniTl f., progeny, Nu. 32:14. TVinfl f., usury. 1^21 I see nm. 1WTI; see W. (Arab, mixed). Hoph. part. HDSnD mixed, saturated. pin.,' Riblah, a city to the north of Palestine. mi lying with (carnally). Hiph. cause to lie with. ])21 m*» down, with suff. Ps. 139:3; see also below. II. from JQ"1, yan«; part. JN3-} four-sided; pi. Pu. part. JDTO m., WZIft 'u made four- sided. ]}21 I. fourth part of anything, side of anything square.—II. p.n., a king of Midian. V21 m., fourth part. ^21 m., the fourth, fty?21 f., fourth part; D^T) \J2l children of the fourth generation.w ( 24 ^51 m. Ch., fourth. m* pU posterity in the fourth degree. yrw f., njjaiK, ngant* m. — i. /owr; with suff. they four; dual fourfold; pi. forty.—il. p. n. of a giant. yrix f., HJEHK m. Ch., the same. HI (fut. — I- tie down (of beasts, &c.)—II. lie upon the con- science, soul, of sin, Gen. 4:7, See. Hiph. I. cause to lie down.—II. set (of precious stones), Isa. 54:11. YJ?. m.—I. crib, lying place of cattle. —II. resting place (for man), Pro. 24:15. m., a resting place, for cattle or wild beasts, Zep. 2: 15. P2"]D m., the same, Eze. 25: 5. plT") (Arab, tied up to fatten.) p. n., Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, 'Pfj&KKa. P2HD m., stall for feeding cattle. PTSI jnnnn, ngBan; see i. nm. 23t m., pi. d'ori, ,a:n.—i. ms of earth, Job 38:38.—II. stones set up as monuments, Job 21:33. (imper.fri, nm, pi. -Itn ; fut. TSH'J).—-I. shook, trembled.—II. be- came disturbed, agitated. Hiph. I. move.—II. agitate, disturb, with Hith. thy commotion, excite- ment, with . Ch. Aph., provoked, excited to anger. T5*i m. — I. vexation, trouble. — II. neighing, Job 39:24. — III. fury, 0 ) 1*1 anger, Hab. 3:2. — IV. roar of thunder, Job 37:2. T5") m. Ch., anger, Dan. 3:13. T31 m., trembling, Deu. 28:65. nt3"J f., perturbation, Eze. 12:18. iriK m., " coffer," Eng. Ver., I Sa. 6:8, 11, 15 ; (Arab, a panier, on one side of a camel's pack saddle: also, the sack of stones hung on the other side when but one panier is used.) go about speaking evil, backbite, Ps. 15:3. Pi. I. goes about ca- lumniating, with 3, 2 Sa. 19:28. — II. explore as a spy; part. D^inp spies, Gen. 42:9. Tiphel was near (at foot, i. e., at hand), Hos. 11:3. com. (dual D^n, the foot; ' 'B hpz at the feet of any one ; on account of any one. (For many other idiomatic usages see Fiirst's Concordance.) pi. strokes of the feet, times, repetitions. ^3") com. Ch., foot. to m., foot soldier; pi. in- fantry, Jer. 12:5. ^ri p.n.—I. see —II. pi. D^j'T a place in Gilead. ni^ip f. pi., at the feet, anything at the feet. □J*! stone to death, with 3, nD}"} f., stone of defence, Ps. 68:28. HDinp f., heap of stones, Pro. 26:8. ^51 P-n. of a man. DJH p.n. of a man, and Niph. murmuring; with 2 m i. hastens to decay (the skin), I Job 7:5.—II. calms (the sea), Job 26:12. Niph. rested,• Jer. 47:6. Hiph. I. rested, found rest. — II. give, restore to, make to, rest. yip m., quiet, peaceable, Ps. 35:20. m., instant, moment of time; advy a mo~ merit, suddenly; D^JT? moment after moment, incessantly. J/iilT? m., res£, gwie*, Jer. 6:16. nyno f., the same, Isa. 28:12. are tumultuous, in uproar, Ps. , 2:1. Ch., the same. Aph. assembled tumultuously. £>31 m., tumult, multitude shouting, Ps. 55:15. * f., the same, Ps. 64:3. 1"}, Isa. 45:1, Kal inf., from 11"); Jud. 19:11, for TV. T1 Kal imp., from IT* •m brings down, subdues, Ps. 144:2; Isa. 45:1. Hiph. lays down on, 1 Ki. 6:32. ^Tl p.n. of a man. T"p m., loose mantle, veil, Cant. 5: * 7; Isa. 3:23. (fut. apoc. TV; pi. -I IT).— I. subdue, rule, govern, with 3; of fire, Lam. 1:13. — II. took down, Jud. 14:9. Hiph. cause to rule, * govern; fut. apoc. IT, Isa. 41:2. HTl I. in pause HIT Kal imp. with H parag.—II. Gen. 46:3, inf. with H parag., from IT- 43*7*1. Niph. D113 be insensible, as in deep sleep, fast asleep. TO11F) f., deep sleep, stupor, trance. m Dll Kal part, with suff., from 111. DOT! p.n., 1 Chron. 1:7, an un- known people to the west of Ca- naan. ■m I .followed after.-rll. pursued as an enemy, with ^inK, b, bx- Pi. followed, pursued. Hiph. chased, Jud. 20 : 43. Niph. and Pu. I. was pursued. — II. succeeded, Ecc. 3: 15. S]lip m. (Hoph. part.) pursued, chased, Isa. 14:6. IVJI Kal inf., from IT- nrn i . deal with as fearing, Pro. 6: 3.—II. insult, with 2- Hiph. em- bolden, Cant. 6:5. nni m.—I. insolence, Job 9:13; 26: 12. — II. a prophetic name for Egypt. nm m., insolent, Ps. 40:5. T #T 7 UHl m., pride, insolence, Ps. 90:10. njiV) p. n. of a man. nni, .innri; see fit. tonn (Syr. stream; Arab, strap, thong, household goods). torn m., pi. 0*13.11.— I. watering trough. — II. thongs, Cant. 7:6; " like a king bound in thongs" (Lee). t^Hl m., pi. D*t?\T} furniture, fur- nishing (of a house), (parvojfjLara, Cant. 1:17. 11 aspect; see HKl- 3-1") strife; see I'H* nn same as HI many, see 221* -in walked with (God), Hos. 12:1. Hiph. I. wander (mentally), Ps. 55:3.—II. wander, be a nomade people, Gen. 27:40. 17 ( 241 )Tn ( % *inD m., one persecuted, Lam. 3:19; DH-lip persecuted ones, Lam. 1:7. nyn was satiated (with anything), T with |P- Pi. nf] I. was satiated, filled. — II. fill,* delight, satisfy. Hiph. nnn satiate, Jill. np m., nn f.—I. soaked, satiated.— II. drunken, Deu. 29:18. n m., irrigation, Job 37:11. HJV} f., abundance, plenty of water. TT m. Ch., a secret. nn, nn, Hiph. nnn I. smell (sweet odour).—II. was satisfied, appeased. —III.was inspired with, with3, Isa. 11:3.—IV. feel the fire, Jud. 16:9. —V. perceive, Job 39:25. nn com. (pi. ninn, ninn).—i. air, breeze, cool breeze.— II. breath.— III. spirit, soul of man.—IV. mind, spirit, disposition. — V. spirit of God.—VI. the wind.—Vll. anger, wrath.— VIII. vanity, folly (used idiomatically in many ways; see Concordance). nn com. Ch.—I. the wind.—II. spirit, mind. nrn f., winnowing fan, Isa. 30:24. nn m., odour, smell; Ch. the same. PIT") (fut. nVV) there was relief, with " T(? 1 Sa.l6:23; Job32:20. Pu.part. sjiacious, ample, Jer.22:14. nn m.— I. space, distance.—II. de- liverance, quiet. nnn, nnn f., the same. DT\ (fut. on;, chj, d^!).- high, lofty. — II. raised himself, was raised.—III. was high in rank or power. — IV. was lifted up, % haughty (fut. DnjJ); part. D") m., ) on nm f. — I. high.—II. loud, Deu. J 27:14.— III. high in rank — IV. haughty; pi. the heights of heaven.—V. p.n. of a man.. Pil. Dp'n I. lifted up, raised.—II. made to grow. — III. brought up (chil- v dren).—IV. exalted with praise.— V. raised a building. Pul. Dp'n was lifted up, raised, high. Hiph. Dnn I. lifted up.—II. took up.— III. took out for an offering.—IV. offered.—V. removed.—VI. set up. Hoph. Dl-in I. was offered. —II. was removed. Hithpal. raised, exalted himself, Dan. 11:36. N an Ch., was lifted up, Dan. 5:20. Pil. exalting with praise, Dan. 4: 34. Aph. exalting in power, Dan. 5:19. Ithpal. exaltest thyself Dan. 5:23. nnn f.—I. high place for idolatry, Eze. c. 16.—II. p.n., Ramah : (a) a town of Benjamin; (b) a town of Ephraim, called also (c) a town of Naphtali; (d)'nS)VPD W) a town in Gi- lead, called also niDiO Ramoth Gilead; (e) snb same as ''n^; ^9*3 « Ramathite. n-1DT f., pile, heap of dead bodies, Eze. 32:5. D-n m. — I. height, Pro. 25:3.-— II. haughtiness. D-n m. Ch., height. Dh m., n)0h f.—I. height, Hab. 3 : 10.— II. on high, haughtily, Mic. 2:3. njpn p.n. of a place. ; DO'n m., extolling praise; pi. const. /ntopn, Ps. 149:6.on ( 2 rweoVi f., exaltation, majesty, with suff. *|n»tf"Wsa. 33:3. nTjpnpp'l p. n. of a man. HDI p. n., a town of Issachar. DilD m.—I. high, on high, height.— II. a high place.—III. haughtiness; adv. haughtily. D'np p. n., a lake in the north of Canaan, ^afioxiovtrig. nftnfi f.—I. contribution, gift.— II. offering to God. — III. sacrificial gift, heave-offering. f., offering, Eze. 48:12. tn (Arab, conquer). Hithpa. part. JJIinp overcome (of wine), Ps. 78: 65. (pret. JH; inf. JTl) was evil, with displeased. Niph. (fut. jfVV).—I. got worse, Pro. 13:20.— II. suffer evil, injury, Pro. 11:15. Hiph. 5HB, jnn I. did evil. — II. did evil to, afflicted; part. JHD, jnjp evil doer, with b, ?V_, DJj/i. Hith. SHnflH suffered injury, Pro. 18:24. JH in pause JTJ m., Hjn f.—I. wicked. II. fatal, deadly.—III. calamitous. IV. sad.—V. ill-favoured.—VI. s.: (a) wickedness; (b) harm, injury, calamity. JH, jjn m.—I. badness, evil condition. —IL sadness of countenance, Ecc. 7:3. II. shout, call together, J)jri, Isa. 8: 9. Hiph. gn?J (pi. ^JTV?)-— I- shouted.—II. sounded a trumpet. Pil. fut. yjTl* there shall be shouting, Isa. 16:10. Hithpal. shouted. 3 ) nn y*t m., shouting, crying out; see also f.—I. shout of joy.—11. shout of battle.—III. sound of a trumpet. p-i i. ran, ran to, after. — II. rushed upon, with —III. ran into for a refuge, with ?.—IV. hastened. —V. did a thing readily, Hab. 2: 2. Part. pi. runners, cou- riers. Pil. ftfn ran swiftly, Nah. 2:5. Hiph. I. caused to run.—II. brought quickly.—III. stretched out his hands quickly, Ps. 68:32. m., a race, Ecc. 9:11. n^-np f.—I. mode of running.—II. course of life. See also I>n; see pn. nn spat, Lev. 15:3. "in m.—I. spittle, 1 Sa. 21:14.—II. whey, Job 6:6. trn;see^*n. mi was poor, in want, Ps. 34:11; part. £h, poor, a poor man. Hith. Winn feigned himself poor, Pro. 13:7. ^n, £>n, m., poverty. nn p. n. of a woman, Ruth. nn diminished, brought low, Zep. 2: 11. Niph. was wasted away, Isa. 17:4. nn m.—I. lean (of cattle), Eze. 34: 20.—II. barren (of land), Nu. 13: 20. \n m., destruction; ^ woe is me! Jin m., wasting, destruction. See also in nn root not used; (Arab, cried out). nnp m., lamentation, Jer. 16:5. nrip cry of merriment, Am. 6:7.DP ( 244 ) on laid hold on, Job 15:12. |]H (Arab, weighty); part. D'OH chiefs, princes. Jit") m., prince; see also HP. |1p p.n., Rezon, king of Damascus. was widened, enlarged, opened. Niph. part, enlarged, extended, Isa. 30:23. Hiph. ZTITin I. made broad.—II. with extended his desires, enlarged itself.—III. open- ed the heart, mouth, fyc.—IV. with h, liberated, made room for, gave way. I. irn m., Hirn f., broad, large, ex- tensive, capacious; with broad on both hands, very broad; with of unlimited desires. II. irn p. n., Rahab, the woman of Jericho. DTI m., plenty, Job 36:16; 38:18. nrh m.(with suff.n|ini).—i . breadth, width. — II. extent, expanse, Job 37:10. — III. with J? extent of understanding, 1 K. 5:9. nrn, nirn f. (pi. n'nrn).—i. broad, open place in a town, square, street, market-place. II. ]V3 and ini p. n., a town in the north of the tribe of Asher; a Syrian city near it was called Hill") and nh"} Dnx.—III. rito'rn p.n"; (a) the name of a well; (b) "Vy H a town in Assyria; (c) H a town on the Euphrates. •injllV} p.n. of a man. DjniV) p. n., Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, king of Judah. LXX. 'Po/3oa/*. 3IT1D m.—I. wide places.—11. pros- perity, considered as freedom. p)T]l, ,Wn; see pm. D^PTI Ketib for D^TTI; see tDiTX • • T * * T* p:n-? m. dual, pair of millstones. f.—• I. a ewe.— II. any sheep. — III. p. n., Rachel, the wife of Jacob; LXX. 'Pax^X. Dm or am loved, Ps. 18:2. Pi. • T •• T ' DH1 loved, pitied, had mercy on, with accus. Pu. Drn obtain- ed mercy. Dm, nonn m., the aquiline vulture; vultur percnopterus (Linn.), Lev. 11:18; Deu. 14:17. D-irn m., merciful (of God only). D-IIT] p. n. of a man. * DiT), Dn"} m. (f. Jer. 20:17).—I. the womb.—II. a girl; dual DJJiprn. —III. Drn p. n. of a man. DWn m. pi.—I. the viscera.-r—II. pity, mercy. pprn m. pi. Ch., mercy. ^prn m., f. pi. ntopnn tender, mer- ciful, Lam. 4:10. shook, trembled, Jer. 23:9. Pi. fjrn fluttered, hovered, Deu. 32: 11; part. nsrnp hovering, brood- ing (of the Spirit of God), Gen. 1:2. JTH (; imp. frn, pnvni; inf. ym, H jfn*J) washed himself or another; washed away. Pu. was washed. Hith. washed himself, Job 9:30. * ^rn m., washing, Ps. 60:10. n^rn f., washing-place for sheej), Cant. 4:2; 6:6.I'm ( % Ch. Ith. depend on, trust to, Dan. 3:28. prn (fut. piTT.; inf.Hjjrn) I .was dis- tant.—II. kept at a distance, with- drew himself. Pi. pIT) placed at a distance, forsook. Hiph. I. caused to be distant.—II. went to a distance; inf. pn")H adv., afar off. pTJ m., one who forsakes, Ps. 73:27. pirn m., njTirn f. — I. a distance, interval.—II. distant.