UI 0I I L LU1 NG S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2012. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 0 by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012 ,-i1 G iri d .t Z)NMERS I$RO E THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY f741 c.9Zi cop.-? Of this edition three hundred and fifty copies have been printed at the De Vinne Press in the month of April, 1904. MOZARABIC INITIALS AND MINIATURES University U. lilns Annocrncff FtoctzfaD at I ca f Ocfifuj * i.I . tv mt u mf JercuuI~nreftun f Sd rnut(L " * 1 u 'c'a av u C tau o N etit -dco.u oh * w A uc uil[nd f !czIcl ournCqutO1f U.&LfI~t l~f~mn~f~nd~r~u1~B 1nt u 13 lnei- JnCfu pf ii o J * fo innlu to O 1V '1 7 jJ c~usun~urur erru dtnf f can irs ntIIcx c mecutfuit 9 it 6 qf Aet@~tli~fOC~f~U 44~ * I' t ' f r u m u ts -s i"l f~4$~ * 1 ui~rit! cratlr :t .t~ wntI nt ktr U~t~t~LtJL~10 til cc r tit 8fs ft Siiut ' Auut tn~lC~~ttttsi ? ~tuei~ ~ss 4 Lf ,(L ~LOC .. + t-Szron 4juou Ctt~f-cJ4 lsiuatfi Conuc,, d+ -*Zo-cfiu~n otn #4 ~ C t'?L tvlfi m '.' :A . u~ AL~h *1~ British Museum Additional MS. 30,850, f. 316. NITIALS AND INIATURES OF THE IXTH, XTH, AND XITH CENTURIES FROM THE MOZARABIC MANUSCRIPTS OF SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM WITH INTRODUCTION BY ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SPANISH ACADEMY, THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY NEW YORK 1904 Copyright, 1904, by ARCHER M. IHUNTINGTON H9'f j- to e tNitre this volume is bebicateb with sincere respect for those manp great qualities whicb general Iartolom have renbereb his name familiar to everg ytmerican ZN IN t4 , t :1 .. 6353kit lo Quiero que sepades luego de la primera Cuya es la ystoria, metervos en carrera: Es de Sancto Domingo, toda bien verdadera, El que dizen de Silos, que salva la frontera. Berceo : Vida do Sancto Domingo de Silos, 3. THE initial letters and miniatures reproduced in this volume are from carefully prepared colored facsimiles of those scattered through the collection of extraordinary manuscripts in the British Museum known as the "Visigothic Codices." This form of writing used in Spain from the eighth to the twelfth centuries, both for the copying of books and of documents, has come to be known as Visigothic, and until comparatively recently examples of it had not been studied outside of the Peninsula.' These documents, containing Offices and Liturgies of the Mozarabic Ritual, came originally from the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, called at an earlier date San Sebastian de Silos, 2 near Burgos, and perhaps, from the standpoint of early art, with their strange and fantastic designs, it would be impossible to find a more remarkable collection. The credit of first introducing this hype in France may be given to Natalis de Wailly, who reproduced them in his "El6ments de Pal ographie," from a manuscript in the Biblioth~que Nationale, brought from Spain by Gotiscalcus of Puy in 951 and copied by a monk of Saint Martin d'Albelda. In the "Pal~ographie Universelle" this manuscript was again used as an example, and four pages were lithographed by the Ecole des Chartes. The monastery of Silos, province of Burgos, stands about half-way between the city of that name and the Duero, in a valley still preserving its ancient name of Tabladillo, among the desolate foot-hills south of the Sierra de la Demanda, and near it runs the Mataviejas, a small stream tributary to the Arlanza. Although not mentioned in the Poem of the Cid, it is not far from the line of march there followed by the Castilian hero; and that he was no stranger within its walls is testified to by a document bearing his signature, and dated the twelfth of May, 1076, in which he and his wife Jimena make a gift to the monastery of one half of the towns of Pennacoba and Frescinosa.4 This early outpost of the Christians has suffered severely at the hands of foreign invaders and native spoilers. It has, however, been (" De Re diplom.," p. 432) et les auteurs dul Yhouveau fTiraite' de di~domatique (T. III., passim) ne l'ont gu~e 6tudi6 que d'apr~s des fac-similgs plus ou moms imparfaits, graves dans dift~rents ovrages espagnols.