I N D E X TO T H E SLOANE MANUSCBIPTS IN T H E BRITISH MUSEUM BY EDWAED J. L. SCOTT, M.A., D.LITT. PEINTED BY ORDER OP THE TRUSTEES. SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM; AND BY LONGMANS AND CO., 39, Paternoster Row; BERNARD QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly • ASHER AND Co., 13, Bedford Street, Covent Garden; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER AND CO., Limited, Dryden House, 43, Gerrard Street, Soho; and HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, LONDON. 1904. [All rights reserved.] LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E , AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, 061.091 B772L PREFACE. THE Manuscripts here indexed formed a part of the extensive scientific and literary collections of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., M.D. After his death on January 11th, 1753, in accordance with the terms of his will, his entire Museum and Library were offered by his executors to the nation for £20,000, and were ultimately purchased for that sum out of the proceeds of a public lottery under the Act of Parliament 26 Geo. II., cap. 22, from which the British Museum dates its foundation. I n common with the Cotton and Harley MSS., which were dealt with in the same Act, the Sloane MSS. have retained the name of their original collector, with a separate numeration, 1-4100; at the same time they serve for a basis to the great series of subsequent acquisitions known as the Additional MSS., the first of which is numbered 4101, and which have now reached the number 37,000. As far as No. 5017 the Sloane and Additional MSS. together are included in Samuel Ayscough's Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved Hn the British Museum hitherto undescrihed, 1782, 2 vols, quarto. The ^descriptions there given do not follow the numerical order, but are roughly classified according to subject. Although useful to a certain extent, they are for the most part inadequate and too often incorrect, while the index is confined to a mere list of the personal names which appear in them. Apart from a new Catalogue, a fuller and more systematic Index, with references, not to Ayscough's pages, but to ithe manuscripts themselves, has therefore long been required, and, so far as the Sloane MSS. are concerned, it is at length supplied in the present volume. Besides names of persons and places and particular subjects, it includes a large number of class-headings, a list of the more important of which is prefixed. Volumes and single documents on historical subjects will be found under the name of the country to which they relate, those of a general character being placed at the beginning and the rest following chronologically under the several reigns. With regard to collections of letters, and more particularly ( iv ) Sloane's own correspondence (4036-4069), the references differ in many cases from those given by Ayscough or since quoted elsewhere. The contents of such volumes were formerly arranged alphabetically under the names of writers. As the disadvantages of this system are obvious, the opportunity has now been taken to change it for an order of date, and it must therefore be understood that the references throughout follow the present arrangement. Although the numeration extends to 4100, upwards of two hundred and fifty numbers within this limit do not appear in the Index. Most of them were borne by Oriental manuscripts, printed books, maps, and early engravings, which have been transferred to the Departments of the Museum to which they more properly belong. Others were accidentally passed over when the collection was originally numbered, or the volumes bearing them were already missing in Ayscough's t i m e ; and there are also cases in which two different numbers were assigned to the same manuscript. The hundred and sixty-eight documents which go by the name of the Sloane Charters, but the provenance of which is somewhat doubtful, are also omitted. They are, however, included in the Index to the Charters and Bolls in the British Museum, of which vol. i. (Index Locorum) was published in 1900. Moreover, after the publication of Ayscough's Catalogue, and after the Sloane numeration had been continued for the Additional series, upwards of a hundred more Sloane MSS. were identified. Although they are numbered Additional MSS. 50185027, 5214-5308, they ought strictly to have been indexed here with the rest of the Sloane collection ; but, as they appear in the Index to the Additional Manuscripts . . . . acquired in the years 17831835, published in 1849, it was not thought necessary to repeat the entries relating to them which are there given. The present Index was compiled by my predecessor as Keeper of MSS., Dr. Edward Scott, and he is solely responsible for its plan and execution. In passing it through the press he had the help of Dr. Kenyon, Assistant Keeper of MSS., and of Mr. D. T. Wood and Mr. H. I. Bell, Assistants. GEORGE F . WARNER, Keeper of MSS. 16th Septemher, 1904. P R I N C I P A L CLASS-HEADINGS. Accompts. Alchemy. Architecture. Arithmetic. Arms. Army, of England. Art. Astrology. Astronomy. Bibles. Bibliography. Bindings. Bookplates. Botany. Catalogues. Chemistry. Chronology. Classics. Commonplace Books. Companies. Dictionaries. Drama. Drawings. Epigrams. Epistolography. Epitaphs. Exchequer. Fortification. Geography. Geology. Geometry. Grammars. Heraldry. History. Inscriptions. Inventories. Kalendar. L a w , of England. Liturgies. Magic. Manners and Customs. Manuscripts, Owners of, etc Maps and Plans. Mathematics. Medicine. Metaphysics. Meteorology. Military Tactics. Mineralogy. Mint. Moral Philosophy. Music. N a t u r a l History. N a t u r a l Philosophy. Navigation. Navy. Numismatics. Orders. Parliament. Peerage. Philosophy. Physiognomy. Plague. Poetry. Prayers. Prophecies. Proverbs. Receipts. Revenue. Romances. Sermons. Societies. Specula. Sports and Pastimes. Theology. Trade. Visions. Voyages and Travels. Zoology. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. A b i n g d o n , Earl of. For Norris read Bertie. A d a i r (Patrick). In last entry, for 1697 read 1696. A d e l a r d u s , Bathoniensis. For 2030 read 2030 or 2422. — For ff. 179-186 read ff. 181-188. Africa. AFRICAN COMPANY, ROYAL. To references in 2nd entry add 2728, B. f. 193. A l b a n y , Duke of. v. Stewart (John). A l b u s (Mag. Johannes de). Dele de. For A l s t o n n e (John) read A l s t o u n e . A m a d s h a w , Sultan. For Menonglabow read Menangkabau, in Sumatra. A n d e m a c u s . Bead Andernacus. Arras, Bishop of. For Rochechouart (Guy de Seve de) read Seve de Rochechouart (Guy I. de). Arreton, Isle of Wight. For f. 103 read f. 98. Art. (Cross-references.) For v. Cosentinus (A. T.) read v. Thylesius (Antonius), Consentinus. For v. Voutet (J.) read v-. Vontet (Jacques). Astrology. (Cross-references.) For v. Jabri ibn Haiyan, al-Tarsusl read v. Jabir Ibn Haiyan, al-Tarsusi. A s t r o n o m y . (Cross-references.) For v. Kaerleon (Louis) read v. Carleon (Louis). A t h o l , Earl of. For Stewart read Stuart. A y y u h ibn Sulaiman ibn Ibrah a m . For Ayyuh read Ayyub. B a s s a n o (Abraham). For 1571 read 1671. Insert Beaufort, DUG de. v. Vend6me (Francois de). Insert B e l l o y (Baron de). v. Rodes (Claude de). B e v i l a c q u a (Ippolito). For Zangani read Zangari. Before 4034, ff. 107-109, insert 4025, f. 117. B i n n s (Joseph). Add v. also Bynne (Joseph). B o e y (Cornells), Sen. For f. 190 read f. 185. Add Verses on Holbein's picture of Erasmus, 1645. Lat. 2764, f. 37. Insert Bolingbroke, Viscount, v. St. John (Henry). B o r i l l i u s (Bonifacius). For f. 46 read f. 49. Insert B o u r d e a u x , Seigneur de. v. Neuville (Antoine). Insert B r i x e n , Card. Bishop of. v. Khrypffs (Nicolaus), de Cusa. B u l l m e r al. Spyllesby. For Bullmer read Bullnr. B y n n e (Joseph). Add v. also Binns (Joseph). Insert Cambray, Bishop of. v. Landuno (Guido de). Cambridge, Magdalene College. In second enfry, after sizar add [Sir Samuel Morland], and for 1614 read 1644. Insert Cambridge, Charles, Duke of. v, Stuart (Charles). Canterbury, Archbishops of. Insert Parker (Matthew). Carlisle, Bishops of. Insert Nicolson (William). Insert Castelfranc, Sieur de. v, Nautonier (Guillaume de). Insert Chalcedon, Bishop of. v. Smith (Richard). Insert Chiapa, Bishop of. v. Las Casas (Bartolome de). Chichester, Bishops of. Insert Wyche (Richard de), S. Insert Cleveland, Earl of. v. Wentworth (Thomas). Coventry a n d Lichfield, Bishops of. Insert Sampson (Richard). Insert Crawford, Earl of. v. Lindsay (Ludovic). Insert Crawford-Lindsay, Earl of. v. Lindsay (John). ( /nsert D a m p v i l l e , Seigneur Montmorency (Charles de). de. viii v. Insert D e d e k e n n (Georgius), Archdeacon, of Hamburg. Funeral oration on P. Nicolaus, 1608. Lat. 2888, ff. 98-101b. D e s L o g e s (Marie Bruneau de). de. D e s M a r e t s (D—). 20, 40 read 21, 4 1 . Dele In reference, Insert D o f n e y (Richard). owned MS. 2778. for Formerly For D o u s e n b r a y , Comte, read Donsenbray. Down and Connor, Insert Leslie (Henry). Insert D r o m o r e , Bishop (Robert). Bishops of. of. v. Leslie Insert D u n k e l d , Bishop of. v. Lindsay (Alexander). Insert D u P l e s s i s - M a r l y , Seigneur, v. Mornay (Philippes de). ) Insert H e r e f o r d , Bishop of. (Nicholas). Indies, West. v. Monck Add v. also West Indies. K i l m o r e , Bishops of. Add Wetenhall (Edward). Insert K i n g s t o n , Duke and Duchess of. v. Pierrepont. L a Rochelle. Add v. also Rochelle, La. L e i c e s t e r , Earls of. Add v. Sidney. L i n c o l n , Bishops of. Insert (Thomas). Smyth (William). Insert L i s i e u x , Bishop of, (Nicolas). Rotherham v. Oresme L o n d o n , Bishops of. Insert (Thomas). Robinson (John). Vaughan (Richard). Ravis For L o r r a i n e d e V a l l e m o n t read Le Lorraine de Vallemont. Insert Lymington, Wallop (Bridget). Viscountess. v. D u r h a m , Bishops of. Insert Tunstall (Cuthbert). \ D y n e (Sir Lewis). For f. 123 read f. 125. M a p l e (W—). To date add 1 7 1 1 ; to reference add 4065, f. 27. Insert E d i n b u r g h , Bishop of. say (David). Margaret of Austria, Dele cross-reference. v. Lind- E n g l a n d . Oliver Cromwell. In sixth entry, for Grant to E. Horseman read Grant to G. Downing. v. Netherlands. M a u r e p a s , Comte de. For Phelypeaux read Phelypeaux de Maurepas. Insert Moray, (James). Earl of. Insert E p e r n o n , Due d\ v. Nogaret de La Valette (Jean Louis de). Insert M o r l e y , Barons, Insert E x e t e r , Bishop (John). Insert Morley and Barons, v. Parker. of, v. Woolton v. Stuart v. Parker. Monteagle, Insert M u l g r a v e * Earl of. (Edmond). v. Sheffield Insert E a y r e r (James), M.A., of Queen's College, Oxford, Rector of Sulhamstead, co. Berks. Gave MS. 1986, in 1658, to T. Barlow. Insert F i t z w a l t e r s , Lord, v, RatclifFe (Thomas). G e o f f r o y (Claude Joseph), Le Jeune. In 1st entry, for f. 156 read f. 190. Prophecies. (Cross-reference.) Sybil, The, read Sibyls. G l a s g o w , Archbishops of. say (Patrick). Insert R i c h m o n d , Countess of. (Margaret). Insert Lind- Insert G o w r i e , Earl of, v. (William). Insert G r a n d i s o n , Viscount, John (Oliver). Insert G r a v e s (George). 1646, MS. 2811. Ruthven v. Owned, St. in N o r w i c h , Bishops (Charles). of. Add Trimnell Insert O s s o r y , B. C. Bishop of. (David). S t . A s a p h , Bishops (John). S a l i s b u r y , Bishops (Seth). of. of. Add v. Roth For v. Tudor Wynne Add S p y l l e s b y al. B u l l m e r (John). Bullmer read Bullur. Ward For INDEX. A A — (D—). Discourse on figtrees, 17th cent. Transl 3072, ff. 18-35. A — ( E — ) . Horoscope, 1575. 1770, f. 146. A — (G— G—), Medicus Venetus. Consilium medicum, 1645. 2253, f. 267. A . (I.) v. Arnold (James). A — ( J — ) . Verses bv, to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. Lat. 3516, f. 95. A — (S—), M.D. Medical prescriptions, 1659-166J. 4078, ff. 351-355. A — (T—). v. Ramsseus (T—), Lithuanus. A a (Pierre van der), Bookseller, of Leyden. Letters to J. G, Scheuchzer, 1723-1726. Fr. 4065, ff. 301, 3 1 9 ; 4066, f. 6. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. 4069, f. 87. A a (Willemina van der). Letter to C. Clusius. 17th cent. Lat. Extract. 2764, f. 22. A a l a m G u i e r , Fmperor. v. Muhammad, Aurangzib 'Alamglr. A a r h u u s , in Denmark, Bishops of. v. Canutus. A b a n o (Petrus de), M.D., of Padua. De membris nutritionis, 15th cent. 3124, ff. 276-323. De venenis, 15th cent. 168, ff. 117-134 b. . Heptameron, 17th cent. 3850, ff. 1 3 b - 2 3 . Heptameron, translated by R. Turner, 17th cent. Imperf. 2577, B. f. 23. A b b a s H a l l . v. Cornard, Great. A b b o t (George), Archbishop of Canterbury. Papers relating to his part in Lord Essex's divorce suit, 1613. 1856, ff. 47-50 ; 3828, ff. 1-47. Instructions from the Council to, for the Bishops of his Province, n. d. 1775, f. 74. SLOANE INDEX. A b b o t (George), Archbishop of Canterbury (continued). Letter to the Bishops of his Province, 1622. Copy. 1710, f. 306. Letter to the Bishop of London, 1622. Copy. 1710, f. 306 b. Letters to James I., 1623. Copies. 826, f. 16 ; 1775, f. 73. Royal letter to, as Commissioner of the Charter House hospital, 162-|. 856, f. 12 b. Letter to, from Sir T. Roe, 1633. 654, f. 305. Letter to, from J. Dury, 1633. 654, f. 305 b. A b b o t (Robert), Bishop of Salisbury. Examination of the dedicatory epistle of Dr. W. Bishop to the King, prefixed to his pretended leformation of a Catholic deformed by W. Perkins, early 17th cent. Corrected draft. 537. Letter to C. von Zerotin, 1614. Lat. Copy. 415, f. 20. A b b o t t (Edward), Chief Chaunter in Wells Cathedral. Royal letter commendatory of, to the next vacant residentiaryship [1618]. 856, f. 16 b. 'Abd Al Aziz Ibn 'Uthman, Al Kalisi. Tractatulus astro]ogicus de latrocinio et furto, 15th cent. 312, ff. 29-40 b. De exaltationibus planetarum ex, 15th cent. 702, f. 4 b. Tabulae variae astrologicse ex, 15th cent. 702, f. 12. A b d a l a R a s w o n e , Ctdi of Marocco. Treaty with England, 1661. 3509, f. 2. A b d a l c a d e r M i d i c h e l . Memorial to, from the Governor ot Tangier, [1666J. Span. 1955, f. 45. A b d a l c a d e r M i r i n o . Letter t o Warren, circ. 1669. Span. 3513, ff. 49, 56. Abdell ( ), of Padua. Letter to, from K. Digby, with draft of answer, n. d. 4066, f. 321. B 2 INDEX. A b d e l c a d e r R o x o , of Arzilla. Correspondence, 166|-1666. Span. Copies. 1955, ff, 6, 47, 49, 52, 96 b, 100 b, 131, 136. Letters to, fiom Col. H. Norwood, 1668, 1669. Span. 3499, ff. 19, 38 ; 3510, f. 89. A b r a h a m , ben Meir Aben Ezra. Liber de secretis de judiciis nativitatum, 15th cent. 312, ff. 43-69 b. De mundo liber ab H. Bate de Hebreo in Latinumtranslatus, 15th cent. 312, ff. 7 0 b - 9 6 b . Hali Ben Hamed Hembram liber de electionibus horarum translates per, 15th cent. 312, ff. 215-255 b. A b d e l g r i m e l S h a t , son of the Shat of Anger a. Correspondence, 166^. Span. Copies. 1955, ff. 42, 64 b, 82. Abraham Judaeus. v. Abraham, ben A b d o c r i m H o x i s , King of Tetu>m. Treaty with England, 166L 3509, f. 2. Abu A b d y (Humfrey). Curatio hernise pro, per I. Veslingium, 1646. 200, f. 42. A b d y (Sir John). Correspondence, as Joseph Kent, with Dr. Crovden, 1648, 164§. 203, ff'. 1, 4, 5 ; 3299,"ff. 178,179. < Letter to, from Abbat R. Papafava, 1648. 203, f. 8. A b e e l (J—), Recorder of Albany, New York Province, U.S.A. Letter to Lord Cornbury, 1705. 4064, f. 86. A b e n d a n a (Isaac). Epistola ad J. Pragestum, 1671. 1381, f. 72. Abenzohar, Medicus Arabs. r. Abii 'ali ibn Ztihr. A b e r d e e n . Catalogus librorum Bib] iothecse Collegii Regii apud, 17th cent. 3298. Presentation of Dr. T. Bower to the Principalship of the Marischal College, 171$. 3198, f. 8. A b e r g a v e n n y , Barony of. Question of its descent, 17th cent. 1429, f. 55. Abernethy ( ). Medical Case, 18th cent. 4076, f. 376. A b e r n e t h y (John), pretended Bishop of Caithness. Sentence of deposition against, 1638. 650, f. 72. A b i n g d o n , GO. Berks. Inscriptions and arms from the church, 1597. 3836, f. 14 b. Order for powder to be sent to the garrison, 1645. 1519, f. 116. Abingdon Abbey, co. Berks. Excerpta ex 16th cent. ecclesiastica historia 1301, f. 411 b. A b i n g d o n , Earl tagu). of. ejus, v. Norris (Mon- A b n e t (William). Letter to J. Petiver, 1711. 2941, f. 6. A b o u t s (Matthseus). Letter to, from E. Kaempfer, 1693. Dutch. 3064, f. 27. A b r a h a m A b e n IPzra. ben Meir Aben Ezra. v. Abraham, Meir Aben Arabs. Ezra. Abhar al-Kinani, Medicus Vita, 18th cent. 3647, f. 42. A b u ' A l i I b n Z u h r , Medicus Arabs. De conservatione corporis humani et regimine sanitatis liber translatus ab A. de Villa Nova, 15th cent. 59, ff. 21 b 35 b ; 130, ff. 41-48. Canon ejus de curatione lapidis, 13th cent. 2946, f. 203. Abu Bakr Mohammad Ben Zac a r i a E r r a z z i . i\ Muhammad ibn Zacariya (Abu Bakr), Al-Rdzi. A b u K o r a i s h , Medicus Arabs. Notice of, 18th cent. Lat. 3647, f. 37. Abu Mohammad Badr Ben Abil O s a i b i ' a . Vita3 et scripta Medicorum Arabum, 18th cent. Lat. 3647. A b u M o h a m m e d E l H a n d , Medicus Arabs. Life, 18th cent. 3647, f. 41. A b u Zaid H o n a i n B e n Isaac El E b a d i , Medicus Arabs. Vita, cum scriptorum ejus catalogo, 18th cent. 3647, ff. 45-72. A b u l H a s a n T h a b i t , Medicus Vita, 18th cent. 3647, f. 9 b. Arabs. A b u l k a s e m . v. Khalaf Ibn 'Abbas (Abu Al-Kasim), Al-Zahrdun. A b u l S a l t , Medicus Arabs, in Spain. Liber de medicinis simplicibus translatus ab A. de Villa Nova, 15th cent. 213, ff. 51 b - 6 3 b. Abyssinia. Historia degli Abbissini popoli dell* Etiopia, per G. di Baldassare, 17th cent. 2257. Acaninus Fericus. v. Hunain Ibn Ishak, aWIbadi. A c c o m p t s . Accompts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, circ. 1436. Fragm. 4074. Payments to religious fraternities, 1497-8. 1009, f. 57 b. • Accompt of household expenses, 15th cent. 2128, ff. 31-33. Household expenses, temp. Hen. VI. 96, f. 44. INDEX. A c e o m p t s (continued). Memoranda of purchases of corn and wool, 1515-1516. 3501,ff.1 b, 2. Expenses of installation of Lord Essex as K. G., 1572. 1786, f. 92 b. Aceompts of a London parish, 1588. 3939, ff. 2, 50, 57-63, 65. Fr. Fragments of aceompts, 16th cent. 2553, ff. 34-42 b, 135-143 b. 3 A c q u a B l a n e a (Peter d'), Bishop of Hereford. Epitaphium, 18th cent. 1710, f. 3 b. A c q u e t (Henry d'), Physician and Burgomaster at Delft. Letter to J . Petiver, 1703. Fr. 3321, f. 127. Acts of Parliament, v. Parliament, Acts of. A c t u a r i u s (Joannes). Compendium of urines, translated by I. Barrough, 17th Accompt of goldsmith's work, 16th cent. 1635, ff. 3 0 - 6 1 . cent. 3166, f. 40. A d a g e s , v. Corthoevius (Theodoricus). Book of fees paid to officers and servants of the crown, temp, Jas. I. A d a i r (Patrick) School exercises, trans1520. lations, etc., 17th cent. Autogr. 1249, Aceompts of t h e works a t St. ff. 62-119. James' Palace, 1644. 1706,ff.1-5. — Traits de la Verolle, 17th cent. Aceompts of moneys of a sailor, 1228, ff. 1-61, 1648-165§. 3494, passim. De memoria, 1674. Autogr. 1247, Memoranda of felling of wood, ff. 23-31 b. 1659-1676. 3099, ff. 1 b - 3 . Praxis Medica in itinere ad Indiam Aceompts of the ship Greyhound, Orientalem, 1683. 1395. 1661-1668. 2943. Aceompts of the ship Roermonde, Praxis medica in varios casus, 1661. Dutch. 2930. 1686-1697. 1230. Private expenses of W. Crosse, Observations medicas, 17th cent. Fellow of Sidney Sussex Coll., Cam1398. bridge, 1664-167f. 3780. Instructions for a swordsman, Aceompts of a tradesman, 1 6 7 1 17th cent. 1198, f. 40. 1675. 2517, ff. 8 8 b - 9 2 b . Letters to Dr. L. Plukenett, 1686, Memoranda respecting provender 1687, and n. d. 4062, ff. 218-223 b ; for horses, 1686. 2569, f. 32. 4066, f. 250. • Private aceompts, 1695 - 1696. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1691, Span. 3796, ff. l b - 4 b . 169$. 4036, ff. 103, 284. .__ Aceompts kept by a medical pracLetter to Dr. D. Beddevole, 1692. ttoner, 17th cent. 2286, ff. 1, 6 6 - 7 1 . 4062, f. 244. Owned in 1678, MS. 1176, and in Aceompts for victualling the Navy, 1697, MS. 1128. 170l-170f. 3953. Bill for watch works, Holland toys, A d a m . Vita protoplasti Adami et Eva?, etc., 1731. 4019, f. 82. 15th cent. 289, ff. 70 b-79 b. A c h e n , in Sumatra. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 39. Adams ( ) . Aqua ad oculos prcestantissima, 16th cent. 574, A. f. 33 b. A d a m s (Alexander). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173g. 4055, f. 264. A c h e s o n (James) Letters to Lord Falkland, 1627, 1630. 3827,ff'.102, 181. A d a m s (Archibald). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1707-1709. 4040, f. 295 ; 4041, ff. 2, 2 8 6 ; 4042, f. 32. A c k e r (Francois van), Merchant, of London. Letter to, from A. de Leau, 1629. Dutch. 4062, f. 134. A d a m s (Archibald), Surgeon, of Norwich. Letter to Dr. E. Tyson, n. d. 4066, f. 252. A c e o r a m b o n i (Girolamo) De catarrhis ex, 1536. 2858. A c k r e s (Thomas), of the Royal Gardens. Letters to J . Petiver, n. d. 4066,ff.248, 249. A c o s t a (Joseph de), Jesuit. Extract concerning metals out of his "Historia Naturalis et Moralis Indie," 17th cent. 319,ff.31 b - 3 3 . A d a m s (Arthur), Surgeon. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1707. 4076, f. 372. A d a m s (George), of Bristol. Letters to J. Petiver, 170§. 3321, ff. 109, 115. A d a m s (Jack), The Fool, of ClerkenweU. Account of, with an elegy, 17th cent. 384, f. 30 b. B 2 4 INDEX. A d a m s (John), Gardener to the Duke of Beaufort. Botanical and other papers, I 7 t h - 1 8 t h centt. 3343. Catalogue of plants growing at Badminton, circ. 1695. Imperf. 641. Letter to, from T. Awbrey, 1690. 4062, f. 237. Letter to, from J. Bobart, 169-g. 3343, f. 142. A d a m s (Mary), of GO. Worthants. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1655. Lat. 2812, f. 62 b. A d a m s (Simon), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4076, f. 374. A d a m s (Thomas), Quartermaster of Draqoons. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1732, 173f. 4052, ff. 113, 189; 4054, f. 200. Memorial of his military service, addressed to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, f. 246. A d a m u s (Melchior). Vitse Germanorum Philosophorum, 17th cent. Extracts. 2764, f. 219. A d d i s o n (JRt. Hon. Joseph). {Extract from his travels in Italy, 18th cent. 3407, f. 63. A d d i s o n {Dr. Lancelot) Preamble for a reply to proposals of the Mayor of Tangier, 1668. 3510, ff. 4, 15. A d e l a r d u s Bathoniensis. Isagoge minor in Astronomiam, 12-13th centt. Imperf. 2030, f. 87. Magica quaedam ex, 17th cent. 3846, ff. 179-186. v. Euclides. A d e l k r a n t z (A— Charlotta), of Stockholm. List of curiosities from Lapland, • 1736. Swed. and Engl. 4054, ff. 271, 272. Admiralty Office. Of the office of the Admiraltie of England, 16th cent. Transl. 1605. The Office of the Admiraltie of England, 18th cent. 3232, ff. 48-74. A d o l p h (Christopher). Letter Petiver,1705. 3321, f. 176 b. to J. A d o l p h u s , Princeps Holstatiw. Chemical observations from his books, 17th cent. 1373. A d u l t e r y . A plea for Adultery, or the vindication of whores, 17th cent. 802. i E b e n a t h a r (Thesiphones), Discipulus Jacobi Apostoli. Tractatus theologici, 17th cent. 2864. .aCgidii ( B — Cr—) Letter to B. Enewald, 1696. Lat. 2877, f. 9 1 . J E g i d i t i s , 8. v. Giles, 8. i E g i d i u s , Corboliensis. Versus de urinis cum commentario, 13th cent.; 282, ff. 19 b-46 b ; 420, ff. 85-91 b ;—14th cent. 568, ff. 2 0 1 - 2 1 4 ; 773, ff. 1-33 b ; 1610, ff. 3 8 - 4 0 ; 3550, ff. 10-22;—15th cent. 148, ff. 1-40. Commentary on his treatise on urines, 15th cent. 121, ff. 41 b-58 ; 2527, ff. 295-306. — De urinarum judiciis, 14th cent. 521, ff. 25-45. De contentis urinarum, 14th cent. 568, f. 214 b;—15th oent. 357, ff. 23-28. Observations in yEgidium de urinis, 16th cent. 574, A. ff. 38-43, 44-57 b. Extract from his Judicia Urinarum, 17th cent. 1635, ff. 16-21. Depulsibus, 14th cent. 773, ff. 3 4 6 3 ; 1610, ff. 3 5 b - 3 7 b . Aquae et olea, 15th cent. 3149, ff. 29, 45. i E g i d i u s (Petrus), Antwerpiensis. Verses on J. Manardus' Commentaries on Galen, 1536. Lat 1407, f. 1 b. J E g i n e t a (Paulus). iEnigmas. v. Paul, of JEgina. v. P— ( N — ) , of Edinburgh. A e r s s e n s (Frans van), Heer van Plaat, son of Cornells van Aerssens, Heer van Sommelsdijk. Voyage d'Espagne, 1654. 3048. J E s c u l a p i u s , Medicus. Vita, 18th cent. 3647, ff.' 24-35. i E s o p . Fables, ciic. 1600. English verse. Imperf. 1783, ff. 1-6. A e t i u s , Amidenus. Medical extracts from, by P. Moore, 1567. 1 6 3 1 ; 2141. Excerpta ex operibus ejus medicis, 18th cent. Gr. 2434. A e t i u s (Paulus). v. Aetius, Amidenus. JEtolus Mtolus. (Alexander) v. Alexander, A f f i a t i c i u s (Joannes), Cassineusis. Urinse secundum, 13th, 14th centt. 430, ff. 28 b 31 b ; 431, ff. 65-69 b. Africa. Limits of, 16th cent. Ital. 887, f. 2. Account of, 17th cent. 1837. Prohibition of commerce with, by the Duke de Medina, 1664. Span. 3513, f. 8. A F R I C A N COMPANY, ROYAL. Char- ter granted to the Royal English Merchant Adventurers Company trading to Africa, 1663. Copy. 205 or 992. INDEX. Africa. A F R I C A N COMPANY, ROYAL (con- tinued). Proclamation against interlopers in their trade, 168$, 1681. 2724,ff.1, 8-11 b. Papers relating to, 1696-1700. 2902, if. 88-95. Account of its gold, 17th cent. 2903, f. 232. Arms, 17th cent. 2281, f. 1 b. A f r i c a n u s (Flaccus) al. Africus (Flavius). Compendium Aureum, 14th cent. 3092, ff. 2-6. De v n herbis v n planetis attributis liber tertius, 14th - 17th centt. 1754, ff. 4 5 - 4 7 ; 3171, ff. 9 4 b - 1 0 2 ; 3822, f. 59 b ; 3848,ff.1-5. A f w e s t a , in Sweden. Account of royal copper mines at, by A. Swab, 1723. Swed. 3414. A g a r d e (Arthur), Deputy Chamberlain in the Exchequer. Memorandum that the " leger book of Westminster Abbey came to his hands by casualty and that he purposed to restore it thither," 15§§. 1301, f. 400. Extracts from his book of registered deeds and treasury rolls, 17th cent. 1301,ff.379, 388. A g a s (Radulph) Supervisio manerii de Cornerde Magna alias Abbas Haule, 1592. 3664. A g a s o (Andreas) Epistolae ad P. Reginum pro Guarino contra Trapezuntium, 16th cent. 2378. A g a t h o n , S.t Abbat. cent. 1936, f. 129. A g e r (Arthur) Legenda de, 15th v. Agarde. A g g e (Maria). Scheme of her nativity, 1656. 1707, f. 34 b. A g g e (Samuel). Scheme of his nativity, 1 6 5 | . 1707, f. 6 b. A g i l u m (W.) v. Avinon (Walterus de). A g l i o n b y (John), Jun. Illegal appointment of, as country-keeper of co. Cumberland, 1683. 2723, f. 72. 5 A g r i c o l a (Georgius), the Elder. Medical extracts from, 17th cent. 1135. Qusedam de re metallica ex, 17th cent. 3119,ff.1-36, 139 b-167. A g r i e o l a (Georg Andreas). Letter to Sir II. Sloane, 1698. Lat. 4037, f. 136. Agrieola Rhomseus. v. Starkey (George). A g r i c u l t u r e . Extracts from P. de Crescentiis and others on the art of grafting, etc., 16th cent. Lat. and Engl. 1032, ff. 1, 7-16. De la vie des Champs et de PAgriculture par C. de Beauvais, 1645. 736. A g r i p p a (Henricus Cornelius). De occulta philosophia, 17th cent. Imperf. 3850,ff.2 - 1 3 . Occult Philosophy, Book iv\, 17th cent. 3851, ff. 7 5 - 9 1 . Translation by R Turner of Book IV. of his Occult Philosophy, 17th cent. 2577, B.ff.2 - 2 2 . Abstract by Sir H. Piatt of his De occulta Philosophia, 17th cent. 2223, ff. 1-17, 25-52, 57-59. Abstract of his De occulta philosophia, 17th cent. 2246, ff. 31 b-49. Extracts from his Occult Philosophy by Dr. French, 17th cent. 3824, ff. 30-52. Excerpts from his Occult Philosophy, 17th cent. 3846,ff.7 - 1 2 . Extract from, relating to the planets, 17th cent. 3648, ff. 4 7 - 5 3 . Alchemical notes from, 17th cent. 3632, ff. 111-114. A g u i a r (Damian), " Regius Senator." Letters to, from M. Correa, 1601. Lat. 902,ff.36, 38, 66 b. A g u i l a (John de), Spanish Captain. Proclamation set forth at Kinsale in Ireland, 1601. 25, f. 4. A g u l h a s , C a p e , South Africa. Journal of voyage from, to Johanna Isle, 1659. 3672, ff. 67 b-69 b. Ahlefeldt ( ). Letter from Genoa to , y 1703. Fr. 2877,ff.2 2 3 A g l i o n b y (William). Letters to Sir H. 225 b. Sloane, 1692-170f and n. d, 4036, ff. A h l e r s (Cyriacus), Body-Surgeon to 128, 1 4 3 ; 4039, f. 411 ; 4057,ff.247, George II. at Hanover. Proposal to Sir 249. H. Sloane to elect Dr. J . P. Seip into the Eoyal Society, 1736. Signed. 4054, A g n e s , S. Memoria de, 15th cent. f. 220. 2916, f. 127. Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn 'Abd A g o s t i n i (Agostino degli), Physician to A l l a h (Shihab Al-Din), Al Diinashki Al Cardinal Wolsey and Henry VIII. 'Ajami, called Ibn 'Arabshdh. Historia Medical Receipts devised by, for Henry de Timuro, 17th cent. 2848. VIII., 16th cent. 1047. INDEX. 6 Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Ibn Muham- Alanfaneius (¥hi\i$\ms), Anglicus, M.A. et M.D. Practica, 15th cent. 3124, mad (Abu Al 'Abbas), Al-Tif&sM Al Kaisi Al AbtinjC darise, 18th ceut. Florilegium rei Lipi3240. A h n f e l d t (Hans von). Autograph in Album, 1608. 3415,'f. 38. A i k e n h e a d (P—), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 4076, f. 7 1 . A i k e r o d (Dr. ). Prescription for his infirmity, late 17th cent. 1087, f. 76. A i l e s b u r y , Earls of. v. Bruce (Robert). A i l l y (Pierre d'), Cardinal Bishop of Cambray. Elucidarius astronomies concordise cum theologia et cum historica veritate, 15th cent. Extracts. 636, f. 3. De concordantia discordantium astronomorum, 15th cent. Extracts. 636, f. 5. Prima apologetica defensio astronomical veritatis, 15th cent. Extracts. 636, f. 10. A i l l i e t (John), Yeomm of the Stirrup. Warrant to the Keeper of the Wardrobe for delivery of stuff to, 1487. 2251, f. 79. A i l r i e u s S a x o n u s . Descent of H. de Nevill from, 17th cent. 1429, f. 97 b. Ainsworth ( ), of Ifelmarsh, co. Northants. Medical prescription for his wife, by Dr. J; Metford, 1655 Lat. 2812, f. 69 b. ff. 196b-220. A l a n u s , Philosophus. De lapide philos o p h i c , 17th cent. 1255, ff. 234b-239. A l a n u s , Physicus. Sal us vitae, 14th cent. Excerpt. 323, ff. 160-161 b. Alarache. v. Larache or El Arish. A l a r c o n (Francisco de), Member of the Supreme Council of Castile. Letter to, from the Marques de Favura, 1642. Span. 2496, f. 207. A l b a n , S. Hymnus in, 13th-14th centt. 1580, f. 143 b. A l b a n o (Petrus de). de). A l b a n y , Duke of. v. Abano ( P e t m s v. Stewart (John). A l b e m a r l e , Duchess of. v. Cavendish (Elizabeth). , Dukes of. v. Monck. A l b e r g h e t t i (Sigismondo). Certificate of the favourable report of L'Academie Royale des Sciences on his work " Nuova Artiglieria," 1700. Fr. 4038, f. 27. A l b e r t a n u s , Brixiensis. Judex. v. Albertanus, A l b e r t a n u s , Judex. De doctrina dicendi et tacendi, 15th cent. 3551, ff. 50-63. A i n s w o r t h (Edward). Recommendation of, to Gen. Fairfax for employment, 1645. 1519, f. 108. A l b e r t i (Alessandro). Capitoli a, di A. K. Grazzini, 17th cent. 1880, ff. 1 3 8 140. Ainsworth. (Robert), Lexicographer. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1729. Lat. 4050, f. 98. A l b e r t u s , Magnus, Bishop of Ratisbon. De Alchemia, 15th-16th centt. 3120, ff. 174-192 ; 3457, ff. 46-56. A i s c o u g h (Gulielmus), M. B. Signature to articles in support of the Faculty, 169J. 1393, f, 17. A i x . De thermarum Givitatis Aquensis natura, 17th cent. 1557. Compendium super artem alkimie, 15th cent. 976, f. 32 b. A i x d e L a C h a i s e (Pere Francois d'). Apocryphal correspondence with Father E. Petre, 1688. Dutch. 609, ff. 92-98, 99-113 b. Correspondence with Spon, n. d. Fr. Copies. 2280, ff. 37-44. A j u e l l e s (Abraham). Correspondence with Col. H. Norwood, 1668, 1669. Span. 3499, ff. 14, 33, 39, 7 4 ; 3510, f. 89 b. A j u e l l e s (Azar), a Moor at Tangier. Instructions to, from Lord Middleton, 1673, 167f. Span. 1958, ff. 42, 48 b. Notabilia alchemica, 15th cent. 3744, ff. 117 b-124. Compositum de Compositis, 1582. Engl. 3180, f. 12 ;—16th cent. 276, f. 3 ; — i 7 t h cent. Engl. 3630, ff. 70-74. tent. Compositio Elixeris Mineralis, 15th 3457, ff. 109b-113. Experimenta physica, 13th cent. 342, ff. 130b-131 b ;—14th cent. 3281, ff. 15-19 ;—15th cent. 351, ff. 25-40. De lapidibus, 17th cent. 1009, ff. 68 b-72 b. Liber lucis> 15th cent. 276, ff. 75-77 b. De natura rerum liber primus, 15th cent. 405, ff. 65-107 b. INDEX. A l b e r t u s , Magnus, Bishop of Matisbon (continued). Secretum secretorum, 15th cent. 323, ff. 2-61 b. Semita recta, l o t h cent. 323, ff. 6 1 b - 8 4 b ; Engl 513, ff. 155-168; Extract. 2135, ff. 2 0 - 2 1 ; — 1 5 7 5 . Germ. 830, ff. 1-43 b ; — 1 6 t h cent. Engl. 316, ff. 8-54;—17th cent. 317, ff. 88-91 b, 9 9 ; Extract. 2170, ff. 18-30. Speculum luminum, 15th cent. Engl. 513, ff. 1 6 8 b - 1 7 8 . A l b e r t u s , Parvus. Occultorum thesaurus, ou le petit payant reform^, 1544. 2879, ff. 3 1 - 4 1 . A l b i n (Eleazar). Description of English and foreign spiders, 1732. 4001. Drawings by, of J. Jones' collection of productions of Barbary, 17th cent. 4003, ff. 17-24. Letters to J. Petiver, 171J, 1712 and n. d. 4065, ff. 15, 75 ; 4066, f. 254. A l b i n (Onesiphorus), Secretary to the Hudson's Bag Company. Certificate of the correctness of a copy of the Hudson's Bay Company's patent, 1668. 2447. Albin de Valsergue (Jean), dit De Seres, Archdeacon of Toulouse. Discourse of the succession of ministers in the church against Calvin, 17th cent. Abstract. 848, f. 18. A l b i n o v a n u s (Caius Pedo) Fragmentum de navigatione Germanici per oeeanum septentrionalem, 15th cent. 777, f. 3 1 . Albinus (Bernhardus). Prselectiones publico, 1709. 2966, ff. 1-20. — Collegium ejus publicum de mulierum affectibus, 1710. 2965. Collegium de Materia Medica sub, 18th cent. 2964. Descripta qusedam ex ejus prcelectionibus de Materia Medica, 1717. 3185. A l b i n u s (Bernard Siegfried). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1740. Lat. 4056, f. 292. Lat. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1740. 4069, f. 58. A l b i n u s (Georgius Alius Mag. Johannis). Horoscope, 1603. 1770, f. 138. A l b i n u s (Joh.). Horoscope, 1570. 1782, ff 1-6. Albohazen Haly Ben Abenragel. v. All Ibn Abi Al-Rajjal (Abu Hasan), Al Kurtubi Al-Shaibdni. A l b r e t (Jeanne d'), Queen of r>. Navarre, Sovereigns of. Al Navarre. 7 A l b r i c h t (Johann Gttnther), of Hildesheimt student of medicine at Leipzig. Autograph in Album, 1694. 2360, f. 84. A l b u b e t e r A r a z i . v. Muhammad ibn Zakariya (Abu Bakr) Al-Rdzi. A l b u c a s i s . v. Khalaf Ibn 'Abbas (Abu Al-Kasim), Al-Zahrduci. Album Amicorum. Marnix de St. Aldegonde (Marie de), 1579-1623. 851. Willingham (George), 1585-1650. 2035, B. Boussy (Charles de), 1608-1638. 3415. Ruytter (Guillaume de), 1 6 0 8 1630. 3416. Vernati (Philibert), 1615, 1616, 1623. 2035, A. Sibelius a Goor (Caspar), 16681671. 1795 or 2597. — Krieg (David), 1691-1697. 2360. A l b u m a s a r . v. Jafar Ibn Muhammad (Abu Mashas), Al Balkhi. A l b u s {Mag. Johannes de), dictus De Sancto Jacobo. Antidotarius, 13th cent. 2268, ff. 2-15. A l c a b i t i u s . v. 'Abd Al 'Aziz Ibn 'Uthman, Al Kabisi. A l c a z a r , in New Castile. Letter to the Governor, from Lord Howard, circ. 1670. Span. 3513, f. 54. A l c a z a r (Andreas), Medicus. Chirurgia, 17th cent. 1719, ff. 50-342. A l c h e m y . General collections and anonymous treatises and processes, in prose and verse; in chronological order, 14th— 18th centt.;—14th cent. Engl 121, f. 95 b ; Lat. 3 2 3 ; Lat. 521, f. 7 5 ; Lat. and Fr. 1754, ff. 48-238 b ;—15th cent. Lat. 75, f. 9 7 ; Lat. 2 1 2 ; Lat. 276 ; Engl 480, ff. 26-161 b ; Lat. 513, f. 154 ; Lat. 692 ; Engl, and Lat. 976 ; Lat. and Ewjl. 1 0 9 1 ; Lat. 1118, ff. 4 - 1 5 4 ; Lat. 1698, ff. 53-66 b ; Lat. 2128, ff. 1-30; Lat. 2 1 3 5 ; Lat. 2268, ff. 1 5 b - 1 7 ; Lat. 2 3 2 5 ; Lat. 2 5 6 0 ; Lat. 3008, ff. 1-70 b ; Lat. 3171, ff. 1 6 104; Xc^.3548,ff. 1 0 9 - 1 1 3 ; Lat. 3744, ff. 9 b - 1 2 4 ; Engl. 3747 ;—1461. Lat 338, ff. 52 b-56 b;—16th cent. Lat. 2 1 2 ; Lat. 276; Lat. and Engl 414, ff. 93-121 b ; Lat. 423, ff. 2-11 b ; Lat. 1062, ff. 6 4 - 8 2 ; Lat. and Engl. 1077, ff. 1, 2 ; L>t. and Engl 1078 ; Lat. and Engl. 1092; Engl. 1095; Engl 1 0 9 7 ; Lat. and Engl. 1098 ; Lat. and Engl. 1105; Lat. and Engl 1113-1114; Lat. and Engl. 1127 ; Lat. 1136 ; Lat. and Engl. H 4 6 - 1 1 5 3 ; Lat. and Engl 1170-1171; Lat. and Engl. 1181 ; • £ « * . 8 INDEX. 1 1 8 3 ; Lat. 1 1 8 5 ; 1186; Engl 1198, ff. 68-82 b ; Engl 1 3 1 6 ; Lat. 2006; Lat. 2 1 3 5 ; Engl 2174; Za£. 2327; Lat and (?^m. 2528 ; Engl 2567; .Fr. and Lat. 2764, ff. 11, 1 1 3 ; Engl 3086, ff. 1-39 b, 48-109 b ; Lat. 3 1 2 0 ; J % J . 3162, passim; Lfo(/L 3170 ; Fr. and Lat. 3422; Xaf. 3457 ; Engl 3579 ; Engl, Fr. and Z ^ . 3630-3634; Engl 3657; .Lfya/. 3706, passim; Enql and L«*. 3809; — 1555. Engl. 3004; — 1 5 5 8 . Engl 2598 ;—1572. Lat. 3661;—1575. £m?2. 830 ;—17th cent. Engl and Lat. 1 2 ; Zctf. 78, ff. 81, 84 b ; Engl 83, ff. l l b - 2 6 b ; Engl 169; Lfy/J. 279, ff. 38 b-97 b ; Engl 288 ; Enql. and La*. 3 1 7 ; Lat. and #my. 3 1 9 ; Lat. 3 8 7 ; La*. 427, ff. 21-28 b, 29-40 b ; Lat. 607, ff. 7 3 - 7 7 ; Lat. 609, ff 7 0 - 9 1 ; Engl 630, ff. 116-120 b ; JV. and Engl 631, ff. 134, 234, 236 b, 286-292 b ; Engl and Lat. 640, ff. 352-402 b ; Lat. 646, ff. 9, 14-22, 2 5 ; Lat. 689, ff. 3 2 42 b ; Lat. 7 1 0 ; Engl 7 1 5 ; Fw#/. 731, ff. 125-142; L % / : 9 0 7 ; L % / . 997, ff. 1 3 2 b - 1 3 8 b ; Engl 1094; La£. 1139, ff. 10, 12, 70-72 b, 75-78 b ; Lat. and Engl 1157 ; Lat. 1182; LVz^., La*, and Dutch, 1255 ; L%Z. 1378, f. 3 0 2 ; Engl 1386 ; Engl 145J ; jEto/L 1512, ff. 1 5 2 174 b ; Engl and Lat. 1687; Lfa^. 1723; Lat. 1 7 9 3 ; La*. 1809; La*. 1 8 1 0 ; Engl 1828, ff. 145 - 151 b ; Lat. 1842; i % / . 1 8 8 1 ; La*. 2 0 0 8 ; Lat. and J*a£. 2010; lat. and LV. 2011, ff. 1 3 4 b - 1 5 3 b (reversed); Engl 2036; Lat., Engl and LV. 2101, ff. 1 0 3 1 ; Engl 2 1 6 9 ; Engl. 2170; L % L 2 1 7 3 ; LVi#L 2174; Engl 2175, ff. 5 2 174 b ; Engl. 2176; Germ. 2 1 8 2 ; Engl 2 1 8 8 ; J£n0L 2192; L % L 2 1 9 3 ; Engl 2194, ff. 7 7 b - 8 7 b ; Enql 2203, ff. 118-182, 233-244 b ; Engl. 2208; Enql 2 2 1 8 ; ] % / . 2 2 1 9 ; Engl. 2 2 2 5 ; > r . 2 3 8 2 ; Fr. 2384; La*. 2405; LV^Z. 2503,passim; Engl 2517, ff. 17-22, 3 5 86 ; Engl 2532 ; Lat. 2543, ff. 55-69 b ; Engl 2559, ff 4 1 - 4 6 ; Engl 2567; Engl 2577, A ff. 13-65 b ; F» Answers to questions touching the Philosopher's Stone put to the Devil by Elardus, 15th cent. 1118, f. 82 b. Catalogue of printed books relating to Alchemy, late 17th cent. 696, ff. 1 38 b. v. Agrippa (Henricus Cornelius). Albertus Magnus. Anaxagoras. Aquino (Thomas de), S. Aristotle. Arondell (John). Artefius. Bachemius (Arnold us). Bacon (Roger). Bales (John) Balta.sar, Judams. Barsolone (Bartholomasus de) Becher (John Joachim). Beckerus (Dr. ). Belin (Albert), Abbe. Bellingham (Samuel). Beraud (Pierre). Bernard, Monk of Bermondsey. Bernardus, Trevisanus. Berner (Abel). Birport (Robert). Blanchus (Johannes). Blomefield (William). Bodenstein (Adam von). Bombast von Hohenheim (Philipp Aureol Theophrast), called Paracelsus. Bracesco (Giovanni). Bruni (Benignus de). INDEX. Buono Avogario (Pietro). Cenes (Guyllam de). Chaucer (Geoffrey). Christophorus, Parisiensis. Cicilia (Matheus de). Clerke (John). Coats (Richard). Comes (Jacobus). Copus (Martinus). Cremona, in Italy. Crompton (Hugh). Dastyn (John). Dee (Arthur). Draper (Clement). Dunstan, S. Edlin (Richard). Elias, de Assissio. England, Sovereigns of. Henry IV. Edward IV. Evans (Homfrae). F. (I. C ) , of Hamburg. F. (J.). Flamel (Nicholas). Fontanus (Johannes). Francigena (Nicholaus). Gassmann (Franz). Glauber (Johann Rudolph). Grasseus (Joannes). Guido, de Montano. Gulielmus, Brixiensis. Haimo. Hermes, Trismegistus. Hilardus. Husain ibn 'Abd Allah (Abii 'Ali), called Ibn Siha or Avicenna. Jabir Ibn Haiyan, Al-Tarsusi. Janua (Christophorus de). Jeronimus, of Rome. Joannes Isaacus, called Hollandus. Joveninus, Frater, of Rome. Kelley (Sir Edward). Kellum (Robert). Kettler (John). Khunrath (Henricus). Lambspringk (——). Le Goust (Philippe). Leister (George). Limojon de Saint Didier (Alexandre Toussaint). Lomerto (Jacobus de). Lull (Ram6n). Lydgate (John). M. (J. G.), of Leyden. Maier (Michael). Mantellione (Antonellus de). Marrowe (George). Mayerue (Sir Theodore Turquet de). Merlin. Merrifoot (Roger). Meung (Jehan de), dit Clopinel. Miriam, the Prophetess. Montanor (Guido de). 9 Monte-Snyders (Johann de). Morienus Romanus. Moritz (Pieter). Muller (Philipp). Mundanus (Theodorus). Naples. Nicholaus, Magisterf Ordinis Prsedicatorum. Nicholson (F.). North (Gilbert). Norton (Samuel). Norton (Thomas), of Bristol. Nuisement (Jacques de), Baron. 0 . ( J . C.) Padua. Pantheus (Joannes Augustinus). Pauper (Johannes). Pearce, the Black Monk. Penotus (Bernardus Georgius). Percy (Peter), Planellus (Antonius). Piatt (Sir Hugh). Potter (Thomas). Propositus (Gulielmus). Raganne ( ). Randall (Samuel). Rhomseus (Agricola). Ricardus Anglicus. Ripley (George). Robson (Thomas). Rodargirus (Lucas). Rome, Bishops of. Honorius IV. Rouillascus (Philippus). Rupescissa (Joannes de). S. ( J . ) Sawtrey (John). Sendivogius (Michael}. Sheffield (Edmond), 1st Earl of Mulgrave. Spencer ( ). Starkey (George). Suchten (Alexander von). Terminis (Raymundus de). Thurneiser zum Thurn (Leonhardt). Torrescissa (William de). Trismosin (Solomon). Tyler (Henry). Ungarie (Johannes). Vadis (vEgidius de). Valentinus (Frater Basilius). A^allensis (Robertus). Venetiis (Bartholoma?us de). Venetiis (Marcus de). Venetiis (Rowlandus de). Villa Nova (Arnoldus de). Walker (Richard). Whithede (Da^ye), Clerk. Zadith filius Hamuel, dictus Senior. Alcuinus. Epistola de Trinitate ad Fredegisum, 14th cent. 1777, f. 89. INDEX. 10 A i d e (Gottfried), of Breslau; Inspector of Cloth Manufactories in Silesia. Account of his collection of minerals, 18th cent. 4020, f. 232. A l d e n h a m M a n o r , co. Hertf. Case of Lord Falkland in a suit on the mortgage of, 1628. 3827, f. 153. A l d h e l m , S., Bishop of Sherborn. De laude virginitatis, 17 t h cent. Extracts. 2764, f. 133 b. A l d r i c h (Henry), Dean of Christ Church. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1704. 4039, f. 399. A l d r i d g e (Master ). Speech at the funeral of old Father Stamninate, 17th cent. 922, f. 206. A l d w o r t h (R—). Letter to a ladv, 1697. 1911-1913, f. 137. A l d w o r t h (Sir Richard), Provost Mat shal and Vice-Piesident of MunsUr. Letter to Lord Falkland, 162§. 3827, f. 25. Alegambe (Philippus). Bibliotheca scriptorum societatis Jesu. 1673. Extracts. 624, if. 1-58. A l e m a n n (Conrad von), of Magdeburg. Treatise on precious stones, in prose and verse, 1482. Germ. 448. AlemOnt ( ), M.D. Treatise on the Philosopher's Stone, 17th cent. 2036, if. 53-70. A l e n e e (Cresse d'), M. D. of Paris. Consilium medicum, 1651. 2670, f. 9. A l e p p o , in Syria. Register of letters on mercantile affairs from, bv W. Clark, 1597-1602. 867. A. Olivieri dissertatio de inscriptione lapidis ex Aleppo G. Cupero transmissa, aire. 1706. 3563, ff. 13-67. A l e r i e , M.D. of Lucca. Philosophi epistola ad, de alchemia, late 15th cent. 1091, f. 170 b. A l e s s a n d r i (Vincentio d'), Venetian Ambassador in Persia. Relatione di Persia, 1575. 1826, ff. 1-9. A l e s s i o , Piemontese. Receipts out of his " Secrets," 17th cent. 2818, ff. 1 2 8 140 ; 3692, f. 51 b. A l e s s i o (Alexandro), M.D. Observat i o n s ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 274, 278, 2 7 9 - 2 9 4 ; 3119, ff. 215-220. A l e s s o n e , in Thessaly. View of a Greek Monastery at, 17th cent. 1905, f. 4 3 . Alexander Bishops of. V I I . , Pope. v. Alexander VII. Rome, A l e x a n d e r , Bishop of Lincoln. 1139. Copy. 3424, f. 4 b. A l e x a n d e r , ^Etolus. Apolline, 17th cent. f. 127. Alexander Africus. of Persia, pseudonym. Seal, Versus ex ejus Greek. 2764, v. Kiranus, King Alexander Aphrodisaeus. Commentarius in Aristotelis librum De Anima, 15th cent. 1618. A l e x a n d e r , the Great, King of Macedon. Vita, 13th cent. 1619, ff. 3 - 1 1 . Res gestae ex Trogo Pompeio aliisque auctoribus, 15th cent. 289, ff. 109-115 b. Conference with Dindimus, 17th cent. 3991, ff. 95-97. Epistola de mirabilibus Indie ad Aristotelem, 13th cent. 1619, ff. 1 2 17 ;—15th-16th centt. 1785, ff. 2 - 1 3 . Aristotelis Epistola ad, de regimine sanitatis, 14th cent. 420, ff. 1 8 0 183 b ; 430, ff. 61-63 b ; 1610, f. 42 b ;— 15th cent. 59, ff. 203-206 b ; 282, f. 123 ; 405, ff. 23 b-25 b ; 3554, ff. 37-89 ;— 1456. ltal. 416, f. 16;—17th cent. 317, f. 82 b . • Epistola de dieta ad, ab Hippocrate, 15th cent. 3866, f. 53. Sphere of, 17th cent. 3086, ff. 100 b-107. A l e x a n d e r , Trallianus. Notata ex ejus xii libris de arte medica, 1599. 64, ff. 1-33. A l e x a n d e r (Terence). Letter to Lord Falkland, 163J. 3827, f. 183. A l e x i s , of Piedmont, montese. v. Alessio, Pie- A l e x i u s (Alexander), andro), M.D. v. Alessio (Alex- A l e y n (Thomas), Lord Mayor of London. Letters to, from Sir A. Hesilrige, H. Morley, and V. Walton, 1659. 970, ff. 6, 8. Letters to, from the Officers of the Fleet, 1659. 970, f. 10. Alfidius. De spiritu occultato, 16th cent. 2327, f. 10 ;—17th cent. 2503, ff. 91-101. Epitre de, au Roy Memphis, 16th cent. 3549, ff. 20 b-25. A l f o n s e e o (Thomas de), Portuguese, of Cochin China. Abstract of proposals made to Charles I[. for finding the longitude, 17th cent. 871, ff. 1-6. INDEX. Alfonso Fernandez, de Palencia. Chronica del Re Enrique el 17th cent. 2799. Quarto, A l f o n s u s , Magister. Alchemical process, 1572. 3661, f. 216. Algiers. Relation of the escape of Englishmen out of, 1640. 3317, f. 8. Description of the city, temp. Chas. II. 2755, f. 52 b. State of, according to Consul Martin's remarks, temp. Chas. II. 2755, if. 53-57. Letters to the Aga and Duana of, from Lord Belasyse, 1665. 3499, fF. 6,7. Letter from Col. Norwood to pirates of, 1666. Span. 1955, f. 4 3 . Letter from the Bashaw of, to Col. H. Norwood, 1667. 3509, f. 206. Letter to the Alcayde and Governor, 1668. Span. 3499, f. 18. Letter to the Bashaw, from Col. H. Norwood, 1669. 3510, f. 56. Treaty with England, 1671. 2680, f. 45 ; 2755, f. 50. Capture of a Spanish galleon by Algerine pirates, 1671. Engl, and Span. 3511, f. 26 b. Papers relating to captive Englishmen redeemed from, 1672. 3511, fF. 154. 160-167. List of ships of war belonging to, 1676. 2755, f. 52. Drawing by Capt. J. Kempthome, of an engagement with Algerine menof-war, 1669. 3665, f. 9. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 16. Essay on and niaj) of, by T. Shaw 1729. 3986, ff. 4 7 - 5 3 . Algorismus. v. Arithmetic. Alguazar Abualae Zor, filius Abimeleth filii Zor. v. Abu 'AH Ibn Zuhr. A l h a z e n A r a b s , v. Hasan Ibn Hasan (Abu 'Ali), called Ibn Al Haitham. A l i , el Shat, son of the Shat of Angera. Letter, [1666]. Copy. 1955, f. 42. A l l I b n A b i A l - R a j j a l (Abu al Hasan), Al Kurtubi Al-Shaibdni. Excerpta ex, de judiciis Astrorum, 17th cent. 3746, f. 6. Of the state of a sick man, 15th cent. 6, ff. 43, 46 b. De fure et furto, 15th cent. 309, ff. 24-30 b. 11 'Ali Ibn Anmad Hembran. De electionibus horarum liber ab Abraham Judeo translatus, 15th cent. 312, ff. 215-255 b. Ali Ibn Rudhw&n Ibn 'Ali Ibn J ' A f a r (Abu Al ftasan). Astrologica quaedam, 16th cent. 1620, ff 73-76 b. A l i P u l i . His tractate of the regenerated salt of nature, translated by F. E., 17th cent. 487 ; 609, ff. 31-39. A l i c a n t e , in Valencia. 1831, A. ff. 1-23. Chart of, 1665. A l i c i a , Countess of Northampton, v. St. Liz (Simon de), Earl of Northampton. A l i f f (T—). Verses on the Duke of Buckingham's death, 17th cent. 542, f. 15. A l i n g t o n , Family of. 1301, f. 324. Arms, 16th cent. A l i n g t o n (Robert de). Sermo de decern mandatis et plagis, 14th cent. 2275, ff. 215-218. A l l S o u l s , College of. versity of. v. Oxford, Uni- A l l a e c i (Leone), Keeper of the Vatican Library. Instructions to, respecting the removal of the Palatine library at Heidelberg to the Vatican, 1622. ItaL 631, ff. 1-8. Allardinus Prescription catarrh, by 1681. 647, (—), Preacher in Embden. sent to, for scurvy and Dr. S. Bellingham, circ. f. 7 0 . ' A l l a t i u s (Leo), v. Allaeci (Leone). A l l e g o r y . Directions for painting allegorical " tables," late 16th cent. 1041 ; 1 0 6 2 ; 1 0 6 3 ; 1 0 8 2 ; 1 0 9 6 ; 1169. A l l e n (Benjamin). Scheme nativity, 1640. 1707, f. 18 b. A l l e n (Edmund). 1670. 3910. of his Commonplace book, A l l e n (Henry). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4078, f. 262. A l l e n (John), M.D., of Bridgwater. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1720, 1721. 4076, ff. 324, 326. A l l e n (Richard), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for assault, circ. 1673. 3514^ f. 140. A l l e n (Thomas), M.D.y of Caius College, Cambridge, Physician to Bethlehem Hospital. Medical disputations, 17th cent. Lat. 3308, ff. 286, 288. Formerly owned MS. 309. 12 INDEX. A l l e n (William). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1740. 4076, f. 328. A l l e r t o n , N o r t h , co. York. Inscriptions and arms from the church, 1601. 3836, f. 27. A l l e s t r y (James), bookseller. Letter to H. Power, 1663. Copy. 1326, f. 39. A l l e y n (George). Owned, in Febr. 158g, MS. 2463. Alleyne (Ja—). Formerly owned MS. 2463. A l l i a e o (Petrus de), Cardinal. Aillv (Pierre d'). Allington ( - ) , Mrs. Apophthegms, 17th cent. 848, f. 17 b . A l l i o t (Jean Baptiste). Observations on his^ " T r a i t s du Cancer," 18th cent, 3323, f. 264. A l l i s o n (JRobert), Captain. Voyage of, from Jamaica to Porto-Bello, 1679. 2752, ff. 29-35. • Voyage of, round S. Ameiica, 1680-1681. 2752, ff. 3 6 - 7 1 . A l l i x (Pierre), V.D. Letter to — Petyworth, 1708. 4026, f. 291. A l l i x (Willielmus). Owned, in 1702, MS. 2726. A l i o (Carolus). Aureolse J. de S. Amando abbreviate per, 16th cent. 2 4 1 1 , ff. 61-70. A l l o n v i l l e (Jacques Eugene d'), Chevalier de Louville. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1715. Fr. 4044, f. 75. A l l o r i (Agnolo), called i( II Bronzino." Capitoli, 17th cent. 1880,ff.182-440 b. A l l o t (Robert). Verses to his schoolmaster, 16th cent. Lat. 130, f. 73 b. A l l s a p (Margaret) Letter to Dr. Binns, circ. 1630. 153, f. 173. A l m a s s e s (M— d'), Marquis, v. D'Almasses. A l m e y d a (Pedro d'), of Lisbon. Letter to J . Petiver, 1715. Fr. 3322, f. 86. A l s o p p (Roger), Colonel, at Tangier. Quarrel with — Carpenter, 16f %. 3514, ff. 26, 28. Charge of mutiny against R. Nowell, 1670. 3514, f. 34. Charge against J . Boroughs, 1673. 3514, f. 185. Appointment of examiners of accompts of tax-gatherers a t Tangier, 1674. 3511, f. 265. Letter to J . Luke, 1673. 3514, f. 174. A l s o p p (Roger), Colonel, at Tangier (continued). Letter to the Tangier Commissioners, circ. 1674. 3512, f. 87. — Letter to, from Capt. P. Fairborne, 1674. 3512, f. 23. Allyn ( -). late 17th cent. Receipt for a rupture, 1087, f. 6. A l m a d a (Roderico Fernandez d'). Letters to, from M. Correa, 1600. Lat. 902,ff.13 b, 14 b, 17 b. A l m a n a c . Almanac for the year 1597. Two printed leaves. 1032, ff. 36, 37. Extracts from an almanac for the meridian of Chester, 1683. 2281, f. 55 b. Extracts from almanacs for 1683. 2281, f. 59 b. Rude sketch of a Clog-Almanac, late 17th cent. 1009, f. 80. A l m a n s o r . v. Muhammad ibn Zakariya (Abu Bakr), al-Razi. A l m e i d a (Luis de), Governor of Algarte. Letter to, 166J. Span. Copy. 1955, f. 2 A l o g h i u s (Vincentius). Consilium medicum, 17th cent. 2253, f. 202. A l p h a r (Sebastiao). Letters to, from M. Correa, 1600. Lat. 902, ff. 3, 4, 5. Alphide. v. Alfidius. A l p i n u s (Alpinus), Medicus Professor 1'atavinus. Consilium medicum, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 70-73. A l s t o n (Charles), Secretary of the College of Physicians at Edinburgh. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4054, f. 92. A l s t o n (John), Clerk of the roads in Chelsea Parish. Letter to Houlms, 1738. 4066, f. 122. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, f. 250. A l s t o n n e (John). 2687. Formerly owned MS. A l t o s t i s (William). Unguentum mundificativum secundum, 16th cent. Engl. 2199, f. 9 b. A l t o v i t i (Giobattista). Capitoli a, di A. F. Grazzini, 17th cent. 1880, ff. 141-143. A l u m (Francys). 3162,ff.22, 25. Bill of goods for, 1562. A l u r e d (Thomas). Letter to the Duke of Buckingham on the Spanish Match, 17th cent. 1455, ff. 2 0 - 2 3 ; 1710, f. 307 b. 13 INDEX. A l v a r a d o (Felix Antonio de). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, ff. 252, 253 Alvarado y Bracamonte (Andies de), dit Hoffman, v. Hoffman de Alvarado Bracamonte (Andres). A l v a r e s d e T o l e d o (Domingo), Procurador General de la Horden de S. Francisco. Carta de, al Padre Commissario General, 1667. 3984, f. 241. A l v a r e z (Gabriel), of Madrid. to, from J. White, 1714. Lat. f. 162. Letter 4065, A l v a r e z d e P o r t u g a l (Nunez), Governor of Portugal. Correspondence with M. Correa, 1600, 1601. Lat. Copies. 902, ff. 2, 45, 45 b, 47, 48 b, 56, 57 b, 62, 63, 63 b, 64, 68 b. A m b a s s a d o r s . Instructions to, tempp. Edw. VI. - J a s . I., collected by Sir J. Peyton, 17th cent. 2442. Instructions for ambassadors and diplomatic agents with their offices, duties and privileges, 17th cent. 1019, ff. 490 b-535 b. Forms of receptions of, in France and Rome, 17th cent. Fr. 2144, ff. 230-235 b. A m b e r e s (Hernando de). Libro de muchas formas de letras y diferentes lenguas, 17th cent. 3864. A m b o y n a , in the Moluccas. Relation of proceedings at, by the Dutch against the English, 17th cent. 3645, ff. 1 7 7 185. A l v a r e z d e T o l e d o (Pedro), Marquis de Villafranca. Promise, as Viceroy of Naples, on the introduction of the Inquisition into Naples, 1547. Ttal. 2103, f. 179 b. A m b r a (Giovanni Battista d'). Lettere a, trattante d'odori, di distillazioni e di fiori per L. Magalotti, 1693. 2756, ff. 192-219. A m b r o s e , S., Bishop of Milan. De bono mortis, 14th cent. 2515, ff. 36-55. A l v a r e z d e T o l e d o (Gabriel). 3283 was dedicated to him. A m b r o s e (William). cent. 1008, f. 185. MS. Alvarus Hispanus, Magister. Tabula de diebus criticis, 13th cent. 342, f. 133. Prophecy, 17th A m b r o s i n u s (Hyacinthus). Phytologia, 17th cent. Extracts. 2352, f. 1 b. A l v e y (Thomas), M.D., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. Formulae medicinarum, 1667. 491, ff. 1-3, 26-56 b. Correspondence with Dr. T. Novell, 1681. Lat. Copies. 491, ff. 4-24. A m e l i a , Princess, 2nd daughter of George II. Report as to the cause of her illness, 18th cent. 3984, f. 99. Summons of Drs. Steigertahl and Amiens to Kensington Palace to bleed her, n. d. Fr. 4066, f. 246. — Bulletins of her health, 18th cent. 4078, f. 368. A l w a y e (Thomas). Petition to [?Anne Bol eyn] for release from the Tower, [1530-1531]. 1207, f. 1 b. Amelot ( ). Letter to the Comte de Cambis, 1737. Fr. Extracts. 4055, f. 251. Aly Ben Hadrahaman Sayer, Al- Amelot de la Houssaye (Abraham cayde of Alcasar. Letter to Mahamet el Tebib, 1669. Span. 3499, f. 70. Letter to, from Col. H. Norwood, 166f. Span. 3499, f. 3 1 . Nicolas), Sieur. Translation of his version of Tacitus* Moralia, by Sir E. Sherburne, late 17th cent. Engl. 1048, ff. 1-58. A l v e t a n u s (Cornelius), ilEodius." On the Philosopher's Stone, 1565. 1744, ff. 4 - 8 . v. Menonglabow, A m e r i c a . Historia de his Indias por B. de Las Casas, 1492-1500. 3052-3054. A m a n d a V i l l a (Henricus de), Midicus Philippi Francioz Regis. Emplastrum, 14th cent. 1754, f. 30 b. Relacion de la destruycion de las Indias por B. de Las Casas, 1552. 375. History and description of the English dominions in, 17th cent. 3861, ff. 62 b-67. — Project for keeping New England dependent on England, 17th cent. 3962, f. 5 1 . Paper relating to the employment of the Yanaconas Indians in the mines of Potosi, 1606. Span. 3055, ff. 8-19. A m a d s h a w , Sultan, Sultans of. - A m a r a l (Petrus), Societatis Jesn. Compendium Aristotelis logicas, 17th cent. 2983. A m a r a t (Melchior d'). M. Correa, 1601. Lat. Letter to, from 902, f. 56. A m a t u s , Lusitanus. v. Rodriguez Castello Branco (Joao). de 14 INDEX. A m e r i c a (continued). Correspondence cone, two Indians lodged with Dr. Haberfield at the Hague, professing themselves to be members of a new society of Christians called " Societas Coronse Equestris ordinis," 1643. 648, f. 4 1 . Relations des Missions des PP. de la Compagnie de Jdsus dans les isles et dans la Terre Ferme de l'Amdrique Meridionale, 1665. 1019, ff. 164-195. Account of Pennsylvania, New England, etc., 1689. 2902, ff. 164-170. Papers relating to the English plantations in, 18th cent. 2902, ff. 245-248. Relation of D. Ingram's journeys through a great part of North America, 1582. 1447. Capt. B. Sharp's " S o u t h Sea Waggoner," 1584. 44 ; 239. Relation of voyage to, by Capt. W. Jackson, 1642. 793 or 894. Narrative of voyage round South America, 1680-1681. 2752, ff. 3 6 - 7 1 . Journal of voyage to Maryland and back, 1705. 2291. De animalibus novi orbis, 17th cent. 1139. Accounts of American animals and plants, 18th cent. Prose and verse. 4020, ff. 212-220. Description of American plants by C. Plumier, 18th cent. 2337. Catalogus plantarum Americanarum, 17th cent. 2202, ff. 1-21. — Delineationes plantarum Americanarum a C . Plumier, 17th cent. 4017. Curiosa Americana, 1716. 3340, ff. 279-297. Drawings of American Indians, 17th cent. 4015, f. 36. SOUTH AMERICAN COMPANY. Pro- posals for, submitted to James II., 1688. 3984, f. 210. A m e r y e (Elizabeth), of Northall. Penance for adultery, 1568. 1710, f. 161. A m e s (Henry). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, f. 254. A m e s (Joseph). Letters to Sir II. Sloane, 173§-1743. 4052, ff. 247, 3 5 9 ; 4053, ff. 90, 112, 1 1 8 ; 4055, f. 1 0 1 ; 4056, f. 2 5 4 ; 4057, f. 221. A m i e n s , in France. Memoire de la g^neralite de, par J. B. Bignon, 1698. 3291. A m i e n s , Dr. v. Amyand (Claude). Amiens (Francois d'), Franciscan. Translation of Dionysius the Areopagite's " D e ccelesti hierarchia,*' 15th cent. Fr. 3049. A m l a (Moseh). 1713, A. f. 45. Letter to , 16J§ A m m a n (John), Professor of Botany at St. Petersburg. Letters to Sir H . Sloane, 1734-1741. Lat. and Engl. 4053, f. 232 ; 4054, ff. 32, 99, 188, 297, 298 ; 4055, ff. 155, 315, 3 3 9 ; 4056, ff. 28, 109, 132, 268, 355. Letter to Collinson, 1740. 1968, f. 85. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1735, 1740. 4068, f. 2 8 1 ; 4069, ff. 40, 48. Amoiiroeus (Peter). (Christian). v. Moritz A m o y , in China. Draught of the entrance into the Roadstead, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, ff. 70 b, 71. A m s t e r d a m . Praxis medicinae in Nosocomio Amstelodamensi, late 17th cent. 609, ff. 40-60 b. • De viribus medicamentorum in officinis Amstelodami usualium, 17th cent. 3068. Quaadam ex Pharmacopoeia Amstelodamensi, 17th cent. 3118, f. 277. Letter to the magistrates, from B. Severinius, [1662-1663]. 2870, f. 97. A m t h o r (Christopher Heinrich). logue of his writings, 17th cent. 2890, f. 24. CataGerm. A m y a n d (Claude), Serjeant Surgeon to George II. Report on Mrs. Coke's body, 172f. 4078, f. 99. — Summons to, to bleed Princess Amelia at Kensington Palace, n. d. 4066, f. 246. — Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1722, 1724. 4076, ff. 330, 331. Letters to Dr. Scheuchzer relative to inoculation for the small-pox, 1729. 406, B. f. 17. A m y a t t (John), of Totnes, co. Devon. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4047, f. 296. A n a c r e o n . Oda in Amorem a B. Vulcanio versa, 17th cent. Lat. and Dutch. 2764, f. 18 b. A n a g r a m s . Anagram on the name of " Bones," 17th cent. 2282, f. 39 b. 15 INDEX. Anastasius (Joseph), a Greek of Amaseia in Cappadocia. Letter to Bishop Andrewes, temp. Jas. I. Romaic. 118, f. 36. Anatomy, v. Medicine. A n a x a g o r a s . Natural Conversions ; an alchemical work, 17th cent. 2503, ff. 108 -123 ; 3086, ff. 48 b - 53 ; 3636, ff. 135-152. A n c i e n t B r i t o n s , Society of. v. Societies. A n c k e l m a n n (Eberhard) Letter to C. Schroedter, 1688. Germ, 2876, f. 119. Letter to G. Schroedter, 1688. Lat. and Germ. 2877, f. 24. A n d a l u s i a , Province of. List of captives redeemed by, circ. 1666. Span. 3513, ff. 15-19. A n d e o l u s , S., Martyr. Vita, early 13th cent. 1772, ff. 19-23. Andemaeus. v. Guinterius (Joannes). A n d e r s o n (A—), Secretary to the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge in Scotland, etc. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, with papers, 1731. 4051,ff.310-314 b. A n d e r s o n (Anthony Tolhurst), Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Testimonials to, as candidate for the Professorship of Music at Gresham College, from Oxford University, 1 7 2 | . Copies. 4065, ff. 313, 314. A n d e r s o n (C—). Letter to , 1660. Lat. 4062, f. 152. A n d e r s o n (Henry). Letter Carlisle, 168}. 2724, f. 139. to Lord A n d e r s o n (Lancelott), Captain, of Hull. Account of Greenland, 17th cent. 3986, ff. 78, 79. A n d e r s o n ( N - - ) , Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for assault, 1673. 3514, f. 166. A n d e r t e n ( S — d'). Letter from her to Sir H. Sloane, 1740. Fr. 1968, f. 85. A n d r a d e (Domingo Lopes de), of Valladolid. Letter to J. Davila, 1690. Portug. 2456, f. 153. Receipt for two chests, 1689. Portug. 2989, f. 279. A n d r e s e (Antonius), Dulcifluus. Quaestiones super Aristotelis Metaphysicam, 1457. 3453. Andre9B (Johann Valentin), Superintendens Calbensis in Ducata Wirtenbergico. Epistolee ad, a J . Dury, 1633. 654, ff. 23, 152. Andreas de Caldrinis (Joannes), Decret. DocK, Canonicus Formerly owned MS. 2269. A n d r ^ e (John), Sen., M.J). Sir H. Sloane, 1736-1743. 4056, f. 156 ; 4057, ff. 220, A n d r e w , S. 1936, f. 7 b. Bononiensis. Letters to 4055, f. 8 ; 225. Legenda de, 15th cent. A n d r e w (John). Letter to Dr. C. Mortimer, 1736. 4066, f. 116. A n d r e w (Joshua), of Mitcheldean, co. Glouc. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1736. 4054, f. 284. A n d r e w e s , of cos. Norf. and Suff., Family of. Arms and crest of, by J. Hawtrey, 17th cent. 3714, f. 28. A n d r e w e s (Lancelot), Bishop of Winchester. Collection of his letters and papers, 17th cent. 118. Judicium de articulis Lambethano Synodo a D. Whitakero oblatis, 17th cent. Impe/f. 414, f. 4 b. Notes found in his service-book, written in his own hand, 1638. Lat. and Engl. 827, ff. 19-23. Letter to, from H. Broughton, 1603. 3088, f. 95 b. Inscription on his monument at St. Mary Overy's Church, in Southwark, 1630. 118, f. 47. A n d r e w e s (Nicholas). Letter to Bishop Andrewes, [1619-1626]. Lat. 118,T. 38. A n d r e w s {Sir Henry), Bart., of Lathbury, co. Bucks. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 42. A n d r e w s (J— •). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1722, 1731. Lat. and Engl. 4046, ff. 309 ; 4052, f. 50. A n d r e w s (William), of co. Essex. ment to, of land, 17th cent. f. 18 b. Feoff1317, A n d r i g h e t i u s (Audrighetus). Responsum qusestioni de peste per bourn carnem illata, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 91 b-94. A n d r o s i u s (Lancelotus), Ep. Wintoniensis. v. Andrewes (Lancelot). A n e c d o t e s . Exempla quorundam morum, 15th cent. 289, ff. 57 b-59 b. A n g e l al. A u n g e l l (John), of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Sermon at St. Mary's Church, Oxford, a m 1570. 2987, ff. 79 b-86. Angelbright (Johann). (John), v. Engelbrecht 16 INDEX. A n g e l i o (Pietro), da Barga. Asias, metrice, 17th cent. Imperf. 3090. A n g e o r i u s , Taurinensis Gymnasii Lector. Methodus curandorum morborum, 1619. 3133, ff. 325-338. A n g i b a u d (Ch—). Sloane], n. d. Lat. Letter to [Sir H. 3322, f. 139. A n g i e r (John). Contract with Dr. R. Busby for work on his house at Chiswick, late 17th cent. 1009, f. 144. A n g l a (Maria). Horoscope, 1515. f. 52. 1697, A n g l e s e y , Earl of. v. Annesley (Arthur). Anglicanus Aulicus. Letters thus signed, to Sir H. Sloane, 172f, 1729. 4050, ff. 76,102. A n g l i c o (Juanni). Compendio trino di, de la experientia de la Trinita, 17th cent. 3004, ff. 63-87. A n g l i e u s (Galfridus). Astrological tract, 17th cent. 3690, f. 93. A n g l i e u s (Johannes), de Este. 1563. 2006, ff. 69-96. Rosarius, A n g l i n g . Treatise on, 17th cent. 1160. " Piscator," a poem on, [ 1 6 6 3 1677]. Lat. 1709, ff. 181-183. Baits for fishing, 16th cent. 4, f. 39 b ; 96, ff. 27, 29 b;—circ. 1673. 149, ff. 72 b, 74. Anglo-Saxon Language. Elementa Saxonica, 17th cent. 586, ff. 43 b-52. A n g m i t (Walter), M.D. Judgment of urines, 17th cent. 1635, ff. 7-15. A n g u i s h (Edmond). Collection by, of W. Camden's grants of arms, 16th cent. 3485 A n g u s , Earl of. v. Douglas (Archibald). Anhalt, , Prince of. Description by, of his Museum, 18th cent. Engl. 4019, ff. 16, 17. A n i s s o n (Jean). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1699-1715, and n. d. Fr. 4037, f. 3 4 2 ; 4043, ff. 185, 234, 261, 266, 3 1 6 ; 4057, ff. 256-279 b. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1715, and n. d. Fr. 4068, f. 97 ; 4069, f. 88. A n n a n d a l e , Earl of. v. Johnstone (William). A n n a p o l i s R o y a l , in Nova Scotia. . Letters and orders relating to its government under S. Vetch, 1711-1713. 