—III. out of reach. — IV. difficult, Pro. 31:10 (i.e., brought from afar, precious); p'lrna afar off; pi PHD from, at a distance (of time or space); pir™1? at a distance (time or space); pinVlJJ to a distance. pmn m. Ch., distant, Ezr. 6:6. pn-|JD m. (pi. D^jpn-lD), distance, dis- tant part. prntD m., the same; pi. D^jplTlD. threw up, bubbled up (as a spring), Ps. 45:2. Poi for boiling. nni; see n-n. *(fut. ItD*}?) was wet (with rain), Job 24: 8. m., moist, fresh, Job. 8:16. (Arab, the same). np"), -Upni; see onj. *t2t2T\ root not used; Ch. trembled; - T Syr. the same. m., trembling, Jer. 49:24. grew fresh, moist, Job 33:25. pi. smote, killed. Pu. T " • were killed. n; see fin • 9 T T V .5 ) pn (pret. nn, ran, nun, inf.abs. inf. const, and imp. in; fut. —I .disputed, quarrelled with, with DJ?, FIX, a.—II. defended, with ^>.—III. opposed, with ^3?.—IV. decided a cause favourably. Hith. part. inp opposed, contended with. an, an m. (pi. nun, rrtanj.—i. controversy, suit. — II. quarrel, strife. \3n p. n. of a man. IT m., an adversary, Hos. 5:13; 10:6. inj m.—I. the same.—II. p.n. of a man. ■Qni p.n. of a man. bj>3T, n.f3T p. n., titles of Gideon. nnnp f.—I. strife, contention. — II. p.n., a spring in the desert of Sinai. nn, nnn, nn; see n-n. Dn same as DfcO. y_n, gnn, see an; an, see njn. man f. pi., grain. npn p. n., one of Japhet's sons, and his descendants. PH. Hiph. pnn — I. emptied. — II. made empty, poured out.—III. drew a sword, made ready for war, Gen. 14:14. Hoph. pi2!!! was poured out. pn m.—I. empty.—II. an empty, vain thing.— vain.—IV. adv. pn, pn1? in vain. pn, p"7i f.—I. empty. — II. hungry, poor. — III. unimportant, Deu. 32:47. — IV. worthless in character. Djjn adv. — I. emptily. — II. emptyhanded.—III. without cause, without effect. nn ran; see "Vn. poverty; see Job 8:8; same as T±, i'l; see pi. 23*1 (fut. 23")*; inf. 231).—l.rode on a horsey ass, or camel.—Il.metaph. of God on the clouds or wind, with b)l, 3, accus.; part. 2D") a horse- man. Hiph. I. caused to ride.—II. carried in a chariot.—III. placed upon. — IV. caused to be ridden, Hos. 10:11. 331 m» -(f- Nah. 2:5). — I. riding, a rider. —II. the upper millstone (that which rides).—III. a chariot, chariots. 331 p. n. — I. Rechab, the father of Jonadab, from whom the Recha- bites (D'OIJl) were descended.— II. used also of other men. 3!l31 m., vehicle, chariot, Ps. 104:3. 231 m.—I. horseman.—II. charioteer. 231D m.—I. any carriage to ride in, Lev. 15:9.—II. chariots, 1 K. 5:6. n23ip f. (with sutf. inapnp; Pi. TnVi|nD, nnriD), a chariot. rQ3*]P f., the same. H31 p. n. of a place unknown. fc*l31 wealth; see E>31. slander; see was timid, gentle. Niph. was timid; fut. T]l\ Pu. was softened, Isa. 1:6. Hiph. 'Spin rendered timid, Job 23:16. *jjl m., 7131 f. — I. tender, young__ II. object of care.—III. effeminate. — IV. weak, timid, gentle.— V. ( 246 ) -IV. tender-eyed, i.e. having sore eyes, Gen. 29:17. f., effeminacy, Deu. 28: 56. /ij'n went to and fro, travelled as a merchant; part. ^>31, f. fi.l?31 a merchant, dealer. ?31 p. n., a town of Judah. ^31 m.—I. a busy body.— II. slan- der; he went about tale bearing. rta-i f., merchandise (Ezekiel only). f., merchandise, Eze. 27:24. D5"J tied, fastened. Ex. 28:28; 39: 21. D31 m., \P?1 combinations, ar- tifices, Ps. 31:2i. D31 m., pi. O^DSl rugged places, Isa. 40:4. VT\ acquired, gained (Genesis only). £^131, fe?31 m., property, wealth. £*31 m., swift species of horse. Dl, HE")* see D*V); Dl same as DK1* I. threw.—II. shot with a bow. Pi. HEn deceived, lit. threw down. TO1, KD1 Ch.—-I. threw.—II. im- posed tribute, lthpe. were thrown, placed. rai, pE>i; see Dm JiiDi, rviibi; see D-n. HJD1 f.—I. deceit.—II. negligence. njETl p.n. of a man. •1D1D f.—I. deceit, artifice.—II. p.n. of a man. nJDlfl f., deceit, craft, Jud. 9:31. n*Vi$ (n-ID-iri) f., the same. m. (pi. C3*nDl ; with suff. BO^pi) a spear. ''pi, pi*. DVTin same as t^pi^n the Syrians.101 ( 247 ) W1- f., a mare, Est. 8:10. •in^ET] p. n., Remaliah, the father of Pekah, king of Israel. (pret. pi, -ISI, lETI) was high, lofty; part. f. HDpn high. Niph. (imp. pi. -IDin; fat. pi. -lftT) was raised, Eze. 10:15, 17, 19. HEO f., a worm, worms. {ID") m.—I. a pomegranate fruit or tree.—II. an artificial imitation of the fruit.—III. p. n.: (a) a city of Simeon; (b) a city near Gibeah ; (c) an idol of the Syrians; (d) tiEn a town of Zebulun; (e) flSH one of the stations ' of the Israelites. DDI i. trampled on, trod on. — II. walked in; part. DDI an oppressor, Isa. 16:4. Niph. was trodden down, Isa. 28:3. DD1P m., that which is trampled under foot. i. move (as a quadruped).—II. creep (as a reptile). m. collec.—I. reptiles.—II. small land animals.— III. sea creatures, perhaps seals, Ps. 104:25. riDl; see D-ll- rang, rattled, Job 39:23. (fut. f*V).—I. sung.—11. shouted.— III. invited.— IV. called for help. Pi. t.3"l I. sung,rejoiced, with 3, —II. sung of, celebrated, with *?, Pu. fut. [3*11 there shall be singing, Isa. 16:10* Hiph. I. caused to sing. — II. rejoiced. Hith. see in }}*l. m., pi. D'OJ") ostriches, Job 39:13. njjn f., singing, rejoicing. p m., pi. 0^*1 songs, Ps. 32:7. nn f.— I. singing, shout of joy. -—II. a shout or cry of any kind.—III. a cry for help.—IV. p. n. of a man. JCH m.—I. bridle, halter.—II. p. n. a city of Assyria. DDT sprinkled, Eze. 46:14. HEn p.n., one of the stations in the wilderness. D*p>p1 m. pi. — I. sprinkling, drop, Cant. 5:2.—II. fractures, Am. 6: 11. n, jn, v\ see yri; jn, see m n^-l. m (fut. 3)£T).—I. was hungry.—II, hungered for, was famished.—III. suffered from famine, with h. Hiph. 12allowed, caused to suffer hunger. 3}H m., niyi f., hungry, famishing. m.—I. hunger.—II. famine. const. fUjn m., the same. ■jjn (fut. trembled, Ps. 104:32. Hiph. the same. njn m., 1 f r trembling, awe. nsn (fut. apoc. jnj).— I. fed. — II. consumed. — III. devastated. — IV. fed on, delighted in. — V. associated with.—VI. fed cattle.— VII. governed! a people. — VIII. nourished. — IX. for injured, oppressed; part. HIT") a shepherd. Pi. rijn became a companion, Jud. 14:20. Hiph. pres. aff. Q}T£ ruled thefn, Ps. 78:72. Hith. nirjnn was intimate with, became a companion, with Jltf. m. (pi. with suff.njn ( 248 ) for •irpjn)—I. a friend, neighbour, companion, lover; one-" the other.— II. thought, will, Ps. 139:2,17; see also JPH. HJH f., pi. nfemale friend, com- panion. nin f., evil, $c.; see JH in nyi breaking; see JJJFV rTlJT) f.— I. friend, neighbour.—II. with nn feeding on the wind. •D-lin f. Ch., wish, will. •1JH p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. m., pasture, 1 Ki. 5:3. m., a shepherd. p.n. of a man. ITjn f., female companion, friend. m., desire, pursuit. JVy*] m. Ch., desire, purpose, thought. jnb m. (with suff. ; pi. desire, purpose, thought. fijnp m., pasture. JVJTO f.—I.pasturing, feeding cattle. —II. a flock. SjT"). Hoph. were thrown (of javelins), Nah. 2:4. Wi m.—I. trembling, giddiness, Zee. ~ 12:2.-II. pi. veils, Isa.3:19. I p. n. of a man. f-» trembling, staggering. DJP (fut. E^T.)-—I .resounded, roared (of the sea).—II. was excited,Eze. 27:35. Hiph. I. thundered. —II. caused anger, vexation. DJH m. — I. thunder. — II. tumult, rage, Job 39:25. • TOSH f.—1. rage, Job 39:19.-11. p. n. of a city of Cush. Dppyi, DDBjn (born of the sun), p. n.—-I. the district which forms the eastern boundary of Egypt, called also Goshen. — II. a city built there by the Israelites. JJH. pii. )3jn was green. m.—I. green, flourishing.—II. prosperous. — III. surrounded with foliage, Cant. 1:16.—IV. anointed, Ps. 92:11. )35D m* Ch., green, flourishing. yjn (fut- JTC; inf. njp).— I. broke, broke to pieces.—II. crushed. Niph. fut. JJiT and Hiph. jn.H; see in ^•1"). Hith. yjrnnn was broken to pieces, ruined. VT\ Ch. (fut. f. jm), broke. Pa. the same. njr) f., breaking; HJTl a broken tooth. and Hiph. Ppjnn flowed, let drop. pn crushed, overpowered, oppressed. (fut. was shaken, trembled. Niph. quaked (of the earth), Jer. 50:46. Hiph. I. shook.—II. filled with eagerness (of a horse), Job 39:20. m.—I. shaking.—II. an earth- quake.—III. rumbling of wheels.— IV. rattling of a horse's hoofs, Job 39:24. —V. any tumult, Job- 41: 21.—VI. the rattling of a spear. XJS*} (imp. KST}, PISH; fut. NS'V; pi. T f. nrsnn).L healed. — II. re- stored to prosperity, delivered from calamity. — III. healed, i. e., re- moved transgressions; part. KSH a physician. Niph. (pret. f. ; inf. Kenn, nann; fut.Ksn ( 249 ) ron pi. -1 EHJ).—I. was repaired (a vessel). — II. was healed (a person or wound).—III. was rendered whole- some (water), Eze. c. 47.—IV. was restored to prosperity, Isa. 53:5. Pi. K3"] (fut. pi. -1ST). —I. re- paired, 1 ICi. 18:30.—II. healed.— III. caused to be cured, Ex. 21:19. —IV. made wholesome, 2 Ki. 2:21. Hith. get himself cured. p. n. of a man. (TBI p. n. of a man. T T ; p. n., the name of a people inhabiting the country on the east of the Dead Sea, supposed to have been giants; called also nsnn. pDg the valley of the Rephaims, close to mount Moriah. n-IKSn f., health, Pro. 3:8. niKD"] f. pi., bandages, remedies. K-IQl p.n. of a man. KSnb, nSHD m.—I. remedy. — II. healing.—III. soundness. See also in nan. nDVin f., healing, Eze. 47:12. *15*1 supported himself, Job 41:22; fut. Pi. I. constructed a couch, Job 17:13. — II. refreshed, Cant. 2:5. HTST) f., a throne; Vulg. reclina- torium, Cant. 3:10. p.n., Rephidim, a station in the wilderness. PISH (fut. nan?, ^I).—I. hung down (the hands).—II. declined (the day). *—III. sank down (fuel in the fire), Isa.5:24.—IV. gaveway{to anger), Jud. 8:3 ; with |D. — V. became weakt Jer. 49:24*—VI. desisted. Niph. part. became, were idle, Ex. 5:8, 17,'&c. Pi. HQ"} I. allowed to hang down, Eze. 1:24, 25. — II. weakened (part. KSnt?). Hiph. nS"}H (imp.apoc. SpH; fut. apoc. 5]^) I. ceased from, with )D.—11. withheld.—III. gave w/?.— IV. let go.—V. ceased. Hith. re- laxed himself, was slothful. nsn m. (pi. f. nis^), weak. nQI p. n.; see in KS"). . t t > JVEH m., weakness, Jer. 47:3. m., yielding, Ecc. 10:4; see also in tfSH. PISH p. n. of a man. Din, ban trampled down. Niph. part. disturbed by trampling. Hith. DSnnn submitted, humbled himself. D£n Ch., the same. water made muddy by tram- pling, Eze. 34:19. nnb?n, floats, rafts, 2 Ch. 2: 15.' •in Po. fgVl trembled. Hith. trembled, Cant. 8:5. bSll; see D£fl. - T ^§>1 m., mud, Isa. 57:20. DTisn m. pi., stalls for oxen, Hab. 3:17. see H*1' see fH. Eze. 1:14; same as p"l he ran. "TC-I. Pi. he laid wait for, Ps. 68:17. rttl (fut. nv-|j, fVIl).—I. approved of, took pleasure in, with 2.—II. received favourably.—III. loved.— IV. fulfilled.—V. associated with,W ( 21 with DJJ.—VI. was received fa- vourably; (part. accepted). Niph. PIT}} l.was received favour- ably.—II. was fulfilled, Isa. 40:2. Pi. satisfied by restitution, Job 20: 10. Hiph. fulfilled, Lev. 26:34. Hith. made himself acceptable, 1 Sa. 29:4. m. — I. approbation, favour acceptable, well- pleasing).—II. object of approba- tion.—III. will, pleasure, choice.— IV.uncontrolled will,violence, Gen. 49:6.—V. enjoyment. n^n (fut. nVT) struck fatally, killed; with or without ; part, n)p homicide. Niph. was killed. Pi. killed habitually, was a murderer by profession. Pu. be killed, Ps. 62:4.-inv;n for -invifl, -in-™ nvi m- — crushirts> ?s-42:11- — 11. slaughter, Eze. 21:27. p. n. of a man. P-n-» Rez™* kinS of Syria. m pierced, bored, Ex. 21:6. yVIP m-> an awl' covered, overlaid, Cant. 3:10. P)V7! m.—I. burning coals, 1 Ki. 19:6. —II. p. n., a city of some country subdued by the Assyrians. nSVl f-—I- burning coal, Isa. 6:6. — II. an inlaid pavement. — III. p. n., Rizpah, the concubine of Saul. f-» the pavement on which the brasen sea stood, 2 Ki. 16:17. (fut. — I. bruised, broke, crushed.—ii. oppressed.—111. became broken, burst.—IV. relaxed 0 ) cp->' himself, Isa. 42:3. Niph. fnj was bruised. Pi. bruised, — II. oppressed. Po. fV'H the same; see also in Hiph. bruised ; fut. pflV Hithpo. struggled together, Gen. 25:22. fn m. (pi. const. ^1), small piece of silver, Ps. 68:31. HVnp f., oppression, Jer. 22:17; see also in pn, p"I, see pp*V pi; see p"H. 2p"l (fut. 3|TV ) became gotten, de- cayed. 2pi m , decay, rottenness. m., the same, Job 41:19. leaped, danced. Pi. the same. Hiph. made to leap, Ps. 29:6. Hgl, |ip1; see ppn- np"l (fut. ripT) compounded, pre- pared, Ex. 30:33; part. U\p a com- pounder of drugs and aromatics. Pu. part. D^npID compound, oint- ment, 2 Chron. 