FRENCH GRAMMAR. A FRENCH GRAMMAR, BASED ON BY HERMANN BREYMANN, Ph.D., Lecturer on French Language and Literature at the Owens College, Manchester. THIRD EDITION. MACMILLAN AND CO, 1880, [The Right of Translation and Reproduction is reserved.] 445 B75f 1880 LONDON : R. C L A Y , S O N S , AND T A Y L O R , BREAD S T R E E T HILL, E. C. TO PROFESSOR DIEZ, THE FOUNDER OF ROMANCE PHILOLOGY, THIS BOOK IS IN THE SINCERE TESTIMONY OF AUTHOR'S RESPECT AND ADMIRATION. PREFACE, WHOEVER ventures on offering a new French Grammar to a public already provided with a considerable number of "Aids," "Grammars," and "Manuals" for learning French, is doubtless under the obligation of stating the reasons why he has undertaken what may at first sight seem so superfluous a task. Before doing so, I may be allowed to premise a few general remarks on the object at which, in my judgment, all instruction ought to aim. Every kind of instruction must tend to bestow on the student—and here I will make use of terms easily intelligible by a consideration of their primary significance— i. " Formal Culture ; " i.e. it must awaken and intensify his powers of reasoning ; it must tend to impart to his mind promptitude, precision, and clearness of judgment. 2. " R e a l Culture;" i.e. it must assure to him the acquisition of positive knowledge admitting of being used in practical life, whether this knowledge be of a general or special kind, as designed for a particular profession or calling. Any teaching which fails to form or educate the mind must remain barren ; for of infinitely higher importance than mere knowledge without the Dower of applying it vin PREFACE. is that power itself. A well-trained and clear-sighted intelligence is at all times capable not only of acquiring new stores of positive knowledge, but also of applying it easily and immediately to the various demands of life. On the other hand, he who has acquired positive knowledge only, without that critical faculty which combines with vigour of decision keenness of judgment, has gained the letter only, but not the spirit. Experience teaches that it is the man whose intellectual powers have been formed by theoretical instruction—who easily applies what he has laboriously learned. For to him and to no other are known those general laws which determine and cover every special case, whether foreseen or unforeseen. What, then, has been, up to the present time, the method generally followed in teaching French ? It has been, and still is, as far as I know, that system of instruction of which the Ollendorff Grammars are popularly regarded as the type. Now, it is quite true, as the distinguished Professor of Sanskrit in Yale College, Mr. William Whitney, remarks, that " such a system has its unquestionable advantages where learning to speak is the main object directly aimed at, and where the smallness of the classes and the time spent with the instructor render it possible for the latter to give each pupil that amount of personal attention and drilling which is needed in order to make the system yield its best results." Yet, there are two serious objections to it. " Firstly, it i s " — to quote Mr. Whitney once more—" for the most part impracticable in schools and colleges. Their circumstances and methods of instruction render translation and construction the means by which the most useful knowledge and the best discipline can be gained. To PREFACE. IX the very great majority of those who learn German"— and I must be allowed to add French—" ability to speak is an object inferior in importance to ability to understand those languages accurately and readily: and the attainment of the former is properly to be made posterior to that of the latter. One who has mastered the principles of grammar, and acquired by reading a fair vocabulary and a feeling for the light use of it, will learn to speak and write rapidly and well when circumstances require of him that ability." The second objection I have to urge against this system is, that it fails fully to satisfy the first of the objects at which every kind of instruction ought to aim ; it addresses itself rather to the memory of the learner than to his faculty of judgment ; it gives rule after rule, with as many exceptions for each, without making the least attempt to explain them or to give a reason for them. Yet, sharing the view of a recent writer,1 that the " study of modern languages must be placed on a higher and more scientific foundation7' than is at present the case, and that these languages must be taught " according to the more logical method 2 which is applied to the teaching of the dead languages," I hold, firstly, that such a system is not the most practicable, especially for schools and colleges, and, secondly, that instruction in the French language ought to be at once historical and comparative, " The study of the history of the changes which have taken place in a language ought not to be stigmatized as unpractical erudition, for erudition is in this instance 1 See the Educational Review of French Language and Literature\ p . 21 2 The Annual Report of the Delegacy uncbr Statute : " D e Examinatione qui non sunt de corpore Universitatis." See the Educational Review, p. 9. PREFACE. X the means and not the end ; " * it awakens, as has been said, and intensifies the powers of reasoning and the faculty of judgment. If we follow the historical and comparative method, most of the grammatical forms which used to be considered irregular appear in quite a different light; as apparent exceptions to the rule, they only serve to confirm i t And;: in a book recently published by one who speaks with authority on these matters, 2 I read : " There is no longer an excuse why, even in the most elementary lessons—nay, I should say why more particularly in these elementary lessons—the dark and dreary passages of Greek and Latin, of French and German grammar, should not be brightened up by the electric light of Comparative Philology." This method, far from making the work more difficult for the student, on the contrary, will render it easier and, let us hope, more interesting ; because, being based on historical foundations, it is more true than any other, and because it leads the student to see that the different forms of this language have obeyed a substantially uniform action of certain definite laws. If it be true, on the one hand, that * the better we understand a thing, the better we are able to learn and to retain it, and, on the other hand, that nothing renders both teaching and learning more cheerful than a clear insight into the living organism of a language, it is certainly not unreasonable to hope that these studies may become more and more domesticated among us. I am the more hopeful that, sooner or later, such a result will be brought about, because it is in accordance with the 1 2 Educational Review, Sec, p. 19. Max Miiller, " Lectures on the Science of Religion," p 3. PREFACE. xi labours and wishes of men whom all teachers of French have to acknowledge as their masters, viz. Diez, Littré, Mâtzner, Paris, and Brachet. Whatever there may be good and useful in the present book, it is to them that I owe it.T Yet, it will be admitted, I hope, that I have not carried the "jurare in verba magistriv too far. Refusing to look upon modern languages from a merely practical point of view, or to consider them only as so-called social accomplishments which, in many circumstances of life, may be very useful and agreeable, but which are incompetent as means of education, I firmly believe that, taught in the right way, they are entitled to share with the ancient languages the task and mission of promoting a true and sound studlum humanitatis. As it seems to be a quality inherent in man to oppose at first whatever is new to him—be it in the world of ideas or in that of facts—I am prepared to meet with strong opposition from many quarters. , Yet, as I shall never be brought to believe that the training of the mind to think is valueless, I am not only determined to learn myself more and more the right way of teaching in the spirit of the scholars mentioned above, but I have also set before myself, as the object of my life, to try whether or not young minds will derive from this new system the benefit I confidently expect from it. It will be seen that the present Grammar is intended to occupy an intermediate position between the elaborate works ofMatzner, Stadler, the Grammaire des Grammaires, &c, and the more or less elementary treatises which still 1 It seems almost unnecessary to say that, besides having studied the works of these scholars, I have, to a certain extent, used other valuable grammars, as those of Boniface, Meissner, Schmitz, Noël et Chapsal, Poitevin, Ploetz, Kôrting, Eugène, Havet, Tarver, Delille, &c. I am happy to say that, as to matters of detail, I have learnt at least something from each of them. XII PREFACE. continue to be used even in the higher forms of schools, or in colleges. It is not meant for beginners, 1 unless they are of a certain age—say sixteen or seventeen—but for those who, having mastered the very elements of the language, wish for a more systematic and scientific study. They must, therefore, be prepared to find a fuller set of rules than is generally met with in ordinary grammars. The object I have constantly kept in view in drawing up the Accidence has been practical utility ; the rules, therefore, are given in as fewtwords as possible; all superfluous matter has been left o u t ; 2 and, by the use of different forms of type, the learner is enabled to see what is of immediate importance for him, and what he may leave for a second reading. The Phonology ought to be studied au fur et à mesure, i.e. as occasion arises, and according to the special want of the learner. As to the Morphology, it will be found to differ from that of other grammars in more than one respect. To the Verb has been assigned the first place, since it is the most important part of speech, and one without which it is impossible to form a sentence. Owing to a careful distinction between the root of the Verb and its various terminations, and an altogether new arrangement of the principal and the derived tenses, the Conjugations are, I think, exhibited more conspicuously than in any other grammar with which I am acquainted. A Course of Exercises on the Rules of the Accidence, gradually 1 T o those who begin to study French, I may recommend, as the best book of the kind with which I am acquainted, Eugene's Elementary Lessons in French. I t is only after having fully mastered this small manual and exercisebook,' that they ought to begin the more systematic* study of French as set forth in my Grammar. . 2 For instance, all definitions of what a Substantive, an Adjective, a Verb is, since the student is supposed to have learned this part, i.e. the logic of grammar, in studying his mother-tongue. PREFACE, nu increasing in difficulty, is now preparing, and will be shortly published. I have also endeavoured to prove, for each of the various parts of speech, the close connection of French with its parent language, i.e. to explain how such a great number of forms which seem irregular at first sight only exhibit the regularity with whicri the gradual change from Latin through Old into Modern French has been brought about, and to show that most of the grammatical forms of the present language are capable of being really understood, only when regarded as a development of forms of the past. Now, if I were to give such explanations as soon as a rule is laid down, they would stand very much in the way of a perspicuous arrangement of the matter which the learner has to impress on his memory. Following the plan adopted by Curtius in his Greek Grammar, I have kept the two parts entirely separate : whilst the Morphology, or Accide7ice proper, contains simply the various rules, the Reasons and Illustrations add their (if I may use the word) scientific explanation, which appeals not to the memory of the learner, but to his understanding. This Second Part, then, is designed to make him acquainted both with some of the results of Comparative Philology, and with the more important linguistic discoveries of modern philologists. There will be no difficulty for a competent teacher to know how much of the matter contained in the Second Part of the Grammar ought to be explained to the students, if he bears in mind their capacity aud their previous training.1 1 I think that, in some cases, the teacher ma}' go even f u r t h e r - t h a t i? to say, if he h2S to deal with learners who have a classical training. When he has, for PREFACE. XIV In conclusion, I wish to give my cordial thanks to Dr. Ernest Adams and to Mr. E. B. England (of this College) for their kindness in aiding me in the revision of the text of this book. It is for judges more competent than I am in Modern Philology to say how far I have succeeded in making this Grammar a useful book for more advanced students. If it should prove acceptable, I shall anxiously look for any criticisms which may come from my fellow-workers, and enable me to amend its shortcomings and to render it as perfect as possible; I would then also feel more confident in completing this Grammar by the addition of the Syntax. Thus I venture to send forth a little work begun in enthusiasm, though finished in a less hopeful spirit. May it bear good fruit ! HERM. BREYMANN. OWENS COLLEGE, December 31^, 1873. instance, to explain the various person-endings of the Verb (§§ 300—308), not content with telling the learner that Fr. ns or mes represent Lat. mus, and that Fr. z or tis represent Lat. tis, & c , he might add that Lat. mus was originally ma-si = / and thou, i e. we ; and Lat. tis was ta-si = thou and thou, i.e. you. The student will thus be made to understand that the addition of these endings to the root of the Verb is not a mere matter of chance or of arbitrary choice, but that they are the remnants, full of significance, of the old Personal'Pronouns common to all the Aryan languages. To take another example. When the student is told (in § 318, Note 2) that the Verb aller forms its Present tense from vadere, and its Future and Conditional from ire, it would not be out of place to add the further remark that ire and vadere, although wholly different in form, are originally the same Verb. For ire seems to have been only a corrupted form of baetere (compare it-er, init-ium, and the Verbs familiar in Plautus : per-hit-ere, inter-bit-ere) ; the root of this Verb is bât (as the root of cadere is câd), which is only a variety of vâd = go, whence vadere. Yet, as such explanations, which go beyond Latin, can only be given exceptionally and where the capacity of the learner is rather higher than the average, I have thought it advisable to exclude them altogether from the Grammar. CONTENTS. P A R T I,—PHONOLOGY. PAGE I. II. III. THE CONSONANTS V. VII. The The The The The The GENERAL A. B. C. D. E. VI. AND VOWELS ORTHOGRAPHICAL A. B. C. D. E. F. IV. 1 ALPHABET 2 SIGNS 2 Accents Apostrophe Diaeresis Cedilla Hyphen Signs of Punctuation 2 3 4 5 5 5 REMARKS ON P R O N U N C I A T I O N . . . . Simple Vowels Combined Vowels . Nasal Sounds Liquid Sounds . . . . Consonants DIVISION JUNCTION OF W O R D S OF W O R D S U S E OF CAPITAL INTO . . LETTERS SYLLABLES . 6 . . . . . . 6 6 7 7 8 12 12 14 C0NTENTS. PART II.—MORPHOLOGY. A. ACCIDENCE PROPER. CHAPTER I.—VERBS. PAGE I. DIVISION OF T H E II. MOODS IV. . . . . . . . . 15 INFINITIVES V. . VOICES III. VERBS PARTICIPLES VI. VII. VIII. IX. 15 . . . 16 16 . 16 . 17 . 20 1. Weak or Regular Verbs A. Division of the W e a k Verbs B. Derivation of Tenses . C. Terminations of the W e a k and Strong Conjugations D. T h e Three W e a k Conjugations . . . . E. Peculiarities of the Weak Verbs . . . . F. Verbs used interrogatively and negatively . G. Passive Voice H. Reflective Verbs . . . / . Reciprocal Verbs K, Intransitive Verbs . Z . Impersonal Verbs 2. Strong or so-called Irregular Verbs a. Verbs in er b. Verbs having i in the Preterite Definite . . c. Verbs having u ,, ,, ,, . . d. Impersonal and Defective Verbs . . . . 20 20 20 PERSONS AND N U M B E R S . 17 TENSES AUXILIARY VERBS CONJUGATIONS OF W E A K . AND STRONG VERBS . . . 17 22 23 30 36 40 42 46 46 48 49 51 53 73 95 CONTENTS. xvii CHÀPTER II—ARTICLES. PAGE I. T H E DEFINITE ARTICLE II. T H E INDEFINITE ARTICLE HT. T H E PARTITIVE ARTICLE . . . 99 100 101 CHAPTER III.—NOUNS. I. PLURAL OF NOUNS II. GENDER OF NOUNS 103 109 CHAPTER IV.—ADJECTIVES. I. FORMATION OF THE FEMININE II. FORMATION OF THE PLURAL l i t . COMPARISON 121 126 128 CHAPTER V.—PRONOUNS. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. PERSONAL PRONOUNS . . . . . . . . . . . POSSESSIVE „ DEMONSTRATIVE , , INTERROGATIVE „ RELATIVE „ T H E ADVERBS en, y, où, dont, USED AS PRONOUNS INDEFINITE PRONOUNS . 130 134 136 139 141 143 145 CHAPTER VI.—NUMERALS. I. CARDINAL NUMBERS II. ORDINAL „ III. COLLECTIVE „ IV. FRACTIONAL ,, V. MULTIPLICATIVE , . 156 158 160 163 160 b cvîii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII.—ADVERBS. ' PAGE I. IL III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. PLACE OF THE ADVERB ADVERBS DERIVED FROM ADJECTIVES . . ADVERBS OF QUANTITY ADVERBS OF PLACE ADVERBS OF T I M E ADVERBS OF MANNER AND QUALITY ADVERBS OF AFFIRMATION AND NEGATION ADJECTIVES USED AS ADVERBS . . . . . . 161 161 163 164 165 165 166 166 CHAPTER VIII.—PREPOSITIONS. I. II. SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS 167 167 CHAPTER IX.—CONJUNCTIONS. I. II. COORDINATIVE SUBORDINATIVE 171 171 CHAPTER X.—INTERJECTIONS. INTERJECTIONS B. REASONS . AND . 172 ILLUSTRATIONS. INTRODUCTION. I. CLASSIFICATION II. ELEMENTS OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE III. OLD FRENCH AND PROVENCAL IV. MODERN FRENCH 173 173 177 178 CONTENTS. xix I.—VERBS. PAGE I. IL D I V I S I O N OF T H E V E R B S 183 W E A K VERBS 185 III. VOICES AND MOODS GENERALLY , . 187 IV. T A B L E OF L A T I N A N D F R E N C H T E R M I N A T I O N S t . 192 V. R E M A R K S O N T H E T A B L E O F T E R M I N A T I O N S A N D ON T H E FORMATION OF T H E TENSES GENERALLY VI. VII. STRONG VERBS . . . 195 207 AUXILIARY VERBS 2JO II.—ARTICLES. ARTICLES .211 III.—NOUNS. I. II. III. PRELIMINARY REMARK 212 CASES AND INFLECTIONS .213 GENDER OF NOUNS 214 IV.—ADJECTIVES. I. II. III. FORMATION OF T H E F E M I N I N E 216 FORMATION OF T H E PLURAL 219 COMPARISON 221 V.—PRONOUNS. I. II. PERSONAL PRONOUNS 222 POSSESSIVE P R O N O U N S 223 III. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS IV. & V. VI. RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS INDEFINITE PRONOUNS 225 . 225 226 xx CONTENTS. PAGE VI.—NUMERALS VII.—ADVERBS 228 . 230 VIII.—PREPOSITIONS 234 IX.—CONJUNCTIONS 236 X.—INTERJECTIONS 237 FRENCH GRAMMAR. PART FIRST.—PHONOLOGY. I. The Alphabet. i.—The French Alphabet consists of 25 letters, viz.— Pronounced. A B C D E F G H I T ! i 1 k L M ah bay say day a eff zhay ash e zhee kah ell emm N a m e d in French. 1 a bé ci dé é effe gé ache i Pronounced. N 1 ° P 1 i P ka elle i emme Q R S T U V X Y Z Named in French. enn enne O pay kùh air ess tay ù vay eeks eegrec zed 0 pé ' ku erre esse té te vé iks i grec zède 2.-—Q, U. These two letters have no similar sound in English. 1 T h e modern way of naming the letters in French is : a, bé, ce, dé, ê, fé, gé, (ov gué), hé, i,jé, ké, lé, mê, né^ o,fié, kê, ré, se, té, -u, vé, ksé, igrec, zé B FRENCH 2 GRAMMAR. 3.—W(doubles) occurs only in foreign words, and is then pronounced like V. 4.—The names of the letters are masculine, except^ k, /, m, n, rt s ; thus : un d, le c, une l, une s. I I . C o n s o n a n t s and V o w e l s . 5.—There are six Vowels : a, e, z, 0, u, y ; all the other letters are Consonants, which, according to the organs of speech used in pronouncing them, are divided into— A. Mutes. a. Labials : / , b, f(pa), v (w). b. Dentals : t (th), d. c. Gutturals : c, k, a, ch, g, h. B. Sibilants : s, z, j . C. Liquids ; /, m, n, r. Rem. To these letters must be added x ( = gs or cs). I I I . Orthographical S i g n s . A. The Accents. 6.—The Accents, in French, are not emphatic, but phonetic; i.e. they serve— a. To denote the peculiar sound of the* vowels : bonté, père; b. To recall the etymology of a word : âpre [asper), maître {magister) \ c. To distinguish words spelt alike but of different signification (see below, c). (1) The acute accent, F accent aigu ('), is placed over the vowel e when it has the sound of a in pate : bontés été. (2) The grave accent, Vaccent grave ( v ), is placed— PHONOLOGY. 3 a. Over the e when it has the sound of a in dare: très-, père ; b. Over the a in ^VJ, deçà, au-delà, voilà; c. Over the vowel in the following words, to distinguish them from their homonyms :— à to çà here là there a has 1 où where ça /^z> 1 dès Jg'ftfl la the | 1 o u GRAMMAR. le point d'exclamation les points suspensifs ia parenthèse les guillemets point of exclamation points of suspension parenthesis inverted commas 1'accolade brackets I V . General R e m a r k s on Pronunciation. 1 12.—A. Simple Vowels. A is mute in août, aoriste, curaçao, St. Lao?i, Saône, taon, toast, saoul (often spelt soûl). E is mute in Caen, in the Past Part., and in the Prêt. Def. of avoir, feus, tu eus, &c. K sounds like a in femme, hennir, indemnité, solennel, solennité, and in all adverbs ending in emment : prudemment, nêgligemmeîit. I is mute in moigfion, oignon, poignard, poignée. O is mute in faon, faonner, Laon, paon, paonne. U (generally mute in the syllables gue, gui, que; guise, figues) is sounded in aiguille, aiguiser, inexti7iguible, lingtiiste, arguer, linguistique, ambiguïté, de Guise.—In the word lingual, the u is pronounced ou. 13.—B. Combined Vowels. A i , ei (generally — a in dare; mais, peine) sounds é in j'ai, je sais, tu sais, il sait, nous faisons, je faisais (and in all forms derived from faisais), je donnai, tlike 1 T h e object of this paragraph is not to give a complete treatise on French Pronunciation, but only to point out special cases which deviate from the general -ule.' PHONOLOGY. 7 je donnerai (ai = e in all the ist Pers. Sing, of the Prêt Def. and of the Fut.). A y sounds like aï in Bayo?ine, Cayenne, Lafayette, Mayence. E u is pronounced like French u in the Past Part, and the Prêt. Def. of avoir: eu, feus, &c, and in the word gageure (wager). O e is sounded like oi (Eng. oa) in moelle, moelleux; moellon, poêle. Oi is sounded like ais in roide, roidement, roideurf roidir. 14.—C. Nasal Sounds. E n , E m , 1 as prefixes retain the nasal sound : enivrer (ang-ne-vray), emmener (angm-nay), encore, ennoblir. E n in proper names is pronounced like in : Européen, Vendkn, Mentor, Marengo. l e n sounds like ian in the middle of words : oriental, patienter, audience. l e n sounds like iain at the end of words and in the tenses oî venir and tenir ; bien; il vient (but Le duc cPEnghiens=- angain). U r n is pronounced omme : album, pensum. M is mute before n : automne, condamner. Except in amnistie, automnal, calomnie, gymnase, hymne, insomnie. N is mute in monsieur. 15.—D. Liquid Sounds. L is mute in proper names before d and t: Arnault, 1 There is no nasal sound in words taken from other languages : A braham, Jerusalem), requiem, Sent, septemvir, amen, Eden, hymen ; except quidam and Adam. 8 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Larochefoucauld; and in baril, chenil, coutil, fils ( = fisse), fusil, gentil, gentilshommes, gril, outil, persil, pouls, soûl, sourcil (the / of Soult is heard). Li preceded by / has generally the liquid sound : péril, fille.1 Exc. L has the sound of Engl. / in Achille, civil, distiller, il, Us, Lille, mil, mille, osciller, poil, pupille, pusillanime, scintiller, subtil, tranquille, vaciller, village, ville,1 viril. N. B. Avril and cil are pronounced either with the liquid sound (Acad.) or = avrile, cile. , G n has generally the liquid sound : gagner (ga-nyay) ; yet the g and n are pronounced separately in ag-nat, i°-né, inexpug-nable, stag-nant, stag-nation. x6.—E. Consonants. B is mute in Doubs and plomb, but sounded in proper names : Jacob, Joab, Job, Oreb, and in nabob, C final is mute whenever it is preceded by a consonant : clerc, banc, franc, marc (but sounded in the proper name Marc), and in the following words : almanac, broc, caoutchouc, les échecs (but sounded in échec = check, repulse), escroc, estomac, lacs (when it means string, snare; in lac, lacs — lake, the c is heard), tabac. C takes the sound of g in drachme, second, seconder, and their derivatives. C h sounds like k whenever it is followed by a consonant : Christ, and in Achab, Anacharsis, archange, catéchumène, Cham, Chanaan, Chersonese, chœur, choléra, choriste, écho, Machiavel, Machabée, M.ichel-Ange, orchestre. — Yacht is pronounced iaque. D is heard in Alfred, Cid, David, Joad, Madrid, Sud. 1 The reason for the difference of pronunciation in such words ^.s fille and ville is to be found in the Latin : fil-i-a and vill~a. PHONOLOGY, 9 F is mute in cerf, clef êteuf un œuf dur, un œuf frais, les œufs, les bœufs, les nerfs, chef-d'œuvre, un nerf de bœuf F is pronounced in un bœuf, œuf chef nerf serf, les serfs. O n neuf: see § 244, Note. G fma] is generally not heard {foing, faubourg), yet it is sounded in bourgmestre, joitg, zigzag, and in proper names : Canning, Guttenberg (in Wurtemberg, g is not heard). G is also mute in Regnard, Regnaud, doigt, legs, signet, vingt. Ongn: see § 15. H is aspirated in a small number of words, of which the following are those most in use : habler, hâbleur, hache, hagard, haie, haine, haineux, haïr, haire^ hâler, haleter, halle, halo, halte, hamac, hameau, hanche, hangar, hanneton, Hanovre, hanter, haquet, harangue, haranguer, harasser, harceler, hardes, hardi, hareng, hargneuxy haricot, haridelle, harnais, harpagon, harpe, harpie, hart, hasard, hâter, haubergeon, haubert, hausse, haut, hautam, hautbois, haute-contre, hautesse, hauteur, heaume, hennir, Henri,1 héraut, hère, hérisser, héron, héros,2 herse, hêtre, heurter, hibou, hideux, hiérarchie, hisser, hobereau, hocher, hochet, Hollande,1 homard, Hongrie?- honte, hoquet, horde, hors, hors-d'œuvre, houblon, houe, houille, houlette, hourra, houssard, houx, huguenot, huit, huitaine, huppe, hure, huiler, hutte. P final is mute except in cap, ci'oup, hanap. P is mute also in baptême, baptiser, Baptiste, compte, compter, dompter, exempt, prompt, sculpter, sculpteur, sculp ture, sept, septième, temps. Q u is generally pronounced like k : quand. 1 T h e h of Henri, Hollande, and Hongrie, is generally mute in conversational language {de la toile d'Hollande ; du vin d'Hongrie) : h is always mute in Henriette. 2 All the derivatives of 'héros begin with an k mute : Y heroine, Vhéroïsmet kérofyue, &c. IO FRENCH GRAMMAR. Q u has the sound of cu when the u is followed by e or / .• équestre, equitation. Q u is sounded like cou when the u is followed by a : quaker, équateur. Q is mute in coq d'Inde. On cinq : see § 244, Note. R is mute in Angers, monsieur, messieurs (it is sounded in sieur), Poitiers, volontiers, and in all verbs terminating in er : se fier, parler. Exe. amer, cancer, cher, cuiller, enfer, êther, fer, fier (adj.), frater, gaster, hier, hiver, magister, mer, pater, ver, Lucifer, Abner, Jupiter, and other proper names. S is pronounced like z in Alsace, Asdrubal, balsamique, intransitif transaction, transiger, transit, transitif and whenever it stands between two vowels {maison, rose), except desuetude, monosyllabe, parasol, polysyllabe, préséance, présupposer, vraisemblable, gésir, gisons, gisez, gisent, gisais, &c. (in gisant, s is pronounced like z). S is mute at the end of words : bois, bras, les os, except aloes, as, atlas, blocus, bis, chorus, fils, hélas, jadis, iris, laps, maïs, mars, mœurs, Pos, ours, prospectus, rébus, vasistas, vis ; Clovis, Ge?ilis, Rubens, and other proper names (in Judas and Thomas, s is mute). Although s is sounded in lis, se7is, and le Christ, it is mute in fleur de lis, sens commwi, Jésus- Christ, and Antéchrist. S is mute in Duguesclin, Dumesnil, Descartes, Despréaux, Dufresne. S is mute in tous when this word is used adjectively {tous les élèves sont venus), but s is sounded when tous is used substantively {tous ne sont pas venus). T final (generally mute) is pronounced in accessit, PHONOLOGY. il alphabet, apt, Brest, brut, but, chut, deficit, dot, knout, mat, Nazareth, net, Pouest, preterit, subit, toast, vivat, entre le zist et le zest. Ct are both sounded in abject, co?itact, correct, direct, exact, infect, strict, tact, verdict. C t are both mute (or c alone is pronounced) in aspect, circonspect, distinct, indistinct, instinct, respect, suspect. T h is mute in asthme (pronounced asm). T i is pronounced like si: (i) in balbutier (nous balbutions = sions), differentia, minutie, initier, insatiable, patient, satiété, Spartiate; (2) in Nouns and Adjectives ending in tial, tiel, tieux, tion,1 tins, tium; atie, étie, eptie, ertie; martial, essentiel, prophétie, Grotius, action. On the pronunciation of t in sept, huit, and vingt, see § 244, Note. X is generally pronounced like ks : Alexandre, axe. X is pronounced like k in words beginning with exec, exci : exciter, exception. X is sounded like gs : (1) in the syllables ex or inex when they are followed by a vowel or an h mute : exact, examen, inexorable ; (2) when it is the first letter of a foreign word : Xénophon. X has the sound of ss in soixante, Bruxelles, Auxerre. X has the sound of z in deuxième, dixième, sixième, sixain, dix-huit, dix-neuf. X final (generally mute : voix, paix) is heard in index, larynx, phénix, prefix, sphinx. On the pronunciation of six and dix, see § 244, Note. 1 Ti retainsits natural sound (1) in verbs (except those mentioned above), .twin portions ; (2) in words the t of which is preceded by s, t, or x : bestial^ Attius* 12 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Z final (generally mute : nez) is sounded in gaz} Cortez, Metz (pronounced Mêee), Retz, Suez. 17.—V. Division of W o r d s into Syllables. A. When a consonant stands between two vowels, it generally begins a syllable : gê-nê-ro-si~tê ; i-nu-ti-le; appel-le. B. A vowel may begin a syllable when it is preceded by another vowel : fac-ti-on ; re-mu-er. C. When two consonants stand between two vowels, they belong to different syllables : fer-mer, gar-der, es-fi'eran-ce: as-su-rer. Exc. The following combinations of consonants are never separated, even when they are preceded by one or several consonants :— (1) gn, ch, ph, th : a-gneau,1 mou-che, pro-phe-te. (2) (b-, c-, g-, p-,) I' ' sa-ble, dê-das-ser, ag-glo-mk-rer. (3) (^-5 c-i d-> £S f~i £'•> t~9 v-) r •' mar-bre, en-cre, a-dresser, a-gro-no-me) of-frir, cons-trui-re, d'e-trom-per, ou-vra-ble. 18.—-VI. J u n c t i o n of W o r d s . General Rule.—In order to prevent an hiatus•, the final (and generally mute) consonant of a word is sounded with the initial vowel of the following word, when these two words are intimately connected, as in the case of Articles, Adjectives, and Pronouns followed by their Substantives, or Adverbs followed by the Verb or the 1 When gv has not the liquid sound, the two letters are separated : ig-nê. ag-nat, PHONOLOGY. 