ILLINOI S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2012. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published 1923-1977 in the U.S. without printed copyright notice. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012 1> r r \4 1l m I, ' - t Jr r' r s t r/ IN' 4 1N < EN 1 1 4 f (r 1 11 I II 2N N I \N I 6I :q r'Iai nIra y ~ r !1 ? + A I~ { r/ / aK f /1 rr ANi1/& 34" tI ri ' pt _f 1 }14 1 f ~ INN I Il 41 NIN c. _1 4 a, .l%" .N ,ljNZN r4...N .. J N : y , .. _" i_ ' i k 1 .. .:l il B RA RY OF THE UN IVERS ITY Of ILLINOIS Cgo/ cor. 3 ~ ~ ,I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE W. AVERELL HARRIMAN, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS J. C. CAPT, Director POPULATION EDUCATION Educational Attainment by Economic Characteristics and Marital Status Based upon tabulations from the Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 Prepared under the supervision of Dr. LEON E. TRUESDELL Chief, Population Division Bureau of the Census UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1947 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Price $1.25 : I r 'I I I I I I I I ; - - - ' - - BUREAU OF THE CENSUS J. C. CAPT, Director PHILIP M. HAUSER, Deputy Director A. Ross ECKLER, Assistant Director HOWARD C. GRIEVES, Assistant Director MORRIS H. HANSEN, Statistical Assistant to the Director RALPH E. GALLOWAY, Executive Assistant to the Director POPULATION DIVISION LEON E. TRUESDELL Chief HOWARD G. BRUNSMAN Assistant Chief GENERAL POPULATION STATISTICS HENRY S. SuRYOCK, Jr. POPULATION ANALYST JOEL WILLIAMS SIXTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1940 REPORTS ON POPULATION Volume I Number of Inhabitants, by States. II Characteristics of the Population, by States. III The Labor Force-Occupation, Industry, Employment, and Income, by States. IV Characteristics by Age-Marital Status, Relationship, Education, and Citi- zenship, by States. REPORTS ON HOUSING Volume I Data for Small Areas, by States. Supplement: Block Statistics for Cities. II General Characteristics of Housing, by States. III Characteristics by Monthly Rent or Value, by States. IV Mortgages on Owner-Occupied Nonfarm Homes, by States. SPECIAL REPORTS [Individual reports, grouped according to subject. Reports denoted by an asterisk (*) are based on sample statistics) Statistics for Census Tracts (Including Housing Data): A report for each of 60 tracted cities and suburbs. Unincorporated Communities. Institutional Population, 14 Years Old and Over. *Families (Including Housing Data): General Characteristics. Tenure and Rent. Income and Rent. Characteristics of Rural-Farm Families. Types of Families. Size of Family and Age of Head. Employment Status. Family Wage or Salary Income in 1939. *Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910: Fertility for States and Large-Cities. Standardized Fertility Rates and Reproduction Rates. Women by Number of Children Under 5 Years Old. Women by Number of Children Ever Born. Fertility by Duration of Marriage. State of Birth of the Native Population. Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940: Color and Sex of Migrants. Age of Migrants. Economic Characteristics of Migrants. Social Characteristics of Migrants. Characteristics of the Nonwhite Population by Race. *Nativity and Parentage of the White Population: General Characteristics. Country of Origin of the Foreign Stock. Mother Tongue. *The Labor Force (Sample Statistics): Employment and Personal Characteristics. Characteristics of Persons Not in the Labor Force. Employment and Family Characteristics of Women. Wage or Salary Income in 1939. Education, Occupation, and Household Relationship of Males 18 to 44 Years Old. Industrial Characteristics. Occupational Characteristics. Usual Occupation. *Education: Educational Attainment of Children by Rental Value of Home. Educational Attainment by Economic Characteristics and Marital Status. Comnparative Occupation Statistics for the United States. 1870 to 1940. Estimates of Labor Force, Employment, and Unemlployment in the United States, 1940 and 1930. Housing--Characteristics by Type of Structure. Housing-Index of Reports. *op* 0 tN FOREWORD This report presents statistics showing the relationship uetween edu.- cational attainment, as measured by highest grade of school completed, and subsequent social-economic status, as indicated by tenure and rental value of the home, employment status, major occupation group, wage or sal- ary income in 1939, and marital status. It is based on tabulations of a 5-percent sample of the population returns for native white and Negro per- sons 18 to 64 years old. Work on this subject wgs laid aside during the war because of shortage of manpower and pressure for other types of sta- tistics. However, the data are now being made available by reason of the widespread interest in statistics on educational attainment and repeated requests currently coming from many quarters. This report was prepared by Joel Williams, under the supervision of Dr. Leon E. Truesdell, Chief, Population Division, Howard G. Brunsman, Assistant Chief, and Dr. Henry S. Shryock, Jr., Chief of General Popula- tion Statistics. The sampling procedures were under the direction of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Mathematical Adviser. III \S d~iii " " a Co) W z" Co) 0 z o " 0 to z" 1l I"II(" w " w I.! I--I to IV CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page General............ ........................................ Related reports.................................... Availability of unpublished data ................... Definitions of terms and explanations.................. Urban and rural areas.............................. Race, parentage, and nativity.................... Age and sex............................ ............... Tenure .................... .... :................ Monthly rental value of home ...................... Page Definitions of terms and explanations--Continued Employment status ...... , J,........ ..2........ 2 Major occupation group. .. ...........*...** ... 2 Wage or salary income end/receipt of other income in 1939...... .............*.......... ......... 2 Marital status...................... .. ..............2 Highest grade of school completed................... 2 Comparison between results of sample tabulations and- complete count ...................................... 2 MAP Page Map of the United States showing regions, divisions, and States......................................................... IV TEXT TABLES Table Page I.--Comparison between results of sample tabulations and complete count for the native white and Negro population 18 to 64 years old, by age and sex, for the United States: 1940 ............. .................................... II.--Comparison between results of sample tabulations and complete count for the native white and Negro population 18 to CE years old, by age, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940 ......................................... g DETAILED TA LES Tenure Y T "'-tsl Value of Home Table Page l.--Tenure of home, for the native white population 1V to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted, age, and sex, for the United States, by regions: 1940.......................... 5 2.--Tenure -- home, for the Negro population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, by re- gions: 1940.. ............................... 9 S.--Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for native white males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school coampleted and age, for the United States, urban and rural-nonfarm, and for urban places classified according to size: 1940......................................... 12 4.- -nure and monthly rental value of home, for ative white females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural-nonfarm, and for urban places classified according to size: 1940...................................... .... 18 5.--Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for Negro males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural-nonfarm: 1940 ....<... 24 6.-Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for Negro females 18 to 64 years old, by years of -school completed and age, for the United Mates, urban And rural-nonfa: 1940....... 27 7.-Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for native white males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for re- gions, urban and rural-nonfarm: 1940......... 30 8.--Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for native white females 18 to 64 years old, by years-- of school completed and age, for re- gions, urban and rural-nonfarm: 1940......... 839 Tenure and Monthly Rental Value of Home--Con. Table Page 9.--Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for Negro males. 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed -d age, for regions (with urban and rural-nonfarm for the South): 1940. 48 10.--Tenure and monthly rental value of home, for Negro females 18 to 64 w-ars old, by years of school completed and ago, for regions (with urban and rural-nonfarm for the South): 1940. 52 ll.--Tenure of home, for the rural-farm native white population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, by regions: 1940..................... 56 12.--Tenure of home, for the rural-farm Negro popu- lation 18 to 64 years old, by years of sohool completed, age, and sex, for the United .States, by regions: 1940... ........................ 60 13.--Monthly rental value of home, for native white males.18 to 64 years old of native parentage, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural-nonfarm: 1940. 63 14.--Monthly rental value of home, for native white females 18 to 64 years old of native par- entage, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural-non- farm: 1940 .. ............................ 66 15.--Monthly rental value of home, for native white males 18 to 64 years old of foreign or mixed parentag6, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural- nonfarm: 1940.......................... ...69 16.--Monthly rental value of home, for native white females 18 to 64 years old of foreign or mixed parentage, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural- nonfarm: 1940 ................ .. ..... ........ 72 Y CONTENTS DETAILED TABLES--4ontinued Employment Status Table 17.--Employment status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted, age, and sex, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urba; places classi- fied according to size: 1940............... 18.--Employment status of the Negro population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940............................... 19.--Employment status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted, age, and sex, for regions, urban and rural: 1940 ................................ 20.--Employment status of the Negro population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for regions (with urban and rural for the South): 1940 ................. Page 82 86 98 Major Occupation Group 21.--Major occupation group of employed native white males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urban places classi- fied according to size: 1940................. 103 22.--Major occupation group of employed native white females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urban places classi- fied according to size: 1940................. 110 23.--Major occupation group of employed Negro males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted and age, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940 ............................ 117 24.--Major occupation group of employed Negro females 1 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted and age, for the United States, urban and rural: 121 25.--Major occupation group of employed native white males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions, urban and rural:. 1940............. .... ................ 125 26.--Major occupation group of employed native white females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions: 1940........ 137 27.--Major occupation group of employed Negro males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted and age, for regions (with urban and rural for the South): 1940.................. 140 28.--Major occupation group of employed Negro females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted and age, for regions: 1940............. 145 wage or Salary Income in 1939 239.--Wage or salar income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for native white males 18 to 64 years old,. by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urban places classified according to size: 1940...0.............................. 147 VI Wage or Salary Income in 1939--Con. Table Page 30.--Wage.or salary income and receipt of other in- come i 1939, for native white females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urban places classified according to size: 1940 ................ .............. ...154 31.--Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for Negro males 18 to 64 years ld, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940... 161 32.--Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for Negro females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940..... 165 33.--Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for native white males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions, urban and rural: 1940...... 169 34.--Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for native white females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions: 1940...................... 181, 35.--Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for Negro males 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions (with urban and rural for the South): 1940...................oo ...... 184 36.'-Wage or salary income and receipt of other in- come in 1939, for Negro females 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed and age, for regions: 1940 ............................... 189 Marital Status 37.--Marital status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, urban and rural, and for urban places classified accord- ing to size: 1940 ..... . .......... 191 38.--Marital status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old of native parentage, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940......... 198 39.--Marital status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old of foreign or mixed parent- age, by years of school coipleted, age, -and sex, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940........................................ 202 40.--Marital status of the Negro population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school completed, age, and sex, for the United States, urban and rural: 1940.................................. 206 41.--Marital status of the native white population 18 to 64 years old, by years of school com- pleted, age, and sex,. for regions, urban and rural: 1940.............................,. 210 42.--Marital status of the Negro population 18 4 years old, by years of school complet- age, and sex, for regions (with urban an rural for ,the South): 1940................ ............ 222 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT BY ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND MARITAL STATUS INTRODUCTION GENERAL This report presents statistics on the educational attain- ment of the native white and Negro population 18 to. 64 years old by tenure and rental value of home, employment status, major occupation group, wage or. salary income in 1939, and, marital status. These tabulations are based on a five-p'ercent sample of returns of the Sixteenth Decennial Census of Popula- tion, taken as of April 1, 1940.1 Statistics are presented for urban and rural areas of the United States and three regions. These statistics show the relationship between educationi, as measured by years of school completed, and subsequent social-economic status, as measured by tenure and rental value of home, .employment status, major occupation group, and wage or salary income in 1939. One may examine, for example, the relative economic "success" of college graduates as compared with those who have gone through high school or grade school only, the amount of formal education customary among persons in each broad occupiational group, and the incidence of unem- ployment according to educational attainment. Furthermore, one may study the relative proportion of bachelors and spin- sters at the various educational levels and the incidence of divorce and widowhood. All these relationships may be seen separately at selected ages and in the different types of residential areas. Related reports. -Detailed statistics for smaller areas on the educational attainment of the population based on complete tabulations of the census returns are presented in Volumes II and IV of the Sixteenth Census Reports on Population and the special reports, "Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940- Social Characteristics of Migrants" and "Characteristics of the Nonwhite Population by Race." Additional statistics on the educational attainment of adults, based on sample tabulations, arA presented in the following reports: .he Labor roroe (Sample Statistics)-maployment and Family Characterist'ics of Women Yhe Labor Foroe (Sample Statistios)-Oooupational Character ist f ics FamIlies-G eneral Characteristics Families-Types of Families Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910-Women by unu- ber of Children Under Five Years Old Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910-Women by Num- ber of Children Euer Born Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910-Fertility by Durat ion of Marriage Nativity and Parentage of the White Population- Oenral Characteristics This is the second of two, reports presenting detailed sample statistics on education cross-classified with various other characteristics. The data in this publication for the adult population 18 to 64 years old supplement the statistics of the first report which concerned the population 7 to 17 years old. The first publication, entitled 'Educational Attainment of Children by Rental Value of Home," presents statistics of native white and Negro children by monthly rental value of home, for urban and rural-nonfarm areas of the United States, by regions. In boad terms, this earlier *report dealt with the effect of the 6tic status of the parents upon their children's edu- cational attainment, whereas the present report is concerned with the relationship of the person's own educational back- ground to his Subsequent economic and marital history. iIhe 1940 Population Census schedule is reproduced in part 1 of Volume IV of the Sixteenth Census Reports on Population, with a note indicating the method of selecting the five-percent sample of the population. The instructions to enumerators are also reproduced in this volume. Availability of unpublished data.-The statistics pre- sented in this report fo- persons 18 to 64 years of age have also been tabulated for children 14 and 15 years and 16 and 17 years old. The data which are shown for regions as a whole are also available for urban and rural parts of regions but are not published in all cases. Statistics for Negroes, which are, shown in this report only for those areas in which they can- stitute a substantial proportion of, the total population, are available also for the other tabulation areas. All tabulations made for urban areas are available by city size. However, these subdivisions are published only for selected character- istics in this report. Such of the unpublished figures as are considered reliable can be obtained upon request for the cost of transcribing or reproducing them. Requests for unpublished statistics, ad- dressed to the Director of the Census, Washington 25, D. C., will receive a prompt reply including an estimate of the cost of preparing the data. DEFINITIONS OF TERS AND EXPLANATIONS Urban and rural areas.-Urban population, as defined by' the Bureau of the Census, is, in general, that residing in cit- les and other incorporated places having 2,500 inhabitants or more. The urban areas are further subdivided into groups of places classified according to size, as follows: Cities of 250,000 inhabitants or more, urban places of 25,000 to 250,000, and urban places of 2,500 to 25,000. The remainder of the population is classified as rural and is subdivided into rural- nonfarm and rural-farm population on the basis of farm resi- dence, without regard to occupation. Race, parentage, and nativity.--This report is limited to the native white and Negro population. Statistics have not been tabulated for foreign-born white persons or for persons of other races. A person born in the United States or in any of its outlying territories or possessions is counted as native. The native white population has been subdivided, by parent- age, into two groups: (1) Native parentage (both parents born in the United States or in outlying possessions) and (2) for- eign.or mixed parentage (one or both parents foreign born). Age and sex.-Classifications by age and sex are shown in all of the tables in this report. The age classification is based on the age of the person at his last birthday before the date of the census, that is, the age of the person in completed years. Tenure.- Statistics on tenure of home are pertinent only to persons living In private households and related to the head of the household. An individual was classified as living in an "owned" dwelling unit if the dwelling unit occupied was owned wholly or in par by the head of his family or by some related member of his family living in the dwelling unit. An individ- ual was classified as -living in a "rented" dwelling unit if the home vwa actually rented by the head of the household or by some related member of his family living in the home. Persons residing in rent-free quarters or in living accommodations which were received in payment for service performed were also included as living in "rented" dwelling units. The classification "tenure not reported" comprises related members of private households 4-n homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to the household head, and all persons not in private households. Monthly rental value or homne.-The monthly rental data are based on the reported contract rent of the tenant-occupied dwelling units and the estimated rental value of owner-occupied 1 EDUCATION homes. Lodgers, servants, and other persons in private house- holds who were not related to the household head, as well as persons living in hotels, lodgin.houses, institutions., etc., are not classified, according to rental value of home, because the rent of the place where -they lived is not a reliable indi- cation of the economic status of such persons. For rural-farm areas, the data on monthly rental value of h6me are not entirely satisfactory because of the difficulty in separating the value or rent of the farmhouse from that' of the rest of the farm property; statistics showing rental value of.home are therefore restricted to persons residing in urban and rural-nonfarm areas. Employment status.-In the 1940 Census of Population, per- sons 14 years- old and over were classified on the basis of their activity during the census week of March 24 to 30, 1940, into two large groups: (a) Persons in the labor force, includ- ing those at work for pay or profit or at unpaid family work during the census week; those with a job or business from which they were. temporarily absent; those on public emergency work; and those not at work but actively seeking work during the -census week; and (b) persons not in the labor force. The lat- ter group includes persons reported as engaged in own home housework, in school, or unable to work; others not employed, not on public emergency work, nor seeking work; all inmates, of penal and mental institutions and homes for the aged, infirm, and needy, regardless of their activity durihg the census week; ,and persons for whom employment status was not reported. In addition, statistics for persons in the labor force are shown separately for (1) those Who were employed and (2) those who were seeking work or on public emergency work. In several of the previously published reports, persons on public emer- gency work were combined with those seeking work to form the category "Un'employed." Major occupation group.-The statistics presented in this report on major occupation group, are limited to persons at work or with a job during the week of March 24 to 30, 1940. In classifying occupation returns for 1940, the Bureau of the Census used a classification system with 451 occupation titles. The major occupation groups shown in this report are the principal subdivisions in this classification system. The specific occupations included in each major group are listed in the tables on occupation presented in Volume III of the Sixteenth Census Reports on Population, entitled "The Labor Force" or in any third series Population bulletin. Wage or salary income and receipt of other income in 1939.-In 1940, inquiries concerning income were made for the first time in the history of the Population census. The fol- lowing information was obtained: 1. The amount of money wage or salary.income received in 1939. (Persons who received salaries over $5,000 were required only to report that they received more than that amount.) 2. Whether income Amounting to $50 or more was received in 1939 from sources other than money wages or salaries. Wage or salary income.--Wage or salary income, as defined for the 1940 census, includes all money received in 1939 in compensation for work or services performed as employees, in- cluding commissions, tips, piece-rate payments, bonuses, etc., as well as receipts commonly referred to as wages or salaries. The value of income received in kind, such as living quarters, meals, clothing, etc., is not included. The enumerators were instructed to enter "nO" for a person who had no wage or salary income in 1939 As a precaution against inconsistent -entrles, the followin Items, were listed in the instructions to enumerators as types of income to be excluded from wage or salary income: (1) Earnings of business- men, farmers, or professional persons derived from business profits, sale of crops, or fees; (2) sums received as unemploy- ment compensation; (3) direct relief or charity; (4) income in kind, such as living quarters, mea'N, and supplies, even thougC, received as payment for work pel ormed; (5) rembitrseme"t for travel expenses; and (6) income from any other source specifi- cally listed below as a source of other income. Receipt of other income.-)her income includes all in- 'come other than money wages or salaries, such as income from roomers or boarders, business profits, professional fees, in- come inekind, receipts from the sale of farm products, rents, interest, dividends, unemployment compensation, direct relief, old-age assistance, pensions, annuities, royalties, and regular contributions from persons other than members of the immediate family. Other income does not include receipts in the form of lump-sum insurance settlements, occasional gifts of goods or money, inheritances, receipts or profits from the sale of properties, or reimbursements for travel expenses. In the present report, statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income was not reported are combined with those for persons with other income of $50 or more. This procedure was followed in order to preveht the statistics on wage or salary income for persons primarily de-- pendent upon such income from being affected by the inclusion of any persons who may have had more than $L0 of income fromn nonwage sources. Marital status.-In the classification by marital status, four major groups are shown: Single, married, widowed, and divorced. These terms refer to marital status at the time the census was taken. Persons classified as "married" comprise both those who have been married only once and those who remarried after being di- vorced or widowed. Since it is possible that some divorced persons are reported as single, married, or widowed, the census returns doubtless understa.te somewhat the actual number of divorced persons who have not remarried. The category "married" is further divided into "married, spouse present" and "married, spouse absent." A person was classified as "married, spouse present" if the person's husband or wife was reported as a member of the household in which the person was enumerated. The group "married, spouse absent" consists of married persons whose spouses were not living in the same household at the time of the census. Highest grade of school completed.-In 1940 the census, for the first time, included a question on the formal educa- tional attainment of each person. The question on the schedule asked for the last full grade that the person had completed in the regular school system-public, private, or parochial school, college or university. There is evidence that in the 1940 census some persons over- stated the amount of formal schooling completed. The following conditions, all of which tend toward an upward bias, may have been involved in some cases: 1. Persons who left school in the middle of a grade re- ported that they had completed that grade. 2. Years of education received in business colleges, trade and vocational schools, etc., were included. 3. The translation of* education in unrraded schools or in foreign countries to the equivalent grade in the American school system was too liberal. 4. There was some exaggeration of educational attainment. COMPARISON BETI:EI I RESULTS OF SA. PLE TABULATIONS AND COMPLETE COUNT The statistics shown in this report are based on tabulations of a five-percent sample of the 1940 census returns, multiplied uniformly by 20. Exact agreement is not to be expected between the tabulations of a sample and the corresponding tabulations of a complete count, but the sample data nevertheless indicate the relationships among the various characteristics involved. With regard to the individual numbers in the tables, compari- sons thus far made with the figures obtainable also fjo the complete count indicate that 90 percent of the n.umbers above 10,000 will differ from those available from the complete count by less than 5 percent, 95 percenr: of those between 0,000 and 10,000 will differ'by less than 10 percent, and 9b percent of those between 2,000 and 5,000 will differ by less than 20 pei-- cert qon~what lar-.: v iT lons r ay be expected in numbers ,a .,0,C b-t ev :- a majoiity of the differences are ..a t;an 1 percent, t uch larger differences occa- sionally occur. Tabl4 I presents a con.,- oun of figures from the sample tabulations and those from the comp. count for native white and Negro persons 18 to 64 years old in the United States, by age and sex, and table II presents a similar comparison for these groups in urban and rural areas. 2 3 INTRODUCTION Table I.-COMPARISON BETWEEN RESULTS OF SAMPLE TABULATIONS AND COMPLETE COUNT FOR THE NATIVE WHITE AND NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY AGE AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1940 (Percent not shown where less than 0.1) NATIVE WHITE NEGRO Excess of sample Excess of sample- AGE AND SEX over complete count Bover complete count Based on Based on Based on Based on complete 5-percent Percent complete 5-percent Percent count sample ount of - -count sample Amount ofcom- plete count plate count TOTAL 18 and 19 years...... ...............................................4,378,434 4,381,260 +2,826 +0.1 524,375 517,980 -6,395 -1.2 20 to 94 years ........... .................. .....................10,130,640 10,143,280 +12,640 +0.1 1,195,227 1,186,340 -8,887 -0.7 25 to 29 years..................................................... 9,479,994 9,489,460 +9,466 +0.1 1,145,284 1,132,280 -13,004 -1.1 30 to 84 years.................................................. 8,497,887 8,504,700 +7,313 +0.1 992,879 986,080 -6,799 -0.7 35 to 44 years.............................................. 14,141,278 14,240,940 +99,662 +0.7 1,800,929 1,784,820 -16,109 -0.9 45 to 54 years ......................... .......... . ............. 11,143,590 11,198,620 +55,030 +0.5 1,243,242 1,196,860 -46,382 -3.7 55 to 64 years. .................................................. ,455.918 7,502,080 +46,167 +0.6 693,123 727,100 +33,977 +4.9 MAIE 18 and 19 years .................................................. 2,187,798 2,188,000 +202 - 24,152 245,840 -3,312 -1.3 80 to 24 years.................................................. 5,014,725 4,995,880 -18,845 -0.4 550,193 546,760 -3,433 -0.6 25 to 29 years ...................................................... 4,698,866 4,705,120 +6,754 +0.1 529,613 523,060 -6,553 -1.2 80 to 84 years ...................................................... 4,230,325 4,247,220 +16,895 +0.4 467,887 466,020 -1,867 -0.4 85 to 44 years ................................................... 7,062,612 7,134,420 +71,808 +1.0 862,808 853,060 -9,748 -1.1 45 to 54 years ............... ..... ............ ............ 5,594,033 5,642,300 +48,267 +0.9 631,371 592,780 -38,591 -6.1 55 to 64 years ...................................................... 8,713,351 3,742,400 +29,049 +0.8 361,465 400,120 +38,655 +10.7 FE MAIZE 18 and 19 years............................................................. ...2,190,636 2,193,260 +2,624 +0.1 275,223 272,140 -3,088 -1.1 20 to 24 years...........................,. .......................... 5,115,915 5,147,400 +31,485 +0.6 645,034 639,580 -5,454 -0.8 25 to 29 years.................................................. 4,781,628 4,784,340 +2,712 +0.1 615,671 609,220 -6,451 -1.0 30 to 84 years........... ................. ...................4,267,062 4,257,480 -9,582 -0.2 524,992 520,060 -4,932 -0.9 35 to 44 yearsa................................... 7,078,666 7,106,520 +27,854 +0.4 938,121 931,760 -6,361 -0.1 45 to 54 years....... ............................ 5,549,557 5,556,320 +6,768 +0.1 611,871 604,080 -7,791 -1.3 55 to 64 years ...................................................... 8,742,562 8,759,680 +17,118 +0.5 331,658 326,980 -4,678 -1.4 Table II.-COMPARISON BETWEEN RESULTS OF SAMPLE TABULATIONS AND CC-MPLETE COUNT FOR THE NATIVE WHITE ND NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 NATIVE WHITE - NERO Excess of sample Excess of sample URBAN-RURAL RESIINCE Based on Based on over complete count Based on Based on over complete count complete 5-percent Percent complete 5-percent count sample Amount of com- count sample Amount of cm- plete count plete count UNITED STAIES 18 and 19 years................................. ............... 4,378,434 4,381,260 +2,826 +0.1 524,375 517,980 -6,395 -1.2 20 to 24 years... .............. ............................ 10,130,640 10,143,280 +12,640 +0.1 1,195,227 1,186,840 -8,887 -0.7 25 to 29 years ................................................... 9,479,994 9,489,460 +9,466 +0.1 1,145,284 1,182,280 -18,004 -1.1 80 to 34 years ............. .................... .................. 8,497,387 8,504,700 +7,313 +0.1 992,879 986,080 -6,799 -0.7 35 to 44 years.................................................. 14,141,278 14,240,940 +99,662 +0.7 1,800,929 1,784,820 -16,109 -0.9 45 to 54 years........... .... ...... ............ .. ... ... .. 11,143,590 11,198,620 +55,030 +0.5 1,243,242 1,196,860 -46,382 -3.7 55 to 64 years........... ................................. 7,455,913 7,502,080 +46,167 +0.6 693,123 727,100 +33,977 +4.9 URBAN 18 and 19 years.. .............................................2,415,059 2,418,320 +3,261 +0.1 229,780 227,100 -2,630 -1.1 20 to 24 years .............................. ............... 5990,092 6,004,560 +14,468 +0.2 574,766 570,840 -3,926 -0.7 25 to 29 years.................................................... 5 , ,096 5,723,220 +83,124 +0.1 631,252 624,580 -6,672 -1.1 80 to 4 years ....................... .............. .......... 191 5,084,320 -3,871 -0.1 582,247 575,980 -6,267 -1.1 35 to 44 years...... ............ ......... ...... ............ 544 8,384,820 -+55,276 +0.7 1,086,098 1,067,680 -18,418 -1.7 45 to 54 years ......................... ......... ............... ,,023 6,353,460 +43,437 0.7 696,039 653,200 -42,839 -6.2 55 to 64 years..... .. 4,001,957 4,036,760 +84,803 +0.9 850,868 384,200 +3,382 +9.5 R~RAL-NUNFAW8j 18 and 19 years.............. ..897,751 908,120 +10,869 +1.2 85,967 85,140 -827 -1,0 20 to 24 years.................................................. 2,075,326 2,083,560 +8,234 +0.4 206,681 205,200 -1,481 -0.7 Sto 29 years..................................................... 2,046,352 ,059,460 +1,108 +0.6 195,615 191,780 -8,885 -2.0 80 to 34 years......... ..... 1,884,829 1,897,340 +12,511 +0.7 161,258 159,680 -1,578 -1.0 85 to 44 years. ...... ,009,658 8,042,160 +32,507 +1.1 275,502 274,380 -1,122 -0.4 45 to 54 years. 2,268,148 2,288,880 +15,782 +0.7 192,485 188,500 -3,985 -2.1 55 to 64 years ....................................... ......... 1,580,008 1,598,060 +18,052 +1.1 112,490 112,060 -450 -0.4 RURAL-FAIM 18 and9 years.. ......................... 1,065,624 1,054,820 -10,804 -1.0 208,678 205,740 -2,938 -1.4 20 to 84 yeazs..... ............................................ 2,065,222 2,055,160 -10,062 -0.5 413,780 410,800 -8,480 -0.8 35 to 39 years...... ...................................... 1,718,546 1,706,780 -6,766 -0.4 818,417 315,920 -2,497 -0.8 80 to 84 years............. ........ .......................... 1,524,867 1,523,040 -1,827 -0.1 249,374 250,420 +1,046 +0.4 85 to 44 years.... .............. .......................2,802,081 2,818,960 +11,879 +0.4 439,329 442,760 +3,481 +0.8 45 to 54 years.................................. . ..... 2,565,419 2,561,280 -4,139 -0.2 354,718 355,160 +442 +0.1 55 to 64 years ................. ................................. 1,873,948 1,867,260 -6,688 -0.4 229,765 230,840 +1,075 0.5 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 5 Table 1.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMAI - Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOLIn owned homes In owned homes COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent' Total Percent In not ng total rented reportedi reporting o totl rented reported1 reporting Number ot- homes reporting Number ot homes rdport- report- _ns ___ ing UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 32,655,340 29,697,980 13,892,280 46.8 15,805,700 2,957,360 82,805,000 30,536,420 14,241,540 46.6 16,294,880 2,268,580 18 and 19 years old. ............. 2,188.000 2.026.460 1.038.820 51.3 987.640 161.540 2,193.260 2,007,980 914,880 ' 45.6 1,093,100 185,280 No school years completed... ..... 13,440 10,080 4,260 42.3 5,820 3,360 8,460 6,840 2,660 38.9 4,180 1, 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 65,700 59,520 20,660 84.7 38,860 6,180 40,640 37,240 10,820 29.1 26,420 3,400 5 and 6 years........ 118,100 104,220 39,020 37.4 65,200 8,880 80,500 75,720 20,680 27.3 55,040 4,780 7 and 8 years........ 413,880 373,960 171,360 45.8 202,600 39,920 345,440 313,580 114,660 36.6 198,920 31,860 igh school: 1 to 3 years ......... 784,280 735,420 368,760 50.1 366,660 48,860 708,440 658,240 275,720 41.9 382,520 45,200 4 years ............. 625,100 584,700 335,860 57.4 248,840 40,400 825,560 744,220 381,640 51.3 362,580 81,340 College: 1 to3 years ......... 155,840 146,780 92,860 63.3 53,920 9,060 175,700 161,920 1030840 64.1 58,080 18,780 4 years or more ..... 2,580 2,800 1,220 53.0 1,080 280 3,460 3,080 1,840 59.7 1,240 380 Not reported ................... . 14,080 9,480 4,820 50.8 4,660 4,600 10,060 7,140 3,020 42.3 4,120 2,920 20 and 21 years old................ 2,039,020 1,816.580 884.220 48.7 932,360 222,440 2.101.780 1.882,180 758.800 40.8 1,123,380 219,600 No school years completed ........ 12,500 9,880 3,720 37.7 6,160 2,620 8,720 6,540 2,620 40.1 3,920 2,180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 58,040 51,380 16,040 31.2 35,340 6,660 36,460 33,560 8,080 24.1 25,480 2,900 5 and 6 years ....... 101,860 90,900 31,580 34.7 59,320 10,960 76,760 71,920 18,380 25.6 58,540 4,840 7 and 8 years........ 419,400 368,940 160,460 43.5 208,480 50,460 378,820 344,900 114,680 33.3 230,220 33,920 High school: I to 3 years ......... . 502,400 447,88s 196,420 43.9 250,960 55,020 500,480 463,160 150,100 32.4 313,060 37,p20 4 years .............. 646,880 584,380 313,160 53.6 271,220 62,500 819,960 722,080 322,460 44.7 399,620 97,880 College: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 257,680 233,440 147,000 63.0 86,440 24,240 235,000 204,940 123,500 60.3 81,440 30,060 4 years or more ...... 26,300 21,900 12,320 56.3 9,580 * 4,400 33,500 27,260 15,600 57.2 11,660 6,240 Not reported ..................... 18,960 8,380 3,520 42.0 4,860 5,580 12,080 7,820 3,380 43.2 4,440 4,260 22 to 24 years old................ 2,956,860 2,592,000 1,096,680 42.3 1.495.320 364.860 ,3.045,6201 2.750.300 959.100 34.9 1,791,200 295,320 No school years completed ......... ~i50 12,960 4,840 37.3 8,120 3,400 13,380 10,940 4,240 38.8 6,700 2,440 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. .... 82,620 73,580 19,560 26.6 54,020 9,040 53,860 49,620 12,240 24.7 37,380 4,240 5and 6 years........ 146,900 131,640 42,360 32.2 89,280 15,260 118,880 111,900 28,740 25.7 88,160 6,980 - 7 and 8 years ........ 670,560 592,320 227,840 38.5 364,480 78,240 620,960 574,440 173,180 30.1 401,260 46,520 High school: I to 3 years ......... , 698,820 624,760 236,020 37.8 388,740 74,060 706,580 660,640 195,740 29.6 464,900 45,940 4 years ............. 889,600 790,280 372,320 47.1 417,960 99,320 1,118,240 1,011,800 387,340 38.3 623,960 106,940 College: 1 to 3 years ....... .... 268,420 230,000 122,200 53,.1 107,800 38,420 249,780 209,600 96,900 46.2 112,700 40,180 4 years or more...... 168,880 124,480 67,260 53.8 57,720 38,400 145,600 109,240 56,080 51.3 53,160 36,360 Not reported ..................... 20,200 11,480 4,280 37.3 7,200 8,720 18,340 12,620 4,640 36.8 7,980 5,720 25 to 29 years old................ 4,705,120 4,216,720 1,476,340 35.0 2.740.380 488.400 4,784,840 4,425,080 1 1,516,420 34.3 2,908,660 359,260 No school years completed .......... 33,960 26,900 8,520 31.7 18,380 - 7,060 27,720 22,500 7,340 32.6 15,160 5,220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 142,720 127,500 33,880 26.6 93,620 15,220 101,000 94,120 24,600 26.1 69,520 6,880 5 and 6 years ........ 275,960 251,740 72,120 28.6 179,620 24,220 228,060 216,900 58,720 27.1 158,180 11,160 7 and 8 years........ 1,307,720 1,191,480 397,740 33.4 793,740 116,240 1,192,320 1,125,360 350,800 31.1 775,060 66,960 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,072,960 982,160 328,600 33.5 658,560 90,800 1,114,240 1,057,040 338,320 32.0 718,720 57,200 4 years ............. 1,134,860 1,028,940 406,320 89,5 622,620 105,420 1,430,120 1,321,740 494,960 37.4 826,780 108,380 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 850,140 304,620 115,300 37.9 189,320 45,520 406,300 356,080 143,160 40.2 212,920 59,220 4 years or more ..... 351,580 282,800 106,120 37.6 176,180 69,280 256,720 212,300 92,180 43.4 120,120 .44,420 Not reported ..................... 85,720 21,080 7,740 36.7 13,340 14,640 27,860 19,040 6,840 35.9 12,200 8,820 30 to 34 years old ............... 4,247,220 1 3,893,760 1,418,000 36.3 2,480,760 353,460 4,257,480 4,003,520 1,573,420 39.3 2,430,100 253,960 No school years completed ...... .. 86,080 29,560 9,600 32.5 19,960 6,520 28,460 24,060 8,020 33.8 16,040 4,400 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 159,880 145,960 42,180 28.9 103,780 13,420 116,100 109,460 32,720 29.9 76,740 6,640 5 and 6 years........ 294,700 271,280 86,560 31.9 184,720 23,420 259,860 249,380 79,680 32.0 169,700 10,480 7 and 8 years....... 1,357,900 1,256,500 443,620 85.3 812,880 101,400 1,197,840 1,147,680 416,680 36.3 731,000 50,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 932,300 866,980 818,040 36.7 548,940 65,320 945,600 904,060 351,680 88.9 552,880 41,540 4 years ............. 778,940 719,080 286,100 29.8 432,980 59,860 1,023,720 962,940 409,900 42.6 553,040 60,780 College: 1 to 3 years '.......... 00,840 272,740 107,540 39.4 165,200. 28,100 401,740 367,380 166,980 45.5 200,400 34,360 4 years or more ...... 46,720 307,200 111,260 36.2 195,940 39,520 253,200 216,420 99,620 46.0 116,800 36,780 Not reported ..................... 40,360 24,460 8,100 33.1 16,360 15,900 0,960 22,140 8,140 66.8 14,000 8,820 35 to 44 yearsold ............... 7,134,420 6.557,720 2.968.220 45.2 3.594.500 576.700 7.106.520 6.725,020 3,260,420 48.5 3,464,600 381,500 No school years completed ......... 79,940 67,520 22,920 38.9 44,600 12,420 65,560 57,420 21,800 37.1 36,120 8,140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 8371,220 33889,400 123,160 36.3 216,240 31,820 282,800 269,660 100,880 87.4 168,780 183140 5 and 6 years........ 649,140 596,680 241,220 40.4 355,460 52,460 570,640 548,280 228,100 41.6 320,180 22,360 7 and 8 years........ 2,761,100 2,554,400 1,153,100 45.1 1,401,8300 206,700 2,486,120 2,88,940 1,117,400 46.8 1,271,540 97,180 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,831,840 1,219,920 564,100 46.2 655,820 93,920 1,877,680 1,817,860 644,220 48.9 673,640 59,820 4 years ............. 949,720 881,840 422,480 47.9 459,360 67',880 1,32,740 1,252,520 650,320 51.9 602,200 71,220 College: to 3 years ........ 439,120 400,640 195,660 48.8 204,980 38,480 583,120 587,960 302,460 56.2 285,500 45,160 4 years or more ..... 485,200 445,3840 217,140 48.8 228,200 89,860 354,880 308,560 174,340 56.5 134,220 46,820 Not reported ...................... 85,140 51,980 23,440 45.1 28,540 38,160 61,980 43,820 21,400 48.8 22,420 18,160 45to54 years old. .............. 5,642,800 5,177,980 2,884,180 55.7 2,293,800 464,320 5,5563,820 5,239,960 3,016,720 57.6 2,223,240 316,360 No school yearscompleted .......... 94,680 80,400 88,080 41.1 47,320 14,280 74,620 66,700 29,580 44,3 87,120 7,920 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 458,180 420,820 201,000 47.8 219,820 37,860 339,500 324,120 152,800 47.0 171,820 15,880 5 and 6 years......... 668,940 610,500 819,920 52.4 290,580 58,440 595,680 573,920 302,980 52.8 270,940 21,760 7 and 8 years........ 2,345,220 2,165,200 1,221,800 56.4 943,400 180,020 2,183,540 2,080,540 1,194,060 57.4 886,480 108,000 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 781,460 725,220 418,840 57.8 306,880 56,240 899,580 854,540 502,0801 58.8 352,460 45,040 4 years .............. 598,680 555,520 318,860 57.4 236,660 43,160 824,860 774,500 471,480 60.9 308,020 49,860 g to3 years ......... 804,560 277,560 164,920 59.4 112,640 27,000 366,240 337,280 220,000 65.2 117,280 28,960 r 4 years or more ...... 315,900 292,980 179,060 61.1 113,920 22,920 218,740 190,960 . 123,120 64.5 67,840 27,780 Not r . ........... ......... ... 79,680 49,780 26,700 53.6 23,080 29,900 54,060 37,400 21,120 56.51 16,280 16,660 55to64-yearsold ............... 3.742,400 8,416.760 2.185.820 62.5 1.2,80,940 825,640 3,759,680 3,502.380 2,241,780 64.0 1,260,600 257.800 No school years completed ........ . .. 91,300 78,420 38,200 48.7 40,220 12,880 67,080 59,660 29,020 48.6 0,640 7,420 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 412,220 375,180 209,880 55.9 165,300 7,040 04,780 288,580 163,200 56.6 125,80 16,200 5 and 6 years........ 525,960 481,840 288,920 60.0 192,920 44,120 471,960 449,560 269,540 60.0 180,020 22,400 7and 8 years........ 1,577,480 1,451,720 928,080 63.9 523,640 125,760 1,547,80 1,458,00 948,200 65.0 510,100 89,080 High s : I to 3 years ........ 392,800 63,520 25,140 64. 7 128,80 29,280 502,520 468,460 309,280 66.0 159,180 34,060 4 years ........... 335,880 310,200 200,740 64.7 109,460 25,680 500,760 41,740 306,880 66.5 154,860 9,020 College: 1 to3years......... 167,080 153,120 102,500 66.9 50,620 13,960 203,800 183,940 128,140 69.7 55,800 19,860 * 4 years or more...... 180,500 166,360 110,500 66.4 55,860 14,140 119,360 104,260 70,120 67.3 34,140 15,100 Not reported ..................... 59,180 36,400 21,860 60,1 14,540 22,780 42,040 27,880 17,400 62.4 10,480 14,160 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, peresons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- Tate householda. 6 � EDUCATION Table l.--TENURE OF HO'E,.FOR THE NATIVE WPITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than.2,000) MALE FEMAIX Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes I owned homes COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent In not Total Total Percent In not reporting Number of total rented reported reporting Number o rented reported report- Nuber report- oes ing ing THE NORTH Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old......... No school years completed ..... Grade schqol: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ......... ....... 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7and8years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... . 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed .... Gra4e school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported. ............... . 25 to 29 years old... ........ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ... . 4 years or more .. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1to 3 years ... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years . .... 4 years or more.. Not reported... 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old ......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 yearb ......... College: 1 to 3 years..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ....: 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. . 9b22 .8 17930,7o0 8. 314.y8zo 46-6 7 rYou I96572-900- 1-691-860 7 no y9nu o0r v Wo 46-0 8 vo8 56ow1441* *U . 1303,840 1.222,080 626.440 51.3 595.640 81.760 1.808.060 1,189.280 557.020 46.8 632.260 118780 . 4,280 2,660 1,600 60.2 1,060 1,620 1,460 800 480 - 320 660 9,880 7,680 3,200 41.7 4,480 2,200 7,220 5,760 2,280 39.6 3,480 1,460 .... 29,640 26,160 10,800 41.3 15,360 3,480 16,320 14,500 5,020 84.6 9,480 1,820 251,040 227,800 106,560 46.8 121,240 23,240 200,780 178,960 70,160 839.2 108,800 21,820- 484,240 460,900 223,460 48.5 237,440 23,340 426,480 397,980- 169,080 42.5 228,900 28,500 421,880 401,720 225,120 56.0 176,600 20,160 550,660 496,160 252,760 50.9 243,400 54,500 92,300 87,800 51,880 59.1 35,920 4,500 96,380 88,580 54,220 61.2 34,360 7,800 . 1,620 1,480 620 - 860 140 2,020 1,740 960 - 780 280 .... 8,960 5,880 3,200 54.4 2,680 3,080 6,740 4,800 2,060 42.9 2,740 1,940 1,233.,200 1,119,160 557.420 49.8 561.740 114.040 1.280,120 1.138.920 474.220 41.6 664.700 141,200 .... 3,620 2,300 1,220 53.0 1,080 1,320 3,020 1,800 1,240 - 560 1,220 8,680 6,220 2,560 41.2 3,660 2,460 6,460 5,100 1,500 29.4 8,600 1,860 .... 28,940 24,900 10,580 42.5 14,320 4,040 18,260 16,180 4,820 _ 29.8 11,360 2,080 .... 264,980 234,300 106,180 45.3 128,120 30,680 234,600 210,220 73,260 34.8 136,960 24,380 313,320 286,740 125,500 43.8 161,240 26,580 310,240 286,900 95,160 33.2 191,740 23,340 434,540 403,060 215,260 53.4 187,800 31,480 545,040 480,280 216,860 45.2 263,420 64,760 153,960 142,100 86;740 61.0 55,360 11,860 135,820 117,360 70,240 59.9 47,120 18,460 16,760 14,440 7,180 49.7 7,260 2,320 18,960 16,320 8,940 54.8 7,380 2,640 8,400 5,100 2,200 43.1 2,900 3,300 7,720 4,760 2,200 46.2 2,560 2,960 1,803,440 1,611.840 707.820 43.9 904,020 191.600 1.877.920 1.691.580 596,280 835.2 1,0953,800 186,840 4,560 . 3,000 1,460 48.7 1,540 1,560 4,240 2,940 1,700 57.8 1,240 1,300 .... 12,760 9,800 3,460 35.3 6,340 2,960 9,440 7,180 2,300 82.0 4,880 2,260 46,080 39,360 15,620 39.7 23,740 6,720 34,460 31,480 8,360 26.6 23,120 2,980 435,400 386,540 155,520 40.2 231,020 48,860 407,400 373,060 113,760 30.5 259,300 34,340 440,540 402,760 152,440 37.8 250,320 37,780 446,380 417,140 121,880 29.2 295,260 29,240 594,000 543,920 259,180 47.7 284,740 50,080 737,460 669,980 258,340 38.6 411,640 67,480 153,620 136,520 73,420 53.8 63,100 17,100 140,240 115,800 53,940 46.6 61,860 24,440 104,640 83,160 44,100 53.0 39,060 21,480 85,760 65,720 32,960 50.2 32,760 20,040 11,840 6,780 2,620 38.6 4,160 5,060 12,540 8,280 3,040 36.7 5,240 4,260 2,827,700 2,562,740 899,560 '35.1 1,663,180 264,960 2,896,520 2,673,900 887,060 33.2 1786,840 2282.62 10,580 27,800 94,800 873,740 660,060 724,940 193,400 221,680 21,200 2.541.900 12,040 37,820 118,100 907,480 563,420 487,240 167,140 224,160 24,500 4,295,180 22,920 113,500 309,500 1,879,120 781,760 585,260 244,680 308,260 50,180 3 401 080 , .- ,vv 28,160 184,040 347,720 1,608,380 470,560 359,520- 161,980 192,340 48,380 7,080 21,540 84,060 799,040 612,660 670,380 172,880 182,440 12,660 2.341.600 8,760 31,600 105,900 843,120 527,300 456,140 153,100 201,420 14,260 16,560 98,020 279,460 1,742,200 727,120 548,040 224,560 285,600 29,340 2,440 7,020 26,240 266,280 199,880 262,820 62,260 67,900 .4,720 826.600 3,220 10,240 35,460 290,120 182,600 174,960 56,720 68,560 4,720 6,160 38,740 112,660 760,560 321,840 251,880 104,520 132,540 12,920 34.5 82.6 31.2 33.3 32.6 39.2 36.0 37.2 37.3 35.3 36.8 82.4 33.5 34.4 34.6 38.4 37.0 34.0 33.1 37.2 39.5 40.3 43.7 44.3 46.0 46.5 46.4 44.0 4,640 14,520 57,820 532,760 412,780 407,560 110,620 114,540 7,940- 1.515.000 5,540 21,360 70,440 553,000 344,700 281,180 96,380 132,860 9,540 3,500 5,760 10,740 74,700 47,400 54,560 20,520 39,240 8,540 200,300 3,280 6,220 12,200 64,360 36,120 31,100 14,040 22,740 10,240 10,720 21,520 78,680 805,440 682,220 904,280 227,960 148,740 16,960 7,300 17,880 73,280 756,640 646,620 888,580 198,040 124,500 11,060 2,860 4,860 19,800 228.,580 197,140 300,980 77,320 51,640 3,880 566.360 11 2.410.660 1_ 904.420 10,980 32,300 106,460 802,860 566,200 652,340 228,280 147,220 19,520 8,400 29,100 101,200 767,820 540,540 616,300 207,620 126,280 13,400 2,920 8,320 32,140 266,440 195,720 251,160 88,940 54,220 4,560 39.2 27.2 27.0 30.2 30.5 35.9 39.0 41.5 35.1 37.5 34.8 28.6 81.8 34.7 36.2 40.8 42.8 42.9 34.0 wo n l 3,950,900 H 1,myon,)xU1 44.1 1 2.209.080 I 344.ZtJU 1 4.016 bt I it 4.UbU 11 I,916,VV l 47.0 1 2,109,1401 Z4V,6Z5 10,400 59,280 166,800 981,640 405,280 296,160 120,040 153,060 16,420 ......