-I~opold Delisle, 1Mabfllon "Mdlanges de Paldographie et de Bibliographie," Pais, 1880. In Berceo, "Vida de S. Domingo," 195, we find the monk 2 Liqiniano praying for the restoration of the monastery to San Sebastian: "Seniior Sant Sahastian, dl logar vocaion, Martir do Dios amado oye mioraion, Tuelli deste nionesterio esta tribulation, Non caya la tu casa cii tan grant perdiion." aParis1 1832. 4D. Marius Ferotin, "Recueil des Chartes de l'Abbaye de Silos," p. 21. the restored by French Benedictines since the year 1880. From this time the preservation of such historical materials as remain to it, may, it is hoped, be assured. The beginnings of the monastery rest in the shadowy period of the early conquest. Visigothic kings have been thought to be its early protectors, and Recared has been mentioned, unfortunately, however, on dubious authority, as its founder 1 (593), after his conversion from Arianism. But no date is really fixed until, in the year 919, we find the name of Fernan Gonzalez,/ the famous Count of Castile, attached to a document giving lands to the Benedictine monks of Silos, together with adjacent territory.3 It is improbable that Fernan Gonzalez actually founded the monastery as some have supposed, but it was doubtless owing to the power of his conquering sword that a new life sprang up within its walls, and after his capture of Carazo, and later of Calataflazor, Gormaz, San Esteban and Roa, the safety of the religious fraternity was assured.4 The condition of the monastery, however, at the beginning of the eleventh century was sad indeed. Saint Dominic of Silos appeared as its restorer, coming in 1041, and his influence lasted throughout the remainder of his life-until 1073.b That the monastery was, during his life, the centre of a certain influence more or less intellectual there is no doubt A list of the books in its library has come down in handwriting ofth thirteenth century, on the back of the sixteenth folio of one of the manuscripts in the Biblioth~que Nationale.6 An ' D. Marius ftrotin, "IHistoire de l'Abbaye de Silos," p. 2. C'est le plus ancien document certain pour l'histoire du monastere, dont les origines sont assez obscures.-Eugene Roulin, Introd. VII. 6 L. Delisle, "Milanges," p. 105. This list is as follows: ,Estos son libros de la capiscolia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. La Builia. Dos omelias. Dos passonarios. Vitas patrum. Collationes patrum dos. VIIII apocalipsin. La cimologia. Paschasio. Los decretos. Duodecim profetarum. Gesta salvatoris. Geranticon. El psalterio glosado. Super psalterium. Liber pastoralis. Las homelias toledanas. Tres libros de virginitate beate Marie. Liber ordinum. El psalterio glosado toledano. Officerio toledano. Liber epistolarum. Missal toledano. Tres abecedarios. Liber orationum. Dos libros de thomos. Liber premiorum. Liber diurnarum et noctium. Liber sermonum. 2 Ibid., p. 8. Ferotin. 5 Chron. de Cardefia. Esp. Sag. XXIII., p. 372. 29. Liber de assumptione beate Marie. 30. Liber institutionum. 31. Dos procardos. 32. Tres reglas toledanas, 33. et dos reglas francisca. 34. Cintillarios dos. 35. Incipit theologia primum capitulum de Trinitate Duo. 36. Liber Leandri episcopi. 37. Los evangelios toledanos. 38. Bebriario. 39. Missa buelto con psaterio. 40. Vita sancte Seculine et sancti Pelagii. 41. Liber Ysidorus de origine officiorum. 42. Interpretationes verborum per alphabetum composite. 43. Misal toledano de pergamino de trapo. 44. Dos libros de epistolas Pauli. 45. Dos libros de super Matheum. 46. Liber Lucam. 47. Alexandre oreias de plata. 48. Liber evangeliorum. 49. Las oreias de plata. 5o. Las homelias de oreias de plata. 51. Contra judeos. 