13 Adjective which they qualify : lesjenfants, de vains ^ornements, très intéressant, ils sontjxrriv'es. 19.—Special Rides. (1) At the end of the first word— s and x are sounded like z : deuxjtmis; c and g are sounded like k : longjsnnui ; dis pronounced like t: grandJiornme; / ( i n neuf) is pronounced like v : neuf\jnfants. (2) Final n loses its nasal sound generally in bien, en, and in Adjectives and Pronouns, but only when they are intimately connected, by the sense, with the following word : en^Angleterre, mo?ijami, bienjblevê, onjentend. But such combinations as the following would be read without any junction ; son Men \ est considerable ; parlez-en \ à votre pere ; Fa-t-on \ avertit (3) F i n a l / is heard only in trop and beaucoup: à est trop aimable (but un coup \ inattendu). (4) Final r of words in ier and of Infinitives in ery is not always sounded in familiar conversation : le premier I homme ; aller \ au théâtre. (5) Final s or t after r are generally mute : F univers I entier ; vous avez tort \ aussi ; les cerfs \ et les daims. N. B. T h e plural arcs-en-ciel arc-en-ciel. is pronounced like the singular : (6) The t of the Conjunction et is never sounded : un vieillard et | un mfant. Rem. One calls cuir the mistake made especially by children and uneducated people in connecting two words by s or t where there should be no connection at all, if e.g. il a été ici is pronounced : il a-z-êtêici, ox peu a peu, peu-t-a peu. For the sake of euphony, the cuir has, in one expression, become the rule : entre quatre, yeux, which must be pronounced entre quatrez-yeiix. H FRENCH GRAMMAR, V I I . U s e of Capital L e t t e r s . 20.—-Contrary to English usage, Capital Beginning Letters are not used in French : (1) in the names of the Months : mai, juin, en mars ; (2) in the names of the Days of the Week : lundi, mardi; (3) in Adjectives derived from the names of Nations or Sects : tin livre français ; un livre catholique; (4) in the word Dieu when used as a common noun and speaking of the ancient heathen divinities : Les dieux des Grecs et des Romains ; (5) in the word je, I. Rem. Distinguish between VEtat, VÉglise, and l'état des choses : être en Hat de,.. ; une église. PART SECOND.—MORPHOLOGY. A. ACCIDENCE CHAPTER PROPER. I.—VERBS /VERBES). I . D i v i s i o n of V e r b s . 1 2i.—Each verb consists of two parts, viz. the Root (pari-), and the Termination (-er), which implies a difference of person, number, and tense. 22.—To conjugate means to change the terminations of the Infinitive of a verb in its various tenses whilst the root, which contains the real meaning, remains i?wariable; thus : je parl-e ; jeparl-ai ; je parl-er-ai. 23.—As regards their form, all French verbs may be divided into two great classes : A. The Weak, or regular Verbs. B. The Strong, or so-called irregular Verbs. 1 See Reasons, & c , § 279 16 FRENCH GRAMMAR. II. Voices. 24.—There are two Voices : A. The Active Voice B. The Passive Voice je loue, I praise. je suis loué, I am praised. III. Moods. 25.—There are four Moods : A. B. C. D. The Indicative The Subjunctive The Imperative The Conditional . je loue, /praise. que je loue, may I praise. loue, praise (thou). je louerais, I would praise, IV. Infinitives. 26.—We distinguish : A. The Infinitive Prese?it B. The Infinitive Past louer, to praise. avoir loué, to have praised. V. Participles. 27.'—There are two Participles : A. Part. Present (or Active) : B. Part. Past (or Passive) : louant, praising. loué, praised. VERBS. 17 VI. Persons and Numbers. 28.—We have to distinguish— A. The Singular with three persons : / (1) je (2) tu (3) il, elle thou he, she, it B. The Plural with three persons : (1) nous (2) vous (3) ils, elles VII. you they Tenses. 29.—The various Tenses of a verb are either siniple or compound :— Simple Tenses; 1. Present 2. Preterite 3. Imperfect 4. Future 5. Conditional Présent Passé Défini Imparfait Future Simple Conditionnel Présent _/V /0^-e y eu j ' avais } had. eu, ^eue 1 ! 2. Imperative. I I . P r è s . I n d . 1 i. Près. Subj. 7" have. j ' ai tu as il a n avons v. avez ils o n t 1 I should have. j ' aurais tu aurais il aurait n. aurions v. auriez ils auraient See Reasons, § 318 i VERBS. 32.— 19 B. Être, to be. I. Infinitive. to be.1 être1 I L P r è s . Ind. I je tu il n. v. ils am. suis es est sommes êtes 2 sont 3 1. Future. 1 je tu il n. v. ils shall be. serai seras sera serons serez seront 1. Près. Subj. that I may be. que je sois que tu sois qu' il soit que n. soyons que v. soyez qu'ils soient 2. Conditional. / should be. je serais tu serais il serait n. serions v. seriez ils seraient 2. Imperative. be, let us be. sois soit soyons soyez qu'ils soient qu'il I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt Def. Subj. Ind. /was. je fus tu fus il fut n. fûmes v. fûtes ils furent that I might be. que je fusse que tu fusses qu* il fût que n. fussions que v. fussiez qu'ils fussent I V . P r è s . Part. 1. Imperfect. being. étant 3' tu il n. v. ils I was. étais étais était étions étiez étaient V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. been été 1 See Reasons, § 331. I have been, etc. j'ai ) , , j'eus > ete j'avais ) z See ibid., § 305. 3 See ibid., § 306 C 2 FRENCH 20 GRAMMAR. 33.—We now give the first person of all the Compound Tenses of Avoir and Etre,:— 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Prêt. Indef. Indie. Prêt Indef. Subj. que j'aie Prêt, An ter. Indie. eus Prêt. Anter. Subj. que j : eusse eu Imperfect j 'avais \ or / a u r a i été Future Perfect Conditional Past j'aurais! Infinitive Past avoir I Participle Past ayant/ I have had that I may have had I had had that I might have had I had had I shall have had I should have had to have had having had {or been) (or been) {ox been) {ox been) {ox been) {ox been) {ox been) (or been) (or/--—' I X . Conjugations of W e a k and Strong V e r b s . I. Weak or Regular Verbs. A. Division of the Weak Verbs.x 34.—These verbs are divided into Three Conjugations, according to the terminations of the Infinitive— I. - er parl-ex ( bannAx II. - ir \ sentAx III. - re : vend-xe to speak to banish to feel to sell B. Derivation of Tenses. 35.—There are five Tenses of each verb, from which all the other Tenses may be derived.A The latter, therefore, are called Derived Tenses, whilst the former are known by the name of Principal or Primitive Tenses, they are the following :— I. II. III. IV. V. The The The The The Infinitive Present Indicative Preterite Definite Present Participle Past Participle y pari-ex jeparl-e je parl-zX parl-ant parl-é For Tenses derived, see following page. 1 See Reasons, &c , §§279 and 283. 36.—TABLE OF DERIVATION OF THE TENSES. Derived Principal Tenses, I. Infinitive. j 1 i. doun-QT ii. bann-it mvend-re II. Present Indicative. i. je donn-Q liisdonn-QTot 1 1 H. je bann i-s 3 tlsbann-iss-Qnt III. Prêt. Def. L "• je donn-&i J tu donn-&S # je m. vends Usvend-Qnt Indicative. . m je bann-is tu bann-is je tu vend-is vend-is j i. The Future. By adding . bnz*?, dovLze, and onzième, douzième). T h e s of the 2nd person singular of verbs of the 1st conjugation is dropped. ^ _ In the Près. (Ind. and Subj.), Imperat., Près. P a r t i e , and Imperf., inchoative verbs of the 2nd conjugation insert between the root and the various terminations (see ^ 37) iss before a vj/ivel, and only i before a consonant (see § 39). to "* "- FRENCH 22 GRAMMAR. 37.—C. TERMINATIONS OF THE WEAK AND STRONG CONJUGATIONS. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. 1. 11. i n . Derived Tenses. \ 1. Future. 2. Conditional. ir re (oir) II. Près. Ind. 1. 11. 11. m. v er 1. . J m. s 11. ai as a ons ez ont m. ais ais ait ions iez aient 1. Près. Subj. 1. v e es e 1. Y x 11. m. y 2. Imperative. ' - s s s t —(/) ons ez ent \ e es e ions iez ent 1. 11. J — s e ons ez e in. 1 s \ ent I I I I . P r ê t . Def. I n d . 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. 1. ai as a âmes âtes erent 11. is is it îmes îtes irent m. is1 is it îmes îtes irent IV. P r è s . P a r t . I. v. TI. _^. III. / -y- I. asse asses ât assions assiez assent IL isse isses ît issions issiez issent 1. Imperfect. 1. v _ — 11. v ais ais ait ions iez aient ant V. Past Part. 1. n. IJJ. ê i u III. isse isses ît issions issiez issent ni / 2. Près. Ind. 1, 2, and 3 p. pi. I. 11. in. V , ^ „_ "Y / ons ez \ \ ent 1 1. Comp. Tenses, 2. Pass. Voice. VERBS. 38.—D> T H E T H R E E W E A K CONJUGATIONS. 1, Model of the First Conjugation— Parler, to speak. Principal Tenses. Derived Tenses. I. Infinitive. 1 1. Future, 2. Conditional. to speak. I shall speak. je parl-er-tfz' tu parl-er-aj il parl-er-tf n. Tparl-er-ons v. parl-er- -p&rl-er-ait parl-er-wttj parl-er-zks parl-er-aient j i 2. Imperative. speak, let us speak* — parWx qu'il p a r W parl-^w parl-^sr qu'ils ip&xl.ent I I I . P r ê t . Def. î. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. / spoke je parl-#z tu parl-tfjil parl-arl-4 êe I have, had, etc., spoken. j'ai j'eus > pari-/ j'avais ) 2. Près. Ind. we speak, etc. — — — n. -pavl-ons v. parl- pari-/ était ) , ' FRENCH 24 GRAMMAR. 39.—2. Model of t> Second Conjugation—A. Inchoative., he Foi-m—Bannir,1/# banish. \ Principal Tenses. Derived Tenses. I. Infinitive. ( i. Future. 2. Conditional. to banish. bann-z> II. P r è s . Ind. je tu il (n. (v. (ils / banish bann-z'-j bann-i-j bann-i-tf bann-iss-# ils bann-iss aient we banish, etc. je tu ! il n. v. ils • V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. 1 banished bann-/, ie I have, j'ai j'eus j'avais ! — — — I n. bann-iss-0«j" v. bann-iss-^ ils bann-iss-^?/ , 2. Pass. Voice. I am, was, etc, b. had, etc., b. ) je suis J i je fus > bann-/, te > bann-z ) j'étais ) VERBS. 25 40.—B. Simple Form—Sentir,1 to feel. Principal Tenses. Derived Tenses. I. Infinitive. | 1. Future. 1 2. Conditional. to feel. sent-zr | | 1 ! II. P r è s . Ind. I feel. 1 1 1 je sen-s tu sen-j il sent(n. sent-^^j") (v. sentes) (ils sent-ent) I shall feel. je sent-ir-tf* tu sent-ir-«jil sent-ir-a n. sent-ir-ons v. sent-ir-^ ils sent-ir-tfTZj* i. Près. Subj. that I que j e que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils I should feel. je sent-ir-^z> tu sent-ir-ais il sent-ir-ait n. sent-ir-z'^;zj v. sent-ir-zJW sent-z? sent-issions sent-issiez sent-issent i. Imperfect. I was feeling. je sent-ais tu sent-tfz'.? il sent-tfzV n. sent-ions v. sent-z^ ils sent-aient feeling, sent-ant ! V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. j. felt I have, had, etc., felt. \ sent-z, te ! 1 1 ai j' ) j eus > sent-z j'avais ) 2. Près. Ind. we feel, you feel. etc. n . sent-0/z.f v. sent-^z i]s s e n t - ^ 2. Pass. Voice. It is, was, etc., felt. il est ) il fut > sent-z il était ) On sentir, see Reasons and Illustrations, § 314. 26 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 41.—Conjugate in the same manner not only m e n t i r , to lie, and s e repentir, to repent, but also— Près, Ind . Prêt. Près. Past De/... Part.. Part... Près. Ind... Prêt. Près. Past Ind... Pari.. Part.. dorm-zr, to sleep je dor- s, tu dor-s, il dor-/ je n. dorm-ons, -ez, -ent n. j e dornw> je dorm-#?z/ dorm- i serv-zV,2 to serve je ser-j, tu ser-j-, il ser-/ n. sçrv-ons, -ez, -ent j e serv-is SQW-ant serv-/ pari-z>, z to set out par-J, tu-par-j, il part -paxt-ons, -ez, -ent part-Âr part-ant part-/ sort-/r, 3 to go out je sors, tu sor-j-, il sortn. sort- j e cueilW, tu cueill-£r, il cueilW n. cueill-onst v. cueill-«?, ils cueilW;^ je cueill-zj. Prêt. Def. Subj. que je cueill-ww tu cueill-w que tu cueill-m^r il cueill-zV qu' il cueill-# n. cueill-éWj que n. cueill-isswns v. ci\eill-$tes que v. cueiU-zssùz ils ciiQill-irent qu* ils cxxeill-zssent cueill-ant cueilW 46.—(4) Bouillir, to boil,2 is anomalous in the Present Indicative and the tenses derived from it : — 1 S a i l l i r is conjugated like bannir when it means to gusli forth. T h e only forms in general use are the 3rd Pers Sing Près, il saillit, Prêt. Def il saillit, Imperf il saillissait ; Int. il saillira, Cond. il saillirait, Près. Part, saillissant, Past Part, sailli. If saillir is used in the sense of to project, it has only the following forms : ilsaille, ils saillent ; il aillait ; il saillera; qu'il saille. 2 Used as a transitive verb, i.e followed by a direct object, b o u i l l i r must be preceded by the various tenses of faire : ye ferai bouillir quelqttes pommes de terre, I shall boil some potatoes; Il fit bouillir la viande, H e boiled the meat. 23 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Infin bouill-zV. Fut. bouill-ir-<22. Condit. bouilï-ir-#*j je bou-j, tu bou-j, il boiW. n. houill-ons, v. bouilWz, ils bouill- &c. Près. Part.. îvcy-ant Past Pari... fu-z — vët-s vët-ons vët-ez je vët-ù, tuvët-ù, il vêt-/V n. vët-imeSf v. vêt-&f/, ils vët-zrent que je vët-isse, -uses, -ît, &c. vët-ant 1 vët-u 1 Like f u i r is conjugated the verb s'enfuir» to run away. The en is never separated from fuir, as it is the case in s'en aller, thus : je m'enfuis, tu t'enfuis^ H s'eitfuii ; je me suis enfui ; je m'étais enfui, &c. VERBS. 4 8 . - 3 . Model of the Third 29 Conjugation—Vendre, /tf ^ vend-r-ait yend-r-ions vend-r-z£? vend-x-aient i. Près. Subj. 2. Imperative. that I que je que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils sell, let us sell. vend- s qu'il vend-*? vend-ons vend- vend-// vend-îmes vend-ites vend-irent I V . P r è s . Part. ^//m^. vend-tf?z/ that I might sell. que je vend-m* que tu vend-zjjvfj" qu' il vend-# que n. vend-issions que v. vend-istiez qu' ils vend-issent i. Imperfect. I was selling. j e vend-ais tu vend-ais il vend-tfzV n. vend-ions v. vend-iez ils vend-aient V . P a s t Part. i. Comp. Tenses. sold. vend-u, -#* /have, had, etc., sold. j'ai J j'eus V vend-^ j'avais } j 2. Près. Ind. ' we sell, etc. — __ n. vend-ons v. vend-tfz ils vend-ent | j j 2. Pass. Voice. I am, was, etc., sold, je suis ) je fus > vend-u, -ue\ j ' étais ) FRENCH 30 GRAMMAR. 49.—The Compound Tenses of parler, bannir, sentir, and vendre:— i. Prêt. Indef. Indie. 2. Prêt. Indef. Subj. 3 Prêt. Ant. Indie. 4- Prêt. Ant. Subj. 56. 7. 8. 9- Pluperfect Future Perfect Conditional Past Infinitive Past Participle Past j'ai que f aie feus que j'eusse j'avais j'aurai f aurais avoir ayant parl-é bann-i ' sent-i vend-M / have spoken, &c. That I may have spoken I had spoken, &c. That I might have spoken I had spoken, &c. / shall have spoken I should have spoken To have spoken Having spoken Note.—For the three English forms of the Present Indicative and of the Imperfect I speak, I am speaking, I do speak ; and I spoke, I was speaking, 1 did speak, there is only one form in French : je parte and je parlais. E. Peculiarities of the Weak Verbs. FIRST CONJUGATION. 50.—Verbs in - g e r insert e before a and 0, Verbs in -cer take a cedilla under the c before a and 0x :— Present Indie. je tu il n. v. ils mang-2 qu' ils possèd- il posséd-er-^V, etc. 53.—Verbs in eler and eter (appeler, jeter) double the / or the t whenever the e .of the following syllable becomes mute :— 3* FRENCH GRAMMAR. Près. Ind. j ' appelle tu a p p e l l e il a p p e l l e n. appel-^j" v appela ils a p p e l l - ^ Près. Subj. quej' appelle que tu a p p e l l e qu' il appelW que n. appeW tu appell-er-az.5 il appell-er-tf# Près. Ind. je jett-, etc. . Près. Subj. • que j ' a c h è t e que tu a c h è t e qu' il achèt-*? que n. achet-ions que v. achet-iez qu' ils a.chet-ent Imperative. — achète qu'il achèt-*? achet-*w.r achet-*?2 qu'ils Sichet-ent Conditional. j 5 achèt-er-*m tu achet-er-ais, etc. Près. Subj. que je feuillet-*? que tu feuillet-*?.? qu' il feuillet-*? que n. feuillet-*?^ que v. feuillet-*?.? qu' ils feuillet-*?^ Imperative. — feuillet-*? qu'il feuillet-*? feuillet- especially used with verbs of only one syllable in the ist Pers. Sing, of the Près. I n d i e , eg : Est-ce que je perds ; est-ce qzie je rends ? Except. Ai-je, dû je, dois-je,jaisje, puis-je, sais-je, suis-je„vais-je, vois-je? 2 The same rule applies to ne. . . . point, ne... . jamais^ . . . ne rien, tu . . . . plus. FRENCH GRAMMAR. 38 76.—Before an Infinitive, ne . . . . pas, ne... . plus, ne . . . . poi?it, ne... . jamais, are generally not separated :— / / a tort de ne pas écrire ; elle se tut pour ne plus Virriter ; fcûî also : je regrette de VL avoir pas écrit. 77.—When the Negative no or not any is followed by a noun, the noun must be preceded by the preposition de:— Il n'a pas ^argent Elle n'a pas de parents Ils n'ont jamais eu de courage He has no money She has no parents They never had any courage 78.—Inte7-rogatively and Negatively. We have to form first an interrogation (see § § 7 1 and 72), and then place ne before the Verb, and pas, point, &c, after the pronoun :— Ai-je As-tu-été N'ai-j e pas Have I? Hast thou been ? N'as-tu pas été Pleure-t-il Does he weep ? Avons-nous ou- Have we forgotblié ten ? Ne pleure-t-il pas N'avons-nous pas oublié Have I not ? Hast thou not been ? Does he not Have we not forgotten ? 79.—Periphrastic fnterrogation :Est-ce que je n ai pas ? Est-ce qu'il ite vend pas ? Est-ce que tu n'as pas été? Est-ce que vous n'aviez pas fair ? VERBS. 80.—• 39 G, Passive Voice, E t r e l o u é , to be praised. Indicative. Subjunctive. je tu il n. v. ils / am praised. suis loué 1 es loué est loué sommes loués êtes loués sont loués je tu il n. I was praised. fus loué fus loué fut loué fûmes loués, &c, That que que qu' que que qu' PRETER. PRETER. / have been praised. j ' ai été loué tu as été loué il a été loué n. avons été loués, &c. PRETER. / had been praised. j ' eus été loué tu eus été loué il eut été loué n. eûmes été- loués, &c. I may be praised. je sois loué lu sois loué il soit loué n. soyons loués v. soyez loués ils soient loués DEF1N. That I might be praised. que je fusse loué que tu fusses loué qu 'il fût loué que n. fussions loués, &z INDEF. That I may have been praised. que j ' aie été loué que tu aies été loué qu' il ait été loué que n. ayons été loués, &c. ANTER. That I que que qu' que might have been praised. j ' eusse été loué tu eusses été loué il eût été loué n. eussions été loués, &c. x All Past Participles conjugated with être agree in number and gender with the subject of the sentence ; thus : tu es louée. If the person addressed be a lady; elle est louée; elles étaietit louées: she is being praised; they were praised. FRENCH 40 GRAMMAR. PLUPERFECT. / had been praised. j ' avais été loué tu avais été loué il avait été loué, &c. FUTURE. Simple. I je tu il n. v. Perfect. / shall have been praised. j ' aurai été loué tu auras été loué il aura été loué n. aurons été loués v. aurez été loués, &c shall be praised. serai loué seras loué sera loué serons loués serez loués, &c. CONDITIONAL. Present. Past. / should be praised. je serais loué tu serais loué il serait loué n. serions loués v. serez loués, &c. I should have been praised. f aurais été loué tu aurais été loué il aurait été loué n. aurions été loués v. auriez été loués, &c. Imperfect. Imperative. j' tu il n. v. I was praised. étais loué étais loué était loué étions loués étiez loués, &c. Be praised. sois loué qu'il soit loué soyons loués soyez loués qu'ils soient loués INFINITIVE. Present, être loué to be praised Past, avoir été loué to have bct praised VERBS. 4* PARTICIPLE. Present, étant loué Past, being praised ayant été loué having been praised H. Reflective Verbs. 81.—The Reflective Verbs are conjugated with être in their Compound Tenses, whilst in English, to have is used— A. Affirmatively 1 PRESENT. Indicative. Subjunctive. / deceive myself. je me trompe tu te trompes il se trompe n. nous trompons V. vous trompez ils se trompent That I may deceive myself. que je me trompe que tu te trompes qu' il se trompe que n. nous trompions que v. vous trompiez qu' ils se trompent PRETER. DEFIN. / deceived myself. je me trompai tu te trompas il se trompa n. nous trompâmes v. vous trompâtes ils se trompèrent That I might deceive myself. que je me trompasse que tu te trompasses qu' il se trompât que n, nous trompassions que v. vous trompassiez qu' ils se trompassent FRENCH 42 GRAMMAR. Imperfect. Imperative. I ivas deceiving myself. je me trompais tu te trompais il se trompait n. nous trompions v. vous trompiez ils se trompaient Deceive thyself. trompe-toi qu'il se trompe trompons-nous trompez-vous qu'ils se trompent , Future. Conditional. 7" shall deceive myself. je me tromperai tu te tromperas, &c. 1 should deceive myself je me tromperais tu te tromperais, &c. PRETER. INDE F. Indicative. / je tu il n. v. ils Subjunctive. have deceived myself. me suis trompé t' es trompé s' est trompé nous sommes trompés vous êtes trompés se sont trompés That I may have deceived myself que je me sois trompé que tu te sois trompé qu J il se soit trompé que n. nous soyons trompés que v. vous soyez trompés qu' ils se soient trompés PRETER. ANTER. Indicative. Subjunctive. I had deceived myself je me fus trompé tu te fus trompé il se fut trompé, &c. That I might have deceived myself que je me fusse trompé que tu te fusses trompé qu' il se fût trompé, &c, PLUPERFECT. je m'étais trompé tu t' étais trompé il s' était trompé / had deceived myself. Thou hadst deceived thyself. He had deceived himself VERBS. Future Anter. / shall have deceived myself je me serai trompé tu te seras trompé, &c. 43 Condit. Part. I should have deceived myself je me serais trompé tu te serais trompé, &c. INFINITIVE. se tromper Present, to deceive one self Past. s'être trompé to have deceived one self PARTICIPLE. Present, Past. se trompant deceiving one self. s'étant trompé having deceived one self B. Negatively; Près. Ind. I do not deceive myself je ne me trompe pas tu ne te trompes pas, &c. Prêt. Indef. / have not deceived myself. je ne me suis pas trompé tu ne t' es pas trompé il ne s'est pas trompé n. ne nous sommes pas trompés v. ne vous êtes pas trompés ils ne se sont pas trompés P r ê t Def. Ind. I did not deceive myself je ne me trompai pas tu ne te trompas pas, &c. Pluperfect. / had not deceived myself je ne m'étais pas trompé tu ne t'étais pas trompé il ne s'était pas trompé n. ne nous étions pas trompés v. ne vous étiez pas trompés ils ne s'étaient pas trompés Condit. Part. Future Anter. I shall not have deceived myself, / should not have deceived myself je ne me serais pas trompé je ne me serai pas trompé tu ne te serais pas trompé, &c. tu ne te seras pas trompé, &c. 44 FRENCH GRAMMAR. C. Interrogatively ; Prêt. Def. Ind. Près. Ind. Do I deceive myself? me trompé-je ? te trompes-tu ? se trompe-t-il ? nous trompons-nous ? vous trompez-vous? se trompent-ils ? Did I deceive myself? me trompai-je ? te trompas-tu ? se trompa-t-il ? nous trompâmes-nous ? vous trompâtes-vous ? se trompèrent-ils ? Prêt. Indef. Ind. Pluperfect. Have I deceived myself? me suis-je trompé ? t'es-tu trompé? s'est-il trompé? nous sommes-nous trompés ? vous êtes-vous trompés ? se sont-ils trompés ? Did I deceive myself? m' étais-je trompé ? t' étais-tu trompé ? s' était-il trompé ? nous étions-nous trompés ? vous étiez-vous trompes ? s' étaient-ils trompés ? D. Negatively and Interrogatively ; Près. Ind. Prêt. Def. Ind. Do I not deceive myself? ne me trompé-je pas ? ne te trompes-tu pas ? ne se trompe-t-il pas ? ne nous trompons-nous pas ? ne vous trompez-vous pas ? ne se trompent-ils pas ? Did I not deceive myself? ne me trompai-je pas ? ne te trompas-tu pas ? ne se trompa-t-il pas ? ne nous trompâmes-nous pas ? ne vous trompâtes-vous pas ? ne se trompèrent-ils pas ? Prêt. Indef. Ind. Have I not deceived tnyself? ne me suis-je pas trompé ? ne t'es-tu pas trompé ? ne s'est-il pas trompé ? ne nous sommes-nous pas trompés?] ne vous êtes-vous pas trompés ? ne se sont-ils pas trompés? Pluperfect. Had I not deceived myself? ne m'étais-je pas trompé ? ne t'étais-tu pas trompé ? ne s'était-il pas trompé ? ne nous étions-nous pas trompés ' ne vous étiez-vous pas trompés ? ne s'étaient-ils pas trompes ? And so on in the other tenses. VERBS. 45 82.—Ob s. A certain number of verbs are reflective in French, whilst they are not so in English ; the following are the moie important ones :—• s'apercevoir s'arrêter s'attendre à se baigner se défier se douter de s'échapper s'écouler s'écrier s'écrouler s'en aller s'endormir s'enfuir s'ennuyer s'ensuivre s'envoler s'épouvanter s'éteindre s'évanouir s'éveiller to perceive to stop to expect to bathe to distrust to suspect to escape to pass away to exclaim to fall down to leave to fall asleep to run away to be weary to follow to fly away to frighten to extinguish to faint to wither se faner se fier to trust s'impatienter to become impatient to get tired se lasser de to rise se lever se méfier to distrust se moquer to laugh at s'opiniâtrer to remain obstinate se passer to happen se passer de to dispense with se plaindre to complain se promener to ivalk about se raviser to alter one's mind se repentir to repent se reposer to repose se réveiller to awake to be silent se taire to awake I. Reciprocal Verbs. 83.—From the Reflective Verbs we have to distinguish the Reciprocal Verbs, which express that two or more subjects act not on themselves, but each on the other, e.g. Us Jentre-aident, they help each other. . Intransitive Verbs. 84.—This class of Verbs are generally conjugated with avoir in their compound tenses. 85.—As an exception to this rule, we have to notice the following, which all mark a movement or a transition from one state into a?wther; they take être;— 46 FRENCH aller arriver décéder déchoir descendre échoir éclore entrer to to to to to to to to GRAMMAR. go arrive die decay descend become due be hatched enter monter mourir naître partir îetourner sortir tomber venir Il est mort Elle était déjà partie Nous sommes arrivés Pourquoi n'y êtes - vous pas encore allés ? to ascend to die to be born to set out to return to go out to fall to come He has died She had already left We have arrived Why have you not yet gone there ? 86.—The Compounds of these Verbs—devenir, parvenir, repartir, & c , must also be conjugated with être, except contravenir, to contravene, and s u b v e n i r a, to relieve : il a subvenu à son ami, he has relieved his friend. 87.—When c o n v e n i r means to suit, it is conjugated with avoir ; when it means to agree, it takes être. 88.—Some of the Verbs named in § 85 may be used transitively, i.e. they may be followed by a direct object, and in this case they are conjugated with avoir .*— I l est monté I l a monté l'horloge Elle est sortie Il a sorti tous ses habits He has gone upstairs He has wound up the clock She has gone out He has taken cut all his clothes 89.:—The following Intransitive Verbs are conjugated with avoir when the action is to be expressed, and with être when the result of the action—i.e. the actual state or condition—is to be marked : — aborder accourir accroître ! apparaître baisser cesser changer coucher croître déborder to land to run to increase to appear to sink to cease to change to lie down to grow to overflozv décroître dégénérer demeurer descendre disparaître échapper échouer embellir empirer grandir to decrease to degenerate to remain to descend to disappear to escape to fail, founder to embellish to grow worse to grow VERBS. monter passer rajeunir to go up, ascend to pass to grow young again La rivière a débordé hier à dix heures Vous ne pouvez passer; ne voyezvous pas que la rivière est débordée Elle a bien changé pendant son séjour à Paris E n la revoyant, il me semblait qu'elle était tout-à-fait changée 47 remonter rester vieillir to go up again to remain to prow old The river overflowed yesterday at ten à clock You cannot pass ; don't you see that the river has overflowed? She has altered much during her stay in Paris In seeing her again, it seemed to me that she was completely changed 90.—Rester and demeurer = to remain, when conjugated with être. Ditto = to live ditto avoir. Ils sont restés plus de trois heures Ils ont demeuré Rome longtemps à They have remained more thaw three hours They have lived for a long time at Rome 91.—When expirer means to die, it always takes avoir ; when it is used in the sense of to expire (speaking of things) it takes avoir or être according to Rule 89 :— Le terme a expiré hier Le bail est expiré depuis longtemps The ter?n expired yestei'day The lease has been out for long time a 9 2 . — É c h a p p e r , to escape :Ce mot m'est échappé Ce mot m'a échappé This word slipped from me I did not hear that word. L. Impersonal Verbs. 93.—Impersonal or Uni-personal Verbs are used only in the 3rd Pers Sing, of their various tenses. Of frequent occurrence are the following :— FRENCH GRAMMAR. il il il il il il il il il arrive convient éclaire s'ensuit faut gèle y a ) est ) sied it it it it it it il il il il il il il il happens becomes lightens follows is necessary freezes there is, are it is becoming dégèle grêle importe neige paraît pleut tonne semblé it it it it it it it it thaws hails matters snows appears rains thunders seems 94.—Uni-personal Verbs ending in e mute are conjugated \\kt parler (see above, § 38) ; for // convient, il sied, il s'ensuit, il faut, il paraît, il pleut, see venir (§ 116), asseoir (§ 114), suivre (§ 110), falloir (§ 140), paraître (§ 120), pleuvoir (§ 141). 95.—Some tenses of il y a:— A. Affirmatively: il il il il il y y y y y a eut avait aura aurait il y a eu il y eut eu &c. &c. C. Interrogatively y y y y y y a-t-il ? eut-il ? avait-il ? aura-t-il ? aurait-il ? a-t-il eu ? B. there is, or are there was, or were there will be thei-e would be there has, ox have been had been : is (are) there ? was (were) there ? was (were) there ? will there be ? would there be ? has (have) there been ? y eut-il eu? had there been ? &c. D. Negatively: il n'y a pas there is (are) not il n'y eut pas ) there was (were) il n'y avait pas / not il n'y aura pas there will not be il n'y am ait pas there would not be il n'y a pas eu there has not been il n'y eutpas eu there hadnotbeen Interrogatively n'y a-t-il pas ? n'y eut-il pas ? n'y avait il pas ? n'y aura-t-il pas? n'y aurait-il pas ? n'y a-t-il pas eu ? and Negatively : is (are) there not ? was (were) there not? was (zvere) there not ? will there not be ? would there not be ? has (have) there not been ? n'y eut-il pas eu ? had the?'e not been ? VERBS. 49 IL Strong or so-called Irregular Verbs. 1 96.—Preliminary Remark. For the Strong Verbs, notice the following deviations from the Rules given on the Derivation of the Tenses (see § 36). (1) Exceptions to the Rule that the Picture a?id Conditional are formed by adding to the Infinitive ai and a i s respectively .•— 2 acquér-ir all-er s'asse-oir cour-ir cueill-ir déch-oir dev-oir éch-oir fai-re fall-oir mourr-ir pouv-oir recev-oir sav-oir sé-oir ten-ir ven-ir val-oir v-oir voul-oir to acquire to go to sit down to run to gather to decline to owe to expire to do to be necessary to die to be able to receive to know to become to hold to come to be worth to see to desire acquerr-ai) au ir-ai, ais assiér-ai, ais courr-ai, ais cueiller-ai, ais décherr-ai, ais devr-ai, ais écherr-a, ait fer-ai, ais faudr-a, ait mourr-ai, ais fiotirr-ai) ais recevr-ai, ais saur-ai, ais siér-a, ait tiendr-ai, ais viendr-ai, ais vaudr-ai, ais ve7'r-ai> ais voudr-ai, ais (2) Exceptions to the Rule that the 1st, 2nd, and $rd Pers. Plur. of the Près. Indie, are formed from the Près, Part. .