16:14. Hiph. threw in spices, Eze. 24:10. njTI m., perfuming, the preparing of perfumes, Cant. 8:2. ngh m., ointment, Ex. 30:25, 35. npl m., apothecary, perfumer; f. pi. ' Trfnjn. D^T) m. pi., perfumes, Isa. 57:9. njJID m., pi. onjruo perfumes, Cant. 5:13. f.—I. a pot of ointment, Job 41:23.-11. spices eaten as condi- ments, Eze. 24:10. nnjVrt? f., perfumery. see yp"); p^pl, see ppl- streaked; part. embroid-Dpi ( 251 ) Dm erer. Pu. wrought with art {met. of Christ's mystical body), Ps. 139:15. riDpl f.—I. embroidery.—II. variety • of colours, Eze. 17:3; dualDJHDpl embroidered on both sides, Jud. 5: 30. Dpi p. n.—I. a town of Benjamin.— II. of a man. stretched out (of God in crea- tion).— II. stamped on, 2 Sa. 22: 43. — III. stamped with the feet, Eze. 6:11. Pi. I. beat into thin plates. — IL covered with a thin plate of gold, Isa. 40:19. Pu. part. overlaid, Jer. 10:9. Hiph. stretched out, Job 37:18. JPJ51 m.—I. the expanse of heaven, atmosphere, sky, Vulg. firmamen- tum.—II. a canopy (Ezekiel only). D^jpl m. pi., plates of metal, Nu. 17:3. PPT same as plj spit, with 3; fut. pi>, Lev. 15:87 p^pl m., a thin cake. pi m. (with suff. *jpl) spittle. pi m., nj?l f. (Arab, was thin) thin, lean, Gen. c. 41. pi adv.— I. only.—II. certainly, i. e. this only.— III. except, with a ne- gative. njjl f.— I. the temple (of the head), Jud.4:21,22; 5:26.—II.thecheek, Cant.4:3; 6:7. }ipl p.n., a town of Dan. npi p. n., a town of Naphtali. K>1;T see ^l- KH, eh Kal imp., from tin*- root not used; ^Syr. he gave). fPEH m., grant, permission, Ezr. 3:7. TW1 beginning; see n^Nl in 1 mi- wrote, decreed, Dan. 10:21. Dt^l Ch., the same. m was, acted, wickedly, unjustly, impiously. Hiph. JW1H I- con- demned. — II. declared, proved guilty.—III. acted wickedly, yfl m., ri^l f.— I. wicked.— II. guilty, faulty. JJEH m. (with sufF. 1JJ12H) wickedness, impiety, injustice; pi. ,1^1 f.—I. wickedness. — II. fault, TDeu. 25:2. p.n.; see ngghp f., wickedness, 2 Chron. 24:7. m. (pi. const. *BE5H).—I. a burn- ing coal, Cant. 8:6.—II. lightning. III. '1 *03 burning arrows, Job 5:7; 'B&h the same, Ps. 76:4.—IV. burning disease, Deu. 32:24.—V. lust, Cant. 8:6.—VI. p. n. of a man. Po. JPgH reduced, subdued, Jer. 5:17. Pu. Wl was sub- dued, Mai. 1:4. I. p.n., Tarshish, some country far distant from Canaan; 1YPJK 7fi probably merchant ships.— II. a precious stone, probably the to- paz.—III, p. n. of a man. nBh Kal inf., from 5FV. V V ' T rirn. Pi. and Hiph. boil, caused to boil. Pu. was boiled, agitated^ Job 30:27. nni m., boiling, Eze. 24:5. □n-j bind, yoke, Mic. 1:13.Dm ( 252 ) Hfe* DJT1 m. (pi. D*pn^), the broom; in Spanish, retama. HDHl p. n., one of the stations in the wilderness. Dill (Arab, joined). Niph. was bound, Ecc. 12:6, Kri. Pu. the same, Nah. 3:10. pipn m., a chain, Eze. 7:23. nip-inn (nip^nn) f. pi., chains, 1 Ki. 6:21. nipni f. pi., the same, Isa. 40:19. Tiro (Syr. he trembled); see DD"1. nni m., trembling, Hos. 13:1. & Kal imp. and inf. from -i m m., leaven. nm from mi. W same as twist. I m.,entangledbranch, 2 Sa.l8:9. m., pi. ornaments of wreathing, 1 Ki. 7:17. ilDlb' f.—I. network on the capitals of pillars.—II. lattice, 2 Ki. 1:2.— III. a net, Job 18:8. same as Dir, p. n., a city of the Reu- benites. was full, satisfied, sur- feited, with 3, |D. Pi. satisfied. Hiph. filled, with b of the person; with 3, )P of the thing. gib m .,'njnb f.Jull, satisfied, sur- feited. m., abundance. yih m., the same; to the full. njnb>, f., the same, Eze. 16: T49. 15^ looked at, examined, Neh. 2: *13, 15; with 3. Pi. looked to, hoped for or in, with nib m. (with suff. nn'^y, hope. same as nj'^. Hiph. I. increased, Job 12:23. — II. magnified, Job 36:24. Ch., increased, became great. Wife* m., the Great One (of God), Job 36:26; 37:23. Wib m;, nww f. Ch.—1. great.— II. much, many.—III. greatly. was exalted. Niph. I. was lofty, exalted.:— II. was secure, Pro. 18: 10. Pi. I. raised, placed in security. —II. made powerful, Isa. 9:10. Pu. pass, of Pih., Pro. 29:25. Hiph. was lofty, Job 36:22. 2*1 p. n. of a man. 33bp m. (with suff. ^WD). — l. a hill, strong place.—II. refuge (of God). 35 b* same as Pil. cause - T T T •• ; • to grow; according to others, from 3-1D he fences, Isa. 17:11. increased, became great. Hiph. increased, Ps. 7 3:12. Pi. harrowed. p. n., the valley of the Dead Sea, Siddim. ™ m. (with suff. •irne>; pi.n'n'f; '' const, r-l'nj?, Hf).—I. afield*— 11. the country.—III. any country; i~"nb> husbandman; JTVn nifn the beasts of the field; rnb> the land of Moab; Mesopotamia. **15? sing., the same.( 21 nVnfe>; see "ttD« nty same as PW* (Syr. and Ch. "THD bare wit- ness). m., eye witness, Job 16:19. HVinfef f. Ch., testimony, Gen. 31:47. D^-in^ crescents; see inD- WE? Kal inf., from KBO- 3«5>; see 3^. Tjnib; see 13fc>. same as 3*1 D drove back, 2 Sa. 1: 22. same as PPt? meditate, Gen. 24:63. Bit? tarn aside, Ps. 40 : 5. . D^ip*^, D^PP m. pi., they who turn aside to, Ps. 101: 3; Hos. 5 : 2. '•spb hedged with thorns. Pil. Tgfe the same, Job 10:11. boush* Jud* 9:48, 49, ' flbVfiP p. n., a town of Judah. *rD-1K> a Succothite. n'sV^D, HS-IDD f., a thorn hedge. t : . t : ° D^, (fut. D-ife>;; apoc. DtJ» inf. abs. Dib; _ const. d-i^, nfy; imp. d^, nwb).—i. placed, set.—II. set up.— III. set in array.— IV. placed aside.—V. with by_, set over.—VI. with hv_, place upon.—Vll.vftth b, 3,^JJ, im- pute to any one.—VIII.with 7 CDS? named.—IX. with placed His name (of the Lord), i.e. the true worship.—X. with or without ill1? * set his heart, considered, regarded, with by, b—xi. with 3j? by. or 3^ or 3*?3 considered, laid ) pr\v to heart.— XII. 3*? W he considered.—XIII. with con- sidered, set before him.—XIV. with 'B "0TK3 he told.—XV. S|K heaped up wrath. (For other idio- matic usages of D-lfc? see concor- dance.) Hiph. (imp. ''P^H; part. CWD) place, set. Hoph. was placed; fut. UW Ch.—1.appointed.—II.with D^P made a decree.—III. with b,by_ regarded. — IV. with ^ ^3 en- deavoured.— V. 'Si ^ DIP named. Ithpe. I. was made, placed. .—II. with DJ?9 was decreed. np-IOT f., with a deposit, Lev. 5: *21;[6:2.] 1*1 ^ I. governed; fut. Jud. 9: 22. Hiph. appointed princes, Hos. 8:4.—II. same as rnfc? strove, contended, Hos. 12:5.— III. same as 1-1D departed. — IV. same as Ch. ")D3 he sawed, I Chron.20:3; fut. im. ,TYlb> f., a row, in rows, Isa. 28:25; (Arab, the same). (fut. WW, CWJ; inf. abs. faXW; const. WW; imp. WW) rejoiced, exulted in, with 3, W- jVW m., joy, rejoicing. m., joy. OS? 5 see IW swam, Isa. 25:11. Hiph. overt flowed, Ps. 6:7. m., swimming, Eze. 47:5. tOnfc}' squeezed, crushed, Gen. 40:11. I. laughed.—II. with b$ appro- ved.—III. with hy_ laughed at.—IV. wprw with 7 despised. —V. caused laugh- ter. h. pnb (inf. pnb; fut.pnb»j. —I .rejoiced, sported.—11. played on an instrument, 2 Sa. 6:21. — III. made sport, Jud. 16:25.—IV. skir- mished, 2 Sa. 2: 14. Hiph. derided, with 2 Chron. 30:10. pinb, pnb m.—I. laughter.—II. sub- ject or object of laughter. pnpv m., object of laughter, Hab. T 1:10. PHpS? (fut. apoc. — I. went aside, Pro. 7:25.— II. went astray, Nu. c. 5. DW; see acted fiercely, hardly towards, was hated. nppbp I, hatred, Hos. 9:7,8. was an adversary to, opposed; part. an adversary, Ps.7l:13. m.—I. an adversary.—Il.|DGpn the devil, the great adversary. f.— I. accusation, Ezr. 4:6.— II. p. n. of a well. see p. n., one of the peaks of Her- mon. was grey-headed. Part. 2W, Job 15:10; Ch. the same. HHP m., grey hairs, old age, 1K. 14:4. f., the same. m., retirement, 1 K. 18:27. plastered, Deu. 27:2, 4. m., plaster. rw, nb com. (const. \W, with suff. •irW, W), a sheep or goat. )TE>i. meditated, with 3.—II. spoke, ( 254 ) with b with, or 2 of. — III. com- posed a psalm, sung, with 3. Pil. I. uttered, Isa. 55:8.—II. meditated, Ps. 143:5. TlfcP m., purpose, design, Am. 4:13. PW m.—I. a plant, bush.—11. speech, message.—III. a complaint.—IV. sorrow, Job 7:13. niTEP f., complaint, prayer, medita- tion. &&; see D-lb. ritab; see- root not used; (Syr. expected). OS? p. n., a place near Ramah. m., tla thunderstorm" (Lee), Job *38:36. f., objects (of sight or thought), Isa. 2:16. f. (pi. ni^^P). — I. figure, . external image.— II. imagination, internal image. m., a knife, Pro. 23:2; (Arab, the same). TOfe>, see • T T * I placed as a covering, Ex. 33:22. m., pi. thorns, Nu.33: 55. Ij'SP m. (with suff. 13 CP), a fence, Lam. 2:6. H3CP f., pi. fi'lSCP spears, Job 40:31. niVCPD f., a fence, Pro. 15:19; Isa. 5:5; see ^EP. was wise, careful, skilful, 1 Sa. 18:30. Pi. acted wisely, designed- ~ ly, Gen. 48:14. Hiph. I. looked at.—II. reflected.—III. cared for. —IV. acted wisely, was wise.—V. prospered.—VI. made wise, taught, - with hx, bv_, I; part. i. thoughtful, prudent.—II.a didacticbib ( 255 ) poem (title of Psalms); inf. bibi], understanding, wisdom, with accus. Ch. Ith. part. 73 fib>P considered, looked at, with 3. m. (with suff. I. understanding, sfti/Z. — II. estima- tion, esteem, Pro. 3:4. — III. sig"- nification, Neh. 8:8. n-1 b±> ; see bo. •lin'pp^ f. Ch., understanding, skill, Dan. 5:11, 12, 14. I. hired. — II. bribed. Niph. hired himself, 1 Sa. 2:5. Hith. the same, Hag. 1:6. m.—I. reward, hire.—II. p. n. T T of a man. •"DIP m., hire. m., hired person or thing. t, the act of hiring, to \jli- (tQovv, Isa. 7:20. f. (with suff. ^ra'^p).—i. wages.—II. reward, Ru. 2:12. . " ----- ' 17b f. (pi. a quail. T\6b& trans, for 7\bl?b f.(pl. nlD^'f). —I. a garment.—II. any cloth.— III. clothing.—IV. p. 11., the father of Boaz, who was called also fiofe.—V. p.n. of a man. >obb p. ii. of a man. m., the left hand or side; hmy&D on the left or north ; or 'b on or to the left or north. Hiph.— I.* went to the left. — II. used the left hand. •bm m., wbavb {., be- longing to the left, on the left. •w i-was gtoi'—ex~ pressed joy.—III. burned brightly, with 3, hll, <*• Pi. 11 made to rejoice, with 7V_, *?» "|P- Hiph. the same. np^ m. (pi. const. *npfc>, ; f. Hlipb).—I. joyful.—II. expressing joy.—III. rejoicing in or at, with nnpb f. (pi. n'inw).—1. joy.—n. a festival.—III. merriment. nytiW; see "pD. see in baby. rb6& f. (pi. nfeb'), garment; see Tbrifr 1. r6»B> p. n., a king of Edom. f., a species of lizard, Pro. 30:28. (fat. K±>\; inf. abs. KM, const. T\fow, r\X±>) hated, with h; part. Kjb* hater, enemy. Niph. was hated. Pi. part. an enemy. Ch. part, haters. n&OtP f., hatred. wVc? m., HXW f., hated,Deu. 21:15. . • t ' T • ; p.n., the name of mount Hermon among the Amorites. DiBybi see PJJJD. W1. shuddered. — II. feared, Deu. 32:17, with —III. swept, tore away as a tempest, Ps. 58:10. Niph. a tempest raged, Ps. 50:3. Pi. swept away with a tempest, Job 27:21. Hith. raged like a tem- pest, Dan. II'AO. yyw m., rrvyb f.—I. hairy, Gen. 27: 11, 23. — II. a goat (always with D^). PI. I. probablyw wild goats, Isa. 13:21; 34:14.—II. showers, Deu. 32:2. T'JJb p.n., Seir.—I. the district be- tween the Dead Sea and the gulf of Akabah.—II. a mountain of Judah. n"V)l^ p. n., a district unknown. "IJjb const, m., the hair. I^b m. Ch., the hair. m. — I. a storm, tempest. — II. shuddering, horror; same as ")JJD. rnjjb {., a tempest. nw f.—I. a hair.—II. the hair, nyty f., barley (the plant); pi. Dnyb barley (the grain). p.n. of a man. HSb'f. (dual a?nsb', "nab: with * suff. vns'^; pi. const, hin?>c>). —I. a lip.—II. a language.— HI. words.—IV. brim of a vessel.— V. shore of the sea, bank of a river. -—VI. edge, edging. —VII. border of a country, Jud. 7:22. Pi. struck with baldness, Isa- 3:17. « oppression," Eng. Ver., Isa. T5:7. m., the chin, the beard. T T ' * hid, concealed, Deu. 33:19. p|)B> i. clapped the hands, Job .27:23. —II. sufficed, 1 Ki. 20:10. Hiph. bargained with, Isa. 2:6; with 3. psb m., contempt, Job 36:18. m. (with suff. 'ipb; pi. D^b)— I. sack-cloth.—II. a sack. w. Niph. was bound, tied, Lam. 1:14. Pi. painted the eyes with sti- bium (a black powder), Isa, 3:16. ( 256 ) tp»- nb; see *nb. r\p. Pu. was interwoven, Job 40: 17. Hith. the same, Lam. 1:14. Mlb p.n. of a man. D'O'Hfcy m. pi., branches of a vine, -njs> Jled, escaped, Jos. 10:20; (Arab, the same.) m., one that escapes.—II. a rem- nant, Isa. 1:9. m., colour; 'b HJQ coloured garments (Exodus only). m., only. was a prince, prevailed, with Tby,nS; see-W- mbs.f.; see "nb^ TT ' -T ■HE* p. n., Sarai (afterwards Sarah), the wife of Abraham.. •irVlb p.n. of a man. rnb>D f., government, Isa. 9:5,6. rnb p. n. of a man. \T\W cut, made incisions. Niph. was crushed, Zee. 12:3. D^b m., an incision, Lev. 19:28. f., the same, Lev. 21:5. see Jib; mb, see Tib- VP' Pi. part. f. Dp*lbp twisting its course, wandering in all direc- tions, Jer. 2:23. "spX* m., shoe latchet. p. n. of an Assyrian eunuch. part. X'llb stretched out, mon- strously prolonged (of a limb). Hith. stretched himself out, Isa. 28:20. D^Sjnb thoughts; see CpJD. I. burned, consumed.