52. Tres pares de homelias chicas. 53. Tres libros de Zmaragdos. 54. Flores sanctorum. 55. Dos libros de historias. 56. Dos libros de Dialogorum. 57. El psalterio de sancto D[ominic]o. 58. La cronica. lEstos son los libros menudos. 59. [Insti]tuciones innocencie. 60. Boecius de consolatione. 61. Liber interpretationum. 62. Liber passionis Cirici et Julite. 63. Liber Salusti. 64. Liber de fide. 65. Vita sancti Emi]riani. 66. Liber karitatis. 67. Glose super epistolas Pauli. 68. Stacius Thebaidorur. 69. Sancte sanctorum. 70. De conversione et converssatione. 71. Glosas de Oratio. 72. El kalendario. 73. Glose de maledicione Ade et Eve et serpentis. 74. Liber consuetudinum. 75. El sermonario. 76. Paulo Osorio. 77. El lucidario. 78. IIII libros del quarto libro de las sentecias. 79. Cantica canticorum. 80. Vita sancti Brandani. 81. Liber Boecii. 82. Liber hympnorum. interesting list of articles preserved in the monastery may be found in Eugene Roulin, "l'Ancien Tr~sor de l'Abbaye de Silos." 1 The history of the preservation of the manuscripts and their final dispersion is interesting. It is thought that two or three of them were in the monastery when Saint Dominic arrived there, and almost all of those which are anterior to the twelfth century were probably used by him, a sufficient reason for the constant veneration in which they have been held by the monks of Silos. During the wars of independence in Spain they were preserved through the care of a certain monk, Domingo de Silos Moreno, 2 who, later, became archbishop of Cadiz. On the suppression of the monasteries in 1835, Rodrigo Echevarria, the last abbot of Silos, succeeded in saving them once more; and when he became bishop of Segovia in 1857, he confided them to one of his own friends, Sebastian Fernandez, vicar of San Martin de Madrid. Just what then occurred is not known, but it is certain that in the year 1877 the manuscripts were placed on sale in Madrid, and that they again changed hands in Paris at public auction on the first of June of the following year, when they were divided between the Bibliothque Nationale and the British Museum.3 The rarity alone of documents dating, as these do, from the ninth to the eleventh century renders them of the greatest interest; but where, in addition, such remarkable palaeographical and archaeological details are found, and such peculiariiy in the application of design tso he decoration of books, they become worthy of extended study and fit subjects for reproduction. Particularly are these illuminations, miniatures and initial letters of striking originality, and it has seemed to me that it would be well to publish them in detail and in color. o examine influences han during he ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries, when two waves of conquest swept over the Peninsula: one from the south, under Almanzor, until his death at Medinaceli, after the defeat at CalaAt no time in Spanish history is it more diffiicult tanazor, driving the Christians back into the mountains from which they had slowly and laboriously emerged; the second, under the Christians themselves, a reaction which in turn drove the Moors from the vantage they had gained, and ended in the capture of Toledo and Valencia over a hundred years before the crushing defeat of Las Navas de Tolosa. Nor could any period have been seemingly less propitious for the scribe and artist. The curious development which shows itself in these pages appears to have come to an abrupt termination, and one may almost consider this small group which has found its way to the British Museum and the Biblioth~que N~ationale as an individual type quite as remarkable as 83. Osculetur mc osculo oris sub. 92. Et el de don Miguel de Tornicllos. 100. Las dirivaciones. Et XI psalterios toledanos. 93. Et VI psalterios de letra francisca. 101. Exposiciones de Job. 102. Exposiciones epistolas Pauli. 94. Et otro de medios versos. Los evangelios de maestre Hodas. 