ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015WmSTrOCK, Obstetric Ejaculations on, with H a very rare and curious volume, thin post 8\o’, half calf, 6s N,D‘ . „ 7 a THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From "the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland. Purchased, 1918. 61 A-475 Ob7L J ©b7 TABLE of CONTENTS. _ T The Author’s original intention and ideas. Chap. I.—The A«^ & Vaccine Socieiy and Chap. II—Hi» dUgnst and^«alroenl. affi ^ *« i“teuUons- .SSiiSiTKS1^ Chap. IV.—Meditations—wanting 1 Chap. V—The Vac and Anti-vaccinists, their division and fatal battle. Chap. VI.-The dark aspect of ieUauthoring of theantivac’s, partly in prosaic verse, in a passion. Observation. Chap. VI1.—A» elucidating anecdote. Chap. VI11.—Cow Pock Itch and Historia Morin. Chap. IX.—The Ennoia. CHAP. X—Th, best part of the »bole, whicb Ulh. Physiological Digression. Chap XI.—A devious chapter, on bi!Slblt i>u,ba Chap. XI1.—The focus .>PREFACE. SHOULD it interest the reader to know why the author has given this title to his folly,—let him learn—that he is a Practitioner in the “ Obstetric Art,” gaudetc Angeli! And that this is the produce of the iiours of his attendance on the pangs and pains of parturition. What Port in a Storm ? Qua via tendis Chorydon ? Miseris suceurro. &t such a time does not any piay-thing become fair for the Doctor, “ except that he is really about.” The child to be born can be nothing to him. No—He therefore chooses to form a brat of his own. “ Patri si mil is filius.” Then strike up iidlers ; play lullaby to the sad li—es of the head, and again play lullaby to the sad ach—es of my heart.PROiEMIUM WHEN a man is foiled in any favourite intention, whether by actual opposition, or the dread of it, shall it surprise us, if he grow out of humour with himself, or restive with others. Such then is my case, and such must be my apology. I was pregnant with a darling child, which was prematurely knocked on the head by the rude treatment of a set of monopolizing men, who would bear with no children but those of their own begetting. I am resisting, and do resist. The public will excuse it, though it be mere private animosity ; for I shall temper my history with the truth ot narration. “ Credite me vobis folium recitare Sybillse.CHAP. I IT HAD a proposal to make to the Jennerian Society, iu -*®- which I would willingly have risqucd halfof my fortune; But I have found that without leave, no man (rure degens) must ut»er a word on this subject, lest the Vaccine Royalists attaint him of treason. My intention was to have proposed a Vaccine Institution, consisting of Ten Members and Twenty Cows ; the Calves being sold off for profit. In this Establishment stalls should have been erected, both for the Cows and the Members. Stalls under different dignified titles correspondent to the merits of the respective animals, or of the members. Many wholesome laws 1 had laid down, such as the following:— Fresh straw and new milk every day ; the straw for the cows, and the milk for the members. A sort of Lactariuin to be provided for weakly children, and for their nurses : each to be taken care of by a member; the most considerable member having the first choice of the nurse and child, proceeding downwards, usqe ad, or as Livy says, “■ Um-hiico tenus.” The nurses to milk the men, (p’shaw, I meant the cows.) night and morning, (observe) whilst any milk remains, and the greatest stress to be laid upon order and decorum. The society to consist of two sorts of members ; of the sitting members and of the standing members. The standing members to keep the cows, the nurses, and the children in order ; and the sitting members to look on (if they have patience) until their turn comes. Now an institution of this high order, comprising the two great classes of animated nature, the man and the cow, or rather (ladies first) the cow and the man, could not fail, when wisely conducted, to pour incalculable benefits upon ths10 world iu general ■ but enough of the institution, it is a mere sketch, an outline, so verbum sat. 1 will now present the public with a set of Rules, which I intended for this Medical Vaccine Club, held at the sign of the Red Cow and Milk-Pail. I scarce need request the approval of the public, to the wisdom and sociability of the rules, as they are of that description of sense which is called self-evident. Rules for the Medical Vaccine Club. 1. That any man of the faculty wishing well to the nature of this club, be admitted, provided he will submit to be led or driven. 2. Any of the same sort of men as the above, may propose another of his kind, provided he be properly disposed to take the infection. 3. Each member shall be at liberty to commit any thing to paper, tho’published a thousand times before, provided he pay the expence and do not oblige the other members to-read it. 4. Any member may steal a march upon others, in point of proposing or printing, provided he prove that he has n othing specificially selfish in it. 5. If two members choose to write upon the same subject, or to take up the time of the club (which ought otherwise to be spent in drinking) then, notwithstanding all they may have written or said, that each member shall be obliged,* contrary to bis former usage, to produce something new. Should he not be able so to do, then lie shall be constrained, if possible, either to say a good thing upon the spot, or (if again unable,) to apply to any other member, who can. 6. There shall be a President for the night, whose title shall be Sir John Bull. 7. After supper, his health and the health of his Lady (viz Lady Bull) and family shall be drank in a bumper. 