—II. burned spices at a funeral. — III. bakedSpb ( 2. bricks, Gen. 11:3. Niph. andPu. was burnt. m.—I. a venomous serpent, pro- bably the coluber cerastes.— II. p. n. of a man. m. pi., seraphim, six-winged spirits, Isa. 6:2, 6. nSTlb f.—I. burning fire.—II. a fu- neral burning. f. pi. — I. burning. — II. p. n., a place near Sidon. PT combed, hackled flax, Isa. 19:9. m., n\Tp f. — I. a vine of a choice quality.—II. p*TK> p. n., a valley between Askelon and Gaza,, shoots of the vine, Isa. 16:8. ra., pi. bay (colour of a horse), Zee. 1: 8. acted as a prince. Hith. made himself a prince. *1^ m. (pi. prince, ruler, chief, captain. fW f.— I. a princess, a woman of rank. — II. p.n., Sarah, the wife of Abraham; see lHK\ fW; see'W. nt/for r\W; see shut out, Lam. 3:8, - T ' Niph. were concealed, 1 Sa.5:9. & ^^ an abbreviation of pre- fixed to every part of speech. (fut. HN&^) drew water. m., pi. D*2KG/>D watering places, Jud. 5:11. >7 ) W (fut. —I. roared as a lion. —II. shrieked for anguish, Ps. 38:9. nSKK* const. f.— I. roar of a t T ; - - lion. — II. groan, shriek of an- guish. PlXEy was desolate (a city), Isa. 6:11. Niph. I. was desolate (a city), Isa. 6:11. — II. were dashed together, Isa. 17:12,13. Hiph. lay waste, Isa. 37:26. Hith. HWH won- dered, was in astonishment, with h. niKK* f-, Pro. 1:27, Ketib a storm; same as DHW; see tfW. nw f., crash, destruction, Isa. 24:12. f., desolation, Lam. 3:47. T$ f., noise, tumult of war, Num. 24: 17. m. — I. shouting, the noise of waves.— II. desolation, ruin. niKWD, nwn f. pi., desolation, a desolate place. contempt; see lOK&jj part, from II. 10-1^. I. ques~ tioned, enquired. — II. requested, prayed for. — III. borrowed, with IP, nKD, D5?n, or ; l?SB' enquired of his welfare, saluted; ' D'ri^a "?!«£> enquired of God. Niph. requested for him- self. Pi. asked earnestly% with 2. Hiph. gave in answer to a re- quest, gave. Ch., asked, enquired. p. n. of a man., Sw p. n. of a man, Saul. Patron. ^ com., the abode of the 18W ( 2 soul after death (see fHHX), with n ioc. r6's was quiet, secure, wanton. m., naw f.—I. quiet. — II. wanton, luxurious. — III. wanton- ness, pride. ypW; see DDB\ *\W1 . panted, gasped, Ps. 119:131. — II. panted for, desired eagerly. —III. swallowed up, destroyed. was left, 1 Sa. 16:11. Niph. the same. Hiph. left, had left. m., the remainder, remnant. m. Ch., the same. (a remnant shall return). Prophetic name of the son of Isaiah, Isa. 7:3. m. — I. flesh. — II. any near relation.—III. a right arising from marriage, Ex. 21:10. nim f., near, relation, relationship, TLev. 18:17. p. n. of a woman. ]VW, f., remainder,remnant. f., kneading trough. see nm. with H parag. Kal imp. "from >8 ) K2& p. n. of a country, probably Arabia Felix. (Arab, kindled). m., flame, Job 18:5. m. Ch., the same, m. pi., fragments, Hos. 8:6. !"Q&5> (imp. nn^-1; fut. apoc. 2E>;V) carried captive, took prisoners, car- ried off; part.D>in^ m.,ni^^ f.,' captives. Niph. was led captive. p. n. of a man; written also with pause m. (with suff. ' f. i. captive. — II. troop of captives. — III. captivity. rVQ^ f. — I. troop of captives, spoil. —II. captivity. n-n^, ivn£; f. — i. captivity. —- n. captives. 'W I. turned from captivity. — II. restored to pros- perity. m., an agate; LXX. axarrig. ra^. Pi. I. praised, commended' —II. quieted, restrained, kept back. Hiph. quieted, Ps. 65:8. Hith. boast of, glory in, with 3. Ch. Pa. praised. com. (with suff. —I. staff.—II. rod (for punish- ment).— III. sceptre. — IV. dart, short spear.—V. tribe. com. Ch., a tribe, Ezr. 6:17. m., the eleventh month of the t : Jewish year, corresponding to our February and March. m., a sceptre (Esther only). r\\2& captive, fyc.; see il2K\( 2, *5*^ and p. n. of a man. DTO m. pi.,«sun-like ornaments of the neck" (Schroeder); « cauls," Eng. Ver., Isa. 3:18; sense un- certain. TVyif; see]DB>. p*aV; see rat?. m., a path, mode of conduct; (Arab, the same). m., "locks" (of hair), Eng.Ver., " Isa. 47:2. or hip t, Pi. const. hw a branch, Zee. 4:12. rb3B> f. (pi. D^3E>).—I. a stream of water.—II. an ear of corn. m., a snail, Ps. 58:9. iTQC^p.n., Shebna, the scribe, p. n. of a man. 1. yi&i const. V3.W, f. njQK>, const. m., seven, the seventh; adv. seventh, sevenfold; fcy semw; ^ m., yiti T]ipV f., seventeen; Tdual I. sevenfold. — II. seventimes. PI. seventy. m., seven, Job 42:13. 1 m. (dual pi. rityn^).—i. a week; ntyit^iin the feast of weeks.—II. a week of years, Dan. c. 9 & 10. ypyp m., f., seventh. ii. VW p. n., (a) a town of Simeon; (b) of a man; (c) name of a well. bound by oaths, Eze. 21:28. Niph. ySKO swore, with h; swore to, with 2; swore by. Hiph. I. caused to swear.—II. adjured. >9 ) mv njpa# njp?* f., an oath. pp. Pi. " embroider," Eng. Ver., Ex. 28:39; sense doubtful. Pu. set (of a precious stone), Ex. 28: 20. m., perplexity, 2 Sa. 1:9. f. pi.—I. gold settings (for stones).—II. cloth of gold, Ps. 45: 14. m., embroidery, Ex. 28:4. pW Ch., .left. Ith. was left. "l3E> (fut. "I2!p'j.—I. broke to pieces. —II. tore (as a wild beast).— III. broke the heart. — IV. broke the power of, destroyed.—V. quenched thirst.—VI.' assigned, with ph.— VII. from s°ld corn, Gen. 41: 56.—VIII. bought com. Niph. I. was broken.—II. was torn.—III. was broken (the heart). —IV. was de- stroyed. Pi. *12^ broke with violence. Hiph. I. caused to suffer labour pains, Isa. 66:9. — II. sold corn. Hoph. was broken-hearted, Jer. 8:21. 13# (with suff. nn^) I. break- ing, fracture. — II. vexation, sor- row. — III. calamity, ruin. — IV. provision, corn.—V. interpretation, Jud. 7:15.—VI. p. n., a place near Ai. m.—I. breaking, i.e. pain, sor- row, Eze. 21:11. — II. calamityh ruin, Jer. 17:18. m.— I. pains of childbirth. — II.violentpains (of any kind),2Sa. 22:5.—III. breakers (of the sea). m., the same. Ch. Ith., perplexed, Dan. 5:9.nap < .ceased.— II, rested; with |D from.—III. was interrupted, Neh. 6:3.—IV. ceased to exist, came to an end.—V. with kept the sabbath. Niph. came to an end. Hiph. I. caused to cease.— II. interrupted.— III. brought to an end. rQS^m.—I. ceasing. — II. intermis- sion; see also in 2^. com. (with suff. pi- ning; const, r-lira^) cessa- tion, time of rest, sabbath; D'O&J* a sabbath of years. Jin^ m., rest, a time of rest. ^3^ p. n. of a man. nifrp m„ pi. cessations, Lam. 1:7. ni^ Kal inf., from r\2& Ch. Kal pret. f., from same as T\W- t t us? erred, committed an error, Lev. - t ' , 9 5:18; inf. because of their sin. f., error, unintentional fault. erred, went astray, with JD. Hiph. I. allowed to err, Ps. 119: 10.—II. caused to go astray. p. n. of a man. f., error, Ps. 3 9:13. frW m. (pi. nWM) a doleful song, lament, Ps. 7:1; Hab. 3:1. m., mistake, inadvertency, Gen. *43:12. Hiph. looked to. lay with a woman; fut. £>1^. Niph. and Pu. pass, of Kal. f., a queen. ►0 ) sptf f. Ch., the same. D|I2> Kal inf. with suff., from VW- Pa. part. maddened, mad. Hith. acted like a madman. m., madness, impetuosity. m., offspring, progeny, Exod. i3:12. see IV, see i&t see -r ' tt Tit? (fut.with suff. DT]^, I. attacked, invaded.—11. plundered, laid waste, ruined; part. in- vader, plunderer; destroyed. Niph. was laid waste. Pi. laidwaste, ruined utterly. Pu. was laid waste. Po. laid waste. Hoph. was laid waste. *11 m.—I. destruction, ruin.— II. violence, oppression.— III. ex- torted property, Am. 3:10. m., the Almighty (the name of God as revealed to the Patri- archs); LXX. 7ravroiepdrojp- root not used; (Arab, was well watered). m.—I. teats of an animal. — II. breast of a woman; dual the breasts. m., the same. pnt? f., n'm^l. 'B>, Ecc. 2:8, «musi- cal instruments and that of all sorts," Eng. Ver.—pleasures of every kind (Ges. and Lee). p. n. of a man. f-,. blighted corn; pi. rtoif, niDl^.—l. fields.—II. corn fields. Hab. 3:17.—III. vineyards. blighted.*pe? ( g t\, blight in com, 2 KL 1.9 : 2?b. m«, the same. •HI" Ch. Ithp. exerting himselfDan. 6:15. p.n., Shadr&ch, one of the three holy children. m. — 1. onyx or sardonyx.— II. p. n. of a man. m. (pi. with suff. ra- gings, Ps. 35:17. m.— I. guilt. "11. calamity.-Ill, worthlessness, vanity.— IV, false- hood, iW same as K1B*. ~ • • *r HfcW f,—I. a storm,—II. destruction. —HI. a desolate place. .-IX'IE*!? f., deflation, a desolate place. f., pi. nSHtfft tumult, shout- r : ' r \ I ing. a"lE?, Jer. 42:10, for 3^5* Kal inf., from ne»- 3^ (fat. sib* 3E», i. went or came back; with from; turned to, returned, with h$, /, hy, 18 to.— II. turned himself about, 1 Chron. 21:20.— III. changed his course of life. (For many uses with other words which slightly modify these primary meanings, see Concordance.) Pil. siit? 1. led back.—-II. restored.— III. led astray, Isa. 47:10. — IV. refreshed, Ps. 23:3, Pul. was brought back. Hiph. (fut. 3fT1J.-I. bought hack,—II. restored.—III. requited. —IV, brought upon a person,•—-V. mtt m a tribute or afmement. rw VL distributed, assigned, — VU. moved away, put aside.—VIII. re- pelled, hindered. — IX. recalled, re- voked a declaration.—X. caused so turn from sin. — XI. withheld^ withdrew.—XII. brought down, re- duced.—XIII. caused to answer, Job 20:2. With "IT5! answered; T T * with V3S turned away his an- ger ; with Pg) laid to heart, considered; with 'Si *3$ turned away, refused. Hoph. was returned, brought back. rQ-IS? f., returning, Isa. 30:15. f., returning, Ps. 126:1 ; see another meaning in m.—I. a rebellious person,—II. p.n. of a man. m., f., a rebel. n., same as p.n. of a man. f.—I. turning away (from God).—II. rebellious, back sliding. rD-IOT f.—I. return.—II. an answer. "SplK* p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. piifc? p. n. of a man. 31# same as r»B>- f., error, Jobl9:4. same as laid waste; fut. Ps. 91:6, "tit? same as lfc>; see Tits'. •Vff m., pi. DHB: idoit, Deu. 32:17 : Ps. 106:37; LXX. Scu/tovia- rw i. was equal to, resembled. —~ II, was of equal value or importance. —III. was fitting, proper, Eat. 3:8. - -IV, was sufficient, Est. 7:4. Withme> ( a Pi. I. made level, smoothed, Isa. 28:25. — II. made similar, Pa. 131:2. — HI. made himself like, Isa. 38:13. — IV. placed, proposed. — V. produced fruit, Hos. 10:1. Hiph.made •ike, compared. Nithpa. being made like, Pro. 27:15. *?r Ch. Pa., placed, made equal, Dan. 5:21, with DV. Ithpa. was made rnto, Dan. 3:29. f., equity, Job 33:27. n)f> p.n., a plain to the north of Je- rusalem; DW*)p a city of Moab. went down, sank. IW p. n. of one of Abraham's sons; patron. WIP. f.—I. a pit, pitfall.—II. p. n. of a man. nn*t? f., a pit, Ps. 119:85. DrftC p. n. of a man. r\m f.—I. a pit.— II. a dungeon.— III. a grave; see also in fillip. I. 1. spread like wate~, went to and fro.—2. struck, struck into the water, i. e. rowed. Pil. ran far and wide. Hithpal. tDp^fin same as Pil. m.—I. a whip, scourge.—II. calamity. EW m., an oar, oars, Isa. 33:21. DDE* m., a whip, scourge, Jos. 23:13. OWD m., an oar, rudder, Eze. 27:29. CDWD m., the same, Eze. 27:6. II. (Syr. despised); part. despised (Ezekiel only). mf m. (with suff. y$m), contempt (of another), Ezekiel only. ) m ra., skirt (of a garment), trotm, sjiM- see see aW. m., garlick, Nu. 11:5. p. n., a son of Gad. p. n., a town of Issachar; m., f., a Shunemite. Pi. VJfP cried out for help, implored, with Pil. and Hiph. see in VV& m. (with suif. a cry for help, Ps. 5:3. V\® m.—I. affluent, Job 34:19.— II. liberal, Isa. 32:5. VJ& m.—I. safety, Job 30:24. — II. affluence, Job 36 .19 —III. p.n, of a man. f-, cry for help. ^•15^ p. n. of a man. n^jp, f., freedom, safety, salvation, deliverance. V5W; see hW- -IJJIB'; see (fut. I. bruised, shattered, Gen. 3:15, Job 9:17. — II. con- cealed, Ps. 139:11. p. n., same as VP- p. n. of a man. trumpet; see pW same as pp£>. Hiph. pW I caused to run over, Joel 2:24. — II. overflowed, Joel 4:13. Pil. p£W cause to overflow, Ps. 65:10. m. (pi. a street. pV& com. (dual DJgfc*), leg (of a man or animal); trop. per- haps infantry, Ps. 147:10 m. Ch., leg. f., desire.