95. El psalterio de don Bons. El resposerio del coro. Estos son los liros que fueron de don (arci 96. Et quatro proserios. Et el responserio. Romero. 97. Et el versero. Et el sanctural Gordiello. sancti Dominici. 103. 98. El doctrinal can compoto. 89. Et el officerio vieio. 104. Dos psalterios glosados. 99. Sophisteria de logica. 90. Et el officerio Gordiello. 91. Et el del cuero negro. 2 F rotin, "Hist. de l'Abbaye de Silos," p. 258. 1 Introduction, X. 3 See the sale catalogue of Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1878, with reproductions in color. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Vita those more elaborate productions of a later date. The manuscripts from which the initials in this volume have been taken differ in form and are in varying states of preservation. I have to add the expression of my thanks to Dr. Walter de Gray Birch, F.S.A., of the British Museum, who has very kindly superintended the making of the drawings, and I must also thank some others who in France and Spain have kindly responded to my To Mr. Edward Bierstadt, who inquiries, not least among these M. R. Foulche-Delbosc. has reproduced the facsimiles in color, my sincere appreciation is also due. ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON New York, March, 1904 COFFER FROM SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (MUSEUM OF BURGOS) DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS 1 Cat No 30,844. Offices and Masses of the Mozarabic Liturgy, from the Annunciation of the Virgin [de la 0, 18 Dec.] to St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], together with the Nativity (f. 57), Circumcision (f. 111), Epiphany (f. 125), and Ascension (f. 149). Latin. Imperfect, leaves being lost in several places. or homilies for the Nativity, etc., imperfect at the beginning, if. 1-32 ;- Preceded by "lectiones" and followed by "Lectiones de letanias canonicas (sic) legende per (sic) duabus u[icibus] in diebus letaniarum canonicarum," f. 170 b. Vellum; if. 177, mutilated and decayed at the edges. gothic characters, with ornamental coloured initials. xth cent. Large Quarto. Wide margins, double columns. In Visi- Pages, fifteen inches by twelve. 30,845. Offices and Masses of the Mozarabic Liturgy for Saints' days from S. Quiricus [Cyriacus, 20 May] to S. Bartholomew [24 Aug.]. Latin. Imperfect. Musical notes to the antiphons, etc., have been added by a later hand. Vellum; if. 161. In Visigothic characters; with grotesque coloured figure-initials. xth cent. Folio. Pages, fourteen inches and a half by ten inches and a half. Some are cut down at the edges. 30,846. Offices and Masses of the Mozarabic Liturgy from Easter to Pentecost. Latin. Imperfect at the beginning, and with other leaves missing. Included also are :-Canticles and Hymns. f. 57 ;"Sermo de cotididie" (sic), beg. "IRogo uos et amoneo, fratres karissimi, quotiens ad eglam [ecclesiam] conueniti (sic) fueritis nolite otiosis sermonibus," etc. f. 132 ;-"Incipiunt letanias apostolicas" (sic). f. 136;--" Passio sancta Iuliana (sic) que passa fuit in ciuitate Nicomedit sub imperatore Maxikalendas Martias," beg. "Denique temporibus miam [Maximiano] ex profecto (sic) Eluseo Maximiani." Imperfect. f. 175. Vellum; if. 177. In Visigothic characters, with ornamental ini- xm. tials. xth cent. Quarto. The MS. measures eleven inches and a half by eight and a half. Edges cut down in many cases. 30,847. Mozarabic Breviary from Advent to the 4th Sunday in Lent; with musical notation. Latin. Imperfect at the beginning and end, and elsewhere. On the margins of some of the leaves are copies of deeds of sale, etc., in Spanish, late xllrth cent. Vellum; if. 188. In Visigothic characters. xith cent. Small Folio. A beautiful manuscript. Dr. Birch thinks the curious marks and signs are, perhaps, pen-trials. Cursive writing at folios 72 b, 170, 171, etc. Some pages much cut down and mutilated. Pages, twelve inches by eight and three quarters. 