— Infin. Près. Part. Present Indicative. 1 st Pers. av-oir déch-oir 1 ay-ant — See Reasons, & c , § 319. avjgjmdéchoyons 2nd Pers. avez, déchoyez 2 3rd Pers. ont ^ ^déchoient See Reasons, & c , § 313. E 5o FRENCH GRAMMAR. di-re et-re fai-re redi-re sav-oir dis-ant êt-ant fais-ant redis-ant sach-ant sommes — — savons dites* êtes faites* redites savez sont font savei (3) Exceptions to the Rule that the 1st. Pers. Sing, of the Près. Subj. is formed from the 3rd Pers. Plur. of the Près. Ind. :— all-er fai-re pouv-oir sav-oir val-oir voul-oir vont2 font peuvent savent valent veulent q. faille q. je q. je q. je q. je q. je fasse puisse sache vaille veuille General Rule for the derivation of the 1st and 2nd Pers. Plur. of the Près. Subj. of the Strong Verbs : these two Persons are derived from the 1st and 2nd Pers. Plur. of the Près. Indie, by changing - o n s aitd - e z into -ions and -iez. Four Verbs only are exceptions to this rule :— Près. Ind. disons dites Infin. di-re Près. Su disiez fai-re faisons faites fassions fassiez pouv-oir pouvons pouvez puissions puissiez sav-oir savons savez .sachions sachiez 1 8 See Reasons, & c , § 305, and note to § 307» See Reasons, & c , § 318. VERBS. 5r 97.—a. Verbs in er : (1) Aller, 1 to go. Derived Tenses. 1. Future. 2. Conditional. Principal Tenses. Infinitive. all-er II. Près. Ind. je tu il 11. v. ils 1 vai-j" va-j vaaVt-ons all-^s v-ont 3 j' tu il n. v. ils ix-ai2 ix-as ix-a ix-ons ix-ez ix-ont i. Près. Subj. quej' que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils ailW aill-^r aill-^ all-ions all-iez aill-ent j' tu il n. v. ils ir-tf/r ix-ais ir-«# ix-ions ir-zVs ix-aient 2. Imperative. — va qu'il aill-^ all-ons all-ez qu'ils, aill-ent I I I . P r ê t . Def. i. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. j' tu il n. v. ils all-ai all-as all-# ail-âmes all-âtes all-èrent V . P r è s . Part. all-ant que que qu' que que qu' j' tu il n. v. ils all-asse all-assez all-a/ all-assions all-assiez sll-assent i. Imperfect. j ' all-0& tu all-aw il all-ait n. a l l - ^ ^ j v. all-iez ils all-#z>;z/ 2. P r è s . I n d . — — all-ons alW;s j — V . P a s t Part. i. Comp. Tenses. all-/, êe je suis all-/, / tu condui-r-#z>, &c. 2. Imperative. ï. Près. Subj. que je conduis-*? que tu conduis-^ condui-J qu' il conduis-*? qu'il conduis-*? que n. condxùs-ions, conduis-tf/w, &c, &c. I I I . P r ê t . Def. ï. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. que je conduis-z,M $rdp.plur. n. conduis-ons v. conduis-^ ils conduis-ent 2. Pass. Voice. je suis cond-uit, e Nuire, to hurt, is conjugated like conduire, but it has in the Past Part, nui, of which there is no feminine. Luire, to shine, has also in the Past Part, lui ; there is no Prêt. Def. of this verb. The following Verbs and their Compounds are in all their tenses conjugated like conduire :— induire introduire produire réduire séduire traduire to induce to introduce to produce to reduce to seduce to translate i Com\L Rounds i( of Lat. j ducere \ construire détruire instruire cuire to construct to destroy to instruct Ç Com1 pounds i of Lat. struere tocoo&(co(\uete) ( 56 FRENCH GRAMMAR. ioi.—(2) Confire, to preserve. 1 Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. confi-;r 1 II. Près. Ind. je tu il n. v. ils confW confw confW confis- 1 tu conf-z> il conf-zV n. conf-^^y v. ç.OYiî-îtes ils conî-irenl I V . Près. Part. confis-^;^ V. Past Part. conf-z/, e Derived Tenses. je tu il n. 1. Future. confi-r-^z confi-r-^j confi-r-# conû-r-ons, &c. 1. Près. Subj. que je confis-*? que t u confis-^ qu' il confis-^ que n. confis-z'0/w que v. confis-zVz qu' ils conns-*?;?/ 2. je tu il n. Conditional. confi-r-#z.r cortfi-r-ais confi-r-<2zV c o n f i - r - ^ ^ &c. 2. Imperative. — confi-i" qu'il confis-^ confis-ons confis-^ qu'ils c o n f i s - ^ 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' j e conf-Âw tu conf-isses il conf-# n. conî-issions v. conî-issiez ils zonî-issent 1. Imperfect. je tu il n. confis-tfzV confis-^V confis-#z/ conûs-tons, &c. 1. Comp. Tenses. j'ai conf-z/ 2. Près. Ind. 1st, ind, &i)rdp.plur. n. conûs-ons v. confis-^ ils confis* ent 2. Pass. Voice. il est conf-zV Conjugate in the same manner suffire, to suffice, with the exception of the Past Part, suffi, of which there is no feminine. VERBS. 5? 102.—(3) * C o u d f e , to sew. Principal Tenses, I. II. je tu il n. Infinitive. coud-n? Près. Ind. coud -s coud-j coudcous-0^1 V. COUS-0Z ils cous-^^/ Derived Tenses. je tu il n. 1. Future. coud-r-tfz' coùd-r-, &c. Comp. Tenses, j'ai craint 2. Près. Ind. I st, 2ndy dr» yd p.plur. n. craign-ons v. craign-^z ils craign-m/ 2. Pass. Voice, je suis craint, e N.B.—Conjugate in the same manner all Verbs in indre, as ceindre, joindre^ plaindre, &c. 1 See Reasons, & c , § 318 (c). 2 As to the Preterite and the Past Participle of the Strong Verbs (e.g. j e dis, j e dus, j e vis ; dit, dû, vu, &c. ), it is impossible to know from the form these tenses have now, which is the root of the Verb and which the termination; in O. Fr. it was in many cases still possible to distinguish them from each other. di-xi di-xisti di-xit di-ximus di-xistis di-xerunt di-s de-sis (de-'is) di-st de-simes (de-'imes) de-sistes (de-is tes) di-streni(di-rent) | déb-ui d-ui deb-uisti devils déb-uit d-ut deb-ûimus de-ûmes deb-uistis de-Ostes déb-uerunt d-urent The Past Participles of devoir and voir v/ere : de-iït, de-ii, d-v. ; ve-ilt, ve-%% v~n% VERBS. 59 104.—(5) D i r e , to say. 1 Principal Tenses. I. Derive>d Tenses. Infinitive. di-re 1. Future, je di-x-ai tu di-x-as, &c. 2. Conditional, je di-x-aù tu di-x-aù, &c. II. P r è s . Ind. je dis tu di-.? il di-t n. dis-ons \ v. dit-es 3 ils dis-ent 1. Près. Subj. que je dis-£ qu' ils dis-ent 2. Imperative. dW qu'il di-j* dis-ons dit-es qu'ils dis-ent I I I . P r ê t . Def. 1. P r ê t Def. Subj. Ind. je dis que je disse tu dis que tu disses il dit qu' il dît n. dîmes que n. dissions v. dîtes que v. dissiez ils dirent qu' ils dissent IV. Près. Part. dis-ant 1. Imperfect. je dis-ais tu dis-ais il dis-azt ! V. P a s t P a r t . 1. Com p. Tenses, j'ai dit dit, e , 2. Près. Ind. ïstâr* yd p. plur. n. dis-ons j ils d i s - ^ / 2. Pass. Voice. je suis dit, e 1 R e d i r e , to say again, is the only Verb conjugated exactly like dire ; all the other compounds of dire {contredire, interdire, &c.) form the 2nd Pers. Plur. in sez (contredisez, interdisez). 2 M a u d i t e , to injure, differs from dire in so far as it takes w in the Plur. of the Près. I n d i e : -maudissons, maudissez, maudissent; in Près. S u b j . : que je maudisse, &c. ; Près. Part. : maudissent; Imperat qu'il maudisse, maudissons^ maudissez. 3 On dites, see Reasons, & c , § 305, and note to § 307. 6o FRENCH GRAMMAR, 105,—(6) * E c r i r e , to write. Principal Tenses. Derived Tenses. 1. Future. 2. Conditional. I. Infinitive. ioxi-re II. P r è s . Ind. j ' écri-j* tu écri-j il écri-/ n. écriv-ons1 v. écriv-^z ils écriv-ent j ' écri-r-tfz' tu écri-r-tf-r, &c. 1. Près. Subj. quej' que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils écrive écriv-^j écrive èoxiY-ions écriv-^z écxiv-ent j ' écri-r-tfz>, tu éoxi-x-ais, &c. 2. Imperative. — écri-j qu'il écrive ècxiv-ons éox'w-ez qu'ils écrivez* III. Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt Def. Subj. ,Ind# j ' écriv-z> tu écriv-zj il écriv-# n. éoxiw-îmes v. é c r i v - t o ils éoxbf'irent I V . P r è s . Part. x êcnv-ant que que qu' que que qu' j' tu il n. v. ils écriv-?^ écnv-zsses écriv-z/ écnv-ùswns écriv-ùstez êoxiv-issent 1. Imperfect. j'écriv-<2z> tu écriv-tfz> il écriv-*«V n. écriv-^^j, &c. V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. écrit, e 2. Près. Ind. U/, 2nd, &*3rdp.filur. n. écrivez,? v. é c r i v e ils écrÏY-eizt \ 2. Pass. Voice. j ' a i écrit 1 On the v in écrivant and écrivons, &c., see Reasons § 318 (C). il est écrit and | Ilhistrations, VERBS. 61 106.—(7) Mettre, to put. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. Derived Tenses. je mett-x-ai tu mett-r-ay, &c. I I . P r è s . Ind. ' je met-j- 1 tu rn.oX.-s il met11. mett-ons v. mett-ez ils mett-ent 2. Conditional. 1. Future. mett-re je mett-r-arw tu mett-r-aù, &c. 1. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' 2. Imperative. — je mett- ydp.plur. n. mett-ons v. m e t t e s ils mett-ent V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. mis, e j ' a i mis 1 See Reasons, &c, § 315. 2. Pass. Voice. je suis mis, e 62 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 107.—(8) * N a î t r e , to be born. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. nzdt-rex II. Près. Ind. je nai-j tu nai-j 1 il uaî-t n. naiss-ons v. naiss-0 qu' ils naiss-ent 2. Imperative. — nai-j , qu'il naiss-rdp. filur. n. naiss-0?w, &c. | : _ N.B.—Renaître, to be born again, has neitlier a Prêt. Def. nor a Past Part., and consequently no compound tenses. 1 2 See Reasons and Illustrations,', § 318 (C). See ibid., § 323 (B) (note to vivre). VERBS. 63 108.—(9) P r e n d r e , to take. Principal Tenses. 1 I. Infinitive. prend-?-*? II. P r è s . I n d . je prend-.? tu prend-j il prendn. pren-tf/zj v. prends ils pxQim-ent Derived Tenses. 1. Future. je prend-r-#z tu prend-r-atf il prend-r-tf n. -prenà-i-ons v. prend-r- tu prend-r-tfz> il prend-r-^zV n. prend-r-z'^j v. prend-r-z># ils px&ià-Y-aient 1. Près. Subj. que je prenne que tu p r e n n e qu' il prenne que n. pxen-ions que v. pven-zez qu' ils prenn-ent 2. Imperative. — prend-.? qu'il prenne pren-^w pren-^ qu'ils pxtim-ent I I I . P r ê t . Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ipd. je pris que je prisse tu pris que tu prisses il prit qu* il prît n. prîmes que 11. prissions v. prîtes que v. prissiez ils prirent qu' ils prissent IV. Près. Part. 1. Imperfect. pren-ant je pren-^zj" tu pxen-aù il pren-ait n. pren-wns v. prends ils pxvci-aient V . P a s t Part. pris, e 1. Comp. Tenses. j'ai pris 2. Près. Ind. \st êr* 2nd p. plur. n. pren-0?w v. pren-ez 2. Pass. Voice. je suis pris, e 64 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 109.—(10) Rire, to laugh. Principal Tenses. 1 I. Infinitive. ri-rex | Derived Tenses. 1. Future, 2. Conditional. je ri-r-ai tu ri-r-<2.r, &c. je ri-r-ais tu ri-r-ais, &c. II. P r è s . Ind. 1 j 1. Près. Subj. 2. Imperative. je vis tu ris il ri-* n. n-ons v. ri-ez ils ri-^* que je ri-/? que tu ri-es qu' il ri-£ que n. ri-ions que v. ri-iez qu' ils ri-^*f qu'il ri-£ ri-ons ri-ez qu' ils ri-ent ri-j" I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je ris tu ris il rit n. rîmes v. rîtes ils rirent que je risse que tu risses qu' il rît que n. rissions que v. rissiez qu' ils rissent I V . P r è s . Part. xi-ant 1. Imperfect. je ri-ais tu ri-ais il ri-ait n. ri-ions, &c. 2. Près. Ind. 1 si, 2nd, ô° yd fi.plur. n. ri-ons v. ri-ez ils ri-ent V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses, j'ai ri ri 1 See Reasons and Jllustrations, §321 6S VERBS. no.—(n) * Suivre, to follow. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. 1 Derived Tenses. i. Future. 2. Conditional. suiv-^ j e suiv-r-tfz tu suiv-r-ûtf il suiv-r-2 ils suiv-x-aient I L P r è s . Ind. i. Près. Subj. que je suiv-2 qu' ils suvt-ent 2. Imperative. — je tu il n. v. ils • suw suis sui-/ suiv-ons suiv-ez suiv-ent J suis qu'il suiv-^ suiv-<7^j suiv-fô qu'ils svùv-ent I I I . Prêt. Def. i. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je suiv-z> tu suiv-zj1 il suiv-zV n. suiv-^W.? v. suiv-zzV.? ils suiv-irent I V . P r è s . Part. i suiv-ant 1 que que qu' que que qu' je suiv-tsse tu suiv-isses il suiv-zV n. suiv-usions v. suw-issiez ils suiv-issent i. Imperfect. je tu il n. v. ils suiv-aîs suiv-aîs suiv-azt suïv-ions suiv-z>2 suiv-aient V . P a s t Part. i. Comp. Tenses. 1 L suiv-z', -ie 2. P r è s . I n d . 1st, 2nd, ô ° 3rd p.filur. j ' a i suiv-z — — n . suiv-ons v. suivez ils suiv-ent 2. Pass. Voice. je suis suiv-z, -z> _ F 66 FRENCH GRAMMAR. in.—(12) Traire, to milk. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. tx&i-re Derived Tenses. 1. Future. je trai-r-az tu trai-r-atf il trai-r-tf n. trai-r-0?w, &c. 2. Conditional. je trai-r-tfz> tu trai-x-ais il ixaX-x-ait n. txai-x-ions, &c. i. Près. Subj. que j e trai-£ que tu trai-£f qu' il trai-£ que n. t r a y - z ^ j que v. Xx&y-iez qu'ils trai-ent 2. Imperative. — trai-j qu'il trai-£ tx&y-ons tray-ez qu'ils trai-m* IV. Près. Part. 1. Imperfect. tray-fl^if je tray- vainc-r-tfz^ vainc-r-zWz.f, &c. 2. Imperative. je v a i n q u e — tu vainqu-^r — il v a i n q u e I qu'il v a i n q u e n. vamqvi-zons vainqu-ons v. vainqu-zVz vainque ils vainqu-^^if qu'ils vainqu-^;z^ I I I . Prêt. Def. i. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. < je tu il n. v. ils vainqu-zj vainqu-z> vainqu-z'z4 vsànqu-êmes vainqu-to vainqu-zV*?/^ 1IV. P r è s . Part. 1 vainqu-tf^ que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils vainqu-ùse vainqu-z2; ils vainqu-^zV;^ V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. vainc-fcf, e j'ai vainc-^ 2. Près. Ind. | ist,2nd, &yd p.plur. j — n. vainqu-ons v. v a i n q u e ils vainqu-ent 2. Pass. Voice. je suis v a i n c s , e Note.—The letter c in this Verb is changed into qu, whenever it comes to stand before 0, e, i, 0. F2 68 FRENCH GRAMMAR bb. Those forming the Future irregularly. 113.—(1) Acquérir, to acquire. r Derived Tenses. \ 2. Conditional. j Principal Tenses. } I. Infinitive. \ acquer-zV l î . Près. Ind. 1 j ' acquiers tu acquier-j 1 il a c q u i e r t n. SLcqaér-ons v. acquér-^ ils acquièr- acquer-r-<2z/ acquer-r-zV/w acquer-r-z tu acqu-w il acqu-zV n. acqu-ïmes v. a c q u - t o ils a.cq\i-irmt IV.Pres. Part. que que qu' que que qu' j ' Sicqw-isse tu acqu-isses il acqu-z/ n. acquissions v. SicqvL-issiez ils acqu-issenl 1. Imperfect. 2. Près. Ind. 1st &> 2nd p. acquér-ant j' j tu il n. v. ils acquér-# acquér-^/mz* V. Past Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. acqu-?>, e j'ai acqu-z> plur. — — — n. acquér- il s' assié-r-^zV n. n. assié-r-ions, &c. 2. Imperative. 1. Près. Subj. que je m'assei-i — que tu t' assei-£$assieds-zW qu' il s' assei- tu t' ass-zjil s'ass-z'z* n. n. 2,%%-îmes V. V. SLSS-tteS ils s' SLSs-irent I V . P r è s . Part. s'&ssey-ant que je m'ass-isse que tu t' assisses qu' il s' ass-zY que n. n. que v. v. sss-issiez qu' ils s' ass-issent 1. Imperfect. je m'assey-aù tu t'5 assey-aù il s assey-tfzV 11. n. assey-zV?^ v. v. assey-z># ils s' assey-aient V . P a s t Part. ass-w, e 2. Près. I n d . 1st, 2nd, âr* yd p.plur.! — — — n. n. assey-ons v. v. asseye 4 1 ils s' assei-^zz 1. Comp. Tenses. je me suis ass-z>, e Note.—Asseoir is also used as a Transitive Verb : asseoit quelqu'un, to put some one down ; asseyez Venfant. 1 See Reasons. & c , $ ^ 1 ^ , N . iii. {a). 7o FRENCH GRAMMAR. 115.—(3) Faire, to do, to make. n Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. Derived Tenses. 2. Conditional. 1. Future. fai-re ! IL P r è s . Ind. je tu il n. v. ils fai-j fai-j fai-^ fzâs-ons fait-es x f-ont z je fe-r-ais tu fe-x-as il fe-r-#, &c. 1. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' je fass-, &c. ] 2. Imperative. 1. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils tienne tienn-£f tienne ten-ions ten-iez tienn-ent — tien-j qu'il tienne ten-ons ten-ez qu'ils tienn-ent I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je tu il n. v. ils tins tins tint tînmes tîntes tinrent I V . P r è s . Part. que je que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils 1 1. Imperfect. je tu il n. V. ten-ant tinsse tinsses tînt tinssions tinssiez tinssent 2. P r è s . I n d . 1 1st &" 2nd p. plur. ten-^zj ten-ais ten-ait ten-ions ten-iez, &c. — — n. ten-ons v. ten-ez V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. ten-2/, £ j ' a i ten-u ; 2. Pass. Voice. je suis ten-u, e Note,—Venir is conjugated exactly like tenir, only it takes être in its compound tenses : je suis venu, I have come. P r é v e n i r (to inform of) and s u b v e n i r (to relieve) are conjugated with avoir ; convenir takes ^ r ^ w h e n it means to agree, and avoir when it means to suit : nous sommes convemis, we have agreed ; cela ne lui a pas convenu, that did not suit him. 1 See Reasons and Illustrations; § 313, N . iv. 72 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 117.—(5) V o i r , to see. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. v-oir 1 I I . P r è s . Ind. je voW tu voi-j il voi-t n. voy-ons v. voy-ez ils vo\-ent Derived Tenses. 1. Future. 2. Conditional. je ver-r-ai 1 tu ver-r-as, &c. 1. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils voi- il buv-tfzV n. buy-ions v. buv-z>£ ils bnv-aient V. Past Part. i. Comp. Tenses. 1 bu, e j ' a i bu 2. Près. Ind. 1st dr5 2nd p. plur. — — — n. bvn-ons v. buv-0 coxiclu-x-aient 2. Imperfect. conclu-^, — conclu-^ conclu-.? conclu-^ qu'il conclue conclu-âwz,? conclu-0?w conclu-^ conclu-^ c o n c l u - ^ / qu'ils coxic\vL-ent I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt Def. Subj. 1 je tu il n. V; ils Ind. conclu.? concl-^.? çond-ut concl-^w^ concl-zte cond-urent I V . P r è s . Part. i conclu ~ant que que qu' que que qu' je conclu.?.?*? tu concl-usses il c o n c l u n. concl-^.?.?^.? v. concl-^.?.?z£z ils concl-ussent r. Imperfect. je coxiclu-ats tu conclu-^'.? il conclu-^// n. conclu-&/2J v. conclu-z^z ils conchi-atent V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. con cl -u, e j'ai c o n c l u 2. P r è s . I n d . 1st, 2nd, ô ° 2>rdfi.plurJ — n. conclu-0^.? v. conclu -ez ils c o n c l u - ^ / 2. Pass. Voice. ] il est concl-^ j VERBS. 75 120.—(3) Connaître, to know Derived Tenses. 2. Conditional. Principal Tenses* I. Infinitive. connaît- re II. P r è s . I n d . je tu il n. v. ils connaW connai-j connaît connaiss-^w connaisse connaiss-^z* 1. Future. je tu il n. v. ils connaît-r-#z connait-r-dtf connaît-r-tf connaît-r-tf7w connaît-r-# connaiss-^ je tu il n. v. ils connaît-r-tfzV connaît-r-tfw connaît-r-tfz'/ connaît-r-^^J 1 connaît-r-z>£ corm&it-T-aient 2. Imperative. ! — connais qu'il connaisse connaiss-0/zj connaisse qu'ils connaissez 4 I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je tu il n. v. ils corm-us conn-us corm-ut conn-times corm-ûtes coim-urent I V . P r è s . Part. que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils zovca-usse conr\-usses conn-z^ comx-ussions conn-usszez coxm-ussent 1. Imperfect. 2. Près. Ind.' 1st, 2nd, connaiss-^^if je tu il n. v. ils connaiss-tfzV connaiss-tf/jconnaiss-^zV connaiss-z'3rdp.pJur. — — — n. connaiss-tfw v. c o n n a i s s e ils connaiss-^z 1 2. Pass. Voice. je suis conn-u, e : Note.—Paraître is conjugated like connaître. _ 1 ?6 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 121.—(4) Croire, to believe. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. croi-r~ions v. croiss-^z ils cxo\s&-aient V . P a s t Part. 2 T. Comp. Tenses. crû, crue j ' a i crû 2. P r è s . I n d . 1st, 2nd, 6 ° ^rdJ>.J>lur. — 1 — ! n. croiss-ons v. c r o i s s e ils croiss-m^ 2. Pass. Voice. je suis crû, crue 1 On the ss, see Reasons and Illustrations, § 317. 2 The Past Participle of accroître and décroître has no circumflex accent : accru, décru. ?S FRENCH GRAMMAR. 123.—(6) Lire, to read. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. \\-re I I . P r è s . Ind. je X\-s tu li-j il 1Ï-* n. lis-0/z.r1 v. lis-ez ils lis-eitt Derived Tenses. 1. Future. 2. Conditional, i je li-x-ai tu li-r-£ qu' ils paiss-m^ III. P r ê t . Def. Ind. 1. Imperfect, je pa\ss-ais tu paiss-ais il paiss-ait n. paiss-ions v. paiss-^0 ils paiss- aient 2. Imperative. pai-j qu'il paiss-^ paiss-ons paiss-^ qu'ils paiss-ent 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. l l V . P r è s . Part. 2. Conditional, j e -paît-r-ais tu paît-r-ais il paît-r-ait n. paît-r-â?#j v. paît-r-z>z | ils paît-r-aient •p&iss-ant V. P a s t P a r t . pu (nofem.) 2. Près. Ind. n. paiss-ons v. paiss-^z ils paiss-ent ' 1. Comp. Tenses, j'ai pu Note 1.—Repaître, to feed, has a Prêt. Def. Ind. and Subj. : je repus, que je repusse. Note 2.—The general meaning of paître is to graze, to feed upon ; but it is also used in the sense of taking to pasture, taking to graze : il vient de paître son troupeau; and thirdly, it means to feed (term of falconry), paître l'oiseau. VERBS. Si 126.—(9) Plaire, to please. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. pl&i-re II. P r è s . I n d . , 1 je tu il n. v. ils plaw plai-j plai-^f plais-# ils pl&i-x-aient 1. Près. Subj. 2. Imperative. que je que tu qu' il que n. que v. qu' ils plai-s qu'il plais-*? plais-07« plais-^ qu'ils phXs-ent plaise plais-^r plaise plais-z'^j 1 plais-zVs plais-ent — I I I . P r ê t . Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je plz^r tu plus il Tplut n. plûmes v. flûtes ils plurent I V . P r è s . Part. plais-#?^ que que qu' que que qu' je plusse tu plusses il pW n. plussions v. -plussiez ils plussent 1. Imperfect. je tu il n. v. ils plais-ais plais-ais plais -ait pl&xs-ions plais-^ ptàis-aient 2. Près. Ind. — — 1 — n. plais-0/z.y v. plais-02 ils pl&is-ent V . P a s t P a r t . 1. Comp. Tenses. j ' a i plu plu G 1 ! S2 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 127.—(10) R é s o u d r e , 1. to decide^ 2. to reduce. Derived Tenses. 1 1. Future. 2. Conditional. : Principal Tenses. Infinitive. je résoud-r-#z, &c. résoud-r^ I I . P r è s . Ind. ; je résou-j tu résou-J il r é s o u t n. résolv-07^ x v. r é s o l v e ils résolv-m^ je résoud-r-ais, &c.i 1. Près. Subj. 2. Imperative. — 1 que que qu' que que qu5 je tu il n. v. ils résolve résolv-^r résolve vésolv-ions résolve iéso\v-ent résou-j qu'il résolve résolv-ons résolve qu'ils résolv-*?^ 1 ! I I I . P r ê t . Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. i je tu il n. v. ils que que qu' que que qu' résol-us résol-us résol-ut résolûmes résol-utes xésol-urent V. Près. Part. xèsolv-antx résol-usse résol-usses résol-^ résol-ussions résol-ussiez résol-usseni 1. Imperfect. je tu il n. v. ils ' je tu il n. v. ils résoly-a^y 1 résolv-#z> résolv-ait résolv-ions résolv-z># résolv-aient 2. Près. Ind. i — — — n. r é s o l v - c ^ v. résolves ils résolv-eut V. P a s t P a r t . 1. Comp. Tenses, (1) résol-^, e (2) résous (no fem.) j ' a i résol-z* Note 1 . — A b s o u d r e , to absolve, and d i s s o u d r e , to dissolve, are conjugated like résoudre, only they have no Prêt. Def. ; their Past Part, is absous, absoute, dissous, dissoute {dissolu is an adjective, and means profligate, dissolute). Note 2 . — R é s o l u = determined, decided ; r é s o u s = turned, changed, reduced: brouillard résous en pluie, fog turned into rain. 1 On the z\ see Reasons* &c., § 317. VERBS. 83 128.—(11) Taire, to keep secret. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. tai-r,? II. P r è s . Ind. 1 je tai-j tu tax-s il \3i-t n, tais-ons v. t&is-ez ils tais-m/ Derived Tenses. 2. Conditional. 1. Future. je tai-r-ai tu tai-r-flj il tai-r--e 1 tais-0;w tais-^0 qu'ils tais-m/ III. Prêt. Bef. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. 1 | je tu il n. tus tus t#£ tûmes v. tzte ils turent IV. Près. Part. tais-ant que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils tusse tusses tût tussions tussiez tussent il Imperfect. 2. Près. Ind. je taXs-ais tu tais-2 ils tdàs-aient — z n. tais-^^j* v. taxiez ils tais-eni V . P a s t Part. 1. Comp. Tenses. tû, £ j'ai tû Note.—Se t a i r e means to be silent : je me tais, tu te tais, il se tait ; je me taisais, tu te taisais, il se taisait ; je me suis tû, tu fes tû, il s'est tû, &c. G 2 §4 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 129.—(12) V i v r e , to live. 1 Principal Tenses. Derived Tenses. 2. Conditional. I. Infinitive. T. Future. Vw-re je viv-r-tfz' tu viv-r-#.r il viv-r-tf n. viv-r-0/z.f v. viv-r-^z ils MVJ-x-ont je viv-r-az> tu viv-r-tfz> il viv-r-ait n. viv-r-zi?/w v. viv-r-zVz ils viv-x-aient 1. Près. Subj. 2. Imperative. que que qu' que que qu' vi-J qu'il viv-é? viv-tf/w viv-£s qu'ils ViY-ent II. P r è s . Ind. . j je vis tu Y'I-S il vi-t n. viv-ons v. viv-ez ils \iv-enl je viv-^ tu Yiv-es il viv-# ils doiy-ent — I I I . Prêt. Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. je tu il n. v. ils dus dus d^/ dûmes dz^j" durent que que qu' que que qu' je tu il n. v. ils dusse dusses dût dussions dussiez dussent I V . P r è s . Part. 1. Imperfect. dev-#^ je dev-tfz'.? tu dev-âtz> il dey-ait n. dey-ions v. dev-z I I . P r è s . Ind. ' je meur-j 1 tu meur-j* il meur-/ n. mom-ons v. mour-02: ils mem-ent Derived Tenses. 2. Conditional. 1. future. je mour-r-aix tu mour-r-tf.? il mour-r-a: n. mour-r-tf^ v. mour-r-2 ils mouv-fl/^^ 2, Près. Ind. — — — n. mouv-ons v. mouv-ez — 1. Comp. Tenses. j'ai mû 2. Pass. Voice, je suis mû, e See Reasons, &c , § 313, N. ii. 1 I 9o FRENCH GRAMMAR. 135.—(6) Pouvoir, to be able. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. je tu il n. v. ils poKY-oir II. P r è s . Ind. je tu il n. Derived Tenses. 1. Future. V. pOUV- poux-x-ait pour-r-z^j" pour-r-zVs poux-x-aient 1. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' peu-# (puis) peu-# peu-/ powY-ons 1 2. Conditional, pour-r-ai x pour-r-^ pour-r-tf poux-x-ons poux^x-ez poux-x-ont je tu il n. v. ils puisse puisse puiss-2 recev-r-aient | reçoi-j qu'il reçoiv-^ sach-£ qu'il sach- il vaud-r-^V n. vaud-v-ions v. vaud-r-z># ils vaud-r-#z>;z/ Près. Subj. j e vaille tu vaill-^r il vaille n. val-ions v. val-iez ils vaill-^zf 2. Imperative. — vau-.# qu'il vaille val-ons val-ez qu'ils vaill-ent III. 1 P r ê t . Def. 1. Prêt. Def. Subj. Ind. j e val-^i" que j e val-usse tu val-us que tu val-usses il val-ut qu' il Yal-ét n. vsl-émes que n. val-ussions v. val-^to que v. val-ussiez ils val-urent qu' ils val-ussent I V . P r è s . Part. •val-ant V . P a s t Part. val-u 1. Imperfect. je val-azs tu val-ais il val-ait n. val-ions v. val-iez ils val-aient 2. Près. Ind. n. val-ons v. val-ez ils v a l - ^ 1. Comp. Tenses. j ' a i val-u 1 Note.—Prévaloir, to prevail, is conjugated in the same manner, except in the Subj. Près., which is : que je prévale, prévales, prévale, prévalions, &c. 1 See Reasons, &c, § 313, and above, § 96. 94 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 139.—(10) Vouloir, to wish, to be willing. Principal Tenses. I. Infinitive. vovl-oi? II. P r è s . Ind. n. YOMI-OHS I jevoud-r-ai1 tu voud-r-tf J il voud-r-<2 n. YovA-x-ons v. YovA-x-ez ils Youd-r-ont î. Près. Subj. que que qu' que que qu' je veu-.# tu Yeu-x il veu-^ j Derived Tenses. 1. Future. v. Yovl-ez ils Y&A-ent je veuill-ens 167.—The Genitive o^ the Part. Art. de must be used after— (1) All Substantives (k,/5 Proper Names take the mark of the Plural— (a) When they become Common Nouns, i.e. when they designate individuals resembling in mind or body those whose n a m e has been employed : La France a eu ses Césars et ses Pompées ; Le. such geneials as Csesar and Pompey. Ces deux avocats sont les Cicérons de leur pays, i.e. great orators. (b) When the names of persons serve to designate only their works (writings, engravings, pictures) : des Ovidsf editions of Ovid ; des Raphaels, pictures of Raphael. (c) In the case of some illustrious families and dynasties : les Bourbons, Césars, Napoléons, Tudors ; and les Abassides, Condés, Curiàces, Gracques, Guises, Heraclides, Horaces, Macchabées, Pélides, Pélopides, Pépins, Plantagenets, Ptolomées, Scipions, Séleucidesj Stuarts. (5) A double plural form is found in the following Nouns :— ails, the g. plant (botanical term), aulx, the g. legumen (the vegetable). 1. ail garlic .. t 2. aieul jj. ., ( aïeuls, grandfathers grandfather j a ï e u x ; %ncJors 3. ciel ( ciels, (1) skies in pictures ; (2) bed-testers; sky, heaven < (3) climate ( cieux, (1) skies ; (2) heavens 4. ceil eye 5. travail work I ceils-de-bceuf, oval windows ; ceils-deX chat, precious stones [ yeux, eyes ( travails, (1) official reports ; (2) shoeing< machine ( travaux, works 171.—(6) Plural of Compound Nouns. General Rule. Only Nouns and Adjectives are able to take the mark of the plural. io6 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 172.—Special Rules. The mark of the plural is given— A. To both words, if the Compound be formed of t w o Nouns : le chou-fleur, les choux-fleurs ; le loup-garou, les loups- garous. Exe. bain-marie colin-maillard Hôtel-Dieu timbre-poste des des des des bains-marie colin-maillard Hôtels-Dieu timbres-poste water-bath blind-mart's-bujf hospital post-?7iark B. To both words, if the Compound be formed of a Noun a n d of a n Adjective;x père, grands-pères ; garde-forestier, Exe. grand'mère grand'messe grand'tante terre-plein , beau-frère, beaux-frères; gardes-forestiers. grand'mères 2 grand'messes grand'tantes terre-pleins grand- ) grand without the apos! > trophe always takes ) the s C. To the first word, if the Compound be formed of two Nouns joined by a Preposition : chef-d'œuvre, chefsd^ œuvres : arc-en-ciel, Exe. un tête-à-tête un coq-à-1'âne un pied-à-terre arcs-en-ciel. des tête-à-tête des coq-à-l'âne des pied-à-terre private interview cock-and-bull story restingplace D. To the second word, 3 if it be preceded by & Preposition or by an indeclinable Prefix : avant-coureur, avantcoureurs ; co-propriêtaire, co-propriêtaires ; vice-roi^ vice-rois. 1 £>emi, although an Adjective, never takes the 5 in the plural of Compound Nouns : un demi-dieu ; des demi-dietix.—Notice the following forms : Sing, tin cent-suisse, tin cent-suisses : Plur. des cent-suisses : Sing un chevau-lêger, tin chevaux-léger; Plur. des chevau-légers, des chevaux-légers: Sing un blancseing; Plur. des blancs-seings, des blanc-seings. 2 On the apostrophe in these words, see Reasons, & c , § 349. 3 There is much diversity of opinion among authors respecting this rule : some write— un arrière-ban des arrière-ban arrière-ban une après-midi des après-midi afternoon un contre-jour des contre-jour false light un sous-piecl des sous-pied strap un entre-sol des entre-sol mezzanine NOUNS. E. To the second word, when the first is a Verb and the second a Noun :— un tire-botte un porte-manteau un porte-feuille un garde-fou * un passe-port une garde-robe un bouche-trou Exe.—Both des des des des des des des tire-bottes porte-manteaux porte-feuilles garde-fous passe-ports garde-robes bouche-trous boot-jack fi07'tfolio rail passport wardrobe words remain invariable— (a) When the Noun is an abstract Noun : un rabat-joie un gâte-métier des rabat-joie des gâte-métier spoil-trade {b) W h e n the Noun is a name of matter * un brise-glace un gagne-pain un caille-lait des brise-glace des gagne-pain des caille-lait starling livelihood cheese-rennet c) WThen the Noun expresses unity :2 un un un un un un casse-tête abat-vent crève-cœur réveil-matin ayant-droit coupe-gorge des des des des des des casse-tête abat-vent crève-cœur réveil-matin ayant-droit coupe-gorge tomahawk weather-board heai't-sore alarum-clock claimant den of thieves 1 When garde is a Substantive and represents a person, it takes s, whilst the Noun following it generally takes s, but remains invariable when it represents •unity :— (a) un garde-magasin des gardes-magazins warehouse-man une garde-malade des gardes-malades sick-nurse (<5) un garde-vaisselle des gardes-vaisselle silverplate-kee un garde-marine des gardes marine midshipman 2 When the Noun expresses Numbers :— un essuie-mams un cure-dents un gobe-mouches phcrality, it takes the sign of the plural in both des essuie-mains des cure-dents des gobe-mouches towel tooth-pick fly-catcher FRENCH io8 GRAMMAR. R e m a r k . — N o sign of the plural is added to Substantives formed of any indeclinable parts of speech :— un passe-partout un pour-boire des passe-partout des pour-boire master-key gratuity 173.