=An 6,360 15,480 30,040 186,920 54,640 37,220 20,120 22,660 20,840 20,880 93,940 272,660 1,705,320 813,700 838,360 327,440 205,120 39,260 16,540 86,780 259,380 1,636,640 777,620 794,840 300,320 176,820 27,120 6,400 34,060 106,000 742,140 361,300 396,840 163,080 94,380 12,720 1 G19"Ro 38.7 39.2 40.9 45.3 46.5 49.9 54.3 58.4 46.9 A07 ^ 4,440 18,020 58,480 528,060 449,480 537,600 120,726 72,860 7,180 1.506.240 5,480 20,780 69,060 501,380 344,820 .365,140 118,680 72,060 8,840 10,140 52,720 153,880 894,500 416,320 398,000 187,240 82,440 14,400 8,420 8,640 5,400 48,800 35,600 65,700 29,920 24,240 5,900 155.700 2,580 3,200 5,460 35,049 25,660 36,040 20,660 20,940 6,120 4,340 7,160 13,280 68,680 36,080 43,520 27,120 28,300 .12,140 ^^a A 3,112,96V 1 728 42.55.50 138 1 .0(.;_ 2g�.2V S.386O9V 3,386,C2V40C11 44 CLC .8V .U 57.0 11.3i68.2 0120,420 21,080 162,680 315,020 1,485,280 -437,280 335,440 147,760 179,300 29,120 ^ ^^^ AA 9,640 83,080 164,820 825,480 247,540 188,700 85,940 108,220 15,000 45.7 51.1 52.3 55.6 56.6 56.3 58.2 60.4 51.5 11,440 79,600 150,200 659,800 189,740 146,740 61,820 71,080 14,120 " "n"^^ 7,080 21,360 32,700 123,100 33,280 24,080 14,220 11,040 19,260 ^^^ "^^ 24,140 141,860 306,460 1,514,000 535,780 509,020 195,420 125,220 34,340 """ "*^n 19,900 1833,240 293,140 1,441,100 507,460 477,840 178,600 107,420 22,120 n "a ^ 9,760 65,300 154,140 811,060 291,720 287,800 115,340 65,520 11,940 1 ".Q "^ ~ 49.0 49.0 52.6 56.3 57.5 60.2 64.6 61.0 54.0 id ' 10,140 67,940 139,000 630,040 215,740 190,040 63,260 41,900 10,180 "t "'^ 4,40 8,620 13,820 72,900 28,320 31,180 16,88 19,800 12,220' "^ ^^~b 1 2,216,244 II CVV 266,7401 630 7.27cO1 6801,V (7iC12VV 1 ,WCV5,eJVV 4 1 4.C 1 W I 55,9 40 ( 7,420 28,700 187,240 280,640 1,065,800 233,320 195,740 85,580 104,420 34,800 21,780 164,580 252,780 979,400 215,160 181,300 77,860 96,780 19,800 11,160 95,620 152,900 624,400 189,860 116,520 51,260 63,400 11,620 51.2 58.1 60.5 63.8 65.0 54.3 65.8 65.5 58.7 10,620 68,960 99,880 355,000 75,300 64,780 26,600 33,380 8,180 6,920 22,660 27,860 86,400 18,160 14,440 7,720 7,640 15,000 21,740 136,620 247,480 1,066,440 300,760 305,760 105,280 66,460 26,200 17,460 127,000 234,000 1,001,260 278,540 281,400 93,620 57,040 16.000 8,520 73,620 140,920 646,960 183,140 185,520 64,760 36,820 10,220 48.8 58.0 60.2 64.6 65.7 65.9 69.2 64.6 63.9 8,940 53,380 93,080 354,00 95,4Q00 95,880 28,860 20,220 5,786 4,280 9,620 13,480 65,180 22,220 24,860 11,660 9,420 10,800 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. I -Iv -, ..v 11 -2 - ft 1 w --- L_. vv -- v i -vr- v 0_ v- - v v in -2 -- 11 1 i -----r--- iv, . . f1 I c. . .1 C I I dG G A A TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 1.--TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940--Continued (Statistics based dn a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) 7 MALE FEMALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure ARA, YEAl8 OF SCHOOL In owned homes Tenure In owned homes Tenure 00MPIETED, AND AGM In Total Total Percent In not Total Total Percent rented reported' reporting Number oftotal reted reported reporting Number of total homes report- greport ing ing THE SOUTH Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 9,154,140 8,83.760 83.886.460 45.8 4,547,800 770,380 901790460 8,6883,240 4,024,660 46.6 4,608,580 546,220 18 and 19 years old ......... - ..... 650,900 597,620 292,660 49.0 304,960 53,280 653.240 607.320 252,840 41.5 854,980 45,920 No school years completed ......... 8,420 6,880 2,260 32.8 4,620 1,540 6,180 5,480 1,880 34.8 3,600 700 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 53,200 49,620 16,320 32.9 33,300 3,580 80,720 29,060 7,620 26.2 21,440 1,660 5and6years ......... 78,540 78,580 26,340 35.8 47,240 4,960 59,480 56,720 13,780 24.3 42,940 2,760 7and 8 years........ 184,500 122,600 53,820 43.9 68,780 11,900 123,080 115,120 37,040 32.2 78,080 7,960 High school: Ito 3 years .......... 208,680 192,580 99,820 51.6 93,260 16,100 199,660 188,920 74,760 39.6 114,160 10,740 4 years .............. 121,800 110,540 65,980 59.7 44,560 11,260 178,040 160,620 82,660 51.5 77,960 17,420 College: 1 to3years ........ 41,300 38,880 26,980 70.3 11,400 2,920 52,800 48,500 33,180 68.4 15,320 3,800 4 years or more ...... 800 680 480 - 200 120 1,180 1,080 740 - 840 100 Not reported .. .................... 3660 2,760 1,160 42.0 1,600 900 2,600 1,820 680 - 1,140 780 20 and 21 years old............. . 585,620 514,920 232,080 45.1 282,840 70,700 602,680 548,.220 203,800 37.2 344,420 54,460 No school years completed ......... 8,240 7,160 2,260 31.6 4,900 1,080 5,120 4,420 1,240 28.1 ,180 700 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 47,220 43,480 12,740 29.3 30,740 8,740 28,040 26,720 5,840 21.9 20,880 1,320 5 and 6 years ........ 68,420 62,160 19,320 31.1 42,840 6,260 54,400 51,860 12,280 28.7 89,580 2,540 7and 8 years ....... 123 ,380 109,900 43,820 39.9 66,080 18,480 120,740 113,820 84,080 80.1 79,240 7,420 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1836,400 118,820 52,200 48.9 66,620 17,580 142,860 182,980 41,460 31.2. 91,520 9,880 4 years ............... 129,760 111,900 60,720 54.3 51,180 17,860 17Q,300 156,220 70,180 44.9 86,040 22,080 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 61,240 53,520 36,160 67.6 17,360 7,720 58,880 52,220 32,600 62.4 19,620 6,660 4years or more ...... 6,840 5,320 3,780 71.1 1,540 1,520 11,040 8,040 5,220 64.9 2,820 8,000 Not reported ...................... 4,120 2,660 1,080 40.6 1,580 1,460 3,300 2,440 900 36.9 1,540 960 22to24 years old ................ . 818,720 709,060 269,760 38.0 489,300 109,660 840,900 764,640 256,040 833.5 508,600 76,260 No school years completed ......... 10,820 9,100 8,020 33.2 6,080 1,720 8,260 7,800 2,220 30.4 5,080 960 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 66,860 60,940 14,940 24.5 46,000 5,420 41,300 39,640 8,840 22.83 30,800 1,660 5and 6 y&ars ........ 98,660 86,820 24,800 28.2 62,020 7,840 78,380 74,640 18,340 24.6 56,800 3,740 7and 8 years ........ 183,960 165,840 57,100 34.4 108,740 18%120 174,280 165,180 47,300 28.6 117,880 9,100 High school: 1 to 3 years ........... 181,540 159,640 59,600 37.3 100,040 2 ,900 191,700 179,720 54,340 30.2 125,880 11,980 4 years ................172,920 145,120 66,200 45.6 78,920 27,800 238,840 211,740 82,020 38.7 129,720 26,600 College: 1 to 3 years .....- 64,840 52,260 28,280 54.1 23,980 12,580 68,960 54,720 26,220 47.9 28,500 9,240 4 years or more ...... 88,500 26,160 15,040 57.5 11,120 12,840 40,180 28,120 15,560 55.1 12,660 11,960 Not reported ...................... 6,120 8,680 1,280 34.8 2,400 2,440 4,500 3,480 1,200 84.5 2,280 1,020 S25 to29 yearsold................ .1,3825,420 1,184,080 401,300 33.9 782,780 141,340 1.355.980 1,261,780 440,820 34.9 820,960 94,200 No school years completed ...... 21,260 18,300 5,800 29.0 13,000 2,960 15,260 18,900 3,860 27.8 10,040 1,860 Grade school: 1 to4 years .......... 108,020 99,740 24,800 24.9 74,940 8,280 73,280 70,520 17,360 24.6 53,160 2,760 5and 6 years ....... 166,220 155,120 41,520 26.8 118,600 11,100 187,380 182,3820 34,720 26.2 97,600 5,060 7and 8 years ......... 825,240 299,940 97,560 32.5 202,880 25,300 309,120 296,200 95,420 32.2 200,780 12,920 High school: 1to3 years ......... . 282,700 256,940 89,880 84.8 167,560 25,760 808,420 293,800 98,760 33.6 195,040 14,620 4 years .............. 288,140 209,560 84,520 40.3 125,040 28,580 323,280 295,260 119,800 40.4 175,960 28,020 College: 1 to 3 years .. 90,900 76,180 82,200 42.3 48,980 14,720 110,300 97,840 41,760 42.9 55,580 12,960 4 years or more ...... 82,740 62,060 24,040 38.7 38,020 20,680 70,680 56,080 27,280 48.6 28,800 14,600 Not reported ..................... 10,200 6,240 1,980 31.7 4,260 3,960 8,260 6,360 2,860 87.1 4,000 1,900 30 to34 years old ................ 1,201,400 1,107,320 406,280 86.7 701,040 94.080 1214,740 1,146,480 471,860 41.2 674,620 68,260 Noschool years completed ......... 21,580 19,220 5,600 29.1 13,620 2,860 15,240 18,800 4,800 31.2 9,500 1,440 Grade school: lto4years.......... 112,220 106,220 29,040 27.8 77,180 6,000 76,700 78,760 21,720 29.4 52,040 2,940 5and 6 years ........ 158,880 149,780 44,920 30.0 104,860 8,600 138,920 134,540 42,160 31.3 92,880 4,380 7and 8 years......... 324,420 808,760 109,320 36.0 194,440 20,660 809,220 298,540 115,780 38.8 182,760 10,680 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 247,120 280,100 90,240 39.2 139,860 17,020 261,940 251,580 107,000 42.5 144,580 10,860 4 years ............... 167,860 152,200 65,400 48.0 86,800 15,660 222,940 206,640 96,820 46.6 110,320 16,800 College: 1 to3 years ........ 81,140 72,720 32,240 44.3 40,480 8,420 111,700 102,540 51,800 50.5 50,740 9,160 4 years or more ...... 76,940 65,420 26,900 41.1 38,520 11,520 69,240 .58,060 29,900 51.5 28,160 11,180 Not reported ....................... 11,740 7,900 2,620 3388.2 5,280 3,840 8,840 7,020 2,880 41.0 4,140 1,820 35 to44yearsold ............... 1,986180 1,849,520 838,800 45.4 1.010.720 186.660 1.979.320 1,888, 260 937620 49.7 950,.640 91,060 No schoolyearscompleted .......... 51,280 46,520 14,720 81.6 31,800 4,760 39,600 36,440 12,560 34.5 23,880 3,160 Grade school: 1 to4 years .......... 231,780 219,400 74,200 33.8 145,200 12,380 171,740 166,740 59,020 85.4 107,720 5,000 5and6years ......... . 292,200 276,640 109,260 39.5 167,380 15,560 266,740 259,440 107,760 41.5 151,680 7,300 7 and 8 years ........ 592,480 556,600 261,960 47.1 294,640 35,880 561,120 544,940 268,220 49.2 276,720 16,180 Highschool: 1toayears.......... 349,400 828,400 159,120 48.5 169,280 21,000 386,800 871,680 194,500 52.3 177,180 14,620 4 years .............. 214,440 197,060 101,780 51.6 95,280 17,380 288,840 266,740 149,680 56.1 117,060 16,600 College: lto3years ......... 119,140 108,380 57,880 52.9 51,000 10,760 160,580 149,060 89,360 59.9 59,700 11,520 4yearsormore...... 109,940 99,240 52,220 52.6 47,020 10,700 92,980 80,520 49,920 62.0 30,600 12,460 Notreported...................... 25,520 17,280 8,160 47.2 9,120 8,240 16,920 12,700 6,600 52.0 6,100 4,220 45toS54yearsold. .............. 1,536,400 1,486,500 787,500 54.8 649,000 99,900 1,504,900 1.487,360 882,460 57.9 604,900 67,540 No school years completed ........... 58,340 52,660 20,080 38.1 82,580 5,680 44,540 41,460 17,080 41.2 24,380 3,080 Gradeschool: 1to 4 yeaks ......... 237,260 226,060 100,260 44.4 125,800 11,200 175,900 170,400 75,400 44.2 95,000 5,500 5 and 6 years ......... 255,140 242,040 124,880 51.6 117,160 13,100 249,600 243,240 127,520 52.4 115,720 6,860 7and 8years........ 460,200 433,660 249,580 57.6 184,080 26,540 440,240 424,420 254,160 59.9 170,260 15,820 Highschool: l to3 years ....... 201,580 189,300 118,020 59.7 76,280 12,280 286,520 227,480 138,920 61.1 88,560 9,040 4 years .............. 188,940 128,580 77,380 60.2 51,200 10,360 181,180 170,420 109,220 64.1 61,200 10,760 College: 1 to3 years 88,260 80,440 50,240 62.5 80,200 7,820 109,200 99,520 68,240 68.6 31,280 7,680 4 years or more ..... 74,820 68,600 48,440 68.8 25,160 5,720 54,960 48,760 84,820 71.4 13,940 6,200 Notreported..................... ...22,360 15,160 8,620 56.9 6,540 7,200 14,760 11,660 7,100 60.9 4,560 3,100 55 to64yearsold ............... . 1,049,500 984,740 608.080 61.8. 376,660 64,760 1,027,700 979 l80 629,720 64.3 349,460 48,520 No chootyear completed .......... 54,260 49,880 23,460 47.0 26,420 4,380 39,o60 37,120 17,440 47.0 19,680 2,440 Grade school: 1 to 4 years........ 188,140 178,700 95,430 53.4 83,240 9,440 145,920 140,960 76,960 54.6 64,000 4,960 5 and 6 years ....... ... 195,560 185,980 111,320 59.9 74,660 9,580 189,720 183,440 109,640 59.8 73,800 6,280 7 and 8 years.. 817,700 299,740 194,820 65.0 104,920 17,960 309,960 238,480 200,660 67.2 97,820 11,480 HIgh school: 1 to 3 years . 102,080 96,840 63,600 65,7 33,240 5,240 127,860 122,160 83,500 68.4 38,660 5,790 4 years ............. 80,260 74,400 50,860 68,4 23,540 . 5,860 111,720 104,340 73,700 70,6 30,640 7,380 Colege: 1 to 3 years ..48,440 44,940 31,920 7 .0 13,020 3,500 60,040 55,860 41,540 74.4 14,320 4,180 4 years or more ...... . 454520 41,580 28,860 69.4 12,720 3,940 30,760 27,440 20,560 74.9 6,880 8,820 Notreported ..................... .. 17,540 12,680 7,780 61.4 4,900 4,860 12,160 9,l38 5,720 61.0 3,660 2,780 'Comprises related members of private households'in homes not reporting teoare, porsos in private households not related to household head, and all persans not in pri- ms astholas, 8 EDUCATION Table 1.--TENURE OF OV'E, FOR THE NTATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEK, FOR TUE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940--Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE F MALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes Tenure In owned homes COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Tot] Total Percent I not Total Total Pereent n aot reporting of total rentd reported reporting b of total Nb report- Iber report- homs ing . rin g THE WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or rMore .... Not reported ........ ........ 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years . ....... . College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old..; ......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years :... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ....'....... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ . 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..:.. High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ...... .......... 35 to 44 years old.. ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years . .... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... "Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... . o.3$,8v0 o ooe, O evewv 5u.8 1.,0oou 495, 120W , 1'o, 9 sw1n,,oo y 1, 17,9 0. 0 .0U, 1,717,740 281,250 233,260 206.760 119,720 57.9 87,040 26.500 2381960 211,380 105, 520 49.9 105,860 20,580 740 540 400 - 140 200 820 560 '800 -8 26 2,620 2,220 1,140 51.4 1,080 400 2,700 2,420 920 88.0 1,500 280 4,920 4,480 1,880 42.0 2,600 440 4,700 4,500 1,880 41.8 2,620 800 28, 340 23,560 10,980 46.6 12,580 4,780 21,580 19,500 7,460 38.8 12,040 28,080 91,360 81,940 45,980 56.1 35,960 9,420 77,300 71,340 31,880 44.7 89,460 5,960 81,420 72,440 44,760 61.8 27,680 8,980 96,860 87,440 46,220 52.9 41,220 9,420 22,240 20,600 14,000 68.0 6,600 1,640 27,020 24,840 16,440 66.2 8,400 2,180 160 140 120 - 0 20 20 260 260 140 - 120 - 1,460 840 460 - 380 620 720 520 280 - 240 200 220,200 182.500 94.720 51.9 87.780 37.700 218,980 195,040 80.780 41,4 114,260 88,940 640 420 240 - 180 220 580 20 140 - - 180 860 2,140 1,680 740 - 940 460 1,960 1,740 740 - 1,000 220 4,500 3,840 1,680 43.8 2,160 660 4,100 3,880 1,280 88.0 2,600 820 31,040 24,740 10,460 42.3 14,280 6,300 23,480 21,360 7,840 84.4 14,020 2,180 52,680 41,820 18,720 44.8 23,100 10,860 47,380 43,280 13,480 31.1 29,800 4,100 82,580 69,420 37,180 53.6 32,240 13,160 96,620 85,580 35,420 41.4 50,160 11,040 42,480 37,820 24,100 63.7 13,720 4,660 40,300 35,360 20,660 58.4 14,700 4,940 2,700 2,140 1,360 63.6 780 560 8,500 2,900 1,440 .49.7 1,460 600 1,440 620 240 - 380 820 1,060 620 280 840 440 334 ,700 271,100 119 .00 43.9 52.000 6,600 326.800 294.080 106.780 86.8 187.800 82.920 980 860 360 - 500 120 880 700 320 80 180 3,500 2,840, 1,160 40.8 1,680 660 3,120 2,800 1,100 389.8 1,00 820 7,160 5,960 e,440 40.9 3,520 1,200 6,040 5,780 2,040 85.8 8,740 260 51,200 39,940 15,220 38.1 24,720 11,260 39,280 86,200 12,120 3388.5 24,080 8,080 76,740 62,360 23,980 38.5 38,380 14,380 68,500 63,780 19,520 0.6 44,260 4,720 122,680 101,240 46,940 46.4 54,800 21,440 142,440 129,580 46,980 36.8 82,600 128,860 49,960 41,220 20,500 49.7 20,720 8,740 45,580 39,080 16,740 42.8 22,840 6,500 20,240 15,660 8,120 51.9 7,540 4,580 19,660 15,300 7,560 49.4 7,740 4,860 2,240 1,020 380 - 640 1,220 1, 00 860 400 - 460 440 552.000 469 .906 175.480 87. 294.420 82. 100 531.810 489.400 188.540 38,5 800,860 42.440 2,120 1,520 r80 - . 740 600 1,740 1,300 620 - 680 440 7,400 6,220 2,060 33.1 4,160 1,180 6,200 5,720 2,380 41.6 ,840 480 14,940 12,560 4,360 34.7 8,200 2,380 12,000 11,300 4,200 37.2 7,100 700 108,740 92,500 33,900 36.6 58,600 16,240 77,760 72,520 26,300 36.8 46,220 5,40 180,200 112,560 39,340 35.0 78,220 17,640 128,600 116,620 42,420 36.4 74,200 6,980 171,280 149,000 58,980 39.6 90,020 22,280 202,560 187,900 74,680 39.7 118,220 14,660 65,840 55,560 20,840 37.5 34,720 10,280 68,040 60,700 24,080 39.7 36,620 7,840 47,160 37,800 14,180 37.5 23,620 9,360 837,00 31,720 13,260 41.8 18,460 5,580 4,320 2,180 1,040 47.7 1,140 2,140 2,640 1,620 600 - 1,020 ,1,020 503.920 444.,840 180.120 40.5 264.720 .9,.080 476.380 446,380 197.140 44.2 249.240 80.000 2,460 1,580 780 - 800 880 2,240 1,860 800 - 1,060 280 9,840 8,140 2,900 35.6 5,240 1,200 7,100 6,600 2,680 40.6 8,920 500 18,220 15,600 6,180 39.6 9,420 2,620 14,280 138,640 5,880 89.4 8,260 640 126,000 109,620 44,180 40.3 65,440 16,380 85,760 81,820 34,460 42.4 46,860 4,440 121,760 109,580 45,200 41.2 64,380 12,180 117,460 111,940 48,960 43.7 62,980 5,520 123,840 110,740 45,740 41.3 65,000 13,100 148,440 140,000 62,420 44.6 77,580 8,440 52,560 46,920 18,580 39.6 28,340 5,640 61,760 57,220 26,240 45.9 80,980 4,540 45,620 40,360 15,800 39.1 24,560 5,260 836,740 32,080 15,500 48.8 16,580 4,660 4,120 2,300 760 33.0 1,540 1,820 2,600 1,720 700 - 1,020 880 . 853,060 757.300 82.6001 50.5 374.700 95.760 810.520 760,700 405,880 53.4 354,820 49.820 5,740 4,440 2,040 2,040 45.9 2,400 1,300 5,080 4,440 2,140 52.7 2,100 640 25,940 21,980 10,220 46.5 11,760 3,960 i17,120 16,140 7,800 48.83 8,840 980 47,440 40,580 19,300 47.6 21,280 6,860 31,240 29,460 14,840 48.7 15,120 1,780 289,500 255,600 130,580 51.1 125,020 33,900 219,680 207 60 107,040 51.6 100,820 12,820 182,680 164,400 83,140 50.6 81,260 18,280 177,680 168,560 88,420 52.5 80,140 9,120 150,020 136,740 68,820 50.3 67,920 13,280 202,040 190,940 108,800 54.4 87,140 11,100 75,800 67,700 33,760 49.9 33,940 7,600 95,100 88,580 504020 56.5 38,560 6,520 67,000 60,500 32,380 53.5 28,120 6,500 56,780 51,220 80,040 58.6 21,180 5,560 9,440 5,360 2,360 44.0 3,000 4,080 5,800 4,000 _2,080 52.0 1,920 1,800 704.820 628.520 368.260 58.6 260.260 76.300 665.180 621.7801 8371.680 59.8 250.100 43,.400 8,180 6,660 3,360 50.5 38,00 1,520 5,940 5,340 2,740 51.83 2,600 600 26,880 32,080 17,660 55.0 14,420 4,800 21,740 20,480 11,600 56.6 8,880 1,860 61,080 53,440 30,220 56.5 23,220 7,640 39,620 87,540 21,820 56.8 16,220 2,080i 276,640 246,260 146,740 59.6 99,520 80,880 229,300 215,020 128,840 59.9 86,180 14,280 109,320 98,640 58,280 59.1 40,360 10,680 127,280 119,600 71,440 59,7 48,160 7,680 100,220 91,500 52,780 57.7 38,720 8,720 134,160 126,240 74,460 59.0 51,780 7,920 54,320 49,360 28,740 58.2 20,620 4,960 63,620 59,160 36,420 61.6 22,740 4,460 49,240 45,080 27,400 60.8 17,680 4,160 38,560 34,780 22,780 65.5 12,000 3,780 8,940 5,500 3,080 56.0 2,420 3,440 4,960 3,620 2,080 57.5 1,40 40 476.66011 422,580 261.000 61.8 161.580 54080 455,240 416,880 261.580 62.7 155. 0 s38,3S60 8,340 36,840 49,760 193,980 57,400 59,880 33,060 30,560 6,840 6,760 31,900 43,080 172,580 51,520 54,500 30,320 28,000 3,920 3,580 18,800 24,700 108,860 31,680 33,360 19,320 18,240 2,460 53.0 58.9 57.3 63.1 61.5 61.2 63.7 65.1 62.8 3,18C 13,10C 18,380 63,72C 19,84C 21,14C 11,000C 9,76C 1,460 1,580 4,940 6,680 21,400 5,880 5,380 2,740 2,560 2,920 5,780 22,240 34,760 170,980 78,900 83,280 38,480 22,140 3,680 5,080 20,620 32,120 158,560 67,760 76,000 34,460 19,780 2,500 8,060 12,620 18,980 100,580 42,640 47,660 21,840 12,740 1,460 60.2 61.2 59.1 63.4 62.9 62.7 68.4 64.4 58.4 8,080 8,000 18,140 57,980 25,120 28,840 12,620 7,040 1,040 700 1,620 2,640 12,420 6,140 7,280 4,020 2,360 1.180 II I I I II II I I I 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons i.private households not related to household head, aend all persons not in pri- vate households. 79nEn n 1 1 1.. ' - -. . . . . . . n AIR 99n Srn a LOR IIAn 9 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL'VALUE OF HOME Table 2.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE Reporting tenureI Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OFSCHOOL In owned homes In owned homes COMPETED, AND ACE Tenure Tenure TotalTotal Percent In not Total Total Percent In not S Number rented reported Total rented reported reporting of totalreporting Number of total homes report- report- ing - _ ing UNITED STATED Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years.. 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College : 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years .:..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years'or more .... Not reported .........,......... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years. ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5. and 6 years.... . 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported........... ........ 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed ....... Grade scbool: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... S ,627,64011 3.0.1v,14 7 2 .01 2391..31.0 i5.89.40S1 3.903 .82011 3 o428620 81 . i08 '1 6 L ,67 401475,VV c A l sa2_1 ii 1.01 a C can i 8 n 8 5 ocn -- v' 4 4 .- .70V11 90, F1V -V +4 ,. '0 1 4F- + - + - I 4 0,40 -1 '4 440S4 F � 4 r.1J.VVI G.),11200,04V 40,74 6,940 62,160 51,780 48,920 53,520 15,620 3,960 100 2,840 223. 980 5,320 55,660 v6 ,800 43,880 48,100 14,360 3,680 100 1,660 189.98mn 900 8,540 11,360 13,100 16,500 5,320 2,120 60 240 46.820o 16.9 15.8 24.3 29.9 34.3 37.0 57.6 4,420 47,120 35,440 30,780 31,600 9,040 1,560 40 1,420 1 AR - ()A 1,620 6,500 4,980 5,040 5,420 1,260 280 1,180 22 sicn 4,680 38,060 51,220 61,700 76,260 29,400 8,160 200 2,460 pCA I~n 4,120 35,000 47,120 54,780 68,900 25,920 7,340 200 1,840 OOr; ian 660 3,700 7,360 11,200 19,140 9,840 4,400 60 340 4A loI 16.0 10.6 15.6 20.4 27.8 38.0 59.9 - 1 - 40-, -av 11 O7 Fo +y a-, Loy1 440 . O 41 4 14 1 ly 44 O 1 + a VO1 8,580 60,100 45,800 48,760 38,100 17,840 6,000 580 3,120 .,23._Rn rbDnu iL 0 n 26,520U 150,820 115,140 108,620 63,580 32,080 10,860 7,500 8,040 4866020 a6,460 142,140 104,820 99,260 48,260 20,160 8,840 7,020 9,060 853 060 7,000 51,840 39,180 36,980 32,220 15,380 5,020 480 1,780 k _n0n 1,140 8,260 8,780 9,320 9,940 6,060 2,620 320 380 547l2n 16.3 15.9 22.4 25.2 30.9 39.4 52.2 - _C 5,860 43,580 30,400 27,660 22,280 9,320 2,400 160 1,400 211.280n 1,580 8,260 6,120 6,780 5,880 2,460 980 100 1,340 7 .Rn 5,680 43,040 51,060 58,060 54,980 33,140 10,220 1,760 2,220 4,980 39,040 45,480 49,340 47,140 27,760 8,600 1,400 1,440 319_340n 600 3,980 5,360 8,500 10,940 9,180 4,580 760 220 5 7nn 12.0 10.2 11.8 17.2 23.2 33.1 53.3 16_8 - ; 3,460 31,300 39,760 43,580 49,760 16,080 2,940 140 1,500 4,880 35,060 40,120 40,840 36,200 18,580 4,020 640 1,220 265 .6n 1 i " W % I avvv i v uvv' J2.2 1 v7 ...2 ll v.rv 1 _1__ v10 1 X4 01 0 12,300 79,600 54,380 52,220 37,080 19,860 6,900 1,640 2,020 421 460 21,600 130,140 94,200 83,700 49,020 25,400 8,220 5,080 4,100 R77.60O 21,880 121,640 85,680 77,780 38,200 15,120 7,020 5,320 4,920 702.380 1,560 10,200 10,220 11,640 9,640 6,980 3,200 1,100 180 72 800 2,520 15,680 15,020 15,860 10,720 7,000 3,100 2,440 460 aFl n 2,820 15,540 14,940 14,840 8,060 3,840 2,420 1,940 740 150 460 12.7 12.8 18.8 22.3 26.0 35.1 46.4 8.9 1? 8 11.7 12.0 15.9 18.9 21.9 27.6 37.7 48.0 11.2 17.3 12.9 12.8 17.4 19.1 21.1 25.4 34.5 36.5 15.0 21.4 10,740 69,400 44,160 40,580 27,440 12,880 3,700 540 1,840 48R .k 19,080 114,460 79,180 67,840 38,800 18,400 5,120 2,640 8,640 312.420 19,060 106,100 70,740 62,940 30,140 11,280 4,600 3,380 4,180 551.920 2,920 11,700 11,180 12,920 9,500 4,780 1,520 580 2,P80 9,000 67,200 78,720 89,500 72,000 40,400 12,860 5,940 3,800 6no 92 7,720 60,300 68,960 74,200 59,260 32,020 10,440 4,160 2,280 513 740 960 5,300 8,540 11,460 10,660 8,860 4,840 2,720 360 81 .80 12.4 8.8 12.4 15.4 18.0 27.7 46.4 65.4 15.8 15_9 6,760 55,000 60,420 62,740 48,600 23,160 5,600 1,440 1,920 421 A940 4,92 16,380 J14,3601 01,560 10.91 Y1,800 l2 4,920 20,680 20,940 24,820 14,560 6,680 2,640 2,420 3,940 RR a.c 4,580 20,500 19,140 21,480 10,060 5,040 1,820 1,700 4,140 150.680 16,380 115,360 135,780 154,780 100,860 50,220 19,300 10,060 6,480 52006 18,360 113,460 121,940 131,900 70,320 34,100 14,600 9,320 6,060 931.760 14,360 102,980 119,040 128,280 82,840 39,900 15,180 7,320 3,840 449 _2n 16,040 101,940 107,220 112,160 59,460 28,440 12,420 ',540 4,060 828.380 1,560 9,360 15,040 19,040 14,840 10,960 6,640 3,800 560 R8 3.n 2,360 11,940 16,100 20,740 18,540 8,360 5,620 4,120 680 200.460 10.9 9.1 12.6 14.8 17.9 27.5 43.7 51.9 14.6 In. 14.7 11.7 15.0 18.5 22.8 29.4 45.2 54.6 16.7 24.2 12,800 93,620 104,000 109,240 68,000 28,940 8,540 3,520 3,280 3A5 .8n 13,680 90,000 91,120 91,420 45,920 20,080 6,800 3,420 3,380 R62 920 560 3,060 4,100 6,920 7,360 2,480 820 620 34,980 700 4,000 5,580 8,720 7,840 5,380 1,620 360 780 60,080 1,280 6,900 9,760 15,300 12,740 8,380 2,420 1,780 1,520 95,480 2,020 12,380 16,740 26,500 18,020 10,320 4,120 2,740 2,640 2,820 11,520 14,720 19,740 10,860 5,660 2,180 1,780 2,000 1o .38R a _ . I . . . V W... . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . ... .. . , .. . . .. . ... ,,v .-- --V . 68,160 57,500 9,120 15.9 48,380 10,660 52,020 47,360 6,820 14.4 40,540 4,660 293,480 253,160 44,800 17.7 208,360 40,320 253,860 231,640 42,080 18.2 189,560 22,220 191,000 158,460 35,260 22.8 123,200 32,540 233,560 209,520 45,940 21.9 163,580 24,040 .. 175,380 137,240 32,400 23.6 104,840 38,140 216,080 188,680 48,390 25.6 140,360 27,400 58,060 46,340 13,000 28.1 33,340 11,720 90,400 79,180 25,620 32.4 53,560 11,220 26,980 21,040 6,660 31.7 14,380 5,940 42,680 37,300 14,540 39.0 22,760 5,380 13,380 10,540 3,840 36.4 6,700 2,840 19,560 16,940 9,240 -54.5 7,700 2,620 10,800 8,840 3,740 42.3 5,100 1,960 11,280 9,540 5,920 62.1 3,620 1,740 15;820 9,260 1,640 17.7 7,620 6,560 12,320 8,220 1,980 24.1 6,240 4,100 .. 592.780 510.640 1538,800 30.0 357,340 82,140 604.080 548,960 173,620 31.6 375,340 55,120 71,460 62,600 12,560 20.1 50,040 8,860 58,820 53,840 11,180 20.8 42,660 4,980 229,140 203,540 54,380 26.7 149,160 25,600 205,340 190,620 48,980 25.7 141,640 14,720 117,140 100,420 82,720 32.6 67,700 16,720 136,960 125,080 39,880 31.9 85,200 41,880 102,760 84,609 29,460 34.8 55,140 18,160 115,660 102,900 37,100 36.1 65;800 12,760 29,000 24,740 9,540 38.6 15,200 4,260 39,800 36,040 15,180 42.1 20,860 3,760 16,240 13,840 5,760 41.6 8,080 2,400 20,160 18,080 9,520 52.7 8,560 2,080 7,460 6,340 3,300 52.1 3,040 1,120 10,660 9,640 6,100 63.3 3,540 1,020 7,980 6,980 3,660 52.4 3,320 1,000 6,360 5,680 3,820 67.3 1,860 680 11,600 7,580 1,920 25.3 5,660 4,020 10,320 7,080 1,860 26.83 5,220 3,240 400.120 851.120 125.740 35.8 225.380 49,000 326,980 298,720 117,220 39.2 181,500 28,260 65,120 158,060 73,160 59,860 15,100 8,320 5,020 5,460 9,120 57,560 141,080 64,500 51,800 13,360 7,380 4,440 4,900 6,100 14,980 44,120 25,880 22,200 6,680 4,000 2,560 3,220 2,100 26.0 31.3 40.1 42.9 50.0 54.2 57.7 65.7 42,580 96,960 38,620 29,600 6,680 3,380 1,880 1,680 7,560 17,880 8,660 8,060 1,740 940 580 560 3,020 49,480 122,780 65,840 51,100 15,700 8,820 4,360 2,260 6,640 45,520 113,340 60,740 46,820 14,540 7,720 3,920 2,120 4,200 18,280 38,640 26,240 21,540 7,380 4,300 2,860 1,440 1,540 29.3 34.1 43.2 46.0 50.8 55.7 73.0 67.9 36.7 32,040 74,700 34,500 25,280 7,160 3,420 1,060 680 2,660 4,160 9,440 5,100 4,280 1,160 1,100 440 140 2,440 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons, in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. ann ' V&WSVVV1 ...... ... " . . . . ... . VVV T T ' yy- vwv l' r "NVV'1 ~l l VI Lr IJ 1 0-LQ 'SQV 1 U YV V' 'irY VV.1 II YY i7,GOV1I VO. tVV 10 V 17 VV 2 UV 1 /V, (V '11'- - I -I T T T - I 15,220 91,300 65,560 65,140 46,580 24,640 8,420 2,220 4,300 523.n . . n^o '^^ ^' ^l ^ e~ ^unt =fi oil ^ " O I ^^ ' ^ ea A^^^ !A_ nn! 2s _ od1 2.4 I 91a kn0' 27wn dan EDUCATION Table 2.--TENURE OF HOME, FOR ThE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MAL� FEMAEI Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARSOF SCHOOL In owned homes nr In owned homes COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenur Tnure Total Total Percent In not Total Total Peroent In not reportingof total rented reported reporting of total rented reported T OR Aeot oerrNumbr report- hoes uber repor- hos ing ting THE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... .. 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years , ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............... .. .. 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ . 4 years or more:..... Not reported ............. .. .. 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years... .. 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ... ....... College: 1 to 3 years ........ . 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. .. 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years...... . High school: 2 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .. ... .......... . 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed . ... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not peported ................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years or more....... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old.............. No s hool years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more . Not reported .................... 95, 0u 689L I.620 4 88 . s 20. 1 .1H40I 24.7UU.70 1 6 I.B11- U 8 , 80 14860 487 5 0 440 8211 580 45.760 39.680 8.880 22.4 0.800 6.080 51.840 48.040 8.580 19.9 84.460 8800 320 120 20 - 100 200 240 80 40 - 40 160 1,280 9t0 60 - 880 340 1,040 780 60 - 720 260 " 2,960 2,360 500 21.2 1,860 600 2,480 1,580 200 - 1,380 900 9,960 8,460 1,460 17.8 7,000 1,500 9,960 7,660 1,040 18.6 6,620 2,800 21,360 18,940 4,480 23.7 14,460 2,420 23,820 20,700 3,800 18.4 16,900 8,120 7,840 7,260 1,820 25.1 5,440 580 11,740 10,100 2,600 25.7 7,500 1,640 1,400 1,320 460 - 860 80 2,160 1,960 820 - 1,140 200 20 20 - 20 - 40 40 - 40 620 260 80 - 180 860 860 140 20 - 120 22880 41, 20 33.000 7.420 . 22.5 25.580 8.820 53.100 40.180 6.620 16.5 33.560 12,920 440 240 40 - 200 200 460 360 60 - 300 100 1,900 1,180 140 - 1,040 720 1,500 1,060 140 - 920 440 3,240 2,380 300 12.6 2,080 860 3,160 2,380 160 6.7 2,220 780 9,660 7,520 1,320 17.6 6,200 2,140 11,580 8,080 900 11.1 7,180 8,500 15,020 12,040 2,540 21.1 9,500 2,980 17,700 18,980 1,740 12.4 12,240 8,720 8,420 7,300 2,140 29.3 5,160 1,120 14,300 11,000 2,460 22.4 8,540 3,800 2,400 2,000 880 44.0 1,120 400 8,560 2,800 1,060 37.9 1,740 760 160 100 40 - 60 60 300 260 80 - 180 40 580 240 20 - 220 340 540 260 20 - 240 280 63,740 45.440 8.300 18.3 3?.140 18.00 83.100 60.09 7.9201 18. 52.100 8.,080 740 380 80 - 300 360 700 420 20 - 400 280 3,280 2,200 200 9.1 2,000 1,080 2,900 2,020 120 5.9 1,900 880 8,680 4,200 480 11.4 3,720 2,480 7,180 5,000 420 8.4 4,580 2,180 17,000 12,020 1,540 12.8 10,480 4,980 21,600 14,780 1,340 9.1 18,440 6,820 19,460 14,320 2,680 18.7 11ii, 640 5,140 26,600 20,340 2,320 11.4 18,020 6,260 11,860 9,040 2,240 24.8 6,800 2,820 18,040 18,860 2,440 18.8 10,980 4,680 3,380 2,680 900 33.6 1,780 700( ,520 2,500 680 27.2 1,82 1,020 480 280 180 - 100 200 1,500 1,140 520 - 620 860 860 320 - - 320 540 1,060 460 60 - 400 600 118,780 80.020 11.500 14.4 68,520 88.760 10.080 108.700 L.o6 o . 96.140 41.880 1,720 900 120 - ' 780 820 1,680 1,160 140 - 1,020 520 10,580 6,900 480 7.0 6,420 3,680 8,520 6,060 360 5.9 5,700 2,460 15,660 9,980 1,000 10.0 8,980 5,680 18,640 13,900 920 6.6 12,980 4,740 36,200 24,120 2,920 12.1 21,200 12,080 46,160 32,880 2,620 8.0 30,260 18,280 28,200 19,700 2,500 12.7 17,200 8,500 39,880 29,580 3,340 11.3 26,240 10,300 16,680 12,240 2,680 21.9 9,560 4,440 25,640 17,440 3,060 17.5 14,380 6,200 5,240 3,680 1,080 29.3 2,600 1,560 6,940 5,060 1,380 27.3 3,680 1,880 2,460 1,660 600 - 1,060 800 2,820 -1,980 700 - 1,280 840 2,040 840 120 - ?20 1,200 1,800 640 40 - 800 1,160 122,840 8 .020 10.780 12,7 74.340 37.820 146.360 112.420 14.420 , 2., 98,000 383940 2,780 1,900 180 - 1,720 880 1,880 1,320 100 - 1,220 560 14,040 9,420 620 6.6 8,800 4,620 12,320 9,220 620 6.7 8,600 3,100 22,000 14,580 1,160 8.0 13,420 7,420 23,900 18,220 1,320 7.2 16,900 5,680 41,100 28,440 3,640 12.8 24,800 12,660 49,360 37,980 4,260 11.2 33,720 11,380 21,880 15,940 2,360 14.8 13,580 5,940 80,8'40 23,780 3,200 13.5 20,580 6,760 11,160 8,180 1,440 17.6 6,740 2,980 18,260 14,320 2,820 19.7 11,500 8,940 4,340 3,400 720 21.2 2,680 940 5,480 4,380 .1,060 24.2 3,320 1,100 2,800 2,100 560 26.7 1,540 700 3,060 2,480 900 86.3 1,580 580 2,740 1,060 100 - 960 1,680 1,560 720 140 - 580 840 259420 186.54011 29.480 15.8 157.060 72.880 272,260 221.540 39.800 .17.7 182,' 0720 9,020 45,760 53,840 87,760 30,180 15,720 7,280 5,020 4,840 186.300 11,600 44,160 38,340 56,380 14,700 9,560 4,120 3,800 3,640 96.660 "05, 1 n I "An 9,660 26,400 18,860 26,760 4,940 3,840 1,980 1,860 2,360 6,160 32,62=0 38,400 63,220 22,520 11,800 5,500 4,100 2,220 143.160 8,760 33,960 29,120 43,840 11,780 7,820 3,320 3,200 1,860 76.760 7,140 20,460 15,060 22,080 4,100 3,280 1,660 1,620 1,360 620BU 3,660 4,840- 10,160 4,700 2,780 1,200 1,260 260 35.740 1,300 6,680 6,800 11,560 3,320 2,780 1,480 1,400 420 26.180 1,760 5,520 5,140 8,080 1,860 1,620 780 900 520 10U.1 12.6 16.1 20.9 23.6 21.8 30.7 11.7 2-0 14.8 19.7 23.4 26.7 28.2 35.5 44.6 48.8 24.6 27.0 34.1 36.6 45.4 49.4 5,540 28,960 38,560 53,060 17,820 9,020 4,300 2,840 1,960 n107420 7,460 27,280 22,320 31,780 8,460 5,040 1,840 1,800 1,440 50. 580 5,380 14,940 9,920 14,000 2,240 1,660 880 720 840 13,140 15,440 24,540 7,660 3,920 1,780 920 2,620 43 140 2,840 10,200 9,220 18,040 2,920 1,740 800 600 1,780 19 900 2,520 5,940 3,800 4,680 840 560 320 240 1,000 6,440 38,080 56,440 93,120 40,560 22,480 7,540 4,220 3,380 168 180 7,500 35,240 35,3~0 53,260 18,080 -9,720 3,940 2,420 2,700 86_ 40 7,080 22,160 18,100 24,200 6,840 4,640 1,540 860 1,520 5,420 30,940 45,680 76,460 33,040 18,720 6,140 3,840 1,800 140.n40 6,240 29,720 29,360 44,800 15,440 8,480 38,400 2,080 1,420 73.440 5,720 18,300 15,860 21,100 6,160 4,000 1,280 780 740 420 2,960 5,880 18,080 7,460 5,260 2,360 1,620 260 36 .n0 980 4,920 6,460 12,100 5,060 3,480 1,640 1,200 240 24.s60 1,280 4,420 4,860 8,140 2,500 1,880 720 360 200 7.7 9.6 12.9 17.1 22.6 28.1 38.4 48.5 25.6 was a 15.7 16.6 22.0 287.0 82.8 41.0 48.2 57.7 33.2 22.4 24.2 31.6 88.6 40.6 47.0 5,000 27,980 39,800 63,380 25,580 18,460 3,780 1,720 1,540 1R PaLn 5,260 24,800 22,900 82,700 10,380 5,000 1,760 880 1,180 a. n00 4,440 13,880 10,500 12,960 3,660 2,120 560 420 540 1,080- 7,140 10,760 16,660 7,520 8,760 1,400 ,80 1,580 1,260 5,520 5,960 8,460 2,640 1,240 540 340 1,280 1,360 8,860 2,740 3,100 680 640 260 80 780 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting teare, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 10 I '= h ____ . 6-W1 " -LX 1 Si ..4 L- 1 1",Z-Rvf o . "y 1V V I L r3:4 i . ! " - - - T '?T- 7T ' I T T " I . .* ' v WW 4'1 + v 1 l M . V ww s q V V d_7 A " T ii "f X- T T T 900 rr'n Ian eon{ an 1 iI WelCA^ 9! -nn m .1 nen I oM O C A l"s QIA ern -en[ 0'11 te TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 11 Table 2.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes Tenure In owned homes COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent In not Total Total Percent In not reportingrented reportedof total rented reported1 reporting Number o t ed rep eotal d reporting Number o h total es report- report- ing ing THE SOUTH Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ..../.... College: 1 to 3 year ...... 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . . Not reported ............... 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more., Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... Colege: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not.reported ............... ... 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ ... . 2,6 92,34 1 2,348,98s4 0 . 588.84 01 25.1L1.760U140 1 343 , 340 1 2,891.96U 11 Z, b254011 a, 661, 240 25 I 1b, 00v _26.420 .... 6,20 5,200 880 16.9 4,320 1,420 4,440 4,040 620 15.3 3,420 400 .... 60,880 54,720 8,480 15.5 46,240 6,160 37,020 34,220 3,640 10.6 30,580) .2,800 .... 48,820 44,440 10,860 24.4 38,580 4,880 .48,740 45,540 7,160- 15.7 38,380 3,200 38,960 85,420 11,640 32.9 23,780 3,540 51,740 47,120 10,160 21.6 36,960 4,620 .... 32,160 29,160 12,020 41.2 17,140 3,000 52,440 48,200oo 15,340 31.8 32,860 4,240 7,780 7,100 3,500 49.3 3,600 680 17,660 15,820 7,240 45.8 8,580 1,840 .... 2,560 2,360 1,660 70.3 700 200 6,000 5,380 3,580 66.5 1,800 620 80 80 60 - 20 - 160 160 60 - 100 2,220 1,400 160 - 1,240 820 2,100 1,700 320 - 1,380 400 181.560 156,880 39,400 25.1. 117.480 24.680 07060 185.000 37.5000 20.3 147. 22,060 8,140 6,760 1,100 16.3 5,660 1,380 5,220 4,620 540 11.7 4,080 600 58,200 50,660 8,120 -16.0 42,540 7,540 41,540 37,980 3,840 10.1 34,140 3,560 42,060 36,800 8,480 23.0 28,320 5,260 47,900 43,100 5,200 12.1 37,900 4,800 34,100 29,460 8,000 27.2 21,460 4,640 46,480 41,260 7,600 18.4 33,660 5,220 23,080 20,180 7,400 36.7 12,780 2,900 37,280 33,160 9,200 27.7 23,960 4,120 9,420 8,080 3,920 48.5 4,160 1,340 18,840 16,760 6,720 40.1 10,040 2,080 3,600 3,020 1,740 57.6 1,280 580 6,660 5,800 3,520 60.7 2,280 860 420 380 280 - 100 40 1,460 1,140 680 - 460 320 2,540 1,540 360 - 1,180 1,000 1,680 1,180 200 - 980 500 259.640 220,560 4v,.420 21.0 14.140 9.08Q 296.320 259.320 45,780 17.7 213,540 387000 14,480 11,920 1,480 12.4 10,440 2,560 8,300 7,800 940 12.9 6,360 1,000 . 88,020 77,400 10,000 12.9 67,400 10,620 64,300 58,280 5,180 8.9 53,100 6,020 58,880 50,180 9,740 19.4 40,440 8,700 71,540 63,960 8,120 12.7 55,840 7,580 .... 48,140 40,200 10,100 25.1 30,100 7,940 67,900 59,420 10,120 17.0 49,300 8,480 .... 27,120 22,760 6,960 30.6 15,800 4,360 45,400 38,920 8,340 21.4 30,580 6,480 .... 12,780 10,820 4,740 43.8 6,080 1,960 22,360 18,660 6,420 34.4 12,240 3,700 5,040 4,220 2,300 54.5 1,920 820 9,340 7,940 4,160 52.4 3,780 1,400 ... 1,740 1,360 920 - 440 380 4,440 3,020 2,200 72.8 820 1,420 .... 3,440 1,900 180 - 1,520 1,740 2,740 1,820 00o - 1,520 920 ..... 404,280 341,440 .61 300 18.0 280,140 62.840 459.140 405,040 69,240 17.1 335,800 54.100 24,800 20,700 2,400 11.6 18,300 4,100 14,700 13,200 1,420 10.8 11,780 1,500 140,240 123,240 15,200 12.3 108,040 17,000 106,840 96,920 9,000 9.3 87,920 9,920 99,480 84,220 14,020 16.6 70,200 15,260 117,140 105,140 14,120 13.4 91,020 12,000 72,320 59,580 12,940 21.7 46,640 12,740 108,620 95,400 16,420 17.2 78,980 13,220 35,380 29,320 8,220 28.0 21,100 6,060 60,980 53,260 11,500 21.6 41,760 7,720 15,400 13,160 4,320 32.8 8,840 2,240 26,580 22,460 7,900 35.2 14,560 4,120 5,620 4,540 2,020 44.5 2,520 1,080 12,860 10,120 5,260 52.0 4,860 2,240 5,040 3,420 1,840 53.8 1,580 1,620 7,240 5,340 3,100 58.1 2,240 1,900 6,000 3,260 340 10.4 2,920 2,740 4,680 3,200 520 16.3 2,680 1,480 343.180 292,540 54.360 181.6 238.180 50.640 373.700 336,860 69.,040 20.5 267.820 36840 23,680 12,980 2,640 13.2 17,340 3,700 16,480 14,720 2,260 15.4 12,460 1,760 128,1001 .12,220 14,920 13.3 97,300 15,880 101,140 92,720 11,320 12.2 81,400 8,420 82,820 71,100 13,780 19.4 57,320 11,720 98,040 89,000 14,780 16.6 74,220 9,040 58,160 49,340 11,200 22.7 38,140 8,820 82,540 74,180 16,480 22.2 57,700 8,860 26,380 22,260 5,700 25.6 16,560 4,120 39,780 35,680 10,340 29.0 25,340 4,100 9,000 6,940 2,400 34.6 4,540 "2,060 15,840 14,120 5,540 39.2 8,580 1,720 4,500 3,620 1,700 47.0 1,920 880 9,120 8,040 4,560 56.7 3,480 1,080 4,220 3,220 1,380 42.9 1,840 1,000 6,260 5,060 3,220 63.6 1,840 1,200 . 6,320 3,860 640 16.6 3,220 2,460 4,500 3,340 540 16.2 2,800 1,160 593,640 515,840 120.980 23.5 394.860 77.800 659.500 606,840 161.160 26.6 445,680 52,660 59,140 51,340 8,500 16.6 42,840 7,800 45,580 41,940 6,400 15.3 35,540 3,640 247,720 220,540 41,140 18.7 170,400 27,180 215,780 200,700 39,120 19.5 161,580 15,080 187,160 120,060 30,420 25.3 89,640 17,100 177,120 163,840 40,060 24.5 123,780 13,280 87,620 74,020 22,240 30.0 51,780 13,600 122,960 112,220 35,240 31.4 76,980 10,740 27,880 23,820 8,300 34.8 15,520 4,060 49,840 46,140 18,160 39.4 27,980 3,700 11,260 9,240 3,880 42.0 5,360 2,020 20,200 18,580 9,280 49.9 9,800 1,620 ..... 6,100 5,040 2,640 52.4 2,400 1,060 12,020 10,800 6,880 63.7 3,920 1,220 5,780 4,740 2,480 52.3 2,260 1,040 7,060 6,200 4,300 69.4 1,900 860 10,980 7,040 1,380 19.6 5,660 3,940 8,940 6,420 1,720 26.8 4,700 2,520 406.480 367.480 117.560 32.0 249.920 39,000 435.900 4C8.020 137.540 33,7 270 480 27.880 59,860 53,840 11,260 20.9 42,580 6,020 51,320 47,600 10,200 21.4 37,400 8,720 184,980 169,580 47,700 28.1 121,880 15,400 170,100 160,900 44,060 27.4 116,840 9,200 78,800 71,300 25,920 36.4 45,380 7,500 101,640 95,720 33,420 34.9 62,300 5,920 46,380 41,260 .17,900 43.4 23,360 5,120 62,400 58,100 25,000 43.0 33,100 4,300 14,300 12,960 6,220 48.0 6,740 1,340 21,720. 20,600 10,120 49.1 10,480 1,120 6,680 6,020 2,980 49.5 3,040 660 10,440 9,600 6,040 62.9 3,560 840 3,340 3,020 1,820 60.3 1,200 320 6,720 6,240 4,460 71.5 1,780 480 4,180 3,780 2,260 59.8 1,520 400 3,940 3,600 2,620 72.8 980 340 7,960 5,720 1,500 26.2 4,220 2,240 7,620 5,660 1,620 28.6 4,040 1,960 803,460 274.360 11 99,560 36.3 174,800 29,100 240,040 225,280 92,860 41.2 132,420 14,760 55,460 132,560 54,300 33,100 10,160 4,480 3,040 3,600 6,760 50,420 120,620 49,440 29,720 9,260 4,100 2,780 3,280 4,7.40 13,220 38,600 20,740 14,120 4,820 2,380 1,780 2,320 1,580 26.2 32.0 41.9 47.5 52.1 58.0 64.0 70.7 33.3 37,200 82,020 28,700 15,600 4,440 1,720 1,000 960 3,160 5,040 11,940 4,860 3,380 900 380 260 320 2,020 42,400 100,620 47,740 26,900 8,860 4,180 2,820 1,400 .5,120 39 ,ou0 95,04( 45,380 25,72( 8,38C 3,72C 2,640 1,34C 3,460 1 1.i 1. ._ _ _ _I. . L_ _ _ 1 11__ _IL_ _ _ I I 12,000 34,220 21,380 13,400 4,880 e,420 2,140 1,080 1,340 30.3 36.0 47.1 52.1 58.2 65.1 81.1 38.7 27,600 60,820 24,000 12,320 8,500 1,300 50c 260 2,120 2,800 5,580 2,360 1,180 480 460 180 60 1,660 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 74U0 0--47---2 i I I ^^O ^A^ ^w I ^,An^ ^r ow "'l O^n or, 0 .n O ^ I 2?.41 10 620 o 200 20 3r001 48 1 R8 i 800. 00 202 180I 15.06 0s 12 EDUCATION Table 3.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN FLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-pbrcent sample. Percent and median not shown where base Is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME M DNINLY RENTAL VAUYE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Medlm COMPTotal ETED, AND AIn not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to $ retal reportPercent rented re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $ 74 and val report- of to- rented Prtedl valueover (dol- ing Number homes ported value porting URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 25,402,220 22852000 9.990.600 43.7? .861.400 420 5Q 22.766.500 164200 .566860 2.658.860 5.001.960 5,853.480 .8360.800 119740 25.50 18 and 19 years old.............. 1.612.360 1.488.980 720.620 48.4 768.860 12.880 1.483.600 214.200 176.340 1983.440 3 36.780 364.740 188.380 69.720 24.48 No school years completed......... 7,840 5,360 2,520 47.0 2,840 2,480 5,440 2,600 740 680 580 400 320 120 10.81 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 28,700 25,340 8,520 833.6 16,820 3,360 25,360 17,060 2,960 1,700 1,760 1,200 -500 180 6.93 5 and 6 years ........ 58,58 52,940 17,040 32.2 35,900 5,640 52,760 26,580 10,340 5,660 6,360 2,900 660 260 9.43 7 and 8 years ........ 242,46 218,680 82,540 37.7 136,140 23,780 217,820 60,140 40,600 33,420 47,160 28,600 6,280 1,620 15.7 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 613,50 573,420 266,880 46.5 306,540 40,080 571,740 70,020 74,000 82,760 146,000 139,560 42,640 16,760 23.55 4 years .... ... .. 510,34 475,080 259,540 54.6 215,540 35,250 473,060 32,720 41,O0Q 50,880 118,600 148,300 58,860 27,690 .29.85 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 137,44 128,920 78,880 61.2 50,040 8,520 128,200 8,920 5,860 7,320 19,680 41,440 27,700 22,280 42.68 4 years or more...... 2,26 2,000 1,000 50.0 1,000 260 2,000 60 140 80 220 740 460 300 48.01 Not reported ..................... 11,240 7,240 3,700 51.1 3,540 4,000 7,220 1,100 620 940 1,429 1,600 960 - 580 36.19 20 and 21 years old.............. 1534.28 15550 617600 451.355.588 617.600 45.6 737980178700 1,51.640 198.000 160.260 162.120 303.580 33.780 126.920 66.980 24.62 No school years completed ......... 6,84C 4,560 1,680 36.8 2,880 1,780 4,480 1,940 480 560 . 740 460 140 160 12.62 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 26,381 22,340 6,720 30.1 15,620 4,040 22,280 15,600 2,620 1,080 1,320 1,260 240 160 6.64 5 and 6 years........ 55,44 48,540 14,360 29.6 34,180 6,900 - 48,380 24,240 9,080 5,260 5,720 3,24C 620 220 9.48 7 and 8 years ........ 257,4 225,480 80,720 35.8 144,760 31,920 224,700 59,820 39,800 35,140 47,460 32,800 7,420 2,860 16.81 High school: 1 to 3 years ..........404,38 357,660 144,340 40.4 213,320 46,720 356,880 48,880 50,460 51,620 95,800 80,640 22,160 7,80 22.87 4 years ............. 524,84 469,440 234,600 50.0 234,840 55,400 468,140 39,280 46,540 53,940 116,440 148,960 49,80 18,400 27.60 College: I to 3 years ......... 224,04 201,300 121,880 60.5 79,420 22,740 200,800 7,060 9,700 12,860 32,200 64,000 41,000 83,980 41.56 4 years or more .. 24,46 20,220 10,860 53.7 9,360 4,240 20,060 360 620 900 2,620 6,280 5,260 4,020 47.11 Not reported .......... ............ 11,000 6,04 2,440 40.4 - 3,600 4,960 .5,920 820 960 760 1,280 1,140 500 460 22.78 22 to 24 years old.............. 2.18.98 2.010.800 790.140 180L 2005.080.303l.840i I49S400. Q 5.1 .6870 482.580 166.060 81.300 .68 No school years completed ......... 8,48C 6,060 2,260 37.3 3,800 2,420 6,420 2,800 900 640 .860 760 240 20- 11.78 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 39,380 33,920 8,760 25.8 25,]60 5,460 33,740 24,660 3,940 1,760 1,760 1,820 240 60 6.34 5 and 6 years........ 84,38 74,280 21,020 28.3 53,260 10,100 74,180 35,900 14,280 8,360 9,060 5,320 1,040 420 9.92 7 and 8 years ........ 443,540 390,680 123,680 31.7 267,000 52,860 389,620 99,220 71,820 60,820 85 320 55,660 12,940 3,840 16.45 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 579,440 514,320 178,340 34.7 335,980 65,120 512,760 73,000 73,700 80,180 138,140 113,800 26,100 7,840 21.64 4 years ............. 754,840 664,200 291,180 43.8 373,020 90,640 662,500 55,480 67,820 79j640 175,340 198,180 64,800 21,740 26..82 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 238,78 202,280 101,420 50.1 100,860 36,500 201,380 8,920 12,000 15,240 40,480 67,740 34,560 22,440 36.60 4 years or more ...... 154,100 116,800 60,680 52.0 56,120 37,300 116,100 2,560 3,640 5,620 16,080 37,820 25,900 24,480 45.44 Not reported ...... .............. .. 16,04 8,260 2,800 58.9 5,460 7,780 8,380 1,300 1,300 920 1,680 1,980 740 460 2.49 25 to 29 years old ............... 3,788,740 363700 1.089 220 32.4 2.274.80 425.040. 3353.400 523.480 431.780 446.240 802.200 816.220 239.160 94820 22.98 No s6hool years completed ......... 21,600 15,960 5,200 32.6 10,760 5,640 15,840 8,440 1,800 1,120 1,920 2,000 860 200 8.88 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 77,520 67,020 17,160 25.6 49,860 10,500 66,560 43,920 9,640 4,660 4,940 2,600 640 160 7.08' 5 and 6 years ........ 173,740 156,600 40,360 25.8 116,240 17,140 156,180 71,820 29,660 21,260 20,580 10,460 1,960 440 10.56 7 and 8 years ........ 943,34C 855,980 249,800 29.2 606,180 87,360 853,080 192,340 151,980 142,440 202,960 130,860 26,820 6,180 17.89 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 904,04c 822,400 252,980 30.8 569,420 81,640 820,120 112,180 119,380 129,040 221,420 187,020 41,160 9,920 21.73 4 years .............. 981,260 883,320 323,720 36.6 559,600 97,940 880,960 72,900 89,460 107,320 238,240 272,880 76,840 23,820 26.67 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 818,840 274,680 95,980 34.9 178,700 44,160 273,880 12,900 18,420 24,000 63,560 100,140 85,960 18,900 38.11 4 years or more...... 338,66 271,04C 98,240 36.2 172,800 67,620 270,340 5,980 9,420 14,180 44,680 107,080 54,800 34,200 4q.88 Not reported ..................... 29,74 16,70C 5,780 34.6 10,920 13,040 16,440 3,000 2,020 2,220 3,900 3,180 ,620 b00 22.01 30 to 34 years old ............... 3.452.720 3.141.06C 0111.071.740 34.1 2.069.320 11. 6603.129.4 453.160 867.660 396.800 726.360 811.940 71.800 101.760 24.28 No school years completed ......... 22,580 17,2201 5,700 38.1 11,520 5,360 17,180 9,180 2,020 � 1,180 2,360 1,960 360 120 8.86 Grade school: i to 4 years ......... 92,640 82,82 22,440 27.1 60,380 9,820 82,520 47,620 14,000 7,940 7,560 8,980 1,180 240 8.16 5 and 6 years........ 199,640 181,14C 53,140 29.3 128,000 18,500 180,520 70,060 35,300 97,460 30,08a 14,860 2,580 680 12.86 7 and 8 years....... 1,019,000 936,400 300,240 32.1 636,160 82,600 933,320 182,040 148,380 152,580 229,280 173,840 88,680 8,520 18.97 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 790,080 730,300 252,840 34.6 477,960 59,780 728,300 84,540 91,780 102,800 197,720 198,080 47,880 11,000 28.80 4 years ............ 687,440 631,40 237,480 37.6 393,920 56,040 629,300 39,920 50,800 68,000 158,120 218,540 70,800 2,120 29.36 College: i to 3 years ......... 273,180 246,14 90,840 36.9 155,300 27,040 245,120 11,280 14,300 20,200 52,640 91,480 88,960 16,260 34.78 4 years or more..... 334,400 295,98 103,580 35.0 192,400 38,420 294,520 5,040 8,940 14,480 44,400 110,020 70,460 41,180 43.02 Not reported ..................... 33,760 19,66 5,980 30.4 13,680 14,100 18,700 3,480 2,140 2,160 4,200 4,680 1,400 640 23.24 35 to 44 years old.............. 5.692020 5.174.640 .221.060 42.9 2.953.580 517 .380 5.155540 647.820537.960 960 572.040 1.115.720 1.399.420 592.140 290.440 26.85 No school years completed ......... 49,400 39,340 13,320 33.9 26,020 10,060 39,180 20,620 5,520 3,360 4,480 3,740 1,020 440 9.00 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 222,880 198,040 68,8300 34.5 129,740 24,840 197,400 94,920 36,5201 23,00 25,500 13,420 2,780 960 10.02 5 and 6 years........ 448,780 404,420 152,000 37.6 252,420 44,360 403,160 113,420 72,180 62,880 86,160 54,420 11,440 2,660 15.77 7 and 8 years....... 2,078,980 1,899,640 792,940 41.7 1,106,700 179,340 1,894,420 266,180 249,440 263,460 469,660 471,100 137,840 36,740 23.08 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 1,103,760 1,016,00 445,840 43.9 570,160 -87,760 1,013,100 91,940 97,180 116,820 248,060 311,220 111,180 36,700 27.59 4 years .... ........ 57,760 792,54 363,280 45.8 429,260 65,220 789,720 33,940 45,520 60,140 164,240 288,740 141,060 61,080 35.91 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 396,880 359,72 166,440 46.3 193,280 37,160 358,280 13,600 16,760 23,920 62,740 124,360 71,760 45,200 89.49 4 years or more.... 464,340 425,60 202,240 47.5 223,360 38,740 422,940 7,040 10,700 14,080 46,960 128,760 110,940 104,460 50.89 Not reported ..................... 69,240 39,84 16,700 42.5 22,640 29,900 87,340 6,160 4,140 4,080 7,920 8,720 4,120 2,200 24.92 45 to 54yearsold............... 4,290.820 3.879.00o 2.046920 52.8 1.832.080 411 .820 3.862,480 466.160 381.660 392.160 779820 1;03400 503.3a60 305.10 88.86 No school yearscompleted ......... . 57,120 45,580 18,200 89.9 27,380 11,540 45,340 22,080 7,580 4,260 5,500 4,080 1,140 700 9.89 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 268,580 239,26 .105,280 44.0 185,980 29,320 238,360 91,180 42,380 31,700 37,460 26,660 6,560 2,420 12.80 5 and 6years........ 445,560 400,34 193,000 48.2 207,340 45,220 398,980 90,960 63,480 56,940 87,600 78,860 20,880 5,760 18.4 7 and 8 year....... 1,722,600 1,565,42 821,400 52.5 744,020 157,180 1,560,24 182,300 173,160 184,140 364,880 434,860 165,400 56,500 26.10 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 633,080 580,60 317,500 54.7 268,100 52,480 578,660 43,940 48,820 56,080 129,080 180,060 84,420 36,260 80.77 4 years ............. 539,560 498,50 275,440 55.3 223,060 41,060 496,520 17,960 23,740 81,140 85,080 164,140 102,820 71,440 40.49 College: 1to 3 years .......... 263,580 237,840 133,760 56.2 104,080 25,740 236,580 8,120 12,080 16,260 38,240 7p,380 49,100 87,400 41.06 4 years or more ..... 297,500 275,40 164,780 59.8 110,620 22,100 273,480 4,340 6,640 8,120 25,660 67,860 69,020 91,840 88.24 Not reported ................... .. 63,240 386,060 17,560 48.7 18,500 27,180 34,520 5,280 3,780 3,520 6,820 8,300 4,020 2,800 26.36 55 to 64 years old............... 2,.712.300 2,438, 240 1.433.300 58.8 1.004.940 274.060 2.425.,280 357.640 261, 800 247,380 468,780 610, 600 292,980 186.100 26.88 Noschoolyearscompleted......... 51,540 42,280~ 18,740 44.3 23,540 9,260 4 2,100 21,20 6,640 4,160 4,80 ,640 1,160 400 9.87 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 239,300 210,60 106,780 50.7 103,820 28,700 208,880 78,140 35,620 26,020 33,860 26,680 6,900 2,660 18.26 5 and 6 years ........ 338,560 303,84 167,300 55.1 136,540 34,720 302,480 70,720 48540 40,100 61,880 59,160 17,100 4,980 18.49 7 and 8 years....... 1,122,680 1,018,40 602,080 59.1 416,320104,280 1,014,040 133,920116,54 115,260 221,560 27,120 109,840 43,800 25.88 High school: 1 to 3 years. ........ 308,980 282,06 172,580 61.2 109,480 26,920 280,760 25,680 24,660 27,520 60,100 83,520 39,700 19,580 30.08 4 years ............. 298,880 274,72 171,220 62.3 103,500 24,160 272,940 12,660 14,280 17,460 45,200 85,860 56,440 41,040 40.42 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 140,040 126,80 80,000 63.1 46,800 13,240 126,060 6,500 7,820 8,740 20,700 37,440 24,640 20,220 '89.79 4 years or more...... 168,66 15498 100,700 65.0 54,280 13,680 153,440 4,060 5,060 5,520 16,360 35,840 34,720 1,880 56.61 Not reported ..................... 4366 24,56 13,900 56.6 10,660 19,100 23,580 4,640 2,640 2,600 4,340 5,340 2,80 1,540 23.90 'Compaises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate hbuseholds. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 13 Table 3.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure TotalMedian COMPLETED, ANDTAGE $75 rental Total In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to and val Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 report- of to- rentedported1 er (dl- ing Number homes ported value lars) porting URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old........... 0To school years completed ........ Cade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years.. .... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported............... .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed . ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... .. College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. . 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .............. ... 30 to 34 years old........... No school y 3n completed ...... Grade school: i to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ .. 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. . .18,ZB3.14 ,518s.1601 6.,747,940 40.9 9.770O220 1B04O 80 16.470.840 960.560 1.452U60 1,89 7800 4.054.040 5,066,960, 015 360 .B. 8). 29.18 1,153,780 1.084,060 501,220 46.2 582.840 69.720 1.081.280 '67.500 101,860 133,200 279,820 317.780 120.980 60,140 28.01 . 3,640 2,66C 1,140 42.9 1,520 980 2,760 780 420 480 380 300 280 120 16.38 11,680 10,620 3,680 34.7 6,940 1,060 10,720 4,820 1,500 1,220 1,500 1,060 460. 160 11.30 28,880 26,86 7,840. 29,2 19,020 2,020 26,820 8,040 6,820 4,260 4,960 2,600 460 180 13.75 150,520 139,220 47,020 8833.8 92,200 11,300 138,960 19,000 24,420 25,400 39,600 24,140 5,180 1,220 19.67 450,840 428,460 186,620 43.6 241,840 22,380 427,480 24,060 44,600 62,480 123,720 122,060 36,580 13,980 26.18 388,900 866,26C 191,000 52.1 175,260 22,640 365,000 9,340 21,440 34,660 93,260 129,840 51,880 24,580 88.17 109,880 108,44C 60,660 58.6 42,780 6,440 102,920 1,200 2,740 4,080 15,140 35,700 24,880 19,180 45.25 1,800 1,600 700 - 900 200 1,600 - 100 60 160 620 440 220 - 7,640 4,94C 2,560 51.8 2,380 2,700 5,020 260 320 560 1,100 1,460 820 500 33.20 1,17.180 1,008,180 438,560 43,7 564.620 114.000 1.001.060 68.540 96,600 122,660 255,640 292,680 111.760 58,180 28.02 3,720 2,820 . 