-m? ( 2( (fut. >1£^). — I. viewed, beheld, perceived. — II. watched (for good or evil). — III. went, Is. 57:9; part. f. pi. lYnt? travellers, Eze. 27:25. See also in "W. "VW? m. — I. an enemy (one who watches for evil), Ps. 92:12. — II. a wall; pi. nYm — III. • p. n., a place in the wilderness; "Vlfcjj the wilderness of Shur, between Egypt and Palestine. m. Ch., a wall. f. pi., walls, Jer. 5:10. TIG? m. (pi. D'H}£>).—I. an ox.—II. a herd of oxen. rn-IOTl f., a present, 1 Sa. 9:7. root not used; (Syr. alabaster). WW m., white marble, 1 Ch. 29:2. WW m.—1. white marble, Est. 1:6.— II. very fine linen. (See also in its place.) m.—I. a lily.—II. an artificial lily.—IILnVTg probably the name of a musical instrument.— IV. p. n.: (a) the city of Susa in Persia; (b) a place unknown. m., a lily; pi. — I. lilies.—II. musical instruments. H3W f., the same, Hp DEW Ch., an inhabitant of Susa. Po. pret. from T\WW; same as nOW. ItttP; see JW. nbp-lK' p. n. of a man. Patron. "Vv^ryie>. ch, Pe. aw delivered, rescued. beheld, saw. (See also in 5]1^.) Hoph.part.")J^D WW fine twined 3 ) jn&? linen (probably wrung out for the purpose of bleaching it). r\W; see nnw. bribed. "infe* m.—I. a present.— II. a bribe. —III. bribery, Job 15:34. nn&? bowed, himself, Isa. 51:23. Hiph. nwn bowed down, Pro. 12:25. Hith." ninmn (inf. ninne>n; ch. njinnVh • imp. f. ^l.nnE'n: fut. nVnFlB''.'; apoc. •innip'') I. prostrated himself; with H, *JBb before.—II. worshipped. n-in^ f., a pit, Pro. 28:10. 1TW f., the same. i)nW same as *YirW; see ir\W. nw (pret. •lnnc', •inEi; fut. ne»). — I. bowed himself, stooped. — II. was brought low, humbled. Niph. the same. Hiph. n^H brought low, humbled. Hithp. brought low, broke. T\W m., having downcast eyes, meek, Job 22:29. toni^ (fut. tanK"; inf. !"ID0K>).— I. slaughtered (an animal).—II. slew (a person).—III. D-in^ IHT " al- loyed gold" (Lee). Niph. was slaughtered. f., slaughtering, sacrifice, Ydh. 30:17. JW; see \nW. spontaneous; see fc^HD. nw, see nn&; nrvn£>, seTe nnw. m., a lion. nWf., some kind of perfume, or V, pastil; LXX. owl, Ex. 30:34. w (Arab, fever).int? ( 2( JW m., inflammation, any burning disease; w/cer 0/ jEg-ypi. sjnp root not used; (Arab, was thin). m., thin covering of wood, Eze. 41:16. m. LXX. Xapog; a sea gull, Lev. 11:16; Deii. 14:15. riBn^ f., consumption. (Arab, was lifted up). YW m-> mightiness, fierceness. p. n., a place in the tribe of Issachar. pm reduced to dust, crushed, wasted away. pn^ m.—I. dust, Isa. 40:15.—II. a cloud; pi. clouds.—III. the sky. Trip I. was black, Job 30:30.—II. did a thing early, sought early. Pi. ir\W sought early, with -1 tiw, "ilrity m., min^ f., black. . T * T - ' T : 7 .'HnK> m., blackness, Lam. 4:8. im m. — I. the dawn; *ini2>")2l lucifer, "the morning star." — II. adv. in the morning. — III. rise, origin, Isa. 47:11. n-nn^ f., dawn of life, youth, Ecc. 11:10. .jnrnrrc* verV black, Cant. 1:6. T\rW P« n* a nian. P- n- °f a man. Wb m, the dawn, Ps. 110:3. -W m.—I. the name of a river of Egypt, probably the Nile. —ii. ro:6 ->'rm a river in Asher. iw. Niph. I. was spoilt.—II. was corrupted, Gen. 6:11, 12. — HI. was destroyed, Ex. 8: 20. Pi.nn^ : ) I. acted corruptly. — II. destroyed. — III. broke a covenant, Mai. 2:8.—IV. laid aside (of pity), Am. 1:11. Hiph. rTWil same as Pi.; with or without corrupted his way. Hoph. ; part. nn^D I. injured, Mai. 1:14. —II.polluted, Pro. 25:26. nn^ Ch., part, nn W a fault, nm m.—I. corruption.—II. destruc- tion; see also rMG5\ riWD m. (Hiph. part.).—I. des- troyer, Ex. 12:23—II. plunderer, nngjb m., defilement, Lev. 22 :25. m., destruction, Eze. 9:1. m., disfigured, Isa. 52:14. Tim f. —I. the pea-thorn; (Arab. Egypt, shont); pi. &&& shittim wood, the wood of the pea- thorn.—II. p. n., a valley of Moab. r\m spread abroad, strewed. Pi. spread abroad (the hands in prayer), Ps. 88:10. m., place for spread- ing nets, Eze. 26 : 5, 14 ; 47 : 10. Dt±>; see I. washed cff or away.—II. cleansed by washing. —III. swept away (of a torrent). Niph. I. was cleansed, Lev. 15:12. — II. was swept away, Dan. 11:22. Pu. was cleansed, Lev. 6:21. m., washing away, overm flowing, inundation. IbE'; part. -|DK> magistrate, ruler, Ex. 5 : 10, 14 ; Deu. 1 : 15. p. n. 0f a man> m., authority, influence, Job T38:33.USE' ( 2 1 T&Bf m. Chsovereignty (if the read- ing be correct; some suppose an error for side), Dan. 7:5. m., offering, present (always with bring ye). p. n., a name of Hermon. PQ*B>; see 10*. t • ' - r n#, fut. apoc. WFi thou forgettest; LXX. eyicaTeXnreg, Deu. 32:18; see nm- t t p. n. of a man yvu?; seent&y. WW; see D-10. nrw; see rue?. riVU>, "'fat?; see rb&- (Syr. minxit). VJ& or m., pi. D W urine. fcV^Ch.; seefcW. (fut. 1^1, X»).-- I. sung; with S %} looked at, ex- amined, Ps. 90:8.—IX. laid up trea- sure.—X. rendered. Hoph. was required, with Ex. 21:30. J"V6? m. (with suff. in^) thorns (Isaiah only). rw m., putting on a dress. mn^ m. pi., foundations. nt? p. n.—I. Seth, the son of Adam. —II. an epithet of the Moabites, Nu. 24:17. ?[W Kal inf., from 3?^ (fut. 33^; inf. 33K>, 33B>; imp. — I. lay down. —II. slept.—III. kept his bed.—IV. slept with his fathers, died.—V. rested (of the head).—VI. lay with (carnally). Pu. to be laid, to lie. Niph. I. placed.—II. caused to rest, stopped. Hoph. was placed, laid. rQX>, const, nnp^ f.—I. the act of lying with.— II. covering of dew, Ex. 16:13, 14. f., act of lying with. m. (Pi. nins^p).— I. a bed.—II. a bier, 2 Chron. 16: 14.—III. lying in bed.— IV. lying with. 22>^P m. Ch., a bed. i"0£y. Hiph. part. D'O^D wandering about lasciviously, Jer. 5:8. 70$, hftP; see see "DP. (fut. n3^) forgot, dis- regarded, neglected, with |p. Niph. was forgotten, neglected. Pi. andh3B> ( 2 Hiph. cause to forget. Hithpa. same as Niph., Ecc. 8:10. npK> m. (pi. const, forgetting, neglecting. Ch. Ithp. PDWn was found, was. Aph.ns^n found, discovered. p. n. of a man. t ; t (inf. ; fut. pi. tafety). I. stooped. — II. abated. Hiph. Tj^n I. placed.—II. emptied. (fut. lost children, became childless. Pi. I. made childless.— II. stripped of inhabitants.—III. de- stroyed (of a sword), Deu. 32:25.— IV. produced an abortion.—V. lost fruit, 8fc., was barren; part. an abortion. Hiph. lost its inhabitants (a land). Viae' m.—I. privation of children.— II. destitution. m., nW f.—i. childless.— II. • t deprived of without young. m. pi., loss of children, Isa. 49:20. SbK'K m. (pi. const. n&SE'g, a cluster, bunch of grapes or flowers ; (Arab, bound). —II. p. n. : (a) of a valley in the south of Palestine; (b) of a man. see V??. D5B*. Hiph. I. arose in the morning.—II. as soon as he arose. —III. came in the morning. opt? with pause m. (with suff. iDD£>).— I. shoulder, shoulders,— II. a load, portion, Gen. 48:22.— III. p. n., Shechem, a city of the Levites in Ephraim; with H loc. 16 ) be? nlMK', with pause — IV. p.n. of a man. DpE? p. n. of a man; patron. nbb^ f., the shoulder-blade, Job 31: T22. (fut. —I. lay down to rest, rested.—II. continued—III. dwelt.— IV. inhabited, was inha- bited; part. inhabiting. Pi. I. caused to dwell. — II. placed; 1JD&? placed his name. Hiph. I. caused to dwell.—II. fixed. Ch. Pa., same as Pi. Heb. |3^, const. m., njpB*, f. —I. inhabitant. — II. neighbour, neighbouring people. m., a dwelling; with sufF. W3??* ' Deu. 12:5. njJDB? p.n. of a man. V P-n- °f a man. pl^D m.—I. habitation, dwelling.— II. the Tabernacle and Temple.— III. lair of beasts. m. Ch., habitation. "DE* (fut- — I- drank wine or strong drink.—II. was. exhilarated, intoxicated. — III. became giddy. Pi. and Hiph. made drunken. Hith. made himself drunken, 1 Sa. 1:14. llSE'm., iTl!3IS> f., drunken, a drunkard. m.— I. strong drink (not wine). —II. wine, Nu. 28:7. m., drunkenness (Ezekiel only), p.n., a place of Judah. m., rich gift, present. bw-,' see see rbv-ate Pu. part. n'llWp joined to- gether (Ex. 26 : 17*; 36 : 22). m. pi., edges, borders, 1 Ki. 7: 28*, 29. m., snow. i^n Hiph. ««was white as snow," Eng. Ver., Ps. 68:15. (pret. Vllte, -lte; fut. ; fut. apoc. — I. was prosperous, at ease.—II. made pros- perous, gave ease to. Niph. be- came negligent, 2 Ch. 29:11. Hiph. flattered, deceived, 2 K. 4:28. nte ch was at rest, Dan. 4:1. m., fault, error, 2 Sa. 6:7. nte f. ch ., error; same as rote, Dan. 3:29. Ketib. rh&, 1 Sa. 1:17, same as nW*; see T'W. , 7 m. (pi. const. >W) H W f. — I. prosperous, at ease. — II. un- mindful of God, Eze. 23:42. i'? V) m. — I. prosperous. — II. prosperity. m. (with suff. prosperity, Ps. 30:7. f.—I. prosperity, ease.—II. neg- ligence of God. nite f. Ch., prosperity, Dan. 4:24. rvite, -lte f. Ch., error, fault, tres- pass. m. ^^3 quietly, privately, 2 Sa. *3:27. T\typ f., the after-birth, Deu. 28:57. (from and rhti) m., wholly at rest,"Job 21:23. nW, tihw, Gen.49:10; quad V?, i. e., he whose it is; "Shiloh," Eng. Ver. ( 267 ) nte nW, nte. iW, ite p. n., a" city of Ephraim, where the taber- nacle stood; a native of Shiloh. r\2rh& flame; see arfc. □'ite, rote, D-ite ; see ate. J-lte p.n. of a man. E^ite; same as rb$ (fut. nte!; inf. nte, nte, nte; imp.'rite, nnte).—i.sent (a person or thing), with b, or sometimes b]J. — II. sent word, charge; with b to; and T3 by, by the hand of.—III. sent a message to, with or without "D^.—IV. T T T T or 2 put forth his hand (to injure), laid his hand on, with It has the same meaning without 2 Sa. 6:6. — V. shoot out arrows. (For other modifications of the primary senses, see Concordance.) Niph. inf. to be sent, Est. 3:13. Pi. I. sent.—II. sent away.—III. allowed to depart, dis- missed. — IV. set at liberty. — V. gave in marriage.—VI. sent away, divorced (a wife). —VII. put in a place.—VIII. put forth (his hand). —IX. with set on fire. — X. inflicted a calamity.—XI. caused, Pro. 16:28.—XII. threw, threw off. —XIII. cast out, shoot forth. (See also Concordance.) Pu. nW was sent, dismissed, set at liberty, di- vorced, thrown. Hiph. with 3 I. sent.—II. inflicted a calamity. IW Ch.—I. sent word, orders.—II. put forth (his hand). m. pi., divorce (of a wife), Ex. 18:2. — II. renunciation (of a claim), Mic. 1:14. —- III. presents, dowry, 1 Ki. 9:16. rh& m. (with suff. in^).—I. missile. —II. rejection, contempt.—III. pi., shoots, produce.—IV. p. n. of a man. —V. p. n., Siloah, a stream which ran through Jerusalem; called also llV- nin1?^ f. pi., shoots, Isa. 16:8. p. n. of a man. c^rby p. n., a town of Judah. }n^: m. (pi. nbn^), table ; jnW spread, provided, a table; &:£n 'V, w the table of shew-bread. rbm m.—I. the sending forth of cattle (to graze).—II. (with T) the putting out the hand. ni!?e>p, nV» m., the same; I. and II. {., the "same as II. (fut. ruled, had power over, with 2L. Hiph. I. allowed to rule.—II. gave authority to, per- mitted, with 2 and Ch., with 2.—I. ruled.—II. had power over. — III. seized. Aph. caused to rule. tbw m., pi. D'D^, 'pfe shields. m., noWf.—i .ruler, prince.— II. violent, Eze. 16:30. m. Ch.— I. a ruler.— II. that which is permitted, lawful; it is not lawful, Ezr. 7:24. m., power, authority, Ecc. 8: * 4, 8. m. Ch., authority, ruler, Dan. 3:2, 3. m. Ch., authority, empire. ; see iW. ( 268 ) vhf, why-, see "sj^. Hiph.^B>n I. threw into, hX', on, 3, to, from, |D.— II. threw down, out, away.—III. cast off (as a plant its leaves).—IV. ex- pelled (a people).—V.with cast behind him, de- spised.— vi. with mn* bv_ com- mitted to the Lord. Hoph. t|^n, Tj^n I. was thrown down, out.—II. was thrown upon the Lord (for help), with hv. m., the gannet; LXX. Kara- paKrrjg, Lev. 11:17 ; Deu. 14:16. HpW f.—I. felling a tree, Isa. 6:13. II. p. n., a gate of the temple. bbp(pret.-"M>B>, iniVg'; inf. ^V, ^ fut. -WFI, with suff. I. plundered, spoiled.—II. carried off spoil. — III. scattered, Ru. 2:16, Hith. N (Ch. for ^Wn) m.—I. spoil, plunder.—II. gain, T Pro. 31:11. m., (spoiled) a captive, captives. (fut. — 1. was at peace, Job 9:4.—II. was completed. Part. one at peace with me, Ps. 7:5; 0*1^6? peaceable, 2 Sa. 20:19. Pi. aW, bW I. completed. — II. restored.—III. gave in return, re- quited.—IV. performed a vow. Pu. I .was requited.-—II. was performed (a vow). Part, made perfect, Isa. 42:19. Hiph. I. made peace with. — II. made at peace with, with DJ?, — HI. completed. — IV. brought to an end. Hoph. was made at peace, Job 5:23.tbw dW Ch., completed. minated, Dan. 5:26.—II. restored, Ezr. 7:19. m., f.— I. perfect, com- "plete, full. — II. rough, unhewn stones. — III. HOW hewn, prepared stone, 1 Ki. 6:7.—IV. peaceable, at peace, with Dy. —V. at peace with God, with njn* DJJ. — VI. p. II. of a place, Gen. 33:18.—VII. p.n., Jerusalem, SoXvjiia. Dite* m.