—(7) The following Nouns have only a plural form :— ancêtres annales confins dépens entrailles environs frais aborigènes alentours archives armoiries arrhes broussailles décombres fiançailles fonts litanies ancestors annals confines cost, charge bowels environs expenses aboriginals neighbourhood archives coat of arms earnest-money briars rubbish betrothing font litanies funérailles légumes lunettes mœurs pleurs ténèbres vivres funeral vegetables spectacles manners tears darkness victuals mânes manes mathématiques mathematics mouchettes snuffers pénates household gods pincettes tongs first-fruits prémices représailles reprisals tenailles pincers baths thermes vespers vêpres 174.—(8) Many Substantives vary in meaning when they are used in the Singular or in the Plural :— Singular. aboi arme arrêt ciseau épingle fer gage lettre lunette neveu bark weapon judgment chisel pin iron pledge letter telescope nephew Plura 1. abois (aux abois) at bay armes coat of arms arrêts arrest ciseaux scissors épingles pin-money fers fetters gages wages lettres literature spectacles lunettes neveux descendants NOUNS. defence être faste Singuh IT. defence being po?np franchise herd heure hour honneur lumière menotte troupe vacance veille honour sight little hand band vacancy watch II. G e n d e r of N o u n s . 1 175.'—General Rule. nines Plural. tusks parts annals liberties franchises ! immunity hardes clothes j heures cano- ) canonical hours / niales \ dignities honneurs knowledge lumières menottes hand-cuffs troupes troops vacances vacations night labours veilles defences êtres fastes sincerity harde IOC French coincide with Latin masculines masculines and and fémi- féminines respectively; the Latin neuter gender has disappeared, most neuters becoming masculines. 176.—Special Rules. The gender of French Nouns may be known by the meaning or by the termination» 1. Gender determined by the Meaning. 177,—Masculine are— (1) The Names of Male Persons and Animals :, oncle, roi ; lion, cheval. Exe, Dupe,2 recrue, sentinelle, victime, connaissance, flûte, bête, pratique. (2) The Names of Trees, Shrubs, and Metals : bouleau ; églantier ; fer. 3 Exe. Aubépine,4 ronce, épine, vigne, ébène, viorne, yeuse. 1 T h e principal Rules only will be given here, as this part of the Grammar has already been treated at some length in my "Rules on French Genders." See also Reasons, & c , § 342. 2 Dupe, recrtiit, sentry, victim, acquaintance, Jlute-piayerxfool, customer. 3 Birch-tree ; sweet briar ; iron 4 Hawthorn, briar, thorn, vine, ebony, viburn, holly. no FRENCH (3) The Names of Days, Months, and Seasons : mardi ; juin ; été. (4) The Names of W i n d s and Parts of the Heavens : le zéphir, le sud. (5) The Names of Mountains : le Vésuve, le Mont-Blanc (6) All Infinitives, Adjectives, and uninflected parts of speech taken substantively : le manger, le blanc, le non. (7) The Names of Countries, 2 To wns, and Rivers 3 ending in a consonant or in a vowel, except e mute. Portugal, Dauphiné ; Paris ; Rhin. GRAMMAR. Exe. 1. La Saint-Jean (se. la fête de St. J.), la Saint-Martin, la Saint-Michel, la Noël {No'ël without the article is considered as masculine). Exe. 2. La mi-août, la mi-juin, &c. ; the i$th of August, of June, &c. Exe. Mousson,1 brise, bise, tramontane. Exe. The names of mountains used in the plural are fern. : les Alpes, les Andes. Exe. L'écarlate, scarlet. Exe. I. Albion, Franche-Comte. 2. Athènes, Babel, Ilion, Jérusalem, Naples, Tyr, Treves. 3. Lahn, Lys, Neiss, Theiss? Tweed. 178.—Feminine are— (1) T h e Names of Female Persons and Animals : femme, tante 5 poule, lionne. (2) T h e Names of Arts and Sciences, Virtues and Vices : Peinture ; chimie ; modestie. Exe. le vice, égoisme, courage 1 Monsoon, breeze, north-wind, trawtontane {north-wind). 2 On the Names of Countries, & c , ending in e mute, see No. 3 of the Fera. Genders. 3 Names of Rivers ending in a are feminine : la Duna, la Neva, &c. {except e Volga, le Parana, le Xamara.) NOUNS. (3) T h e N a m e s of C o u n t r i e s , T o w n s , 1 and Rivers endi n g in e m u t e : F r a n c e ; R o m e ; 2 Marne. {On the Names of Countries, &>c., ending in a consonant, see above, No. 7.) ni Exc. 1. Le Bengale, Maine, Mexique, Hanovre, Péloponnèse, and all names in shire (Yorkshire, &c.) Exc. 2. L e Caire, le Havre. Exc, 3. Le Borysthène, Danube, Ebre, Euphrate, Gange, Rhône, Tage, Tibre, Tigre. 2. Gender determined by the Termination. 17 9.—General Rule. Fren ch Nouns are— a. M a s c u l i n e w h e n tliey e n d in a C o n s o n a n t , in a D i p h t h o n g , or in a V o w e l , e x c e p t m u t e e ; b. F e m i n i n e w h e n t h e y e n d in e m u t e . 180.—Special Rules. Masculine are— (1) All N o u n s e n d i n g i n B,3 c, D , G ; H , K , L , P ; Q, Y , a n d z. (2) A l l N o u n s i n x . , Exc. chaux, 4 faux, perdrix, croix, paix, poix, toux, noix, voix. (3) N o u n s in -AGE w h e n t h i s Suffix i s d e r i v e d from Lat< -aiicum or Low Lat. Fem. are therefore— cage, s rage, image, page, nage, plage, ambages. as their Latin types are : caveam, rabiem, imaginem, &c. le voyage {viaticum), le courage {com 1 Authors not unfrequently give the Fem Gender to the names of towns ending in a consonant or in a full vowel sound ; ville must then be supplied. Moscow and Smolensk, for instance, are used as Fem. Nouns by Ségur. 2 When the name of a town is used figuratively for its population, it takes the Masc. Gender : Tout Rome le sait. 3 Why are Nouns ending in b, c, d, & c , Masculine ? See my treatise, " Rules of1 French Genders." 4 Lime, scythe, partridge, cross, peace, pitch, cough, nut, voice. 5 Cage, rage, image, page, swimming, beach, circumlocution. FRENCH 112 GRAMMAR, (4) Names in -ÊGE,Z^A -egium: le collège, le piège. (5) All Nouns in -È {not -té) : le clergé, le négligé. (6) The following Nouns in -TE : comité,1 comté, traité, pâté, thé, côte, été, aparté, arrêté. (7) Nouns in -LE and -RE preceded by a consonant and Nouns in -CLE, Lat. -cuius, -culum : verre, chiffre, sable, seigle, trouble; article, miracle. Exe. A small number of names ofpersons in é : Danaé, Niobé, Psyché, &c. N.B.—All other Nouns in -té are Fern. : la bonté, la vicomte.— See below, No. 1. Exe. la terre, earth; la serre, green-house ; l'huître, oyster. (8) All N o u n s in -ASME (-ÂME) and -ISME (-ÎME), Lai. -asmus, -ismus: Gr. -iff/uos: enthousiasme, patriotisme. (9) Nouns in -IME and -UME, when they are derived from Latin neuters in •imen, -umen : crime (cri7nen), volume (volumen). , Nouns in -ume are Fern, when they are formed from Latin -udinem : amertume {amaritudinem), coutume [consuetudinem), enclume {incudinem\ écume {Old H. Germ, scum)., (10) Nouns in -ISTE, Lat. -ista, N.B.—This termination is sometimes applied also toFern. Nouns. Gr. -ICTTTJS : annaliste, artiste. (11) Nouns in -OME (-OME), -ÊME, -ÈME : fantôme, atome, baptême. 1 Committee, county, treaty, fristry, iea% side, summer, aside, resolution. NOUNS. 113 (12) All N o u n s inA . . . O . . . . u or -EAU F M N (for those in çon, &c., see below) . . . . R (for those in eur, see below) * s Exe. sépia, véranda, villa, camarilla. Exe. merci,2 fourmi, paroi, loi, après-midi, foi. Exe. virago. Exe. vertu,3 bru, peau, tribu, glu, eau. Exe. clef, nef, soif.4 Exe. faim, hunger. Exe. main, hand; fin, end. Exe. cour, tour, mer, s chair and cuiller. Exe. pampas,6 oasis, brebis, cortès, fois, vis, souris. Exe. mort, 7 part, plupart, jument, nuit, forêt, dot, dent, gent. Feminine are— (1) Abstract Nouns in -té, Lat. -tas : piété, bonté, cité. Exe. see p. 112, No. 6. (2) Nouns in -EUR, Lat. or, os : douleur, fleur, vapeur. Exe. heur,8 bonheur, malheur, 9 honneur, déshonneur. chœur,10 cœur, équateur, labeur, pleurs, moteur, vapeur. 1 W h y are Nouns ending in i, u, eau, &c.j Masculine? See my treatise, "Rules on French Genders. 2 Mercy, ant, wall (side), law, afternoon, faith. 3 Virtue, daughter-in-law, skin, tribe, glue, water. 4 Key, nave, thirst. 5 Yard, tower, sea, flesh, spoon. 6 Pampas, oasis, sheep, Cortes, time, screw, motise. 7 Death, share, the majority, mare, night, forest, dowry, tooth, people. ' 8 Good fortune, happiness, misforttme, honour, disgrace. 9 Properly speaking, heur (Lat. augurium), bonheur, malheur (bonum, malum, augurium), not being derived from Latin words in or, do not belong to this class. l ° Choirt heart, equator, labour tears, mover, steam-boat. FRENCH 114 GRAMMAR. (3) The greater part of Nouns in -CON, -SON, -ION; Lat. io, sio : façon, maison, nation, réunion. Exe. bastion, 1 champion, blason, oison, poisson, 2 soupçon, poinçon, hameçon, (4) The greater part of Nouns terminating in e mute, especially when the e is preceded by another vowel or by a diphthong : armée, haie, pluie. Exe. amphibie,3 incendie, parapluie,4 musée, million, poison, tison, gabion, génie, foie, lycée, trophée, pion, camion, scorpion, lampion. apogée, élysée, coryphée, colisée. 181.—Nouns in e mute, including those mentioned in §180 (1—12), amount to almost 10,000, of which about 7,000 are feminine. Long practice and constant attention alone will enable the student to know the right gender of this class of Substantives. III. A d d i t i o n a l R e m a r k s on t h e of N o u n s . Gender 182.—A. Nouns of Two Genders. (1) A i g l e , Eagle, Masculine. (1) In the sense of male eagle. (2) When it is used figuratively, e.g. a man of genius. (3) When it stands for the Order of the Eagle. Feminine. ( I ) When it means a fe?nale eagle. (2) When it is used in the sense of. Examples. L'aigle est courageux; l'aigle blanc de Pologne; les aigles romaines. 1 Bastion, champion, -million, pawn, coat-of-arms, gosling, poison, dray. Fish, suspicion, fire-brand, scorpion, bodkin, fish-hook, gabion, lamp 3 Amphibious animal, genius, highest pitch, fire, liver, Elysium. 4 Umbrella, lyceum, corypheus {leader), museum, trophy, Coliseum. 2 NOUNS. US (2) Amour, délice, 1 orgue, 2 Love, delight, organ, Masculine. Feminine. When they are used in the Sin- ! When they are used in the gular. I Plural. Examples. Son amour paternel ; il n'est point &éternelles amours; c'est un grand délice ; toutes les délices du Paradis ; un orgue puissant ; des orgues puissantes. N.B.—Délice and orgue are Masculine in the Plural after the expression un de : un de mes plus grands délices {Rousseau) ; un des plus beaux orgues de l'Italie. (3) Automne, Autumn, Masculine. In ordinary style. | Feminine. In poetic language. Examples. Un bel automne ; un automne triste ; un automne fort sec. (4) Chose, Thing, Masculine. When it means something in the expression quelque chose ;3 Feminine. When it means a thing, or whatever thing, (quelque chose; in this case the Verb following it must be in the Subjunctive). Examples. C'est une bonne chose ; quelque chose est changé ici ; s'il t'en reste quelque chose cache-le; quelque chose que je lui ai dite, je n'ai pas réussi à le convaincre. 1 T h e Latin Neuter delictum, which occurs in some Latin writers, has probablygiven rise to the French Masc. le délice, whilst the Fem. les délices is regularly derived from the Fem. Plur. delicice 2 Orgue is Masc in the Sing , because it is derived from the Neuter organum ; the Plural orgues is Fem., because orgcma, the Plural of organum, was wrongly taken to be a Noun of the Fem Gender 3 If an Adjective accompanies something, it is placed after quelque chose and connected with it by de : something good = quelque chose de bon. I Z u6 FRENCH GRAMMAR. (5) Couple, Couple, Masculine. (1) When it means husband and wife, or the male and female of animals. (2) When we speak of two persons united by a similarity of temper and sentiment. Feminine. When it is used in the sense of a brace, two of a sort. Examples. Ce fut un heureux couple ; un couple de fripons, d'amis, d'amants ; un couple de pigeons ; une couple d'oeufs ; une couple de pigeons. , (6) Enfant, Child, Masculine. When it refers to a boy. N.B.—In the Plural, enfant is always Masc. Feminine. When it refers to a ghl. Examples. Cet enfant n'est pas heureux ; c'est une jolie enfant ; Marie et Louise viennent d'étudier avec leurs amies, tous ces enfants sont très attentifs. (7) Foudre, Lightning, Masculine. In a figurative sense. Feminine. I In its proper sense of lightning, I thunderbolt. Examples. Un foudre de guerre, a great warrior ; un foudre d'éloquence, a great orator ; les vains foudres de Rome [excommunications) ; il fut frappé de la foudre. (8) Gens, People, Is a Substantive Masc. Plur. ;T yet any Adjective of two terminations takes the Fern, form when it immediately precedes gens : if such an Adjective be immediately preceded by another Adjective, 1 The Singular of les gens is la gent (nation, tribe). NOUNS. 117 the Indefinite Article, or by tout, these words also take the Fern. Gender. N.B.—Any compound forms, as gens de lettres, gens d'affaires, &c, are always Masculine. Examples. Ces gens sont soupçonneux ; instruits par l'expérience toutes les vieilles gens sont soupçonneux, ils ne croient plus personne ; certaines heureuses gens ; quelles sottes gens ! quels sont ces gens ? tous les honnêtes gens ; tous les gens de bien ; certains honnêtes gens» (9) Œ u v r e , Work? Masculine. Feminine. In the sense of the work of a I In its general meaning work, musician or of an engraver. \ action, deed. Examples. J'ai le premier œuvre de Handel ; il a acheté tout l'œuvre de Durer ; l'œuvre de la création fut achevée en six jours ; les œuvres complètes de Racine. (10) Orge, Barley, Masculine. In the two expressions orge perlé, pearl barley, and orge mondé, hulled barley. Feminine In ail cases except orge perle'and orge mondé. Examples. De belles orges ; les orges sont levées. (11) P â q u e s , 2 Easter, Masculiue. In ordinary style. Feminine. I In a small number of expressions : Faire de bonnes Pâques, to receive the Sacrament ; Pâques fleuries ; Palm-Sunday. Examples. J'irai le voir à Pâques prochain ; quand Pâques sera venu. 1 T h e great work of Alehimy, i.e. the philosopher's stone, is called le grand œuvre. * La " Pâque " is the festival of the Jews : les Juifs célèbrent la Pâque. FRENCH GRAMMAR. n8 (12) P é r i o d e , Period, Masculine. Feminine. When it means the highest point, When it means period (whether pitch, or length of time. in astronomy, chronology, Examples. Au plus haut période de la gloire ; il porta l'éloquence à son plus haut période ; dans le dernier période de sa vie.—La période solaire, the solar period ; la période Julienne, the yulian cette période est trop longue, this phrase, or period, is too 3.—B. 183. Nouns which change their Gender when th Meaning changes.1 aide *aune cornette crêpe enseigne exemple fourbe garde greffe guide hymne *livre manche manœuvre mémoire Masc. assistant alder-tree cornet [officer) , crape midshipman example deceiver keeper record office guide song book handle workman bill Fern. assistance ell standard pancake standard writing-copy deception gard graft bridle church h y m n pound sleeve working memory 1 I n many cases t h e distinctions which have been made between these words purely rest on custom, or, what is worse, on the whims of grammarians. Yet the difference in gender and meaning of a great number of these Nouns is to be found in the fact that they are derived from two quite different etyma, which, by gradual changes, have come to take the same form in French. T h e following are the original forms of the Nouns marked thus ( * ) in the list :— Masc. or Neut. alnus liber modulus mozzo (It.) •nmb'tov (?) palmus parallelon Fern, alena libra musculo, mos {OldH. Germ.) pagina palma parallela (sc. tinea) Masc. or N e u t . Fern, pensile patella posto posita (sc. static^ somnus summa subrid-ere sorex torn-are turris vagus (Adj.) ivoge {Germ.) vasum* vase ( A. -Sax. ) NOUNS. merci mode *moule *mousse office *page paillasse *palme pantomime ^parallèle pendule personne pique *poele *postë relâche remise solde «somme *souris *tour triomphe *vague *vase voile 1x9 Masc. thanks mood •mould midshipman office, duty page down handbreadth actor comparison pendulum nobody spade {cards) stone post respite carriage \ balance of accounts slumber smile turn, trick triumph uncertainty vase veil Fern. mercy , fashion mussel moss pantry page (in a book) mattress palm pantomimic art parallel line time-piece a person pike frying-pan post (letters) harbour remittance coach-house pay of soldiers sum mouse tower trump (cards) wave mud sail 184.—C. Nouns of Common Gender. Artiste, camarade, élève, esclave, patriote, pupille, adversaire, pensionnaire, auteur, guide, peintre, poëte, témoin, écrivain, &c. Examples. Cet élève a obtenu tous les prix; les élèves ont été attentives aujourd'hui; cette femme est un dangereux adversaire; elle est un bon témoin. 185.—D. Masculine Nouns become Feminine when they take a Feminine termination. (1) e is added to the Masculine form :— marchand marchande | ami amie FRENCH I20 GRAMMAR. (2) e or é is changed into esse :— J abbé âne chanoine comte druide hôte abbesse ânesse chanoinesse comtesse druidesse hôtesse maître nègre prince prophète tigre traître maîtresse négresse princesse prophétesse tigresse traîtresse (3) at, et, ot, on, ien, yen, éen, double the end consonant and add e :— 2 chat minet linot baron chatte minette linotte baronne chrétien Troyen Européen Troyenne Européenne (4) ine marks the Fem. Gender of the following Nouns :— héros, heroine; czar, czarine; Philippe, Philippine. (5) Notice the following forms :— bailli canard compagnon baillive cane compagne dindon loup mulet dinde louve mule, &c. Remark.—Most Substantives form their Feminine like the Adjectives : for those ending in f and x, see § 187, No. I ; in eur and teur, see § 187, Nos. 7 and 8. 1 T h e following Nouns also form their Feminine in esse :Dieu déesse | doge devin larron devineresse * duc duchesse pair dogaresse larronesse pairesse 2 Most Nouns in an simply add e in order to form their Feminine :_ anglican, anglicane ; persan, persane ; only a few double the n before the addition of e : paysan, paysanne ; Jean, Jeanne. * Devineresse means conjtirer, devineur) means guezser. whilst devineztse (which is the Feminine of C H A P T E R IV.—-ADJECTIVES (ADJECTIFS.) I. Formation of the Feminine. 1 186.—General Rule, Adjectives form their Feminine by adding e mute to the Masculine termination, but they do not change if they end in an e mute :— grand, grande; joli, jolie; sensé, sensée. un homme habile, une femme habile. 187.—Special Rules. Adjectives ending (1) In f and x,2 change these letters into ve and se respectively :— actif, active; heureux, heureuse. Except, doux faux 3 prefix roux vieux brief bref 1 2 See Reasons andIllustrations, See ibid., § 351 (A). douce fausse préfixe rousse vieille brieve brève sweet false appointed red {of hair) old short short \ on the grave ac) cent, see No. 4 §§348—353. 3 See ibid., § 351 (note). 122 FRENCH GRAMMAR, (2) In g and c, change these letters into gue and que * respectively :— long, longue;2 public,publique. t. grec 3 sec 4 4 blanc 4 franc grecque sèche blanche franche Greek dry white free Obs. 1. Franc has franque in the Fern, when it means Frank or Frankish : la langue franque. (3) In as,s ais ;s eil, el, es,s et ; 6 ien ; on, os,s ot ; 6 ul, 5 double their final consonant and add e:— gras,grasse; muet, muette; sot, sotte. Except, ras frais mauvais niais complet6 concret discret inquiet prêt replet secret cagot dévot idiot rase fraîche mauvaise niaise complète concrète discrète inquiète prête replète secrète cagote dévote idiote fresh bad silly complete concrete discreet anxious ready stout secret devout idiotic Obs. Adjectives in es lose their accent in the Fem. Gender : prof es $ professe ; exprès $ expresse. 1 See Reasons and Illustrations, § 352 (note Adjectives in gu take ë in the Feminine changed) :— aigu, aiguë; ambigu, 3 See Reasons and Illustrations, § 352 (note 5 See ibid., § 351 (B). 2 1). (the pronunciation remains unambiguë. 4 2). See ibid., § 352. 6 See ibid., § 353 (A). ADJECTIVES. 123 (4) In er, and, generally speaking, all Adjectives the final consonant of which is preceded by an unaccented e (see the Except, in No. 3), take the grave accent on the e and add e mute :— x am^r, amhre ; Her,fiere; discret, discrète. (5) Notice the Fern, of the following Adjectives :— 2 COl favori bénin malin absous dissous tiers gentil coite favorite bénigne maligne absoute dissoute tierce gentille quiet favourite benign malicious acquitted dissolved third pretty (6) Five Adjectives have a second form of the Masc which is used before Nouns beginning with a vowel or an h mute :— 3 Masc. beau bel nouveau nouvel fou fol mou mol vieux vieil Fem. belle nouvelle folle molle vieille fine new foolish soft old Obs. 1. Jumeau, twin, has jumelle in the Fem. Obs. 2. Plusieurs is both^Masc. and Fem. Obs. 3. We may say vieux ami and vieil ami ; vieux homme and vieil homme ; this latter form in the Scriptural sense, sinner. Obs. 4. Dû and crû, Past Participles of devoir and croître, lose the circumflex accent in the Feminine : due, crue. (7) Adjectives ending in eur (and Substantives in 1 See Reasons and Illustrations, § 353 (B). 3 * See ibid., § 351 (D). See ibid., § 351 (C). FRENCH GRAMMAR. eur used adjectively) form their Fern, in four different ways :— a, By adding e : all Adjectives in é rieur and those derived from Latin Comparatives in eur :— antérieur majeur antérieure majeure anterior most important b. By changing eur into e u s e : all those Adjectives which can be formed from a Present Participle by changing ant into eur :— Masc. flatt-eur dans-eur Près. Part. flatt-ant dans-ant Except, i. inventeur exécuteur inspecteur persécuteur gouverneur débiteur procureur chanteur Except. 2. bailleur 1 chasseur défendeur demandeur enchanteur pécheur 2 vendeur vengeur i i[ î Î î i inventrice exécutrice inspectrice persécutrice gouvernante débiteuse débitrice procureuse procuratrice chanteuse cantatrice bailleresse chasseuse chasseresse défenderesse demandeuse demanderesse enchanteresse pécheresse vendeuse venderesse vengeresse Fem. flatt-euse dans-euse inventor executor inspector persecutor governor spreader, retailer debtor attorney proxy singer [ high-class profes~ \ sional singer lessor hunter (in poetry) defendant asker plaintiff enchanter sinner seller vendor (law) avenger c. By changing eur into e r e s s e : all those Adjectives which form the second exception to Rule b. 1 2 Bailleur, yawner, has in the Fern, bâilleuse. Pêcheur, fisherman, has pêcheuse in the Fein. ADJECTIVES. 125 d. By changing teur into trice : the Adjectives belonging to this class are derived from Latin words in tor, Fem. trix— actrice créatrice bienfaitrice acteur créateur bienfaiteur actor creator benefactor (8) The following Adjectives have an irregular form :— ambassadeur empereur serviteur ambassadrice impératrice servante ambassador emperor servant (9) Adjectives and Substantives expressing trades, professions, &c, generally followed by men, do not change even when they are applied to women :— Graveur {engraver), docteur {doctor), auteur {author), traducteur {translator), peintre {painter), Sec. : e.g. une femme auteur, a female author ; elle était un poète admirable. Obs. Poétesse, a female poet, is seldom used. (10) Defective Adjectives. a. Adjectives used with Masc. Nouns only : châtain fat résous nutbrown coxcomb solved dispos . aquilin vélin nimble aquiline vellum b. Adjectives used with Fem. Nouns only : crasse romane gross romance cursive plénière cursive full Obs. I. Châtain is sometimes used in the Fem. châtaine; hébreu has generally hébreue; hébraïque is used only in grammaire hébraïque, la langue hébraïque, le culte hébraïque, les mœurs hébraïques. Obs. 2. Grognon, grumbling, and témoin, witness, are used both for the Masc. and the Fem. FRENCH 126 GRAMMAR. II. Formation of t h e Plural. 188.—General Rule. Adjectives form their plural like Substantives by adding s to the singular : joli, jolis ; jolie, jolies ; grand, grands ; grande, grandes. Except. toutes, Tout, Fem. toute, has in the Plural tous, Fem. 189.—Special Rules. formed— The Plural of Adjectives is also (1) By adding x to those ending in au and eu: beau, beaux, hébreu, hébreux. Except. Bleu, blue, and feu, lately deceased, take s. (2) By changing into aux the termination al:1 égal, égaux ; brutal, brutaux. Except. Some Adjectives in al take s :— amical 2 final matinal colossal frugal nasal ducal glacial natal fatal initial naval théâtral 3 And austral jovial oval boréal labial paschal bancal lingual pénal doctoral medial virginal Obs. Adjectives in ant and ent better keep the end -/ in the Plural : charmants instead of charmans. 1 See Reasons, & c , §§ 354—356 2 Many writers rise even these Adjectives in aux, as : frugaux, dticaux, nataztx, atistraux. 3 The following Adjectives are generally used with Fem. Nouns only :— bénéficiai canonial collégial crucial diagonal diamétral expérimental médicinal mental patronal transversal vocal ADJECTIVES. 127 (3) Plural of Compound Adjectives. A, General Rules* a. When one of the Adjectives serves to qualify the other, the second Adjective only takes the mark of the plural :— * Sing. clair-semé court-vêtu demi-mort Plur. clair-semés court-vêtus demi-morts thin-sown short-coaled half-dead b. When both Adjectives serve to qualify the Noun, both take the mark of the plural :— 2 Masc. Sing. aigre-doux Masc. Plur. aigres-doux frais-cueilli ivre-mort frais-cueillis ivres-morts Fern. Plur. aigres-douces between sweet and sour fraîches-cueillies freshly gathered ivres-mortes B. Special Rules.—Compound Adjectives of Colour. a. When one of the Adjectives serves to qualify the other, both remain unchanged : des cheveux châtain-clair f brown) ; des robes bleu-foncé {dark blue). b. When both Adjectives serve to qualify the Noun, both agree with the Noun in Number and Gender : des étoffes bleues claires, i.e. fabrics blue in colour and light in texture. Obs. Adjectives of Colour remain invariable when they are derived from Substantives :— des gants paille des robes ponceau straw-coloured gloves fame-coloured dresses 1 If nouveau be one of the terms of the Compound Adjective, it sometimes changes and sometimes remains invariable ; thus : Sing, nouveau^né, nowueaunêe; Plur. nouveau-nés: Sing nouveàu-marié, nouvelle-mariée Plur. nouveaux-mariés, nottvelles-mariées. - All-powerful'has in the Sing, tout-finissant, Fern, iotde-fiuissante; in the Plur tout-fiuissants, totites-fitrissantes. FRENCH 128 III. GRAMMAR. C o m p a r i s o n of A d j e c t i v e s . 1 190.—(T) The Comparative of an Adjective is formed by placing p l u s , more, or m o i n s , less, before the Positive, and the Superlative 2 by putting the Definite Article before the Comparative :— Positive. Masc. grand Fern. grande Comparative, plus grand plus grande Superlative, le plus grand la plus grande moins sage moins sage le moins sage la moins sage Masc. sage Fern. sage 191.—(2) The following Adjectives have two different forms for the Comparative and Superlative :— 3 bon ! mauvais •1 petit 1 Positive. Comparative, good meilleur simple-minded plus bon Superlative, le meilleur le plus bon wicked bad pire plus mauvais le pire le plus mauvais small small [in size) moindre plus petit le moindre le plus petit 192.—(3) The Adverbs of the preceding Adjectives form their Comparatives and Superlatives in the following manner :— Positive. Comparative, bien well mieux mal badly j ^ m a l j peu little moins and: beaucoup much plus 1 Superlative, le mieux le pis le plus mal le moins le plus See Reasons, & c , § 357. Some Superlatives in issime (from Lat. issimus) are still used as titles: sêrénissime, éminentissime, rêvêrendissime ; or, in colloquial and familiar language, savaniissime, rarissime ; quelques richissimes bourgeois (Ed. About;. 3 See Reasons, & c , § 358. 2 ADJECTIVES, 193.—(4) Additional 129 Remarks. a. When the Adjective follows the Noun, the Definite Article must be repeated ; thus, either : le plus heureux soldat, or le soldat le plus heureitx. b. After a Comparative, than is expressed by que :— Il est plus heureux que sage he is morefortunate than wise. c. Plus or moins must be repeated before every Adjective :— II est plus content et plus sage qu'un roi he is happier and wiser than a king d. Translate by aussi...que', and not by pas si...que :— Ce jardin est aussi grand que le vôtre, this garden is as large as yours ; il n'est pas si heureux que vous, he is not so happy as you. e. The Definite Article is not used when the Adjective in the Superlative 1 is preceded by a Possessive Adjective : mon, ton, son, &c. :— le plus grand chagrin mon plus grand chagrin the greatest sorrow my greatest sorrow f. The Superlative Absolute is formed by placing before the Adjective bien, fort, très, extrêmement, infiniment, &c. :— Il est bien heureux ; c'est extrêmement dangereux. g. In after the Superlative is to be translated by de-:— C'est la plus belle maison de Manchester, this is the finest house in Manchester. x Some Adjectives do not admit of a comparison : aîné, fitdné, de-niier, éternel, firincijbal, immortel, unique, itifini, immense, divin, &c. premier, parfait, K CHAPTER V . — P R O N O U N S (PRONOMS).» 194,—Most Pronouns are either-— Conjunctive, i.e. immediately preceding or following t h e V e r b : il donne ; il lui donnait ; donnait-il ; or Disjunctive, i.e. used independently of a Verb or separated from it by other words: Qui frappe? moi; il travaille pour lui. I. Personal Pronouns (Pronoms Personnels). 2 195. —A. Conjunctive. Singular. 2nd ist Person, tu Nom. je / to me •. te Dat. me te me Ace. me Person, thou to thee thee 3 rdPe rson. Fem. Masc. elle she il he, it lui to he* lui to him, it la her le him, it Plural. Nom. nous Dat. nous Ace. nous 1 we to us us vous vous vous you to you you See Reasons, &c., § 360. ils they leur to them les them elles they leur to them les them - See ibid § 361. PRONOUNS. 131 196.—#. The Genitive Singular and Plural of this Pronoun (of me, of thee, &c. ; of us, of you, &c.) is wanting ; it is supplied by the Genitive of Personal Disjunctive Pronouns (see § 200) :— I l parlait de moi et de lui he was speaking of me and of him b. As to the 3rd Person Singular and Plural of this Pronoun, its Genitive may be expressed by en ( = of him, her, it, them), its Dative by y ( = to him, her, it, them). Like the other Personal Pronouns, they are placed before the Verb, but after any other Pronouns, y always preceding en :— Tl en parla J e vous y en donnerai Il m.y mena he spoke of it (him, her, them) I shall give you there of it (them) he took me there 197.—The a of la and the e of je, me, te, se, / ( parle ? 