980 34.8 1,840 900 2,920 840 360 440 640 380 - 140 120 17.45 10,540 9,020 2,600 28.8 6,420 1,520 9,120 4,540 1,280 880 980 1,120 180 140 9.58 28,100 , 24,860 7,060 28.4 17,800 3,240 24,920 7,200 5,420 4,180 4,640 2,820 520 140 14.35 166,460 148,720 48,660 .32.7 100,060 17,740 148,360 18,700 24,800 27,600 40,860 28,040 6,420 1,940 20.25 801,340 -272,940 102,460 37.5 170,480 28,400 272,460 17,340 32,900 41,500 83,560 71,740 19,020 6,400 24.82 399,060 860,700 171,040 47.4 189,660 38,360 359,840 11,860 26,100 38,620 97,320 126,680 43,440 15,800 20.45 180,100 162,420 95,200 58.6 67,220 17,680 162,000 2,600 4,980 8,300 24,400 55,240 36,920 29,660 44.28 20,280 17,260 8,800 51.0 8,460 8,020 17,100 160 300 520 2,180 5,640 , 4,740 3,560 48.61 7,580 4,440 1,760 39.6 2,680 3,140 4,340 oo 800 560 620 1,060 1,020 380 400 26.01 .. 1,709,200 1,498.5401 566.980 7.8. 91.560 210.660 1.495.120. 99.240 152,060 194,.560 399.860 430.680 147,080 71,640 27.05 4,620 3,580 1,220 34.1 2,360 1,040 3,840 1,120 520 400 780 580 220 220 18.00 16,660 14,240 8,680 25.8 10,560 2,420 14,160 7,680 2,240 1,280 1,540 1,140 220 60 8.72 45,980 40,920 11,180 27.2 29,740 5,060 40,940 11,780 9,160 6,780 7,700 4,500 820 200 14.24 297,020 264,620 78,000 29.5 186,620 32,400 264,200 32,400 45,780 48,420 74,100 48,940 11,180 3,380 20.24 486,280 393,400 128,300 32.6 265,100 42,880 392,560 26,440 48,340 64,160 121,360 102,500 23,140 6,620 24.22 5.78,460 512,740 213,180 41.6 299,560 65,720 511,720 16,020 37,220 58,420 147,360 176,980 56,800 18,920 29.29 192,860 163,960 79,080 48.2 84,880 28,900 163,240 2,600 6,380 10,720 33,120 60,180 830,380 19,860 39.07 .. 125,680 98,700 50,280 50.9 48,420 26,980 98,220 660 1,680 3,680 12,400 34,120 28,720 21,960 47.49 11,640 6,380 2,060 32.3 4,320 5,260 6,240 540 740 700 1,500 1,740 600 420 27.10 2.. 756.5801 2,4535801 732.640 29.9 1.720.940 303.000 2.448.100 158.560 255,986 334,800 675,820 729.600 211,140 82,820 26.53 11,260 8,580 2,520 29.4 6,060 2,680 8,540 2,540 1,080 980 1,640 1,860 300 140 17.82 35,760 30,540 6,640 21.7 23,900 5,220 30,320 13,820 6,140 3,360 4,180 2,160 520 140 10.59 97,900 87,740 20,620 23.5 67,120 10,160 87,640 23,300 19,000 16,640 17,740 8,900 1,700 8360 14.96 640,760 582,640 148,660 5.5 433,980 58,120 581,200 56,520 93,140 112,140 175,400 116,280 22,540 5,180 21.14 675,120 617,740 172,600 27.9 445,140 57,380 616,380 86,640 74,380 100,220 190,720 169,100 36,540 8,780 24.58 749,660 675,20 227,380 33.7 447,820 74,460 673,880 19,780 46,960 77,200 198,520 243,840 66,940 20,640 29.22 250,280 215,820 70,220 32.5 145,600 34,460 215,300 3,240 9,400 15,140 50,640 88,760 31,580 16,540 36.09 275,780 223,420 80,340 86.0 143,080 52,360 223,060 1,780 3,860 7,500 398,660 96,020 49,620 30,620 42.98 20,060 11,900 8,660 30.8 8,240 8,160 11,780 940 1,400 1,620 8,820 2,680 1,400 420 25.31 2,480,340 2.251.900 687.480 30.5 1,564,420 228.440 2,2~5,620 180.180 208,040 285,640 592,140 708.500 285,020 86,100 27.93 11,800 9,060 2,860 31.6 6,200 2,740 - 9,060 2,820 1,240 860 1,980 1,760 320 80 17.23 44,960 39,30C 8,780 22.3 30,520 5,660 839,220 18,700 8,220 6,380 6,300 3,500 940 180 13.09 116,660 104,680 26,380 25.2 78,300 11,980 104,400 21,420 22,140 21,820 25,040 11,940 1,960 580 16.53 695,980 637,640 174,840 27.4 462,800 58,340 636,520 51,100 86,560 116,580 192,380 150,000 32,740 7,160 22.88 581,820 537,300 164,380 80.6 372,920 44,520 536,320 25,280 52,840 74,940 163,160 170,160 40,760 9,180 26.55 528,940 485,440 164,540 33.9 320,900 43,500 484,000 10,480 25,940 45,860 129,080 191,820 61,040 19,780 32.69 211,740 189,660 62,980 833.2 126,680 22,080 189,040 2,860 7,000 11,820 40,440 79,700 33,660 13,560 37.63 265,280 235,12 79,100 33.6 156,020 30,160 234,080 1,520 2,740 6,280 30,440 95,660 62,360 35,080 45.40 23,160 18,700 3,620 26.4 10,080 9,460 12,980 1,000 1,360 1,600 3,320 3,960 1,240 500 27.12 . 4,105.180 3.724.50( 1.469.540 89,5 2,54.960 3q80680 Q.71 .900 189.,480 291.580 394.840 886.740 1.201.340 506.620 248.300 31.07 26,760 21,460 6,160 28.7 15,300 5,300 21,440 6,720 3,680 2,740 3,800 3,220 860 420 15.08 119,280 103,80C 31,120 30.1 72,180 15,980 103,240 29,140 21,880. 17,200 20,800 11,200 2,8360 660 14.67 285,000 254,040 84,246 33.2 169,800 30,960 253,700 34,880 43,980 47,280 70,760 45,680 9,020 2,100 19.60 1,469,140 1,33888,140 501,100 37.4 887,040 131,000 1,885,560 76,420 137,360 187,780 381,540 404,420 116,640 31,400 26.48 813,980 747,08 300,720 40.3 446,360 66,900 745,320 25,620 49,420 78,720 198,220 268,320 94,120 80,900 31.04 672,460 620,44C 261,660 42.2 358,780 52,020 618,660 10,000 21,920 38,440 128,720 246,000 122,640 50,940 838.46 306,940 276,76C 118,780 42.9 157,980, 30,180 275,920 3,260 7,280 13,680 46,220 105,980 61,540 87,960 42.24 367,360 336,600 . 155,080 46.1 181,520 0,760 334,840 1,940 3,780 6,300 30,440 109,320 96,060 87,000 58.57 44,260 26,68C 10,680 40.0 16,000 1,580 25,220 1,500 2,280 2,700 6,240 7,200 3,380 1,920 29.82 3. 099 000 2B.083.220 1,400.940 50.0 1.402.280 295.780 2,794,060 142.700 204.300 267,120 607.820 877.740 432.760 261.62Q0 3.49 31,400 25,440 9,340 36.7 16,100 9,960 25,420 7,560 4,820 3,180 4,680 83,540 1,000 640 15.02 156,920 .187,520 57,500 41.8 80,020 19,400 137,160 28,480 25,860 23,280 80,180 21,860 5,580 1,920- 17.56 296,120 264,420 120,480 45.6 143,940 31,700 263,780 29,240 36,740 41,860 71,680 62,380 17,000 4,880 822.86 1,286,860 1,120,920 546,220 48.7 574,700 115,940 1,118,280 52,600 91,240 127,220 288,800 369,880 141,100 47,940 29.49 467,520 428,260 218,840 51.1 209,420 39,200 427,200 13,220 24,420 36,520 98,160 152,460 71,460 30,960 834.91 431,080 398;660 210,160 52.7 188,500 32,420 397,400 6,080 11,820 19,140 65,960 141,620 90,500 62,280 44.01 200,320 180,060 96,040 53.3 84,020 20,260 179,380 2,300 4,940 9,260 26,400 62,100 42,480 31,900 44.57, 240,320 223,140 131,140 58.8 92,000 17,180 221,680 1,380 2,600 4,320 17,240 57,040 60,200 78,900 61.24 . 38,460 24,800 11,220 45.2 13,580 13,660 28,760 1,840 1,860 2,340 5,220 .6,860 3,440 2,200 31.81 1,901,880 1,699,1801 950,5801 55.9 748,600 202700 1.691,700 109,360 142,460 164,980 356,200 508,640 250,000 160,060 832.36 1 ol i I I I i -. -2,900- 27,240 140,92(0 221,860 785,92(0 225,30( 236,120 104,780 133,100 26,640 22,080 121,300 196,220 706,640 203,740 216,940 94,04C 122,280 15,940 8,920 56,700 192,400 391,440 118,860 129,440 56,900 77,940 7,980 40.4 46.7 52.2 55.4 58.3 59.7 60.5 63.7 50.1 13,16C 64,600 93,820 315,200 84,880 87,50C 37,14C0 44,340 7,960 5,160 19,620 25,640 79,280 21,560 19,180 10,740 10,820 10,700 22,06(0 121,160 195,660 704,44( 202,960 215,62(0 93,40(0 121,060 15,34(0 6,680 24,82(0 22,280 38,60(0 8,100 4,06C0 2,060 1,260 1,500 4,260 21,420 28,640 60,880 12,540 7,620 3,540 2,220 1,40 2,900 18,420 27,920 77,340 17,720 10,900 5,280 2,980 1,520 3,940 26,620 48,660 170,000 44,800 34,080 14, 140 10,580 3,380 3,100 22,160 49,680 227,800 69,240 73,320 29,900 29,080 4,360 880 5,540 14,340 92,460 34,000 49,660 20,940 30,140 2,040 30( 2,18( 4,140 37,36(0 16,56( 35,98(0 17,54( 44,80(0 1,200 14.66 18.89 28.40 29.97 34.79 43.45 44.00 61.45 29.29 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- wate households. ...... I ^ . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^.^_~ n _n nn . ^i ---i ._ In I- -, -^-I" ^.% m n do^ 1, -00% Table 3.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES i18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PICES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940--Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 8,000) TNURE OF HR0 MON'HLY RENTAL VAILE OF HOMB Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Ned #A ECOMPLT, AND ARES Total In owned homes Tenure Total#75 COPTotalED, AD A not report ing Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to nl rpo- Perent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 s74 report- of- rented ported1 talus over (doh ing Number tal re- homes lats) porting URBAN--Continued 6 , 99 u, 0116.2U38 .121.4601 35'.7 14.138.4001 755.080 1 6.225.5801125. 01 349,391 580880 1.495.26012.809.0000 1 9381401 392,440184,7 wwwr- -T -tse--s 820 720 240 - 480 100 740 160 60 160 160 100 80 80 .... 8,060 2,840 840 29.6 2,000 220 2, b2o 600 420 400 540 520 2 80 60 19.88 8,140 7,460 1,960 26.8 5,500 680 7,500 780 1,540 1,420 8,860 1,160 180 60 19.54 ... 56,840 52,480 14,600 27.8 87,880 3,860 52,860 2,460 6,160 9,420 17,940 12,880 2,620o 880 84.04 172,160 164,580 61,020 37.1 103,560 7,580 164,280 2,860 10,480 20,140 50,540 58,260 16,780 5,720 29.88 147,020 189,080 61,960 44.5 , 77,120 7,940 138,720 1,060 5,020 9,580 82,180 57,260 28,960 9,660 87.08 .... 44,780 42,480 19,780 46.6 22,700 2,800 42,240 160 500 1,100 4,560 15,700 12, 200 8,080 48.85 .. 1,060 1,040 420 - 620 20 1,040 - 60 60 60 440 800 120 - .. 2,860 1,980 820 - 1,160 880 1,980 20 60 180 440 700 840 840 - .... 438,860 1 897,760 147,500 87,1 250.260 41.100 397.160 8120 4,220 40Q,220 102.620 142.440 58.880 5,660 88.8 .... 1,060 900 280 - 620 160 940 200 60 140 220 - 160 80 80 8.... ,000 2,620 680 26.0 1,940 380 2,600 720 280 840 s40 -680 140 100 18.91 .... 8,860 -7,eeo 1,800 24.9 5,420 1,040 7,240 700 1,220 1,600 1,980 1,460 200 80 20.01 ... 67,740 61,560 17,180 27.9 44,880 6,180 61,400 2,560 7,440 10,720 20,160 16,040 8,860 1,120 24.48 .... 127,780 116,840 38,680 88.2 77,660 11,440 116,260 2,200 8,580 14,880 87,860 88,680 10,660 8,400 28.08 .... 152,440 139,040 56,180 40.4 82,860 13,400 188,840 1,260 5,860 10,440 84,600 58,600 20,720 7,860 85.56 .. 66,220 59,560 28,540 47.9 81,020 6,660 59,480 400 1,140 1,700 6,460 22,900 15,840 11,040 47.00 .... 9,660 8,780 3,480 �9.6 5,300 880 8,720 - 40 220 560 8,440 2,6406 1,820 50.45 .. . 2,700 1,740 680 - 1,060 960 1,680 80 100 180 440 480 240 160 - 676,900 596,080 197,760 88.2 898.820 80820 594.,920 18,660 86,920 68,040 159 500 16,640 78,760 832,400 81.84 .... 1,860 1,200 860 - 840 160 1,20 22020 801 180 840 280 80 40 4,360 8,640 800 22.0 2,840 720 3,640 1,120 600 500 760 500 120 40 15.650 ..... 18,860 12,200 3,080 25.2 9,120 1,660 12,160 1,200 2,860 2,860 8,420 2,400 880 40 19.97 ..... 1 8,420 110,720 29,700 26.8 81,020 12,700 110,580 4,640 12,700 18,900 86,760 29,800 6,080 2,200 24.68 .... 185,660 168,400 50,20 29.9 118,080 17,260 168,020 8,280 12,580 22,520 58,740 58,220 18,920 8,760 27.99 ..... 216,520 191,940 69,980 86.5 121,960 24,580 191,660 1,620 6,780 14,940 49,240 88,100 27,400 8,580 85.09 .... 78,740 63,320 25,880 40.1 87,940 10,40 68,120 820 1,160 2,580 10,540 26,680 18,960 1,880 42.81 ..... 53,800 42,820 17,720 41.9 24,600 11,480 42,240 160 480 980 4,220 15,180 11,540 9,680 49.72 4,180 2,840 420 17.9 1,920 1,840 2,j280 100 180 80 480 980 280 180 35.62 . 1,094.840 971.780 246.200 P. 25.580122.560 970.100 20.260 .60 105840 262,080 371,540 110,800 39,120 31.46 ..... 8,720 3,180 780 .5 2,400 540 8,160 820 200 400 800 1,100 240 100 27.75 ..... 10,120 8,460 1,680 .9 6,780 1,660 8,840 1,880 1,540 1,420 1,760 1,840 .840 60 17.14 .... 29,880 26,240 5,140 19.6 21,100 3,640 26,240 2,760 4,600 5,780 7,800 4,420 700 180 19.48 ..... 269f180 245,160 58,240 21.7 191,920 24,020 244,820 8,080 25,620 42,260 82,160 70,520 12,880 8,800 25.15 ..... 276,060 252,400 61,080 24.2 191,820 23,660 251,980 4,080 17,240 82,080 79,060 94,840 20,540 4,640 28.68 278,560 250,500 71,280 28.5 179,220 28,060 50,200 2,020 8,380 18,220 64,840 118,720 88,460 9,560 85.06 ..... 98,440 84,440 22,140 26.2 62,300 14,000 84,24C 520 1,680 3,220 14,720 42,020 15,700 6,380 39.96 S.. 120,400 96,760 29,680 30.7 67,080 23,640 96,720 480 9406 1,960 9,660 42,760 26,240 14,680 46.02 ..... 7,980 4,640 1,180 25.4 8,460 8,340 4,400 120 260 500 1,280 1,820 700 220 80.11 ..... 969.840 873.900 213.480 24.4 660,420 95.940 872.000 15,980 48,400 87,900 221,620 837,280 120,740 40,080 88.18 ..... 8,980 8,260 620 19.0 2,640 720 8,240 440 860 280 960 1,000 140 60 25.18 ..... 14,020 12,060 2,180 18.1 9,880 1,960 12,04C 1,840 2,240 2,420 2,960 2,020 440 120 18.51 ..... 89,240 84,600 7,420 21.4 27,180 4,640 84,52c 2,800 5,840 7,960 10,900 6,100 1,140 280 20.56 ... 294,580 269,000 59,200 22.0 209,800 25,580 268,80C 7,060 22,500 41,440 87,980 86,060 19,840 8,920 26.71 .... 26,680 207,460 52,840 25.2 155,120 19,220 207,120 2,440 10,660 20,480 59,340 87,000 22,240 4,960 81.94 .. 198,820 180,720 49,060 27.1 131,660 18,100 180,28 1,220 4,720 10,780 40,860 84,040 80,160 9,000 87.897 ..... 78,700 69,900 17,900 25.6 52,000 8,800 69,66C 880 1,840 2,700 10,840 82,500 16,000 5,900 41.54 ..... 104,680 91,740 23,760 25.9 67,980 12,940 91,48C 240 420 1,240 7,00 86,640 80,260 15,640 49.64 .... 9,140 5,160 1,000 19.a4 4,160- ,980 ,8 o 320 600 1,2601 1,920 520 200 81.58 . .... 1.579.540 1.410.860 450.840 82.0 960.020 168.680 1.408.20C 24.940 70.240 119.720 818.860 586.520 1.940 104.480 85.87 .. ... . ... . ...V^1 Ci[P V^. . 4..U 17 . .O _ V . .. . ... ... . .. . _I V = V V VV. i Lo W" I d , v -i Y II Gi I I ,V Y1 VO. 0W 0:7 /' - 9047 0GV11 1D 1gi1 OAA.44V! Y ifoul 11a7, V IV 472,'2V j 1VV&1UV1 V.V VI a% - 14 Its .... ..... .... .... . .. .... .... . . .. .... .... .... Cities of 250,000 Inhabitan or More Total, 18 to-64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............ .. 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years. . High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ormore.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old... . . . No school years.completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...- 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported. .............. 25 to 29 yearsold.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported.... ........... 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old.......... No school yearscompleted ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ nonde !4% '1^1% neA n 1A 1 Of - I - ^n 1 0 we .^- -- -^I . .w- _-_l_ -- _-r l___ MA ew.,, 161.64C 486.2401 412.66C 39.2 1251.020 29.580 411.6801 7.6001 24.3001 42.460 10, C80 14_020 56.740 .e4 80 2.59 9,080 37,400 100,900 616,480 299,220 255,080 110,580 134,980 15,820 1 14 60o ?,72C 31,220 88,260 555,580 269,700 281,980 96,900 120,900 8,600 1 0104 00 1,400 7,160 24,800 168,900 89,540 79,080 32,940 44,680 2,540 42 .800 18.1 22.9 28.1 80.4 33.2 84.1 88.8 87.0 29.5 416 6,320 24,060 63,460 386,680 180,160 152,900 64,160 76,220 6,060 89 6nn 1,860 6,18C 12,640 60,90C 29,52C 28,100 18,680 14,080 7,220 P _660 7,72( 81,80( 88,26( 554,98( 269,14( 281,42( 96,68( 120,48( 8,22( 1 0nn Ot 1,160 8,56C 4,280 10,20C .2,820 - 1,820 560 440 100 1o .8 1,100 5,820 11,720 84,600 8,880 4,780 1,860 1,100 380 5n .54 1,100 5,980 15,640 62,000 19,640 9,780 8,400 1,460 720 76 92n 1,920 9;080 29,860 157,400 61,000 897,800 12,420 ?,820 2,060 208 660 1,780 5,620 22,800 211,780 116,920 100,560 87,840 37,260 2,660 868 060 50 94C 4,16 62,260 45,40 54,60{ E5, 04C ,'89,560 1,48 188 10, 16C 900 800 16,74C 14,680 22,080 15,560 88,840 880 am 22.10 19.82 829.75 80.75 86.74 41.74 45.41 57.50 85.89 o RR 10U,4U 50,800 105,860 495,240 159,540 154,620 67,940 85,840 13,080 655_160 8,540 48,180 91,380 441,260 142,340 140,140 58,660 77,660 7,240 565.420 ' 2,720 15,740 36,720 180,780 60,780 60,160 24,520 36,920 2,460 262240 31.9 36.5 40.2 41.0 42.7 42.9 41.8 47.5 34.0 4._4 5,820 27,440 54,660 260,480 81,560 79,980 34,140 40,740 4,7801 808 180 2,100 7,620 13,98C 53,980 17,200 14,48 9,280 8,180 5,840 R _?4 8,52( 48,06( 91,20( 440,68( 142,16( 189,86( 58,52( 77,20( 6,80( 8S r 1,160 8,520 8,660 7,740 1,680 1,160 860 400 180 16.1 1,820 6,820 9,080 22,440 5,580 2,840 1,260 920 " 280 Q. 90 920 7,440 18,020 88,580 8,880 4,760 2,020 1,200 600 44 780 2,460 11,920 26,940 108,800 27,780 19,040 6,160 4,540 1,520 119 640 1,880 9,880 28,620 172,760 57,400 49,800 21,200 19,400 2,120 194 500 50C 2,70 7,700 68,94C 28,36C 36,36C 15,42C0 21,92C 1,200 100_i 8 280 780 2,180 21,920 12,980 25,900 12,100 28,820 900 60A 06A 2.00 22.65 26.86 34.51 89.14 46.42 47.86 68.85 37.23 8,400 42,680 78,720 287,120 69,900 82,760 33,580 48,260 8,740 6,720 34,860 63,020 250,980 59,860 74,240 28,560 42,840 4,340 2,100 14,200 28,720 116,800 27,820 36,480 13,320 21,020 1,780 31.3 40.7 45.6 46.5 46.5 49.1 46.6 49.1 41.0 4,62( 20,66( 34,80( 134,18( 32,04( 37,76( 15,24( 21,820 2,560 1,680 7,820 10,700 36,140 10,040 8,520 5,020 5,420 4,400 6,760 35,040 62,920 250,22( 59,72( 73,84( 28,42( 42,440 4,160 72C0 3,400 3,860 5,680 1,840 780 360 040 160 1,160 5,140 6,980 14,720 2,600 1,880 780 660 800 1,200 5,360 8,140 20,820 3,840 3,020 1,340 780 280 1,440 9,080 16,760 57,240 11,446 10,080 3,620 3,100 880 1,520 8,560 20,340 94,520 22,560 26,200 9,060 10,460 1,280 48C 2,70C0 5,620 41,20C 12,10C0 19,30C 6,960 11,100 720 240 800 1,720 16,040 5,840 12,580 6,800 16,000 540 21.58 28.49 27.24 85.14 88.98 45.65 47.40 62,74 36.69 10omprises related members oi private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. EDUCATION TENURE AND MONTHLY - RENTAL VALUE OF HOME -15 Table 3.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940--Continued (Rs*tistice based on a 5-percent bample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure ARIA, T AARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPEDTotal n not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 report- rented I Ivluover (dol ing Number bf to- homes ported value lars) tal reting porting URBAN--Continued Places of 25000 to 250,000 Tothl, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 id 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................:. 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............ ... .. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to. 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .. Not reported .............. 30 to 34 years old......... . No school years completed ..,. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years. ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed .. " Osade school: 1 to 4 years . .. . 5 -and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years. ... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years. College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................... 45 to 54 yeart old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade sehool: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years .. . 4 years .. College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............. ..... 55 to 64 years old.. ......... Nochool years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... Highschool: l to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... ,, 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. .,1I 5,706600115,139,38012.13.0201 41,912,986,360!567,2201 5 125 6601225.341442.1201 621. 4601157.64011,572.840 1 592.1401314,10128.88 ssan n1 2 s_ Tnan1 iar in _ _ -.D - 7a60s UMDV22 V-*6 .O.u '4.:01%v b -1. 1,120 720 260 -- 460 400 800 120 180 140 160 60 140 8,260 2,980 940 31.5 2,040 280 2,960 1,160 560 380 520 240 60 40' 12.86 8,620 8,100 2,040 25.2 6,060 520 8,060 1,780 2,080 1,460 1,680 880 140 40 15.08 45,440 41,760 13,400 32.1 28,560 8,680 41,680 4,920 8,020 8,540 12,860 5,920 1,200 220 19.18 146,640 188,120 -60,080 43.5 78,040 8,520 137,780 6,180 13,820 22,080 42,560 37,300 11,080 4,760 25.80 128,280 115,020 61,440 53.4 53,580 8,260 114,560 2,360 5,980 10,560- 1,880 41,060 15,060 7,460 32.67 31,060 29,000 18,280 63.0 10,720 2,060 28,880 60 820 1,160 4,480 10,100 6,220 6,040 45.18 860 240 100 - 140 120 240 - - - 60 120 20 40 - 2,400 1,340 640 - 700 1,060 1,480 40 160 220 260 8360 260 180 342,480 804,600 136.100 44.7 168.500 37.880 304.060 14.,860 30.380 40.620 85.120 84.580 30.800 17.700 27.27 ... 1,320 960 300 - 660 360 960 180 160 240 280 00 - 2,520 2,100 520 24.8 1,580 420 2,160 1,000 400 220 280 220 20 20 10.50 7,880 7,040 1,920 27.3 5,120 840 7,100 1,880 1,740 1,200 1,220 800 220 40 14.80 47,980 .42,540 13,720 32.3 28,820 5,440 42,460 4,720 7,780 9,860 11,940 6,480 1,680 500 19.16 94,480 '85,020 32,100 37.8 52,920 9,460 84,840 4,060 1l,t 14,200 28.860 19,620 4,760 1,720 28.85 124,880 111,220 53,400 48.0 57,820 13,660 110,940 2,400 7,360 12,620 383,560 38,920 12,000 4 080 29.86 55,540 50,040 81,260 62.5 18,780 5,500 49,9801 540 1,040 2,320 7,780 17,000 11,020 10,280 45.16 . . 5,220 4,220 2,420 57.3 1,800 1,000 4,220 20 100 160 800 1,180 1,020 940 46.96 ... 2,660 1,460 460 - 1,000 1,200 1,400 60 180 300 400 260 80 120 - . 527.900 459.500 176.640 83.4 282.860 68400 458.660 .23180 47-200 63.500 134.7801 127.140 41.860 21.000 26.58 1,500 1,100 360 - 740 400 1,300 340 260 140 320 60 i00 80 - . 4,40 3-700 780 21.1 2,920 640 3,600 1,680 760 360 400 340 60 - 10.29 . 1,120 11,560 2,840 24.6 8,720 1,560 11,680 2,820 2,900 2;520 2,180 980 260 20 14.74 .. 84,100 74,420 20,940 28.1 53,480 9,680 74,360 7,020 14,660 15,740 22,440 11,200 2,660 640 19.4 ... 134,160 120,220 88,660 32.2 81,560 13,940 120,120 6,620 15,240 22,060 42,000 27,600 5,120 1,480 28.84 187,100 164,860 69,440 42.1 95,420 22,240 164,480 3,640 10,880 18,520 52,440 56,500 16,760 5,740 28.88 61,280 51,340 26,280 51.2 25,060 9,940 51,000 680 1,840 2,840 10,920 19,160 9,380 6,180 39.12 ... 38,660 30,480 16,720 54.9 13,760 8,180 30,240 260 460 1,120 3,580 10,800 7,340 6,680 47.46 3. ,640 1,820 620 - 1,200 1,820 1,880 120 200 200 500 500 180 180 - .848.720 754.4001 228.120 30.2 526.2801 94.20 753.06 35.640 80.000 113.920 227,120 215.680 56.800 23.900 25.97 S 2,e880 2,080 560 26.9 1,520 800 2,060 440 440 320 400 400 40 20 16.84 9,540 7,800 1,400 17.9 6,400 1,740 7,740 2,820 2,000 1,000 1,220 560 80 60 12.13 30,540 27,460 6,160 22.4 21,300 3,080 27,500 5,280 6,840 6,220 5,820 2,620 600 120 15.81 185,540 168,260 41,180 24.5 127,080 17,280 167,860 13,740 28,820 37,240 54,580 27,600 4,840 1,040 20.26 216,100 197,740 55,000 27.8 142,740 18,360 197,580 8,800 25,040 87,000 67,000 47,720 9,340 2,680 23.67 . 241,180 217,120 75,320 34.7 141,800 24,060 216,70C 3,560 13,000 25,300 71,560 78,140 18,560 6,580 28.79 76,560 65,760 22,620 84.4 43,140 10,800 65,540 460 2,420 4,560 16,040 28,260 9,840 4,460 36.07 80,260 64,560 24,800 38.4 39,760 15,700 64,48 420 960 1,760 9,260 29,680 18,600 8,800 42.87 6,120 3,620 1,080 29.8 2,540 2,500 3,60~ 120 480 520 1,240 700 400 140 24.98 755,380 684.720 216,.280 81.6 468440 70.660 6883.000 30.160 63.260 91.800 196.560 218.800 63,460 23.960 27.45 3,040 2,120 720 34.0 1,400 920 2,14C 580 300 320 500 340 100 - 17.47 12,760 11,100 2,260 so 20.4 8,840 1,660 11,06C 3 ,480 2,560 2,160 1,780 720 320 40 13.50 36,280 32,500 7,620 23.4 24,880 3,780 82,42 5,160 7,620 7,140 8,360 8,420 500 220 16.90 ... 199,880 182,080 50,680 27.8 131,400 17,300 181,660 12,040 26,600 36,240 60,460 37,640 7,060 1,620 22.14 182,200 168,320 52,860 81.4 115,460 13,880 168,22C 5,460 16,060 25,800 58,720 49,860 10.,140 2,180 25.77 169,140 154,640 54,680 35.4 99,960 14,500 154,320 2,180 6,980 14,620 44,020 63,460 17,260 5,800 32.45 65,900 58,760 20,4001 84.7 38,860 7,140 58,64 640 2,080 3,120 13,300 26,440 9,340 8,720 87.20 80,500 71,380 25,900 86.3 45,480 9,120 70,900 400 700 1,980 8,380 30,840 18,300 10,300 45.06 ... 6,180 3,820 1,160 80.4 2,660 2,60 83,64 220 360 420 1,040 1,080 440 80 27.88 S.. 1,277,140 11.159.160 471.060 40,6 688.100 117.980 1.155.900 44.580 88,020 127,880 296.960 877.380 149.280 71,800 830.59 6,980 5,140 1,420 27.6 3,720 1,840 5,160 1,240 1,220 700 1,180 580 160 80 15.36 36,280 31,380 8,840 28.2 22,540 4,900 31,300 7,280 7,640 5,840 6,680 3,140 700 120 15.13 .. 91,860 81,260 25,560 31.5 55,700 10,100 81,18C 8,040 14,900 17,060 24,720 13,320 2,520 620 19.74 . 40,840 892,260 152,480 88.9 289,780 38,580 391,400 18,000 40,040 60,440 123,380 112,740 29,22& 7,580 25.76 264,580 242,700 97,960 40.4 144,740 21,880 242,420 5,820 14,560 25,780 71,720 89,380 26,560 8,600 80.24 220,280 20S,100 89,040 43.8 114,060 17,180 202,620 2,840 5,980 11,760 45,260 83,640 38,160 15,480 88.10 ... 97,860 88,080 88,920 44.2 49,160 9,280 87,76C 860 1,580 3,720 14,280 85,820 20,640 10,860 42.59 S.. 115,420 106,380 53,180 50.0 58,200 9,040 105,70 580 1,260 1,660 7,520 36,460 30,320 27,980 58396 14,040 8,860 3,660 41.3 5,200 5,180 8,280 420 840 920 2,320 2,300 1,000 480 27.95 .... 981.240 89.380 456.880 51. 44.500 89.8601 888.680 3.800 59.040 86440 202.660 287.520 135.780 83.440 8833.84 8,860 6,960 2,480 35.6 4,480 1,900 6,960 1,820 1,220 1,240 1,360 960 160 200 16.27 ... 47,420 41,040 16,880 41.1 24,160 6,880 40,900 7,000 7,640 8,300 9,520 6,280 1,420 740 18.00 .... 95,760 86,140 838,560 44.8 47,580 9,620 85,980 7,200 11,400 14,520 26,000 20,040 5,400 1,4?0 23.80 .... 374,300 88339,460 169,620 50.0 169,840 34,840 838,560 12,080 26,820 40,320 95,180 111,640 38,560 13,960 28.96 158,820 141,420 73,200 51.8 68,220 11,900. 141,140 2,880 6,360 10,860 33,120 53,460 24,200 10,260 35.99 147,220 136,780 78,940 54.1 62,840 10,4401 136,36 1,540 .3,220 6,060 22,980 53,020 30,300 19,240 42.47 63,700 57,460 32,100 55.9 25,360 6,240 57,30C 620 1,200 3,000 7,800 20,780 18,980 9,920 44.93 78,48 78,520 46,120 62.7 27,400 4,960 73,080 260 560 1,300 4,880 18,500 20,580 27,000 62.91 12,180 8,600 8,980 46.3 4,620 3,580 8,400 40 620 840 1,820 2,840 1,180 700 33.16 .... 611,560 548.340 11 10.760 56.7 237.580 63.2201 545.860 26.500 42.600 52.760 119.980 170,700 79,980 58,340 33.14 8,300 44,880 71,900 242,240 76,800 83,000 38,940 42,800 8,100 6,400 88,060 63,480 218,260 70,400 76,580 80,840 89,280 5,040 2,58C 17,640 82,520 121,38C 41,500 47,06C 19,16C 26,46C 2,46C 40.3 46.3 51.2 55.6 58.9 61.5 62.1 67.4 48.8 3,820 20,420 30,960 96,880 28,900 29,520 11,680 12,820 2,580 1,90 6,82C 8,42( 24,080 6,40 6,420 3,10C 3,02C 3,06 6,380 37,960 63,260 217,600 70,10q 76,249 30,60q 38,86q 4,86q 1,780 5,940 5,460 8,72Q' 2,120 1,220 500 400 360 1,380 1,640 9,000 17,460 3,560 2,420 1,080 620 440 84C 6,54C 9,18 24,36 5,160 3,66C 1,60C 96C 46C 1,340 9,440 16,880 56,580 15,420 11,920 4,080 3,020 1,300 840 7,100 16,820 72,000 26,220 26,760 10,380 9,100 1,480 180 1,660 4,680 27,400 11,780 16,960 7,100 9,700 520 20 640 1,240 11,080 5,840 13,300 5,860 15,060 300 14.68 19.89 24.23 29.97 36.20 43.62 44.99 63.24 28.50 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vat bhoueholds. ^ ^^ ^ ^I ^^..I = =. ... ...' . 1.. .. . ..'-. . . . . ..I . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. ..A ^ I i n - n " AC CRl 1Rn lnnl 'VA Qnnl fe I* AAA it agnl !i can _Ant 9aA QA n l 9a 1Rnl ,a Q 27-a0I i .... 16 EDUCATION Table 3.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent seaple. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MNJHLY RITAL VALUE OF HOMB Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Medin COMPETED, AND AGE not- reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 toal Percent ed re- rental $10 $14 $19 $9 $49 $74ol- ing Number r so- ported1 value lars) in8 Numnbr tel re- porting URBAN-Continued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 5622,60C 5.139920 2.494.460 48.5 2.645.46 482.680 5.119.600 609.660 66.840 695.460 1.201.140 1.15.12 490080 27,800 24.44 18 and 19 years old .............. 855.360 34.180 182.400 54.6 151.72 2.L.240 4 80 45.940 44L 0 76.580 472. 0 Q.00 16.0 8.5 No school years completed......... 1,700 1,220 640 - 580 480 1,220 500 180 180 60 140 60 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5,86 4,800 1900 39.6 2,900 560 4,940 3,060 520 440 440 800 180 60 7.59 5 and 6 years......... 12,1 11,800 3,840 34.0 7,460 820 11,260 5,480 2,700 1,880 980 560 140 80 9.98 7 and 8 years ........ 48,740 44,980 19,020 42.3 25,960 8,760 44,920 11,620 10,240 7,440 8,800 5,840 1,860 180 14.90 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 12,040 125,760 65,520 52.1 60,240 6,280 125,420 15,520 20,300 20,260 30,620 26,500 8,720 3,600 81.67 4 years ............. 118,60 112,160 67,600 60.3 44,560 6,440 111,720 5,920 10r440 14,520 29,200 31,520 12,860 7,360 28.05 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 34,040 1,960 22,600 70.7 9,360 2,080 31,800 980 1,420 1,820 6,100 9,900 6,460 5,120 40.77 4 years or more ..... 38 8320 180 - 140 60 320 - 40 - 40 60 120 60 - Not reported ................ .... 2,880 1,620 1,100 - 50 760 1,560 200 100 160 400 40 220 80 - 20 and 21 years old .............. 885.840 8300.820 154.960 51.5 145.860 .5.020 299-.840 40.6o 4.000 41.80 67.900 65.660 27.0o0 14.80 2a.26 No school years completed ......... 1,340 960 400 - 560 380 1,020 460 140 60 140 120 60 40 - Grade school: 1-to 4 years ......... 5,020 4,00 1,400 32.6 2,900 720 4,360 2,820 600 820 360 220 20 20 7.23 5 and 6 years........ 11,960 10,600 38,40 31.5 7,260 1,360 10,580 4,620 2,460 1,380 1,440 560 100 30 10.86 7 and 8 years........ 50,740 44,620 17,760 89.8 6,860 6,120 44,500 11,420 9,580 7,520 8,760 5,520 1,880 320 15.8 High school: 1 to 3 years ........... 79,080 71,580 31,680 44.3 89,900 7,500 71,360 11,080 12,700 12,420 16,840 13,440 8,600 1,280 19.89 4 years ............. 121,740 110,440 61,460 55.7 48,980 11,300 110,060 8,200 138,80 15,560 29,160 9,160 _10,720 8,880 25.64 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 58,340 52,820 85,400 67.0 17,420 5,520 52,540 1,660 2,700 4,280 10,160 15,840 10,060 8,840 89.24 4 years or more ..... 5,400 4,260 2,900 68.1 i,360 1,140 4,160 140 160 140 820 1,020 1,080 800 45.58 Not reported ...................... 2,220 1,240 620 - 620 . 980 1,260 160 280 140 220 280 60 120 - 22 to 24 years old ................ 504.400 442.960 192.580 43.5 250.880 61.440 441.540 68.400 67.940 68.020 105.580 86.900 81.460 18.240 21.58 No school years completed ......... 1,760 1,280 500 - 780 480 1,320 560 180 80 120 240 40 00 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 7,960 .6,900 2,100 30.4 4,800 1,060 6,920 4,880 880 420 380 300 40 20 6.59 5 and 6 years........ 19,000 17,160 5,260 830.7 11,900 1,840 17,100 7,760 8,900 1,900 2,100 1,120 180 140 10.51 7 and 8 years........ 89,500 79,480 27,360 34.4 52,120 10,020 .79,260 20,740 18,420 13,780 14,900 8,440 2,440 540 14.67 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 116,460 104,780 39,320 837.5 65,460 11,680 104,420 16,540 20,520 19,580 25,620 16,680 4,100 1,880 18.37 4 years ............. 174,840 155,940 73,760 47.3 82,1�0 18,900 155,580 10,760 19,560 24,960 45,680 37,380 12,640 4,600 24.43 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 57,840 49,300 27,420 55.6 21,880 8,540 49,120 1,600 3,380 5,300 11,660 14,340 7,040 5,800 83.15 4years or more ...... 33,220 25,900 15,840 61.2 10,060 7,320 25,740 240 740 1,580 4,600 8,140 4,840 5,600 43.53 Not reported .................. . 3,820 2,220 1,020 45.9 1,200 1,600 2,080 820 360 480 520 260 140 60 18.79 25 to 29 years old .............. .813.520 727.400 258.320 855 469.080 86.120 724.940 102.660 114.900 115.040 186.620 142.380 43.540 19800 21.10 No school years completed ......... 4,660 3,320 1,180 35.5 2,140 1,340 38,20 "1,780 440 260 440 360 20 20 8.83 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 16,100 14,280 3,560 24.9 10,720 1,820 14,240 9,120 2,600 940 1,200 260 100 20 7.81 5 and 6 years....... 87,480 34,040 9,320 27.4 24,720 3,440 33,900 15,260 7,560 4,640 4,120 1,860 400 .60 1062 7 and 8 years ....... 186,040 169,220 54,240 32.1 114,980 16,820 168,520 34,700 38,700 382,640 38,660 18,160 4,820 840 16.16 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 182,960 167,600 56,520 3388.7 111,080 15,360 166,820 23,760 32,100 31,140 44,660 27,040 6,660 1,460 18.92 4 years ............. 229,920 207,580 80,780 38.9 126,800 22,340 206,980 14,200 25,580 33,680 62,120 51,980 14,920 4,500 24.33 College: 1 to 3 years . A....... 75,280 65,620 25,460 38.8 40,160 9,660 65,520 2,260 5,300 7,360 19,880 18,480 6,540 5,700o 8.47 4 years or more...... 75,120 62,100 25,860 41.6 36,240 13,020 61,860 880 1,960 3,780 14,740 23,580 9,780 7,140 37.62 Not reported ..................... . 5,960 8,640 1,400 38.5 2,240 2,320 8,780 700 660 600 800 660 800 60 18.92 30 to 34 years old............... 755.120 69.280 257.720 37,2 45.560 61.840 690,620 84.040 96.,380 105.940 178.960 157.420 50.820 22,060 22.89 No school years completed ........ 4,780 8,680 1,520 41.3 2,160 1,100 8,680 1,800 580 260 520 420 80 20 9.84 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 18,180 16,140 4,340 26.9 11,800 2,040 16,120 8,380 3,420 1,800 1,560 960 180 20 9.12 5 and 6 years ......... 41,140 37,580 11,340 30.2 26,240 3,560 37,460 13,960 8,680 6,220 5,780 2,420 320 80 12.25 7 and 8 years ..... . 202,090 186,560 64,960 34.8 121,600 15,460 186,060 32,000 87,460 38,900 43,940 26,300 5,840 1,62 17.53 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 172,940 161,520 59,180 36.6 102,340 11,420 160,980 17,380 26,120 28,660 45,100 88,800 8,380 2,040 21.35 4 years ............. 160,980 150,080 60,800. 40.5 89,280 10,900 149,400 7,080 14,240 20,460 44,700 44,820 13,620 4,980 26.86 College: 1 to 3 years ........... 67,140 61,000 24,680 40.5 86,320 6,140 60,740 1,840 3,580 6,000 16,800 20,760 8,320 8,940 32.05 4 years or more ...... 80,100 72,000 29,440 40.9 42,560 8,100 71,720 880 1,620 3,060 15,040 28,180 13,800 9,140 40.33 Not reported ..................... 7,840 4,720 1,460 30.9 3,260 3,120 4,460 720 680 580 1,020 960 280 220 21.95 35 to 44 years old.............. 248.500 1.154.480 547.640 47.,4 06.840 94.020 1.149.8000 119.960 133.20, 14 .240 271,420 287.440 123.400 67.020 25.92 No school years completed ......... 10,700 8,600 8,840 88.8 5,260 2,100 8,560 4,320 1,360 940 700 860 200 180 9.41 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........... 45,600 40,700 15,120 37.1 25,580 4,900 40,640 18,300 8,420 5,380 5,140 2,440 720 240 10.70 5 and 6 years........ 92,740 84,520 33,880 40.1 50,640 8,220 84,26 22,560 17,860 14,580 16,680 10,060 2,340 680 15.26 7 and 8 years........ 421,820 90,00 179,720 46.0 210,580 31,520 389,180 48,220 62,720 65,40 100,760 79,900 25,160 ,080 21.2 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 250,180 284,680 118,220 48.2 121,460 15,500 288,760 16,980 25,980 388,800 65,500 62,220 22,160 7,620 25.70 4 years ............. 197,100 185,360 93,540 50.5 91,820 11,740 184,620 5,840 11,160 16,900 45,660 61,800 29,880 18,880 388.68 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 99,000 91,780 47,120 51.3 44,660 7,220 91,480 1,840 3,840 6,560 19,520 82,820 15,860 11,540 88.15 4 years or more.. 116,960 109,320 57,220 52.3 52,100 7,640 108,580 920 1,420 8,180 15,600 85,600 26,180 25,680 48.18 Not reported ................... 14,400 9,220 4,480 48.6 4,740 5,180 8,720 980 1,060 1,060 1,860 2,240 900 620 26.27 45 to 54 years old.............. 974;700 901.440 523.260 58.0 878.180 73.260 897,380 89.040 94.7201 103.760 196.500 227.160 118,880 72,820 27.70 No school years completed ......... .. 11,900 9,940 4,140 41.6 5,800 1,960 9,940 4,580 2,280 1,020 860 700 840 160 10.86 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .~ ...... 58,700 53,800 24,880 46.7 28,420 5,400 58,20 17,960 11,400 7,540 8,740 5,700 1,460 400 18.29 5 and 6 years....... 95,000 86,900 45,200 52.0 41,700 8,100 86,60 18,380 16,260 14,820 18,740 18,720 8,900 1,80 17.52 7 and 8 years....... 367,320 340,200 195,820 57.6 144,380 27,120 339,040 32,780 41,980 48,320 84,820 85,480 388,600 12,060 24.98 High school: 1 to 3 years........ 154,660 144,500 84,860 58.7 59,640 10,160 148,900 8,660 12,480 17,280 87,260 41,600 18,900 7,720 28.50 4 years ............. 129,40 121,740 76,060 62.5 45,680 7,500 121,180 8,380 5,760 8,320 28,940 88,800 23,840 17,140 89.89 College: I to 3 years ..... 68,680 63,940 39,420 61.7 24,520 4,740 63,560 1,320 2,480 4,240 12,440 20,120 18,080 9,880 40.78 4 years or more ..... 76,000 71,960 48,100 66.8 23,860 4,040 71,400 720 1,120 1,820 7,820 19,140 17,700 25,080 56.68 Not reported ..................... 18,200 8,960 4,780 53.3 4,180 4,240 8,560 1,260 960 900 1,880 1,900 1,060 600 25.67 55 to 64 yearsold............. 635.160 585.4201 377,580 64.5 207.840 49.740 582.320 66.720 65.640 67.440 122.580 143.440 69.840 46.660 26.95 No school years completed ......... 10,540 8,960 4,240 47.3 4,720 1,580 8,920 4,180 1,720 860 1,160 740 220 40 10.81 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 53,360 48,380 24,860 51.4 23,520 4,980 48,160 15,480 9,640 6,520 8,100 6,500 1,180 740 13.96 5 and 6 years.......' 76,240 69,720 41,160 59.0 28,500 6,520 69,480 13,460 12,660 10,600 15,020 12,520 4,040 1,180 18.57 7 and 8 years....... 256,460 27,400 153,260 64.6 84,140 19,060 236,620 24,200 28,700 32,160 56,180 61,280 23,860 10,240 25.42 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 7 8,600 73,480 49,540 67.4 23,940 5,120 73,14 4,640 6,380 8,720 17,940 20,460 10,120 4,88028.88 4 years ............. 70,360 66,120 45,900 69.4 20,220 4,240 65,54 2,060 3,320 4,220 12,080 0,60 1,400 10,100 40,89 College: 1 to 3 years ... ..... .37,260 34,640 24,420 70.5 10,220 2,620 34,380 1,200 1,680 2,340 6,440 10,460 6,880 5,380 40.07 4 years or more...... 42,540 40,160 30,460 75.8 9,700 2,380 39,76 520 940 1,240 4,460 9,520 9,340 13,740 58.07 Not reported ..................... 9,80011 6,560 3,740 57.0 2,82 3,240 6,32 9801 600 780 1,200 1,600 800 360 26.17 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 3.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-94rcent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure TotalMedian :COMPLETED, AND AGE otl n7wnd orenteur Tta Total OIE A T Nnot reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 d value report- rented ported1 over (dol- ing Number of to- homes lars) tal re- porting 7,rY10 c1 ,480 ,19400 4L 1.2 18 655w0 0 4.2075 160 9479240 75560 9 20 78652 315,40 17880 13. 458,580 404,920 219,400 54.21 185,5201 536601 402,32011146,7001 74.4801 50,24J 56.960 46,96J 17,4001 9.580 13.16 , 1 11I" iliVV4 4 ,S , VVll LTV.Va l .7V.01 fi~ma m 04 0 .Lti 0 004 1-44& i' O f j 'L1.1 LV IV VUV CSC 14.f1 ., . . .. . . .., ..ll . . ...l .. 1I/ 1 ,O 1 V 1 7/. Y I o. G y . O J 7 1 0 0 I ,,g g JL, ' , 1 ,VQ40 O V11 .y1V,14VI ,VVV VV0 ,S ,Y . -040 1 .!&SIj "I. 2!21 A*QOCV1 00I2! V 0VIVVI 1 UV VV1 "L: 7/Gaa7OV O VVI OV 00"t OV ' kai. V- 7-- VYI L~rhlYV I G- --- YV 111 10V VYVI -LLI -LVV VV.I YOVI I Y0.VO V LO.0 0U 1612 .G3 22,640 17,880 7,160 40.0 10,720 4,760 17,740 13,900 1,840 620 - 680 520 160 20 5.88 10,600 94,740 37,180 39.2 57,560 8,860 94,160 65,780 14,640 6,00 4,700 2,220 420 300 6.66 ... 163,780 150,380 67,760 45.1 82,620 13,400 149,460 78,540 28,200 15,600 15,400 8,740 2,420 560 9.01 .. 609,840 561,500 291,840 52.0 269,660 48,340 558,860 189,760 112,080 75,680 88,120 66,680 21,200 5,340 13.50 ... 289,780 268,920 145,120 54.0 123,800 20,860 267,780 66,320 47,760 38,100 49,840 42,900 17?,060 5,800 19.10 .. 185,800 172,100 101,620 59.0 70,480 13,200 171,060 23,940 23,600 21,700 35,520 37,740 18,420 10,140 24.09 ... 89,940 82,960 47,660 57.4 35,300 6,980 82,360 10,340 9,480 10,240 16,520 18,320 10,220 7,240 26.23 ... 96,980 89,000 47,160 53.0 41,840 7,980 88,100 5,100 6,920 7,780 16,520 19,440 14,880 17,460 37.45;- .. 24,980 12,660 6,020 47.6 6,640 12,320 12,120 4,660 1,860 1,380 1,680 1,520 740 280 13.26 1.191 820 1,075.780 645.980 60,0 429,800 111040 1.068.420 328.460 177.860 125,040 172,000 156,460 70,600 43,500 15.84 .... 25,720 20,140 8,860 44.0 11,280 5,580 19,920 14,520 2,760 1,080 820 540 1.40 60 6.6 .... 111,660 101,740 47,780 47.0 53,960 9,920 01,200 62,700 16,520 8,420 7,280 4,800 980 500 7.57 .... 149,440 135,920 72,520 53.4 63,400 13,520 135,200 61,720 26,740 15,080 15,920 10,980 3,880 880 10.60 . 485,740 444;500 275,180 61.9 169,320 41,240 441,960 129,700 81,920 56,920 76,080 64,480 24,300 8,560 15.32 .... 165,560 152,840 96,660 64.8 53,680 13,220 151,460 30,720 24,400 i9,560 30,920 27,600 12,960 5,300 19.84 ... 108,480 99,840 65,280 65.4 34,560 8,640 98,920 "11,880 11,920 12,000 19,120 22,520 12,320 9,160 26.64 ... 63,260 57,780 37,720 65.3 20,060 5,480 57,200 5,820 7,140 7,000 11,840 13,280 6,620 5,500 26.80 .. 57,180 52,260 33,640 64.4 18,620 4,920 51,800 2,960 4,040 3,800 8,420 10,820 8,820 12,940 41.85 ... 24,780 11,260 6,340 56.3 4,920 13,520 10,760 3,440 1,920 1,180 1,600 1,440 580 600 14.58 ... 810,420 739,060 482,720 65.3 256.840 71,360 733.580 248.280 119.340 82,400 112,580 101,960 42,980 26,040 14.47 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 17 11 1 n oc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... ... . . . . . RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old .... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... Highschool: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 yearg ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ... ....... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .......... . . . . . 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ....... .. College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed .... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.. . 7 and 8 years ... .. High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .. . Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ...... . .... No school years completed...... Grade school: I to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years/.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... . College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........:....... 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.. . 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to.4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. A Annn nrcm man OA" OOAn no& ='n 9,G wen I 1 0 nA 4,200 17,020 29,700 91,940 162,660 121,440 27,560 460 3,600 417 0Inn 2,700 14,720 26,080 79,460 144,960 108,820 25,480 400 2,300 352 40n 1,380 4,840 9,200 85,520 80,260 68,540 18,220 300 1,140 179_4nn 51.1 82.9 85.8 44.7 55.4 68.0 71.5 49.6 9 n 1,320 9,880 16,880 43,940 64,700 40,280 7,260 100 1,160 117:3- sif 1,500 2,300 3,620 12,480 17,700 12,620 2,080 60 1,300 AA 900~ 2,680 14,640 25,940 78,860 144,260 108,060 25,280 400 2,200 qQrn ~sA 1,820 12,240 18,540 41,140 45,960 23,380 2,720 60 840 60 dfin 32C0 1,460 4,020 16,180 29,40C 19,640 8,12C 4C 300 6 66n 200 480 1,400 8,020 -20,280 16,220 3,240 20 380 3o .60 200 260 1,400 7,560 22,280 20,34C 4,540 60 320 4? 940 10C 14c 300 4,460 17,50C 18,460 5,74C 12c 14C 41 n10 4C 4C0 20C 1,10 C 6,060 6,980 2,82C 20 14C0 IS5 1r 20 80 400 2,780 3,040 3,100 80 80 8 nn 6.86 5.48 6.50 9.08 13.95 17.89 27.84 13.88 12 71 2,620 15,840 27,340 90,940 103,040 125,780 48,940 4,180 8,420 097 80n 1,740 18,320 23,680 76,760 84,720 108,740 38,880 2,960 1,600 512 .26 700 4,120 7,300 32,060 41,880 63,560 26,680 2,060 680 225.160~ 30.9 80.8 41.8 49.4 58.5 68.6 69.6 -36 1,040 9,200 16,880 44,700 42,840 45,180 12,200 900 920 289 1nn 880 2,520 3,660 14,180 18,820 17,040 5,060 1,220 1,820 97.520 1,560 1is,160 23,460 76,340 84,420 108,300 38,800 2,960 1,580 5o snso 1,100 11,060 17,040 41,120 81,540 27,420 4,460 200 520 204 00n 12C0 1,340 3,66C0 15,00 17,56C 20,440 4,820 320 40C0 97q. 120 200 1,080 7,540 o10,120 15,820 4,560 380 140 58.6201 10C 340 1,080 6,600 12,240 19,120 7,800 440 220 68.860n 80 140 420 4,760 8,90C 17,280 8,76C 640 120 51 900 6C 100 1,000 3,140 6,140 4,080 S52 120 18 980 40 20 80 320 920 2,580 4,320 460 60 9.0 5.45 6.38 8.78 12.54 16.55 26.63 83.87 12 09 3,s86U 22,720 38,400 146,520 143,160 176,380 45,920 28,420 4,400 08 2160 Z,480 19,680 33,360 126,060 120,920 151,460 38,320 18,100 1,880 910 120n 1,040 5,080 9,840 45,680 50,040 78,000 22,340 10,400 740 as s 50 41.9 25.8 29.5 36.2 41.4 51.5 58.3 57.5 -. 1,440 .14,600 23,520 80,380 70,880 73,460 15,980 7,700 1,140 s;5 3an 1,380 3,040 5,040 20,460 22,240 24,920 7,600 10,320 2,520 ?O0 n40 2,580 19,580 33,240 125,420 120,200 150,780 381140 17,880 2,140 O 0 annl 1,680 16,980 24,120 66,820 46,560 39,460 6,320 1,900 760 364. 20 380 1,70 5,120 26,040 25,36C 30,60C 5,620 1,960 560 1?6. 42 240 480 1,580 12,400 16,020 21,220 4,520 1,940 220 111. 4n 80 220 1,360 11,220 16,780 27,980 7,360 3,680 180 126.0TU 180 180 820 6,720 11,300 21,200 7,560 3,700 240 6. 62e 20 2C 22C 1,76C 2,96C 7,50C0 4,18C 2,18C 14C0 28 020 20 460 1,220 2,820 2,580 2,520 40 11 500nn 7.18 5.27, 6.39 8.88 12.17 15.76 23.05 28.08 12.27 11 99 10,340 41,760 75,840 02,580 228,920 281,600 68,560 62,880 9,680 0 80n 7,380 36,480 68,860 273,840 204,660 208,120 58,860 47,620 4,800 889 160 2,680 10,520 19,740 101,140 80,380 96,340 25,760 17,900 2,120 84.2 n 36.3 28.8 28.7 37.0 39.3 46.3 43.8 37.6 44.2 4,700 25,960 49,120 172,200 124,280 111,780 33,100 29,720 2,680 0n " nn 2,960 5,280 6,980 29,240 24,260 23,480 9,700 15,260 4,880 8E4 3n ?,0( 36,24( 68,54( 271,88( 203,74( 207,08( 58,58( 47,28( 4,66( 5,900 30,100 48,520 185,820 75,540 58,120 9,660 4,200 2,060 720 3,500 10,660 58,840 45,000 42,500 9,020 5,560 620 140 1,300 4,620 30,300 28,820 30,120 8,860 6,680 600 111 160n 280 760 2,840 27,560 30,700 39,720 12,920 11,020 580 134 Z20 140 440 1,560 14,580 17,920 29,040 11,380 11,060 500 108 440 60 120 260 8,780 4,62C 9,400 4,380 5,180 220 36. ?0 60 20 80 1,000 1,140 3,180 2,360 3,580 80 15 6660 5.69 5.52 6.56 9.51 12.43 15.81 20.85 26.03 11.68 13.23 883 .8601l 32.98 01.20 10,780 47,680 82,980 323,020 208,260 158,500 61,440 69,120 10,600 586 40n 8,160 43,520 76,460 298,760 193,000 145,960 56,480 60,860 5,960 n450 140A 2,840 18,660 26,760 125,400 87,960 72,940 27,860 24,480 2,360 751 _52 34.8 31.4 35.0 42.0 45.6 50.0 49.3 40.2 39.6 51.8 5,320 29,860 49,700 173,360 105,040 73,020 28,620 36,380 3,600 6Q 86n 2,620 4,160 6,520 24,260 15,260 12,540 4,960 8,260 4,640 1867 00 8,12( 48,30( 76,12( 296,80( 191,98( 145,30( 56,08( 60,44( 5,72( 1441 64r 6,360 33,920 48,640 130,940 59,260 29,440 8,420 3,520 2,480 458 40n 780 5,780 13,160 61,820 38,940 24,860 7,300 6,200 780 246 380 320 1,560 6,140 36,000 27,860 22,140 8,380 8,200 560 1?? 700 380 1,260 5,040 36,900 34,560 29,040 12,200 13,960 880 228980 200 480 2,420 23,840 22,920 26,720 11,780 14,360 720 198 08 n 40 240 620 5,940 6,620 9,760 5,800 8,100 160 a5. 2 4( 6( 10( 1, 86( 1,82( 3,34( 2,70( 6,10( 14( 4,7 _4L 5.88 5.88 7.82 10.91 14.22 18.64 22.73 28.31 11.94 14- 9 24,300 98,380 116,700 336,760 83,680 62,760 35,260 35,560 17,020 20,200 89,00oo 107,620 311,760 78:320 57,780 32,760 32,700 8,620 9,820 50,080 64,900 210,640 53,720 41,780 23,100 22,760 5,920 48.6 56.1 60.3 67.6 68.6 72.3 70.5 69.6 68.7 10,380 39,220 42,720 101,120 24,600 16,000 9,660 9,940 2,700 4,100 9,080 9,080 25,000 5,360 4,980 2,500 2,860 8,400 20,04( 88,72( 106,82( 809,60( 77,80( 57,32( 32,66( 32,38( 8,24( 14,640 53,320 48,440 95,320 17,580 8,600 4,440 2,800 3,140 2,380 14,200 19,900 55,660 12,120 6,660 4,280 2,840 1,800 1,260 7,600 12,180 37,920 9,800 6,560 3,460 2,540 1,080 840 7,240 13,E220 51,560 15,300 11,120 6,560 5,780 960 540 4,520 9,480 45,320 14,280 12,540 7,540 6,760 980 280 1,360 2,760 17,380 5,700 6,780 3,700 4,580 440 i0( 48( 84( 6,44( 3,02( 5,06( 2,68( 7,08( 340 6.34 7.82 10.75 15.00 19.19 25.65 "25.83 36.10 13.27 18 EDUCATION Table 4.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URPAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN.PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. P'ercent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MON'HLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF S CHOOL Yodan AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND AGE#7 ena CPT ANDAGnot reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to rental Total In and value report- Percent rented re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 ordol "eot it- 'ne otd ovor ( dol- ing Number talore- homesprted . lar) poal re-ting porting .I . U FI. u, e v 11N e-v v llyu0u ~ Jr l ~1 == * .}l) - VV. 14,R4;IVVl4.Tlli9 1 r VosyI 7 oOY so9IV0 Y 7O 0 J G, .a99 ,GUJ 3% Vp 1. I4USvOvUll.4r I1 jO OO,A .( _ 8$4.18U 166.r701 _.,,41 980V1141.VV001' 184 ZHOI _ 1S9~ E301 350.1740 366.7;401 197.89U 7AE.0 .9 . ... ..ou .. . ... .. ..en14.. 48.0.88-y 01,74,82 s,11.0,4401 570,8801 37.19V3-60 ZOl.U 1.408.340U2Zb.4U0 I8Z.U7 104138.0m U b372 127.5 D1658 2.80 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1V.II ... ..VVV J O -1 *V9 1 J. ..UX7 4 i77 V . " '. n n r nnw w n " r w w .. .. ww ww w w1. rww ww ww " ~w ~w ww zr; -) , v -A ,)O O.O . 1 4.fu 3d-- . I -fD.,LA s03i34,VQ ,3 , ,4d* %2%V ws,,,,10A,,, z -,,,,,wy , v 0 r ,Z VO ,& ,va 0% .A& V Z . 19,140 14,440 5,080 35.2 9,360 4,700 14,340 6,480 1,440 1,400 1,960 2,200 640 220 11.90. 63,880 58,120 14,440 24.8 43,680 5,760 57,940 36,680 7,740 4,600 4,840 3,300 660 120 7.40 158,520 148,980 36,980 24.8 112,000 9,540 148,420 62,860 29,540 20,380 22,960 10,600 1,560 520 11.42 927,100 867,020 244,520 28.2 622,5CO 60,080 868,460 169,760 141,180 142,040 229,380 148,740 29,600 7,760 18.84 949,220 895,640 271,860 30.4 623,730 58,580 893,160 119,120 116,740 130,860 240,760 222,260 51,200 12,220 22.82 1,260,280 1,156,140 411,800 35.6 744,340 104,140 1,153,540 86,980 103,120 127,520 288,880 378,600 125,640 42,800 28.47 851,620 305,080- 112,220 36.8 192,860 46,540 303,880 16,900 22,180 26,680 65,300 106,160 44,140 22,020 83.48 241,000 198,500 81,900 41.3 116,600 42,500 197,760 5,060 6,520 11,280 30,340 73,000 48,420 28,140 42.01 23,180 15,060 4,980 33.1 10,080 8,120 14,840 2,620 1,840 1,820 3,100 3,540 1,280 640 28.18 3,528,940 3,292,00011.224.320 37.2 2.067.680 236.940 8.280.720 407.220 347.900 384.900 745,420 908,460 341,500 145.320 26.21 20,280 16,500 5,340 32.4 11,160 3,780 16,440 7,460 1,620 . 1,620 2,520 2,260 600 360 11.85 76,560 71,140 19,680 27.7 51,460 5,420 70,780 36,260 12,620 7,780 8,600 4,320 940 260 9.26 185,420 176,580 52,040 29.5 124,540 8,840 175,940 60,580 34,060 27,780 81,700 17,640 8,220 960 13.52 930,460 885,700 291,800 32.9 593,900 44,760 882,460 146,520 128,820 136,340 223,680 191,800 44,740 11,060 20o.84 802,100 762,820 281,760 36.9 481,060 39,280 760,780 83,780 82,800 97,660 193,220 218,140 67,680 17,500 25.51 910,940 852,080 348,760 40.9 503,820 58,860 849,580 49,500 57,920 75,200 189,380 298,940 125,680 52,960 33.03 34-,440 309,660 131,520 42.5 178,140 32,780 308,560 16,300 21,800 26,880 62,040 108,160 50,160 28,720 34.88 235,400 199,860 87,580 43.8 112,280 35,540 199,34 4,400 7,320 9,660 29,940 68,280 46,860 32,880 43.66 25,340 17,660 5,840 33.1 11,820 7,680 16,840 2,420 1,940 1,980 4,340 3,920 1,620 620 24.29 5,734,960 5,380,86012.479.160 46.1 2.901.700 354.1000 5.360.520 580.860 511.280 56240 1.135.8001 27.160 683.060 360,020 28.58 44,980 37,7401 13,420 35.6 24,320 7,240 37,480 17,440 5,300 3,940 4,800 4,240 1,800 460 10.78 181,540 170,620 57,920 33.9 112,700 10,920 169,960 72,980 29,840 20,300 26,100 16,020 3,540 1,180 11.51 399,240 379,940 144,140 37.9 285,800 19,300 378,780 98,140 65,820 57,960 80,540 59,660 18,320 3,349 16.69 1,904,580 1,816,700 786,00 43.3 1,030,400 87,880 1,811,160 226,640 215,040 238,740 445,520 482,800 156,820 46,100 24.55 1,148,060 1,091,660 506,220 46.4 585,440 56,400 1,087,920 94,980 100,420 118,420 253,000 337,660 133,020 50,420 28.60 1,180,880 1,112,160 558,220 50.2 553,940 68,720 1,108,320 42,020 58,640 77,460 204,760 386,100 213,400 125,940 88.37 497,920 454,860 242,980 53.4 211,880 43,060 452,660 18,580 24,600 29,860 79,980 147,100 88,220 64,320 39.47 327,300 282,780 154,320 54.6 128,460 44,520 281,480 5,880 8,260 12,180 34,540 85,840 69,420 65,860 48.2 50,460 34,400 15,640 45.5 18,760 16,060 32,760 4,200 3,360 3,480 6,560 8,240 4,520 2,400 27.64 4,346,520 4.056.800 2.205.440 54.4 1.851.36G 289.720 4,040.300 425.880 382.320 404.820 825,480 1,122,740 546.680 338.880 29.28 49,440 42,760 -18,040 42.2 24,7PO 6,680 42,620 19,060 6,100 4,560 5,640 4,960 1,500 800 11.$4'. 217,240 204,220 86,300 42.3 117,920 13,020 203,280 70,000 35,480 27,760 36,840 25,040 6,400 1,760 18.96 410,500 392,020 188,820 48.2 208,200 18,480 390,7401 84,200 61,120 54,000 87,640 76,520 21,640 5,620 19.18 1,640,880 1,548,520 820,880 53.0 727,640 92,360 1,543,280 161,900 164,420 181,680 856,720 443,200 171,880 68,480 26.89 736,940 694,860 387,940 55.8 306,920 42,080 692,080 51,900 60,160 68,480 153,120 209,540 97,160 51,920 80.68 736,120 688,180 403,260 58.6 284,920 47,940 685,440 21,240 32,940 41,680 114,880 220,860 142,000 111,840 41.45 311,500 "283,900 i76,240 62.1 107,660 27,600 282,260 10,720 14,520 17,440 44,980 86,140 58,260 50,800 41.91 201,340 1?4,400 109,240 62.6 65,160 26,940 173,600 3,380 4,800 6,580 20,460 49,800 43,940 44,640 50.51 42,560 27,940 14,720 52.7 13,220 14,620 27,0001 .3,480 2,780 2,640 5,200 6,680 8,900 2,820 28.85 2,922,52011 2.688.760 1.620.700 60.3 1,068.060 233.760 .677800 328.900 275.980 272,420 527,140 711.020 349840 212.000 28.5 _ 1 840 6Q 495 0 na9 snnl 2d4s i R bnll k(O nnl P -il" 32 .7 65 4 15 26 49 CAR I At dA n QQ7 1 QA Ac 7Anl1 1 Pona Rn 9nl Q ~I 1 00 nnl 00 LM 94 OR 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more .... . Not reported ............... .... . 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. . 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to3 years ........ 4 years ..... ....... College: I1to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. .... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to.3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported -. ............. . 35 to44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old............... No schoolyears completed .... ..... Glade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .... ........ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 4,540 22,98C 46,860 229,440 559,760 692,680 146,940 2,920 7,960 3, 280 20,400 43,320 202,840 519,420 616,060 184,120 2,560 5,320 1,280 6,040 10,460 62,080 201,000 298;960 81,960 1,400 1,960 39.0 29.6 24.1 30.6 38.7 48.5 61.1 54.7 36.8 2,(c00 14,360 32,860 140,760 318,420 317,100 52,160 1,160 3,360 ;,26 2,580 3,54 26,60 40,34( 76,62( 12,820 360 2,640 3,340 20,340 43,020 202,280 517,880 614,300 133,380 2,560 4,880 1,900 13,64C0 24,80( 62,74 81,62( 50,140 5,34C 10( 720 360 2,180 7,660 88,020 73,780 55,960 5,780 100 440 Z28 1,360 4,140 30,06 77,42C 67,94C0 7,68C 14C " 56C 160 1,420 4,000 41,100 133,680 147,900 20,860 460 1,040 460 1,440 1,880 28,440 107,840 189,420 40,300 780 1,160 140 240 400 5,840 81,640 70,460 28,620 500 540 40 6( 14( 1,58( 11,90( 82,48( 25,30( 48( 42( 8.82 6.96 8.17 14.56 21.45 28.50 48.16 41.81 26.42 3,380 18,460 43,020 238,880 385,960 611,700 172,080 24,360 6,100 2258 160 1,600 4,320 9,800 68,640 116,440 255,580 98,360 13,180 2,460 745.000' 47.3 23.4 22.8 28.8 30.2 41.8 57.2 54.1 40.3 33.0 1,780 14,140 33,220 169,740 269,510 356,120 73,720 11,180 3,640 15136 0 1,72 2,340 4,020 28,620 34,34( 93,58(3 27,040 5,820 3,90 2?1 .88 3,660 18,480 42,740 237,540 384,860 610,000 170,900 24,220 5,940 2.250.360 1,640 12,420 23,740 66,320 68,180 50,52C 7,20 52 860 331.180 220 2,260 7 ,260 48,920 59,760 58,420 9, 400 820 640 27570 5,100 20,80 47,040 267,000 420,300 705,280 199,120 30,180 10,000 2 .530 .4 30C 1,18C 4,500 87,460 61,860 72,08C 10,92C 1,04 800 25.1 kr 480 1,320 4,800 50,760 101,500 157,840 27,940 3,160 1,360 41. 