30,848. Mozarabic Breviary for the whole year, with musical notation; preceded by a calendar. Latin. The general title runs: "In nomine domini. Incipit brebiarum de toto circuito." The calendar wants the last four months; and the breviary ends imperfectly in the "Oflicium in natale plurimorum martyrum." Vellum; if. 280. In Visigothic characters, finely written. xlth cent. Folio. Curious musical notation. Pages, fifteen inches by ten and a half. Several cut. Catalogue of Additions to the MSS. in the British Museum, 1876-1881. Cat. 1o, 30,850. Mozarabic Antiphonal for the year, with musical notation throughout. Latin. Vellum; if. 241. In Visigothic characters, finely written, with large coloured initials of interlaced and other patterns. xith cent. Quarto. Several folios cut down. Musical notes. Measures thirteen inches by ten. 30,851. 1. Mozarabic Psalter, with accompanying prayers and antiphons. Latin. Imperfect, beg. with Psalm xvi. This is followed by Ps. xvii. 1-30, after which there is a lacuna as far as Ps. xxxvii. 18. The Psalter ends with Ps. cl. 2. f. 1. 2. "Liber Canticorum." Imperfect, beg. with the words "pedum tuorum oines" in Canticle xvii. (Migne, Patrologia, vol. lxxxvi., col. 855). f. 92. 3. Liber "imnorum de toto circulo anni." Ending imperfectly in the "Imni vespertini dominicales quottidiani." f. 111. 4. Special services, with hymns and antiphons. Imperfect at both ends, the first complete service being the "ordo ad medium noctis celebrandum" (sic). f. 164. Vellum; if. 202. In finely written Visigothic characters, with coloured initials. xrt.h cent. Folio. Measures fifteen inches and a half by twelve. 30,852. Collection of prayers for the services in the Mozarabic Liturgy throughout the year. Latin. Imperfect, extending from Advent to the Nativity of S. John Baptist (24 June), with lacuna in several places. The prayers include, with many others, those which in the Gothic Breviary are entitled the "capitula," the "benedictio," and the "oratio." For a collection of a similar character see J. f. Thomasii . . . opera omnia, studio curaque Jos. Blanchini, tom. i., Romae, 1741, p. 1. Vellum; if. 115, decayed and mutilated at the edges. In Visigothic characters, with rubrics and coloured initials. ixth century. Quarto. Some cursive writing. MS. not in good preservation. Measures about thirteen inches by ten. 30,853. Homilies for the year and for particular occasions, from St. Augustine and others. Latin. Included also are :-1. "Epistola beati Clementis episcopi directa sancto lacobo episcopo Ihrosolime":a passage, "cauere et anteuenire--uit9 prpmia peruenire," from the first of the "Epistole decretales" (Migne, Patrologia Urceca, vol. i., coll. 466 D -468 C). f. 222 b. 2. "Incipit epistola sancti Saluatoris que directa est a domino et inuenta est super altare sancti Bauduli [Baudelii] in ciuitate Nimaso [Nimes]," beg. "Amen dico uobis, quia misi super populum brucos et locustas." Cf. Baluze, Capitularia regum Francorum, Paris, 1677, vol. ii., col. 1396; and Amaduzzi, Aneedota Litteraria, Rome, 1773, vol. i., p. 61. The genuineness of the letter is attested by "P~etrus episcopus de cinitate :Nimaso "; but the first bishop of Nimes of this name appears to have been Pierre Ermengaud, cire. 1080-1095. f. 231. 3. "Incipiunt capitulationes penitentiarum de diuersis criminibus": a penitential, beg. i. de ebrietate uel euomitum (sic). Si quis Episcopus aut aliquis ordinatus ebri~tatis nitium habuerit." Imperfect, about half the number of chapters being missing. See Bergauza, Antiguedades de Espana, Madrid, 1719-1721, vol. ii., p. 666. f. 309. Vellum; if. 324. In Visigothic characters, with delicately drawn coloured initials, Small Folio. xith cent. 30,854. "Liber dialogorum beati Gregorii Romensis episcopi, quem Petro diacono interrogante disseruit." Imperfect, ending in Bk. iv., ch. 24. Vellum; ft. 182. In Visigothic characters, with coloured initials. xth cent. Small Quarto. Some pages injured. Measures about nine and a half by six and a half inches. Cat No. 30,855. 