1 Que is also used in the sense of an Adverb or a Conjunction ( = combien, pourquoi?). Que de services il vous a rendus ! how many services he has ren~ dered you I Que ne se plaint-il auprès du roi ? w h y does he not complain to the king? 2 T h e nominative what can be rendered b y que only before Impersonal or Intransitive Verbs (que deviendrai-je ? que se Passe-t-il ?) ; before all other Verbs qu'est-ce qui must be employed (qu est-ce qui vous afflige ? = what). PRONOUNS. 5 S à quoi visez-vous ? à quoi est-ce que vous visez ? at what are you aiming ? que désirez-vous ? ^ ' e s t - c e que vous désirez ? what do you wish ? (Pronoms Relative Pronouns. Relatifs) -1 226—V. Masc. and Fern. Sing. & Plur, Nom, qui Gen. de qui, d o n t 2 Dat. à qui Ace. que (qui only after Prepositions and in speaking of persons) Masc. Fern. b. lequel laquelle duquel de laquelle auquel à laquelle lequel laquelle c. Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. who, of whom, to whom, which which which whom, which Masc. Fem. lesquels lesquelles desquels desquelles auxquels auxquelles lesquels lesquelles ce qui ce dont ce à quoi ce que L'homme qui fut tué Le mot dont vous parlez L a dame à qui vous avez écrit 1 L'enfant qui vous voyez L'ami avec qui j ' a i fait ce ( voyage that that that that who, of whom, to whom, whom, which which which which which, what of which to which which, what the man who was killed the word of which you speak the lady to whom you wrote ( the child whom you see < the friend with whom / made ( this voyage 227.—The final e of que is elided before a Vowel or nient h; qui never changes :— La maison qu'il a achetée (for que il) ; l'ami avec qui il est venu. 1 See Reasons, & c , § 369. : See ibid, § 370. 142 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 228.—-The Relative Pronouns who, which, may be omitted in English : they must always be expressed in French :—• Le livre que vous avez acheté est excellent the book you bought is excellent 229. — Whose is generally rendered by dont which must immediately be followed by the subject of the .Relative Clause :— Le soldat dont vous connaissez les enfants But:— Le soldat dont les enfants vous connaissent the soldier whose children you know the soldier whose children know you 230.—Instead of dont we must use de qui, or duquel, desquels, & c , if whose depends on a Noun governed by a Preposition :— Le prince sur la protection duquel (or de qui) vous comptez Le journal dans les colonnes duquel j'ai trouvé cette nouvelle Les généraux à la bienveillance desquels (or de qui) vous devez tout the prince on whose protection you count the journal in the columns of which I found this news the generals to whose kindness you owe everything 231.—Qui is used in speaking of persons. 232.—Lequel, &c. which always agrees in gender and number with the Noun to which it refers, is used instead of qui. a. When, referring to animals or things, it is governed by a preposition :— Voici le livre dans lequel j'ai trouvé tant de fautes Le cheval sur leqtiel il est monté here is the book in which I found so many mistakes the horse on which he 7?iounted PRONOUNS. 143 b. When there would be an ambigidty in the phrase : — Le frère de la jeune captive lequel a écrit cette lettre, est très habile the brother of the young captive girl who wrote this letter is very clever N.B. It qui were used heie instead of lequel, it would, as it always does, refer to the Noun which immediately precedes it, and the sense of this sentence would altogether be changed. VI. T h e A d v e r b s EN, Y, où, DONT, u s e d a s Pronouns. 233.—(1) E n originally an Adverb (Lat. inde there) is used :— —from a. As a Personal Pronoun of both genders and numbers in reference to persons and chiefly to animals and things ; it corresponds to the Genitive case, and stands instead of de lui, d'elle, d'eux, d'elles {of him, of it, of her, of them) : — Parlez-vous de ces livres? Oui, nous en parlons. Cette maladie est dangereuse ; il en mourra do you speak of these hooks? Yes, we speak of them this ilhiess is dangerous ; he will die of it b. As a Possessive Pronoun, instead of his, her, its, their :— Je viens de voir Londres ; les palais en sont magnifiques J'aime les.fleurs; 'fen admire la beauté / have just seen London ; its palaces are beautiful / like flowers ; I admire their beauty c. In the sense of some, any, none of it, of them : — Si vous avez des roses, donnez m'en quelques unes Voici des plumes; en voulezvous ? if you have any roses, give me some here are pens ; do y ou want any? U4 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Obs. I n French, en must be used in the answer :— a. W h e n the Noun or the Pronoun in the question is preceded by de.— Ont-ils parlé de lui ? Oui, ils en ont parlé have they spoken of him ? they have Yes, b. W h e n the Noun in the question is used in a partitive sense :— A-t-il des protecteurs ? Oui, il en a de très-puissants Avez-vous du papier ? Oui, y eu ai has he any protectors ? Yes, he has very powerful ones have you any paper ? Yes, I have c. W h e n the Noun in the question is preceded by un or une ; in this case un or une must be repeated in the answer, except when the answer is negative :-— A-t-il tin cheval ? Oui, il en a un Avez-vous perdu une plumé ? Oui, j ' e n ai perdu une A-t-il un piano ? Non, il n'en a pas has he got a horse ? Yes, he has have you lost a pen ? yes, I have has he a piano ? No, he has not d. W h e n the Noun in the question or in thé first part of the sentence is preceded by a numeral or an adverb of quantity :— Vous avez deux frères, et moi, y67t ai quatre Puisque vous avez tant de fleurs, donnez m'en une (or quelques unes) you have two brothers and 1 have four as you have so many flowers, give me one (or some) 234.—(2) Y is used not only as an Ad\xrb (Lat. ibi, there) but also as a demonstrative pronoun of both genders and numbers; it is mostly employed with reference to animals; things, and places, rarely with reference to persons ; it stands for the Dative, and corresponds to the English to it, at it, upon it, in it, him, her, them. PRONOUNS. Avez-vous été à Londres ? Oui, y y ai été * Voici sa lettre, répondez-^ J e vous rendrai vos thèmes si j'y trouve trop de fautes 145 have you been in London ? Yes, I have {been there) here is his letter ; answer (to) it / shall give you back your exercises if I find in them too many mistakes Obs. Generally speaking, y = there, is used instead of là — there, when it points to a place which has been named before :— N'allez pas là, ce serait dangereux J'aime Manchester, y y ai passé plusieurs années don't go there, it would be dan~ gerous / like Manchester ; I have been there for several years 235.—(3) The Adverb Où, where {Lat. ubi), becomes a Relative Pronoun when it is used for lequel, laquelle, &c. preceded by à, dans, par, &c. ; it is of both numbers and genders, and refers only to things :— La maison oh (or dans laquelle) il demeure est mal bâtie Les pays par où (or par lesquels) j ' a i passé, étaient malsains the house m which he lives is badly built the countries through which / passed were unhealthy (4) D o n t was originally an Adverb, whence, out of which {Lat. de wide) ; it is now scarcely ever used but as a Pronoun. (See §§229 and 230.) VII. Indefinite Pronouns. Indéfinis). 2 (Pronoms 236.—A. Indefinite Pronouns used Substantively. 1 When the Noun in the question is preceded by à, dans, en, sur, & c , y must be added in the answer, although it does not appear in English :— Avez-vous été à Paris ? Non, je n'y have you been in Paris ? No, I have ai pas été not {been there) L a lettre est-elle sur la table ? Oui is the letter on the table ? Yes, it is elle y est (there) * See Reasons, & c , § 371. 146 FRENCH GRAMMAR. (i) Chacun fem. c h a c u n e x every one, each, has no plural (as for chaque, see § 237) :— Chacun pense à soi Chacune de ses dames every one thinks of himself each of these ladies (2) Quelqu'un 2 fem. quelqu'une; filur. q u e l q u e s vxi'&fem. q u e l q u e s u n e s , some, somebody (in questions, any, anybody) some one (as for quelque, see § 237) :— J'attends quelqu'un ici Quelqu'un de ces messieurs Connaissez-vous quelques unes de ces dames ? I wait for somebody here some one of these gentlemen do you know any of these ladies ? (3) Quiconque 3 whoever (lie who), whosoever, has no plural, and refers only to persons ; the Adjective takes the feminine gender when it refers to a lady :— Quiconque n'observera pas cette loi, sera puni Il hait quiconque blâme son ami Quiconque de vous, mesdemoiselles, se montrera envieuse, sera grondée whoever does not observe this law will I he hates the man (him) who blames his friend ladies, whoever of you proves envious will be scolded (4) O n 4 (for which form Ton is generally, but not necessarily, used after et, si, ou, qui, que, quoi, except when on is followed by a word beginning with / ; et on lui donna, not et Von lui donna s), is of the masculine gender and always requires the Verb to be in the Singular : it means one, they, we, people :— On dit qu'il viendra Si Von n'était pas venu me surprendre Et Von se trompe si facilement they (people) say that he will come if they had not taken me by surprise And we deceive ourselves so easily 1 2 See Reasons, &c , § 371, No. 5. See ibid., § 371, N o . 16. 4 See ibid, § 371, No 17 See ibid., § 371, No 10. 5 When qu'on is followed by a word beginning with the syllable con, it is preferable to use que Von : Je vetix que l'on continue instead of je veztx qu'on continue. 3 PRONOUNS. Ï47 This pronoun is often used in order to avoid the passive voice. On les laissa seuls On m'a raconté On dit que they were left alone /have been told it is said that (5) a. Personne x nobody', no one is always masculine and singular and requires the negative ne* before the verb :— 3 Personne /z'est tué Je /z'ai rencontré personne nobody has been killed I met no one b. Personne, rien, and aitcun must be followed by de before an Adjective. See also § 167 (2) :— 11 n'y a rien de grand comme l'homme vertueux succombant au malheur Il n'y a parmi eux personne de plus juste que lui there is nothing so great as the virtuous man sinking under the weight of misfortune there is among them no one more just than he 1 Personne in the sense of a person Feminine :— Remarquez-vous cette personne ? Des personnes bien intentionnées {man or woman), 2 people, is a Noun do you notice this person ? well-intentioned people T h e Pronouns personne, aucun, rien, and nul, are used without ne— a. When they are not accompanied by a Verb :— Qui est venu ? Personne who came ? N o one Qu'a-t-il fait ? Rien what did he do ? Nothing b. When the interrogative form is employed only in order to affirm with so much greater emphasis, personne and aucun then mean anybody, and rien anything :— Y-a-t-il rien de plus beau que ce is there anything finer than this tableau ? picture ? Personne oserait-il nier cela? would any one dare to deny this? This form of expression only serves to affirm energetically that there is nothing more beautiful than this picture, and that no one would dare to deny such a statement. If, in these two examples, we were to use qtielque chose or quelqu'un instead of rien^ and personne, the sense of the phrase would no longer be the same. For in saying : Y a-t-il quelque chose de plus beau que ce tableau ? Quelqu'un oserait-il nier cela ? we ask a real question to which we expect an answer. T h e translation of the ordinary question, Has any one dared to deny this? would be : Personne n'a-t-il osé nier cela ? 3 See Reasons, & c , § 384. L 2 148 FRENCH GRAMMAR. c. Personne and aucun are used without tie (see also p. 147, Note 2), when they follow a Verb which expresses doubt :—Il doute que personne le trouve he doubts whether any one will find it (6) Autrui, 1 others, other people, only refers to persons, has no Singular, and is generally preceded by a Preposition :— Ne faites pas à autrui ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu'on vout fît do not to others what you would not wish others to do to you (7) Quelque c h o s e , something, is of the masculine gender, see §182 (4) :— On lui dit que quelque chose de désagréable était arrivé he was told that something disagreeable had happened (8) Rien, 2 nothing, is an indefinite Pronoun masculine singular, and requires ne before the Verb :— Je ne vois rien Rien ne l'intéresse I see nothing nothing interests him Rem. I. On rien used without ne, see aucun, p. 147, Note 2. Rem. 2. Rien may be employed as a Noun in the sense of thing of no importance ;— Dire des riens to talk nothings (9) Qui que, whosoever, whomsoever ; quoi que, whatsoever, howsoever, to be followed by the Subjunctive :— Qui que ce soit Qui que vous blâmiez Quoi qu'il en soit x J See Reasons, &c , § 371, N o . 3. whoever he may be whomsoever you blame however that may be 2 See ibid, § 384. PRONOUNS. 149 2 3 7. -—.Z?. Indefinite Pronouns used A djectively. (i) C h a q u e , 1 every, each, is of both genders and has no plural ; it is always followed by a Noun, whilst chacun is always used without a Noun. See §236 (1) :— Chaque homme a sa passion Chaque fille aime à jouer every man has his passion every girl likes playing (2) a. Q u e l q u e , 2 pL q u e l q u e s , some, is of both genders, and is always followed by a Noun. See §236 (2) :— Donnez-moi quelque argent Il y a quelques fautes give me some money there are some mistakes 0. Q u e l q u e , $lur. q u e l q u e s , with q u e before the succeeding Verb, which must be in the Subjunctive mood, means whatever, whatsoever :— 3 Quelque soin qu'on prenne Quelques efforts que tu fasses Quelques grandes richesses qu'ils aient whatever care one may take whatever efforts you may make what great riches soever they may have c. Q u e l q u e , followed by an Adverb or by an Adjective without a Noun, is an Adverb and as such remains invariable ; it means however, howsoever :— Quelque bien jouées que soient ces tragédies . . . Quelque modestes qu'ils soient je ne les aime pas however well these tragedies may be played . . . however modest they may be% I do not like them 1 See Reasons, &c v § 371, N o . 6. * See ibid., § 371, No. 15 3 If whatever should govern the Verb To Be (e.g. whatever his excuse ma} r be), it is rendered in French by quel que, which agrees with the subject of the claiase in Number and Gender, and must immediately be followed by the Subjunctive of être :— Quelle que soit son excuse Quels que soient mes desseins whatever his excuse may be whatever my J>lans may be ISO FRENCH GRAMMAR. (3) Quelconque, 1 plur. q u e l c o n q u e s , is of both genders, and always follows the Noun :— Un prétexte quelconque Deux points quelconques étant donnés . . . any pretext whatever any two points being given . . . (4) Maint, 2 mainte;plur, m a i n t s , m a i n t e s , many a; this Pronoun is scarcely ever used but in the familiar style :— Maint homme se conduit en enfant many a man behaves like a child (5) Certain^ certaine; plur. certains, c e r t a i n e s , some, certain ;* this Pronoun is sometimes preceded by un :— Certaines gens se plaignent toujours Un certain loup aperçut un agneau some people are always com" plaining a wolf saw a lamb (6) Différents, différentes, > different, various. divers, d i v e r s e s , Les différentes parties de ce discours the different parts of this speech 238.—C. Indefinite Pronouns used both Substantively and Adjeciively. 1 See Reasons, & c , § 371, No. 14. See ibid., § 371, No. 7. See ibid., § 371, No. 4. * Placed after the Noun, certain has the sense of sure, indubitable :— 2 3 C'est une marque certaine it is a sure sign PRONOUNS. 151 (i) A u c u n , 1 a u c u n e , 1 no one (2) N u l , nulle, f/lûne> > not one> no' they are seldom used in the plural, and always require ne before the Verb :— Aucun homme ?z'est parfaitement heureux Aucun n'est prophète chez soi no one is perfectly happy no one ds a prophet in his own count7y no one is immo7'tal Nul n'est immortel Aucun, e, is sometimes placed after its Substantive, especially in the feminine gender :— Sans exception aucune without any exception 2 (3) P a s un, p a s une, no one, not a single one, requires the Verb with ne :— Pas un n'est venu not a single one came (4) Plusieurs,3 several, many is invariable and of both genders :— Plusieurs amis m'ont écrit Il paya bien cher plusieurs de ses victoires sevemlfriends have wi itten to me he paid dearly for several of his victories (5) T e l , telle,* t e l s , t e l l e s : s such, is preceded by un, une, whilst, in English, such is followed by the Indefinite Article :— Une telle amie 1 Such a friend 2 See Reasons, Sec, § 371, N o . 1. See Hid., § 384. See ibid., § 371, No. 12. 4 See ibid.) § 371, N o . 19. 5 Notice the following meanings of tel :— (1) tel qui, many a one (2) tel quelj such as it is, was ; of small value (3) Mr. un tel, Mr. so and so Tel qui rit le matin pleure le soir \ many a one laughs in the morning Tel rit le matin qui pleure le soir 1 who weej>s in the evening J e lui rendis son chapeau tel quel I gave him back his hat, such as it was Ce vin est t?I quel this wine is only middling, so so 3 i52 FRENCH GRAMMAR. In the Plural, tels, telles, may be used with de or without de :— De tels soldats such soldiers Je ferai telles conditions / shall make such conditions (6) A u t r e , 1 other, remains the same both for the Masculine and the Feminine : — 2 Un autre ami ; une autre fin Donnez-moi d''attires exemples D'autres vous diront le contraire (7) L ' u n l ' a u t r e Li'une l ' a u t r e another friend ; another end give me other examples others will tell you the contrary \each other with reference to Ç two persons or things. Les uns les autres feach other w i t h r e f e r e n c e t 0 , , • < more than two v persons or T Les unes les autres \ , , . ^ things. Ils se naissent Vun Vautre they hate each other Ils se battent les uns les autres they beat each other (8) L ' u n e t l ' a u t r e 3 L'une et l'autre \both in speaking of two j persons or things. et les autres f both i n s P e a k i n S o f more .« , -\ than two persons OÎ T r Les unes et les autres \ . , . ^ thmgs. Vun et Vautre cheval sont tombés both horses fell Vun et Vautre sont venus both have come Les uns 1 2 See Reasons, Bec, § 371, N o 2. Autres is often added to notes and vous in order to mark opposition :— Notts autres Anglais, nous ne we English don't believe that croyons pas cela Autre is sometimes used in the sense of second:— C'est un autre Demosthenes he is a second Demosthenes U n autre moi-même my second self 3 If there be any Preposition, it must be put before l'un and before Vmitre :— Il parle à l'un et à l'autre he is speaking to both PRONOUNS. 153 (9) a. T o u t , 1 t o u t e 2 = every, each, when used without any Article. T o u t , ' t o u t e = whole, when used with the Singular of the Definite Article. T o u s , t o u t e s = all, when used with the Plural of the Definite Article. Tout homme est mortel Tout /'homme ne meurt pas Tous les hommes sont mortels La plus belle fleur de tout le jardin every man is mortal the whole man does not die all men are mortal the most beautiful flower in the whole garden Rem. The last example shows that tout always prevents the contraction of the Preposition de with the Definite Article. (See § 163.) b. L e t o u t is a Substantive^ meaning the whole :— Divisez le tout en 3 parties Il donnera le tout à son meilleur ami divide the whole in 3 parts he will give the whole to his best friend 1 On tout before the name of a town, see p i n . , Note 2. See Reasons, &c, § 371, N o . 20. T o u t niay also be used as an Adverb = quite, entirely, and as such, it remains invariable ; but if it be immediately followed by the Feminine form of an Adjective or a Participle beginning with a Consonant or an h Aspirate, it agrees with the Adjective or Participle in Number and Gender:— 2 3 Nous sommes tout prêts Elle fut tout étonnée, tout heureuse Elles furent tout affligées Nous sommes tottt oreilles But— Elle fut toute déconcertée toute honteuse Elles furent toutes changées we are quite ready she was quite astonished, happy they were quite sad we are all ears she was quite disconcerted ashamed they were quite changed quite and Rem. If, in the first example, we were to write, ' Nous sommes tous prêts, tous would no longer be an Adverb ; it would be the Adjective, and mean : all: we are all ready. Thus :— Ces vins sont tout purs Ces vins sont tous purs these wines are quite pure these wines are all pute 154 FRENCH GRAMMAR. c. Tout used alone means everything :— Tout est changé ici everything is changed here d. Tout le monde generally means every one; the whole world is rendered by le monde entier. (io) a. Même, 1 Plur. mêmes = same, self, alike, of both Genders, follows the Substantive or the Pronoun :— Le roi même (or le roi lui-même) La reine même (or la reine ellemême) C'est la douceur même the king himself the queen herself he is gentleness itself h. Le même, la même, les mêmes, Masculine and Feminine = the same ;— Cela se trouve dans le même livre Ce sont les mêmes Il mourut le même jour But:— Il mourut le jour même this is found in the same book they are the same he died the same day he died the very day c. Même takes an s when it is used :— (i) between the Article and the Noun in the Plural ; (2) after one Noun or Pronoun in the Plural ; {3) substantively (see above, b). Vous avez fait les mêmes fautes que lui Voilà mes amis mimes (or euxmêmes) Ces garçons seront toujours les mêmes you have made the same mistakes as he there are my friends themselves these boys will always be the same 1 On -même preceded by moi, toi, & c , see above, § 202. see Reasons, & c , § 371, N o . 8. On its etymology, PRONOUNS. 155 But même remains invariable when used as an Adverb in the sense of even, i.e.— (1) when it precedes the Article ; (2) when it follows several Substantives ; (3) when it qualifies another word but the Substantive. Même les femmes furent tuées Ses élèves, ses enfants mhne l'ont abandonné Il ne voulut pas même m'écouter even the women were killed his pupils, even his children, have left him. he would not even listen to me CHAPTER VI.—NUMERALS NUMÉRAUX).1 (ADJECTIFS 239.—(I) Cardinal Numbers (Nombres Cardinaux). I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 un (m.), une (f.) 1 deux trois quatre 2 cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt (gt mute) 3 y vingt et un ^în vingt-deux ! vingt-trois ( vingt sounded vingt-quatre, &c. J 30 31 32 40 50 60 70 71 72 80 8l 82 90 91 99 100 IOI 102 200 210 1000 2000 100000 1000000 trente trente et un trente-deux quarante cinquante soixante soixante-dix soixante-onze soixante-douze, & c quatre-vingts 2 quatre-vingt-un quatre-vingt-deux quatre-vingt-dix 3 quatre-vingt-onze quatre-vingt-dix-neuf cent (t mute) cent un (t mute) cent deux (t mute) deux cents deux cent dix mille deux mille cent mille un million Note. —Naught is zéro in French. 1 s S e e ,Reasons ana11Ihtstrations, § 372. 3 See ibid., § 375. See ibid., § 374- NUMERALS. 157 240—The a of the Definite Article la, and the final e of words preceding huit and onze, are generally not elided before these two numerals :— Le huit mars, le onze juin, la onzième partie ; il n'y eut que onze. 241.— Vingt and ce?it take an s when they are multi plied by a number and not followed by any other :— Quatre-vingts hommes ; deux cents enfants ; il y en avait deux cents. But :— Quatre-vingt-trois hommes, cent enfants, deux cent dix soldats. 242.—Quatre-vingt and cent remain unchanged when they are used as an ordinal number or in dates :— Page quatre-vingt ; page trois cent ; en mil six cent; l'an quatrevingt. 243.—Neither one nor and are expressed, whether the)/ precede or follow hundred ma thousand :— cent dix pages cent livres mille trois cents exemplaires one hundred and ten pages one hundred pounds one thousand three hundred copies 244,—Pronunciation. The final consonant of cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, and dix, is sounded—< a. before a Vowel or silent h ; dix^aunes, sept^hommes ; b. when the Numeral stands alone : nous étions neuf ; c. when the Cardinal Number is used instead of the Ordinal (see § 253) : le cinq septembre. In all other cases the final Consonant of these Numerals is mute ; cinq (pron. cin) livres ; six (pron. si) héros. FRENCH GRAMMAR. 158 The final Consonant of words preceding huit and onze is mute : vers les \ huit heuresy vers les | onze heures. (Similarly : vers les \ une heure). 245.—Mille, thousand, never takes s :x trois milles am. Mil is used instead of mille in dates of the Christian era, if it is followed by a Numeral Adjective :— Mil deux cent quatorze ; en mil trois cent quarante. But :— L'an mille ; l'an deux mille ; l'an quatre mille huit du monde. 246.—Million, billion, trillion, take s in the Plural. 247.—' In the year' is en or Van (the latter more generally used for numbers under hundred : Van 48) :— En mil huit cent cinquante, in the year 1850. 248.—When two numerals are joined together, the larger always precedes : trente-deux ; vingt-cinq (not cinq et vingt, as in English sometimes, five and twenty). 249.—(2) Ordinal N u m b e r s ( N o m b r e s Ordinaux). 2 ISt. 2nd. 3rd. Le La Le La Le La Le premier (m.) première (f. ) 3 second (m.) seconde (f. ) 3 deuxième (m.) deuxième (f.) 4 troisième 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. ioth. Le Le Le Le Le Le Le quatrième cinquième sixième septième huitième neuvième dixième 250.—The other Ordinal Numbers are formed by adding -ieme to the Cardinal Numbers of which the final 1 2 3 Mille, a mile, takes s in the Plural : deux milles, two miles. See Reasons and Illustrations, § 379 sq. 4 See ibid., § 379. See ibid., § 3C0. NUMERALS. 159 e is omitted if they end in this Vowel : onze, onz-ième; douzey douzième. 251.—First is to be translated by premier when it stands by itself, and by unième when preceded by another number :— I ^e premier livre l^Q vingt-unième (or vingt et unihné) chapitre thefirstbook the twenty-first chapter 252.—Deuxième must be used instead of second (pronounce segon) when there is a third. 253.—The Cardinal instead of the Ordinal Numbers are used— a. For the Days of the Month (exe. le premier) : le quatre mars, le onze juin (see § 240), le premier août.* N.B. Of before the name of a month and on in dates, or used with the days of the week, are not expressed : le quatre mars — on the 4th of March; il arriva lundi = he arrived on Monday. b. In Quotations (exe. le premier) : livre trois, chapitre cinq = book the third, chapter the fifth. c. After the names of Sovereigns (exe. le premier; second is used conjointly with deux) : Henri trois, Henry the Third ; Charles premier, Charles the First; Louis deux (or Louis second), Louis the Second. Obs. Pope Sixtus V. and the Emperor Charles V. are : Sixte-Quint and Charles-Quint (but : Charles V., king of France = Charles cinq). x The names of the month and of the days of the week are written with small initials : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi i6o 254.—(3) Une huitaine une dixaine une douzaine une quinzaine une vingtaine une trentaine FRENCH GRAMMAR. Collective N u m e r a l s Collectifs). about 8 about 10 a dozen about 15 a score about 30 une quarantaine une cinquantaine une soixantaine une centaine un millier 255.— (4) Fractional N u m e r a l s Fractionnaires). La moitié demi (f. demie) un tiers deux tiers trois tiers the half half a third two thirds three thirds. Sec. (Nombres about about about about about 40 50 60 IOO 1000 (Nombres un quart deux quarts un cinquième deux cinquième trois sixièmes a fourth two fourths a fifth two fifths three sixths Obs. 1. From five upwards the Ordinal Numbers are used. Obs. 2. Demi is variable only when following the Noun : une demi-heure ; u?ie heure et demit. 256.—(5) Multiplicative N u m e r a l s ( N o m b r e s Proportionnels). Simple double triple quadruple quintuple simple double treble fourfold sextuple or six fois autant septuple or sept fois autant octuple or huit fois autant décuple or dix fois autant centuple or cent fois autant fivefold All the others are formed thus : onze fois autant ; douze fois autant, &c. Obs. They become Substantives when preceded by the Article : le double, le triple, &c. CHAPTER VIL—ADVERBS. 1 (I) Place of the Adverb. 257.—The Adverb is generally placed after the Verb in Simple Tenses, and between the Auxiliary and the Participle in Compound Tenses :— 2 Il voyage beaucoup ; il a beaucoup voyagé. (2) Adverbs derived from Adjectives. 258.—a. Their Formation. Adverbs are derived from Adjectives in the following way :— 1. The suffix -ment 3 is added to Adjectives ending in a vowel :— Sage, sage-ment ; vrai, vrai-ment ; aisé, aisé-ment. Exc. 1. Traître has traîtreusement, treacherously ; puni forms the Adverb impunément, with impunity. x See Reasons, &e , § 382. Adverbial expressions are placed after the Past P a r t i c i p a even if the Verb is in a Compound Tense i— Il l'avait rencontré par hasard. 3 See Reasons, & c , § 385. 2 M 162 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exc, 2. T h e following Adjectives take an acute accent on the final e mute before adding -ment :— Aveugle commode conforme énorme immense incommode opiniâtre uniforme aveuglement commodément conformément énormément immensément incommodément opiniâtrement uniformément blindly commodiously conformably enormously immensely incommodiously obstinately uniformly Exc. 3. A circumflex accent is placed on the vowel preceding the suffix -ment :— Assidûment continûment crûment continuedly bluntly dûment gaîment nûment duly gaily plainly Exc. 4. Beau, fou, mou, nouveau, form their Adverbs according to the second rule : bellenmtt (gently), follement, mollement, nouvellement. 2. The suffix -ment is added to the Feminine termination of Adjectives ending in a Consonant :— Franc vif long léger doux franche vive longue légère douce franche-ment vive-ment longue-ment légère-ment douce-ment frankly lively a long time lightly gently Fxc. 1. Gentil makes gentiment, prettily. Exc. 2. Before adding -ment, an acute accent is placed over the final e of the Feminine of the following Adjectives : — Commun confus diffus exprès importun obscur précis profond profus commune confuse diffuse expresse importune obscure precise profonde profuse communé-ment confusé-ment diffusé-ment expressé-ment importuné-ment obscuré-ment precisé-ment profondé-ment profusé-ment commonly confusedly diffusedly expressly importunately obscurely precisely profoundly profusely ADVERBS. 163 3. Adjectives in ant and e n t change these terminations into a m m e n t and erament respectively :— Constant, constamment ; prudent, prudemment. Except. Lent présent véhément lentement présentement véhémentement slowly presently strongly 259.—^. Their Comparts'on. i. Adverbs are compared in the same manner as Adjectives (see above, § 190):— I Eos. Vivement ; Comp. plus vivement ; Sup. le plus vivement. 2. Than after a Comparative is generally expressed by que: il écrit mieux que sa sœur. After plus and moins, followed by a cardinal number or by demi, moitié, tiers, quart, midi, minuit, we must translate than— a. By de, when there is no real comparison, but simply a statement of quantity or number :•— Il vit plus de six vaisseaux Il lui donna moins de la moitié Il était plus de minuit he saw more than six ships he gave him less than the half it was later than 12 o'clock b. By que, when there is a real comparison :— Quatre yeux voient plus que deux Un quart vaut moins qu'un tiers four eyes see more than two a fourth is less than a third (3) A d v e r b s of Quantity. 