760 980 2,020 80,540 76,540 185,000 58,460 7,020 1,200 568 960 180 200 3 800 6,160 17,100 64,220 3,080 5,400 700 174l _, 8( 12( 12( 2,88( 4,92( 22,42( 28,90( 6,86( 380 7 q .r 18.82 6.94 8.50 15.64 20.25 897.88 40.72 48.2288 24.48 23.62 7,980 31,22C 77,240 461,200 605,320 982,200 215,000 134,840 15,040 5,880 27,740 71,400 421,360 562,700 880,240 178,620 100,480 9,740 2,500c 6,660 17,020 112,460 157,420 320,100 76,480 48,960 3,400 183 .70 42.5 24.0 23.8 26.7 28.0 36.4 42.8 48.7 34.9 3 24 3,380 21,080 54,380 308,900 405,280 560,140 102,140 51,520 6,340 2,100 3,480 5,84( 39,840 42,620 101,960 36,38C 34,36( 5,00c 5,860 27,500 70,900 419,520 561,260 877,880 177,780 100,160 9,500 _62ri2 P40 2,92c 18,82C 34,820 101,100 87,52C 72,66C 9,480 2,260 1,600 560 3,120 18,540 73,720 81,600 86,480 12,380 3,820 980 200 1,760 8,80( 69,46C 90,280 104,340 ,14,80C 4,326 1,200 466-SR 5 80oc 1,90 8,64( 99,460 152,84( 226,560 35,70( 18,22( 2,080 887 52n 1,040 1,420 8,980 60,580 118,700 272,840 58,900 34,560 2,540 948 4n 240 360 920 11,700 28,960 86,220 28,440 21,620 620 29 1an o10 12c 2( 8,500 6,860 29,88( 18,08( 20,86( 48( 11a Q9a 9.59 6.81 9.78 17.02 20.89 27.24 85.11 45.10 24.16 24 _6 3 993 940 _ 65 980 ~ 475 nnl 54 .960 43,600 198,080 329,740 1,171,860 412,660 448,120 175,940 110,020 32,500 37,480 184,600 310,600 1,091,980 380,660 410,580 157,060 95,480 20,320 16,560 94,300 170,980 658,700 238,000 263,360 104,440 62,340 12,020 44.2 51.1 55.0 60.3 62.5 64.1 66.5 65.3 59.2 20,920 90,30o 139,620 433,280 142,660 147,220 52,620 33,140 8,300 6,120 13,480 19,140 79,88C 32,000 37,540 18,880 14,540 12,180 37,300 183,860 309,480 1,088,340 378,800 408,660 156,140 95,120 19,600 17,240 61,500 67,48C 124,940 31,020 15,300 6,100 2,320 3,000 5,760 31,220 46,720 122,520 34,900 21,380 8,220 3,340 1,920 3,560 23,420 42,500 124,380 37,680 24,520 10,260 4,080 2,020 4,72C 32,76C 67,780 234,500 80,540 67,360 24,44C0 11,540 3,50C 4,340 25,660 60,740 802,860 114,400 125,320 47,260 26,840 4,100 1,100 7,840 18,500 126,906 58,000 84,500 82,100 88,440 2,960 58C 1,96C 5,76C 52,24C 27,26C0 70,280 27,760 24,06C 2,10C 10.72 14.87 19.29 26.85 80.42 41.59 41.79 49.45 27.69 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private househdlds not related to household head, and all perons not in pr1- vate households. URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old .. .. 26.,000 124,440 224,840 848,160 306,340 358,380 133,640 91,980 21,100 22,800 115,180 211,240 788,040 280,460 327,460 118,200 79,700 14,000' 9,360 54,440 -108,180 442,240 164,400 200,060 74,340 49 ,980 7,740 41.1 47.3 51.2 56.1 58.6 61.1 62.9 62.7 55.3 13,440 60,740 103,060 345,800 116,060 127,400 43,860 29,720 6,260 3,20( 9,26( 13,60( 6n 12( 12,28( 7,10( 22,720 6,220 114,840 21,460 210,640 23,680 786,080 38,640 279,160 9,800 326,120 5,160 117,540 1,800 79,460 900 13,460 960 3,98( 19,40( 29,22( 66,34( 17,88( 11,34( 3,72( 2,02( 1,12( 2,900 17,660 31,100 85,560 24,580 15,480 5,800 2,560 1,340 4, 240 26,440 55,180 183,020 61,180 50,640 17,640 8,860 2,540 3,880 22,000 50,820 257,740 96,740 107,300 36,980 22,620 3,380 940 6,240 15,740 109,600 45,220 74,700 27,460 20,820 2,500 56C 1,64C 4,900 45,180 23,760 61,500 24,140 21,680 1,620 .16.50 19.19 23.36 31.01 34.90 44.49 45.62 52.82 34.06 IComprlses related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL'VALUE OF HOME 19 Table 4.-TENURE ANDMONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1040-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND AGE I $75 rental COMPLTEDeNDIA-Gnot reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to Total In and -Ivalue renePercen d re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 report- rented- ing Number - homes prted value or lars) potal re- porting .... 19,682 ,820 18062, 240 7 378,100 40.81 0.684.140 1.680080 18 018. 720 9547000 1.491.780 2.002.720 4.877.280 5,672 1801 2,322.820 1192940 80.14 q3, 9o01oVIl 4rO68l 41.5 5 663.8001�0,8 60 1.131,14011 78.080110.680 4.100 192.0601 922.680 120.460] 63.480 27.49 . .... . ... . ... .. . . ...I 408,66. .. 712 40 1 .80 11 01 .2 114.5801 14 . . .... 1 .40.. 1 .38 ! . .2 x. 18. 5186_01,8,2 18,6 3 . 896 ,iYOu 81796 09.08 168 6011 ,44 16,01 25 41 4 01 50.8 15.816 6012 0 I G.7VV.V lY jiV K r V .Qvv ll rv0. rvl - G7 CQri -rv V YVYI . VG a YOVV~lrul rv - Qsi vo -l %J J. VLVI /2V. VI O't/V _V' Qur- v l I 77..J V1 - r I __1 _ _ T T T T T -7r T T _ _ ,. _ - v ..IV ..L~j~I 1 .7Y rj ,J.G"VVI QQ.V I V. UtV ,0Y VY1 . . . . . .. . Y . . . . . ..VVV". . .......I ... ...A li2. r l V r.... . I"% . . "VVVI l.7V ld iVI1 .. .. r . . . . - 2,080 7,540 27,000 191,580 159,180 151,340 44,060 20,800 3,680 ^^^ __^ T T -i T r - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.279 .640 4.005 880 1.707.580 4 .6 2.28300 273.760 3.9983.460 181.420 Z84.68V0 37.00 9U.0 1.020.240 595,3840 305.500 32.90 27,580 23,640 7,560 32.0 16,080 3,940 23,500 7,100 3,740 3,240 4,140 3,740 1,160 380 15.90 108,940 101,840 30,980 30.4 70,860 7,100 101,500 25,260 19,340 16,460 22,860 14,000 3,100 980 16.37 S 268,160 255,360 87,600 34.3 167,760 12,800 254,920 83,620 42,260 45,080 68,500 51,280 11,200 2,980 20.45 .. 1,406,940 1,339,540 524,400 39.1 815,140 67,400 1,886,580 68,180 124,080 177,060 369,840 421,880 135,940 39,600 27.58 862,880 818,100 346,900 42.4 471,200 44,780 815,720 27,700 51,660 81,220 202,800 293,580 115,720 43,040 a2.5s 943,000 885,240 414,640 46.8 470,600 57,760 882,400 12,420 29,320 50,260 158,380 336,640 188,120 107,260 40.84 368,060 338,860 168,240 50.4 165,620 34,200 332,560 4,100 8,980 15,060 54,540 120,660 75,500-- 53,720 43.36 258,740 223,460 117,440 52.6 106,020 35,280 222,640 1,600 3,360 6,140 23,520 71,440 60,900 55,680 51.66 .. 85,340 24,840 9,820 39.5 15,020 10,500 23;640 1,440 1,940 2,540 5,140) 7,020 3,700 1,860 31.66 .. 3,254,460 3.032 840 1.555.460 51.- 1.477,380 221.620 3.022 500 1n8.180 215.380 284.260 654.400 965.720 475,720 288 840 34.04 29,500 26,080 10,200 39.1 15,880 3,420 26,000 7,200 4,160 3,580 4,740 4,280 1,340 700 16.79 . 187,620 129,140 51, 200 39.6 77,940 8,480 128,720 24,580 ~-28,260 21,620 30,760 21,460 5,500 1,540 18.32 . 285,060 272,000 123,900 45.6 148,100 13,0601 271,280 28,700 38,220 41,860 78,060 66,640 18,140 4,660 28.18 .. 1,219,740 1,150,400 566,000 49.2 .584,400 69,340 1,147,580 49,380 92,600 129,820 288,600 383,000 149,500 54,680 30.20 . 557,960 524,020 274,020 52.3 250,000 33,940 522,340 16'320 30,900 46,080 118,700 180,080 85,000 45,260 34.96 . 595,100 555,040 309,780 55.8 245,260 40,060 552,880 6,980 16,480 26,500 88,720 191,580 124,660 97,960 43.88- . 236,880 214,340 125,820 58.7 88,520 22,540 213,180 -2,640 5,780 9,540 31,080 70,760 50,160 43,220 45.77 .. "168,160 141,280 84,600 59.9 56,680 21,880 140,680 1,080 . 2,28 3,500 14,660 42,220 37,980 38,960 53.84 . 29,440 20,540 9,940 48.4 10,600 8,900 19,840 1,800 1,700 1,760 4,0801 5,700 3,440 1,860 33.29 2,184,880 1,957 080 1,110,740 . 56.8 846.340 177.800 1,950.020108620 155,020 186,980 409.740 601,460 303,280 184,980 33.31 URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old... I Ia~ 1wnI ,, ncn iin rrnl i.)n can a-0 Acn 'A11 AA .. . . . .. . . . . . . 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ .... 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ...... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... Ifigh school: 1 to.a3 years ..... . 4 years ........... College:. 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... . Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ..... . 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ Collegie: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .. .. 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ....... ....... . 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years... .... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 2,24u 11,280 24,880 149,900 411,560 542,240 115,100 2, 360 5,480 dl RC CRQ QA 9rt GQn lAn Irrr 000 car 000 acme 1,540 10,100 22,460 181,020 381,000 477,720 104,280 2,120 3,740 44( 3,04( 5,04( 87,68( 139,78( 221,52( 60,72( 1,18( 1,28( 30.1 22.4 28.8 36.7 46.4 58.2 55.7 34.2 1,100 7,060 17,420 93,340 241,220 256,200 43,560 940 2,460 700 1,180 1,920 18,880 30,560 64,520 10,820 240 1,740 1,800 10,100 22,320 130,68 380,180 476,68C 103,88C 2,120 3,380 760 4,900 9,040 20,80 26,100 14,980 1,700 20 200 240 1,380 4,980 24,66d0 46,160 30,540 2,520 - 200 160 1,040 8,000 24,820 60,280 49,480 4,420 60 340 140 1,240 3,2801 35,220 114,280 122,4801 14,860 380 780 400 1,260 1,560 20,a40 96,000 167,980 33,860 720 1,060 80 220 380 4,420 26,800 62,600 24,960 500 500 iii inn 20 60 80 1,340 10,560 28,620 22,0601 440 300 10.04 11.68 18.67 24.54 81.98 46.55 46.17 32.71 2,340 8,600 22,940 159,800 290,700 476,960 184,740 20,580 4,640 1,12( 2,06( 4,94( 42,24( 82,00( 189,20( 74,56( 10,68( 1,86( 47.9 24.0 21.5 26.4 28.2 39.7 55.3 51.9 40.1 On, ,o 1,220 6,540 18,000 117,560 208,700 287,760 60,180 9,900 2,780 700 1,120 2,400 22,160 27,600 78,740 22,200 3,400 2,560 2,380 8,66C 22,780 159,380 290,10C 475,84C '183,900 20,460 4,560 820 3,860 8,220 20,120 20,980 14,600 2,120 80 320 140 1,560 4,760 29,320 39,920 33,840 4,260 360 420 180 1,000 3,500 30,660 50,640 52,060 6,520 620 700 340 1,080 4,180 44,640 89,380 132,000 20,720 2,540 1,100 680 900 1,760 27,340 69,900 166,060 45,480 6,200 1,080 160 160 280 5,220 14,900 57,760 29,320 5,000 580 60 10C 80 2,080 4,380 19,52C0 25,48C 5,66C 36C 20.97 11.01 12.88 19.48 28.25 30.15 44.16 51.65 27.14 1 3,040 9,720 25,840 181,960 318,800 555,700 156,940 23,980 7,200 1,44( 8,00( 8,02 69,44( 107,260 233,28( 54,78( 39,40( 2,84( 7s s.2 40.7 22.8 20.3 23.7 25.2 84.0 40.1 47.8 32.3 29.3 980 2,040 3,920 31,140 34,360 86,040 27,200 19,620 3,780 229 .34n 26( 2,14( 9,00( 48,36( 53,46( 47,58( 5,10( 1,16( 64( 249 .52C 120 1,460 7,180 56,540 72,840 75,020 8,640 2,600 840 345.620 580 1,640 7,460 87,920 134,800 191,100 26,900 9,360 1,820 746 440 920 1,300 3,360 54,800 109,080 246,820 51,560 30,620 2,220 84. 0001 200 220 800 10,280 21,340 77,320 25,220 19,460 540 262.780 60 12C 14C 3,080 5,54C 25,720 15,960 18,560 480 9 500 19.50 9.85 14. .2 20.65 23.81 80.14 39.13 47.43 27.85 27.60 4,520 15,520 48,340 324,020 460,600 771,220 163,640 102,120 11,020 2 966 640 3,540 13,480 39,420 292,880 426,240 685,180 186,440 82,500 7,240 704. 00 2,100 10,480 31,400 223,440 818,980 451,900 81,660 43,100 4,900 1 910 680 3,520 13,460 39,240 291,980 425,20 688,920 135,800 82,860 7,080 2.702 800 1,380 6,580 11,300 81,000 28,260 20,360 2,420 600 540 151 940 34.1 21.0 21.1 24.6 26.5 32.9 38.6 40.0 30.2 33.6 5,760 22,540 69,800 467,600 494,620 599,220 148,780 94,820 7,540 1 .607 54( 2,12( 3,26( 6,72( 48,16( 44,28( 87,54( 35,88( 28,72( 5,66( 184 n040 8,680 28,500 88,280 622,820 671,800 890,860 223,540 157,560 10,760 2 413.060 2,160 11,800 20,640 52,000 37,220 22,700 3,140 1,380 900 12 2.0 90( 5,06( 20,02( 88,56( 70,42( 52,76( 8,08( 2,56( 1,16( 194. 22 1,100 3,740 16,800 113,120 101,120 87,840 15,160 5,780 1,460 2?4.580 1,660 4,200 19,760 203,080 206,520 238,900 48,080 21,880 2,360 60?.260 2,060 2,940 9,220 133,340 200,720 841,140 91,660 62,700 3,220 795.000 580 640 1,380 25,800 45,080 111,300 38,220 38,620 1,160 296.540 10,860 31,800 95,160 668,140 717,400 979,920 260,100 186,800 16,460 2 60 Q980Rn 8,740 28,540 88,440 619,980 678,120 892,380 224,220 158,080 10,800 2 419 940 2,98( 6,00( 18,64( 152,38( 178,50( 293,16( 75,44( 63,26( 3,26( 812. 400 n 220C 12C0 460 6,92C 10,720 36,72C 19,200 24,640 500 123.260 20.58 11.92 15.54 22.34 25.66, 32.06 37.64 44.55 27.38 29.71 7,480 29,840 82,560 455,420 381,420 414,140 135,980 91,460 9,240 1,70( 3,360 6,10( 34,42( 32,16( 49,64( 25,46( 26,30( 4,90( 10,880 38,940 110,600 683,000 568,180 662,820 220,600 156,320 12,220 2,980 12,000 20,200 42,540 25,820 13,600 3,400 920 740 96( 8,24( 22,24( 76,40( 47,08( 28,26( 7,04( 2,90( 1,10( 1,400 6,60 22,520 104,920 69, 860 49,380 14,020 4.,680 1,440 2,140 3,720 15,220 169,420 192,620 264,600 85,760 58,140 3,380 12,120 42,420 116,920 669,440 601,600 714,040 246,760 188,000 17,680 10,420 39,060 110,820 685,020 569,440 664,400 221,300 156,700 12,780 2,94( 9,22( 28,26( 179,60( 188,02( 250,26( 85,32( 65,24( 3,54( 28.2 28.6 25.5 28.3 33. 0 37.7 38.6 41.6 27.7 540 860 2,620 38,640 58,400 110,560 42,680 40,860 1,380 280 220 800 9,50C 15,22C 45,080 28,640 28,020 500 18.96 14.0s 17.86 24.34 28.38 36.21 89.24 46.31 27.19 20 EDUCATION $Tble 4.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 ITO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED. AND AGE; FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDI.G TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total � In owned homes Tenure Total Mdian COMPLETED, AND AGE lot reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to #30 to $50 to $75 reptal report- Percent rented re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 and ing Number tal re- homes lars) porting URBAN-Continued Cities .f 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........ ....... 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years. .. 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old... ........ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 yeats.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1Ito 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .. . 4 years or more... Not reported . .... . ........ 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years.. ... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more ... Not reported ............... 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............. I 7.511.78(II6 , 873,841 2.291.3201 3.314.582.5201637.9401 6.858.42011 5.28013 45.9001 606.24011.595.54012 .603.16011,08.1601509..21 40153 470.36011 427.0001 150.620 461 2,60( 5,78( 51,56( 143,72( 184,56( 35,80( 1,06( 1,46( d.?d 3nT 680 2,560 6,280 65,680 120,780 183,640 44,000 9,060 1,520 firl kgn 140 680 1,080 13,600 45,900 71,760 16,660 460 340 18 7440 300 460 1,180 16,120 31,160 63,760 20,540 3,440 480 177.50 600 2,940 6,440 57,380 153,920 206,240 39,520 1,120 2,200 491 6401 820 2,940 7,040 78,140 130,700 211,940 52,480 10,200 2,380 753 440 26.2 18.7 26.4 31.9 38.9 46.5 31.7 18.C 18.E 24.5 25. 34.1 46.5 38.C 263 276.01 453301 43822011 9.3201 2.7601 44.620 140 340 660 5,820 10,200 21,680 3,720 60 740 5? 440 140 380 760 7,460 9,920 28,300 8,480 1,140 860 ? a0 540 2,600 5,760 51,460 143,460 184,320 35,600 1,060 1,420 432 960 800 2,600 6,220 65,460 120,420 183,340 43,560 9,040 1,520 ? 7940 200 460 1,100 2,880 2,980 1,560 100 Sn 18 20 20 10 30 10 2 180 540 920 2,820 2,660 1,260 140 40 20 so A2_ 60 300 1,180 7,260 10,460 6,200 300 9 420n 20 540 900 8,700 9,540 5,920 660 100 40 o a 40 400 -780 9,440 19,400 18,580 860 20 20 260 1,360 12,500 18,040 '13,460 1,300 100 240 r)A ndn 32C 1,92 4,700 37,96C 97,82C 112,80C 19,140 60C 1,120 296. ? 380C 2,10C 5,10C 49,56C 89,620 119,880 23,46C 5,620 1,04C AO T lm 11.260I 154.6001 54.5001 26.16032.36 20 600 1,620 17,120 45,480 42,580 3,380 160 300 111 900 120 500 1,900 21,100 39,Q20 43,060 5,060 800 340 1 s . 200 620 860 11,580 48,200 79,460 12,760 880 540 I IR r;EM' 320 660 1,020 16,180 40,220 81,080 15,960 2,720 420 255 .920 20 180 220 2,340 12,520 28,860 9,800 240 820 120 20 100 2,920 8,400 28,660 10,720 2,600 300 �1 _dA 40 840 4,420 12,080 8,400 260 120 26. 60 280 20 1,240 2,540 9,900 9,720 2,680 160 9 34n 21.83 18.85 28.09 28.05 86.61 50.52 2.5 18.73 19.24 28.63 27.18 36.40 47.82 56.81 -2.05 1,320 1,180 540 - 640 140 1,320 460 20 20 280 480 60 - - 4,700 3,920 600 15.3 3,320 780 3,900 9380 700 500 780 800 120 20 17.20 ... 12,800 11,340 1,800 15.9 9,540 1,460 11,260 1,320 1,960 2,300 3,460 1,840 300 80 19.64 138,380 126,260 26,300 20.8 ,99,960 12,120 125,820 4,220 14,140 22,080 44,100 33,460 5,920 1,900 24.60 197,120 183,820 41,260 22.4 142,560 13,300 183,440 2,980 13,400 25,040 61,920 63,520 13,300 3,280 27.62 299,260 267,860 79,220 29.6 188,640 L1,400 267,320 2,160 7,880 18,020 63,000 122,440 41,280 12,540 36.46 . 56,500 45,840 14,760 32.2 31,080 10,660 45,700 200 740 1,580 5,860 20,020 10,900 6,400 43.95 ... 39,260 32,600 12,240 37.5 20,36C 6,660 32,500 100 260 600 2,120 12,380 9,320 7,720 51.62 4,100 2,800 800 28.6 2,000 1,300 2,680 60 160 200 700 980 280 300 33.99 1... 186.06011.081.800 255.540 2.61 826.2E 104,260 1.080.260 18R240 59.000 109.300 278.360 426.860 140.700 47,800 33.02 4,220 3,720 840 22.6 2,880 500 3,720 480 320 460 900 1,100 340 120 26.17 10,120 8,960 1,060 11.8 7,900 1,160 8,960 1,500 1,540 1,500 2,000 1,960 400 60 19.30 32,600 30,100 4,760 12.8 25,340 2,500 30,100 2,800 5,540 5,880 9,840 5,060 680 800 20.34 .... 292,040 273,520 54,820 20.0 218,700 18,520 273,080 7,220 25,820 45,320 91,480 83,000 15,860 4,380 25.86 303,620 285,040 62,360 21.9 228,680 18,580 284,620 8,540 15,220 .31,740 85,500 115,320 27,100 6,200 30.59 376,520 339,460 90,660 26.7 248,8(0 37,060 339,360 1,960 8,780 20,440 71,740 159,440 59,320 17,680 37.87 90,380 75,880 19,920 26.3 55,960 14,500 75,500 280 1,160 2,600 11,280 85,000 17,500 7,680 42.32 . 70,280 61,100 20,220 33.1 40,880 9,180 60,860 320 340 900 4,880 24,360 18,920 11,140 49.20 .. 6,280 4,020 900 22.4 3,120 2,260 4,060 140 280 460 740 1,620 580 240 34.56 1.029,.080 952.980 255,700 26.8 697.280 76.100 951.120 15.000 43.980 82.140 222.500 .378,280 151.980 57,240 35.42 4,300 3,940 880 22.38 8,060 360 3,940 820 280 360 940 1,100 840 100 24.93 14,200 13,120 2,280 17.4 10,840 1,080 13,100 1,600 2,340 2,640 3,660 2,320 460 80 19.44 .. 41,080 38,780 8,200 21.1 30,580 2,300 38,720 2,540 5,660 8,380 12,400 7,940 1,460 340 21.74 304,920 289,320 67,600 23.4 221,720 15,600 289,040 5,620 21,520 39,120 89,880 102,340 24,880 5,680 28.21 289,660 226,040 61,220 27.1 164,820 33,620 225,440 2,740 8,360 18,120 57,780 98,280 32,100 8,060 34.73 273,940 252,140 76,320 80.3 175,820 21,800 251,720 1,240 4,340 10,460 43,220 114,980 55,600 21,880 41.08 79,200 68,860 20,220 29.4 48,640 10,340 68,780 260 840 2,000 9,020 29,780 17,760 9,040 44.40 .... 64,700 55,820 17,880 32.0 37,940 8,880 55,660 100 480 540 "4,140 19,820 18,780 11,800 53.16 7,080 4,960 1,100 22.2 8,860 2,120 4,720 80 160 440 1,460 1,720 600 260 82.06 1.640.3001 .524.0201 521 860 84.2 1.002. 60 116.280 1.520.440 20.700 63.740 118.340 328.420 586,500 274.980 127,760 37.31 9,280 8,640 2,060 23.8 6,580 640 8,640 1,180 1,000 1,520 2,000 2,160 560 220 22.60 37,620 34,900 9,240 26.5 25,660 2,720 34,820 3,040 5,260 6,160 11,020 7,440 1,380 520 22.18 1.... 00,280 95,320 28,440 29.8 66,880 4,960 95,200 3,940 11,520 16,040 30,900 25,860 5,280 1,660 24.71 ... 610,400 579,960 187,940 32.4 392,020 30,440 578,780 8,020 30,340 60,280 157,340 226,660 75,040 21,100 32.45 .... 322,480 301,500 104,600 34.7 196,900 20,980 300,920 2,520 8,620 18,280 64,800 128,540 \57,620 20,540 38.25 .... 352,500 326,000 120,420 36.9 205,580 26,500 325,160 1,160 5,040 12,080 45,480 133,140 83,880 44,380 44.34 109,600 95,680 36,240 37.9 59,440 13,920 95,360 420 980 2,200 10,840 87,020 25,800 18,100 47.46 .. t 85,900 73,820 30,460 41.3 43,360 12,080 73,660 300 720 1,220 4,260 22,900 23,840 20,420 57.29 .... 12,240 8,200 2,460 30.0 5,740 4,040 7,900 120 260 560 1,780 2,780 1,580 826 38.35 . 1 193.960 .102.160 474.260 43.0 627.9C0 91 800 1.099.540 16.420 50.40 81.560 225.320 405.380 208.900 116.620 38.19 9,480 8,520 2,740 32.2 5,780 960 8,520 840 1,280 1,360 1,980 2,220 560 280 28.44 47,300 44,200 15,400 34.8 28,800 3,100 44,080 2,940 6,600 7,680 13,340 10,180 2,560 780 28.11 S... 105,520 100,720 42,740 42.4 57,980 4,800 100,440 3,440 10,720 14,120 29,980 31,620 8,560 2,000 26.82 497,940 468,700 200,240 42.7 268,460 29,240 467,900 6,120 21,220 39,160 111,380 185,840 77,260 26,920 85.53 .... 183,100 169,640 73,240 4.2 96,400 13,460 169,380 1,600 5,500 9,460 2,020 67,240 34,420 19,140 40.24 213,960 196,200 87,740 44.7 108,460 17,760 195,740 940 3,080 6,760 25,280 71,480 49,400 38,800 46.79 .... 70,800 60,720 28,060 46.2 32,640 10,080 60,420 220 980 1,700 6,700 20,880 16,200 13,740 49.24 .... 55,300 46,380 21,140 45.6 25,240 8,920 46,240 220 500 740 3,340 13,760 . 13,440 14,240 57.98 .... 10,560 7,080 2,940 41.5 4,140 3,480 6,820 100 460 580 1,300 2,160 1,500 720 38.48 746,940 676,060 318.380 47.1 357.6801 70.880 673.940 14.540 37.400 52.6601 135,560 237,040 121,780 "74,960 37.67 8,680 41,200 76,620 323,180 95,540 122,200 39,920 32,700 6,900 7,820 38,280 71,280 298,920 88,100 108,960 33,640 27,780 4,280 2,400 16,440 32,940 144,120 39,380 52,520 15,700 13,080 1,800 30.7 42.5 46.2 48.2 46.2 48.2 46.7 47.3 42.3 5,420 21,840 38,340 154,8C 45,72C 56,440 17,94C 14,700 2,48C 860 2,920 5,340 24,260 10,440 13,240 6,280 4,926 2,620 7,820 38,140 71,080 298,240 84,720 108,600 33,460 27,700 4,180 740 2,800 3,640 4,840 1,020 940 260 180 120 1,280 5,420 7,500 16,120 3,220 2,740 520 460 140 1,180 5,780 9,460 25,340 5,260 3,640 1,020 520 460 1,900 10,480 19,780 65,920 17,160 13,920 3,480 2,040 880 1,920 10,220 21,580 113,800 32,440 37,020 10,960 7,920 1,180 540 2,700 7,100 50,640 16,420 26,160 9,120 8,340 760 260 740 2,020 21,580 9,200 24,180 8,100 8,240 640 23.24 24.34 27.05 35.98 39.18 47.36 50.84 57.68 37.80 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. ' /yfVVV w .VV- i iVV.V +V V-fV lrV V -l yVVV 4V 4G rj' 17+V4V aI.VV f fV liif V ' f/7f VV ' = =f=VV Li f1VV_ V ir.=f I I ~ ~ - T T -W T T Mr ' . . . . .... .... ...: TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL 'VALUE OF HOME 21 Table 4.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLd, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES. URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTELY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, !EARS OF SCHOOL Median SAGE OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total75 edian ETotal In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to ren report- Percent rente re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 nd value poin Number ofto- homes ported' value (dol- tal re- hlats) porting URBAN-Continued Places of 25,000 to 250,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old..... . 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ......... ..... . ..... 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed .. ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............. . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ Highschool: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old............... No chool years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. A I e a ^ o 8' H s gaaS. y G 15 80 . s 0874,VW__ .4 9O 9 14 4-9V 01 758 540 696 -501J1370 3 _029_ 398,1201 350.40011 149.360 42.6- 201,0401 47,.720 3 49.7oojj 18.560 33.3001 47440 98.5801 95.74 0 35.900 2.2180 27.16 700 2,980 6,600 43,540 132,660 173,060 35,640 660 2,280 404.380 1,220 2,660 7,900 51,920 100,820 179,820 50,660 6,900 2,480 589_620 1,960 4,060 13,560 93,640 142,680 248,120 51,540 30,900 3,160 907 460 2,640 9,180 29,200 182,720 222,960 315,580 82,220 57,940 5,020 R8 2.n6 3,38C 12,98C 35,00C 198,140 190,440 233,20C 77,42C 56,94C 4,960 1 .44 720 380 2,700 6,080 37,500 122,820 147,380 31,420 560 1,560 348600 800 2,380 7,160 45,300 91,800 151,240 42,440 5,780 1,700 .nlgVPn 1,260 3,540 12,360 883,620 131,020 218,020 42,560 25,220 2,140 824 72C 1,960 8,060 26,96C 168,760 208,320 286,220 71,640 49,420 3,380 051 on 60 640 1,260 10,300 44,500 71,960 19,620 400 620 180,580 440 460 1,220 11,520 26,060 62,280 24,360 3,520 720 165 100 360 720 2,260 19,280 34,120 76,920 18,080 12,720 640 255 100 840 1,540 5,440 41,120 58,300 100,080 25,760 20,980 1,040 63 nn 23.7 20.7 27.5 36.2 48.8 62.4 37.5 19.3 17.0 25.4 28.4 41.2 57.4 60.9 - 20.3 18.3 23.1 26.0 35.3 42.5 50.4 29.9 .s0 19.1 20.2 24.4 28.0 35.0 36.0 42.5 30.8 3n 320 2,060 4,820 27,200 78,320 75,420 11,800 160 940 218,080 360 1,920 5,940 33,780 65,740 88,960 18,080 , 260 980 354 464 900 2,820 10,100 64,340 96,900 141,100 24,480 12,500 1,500 56.6 2n 1,120 6,520 21,520 127,640 150,020 186,140 45,880 28,440 2,340 a48.9an 320 280 520 6,040 9,840 25,680, 4,220 100 720 55,780 420 280 740 6,620 9,020 28,580 8,220 1,120 780 69 880n 700 520 1,200 10,020 11,660 30,100 8,980 5,680 1,020 82 740 680 1,120 2,240 13,960 14,640 29,360 10,580 8,520 1,640 (n an 520 2,700 5,960 37,380 122,520 147,180 31,320 560 1,560 347.600 820 2,380 7,120 45,200 91,680 150,700 42,300 5,760 1,640 518 560 1,260 3,540 12,300 83,420 130,820 217,380 42,500 25,200 2,140 2s 2s82 80 1,280 1,980 5,020 6,500 8,840 280 80 16.660 280 880 2,080 4,600 5,500 2,880 380 60 23. 740A 320 1,460 2,620 7,320 7,440 3,880 480 120 100 35 .no 80 480 1,560 7,380 14,820 8,320 540 120 36.600 40 580 2,040 9,140 13,680 9,600 1,280 80 160 5 .280 180 680 3,400 15,320 17,440 13,700 1,060 240 260 78 .40 80 300 960 8,100 21,460 15,820 1,000 220 4X.860 100 460 1,200 9,940 18,080 16,760 1,820 260 240 76. 420 40 600 2,620 18,980 25,6401 25,340 2,400 540 260 112.480 I00 0 0 0 0 00 0v YV.Y 85 52 rt4anL2 VVV 1,940 8,040 26,940 168,400 207,940 285,440 71,460 49,280 3,380 749.94n1 420 2,660 5,420 12,580 8,140 4,980 520 320 160 27 .n7 180 2,040 6,920 27,040 24,520 14,680 2,060 740 360 at c~An 320 1,260 5,72C 35,380 35,740 27,920 4,200 1,44C 58C 92 .o0 80 260 920 10,900 40,200 41,320 4,340 100 460 10Lan0 180 300 1,420 13,480 30,940 47,700 6,140 700 500 155 100nn 240 480 2,520 26,52C 44,820 68,560 8,460 2,960 540 a . nc 460 1,340 6,020 56,160 71,600 85,200 15,580 6,720 980 emA one I -Ya:^ + f 1 7 + -cL W.5 .4.Li.--5 - '4 IT 7_ 2. G I - 2,760 11,440 33,240 185,540 179,800 216,300 69,600 49,440 3,800 920 2,560 7,860 53,900 60,480 86,080 28,060 22,260 880 3388.3 22.4 23.6 29.1 33.6 39.8 40.3 45.0 23.2 1,840 8,880 25,380 131,640 119,320 130,220 41,540 27,180 2,920 620 1,540 1,760 12,600 10,640 16,900 7,820 7,500 1,160 2,740 11,380 33,120 185,020 179,580 215,740 69,400 49,340 3,620 440 2,82( 4,320 11,28 5,220 2,70C 620 18C 16C 34C 3,000 7,540 24,740 15,120 8,240 1,740 76C 260 520 2,080 7,640 35,120 25,020 15,900 4,100 1,200 540 660 2,360 8,900 61,440 56,520 54,080 13,220 5,920 1,100 53. a8l 44. 0170 4a6 01 866a I 1254.nnE 42.440 an9il a 01 ni 0.5 ann 160 340 400 4,480 28,320 51,000 10,400 220 420 Sr 2n 160 100 300 6,400 18,660 51,320 14,480 1,720 380 146 980 n 320 180 760 12,560 29,340 76,060 17,140 .9,940 680 252,480 420 560 2,340 30,380 54,920 111,020 30,860 21,080 900 245.780 580 860 4,060 42,000 59,100 89,540 28,940 19,600 1,100 dlA a n 20 20 80 1,240 7,940 18,760 7,560 120 160 33.640 40 60 60 1,140 3,860 16,860 10,180 1,300 140 43.320 120 80 320 2,060 4,780 21,960 8,000 5,800 200 71.340 80 140 420 5,580 10,680 30,560 12,180 11,420 280 83 .380 100 180 520 8,380 14,820 32,860 13,580 12,620 320 179 28 2C 2C 6C 260 3,280 9,120 7,200 120 100 16.960 20 20 500 960 5,580 8,020 1,700 160 20.720 40 60 60 660 1,360 7,880 4,960 5,600 100 28,720 60 40 100 1,360 2,340 11,080 6,060 7,560 120 34.980 100 80 140 2,060 3,780 12,420 7,200 9,060 140 93 98n 10.25 12.71 18.38 24.10 81.57 47.77 26.57 - 18.17 13.13 18.96 22.27 29.17 45.42 51.81 26.39 11.78 14.75 19.53 22.82 29.09 39.83 47.08 27.83 27.09 12.83 15.49 21.15 24.47 31.29 88.16 44.13 25.52 28.97 20.56 14.28 17.58 22,98 27.36 35.52 39.88 46.45 27.28 7,900 6,460 2,060 31.9 4,400 1,440 6,420 1,340 1,380 920 1,460 860 420 40 17.16 33,620 31,000 8,860 28.6 22,140 2,620 30,880 6,700 6,860 5,740 6,800 3,620 860 300 16.14 82,560 78,140 24,800 31.7 53,340 4,420 78,060 8,560 14,560 15,100 22,420 13,820 2,920 680 19.86 412,060 390,940 - 158,040 40.4 282,900 21,120 390,200 15,920 39,100 56,920 120,580 114,400 33,520 9,760 26.40 278,460 264,280 113,540 43.0 150,740 14,180 263,600 5,440 15,740 28,420 72,040 97,320 33,460 11,180 31.59 313,900 295,460 144,700 49.0 150,760 18,440 294,480 3,040 8,800 14,800 55,120 116,560 61,300 34,860 40.73 120,200 109,380 57,160 52.3 52,220 10,820 109,040 940 2,140 3,860 16,600 41,400 26,020 18,080 44.47 84,700 73,760 40,640 55.1 33,120 10,940 73,420 260 980 1,760 7,960 24,340 19,580 18,540 51.30 11,320 8,620 3,680 42.7 4,940 2,700 8,200 240 740 1,000 1,980 2,560 1,200 540 31.06 1,041.800 970,420 505.020 52.0 465.400 71.80 966.740 32.140 63.280 91.560 220,540 312.080 152,240 94,900 34.36 8,500 7,460 2,780 37.3 4,680 1,040 7,440 1,800 1,320 1,240 1,480 1,080 380 140 16.92 40,920 38,080 14,140 87.1 23,940 2,840 37,960 5,800 7,520 6,840 9,880 5,980 1,440 500 18.64 91,200 86,620 37,580 43.4 49,040 4,580 86,400 7,220 12,040 14,680 24,800 20,820 5,200 1,640 23.23 364,440 342,280 169,540 49.5 172,740 22,160" 341,340 10,360 26,180 41,360 95,400 113,040 40,220 14,780 29.22 189,880 78,1t0 93,780 5326 84,400 11,700 177,360 3,760 .8,700 15,220 42,420 62,720 29,060 15,480 35.42 202,900 189,640 110,340 58.2 79,300 13,260 188,860 1,720 4,840 8,340 30,180 67,000 43,720 33,060 44.23 80,040 73,120 43,100 58.9 30,020 6,920 72,760 900 1,580 2,440 9,900 24,620 18,220 15,100 47.01 54,820 48,120 30,580 63.5 17,540 6,700 47,980 240 540 860 5,000 14,800 12,980 13,560 54.41 9,100 6,920 3,180 46.0 3,740 2,180 6,640 340 560 580 1,480 2,020 1,020 640 33,06 684.460 624.620 357.280 57.2 267.340 59.840 622,700 26,580 44,700 60.840 136.160 197.080 97,460 59,880 33.87 7,740 38,820 73,660 259,020 100,880 122,120 44,320 31,300 6,600 6,380 35,240 69,060 239,060 92,460 111,.800 38,940 27,260 4,420 2,660 15,760 34,860 133,920 54,140 70,220 24,980 18,340 2,400 41.7 44.7 50.5 56.0 58.6 62.8 64.1 67.3 54.3 3,720 19,480 34,200 105,140 38,320 41,580 13,960 8,920 2,020 1,360 3,580 4,600 19,960 8,420 10,320 5,380 4,040 2,180 6,380 35,18C 68,94C0 238,56C0 92,08C0 111,42C0 38,72C 27,16C 4,26C 1,560 5,500 5,920 8,980 2,420 1,160 520 240 280 1,240 5,860 8,740 18,420 4,960 3,440 1,100 580 360 840 5,960 11,020 27,260 8,420 4,640 1,580 820 300 1,180 8,780 19,820 59,980 19,600 17,060 5,840 3,100 800 1,200 6,700 17,460 79,500 33,580 37,700 11,940 7,860 1,140 200 1,940 4,440 32,060 15,160 26,740 9,180 6,880 860 160 440 1,540 12,360 7,940 20,680 8,560 7,680 520 16.82 19.81 23.9: 30.69 35.84 45.10 46.79 53.06 36.34 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- aete households. - --" - " ''--~-- 7 J. .L 4 vj-v-5L. .5v q 4 . I , ?1 L 1 ,,- - - .. .. ,vv ' Vyd -' 'l V1.7./ V" iVV iVV 471.0 a i)Y VYII V7.OOV VIV YVI' IY 7 VI V UYVI Y-" VI -YV VI L-L. VV 1 .O - H I -I , 2 - i iL 0 .1 ::: - = - --t f - - t T T T T - :1r ~V . VVI y IZ./4VI y"VViVV1 V"' JV7.V4V r 1 _ _ J-1 L I T T 1 U I s - on IA $2 EDUCATION Table 4.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is lose than 8,000) TENURE OF HOM YMONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOM Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COPLTED, AND AGE $75 - rental COMIPEDANAnGnot reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to- 5 eal t Percent reed re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 d report- oto- o rtd lover (dol- ing Number tl re- homeslars) tlal re- porting URBAN--Continued 6orv0 u 35,ay801. 70 e 0 47 no -sO. . 1W.880 49.680 55.220yV50t)1 1ou62 10 14, 820 740 04 10 50 100 17 . 140W x4.71 396,06011 356,580. 170.70. 47,9 18 88..99 55,290119 091,680 51,0 82&820 78,840 80,0601 1,140 28.49 ,I ,II 00 1 4IV.O' V! %1,U1 1. / , se V4 Y I YVI UVYVl- YICNI U _01 2V 1 lAT IVI Ob./6V1 O/�",1 W.VV LS'� 1,240 1,100 540 - 560 140 940 600 60 6 s 60 120 20 20 - 6,760 6,020 1,680 27.9 4,340 740 6,020 4,140 760 860 880 320 20 40 6.77 16,980 15,720 8,960 25.2 11,760 1,260 15,680 7,860 8,640 2,260 1,480 760 180 - 10.16 92,000 83,000 23,860 28.7 59,140 9,000 82,740 19,460 18,900 15,480 17,800 8,780 2,300 520 15.47 120,800 111,400 31,880 28.6 79,520 9,400 111,060 17,840 22,620 22,160 28,060 16,220 3,260 900 17.90 223,840 199,300 77,140 88.7 122,160 24,540 199,220 14,320 26,000 31,660 59,540 48,320 14,080 5,800 24.14 55,600 48,040 21,940 45.7 26,100 7,560 47,600 . 1,740 3,300 4,660 12,580 14,400 6,3280 4,600 31.61 31,960 24,680 14,440 58.5 10,240 7,280 24,660 380 660 1,460 4,280 8,800 4,340 5,240 48.87 3,760 2,300 900 39.1 1,400 1,460 2,260 380 220 880 580 560 60 80 22.09 873,120 797,780 282,980 35 5 514,800 75.840 799,720 98,500 111,980 123,840 224,020 167,660 50,740 28,980 22.48 4,000 3,060 1,300 42.5 1,760 940 3,020 1,260 400 320 800 540 160 40 12.68 12,500 11,520 3,400 29.5 8,120 980 11,500 7,640 1,480 980 860 420 100 20 7.08 33,360 81,380 8,440 26.9 22,940 1,980 31,240 12,420 7,560 5,200 8,900 1,820 280 60 11,62 193,380 177,700 56,440 81.8 121,260 15,680 181,340 32,200 35,700 32,500 55,440 19,960 4,360 1,180 18.00 190,820 179,760 57,840 82.2 121,920 11,060 179,240 25,540 30,680 33,640 49,420 30,480 7,300 2,180 19.46 287,820 266,700 102,420 38.4 164,280 21,120 266,060 15,760 29,300" 38,980 81,960 70,680 21,420 7,960 25.48 87,500 76,700 29,760 88.8 46,940 10,800 76,580 2,340 4,860 8,360 21,220 25,800 8,540 5,460 30.67 58,580 47,560 22,060 46.4 25,500 11,020 47,420 740 1,480 3,440 10,280 17,260 8,280 5,940 88.50 5,160 3, 400 1,320 38.8 2,080 1,760 3,320 600 520 420 640 700 300 140 21.38 762 440 715.040 293.700 41.1 421.340 47.400 712.000 79,460 88.500 100.320 180 560 170.940 61.180 31 ,040 24.36 4,440 3,720 1,140 30.6 2,580 720 3,700 1,720 340 520 480 460 100 80 11.41 15,240 14,500 4,380 80.2 10,120 740 14,460 7,580 2,900 1,640 1,520 540 220 60 9.04 40,840 38,800 12,200 31.4 26,600 2,040 38,760 13,340 9,040 6,500 5,700 3,220 640 820 12.84 166,380 160,160 58,100 36.3 102,060 6,220 158,940 25,640 30,140 30,680 40,260 25,080 5,380 1,760 18.86 171,500 163,600 66,320 40.5 97,280 7,900 163,160 17,860 23,600 26,720 44,880 35,240 11,480 3,380 22.49 206,900 195,960 87,860 44.8 108,100 10,940 195,360 9,660 15,680 23,020 54,040 60,080 22,100 10,780 28.63 90,140 82,840 37,040 44.7 45,800 7,300 82,420 2,520 4,460 7,840 21,820 27,040 11,340 7,400 32.88 61,360 51,440 25,100 48.8 26,340 9,920 51,320 640 1,660 2,940 10,740 18,720 9,460 7,160 39.84 5,640 4,020 1,560 '38.8 2,460 1,620 3,880 500 680 460 1,120 560 460 100 22.18 1,294,620 1.223 820 632.240 51.7 591.580 70.800 1.218.720 118.2860130,640 150,200 275.900 318.860 141,080 83.760 27.12 1,VI0 7 Y00 l960 260 576.1801 60.01 84081 8 40 _ 8. 56 22011 85.65011U1.7cV u 1 111114V1 utiL74C 1 L~ts lbV 1 119,5801 77,3201 27.9E _ - > _ _ v _. ... .. . . . 10.66 14.18 18.37 25.64 29.42 40.53 40.92 46.75 28.22 T T .I I . I.. . . . . . . I I.. . . . ---- - . . . I V. . V V V I Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: I to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .... .. .... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ........... .. . .. 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed .......r Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to'3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported. .... .. ........ . ... 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... 'i,-: . 1 to 3 years.. ...... . 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... .. Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years'old .............. . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years......... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .......... . . 30 to 34 years old. ...... ....... . No school years completed ....... Grade school:-1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. . 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years . ...... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ...........: ......... 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years corpleted ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. .. 55 to 64 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: -1 to 3 years ........ ' 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ....... ......... .... 788 1 8176 8 RLA I 0 (1 80 .A14RA PA 9 I AA17 an 24( 1,72( 2,70( 18,78( 49,38( 77,80( 24,44( 320 S32 140.64Ca 35.8 25.5 32.8 43.1 53.4 65.9 1- 460 3,080 7,900 28,180 65,080 67,980 12,62C 180 9 a. 240 560 740 7,020 10,520 17,160 2,880 80 280 9 .660 740 4,800 10,600 41,840 114,200 145,180 36,960 500 400 Q7 .5A 480 8,160 5,960 12,480 16,620 10 80 45 _ 100 600 2,240 10,020 20,880 x,020 ,680 80 o1 .60 940 5,860 11,340 48,980 124,980 162,940 39,940 580 1,000 s_ 1n60 700 4,800 10,600 41,960 114,460 145 2,780 0O 500 720 ssan onll 44( 1,26( ' 6,78( 19,42( 20,58( 2,5(0 4( 4Q ?4( 40 380 740 7,200 28,600 38,580 7,140 120 20 9 ?70 40 800 800. 4,880 19,480 87,520 10,200 120 100 7? 00 40 - 80 - 80 80 240 6, 4r 8,860 14,980 ?,480 7,600 6,460 140 60 20 so _25 900 144 7.09 8.89 18.71 19.56 26.8 40.88 9. 11 , 000 4,120 10,400 56,900 86,780 163,940 53,800 6,880 2,840 59 9a4 860 8,660 9,500 48,820 78,120 142,080 48,300 5,740 1,420 491ao n 380 1,140 2,540 14,600 24,780 63,160 29,660 3,720 660 176 340 31.1 26.7 29.9 31.7 44.5 61.4 64.8 - ~ 48c 2,520 6,960 34,22c 53,340 78,920 18,640 2,020 760 SIR 8vF 140 460 900 8,080 8,660 21,860 5,500 1,140 920 61 Qr8 760 8,680 9,440 48,720 78,000 141,800 48,040 5,660 1,400 8o 1an 360 2,440 5,220 12,700 12,820 10,460 1,600 40 240 AA 820 80 440 1,820 11,480 16,700 18,320 2,320 180 220 ?B _160 6( 28( 94( 8,22( 14,52( 21,84( 8,40( 26( 22( 7 _48' 40 280 860 10,060 19,420 41,840 9,520 -1,040 260 124 260 200 140 440 4,760 11,020 83,660 15,040 1,960 280 977 780 80 120 1,160 2,640 12,240 8,420 1,100 140 90n 580M o20 20 40 840 880 4,040 7,740 1,280 40 16. 700 7.04 8.54 14.61 17.76 24.42 39.05 44.39 21 45 10,400 37,700 85,320 384,480 261,940 276,600 138,260 88,140 11,780 8,540 35,940 81,900 368,640 252,320 263,780 128,800 75,880 8,020 3,440 12,880 34,360 178,420 128,760 149,520 74,840 46,340 3,680 40.3 35.8 42.0 48.4 51.0 56.7 58.1 61.1 45.9 5,310C 23,060 47,540 190,::20C 123,560 114,260 53,960 29,540 4,340 1,860 1,760 8,420 15,840 9,620 12,820 9,460 12,260 3,760 8,440 35,800 81,660 367,600 251,20C 262,760 128,16C 75,560 7,54C oa.r'V 4,580 15,520 21,120 44,240 19,740 8,220 2,740 1,040 1,080 1,360 7,220 16,180 54,640 27,300 15,480 5,860 1,660 940 8(-0 4,560 13,940 59,860 34,520 23,380 9,0001 3,160 980 I11 lAn 680 4,540 15,180 91,920 65,960 57,78b 27,100 11,30b 1,440 2n 8 4 S 720 2,940 11,600 80,820 67,720 86,940 42,240 24,200 1,680 2A ~ 180 860 3,000 27,380 24,640 42,940 23,680 17,480 920 120 160 640 8,740 11,820 28,020 17,540 16,720 500 8.71 11.15 15.77 22.2s 26.18 35.60 88.68 46.54 24.85 11,520 49,400 88,340 357,360 184,980 178,240 86,040 53,040 9,780 703.480 10,100U 46,860 84,660 339,420 176,200 169,200 80,500 46,780 6,540 656.400 4,680 21,660 43,580 196,220 107,000 111,700 54,640 32,880 S3,820 435080 46.3 46.2 51.5 57.8 60.7 66.0 67.9 70.3 58.4 66.3 5,42( 25,20(0 41,080 143,200 69,200 57,500 25,86( 13,900 2,72C 221,320 1,420 2,540 3,680 17,940 8,780 9,040 5,540 6,260 3,240 47 080 10,040 46;680 84,440 388,340 175,600 168,280 80,00C 46,440 65.38 658 380 4,560bU 15,840 18,040 32,900 10,960 4,820 1,520 620 67.500 6?,500 1,560 9,140 15,460 45,200 16,700 8,560 3,220 1,940 660 72.920 980 7,100 13,060 49,800 21,400 11,400 5,400 1,900 600 73.480 1,280 7,540 18,280 81,820 44,260 :3,260 14,480 6,320 1,300 138.020 980U 5,300 14,200 84,120 50,120 53,100 25,260 13,660 1,520 167.340 40oo 1,500 4,380 32,020 21,520 31,540 15,740 11,560 920 83.980 280 260 1,020 12,980 10,640 26,100 14,380 11,160 500 50.140 10.97 18.60 17.84 24.61 28.25 39.52 41.68 48.75 27.58 2767 9, 580 44,420 74,560 265,960 109,920 114,060 49,400 27,980 7,600 8,600 41,660 70,900 250,060 102,900 106,700 45,620 24,660 5,300 4,300 22,240 40,380 164,200 70,880 77,320 33,660 18,560 3,540 50.0 58.4 57.0 65.7 68.9 72.5 73.8 75.3 66.8 4,300 19,42( 30,520 85,860 82,02( 29,380 11,960 6,10C 1,760 980 2,760 3,660 15,900 7,020 7,360 3,780 3,320 2,300 8,52C 41,520 70,620 249,280 102,360 106,100 45,36C 24,600 5,020 3,920 13,160 14,120 24,820 6,360 3,060 1,020 480 560 1,460 8,120 12,980 31,800 9,700 5,160 2,100 980 620 880 5,920 10,620 32,960 10,900 7,200 3,200 1,220 580 1,160 7,180 15,580 57,120 24,420 19,660 8,320 3,720 860 760 5,080 11,780 64,440 80,720 32,580 14,080 6,840 -1,060 200 1,600 4,200 26,900 13,640 21,800 9,160 5,600 880 140 460 1,340 11,240 6,620 16,640 7,480 5,760 460 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. Table 4.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18,TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE.UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA YgAS OFSCHOL edan AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMLETED, AND AGE Iowdoe Total I not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental rental I1n$4 1 $29 $49 $74 and value Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 49 $74 report- of rented re- eover ( dol- ing Number homes ported valuelars) tal re- porti "IbU , *owU U , w 0 a1u,158 e w.4 ,0 8, 4610 1w 6 288 1 4 <. w .4G U s : a s . II/=r 8:68 17w 76322 ,6t0.wU 18 .80 1 3357001.188.780 14 28 i- )'! U IL V-ll~ ~ YY V .Y IYVV YI V CV LDY / O a / VI Y YO _j V 1 V I V 1 Y^, VYV-V l / YlrVI 7IV "QY z' l . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,|=, ==a" . . .! - - -. . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. .. . V' V V G V 4 V, 4 V V ' v 7 V . 1 G . .634,040. . .571,24011. ...226,0 596 34 20 62801 57 I2,4 8 1 69901 9600 3; 0 18 0) 9,42 12. t 1,027'30u 954,68011 3r 90.1601 40. 564.5241 72.620 t 949.540n 54,52Q118Q.?80 1120.960 1141,0801 101,400 1 35.3601 15,440 12.8 924,96? 11- 872060U 433.9200 47.21 460,140! 52.900 1 867.66011285.0201153,680 110,320 1 138,160 1 3,_llJ,40V 4,9601 2,0601 Q~14.3 1,455, aP ,374,8 771,5.8 bU50 5.1 60.401 0 ,.4l 1 4367 t0U!0 U44UI;igo 2 . 01 65 8 126 8UU 206,920 1 U U 7,72U 54,520 I.24 19,940 16,680 7,840 47. 8,840 3,260 16,620 11,860 1,940 980 900 680 160 100 6.51 79,620 75,080 35,100 46.E 39,980 4,540 74,560 45,420 12,220 6,140 6,080- 8,580 900 220 7.71 125,440 120,020 64,920 54.1 -55,100 5,420 119,460 55,500 22,900 12,140 14,580 9,880 3,500 960 10.42 421,140 398,120 254,880 64.( 143,240 23,020 395,700 112,520 7120 51,860 68,120 60,200 22,380 8,800 15.80 178,980 170,840 113,920 66. 56,920 8,140 169,740 35,580 29,260 22,400 34,420 29,460 12,160 6,46 18.97 141,020 133,140 93,480 70.5 39,660 7,880 132,560 14,260 16,460 15,180 26,160 29,280 17,340 13,880 27.29 74,620 69,560 50,420 72.5 19,140 5,060 69,080 8,080 8,740 7,900 13,900 15,380 8,100 6,980 26.56 88,180 33,120 24,640 74.4 8,480 5,060Q 32,920 2,300 2,520 3,080 5,800 7,580 5,960 5,680 36.78 13,120 7,400 4,780 64.6 2,620 5,720. 7,160 2,180 1,080 880 1,120 980 "460 460 16.32 787,640 731 680 509,960 69.7 221,720 55,960 727,280 820,280 120.960 85,440 117,400 109 560 46,620 27,020 15.81 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households., 23 AGO AAA 1 Ao. AGA nnn ebnn nor "^^ I - "^^I % . -- 46 480 d 17 4201 8 920 12 .9 449.5 4 413.340 194.460 47 0 218 880 36.200 410-840162-9261 7.9 - I 2,300 11,700 22,480 79,540 148,200 150,440 31,840 560 2,480 422 640 1,740 10,300 20,860 71,820 138420 138,340 29,840 440 1,580 88R 140 840 3,000 5,420 24,400 61,220 77,440 21,240 220 680 161 720 29.1 26.( 34.( 44.2 56.( 71. 42 5 900 7,300 15,440 47,420 77,200 60,900 8,600 220 900 220 40n 560 1,400 1,620 7,720 9,780 12,190 2,000 120 900 4 _500- 1,540 10,240 20,700 71,600 137,700 137,620 29,500 440 1,500 3802 800 1,140 8,740 15,760 42,860 55,520 35,160 3,640 80 520 155 280n 120 800 2,680 13,860 27,620 25,420 3,260 100 240 68. 120 120 320 1,140 5,740 17,140 1.8,460 3,260 80 220 44.260 20 180 720 5,880 19,400 25,420 5,500 80 260 52.680 60 180 320 8,100 11,840 21,440 6,940 60 100 8 1 R- 60 20 20 920 4,840 7,860 3,660 40 13 960 20 60 240 1,340 3,860 3,240 40 120 ?" 860 5.36 6.07 7.95 11.91 16.73 27.85 12.06 2,060 11,080 21,700 85,040 102,000 149,580 42,180 6,200 2,800 1,040 9,860 20,080 78,580 95,260 134,740 37,340 3,780 1,460 480 2,260 4,860 26,400 34,440 66,380 23,800 2,500 600 22. 24.2 83.f 36.2 49.3 63.7 66.3 -^ . 560 7,600 15,220 52,180 60,820 68,360 13,540 1,280 860 1,020 1,220 1,620 6,460 6,740 14,840 4,840 2,420 1,340 1,280 9,820 19,960 78,160 94,760 134,160 37,000 3,760 1,380 820 8,560 15,520 46,200 42,200 35,920 5,080 440 540 80 700 2,500 14,600 19,840 24,580 5,140 460 220 120 180 1,000 6,800 11,220 20,020 4,400 420 100 a^ .... 140 240 620 6,120 12,120 25,340 7,220 620 260 80 80 260* 3,200 6,640 18,940 7,980 820 120 20 40 20 940 2,200 6,460 3,760 400 120 20 20 40 800 540 2,900 3,42 0 600 20 5.24 5.98 7.96 10.81 16.14 24.87 28.53 1,280 10,600 22,980 85,460 86,300 108,240 20,480 8,420 1,440 1,120 1,440 1,920 8,700 8,860 15,920 9,180 14,740 1,520 2,340 14,040 31,660 127,540 135,940 198,960 41,980 17,800 2,420 3,460 15,700 33,900 137,180 144,720 210,980 51,360 32,720 4,020 2,340 14,260 31,980 128,480 136,460 195,060 42,180 17,980 2,500 1,060 3,660 9,000 43,020 50,160 86,820 21,700 9,560 1,060 45.I 25.7 28.3 33.5 36.E 44.2 51.4 53.2 42.4 1,540 12,240 23,520 70,100 59,260 52,300 7,060 1,660 1,060 300 980 4,540 25,360 28,140 38,900 7,280 2,160 340 80 800 1,620 12,920 17,440 29,320 6,160 1,720 360 220 260 1,180 11,540 18,040 35,460 8,800 3,860 260 120 120 620 5,780 9,620 25,420 7,340 3,940 320 40 140 120 1,420 2,620 8,900 3,220 2,160 80 40 60 420 820 3,660 2,120 2,300 -it A 7.10 5.24 6.23 S8.60 11'.05 15.49 20.06 28.20 11.71 3,600 21,140 42,200 154,900 129,160 145,120 44,080 21,780 2,540 2,580 2,500 2,820 11,920 9,300 16,600 10,660 13,780 2,460 4,320 24,880 42,220 L17,760 81,900 64,280 13,760 3,680 1,720 8,280 32,080 63,360 258,960 281,820 280,360 91,520 54,200 6,720 5,700 29,580 60,540 247,040 222,520 263,760 80,860 40,420 4,260 2,100 8,440 18,340 92,140 93,360 118,640 36,780 18,640 1,720 36.E 28. 30.3 37.3 42.C 45.C 45.5 46.1 40.4 5,660 29,440 60,140 245,640 221,360 262,680 80,340 40,200 4,080 540 2,680 9,520 52,620 46,320 50,360 14,100 3,960 680 300 860 3,580 28,920 29,740 40,180 11,520 5,500 360 300 640 3,200 26,300 34,240 49,980 17,220 8,460 740 140 360 1,380 15,400 21,540 37,460 14,500 10,300 320 60 20 180 8,800 6,120 14,8340 5,920 4,800 120 AA OCA^ 60 840 1,500 6,080 3,320 3,500 i40 6.05 5.42 6.62 9:98 12.61 16.58 19.96 27.78 11-85 2,080 2,060 2,740 10,340 7,120 9,220 7,320 9,240 2,780 6,060 31,840 65,340 249,460 192,600 186,760 87;960 43,020 4,620 4,480 24,260 40,380 L03,980 57,960 35,900 12,900 3,480 1,680 8,160 34,140 68,500 261,020 200,500 196,900 95,680 52,400 7,660 6,080 32,080 65,760 250,680 193,380 187,680 88,360 43,160 4,880 2,400 10,460 23,780 112,200 98,740 98,500 46,200 22,340 2,300 39.5 32.6 36.2 44.8 48.5 52.5 52.3 51.E 47.1 3,680 21,620 41,980 138,480 99,640 89,180 42,160 20,820 2,580 660 4,380 11,820 51,920 35,720 29,660 14,260 4,420 840 220 1,420 5,260 31,420 27,800 25,820 12,860 4,980 540 440 1,060 4,700 32,100 34,040 38,040 17,980 9,140 660 ... . Ro 120 600 2,420 22,380 25,520 34,340 17,400 10,140 540 60 80 600 6,100 9,280 15,120 7,480 6,000 240 o80 40 160 1,560 2,2801 7,880 5,080 4,860 120 6.26 6.06 7.59 11.59 14.97 20.03 21.70 28.94 13.25 cno "^^I n,. 0 an 1 1 8,240 41,840 68,040 215,260 114,240 83,340 46,260 22,440 3,740 373 980 3,300 8,820 6,500 20,480 11,620 10,960 8,860 9,240 5,560 6R 100 13,980 68,460 123,860 474,580 272,200 225,920 120,100 58,840 9,120 1 01 800n 10,340 47,720 64,520 L58,460 67,280 29,600 14,480 4,280 2,760 87 .7n 1,560 10,500 23,560 90,960 48,760 29,320 15,620 4,900 1,420 166. 940 17,400 72,600 181,080 497,640 285,180 287,880 129,860 68,560 15,120 14,100 68,780 124,580 477,160 278,560 226,920 121,000 59,820 9,560 5,860 26,940 56,540 261,900 159,320 143,580 74,740 36,880 5,820 41.6 39.2 45.4 54.5 58.2 63.2 61.8 62.2 60.9 63.5 700 3,840 12,880 61,680 37,200 S27,200 14,800 6,040 940 120.5n_60 660 3,'740 12,040 75,680 50,200 46,980 25,440 11,020 1,420 171_080 500 2,020 8,380 60,920 44,080 49,460 26,440 18,900 1,220 157_020 140 440 2,120 20,380 17,300 25,280 12,720 8,520 820 0960n 80 200 360 6,500 7,380 18,680 10,600 10,180 540 43 540 6.26 6.67 9,10 13.83 17.20 25.29 25.46 34.07 16.52 16.75 1 na092 .060 1 02 n 96 k 4a n 17,600 73,640 104,900 323,700 106,320 89,740 42,800 18,040 11,400 14,680 69,420 99,360 308,940 100,200 83,120 38,860 15,780 6,320 7,200 39,860 62,800 216,460 73,600 63,300 30,100 12,$60 4,280 49.( 57.4 63.2 71.2 73.5 76.2 77.5 78.3 67.7 7,480 29;560 36,560 87,480 26,600 19,820 8,760 3,420 2,040 2,920 4,220 5,540 19,760 6,120 6,620 3,440 2,260 5,080 14,580 69,020 98,840 302,260 99,640 82,540 38,600 15,660 6,140 11,020 40,040 43,800 86,300 21,220 10,140 4,300 1,420 2,040 1,780 11,820 17,500 56,180 17,020 10,040 4,500 1,320 800 660 5,760 11,400 38,820 18,100 9,040 4,460 1,520 680 480 6,320 12,600 51,480 19,360 16,720 6,800 2,680 96O 460 3,660 9,920 45,120 17,660 18,020 10,280 3,720 720 160 1,100 2,760 17,300 7,780 9,800 4,640 2,620 460 20 320 860 7,060 3,500 8,780 3,620 2,380 480 6.12 8.12 11.11 15.61 18.92 26.71 28.88 34.28 16.19 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTALVALUE OF HOME RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old ............ . No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... .4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ .. . 20 and 21 years :old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ......... .. ....... . 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ........... . . . . .... . 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grad school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ..... . . 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not regorted .. .... ............... 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... , and 6 years....... / and 8 years......... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... repoed.4 years or more ...... Not reported..................... 35 to 44 years old ........ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1- to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .. ...... 4 years or more..... Not reported .....: .............. 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Gradeschool: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more...... Not reported ....... .... .. .. . 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ....... Not reported ..................... EDUCATION Table 5.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics baae on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not showu where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Rental rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Value rental In not re- $50 v alue Total Percent In not re Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to not r- va(dol-ue reporting of to- rented ported reporting $10 $14 $19 . $ $49 andr ported l reporting Number of to- homes tal re- porting URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old... ........ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported .............. ... 20 and 21 years old. ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years..... High school 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... . College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .............. .. . 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 yea ...... 5 and ( years ..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 r ars old .......... No school ,. iks completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ....... . . . . . 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years comrpleted ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: I to 3 years . 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 2C,2,+ 194, I.96 1149880 01 ,_I2.L 11 484.28 1 51.10V 01.77.640 11934.M354 8� 1 3 212p04.) 1_3 [c 4.5040 1.45.4 0, 0 5K2.5201V. A.n ?gnIn ,91AOla IIoasR, 9A 2,620 20,360 23,500 50,800 44,020 14,040 3,540 80 1,800 1,800 17,120 20,160 26,700 39,080 12,800 3,260 80 940 420 3,500 4,780 7,220 12,460 4,380 1,700 60 140 -noQ ,A 20.4 23.7 27.0 51.9 34.2 52.1 - 87.280 I 18.820 121,580 II 59,3520 I 21,600 1 12,740 1 16,20 i 9,5001 2,100 19,180 820 3,240 5,340 4,100 4,940 1,240 280 860 1,783 17,020 20,140 26,820 39,040 12,740 5,260 80 900 1,280 14,220 13,800 12,920 13,100 2,900 700 20 380 54 _ Fa 240 240 1,800 5,500 5,540 7,680 2,160 380 520 1 8 ___. __ IL ~-r--- -- - , - ... ... ..... . 40 500 1,080 3,0600 5,300 2,240 460 60 10 800 120 480 1,040 3,360 7,560 2,820 760 120 15 40 60 20 820 1,560 4,520 2,060 580 60 20 40 100 180 900 560 3M 1 900 840 3,340 5,560 4,180 4,980 1,500 280 900 1,380 13,620 15,380 19,480 26,620 8,420 1,560 20 800 1690 4 24.0 1520 7 2 1,640 1 8 100 40 2,760 22,280 23,000 29,160 31,360 15,900 5,600 540 2,080 2,000 17,660 18,440 25,560 25,940 13,540 4,620 440 903 480 3,640 4,320 5,360 7,220 4,940 2,380 280 220 24.0 20.6 23.4 22.9 27.8 36.5 51.5 1, 520 14,020 14,120 18,000 18,720 8,600 2,240 160 680 ,0 ..O=/ 760 4,620 4,560 5,800 5,420 2,560 980 100 1,180 A8n 2,000 17,720 18,400 25,400 25,880 13,500 4,600 440 900 S8 0 1,640 14,160 12,520 11,500 .9,780. 3,540 960 100 540 8 90 180 1,880 5,200 4,620 5,043 2,860 680 80 140 27 240 100 800 1,260 2,620 5,480 2,060 480 20 40 15. l0 40 580 1,200 5,360 4,340 2,520 1,180 60 160 17) ?40 280 380 1,380 2,560 2,100 880 120 20 10 260 40 20 . 40 220 680 420, 420 80 n 760 4,560 4,600 5,760 5,480 2,400 1,000 100 1,180 48 620 19.84 5.48 6.80 9.85 15.69 17.42 20.68 5,6 5.60 5.76 6.97 9.72 12.65 15.35 21.05, 8 n U444oI oUI 33.M 9 21 7 122260 4u,240 1 5, 2 20 , 1 , I, , ,%lw 6,220 4,440 780 17.6 3,660 1,780 4,403 3,660 500/ 140, 80 - 20 1,820 5.51 39,480 51,420 4,340 15.8 27,080 8,060 31, 560 25,220 5,640 1,100 1,000 500 100 8,120 5.72 36,980 27,860 5,160 18.5 22,700 9,120 27,860 18,540 4,820 2,000 1,600 820 80 9,120 7.01 47,000 35,240 6,840 19.4 28,400 11,760 35,180 17,740 6,540 4,080 4,300 2,080 440 11,820 9.42 40,000 30,920 7,260 25.5 23,660 9,080 30,820 10,860 6,580 4,400 5,180 3,080 720 9,180 12.96 22,540 17,720 5,840 33.0 11,880 4,620 17,640 4,720 3,840 2,360 3,740 2,260 720 4,700 15.05 7,560 6,080 2,700 44.4 3,380 1,480 6,080 1,380 840 760 1,360 1,400 340 1,480 19.94 2,040 1,480 940 - 540 . 560 1,440 33500 240 220 20 240 120 600 - 2,820 1,040 80 - 960 1,780 1,040 480 240 80 160 80 - 1,780 36585,060 275,320 50.580 18.4 224.740 89,740 274.460 145,600 48.960 265340 52.880 17,440 5.240 1 90600 9.06 13,380 9,740 1,560 14.0 8,380 ,640 9,700 7,860 1,080 280 200 260 20 5,680 5.67 77,640 61,760 8,600 15.9 53,160 15,880 61,480 46,760 7,880 2,840 2,920 920 160 16,160 e6.07 76,020 57,860 9,240 16.0 48,620 18,160 57,760 36,800 10,540 4,360 4,360 1,920 260 18,260 7.35 87,420 64,180 11,060 17.2 53,120 23,240 63,980 27,900 13,540 7,5380 9,500 4,580 1,080 25,440 11.01 57,180 43,120 8,820 20.5 34,300 14,080 42,980 14,700 8,800 5,960 8,040 4,280 1,200 14,200 13.36 30,300 23,720 6,240 26.3 17,480 6,580 23,660 5,780 4,820 5,520 4,980 3,240 1,320 6,640 16.25 10,120 7,520 2,720 36.2 4,800 2,600 7,520 1,620 1,280 1,000 1,780 1,400 440 2,600 18.80 7,080 4,880 2,260 46.3 2,620 2,200 4,880 880 700 700 1,180 680 740 2,200 20.86 5,920 2,540 280 11.0 2,260 5,580 2,500 1,300 520 280 220 160 20 3,420 9.12 341,000 261.480 47.1201 18. 0 214560 79,520 260,620 127,160 49,280 26,500 32,220 20,580 5,080 80,380 9.82 14,360 10,960 1,700 15.5 9,260 3,40C 10,880 8,400 1,263 460 S60 160 40 3,480 5.98 82,600 65,680 9,300 14.2 56,380 16,920 65,600 46,080 10,580 3,680 3,760 1,520 180 17,000 6.62 76,200 58,580 10,060 17.2 48,520 17,620 58,400 532,080 12,180 5,560 5,460 2,700 420 17,800 8.60 85,140 62,840 11,180 17.8 51,660 20,300 .62,600 22,960 13,200 7,840 10,480 6,720 1,400 20,540 12,66 43,800 34,100 6,980 20.5- 27,120 9,700 34,040 10,780 6,880 4,820 6,140 4,560 860 9,760 14,03 19,380 14,500 3,540 24,4 10,960 4,880 14,500 3,060 2,620 2,040 2,980 2,880 2,880 920 4,880 18.35 8,200 6,500 2,160 35.2 4,340 1,700 6,520 1,400 1,120 880 1,360 1,200 560 1,680 18.70 6,440 4,900 1,680 34.3 5,220 1,540 4,840 820 760 640 1,120 840 660 1,600 21,29 6,880 5,420 520 15.2 2,900 3,460 5,240 1,580. 680 380 360 200 40 3,640 9.79 637,400 499.880 110.620 22.1 389.260 137,520 498,500 220.320 88.900 56,720 74,360 46,820 11,380 158,900 11.13 40,060 31,380 5,820 18.5 25.560 8,680 51,240 21,860 4,480 1,760 2,480 560 100 8,820 6.65 184,580 150,200 28,300 18.8 121,900 34,180 149,860 91,640 26,720 12,500 13,260 5,140 600 54,520 7.68 144,820 114,520 24,480 21.4 90,040 30,300 114,200 52,740 22,880 14,240 15,620 7,280 1,440 30,620 10.45 154,440 117,460 26,600 22.6 90,860 56,980 117,200 34,180 21,140 16,860 24,940 16,360 5,740 37,240 15.48 52,840 41,540 11,260 27.1 30,280 11,300 41,420 10,520 7,420 5,720 8,620 7,260 1,880 11,420 16.92 25,940 20,120 6,180 30.7 13,940 5,820 20,960 5,500 2,840 2,740 4,320 5,040 1,620 5,880 21.70 12,500 9,680 Z,240 33.5 6,440 2,820 9,640 1,580 1,440 1,280 2,060 2,620 680 2,880 22.12 .. 