3607. A n n e , 8. Hymnus in, 14th, 15th centt. 2471, f. 3 6 ; 2565, f. 2 2 ; 2633, f. 28 2683, f. 20. Memoriade, 15th cent. 2916,f. 125 Service in honour of, 15th cent. Lat. 2515, f. 111. A n n e o f A u s t r i a , Mother of Louis v. France, Kings of. Louis XIV. XIV. A n n e o f C l e v e s , 4th wife of Henry VIII. v. England, Sovereigns of. Henry VIII. A n n e s l e y (Arthur), 2nd Viscount Valentia, afterw. 1st Earl of Anglesey. A. Rhumand Oratio de educationepuerorum, addressed to, 1659. 1525, ff. 113-123. Letters to Dr. E. Borlase, 1680, 1C81. 1008, ff. 263-, 265, 280, 294, 298, 322, 330, 332. A n n e s l e y (Francis), 1st Viscount Valentia and Buron Mountnorris, Vice-Treasurer of Lreland. Letter to, from Charles I., 1627. 3827, f. 112. Warrant to, from Lord Loftus and Lord Cork, 1 6 | § . 3827, f. 175. A n n e s l e y (Francis). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4048, f. 74. A n n e s l e y (Mary), wife of Arthur, 5th Earl of Anglesey. Medical case, 1718. 4078, f. 104.' A n o n y m u s . Letter thus signed to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, f. 271. A n p r i n g h e n (Johannes Caspar de), Baro; Camerarius Arc/iiducis Audrico. Consilium medicum pro ejus stupore improviso, 1643. Ltal. 2253, ff. 192 b-195. A n s e l n i , S.} Archbishop of Canterbury. De conceptione B. Marias Virginis, 13th cent. 1056, A. ff. 7 b-9. Elucidarium, 14th, 15th centt. 2275, ff. 230-244 ; 3551, ff. 10-49. — De beatitudine celestis patrie, et meditationes, et orationes, 14th cent. 1613, ff. 7 0 b - 8 2 . — De redemptione humana, 14th cent. 2275, ff. 62-63 b. Qusedam ex, 15th cent. 982, ff. 67 b, 72. A n s t e y (Mary). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 4076, f. 332. A n s t i s (John), Garter King - at - Arms. Letters to J. Bagford, 1713, [ 1 7 1 | ] . 3339, f. 149 ; 4065, ff. 142, 151. — Letter to Sir R. Sibbald, 171J. 3339, f. 150. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 171f1722. 4044, f. 145; 4046, ff. 66, 207, 209. INDEX. A n s t i s (John), Garter King-at-Arms (continued). Letter to , 1719. 4065, f. 292. Letter to, from Sir R. Sibbald, 1714. 4065, f. 147. A n s t r u t h e r (Sir Robert), Ambassador to Denmark. Autograph in Album, 1614. 3415, f. 27. Letter from his chaplain to J. Dury, 1633. 1465, f. 195. A n t h i l l (William), Soldier at Tangier. Sentence of death passed on, 1671. 3514, f. 75. A n t h i m u s , Comes. Epistola ad Teodericum Regem Francorum de observatione ciborum, 17th cent. 3107. A n t h o n y (John), M.D. Praxis medica, 1635. 489. Prsescriptiones medico, 1628-1632. 2688. A n t i - C h r i s t . Nonnulla de Antichristo, 15th cent. 289, f. 9 1 . A n t i g o n u s , King of Macedon. Dioclis Carystii epistola ad, de morborum prsesagiis, 17th cent. Engl. 1592, ff. 14-17. A n t i g u a , Island of. Statement of prices of articles traded for at Antigua and names of traders in the Island, circ. 1680. 978, ff. 51-58 b. Antiquities. De ritibus, diis, moribusque Veterum adversaria, 17th cent. 377. Drawings of trumpets, etc., found in Dungannon Lower Barony, co. Tyrone, 171f. 4065, f. 138. Drawing of a trumpet found at Griffinrath, co. Kildare, 172f. 4048, f. 209. v. also Art. English. A n t i u m . v. Anzio, in Italy. A n t o n i (Henry), Abbat of Missenden. Note of election in 1436. 747, f. 55 b. A n t o n i n u s , Augustus. Iter Britanniarum, cum R. Talboti annotationibus, 17th cent. 3067, ff. 1-10. A n t o n i o , Apothecary of the Jesuit College of San Anton at Lisbon. Letter to, from J. White, 1712. Lat. 4065, f. 56. A n t o n i o , Medicus Hispanus. Consilium medicum, 17th cent. Span. 2253, f. 122. A n t o n i o , Prior de Crato, fingido Bey de Portugal. Carta a, de Philippe II., 1588. 3610, f. 19. A n t o n i o (Juan), Provincial of the Order of the Trinity. Letters to, from Fr. B. Serrano, 1673, 1675. 3513, ff. 99,110. SLOANE INDEX. 17 A n t o n i o (Nicholas). Supplementa ad ejus Bibliothecam Hispanam Novam, 17th cent. 2882" ff. 1-24. A n t o n i o l u s (Antonius), of Padua. Compendium medicina? et chirurgise, 1612. 329. A n t o n i u s , de Bitonto. Sermon at Milan, 24 March, 1455. 416, ff. 1 4 2 149 b. A n t o n y , of Padua, S. Memoria de, 15th cent. 2916, f. 124 b. A n t r o b u s (Benjamin), Jun. Copy by, of J. Bauthumley's theological treatise, 17th cent. 2544, ff. 1-53. A n t r o b u s (Robert), of Eaton. Letters to J. Petiver, 1 7 0 | , 1704. 3221, ff. 145, 147 ; 4063, f. 236. A n t w e r p , in Belgium. Account of, late 17th cent. Imperf. 1009, f. 213. A n u s i u s (Petrus), Venetus. Sermo de Romanae Cabalse mysteriis, 18th cent. 1411 or 2957, ff. 331-338. A n z i o , in Italy. Extract respecting its port, 18th cent. 3407, f. 63. Aphenry. v. Penry. Aphorisms. On the generation of man, the revolution of human souls, etc., 17th cent. 530, ff. 75-91 b. A p i a n u s (Petrus). Cosmographia, early 17th cent. Extract. 838, ff. 69-88. A p o l l o n i a , #., Virgin and Martyr. Memoria de, 15th cent. 2916, ff. 128-130. A p o l l o n i u s T y r i u s . Narratio de, early 13th cent. 1619, ff 18-29 ;—16th cent. 2233. A p o n o (Petrus de). v. Abano (Petrus de). Apophthegms. 'The table of good counselled 16th cent. 292, ff. 60, 61. Apostles, The. Memoranda de vitis eorum, 13th cent. 1772, f. 7. A p o s t o l i u s (Michael), of Byzantium and Crete. Oratio contra duos ejus discipulos scelestissimos, quorum utriusque nomen erat Emanuel, alterum Cretensem, alterum Helota, 15th cent. Gr. 324. A p o t h e c a r i e s , Society of. v. London. Medical Societies. A p p i o n (Peter). Comprobation of the chemical art, 17th cent. 3688, f. 148. A p p l e s (Joannes Benjamin d'). Letters to J. Petiver, 1709. 4064, ff. 211, 215. A p p o n u s (Petrus), Patavinus. (Petrus de), Appyllesby. v. Abano v. Bullmer. c INDEX. 18 A p s l e y (John), of Lewes, co. Sussex. Letter to his kinsman, J. Petiver, 1712. 4065, f. 59. A r b o r i c u l t u r e . On the cultivation of fig-trees, late 17th cent. Fr. 629, ff. 358-371 b. A p u l e i u s (Lucius), Madaurensis. 16th cent. 2586. A r b o y s (William de), of Salines in Burgundy. Receptee alchymica?, 15th cent. 976, f. 42. Opera, A p u l e i u s P l a t o n i c u s , alias P l a t o A p o l i e n s i s U r b i s . De virtutibus herbarum, 12th cent. 1975, ff. 1 b-6, 12 b-49 b. A p u l i a (Johannes de). Processus alchcmici, 15th cent. 3457, ff. 420 b-426. Aquae Solis. A q u a Vitse. v. Bath, co. Som. v. Chemistry. A q u i n o (Thomas de), S. Commentarii in summse Theologicse partem primam, per Fr. I. de Luna, 1585. 891. De essentiis essentiarum, 15th cent. 2156, ff. 130 b-148. De fato, 15th cent. 2156, ff. 154 b 159. De turba minori Philosophorum, 17th cent. Engl. 3638, ff. 92-128 b. Testamentum alchymicum, 17th cent. 288, ff. 179-181. Compendium super secretis artis alchymie, 17th cent. 3004, ff. 118-121. — Recepta alchymica, 15th cent. 976, f. 29 b. Arabia. Vitse et scripta Medicorum Arabum ex Arabico versae a S. Negri, 18th cent. 3647. Arabic, v. Oriental MSS. A r b u t h n o t t (John), M.D. Order of Council to, to take measures against the plague, 1721. 3984, f. 91. Report on Mrs. Coke's body, 172§. 4078, f. 99. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 0 7 1713, and n. d. 4040, f. 377 ; 4041, ff. 171, 189 ; 4042, ff. 120, 2 3 4 ; 4043, ff. 72, 76, 187; 4057, ff. 2 7 3 - 2 8 5 ; 4076, ff. 334, 336 ; 4078, f. 282. Letter to the President of the Royal Society, 18th cent. 4026, f. 240. A r c h a e o l o g y . Dissertation by Sir T. Browne on sepulchral barrows, etc., 17th cent. 1827, ff. 4 0 - 4 3 . A r c h e r (Benjamin), Vicar of Quainton, co. Bucks. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, ff. 286, 288. A r c h e r (Francis). MS. 3721, ff. 2-47, was written for him in 1601 by W. Burgles. A r c h e r (Thomas). Letter to Sloane, 1715. 4044, f. 80. Sir H. A r c h i e s t o u n C a s t l e , co. Tipperary. Attestation by the Royal Commissioners of the defence of, by H. Peisley, 1642. 1008, ff. 75-88. A r a g o n . Modo de proceder en Cortes de, por G. de Blancas, 17th cent. 2301. A r c h i l l e u s , Physicus. spiritibus, 14th cent. A r a g o n (Fabritius). Letters to, from M. Correa, 1600, 1601. Lat. 902, ff. 5 b, 8 b, 44. Archimedes. Collections from, by Lord Dorchester, 17th cent. Lat. 2119, passim. Epistola ad Regem Gelonem, 1688. 2623, ff. 61-73. Sketch and description of his brass screw, 17th cent. 2577, A. ff. 84-89. A r a g o n a (Niccolo Michele d'), di Gassano. Letter to Sir H. 1738. Ital and Lat. 4055, f. Letter to, from Sir H. 1738, 1739. 4069, f. 1. Principe Sloane, 417. Sloane, A r a u g i u s (Joannes). Letter to, from M. Correa, 1601. Lat. 902, f. 31. Arbatel. Magical treatise, 17th cent. 3851, ff. 1 0 b - 2 9 . A r b i l l e u r ( L — ) , M.D. Treatise on the Plague, addressed to Louis XIV., circ. 1666. Fr. 3267. A r b o g a s t u s (Johannes), Gomes de Thunn. Consilia medica pro ejus affectu hypochrondriaco, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 184192, 294. De corporibus et 1754, ff. 84-94. Archipelago. C. Bondelmontii liber insularum Archipelagi, 1642. 3843. • Relacion de la nouvelle isle dans l'Archipel, 1707. 3396, ff. 55 b, 5 8 72 b. Architecture. H. Bluom's Book of the five columns of Architecture translated by I. T., 1608. 904, ff. 26-37. Commonplace book of building and architecture, 1658. 531. • Translation of A. Palladio's 1st book of Architecture, by Gr. Richards, 1676. 911, ff. 1-63. 19 INDEX. A r c h i t e c t u r e {continued). The Mirror of Architecture by V. Scamozzi, reviewed by J. Schuym, and translated out of Dutch by W. Fisher, 1676. 911,ff.6 5 83 b. . On the structure of Italian houses, with plans, 17th cent. Engl, transl. 866. Excerpta ex Vitruvio aliisque auctoribus de architecture, etc., 17th cent. 1009, ff. 62-68 b. Estimate for stables for the Duke of Beaufort, 18th cent. 4019, f. 25 b. A r c o (Olivier d'), Count. Letter to Qu. Elizabeth, 1580. Ital. 3299, f. 9. Arctophylax. Ardagh, (John). Bishop v. Bernard (Francis). of. v. Richardson A r g e n t i n e , Family of. Excerpta e registro de evidentiis de, 16th cent. 1301, f. 144. Argiers. v. Algiers. Argile ( ), of co. Suss. Note of birth and sickness of, 1624, 1650. 1708, f. 106. A r g o l u s (Andreas). Tables of the primum mobile, 17th cent. 533,ff.3 b - 1 1 . A r g o t e (Fernandez Munoz de). v. Munoz de Argote (Fernandez). A r i a s M o n t a n u s (Benedictus). Autograph inscription, 16th cent. Aramaic, Hebr., Gr. and Lat. 2764, f. 106. A r i c a , Bay of, in Peru. 3820, f. 89. Map of, 1681. A r i o s t o (Lodovico). M. Bacon versus A r d e r n e (Johannes), de Newark. Pracin, 17th cent. 396, f. 18, tice de fistula in ano, 14th cent. 341, ff. Scholia in Plutum, 41-69 b ; 3844 ;—15th cent. 6,ff.1 4 1 - A r i s t o p h a n e s . Nubes et Equites, 17th cent. 1324, 154 b ; 76, f. 143 ; 238, ff. 99-214 ; 277, ff. 1-12. 30-33, 40-42. ff. 6 0 b - 7 5 b ; 563, ff. 63-121 b ; 795, ff. 96 b-163 b ; 2002 ;—17th cent. 1991, A r i s t o t l e . Operum synopses, cum inff. 142-159. dicibus, 17th cent. 406, A. ff. 88-118 b. Liber Medicinarum, 14th cent. Commentarius in opera ejus, 17th 56 ; 335, ff. 1-78 b ; 341, ff. 1-40 b ; cent. 1320. 3548, ff. 26-99 ;—15th cent. 76,ff.1 • Index t o his works, 17th cent. 143 ; 238,ff.8-96 b ; 347,ff.2-75 ; 795, 3005, ff. 55-62. ff. 20 b-96 b ; 962,ff.123 b-248 b ; 2122 ; Compendium totius philosophise —16th cent. 563,ff.122-129 b ;—17th naturalis ex ejus libris, 17th cent. cent. 1991,ff.168-224 ; 2271. 2982. • Scala sanitatis contra pestilenciam, Commentaria in libros de coelo et etc., 15th cent. 1080, A. ff. 31 b-36. mundo, de sensu et sensato, de memoria et De curatione oculorum, 15th cent. reminiscentia, de somno et vigilia, de 75, f. 145. longitudine et brevitate vitae, et de Ex libro ejus collecta tempore quo anima, per M. Ramzay, 148f. 748. Angli partem Galliae Aquitaniae occuCommentaria in libros ejus de pabant, 17th cent. 3428, f. 67. physicis, de coelo et mundo, de generaA r d g l a s s , Countess of. v. Cromwell tione et corruptione, et de anima, 17th (Katharine). cent. 1967. Earl of. v. Cromwell (Thomas). Prolegomena in ejus libros de naturali auscultatione, de coelo, et de A r e b a l o (Francisco de). Letter t o , generatione et interitu, 1618-1619. from Lord Sandwich, 1668. Span. 2018, ff. 2-182. 3499, f. 67. Qugestiones in libros octo de phyArensfeld ( ), Colonel, of Hamburg, sico auditu et libros quatuor de coelo, Account of his duel with Capt. Gulden17th cent. Imperf. 399. klei, 17th cent. Lat. 2144, f. 175. Commentaria in ejus physicam A r e v a l o . v. Arebalo. auscultationem et universam logicam, A r e v e n c i i (Guido). Commentaritis in a B. de Lara, 16th cent. 3445 ; 3446. Rogerii Chirurgiam, 14th cent. 3550, — • De anima, cum Alexandri Aphroff. 99-216. dissei commentario, 15th cent. 1618. A r g a l l (John). Correspondence with — Annotationes ex libris do anima, Cambridge University, 1618. 3562, 17th cent. 738, ff. 2-25, 27. ff. 81 b, 82. -——— Commentarius in libros ejus de A r g e n t (John), M%D. Medical prescripanima, 1662, 1663. 1221, ff. 122 b tions, 17th cent. 1080, B. f. 64. 174. C 2 INDEX. 20 A r i s t o t l e (continued). In libros ejus de anima exceptiones Vicomercati Physici Regii, 17th cent. 3043, ff. 31 b-90. • Disputatio prooemialis in octo libros de physico auditu, 17th cent. 142. J. Broughtoni disputationes in ejus libros de generatione et coriuptione, 1604. 2583. Observationes in ^libros ejus de ortu et interitu, 1662-3. 1221, ff. 6 2 105. De signis et moribus naturalibus hominum, 15th cent. Imperf. 1128, ff. 1-97;—17th cent. Imperf. 1626, f. 94. Expositio ejus sententiae de separabili corpore humano a G. Postello, 17th cent. 1412 or 2958, ff. 262-280. Liber anathomiaa, 15th cent. 59, ff. 36-98. De proprietatibus herbarum et lapidum, 15th cent. 2459, ff. 9 b-16. Proposita librorum quatuor priorum ethicorum ad Nicomachum, 16th cent. 108, ff. 9-43 b, 56-62. Quaedam notatu digna in ethicam, 17th cent. 955, ff. 120-133. Commentarii in ejus ethicam, 18th 3 1 3 8 ; 3139. Adnotationes in librum primum moralium ad Nicomachum, 17th cent. 92. cent. Qusestiones in ejus metaphysicam ab A. Andrea, 1457. 3453. Qusestiones in ejus metaphysica, 17th cent. 400. Extracta ex ejus metaphysicis, 17th cent. Lat. 2557, ff. 12 b - 1 6 . Commentarii in ejus metaphysicam, 18th cent. 3 1 3 6 ; 3137, ff. 1-209. Compendium Amaral, 17th cent. logicse 2983. ejus a P. Compendium ad ejus logicam ab A. a Fonceca, 1661-1662. 2988. Commentaria philosophica in ejus logicam, ab A. van Dijck, 1674. 3177. Commentarius in ejus logicam, 18th cent. 3140. Anatomia libri posteriorum analyticorum, 17th cent. 955, ff. 101-119. Opiniones philosophorum e libris physicorum, 17th cent. 1130. In physica ejus commentatio, 17th cent. 1981, ff. 1 b-34. J. Tomsoni commentaria in physica, 17th cent. 2856. Aristotle (continued). Compendium physices ad ejus prsescriptum a C. Wolphio, 17th cent. 3046. Commentarii in ejus physicam, 17th-18th centt. 3 1 3 4 ; 3135. De physiognomia, 12th-13th centt. Lat. 2030, ff. 95-103;—14th cent. 323, ff. 180 b-188 ; 3281, ff. 19 b - 2 3 ;— Imperf. 3469, ff. 34-36. — Analysis in ejus libros politicorum, per R. Hackluitum, 1588. 1982. SUPPOSITITIOUS WORKS. Desecretis secretorum,seu de regimine principum liber a Philippo clerico translatus, 14th cent. 1934, ff. 84-122 ; 3469, ff. 1-22 ; —15th cent. 3554, ff. 37-89. Epistola de sanitate tuenda ad Alexandrum, a Johanne Hispalensi translata, cum epistola ejusdem Johannis Hispaniarum Reginaa dedicatoria, 14th cent. 420, ff. 180-183 b ; 430, ff. 6 1 63 b ; 1610, ff. 42 b - 4 3 b.;—15th cent. 282, ff. 1 2 3 ; 405, ff. 2 3 b - 2 5 b . Secreta secretorum ad Regem Alexandrum, 15th cent. 59, ff. 203-206 b ; 2413;—1456. Ital. 416, ff. 1 6 - 1 7 ; —17th cent. Imperf. 317, f. 82 b. • English metrical version by Lydgate and another of his Secreta Secretorum, 15th cent. 2027, ff. 5 3 - 9 2 ; 2464. Alexandri Magni epistola ad, de mirabilibus Indise, 13th cent. 1619, ff. 1 2 - 1 7 ; — 1 5 t h - l 6th centt. 1785, ff. 2-13. De conductibus aquarum, 1 2 t h 13th centt. Lat. 2030, ff. 110-113. Lat. De chiromantia, 12th-13th centt. 2030, ff. 125-126. Liber perfecti Magisterii Alchemias, 14th cent. 1754, ff. 95-112. Dicta de Alchemia, 14th 323, ff. 95-109. cent. Practise of the Philosopher's stone, 17th cent. 3640, ff. 127-138. Excerpta alchemica ex, 17th cent. 2405, passim. Expositio textuum Aristotelis et Hermetis secundum R. de Salopia, 15th cent. 3744, ff. 54-60. Concordance between him and Hermes by G. Ripley, 17th cent. 3667, ff. 149 b-157. De signis astrologicis ad Alconem Regem liber primus, 16th cent. 69, ff. 37-41 b. INDEX. A r i s t o t l e (continued). Sanguinis iuspectio in phlebotomia secundum, 15th cent. 134, f. 169. A r i t h m e t i c . De algorismo, 14th cent. Imperf. 514, ff. 1-8. Algorismus, cum commento, by Saxton, 15th cent. 513, ff. 26-43. Qusestiones et problemata arithmetica, 15th cent. 513, ff. 43 b-56 b. De algorismo, 15th cent. f. 167. 282, De figuris et usu numerorum Arabicorum, 15th cent. 513, f. 58. Rules and examples in Arithmetic, 16th cent. 2497, ff. 3-32 b. Arithmetical questions with solutions, 16th cent. 1329, ff. 19 b-26 b. A book of Arithmetic, 17th cent. 1428, ff. 72-178. Arithmetica practica, 17th cent. 3146, ff. 149-197. A schoolboy's Arithmetic book, 17th cent. 1203, ff. 40-78. Arithmetical examples, 17th cent. 2766, ff. 3 3 - 5 1 b. Fr. System of Arithmetic, 17th cent. 1440,ff.2-9 b. Examples of Decimal Arithmetic, 17th cent. 2279, ff. 60-63. De arithmologia, seu ratione numerandi, 17th cent. 651, f. 159. Arietta, mandy, Robert. Concubine of Robert of Norv. Normandy, Dukes of. A r l i n g t o n , Baron, v. Bennet (Henry). A r m a g h , Archbishops of. v. Bramhall (John). Ussher (James). A r m a n d (George). Letter to Marshal 'Bellefonds, 1678. Fr. Copy. 631, f. 187. Armenia. Vocabularium Latinum, 17th cent. 1574. Armenico- A r m e n i a (Petrus de). De Tartaro, 15th cent. 976, f. 18. A r m i t a g e (Richard). Letter to R. Bere, 1678. 2723, f. 29. A r m o r y Office. Fees to officers in, temp. Jas. I. 1520, f. 3 1 . 21 A r m s , English. Arms in .churches in cos. Worcester, Nottingham, Middlesex, Oxford, Berks, Salop, Wilts, Somerset, York, Cambridge, Northampton, Lincoln, and Durham, 1589-1601. 3836, ff. 9-31, 50 b - 5 2 . Engraved arms of the Turkey and E. India Companies, and the livery companies of London, 17th cent. Imperf. 4011, ff. 42-72. • African Merchant Adventurers Company, 17th cent. 2281, f. 1 b. • Hudson's Bay Company, 17th cent. 2281, f. 3. — Arms of the College of Physicians, and of the members, 1666. 4000. Dutch. Representation de l'estat ecclesiastique et seculier de la Comte de Heynaut, 17th cent. 4011, ff. 73-92. French. Lorraine (Charles I. de), Bishop of Metzy 1548-1551, or Lorraine (Charles'II. de), Bishop of Metz, 1 5 7 8 1607. 2418 (on cover). German. Arms of German nobility, by P. Vernati, 1615. 2035, passim. Italian. Arms of Bentivogli of Bologna, 16th cent. 2377, f. 1. Arms of the family of Este, 16th cent. 2378, f. 2. v. also Heraldry. A r m s t r o n g (Francis) Papers relating to his murder, 1683. '2723, ff. 101-129. A r m s t r o n g (John), of Edinburgh. ter to Sir H. Sloane, 1732. Lat. f. 62. Let4052, A r m s t r o n g (Thomas). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 173§, 1733. 4026, ff. 213, 292. A r m y , of England. Instructions to the clerk of the band, relative to his duties in taking account of the raising of soldiers, their accoutrements, ammunition, pay, etc., 1589. 292, ff. 48-52. Prayer for English troops engaged in war, temp. Eliz. 2172, f. 44. List of provisions for the ordnance branch of the army, temp. Commonwealth. 2396. Establishment for a regiment of horse, 18th cent. 2504, f. 89. A r n a l d i (Mag. Stephen). Dietarium, 15th cent. 1100, ff. 122-160 b. A r n a u d (Claude C—), Jansenist. Response aux traites sur la perpetuite de la Foy de l'Eglise Catholique touchant l'Eucharistie, 1665. Lat. and Fr. 2871, ff. 66-132. 22 INDEX. A r n d i u s (M— Carolus), Professor at Giistrow and Rostock. Letters to G. Schroedter, 1697, 1698. Gr. and Lat. 2877, ff. 98, 103, 107, 109, 116, 122, 136, 138. ' A r n f e l d (Nicholas de). Autograph in Album, 1615. 3415, f. 5 1 b . A r n h e i m (John George von), General. Letter to, from Christian IV. of Denmark, 1633. Copy. 22, f. 10. A r n o l d , a Polish Jew. Alchemical work, 1570. 1723, ff. 93 b-115. Arnold ( ), M.D., of Newton. On the virtues of the oak, 1579. 2551, ff. 42-45. A r n o l d (Gottfried). Collectanea de, 17th cent. 2890. ff. 4 8 - 5 1 . A r n o l d (James), of Aberdeen. Letters and verses to Sir H. Sloane, 1724-1733. Lat. and Engl 3516, ff. 56-78, 1 1 7 133, 136-151, 197, 2 0 1 ; 4047, f. 2 0 6 ; 4052, ff. 281, 294. Carmen in D. Rutty obitum, 18th cent. 3516, f. 192. Carmen in J. G. Scheuchzer obitum, 1729. 3516, f. 192. « Carmen in Georgii I. obitum, 18th cent. 3516, f. 195. Epitaphium in Samuelis, Episcopi Roffensis, obitum, 18th cent. 3516, f. 196. Epitaphium in P. King, Cancellarii, obitum, 1729. 3516, f. 197. — Carmen in J. Friend obitum, 18th cent. 3516, f. 199. Carmen in T. Bowers, Episcopi Cicestrensis, obitum, 18th cent. 3516, f. 200. Poem on the great commanders of the age, 1732. 3516, f. 201. A r o m a t a r i (Giuseppe degli). Consilium medicum, 17th cent. Ital. 2253, f. 223. A r o n d e l l (John). The rosary of the philosophers, 17th cent. 3685. A r p e (Petrus Fridericus). Letter to G. Schroedter, 1709. Lat. 2877, f. 259. A r r a i s (Duarte Madeira), Arrais (Duarte). v. Madeira A r r a n , Earls of. v. Butler (Richard). Hamilton (James). A r r a s , Bishop of. v. Rochechouart (Guy de Seve de). A r r a s , Monseigneur d\ v. Perrenot de Granvelle (Antoine), Cardinal Bishop of Arras. A r r e t o n , Isle of Wight. Account of ancient weapons found in Haseley Manor on Arreton Down, 1737. 4055, f. 103. A r r o w s m i t h (John), Master of St. John*s and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge. Notes of his sermons, by D. Foote, 17th cent. 598, ff. 36, 49, 78 b, 130 b. • Medical treatment of, by Dr. Pratt, 1656. Lat. 79, f. 105. A r s e n i i l S , &, Abbat. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, f. 127. A r s i n o e , wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus. v. Egypt, Kings of. Art. ILLUMINATIONS AND DRAWINGS. cent. ENGLISH. Biblia sacra, 13th 1521. Breviarium, 14th cent. 2466. • — 14th cent. Horse B. Mariae Virginis, 2683. Bestiarium, 14th cent. 3544. Liber astrologie, 14th cent. 3983. . 15th cent. 2633. Kalendar, 14th cent. 2465. Horaa B. Marue Virginis, 2321; 2471; 2474; 2565; Psalter, 15th cent. 2400. Lydgate's translation of Boccacio's " F a l l of Princes," 15th cent. 2452. Grotesques in red and blue, 15th cent. 972. Pen and ink sketches of archers, etc., 148f. 748, ff. 25 b, 69 b, 79 b, 82 b, 109 b, 124 b, 130, 131, 145 b. Copies of capital letters from MSS., 17th cent. 1448, A. Coloured drawings to ^ s o p ' s fables, 17th cent. 1783, ff. 1 6 b. Mystical drawings illustrative of Revelation, chap, xv., circ. 1640. 1004, ff. 8 b, 9. Drawings of antiquities found in digging the foundation of Hew St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 1675. 1677. 958, ff. 106 b, 107. „ Woodcut of Dungeness Lighthouse, ante 1692. 2717, f. 27 b. Drawings of the herbs Cuckoopint and Pilewort, 17th cent. 1009, ff. 124-126. FLEMISH. Speculum humanaa salvationis, 14th cent. 346. _. — Psalter, 14th cent. 2427. INDEX. Art. ILLUMINATIONS AND DRAWINGS. FLEMISH (continued) Horse, 15th cent. 2 5 7 1 ; 2692; 2726; 2916. Grotesque coloured initial letters, 1539. 1174. = Emblematical figures in red chalk, 17th cent. 1316. FRENCH. Illuminated initials, and miniatures illustrative of medical art, 12th cent. 1975;—13th cent. 1977; 2435. Bestiarium, 14th cent. 278. . Vegece de l'art de Chivalerie, 14th cent. 2430. Les grans croniques de France; in camaieu gris, 14th cent. 2433, A-C. — Grotesques, 14th cent. 2409. Breviary, 15th cent. 2419. Horae, 15th cent. 2467 ; 2468 ; 2 6 0 5 ; 2732, B. ; 2803. Dionysius de ccelesti hierarchia, 15th cent. 3049. _ Horae of Louise de Savoy, _ 1516. 2418. Picture of the journey of the Duchess of Savoy to Nice, 1560. 2421. GERMAN. Speculum humanae salvationis, 15th cent. 361. Painting of the installation of an emperor, 17th cent. 723, f. 19. Coloured allegorical and other figures, 1710-1716. 3841. — . ITALIAN. S. Pauli epistolaa, 12th cent. 539. Almansor; tractatus medicus, 14th cent. 2947. Delineationes picturarum in musseo A. Vendrameni, Venetorum Ducis, 1627. 4004. RUSSIAN. Copybook; initial letters, 17th cent. 3845. SPANISH. Drawings of Chinese manners and customs, 1621-1626. 1005, ff. 143-171. Notice of the statue : — SCULPTURE. of the Dying Gladiator in the Ludovisi Gardens at Rome, 17th cent. 1 9 1 1 1913, f. 169. — List of statues, in Sir H. Sloane's handwriting, 18th cent. 4019, ff. 56-58. ENGRAVINGS. Engravings of the seasons, etc., 1611. 3375. 23 A r t (continued). TREATISES. Liber Massa de coloribus, 13th cent. 342, f. 132. Secretum Philosophorum, 15th cent. 2579, ff. 2-99 b. Receipts for illuminating books, 15th cent. 122, ff. 69 b - 7 1 b. Treatise on iDks and waters for illuminating, 15th cent. 122, ff. 90-95 b. Colours for painting or staining, late 15th cent. 747, f. 49 b. On Perspective, illustrated with figures, 16th cent. Eng. and Lat. 536. Directions for painting a table or picture containing allegorical and other figures, 16th cent. 1041; 1062; 1 0 6 3 ; 1082; 1096; 1169. De diversis coloribus, picturis et tincturis, 1506. Dutch. 345, ff. 23-34 b. The craft of steining, after the newest manner that is now used in London, 17th cent. 1027. Le parfait enlumineur, 17th cent. 2884, ff. 101-109 b;—-18th cent. 2994, ff. 1-7, 8-15 b. De symmetria corporis humani liber cum tabulis instructus variis, 17th cent. 575. On limning and enamelling, on moulding and casting, and on the composition of moulds, 17th cent. 227, ff. 1, 2, 30-36 b. Rules for engraving, painting, etc., 17th cent. 1203, passim. The art of painting in oil, 17th cent. 1448, B. ff. 1-3 b. .— Secreta pigmentariorum, 17th cent. 1448, B. ff. 4-10 b. Dissertatio de artis p i o toriaa historia, 1627. Ital. and Lat. 4004, ff. 3-9 b. — Treatise on perspective with diagrams, 1648, 1649. Dutch 3202. :— Directions for portrait painting, circ. 1650. 228, ff. 1-23. CATALOGUES. Sale catalogue of paintings and engravings, 1713. 4019, f. 65. v. Bousy (Charles de). Cosentinus (A. T.). Isac (G.) Mayerne (Sir T. Turquet de). Russell (Wriothesley), 2nd Duke of Bedford. Stobseus ( J . ) . Voutet (J.). 24 INDEX. A r t e a g a d e l a G-uerra (Isidorus). Epistolse ad J. Cunningham, 17th cent. 2376, ff. 22, 25. A r t e d i (Petrus), Angermannia-Suecus. Catalogus piscium maris Balthici, u t et fluviorum ac lacuum Suecise, 18th cent. 3870. Operum ejus recensio, 18th cent. 4020, ff. 194-197. A r t e f i u s , Arab Philosopher. Clavis Majoris Sapientise, translated by S. Forman, 1609. 3822, ff. 103-114. Clavis majoris sapientise, 17th cent. Eng. transl. 716 ; 3642, ff. 69-80. Clavis majoris sapientise, 17th cent. Extracts. 3721, ff. 7 7 - 8 6 ; 3757, ff. 3 5 39 ; 3773, ff. 17 b - 3 1 . De arte suttrillia, 15th cent. Extract 1118, ff. 112, 113. Artefius' secret book, 17th cent. 3773, ff. 17 b - 3 1 . A r t h r o m e d e s (Sebastianus), G alius. Versus, 17th cent. 2764, f. 17 b. A r t h u r , King of the Britons. Excerptum e Gulielnao Malmesbury de loco ejus sepulture, 17th cent. 1775, f. 179. A r t h u r (Patrick). Letter to Sloane, 1740. 4056, f. 328. Sir H. Artillery. Descriptions of ordnance, with drawings, 16th cent. 2497, ff. 38 - 4 4 b. Treatise on, 17th cent. 3959, ff. 28 b - 3 9 . • v. Bourne (William). Artopoeius. v. Baker. A r u n d e l , co. Suss. Survey river at, 1698. 3233, f. 13 b. A r u n d e l , Earls of. of the v. Howard. A r u n d e l (John), Physician to Henry VI.; afterw. Bishop of Chichester. Medical receipts, 15th cent. 7, f. 42 b. A r u n d e l (Richard), 1st Baron Ai-undel of Trerice. Letter to, from T. Polwhele, 1680. 3822, f. 164 b. A r u n d e l l , of Wardour, Family of. gree, 16th cent. 1301, f. 107. Pedi- A r u n d e l l (Francis), of Stoke Park, co. Northt. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 28 b. — Medical prescription for his son, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 36 b. A r u n d e l l (Mary), wife of Thomas, 1st Baron Arundell of Wardour. Prescription for, circ. 1600, 931, f. 60. Arysmyth. v. Arrowsmith. A s c e n s i o n , Isle of. Plantae ibi collects, 1699. 2376, ff. 118 b-122. Chart of, by Sir N. Miller, late 17th cent. 1040, f. 53 b. A s h (Thomas), Labourer, of Wymondham. Certificate from the parish of Wymondham recommending him to the King to be touched for the evil, temp. Chas. II. 206, B. f. 61. A s h b u r n h a m (Jane), wife of William Ashburnham and widow of James, 1st Earl of Marlborough. Royal letter to the Church of Rochester to grant to her a lease of Hudingham, Coddington, and Kingston Manors, 1660. 856, f. 23 b. A s h b u r n h a m of Tangier. Charge Correspondence with Cambridge of maladministration by, against J . University, 1616-1619. Engl, and Lat. 3562, ff. 27, 27 b, 42, 86 b, 89, 93. Bland, circ. 1670. 3514, f. 25. — Letter to the House of Lords, 1621. Information by, against soldiers 826, f. 7. in Capt. Gyles' Company, 1672. 3514, Letter to the Duke of Buckingham, f. 116. [1623]. 972, f. 3 . B a c h i l e r (George), of Christ*s Hospital, London. Specimens of handwriting, Letter to Sir H. Savile touching 1671. 994, ff. 7 b - 1 0 , 1 7 b, 18, 31 b, 32, helps for the intellectual powers, 17th 35 b, 36. cent. 629, ff. 246-250. B — (R—). 2902, f. 65. Letter t o A. Hill, 1709. SLOANE INDEX. D 34 INDEX. B a c o n (Francis), Viscount St. Albans (continued). Letter to Sir E. Coke, n. d. 1775, ff. 78-83. • Letters to Lord Essex, n. d. 1775, ff. 83-85 b. Letter to James I., n. d. 1775, f. 86. Letter to the "Company for the settlement of New Drapery, co. Hertford," n. d. 3827, f. 189. Letter to, from Sir T. Bodley, 1607. 1775, ff. 50-53. Speech at the arraignment of Lord Somerset, 1616. 1002, f. 80-98 b. B a c o n (Sir Nicholas), Lord Keeper. Orations, 1558, 1562, 1568, 1571. 105, ff. 1-7. Ordinances for repairing of abuses, 1566. 1565. Discourse of Qu. Elizabeth's marriage with the Duke of "Almoyne," 1570. 1786, ff. 18-24. B a c o n (Robert). Poem by, inscribed to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 3400, ff. 6-10. B a c o n (Roger). Mendacia tria de Alchemia, 14th cent. 1754, ff. 62-74. Speculum secretorum Alchimisc, 14th cent. 1754, ff. 48-50 ;—15th cent. 513, ff. 1 7 8 b - 1 8 1 ; 692, ff. 1-9 b, 1 1 3 117 b ; 1118, ff. 50-56 ;—late 15th cent. 1091, ff. 178-198;—17th cent. 2405, ff. 39-47 ; Engl. 3688, ff. 87 b - 9 1 ;— 18th cent. Engl. 3506, ff. 42-46. Speech on his appointment as Chancellor, 1617. Imperf. 1856, f. 73. • A confession of the faith written by, when made Solicitor-General^ 17th cent. 363, ff. 81-93 b. — Discourse touching the Low Countries, the King of Spain, the King of Scotland, the French King and Qu. Elizabeth, 17th cent. 755. Considerations for the better establishment of the Church of England, 17th cent. 1435, ff. 125-130. • Considerations touching the Queen's service in Ireland, 17th cent. 1775, ff. 47-49. Apology addressed to, by L. Petrucci, 1619. Lat. and Ital. 415, ff. 2-13. Verses against his condemnation in 1620, by Dr. Lewis al. Lawes, 17th cent. 826, f. 4 ; 1792, ff. 109-112. MS. 1622 is dedicated to him. B a c o n (Matthew), M.D., of London. Autobiography, 1616-1661. 464. Collection of poems and other pieces, circ. 1644. Lat. and Engl. 396. Medical instructions for Sign. Barganio, 1651. 203, f. 157. Letter to Sir H. Walgrave, 1653. 1833, f. 15. B a c o n (Montague), Rector of Newbold V-erdun, co. Leic. Letter to Capt. Tublay, 1743. 4066, f. 127. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, ff. 295, 297. B a c o n (Sir Nathanael), youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1st Bart. Declaration of the despei*ate estate of F. Spira, in 1548, compiled by. 17th cent. 397. B a c o n (Nathanael). Browne, n. d. Lai. Letter to Sir T. 4066, f. 248. Breviloquium alchymise, 15th cent. 276, ff. 4-10 b. J. de Rupescissa's treatise on the quintessence of Alchemy attributed to, 15th cent. 353. De quinta essentia, 15th cent.. 75, ff. 1 0 1 - 1 2 3 ; 2322, ff. 135-168 ;—16th cent. 2320, ff. 73-93. Translatio Fornacum Geberi, 15th cent. 1118, ff. 6 0 - 7 1 . Verbum abbreviatum, 15th cent. 692, ff. 46-51 b ; — 1 7 t h cent. 288, f. 1 6 7 ; 1842, ff. 32-36. Errores Alehemici secundum, 15th cent. 3744, f. 35. Finalis conclusio Alchemica, 15th cent. 692, f. 102. Opus Alchemicum, 15th cent. 2327, ff. 3 0 - 3 3 . — Secreta Philosophise, 16th cent. 3657, f. 50 b. Discourse on the Philosopher's stone, 17th cent. 1723, ff. 55-60. — Alchemica] extracts from, 17th cent. 2173 ; 2176, ff. 34 b - 4 1 . — Experiment by, out of Albertus Magnus, 17th cent. 2170, ff. 18-30. Die Alchimistische Kunst, 1575-6. 830, ff. 52-78. De chymia, 17th cent. 288, ff. 136-138 b. Liber duodecim aquarum, 15th cent. 276, ff. 22-23 b ; 513, ff. 1 8 1 b 188 b. De mirabili potestate artis et naturae, 15th cent. 2156, ff. 111-116. — De utilitate Astronomise, 17th cent. 2629, ff. 17-56. 35 INDEX. B a c o n (Roger) (continued). Epistolae B a g f o r d (John). Catalogues of his books ejus ad Johannem Parisiensem de separand collections, 18th cent. 1044, ff. a t i o n elementorum et de ponderibus, 533-565. 15th cent. 2327, ff. 25, 35. Collections relating to London, De fistula, 15th cent. 238, ff. etc., circ. 1703. 1106. 214b-216b. Proposals for printing an essay on Necromantia, 17th cent. 3884, the art of typography and calcography, ff. 4 4 b - 4 6 . 18th cent. 1044, f. 309. De perspectiva, 15th cent. 2156, Commonplace books, circ. 1700. ff. 1 - 4 1 ; 2542, ff. 1-55. 8 8 5 ; 8 9 3 ; 923. * Radix Mundi," translated by R. * Papers and letters on the a r t of Freloue, 1550. 1799, ff. 31-73. printing, 18th cent. 1435,ff.1-13, 18-23. De retardatione senectutis, 16th cent. 2320, ff. 56-64. History of printing the Bible, and its editions, 17th cent. Autogr. 1378, Expositio epistolse ejus de retardff. 150, 175-179, 181. atione senectutis, 16th cent. 2320, ff. 27-29. Collections of leaves and fragments of antient MSS., with notices of the early De multiplicatione specierum, 15th printers, etc., 8th-18th cent. 1044. cent. 2156, ff. 4 2 - 7 1 . Collections cone, printing, public Thesaurus Spirituum, 17th cent. and private libraries, rare books, writing 3850, ff. 1 1 7 b - 1 2 9 ; 3853, ff. 3-45. and language, 17th cent. 1085. Extracta de compendio studii theo— Collections to illustrate the art of logian, 17th cent. 2629, ff. 2-16. writing, 12th-15th centt. 1086. B a c o n (Thomas Sclater). FormerlyLetters t o Sir H. Sloane, 1704, owned MS. 3610. 1707. 4039, f. 330 ; 4040, f. 347. B a c o n (William). Experimenta magica, * Letter to G. Bagford, n. d. 1983, 17th cent. 3846, ff. 9 3 b - 9 8 ; 3851, f. f. 83. 109 b. Letters to, from J . Anstis, 1713. B a d d o W , co. Essex, Suit respecting 4065, ff. 142, 151. lands in, 1619. 3299, ff. 187-208. Owned MSS. 2 9 2 ; 297. B a d e n , in Austria. Account by Dr. E. B a g g e (Simon), Fellow of Caius College, Browne of the baths, 17th cent. 1 9 1 1 Cambridge. Answer to a medical dispu1913, ff. 145-150 b. tation, 1653. Lat. 3310, ff. 233-237. B a d g e r (John), M.D. Vindication of B a g l i o n i (Adriano). Conto a, della perhimself from slanders of London Apothedita di Famagosta et del regno di Cipro, caries, [1701]. 3914, f. 109. 1573. 2256. B a d h a m (John). Letter t o Dr, E. B a g l i v u s (Georgius). Letter t o Sir H. Browne, 1702. 1911-1913, f. 138. Sloane, 1705. Lat. 4039, f. 428. B a d m i n t o n , co. Glouc. Account of, Bagnenius ( - ) , Medicus Pisanus. circ. 1680. Fr. 1028, f. 4 b. De arte purgandi, 1618. 3133, ff. 2 2 9 Lists of plants for the Duke of 264. Beaufort's garden at, 1690-1713. 4 0 7 0 Bagshaw ( ), Domina, of co. North4072. ants. Medical prescriptions for, by Dr. Catalogue of plants growing a t , J. Metford, 165f, 1666. Lat. 2812, circ. 1695. 6 4 1 . ff. 54, 88. — Catalogue of plants and flowers in B a g s h a w (Edward), the Elder, M.P. for the Duke of Beaufort's garden at, 1699. Southwark. Speech concerning griev525. ances, 1640. 1430,ff.5 1 - 5 4 ; 3317, f. 5 . B a e c k (Abraham), M.D., of Stockholm. Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Lat. B a g u l e y (Michael). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 170§. 4076, f. 344. 4057, f. 299. B a e r l e u s (Joannes Henricus), of Strassburg. Autograph in album, 1669. 1795 or 2597, f. 55. B a g f o r d (George). Letter t o , from J . Bagford, n. d. 1983, f. 83. B a g w e l l (William), Merchant, Prisoner in the Fleet. * The arithmeticall description of t h e celestiall and terrestrial globes,* with letter to W. Legatt, 1651. 652, ff. 154-157 b. D2 36 INDEX. in B a k e r (John). Mystical treatise, 1 5 t h 16th cent. 1524, ff. 40-58. B a k e r (John), Butcher, of St. Pulcher's Parish, co. Middl. License to sell meat privately in Lent, 166J. 856, f. 11. B a k e r (John), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for theft, circ. 1674. 3514, f. 246. B a k e r (Josiah). Letter to J. Whitlocke, n. d. 1926, ff. 113-117. B a k e r (Margaret). Collection of receipts, 1650, 1672. 2485 ; 2486. B a k e r (Richard). Honor discoursed of, in the theory of it and the practice, [1675-1713]. 881. B a k e r (Robert). Translation by, of C. de la Belliere's " Physiognomia rationalis,' , 17th cent. 3942. B a i l l e u l (Philipote de). Autograph in album, 1579. 851, f. 10 b. B a k e r (Robert), Surgeon to Guy's Hospital. Letter relative to inoculation for the small-pox, 1729. 406, B. f. 15 b. B a h a m a I s l e s , W. Indies. Description of, by C. Salmon, 1687. 45, f. 71 b. B a h i r (L 1 .). JSTotse ejus in Genesim, i. 2, 17th cent, 2879, ff. 136-146. B a h r (Ludwig). Answer to a question whether in the time of a plague it be lawful to flee, 1551. Transl. 1665. 791, ff. 16-21. B a i j m a n (Richard). Catalogue of treatises sent by, to Sir H. Sioane, n. d. 4057, f. 312. B a i l d o n ( L — ) . Letter to Mrs. Binns, 1644. 153, f. 277. B a i l d o n (William). Letters to his cousin Dr. Binns, circ. 1660. 153, ff. 94 b, 148 b. B a i l l e u l (A— de). Autograph iu album, 1579, 1581. 851, ff. 24, 52. B a i l l e u l (Adrien de). Autograph album, 1582. 851, f. 104. B a i l l o n (Chev. de), of Florence. Letter to E. Southwell, 1740. Fr. 4056, f. 320. B a i l o (Edward). Apertio corporis ejus in Nosocomio D. Thomae, per Drm. F. Glisson, 1654. 681, f. 24. B a k e r (Robert). Letter to J. Petiver, 1701. 4063, f. 9 1 . B a k e r (? Samuel), of Gray's Inn. Poem on the Camp, 1687. 2348, f. 37. B a i l y (Arthur). Account of an Indian poison, 17th cent. 4025, f. 12. B a k e r (Thomas), Academicus Oxoniensis. Carmina in honorem T. Sack vile, Baron is de Buckhurst, Cancellarii, 16th cent, Gr. and Lat. 3728. B a i n b r i g g (Thomas), M.D Letter to Sir H. Sioane, 172f. 4026, f. 436. B a k e w e l l (J—). Letter to Sioane, 1723. 4076, f. 347. B a i n e s (John), Serjeant-at-Law. Letter to him, on the Sea-Caterpillar, 173J. Extract. 4025, ff. 239-241. B a k e w e l l (Katharine). Letter to Sir H. Sioane, 1733. 4076, f. 346. B a i n e s (Sir Thomas), M.D. Epitaphium in, per J. Finch, 1681. 3329, f. 5. Biographical note concerning, n. d. 3322, f. 165. B a i r u s (Petrus), M.D., of Turin. De medendis humani corporis malis enchiridion, 18th cent. Engl. 1630. B a k e p u z (Henry de), Miles. Seal in 1279, copied, 18th cent. 3424, f. 10 b. Baker ( ), co. florthants. Medical prescription for his daughter, by Dr. J. Metford, 1655. Lat. 2812, f. 66. B a k e r (Anne), of Ashby, co. Northants. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 16 b. B a k e r (Daniel), of Christ's Hospital. Specimen of handwriting, 1671. 994, ff. 21 b - 2 8 . B a k e r (Edward). Proposals to those desirous of a collection of English insects, 18th cent. 4020, f. 222. Sir H. Baksterus ( ). Versus ad, a F. Thorio, 17th cent. 1768, f. 48 b. B a k u , in Transcaucasia. Journey to, from Shamakha, 17th cent. Gem. 2910, ff. 112-123. Balacala. v. Batticaloa, in Ceylon. Balamin. v. Balemin. B a l a s o r e , in Bengal. Directions for sailing from, to Hooghly, 17th cent. 3668, f. 40 b. Balasore River, in Bengal. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, ff. 69 b, 70. B a l b i a n (Justus a), of Alost in Flanders. Tractatus varii de alchymia et de lapide philosophico, 17th cent. 1255, ff. 105— 143. Descriptio libri S. Asrob, 17th cent. 1255, ff. 14-23. Translatio scripti de lapide philosophico ex superiori lingua Germanica in inferiorem, 1600. 1255, ff. 11 b - 1 3 . INDEX. B a l e l e u g h . (Madam ). Note of her birth, 165{. 1708, f. 107. Balda^US (Philippus). History of Ceylon, 17th cent. Germ. Extracts. 2711, ff. 201-203. B a l d a s s a r e (Giovanni di), Abbissino, Cavagliere di 8. Antonio. Historia degli Abbissini popoli dell' Etiopia, 17th cent. 2257. B a l d u i n (Fran9ois), of Arras. Autograph inscription, n. d. Lat. 2764, f. 3. B a l e (John), Bishop of Ossory. Account of him and his works, out of Fuller's "Abel Redivivus," ciro. 1700. 885, f. 68. B a l e (John). Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort, 1692. 4062, f. 246. . Letter to, from M. Banckes, 1689. 4062, f. 231. Balemin, al. Balamin, al. Beleem. De imagine planetarum, 17th cent. 3822, ff. 54-58. De imaginibus, 17th cent. 3826, ff. 1 0 0 b - 1 0 1 . __ De sigillis et imaginibus planetarum, 17th cent. 3848, ff. 52-62. B a l e s (John), Alchemist. "Liber brum," 17th cent. 3687, ff. 12-23. li- 37 B a l l a n t i n e (Sir John), of Crookdale Flail, Cumberland. Letter to Dr. S. Wall, 1680. 1731, A. f. 47. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1681. 2724, f. 169. B a l l a r d (John). Letter to Dr. 1661. 118, f. 320. , B a l l a r d (Martin). Answer to Duport's apology, 1647. 1454, f. 22. B a l l a r d (N—). Letter to 1550. Draft. 748, f. 63. , circ. B a l l a r d (Thomas), Jun. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1690. 4036, f. 78. Ballasore. v. Balasore. B a l l e (Charles). Letter to, from Dr. D Bottom, 1701. Ital. 4063, f. 92. B a l l e (Robert). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1718-1728. 4045, ff. 165, 181, 1 8 7 ; 4046, ff. 100, 1 4 6 ; 4047, f. 2 8 8 ; 4049, f. 248 ; 4050, f. 4 1 . Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane 1727. 4068, f. 138. B a l l e s (John), self-styled " Duke of Oakhan and Alencon, Protector to James III" Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1702. 4075, f. 241. B a l l o t . On its nature and use, particularly in the state of Venice, 17th cent. 3082, ff. 1-9 b. B a l f o u r (Sir Andrew), of Edinburgh. Catalogue of his books, 1694. 3332, ff. 91-98. Letter to Sir C. Scarburgh, 1691. 4077, f. 15. B a l l y m a n (John), M.D., of Exeter. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1714, 1734. 4077, ff. 69, 109. B a l f o u r (Sir James), of Pittendreich, Secretary to Mary, Qu. of Scots. Certificate by, of the authenticity of a copy of the bond of the Scottish Nobility for promoting Bothwell's marriage with Mary, Qu. of Scots, 1567. 3199, f. 137 b. B a l s t o n e (P—). 73. B a l g a y (Elizabeth). Medicines prescribed for, by Dr. Cottee, 1606. 1592, f. 8. Baltic Sea. Maris Balthici piscium catalogus, a P. Artedo, 18th cent. 3870. B a l y (John). Admission of him and Katharine, his wife, to the confraternity of the Friars Minors, in England, 1450. Lat. 1617, ff. 76 b, 77. B a l h e r b e (Pedro de), of Seville. Declaration of his Will by his executors, 1670. Span. 2802, ff. 28-102. B a l l (Thomas), Embroiderer, of St. Giles vjithout Cripplegate, London. Bill of debt, 1601. 362, f. 3. B a l l (Thomas), Vicar of Northampton. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 5 b. B a l l (Thomas), of Emanuel College, Cambridge. Notes of his sermons, by D. Foote, 17th cent. 598, f. 20, Balmerinoeh, (John). Balstone MS. 73. Baron. v. Elphinston Formerly owned MS. (William). Formerly owned B a l t a s a r , Judeus. Processus alchemicus, 1572. 3661, f. 256 b. B a m p f y l d e (Dame Gertrude), wife of Sir C. W. Bampfylde, 3rd Bart, of Po'timore. Letter to, from Sir 11. Sloane, 1714. 4077, f. 69. B a n a s t r e , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 92 b. B a n a s t r e (J—). Sloane, ». d. Lat. Letter to Sir 4057, f. 30;L, H INDEX. 38 Banbury, (Anne). Countess of. v. Knollys B a n c k e s (Matthew). Estimate for making a promenade at Chelsea House for the Duke of Beaufort, [1689]. 4066, f. 260. Letter to J. Bale, 1689. 4062, f. 231. B a n c r o f t (Richard), Archbishop of Canterbury. Answer to his complaint, by " H. Broughton, n. d. 3088, f. 106 b. Verses on his prayer for Prince Henry, 1627. 1489, f. 9 b. B a n d i n e l l (Daniel), Dean of Jersey. Warrant for appointment to the Deanery, vacant by his death, 1661. 856, f. 5 b. B a n e (I—), Imperial Commissioner. Articles for protection of English and German merchants, 1545. Fr. 2103, f. 197. Banes, v. Baines. Banester al. Banister (John). Excerpta medica e, 17th cent. 2109, ff, 1-107. B a n i s i u s (Paulus), Silesius. Epistola ad I. Hubnerum, 1638. Copy. 639, ff. 146-148 b. B a n i s t e r (Henry), Soldier at Tangier. Charge of mutiny against, by Ensign T. White, 1670. 3514, f. 39. B a n i s t e r (John), v. B^anester. B a n i s t e r (Rev. John), of Virginia. Papers relating to natural history, 1 6 7 8 1680. 4002. • List of his physiological collections, made after his death, 1692. 3321, f. 8. Letter to the Bishop of London, 1689. 3321, f. 1. Letter to S. Doody, with lists of plants, n. d. Copies. 3321, if. 3-6 b. Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. 3321, f. 7. B a n k e s (Benjamin). Letter to Dr. N . Grew, n. d. Tmperf. 1941, f. 2 1 . B a n k e s (Sir John), Attorney-General. Argument concerning shipmoney, 1637. 1569 ; 3933, ff. 140-174. B a n n i s t e r (William). Dedicatory letter to A. Simpson, 1658. 1470, f. 249. Lady Beaumont's funeral sermon, copied by, 1658. 1470, ff. 249-267. B a n t a m , in Java. Journal of voyage to, by W. Perse, 1679-1680. 3669. B a n y e r (Henry), of Leghorn. Letter to J. Petiver, 171f. 3322, f. 85. Letter to 4057, f. 303. Sir H. Sloane, n. d. B a r a t i e r (Francois), French Protestant Minister. Letter to Le Maitre, 1735. Fr. Extract. 4066, f. 112. Barba, al Burdegalia, al. Burgund i a (Johannes (John de). de). v. Bordeaux B a r b a d o s . History of, by J. Scott, 17th cent. 3662, ff. 50-78. Account of, with map, 1684. 2441. Retention of St. Christopher's by the French Governor of, 1668. Fr. and Engl. 1519, ff. 234, 236. Papers relating to, 1685, 1687. 3984, ff. 187-197. Act for the government of, 1697. 2902, ff. 83-86. Instructions to the Governor, 18th cent. 2902, ff. 87-89. Letters relating to, from J. Walduck to J. Petiver, 1711-1712. 2302. Catalogue of plants from, 1690. 2346, ff. 197 b-199. Names of plants collected in, for the King's use, by J. Reed, 1690. 4070, ff. 17 b, 19. List of plants sent from, by J. Weir to the Duchess of Beaufort, 1 6 9 P . 4072, f. 299. List of seeds from, 169f. 1968, f. 182. • Catalogue of trees from, 18th cent. 3332,,f. 28 b. B a r b a r a , S. Memoria de, metrice, 15th cent. 2471 or 2718, f. 42 ; 2565, f. 2 8 ; 2633, f. 3 4 ; 2683, f. 2 0 ; 2916, f. 127. B a n n (Nathanael), M.D., of Manchester. Letters to Dr. Sampson, 1681. 123, ff. 4, 9, 11. Memoria de, 15th cent. 2571, f. 20 b. B a r b a r a (Isabella). Consilium medicum pro ejus epilepsia, etc., 1643. Ital. 2253, f. 203 b. B a n n a t y n e (Adam), Bishop of Aberdeen. Sentence of deposition against, 1638. 650, f. 74. B a r b a r i g o (Angelo). Consilia medica pro ejus fluxione catarrhal!, 1641. 2253, f. 181. 39 INDEX. Barbary. Treatise of the revolutions from 1508 in, 17th cent. 3495. Account of, by J. Willson, tiro. 1660. 3509, ff. 11-14. — Discourse of, by Lord Sandwich, 1662. 3509, ff. 25-27. Trade of Tangier merchants with the Moors of Barbary, 1675. 3512, f. 206. Relation of, by J . Whitehead, captured in 1691 by the Moors, 18th cent. 90. Collection of its productions, with drawings by J. Jones and E. Albin, 17th cent. 4003, if. 17-24. Drawings of plants in, by J. James, with descriptions, etc., 1680. 4009, if. 1-35. Barbeirae. v. Barbeyrac. B a r b e r i n i , Family of. Account of their sudden flight from Rome, temp. Innoc. X . 3299, f. 177. B a r b e r i n i (Francesco), the Elder, Cardinal. Catalog us rei nummaria? veteris Romanse, 1693. 2843. B a r b e t t e (Paulus), M.D., of Amsterdam. Anatomia Practica, 17th cent. Dutch, Lat. and Fn. Autogr. 2826. ——— On gangrenes, 17th cent. Extract. 379, ff. 27-29 b. Medicamenta repellentia, 17th cent. 1285, ff. 185-186. » B a r b e y r a c (Charles), M.D., of Montpettier. Traite des maux ve'neriens, 17th cent. 3903, ff. 221-255. Consulte par, pour A. Calsamilia, 1684. 3998, ff. 3 8 - 4 1 . Consulte par, a l'Hopital General de Montpellier, 17th cent. 3998, ff. 4 2 44. — Consultes me'dicaux, 1684. 3998, ff. 4 4 b - 4 9 b . B a r b o n (Nisolas) M.D. Certificate cone, the repair of a passage belonging to, near the Ordnance Office, 1682. 1048, f. 6 3 . B a r b o r (Isabel). Verses sent to a lady at Eaton, with the answer, 17th cent. 1807, f. 141. B a r c l a y (John). Versus in, a F. Thory, 17th cent. 1768, ff. 29, 38. B a r c l a y (Robert). Letter in the name of the Committee of both nations to Lord Fairfax, 1645. 1519, f. 96. B a r d e n (D—). Delineatio geometrica montis metallici, 1656, 4030". B a r d o l f e , Family of. cent. 1429, f. 4 1 . Barebones. Pedigree, 17th v. Barbon. B a r f o r d (Jonathan). Legacy to St. Thomas Hospital, London, 1691. 2728, A. f. 134. B a r g a e u s (Petrus Angelius). (Pietro), da Barga. v. Angelio B a r g e l l i n i (Camillo), of Bologna. Informatio Doct. Dominici de ejus morbo gallico, 17th cent. 2253, f. 198 b. B a r g r a v e (Robert), of Canterbury. Biographical notes on him and his wife, 1628-1661. 1708, f. 107. B a r h a m (Henry), Sen., M.D. Account of Jamaica, 1722. 3918. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 1 3 1725. 4043, ff. 45, 2 0 8 ; 4045, ff. 55, 58, 68, 77, 89, 108, 110, 2 0 4 ; 4046, ff. 140,242, 260, 289, 3 2 5 ; 4047, ff. 165, 337 ; 4048, f. 1 5 ; 4078, f. 259. B a r h a m (Henry), Jun. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1726-1733. 4048, ff. 156, 2 9 9 ; 4053, f. 32. B a r i c e l l u s (Julius Caesar). Hortulus genialis, 17th cent. Excerpts. 1988, ff. 193-201. Receptse medicre, 17th cent. 2547, ff. 48 b - 5 3 . Barker ( ). Sermon preached at St. Mary's, [Oxford], 16th cent. 2987, f. 38. Barker ( ), M.D.. of Shrewsbury. Commonplace book, 1595-1605. 78, ff. 150-184. Medical observations and memoranda, circ. 1600. 79, ff. 112-156. Barker ( ), Puritan Minister at Pytchley, co. Northants. Speech at his execution for adultery and murder, 1637. 363, ff. 1-8 b. Barker ( ), Minister. A supposed letter read to, from N. Wallington, 1650. 922, f. 168. B a r k e r (J—), of the Middle Temple. Owned, in 1669,'MS ,3926. B a r k e r (Olivia). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1736. 4076, f. 368. B a r k h a m (Susan). Verses on, 16541668. 1431, ff. 77 b - 8 5 . B a r k i n g A b b e y , co. Essex. Pedigrees from the rental book, 16th cent. 1301, f. 3 0 5 1 . B a r k l e y . v. Berkeley. B a r k s d a l e (J—). Letter to Houbland, 1697. 2902, f. 163. Sir J, INDEX. 40 Barlaam and Josaphat, SS. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, ff. 130-139. B a r l e s (Louis), M.D., of Marseilles. *' Nouvelles Decouvertes " de, 17th cent. Extracts. 229, ff. 95-101 b. B a r l e t t (John), M.D., of co. Suss. Medical receipts, 16th cent. 1759. B a r l o w (Charles), of Emanuel College, Cambridge. Bookplate. 3794. B a r l o w (John), M.D., of Manchest r. Letters t o Sir H. Sloane, 1730-1734. 4051, ff. 146, 168, 184, 204,231 ; 4052, f. 8 8 ; 4053, f. 256. B a r l o w (Ralph), Dean of Bath and Wells. Royal letter to the Bishop to confer the living of Cheddar on him, in case of lapse, [1621-1631]. 856, f. 14. B a r l o w (Thomas), of Queen's Coll., O'xon ; Bodleyfs Librarian, aftervc. Bishop of Lincoln. Owned, in 1658, MS. 1986. B a r l o w ( W — ) , of Plymouth. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1734, 1737, 1743. 4025, ff. 1 4 - 2 6 ; 4055, f. 1 8 1 ; 4057, f. 187. B a r l o w (William), of St. John's College, Cambridge. Quaestiones theologiese in die Comitiorum disputata:*, circ. 1578. 478, ff. 38-70 b. Barnard ( ) . Receipt for stores a t Tangier, 1673. 3511, f. 239. B a r n a r d (Henry). Letter to J . Petiver, 1701. 3321, f. 77. B a r n a r d (John), of Abington, co. Northt.; 2nd husband of Shakespeare's grand' daughter, Elizabeth Hall. Medical case, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 56 b. B a r n a r d (John), of Brampton, co. Hunt. Medical prescription of Jesuits* bark for his wife by Dr. J . Met ford, 1655. Lat. 2812, f. 69. B a r n a r d (William), Rector of Esher, GO. Surr. Medical case of a parishioner recommended by, to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4077, f. 286. B a r n e r u s (Jacobus), Ph. et M.D. Collegium physicum in Acadeinia Lipsiensi habitum, 1676. 1220, ff. 1-186. Collegium medicum i n s t i t u t i o n a l Lipsiae habitum, 1676. - 2140. Barnes, v. Berners. B a r n e s (John), Rector of Wormley. Commission t o , from t h e Bishop of London, 1561. 1317, f. 116 b. B a r n e s (Joshua), Grcecce Linguce Pro~ fessor Regius Cantabrigiensis. Versus in laudem T. Guidotti, 17th cent. Gr. 2038, f. 7. B a r n e s (William), of Monmouth. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 170g. 4041,ff.89, 93. B a r n h a m , Family of. cent. 1429, f. 42. Pedigree, 17th Barnsel ( ) , M.D. Formulae medicinales receptee ex, 16th cent. 574, A. f. 33. B a r n s l e y (Thomas), Draper, of London. Conveyance of lease of his messuage , 1687. 2655, f. 157. B a r o (Peter), L ofessor of Eloquence at Copenhagen. Letter to, from B. Severinius, 1655. 2870, f. 55. Bartholinus (Caspar), of Malmoe. Annotationes in ejus metaphysicam majorem, 17th cent. 235, ff. 14-45. Collectanea ex ejus institutionilms anatomicis, 17th cent. 3635, ff. 119 b 14 L B a r t h o l i n u s (Caspar), son of Thomas Bartholinus, the Elder. Collegium Physicum privatim ventilandum propositum, 1688. 3007, ff. 26-37. Collegii Physici dissertationes duaj, 17th cent. 3007, ff. 1-25, 3 8 - 5 3 . Bartholinus (Thomas), the Elder Tabula musculorum omnium totius corporis, 1666. 2524, B. — Observatione anatomical, 17th cent. 2825, ff. 69-123. Tabula anatomica, 17th cent. 2882, f. 90. Historia3 anatomica}, 17th cent. Extracts. 1172, ff. 84-88 ; 1913, f. 32 ; 2326, ff. 1 2 4 - 1 3 5 ; 3391, ff. 3, 4, 5, 6-9. Verses on, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. 2870, f. 3. " B a r t h o l o m s e u s , Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum, 14th cent. 4 7 1 ; 5 1 1 ; 3167; 3539. De proprietatibus rerum lib. viii., cap. lx., de venenis serpentum, 15th cent. 3535, ff. 13-18 b. « De proprietatibus rerum, 15th cent. Engl abstract. 983, ff. 81-103. B a r t h o l o m s e u s , Philosophus. Practica medica, 13th cent. 1615, ff. 4 6 - 6 8 ; 2454, ff. 26-52. Formulae remediorum, 13th cent. 1933, f. 98 b. Breviarium de regimine sanitatis, 15th cent. 3149, ff. 19-26. B a r t h o l o m e w , S. Hymnus ad, 12th cent. Imperf. 3103, f. 115 b. B a r t l e t (Anthony). P. Severini Idea medicinse, probably translated by, circ. 1600. 11. B a r t l e t ( J — ) , of Kensington. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4049, f. 142. B a r t l e t (Nathanael), M.D., of Poole. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1726. Lat. 4048, f. 221. 42 INDEX. B a r t l e t t (William), of Madeira. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1679. 2724, f. 204. B a r t l o t (Richard), M.D. Medical receipt, 16th cent. 3149, f. 48 b. B a r t o n (C—), Bookseller, of St. Martin's Street, London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4057, f. 304. B a r t o n (Jacobus). Carmen in honorem H. Sloane, n. d. 3516, f. 32. B a r t o n (Joseph). Letter to, from A. Hill, 1697. 2902, ff. 20, 4 1 . B a r t o n ( L — ) . Letters to Dr. Binns, circ. 1660. 153, ff. 80 b, 99 b. B a r t r a m (John), Quaker, of Skulkhill, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Remarks by, on insects sent to Sir H. Sloane, 1742. 4019, ff. 132, 133. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1741, 1742. 4057, ff. 56, 157. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4069, f. 90. B a r w e l l (Edmund), Master of Christ's College, Cambridge. Quaestiones theologica3 in vespere Comitiorum disputatse, circ. 1570. 478. B a r w e l l (Nathanael), of Aeworth, near Pdntefract. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1731. 4052, f. 5. Barwiek ( ), Major. Scheme of his nativity, 1619. 1707, f. 43 b. B a r w i e k (Peter), M.D., Physician to Charles II. Lettei to Bishop Dolben, 1682. 3299, f. 7 1 . Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 16891700. 4036, ff. 57-61 b, 65-71 b, 74, 85, 88, 90-92 b, 95 ; 4037, f. 368. Letter to the Duchess of Albemarle, 1690. 4036, f. 97. • Letter to, from A. Ashe, n. d. 4066, f. 255. B a r z i U S (Arnoldt), Heer van Riderwoorde, Consul of Land~van-den- Urge. MS. 339 was dedicated to him in 1577 by C. Schylander. B a s i l , S. Monita, 14th cent. 2275, ff. 205-207. Excerpta theologica ex, 13th-14th cent. 1580, f. 28. > Epistola ad Olympium, 17th cent. Gr. 2764, f. 145. Basilius. Versus de Vino et Venere, 15th cent. 777, f. 88 b. Basilius Valentinus. v. Valentinus (Basilius). B a s k e r v i l e (Robert), M.D. Letter to Dr. W. Gibbons, 1698. 4077, f. 284. Letter to Lady Worcester, 1699. 4078, f. 387. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, J ^ J g . 4076, f. 348. B a s k e r v i l l (Sir Thomas). Commission to be commander of the English forces in Picardy, 1596. Copy. 33, f. 9 b. B a s l e , in Switzerland. Gemmarum Basilianarum expositio per Villerium, 17th cent. 3524. Agentis Ordinum Basileae Epistola ad Dom. de Brederode, 1633. 654, f. 73. Epistola ad Basiliensem, a J. Durv, n. d. 654, f. 82. B a s n a g e d e B e a u v a l (Henri). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1695-1698 and n. d. Fr. 4036, ff. 215, 219, 273, 2 9 9 ; 4037, f. 56 ; 4057, ff. 305-309 b. B a s s a d o n n i (Giovanni), Venetian Ambassador to England. Articles submitted by the English Government for his approval, circ. 1596. Lat. 3299, f. 47. Bassand ( Sloane, n. d. ). Lat. B a s s a n o (Abraham). MS. 2265. Letter to Sir 4057, f. 310. H. Owned, in 1571, B a s s e (William), Poet. Verses on Shakespeare, 17th cent. 1792, f. 114. B a s s e t t (Edward) Letter to, from his uncle, J. Bassett, 1676. 4062, f, 188. B a s s e t t (Edward). Receptae medicse et catalogus librorum, 18th cent. 2392, B a s s e t t (John). Letter to his nephew, E. Bassett, 1676. 4062, f. 188. B a s t a (Georgio), Count d'Hust, Imperial Commander-in-Chief in Hungary. Testimonial in favour of L. Petrucci, 1607. Ital. and Lat. Copies. 415, ff. 14,14 b. B a s t e r (Job), M.D., of Zierikzee. Observ a t i o n s anatomicse practice, 1742. 4025, f. 37. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 2 1745. Lat., Fr. and Engl. 4025, f. 40 ; 4026, ff. 2 1 5 - 2 2 8 ; 4057, ff. 212, 242. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1737-1740. Lat. and Engl. 4068, ff. 342, 3 5 0 ; 4069, ff. 10,28, 43, 92, 93. B a s t i a n al. B a s t i n g (Michael), of Christ's Hospital, London. Specimens of handwriting, 1671. 994, ff. 15 b, 16, 33 b, 34, 37 b, 38. Basting, v. Bastian. 48 INDEX. B a s t i n g i u s (D—). Carmen Satyricum in, 1589. 2764, f. 153. B a s t w i c k e (John), M.D. Apologia ejus Edoardo, Comiti Dorset, dicata, w. d. 2131, ff. 1-15. Letter to G. Willingham, n. d. 2035, B. f. 10. B a t a t z e s (Basil), of Constantinople. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1732. Gr. 4052, f. 233. Batehelor (Goodwife ), of Omdle. Medicine prescribed for, 1615. f. 103. 1814, Bate (George), M.D. Medicamenta usitatiora, 17thcent. 519,passim] 1030, B., passim; 1966. Letter to Dr. Colston, circ. 1650. 118, f. 235. Letter to N. Oudart on the treatment of the case of the Duke of Gloucester, 1660. Copy. 123, f. 2 b. B a t e (Henry). The « D e M u n d o " of Abraham ben Meir Aben Ezra, translated by, 15th cent. 312, if. 7 0 b - 9 6 b. B a t e m a n (John), M.D. MSS. 3 9 1 4 ; 3915. Formerly owned B a t h , co. Som. Plan of the Roman Quadrivium at, 1711. Lat. 4042, f. 312. On the virtues of the waters, 18th cent. 3984, f. 249. Song, with musical notes, on cures performed at, 17th cent. 292, f. 6. B a t h a n d W e l l s , Diocese of. Returns of value of chantry lands in, temp. Eliz, Fragments. 3759, ff. 1 b, 35. —, Bishops of. Royal letter to the Bishop to confer the living of Cheddar on Dean Barlow in case of lapse, [ 1 6 2 1 1631]. 856, f. 14. v. Lake (Arthur). Montague (James). Pierce (William). B a t h u r s t (Ralph), M.D., President of Trinity College, Oxford. Letter to, from Dr. N. Highmore, n. d. 548, ff. 14b-17. B a t h y (John), of Tangier. Examination of, in a trial for theft, 167J. 3514, f. 83. B a t t e (Robert), of Farnley, Letter Dr. H. Power, 1666. 3515, f. 57. to B a t t l e A b b e y , co. Suss. Papal grant of a cemetery to, in St. Nicholas Church, Exeter, 14th cent. 1777, f. 88. MS. 4031 was given to, by Abbat J. Nuton, [1463-1490]. B a t t o n (William). MS. 3024. Owned, in 1603, B a t t u s (Bartholomseus), Professor Theologian in Academia Gryphiswaldensi. Oratio funebris in ejus honorem per M. Stephanum, 1639. 2888, ff. 1-5. J . Gundermanni epigramma in ejus tractatum " D e hominis justificatione," 17th cent. 2888, f. 5 b. B a u d a (Isaac). Speech for the defence of, v. J. Gonsal, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009, f. 160. B a u d e l o t d e D a i r v a l (Charles Ce'sar), French Antiquary. Correspondence on coins and medals, 1697. Dutch. Copies. 130, ff. 7-14 b. Letter to G. Schroedter, n. d. Fr. 2878, f. 1. B a u d e r o n (Brice). Index in ejus pharmacopceiam, 17th cent. 3119, ff. 2 9 4 318. B a u d e w e n s (Samuel). De morbo et obitu ejus, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 141 b 144. B a u d i US (Dominicus). Epistoloe ad S. a Bergen, 1605-8, 2882, ff. 51-53. Epistola metrica ad, a F. Thory, 17th cent. 1768, ff. 43-48. B a u d r a n d (Michel Antoine). Additamenta ad ejus lexicon geographicum> 18th cent. 2887, ff. 212-214. B a u h i n u s (Joannes Caspar), at Basle. Autograph in album, 1670. 1795 or 2597, f. 12. B a u l e r u s (Johannes Jacobus), Ulmensis. Letters commendatory of, circ. 1640. Lat. 2882, f. 42. B a u m g a r t n e r u s (Hieronymus). Letter to, from P. Melanchthon, n. d. Lat. 2764, f. 4. B a u m g a r t n e r u s (Hieronymus Alius Hieronymi), of Nuremberg. Letters to, from Joachim Camerarius, n. d. Lat. 2764, f. 9, 135. Baumgartnerus (Joannes Georgius). Letter to, from G. Postellus, 1561. 1413 or 2959, ff. 9 3 - 9 5 . Lat. B a t t i c a l o a , in Ceylon. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 42. Bauthumley (Jacob). Theological treatise, 17th cent. 2544, ff. 1-53. B a t t i e (William), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4026, f. 435. Bavaria. Journal of travels in, 17th cent. 3552. 44 INDEX. B a v a r i a (Anne de), wife of the Duo d'Enghien. v. Bourbon (Henri Jules de), DUG oVEnghien. B a y n e s (Paul). "Christian l e t t e r s ' ' in the year 1620, copied by N. Wallington, 1650. 922, ff. 52-68 b. B a v a r i a , Ernest, Duke of, Archbishops Electors of. B a y r u s (Petrus). v. Cologne, B a v e (Charles), M.D., of Bath. to Sir H. Sloane, 1714-1734. 352-365. Letters 4076, ff. B a v e (Samuel). Medical case of Mrs. Monnington, 1635. 118, f. 313. B a x t e r (Richard). Note on N. Billingsley's " Anthropopcea," circ. 1689. Autogr. 1161, f. 2. ? Extract from the Dedication of " T h e Saints 5 Everlasting Rest," 1667. 1022, IF. 3-7. B a x t e r (William), Master of the Mercei s* School, London. Letter to Dr. Thorp, 1707. 3986, f. 23. B a y e r (Gottlieb Siegfrid), P/ofessor at St. Petersburg. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1731-1737. Lat. 4026, ff. 229-237. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1733,1736,1737. 4068 ff. 198, 287, 323. B a y e r u s (Angelus). Method"us morborurn curandorum, 17th cent. 3133, f. 305. Index to his Methodus morborum curandorum, 17th cent. 1635, ff. 6 8 76b. B a y e s , Mr. v. Dryden (John). B a y l e (Francois). De apoplexia, 17th cent. Excerpt. 1845, ff. 1-11. B a y l e y (Walter), M.D. Prescriptions, 17th cent. 1660, ff. 29 b-31 b. B a y l i e (Richard). Probate of Archbishop Laud's will, 166J. 3080. B a y l y (Edward), M.D. Account of an earthquake in Sussex, 1734. 4025, f. 229. B a y l y (Elizabeth), of GO. Northants. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1655. Lat. 2812, f* 71 b. B a y n a r d (Edward), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1698. 4037, f. 97. Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 263. B a y n a r d (Capt. John). Royal letter for the admission ofy into the Charter House Hospital, 1 6 2 f 856, f. 12 b. B a y n a r d (John). Letters to Dr. W. Holder on his treatise on harmony, 16921694. 1388, ff. 57-180 b. B a y n e s (John), Serjeant - at - Law, Baines v. v. Bairus. B e a c o n (John), of Lomba? d Street. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1680. 2724, f. 230. Beale ( ), M.D. Biographical notes on him and his wife, 1629-1660. 