260.—Both the Adverbs of Negation 2 (ne...pas, ne.,, point, ne...rien, &c ) and the following Adverbs take the 1 2 On the Irregular Comparison of Adverbs, see above, § 192. See Reasons, &c , § 384 M 2 164 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Preposition de after them, if they are followed by a Noun (see § 166) :— Peu,1 moins, plus, trop, tant ; Beaucoup,2 combien, 3 assez, autant. 261.—(4) Adverbs of Place.* Ailleurs alentour auprès autre part dedans dehors de part et d'autre de toutes parts derrière dessous dessus elsewhere around near elsewhere within without on both sides from every side behind below above devant environ ici là loin nulle part n'importe où partout quelque part où y before about here there faroff nowhere anywhere everywhere somewhere where here, there 262.—(5) Adverbs of Time.s Alors après-demain aujourd'hui then6 [autrefois the day after toj avant-hier morrow bientôt to-dav formerly ( the day before \ yesterday soon 1 Little, less, more, too muck (jnany), so much ; much, how much, enough, as mtich. 2 Much before the Adverb better (mietcx) m a y b e beaucoup or Men ; but before the Adverb worse (pis) it must be bien :— Il écrit bien (beaucoup) mieux que son frère Il est bien pis aujourd'hui he writes m^tch better than his brother he is much worse to-day 3 Que de is used only in exclamations ; combien de both in exclamations and questions :•— what a many books ! Que de (combien de) livres î how many books has he ? Combien de livres a-t-il ? 4 5 See ibid,f § 383. See Reasons, See, § 383. 6 Then is translated by— a. puis = then b. done = therefore c. alors = at that time ADVERBS. désormais dorénavant dernièrement déjà demain encore enfin hier jadis longtemps maintenant £ henceforth lately already to-morrow still at last yesterday formerly a long time now parfois à présent puis quand quelquefois souvent soudain tôt tantôt toujours tard 165 sometimes now then when sofnetimes often suddenly soon soon always late 263.—(6) Adverbs of Manner and Quality. Bien3 fort mal à la hâte à la mode à tort exprès comment comme très ainsi well) very much, very badly in haste in vogue wrongfully expressly how like much thus si, aussi 3 volontiers plutôt à couvert de nouveau à genoux de force à merveille à peine en vain par conséquent 50 willingly rather under covert anew kneeling by force admirably well hardly vainly consequently 1 See Reasons, Sec, § 383. a. Very, before Adjectives and Adverbs, is in French très, fort, or bien: C'est très {bien) facile ; vous savez cette règle fort mal. b So very before Adjectives is generally si : II est toujours si poli, he is always so very polite. c. Very much is never très beaucoup, but simply bien, beaucoup, or fort (this last word especially before Past Participles) : Ce livre me plaît beaucoup (very much) ; son père Va fort grondé (very much). d. Very, standing by itself, may be translated differently, as will be seen from the following examples :— 2 Est-ce difficile ? Oui, c* es ffort {bien) difficile C'est absurde, n'est - ce pas ? OuL vraiment ' So is (1) (2) (3) (4) Is it difficult ? Yes, very Is not this absurd ? Yes, very to be translated— by si before Adjectives and Adverbs ; by ainsi when used with Verbs ; by de -même when it means : in the same way ; by aussi when it means : accordingly and begins a sentence. FRENCH i6ô GRAMMAR. 264.—(7) Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation. 1 Oui3 certes vraiment sans doute ne... rien assurément certainement si2 yes certainly truly without doubt nothing assuredly certainly yes non3 nullement ne...pas4 ne... plus ne...point ne... jamais point du tout no by no means not no...more not never not at all 265.—(8) Adjectives used as Adverbs. (1) (2) (.3) (4) (5) (6) Haut, bas bon bon cher court faux juste parler haut, bas tenir bon sentir bon coûter payer cher couper court chanter faux chanter juste speak loud, low stand fast smell nicely cost imtch, pay dearly cut short sing incorrectly sing correctly 1 See Reasons, & c , § 384. After a negative question or a negative statement, yes is translated by si oi sifait, instead of oui :— have you not yet written to htm ? N e lui avez-vous pas encore écrit ? Si fait Yes, I have Il ne fait jamais ce qu'on lui dit. He never does what ke is told. Si Yes, he does 3 T h e absolute negation no and not (used without a Verb) is non :— Avez-vous lu le 2nd livre ? Non, mais j ' a i lu le premier Faites attention à ce qu'il fait et non (or non pas) à ce qu'il dit * Pas, point, rien, jamais, and plus, must always be accompanied by ne unless they are used without a Verb :— 2 Il n'est pas heureux. Elle n'y pense jamais J'irai le voie, mais pas avec toi. Plus d'argent = no more money. Y retournerez-vous ? Jamais := never* CHAPTER VIIL—PREPOSITIONS (PRÉPOSITIONS). 1 266.—(1) Simple Prepositions. À après d'après avant avec chez concernant contre dans de depuis derrière dès devant durant en entre envers environ excepté to, at except in spite of moyennant { by means of, on \ condition non obstant notwithstanding outre besides par by , parmi among pendant during pour for sans without sauf save, except selon according to sous under suivant according to sur upon touchant co7tcerning vers towards vu considering hormis malgré after according to before with at the house of concerning against in of from since behind from before during in, whilst, by between towards about except 3 See Reasons, & c , § 387, i68 FRENCH GRAMMAR* (2) C o m p o u n d Prepositions. 267.—a. Prepositions which govern the Genitive. À l'aide de with the help of near auprès de round autour de near à côté de on account of à cause de this side en deçà de au delà de au-dessous de below au-dessus de above au devant de en dedans de within en dépit de in spite of in consequence of ensuite de à l'égard de with regard to for want of faute de en face de à force de hors de loin de lors de le long de au lieu de au moyen de à moins de au milieu de près de proche de a propos de au travers de vis à vis de in face of by dint of out of far from at the time of instead of by means of under in the middle of near to near to with regard to through opposite 268.—b. Prepositions which govern the Dative. Jusqu'à ) jusques à { quant à par rapport à as far as, until as for, as to with regard to 269.—c. Prepositions which govern the Accusative. À travers d'après par-dessous par-dessus through after underneath, under over, above 270.—On the Use of some of the Prepositions me7itioned above. T. The Preposition must be placed immediately before its object :— De quoi se plaignait-il ? what was he complaining of ? PREPOSITIONS. 169 2. De, en, and à must be repeated before every word which they govern :— Je vais en France et en Ailemagne I am going to France and Germany 3. All Prepositions governing a Verb require the Verb to be in the Infinitive;• the only Preposition which is followed by the Present Participle is e n : — Il sortit sans rien dire he went out without saying Après avoir entendu l'histoire, il se mit à rire Il trembla en lui donnant la main after having heard the story, he began laughing he trembled when he shook hands with him CHAPTER IX.—CONJUNCTIONS.1 271.—(1) Co-ordinative. A. Connective. Et ni encore d'ailleurs au reste and nor both...and y ety still moreover besides tantôt... tantôt non seulement ...mais encore aussi sometimes... sometimes neither...nor not only ...but also also £. Disjunctive. Ou... ou either...or soit..*soit ? it...or néanmoins toutefois nevertheless however C. Adversative. Mais cependant pourtant but however yet, still D. Conclusive. Car for or now (in arguing) c'est pourquoi I voila pourquoi ) s donc then, therefore ainsi thus partant therefore conséquemment ) par conséquant > consequently en conséquence ) 1 See Reasons, &c , § 388. CONJUNCTIONS, m 272.—(2) Sub-ordinative. A. Governing the Indicative Mood. A condition que on condition that de même que ) as well as ainsi que ) after après que whereas vu que seeing that attendu que as much as autant que aussitôt que as soon as dès que sitôt que au lieu que whereas depuis que since (time) durant que whilst puisque since pendant que ) tandis que \ parceque tant que à mesure que si lorsque quand , à proportion que excepté ) hors que ( selon que ) suivant que | m wnusi lecause as long as according as if whether *i proportion ,, ,7 . «*#"&* -,. ^cording as B. Governing the Subjunctive Mood. Pour que that afin que à moins q u e . . . n e unless avant que before bien que quoique de peur que ?for fear that de crainte que au cas que en cas que loin que far from non que not that non pas que nohvithstandmalgré que ing non obstant que provided that pourvu que without sans que soit q u e . . . ou que whether...or posé que ) supposé que \ suppose that pour peu que however little si peu que C. Governing either the Indicative or the Subjunctive. Que de façon que de manière que de sorte que en sorte que that • so that au lieu que selon que sinon que jusqu'à ce que whereas according as except that until as FRENCH 172 D. GRAMMAR. Governing the Infinitive Mood. Afin de avant de à moins de au lieu de faute de in order to before unless instead of for want of CHAPTER de crainte de de peur de loin de plutôt que pour \ for fear of far from rather than in order to X.—INTERJECTIONS. 1 273-— (i) Joy : ah ! bon ! (2) Grief and pain : ah! aïe ! hélas! ouf! (3) Surprise : ha ! oh ! ô ! (4) Disgust : fi ! fi done ! pouah ! foin ! (5) Silence : st ! chut ! (6) Calling out to some one : hé ! hé là-bas ! holà ! 274.— Words or Phrases used as Interjections. Allons ! alerte ! en avant ! courage ! tiens ! quoi ! vraiment ! par exemple ! tiens, tiens ! gare ! au voleur ! à l'assassin ! au secours ! au feu ! au loup ! au chien enragé ! la garde ! aux armes ! tout beau ! 1 corne, forwards, cheer up what! indeed I dear me I mind I take caret thieves I murder I help ! fire ! a wolf! a mad dog I policeman I to arms I softly I See Reasons; &c, § 390. B. REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. INTRODUCTION. I. Classification. 275.—French forms part of the group of Languages which have sprung from Latin, and which are known by the common name of the R o m a n c e L a n g u a g e s . They are the following :— (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Italian, Spanish Portuguese French Provençal Rouman Chur-Wàlsch spoken in Italy. „ Spain. „ Portugal. „ France. „ South of France. „ Moldavia and Wallachia. „ East of Switzerland. I I . E l e m e n t s of t h e F r e n c h L a n g u a g e . 276.—The fundamental element of French is Popular Latin (see D), which, on the soil of France, came in contact with several other languages. 174 FRENCH GRAMMAR. A. When the Romans under Caesar came to Gaul, they found the greater part of France occupied by the Gauls or Kelts, on whom, after a severe struggle, they forced, in a very short time, their customs, their religion, and their language. The Keltic Tongue was almost entirely supplanted by Latin, so that it left in the French language only very faint traces of its existence—about 200 words. B. About 600 B.C., Phocean merchants founded a Greek colony—Massilia, Marseille—and spread the language and civilization of Greece over the southern part of France. Partly through them, partly owing to the introduction of Christianity and to the study of classical antiquity, a certain number of Greek words have found admittance into French. C. The influence of German on French is much greater than that of any of the languages just named. This is to be accounted for by the fact that Gaul was for centuries overrun by the various Teutonic tribes. As early as the third century, Germans settled in northern Gaul. But it was especially in the fifth century, at the time of the great Migration of Peoples, that France had to suffer most from the inroads of the Teutons. The country was at first occupied—for a short time only—by the Vandals and Sueves before they crossed the Pyrenees. The south-western part of France, and the centre as far as the Loire, were then occupied by the Westgoths ; the south-eastern part by the Burgundians ; whilst in the north, Chlodwig founded the powerful kingdom of the Franks, which extended as far as the Loire. The consequence of these various occupations of the land was the introduction into French of a great number REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 175 of words of Teutonic origin, especially such as related to the new institutions the Franks had brought with them. Thus, nearly all the expressions connected with warfare and with the organization of the feudal system are of German origin. Teutonic words relating to naval affairs were principally introduced into French by the Normans, who, like the Franks, soon forgot their own language and adopted that of the people they had conquered. The number of words derived from the Teutonic languages is about 500. D. It is true that all these various elements 1 admitted into, and assimilated by, the French language have enriched its vocabulary in many respects, but they have exercised scarcely any influence on the structure of the French language itself on the organic development of its syntax. The foundation of French, i.e. that which really constitutes its individuality as a distinct language, is solely Latin. Having founded the first colony in the south of Gaul as early as B.c. 121, the Romans extended their dominion every year, until Caesar (B.C. $8:—49) subjugated the whole country, and forced upon its inhabitants, as already mentioned, the language of the Romans, with their institutions, social, political, and religious. This language was not the polished idiom of the lettered and highly educated classes, but the common speech of the people—-the wTords and expressions used in every-day life. This popular language, called the lingua vulgaris (rustica) or lingua Romana, is the fountain from which French and, generally speaking, all the Romance Ian1 T h e number of Hebrew and Arabic words which have passed into French is so small, that they have exercised no influence at all on the French language English, Sjfxznisk, and Italian words have been admitted into French since the sixteenth century. 176 FRENCH GRAMMAR. guages have sprung. It soon absorbed all those languages with which it came in contact. Even in the first century after the Conquest, it was spoken in the greater part of Gaul instead of the old Keltic language, which had to seek a refuge in the province of Armorica. When afterwards, in the fifth century, France was overswept by the warlike and unruly tribes which Germany unceasingly poured forth, the common Latin tongue may be said to have been so firmly established, that it was able not only successfully to withstand the influences of the Germanspeaking populations, but also to force «even the conquerors and new masters of the land to give up their own language in order to learn that of the conquered. After a few centuries, the Franks had forgotten their own tongue—a fact of which we find a proof in the oath which, in 842, king Louis the German took to his brother Charles and his army at Strasburg. This oath was in French, because the Frankish soldiery no longer understood German :— French of the Ninth Century. Pro Deo amur et pro christian poplo et nostro commun salvament, d'ist di en avant, in quant deus savir et podir me dunat, si salvarai eo cist meon fradre Karlo et in adjudha et in cadhuna cosa si cum om per dreit son fradra salvar dist, in o quid il mi altresi fazet, et âb Ludher nul plaid numquam prindrai, qui meon vol cist meon fradre Karle in damno sit. Modern French. Pour l'amour de Dieu et pour le peuple chrétien et notre commun salut, de ce jour en avant (à compter de ce jour) autant que Dieu m'en donne le savoir et le pouvoir, ainsi défendrai je celui mon frère Charles et en aide et en chaque chose, ainsi comme par droit, on doit défendre son frère, pourvu qu'il me fasse de même ; et avec Lothaire je ne prendrai {ferai) jamais aucun accord qui, par ma volonté, soit en dommage à celui-ci, mon frère Charles. REASONS AND ILL USTRA TIONS 177 This is, except a short glossary—the Glosses of Rackettait of the year 768, which contain only single words— the first written document that has been handed down to us of the French language, as it had during eight centuries gradually developed itself from the Latin Popular Idiom, III. Old French and Provencal. 277.—During the many centuries when Popular Latin was spreading in Gaul, the northern and southern parts of that country were, politically speaking, independent of each other. The South had little in common with the North, since either had its characteristic peculiarities, founded on a difference of race ; for the South had been more thickly peopled by the Romans than the North. It was but natural that, in adopting and pronouncing the same language, each part should have its own peculiar method. Thus it came to pass that Popular Latin produced, on the soil of France, two distinct idioms : the Langue d'oc or Provençal— which was spoken in the South of France as far as the Loire—and the Langue d'oïl or Old French, obtaining in the provinces north of that river.1 Whilst the Langue d'oc, after having, through the melodious songs of the Troubadours, enjoyed a short but brilliant period of celebrity, ceased in the fourteenth century to be used as a written language, the Langue do'U, or Old Fre?ich, became the language of the country 1 The origin and explanation of'these names is to be found in the circumstance that these languages were called after their particles of affirmation : the term for yes was oc in the south and oil in the north. (On the derivation of oil, see §386.) ' N i78 FRENCH GRAMMAR. at large. Since the first written documents we possess of it, are of the year 842 (or 768 ; see § 276), we may place its commencement at the beginning of the ninth century. Accurately to determine when it came to an end is a matter of great difficulty, or, correctly speaking, impossibility, since the change of Old into Modern French has been but gradual. We are perhaps not far from the truth in assuming (for reasons which will be stated in the following section) that, in the course of the fourteenth century, Old French enters on a new phase of its history, and that with the fifteenth century, the reign of Modern French, its offspring, begins. I V . Modern F r e n c h . 278.—a. French becomes an Analytic Language. In the preceding section we have seen that the language imported by the Romans into Gaul, and finally adopted and spoken by its inhabitants, was L a t i n Popular Latin. Although it was spoken by a race of men so different from the Romans ; although it had admitted a certain number of words belonging to the various nations who had been occupying different parts of Gaul, it nevertheless retained its specific characteristics as a Latin language, so that Modem French may be said to be its natural continuation and development. However different from Latin Modern French may be *:o the eye of a superficial observer, yet Comparative Philology enables us to see that it is in the main the same language, and that the transformation, as far REASONS AND ILL USTRA TIONS. 179 as it has taken place, has been brought about only in accordance with certain well-known laws, obtaining not only in the French, but also in the other Romance Languages. One of the principal points of difference between Latin and French consists in the former being a synthetic, the latter an analytic language ; i.e. Latin could express the relation of words to each other by the form of the words (by the various cases of the Nouns and by the terminations of the Verbs), French only by their position or by prepositions. Latin filium- amat pater must be in French le père aime le fils ; liber discipidi ~ le livre de V'eîève. It is obvious that a language cannot suddenly from being synthetic become analytic. As to French, it is highly interesting to notice how this change was brought about gradually, step by step. Of this fact we can have no better proof than by turning to the history of the language as regards Declension. The following paradigm gives a view of these changes :— rst Per. Synthetic = Latin .né Per. Half-Synth. = OU Fr. { $ yd Per. Analytic = Mod. Fr. = 5 Declens. & 6 Cases * ^ % £ £ = 3g ^ | \ gses 14th cent, till now— no Declens.; 1 Case In explanation of this paradigm, the following remarks may find a place here. Already at a very early period there are signs in the Latin language of a tendency to reduce the number of cases by frequently using prepositions instead. This tendency increased after the popular idiom of the Latin language had been brought by the Romans into Gaul and adopted by its inhabitants. The result was that N 2 FRENCH i So GRAMMAR. Popular Latin, when it had, during about eight centuries> gradually been changed into a new language—or rather, when it had entered upon a new phase of its history and taken the name of French and Provençal—showed that the five Latin Declensions had been reduced to three and the six Latin cases to two, viz. the Nominative or Subjective Case, and the Accusative or Objective Case. Further, the period of transition from Latin to Modern French, which, very appropriately, has been called the half-synthetic period of French—since it is an intermediate phase between Synthesis as represented by Latin, and Analysis as represented by French — is marked by the Old French Declension itself, and may be divided into two subdivisions. During the first of these, which extends from the ninth to the twelfth century, there are three Declensions, corresponding to the three first Latin Declensions, and in each of these there are two Cases in each number :— Subj. Case. Object. Case. J Sing. coron-e ( Plur. coron-es II. III. coron-e coron-es f Sing. an-s ( Plur. an an an-s f Sing. volênt-es ( Plur. volent-es volent-e volent-es During the second, which lasts from the twelfth to the fourteenth century, there are still two Cases in each number ; but there remains* only one—the second— REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 181 Declension, to the laws of which the words of the two other Declensions had to submit :— Subj. Case. Sing, Plur. arm-us ann~i ans an Object. Case. ann-um ann-os an ans But even this last reminiscence of the Latin Declensions had to give way before the powerful tendency of the language towards simplification. We may say that about the end of the fourteenth century, the distinction between the Subjective and Objective cases had perished. From that time dates Modern French, which has no Declension, and which possesses only one case for each number—the Latin Accusative; enfant = . infaxitem ; faucon = falconem; seigneur = semoremj chanteur — cantorem. The reason why this case was retained in preference to the Nominative seems to have been that, on account of its longer form, it impressed itself much more easily on the memory of the people, as it generally showed the crtide form, i.e. the most important part of a word, and that it was of more frequent occurrence than any other case.1 For the small number of words which are derived from the Nominative, see § 338. b. Why French Nouns generally mark their Plural by the addition of an s. Intimately connected with the adoption of the Latin 1 Words like femme, homme, pomme, rien, amertume, enclume, mon, ton, son (feminam, hominem, pomum, rem, amaritudinem, incudinem, meum, tuum, suum); the Spanish quien (Lat. quern) and forms like corps, temps (which cannot have been derived from corpor-is, corpor-i, or corpor-e, bat only from corptis ; the same reasoning applies to tempus) very forcibly tend to confirm the view that the Accttsative, and not the Genitive or Dative or Allative, was the case which was taken as the type of French Nouns. FRENCH 182 GRAMMAR. Accusative as the type of all those parts of speech which were declinable in Latin, is the choice of s as the distinctive mark of the Plural. We have seen above (p. 182) that in Old French—i.e. during the haif-synthetic period —the s of ans (representing the Latin ann-us) served, in the Singular, to distinguish the Nominative from the Accusative a?i (Lat. ann-xxvn) ; and, in the Plural, the Accusative ans (Lat. ann-os) from the Nominative an (Lat. ann-i). When afterwards the Nominative cases of both numbers were dropped (see p. 182), there remained only— Sing, an Plur. ans Thus it has happened that vs\ French the Plural of Nouns is formed by adding s to the Singular. This s was origi7ially the distinctive mark of the C a s e s ; it has now become the distinguishing sign of the N u m b e r s . c. Why some Nouns form their Plural in a u x . From the subjoined paradigm— S'ubj. Case. caball-us caball-i cheval-s cheval Object. Case. caball-i cheval caball-os cheval-s (cheval-x) we see that, after the Subjective Case of both numbers had perished, there remained for the Singular cheval and for the Plural cheval-s or cheval-x', because x,1 in prefer1 As orthographic signs, the letters s, x, and z were, generally speaking, equivalent in Old French. We find, e.g , paix, pais, paiz; voix, vois, votz: we still have the form, nez (nasus), chez (casa), rez (rasus). The following distinction, however, used to be made : x was principally added to words ending in I or in u (thus we have all those forms in aux, ottx, eux ; maux, bijoux, Jeux), and z was added to words ending in t, or it served to represent Lat ts, ds : toz ( = tot's, totos), piez ( = ped's, pedes). These forms in z were preserved till the seventeenth century in Nouns and REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 183 ence to s9 was added to Nouns ending in /. But here we have to bear in mind the phonetic law, according to which Latin / is generally changed into u when it comes to stand before a consonant (p#/ma = pa&me, #/ba = dw/be, yb/conem = tocon, abs^/vere = abs0&dre). Thus chzval-x became chevau-x, and this explains the fact that the formation of the Plural in aux of the greater part of Nouns in al (see § 170 (2)) is, etymologically speaking, quite regular. I. V E R B S . Ï. D i v i s i o n of t h e V e r b s . 279.—The four Latin Conjugations may be divided into two classes—the Vowel and the Consonant Conjugation. The latter includes Verbs whose crude form ends in a consonant or in u (v\ viz. the third conjugation of Latin grammars (eni-ere) ; the former comprises Verbs whose crude form ends in one of the vowels a, e, i, viz. the first, second, and fourth conjugations of ordinary grammars (ama-re, defe-re, finl-re). 283.—The chief difference of these two classes of conjugations consists in their way of forming the Perfect : the first-named class accentuate the root (em-/, carp-j/, leg-/), the other accentuate only the connecting vowel (ama-vi, dele-vi, fini-vi). Participles ending in êt which originally represented Lat. at : verit-ez, clart-ez, cit-ez = verït-atz, &c. Similarly in V e r b s : c h a n t - ^ { — cant-afs, cant-aiis), See § 305. ï%4 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 281.—If we apply this principle to the French Verbs, we shall see that all of them may, like the Latin Verbs, be divided into two classes, according as they form their Preterite Definite. The one class, which comprehends the Verbs of the third conjugation of ordinary French grammars and all the so-called Irregular Verbs, in forming that tense put the accent on the root1 of the Verb : dev-oir^ dus ; sav-oir, s u s ; ten-ir9 tins. 2 The other class, comprising the Verbs of the first, second, and fourth conjugations of ordinary grammars, form the Preterite by accentuating the termination : fiarl-er, farl-ox ; bann-zrv bann-is ; vend-re, vend-is. We shall call Weak all the Verbs belonging to these three conjugations (because they require for the formation of the Preterite Definite the help—if we may use the expression—of an additional syllable), whilst the former will be named Strong Verbs (because their root alone suffices to form the Preterite).3 282.—We purposely avoid the term " Irregular Verbs" because they are in their way not less regular than the others ; they only follow another way of conjugation. " Irregularity presupposes formations which, for whatever cause, have deviated from the typical form ; but in the 1 The root or crude form of any Verb is generally found by cutting off the terminations -er, -ir, -re, -oir of the Infinitive (pari-*??-, fin-z>, vend-n?, dev-oir). Yet in voir, the vowel of the root has coalesced with that of the termination, so that it is impossible to distinguish the latter from the former ; in Old French the two parts of this Verb were still ve-oir (vi-d-ere). See § 294. T h e root of Verbs in -eindre, -oindre, -aindre (ceindre, joindre, craindre = cing-ere, jung-ere, trem-ere [O. Fr crem-er}) ends in -em, -oin, -ain, since the d of this class of Verbs has been intercalated only for the sake of facilitating the pronunciation of n followed by r (cein-re, join-re, cram-re). See § 313, note 8 to voztloir, 2 If, in these Verbs, the termination had been accented in the Preterite Definite instead of the root, we should have forms like the following : dev-U8f sav-U$3 ten-IB. 3 The term " Strong and Weak Verbs" proposed by Diez, has been accepted by French scholars who are now to be considered as the first authorities in France as regards everything relating to the history, origin, and formation of the French language, viz. Liitté, Paris, Bracket. REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 185 case of the Strong Verbs (hitherto called Irregular) no such deviation has taken place : they are as regular as a?iy others, only they obey a different law." The terms " Regular" and "Irregular'1'' do but state a fact at best ; but the distinction between Strong and Weak penetrates deeper, and expresses a theory. II. Weak Verbs. 283.—First Conjugation. Most Verbs of this conjugation are derived from Latin Verbs in are, which termination is regularly changed into er : port-are, port-er ; cre-are, ere er. 284.—Second Conjugation. The Verbs of this conjugation must be subdivided into two classes :— A. Verbs of the simple or primitive form ; B. Verbs of the enlarged or inchoative form. 285.