10,460 8,600 5,600 41.9 5,000 1,850 8,580 1,240 920 980 2,040 2,160 1,240 1,880 25.14 11,960 6,580 1,140 17.9 5,240 5,580 6,530 3,080 1,060 660 1,020 400 80 5,660 9.83 409,200 535,520 108,080 32.2 227,440 73,680 534.040 143,760 55200 39,240 51,400 34,140 10.500 75,160 11,61 39,860 134,640 85,040 87,680 24,620 14,940 6,800 7,540 8,080 52,820 113,000 69,500 70,140 20,540 12,580 5,720 6,560 4,660 7,820 34,180 22,540 23,520 7,540 5,120 2,820 3,560 1,180 25.8 30.2 32.4 33.5 36.7 40.7 49.3 51.2 25.5 25,000 78,820 46,960. 46,620 13,000 7,460 2,900 3,200 3,480 7,040 21,640 15,540 17,540 4,080 2,560 1,080 980 3,420 52,760 112,560 69,180 70,040 20,440 12,480 5,620 6,480 4,480 20,860 64,500 28,540 18,480 5,320 2,020 1,000 760 2,280 ?n a 5,780 19,120 12,300 10,980 2,740 1,840 800 900 740 A 209n 2,460 11,220 9,140 10,340 2,680 1,700 580 620 500 24_ 800 2,460 11,740 10,940 16,060 4,240 2,920 1,080 1,420 540 6970 2690 8,80 297 2,4 ,4,984 930 510 23( 35,960 95,640 52,360 50,400 12,380 7,540 4,520 5,200 5,720 29,920 80,280 44,500 42,740 10,760 6,600 3,960 4,8660 3,500 8,880 26,540 17,380 17,960 5,200 3,540 2,180 3,020 1,340 29.7 33.1 39.1 42.0 48.3 55.6 55.1 64.8 58.53 21,040 55,740 27,,120 24,780 5,560 3,060 1,780 1,640 2,160 6,040 15,360 7,860 7,860 7,660 1,620 940 560 540 2,220 29,840 79,800 44,240 42,640 10,740 6,520 5,940 4,620 5,440 19,360 44,900 18,060 12,660' 3,420 1,220 960 660 1,540 5,160 16,320 10,320 8,420 1,960 1,000 500 420 720 2,380 7,880 5,240 5,860 1,300 940 340 480 460 2,000 6,360 6,100 7,800 2,100 1,400 900 1,100 480 980 4,929 6,660 11,120 4,040 3,120 1,480 1,620 200 220 1,060 1,800 5,060 1,420 880 680 1,160 220 6 8A0 72, 0 0 ,,1201 7,21 720 220 3,460 860 3,480 1,040 5,800 2,100 1,460 500 1,300 660 880 3560 860. 1,100 200 40 7,100 22,080 15,860 17,640 4,180 2,460 1,180 1,060 5, 00 48 94 6,120 15,840 8,120 7,780 1,640 1,020 580 580 2,280 7,25 8 25 11.96 17.19 18.55 21.68 23.48 26.26 9,.2 1n 65 7.21 8.59 11.47 14.70 14.47 20.21 21.39 26.32 10.75 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not hi pri- vate households. aComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 24 II I I T 11 Tf I T- ' ** II Lk L 4V 1 " "" 4g41 e , - w . , i IAA AM_ *a& 4IA 17QI IAC AM ,A 97 n rnn no"N .n. VdNr I Lie 1M nnn AA^ noAinn 42 " en 77 -#v TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 5.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO PALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued 25 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total Rental Median COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure valuerental Total Percent In not r Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to not e- lue er are- homes overlars) porting URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... . 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... . 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ... ..... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .....'.. 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. .. 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 35 to 44years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. .. 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more...... Not reported ............ .... ____7_1_107 in I "ccL*Dn I I , ,,, I "Q O, I Ann OOA 100,260 88,46011 20.600 23.3 67,860 11,800 88,340 5 31,100 1 18,340 1 11,960 1 15,640 9,220 2,080 11.920 15.06 1,140 840 160 - 680 300 840 420 180 40 00 60 40 800 10,220 8,740 1,140 13.0 7 600 1,480 8,700 6,460 1,320 440 460 20 1,520 6.23 14,820 12,880 2,000 15.5 10,880 1,940 12,900 7,160 3,060 1,040 1,000 560 80 1,920 8.51 22,040 19,220 3,720 19.4 15,500 2,820 19,220 6,740 4,780 2,840 3,160 1,540 160 2,820 12.50 35,740 32,140 8,600 26.8 23,540 3,600 32,120 7,880 6,560 5,040 7,560 4,400 880 3,620 16.11 12,300 11,240 3,440 30.6 7,800 1,060 11,180 1,900 1,880 2,120 2,740 2,000 540 1,120 18.77 2,920 2,720 1,360 50.0 1,360 200 2,720 380 500 400 700 560 380 200 23.50 80 80 60 - 20 - 80 20 - - - 60 - - 1,000 600 120 - 480 400 580 140 260 40 120 20 - 420 93,640 76,480 17,680 25.1 58,800 17,160 76,480 29,060 15.700 10,020 12,460 7,380 1,860 17,160 12.42 1,440 1,060 200 - 860 380 1,060 740 160 100 40 - 20 380 - 11,460 8,980 1,240 13.8 7,740 2,480 9,060 6,120 1,460 740 480 240 20 2,400 6.90 14,660 11,900 2,020 17.0 9,880 2,760 11,900 6,580 2,620 1,120 1,180 360 40 2,760 8.54 21,440 17,380 2,900 16.7 14,480 4,060 17,380 6,460 4,060 2,500 2,840 1,300 220 4,060 12.25 24,840 20,740 5,060 24.4 15,680 4,100 20,720 5,800 4,300 3,240 4,200 2,500 680 4,120 14.90 13,160 11,260 3,760 33.4 7,500 1,900 11,220 2,240 2,340 1,880 2,340 2,020 "400 1,940 17.24 4,960 4,220 2,140 50.7 2,080 740 4,200 760 640 380 1,160 840 420 760 22.26 440 360 240 - 120 80 360 80 40 20 60 100 60 80 - 1,240 580 120 - 460 660 580 280 80 40 160 20 - 660 - 145,840 111,220 20,220 18.2 91,000 341620 1111080 45,820 24,120 13,840 16,920 9,960 2,420 34,760 11.95 2,960 2,220 260 11.7 1,960 740 2,200 1,640 340 140 60 - 20 760 6.21 21,880 17,260 1,520 8.8 15,740 4,620 17,260 11,880 3,060 1,000 940 280 100 4,620 6.76 24,640 17,900 2,100 11.7 15,800 6,740 17,920 9,500 4,300 1,780 1,500 800 40 6,720 8.95 34,620 25,660 3,460 13.5 22,200 8,960 25,680 9,400 5,880 3,780 4,180 2,000 440 8,940 12.45 32,740 25,720 5,120 19.9 20,600 7,020 25,660 6,980 5,960 4,060 4,940 3,020 700 7,080 14.41 18,900 14,960 4,560 30.5 10,400 3,940 14,900 2,900 3,460 2,160 3,520 2,180 680 4,000 17.02 6,680 5,420 2,320 42.8 3,100 1,260 5,420 1,000 780 660 1,500 1,560 320 1,260 21.58 1,700 '1,360 860 - 500 340 1,320 260 180 200 320 240 120 380 - 1,720 720 20 - 700 1,000 720 260 160 60 160 80 - 1,000 - 270,060 201.020 29,960 14,9 171,060 69,040 200, 520 79,500 42,920 24,440 31,680 17,080 4,900 69,540 11.92 7,020 5,200 560 10.8 4,640 1,820 5,180 3,600 880 240 200 240 20 1,840 6.69 45,860 36,040 3,060 8.5 32,980 9,820 35,900 22,560 6,880 2,660 2,760 900 140 9,960 7.46 54,040 39,860 4,240 10.6 35,620 14,180 39,740 20,940 8,760 4,040 3,900 1,880 220 14,300 8.99 69,060 49,740 6,080 12.2 43,660 19,320 49,700 16,320 12,040 6,760 9,100 4,520 960 19,360 13.04 48,600 36,620 6,560 17.9 30,060 11,980 36,540 9,700 8,100 5,640 7,820 4,180 1,100 12,060 14.92 26,680 20,980 5,160 24.6 15,820 5,700 20,920 4,100 4,240 3,260 4,820 3,200 1,300 5,760 17.75 8,940 6,620 2,220 33,5 4,400 2,520 6,620 1,000 1,120 980 1,720 1,360 440 2,320 20.72 6,060 4,260 1,980 46.5 2,280 1,800 4,240 620 480 640 1,160 640 700 1,820 22.78 3,800 1,700 100 - 1,600 2,100 1,680 660 420 220 200 160 20 2,120 - 259,320 196.160 29.360 15,0 166,800 65,160 195,820 71,340 435,640 24,620 31,260 20,140 4,820 63,500 12.54 8,200 6,320 680 10.8 5,640 1,880 6,320 4,100 1,060 420 540 160 40 1,880 7.21 53,840 41,820 4,040 9.7 37,780 12,020 41,800 24,040 9,340 3,440 3,560 1,260 160 12,040 8.19 56,460 42,040 5,020 11.9 37,020 14,420 42,060 18,020 10,660 5,060 5,340 2,580 400 14,400 10.91 68,560 51,180 7,660 15.0 43,520 17,389 51,040 13,580 11,880 7,560 10,160 6,560 1,300 17,520 14.54 37,420 29,140 5,360 18.4 23,780 8,280 29,080 7,100 6,100 4,600 5,980 4,480 820 8,340 15.96 17,680 13,260 3,100 23.4 10,160 4,420 13,260 2,220 2,440 1,900 2,940 2,860 900 4,420 19.74 7,240 5,720 1,720 30.1 4,000 1,520 5,740 980 940 780 1,520 1,200 520 1,500 20.79 5,520 4,200 1,480 35.2 2,720 1,320 4,160 480 600 520 1,060 840 660 1,360 24.03 4,400 2,480 5300 12.1 2,180 1,920 2,360 820 620 340 360 200 20 2,040 12.40 498,680 586,260 71,480 18.5 314,780 112,420 385.460 125,960 77 140 53,420 72,000 45,800 11,140 1135,220 15.83 25,060 19,620 2,520 12.8 17,100 5,440 19,540 11,080 3,820 1,600 2,400 560 80 5,520 8.32 128,300 102,520 14,480 14.1 88,040 25,780 102,400 49,160 23,120 11,860 12,760 4,920 580 25,900 9.94 115,060 89,380 14,760 16.5 74,620 25,680 89,200 32,180 19,960 13,400 15,200 7,060 1,400 25,860 12.61 132,280 99,560 18,980 19.1 80,580 52,720 99,360 20,920 18,480 16,020 24,140 16,120 3,680 32,920 17.71 45,960 36,100 8,980 24.9 27,120 9,860 36,040 6,700 6,460 5,440 8,440 7,140 1,860 9,920 18.97 23,540 18,120 5,000 27.6 13,120 5,420 18,080 2,300 2,500 2,540 4,120 5,000 1,620 5,460 23.63 11,220 8,700 2,740 31.5 5,960 2,520 8,660 1,100 1,220 1,160 1,980 2,520 680 2,560 23;.79 9,100 7,440 3,160 42.5 4,280 1,660 7,420 660 740 820 1,960 2,080 1,160 1,680 27.10 8,160 4,820 860 17.8 3,960 3,340 4,760 1,860 840 580 1,000 400 80 3,400 12.60 309,540 252,140 72.840 28,9 179300C 57,400 251.240 76,000 46,540 36,620 49.160 52,980 9 940 582.00 14.9 25,300 20,760 3,700 17.8 17,060 4,540 20,760 10,420 4,660 2,280 2,500 880 220 4,540 9.46 92,720 76,580 19,620 25.6 56,960 16,140 76,400 32,980 15,960 10,520 11,160 4,780 1,000 16,320 11.14 65,040 52,380 14,740 28.1 37,640 12,660 52,180 15,180 10,220 8,420 10,400 6,420 1,540 12,860 14.91 73,780 58,860 17,800 30.2 41,060 14,920 58,780 10,560 9,520 9,720 15,600 10,680 2,900 15,000 19.59 21,100 17,640 6,080 34.5 11,560 3,460 .17,560 3,320 2,340 2,460 4,100 3,920 1,420 3,540 21.11 13,500 11,380 4,520 39.7 6,860 2,120 11,280 1,400 1,600 1,620 2,740 3,060 860 2,220 253.22 6,060 5,160 2.480 48.1 2,680 900 5,100 640' 740 560 1,020 1,460 680 960 25.48 6,860 5,960 3,100 52.0 2,860 900 5,900 460 820 560 1,380 1,580 1,100 960 27.54 5,180 3,420 800 235.4 2,620 1,760 3,280 1,240 680 480 460 200 220 1,900 12.44 211,720 176,000 59,700 33.,9 116.300 35,720 175,500 61,940 39,700 22,880 26,820 17,400 6.560 36.420 12.74 24,020 70,840 42,840 44,020 10,740 6,840 3,960 4,560 3,900 19,560 58,080 35,980 37,040 9,320 5,940 3,400 4,100 2,580 4,740 15,120 12,460 14,360 4,460 3,120 1,840 2,640 960 24,2 26.0 34.6 38.8 47.9 52.5 54.1 64.4 37.2 14,820 42,960 23,520 22,680 4,860 2,820 1,560 1,460 1,620 4,460 12,760 6,860 6,980 1,420 900 560 460 1,320 "19,540 57,860 35,780 36,940 9,320 5,900 3,380 4,060 2,520 10,240 26,320 11,620 8,620 2,380 860 620 400 880 4,380 14,280 9,240 7,820 1,780 900 420 320 560 2,040 7,140 4,840 5,560 1,240 900 300 460 400 1,960 6,080 5,760 7,300 ,2,060 1,340 860 1,000 460 720 3,220 3,360 5,580 1,380 1,260 840 840 200 200 820 960 2,060 480 640 340 1,040 20 4,480 12,980 7,060 7,080 1,420 940 580 500 1,380 9.04 10.41 12.89 16.33 16.52 21.66 23.57 28.00 12.89 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households, 2Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 11889,060W 111,487',740 1132198401 21.6 (1,16b~ww IWUOC;V 11,464,240K 11 id'./20 13~08100 1197,8001<.255,940 1159,960 ~KI 43,720C 1404,8201I 13.13 ^I n n n ^1-1^^ Qn. '7n Ilrn0 Qr\ 01 ab AM qon I iz is i 26 EDUCATION Table 5.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NGNFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME I)oNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes TenuRentalMedia COLLETED, AND AGE Tenure value retal Total Percent re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $0 to t re- value reportrented ported reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 nd rtedm dol- reporting Number of to- homes X overlas) tal re- porting RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ,...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ... ... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. . 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: I to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. . 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grad e school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..:.. High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3-years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 611.200 11 496,420 1178.040 40.l 0 35.9 318.380 114.780 4935.40011 415,.60 46,580 1 14.420 I 10.300 I 4.680 1.760 117.8001 5.44 35.480 11140_0l 420 I 19.420 7.020 33.240 2a.220 3.2601 780 680 280 80 7.2601 5.38 1,480 960 260 - 700 520 940 880 60 - 20 - - 540 10,140 8,580 2,360 28.2 6,020 1,760 8,520 7,760 480 60 20 - 1,820 4.86 8,680 7,280 2,780 38.2 4,503 1,400 7,240 6,640 440 40 40 60 20 1,440 4.95 8,760 7,480 3,500 46.8 5,980 1,280 7,400 6,180 760 220 800 20 20 1,50 35.49 8,280 6,940 3,860 55.6 3,080 1,540 6,920 5,220 1,100 '260 200 120 20 1,60W 6.13 1,740 1,560 940 - 620 180 1,560 1,000 280 120 80 60 20 180 - 620 540 340 - 200 8 540 320 80 60 60 20 - - S 800 340 20 - 320 460 320 240 20 - - 4 - 359040 50,420 11.160 56.7. 19,260 8.620 30,360 25.480 2.980 840 680 540 40 8,60 5.46 1,320 940 280 - 660 380 940 900 20 - - 20 380 - 10,820 8,680 2,400 27.6 6,280 2,140 8,660 8,040 420 60 100 40 - 2,160 4.89 . 8,540 6,540 2, 00 55.2 4,240 1,800 6,500 5,740 580 140 20 20 - 1,840 5.16 7,720 5,980 2,460 41.1 3,520 1,740 6,020 5,340 560 120 220 80 - 1,700 5.47 6,520 5,200 2,160 41.5 3,040 1,320 5,160 3,980 740 240 140 0 - 1, 6 5.98 2,740 2,280 1,180 51.8 1,100 460 2,280 1,300 520 180 180 80 20 460 8.27 640 400 240 - 160 240 400 200 40 100 20 40 - 240 - 100 80 40 - 40 20 80 20 40 - - 20 - 20 840 520 100 - 220 520 320 260 60 - - - - 20 - . 58,600 44.980 13,720 50.5 31,260 15,620 44,740 39,080 3,120 1,500 820 300 120 1.,860 5,22 3,260 2,220 520 23.4 1,700 1,040 2,200 2,020 160 .- 20 - - 1,000 4.95 17,600 14,160 2,820 19.9 11,340 3,440 14,100 13,340 580 100 60 20 5,500 4.78 12,340 9,960 5,060 530.7 6,900 2,380 9,940 9,040 520 220 100 20 40 2,400 5.00 . 12,380 9,580 3,380 535.3 6,200 2,800 9,500 8,540 660 300 120 80 - 2,880 5.20 7,260 5,200 2,140 41.2 3,060 2,060 5,160 3,880 620 340 240 60 20 2,100 6.15 3,440 2,760 1,280 46.4 1,480 680 2,740 1,820 380 200 220 80 40 700 7.03 S.. 880 - 660 580 - 280 220 660 380 60 100 60 40 '0 220 - 340 120 80 - 40 220 120 40 60 20 - - 220 - 1,100 320 60 - 260 780 320 220 so80 20 - - - 780 - 95,000 74,300 20.620 27,8 53,680 20,700 73.940 64.100 6.040 1,900 1.200 360 340 21,000 5.27 6,560 4,540 800 17.6 3,740 1,820 4,520 4,260 200 40 - 20 - 1,840 4.81 31,780 25,720 5,540 21.5 20,180 6,060 25,580 24,200 1,000 180 160 20 20 6,200 4.79 21,980 18,000 5,000 27.8 13,000 3,980 18,020 15,860 1,580 340 , 160 40 40 5,960 5.18 18,360 14,440 4,980 54.5 9,460 3,920 14,280 11,580 1,500 620 400 60 120 4,080 5.67 8,580 6,500 2,260 34.8 4,240 2,080 6,440 5,000 700 320 220 100 100 2,140 5.94 3,620 2,740 1,080 39.4 1,660 880 2,740 1,68080 580 260 180 40 20 880 7.65 1,180 900 500 - 400 280 900 620 160 20 60 40 - 280 - 1,020 620 280 - 340 400 640 260 220 60 20 40 40 380 - 2,120 843 180 - 660 1,280 820 640 100 60 20 - - 1,30 - 81,680 65,320 17,760 27.2 47.560 16,360 64.800 55,820 5,640 1i680 960 440 260 16,880 5.30 6,160 4,640 1,020 22.0 3,620 1,520 4,560 4,500 200 40 20 - - 1,600 4.80 28,760 23,860 5,260 22.0 18,600 4,900 23,800 22,040 1,240 240 200 o0 0 4,900 4.90 19,740 16,540 5,040 50.5 11,500 3,200 16,340 14,060 1,520 500 120 120 20 3,400 5.31 14,580 11,660 3,520 50.2 8,140 2,920 11,560 9,380 1,320 280 320 160 100 3,020 5.66 6,380 4,960 1,620 32.7 3,340 1,420 4,980 3,680 780 220 160 80 40 1,420 6.24 1,700 1,240 440 - 800 460 1,240 840 180 140 40 20 460 - 960 780 440 - 540 180 780 420 180 100 40 - 40 180 - 920 700 200 - 500 220 680 340 160 12 1 60 - - 240 2,480 940 220 - 720 1,540 880 780 60 40 - - 20 1,600 - 138,720 113,620 39.140 34,4 74.480 25,100 113.040 94,360 11.760 5.300 2,560 1,020 240 25.680 5,49 15,000 11,760 5,300 28.1 8,460 53,240 11,700 10,780 660 160 80 - 20 3,300 4.93 56,080 47,680 13,820 29.0 5,860 8,400 47,460 42,480 3,800 640 500 220 20 8,620 5.09 29,760 25,140 9,720 38.7 15,420 4,620 I "5.000 20,560 2,920 840 420 220 40 4,760 5.58 22,160 17,900 7,620 42.6 10,280 4,2W- I... ,840 13,240 2,660 840 800 240 60 4,320 6.24 6,880 5,440 2,280 '41.9 3,160 1,440 5,380 3,820 960 280 180 120 20 1,500 6.54 2,400 2,000 1,180 59.0 820 400 1,980 1,200 340 200 200 40 - 420 - 1,280 980 500 - 480 300 980 480 220 100 80 100 - 00 - 1,360 1,160 440 - 720 200 1,160 580 180 160 80 80 80 200 - 3,800 1,560 280 - 1,280 2,240 1,540 1,220 220 80 20 - - 2,260 - 99,660 83,580 35240 42.3 48.140 16,280 82,800 67.760 8,660 2,620 2240 1,160 360 16.860 5,61 14,560 12,060 4,120 34.2 7,940 2,500 12,000 10,440 1,120 180 160 100 - 2,560 5.25 41,920 36,420 14,560 40.0 21,860 5,500 36,160 31,520 3,160 _ 700 580 140 60 5,70 5.24 20,000 17,120 7,800 45.6 9,320 2,880 17,000 13,360 2,080 720 540 240 60 3,000 5.86 13,900 11,280 5,720 50.7 5,560 2,620 11,260 "8,120 1,460 620 460 440 160 2,640 6.43 3,520 2,900 1,460 50.3 1,440 620 2,880 2,000 400 220 140 120 - e,40 6.70 1,440 1,200 600 - 600 240 1,200 620 240 80 180 60 20 240 - 740 560 340 - 220 180 5 20 360 60 20 60 20 - 220 680 600 260 - 540 80 580 300 80 60 40 40 40 60 100 - 2,900 1,240 380 - 860 1,680 00 1,040 60 20 80 - - 1,700 58,000 50,920 26,340 51.7 24,580 7,080 50,480 40,840 5,120 2,000 1,420 780 320 7.520 5,68 11,940 24,800 9,520 6,380 1,640 700 560 640 1,820 10,360 22,200 8,520 5,700 1,440 660 560 50 920 4,140 11,420 4,920 3,600 740 420 340 380 380 40.0 51.4 57.7 63.2 -_ -_ 6,220 10,780 3,600 2,100 700 240 220 180 540 �1,580 2,600 1,000 680 200 40 80 900 10,300 21,940 8,460 5,700 1,420 620 560 560 920 9,120 18,580 6,440 4,040 1,040 360 340 260 660 780 2,040 1,080 600 180 100 80 100 160 340 740 400 300 60 40 40 20 60 40 280 340 500 40 60 40 100 20 260 120 220 80 40 40 20 20 40 80 40 20 20 20 �0 20 1,640 2,860 1,060 680 220 80 80 900 5.15 �.40 6.07 6.55 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. aComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. I II ---J-~- - I --- - - - - ---~ 1 --.-- -Tr ._ TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL 'VALUE OF HOME 27 Table 6.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Rental Median COMPLETED, AND AGE Tepurevalue rental Total Percent not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to not re- reporting Numborted reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 and orte (dol er tal homes 49 over porteds lae) tal re- porting URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old. 18 and 19 years old............... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . 20 and 21 years old ..... ....... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more... . Not reported ............ . ... ... 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ......... .. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years... ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old... ............ No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ '5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................. .. 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ... . Not reported ............... .. 2,2O60Ut0U 2. 5,,7(. 150 1 oo . I24.5 11.794 .O62 440.54 Z.P BIOJD5b,8 45.4tsU' Z 4u o54,03W 20U6.2U0 55.980U 447,880 10.44 171,480 147,400 56.840 25.0 110.560 24,080 147,000 75,680 26,060 14,520 17,940 10,480 2.320 24.480 9,21 2,160 1,720 300 - 1,420 440 1,720 1,440 140 20 60 40 20 440 15,940 11,680 1,760 15.1 9,920 2,260 11,600 9,460 1,300 540 5340 140 20 2,540 5.63 23,480 19,960 5,740 18.7 16,220 3,520 20,000 15,240 2,560 1,080 760 320 40 5,480 6.06 58,020 51,880 5,900 18.5 25,980 6,140 31,800 '19,100 6,100 2,880 2,400 1,060 260 6,220 7.82 58,560 51,580 12,840 24.9 58,740 6,980 51,480 21,100 10,740 6,040 8,080 4,820 700 7,080 11.66 26,480 23,020 8,260 55.9 14,760 5,460 22,900 6,940 4,220 3,120 4,780 3,040 800 5,580 14.96 7,260 6,500 5,820 58.8 2,680 760 6,460 1,740 940 940 1,400 980 460 800 17.43 180 180 40 - 140 - 180 60 - - 60 60 - - - 1,400 880 180 - 700 520 860 600 60 100 60 20 20 540 - 172,700 140.700 29.200 20,8 111,500 32,000 140,280 75.060 25,020 13,400 16,720 9,420 2,660 52,420 8.84 2,580 2,020 520 15.8 1,700 560 2,000 1,560 180 80 80 80 20 580 5.91 18,860 15,820 1,780 11.5 14,040 3,040 15,820 13,580 1,520 320 380 140 80 5,040 5.41 27,220 22,280 2,800 12.6 19,480 4,940 22,200 16,160 3,200 1,200 1,340 180 120 5,020 6.37 38,920 30,740 4,760 15.5 25,980 8,180 30,600 18,280 5,540 2,560 5,000 1,280 140 8,320 7.87 45,600 36,100 7,400 20.5 28,700 7,500 56,100 15,420 7,020 4,400 5,600 3,060 600 7,500 11.37 29,500 24,240 7,480 50.9 16,760 5,260 24,120 7,720 4,260 3,580 4,620 3,120 820 5,580 14.61 9,000 7,460 53,900 52.5 3,560 1,540 7,440 1,960 1,820 860 1,380 1,580 640 1,560 17.64 1,540 1,260 880 6 - 580 280 1, 260 180 200 260 280 140 200 280 - 1,480 780 80 - 700 700 740 400 80 140 40 40 40 740 - 266,220 210.480 57.460 17.8 175,020 55,740 209,800 , 110 200 56,840 19,100 25,440 15,020 5,200 56,420 9.02 4,560 53,420 440 12.9 2,980 1,140 3,420 2,780 240 200 140 40 20 1,140 5.65 52,560 26,880 2,840 10.6 24,040 5,680 26,74C 21,300 3,160 980 820 400 80 5,820 5.78 45,660 37,200 4,600 12.4 32,600 8,460 37,060 26,040 5,540 2,360 2,160 800 160 8,600 6.62 65,740 51,120 7,520 14.7 45,600 14,620 51,04C 27,480 10,140 4,300 6,000 2,540 580 14,70 8.79 61,180 48,740 7,920 16,2 40,820 12,440 48,580 19,540 10,040 5,800 7,600 4,820 780 12,600 11.87 37,200 29,060 7,700 26.5 21,360 8,140 28,960 8,480 5,560 3,620 6,140 4,260 900 8,240 15.1 11,060 8,820 3,820 43.3 5,000 2,240 8,780 2,940 1,460 1,340 1,600 1,160 280 2,280 14.47 5,400 3,800 2,420 653.7 1,380 1,600 3,800 780 540 380 760 960 380 1,600 22.13 2,860 1,440 200 - 1,240 1,420 1,420 860 160 120 220 40 20 1,440 - 451,5300 361,960 60,140 16,6 301.8'20 89,5340 5360.960 181.900 64.680 36,500 45,180 26,420 6,280 90,340 9.42 9,500 7,600 86Q9 11.3 6,740 1,700 7,560 5,580 960 480 440 100 - 1,740 6;27 65,240 54,600 5,580 10.2 49,020 10,640 54,580 40,780 7,300 2,580 35,020 660 240 10,660 6.19 88,680 73,120 9,440 12.9 65,680 15,560 72,920 45,840 12,920 5,280 6,220 2,140 520 15,760 7.45 121,880 96,360 13,540 14.1 82,820 25,520 96,000 45,700 19,340 11,200- 12,040 6,440 1,280 25,880 10.09 88,740 71,100 11,780 16.6 59,320 17,640 71,000 27,640 13,920 8,440 12,520 7,040 1,440 17,740 12.32 46,900 36,920 9,800 26.5 27,120 9,980 36,840 10,280 6,540 5,240 7,220 6,020 1,540 10,060 16.03 17,080 13,320 5,460 41.0 7,860 5,760 13,220 3,960 2,80 1,980 2,180 2,240 480 3,860 15.18 9,140 6,760 3,340 49.4 3,420 2,380 6,720 1,020 960 1,060 1,340 1,600 740 2,420 21.89 4,340 2,180 340 15.6 1,840 2,160 2,120 1,100 360 240 200 180 40 2,220 9.14 394,660 5327,420 62,5320 19.0 265,100 67,240 5326,460 147.340 59,660 35,520 46.140 50,320 7,480, 68,200 10.85 10,880 8,880 1,380 15.5 7,500 2,000 8,880 6,680 1,000 640 400 140 20 2,000 6.15 67,900 -57,540 7,400 12.9 50,140 10,560 57,420 39,780 8,800 3,560 3,940 1,120 220 10,480 6.72 85,640 71,700 10,660 14.9 61,040 15,940 71,460 38,660 14,380 6,980 7,220 3,680 540 14,180 8.74 108,800 89,600 15,160 16.9 74,440 19,200 89,560 34,440 18,000 11,180 15,220 9,060 1,460 19,440 12.34 62,920 52,220 11,060 21.2 41,160 10,700 52,140 16,920 9,580 7,080 9,420 7,300 1,840 10,780 14.28 52,040 26,460 7,500 28.3 18,960 5,580 26,340 5,700 4,500 3,320 5,820 5,400 1,600 5,700 18.97 13,260 11,240 4,900 43.6 6,540 2,020 11,220 2,860 2,000 1,460 2,300 1,800 800 2,040 17.07 8,760 7,020 3,740 53.3 5,280 1,740 6,920 1,020 780 940 1,560 1,680 940 1,840 24.12 4,460 2,760 520 18.8 2,240 1,700 2,720 1,280 620 560 260 140 60 1,740 10.15 704,660 608,080 150.840 24,8 457.240 96,580 605,940 -257960 113.940 70,640 90,580 57.480 15.340 98,720 11.48 32,280 28,420 4,620 16.3 23,800 3,860 28,340 19,120 4,800 1,900 1,660 780 80 3,940 6.91 164,080 144,580 28,100 19.5 116,280 19,700 143,980 87,180 26,060 11,880 12,940 4,960 960 20,100 7.76 168,540 145,560 31,220 21.4 114,540 22,780 145,040 67,080 30,180 17,460 19,260 9,540 1,520 25,300 10.40 183,040 156,480 37,720 24.1 118,760 26,560 155,940 49,840 30,200 22,3580 50,100 18,760 4,6860 27,100 14.16 80,180 69,120 21,580 31.2 47,540 11,060 68,980 20,760 12,940 9,020 13,340 10,360 2,560 11,200 14.94 39,640 34,460 12,820 37.2 21,640 5,180 34,500 6,720 5,100 4,280 7,640 7,660 2,900 5,540 20.87 17,620 15,160 7,900 52.1 7,260 2,460 15,060 3,220 2,340 2,040 2,980 3,180 1,500 2,560 19.533 10,540 , 8,900 5,440 61.1 3,460 1,640 8,860 1,500 1,320 880 2,020 1,860 1,280 1,680 235.11 8,940 5,600 1,440 25.7 4,160 3,340 5,440 2,540 1,000 800 640 380 80 3,500 10.40 432,500 382,140 126,100 33.0 256,040 50,380 380920 1 -16,100 66,760 43,520 55,220 37,200 12,120 51,580 11.532 35,800 31,680 7,380 23.3 24,300 4,120 51,560 21,480 4,980 1,960 1,900 1,060 180 4,240 6.85 128,640 115,580 31,840 27.5 83,740 15,060 115,520 65,320 21,040 11,240 11,960 5,040 920 13,120 8.34 97,040 85,940 27,220 31.7 58,720 11,100 85,520 37,920 16,780 10,520 12,300 6,700 1,500 11,520 10:94 96,020 83,840 28,660 34.2 55,180 12,180 83,540 25,220 13,540 11,580 16,540 12,600 4,060 12,480 15.80 335,880 30,220 12,420 41.1 17,800 5,660 30,160 8,440 5,140 4,080 6,000 4,860 1,640 5,720 16.54 18,240 16,180 8,540 51.5 7,840 2,060 16,100 2,840 2,560 2,220 3,580 3,500 1,600 2,140 21.26 9,820 8,880 5,500 61.9 3,580 940 8,800 1,780 1,260 1,140 1,720 1,900 1,000 1,020 20.78 5,820 5,180 3,480 67.2 1,700 640 5,180 740 640 580 860 1,240 1,120 640 26.83 7,240 4,640 1,260 27.2 53,80 2,600 4,540 2,360 1,020 400 360 300 100 2,700 9.12 226,540 201,540 82,200 40,8 119,540 25,000 200,8201 91.620 54,500 21,100 27,140 19,880 6,580 25,7201 10.77 00,400 u 10,0InI iI& 50,460 76,100 46,220 42,140 13,040 8,060 5,980 2,020 4,520 27,040 67,880 41,540 38,000 11,940 7,020 3,540 1,880 2,700 8,880 24,000 17,320 17,120 6,060 3,840 2,580 1,280 1,120 32.8 35.4 41.7 45.1 50,8 54.7 72.9 41.5 18,160 43,880 24,220 20,880 5,880 5,180 960 600 1,580 5,42 8,220 4,680 4,140 1,100 1,040 440 140 1,820 26,980 67,680 41,360 37,860 11,880 6,940 3,520 1,900 2,700 18,100 38,140 17,260 11,120 3,260 1,380 700 160 1,500 4,000 12,240 7,720 6,300 2,000 1,100 560 260 320 1,960 6,220 4,760 4,640 1,800 920 300 280 420 1,900 6,300 6,360 7,420 2,530 1,300 940 320 220 800 4,200 4,340 6,020 1,700 1,560 500 580 180 220 580 920 2,360 940 680 520 300 60 3,480 8,420 4,860 4,280 1,160 1,120 460 120 1,820 6.95 8.37 -11.72 16.15 16.63 20,04 21.63 8.50 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households, aComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 748370 0--47--3 AAA~1 n n ^ n I cn innl OA 92 AnC -Al rA r,1 OA %M ...c. -...I c nnn _,s on l i EDUCATION Table 6.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE IJNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure RentalMed COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure rental Total Percent In not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to not r (dal reportof to- ented ported reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 ove pored reportingNumber tare- homes ove ported la)porting porting URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old ... . ..... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years :.... 4 years or more... Not reported ......... ....... 20 and 21 years old .......... . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years... :. High 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: I to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. X... ,214,0 1,843.oqoo Oo, o 21 . ,O,U3 7,9U.U0 a 8,O 5,, w 6 o.7 rl0 5.,a2 512,980 1020 .54000 374.820 1 .02 126,840 107,540 23.300 21,7 84.240 19.500 107.240 41 320 22,460 13,600 17,380 10.280 2 200 19,600 12.24 1,100 820 180 - 640 280 820 600 80 20 60 40 20 280 .. 7,120 5,680 580 10.2 5,100 1,440 5,660 3,880 1,000 340 5320 120 - 1,460 6.79 S.. 14,240 11,740 1,520 12.9 10,220 2,500 11,780 7,500 2,180 1,040 700 520 40 2,460 . 7.55 S.. 26,620 21,600 2,700 12,5 18,900 5,020 21,580 9,940 5,340 2,740 2,320 1,340 200 5,040 10.30 ... 47,620 41,760 8,580 20.5 33,180 5,860 41,620 13,440 9,260 5,660 7,900 4,680 680 6,000 13.48 22,900 19,700 6,420 32.6 13,280 3,200 19,600 4,500 3,760 2,860 4,660 3,020 800 3,300 17.19 �. 6,200 5,520 3,200 58.0 2,520 680 5,480 1,100 800 860 1,300 980 440 720 19.38 .. 160 160 20 - 140 - 160 40 - - 60 60 -- . 880 560 100 - 460 5320 540 5320 40 80 60 20 20 340 ... 129,180 102500 18,120 17,7 843580 26,680 102,420 41.600 20,540 12,5 0 16,100 9,100 2,520 26,760 11,84 1,620 1,200 160 - 1,040 . 420 1,200 760 180 80 80 80 20 4 - 10,680 8,680 540 6.2 8,140 2,000 8,680 6,380 1,420 320 380 140 40 2,000 6.30 ... 17,680 13,780 1,220 8,9 12,560 3,900 13,800 8,180 2,860 1,180 1,300 180 100 53,880 7.94 28,540 21,380 2,180 10.2 19,200 7,160 21,400 9,920 4,780 2,400 @,920 1,260 120 7,140 10.32 35,740 29,200 4,680 16.0 24,520 6,540 29,200 9,860 6,320 4,140 5,340 2,960 0 8, 540 13.25 25,140 20,500 5,540 27.3 14,760 4,840 20,220 4,940 35,760 3,240 4,480 3,020 780 4,920 16,68 .. 7,560 6,360 3,220 50.6 3,140 1,200 6,340 1,300 1,000 840 1,280 1,280 640 1,220 19.73 S. 1,300 1,060 520 - 540 240 1,060 80 140 220 280 140 200 240 - S. 920 540 60 - 480 380 520 180 80 140 40 40 40 400 - .. 202,180 155,360 23,160 14,9 132,200 46,820 155.120 62,000 32,620 18,140 24.720 14.560 3.080 47.050 11,89 2, 4U 20,280 30,840 50,020 50,460 32,629 9,186 4,400 2,040 354,520 5,680 43,380 65,720 97,560 75,800 41,540 14,140 7,740 2,960 316.660 6,820 47,680 66,440 90,040 54,900 28,940 11,160 7,56C0 3,12C Sa nr 1, 700 16,140 23,960 37,440 39,380 25,140 7,280 3,320 1,000 120IU 1,100 1,840 4,180 5,080 5,680 2,920 2,120 120 6.8 7.7 11.2 12.9 22.6 40.1 65.9 278.040 11 37.5001 13_5 4,540 35,260 52,580 74,560 59,780 32,700 11,120 5,940 1,560 259.200 5,580 39,640 54,340 73,000 45,020 23,760 9,560 6,140 2,160 A R A on 380 2,26C 4,580 7,000 8,140 7,780 4,200 2,940 220 40.70C 600 3,520 5,580 9,360 8,020 6,020 4,060 3,200 340 8.4 6.4 8.7 9.4 13.6 23.8 37.8 49,5 15.7 10.8 8.9 10.3 12.8 17.8 25.3 42.5 52.1 15.7 o9 1 I,580 15,040 22,120 35,2601 34,300 19,460 4,360 1,200 880 640 4,140 6,880 12,580 11,080 7,480 1,900 1,080 1,040 1,700 16,160 23,980 37,380 39,260 25,060 7,260 3,320 1,000 1, 220U 11,280 13,860 15,400 11,820 5,600 1,860 480 480 140 2,760 4,860 9,040 8,860 5,060 1,240 500 160 140 880 2,240 4,100 5,580 3,460 1,280 120 120 140 800 2,080 5,820 7,500 5,980 1,500 700 200 40 380 780 2,480 4,760 4,080 1,100 920 20 20 680 160 540 740 880 280 380 20 640 4,120 6,860 12,640 11,200 7,560 1,920 1,080 1,040 6.6 8.15 11.32 13.91 17.20 16.57 24,36 240.5401 76.480 277.700 11109.7201 58.2601 34.3801 43.420 25.8800 6_040 76.820 12.00 4,160 33,000 48,000 67,560 51.640 24,920 6,920 5,000 1,340 218.500 4,980 36,120 48,760 63,640 37,000 17,740 5,500 2,940 1,820 1,140 8,120 13,140 23,000- 16,020 8,840 5,020 1,800 1,400 57.460 1,240 8,040 12,100 17,040 9,880 5x180 1,600 1,420 960 n, S1an 4,520 35,340 52,560 74,460 59,700 32,640 11,020 5,900 1,560 258.680 5,580 39,680 54,200 72,860 44,960 23,640 .9,540 6,100 2,120 AnA Ian 2,760 22,740 27,340 27,380 18,320 7,460 2,420 720 580 89.340 3,560 23,140 25,460 21,120 11,120 3,780 1,780 600 800 1 a r An 820 6,540 11,640 17,200 12,860 5,860 2,180 800 360 54.000 840 8,020 12,940 16,200 8,820 4,280 1,700 620 580 4 42 IM OUM 1 ,leu N AA 420 2,440 4,980 10,720 8,020 4,880 1,760 940 220 33.540 620 3,400 6,640 10,360 6,840 3,220 1,280 880 300 a oMne 420 2,820 5,960 11,660 12,220 7,000 1,960 1,200 180 44.920 40 r 1 20 1 24 400 3,820 7,040 14,840 9,200 5,660 2,240 1,460 260 as _aCn 100 600 2,180 6,280 6,900 5,980 2,220 1,500 180 29.60a 140 1,100 3,620 8,960 7,160 5,140 1,760 1,600 140 .. -- 200 520 1,220 1,380 1,460 480 740 40 7 260 20 200 500 1,580 1,820 1,580 780 940 40 1 A ... 1,1600 8,040 13,160 23,100 16,100 8,900 3,120 1,840 1,400 sa or 1,240 8,000 12,240 17,180 9,940 5,300 1,620 1,460 1,000 .. .. - X, _- _ v vv w i y V7, 7.89 7.27 9.11 12.56 13.98 17.57 17.09 23.58 1s.20 7.34 8.07 10.91 14,23 16836 20.49 19.54 26.01 11.74 ,. as I -~~'* -~-~-'~ 1* ~~-~-~'+ ~'~f ~".""'4 +~-~t~i.33~ ~ "'*~4 "~" OO.O~j. 14.5OI~4. o6,O4IJ~1O,0O 4,040 1,780 1,580 760 60 2,420 21,12C 121,280 133,46C 156,380 69,380 36,22C 15,380 9,500 6,28C 543.5,66 23,640 94,660 77,480 83,300 29,320 16,580 8,740 5,160 4,780 172.480 18,700 105,300 114,100 132,760 59,360 31,580 13,160 8,086 4,380 301.500 20,960 84,100 67,560 72,400 25,940 14,700 7,880 4,600 3,360 152.060 17,140 47,920 32,320 31,620 10,180 6,300 2,920 1,760 1,900 2,200 14,960 19,020 26,600 16,560 11,240 6,640 4,900 960 87.640 3,920 18,260 17,300 22,180 9,900 7,480 4,740 3,040 820 54.980 4,420 13,980 11,780 12,820 4,780 3,500 2,020 1,160 720 11.8 14.2 16.7 20.0 27.9 35.6 50.5 60.6 21.9 29.1 18.7 21.7 25.6 50.6 38.2 50.9 60.2 66.1 24.4 36.2 25.8 29,2 36,4 40.5 47.0 52.4 69,2 16,500 90,340 95,080 106,160 42,800 20,340 6,520 3,180 3,420 213,860 17,040 65,840 50,260 50,220 16,040 7,220 3,140 1,560 2,540 97.080 12,720 33,940 20,540 18,800 5,400 3,000 900 600 1,180 2,420 15,980 19,360 23,620 10,020 4,640 2,220 1,420 1,900 42.160 2,680 10,560 9,920 10,900 3,380 1,880 860 560 1,420 20.420 2,420 6,840 4,060 3,640 1,040 900 380 120 1,020 18,700 105,080 113,740 132,500 59,260 31,440 13,080 8,020 4,340 500:780 20,920 84,100 67,320 72,180 25,900 14,620 7,820 4,600 3,320 151.600 17,120 47,840 32,200 31,500 10,140 6,220 2,900 1,780 1,900 10,460 52,480 40,520 31,640 13,420 5,000 2,180 1,100 1,640 99 620 11,660 37,520 25,020 16,720 5,600 2,040 1,280 440 1,340 51.100 9,180 20,500 10,129 6,800 1,960 1,060 480 160 840 4,040 22,960 27,180 27,580 11,640 4,620 1,940 1,120 880 59 540 4,400 18,900 14,820 12,260 4,500 2,100 1,380 560 920 30.000 3,38 14r 1,000 3,380 10,900 6,820 5,340 1,780 940 400 220 220 1,780 11,180 16,760 21,140 8,500 4,060 1,840 800 740 40 940 1 , . , 1. . I0 1,860 10,500 9,660 11,020 3,900 2,060 1,040 520 380 193 60 1,580 12,660 18,420 29,260 13,000 7,340 2,82�0 1,940 640 53_020 1,820U 11,420 11,840 16,040 5,660 3,480 1,620 820 340 25.760 1,140 1,880 5,880 5,980 4,240 5,980 4,220 7,020 1,520 2,300 840 1,260 260 840 260 300 400 200 760 4,880 9,560 18,500 10,200 7,560 3,080 1,800 380 36.000 SI s--- II - .. w . w w ! I - I ,000' W i 1,000 4,920 6,520 12,180 4,700 3,380 1,840 1,200 260 1 _060 - -... . ...... te..1 - - . .. . .. . 1 0wv v 760 4,020 4,140 5,780 1,660 1,480 480 560 180 80 920 1,500 4,580 2,500 2,860 1,220 1,260 60 11._60 180 840 1,460 3,960 1,540 1,580 960 1,080 80 6 R20 180 560 900 2,540 920 640 440 280 60 2,420 16,200 19,720 23,880 10,120 4,780 2,300. 1,480 1,940 42,880 2,72 2,720 10,560 10,160 11,120 3,420 1,960 920 560 1,460 20.880 2,440 6,920 4,180 3,760 1,080 980 400 100 1,020 8,44 9.51 12.51 16.21 17.19 22.28 ?1,56 24.80 12,51 13.76 8.47 10.70 13.09 17,73 18.15 22,71 22.65 29,01 11.24 13.62 11.07 13.88 18.78 18.88 21.64 23.19 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. SComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 28 . - I - . - 1 . w T - I T T T T IFI Trr i I -- l"" 1 .. .. . II1 ' ! " 1 . . . . "" " . 1 VV V V ' v V Il W ! O ' i l T T -MI 71 T" T - I i i _1 T - T T T T 7rI ,r- .. I II I-- - a - T T 19,560 54,760 36,380 35,260 11,220 7,200 3,300 1,880 2,920 I 9X ImlI 9 91A crvt 9' 1I Iun onn I RA IAA %I ann TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 29 Table 6.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value. AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Rental Median COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure value rental Total Percent In not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to "20 to $30 to not re- $50 value reporting er horeed ported reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 oveandr porteds lr- Numbertal re- homes over las) porting RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old .............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ....... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ...... .. High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ..... .. High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ......... 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years .:....... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ....... Not reported ..: .................. 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ... . Not reported................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ..... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. .. 55 to 64 years old............. .. No school years comhpleted ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ .... 605._ 54 44.640 R inrll sn 1e o R ae l n a4aI 0no AAn 39.860 15 13.540 340 o 26.3201 4780 39.76011 34.3601 .600 920] 560 200 120 4 5 . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... , . . . 1,060 900 120 - 780 160 900 840 60 - - - - 160 - 6,820 6,000 1,180 19.7 4,820 820 5,940 5,580 300 - 20 20 20 880 4,82 9,240 8,220 2,220 27.0 6,000 1,020 8,220 7,740 380 40 60 - - 1,020 4.81 11,400 10,280 3,200 31.1 7,080 1,120 10,220 9,160 760 140 80 20 60 1,180 5.08 10,940 9,820 4,260 45.4 5,560 1,120 9,860 7,460 1,480 380 180 140 20 1,080 5.94 5,580 5,520 1,840 - 55.4 1,480 260 5,500 2,440 460 260 120 20 - 280 6.26 1,060 980 620 - 360 80 980 640 140 80 100 - 20 1 0 - 20 20 20 - - - 20 20 4 68 . 520 320 80 - 240 200 320 280 20 20 - - - 200 45,520 58,200 11,080 29.0 27.120 5, 320 537.860 55,460 2.,480 840 620 320 140 5,660, 5.16 960 8,180 9,540 10,380 7,860 4,360 1,440 240 560 64.040 2,220 12,280 14,820 15,720 10,720 4,580 1,880 1,000 820 96.780 3,620 21,860 22,960 24,320 12,940 5,360 2,940 1,400 1,380 78.000 4,060 20,220 19,200 18,760 8,020 3,100 2,100 1,200 1,340 155.660 11,160 42,800 54,880 26,660 10,800 3,420 2,240 1,040 2,660 R88 40 12,160 33,980 19,560 12,720 4,560 1,660 1,080 660 2,460 F5d nR .LUSVU a ,suu 0, 'O .ku.J. 5 4 I.,u 8,000 o ,as u 0.03 LV 4V VV i r V 1 WI LV 1 /1 0/Y\ A AM A ARIA A C l C A A!1 1 Mfg n o e O A7l R7 77!1 7l AA Anl 1 AIA L A4 21,540 9,840 6,880 1,820 860 680 140 x,600 820 7,140 8,500 9,560 6,900 3,940 1;lo100 200 240 55.120 1,720 10,740 13,240 13,680 9,360 3,920 1,540 480 440 835920 3,060 19,340 20,540 21,800 11,320 4,220 2,200 820 620 68.220 3,300 17,900 17,360 16,600 7,200 2,700 1,680 880 600 120.660 9,720 39,080 31,460 23,720 9,760 2,880 2,000 820 1,220 80 40 10,720 31,480 18,380 11,440 4,280 1,480 1,000 580 1,280 "49 dn 19,960 9,220 6,380 1,760 720 620 120 800 160 1,240 1,580 2,580 2,720 1,940 680 160 20 14.300 520 1,740 2,760 3,340 2,840 2,020 900 300 80 22.640 480 3,520 4,860 6,540 5,640 2,020 1,260 400 120 21.620 780 3,880 5,080 5,800 3,040 1,480 840 540 180 47.760 2,420 13,140 12,200 11,120 5,020 1,580 1,260 540 480 35_.40 3,460 13,580 9,920 6,480 2,520 860 760 440 440 97 .90 10,020 5,540 4,300 1,280 540 560 120 400 17.4 18.6 27,6 39.4 49.2 259 16.2 20.8 24.4 30.35 51.5 27 0 15.7 17.2 23.7 30..0 32.2 47.9 57.3 31 7 v I i. t '' . rvv yr rv u ' u 23.6 21.7 29.3 34.9 42.2 54.8 39.6 24.9 33.6 38.8 46.9 51.4 54.9 63.0 47 7 32.5 43.1 54.0 56.6 58.9 s5 0 45.1 50.2 60.1 - 67.4 -_ 660 5,900 6,920 6,780 4,180 2,000 420 40 220 40_.820 1,400 9,000 10,480 10,340 6,520 1,900 640 180 360 61 280 2,580 16,020 15,680 15,260 7,680 2,200 940 420 500 2,520 14,020 12,280 10,800 4,160 1,220 840 540 420 72.900 7,300 25,940 19,260 12,600 4,740 1,300 740 280 740 42d180 7,260 17,900 8,460 4,960 1,760 620 240 140 840 9 2n0 5,440u 9,940 3,680 2,080 480 180 60 400 140 1,040 1,040 1,020 960 420 340 40 320 8.920 500 1,540 1,580 2,040 1,360 660 340 520 380 12 R860 560 2,520 2,420 2,520 1,620 1,140 740 580 760. _.780 760 2,320 1,840 2,160 820 400" 420 320 740 15.000 1,440 3,720 3,420 2,940 1,040 540 240 220 1,440 R_ 200 1,440 2,500 1,180 1,280 280 180 80 80 1,180 4 .58n I,UU 1,380 620 500 60 140 60 20 800 800 7,140 8,400 9,200 6,900 3,900 1,100 200 220 54_680 1,720 10,580 15,080 13,660 9,320 5,900 1,520 480 420 83. 260 800 7,000 7,980 8,360 5,560 2,780 660 100 220 48.200 1,560 10,020 12,180 12,080 7,720 2,880 1,080 300 380 72.180 100oo 340 560 700 500 220 60 - 29 100 400 680 1,100 1,180 500 220 40 6 420 ,~r ,Ivv r , r l ,I-~r , 3,040 19,240 20,360 21,540 11,300 4,200 2,200 820 560 R7.780 3,300 17,740 17,260 16,500 7,180 2,700 1,680 820 600 119.780 9,640 38,900 31,300 23,440 9,720 2,860 1,980 840 1,100 80.140 10,640 51,420 18,200 11,360 4,260 1,480 980 580 1,220 Ao on .19,840 9,160 6,360' 1,740 720 620 120 800 2,820 18,040 18,500 18,320 9,320 2,820 1,540 500 520 55.000 3,120 16,640 15,200 13,320 5,800 1,940 1,080 420 480 99.520 8,660 34,700 26,560 18,200 7,540 1j720 1,040 400 900 66.480 9,820 27,800 14,900 8,500 2,840 800 500 300 1,020 A~n .5 1,690U 17,640 7,140 4,320 1,300 320 220 660 140 760 1,280 2,140 1,060 680 200 160 5 880 160 780 1,440 1,800 760 220 300 160 40 12.180 760 3,100 35,000 2,820 1,500 480 400 200 120 7.220 580 2,140 1,960 1,280 640 260 180 80 100 A4.n owu 1,340 900 960 220 160 160 40 100 20 160 260 340 20 40 960 680 100 120 200 220 160 60 40 2,120 60 140 500 480 420 360 220 120 20 1,980 20 160 340 820 240 100 180 60 60 3,840 120 700 700 1,240 520 220 200 80 60 2,580 100 740 660 560 180 160 100 60 20 1 740 340 520 420 80 80 40 20 2C 40 80 260 140 100 720 20 80 180 100 180 100 60 20 1,760 20 200 260 580 500 220 220 140 20 1,220 120 180 380 220 160 60 100 2,920 80 280 840 840 340 300 160 80 2,200 8C 54C 46C 500 34C 12C 100 4C 2C 320 380 400 80 40 100 20 20 20 100 100 100 460 20 20 60 60 180 60 40 20 540 - 60 20 160 140 40 20 100 700 20 60 100 140 260 40 80 960 80 180 260 160 ) 100 100 60 1,200 60 120 180 420 160 120 60 40 40 820n 4u 180 200 240 40 80 20 20 40 20 20 20 40 120 - L 20 40 40 20 240 40 60 60 80 220 20 40 80 20 20 20 20 36( 40 20 80 60 40 80 20 20 460 80 40 100 100 20 40 60 20 o2A 40 20 20 20 20 40 80 20 160 1,040 1,140 1,180 960 460 340 40 540 9,560 500 1,700 1,740 2,060 1,400 680 360 520 400 13.520 580 2,620 2,600 2,780 1,640 1,160 740 580 820 10.220i 760 2,480 1,940 2,260 840 400 420 380 740 15.880 1,520 5,900 3,580 3,220 1,080 560 260 200 1,560 8.700 1,520 2,560 1,360 1,360 300 180 100 80 1,240 A A M 1,040 1,500 680 520 80 140 60 20 800 4.60 4.76 5.00 5.71 6.51 5.17 4.78 4.87 5.15 5.54 6.27 5.27 4,89 4.85 5,00 5.38 5.56 6.95 6.64 5.34 4.79 4.85 5.18 5,69 5.69 6.46 5_52 5.07 5.11 5.39 5.94 6.12 7.81 5_55 4.92 5.15 5.61 6.18 7.00 -~ 5.12 5.91 6.86 - - 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. SComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. I wupva-zw aa lUU 11 l vfoszUI 00.'[ 1 Q ,'koy 1 o 44V 1 box 4tV 11 4b x.' rp/j' 40,222 1 4,yt5U S l J-LYrUI O~U L- t.X I V V-+ 1 11f~I I I ' V' vzfVW - 9f-ww i'Ir I -w T ,I I .I '_ '_I _L . . .I I I - T T ~- "r 1 - z,- ti ... .. ,.. . V - - , - I I iI i 1 :L T v ... . .. . . ig-- w - ,, 1 II ) IL '_ L , , -- ~ - 11 I ul 1 if i 11 .p. - 1 vv~v --9- v i v~w 1 i v~i w 1! - Pwf 160 i - - - - " .,.. .. vv. . .1 I 1 I i ,L , vII w ,' , , . , - -6 , ii kn L Al emnlIi, aon r .. -. 1 1 na . WO EDUCATION Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE.MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS CF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-peroent sample. Percent and median not showa m ee base io less. than 3,000) TIISOF HO CMYO YT R AL VALdI 0* MI Reporting tenure ARA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total I - 1a OoPL 2aD, AID n not report Under 10 o $18 to $0'to $0to $60 to TotalPerent rented r- rental $10 $14 $19 4t9 $49 $74 evae (1d l in Nuber o- tes ported ' value ler ) porting IE NOR7 Urban and Rural-nonfar Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ,...... 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................ ... 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6.years...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ............ . 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported................. *i. A 'a ,l _l . " A A nL _ nn L-%lIA _ msan ar9 I ant easRA I I oas 1 Lle6aA t2naf2 1 a snl a itO192il & ass IA I _5S 1 OIt aaa ,rial OR 1 AAA a I A A 1 Q Inc AAl niR sA a n 133V&U 954PJ 98 494 .SAV Y . , 1V4 uuu 1.9 .1W 544 650 $I8 1W - UwW V oV r70 r 3,840 2,080 1,260 60.6 880 1,260 2,1 320 420 840 840 800 100 18.81 7,200 5,540 2,320 419 3,220 1,660 5,680 , 00 820 1,l0 960 430 120 18.71 21,880 19,480 7,160 36.8 12,3820 2,400 19, 5 ,420. 8,760 8,180 4,160 8,i60 480 1801 16.35 159,600 148,200 58,220 39.3 89,980 11,400 147,74 26,460 26,040 84,860 38,520 86,000 6,460 1,400 18.80 412,840 394,680 "181,380 46.0 218,800 17,660 893,700 82,120 48,640 54,940 107,820 109,500 28,500 1,.680I 28.66 255,000 338,700 182,240 83.8 156,460 16,800 887,20 17,880 26,060 83,800 81,020 112,60 48,400 0,480 81.36 84,640 80,400 46,220 57.5 34,180 4,40 79,900 1,600 3,000 8,660 11,120 M,8I0 19,080 15,830 45.17 1,500 1,360 540 - 820 140 1,8 40 60 60 100 500 480 180 - 7,740 5,040 2,640 52.4 2,400 2,700 5,100 20 420 640 920 1,860 740 600 80.38 1,003,960 917,400 427.520 46.6 489.880 85-660 91. 78.600 96.,60 13016W 880540 2N 800 !!1 9 0,140. 47.19 2,520 1,480 680 - 800 1,040 1,4 100 140 260 400 800 100 ,30 - S 5,980 4,080 1,600 39.2 2,480 1,900 4,1 1,000 620 540 680 1,l020 140 140 18.67 21,280 18,680 7,140 88.2 11,540 2,600 18,7 4,880 8,820 8,180 8,840 2,600 840 180 .16.08 176,180 159,160 59,240 37.2 99,920, 17,020 158,54 28,400 26,540 27,180 8680 29,000 6,620 2,120 18.98 273,120 251,640 103,880 41.3 147,760 21,480 251,8 20,860 20,060 85,680 78,480 66,760 18,700 5,760 24.82 863,380 337,040 171,040 50.7 166,000 26,840 36,120 20,100 29,580 36,440 83,120 112,460 89,960 14,460 39.46 138,540 127,520 75,700 59.4 51,820 11,020 127,26 3,000 4,940 6,520 17,960 41,800 29,860 24,180 44.61 15,840 13,640 6,540 47.9 7,100 2,200 13,540 60 360 460 1,520 4,400 ,980 2,760 49.86 7,120 4,160 1,700 40.9 2,460 2,960 4,040 200 620 600 860 960 880 480 26.48 1.512,400 1,355,940 555.360 41.0 800.580 156.460 1.352,380 123.500 148620 171.860 89.860 375.500 181.420 62.120 86.385 3,140 1,960 800 - 1,160 1,180 2,36 180 340 420 500 600 00 - 120 6.30 9,160 6,940 2,100 30.3 4,840 2,220 6,80 2,580 1,160 800 1,140 940 160 20 18.08 35, 280 30-,560 10,880 35.6 19,680 4,720 30,620 7,600 5,900 8,160 '6,740 4,180 860 180 16.35 308,880 278,940 93,360 33.5 185,580 29,940 278,140 47,720 47,800 . 46,540 71,800 49,740 11,500 8,540 19.18 391,980 358,960 128,280 35.7 230,680 32,620 358,100 31,280 44,040 55,440 104,060 94,820 22,800 6,660 4.14 514,540 470,200 213,180 45.3 257,020 44,340 469,00 29,200 40,980 51,820 122,280 154,280 52,800 17,540 28.69 189,560 123,600 63,800 51.6 59,800 15,960 122,960 3,300 5,720 7,400 22,660 48,880 23,880 16,120 89.71 S 100,220 79,240 40,940 51.7 38,300 20,980 78,7( 1,040 1,980 3,160 9,880 25,900 19,160 17,580 47.48 10,040 5,540 2,020 36.5 8,520 4,500 5,700 500 700 620 1,800 1,660 660 860 27.4 2.418,84011 2,191.14011 714.580 fl,5 1.476.560 227.700 201807.96]0 ?0 8706. 2. 1 6. 18684 1.Z 0 f5,. 9,240( 20,82( 75,500 671,960 591,860( 686, 6C 179,02(0 215,540C 18, 660 9,58( 28,780 96,360 716,020 506, 880 484,140 154,280 217,720 21,540 19,140 86,440 247,000 1,475,480 691,880 533,840 228,940 298,220 48,260 22,560 182,300 264,100 1,231,820 405,020 829,200 142,800 183,880 40,640 21,840 130,780 205,940 787,700 195,100 177,320 73,020 99,180 27,600 5,980 16,16C 67,84C 618,860 549,320 586,460 159,060 176,980 10,980( 9 me aor 1,820 4,620 18,960 179,980 168,880 217,960 54,320 64,220 8,820 AA. i nn 30.4 28.6 27.9 89.1 30.7 37.2 34.2 36.3 34.8 .. . 4,16C 11,540 48,880 488,980 380,440 368,500 104,744 112,760 7,160 Ma w 8,260 4,660 7,660 53,600 42,540 49,780 19,960 88,560 7,680 m., ... 5,96c 16,000 67,640 616,480 548,000 584,860 158,560 176,540 10,980 nm ann 1,080 4,760 15,740 97,640 44,960 25,860 4,580 2,240 1,020 '77 AL.A 780 3,260 14,100 102,800 68,780( 52,540 8,780 4,380 1,860 .11 A.IA 31 '."""la" 31 o 4. ....22.a 4. ' Lm".. 4 4 W .5 ' 76.Ri 1'.il.nlf 6,720 23,880 86,540 664,480 473,320 404,900 140,880 195,440 12,320 ""o " a 18,380 73,700 221,160 1,58,040 640,340 497,980 204,500 276,080 24,300 16,620 114,740 23528,880 1,124,220 373,720 806,220 129,360 171,160 23,240 16,520 112,800 183,720 716,480 178,360 163,880 65,680 91,740 15,100 2,120 6,900 26,500 205,800 156,320 148,840 49,400 64,460 3,760 4,560 26,500 88,120 551,020 272,080 220,240 90,860 125,400 9,780 7,020 58,760 114,360 584,160 202,180 166,780 71,800 101,700 10,720 915.400 7,620 59,360 103,120 424,360 110,360 102,040 41,100 59,160 8,280 81.5 28.9 30.6 31.0 33.0 36.8 38.1 3388.0 30.5 34.1 36.0 37.6 40.6 42.6 44.2 44.4 46.4 40.2 42.2 46.9 48.5 52.0 54.1 54.5 55.5 59.4 46.1 5g.s 46.1 52.6 56.1 59.2 61.9 62.8 62.6 64.5 54.8 4,600 16,980 60,040 458,680 817,000 256,060 91,480 120,980 8,560 8,820 47,200 188,040 807,020 368,260 277,740 113,640 150,680 14,520 9,600 60,980 121,520 540,060 171,540 139,440 57,560 69,460 12,520 8,900 53,440 80,600 292,120 68,000Q 61,840 24,580 32,580 6,820 2,860 4,900 9,820 51,540 3388,060 29,240 13,400 22,280 9,220 5,760 12,740 25,840 117,440 51,540 35,860 19,440 22,140 18,960 5,940 17,560 28,220 107,100 31,300 22,980 13,440 12,720 17,400 V ^ A 5,320 17,980 22,220 71,220 16,740 13,440 7,340 7,440 12,500 6,680 28,780 86,200 662,800 472,020 403,640 140,200 194,420 11,660 a aan "^ 18,220 73,600 220,620 1,854,220 688,500 495,940 203,560 274,360 28,020 1650 370 260 210 8,620 86s4 88 16,540 114,460 285,240 1,120,460 8372,420 804,740 128,680 169,940 22,240 16,540 112,620 182,940 713,420 177,480 162,800 65,280 90,760 14,420 1,180 6,380 18,340 90,000 388,260 19,760 4,500 2,200 1,220 R" 1^ 2,480 19,960 86,880 137,020 35,040 15,140 5,540 8,120 1,920 3,760 27,540 38,120 101,260 18,020 7,360 2,860 1,780 2,260 4,620 80,460 32,680 75,740 11,420 5,200 2,420 1,660 1,920 900 4,580 17,860 97,940 49,920 29,060 6,440 4,460 1,200 1,780 14,100 86,500 159,540 49,060 23,7280 7,160 5,620 2,800 2,640 20,5640 33,680 112,240 25,520 11,100 5,320 8,040 2,080 2,820 18; 640 27,200 75,840 13,060 6,780 3,620 2,440 1,400 780 2,080 18,860 107,400 84,200 64,960 11,960 7,740 1,600 258.260 800_ 4,020 16,960 111,700 61,840 88,6801 9,960 8,040 1,860 356.420 1,820 12,440 89,280 188,540 65,060 2,780 11,800 7,260 2,460 17,440 a4,180 126,260 81,880 15,540 7,820 4,020 2,8340 13.o020 2,160 15, 720 24,220 78,700 15,920 8,320 3,780 2,700 1,500 1,260 8,340 14,420 165,800 158,440 158,720 88,180 8.5,280 2,700 487.540 1,760 5,080 20,440 177,480 188,780 95,840 25,840 24,900 8,980 2,920 742.180 8,120 15,646 57,400 861,900 156,600 95,52C 30,580 26,200 5,400 -lta I 8,6C 28,480 58,100 264,080 82,260 47,340 18,060( 18,080 4,560 802.680 3,280 22,280 40,220 156,200 37,840 23,640 4,140 7,700 - 2,880 1,620 1,960 8,120 118,780 148,680 200,400 62,780 71,640 2,680 591.440 1,660 2,780 10,640 146,420 147, 88220 150,560 56,140 78,540 8,480 997 840 2,880 9,040 40,2800 879,060 - 221,700 185,800 *72,480 80,540 6,140 49R een 2,880 19,020 52,800 3388,040 125,860 100,980 41,860 39,620 5,800 4s.a230 2,600 s,soc 18,780 42,800 206,520 57,140 58,080 19,820 19,820 8,760 860 600 1,560 28,540 84,680 59,820 24,780 40,320 1,880 08. 960 280 7.60 1,900 82,480 87,220 52,480 26,200 51,620 1,020 78 86 0 780 1,960 8,440 118,340 88,520 98,800 46,900 76,740 8,240 860 4,780 18,240 188,820 61,960 69,780 29,540 44,760 3,040 800 4,940 12,760 86,680 28,440 86,760 14,240 21,040 1,840 180 100 40 6,5280 8,260 18,060 13,500 25,040 280 78.880 100 180 560 6,780 17,740 11,120 29,660 460 860 640 1,920 44,680 29,100 74,900 1,560 640 1,660( 8,620 44,760 27,420 82,640 24,220 61,640 2,160 l all mn s260 1,800 8,860 38,740 14,160 29,080 12,260 35,400 1,120 14.47 15.99 19.68 24.80 28.58 86.44 48.09 84.98 28.11 18.66 16.68 21.38 26.20 82.08 87.88 45.17 26.58 29.41 81.20 16.60 19.20 28.10 80.72 8.20 42.89. 54.21 28.44 18,87 17.12 81.50 87.85 34.05 44.88 62.59 29.24 nO._ s 16.42 16.79 21.88 27.59 88.85 48.61 48.80 62.64 27.80 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head,and allpersons not in.pri- vate households. 80 110 , liO.b i , oII 112 1 vow 1 We 0l c, 004, awl 1I/IUVYw 117r, e yal Dm) r WYSY M4D 4SHII W' 19 TUGS VYI I a. w 1 V %p GU , w' Y,~p I 1070p DOW 1 o.. , ,- a , PJL a_ IL L Pi vensavewU5UU 11 L ,- Blyizijf9J, yVJ*willIJ t13.S i I 4" l1.9P 0.132 1I .Tiv 1 aJ327.U4W1P .D7 LWi Cjlv V4 II � 9 -, W. ' jj W ~ " WW 1 V V 0%01 VW~ 2 w -y 1 9 a wy l 1 r , . _- . , j, - ---- --I--- -- 69 l Y . q .-= 7.50UU 1 an. I . I I 3 D1_ .W .1-7T4.2 I x o/ . enu1O ...ZU. x8. -.I . ._ J1..LO. . V .0.. . I. see rann ..A 00n LA t Rio RM R7 7GAL .,a and oca lanI TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY HENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64. YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TRIURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF BHOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND AGE not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to rcent ee re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 r dl- report- rented over (dol- ing Number to- homes orted vaue lars) tal re- porting THE NORI-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years, old ....... 1 2,545 66 Il11,4 wu.UU114,b99,7UU1 V, 61T36,7U iJU5U6I111,42l, 4U r1 ,ru1rcl suur rr6 J 3 ;, r jvI "" 'tV E" u L .- 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years .... .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .............. . .... 20 sAd 21 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. . 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... ... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... . High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ...... ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................. .. / 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ... ......... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ........ .......... . 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............ . ...... R819 140 e78 R08 356. 00I 45 6 I s486 8 6060 781 .160 2 ?00 6 R.120 92. 201 09 8001 P 4.201 94.1601 44.640 29.34 1,840 1,340 760 - 580 500 1,440 140 140 320 300 260 180 100 - 4,220 3,600 1,460 40.6 2,140 620 3,660 200 8380 660 1,080 820 400 120 24.96 13,540 12,580 8,860 0.7 8,720 960 12,580 1,760 2,420 2,520 3,320 2,020 400 140 18.69 111,340 104,740 36,360 34.7 68,380 6,600 104,560 8,940 16,040 19,340 8833,060 21,500 4,620 1,060 21.91 327,060 315,540 135,060 42.8 180,480 11,520 314,900 11,500 28,200 42,960 94,120 98,180 29,200 10,740 27.45 288,040 272,340 139,600 51.3 182,740 10,700 271,860 5,360 14,140 23,860 68,120 100,520 40,820 18,540 34.31 71,000 67,840 37,200 54.8 30,640 3,160 67,460 660 1,480 2,200 8,900 23,380 17,500 13,340 47.03 1, 360 1,220 420 - 800 140 1, 220 - 40 40 100 480 400 160 - 5,740 3,880 1,980 51.0 1,900 1,860 8,980 140 280 420 800 1,260 640 440 35.05 791,400 731,000 322,360 44.1 408.640 60,400 729,400 26.920 60.500 86,680 191,000 230,480 89,540 44,280 29.48 1, 720 1,200 520 - 680 520 1,300 60 120 260 400 260 100 100 - 3,540 2,700 1,060 39. 3 1,640 840 2,760 260 380 420 540 940 100 120 25.48 14,520 12,960 4,500 $4.7 8,460 1,560 13,040 1,740 2,340 2,760 3,260 2,360 460 120 18.92 126,440 115,340 38,820 33.7 76,520 11,100 115,020 8,940 17,120 22,160 34,000. 