—I. peace.—II. public quiet. —III. prosperity.—IV. safety.—V. soundness of body.—VI. friendship. Phrases : ^ is he well ? I? tihuh enquired after their welfare; Dhti farewell I ^5 made peace with them ; |p K")!? named peaceable proposals; HK gave a peaceable answer. ED7E? m, Ch., peace, safety. and pi. D^P^ m. — I. peace ' offering.—II. thank offering.—III. offering in completion of a vow. dW m.— I. retribution, Deu. 32:35. —II. p.n., a son of Naphtali; patron, ^pip^* n-iV, m., retribution. f., the same, Ps. 91:8. P* n.—I. Shallum, king of Israel.—II. used for other men. flfo1?!j? p. n., Solomon, king of Israel; LXX. SaXw/jwf. p.n. of a man. ^fcOpW p.n. of a man. p. n., same as PPp^D* p. n. of a man. rwpTtt? p.n. of a woman. ( 269 ) Aph. I. ter- m„ pi. bribes, penal- ties, Isa. 1:23. JP^, *lpfcOp^K> p.n., a king of Assyria. I. drew a sword.—II. took off a shoe, Ru. 4:7, 8.— III. plucked up grass, Ps. 129:6; 3"$ ^ a man drawing the sword; i. e., armed. p. n. of some foreign nation, perhaps 2aXairrjvoi. tTlW const. Wh&, f. r\vhf, const. m., the numeral three; with suff. ye three; DriE^K* they three; rnb>5> vhv thirteen; pi. D*k6b> thirty, thirtieth. wkw Pi. I. divided into three parts.— II. did a thing the third time.— III. did a thing on the third day. Pu. part. I. threefold. — II. three years old, Gen. 15:9. p.n. of a man. m., rw^e>, rm^E> f., pi. I. third parts.—II. cham- bers third in order, third stories; f. a third part; the third, on the third; ; see nnD- m.—I. a measure, pro- bably the third part of an Ephah. —II. abundantly; pi. D^v£\— III. a musical instrument, a tri- chord (either harp or lute).— IV. officers of high rank.—■ V. a pe- culiar class of soldiers, LXX, avafiarai Tpwrarai; their com? mander was called e'sn, E\S"I and m. pi., descendants of the( 2' third generation, great grandchil- dren. TVth V p.n., a region of Palestine, p.n. of a man. adv. three days ago; yesterday and the day before, i.e. formerly; > W as before; W fenp hereto- fore, previously. vhpi? m., a triad; D'EHn O3 a triplicity of, i. e. three months, Gen.38:24. •qrfe 1 Sa. 1:17, for 1]r6KE>; see in W- "T"; DB> adv., there, thither; t ' . . t v where; here...there; thither, there; t it ' . t t v whither.. .where; D£>P thence; whence/ ' D$,"D!2^ m. (with suff. *p£>, ^IP^; " pi. ITlD^).— I. a name; ' '3 6&Z in the name of any one.—II. fame, reputation (good or bad).—III. memory.—IV. p. n., Shem the son of Noah. Uf m. Ch. (with suff. np^; pi. a name. "D$P^ P» n-» a king of Zeboim. (perhaps for heard of God), p. n.—I. Samuel, the judge of Israel.—II. used also of other men. jn*pfc? p. n., a son of Gilead; patron. T qrypp*. p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man; the t i t : • same. IJP^ p. n., Shamgar, a judge of Israel. o ) nm 1W. Hiph. destroyed; inf. destruc- tion. Niph. was destroyed. *IpK> Ch. Aph. to destroy. r\w root not used; (Arab, heaven). DJP£\ const, *p£> m. pi.—I. heaven, the sky.—II. toward heaven, the sky. ))P^ emph. state, NJp&J> m. pi. Ch., heaven. r\m, rvinps?; see p. n.," same as KJjp^. TtyJ)m; see n'lW'Eze. 36:3, Kal inf., from gave up a debt.—II. left the land to itself.—III. threw down.— IV. stuck fast. Niph. was thrown down, Ps. 141:6. Hiph. gave up, forgave, Deu. 15:3. nt£P^ f., release, acquittal; ntap^n year of release. D?PK> heavens; see flDfc?. ^p&,n7»p&>>; seenjb^. 7>p^; see nibVp^ p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. DZjiS* (fut. pUBfe"; imp. DK>). I. was desolate, laid waste.—II. was astonished; part. Dpifc? de- solate, solitary; n'lDpifc? desolate places. Niph. D^J was desolate, astonished. Po. part. Opifc^p I. a desolator.—II. astonished, Ezr. 9:3,4. Hiph. (fut. D^; inf. Dp^ri; part. D^D) I. made desolate, laid waste.—II. astonished. — III. was astonished. Hoph. tD&n or D^n (pi. was made desolate. Hith. OpiWH (fut. Dpinp;, Dpitrri) I. was dis-( 2 consolate (of the heart).—II. won- dered.—III. destroyed himself, Ecc. 7:16. Ch. Ith., was astonished, Dan. 4:16. DpK> in., f., desolate. TODS? f.—I. desolation.—II. astonish- ment.—III. a desolate place, mm f.—I. desolation, Eze. 35:7, 9. f.—I. desolation (pi. HID^).—II. astonishment.—III. p.n.: (a) a bro- ther of David, called also NjWQW i"l5Jp!2>; (b)used also for other men. n-inp^ p. n.; same as nm. }ilD)2>l2> m., astonishment, terrors, Eze. 4: 16; 12: 19. f.—I. astonishment, Eze. 5:15. —II. desolation. or }DI^ (fut. was fat, prosperous. Hiph. I. became fat, Neh. 9:25. — II. made fat, Isa. 6:10. m., {.— I. plump (of an animal). — II. robust, stout (of a man).—III. nourishing (of food). —IV. rich, fertile, abundant. }P£> m.—l.oil.—II. ointment.— III. richness, delicacy of food, Isa. 25: 6. — IV. fertility.—V. prosperity, Isa. 10:27. (|pg> pjj any resinous tree.) m. pi., fatness, Gen.27:28,39. D^ipi2>S$ in. pi., " desolate places," Eng. Ver., Isa. 59:10. }WD m., fatness; pi. fer- tile places. D*|p£>D m. pi., rich food, Neh. 8:10. n|D^*D p. n. of a man. f., njbip const. riibE' m., eight; pi. D'ObS? eighty. a ) ^P!p m., eighth; JWpfc? a musical instrument, probably' with eight strings. yOK', (fut. J?DB»; inf. JJbti'; const, yjsp, with PI parag. nym, with suff. inyp^; imp. VW» with n parag. I. heard.—II. hearkened, with 3, A—III. understood. Niph. I. was heard.—II. was hearkened to. Pi. I. caused to hear, summoned. Hiph. n (fut. apoc. ymn). — i. caused to hear, be heard.—II. pro- claimed.—III. summoned. Ch., he heard. Ith. he obeyed. p. n. of a man. yp£>, yipf m. (with suff. >yp£>, —I* the act of hearing.— II. report, fame.—III. sound. P-n- of a man. p. n., a town of Judah. ym m. (with suff. iyp^), fame. KJJP^ p. n. of a man; see T\ym p. n., same as patron. r p. n. of a man, Shimei. n$PE>, -in^p^ p. n. of a man. ]y_6& Kal imp. pi. f. for from 'ym. T\ytM p. n. of a woman. n$6f, nyftf f.—I. a report.—II. a message. n-iyipC^n f., a hearing, Eze. 24:26. yftWfi m.—I. act of hearing, Isa. 11:3. —II. p. n. of a man.( 2 f. — I. court of hearing, council.—II. subjects, Isa. 11:14. root not used; (Arab, hastened). YW « smaZZ portion, a hint, Job *4:12; 26:14. f., defeat, Ex. 32:25. (fut. nb^J.-I. over, ivatched.—II. guarded, preserved. —III. kept in mind.—IV. attended to an office. —V. took heed. —VI. observed, remembered. — VII. re- garded, reverenced.—VIII. guarded against, avoided. Niph. I. noticed, was aware of, perceived.—II. was preserved, delivered. — III. took heed.— IV. guarded himself, ab- stained, with Jp and \?5)P; imp. Pi. regarded, Jon. 2:9. Hith. kept, guarded himself.—II. was observed. *Vpt? m.—I. a thorny shrub, u spina Egyptiaca."—II. a diamond.—III. p.n.: (a) a town of Judah; (b) a town of Ephraim; (c) of a man. "OP m., pi. — I. sediment, iees, dregs.— II. D*j?j?TP clear wine.—III. p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man, and of a woman, rqp^ f., a watch, Ps. 141:3. n'ripK* f. pi., the same, Ps. 77:5. D*Hp£>, observance of a festival, Ex. 12:42. ]iip^ p. n.— I. a town of Zebulun. — II. a son of Issachar. Patron. ♦yip# fnpfc* p.n.—I. Samaria (2«jSaoTrj). —II. the land of Israel; *jhpfc> a Samaritan. Ch., p. n., Samaria. 72 ) p. n. of a man. nnp^ p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. JVipfc? p. n. of a woman ; same as nby. TTjP^-p. n. of a man. PH1)QtPK f., night-watch; const. Tnib^; pi. nh»Bte. "Ip^P m. — I. the act of guarding, watching. — II. keeping guard.— III. imprisonment.— IV. a prison. —V. an appointed duty. n*wp f. (pi. n'np^P).—I. guard- ing, watching.—II. imprisonment. my Ch. Pa., attended, served, Dan. 7:10. 51^5 5^ com. (with suff. Ij^pl^"), the sun, pi. niew thy pinnacles, , Isa. 54:12; WW a city of Dan. P^P^ p. n., Samson. (LXX. 2ap- ^wv,) »K>pg> p. n. of a man. *1^P£> p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. W, see p£\ jtf^-'see TUW. sleep, Ps. 127:2 ; see \&\ >¥&???? P» n» a man» (Arab, had a cool mouth). m., a latticed window. (fut. —I. repeated an action.—II, was different, with jp.—III. was changed.—IV. was disobedient (part. D'O!^ rebellious). Niph. being repeated, Gen. 41:32. Pi. n3^, I. changed. — II. violated a promise.—III. removed a person to another place, Est. 2:9;tatf ( 2 with changed his mind, feigned himself mad. Pu. fut. was changed, Ecc. 8:1. Hith. changed, disguised himself, 1 Ki. 14:2. fcOfc? Ch.—I. was changed.— II. was different from, with )D. Pa. I. changed.—II. made different; part, pass, different. Ith. was changed. Aph. changed. f. (Pi. vf, rfm, ni^). —I. a year.—II. the produce of a year; mV yearlyY rytfi in the second year of Joash; nf& VriKD W rW3 in the six hundredth year. Dual two years; DVDJ DjrOE* for two years. T\y&, f. Ch., year; pi. )W. nlw, sleep; see |#J. ' ' ivory; see m., bright, scarlet colour; pi. "td^. const. m., const, f. dual, the numeral two; apiece; with suff. both of them; f., twice, again; d again. ^ WW m., nip# f., twelve^ m., f., second; f., again. pi. m.,S " angels," Eng. Ver.; '%} thousands repeated (Ges.), Ps. 68:18. const, n^p m.—I. second.— II. the second rank, second in rank. III. double.—IV. a copy.—V. of an inferior kind, 1 Sa. 15:9. —VI. a division of Jerusalem. |3E> (pret. »JW).—I. sharpened \ ) rw a sword, fyc.— II. sharpened the tongue (of slanderers), Ps. 64 : 4; 140:4. Pi. taught assiduously, with 7, Deu. 6:7. Hithpo. vbas pained acutely, Ps. 73:21. W, "1^ com. (with suff. dual *31^).—I. a tooth.—II. ivory. —III. the ridge of a rock; — IV. the prong of a fork. — V. p.n. of a place. m. pi., elephanfs tooth, ivory. (The word is probably a compound of a tooth, and 2H an elephant; from the Sanscrit ibha.) f., pointed saying, taunt; nj'JK? iTn he was for a taunt. 2X3^ p. n. of a king. . Pi. girded his loins, 1 Ki. 18:46. P* n-» one of the names of Ba- bylon and its vicinity. plundered; part. D^pfc? spoilers. Po. nMjy the same, Isa. 10:13. DD^ (fut. DB^) the same; part. DK&?, with suff. Niph. Dm was plundered. HDWD f., prey. having a division; ))W JJD6? HCnS or njJpB> having divided hoofs; rupoyn np-ia having a divided hoof. Pi. I. clove, Lev. 1: 17. — II. tore asunder, Jud. 14:6, &c.—III. withheld, 1 Sa. 24:8. VW m-» division in a hoof. S]D£5>. Pi. cut down, 1 Sa. 15:33. i.T\p (fut. apoc. looked at fa- vourably, approved, with II. looked at with attention* with 19»W ( 2 —III. looked to for help, with hy_. — IV. looked away from, re- spited, with JD, Job 7:19. Hiph. imp. I. looked away from, with |D, Ps. 39:14.—II. turn away the eyes, Isa. 6:10. See also in Hith. fat."apoc. VWA look about with alarm, Isa. 41:10; pi. with PI parag. we may look with alarm, be dismayed, Isa. 41:23. II. same as WW; imp. -1^ be blinded (Ges.); " cry," from VJ\&, Eng. Ver., Is. 29:9. 7]]$ f. Ch., an hour; XFtyW im- mediately. , stamping of hoofs, Jer. 47: 3. (Arab, pounded.) m., cloth of a mixture of wool * and flax, Lev. 19:19; Deu. 22:11. (with suff. pi. *]?fig>). —I. palm of the hand, Isa. 40:12.—II. a handful. hyW m.—I. a fox. — II. p. n. of a man. tthyW p. n. of a district. n., a town of the Danites; *a Shaalbonite. bty&'Q m., a narrow way, Nu. 22:24. 0, Niph. I. leaned on, with h]).—II. reclined.—III. touched a boundary, with b, Nu. 21:15.— IV. depended on, with bjj, 3- JJJ5?P m., a support. m., f-, the same, Isa. *3:1. n$£>p f. (pi. nwyil), walking stick, staff. V$. Pil. ywyti I. delighted. — II. i4 ) played, Isa. 11:8. Pul. $&]}& was fondled, Isa. 66:12. Hiph. imp. cover the eyes, make blind, Isa. 6:10; see in Hithpal. delighted himself, with f ' ' m. pi., delights, source of delight. p. n. of a man. Pro. 23:7, "thinketh," Eng. Ver.; meaning uncertain. *TgB?-m.—I. value, measure, Gen. 26: 12. — II. m. (f. Isa. 14:31). — 1. opening, gate of a city. — 2. the' people assembled at the gate, Ru. 3:11.— 3. the city itself; with H loc. n*^; pi. Dn^, p. n., a town of Judah. m-> a porter. m., pi. DnjtfK' blighted Jigs, Jer. 29:17. m., f. causing to shud-' der, horrible. m., f. nnny.^, hor- rible, Jer. 18:13. rrffiP p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. yvip, D^;^; see vw- P!SB> (Arab. became visible). Niph. ri3^ in a lofty, conspicuous mountain, Isa. 13:2. Pu. '1SS? became prominent (the bones), Job * 33:21. or f., cheese; pi. const. Th)Sf, 2TSa. 17:29. in pause m. (pi. C3*JfibV- 0JS&?) elevated, conspicuous place. 'iSfc?, p. n. of a man.riBC? ( 275 ) ' nnaB» f. (pi. rflliat?) female servant or slave. nns^D const, nna^p f. (with suff. Pi. nVns^p). — i. a t . household. — II. a family or clan. —III. a race or kind. £332? i . judged.