1. "Liber geronticon": sayings of the Egyptian fathers, in two books. Latin. Begins, "Quidam frater, quemadmodum in cella propria degere deberet"; but not identical with the "Verba seniorum, interprete Paschasio," (Migne, Patrologia,vol. lxxiii., col. 1025), a collection which begins in the same way. f. 3. 2. "Sententia (sic) patrum Egyptiorum quas de Greco in Latino transtulit Martinus Dumiensis episcopus." See Migne, vol. lxxiv., col. 381. f. 94 b. 3. Sayings of the fathers, in two books, beg. "1. De uincendo desiderium guile (sic). Abbas Zenon dum ambularet in Palestina." Imperfect. f. 114. Vellum; ff. 142. In Visigothic characters, with coloured initials. xlth cent. Small Folio. Thick vellum. Measures eleven inches by seven. MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,844 II KY 2 zI The .harY ofthe ~Illinois. i! i , .. iil riuiilsi f. 146 f. 86 b f. 122 f. 138 f.61 f. 57 f. 175 b f. 122 b -! r .I ll The Library o the 31 f. 71 b f. 74 b f. 33b f. 117 b 116 b f. 46 b f. 15b f. 33 f. 98 b I e- ,6 i 0 t e , Unflvrs f. f. 41 f. 162 b f. 104b f. 39 f. 32 41 0 I _ . LI The flb"'wf FU~j dnivbrsizy of lIino L . f. 103 f. 70 b f. 183 f. 86 f. 41 b f. 169 :1 I MC- vi th e MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,845 112 55 86 b 144 b 4: "U~ f 5 5 % J .L C V: Uhfier %rity of , 136 b 102 150 139 8O 4 3 *1% dII the of University brar Y the o illinoil:. .i :" - rs y 120 98 99 67 131 b (, r f ft 3 ki lfiY _y j L p 27 b 84 28 b [D] 53 b [A] 80 pp /y Nr O0 /. Die of h'ary r 1 fvesv fUn 4 128 b 89 b 90 [o] 84 lb [A] [m] tU s1 11 Ii ;f1 C) IU S• • r i 52 b 74 150 b 117 [T] o1 L~YI I_~I - ii I The Library Univecrsit I lilno.S MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,846 49 6b [c] [D] 70 [1?] 51b 168 b [o] [Q] 21 [D] 65 99 b 65 [s] Ca][A [A] I 4 AT LKWY^ v Ui ryF t;.Yit' of tilt University of Illinois. 161 b 84 b 147 62 129 b [r] [T] ) 41 Jz i h y n r. .. _ r. .. ^ ': v,} .i e _,. rf. Q+ k 44 80 33 b 93 9/ V 9 ~11 jiY The Library of01 Urdiv; hi 1!fct f 28 47 46 b 84 b Sd oun SOix I 7 ~I 4~, (1 The Library of the Universit, .,I t;linois. MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,847 7b 29 b 12b 108 b 51 108 48 50 b 179 8b 5b 32 7b 121 107 b 92 4b 20 b 120 b 26 90 b I Tht c . MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,848 207 168 140 50 b 204 139 b 73 132 b 84 b 84 b 155 b 161 b 241 50 b 205 120 240 b 104 b 139 b 210 b j, (l~ ,17 I)IP -i II uC_ -} 7 The. btlr MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,850 (PART FIRST) f. 159 b [I] f. 131 b f. 38 [H] f. 202 b f. 158 I-- ~WI, c/ The Library f Univ, . Is ll zdrs ity of j9i t f. f. 155 13b [L] f. 126 f. 122b f. 22 b [iT] 'I' 1 j / fX;r - The University $ it f. 101 b f. 31b f. 92 f. 22b BUJ \ OJ EG c..t L I$; The ibrary MANUSCRIPT NUMBER -30,850 (PART SECOND) 6b 116 41 \ J ViS I M 1 t The fibs ark Alltn U . o, t , 79 157 b 5)I A. 1 ., - 160 b 6 143 75 b 4- The Univer it tibrary , i Iflinois, MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,851 (PART FIRST) 49 b 121 b 129 b 12 53 b The Library of the University f linois The LiLr; of thi 17 79 b 102 b 134 100 b i /YnfC /i r/ r/ L _ r - 1 1 / The LkbiarY 1J v yl oiyfiWm. 101 b 42 161 b 91 U 'HPv 114 111 b 6 12 b ii II' II r45 rr Itohe o the MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,851 (PART SECOND) 51 118 b 25 b 34 118 b 4 I IT 1----- The Library of the ::!j'o01 i~l 111 112 b 120 120 b III he LibrarY p. .... { n t; (r 94: b 91 22 76 b 155 b 70 b 4 The L1bra oT -h e 11ki 's University a t , . 115 97 111 b 15b 121 I NI st )A 0d AA ~i c) The Library of rte Unlvera' ijn,.! 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The Library of the l',iversity of Illinois. 0)(0 oxou991 (7 r >QOlJJJJ(T~UWTL cWYJAwnTcf~rV l~uu t 'irr L9 - ''h 4 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012