25,120 5,800 1,880 22.23 221,980 206,720 79,200 88.3 127,520 15,260 206,420 8,260 20,660 29,460 65,620 60,740 16,460 5,220 26.33 288,480 869,560 130,020 48.2 139,540 18,920 268,860 6,120 16,840 26,460 71,160 100,120 35,600 12,560 32.27 115,480 107,040 61,400 57.4 45,640 8,440 106,740 1,44( 2,500 4,360 13,960 36,080 27,040 21,360 46.74 18,960 12,240 5,600 45.8 6,640 1,720 12,140 40 180 300 1,340 4,000 3,720 2,560 50.91 5,280 3,240 1,240 38.3 2,000 2,040 3,120 .C, 360 500 720 860 260 8360 28.89 1,202,220 1,086,880 423,820 39.0 663,060 115.'340 1.084.340 44.160 94.680 136,000 296.380 339.560 117,880 55,680 28.52 2,080 1,520 580 - 940 560 1,780 80 220 260 500 420 180 120 - 5,540 4,400 1,260 28.6 3,140 1,140 4,300 820 740 640 1,040 880 160 20 19.11 24,440 21,700 7,020 32.4 14,680 2,740 21,760 2,82( 4,280 4,320 5,920 3,540 720 160 18.88 228,060 206,940 63,880 80.9 143,060 21,120 206,640 16,62 831,600 37,880 63,020 44,160 10,100 3,160 22.22 320,260 296,000 99,940 33.8 196,060 24,260 295,440 13,420 80,420 45,960 98,500 86,340 19,980 5,820 25.69 411,740 377,920 162,960 43.1 214,960 33,820 377,160 8,920 22,900 38,880 104,540 139,420 46,980 15,520 831.41 117,140 104,400 51,560 49.4 52,840 12,740 103,840 90 3,080 5,500 18,800 39,740 21,420 14,400 41.40 85,280 69,380 35,060 50.5 84,320 15,900 69,000 36C 980 2,120 7,880 23,600 17,920 16,140 49.13 7,680 4,620 1,560 33.8 3,060 3,060 4,520 220 460 440 1,180 1,460 420 840 29.16 1,898,560 1,725,420 519,040 30.1 1.206.380 173.140 1.721,480 ,66.66C 158.860 228.480 480,160 555.580 167,860 68,880 27.97 6,060 4,420 1,180 26.7 3,240 1,640 4,400 22( 540 660 1,100 1,500 240 140 26.59 18,640 10,800 2,500 23.1 8,300 2,840 10,700 1,560 2,360 1,680 2,880 1,700 420 100 18.76 54,880 49,280 12,620 25.6 36,660 5,600 49,180 5,800 10,240 11,240 12,960 7,260 1,380 300 18.80 496,300 457,440 117,020 25.6 340,420 38,860 456,300 80,740 65,460 86,620 145,680 102,580 20,600 4,620 22.61 478,100 445,500 126,080 28.3 319,420 32,600 444,600 16,40( 45,400 67,760 139,800 136,540 31,220 7,480 26.13 505,200 466,080 160,240 34.4 305,840 39,120 465,080 9,320 27,660 47,480 130,080 181,720 53,060 15,760 31.48 147,520 131,180 42,460 32.4 88,720 16,340 130,860 1,42( 4,400 7,580 26,060 56,820 22,300 12,280 88.64 183,420 152,120 54,180 35.6 97,940 31,300 151,780 90( 1,840 4,240 19,200 65,220 37,460 22,920 44.74 183,440 8,600 2,760 32.1 5,840 4,840 8,580 30( 960 1,220 2,400 2,240 1,180 280 27.04 1,691,680 1,554,880 455,900 29.8 1.098,980 136,800 1,550,440 56.140 124,940 190,320 409,160 525,000 179,720 65,160 29.37 6,640 4,960 1,360 27.4 3,600 1,680 4,960 42( 560 620 1,500 1,540 240 80 25.37 19,380 16,280 3,720 22.9 12,560 3,100 16,240 1,860 3,140 3,420 4,500 2,500 680 140 19.06 68,400 61,320 16,060 26.2 45,260 7,080 61,100 6,34C 11,920 14,060 17,580 9,120 1,580 500 18.87 531,160 492,100 130,300 26.5 361,800 39,060 491,220 28,54 59,520 88,420 152,900 127,640 28,040 6,160 24.02 400,580 374,300 109,180 29.2 265,120 26,280 3783,540 11,44C 30,080 46,740 113,360 132,280 32,260 7,380 28.19 346,060 322,140 106,580 33.1 215,560 23,920 321,260 5,34C 14,540 26,420 79,380 134,060 46,120 15,400 34.71 124,500 113,140 35,600 31.5 77,540 11,360 112,720 1,14 3,000 5,960 20,040 49,940 23,320 9,320 40.00 179,440 161,120 50,600 31.4 110,520 18,320 160,400 70C 1,360 3,680 17,440 64,900 46,540 25,780 47.07 15,520 9,520 2,500 26.3 7,020 6,000 9,000 36C 820 1,000 2,460 8,020 940 400 28.93 2,789,700 2,550,200 964,660 37.8 1,585.540 239.500 2.542.520 80 00 169.500 256.500 608,080 871.720 7700 179680 11 18,200 58,680 179,920 1,107,260 544,840 432, 680 179,680 244,100 29,340. 10,000 49,580 160,760 L,016,560 503,140 402,980 163,120 225,920 18,140 2,820 14,700 52,080 365,680 193,840 163,160 66,600 98,900 6,880 28.2 29.6 32.4 36.0 38.5 40.5 40.8 43.8 37.9 7,180 34,880 108,680 650,880 309,300 289,820 96,520 127,020 11,260 3,200 9,100 19,160 90,700 41,700 29,700 16,560 18,180 11,200 9,960 49,560 160,680 1,014,420 50.,960 401,560 162,500 224,740 17,140 68( 7,10( 13,16( 41,440 10,28( 4,50( 1,38( 92( 54( 1, 84 9,000 24,020 91,440 26,08( 11,180 3,06C 2,040 1,340 1,600 10,200 31,420 134,90 45,560 21, 20 6,700 3,22( 1,700 2.096.440 1L905.28011 932.5201 48.91 972,,7601 9116 1.,89896011 64.420 L 19.,1601 169,8W. 15,380 90,900 192,860 922,940 313,860 270,240 112,080 153,040 25,140 1.256.520 14,480 86,360 143,060 567,580 147,980 142,960 56,000 80,620 17,480 12,220 78,460 172,160 841,260 '89,440 251,100 101,080 142,740 16,820 L.124.660 11,380 73,520 126,200 512,260 134,020 132,160 50,040 74,460 10,620 4,580 33,980 76,900 401,160 144,640 129,020 52,480 82,660 7,100 624.700 4,840 34,940 66,400 280,480 77,920 78,340 29,720 46,900 5,160 37.5 43.3 44.7 47.7 50.0 51.4 51.9 57.9 42.2 55.5 42.5 47.5 52.6 54.8 58.1 59.3 59.4 63.0 48.6 7,640 44,480 95,260 440,100 144,800 122,080 48,600 60,080 9,720 499.960 6,540 38,580 59,800 231,780 56,100 53,820 20,320 27,560 5,460 3,160 12,440 20,700 81,680( 24,420 19,140 11,000 10,300 8,320 131.860( 3,100 12,840 16,860 55,320 13,960 10,800 5,960 6,160 6,860 12,220 78,320 171,820 889,220 288,740 250,220 100,540 141,720 16,160 1.119.740 S11,420 73,560 125,840 510,640 133,440 131,320 49,660 73,680 10,180 1,36 9,900 13,54( 29,100 5,560 2,58( 900 68( 800 52.240 1,720 11,260 10,540 21,120 3,840 1,780 680 64C0 660 1,960 13,700 20,700 60,160 12,820 5,620 1,960 1,300 940 81.940 2,000 11,380 15940 39,400 6,560 3,360 1,500 1,020 780 1,720 13,440 26,700 89,640 21,440 9,280 3,960 2,b80 1,620 103,300 1,700 11,600 17,240 52,680 10,500 5,080 2,300 1,260 940 0 2,820 0 13,340 0 49,060 0 293,120 0 129,260 0 76,080 0 22,660 17,860 4,380 0 410.180 3,220 19,580 49,040 213,360 64,080 36,440 12,360 8,500 3,600 232,660 2,840 17,640 32,060 121,400 28,040 17,420 6,040 4,940 2,280 2,540 7,620 34,700 330,380 195,080 168,640 63,340 69,340 5,080 64 1,76C 6,840 97,260 72,020 87,160 40,680 67,940 2,740 340 540 1,480 25,880 28,680 37,800 24,680 68,920 1,360 24.32 18.75 21.89 27.67 33.58 40.23 44.48 56.67 31.90 6?? q80 a,, . 9nl2 s.,I as 4 2,600 16,140 45,820 292,580 107,720 87,540 34,580 33,680 4,860 356.440 2,260 16,000 36,120 173,600 47,820 45,480 15,880 16,180 3,100 S al 4 0 , . 4 76C 4,160 12,820 116,080 53, 340 62,220 25,820 39,620 2,620 178.900 6 240 66C 4,160 10,920 73,420 24,580 32,700 12,440 18,480 1,540 600 1,400 3,200 38,300 23,780 46,540 20,960 55,860 1,720 114.260 240 2,520 3,020 29,020 12,100 25,500 10,820 31,160 880 22.82 20.58 24.59 31.87 37.01 45.76 47.48 65.04 34.11 34.53 20.52 20.94 25.49 31.89 36.94 46.22 47.52 66.82 32.27 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 31 , I - ' - - r 1 - I ' I _ ' I ' I ' ' ' ' 1 T T T -' __ _ T i I H I! . - i 1 nSo9 as in n- Ofl r Or ,. EDUCATION Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 8,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF HOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median C(IPLETED, AND AE Tnot reporting Under $10 to $15 to 80 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Total In and value Percent re- rental 10 14 9 $29 49 $74 over (dol- Sto- rting es porting lEE NORTB--Continued Rural-nonfara Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 20 and 21 years old... ........ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years. ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old... . ....... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed . . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ....... ........... 45 to .54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. ak_.s I _ aRA a12 an 4_a 1n 571 760n I ll en nI e ann e ,nl rn16.50 0,..L ii l wla.U -- M - 1s- '--- - - 1 rV rll l utrvr J Nr~v 4. r1 l 0Lr) 4.m ...... .- , 4.L v _ "a Jl ( T 1 5,,,j 234.10(3 1,500 2,980 8,340 48,260 85,280 71,960 18,640 140 2,000 212.560 800 2,440 6,760 49,740 51,140 74,900 23,060 1,880 1,840 810 180O 212.40011 126.280 500 860 38,00 21,860 46,820 42,640 9,020 120 660 105.160 160 540 2,640 20,420 24,680 41,020 14,300 940 460 131.540 740 1,940 6,900 43,460 79,140 66,360 12,560 140 1,160 186.400 280 1,880 5,720 43,820 44,920 67,480 20,480 1,400 920 269.060 59.01 87.1201 21.700 47.8 50.3 58.5 64.83 71.8 56.4 46.2 46.6 54.9 60.8 69.8 -48.9 -) 48 A9 240 1,080 8,600 21,600 32,820 23,720 3,540 20 500 81.240 120 840 3,080 28,400 20,240 26,460 6,180 460 460 137.8 520 760 1,040 1,440 4,800 6,140 5,600 1,080 840 26.160 520 1,060 1,040 5,920 6,220 7,420 2,580 480 920 41.120 211.0201 57.0201 40.880 0.060 4.860 30.500 11.480 6.220 15.77 720 1,920 6,860 43,180 78,800 65,840 12,440 140 1,120 185.680 128( 1,38( 5,70( 48,52( 44,86( 67,26( 20,52( 1,40( 92( R68.040 300 1,200 3,660 17,52c 20,680 12,460 840 40 380 51.680 40 740 3,140 19,460 12,600 18,980 1,560 20 140 79. 40 180 320 1,40 10,000 15,440 11,920 1,520 20 140 35.860 20 240 1,180 9,420 9,380 12,740 2,440 180 260 5 940 100 160 660 5,520 11,980 9,940 1,460 20 220 24.180 120 420 5,020 6,220 9,980 2,160 160 100 5.3s60 40 80 840 5,460 19,200 12,900 2,220 120 29.540 140 580 4, 680 7,860 11,960 4,000 180 140 43.480 80 140 240 3,500 11,320 12,100 8,000 20 100 28.820 40 80 240 3,880 6,020 12,340 5,220 400 100 35.940 I 2 I I 20 so 80 840 4,300 4,580 1,520 20 100 10.240 40 80 820 2, 240 4,360 2,320 260 120 13.840 40 240 1,940 1,940 1,880 20 60 5.860 2 20 2C 60 240 540 1,900 2,820 200 60 6.440 8.87 11.54 15.89 18.80 80.70 15.60 8.58 10.72 14.86 17.96 29.88 14.60 1,060 440 220 - 220 620 580 100 120 160 - 180 20 - - 3,620 2,540 840 833.1 1,700 1,080 2,500 1,760 420 160 100 60 - - 6.60 10,840 8,860 3,860 43.6 5,000 1,980 8,860 4,780 1,620 840 820 640 140 20 8.77 80,820 72,000 29,480 40.9 42,520 8,820 71,600 31,100 16,200 8,660 8,280 5,580 1,400 380 10.95 71,320 62,960 28,340 45.0 34,620 . 8,360 62,660 17,860 13,620 9,480 10,560 7,980 2,320 840 14.44 .. 102,800 92,280 50,220 54.4 42,060 10,520 91,840 20,380 18,080 12,940 17,740 14,860 5,820 2,020 17.38 � 22,420 19,200 12,240 63.8 6,960 8,220 19,120 2,400 2,640 1,900 8,860 4,140 2,460 1,720 26.29 14,940 9,860 5,880 59.6 3,980 5,080 9,700 680 1,000 1,040 2,000 2,300 1,240 1,440 30.63 2,360 920 460 - 460 1,440 1,180 280 240 180 120 200 140 20 - . 620,280 465,7201 195,5401 42.0 270.180 54.560 468,480 140,720 97,920 65,600 76,980 55,880 18,980 7,400 14.15 3,180 1,560 640 - 920 1,620 1,560 860 840 120 160 120 20 40 - 7,180 5,860 2,120 39.6 3,240 1,820 5,300 83,200 900 400 460 260 80 - 7.78 20,620 18,560 6,340 34.2 12,220 2,060 18,460 9,940 3,860 2,120 1,460 860 180 40 8.79 175,660 160,920 62,960 39.1 97,960 14,740 160,180 66,900 87,840 20,780 20,120 11,200 2,940 900 11.27 118,760 -103,820 42,800 41.2 61,020 9,940 103,400 28,560 238,80 16,440 18,640 12,140 3,460 780 14.45 181,040 120,380 57,720 47.9 62,660 10,660 119,780 26,040 24,880 17,480 23,640 18,680 6,760 2,300 17.07 .. 31,500 27,880 11,860 42.5 16,020 3,620 27,700 3,160 4,380 4,380 6,120 5,960 2,480 1,220 22.65 .. 32,120 24,860 10,040 40.4 14,820 7,260 24,760 1,840 2,540 3,500 6,080 6,320 2,860 2,120 27.72 5,220 2,380 1,060 44.5 1,320 2,840 2,340 720 400 380 300 340 200 - 15.16 498,120 458,600 208.200 45.9 245.400 39.520 450.460 120700 86,940 63.040 78,380 66.440 24,240 10,720 15.90 2,940 1,760 760 - 1,000 1,180 1,720 760 340 180 260 120 40 20 - �.. 9,400 7,600 3,180 41.8 4,420 1,800 7,540 4,520 1,440 600 580 280 80 40 7.84 27,960 25,220 10,440 41.4 14,780 2,740 25,100 12,000 5,440 2,900 2,860 1,520 820 60 10.01 .. 184,860 172,880 75,500 43.8 96,880 12,480 171,080 61,460 38,420 28,280 24,580 17,780 4,440 1,120 12.63 .. 105,800 99,020 47,140 47.6; 51,880 6,780 98,480 21,820 19,840 15,100 20,420 14,940 4,960 1,400 17.01 88,080 82,760 42,260 51.1 40,500 5,320 82,380 14,420 14,540 12,260 15,960 16,500 6,360 2,340 19.49 .. 29,780 27,740 13,800 49.7 13,940 2,040 27,480 3,360 3,440 4,000 5,800 6,200 2,880 1,800 24.57 38,280 34,320 . 13,860 40.4 20,460 S,960 34,020 1,500 3,100 4,360 7,460 8,640 5,080 3,880 30.86 S 6,020 2,800 1,260 45.0 1,540 3,220 2,660 860 380 360 460 460 80 60 15.75 829,500 759,280 418.900 55.2 340,380 70.220 754,520 177.100 130.280 99,920 134,100 126.120 56.380 30,620 18.00 5,940 3,380 1,740 51.5 1,640 2,560 8,260 1,800 440 220 300 340 140 20 8.56 27,760 24,120 11,800 48.9 12,320 3,640 24,040 12,860 5,100 2,240 2,120 1,420 200 100 8.85 67,080 60,400 31,040 51.4 29,360 6,680 59,940 23,720 12,480 7,860 8,340 5,500 1,600 440 12.00 s. 368,220 341,480 185,340 54.3 156,140 26,740 339,800 95,580 68,100 48,640 58,780 48,680 16,280 3,740 15.14 �. 147,040 137,200 78,240 57.0 58,960 9,840 136,540 24,760 22,980 19,500 27,340 26,620 11,500 3,840 19.88 �. 101,160 95,000 57,080 60.1 37,920 6,160 94,380 10,640 12,540 11,580 19,440 22,160 11,140 6,880 25.89 �. 44,260 41,380 24,260 58.6 17,120 2,880 41,060 4,160 4,100 5,100 7,920 9,140 6,220 4,420 28.55 54,120 50,160 26,500 52.8 23,660 3,960 49,620 2,200 3,580 4,020 8,840 11,200 8,800 10,980 40.52 13,920 6,160 2,900 47.1 3,260 7,760 5,880 1,380 960 760 1,020 1,060 500 200 18.45 6553,80 589.880 379,960 64.4 209.920 65,500 585,760 138.540 97.000 71,240 104.400 99,840 46.340 28,400 18.52 7,180 4,400 2,440 55.5 1,960 2,780 4,320 2,400 680 420 400 280 100 40 8.50 41,400 36,280 19,780 54.5 16,500 5,120 36,140 17,640 6,840 4,000 3,900 2,880 620 260 9.81 71,240 63,720 37,460 58.8 26,260 7,520 63,420 24,580 12,980 7,480 9,060 6,480 2,420 420 12.25 308,380 282,960 183,000 64.7 99,960 25,420 281,240 72,160 52,080 36,620 50,720 45,460 17,740 6,460 16.74 91,160 84,280 57,540 68.3 26,740 6,880 83,680 12,460 12,700 10,440 18,180 17,640 8,620 3,640 22.93 58,960 55,120 37,760 68.5 17,360 3,840 54,520 4,780 5,480 6,260 10,900 13,440 7,560 6,100 29.35 � 30,720 28,280 19,320 68.3 8,960 2,440 28,140 1,960 3,360 3,360 5,700 6,780 3,720 3,260 28.96 30,840 28,420 19,040 67.0 9,380 2,420 28,220 1,100 1,740 1,940 4,580 5,940 5,140 7,780 45.49 15,500 6,420 3,620 56.4 2,800 9,080 6,080 1,460 1,140 720 960 940 420 440 17.56 461,960 419,620 290 700 69.3 128,920 42,340 416,520 113.880 *69,860 49,720 70.020 67,380 28,600 17,060 16.97 7,360 44,420 62,880 220,120 47,120 34,360 17,020 18,560 10,120 5,140 39,280 57,520 204,220 44,340 31,720 15,640 17,280 4,480 2, 780 24,420 36,720 143,880 32,440 23,700 11,380 12,260 3,120 54.1 62.2 63.8 70.5 73.2 74.7 72.8 70,9 69.6 2,360 14,860 20,800 60,340 11,900 8,020 4,260 5,020 1,360 2,220 5,140 5,360 15,900 2,780 2,640 1,380 1,280 5,640 5,120 39,060 57,100 202,780 44,040 31,480 15,620 17,080 4,240 2,900 19,200 22,140 54,620 7,580 3,420 1,740 1,020 1,260 820 7,260 11,260 36,440 6,500 3,420 2,120 1,420 620 460 4,120 6,980 26,020 5,420 3,240 1,480 1,440 560 440 4,640 8,160 34,800 9,300 6,220 3,100 2,760 600 340 2,780 6,180 32,920 9,320 7,600 3,940 3,640 660 140 780 1,840 13,260 3,860 4,060 1,800 2,560 300 20 280 540 4,720 2,060 3,520 1,440 4,240 240 8.33 9.78 12.35 16.49 22.21 28.60 27.47 39.94 16.64 "Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 32 1I '' '' I T T T -r 1f - T -IF ----- --;r -------I ---- ---- ----- --- --~ ------ --------u ---r--- --- -- I - -- 1 -r- I ---- I - ~' T -11" T T -ir n6 1 12n RgRon ... o.. "_ aoen Q 01 a n Table 7.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-pereent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure ABEL, TEARS3 OF SCHOOL Median AREA, AR SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Mn COMPLETED, AND AG not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to $7 rental Total In and value rot- Percent r re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 report- rented over (dol- org ~ubr to- homaes portedl value lars) ing Number tal re- homes lars) porting THE SOUTH Urban and Rural-nonfarm 5,888,42r gr,286, 2i,itav 87800 a -,0 2 ueezaw oeqtsu 10, z Iv e,y myoupn ,7 Dim, v i0, 0V v,vo 0%, v 1.,.D I-.4. .. 874,280 881,180 148,700 44.9 182,480 48,100 829,760 104,680 58180 40~40 54,160 45,980 18,940 12,480 15.37 . 4,040 2,940 980 88.8 1,960 1,100 2,940 2,040 860 240 200 40 60 - 6.71 . 19,880 18,440 5,500 29.8 12,940 1,440 18,440 14,860 2,100 820 480 80 40 60 5.70 . 3,560 80,680 8,680 28.3 22,000 2,880 80,560 19,440 6,140 2,140 2,040 540 180 80 7.36 . 64,080 55,040 17,920 32.6 87,120 9,040 54,740 26,760 11,600 6,280 6,640 2,660 580 220 9.76 128,580 114,260 51,400 45.0 62,860 14,820 118,800 28,800 20,9A0 17,580 21,960 16,380 5,480 2,660 16.54 88,060 77,880 42,600 55.1 34,780 10,680 77,100 10,520 9,780 10,540 16,980 17,620 7,340 4,320 24.04 S 38,180 30,880 20,560 67.7 9,820 2,800 30,180 1,780 2,040 2,500 5,420 8,800 5,160 4,980 37.57 S 640 520 860 -6 0 0 120 520 20 80 - 120 180 20 100 - S 2,260 1,540 700 - 840 720 1,480 460 140 240 . 820 180 80 60 352,840 293260 119,480 40.7 173.780 59,580 292.080 97,460 463,880 32.,400 47,680 41,020 16,120 11,020 14.84 .. 8,840 2,800 860 s0.7 1,940 540 2,780 1,800 280 240 260 140 40 20 7.22 . 18,920 17,040 4,600 27.0 12,440 1,880 16,940 18,840 1,880 400 500 220 80 20 5.62 S. 31,100 27,280 6,220 22.8 21,060 3,820 27,080 17,880 4,920 1,860 1,760 580 60 20 7.07 S 60,840 50,400 15,440 30.6 34,960 10,440 50,260 25,260 9,980 5,700 5,840 2,640 700 140 9.45 S. 88,440 72,540 26,540 36.6 46,000 15,900 72,260 21,560 14,440 10,160 18,600 8,880 2,460 1,160 14.56 S. 98,160 76,460 85,940 47.1 40,820 16,900 76,120 18,540 11,820 9,880 16,940 16,800 5-460 2,680 21.46 S 48,340 41,000 26,240 64.0 14,760 7,840 40,800 2,800 3,180 8,800 7,800 10,920 6,260 6,040 34.66 S. 6,060 4,580 8,100 67.7 1,480 1,480 4,520 240 200 220 720 1,240 980 920 48.69 S 2,640 1,860 540 - 820 1,280 1, 320 540 180 140 260 100 80 20 - . 526,840 481,060 142,820 s,1 288,240 95,780 429,720 148,920 72,980 52,920 71,080 55,980 20,120 12,70 14.86 S 4,660 8,540 1,240 85.0 2,300 1,120 3,500 2,860 500' 140 260 120 40 80 6.92 S 28,060 25,860 5,900 28.3 19,460 2,700 25,820 20,980 2,560 840 560 260 80 40 5.58 S 44,100 89, 620 8,80 21.2 31,240 4,480 39,500 25,880 7,440 2,940 2,060 1,020 140 20 7.18 S 98,580 84,160 21,020 25.0 68,140 14,420 88,960 40,540 18,100 10,580 9,340 3,900 1,220 280 9.90 12,960 104,000 81,780 80.6 72,220 19,960 108,580 31,400 21,100 15,840 19,660 12,060 2,580 940 14.3388 S 188,980 107,240 40,920 38.2 66,820 26,740 107,000 17,220 17,560 16,100 26,160 20,640 6,440 2,880 20.50 S 54,260 42,040 20,480 48.7 21,560 12,220 41,920 8,740 4,140 4,720 8,740 11,260 5,440 880 29.07 S 85,080 28,120 12,520 54.2 10,600 11,960 23,020 1,160 1,120 1,560 4,080 6,520 4,040 4,540 40.51 4,160 1,980 580 - 1,400 2,180 1,920 640 460 200 220 200 140 60 - . 896,500 772,580 2a5,860 ' 30.5 587,220 128,920 769,760 255,100 126, 760 98, 200 133,800 107,600 32,200 16,100 .14.65 S. 10,760 8,840 2,800 31.7 6,040 1,920 8,740 6,800 860 240 480 240 , 100 20 5.98 S 51,240 46,800 11,140 24.1 85,160 4,940 46,080 36,300 5,820 2,080 1,240 480 120 40 5.85 S 87,480 79,700 18,220 22.9 61,480 7,780 79,480 51,280 13,780 6,700 5,220 2,040 360 100 7.25 S 190,220 169,820 46,800 27.3 123,020 20,900 168,660 73,480 35,280 23,620 22,680 11,100 1,920 580 11.04 S 200,020 176,480 52,620 29.8 128,860 28,540 175,800 51,200 36,420 27,500 34,080 20,960 4,400 1,240 14.55 S 192,960 165,660 58,080 85.1 107,580 27,300 165,240 25,980 28,860 25,420 41,660 4,440 9,860 4,020 21.27 78,940 64,740 24,200 87.4 40,540 14,200 64,520 5,980 6,560 7,920 15,940 17,940 6,480 8,700 26.90 . 77,740 57,780 20,900 86.2 86,880 19,960 51,600 2,620 8,700 4,320 11,800 20,060 8,820 6,280 35.84 S 7,140 8,760 1,100 29.3 2,660 3,a80 8,640 1,460 480 400 700 340 140 120 15.25 .. 880,100 747,280 257,820 34.5 489,460 82$820 744,460 224,o740 118,880 98,860 136,620 116,820 41,120 17,420 16.29 . 10,940 9,240 2, 980 32.3 6,260 1,700 9,240 7,880 920 800 360 220 40 20 5.76 . 56,680 52,760 13,520 25.6 39,240 8,920 52,580 38,100 8,280 8,100 1,700 1,000 360 40 6.40 S 89,860 82,820 22,160 26.8 60,660 6,540 82,560 46,840 15,840 8,660 7,660 2,820 620 120 8.31 208,420 185,840 60,740 82.7 125,100 17,580 185,200 70,900 35,640 26,600 80,140 16,840 4,180 900 12.54 S. 176,740 161,220 57,760 35.8 103,460 15,520 160,760 39,120 29,920 26,020 34,760 23,360 6,000 1,580 16.68 S 141,320 126,380 49,620 89.3 76,760 14,940 125,820 13,560 1,880 17,720 38,900 38,040 10,380 8,840 24.74 S 70,420 62,180 25,220 40.6 86,960 8,240 61,940 4,840 5,480 6,720 15,860 18, 860 7,780 3,400 28.57 S 72,520 61,520 24,180 39.3 37,840 11,000 61,240, 2,100 3,160 4,220 11,980 20,420 11,480 7,880 38.47 S 8,700 5,820 1,640 s0.8 8,680 8,880 5,120 1,900 760 520 760 760 280 140 18.84 . 1,841,960 1,221,540 525,080 43.0 696,460 120,420 1, 216,660 816,080 174,000 1 148,480 221,860 219,500 91,060 50,680 18.62 8 958,14011 872,260 449,220 51.5 428040 85,880 868,38011205.180 116.880 1 9614 1 154, 20 1 6,560 1 77,3001 54-00 20.53 - - - , 33 9 s ,es % I I "9 a t0 r5 ln s- t ann 615i nn I 91 -620 rn 8 .a4_0 L ,ar 11l 172 "1 I Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported .... ....... . . .. 20 and 21 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... .25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .. ................. . 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: I to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ..... . ........... .. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years.. . .. 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ..... ............. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25,740 117,820 164,780 872,640 251,420 186,880 "108,920 102,260 17,500 22,540 108,420 152,060 40,920 282,080 169,660 98,520 91,860 10,480 7,260 84,640 54,500 144,000 104,800 82,640 46,280 46,420 5,040 32.2 31.9 35.8 42.2 44.9 48.7 49.5 50.5 48.1 15,280 78,780 97,560 196,920 127,780 87,020 47,40 45,440 5,440 3,200 8,900 12,720 81,720 19,840 16,720 10,400 10,400 7,020 22,52C 107,96C 151,460 889,860 281,40C 169,12 98,18 91,160 10,000 16,40 67,900 67,540 95,560 48,680 13,240 5,700 2,966 8,160 8,200 19,440 30,060 61,880 34,020 14,780 6,240 3,520 1,860 1,200 9,060 19,040 49,680 34,140 16,640 7,780 4,840 1,100 nr %An 960 7,700 21,720 65,600 52,560 39,360 19,620 12,660 1,680 640 3,040 10,160 49,700 46,000 50,460 29,720 28,100 1,680 180 620 2,860 18,220 14,920 24,300 14,820 19,980 660 200 580 4,720 6,080 10,340 9,300 19,100 360 6.89 7.45 10.86 16.81 20.28 29.71 84.38 44.87 16.68 28,340 109,620 184,840 274,500 185,760 118,880 78,300 67,900 15,000 607.760 24,140 101,900 124,560 251,840 124,660 108,960 65,820 62,420 8,460 555,380 8,900 89,740 57,680 130,280 69,000 62,180 38,600 38,280 4,560 319.820 36.9 39.0 46.3 51.8 55.4 57.1 58.6 61.3 53.9 57.6 15,240 62,160 66,880 12i,060 55,660 46,780 27,220 24,140 3,900 235.560 4,200 7,720 10,280 28,160 11,100 9,920 7,480 5,480 6,540 52,380 24,020 101,520 124,020 250,880 124,800 108,520 65,420 61-,98(] 8,220 552.080 16,060 55,180 44,160 55,500 19,540 7,060 3,700 1,600 2,880 148.200 4,220 18,380 23,520 37,740 16,480 8,100 4,600 2,560 1,280 72.,700 1,520 10,820 16,820 38,280 15,400 9,840 5,560 2;,600 800 58.560 1,800 10,160 20,480 52,720 26,620 22,080 12,380 7,760 1,820 98.600 680 5,080 18,540 47,200 28,540 82,520 18,920 15,640 1,440 98. 600 18 1,38( 3,84( 16,50( 12,00 17,820 11,48( 18,50( 60( 49.16( 60 520- 1,660 7,440 5,720 11,600 8,780 18,820 400 86.260 6.98 8.70 13.29 19.30 28.58 34.22 86.34 51.04 17.81 19.67 2s,600 82,560 95,120 183,900 65,540 66,920 88,660 41,240 10,220 20,960 76,020 88,080 169,080 60,860 61,800 35,260 87,500 6,320 8,700 35,280 47,100 99,300 37,200 89,820 23,440 25,260 3,720 41.5 46.4 53.5 58.7 61.1 65.0 66.5 67.4 58.9 12,260 40,740 40,980 69,780 23,660 21,480 11,820 12,240 2,600 2,640 6,540 7,040 14,820 4,680 5,520 3,400 3,740 3,900 14,040 39,940 30,820 38,340 9,780 4,620 2,860 1,360 1,940 3,109 13,000 15,640 28,820 7,460 4,500 2,600 1,720 860 1,640 7,760 11,340 20,140 7,000 5,260 2,960 1,680 780 20,800 75, 620 87,720 168,180 60,620 60,840 35,000 37,140 6,160 980 7,840 14,800 3, ?80 12,920 11,240 6,240 5,000 800 680 5,020 11,060 31,980 13,760 17,000 9,320 8,780 1,000 26C 1,440 2,940 13,880 6,10 10,50C 6,00C 7,620 420 100 620 1,120 6,240 3,600 7,720 5,520 10,980 360 6.91 8.97 13.67 20.08 24.20 5.15 86.67 49.60 16.29 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private nouseholds not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME EDUCATION Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR' NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percens 14 median not shown where b-se is loe than 8,000) TIUOnE OF OC E MOMIILT RENTAL VAIUEn OF HO Reporting tenure AReA, 'IARS OF SCOOL dan AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total $7 Median COPTD, AND AGE Total n not reporti Under $10 to $15 to $80 to $0 to $50 to al report- Percent rented re- retal $10 $14 $19 9 49 (1- of to- ree ported' value over- (ol- ing Number o tal - hooe *lay) ,_ porting THE SOUTH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ........ ..... . 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High' school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported....... ...... 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed ... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years .. College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 3,525,220,099,9411,263.8401 40.8 11.836.1001425280 1.090.680e4f2.261o42l. 26o 41418.000 4698.420 1 686,760 372.8401166.140r U.48 210 460 190 .00 10I o10l o1 9o 2S I I9 0 5l 7 -00 140 9001 a 620 1 fn i1 n n0 al a .... 1,640 1,200 300 - 900 440 1,c 640 260 160 60 80 60 - - 6,780 6,460 1,940 30.0 4,520 320 6,50 4,420 1,080 5o00 840 0 40 40 6.85 18,960 13,000 3,320 25.5 9,680 960 12,96C 5,680 3,620 1,560 1,500 500 60 40 10.60 80,540 27,200 7,740 28.5 19,460 3,340 27,12 8,020 6,800 4,680 5,240 1,980 840 160 18.59 76,280 69,800 30,100 43.1 39,700 6,480 69,54C 9,480 11,120 12,840 17,100 12,960 4,480 2,10 20.57 56,320 50,120 25,940 51.8 84,180 6,200 49,960 2,540 4,720 6,680 12,680 18,980 5,860 8,500 88.21 23,500 21,400 14,160 66.2 7,240 2,100 21,260 420 860 1,860 8,800 6,540 4,220 4,060 42.81 360 300 220 - 80 60 800 - 60 - 60 130 20 40 - 1,080 720 380 - s40 360 700 80 20 120 200 10 60 60 - 204,420 171,520 69,840 40.4 102,180 32,900 171,1001 9,440 26,860_ 22,960, 87,160 88,160 12.720 8,800 21.1.9 1,780 1,440 880 - 1,060 340 1,44C 780 180 160 180 100 40 - - 6,460 5,820 1,360 23.4 4,460 640 5,860 4,100 880 880 320 160 60 20 6.65 12,240 10,780 2,200 20.4 8,580 1,460 10,76 4,960 2,740 1,800 1,300 400 40 20 10.27 29,560 25,080 7,140 28.5 17,940 4,480 25,040 7,760 5,980 4,060 4,600 2,040 540 60 18.48 52,120 44,380 14,940 33.7 29,440 7,740 44,0C 6,740 8,900 7,640 11,280 7,020 1,780 880 18.74 61,260 50,400 22,200 44.0 28,200 10,860 50,860 4,060 6,400 6,980 18,220 18,880 4,240 2,080 85.36 85,140 29,260 18,380 62.8 10,880 5,880 29,140 720 1,560 2,260. 5,480 . 8,960 5,160 5,000 89.66 4,320 3,460 2,320 67.1 1,140 860 8,40C 80 100 140 560 1,020 780 720 45.58 1,540 900 420 - 480 640 860 840 120 100 20 80 80 20 - 313,480 255,280 83,040 832.5 172.240 58.2 00 .9 .0004.120 8.400 56.800 46.940 16.840 0.180 9.99 2,240 1, 78( 520 - 1,260 460 1,78C 980 280 80 200 120 40 80 - 10,880 9,320 2,240 24.0 7,080 1,060 9,834 6,680 1,380 560 440 180 60 40 6.49 19,180 17,320 3,480 20.1 13,840 1,860 17, 8,160 4,380 2,260 1,540 860 60 20 10.05 49,620 42,720 9,760 22.8 32,960 6,900 42,7 12,080 10,920 8,000 7,460 3,160 900 200 1.75 74,620 64,060 17,940 28.0 46,120 10,560 6,980 9,940 13,140 11,940 16,380 9,900 2,040 640 18.28 89,260 71,200 25,020 35.1 46,180 18,060 71,100 4,680 9,200 11,300 20,920 17,460 5,280 2,260 84.46 40,220 30,500 14,520 47.6 15,980 9,720 80,440 1,080 2,160 8,180 6,880 9,880 4,520 3,240 38.59 25,360 17,180 9,200 53.6 7,980 8,180 17,140 240 420 1,000 2,820 5,700 3,800 3,660 48.85 2,600 1,200 360 - 840 1,400 1,1 240 220 160 160 180 140 40 - 538,220 453.180 127,860 28.2 325, q Q80.040 4,52,220 74.140 72.00 69,780 107,880 89,580 25640 12.900 20.42 4,360 19,460 37,660 99,180 122,860 133,340 55,240 56,980 4,140 487. 900 4,120 22,080 40,360 106,100 108,840 100,020 50,000 51,660 5,220 808.R 180 11,320 50,480 83,500 214,820 157,020 134,100 74,400 72,720 9,820 592.980 12,520 50,700 73,720 168,600 87,320 89,240 52,220 50,200 8,460 974_580 9,660 39,360 54,060 115,720 42,620 50,220 27,4800 29,620 5,920 3,480 17,620 33,96C 87,420 108,040 113,100 44,720 42,780 2,060 432.460 3,360 20,100 36,780 95,600 97,900 88,840 43,540 43,440 2,900 926.040 9,760 45,440 75,620 194,140 143,840 120,900 66,200 64,820 5,820 554.580 10,580 46, 300 87,000 151,900 79,360 81,760 46,460 46,200 5,020 336.680 8,340 536,240 49,040 104,360 39,040 45,700 24,700 26,800 3,460 1,020 3,640 6,640 20,740 28,880 35,620 15,260 15,540 520 137.780 1,140 4,320 8,280 27,620 31,700 31,100 16,000 16,760 860 2816401 2,760 13,260 24,940 77,440 60,760 54,520 30,460 31,640 2,860 272. 060 3,640 17,540 30,840 76,540 41,700 44,780 26,200 27,980 2,840 191.020 3,040, 15,440 25,480 59,360 23,380 28,580 16,000 17,920 1,820 29.3 20.7 19.6 23.7 26.7 31.5 34.1 36.3 25.2 31.9 33.9 21.5 22.5 28. 9 32.4 35.0 36.7 38.6 29.7 41 1 28.3 29.2 33.0 39.9 42.4 45.1 46.0 48.8 49.1 0.9 34.4 37.9 46.0 50.4 52.5 54.8 56.4 60.6 56.6 567_ 36.5 43.8 52.0 56.9 59.9 62.5 64.8 66.9 52.6 2,460 13,980 27,320 66,680 79,160 77,480 29,460 27,240 1,540 294.680 2,220 15,780 28,500 67,980 66,200 57,740 27,540 26,680 2,040 A4 27nn0 7,000 32,180 50,680 116,700 82,580 66,380 35,740 33,180 2,960 262.520 6,940 28,760 36,160 75 , 360 37,660 36,980 20,260 18,220- 2,180 Ian _ n 5,300 19,800 23,560 45,000 15,660 17,120 8,700 8,880 1,640 880 1,840 3,700 11,760 14,820 20,240 10,520 14,200 2,080 55.440 760 1,980 3,580 10,500 10,440 11,180 6,460- 8,220 2,320 R. 1A 1,560 5,040 7,880 20,680 13,680 18,200 8,200 7,900 4,000 58.400 1,940 4,400 6,720 16,700 7,960 7,480 5;760 4,000 3,440 379_00 1,320 4,120 5,020 11,360 3,580 4,520 2,700 2,820 2,460 3,460 17,54C 33,960 87,220 107,700 118,020 44,56C 42,74 2,020 2,160 11,280 15,680 19,700 15,320 7,680 1,320 600 400 420 3,520 7,920 20,940 21,280 18,080 3,260 1,560 320 230 1,300 4,560 17,780 20,420 18,120 4,920 2,200 260 380 1,040 4,040 18,400 28,380 33,880 12,160 9,040 560 43116011 60.2801 62.340 1 6.200 I 104.400 3,360 20,06C 36,720( 95,38 97,76C 88,440 43,400 43,260 2,780 79 .90(0 9,780 45,400 75,420 193,880 143,000 120,580 66,000 64,340 5,500 532.960 1 ...--- , .---. , . w105-,-- .. 10,560 46,220 66,780 151,620 79,200 81,500 46,300 48,900 4,880 r4. 880 8,300 35,100 48,920 103,940 38,920 45,360 84,500 26,460 3,380 2,160 11,060 13,460 17,160 10,560 3,660 1,180 560 480 RR8.20 5,500 19,860 19,100 25,500 12,000 3,780 1,380 680 820 59.800 .5,440 15,620 12,680 15,800 5,620 2,520 960 420 740 to ann 4,120 10,900 9,020 10,880 2,820 1,280 680 300 620 560 4,480 8,900 19,780 16,740 7,700 2,740 960 480 S89.94 2,020 11,180 16,920 31,600 16,660 7,160 2,600 1,040 760 59.740 2,440 10,180 12,540 19,160 8,080 3,920 1,920 820 680 39.440 1,800 7,800 9,160 12,200 3,740 2,380 1,220 700 440 180 2,340 5,960 18,960 18,500 12,280 3,820 1,720 440 on ann 880 5,840 13,100 34,200 22,320 10,560 4,540 2,300 640 62.800 960 7,620 11,460 21,920 9,520 6,020 3,280 1,440 580 38.100 960 5,020 7,640 13,940 4,240 3,280 1,780 840 400 .'I~~~ --- 1 W a- v1 --- -i+ 1 Y -_ - =-- -. -V Y . - P-W 1--(280W 280 1,140 5,900 28,000 27,060 26,780 11,760 7,980 o00 it san 700 5,640 16,420 49,880 39,620 0,400 14,320 8,140 1,220 116.020 1,040 7,740 15,760 39,420 19,740 17,560 8,580 5,320 860 68.840 700 50 0 I 700 6,100 11,180 25,140 9,320 8,740 4,200 2,840 620 220 300 1,420 8,720 17,800 28,840 14,860 17,160 260 94.420 140 820 2,080 12,720 18,760 27,360 15,220 16,740 580 19 680bn 520 2,360 7,720 38,880 36,700 41,800 24,080 22,920 1,300 130.600 500 8,640 10,320 87,060 22,740 27,880 15,140 12,540 1,280 78.440 520 8,840 8,740 25,520 10,920 14,320 7,220 6,620 740 60 80- 280 1,200 3,500 8,100 5,220 7,060 140 31.960 40 200 840 3,040 4,900 8,060 5,960 9,200 220 70.660 160 440 1,680 10,160 11,180 18,980 12,060 15,520 480 60.730 14 9.21- 140 1,040 2,760 12,160 9,020 14,800 9,460 10,880 460 3o. 70 160 900 2,320 11,140 4,960 8,780 4,820 6,260 800 80 60 480 1,000 3,320 2,820 5,120 80 19.560 20 80 720 1,240 2,600 2,720 6,100 80 so.68 80 480 8,660 4,520 7,900 7,030 18,740 280 48 800 40 880 1,260 6,100 4,480 9,800 6,960 14,480 280 40 460 860 5,120 2,920 6,580 4,580 8,900 260 7.51 7.27 10.82 15.84 18.72 24.70 80.33 88.79 0.04 22.26 7.28 8.67 12.25 17.88 20.64 27.18 88.89 41.94 19.89 RA 4r 8.89 '0.77 15.15 0.68 84.68 88.51 87.94 46.96 23.84 a ?7 9.21 18.18 18.06 24.30 27.80 37.84 40.61 55.04 24.62 9.58 18.76 18.61 25.46 28.79 89.28 41.60 57.21 23.21 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 34 VVV-)iV- L /.-- -- iV 4~ V=1 lei! -11I V- V1 V4.1 V l1 2..m-- VV.V-- L77.'7{/ 1 ICIWI- 1 LWW,2F r 1 l -VR I 1 /V V V OI.WV 4 W T T I T T - II T T T T 11 r T T T T Ir T T' I I I vi Jj VYV VV 11 AWA- w I Ww i I 6= -VVV 1 0 1 avV I y sIw+} ' W, iv r v 1 w-a v w2.,r- v&-Mrw. N. /w 47 ' (VpVp -rr i l r I , . . R4 10 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 35 Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reprting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL /Total In owned homes Tenure Total 75 rMedian COMPLETED, AND AGE not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Total is3 and value Percent rented re- rental $10 $14 $9 $29 $49 $74 over (dol- report- of to- ported' value ing Number or- homes lars) tal reting porting THE SOUTH--Continued Rural-nonfarm .Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6.years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ......... ......... 22 to 24 years old ........ .. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ........., . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years .. ....... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 2,3obo,vo, 0U 934,60 .0 1.9014u 280 211, 2 i20Jo 6,ouu35,0iU, a7 i25ZaLU IaD,DVV cb; i7,,s4v � ,V .I , vv l ts l . .4 163,820 140,980 64,600 45.8 76,380 22.840 140.220 73.400 24640 13.040 13.180 9.640 3,860 2,460 , 9.05 2,400 1,740 680 - 1,060 660 1,740 1,400 100 80 140 20 - - - 13,100 11,980 3,560 29.7 8,420 1,120 11,940 10,440 1,020 320 140 r - 20 5.22 19,600 17,680 5,360 30.3 12,320 1,920 17,600 13,760 2,520 580 540 40 120 40 5.90 33,540 27,840 10,180 36.6 17,660 5,700 27,620 18,740 4,800 1,700 1,400 680 240 60 6.87 52,300 44,460 21,300 47.9 23,160 7,840 44,260 19,320 9,820 5,240 4,860 3,420 1,060 540 10.93 31,740 27,260 16,660 61.1 10,600 4,480 27,140 7,980 5,060 3,860 4,300 3,640 1,480 820 15.19 9,680 8,980 6,400 "71.3 2,580 700 8,920 1,360 1,180 1,140 1,620 1,760 940 920 24.31 . 280 220 140 - 80 60 220 20 20 - 60 60 - 60 - 1,180 820 320 - 500 360 780 380 120 120 120 20 , 20 - - 148,420 121,740 50.140 41.2 71.600 26.680 120.9801 68.020 19.520 9.440 10.520 7.860 3400 2.220 8.39 1,560 1,360 480 - 880 200 1,340 1,020 , 100 80 80 40 - 20 - ... 12,460 11,220 3,240 28.9 7,980 1,240 1l,080 9,740 1,000 80 180 60 20 - 5.19 .. 18,860 16,500 4,020 24.4 12,480 2,360 16,320 12,920 2,180 560 460 180 20 - 5.82 .. 31,280 25,320 8,300 32.8 17,020 5,960 25,220 17,500 4,000 1,640 1,240 600 160 80 6.71 S 36,320 28,160 11,600 41.2 16,560 8,160 28,020 14,820 5,540 2,520 2,320 1,860 680 280 8.95 .. 31,900 25,860 13,740 53.1 12,120 6,040 25,760 9,480 4,920 2,900 3,720 2,920 1,220 600 12.96 . 13,200 11,740 7,860 67.0 3,880 1,460 11,660 2,080 1,620 1,540 2,320 1,960 1,100 1,040 22.04 S 1,740 1,120 780 - 340 620 1,120 160 100 80 160 220 200 200 - S 1,100 460 120 - 340 640 460 300 60 40 40 20 - - - 213,360 175,780 ,59780 34.0 116,000 37.580 174,800 99.,840 30.880 14.440 14.280 9.040 3.780 2.,540 8.25 ... 2,420 1,760 720 - 1,040 660 1,720 1,380 220 60 60 - - - - ... 17,680 16,040 3,660 22.8 12,380 1,640 15,980 14,300 1,180 280 120 80 20 - 5.09 .. 4,920 _22,300 4,900 22.0 17,400 2,620 22,220 17,720 3,060 680 520 160 80 - 5.77 48,960 41,440 11,260 27.2 30,180 7,520 41,24 28,460 7,180 2,580 1,880 740 320 80 6.75 .. 49,340 39,940 013,840 34.7 26,100 9,400 39,600 21,460 7,960 3,900 3,280 2,160 540 300 8.73 .. 44,720 36,040 15,900 44.1 20,140 8,680 35,90 12,540 8,360 4,800 5,240 3,180 1,160 620 12.74 .. 14,040 11,540 5,960 51.6 5,580 2,500 11,480 2,660 1,980 1,540 1,860 1,880 920 640 18.07 ... 9,720 5,940 3,320 55.9 2,620 3,780 5,880 920 700 560 1,260 820 740 880 25.53 1,560 780 220 - 560 780 780 400 240 40 60 20 - 20 - 363,280 319,400 107,500 33.7 211,900 43,880 8317,540 180960 54,460 28,420 25,920 18,020 6.560 3200 8.27 6,400 31,780 49,820 91,040 77,160 59,620 23,700 20,760 3,000 342. 200 6,820 34,600 49,000 97,320 68,400 41,300 20,420 20,860 3,480 533.780 14,420 66,840 81,280 157,820 94,400 52,280 29,520 29,540 7,680 365.160 15,820 58,920 61,120 105,900 48,440 29,640 21,080 17,700 6,540 5,360 28,680 45,740 81,900 68,440 52,560 20,020 15,000 1,700 314,820 5,880 32,660 46,040 90,240 63,320 37,540 18,640 18,080 2,420 495,500 12,780 62,980 76,440 146,780 88,740 48,760 27,320 27,040 4,660 337.680 S13,560 55,600 57,560 99,440 45,300 27,200 19,360 16,220 3,440 918R 700 1,780 7,500 11,580 25,560 23,740 22,460 8,940 5,360 580 120,040 1,840 9,200 13,880 33,120 26,060 18,520 9,220 7,420 780 226,440 4,500 21,380 29,569 66,560 43,540 28,120 15,820 14,780 2,180 177.160 5,260 22,200 26,840 53,740 27,300 17,400 12,400 10,300 1,720 128 o0 0 33.2 0 26.2 25.3 ) 31.2 ) 34.7 0 42.7 44.7 35.7 38.1 31.3 28.2 30.1 36.7 41.2 49.3 49.5 41.0 32.2 45.7 35.2 33.9 38.7 45.3 49.1 57.7 57.9 54.7 46.8 52.5 38.8 39.9 46.6 54.0 60.3 64.0 64.0 63.5 50.0 58_9 3,580 21,180 34,160 56,340 44,700 30,100 11,080 9,640 1,120 194,780 4,040 23,460 32,160 57,120 37,260 19,020 9,420 10,660 1,640 269,060 8,280 41,600 46,880 80,220 45,200 20,640 11,500 12,260 2,480 160.520 8,300 33,400 30 ,V20 45,700 18,000 9,800 6,960 5,920 1,720 o 9n9 1,040 3,100 4,080 9,140 8,720 7,060 3,680 5,760 1,300 27,380 940 1,940 2,960 7,080 5,080 3,760 1,780 2,780 1,060 38,280 1,640 3,860 4,840 11,040 5,660 3,520 2,200 2,500 3,020 27,480 2,260 3,320 3,560 6,460 3,140 2,440 1,720 1,480 3,100 14 4R 5,280 28,540 45,520 81,440 68,100 52,220 19,960 14,860 1,620 313,300 5,880 32,520 45,840 89,820 63,000 37, 380 18,540 17,980 2,340 492,76q 12,740 62,560 76,040 145,980 88,400 48,540 27,180 26,829 4,50C 13,460 55,300 57,240 98,760 45,100 27,020 19,120 16,080 3,340 217_ on 4,640 25,020 35,600 53,780 35,880 18,300 4,660 2,020 1,060 164,460 5,220 27,040 33,380 53,740 28,560 9,900 3,660 1,540 1,420 227,460 10,840 48,040 48,440 70,060 31,680 9,460 4,320 2,280 2,340 m l; n 10,620 39,560 31,480 39,700 13,920 4,540 2,740 .1,180 1,640 lo 580 440 2,300 5,860 14,340 15,140 10,780 3,300 2,140 160 51,540 360 3,800 6,940 15,860 13,180 6,180 2,740 2,200 280 84,060 1,180 8,260 13, 140 29,780 17,360 7,620 3,640 2,480 600 57,140 1,780 8,200 10,980 18,580 8,400 4,180 2,680 1,740 600 20 780 2,140 .5,840 7,080 7,300 3,000 2,120 140 29,660 120 760 2,700 7,640 7,520 5,440 2,900 2,500 80 49,100 320 3,220 5,940 15,480 11,820 6,080 3,240 2,540 460 33,340 560 3,200 5,360 11,360 5,880 3,320 2,280 1,160 220 100 200 1,180 4,280 5,700 7,780 3,780 2,760 140 32,220 51 3 80 560 1,760 7,140 7,700 7,120 3,600 4,000 260 55,520 26 120 20 5.3 260 2,060 5,300 15,720 12,940 8,960 5,300 4,520 460 38,800 260 2,420 4,720 13,300 6,880 4,520 3,800 2,440 460 24 760 20 180 620 2,380 3,160 5,600 3,080 2,900 80 22,400 80 180 740 4,120 4,600 5,680 3,140 3,680 180 43,220 120 680 2,440 10,820 9,300 8,660 5,640 5,180 380 32,960 180 1,440 3,220, 10,140 5,800 5,140 3,780 3,100 160 90 n1n0 ,. ,8 .~~"' , H , ,LlO ,--- , , 5.8 13,940 43,200 41,060 68,180 22,920 16,700 11,260 11,620 4,300 12,620 40,780 39;040 64,720 21,820 15,600 10,560 10,700 2,860 5, 660 19,840 21,620 39,940 13,820 11,240 7,440 7,340 1,900 44.9 48.7 55.4 6i.7 63.3 72.1 70.5 68.6 66.4 6,'960 20,940 17,420 24,780 8,000 4,360 3,120 3,360 960 1,320 2,420 2,020 3,460 1,100 1,100 * 700 920 1,440 12,500 40,520 38,800 64,240 21,700 15,480 10,50 10,68C 2,780 9,920 29,040 21,800 27,460 6,960 3,340 1,680 1,060 1,320 1,300 5,200 6,480 11,620 3,720 2,120 .1,380 1,020 420 680 2,740 3,700 6,200 2,760 1,980 1,180 840 380 280 1,740 3,620 8,640 3,600 2,500 2,040 2,160 180 160 1,180 2,320 6,460 2,840 2,680 2,100 2,160 260 40 40 720 900 1,760 1,260 1,760 9,160 160 280 1,140 1,100 2,320 1,820 2,280 60 20,400 20 180 680 3,060 3,740 5,320 2,760 4,460 180 16,580 40_ 2 40 340 1,080 4,340. 2,980 3,020 2,020 2,620 140 9.440 100 460 620 2,740 1,140 1,720 1,180 1,360 120 20 20 40 100 240 700 880 1,160 40 3,860 20 20 40 180 340 740 680 1,780 60 13,000 120 100 1,060 1,560 2,440 2,280 5,360 80 11,220 20 140 400 1,340 1,240 2,300 1,820 3,840 120 sRdn 60 160 260 1,120 680 1,140 940 2,080 100 5.19 5.20 5.89 7.07 8.99 13.12 17.87 23.67 9.03 5.18 5.51 6.37 7,86 10.62 16.90 19.45 26.38 7.74 10.63 5.38 6.01 7.35 9.99 13.11 20.74 24.01 35.64 9.12 11.45 5.84 6.49 8.59 12.10 14.70 22.75 24.39 39.31 9.75 10n n40 5.80 6.48 8.40 11.51 14.81 20.70 24.45 31.91 10.33 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. ,I i _ I I '_1 -11- ,1 I I I '_ I I I _I I 0 , X337 11 n 1 a1.3%1 11 11I 11I I yaz inn i A " n 1 ionr O 1 1IC '7 n onh I ofr nt I' 1n n I 1 o A aA 9 44 EDUCATION Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE YWHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND HURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND AGETo mt75 rental lCOMPLETED, AD AGE not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Total In -and value Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol- report- of to- etedported1 value over (do- ing Number tal re- homes larte) porting THE WEST Urban and Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to a m:1 n, n 11e mn ral, eo e sane 64 years old.......I ","zLUII")"'",'"" tsl 4 " , I 't .b "",'"Or "4""" i "tSU'""11"'" ) '"l" 'r I V I JJU C3PV ' Pb I bW I bU 741C)U I zbzs44VI1III 9U V _ 26.16 18 and 19 years old ... ....-.. No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ., .. 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .. . High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years . ...... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years-... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more'.. Not reported ............... 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and.6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported....... ........ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 184,84011 162,32011 89,940 55.4! 72,3801 22.520 161.66011 23.800 19,160 20.720 1 37.960 1 39.840 13.8001 6.3801 24.02 460 - 340 280 - 60 12 340 120 60 20 40 20 60 20 - 1,620 1,360 700 - 660 260 1,340 800 160 60 120 160 40 - - 3,140 2,780 1,200 43.2 1,580 360 2,760 1,720 440 340 160 100 - - 7.52 . 18,780 15,440 6,400 41.5 9,040 3,340 15,340 6,920 2,960 2,280 2,000 940 240 - 10.77 72,580 64,480 34,100 52.� 30,380 8,100 64,240 9,100 9,420 10,240 16,720 13,680 3,660 1,420 21.51 67,280 59,000 34,700 58.8 24,300 8,280 58,760 4,380 5,240 6,540 15,600 18,060 6,120 2,820 27.97 19,620 18,140 12,100 66.7 6,040 1,480 18,120 640 820 1,160 3,140 6,760 3,520 2,080 39.26 120 120 100 - 20 - 120 - - 20 - 60 20 20 - 1,240 660 360 - 300 580 640 120 60 60 180 60 140 20 177,480 144,920 70,600 48.7 74,320 32,560 144,480 21,940 17, 20 18,860 35,360 33,960 11,020 5,820 23.44 480 280 140 - 140 200 280 40 60 60 80 20 - 20 1,480 1,220 520 - 700 260 1,200 760 120 140 140 20 20 - - 3,060 2,580 1,000 38.8 1,580 480 2,560 1,480 640 220 120 60 20 20 8.15 20,380 15,920 6,040 37.9 9,880 4,460 15,900 6,160 3,280 2,260 2,940 1,160 100 - 12.23 42,820 33,480 13,920 41.6 19,560 9,340 33,340 6,460 5,980 5,780, 8,720 5,000 1,000 400 18.16 68,300 56,140 27,620 49.2 28,520 12,160 55,900 5,640 5,640 7,620 16,380 15,200 4,160 1,260 25.03 37,160 32,780 19,940 60.8 12,840 4,380 32,740 1,260 1,580 2,540 6,440 11,780 5,380 3,760 39.22 2,560 2,000 1,220 61.0 780 560 2,000 60 60 220 380 640 300 340 38.25 1,240 520 200 - 320 720 560 80 160 20 160 80 40 20 - 279,740 223.800 91,960 41.1 131,840 55.940 222,980 36,420 27,800 28,900 57,780 51,100 14.520 6,460 22.68 680 560 220 - 340 120 560 260 60 80 100 40 - 20 2,160 1,620 760 - 860 540 1,620 1,100 220 120 60 120 - - - 5,000 4,100 . 1,760 42.9 2,340 900 4,060 2,420 940 260 260 120 40 20 7.89 36,080 27,580 9,300 33.7 18,280 8,500 27,520 10,960 5,920 3,700 4,680 2,020 220 20 11.86 63,900 51,360 18,280 35.6 33,080 12,540 51,080 10,320 8,460 8,900 14,420 7,420 1,220 240 18.24 106,320 86,760 37,080 42.7 49,680 19,560 86,500 8,960 9,280 11,720 26,900 23,260 5,060 1,320 24.44 44,960 36,640 17,140 46.8 19,500 8,320 36,500 1,880 2,140 3,120 9,080 12,600 5,240 2,440 32.72 18,800 14,440 7,220 50.0 7,220 4,360 14,380 360 540 900 2,120 5,400 2,700 2,360 41.61 1,840 740 200 - 540 1,100 760 160 140 100 160 120 40 40 - 473,400 399,980 139,280 34.8 260.,700 73,420 398.,680 61.,000 48,240 53,960 111,260 97,160 20,120 6,940 22.75 1,600 1,140 580 - 560 460 1,140 560 160 100 180 140 - - - 5,460 4,560 i,400 30.7 3,160 900 4,480 2,860 560 500 360 160 20 20 7.33 10,760 9,060 3,180 35.1 5,880 1,700 9,060 4,800 1,780 1,200 940 300 40 - 8.94 81,160 68,300 23,520 34.4, 44,780 12,860 67,940 21,220 13,900 11,420 14,480 5,980 860 80 14.09 112,160 96,600 31,480 32.6 65,120 15,560 96,320 16,020 14,180 17,340 28,900 17,380 2,080 420 19.71 152,060 131,200 47,680 36.3 83,520 20,860 130,860 11,560 13,'060 16,940 42,860 38,040 6,660 1,740 25.07 60,880 50,880 17,460 34.3 33,420 10,000 50,800 2,340 3,080 4,120 15,440 19,420 4,700 1,700 29.93 45,380 36,280 13,120 36.2 23,160 9,100 36,200 1,120 1,340 2,120 7,600 15,480 5,660 2,880 37.15 3,940 1,960 860 - 1,100 1,980 1,880 520 180 220 500 260 100 100 - 437,820 385,300 149,820 38.9 235,480 52,520 384.1201 51,580 41.900 49,580 102.200 103,680 26,720 8,460 24.29 2,060 1,260 600 - 660 800 1,260 620 200 80 240 80 40 - - 7,180 6,180 2,020 32.7 4,160 1,000 6,160 3,140 1,140 820 780 200 60 20 9.31 13,920 11,780 4,480 38.0 7,300 2,140 11,760 4,880 2,100 1,840 1,980 900 60 - 11.88 99,560 86,080 3a,700 39.1 52,380 13,480 85,820 21,140 14,800 14,280 21,660 11,580 2,020 340 16.94 106,960 95,760 38,260 40.0 57,500 11,200 95,520 12,160 11,940 14,940 29,180 22,500 4,160 640 22.49 111,980 100,120 39,020 39.0 61,100 11,860 99,840 6,600 7,840 11,600 28,880 34,940 7,940 2,040 27.77 48,480 43,080 16,220 37.7 26,860 5,400 42,980 1,940 2,380 3,520 11,440 16,980 4,980 1,740 32.10 44,160 39,020 14,940 38.3 24,080 5,140 38,860 740 1,320 2,220 7,520 16,060 7,360 3,640 39.00 3,520 2,020 580 28.7 1,440 1,500 1,920 360 180 280 520 440 100 40 - 730,860 643,620 312,420 48.5 331,200 87,240 641,840 74.640 64,180 72,140 151,680 182,080 67,660 29,460 26.75 4,520 3,420 1,500 43.9 1,920 1,100 3,440 1,800 540 340 400 220 60 80 9.06 19,120 15,920 7,160 45.0 8,760 3,200 15,840 7,060 2,980 1,800 2,340 1,340 200 120 10.94 37,000 31, 200 14,380 46.1 16,920 5,800 31,080 9,000 5,620 4,560 7,040 4,060 640 160 15.51 230,860 200,680 97,920 48.8 102,760 30,180 200,340 33,600 28,520 30,240 52,160 42,340 11,080 2,400 21.00 160,460 143,580 69,460 48.4 74,120 16,880 143,200 13,220 14,100 17,620 38,900 43,520 12,.740 3,100 26.35 137,540 124,900 60,400 48.4 64,500 12,640 124,660 5,560 7,020 10,720 29,360 47,480 18,460 6,060 33.57 69,020 61,700 29,300 47.5 32,400 7,320 61,540 2,360 3,360 4,340 12,540 22,100 10,040 6,800 36.89 63,860 57,660 30,420 52.8 27,240 6,2030 57,420 960 1,560 2,000 8,100 20,120 14,220 10,460 45.49 8,480 4,560 1,880 41.2 2,680 3,920 4,320 1,080 480 520 840 900 220 280 20.45 580,860 511,580 285.220 55.8 226.360 69.280 509.380 58.020 48.620 54.900 110.420 145.280 62,280 29,860 27.94 6,220 4,820 2,280 47.3 2,540 1,400 4,780 2,260 720 600 580 520 100 - 10.40 26,660 22,620 11,780 52.1 10,840 4,040 22,380 8,460 3,460 3,440 3,820 2,560 400 240 13.45 46,620 39,900 20,960 52.5 18,940 6,720 39,720 8,680 6,280 5,940 9,020 7,520 1,800 480 18.62 .... 216,780 189,860 106,960 56.3 82,900 26,920 189,400 25,540 23,180 24,600 47,580 49,120 15,080 4,300 23.99 92,300 82,220 46,320 56.3 35,900 10,080 81,940 6,380 6,820 8,800 20,200 26,160 10,460 3,120 28.89 91,480 83,320 46,480 55.8 36,840 8,160 83,060 3,540 4,540 6,260 15,660 30,640 15,220 7,200 37.03 47,480 42,660 23,360 54.8 19,300 4,820 42,480 1,560 2,160 3,380 7,800 15,100 8,080 4,400 37.90 45,720 41,820 24,800 59.3 17,020 3,900 41,560 960 -1,040 1,500 4,820 12,600 10,760 9,880 49.28 7,600 4,360 2,280 52.3 2,080 3,240 4,060 640 420 380 940 1,060 380 240 25.78 386,060 338,580 198,080 58.5 140,500 47,480 1 336.940 48,320 37,300 35,800 72,500 88,180 36,320 18,520 25.99 1 1 11,300 6,100 25,960 37,500 151,080 48,340 54,640 28,360 29,240 5,840 4,800 21,780 32,040 132,840 42,840 49,540 25,860 285,740 3,140 2,420 12,140 17,080 78,420 25,020 29,360 15,460 16,280 1,900 50.4 55.7 53.3 59.0 58.4 59.3 59.8 63.2 60.5 2,380 9,640 14,960 54,420 17,820 20,180 10,400 9,460 1,240 1,300 4,180 5,460 18,240 5,500 5,100 2,500 2,500 2,700 4,76C 21,64( 31,820 132,440 42,66C 49,30C 25,78C 25,540 3,ooc 2,660 7,740 7,220 1,840 4,480 .2,840 1,720 1,040 780 720 3,980 5,700 16,880 4,140 3,000 1,600 900 380 360 2,540 4,540 16,420 4,600 3,880 2,000 1,140 320 520 3,740 6,860 31,580 9,840 10,320 5,320. 3,660 660 360 2,880 5,800 34,620 12,620 15,780 8,300 7,240 580 100 520 1,400 9,280 5,160 9,180 4,400 6,060 220 40 240 300 3,820 1,820 4,300 2,440 5,500 o60 8.45 13.37 17.79 23.64 27.74 35.34 34.92 46.16 19.80 1Comprises related members of private hoseholds in homnes not reporting tenure, persons in private huseholds not' related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 36 a9 - r, 117 '?An I ad 4n 19n _ n All r~s ; an I qn* ?,n I 4'i Rm I 17Q An I 7A1 Zan 1 9S9 I , , , nn In It. . . . . . TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM* 1940- Continued 37 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND ACE $75 rental CO E, AND AG not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to $75 rental Total In and value Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 rebport- ofto= rentedval over (dol- ing Number t re- homes ported vlaluears tel re- porting THE WEST-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ .7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .......... . ........ 20 and 21 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. . 22 to 24 years old ... ........... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ......... ... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ...... ............ 36 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed .."....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years .... .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported . .................... 2.252,s260111,956,820 884.400 45.211,072,4201295,440 11,952,120113,060 158,300 216,320 1 518,200 1 628,480 219,980 I 97,780 28.92 124,180 110,780 60,420 54.5 50,360 13,400 110,58 7,520 10,200 13,580 29,040 33,020 11,740 5,480 27.76 160 680 1,380 8,640 47,500 49,540 15,380 80 820 121.360 220 540 1, 40 10,460 27,240 49,320 29,480 2,000 760 193.500 300 740 2,360 19,840 41,400 77,460 85,500 15,040 1,360 324.800 120 560 1,280 7,280 43,120 43,800 14,200 80 340 100.660 180 500 1,120 8,300 21,840 40,740 26,120 1,560 300 156.380 280 520 1,900 14,960 33,340 63,620 29,060 12,140 560 274.980 8C 280 660 2,920 21,460 25,460 9,300 60 200 46.860 80 180 360 2,700 8,320 18,820 15,420 880 100 60.120 120 180 680 4,360 10,420 25,200 18,000 6,020 140 85.740 40.1 49.8 58.1 65.5 46.6 32.5 38.1 46.2 59.0 38.4 29.1 31.2 39.6 44.7 49.6 31.2 40 280 620 4,360 21,660 18,340 4,900 20 140 53.800 100 320 760 5,600 13,520 21,920 10,700 680 200 96.260 160 340 1,220 10,600 22,920 38,420 16,060 6,120 420 189.240 40 120 100 1,360 4,380 5,740 1,180 480 20.700 40 40 220 2,160 5,400 8,580 3,360 440 460 37.120 20 220 460 4,380 8,060 13,840 6,440 2,900 800 49.820 ~'4I - * ~ ~ ~ 5 840 2,660 5,360 45,280 74,160 111,120 47,520 35,380 2,480 n_00.760 1,040 3,500 7,900 58,720 72,900 82,860 37,240 34,180 2,420 S07.300 680 2,120 4,500 37,780 64,200 96,020 39,920 28,520 1,240 M264.60 32( 500 1,36C 10,90( 17,640 31,520 12,500 10,62C 380 9 3Rn 28.6 30.2 28.9 27.5 32.8 31.3 37.2 360 1,620 3,140 26,880 46,560 64,500 27,420 17,900 860 160 540 860 7,500 9,960 15,100 7,600 6,860 1,240 36 .n2 120 560 1, 80 7,280 43,04(C 48,680 14,200 80 340 100.560 184 50( 1,12( 8,30( 21,80( 40,62( 26,12( 1,56( 36( 155.86( 28( 52( 1,90( 14,94( 33,14( 63,46( 28,96( 12,08(0 580 274.40C 68( 2,08{ 4,500 37,68C 64,080 95,78C 39,880 28,540 1,180 28 nn 200 600 2,040 3,080 1,440 120 40 7.180 180 500 2,000 2,340 1,680 440 40 11.000 60 180 800 3,700 3,080 2,420 620 60 80 17.760 160 980 1,820 6,080 4,920 2,780 500 280 240 13.760 � 20 40 280 1,580 5,280 2,580 400 20 9.240 60 20 840 1,700 3,840 2,860 820 20 80 15.280 20 120 500 3,260 4,780 5,120 1,140- 280 60 24,200 120 260 840 6,740 7,700 6,220 1,740 460 120 2n n uvvzrv ---'1 U -,!+ II i YI -L'VIYV --' +u.Uvj -a-1 H -r- - 4VI 4v. 740 2,920 6,580 49,940 65,100 74,460 32,980 30,560 1,280 448.260 360 740 2,040 16,920 23,500 26,860 11,380 11,740 260 n206 240n 465.3 31.0 33.9 36.1 36.1 34.5 38.4 46.0 380 2,180 4,540 33,020 41,600 47,600 21,600 18,820 1,020 9.�9 n 300 580 1,320 8,780 7,800 8,400 4,260 3,620 1,140 F;O d 740 2,920 6,580 49,92 65,02 74,30( 32,92C 30.42C 1,20C 44 48 240 780 1,620 5,400 3,280 1,480 540 260 160 20 860 120 600 1,320 7,260 6,020 3,700 1,260 420 60 32 140 60 180 1,480 7,180 4,120 520 20 20 13.020 20 140 120 1,380 4,400 5,180 1,680 80 20 20.080 60 80 200 2,540 6,260 8,240 2,040 560 100 36,540 100 380 840 7,740 12,040 11,600 2,640 "1,060 140 31,120 60 620 1,300 9,200 9,700 7,160 2,040 880 160 4 3960 20 80 140 1,300 12,500 12,460 2,440 100 27,480 60 120 80 2,260 6,660 12,940 4,960 280 120 46,680 80 60 240 3,620 11,480 21,900 7,440 1,700 160 87,780 160 260 740 11,320 22,540 34,560 12,420 5,420 360 78,580 200 660 1,560 16,480 22,740 22,920 8,640 5,020 360 112 ao0 20 160 80 660 10,920 15,.340 5,780 20 40 29,040 20 20 60 880 3,980 13,180 10,200 620 80 44,180 40 80 100 1,620 6,260 20,100 11,060 4,820 100 84,440 140 160 220 4,980 14,760 33,280 17,080 13,640 180 89,080 80 180 740 9,640 19,120 30,400 14,540 14,020 360 15. 840 40 20 220 2,960 5,200 3,160 20 120 9,500 20 20 80 780 3,600 4,720 240 40 12,860 40 180 1,120 4,540 4,440 2,500 40 17,640 20 40 740 1,820 5,780 4,060 5,100 80 23,340 40 60 40 1,660 3,600 6,860 4,380 6,620 80 0o 20 1,120 2,540 1,780 20 5,100 20 300 1,180 3,300 280 20 5,780 20 20 20 160 1,140 2,220 2,160 40 6,040 2( 80 300 1,560 1,440 2,580 60 7.80 20 280 560 1,780 1,520 3,200 20 as 940 14.57 24.28 31.12 42.02 27.08 16.13 20.73 27.68 39.62 26.26 15.50 21.63 26.78 85.36 43.77 26.19 10.65 12.06 18.89 22.77 27.40 32.59 39.84 27.95 15.15 15.85 21.88 25.44 80.74 84.97 41.81 i 8o 2,240 1,700 580 - 1,120 540 1,700 540 320 260 280 160 60 80 - 10,120 8,280 3,160 38.2 5,120 1,840 8,280 2,180 1,700 1,160 1,820 1,220 160 40 15.62 21,580 17,660 7,220 40.9 10,440 3,920 17,60 2,620 3,040 2,760 5,280 3,260 500 140 20.22 147,060 127,440 57,980 45.5 69,460 19,620 127,260 9,480 14,320 18,680 38,540 ,35,160 9,220 1,860 24.99 112,120 100,600 46,120 45.8 54,480 11,520 100, 8,340 6,880 10,840 29,340 36,540 10,920 2,700 29.49 105,680 96,560 43,980 45.5 52,580 9,120 96,520 1,720 3,580 6,680 22,240 40,560 16,500 5,240 P6.42 52,860 47,440 21,720 45.8 25,720 5,420 47,4 500 1,620 2,440 9,240 18,560 8,800 6,260 40.18 50,540 45,860 24,540 53.5 21,320 4,680 45,76C 340 700 780 4,940 17,060 12,600 9,340 48.40 5,100 2,720 940 84.6 1,78C 2,380 2,580 140 180 360 640 820 160 280 29.03 409,580 363,360 196,360 54.0 167,000 46220 8362,140 18,480 25,400 84,440 81,620 121,620 54,600 25,980 32.97 3,500 2,640 1,120 42.4 1,520 860 2,640 760 420 500 420 440 100 - 15.90 15,320 12,760 5,980 46.9 6,780 2,560 12,620 2,960 1,980 2,220 2,860 2,080 380 140 17.59 29,540 25,260 12,740 50.4 12,520 4,280 25,180 3,020 3,500 3,700 6,880 6,240 1,420 420 22.94 145,320 127,760 68,520 53.6 59,240 17,560 127,44 7,700 11,920 15,660 35,520 40,240 12,860 3,540 27.51 66,340 59,460 32,500 54.7 26,960 6,880 59,260 2,040 3,520 5,560 14,340 22,000 9,100 2,700 88.29 71,600 65,800 36,360 55.3 29,440 5,800 65,680 980 2,280 3,840 11,960 26,700 13,480 6,440 39.82 36,020 32,520 17,360 53.4 15,160 3,500 32,540 440 1,060, 2,020 5,460 12,380 7,200 3,980 41.28 37,080 34,200 20,500 59.9 13,700 2,880 34,060 280 480 800 3,420 10,820 9,700 8,560 52.67 4,860 2,960 1,280 43.2 1,680 1,900 2,720 300 240 140 760 720 360 200 28.45 270,780 237,840 14,860 56.7 102,980 32,940 237,080 16,500 21,080 23,580 54,700 73,760 31,880 16,080 30.23 3,100 15,200 24,740 102,620 34,700 42,940 21,380 22,860 3,240 2,360 12,540 20,980 90,020 30,680 39,080 19,300 21,020 1,860 1,040 6,320 10,520 51,600 17,560 22,520 11,180 13,120 1,000 44.1 50.4 50.1 57.3 57.2 57.6 57.9 62.4 1,320 6,220 10,460 38,420- 13,120 16,560 8,120 7,900 860 740 2,660 3,760 12,600 4,020 3,860 2,080 1,840 1,380 -2,840 12,500 20,900 89,860 80,600 38,940 19,240 20,920 1,78 840 2,660 2,720 6,600 1,440 1,000 700 320 220 460 2,240 3,540 9,280 2,240 1,880 820 500 120 240 1,800 3,040 10,720 2,980 2,540 1,200 880 180 400 2,880 5,420 23,460 7,440 7,920 3,900 2,800 480 320 2,320 4,820 28,680 10,500 13,520 6,800 6,280 520 60 400 1,100 7,900 4,460 8,180 3,680 5,400 200 20 200 260 3,220 1,540 . 