—These latter are derived from Verbs which, in Latin, were called inchoative or inceptive, because they expressed a gradual augmentation of the action implied by the simple Verb, as nigrescere, to become more and more dark ; rubescere, to grow more and more red. Their characteristic syllable esc, became in French iss before a vowel, and simply / before a consonant ; it was interpolated between the root and the termination (fleur-wtfons, fleur-m-ant) in the following five tenses :— (1) The Present Indicative (a principal tense)— x bann-z-s bann-£w-ons ' bann-/-s bann-£s\r-ez bann-/-t bann-/j\r-ent 1 See the table of the Derivation of the Tenses. j 86 FRENCH GRAMMAR, (2) The Present Subjunctive (a derived tense)—* baxm-t'ss-e bann-/jj-es baxm-iss-Q bann-m-ions bann-m-iez bann-m-ent (3) The Imperative (a derived tense)— T — bann-z-s bann-wtf-e bann-m-ons bann-m-ez banrwj\r-ent (4) The Present Participle (a principal tense)— x bann-tfj\r-ant (5) The Imperfect (a derived tense)— x bann-ws-ais bann-/.w-ais bann-£s\r-ait bann-w\f-ions bann-Z^-iez bann-/^-aient The syllable iss was, however, refused to the following five tenses :— (1) To the Infinitive bann-ir (not bann-zlw-ir), and consequently (2) To the Future bann-ir-ai, and (3) To the Conditional bann-ir-ais, which are both derived from the Infinitive; (4) To the Preterite Definite Indicative bann-is and consequently (5) To the Preterite Definite Subjunctive bann-isse, which is derived from the Indicative of the same tense. 1 See the table of the Derivation of the Tenses. REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 187 286.—Bénir is conjugated like bannir, only it has a double form in the Past Participle béni and b'enit; this latter, which we are now accustomed to consider as irregular, is a reminiscence of the original form of the Past Participle, which in Old French always ended in t (chantât, florit, partit, venduit). This Verb is derived from benedicere; as dicere has produced dire, be?iedicere has gradually been changed into be?iedir, benëir, and lastly bénir. * 287.—As to the Verbs of the simple or primitive form, they correspond to the Latin Verbs of the fourth conjugation, which they exactly follow in all their tenses ; they are the following : sentir, mentir, repentir ; dormir, partir, servir, sortir ; ouvrir, couvrir, souffrir, offrir; assaillir, tressaillir, saillir; cueillir; bouillir; fuir, vêtir. (See §§ 40—48.) 288.—Third Conjugation. There is only one remark to make on the Verbs of the third conjugation (the fourth in other French grammars), viz. that they are derived partly from Latin Verbs in ere: vendre, vende"re ; pendre, pendere: partly from a small number of Verbs in e~re\ respondëre, tondêre, viordêre, which, through a misplacement of the accent, came to be pronounced respb?id<ère, tbndëre, mbrdere, and consequently produced quite regularly the French Verbs répondre, tondre, mordre. III. Voices and Moods generally. 289.—In comparing the French to the Latin conjugations we cannot help being struck with the close resemblance existing between them. Yet the following changes and losses of inflections are to be noticed. 188 FRENCH GRAMMAR. 290.—The Passive Voice, being defective even in Latin, was, in the Perfect tenses of that language, formed by means of the Passive Participle, and the Verb esse {Amahis est, erat, &c). This method of conjugation was extended to all tenses and moods, 1 in French as well as in English and German. Thus the Latin Passive Voice has been suppressed, and been replaced in French by the Periphrastic Conjugation formed by the Past Participle and the Verb être (il est, était, fut, &c. aime. 291.—The Latin Deponent Veibs, in passing into French, assumed the active form : imitari, imitare, imiter; consolari, consolare, consoler. Thus suiventy naissent have been derived from segtmt, nascunt, and not from seçuntur, n&scuntur, which would have produced suivont, naissont. 292.—As many Passive Verbs had a purely reflective meaning in Latin {commoveor, delector, mutor), this close connection between Passive and Reflective Verbs has been the cause why the Latin Passive Voice and the Deponent are often expressed in French by the Reflective Verb. Nihil videbatur, rien ne s'y voyait. Spectaculum dabatur, un spectacle se donnait. 293.—The Supines and Gerunds have disappeared. 294.—In Latin as well as in French, the Definite T e n s e of a Verb expresses :— (1) The Action. (2) The Time in which that action takes place (3) The Person who does the action. 1 The Past ParticifiL Voice ; amatus, aimé is the only remnant in French of the Latin Passive REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. TSQ To these three elements correspond three different parts of the Verb :— (i) The Root or Crude form expressing the Action. (2) Certain Syllables or Letters added to the root and expressing the Time. (3) The Person-ending which indicates the Person who accomplishes the action. If we take, for instance, the 1st Person Plural of the Perfect in Latin (canta-vi-mtis), and of the Prêt. Def. in French (chantâmes) of the Verb cant are, chanter, we shall find that :— (1) Canta- (Fr. chant-) is the root expressing the action of singing ; this root remains the same throughout all the tenses of the Verb. (2) Vi- (Fr. â-) indicates the time in which the action of singing takes place, i.e. in this case in the Past. (3) M u s (Fr. mes) tells us the person who causes this action to take place, i.e. we. Thus, the whole Perf. Tense would be :— 1. (1) canta canta canta canta canta canta (2) vid vid vid vid vid vid Latin. II. v (yi)s vi vi (vi)s [ (ve)r III. i ti t mus tis unt Old French. II. 1 a i as t a a(s) mes tes ent I. chant chant chant chant chant chant — ] 1vi ve ti — is — ï(s) is er t mus tis unt 1 vi ve ve vi ÏS ï(s) r — — t mes tes ent Modern I. chant chant chant chant chant chant French. vi is vi v — Î V Î vi r mes tes ent «_ _ V III. t mes tes ent FRENCH 190 3) fee fee fee fee fee fee is i is er — ti 1 fis fe t fis mus fe tis 1 fe unt i fi GRAMMAR. — — i _ — tmes ï(s) "is i(s) r tes ent fi f fi f f 1 ft —» is — i î r s — t mes tes ent Since in Modern French there are few forms only in which we are still able clearly to distinguish the three parts of each Verbal form : the root, the sign of the dense,. and the person-ending, we have not separated the two latter in the following Tables of Latin and French terminations (§ 295—298). Note.—For the formation of the Future and the Conditional, see § 310. In Latin, all the tenses were formed by terminations ; in French, the Past Tenses, with the exception of the Imperfect and the Prêter. Def., must be formed by avoir and the Past Participle : fai, f avais, feus parle, &c. 295.—It is a well-established rule that French words have faithfully kept the tonic accentI on the same syllable as in Latin, i.e. that syllable which is accented in Latin, is also accented in French : amintem, aimint ; p^pulus, people ; invioMbilis, inviolable ; pietitem, piété. On the form of French words, on the nature of their consonants> and especially on that of their vowels, nothing ,has exercised a more profound influence than this tonic accent, which, very appropriately, has been called the very soul of the word. Let us, for instance, consider the Present (Ind. and Subj.) of ienere, tenir. T T h e tonic accent must not be confounded with the syllabic accent ; a word may have more than one syllabic accent, or none at all {peuple, bonté, piété) ; but each wo'd (whether French, German, English, Latin, &c.) has a tonic accent, and it has never more than one (piéuO- REASONS AND ten ten ten ten ten ten Indicative. eo tien es tien et tien émus tea. étis ten ent tiénn s s t 6ns éz ent ILLUSTRATIONS. Subjunctive. earn tiénn eas tiénn eat tiénn eàmus ten eâtis ten eant tiénn tén tén tén ten ten tén e es e ions iéz ent 296.—The radical vowel e of tenir has been reinforced in the 3 Persons Sing, and in the 3rd Pers. Plur., because the tonic accent rests on the first syllable; in the 1st and 2nd Pers. Plur. the original e reappears because the accent has passed on the following syllable. Thus we see that the accent does not only fix and determine the nature of the vowel on which it is placed, but that its influence extends even on the vowels of a preceding syllable. The following Vowel changes (reinforcements of the Vowel) regularly take place whenever the vowels e, <, a(l\ ou, a, oi, come to stand in that syllable on ? which the tonic accent rests, viz. :— (!) e ie (celeste wnir tenir Près. Ind. vims, -s, -t vnn-ent (2) e, é = è : (chevreau mmer Près. Ind. m^n-e, -es, -e 1 mm-ons, -ez mM-ent ciel ; viens ; tiens ; séculier acquérir asseoir szMe) -acqu^rs asszVds Subj. vzenn-e, -es, -e wn-ions, -iez vz^nn-ent chèvre ; màe ; Bohémien Bohême) régler r^gle Subj. mèn-e, -es, -e rn?n-ions, -iez mWe have already seen ($ 278, c, note ; see also § 300) that x was generally added to Nouns ending in /. This has also been the case with the Pies Ind of val-oir and voul-oir. Thus val-x (instead of val-s) has become vau-x.—Why is al in valent not changed into au ? Because the / of the accented syllable al is changed into au, only when it is followed by a consonant : ch«/-eur, chdu-d.t 3 From the preceding remark it appears that the al of v^/ëam could not be changed into au on account of the ëa in the following syllable. This ëa was regularly changed into ie : talea(m), #alea{m) = talie, fialie; then li was -changed into il: taille, fidille: thus vcUëa{m), valie, vaille, and volëd(m) [not velim], volie, voille, veuille. 4 See Note 2 REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 3. p^-x, -x, -t p.5V# defend -issemus defend-issetis defend-issent Imperfect. defend-ebam defend-#fo.f defend-^/ defend-eâamus defend-e&atis defeïid-eèant V. défend-#z> défend-^z> défend-ait défend-ions défend-iez défend-aient Subjunctive. défend-z>^ défend-z^«y déïend-zY défend-issions défend-issiez détend-issent Imperative. defend- '. défend-* Present Participle. defend-ent(em) défend-ant Past Participle. defend-zV(z/j)* défend-^ Remarks on the Table of Terminations, and on the Formation of the Tenses generally. 299.—Verbs, in passing from Latin into French, weaken the unaccented vowels of the personal suffixes or reject them altogether : anient, vend-unt become aim-ent, vend-enf; sent-isis is, changed into sent-es; cant-amus becomes in O. Fr. e/tant-omes, and then, after the rejection of the unaccented e in M. Fr., chant-ons instead of chant-oms as m before s is always changed into n. A. Person-Endings. 300.—The 1 st Person Sing, of the Present Indicative in O. Fr. terminated in the final vowel or consonant of the crude form : faint, je fri, je vien, je croi> je voiJ2 1 This is a supposed form for the classical form defences : the French défendu has been formed from analogy to vendu, conmi (venditus, cognitus). 2 Forms like these were frequently used by the writers of the seventeenth century, and are so even now by poets. REASONS AND ILLUSTRA TIONS. 197 The Lat. final 0 was replaced in M. Fr. by e in verbs of the 1 st conj. (faim-e), whilst an inorganic s was added (1) to the 1st Person Sing.1 of verbs of the other conjugations : je sers,2 je vends, je crois. 3 o i . ^ S u c h an inorganic s was added— (2) To the Près. Subj. of être :— Lat. sim [stem) ; O. Fr. soi; M. Fr. sois, (3) To the Imperfect :— Lat. -abam became -ève, -oie, ois,* ais. (4) To the Conditional :— Lat. amare habebam ; Fr. aimei'ais (see § 311). (5) To the Fret Def. .— a. Of ttre and avoir. b. Of the weak Verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation. c. Of all the strong Verbs.4 Lat. fui, habui ; Fr. fus, eus : Lat. finivi, defendi; Fr. finis, défendis : Lat. debui, vidi, bevui ;5 Fr. dus, vis, bus (O. Fr. but), (6) To the Imperative (2nd Pers. Sing.) of all Verbs. Lat. fin-i, vend-e, ten-z ; Fr. fin-is, vends, tiens. 1 From analogy with the 2nd Pers. Sing of the same tense or with the 1st Pers. Sing, of the Prêt, of those Verbs in which the final ^ is organic (see § 321) —Instead of s we find x in je fau-x (O. F r fat), je vati-x (O Fr. val), je veu-x (O. Fr. vuel), je peux (see § 296 (4)) 2 Verbs of the second conjugation whose crude form ends in fr, vr, 11, take e instead of s : otiw-ir, cowjT-ir, découw-ir, off? ir, souffx-ir, saiW-ir = j'ouyx-e. je couTjx-e, &c.—Botdll-ir takes s : je bou-%t 3 Probably from analogy to the 2nd Pers. -abas, -èves, -ois, -ais. 4 Except those Verbs mentioned in § 321, in all of which the j is organic, repre senting an original 5 (x) or c : mis, fis; Lat. m m , feci. 5 For the classical r orm bibi. 198 FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exception. The s is not added to the Imperative:— a. Of Verbs of the ist conjug. : aim-e, va. b. Of cueillir, tressaillir, assaillir, offrir, couvrir, ouvrir, souffrir: ouvr-e, souffr-e, &c. c. Of savoir and vouloir ; sach-e, veuill-e. 302.—The 2nd Pers. Sing, has s in all Verbs. Exception, tu peu-x, vau-x, veu-x, fau-x. 303.—The original / of the 3rd Pers. omitted :— Sing, is (1) After a mute e* viz, :— a. In the Près. Ind. of Verbs in er : il aim-£ (am~at) ; il chant-e (canl-at). b. In the Près. Ind. of some Verbs in ir, viz. : II cueill-e, saill-e, tressaill-e, assaill-e; II couvr-e, ouvr-e, souffr-e, offr-e. c. In the Près. Subj. of all Verbs : Qu'il aim-e, sent-e, vend-e [am-et, sent-iat, vend-at). Except. Soit and ait keep the t {sit, habeat). (2) After the vowel, a,1 viz. :— a. In the Prêt. Def. of Verbs in er : II aim-a {ama-vif) ; chant-a (canta-vit). Obsf The t has been retained in this tense till the fourteenth century. 1 T h e t reappears before il, elle, on used as subjects: Aime-t-il? Puisse-t-il avoir raison l Peut-être a-t-il eu tort Chantera-.t-on ?—According to their etymology, these forms ought, therefore, be written aimet-il ? Puisset-il ? At-il? &c. REASONS AND ILL USTRA TIONS. 199 b. In the Future of all Verbs : Il donner-^, finir-a, vendr-a, devr-a. c. In the Près. Ind. of avoir and aller : Il a, il va. (3) After /, d, , -re, or -oiry into three classes. 320.—First Class. The first class form their Preterite by changing the radical vowel of the Verb into /.-— voir,1 vi(s), {vidi) ; tenir, tin(s), (tenui) ; venir, vin(s), (yeni). Obs. The final s has been put in brackets in order to show that it is inorganic (see above, § 301, No. 5). 321.—Second Class. Verbs of this class form their Preterite in is; the final s represents in this case an original s or c in the Lat. Perfect :— mettre, m i s , (mis-i) ; faire, fis, (fec-i). The following Verbs belong to this class :— seoir 2 circoncire clore 4 dire faire mettre {sedere) {circumcide7'é) (claudere) [diceré) (facere) {mitterê) con-quérir3 prendre rire sourdre s traire 6 {quœreré) {prehendere) (ridere) {surgéré) \trahere) 1 On the Fut. of voir, see § 313 ; on the Past Part, vu, see § 324. The Modern French forms of the Prêt, je vis, tu vis, & c , no longer show the difference of accentuation in vidi, vidisti, & c , which is still preserved in Old French vidi = vit vidisti = vets (see § 294), On viderunt instead of vidêrunt, see § 309, b. 2 T h e simple Verb seoir, which is no longer in use except in the Participle sis and séant {bienséant, mal-séant), has served to form several compounds : asseoir (ad-sedere), rasseoir (re-ad-sedere), surseoir (super-sedere). For the Future of asseoir, see § 313. 3 For the Future of conquérir, acquérir, enquérir, see § 313. 4 Clore has formed the compounds éciore (O. Fr. esclore, Lat. ex-cludere), exclore, exclure, conchire, reclure (Lat. in-, ex-, con-, re-cludere). 5 Sourdre only survives in the Substantive la source, which, in O. Fr., was the Past Part, of this Verb. 6 Traire had, in O. Fr., the same meaning as in Latin ; it is now used only in the sense of milking. REASONS AND ILL USTRA TIONS. 209 322.— Third Class. The Verbs which belong to this class form their Preterite in us, and comprise all those Latin Verbs in ere which had ui in the Perfect : debere, debui. This form debui became in O. Fr. did, in M. Fr. dus (i disappeared before the inorganic s; see § 301). In the same manner were formed lacère, tacui, O. Fr. tui, M. Fr. tus ; volere, volui, O. Fr. volui, M. Fr. voulus, &c. 323.—The termination us was subsequently given to a great number of Verbs which did not form their Latin Perfect in ui : bus (bibi), crûs (crevi), crus (credidi), courus (cucurrz). The following Verbs belong to the third class :— A, In ir; courir t mourir 2 {currere) {morire*) gésir (jacere) {absolvere) {bibere) {cognoscere) croire croître 4 lires {credere) {crescere) B. In re: absoudre 3 boire connaître {légère) 1 A certain number of Latin Strong Verbs in ere have produced Strong Infinitives in 0 . Fr , which, however, have become Weak in M. Fr. Cûrrere, /réméré, imprimere, are, in O. Fr., courre, freindre, empreindre ; these Verbs are now accented on the termination instead of the root : courvc, frémir, imprimer Yet courre was often used as late as the eighteenth century {aller courre fortune) ; it still survives as a term of hunting : courre le lièvre ; laisser courre les chiens.—For the Future of courir; see § 313 2 This Verb, a deponent in Latin, had already taken the active form in Low Latin : morire ; thus mourus, from morui (instead of mo? tuus sum). 3 Lat. solvere became solvre, solre ; O. Fr. soldre, then soudre. 4 Lat. crescere became gradually crescre, cresre, crestre, croistre, croître ; the circumflex accent in the two first persons je croîs, tu croîs, serves only to distinguish these forms from je crois, tu crois {credo, credis) ; etymologically this accent is superfluous, as will be see» from the following table :— Latin. ere ere ere II. SCO sci sci Old in. — s t Modern French. 1.1 11. croi croi s S 1 croi s m. — — t I# 1 croi croi croi French. 11. s s — 5 The s in lisons, &c , has probably been intercalated through the influence of the O. Germ, lësan. P FRENCH GRAMMAR. 2IO moudre x paître paraître {moieré) (pascëre)2 {parescëre)2 plaire taire vivre 3 {placëre {tdcëre) 2 [vivere) mouvoir pleuvoir pouvoir 6 savoir ^ valoir vouloir {moveré) (*pluvêré) (*potere) {sapëre) {rualere) (volere) C* In oir; avoir chaloir 4 concevoir déchoir 5 devoir falloir {calere) {coitciperê) {de-caderë) {fallere) 324.—The Past Participle of all these Strong Verbs ends in— (1) u, representing Participles in itus, utus ; cognitus =1 connu (Verbs of the first and third class), vu = vidutus (for visus). (2) s, representing Latin Participles in s y missus •=. mis (Verbs of the second class). (3) /, representing Latin Participles in ctus; dictus = dit, factus =z fait (Verbs of the second class). 1 On the I in moulons, & c , see § 317 In Classical Latin fiasci, parère, tacëre, placëre. This last form has produced the French Substantive plaisir. 3 Lat x = ks has, in several French words, been changed into sk. Thus vixi (i e viksi) has become vesqui in O Fr. and vécus in M. Fr., and similarly benedixi has been changed into benesqui. Upon this principle has also been formed the singularly anomalous Preterite of naître : naquis (O F r nasqui, as it were from nascui or nasquivi, instead ot nattis sunt). 4 T h e only form of this Verb still in use is il chaut, e.g. il ne m!en chaut, it does not trouble me, it is no affair of mine ; peu m'en chaut, little care :I ! 5 Déchoir and échoir are the compounds of choir, which is derived from cadëre (for Class. Lat cddere) Of the Simple Verb there were some forms in use even in the seventeenth century : the Prêt Def il chut (il chut du ciel en terre, Bossuet), the Past Part, chu, and the Fut. cherrai, cherras, &c. See also § 3I3. 6 Potere (Low Lat ) became m O F r poder, podif(see the oath of the year 842, § 276), then poir, pooir, povoir, lastly in M . Fr. pouvoir.—Y or pourrai, see § 3137 Sapëre (for the Class, sapëre) produced n O Fr. saver; thence the F u t . sattrtii ; see § 313 2 REASONS AND ILL US TRA TIONS. 21 r VII. Auxiliary Verbs. 325.—It has already been said that the whole Passive and most of the Past Tenses of the Active are formed by the Auxiliary Verbs avoir and être (see §§290 and 294, b)—a method of conjugation which was principally developed through the analytic tendency of all the Romance languages, but which had its precedent not only in Popular, but even in Classical Latin : De Cœsare satis dictum habeo =z dixi (Cicero). 326.—As to habere, it will be seen that the h has been dropped ; this occurs in several other Latin words : homo, on; h a n c h o r a m , encore. 327.—The Past Participle habitum has gradually been changed into avut, aùt, au, eu, eu. 328.—The Future is a compound of aver (O. Fr.) and ai ( = habere habeo), which has gradually become avrai, aurai (see § 313). 329.—The Conditional is a compound of the Infinitive aver and ais (— habere habebam). 330.—a. On the final s in f avais, fêtais; je suis, je sois ; feus, je fus, see §§ 300 and 301. b. On the final t in ait and soit, see § 303 (No. 1). c. For the suppression of the t in il a, see § 303 (No. 2). d. For the circumflex in eûmes, fûmes, see § 309 (a). e. For the form ont, see § 318 (Note to aller). 331.—Etre, from Lat. essere (instead of the classical form esse\ ess're, estre; as paître is derived from pascere, naître from nascere. Etre forms its tenses with the help of three Verbs : (1) fui gives fus ; (2) stare produces ètê {status) ; (3) esse serves to form all the other tenses. p 2 FRENCH 212 GRAMMAR. II.—ARTICLES. 332.—In French, as in all modern European languages, the want was felt of a mode of particularizing any common Noun, i.e. of individualizing and distinguishing it from other Nouns of the same class. To fill this office, no part of speech was better fitted than the demonstrative Pronoun ille, which already in Latin, and especially in Popular Latin, had frequently been used in the same way as we now employ the Article. Ille, gradually losing its demonstrative force, became in French the Def. Art. le, which only serves to particularize any common Noun. Yet a few traces of its original demonstrative meaning are still found in such phrases as— pour le coup — pour cette fois-ci de la sorte = de cette sorte à /'instant même = à cet instant même depuis la huitaine zr depuis cette huitaine 333.—In O. Fr. there were still two cases of the Definite Article :— Masculine. Subj. Case. Sg. il-le It PL il-li /*' Feminine. Obj. Case. il-lum il-los le les I Subj. Case. | il-la la il-lae li Obj. Case. il-lam il-las la les 334-—As the Subjective Case disappeared, there remained for the Masc. le, pi. les; for the Fem. la, pi. les. REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 213 335.—Combined with the Prepositions de and à, the Masculine Article in O. Fr, was— del, which al dels als has become in Mod. Fr. du x ,, „ Fr. au* „ „ Fr, des* ,, ,-, Fr. auxx 336.—The Latin Numeral unus became in O. Fr.— Subj. Case. Masc. unus uns Fern, una une I j Obj. Case. unum un unam une After the rejection of the Subjective Case, there remained in M. Fr. un, Fern. une. III.—NOUNS. I. Preliminary Remark. 337.—It has been mentioned in the Introduction (§ 278) that, in the transition from Latin to French, the following changes took place :— (1) The Declensions disappeared. (2) The Six Cases were reduced to one. 1 On the change of I into u, see Introd , § 278 2 Des has been formed diffetently from du, au, aux, since the original / of dels (de les), contrary to the general rule, has not been changed into tt ; it has been elided The same process of elision has also taken place in the old pronoun es (from in illos, enls, els, es), which still survives in some expressions ; according to its etymology, it can be used only before words employed in the Plural : bachelier-ès-1 étires, bac/telier-ès-scieuces ; maître-ès-arts, Hombourg-ès-monts ( = en the mountains). FRENCH 214 GRAMMAR. (3) The Accusative was taken as the type of French Nouns ; the consequence of this was that (4) The plural of a Noun was marked by the addition of an s, and that (5) Words in al regularly formed their plural in a u x . II. C a s e s and Inflections. 338.—The following Nouns have, contrary to the law stated above (see § 337, No, 3), retained the Subjective Case :— ancêtre peintre traître legs sœur lez queux antecessor pictor traditor legatus soror latus coquus fils fonds lacs lis rets puits filius fundus laqueus lilius (for lilium) retis (for reie) puteus 339.—A certain number of Latin words have produced two different words in French, the one formed from the Subjective, the other from the Objective Case :— •it! Subjective Case. chantre cantor senior sire major pastor minor Objective Case. cantôrem seniorem majorem pastorem minorem chanteur seigneur majeur pastern* mineur 340.—In order to supply the want of Case-inflections, and to express the Genitive and Dative Cases, the French language chose the two Prepositions de and à (Lat de and ad), which in Classical Latin had already been used for that purpose : Themistocles noctu de servis REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. suis (=1 servorum) queni habuit fidelissimum ad regent misit (Corn. Nepos). 341.—In O. Fr., an imitation or a reminiscence of the Latin case-ending is to be found in the frequent omission of de and à. Thus mors regis ~ la mort li roi (for del) ; filius imperatoris = li fils Yempereor (for del) ; ne le dirai fame ne home ( = à fame, &C.).1 Even in M. Fr. there is still a trace of this omission of de, e.g. de par le roi ( = de par de le [du] roi, de parte regis) ; Hôtel-Dieu, hospital ; bain-marie, water-bath ; FêteDieu, Corpus-christi day: Faubourg St. Antoine, &c. ; amoros-us J5 dulc-is firœfix-us russ-us J? brev-is J J brew-is 5> 5) „ ,, J) ,, yy ?t S5 5 J J> bass-us spiss-us gross-us nu\\-US ras-us express-us profess-us bell-us nove\\-us fo\\-is moW-is Similar changes take place in the Provençal language : Masc. bos, Fem bowa ; Masc jauzions, Fem jauzionda 2 And all the other Adjectives in y and x change these letters inÇo ye and se respectively. REASON'S D. AND ILL USTRA J „ coi/-e ,, f a v o r i s e „ béni^-e „ malign-e „ absoute „ dissou^-e tiers See § 187, No. 5. coi favori bénin malin absous dissous ,, tiervr-e TIONS. j \ Lat. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, j, 0 . Fr. 219 quiet-us favorit-us bemgn-us maligxi-us absolut-us dissolut-us terti-us tiers-e Note. The only irregular Adjective of this class is faux; for there is no etymological reason for faux forming its Fem. fausse, since there is only one s in fals-us. 352.—As Lat. c or cc are regularly changed into ch in French {campus = champ, planca% =z planche; bucca ~ bouche ; vacca — vache) :— blamr becomes blsmck-e franc „ fran^-e sec ,, sè^-e See § 187, No. 2. 1 fraif fraicA-e Lat. blanc-us ,, franc-us * ,, sicc-us | O . H . Germ, prise I Mod. Germ, frisch Note i. Many Adjectives change the c (and the g) into qu (or gu), in order to retain the guttural sound of these letters : public, publique ; long, longue (see § 187, N o . 2). Note 2. Grec forms its Feminine quite irregularly grecque. 353.—The influence of the termination on the root is seen— A. In Adjectives ending in t Two cases are to be distinguished. a. Adjectives being formed by means of the French suffixes et, ot, double the final / ;— See § 18; No. 3. mu-e/ bell-o/ mu-e#e bell-o#e brun-e/ vieill-o/ bnm-e#e vieill otto, FRENCH 220 GRAMMAR. b. Adjectives being directly derived from Latin— aa. Double the /, if this letter has its origin in Lat. ct or Id (dt) :— See § 187, No. 3, suje^f Lat. subjectus ,, suje#e ne#e bb* Simply add e, if there is only one t in the Latin original (Adjectives in et also take the grave accent on the e) :— se § 187, N o . 3. comple/ concre/ discret inquiet replet secret dévot idio/ compl/, « 5 / ecce iste ,, ecce ista iceste ?, ecce il le „ icil) Ace. icelui1ecce ilia icele ,, zVéV> ?, za7 , , ZV^/J ecce il Ias ,, ecce illas ,, iceles M Fr 33 73 33 35 33 33 „ 227 gui French qui. quant „ que and quoi, qualis „ quel. de wide „ dont. 370.—Dont, originally an Adverb ~ d'oii, whence, has gradually taken the meaning of a Relative Pronoun : whose. In the former sense it was still used by the writers of the 18th century. VI. Indefinite P r o n o u n s . 371.—(1) Aucun, being derived from aliquis unus, had originally an affirmative meaning : some, some one. Of this meaning we still find many examples in La Fontaine or in colloquial language : Aucuns le poursuivirent (La Font.) ; aucuns croiront que je suis amoureux (Academ,). When preceded or followed by ne, it becomes the Negative Pron. no one (see § 384). (2) Autre, L. alter. (3) Autrui is7 properly speaking, the Object. Case of autre, as iceluivs, that of icil (see § 367). (4) Certain, Lat. cert-us ; to the crude form was added the suffix -anus : cert-anus, certain. (5) Chacun, Lat. quisque umis, O. Fr. chasqu'un. (6) Chaque, Lat. quisque, O. Fr. chesque, chasque. (7) Maint, Goth, manags, O. High Germ, manac, Mod. Germ, manch. (8) Même. The contracted form of semet tpsissimus was met ipsimus; this latter served as the type for the O. Fr, word medisme and meïsme, which became in Mod. Fr. mesme9 and finally même since the seventeenth century, Q 2 228 FRENCH GRAMMAR. (g) Nui, Lat. nullus. (10) On, from Lat. homo (not from homlnem), O. Fr. o?n, on. In O. Fr. om or on was used both in the sense of an Indef. Pron. (they, one), and in that of a Substantive (a man; compare with it the Germ. Subst. Der Mann, and the Ind. Pron. man; Engl, man [me] and one). This fact explains why the Defin. Article may be used before it in Mod. Fr. : Port vient (see § 236, No. 4). (11) Personne (see § 384). (12) Plusieurs is, as it were, a comparative of a comparative plusiores, plurlores, from plus (comp. the Germ. Comparât, mehrere, from mehr). Plusiores, having only one termination for the two genders, its French derivative, plusieurs, has only one termination for the Masc. and Fern, (plusieurs hommes; plusieurs femmes). Yet all other Adject, in eicr, Lat. or, have taken two terminations : majeur, majeure; mineur, mineure, (13) Quantes, which is derived from Lat. quantus, is in Mod. Fr. only met with in the familiar phrase toutes et quantes fois, or toutes fois et quantes, e-.g. je le ferai toutes fols et quantes il vous plaira, I will do it as often as you like (or at any time you like). (14) Quelconque, Lat. quallscunque. (15) Quelque, Lat. quallsquam. (16) Quelqu'un, Lat. quallsque unus. (17) Quiconque, Lat. qulaunque. (18) Rlen, Lat. rem (see § 236, Nos. 5 and 8). (19) Tel, Lat. tails. (20) Tout, Lat. totus. REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 229 VI.—NUMERALS. 372.—1. Cardinals. The cases for the Nom. and the Ace. of the first three cardinal numbers were in O.Fr. :— Subjective Case. un-us tins duo dut très trei Objective Case. un-um un duos deux très treis {trois) 373.—As with the Nouns and the Adjectives, the Subjective Case was rejected here, and the Objective Case un, deux, trois, adopted in Mod. Fr. 374.—The numbers from 4 to 16 follow the Lat. numbers; 17, 18, and 19, are expressed by addition : dixsept (transposition of the Latin septemdecim), dix-huit, dix-neuf (in Latin formed by subtraction : duo-de-viginti, un-de-viginti). 375.—The forms of the decades in Mod. Fr. will be better understood if we consider how they were contracted in O. Fr. Latin. viginti triginta quadraginta quinquaginta sexaginta septuaginta octoginta nonaginta Old French. ve'mt trëante quarëante cinquante sexante setante octante nonante Mod. French vingt trente quarante cinquante soixante {septante) {octante) {nonante) FRENCH GRAMMAR. 230 376.—The last three are replaced in Mod. Fr. by soixa7ite-dix, quatre-vingt, and quatre-vingt-dix. Yet septante and nonante are still occasionally used in some parts of France, and especially in Belgium. 377.