8 The liquor used upon the above occasion shall be Milk-Punch 9. The six younger members for the night, sha ! h> christeued Calves.11 JO. These shall he of the livelier cast, and esteemed as Jeslers for the Evening 11. In what ever they say or do, they shall not be urged by Older members, from any private view whatever, 12. They shall not presume to accost Sir John Bull, or to have intercourse with him, nor with his Lady except standing, for decency's sake. 13. The expences of any member who cannot pay them shall be defrayed. J 1-1. No man of a dark and designing disposition, or - such a one as is usually called a black sheep, shall be admitted. 15. After a certain hour the Inoculation for wit shall commence, when each member shall be at liberty, by any fair means, to Inoculate his neighbour. 16. When a plentiful stock of this sort of virus is procured members shall be allowed to supply the County Practitioners. '' 17. Each member by argument fair or foul, shall be at liberty if it suit his own interest to use any means to Cappe his opponent. 18. As members fall asleep, so shall they be removed. 19. All communications on business shall be Viv£ voce. 20. But should members live next door to each other, or only chance to meet once a day, then it may be carried on by letter, through the medium of the press, not only in consideration of the distance, but that it may be done openly and be done in print. 21 That as the best adapted instrument for the insertion of Vaccine Virus, has been proved to be a wasp or hornet's sting, (via notes) (a) 22. Ordered that each member must attend ready prepared with six of them encased within the bag of a viper’s tooth, all (bona fide) taken by himself from the reptile or the flies in the most vigorous state. 23. That this club shall be the Lactarium for the Milk of Human Kindness. 24. That the grand Chorus Club Song shall be, the “ Cow jumped over the Moou,” their \rms the Constellation Taurus, and their Mott^—O ! Gemini. Vivant Rex et Regina.12 CHAP. n. CH 88 is represented in the former chapter, was th S beneficent design and plan of my arrangement- am the benefit to the public, now forever lost. Bat where iies‘the blame? Is it not with those conceited London •rentrv of practitioners, who lock op their c ow-honse, and wont suffer the liberal lyro to have a Key of k i heir abominable conceit verify out does their ilhberahty ; we do not find in them, as might have been expected, that the ravs of an illumined circle are concentrated to a focus : No thev diverge, diverge most woefully. It is not the circumference meeting happily at the centre, but i1'.w a get 0f self-sufficient parallel rays, running, admhmtum (or as Dr Johnson would have expressed it) running to meet not Sure these rays are ail seen inclining one way , cheek b '¡owl, but thev are never to be the nearer. And the volume has increased on volume, and one years experience has rolled over others, yet the very nature of the ’l accine Lid or its best form, remains to be decided One wise man prefers it in the consistency of cream, another (no-- less s0) chooses a bit of the crust : a third insists it should be. like chrvstal, (*) clear as the drop upon the maiden o . fh\ hut I prefer my form, and am actually prepar-ingAoAhe press a iiew cL Pack Chee.e, fitfor expo,-tahon. And moreover, have invented a beautiful varmsh to prevent trans-marine evaporation. On these I sha have embossed at once, my name, my crest, am. mym and how will notan admiring age gaze with These cheeses (double Gloucester) shall be portable, durable, and efficient, quod nec Jovis ira, necAqua, neeign s, I V m i am [0Oiish enough to consider Small Pock and Cow Pock as J) JLSSmL. ‘1« »»» •« Eta«*,- »»J G.i™™! -J.C“*-P ock is only the chrystalline concentrated Small Pock.13 need I say more'?* (c) Out of respect however to the sex, to preserve their beauty, or as a bou bouche for a bella Doana, 1 have auother iuveniion more sublime indeed, more subtil and reiiued, yet sweeter and more volatilized than vapour; it is Vaccine Gas! This you will find in hry eiaboraiory, as well arranged or sweet scenting as strawberry patties ; like a levyen masse, ail ready for use, (hermetically sealed) bottles on bottles. And these are also intended to withstand ail sorts of evaporation by sea or land. Neither the Southern latitudes, or eke, the styptic North so bleak, or any power from Arctic to Ant-arctic Pole, shall in tire least, the impregnable virtues of my gas coutrout, (t) Farther, what fuss do not these high and mighty Pock-lords make about the genuine and spurious pustule; nature which used on all occasions to he nature still, in their hands has changed her type ; and the blood and humours of the city nr.ce are now totally different from those of the mice of the country. It would almost seem as if the dirty dregs of an impure metropolis did not allow of Vaccine Porter being brewed any where out of London ; but fair play is a jewel. W hat is to become of us young poisoning country Scorpions, if each time we raise a spurious Pustule. Old Jennet be allowed to sound the Tocsin, or Ring the Tintinnabulum? How dangerous a service, indeed who, who is who, will undergo so much woe? 44 Ah che gusto! 1 could fancy, that even now 1 hear the sound of this hell, and actually see the cows galloping up followed by that horrid John Bull. Nay 1 feel his very horns sticking in me. 44 Totus tremo ossa pavore but he may depend upon it, (ill used as 1 have been) that 1 am not one of the Craven (+) sort for his purpose. And low be it spoken, no country Practitioner cun now come into