9,900 2,140 4,740 60 13.09 18.25 21.62 27.31 31.78 38.57 38.32 48.48 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. - - - - 1 I I I +Nilv v +vv. v v,1 :~ vvv v~v v wv tij v ivv +vvr v + r +v w 1 1 I I I v.... 1_ " . ...1 v � . .,....l . -..1 .. ....- i �. ..- - "L I I L L L � � � f ifI -L I I L 3&. EDUCATION Table 7.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFAR: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MON'HILY RENTAL VAIUE OF HIOM Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLT, ANDAGE not reporting Under $10to $15 to $20to $80 to $0 to $5 rntal report-Peent reted re- rental $i0 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol ing Number of to- homes lara) ta re- porting ITHE WEST-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed. ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... . High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .... 5 and 6 years. ... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: Ito 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed .... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..:... 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years: ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .... ....... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ... ................ 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4-years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ............... Qa Rnn II . 85 80 60.660 1 51.540 300 940 1,760 10,140 2&,080 17,740 4, 240 40 420 6. 120 260 940 1,720 9,920 15,580 18,980 7,680 560 480 86,240 220 800 1,500 8,160 21,360 15,200 3,940 40 320 St 5an0 100 720 1,460 7,620 11,640 15,400 6,660 440 220 67,420 42 20an 29.520 200 420 540 3,480 12,640 9,240 2,800 40 160 2n 3.7n 60 340 640 8,340 5,600 8,800 4,520 340 100 31,840 a5 1I 57.8 42.6 59.2 60,8 71.1 - q R 43.8 48.1 57.1 67.9 47.2 annsa6l no 22.020 9.320 20 380 960 4,680 8,720 5,960 1,140 160 40 380 820 4,280 6,040 6,600 2,140 100 120 85.580 80 140 260 1,980 3,720 2,540 300 100 11 Rkn 160 220 260 2,300 3,940 3,580 1,020 120 260 18.820 847.96 ns6 nhs. 4an 51.080 16.2801 8.960- 220 780 1,480 8,060 21,200 15,080 3,920 40 300 4n ca92 100 700 1,440 7,600 11,540 15,280 6,620 440 200 67.120 "120 600 1,120 4,880 6,020 2,940 520 80 14 ..n6 40 580 980 4,160 4,120 3,960 820 20 80 25.420 40 120 160 1,380 4,140 2,660 420 40 8.2n 100 00- 1,580 2,640 2,780 760 40 80 12.520 118 in I 1nua n I 1100nn 7.140 20 160 800 3,060 2,420 640 40 San 40 100 880 1,380 2,440 860 140 8.820 8.920 20 40 20 700 4,220 3,140 700 80 0 20 40 680 2,060 3,440 1,480 100, 40 11.100 n In I Is 1sn i 1_i 6.820 2.060 900 14.71 20 280 2,760 2,720 980 40 20 4.920 280 1,020 2,020 1,580 20 6.920 20 20 Too 700 920 360 20 1.5on0 20 220 560 660 60 1.660 300 280 r00 92o1 20 100 80 460 60 680 7.76 16.22 18.51 24.93 -98 8.68 12.63 16.84 26.38 12.76 380 280 100 - 180 100 280 oo0 40 20 20 - - - - 1,420 1,100 580 - 580 320 1,100 920 100 40 - 40 - - - 2,640 2,200 1,080 49.1 1,120 440 2,160 1,620 440 60 20 20 - - 6.17 16,740 12,620 4,940 39.1 7,680 4,120 12,580 7,260 2,660 1,160 1,060 400 40 - 8.16 22,500 18,020 7,860 43.6 10,160 4,480 17,940 7,240 3,780 2,r640 2,940 1,160 100 80 11.79 28,860 23,140 11,880 51.3 11,260 5,720 23,040 6,540 4,160 8,480 5,000 3,160 520 180 15.68 9,460 7,580 4,140 54.6 3,440 1,880 7,540 1,260 1,000 1,080 1,640 1,540 800 280 22.12 3,760 2,300 1,200 52.2 1,100 1,460 2,300 300 260 340 420 680 200 200 356.46 480 180 60 - 120 . 300 180 80 80 - - 20 - - - 148,600 125,000 53.540 42.8 71.460 2a600 124,280 43.240 24.040 17.420 23.480 -12,720 2480 900 18.48. 760 460 260 - 200 300 460 400 40 - 20 - - - 2,800 2,440 900 36.9 1,540 360 2,400 1,880 300 120 o10 - - - 5.88 5,400 4,560 1,820 39.9 2,740 840 4,560 . 2,980 940 360 200 80 - - 7.15 35,880 30,520 12,620 41.3 17,900 5,360 30,260 15,140 7,160 3,680 3,160 1,000 120 - 9.49 88,000 32,400 13,840 42.7 18,560 5,600 32,240 11,100 6,480 5,800 6,860 2,620 260 120 13.87 40,940 35,180 16,160 45.9 19,020 5,760 85,080 8,780 6,840 5,340 8,300 4,760 889 180 16.80 13,360 10,960 4,960 45.3 6,000 2,400 10,920 1,840 1,340 1,480 3,020 2, 840 640 260 22.15 10,000 7,760 2,500 32.2 5,260 2,240 7,660 840 880 1,060 2,180 1,840 560 300 24.82 1,460 720 480 - 240 740 700 280 60 80 140 80 20 40 - 137,060 120,740 56,020 46.4 64.720 16,820 120.100 37820 21,140 18,460 23.620 14,600 3,380 1,080 14.80 1,020 5 20 240 - 280 500 520 380 80 20 40 - - - 3,680 3,260 1,280 39.3 1,980 420 3,240 2,360 540 200 120 20 - - 6.86 6,020 5,200 - 2,440 46.9 2,760 820 5,180 3,260 780 540 420 160 20 - 7.44 40,840 36,140 16,780 46.4 19,360 4,700 35,900 15,740 7,540 5,080 5,180 1,940 360 60 10.97 34,060 30,660 14,760 48.1 15,900 3,400 30,500 8,880 5,920 5,240 6',440 3,380 560 80 14.98 29,120 25,660 12,160 47.4 13,500 3,460 25,540 5,120 4,140 4,440 5,960 4,540 1,080 260 18.45 11,240 10,190 4,840 47.9 5,260 1,140 10,060 1,400 1,120 1,480 2,800 2,440 600 220 23.18 9,980 8,460 3,200 37.8 5,260 1,520 8,440 480 900 1,340 2,500 2,040 740 440 26.50 1,100 740 320 - 420 360 720 200 120 120 160 80 20 20 - 223,560 195,360 106.180 54.4 89.180 28200 194.360 53.780 32.040 28.180 39.360 28,740 8.740 3.520 16.82 2,280 1,720 920 - 800 560 1,740 1,260 220 80 120 60 - - - 9,000 7,640 4,000 52.4 3,640 - 1,360 7,560 4,880 1,280 640 520 120 40 80 7.25 15,420 13,540 7,160 52.9 6,380 1,880 13,480 6,380 2,580 1,800 1,760 800 140 20 10.20 83,800 73,240 39,940 54.5 33,300 10,560 73,080 24,120 14,200 11,560 13,620 7,180 1,860 540 13.87 � 48,340 42,980 23,340 54.3 19,640 5,360 42,840 9,880 7,420 6,780 9,569 6,980 1,820 400 17.64 31,860 28,340 16,420 57.9 11,920 3,520 28,140 3,840 3,440 4,040 7,120 6,920 1,960 820 238.8 16,160 14,260 7,580 53.2 6,680 1,900 14,120 1,860 1,740 1,900 8,300 3,540 1,240 6 540 .8 18,320 11,800 5,880 49.8 5,920 1,520 11,660 620 860 1,220 3,160 3,060 1,620 1,120 29.41 3,380 1,840 940 - 900 1,540 1,740 940 300 160 200 80 60 so 171,280 148,220 88,860 60.0 59,360 23,060 147,240 39,540 23,220 20,460 28,800 23,660 7,680 3,880 17.16 2,720 11,340 17,080 71,460 25,960 19,880 11,460 8,640 2,740 115.280 3,000 10,760 12,760 48,460 18,640 11,700 6,980 5,380 2,600 2,180 9,860 14,640 62,100 22,760 17,520 10,140 7,620 1,400 100.740 2,440 9,240 11,060 42,820 12,160 10,460 6,560 4,720 1,280 1,160 5,800 8,220 38,440 13,820 10,120 6,000 4,300 1,000 63.220 1,380 5,820 6,560 26,820 7,460 6,840 4,280 3,160 900 53.2 58.8 56.1 61.9 60.7 57.8 59.2 56.4 62.8 56.6 63.0 59.3 62.6 61.3 65.4 65.2 66.9 1,020 4,060 6,420 23,660 8,940 7,400 4,140 3,320 400 37.520 1,060 3,420 4,500 16,000 4,700 3,620 2,280 1,560 380 540 1,480 2,440 9,360 3,200 2,360 1,320 1,020 1,340 14.540 560 1,520 1,700 5,640 1,480 1,240 420 660 1,320 2,140 9,760 14,540 61,960 22,680 17,380 9,940 7,500 1,340 99.860 2,420 9,140 10,920 42,580 12,060 10,360 6,540 4;620 1,220 1,500 5,500 5,660 17,840 4,840 2,560 1,120 680 340 31.820 1,820 5,080 4,500 18,240 3,040 1,840 1,020 720 560 800 1,480 2,780 11,260 3,300 2,260 1,100 560 180 16.220 260 1,740 2,160 7,600 1,900 1,120 780 400- 260 100 1,220 2,240 8,940 3,240 2,420 1,360 700 240 12,220 120 740 1,500 5,700 1,620 1,340 800 260 140 160 960 2,140 12,060 5,860 3,700 2,340 1,400 180 17,800 120 860 1,440 8,120 2,400 2,400 1,420 860 180 80 480 1,280 8,880 4,160 3,940 2,720 1,780 340 14,420 40 560 980 5,940 2,120 2,260 1,500 960 60 20 880 2,280 1,860 1,740 880 1,060 20 4,940 40 120 300 1,380 700 1,000 720 660 20 100 60 760 420 760 420 1,320 40 2,440 20 40 40 600 880 400 300 760 - 6.68 8.87 12.40 15.56 20.28 28.42 26.44 84.11 15.27 6.18 8.50 11.72 14.d9 17.86 28.17 24.22 80.96 I II II I I I II. . I I 1L I 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not relatedto household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. .7 ipfpW p - 1 7f i -IV l Vrl F ir v 7.r u y AOY lr i.1vrV OY/f7V Lr.. 4- Vr- '1' P vrr ( y ilvr V r 1uv i V I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ---"-I _ I I ' NV.14V tl 'i 4VV 11 40 . / - WAYoV 4V y6Vl 11 .ODV % 2-VAVA 1 /OV G V } J- l .OQI .DGV I L.UAW j /4V, ,12,W - --- T T - T- t I T I -- -- Ii - -- 1 - - - f - - - - -- - A -- , - - -.-- - m -- - - - - - i 1 - - , - , :: 1,140 5,100 16,24C 140,880 69,74C 96,54C 52,720 27,040 2,82C 250,000 660 1,400 4,580 52,140 59,060 78,580 50,840 29, 540 1,720 146.720 22.52 19.25 22.96 28.69 33.98 43,92 44.52 55.74 31.88 50.87 18,400 107,520 198,180 857,640 257,260 276,880 91,460 62,620 22,180 14,740 99,100 186,40( 778,80( 256,400 255,420 80,42( 63,58( 13,04( 6,580 52,600 104,480 470,180 148, 280 161,860 53,300 53,826 7,860 44.6 53.1 56.1 60.4 62.7 63.9 66.5 63.1 60.3 8,160 46,500 81,920 308,640 88,120 91,560 27,120 19,760 5,180 5,660 8,420 11,780 58,840 20,860 25,460 11,040 9,040 9,140 "14,64C 98,860 185,740 776,100 235,240 252,000 79,760 53,360 12,600 3,020 21,560 27,440 70,680 13,720 7,120 2,500 980 1,080 2,200 15,680 25,520 81,020 18,660 11,940 3,540 1,440 1,080 2,060 15,660 25,560 85,700 20,480 12,860 4,900 1,960 1,520 3,100 21,960 45,160 166,380 48,680 39,040 10,740 5,040 2,580 3,180 18,780 43,840 231,260 77,580 76,540 25,420 13,920 2,900 720 5,6 14,02 100,5 57,66 56,46 18,500 14,480 2,140 560 1,560 4,200 40,500 18,660 48,040 .16,560 15,540 1,500 19.65 18,96 22.68 28.55 55.66 45.88 45.04 55.27 31.15 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons, not in pri- vate households. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME I #%-^ % M iO_ 0_0 26 85 d445-50 444 5 58 .4107.7011.07819 _00 110 _T 1R0 124. 200 247 540 Table 8.-TENURE ANDMONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WH1TE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEAHS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based-on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME M)NTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes nure Total MediMan .COMPLETED, AND AGE TotalnT75 r COLETED, D ATotalIn not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 Total Percent i rnt entreport- ed re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol- repot- rntedover (dol- of YL I portedl value oe as ing Number talre- homes ported valelar) porting Ar,O2OiJ Ar48,ou o116oor.120 43.4 r1,was,o a -oo o pow sczwpp 11, 4 lywP I" b, 3sow ,618.80 4,o7eUU 1.9b0U,LU002,921 2.92 .Ly ,vw ll.,VV 'i, w I "0e 04W gI 1. 1I ,V i r , ,1 L, , iv )Vi a Ivk ,l W I iw ) C VV( 469 1 9 46 ug r VII dk- I pa= a, 4. ' , , 7v , ,j 1 , - .w. w w - 7___' .7" ' . ' 7 wr .. II II ' 01 0 ) L AIL u Oa. tto lov .ow Vll _ 840 5,680 12,800 149,280 571,300 480,740 85,580 1,800 5,840 1.115,540 I ,D ... 1,487,840 I 9 49. 4...8. .. .. .. .. . . . ...a l 4 I1,4 I b I C1 0:.i O. V t4x I 13 ,/ OVIW I 3 s UIV 3 i:, 2.355.240 741,4001 31.5 11.13.8401 2618 ,060 1 2.32.36011182 ,000 1246, 500I 282, 3WI 608 4d0 684, I Ff I iC 5 34V r 85 ifll 26. GO ,O ( ,V ,'! o. I W . F 1 .w -FV t V JR , , ~ ,W ,% J 1 V hv , r w - i , r , ~ 401 fJ V IV 4 . 9,580 7,260 2,220 50.6 5,040 2,320 7,240 860 860 1,140 1,860 1,840 420 260 25.59 28,000 25,180 6,580 25.5 18,800 2,820 25,040 4,980 4,780 4,800 6,180 3,540 800 160 17.58 94,180 89,220 26,560 29,. 62,860 4,960 88,960 15,000 16,840 17,480 22,900 13,540 2,420 780 18.12 671,940 640,540 205,620 51.8 436,720 51,60Q 658,560 65,860 82,640 99,520 177,760 164,160 39,000 9,420 25.50 510,600 486,260 169,780 34.9 516,480 24,540 484,900 51,820 45,480 56,520 125,020 161,900 52,920 15,240 28.55 587,480 552,540 219,140 59.7 53355,400 34,940 550,780 24,960 52,800 41,420 115,900 204,460 95,080 40,160 55.59 196,620 176,900 71,600 40.5 105,500 19,720 176,229 6,740 10,380 15,560 32,660 60,680 35,060 19,540 57.75 139,620 119,160 49,100 41.2 70,060 20,460 118,920 1,480 5,160 4,300 14,520 40,760 51,760 22,940 47.16 17,160 11,780 5,620 30.7 8,160 5,580 11,260 860 1,160 1,220 5, 500 5,040 1,240 440 26.74 5,698,840 5,474,1401 558,460 44.9 11915,680 224.700 5,460,580 2505360 286,1801"- 351,500 751,420 1,081,680 497,700 261,540 51.55 - 7 ,-- 11 . , 1 - , , ,- ,-------- .�.w 1 .7 v1-- w . ) SI I I I ,f"lO '1V I2 Ll.40 I i 4, v ,)q.V 2 0 x 0 ici ul 1 . . I I I I - r , - .. . . . i I " 'I 0 FI SIlrl " tvv I .LV.9VW 1 Q 5,900 S 7,700 S11,740 S65,780 S26,560 ) 50,060 S16,040 0 17,320 S10,780 0 156.240 .to ics-Lw i . ,l , 39 THE NORTH Urban ari Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old........ . .... No school years coipleted........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... . High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... .. College: 1 to 3 years .......,. 4 years or more.. ... Not reported ......... ........ . . 20 and 21 years old ............. . No school yeais completed ........ . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .. .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... N ot reported .......... .. .... . . 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... ... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported................ . 30 to 34 years old ... . .......... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years.... ... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported . .. ............... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ........... ......... 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years .......... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....:... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ....... . ..... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . "i "I Od i 1 111 R00 1 005 90 276.7001 104 400 55 .780 520 4,500 11,54C 150,70C0 545,68C 429,64C 76,20C 1,54C 4,04C 985,58 200 1,660 3,480 45,280 158,840 210,560 45,100 780 1,620 388 .840 56.9 50.7 53.1 40.2 49.0 59.2 40.1 59 5S 120 2,84C 7,86C 87,42C 206,84C 219,080 51,10 760 2,420 598 .d( 520 1,180 1,460 18,580 25,620 51,100 7,180 260 1,800 15I 160 420 4,520 11,520 150,560 544,760 428,520 75,680 1,540 5,660 982.040 40 600 2,240 25,580 41,960 3355,100 2,520 20 500 105.480 20 640 1,940 22,580 51,880 45,160 5,700 280 124,560 960 2,560 3355,520 97,600 102,580 9,420 220 880 245.920 280 1,080 1,540 20,540 84,780 145,780 25,220 520 960 272.760 40 200 280 4,680 24,860 55,260 18,160 400 520 100;000 40 100 1,540 9,580 25,400 16,780 360 580 49. 00 19.71 16.46 18.57 24.03 30.92 47.00 50.12 26.70 40 1,000 2,660 24,520 34,500 25,440 1,880 20 540 85 .820 2,160 5,180 14,940 182,560 282,920 485,700 117,540 17,840 6,900 1 66 200) 1,120 4,000 15,120 161,760 261,180 425,680 101,500 15,060 4,160 84C 1,140 5,56C 48,780 82,92C 185,48C 58,40C 7,96C 1,76C 28,5 27.1 50.2 51.7 45.5 57.7 52.9 42.5 280 2,860 9,560 112,980 178, 260 240,200 42,900 7,100 2,400 1,040 1,180 1,820 20,800 21,740 62,020 16,240 2,580 2,740 79a 1,58C 4,000 15,06C 161,20C 260,580 422,400 100,460 14,940 4,020 120 920 2,980 28,240 25,080 25,540 2,700 160 280 80 560 2,800 27,800 35,620 55,800 4,220 220 580 100 640 2,560 28,420 41,580 45,220 5,500 440 500 19 940 500 860 5,080 42,180 76,100 106,440 14,360 1,560 1,040 58n 980a 560 740 1,500 27,100 65,420 142,520 52,000 4,160 960 4an 44n 160 160 220 5,420 14,640 55,040 21,860 5,880 620 15A 7 60 120 120 2,040 4,140 18,240 20,020 4,520 240 0n 0 n 18,56 16.09 18.82 25.18 29.84 44.28 55.49 27.67 O 2 3,440 7,720 0,000 331,540 409,220 665,440 120,580 81,540 11,120 5 54n 2,500 5,720 27,220 501,620 581,980 601,000 98,660 62,200 7,140 1,520 1,700 6,720 81,920 107,520 224,460 45,240 50,100 2,500 57.4 29.7 24.7 27.2 28.1 57.5 43.8 48.4 55.0 980 4,020 20,500 219,700 274,460 376,540 55,420 52,100 4,640 1,140 2,000 2,780 29,720 27,240 64,440 21,720 19,540 3,980 2,26C 5,64C 26,98C 500,42C 581,18C0 599,56(C 98,00C 61,94C 7,000 520 1,520 5,840 45,680 56,700 55,500 5,800 640 800 320 980 5,840 49,320 48,120 49,540 5,640 1,260 660 40 720 5,140 53,940 60,540 62,880 7,120 1,680 880 540 1,240 6,280 85,480 112,980 151,480 16,900 6,540 1,540 880 1,020 2,980 54,440 97,200 207,200 32,700 21,820 2,200 140 260 800 10,480 20,240 69,420 18,800 15,060 540 20 100 100 5,080 5,400 25,740 15,040 14,940 580 27.85 18.11 16.26 19.65 25. 50 29.55 39.00 48.61 27.05 I 2,520 5,580 15,720 174,900 171,860 259,980 62,240 47,600 5,200 751.8 R20 56.5 25.5 24.6 27.6 29.2 54.7 56.4 40.0 33.3 35. 7 9,640 18,500 68,700 677,700 621,480 812;100 198,660 142,560 15,160 2255 180R 6,400 15,220 65,780 635,240 587,900 749,020 171,140 118,920 9,620 S108_ 40 4,080 11,640 48,060 458,540 416,040 489,040 108,900 71,520 6,420 1 _.5 5 _820 5,240 5,280 4,920 44,460 33,580 63,080 27,520 25,440 5,540 145R_40 6,580 15,180 63,520 635,620 586,080 747,440 170,560 118,580 9,400 680 5,620 11,800 79,020 46,880 40,960 6,460 1,700 880 680 2,540 13,580 94,780 65,260 57,800 10,580 2,920 960 1,040 2,540 12,280 107,500 82,580 74,380 12,780 4,940 1,520 259_760 1,480 5,580 16,420 191,540 166,200 179,720 32,980 15,000 1,960 498 100 1,760 2,600 8,000 129,980 175,060 267,580 62,820 44,540 2,620 653.720 580 600 1,260 26,120 42,400 94,540 29,080 30,040 1,120 254 700 160 100 580 6,880 9,700 32,660 15,860 19,240 540 106 740 24.84 17.71 17.18 -21.41 25.54 51.06 56.69 45.05 27.56 28 78 1 851 80 15_5601 0 18,10C 77,50C 229,16C 1,591,52C 719,76C 755,34C 282,14( 195,50C 34,020 2.80 760 14,160 71,240 217,280 1,529,140 685,660 711,520 256,520 165,720 25,100 1o o8s 4,920 25,00 82,140 565,400 06,480 546,100 15533,680 86,260 10,180 412 rr 54.7 55.5 37.8 42.4 44.7 48.6 52.2 52.1 44.1 54 n 9,240 45,940 135,140 765,740 579,180 565,420 122,640 79,46C 12,920 1 205 22 5,940 6,260 11,880 62,180 34,100 41,820 25,820 27,780 10,920 189.880 14,060 70,920 216,5260 1,325,200 682,940 708,580 255,000 164,920 22,240 2,606,740 1,680 14,200 29,480 14,600 37,980 20,020 8,740 2,240 1,420 181 R180 1,860 11,680 54,460 137,480 50,820 51,900 12,160 5,760 2,060 917 Lf 2,260 11,920 57,760 167,780 65,500 44,400 14,520 5,220 2,540 251.680 5,500 17,600 56,620 339,580 154,280 118,740 59,860 16,400 5,040 543.760 5,280 12,040 45,500 595,820 256,560 251,880 82,600 48,120 6,280 782.520 1,080 2,600 10,380 151,500 99,400 150,040 55,180 44,520 5,400 592.020 400 880 2,520 58,840 58,800 91,600 41,940 44,860 1,700 258.320 23.,01 18.52 20.66 26.65 52.30 40.56 42.14 55.29 50.55 52.29 20,620 110,860 247,020 1,195,380 462,940 458,160 168,280 117,400 29,100 1_ R72140 16,720 103,160 255,280 1,127,600 456,58C :28,10C 152,24C 100,08C . 18,32C 1 ,71 .( 7,640 46,200 114,820 590,540 241,000 249,420 94,440 59,480 9,520 _ _940n 45.7 44,8 48.8 52.4 55.2 58.5 62.0 59.4 50.9 60.5 9,080 586,960 120,460 557,260 195,580 178,680 57,800 40,600 9,000 676.960 16,700 102,700 254,540 1,125,640 454,420 426,280 151,120 99,660 17,680 1.708.500 2,440 18,560 51,140 89,520 22,040 9,900 4,540 1,500 1,740 1dR" 4 . 2,440 17,040 52,020 106,289Q 51,840 17,540 6,780 2,200 1,520 161_080n 2,400 16,580 3355,240 125,040 58,760 22,380 8,660 5,080 1,540 168,500 5,800 25;480 60,560 262,560 95,260 64,660 21,220 9,160 3,460 342,680 5,820 18,540 57,160 547,420 139,720 137,080 46,560 27,540 4,880 491.,220 EDUCATION Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM:i 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY REITAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, EARS SCHOOLedia AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total j COMPLETED, ND GE Toal In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to 20 to o to $ to 876 rean Total Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dal report- o to- rented pover (dol- ing Number to- homes valar) porting THE NORTH--COtinued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years-old .......... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old............." No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years . ... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old ......... ..... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... ollege: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4.years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ............. ....... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .... ................ . A'~ d1o A43S 1 99_ 1 aa .n 5 39.a 17 An me 75 1amraS 19 a R r In nnan ann 1 .1 so1 is nsln anll 14i ann li n 1In � ,lL) 2.L loWI'- L )-, -Y) L Y I "--- 4 -) 2 4 4 . J..L .44 f J /fI 4 . I8 4 L L f 0VWL . %P) j4%q.L4L�fq 4lp 1470,LL & .LZ � 8a521 , 33 8A 0lf 480 4,000 9,680 109,500 295,660 391,480 68,280 1,600 4,540 80 3,500 8, 0 95,540 275,600 548,160 62,180 1,400 3,080 o rsrn 80 1,220 2,280 28,960 103,800 162,000 54,740 680 1,060 34.9 26.6 30.3 37.7 46.5 55.9 34.,4 2,280 6,300 66,580 171,800 186,160 27,440 720 2,020 400 500 1,100 13,960 20,060 45,520 6,100 200 1,260 540 5,500 8,480 95,260 274,980 547,400 61,880 1,400 2,740 580 1,440 8,740 12,420 8,100 660 80 40 440 1,680 15,580 27,920 18,660 1,180 200 -u, vO V I r 798,120AU I o34, I 2 42.U "qua N sI I ,5 0 we 'W ,,nI , j , C1'l r, U I ',x | rf1 "28V 20 540 1,460 18,140 41,980 52,580 2,100 140 cc nrM\ 900 2,200 29,140 85,680 87,020 7,220 180 700 oi�c 'I. 280 1,000 1,860 17,960 77,020 129,040 19,580 500 880 9 4 l 200 280 5,900 21,520 49,360 16,120 400 480 401 1,200 8,440 22,640 15,020 520 280 3o 25 23.83 18.34 21.07 25.94 533.74 49.81 35.51 1,500 900 620 - 280 400 960 - 20 40 200 500 160 40 5,700 5,000 780 26.0 2,220 700 5,000 - 380 400 560 800 700 1 1 22.25 11,100 9,780 2,660 27.2 7,120 1,320 9,740 1,260 2,120 1,920 2,880 1,340 200 so80 18.38 138,080 121,540 35,820 27.9 87,520 16,740 120,960 8,880 19,180 24,120 37,680 24,560 4,700 1,860 21.71 235,940 215,460 64,280 29.8 151,180 18,480 215,160 9,940 25,640 55,220 68,940 58,8620 13,060 3,740 24.84 400,500 347,680 142,940 41.1 204,740 52,820 546,680 7,460 20,080 34,020 91,400 129,440 48,080 16,200 32,65 96,000 82,640 45,800 55.2 37,040 15,360 81,9o80 940 2,020 5,100 11,040 27,180 19,840 17,860 47.06 15,00 15,520 6,920 51.,2 6,600 1,780 15,420 20 100 220 1,340o 5,900 3,660 4,180o 57.22 5,500 ,360 1,440 42.9 1,920 1,940 3,260 100 240 420 880 900 500oo 220 29.59 1.33554.880 1.199.720 575,740 31.3 825.980 155,160 1,196.300 44080 102,080 152,980 54,280 85,740 1 t,640 54,540 28.45. 1,920 1,500 900 - 600 420 1,40 40 100 20 400 800 100 - - 5,420 4,100 1,060 25,9 5,040 1,520 4,080 560 760 620 1,120 980 140 100 22.18 22,100 -20,160 4,340 21.5 15,820 1,940 20,000 2,200 4,520 4,380 5,640 2,660 700 100 18,.47 255,980 252,080 56,660 24.4 175,420 25,900 251,280 15,840 35,560 45,040 75,160 49,700 9,220 2,760 22.32 557,420 514,900 81,400 25.8 255,500 22,520 514,180 15,800 52,980 51,040 102,480 90,740 18,280 4,880 25,29 542,600 487,980 171,480 35.1 516,500 54,620 487,100 10,260 27,080 45,840 130,300 189,820 62,780 21,020 -32.67 94,420 78,800 52,660 41.4 46,140 15,620 78,240 980 2,260 4,180 12,840 29,300 16,860 11,820 42,57 66,240 54,560 25,520 46.6 29,040 11,880 54,22020 520 1,140 4,920 19,780 14,060 13,480 80.26 8,780 5,840 1,920 52,9 5,920 2,940 5,740 260 520 720 1,400 1,960 500 380 20.29 2,049,14011.881.600 556.160 28.5 1345.440167,540 1.881.240 61,880150.020 252,000 526,920 632,460 202,300 75,660 28.93 6,680 5,260 1,680 51.9 3,580 1,420 5;200 200 460 840 1,520 1,700 520 160 27,85 15,3540 11,480 2,160 18.8 9,520 1,860 11,460 1,540 1,740 2,220 2,980 2,500 580 100 20.94 52,540 48,880 10,460 21.4 58,420 5,660 48,720 4,480 10,080 10,700 14,720 7,220 1,160 3560 19.08 550,680 495,740 119,880 24.3 575,860 56,940 496,860 26,600 62,060 88,560 172,320 118,080 25,060 6,180 23.63 807,820 479,280 125,220 25.7 556,060 28,540 478,140 1,40 40,820 66,580 146,460 161,080 58,060 8,800 27.37 658,180 604,740 194,620 32.2 410,120 53,440' 603,640 10,780 29,48 52,300 1b2,460 244,960 85,340 28,380 34.14 152,180 151,080 45,200 35.0 87,880 21,100 130,540 1,30 3,500 7,100 24,140 55,240 25,520 13,920 40.07 116,080 99,500 58,640 358.8 60,860 16,580 . 99,120 540 1,280 2,580 10,920 39,240 27,260 17,300 46.95 11,640 7,640 2,300 30.1 5,340 4,000 7,560 280 660 1,120 1,600 2,440 1,000 460 30.48 1.778.7001 1.662.720 529.500 5 31.8 1,1553,420 115.980 1,657,780 4.100 114360 178,000 416,880 562,660 225.060 92720 351.95 6,860 5,860 1,500 25.6 4,560 1,000 5,840 300 540 1,020 1,580 1,760 380 2 260 .21 20,560 18,820 5,880 20,6 14,940 1,740 18,760 1,740 3,540 4,060 5,640 3,080 760 140 19.93 71,140 67,440 16,800 24.9 50,640 5,700 67,30 5,780 11,760 14,920 20,120 12,060 2,080 680 20.10 521,900 496,900 155,380 27.2 361,520 25,000 495,500 19,960 51,540 79,3W0 155,580 146,940 34,100 8,280 25,74 410,760 390,260 122,080 51.5 268,180 20,500 389,280 11,16W 25,840 41,640 16,420 145,640 46,660 11,920 30,81 474,180 444,360 161,460 56.3 282,900 29,820 445,100 7,020 16,300 27,240 91,800 183,480 82,740 34,520 38.15 146,180 150,900 47,600 36., 83,500 15,280 130,420 1,500 5,140 6,720 22,500 51,300 28,740 16,520 41,72 114,480 98,840 358,220 58.7 60,620 15,640 98,640 420 1,400 2,160 10,520 35,680 28,600 20,060 49.13 12,640 9,540 2,380 25.5 6,980 3,300 8,900 220 700 940 2,920 2,720 1,060 340 2837 2,918,140 2,741,120 1.,124,580 41.0 1,616,740 177,02 2,731,980 74,120 164,920 258,800 618,740 952.280 459,660 225,460 54.78 14,000 11,820 5,800 52.1 8,020 2,180 11,740 780 1,420 1,980 3,240 2,980 1,000 340 24.72 57,120 52,660 16,080 30,5 56,580 4,460 52,500 5,040 8,060 10,220 15,520 10,600 2,300 760 21.39 174,880 166,660 56,440 535.9 110,220 8,220 166,520 11,420 25,740 30,520 49,480 40,260 8,680 2,240 23.03 1,084,840 1,038,280 594,820 8.1 641,460 48,560 1,05533,900 36,640 82,180 127,260 287,320 550,920 115,860 33,720 28.93 572,700 544,700 .221,180 40.6 525,520 28,000 542,860 11,180 26,920 46,680 127,280 209,740 87,880 33,180 55.16 617,320 582,060 265,460 45.5 518,600 55,260 579,760 6,000 15,500 28,640 95,080 223,100 154,020 79,420 42.65 215,200 192,580 95,840 48.7 98,740 20,620 191,720 1,920 4,320 7,020 27,540 67,940 47,400 35,580 45.71 159,120 136,460 67,860 49.7 68,600 22,660 155,960 640 1,580 2,740 11,180 41,60 39,580 58,880 58.12 24,960 17,900 6,900 38.5 11,000 7,060 17,220 500 1,200 1,740 4,120 5,380 2,940 1,340 5 33.40 2,195,400 12.0485 .320 1.051.660 50.4 1.016,6 147,080 2,040,580 61,960 122,880 180,560 438,620 680,620 545,180 210,760 35.85 15,18 15,140 5,500 41.9 7,640 2,040 15,120 1,180 1,740 1,980 5,220 5,380 1,040 600 24.72 82,100 76,920 51,820 41.4 45,100 5,180 76,640 -7,720 11,660 15,400 21,900 16,500 4,420 1,240 22.03 187,860 179,480 81,500 45.4 97,960 8,400 178,880 11,880 20,780 26,580 51,660 50,260 14,020 5,720 25.35 923;560 873,260 422,560 48.4 450,720 50,080 870,820 28,460 60,080 91,440 216,420 304,740 124,000 45,700 52.06 362,980 341,500 176,000 51.5 165,500 21,480 540,160 7,180 15,920 26,120 73,540 121,000 61,260 35,140 37.52 374,700 349,220 192,880 55.2 156,340 25,480 547,720 5,120 8,180 13,500 49,020 119,040 85,500 69,580 46. 1 129,620 116,520 67,460 58.0 48,860 13,300 115,580 1,200 2,560 4,820 15,540 57,940 28,580 26,940 48.30 98,940 84,380 47,440 56.2 36,940 14,5860 84,060 520 1,040 1,620 6,620 25,780 24,020 26,460 58.29 20,660 14,100 6,500 46.1 7,600 6,560 15,600 720 960 1,120 2,700 4,180 2,540 1,380 35.72 1,412,900 1,295,9401 728,380 56.3 165,60 118,960 1.288.840 50,020 89.140 15t980 267,020 418,980 218,780 128,940 55,34 .L~OJ 11480 ,30 1,50 1,4) ,880380 352 13,540 75,82C 145,800 621,740 195,54C0 222,680 70,00C 53,40C 14,580 11,52C 69,720 137,320 577,660 178,620 203,260 60,820 45,70 9,32 4,600 33,560 70,720 322,020 104,520 123,080 37,840 27,280 5,160 39.9 47.8 51.5 55.7 58.4 60.6 62.2 59.7 55.4 6,920 56,38560 66,600 255,640 74,500 80,180 22,980 18,420 4,160 lE(K) 6,100 8,480 44,080 16,920 19,420 9,180 7,700 5,260 11, 460 69,580 156,920 576,060 177,740 202,220 60,560 46,540 8,960 1,300 8,620 10,420 21,880 4,560 2,180 600 340 320 1,560 10,080 16,420 43,520 9,060 5,760 1,440 880 620 1,74D 10,780 19,560 58,560 15,140 7,900 2,520 1,120 860 2,980u 17,800 57,460 130,700 36,740 28,580 7,200 3,880 1,880 2,88 16,100 37,260 198,480 85,880 65,580 18,560 12,120 2,5340 Ovw 4,900 12,280 87,660 32,560 50,220 15,920 12,980 1,800 560 1,500 3,720 55,480 16,220 42,200 14,520 14,220 1,140 25.29 22.48 25.44 52.88 57.26 46.85 49.59 58.05 56.54 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 40 4D 5I 8690n w RR ai avnI as 7mI a? n i lt nu~n 9a7 -AM do van as I asp no TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 41 Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on'a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MDNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED, AND AGE ,$75 rental Total In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to and value report- Percent re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol- ing Number a re- homes ported value lars) porting THE NORTH--Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years. ..... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more .... . Not reported ........ ....... .... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported . ................. . 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeats ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .......... . Collee: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. .. 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ...... . High school: 1 to 3 years ......:.. 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . 55 to 64 years old ........ . ..... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ... 5,606,220115,525,760111,877,6201 56.5 226,64011 205.84011 110.70( 360 1,680 5,120 59,780 75,640 89,260 15,100 200 1,500 210,520 240 1,000 2,760 55,160 70,080 81,480 14,020 140 960 187.700 120 440 1,200 14,320 55,040 48,560 10,360 100 560 89.780 1,448,1401280,460 1 5,07,40011807,7601599,540 1459,000 1 588,500 1526,520 1 225,9201122,5601 17.51 55.81 95.1401 20.8001 204.8001158.180 58.460 26.640 34.500 29.100 45.5 40.7 50.0 59.6 75.9 47.8 120 5680 1,560 20,840 55,040 32,920 5,660 40 400 97.920 120 680 360 4,620 5,560 7,780 1,080 60 540 22.620 80 1,020 2,840 55,100 69,780 81,120 15,800 140 920 186.880 40 620 1,220 15,580 21,880 17,340 1,220 20 260 54.920 160 560 7,800 14,040 14,440 1,540 20 100 55.680 100 480 5,840 9,900 10,580 1,600 140 24.940 60 5'60 4,580 11,920 15,560 2,200 40 180 50.820 80 180 2,580 7,760 14,740 5,640 20 100 25.620 12.140I 5.780 40 780 3,540 5,900 2,040 40 9,680 40 940 2,760 1,760 40 100 5.220 15.58 11. 29 10.76. 14.15 18.65 52.47 15.07 860 220 220 - - 640 420 120 60 60 100 60 - 20 - 1,480 1,000 560 - 640 480 1,000 600 160 80 60 40 40 20 5,840 5,340 900 26.9 2,440 500 5,320 1,720 680 440 260 160 20 40 9.15 44,480 40,420 14,960 37.0 25,460 4,060 40,240 19,580 8,620 4,300 4,500 2,540 720 180 9.95 48,980 45,120 18,640 40.8 27,080 5,260 45,420 15,140 9,980 6,560 7,160 4,800 1,580 400 13.29 85,200 76,000 40,540 53.3 35,460 9,200 75,720 15,880 15,720 11,200 15,040 12,880 4,960 2,040 18.19 21,540 18,660 12,800 68.6 5,860 2,880 18,480 1,760 2,200 2,200 5,320 4,820 2,020 2,160 28.78 2,340 1,540 1,040 - 500 800 1,520 140 120 - 220 220 260 220 340 - 1,600 800 320 - 480 800 760 180 140 80 160 60 120 20 525,520 288,120 125,740 42.9 164,580 57.200 286,680 86.540 59.400 39,960 46,720 54,700 15,100 6,260 14.28 1,520 800 420 - 580 720 800 280 220 20 140 80 40 20 - 2,500 1,620 640 - 980 680 1,560 960 220 100 120 40 120 - 7,900 7,060 2,580 35.7 4,680 840 6,98 5,640 1,520 760 640 520 100 - 9.09 75,3560 69,540 25,260 36.5 44,280 5,820 69,140 29,840 15,760 8,900 8,320 4,740 1,260 520 11.00 71,800 67,080 26,120 358,9 40,960 4,720 67,000 22,900 15,160 9,500 10,500 6,460 1,960 520 15.00 122,840 115,020 52,980 46.9 60,040 9,820 112,460 25,240 22,260 17,040 21,180 17,380 6,640 2,720 17.06 25,960 19,860 10,580 55.5 9,280 6,100 19,760 2,820 5,380 2,940 4,060 5,400 1,940 1,220 21.32 15,300 7,840 4,780 61.0 5,060 7,460 7,720 320 740 540 1,620 2,040 1,000 1,460 35.77 2,540 1,500 580 - 720 1,040 1,260 540 140 160 140 240 40 - - 515,160 475,640 205,240 43.5 268,400 41,520 471,120 150,120 96,480 67,360 81,560 62,500 25,240 9,860 15.17 2,960 1,140 640 - 500 1,820 1,180 480 220 200 160 60 60 - - 5,160 5,740 1,420 58.0 2,520 1,420 3,720 2,280 600 520 400 100 20 - 7.66 16,160 14,900 5,260 55.5 9,640 1,260 14,800 7,520 3,300 1,580 1,700 780 100 20 9.62 147,020 139,500 55,020 59.4 84,480 7,520 138,760 52,420 52,720 18,940 19,020 11,900 5,060 700 12.09 11U,660 108,620 48,640 44.8 59,980 5,040 107,940 30,540 22,440 16,000 19,740 13,980 4,540 900 14.81 153,920 144,280 65,560 45.5 78,920 9,640 143,800 50,180 28,380 22,080 27,260 22,620 9,000 4,280 17.52 46,480 40,060 19,040 47.5 21,020 6,420 39,820 5,140 6,880 5,680 8,840 7,580 3,760 1,940 22.00 26,280 19,420 8,960 46.1 10,460 6,860 19,260 1,160 1,640 2,560 4,080 5,500 2,780 1,940 30.97 3,520 1,980 900 - 1,080 1,540 1,840 600 500 200 560 180 120 80 - 476.480 445,920 222,520 49.9 225.,400 50.560 4435,900 '04.460 81,740 61,760 81,220 71,060 29,640 14,020 17.39 2,720 1,400 720 - 680 1,320 1,400 560 320 120 280 80 40 - - 7,440 6,560 2,500 39.3 5,860 1,080 6,280 3,240 1,440 740 540 260 40 20 9.19 25,040 21,780 9,560 45.9 12,220 1,260 21,620 9,220 5,080 2,560 2,780 1,480 400 100 11.06 150,040 145,440 68,240 47.6 75,200 6,600 142,860 45,900 31,300 20,220 22,180 17,220 4,900 1,140 15.58 99,840 96,000 47,700 49.7 48,300 5,840 95,620 20,660 17,640 14,880 18,600 16,260 6,260 1,520 17,70 115,300 108,180 57,680 53.5 50,500 5,120 107,680 17,940 16,500 14,180 22,100 20,980 10,540 5,640 21.86 50,440 46,000 24,000 52.2 22,000 4,440 45,800 5,240 7,240 6,640 10,160. 9,380 4,320 2,820 23.22 25,140 20,320 10,880 53.5 9,440 4,820 20,280 1,060 1,760 2,140 4,200 5,080 3,160 2,880 55.56 4,520 2,440 1,240 50.8 1,200 2,080 2,560 640 460 280 380 520 X180 100 15.95 780,700 735.020 434,080 59.2 298.940 47,680 728,400 156.240 121,260 94,700 152.680 129.400 58,040 56,080 19.08 4,109 2,340 1,120 47.9 . 1,220 1,760 2,320 900 440 280 260 500 80 60 12.45 20,380 18,580 9,220 49.6 9,560 1,800 18,420 9,160 3,620 1,700 2,080 1,440 300 120 9.57 54,280 50,620 25,700 50.8 24,920 5,660 50,200 18,060 10,720 7,240 7,160 5,040 1,700 280 12.?8 506,480 292,860 168,580 57.6 124,280 13,620 291,300 77,960 55,300 40,520 52,060 44,900 15,440 5,120 16.05 147,060 140,960 85,500 60,5 55,660 6,100 140,080 26,800 23,900 18,620 27,000 26,620 11,520 5,620- 19.77 136,020 129,460 82,640 63.8 46,820 6,560 128,820 14,020 16,400 15,760 25,660 28,780 16,020 12,180 26.60 68,940 65,740 39,840 62.5 25,900 5,200 65,280 6,820 7,840 7,500 12,320 14,660 7,780 6,360 27.19 34,580 29,260 18,400 62.9 10,860 5,120 28,960 1,600 2,180 2,480 5,220 6,760 4,740 5,980 38.57 '9,060 5,200 5,280 63.1 1,920 5,860 5,020 920 860 600 920 900 460 360 20.91 612,560 569,560 581,000 66.9 188,560 42,800 566,160 119,220 94,580 71,120 105,140 101,700 46,840 27,560 19.37 5,440 5,580 2,140 59.8 1,440 1,860 3,580 1,260 700 440 580 440 100 60 15.29 28,760 26,240 14,380 54.8 11,860 2,520 26,060 10,840 5,380 3,180 5,580 2,240 680 160 11.54 59,160 55,820 35,320 59.7 22,500 3,340 55,660 19,280 11,240 6,660 8,700 6,900 2,220 660 13.30 270,020 254,320 167,780 66.0 86,540 15,700 252,820 61,060 46,220 553,600 45,940 42,680 16,880 6,440 17.35 99,960 94,880 65,000 68.5 29,880 5,080 94,260 14,860 15,920 12,640 19,720 18,720 8,480 3,920 21.58' 83,460 78,880 56,540 71.7 22,540 4,580 78,560 6,780 9,180 8,883 15,640 18,040 11,040 9,000 28.73 38,660 35,920 26,980 75.1 8,940. 2,740 35,540 5,340 4,220 3,840 7,680 8,420 4,140 3,900 27.79 18,460 15,700 12,040 76,7 5,660 2,760 15,600 780 1,160 1,460 2,540 5,560 3,020 3,080 39.95 8,440 4,220 2,820 66.8 1,400 4,220 4,080 1,020 560 420 760 700 280 340 20.033 459,24C 421.960 310.560 73.6 111,400 37,280 '419,460 98,080 71,940 52,520 75,660 72,240 31,240 17,780 18.28 5,060 31,700 52,580 215,900 61,720 54,200 21,460 9,220 7,600 3, 220 29,380 49,080 201,140 57,780 50,160 19,600 7,880 3,720 1,980 19,240 33,760 148,140 43,960 38,780 15,460 6,540 2,700 61.5 65.5 68.8 73.,7 76.1 77,3 78.9 83.0 72.6 1,240 10,140 15,320 53,000 15,820 11, 380 4,140 1,340 1,020 1,840 2,320 3,300 14,760 3,940 4,040 1,860 1,540 3,880 5,186 29,280 48,820 200,040 57,500 49,780 19,4001 7,820 5,640 1,720 12,940 17,020 48,800 9,560 4,940 1,900 640 760 640 5,600 9,100 37,700 9,600 6,180 2,100 560 460 520 2,880 6,200 27,140 7,340 4,960 2,380 840 460 120 4,160 7,700 35,680 11,940 10,660 3,540 1,160 700 300 2,680 6,580 32,780 11,520 10,960 5,060 1,800 560 80 760 1,740 12,900 5,300 6,240 2,380 1,500 340 260 480 5,040 2,440 5,840 2,040 1,320 5360 8.74 11.02 13.56 16.99 21.55 27.76 28.88 37.59 21.50 iComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. . I I mR I . -i - - - - - 0 - - - - - mR - . - - - m - - - a - - , - - 7 i - . - - i -- - - - m - -- __ ' EDUCATION Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME #NTHIYT RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total $75 re COMPLETED, AND AGE I not reporting Under t$10 to $15 to $20 to $0O to $50 to $75 rental -Percent ened re- rental $10 $14 $19 $2 49 $74 and er (dol- report-o to- pOted value lrs) ing Number tal re- homes u la) porting THE SOUTH Urban and Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years .. ... 4 years .. ..... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ .. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... . 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... .Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... SHigh school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .. College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. .. 6,172U081,6O81.700112'.447.7604 43 1 3,33,9401490.380 I5.58 p. .940 11.51.821e.3816 4 1T0.9~U ,0 1, 0. 1 981 3 4 1 4 05,90 4,4 81 A1 (O4f]II R an 5,080 15,380 30,900 64,820 125,080 128,500 39,960 940 1,583 2, 54 14,20( 28,980 58, 115,720 111,880 56,540 840 900 880 3,740 5,760 13,920 38,160 51,280 23,180 540 160 "a aw^n 34.6 26,3 19.9 23.8 33.0 45.8 65.8 -. 1,660 10,460 23,220 *4,680 77,560 60,600 13,160 300 740. "'C A^N 540 1,180 1,920 6,220 9,360 16,620 3,620 100 680 ^0 ^,^ '. 1PF53A0I I aurr 1 35 I 2,500 14,120 28,700 58,420 115,340 111,400 36,180 840 860 1,640 11,560 20,520 32,300 37,300 19,000 2,880 80 280 300 1,400 4,740 11,980 22,340 15,560 2,450 80 100 180 640 1,960 5,640 16,520 15,460 2,800 120 180 140 300 1,240 5,680 20,660 24,700 7,100 140 120 %. =an A4 1(0n 120 160 300 2,140 13,140 23,520 9,340 220 160 A. lan 10 Rr.n n11 100 40 100 560 5,820 8,940 6,200 80 me can 20 20 40 120 1,560 4,220 5,560 120 'iV.coI'41 ooL.U4UdI ��u ~uau4 uo,j. Y D,5AZ' W91JV 4I uwV.0uIL ~V W ~ W ''I F3~V J0,"' 4_~ 1~ ""'- ' l'c~' 4 ~ ~ V ~ L12 2,5201 14,280 28,920 67,120 96,780 155,900 46,200 9,580 2,180 2,060 15,320 26,900 61,040 87,800 112,840 39,940 6,700 1,440 680 2,740 5,260 14,640 22,640 43,240 22,840 4,080 500 33.0 20.6 19.6 24.0 25,8 38.3 57.2 60.9 - 1,380 10,580 21,640 46,400 65,160 69,600 17,100 2,620 940 460 960 2,020 6,080 8,980 21,060 6,260 2,680 740 2,080 13,520 26,740 60,760 87,500 112,660 39,700 6,660 1,400 1,420 10,840 18,960 51,940 50,680 19,720 3,120 500 480 140 1,500 4,120 12,740 17,920 17,880 5,640 460 200 120 400 1,760 6,880 15,560 16,460 5,540 420 240 180 540 1,460 6,100 15,320 26,420 7,360 1,120 240 AG oan 200 200 5800 2,320 7,980. 22,120 10,640 1,960 140 40 60 540 1,580 6,940 5,720 1,000 40 20 240 6680 5,120 5,680 1,400 60 9 1o.ta 14 an 7.12 5.61 6.56 8.54 14.06 21.60 35.94 6.82 5.64 6.55 9.01 13.15 20.36 33.62 40.01 582,940 .514,0U0 157260 o . OO,O2I O,8603 o w116,W 840Wo, O8.4 71,40 1 I 1VI0 1. .. 5,880 3,100 960 51.0 2,140 780 3,120 2,400 200 120 140 120 60 80 6,00 21,200 19,960 4,220 21.] 15,740 1,240 19,800 16,140 1,800 880 500 280 100 20 5,63 42,720 39,900 8,900 22, 31,000 2,820 39,680 26,340 6,900 3,280 2,020 940 120 80 7.03 99,720 92,240 21,800 235.6 70,440 7,480 91,800 45,900 19,220 10,600 10,600 4,160 900 340 9.50 135,680 124,680 33,440 26.8 91,240 11,000 124,140 40,220 24,680 19,600 25,240 15,120 2,580 700 13,95 189,040 1635,700 56,180 34.3 107,520 25,340 163,020 27,300 24,900 24,740 38,660 53,360 10,440 5,620 20.68 52,800 44,320 18,840 42.5 25,480 8,480 44,220 3,960 4,480 4,960 9,920 12,620 5,160 3,120 28.28 35,140 24,320 12,380 50,9 11,940 -10,820 24,300 1,260 1,440 1,880 4,440 7,040 4,100 4,140 38.39 2,760 1,860 540 - 1,320 900 1,800 780 300 180 260 180 40 60 - 960,040 874,140 283.060 32.4 591,080 85,900 871.180 261.460 138,500 109,620 160.920 1856140 44.880 19,660 16.13 8,140 7,040 2,320 33.0 4,720 1,100 6,960 5,280 620 340 540 300 20 60 6.09 40,720 38,620 9,240 23.9 29,380 2,100 58,500 30,380 4,720 1,720 1,080 540 60 - 5.84 80,060 76,140 17,900 23.5 58,240 5,920 75,880 46,940 14,360 86,640 5,40 1,920 260 120 7.58 187,220 176,320 49,420 28.0 126,900 10,900 175,560 75,980 36,000 23,460 24,920 12,260 2,300 640 11.14 219,840 206,200 64,500 31.3 141,700 1.3,640 205,720 57,560 39,740 31,200 42,400 26,920 6,080 1,820 15.39 264,080 237,280 86,920 36.6 150,360 26,800 236,540 35,480 31,040 32,600 57,940 55,920 18,880 6,680 23.15 91,020 78,980 29,320 37.1 49,660 12,040 78,640 7,740 8,620 8,700 18,160 22,100 8,980 4,340 27.35 .. 83,260 49,540 22,200 44.8 27,340 13,720 49,560 2,700 2,660 4,580 9,720 15,580 8,200 5,920 55.94 5,700 4,020 1,240 30.8 2,780 1,680 4,020 1,400 740 580 720 600 100 80 13.62 854,360 791,960 505,900 58.6 486,060 62,400 788,780 213.520 114,200 98,200 145,740 140,240 51,340 265,540 17.89 9,020 7,840 2,560 32.7 5,280 1,180 7,800 6,040 680 500 400 180 120 80 5.96 42,920 40,700 11,280 '27.7 29,420 2,220 40,500 28,720 6,780 2,480 1,600 720 140 60 6.55 79,980 76,620 21,620 28.2 55,000 5,5360 76,290 41,260 15,180 8,800 6,960 3,240 700 140 d.,74 188,220 179,100 61,020 534.1 118,080 9,120 178,560 66,960 35,020 25,780 28,420 17,280 3,860 1,040 12.67 188,500 178,520 70,620 39.6 107,900 9,780 178,060 41,940 28,900 26,860 38,800 30,160 8,360 3,060 17.89 187,720 171,880 74,780 45.5 97,100 15,840 171,280 17,960 16,500 20,940 40,860 48,480 18,420 8,320 26.95 91,060 82,540 358,060 46.2 44,280 8,720 81,920 7,000 7,740 8,620 17,860 23,800 10,560 6,540 29.35 61,260 50,580 24,320 48.1 26,260 10,680 50,400 2,260 3,020 3,900 10,160 15,800 8,940 6,320 3.92 5,880 4,380 1,640 37.4 2,740 1,500 4,160 1,380 580 520 680 580 240 180 15.65 1.553.160 11/250.940 585.600 468 665,540 82.220 1.245.980 292.280 169,680 143,040 230,840 241,300 105,280 6,50 20.28 22,760 20,100 6,720 33,.4 15,380 2,660 19,980 14,120 3,040 1,300 820 540 120 40 6.58 90,400 86,600 26,920 51.1 59,680 3,800 88,320 52,860 16,140 6,960 6,5 0 2,880 680 240 7.66 145,020 139,240 50,940 368,6 88,300 5,780 158,860 62,940 27,580 16,520 18,300 10,580 2,300 640 10.68 533,340 319,220 140,220 43.9 1-79,000 14,120 318,180 88,680 55,900 46,460 61,600 46,120 14,700 4,720 16,06 275,060 259,400 126,640 48.8 132,760 15,660 258,540 46,140 36,460 35,500 58,960 54,220 19,620 7,640 21.39 244,380 228,240 122,020 53,.5 106,220 16,140 227,580 15,820 17,920 21,460 48,060 68,720 33,820 21,780 32.56 130,940 119,960 66,740 55.6 53,220 10,980 119,240 6,760 8,140 9,580 25,920 56,280. 19,180 14,780 55.35 81,820 70,220 41,500 59.1 28,720 11,600 69,880 2,700 2,940 4,620 11,700 20,560 14,160 13,200 42.13 11,440 7,960 5,900 49.0 4,060 5,480 7,400 2,260 960 640 920 1,400 700 520 18,25 972.020 912.52 493.580 54.,i 418,940 59.700 908.420 201.020 18,120 98,400 162,940 179,440 88,520' 60,180 21.75 24,360 22,06C 8,500 58.5 13,560 2,300 21,940 14,780 3,040 1,580 1,360 780 280 120 6.82 89,3560 85,20 51,740 57,5 55,460 4,160 84,780 46,460 15,700 8,540 8,440 4,580 820 240 8.62 151,840 126,94( 57,720 45.5 69,220 4,900 126,460 47,560 24,220 16,040 20,400 13,160 4,140 940 12.73 261,660 247,90( 155,200 55.7 114,700 13,760 247,000 53,760 37,380 33,160 49,380 48,140 17,880 7,300 19.38 163,820 155,46( 88,620 57.0 66,840 8,360 154,880 253,440 19,860 19,020 33,960 36,360 15,140 8,100 23.95 155,140 144,80C 88,520 61.0 56,480 10,340 144,160 7,440 10,420 11,620 27,82D0 42,520 24,480 19,860 536.45 87,960 80,66C 51,960 64.4 28,700 7,300 80,500 4,680 4,740 5,420 14,060 22,620 15,580 15,500 39.49 48,700 42,70( 29,600 69.3 13,100 . 6,000 42,460 1,400 1,780 2,280 6,440 11,380 9,560 9,640 45.93 � 9,10 . 6,60 3,720 56,4 2,880 2,580 6,440 1,500 1,000 740 1,080 1,000. 640 480 19.36 658,040 616,220 568,520 59.8 247,900 41,820 2 613,520 146,580 79,460 64,260 105,640 117,340 57,72 42,520 21.06 12,3801 2,840 1,20 1,2D 74 213, 1 0 60 20,640 72,720 102,680 191,240 91,080 94,940 50,400 27,100 1,240 18,82C 69,00C 97,74C 181,48 85,66C 87,90C 46,44C 25,90C 5,28 7,820 32,060 51,500 109,200 54,660 59,640 33,020 17,380 3,040 41.6 46,5 52,7 60.2 63,8 67,8 71.1 72,7 57.6 11,000 56,940 46,240 72,280 31,000 28,260 13,420 6,520 2,240 5,720 4,940 9,760 5,420 7,040 5,960 3,200 1,960 18,760 68,600 97,380 180,820 85,220 87,600 46,220 23,8201 5,100 12,580 35,240 55,24C 39,580 13,460 5,900 2,260 900 1,620 2,840 12,620 16,720 26,100 10,800 5,700 2,900 1,120 660 1,200 6,960 12,580 21,600 10,680 6,420 5,280 1,100 460 1,220 7,740 16,400 35,260 17,600 15,080 7,960 5,860 520 740 4,520 12,180 35,600 19,060 24,820 15,040 6,520 860 240 1,240 5,120 15,260 8,200 15,440 8,940 4,700 580 140 280 1,140 7,420 5,420 14,240 7,860 5,620 400 7.08 9.23 13.52 20.39 25,86 38,12 39.82 44,62 17.435 iComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 42 - tVVs- VV 'PV.VII I 1J/.i V i 3,iCr iI C3tX1 4.L 1 lit.JO]Ilt vwi pVV 1 " uv1 lvwv~ 1 naiw 1 ia~rvvvv ai~rvwl i n r er - . AM "o^ " 4t s n: *A^ I &an A1^ ^^7 A ' AAA lQ 1C 1 ,.. non isoI r)q 1 ... m An as ann I A T^n I Al lAn TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL'VALUE OF HOME 43 Table 8.,-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on' a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME E)NTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure RE, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median Total In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $2o $30 to $50 to 7 rental Percent ed re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 49 $7 and valueer ing mber of t homes ported value lars) porting THE SOUTH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... .. 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... . Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years.... . High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old ........... . No school years completed .... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years dompleted ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported . ................ 45 to 54 years old. ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ... ... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 3 5 Ro anfis Io mO l _man avA 243.96C 1,600 6,360 15,160 31,920 73,840 88,020 27,680 580 800 243.640 1,700 5,400 12,560 34,060 57,880 91,560 55,160 6,060 1,260 356 360 215.300 1,520 5,820 12,400 28,360 67,580 75,940 24,880 540 460 207.840 1,400 5,040 11,580 50,120 51,560 74,560 28,100 4,800 880 so306.6 1,800 8,560 17,060 45,420 74,500 112,140 29,720 16,840 84 80.100 1,480 2,160 6,520 21,280 52,660 15,180 420 100 66.620 480 1,020 1,840 6,200 11,900 26,560 15,760 2,800 260 86.260 460 1,600 5,080 8,840 16,760 35,26C 11,580 8,660 220 155 _080 37.21 135.001 28.660 25.4 17.4 25.0 51.5 44.2 61.0 32.1 20.2 15.9 20.6 23.1 35.4 56.1 58.5 1 ) n81 19.1 18.1 19.5 22.5 51.4 58.3 51.4 298 1,020 4,340 10,240 21,840 46,500 41,280 9,700 120 560 141.220 920 4,020 9,740 23,920 39,660 48,000 12,340 2,000 620 220 420 1,340 6,760 13,980 56,580 57,740 76,880 18,340 8,180 620 4. 020 280 540 760 3,560 6,260 14,080 2,800 40 340 35.800 300 560 980 3,940 6,520 17,200 5,060 1,260 380 4 ~6n0 540 580 1,820 5,160 8,220 21,060 6,620 5,080 600 63 760 214.76011 38.4601 5s.500 30.660 I46.520 I o 900 1,520 5,820 12,540 28,520 67,420 73,760 24,780 540 460 207.300 1,580 5,060 11,500 50,040 51,560 74,340 28,000 4,760 860 nR " n0 1,820 8,360 17,040 45,360 74,360 111,880 29,660 16,860 820 51 220 720 4,140 6,920 9,620 10,660 5,420 880 20 80 S34.40 820 5,540 6,240 9,140 9,020 4,920 820 20 160 aR 000 1,520 5,800 8,080 12,540 11,440 7,660 920 180 260 75 040 I q- - I JV V I J I * 4+ -' --4 - --4 I I r-r- 4, r ,. - - ' - v 4 5,620 16,420 37,180 99,440 155,120 183,560 61,740 43,580 5,300 525,340 5,000 15,240 34,600 91,84 124#400 161,480 52,500 54,780 2,16 479,20( 1,060 5,160 6,680 21,900 54,420 54,360 17,840 15,000 660 175,980 35.3 20.7 19.53 23.8 27.7 33.7 34.0 45.1 30.6 36.3 1,940 12,080 27,920 69,940 89,980 107,120 34,660 19,780 1,500 305,220 620 1,180 2,580 7,600 10,720 22,080 9,240 8,600 1,140 46,140 3,000 15,220 34,640 91,640 124,280 161,140 52,400 34,700 2,200 477,860 1,820 9,660 14,680 21,200 16,380 8,960 1,540 540 460 61.740 200 880 2,820 7,660 13,000 8,060 880 -d4 _ 9 120 980 2,440 8,580 10,900 10,240 1,580 200 140. 4n 160A 120 1,200 4,160 11,960 15,380 14,160 1,760 300 120 77,420 340 2,980 8,820 21,180 22,720 16,600 3,360 980 440 61.420 100 480 1, 580 4,160 12,240 10,540 1,560 40 160 30 .20 100 540: 1,320 5,080 10,260 11,120 2,140 240 220 av son 80 680 2,460 8,060 14,680 17,720 2,860 900 60 75,400 260 1,320 5,040 17,100 22,540 21,420 5,220 2,280 220 66,760 120 220 960 4,620 16,580 19,100 4,760 100 60 46.520 140 200 1,160 5,040 12,580 21,320 5,140 800 140 71 5An 80 580 1,540 8,620 19,200 51,480 7,120 2,960 200 126,800 260 880 4,300 20,140 34,160 46,140 13,440 7,000 480 112.920 100 60 160 1,740 10,740 19,480 7,280 180 160 _420 180 160 280 1,860 6,860 18,620 8,920 1,440 100 60,600 100 200 660 3,560 11,020 29,040 10,280 5,820 120 115.140 240 520 1,520 9,780 22,400 47,540 18,320" 12,540 480 115.520 164401 9.2801 20 52 80 20 80 440 2,920 7,720 5,100 80 12 .9An 40 60 380 1,180 5,740 4,660 880 40 19, 540 60 80 100 760 2,160 8,840 4,280 3,260 36.080 20 60 180 1,740 4,680 15,140 7,440 6,720 100 40.460 20 20 80 1,280 3,440 4,520 120 n.100 20 160 560 2,380 4,740 1,180 60 9,780 60 20 40 260 480 2,980 2,440 3,440 60 15.340 60 100 500 1,400 5,540 3,280 4,640 20 19.040 6.55 8.42 12.46 18.61 26.25 41.534 so no 7.07 8.71 15.01 17.51 24.61 59.19 45.05 20.68 6.71 10.05 13.82 18.03 24.71 33.72 43.55 22.00 7.74 7.58 11.00 15.51 19.65 26.78 32.60 39,95 19.05 23.84 . 4,220 3,640 1,100 30.2 2,540 580 3,620 2,460 560 220 300 160 100 20 6.86 18,860 17,500 4,520 25.8 12,980 1,560 17,440 9,440 4,200 1,920 1,220 520 100 40 8.74 59,260 37,240 9,540 25.6 27,700 2,020 37,140 12,900 9,180 6,480 5,480 2,500 500 100 12.59 103,580 96,880 29,760 50.7 67,120 6,500 96,640 18,700 19,100 18,540 22,600 15,900 2,960 840 17.34 117,840 110,340 40,100 36.3 70,240 7,500 110,140 11,480 16,120 .18,640 29,980 25,100 6,520 2,300 22.45 135,500 122,220 49,260 4053 72,960 15,280 121,940 4,580 8,280 13,980 32,620 40,960 15,020 6,500 30.24 60,520 53,880 22,600 41.9 31,280 6,640 55,660 1,380 2,800 4,700 13,540 18,980 8,080 4,580 54.36 42,300 35,100 16,540 46,6 18,760 7,200 34,960 340 1,080 1,960 6,940 13,000 6,940 4,700 40.51 3,460 2,400 760 51.7 1,640 1,060 2,520 460 300 320 440 400 240 160 21.32 845,180 785,580 550,480 44.6 435,100 59,600 783,120 89,960 9f520 96,240 174,660 194.700 85.260 49,780 25.96 11,520 9,720 2,860 29,4, 6,860 1,600 9,660 5,740 2,060 920 480 380 60 20 7.91 45,800 41,72 12,040 28.9 29,680 2,080- 41,580 18,020 9,960 5,200 5,260 2,400 560 180 10.89 77,240 73,760 24,680 33;5 49,080 3,480 73, 0 20,120 16,540 12,000 14,540 7,940 1,960 560 14.57 199,480 189,400 77,900 41.1 111,500 10,080. 189,000 25,060 31,020 553,140 48,340 36,480 11,180 3,780 20.59 175,980 166,180 75,240 45.3 90,940 9,800 165,800 13,280 18,560 25,280 45,440 45,120 15,700 6,420 25.61 181,400 168,060 83,880 49.9 84,180 13,340 167,640 4,800 9,460 14,220 36,500 57,640 27,860 17,160 36.04 90,800 82,180 43,100 52.4 39,080 8,620 81,820 1,420 3,220 4,900 15,900 29,200 15,800 11,580 40.09 58,340 49,880 28,640 57.4 21,240 8,460 49,600 720 1,120 2,160 7,620 16,340 11,720 9,920 45.63 6,820 4,680 2,140 45.7 2,540 2,140 4,560 800 580 420 580 1,200 420 560 26,05 631,600 587,940 5307.840 52,4 280,100 43,660 586,160 61,560 66,140 67,520 123,760 146,580 72,240 48,360 27.41 11,840 10,700 3,680 34.4 7,020 1,140 10,640 5,500 2,060 1,260 1,140 560 220 100 9.55 44,740 42,220 14,480 54.3 27,740 2,520 42,100 15,040 9,600 6,460 6,580 3,560 640 220 12.65 76,220 73,02 32,100 44.0 40,920 3,200 72,880 14,880 14,880 12,040 16,140 11,180 3,060 700 17.27 164,720 154,880 78,500 50.6 76,580 9,840 154,600 15,180 20,880 22,780 57,720 38,300 14,000 5,740 24.59 110,320 103,540 56,040 54.1 47,500 6,780 103,340 6,900 10,220 12,800 25,220 29,480 12,600 6,120 28.12 118,820 110,400 64,600 58.5 45,800 8,420 109,960 2,320 5,180 7,660 21,660 35,880 20,860 16,400 39.62 63,540 57,960 35,400 61.1 22,560 5,580 57,680 1,040 1,980 2,940 10,040 17,920 12,760 11,000 43.83 35,700 31,160 21,040 67,5 10,120 4,540 31,000 400 800 1,200 4,400 8,900 7,600 7,700 49.05 5,700 4,060 2,200 54.2 1,860 1,640 3,960 500 540 380 860 800 500 380 26.01 422,700 392,960 229,040 58.5 163,920 29,740 391,560 46,160 44,200 42,840 80,020 94,720 47,540 56,080 27.32 A ,8 AAA0 4A A,28 , 43 00 n4 84 160 120 n AAA .fM ". AAA 9,860 36,880 59,040 121,780 60,700 72,160 36,640 21,180 4,460 8,880 34,760 55,760 114,820 56,500 66,740 33,640 18,620 3,240 5,620 15,500 28,140 65,640 34,740 43,520 22,900 13,300 1,880 40,8 44.0 50.5 57.2 61.5 65.2 68.1 71.4 58.0 5,260 19,460 27,620 49,180 21,760 23,220 10,740 5,320 1,360 980 2,120 3,280 6,960 4,200 5,420 5,000 2,560 1,220 8,880 34,600 55,620 114,520 56,280. 66,560 33,440 18,580 3,080 4,320 11,020 11,420 11,860 3,760 2,080 760 400 540 1,820 7,520 10,020 14,160 5,200 5,100 1,360 620 400 880 4,920 8,640 14,780 6,920 4,020 1,720 680 280 940 6,160 12,660 26,940 13,260 11,220 5,680 2,820 340 640 3,780 9,660 28,480 15,660 20,760 9,840 5,180 720 160 980 2,320 12,220 6,680 13,280 7,580 4,020 500 120 220 900 6,080 4,800 12,100 6,700 4,860 300 9.83 13.68 18,19 25.61 28.75 41.89 44.13 47.92 28.91 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 748370 0-47----4 a oo vr a a 1 4v 9�! 41 wU C L lr; v /.IW I V 1 .V4V I i 4UtPP. bb.4 F~b. 1W b4l T -/ I r U , rW I rC L, I ,b U ( :S7U I 4V,!UI bP, (V I E4, L w1 avv 1-l-----1 w-rvl -vw F- l -- " 1w1' --r------r- --l -- r-- I w--- v---WI ' -"- J6%0 9 -' "- o ' 86W- - - I I r I T -Ir -r T U- Jr- ' vI - .,I -v.r II vv r-l v..1- a + -vl W sw i I .V. wv - v *zw 1 v iAvw I wtvg v I v, v'v I %~,"06V I f. p- w 1 . 'iW I06V, Sf -1 - - T T -1T 'i I -. I !L I .,..v .w wv w vv F c," yI ".icv " rcvI a " V 1 w VIIII wWU I VV I a, tw F s ok~ 1 , v - ,9 , I _1 I I I 2,340 8,940 18,880 50,580 82,720 135,200 36,540 21,920 1,440 583.760 7o on\ I 7A9 7M I use So I nAo mils .niR 7 I . 44 EDUCATION Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5epercent sample. Percent and median not shoun where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total 'In owned homes Tenure Total Media COMPLETED, AND AGE t reportingUndr $15 to $2 to $50 to $50 to $75 rental report-Perent rened re- rental $10 $14 $19 9 $49 $74 and val ing Number t re- homesvalue lra) porting THE SOUTH-Centinued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 2.519.540 2.186.200 998.560 5.7 1.187.840 15533.340 2,172.800 L 562.020) 208,700 231,760 177,760 76.0 49,720 9.77 18 and 19 years old ............. 166,280 154.700 57520 57.520 37.2 97,18 11580 155.600 8900 25.300 12,840 13.560 9,200 5,400- 2,400 8.34 No school years completed......... 1,480 1,220 580 - 640 260 1,180 920 100 80 20 20 20 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,020 8,380 2,260 27.0 6,120 640 8,300 7,420 520 160 80 100 20 - 5.09 5 and 6 years ........ 