—II. decided a cause. —III. defended the right of.—IV. decided between, with h • • • }*2—V. punished.—VI. ruled ; part. a judge, ruler. Niph. I. was judged, Ps. 9:20.—II. reasoned with another, disputed, , with J1K, DJ?, b, by_- Po. part, npafefc my judge. Ch." part. judge, Ezr. 7: 25. f m. (pi. judgments. tDQK? p. n. of a man. m., pi. ED*tpai^ judgments, punishments. p. n. of a man. 1 p.n. of a man, p.n. of a man. m.—I. deciding, decision, sen- tence. — II. punishment. — III. a court of justice. —IV. a cause for 9 trial. — V. justice, equity. — VI. any positive institution; the right claimed upon such institution.— VII. custom. — VIII. manner, ap- pearance. see ?1BB\ &ku}, paW; see TBEJ, ; see I. poured out.—II. shed blood.— f|BC5> III. threw up a mound. — IV. uttered a prayer. — V. metaph. poured out his soul, his heart, his anger. — VI. gave abundantly. Niph. trop. was poured out, was shed. Pu. I. was poured out.—II. slipped. Hith. 1]3ri^n was shed. ^Bfe? m., the place of pouring out, 'Lev. 4:12. HIDB^ f., membrum virile, Deu. 23 :2. '?SE' (fut.VsB"; inf.^ap) .—I. was low, was lowered.—II. was humbled. Hiph. I. brought low.—II. sent down, Isa. 57 : 9.—III. cast down, humbled; il-ll 'W humble in spirit. ^Bfc^ Ch. Aph. humbled, brought low. m., nhzw f.—I. low.—II. low in T T T T ; rank or importance.—III. humble. ^B£^ m. Ch., low in rank, Dan. 4:14. m. (with suff. lowly place, condition. f., the same, Isa. 32:19. rPB5? f., low country; nbst^ri the low country, i. e. the plain between Joppa and Egypt. IVl^BCy f., lowness of the hands, in- activity, Ecc. 10:18. DB&? p.n. of a man. DBB>, p.n., a town of Judah ; a Shiphmite. m.—I. the jerboa; LXX. %oipo- ypvWiog, Lev. 11:5; Deu. 14:7. —II. p.n. of a man. (Syr. inundated). m., overflowing, abundance, Deu. 33:19. f.—I. inundation.—II. multi- tude. p.n. of a man. (Syr. he crept; Arab, a speckled snake).W ( 276 ) m., a species of serpent, Gen. 49:17. p. n., a son of Benjamin. p.n. of a man. p.n. of a man. was pleasing, with h)H_, Ps. 16:6. rnBEP f., beauty, Job 26:13. *)5DS^ Ch., was fair, pleasing, with hv, "P3B: m. (pi. nnaity), trumpet, curved horn. m. — I. pleasantness, beauty, Gen. 49:21.—II. p. n., a moun- tain in the wilderness. iTTElGP p. n. of a woman. *Vip£y p. n., an unknown place, m. Ch., pleasing, fine. ("1-nQ^) m., royal canopy, Jer. 43:10. m. Ch., the dawn, Dan. tt : - ; ' * 6:20. fixed, placed. m. dual, cooking vessels. DJjn^D dual, the same. m-> overflowing, Isa. 54:8. pK> Ch., leg, same as p)&> npr I. was sleepless, awake.—II. watched, kept watch for, with hVj Pu. see next word. ipr I. almond tree.—II. almond. Hence denom. Pu. part. D^i^P formed like almonds. Niph. was overflown (see Am. 8:8. Hiph. njj^n (fut. apoc. PTO I- Save drink to any one.— II. watered the ground; part. T\pwn giving water, Ps. 104:13. Pu. watered, refreshed, Job 21:24. r\pV f., drinking-trough; pi. const. Vin®?. *-1p^ m. (pi. with suff. ^-Ipt^).—I. re- freshment.—II. drink. •1pK> or m. (pi. with suff. drink. ng^D m.—I. cup-bearer.—II. drink. —III. a watered country. nfjty Kal imp. with H parag., from p£0, f)pK>; see fpB*. topis' I. was quiet, undisturbed.—II. ceased.—III. remained inactive.— IV. was silent. Hiph. I. caused to cease.—II. was quiet, ceased, with ^ and |p; inf. rest, tranquillity. r fcDpfc? m., rest, quiet, 1 Chron. 22:9. I. weighed. — II. weighed in payment, paid. — III. estimated, judged.—Niph. I. was paid.—II. was judged. bp® m. (pi. D^i^, —I. a cer- tain standard weight, the shekel. —II. a silver coin of that weight, m., act of weighing, weight. ^PK>P m., weight, Eze. 4:10. n!?fS?P f., balance, Isa. 28:17. nVpB'b f., the same, 2 Ki. 21:13. nfijpE' f., pi. niDpB' syca- more tree, a species of fig. sank. — II. was overflown.— III. abated (of fire). Niph. was overflown, Am. 8:8 (Ketib HjjSSO) which see in Vj?^P m., a pond, Eze. 34:18. f. pi., hollows, parts cor- roded, KoiXadtg, Lev. 14:37. fcjptjy. Niph. and Hiph. I. looked.—S|PB> ( 277 ) • II. looked down, through, towards. —III. threatened. m., covering, coping, 1 Ki. 7:5. D*ESpK> m. pi., coped, having copings, , 1 Ki. 6:4. fpp^pm., lintel, beam over a doorway. Pi. I. regarded with disgust. —II. loathed, Ps. 22:25.—III. pol- luted. YpV? m., abominable thing. m., an abomination. ppty (fut. —I. ran to and fro.— II. was eager. Hithpal. ran to 1 and fro; fut. pi. (-Ip^pri^, Nah. 2:5. pWD m., running to and fro, Isa. T 33:4. (fut. "1p^5 acted falsely towards, with J. Pi. with 5'—I. ut- tered a falsehood.—II. acted falsely. *lp£> m. — I. falsehood. — II. a de- , ceitful thing. — III. false witness; Ipfc^ in vain, falsely; 1pm, Ipwi falsely; TgB? adv. in vain. njjfc>, ninp^j see np^. py,seem fcnjP; see .Tft£ *)5ffcjn&P p. n. of an Assyrian prince; see m.—I. drought, Isa. 49:10.—II. the mirage, Isa. 35:7 (Arab, the W p. n. of a man. same as a sceptre (Esther only). set at liberty, Job 37:3. Pi. T the same, Jer. 15:11. ^*11^ Ch.—I. untied.—II. solved.—III. halted, dwelt. Pa. I. untied.—II. began. Ithpa. was loose. rw, nw walls; see p. n. of a man. nHS? f., coat of mail, Job 41:18. m., the same. finp m. (pi. nfahp, Wonp).—i. . TTf\ n-nn^; see Tl£J\ same as nnx^; see pB> (fut. — I. became nu- merous. — II. produce in great numbers, swarm.—III. creep, crawl, Eze. 47:9. m. col., small creatures, whethei insects, reptiles, or fishes. (fut. ir©»).—i. whistle, or hiss for, call by whistling, with —II. Am at in contempt, with njri^ f., derision, scorn. T,l;Jp,,'n^ f., hissing, derision, Jer. 18:16. —II. whistling, piping, Jud. 5:16. n^p'^p m. Ch., " flute," Eng. Ver.; LXX. (Jvpiyyoq, Dan. 3:5—15. I. (Arab. made wicked); part. Tw adversary. V)B> p. n. of a man. TT * . II. TIE? (Syr . was firm).V>fc> ( 2^ Tfe> m. (with stiff. the navel, Cant. 7:3. ife* m. (with suff. ^1^), the same, m., pi. firm, solid parts, Job 40:16. rVnH^ f. with 27, firmness, obstinacy of heart. f., pi. chains, bracelets, Isa. 3:19. f., a chain. f., pi. const. rt«5h^ chains, smaW bracelets, Ex. 28:22. Bht? m. (with suff. DBhP; pi. VQCT, — I. « r00*-—U- s/ioo#, suckers, Isa. 11:10; 53:2. — III. lowest part of any thing; e. g., sole of the foot, bottom of the sea, 8fc.—IV. foundation, ground- work; "CH 'W ground of com- plaint, Job 19:28. t5hB? Pi. denom. rooted up. Pu. was rooted up. Poel and Poal KnIP Joofc root. Hiph. the same. m. Ch., a root. p. n. of a man. (^")^) f. Ch., rooting up, banishment, Ezr. 7:26. nteng>, n'mn^; see *w. JV^. Pi. — I. waited on, with ntf.—II. attended to, with accus., V.V— III. njrv Dgfr 'W or mnrn$ performed the service of the sanctuary. — IV. worshipped, Eze. 20:32. Part. Hm., ni^D f., minister. riW, Po.' see np$. f., TWW const., nW m., six; pi. sixty; see also in 8 ) Vnt? HW Pi. grare a siarfft parf o/, Eze.- T45:13. m., HW f., the sixth; in f. a part. Pi. caused to walk, Zed,- T Eze. 39:2. p. n., the Persian name of Zerubbabel. p. n. of a man. ''Pi? P* n« of a man* TjW p. n., a prophetic title of Babylon. ){W p. n. of a man. p. n. of a man. with pause "IW m., red ochre" or red lead ; LXX. fiiXrog. nw, nn^, pret. from nw. nw tumult, see n& p. n., nin^, see rw. n&, nin^, see nnt£ OB' Ch., six; pi. JVIGP sixty. nw (inf. nhf, irr, nin^ 5 fat. T nri^.J aPoc* ?£?.)•-" *• he drank. . —ii. sat at table, banqueted, Est. 7:1.—III. met., experienced.—IV. consumed. Niph. fut. was drunk, Lev. 11:34. nrr, Ch., he drank; pret. with. pros.Vn^X. m.—I. drinking.— II. the warp of a well. f., drinking, Est. 1:8. rWt? m.—I. the act of drinking.— II. a banquet.—III. the drink itself. HWP emph. KJfifP m. Ch., the same. •in^ Ps. 73:9, pret. pi., from T\T\W. see DW. planted a tree.W (2 b'ntJ'm., pi. D^nn ''bnc' olive shoots, branches, Ps. 128:3. (Copt, to close); |^n DW " whose eyes were opened," Eng. Ver., Nu. 24:3,15. Hiph.made water; that... against the wall; i. e., a very mean man. pm I. became still, was at rest. ■— II. ceased (of strife), Pro. 26:20. -)m p. n., a prince of Persia. •OTIS p. n. of a Persian, iw same as JVt? placed. m. (pi. with suff. DPfnin^), the buttocks. n an m., a room or chamber; pi. D'Wfi, T ; (Arab, habitation). see mm. T L desired, longed for, with ?, Ps! 119, 40, 174. rQKfl f., desire, Ps. 119:20. II. nxn same as Pi. part. HKHp abhorring, Am. 6:8. nam. Pi. mark, mark out; fut. pi. ' WnJil, Nu. 34:7,8. •13nXRT ' for -13nSFl Kal fut. pi., "fiom nn«. m., the Egyptian antelope; 'antilope oryx (Linn.). H1Xri desire; see Hltf* Pi. fut. with suff. for -irfelDXfl, or Kal fut. with suff. for -inppNn, from !?38- cursing; see Dfc$Pl was double; part. twins. Hiph. produced twins. r9 ) ^an D1KPI m., pi. twins-, pi. const. njigs; see rm njKn, see flfc. nW p. n., a town of Ephraim. IKfi I. turned, made a circuit.—II. - T was formed, drawn, used in both senses of a boundary only. Pi. delineated, marked the form of. nKhp p. n. of a place, Jos. 19:13. m. (with suff. n^h, i"l^jR).—I. /orm, personal appearance. — II. beauty. )nm p.n. of a man. ; see *1E5>K. for nnh, HIKA Kal fut. 2. pers., from HQtf. Kal fut. pi. f., from W3. const. rQ$ f- (Coptic an ar&, c/ies/; Hierog. the same). — I. Noah's ark. — II. the basket in which Moses was eocposed. HWMj seetfiB. nxian, nmhn for x'un; for ^hn Kal fut. with H parag., and with suff. for from Nta. 1 'T : S : j-nn, njw'ri; seeps. • np-nri; see D-12. p. n.—I. a mountain of Galilee on the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali.—II. a city of the Levites in Zebulun.—III. a grove of oaks in Benjamin. ;|5PI, pFll Kal fut. apoc., from HDl- see ^3»; bin, see V?3- "?nn same as "pn-iFi- ; see W>2r>; see I m., straw. p. n. of a man. J3HD m., heap of straw, Isa. 25:10. ; see fU3. Kal fut. pi. with 3 parag. from T njn. ; ; see m P3B P-n., a place not far from Sichem. Ch. part., f. iTVin brittle, Dan. 2:42. nynjijri for njnajn Kai fut. Pi. f. from rD|. Hiph. fut. pi. with J parag. from 1 TW. Niph. fut. apoc. from H^!l. id^s rfan,-ip!?a ni^n.iDs^B'Fi, 'fi p.n., a king of Assyria. ^1DJFI; see ^DS. nun? see ma. t: • / m nD")3D, n»TJin p.n., some country to the north of Palestine. *vvin; seeTH. ; see n-n. Pi. fut. pi. with suff. from mn6i. p. n., a city in the Syrian desert, Palmyra. ^5n? P-n- 0* a Gen. c' 14« finPl (Arab. a desert). •inn m. — I. emptiness. — II. a vain thing, nothing.—III. desolation.— IV. a desert, wilderness.—V. adv. in vain. D1HF1 the deep; see D-IH. in pause fak apoc., from .Til. florin for n^D^nri Hiph. fut., from D-i n. T ' '' ( 280 ) lin n^nn, n^ni? ; see ^n?nn for ^n^nn; see n^>nn in ■y?n. VT': HD-^nri procession; see im. na-isn?), nbsnn; see nan. •lVnniji Pi. fut. pi. with dag. euphon., from bnn- 1fl; see nifi. T TTt SIR same as an Ch., returned. Aph. I. returned, carried back. — II. an- swered, with D|H3. p.n. of some northern na- tion, perhaps the Tibarenes. p. n., a son of Lamech, the first artificer in iron. rijl-lfi; see nj\ ■TTlfi; see HT. mn Ch., was amazed, Dan. 3:24. nifl. Pi. njri made marks, scrabbled, 1 Sa. 21:14. Hiph. I.with Ifl made a mark, Eze. 9:4. — II. metaph. provoked, i.e. made a painful mark, scratch, wound, Ps. 78:41; Vulg. exacerbaverunt. m., a mark or sign, Eze. 9:4; (Arab, a mark in the form of a cross, put upon the necks of ca- mels; hence the Phoenician and Greek letters t taut). mn p.n. of a man. r6nifi; see const. Tpfl m., the middle; IpfiS in the middle, among, within, through; TjifiD from the midst of; "SprrPK into the midst of; TpH oppression; see in Ipfi. f\yp\ m., f., middle.-pn ( 2f nnsin, nnsin-, see m\ rfl$FI; see t?\ y?in; see1??*. »Vifi, n$>in> nyVin; see yVn. same as D^piNF); see 'TfOSn for IjDin Kal part., from ^JDH- nn#n, njgjn; see nyn. njnn; see riyn. n^in; see MI*! (Arab, s/nf through detestation). fish f—I. D^Q1? 'fl object of detes- tation (one in whose face they spit), Job 17:6.—II. flDF), with H parag. nnSpFl p.n., a place in the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, nfottrtfl; seefettP. T Tin i. go about as a spy, spy out.— II. search out, explore.—III. travel about, 1 Ki. 10:15.—IV. seek after the heart, go astray, Nu. 15:39, with Hiph. I. send spies, Jud. 1:23.—II. direct aright, Pro. 12:26. m.—I. turn, order, Est. 2:12, 15. —II. row, string of beads, Cant. 1:10, 11.— III. a turtle dove.— IV. same as rnifi way, manner, 1 Chron. 17:17. ■tiJV m., " that which one discovers" (Ges.); «abundance" see "1JV (Lee); "range," Eng. Ver., Job 39:8. mitt; see m* m. Ch., an ox. see SB*. -f.