1708, f. 107. B e a l e (Henry). Collection of medical receipts given by, to his brother Bartholomew, 17th cent. 1439, ff. 3-144. B e a l e (John), Rector of Yeovil, GO. Som. Concerning perspectives, tubes and telescopes, 17th cent. 548, f. 18. • The art of making parchment, vellum, glue, etc., read before the Royal Society, 25 May 1664. 698, f. 89 b. Letter to S. Hartlib (?) on education, 1652. Lat. 649, f. 206. Letter to, from Dr. N. High more, 1669. Draft. 549, f. 34 b. Letter to, from Dr. R. Hooke, 1680 . 1039, f. 171. B e a l e (Robert), Ambassador to Holland. Instructions to, 1576. 2442, f. 113. B e a l e (William), Master of Jesus and St. John's Colleges, Cambridge. Letters to Bishop Andrewes, ante 1626. Lat. 118, ff. 273, 297. B e a m e y , Family of, of Sawtry. Seal, in 1391, copy, 18th cent. 3424, f. 11 b. Beamont {Dr. ), of Bath, co. Som. Horoscope, 1643. 2282, f. 31 b. B e a m o u n t . v, Beaumont. B e a r d (Richard), M.D., of Worcester. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1728, n. d. 4034, f. 213 ; 4050, f. 2 3 ; 4076, f. 370. Letter on inoculation for the small pox to Dr. Seheuchzer, 1729. 406, B. f. 8, B e a s l e y al. R a t t i n (Thomas). Letter to Dr. Binns, circ. 1639. 153, f. 195 b. B e a t o n (David), Cardinal Archbishop of S. Andrew's. Bond of him and other Scottish nobles against Lord Arran, 1543. 3199, f. 247. B e a t o n (James), exiled Archbishop of Glasgow. Journal of his negociations with France, Spain, Germany and Rome, 15')7. Imperfect modem transcript. 3199, ff. 162-168. Correspondence with the Scottish Court, 1566-1568. Modern transcripts. 3199, ff. 129 b-172,214-217, 341b, 343 b. Letter to the Bishop of Ross, 1578. Lat. Copy. 16, f. 4 b. INDEX. 45 B e a t o n (John). Letter to his brother, the Archbishop of Glasgow, 1567. 3199, ff. 151 b-157 b. B e a u m o n t (Francis), afterw. Justice of the Common Fleas. Letter to, from W. Lewis, 1583. Lat. 3731, f. 1. B e a u c h a m p , Family of. Excerpts from the history of, 16th cent. 1301, ff. 29, 220 b. B e a u c h a m p (Maud de), wife of William, 1st Earl of Warwick. Notes relative to, 17th cent. 1429, f. 92. B e a u c h a m p (Thomas de), 3rd Earl of Warwick. Seal. Copy, 18th cent. 3424, f. 9. B e a u f o r d (John), 31.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1729]. 4026, f. 438. B e a u m o n t (Francis), Dramatist. Lecture on grammar, delivered during the Christmas revels in the Temple, circ. 1600. 1709, ff. 13-22. Poems, 17th cent. Copies. 1446, ff. 72 b, 73 b. B e a u f o r t , Bake of. v. Somerset (Henry) B e a u f o r t (Henry), Cardinal Bishop of Winchester. Some heads drawn out from the second and last foundation of St. Cross Hospital by, 17th cent. 1080, B. ff. 42 b-44. B e a u g e n c y (Herve de), Abbat of Ourscamp. Letter to, from the Abbat of Clairvaux, [1142]. Lat. Copy, 14th cent. 1777, f. 87 b. Beauley. v. Beaulieu. B e a u l i e u R i v e r , co. Southants. of, 1698. 3233, f. 2 1 b . Survey B e a u l i e u ( J — de). Letter to P. Leiy, 19 July, s. a. Fr. 1985, f. 112. Letter to H. Beverland, with answer, n. d. 3395, ff. 3, 3 b. B e a u l i e u (Jacques de), dit " Frere Jacques." Nouvelle methode de r e x traction de la pierre, 1697. 1709, f. 125. Account of his method of lithotomy, 1699. Fr. 4078, f. 140. B e a u m o n t , Family of. cent. 1301, f. 281 b. Pedigree, 16th B e a u m o n t , D e , of Whitby, Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 50. B e a u m o n t , Viscountess. (Bridget). v. Beaumont B e a u m o n t (Anselm). Owned, in 1700, MS. 1102, B. B e a u m o n t (Bridget), wife of Sapcote, 2nd Viscount Beaumont. Funeral sermon on, by Rev. J. Hodgson, 1640. 1470, ff. 249-267. B e a u m o n t (Hon. John), 2nd son of Sapcote, 2nd Viscount Beaumont. Letter to, from Rev. J. Hodgson, 164J. 1470, f. 266. B e a u m o n t (John). MS. 1102, B. Owned, in 1683, B e a u m o n t (John), Surgeon and Geologist, of Stone Easton, co. Som. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1702-1730. 4038, ff. 336, 343 ; 4046, f. 2 3 4 ; 4051, f. 70. Memoir of, n. d. Fr. 4069, ff. 94103 b . B e a u m o n t (Nicholas). Medical prescriptions for W. Gastley, 16th cent. Lat. 389, ff. 231-234 b. Beaumont (Thomas), 3rd Viscount Beaumont. Letter to, from Rev. J. Hodgson, 164J. 1470, f. 266. B e a u m o n t (Walter de). Notes relative to, 17th cent. 1429, f. 93. Beaumount ( ). Letter to, from • Sir H. Sloane, 1684. Lat. 4068, f. 3. B e a u n e (Renaud de), Archbishop of Bourges. Letter to, from J. de La Riviere, [1592-1602]. Lat. 2089, ff. 58-68. B e a u v a i s , Bishop of. tin). v. Potier (Augus- B e a u v a i s (Charles de). De la vie des Champs et de l'Agriculture, 1645. 736. B e a u v a i s (G— de), of Withyham, Suss. Wrote, in 1645, MS. 736. co. B e a u v a i s (Gabriel de). 17th cent. 369, f. 1. Anagram on, B e a u v a i s (Vincent de). Bellovacensis. v. Vincentius, B e a u m o n t (Hon. Elizabeth), daughter of Sapcote, 2nd Viscount Beaumont. Letter to, from Rev. J . Hodgson, 1640. 1470, f. 266. B e a u v o i r (Elizabeth), widow of William Beauvoir, Chaplain to Lord Stair. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, enclosing petition to Sir R. Walpole, 1728. 4049, ff. 174, 176 b. B e a u m o n t (Hon. Elizabeth), daughter of Sapcote, 2nd Viscount Beaumont. Letter to, from Rev. J. Hodgson, 1640. 1470, f. 266. B e a u v o i r (Richard de). Responses aux questions de la Societe Royale de Londres touchant Pambre, 18th cent. 3323, ff. 205-208. INDEX. 46 B e a u v o i r (William), Chaplain to Lord Stair. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17 l f 1717. 4044, ff. 11, 18, 37, 1 1 8 ; 4045, f.47. B e a u x E s p r i t s , Society of. A Pindaric poem addressed to, 17th cent. 2 3 1 , ff. 1-13. B e a v a n (Jacob), v. Bevan. B e a w e o s t e s (Richard), of Cannon Row, London. Translation of L. Roderigo's "Pisces Zodiaci Inferioris," 16th cent. 3657, ff. 4 - 2 4 b. B e c a n u s (Joannes Goropius). v. Goropius (Joannes), Becanus. Beccadelli (Antonius), Panormita. Versus ad P . Bracciolini, 16th cent. 2987, f. 44. B e c k e t (Thomas), Archbishop of Canter? bury (continued). Septem gaudia B. Thomse, cum invocatione, et collecta, 15th cent. 2471, f. 36. Memoria de, metrice, 15th cent. 2565, f. 18 ; 2571, f. 16 b ; 2633, f. 22 ;— 16th cent. 2683, f. 17. Concertatio ejus cum Henrico Principe, et tenebrarum Principibus, metrice, 17th cent. 1767,ff.2 - 4 . Njenia in ejus morte, 17th cent. 1767, ff. 13-17. B e c k e t t (William), M.D., of London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 171J. 4045, f. 93. B e c k e t t (William), M.D., of Abingdon. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, f. 215. B e c c a r i a (Antonio), of Verona. Liber Dionysii Periegetis Alexandra de situ orbis e Graeco in Latinum versus per, 15th cent. 2017, ff. 40-87. Beckley ( ) . Inventory of property on him a t his accidental death a t Tangier, 1671. 3511, f. 3 1 . B e c c a t e l l u s (Antonius). Beckmann al. Becmann (——), v. Beccadelli. B e c h a m (Francis). Letter to Dr. N . Grew, n. d. Imperf. 1963, f. 106 b. B e c h a r i a s (Antonius). v. Beccaria. Becher (Dr. ) . Invention for making pitch and t a r from sea coal, 17th cent. 3299, f. 4 1 . B e c h e r (Capt. Edward). Narrative of the siege of Rathbarry Castle, 164^. 1008, ff. 44-54 b. Saperintendens Servastanus in Ducatu Anhaltino. Letters t o , from J . Dury, 1632, 1633. Lat. Copies. 654,ff.140, 170; 1465, ff. 230-235. B e c k w i t h (Sir Leonard), Commissioner for settling the boundaries of England and Scotland. Instructions to, 1551. 2442, f. 139 b. Becmann. v. Beckmann. B e d a , the Venerable. Hymnus de rati one B e c h e r (John Joachim), M.D., of Spires ; temporum, 11th cent. 263, f. 20. Councillor of the Emperor Leopold. Alchemical treatise, 17th cent. 3639, De duodecim mensibus, 11th cent. ff. 1-62. 263, f. 20 b. Alchemical processes, 17 th cent. Hymnus de anno e t mensibus, 2867. 11th cent. 263, f. 2 1 . Sketch of t h e seal of his new De n a t u r a r e r u m , 12th-13th cent. Psychosophic society, 1681. 1039, f. 2030,ff.1-9. 166. D e S y b i l l i s , 15th cent. 156, ff. B e c h e r (Sir William), Clerk of the 13 b-19 b. Council. Relation of the success of the Oratio ejus, 15th cent. 2471, f. love of Henry IV. of France to t h e 104 b ; 2633, f. 90. Princess of Conde, 1655. 8 4 1 . Prophecies, 17th cent. 1008, f. B e c k e r (Abraham), Minister of the church 1 8 4 ; 1802, ff. 1 0 b - 1 4 . at Emmerich. Autograph in album, 1669. B e d d e v o l e (Dominique), M.D. Letter 1795 or 2597, f. 59. to Sir H. Sloane, 1684. 3998, f. 34. B e c k e r (Balthasar). v. Bekker. Letter t o , from P . Adair, 1692. B e c k e r u s (Dr. — — ) . F . Gassman's 4062, f. 244. Pantaleon unmasked, 17th cent. 3641, B e d e l l (William), Bishop of Kilmore and ff. 9-16. Ardagh. Correspondence with J . Dury, B e c k e t (Thomas), Archbishop of Canter1633-1639. Lat. 402, ff. 193, 1 9 5 ; bury. Epistolse ejus de suo exilio, 14th 654,ff.185, 1 9 2 ; 1465,ff.5-8. cent. 1777,ff.1-48. —.—— Qusedam de ejus morte, 13th cent. 3103, f. 114 b. B e d f o r d , Earl of, v. Russell (Francis). Duke of. v. Russell (Wriothesley). 47 INDEX. B e d f o r d (Arthur), Chaplain to Frederic Louis, Prince of Wales. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1737. 4055, f. 192. B e i r m a n (Arnoldus Boot), of Utrecht* Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1720. Lat. 4034, f. 217. B e d f o r d (Hilkiah), Nonjuring Divine. Letter to M. Greene, 1714. 4065, f. 172. B e j a r a n o (Ruiz), Oydor de las Charcas. Paper service of Indians in the 1606. Span. 3055, ff. B e d f o r d e (John). Obit, 1510. 4, f. 104 b. B e d i n g i i e l d (Sir Francis), of Tangier. Letters to J. Luke, 1672. 3511, ff. 88, 121, 135. Letter to, from J. Mathews and Co., 1672. 3511, f. 94. — - — Grant of a vessel to his daughters after his decease, by Lord Middleton, 1672. Copy. 3513, f. 71. B e d m a r , Marquis de. v. La Cueva (Card. Alphonso de). de la Audiencia relating to the mines of Potosi, 8-19. B e k k e r (Balthasar). Letter to, from H. Beverland, 1693. Lat. Imperf. 3963, ff. 10-19. B e k m a n (T— S—). Memorandum of necessaries for fortifying castles at Tangier, circ. 1662. 2448, f. 2 1 . Letter to the Duke of York on Tangier, 1662. 2448, f. 50. B e e k h u y s e n (John). Account of a journey from Nagasaki to Jeddo by D. Six, 1669. Germ. 3061, ff. 90-99. B e l (Matej). 1738, 1739. ff. 280-287. Letters 1738. Lat. B e e r e (Elizabeth). Collection of receipts, 17th cent. 2488. B e l a s y s e , Family of. Pedigree and arms, 17th cent. 3836, f. 33. B e e s . Historia apum, 17th cent. 1989, ff. 2 4 - 3 1 . Engl. B e e s t o n ( J — ) , M.D., of Bath. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1726. 4034, ff. 219, 221. B e e s t o n (Col. Sir William), Governor of Jamaica. Horoscope, 1636. 2282, f. 6 b. B e e s t o n (William), M.£>., of Ipswich. Letter to J. Massey, 1705. 4064, f. 83. B e g e r (Laurentius). Dissertation on Greek silver medals from his "Thesaurus ex Thesauro Palatino selectus," 18th cent. 3407, ff. 104-111. B e g u i n (Jean). In ejus Tyrocinium Chimicum notse D. J. Hartmanni, 17th cent. 1988, ff. 2-46. Observations ex ejus Chymia, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 274, 278, 279-294, 3 7 5 b - 3 9 9 , 5 2 1 b - 5 2 4 ; 3119, ff. 3 1 9 325. B e h e m e n s i s (Johannes) De institutione medici, 1506. 345, ff. 7-8. B e l i m (Michael), Consul of Letter to J. Hevelius, 1667. 3646, f. 90. Dantzic. Extract B e h r (Bernhardus). Letter to, from J. C. Fabricius, 1680. Lat. 2144, f. 141. B e h r n a u e r (Gottlob), of Leipzig. Autograph in album, 1691. 2360, f. 22. B e i l (Anna Magdalena von). Letter to P. Moritz, [1683]. Germ. 2702, ff. 32-34. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, Lat. 4025, f. 4 3 ; 4026, to, from Sir H. Sloane, 4068, f. 3 5 1 ; 4069, f. 8. B e l a s y s e (John), 1st Baron Belasyse. Commission to, as Governor of York, to take prisage of wines in the North Riding, 1 6 4 | . 1519, f. 23. Permission to, from Charles I. to remove from Oxford, 1 6 4 | . 1519, f. 26. — Correspondence and papers during his Governorship of Tangier, 1665,1666. Engl, and Span. 1952; 1955, ff. 6 b - 2 1 ; 3299, ff. 88, 89, 91, 9 7 ; 3496 ; 3499; 3509, ff. 8 0 - 1 2 9 ; 3513, ff. 12, 13. B e l a s y s e (Thomas), 2nd Viscounty afterw. Earl Fauconberg. Report by, as Ambassador to Italy, on various States of ltalv, 1 6 f ( . 2752, ff. 1-28. Letter to Lord Carlisle, [1681]. 2724, f. 110. Belcher (Gilbert), Captain of the " Tryall." Order for delivery of a box in his cabin directed to J . Petiver, 1718. 4065, f. 288. B e l c h i e r (John), Surgeon to Guy's Hospital. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1736. 4055, f. 21. Bel6bat. Bel&at. Beleemus. v. Roland (Jacques), Sieur de v. Balemin. Belgium. Collectanea de Belgii re litteraria, 18th cent. 2994, ff. 61-72, 87-100. ——— Speculum herbarum, etc., apud Belgas crescentium, 1685. 3328, f. 200. INDEX. 48 B e l i n (Albert), Abbe. Adventures of an unknown Philosopher, 17th cent. 3641, ff. 49-60. B e l i n d a . " Letter thus signed to Sir H. Sloane, 1721. 4046, f. 173. Belinger ( ), M.D. Michael Ettmuller's Chymia Rationalis translated by, 18th cent. 355. De remediis variis chymicis aliisque, 17th cent. 488. — Processus varii chymici et pharmaceutic!, 17th cent. 504. Collegium Chimicum, 1659. 476, ff. 5 1 b - l l l b . Casus ajgrotantium in Nosocomio Leydensi exscripti a, 1660, 1661. 490. B e l l (Richard), Gunfounder to the Great Mogul. Account of his travels in the Mogul's country and his residence in the courts of the Emperors Shah Jehan and Aurangzib, 1654-1668. Signed. 811, ff. 2-17. — Journal of his travels to Prester John's country, Persia, etc., 1667. 811, ff. 18 b-44. Travels from Lisbon to Jerusalem and other places, 1669. 811, ff. 45 b-64. B e l l (Richard), of Godsbrigg. Iudictment against, for murder, 1681. 2723, f. 67. B e l l (Thomas). gematis," 1672. " Dictata de Strata1249, ff. 1-60 b. B e l l (Walter), of the Moke. Petition to Lord Carlisle, 1681. 2723, f. 67. Collegium in J. A. van der Linden meletemata medicina? reportatum, 1 6 6 1 1663. 370. Cases and lectures attended by, at Ley den Hospital, 1661-1662. 445. Notes to F. de La Boe Sylvius* public lectures at Leyden, 1662-1664. 458. Praxis medica in morbis particularibus, 1664-1666. 447. Notes from Prof. Eifler's medical lectures at Leyden, 1664. 452. — Medical receipts, 17th cent. Engl, Fr.t Lat., and Dutch. 440. v. also Bellingham (Samuel) probably the same person. B e l l e n , Family of. Arms of, in Mettiugham College, 16th cent. 1301, f. 377 b. B e l i t z (Georgius). 1770, f. 148. Horoscope, 1597. B e l l e r s (Fettiplace), Dramatist. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1710. 4042, f. 195. B e l i t z (Mauritius). 1770, f. 145. Horoscope, 1591. B e l l e r s (John), Quaker Philanthropist. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4047, f. 208. B e l i u s (Matthias), v. Bel (Matej). Bell ( ), Brother of the Charterhouse. Horoscope by Dr. F. Bernard, 1 6 5 3 1658. 1707, f. 33 b. Bell ( ). Letter to Dr. S. Wall, 1 6 9 | . 1731, A. f. 77. B e l l (George), M.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1730-1734. 4051, ff. 5, 143, 268 ; 4053, ff. 80, 138, 203. B e l l (John), of the Nooke. Indictment for his murder, 1681. 2723, f. 67. B e l l (John), Surgeon. Memorandum of his contributions to Sir H. Sloane's collection, 18th cent. 4019, f. 48. B e l l (Peter MS. 1323. Colin). Formerly owned B e l l (Richard), Bishop of Carlisle ( 1 4 7 8 1495). Owned MSS. 281 ; 289. B e l l a r m i n O (Roberto Francesco Romolo), Cardinal Archbishop of Capua. Judicium de libro quem Lutherani vocant Concordise, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2871, ff. 27, 30 b-39. B e l l a s i s (Col. John), v. Belasyse (John). B e l l e g a r d e , Due de. v. Saint Lary et de Thermes (Roger de). B e l l e g a r d e (St. Ferreol de), Ancien Colonel de VEtat. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1716. Fr. 4044, f. 201. B e l l i e r e (Claude de la), Sieur de La Niolle. v. La Belliere. B e l l i n g (Sir Henry). Letters to Lord Falkland,' 162§, 162§. 3827, ff. 39, 60. B e l l i n g h a m , Family of. cent. 1429, f. 44 b. Pedigree, 17th B e l l i n g h a m (Daniel), Goldsmith, of Dublin. Certificate of the Corporation of Dublin of his losses by piracy, 1652. 1008, f. 181. B e l l i n g h a m (Elizabeth), dan. of Dr. Sim. Bellingham. Lines on the Fifth of November, late 17th cent. 645, f. 31 b. B e l l i n g h a m (Samuel), M.D. Correspondence and papers cone, chymical medicines, secrets, etc., 17th cent. 647. — Shorthand notes of medical lectures, 1659,1660. 609, ff. 19-30 b. 49 INDEX. B e l l i n g h a m (Samuel), M.D. (continued). Chemical receipts written chiefly in shorthand, 17th cent. 729. Dictata elinica J. A. van der Linden notata a, circ. 1663. 606. : — Medical cases and observations, chiefly made at Embden, 1679. 630, ff. 158-168. Medical and chemical receipts collected at Amsterdam and Bremen, 17th cent. 633, if. 148-218. Chemical, medical and other collections relating to the arts made at Bremen, late 17th cent. 642. Collection of receipts, chemical, medical and surgical, made at Bremen and Hamburg, late 17th cent. Engl, and Lat. 645. • Extracts from S. Boulton's "Medicina magica tamen physica," and from E. Hooke's " Mierographia," late 17th cent. 643. — "Notae in J. Schroeterum,,, cone. the chemical treatment of minerals, late 17th cent. Lat. 644. Formulae remediorum plurimaj pro variis morbis, late 17th cent. 604. Miscellaneous medical and chemical receipts, late 17th cent. Engl, and Lat. 605. Secreta medica, 17th cent. 3969, ff. 44-54. ——— Letter to his son Samuel, 1666. 629, ff. 273-278. — Catalogues of medical, theological and other books belonging to, 16641675. 647, ff. 17-38. Wrote MSS. 607-609, 619, 646. v. also Belinger ( ), probably the same person. B e l l i n i (Lorenzo), Dottore. Poesie Toscane per, alia Marchesa Strozzi, 17th cent. 2756, ff. 128-150. Bellomonte. v. Beaumont. B e l l o n i u s (Petrus). v. Belon (Pierre). B e l l o t (Jacques), of St. Vaast. French grammar, 16th cent. 3316. Bells ( ), of Tangier. Note of credit allowed by, to Capt. Liddell, 1671. 3511, f. 55 b. B e l l u c c i u s (Thomas). Pisani horti plantse variores ab eo editae, 18th cent. 3340, f. 272. B e l o n (Pierre). De neglecta stirpium cultura, 17th cent. Extract. 1845, f. 164. ——— Observations, 17 th cent. Extracts. 3119, ff. 348-351. SLOANE INDEX. B e l t o n e (Johannes de), Magister. Experimentum magicum " Flos florum" vocatum, 15th cent. Imperf. 314, f. 106 b. B e m d e (John). Letter to, from A. Hill, 1708. 2902, f. 50. B e m p d e (Temperance), mother of Lady Annandale. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4034, ff. 223, 225. B e n A d a m . Vision of, by F. a Bethabor, 17th cent, 3724, ff. 91-93 b. B e n c e (Alexander), Admiralty and Cinque Ports Commissioner. Instructions to Admiral W. Penn, 1648. 1709, ff. 55-62. B e n d a l l (Ephraim). Letter to J. Hartman, 168}. 647, f. 73. B e n e d e t t i (Giacopoue de'), da Todi. " Stabat Mater," hymnus, 16th cent. 2419, ff. 18 b - 2 1 ; 2692, f. 89; 2748, f. 129 b. Versus de vanitate mundi, 15th cent. 1584, f. 13 b. B e n e d i c t i s (Benedictus de), Medicus Senior Patavinus. Consilia medica, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 70-73, 260. B e n e d i c t i s (Jacobus de). v. Benedetti (Giacopone de'), da Todi. B e n e d i c t u s , Monachus Roffensis. Liber de consuetudinibus Ecclesias Roffensis, 16th cent. Excerpts. 1301, f. 387 b. B e n e d i c t u s , Philosophus. Gemma salutaris, 15th cent. 1118, ff. 84-87. Theriaca divina, 1599. 1857. B e n e d i c t u s (Alexander). Observations on the gout, etc., 17th cent. 1628, f. 62. B e n e d i c t u s , de Canfeld [William Fitch]. The rule of perfection, 1652. 601. Benefield (Sebastian), D.D., Rector of Meysey-Hampton. Notes on Amos v. 4-22, 17th cent. 1199. Letter to S. Burton on revising the preface to his Sermons, 1629. 1199, f. 87. B e n e s e (Richard), Canon of" St. Martin's, by London" \Merton Priory, co. Surr.~\. Book of measuring land, 1577. Extracts, 1478,ff.2-7. B e n e t (Matthew). Receipt for valuables entrusted to him by Dr. Colston, 1659. 118, f. 6. B e n e t (Sir Thomas), v. Bennet. B e n e t t (T—). Formerly owned MS. 3424. B e n g o u g h (Henry). Formerly owned MS. 3925. S 50 INDEX. B e n i n g (Johannes). Epigramma in praise of Sir D. Hasteville's " Speculum Medicochymicum," 17th cent. Lat. 439, f. 9 b . B e n n e t (Mrs. ), of Cornwall. Letter to her son-in-law, Capt. Upcott, 1684. Copy. 3822, f. 169 b. B e n n e t (Charles), son of Sir John Bennet, M.P. Pass for, from the London Militia Commissioners, 1659. 118, f. 1. Bennet (Charles), Lord Ossulstone, afterw. 2nd Earl of Tankerville. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, [1722], and n. d. 4057, f. 319 ; 4076, f. 191. B e n n e t (Christopher). Theatri Tabidorum vestibulum, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2326, ff. 63 b - 6 9 . B e n n e t (Grace), wife of Simon Bennet of Beachampton, co. Bucks. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1655. Lat. 2812, f. 50. B e n n e t (Guillielmus). Annotamenta in Aristotelis libros de naturali auscultations, de celo,et de generatione et interitu, 1618-1619. 2018, ff. 2-182." De providentia Dei, 1618-1619. 2018, ff. 185-206. B e n n e t (Henry), Earl of Arlington. Warrant for grant to, when Keeper of the Privy purse, of the reversion of lands in Ireland granted to Sir T. Dempsye and his heirs, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 42. Council minute of the appointment of,as Secretary of State, 1662. 856,f. 45 b. Letter to Lord Belasyse, 1 6 6 | . 3299, f. 97. Letter to, from J. Luke, 1664. 3509, f. 66 b. Letter to, from Lord Middleton, 1673. 3511, f. 218. B e n n e t , al. B e n e t (Sir Thomas), Master in Chancery. Letter to Dr. Colston, 1642. 118, f. 25. B e n n e t (Timothy), Physician, of Yarmouth, co. Norf. Letters relative to inoculation for the small pox to Dr. Jurin and Dr. Scheuchzer, 1729. 406, B. ff. 27, 34. B e n n e t t (Sir Humphrey), Dep. Lieut, of co. Southants. Warrant to search Colcott House in Yateley parish for arms, 1663. 813, f. 67. B e n n e t t (Mary), wife of the Rev. Will. Bennett, of Salop. Letter to her cousin, J. Petiver, 1704. 4064, f. 2 1 . B e n n e t t (Nicholas). Owned, in 1646, MS. 738. B e n n e t t (Robert), M.P. for Launcestofi or E. and W. Looe, co. Cornw., in 1654. Autograph signature, n. d. 645, f. 46. B e n n e t t (Sampson), of Falmouth. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173f. 4054, f. 197. B e n n e t t (Rev. William), of Salop. Letters to his cousin J. Petiver, with drafts of answers, 1704. 4064, ff. 6, 12, 18. B e n n e t t u s (Christophorus). (Christopher). v. Bennet B e n n i s (George), of Dublin. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1698. 4037, f. 129. B e n t h a m (Joseph), of Stevenage. Letter to J. Petiver, 1707. 4065, f. 86. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1707-1710. 4077, ff. 64-66, 74, 77-79, 82, 83. B e n t h a m (P—), wife of Jos. Bentham of Stevenage. Letters to J. Petiver, 1706, 1709. 4077, ff. 75, 80, 87. B e n t i n (H— de), of Copenhagen. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1727. Fr. 4049, f. 10. B e n t i n c k (Hans William), 1st Earl of Portland. Objections to the grant to, of lands in co. Denbigh, 1695. 3962, f. 53. B e n t i n c k (Margaret Cavendish), wife of William, 2nd Duke of Portland. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 4 | , and n. d. 4057, ff. 108, 315-325 b ; 4058, ff. 1-4 b ; 4076, ff. 252-255. B e n t i n c k (William), 2nd Duke of Portland. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1741, and n. d. 4057, f. 53 ; 4058, f. 5. B e n t i v o g l i o , of Bologna, Family Arms of, 15th cent. 2377, f. 1. of. B e n t l e y (Richard), &.D., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4049, f. 179. Letter to, from Sir E. Sherburne, n. d. 836, f. 83 b. B e n t l e y (William), Printer. Petition to Parliament for his printing the Bible, [1656.] 1378, f. 180. B e n z e l i u s (Erik), the Elder, successively Bishop of Strengmds and Archbishop of Upsal. Letters to J. Petiver, J f § g , 1700. Lat. and Engl. 3321, ff. 27, 34, 4 3 . B e n z e l i u s (Erik), the Younger, Bishop of Gotheborg and Lincoping, and Archbishop of Upsal. Annotationes in specimen Gothicse versionis ex codice Upsalensi, 17th cent. Hologr. 4022, ff. 58-64. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 2 5 1738. Lat. and Engl 3984, f. 207 ; 4048, ff. 33,69 ; 4051, ff. 38, 257 ; 4053, f. 3 7 3 ; 4054, f. 252 ; 4055, f. 322. 51 INDEX. Beresford (John). Owned, in the 17th Benzelills (Erik), the Youngerf Bishop cent., MS. 974. of Gotheborg and Lincoping, and Archbishop of Upsal (continued). Letter to B e r g e n (Sebastianus a), Reipubliccs HamDr. J. Jurin, 1724. Lat. Copy. 4065, burgensis Proconsul. Elogium ejus f. 324. funebre, 1634. 2888, f. 6. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, Epistola ad J. Vagetium, 1610. 1730-1738, and n. d. 4068, ff. 167, 273, 2882, f. 50 b. 309, 353 ; 4069, f. 104. Epistola? ad, a D. Baudio, 1605B e n z o n (Nicolaus), M.D., of Padua. 1608. 2882, if. 51-53. Diarium Medicum, 1671-1674. 3017. B e r g e n (Gabriel). Letters to G. Schroedter, 1696-1698. Fr. and Germ. 2877, Collectanea medica, 1671. 3020. ff. 93, 105, 120, 133. B e r a (Giovanni). Capitoli a, di A. F. GraSzini, 17th cent. 1880, ff. 73 b-76. Berger (Paulus). Letter to G. Schroedter, 1692. Fr. and Germ. 2877, f. 39. Berard (L—), Servant to Lord Derby. Berghe, Family of. Autographs of, Letter to Sir ft. Sloane, 1702. 4039, 1579-1582. 851. f. 15. ). Collegium osteologicum B e r a u d (Pierre). Observations on his Bergius ( et anatomicnm in Hornii Microcosmum, " Le grand esclaircissement de la pierre 1707. 2969, ff. 205-222. philosophale," 17th cent. 3738, f. 80 b. B e r c h (Carl Reinhold), Numismatist, of B e r g i u s (Conrad). Letter of, " De authore Templi," 17th cent. Lat. Extract. 648, Stockholm. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, f. 36. 1734, 1736. Fr. 4053, f. 306 ; 4054, Epistola ad, a J. Dury, 1634. 654, f. 290. f. 158. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1735, 1737. Fr. 4068,ff.266, 310. B e r g i u s (Joannes), Ecclesiastes Aula Brandeburgi. Epistola? ad, a J. Dury, Berckel (Abraham van), of Leyden. 1631-1634. 654, ff. 142, 143,145,149. Letter to Dr. T. Browne, 1665. Lat. 4062, f. 162. Beringhen ( -), Madame. Collection of receipts, 17th cent. Ital. and Fr. Bercley (Sir John), v. Berkeley (John), 2042, f. 21, et passim. 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. Beringhen ( de), Madame. Sonnet B e r e (Charles). Account of large stones a la me'moire de, par J. O. de Gombauld, found in a mare's intestines, 173§. 17th cent. 895, f. 59. 4066, f. 101. Bere (George). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, B e r i n g t o n (P—), of Salop. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4077, f. 340. 1717. 4045, f. 5. Bere (James). "The booke of Sownd- B e r i n g u e c i u s (Paris), M.D., Janitanus. Consilium medicum pro C. Moreschino, inges," 17th cent. 2203, ff. 256-270. 1617. 3133, ff. 395-397. Bere (Richard), Gentleman of the Horse B e r i n t o n (Walter de). Obit, in Kalento Lord Carlisle, afterw. Collector of dar, on 20 May, 1304 [1404]. 1110, f. Customs at Carlisle. Diary, 169J-1704. 11 b. Span. 2727. ~ Petition to the Admiralty for pay- B e r i s (Giovanni Filippo), Maggiordhuomo del Conte Patini. Consilium medicum ment for his services, 1681. 2723, f. 28. pro, 17th cent. 2253, ff. 254-256. * Letters to, from R. Armitage, Sir T. Modyford, W. Lyley, and G. Story, B e r k e l e y , of Stratton, Barons. Receipts in the family of, 17th cent. 1289, ff. 167J-1683. 2723, ff. 29-33, 126. 80-95. ——— Letter to, from J. Byndlos* 168J. B e r k e l e y (John), 1st Baron Berkeley, of 2724, f. 7. Stratton. Treatise on Government, Bere (Sidney). Letter to, from J. Bradley, temp. Chas. IL 3828, ff. 81-91. 167J. 2723, f. 34. Order to Gen. Goring to form a Bere (William), Rector of Ickenham, co. junction with his troops, 164f. 1519, Middl. Letter to, from Sir R. Vyner, f. 58. 1683. 2717, f. 43. ——-— Warrant for his appointment as a privy councillor iu Ireland, 1662. 856, Berenstadt (Gaetano). Owned, in 1717* f. 41 b. MS. 2759, A. B.,and, in 1718, MS. 2757. E 2 52 INDEX. B e r k e l e y (John), ord Baron Berkeley, of Stratton. Account of his bombardment of St. Malo, 1695. 3065, f. 64. B e r k e l e y (Sir Richard). Appointment as Lieutenant of the Tower, 1596. Copy. 33, f. 14 b. B e r k e l e y (Sir Robert), Justice of the King's Bench. Argument on Hampden's case of shipmoney, 1637. 3933, ff. 193-207. Berkshire, (Thomas). Earl of. v. Howard B e r m i n g h a m (Michael), M.D.j of Paris. Account of examination of the body of the Duchess of Kingston, 1728. 4076, f. 343. — Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. 4055, f. 341. B e r m u d a s , al. S o m m e r Isles. His- tory of, by Governor Butler, 1609-1622. 750. Papers relating to, 1698-1699. 2902, ff. 102, 104. B e r n a r d , Bishop of Nevers. Epistolse ad, ab Alexandro III., Papa, 14th cent. 1777, ff. 40 b, 42 b, 46, 47 b. B e r n a r d , Monk of Bermondsey. Alchemical secret written in 1470 by, 17th cent. Copy. 3644, f. 6 1 . B e r n a r d , S. v. Bernardus, Sylvester. B e r n a r d , S,t Abbat of Clairvauoo. Meditationes, 14th cent. 1613, ff. 2 - 1 4 ; 1934, ff. 1-20; 2275, ff. 198 b-205. Speculum de conscientia, 14th cent. 3551, ff. 123-136. —• Speculum humanse salvationis, 14th cent. 346 ; 3429 ; 3451;—15th cent. 361, ff. 1-50. - — — Speculum peccatoris, 14th cent. 2275, ff. 191-198. Speculum peccatorum, 15th cent. 988, ff. 1-13 b ; 1939, ff. 82-97. — Jubilus, 15th cent. 361, f. 118 b. — Epistola ad Eugenium III., 12th cent. 3103, f. 121b. — • Parabola de rege nobili et filiabus ejus, 15th cent. 683, f. 43 b. Versus, 15th cent. 2692, f. 94 b ; —16th cent. 2419, ff. 112 b-114. Sentential, 14th cent. 3551, f. 72 b. ~, Qusedam de, 17th cent. 2764, f. 107. B e r n a r d , Family of. Prosapia Bernardi ex ultima visitatione Essexiae, 1662. 1786, f. 175. B e r n a r d (Charles), Serje mt Surgeon to Qu. Anne. Nativities of eminent persons, tempp. Jas. I. and Chas. I., 17th cent. 1684. Catalogues of his books, 1676. Lat. 1694; 1770, ff. 212-245. Letter to Colbatch, n. d. 1783, f. 80. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1696, and n. d. 4036, f. 2 7 8 ; 4058, f. 7. Letters to, from J. Powell, 17001701. 1786, ff. 130, 132, 139-149. Letter to, from J. Smith, 1705. 1786, f. 134. Letter to, from C. Eatton, n. d. 1786, f. 136. Letter to, from M. Prior, n. d. 1786, f. 137. Letters to, from W. Mills, n. d. 1783, f. 8 3 ; 1786, f. 151. Letter to, from E. Powell, 1700. 1786, f. 155. Letter to, from J. Courcy, 1700. 1786, f. 155. Letter to, from G. Evelyn, n. d. 1786, f. 162. Formerly owned MS. 3550. B e r n a r d (Charles), Apprentice to J. Petiver. Letters to his master, 1711. 4064, ff. 267, 268. B e r n a r d (Edward), D.D., Savllian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. Catalogue of his books, purchased for the Bodleian Library, 1697. 825. Formerly owned MS. 773. B e r n a r d (Francis), M.D., Physician to James II., and to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Miscellaneous papers, 17th cent. 1815; 3858. Collections for the history oi primitive Christianity, 17th cent. Autogr. 1706, ff. 6-26. Nativities of principal eminent persons, tempp. Jas. I. and Chas. I., 17th cent. 1683. Schemes of nativities, 17th cent. 1707. Diarium astrologico-medicum, 1688, 1693, 1695, 1697. 91, ff. 13-100 b. Institutiones medicinse, 17th cent. 493. • Medical receipt book, 17th cent. 1805. :— Royal letter to the Governor of St. Bartholomew's hospital commendatory of him to be apothecary, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 35 b. INDEX. B e r n a r d (Francis), M.D., Physician to James II., and to St. Bartholomew*s Hospital (continued). Prescriptions for St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1679-1683. 2290. Memorandum book of his library, 17th cent. 502. Alphabetical index to his catalogue of books, 17th cent. 1058. Journal of his state of health, 169|-1692. Hologr. 1782, if. 83-86 b . Adversaria quasdam, 1697. 91, ff. 2 b-10. Note on the authorship of a tract " O f the art of Printing," 17th cent. 772, f. 1 b. Letter to Capt. , 1692. 4062, f. 248. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 16941 6 9 | and n. d. 4036, ff. 167, 169, 190, 262, 3 2 0 ; 4037, f. 1 0 ; 4058, f. 9. Owned MSS. 2 4 7 ; 2 8 2 - 2 8 4 ; 3 2 3 ; 324; 3 2 7 ; 3 2 8 ; 3 3 0 - 3 3 6 ; 338; 3 4 0 3 4 5 ; 347; 3 5 1 ; 3 5 2 ; 3 5 4 ; 359; 3 6 6 ; 3 6 8 ; 374 ; 376 ; 377 ; 382 ; 407 ; 4 3 0 ; 441; 443; 459; 471-473; 475; 477480 ; 502 ; 509-512 ; 520 ; 524 ; 569 ; 1053; 3888. B e r n a r d (Isau), Apothecary, of Fenchurch Street, London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. 4058, f. 11. B e r n a r d (Nathanael). Schemes of his sons' nativities, 1640, 1642. 1707, ff. 16 b, 19 b. B e r n a r d (Rachel). Note of her birth, 1666. 1708, f. 107. B e r n a r d (Samuel), Clerk. Medical receipts and rules for diet, 17th cent. 520, ff. 1-29. > Receipts for money paid by, 1 6 ^ 4 1637. 520, ff. 23 b - 2 5 . Catalogue of his Library, with the prices, circ. 1637. 520, ff. 30-82. Bernarda i Salgeia (Catalina), of Granada. Letter to R. de Vera, 1676. Span. 1087, f. 92. B e r n a r d u S a Sylvester. Megacosmus et microcosmus, l o t h cent. 2477. Experimentarius, 14th cent. 2472. Epistola ad Raimundum dominum castri Ambrosii, de modo rei familiaris utilius gubernandae, 15th cent. 217, f. 109 b. B e r n a r d u s , Trevisanus, Conte della Marca di Treviso. De lapide philosophorum, 16th cent. 299, ff. 10 b-19 ; —17th cent. 3117, ff. 2 - 8 4 ; 3630, ff. 75-86 ;—1601. 3721, ff. 2-47. 53 B e r n a r d u s , Trevisanus, Conte della Marca d<, Tremso (continued). Bks. III., IV., 17th cent. 1744, ff. 96 b, 113-124. Bk. IV., 17th cent. 3641, ff. 2 4 28. Responsio ad Thomam de Bononia de pulveris philosophici compositione, 16th cent. 2006, ff. 4-50 ;—Fr. 3422, ff. 2-21 ; 3632, ff. 10-27. Parole delaissee, 17th cent. Engl. 3641, ff. 3 5 - 4 8 ; 3771. Alchemical treatise, 17th cent. 3636. ff. 131-134. De chemico miraculo, partes II. et i n . , 17th cent. Engl. 3689, ff. 1 6 - 3 1 . Ovum Philosophorum, 17th cent. Enjl. 3637, ff. 119-135. Opus et practica in album, 14th cent. 323, ff. 169 b-172 b. Observations in, 17th cent. 693, f. 47. Alchemica quaedam e, 17th cent. 3737, ff. 93-95. B e r n e r (Abel). Letter to, on the Philopher's stone, 17th cent. 3697, ff. 43 b 52. B e r n e r s (Josiah), Commissioner for re~ moving obstructions; Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. B e r n e r s (William), Commissioner to, Calais. Instructions to, 1552. 2442, ff. 24-26. B e r n o u l l i (Jacques), Professor of Mathematics at Basel. Dissertatio de gravitate eetheris, 1683. Lat. Extract. 123, f. 14. B e r o a l d u s (Matthaeus). Animadversions on his Chronicle, by H. Broughton, • - 18th cent. 3088, ff. 161-164. B e r o o l d t (Gottlob), Student of medicine at Leipzig. Autograph in album, 1693. 2360, f. 43. B e r r o w (Henry), of Blunham, co. Bedf. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173£. 4053, f. 127. B e r r y e r (Louis). Meditations a, Tusage du Convent de Torcy, 1677. 233. B e r t a p a l l i a (Leonardus de), Reader in Surgery at Padua. Cyrurgia, 1421. 3863. B e r t i e (Anne), 1st wife of Montagu, 2nd Earl of Abingdon. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 1 3 ; 4078, f. 273. B e r t i e (Charles), Uh son of Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. Letter to Sir IT. Sloane, 171}. 4077, f. 84. 54 INDEX. B e r t i e (Mary), 3rd daughter of Peregrine, 2nd son of Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4077, f. 86. Bertie (Mary), daughter of James, 1st Earl of Abingdon. Medical case, n, d. 4078, f. 292. B e r t i e (Montagu), 2nd Earl of Abingdon. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 171f. 4078, ff. 270, 271. Bertie (Peregrine), 2nd son of Robert, 3rd Earl of Lindsey. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 14. Bertie (Robert), 1st Earl Resolutions of the council pointed by, before Rochelle, f. 131. Bertie (Robert). Letter to 1647. Copy, 1454, f. 19. of Lindsey. of war ap1628. 826, B e t a n c o s (Domingo de), Dominican Friar. Life, 17th cent. 1470,ff.22 b 25 b. Bethabor (Floretus si). Vision of Ben Adam, 17th cent. 2194, ff. 24-28; 3724, f. 91. B e t h e l l (Hugh). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, f. 231. B e t h e l l (Slingesby), Merchant. Warrant for payment to, 1651. 1519, f. 152. Bethune. v. Beaton. B e t o i m (David), v. Beaton. B e t t e (Guillermo de), Marques de Lede. Memorial to O. Cromwell, 1655. Engl. and Span. 3083, ff. 8 b-10 b, 18-21. Bettinone ( ), Medical receipt, 18th cent. Ital. 3000, f. 15. B e r t i n u s (Georgius). Loci communes B e t r i s d e n (Thomas), M.D, On human diseases, 15th cent. Imperf. 965, ff. de re medica ex ejus " medicina libris 146-154; 3449, ff. 1-5; 3486, ff. 86viginti methodice absoluta," 17th cent. 149. 588. B e t t e s w o r t h (John), LL.D., Dean of Collectanea de alimentis et sanitate the Arches. Verses to, on the recovery tuenda ex, 17th cent. 662,ff.120-133. of his brother in law, the Bishop of B e r t r a m u s , Monachus Corbiensis. v. London, by J. Harris, 18th cent. 3516, Ratramnus, Monachus Corbiensis. f. 185. B e r t y (Theodorus). Carmen in discessum B e t t w s G a r m o n , co. Carnarv. CitaHispanorum e Belgia, 17th cent. 2764, tion of parishioners of, touching the use f. 101. of a " sedile," 157f 1605, f. 1 b. B e r u s (Ludovicus). v. Bahr (Ludwig). B e u c h o l t (Gerhard). Autograph in album, 1669. 1795 or 2597, f. 69. Berwick - on - Tweed. Account of B e u m o u n t (Ancellmus). v. Beaumont. affairs at, 1648. 1519, f. 180. B e s e l e y (Richard), Professor of Medicine B e u n i n g e n (Coenraad van). Letter to, on English government, from Lord and Theology. Formerly owned MS. 248. Holies, 1676. 3828, ff. 211-216. B e s o l d u s (Christophorus). Synopsis in- B e v a n (Jacob), Midshipman. Journal stitutionum Justiniani, 1652. 1361, ff. kept by, on board the New London, 1678. 224-233. 863. B e s s a r i o n (Joannes), Cardinalis TusJournals kept by, on board the culanus Episcopus. Oratio N. Sanutae ships Francis, Phenix, Bristol, and Wilapud eum, Bononise legatum, ut mulieriliamson, 1684-1686. 854, ff. 64-133; bus ornamenta restituantur, 15th cent. 855,ff.1-31. 2377. MS. 854 was given to, by Bestiaries. Bestiarium, 14th cent. Peremen. 3544. B e v e r l a n d u s (Adrianus). Recreationes v. Thaun (Philippe de). Venusinae, 17th cent. 1985, f. 98. Notes on the Scriptural account B e s t m a n (John), Prior of Holy Trinity, of the creation and fall, 18th cent. Lat. Ipswich. Presentation of two monks to Imperf. Autogr. 3395, ff. 19-32 b. the Bishop of Norwich for admission to the Subdiaconate, 1453. Lat. 1609, Testamentum, 1703. 1985, f. 27. f. 57 b. . Catalogue of his pictures, 17th cent. Lat. 1985,ff.1-6. B e s w i e k l e (John), Vice-Consul at Tripoli, Africa. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173§. — Letters and papers, 1684-1704. 4052, f. 290. 1985; 3963. his nephew, 55 INDEX. B e v e r l a n d u s (Adrianus) (continued). Papers and letters relating to his curiosities, 18th cent. Lat, Er. and Engl. 3395, ff. 1-18. —•—'— Letter to Sir H. Sloane, with draft of answer, 1710. 4042, f. 168. B e v e r l e y (James), of Tangier. Letter to, from J. Luke, circ. 1664. 3509, f. 63. B e v e r l e y (John), Captain, at Tangier, Cash account sent by, to Col. H. Norwood, 1667. 3509, f. 226. Receipt of, for redeemed English captives, 1672. 3511, f. 162. ; Deposition of, in Major Fairborne's case, 1674. 3514, f. 240. B e v e r l e y (T—). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1697, 1698. 4036, f. 3 1 0 ; 4037, f. 169. B e v e r o v i c i u s (Joannes), v. Beverwyck (Johan van). B e v e r w y c k (Johan van). Epistolica quaestio de vitae humanae termino, 17th cent. Excerpts. 584, ff. 31-55 b. B e v i l a c q u a (Ippolito). Observations on Countess C. Zangani's death sent to, by F. S. Maffei, circ. 1731. Ital Copy. 4034;, ff. 107-109. B e v i s (John), M.D., of Devizes. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, f. 227. B e w s h i r e (John),, of Claverton. A book of chirurgery gathered . 1594 - 1602. 242, A. A great book of physic, 1594-1595. 242, B. B e y e r (Adrian). Catalogus Professorum Jenensium, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2888, if. 117, 119, 124, 138. B e z a (Theodorus). v. Beze (Theodore de). Besse (Theodore de). Letter to Cambridge University concerning the Codex Bezae, 1581. Lat. Copy. 3562, f. 70. B&zoar. Discours du Be'zoart et des tromperies qu'on pratique avec cette pierre, late 17th cent. 1009, f. 284. Bibaud ( ), Madame. owned MS. 3048. Formerly B i b e r (Johann Peter), at Deventer. Autograph in album, 1668. 1795 or 2597, f. 6 1 . B i b l e s . Biblia sacra, versionis Vulgatae, 13th cent. 1 5 2 1 ; 1932. Deuteron., x x v n . 10, x x x n . 28, 14th cent. 2171, if. 49, 50. Fragmenta librorum Joshuae, Judicium et Ruth, 12th cent. 1044, if, 76, 77. B i b l e s (continued). Extractum e lib. u . Regum, x i . et x n . , early 13th cent. 1772, f. 14. Job, 17th cent. Portug. 935. Psalms, 1690. Portug. 936. Psalms, in shorthand, 17th cent. 3258, B. Evangelium secundum Matthaeum e versione vulgata, cum glossis, circ. 1230. 421, B. Evangelium secundum Lucdm, XXIII. 5 5 - x x i v . 7, 12th cent. 430, f. 1. Evangelium secundum Johannem, v n i . 3 1 - x i v . 9, cum commentario, 13th cent. Lat. 2527, ff. 307-310 b. S. Pauli Epistolae, subjuncta Epistola ad Laodicenses, 12th cent. 539. Fragmenta epistolarum S. Pauli cum commentario, 12th cent. 1044, ff. 50-53 b. S. Pauli epistolae ad Titum et Philemona, 17th cent. Lat. and Arab. 1796. COMMENTARIES. Glossae et annot a t i o n s de variis S. Scripturas locis—de decern nominibus Dei apud Hebraeos—de nominibus Christi et Spiritus Sancti— de nominibus angelorum,patriarcharum, prophetarum, apostolorum aliorumque in Veteri et Novo Testamento, etc., 12th cent. 539, ff. 1 b - 8 . Concordantiae Bibliae, 13th cent. 984. Commentaria in Scripturas Sacras, 13th cent. 2478, ff. 76-81, 83 b - 9 5 , 107. Nomina propria in Scripturis Sacris, 13th cent. Imperf. 1714, ff. 1-6 b. Breviarium metricum totius Bibli83, 14th cent. 2321, ff. 16 b - 3 1 . Mnemonic verses on the books, 15th cent. Lat. 75, f. 186 b. Excerpta ex Sacris Scripturis, 17th cent. Gr. 1872, ff. 1-59. Specimina disquisitionum in textus biblicos, 17th cent. 3398. 1638. Account of Scripture characters, Lat. and Engl. 1541, passim. — Commentaria et dicta Rabbinorum in S. Scripturas, circ. 1667. 1022, f. 45 (reversed). — — Remarks on the numbers used in the Holy Scriptures, the Scripture chronology, etc., circ. 1667. 1022, ff. 5%62 (reversed). INDEX. 56 B i b l e s (continued). Summa capita librorum historicorum in Bibliis, 17th cent. Imperf. 638, if. 100-107 b. Chronological tables from the flood to the death of Christ, late 17th cent. 3242. — Notes of ancient Scripture chronology, 17th cent. 3867, f. 172 b. Collectanea de, 18th cent. and Germ. 2886, ff. 123-180 b. Lat. Specimen commentarii in loca Scripture Sacree physica mathematica et medica, 18th cent. 2039, ff. 1-8 b. " Certain q u e r i e s " on events recorded in the Hexateuch, 17th cent. 2903, ff. 154-164 b. Questions of the revelation of the divine Majesty in Genesis, chap. I., 17th cent. 848, f. 10 b. Commentaries on the Psalms, 17th cent. 1497. Application by the Jesuits of Psalms i. and n . to the war of the Palatinate, 17th cent. 1199, f. 64 b . Paraph rasis of Psalms XLIV. and LXXXIV., late 16th cent. Span. 796, ff. 30, 34. • Verses from Proverbs, 17th cent. 2395, ff. 2-118. Anonymi commentarius in Cantica Canticorum, 11th cent. 1122, ff. 9-34 b. Stanzas on Isaiah XXVIII. 8, late 16th cent. Span. 796, f. 36. Stanzas on Ezechiel I. 4, late 16th cent. Span. 796, f. 36 b . Concordantise Evangeliorum, 13th cent. 2478, ff. 9 5 b - 1 0 6 . Specimen versionis Gothicse Evangeliorum ex codice Upsalensi, cum interpretatione Latina et annotationibus E. Benzelii, 17th cent. 4022, ff. 58-64. Vocabularia Grseco-Latina in Novo Testamento, late 17th cent. 627. Numerical index to the New Testament, 17th cent. 1844, ff. 38-42 b. In Evangelium secundum Matthseum annotata e variis varia, 1656165J. 834. « Significationes verborum Gracorum in Evangelio S. Matthaei i-v., circ. 1667. 1022, f. 14. Annotationes verbales in Evangelium secundum Lucam, 17th cent. 3991, ff. 1-40. Verses on Dives and Lazarus, 17th cent. 2332, f. 1 b. B i b l e s (continued). Expositio epistolse S. Pauli ad Romanos, 17th cent. 1733, ff. 324-370 b. Argumentum in epistolam ad Romanos secundum Jeronimum, 17th cent. 1317, ff. 147 b-151 b. Note on Romans I. 16, 17th cent. 901, f. 2. —, . « Some explanatory questions on every chapter of the book of Revelation," late 17th cent. 617, ff. 88-124b. — Prophecy of that which is past, present and to come, Rev. XV. 1, historically described in the seven last plagues, circ. 1640. 1004. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF. History of its printing and various editions, 17th cent. 1378, ff. 150-154, 173-177, 179 b. — Proposals to Parliament concerning the future printing of Bibles in English, [1659]. 1435, f. 35. Account of the various translations and editions of the Bible, circ. 1700. 885, ff. 85-97 b. List of Protestant writers and commentators on all the parts of the Bible, 17th cent. 972, f. 3 1 . • Discourse in favor of translating the Bible into the vernacular, 17th cent. 2572, ff. 135-139b. Chronology of, founded on the solar cycle, by H. Colev, 17th cent. 2281, f. 6 1 . v. Benefleld (Sebastian). Bentley (William). Bonaventure, S. Bourges (Yves de). Brito (Gulielmus). Broughton (Hugh). Cavelyn ( W — ) . Du Jon (Francois). E— ( J — ) . Helt (Adolphus). Jerome, S. Menard us, Monachus. Postel (Guillaume). Sandys (George). Scheuchzer (Jean Jacques), Sen. W— ( P — r ) , Quaker (?). Weale (John). B i b l e s w o r t h e (Wauter de). French Glossary with English equivalents, circ. 1300. Vellum roll. 809. Glossary written for Dame D. de Mountchesny, 15th cent. Fr. verse. Imperf. 513, ff. 139 b-153 b. Bibliography. Catalogi et nota? in varios libros, 17th cent. 2887, ff. 1 1 268 b. INDEX. B i b l i o g r a p h y (continued). List of anonymous works with their probable authors, 17th cent. 3025, f. 22. v. Bagford (John). Bible, Dampier (William). Dury (John). Morden (William). Sherburne (Sir Edward). B i e k e r s t a f f (Isaac), Dramatist. Poem addressed to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent, 3516, f. 96. BiekerstafFe (Antony). 1636-1652. 1778, f. 16. Horoscope, B i c k l e y (B—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 16. B i d e r m a n n (Henricus),iHf.D., of Utrecht. Letters to C. Sibelius a Goor, 16791682. Lat. 2729, ff. 33-36, 57, 108. B i d l o o (Govard), of Leyden. Letter to [J. Petiver], 1701. Lat. 3321, f. 76. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1706. Lat. 4040, f. 139. Letter to Dr. J. Hutton, 1708. Lat. 4064, f. 173. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Lat. and Engl. 4069, ff. 106, 107. B i e l (Gabriel). Sermons against the Pestilence, translated 1665. 790. Bierley, Worth, W.E., co. York. Sale of lands in, 1590. Lat. Lnperf, 339, f. 1. B i e r m a n n (Georg Ludwig Christian). Oath for the concealment of an alchemical secret, 1684. Germ. 2702, f. 80. B i e s t e r (Joachim), M.L>.t of Hamburg. Correspondence with Dr. S. Bellingham, 1675-1680. 647, ff. 44-69 b. B i e s t e r (Matthias), Preacher at St. Katharine's, Hamburg, Correspondence with Dr. S. Bellingham, 1674, 1675. Lat. 645, f. 2 2 ; 647, f. 43. B i e s t e r (Petrus), M.J). Processus chymici, et pharmaceutic!, late 17th cent. 609, ff. 182-206. Letter to Dr. S. Bellingham, 167J. 647, f. 42. B i e t (Antoine), Priest. Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en PIsle de Cayenne, entrepris par les Francois en Panned 1652. Abstract, 17th cent. 1019, ff. 1 0 164. B i g g e (Richard). Suit for a brewery in S. Giles, London, 1594. 2177, f. 17. B i g g e (William). Suit for a brewery in St. Giles, London, 1594. 2177, f. 17. 57 B i g n e l l (R—). f. 10 b. Horoscope, 1654. 2282, B i g n o n (Armand Jerome), nephew of LyAbb€ Bignon. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1743. Fr. 4057, f. 170. •>— Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, [1743]. Fr. 4069, f. 246. B i g n o n (Abbe Jean Paul), Librarian to Ijouis XV. Memoire de la generalite de Caen, 1698. 3291. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17091741, and n. d. Fr. 3984, ff. 84, 86, 263, 2 6 8 ; 4041, ff. 323, 3 3 8 ; 4042, ff. 58, 71, 1 8 3 ; 4043, ff. 119, 193, 236, 263, 3 1 6 ; 4044, ff. 27, 34, 2 7 1 ; 4045, ff. 1, 176; 4047, f. 249 ; 4048, f. 118 ; 4049, ff. 24, 35, 71, 95,147 ; 4050, ff. 70, 106, 210, 2 8 8 ; 4051, ff. 46, 74, 176, 194, 270, 3 0 2 ; 4052, ff. 83, 131, 155, 295, 3 7 1 ; 4053, ff. 198, 337, 3 5 3 ; 4055, f. 184; 4056, ff. 294, 331, 357; 4057, f. 1 9 ; 4058, ff. 17-22 b. Letters to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, 1728-1729. Fr. 1968, ff. 4 0 ; 4066, f. 69. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1709-1741, and n. d. Fr. 3322, ff. 137, 1 8 0 ; 4068, ff. 52, 65, 7 1 , 92, 133, 144, 162, 166, 169, 172, 173, 175, 180, 183, 189, 197, 209, 221, 227, 236, 238, 248, 249, 252, 259, 288, 3 3 3 ; 4069, ff. 60, 69, 108-138 b. Letters to, from Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, 1728, 172f. Fr. 1968, ff. 41,44, 50. Letter to, from G. Schroedter, n. d. Fr. 2878, f. 50. Bigot de Sommesnil ( ), of Paris, Letter to M.de Scelderter [i.e. G. Schroedt e r ] , 1705. Fr. 2878, f. 2. B i l d e r b e c k (Christoph Laurentz). Correspondence with J. C. Fabricius, 1682, 1683. Lat. 2144, ff. 145 b, 191-195. B i l l a p a t a m . v. Bimlipatam, in Madras. Billerbeck ( ), ? Envoy from Anspach to England. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. Fr. 4054, f. 97. B i l l i c h (Antonius Guntherus). Observationes ac paradox® chymiatricse, 17th cent. Excerpts. 1562, f. 30 b. B i l l i n g (Kichard), Lieut. Col. Grants of a Lieutenant's Commission to, from Charles II., 1678,1679. 3299, ff. 79, 80. Petition for his pay to Charles II., w. d. 2723, f. 69. B i l l i n g s l e y (Elizabeth), 1 st wife of Sir II. Billinjsley. Horoscope, 1573. 1697, f. 110 b. 58 INDKX. B i l l i n g s l e y (Sir Henry), Lord Mayor of London. Horoscope, 1574, 1599. 1697, if. 2, 101 b . Additional allowance granted t o , 1590. 817, f. 13. — Warrant to, to arrest all Spanish goods, 1597. 817, f. 13 b . B i o g r a p h y . Characters and aphorisms of eminent men, chiefly tempp. Henry VIII.-Eliz.; 17th cent. 1523> if. 25-42 b. Index ad collectanea de virorum jllustrium vitis, 17th cent. 2890, ff. 166-184 b. B i l l i n g s l e y (R—), of Cambridge. Letter to Dr. H. Power, 1652. 3515, f. 75. B i r c h (Thomas), D.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 174§. 4057, ff. 177, 179. B i l s o n (Dr. Thomas), Bishop successively of Worcester and of Winchester. Reproof to, from H. Broughton, n. d. 3088, if. 98 b-100. Grant of annuity to E. White, 1599. Lat. 3329, f. 82. B i r e h a m , G r e a t , co. Norf. Agreement cone, the presentation of the rectory, 1555. 969, f. 83 b. B i r a g U S (Franciscus Medeobarbus). v. Mediobarbus Biragus (Franciscus). B i l l i n g s l e y (Nicholas), Lecturer at Blakeney in Awre^ co. Glouc. " AnthroB i r c h (John), M.D. MSS. 3172; 3 1 8 2 popcea," an English poem, 1689. 1161. 3184 were bought, in 1730, a t his sale. B i m l i p a t a m , in Madras. Chart of, by Capt. J . Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 4 1 . B i n c k e s (Robert). Wrote, in 1628, MS. 1444. Bineks ( ) . Prescriptions for, by Dr. W. Smith, 1709-1711. 4078, f. 315. B i n c k s (Samuel). Letter to, from, R. Hosier, 1713. 4065, f. 100. B i n e k s (Thomas), Quaker. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4046, f. 344. B i n d i n g s . DUTCH. Late 17th cent. 2867. ENGLISH. Embroidered needlework, late 14th cent. 2400 ;—16th cent. 2 5 6 5 : 3682;—17th cent. 4 5 ; 46, A. B . ; 741 or 4 0 1 4 ; 1 4 2 2 ; 1720; 2 1 1 9 ; — 18th cent. 3 4 8 1 ; 3 5 7 1 ; ,3573 ; 4003. FRENCH 16th cent. 2030 or 2422;—17th cent. 1 9 8 ; 2 4 1 8 ; 2748, B. ITALIAN. 16th cent. 3011. ORIENTAL. 18th cent. 3 6 0 6 ; 4013. Bingham () . Collections out of his book of "Checker reportoryes," 16th cent. 1301, f. 373. B i n g h a m (Sir John), Custos Rotnlorum for co. Mayo. Letter to Lord Falkland, 1627. 3827, f. 114. B i n g h a m (John), M.P. for co. Dorset. Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. B i n i (Giovanni). Capitoli a, di A. F. Grazzini, 17th cent. 1880, if. 164-165. B i n n s (Joseph), Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Medical case-book, 1 6 3 3 1663. 153. B i r c h e (N—), Pharmacopceus Norwicensis. Medical receipts, 17th cent. Lat. 3505, ff. 1-24. B i r c k e n b u s c h i u s (B—). Priced catalogue of his library, 17th cent. Lat. 2887, ff. 25-28. B i r d (John), of Trinity College, Cambridge. Letters to E. Careswell, 1670. Lat. Drafts. 1942, ff. 5, 5 b. Letters (in shorthand) to , 1670. 4062, ff. 176-179 b. Birds. cent. A receipt to ensnare birds, 17th 795, f. 18. B i r k i n , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, ff. 103,113 b. B i r k s , near Berwick on Tweed. Peace made at, betw. England and Scotland, 1639. 1008, f, 13. B i r p o r t (Robert), Monk of Ford Abbey, co. Devon, in 1406. On the Philosopher's stone, 16th cent. 410,ff.42 b-44 b. Alchemical process, copied by T. Potter, 1580. 3580, A. f. 184. B i s c a y , Province of. Memorias de, por el Doct. Zaldivia, 1544. 1736. Biserodt ( ) . Letter to B. Godde, 1650. Fr. 2996, f. 2 1 . B i s h o p (R—). Letter to J . Petiver, 17 If. Signed. 4065, f. 143. B i s h o p (Thomas), of Drayton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1616,1617. 4044,ff.165, 280. B i s h o p (William), Bhhop of Chalcedon. Examination of his dedicatory Epistle prefixed to his pretended reformation of a Catholick deformed by W. Perkins, early 17th cent. 537. B i s h o p (William). Letter to [T.] Isted, 1 7 H , 4065, f. 21, INDEX. Bishopp ( ). Letter to, from the Glass-sellers Company, 1688. 857, f. 76. B i s i g n a n o , Prince of. ( v. San Severino )• Bispham ( ), Medicus Regius Juratus, 1648. Selecta ex ejus praescriptis, 17th cent. 933, ff. 1-83. B i s s e (Philip), Bishop of Hereford. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 23. B i s s e t (Rev. William), Elder Brother of St. Katharine's Collegiate Church, London. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1730. 4051, ff. 40, 58. B i s s h o p (Francis). Treatises on English coinage, 160J. 3946. B i t o n t o (Antonio de). v. Antonius, de Bitonto. B i z a r i (Pietro). Versus in effigiem Plantini, 17th cent. Autogr. 2764, f. 44. B i z z a r i n u s (Pirrhus), Phil, et Med. Doct, Senensis. Defebribus, 1599. 3133, ff. 1-150. Consilia medica, 1616. 3133, ff. 373-387. — Methodus componendi medicamenta, 1617. 3133, ff. 436-460. • Discourse on the waters of S. Casciano de' Bagni, 1618. Ital. 3133, ff. 469-475 b. De methodis curatricibus, 17th cent. 3133, ff. 3 0 5 b - 3 2 3 . Letter to a friend, 1607. It ah Copy. 3133, ff. 461-468. Blaarer a Wartensee (Hans). Letter to J. J. Scheuchzer, 1725, f. 342. v. also Blarerus. Lat. 4065, B l a e k e r b y (Samuel). Opinion on cases relating to the College of Physicians, 1682. 3914, f. 28 b. B l a c k l e y (James), of the African Company, London. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 172J. 4046, ff. 197, 211. B l a c k m o r e (Sir Richard), M.D., Physician to William III. and Qu. Anne. Epigram, 17th cent. 3065, f. 73. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1721. 4046, f. 159. B l a c k s t o n e (John), Botanist Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1737, 1740. 4055, ff. 89, 167, 176, 203, 223, 2 4 2 ; 4056, f. 305. B l a c k w e l l (Francis), Anabaptist at Amsterdam. Admonition to, from H. Broughton, 18th cent, 3088, ff. 131-139. 59 B l a c k w e l l (J—), of Northolt, co. Middh Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, f. 234. B l a d i n (Thomas),, of Carlisle. Evidence by, of an apparition on the mole at Tangier, 166§. 3510, f. 54. B l a g r a v e (Daniel), Regicide. Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. B l a i r (Patrick), M.D., of Dundee. Osteographical description of an elephant in Dundee Museum, sent by, to Sir H. Sloane, 1706. 3812, ff. 1-59. Proposals for printing his " Osteographia Elephantina," 18th cent. 4020, f. 211, Account of the dissection of a seal found in R. Tay, with drawings, 18th cent. 3812, ff. 60-64. Anatomical and chirurgical observations sent by, to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 3812, ff. 65-69. Explanation of the figure of a porpoise, 18th cent. 4025, ff. 45-48. —: Dedication of his "Phytozoon genealogia" to Sir H. Sloane, 172f. 4020, ff. 6-15. Case of, presented to the Royal College of Physicians, London, n. d. 4066, f. 254. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 0 5 1728, and n. d. 4025, ff. 4 9 - 5 1 ; 4040, ff. 6Q, 90, 92, 94, 150, 169, 174, 270, 308, 310, 359, 362, 3 7 4 ; 4041, ff. 132, 148, 159, 161, 181, 219, 234, 251, 304, 321, 330, 3 3 7 ; 4042, ff. 17, 28, 90, 103, 299, 3 0 7 ; 4043, ff. 24, 32, 36, 4 3 , 64, 159, 180, 223, 2 5 0 ; 4044, ff. 116, 135, 138, 153, 172, 205, 2 2 5 ; 4045, ff. 207, 2 1 1 ; 4046, f. 1 6 7 ; 4047, ff. 116, 126, 136, 178, 179, 2 7 7 ; 4048, ff. 101, 137, 149, 172; 4049, f. 9 2 ; 4058, ff. 25-28. Letters to J. Petiver, 1708-1715, and n. d. 3321, ff. 232, 237, 242, 244, 248, 254, 263, 269, 271, 275, 277, 279, 282, 2 8 4 ; 3322, ff. 14, 24, 3 1 , 36, 40, 45-47, 56, 68, 70, 85, 1 4 0 - 1 4 6 ; 4065, ff. 235,251-253, 265,273 ; 40.66, ff. 2 6 5 267 b. Letter to, from W. Henderson, 171f. 4065, f. 238. B l a k e (Dorcas), of Lublin. Extraction of an ivory bodkin from her bladder, 1695. 1786, f. 152. B l a k e (Robert), General. Journal of his voyage to the Mediterranean, kept by J. Weale, 1654. 1431. B l a k e (Robert), Mayor of Galway. Letter to Lord Falkland, 1625, 3827, f, 54. 60 INDEX. B l a k e n e y (John), Prior of Ingham, co. Norf. Medicinale compendium, 15th cent. 2391, ff. 1-100. B l a n e (Shwsana), idfe of A. Blane, Petition to " Kwin Carlina " [Qn. Caroline], n. d. 4058, f. 32. B l a m p a i n d e !N"oyon (Thomas), Prior of St, Ouen at Rouen, Biographical note on, 18th cent. Fr. 2890, f. 26. B l a n k a a r t (Stephanus). " Anatomia reformata," 17th cent. Extracts. 1229, ff. 24 -28. Letters to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1687. Dutch, Lat, and Gr. 2729, ff. 211, 213, 230. Letter to Dr. N. Highmore in praise of his " Anatomia restaurata," n. d. 546, f. 2. B l a n s h a r d (Thomas). Formerly owned MS. 2232. Blancardus. v, Blankaart (Stephanas). B l a n e a s (Geronimo de). Modo de proceder en Cortes de Aragon, 17th cent. 2301. B l a n c h a r d (William). 282, f. 11 b. Obit, 15th cent. B l a n e h a r d u s . v,Blankaart (Stephanus). B l a n c h u s (Johannes). Processus chemicus, 1572. 3661, f. 252 b. Al- B l a n c o (Francisco Gutierrez). Letter to his brother J. S. Blanco, 1679. Span. 1087, f. 105. B l a n c o (Juan Sanchez). Letter to, from his brother and sister, 1679. Span. 1087, f. 105. Letter to, fromT. Rodriguez, 1679. Span. 1087, f. 130. B l a n c o (Maria Sanchez). Letter to her brother J. S. Blanco, 1679. Span. 1087, f. 105. B l a n d (Gyles), Merchant at Tangier, Papers relating to his defamation of Col. Norwood, 1668. 3510, ff. 17-24. B l a n d (John), Mayor of Tangier, A r t i cles against, circ. 1668. 3510, f. 35. Mercantile transaction with B. Moroon, circ, 1669. 3514, ff. 19-24. Charge of maladministration against, by Mrs. Baker, circ. 1670. 3514, f. 25. Statement of arrears of revenue at Tangier, 1676. 3512, f. 197. — Commission to, for making peace between England and Marocco, 1676. 3512, f. 259. Letter to Capt. Gyles, 1668. 3510, f. 23. Letter to Lord Shaftesbury, 1680. 3512, f. 283. B l a n d (Michael), Keeper of a Menagerie at Tower Dock, London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d, 4058, f, 29. B l a n d o n (Richard), of Charles City, Virginia. List of Rev, J. Banister's physiological writings, 1692. 3321, f. 8. B l a n e (Alexander), Head Constable for Ruxley Hundred, co. Kent. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d, 405S, ff. 31, 32, Blarerus a "Wartensee (Johannes Jacobus), Professor of Hebrew at Zurich. Autograph in album, 1670. 1795 or 2597, f. 72. v. also Blaarer. B l a s c u s , Regis Aragonise Medicus. De pestilentia, 1405. 428, ff. 145-155 b. B l a s i u s (Gerardus), Medicince Professor Amstelodamensis. Receptulte medicae, 17th cent. 3969, f. 2. Blaxton ( ). Owned, in 1574, MS. 404. B l a x t o n (Henry). Qusestio theologica in vespere comitiorum Cantabrigia) disputata, circ, 1570. 478, ff. 2 b-37. B l e e d i n g , v. Medicine. B l e e z (William de), son of Simon de Bleez, Drawing of his seal, 18th cent. 3424, f. 9 b. B l e n c k e r n e (Simon), M.D., of Letter to Dr. Briggs, 1681. 123, ff. 7 b, 10. B l e s e n s i s (Petrus). Lynn. Copy, v. Blois (Peter of). B l e s e n s i s H o r t u s . v. Blois, in France, B l e t s o (John), of Great Bowden, co. Leic. Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 268. B l e y b u r g , in Upper Carinthia. Account of, by J. Donellan, 17th cent. 1922, f. 35 b. B l o i s , in France. Catalogus plantarum in Blesensi Horto, 17th cent. 143, ff. 21-76; B l o i s (Henry de), Bishop of Winchester. Letter to, from Archbishop Becket, 14th cent. Lat, 1777, f. 2. B l o i s (Peter of), Archdeacon of Bath. Epistolas, 17th cent. Extracts, 1898, f. 8. B l o m b e r g (Charles de), of Chelsea. Letter to Sir IT. Sloane, 1723. Fr. 4046, f. 334, INDEX. Blome, al. Bloome (J—), widow of Richard Blome, " Gosmoooriphel" Printer to the Crown. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1720]. 4058, f. 33. B l o m e (Richard), Printer to tlie Crown. Description of Jamaica, 17th cent. 1394, ff. 1-28. B l o m e f i e l d (William), M.B. Compendiary of alchemy, or the Camp of Philosophy, or Blossoms of alchemy, 1557. 2036,IF. 5-13 ;—16th cent. 320 or 321, ff. 32 b, 33, 1 0 9 b - 1 1 2 ; 1744, ff. 1 0 1 1 0 9 ; 1751, ff. 3-17. Alchemical verses from his " Blossoms," 16th cent. 1098, 41 b. Pater Sapientise or Patris Sapientia, in verse, 1557. 2036, ff. 14-19 ; 3706, ff. 66-96. B l o m e v i l e (Edward), of Gunton. merly owned MS. 332. :i For- B l o m i u s (Johannes). Oratio de H. Vagetii vita, 1659. 2888, ff. 157-176. B l o n d e a u (Stephen). Letters of naturalization to, 1682. Lat. 2655, f. 155. B l o n d e l (Jacobus Augustus). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1729. 4050, f. 180. B l o n d u s (Flavius), Forliviensis. illustrata, 16th cent. 2456. Italia B l o o d (Thomas), Col. Verses on his attempt to steal the Crown, by A. Marvell, 17th, 18th centt. Lat. and Engl. 1941, f. 18 ; 3413, f. 29 b. Bloodletting, B l o o m e (Hans), B l o o m e (J—), v. Medicine. v. Bluom (Joannes). v. Blome ( J — ) . B l o u n t , Barons of Ixworth. 16th cent. 1301, f. 388 b. Pedigree, Blount ( ), Baron Mountjoy. Deed relating to his dealings with the Muscovy Company, temp. Eliz. 3657, ff. 1, 2. B l o u n t (Charles), 8th Baron Mountjoy, afterw. Earl of Devonshire, Letter to, as Lieutenant of Hampshire, for men to be sent to the Isle of Wight, circ. 1596. Copy. 33, f. 11. B l o u n t (Christopher). Letter to Lord Clanricard, 162f. 1775, f. 65 b. B l o u n t (Sir Henry). Poems, 17th cent. Copies. 1446, ff. 60 b, 61, 87. B l o u n t (Mountjoy), 1st Earl of Newport. Warrant suspending his Patent of Ordnance, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 4 b. 61 B l o w e r (Jane), daughter of Rev. John Ray, and wife of Josh. Blower, Rector of Bradwell near Braintree, co. Essex. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1727. 4048, ff. 297, 301. B l u c k e (Catharine). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Imperf. 4058, f. 35. B l u e t t (Thomas). Letter to Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 105. Blund. Sir H. v, Blount. Blundevill. v. Blomefield (William). B l u n d e v i l l e (Thomas), of Newton Plotman, co. Norf. Treatise on the horse, compiled from his works, 17th cent. 3099. B l u n t (John), Apothecary. H. Sloane, n. d. Imperf. Letter to Sir 4058, f. 36. B l u o m (Joannes). " T h e book of five columnes of Architecture," translated by J. T., 1608. 904, ff. 26-37. B l y t h , co. Nott. Inscriptions and arms from the church, 1596. 3836, f. 9 b. B o a r e f i e l d (John), of Tangier. Letter to, from J. Luke, 1664. 3509, f. 60 b. B o a t e (Edward), Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Notes on his sermon on 1 John IV., 16th cent. 2987, ff. 5 4 b - 5 7 . B o b a r t (Anne), wife of J. Bobart, Jun. Letter to J. Petiver, 1701. 4063, f. 86. B o b a r t , al. B o b e r t (Jacob), Jun., Professor of Botany at Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1685-1716. 4036, ff. 18, 43, 55, 148, 252 ; 4037, ff. 6, 256, 261, 265 ; 4038, f. 9 3 ; 4040, ff. 195, 323 ; 4041, f. 123 ; 4043, f. 1 6 1 ; 4044*. f. 227. Letter to W. Charleton, 1690. 3962, f. 224. Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort, 1694. 3343, f. 37. Letter to J. Adams, 169g. 3343, f. 142. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700-1716, and n. d. 3321, ff. 36, 96, 114, 131, 135, 137, 149, 157, 173, 181, 203, 209, 210, 216, 219, 233, 243, 273, 2 8 9 ; 3322, ff. 29, 75, 93,96,147, 150 ; 4064, f. 101. Letter to J. Thorpe, n. d. 3322, f. 148. Autograph in album, 1697. 2360, f. 3 b. Letter to, from E. Lhwyd, n. d. 4067, f. 28. Letter to, from L. Plukeiiett, n. d. 4067, f. 108. 62 INDEX. B o b a r t (Tilleman), elder son of Jacob Bobart, Sen. Letter to J. Petiver, 170J. 3321, f. 94. B o b e r t (Jacob), (Jacob). v. Bobart aL Bobert B o b y , Family of. 1429, f. 103. Pedigree, 17th cent. B o c c a c c i o (Giovanni). Metrical version of his " De casibus virorum et feminarum i l l u s t r i u m , , by J. Lydgate from L. de Premier fait's French paraphrase, 15th cent. 2452 ; 4031, ff. 4-187. Description of the plague in 1348 at Florence, 17th cent. TransL 791, f. 14. B o c c a n o (Paolo). Materie contente nel Museo di, 18th cent. 3332, f. 131. B o c c h i u s (Achilles), called Phileros. Symbolical quaestiones, de universo genere ; with engravings by G. Bonasone, 1555. Autogr. 3158. B o c c o n e (Paolo afterw. Silvio). Catalogue plantarum rariorum in Sicilia, 1674. 2346, ff. 191-197. Rare plants of Sicily, Malta, France, and Italy, 17th cent. Extracts. 2343, f. 4 1 . Letter on the vegetation of plants, n. d. 1942, f. 10. Bb'cke ( n. d. Fr. ). Letter to G. Schroedter, 2877, f. 306. B o o k i n g , in Essex. Purchase of lands in, for the Gulston lectureship in the College of Physicians, 1635. 3914, f. 119. B o d e n h a m (Roger), of Hilldrop near Bamsbury, co. Wilts. Horoscope, 1659. 2282, f. 3. B o d e n s t e i n (Adam von). Isagoge in A. de Villa Nova Prosarium Chymicum, 17th cent. Extracts. 3737, ff. 96-106. B o d e r i c u s (Stephanus), de Castro Lusttano Ulissiponensi. Oratio ante ingressum prselectionum ad Hippocratem, 1617. 3133, ff. 399-403. B o d i u (Jean). Colloquium Heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis, 17th cent. 2859 ; 2998, ff. 1-136. Copie des articles des missives envoy (Ses en Angleterre par, apres le fault du Due d'Anjou a Anvers, 1583. 2764, f. 19. B o d i u s (Adam). Biographical notes of, 1633, 1679. 1708, f. 107. Bodleigh. v. Bodley (Laurence). Bodley ( ), Lt.-Col. Medical pre scriptions for, by Dr. Mayerne, 1646, 164f. Lat. 1807, f. 129 b ; 2078, ff. 70 b-72. B o d l e y (Laurence), Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Sermon at Christ Church, 16th cent. 2987, ff. 68-71. B o d l e y (Sir Thomas). Autobiography, 17th cent. 1786, ff. 5 8 - 6 1 . Letter to Sir F. Bacon, 1607. 1775, ff. 50-53. Medical case, circ. 1611. 640, f. 212 b. B o e (Franciscus de le), Sylvius. New Idea of medicinal practice, capp. 1-5, late 17th cent. Imperf. 630, ff. 2 2 8 239 b. De morbis puerorum, 17th cent. 1176, ff. 3-12. Methodus medendi, 17th cent. 1176, ff. 13-24. De aflfectibus communibus, 17th cent. 1204; 1205. '— Annotationes in praxin medicam ejus, 17th cent. 1254. Observationes in praxin medicam ejus, 17th cent. 1561, ff. 70-134. Praescripta medicinalia, 17th cent. 1283. Excerpta ex lectuxis ejus, 17th cent. 1279, ff. 1-44. Medica pauca, 17th cent. 3969> ff. 94-102. . Notes from his lectures, by Dr. Downes, 1659. Lat. 179, A. f. 154. — Medicamenta in communem officinarum usum Lugd. Bat. prescripta, 1659. 607, f. 70. Collegium medicum, sive casus aegrotantium in Nosocomio Leidensi, 1660, 1661. 490. Lectiones publicae per S. Bellingham notatae, 1662-1664. 458. — Dictata de functione generatioftis lajsa, 1662. 607, ff. 3 b-17 b. Historian quaedam medicines et praxis medica, 1665. 2828, ff. 59-174. . Letters to, from Dr. S. Bellingham, 1 6 6 f Lat. drafts. 647, f. 4 1 . — Curiosa ab ore ejus per K. Uinsjtt excerpta, n. d. 1292, ff. 44-68 b. B o e d e r ( J — P—), of Strassburg. Let* ters to G. Schroedter, 1703-1705. Fr. 2878, ff. 3-16. B o e h m e (Jacob). Letter to P. Moritz, 1624. Germ. 2715, f. 102. INDEX. B o e r h a a v e (Herman). Lectiones de viribus medicamentorum Lugduni Batavorum habitse, 18th cent. 2793 ; 3179. Pars commentarii in ejus Institutiones Medicas, 18th cent. 2963. Notes to J. I. van Hollandt's alchemical treatises, 18th cent. Lett. 3832, ff. 87, 177. Curatio medici casus, 18th cent. 3984, f. 119. Collegium practicum, 1709. 2969, ff, 299-376. — Collegium privatum in ejus Aphorismos de cognoscendis et curandis niorbis, 1711. 2961; 2962. Descripta qusedam ex ejus lectionibus de Chemia, 1719. 3183 ; 3184. -— Observations on the disease of Lady Ferrers, 1725. Lat 3322, f. 110. — Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17091731. Engl, and Lat 3322, ff. 106, 127, 131, 135 ; 4042, ff. 42, 116, 160 ; 4043, ff. 12, 130, 277, 286 ; 4044, ff. 2, 49, 185, 265; 4045, ff. 7, 25, 120, 206, 263; 4046, f. 102; 4048, ff. 162, 319; 4049, f. 200; 4051, f. 234; 4052, f. 223 ; 4054, f. 278. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1713-1734. Lat. 3322, ff. 102, 104; 4068, ff. 96t 106,157, 237. B o e r i u s (Octavius). Letter to, from J. de La Riviere, 1591. Lat. 2089, f. 75 b. B o e s e (Dr. John). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1717. Lat. 4045, f. 20. B o e t h i u s (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus). De Consolatione Philosophise, translated by J. Walton, 1410. Engl, verse. Imperf. 554. — De Musica, lib. I., 17th cent. Gr. Excerpt. 2764, ff. 135, 136. Epistola de Christo ab, ad Johannem Diaconum, 14th cent. 1777,ff.9094. B o e t h i u s (Anselmus). v. Boot (Anselmus de). B o e y (Cornells), Sen. Versus in D. Heinsii effigiem, 1645. 2764, f. 190. B o g e s m a n (Johannes), Epistola ad, a J. Dury, 1633. 654, f. 71. $3 B o g h u r s t (Wiliiam), Apothecary in St* Giles* in the Fields, London (continued). Particulars respecting, with epigram on his name, and copy of inscription on his tomb at Ditton in Kent, 1685. 904, f. 67 b. B o h e m i a . J. Durasi epistola ad ecclesiarum orthodoxarum e Bohemia ejectarum superattendentes, 1636. 654, f. 49. , King of. Frederic V. Biographical notes of him and his wife, 1596-166|. 1708, f. 107. B o h m e n (Jacob), v. Boehme. B o h n e (Joannes). Letters to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1679, 1685. Lat. 2729, ff. 40, 183. B o h u n (Edmund), of Charlestown, Carolina. Catalogue of his coins and medals, 17th cent. 3962, ff. 210, 211. Letters to J. Petiver, j e o g ^ o ^ and n. d. 3321,ff.33, 39, 40, 42, 51, 61, 74 ; 3322, f. 151. — Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 170£. 4038, f. 134. B o i l e a u - D e s p r e a u x (Nicolas). Le Lutrin,1674. [mperf. 1031,ff.134-153. B o i s (Charles du), H.E.I.C.S. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1697~173g. 4036, f. 316; 4039, ff. 220, 221; 4048, f. 8 ; 4053, f. 186; 4055, ff. 145, 257; 4056, f. 62. Letters to J. Petiver, [1700]171§, and n. d. 3321, f. 46 ; 3322, f. 15; 4064, ff. 47, 156; 4065, f. 100; 4066, ff. 336, 337. Permission to, from the Lord Mayor, to travel by water to Gravesend on Sunday, 1713. 4020, f. 107. B o i s (John), Canon of Ely. Letters to Bishop Andrewts, 1619, 1624. Lat. 118,ff.293, 298. B o i s (P— E— de), Civil and Military Architect Memorandum of things taught by, for S. Hartlib, 17th cent. Fr. 652, f. 187. B o i s b e l e a u de Iiachapelle (Armand). Letter to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, 1727. Fr. 4066, f. 14. B o i s l a v i l l e (Ptire de), Cure du Mesnil-aU'Parc,dans Le Cotentin. Lettres philosophiques a, de M. Graindorge, B o g h u r s t (William), Apothecary in St. 1672, 1673. 2408. Giles* in the Fields, London. Relation of the plague in London, 1666. 349. Bois-le-Duc, in Brabant. Lampoon on the siege, with answer, 1629. Lat. and • Londinologiasive Londini encomium, Dutch. 2764, f. 114. 1666. 904,ff.53-68 b. 64 INDEX. B o k e l m a n (Johan Frederic). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1722. Fr. 1968, f. 7. B o l d r i n i (Antonio di Andrea), Citizen of Florence. Presented MS. 2742 to Catharine [?] de' Medici in 1586. B o l d u (Faustin). Consilia medica pro ejus affeetu apoplectico, 17th cent. Ital. 2253, f. 292 b. B o l e s (Sir George), v. Bowles. B o l e s (Katharine), Quakeress, of Lambeth, co. Surr. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 38-43. B o l e y n (Anne), 2nd wife of Henry VIII. v. England, Sovereigns of. Henry VIII, B o l e y n (Sir Thomas), Ambassador to Charles V. Instructions to, from Henry VIII., 25 Sept., 1522. 3839, ff. 116-118. Letter to, from Card. Wolsey, 10 Jan., 1523. 3839, ff. 105-115 b. B o l f r a s i u s (Erasmus), of Frankfort* Horoscope, 1588. 1770, f. 153. B o l i n g (Henry). Epitaph on, by Dr. Corbet, 17th cent. 1792, f. 44 b. B o l l a n u s (Dominicus), Patricius Venetus. Epistle dedicatoiy to, from G. Postelli, 17th cent. Lat. 1412 or 2958, f. 281. B o l l a r d (Nicholas), Monachus Westmonasteriensis. On the planting, grafting and culture of trees, 15th cent. 7, ff. 9 2 93 ; 122, ff. 83 b - 8 8 ; 686, ff. 41-48 b. B o l l e e g n e . v. Boleyn. B o l l e s (Sir John), 4th Bart. Certificate of his mental state, by Sir H. Sloane, 1707. 4078, f. 303. B o l l e s (Phineas). Receipt for officers' certificates at Tangier, 1674. 3511, f. 272. Letter to, from J. Luke, 1674. 3512, f. 92. B o l l e s (Sir Robert), 2nd Bart. Epigram of Martial translated and applied to, [1637J. 292, f. 3. B o i l i n g (Robert), of Charles City, Virginia. List of Rev. J. Banister's physiological collections, 1692. 3321, f. 8. B o l o g n a , in Italy. Tractatus contra pestilenciam per concilium medicorum Boloniaj factus, 1393. 3124, ff. 51 b - 6 1 . Modo da preparare la Pietra Bolognese, 18th cent. 3323, f. 77 ; 3329, f. 8. B o l t o n (Sir Edward), Solicitor General for Ireland. Legal opinion, 1627. 3827, f. 104. B o l t o n (Leonard), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, by E. Roth, circ. 1671. 3514, f. 7 1 . B o l t o n (Sir Richard), Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland. Legal opinion, 1625. 3827, f. 58. B o l t o n (Samuel), 11 Salop." v. Boulton (Samuel), B o l t o n (Rev. Samuel). Medical prescription for his wife, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 2 4 / Bombast von Hohenheim (Philipp Aureol Theophrast), called Paracelsus. De natura rerum, 17th cent. 2190. De natura rerum et de natura hominis, 1537; translated by J. Tichborn, 17th cent. 320, ff. 7 8 b - 9 6 . Of the nature of man, book II., 17th cent. 1627, ff. 50-55 b. Notes from his " D e natura rerum," 17th cent. 2193, ff. 57-63. — Medical receipts, 17th cent. Fr. 2502, ff, 96-142. Alchemical treatises, 17th cent. 3086, ff. 1-39; 3691, ff. 4 4 b - 6 8 . — Azoth, sive de ligno et linea vitas, 17th cent. Engl, transl. 857, ff. 145-178. Works on Magic, 17th cent. Extracts. 3648, ff. 53 b - 7 5 . Manuale, 1645. Extracts. 2203, ff. 182-201. Explicatio totius Astronomiaa, 17th cent. Engl, transl. 857, ff. 107-124, 127b-144b. The spirits of planets, 17th cent. 2194, ff. 58-69. Alchemical treatise " of simple fire," 17th cent. 1723, ff. 18-28. « — Dulcedo salis ex ejus De Secretis Secretorum, 17th cent. 1996, ff. 46-55. De antimonio, 17th cent. Germ. 3427, ff. 38-47. Liber septem stellarum, 17th cent. 3848, ff. 107-114. Formulae potionum vulnerariarum, 17th cent. 3426, ff. 158-163. Philosophical canons, 18th cent. 3506, ff. 37-41 b. Practica in scientiam Divinationis, 17th cent. Engl, transl. 857, ff. 1 2 4 127. Archidoxorum lib. x., 18th cent. Transl. 3506, ff. 33-36. ... The Archicatholick purge taken out of his Paradoxes, 17th cent. 665, ff. 7-9 b. 65 INDEX. Bombast von Hohenheim (Philipp Bonaventure, 8., Cardinal Bishop of Aureol Theophrast), called Paracelsus (continued). Receipt for the weaponsalve, 17th cent. 559, f. 148. Albano. Vita S. Francisci Confessoris Assisiensis, 15th cent. 1617, ff. 3-64. De quinta essentia vini ex, 17th cent. 3654, f. 72 b. On the virtues of "Lignum Guiacum," 16th cent. Germ. 2528, ff. 1 6 3 166. De podagra, 16th cent. Germ. 2528, f. 173 b. cent. • De la curation des maladies des pierres et des gouttes, extraict de, et translate d'Alemant .en Francois, 17th cent. 2011, ff. 130b-133 b (reversed). Aurora Philosophorum, cap. XIII., 16th cent. Fr. Extract. 354", f. 26 b. Excerpta ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 338-375 b, 416-429, 522-649 ; 3119, f. 60 b. Notice of his life, 17th cent. Ital. and Engl. 3962, f. 39. B o m g a r t n e r u s ( H i e r o n y m u s ) . v. Baumgartnerus. B o n d e S t . H i l a i r e (Francois Xavier), Marquis ; First President of the Supreme Court of Aids at Montpellier. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1738, 1739. Fr. and Lat. 4055, f. 386 ; 4056, ff. 66, 99. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 171}, 1739. Lat. and Fr. 4068, f. 59 ; 4069, ff. 16, 22, 25. B o n a c t U S (Guidus). v. Bonatus (Guido). Bonae Spei Promontorium. v. Cape of Good Hope. B o n a n n i (Philippus). (Filippo). Bonarelli della v. Rovere Buonanni (Guido Ubaldo de), Count. Preface to a translation of his pastoral drama of Filli di Sciro, by Sir E. Sherburne, 17th cent. 836, f. 76 b. B o n a s o n e (Giulio), of Bologna. Engravings illustrative of A. Bocchi's *' Symbolicse Quaestiones," [1555]. 3158. B o n a t U S (Guido), Minorite at Forli. Considerations astrologicae-medicaB ex, 15th cent. 130, ff. 51-58 b. Meditationes vitse Christi, 14th 2273, ff. 207-214. Compendium scholasticum utriusque Testamenti, metrice, 14th cent. 1870, ff. 1-91. B o n d (Henry). Observations on Longitude, 17th cent. 2279, ff. 90-98. B o n d (William), Distiller, of Shoreditch. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173J. 4055, f. 279. B o n d e l m o n t i b u s (Christophorus de). Liber insular um Archipelagi, 1642. 3843. B o n e t (Louis Frederic), of Geneoa. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1738, and n. d. Fr. 4055, f. 4 1 4 ; 4058, f. 44. — Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1738, 173f. Fr. 4069, ff. 3, 19. B o n i e l ( F — ) . Sonnet au Ducde Savoye, 17th cent. 895, f. 3. Bonifacius. cent. Engl. Opus alehemicum, 633, ff 137 b-140. 17th B o n n (George). Letter to J. Luke, 1672. 9 3511, f. 127. B o n n (Hermann). Epitheta boni principis ex Polluce Latine reddita, 17th cent. Lat. 2764, f. 73 b. B o n n e (Francois de), Ducde Lesdiguieres j Constable of France. Letter to Louis XIII., 1624. Copy. 22, f. 3. B o n n e l l (Toby), Merchant of London. Letter to, from T— , 1682. 4062, f. 210. B o n n e r (Edmund), Bishop of London. Letter to Cambridge University, 1572. 3562, f. 16. B o n n e t (Charles), of Geneva. Observations sur les insectes, 1742. 4020, ff. 115-136. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1742, 1745. Fr. 4057, ff. 115, 238. Bonnet, afterw. Bonnet-BourdeJot - De parti bus septem planetarum duodecim domorum, 16th cent. 311, ff. 88-119. (Pierre), Physician to Louis XIV. and the Duchess of Burgundy. Catalogus Bibliothecse phisico - mathematico - medicas, arc. 1700. 85. — Letters to Sir H. Sloaie, 1698, 1701. Fr. 4037, f. 89 ; 4038, f. 277. Liber introductorius ad judicia stellarum, capp I . - I V . , 17th cent. Engl. 1734, ff. 251-254. B o n n e t i u s (Claudius). Epitome universe doctrine Sennerti, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3374, if. 23-27. SLOANE INDEX. 66 INDEX. B o n n e v a l (Ludovicns de). Verses to Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. Lett. 3516, f. 35. B o n n i v e r t (Lieut. Gedeon), son of Paschall and Judith Bonnivert of Sedan in Champagne. Papers and collections of, in prose and verse, 15th-17th centt. 1009. Treatise on the elements of Geometry and Fortification with Diagrams. 993. Commonplace books, 1673-1683. Fr. 1 0 2 8 ; Lai. 1030; 1 0 3 1 ; Engl. and Fr. 1036. Journal when a trooper in William III.'s army in Ireland, J u n e - J u l y 1690. 1033, ff. 1-12 b. — " L'A. B. C. du Monde," late 17th 1009, ff. 199-207 b. Notice of the comets of 1680 and 1682, late 17th cent. 1030, f. 123. Receipts for several diseases, 17th cent. 1001, ff. 32-57. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 16961703, and n. d. 4036, f. 2 6 4 ; 4039, ff. 21, 153, 167, 192 ; 4058, f. 45. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1696. 4068, f. 14. 6 Note of his birth at Sedan in Champagne, n. d. 1000, f. 170. cent. B o n o n i a (Thomas de), Physician to Charles VIII. of France. Alchemical treatise inscribed to, by Bernard, Count of Trevisa, 17th cent. 3422, ff. 2-21 ; 3632, ff. 10-27. B o n s a l l , co. Derb. Letter from the Curate to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4054, f. 44. Bonteshall. v. Bonsall, co. Derb. B o n t i n e (H—), Major. Certificate attested by, 1660. 3299, f. 34. B o n u s (Petrus), Lombardus, Ferrarienvs Physicus. v. Buono Avogario (Pietro). B o n v i l l , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 43 b. B o n v i l l e , Family of. cent. 1301, f. 51. Notes of, 16th B o o k e r (William), Marshal of the Royal Regiment of Foot. Warrant for payment to, with his receipt, 1655. 1519, f. 153. B o o k k e e p i n g . Directions for keeping merchants' accompts after the Italian order, 17th cent. 2809, f. 2. Bookplates. Engraved coat-of-arms, 17th cent. 4013, f. 1. v. Barlow (Charles), of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Burnet (Gilbert), Bishop of Salisbury. Cony (Robert), M.D. Grangierius (Guillelmus). Millington (Sir Thomas), of Gosfield Half, Essex. B o o k s , Prices of. v. MSS., Prices of. B o o k - s a l e s . List of Book-sales 30 Aug. 1686-5 Aug. 1689, by Dr. R. Hooke. 1039, f. 177. B o o n e (H—). Formerly owned MS. 1877. B o o n e (Matthew). Medical memoranda and directions, 1653. 1000, f. 60 et passim. B o o t (Anselmus de). Quasdam de Gemmarum et Lapidum historia ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 488-500. B o o t h (Esdras). F, rmeily owned MS. 578. B o o t h . (George), 1st Baron Delamere. Anatomical treatise drawn up for, by Dr. H. Power, 1666. Two copies. 496, ff. 2-14 ; 1393, ff. 22-36. Medical prescriptions for him and Elizabeth, his 2nd wife, 1662. 1055, f. 98. Letters to Sir T. Fairfax, 1647, n. d. 1519, ff. 168, 178. B o o t h (Henry), 2nd Baron Delamere, afterw. 1st Earl of Warrington. Verses on one Saxton, a false witness against, 1 6 8 f Lat. 1378, ff. 21, 24. Boothe (Robert), servant to Lord Treasurer Buckhur-t. Owned, in 1602, MS. 1678. B o r b o n i u s (L—). Versus in, a F. Thory, 17th cent. 1768, ff. 6 b, 7, 11. B o r d e a u x , in France. MS. 1111 was written at, in 1606-1607. Bordeaux, al. Burdegalia, al. Burg u n d i a (John de), dit La Barbe, Physician at Liege. li Gouernale of helth," 15th cent. 989, ff. 2-134. Thesaurus Pauperum, 16th cent. 2507, ff. 1-20. — Treatise against the pestilence, 15th cent. Lat. 7, ff. 85 b - 8 7 ; 405, ff. 41 b - 4 3 ; Lat. and Engl. 433, ff. 47 b - 5 1 ; Engl. 706, ff. 104-106 b ; 963, ff. 5 5 b - 5 7 b ; 965, ff. 1 3 2 - 1 4 3 ; 983, ff. 3 7 b - 3 9 b ; 1764, ff. 5, 6 ; 2187, ff. 8 6 - 8 8 ; 2320, ff. 16-17 b ; 3566, ff. 88-101. 67 INDEX. Bordeaux, al. Burdegalia, al. Burg u n d i a (John de), dit La Barbe, Physician at Liege (continued). Tractatus contra pestem (another tract), 15th cent. 134, ff. 3 1 - 3 8 b ; Engl 3449, ff. 5 b - 1 2 . De epidimfa (a third tract), 15th cent. 3566, ff. 63b-87 b ;—16th cent. 2320, ff. 1 3 b - 1 6 . B o r d f i e l d (John). Letters to, from J. Luke, 1664. 3509, ff. 73, 74. B o r d l e y (Stephen), of Chester River, Kent County, Maryland. Letters to J. Petiver, 1706, 1709. 3321, ff. 194, 247, B o r e e l (Adam). Correspondence with J. Dury, 1646, 1660. Lot. 649, ff. 37, 40-44. Letter to S. Hart lib, 1646. Lat. 649, f. 39. B o r e e l (Jan), Dutch Ambassador in England. Memorial to Charles II. in behalf of J. Leger, 1668. Fr. 1001, f. 21. Memorial to Charles II. in favour of the heirs of the late English resident at the Hague, 1668. Copy. 1001, f. 22. B o r e l l i (Giovanni Alfonso) De motu animalium cum annotationibus, 17th cent. 2887, f. 61. B o r g e h l i u s (Joannes). Schroedter, 1668. Lat. Letters to C. 2876, ff. 5-14. B o r g h i n i (Maria Selvaggia). v. Selvaggia Borghini. B o r g i a (Gaspar), Cardinal L'eiitrada di, en Napoles, 1620. 2545, f. 40. Borgognoni da Lucca (Teodorico), B o r l a s e (Edmund), M.D., of Chester. Letters and papers, chiefly rel. to the Rebellion in Ireland, in 1641, late 17th cent. 1008. r- Commencement of his " History of the Irish Rebellion," late 17th cent. Partly autogr. 1008, ff. 362-375. Reflections on Lord Castlehaven's memoirs of his engagements and carriage in the wars of Ireland, etc, 1682. Draft. 1015, ff. 1-20. LetterstoR.Clavell, 16 J J. 1008, ff. 245, 247. Drafts. B o r l a s e (Sir John), Lord Justice of Ireland. Letter to his son Dr. E. Borlase, [1642]. 1008, f. 72. B o r l a s e (John). Letter to his brother Edmund, 1642. 1008, f. 64, B o r n e t t u s (Duncanus), Scotus. net (Duncanus). v. Bur- B o r n i u s (Henricus), Professor Philosophies Leydenensis. Letter to, from B. Severinius, 1662. 2870, f. 89. B o r o u g h al B u r g h (John), Secretary to the Treasury; afterw. Garter King-atArms. Book of Treasury fees, Civil Service estimates, etc., for the year 1619, temp. Chas. I. 2904. Sovereignty of the seas of England, 17th cent. 1696, ff. 109-162; Imperf. 1710, ff. 68-103. B o r o u g h al. B u r g h (Sir Thomas), of Gainsborough. Medical prescription for, temp. Edw. IV. 403, f. 340. Bishop of Cervia. Tractatus de aqua vita?, extractus e diversorum dictis philosophorum medicinal artis, 15th cent. 981, ff. 83-86. B o r o u g h s (Jonathan), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, by Col. R. Alsopp, 1673. 3514, f. 185. Chirurgia major, 16th cent. Imperf. 389, ff. 2-76 b. B o r r i (Christopher), foro). v. Borro (Cristo- B o r r i (F. Josephus). Francesco). v. Borro (Giuseppe Engl. B o r i g n o n (Gulielmus Schopfius), of Namur. T. Fieni tractatus de methodo medendi scriptus per, 1627. 367, ff. 1-174 b. B o r i l l i u s (Bonifacius). Epigramma in ejus Microcosmum a J. F., Soc. Jes., 1632. 118, f. 46. B o r j a , Cardinal Cardinal v. Borgia (Gaspar), B o r j i a (Padre Francesco). v. Francis [de Borja], S.9 Duke of Gandia, General of the Jesuits. B o r r i e h i u s (Olaus), Medicinal et Philologiaj in Academia Havniensi Professor. Prajlecta publica, 1683-1684. ' 3 0 1 9 . ff. 2-53. Processus 1235, ff. 35-60. Chymici, 17th cent. B o r r o (Cristoforo). Note of the manners of the Cochin Chinese from bis history, 17th cent. 1448, A. ff. 1- 3. F 2 INDEX. 68 B o r r o (Giuseppe Francesco). Process of the Inquisition against, 1659. Ital. 2721, ff. 2 4 - 5 7 ; 2733, ff. 5 - 1 4 ; 3945, ff. 44-77. Verses on, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. 2870, ff. 69to,144. Letters to, from B. Severinius, 1661, 1663, Lat. 2870, ff. 65, 145 b. B o r r o m e o (Carlo), Cardinal Archbishop of Milan. Indulgences granted on his canonization, 1610. Ltal. 264. B o r r o m e o (Federico), Cardinal Archbishop of Milan. Indulgences granted at his inslauce on the canonization of S. Carlo Borromeo, 1610. Ital. 264. B o r s s e l e , Family of. Autographs of, 1587. 851. B o r t h w i c k (James), of Dalkeith. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1703. Imperf. 4039, f. 108. B o r t h w i c k (Sir John), Ambassador to Denmark. Instructions to, 1550. 2442, f. 27. Borussia. v. Prussia. B o s g r a v e (James), Recusant. ment for high tieason, 1582. 1-13. Arraign1132, ff. B o s t o c k (N—), M.J). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1713. 4043, f. 156. B o s t o n , co. Line. Prices of drusjs sold in the year 1315 at the Fair in, 15th cent. 783, B. f. 146. Inscriptions from the church, 1601. 3836, f. 30 b. B o s v i l e (William). MS. 1322. Owned, in 1668, B o s w e l l (Sir William), Ambassador to the Netherlands. MS. 3957 was dedicated to, by Lord Herbert of Cherbury, in 1622. B o t a l l u s (Leonardus). De euratione per sanguinis missionem, 17th cent. Engl, transl. 1642, ff. 3-99. De incidendse venas modo, etc., 17th cent. Engl, transl. 1642,ff.1 0 0 114, B o t a n y . Herbarium, cum iiguris, 14th cent. Imperf. 1964, ff. 1 1 1 - 1 2 3 ; — 15th cent. Imperf. 7 1 , ff. 86-109 b ; 120, ff. 1-61 b ; English prose and verse. 1571, ff. 17-36 b ; Fr. 2401,ff.107 b 1 3 2 ; Lat. 2948, ff. 1-19 b ; — 1 5 7 3 . Lat. 3169, ff. 1 - 5 0 b ; — 1 6 t h cent. Engl. 744, ff. 1-9; Lat. 1313, ff. 2-20. B o t a n y (continued). Synonyma herbarum, 11th cent 475,ff.143-160 ;—13th cent. 146, ff. 6 9 b - 7 2 b ; Lat, Engl, and Fr. 420, ff. 107-113 b, 115-121;—14th cent. Lai., Fr. and Engl. 5, ff. 4-12 b ; Engl, and Lat. 521, f. 2 3 ; Imperf. 1964, ff. 106-110 b ; Lat. and Engl. 2479, ff. 9 0 - 1 0 7 ; 3550, ff. 33-37 b;—15th cent. 121, ff. 9-34 b ; Lat. and Engl 135, ff. 2 - 6 ; 284, ff, 1-48 b ; Lat., Fr. and Engl. 347, ff. 76-97 b ; Lat. and Engl. Imperf. 390, ff. 1 7 4 b - 1 8 5 b ; 405, ff. 7-17 b ; Imperf. 540, A. f. 32 ; Lat., Fr. and Engl. Imperf. 962, ff. 10 b, 252-259 b ; Lat., Fr. and Engl 964, ff. 6 3 - 8 2 ; 1067, ff. 2 8 0 b - 2 8 8 ; Lat. and Engl. 1571, ff. 1-6 b ; Lat. and Engl. 2401,ff.3 b - 5 ; 2721, f. 138 ; 2948, ff. 23-33 b ; Lat. and Engl. 3548, ff. 119-125 b, 129-145 b, 157 b ; ~ l 7 t h cent. Lat., Gr. and Engl. 79, ff. 5 4 9 3 b ; Lit. and Engl. 7 9 7 ; 1155, ff. 71-80 b ; Lat. and Germ. 2998, ff. 149-161 b;—18th cent. Lat. and Engl. 4020, ff. 48-66. —: Imagines plantarum calamo descriptae, 14th cent. 335, ff. 79-82 b. Tract on the planting, etc., of fruit trees, 17th cent. 110, ff. 71-88 b. Observationes de scientia phytologica, 17th cent. 1929, ff. 12-23. Hortus Adonidis et Veneris, 17th 1733, ff. 434-452. Histoire naturelle des plantes, 17th cent. 4012. Catalogues of plants, 15th cent. Imperf. 962,ff.2 - 4 b ;—17th cent. 571 ; Lat. and Ital. 608, ff. 245-256 ; 1103, B.C.; 1229, ff. 156-220 ; 1797, ff. 22 b 38,55-72 ; Lat. 2202 ; 2334 ; 2346, ff. 23-138 b, 175-179 b ; 2354; Imperf. 2619, ff. 117-202; Imperf. 3110, ff. 41-47 b ; 4033, ff. 132-137 ;—18th cent. 3350; 3363, ff. 46-52 ; 4019, ff. 62, 64, 134-137 b. Directions for sowing seeds, 17th cent. 941, ff. 168-177. cent. Directions for gardeners, 17th 2261, ff. 123-154 b. De transplantatione dissertatio, 17th cent. 1733, ff. 457 b-462 b. Brieve racconto di t u t t e le radici, di t u t t e l'herbe et di t u t t i i frutti, che crudi o cotti in Italia si mangiano, 1614. 912. Catalogues of seeds and plants sown, 1697-1716. 3470-3475. JSFonnulla de plantis, 17th cent. 1941, f. 84. cent. INDEX. B o t a n y (continued). Notes of plants, 17th cent. 3349, ff. 1-6 b. Collectanea de plantis, 18th cent. 3207, ff. 148-209. Observationes botanicse, 18th cent. 2966, ff. 3 0 - 4 1 . On Horticulture, 18th cent. Fr. 3722, ff. 119-122 b. —••— Description of a plant, 18th cent. 4020, f. 103. Specimens of dried auriculas, 17th cent. 3254, B. Observationes de radice Butua, 18th cent. 4020, ff. 16-19 b. Sketches of the Cuckoopint, and Pilewort, 17th cent. 1009, ff. 124-126. Natural history of the Juniper tree, 16th cent. 2172, f. 22. Questions concerning the Kinkina tree, 18th cent. 3323, f. 291. Observations on the different sorts of mushrooms with figures of them in the margin, 18th cent. Fr. 231, ff. 14-15 b. Description of pinopodium perenne, 18th cent. Ital. 89, f. 22. Catalogus librorum botanicorum, 17th cent. 2339, ff. 1-38. Bibliotheca botanicorum, 17th cent. 2039, ff. 17-20 b. v. Africanus (Flaccus). Belgium. Blois, in Finance. Breynius (Jacobus). Browne (Sir Thomas). Buddie (Adam). Canary Isles. Candia. Charleton (Walter). Chelsea, co. Middl. China. Cole (William), M.D. Covel (John). Cowper (William), M.D. Edinburgh. France. Fulham, co. Middl. Gerard (John). Hafenreffer (Matthias). Hampton Court, co. Middl. Hernandez (Francisco). Hillingdon, co. Middl. Hippocrates. Houston (William). India, East. Jamaica. James (John), Naval Surgeon. Ksempfer (Engelbert). Knowles (Gilbert). Krieg (David). 69 Lange (Johann), M.C., D.M. Leyden. Macer (iEmilius). Magellan's Straits. Malabar, Kingdom of. Moehring (Paul us Henricus Gerardus). Morley (Christopher Love). New England. Oxford. Paris. Petiver (James). Pitton de Tournefort (Joseph). Plukenett (Leonard). Plumier (Charles). Power (Henry). Ray (John). Saumur, in France. Scheuchzer (Jean Jacques). Somerset (Henry), 1st Duke of Beaufort, Somerset (Mary), wife of Henry, 1st Duke of Beaufort. Tozzi (Bruno). Utrecht. Wales. Walther (Bastian). Woollaston (Johannes), M.D. B o t e l e r al. B u t l e r (Capt. Nathanael), Governor of the Bermudas in 1620. History of the Bermudas, 1609-1620. Autogr. 750. Heads of letters written by, while Governor of the Bermudas, 1634. Autogr. 758, ff. 1 b - 2 b, 3 b. Answer to his information intitled " T h e unmasked face of our Colonie in Virginia as it was in the winter of the yeare 1622," 17th cent. Imperf. 1039, f. 92. Discourse of marine affairs, betw. the High Admiral and a Captain at sea, 1634. partly Autogr. 758, ff. 3-142 b ; Autogr. 2449. Diary of personal employments, 16f 9-1640. Autogr. 758, ff. 143-173. B o t e r o (Giovanni). Delia ragione di s t a t o ; abstracted by R. Etherington, 1617-1625. 1065. B o t e v i l e , Family of. Notes relating to, 16th cent. 3836, f 7. B o t e v i l e (Franciscus). v. Thynne (Francis). B o t h n i a , W e s t , Province of. Documents relating to mining operations in, 1723. Steed. 3414. B o t h w e l l , Earl of. v. Hepburn (James). B o t n i j a (Frederik van), of Friesland. Letter to, from J. van Botnija, 1556. Lat. 1509, f. I. 70 INDEX. B o t n i j a (Jarich van), of Fricsland. Thesis—" Divinum quiddam esse in morbis," 1556 1509. Botoner al. Worcester (William). B o u l t o n (Samuel), "Salop.** Extracts from his " Medicina magica, tarn en physica 1 6 6 5 " [1656] by Dr. S. Bellingham, late 17th cent. 643, ff. 1-17 b. v. Worcester. B o t r e a u x (Margaret), ivife, 1st, of Sir Thomas Botreaux, 2nd, of ITiomas, Baron Burgh of Gainsborough. Medical prescription for, temp. Edw. I T . 403, f. 338 b. B o u n o t ( J o b \ Formerly owned MSS. 2630; 2 6 3 1 / B o u r b o n , Family of. Autographs of, 1579-1582. 851. B o u r b o n , Due de. v. Bourbon (Louis Henri de). B o t t e r i l l (John). Owned, in 1600, MS. 1303. B o t t e r i l l (Miles). Owned, in 1602, MS. 1303. B o u r b o n (Henri de), Due de Montpensier. Horoscope, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009, f. 98 b. B o t t o n i (Domenico), M.D., of Messina. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1701. Lat. 4038, f. 173. Letter to C. Balle, 1701. Ital. 4063, f. 92. B o t t o n u s (Frederic), M.D., of Madrid. Letter to J. Petiver, 1713. Copy. 3339, f. 23. B o u c h (John). Extracts from his collection of songs, 1687. 2348, f. 34 b. B o u c h a u t e (L— T— van), Ordinis Prsemonstratensium, Canonicus Regulars et sacerdos apud Gandavum. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1710. Lat. 4042, f. 212. Boucher ( ), Captain, of Bristol. Certificate of redeemed English captives put on his vessel, 1672. 3511, f. 166. B o u r b o n (Henri II. de), 3rd Prince de Conde. Discours veritable de la naissance et vie de, par le Sieur de Fiesbrun, 17th cent. 1075. B o u r b o n (Henri de), Prince de Dombes. Sonnet a, par F. Thory, 17th cent. 1768, f. 26 b. B o u r b o n (Henri Jules de), Due d'Enghien. Verses on him and Anne, his wife, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. 2870, f. 164. B o u r b o n (Louis de), Comte de Soisso7is. Sonnet sur la mort de, par M. Gombauld, 1641. 895, f. 56. B o u r b o n (Louis II. de), Prince de Conde. Sonnet au retour de, 1660. 895, f. 16. of B o u r b o n (Louis Henri de), Due de Bourbon. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1734, 1735. Fr. 3984, ff. 140-147, 163. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1734-1737. 3984, ff. 150, 155-162; 4068, ff. 225, 235, 328 ; 4069, ff. 212, 222. B o u c h i e r (William), M.D., of Chichester. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4078, ff. 244, 248-258 b. B o u r b o n (Marguerite de), wife of Henri IT., 3rd Prince de Conde. Relation of the love of Henri IV. for, by Sir W. Becher, 1655. 841. B o u c h e r (George), Surgeon, of Port Mahon, in Minorca. Letter to J. Petiver, 1712. 4065, f. 40. B o u c h e r (Thomas), Card. Archbp. Canterbury, v. Bourchier. B o u d e r g u e s (——), of St. Hilaire, betw. Quercy and Auvergne. Medical case, 1685. Lat. 1302, ff. 135-137. B o u l e n o i s , JGe, in Picardij. Description of, late 17th cent. 1039,*f. 48. B o u l l o i g n e (Thomas de), Physician to Charles VIII. of France, v. Bononia (Thomas de). B o u l o g n e , in Picardy. ing soldiers for, 1596. Letter for levyCopy. 33, f. 12. B o u l t o n (John), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for theft, 1672. 3514, f. 97. B o u l t o n (Richard), Physician. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 47-49 b. B o u r c h i e r (Thomas), Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury. Courses a t the feast on his enthronization, 1455. 1201, f. 4 b. Medical prescription for, [14641486]. Lat. 403, f. 339. Bourdeaux. v. Bordeaux. B o u r d e l o t formerly M i c h o n (Pierre), Abbe. Account of his death, 17th cent. Fr. 3860, f. 48 b. B o u r d e l o t (Pierre Bonnet), v. Bonnet afterw. Bonnet-Bourdelot (Pierre). B o u r g e r (Albert). Examination of, touching the expedition in 1702 to Cadiz and Vigo, 18th cent. 2496, ff. 42-54 ; 2638, ff. 1-11. INDEX. B o u r g e s (Yves de), Superior of the Capuchins at Surat. E. de Never's dialogues of the Old Testament translated by, from the Portuguese and Malabar, 17th cent. Fr. 318. 71 B o w e r (Richard). Receipts for making Coffee and Chocolate, late 17th cent. 645, f. 19. B o w e r (Dr. Thomas), Professor of Mathematics in King's College, Aberdeen. Presentation of, to the Principalship of Marischall College, 171J. 3198, f. 8. B o u r g u e t (Louis), Professor of Philosophy at Neuchatel. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1730-1737. Fr. and Lat. 4051, B o w e r (William). Letter to Dr. N. ff. 107-110, 274, 276; 4052, if. 151, Hodges, 1674. 810, f. 570. 2 2 5 ; 4053, ff. 184, 273 ; 4054, ff. 46, B o w e r s (John), Commander of the 2 7 3 - 2 7 7 ; 4055, ff. 22, 90, 108, 209. merchant ship "Persia." Journal of Letter to Sir W. Thompson, 1735. voyage from England to Surat, 1682Lat. 4066, f. 114. 1683. 1070, ff. 1-110, passim* Letters t o , from Sir H. Sloane, 1735-1737. Fr. 4068,ff.277, 282, 312. B o w e r s (T—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1721. 4076, f. 350. B o u r k e (Redmond), Lieutenant. DeposiB o w e r s (Thomas), Bishop of Chichester. tion of, in a trial a t Tangier, 1672. Poem on his death, by J . Arnold, 18th 3511, f. 171. cent. Lat. 3516, f. 200. B o u r n (Edward). Letter to Dr. S. B o w e s (Joshua). Verses on the death Collins, 1683. 1823, f. 26. of Sir H. Sloane's brother, n. d. 3516, B o u r n (John), M.D., of Great Moorf elds, f. 102. London. Letter to, from Dr. J. Knap, B o w e s (Sir Robeit), Commissioner to n. d. 3087, ff. 30 b-32. Scotland. Instructions to, 1551, 1553. Bourne ( •), Bookbinder, of London. 2442, ff. 138, 140. Letter to, from R. Peapys, 164g. 4062, Proceedings of with James VI., f. 136. n. d. 3199, f. 127. B o u r n e (Henry), M.D., of Chesterfield. B o w l a n d (John). Medical receipts, Letters to Sir H . Sloane, 1733, 1735, 16th cent. Lat. 117, ff. 3-24 b. 173£. 4034, ff. 236, 237 ; 4077, f. 342. Bowles ( r), of Tangier. Warrants B o u r n e (William). Art of shooting in for delivery of deals bought from, 1672. great ordnance, 17th cent. 3651. 3511, f. 178. B o u s c h (Peter), of Cologne. Letter to Bowles (Mrs. ) . Receipts for , 1663. Lat. 203, f. 74. ruptures, 17th cent. Autogr. 3984, B o u s y (Charles de). Album, 1608-1638. f. 16. 3415. B o w l e s (Sir George), Lord Mayor of Boutin (—;—), Medecin d'Angouleme. London. Account of his banquet, 1617. Conduitte de son remede autivenerien, 3959, ff. 7-15. 17th cent. 3118, ff. 665-666. B o w l e s (Joseph), Bodley's Librarian, Oxford. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. B o u t o n (Marie), wife of Nicolas, Comte 4049, f. 204. de Chamilly. Medical consultation for, 1651. Lat. 2670, ff. 7-10. B o w l e s (Phineas). Protest against B o u t o n n e t , near Montpellier. Dissersupplying Tangier with provisions, 1 6 7 | . tatio J . Astrucii de petrificatis ibidem 3511, f. 71. repertis, 18th cent. Lat. and Fr. 3323, Certificate of provisions from Lord f. 33. Middleton, 1673. 3512, f. 65. B o u v e r o n (Simeon), M.D. Bill for Letter to J. Luke, 1673. 3511, medicines for Capt. B. Bramlby's negroes, f. 205. 1726-1728. 3299, f. 152. Letter to Lord Middleton, 1674. B o v e t (George), Apprentice to J. Petiver. 3512, f. 55. Letter to J . Petiver, 1701. 4063, f. 109. B o w m a n (Walter), Tutor to Lord Conway. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. B o w d e n (Samuel), M.D., of Frome. 4055, f. 385. Letter to Si r H. Sloane, 1732. 4034, f. 23 9. B o w e n (John). Letter to Lord Falkland, 1626. 3827, f. 94. B o w s e l l (John), of co. Hertf. scope, 1665. 2282, f. 19 b. B o w e n (Thomas). 553. B o w y e r (Matthseus), Rhetor. Invitatio Lunae, metrice, 17th cent. 1767, f. 9. Owned, in 1635, MS. Horo- 72 INDEX. B o x e (Henry), of Trinity College, Oxford. The Christmas Ordinary at Trinity College, [1678-1687]. 1458, ff, 36 b-42. Verses in praise of, as their Founder, by Witney scholars, 17th cent. 1458, f. 14. B o y l e (Hon. Robert), bth son of Richard, 1st Earl of Cork (continued). Letters to, from H. Power, 1662. 1326, ff. 33 b, 100. Letters to, from Dr. N. High more, n. d. Drafts. 548, ff. 19 b, 2 1 . B o x h o r n (Marcus Zuerius). Versus in effigiem L. de Dieu, 17th cent. Autoqr, 2764, f. 40. De Typographies artis inventione dissertatio, 18th cent. Excerpt. 1435, ff. 14-15. B o y l e (Roger), 1st Pari of Orrery. Zoroastres, a tragedy, 1676. 1828, ff. 46-79. Warrant to grant the wardship of F. Wingfield to, 1660. 856, f. 29. Speech on delivering up the sword, as Lord Justice of Ireland, to the Duke of Ormonde, 1662. Draft. 1008, f. 186. B o y e r u s (D—), French Surgeon at Amsterdam. Letter to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1686. Fr. 2729, f. 189. B o y l s t o n (John), Merchant, of London. Letter to, from Lord Howard, n. d. 2724, f. 119. B o y l e (Mrs. B—), of Shiplake, GO. Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, ff. 241, 242. B o y l e (Charles), 4th Earl of Orrery. Notes of medical visits to, by Sir H. Sloane, 1722. 3984, f. 88. B o y l s t o n (Zabdiel), of Boston, New England. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1726, 1737. 4048, ff 238, 241 ; 4055, f. 248. B o y l e (G—). Letter to, from B. Severinius, [1663]. 2»70, f. 154. B o y l e (Lionel), 3rd Earl of Orrery. Reports on his health in the Tower, by Drs. Sloane, Harvey and Mead, 112%. 3984, ff. 103, 104. B o y l e (Richard), 1st Earl of Cork; Lord Treasurer of Ireland. Warrant to Lords Dockwra and Mountnorris, 16£&. 3827, f. 175. B o y l e (Richard), Viscount Dungarvin, afterw. 2nd Earl of Cork. Relation of the sei vices of the troop raised by, in Dec. 1641, 17th curt. 1008, f. 4 1 . B o y l e (Richard), 3rd Earl of Burlington. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. 4055, f. 349. B o y l e (Hon. Robert), 5th son of Richard, 1st Earl of Cork. Index rerum ad artem medicinse spectantium in ejus tractatu de utilitate philosophise naturalis experimentalis, 16f§. 623, f. 70. Experiments on colours, etc., 17th cent. 4023, ff. 84-109. Extracts, medical and chemical, from his works, 17th cent. 1123. Extracts from his physiological essays, 17th cent. 1135. • Extracts from his Natural Philosophy, 17th cent. 2347, ff. 3 b - 5 . Notes from his " Invitation to the use of simple Medicines," 1685. 3391, ff. 2 b , 3 b , 4 b. Autograph, as subscriber to Plot's Staffordshire, n. d. 1039, f. 136. Boynton ( ), Captain, of Tangier. Monies due from his troop to H. Holt, 1669. 3514, f. 12. B o y s e (Samuel), Poet. Letters to Sii H. Sloane, 173f, 1739. 4056, ff. 51,141. B o y s s e a i l (G—), of Saintonge Province, France. Index to " Inscriptions Nemausenses Scaligeri mandato collectae," 17th cent. Fr. 3266, f. 30. B o y s s o n n a d u s (G—), M.D. Correspondence with J. de La Riviere, 1590. Copies. Lat. 2089, ff. 70-73. B o y US (C—). v. Boey (Cornell's), Sen. B r a b a n t , Duchy of. Investment of, by the French, 1667. Fr. 1519, f. 245. Metrical description of the character of the natives, 17th cent. Belg. 2764, f. 122. Braceiano, Dukes of. v. Orsini (Flavio). Orsini (Paolo Giordano). B r a c c i o l i n i (Poggio), of Florence. Facetiarum liber, 15th cent. 327, ff. 7 7 125 b. Versus ad, ab A. Beccatello, 16th cent. 2987, f. 44. B r a c e s e o (Giovanni). De alchemia dial o g duo, 1548. 1068, ff. 1-127. Lignum vitaa, 1585. 2528, ff. 66-89;—17th cent. Engl. 3614, ff 1-120. — = R. Tauladani animadversio in Gebr i interpretationem «jus, 16th cent. 2528, ff. 97-107. B r a e k e , of co. Norf., Family of. Formerly owned MS. 1618. INDEX. B r a d b u r y (John). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1722. 4034, f. 249. B r a d b u r y (Silas), Apothecary, of Windsor. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4034, f. 247. B r a d b u r y (Thomas), brother of Silas. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1720. 4034, f. 248. Braddiek ( ), Merchant. Scheme of his daughter's nativity, by Dr. F. Bernard, 17th cent. 1707, f. 20. Braddon ( ), of Cornwall. Horoscope, 1657. 2282, f. 2. B r a d d o n (Lawrence), Barrister. to Sir H. Sloane, 1721. Imperf. f. 296. Letter 4047, B r a d f o r d (John), Prebendary of St. Paul's, burned at Smithfield in 1555. Prayer for the remission of sins, 17th cent. 182, ff. 2-6. Comparison between the Old Man and the New, 17th cent. 3205, f. 89. Observations on his views of election, 17th cent. 3205, f. 91. Verses in his honour, 17th cent. 1896, f. 24. B r a d f o r d (Samuel), Bishop of Rochester. Epitaph by J. Arnold, 18th cent. 3516, f. 196. B r a d l a e u s (Thomas), Rhetor. Spsera Martis, metrice, 17th cent. 1767, f. 10 b. Bradley ( ), of Tangier. Proceedings of, as to Sir H. Mildmay's estate, 1668. 3510, ff. 31, 38. B r a d l e y (Babington), M.D., of Leicester. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1703, 1708. Engl and Lot. 4034, ff. 246, 250. B r a d l e y (James), of Wakefield. to S. Here, 167J. 2723, f. 34. Letter B r a d l e y (Rev. James), Astronomer Royal. Letter to Howard, n.d. 4066, f. 260. B r a d l e y (Mary), widow of Dr. Richard Bradley, Professor of Botany at Cambridge. Petition to Sir H. SJoane, [1732]. 4058, f. 49. B r a d l e y (R—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 57. B r a d l e y (Dr. Richard), Professor of Botany at Cambridge. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 171f-172J and n. d. 1968, f. 2 0 ; 4045, f. 352 ; 4046, f. 2 5 1 ; 4047, f. 7 1 ; 4048, ff. 211, 319 ; 4049, ff. 31, 38 ; 4058, ff. 50-56 b. Letters (some signed D. Grant and George Grant) to J. Petiver, 1714-1715. 3322, ff. 49, 52, 58-67 b, 73, 76, 78, 81, 84, 87, 152-155; 4065, ff. 146,156, 201. 73 B r a d s h a i g h (Sir Roger), 3rd Bart., of Haigh, near Wigan. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1734. 4053, f. 229. B r a d s h a w (Capt. powder, 17th cent. ) . Alchymical 739, f. 51 b. B r a d s h a w (George), of Kiveton, near Mansfield. Letter to his son, [1719]. 4076, f. 76 b. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1719]. 4058, f. 60. B r a d s h a w (John). Letter to his grandfather, J. Wallington, 1628. 922, f. 76 b. B r a d s h a w e (John), President of the Council of State. Letters to Lord Fairfax, signed by, 1649, 1650. 1519, ff. 197, 214. B r a d s h a w e (Peter). Copy. 1446, f. 36. Poem, 17th cent. B r a d s h a w e (Robert), Collector of Customs at Chichester. Account of trade at Chichester, 18th cent. 3329, f. 114. B r a d w a r d i n e (Thomas), Archbishop of Canterbury. - De arte memorativa, 15th cent. 3744, ff. 7 b - 9 . B r a d w e l l (Stephen), M.D. Medical receipts, late 17th cent. 1087, f. 59 b. B r a d y (Robert), M.D., Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge, and M.P. for that University. Appointment of, as Deputy Professor, by Dr. F. Glisson, 1675. 2251, f. 19. Answers to medical disputations of Dr. F. Glisson, 1653. 3310, ff. 121, 249-255. B r a e m (William). Owned, in 1574, MS. 362. B r a g g (Ann). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1689. 4078, f. 283. B r a g g (William), of Jamaica. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1689. 4036, f. 47. B r a h a m (Jack). Verses to, by Dr. Bacon, 17th cent. 396, f. 7. B r a h e - (Antonio), a Dane residing in London. Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 57. B r a h e (Steno), Regent of Denmark. Roval letter to Qu. Elizabeth, 1594. 3299, f. 32 b. B r a h e (Tycho), Danish Astronomer. De mundi setherei recentioribus phsenomenis liber secundus, 17th cent. 178. Table of the most notable fixed stars in each constellation, according to, 1601. 3881, ff. 1 0 6 b - 1 0 9 . | 74 INDEX. B r a h e (Tycho), Danish Astronomer (continued). Extract relative to the original MSS. of his astronomical observations and to copies of them by Keppler, 17th oent. Lat. 427, f. 46. B r a i t h w a i t e (George), soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for theft, circ. 1671. 3514, f. 6Q. B r a i t h w a i t e (Richard), v. Brathwaite. B r a k e l o n d e (Jocelinus de). v. JoceHnus, de Brakelonda. Brakindemensis ah Brekendale (Nicolaus), Grammarian. Commentarius in Marbodoei " liber lapidum," 14th cent. 340, ff. 1~ 34 b. B r a m e (Matthseus de). Notes relative to, 17th cent. 1429, f. 92. B r a m h a l l (John), Bishop of Derry, afterw. Archbishop of Armagh. Of liberty and necessity against some opinions of T. Hobbes, 1645. 1012, ff. 1-16. Vindication of true liberty from antecedent and extrinsical necessity, 17th cent. 1012, ff. 117-164. B r a m h a l l (Sir Thomas), Bart. Letters to Dr. E. Borlase, 1679. 1008, ff. 215, 221. B r a m l b y (Capt. Bed—). Bills for medi cines for his negroes, 1726-172f. 3299, ff. 152-155. B r a m p s t o n (Sir John), Chief Justice of the King's Bench, v. Bramston. B r a m p t o n (Thomas), S.T.D., Fratrum Minorum Confessor. Metrical paraphrase of the seven penitential Psalms, 16th cent. 1853. B r a n d e n b u r g , Electors of (continued). Memorial of his ambassador in England on the alliance proposed to, 1668. Fr. 1001, f. 19. Letter to Charles II., lecalling his minister M. de Brandt, 1668. Copy. 1001, f. 23. Letter to Charles IL, 1669. 1519, f. 226. . Correspondence of his chief physicians with C. Drelincourt, 1674. 3923, ff. 1-8. Brandenburg-Anspach, Margraves of. Albert Frederic. Letter to Qu. Elizabeth, 1569. Lat. 3299, f. 5. —— George Frederic. Letters as Regent of Prussia, to Qu. Elizabeth, 1579. Lat. 3299, ff. 6, 8. Letter to his Council for the Regency of Prussia, from Qu. Elizabeth, 1595. Lat. Copy. 3299, ff. 21-23 b. Brandenburg-[Anspach] (Charles William Frederic), Comte de. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. 4058, f. 62. B r a n d e s t o n (Mary), of Crostwick, co> Norf. Letter to Dr. S. Wall, 16691731, A. f. 46. B r a n d l i n g (Charles). Appointment of a Sergeant-Major in his regiment, 1648. 1519, f. 179. B r a n d o l i n i (Aurelio), called Lippo, of Florence. Christian patience, or fortitude both moral and divine, 18th cent. 789. B r a n d o n , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 44 b. B r a n c i o n (Johannes), Nobilis Burgundus. Testamentum, 1575. Extract. 2764, f. 22. Brandon ( ), Monk. Verses in praise of G. Marrowe's alchemical processes, 1437. 3687, f. 11 b. B r a n d o n (Charles), Is* Duke of Suffolk. Tale on the subject of, by G. Bonnivert, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009, ff. 287-312. Letter to, from Sir G. Douglas, 1 5 4 | . 3199, f. 82. B r a n d o n (Charles), M.D., of Maidenhead. Observations et casus medici, 1597, 1598. 166. B r a n d o n (Edward), M.D. On pregnancy, temp. Jas. I. 356. B r a n d o n (Thomas), son of Charles Brandon, M.D. Formerly owned MS. 166. B r a n d e n b u r g , Duchy of. Collectanea Brandenburgica, 1719, 1720. 2886, ff. 27-29. Electors of. Frederic William. Horoscope, 1620. 2282, f. 21. Letter to Charles II. rel. to the shipwreck of an English merchant vessel off the Duchy of Sleswick, 1662. Lat. 1001, f. 7. B r a n d r e t h (Richard). Owned, in 1603, MS. 2466. B r a n d t (? Johann Arnold de), Envoy Extraordinary from Brandenburg to England. Memorial relative to the alliance proposed to the Elector, 1668. Fr. 1001, f. 19. Letters of recall, 1668. Fr. Copy. 1001, f. 23. B r a m s t o n (Sir John), Jun., M.P. for Maiden. Royal letter commendatory of, to be High Steward of Maiden, 1661. 856, f. 26 b. B r a m s t o n (Sir John), Sen., Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Argument on Hampden's case of shipmoney, 1635. 3933, ff. 316-323. INDEX. B r a n t h w a y t (John), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1700. 4026, f. 439. Brassan ( ) . Letter t o , from Sir H. Sloane, 1713. Fr. Draft. 4068, f. 83. Brassart ( ) , Madame. Letter to Lambert, 1726. Fr. Tmperf. 4066, f. 2. B r a s t b e r g (Kilian). Autograph in album, 1608. 3415, f. 3 1 . B r a t h w a i t e (Richard). Verses attributed to, entitled " The hunting of the h a r e / ' 17th cent. 1792, f. 105. 75 B r a z i l , Empire of {continued). Letters patent from Henri IV. of France, and ordinances and commissions relating to the colonization of, 1602-1610. 173, ff. 3 b - 8 . Excerpta e G. Maargravii historia naturali Brasilese, 17th cent. 1554. Catalogus herbarum in horto Brasiliensi crescentium, 17th cent. 1289, ff. 180-225. Sailing course from Cape Verde to, and along its coast, 17th cent. 2292, ff. 1-15. Sailing course to, from the isle of Santiago, 17th cent. 2292, f. 39 b. B r a u n (Jacob), Beipublicce Elbingensis Precos (ski). Criticism of Bacon's Novum Organum addressed t o , by D. Mylius, 17th cent. Lat. 427, if. 102 b-119 b. B r e a c h (William), M.D , o / Christ Church, Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, ff. 254-259. B r a u n d o n (William), of Knotty GO. Warw. Formerly owned MS. 2027. Bread. Weights for weighing late 15th cent. 747, f. 60 b. B r a u n s c h w e i g (Hieronymus), of Str assburg. Handiwork of surgery * 16th cent. 3939. Breadebancke ( ), of Nottingham. Receipt for stopping a flow of blood, 16th cent. 75, f. 185. B r a u t (L—), of Leyden. Thesis for a medical degree at Leyden, 1592. 64, ff. 112b-114. B r a v u s (Joannes), Professor of Medicine at Salamanca. Medical treatises, 1582. Lat. 366, ff. 137-158. B r a w d e (Thomas). Collection of medicines for men and horses, 15th cent. Imperf. 372. B r a y (Thomas), Founder of the Societies for promoting Christian Knoa ledge and for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Farts. Papers relating to, 1731. 4051, ff. 310-314 b. B r a y b r o k e , Family of 13th cent. 986. Cartularium, B r a y e (John). Practica medicina?, 14th cent. 521, ff. 128-159 b. Pillulse ad omnia vulnera ubicunque, 14th cent. 521, f. 159 b. Synonyma de nominibus herbarum, 15th cent. 282, f. 167 b-173 b. B r a y e r (Nicolaus). Prescription pour la Comtesse de Roussy, 17th cent. 1562, f. 35. bread, B r e d a , in the Netherlands. Correspondence of the University with the Count of Nassau Dillenburg, 1651. Lat. 427, ff. 59-64. B r e d a , Treaty of. Forms for comprehending certain states in the treaty of Charles II. with the kings of France and Denmark, and t h e United Provinces, 1667. Lat. 1001, f. 1. _. . Protest against the French Governor of Barbados for non-compliance with, 1668. Fr. and Engl. 1519, ff. 234, 236. B r e d e r o d e , Family of. Autographs of, in album, 1579-1582. 8 5 1 . B r e d e r o d e (Reynhout de). Verses to F. Rapheleng, 1582. Lat. draft. 2764, f. 171. B r e d w e l l (Stephen), Physician of London. Diarium practicum, 1592-1607. 275 M. Glover's late woeful case together with her joyful deliverance, written by, 1603. 8 3 1 . B r e k e n d a l e (N—). v. Brakindemensis (Nicolaus). v. Bi eynius (Joannes B r e m e n , Duchy of. Collectanea de, 18th cent. 2886, ff. 30-34. B r a z i l , Empire of. Tractado da provincia do, 17th cent. 2026. History of J . de Lery's voyage to, in 1577, translated by Dr. D.v Foote, 1674. 608, ff. 151-191 b. B r ^ m o n d (Francois de), de VAcademic Royale des Sciences, Paris. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1739, 1740. Fr. 4056, ff. 145, 250. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 17JJ. Fr. 4069, f. 32. B r a y n e ( J — P—). Philippus). INDEX. 76 B r e n n e r (Elias). Numismata Suecorum collecta et depicta ab, 1674. 3425. B r e n t {Sir Nathanael), Warden of Merton College, Oxford. Extracts from his translation of Fra P. Sarpi's history of the council of Trent, by Lord Derby, 1645. 874, ff. 1 7 b - 8 9 . Brentford and Forth, Earl of. v. Ruthven (Patrick). B r e r e t o n , of Brereton, Formerly owned MS. 285. Family of. B r e r e t o n (Sir John), King's Serjeant, Ireland. Legal opinion on questions submitted by Lord Falkland, 1627. 3827, f. 104. B r e s l a u , in Silesia. Compendium medicines, a quodam M. D. Vratislaviensi, 17th cent. Engl 208. Synopsis annalium physico-medicorum Wratislaviensium, Jan. - Jun., 1725. 4078, if. 160-163. B r e w e r (Samuel), Botanist. Letters t o Sir H. Sloane, 1728-173f. 4050, ff. 1, 24, 35, 120, 172; 4051, ff. 12, 166, 265, 267 ; 4052, ff. 125, 158 ; 4053, ff. 30, 264; 4054, ff. 17, 134, 152, 1 6 6 ; 4076, f. 340. Letter to Dandridge, 1731. 4051, f. 266. Letter to, from J. J. Dillenins, n. d. 4066, f. 322. B r e w e r (Thomas). Scheuchzer, 1727. Letter to Dr. J. G. 4066, f. 9. B r e w s e (Dame Susanna), daughter of Sir Gliperbye Gawdy, and wife of Sir John Brevjse of Wreniham. Letter to Dr. Sherwood, circ. 1640 118, f. 120. B r e w s t e r (Christopher), of Burnham, co. Norf. Letters to J . Petiver, with list of curiosities sent him by the same, 1712. 3321,ff.286, 287 ; 4065, f. 50. Bressey ( ) . Methode pour bien dresser les chevaux, 1668. 3741. B r e w s t e r (Sir Francis), Alderman of Dublin. Letter to W. Sloane, n. d. 4066, f. 270. B r e s t (Vincent). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1728, n. d. Fr. and Engl. 4049, f. 212 ; 4058, f. 64. B r e w s t e r (John), Beadle of the Apothecaries9 Society. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1707. 40401, f. 378. Bret ( ), Facultatis Medicines in Uni- - B r e y n i u s (Dr. Jacobus). Catalogue of versitate Parisiensi major apparitor et seeds sent to, 18th cent. 3323, f. 45. scriba. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1741. Letter to J . Petiver, n. d. 4066, Lat. and Fr. 4056, f. 360 ; 4057, f. 36. f. 271. B r e t o n (Nicholas). Poem called " T h e Letter to, from J. Petiver, n. d. Countesse of Penbrookes passion," 16th 4067, f. 81. cent. 1303, if. 6 0 - 7 1 . — B r e y n i u s (Joannes Philippus), filius B r e t t (Sir Ko—). Verses on his tomb, Jacobi. Observatio botanica, 18th cent. by F. Thory, 17th cent. 1768, f. 88. 4025, f. Q2. B r e t t e n (Mary), of Long Acre, London. Historia naturalis cocci radicum Letter to, concerning treatment of plaguetinctorii emendata, 18th cent. 4026, infected persons, circ. 1678. 2151, f. f. 3. 27 b. Letters to J . Petiver, 1694, 1713, and n. d. Orig. and Copies. Lat. B r e v i n t (Charlotte). Grant to, of letters 3321,ff.9-13, 24, 53, 87, 91, 101, 106, of naturalization, 1682. Lat. 2655, 116, 120, 122, 124, 138, 177, 266, 270 f. 155. 3322, ff. 1, 16, 32, 156-160. Brewer ( ). The harmony of Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1704heavenly mysteries answerable each to 1742. Fr., Engl, and Lat. 3984, f . other, according t o , 17th cent. 648, 274; 4026, f 245 ; 4039,ff.282, 369 ; . f. 152. 4042,ff.344-351 b; 4043,ff.98, 197, Brewer ( ) . Information respecting 222; 4044, f 171; 4045,ff.33, 117, . the cause of Episcopacy, 1640. 1467, 147 ; 4046,ff.1, 110 ; 4048,ff.110, 214, ff. 135-138. 250; 4049,ff.130, 252; 4050,ff.90, Brewer ( ), M.D., of Hungary. 234; 4051,ff.25, 102, 240, 242 ; 4052, Medical case of Count F. Chaki, 1667. ff. 12, 106, 166, 324; 4053,ff.84, 321; Lai. 2880, f. 223. 4054, f 108 ; 4055, f 232 ; 4056,ff.96, . . 137, 277, 286, 348; 4057,ff.61, 79,140. B r e w e r (James), M.I)., of Beading. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1699-1700. Letteis to, from Sir H. Sloane, 4025, ff. 51-61. 1737, 1740. 4068, f 321 ; 4069, f 45. . . INDEX. 77 Briasson ( ), Bookseller at Paris. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1743. Fr. 4057, ff. 181, 198, 202, 218. • Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 174§, 1743. Fr. 4069, ff. 75, 76. B r i c e {Madam ). Horoscope, 1654. 2282, f. 22. B r i e e (Edmund). Translation of T. Mundanus' reply to E. Dickenson on the Quintessence of the Philosophers, circ. 1692. 3762, ff. 32-63. B r i g a n t i (Annibale), Physician of Chieti. Translation of N. Monardes' tracts on medical substances imported from the West Indies and on remedies against poison, 17th cent. Ital. 253. B r i e i u s , &, Episcopus et Confessor. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, f. 84 b. B r i g g s (William), M.D., Physician to William III. Letters to him, 1681. 123, ff. 2, 6, 7, 7 b, 10. B r i g g s (Henry), Professor of Geometry at Gresham College. Logarithmorum chilias prima, 17th cent. Printed and MS. 917, ff. 66-77 b. General use of his Logarithms, by E. Gunter, 17th cent. 910. B r i c k e n d e n (Richard). Owned, in 16 80, MS. 1687. B r i d e , 8. v. Bridget, 8. Brightman ( ). Medical receipts for, 1681. 1485, ff. 109, 110, 112 b. Bridewell, B r i g s t o c k e (O—), of Carmarthen. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1731. 4052, f. 52. v. London. B r i d g e (Thomas), Moderator on behalf of the Inhabitants of New Providence. Letter to the Duke of Albemarle, 1688. 3984, f. 166. B r i d g e m a n (Capt. Richard), Commander of the " Turkey Merchant" of London. Journal of voyage to Antigua, 1680. 978, ff. 49-58 b. B r i d g e m a n {Sir Orlando), Lord Keeper. Letter to J. Rush worth, 1647. 1519, f. 172. Speech on opening Parliament, 1667. 3251, f. 7. B r i d g e s (John), Bookseller, of Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1697, 1721. 4036, f. 3 6 9 ; 4046, f. 95. B r i d g e s (William). Workman to A. Godfrey. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4046, f. 362. B r i d g e s (William), Secretary of the Stamp Office. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4054, f. 60. B r i d g e t , S.y Princess of Nericia in Sweden. " E x t r a c t a de libris Revelationum Dei Beate Birgitte, , , 15th cent. 982. Legend of St. Bride's orisons, 15th cent. 3548, f. 118 b. The fifteen prayers of, 17th cent. 467, ff. 28-36. B r i d g e w a t e r , co. Som. Account of an earthquake at, by H. Heathfield, 1680. 3822, f. 170 b. B r i d g m a n (Col. ). Accompts of his Company till 1 May, 1688. 2280, ff. 1 b, 36 b. Bridlington Bridlington. 1802. (John de), &, Prior of Prophecies, 17th cent. B r i n c k (William), Secretary to Lady Portland. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1720, 1726. 4045, ff. 345, 351 ; 4046, f. 17 ; 4048, f. 206. Briot ( ). Extracts from his Miscellanea, relating to Natural Science, 1626. Fr. 3426, ff. 1-28. B r i s c o e (John). Satirical translation of his congratulatory poem on William III., 17th cent. 1709, f. 116. B r i s s i a (Guliermus de). Brixiensis. v. Gulielmus, B r i s s o t u s (Petrus). Qusedam de venae sectione ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 2 3 2 236. B r i s t o l , cos. Glouc. and Som. Accounts of, by G. Bonnivert, late 17th cent. Fr. 1028, ff. 71 b, 84, 87 b. Account of the effects of the water of St. Vincent's Well in a variety of cases, by a medical practitioner, circ. 1640. 640, ff. 340-351. Letter on the cures at St. Vincent's Well, circ. 1640. 79, f. 110. Letters relative to the condition of, 164$. 1519, ff. 60, 61. Warrant for leasing Redcrosse Manor in, to Sir B. Gascoigne, 1661. 856, f. 8. B r i s t o l , Bishop (John). B r i s t o l , Earl of. of. v. Thornborough v. Digby (John). B r i s t o w (Thomas), Roman Catholic Priest. Arraignment for high treason, 1582. 1132, ff. 1-13. Britain, v. England. 78 INDEX. B r i t o (Gulielmus), Monk of Roche Abbey, co. York. Vocabularium Biblie, 13th cent. 3319. B r i t t a n i c u s . Letter thus signed to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 65. B r i t t a n y . Excerpta e magna historia Britannia? A rmoricanse, 16th cent. 1301, f. 185. Description of, late 17th cent. 1039, f. 73. B r o a d g a t e (Richard). Royal letters to the Dean and Chapter of Gloucester commendatory of him to be Almsman, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 34 b. B r o b e r g i u s (Nicolaus Erasmi). Letter to, from B . Severinius, 1659. 2870, f. 63. B r o c a r d (——). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. 4058, f. 67. B r o m e f i e l d M a n o r , co. Denbigh. Objections by the gentlemen of co. Denbigh to the grant of, to Lord Portland, 1695. 3962, f. 53. B r o m e l i u s (Magnus), M.D., Collegii Regit llolmensis Adsessor. Letter' to J . Petiver, 1709. Fr. and Lat. Orig. and Transl. 3337, f. 7 0 ; 4064, f. 198. Bromfield ( -), of Holbom, London. Letter to, from Lady Leicester, [ 1 6 9 8 1702]. 4078, f. 184. Bromhall MS. 95. (Richard). B r o m l e y (George), owned MS 1521. Bromley (George), owned MS. 1521. Formerly owned Jun. Sen. Formerly Formerly B r o m l e y (Thomas). " Sermon from Mount Olive," 17th cent. 2569, f. 78. B r o c h e b o u r d e (Peter), of Siam. Letters t o E . Ka^mpfer, 1690. Dutch. 2910, f. 209 ; 3064, f. 23. B r o m l e y (William), Secretary of State. Letters from Vienna to, from S. Clement, 1713, 1714. 3811,ff.42 b-90, passim. B r o c k (Francis), M.D. Physical and philosophical collections, 17th cent. Autogr. 1064. Answer to a thesis of Dr. F. Glisson, 1653. Lat. 3310, ff. 211-217. B r o m s a l l (Thomas), of Blunham near Biggleswade. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1732, I73f 4052, f. 117 ; 4055, f. 35. B r o c k e t (W[illia]m), Clerk to the Governors of Christ's Hospital, London. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1740. 4056,ff.239, 261. Brockwell ( ), M.D. Answers to theses of Dr. F. Glisson, 17th cent. Lat. 3307, ff. 63-68, 210-212. B r o m w i e h (Edmund). Letters to J . Petiver, 1710-1713, and n. d. 4064, ff. 230, 2 6 0 ; 4065, f. 139 ; 4066, f. 273. B r o d e u s (Jo—). Formerly owned MS. 2412. B r o d r i c k {Lady Alice), daughter of Alan, 1st Viscount Midleton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1732. 4052, f. 142. B r o d r i c k (Mary), wife of Alan, 2nd Viscount Midleton. Letter to, from her brother, Lord Es^ex, n. d. 4066, f. 295. B r o m w i e h (Anthony), M.D. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1695. 4036, f. 207. B r o n c h o n e (Henrick van). Acknowledgment of receipt" of money from, by the Burgomasters of Ley den, 1573. Dutch. 2764, f. 195. B r o n i U S (Johannes), Professor Publiac Eloquentize in Academia ad Albim. Collegium progymnasmatico - oratorium, 1678. 1371,ff.1-73 b. B r o n z i n o , II. v. Allori " II Bronzino." (kg\\o\o),ccdled B r o o k (William). Papers and letters on education, 17th cent. 1466, passim. B r o o k e , Baron, v. Greville (Francis). B r o e c k e (Petrus Adrianus van den), Professor of Public Eloquence at Pisa. Compendium orationis de Virgine assumpta habitse ab, 17th cent. 524, ff. 18-20 b. B r o o k e , Barons Cobham. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 100 b. B r o e k h u i s e n (Jan van). Scholia in antiquas inscriptiones per S. V. Pighium ex autographo descriptse, 17th cent. 3269. B r o k e , v. Brooke. B r o o k e (Chid—), of New York. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1695. 4036, f. 211. Brom ( ), M.D. Formula remediorum receptee ex, 1595. 574, A. f. 32 b. B r o o k e {Sir Bazill), Governor of Donegal Town and Castle. Petition to Lord Falkland, n. d. 3827, f. 201. B r o o k e (David), Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Letter t o the University of Cambridge, 1556. Lat. Copy. 3562, f. 67. TNDEX. 79 B r o o k e (Henry), 8th Baron Cob'iam. Horoscope, 1564-1601. 1697, f. 55. B r o w n ( J — ) , of Paris. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [173J]. 4052, f. 69. B r o o k e (Humphrey), M.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. " Conservatory of health," circ. 1650. Extracts. 118, ff. 228, 229, 240, 244, 245, 248-251 b. B r o w n (John), Surgeon in Ordinary to Charles II. and William III. Syllabus musculorum in theatre Chirurgico Londinensi exhibitorum, 17th cent. 1761, ff. 7 4 b - 8 5 . Letter to, from Dr. H. Power, 1668. 3515, f. 59. B r o o k e (Ralph), York Herald. Excerpts from his book of visitations of churches, 16th cent. 1301, f. 377. B r o o k e (William), bth Baron Cobham. Instructions to, as Ambassador to the Low Countries, 1578. .2442, f. 89. B r o o k e s {Sir Bazill). v. Brooke. B r o o k e s {Br. Thomas), Preacher at Fish Street Hill. A defence of the new Directory, 1647. 55, ff. 21-69 b. B r o o k s b y (Thomas Forbes), M.D., of Westminster. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 69. B r o t i u s (Arnold). Letter to Dr. C. Kinner, 1648. Lett. Copy. 649, f. 26. B r o u c k h u s i u s (James). v. Broekhuisen. Brough ( ). " Indents " for stores for Tangier, 1661. 1956, ff. 90-93. B r o u g h t o n (Elizabeth), widow of Sir Brian Broughton, 3rd Bart, of Broughton. Postscript to a letter from her apothecary to Sir H. Sloane, 1739. 4078, f. 206 b. Letter t i Sir H. Sloane, l 7 f § . Imperf. 