—The manner of counting by scores was much in use in O. Fr. e.g. treis vinz (3 X 20), treis vinz et dis (3 X 20 + 10), quatre vinz (4 X 20), six-vinz (6 X 20), &c. Of this there are still two remnants to be found in Mod. Fr. quatre-vingt (4 X 20), and quinze-vingt (15 x 20 =: 300). The latter is used only in speaking of the Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts, founded by St, Louis in 1260 for the reception of 300 blind men ; one of these is called " un quinze-vingt." 378.—Zero, naught, is derived from the Arabic çifron, a cypher. 2. Ordinals. 379.—The first and the second are formed directly fromprimarius, secundus —premier, second. 380.—All the other ordinal numbers (and also the second} are formed by the addition of -ieme (Lat. -esimus) to the corresponding cardinal : deux-ieme, trois-ieme, &c. 381.—As remnants in Mod. Fr. of the first ten Latin Ordinals, we have to notice :— (1) Primus, prime-abord, at first sight, from the first moment ; de prime-saut, all at once; primesautier, unpremeditated, impulsive. (2) Secundus, s e c o n d , co-exists with deuxième (see § 2 2 5 )(3) Tertius, le tiers état, the third estate (French History) ; le tiers parti, the third order ; la fièvre tierce, tertian ague; parler en tierce p e r s o n n e , REASONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 231 to speak in the third person; le tiers ordre de St. F r a n ç o i s , and a few similar expressions. (4) Quartus—Fièvre quarte, quartan ague. Quart is often found in the writers of the seventeenth century • „ Un quart voleur survint (La Fontaine). (5) Quintus—Charles Quint (to distinguish Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany\ from any other Charles the Fifth); Sixte-Quint, Pope Sixtus the Fifth; quintefeuille, cinq-foil; quinte, quint (cards) ; quinte, the fifth (music) ; quinte de toux, fit of coughing. (6) Sextus—sixte, sixth (music). (7). (8) Septimus and octavus (in O. Fr. setme and octave), have disappeared. The word octave (music) is derived from the Italian. (9) Nonus—la none, the gth hour of the day. (10) Decimus—la d i m e , the tithe. VII. ADVERBS. 382,—French Adverbs may be divided into— A. Simple, i.e. formed without any special suffix. B. Derived, i.e. formed from Adjectives by means of a suffix. C. Compound, i.e. formed from two or more words. 383.—A. There is only a small number of simple Adverbs derived from Latin :— FRENCH GRAMMAR. Ailleurs bien certes * donc en fois 2 guères3 hier là loin mal mieux moins ne non or où fi om aliorsum , , bene ,, certe ,, tune ,, inde , , vices , , little, hardly ,, heri , iliac ,, longe ,, male ,, melius ,, minus ,, non ,, non ,, hora , , ubi peu fr om paucum pis ,, pejus plus , plus puis 4 , post quand , quando si , sic soudain 5 } , subitaneus souvent ,, suhnde tant ,, tantum tard , tarde ( tostus (or, accoidtôt ,, < i n g t o Z t e , f i o m ( tot cito) très , , tran 9 trop ,, troppus volontiers , y voluntarie , *o f" y1 384.—To these we must add the six Adverbial phrases which express negation in French : pas (passitm), point (punctum), mie (micam), goutte (gitltam), personne (personam), rim (rem). At first all these words were no negatives, because, by themselves, they did not deny anything. Originally they expressed a S7nall quantity and thus made the force of the negative ne so much the more felt,6 e.g. Il ne bouge pas, he does not move a step ; // ne volt personne, rien, point, he does not see a person, a thing, a point (a bit) ; il 11e mange mie, he does not eat a bit ; je ne bois goutte, I do not drink a drop. They all changed their first 1 Certes is an exemplification of the curious fact that to a great many Adverbs which are without a final s in. Latin, this letter has been added, because, as M. Littré s a y s : " t h e y were originally regarded as Adjectives in the Objective Case P l u r a l ; " compare the Italian Plural form of Adverbs : voloniieri, lungi, tardi, &c 2 Vices became in O Fr vetz, pes, pels. Fois serves also to form compound words by being added to par-, toute-, qtielque^, autre,-, &c. 3 On guères, see naguère, § 386 4 O n puis, see § 296, Note to puisse. 5 Subitaneus became in Provençal sobtan, in O. Fr. soubdain. 6 "Compare the Latin negatives, nihil = ne hilum ; nemo = ne homo. T h e English naught = ne aught ; the German uiiht = ne wicfot. REASONS AND ILL USTRA TIONS. 233 affirmative meaning to a negative one after having long been used with ne to form negative expressions. Mie, as negation, has become obsolete ; goutte can now be used only with the two Verbs entendre and voir : je ne vois goutte, ilrientend goutte. 385.—B. Instead of the suffixes -e, -ter, by which Latin Adverbs were derived from Adjectives (doct-e, vehementer), the French language chose for this purpose the suffix -ment, which is drawn directly from the Substantive mens. This Noun had come to mean fashion, manner, and had in Latin already served to form Adverbs ; as it was of the feminine gender, the feminine form of the Adjective was added to it : bona mente, devota mente fecit.x These Ablatives, then, are the types of the French Adverbs in ment : bonne?nent, dévotement. 386.—a Ainsi alentour alors amont2 à présent assez J œque sic (Diez) \ in sic (Littré) à Ven-tour à Pore {0. F r . ) ad montem ad prœsenteni ad satis aujourd'hui 3 auparavant aussi4 autant s aval6 beaucoup ^ ça atijourcF hui(O.Yx.) au par avant aliud sic aliud tanium ad vallem colpus ecce hac 1 Compare the English : likewise, otherwise, &c. ; the German : thôrichter Weise ; nothwendiger Weise. 2 A m o n t = up the river, had for its opposite a v a l = down the river, and the Verb avaler originally meant to descend (un bateatc qui avale lejleure), and then gave rise to the derived meaning to szvallow. Thus one says : pays d'amont = high country, or, country situated near the source of a river ; amont de la ville — above the town 3 T h e O. Fr.^ form is more true to the origin of this word, of which the last part is the Latin hodie, to-day ; atijotird'hui, therefore, properly means on the day of to-day. 4 A luid sic first became alsi in O. F r . (On the change of / into u, see § 278, c.) 5 Aliud tantum was in O Fr. allant. Compound Adverbs of tant aie partant (per tantum), pourtant (pro tanttim). 6 See the remark on amont. 7 Colaphus, colphus, colpus, a blow, finally produced in French coup, which word, being added to gra?id or beau, was first used in the sense ofajGue, a happy 234 céans combien comment davantage dedans dehors déjà demain depuis désormais r dessous dessus dont dorénavant2 encore enfin FRENCH ecce hac intus comme and bien comme and ment davantage de and dans de and foras de jam de and mane de zmàpost des ore mais* de and subius de and susum de and unde de hora in ab ante hanc horam en a n d y ? ^ * GRAMMAR. ensemble environ 3 ici jadis 4 jamais s longtemps lors6 maintenant naguèie7 oui8 partout presque tandis9 toujours ( insimul \ ensemle ( 0 . F r . ) en viron ecce hic jam diu jam magis longum tempus Vore* manu tenente zveiger (Germ. ) hoc illud per totum près and que * tam diu tous jours* blow or stroke; afterwards it took the meaning of imich, a great deal, and gradually replaced the old form m o u l t = multum. 1 T h e O Fr form shows more clearly than the modern spelling, the meaning of this word : dès = de ipsa ; ore = hora ; mais = magis : thence désormais means from this hour forwards, ie. from this very, from this present hoar ; the same meaning is attached to dorénavant = de hora in ab ante. 2 On the meaning of dorénavant, see Note 8 3 Viron was in O. F r a Substantive, meaning a circle, derived from the Verb virer (to veer, to turn round) ; environ, therefore, means that which is in a circle, that which is near. With the same Verb must be connected the Noun aviron = oar, i e. that which makes a circle, that which turns round. 4 On the final J in jadis, see certes 5 Jam became ja —from this moment, and màgis, was changed into mais — more ; thence ne ...jamais = not from this moment more or again, i e never. 6 T o ore (Lat hora) an inorganic J was added as in other Adverbs (see certes^, and the Def Art. prefixed. 7 As Germ w is regularly changed into gn in French (warten — garder, warnian —garnir) ; weigero (O.H.Germ ) became in Provençal gaigre, in O Fr, guère, and oiiginally meant much: il ne m'aime guère = il ne m'aime pas beaucoup ; je l'ai vu n'a guère = / have seen him not much {not a long time) ago ; thence in Mod F r . rJa guère, written in one word, means lately. 8 Hoc illud became in O . F r . oïl, as non illud became nenil, the Mod.Fr He uni. 9 Tandis, according to its etymology, was used in the sense of during this time till the eighteenth century ; for example :— " Et tandis, il m'e?ivoie Faire office vers vous de douleur et de joie " C O R N E I L L E {Hor. " Tandis j } achever'ay le voyage entrepris" HARDY (Alceste). iv. 2). REASONS AND ILL US TRA TIONS. 235 VIII.—PREPOSITIONS. 38.7.—French Prepositions are formed in different ways. They are— (1) Original Latin Prepositions :— A contre en entre outre ad contra in inter ultra per pro sine super versit s par pour sans sur vers (2) Compounds of Latin Prepositions :— Avant devant ab ante de ab ante devers envers de versus in versus (3) Compounds of Prepositions, with Adverbs, Adjecfives, and Pronouns :— Après avec dansx deçà de là derrière ad pressum apud hoc de intus de ecce hac de illac de retro dès dessous dessus parmi selon à travers de ipso de subtus de susiwi per medium sublcngum ad Iransversïim (4) Real Participles :— Durant,12pendant, joignant, moyennant, non-obstant, &c. 1 Tutus became eus, before which the Preposition de was placed : dens, then dans. 2 Compare the English during, pending, notwithstanding.. 236 FRENCH GRAMMAR. (5) Derivatives from Nouns :— Chez from casa. T h e Latin phrase in c a s a , in the house of, became in O. Fr. en chez (It. in casa, Sp. en cas), of which the chez alone has remained in Mod. Fr. This explains the expressions : il demeure près de chez nous ; il vient de chez son tailleur. Fauteimm. the Substantive jfaw/* three weak— 1st conj., 38 2nd conj., 39 3rd conj., 48 Conjunctions— coordinative, 271 subordinative, 272 connaître, 120, 323 {B) conquérir, 321 Consonants, division of, 5 „ pronun of, 16 construire, 100 continûment, 258 (1) contravenir, 86 contre, 387 contredire, 104 contre-jour, 172 [D, note 3) convenir, 87, 94, 116 coq-à-1'âne, plural of, 172 (O corail, 170 (3) cornette, 183 coud, 303 (3) coudre, 102, 317, 318 (C) courir, 130, 323 (A ) courrai, 96, 313 (3, a) court-vêtu, 189 (3) couvrir, 43, 287, 301 (6), 303 (1) crasse, 187 (10) créateur, 187 (7) crêpe, 183 crocheter, 54 craindre, 103 croire, 121, 323 (B) croissons, 317 croître, 122, 317, 323 (B) c r û , 187 ) ciucial, 189 (2, note) crûment, 258 (1) et, pionunciation of, 16 cueillir, 45, 287, 301 {b), 303 (1) cuir, 19 (note) cuir, 100 cursive, 187 (10) czar, 185 D. D , pronunc. of, 16, 19 dame, 390 dans, 386, 387 davantage, 386 Days of the week, 20 débiteur, 187 (7) deçà, 387 décevoir, 149 INDEX. décherrai, 96, 313 (3) déchoir, 131, 323 (C) décroître, 122 défendeur, 187 (7) dégeler, 54 dehors, 386 déjà, 386 delà, 387 délice, 182 (2) demain, 386; demandeur, 187 (7) demeurer, 90 demi, 255 {Qbs. 2) demi-Dieu, 172 (note 1) demi-mort, 189 (3) Dentals, 5 dépaqueter, 54 depuis, 386 Derivation, see Tens?i derrière, 387 des ( = de les), 161, 335 dès, 387 désormais, 386 dessous, 386, 387 dessus, 386, 387 détruire, 100 deuxième, 252 devant, 387 devers, 387 devin, 185 devineur, 185 devoir, 132, 296(3), 323 (C) dévot, 187 (3), 353 devrai, 96, 313 (2) Diaeresis, 8 diagonal, 189 (2, note) diamétral, 189 (2, note) Dieu, 185 différent, 237 (b) diffusément, 258 (2) dîme, 381 (9) dindon, 185 dire, 104, 321 discret, 187 (3), 353 dispos, 187 (10) dissoudre, 127 (1), 141 dissous, 187 (5), 351 (D) distraire, 111 dites, 305 (2), 307 (note) divers, 237 (6) Division of words into syllables, 17 docteur, 187(8) doctoral, 189 (2) doge, 185 donc, 383 dont, 230, 235, 386 dorénavant, 386 dormir, 41, 287, 314 doucement, 258 (2) I doux, 187 (1), 351 druide, 185 I dû, 187 (6) ; du ( = de le), 161, 335 I duc, 185 ducal, 189 (2) I dûment, 258 (1) E. j E, elision of, 7 i e, pronunciation of, 12 each, 236 (1) each other, 237 (7) échapper, 92 écherrai, 313 (3, note) échoir, 151 I éclore, 152 | écrire, 105, 317, 318 (c) i ei, pronunciation of, 13 Elements of the French Language, 276 sq. Keltic, 2 7 6 64) Greek, 276 (£) German, 276 (C) Latin, 276 (Z>) em, pronunciation of, 14 émail, 170 (3) empaqueter, 54 empereur, 187 (8) en, pronunciation of, 12, en, 196 (£), 233, 383, 387 en ( = in the year), 247 enchanteur, 187 (7) encore, 386 enfant, 182 (6) enfin, 386 s'enfuir, 47 (note) énormément, 258 (1) enseigne, 183 ensemble, 386 entirely, 238 (9, note) entre, 7 s'entr'aider, 7, 83 entresol, 172 (Z>, note 3) ! enverrai, 313 (3) envers, 387 environ, 386 envoyer, 62 épais, 351 (B) épousseter, 54 es, 335 (note to des) ester, 318 (A) et, 19 (6), 388 étiqueter, 54 être, 32, 331 Européen, 185 1 even, 238 (10, c) 2^1 every, each, 237 (1, 9) every one, 236 (1), 238 (9 everything, 238 (9) exécuteur, 187 (7) exemple, 183 expérimental, 189 (2) expirer, 91 exprès, 187 (3), 351 (B) expressément, 258 (2) extraire, 111 F. Faillir, 153, 318 (B) faire, 115, 321 faites, 305 (2), 307 (note) falloir, 140, 296 (4), 323 (C) fat, 187 (10) fatal, 189(2) faudra, 313 (3) faut, il faut, 94, 140 faute, 387 faux, 187 (1), 300, 302, 351 (note) favori, ï 8 7 (5), 351 W ferai, 96, 313 (2) feu, 189(1) feuilleter, 54, 58 final, 189 (2) first, 251 fleurir, 67 fois, 383 follement, 258 (1) font, 306 forfaire, 141 fou v I 8 7 (6), 351(C) foudre, 182 (7) fourbe, 183 Fractional numbers, 255 frais, 187 (3), 352 frais-cueilli, 189 (3) franc, i87'(2), 35 2 franchement, 258 (2) French, elements of, 276" Old French, 277 Modern French, 278 frire, 154, 318 (C) frugal, 189 (2) fuire, 47, 287 Future, 310, 313 G. G, pronunciation of, 16,19 gaîment, 258 (1) garde, 183 geler, 54 G«i*der, see Nouns 242 genou, 170 (1) gens, 168, 182 (8) gentil, 187 (5) gentiment, 258 (2) gésir, 155, 3 2 3 (A) glacial, 189 (2) goutte, 384 gouverneur, 187 (7) grand'mère, 172 (£), 349 graveur, 187 (9) grec, 187 (2), 352 (note 2) greffe, 183 grognon, 187 (10) gros, 351 (B) guères, 383 guide, 183 Gutturals, 5 INDEX. inquiet, 187 (3), 353 inspecteur, 187 (7) instruire, 109 interdire, 104 Interjections, 273,274, 390 Interrogation, simple, 71 ,, periphrastic, 74, 79, 224 introduire, 100 inventeur, 187 (7) irai, 313 (1) issir, 318 (B)' issu, 141 ivre-mort, 189 (3) J. Jadis, 386 jamais, 386 H. je, 20 jeter, 53, 296 (note 2) H , pronunciation of, 16 joindre, 103 haïr, 65 joujou, 170 (1) harceler, 54. hébreu, hébraïque, 187 (10) jovial, 189 (2) jumeau, 187 (6) hélas, 390 jusque, 7 héros, 185 hibou, 170 (1) hier, 383 Homonyms, 6 K. hormis, hors, 387 Keltic language, 278 hôte, 185 hôtel-Dieu, 172(A) however, 237 (2, c) howmany=que,225(note) L. howsoever, 236 (9), 237 (2,^) L, pronunciation of, 15 huit, 7 huitaine, 7 là, 383 huitième, 7 labial, 189 (2) hymne, 183 Labials, 5 Hyphen, 10 larron, 185 légèrement, 258 (2) lentement, 258 (3) Letters, 1 I. lèz, 387 I, elision of, 7 lingual, 189(2) i, pronunciation of, 12 linot, 185 Liquids, 5, 15 idiot, 187 (3), 353 lire, 323 (B) immensément, 258 (1) livre, 183 Imperfect, 308 l'on, on, 236 (4) importunément, 258 (2) loin, 383 impunément, 258 in, translated by de, 193 (g) long, 352 (note 1) longtemps, 386 longuement, 258 (2) Inchoative verbs/ 4 ' lors, 386 incommodément, 258 (1) lorsque, 388 Indefinite article, 164 loup, 185 induire, 100 l'un et l'autre, 238 (8) Infinitive, 26 l'un l'autre, 238 (7) initial, 189 (2) M. M, pronunciation of, 14 madame, 163, 205 (note) mademoiselle, 205 (note) maint, 237 (4), 3 7 I maintenant, 386 mais, 387 mais oui, 7 maître, 185 mal, 192, 383 malfaire, 141 malgré, 387 malin, 187 (5), 351 (Z>) manche, 183 manger, 50 manœuvre, 183 many a, 237 (4) many a one, 238 (5, note) matinal, 189 (2) maudire, 104 mauvais, 187 (3), 191 médial, 189 (2) médicinal, 189 (2, note) méfaire, 141 même, 202 (4), 371, 238 (10) mémoire, 183 mener, 51, 296 (2) ment, 303 (3) mental, 189 (2, note) mentir, 41, 287, 314 merci, 183 met, 303 (3) mettre, 106, 315, 321 mie, 363, 384 mien, 365 mieux, mil. mille, 245 million, 246 minet, 185 mode, 183 mollement, 258 moins, 383' Months, names of, 20 Moods, 25, 289 morbleu, 390 mou, 187 (6), 351 (C) moudre, 124, 303 (3), 317, 323 (B) moule, 183 mourir, 96, 133, 296 (5), 313. ( 2 , 4), 323 (A) mousse, 183 mouvoir, 134, 296 (5), 313 (2), 323 (f) , much, many (^beaucoup,, bien), 167, 260 (2) muet, 353 mulet, T85 INDEX. numbers, ont, 306, 318 (A, note) onze, onzième, 7, 240, 244 or, 387, 388 Ordinal numbers, 249 N. orge, 187 (10) oîgue, 182 N , mute, 14 Orthographical signs, 6 naguère, 386 naître, 107, 318 (r), 323 (B, other, others, 236 (6), 238 note to vivre) v (6) narval, 170 (2) où (used as a pronoun), Nasal sounds, 14 335 nasal, 189 (2) ouate, 7 natal, 189 (2) oui, 7, 386 naval, 189 (2) ouïr, 141, 318 (B) ne> 383 ^ outre, 387 néanmoins, 388 ouviir, 43, 301 (6), 303 nearly ( = faillir),i53 (note) nègre, 185 oval, 189 (2) net, 353 oyer, 318 (B) ni, 388 niais, 187 (3) no ( = ne...pas ; non), 238 P. (1, 2), 264 (3) nobody, 236 (5) no one, 236 (5), 238 (1,2,3) P , pronunciation of, 16 page, 183 none, 238 (1, 2), 383 nopal, 170 (2) paillasse, 183 not one, 238 (1, 2) pair, 185 not, 193 (d) paître, 125, 323 (B) nothing, 238, 236 (5, 8) pal, 170 (2) Nouns, gender of, 175,182 palme, 183 sç., 342 pantomime, 183 Pâques, 182 (11) „ plural of, 169 sç. par, 387 „ cases of, 338 nouveau, 187 (6), 351 (B) de par ( = parte), 341 nul, 238 (2), 351 (B), 371 paraître, 94, 120 (note), Numbers,cardinal,239,372 323 (B) ,, ordinal, 230, 379 parallèle, 183 nouvellement, 258 (1) parbleu, 390 nuire, 100 parceque, 388 nûment, 258 (1) parmi, 387 Participles, 27 partir, 41, 287, 303 (3), 314 O. Partitive articles, 165 partout, 386 O, pronunciation of, 12 pas (point), 384 obscurément, 258 (2) pascal, 189 (2) patronal, 189 (2, note) oc, langue d'oc, 277 payer, 60 (note) ce, pronunciation of, 13 pécheur7"îo7 (7) œil, 170 (5) pêcheur, 187 (note) œuvre, 182 (9) peintre, 187 (9) office, 183 offrir, 43, 287, 301 (6), 303 peler, 54, 56 pénal, 189 (2) oi, pronunciation of, 13 oïl, langue d'oïl, 277, 386 pendule, 183 période, 182 (12) Old French, 277 persécuteur, 187 (7) on, l'on, 236 (4), 371 one ( = they, people), 236 personne, 28, 183, 236 (5), (4) 371» 384 Multiplicative 256 243 Person-endings, 300 petit, 191 petit-lait, 168 petites-maisons, 168 petits-enfants, 168 peu, 192, 383 peux, 300, 302 Philippe, 185 pied-à-terre, 172 (C) pique, 183 Pis, 383 plaindre, 103 plaire, 126, 323 (B) pleuvoir, 94, 141, 323 (C) pîumail, 170 (3) plupart, 167 Plural of nouns, 169, 278 ,, of adjectives, 354 sç. plus, 383 plusieurs, 187 (6), 238 (4), 37 1 plutôt, 388 poêle, 183 poète, 187 (9) posséder, 52 poste, 183 pou, 170 (1) pour ; pour que, 387, 388 pourrai, 96, 313 (3) pourvoir, 117 (note), 313 (3, note) pouvoir, 135, 296 (5), 323 (O précisément, 258 (2) prefix, 108, 187 (1), 351 prendre^ 321 Prepositions, 266 sç présentement, 258 (3) presque, 7, 386 prêt, 187 (3), 353 prévaloir, 138 (note) prévenir, 116 prévoir, 117 (note), 313 (3, note) prime-sautier, 381 prince, 185 procureur, 187 (7) produire, 100 profès, 351 (B), 187 (3) profondément, 258 (2) profusément, 258 (2) Pronouns, 194 sç., 360 sç. Pronunciation, 12 sç , 244 prophète, 185 Provençal, 277 public, 352 (note 1) puis. 383 puisque, 7, 388 Punctuation, signs of, r i INDEX. 244 Q. S. Q, pronunciation of, 16 quand, 383 quantes, 371 quart, 381 (4) quatre yeux, 19 (note) que ( = how, many, why), 225 (note), 387 ,, and combien, 260 (note 3) quel, quelle, 218 quelconque, 237 (3), 371 quelque, 7, 237 (2), 371 quelque chose, 236 (7) quelque...que, 237 (2, è) quelqu'un, 236 (3), 371 quérir, 143 qui and lequel, 231, 232 quiconque, 236 (3), 371 quint, 381 (5) quinze-vingt, 377 qui que, 236 (9) quite, 238 (9, note) quoique, quoi que, 236 (9), 388 S, pronunciation of, 16, 19 s, added to several tenses, 300, 301, 308 s, x, and z, as signs of the plural, 278 (c) saillir, 43 (note), 287, 303 same, 238 (10) sans, sans que, 387, 388 saurai, 96, 313 (3) savoir, 137, 296 (6), 323 (C) sec, 187 (2), 352) secret, 187 (3), 353 séduire, 100 self, 238 (10) selon, 387 sentir, 40, 287, 303 (3), 314 seoir, 156, 321 serai, 313 (11) serval, 170 (2) serviteur, 187 (8) several, 238 (4) si, 383 Sibilants, 5 sied, siéra, 94, 114, 303(3)» 313 (3) Signs of punctuation, 11 so, 263 (3) solde, 183 some, 236 (2), 237 (2) something, 238 (8) somme, 183 s o r t i r a i , 287, 303(3), 314 soudain, 383 souffrir, 43, 287, 301 (6), 303 (note) soupirail, 170 (3) sourdre, 157, 321 sourire, 183 sous-pied, 172 (Z>, note 3) soustraire, 111 souvent, 383 Subjunctive, 307 (b) Substantive, see Noun subvenir, 86, 116 such, 238 (5) suffire, 101 suivre, 110, 318 (C) sujet, 353 Superlative in zssime, 196 (1, note), 359 sur, 387 surseoir, igô R R, pronunciation of, 16 ras, 187.(3), 351 (B) recevoir, recevrai, 96,136, 296 (3), 3*3 (2) redire, 104 réduire, 100 régal, 170 (2) régler, 296 (2) Reinforcement of vowels, 296 remise, 183 relâche, 183 renaître, 107 rentraire, n i renvoyer, 62, 313 (note) repaître, 125 repartir, répartir, 41 (note) repentir, se, 40, 287, 303 (3), 314 , v replet, 187 (3), 353 résolu, résous, 127 (2) résoudre, 127, 317 résous, 187 (10) ressortir, 41 (note) rester and demeurer, 90 rien, 236 (5, 8), 371, 384 rire, 109, 321 Romance languages, 275 romane, 187 (10) rompre, 70 roux, 187 (1), 351 T, the original t omitted, 303 taire, 128, 323 (£) tandis, tandis que, 386, 388 tant, tant que, 383, 388 tard, 383 tel, 238 (5) témoin, 187 (10) tenir, 116, 296 (1), 313 (4), 320 Tenses, 29, 35, 36, 96, 294, 1 erminations, 37, 298 sq tête-à-tête, 172 (C) than = que, 193 (b) than = de, 259 (2) théâtral, 189 (2) then, 262 tiers, 187 (5), 351 ( # ) , 3S1 (2) tigre, 185 timbre-poste, 172 (A) tiret, 10 tissu, 141 tôt,383 toujours, 386 tour, 183 tout, 163, 188, 238 (g), 371 tout-puissant, 189 (3, note) traducteur, 187 (9) traduire, 100 traire, 91, 111, 141, 321 trait d'union, 10 traître, 185 traîtreusement, 258 transversal. 189 (2, note) travail, 170 (5) travers, à tr , 387 Tréma, 8 très, 383 tressaillir, 43, 287, 301 (6), 303 (r) triomphe, 183 trop, 383 Troyen, 185 U. U , pronunciation of, 7 uniformément, 258 (1) V. Va, 303 (2) vague, 183 vaincre, 112, 318 (C) valoir, 96,138, 296 (4), 3<<», 302, 313 (3), 323 (C) vantail, 170 (3) vase, 183 INDEX. véhémentement, 258 (3) vélin, 187 (10) vendeur, 187 (7) vendre, 48 vengeur, 187 (7) venir, 114, 296 (1), 313 (4), 320 Verbs, division of, 21, 279 voices of, 24 weak, 34, 281, 283 xst conj., 38, 283 2nd conj., 39—47, 284—287 3rd conj., 48, 288 peculiarities of the three weak conj., 50—70 strong, 96, 281, 319 auxiliary, 30, 325 anomalous, 42 reflective, 81 reflective in French and not reflective in English, 82 reciprocal, 83 intransitive, 84,85,88 89 impersonal, \ unipersonal, j 93,94 in ger, 50 in ier, 50 like mener, 51 like posséder, 51 in eler and eter, 53— 58, 296 (2) in éger, 59 in ayer, oyer, uyer, 60 Verbs in uer, ouer, 63 whatever, 237 (2, 6) in gicer, 63 (note) whatsoever, 236 (9), 237 used interrogatively, (2, b) who and which, 228 used negatively, 75 sç. whoever, 236 (2) used interrogatively whole, 238 (9) and negatively, 78 ,, the whole world, vers, 387 238 (9, d) very, 262, 263 (2) whomsoever, 236 (9) vêtir, 47, 287, 303 (3) whose, 223, 229, 230 vieux, 187 (1, 6) whosoever, 236 (2, 9) vingt, 241 which, 228 virginal, 189 (2) why, 225 (note) vitrail, 170(3) vivement, 258 (2) vivre, 129, 323 (B) X. vocal, 189 (2, note) Voices, 80, 289 voici, 387 X , pronunciation, 16, 19 voile, 183 x, s, and z, as signs of the voilà, 387 plural, 278'fc) voir, 117, 313 (3), 320 volonté, de la bonne v., 168 volontiers, 383 vont, 306 vouloir, 96, 139, 296 (5), Y, 234, 383 300, 302, 313 (3), 323 (C) y and là, 234 (Obs.) Vowels, 5, 12, -13 year, in the year, 247 reinforcement of, 296 yes ( = out and sz), 262 (2) What, 225 what a, 220 Z, see x London : K Clay, Sons, and Taylor, Pt inters NEW EDITION. Square, half bound, price 6s, A FRENCH-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-FRENCH DICTIONARY, Adapted from the Dictionaries of Professor^ ALFEED ELWALL. By GUSTAVE MASSON, B.A., Assistant Master and Librarian in Harrow School, With a List of the principal Diverging Derivations, Chronological and Historical Tables, showing the developments of Literature and Language between the death of Charlemagne, 814 A.D., and that of Louis Philippe, 1850 ; also a List of the principal Chronicles and Memoirs on the History of France which have appeared up to the present time, the French Republican Calendar compared with the Gregorian, and a Chronological List of the principal French Newspapers published during the Revolution and the First Empire. " T h e work is beautifully printed, and of a portable size. 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Edited, with Additions, by A. S. WILKINS, M.A., Professor of Latin at the Owens College, Manchester. New Edition. 3*. 6d. PRO LEGE MANILIA. Edited after HALM by Professor A. S. W I L K I N S , M.A. 3*. 6d. THE SECOND PHILIPPIC ORATION. From the German of KARL HALM. Edited, with Corrections and Additions, by JOHN E. B. MAYOR, Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of St. John's College. New Edition, revised. 5^. PRO ROSCIO AMERINO. Edited, after HALM, by E. H. DONKIN, M.A., late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford; AssistantMaster at Sherborne School. 4^. 6d. PRO P. SESTIO. Edited by Rev. H. A. HOLDEN, M.A., LL.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and Classical Examiner to the University of London. $s. D e m o s t h e n e s . — D E CORONA. Edited by B. DRAKE, M.A., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. New and revised Edition. 4s. 6d. ADVERSUS LEPTINEM. Edited by Rev. J. R. KING, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College, Oxford. 4s. 6d. 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[in the press. SELECT SATIRES. Edited by Professor JOHN E. B. MAYOR. X. AND XI. 3s. 6d. XIL—XVI. 4s. 6d. L i v y . — B O O K S I I . AND I I I . Edited by Rev. H. M. STEPHENSON, M.A., Head-Master of St. Peter's School, York. 5-r. BOOKS X X I . AND XXII. Edited by the Rev. W. W. CAPES, M A., Reader in Ancient History at Oxford. With Maps. $s. BOOKS X X I I I AND XXIV. Edited by G. C MACAULAY, M.A., Assistant-Master at Rugby. [In preparation. CLASSICAL SERIES. 9 Lucretius. BOOKS I.—III. Edited by J. H. WARBURTON LEE, M.A., late Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Assistant-Master at Rossall. [In preparation. L y s i a s . — S E L E C T ORATIONS. Edited by E. S. SHUCKBURGH, M. A., Assistant-Master at Eton College. 6s. M a r t i a l . — SELECT EPIGRAMS. STEPHENSON, M.A. Edited by Rev. H. M. 6S. O v i d . — F A S T I . Edited by G. H. HALLAM, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Assistant-Master at Harrow. With Maps. 5J. HEROIDUM EPISTUL.E XIII. Edited by E. S. 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New Edition, carefully revised and enlarged, AS. 6d. Or separately, 2s. 6d. each. io MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Sophocles.—ANTIGONE. and A. S. WALPOLE, M.A. Edited by Rev. JOHN BOND, M.A., [In preparation. T a c i t u s . — A G R I C O L A AND GERMANIA. CHURCH, M.A., and W. J. BRODRIBB, Edited by A. J. M.A., Tianslators of Tacitus. New Edition, 3?. 6d. Or separately, 2s. each. T H E ANNALS. BOOK VI. By the same Editors. 2s. 6d. T H E HISTORY. BOOKS I. AND I I . Edited by C. E. GRAVES, M. A. [In preparation, Terence.—HAUTON TIMORUMENOS. Edited by E. S, SHUCKBURGH, M.A. 3-r. With Translation, 4?. 6d. PHORMIO. Edited by Rev, JOHN BOND, M.A., and A. S. WALPOLE, B.A. 4*. 6d. Thucydides. BOOKS I I I . IV. AND V. Edited by C. E. GRAVES, M.A., Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. (To be published separately. ) [Book IV. in the press. BOOKS VI. AND VII. T H E SICILIAN EXPEDITION. Edited by the Rev. 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By the same Editor. [In the press. *#* Other Volumes will follow. CLASSICAL LIBRARY. (i) Texts, Edited with Introductions and Notes, for the use of Advanced Students. (2) Commentaries and Translations. i E s c h y l u S . — T H E EUMENIDES. The Greek Text, with Introduction, English Notes, and Verse Translation. By BERNARD DRAKE, M.A., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. 8vo. 5J. AGAMEMNON, CHOEPHORŒ, AND EUMENIDES. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by A. O. PRICKARD, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford. 8vo. [In preparation. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius.—BOOK IV. OF THE MEDITATIONS. The Text Revised, with Translation and Notes, by HASTINGS CROSSLEY, M.A., Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Belfast. 8vo. 6s. A r i s t o t l e . — T H E METAPHYSICS. a Cambridge Graduate. 8vo. 5s. BOOK I. Translated by [Book II. in preparation. T H E POLITICS. Edited, after SUSEMIHL, by R. D. HICKS, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo.|[7» the press. T H E POLITICS. 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Edited, with Notes, by Professor JEBB. Being a companion volume to the preceding work. 8vo. i2s. 6d. BabriUS. Edited, -with Introductory Dissertations, Critical Notes, Commentary and Lexicon. By W. GUNION RUTHERFORD, M.A., Head-Master of Westminster School. 8vo. 12s. 6d. C i c e r o . — T H E A C A D E M I C A . The Text revised and explained by j . S. REID, M.L., Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. New Edition. With Translation. 8vo. [In the press. T H E ACADEMICS. Translated by J. S. REID, M.L. 8vo. 5s. 6d. SELECT LETTERS. After the Edition of ALBERT WATSON, M.A. Translated by G. E. JEANS, M.A., Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, and Assistant-Master at Haileybury. 8vo. IOJ. 6d. (See also Classical Series.) K u r i p i d e S . — M E D E A . Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by A. W. VERRALL, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. js. 6d. INTRODUCTION TO T H E STUDY OF EURIPIDES. By Professor J. P. MAHAFFY. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. (Classical Writers Series.) (See also Classical Series.) Herodotus.—BOOKS I.—in. T H E EMPIRES O F T H E EAST. Edited, with Notes and Introductions, by Rev. A. H. SAYCE, M.A., LL.D., Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and Deputy-Professor of Comparative Philology. 8vo. {Nearly ready. BOOKS IV.—IX. Edited by REGINALD W. MACAN, M.A., Lecturer in Ancient History at Brasenose College, Oxford. 8vo. [In preparation. CLASSICAL LIBRARY. H o m e r . — T H E I L I A D . Edited, by W A L T E R L E A F , M . A . , Fellow and the late J . H . P R A T T , M. A . T H E ILIAD. Translated into L A N G , M.A., 15 with Introduction and Notes, of Trinity College, Cambridge, 8vo. [In preparation. English Prose. By A N D R E W W A L T E R L E A F , M.A., and ERNEST MYERS, M.A. Crown 8vo. 12s. 6d. T H E O D Y S S E Y . Done into English by S. H . B U I C H E R , M . A . , Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh, and A N D R E W L A N G , M . A . , late Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. Fourth Edition, revised and corrected. 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