—I. abundance, wealth.—II. abundantly, entirely, Job30:22.— III. security.—IV. wisdom. nrnnj see nn\ T ' l ) nnn rm, ton; see rn. »9>fn for Kal fut. 2. pers. 'from'pTK. n-UtFI; see H3T. for Pi. fut. with suff.from nteon, nfcon ; see •inn p.n., same as rT)R THj0 Kal fut. apoc. from HTH. rnh for rnan Kai fut. from tn«. ^nh fut. apoc. from n*n. ^b3nn p.n. of a man. 'jnjj 'for bnn Niph. fut. from ^>H. nWl; see y?n. ; see r\hn. D»nn;'seeDm tnn,'~nunn; see nan. njnn, DWCffi, ntemn; see pn. omann, oniann (wan®, p. n.— I. a city of Egypt.—II. D'OSPin a queen of Egypt. K^nn, nnnn; see nnn. ^nn p. n. of a man. m. e>nri nip, cmnfl niiiy. —I. a colour of which skins were dyed, probably blue; u badgers' skins," Eng. Ver. — II. p. n. of a man. fcTifl, t^nni, Job 31:5 ; Kal fut. apoc. (n^n); see am nnn root not used; (Ethiop. " cast down"). nnn m., that which is under, below. Adv. below; prep. v ito .—I. under.— II. instead of.—III. in return for; nnn whereas, because that; *3 'h because; (also without *3). with suff. >nnn (\?nnn); Tnnn; rnnn, n^ncin (nsnipn); wnr-in;nnn ( 282 ) r6n onnri, b^griri, Dnwn. comp. nhrip from under, under; ^ under, beyond; rUlFl'^ under. nnri P. n.—i. one of the stations of Israel in the wilderness.—II. name of a man. nnri ch., > under. ninri ch.,} wjji m., rvnnn, jvnnn f., lower, lowest; pi. m. D^nnn, f. nVpn^i lowest parts or places. fifinn m., niinnri f., lower, lowest. fin# Ch. Aph. fut. from ftfij. nnn Kai fut. f. from nm. DJn Kal fut. apoc. from rr». Hiph. mn, with pause tT)T] cut 'off. {b^; see^R ji^n, jiVin p. n. of a man. £PFI, p. n. of a people of Arabia, and of their country. IPVI; see }D\ seen»n. nb^r), Ex. 25:31, for nfc^ri Niph. fut. from n'w see£H\ p. n. of a man. p. n., one of the sons of Japhet. m. (pi. D^fO, he-goat or ram. npn. Pu. -13 ft were seated, sat down, T Deu. 33:3.' FDPI, POfil Kal fut. apoc. from flfD. mYsfl; see }i|3, pn. m. pi., probably peacocks, 1 Ki. 10:22; 2 Ch. 9:21. pP) Ch., injured, hurt. ^Pl, m., craft, oppression; see also 1]in in IjJR m. pi., oppressions, injuries, Pro. 29:13. n^n, n^Jfl; see ni?3. n'jgn f., violet blue. weighed. — II. pondered, ex- amined. Niph. I. was measured, examined.—II. was of just measure, fair, equal. Pi. }3F) I. measured. —II.fixed, Ps. 75:4.—III. directed, Isa. 40:13. Pu. measured, reckon- ed, 2 Ki. 12:12. pH m.—I. fixed quantity, Ex. 5:18. —II. measure, standard, Eze.45:11. —III. p. n., a town of the Simeon- ites. nj-IDn f. — I. arrangement, order, structure. — II. costly thing, Nah. 2:10 ; see also in f-13* ITODfl f., measure, standard. • : t 7 9 robntt f. (with suff. irosnp), mea- sure, proportion. DDI? Pi. fut. apoc. from HDD. !-!Di)n Hith. fut. from HDD. Tigris see see ttn. t6pl,D,i6l?; see n^n. ; see ns6. nb^ri ; see city of Syria or Mesopotamia. Dfa^ri ; see ch1?. £ri m. Ch., snow. ; see rbin. (part. pi. tM^I, DW^FI, —I./mng-.with 3, b]} upon (a tree).—II. «made dependent," Job 26:7 (Lee).—III. placed in sus*n"?n pense. Niph. was hanged. hung, Eze. 27:10, 11. fhv.i, Kal fut. apoc., from nr6- m. (with suff. ^^Fl) quiver (that which is suspended), Gen. 27:3. ; see n^ri p. n. of a man. S9ri raised a mound; part. elevated, thrown up, Eze. 17:22; ("?rin, see^nn)- pn m. (with suff. H?#, D?fi).—-I. heap of ruins.—II. hill, mound.—III. ^£1 H'QX p. n. of a town of Babylonia. —IV. NKhn hn p.n.; see Khn. —v. rfcfe 5ri (hill of salt), p.n., a place in Babylonia. D/)1 m., furrow, ^pSfl p. n. of a man. ; see nob. Kal fut. apoc., from Pu. part. CD^nD clothed in scarlet, Nah. 2:4. j£in m. (pi. a^in) — I. worm of any kind.—II. the worm used in dying scarlet. — III. scarlet cloth. —IV. p.n., Tolah: fa) a son of Issachar; patron. syh)F\.—(b) a judge of Israel. f., « worm. r-^Vin f. (with suff. origin) a worm; /fl, /fi I. scarlet or crim- • t ' • : son.—II. the kermes insect whence it was dyed. nvsSn f. pi., «an armoury," Eng. Ver.,Cant.4:4; meaning uncertain, same as t,- : t - : rpfi U nn^n, m. Ch., three; T pi. thirty' ' ( 283 ) D»n Pi. n!?n m. Ch., the same; mbfi and prince third in rank. m. Ch., third. Ch., f. nxn^ri the same. m. pi., hanging, flowing of hair; LXX. eXarat, Cant. 5:11. DA Ch., with H parag. TO# there. nsn, Dh, neris see con. HD# same as NprPL nan wondered, was amazed. Hith. imp. -inEirirj be astonished, Hab. 1:5. Plpfi m. Ch., wonder, miracle. Vinftfi m., astonishment, terror. t-IDfl p. n., a Syrian idol, perhaps . Adonis. /I DR adv., yesterday; S'lDntf, b-lbn«, 7)Km the same. rU-1Dfi; see pp." rfjIDij); see T)D. nn-IOT; see WD. np# p. n. pf a man. Pip# Hiph. fut. apoc., with * parag. **npri, from nriD. TDfi;' see TID. D>Dfl; see DDH. I. took hold of, with 3—II. held, held up, supported.—iil. obtained. —IV. apprehended.—V. arrived at, reached. Niph. was holden, Pro. 5:22. DOtt (fut. Dfi|, Qin\ criri; pi. •ID#*, with pause -IDjJ^.— I. was completed, ended.—II. was perfect in character, upright.—III. ceased, came to an end, finished. — IV. wasted away, consumed, destroyed; DDJH ^ until they were destroyed.DDH ( 2 Niph. (fat. pi. — I. was fi- nished.—II. was consumed. Hiph. onn (fut. DrP; inf. with suff. consumed.— II. declared perfect.—III. took the sum of, counted, 2 Ki. 22:4.— IV. cause to cease, remove, with fD, Eze. 22:15. Hithpa.showed him- self perfect; fut. DEM, 2 Sa. 22: 26; Ps. 18:26. D^pfl m., nD"»pjn f. —1. complete.— II. whole, entire.—III. free from fault, defect.—IV. integrity. DF) m., HEF1 f., blameless, honest, virtuous, pious. D'n, Din, -ori m. (with suff. i. completeness.—II. security, peace, prosperity.—III. innocence, integ- rity; pi. D^pfi probably see nnw. ran f., innocence, integrity. D^PJ? double, contr.for D^P^h* Dhp m., unhurt, sound, soundness. H3pj|i p.n., a city of Judah. nnsftn p. n., a town of the Philistines; tit : • ^ipfl a Timnite. Din rtfpr), nip 'fi p. n., a town in Mount Ephraim. yjpri p. n.—I. of a woman.—II. of one of the tribes of Edom. DP5; see DDD. DDP), DpFll Hiph. fut. apoc., from VWV" nan m.—I. a palm tree; pi. D'HDR —II. p.n. of a woman.—III. p. n. of a town in south Palestine.—IV. p. n., same as —V. Dnorin {city of palms), a name of Jericho. ipn m., palm-tree, Jer. 10:5. 34 ) jn rnan f. (pi.Dnfen, n"nbn), arti- ficial palm tree. m. pi., columns, Jer. 31:21; see also in rnp^ f., pi. const, n'npri pillars of smoke. "Igfi Ex. 23:21, for Hiph. fut., fromYlD (same as HID), nph for ••npK'n Kal fut. pi., from * nDK. p-nprl; seeplD. )n, b^n; see pn. J0, Kal imp., from }nj« Ch. Pe. fut., from run hired, Hos. 8:10. Pi. I. ascribed T T ' praise to, Jud. 5:11. — II. cele- brated an action, Jud. 11:40. Hiph. same as Kal, Hos. 8:9. f. pi., habitations, Mai. 1:3; see also in D^fi- r\;m {., gift, wages of prostitution, T Hos. 2:14. p. n. of a man. m. (with suff. rl|3nSI).—I. fee, gift, wages, of prostitution.—II. p. n. of a man. m. Ch., the second: f. Dan. 7:5. Ch. adv., a second time, again, Dan. 2:7. HK-ttn; see m nn-OT; seem •JjOJn;' see^D- mp-OT; see D-1J. na-OT; seefJ-U. m., a furnace, oven. D*p-in;n, ntarur), n£mn; see Dm. m., with ))& the lower part of the ear. Jfi or )JJ m., pi. D^fi, P?0 jackals, or*3n\ ( 285 ) e>an other wild animals of the desert; the precise meaning unknown. D*3F1 m. sing., for J'jlFI Eze. 29:3; 32:2. t»3PI m. (pi. D'MFl).— I. a serpent.— II.any large marine animal.—III. a crocodile. nvmn; see DEO. S|Dfl for t)pKh Kal fut., from S|DK. Pi. I. abhorred. — II. rendered loathsome. — III. was abominable. Hiph. I. acted abominably.—II. adv. abominably. Niph. was abhorred. rQjflfi const, rnyifl f.—I. abomina- tion.—II. impure detestable action. —III. anything polluting.—IV. an idol. najsjg for n Niph. fut. pi., from py. (fut. apoc. ynri).—I. wandered, went astray.—II. staggered through drunkenness. — III. was in con- fusion, disorder.—IV. with |P, 'HnXD departed from the true worship. Niph. iiyrp I. was led astray.—II. was made to stagger. Hiph. njmn (fut. apoc. yr© i. caused to wander, go astray.— II. deceived, led astray.—III. acted nyifi f.— I. apostacy, Isa. 32:6.- II. hurt, injury, Neh. 4:2,8. P» n. of a man. n^yn/'see w. see r6j?. ; see nabyh ; see D^y. MWs see J&. milB i see nay. p. n., a city of the Manas- sites in the tribe of Issachar. m- Pil.part.^riynp mocking, Gen. 27:12. Hith. part. pi. mocked, 2 Chron. 36:16. m. pi., mockeries, deceptions, Jer. 10:15; 51:18. ntoygn; see Dsy. nyri;' see my. nnnyn; see my. p|h, D*s>n ; see f)an. nnXQFl, rnXQF); see "INS. rnan m.—I. apple-tree.—II. apple.— III. p.n.: (a) a town of Judah; (b) a town of Ephraim; (c) a town between Ephraim and Manasseh; (d) the name of a man. Thiphel 1. pers. with suff., from •inah, -inahi for Kai fut. with suff., from nSK* see 'jBK. bSR (Arab. was unseasoned). m.—I. that which is insipid, un- savoury, Job 6:6. — II. insipid, foolish, Lam. 2:14. — III. lime, lime-wash for walls (Eze. only). "?B'n p. n., a place in the wilderness. ri^Dri f., insipidity, folly. nWri'i see ; see npbn; see riDD. P|Sri? part. f. pi. beat the tam- bourine or drum, Ps. 68:26. Pi. smite the bosom, Nah. 2:8. fjh m. (pi. tambourine, drum. ISfi sew, join together. Pi. the same, Eze. 13:18. I. laid hold of, seized, with 3. - t *" * ;nan < 286 ) jnn —II. took in war.—III. handle, manage the bow, Sfc.—IV. carry on war.—V. set, enchase, Hab. 2:19.—VI. administer the law, Jer. 2:8.—VII. used the name of God irreverently, perjured himself Pro. 30:9. Niph. was taken, caught. Pi. took hold, Pro. 30: 28. nsh, nnan; see Ch. m. pi. emph. lawyers or judges, Dan. 3 :2, 3. for Kal fut. pi., from T'W HJpri; see Hip. rtoippl, DD'ipri J see Dip. 5»pj?;' see JJpJX pa-lpn, see f|-1p; see *)pn. Chweighed; part. pass. ; weighed; pret. thou art weighed. IP* was arranged, straight. Pi. I. set in order. — II. made straight (Ecclesiastes only). |pn Ch., the same. Hoph. JpllH was set in order, established. smote the hands together (for joy, &c.).— II. thrust in, stabbed (of a weapon).—III. fixed, fasten- ed.—IV. pitched a tent.—V. threw into the sea, Ex.10:19.—VI. with blew a trumpet; with ny-lin blew a horn. Niph. I. with Tp strikes hands, becomes a surety, Job 17:3.—II. with a trum- T pet is blown. Jfipn m., blast with a trumpet, Eze. 1:14. ygri m., the same, Ps. 150:3. JftpH p.n., Tekoa, a town of Judah, whence the name JJipn *1|np the wilderness of Tekoa; m. ^fpn> f. n^pn a Tekoite. overpower, prevail over. P]pn Ch.—I. was strong.—II. was vio- lent. Pa. made strong. m., might, power. *)pn m. Ch., the same. na-ipn circuit; see f|*1p. S^pfi m., strong, powerful, Ecc. 6:10. m. Ch., strong, powerful. p.n., a town of Benjamin. HlTl, Kal fut. apoc., from nil. n-iiin,n^n; see nm. ; see Ch. quadrilitt., interpreted, translated; part. pass. Qnnp,- Ezr. 4:7. * ; see D11 nijnnn p.n., Tirhakah, king of Egypt and Ethiopia. ronn, rmnri; see an njJnri; see yjh. nanjjl; see asn. fnn Niph. fut., from nnn f., name of a tree, the holly. P*n-—I- a station of Israel in the wilderness.— II. the father of Abraham. nj[V]n p-n. of-a man. Pin const, nn m„ }W10 f. Ch., two. nion'n, rvDnm' see rm IT mast of a ship.—II. flag or banner. jnri m. Ch.— I. entrancet door.— II. palace (the porte). m. Ch., door keeper.inn ( 21 n"?jnH; see fcn. WW P-n-of a man- D»rU5 m. pi., Teraphim; idols of some kind. n^snn, Job 5:18, Kal fut. pi., from T hin- rmn p.n.—I. one of the royal cities of Israel.—II. the name of a wo- man. fcJHF) p.n.of a Persian. see W> fr^n^nri, with art., a title of Nehe- miah. ww p.n., a chief of the Assyrians, prnn p.n., an idol of the Arvadites. njWF), for njK&fi Kal fut. pi., from DD-lbri; see UW. niWri; see tw. p. n. of a man. yWn; see p^- nn-1^n; seel-l^. ; see ; see pW. iTVlfcMl; seem 7 ) inn Deu.32:18, fat. apoc., from WW- DK% fut., from DG?*» const. f. const, m., wke, the ninth; pi. ninety. m., f., the ninth. J-l^Fl Kal fut. apoc., from Pint?, •iriri^n Hith. fut. apoc. sing, for " ninwn, from nn^. yriOT kith. fut. apoc. for nyn^n, from nj}65>. HFI, with suff. •'jRH Kal inf., from JHJ. "linn for *rann Hith. fut., from - t • ~T : • Tin. nrin for nrinj Kal pret., from )H3. •innn Hith. fut. apoc., from Tin. DFlfl, Dhn Kal fut., from DDH- ^rin p.n.,a Persian noble. yrin, ynni Kai fut. apoc., from nyn S^nn, 2 Sa. 22:27, transpos. for ^jRpnn Hith. fut., from 7HB. >^nn, Ex. 2:4, for Hith. fut., " "from IS*. -inh, nnhl Hiph. fut. in pause from m*T.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014