4034, f. 265. B r o u g h t o n (Hugh). Works, 18th cent. 3088. B r o u g h t o n (Johannes) Disputationes in libros Aristotelis de generatione et corruptione, 1604. 2583. Broun ( ), M.D. Dictata collegii theoretici de medicina, 1693. 3872. B r o u n b e l l (John), M.D., Physician in Paris. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 23. B r o u n c k e r (William), 2nd Viscount Brouncker. Alchemical process, 17th cent. 3733, f. 70 b. Letter to, from Sir C. Wren, 1663. 2903, ff. 104-106. Notice of the election of his successor, as President of the Royal Society, 1677. 1942, ff. 1-3. B r o u n e (Alexander)* Medical commonplace book, 1683. 1811. B r o w n {Dr. twin sons, 166$. ). Horoscope of his 2282, f. 3 b. B r o w n (John), Philomath. Description and use of an ordinary joint rule, 1676. 911, ff. 65-83. B r o w n (Ricardus), Bacidarias. owned MS. 3453. Formerly B r o w n (Richard), of Gloucester. Bond to, from J. Hill, 1579. 2497, f. 33. B r o w n (Thomas). Letter Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 71. to Sir H. B r o w n (William), Attorney at Bath, and afterw. Physician in Jamaica. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 1 | , 1730. 4045, f. 183 ; 4051, f. 64. B r o w n b i l l (1£—). Letter to Sloane, 1722. 4046, f. 298. Sir H. B r o w n e , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 42. Browne ( ). Extracts from his book of evidences and seals, 16th cent. 1301, f. 65. Browne ( ), of co. Hunt. Receipt prescribed for, for purging the stomach, late 17th cent. 1087, f. 21. Browne ( ), nephew to Dr. F. Glisson. Letter to, from J. Carr, 1671. 2251, f. 104. Browne ( ), Captain. Abstract of journal by, of voyage from England to Bantam, 1671. 3668, f. 161. Browne ( ), Navy Surgeon. Journal of his voyage, from Madras to the Cape of Good Hope, 1691-1692. Imperf. 1689. B r o w n e {Sir Anthony), K.G., Master of the Horse. Examination of, touching Princess Mary's submission to Henry VIII., 1536. 1786, ff. 66 b-68. Character of, 17th cent. 1523, f. 35 b. B r o w n e (Anthony), 1st Viscount Montague. Memorial as Commissioner at Bruges, of matters for' the conference with Spain, 1564. 2442, ff. 2 8 - 3 3 . B r o w n e (Anthony), Serjeant-at-Law. Errors in Statute of 25 Edw. III., conceived by, 1596. 2716, ff. 1-37. 80 INDEX. B r o w n e (Christopher), map-seller in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, afterw. of Chiltkorne near Yeovil, co. Som. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 f 4055, f. 46. B r o w n e (D—), M.D. 17th cent. 1219. Flores medicinae, B r o w n e {Dame Dorothy), wife of Sir T. Browne. Letters to her son, Edward, 7i. d. 4066, ff. 275, 276. B r o w n e (Edward), of Ipswich, New England. Con espondence with N. Wallinton, 1644, 1645. 922, ff. 144 b, 145 b. B r o w n e (Edward), M.D., son of Sir Thos. Browne, M.D. Miscellaneous papers, 17th cent. 1911-1913. Notes of his tour through the west and centre of England, 1662. 1900, ff. 36-59 b. Journal in Norwich and Paris, 1663-1664. 1906, ff. 1-159. Journal of his travels on the Continent, 1664-1665. 1886. — Journal of his travels in Holland. Germany, and Austrin, 1668 - 1669. 1908, ff. 1-85. Observations in his Continental travels, 1669. 1855, ff. 2-54. Notes during travels in Hungary, 1669. 1922, ff. 1-29. Itinerary of his journey from Venetia to Vienna, 1669. 1922, f. 31 b. Medical treatises, 17th cent. 1900, ff. 8-21, 22-30. Observations on several subjects for his use, by his father Sir T. Browne, 17th cent. 1879, ff. 1-57. Medical commonplace books, 17th cent. 1 8 3 3 ; 1849. Medical daybooks, 1666, 1667. 1892, ff. 7-58 ;—1667-1673. Lat., Engl. and Fr. 1 8 9 5 ; — 1675-1678. 1865, ff. 62-98 ; — 17th cent. 1906, ff. 1 7 4 179, 184-193b. Anatomical observations, 1668. 1865, f. 100. Anatomical lectuies, 1675-1678. 1914. Lectures on the muscles, 16871698. 1915, A. B. Catalogue of plants, 17th cent. Lat. and Engl. 1797, ff. 5 4 - 7 1 . List of mineral productions sent to, by J. Donellan, 1669. 1922, f. 32. Litterae de ejus gradu Baccalaureatus in Medicina, n. d. 1797, f. 2 b. Letter in recommendation of, from A. Houenner, 1668. 1908, f. 98. B r o w n e (Edward), M.D., son of Sir Thos. Browne, M.D. (continued). Letters to his father, brother and sister, 1664-1682. 1861, ff. 2 2 - 8 8 ; 1868; 1911-1913. Letter to Signor Druibestein, 1668. 1908, f. 98 b. Letters to, from his father, 17th cent. 1833, f. 22 b ; 1847 ; 1878. Letters to, from Sir Thomas and Lady Dorothy, his parents, n. d. 4066, ff. 275, 276. Letters to, from H. Panzer, 1669. 1911-1913, ff. 115, 116. Letter to, from H. Oldenburg, 1669. 1911-1913, ff. 118, 120. Letter to, from J. Fairfax, 1669. 1911-1913, f. 122. Letter to, from J. Barrodale, 1669. 1911-1913, f. 124. Letter to, from J. Verryn, 1669. Lat. 1922, f. 56. Letters to, from J. Donellan, 1670. 1911-1913, ff. 126-129 b. Letter to, from J. Badham, 1702. 1911-1913, f. 138. Letter to, from M. Morillon, n. d. Fr. 1911-1913, f. 125. Letter to, from T. Craven, n. d. 1911-1913, f 130. Letter to, from G. Havles, n. d. 1911-1913, f. 133. Copy of hi* Will by Smith, 1708. 3914, f. 112. Wrote MSS. 1892; 1900; 1905; 1906; 1908. Owned MSS. 1797 ; 1825-1828 ; 1830; 1 8 3 1 ; 1 8 3 3 ; 1834; 1 8 3 6 - 1 8 3 9 ; 1841-1849; 1851-1857; 1859-1870; 1872-1923. B r o w n e (Elizabeth). MS. 560. Formerly owned B r o w n e (George), Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1706. Lat. 4040, f. 176. B r o w n e (George). 560. Formerly owned MS. B r o w n e ( J — ) . Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 72. B r o w n e (John). Letters to, from his pupil, J. Cosin, 1614. Lat. 3562, ff. 102, 103. B r o w n e (John). 1101. Formerly owned MS. B r o w n e (John), M.D. Letter to the College of Physicians, 1696. 4026, f. 432. INDEX. B r o w n e (Joseph), of Bow Street. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1707. 4040, f. 353. B r o w n e (Joseph). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1729, 1731. 4050, f. 1 3 6 ; 4051, f. 261. B r o w n e (Martin), Surgeon. Ointment for a sore bloodshot eve, 17th cent. 785, f.Q. B r o w n e (Nicholas). Wrote, in 1532, MS. 776. B r o w n e (Richard). Date of his birth, 1 June, 1633. 1394, f. 171. B r o w n e (Richard), M.D., of London. Bond with Drs. Guide and Greenfield and J. Peche, 1682. 2655, f 154. Release to Drs. Guide, Greenfield, Crelle, and Peche, 1687. 2655, f. 156. Conveyance of lease from, to Drs. Guide, Greenfield and Peche, 1687. 2655, f. 157. B r o w n e (Samuel), Surgeon at Fort St. George. Accounts of his 6th Book of E. Indian plants by J. Petiver, 17th cent. Imperf. 2941, f. 13. — Letters to J. Petiver, 1698. 3321, f. 17 ; 4062, ff. 288-291 b. Letter to, from G. J. Camellus, 1699. Span, with Engl, transl. 4062, ff. 294-296 b. B r o w n e (T—). Poem on several pieces of painting in the Duke of Buckingham's gallerv at York house, 17th cent. 542, f. 52." B r o w n e (Thomas), Chaplain to the Princess of Orange. Warrant appointing him Provost of Eton, 1661. 856, f. 36 b. B r o w n e (Sir Thomas), M.D., of Norwich. Miscellanies, 17th cent. Autogr. 1 8 2 7 ; 1839. Sentential ethicas, 17th cent. Autogr. 1860. Observations by, on several subjects for his son Edward's use, 17th cent. 1879, ff. 1-57. Excerpts from works of Dr. Caius, printed in 1556 at Louvain, 17th cent. 1846, ff. 204-213. Account of Iceland, 1663. 1912, f. 15. Remarks upon Ostend and Newport, n. d. 1912, f. 57. Observations on uncommon animals discovered in Norfolk, 17th cent. 1830, ff. 5-38. Account of tombs in Norwich Cathedral, 17th cent. Autogr. 1885, ff. 1-4, 33-41. SLOANE INDEX. 81 B r o w n e (Sir Thomas), M.D., of Norwich (continued). Account of a thunder storm at Norwich, 1665. 1866, f. 2. Observations on plants in the Bible, 17th cent. Autogr. 1841. Essays from his "Christian Morals," 17th cent. Autogr. 1885, ff. 5-32. Commonplace-books, 17th cent. Autogr. 1 8 4 3 ; 1 8 4 8 ; 1 8 4 9 ; 1862; 1 8 6 6 ; 1 8 6 9 ; 1 8 7 4 ; 1875; 1882. • Prescriptions for Lad)r Maidstone, 1670. 1833, f. 119. Private expenses, 1661. 1871, B. ff. 13-15. Observations on his " Religio Medici," by Sir K. Digby, 1642. 904, ff. 222-239 b. Reflections on his book " Cyrus his garden," by Dr. H. Power, 1659. 1326, f. 17. Observations on his " Pseudodoxia Epidemica " by Sir H. l'Estrange, 17th cent. 1839, ff. 50-91. Extracts from his " Enquiries into vulgar errors," 17th cent. 1189. Short extracts from the same, Bk. i., 17th cent. 799. — Catalogus librorutn in ejus Musaeo clauso, 17th cent. 3413, ff. 22-26. Catalogue of plants in his " Miscellaneous Tracts," 1683. 2346. ff. 179 b 181. Letters and papers on various subjects, 17th cent. Autogr. 1827; 1847. Letters to Sir W. Dugdale, 1658, 165f. 1911-1913, ff. 103, 106. Correspondence with his son, Dr. T. Browne, 1666, 1667. 1745, ff. 2-10, 13-15, 17-19. Letters to Dr. Merrett, 1668-1669. 1830, ff. 5-44; 1833, f. 14. Letter to Jenkinson, 1669. 1833, f. 18. Letters to his son, Dr. E. Browne, 1671, n. d. 1833, f. 22 b ; 1847 ; 1878 ; 4066, ff. 275, 276. Letter to Dr. Plot, n. d. 1929, ff. 24-25. . Letter to Dr. H. Power, n. d. 3515, f. 60. Letters to, from Dr. H. Power, 1646-1659. 1326, f. 1 7 ; 1911-1913, ff. 76-83 b. Letters to, from I. Grater, 16491675. Lat. 4062, ff. 138, 141-144 b, 146,149, 185. Letter to, from J. Merry weather, 1649. 4062, f. 139. 82 INDEX. B r o w n e (Sir Thomas) M.D.} of Norwich (continued). Letters to, from T. Jonas, 1651-1664. Lat. 1911-1913, ff. 86, 88, 92. :— Letters to, from J. Windet, 1651. Lat. 4077, ff. I l l , 116. Letter to, from B. Harney, 1654. 1911-1913, f. 94. Letter to, from W. How, 1655. 1911-1913, f. 84. Letters to, from Sir W. Dugfdale, 1658, 1659. 1911-1913, ff. 96-102 b, 104, 108. Letter to, from R. Robinson, 1659. 1911-1913, f. 110. • Letter to, from R. Wolverton, 1660. Lat. 4062, f. 147. Letter to, from S. St. Hill, 1661. 4062, f. 154. Letter to, from Escaliot, 1 6 6 | . 1861,ff.5 - 2 1 . Letters to, from his son Edward, 1664-1682. 1861,ff.22-88; 1868; 1911. •~ Letter to, from A. von Berckel, 1665. Lat. 4062, f. 162. Letters to, from Dr. Merrett, 1668, 1669. 1830,ff.1, 3. Letter to, from J . Maplet, 1668. Lat. 4062, f 168. Letter to, from W. Makdougal, 1669. 1911-1913, f. 117. Letter to, from J. Donellan, 1669. 1911-1913, f. 127. Letter to, from J. Wakeman, 1670. 1911-1913, f. 112. • Letter to, from N. Bacon, n. d. Lat. 4066, f. 258. Letter to, from W. Cooke, n. d. 1911-1913, f. 113. Letter to, from Lord Maidstone, n. d. 4066, f. 342. Letter to, from R. Shorte, n. d. Lat. 4067, f. 150. . Formerly owned MSS. 1 7 9 7 ; 1 8 2 5 - 1 8 2 8 ; 1 8 3 0 ; 1 8 3 3 ; 1834; 18361 8 3 9 ; 1841-1849; 1851-1857; 1 8 5 9 1870; 1872-1923. B r o w n e (Thomas), Jun.} M.D. Excerpta varia, 17th cent. Autogr. 1 8 4 5 ; 1846. Voyage and journey from Bordeaux to Paris, and the Thames to Falmouth, 1662. 1745, ff. 22-29, 31-37. Journal of his voyage wi'h Sir J. Smith to Alicante, Tangier, etc., 1665. 1833, A. • Account of his journey into Kent with Dr. Plot, 1693. 1899 ; 1911-1913, f. 195. B r o w n e (Thomas), Jun., M.D. (continued). Correspondence with his father, Sir Thomas, 1666,1667. 1745, ff. 2-10, 13-15, 17-19. Letter to, from T. Darney, 1704. 1911-1913, f. 140. B r o w n e (Thomas), of Bedford. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4077, f. 89. B r o w n e (Thomas), Poeta Londinensis. Carmen, 18th cent. Lmperf. 3516, f. 55. B r o w n e (William), M.D. Book of medical recipes, 1558. 145. B r o w n e (William). Bill of payments made bv, for Broke, 16th cent. 748, f. 63 b. B r o w n e (William). Poems, 17th cent. Copies. 542, f. 60 b ; 1446, ff. 65, 6Q. B r o w n e (Sir William), M. P., of King's Lynn. Letteis to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 2 5 1734. 40+8, f. 6 0 ; 4053, ff. 92, 209. Letter to Dr. J. Hollings, 1734. 4053, f. 209. B r o w n r i g g (William), M.D, of Whitehaven. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1741, 1742. 4034, f. 267 ; 4057, ff. 78, 92. B r o x o l m e (Noel), Physician to the Prince of Wules. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1722]. 4058, f. 74. Letter lelative to inoculation for the small pox to Dr. Scheuchzer, 1729. 406, B. f. 32. Carmen ad ejus natal- m diem, 18th cent. 3516, f. 157. B r u e e (Anthony), Apothecary. Suit against Sir F. Lawley, 17th cent. 1823, f. 34. B r u e e (Edward), 1st Baron Kinloss. Letter to, from F. Bacon, 1603. 3078, f. 33 b. B r u c e (Edward), 2nd Baron Kinloss. Medical case, 1612. 640, ff. 321 b, 334. B r u c e (James), Presbyterian Minister at KUleleajh, co. Down. Letters to Sir H. Sloane,' 1704, 1725. 4039, f. 4 0 5 ; 4048, f. 5 1 . B r u c e (Robert), King of Scotland, v. Scotland, Sovereigns of. B r u c e (Robert), 1st Earl of Aileshury. Letters to Dr. Downes, 1674. 203, ff. 13, 15. B r u c k m a n (Dr. Franz Ernst), of Wolffenbiittel. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1738-1742. 4055, f. 346 ; 4056, f. 297. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1738, .1740. Lat. 4069, ff. 9, h2. B r u d e n e l l (Dominus Thomas), of Deane. Extracts from his charters, 17th cent. 1429, ff. 1 0 6 b - 1 1 3 . 83 INDEX. B r u e n (G—), Chaplain to Sir S. Barnardiston, Burt. Letters to Sir H. Sioane, 1705 and n. d. 4040, f. 93 ; 4058, f. 76. Brunswick - Liineburg, B r u e r , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. Fragm. 1008, f. 12 b. Brunswick - Liineburg - Wolffen- Brugys. v. Brydges. B r u i n , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 43. B r u k i u s (Johannes). Adumbratio brevis eorum quae >n linguarum studio hactenus desiderari videntur, 17th cent. 6 4 9 , f. 285. Brun ( ) , Jun.9 Professor of Medicine at Avignon. Letters to Sir H. Sioane, 1713, 1714. Fr. 4043, ff. 162, 284. Letter t o , from Sir H. Sioane, 1714. Fr. 4U68, f. 90. Brunellus ( ) . Treatise on wounds, with commentary, 15th cent. 3532, ff. 1-11, 12-32. Duke of. John Frederic. Letter to Charles I I . , 1668. Lat. 1001, f. 14. b i i t t e l , Dukes of. Henry IV. Junior. Vita, 1514-1568. Germ. 2885,ff.9 3 158. Frederic Ulric, Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 8. Henry Julius. Autograph of Elizabeth, his wife, in album, 1610. 3416, f. 5. Brunswick - Liineburg - Wolffenbiittel, Christian, son of Duke Hen>y Julius. Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 10 b. Brunswick - Liineburg - Wolffenbiittel, Dorothy, daughter of Duke Henry 1610. Julius. Autogiaph 3416, f. 13. in album, Brunswick - Liineburg - WolfFenbiittel, Joachim Charles, son of Duke Julius. Autograph in album, lb'10. 3416, f. 7 b. B r u n e n t h o n u s (Franciscus). M.D., of Muntpe Her. Tabulse de optima ratione utenili medicamentis, 1553. 3045, ff. 140-169. Brunswick - Liineburg - Wolffen- Brunet ( ), Chirurgien de Geneve. Sonnet a, 17th cent. 3940, f. 18. Brunswick - Liineburg - Wolffenbiittel, Philip Sigismund, 2nd son of Duke Julius. Letter to, as Bishop of Verden, from J . Caselius, 1588. Lat. 2882, f. 48 b. Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 6. B r u n f e l s (Otto). Translation of his 41 Almanack " by J. Ryckes, 1536. 1037, ff. 29-40 b. B r u n i (Benignus de). Conclusiones de lapidis philosophorum veritate, 17th cent. 3644, ff. 68-77. b i i t t e l , H e d w i g , daughter of Duke Henry Julius. Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 12. Brunswick - Liineburg - WolfFen- b i i t t e l , R u d o l p h , son of Duke Henry Julius Autograph in album, 1610. 3416, f. 10 b. B r u n u s , Longoburgensis. Cyrurgia, 14th B r u n i n c k (C— A— de), of Leipzig. cent. 3018, ff. 65-96. Autograph in album, 1694. 2360, f. 63. B r u s , Family of. Notes of the pedigree, B r u n k e r {Sir W—). v. Brouncker 16th cent. ' 1301, f. 32. (William), 2nd Viscount Brouncker. B r u s h (Thomas), Gardener and PractiB r u n n (Johannes Jacobus a ) , M.D. tioner in Mathematics. Application of Sy.-tema materia? medicae, 17th cent. arithmetic and geometry t o t h e art of Extracts. 1166, ff. 154-174. making ground plots, 17th cent. 3 8 8 1 , f. _'. B r u n n b e r g e r (Christophorus), PomeTieatise on rabdology, 17th cent. rauus. Letter to J. C. Fabricius, «. d. 3881, f. 8 b. Lat. 2144, f. 129. Mathematical problems relating to B r u n n e r (Joannes Conradus). Letters horology, 1643. Autogr. 3937. to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1680. Lat. 2729, Brusquet ( de), J< ster t-> Henri IT. ff. 54, 62, 233. of France. Mocking letter to Ruy _ Letter to Sir H. Sioane, n. d. Fr. Gomez da Sylvas and the Mareschal de transl. 4058, f. 78. St. Andre, circ. 1558. Fr. 2764, f. 82. B r u n i e r (Guillaume), of Wrote, in 1457, MS. 3195. Montpellier. B r u t j e n (Johanna). B r u n s m a n d (Johan). Catalogue of Leyden, circ. 1672. MSS. in his library, 1707. Lat. and 48b-51. Dan. 2887, ff. 4 3 - 5 1 . Medical case a t Lat. 2825, ff. G 2 84 INDEX. B r u t o n (William). News from the East Indies, 1638. Extract 948, ff. 79-87 b. B r u y e r e (Nicolas). Wrote MS. 58. B u c k (Jacomo). Owned, in 1676, MS. 1109. B r u y n s w y k e (Hieronymus). v. Braunschweig (Hieronymus). Buckeridge ( ). Letter to, from Dr. W. Cowper, n. d. 3408, f. 175. B u c k f a s t l e i g h A b b e y , co. Devon. Statuta et ordinationes, 15th cent. Imperf. 513, ff. 200 b-220 b. Computus expensarum, 15th cent. Fragment. 513, f. 221. Bruzen L a Martiniere (Antoine Augustin), Geographer to the King of Spain. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1734. Fr. 4053, f. 191. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1734. Fr. 4068, f. 228. B r y a n , Family of. 1301, f. 42 b. Notes of, 16th cent. B r y a n (Sir Edward). Instructions to, as Commissioner to Guisnes and Calais, 1551. 2442, f. 68. B r y a n (George), of Northall, co. Middl. Penance for adultery, 1568. 1710, f. 161. B r y a n (Richard), Sub-Poet to George II. Verses addressed to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 3516, ff. 110-113, 134. B r y d g e s (James), Is* Duke of Chandos. M&noire a, envoye de Geneve, 1723. 3299, f. 156. --= Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 2 1 1734. 4046, if. 152, 156, 2 1 8 ; 4051, f. 7 ; 4052, f. 2 3 9 ; 4053, f. 316. Letter to Lord Cadogan, 1727. 4066, f. 28. B r y d g e s (Roland), of Ley, co. Heref. Arms, 15th cent. 2401, f. 2 b. Formerly owned MS. 2401. B r y g (Thomas), Surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane,V d. 4076, f. 171. B u c c i (Agostino), of Turin. Trattato della santissima sindone, 1587. 3015. B u c e l (Johannes), LL.D. Formerly owned MS. 2425. B u c e r (Martin), Professor of Theology at Cambridge. Appointment of, by Edward VI., 1549. 3562, f. 3 b. B u c h a n , Earl of. v. Erskim O a v i d ) . Buchanan ( ). Collecta v,t ejus institutionibus, 17th cent, 68G, ff. 132 b 164. B u c h a n a n (Charles). Refusal of the Bishop of Carlisle to ordain him, 1683. 2723, f. 81. B u c h a n a n (George). Review of his History of Scotland, 18th cent. Imperf. 3199, ff. 84, 220, 346, 352. Excerpta ex ejus Scotichronicis de locorum in Scotia nominibus, 1640. 1816, ff. 51-89. Buckenham ( ), M.D. Answer to a thesis of Dr. F. Glisson, 17th cent. Lat. 3310, ff. 111-116. B u c k h u r s t , Baron, v. Sackvile (Thomas). B u c k i n g h a m , County of. Congratulatory sddress from, to Gen. Monck, 16g$. 970, f. 22 b. B u c k i n g h a m , Duke of. v. Buckinghamshire, Duke of. B u c k i n g h a m , Duke and Marquess v. Villiers (George). B u c k i n g h a m s h i r e , Duchess Sheffield (Catharine). of. of. v. B u c k i n g h a m s h i r e , Duke of. v. Sheffield (John). Buckler ( ). State of his contract for saltpetre with the Ordnance Office, 1668-1671. 1048, f. 58 b. B u c k l e y (Capt. ). Astrological observations on his nativity, 17th cent. 2281, ff. 52-55. B u c k l e y (Samuel). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 172g, 1730. 4049, f. 9 4 ; 4051, f. 104. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 172J. 4068, f. 139. B u c k l e y (Thomas), M.D, Praxis medica, 1636-1665. 1165. Collectanea medica, 17th cent. 1166; 1178; 1188. De hydrope et de mulierum morbis collectanea, 17th cent. 1164. Observationes medicse e L. Riverio et aliis, 1629-1669. 1167. Observations chyrurpicse, 1 6 4 2 1661. 1168. De affectibus oculorum et aurium, 17th cent. 1187. Buckly ( ). Lettei to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1700. 4068, f. 21. B u c k l y (T—). Chymici processus varii, 17th cent. 124, ff. 43-47 b. Buckw— ( ), M.D. Answer to a thesis of Dr. F. Glisson, 17th cent. Lat. 3312, ff. 265-268. B u d a , in Hungary. Narrative of the siege, 1685. Fr. 2753, ff. 73-87. INDEX. B u d d i e (Adam), Rector of North Fambridge, co. Essex, Methodus nova stirpium Britannicarum, 17th cent. Autogr. 2970-2979. Dedication of his Methodus nova stirpium Britannicarum to the Bishop of . Carlisle, 17th cent. Orig. 2980 ff. 2-4. Hortus siccus Budleanus, 17th cent. 2 3 0 5 ; 2306. Botanical memoranda, 17th cent. 2980, ff. 5-22. Catalogi plantarum, 17th cent. 2201. Catalogus plantarum etymologicus, 17th cent. 2980, ff. 23-38. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1699. 4037, ff. 188, 203, 245, 302. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700, and n. d. 4063, ff. 15, 156 ; 4066, ff. 2 7 7 279, 281-285, 287, 288, 299. Letter to Ayry, n. d. 4066, f. 289. Letter to his kinswoman, Madam Cary, n. d. 4066, f. 286. B u d d i e (Elizabeth), widow of Rev. A. Buddie. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1741, 4057, f. 49. — Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 291. B u d g e n (John), M.D., of Dorking, co. Surr. Letter to Dr. Hulse, 1681. 123, f. 8. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1729. 4025, f. 65. B u e n a - M a i s o n (Alonso de). Letter to C. L. Morley, 1682. Span. B u g g y i l (G—). 1619 and 1785. 1270, f. 218. Formerly owned MSS. B u i j t e n h e i m (Hendrick van), President of the Dutch Factory in Japan. List of papers given by, to his successor, 1688. Dutch. 2910, ff. 292, 295. List of Japanese books to be piocured by, for H. de Jager, 17th cent. Dutch. 3064, f. 50. Buissiere ( ), Jun. Letter to, from M. Gaudron, n. d. 4026, f. 334. B u i s s i e r e (Joannes). Letter to T. Zuinger, 1711. hat. 3337, f. 133. Letter to, from T. Zuinger, 1712. Lat. 3339, f. 20 b. B u i s s i e r e (Paul), M.D., of Copenhagen. Discussion on the American terrestrial tortoise, 18th cent. 3329, f. 4 1 . Letter to Sir H. Sloane on a triple bladder, [1701]. 4025, f. 67. Certificate of the health of Van, 1722. 4078, f. 308. 85 B u l i f o n (Antoine), of Naples. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1699. Fr. 4037, f. 275. B u l k l e y (Edward), of Fort St. George. Descdptions of E. Indian birds from his paintings, 18th cent. 4020, f. 192. Letters to J. Petiver, 1699-171J, and n. d. 3321, ff. 18, 19, 28, 30, 3 1 , 50, 56, 66, 67. 84, 95, 103, 104, 110, 133, 169, 171, 172, 185-187, 190, 191, 205, 211-214, 222, 223, 239-241, 268 ; 3322, ff. 30, 4 1 - 4 3 ; 4065, ff. 7 1 , 9 4 ; 4066, f. 292. Inscription on his monument, 1714. Lat. 1968, f. 195. B u l l (Richard), Scrivener. Biographical notes of his life, 1644-1676. 1708, f. 107. B u l l (William), of Oxford. Letter to J. Petiver, 171f. 3322, f. 90. B u l l a (Giovanni). Owned, in 1595, MS. 1074, ff. 95-144. B u l l e n , Family of. 1429, f. 50. Pedigree, 17th cent. B u l l e n (Thomas), M.D., of Nantwich, co. Chest. Letter to Dr. W. Cowper, with a drawing, n. d. 3408, ff. 188-191. Letter to, fiom Dr. W. Cowper, 3408, f. 187. Account of stones voided by T. Olton, 1704. Lat. 4039, f. 358. n. d. B u l l i v a n t (B—), M.D.^of Northampton. Account of medical cises, sent to J. Petiver, 1711. 3321, f. 259. B u l l n i e r al. S p y l l e s b y (Johannes), Civis Londinensis. Formerly owned MS. 2427. B u l o w (Bernhart von). Autograph in album, [1608-1638]. 3415, f. 3 b. B u l t e a u (Charles), Doyen des Secretaires du Roy. Letters to G. Schroedter, 1705. Fr. 2878, ff. 17-22. B u l w e r (John), M.D., the Cheirosopher. Vultispex criticus, seu physiognomia medici, 17th cent. 805. Philosophic, 17th cent. 1788. Extracts from his " Anthropometamorphosis," by Dr. C. L. Morley, 17th cent. 1281. B u m b e l e s (Johannes), de Anglia. Stella Alchymise compositus A.D. 1384 a, 17th cent. 2234. B u n (Thomas), Captain. Complaint against, by W. Johnson, 1664. 3509, f. 78. 86 INDEX. Bunder Abbas al. G-ombroon, Persian Gulf. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 38. B u n n (John). 3509, f. 43. Letter to J. Luke, 1663. B u r g e r s d i j c k (Franco). Notse ejus libri secundi aliorumque logicae operum, a D. Foote, 1646. 600, ff. 1 b-43 b Notse ejus libri primi logicae, a D. Foote, 1646. 600, ff. 44-74 b. B u o n a m i e i (Giovanni Francesco), Maltese. On the virtues of the earth called Grazia di S. Paulo, and the remains of serpents found throughout Malta, 1667. Ital. 763, ff. 8-14. Lettera circa l'origine delle glossopietre, conchiti et altre pietre figurate, che si cavano dalle rocche dell' Isola di Malta, 1668. 763, ff. 15-40 b. B u r g e s (Thomas). List of the j u r y in his suit v. Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 3323, f. 238. B u o n a n n i (Filippo), -Jesuit. Letters to J. Petiver, 1703-1714. Lat. 3322, ff. 26, 37, 44, 51 ; 4063, f. 231 ; 4064, ff. 27, 49. B u r g e s s (John), M.D., Sen., Bector of Sutton Coldfield, co. Warw. Letter to his children on the sudden death of his daughter Breedon, 1621. 922, f. 69. — Receipt against the plague, 17 th cent. 785, f 8 b. B u r g e s s (John), M.D., Jun.f of Sutton Coldfield. Medical commonplace book, 1656. 250, ff. 1-188 b. B u o n a v e n t u r i (Pietro). Istoiia di, e di Bianca Cappello, sua moglie, 17th cent. 1930, ft. 1-26. B u o n c o m p a g n o (Giacomo), Marchese di Vignola. MS. 904, ft. 15-25 b, was dedicated to, in 1579. B u o n o A v o g a r i o (Pietro). Introductio in divinam chemise artem integra, 1590. Engl. 3682. B u r b a g e (Richard), Actor. 17th cent. 1786, f. 95. B u r b e r y (Rychard). MS. 332. Epitaph, Formerly owned B u r c h (Richard), soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for assault, circ. 1673. 3514, f. 140. B u r c h a l l (John). Scheme of his nativity, in 1693. 3722, f. 181. B u r c h a r d (Georg Heinrich). Letters to A. von Cronhelm, 1690, 1691. Germ. and Lat. 2877, ft. 32, 34, 37. B u r g e s i u s (Bartholomaeus), son of Pope Paul V. v. (Bartholomseus), of Siena. self-styled Lancesius B u r g e s s (Daniel III.), Secretary and Beader to the Princess of Wales. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 95. B u r g e s s e (Alexander). Cursus physicus, 167$. 1175. B u r g e y s (Robert), Vicar of All Saints and St. Peter's, Lincoln, and Prebendary of Lincoln. Will, 1400. Lat. 341, f. 130 b. B u r g h , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 100. B u r g h (John), v. Borough al. Burgh. B u r g h (Richard de), Is* Far I of St. Alban's and 4th Earl of Clanricarde. Letter to Lord Falkland, 1629. 3827, f. 165. B u r g h (Thomas). Proposals for improving Dublin harbour, 1707. 3329, f. 141. B u r g h {Sir Thomas), v. Borough al. Burgh. B u r g h e (William). Wrote for F. Archer, in 160±, MS. 3721, ff. 2-47. B u r g h e r s (Michael), Engraver. Letter B u r d (Robert), M.D., of Beading. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1698. 4037, f. 147. to Sir If. Sloane, 1739. 4034, f. 273. B u r g h e r s h , Family of. Pedigree, 17 th B u r d e g a l i a (Johannes de). v. Bordeaux cent. 1429, f. 4 1 . (John de). B u r g h l e y , Baron, v. Cecil (William). B u r d o n (W—). Letters to J. Petiver, B u r g o n d i a (David de), Bishop of Utrecht 170}, 1703. 4063, ff. 58, 226. (1456-1496) ; natural son of Luke Philip the Good. MS. 100, ff. 1-6, is dedicated Bureau ( ), French Bookseller in the to him. New Exchange, Strand. Sale-catalogue of his books, early 18th cent. Fr. 1009, B u r g o s s in Spain. Historia ecclesiastica f. 158. de, 17th cent. 2432. Proceedings in a court at, for reB u r g (Johannes Philippus zur). Letter covery of merchandize, 1543. Span. to G. Schroedter, 1720. Germ. 2877, 2103, ff. 171-174. f. 303. B u r c h e t t (Josiah), Secretary to the Admiralty. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1739. Signed. 4056, f. 139. INDEX. B u r g u n d i a (Johannes de). (John de). v. Bordeaux B u r g u n d y , Dukes of. Philip the Good. Metrical invective against, circ. 1467. 252, f. 169. Charles the Bold. Verses on, 16th cent. Flemish. 416, f. 171. B u r i u s (Johannes), Hungarian, Student of Theoloqy at Leipzig. Autograph in album, 1692. 2360, f. 39. B u r k e (Richard), 4th Far I of Clanricarde. Letter to, from C. Blount, 162f. 1775, f. 65 b. B u r k e (Thomas), Sheriff of Galr-ay. Letter to Lord Falkland, 1628. 3827, f. 128. Burley ( ) . Medical case, 18th cent. 4078, f. 291. B u r l e y (James), soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for theft, circ. 1672. 3514, f. 115. B u r l e y (Mary), of Heading. Letter to Dr. C. Goodall, with answer by J. Petiver, 1713. 4034, ff. 271, 272. B u r l i n g t o n (Thomas). Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 | § . 4051, f. 1. B u r m a n n (Franciscus), Professor of Theology at Utrecht. Autograph in album, 1668, 1795 or 2597, f. 21. 87 329, 3 3 3 ; 4048, ff. 26, 70, 1 2 0 ; 4049, ff. 41, 50, 1 0 1 ; 4050, ff. 21, 5 4 ; 4052, f. 3 1 9 ; 4053, f. 3 6 3 ; 4054,ff.2 6 6 , 3 1 4 ; 4055, ff. 103,129, 214, 307 ; 4056, f. 1 8 ; 4058, ff. 80, 82. — Letters to J . Petiver, 1716, 1718, and n. d. 3322, f. 97 ; 4065, f. 2 8 5 ; 4066, ff. 293, 294. Letter to Haslewood, 1718. 4065, f. 287. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4026, f. 320. •— List of curiosities received from, by J. Petiver, 1716. 4065, f. 248. B u r n e t (Thomas), Master of the Charterhouse. Account of his " Archaeologise philosophical " by Dr. Hooke, 17th cent. 3828, ff. 217-230. Note on his theory of the earth, 17th cent. 3796, f. 19. B u r n e t (William), eldest son of Bishop Burnet. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1707, 1708 and n. d. 4026, ff. 247, 2 4 9 ; 4041, f. 6 0 ; 4058, f. 84. B u r n e t t (Alexander), Merchant of Aberdeen. Privy Council minutes rel. to the seizure of his fishing vessel by the French, 1668. Fr. 1009, f. 137. Bond with Drs. S. Collins and B. BurnaTby ( ), Esq. Medical receipts, Persons, 1669. 1823, f. 53. 17th cent. 1653. B u r o u g h s (/Sir John). Verses oa his B u r n e t (Alexander), M.D. Answers t o death abroad, 17th cent, 542, f. 2 6 ; medical theses propounded by Dr. F . 1792, ff. 13-16. Glisson, 17th cent. 3310,ff.40-50, 89-95. Burrel ( ) . Passport to, from Col« H. Norwood, 1667. Span. 3513, f. 47. B u r n e t (Duncanus). Iatrochvmicus, 17th cent. Extracts. 3119, ff. 53 b-58. B u r r e l l (Gilbert). Bill of the Star B u r n e t (Elizabeth), 3rd wife of Gilbert, Chamber against, 17th cent, 1199, f. Bishop of Sarum. Letter to Sir H. 1 0 3 ; 1200,7. 77. Sloane, [1700-1709]. 4058, f. 79. B u r r e l l (John), Pilgrim. Journey of, B u r n e t (Gilbert), Bishop of Salisbury. to Jerusalem from Cairo, 160J, 2496, Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, 1677. ff. 62-69. Partly autogr. 1007. B u r r e l l (William), Rev. Letters to Sir Letters to Dr. E. Borlase, 1680. H. Sloane, 1708-172f. 4041,ff.155, 1008,ff.284, 288, 292, 296, 300. 1 8 2 ; 4048, ff. 28, 269. Letters to Dr. W. Dillingham, circ. B u r r e l l (William). Letter to Sir H. 1685. 1710, ff. 219-223. Sloane, 1725. 4034, f. 269. • Letter to , enclosing copy of his letter to the Lords Commissioners of B u r r e n (Anthony^, Treasurer to the Eastthe Treasury, 1693. 3299, ff. 149, 150. land Company. Letter to, from E. SpeiBookplate, 17th cent. 2183, f. 1. dell, 1693. 1815, f. 18. B u r n e t (John), Surgeon to the South Sea B u r r o u g h s (William). Letter to Sir Company in the West Indies, etc., and H. Sloane, 1729. 4034, f. 270. afterw. Physician to Philip V. of Spain. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1716-1738. B u r r o w (Thomas), of Snettisham, co. 4044, f. 2 5 0 ; 4045, f. 3 0 4 ; 4046, ff. Norf. Account of payment for sheep 227, 287 ; 4047, ff. 29, 164, 198, 323, with Sir W. Cary, 1611. 3827, f. 2. INDEX. 88 B u r y (Thomas), Chief Baron of the ExB l i r r o w s (Thomas). Account of monies due t o , from S. Luke, 1673. 1952, chequer. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17191721. 4034, f. 252 ; 4045, ff. 269, 349 ; f. 72 b. 4058, ff. 86-91. B u r r y n g t o n (Robert). Letter to , B u r y S t . E d m u n d s , co. Suff. Obser17th cent. Lat. 118, f. 307. v a t i o n s medicaa collectae apud, 1572, B u r s l e d o n , co. Southants. Survey of 1573. 3166, f. 30. the river at, 1698. 3233, f. 19 b. Bury B u r t (John). Owned, in 1660, MS. 872. Burton (Casibelon), Captain M.N. Journal of his voyage to New York, 1674. 2448,ff.9-20. B u r t o n (Cor—), of Oakham. Letter to Crochly, 1722. 4034, f. 275. B u r t o n (Henry), Parson of S. Matthew's, Friday Street, London. Proceedings on his trial, 1636-7. 1983, ff. 42-44, 47. Petition of his wife to Parliament in his behalf when imprisoned in Guernsey, [1640]. 1983, f. 40. St. Edmunds Abbey, co. Suffolk. Prophetical inscriptions from a window in, 16th cent. 3170, f. 84 b. B u s a r . v. Bushire. B u s b e c q , Seigneur de. (Augerius). v. Gislenius B u s b y (Richard), Head Master of Westminster School. Contract for work done for, a t [Tothill fields, 1688.] 1009, f. 144. Clause of his Will, rel. to the repair of Lutton Chapel, 1695. 1039, f. 123. B u s c h (Lourens von dem). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Lat. 4058, f. 92. B u r t o n (John), M.B., of York. Essay on B u s h e r (Leonard). Letter to, from health and long life and a cure for t h e J. Toppe, on the Millennium, I7tu cent. chincough, 1737. 3835. 63, ff. 36-57. Medical reports, 17th cent. 3984, B u s h i r e , in Persia. Chart of, by Capt. if. 203-206. J. Kempthorne, Jun., 1688. 3665, f. 5 8 . Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1737, Bushon ( ) , Ecclesiastes Ultrajec173J. 4055, ff. 240, 284. tensis. Letter to, from J . Dury, 1633. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, Lat 654, f. 70. [1737]. 1968, f. 90. B u s s i e r e (Paul), v. Buissiere (Paul).. B u r t o n (Robert). Anatomy of MelanB u s s l e t o n . v. Bursledon, co. Southants. choly, 17th cent. Extracts. 1677, ff. 7 2 - 1 0 7 ; 1965, ff. 1 2 2 - 1 3 6 ; 2521, Bussy ( de). Letters to Sir H. f. 100. Sloane, 174°-, 1741, and n. d. Fr. 4057, ff. 6, 21, 22 ; 4058, f. 94. B u r t o n (Samuel), Archdeacon of Gloucester. Letter to, from Dr. Benefield on revising the preface to his sermons, 1629. 1199, f. 87. B u r t o n (William), M.D., of London* Staines and Windsor. Letters to Sir H« Sloane, 17|§-1732. 4050, f. 285 ; 4051, f. 2 0 7 ; 4052,ff.96, 197. Burton-on-Trent Abbey, co. Staff. Buthler ( ) , Philosophe Anglois. De Pusage de la pierre philosophique, 17th cent. 2879, ff. 49-68. B u t i n u s (Joannes), Physician. Aphorisms of diet selected by, from Hippocrates, 17th cent. 1639,ff.92-114. B u t l e r , Family of. 1429, f. 95 b. Pedigree, 17th cent. Lat. extract. Butler ( ) . Letter to, from J. Terry, 1691. 4062, f. 240. B u r t s a l (William), of Bungay, co. Suff. Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 | . 4054, f. 181. B u t l e r (Charles), Vicar of LaurenceWotton. Rhetorica contracta, late 17th cent. 612,ff.2 - 7 . B u r w e l l , co. Cambr. Notes in the church, 16th cent. 1301,ff.126 b-130. B u t l e r (Edward). Letter to his grandfather, with translation of Horace, Odes, i. 1. Gr. and Engl. 857, f. 179. Register of, 17th cent. 1775, f. 178 b. B u r w e l l (Thomas), Jun., M.D. Answer to a medical thesis by Dr. F . Glisson, 1653. 3310,ff.228-232. B u r y ( J — ) , M.D., of Jamaica. remediorum, 1683. 210. Formulas B u t l e r (Edward), President of Magdalen College, arid Vice Chancellor of Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1730-1740. 4051, ff. 48, 57, 1 6 5 ; 4056, ff. 93, 149, 194. INDEX. B u t l e r (Elizabeth). Collection of receipts given to, by H. Gullyford, 1679. 3842. B u t l e r (James), 1st Duke of Ormonde. Defeat of the Irish insurgents bv, 1641. 1519, f. 18. Account of the doings of his army in 164§, by his chaplain G. Creichtoun, 17th cent. 1008, if. 89-97. — Royal letter to the Justices of Ireland cone, law suits for prize wines betw. him and several merchants, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 34. Speech of Lord Orrery to, on resigning the Lord Justiceship of Ireland, 1662. 1008, f. 186. • List of the Irish Council during his Viceroyalty, 1674. 1015, ff. 21, 22. Letter to, from Dr. E. Borlase, 1681. Copy. 1008, f. 328. —: Appointment of T. Hewett as a Brother of the Charterhouse,. 1682. 203, f. 133. B u t l e r (John). Relation of his escape from Algiers, 1640. 3317, f. 8. B u t l e r (John). Letters to, from J. Narbrough, 1673, 1677. 3299, f. 26 ; 4062, f. 189. B u t l e r (Mary), 2nd wife of James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1685-1733]. 4058, f. 95. — Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4069, f. 1 3 9 ; 4076, ff. 185-189. B u t l e r (Nathanael), Capi. Butler. v. Boteler al. B u t l e r {Lord Richard), 2nd son of James, 1st Duke of Ormonde. Warrant for his creation as Baron Butler of Cloghrenan, Viscount of Tullo, and Earl of Arran in Ireland, 1662. 856, f. 41. B u t l e r (Richard), Collector of Customs. Recommendation by, of a representative to Parliament, 1694. 2717, f. 47. Proposal for registering seamen, [1695-1696.] 2717, f. 46. Petition to William III., 1695. 2717, f. 51. —= Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1683. 2724, f. 141. B u t l e r (Samuel). Extracts from Hudibras, 17th cent. 1983, f. 78. B u t l e r (William), M.D., of Cambridge. Medica collectanea selectiora, 1602. 1991, ff. 71-78 ; 2077, ff. 28-45. •— Medical receipts, 17th cent. 1087, ff. 2 b, 29, 5 3 ; 1664, ff. 4, 6-8, 15-44, 56-83. 89 B u t l e r (William), M.D., of Cambridge (continued). Directions for purging of cholera, 17th cent. 3329, f. 144. Receipts for debility, 17th cent. 3756, f. 30. B u t t e s (Sir William), Physician to Henry VIII. Receipts for plasters, ointments, waters, etc., devised by, 16th cent. 1047. B u t t e t o r t e , Family of. cent. 1301, f. 307 b. Pedigree, 16th B u w e k e (Robert), of Canterbury. Owned, in 1539, MS. 3215. B u x t o r f (Joannes), Sen. Epitome grammatical Hebrese, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2138, ff. 210-218. B u x t o r f (Johann Jacob), at Basle. Autograph in album, 1670. 1795 or 2597, f. 45. B y a m (Lieut.-Gen. William), Governor of Guiana and Surinam. Narrative of the state of Guiana and Surinam, 1 6 6 5 1667. 3662, ff. 27-37. B y d e (Katharine). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 98. B y f i e l d (Sa—). Formerly owned MS. 1173. B y l l y n g (Robert), of Boston. Owned, in 1576, MS. 372. B y n d l o s (John), Agent to the Governor of Jamaica. Petition to Charles II., n. d. 2724, f. 4. Account of disbursements for Lord Carlisle, 1678. 2724, f. 84. Account of the state of affairs in Jamaica, 1681. 2724, f. 62. Accompt of errors in his accompts, 1683. 2724, f. 6. Letters to Lord Carlisle, 16801683. 2724, ff. 29, 206-208, 221. Letter to R. Bere, 168$. 2724, f. 7. Byngham John). (John). v. Bingham (Sir B y n n e (Joseph), Surgeon, of London. Letters to his cousin, Dr. Colston, 16421644. 118, ff. 16 b, 18,19, 23, 24 b, 56. Letter to , [1649]. 4034, f. 276. B y r c h m o r e (Richard), Apothecary, of Market Street, co. Hertf. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1720. 4034, ff. 277, 278. B y r d (W—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 99. B y r d (William), M.D. Letter to Dr. L. Plukenett, 1687. 4062, f. 225. 90 INDEX. B y r d (Col. William), of Virginia. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1706-1741, and n. d. 4040, ff. 1 5 0 ; 4041, f. 200 ; 4042, f. 144 ; 4055, ff. 112, 3 6 8 ; 4057, f. 20. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1709. 4068, f. 54. Letter to, from L. Plukenett, n. d. 4067, f. 105. C — ( R — ) . Letter to, concerning the Church's sense of the Earth's motion, 1682. 2903, ff. 136-143. B y r d e (Richard), Fellow of T, inity College, Cambridge, afterw. Canon of Canterbury. Corresponds ce with G. Harvey, 1574. 93, ff. 94 b, 95 b. C a b a l l i (Fr. Francesco), Cap0. Consilium medicum pro G. P. Mazzuoli, 17th cent. Ital. 2253, f. 244. B y r o n (John), 1st Baron Bi/ron. Letter to Prince Rupert, 1645. 1519, f. 76. B y s e t h , Family of. 1301, f. 34 b. Notes of, 16th cent. B y s s e t u r (John), Curate of Biddle*den, GO. Bucks. Certificate t h a t N. Kynge is a bachelor, 1506. Lat. 747, f. 69. c C — (A—). Opinion touching the cutting down of certain timber within fourteen miles of the sea or any navigable river to convert the same or any part thereof for the making of iron, temp. James I. 665, ff. 1-4 b. C — (E—), of Northampton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4034, f. 281. C — (E—). v. Cadogan (Elizabeth). C — (G—). v. Copley {Sir Godfrey), 2nd Bart. C — ( H — ) . Royal letter of exemption for, from serving the office of High Sheriff of London, temp. Charles II. 856, f. 19 b. C — ( J — ) . Verses to K. Cot., 1589, 1590. 1898, ff. 64 b, 65 b. C — ( J — ) , Medicus Londinensis. scopia," 17th cent. 55, f. 3. C — (L—). " Urono- Formerly owned MS. 405. C — (L—). v. CombachiUs (Ludovicus Hermannus). C — (Mrs. M—), co. Som. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 172|. 4050, f. 30. C — (Nathanael), of Stockholm. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4054, f. 101. C — (R—). Answer to his complaint, by H. Broughton, 17th cent. 3088, ff. 108-109 b. C — (V—), of Chrisfs College, Cambridge, v. Carey (Valentine). C— (W—). MS. 1939. Wrote, temp. Henry VL, Cabbala. Tabulae theosophicae cabbalisticse, 17th cent. 181. Definition of the word Cabbala. Lat. 17th cent. 648, f. 40. C a d e (Jack). Notes of him and his rebellion, 1449-1450. 428, ff. 50 b, 54 b, 55. C a d e (Salisbury), M.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 11\%, 1720, and n. d. 4045, f. 2 9 6 ; 4046, f. 4 0 ; 4058, f. 101. C a d i z , in Spain. Account by Dr. Marbeck of its capture in 1596 by tne English, 17th cent. 226. Another narrative of the same expedition, 1596. 1303, ff. 3-6 b. Account of Sir E, Cecil's expedition against, by J. Glanvill, 1625. 3816. Letter to the English Consul at, from J. de la Carrera, 1672. Span. 3513, f. 72. Information to the English Consul at, concerning Salee pirates, 1673. 3511, f. 255. Examinations relative to the failure of the expedition against, 1702. 2496, ff. 42-54 ; 3958, ff. 18-28. . Chart of, 1665. 1831, A. ff. 1-23. 1688. Plans of, by Capt, J. Kempthorne, 3665, ff. 3, 7. C a d o g a n (Charles), 2nd Baron Cadogan. Letters to his father-in-law, Sir H. Sloane, 1720. 4045, ff. 300, 312. Letter to, from the Duke of Chandos, 1727. 4066, f. 28. C a d o g a n (Elizabeth), wife of Charles, 2nd Baron Cadogan. Letter to her father, Sir H. Sloane, 1738. 4055, f. 410. Cadogan (William), Earl Cadogan. Epitaph on, circ. 1726. Lat 3516, f. 27. C a d y (William). Collection of medical receipts, 15th cent., with index thereto by, 17th cent. 3153, ff. 98-103. INDEX. C a e l i u s (Ludovicus), Rhodiginus. v. Richerius (Ludovicus Caelius), Rhodiginus. C a e s a r ( J u l i u s ) , v. Rome, Emperors Caius Julius Caesar. of. C a e s a r {Sir Julius), Master of the Rolls. Ordinances for reforming the Court of Chancery, 17th cent. Imperf. 1874, ff. 18-20. C a e s a r (Julius), M.D., of Rochester. Excerpta ex ejus manuscriptis de curatione morborum, 1683. 2 8 1 5 / C a e s a r i u s (Adriaan), of Haarlem. Thesis for a medical degree at Haarlem, 1590. Lat. 64, ff. 137-139 b. C a e s i u s (Bernardus). Miueralogia, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3374, ff. 28 b-39. C a i r o , in Egypt. Account of ordinary animals at, 18th cent. f. 25. extra3329, Cairon ( ), M.D. Medical case of gangrene in a boy, 1685. Lat. 1302, ff. 135-137 b. C a i u s (Joannes), M.D. Diagramma librorum in quibus se exercuit, 18th cent. 3914, f. 148 b. Excerpts from his works printed at Louvain in 1556, by Sir T. Browne, 17th cent. 1846, ff. 204-213. Letters to the University of Cambridge, 1554. Lat. Copies. 3562, ff. 59-64. C a j e t a i l O (Piet.ro). Instructions to, from his uncle Card. Sermonetta, on his mission to Flanders in 1580, 17th cent. Transl. 1710, ff. 19-22. C a l a i s , in France. Description of, late 17th cent. 1039, f. 83. 1693. Description of, by Dr. E. Browne, 1911-1913, f. 197. Calay. v. Cadiz. C a l d e s i (Giovanni Battista). Letter on tortoises to F. Redi, 18th cent. Transl. 3411. C a l d i c o t t (Elizabeth). MS 3561. Owned, in 1665, C a l d r i n i s (Joannes Andreas Andreas de Caldrinis. C a l d w a l l (Geoffrey). cent., MS. 3557. de). Owned, in v. 15th 91 C a l d w a l l (Richard), M.D., F.R.C.P. Tables of surgery, 1585. Hologr. 759. Qu. Elizabeth's charter for settlement of lands by, for a surgery lecture in the College of Physiiians, 30 June, 1582. Lat. Copy. 3914, ff. 126 b-128. Deed of foundation of a surgery lecture in the College of Physicians, 3 July, 1582. Copy. 4026, ff. 367-382. C a l e p (Ralph), Surgeon, of London. Letter to W. Cowper, 1707. 4075, f. 35. C a l f e , Master, v. Coif (Abraham), Vicar of Lewisham, co. Kent. Calid, son of Sazichi. v. Khalid ibn Yazfd, Al- Umawi. C a l i x t u s , S. 1936, f. 38 b. Legenda de, 15th cent. C a l l i g r a p h y . Describendo sive pingendo literas, 17th cent. Dutch. 32<54. Specimens of, 17th cent. Russian. 1378, ff. 184-213 b. Specimens of handwriting, 18th cent. 4021, ff. 203-206. v. Dickins ( W — ) . Dundass (John). Goddard (Joseph). London. Christ's Hospital. Milles (leremiah). Teshe {Sir William). C a l l i m a c h u s , Cyrenams. Versus F. Thorii in ejus hymnos a C. Utenhovio Latine redditos, 17th cent. 1768, f. 6. C a l m e l l (Peter), Law Student, of London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173J. 4034, f. 283. C a l p u r n i u s (Titus Julius), Siculus. Eclogse, 15th cent. 777, ff. 32-45 b. C a l s a m i l i a (Ambroise), of Rome. Medical advice for, by three doctors of Montpellier, 1684. Fr. 3998, ff. 3 8 - 4 1 . C a l t h o r p e , Family of. cent. 1429, f. 51 b. Pedigree, 17th C a l t h o r p e {Hon. Barbara), 2nd wife of Reynolds Calthorpe, of Elvetham. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4034, ff. 285, 287. C a l t h o r p e {Sir James), of Ampton, co. Suff. Owned, temp. Chas. I., MS. 170. C a l t h o r p e (Reynolds), of Elvetham. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4034, f. 289. C a l v e l e y (Mary), wife of Sir Hugh Calveley, of Lea, nr. Chester. Medical prescription for, 1660. 1055, f. 93. INDEX. 92 C a l v e r t (Cecil), afterw. 2nd Baron Baltimore. Owned, in 1623, MS. 170. C a l v e r t {Sir George), afterw. l&tf Baron Baltimore ; Principal Secretary of State. Grant to, of the province of Avalon, in Newfoundland, 1623. Lat. and Engl. Copies 170. Letter to, from the University of Cambridge. Lat. 3562, f. 90 b. Letter to, from James I., 1621. 1828, f. 90 b. C a l v e r t (George). 364. Formerly owned MS. C a l v e r t (Mary), of Albury Hall. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1726. 4034, f. 288. C a l v i s i u s (Sethus), the Elder. the keys of the organ, 16th cent. f. 1. Upon 2628, C a l v i s i u s (Sethus), the Younger. Thesaurus Latini sermonis; with a GermanEnglish vocabulary added by O. Lloyd, 1657. 9u3. C a m b e l (Jo—). v. Campbell (Jo—). C a m b i s (Louis Dominique de), Comte de Cambis ; French Ambassador in England. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1737, and n. d. Fr. 4055, ff. 208, 225, 2 5 0 ; 4058, f. 103. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1737, 173J. Fr. 4068, ff. 331, 332, 337, 342. Letter to, from Extract. 4055, f. 251. Amelot, 1737. C a m b r i d g e , County of. Letter to the Sheriff and Justices of, from the Privy Council, 1614. 2442, f. 160. C a m b r i d g e , Town of. Number and names of hostels in, temp. Ric. II. 1710, f. 251. Sacramentum a Burgensibus sumendum, 16th cent. 1441, f. 43. Prescriptions and accompts of a physician at, 1597-1636. 1137. Prescriptions made up by apothecaries at, 1619-1622,1626-1628. 1112, ff.1-34; 1408. • Miscellaneous collection of jests and stories in prose and verse, by some one belonging to, 1627. 1489. Letter to a friend at, from G. Bonnivert, respecting the cure of his blindness, 1680. Draft. 1009, f. 141. — Friars Minor at. MS. 1726. Formerly owned C a m b r i d g e , University of. ^KsXerhs Cantabrigiensis a R. Parker, 1622; with additions down to the year 1660. 1765. Collectanea de, 17th cent. 1775, ff. 1 8 1 b - 1 9 1 . Account of, 17th cent. 1710, ff. 248-250. — De ejus antiquitate, e N. Harpsfeld, 17th cent. Excerpt. 1775, f. 180. Statutes, 1570, 1573, 1579, 15801593. Lat. and Engl. 1441, ff. 1 6 - 4 1 , 41 b, 43 b, 60-68. Act passed in 1571 for incorporation of the two universities, late 17th cent. 625, f. 53. De nummis in structura ecclesias S. Marise expensis, 1478-1519. 1441, f. 42. List of the Vice-Chancellors and Proctors, 1580-1600. 1441, ff. 4 5 - 4 8 . List of Archbishops and Bishops belonging to, 17th cent. 1710, ff. 252-278. Qusestiones duse Theologicse in vespere comitiorum, circ. 1570. 478. Catalogue of books belonging to a Cambridge M.D., early 17th cent. 688, f. 130 b. Commonplace book of a student at, 17th cent. 1775, ff. 216-254. « Carmina de reditu Principis Caroli ex Hispania, 1623. 1479, ff. 14-16. Manner of election of the Duke of Buckingham to the Chancellorship, 1626. 1775, ff. 23-30. Order from Charles I. for its government, 1629. 1775, f. 42 b. Orationes academics, circ. 1630, 1641-1644. 1532, ff. 2-38 ; 1540. Versus J. Pragesti in laudem ejus, et bibliotheese communis in ea, 17th cent. 1378, f. 27. Forms of subscriptions for encouraging imprimeries belonging to, 18th cent. 4019, f. 194. Prselectiones in Alcoranum ibidem a Prof. C. Wright habitse, [1702-1711]. 3218. Letters relating to, 1546-1623. 3562, ff. 2-104. Letters to, from Dr. Caius, 1554. Lat. Copies. 3562, ff. 59, 64. — Letter to, from Sir R. Cecil, 1600. Lat. 1710, f. 177. Litterae ad, a Jacobo I., n. d. 1775, f. 33 b. Royal letter to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses for ci eating H. Wickham a D.D., [1624-1641]. 856, f. 17. INDEX. C a m b r i d g e , University of (continued). Correspondence with the Duke of Buckingham, 1626-1628. Lat. and Engl. 826, f. 112 b ; 1479, ff. 18, 1 9 : 1775, ff. 30 b, 3 1 , 34 b, 36. Correspondence with Charles I., 1626-1628. Kngl. and Lat. 1479, ff. 17, 2 1 ; 1775, ff. 32 b, 33, 37, 37 b, 38 b. Letter to Sir T. Coventry, 1629. 1710, f. 178. Letter to Chief Justice Richardson, 1630. 1775, f. 43 b. Royal letter to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses to permit H. Gouche to proceed at once to the degree of D.D., temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 13. Lat. Royal letter to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses to admit E. R. to the degree of B.D., temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 15. Letter to, from Lord Holland, n. d. 1775, f. 38. Letter to the Archbishop of 5Tork, 11. d. 1775, f. 40. Letter to Lord Manchester, n. d. 1775, f. 40 b. Letter to H. Maye, n. d. 1775, f. 41 b. — Letter to Lord Salisbury, n. d. 1775, f. 42. — Christ's College. Royal letter commendatory of T. Smoult to the next vacant fellowship, 1661. 856, f. 39. Emmanuel College. Statuta fundatoris G. Mildmay, Militis, et alia, 17th cent. 1739. Warrant for granting to, the privilege of nominating Proctors, Taxors and Scrutators, 1660. 856, f. 7. — Magdalene College. Statuta, 17th cent. 3644, ff. 122-128. Commonplace book of a sizar, 1614. 138. — Warrant for granting to, the privilege of nominating Proctors, Taxors and Scrutators, 1660. 856, f. 7. • Pembroke Hall. Payment of money by, to Framlingham, Debenham and Coggeshall, 17th cent. 2592, ff. 11 b - 1 3 . Feterhouse. Letter, on free election to fellowships, from Sir R. Cecil to the Master and Fellows, 1660. 1441, f. 49. Statute concerning Commons, 1603. 1441, f. 49 b. . Letter from James I. to the Master and Fellows, 1604. 1441, f. 50 b. 93 C a m b r i d g e , University of. Feterhouse (continued). Formerly owned MS. 59. S. John's College. Inscriptions from the chapel, 1601. 3836, f. 20 b. Catalogus librorum medicorum in, 1640. 660, f. 1-7 b. Sidney Sussex College. Epistola ad Ducem Buckinghamise de ejus electione in Cancellatum, 1626. 1479, f. 22. Warrant for granting to, the privilege of nominating Proctors, Taxors and Scrutators, 16 0. 856, f. 7. Private expenses of W. Crosse, Fellow, 1669-1672. 3780. Letter mandatory to the Master and Fellows to elect G. Downing to a Coxwold fellowship, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 32. Trinity College. Statuta, 1560. 659. Symbol urn Triados, quod depingitur partim partimque deauratur in latus orientale amplissima? istius areas, 1597. 613, f. 2. " Possessiones e dono Henr. VIII. et Maria?," 1645. 660, ff. 213-227. Royal letter to, to permit A. Cowley to hold his fellowship for the next 7 years without taking orders, [1660]. 856, f. 32. — Catalogue of the library, by Dr. Foote, 17th cent. 78, ff. 1 3 3 149. C a m b r i d g e , James, Duke of, 2nd son of James If. Note of his birth, 1663. 1708, f. 126. C a m d e n (William), Clarenceux. Collection of his grants of arms by E. Anguish, 16th cent. 3485. Epitaph by R. Thory, 17th cent. Lat. 1768, f. 88 b. Epitaph by G. Bonnivert, late 17th cent. Lat. 1028, f. 30 b. C a m e l l u s (Georgius Josephus), Jesuita. Icones et descriptions rerum naturaiium in insulis Philippensibus, 18th cent. 4080-4083, C. Observations de insularum Philippinarum historia naturali, 17th 'cent. 2941, ff. 1-4, 9-12, 14-55. Catalogue of MSS. sent by, to J. Ray and Sir H. Sloane, 1698. 3323, f. 5 1 . Catalogue de ses plantes, 18th cent. 1968, f. 159. Letters to Rev. J. Ray, 1699, [1704]. Lat. Imperf. 3321, f. 1 5 5 ; 4062, f. 292. 94 INDEX. C a m e l l u s (Georgius Josephus), Jesuita (continued). Letter to Dr. S. Browne, 1699. Span, with Engl, transl. 4062, ff. 294-296b. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700-1704. Lat. 3321, f. 151 ; 4083, A. ff. 132135 b. Letters to, from G. ten Rhyne, 1698, 1699. 4083, A. ff. 128, 130. Letter to, from Rev. J. Ray, 1701. Lat. Cot,y. 3334, f. 68 b. Letter to, from J. Petiver, 1701. Lat. 4063, f. 133. Note of the date of his death in May, 1706, by Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4020, f. 103. C a m e r (Nicolaus). Alchymical receipts, 15th cent. Lat. 976, f. 40 b. C a m e r (Thomas). Extract from, relating to the Abbat of Ramsey's alchemical process, 17th cent. 1744, ff. 33-36. C a m e r a r i u s (Joachim), Sen. Letter to H. Languet, 1560. Lat. 2764r, f. 135. Letters to H. Baumgartner, 1563. Lat. 2764, ff. 9, 135. C a m e r a r i u s (Joachim), Jun. Correspondence with J. de La Riviere, 1591. Lat. Copies. 2089, ff. 73 b - 7 5 b. C a m e r a r i u s (Philipp), LL.D..ofNuremberg. Les meditations historiques Latines de, traduits par S. Goulard, 17th cent. * Extract. 2680, f. 5. Cameras y Mendoza (Antonio de los), Governor of Vexel. Letter to, fp,m. 4028, ff 34 b - 3 8 . Sailing course from, to the West Indies, 17th cent. 2292, ff. 30-33. INDEX. O & n d e s h e , Family of. co. Norf., Family n (John). Whitgift (John). C a n t u a r i a {Mag. Jordan de), Physician to Edward IIf. Grant of a salary to, 1343. Lat. 3299, f. 82. C a n t w e l l (R—), of co. North'mfs. Medical prescription for his daughter, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. L of Aarhuus, in Denrn'itk. Treatise of pestilence, 15th cent. 404, ff. 282 b-293 b. Cany ( Le Normand). mand Cany ( ). v. Le Nor- C a p e l (Arthur), afterw. 1st Baron Capel. Letters to, from G. Harvey, circ. 1574. 93, ff. 90 b, 102. Letter to Lord Fairfax, n. d. 1519, f. 74. C a p e l ( A r t h u r ) , 1st Earl of Essex. Letters to, when Ambassador at Copenhagen, from Seer. Trevor, 1670. 1003,ff.1 2 7 135. Papers relating to his violent death in the Tower, 1683. 78, ff. 1-22. C a p e l (Elizabeth), widow of Arthu-, 1st E irl or Essex. Lt tters to Sir H. Sloane, [1702], and n. d. 4058, ff. 106, 107. C a p e l (Sir Henry), afteno. Baron Capel of Tewkesbwy. Letter to, from Sir J . Houblon, 1692. 1089, f. 6. C a p e l (William), 3rd Earl of Essex. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 | § . 4056, f. 166. Letter to his sister, Lady Midleton, n. d. 4066, f. 295. C a p e l l a (Andriana), wife ,of Nicolo Capello, Capt 'in of Verona. Consilia medica pro, 1640. Lat. and Hal. 2253, ff. 161 b-165, 277 b. C a p e l l e , L a , Aisne, France. Description of, late 17th cent. 1039, f. 52. C a p e o f G o o d H o p e , in Af> ica. Journal of voyage to, by W A. Cowley, 1 6 8 3 1686. 54. Charts of, by-Sir N. Miller, late 17th cent. 1040, ff. 52-58. INDEX. 96 Cape Verde Islands. Journal of voyage to, by W. A. Cowley, 1683-1686. 54. Chart of, by Sir N. Miller, late 17th cent. 1040, f. 54. C a p o j u s (Godofredus), of Gorlitz in OberLausitz. Autograph in album, 1692. 2360, f. 54. C a p p e l e r (Mauritius Antonius), M.D.t of Luce>ne. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. Lat. 4047, f. 352. C a p p e l l o (Bianca), Qron Duchesa Toscana. v. Tuscany, Grand Dukes Francesco Maria. di of. C a p p e r (Alexander), of Tangier. Courtmartial sentence on, for theft, 1673. 3514, f. 158. C a r ' (Martinus), Apostolicus et Tmperialis Notarius. Wrote, in 15th cent., MS. 3487. C a r a e c i o l o (Pasquale). Avertimenti inolto utili et necessarii per accomodare ogni sorte de Cavalli, 16th, 17th centt. 1074, ff. 9 5 - 1 4 4 ; 2757, ff. 2-79. On the veterinary art, 17th cent. Ital. 2757, ff. 80-237. Caramon ( de), Maitre Apothecaire a la Place a Calais. Letter to J. Lowthorp, 1712. Fr. 4065, f 32. C a r a n t a (Jacobus). De morsu canis rabidi, 17th cent. 1988, ff. 201 b-205. C a r b e r y , Earl of. v. Vaughan (John). C a r d (Andrew). Acquittance to Dr. S. Wall, 1687. 1731, A. f. 42. C a r d a n u s (Girolamo). Consilium medicum pro Marchione quodam, 17th cent. 1392, ff. 37-39. Astrologica, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2097, ff. 1-16. Excerpts. : — De lapidibus, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 2 2 7 b - 2 2 9 . De subtilitate, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3162, f. 26. C a r d o n n e l (Jean de), General merchant. Journal of his commercial travels in Ireland, England and France, 1649, 1654-1656. 1731, B. C a r d o n n e l (Peter de), brother of Jean de Cardonnel. Owned, in 1650, MSS. 2 1 3 ; 2 8 2 ; 316. Cards, Playing, v. Mertene ( J — ) . C a r e (Henry), Student in Physic and Astrology. Answer by, to a libel on Lilly's Almanac, in verse, 17th cent. 2285, f. 141. C a r e (Henry), Student in Physic and Astrology (continued). Verses to none but the malicious carper and calumniator, 1671. 2285, f. 163. Verses to H. Coley, 1672. 2285, f. 162. C a r e l e s s e (John), Prisoner in the King s Bench. A godly ballad, 17th cent. 1896, f. 11. C a r e r a (Jorge de la). (Jorge de). v. La Carera C a r e s ' w e l l (El—). Letters to, from J. Bird, 1670. 1942, ff. 5, 5 b. C a r e w (Dame Elizabeth), wife of Sir Nich. Carey), of Beddington. Formerly owned MS. 4031. C a r e w (Sir George), Ambassador France. MS. 3934 was dedicated 1606 to him. to in C a r e w (George). Papers relating to his suit with W.Courten, 1663-1680. 3515, ff. 1-47. C a r e w (Sir Matthew), Master in Chancery. Excerpta ex ejus copia chronici R. Wendover, 1585. 1301, f. 177. Excerpta ex chartis ejus, 16th cent. 1301, ff. 202, 208. C a r e w (Peter). Note of money paid him in 1 6 7 | for copying MS. 1425. C a r e w (Thomas), Poet. Poems and songs. 17th cent. 739, ff. 99-103 b (reversed) ; 1446, ff. 29 b, 35 (?), 54 b (?), 55 b, 57, 58, 70, 70 b, 74, 76 b (?), 77 l>, 78 b, 79, 80 b, 81 b, 82 b, 84 b, 87 b, 89 (?) ; 1792, ff. 6, 8 0 b - 8 2 , 116, 120 b, 130, 131, 131b, 133-134. A song, 17th cent. 542, f. 13 b. Lines on a fly drowned in a lady's eye, 17th cent. 542, f. 16 b. C a r e y (Sir George), 2nd Baron Hunsdon. Credentials, when English Ambassador to Scotland, 1582. 3199, f. 301. Letter to his cousin, Sir F. Knoll vs, 1599. 2251, f. 106. C a r e y (Henry), 1st Baron Hunsdon. Addition to the Treaty between England and the Netherlands, signed by, 1585. 3245. Apophthegm, 17th cent. 1523, f. 42. C a r e y (John Patricke). (John Patrick). v. Gary ul. Carey C a r e y (Peter), of Guernsey. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1734, 1735. 4053, f. 239 ; 4054, f. 117. 97 INDEX. C a r e y (Valentine), Master of Christ's College, and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University. Letter to Sir J. , 1615. Copy. 3562, f. 4 1 . 1613. Letter to, from Lord Northampton, 3562, f. 39. of C a r o l u s E u s e b i u s , Princeps de Liechtenstein, v. Liechtenstein, Princes of. Formerly owned Caron ( ) , French Minister at Thorney, co. Cambr. Formerly owned MS. 2749. Caribbee Islands. Catalogue their plants, 1658. 2346, f. 200. C a r i e (Christopher). MS. 306. C a r i l l o (Fr. Lucas). Stanzas De nativitate Domini, late 16th cent. Span. 796, f. 44 b. C a r k e k e (Elizabeth), afterw. 1st wife of Str Thomas Smith. Horoscope, 1529. 325, f. 13 b. C a r l a v e r o e k , co. Dumfries. Names and arms of nobles and knights at the siege of, 1300. 1429, f. 18 b. C a r l e o n (Louis). Eclipsium tabulse secundum Abbatem R. Wallingford composites per, temp. Rich. III. 1697, ff. 25-32 b. Carleton. v. Charlton, co. Kent. C a r l e t o n (Sir Dudley). Speech in the House of Commons, 1636. 1710, f. 293. C a r l e t o n (George), Bishop of Llandaff. Instructions to, as Ambassador to the Netherlands, for compounding Church differences in the Low Countries, 1618. 2442, f. 161. C a r l e t o n (Henry), of Bastings, co. Suss. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. Imperf. 4045, f. 254. C a r l i s l e , co. Cumb. Demand for its being dismantled, 1645. 1771, f. 23 b. Orders for collecting customs in the port of, 1669-1690. 2725. — • Addresses of the city to Charles II., 1682. 2723, ff. 37-50. Papers relating to, 1690. 2723, ff. 136-139. , Bishop of. v. Rainbow (Edward). , Dean and Chapter of. Royal letter to, to dispense with the residence of the Dean, [1628.] 856, f. 16 b. , Earls of. v. Hay (James). Howard (Charles). C a r m e n i u s (Daniel), PhysicusPrimarius Bononiensis. Consilia medica, 17th cent. Lai. and Ital 2253, ff. 177-180, 2 2 1 223. SLOANE INDEX. C a r m o n e n s i s (Gerardus). v. Gerardus, Sdblonetanus. C a r n e (Sir Edward), English Ambassador to Rome. Epitaph on his tomb in Rome, 1561. Lat. 3836, f. 6. C a r p (Henricus). Letter to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1689. Lat. 2729, f. 158. C a r p e n t e r (George), 2nd Baron Carpenter. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173f. 4053, f. 168. C a r p e n t e r (Richard). Prologue on the Philosopher's Stone in verse, 17th cent. 288, f. 64. Alchemical verses, 16th cent. 1098, f. 10. C a r p e n t e r (William), Custom House officer at Tangier. Accompt of moneys, 1670-1674. 3511, f. 265 b. Quarrel with Col. Alsopp, 16fg. 3514, ff. 26, 28. C a r r (Cuthbert), of Louvain. Elegy on, 18th cent. Lat. 3329, f. 84. C a r r (Frances), wife of Robert, Earl of Somerset. Relation of the arraignment of, 1616. 1002, ff. 99-105 b. Stanzas on, 17th cent. 1792, ff. 2 b , 3. C a r r (John), of Christ's College, Cambridge. Letter to Browne, 1671. 2251, f. 104. C a r r (John), Publisher, of London. Letters to Dr. W. Holder, 1692, 1693. 1388, ff. 56, 121, 123. C a r r (Louis), Bastard. Warrant for granting his estate at Killerby to his brother Robert, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 33 b. C a r r (R—). Formerly owned MS. 748. C a r r (Robert), Earl of Somerset. Arraignment, 1616. 1002, ff. 106-117. Bill of the Star Chamber against, 1630. 1199, f. 103 ; 1200, f. 77-85 b. Letter to, from Sir W. Ralegh, 1608. 3079, f. 4 4 ; 3520, f. 13. Restitution of his household stuff requested by Lord Balmerinoch, 1644. 1519, f. 4 1 . Verses on, 1627. 1489, f. 9 b. Satirical verses on, 17th cent. 2023, f. 58 b. H INDEX. 98 C a i T (Robert), Chirurgeon. D. Madeira Arrais' " Methodo de conhecer e curar morbo Gallico " translated by, 1645. 247, ff. 2-320 b. D. Madeira Arrais' "Apologytouching Phlebotomy in the feet," translated by, 1645. 247, ff. 321-349 b. C a r r (Thomas). Formerly owned MS. 3319. C a r r e (Capt. ), of Tangier. Account of his debt to Vernatty, 166f. 3509, f. 151. Quarrel with Lieut. Roe, 1672. 3511, f. 171. Stoppage of his pay, 1673. 3511, f. 242. Quarrel with Major Fairborne, 1673. 3511, ff. 222-230. C a r r e l l (Capt. ), of Tangier. Covenant with S. Luke, 1674. 3512, f. 10 b. C a r r i c h t e r (Bartholomseus). Declaratio vegetabilium, sub quo nimirum sinfr coelesti signo, 17th cent. 78, ff. 91-98. cerpts. De capitis dolore, 17th cent. 2109, ff. 108-155. Ex- Tabula indicans methodum ejus de quatuor triplicitatibus, 17th cent. 2109, ff. 156-180. C a r r i l l , Domina. v. Caryll ( of Sir John Caryll. ), wife C a r t h a g e n a , New Granada. History of the French expedition to, 1697. 1910, ff. 50-58. Account of attempt on, by Admiral E. Vernon, 1741. 3970. Sailing course to, from Cabo de la Guia, 17th cent. '2292, f. 35. Coast-marks to, from Sta. Martha, 17th cent. 2292, f. 35 b. Sailing course from, to Nombre del Dios, 17th cent. 2292, f. 36. C a r t w r i g h t (Edmund), of Gray's Inn. Cure of a sword-thrust dn his lungs, circ. 1578. 2023, f. 3 b. C a r t w r i g h t (Robert), Cornet. Letter to Lord Falkland, 162§. 3827, f. 62. C a r t - w r i g h t (Thomas), Puritan. Letter to Sir C. Yelverton, 1603. Copy. 271, f. 2 1 b . C a r t w r i g h t (Thomas), Bishop of Chester. Proceedings of, as University Commissioner, against Magdalen College, Oxford, 1687. 2680, ff. 12-15 ; 3076. C a r v e r (T—), M.D.t of Halesworth. Letters to Dr. Hulse, 1681, 1682. 123, ff. 5 , 8 b , 9 b , 1 0 b , l i b . C a r v i n g . Treatise on carving food, 17th cent. Ital. 2398. Rules for carving, 17th cent. Ital 424, ff. 67-84. v. Vontet (Jacques). C a r t a g e n a , v. Carthagena, New Granada. C a r w a r al. K a s w a r , West Coast of C a r t e (Thomas), Historian. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 | . 4052, f. 288. India. Chart of, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 45. C a r t e r (George). Letter to the Master of his College, 17th cent. Lat. 118, f. 308. C a r t e r (Matthew). Scheme of his nativity, 1652. 1707, f. 21 b. C a r t e r (Richard). Scheme of his nativity, 1653. 1707, f. 22. C a r t e r (Timothy), of Scarborough. Letter to Dr. North, 1732. 4034, f. 302. 173f. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1732, 4034, ff. 303-308 b. C a r t e r (William), Painter and Engraver. Commonplace-book, 1637-1652. 141. C a r t e r (William). Letter to Sir Sloane, 1740. 4056, f. 245. H. C a r t e r e t (John), 2nd Baron Carteret. Letter to, as Secretary of State, from Col. T. Ekines, 1723, 4046, f. 356. CJartesius. v. Descartes (Rene). Carwithin ( ), Chemist, of London. ParticuliaritSs observers eti la distillation des eaux de vie et esprits, 18th cent. 89, f. 27. Extrait de ses mdmoires, 17th cent. 2079, ff. 9-13. C a r y (Madam ). Letter to, from her kinsman, A. Buddie, n. d. 4066, f. 286. C a r y (Sir Edward), Master of the Royal Jewels. Letters to, from his son Henry, 161}, 1612. 3827, ff. 6, 8. C a r y ( Lady Elizabeth), daughter of Henry y 2nd Earl of Monmouth. Sale of Castle Eden manor by, to her brother-in-law, Lord Middleton, 1673. 3511, f. 212 b. C a r y (Sir George). George). v. Carew (Sir C a r y (Henry), 1st Viscount Falkland. Correspondence and papers chiefly relating to his Lord Deputyship of Ireland, 1604-1632. 3827. 99 INDEX. C a r y (Henry), 4th Viscount Falklmd. Warrant for his appointment as a privy councillor in Ireland, 1662. 856, f. 41 b. C a r y ( J — ) . Letter to J. Petiver, 1708. 4034, f. 309. C a r y al. C a r e y (John Patrick), son of Henry, 1st Viscount Falkland. Letter to - , on the flight of the Barberini family from Rome, [1644-1654]. 3299, f. 177. C a r y (Lucius), 2nd Speech concerning 1430, ff. 77-84. Viscount Falkland. shipmoney, 1640. C a r y {Lady Marv), daughter of Henry, 2nd Earl of Monmouth, and wife of William, Earl of Desmond, v. Feilding (Mary). C a r y (William), Rhetor. Novi syderis apotheosis, metrice, 17th cent. 1767, f. 12. C a r y (Sir Wymond). Affidavit of his sale of sheep at Snettisham, co. Norf., 1604. 3827, f. 2. C a r y l l (Domina ), wife of Sir John Cary 11, Sen., of Angmerinf Marlborough. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1718. 4045, f. 150. C h u r c h i l l (William), Bookseller to George II.; nephew of Awnsham Churchill. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4049, f. 195. C h y c o y n e a u (Michael), Conseiller du Roy, C'iancelier et Juge en V Universite de Montpellier. Consulte par, a THdpital General de Montpellier, 17th cent. 3998, ff. 42-44. C h y l a n (Antoine), French Consul at Tetuan. Notice of his conversion to Mahometanism and change of his name to Hadrahaman Benrichy Xerif, 1666. 1955, f. 94 b. C h y t r a e u s (Nathan). Nomenclator, 18th cent. Lat. and Germ. Tmperf. 3258, C. ff. 13-72. Letter to E. Moller, 1582. 2882, f. 50. Lat. C i a c o n (Alphonsus), Hispanus Biacensis, Theol. Loct., Ordinis Prcedicatorum, Bomanique Poutificis Pcenitentiarius. v. Chacon (Alonso). C i a m p e l l i (——), Abate. Poesie Toscane per, alia Marchesa Strozzi, 17th cent. 2756, f. 89. C i c e r o (Marcus Tullius). Observationes in ejus lib. I. Ep. 16 ad Atticum, 17th cent. Imperf. 3371, f. 2 1 . E pistol a ad, a S. Sulpicio, 17th cent. 1466, ff. 2-6. Tractatulus in sententiam extractam ex ejus libro " De finibus," 17th cent. 2144, f. 205. Ill C i c e r o (Marcus Tullius) (continued). De natura Deorum, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3861, ff. 26 b-29. De officiis, 1700-1. Engl, transl. 1154, ff. 1-77. De officiis, lib. I., late 17th cent. Engl. Imperf, 1009, ff. 217-222. De senectute: translation in French by J. Sloane, 160f. 1327. Phrases se i itentiseque collectae ex, a J. Wrighte, 1607. Lat. and Engl. 833, ff. 18-39 b. Selectus vocabulorum usus delibatus ex, 17th cent. 888, ff. 1-92 b. De morte ejus carmen C. Severi, 15th cent. 777, f. 30 b. C i c i l i a (Matheus de). Practica alchemica, 15th cent. 3744, ff. 72 b - 7 6 . C i c o g n i n i (Giacomo), M.D., Regis Sicilian Mairis Medicus Ordinarius. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Lat. 4058, f. 127. C i n q M a r s , Marquis de. Ruze* (Henri). v. Coiffier de C i n q u e P o r t s . Grant of liberties to the Barons, 1559. 1710, ff. 151-156. Cipher. " Occulte scribendi modus," 1455. 416, f. 155. — Rules for a cipher, 15th cent. 351, f. 15 b. A work written in cipher, 17th cent. 2652, ff. 1-48, 52. v. Courten al. Charleton (William). Circhiarius( ), Medicus. Consilium medicum, 1641. 2253, ff. 168-171. C i r c u l a n u s (Albertus). Consilium medicum, 1644. 2253, ff. 314-316. C i r i c i u s , S., Martyr. Carmen S. Ciricii et Julittse, matris ejus, l o t h cent. 783, B. f. 215. C i s t e r n a (Robert de). Curse super Viaticum Isaaci Judasi, 15th cent. 75, ff. 1-93 ; 418, ff. 183-317. C l a g e n f o r t . v. Klagenfurt, in Carinthia. C l a i m s , Court of. of. James II. v. England, Sovereigns C l a i r v a u l x A b b e y , in France. Correspondence of the Abbat with the Abbat and Prior o£ Ourscamp Abbey, 14th cent. 1777, ff. 87 b - 8 8 . C l a n f y (Dionysius), of co. Limerick. Note of his birth in 1630, and death in 1666. 1708, f. 108. Clanricarde, Earl of. (Richard de). v. Burgh 112 INDEX. C l a p n a m ( $ i r Ralph). Accompt of moneys paid to his creditors after his decease by Dr. S. Collins, n. d. 1823, f. 32. C l a r k e (Ralph), M.D., of Grantham. Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4048, f. 98. C l a r e , Earls of. Pedigree, 16th cent. 1301, f. 186 b. v. Holies (John). C l a r e (Martin), of Soho Square, Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1742. 4057, f. 142. C l a r k e (Robert), of Christ's Hospital. Specimens of handwriting, 1671. 9 9 4 , ff. 13 b, 14, 19 b, 20, 29 b, 30. C l a r e (William), son of Martin Clare of Soho Square. Receipt to Sir H. Sloane, for t h e stone brain of an ox, 1742. 4057, f. 142 b. C l a r e C a s t l e , co. Clare. Names of the chiefest men present a t t h e siege of, 1642. 1008, f. 43. C l a r e n d o n , Earl of. v. Hyde (Edward). C l a r k (Charles), Toyman, of Queen Street, London. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, [1705], and n. d. 4058, ff. 129, 130. Letter to J . Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 296. C l a r k (J—), of Devizes. Letter t o P . Ludlow, 170J. 4025, f. 74 b. C l a r k (Roger), Merchant of London. Trading accompts, 1578-1580. 320 or 321, ff. 2 b-32. C l a r k (Samuel), Prisoner in the Fleet. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 82. C l a r k (William), of Fillongley, co. Warw. Entry-books of letters on mercantile affairs from Aleppo t o England, 1 5 9 7 1602. 867. C l a r k (William). Formerly owned MS. 2532. Clarke ( ) . Notes of sermons on board t h e Warwick frigate, and a t Cowes Castle, 1647, 1648. 2788, ff. 6 3 86 b . C l a r k e (C—), of Chilcote, co. Derb. Let" ter to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4034, f. 356. C l a r k e (Edmund). The construction and use of t h e Quadrant, 1654. Imperf. 904, ff. 188b-210. C l a r k e ( J — ) , of Padworth, co. Berks. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1731, and n. d. 4051, f. 288 ; 4058, ff. 131-135. Letter t o Darrington, n. d. 4058, f. 135. C l a r k e (John), of Daventry, co. Northants, Medical prescription for his wife, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lot, 2812, f. 24. C l a r k e (John), of Leather Lane, London. Letter t o Sir H . Sloane, 1737. 4055, f. 120. C l a r k e (Samuel), Presbyterian Minister of St. Benet Finch, London. Scheme of his nativity, 1599. 1707, f. 27. C l a r k e (Samuel), of Petty France, Westminster. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 137. C l a r k e (William), M.A., of St. John's College, Oxford, and Curate of Devizes, co. Wilts. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4049, f. 185. C l a s s i c s . Excerpta ex Ovidio, Horatio, aliisque poetis, 17th cent. 1361, f. 105. v. Aristotle. Rome, Emperors of. Caius Julius Csesar. Casaubon (Isaac). Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Juvenalis (Decimus Junius). Terentius (Publius), Afer. Virgilius Maro (Publius). C l a u d i a n i l S (Claudius). Epigramma de sene Veronensi, 17th cent. 1898, f. 64. C l a u d i u s , S. Memoria de, 15th cent. 2916, f. 123. Claus ( ) , M.D., of Vienna. Consilium medicum, 17th cent. 2253, f. 185 b. C l a u s e r u s (Christophorus), M.D., of Zurich. Liber receptarum, 1505. 3129. Wrote MS. 3130. C l a u s s e n (Peder), Pastor Description de la Norvege, 2883. C l a v e (Etienne de), Professor try at Paris. Notice of, 118, f. 255. of Undal. 17th cent. of Chemis17th cent. C l a v e l (John), Highvmyman. Verses t o Charles I., 1627. 542, f. 29. C l a v e l l (Robert), Master of the Stationers' Company. Letters to Dr. E. Borlase, 1679. 1008, ff. 239-242 b. Letter t o J . Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 297. C l a v e u s (Gasto), called Dulco. Alchemical process, 18th cent. 3506, f. 6Q. C l a v e u s (Stephanus). Qusedam ex ejus cursu chemico, 17th cent. 3119, f. 193. C l a y p o l e (Elizabeth), dau. of the Protector Oliver Cromwell. Prescription for, 1656. Lat, 952, f. 96 b. 113 INDEX. C l a y t o n ( J — ) , Minister of James City, Virginia. Letter to Dr. E. Borlase, 1684. 1008, f. 335. C l a y t o n (William), Baron Sundon. Letter, as Commissioner of the Treasury, to Sir H. Sloane, 1729. 4050, f. 132. Cleanor Coleran. v. Hare (Henry), 2nd Baron Coleraine. C l e a r k (Andrew), D.D., Chaplain to Charles, Prince of Wales. Note of a dispensation to, to hold two livings, n. d. 856, f. 11 b. C l e a r k e (Richard). Copy. 1446, f. 88. Poem, 17th cent. C l e a v e (William), Armiger, of co. Northants. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 46. C l e i j e r (Andreas), of Batavia. Letter to E. Kgempfer, 1691. Dutch. 3064, f. 19. C l e m e n s , S. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, ff. 104b-113. C l e m e n s (Cynthius), M.D. De febrium curatione, 1618. 3133, ff. 404-411. C l e m e n t (Jo—). Receipt for plants sold to the Duchess of Beaufort, 1694. 4071, f. 246. C l e m e n t (John), M.D., President of the College of Physicians. Medical receipt, 16th cent. 3149, f. 43. C l e m e n t (Nicolas), " Bibliothequaire du Boy a Paris." Catalogue de quelques livres envoye a, l a t h cent. 2887, ff. 77-80. C l e m e n t (Simon), Secretary to the English Embassy at Vienna. Register of his letters, 1712-1714. 3811. C l e m e n t (Thomas), Master's Mate. Journal of voyage from England to Surat and back, 1 6 3 J - 1 6 3 | . 3492. C l e m e n t s (Henry), Printer of the Philosophical Transactions. Disclaimer of any right and property in the copy of the Philosophical Transactions, 1710. Signed. 3984, f. 276. C l e n a u , Comes de. v. Klenow, Count of. C l e n c h (Edward). 17th cent. 3203. Medical receipts, Clergy. Observations on some books written against the Clergy, especially Martin Mar-prelate, circ. 1700. 885, ff. 102-105 b. Clerk ( 17th cent. ), M.D. Medical receipts, Lat. 3426, ff, 148-157. SLOANE INDEX. C l e r k (John), Bishop of Bath. Letters to, as Commissioner to Adrian VI. and Charles V., from Card. Wolsey, 1523, 1525. 3839, ff. 1, 13-25, 26-41. C l e r k (Josiah), M.D. Praxis medicinse, cum casibus, 1663-1672. 2138, ff. 1 209, 219-253, 264-279. C l e r k ^Richard), Canon of Canterbury. Letter to Bishop Andrewes, 161£. Lat. 118, f. 9. C l e r k (William), Surgeon. Book made of the bark of trees by, in Newfoundland, 1710. 2373. C l e r k (William). Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 298. C l e r k e , Family of, of Deptford. Notes of the births and deaths of several members, 1627-1637. 472, ff. 8 b-10. C l e r k e (Bartholomew), Dean of the Arches. Letter to Cambridge University, 1573. 3562, f. 21. Citation of parishioners of Bettws Garmon, 1 5 7 f 1605, f. l b . Accompt of his entertainment as Assistant in Council of the United States of Holland, 1587. 3299, f. 15. C l e r k e (John), of Queens' College, Cambridge, and of Wells, co. Wexford. Discourse of the Philosopher's Stone, 1685* 3700. C l e t h r o w (Henry), v. Clitherow. C l e v e l a n d (John), Poet. Imitation of his letter of thanks to Lord Westmorland, 17th cent. 3087, f. 27. C l e v e s , Duchy of, in Prussia. Metrical description of the character of the natives, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764, f. 117. C l i f f e (Henry), of Sutton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 171f. 4045, f. 196. C l i f f o r d , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, ff. 49 b, 110 b, C l i f f o r d (George), 3rd Earl of Cumberland. Voyages in 1589, 1591, 1593, 17th cent. 43, ff. 25 b, 31 b, 35. Grant to, of letters of marque,. 1597. 33, f. 3. • Commentary of his voyage in 159J, 17th cent. 3289. Dispute with the Merchant Adventurers Company, 1602. 25, ff. 10 b 12. C l i f f o r d (Georgius), LL.D., of Amsterdam. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. 4055, f. 393. I 114 INDEX. C l i f f o r d (Henry), of London. Medical certificate of his impotence, 1607. Lat. 1709, f. 142. Clifford nee Quatermaine (Margaret). Observations de ejus corporis dissectione, per N. Johnstone, 1 6 8 | . 3408, i. 195. C l i f t o n , co. Glouc. Account of St. Vincent's well, by a physician, circ. 1640. 640, ff. 340-351. Account of St. Vincents rock and hot well at, by G. Bonnivert, late 17th cent. Fr. 1028, ff. 84, 87 b. C l i f t o n (Francis), M.D., of Kingston, Jamaica. Letter to Sir II. Sloane, 1736. 4054, f. 247. C l i f t o n (J—). Formerly owned MS. 2793. Climaeterical Years. 17th cent. Account of, 182, ff. 6 b-10 b. C l i n t o n , Family of. Notes of the pedigree, 16th cent. 1301, ff. 32 b, 42 b. C l i n t o n o f C o l e s h i l l , Family of. Notes of, 16th cent. 1301, f. 412 b. C l i n t o n (Anne), daughter of Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln. Prescription for, by Sir H. Sloane, 1729. 4076, f. 18. C l i n t o n (Elizabeth), wife of Edward, 1st Earl of Lincoln, and Mistress of Henry VIII. M dical prescriptions for, by Dr. Glyn, 16th cent. 398, passim. C l i n t o n - ( L u c y ) , wife of Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, [1729]. 4076, ff. 16, 17. Letter to her brother Henry, 1729. Extract. 4076, f. 19. Letters to her brother, the Duke of Newcastle, 1729. Extracts. 4076, ff. 159, 161. C l i t h e r o w (Henry), Merchant of London. Trading accompts, 1578-1580. 320 or 321, ff. 2 b-32. Clophame ( ), of Beamsley, co. York. Collections relatingto Yorkshire families, 17th cent. 3836, ff. 65 b-69. C l o p t o n , Family of. Notes of arms in Melford church, 16th 1301, f. 338 b. their cent. C l o p t o n (Poley), M.D., of Bury St. Edmun 169g. 2376, ff. 5-9. Description of fish and fowl taken on a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 169J. 2376, ff. 31-37 b. . Meteorological observations by, at Emily, in China, 1698. 4025, ff. 81-89. Meteorological observations in a voyage to China, 1700. 3323, ff. 81-84. Correspondence with J. B. Poggio,. 1698. Lat. 2376, ff. 1 0 - 2 1 . Correspondence with J. Arte >ga de la Guerra, [169f]. 2376, ff. 22-30. Letters to J. Petiver, 1 7 0 0 - 1 7 0 | . 3321, ff. 52, 65, 89, 100, 112, i l 7 , 132, 220, 2 2 4 ; 4041, ff. 265, 2 6 6 ; 4064, ff. 132, 144. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17001719. 3321, f. 2 2 4 ; 4025, ff. 90, 9 2 ; 4038, f. 3 5 ; 4039, ff. 17, 81, 85, 226 j 4040, f. 3 5 0 ; 4041, ff. 25, 265, 266. — Letter to the East India Company's servants, 1705. Copy. 3336,ff. 1 3 b - 1 5 b . Memorandum, 1699. 3321, f. 20. Autograph in album, 1697. 2360, f. 7. 133 INDEX. C u n n i n g h a m (Alexander), M.D., afterw. Sir A. C. Dick, Bart. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4075, f. 39. C u n n i n g h a m (James), of Northampton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4075, £ 37. C u n r a d i n u s (Henningius). Carmina, 17th cent. 2888,ff.13, 14, 89,103,116. C u p e r u s (Gisbertus), Professor of History at Deventer. Inscriptio lapidis ex Aleppo ei transmissa, circ. 1706. 3563,ff.1 3 67. Correspondence with A. Olivier, 1706. 3563,ff.2 - 8 . Correspondence with I. de Visch, 1706. Fr. 3563, ff. 9-12 b. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1708. Lat. 4041, f. 95. Owned MS. 3524. C u p p a g e (William). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1705, 1706. 4040, ff. 95, 277. Curita. C u t h b e r t , S. Vita, 13th cent. 1772, ff. 1-7, 8. Legend of, by R. Hegge, [ 1 6 2 5 1626] 1322. C u t h m a n , S. Note of the place of his birth and burial, 15th cent. 3744, f. 1. C u t l e r (Samuel), M.D. Medical commonplace book, 1686. 1424. Cypher, v. Cipher. C y p r i a n u s (Abraham), M.D. of Amsterdam, and L B.C.P., FM.S. of London. Medical collections, 17th cent. Lat, Dutch and Fr. 2386-2390. C y p r u s , Kingdom of. Account of the loss of, by Capt. A. Gatti, 1573. Jtal 2256. Czimmermann ( ). v. Zimmerman (Peter). C z o c h i u s (Mauritius), of Frankfort. Horoscope, [1571-1596]. 1770, f. 159 b. v. Zurita (Geronimo). C u r l l (Edmund), Bookseller. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 170§, 1740, and n. d. 4039, f. 69 ; 4056, f. 249 ; 4058, f. 211. C u r t e i s (Thomas), M.D., of Sevenoaks. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4075, f. 4 1 . D D — (A—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4075, f. 47 b. D — (A—) alias D — (R—). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1718, 17JJ. 4045,ff.124, C u r t e s i u s (Carolus). De forma medi297. camentorum, 17th cent. 1814,ff.1-85. D — (D—), a Lady. Letter to a lady on C u r t i s (R—), of Rochester. Letter to the education of girls, 17th cent. 649, Sir H. Sloane, 172J. 4075, f. 43. f. 203. C u r t i u s (Matthseus), M.D., of Pavias D _ (F—-) v. Douce (Francis). N. de S. Michaele responsio ad objecta facta in ejus determinatione de fleboD _ _ (G—). Letter to Sir H . Sloane, tomia in pleuresi, 1527. 125. 1700. 4038, f. 52. C u s a (Nicolas de). v. Khrypffs. D — ( J — ) . Verses on t h e author of " P n e u m a Poeseos Catholicum," 17th C u s t o m s . Collections relating to t h e Custom House, 1671, 1672. 1 4 2 5 ; cent. Lat. 3632, f. 152. 3931. j ) — ( j — T—). v. Desaguliers (Jean Accompt book of a London Custom Theophile). House officer, 1672-167}. 379,ff.21 b D — (L—), M.D. Consilium medicum, 26. pro Rev. Patre Gabriele, 17th cent. Journal of a Scotch Custom House officer, 1692-1696. 2687, ff. 6-58. 2253, f. 202 b. Answers from two physicians to D — ( P — ) . Sonnet sur les victoires du the Commissioners touching infected Roy en Flandre, 1672. 895, f. 34. goods brought from Italy, 1743. 4034, D _ (R__) alias D — (A—). Letters to f. 1. Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 1 8 , 1 7 i § . 4045,ff.124, v. Carlisle, co Cumb. 297. C u t h b e r s o n (R—), of Kiveton, co. York. D — (R—). Owned, in 1669, MS. 456. Letter to Sir H . Sloane, 1721. 4075, D _ (W—). Letters to Sir H . Sloaue, f. 45. n. d. 4058, f. 212. C u r t e s (Pier), Keeper of the Wardrobe. Royal warrant to, to deliver stuff to J . Ailliott, 1463. 2251, f. 79. 134 INDEX. D — (W—), of Kensington Gravel Pits. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 0 | . 4075, f. 46. D a l e (Samuel), M.D., of Braintree, GO. Essex (continued). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1692-1736. 4025, ff. 94-100 ; D a b i l a (Joan). Letter to, from D. L. de Andrada 1690 Svan 2456 f 153 de Andrada, lb9U. bpan. 24i>b, t. I M . D a c i a (Nicolaus de), Ordinis Prcedicatorum. Anaglyphse astronomicse, 1476. 1680, ff. 48-130. D a c r e , Barons, v. Fiennes. Z, ' " * ! " T, • , D a c r e (Thomas), 2nd Baron Dacre of Gillesland. Letter to Card. Wolsey, 1524. Copy. o l 9 9 , f. 19. D a e r e s , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 44. Formerly owned MS. 4031. f*™'*12*™0 i ? M f ^ lot > 2 0 5 5 4 0 3 9 > ff- 1 4 2 > 3 5 4 ' 4 2 2 > 4 2 6 » ^ ^ ff> ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 259, 297, 317, 3 6 5 ; 4041, ff. 14, 16, 20, 46, 253, 271, 277, 285, 329 ; 4042, f. 46 ; 4043, fff. 42 1 ; 34045,4 ff. 35, 1 2 99,0 5 24 8 ; 8 56, 4 1 4046 > « > 0 5 5 ° 4 7> f° 5 > f. 3 4 0 ; 4053, ff. 5 1 , 247, 3 0 3 ; 4055, 4058, ff. 213-216 b ; 4075, f. 53. f 67 addressed ^ ^ ^ fco g> S m i t h s ? ^ ^ ^ ff. 122 b, 130 b. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700-1717, and n. d. 3321, ff. 47, 57, 60, 105, 123, 148 D a i l l o n (Jacobus). Letters of naturalization granted to, 1682. Lat. 2655, f- 155. D a i n d r i d g e (Joseph). Description of English spiders captured in and around London, 17th cent. 3999. D a k e r s (Abraham), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for assault, 167}. 3514, f. 62. D a l b y (Lionel). Formerly owned MS. 446. D a l b y (Thomas), of Quenby, co. Leic. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1737. 4055, f. 180. -r*«i~ / \ T ii J. * o- TT Dale ( ). Letter to, from Sir H. ' 141' 143' 144' 146' 150' 163-168' 170, 202, 204, 2 0 6 ; 3322, ff. 95, 1 6 2 ; ^ fc 2 Q ' ' f> 2 1 g . ^ L e t t e r t o S i r T . Robinson, n. d. Imverf 4066 f 311 T + + +"<•'«• u «i Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1692. 4068, ff. 9, 11. ElectuD a i e c l i a m p S (Jacques), M.D. arium tabulatum, 16th cent. 1840, f. 55 b. De peste, 17th cent. Extract. 3118, f. 230 b. Queedam botanica ex, 17th cent. 3119, ff. 342-347. D a l l u n d (Severinus). Prselecta publica O. Borrichii excepta a, 1683-1684. 3019, ,* 9 _ 2 9 *1, ^r x ^ • D ' A l m a s s e s (M—), Marquis. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1713, 1715. Fr. 4043, f. 176 ; 4044, f. 25. D a l r y m p l e (Hew), President of the Scotch Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1729, 1731. 4050, f. 29 ; 4052, f. 34. D a l r y m p l e (John). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1741. 4057, f. 40. D a l t o n (Th—), Apothecary, of London. Letter to J. Petiver, 1704. 4064, f. 8. D a m (Gisbert van), of Ley den. Thesis f <>r a mfl™\ **&<>* ** ^eyden, 1592. L a t 64 ff > ' H4b-115b. D a m a (Johannes), Magister. Breviarius medicinalis, 13th cent. 2454, ff. 53 b - 8 1 . 7 ' •n i ,1 - ,. ,. ., N 0 , S eme 1S n a t l V t y f ^ { ^ ' ' f a°K looO. 1707, i. 3 b. D a l e (Robert). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1704. 4039, f. 352. D a l e (Samuel), M.D., of Braintree, co. Essex. Bequest of books to the Apothecaries' Company, London, circ. 1739. 4066, f. 244. hannes), Monachus Benedictinus. Aphorlw>i medicales, 14th cent. 420, ff. 2 6 0 nf>o D a m p i e r (William), Navigator. Voyages through the South Seas, 1681-1691. Partly autogr. 3236, ff. 1-13, 29-233. Account of his book " A new voyage round the world, 1697," 18th cent. 3986, f. 43. D a e r e s Lady Medical reciDe for the * i*fu * S « A A ?Pfo stone, 16th cent. 3490, A. f. 49. D a e r e s ( A r t h u r ) , J f . £ . , Professor of Geometry at Gresham College. Owned, in 1650, MS. 1067. ' D a h l s t e d (George). Letter to E.Lhwyd, 1706. Fr. and Breton. 4064, f. 106. D a h m e (Anthonius), Student of Medicine at Leipzig. Autograph in album, 1693, 2360, f. 57. D a i l l e (Jean), Ministre a Paris. Letter to Mons. de Gruvendol [i.e.R. Oldenburg], 1675. Fr. 4062, f. 185. - n « 4 n ™ m • n\ T ** * * V D a i l l o n (Daniel). Letters of naturalization granted to, 1682. Za*. 2655, f. 155. Sloane, n. d. 4069, f. 145. 140 Damacenus [Damaseenus] (Jo- INDEX. 135 D a n (John), M.D., of Bristol. Praxis medica, 17th cent. 3969,ff.4 - 4 3 . D a n n o i (Johan). 3126, f. 86. D a n b i e (John), M.D., of Scarborough. Correspondence with Dr.R. Wittie, 1 6 7 ^ 1672. 1393,ff.12 b - 1 7 . Medical certificate, 1 6 7 | . Lat. 206, B. f. 64. D a n b y , Earl of. v. Osborne (Peregrine Hyde). D a n t z i g . Epistolse ad Fiatres Dantiscanos, a J. Dury, 1630, 1633. 654, ff. 133, 136. Letter from t h e magistrates t o Charles II., on a capture of a Lubeck vessel by a Scottish cruiser, 1667. Lat 1001, f. 7 b. Danby 443. D a n u b e , River. Rimedj di V. M. Coronelli per ripparare i mali di, early 18th cent. 3603. (R—). D a n b y (Richard). c e n t , MS. 990. Formerly owned MS. Owned, in the 16th D a n c e s . Figures in dances, 17th cent. 3858, ff, 15-18. Dandridge ( ) , of Moorfields, London. Letter to, from S. Brewer, 1731. 4051, f. 266. Dandy ( ) , of Ipswich. Memorandum of t h e sale of his house, circ. 1560. 3166, f. 36 b. D a n e a u (Lambert), Professor of Theology at Leyden. Formerly owned MS. 536. D a n e s (Dr. John). Catalogue of t h e British authors out of his dictionary, and the year when they flourished, circ. 1700. 885, f. 33. L'eucraisie, 14th cent. D a n v e r s , Family of. cent. 1301, f. 107 b. Pedigree, 16th D a n v e r s (Mark), of Wickhambrooky co. Suff. Excerpts from deeds in possession of, 16th cent. Lat. 1301, f. 218. D a n v e r s (John), son of the Regicide. Petition in Chancery in the case of, 1659. 2717, f. 2. D a n y e l l (James). 823. Formerly owned MS. D a p p e r (Herbertus), M.D., of Deventer. Letters to C. Sibelius a Goor, 1678. Lat. 2729, ff. 2 1 , 27. Autograph in album, 1669. 1795 or 2597, f. 70. D a r c y , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 44. D a n i e l , Propheta. Sompnia, 14th and D a r c y (Sir Arthur), 2nc? son of Thomas, 15th centt. Lat. and Fr. verse. 3 2 8 1 , Baron Darcy. Medical receipt-book, ff. 35-46 ;—15th cent. Engl. 1609, ff. 16th cent. 1592. 2 9 b - 3 1 ; — 1 6 t h cent. Lat. Imperf. 3542, f. 43 ;—17th cent. Lat. 2561, D a r c y (Edmund), Merchant at Tangier. Receipt of a promissory note, 1666. f. 55. 3509, f. 121. D a n i e l (Henry), Ordinis Pmdicatorum. D ' A r e y (Frederica), widow of Robert^ De urinis, 1379. Imperf. 2527,ff.1 7 9 3rd Earl of Holdernesse. Letter to Sir 1 9 6 b ; — 1 4 t h cent. Eng. Fragm. 340, H. Sloane, 1723. 4075, f. 244. ff. 4 0 - 6 3 b ; — 1 5 t h cent. Lat. and Engl. 1100,ff.3-121;—16th cent. Lat. D a r c y (Thomas), Baron Darcy. Medical and Engl. Imperf. 1721. receipt-books, 16th cent. 1585 ; 1592. D a n i e l (Samuel), Poet. Poem on " The Character of, 17th cent. 1523, ciuile warrs," 17th cent. Imperf. f. 32 b. 1443. D a r e (George). Letter to, from W. Lea, Sonnets to Delia, jL7th cent. 1702. 4063, f. 152. Imperf. 3943, ff. 149-156. D a r e l l (Anne), wife of Sir Marmaduke D a n i e l (William), Archbishop of Tuam. Darell of Fulmere, Cofferer to James I. Letter t o Lord Falkland, 162f. 3827, MS. 356 was dedicated to her by Dr. E. f. 69. Brandon. D a n i e l l (J—). Owned, in 170f, MS. D a r e l l (Elizabeth), wife of Sir John 1333. Darell) and elder daughter of Sir Edward D a n i e l l (Mary), of London. Account of, Dering^ 1st Bart. Note of her birth in 16th cent. 1301, f. 188. 1627 and death in 1650 by F. Bernard, 17th cent. 1707, f. 17 b. D a n i e l l (Samuel). Epitome of Ray's synopsis, addressed to, early 18th cent. D a r e l l (Thomas), of co. Cornw. Letter to 4020, ff. 34-41. H. Roberts, 1681. Copy. 3822, f. 167. INDEX. 136 D a r e s P h r y g i u s . De excidio Trojse, early 13th cent. 1619, ff. 29-37 b D ' A r g e n v i l l e (D—), Secretaire du Hoy en la grande Chancellerie. Letter to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, n. d. Fr. 4066, f. 312. D a r i a , S., Virgin and Martyr. Legend of, l o t h cent. Lat. 1936, f. 48. D a r l i n g t o n , Countess of. segge (Charlotte Sophia). v. KielmaD- D a s t y n (John) {continued). Visio alchymica, 1 5 t h - l 7 t h centt. Lat. and Engl. 212, ff. 2 1 b - 2 3 b ; 288, ff. 209-210 b ; 693, ff. 40-42 ; 2476, ff. 1-2 b. Vision, 17th cent. 2176, f. 46. Dream, 17th cent. Engl, verse. 288, ff. 54-58 b. D a u a l l (John). Medical receipts, 1657. 1812. D a u b e (Jacob Jehan). MS. 3084 was, in 1643, dedicated to him. D a r m e r s (Lionhart), of Nuremberg. Sketch and description of his brass screw, 17th cent. 2577, A. ff. 84-89. D a u b e n y , Family of. Notes of, cent. 1301, ff. 51, 222. Darnel ( 17th cent. ). Extracta medica ex, 1988, ff. 126-140, 169-174. D ' A u b i g n i (Katharina). Medical receipts, 17th cent. Ital. 2106. D a r n e y (Thomas). Letter to Dr. T. Browne, 1704. 1911-1913, f. 140. Daude ( ). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173f. Fr. 4054, f. 185. D a r n l e y , Lord. D a u e l y (Peter), Shoemaker. Case of his wife suffering from tenesmus, 1669. Lat. 2492, f. 66. v. Stuart (Henry;. 16th D a r r e l l (Henry), Barrister. Certificate of his death and burial at Tangier on his way from England to Barbados, 1673. 3514, f. 183. D a u i e s (Judith). Letter to Sir T. Turquet de Mayerne, n. d. 3423, f. 38. Darrington ( ). Letter to, from J. Clarke, n. d. 4058, f. 135. D a u i s (James), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against, for theft, circ. 1671. 3514, f. 65. D a r t m o u t h , GO. Devon. Deposition respecting a robbery in a ship at, 169§. 2717, f. 25. Survey of the harbour, 1698. 3233, f. 34 b. D a u m o n t , Le Due. Due. D a r t m o u t h , Baron, v. Legge (George). D a s h w o o d (Dorothy), wife of Robert, son of Sir Robert, 1st Bart. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4075, f. 54 b. D ' A s s i g n y (Fifield), son of Rev. Marius D'Assigny. Verses on Dr. J. Tempest's death, circ. 1717. 3516, f. 183. D a s t y n (John). Rosarius philosophorum, 15th-16th centt. 212, ff. 9 9 b - 1 2 0 b ; 320, if. 3 7 - 5 0 ; 2476, ff. 11-23. Speculum philosophise, 1 6 t h - l 7 t h centt. Imperf. 1077, ff. 4 - 5 1 b ; 1854 ; 2480. Liber philosophise ad Neapoleonem Ursinum, S. Hadriani Cardinalem, 15th cent. 212, ff. 43 b - 5 4 b ; 2476, ff. 40-48. Speculum philosophise ad Neapoleonem Ursinum, S. Hadriani Cardinalem, 15th cent. . 212, ff. 5 4 b - 7 9 b ; 2476, ff. 48 b - 6 8 . Secretum secretorum, 15th cent. 2476, ff. 24-39. Donum dei, 17th cent. 3738, ff. 23-35 b. Opus de elixir aquarum, 15th cent. 976, f. 1 5 ; 1118, ff. 107-111. v. Aumont (Louis d'), D a v a n z a t i (Baccio). Capitoli a, di A. F. Grazzini, 17th cent. 1880, ff. 83 b - 8 5 . D a v e l (Petrus), Professor of Philosophy at Lausanne. Autograph in album, 1670. 1795 or 2597, f. 17. D ' A v e n a n t (Charles), Inspector-General of Exports and Imports. On resumptions and balance of trade, 18th cent. Extracts. 2902, ff. 11-16. D a v e n a n t (John), Bishop of Salisbury. Letters to, from J. Dury, 1634-1636. Lat. 654, f. 252, 355, 358. D a v e n a n t (Sir William). in verse, 17th cent. 2230. D a v e n p o r t (Mrs. from A. Prowse, 1719. " Reason," ). Letter to, 3984, f. 235. D a v e n p o r t (Francis). Transcribed, in the 17th cent., MS. 998. D a v e n p o r t (George), Chaplain to Bishop Cosin. Letter to Sir A. Henley, 1664. Copy. 813, f. 77 b. Letter to Rev. W. Byrstall, 1664. 813, f. 78 b. Davenport (Henry), Jeueller, of Coventry. Letter to the Master Armourer of the Tower of London, 1595. 2172, f. 27. INDEX. D a v e n p o r t (Sir Humphrey), Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Argument on Hampden's case of shipmonev, 1637. 3933, ff. 276-288. D a v e n p o r t (John). Formerly owned MS. 267. D a v e n t r y , co. Northants. Route from, to Harrington, late 17th cent. 1009, f. 198. D a v i d s o n (D—). Letter Sloane, n. d, 4058, f. 217. to Sir H. D a v i d s o n (John), M.D., of Glasgow. Letter to Dr. C. L. Morley, 1689. 1256,' f. 23. D a v i e s (Edward), Vicar of Dunchurch, co. Warw. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4075, f. 56. D a v i e s (G—), M.D., of Birmingham. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1701, and n. d. 4038, ff. 175, 2 4 8 ; 4075, f. 51. . Account by, of an unusual colic, 1701. 4025, f. 101. D a v i e s (Sir John), Poet; AttorneyGeneral for Ireland. Letters to, from Sir F. Bacon, 1603, [1606-1619]. 3078, ff. 35 b, 50 b. D a v i e s (John), D. £>., Rector of Heydon, co. Essex. Letter from his physician to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 1 | . 4077, f. 130. D a v i e s (John), President of Queen's College, Cambridge. Testimonial, as ViceOhancellor, in favour of R. Smith, 1 7 2 | . Copy. 4077, f. 338. D a v i e s (Myles). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1716. 4044, f. 254. D a v i e s (W—), of Oporto. Letter to J. Petiver, 1715. 4065, f. 218. D a v i s (Hugh), of Charles City, Virginia. List of physiological collections of Rev. J. Banister, 1692. 3321, f. 8. D a v i s (James). Warrant for his salary as supernumerary groom of the Privy Chamber, 1 6 6 | . 856, f. 11. D a v i s (John). ff. 41-44. Wrote, in 1690, MS. 3629, Davison al. Bodkin ( ) . Account of a conference with Card. Mazarin's Secretary, sent to Sec. Thurloe by, 1655-1658. 972, ff. 19-22 b. D a v i s o n (Ralph), of London. Letter to, from his cousin Thomas, 1719. 4075, f. 50. D a v i s o n (Thomas), of Durham. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. 4075, f. 49. Letter to his cousin Ralph, 1719. 4075, f. 50. 137 D a v i s o n (William), Ambassador to the LOVJ Countries; afterw. Secretary of State. Instructions to, 1576, 1577. 2442, ff. 91, 98. Apology of, for execution of the warrant on Mary, Queen of Scots, [1587]. 3199, ff. 323-328. D a v y d u P e r r o n (Jacques), Cardinal Bishop of Evreux and Archbishop of Sens, Letter to I. Casaubon, [1612], Transl. 1950, ff. 92-112. D a v y s (Her—), of Carrick. Letter to Dr. E. Borlase, 1680. 1008, f. 281. D a v y s (John), of Sandridge. Journal by, of voyage from Acheen to Sumatra, 17th cent. 3668,ff.156 b, 157; 3959, f. 1. D a w e s (Sir Abraham), of Putney; Farmer of the Customs. Note of his standing godfather to Dr. Hodges a t Richmond, 1629. 810, f. 1. D a w e s (Sir William), 3rd Bart.; Bishop of Chester. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1711. 4042, f. 268. D a w s o n (Nicholas). Personal expenses, 1598, 1599. 1137, ff. 1, 98-110 b. D a w s o n (Richard), Soldier at Tangier. Charge against for assault and battery, circ. 1673. 3514, f. 156. D a w s o n (William), Marshal-General at Tangier. Warrant to, from Lord Middleton, 1 6 7 | . 3299, f. 122. D a w t r y (Sir Henry), of Moore in Petnorth, co. Suss. Dedicatory epistle to, from E. Poeton, 17th cent. 1954, f. 162. D a y (Alexander). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 219. D a y (John), of Gonville and Cains College, Cambridge ; Dramatist. Learning's Pilgrimage, 17th cent. 3150. D a y (Paul). Medical receipts, 1604-1642. 137. Day (William), Dean of Windsor. Speech of T. Matthewe on the election of, as Prolocutor in Convocation, 158J. Lat. 1710, ff. 104-106. D a y (William), Gunner, P.N. Examination at Tangier respecting the captain of a Genoese ship, 1665. 1952, f. 84. D a y s . Versus de signiflcatione dierum mensis, 11th cent. 475, f. 216 b. • Of good and evil days in the year, 15th cent. 540, f. 23 b ; 963, f. 73 ;— 16th cent. Fr. 514, f. 78. D e a c o n (Thomas), of Manchester; Physician and Nonjuring Bishop. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1730.' 4077, f. 105. 158 INDEX. D e a l , GO. Kent. Description of. 1693. 1913, f. 54. Drawing of the castle, by Capt. J. Kempthorne, 1688. 3665, f. 76 b. D e a n e (Sir Anthony), Navy Commissioner. Method for calculating the cost of a navy, [1660-1678]. 2032, f. 52. Complaint against, for sending information to the French Government, 1679. 3065, f. 30. D e a n e (Edmond), M.D. Spadacrene Anglicana, 17th cent. Extract, 1178, ff. 170-173. D e a n e (Eobert). Cure for a child's " s c a l d " head, 17th cent. 2548, f. 42 b. D e a n e (Richard), Regicide. Epitaph, circ. 1653. Lat. 4022, f. 50 b. D e a r m o r (Stephen), of Luton. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1697. 3321, f. 15 b. Death. Versus de signis mortis, 14th cent. 568, f. 217. Thesis on the sentence, Mors omnibus communis, 17th cent. 933, ff. 84-87. D e b e n h a m , co. Suff. Payment to the town by Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 17th cent. 2592, ff. 11 b - 1 3 . D e c k e r s (Fredericus), Professor of Medicine at Ley den. Praxis medica, 1698. 2738. Collegium ejus practicum in Nosooomio, 1709. 2966, ff. 21-29. D e e , River. Reasons for making navigable, 18th cent. 3323, f. 267. it D e e (Arthur), Alchemist; Chief Physician to the Czar of Russia. Area arcanorum abstrusae hermeticse scientise, 1634. 1876, ff. 1-83. Astronomica - medica, 17th cent. Hologr. 1902. Scheme of his nativity, 13 July, 1579. 1902, f. 28. D e e (Isabel), daughter of Arthur Dee, Alchemist. Scheme of her nativity, 5 Sept. 1614. 1902, f. 27 b. D e e (Isabella), wife of Arthur Dee. of her death, 1634. 1902, f. 11. Note D e e (Jane), daughter of Arthur Dee, Alchemist. Scheme of her nativity, 31 March, 1605. 1902, f. 10. D e e (John), Astrologer. Horoscope, 1527. 1782, f. 3 1 . Mysteriorum libri v., 1581-1583. Autogr. 3188. Copy of the same work ' by E. Ashmole, 1672. 3677. D e e (John), Astrologer (continued). Book of Enoch, transcribed by E. Kelley, 1583. 3189. Other copies of the same work, 17th cent. 78, f. 120 ; 2599, ff. 1-45. Claves Angelica, 1584, 1585. Autogr. 3191. Copies of the same work by E. Ashmole, 1672. 3678;—17th cent. Imperf. 78, f. 122. Instructions and annotations on Euclid's Elements, 1569. 15. — Mathematical preface annexed to Euclid, 157°;. Copy, circ. 1700. 885, f. 72. Owned, in 1557, MSS. 2128 and 2325, and, in 1559, MS. 2327. D e e (John), son of Arthur Dee, Alchemist. Scheme of his nativity, 24 July,' 1606. 1902, ff. 9 b - 1 4 . D e e (Margaret), daughter of Arthur Dee, Alchemist. Scheme of her nativity, 4 April, 1603. 1902, f. 9 b. D e e (Richard). Owned, in 1648, MS. 3630. Deerham (Rev. ). Letter to, from P. Hall, 1705. 4064, f. 61. D e e r i n g (Charles), M.D., Botanist. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. Lat. 4054, f. 86. Certificate of his medical proficiency, from Sir H. Sloane, 18th cent. 4069, f. 204. D e e r i n g (Sir Edward), Bart. v. Dering. D e f o e (Benjamin Norton), 2nd son of Daniel Defoe. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 110. D e g o o n e (Sir Bernard), v. Gomme (Sir Bernard de). D e i d i e r (Chevalier Antoine), Professor of Medicine at Montpellier. Experiences sur la bile des pestiferes de Marseille, 1721. 3323, ff. 215-218 ; 3324, ff. 2 2 1 2 2 8 ; 4034, f. 7. Dissertation sur l'origine du souffre vif, etc., 1735. 4025, ff. 104-113. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1725,1735, 1738. Fr. 4025, f. 102 ; 4047, f. 327 ; 4055, f. 359. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1724, and n. d. Fr. 4068, f. 1 1 7 ; 4069, f. 146. D e k y n g s t o n (Edward), Alchemist, of London. Alchemical extracts, 158§. 2170, ff. 66-71 b ; 3180 ; 3684, ff. 1-46 b. D e l a b e n e (Elizabeth). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n.d. 4058, f. 221. INDEX. D e l a c o s t e (J—), M.D., of Bath arid Paris. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17201733, and n. d. Engl, and Fr. 4045, f. 323 ; 4046, ff. 116, 256, 3 1 8 ; 4047, ff. 5, 8 8 ; 4048, f. 124; 4052, f. 1 3 7 ; 4053, f. 1 1 ; 4058, f. 222. D e l a c o u r t (John). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4053, f. 19. D e l a f a y e (Charles), Under - Secretary of State. Letter to Dr. Silvestre, 1705. Fr. 4064, f. 72. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 172J, 1724, 1 7 3 | . 3984, f. 98 ; 4046, ff. 330 ; 4047, f. 2 3 4 ; 4075, f. 59. D e l a f a y e (Capt. L—), brother of the Under-Secretary of State. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 173J. 4075, f. 58. D e l a g r i v e (Jean), Abbe. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1733, 1734, and n. d. Fr. 4052, f. 3 6 1 ; 4053, ff. 140, 1 7 8 ; 4058, f. 224. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1733, 173f. Fr. 4068, ff. 205, 217, 223. D e L a H a i z e (Abraham), Servant to the late William Hill, Merchant at Falmouth, co. Cornw. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. 4058, f. 226. D e l a m a i n e (Richard), Sen., Mathematician. Notes on the " Apology against his ' Grammelogia,' by W. Oughtred," 17th cent. 1983, B. f. 77. D e l a m a r e , Family of. MS. 514. D e l a m e r e , Barons, Formerly owned Regius. D e l a r m e r , Family of. Pedigree arms of, 17 th cent. 3836, f. 32 b. and D e l a u n e (Nathanael), of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge', son of Pierre Delaune, French Minister at Norwich. Commonplace book, 1618-1642. 385. D e l a u n e (Paul), M.D., Physician to the Lord Deputy of Ireland. Pharmacopoeia, et diarium pharmaceuticum, 1613-1622. 890, ff. 1-143 b. Receipt for liis pills, 17th cent. 2281, f. 63. D e l a u n e (Pierre), Minister of the French Church at Norwich. Sermons, 17th cent. 385, ff. 48-59 b, 62-89 b. D e l a v a l (Sir Ralph), 1st Bart., of Seaton Delaval. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 168§. 2724, f. 137. D e l a v a l l (Isabel). 3319. D e l b e n e (Alphonsus), Bishop of Verses to, by R. Thory, 17th Lat. 1768, f. 19 b. Albi. cent. D e l f i n o (Card. Daniel Marcus). Letters to the Danish Envoy at Paris, 1700. Fr. 2877, ff. 149, 155. Letter to, from C. A. Fabroni, 1697. Ital. 2877, f. 114. D e l i s l e (Joseph Nicholas). Sir H. Sloane, 1740, 1742. ff. 199, 206. Letters to Fr. 4056, D e L ' l s l e (Louis), of St. Petersburg. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1742, and n. d. Fr. 4057, f. 1 4 4 ; 4058, f. 228. D e l i u s (Matthias), Scholar Hamburgensis Hector. Verses on his picture, by H. Cunradinus, 17th cent. Lat. 2888, f. 16. D e l l (Elizabeth), MS. 3907 was dedicated to her by W. Drax. D e l m a n h o r s t i u s (Henricus films Salomonis). Oratio funebris in F. RapheJengium, [1597]. 2764, ff. 165-168 b. Lacrymae in abitum C. Rapheleugii, et querquerse ob reditum F. Raphelengii, 1601. 2764, f. 169. D e l m e n h o r s t , Grand Duchy of. Collectanea ecclesiastica et civilia de, 18th cent. 2886, ff. 13, 20. D e l m o n t e (Chaterine), cy-devant Cordonniere de la Peine Mere. Letter to ,circ. 1617. Fr. 3813, ff. 46-50 b. D e l o r (L—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. Fr. 4055, ff. 319-321 b. v. Booth. D e l a n g l e (Jacobus), Consiliarius Owned, in 1624, MS. 2417. 139 Formerly owned MS. D e m a h o y (Thomas), of Guildford, co. Surr. Power of attorney to, from Lord Middleton, 1673. 3511, f. 212 b. Demonfriart al. Vincent, Dr. v. Vincent al. Demonfriart (George). D e n b i g h , County of. Objections by the gentlemen of, to the grant of lands in, to Lord Portland, 1695. 3962, f. 53. D e n b i g h (M—). v. Feiiding (Mary), widow of William, 3rd Earl of Denbigh. D e n b i g h L a n d M a n o r , co. Denbigh. Objections to the grant of, to Lord Portland, 1695. 3962, f. 53. D e n b y (Domina ), of Northampton. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 18 b. D e n d y , Family of. Formerly owned MS. 926. D e n g a y n (William). Formerly owned MS. 1617.' 140 INDEX. D e n h a m (Sir John), Baron of the Exchequer. Speech to, by Lord Keeper Bacon, 1617. 3522, f. 25. Opinion on Hampden's case of shipmoney, 1638. 3933, f. 275. D e n h a m (Thomas), Vicar of Hollington, co. Suss. Copy of Hollington Register, from 25 May, 1717 to 20 Febr., 171g, made by, 1718. Hologr. 4045, f. 127. D e n h o f f (Magnus Ernest), Castellanus Wordensis et Capitaneus Derbatensis. Letter to, from J. Dury, 1636. Lat. 654, f. 51. Denmark and Norway, Sovereigns of. Frederic I. Letter, as Duke of SchleswigHolstein, on the death of R. J , ante 1523. Copy. 3667, f. 15 b. Christian III. Negotiation of the Scottish Ambassador with, 1544. Lat. 3199, ff. 2 3 8 b - 2 4 2 b . Frederic II. MS. 11 was dedicated to him, in 1570, by P . Severinus. Christian IV. Letter to Qu. Elizabeth, 1594. Lat. 3299, f. 3 1 . Decrees relating to the Medical Faculty in Copenhagen University, 1619-1639. Danish. 3000, ff. 101-103. Letter to Gen. J. G. von Arnheim on the death of Prince Ulric, 1633. Copy. 22, f. 10. Frederic III. Treaty between Denmark and England, 1667. 2680, ff. 61 b - 6 3 . Note of cessation of hostilities between England and Denmark, 1667. 3509, f. 141. Letter to Charles II., 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 223. Dispute with the Dukes of Holstein Gottorp, and Holstein Ploen, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 235. Christian V. Extempore verses on, 1674. Lat. 1381, f. 19. Letter from the Danish Ambassador, at the instance of Qu. Charlotte Amelia, on behalf of M. de La Placette, 1687. Fr. 2890, f. 27. Frederic IV. Verses on the Danish-Russian fleet by M. R. Dublar, 1716. Lat. 3421, f. 3 1 . D e n m a r k , George, Prince of. Intended visit to England, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 223. Letter to, from P. Langmaak for pecuniary assistance, 168f-. Germ. 1378, f. 5. Calligraphical portrait of, by J. Dundass, 1702. 4027, f. 55. D e n n i n g t o n , co. Suff. Notes of arms of family of Wyngefield in the church, 16th cent. 1301, f. 338. D e n n i s (John), Critic. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1722,1728. 4046, f. 295 ; 4049, f. 155. Denny ( ). Salve for a sore or hurt, late 17th cent. 1087, f. 10 b D e n o u n e (Daniel). J. Munniks dictata practica ad J. Fernelii pathologiam notata per, 1683, 1684. 229, ff. 3 b-94. D e n t o n (Elizabeth), daughter of George Denton of Cardew. Certificate of her birth and baptism at Dalston, 1654. 2281, f. 2 b. D e p k i n (Johann), of Riga. Autograph in album, 1697. 2360, f. 15. D e p l e u r s (Edward), M.D. Miscellanea ex ejus libro collectaneorum, 17th cent. 174, f. 19. D e r b y , Earls of. v. Stanley. D e r e h a m (Sir Thomas), 4ttk Bart. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1728-1738. 1968, ff. 6 2 - 6 7 ; 4025, f. 114; 4049, ff. 85, 119, 133, 165, 187, 198, 241, 2 4 6 ; 4050, ff. 67, 115, 226 ; 4051, ff. 22, 97, 227, 2 7 2 ; 4052, ff. 20, 212, 243 ; 4053, ff. 103, 120, 285 ; 4054, ff. 5, 8 0 ; 4055, ff. 1, 19, 116, 195, 217, 252, 262, 267, 273, 330, 353. Letter to Dr. W. Rutty, 1730. 4066, f. 90. P.S. of a letter to S. E. Assemanus, 1733. 4066, f. 105. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1727, 1737. 4068, ff. 137, 316. Letters to, from A. Vallisneri and E. Manfredi, 1728. Ltal. Copies. 4049, ff. 121, 1 2 1 b . Account of the spontaneous combustion of Signora C. Zangari sent by, to Sir H. Sloane, 1731. Ttal. 4025, f. 117. Account of a hurricane at Montefortino sent by, to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. Engl, and ltal. 1968, ff. 68-70 b. Dereham, "West, Abbey, co. Norf. Genealogical excerpts from a book of, by J . Strangeman, 16th cent. 1301, f. 30. D e r h a m (William), Vicar of Upminster, and Canon of Windsor. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1698-1734. 4025, ff. 1 1 8 127; 4037, f. 4 6 ; 4039, ff. 103, 151, 418 ; 4040, ff. 18, 26, 69, 129, 141, 212, 216, 264, 272, 287, 3 3 4 ; 4041, ff. 67, 99, 106, 114, 168, 176, 235, 255, 296, INDEX. 141 "Methodus mea 308, 312 ; 4042,ff.24, 164, 199, 203, D e s c a r t e s (Rene). practica, in qua sunt remedia ac medi205, 210, 245, 250, 319; 4043,ff.1, 55, camenta," 17th cent. 2618. 110, 134, 149, 174, 205, 213, 215, 227, 296; 4044, f 100; 4045,ff.27, 66 ; 4046, . Abbreviations Feltonienses de ff. 43, 200, 271; 4049,ff.63, 163, 211; Cartesio, 17th cent. 2613, ff. 1-99 b. 4050,ff.9, 163 ; 4051,ff.162, 192, 293 ; Dictata in principia Cartesii a B. 4052, f 25 ; 4053,ff.305, 376; 4058, . de Voider, circ. 1700. 1216, ff. 75-128 b. ff. 230, 232 Principiorum Cartesii compendium Letters to J. Petiver, 1708-17 If. a R. Gray, 18th cent. 3214, ff. 10 b - 5 9 . 3321, f 231; 3322,ff.7, 10, 12. . Sententia Cartesii de motu cordis non est veritati consentanea, secundum D e r i n g (Sir Cholmley), Uh Bart., of P. Glisson, 17th cent. 3309, f. 141. Surrenden. Horoscope, 1679. 1770, f. 136. De Cartesii erroribus, 17th cent. 2884, ff. 37-39. D e r i n g (Edward), Rector of Pluckley. Letter to a French physician on Answers to the articles propounded to the heart and blood, 17th cent. Copy. him by the Star Chamber, 1573. 303, Imperf. 1393, f. 10. ff. 21-22 b. Letter to Pere Mersenne, 17th Godly letters to his brother Richard cent. Extract. 4021, f. 143. and to others, 1573-1575, copied by N. Verses on, by B. Severinius, 17th Wallington, 1650. 922, ff. 23-30 b. cent. Lat. 2870, f. 87 b. D e r i n g (Sir Edward), 1st Bart., of D e s c h e m p s (Anthony). Letter to Sir Surrenden. Speech concerning the H. Sloane, 1708. Frl ' 4 0 4 1 , f. 221. Canons, 1640. 1430, ff. 65-68. D e s e h i s a u x (Pierre), Botaniste du Bog. Speeches in Parliament on the Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1726-1739. Committee of Religion, 1640. 1430, Lat. and Fr. 3322, f. 116; 4048, ff. ff. 65-68 ; 1467, f. 4. 225, 252; 4056, ff. 34, 82, 88. Speech in Parliament on the Papist Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 | . and Prelatine factions, 1640. 3317, f. 3. Fr. 4069, f. 20. D e r i n g (Edward), of Canterbury. Scheme D e s H o u l i e r e s , Me. v. La Fon de of his nativity, 163§. 1707, f. 13 b. Boisguerin des Houlieres (Antoinette de). D e r i n g (Elizabeth), v. Darell (Elizabeth). D e r i n g (Henry), 2nd son of Sir Ed-oard, 1st Hart. Scheme of nativity of, 1632. 1707, ff 17 b, 18. D e r i n g (Mary). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1728, 1729. 4049, f. 151; 4050, f. 199. D e r m o t t (Hugh), of Bologna. Letter to Dr. R. Hooke, 1683. 1039, f. 142. D e r y k e al. Y d r y c h e (Mag. John), Doctor, De judiciis urinarum et de infirinitatibus earundem, circ. 1400. 147, ff. 79 b-84. D e s a g u l i e r s ( J — H—). H. Sloane, 1725. 1726. 342 ; 4048, f. 164. Letters to Sir Fr. 4047, f. D e s a g u l i e r s (Jean Theophile). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1716-173°-. 4044, f. 170; 4049, ff. 68, 2 1 5 ; 4050, ff. 40, 244; 4051, f. 200. Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. f. 310. 4066, D e s a i n l i e n s al. H o U i b a n d e (Claude). Treatise on dancing, translated by T. Chinalls, 1598. 904, ff. 135-154 b. D e s L o g e s (Marie Bruneau de). Sonnet a la inemoire de, par Gombauld, 17th cent. 895, f. 59. D e s M a i z e a u x (Pierre). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1700-1740 and n. d. Fr. 4037, f. 3 7 6 ; 4038, ff. 65, 172, 197, 201, 233 ; 4042, ff. 247, 288, 303 ; 4044, f. 175 ; 4045, ff. 309, 335 ; 4053, f. 165 ; 4056, f. 3 3 0 ; 4058, ff. 233-241. Letters to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, n.d. 4066, ff. 314-318 b. D e s M a r a i s (Francois Seraphin Regnier), Abate; Secretary to the Boy al Academy of France, v. Regnier des Marais. D e s M a r e t s (D—), of the Hague. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1686, 1688. Fr. 4036, ff. 20, 40. D e s m a y (Louis). Relation of the voyage of the Fathers of La Mercy to the Kingdoms of Fez and Marocco for the redemption of Christian slaves in 1 6 8 1 ; translated by D. Jones, 18th cent. 822. D e s m o n d , Earl of. v. Feilding (William). D e s M o u l i n s (Scipio), M.D., of Canterbury. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1707. Imperf. 4041, f. 38. 142 INDEX. D e s o u l i e s (Ann). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1714. 4043, f. 303. D e s p a n t e r i u s (Joannes), of Ninove in Flanders. Commentarii grammatici, early 16th cent. 2778, ff. 8-59. D e s p e n s e r , Earls of Gloucester. of, 16th cent, 1301, f. 40 b. Notes D e s p o t i n u s (Gaspar), Medical Student at Cambridge. Letter to P. Moore, circ. 1613. Lat. Fragm. 1663, f. 31 b. Destouehes ( H. Sloane, 1736. ). Fr. Letter to Sir 4054, f. 279. D e t h a r d i n g (Georg), Sen., M.D. silia medica, 1684, 1685. Germ. ff. 120, 128, 140, 144. Con2882, D e t h i l l o y s (N—). Letter to Lord Falkland, 1621. Fr. 3827, f. 12. D e v e n i s h (Major Francis), of Dublin. Letter to Dr. S. Wall, 1691. 1731, A. f. 7 1 . D e v e r e l l (John). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 | , [1737]. 4053, f. 3 7 0 ; 4058, f. 242. D e v e r e u x , Family of. cent. 1429, f. 41 b. Pedigree, 17th D e v e r e u x (Robert), 2nd Earl of Essex. Horoscope, 1566-1588. 1697, f. 54 b. Account of his voyage to Cadiz in 1596, by Dr. Marbeck, 17th cent. 226. Voyage, in 1596, to Cadiz, 17th cent. 43, f. 39 b ; 1303, ff. 1-6. Warrant for payment to, for naval volunteers, 1596. Copy. 33, f. 5 b. Voyage, in 1597, to the Azores, 17th cent. 43, f. 49. Apology of, to A. Bacon, 17th cent. 1132, ff. 15-25. Speeches at the Council on the failure of his Irish expedition, 1599. 3828, ff. 47 b - 6 3 . Parley with Sir R. Sidney at Essex House, 1600. 1856, ff. 10-13. Trial of, 1601. 756 ; 1427, ff. 8 7 1 0 1 ; 1779, ff. 189 b - 2 0 8 ; 1856, ff. 13 b 30. Letters to Qu. Elizabeth, n. d. Copies. 1856, ff. 5, 6 b. Correspondence with Lord Keeper Egerton, 1600. Copies. 826, f. 3 ; 1775, ff. 54, 55 b. Correspondence with A. Bacon, n. d. 1856, ff. 7 b , 9 b ; 3078, ff. 14 b 20. Letters to, from Sir F. Bacon, 1599. 1775, ff. 8 3 - 8 5 b ; 3078, ff. 4 b - 1 4 ; 3522, f. 1. D e v e r e u x (Robert), 2nd Earl of Essex (continued). Correspondence with Cambridge University, 1598. Copies. Lat. 3562, ff. 71-75. Verses called " The Earle of Essex his Buzze," 1598. 1303, ff. 71-72. Verses when in the Tower, 1600. Imperf. 1779, ff. 208 b-212. D e v e r e u x (Robert), 3rd Earl of Essex. Horoscope, 1591. 1697, f. 54 b. Case of divorce from Lady FHoward, 1613, 1614. 363, ff. 7 7 - 8 0 ; 1002; 1470, ff. 2 6 8 - 2 7 5 ; 1 8 1 9 ; 1856, ff. 4 7 - 5 0 ; 2531, ff. 1 4 1 - 1 4 9 ; 3828, ff. 1-47. Petition to Charles I., 1640. 1710, ff. 118, 120. Letter to Lord Fairfax, 164f. 1519, f. 28. Letter to, from the Lords of the Council at Edinburgh, 1639. 650, f. 93. D e v e r e u x (Walter), 1st Earl of Essex. Account of the expenses of his installation as K.G., 1572. 1786, f. 92 b. The manner of his death, 1576. 303, ff. 1 8 b - 2 0 b . Verses on his deathbed by, 1576. 1896, f. 58. D e v i e (Sir Henry), 1st Bart.; Chancellor of Windsor Castle and of the 0)der of the Garter. Warrant to, for granting a knight's place to J. Jobson, 1661. 856, f. 23. D e v i z e s , co. Wilts. Royal letter to the mayor and aldermen, recommending R. Foot to be Town Clerk, 1660. 856, f. 3 b. D e v o n , County of, Letter from the Justices of Peace for, to the Privy Council, temp. Chas. I. Copy. 1775, f. 72. Description of a natural history collection made in, 18th cent. 4019, f. 130. Verses in the Devonshire dialect, by W. Strode, 17th cent. 542, f. 18 b. D e v o n , Earls of v. Courtenay. D e v y c k (Loys), Procureur Royal in Guernsey. Coustumes et usages- de Pisle de Guernsey par, 1583. 2446. D e w e (John), of Bampton, co. Oxon. Letters to J. Petiver, 170f, 1703. 3321, ff. 113, 119, 126, 128. D ' E w e s (Sir Symonds), 1st Bart. Letter on his historical collections, by Sir R. Gipps, 1697. 970, f. 1. D i a e u l u s (Paulus). v. Warnefridus (Paulus), Diaconus. 143 INDEX. Dialects. v. Ceylon. Devon, County of. D i a l l i n g . The art of dialling, 17th cent. 3636, ff. 168-203 b. ' Dialling and the planetary instruments, 17th cent. 3722, ff. 87-93 b. The a r t of dialling, 17th cent. 1435, ff. 131-134. Key to the art of, 17th cent. 3764, ff. 1-4. On dialling, 18th cent. 1781. Diaries. v. Bere (Richard). Foot (Daniel), M.D. Petiver (James). D i a s (Antonio), of Tangier. Grant of a passport to, by Col. Norwood, 1666. Span. 1955, f. 52. D i c c o n s o n (PI—). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 3299, f. 1 4 4 ; 4053, f. 25. D i c k e n s o n (Edmund), v. Dickinson. D i c k e n s o n (William). Letter to Dr. L. Plukenett, n. d. 4066, f. 319. D i c k i n s (W—). Specimens of penmanship, dedicated to Charles II., ante 1676. 1109. D i c k i n s o n (Edmund), M.D., Physician to Charles II. Epistle on alchemy to T. Mundanus, circ. 1684. 3758, ff. 58-62. Answer to, from T. Mundanus, 1684. Fr. and Engl. 3629, ff. 2 0 2 228 b ; 3762, ff. 32-63. D i c k i n s o n (Guido), of Newark on Trent. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4047, f. 330. D i c k i n s o n (John), of Bermuda. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700," 170J. 4063, ff. 14, 33, 63. D i c k i n s o n ( W — ) . Letter to 4062, f. 167. , 166f. D i c k s o n (Tobias), M.D., of St. John's College, Cambridge. Synopsis poetica disputationis in theses duas medicas cum ejus responso, 1656. Printed and MS. 363, ff. 9 4 - 9 9 ; 3309, ff. 72, 1 0 7 111. Dictionaries. Fragment of Promptorium Parvulorum, 15th cent. 1044, f. 249. Selectus vocabulorum usus ex Cicerone delibatus, 17th cent. 888, ff. 1-92 b. Vocabularium Armenico-Latinum, 17th cent. 1574. D i c t i o n a r i e s {continued). French-German vocabulary, 17th cent. 2924, ff. 51-53 b. —: French-Turkish vocabulary, 17th cent. 2924, ff. 59-79. Italian-English dictionary, with an explanation of Italian terms of architecture, 17th cent. 860. Latin-Greek vocabulary, 17th cent. 947, ff. 37-40. Persian-Dutch dictionary, 17th cent. 2919. Persian-German vocabulary, 17th cent. 2924, ff. 1-43. Spanish-English vocabulary, 17th cent. 1468, ff. 49-74 b. Spanish-Latin vocabulary of phrases and proverbs, 17th cent. Span. and Lat. 437. D i c t y s C r e t e n s i s . Argument of his " War res of T r o y / ' 17th cent. Imperf. 3708, f. 1. D i d a c u s , S. Nomina Cardinalium qui ejus canonizationi interfuerunt, 1588. 1710, f. 43. D i e m e r b r o e c k (Cornelius a), Synodi Ultrajectince Scriba. Apographum ex actis Synodi Ultrajectinse testatum a, 1635. 1465, f. 190 b. D i e m e r b r o e c k (Isbrandus de). Collegium in J. Johnstoni "Idea medicines universae," late 17th cent, 619, ff. 4 5 106 b. Dictata Collegii ad praxim ejus, 16th cent. 1236, ff. 93-105. Nonnulla ex ejus tractatu de peste, 17th cent. 1892, ff. 69 b - 7 3 b. • Autograph in album, 1669. 1795 or 2597, f. 9. D i e p p e , in France. Receptes miscellanees du chirurgien de Dieppe, 1654. 2502, ff. 143-146. Die.St (Henrick a), Professor Senior of Theology at Deventer. Autograph in album, 1668. 1795 or 2597, f. 23. D i e s t (Samuel a), Professor of Theology at Harderwijk. Autograph in album, 1669. 1795 or 2597, f. 34. Diet. v. Galenus (Claudius). D i e t r i c h s t e i n ( ( 7 a r d . Franz von), Prince, Governor of Moravia. Letter to L. Petrucci, 1605. Ital. Copy. 415, f. 17. D i e t z (Jean Martin), at Anndburg in Saxony. Autograph in album, 1693. 2360, f. 58. D i e u (Ludovicus de), Sen. In ejus effigiem versus M. Z. Boxhornii, 17th cent. 2764, f. 39. 144 INDEX. Difnico (Francisco), Jurisconsult, of Sebenico. Consilia medica pro ejus tumore, 1639, 1642. Ital. 2253, ff. 2 3 8 241. D i g b y (George), Baron Digby, afterw. 2nd Earl of Bristol. Speeches in Parliament moving a remonstrance of the state of the kingdom and concerning grievances, 1640. 1430, ff. 24-30, 31-36. Abstract of his speech concerning grievances, 1640. 1200, f. 16. Speech to the bill of triennial Parliaments, 164J-. 1467, ff. 61-66. Proceedings relating to, in the House of Commons, 1 July, 1663. 3251, f. 1. Articles of treason exhibited by, against Lord Clarendon, 10 Jnlv, 1663. 3299, f. 209. Letter to (?) Lord Newcastle, 164f. 1519, f. 26. Letter to, from Lady Aubigny, 1645. 1519, f. 86. D i g b y (John), 1st Earl of Bristol. Correspondence with Lord Conway, 1625,1626. 1710, ff. 287, 287 b. Petition to the House of Lords, 1626. 1710, f. 289 b. Correspondence with the Lord Keeper Coventry, 1626. 1710, ff. 289 b, 290. Articles by, against Lord Conway, 1626. 1710,ff."291, 292. . Articles charged against the Duke of Buckingham, 1626. 826, f. 24 b. • Relation of his impeachment in the House of Lords, 1626. 1008, ff. 6-9. Proceedings in Parliament relating to, 1626-1627. 1710, ff. 294 b-305 b. Speech in Parliament, 1640. 1430, ff. 20-23. D i g b y (John), M.P., of Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Notts. Letters to J. Petiver, with drafts of answers, 1715. 4065, ff. 227, 228. D i g b y {Sir Kenelm), Chancellor to the . Queen Mother, Henrietta Maria. Observations on Sir T. Browne's Religio medici, 1642. 904, ff. 222-239 b . Exposition of Spenser's verses concerning the soul and body of man, in a letter to Sir E. Stradling, ante 1644. 20. Of bodies, 1651. 2781, ff. 7 8 - 9 1 . La guerison des playes par la Poudre de Sympathie, ante 1658. 3297. Collections des procedes de chymie de,post 1665. 2012. D i g b y {Sir Kenelm), Chancellor to the Queen Mother, Henrietta Maria (continued). Collections from his " Discourse concerning the vegetation of plants," circ. 1670. 149, ff. 76-79. Discourse cone, the vegetation of plants, 17th cent. Extract. 2148, f. 195. Eiectuarium magnum cordiale catholicum pro, a Dre. Turquet de Mayerne, 17th cent. 2220, f. 201 b. Medical prescription of, for phthisis, 17th cent. Lat. 2812 ; f. 42. Letters to, from B. Herland al. Severinius, 1663. 2870, ff. 151 b, 153 b. D i g b y (Kenelme). Letter to Abdell, with draft of answer, n. d. 4066, f. 321. D i g b y (Lettice), Baroness Offaly; widow of Sir Robert Digby of Coleshill. Letter to Lord Falkland, i626. 3827, f. 77. D i g b y (William), 5th Baron Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1707. 4040, f. 371. Digby. Imperf. D i g g e s {Sir Dudley), M.P. for Kent. Arguments in the conference with the Lords, 1628. 826, f. 53. Key to a cipher, circ. 1612. 2717, ff. 3, 4, D i g g e s (Leonard), Sen. Preface to his " Pantometria," 17th cent. Extract. 3323, f. 174. D i g g s (Robert). Collectanea de praxi medica, 17th cent. 1227. D i j c k (Arnoldus van), Goudanus. Commentaria philosophica in Aristotelis logicam, 1674. Autogr. 3177. Commentaria in logicam, 1675. Autogr. 3178. D i k s o n (John), Mag. Joannis Raii discipvlus. Wrote, in 1613, MS. 3371, ff. 1-22. D i l l e n i u s (John James), M.D.; Professor of Botany at Oxford. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1734-174|. 4053, f. 2 2 2 ; 4055, f. 350 ; 4057, f. 172. Letter to S. Brewer, n. d. 4066, f. 322. Letters to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, n. d. 4066, ff. 323, 325. D i l l i n g h a m (S—), Printer, of London. Letters to Dr. Glisson, n. d. 2251, ff. 20 b, 93 b. D i l l i n g h a m (William), Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Letter to, from Sir P. Meadowe, 1644. Lat. 1710, f. 180. Letter to, from D. Heinsius, 1647. Lat. 1710, f. 181. INDEX. D i l l i n g h a m (William), Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (continued). Letters to, from J. Hacket, 1652-1661. Lat. and Engl. 1710, if. 182-202. . Letter to, from J. Pearson, [1659]. 1710, f. 224. Letters to, from Archbishop Sancroft, 1671-1685. 1710, ff. 204-216 b. Letter to, from J. Tillotson, 1680. 1710, f. 217. Letters to, from G. Burnet, n. d. 1710, ff. 219-223. Dindimus. v. Romances. D i n h a m (Samuel), M.D., of Stamford, co. Line. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1702. 4075, ff. 70, 7 1 . Dinnish (Catharine), of Colchester. Certificate recommending her to be touched for the King's evil, 1676. Lat. 206, B. f. 62. D i o d e s , Carystius. Epistola " D e morborum praesagiis ad Antigonum Regem," 17th cent. Transl. 1592, ff. 14-20 b. D i o d a t i (Giovanni), of Geneva. Epistolse ad, a J. Dury, 1631,1633. 654, ff. 77, 79. D i o d a t i (Theodore), Sen., M.D., of London. Medicamenta qusedam tradita ab, ad Theod. Turquet de Mayerne, 17th cent. 1991, ff. 7 9 - 8 2 ; 2077, ff. 46-53 b. D i o d a t i (Theodore), Jun., M.D., of London. Excerpta contra varios morbos ex ejus MS., circ. 1650. 182, ff. 11 b 99 b, 102-139 b. . Medical prescriptions, 1670-1680. Lat. 179, A., passim. D i o n y s i u s , Exiguus. Versus de annis, 11th cent. 263, f. 18 b. Tabulae super calendarium, 13th cent. 3540, f. 7 b. D i o n y s i u s , Periegetes. De situ orbis, 15th cent. 2017, ff. 40-87. D i o n y s i u s , S., Areopagita. Translation of his " De caelesti hierarchia," by F. d* Amiens, 15th cent. 3049. De mystica theologia e versione J. Scoti, 15th cent. 441, ff. 62 b-71 b. Epistola ad PolyGarpum, e versione J. Scoti, 15th cent. 441, ff. 71-76. De Seraphin ex ejus Ecclesiastica Hierarchia, cap. iv., 15th cent. 4 4 1 , ff. 76-79. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, ff. 34-38. SLOANE INDEX. 145 D i o n y s i u s , S., Martyr. Memoria de eo, Rustico et Eleutherio, 15th cent. 2916, f. 121. D i o s c o r i d e s (Pedacius). Liber medicinarum, 12th cent. 1975, ff. 49 b - 7 3 . Dearboribus, 12th cent. Fragm. 1044, f. 35. • De medicamentis simplicibus, 16th cent. Or. 804. •-— De physicis ligaturis, 17th cent. 3848, ff. 36-40. D i p p e l (Johann Conrad). Collectanea de, 18th cent. 2890, ff. 52-55. D i s n e y (Francis), Surgeon, of London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4075, f. 69. D i s n e y (Richard). Formerly owned MS. 2778. D i t c h e r (John), Jun., of Bath. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1742. 4057, f. 125. D i t t o n (Humphry), Mathematician. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 243, 245. D i v e L e s k e , a Polonian. v. Sendivogius (Michael). Dives sieut ardens s. = Sanctus D e s i d e r i u s . Latin anagram of Alexandre Toussaint Limojon de St. Didier. 3642, f. 51 b. D i x o n (John), of Sleaford. Notes and additions to an old collection of medical receipts, 17th cent. 292, ff. 1-47 b, 5 3 59 b. D i x o n (Thomas). Sloane, 1721. Lat. Letter to Sir 4046, f. 108. H D i x w e l l (Col. John), Regicide. Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. D o b e l i u s (Johannes Jacobus), Universitatis Rostochiensis Hector. Oratio ad academicos, 1669. 2888, ff. 17-20. D o b r z a n s k i (Andrew), Ecclesiarum in tractu Vilnensi Inspector. Epistola ad, a J. Dury, 1636. 654, f. 60. D o b s o n (John). Formerly owned MS. 1471. D o b s o n (William), Apothecary, and Alderman of York. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1730. 4075, f. 79. D o b y n s ( J — ) . Formerly owned MS. 3229. D o c k w r a (Henry), Baron Lockwra; Treasurer at War for Ireland. Warrant to, from Lord Loftus and Lord Cork, 16§#. Copy. 3827, f. 175. Letter to Lord Falkland, 16f j 3827, f. 179. 146 INDEX. D o d (John), Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. Sermon on malt, late 17th cent. 619, f. 4 3 ; 3769, f. 21. D o d (Paul). Doctor's bill to, from Dr. Bellingham, 1671. 447, ff. 3, 3 b. D o d (Peirce), M.D., Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. 4054, f. 144. D o d (Richard), Barber-Surgeon, of London. Formerly owned MS. 5. D o d d (Roger), Bishop of Meath. Quaestiones theologicsa in vespere Comitiorum apud Cantabrigiam disputatae, circ. 1580. 4 7 8 . D o d d i n g (Edward), M.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Copy of the Pillularium of P . de Conflentia, interspersed with his own prescriptions, 1 5 8 1 1582. Hologr. 3 8 1 . D o d d r i d g e (Sir John), Justice of the King's Bench. History of t h e Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall, and Earldom of Chester, 17th cent. 3 0 8 1 ; 3479, ff. 10-58. • Treatise on the Union of England and Scotland, 1604. 3479, ff. 59-67. Treatise on maritime law, 17th cent. 3479, f. 68. Treatise on the nobility of England, 17th cent. 3479, ff. 149-199. D o d o e n s (Rembert). Efficacia) herbarum quarundam, 17th cent. 2880,ff.6 - 1 5 Dodonseus (Rembert). (Rembertus). v. Dodoens D o d s w o r t h (Ellinor), eldest daughter of Roger Dodsworth, the Antiquary. Letter to a physician at Halifax, 1658. 4078, f. 383. D o d s w o r t h (Matthew), Rector of Sessay, co. York. Letters to Dr. L. Plukenett with answer, 1680, 1681. 4062, ff. 196, 204. D o d s w o r t h (Robert), only son of Roger Dodsworth, the Antiquary. Royal letter for the renewal of his lease for the tithe corn of Heighington, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 14 b. D o d s w o r t h (Roger), Antiquary. Pedigrees from his collections, 17th cent. 1429, ff. 39-53 b, 91-104 b. Doe" (Nicolas), Pe/e. Liste des livres envoyes a, 18th cent. 2887, f. 81. D o e s b u r g h (Johan a), Theological student at Utrecht. Autograph in album, 1668. 1795 or 2597, f. 63. D o e t r i (Christian), Medicus, of Wolffenbattel. Autograph in album, 1696. 2360, f. 18. D o g l i o n i (Giovanni Battista), Physician at Venice. Consilium medicum, 1635. Ital. 2253, ff. 261 b-265. Dokysworthe ( ) . Wrote, in the 15th cent., MS. 148,ff.1-40. D o l b e n (John), Bishop of Rochester, afterw. Archbishop of York. Letter t o Lord Carlisle with answer, 1683. 2724, ff. 104, 105. Letter to, from R. Newman and P. Barwick, 1682. 3299, f. 7 1 . D o l e m a n (Sir Humphrey), of Lincoln's Inn. Articles of partnership in an invention for preserving food, 1685. 3646, ff. 82-89. D o l n u s (Martin), M.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1713, 1718, and n. d. 4043, f. 2 0 4 ; 4045, f. 162; 4058, f. 247. D o m e n e c h (Thomas). MS. 3209. Wrote, in 1672, D o m e t r i c u s . Treatise on alchemy, 17th cent. 2036, f. 4 1 . D o m i n i c a I s l e , W. Indies. Signs to know it when approaching by sea, 17th cent. 2292, f. 34. Sailing course from, to Terra Firma, 17th cent. 2292, f. 34. Sailing course to, from San Domingo, 17th cent. 2292, f. 37. D o m i n i s (Marco Antonio de), Archbishop of Spalatro. Versus de, a F. Thory, 17th cent. Lat. and Fr. 1768, f. 89. D o n a t i (Donato). Letter to J . Petiver, n. d. Fr. 4066, f. 326. D o n a t l X S (Christianus). Notae in ejus metaphysicam, 1694. 2886, ff. 4 7 - 1 2 1 . Exercitium disputatorium in ejus regulas metaphysicas, 1695. 2851, B . ff. 79-99. D o n c a s t e r , co. York. Epitaph in the church, 1601. 3836, f. 30 b. D o n c a s t e r , Viscount, v. Hay (James). D o n c k (Jan van der). Lumen luminum : an alchemical tract, 1597. Dutch. 1255, ff. 72-101 b. D o e r i n g (George Charles), M.D., of Done ( ). Bills of grocery for him London. Case of a fcetus remaining and his wife, 1562. 3162, ff. 15, 16, three years in the mother's womb, 1726. 18 b, 20, 22, 25. Lat. 3984, ff. 211-217. INDEX. D o n e l l a n (John), Ensign in Count Leslie's regiment in the Imperial service. List of mineral productions sent by, to Dr. E. Browne, 1669. 1922, f. 32. Account of Bleyberg, 17th cent. 1922, f. 35. Letters to Dr. E. Browne, 16691671. 1833, ff. 1 6 5 - 1 7 0 ; 1911-1913, ff. 126-129 b. D o n e s (Giovanni), v. Downes (John), M.D. D o n n (D—). Epitaph on J. Felton, 1628. 826, f. 197. D o n n e (John), Dean of St. Paul's, London. Dedicatory letter to, from J. Barrye, [1625]. 1394, f. 176. —Poetical pieces, 17th cent. 542, f. 1 1 , et passim; 1792, ff. 27, 38 b - 4 1 , 45, 47, 58 b, 83. D o n o r s of MSS. v. MSS., Owners of. D o n s t a p l e . v. Dunstable, co. Bedf. D o o d y (John), Sen., Apothecary, of London. Personal memoranda, 1616-1658. 2353, ff. 1-5. Receptee medicse et morborum descriptio, 1675. 2353, ff. 6-111. D o o d y (John), Jun., Apothecary, of London. Receptee medicse, 18th cent. 2318, ff. 1-14. Culinary and medical receipts, 18th cent. 2330. " Owned, in 1707, MS. 1084. D o o d y (Joseph), of Stafford. Letter to J. Petiver, 1703. 4063, f. 206. D o o d y (Samuel), Botanist, of London. Botanical notebook, 1687-1688. 3361. Remedia selecta, 17th cent. 2297. De muscis, 17th cent. 2315. Catalogus fungorum, 17th cent. 2316. Experimenta chemica, 17th cent. 2317. Receptse medicae, 18th cent. 2318, ff. 1-14. . Accompt of bottles and phials bought of G. Styant, 1702-1706. 2318, ff. 1 6 - 3 1 . Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1704, and n. d. 4039, f. 326 ; 4058, ff. 248, 250. Letteis to J. Petiver, 1704, and n. d. 4064, f. 10 ; 4066, ff. 327-330 b. Letter to, from G. London, 1685. 4062, f. 214. "Letter to, from H. Jones, 1697. 4062, f. 268. — — - Autograph in album, 1697. 2360, f. 6. 147 D o p p e l m a y e r (Johann Gabriel), Professor of Astronomy and Natural Philosophy at Nuremberg. Correspondence with Dr. J. G. Seheuchzer, 1727. Germ. 1968, ff. 15, 17. to Sir H. Sloane, 1734. : — Letter Lat. 4053, ff. 200. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1734. 4068, f. 243. D o r c h e s t e r , co. Dors. Defeat of Cromwell's horse at, by Lord Goring, [1645], 1519, f. 80. D o r c h e s t e r , co. Oxon. Inscriptions and arms from the church, 1597. 3836, f. 14. D o r c h e s t e r , Countess of. v. Sedley (Katharine). , Marquis of. v. Pierrepont (Henry). D o r d e l u (Jehan). 2748, B. Owned, in 1598, MS. D o r i a (Paulus Matthias), Mathematician. Letter to Sir H. Sloane and the Royal Society, [1732]. Lat. 4058, f. 252. D o r m e r (Charles), 2nd Earl of Carnarvon. Letter to Dr. Stanlev, ante 1695. 4034, f. 300. D o r m e r (John), M.P. for Buckingham. Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. D o m (Gerardus). Chymisticum artificium naturae theoricum et practicum, 1568. 1627, ff. 2-49. His exclamation to God, translated by Dr. D. Foote, 17th cent. 632, f. 2. " A treatise of John Tritheme concerninge the spagiricke artifice exposed and interpreted " by G. Dorn, translated by Dr. D. Foote, 17th cent. 632, ff. 6-25 b. D o r p (Willem van), Captain of the horse in Leyden garrison. Warrant for pay to, with his receipt, 1573. Dutch. 2764, ff. 196, 197. D o r r i n g t o n (Andrewe), of Rome. merly owned MS. 1124. For- D o r r i n g t o n (David). Poem to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 3516, f. 99. D o r s c h e u s (Joannes Georgius), Professor of Theology at Strassburg. Correspondence on the subject of Dury's negotiations for Protestant unity, 1633. 402, ff. 1 6 - 9 1 ; 1465, ff. 111-149. * Letter to, from J. Dury, 1633. Lat. 654, f. 47. D o r s e t , Earls of. v. Sackvilie. L 2 148 INDEX. D o r t h (Johannes a), of Wesel, near Nijmegen. Autograph in album, 1671. 1795 or 2597, f. 57. D o u g l a s (John), Surgeon. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1722-1736. 4046, f. 3 1 4 ; 4048, f. 2 6 7 ; 4054, f. 218. D o r t o u s de M a i r a n (Jean Jacques), D o u g l a s (Margaret), daughter of Archibald, Earl of Angus, and afterw. wife of Matthew, 4th Earl of Lennox, MS. 72, ff. 213-216, was dedicated to her by J. Drummond, circ. 1540. M.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 3 1735. Fr. 4053, ff. 116, 2 4 1 ; 4054, f. 15. Letter to C. J. Geoffroy, n. d. Fr. 4066, f. 331. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 3 | . Fr. 4068, f. 218. D ' O r v i l l e (Willem), Minister at Haarlem. Letter to, from H. Ruysch, 1711. Dutch. 4064, f. 246. D o t t i n (Henry), of Grafs Letter to J. Petiver, n. d. Inn, London. 3322, f. 164. D o u c e (Francis). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1738. Imperf. 4055, f. 374. D o u e e (Francis), Keeper of the MSS., British Museum. Note on the description of MS. 160. D o u g l a s (Archibald), 8th Earl of Angus. Letter to, from Lord Leicester, [1581]. 3199, f, 125. D o u g l a s (Archibald), Scottish Ambassador to England. Letter to, from Sir F. Walsingham, 1587[8]. 3199, f. 258. D o u g l a s (Sir George), of Pittendriech, Master of Angus. Answer of the Scottish Council to the memorial brought by, from Henry VIII., [1543]. Copy. 3199, f. 232. Letter to the Duke of Suffolk, 1 5 4 | . Copy. 3199, f. 82. D o u g l a s ( J — ) . Letters to J. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 332. D o u g l a s (James), Uh Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland. Declaration for keeping the abstinence, 1573. 3199, f. 68. Memoranda of his measures, 1573. 3199, f. 69. D o u g l a s (James), 1st Baron Mordington. Medical prescriptions for, 1651. 1055, ff. 89 b-90 b. D o u g l a s (William), of Lochlevcn, Warrant of the Scottish Council to, for the detention of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Lochleven, 1567. Copy. 3199, f. 3. Injunctions to, from James VI., 1572. Copy. 3199, f. 4. D o u g l a s (William), Marquis, afterw. 1st Duke, of Queensberry. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1682. 2723, f. 115. D o u g l a s (William), 2nd Earl of March. Notes on opening his body, 1730. 3984, f. 43. D o u l t r e s a i l l e (Jehan), Merchant of Metz. Indulgence to, for contributing to the reduction of the Greeks, 1436* Lat. 3281, f. 2 b. D o u s a (Janus), Sen., Dominus a Noord* voyck. Epigrammata ex Agathia versa per, 17th cent. 2764, f. 143. D o u s a (Janus), Jun. Epigrammata et epitaphia varia, 17th cent. 2764, passim. Epicedium in ejus funus, 17th cent. 2764, ff. 156-161 b. D o u s e n b r a y , Comte. v. Pajot (Louis Leon). D ' O u v i l l y (George Gerbier). D'Ouvilly (George). v. Gerbier D o v e (Richard), Monk of Buckfastleu/h Abbey, co. Devon. Compiled and wrote, in the 15th cent., MS. 513. Dove House. How to store a dove house, 15th cent. 122, f. 69 b. D o u g l a s (James), 2nd Duke of Queensberry. Post-mortem examination, 1711. 3323, f. 163. D o v e r , co. Kent. Royal charter addressed to the Constable of, touching the Despensers, father and son, 1365. Fr. 16th cent, copy. 1301, f. 242. — Discourses on its port, by Sir W. Ralegh and Sir H. Shere, 17th cent. 3828, ff. 181-188. Description of, by Dr. E. Browne 1693. 1911-1913, f. 195. D o v e r , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 40 b. D o u g l a s (James), M.D. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 252-261 b. D o v e r (J—), of Buenos Ayres. Letter to J. Petiver, 1716. 3322, f. 91. D o u g l a s (John), of Antigua. Letters to J. Petiver, 1712-1714, and n. d. 3322, f. 54 ; 4065, ff. 62,114, 1 2 1 ; 4066, f. 333. D o v e r (John), General of the Cheapside Scholars Company of Bellringers. Wrote, in 1636, MS. 3463, ff. 1-32. D o u g l a s (Sir James), of Kel. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1682. 2724, f. 179. INDEX. D o v e r (Thomas), M.D., of Bristol Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1721, 1731, and n. d. 4046, f. 80 ; 4051, f. 2 2 5 ; 4058, ff. 264, 265. D o w d a l l (Elizabeth), wife of Sir John Dovjdall of Kilfinny. Narrative of the siege of Kilfinny Castle, 1642. Hologr. 1008, ff. 66-69. D o w d a l l (Laurence), of Jamaica. to -, n. d. 4066, f. 334. Letter D o w d e s w e l l (Richard), of Pull Court in Bushley, co. Wore. Letter to W. Courten, 1663. 3515, f. 44. D o w e l l (John). T. Hobbes' Leviathan heretical, 17th cent. Extract. 2594, f. 2 1 . D o w g i l l (Robert). Letter to, from E. Duncumb, 165f. 2251, f. 122. D o w g l a s (John). Sermon of H. Latymer before Edw. VI. on 2 March, 1550, transcribed by, 1550. 1460. Down and Connor, Bishop of. v. Smyth (Edward). D o w n e s (Christian), daughter of Dr. Downes, and wife of Dr. Turberville. Letter to her father, 1692. Fr. 203, f. 33. D o w n e s (Col. John), Regicide. Autograph signature, circ. 1654. 645, f. 46. D o w n e s (John), M.D., Physician to St. Bartholomew's and Christ's Hospitals. Medical collections, 1640-1695. 203. Diary, 1663-1673. 175. Journal while travelling abroad, 1664. 179, A. ff. 1-48 b. Journal while travelling in France and the Netherlands, 1666, 1667. 177, ff. 1-25 b. - Observations on Oxford and its neighbourhood, 17th cent. Lat. 187, ff. 4 - 7 b. Formulae pharmaceutics, 1654. 196. • Excerpta, notata, et prsescripta, 1660. 1 8 5 ; 186. Collectanea medica, 1670-1690. 204, A.-D. Commonplace-book, 1674. 202, ff. 1-29 b. Papers relating to his appointment as Physician to Christ's and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals, 1682. 3299, ff. 56, 62-64, 66-72. Anatomical observations and experiments, 1680-1694. 256. Miscellaneous memoranda, 1 6 8 0 1696. 188. 149 D o w n e s (John), M.D.y Physician to Si. Bartholomew's and Christ's Hospitals (continued). Miscellaneous collections chiefly medical, 17th cent. 179, A. Collectanea medica, 17th cent. 1195. De urinis et de generatione notata, 17th cent. 182, ff. 1-29, 30 b - 3 5 b. Medical receipts, 17th cent. 189, ff. 1 7 b - 2 0 b . Notata medica, 17th cent. 191, ff. 1-8. Formulae remediorum, 17th cent. 192. Notata de variis morbis, 17th cent. 507. Notata quaedam et excerpta, 17th cent. 1953. Mechanical and astronomical memoranda, 17th cent. Ital. 191, ff. 9-17. Meteorological journal, interspersed with anecdotes and observations, 1680-1692. 176. Diarium meteorologicum, 27 Apr. 1692-26 Sept. 1694. 202, ff. 30-49 b. Reflections on the distractions in Christendom, 17th cent. Imperf. 187, ff. 8-58. Catalogue of his books, 1666. Hologr. 177, ff. 26-31 b. Private and family prayers, 17th cent. 198, ff. 5 2 b - 7 1 b . Letter to, from G. Gualdo, 1650. 3299, f. 180. Letter to, from A. Vorstius, 1660. Ital. 4062, f. 150. Letter to, from J. Zerbina, 1666. Fr. Imperf. 4062, f. 165. Letter to, from R. Collins, 1669. 4062, f. 172. Letter to, from Lord Hatton, n. d. 4066, f. 371. D o w n e s (Thomas), Mercer, of London. Astrological scheme for discovery of theft at his warehouse, 1614. 332, ff. 7 4 b - 7 9 b . D o w n i n g (Sir George), 1st Bart. Grant to, of a Tellership in the Exchequer, 1656. 3243. « Accompt as trustee for Lord Carlisle, 167f-1680. 2723, ff. 82-94. Letters to Lord Carlisle, 1682. 2723, ff. 103-106 b ; 2724, ff. 159, 160. . Letter to, from Lord Carlisle, 1681. 2724, f. 140. 150 INDEX. D o w n i n g (Sir George), 2nd Bart. Royal letter mandatory to the Master and Fellows of Sidney Sussex College to elect him a fellow, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 32. Letter to Lord Carlisle, n.d, 272k, f. 162. D o w n i n g (Henry). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1726. 4075, f. 73. D o w s e t t (Edward), of Reading. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1739. 4075, f. 75. Drabieius (Nicolaus). Revelationes quaedam, 1659, 1661. 648, ff. 63, 69. Letter to , 1658. Lat. Copy. 648, f. 70. D r a g e (William), Apothecary, of Hitchin, co. Hertf. Brief vindication of astrology, 17th cent. 2279, ff. 35-39 b. — Astrologo-physical method of practising phvsic, 17th cent. 2279, if. 63 b-68 b. Proof of the existence of witches, 17th cent. 2279, f. 118 b. Drake ( - ) , Female Practitioner in Medicine. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1723. 4047, f. 38. D r a k e (Sir Francis), Admiral. Relation of his third voyage to the W. Indies in 1572 and 1573 by P, Nicholls, copied by F. Drake, temp. Chas. I. 301. Narrative of the first part of his second voyage round the world by Rev. F. Fletcher, copied in 1677. 61. Voyages to the W. Indies, in 1585, to Cadiz in 1587, and to the Indies in 1595, 17th cent. 43, ff. 13, 14 b, 36 b. Charges for his fleet, 1588. 2450, ff. 79-101. Orders for his forces, 1589. 2497, f. 47. Voyage into the W. Indies, 1595. 2177, f. 18 b. Notice of his life, 17th cent. Ital. and Eng. 3962, f. 39. Note of a piece of the ship Pelican preserved at a friar's house in Paris, 17th cent. 524, f. 178. D r a k e (Sir Francis), 1st Bart., nephew of Admiral Drake. Copy of P. NicholPs relation of the third voyage made by Sir F. Drake to the W. Indies, temp. Chas. I. 301. D r a k e (Sir Francis), 2nd Bart. Summons to witnesses in the case of Henlye v. Hitchcocke, 1633. 3299, f. 42. D r a k e (Francis), Surgeon, of Fork. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1731-1738 and n. d. 4052, ff. 22-24, 221, 2 8 3 ; 4054, ff. 7, 9 ; 4055, f. 3 2 4 ; 4058, f. 267. D r a k e (J—). Letter to H. Power, 1664. Copy. 1326, f. 43 b. D r a k e ( J — ) . Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1700, 1706. 4038, f. 5 ; 4040, f. 197. D r a k e (James). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, [1723]. 4047, f. 42. D r a k e (John). Formerly owned MS. 3759. D r a k e (Samuel), Vicar of Normanton, co. York. Letter to Dr. H. Power, [1646]. 3515, f. 68. D r a m a . Essays on, 17th cent. 2790, ff. 1 1 - 2 0 , 4 9 - 5 3 . Latin. Fraus pia, comcedia, 17th cent. 1855, ff. 71-84. Icon ecclesiastici, 1635. 1767, ff. 2-17 b. AndronicusComnenus,tragcedia, 1635. 1767, ff. 18b-36 b. — English. The Cyprian conqueror, or the faithless relict, 17th cent. 3709. The Hypochondriac or the turmoils of love, 17th cent. 1863, ff. 43 b-70. Comedy, 17th cent. 1828, ff. 1-45 b. Fragment of a play, 17th cent. 1911-1913, f. 203. Prologue spoken at the playhouse, alias the Parson's Barn, in Chelsea, 18th cent. 3516, f. 156. — List of plays at London theatres, 1662. 1900, ff. 6 0 b - 6 3 b . List of English plays, including some of Shakespeare's, 17th cent. 203, f. 306. —: French. Sentiments of the French Academy on the tragi-comedy of the Cid, 17th cent. 2903, ff. 234-240. Sketch for the composition of a pastoral drama, 17th cent. Fr. 2013, ff. 88-102 b. Italian. Eutichia comedia, 1554. Ital. Extracts. 850, f. 60. cent. Polish. Fragment of a play, 17th 1361, ff. 217-222 b. Spanish. Discourse on the admissibility of the representation of comedies, 1649. Span. 3959, ff. 4-6. v. Boyle (Roger), 1st Earl of Orrery. Du Rondel (Jacques). Hawkesworth (Walter). Montagu (Walter). Ruggle (George). Seneca (Lucius Annaeus). Shakespeare (William). INDEX. 151 Palmer (Thomas), Principal Gloucester Hall, Oxford. Plumier (Charles). Scheuchzer (Johann Jacob). Suply (A—). Teshe (Sir William). Tozzi (Bruno). Vendrameno (Andrea). Westminster Abbey. D r a p e r (Clement), Merchant, of London. Trading accompts, 1578-1580. 320, ff. 2 b-32. Collection of chemical and alchemical receipts and processes, 1597. 3657; 3748. Owned MS. 1423. D r a p e r (Robert). Letter to Bishop Andrewes, [1619-1626]. Lat. 118, f. 44. D r a w i n g s . Drawings illustrative of the history of medicine, of various diseases and of surgical instruments, 15th cent. 6, ff. 175-177 b. • Simplicia medicamenta depicta, circ. 1500. Ital. 4016. Drawings of coats of arms and of seals, 16th-18th centt. 3424. Alchemical diagrams, 17th cent. 2036, f. 84 b ; 3685. Drawings of Indian snakecharmers, 17th cent. 4013, f. 1 b. Drawings of animals, 17th cent. 4015, ff. 37-49. Drawings of plants, 17th cent. 4012. • Drawings of funguses, 17th cent. 4015, ff. 19-33 b. Astrological drawing of King Ptolomeus, 1641. 3570, f. 1. Sketches of ships, 1665. 1831, A. ff. 42 b-44. — Drawing of a monster born at Hanover, 1701. 4063, f. 123. • Drawings of the fungus Phalloides, 1708. 4020, ff. 42-47. Drawings of minerals, 18th cent. 4019, ff. 6 - 1 1 . Drawings of Greek medals, 18th cent. 3962, f. 275. v. America. Art. Banister {Rev. John). Barbary. Blair (Patrick). Camellus (Georgius Josephus). Courten al. Charleton (William). Covel (John). Cowper (William). Drax (William), Jun. Gersten (Christianus Ludovicus). Groninge (Jan van). Hermannus (Paulus), M.D. India, East. Italy. Ksempfer (Engelbert). Kempthorne (John), Capt. Lange (Johann). Legge (George), Baron Dartmouth of D r a x (Sir James). Notes of his birth, 1611 or 1612, and death, 1661. 1708, f. 109. D r a x (William), Jun. Treatise on drawing, 17th cent. 3907. D r a y t o n , co. Suss. Lease of land in, 1352. 1044, f. 257. D r a y t o n (James), of Maidstone. Letters to J. Petiver, 1713-1716, and n. d. 3322, ff. 33, 74, 80, 9 2 ; 4066, f. 335. D r e a m s . De significatione somniorum, 11th cent. Imperf. 475, f. 217 b. Rules for expounding dreams, 16th Imperf. Lat. 3542, ff. 41-44 b. Relations of extraordinary dreams of eminent persons collected from Suetonius, Herodotus, Pliny, Suidas, and Plutarch, 17th cent. 737, ff. 8-13. cent. • Notes on dreams from various works, 17th cent. Lat. and Engl. 737, f. 105. Notes respecting, 1620,1714-1720. 2721, ff. 112-119. v. Daniel, Propheta. D r e l i n e o u r t (Charles), Jun., Professor of Medicine at Ley den. Collegium medicinae practicum, 17th cent. 1268-1270. Collegium practicum ad methodum J. Fernelii, 17th cent. 3287, ff. 1-252, Collegium practices medicinse, 17th 3288, ff. 174 b-188. Observations anatomicas in privato collegio ejus, 17th cent. 1288, ff. 103-122 ; 3288, ff. 126-173. Praxis medica, 17th cent. 1500 ; 3923, ff. 9-187 ; 3924. Praescripta medicinalia, 17th cent. 1283. Annotata quaedam anatomica, 1672-1673. 2825, ff. 52-68. Archiatri electoris Brandenburgici epistola ad, cum ejus responso, 1674. 1268, ff. 4-16 ; 3925, ff. 1-8. Schema morborum generale, 1676. 1268, ff. 1-3. Collegium anatomicum, 1676. 1816, ff. 1-50. cent. 152 INDEX. D r e l i n c o u r t (Charles), Jun., Professor of Medicine at Ley den (continued). Observationes in humano cadavere, 1684. 1238, ff. 85-99. De morbis humanis, 17th cent. 1271, ff. 14-151. Annotationes in lecturas ejus de sceleto, 17th cent. 1288, ff. 48-102. De conceptu conceptus, 17th cent. 1213, ff. 1 7 b - 6 4 . Experimenta anatomica, 17th cent. 1292, ff. 1-38. Excerpta de sutura lambdoidea ex, 17th cent. 1271, ff. 1-13. -Excerpta de calculis ex, 17th cent. 1292, ff. 3 9 - 4 1 . Medicinse experimenta statica, 17th cent. 1292, ff. 42-43. Excerpta ex collegio practico ejus, 1699. 1362, ff. 32-58. Drevetiere ( de la), Sieur de L'Isle. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1740. Fr. 4069, f. 66. D r i e s (Anthonia van). Verses, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764, f. 122. D r i e s (Arent van). Verses, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764, f. 122. D r i e s (Cornelia van). Verses, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764, f. 122. Druibestein ( ), Banker, of Vienna. Letter to, from Dr. E. Browne, 1668. 1908, f. 98 b. D r u m m o n d (James), Uh Earl of Perth. Letter to Lord Carlisle, 1682. 2723, f. 118. D r u m m u n d (Jonas). The defence of age and recovar of youth translated out of A. de Villa Nova, circ. 1540. 72, ff. 213-216 b. D r u r y (Sir Drew), Lieutenant of the Tower. Discharge from his office, 1596. Copy. 33, f. 14. D r u r y (Sir William), Deputy Governor of Berwick. Letter to Sir W. Cecil, 1568. Copy. 3199, f. 25 b. Agreement with Lord Ruthven for besieging Edinburgh Castle together, 1573. Copy. 3199, f. 224. D r u s u s G e r m a n i c u s (Nero Claudius). De eo navigante per Oceanum carmina Pedonis, 15th cent. Imperf. 777, f. 3 1 . D r y d e n (Erasmus), J.P., of Canons Ashby; afterw. 1st Bart. Account of his committal to the Fleet and his answer to the accusation, 1604. 271, f. 33 b. D r y d e n (John), Poet and Dramatist. Remarks on Chapman's Homer, and on Cowley, 17th cent. 836, f. 83. Epilogue to Etherege's comedy, Sir Foppling Flutter, or the Man of Mode, [1675]. 203, f. 9 5 ; 1458, f. 23. — Extracts from his Absalom and Achitophel, 17th cent. 2332, f. 3 b. — Extracts from his miscellaneous poems, 1690. 2348, f. 39. Verses on him, as " Mr. Bayes," by Lord Middlesex, 17th cent. 2332, f. 5. Verses on, 17th cent. 1941, f. 3. Epigram on, 1702. 3065, f. 73. Allusion to his living with his b r o t h e r - i n - l a w , Sir R. Howard, at Bramshill Park, 1663. 813, f. 71. D u B e e - C r e s p i n (Francois Rene), Marquis de Vardes. " Letre des chanps Elisees par l'ombre de, aM r . de Corbinelly," 17th cent. 2885, ff. 11-26. D u b l a r (Magnus Ronnow). Odes to Charles XII. of Sweden, 1716. Lat. 3421. D u b l i n , City of. List of the Lord Mayors and sheriffs of, 1625-1636. 1008, f. 11. Certificate by the Corporation of losses sustained by D. Bellingham from pirates, 1652. Signed and sealed. 1008, f. 180. Patent of the College of Phvsicians in, 1692. 3914, ff. 181 b - 1 9 3 . Proposals for improving the harbour, by T. Burgh, 1707. 3329, f. 141. D u B o i s (Charles), v. Bois. D u B o i s (Simon), Painter. Catalogue of his pictures, 17th cent. 1985, f. 14. D u b o r d i e u (Pierre). Remark on the application of philosophy to the art of painting, 17th cent. Fr. 2764, f. 204. Dubosch ( ), M.D., of Paris. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1734. Fr. 4053, f. 361. D u Bourdet ( ), Capitaineauocgardes. Sonnet a, par Colletet, 17th cent. 895, f. 37. D u b o u r d i e u (Jean), Protestant Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. Fr. f. 269. Pastor. 4058, D u Boys ( ), Ecdesiastes Ecdesice Hanoviensis, Epistola ad, a J. Dury, 1632. 654, f. 166. D u C a m b o u t (Cesar), Marquis de Coislin. Sonnet sur la mort de, par J. O. de Gombauld, 1641. 895, f. 58. INDEX. D u C h e s i i e (Joseph), Chemist. Pestis Alexicacus, 17th cent. Excerpts. 2604, fF. 26-29 b ; 3119, ff. 71-74. Pharmacopoeia dogmaticorum restituta, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3118, ff. 265 b-272 b ; 3634, ff. 56-66 b. Defensio philosophise hermetica?, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3118, ff. 294 b 301. Demedicamentorumspagyrica prasparatione, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3118, ff. 3 1 3 b - 3 3 1 . Responsio ad Aubertum Midonis de metallis, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 331 b 335 b. Tetras, 17th cent. Excerpts. 3118, ff. 476 b - 4 8 7 b . Tinctura auri, 17th cent. 3505, f. 207. Alchemical receipts, 17th cent. 1389, ff. 210-216. Chemical receipts, 17th cent. 1627, ff. 64-66. Censure of Sir H. Piatt on his chemical preparations, 17th cent. 2223, ff. 18-24. Selectiora ex, 17th cent. 2223, ff. 53-56 ; 3119, ff. 178 b-193. D u e h r o w (Christophorus), of Colberg in Pomerania. Autograph in album, 1693. 2360, f. 82. D u c i e (Sir William), ord Bart. Warrant for grant to, of the advowson of Charlton, co. Kent, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 39 b. D u c k e n f e i l d (Col. Robert), Governor of Chester. Proposed grant of commission to, for t h e execution of martial law, 1650. 1519, f. 214. Duckett (Thomas), Practitioner in Physic. Proposals for improvement of land, [1646]. 2404. Du Commun ( ) , Ministre, at Bristol, son of the Prussian commissary and receiver in the Principality of Neufchatel. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1734. Fr. 4053, f. 302. D u C o m m u n (P—), Commissaire et Receveur de sa Majeste Prussienne, Maitre Bourgeois de la Ville de Boudri pres Neuchatel. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1735. Fr. 1968, f. 60. D u C o m m u n (Susan :). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1724. 4047, f. 186. Du Croe ( ) , French Ambassador in Scotland. Letters to the Archbishop of Glasgow, 1566. Copies. 3199, ff. 141 b, 149 b. 155 D u d e l i n g t o n e (Thomas de), Frater Minor Cantabrigiensis. Formerly owned MS. 1726. D u d g e o n (John). Resignation of t h e grant of the secretaryship of Bermuda, 1699. 2902, f. 102. Letter to J . Petiver, 1 7 0 | . 3321, ' f. 134. D u d l e y , co. Staff. Strata of a pit a t , 1711. 4020, f. 198. Specific gravities of stone strata in a coal pit at, 18th cent. 3323, f. 224. D u d l e y (Abraham). Letter to, from B . Cowly and T. Hinde, 1 6 9 f 4062, f. 265. D u d l e y (Ambrose), Earl of Wanoick. Warrant to, as Master of the Ordnance, for stores for Portsmouth, 1587. 1519, f. 219. D u d l e y (Col. Dud), 4th natural son of Edward [SuLtori], 5th Baron Dudley. Covenant with R. Large for working lead mines in co. Som., 1 6 5 | 3652, f. 111. Letter to, from K. Whorwood, [circ. 1648]. 3652, f. 112. Catalogue of his books, 17th cent. 3652, ff. 113-121. D u d l e y (Robert), Earl of Leicester. Leicester's Commonwealth, by R. Parsons, 1584. 1303, ff. 7-59 b ; 1 5 6 6 ; 3273. Satire on his entrance into t h e world of spirits, 17th cent. 1926, ff. 35-43 b. Letters to the University of Cambridge, 1563, 1569. Engl, and Lat. Copies. 3562, ff. 15, 69. Letter t o Lord Angus, [1581]. Copy. 3199, f. 125. Addition to the treaty between England and the Netherlands, signed by, 1585. 3245. Letters t o , from Lord Murray, 1561, 1563. 3199, ff. 258, 258 b. Letters to, from t h e Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, 1580. 3562, f. 20. Character of, 17th cent. 1523, f. 41 b. MS. 3794 was dedicated to him by Thos. Palmer between 1564 and 1588. Drawing of his banner by a herald, temp. Jas. I. 1086, f. 147. D u d l e y (Robert), self-styled Duke of Northumberland, son of Robert, Earl of Leicester. Relation of his voyage t o the W. Indies, 1594. 3 5 8 . D u e l l i n g . Account of duels before the King, 17th cent. 3420, ff. 1-8 b. 154 INDEX. D u JTaur ( ), Carcassonensis. Epigrams on the death of Card. H. d'Este, 17th cent. Lat. 2764, f. 14. D u f a y (Charles Francois de Cisternay), Conservateur da Jardin des Plantes a Paris. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1 7 2 9 1739, and n. d. 4050, f. 1 2 2 ; 4053, f. 375 ; 4054, f. 287 ; 4055, ff. 119, 138, 166; 4056, ff. 7 6 , 9 0 ; 4058, ff. 271,272. — Letters to, from Sir H, Sloane, 1734-I73f. 4068, ff. 255, 317, 326, 3 2 7 , 3 2 9 , 3 3 9 ; 4069, f. 17. D u f f (William). Letters to Sir Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 273-278. H. D u f f e i l d (Elizabeth). Medical prescription for, 1626. 1663, f. 98. D u f f i e l d (John), of Trinity College, Cambridge. Letter to R. Remington, 1574. Copy. 93, f. 98 b. D u f f i e l d (Thomas), (?) Chancellor of Lincoin, [1412-1423]. Owned MS. 334. D u g a r d (William), Printer to the Council of State, Certificates of the receipt of Dr. Glisson's treatise, " D e Rachitide," 1650. 3312, f. 237. D u g d a l e (Sir William), Garter-King-atArms. Letters to Sir T. Browne, 1658, 1659. Orig. and copy. 1911-1913, ff. 96-102 b, 104, 108. Letters to, from Sir T. Browne, 1658, 165f. 1911-1913, ff. 103, 106. — Notes from his history of St. Paul's, circ. 1700. 885, f. 133. D u g o o d (Francis), of Auchinhove, co. Aberdeen. Medical case, 18th cent. 4078, f. 144. D u k e (John). Epigram by, on his name, 17th cent. Lat. verse. 473, f. 1 b. D u k e (Richard), of London, father of the Poet. Chronological and biographical memoranda from 1066 to 1668. Autogr. 1711, ff. 1-34. D u k e (Richard). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4048, f. 7. D u k e of Y o r k ' s Islands. 1681. 3820, ff 121, 122. Map of, D u k e s (Francis), Lieutenant. Lease of a house at Tangier to, from Col. J. Fitzgerald, 1664. 3509, f. 75 b. D u k e s (Richard), Boatman, of Tangier. Charge against, for assault, 1672. 3514, f. 120. Dulcarnon. Derivation of the word " Dulcarnon," 18th cent. 1786, f. 154. D u Loir ( ). Extracts from the voyages and travels of, 1653. Fr. 631, ff. 229-233 b. D u M a n s (Raphael), of Ispahan. Descriptio Persiae, cum grammatica linguae Turcica?, 1684. Iloloyr. 2908. Lat. Letters to E. Ksempfer, 1684-1687. 3064, ff. 4 - 1 1 b. D u m b e l i j al. D u n b e l i j (Joannes), de Anglh. Ortolani practica vera alchemize in anno 1386 excepta a, 16th, 17th centt. 3086, ff. 5 6 - 6 5 ; 3457, ff. 17 b 31b. D u M e n i e l (Carolus Fridericus). Autograph in album, 1693. 2360, f. 66 b. D u H a l d e (Pere Jean Baptiste), Soc. Jes., of Paris. Letters to Sir BL Sloane, 1733, 1735. Fr. 4052, f. 365 ; 4053, ff. 108, 1 0 9 ; 4054, f. 76. -. Letters to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1733, 1736. Fr. 4068,ff.214, 303. D u m e n y (Louis), M.D. Journals by, of the " Sidney's" fourth voyage to India and China, 170§-1704. 2296, ff. 2-29. D u h a m e l d u M o n e e a u (Henri Louis). D u M e t z (Claudius Gedeo), de Ranee in Harcurio. Owned, in 1644-1699, MSS. 3134-3142. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1739. Fr. 4056, f. 80. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 17f §. Fr. 4069, f. 33. D u h a n (Abraham), M.D., Philosophic Professor. Physiologic compendium, 17th cent. 2932. D u J o n (Francois), the Elder. Genealogia sacra ex ejus notis Biblicis, 16th cent. 3927. Letter to Count John Casimir, n. d. Lat. Copy. 2871, f. 29. Botanical specimens bought by, at Canton, 1704. 2296, f. 30. Wrote, in 1699, MS. 3142. Dumfries, (William). Earl of. v. Crichton D u m m e r (Edmund), Surveyor of the Navy. Survey of ports from Dover to the Land's End, 1698. 3233. D u Molard ( ), de la Societe Roiale des Sciences de Berlin. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1742 Fr. 4057, f. 128. INDEX. 155 D u n o y e r (P—). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, D u M o u l i n (Louis), M. D., Camden Pron. d. Fr. 4058, f. 278. fessor of History at Oxford. Conspectus totius medicinae, 17th cent. Autogr. D u n s (Giovanni), Medico Inglese. v. 2014. Downes (John), M.D. Letters to Dr. E. Borlase, 1 6 7 8 1680. Lat. and Engl. 1008,ff.196, D u n s t a b l e , co. Bedf. Names and arms of knights at the tournament at, 1308. 205, 208, 230, 242, 268, 273. 1429, ff. 15-17. D u M o u l i n (Pierre), Sen., Professor of Armes des chivalers al tornement Theology at Sedan. Letters t o Bishop a, 1333. 1301, f. 257. Andrewes, 1619. Lat, 118,ff.2 1 , 23. D u n s t a n , S., Archbishop of Canterbury. Dumville ( ) . Medical theses, 17th De lapide philosophorum, 17th cent. Lat. cent. 3308, ff. 233, 272-274. and Engl. 1744, ff. 1 9 2 b - 2 0 3 ; 1876, D u n (Sir Patrick), President of the Irish ff. 8 4 - 9 2 ; 3738, ff. 60-66 ; 3757, ff. College of Physicians. Letters to Sir 40-52. H. Sloane, 1705, 1706, I 7 0 f 4040, ff. D u n s t a n (Anthony), Monk of West31, 110, 124, 137 ; 4078, f. 126. minster, afterw. Anthony Kitchin, Bishop D u n b a r (Archibald). Letter to J . of Llandaff (1545-1566). Owned MS. Petiver, n. d. 4066, f. 338. 3171. Dunbar (Hon. David), Lieutenant D u n s t a n v y l l , Family of. Pedigree, Governor of New Hampshire. Letter to, 16th cent. 1301, f. 108. from Dr. J . Ross, 18th cent. 4034, f. 32. Duplessis ( ) , Escwyer des chevaux D u n b e l i j (Joannes), v. Dumbelij. de I'escurie Boy ale. MS. 3741 was dediD u n e k u m (Thomas). Money given by, cated t o him in 1666 or 1668 by Mons. at J. Oxstyne's burial, 1596. 2177, f. 20. Bressey. D u n c u m b (Edward), of Litlington, GO. D u P l e s s i s (Armand Jean), Cardinal de Bedf. Letter to R. Dowgill, 165$. Richelieu. Scheme of his nativity, 1585. 2251, f. 122. 1709, f. 159 b. D u n d a s s (Duncan). Letter t o Sir H. Proverbial sentences, 17th cent. Engl, and Fr. 927,ff.10-14 b. Sloane, 1725. 4048, f. 83. D u n d a s s (James), of Dundee. Letter to Letter to the Catholics of Great J. Petiver, 1709. 3321, f. 245. Britain, 1624. Lat. Copy. 1775, f. 78. Epitaphs and satirical verses on, D u n d a s s (John). Calligraphieal por17th cent. Lat. and Fr. 3813,ff.4 1 - 4 5 . traits of Qu. Anne, Prince George of Denmark, and William, Duke of GlouSonnet on, 17th cent. Fr. 895, cester, their son, 1702. 4027, ff. 2 b, f. 15. 55, 56. Sonnet pendant le siege de La Account of State transactions from Rochelle pour, par G. Colletet, 1629. Qu. Anne's accession, contained in her 895, f. 33. portrait above, 1702. MS. and Printed. D u P l e s s i s (Armand Jean), 2nd Due 4027,ff.3-54. de Richelieu. Recueil de diverses pieces D u n d e e , co. Forfar. Osteographical par, 17th cent. 2868. description, with plates, of an elephant in D u P l e s s i s (James Paris), servant to the museum at, by Dr. P. Blair, 1709. Samuel Pepys. Collection of wonderful 3812,ff.1-59. prodigies, 1730-1733. 3253 ; 5246. D u n g e n e s s , co. Kent. Receipt for the duty for t h e lighthouse at, with t h e woodcut, 1 6 9 | . 2717, f. 26. D u n k i r k , in Belgium. Observations by the Chancellor Seguier on its delivery by France to England, with copies of treaties, 1658. Engl., Lat. and Span. 3083. D u P o i r i e r (Jacques), M.D., of Amboise and Tours. Collectanea medica et chemica, 17th cent. 3 1 1 8 ; 3119. Owned, in 1676-1683, MSS. 3 0 9 5 ; 3116 ; 3117 ; 3120 ; 3121 ; 3 1 2 4 ; 3126 ; 3127; 3195. Dunoquet ( ) , Treasurer of the French King's troops at Calais. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1737. Fr. 4055, ff. 127, 171, 178. — Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1737. Fr. 4068, f. 325. D u p o r t (James), Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge. Apology to M. Ballard, with his answer, 1647. 1454, ff. 20, 22. Verses on W. Wotton, 18th cent. Engl, and Lat. 3516,ff.28-31. 156 INDEX. D u p p a (Brian), Bishop successively of Chichester (1638), Salisbury (1641) and Winchester (1660). Poem, 17th cent. Copy. 1446, f. 26 b. Du Prat ( ) . Commonplace book, circ. 1691. 939. Durham, Bishop of. v. Morton (Thomas). Dean and Chapter of. Royal letter to, to renew R. Dodsworth's lease for the tithe corn of Heighington, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 14 b. Dupre de Kernogavic ( Durieuh( 17th cent. ), of Stoke Newington, co. Middl. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 174J. Lat. 4077, f. 337. D u P r e m i e r f a i t (Laurent). Metrical version of his French paraphrase of Boccaccio's De casibus virorum et feminarum illustrium, by J . Lydgate, 15th cent. 4031,ff.4-187 b. ) . Clavis libri secretorum, 2383. D u r n e l l y (Richard). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1722. 4046, f. 291. D u R o n d e l (Jacques), Professeur en eloquence a Sedan. La justification de Suzanne; tragi-comedie Francoise et Latine, 1668. 1029. Du Puy ( Sloane, n. d. ) . Letter t o Sir H. D u r y (John), Minister to the English Fr. 4058, f. 280. Merchants Companies at Elbing and at Rotterdam. Excerpta literarunl de D u p u y (Pierre), Librarian to Louis XI11. rebus ecclesiasticis et eruditione annoLetter to, from F. Lindenbrog, 1618. rum 1627-1638. Lat. and Germ. 417. Lat 2882, f. 43 b. — Epistolarum de mediis concordise D u p u y s (Claudius). Letters to Sir H. evangelicae procurandis apographa, 17th Sloane, n. d. 4058, ff. 282-287. cent. 654. D u r a n d (David), Pastor of the French Negotiations for the unity of ProChurches in St. Martin's Lane and the testant Communities, 1633-1636. Lat. Savoy. Letter to J . G. Scheuchzer, 402. 1728. Fr. 4066, f. 58. Letters and papers respecting the Church, 17th cent. 1465. D u r a n t i u s , Magister. Opus alchemicum, 15th cent. 3457, f. 206. :— Theological commonplace book, 17th cent. Lat, Germ, and Engl. 391. D u r e n i u s (Arnoldus), Professor EosHeads and extracts of sermons, tochiensis. Letter to, from J . Caselius, 17th cent. 1469, ff. 7-224. 1566. 2882, f. 48. Desiderata Biblica, 17th cent. D u r e s t a l , Comtesse de. r . Scepeaux Engl., Lat. and Germ. 6 5 3 . (Marguerite de). Adversaria de desideratis in variis D u r e t (Noel), Cosmographer to Louis scientiis et studiis, 17th cent. 638, ff. XIV. Supplement of t h e Richelieu 1-95 b, 113-128. Tables of, part i., 17th cent. 5 3 3 , ff. Logica, 17th cent. Germ, and 33-70 b. Extracts from his "Novae motuum Lat. 392. coelestium ephemerides Richlianaa," 17th " Exercitatio of schooling," or heads cent. 2283, ff. 47-53. of lectures on education, 1646. 649, Traite des principes de la Geoff. 52-56. graphic, reveu et augmente de nouveau, Description of a transmarine school, 1674. Imperf. 1031, ft. 88-102 b. with marginal notes and corrections in Proportions to find t h e pole's the hand of, 17th cent. 649,ff.74-81 b. elevation " supra circulum positum," Capita rerum quse fusius in cura 17th cent. 2283, ff. 69-72. psedagogica sunt tractanda, 17th cent. Mystery of the crisis in diseases, 649, f. 198 b. 17th cent. 533,ff.82 b-84. Extracts from his letters a t the Hague, 1642. 1469,ff.1-6. D ' U r f e y (Thomas), Dramatist. Trial of, Correspondence with A. Boreel, before the Court of Parnassus, circ. 1684. 1646-1660. Lat. 649, ff. 37, 40-44. 1009, f. 254. D u r h a m , co. Darh. Antiquities of the church of, by R. Hegge, 17th cent. 1322. Inscriptions and arms from t h e cathedral, 1601. 3836, ff. 27 b-29. Letter to, relative to the fall of the Papacy, 1654. Lat. 649, f. 30. Litterae testimonials de ejus pietate et probis moribus, n. d. 654, f. 240. INDEX. D u Souhait ( ). Traduction de sentences de Plliade, 17th cent. 2553, f. 85. D u s t o n , co. Northants. Assignment of claim to a messuage in, 1578. 999, f. 1 b. 157 D y v e (Frances), Maid of Honour to Princess Louisa, 5th dan. of George II. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1743, and n. d. 4057, f. 229; 4058, f. 290. Letter to, from Sir H. Sloane, 1743. 4069, f. 86. D u t t o n (Sir John), 2nd Bart., of Sherborne. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1740. 4056, f. 304. D u t t o n (Ralph). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 288. D u t t o n (Sir Thomas). Letter to Lord Falkland, 162§. 3827, f. 157. D u V a l (S—). Prseparationes et experimenta alchemica, 1616. Fr. 2046. ff. 67-76 b. • •— Modus conficiendi Elixir in duabus lineis ; condemned by, 17th cent. Lat. 3427, f. 1. D u v a l (Phillippe). Horoscope, under the anagram Paupilled Phuil, 17th cent. 3766, ff. 15 b, 16 b. E E — ( F — ) . Ali Puli's tractate of the regenerated salt of nature, translated by, 17th cent. 4 8 7 ; 609, ff. 31-39. E — ( J — ) . Latin verses with English translations, 17th cent. 1471, f. 17. E — ( J — ) . Directions for taking nativities, 17th cent. 2279, ff. 121 b-125 b. D u v e r n e y (Guichard Joseph), Professor of Anatomy at Paris. Des maladies des os, 17th cent. 1499.' Traite de la gangrene, 1683. 1216, ff. 45-74. : — Traite des maladies de la poitrine, 18th cent. 87, ff. 1-76. D w a r f s . Account of a female exhibited at Charing Cross, 1677. Fr. 1028, f. 8. E — ( J — ) . Translation of part of the New Testament, 1644. 3982. D w i g h t (Samuel). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1721. 4046, ff. 120, 150. E a c h a r d (Laurence), Archdeacon of Stow. Extracts from his Roman History, 18th cent. 3407, f. 15. D y e i n g , v. Mayerne (Sir Theodore Turquet de). D y e r (Mrs. ). Medical case of, 18th oent. 3323, f. 155. D y e r (Sir Edward), Poet. me a kingdom is," 1592. " My mind to 2497, f. 27 b. D y e r (Sir James), Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Letter to Dr. J. Young, 1568. 3562, f. 8. D y e r (Richard). Letters to, from Petiver, 1712-1717. 3340, passim. D y m m o k (John). circ. 1600. 1328. J. History of Ireland, D y n h a m , Family of. Proofs of their inheriting the advowson of South Poole, 16th cent. 1301, f. 227 b. D y n n i n g t o n , co. Suff. v. Dennington. D y u e (Sir Lewis), Governor of Sherborne Castle. Letter to Sir T. Fairfax, 1645. 1519, f. 123. E — (L—), Publisher. Preface to " A letter from an apothecary in London to a physician in Cambridge, cone, the practice of phys : c in London," late 17th cent. 631, f. 176. E — ( P — ) . Abbreviation of the 12 keys of B. Valentinus, 1622. 1451, ff. 1-13. E a d e (John). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1730. 4051, f. 117. Eadmundus de Pontiniaeo, S. v. Rich (Edmund), Archbishop of Canterbury. E a d w o l d u s , S., brother of S. Eadmund, King. Vita, late 12th cent. 1772, ff. 15-18. E a l e s (Luke), of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Medical thesis, on the circulation of the blood, circ. 1661. Lat. 3308, ff. 266-271. E a r o . e s (Johannes). Formerly owned MS. 2322. E a m e s (William), Seneschal of Lord Cork. Briefe relation of the passages which happened in Askeaton Castle, bel. to Lord Cork and G. Crofton, 1642. 1008, ff. 55-58 b. E a m y s (John). 2270. Medical treatise, 1530, INDEX. 158 E a r l e s (Lewis d'), Macer. v. Comitibus (Ludovicus de), of Macerata. E a r t h q u a k e s . Notices of earthquakes in the Low Countries and in Austria, 1580, 1590. Fr. and Lat. 2764, f. 22. Original depositions relating to an earthquake in co. Suss., 1734. 4025, ff. 224-238. E a s t e r l i n g (Sir Edward), v. Stradling. Eastern Empire, v. Constantinople. E a s t l a n d C o m p a n y . Papers relating to their trade, 1598-1603. 25. E a t o n (J—), Medical Practitioner at Amersham, co. Bucks. Letter to Lord Cheyne, 1724. 4075, f. 77. E a t o n (Robert). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1718-1724, and n. d. 4045, ff. 126, 277 ; 4047, ff. 2 0 , 1 5 9 , 1 8 0 ; 4058, ff. 291, 293. E b e n r a d u s (Caecilius), Discipulus S. Jacobi Apostoli. Tractatus theologici, 17th cent. 2864. E b e r s t e i n , Counts of. Autographs in album, 1580. 851, f. 9 b. E b n Sina. v. Avicenna. E e c l e s (James), Secretary to the Royal Cotlege of Physicians at Edinburgh. Letter to Dr. R. Gray, 172J. 3216, f. 180. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 172J. 4046, f. 217. E e c l e s i a (Johannes Baptista ab), Medicus Aquensis. De thermarum civitatis Aquensis natura, 17th cent. 1557. E e n o v i u s (Theodoricus). Curatio morborum internorum ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff 1-134 b. : Eekard ( ). Banquet of spiritual poverty, 17th cent, lmperf. 2538, ff. 87 b-90. E c k n a r t (Georgius), Germanus. De lapide philosophico, 1600. Low - Germ. 1255, ff. l l b - 1 3 b . E d e u s (Egbert), of Rotterdam. Letter to J . Petiver, 1716. 4065, f. 267. E d g a r (Robert), of Ipswich. Letter to J. Petiver, 1712. 3322, f. 9. E d g a r (Thomas), M.D., of Colchester. Certificate recommending C. Dinnish to be touched for the King's evil^ 1 6 7 | . Lat. 206, B. f. 62. E d g e u m b e (Peers), eldest son of Sir R. Edgeumbe of Mount Edgeumbe; M.F. for Cornwall. Translation of H. Zanchius* *' De operibus Dei," books I I . - I V . , 1606. 3 9 3 4 ; 3935. E d i n b u r g l i , City of. Nominatio beneficiorum et pensionum pro collegio Justitiae per prelatos apud, 1532. 2504, f. 29. List of grasses required for t h e physic garden at, by J . Sutherland, 18th cent. 4020, ff. 268-269. Edisbury (Kendrick), Naval Commissioner. Naval accompts, 1701-1708, signed by, 170f. 3953. E d l i n (Richard), Astrologer. On his own nativity, with horoscopes from 1662 to 1698; ante 1677. 1120. Charms, alchemical observations, medical receipts, etc., 17th cent. 1131. E d m o n d e s (Sir Thomas), M.P. ; Treasurer of the Household. Speech in Parliament, 1628. Abstract. 826, f. 50. Privy Council letters, signed by, 162f, 1626. 3827, ff. 7 1 , 89. Letter to, from T. Turquet de Mayerne, 1629. Fr. 2046, f. 111. E d m o n d s (William). Satire on Laud's attempt to introduce Popery into England, temp. Chas. I . 904, ff. 76-119. Edoard. v. Oudart. Edone ( ). Translation from the Italian of a work on assaying, 17th cent. 1423, ff. 1-26 b.. Education. Prsecepta pro scolaribus, 16th cent. 4022, ff. 1-11. Collection of papers on, 17th cent. 649. Directions for teaching English schoolboys, 17th cent. 2204, ff. 1-12. Letter on furnishing a library for academical scholars, 17th cent. 2204, ff. 13-24. De l'education d'un Prince, 17th cent. 2183. Instructions pour un jeune seigneur, 17th cent. 3635, ff. 60-81. E d w a r d e s (Lady Elizabeth), daughter of Robert, 5th Earl of Warwick, and wife of Francis Edwardes of Haverfordvjest. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1725. 4075, ff. 81, 83. E d w a r d e s (William), Rector of Wretham, co. Norf. Isocratis oratio funebris in laudem Regis Evagorse, cum interpretatione notisque, 1576. Gr. and Lat. 456,ff.3 - 4 1 . Copy of Sir J. Cheke's translation of " Chrysostomi conciunculse de fato et providentia Dei," 1576. Hologr. 456, ff. 4 4 b - 1 0 2 b . INDEX. 159 Edwards ( ) . De {medicinis simplicibus et compositis, 17th cent. 9 5 1 . E d w a r d s (David). Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, n. d. 4058, f. 295. E d w a r d s (Ed ward). Commonplace book, 1675. 2624. E g e r t o n (Rachel), 2nd wife of Scroop, 1st Duke of Bridgvmter, Letter t o Sir H. Sloane, n. d, 4034, f. 261. E d w a r d s (George). Letter to, from R. M. Massey, 174}. 4066, f. 110. E g e r t o n (Stephen), Puritan Minister of St. Anne's, Blackfriars, London. Letters on church reform, 1603. Copies. 271,ff.20 b, 23 b, 24 b. E d w a r d s (Thomas), of Swaffham Bulbeck, co, Cambr. Note of his will, 1583. 1301, f. 315. E d w a r d s (Thomas), of Queens* Coll, Cambridge. Notes of his sermons by D. Foote, 17th cent. 598, ff. 84-90. E d - w a r d s (Thomas), of Bristol. Letter to R. Waller, 1712. 4065, f. 61. Letter to, from J . Petiver, with answer, 1712. 4065, ff. 60, 61. Edwardus. The epitome of health's treasure, 1562. 2502, ff. 55-81 b. E d z a r d , Count. v. Friesland, Count of. Edzard II. East, E e d e s (Richard), Dean of Worcester, Brief extracts from his sermons, 1604. 848, f. 8. E e l b e c k (Henry), Ludi Magister. Letters and verses t o Sir H. Sloane, 1726. Engl and LaU 3516, ff. 21-25. Carmen in Georgii I I . coronationem, [1726]. 3516, f. 20. Efferen ( d'), Count; Minister from the Elector Palatine at London. Letter to W. Le Cler, n, d. Fr. 1968, f. 94. • Letter t o , from Sir H. Sloane, 1715. Fr, 4068, f. 100. E g a n (Boetius), B.C. Bishop of Elphin, Facultates concessae ei per Urbanum VIIL, pro tempore schismatis t a n t u m , 1625. Copy, 1008, f. 2. E g e d e (Hans), Bishop of Greenland, Begyndelsens Elementer til den Christelige Kimdskab for de Gronlandske Cathecumener, 1724. Greenl and Dan. 3022. E g e n e t a (Paulus). v, Paul, of JEgina. E g e r t o n (John), 1st Earl of Bridgwater. Privy Council letters, signed by, 1626, 1627. 3827, ff. 89, 108. Medical prescription for, n. d, 494, f. 17. E g e r t o n (John), 3rd Earl of Bridgwater. Novel founded on the fortunes of himself and Elizabeth, his 1st wife; with a key, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009,ff.360-365. — Note of his son's birth, 166#. 1708, f. 107. E g e r t o n (Scroop), 1st Duke of Bridgwater. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1733. 4034, ff. 260, 263. E g e r t o n (Thomas), Viscount Brackley; Lord Keeper, Commission to, for r e newing commissions of lieutenancy, 1596. Copy. 33, f. 8 b. Speech a t t h e Council on t h e failure of Lord Essex' expedition into Ireland, 1599. 3828, ff. 47 b - 6 3 . Correspondence with Lord Essex, 1598. Copies. 1775, ff. 54, 55 b. Letters to James I., 1612, 161f. s, 1710, f. 358 ; 1786, f. 27. : — Letter to, from the University of Cambridge, 1616. Lat. 3562, f. 91 b. Dedicatory letter to, from J . Williams, 17th cent. 1983, A. E g e r t o n (William), LL.D., Chancellor and Prebendary of Hereford] grandson of John, 2nd Earl of Bridgwater, Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1736. 4075, f. 105. E g i d i j (Christianus). Letter to B. Enewald, 1707. Lat, and Germ. 2877, f. 249. Egidius Corbeiensis. v. ^Egidius, Co> boliensis. l i n g e r (Christopher), M.D, Letter to J . Petiver, n. d. Lat. 3322, f. 165. E g l i n u s I e o n i u s (Raphael). Qusedam ex Heliophilo a Percis, 17th cent. 3119, ff. 226 b-230 b. E g l i s h a m (George), Physician to James [. Petitions to Charles I. and to Parliament for an inquiry into the death of James I., [1626]. Jmperf. 1779, ff 160-187. E g m o n t , Family of. Autographs in album, 1581. 851, ff. 102 b, 103. E g m o n t , Earl of. v. Percival (John). E g m o n t (Franchoyse d'), daughter of Lamoral, Prince de Gdore. Autograph in album, 1581. 851, f. 103. E g m o n t (Lamoral d'), Comte d'Egmont. Verses on, 1568. Span. 796, f. 41 b. E g m o n t (Lamoral d'), Comte oVEgmont, 2nd son of Lamo>al, Prince de Gdvre. Autograph in album, 1581. 851, f. 103. 160 INDEX. E g m o n t (Leonore d'), daughter of Lain moral, Prince de Gdvre. Autogiaph in album, 1581. 851, f. 103. E i l n e r ( J — G—), of Marienberg in Saxony (?) Autograph in album, 1692. 2360, f. 60. E g m o n t (Sabine d'), daughter of Lamoral, Prince de Gdvre. Autograph in a album, 1581. 851, f. 103. Eireneus Philoponos Philalethes. E g y p t . Collections relative to its his;. tory, by Dr. N. Grew, 17th cent. 1963. Journal of travels through, by a a Scotchman, 1656. 3228, ff. 6 5 b - 1 3 4 b . s Dissertatio de annulis iEgyptiacis in Musseo A. Vendrameni, Venetorum i Ducis, cum delineationibus, 1627. Hal. and Lat. 4005, ff. 1-37. , Kings of. Memphis. Epitre alchemique d'Alphide a, 16th cent. 3549, ' ff. 2 0 b - 2 5 b . Ptolemy. Drawing of, 1641. 3570, ' f. 1 b. Ptolemy Philadelphus. History of his wife Arsinoe, 18th cent. 3407, 1 ff. 64, 69. • Description of a gold medal of his wife Arsinoe, 18th cent. 3407, f. 82. Epistola Regis iEgyptiorum Octaviano Augusto de remediis contra morbos, 17th cent. 3848, f. 23. E h r h a r t (Balthasar), M.JD., of Memmingen. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 17241735. Lat. 4047, ff. 251, 3 4 4 ; 4048, ff. 186,202, 2 8 7 ; 4051, f. 1 3 5 ; 4052, f. 1 7 4 ; 4054, f. 39. Letters to, from Sir H . Sloane, 1724-1733, and n. d. Lat. 4068, ff. 120, 186, 2 0 1 ; 4069, f. 147. E h r e n s c h i l d (Martin Conrad Bierman d'), son of the Danish Secretary of State. Letter to his father, 1684. 2877, ff. 15-19 b. E i c h s t a d i u s (Laurentius), Mathematician, and M.D. of Wittemberg. Exempla tabularum harmonicarum coelestium motuum, 17th cent. 570, f. 209 b. Scheme of his nativity, 1596. 1707, f. 20 b. Eifler ( ) , Professor at Leyden. Notes from his medical lectures taken by Dr. Bellingham, 1664. 452. E i k o n B a s i l i k e . Eikon Basilike Latine versa per G. Rugbye," [1660]. 1907. • Quotations from, as the work of Charles I., by D. Foote, 17th cent. 595, ff. 7 b, 27 b, 3 4 b - 3 5 b , 42, 47. — Attributed bv Prince Rupert to his uncle, Charles I.", 1677. 555, f. 18. v. Starkey (George). E i t z e n (Albertus von), Reipubliccs Hambur gensis Consul. Elogium ejus funebre a C. Hering, 1653. 2888, f. 2 1 . E k i n e s (Thomas), Col. Letters t o Sir H. Sloane, with enclosures, 1723, 1724. 4046, f. 3 5 4 ; 4047, ff. 169, 170. Letter t o the Secretary of State, Lord Carteret, 1723. Copy. 4046, f. 357. Ekins ( ), of Boughton, <-0. Northants. Medical prescription for, by Dr. J . Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 7. E k i n s (Alexander), of Weston Favell, co. Northants. Medical prescription for his son, by Dr. J . Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 17. Medical prescription for his wife, by Dr. J . Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 47 b. E l a r d u s , Nigromancer, of Catalonia. Conference on the Philosopher's Stone with the Devil, 16th cent. 1118, f. 82 b. E l a u r i d a s , Monachus. Epistola ad Ryparium, Boetias episcopum, 14th cent. 1777, f. 86 b. E l b i n g , in Prussia. Instructions for establishing an English mart at, 1580. 2442, ff. 41-43. E l b o r o w e (Richard). Letters to his nephew, J. Petiver, with draft of answer, 1704-1707. 4064, ff. 1, 17, 56, 8 9 , 136. El Bulkassem E l Muthar films Hahabdim filii Buceila, Medicus de Baldach. v. Mukhtar Ibn Al Hasan Ibn 'Abdiin Ibn Butlan (Abu Al Hasan Al). E l d e r (David), Commissioner for sick and wounded Seamen. Letter to, from J . Mauclerc, 1694. 4062, f. 253. Eleazar ( ) . Letter to, from J. Dury, 1641. 6 5 4 ; f, 196. E l e u t h e r i u s , S. Memoria cent. 2916, f. 123 b. de, 15th El H a r i t h Ben Keleda el-Thakefi, Medicus Arabs. f. 3. Elias Artista. Minorite. Vita, 18th cent. 3647, i. Elias, de Assissio, a 161 INDEX. E l i a s , de Assissio, a Minorite. Vade mecnm, 15th cent. 692,ff.52-57 b. • Ars occulta detecta ab, 1622. 693, ff. 5 2 - 6 1 ; 2083, ff. 1-12. De lapide majori, 15th cent. 1091, f. 84 b. Opus alchemicum, 15th-18th centt. 3457, ff. 136-138; 3506, f. 6 5 ; 3580, A. f. 208 b ; 3661, f. 216, 231b-237. E l i c e (John). Formerly owned MS. 3182. E l i o t (Sir John), M.P. for Cornwall. Speeches in Parliament, 1626, 1628, 162f. 826, ff. 50, 1 4 7 ; 1200, f. 3 3 ; 1710, f. 286 b ; 2531, f. 122. Petition from the Gatehouse prison to Charles I. concerning the loan, 1627. 2531,ff.91 b - 9 4 b. E l i o t t , Family of. Arms, 15th cent. 2401, f. 2 b. E l i s i u s (Edmundus). v. Elys (Edmund). E l i z a b e t h , S. Legenda de, 15th cent. 1936, if. 8 5 b - 1 0 0 . E l i z a b e t h , Queen of England, v. England, Sovereigns of. E l i z a b e t h , daughter of James I. of England. Autograph in album, 1609. 3415, f. 6. v. also Bohemia, King of. Frederic V. Rhine, Electors Palatine of the. Frederic V. E l k i n g (H—). Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 1726-1729. 4048, ff. 183, 2 1 7 ; 4049, f. 4 4 ; 4050, f. 191. E l k i n t o n (Thomas), of Wellesborouyh, co. Leic. Correspondence with ti. Piatt, 1600. 2172,ff.28, 29. E l l e n (Johann Theodor). Proposals for the dry separation of gold from silver, 18th cent. 4021, f. 102. E l l i e e (Robert?). Poem, Copy. 1446, f. '61b. 17th cent. E l l i l l (Elisha). Choice aphorisms, discourse against atheism, and remarks on the Steganographia of Trithemius Abbas, 1 7 0 | . 3865. E l l i o t t (Capt. ), of Tangier. Letter to, from Col. Norwood, 1 6 6 f 3509, f. 163. E l l i o t t (Thomas), of Tangier. Deposition of, in a lawsuit, 1672. 3514, f. 125. Ellis ( ),o/ Trinity College, Cambridge. Medical case of, by Dr. J . Pratt, 164g. Lat. 587, f. 18. Ellis ( ), of Ravenstone, co. Bucks. Medical prescription for his wife, by Dr. J. Metford, 1652. Lat. 2812, f. 37. SLOANE INDEX. E l l i s (Andrew), of the Post Office, London. Collections of newsletters, 1678-1688, 1690-1692. 3 9 2 5 ; 3929. E l l i s (Humfrey), of Hereford. Formerly owned MS. 272. E l l i s (John). 1699. Letter to, from J. Geston, 4062, f. 314. E l l i s (Paul). Assignment of land by, to St. Thomas' Hospital, 1679. 2728, B . f. 79. E l l i s (Robert), of Charles Ten, Carolina. Letters to J. Petiver, 1700-1704. 3321, ff. 4 1 , 4 5 ; 4063,ff.8 1 , 1 9 1 ; 4064,ff.2, 55. — Letter to, from Sir N. Johnson, 1701. 4063, f. 81. E l l i x e s o f P y a m m o n t , Reverend Master, v. Alessio, Piemontese. E l l y a s , F e . v. Elias, de Assissio, a Minorite. E l m e n h o r s t (Heinrieh), Minister of St. Katharine's church at Hamburg. Memoria V. Petersen, 1667. 2888,ff.1 1 0 115. Letters t o , from J . Thomasius, 1666, 1667. Lat. 2877,ff.7, 9. E l m e s , Family of. Pedigree, 17th cent. 1429, f. 110. E l m e s (R—), of Lilford, co. Northants. Medical prescriptions for, by Dr. J . Metford, 1655. Lat. 2812,ff.70, 74. E l o q u e n c e . Observationes de eloquentia, 16th cent. 4022, f. 13. Notata de veteri eloquentia, 17th cent. 190, ff. 3-24 b. E l p h i n s t o n (John), 2nd Baron Balmerinoch. Letter to Lord Fairfax, 1644. 1519, f. 4 1 . E l s e v i e r L i b r a r y . Catalogus librorum ex impressis ibidem catalogis extractus, 1676. 3452, ff. 1-51. E l s m e r e (Alice). Letter to, from M. Prince, 1736. 4066, f. 118. E l s m e r e (John), of Belfast; brother-inlaw of Sir ff. Sloane. Letter from him and his wife, to Sir H. Sloane, 1708. 4041, f. 222. E l s m e r e (Sloane), D. £>., Rector of Chelsea. Proposals for erecting a girls' charity school at Chelsea, 1740. 4034, f. 67. — Letter to his uncle, Sir H. Sloane, 1740. 4056, f. 296. E l s t (P— J— van der), Chartreux, of Brussels. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1719. Fr. 4045, f. 214. Letter to F. Villette, 1719. Fr. 4065, f. 290. M INDEX. 162 E l s t o n (Elizabeth). Verses on, by J. Weale, 1654. 1431, ff. 80 b-84. E l s t o n (James). Inventorv of stores at Tangier, 1669, 1672. 3510, ff. 112, 119-126, 130-135, 146 b, 152 b, 1 6 1 ; 3511, f. 151. E l t o n (Thomas), of Bath. Letter to his brother-in-law J. Petiver, 1701. 4063, f. 116. E l v e d e n e (Walter de). Kalendarium, cum tabulis schematibusque eclipsium solis et lunse, 1327-1386, 14th cent. 286, ff. 15-24 b. E l v e r t o n (Sir Christopher), v. Yelverton. Elvinge. v. Elbing, in Prussia. E l v i s h e (Sir Jervis), Lieutenant of the Tower, v. Helwys (Sir Gervase). E l X a t i b , Treasurer to the Emperor of Marocco. Letter to, from Lord Middleton, 167J. Span. 1958, f. 47. E l y , Diocese of. List of parishes under Archdeaconries in, 17th cent. 1441, f. 118. E l y o t t (John). 3661. Owned, in 1572, MS. E l y s (Edmund), Rector of East Ailington. Letter to A. Le Grand, 1682. Lat. 1770, ff. 163-172. E l y s h e (John), Glover, of Formerly owned MS. 272. Hereford. E l z (Jacob III. von), Archbishop Elector of Treves, v. Treves, Archbishops Electors of. Elzevir Library, v. Elsevier Library. E m a n u e l , Cretensis Philosophus. Opus alchemicum, 1608. 2055, ff. 7-9. E m b d e n . v. Emden, in Hanover. E m b r o i d e r y . Directions for working letters and samplers, 17th cent. Imperf. 2740. E m d e n , in Hanover. Letter from the Consuls and Magistrates to Qu. Elizabeth, 1570. Lat. 3299, f. 1. Emished ( ), Dr. Medicine for the plague, late 17th cent. 1087, f. 12 b. E m m a n u e l College, University of. v. Cambridge, E m m e t t (Maurice). Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1704. 4039, f. 377. E m s o n (James). Letter to, from Harrison, circ. 1752. 4066, f. 366. R. E m i l y , Isle of, in China. Plantae in ea collect*, 169f. 2376, ff. 49-75. ' Enchusa. v. Enkhuizen, in Holland. E n e v e (William), of Easton ad Montem, co. Essex. Feoffment of land to W. Andrewes, 17th cent. 1317, f. 18 b. E n e w a l d (Broder), Minister at Neuen Kirchen. Letters to, from B. Cr. iEgidij and C. Egidij, 1696, 1707. Lat. 2877, ff. 91, 249. E n g e l b r e c h t (Hanneman). 1418, MS. 3131. Owned, in E n g e l b r e c h t (Johann), of Brunswick. A Christlike description of the New Heaven and Earth, 1641. Transl. 1643. 2555. Vision, 1641. 2569, ff. 91-125. Engelhard ( ). Miscellanea Engelhard iana, by Dr. T. Turquet de Mayerne, 1620. 1988, ff. 4 7 - 9 1 , 153-160. England, GENERAL CHRONICLES AND HISTORY OF. Museum Britannicum Historiale, by W. Cooper, 1676. 743. Epitome of the English Chronicles, 17th cent. 2251, ff. 67-74 b. Catalogue of English Historians, circ. 1700. 885, ff. 54-69. List of English writers, 18th cent. 3585, f. 30. List of books respecting the history of Britain, by J . Bagford, circ. 1700. 885, f. 138. Collection from the Anglorum Gesta, 18th cent. 3752, ff. 12-18 b. Collections from records, by J. Strangeman, late 16th cent. 1301. On the Crown and three estates of the realm, 18th cent. 1503, f. 40. Extracts from charters, etc., relative to ancient privileges and customs in towns, 16th cent. 2103, f. 159. Statutum de lana, 1689. 1381. ff. 148-153 b. Portions of the Saxon Chronicle from 681 to 787, translated by Hogg, 17th cent. 3371, ff. 36-51 b. Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester, 15th cent. 2027, ff. 96 b-169 b. Excerpts from R. de Hoveden, Giraldus Cambrends, etc., relating to Ireland, 17th cent. Lat. 1008, f. 338. Synoptical table to R. Holinshed's Chronicle, temp. Eliz. 1090. Prophecies relative to English history, in prose and verse, 16th cent. 2578. = Prophetiae de Anglia, 16th cent. 3556, f. 8. •INDEX. England, GENERAL CHRONICLES A N D HISTORY" O F (continued). Prophecy relating to English history, in verse, 15th cent. 4031, f. 189 b. Prophecy of Merlin found at Pontefract Castle, 1681. 2281,ff.68 b - 7 0 b. Extracts from Cotton MS. Otho B. i n . relating to the History of England, 16th cent. 2103,ff.155-158 b. Extracts from records, etc., relative to early aids and subsidies, 16th cent. 2103, ff. 102-143 b. Extracts from records, etc., relative to early English history, 16th cent. 2103, ff. 160-163. Catalogue of tracts chiefly of the time of the Commonwealth, 17th cent. 1780. Notes out of Milton cone, the History of England, 17th cent. 1506. Sovereignty of the seas of England; by Sir J . Borough, 17th cent. 1696, ff. 108 b-162 b ; 1710, ff. 68-103. Nomina regum Majoris Britannia?, 15th cent. 289, f. 184. Series Regum West-Saxonum, 16th cent. 1898,ff.2 - 4 . Summary by Dr. Glisson of characters of British kings, 17th cent. 2251, ff. 3-16. Notes on t h e origin of t h e Biitons, 17th cent. 1009, f. 77. Chronicle of events from t h e year A.D. 311 to 835, 17th cent. 3985, ff. 85-113. Series Regum Angliae ab Ina usque ad Henricum I., 12th cent. 3103, f. 121 b. De heptarchia Saxonum et de rebus gestis in Britannia ab eorum adventu usque ad Edvvardum Confessorem, 15th cent. Imperf. 289,ff.184-195 b. Chronologia ab orbe condito ad A.D. 1220, 15th cent. 281,ff.2 b - 1 4 . Extracts from the large pedigree of the kings of England from Edvv. I. to 1333, 16th cent. 1301, f. 353. Historia Anglise ab Edw. III. nato usque ad captionem Davidis, Regis Scotia?, 1346, 15th cent. Lat. verse. 560, ff. 55-57 b. Chronicon Anglise, 1346 - 1358, 15th cent. Imperf. 560,ff.58-60. Brevis metrica chronica Anglie cenigmatice scripta, 15th cent. 1939, ff. 4 - 1 1 b. Chronicle of England from John to Richard II., 15th cent. Imperf. 2027, ff. 170-188. 163 England, GENERAL CHRONICLES A N D HISTORY OF {continued). Origin of t h e wars between England and France, 15th cent. Fr. 960,ff.76 b-78 b . Poem by S. Daniel on " The ciuile warrs," 17th cent. Imperf. 1443. Cronicse ab origine mundi ad mortem R. Hemici V., 15th cent. 1939, ff. 122-129 b. Cronica Regum Anglise ad Henrici VI. coronationem, 1429. 1939,ff.1 3 0 132 b. Genealogy of the kings of England from Brutus to Henry VI., 15th cent. 2732, A. Metrical chronicle of the kings of England from William I. to Henry VI., 15th cent. 1986,ff.103-110 b. Names of the kings from William the Conqueror to Henry VI., 1454. Fr. 960, f. 75 b. — List of kings, from William I. to Henry VI., 1454. Lat. 3486, f. 1 b. Chronicle of England, tempp. Rich. II.-Henry VI., 15th cent. Lat. 1776. List of kings, from William Bastard to Henry VLL.7 with duration of their reigns, 15th cent. 747, f. 54. Verses on, from William I. to Edward VI., 16th cent. Fr. 1441, ff. 97-117. Collections out of the histories of England from Ethelred to Elizabeth, 1670. 273. Genealogies of all the kings of England from the Conquest t o Qu. Elizabeth, with their successions and offsprings, temp. Eiiz. 975,ff.2 - 3 8 . Summary of English history from Stephen to Charles I., by Jo. Ba., 17th cent. 2251,ff.3 1 - 6 1 b. Mnemonic lines on t h e Kings of England from William I. to Charles I., 17th cent. Lat. 1797, f. 3. — Table of English kings from the Conquest to Charles II., 1659. 1844, f. 33 b. Autographs of eminent English statesmen of the beginning of the 17th cent. 2035, B. ff. 13-28. Collection of letters illustrative of English history, 1574-1667. 1519. Anecdotes relating to ambassadors and their reception, 1604-1674. 3660. cent. Poems on State affairs, etc., 17th 2717,ff.68-110. M 2 164 England, INDEX. GENERAL CHRONICLES A N D HISTORY OP (continued). Treatise on t h e j u s t interest of Kings of England in their fiee disposing power and the validity of their grants, by Chief Justice Hale, 1657. Imperf. 1435,ff.107-121 b. • Summary of taxes and levies from William I. to James I., 17th cent. 1710, ff. 226-247. "Manifestation of the causes of the destruction in England," 17th cent. 648, f. 57. Papers relating to the woollen manufactures, etc, 17th cent. 2728, B. ff. 209-212. Considerations about the herring fishery of England and Scotland being managed by the Low Countries, by J. Limbery, 17th cent. 2444. History and description of English dominions in the West Indies and America, 17th cent. 3861,ff.62-67 b. Notes of the productions and antiquities, by W. Courten, 1663. 3987, ff. 1-72. Chronological tables of events relating to England from 1356 to 1 7 l g . 1652, E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS O P , mid transactions in particular reigns. MTHELBALD, King of the Mercians. Translation of his charter of foundation in A.D. 716of Croyland Abbey, 18th cent. 3187, ff. 2 8 - 3 5 . CNUT. Story of his conflict with the tides, late 17th cent. Fr. 1030, f. 75. . EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. Revelatio et prophetia S. Edwardi, et de rebus gestis post mortem ejus usque ad A.D. 1189,15th cent. 289, ff. 115 b 119b. WILLIAM I. Brevis relatio de Guillelmo, comite Normannorum, 12th cent. 3103, ff. 1 1 6 b - 1 2 1 b . _ Paucade ejus rebus gestis, in A.D. 1068, 1069, 15th cent. 289, f. 108 b. HENR YII. Letter to a Cardinal, [1166]. Lat. Copy, 14th cent. 1777, f. 43 b. Letters to, from Archbishop Becket, [1166, 1169]. Lat. Copies, 14th cent. Imperf. 1777,ff.1, 35, 39. • Concertatio D. ThomsB cum Henrico Principe et tenebrarum principibus, metrice, 17th cent. 1767, ff. 2 - 4 b. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. HENR Y II. (continued). Excerpts cone, him and Qu. Eleanora from " P e t r i Blesensis epistolse," 17th cent. Lat. 1898, f. 8. Historical notes for A.D. 1176, 1181, and 1189, 17th cent. Lat. 1710, ff. 1, 1 b. RICHARD I. Note of laws made by, in his expedition at sea, 17th cent. 43, f. 12. JOHN. Letter to, from the Emperor Otho IV. Lat. Copy, 13th cent. 2478, f. 70 b. Copy of his seal, as Count of Mortain, 18th cent. 3424, f. 4. HENR Y III. Life of, written, in 1614, by Sir R. Cotton, 17th cent. 1709, ff. 23-34 ; 3073, ff. 38-49 ; 3561. Bull of Innocent IV. touching the right of, over Scotland, 1251. Lat. Copy, 18th cent. 3199, f. 117. Marshalling of the knights of co. Suff. accompanying him in his foreign wars, 16th cent. 1301, f. 274 b . EDWARDI. Account of his wars with Bruce and Wallace, circ. 1600. 1226. —• — Letter from the " Community " of Scotland to, on a marriage between Prince Edward and Margaret, the heiress of Scotland, 1290. Fr. Copy, 18th cent. 3199, f. 117 b. Grant of safeconduct from, to the Scottish Commissioners, 1291. Fr. Copy, 18th cent. 1399, f. 118 b. Engraving of arms of Barons in Parliament in 1301 at Lincoln, 18th cent, 3424, f. 3. EDWARD II. State-papers r e lating to the years 1309-1316. Copies, 16th cent. 2103,ff.156 b-158 b. Arraignment of the Hugh le Despensers by the nobility, 1321. Fr. Copy, 16th cent. 1301, f. 242. EDWARD III. Articles for a union of England and Scotland, 1363. Fr. Copy, 18th cent. 3199, ff. 119-121. Libellus de virtutibus Rosemarine a Comitissa de Henaunde ad filiam ejus Philippam, Reginam Anglicanam, transmissus, 1338. Engl, transl. 3215,ff.2 4 b - 3 0 b. HENRY IV. Exposition of the statute of 5 Henry IV. against alchemists, 16th cent. 1107. HENRY V. MSS. 60 and 3501 were dedicated to him, circ. 1400. 165 INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS o r , etc. (continued). HENRY VI. Notes of public events by Magister R, Trewythian, 14421458. 428, passim. EDWARD IV. Warrant to the Keeper of the Wardrobe, 1468. Signed. 2251, f. 79. _ Letters to Canon R. Riseborghe, respecting his claim to the Abbacy of Missenden, [1472]. Copy. 747, f. 57 b. Letters to T. Hampden, Sheriff of cos. Bedf. and Berks., cone. Missenden Abbey, [1472]. Copy. 747, f. 58. Committal of Prince Edward by, to Lord Rivers and the Bishop of Worcester, 1483. 3479, ff. 53 b - 5 8 . Alchemical process after, 17th cent. 3691, f. 29. Letter to, on alchemy from G. Hipley, in verse, 17th cent 2101, f. 17 b. • — = The same letter, wanting the first 9 stanzas, and having 14 additional stanzas at the end, 17th cent. 3667, ff. 1 5 7 b - 1 6 0 . _ Letter to, on alchemy from R. Lully, n. d. Lat. Copy, 1694. 3753, ff. 118-136. _ Medical prescriptions for, 15th cent. Lat. 403,ff.338 b, 339. Pomander against the Pestilence, 17th cent. 107 2,"t\ 22. HENRY VII Historia heroico carmine descripta, auctore J . Herdo, 16th cent. 1818, ff 132-166. «Orationes in missis dicendas p r o " ejus " bono, felici ac prospero statu," Jate 15th cent. 747, f. 78 b. Lamentation on the death of Qu. Elizabeth, his wife, by Sir T. More, 16th cent. 1825, f. 88 b. — HENRY VIII. Life, from his falling in love with A. Boleyn to the death of Qu. Kathaiine of Aragon, 17th cent. 2495. • State papers, [1514]-1546, relating to his foieign policy. Lat. and Fr. Copies, 16th cent. 2103, ff. 170, 189, 193, 197, 199, 203. , , . State papers, 1515-1525, relating to his foreign policy. Copies, 17th cent. 3839. Celebration of St. George's day by, at Windsor, 1519. 1494, ff. 45 b-49. • State papers, 1524, 1543, relating to his Scottish policy. Copies, 17th-18th centt. 3199, ff. 18 b, 3 1 , 82, 229, 236 b, 245, 249. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. HENR Y VIII. (continued). Grant of privileges in 1530 by, to English merchants in Spain. Copy, 16th cent. 2442, ff. 135-137. -Instructions to Dr. Wotton as Ambassador to the Emperor, [1543]. 2442, f. 34. — < Appointment in 1546 by, of a commission on Cambridge University. Copy, 17th cent. 3562, f. 2. Part of his Will. Copy, 16th cent. 1301, f. 280 b. Will, 1546. Copy, 17th cent. 1710, ff. 124-131. Medical receipts devised by the King and the Royal Physicians, 16th cent. 1047. Remedy for sweating given to, by Dr. Chambre, n. d. 1585, f. 4 1 . Epitaph, 17th cent. Lat. 1983, B. f. 79. Tale on the subject of Henry VIII. and t h e Duke of Suffolk, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009, ff. 287-312. verse. _ Holograph inscription in a book of Prayers, post 1509. 116, f. 72. Dissertation on a Royal gold medal of the year 1545, by Sir T. Browne, 17th cent. 1827, f. 54. MS. 1835 was dedicated to, by P. J. Olivarius. Petition of Th. Alwaye to [Qu. Anne Boleyn, 1530-1536]. 1207, ff. l b - 4 b . Epitaph on Qu. Jane Seymour, by Bishop Fox, late 17th cent. Lat. 1028, f. 30 b. • A plaster for Qu. Anne of Cleves, 16th cent. 101-7, f. 30 b. Grant of privileges and immunities to Qu. K. Howard, 1541. 3837. EDWARD VI. Allegations of his Commissioners at Brussels on the Merchants Adventurers' privileges, 1548. Lat. 2103, ff. 68-74, 165-168. State papers relating to his foreign and domestic policy, 1 5 4 9 1552. 2442, ff. 24, 27, 35 b, 37, 44, 46, 52, 53 b, 67, 68, 72, 140. — Appointment by, of M. Bucer, as Professor of Theology at Cambridge, 1549. Copy, 17th cent. 3562, f. 3 b. — Medical receipt for, 17th cent. 3490, A. f. 48 b . . Epitaph, by Dr. N. Highmore, 17th cent. Lat. verse. 581, f. 16 166 INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. EDWARD VI. (continued). Portrait, 1664. 995, f. 1 b. Horoscope, late 17th cent. 7009, f. 91 b. — PHILIP AND MARY. State papers relating to their Scottish and foreign policy. 1553-1557. 2442, ff. 116, 133, 138,'141. Confirmation of charters and privileges granted to the merchants of the Hanse or the Stilyard, 1554. Lat. 365, ff. 1-25 b. — Answer of King Philip to the welcome of Cambridge University, 1554. Lat. 3562, f. 64 b. Royal warrant for the grant of Woodfeld Manor, co, W o r e , 1557. Signed by the King and Queen. 2251, f. 83. Answer to Qu. Mary, from her sister Elizabeth, through Sir T. Pope, 1588 [1558]. 1786, f. 39. Directions of Qu. Mary for restoring Roman Catholicism, n. d. 1786, f. 5 1 . Conference of Qu. Mary with her Council touching the treaty with Germany and France against Spain, n. d. 1786, if. 77 b-80. Morning prayer of Qu. Mary, 17th cent. 1583, f. 3. —— ; Funeral sermon on Qu. Mary, by the Bishop of Winchester, 1558. 1578. Qu. Mary formerly owned MS. 2565. Poems by Protestant prisoners in their reign, 17th cent. 1896, ff. 6 b - 5 8 . ELIZABETH. Billse signata3 et privata sigilla, 1558-1582. 1567, ff. 1 448 b. •— Confirmationes libertatum antiquarum, 1558-1564. 1567, ff. 4 4 9 458 b. State papers relating to her Scotch policy, 1558-1587. Copies, 18th cent. 3199, ff. 16-333 b, passim. — State papers relating to her foreign policy, 1559-1588. 2442, ff. 20-156 b, passim. • — Letter to Mac Mahome, 1559. Lat Copy. 3562, f. 1. _ _ Protestation by the French Ambassador of the French King's pacific intentions, 1560. Fr. 2103, ff. 1 8 5 187 b. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. ELIZABETH (continued'). Discharge for stuff delivered by the Yeomen of the Wardrobe, 1560. Copy. 1519, f. 221. Confirmation of the statutes of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1560. Lat. Copy. 659, f. 2. Letter to Lord Burghley, 1560. Copy. 3562, f. 14. Orations made to, by Lord Keeper Bacon, exhorting her to marriage, 1562, 1571. 105, ff. 1, 3. Grants of licences for working the mines royal in England, Ireland and Wales, 1564-1565. Copies. 1709, ff. 35-54. — — The Queen's speech to the University of Cambridge, [1564]. Lat. 401, f. 38. Address of congratulation from the University of Oxford on the Queen's a n ival at Lord Leicester's house, [1566]. Lat. 2987, ff. 32-36. The Queen's oration at Oxford, [1566]. Lat. 2987, f. 37. — Letter to, from the Great Turk, [1566]. Trans!. 2177, f. 15. Letter to, from Sir T. Smith, Ambassador in France, 1567. Copy. 1710, ff. 107 b-109. Letter to the Count Palatine, [1569]. Lat. 3299, f. 35. Letter to, from Albert Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1569. Lat. 3299, f. 5. . State letters and papers relating to her reign, 1570-1603. Copies, 17th cent. 1786, ff. 3 b, 18, 37, 39, 52, 69, 93 b, 98 b. Letter to, from the Consuls and Magistrates of Emden, 1570. Lat. 3299, f. 1. . Answer of the Queen and Council to the French Ambassadors, 1571. 1710, f. 116. Letter to, from Sir P. Sidney, touching a marriage with the Due d'Anjou, [1571]. Copy. 24. Letter to, from the Duke of Norfolk, 1571. Copy. 2172, f. 40. Accompt of Jewels presented to the Queen, 1572-1587. 814. . Letter from one of her physicians to another about her health, 1572. Lat. 157, f. 4. . Letter to, from Philip II., 1574. Lat. 1519, f. 12. INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. ELIZABETH (continued). Letter from the Privy Council to Cambridge University, 1575. Copy. 3562, f. 16 b. — Letter to, from Ysabel, widow of Charles IX., 1577. Led. 3299, f. 50. Receipt of perfume used by, 1579. 2251, f. 15. Letter to, from Ludwig, Duke of Wurtemberg, 1579. Lat. 3299, f. 3. Letters to, from George Frederic, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1579. Lat. 3299, ff. 6, 8. Treaty with Turkey, 1580. Copy. 1606, ff. 23-25 b. Supplication of Convocation to, for the restoration of Archbishop Grindal, 1580. Lat. Copy. 1710, f. 106 b. Letter to, from Olivier, Comte d' Arco, 1580. Ital. 3299, f. 9. —_ Arraignment of E. Campion and others for treason, 1582. 1132, ff. 2-14 b. Charter for foundation of a surgery lecture ill the College of Physicians, 1582. Lat. Copy. 3914, ff. 126 b-128 b. Actions of the English navy, 1585-1603, collected by Sir W. Monson, 1624. Imperf. 4 3 ; 2496, ff. 1 1 3 188. — Lists of the ecclesiastical establishment, and the royal household, etc, 1585. 3194. — Addition to the treaty between England and the Low Countries, 1585. Signed and sealed. 3245. — Letter to, from Lord Arundel, 1585. Copy. 2172, ff. 4 1 - 4 3 b. Letters patent directed for the execution of Mary, Qu. of Scots, 158f. Copy. 650, ff. 1 3 9 b - 1 4 1 . Warrants to the Masters of the Armory and Ordnance and the Sheriff of Norfolk, 1587-1600. Signed. 1519, ff. 216-220. Letter to the Lords of the Council from the University of Oxford, 1587. Lat. 3299, f. 17. _ Diary of the Commissioners sent into Flanders to treat with the Spanish Commissioners, Febr. 1 5 8 J - J u l y , 1588. 262, ff. 41-86 b. —~ Account of the Spanish Armada, 1588. 262, f. 69 b. 167 E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. ELIZABETH (continued). Spanish provisions of the Armada, 1588. 1455, f. 28 b. — Note of forces furnished by each county for Tilbury Camp, and for the defence of the Queen's person, 1588. 835, f. 1 b.^ Names of forts and castles along the sea coast, with names of the captains in charge, temp. Eliz. 857, f. 105. Metrical prophecy against England, 1588. 262, f. 70 b. Letters to, from H. Broughton, 1589. Copies. Imperf. 3088, ff. 70-74, 79. — — Form of summons to abide the execution of the Royal Commission on a bill of complaint, 1592. 2497, f. 48 b. Letter to Henry IV. of France, on his conversion, [1593], Fr. Copy. 2764, f. 24. Letter to, from Christian IV. of Denmark, and his senators, 1594. Lat. 3299, f. 3 1 . Papers relating to the surrender of O. Niger by the English Government to the Venetian Government, [1595-1603]. Lat. 3299, ff. 45-47. _ Royal letters, commissions, warrants, etc., 1595-1598. Copies. 33. Letter to the Doge of Venice, 1 5 9 | . Lat. 3299, f. 19. Letter to the Councillors of George Frederic, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1595. Lat. 3299, ff. 21-23 b. Letter to, from Lord Essex, [1597]. 1856, f. 5. Verses on the Armada, by J. F. L. P. B., [1597]. Fr. 1603, ff. 1-55. Rerum vulgatarum notae; by R. Smith, 1598-1604. 414, ff. 5 0 61b. — Proceedings of the Privy Council to stop the libels on the miscarriage of Lord Essex' expedition into Ireland against Tyrone's rebellion, 1599. 3828, ff. 4 7 - 6 3 b. Letters to the Privy Council from H. Broughton, 1599. Copies. 30P8, ff. 7 4 b - 7 8 , 83-84. Letter to, from Lord Essex, [1600]. 1856, f. 6 b. Permission to Peter House, Cambridge, for free election to fellowships, 1600. Copy. 1441, f. 49. 168 INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. ELIZABETH {continued). Letter to, from the University of Cambridge, 160J. Copy. 3562, f. 75 b. Report to the Privy Council on the dispute between the Merchant Adventurers and Lord Cumberland, 1 602. 25, f. 11 b. '• Considerations of F. Bacon touching the Queen's service in Ireland, [1602]. 3078, ff 22 b - 3 0 . Observations cone, the life and reign of, by a retainer of Lord Burghley, 1603. 718. Declaration of the nature of climacterical years occasioned by her death, 17th cent. 2117, ff. 231-236. Verses on her death, 17th 1792, f. 112 b. Horoscope of, late 17th cent. Fr. 1009, f. 92. Sermon by Dr. Gouge at Black Friars in memory of her accession, 1639. 250, f. 199. Descent of, 17th cent. 72, f. 159. Petitions, letters and other papers of the puritan clergy, 17th cent. Copies. 271, ff. 20-72, passim. Discourse of seaports to, by Sir W. Ralegh, or Sir D. Digges, 17th cent. 3828, ff. 181-188 b. Discourse touching, by Sir F. Bacon, 17th cent. 755. cent. A dialogue of t h e marriage of, by Sir T. Smith, 17th cent. 303, ff. 1-18. Letters to, from F. Bacon, on sending New Years' gifts, n. d. 3078, ff. 3 b, 4. — Letter to, from C. Hibernus, n. d. Lat. 3299, f. 4 3 . Petition to, from P. Melissus, n. d. Lat. 3299, f. 39. win, n. d. — ' Petition to, from C. GodLat. 3299, f. 48. Letter on alchemy to, from R. Walker, n. d. Copy. 3654, ff. 14 b - 2 2 . MS. 1832 was dedicated to her, in 1580, by W. Teshe. MS. 479 was dedicated to her, in 1 5 9 | , by B. Cradock. . — MS. 4014 was originally dedicated to her. — JAMES I. Proceedings from his accession to his coronation, 1603. 718, ff. 33-40 b. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. J A MES I. (continued). Liber Regalis, or Coronation rites, for James I. and Anne of Denmark, 1603. 1494, ff. 89-105. Actions of the English navy, 1603-1624, collected by Sir W. Monson, 1624. Imperf. 43 ; 2496, ff. 113-188. Correspondence of the King with the University of Cambridge, 1603-1623. Engl and Lat. Copies. 3562, ff. 50, 79, 97, 99, 100 b. Discourse on the peace with Spain and t h e retaining of the Netherlands, by Sir W. Ralegh, 1602 [1603]. 63, ff. 5 8 - 6 9 . — Dissertation on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir H. Spelman, 17th cent. 3 5 2 1 . Treatise on the Union of England and Scotland, by Sir J. Doddridge, 1604. 3479, ff. 59-67. On t h e union of England and Scotland, by Lusitanus Philadelphus Nomophulax, 17th cent. 78, ff. 1 0 9 115 b. Arguments of Privy Councillors to the King on sending aid to the Netherlands, 1603. 1435,ff.144-155 b . — Letter to the Universities, for glebe and tithes in parsonages impropriate to be leased to t h e vicar or other incumbents, 1603. 1856, ff. 36 b-39. Letter to, from the Catholics of England at his accession, [1603]. Copy. 1775, f. 57. ~ Letter to, from F. Bacon, [1603]. Copies. 1775, f. 86 ; 3078, f. 3 1 . —: Letters to, from Sir W . Ralegh, 1603. Copies. 3520, ff. 10 b, 12. _ Correspondence and papers of Lord Falkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1604-1625. 3827, ff. 1-47 b. Diary of proceedings in the treaty at London between England, Spain, and Austria, 1604. 1851. Manner of the King swearing to t h e league with Spain, before t h e Constable of Castile, 1604. 1494, f. 106. Permission to L. Mawe, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, t o hold a living with his fellowship, 1604-. 1441, f. 50 b Letter to, from F. Bacon, 1606. Cop-/. 3078, ff. 46 b-48 b. Letter to the Bishop of London, cone, the repairing of St. Paul's steeple, 1608. Copy. 1008, f. 1. INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES I. (continued). Letter to t h e Justices of co. Hertf., 1608. Copy. 3827, f. 3 . . ; Duties of a gentleman of . the Royal Household, 1610. 1494. Letter to, from the Qaeen Regent of France, 1610. 173, f. 1. Medical treatment of the King and Queen, by Sir T. Turquet de Mayerne, 1612-1625. 1679. Prescription against poisons for, by Dr. Mayerne, 1612. Lat. 174, f. 24. _, Letter to, from Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, 161J. 1710, f. 358 ; 1786, f. 27. > Narrative of the divorce between Lord Essex and his wife in 1613, written by Archbishop Abbot. Copy, 17th cent. 3828, ff. 1-46 b. Conference with the Archbishop of Canterbury on Lord Essex' divorce, [1613]. 1856, ff. 47-50 ; 2509, f. 84. Reduction of public expenditure by the Treasury Commissioners, 1613. 1786, f. 80 b. Letter from the Privy Council to t h e Sheriff and Justices of co. Cambr., 1614. Copy. 2442, f. 160 Norris, 1615. Letter to, from Lord Copy. 1786, f. 93 b. Letter to, from the Lords of the Council on behalf of Sir E. Coke, 1616. Copy. 1710, f. 137. . Answer by all the Justices to the King's letter, 1616. 1786, f. 26. Directions to the University of Oxford, given by the King himself, 1 6 1 f 972, f. 8. Letter to t h e University of Cambridge, 161*. Lat. Copy. 1775, f. 33 b. _ , Manner of his entertainment in Scotland, by Sir A. Weldon, 1617. 3213,ff.1-10 b. __: Instructions to the Bishop of Llandaff and others sent into the Low Countries for compounding the Church differences, 1618. Copy. 2442, f. 161. sports, 1618. Declaration of lawful 2572, ff. 56-59 b. Book of fees and salaries of the Royal Household, for the year 1619, collected by J. Burgh, 17th cent. 2904. 169 E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES I. (continued). General collection of all the offices of England with the fees belonging to them being in the King's gift, 17th cent. 72, ff. 119 b-162 b. Book of fees paid to officers and servants of the Crown, 17th cent. 1520. Collection of offices and livings in England in his gift, 17th cent. 3479, ff. 70-147 b. — Verses on New Year's day addressed to, by R. Thory, 1619. Lat. 1768, f. 78. Vox populi, or " Newes from Spayne," [1620]. 1435, ff. 1 9 4 2 0 3 ; 1770, ff. 88-102* b ; 2 5 3 1 , ff. 67 b - 9 1 . Correspondence with the Emperor Ferdinand II., 1621, 1621. Engl, and Lat. Copies. 30, ff. 9, 13. Proceedings in Parliament, 1621. 1828, ff. 81-93. Verses on the play acted before the King, a t Woodstock, 1621. 542, f. 38. Letter to Philip IV. of Spain, 1622. Lat. Copy. 826, f. 9. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Justices of the Peace for levying a contribution for recovery of the Palatinate, 1622. Copy. 34, f. 1. Relation of proceedings against t h e English at Amboyna by t h e Dutch, 182 J. 3645, ff. 176 b-186 b. The King's directions and commands to the Prince's two chaplains, cone, their service in Spain, 1 6 2 | . 972, f. 10. Propositions touching t h e marriage between the Prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, sent to Rome, with the Pope's replies and demands, 1623. 363, f. 9. _ Verses on Prince Charles' entertainment in 1623 in Spain, 17th cent. 542, f. 37. Correspondence of the King with his son-in-law Frederic, the Elector Palatine, 1623. Copies. 30, ff. 1, 2 b ; 1775, ff. 5 9 b - 6 5 b . Letter to, from the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1623. Copy. 1775, f. 73. . Act for preventing the murder of bastard children, [ 1 6 2 3 - 4 ] . 2728, f. 205. •— Speech at Theobalds to the Committee of Lords, 162}. 826, f. 20. 170 INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES 1. (continued). Tract on the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a French or Spanish Princess, circ. 1624. 23. Letter to the Catholics of Great Britain from Card. Richelieu, 1624. Eat. 1775, f. 78. Relation of the journey to and from England of the Seigneur de La Villeauxclercs on the marriage of Charles I., 1624-1625. 1156. — Warrant to Loid Suffolk, Copy. 2442, f. 18 b. Political satires, in verse, 1624. 363, ff. 11-17. — Notice of his death and funeral with the proclamation of Charles I. in London, 1625. 826, f. 22. 1624. Petitions for an inquiry into his death by G. Eglesham, his physician, [1626]. 1779, ff. 160-188 b. Elegy on his death, by J. Barrye, 17th cent. 1394, if. 175 b 179 b. Elegy on, 17th cent. 1792, f. 44. Descent of, 17th cent. 72, f. 160. « Petitions, letters and other papers of the puritan clergy, 17th cent. Copies. 271, if. 20-72, passim. Speeches in Parliament and the Star Chamber by Sir F. Bacon, 17th cent. 3522, ff. 4-24, 31-34 b. . An address to the King and Parliament of Great Britain to support Germany in her religious troubles, 17th cent. 648, f. 49. Discorso alia Papa Gregorio XIII., per la guerra d'lnghilterra, 17th cent. 2180, ff. 67-76. — Letter to, from J . B. Riccius, n. d. 223, f. 1. Letter from T. Alured to the Marquis of Buckingham against the Spanish match, n. d. Copy, 17th cent. 1455, ff. 20-23 b. — Anonymous letter to the Committee for suppressing beggars, n. d. 1524, ff. 71-80 b. — _ — Letter to the Council, from the Justices of Peace in co. Devon, n. d. Copy. 1775, f. 72. —— — Letter to the King, from the Privy Council, n. d. Copy. 1786, ff. 62-66 b. Poem on the Gunpowder Plot, 17th cent. Eat. 823.- E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES I. (continued). Poem on the Gunpowder Plot, 17th cent. Imperf. Eat. 1815 r ff. 5 7 - 6 1 . Verses on a disputation before the King, 17th cent. 1489, f. 14 b . Verses by the King, on Queen Anne's death, n. d. Copy. 1786,. f. 9 3 ; 1792, f. 112 b. • MS. 3081 was dedicated : to him, by Sir J. Doddridge. MS. 4014, was dedicated to him, by T. Moffet. CHARLES I. Note of his birth in 1600, and decollation in 164§. 1778,. f. 10. Autograph, as Duke of York and Albany, in album, [1609]. 3415, f. 5. Papers relating to the i n tended marriage of Prince Charles w ith the Infanta of Spain, 1622,1623. Copies826, ff. 9-19 b. Oratio habita ad Principem Wallise per alumnum Collegii Vallesoletani, [1623]. 972, f. 1 1 . Verses on his journey toSpain, 17th cent. 1792, f. 52 b. Carmina ex Academia Cantabrigiensi de reditu ejus ex H i s paniis, 1623. 1479, f. 14. Verses addressed to, when Prince of Wales, by A. Ross, 17th cent. Eat. 1381, f. 20. "Oleum prescriptum ad ungendum in Coronatione Carolum I. r Brittannie Regem," 17th cent. 2220,. f. 264 b. Proceedings in Parliament,. 1625-1646. 3 6 ; 203,ff.41-56 b ; 346,. ff. 11-18 b ; 1008, f. 1 0 ; 1199,ff.63 b r 83 b ; 1200, ff. 1-37 b ; 1430 ; 1479, ff. 3 2 b - 3 4 b ; 1710, ff. 280-305 b ; 1775, ff. 44 b, 4 5 ; 2531, ff. 96, 1 0 5 - 1 2 3 ; 3065, ff. 2 - 5 , 7-20 ; 3299, ff. 58, 168 ; 3317. State papers relating t o : the domestic policv of his reign, 1 6 2 5 1641. Copies. 826,ff.26-150 b, passim $ 1467. Correspondence aud papers of Lord Falkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland,. 1625-1632. 3827, ff. 48-186. _ Proposition to the Lords of the Council how to increase the navy,. 17th cent. 28. _ _. Resolution of the judges cone, digging of saltpetre, 1625. 1039, f. 93. INDEX England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES I. (continued). Speeches to, on entering Canterbury, 1625. 1455, ff. 1-6. = — — Account of the plague in London, 1625. 1471,ff.19-24. Correspondence of the King with Cambridge Unirersity, 1 6 2 6 1628. Engl, and Lat. Copies. 1479, ff. 17, 2 1 ; 1775, ff. 32 b, 33, 36 b, 37 b, 38 b. State letters and papers relating chiefly to the Civil War, 1 6 2 8 1649. 1519. Order of Council for a general horsemuster on Hounslow Heath, 162J. 1983, B. f. 30. — circ. 1628. The state of the kingdom, 1199, f. 63 b. _ Discourse of the high court of Parliament, [1628]. 1200, ff. 38-76. Letter to the Sultan on recalling Sir T. Roe, [1628]. Copy. 856, f. 13. Grant of Congleton Manor to London citizens, 1628. 3299, ff. 1 5 8 163 b. Bill of the Star Chamber against Lord Bedford and others, [1629]. 1199, f. 103 ; 1200, ff. 77-85 b. ' Order of Council respecting the controversy between the town and University of Cambridge, 1629. Copy. 1775, f. 39. Instructions from the King to Cambridge University for its better government^ 16§§. Copy. 1775, f. 42 b. Discourse on the ruin of the English fisheries bv the Hollanders ; by Sir R. Maunsell, 1630. 26. Answer of Dr. A. Loighton to a bill in the Star Chamber, 1630. 4 1 . Letter to the King, from Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden, 1631. Copy. 22, f. 5. . Order for the attendance of nurses and rockers in the Royal nursery, 1631. Copy. 206, A. f. 1 1 . Collection of the whole proceedings between the King and J . Hampden in the ea.se of shipmoney, 1635-1638. 3933. Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Justices of the Peace for levying a contribution for repair of St. Paul's, 1635. Copy. 34, f. 2. 171 England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES I. (continued). Arguments of the lawyers concerning the shipmoney, 1637. 1569. Papers relating to church worship in Scotland, 1637-1639. 650. Summons to meet the King at York, 1 6 3 | . Copy. 1008, f. 12. — Passages concerning the contribution of Roman Catholics towards his Northern journey, 1639. 1470, ff. 37-53 b. Pacification of Birks, 1639. 1008, f. 13. Instructions to the Attorney General for a confirmation of privileges of the College of Physicians, 1639. 3914, f. 100. State papers relating to the Civil War, 1640. Copies. 1 9 1 1 1913, ff. 205-212 b . Observations on Ireland as affected to the present differences between England and Scotland, 1640. Imperf. 29. Form of prayer for averting the plague and other judgments of God, 1640. 287. Petition to the King from Lord Essex and others, with answer, 1640. 1710, ff. 118, 119. . Musters of foot, horse and artillery regiments, 1611. 1200, ff. 9 0 129. Act of Parliament relating to the College of Physicians, 1641. Draft copy. 3914, ff. 94-99. Proclamation against the Irish rebels, 1641. 1008, f. 37. Treaty at Oxford between the King and t h e Parliamentary Commissioners, 1643. 1771, ff. 1-22* b. Letter from the King to , in cipher, 1643. Imperf. 1519, f. 32. Articles of agreement at Fowrey between the Royalists and Parliamentarians, 1644. Copy. 1983, B. f. 14. Letters from the King and Queen to Sir T. Mayerne, 1614. Copies. 1679, ff. 71 b, 72. Papers delivered to the Committee of the Estates of Scotland by the English Parliamentary Commissioners, 1645. 1771, f. 23. Letter from the King to Gen. Goring, 164f. Copy. 1519, f. 58. Appointment by, of P. Short, as Physician of Oxford Garrison, 1645. 3299, f. 78. 172 England, SOVEREIGNS CHARLES I. (continued). his daughter Elizabeth, 3299, ff. 145-147. INDEX. OF, etc. Letters to 1647-1648. Speech and behaviour on the scaffold, 1649. 1008, f. 172. Epitaph, 17th cent. 1983, B. f. 79. Sonnet sur la mort de, 17th cent. 895, f. 2. Service by Dr. T. Thurscrosse used in Charterhouse School Chapel on 30 Jan., 1649. 4035, ff. 60-69. Portrait, in pen and ink, : by boys of Christ's Hospital, 1664. 994. ff. 2, l i b . Formerly owned MS. 489. MS. 301 was dedicated to him, by F. Drake. MS. 1109 was dedicated to him, by W. Dickins. — Instructions to George, Archbishop of Canterbury, for the Bishops of his Province, [1625-1633.] 1775, f. 74. Extracts from papers r e lating to the Rebellion, 17th cent. 1818, ff. 194-208 b. _ Ragguaglio delle turbulenze d'lnglaterra al tempo di Carolo I., 17th cent. Two copies. 2180, ff. 1-33 b, 34-51 b. . _ Address of the Presbyterians to the King, with his answer, n. d. 3065, f. 2 1 . Solution of the problem how to reconcile him and the Parliament, 17th cent. 3074 ; 3077. Address to, from a Scotchman, 17th cent. 3087, ff. 24 b-26 b. Signatures of several Regicides, and M.P.s, n. d. 645, f. 46. Scheme of nativity of Qu. Henrietta Maria, 1609. 1707, f. 7 ; 1709, f. 170 b. Prsescripta medica jussu Doct. Mayerne parata pro partu Reginee, 1631. 2235, f. 23. Dedication to Qu. Henrietta Maria, by G. Sandys, of his Paraphrase of the Song of Solomon, 1642. 1009, f. 376 b. Recipe cf Henrietta Maria ( " t h e Romish Q u e e n " ) to make a woman fruitful, 1657- 1812, f. 39. Letter of condolence on the death of Queen Henrietta Maris, 1669. Lat. 1519. f. 225. England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES I. {continued). Prescriptions for Princess Anne, by Dr. Mayerne, [1637-1640]. Lat. 174, f. 34 b. beth, 1635. Horoscope of Princess Eliza1778, f. 17. —, Prescriptions for Princess Elizabeth, by Dr. Mayerne, circ. 1640. Lat. 174, f. 35 b ; 206, A. f. 141. Notice of the death of ' Princess Elizabeth in the Isle of Wight, 1650. Lat. 206, A. f. 1. COMMONWEALTH. Reasons for peace with the Low Countries, 17th cent. 1770, ff. 131-135. _ Letter from the Council of State to the Lord General Fairfax on issuing commissions for martial law, 1650. 1519, f. 214. Account of the Portugal prizes taken by the Parliament fleet, 1650. 1039, f. 115. — Pioposals cone, the Isle of Man to the Council of State, by T. Slader, 1651. 1008, f. 179. Warrant of the Council of State to their Secretary to pay S. Bethell, 1651. 1519, f. 155. OLLVER CROMWELL, Lord Protector. Warrant of the Council on his order to pay a pen-ion to F. Hutchinson, 1654. 1519, f. 154. Order to the ReceiverGeneral of Revenue for payment of salarv to Dr. Glisson, 1654. Copy. 2251, f. 63. Fatidicum anagramma nominis ejus, 1654. 648, f. 23. Directions of Col. Penruddock for his fellow-prisoners on their trial for life, 1655. 18. Memorial to, from the Spanish Ambassadors, 1655. Engl, and Span. Copies. 3 0 8 3 , ff. 8 b, 18. Grant from, to E. Horseman, of a Tellership of the Exchequer, 1656. 3243. Summons to Parliament to his son Richard Cromwell, with a list of others summoned at the same date, 1657. Copy. 3246. . Treaty with the King of Tetuan, 1657. 3509, f. 2. Speech of, to Parliament, 1 6 5 | . Draft. 2905. Papers relating to the delivery of Dunkirk to the English by the French, 1658. 3083. INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. OL I VER CROMWELL (continued). Treaty with Tripoli, 1658. 2755, f. 43 b. • Petitions to, from S. Hirschman a, Tugendtleben, n. d. Lat. 648, ff. 141-146. Panegyric on, by E. Waller, 17th cent. 655, if. 30-35 b ; 3516, ff. 205-208 b. Sonnet sur la mort de, 17th cent. 895, f. 1 1 . Prescriptions for, by Dr. Goddard, 1 6 5 0 , 1 6 5 f Lat. 952, ff. 25, 37, 93. Portrait, in pen and ink, 1656. 3243. . Account of a conference betw. an English Agent in France and Card. Mazarin's Secretary, n. d. 972, ff. 19-22 b. COMMONWEALTH. Orders of Common Council of London rel. to Gen. Monck's march to London, Nov. 1 6 5 9 Febr. 1660. 970, ff. 6-34 b. — Letter to the President of the Council of State from their Commissioners to Charles II., 1660. 1519, f. 206. Letter from t h e Commissioners for Scotland to the Council of State, 1660. 1519, f. 212. CHARLES IT. Declaration to all his subjects of England and Wales, 5 Aug., 1651. 1008, f. 177. Letter to T., 1655. Copy. 1519, f. 201. List of ships attending his return to England, 1660. 2032, f. 12 b. Letter to Gen. Monck, 1660. Copy. 1519, ff. 201-203. • Memorandum of the proclamation of, by Sir E. Monins, 1660. 2717, f. 37. Declaration of acceptance of his general pardon, by Sir E. Monins, 1660. 2717, f. 38. . • Register of writs of Privy Seal, royal warrants, and other State papers. 856. Correspondence and papers relating to the English Government of Tangier, 1660-1680. 505, ff. 8 0 - 1 1 0 ; 1952; 1 9 5 5 - 1 9 6 1 ; 2448, f. 1 5 ; 3299, ff. 8 3 - 1 3 4 ; 3496 ; 3497 ; 3 4 9 9 ; 3 5 0 9 3514. Proposal of indemnification to t h e purchasers of ecclesiastical lands, 1660. 2717, f. 40. 173 England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES II. (continued). Verses of welcome to, fromWoodstock School, 1660. 1458, ff. 3 b - 1 3 b . Copy of the King's first charter to the E. India Company, 1661. 2178, ff. 35-45 b. The Reformed Liturgy, as drawn up by R. Baxter, and presented to the Commission for revising the Liturgy, 1661. 2451. Letters and papers addressed to the King chiefly cone, shipping, 1662-1668. Lat. and Fr. Copies. 1001, ff. 7-27. — Treaty with Tripoli, 1662. 2755, f. 44 b. Official papers and letters relating to co. Cumb. during the LordLieutenantcy of Lord Carlisle, and to Jamaica during his governorship, 1 6 6 3 1685. 2 7 2 3 ; 2724. Speeches of the King in Parliament, 1663, 1667. 3251,ff.3, 7. List of Privy Councillors, 3299, f. 164. Letter from the Lords of the Council to Lord Southampton, recommending t h e establishment of the Militia, 1663. Copy. 813, f. 68. 1663. Petition to the King, by W. Courten against G. Carew, with the King's answer, 1663. 3515, f. 2. > The order 1665. of the Fast, 287. Letter from the King to Lord Sandwich, 1665. 1519, f. 192. Relation d'Angleterre, 1666. 2410. The Dutch narrative of the seafight between the English and Dutch, 1666. 3328, ff. 12-16 b. —•• Treaty between England and the Netherlands, 1667. 2680, ff. 50-59. Treaty between England and France, 1667. 2680, ff. 59 b - 6 1 . Treaty between England and Denmark, 1667. 2680, ff. 61 b - 6 3 . Letter from Louis XIV. to the United Provinces on t h e treaty with England, 1667. Engl, transl. 1983, B. f. 3 1 . Minute of Parliament on a paper by Lord Clarendon, [1667]. Fr. 1519, f. 237. The King's portrait in pen and ink, 1667. 996, f. 22. 174 INDEX. England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES 11. (continued). Proceedings in Parliament in the case of T. Skinner v. the E. India Company, 1667, 1668. 395<5, ff. 1-32 b, 37-46 b. Minutes of Privy Council rel. to the seizure by the French of A. Burnett's fishing vessel, 1668. Fr. 1009, f. 137. —-. Letterbook and reports of the Swedish Ambassador in England, 1668. Swedish. 1974. Letter to, from Frederic III., of Denmark, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 223. Letter to, from the Duke of Courland, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 225. Letter of thanks to, from Charles XL, of Sweden, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 231. Letter to, from Frederic William, Elector of Brandenburg, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 233. — Letter to, from Christian Albert, Duke of Hulstein-Gottorp, 1669. 1519, f. 235. Letter of thanks to, from John George II., Elector of Saxony, 1669. Lat. 1519, f. 238. Original report on various states of Italy presented to the King, by Lord Fauconberg, 1 6 f § . 2752, ff.' 1 28 b. Reflections on the state of Poland, Turkey, and Tartary with regard to England, circ. 1670. 2440. Speech in the House of Lords by Lord Lucas, 167J. 3087, ff. 22-24. — Treaty between England and Algiers, 1671. 2680, f. 45 ; 2755, f. 50. Letter to Charles II., of Spain, 1671. Lat. Copy. 3299, f. 104. Political pamphlet on the monarchical form of government, 1672. 2753, ff. 26-34 b. Letter to, from [S.] de Lubienietz, 1672. Fr. 1519, f. 227. Remonstrance of the cloth workers and dyers of London, with petition to the King, and order in Council, 1673. 122, ff. 168-185. Treaty with Tunis, 167#. 2755, f. 42. Order to the College of Physicians against the admission thereto of unlicensed practitioners, 167#. 3299, f. 73. England, SOVEREIGNS OP, etc. CHARLES II. (continued). Journal of Parliamentary proceedings, 1675-1685. 1470, ff. 54-71 b. Lists of Commissioners for the borders of both kingdoms, 1675. 2728, B. f. 204. Relation of movements of the Allied forces and of France, 1675. Fr. 4034, f. 99. Treaty between England and Tripoli, 167f. 2680, ff. 3 7 - 4 0 ; 2755, f. 45 b. Letter to, from the Government of Tripoli, 1676. Ital. Copy. 2755, f. 48 b. Treaty between England and Marocco, 1676. Impe^f. 2680, ff. 47-49 b. Speech in the House of Lords by the Duke of Buckingham, 167f 3087, ff. 1-7. Case of Lord Shaftesbury before the Kings Bench, 1677. 38. Letter to the Duke of York on his retiring to the Continent, 167§. Copy. 1983, B. f. 35. Speech on opening Parliament, [1678J. 3065, f. 24. Debate of the House of Commons on the King's speech, with resolution, 167J. 3299, f. 166. Reasons of Parliament for a war with France, 167J. 3065, ff. 22, 28. Abridgment of the journals of the House of Commons, 21 Oct. 1678-3 May, 1679. Imperf. 1438. Extract from the Parliamentary Journals, 1678. 3065, f. 26. Recommendation by the King of a new clerk to the Merchant Taylors Company, 1678. 3958, f. 11. —= Grant by, of a lieutenant's commission to R. Billing, 1678, 1679. Signed. 3299, ff. 79, 80. Complaint against S. Pepys and Sir A. Deane for sending information to the French Government, 1679. 3065, f. 30. Bill for preventing the succession of the Duke of York to the throne, 1680. 3299, f. 139. —— Reflections on the treaty with Spain, [1680]. 363,ff.42-48. Proclamation against interlopers in the African Company's trade, 1680. 2724, ff. 1,8-11 b ; 2728, B. f. 193. INDEX. England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. CHARLES II. {continued). Verses on the anagram of the King's name, by R. Podwick, 168°-. 1983, B. f. 8. — Abstract of the proceedings of Parliament at Oxford, 1681. 3065, f. 32. Verses on the dissolution of Parliament after Lord Shaftesbury's speech, 1681. 3769, f. 24. Warrant to the Paymaster of the Forces, for payments to the ExGovernor and Governor of Jamaica, 168 J. Copy, 2717, f. 12. Papers relating to the King's appointment of Dr. J. Dovvnes to be Physician of Christ's Hospital, 1682. 3299, ff. 62, 63, 66-72 b. Opposition of the College of Physicians to the King's nomination of Physicians to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1682. 3914, f. 124. Order to Lord Carlisle, 2717, f. 13. Letter from the Privy Council to Lord Carlisle, 1683. 2717, f. 15. -— Decretum Universitatis Oxoniensis in parricidale facinus in principem et fratrem ejus nuper designatum, 1683. 2903, ff. 243-247. 1683. MS. 44 was dedicated to him, in 1684, by Capt. B. Sharp. Journal, in cipher, of the Parliamentary proceedings, 1685. 3082, ff. 9 b-17. — Medical account of his last hours, 1685. Lat. 179, A. f. 2 0 4 ; 529, ff. 26-34. — Papers by, relative to the Protestant separation from the Church of Rome, transcribed by James II., n. d. Copy, 1 6 8 | . 629, ff. 354, 354 b. Hoioscope, late 17th cent. 1009, f. 9 1 . Praver for, 17th cent. 467, f. 38 b. • A political squib on the court of Charles II. intitled, " A paper of sale left by Mr. Karr," 17th cent. 647, f. 122 ; 3299, f. 182. Verses on an equestrian statue of, at Stock's Market, London, 17th cent. 655, f. 42 b. Lampoon on, 17th cent. 655, f. 47 *. Verses made to, by his son, the Duke of Monmouth, 17th cent. 921, f. 90. 175 England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc* CHARLES II. (con'inued). "The Snare," a poem addressed in his name, to James II., late 17th cent. 1009, f. 391. Epigram on his restoration, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764, f. 69. — Verses on, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. Lat. 2870, f. 79. Vorses addressed to, 17th cent. 3087, f. 30. Satiiical verses on the Court, by A. Marvel, 17th cent. 3516, ff. 4 2 - 4 5 b. Anecdote of his disgust for painted women, late 17th cent. Fr. 1030, f. 73 b. Formerly owned MS. 46, B. MS. 3930 was dedicated to, by T. Hobbes, [1662]. Answer to the memoir of the French Ambassador on the restitution of St. Christopher's to the English, n. d. Fr. 1519,ff.246-248 b. Paper presented to, on the art of shipbuilding, 17th cent. 2754. Petition to tho Parliamentary Committee for redress of grievances in foreign parts, by W. Courten, n. d. 3515, f. 4. Vindication of the Government of Scotland during his reign, by the Lord Advocate, Sir G. Mackenzie, 17th cent. 3828, ff. 104-116 b. Vindication of the Government of Ireland by Charles I. and Charles II., 17th cent. 3838. • Letter to, from Bishop Morley as Visitor of Magdalen College, Oxford, n. d. 3112,ff.5 b - 8 b. Pamphlet on the Dutch war, 17th cent. Imperf. 1786, f. 177. Act for authorizing j u s tices of the peace to administer an oath on the illegality of levying arms against the King, n. d. 2448, f. 54. JAMES II. Scheme of nativity of, 1633. 1707, f. 7 b. Monck, 1660. Letter of thanks to Gen. Copy. 1519, f. 204. Letter to, when Duke of York, from T. S. Bekman on Tangier, 1662. 2448, f. 46. Order, as Lord High Admiral, for an increase of men to the navy, 1664. Copy. 2032, ff. 14-17. . Naval orders by, as Lord High Admiral, 1665. 3232, f. 83. 176 INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES II. (continued). Speech of the King to IT. {continued). Returns of the proposed the Parliament, 1685. 2281, f. 7 1 . strength of the navy made to him, when Lord High Admiral, 1667, 1668, 1671. Papers relating to the 2032, ff. 17 b-19 b. Church, found by the King in t h e Letter to, as Lord High strong box of Charles II., [1685]. Copy, Admiral, from S. Pepys, 16f§. 2751. 17th cent. 3251,ff.12-14. • Memorial to, when Duke Papers presented to the of York, from Lord Middleton, 1671. King relating to Barbados, 1685, 168J. 3511, ff. 12, 17. 3984, ff. 214-224 b. Order, as Lord High AdProposals for increasing miral, for exemption of a crew from the King's revenue of firstfruits and impression, 1672. 1519, f. 210. tenths, delivered to the Lord Treasurer, MS. 2439 was, in 167jj, 168g. 1786, ff. 166-171. inscribed to him, as Duke of York. Order to the Bishop of ; Petition of Lord MiddleLondon for the suspension of Dr. Sharpe, ton's administrators for release from the with other papers relating thereto, 16*56. tenths of the Duke of York, circ. 1674. 3943, ff. 1-16. 3512, f. 114. . Commission to Sir N. • Letter to, when Duke of Johnson to be Governor of the CaribYork, on his retiring to the Continent, bee Islands, 1686. Abstract. 3299, f. from Charles II., 167f. Copy. 1983, 211. B. f. 35. Declaration against t h e Articles of High Treason test, [1687]. Copy. Imperf. * 203, f. 58. against, when Duke of York, 1680. 2496, ff. 55-61 b ; 2638, ff. 14-17 b . Bill against his succession to the throne, 1680. Draft. 3299, f. 139. — • MS. 2755 was dedicated to, when Duke of York, by A. van Holsteyn, circ. 1680. Traitte de la navigacion aux Indes Orientalles fait par Fordre et a Fusage du Due de York, post 168J. 3210. Colloquium de religione habitum Vindesoriae, 1684 (?) Imperf. 3963, ff. 1-9. Verses addressed to, as Duke of York, on his right to the crown, 17th cent. 1009, f. 375. " T h e S n a r e , " a n imaginary address in verse to the Duke of York, from Charles II., late 17th cent. 1009, f. 391. — Verses addressed to, when Duke of York, 17th cent. 2572, f. 29 b. Verses addressed to, as Duke of York, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. Lat. 2870, f. 153. Proceedings of the Court of Claims at the Coronation, 1685. Lat., Fr. and Engl. 3954. Copy of the Coronation oath, as administered by Archbishop Sancroft, 1685. 79, f. 200. Speech of the King to the Privy Council, [1685]. 1731, A. f. 94. Proceedings of the University Commissioners against Magdalen College, Oxford., for neglect of the King's mandate, [1687]. 2680, ff. 12-15 b. Proposal to the King for the advantage of trade, by J. Whiston, 1687. 3984, f. 198. Reasons by D. K. for t h e reading by the clergy of the Royal Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, [1688]. 3050. Proof of the King's absolute government from the confession of the laws, n. d. 2443. Political squib on the expected birth of a Prince, 1688. 1009, f. 388. Political verses on Popish and Jesuit plots against England, 17th cent, 1983, B. f. 50. The National P r i e s t s : a poem, 1688. 2281, f. 84. Resolution of the StatesGeneral to support the Prince of Orange on his expedition into England, 1688. 972, f. 29. Proceedings during the Interregnum, 1688-168f. Imperf. 2680, ff. 16-36 b. Address of the Parliament of Ireland to James II. on his arrival in Ireland at the Revolution, [1689]. 203, f. 57. INDEX. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. JAMES II. (continued). Original address to t h e King, from St. Andrews University, n. d. Signed. 2753, ff. 18-25 b . A Tory tract from the people to Parliament, 17th cent. 2753, ff. 1-17. : Paper by the Duchess of York on her joining the Church of Eome, 1670. Copy, 168g. 629, f. 353. WILLIAM AND MARY. Verses on his arrival in 1688,17th cent. 1731, A. f. 123. Petition to the King from Dr. S. Collins, for the post of CourtPhysician, [1688]. 1823, f. 23 b . Parliamentary debate on the word " Abdicated," 22 Jan.-15 Febr., 168f. 3065, ff. 3 4 - 6 1 . Catalogue of persons exempted by the King, [168§]. 2723, f. 143. Gratulatio in die coronat i o n s , 1689. Lat. verse. 1383, III. ff. 1-6. , Form of oath of allegiance, 1689. Copy. 204, B. f. 28. List of outlawries in England, since 13 Febr. 1 6 8 | , on account of the rebellion in Ireland, 17th cent. 2902, f. 1 4 1 . Proceedings of the Committee in a bill for recognition of William and Mary, 1690. 3299, ff. 141-143. Catalogue of plants brought by J. Reed for the King from Madeira, Barbados, and elsewhere, 1690. 2346, ff. 197 b-199 b. — Satirical verses on public events, 1691. 179, A. ff. 152 b, 160. — — . — Account of sea fight between the French and t h e united Dutch and English fleets off Cape La Hogue, 19 May, 1692. 2717, f. 6. Memorials to the King from t h e Danish envoy against Lord Molesworth's "Account of Denmark," 1693, 1694. Fr. 3828, ff. 172, 173. Petition to t h e Treasury Commissioners from Sir E. Sherburne, tire. 1696. 4067, f. 148. • Bills for t h e better provision of the poor within the bills of mortality, n. d. 2504, ff. 31 b-66 b. Petition to the King and Queen against pawnbrokers and usurers, 17th cent. Draft 1731, A. f. 39. Poem on the King's r e t u r n after the battle of the Boyne, by J . Briscoe, 17th cent. 1709, f. 116. SLOANE INDEX. 177 England, SOVEREIGNS OF, etc* WILLIAM AND MARY (continued). Note of the Queen's birth, 1662. 1708, f. 126. Verses on the Queen's death, [1694]. 1710, f. 110. WILLIAM III. Order of the King respecting the Woolsack Inn in Smithfield, 1696. Copy. 2717, ff. 34-36 b. Appointment by the King of Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1696. 2902, ff. 75-78 b. Proposals for yearly consumption of wool, etc., 1698. 2504, ff. 67-84 b. Proposals of Th. Duckett for improvement of lands, 17th cent. 2404. Petition to the King from E. Jones for the Secretaryship of the Bermudas, 1699. 2902, f. 100. . Satirical verses on the vice-government of the year 1700, 18th 1 cent. ' 1731, A. ff. 116, 147. Warrant for raising C. Montague to the peerage, [1700]. Lat. Imperf. 3299, f. 165. List of officers pardoned in this reign, n. d. 3065, f. 63. Post-mortem examination of, 1702. 3409, ff. 53 b, 57 b, 85 b. Verses in praise of, by J. Pragestus, 17th cent. Lat. 1381, f. 109. Verses addressed to the King, by Dr. Lower, 17th cent. 1731, A. f. 151. Verses addressed to the King, by B. Severinius, 17th cent. Lat. 2870, f. 76. v. also Orange, Princes of. William Henry III. ANNE. Calligraphical portraits of the Queen, Prince George of Denmark, and the Duke of Gloucester, containing an account of State transactions from her accession, by J. Dundass, 1702. 4027. : Account of French and Spanish ships taken in Rodondello Harbour by the English and Dutch, 1702. 3299, f. 210. Examinations of Sir SFairborne and others, touching the expedition, in 1702, to Cadiz and Vigo,. 1708. 2638, ff. 1-11 b. Parliamentary proceedings in the case of Ashby and White, 170f. 3066. Account of t h e campaigns of 1704-1709,18th cent. 3392, ff. 1-79 b . N INDEX. 178 E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. ANNE (continued). List of new Peers, [1706]. 3065, f. 72. Summons of Court-Physicians on account of the Queen's sickness, 171J. 1968, f. 2. Journal of her last illness by Sir H. Sloane, 25 Dec. 1 7 1 3 6 Febr. 171f. 4034, ff. 46-50. Letters on her last illness from Dr. J . Smith to the Duke and Duchess of Shrewsbury, 1713-1714. Copies. 4034, f. 44. body, 1714. _ verse. Medical report 3984, f. 275. on her Epitaph on, [1714]. 3516, f. 135. Lat. Proofs offered to Parliament of the lawfulness of Dissent, 17th cent. 1941,ff.7-12 b. Letter to, from Dr. S. 1823, f. 17. Dedication to, of Dr. S. Collins' anatomical works, 17th cent. 1823, f. 7 1 . Petition to, from Dr. S. Collins, for repayment by the Crown of moneys advanced, temp. Chas. I., for fortifying the Caribbee Islands, n. d. 1823, f. 91. Design of a Great Seal for the union of England and Scotland, 18th cent. 3424, f. 13. GEORGE I. Order of Council for preventing t h e spread of the plague, 1721. 3984, f. 9 1 . Ode on his birthday, by J. Arnold, n. d. Lat. 3516, f. 48. Verses on his Coronation day, by J . T., [1714]. 3516, f. 6. Verses on his death, addressed to George II., by J . Arnold, [1727]. Lat. 3516, f. 195. GEORGE II. Verses addressed to, on t h e death of George I., by J . Arnold, 1727. Lat. 3516, f. 195. Carmen inaugurale ab H. Eelbeck, [1727]. 3516, f. 20. Testimonial in favour of A. Cruden for the post of Bookseller to the Queen, 1734. 4053, f. 359. . Addresses to the Royal Family on t h e marriage of the Prince of Wales from the Corporation of London, 1736. Copies. 4054, f. 234. Letter from Sir H. Sloane to Qu. Caroline, 1736. Fr. Drafts. 1968, f. 7 2 ; 4068, f. 299. Collins, n. d. E n g l a n d , SOVEREIGNS OF, etc. GEORGE II. (continued). Petition to " Kwin Carlina," from S. Blane, n. d. 4058, f.32. Letter to Qu. Caroline, when Princess of Wales, from R. Howe, n. d. 4066, f. 382. Epigram on Qu. Caroline's visit to Sir H. Sloane's Museum, by T. de Woolhouse, n. d. Lat. 3516, f. 79. Post-mortem examination of Prince George William, 171 J. 4034, f. 51. , ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF. Epitome of S. Cressy's church history of Brittany [Britain], ,circ. 1670. 266. The Liberties of the Clergy, by J . Goodale, [1540]. 1818, ff. 212-220. Lists of the ecclesiastical establishment, 1585. 3194, ff. 1-6. — Historia de Articulis Lambethanis exhibitis per W. Whitaker, 1595. 414, ff. 1-4 b. Considerations by Sir F. Bacon for the better establishment of the Church, 17th cent, 1435, ff. 125-130. Letters and papers of J . Dury respecting the Church, 17th cent. 1465. Proof from the laws of the Church of England t h a t supreme authority on matters spiritual is vested in the King, 17th cent. 2445. Epistolium apologeticum de doctrinis Ecclesise Anglicanae, 17th cent. 203, ff. 61-66. Valuation of deaneries and sees in England with their tenths, temp. Jas. I. 72, ff. 153-155. Supply to Godwin's " D e Presulibus Anglise," by Sir J. Harington, 1608. 1675. Queries propounded by certain clergy of London, touching the oath enjoined in t h e 6th canon of the late synod, 1640. 1008, f. 29. Petition from W. Bentley to Parliament for the renewal of his licence for printing the Bible, [1651]. 1378, f. 178. Treatise on the reformed Church of England, [1654]. Lat. Imperf. 648, f. 72. Warrant for the augmentation of poor vicarages and curacies, temp. Chas. II. 856, f. 5. List of sees in England and Wales, with observations on the making of bishops in England, temp. Chas. II. 856, ff. 36, 55 b, 57. INDEX. England. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY O F (continued). List of sees, with their counties, and number of parishes in each diocese, 17th cent. 1455,ff.2 5 b - 2 8 . , LITERATURE OF. Vocabulary of letters A-C in French and English, 18th cent. 3585,ff.2 - 8 . , NOBILITY OF. Names and arms of all t h e nobility since the Conquest, up to t h e year 1572, 17th cent. 2 4 1 , ff. 79-123. Book of t h e nobility of England after 1628. 2172,ff.82-131. Treatise on t h e nobility, by Sir J. Doddridge, [1658]. 3479, ff. 149-199. —= Titles of the English nobility, 1698. 3955. Arms of families in the Eastern Counties, 16th cent. 1928. , CROWN O F F I C E R S O F . Catalogus Admirallorum Anglise, 16th cent. 1301, f. 24. — Catalogus Summorum Justiciar^ orum, 1066-1262. 1301, f. 3 1 . Catalogus Capitalium Justiciariorum coram rege ad placita, 1 2 7 4 1583. 1301, f. 31 b. Catalogus Capitalium Justiciariorum de Communi Banco, 1216-1582. 1301, f. 33. —• Notes, from Tower records, of services to the Crown, 1589. 1301, f. 331. TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF. Qusedam de Anglian climatibus, 14th cent. 568, f. 218 b. Nomina comitatuum in Anglia, 15th cent. 683, f. 41 b. Number of parish churches, towns, knight's fees, and counties in England, 15th cent. 3285, f. 85. Topographical notes on England, 15th cent. 1616, f. 32 b. Notes for navigation between t h e S. coast of England and the Netherlands, 1593. 4028, ff. 3 9 - 4 1 , 43. Longitudineset latitudines locorum in Auglia, 16th cent. 3634, f. 29 b. Latitude and longitude of t h e principal towns, 1642. 3746, f. 4. Table of the latitude of the principal towns, 17th cent. 3889, f. 16. Description of the counties, 17th cent. 1946. List of shires in, 17th cent. 1455, f. 29. Notes on different counties, 17th cent. Engl, and Ital 3985,ff.114-130 b . 179 England. TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF (continued). Topographical description of, by Sir R. Cotton and another, 1625-1628. 2 4 1 ,ff.2-78 b. Note of the length, breadth, etc., of, 1635. 609,ff.210 b, 211. JourDal of travels in, by a Jesuit, 1633-1640. Span. 1572,ff.74 b-80 b. Journal of travels in, by J . de Cardonnel, 1649-1655. 1731, H. passim. Tour by Dr. E. Browne through the Western and Midland Counties, 1662. 1900, ff. 36-60. Memoranda of a tour through the Western Counties, temp. Chas. II. 2789, ff. 2-7. Tour through, by R. Sharp, 1700. 1522. Index villarum Angliae, e bibliotheca P, le Neve, 1730. 3238. Description of t h e counties, 18th cent. 1823, f. 19. Catalogue by J. Bagford, of maps and charts of England, circ. 1700. 885, f. 146. Map of t h e Saxon Heptarchy, by W. Lambarde, 157J. 3168, f. 1 b. 1651. Charts of t h e S. W. coast, circ. 1428, ff. 1-70 b. , N A T U R A L HISTORY O F . Botano- logia Britannica, by Dr. G. Knowles, 18th cent. Lat. verse. 3192,ff.1-82. Indiculus stirpium Anglise e Raii synopsi stirpium Britannicarum a P. Hotton, 18th cent. 3322, ff. 220-224. Excerpta e J. Raii catalogo plantarum Angliae, 18th cent. 4019,ff.1 3 8 141 b. Epitome of Ray's " Synopsis Methodica stirpium Britannicarum," 18th cent. 4020, ff. 34-41. Catalogus plantarum ex synopsi Rajana stirpium Britannicarum desideratarum a Dr. Eglinger, 18th cent. 4023, ff. 110-120 b. Classed-Catalogue of quadrupeds and serpents in, 18th cent. 3324, f. 1 3 . E n g l a n d , N e w , in America, England. v. New E n g l e f i e l d (Thomas), Justice of the Common Pleas. Obligation with William, Abbat of Missenden, to allow him to present to t h e Church of Shiplake on the next vacancy, 152$. 747, f. 66 b. E n g l i s h (Hinroydah). Letter to J. Petiver, 17If. 4065, f. 155. ' N 2 INDEX. 180 English Islands. G u l f , in the Duke of York's Map of, 1681. 3820, f. 122. E n g l i s h R i v e r , in the Gulf of Map of, 1681. 3820, f. 15. Panama. E n g l i s h e (Eleazar), of Kingstown. Letter to T. P., 17th cent. 2172, f. 16. Enigmas. /Enigmata queedam, 15th cent. 513, f. 57 b. v. P — (N—), of Edinburgh. E n k h u i z e n , in Holland. Description of, by H. Junius, 16th cent. 2764, f. 173. E n o c h , the Patriarch. Prayer of, 17 t h cent. 3821, ff. 190 b - 1 9 3 . E n o c k (Richard), of Trinity College, Oxon. Poetical pieces collected and written by, 1677. 1458. E n t (Sir George), M.D., President of the Royal College of Physicians. Prescription for Dr. S. Bellingham's father, 1671. 633, f. 208. Certificate in favour Downes, 17th cent. E n t (Sir Henry), of Dr. J . 3299, f. 56. v. Ent (Sir George). E n t (Josias). Formerly owned MS. 3087. Entomology. Entomological observations, 17th cent. 1950, ff. 48 b-50. E p e s (J— A—), M.D., of Chelmsford. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1697. 4075, f. 90. E p e s (T—), Surgeon, of Canterbury. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1690. 4036, f. 94. E p h e s u s , Archbishop (Domenico). of. v. Passionei ~ E p i g r a m s . Versus epigrammatici, 14th cent. 3550, f. 3. Collection of epigrams in various languages, 16-17th cent. 2764. Collection of English epigrams, by an Oxford Student, 17th cent. 1889. Epigrams, 17th cent. Engl, and Lat. 1867. Epigrammata Latina, 17th jcent. 1783, ff. 54-56 b. Tigurina epigrammata, in the handwritingof J.Dury,1654. 649,f. 30b. Mantissa epigrammatum quatuor, 18th cent. 3563, ff. 68-71 b. v. Gwynn (Walter). Epistolography. Forms of letterwriting, 15th cent. 1584, ff. 27-35, 36 b ; —1456. 416, f. 153 ;—16th cent. Fr. 2869, ff. 64-76 b ;—17th cent. Lat. and Engl. 4 5 9 ; Germ, and Fr. 927, ff. 1 b - 9 ; Lat. and Polish. 1361, ff. 1 2 5 216 b, 234-245 b ; Lat. and Germ. 1382, ff. 71-145 b ; Fr. 3635, ff. 5 5 59 b ; 3990, ff. 1-25 b. Speeches and letters, circ. 1700. Polish. 1362, ff 62-69. Oratio academica, 17th cent. 2987, ff 6-10. v. Fabricius (Johann Christoph),, Sen. E p i t a p h s . Dissertation on, by Sir TBrowne, 17th cent. 1827, f. 51. Collection of epitaphs, 17th cent. 1804, ff. 1 b-17, 48-52 b ; Lat. 1898, ff. 1 9 - 2 1 ; 2623, ff. 74-82 b. • Epitaphium Thracis, 15th cent. 327, f. 76. Epitaph, in verse, 16th cent. 2497, f. 33. Enigmatical epitaph, circ. 1641. 118, f. 149. Epitaph in Leipzig churchyard^ 1669. Germ, and Engl. 3986, f. 37. v. Thynne (Francis). Equestrianism, v. Bressey ( ). E r a s m u s (Desiderius), of Rotterdam. On the sound of letters of the Alphabet, 16th cent. Hologr. 2764, f. 3. Epigramma de ccelo pluvio Friburgi, Brisgoae, 1529. 2764, f. 108. Selections from his Adagia, by T. Corthoevius, 17th cent. 1593, f. 4. 1645. Verses on Holbein's 2764, f. 37. picture of, E r a s t u s (Thomas). Medicamenta, 17th, cent. 1840, ff. 23-36. E r a t t (William), M*D., of Doncaster. Letters to Sir H. Sloane, 171§, 172* 4075, ff. 86, 88. Erbaeensis (Georgius), Comes, Schenk (Georg), Graf von Erpach. v. E r c e l d o u n e (Thomas of), called the Rhymer. Prophecies, 17th cent. 1008, f. 1 8 4 ; 1802. E r e k e r (Lazarus), Chief Master of the Imperial Mines in Bohemia. Treatise on mines, 1598. Transl. 1702. E r d e s w i k e (Sampson), of Sandon, co. Staff. Excerpts from his muniments,, 1586. Lat. 1301, f. 200. INDEX. E r e m i t a (Daniel), of Antwerp; Florentine Ambassador to Germany. Account of his embassy to Rudolph II. and the Princes of Germany, 1609. Lat. 79, ff. 202-210. Poem on the Panoply of God, Ephes. vi. 11, [1599]. Lat. Autogr. 2764, ff. 187-191. Verses' entitled "Precatio ad Deum," 1599. Lat. Autogr. 2764, f. 192. Erhard ( ). Catalogus fossilium, 18th cent. 3396, ff. 45-54. E r i n g (Hans Wolf von), Freiherr. Diagnosis of his case, 1645. Germ, and Lat. 2253, ff. 280 b-286. ' E r i e (.Sir Walter), M.P.; Lieutenant of the Ordnance. Instructions to Capt. W. Penn, signed by, 1648. 1709, ff. 5 5 62 b. E r n e s t i (Joannes), M.D. Qusedam de oleis ex, 17th cent. 3118, ff. 429 b-436. E r n i u s (Johannes Henrious), at Zurich. Autograph in album, 1670. 1795 or 2597, f. 73. E r o t i s . v. Trotula al. Erotis. E r p e n i u s (Thomas), Oriental Professor at Ley den. Verses, 17th cent. Dutch. 2764:, f. 123. Errington ( ). Medical accompt to, from Dr. Bellmgham, 1671. 447, f. 2. E r r i n g t o n (Nicholas), Ambassador to Scotland. Instructions to, 1579. Copy. 2442, ff. 156b-159. E r s f i e l d (Margaret). 1 6 2 | . 2266, f. 72. Note of her birth, E r s k i n e (Charles), President of the Scotch Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1732. 4052, f. 191. E r s k i n e (David), 9th Earl of Buchan. Letter to Sir H. Sloane, 1728. 4050, f. 12. E r s k i n e (Thomas), 1st Earl of Kellie. Privy Council letters signed by, 1 6 2 | . 1626, 1627. 3827, ff. 71 b, 9 1 , 108, Escailliot ( ), Minister at Norwich, afterw. of Surat. Letter to Sir T. Browne, 166§. Copy. 1861. ff. 5 - 2 1 . Esehenreuter. v. Etshenreuiter. E s c h e r (Jean), Jun. Letter to Dr. J. G. Scheuchzer, n. d. 4066, f. 331. E s e h y n d o n (Johannes de), Fellow of Merton Hall, Oxford. De stellarum quarundam conjunctionibus in 1357 et 1365, 15th and 17th centt. 1713, ff. 1-14. 181 E s c o r i a l , E l , in Spain. Index of famous MSS. in the Library, 17th cent. Lat. 836, ff. 26-29. E s d r a s , the Prophet. Revelatio quam ostendit Deus Esdre prophetae, u t osten> deret filiis Israel, 14th cent. 3469, f. 37 Signa astrologica, 15th cent. Lat, 122, ff. 125-129; 282, f. 8 6 ; Engl. 1609, ff. 47-54. Eshenreuth (Master Henry). AU chemical treatises discovered in 1403 and re-hid in 1489. Copied in 1699. 3644, ff. 86-97 b. E s l i n g t o n M a n o r , in Whittingham, co. Northumb. Eelation of the passages touching the title of, circ. 1657. 972, f. 23. E s m o n d e (Laurence), Baron Esmonde, of Limerick. Letter, as Governor of Duncannon Fort, to Lord Falkland, 1624. 3827, f. 43. E s p i n o s a (Francisco Angel de), M.D., of Salamanca. De humoribus, 17th cent. 2984, ff. 367-414. E s p i n o y , Prince oV. v. Melun (Pierre). E s p i n o y , Princesse oV. v. (Phelippe Chrestienne de). Lalaing E s s a y s . Essays and verses on various subjects, 17th cent. 2790. Themata, 17th cent. Lat. and Dutch. 2832, ff. 1-47 b. Essay on the advantages of country and town life, 17th cent. Fr. 3328 , ff. 104-116. Disputatio an nostra tempora bonarum artium gloria cedant antiquis, 17th cent. 1371, ff. 79-84 b. E s s e n i u s (Andreas), D.D., Professor of Hebrew at Utrecht. Autograph in album, 1668. 1795 or 2597, f. 20. E s s e x , County of. Excerpta ex perambulationibus Forestse, 16th cent. 1301, f. 357. Settlement of lands in, on the College of Physicians, by Dr. B. Hamey, 1672. 3914, ff. 121-123 b. Observations on the marshes in, 18th cent. 3329, f. 56. Arms of the gentry and notes of their seats, 16th cent. 1301, f. 99. , Earls of Collections concerning, 16th cent. 1301, f. 94. v. Capel. Devereux. E s s e x (Corneles), Captain. Voyage from Jamaica to Porto-Bello, 1679. 2752, ff. 29-35. 182 INDEX. E s s i e h i u s (J— H—), of Gorlitz in OberLausitz. Autograph in album, 1693. 2360, f. 77. Estampes - Valencay (Achilles