17,740 16,580 3,600 21.7 12,980 1,160 16,550 15,400 1,920 580 280 140 20 Z0 5.00 7 and 8 years ........ 32,900 50,240 7,400 24.5 22,840 2,660 50,100 22,680 4,320 1,480 1,060 400 120 40 6.14 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 51,240 48,140 16,880 55.1 31,260 3,100 47,920 26,640 9,540 4,280 4,080 2,400 900 280 8,49 4 years ............. 40,480 37,940 18,620 49.1 19,520 2,540 57,640 13,580 7,500 4,920 5,600 4,040 1,260 780 12.99 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 12,280 11,460 8,000 69.8 3,460 820 11,400 2,000 1,420 1,240 2,340 2,060 1,100 1,240 23.94 4 years or more ...... 360 300 120 - 180 60 300 60 80 80 40 40 - - - Not reported ................ .... 780 440 60 - 580 540 400 200 100 20 60 - - 20 - 20 and 21 years old.............. 157,640 144,200 50,000 54,7 94,200 15,440 14.5520 82.980 23.620 12,300 12,020 7,520 2,940 2,080 8.15 No school years completed ......... 820 660 200 - 460 160 700 600 20 20 40 20 Grade school: 1 to 4years ......... 8,880 8,280 1,720 20.8 6,560 600 8,260 7,500 520 60 140 40 - - 5.01 5- and 6 years ....... .16,360 15,320 3,420 22.5 11,900 1,040 15,240 12,720 1,680 440 300 100 - - 5.49 7 and 8 years ....... 553,060 30,920 8,440 27.5 22,480 2,140 30,720 22,800 4,360 1,800 1,060 460 160 80 6.24 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 58,900 56,240 10,740 29.6 25,500 2,660 36,140 21,660 7,020 3,100 2,740 1,120 400 100 7.84 4 years ............. 42,340 38,480 16,880 45.9 21,600 3,860 38,320 14,800 7,640 5,540 5,100 5,500 1,200 740 12.35 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,040 11,840 7,080 59.8 4,760 1,200 11,700 2,300 2,060 1,400 2,220 1,720 1,060 940 19.91 4 years or more ...... 5,520 1,900 1,280 - 620 1,420 1,900 280 260 180 520 520 120 220 - Not reported ..................... . 920 560 240 - 320 560 540 320 0 60 20 100 40 - - 22 to 24 years old ............... 226,580 207,400 71,000 534.2 156.400 19.180 205,720 116,5300 54.840 18,740 18,260 11,240 S, 9 2,* 8.34 No school years completed ......... 1,540 1,500 500 - 800 240 1,300 1,080 80 40 60 20 - 20 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 12,260 11,600 2,620 22.6 8,980 660 11,440 10,540 680 200 120 80 20 - 5.08 5 and 6 years ........ 23,840 22,840 5,820 25.5 17,020 1,000 22,640 18,260 2,740 820 480 280 20 40 5.70 7 and 8 years ........ 49,140 46,820 12,960 27.7 533,860 2,320 46,440 35,560 7,260 2,540 2,040 820 140 80 6.42 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 52,960 50,180 16,680 35.2 35,500 2,780 49,780 28,780 9,500 4,920 4,040 2,100 420 220 8.15 4 years ............. 55,840 51,560 20,920 40.6 30,840 4,280 51,140 19,640 10,740 7,020 7,180 4,320 1,600 640 12.26 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 16,460 14,600 7,460 51.1 7,140 1,860 14,560 5,040 2,720 2,100 2,800 2,540 880 680 18.12 4 years or more...... 13,220 7,480 3,720 49.7 5,760 5,740 7,440 1,080 1,140 980 1,480 1,220 840 700 23,.01 Not reported ................. .... 1,20 1,020 5320 - 700 5 300 980 520 180 120 60 60 40 25 to 29 years old................. 5768,280 5354140 127,980 36.1 226.160 22,140 551.960 186,420 61,080 354,220 4,120 235,000 8,800 4.520 8,94 No school years completed ......... 4,520 4,040 1,260 51.2 2,780 480 3,960 3,460 280 80 80 60 - - 5.2 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 24,300 25,580. 6,080 26.0 17,500 920 23,280 20,720 1,740 400 200 220 - - 5.12 5and 6 years ........ 42,880 41,540 11,220 27.0 30,320 1,340 41,240 52,260 5,540 1,600 1,340 400 80 20 5.89 7 and 8 years........ 87,780 84,480 27,520 52.6 56,960 3,500 85,920 54,780 14,820 6,560 4,780 2,480 560 140 7.16 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 84,720 81,800 0,0o80 36.8 51,720 2,920 81,440 41,180 17,020 .8,660 8,240 4,520 1,400 420 9.39 4 years ............. 80,520 75,800 52,560 45.0 45,240 4,720 75,400 24,520 14,440 11,180 11,800 8,380 3,740 1,340 14.06 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,280 26,480 11,480 43.4 15,000 2,800 26,240 6,400 5,260 5,480 4,720 5,780 1,540 1,060 16.80 4 years or more ...... 19,880 14,760 7,200 48.8 7,560 5,120 14,660 2,160 1,680 2,300 2,720 3,040 1,480 1,280 23.88 Not reported ..................... 2,400 1,860 580 - 1, 280 540 1,820 940 300 160 240 120 - 60 - 30 to 34 years old............... 529,020 512,760 11,920 42,2 180.840 16.260 310.920 151.780 52,780 1,440 52,820 24,720 10,880 6,500 9,85 No school years completed ......... 4,800 4,200 1,460 34.8 2,740 600 4,180 3,580 320 80 100 20 20 60 5.34 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 24,060 23,200 6,760 29.1 16,440 860 23,060 19,280 2,580 560 580 200 40 20 5.48 5 and 6 years........ 40,720 39,380 12,080 50.7 27,300 1,540 59,140 28,5360 6,000 2,320 1,480 740 200 40 6.40 7 and 8 years........ 84,840 82,220 31,260 38,0 50,960 2,620 81,720 48,260 15,920 7,240 .5,820 35,5380 900 200 7.97 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 70,460 68,180 30,520 44.8 57,660 2,280 67,940 30,460 12,780 8,220 8,820 5,060 1,840 700 10.87 4 years ............. 52,220 49,660 25,520 51.4 24,140 2,560 49,540 15,580 8,020 6,960 8,240 7,520 3,400 1,820 16,85 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 30,540 28,460 15,460 54.5 13,000 2,080 28,260 5,620 4,940 5,920 4,520 4,820 2,480 1,960 19.06 4 years or more ...... 18,960 15,480 7,980 51.6 7,500 5,480 15,440 1,920 1,940 1,940 3,220 2,800 2,000 1,620 25.48 Not reported ..................... 2,420 1,980 880 - 1,100 440 1,840 920 280 200 240 180 - 20 - 35 to 44 years old ............... 487,980 465,560 235,120 50.5 230.240 22,620 462,860 202,520 77,160 46,800 56,180 46,600 80,020 13,780 11.89 No school years completed ......... 11,440 10,580 3,860 37.2 6,520 1,060 10,320 8,580 980 380 340 160 60 20 5.66 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 46,600 44,880 14,880 35.2 30,000 1,720 44,710 34,840 6,180 1,760 1,300 480 120 60 5.92 5 and 6 years ........ 67,780 65,480 26,260 40.1 59,220 2,500 65,200 42,820 11,040 4,520 5,760 2,640 340 80 7.11 7 !nd 8 years........ 155,860 129,820 62,320 48.0 67,500 4,040 129,180 65,620 24,880 135,20 13,260 9,640 3,520 940 9,69 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 97,080 93,220 51,400 55.1 41,820 3,860 92,740 52,860 17,900 12,220 15,520 11,100 5,920 1,220 15.27 4 years ............. 62,980 60,180 58,140 63,4 22,040 2,800 59;940 11,020 8,460 7,240 11,560 11,080 5,960 4,620 22.51 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 40,140 57,780 25,640 62.6 14,140 2,560 37,420 5,540 5,520 4,680 8,020 7,080 5,580 5,400 25.45 4 years or more...... 25,480 20,340 12,860 65.2 7,480 3,140 20,280 1,980 1,820 2,460 4,080 4,220 2,440 5,280 29.01 Not reported ................... .. 4,620 5,280 1,760 53,7 1,520 1,3540 5,040 1,460 580 220 540 200 280 160 10,29 45 to 54 years old 5........... 40.,420 524.580 185,540 57 2 i58,840 16,040 3522,260 159,460 51.980 50,880 59,180 52,860 16,080 11,820 11.58 No school years completed ........ 12,520 11,360 4,820 42.4 6,540 1,160 11,3500 9,480 980 520 220 220 60 20 5.46 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 44,620 42,980 17,260 40.2 25,720 1,640 42,680 31,420 6,100 2,080 1,860 1,020 180 20 6.29 5 and 6 years....... 55,620 53,920 25,620 47.5 28,300 1,700 55,580 52,880 9,540 4,000 4,260 1,980 1,080 240 7.70 7 and 8 years....... 96,940 95,020 54,900 59.0 58,120 3,920 92,400 38,580 16,500 10,380 11,660 9,840 5,880 1,560 11.81 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 55,500 51,920 52,580 62,8 19,340 1,580 51,540 16,540 9,640 6,220 8,740 5,880 2,540 1,980 14.29 4 years ............ 36,320 54,400 25,720 69.0 10,680 1,920 54,200 5,120 5,240 3,960 6,160 6,640 3,620 5,460 24.01 College: I to 3 years ........ 24,420 22,700 16,560 73,0 6,140 1,720 22,620 5,640 2,760 2,480 4,020 4,600 2,620 2,500 25.54 4 years or more..... 15,000 11,540 8,560 74.2 2,980 1,460 11,460 1,000 960 1,080 2,040 2,480 1,960 1,940 54.74 Not reported ..................... 3,480 2,540 1,520 59.8 1,020 . 940 2,480 1,000 460 360 220 200 140 100 12.11 55 to 64 years old................ 235,540 223.260 139.280 62.4 83,980, 12,080 221,960 100.420 35,260 21,420 25,620 22,620 10,180 6,440 1100 No school years completed ......... 10,780 9,940 4200 42.3 5,740 840 9,880 8,060 1,020 320 280 100 80 20 5.63 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 35,840 34,240 16,760 48.9 17,480 1,600 54,000 24,220 5,100 2,040 1,580 740 260 60 6.52 5 and 6 years ........ 43,640 41,980 23,360 55.6 18,620 1,660 41,760 23,820 6,700 3,940 3,740 2,520 800 240 8.27 7 and 8 years........ 9,460 66,660 43,560 65, 23,100 2,800 66,300 27,720 11,940 6,820 8,320 7,120 3,040 1,340 11.77 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 30,380 29,160 19,920 68.3 9,240 1,220 28,940 9,700 5,600 5,760 4,340 3,400 1,520 620 1.76 4 years ............. 22,780 21,160 16,120 76.2 5,040 1,620 21,040 3,820 2,600 2,400 3,800 4,060 2,160 2,140 25.90 College: 1 to 3 years . ....... 15,760 12,800 10,120 79.1 2,680 960 12,780 1,500 1,540 1,540 2,280 5,200 1,50 1,16027.44 4 years or more...... 5,920 5,280 4,080 77,3 1,200 640 5,240 500 500 420 1,040 1,340 60 760 51.89 Not reported ................... .. 2,780 2,040 1,160 56.9 880 740 2,020 1,080 260 180 180 140 80 100 8.85 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 45 Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF ROME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-perpent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENITAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Total Median COMPLETED. AND AGETotal not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $20 to $50 to and rental not reotand value - Percentre- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol- ing Number to- hoes ported' value lars) ine Number tal re- porting THE WEST Urban and Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old ......... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ..... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years . .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old............ years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more .... Not reported ........ .. ... . . . 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more Not reported ............... . . 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported........ ........ 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... -. 7 'and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years :...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. S7 I _ n( I a n AA 1o 291 2nl s w32 12 6 s 5,218 12012.o55o64011-4e9-040 47.7 1 46e 26w 4o 0 1-o 5 1w ow 0 U m,,w we '9 ''* *iJ o "" ""? """ ""*"" ~a 192,180 175.360 82.000 47.3 91.560 18.820 172,840 25,640 21,320 21,880 42,500 40,920 135,640 6,940 25.64 620 420 200 - 220 200 420 220 20 80 20 60 - 20 - 1,920 1,700 640 - 1,060 220 1,700 1,080 180 80 160 200 - - 3,160 3,000 1,220 40.7 1,780 160 5,000 1,820 680 240 200 40 20 - 7.74 15,540 13,540 4,880 56.0 8,660 1,800 13,500 6,120 2,660 1,840 1,900 760 100 120 10.68 65,580 68,020 24,000 41,4 34,020 5,560 57,780 10,020 9,480 9,020 15,420 9,920 2,960 960 19.74 83,440 74,540 37,120 49.8 37,420 8,900 74,380 5,700 7,300 9,320 20,820 22,120 6,260 2,860 26.64 23,600 21,580 15,680 63.4 7,900 2,020 21,520 580 960 1,180 3,840 7,740 4,260 2,960 40.55 180 180 80 - 100 - 180 - - 20 100 40 20 - 540 5380 180 - 200 160 560 100 40 100 40 40 20 20 188.000 166.020 64.920 39,1 101,100 21,980 165,480 25.120 18.620 22,400 44,200 58,820 11,420 4,900 23.26 420 200 80 - 120 220 200 100 - 80 - - 20 1,340 1,140 440 - 700 200 1,160 660 200 140 120 40 - - 3,180 3,000 980 32.7 2,020 180 2,940 1,800 340 380 260 140 20 - 7.67 17,520 15,580 5,220 55.,5 10,3560 1,740 15,580 6,140 3,380 2,160 2,480 1,120 200 100 11.94 40,600 36,980 10,880 29.4 26,100 3,620 36,780 7,420 6,220 6,920 10,080 5,140 880 120 17.93 85,680 75,180 28,860 38.4 46,320 10,500 74,940 7,460 6,740 10,400 24,480 20,560 4,240 1,060 24.76 35,380 30,840 17,120 55.5 13,720 4,540 30,740 1,380 1,540 2,080 6,220 10,820 5,500 3,200 57.17 3,160 2,600 1,140 43.8 1,460 560 2,620 60 140 180 480 900 520 340 59.50 920 500 200 - 300 420 520 100 60 60 80 100 40 80 - 286,900 256,240 88,260 534.4 167,980 50,660 255,500 56,280 530,220 35,980 70,380 61,680 14,840 6,120 23,09 660 480 220 - 260 180 480 200 40 40 120 40 40 2,300 2,060 740 35,9 1,320 240 2,060 1,3560 260 160 160 120 - - 7.07 4,520 4,280 1,400 32.7 2,880 240 4,240 2,640 800 380 540 60 - 20 7.53 50,140 27,500 8,740 51.8 18,760 2,640 27,500 9,520 5,180 4,920 5,320 1,960 320 80 13.49 60,420 56,040 16,460 29.4 39,580 4,380 55,940 10,600 8,800 10,140 16,620 8,380 1,140 X60 18.73 127,720 115,540 39,460 34.2 76,080 12,180 115,500 9,860 12,240 16,720 36,420 31,680 6,360 2,020 24.67 41,820 35,640 14,400 40.4 21,240 6,180 35,560 1,720 2,960 2,720 8,880 13,580 4,480 1,920 32.74 18,160 13,960 6,480 46.4 7,480 4,200 13,920 560 620 760 2,240 5,700 2,460 1,780 39.96 1,160 740 560 - 380 420 700 20 20 140 280 160 40 40 - 469,600 429,600 159,320 537.1 270,280 40,000 428,800 535000 45,00 57,600 118,120 117,800 27,720 9,760 24.45 1,560 1,000 440 - 560 560 1,000 520 140 20 140 140 40 4,660 4,280 1,620 37.9 2,660 380 4,260 2,680 680 540 380 160 - 20 7.45 9,760 9,06C 3,360 37.1 5,700 700 9,020 4,120 1,800 1,460 900 680 40 20 10.58 62,180 57,460 20,200 35.2 37,260 4,720 57,280 14,760 10,400 11,080 13,120 6,500 1,180 240 16.07 107,900 101,540 35,500 35,0 66,040 6,3560 101,360 14,680 13,740 17,080 52,160 20,280 2,720 700 21.11 184,100 169,840 64,900 38.2 104,940 14,260 169,560 12,540 14,280 20,540 51,220 55,100 12,420 3,460 26.81 61,940 54,960 20,660 37.6 34,300 6,980 54,880 2,700 3,180 5,200 14,160 21,240 6,080 2,320 31.57 35,380 30,040 12,100 40.53 17,940 5,340 30,020 660 940 1,760 5,620 12,880 5,180 2,980 38.86 2,320 1,420 540 - 880 900 1,420 340 140 120 420 520 60 20 - 419,400 391.400 166,600 42 6 224.800 28,000 590,260 41,140 57,600 46,940 101,580 114,500 35,460 13,040 26,34 1,680 1,400 560 - 840 280 1,40 560 80 180 260 240 60 20 5,640 5,260 2,020 3584 5,240 580 5,240 2,580 1,060 500 820 260 40 9.78 11,260 10,740 4,060 57,8 6,680 520 10,700 4,320 2,040 1,500 1,840 860 100 40 12.02 70,500 66,280 27,160 41.0 39,100 4,040 65,740 13,700 10,660 11,040 17,500 10,360 1,880 600 18.35 103,200 98,040 41,360 42.2 56,680 5,160 97,800 10,020 10,420 14,280 29,400 26,080 6,400 1,200 24,32 135,740 127,6 54,840 435.0 72,820 8,080 127,520 6,580 8,820 12,840 34,620 46,000 14,180 4,480 29.89 54,760 50,420 21,860 435.4 28,560 4,540 50,420 2,560 3,180 4,900 11,520 18,680 6,540 3,040 32.76 354,520 30,120 14,160 47.0 15,960 4,400 50,020 660 1,140 1,460 5,260 11,720 6,160 3,620 40.57 2,300 1,500 580 - 920 800 1,4k0 180 200 240 3560 300 140 - - 702,960 655,780 55335,100 51,1 520,680 47,180 654,160 58,220 55,420 67,800 153.540 204,180 80,080 34,920 28.99 3-8 1- _ 780. 51.1 1,0 A4 ,44 ,84 400M 1 0\ AA A9\ 7A M A9. 4,120 13,640 25,060 179,920 155,240 183,160 84,840 51,980 5,000 566.740 4,460 17,020 51,640 185,840 110,180 122,820 55, 26C 35,24C 4,280 5a39 4 4, 4,560 17,840 28,880 142,980 64,520 76,300 34,080 20,300 3,080 5,480 12,780 25,420 168,340 146,600 172,400 78,580 46,840 5,540 526,600 5,980 15,860 29,800 173,020 103,080 115,280 51,000 31,620 3,020 356,640 3,920 16,500 26,460 131,700 58,600 69,260 30,200 18,000 2,000 1,780 5,700 11,060 82,680 73,100 90,100 42,560 26,560 1,560 299,400 1,900 8,560 16,280 97,540 58,520 65,520 29,840 20,160 1,680 213,440 2,160 9,64C 15,000 79,340 0 35,060 41,86C 0 18,12C 11,14C 1,120 51.1 44,6 47.2 49,1 49.9 52.5 54.2 56.7 46.7 56 9 47.7 52,7 54.6 56.5 56.6 56.8 58.5 63.8 55,6 1,700 7,080 12,5360 85,660 75,500 82,300 56,020 20,280 1,780 227.200 2 480 2,080 7,500 15,520 75,680 44,700 49,760 21,160 11,460 1,540 640 860 1,640 11,580 8,640 10,760 6,260 5,140 1,660 40.140 480 1,160 1,840 12,820 7,160 7,540 4,260 3,620 1,260 5,440 12,720 25,400 167,780 146,440 172,160 78,420 46,680 5,126 525.140 3,8 1,4 580 480 36 2 5,980 15,800 29,740 172,640 102,780 115,000 50,840 31,480 2,880 1,640 5,920 5,720 25,560 10,860 6,180 3,080 940 520 453680 1,840 4,980 5,500 18,620 6,420 3,900 1,500 680 240 400 2,020 5,780 21,660 15,140 8,820 3,700 1,560 340 46,740 620 2,740 4,880 20,760 8,460 5,180 5,000 840 260 1,420 5,680 24,500 17,620 11,600 5,760. 2,540 500 54,740 580 2,640' 4,720 25,480 10,700 7,680 5,360 1,220 560 480 1,940 5,6820 44,540 59,760 37,960 16,200 6,440 600 118,780 480 2,920 6,880 44,980 25,900 22,400 9,700 4,860 660 420 1,100 3,780 40,860 47,080 65,500 28,220 16,660 560 160.980 560 1,920 6,200 47,640 54,460 41,260 17,260 11,080 800 100 260 640 10,520 14,000 29,540 15,860 10,940 420 66.340 80 480 1,260 13,120 12,280 21,180 10,160 7,340 440 20 60 180 2,540 3,980 12,560 7,600 7,800 180 33.880 20 120 500 4,040 4,560 13,400 5,860 5,460 120 10.59 17.49 22.75 27.45 56.07 56.92 45.98 22.85 29.38 10.71 14.84 19.26 24.72 29.47, 38.59 58.61 44.19 28.29 59.81 ~ 355,4801L34,220 35,440 [59,660 j78,820 J1240j4,2J 270 81 551.1,.. , ,., AM 4 r 55.1 58.4 56.7 60.2 59.8 60.4 60.0 61.9 56.0 1,760 6,860 11,460 52,560 23,540 27,400 12,080 6,860 880 640 1,540 2,420 11,280 5,720 7,040 3,880 2,300 1,080 3,900 16,400 26,360 131,420 58,340 69,060 30,160 17,940 1,900 1,740 4,700 4,800 14,680 3,840 2,280 1,340 440 300 72 2,920 4,480 15,400 5,440 3,740 1,780 780 180 500 2,800 4,360 17,080 6,520 5,240 2,100 1,020 240 400 420 3,060 2,360 6,220 4t720 32,860 56,000 14,260 17,960 13,240 23,960 5,740 10,800 2,640 5,900 400 340 140 440 1,360 11,080 7,140 12,600 4,860 4,260 240 80 120 420 4,3520 5,180 8,000 3,540 2,900 200 10.26 15.54 18.97 25.15 28,88 37.87 37.15 43.36 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households, r r. T I T I --F- ill ill I ._- ww - w - - - . . " A I kT I- if. Li11 i n _n Ao 1I EDUCATION Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned hoses Tenure Total $ edian COMPLEte, AND AGv E7 Total In not reporting Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to r In and IvSlue report-Perf - rented po re rental $10 $14 $19 49 74 r (dol ing Number talr- homesvllae) porting THE EST--Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years...... High school: I to 3 years .... .... 4 years . ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported-,.......... ..... .... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years. ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ... ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years "... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .... ........ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and'8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported....... ......... onan II, i&ss can II o ovn nb'.jj LVW "L .C-L ia,, ".,AV r I IJ.Slafr..cSL&SwMf. O j. 1 j a W- I . w I 71.1 1 35. 6 ,100L3P . iO0 3 0.'1 135.560 12.560_ 160 920 1,540 8,480 42,060 62,740 19,140 180 340 133.320 40 620 1,680 9,820 26,480 63,640 27,780 2,620 640 204.780 140 780 1,480 7,120 37,820 55,60 17,220 180 200 115.780 40 560 1,580 8,540 25,680 54,920 24,000 2,280 400 180 520 55.760 46.31 64.800 15.000 i 2040 7.800 11.480 60 340 600 2,200 14,700 26,860 10,800 80 120 42.980 20 260 440 2,220 5,820 19,900 13,200 960 160 68080 0 - 30.9 38.9 48.3 S _62.7 S 37 - 26,6 24.6 36.2 55.0 42.5 31 a 80 440 880 4,920 23,120 28,760 6,420 100 80 79 nn 20 300 1,140 6,120 17,880 35,020 10,800 1,300 240 123 580 20 140 60 1,560 4,240 7,120 1,920 140 60 100 1,480 2,800 8,720 3,780 360 240 24 240 140 780 1,500 7,100 37,780 55,520 17,220 180 180 40 600 1,540 8,580 23,580 54,820 25,920 2,280 440 1Rrl 9 wl 40 380 680 2,020 3,020 1,460 160 40 200 720 2,120 2,020 2,220 360 40 60 so 3R 60 480 1,420 5,240 3,820 460 9_e 180 200 1,780 3,380 5,520 660 60 40 1 460 14,880 1 33.100 1 .6180 1 11.7601 6.200 40 20 160 1,420 6,080 6,380 760 20 40 15 4l 100 260 1,460 5,180 6,920 1,280 160 60 VA4 7n0 20 120 120 1,460 12,020 16,360 2,880 100 20 34,360 80 200 1,920 7,880 19,280 4,540 400 80 20 200 40 640o 8,240 19,460 6,500 40 40 33.840 40 140 920 4,420 18,000 9,380 80 80 4 an -D 2,80 80 5,520 3,740 20 20 10,080 20 140 6860 3,940 4,820 460 40 15 WW 20 60 840 2,540 2,720 20 4 540 60 80 940 2,88$1 00 80 K 4a 27 s7 14.89 23.80 29. 6 42.88 15.56 21.06 27.15 40.42 40.66 -R Al -v. - 94 , - LO2-%1. . ,, V ...0n" ,0 . l3 0 6. 1 260 240 88 - 180 20 240 20 40 20 100 20 40 - - 1,160 1,020 340 - 680 140 1,020 420 180 168 140 120 - - 2,60 2,200 600 27.3 1,600 160 2,200 1,020 520 340 280 40 - - 10.27 17,460 15,380 3,940 25.6 11,440 2,080 15,340 2,820 2,840 3,440 4,140 1,740 300 60 17.42 40,460 56,840 8,100 24.7 27,740 5,620 56,780 5,020 5,120 7,10 15,120 7,32580 900 180 21.89 95,420 . 85,060 26,540 31.2 58,520 10,360 84,940 2,440 6,540 11,460 29,520 27,960 5,700 1,720 27.08 32,880 27,920 '10,740 38.5 17,180 4,960 27,900 520 1,080 1,600 6,940 11,980 4,080 1,700 35.86 13,960 11,500 . 5,420 48.0 5,880 2,660 11,280 100 . 540 560 1,480 5,020 2,140 1,640 42.09 800 560 200 - 360 240 520 20 - 60 220 140 40 40 - 33555,740 302.700 102.380 33.8 200,320 31,040 302,340 15.020 22.080 38,220 92,720 101,400 24,400 8,500 27,68 2,040 5,440 58,020 74,460 138,180 46,180 27,340 1,520 2n 9.n0 1,040 3,000 6,520 44,160 73,000 104,360 40,060 26,220 1,580 5P' 8,020 16,040 122,620 114,200 144,280 64,060 41,280 3,560 427.460 ',,koU w C, CC 1,020 1,20)i~v 4) v2, w 'Cu 900 900 80I N 1 iw'lv! a I 3 7 b 7 AAA 9A 1 M w cc 1 AMAl A ~n "'! iQA tn !I \ t wA i w 10,780 20,980 131,660 84,660 101,580 43,720 28,520 3,080 299.280 480I 1,820 4,960 54,400 69,440 126,160 40,640 23,800 1,000 a.- n 920 2,740 6,140 41,240 68,840 97,820 36,520 22,760 1,040 A70 " x,sw 7,460 14,940 113,860 107,220 135,120 59,100 37,120 2,260 39Rn80 10,000 19,520 122,240 78,980 95,420 40,060 25,740 2,380 270_180 240 680 1,500 10,600 20,860 44,180 14,400 9,620 500 AQ i on 340 820 1,920 14,460 25,840 39,540 15,120 10,680 400 "' ,, ", ,,- 2,860 6,480 51,680 50,480 67,300 31,300 20,940 780 21 n0 1,0U 4,900 10,300 65,140 41,980 52,300 22,960 16,120 1,240 153.320 30.2 30.8 0.0 35.0 35.4 40.4 -t 9 29.9 31;3 35,1 37.5 40.4 41.4 46,9 A" " 38.3 45.4 45.4 47.1 49.8 58.0 56.4 54.5 54 5 4b.5 49.0 52.8 53.3 55.2 54.8 57.3 62.6 52.1 56 7 240 1,140 3,460 25,800 48,580 81,980 26,240 14,180 700 580 1,920 4,220 26,780 43,000 58,280 21,400 12,080 640 "A AAA^ 9 )11 9-in 3 11 II Mn d9 01 9) 9 7M can sr rI IlM !I2^ 7M M YON I 4,600 8,460 62,180 56,740 67,820 271,800 16,180 1,480 180n 60 1,220 5,100 9,220 57,100 37,000 43,120 17,100 9,620 1,140 11.8RRR 80 220 480 5,620 5,020 12,020 5,540 5,540 520 10o 260 380 2,920 4,160 6,540 3,540 3,460 540 ",. ,, 560 1,100 8,760 6,980 9,160 4,960 4,160 1,300 0880nn 240 780 1,460 9,420 5,680 6,160 5,660 2,780 700 29 I .480 1,820 4,920 54,320 69,580 126,080 40,600 25,740 1,000 920 2,740 6,120 40,860 68,760 97,780 36,520 22,720 1,000 7,420 14,940 113,680 107,060 135,000 59,020 37,080 2,060 O39 70 9,980 19,520 122,160 78,840 95,200 3,9,920 25,620 2,280 26 90 140 800 1,480 4,200 4,500 2,960 480 300 160 220 820 1,520 3,880 3,1@0 2,000 520 160 60 2,200 2,080 6,480 3,240 1,620 760 240 140 4I bn 1,820 1,960 5,740 2,240 1,540 400 160 80 19 440 100 340 1,120 5,520 6,880 6,740 1,220 300 60 60 700 1,500 5,960 5,120 3,680 1,100 420 100 1,320 1,980 10,880 6,180 4,360 1,440 660 160 26 .60 3o60 2,000 2,560 11,660 4,760 3,140 1,240 440 200 21 a80 200 1,060 7,460 12,000 15,620 2,840 920 120 160 380 1,120 7,080 9,580 8,160 2,600 560 180 oJ 1,040 2,560 16,660 11,260 7,400 3,140 1,240 380 ts rn 1,760 3,240 15,600 7,160 5,540 1,780 680 260 on 1 80 540 740 10,820 25,900 40,300 10,500 3,960 280 200 680 1,400 13,400 22,780 26,920 8,220 35,540 320 1,580 4,500 34,180 30,080 28;800 11,100 4,720 440 .on0 0 2,280 5,260 34,460 19,940 18,040 7,500 3,640 520 _7nm,.w -- r * -=~='::� . t -==::i -=-'-=: i-. ' - -vz f orU nf H n"0 1,140 4",n 1,10 600 2r0 20 Hm.. 2,800 11,740 20,000 104,640 50,100 63,540 27,000 17,400 2,060 2,4U 10,700 18,160 95,560 45,340 57,460 23,740 15,380 1,440 1,140 5,780 9,520 54,580 25,340 33,460 13,600 9,400 700 47.5 54.0 51.3 57.1 55.9 58.2 57.3 61.1 1,260 4,920 8,840 43,980 20,000 24,000 10,140 5,980 740 400 1,040 1,840 9,080 4,760 6,080 3,260 2,020 620 2,580 10,660 18,100 95,500 45,140 57,340 25,740 15,540 1,420 600 1,80 1,840 4,900 1,680 900 440 160 100 600 1,800 2,780 8,860 3,620 2,480 920 520 100 280 1,960 5,100 12,220 4,520 3,560 1,560 760 200 5o0 2,480 5,060 25,3580. 11,180 11,040 4,70 2,160 320 120 120 480 5,480 17,240 48,640 18,100 10,920 300 220 120 660 8,580 21,880 40,160 15,480 9,460 260 ouu 1,000 3,080 54,480 40,720 55,900 23,520 15,740 440 rn~ Cn a4u 1,600 5,200 39,960 29,600 36,660 14,900 9,540 720 R7 7 560 2,120a 5,900 30,780 15,220 20,960 8,780 5,320 320 40 40 1,000 2,340 10,820 5,460 4,640 60 60 100 1,580 5,220 12,800 5,860 5,320 80 Lu0 240 560 8,900 12,140 26,240 12,300 9,600 340 80 440 1,060 11,500 11,140 18,500 8,820 6,380 400 .. a'" 140 360 1,140 9,720 6,180 11,200 4,160 5,820 200 20 240 520 5,000 2,000 2,700 20 40 20 380 1,000 4,060 2,740 3,260 -/1 AA 40 180 2,100 3,440 10,6Q0 6,760 6,880 180 80 240 3,240 4,000 11,980 5,280 4,800 100 to ""^ 80 120 286 3,640 2,740 7,200 5,120 2,600 180 13.88 19.87 23.87 29.86 35,31 41.20 13.43 15.57 22,12 26.74 33.55 37.02 43.62 17.b 15.41 21.39 26.18 30,86 38.56 40.61 46.50 27.45 15.08 17.82 23.30 27.65 33.09 40.16 41.65 46.04 51.72 31.74 14.42 18.86 22.13 28.08 31.56 59.70 39.04 44.80 ins bP 11 _2ni a 1nn %97 Is 9A.on 107I sInLIrs I c n I c on I 1701 l I iComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household-head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 46 ,' vs w f i l w wV V 1 " v aa r _ .r- ' v i Y iW i i W f ,L /f r 1 ,r T T -ff I , , a , rY V I ILVI I I ,' """""""~ll + s " 11 vwl v 1 t a l ii m 1 14 0 io1/N 11 f f1N 1 aat' I 1 1 7 f7 c~~n~I( r, rs fl rvQU 1 3y.' 1 1150, 1 rrsIirv 1 rrr4 tvl 11z 3 tru 42 1 .taV I w 1 , I ee~oezy 31.0201 11_500' 29.63 3e 0 a t o 0 l ..7.AAA1 OA .. . CA .in I -?on.I TENURE AND MONTHLY- RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 47 Table 8.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLT RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure TotalMedian COMPLETED, AND AGE not report Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 rental Total Psrcnt In and ralue tPercent rented re- rental $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over (dol report- Numb of t- hoes ported value over (dolar- ing Nuiber tal hre es r porting, THE WEST-ontinned Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 867.740 812,120 439.840 54.2 372.280 55,620 807.940 219,560 157,120 115,520 164,000 119,720 35,520 16,500 16.55 18 and 19.years old.............. . 56,620 52,800 26,240 #9.7 26,560 5,820 52,440 17,840 9,840 7,000 9,400 5.740 1.880 740 15.76 No school years completed......... 460 280 140 - 140 180 280 180 20 40 - 40 . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ . 1,000 920 500 - 620 80 9 700 120 60 40 5 and 6 years 1,620 1,520 620 - 900 100 1, 1,140 200 80 80 7 and 8 years ........ 6,860 6,420 2,680 41,7 5,740 440 6,400 4,100 1,240 420 440 120 20 60 7.50 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 21,320 20,200 9,300 46.0 10,900 1,120 20,000 7,000 4,240 2,960 5,400 1,680 600 120 13.04 4 years ............. 20,700 18,920 10,460 54.2 8,660 1,780 18,860 4,240 5,480 2,960 4,460 2,660 740 320 17.39 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,460 4,360 2,880 66.1 1,480 100 4,500 420 500 420 960 1,240 520 240 27.94 4 years or more ...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not reported ................ .... 200 180 60 - 120 20 180 60 40 _ 60 20 - - - - 20 and 21 years old............... 54,680 50,240 21,940 435.7 '28,500 4,440 49,880 17,580 8,820 6,960 9,840 4,980 I,540 560 13.79 No school years completed .......... 380 160 60 - 100 220 160 100 - 40 - - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 720 580 180 - 400 140 560 - 460 20 40 40 - - - - 5 and 6 years ........ 1,500 1,420 540 - 880 80 1,400 1,080 140 120 60 7 and 8 years ........ 7,500 7,240 3,000 41.4 4,240 260 7,200 4,020 1,620 700 560 200 60 40 8.46 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,120 13,300 5,060 38.0 8,240 820 15,200 5,400 2,840 1,760 2,220 -720 220 40 11.61 4 years ............. 22,040 20,260 8,960 44.2 11,300 1,780 20,120 5,240 5,220 3,480 5,200 2,560 300 120 16.80 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 7,600 6,840 3,920 57.5 2,920 760 6,820 1,020 880 800 1,680 1,440 680 3520 25.73 4 years or more ...... 540 .40 180 - 160 200 340 20 80 20 80 40 60 40 - Not reported ..................... 280 100 40 - 60 180 80 40 20 - - 20 - - 22 to 24 years old ............... . 82,140 75,720 51,300 41.3 44,420 6.420 75,280 25,900 132760 11,220 14,640 7,540 1,640 70 13.77 No school years completed ......... 400 240 140 - 100 160 240 180 - 20 20 20 - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,140 1,040 400 - 640 100 1,040 940 80 - 20 5 and 6 years ........ 2,160 2,080 800 58.5 1,280- 80 2,040 1,620 280 40 60 0 - 20 - 5.80 7 and 8 years ......... 12,680 12,120 4,800 39.6 7,320 560 11,960 6,700 2,340 1,480 1,180 220 20 20 20 8.43 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 19,960 19,200 7,360 38.3 11,840 760 19,160 7,580 5,680, 3,020 3,500 1,060 240 80 12.22 4 years ............. 52,300. 50,480 12,920 42.4 17,560 1,820 30,360 7,420 5,900 5,260 7,100 5,720 660 300 16.27 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 8,940 7,720 3,660 47.4 4,060 1,220 7,660 1,200 1,180 1,120 1,940 1,600 400 220 21.20 4 years or more ...... 4,200 2,660 1,060 39.8 1,600 1,540 2,640 260 280 200 760 680 320 140 27.15 Not reported ..................... . 560 180 160 - 20 180 180 - 20 80 60 20 - - - 25 to 29 years old ................ 155,860 126,900 56,940 44,9 69960 8960 126,460 3 57,980 253,220 19,380 25.400 15,900 5 320 1,260 15.02 No school years completed ..... .... 800 520 200 - 320 280 520 380 40 20 60 20 - - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,620 2,460 940 58.2 1,520 160 2,440 1,880 340 140 40 40 - - 5.99 5 and 6 years ....... 4,320 4,100 1,860 45.4 2,240 220 4,100 2,640 680 400 160 200 - 20 7.27 7 and 8 years........ 24,160 25,060 9,600 41.6 13,460 1,100 22,960 10,560 5,080 5,620 2,500 1,020 180 - 10.41 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 55,440 52,100 14,640 45.6 17,460 1,540 31,980 10,180 6,860 5,080 6,260 3,040 380 180 13.73 4 years ............. 45,,920 45,680 20,720 47.4 22,960 2,240 43,480 9,580 7,540 , 6,920 10,920 6,460 1,600 460 17.84" College: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,760 14,520 6,260 43.7 8,06401,440 14,280 2,220 1,960 2,560 3,660 3,140 620 520 21.14 4 years or more ...... 8,040 6,240 2,480 39.7 5,760 1,800 6,280 3 560 640 840 1,660 1,960 540 280 2.73355 Not reported ................... .. 800 , 420 240 - 180 380 420 180 80 - 140 20 - - 30 to 34 years old ............... 119,460 1135,380 57,480 50.7 55,900 6,080 112,840 28,780 19,160 17,120 .24,120 17,680 4,440 1,540 16.98 No school years completed ......... 640 480 220 - 260 160 480 540 20 20 60 20 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,640 2,520 1,200 47.6 1,320 120 2,500 1,740 360 120 140 140 - - 6.68 5 and 6 years......... 4,740 4,600 2,140 46.5 2,460 140 4,580 2,800 740 380 440 200 - 20 7.68 7 and 8 years ........ 26,140 25,020 12,700 50.8 12,320 1,120 24,880 9,820 4,700 5,960 4,100 1,780 300 220 12.29 High school: 1 to 3 years ........... 30,200 29,200 15,520 53,.2 15,680 1,000 29,040 6,840 5,300 4,700 6,620 4,200 1,180 200 17.05 4 years ............. 51,580 29,840 15,300 51.3 14,540 1,540 29,740 4,580 5,140 4,680 7,700 5,840 1,380 420 20.11 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,700 15,900 6,740 48.5 7,160 800 13,900 2,040 2,080 2,300 ,300 5,200 680 300 21.11 4years or more...... 8,500 7,560 5,480 47.3 5,880 940 7,500 500 720 900 1,720 2,260 840 560 28.40 Not reported ...................... 720 460 180 - 280 260 420 120 100 60 40 40 60 - - 35 to 44 years old ............... 186,640 176,600 I02,380 58.0 74,220 10,040 175,800 40,880 28,180 23,780 37,720 50,920 9,660 4,660 18.46 No school years completed ......... 1,860 1,380 880 - 500 480 1,540 1,060 140 40 60 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5,620 5,520 2,840 53.4 2,480 300 5,500 5,720 700 380 360 100 20 20 6.62 5 and 6-years ........ 9,020 8,480 4,580 54.0 3,900 540 8,460 5,640 1,800 1,120 1,120 700 80 - 11.14 .7 and 8 years ........ 57,300 54,480 31,000 56.9 23,480 2,820 54,100 16,880 10,780 7,840 10,360 6,380 1,420 440 14.22 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 41,040 59,380 22,620 57.4 16,750 1,660 39,580 7,620 6,960 6,560 9,680 6,360 1,850 540 18.52 4 years .......... . 58,880 57,280 22,800 61.2 14,480 1,600 57,180 4,560 4,460 4,200 9,160 9,600 5,300 1,880 25.35 College: 1 to 3 years ....... .. .. O,780 19,480 11,260 57.8 8,220 1,3500 19,400 2,3520 2,260 2,620 5,100 4,700 1,560 840 24.40 4 years or more ....:. 10,700 9,720 5,620 57.8 4,100 980 9,600 700 900 1,100 1,720 2,920 1,340 920 32.10 Notreported..................... 1,440 1,080 780 - 300 360 1,060 380 180 120 160 120 80 20 - 45 to 54 years old. . ............. 19,280 150,020 85,440 64.2 46,580 9,250 129,580 29,020 20,380 18,560 '26,70 22,460 8,040 4,160 18,62 No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ............ 1,980 1,740 880 860 240 1,740 1,120 260 220 100 20 20 6,240 5,860 5,460 59.0 2,400 380 5,820 53,160 740 880 640 320 40 40 8.71 10,660 10,280 5,980 58.2 4,300 380 10,2201 3,540 2,320 1,480 1,620 1,000 200 60 12.88 54,180 50,780 532,200 65.4 18,580 5,400. 50,480 12,880 9,100 7,880 10,520 7,680 1,620 800 16,57 25,520 24,040 16,340 68.0 7,700 1,480 23,940 4,180 3,700 3,540 5,960 4,860 1,140 560 20.42 21,240 19,860 13,220 66.6 6,640 1,380 19,800 2,560 2,040 2,340 4,360 4,600 2,680 1,420 26.75 11,540 10,940 6,880 62.9' 4;060 600 10,920 1,100 1,760 1,580 2,200 2,360 1,540 580 24.14 6,720 5,880 4,040 68.7 1,840 840 5,860 520 400 540 1,220 1,540 980 660 32.75 1,200 640 440 - 200 560 600 160 60 100 140 80 40 20 - 95,060 86,460 60,120 69.5 26,540 6,001 85,80 21,780 15,760 11,500 16,120 14,700 5,200 2800 17.71 No school years completed :........ 1,760 1,520 1,020 - 500 240 1,520 1,240 120 D 80 60 - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 6,100 5,800 3,860 66,6 1,940 300 5,740 2,880 1,120 840 580 240 80 - 9.47 5 and 6 years........ 8,880 8,500 5,680 68,4 2,620 580 8,260 2,960 1,700 1,260 1,160 820 220 14 12.94 7 and 8 years........ 38,540 56,140 24,760 68.5 11,380 2,200 35,920 9,780 6,540 4,860 7,480 5,220 1,60 680 16.19. High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,220 13,260 9,720 735.5 ,540 960 13,200 2,160 1,820 2,000 5,080 2,740 960 44C 21.51 4 years ............. 12,760 11,800 8,400 71.2 5,400 960 11,720 1,380 1,260 1,680 2,200 3,000 1;400 80C 26.50 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,080 6,460 4,520 70.0 1,940 620 6,420 900 860 540 980 2,020 700 42028.79 4 years or more ...... 2,900 2,620 1,740 66.4 880 280 2,600 280 260 260 480 580 440 50.19 Not reported ..................... 1,020 560 420 - 140 460 480 200 80 40 80 20 40 20 - 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private-households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. EDUCATION Table 9.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MDNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tene Rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure valu rental Total Percent In not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $350 to not re- (dol- reportirented pog of trted reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 nd ported l tNum o-nber homes over lacs tal re- porting THE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old.., 18 and 13 years old..:....... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. . Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years . .. 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 45 to 54 years old......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years cdmpleted .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7. and 8 years... High school:' 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 908 860 669 540 11132 280 5.7 56 I 20 39 DIR 0CfI 89 - 4 1-4n l0i121 _000 1n i 11s io _1 i 8 met Is onn 10 n22 44,280 38.520 8.500 22.1 30.020 5.760 58.400 5.160 5,800 7.500 11,180 7,500 1,460 5,880 80.16 520 120 20 - 100 200 120 - 20 40 40 20 - 200 1,020 720 60 - 660 300 720 200 140 220 10 . - - 300 - 2,740 2,160 480 22.2 1,680 580 2,160 460 520 420 440 320 - 580. 15.0 9,420 8,080 1,320 16.3 6,760 1,54o 8,0401 1,520 1,340 1,720 2,220 1,120 120 1,580 17.87 21,020 18,680 4,340 23.2 14,340 2,340 18,620 2,3500 2,860 3,280 5,940 3,740 700 2.400 2. 30 7,740 7,180 1,760 24.5 5,420 560 7,180 580 980 1,560 2,020 1,60 5380 560 21.83 1,580 1,300 440 - 860 80 1,500 60 100 220 280 400 260 80 - . 20 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - - - - 20 - - 620 260 80 - 180 360 240 40- 40 40 100 20 - 580 - . 40,500 1 52020 7,060 ' 22.0 24.960 8.480 51.940 4,720 4,880 6,100 9.200 5.800 1.240 8. 5001 19,79 400 220 40 - 180 180 220 40 60 60 60 40 - 20 .180 - 1,640 1,030 120 - 880 640 1,000 260 40 300 280 120 - 640 - 2,980 2,260 260 11.5 2,000 720 2,260 420 380 620 660 140 40 720 17.16 9,260 7,220 1,200 16.6 6,020 2,040 7,220 1,460 1,120 1,400 2,080 1,020 160 2,040 18.18 14,800 11,820 2,420 20.5 9,400 2,980 11,780 1,680 1,800 2,260 3,460 2,100 480 3,020 19.93 8,340 7,220 2,100 29.1 5,120 1,12> 7,200 640 1,280 1,260 1,920 1,740 5360 1,140 21.69 2,340 1,940 860 - 1,080 400 1,920 120 180 180 680 580 180 420 - . 160 100 40 - 60 60 100 20 - - 80 - 0o - 580 240 20 - 220 540 240 80 20 20 100 20 - 540 - .. 61,760 43.840 7,980 18,2 35.860 17.920 45.680 6.080 7.940 8.800 11.80 7,5380 1.620 18,080 18.94 640 340 . 80 - 260 300 340 60 100 100 60 - 20 300 - 2,980 1,900 160 - 1,740 1,080 1,880 420 360 480 440 160 20 1,100 - 6,260 3,880 420 10.8 3,460 2,380 5,860 800 780 940 900 440 - 2,400 16.36 16,388 11,520 1,480 12.8 10,040 4,860 11,520 1,900 2,360 2,480 5,000 1,480 300 4,860 17.52 19,220 14,080 2,600 18.5 11,480 - 5,140 14,040 1,780 2,000 2,800 3,820 2,520 520 5,180 19.21 11,620 8,900 2,160 24.3 6,740 2,720 8,840 920 1,280 1,640 2,680 1,800 520 2,780 21.66 3,360 2,660 - 900 33.8 1,760 700 2,660 180 560 260 780 880 200 700 26.29 480 280 180 - 100 200 280 20 20 60 100 40 40 200 - 820 280 - - 280 540 260 - 80 40 80 -60 - 560 - 114,580 77,140 10.760 13.9 66.580 57.440 76.960 10.120 13.860 14,380 22,900 12,240 ,480 37,620 19.56 1,540 780 80 - 700 760 780 120 200 180 100 10 20 I00 - 9,560 6,140 400 6.5 5,740 5,420 6,140 1,340 1,100 1,280 1,860 480 80 3,420 16.96 14,800 9,440 880 9.3 8,560 5,360 9,400 1,580 2,120 2,000 2,380 1,180 140 5,400 17,00 34,800 23,160 2,620 11.3 20,540 11,640 23,140 3,060 4,700 4,320 7,020 3, 300 740 11,860 18.91 27,760 19,440 2,460 12.7 16,980 8,320 19,380 2,180 5,440 5,540 6,120 3,200 900 8,380 20.57 16,580 12,140 2,640 21.7 9,500 4,440 12,100 1,180 1,740 2,180 3,620 2,400 980 4,480 22.12 5,160 3,600 1,020 28.5 2,580 1,56 53,600 380 260 480 1,120 1,040 320 1,560 25,57 2,400 1,640 580 - 1,060 760 1,640 120 160 220 500 360 280 760 - 1,980 880 80 - 720 1,180 780 160 140 160 180 120 20 1,200 - 119,760 82,900 10,380 12.5 72.520 36,860 82,680 9. 680 .14,180 15,480 23,660 16.100 3.580 57,080 20.35 2,600 1,760 160 - 1,600 840 1,740 440 360 380 480 80 - 860 - 13,220 8,780 500 5.7 8,280 4,440 8,820 1,620 1,840 1,800 2,600 880 80 4,400 17.14 21,460 14,220 1,100 7.7 13,120 7,240 14,220 2,100 2,820 3,120 3,820 2,040 320 7,240 18.01 40,060 27,780 3,480 12.5 24,300 12,280 27,680 3,260 4,760 5,140 8,220 5,220 1,080 12,380 20.33 21,540 15,680 2,340 14.9 13,340 5,860 15,640 1,300 2,520 2,940 4,480 3,700 700 5,900 21.87 11,080 8,140 1,420 17.4 6,720 2,940 8,120 600 980 1,280 2,260 2,400 600 2,960 24.81 4,340 3,400 720 21.2 2,680 940 3,420 200 540 480 840 1,000 360 920 25533 .... 2,780 2,100 560 *26.7 1,540 680 2,080 60 140 120 700 620 440 700 80.14 2,680 1,040 100 - 940 1,640 960 100 220 220 260 160 - 1,720 - 254,180 182,780 28,300 15.5 154.480 71.400 182.280 21.140 28.480 32,560 54,760 36,720 8,620 71,900 21.14 8,760 5,960 560 9.4 5,400 2,800 5,960 1,300 1,320 1,020 1,820 440 60 2,800 16.26 44,000 31,420 3,380 10.8 28,040 12,580 51,340 5,460 . 6,580 6,400 8,760 5,700 440 12,660 17,34 52,740 37,600 4,640 12.3 2,960 15,140 57,500 4,880 6,640 8,100 11,340 5,540 1,000 15,240 18.96 86,540 62,100 9,740 15.7 52,360 24,240 61,920 6,440 8,520 10,720 19,520 15,600 3,120 24,420 22.20 29,840 22,300 4,660 20.9 17,640 7,540 22,220 1,820 5,530 3,420 6,500 5,700 1,480 7,620 23.45 15,640 11,740 2,743 23.3 9,000 3,900 11,740 540 1,140 1,640 3,180 5,960 1,280 3,900 27.52 7,243 5,460 1,160 21.2 4,300 1,780 5,420 280 440 640 1,500 2,100 460 1,820 28,50 4,960 4,040 1,220 30.2 2,820 920 4,020 140 200 240 1,560 1,560 720 940 30.53 4,660 2,160 200 9,3 1,960 2,500 2,160 ' 280 340 380 780 320 60 2,500 20.53 181.260 1538900 34.320 1 247 104,5801 42,360 138,120 18,840 21,900 24,220 58,820 26,720 7,620 45,140 20.56 10,900 42,480 57,480 55,180 14,440 9,400 4,100 3,780 3,500 9,080 25,100 17,980 25,800 4,860 3,760 1,980 1,840 2,140 8,160 32,600 28,360 42,280 11,560 7,680 3,300 3,180 1,780 75. 440 6,680 19,420 14,340 21,260 4,020 3,200 1,660 1,630 1,260 1,120 6,360 6,520 11,140 3,240 2,700 1,460 1,400 380 24 R980 13.7 19.5 23.0 26.5 28.0 35.2 44.2 44.0 34- 7,040 26,240 21,840 31,140 8,320 4,980 1,840 1,780 - 1,400 4R 460 2,740 9,880 9,120 12,900 2,880 1,720 800 600 1,720 1Q 100 8,140 32,300 28,280 42,240 11,520 7,580 3,220 3,140 1,700 72 _000 1,880 6,500 3,840 4,500 920 500 260 120 320 13 5 00 1,940- 6,520 4,920 5,700 1,280 720 240 520 260 192420 1,580 6,660 5,540 7,120 1,660 920 380 260 300 11.980 1,920 8,260 8,120 13,020 3,280 2,220 760 760 480 17.800 I UK, ,* - 1 1+ l 4 J I a II , I ' , ,- 1,660 5,230 4,860 7,780 1,820 1,540 780 880 460 24,9 26.8 33.9 36.6- 45.3 48.1 5,020 14,220 9,480 13,480 2,200 1,660 880 720 800 2,400 5,680 3,640 4,540 840 560 320 240 880 6,660 19,320 14,200 21,160 4,000 3,160 1,640 1,560 1,200 1,060 4,920 2,360 3,180 520 160 180 60 260 1,380 3,980 2,620 3,240 560 240 160 140 100 1,300 3,620 2,540 3,000 600 440 140 80 260 1,400 4,040 3,720 5,360- 1,180 860 420 420 400 680 3,580 4,860 9,460 5,260 2,540 1,200 1,000 140 12,920 560 2,220 2,320 4,720 900 1,000 620 420 160 140 780 1,200 2,440 1,120 680 580 680 200 4,280 160 540 640 1,660 240 460 120 440 20 2,760 10,180 9,200 12,940 2,920 1,820 880 640 1,800 19,640 2,420 5,780 3,780 4,640 860 600 340 280 940 15.29 16.85 19.55 22,42 25,29 26.95 29.11 31.70 18.89 14.85 15.55 18.67 21.66 22.21 28.10 'Comprises related members of pr.vute households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 2Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 48 - - ' I I I 19_ TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF.HOME 49 Table 9.--TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MONTHLY-RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA,YEARS OF SCHOOL Tota) In owned homes Rental Median COMPLETED; AND AGE Tenure rental Total Percent In not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to 0 ot - value reprtingto- rented ported' reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 and not re- (dol- repprting Number tal re- homes over portedS porting THE SOUTH Urban and Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 years.old .............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... ?0 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... .4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ ,High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported................... 25 to 29 years old ....... . .... . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. . 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4-years ............ College: 1 to-3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..... ,............... 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................. .. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years. . ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................... 1 591 40n 96.480 2,300 19,340 20,760 21,380 23,000 6,300 2,160 60 1,180 92.180 2,360 20,640 20,020- 19,900 16,560 7,560 3,260 380 1, 500 142.680 1 314 60II lRi7 AnM 83.420 1 26.160 1,680 16,400 18,000 18,620 20,400 5,620 1,960 60 680 74.880 1,780 16,660 16,180 16,140 14,120 6,320 2,680 340 660 112. 360 400 3,440 4,300 5,900 8,120 2,620 1,260 60 60 21.780 440 5,520 4,060 4,160 4,800 2,840 1,520 240 200 25.960 31.I4 57.260 13.060 83.180 54,160 15.800 5,24015,080 2.200 700[ 13.300T 7.18 21.0 23.9 31.7 39.8 46.6 29.1 21.1 25.1 25.8 34.0 44.9 56.7 23.1 1,280 12,960 15,700 12,720 12,280 3,000 700 620 53.100 1,340 13,140 12,120 11,980 9,320 5,480 1,160 100 460 86R400 620 2,940 2,760 2,760 2,600 680 200 500 17.300 580 3,980 3,840 3,760 2,440 1,240 580 40 840 30 320 1,660 16,300 17,980 18,580 20,420 5,560 1,960 60 660 74.900 1,780 16,720 16,140 16,180 14,100 6,300 2,680 340 660 112.140 1,280 14,020 13,340 11,400 10,800 2,320 640 20 340 49_820 -s9-11 1,6" I 00 ,WV I -00 OW I v I .L /ov '.v' 1,600 13,900 11,900 10,040 8,100 2,900 840 80 460 78 820 220 1,660 2,980 4,200 5,000 1,180 280 280 13.800 120 1,840 2,820 5,500 3,240 1,580 500 80 120 19 300 280 660 1,340 2,020 680 240 20 4_760 40 500 640 1,220 1,220 800 300 20 20 6.340 80 320 600 1,140 1,620 800 500 20 3.940 300 540 1,000 880 600 500 60 60 5_880 40 20 300 440 780 400 180 40 1 920 - 160 240 360 460 360 300 40 2.880 40 100 60 200 180 120 660 20 20 60 200 60 240 60 920 640 3,040 2,780 2,800 2,580 740 200 520 17 280 580 3,920 3,880 3,720 2,460 1,260 580 40 840 30 540 5.31 6.24 7.65 8.95 11.45 -2 5.51 6.28 7.56 8.20 10.29 14.50 6 80 o - r . . . . w 1 ... . . . . ..J-. . A. , ,. , .., .W 5,580 4,100 700 17.1 3,400 1,480 4,060 3,600 400 40 20 - - 1,520 5.14 36,500 29,520 4,180 14.2 25,340 6,980 29,480 24,800 3,280 620 560 140 80 7,020 5.44 30,720 23,980 4,740 19.8 19,240 6,740 24,000 17,740 4,040 1,060 700 380 80 6,720 . 6.26 30,620 23,720 5,360 22.6 18,560 6,900 253660 15,840 4,180 1,600 1,500 600 140 6,960 6.97 20,780 16,840 4,660 27.7 12,180 3,940 16*80 9,080 3,980 1,600 1,360 560 200 4,000 8.74 10,720 8,820 3,680 41.7 5,140 1,900 8,800 3,800 2,560 720 1,060 480 200 1,920 10.67 4,200 3,420 1,800 52.6 1,620 780 3,420 1,200 480 500 580 520 140 780 14.80 1,560 1,200 760 - 440 360 1,160 280- 220 160 220 200 80 ,400 - 2,000 760 80 - 680 1,240 780 480 160 40 80 20 - 1,220 - 250.480 198,180 39.820 20.1 158.360 52.500 197,500 1335480 35,100 11,980 9,980 5,200 1,760 52,980 6.90 11,840 68,080 61,220 52,620 29,420 13,720 4,960 4,680 3,940 221.240 11,760 69,380 54,740 43,080 22,260 8,300 3,860 3,660 4,200 585. 220 31,300 140,380 92,080 68,100 25,000 10,300 5,260 5,500 7,300 227.940 28,960 92,160 47,560 32,500 10,180 5,540 2,700 3,760 4,580 177 180 26,880 70,540 34,380 24,600 7,520 3,780 2,540 3,360 3,580 8,960 55,620 48,420 41,020 23,680 11,580 3,920 3,240 1,740 178._80 9,200 56,900 44,360 35,060 18,420 6,360 3,100 2,800 2,380 317 100 25,420 118,780 76,920 55,360 19,240 8,380 4,220 4,560 4,220 19 6R20 24,660 80,400 41,140 27,860 8,980 4,900 2,420 3,380 2,880 15. 480M 23,240 60,860 30,160 21,480 6,740 3,400 2,300 3,060 2,240 1,280 8,200 8,360 8,440 6,360 3,600 1,700 1,680 200 3 .740n 1,540 8,800 8,960 7,700 4,640 2,120 1,440 1,120 420 82.320 5,260 24,920 19,840 16,860 6,600 3,440 2,080 2,580 940 73 760 6,700 27,820 16,020 12,380 4,300 2,420 1,360 1,960 800 61 060 7,220 21,340 12,520 10,180 3,380 2,000 1,400 2,140 880 14.3 14.7 17,3 20.6 26.9 31.1 43.4 51.9 20.6 16.7 15.5 20.2 22.0 25.2 33.3 46.5 40.0 17.6 20.7 21.0 25.8 30.5 34.3 41.1 49.3 52.2 22.3 37. 27.2 34.6 38.9 44.4 47.9 49.4 56.2 58.0 27.8 39.8 31.1 35.1 41,5 47.4 50.1 58.8 60.9 69,9 39.3 7,680 47,420 40,060 32,580 17,320 7,980 2,220 1,560 1,540 141 840 7,660 48,100 35,400 27,360 13,780 4,240 1,660 1,680 1,960 234780n 20,160 93,860 57,080 38,500 12,640 4,940 2,140 2,180 3,280 122_ 860 17,960 52,580 25,120 15,430 4,680 2,480 1,060 1,420 2,080 92,420 16,020 39,520 17,640 11,300 3,360 1,400 900 920 1,360 2,880 12,460 12,800 11,600 5,740 2,140 1,040 1,440 2,200 42.60n 2,560 12,480 10,380 8,020 3,840 1,940 760 860 1,820 66.120 5,880 21,600 15,160 12,740 3,760 1,920 1,040 940 3,080 31 '20 4,300 11,760 6,420 4,640 1,200 640 280 380 1,700 23,700 3,640 9,680 4,220 3,120 780 380 240 300 1,340 8,920 55,340 48,360 40,840 23,600 11,560 3,920 3,240 1,720 177 .40 9,140 56,780 44,180 34,920 18,400 6,380 3,100 2,760 2,280 318.220 25,280 118,520 76,700 55,280 19,200 8,320 4,220 4,560 4,140 195,920 24,620 80,260 40,900 27,800 8,920 4,900 2,400 3, 340 2,780 152,880 23,180 60,480 30,040 21,480 6,740 3,360 2,300 3,060 2,240 7,740 45,420 35,220 24,840 12,520 4,600 1,240 760 1,140 117 480n 7,960 44,460 29,980 19,700 9,480 2,460 1,200 760 1,480 199 _180 20,560 86,180 47,860 27,720 8,700 2,960 1,300 1,100 2,800 124.920 18,980 58,000 24,700 13,980 4,400 1,520 740 640 1,960 89,280 17,500 39,980 15,700 9,480 2,900 1,060 780 600 1,280 880 6,780 8,220 8,840 5,360 3,080 1,020 540 380 35,100 900 8,740 9,360 8,440 4,360 1,640 580' 620 460 60_420 3,160 20,140. 16,240 12,620 4,120 1,700 1,000 720 720 33.500 3,840 12,600 7,380 5,280 1,460 1,120 560 580 480 32,400 3,780 12,340 7,700 5,180 1,400 760 340 280 620 100 1,560 2,380 3,060 2,420 1,340 520 480 120 10,820 80 1,880 2,440 2,700 1,880 760 400 520 160 24,160 740 6,100 6,140 6,140 2,300 1,100 620 740 280 15,020 880 4,560 3,800 3,220 1,020 780 200 S360 200 12,900 1,080 4,260 2,700 2,860 700 500 200 400 200 100 1,060 1,680 2,480 1,920 1,560 660 680 40 8,560 80 1,160 1,640 2,260 1,660 720 520 420 100 19,600 660 4,500 4,280 5,420 2,120 1,140 560 680 240 12.580 540 3,480 2,820 3,040 960 700 320 660 60 10,440 600 2,320 2,380 2,440 920 540 480 680 80 100 440 740 1,280 1,080 840 360 320 40 4,480 80 440 660 1,500 860 480 200 220 40 10,100 120 1,440 1,740 2,760 1,560 1,080 520 800 80 7.420 300 1,540 1,800 1,660 780 580 280 620 60 5,260 160 1,260 1,160 1,080 560 300 260 440 40 80 120 340 500 340 120 460 1.500 40 100 100 320 160 320 200 220 40 2.760 40 160 440 620 400 340 220 520 20 2.680 80 280 400 620 300 200 300 480 20 2,600 60 320 400 440 260 200 240 660 20 2,920 12,740 12,860 11,780 5,820 2,160 1,040 1,440 2,220 43.500 2,620 12,600 10,560 8,160 3,860 1,920 760 900 1,920 67.000 6,020 21,860 15,380 �12,820 3,800 1,980 1,040 940 3,160 32.020 4,340 11,900 6,660 4,700 1,260 640 300 420 1,800 24.5300 3,700 14,060 4,340 3,120 780 420 240 300 1,340 5.26 5.59 6.57 7.72 8.92 11.42 13.03 17.83 7.07 5.24 5.89 6.87 8.36 9.20 11.75 12.52 14.50 7.20 7.44 5.65 6.58 7.51 9.47 10.59 13.03 13.55 17.61 6.89 7.54 5.99 6.42 7.78 9.44 9.71 13.65 13.61 20.86 6.59 8.06 6.12 7.06 9.07 10.72 11.18 13.58 15.25 25.18 8.25 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private'households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 2Comprises related members of 'private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household heed,and all persons not in private households. LLIVYI)YVV I(L)VIYLVGV IIJO/,CXX1 ti I 1 y41,V V 1 XO / 1 lJ I I JIV 1"tI O b,14U I Z~b,;d4U I }dlXV 17 5,UV5 1 59,460 15,5 1250,720 7.25: .iC 11 11 Il I 1 T T T 1 'Tr -TT' I I III , - - ' i T T T T T- 7rI -rI i ' II '1 j- I I I " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---I 1 r 11 uv i v a- v 1 isa vs 1 ..f w 1FI IV=V1 "f YO i - f - I I -L I " - I... i y ! 1 1 ,-: .V -V iu " V 1 v rwv 1 OV i 1 w w r"= I III 1 I . . . II 1 I I , I ; 1 .' _.x.:. 11.,, L _ , ) vl I "rY I ,, , I . , , , , I I I - - - - .I , , , I , I , I I I 1 S , n.. ... n .. ., VlVW oQ :' I Q A") nn l7JR o o n I Al A m1 .99 I n an I . .n . ocnr qen 1 ' EDUCATION Table 9.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL OOMPIETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed,........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported................ ... 20 and 21 years old.....,....... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years. ...... High school: 1 to 3 years. ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: I to 3 years ........ , 4 years or more g... Not reported ................. . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... gand 6years...... and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... I ot reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grad school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reputed...... ........... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 920 9,460 12,460 14,080 16,740 4,940 1,620 60 560 57.920 1,080 10,080 12,220 13,480 11,420 5,780 2,780 520 760 o90 50s 2,460 19,440 19,260 20,220 15,120 8,320 3,480 1,260 1,020 165 760 5,840 57,520 40,900 37,460 22,560 11,580 4,040 3,940 2,120 149 100nn 720 8,140 10,960 12,220 14,920 4,420 1,500 60 400 47.800 840 8,120 9,960 11,020 9,840 4,800 2,360 300 360 71.040 1,120 1,660 2,880 5,060 1,920 1,000 60 60 12a160 160 1,160 1,840 2,120 5,140 2,100 1,520 220 100 13.760 13.8 15.1 25.6 335.9, 43.4 25 5 14.5 18.5 19.2 31.9 45.8 55.9 19 4 580 7,020 9,300 9,540 9,860 2,500 500 340 35.440 680 6,960 8,120 8,900 6,700 2,700 1,040 80 260 57_280 200 1,520 1,500 1,880 1,820 520 120 180 10.520 240 1,960 2,260 2,460 1,580 980 420 20 400 19 540 720 8,100 10,980 12,240 14,940 4,560 .1,500 60 400 47.660 840 8,200 9,960 11,020 9,840 4,780 2,380 300 360 71 .000 420 6,280 6,820 5,940 6,340 1,460 340 20 140 26.120 700 5,940 6,580 5,580 4,640 1,900 680 80 220 39 680 160 1,200 2,6820 4,280 980 200 220 11.560 100 1,420 2,320 3,020 2,640 1,280 480 40 60 16 880 280 820 1,180 1,8.40 620 220 20 4.280 40 4680 520 1,160 1,140 700- 220 20 20 5.500 80 320 580 1,080 1,560 740 460 20 3.560 240 520 900 780 520 480 60 80 5.400 40 20 280 440 720 380 10 40 1.700 120 220 300 440 320 280 40 2.720 4O 80 40 200 180 140 84O 20 80 200 80 240 60 - n 1,0 1,480 1,840 1,800 580 120 10 10.200 2 40 240 1,880 2,280 2,40 1,580 1,000 420 20 400 19_580 , , -- , a - ,- - * - ----, - - - ' 4 , + = 1,940 15,620 14,540 15,260 12,440 6,880 2,820 1,080 460 129 40 220 1,460 1,840 .2,480 2,900 2,740 1,420 680 20 9.5 12.7 16.3 23. 59.8 50.4 R A 1,720 14,160 12,700 12,780 9,540 4,140 1,400 400 440 105 _40 520 5,820 4,720 4,960 2,680 1,440 660 180 560 36 120 1,920 15,620 14,580 15,280 12,420 6,880 2,820 1,040 460 190 520 1,580 11,'580 9,060 8,160 5,600 2,360 840 240 280 72 3n 280 2,800 5,620 3,740 5,480 2,280 460 160 80 m0 460 40 520 880 1,460 1,380 660 400 140 20 10n 20 20 500 620 1,200 1,200 1,040 520 220 80 9_0 - 140 380 580 580 380 480 200 20 a QA' 80 40 140 200 160 120 80 1- $40 3,820 4,880 4,940 2,700 1,480 6860 220 560 6 440n ..mLs, 4, 11 I * ..~L S .m* 4 S 4 a* 4 .L 4 , . f -L 4 I 4 .n . L 4,540 30,360 31,440 28,580 18,100 9,640 3,180 2,800 1,000 118R 92 520 2,800 3,660 4,060 4,460 2,900 1,300 1,480 60 9,q 39 11.5 9,2 11.6 14.2 24.6 30.1 40.9 52.9 4,020 27,560 27,780 24,520 15,640 6,740 1,880 1,320 940 98 140 1,500 7,160 9,460 8,880 4,460 1,740 860 1,140 1,120 30 180 4,520 30,220 51,560 28,560 18,080 9,620 3,180 2,780 1,000 11R 74n 5,540 21,560 19,940 14,200 8,020 3,300 720 560 540 R4A 5_ 700 5,840 6,940 7,920 4,760 2,720 880 400 500 80 1,400 2,120 2,700 2,200 1,200 500 440 80 9.800 100 940 1,560 2,280 1,820 1,260 640 660 40 8 140 S A,4 G . 1 ,5A5 1 L 54 ,5 4 .. , S,11.v 4 ,..�5 4 ..AS5.L 44 1L. + 1 fl4 4- - 1,220~~~ ~ 470 380 70 0 6,000 42,080 .36,980 31,540 17,200 7,060 3,060 2,880 2,300 264 R00 4,780 355,860 29,140 25,300 14,260 5,420 2,420 2,200 1,540 21R 140 580 3,740 4,300 4,800 5,540 1,800 1,040 9680 220 47 0920 12.1 11.0 14.8 19.0 23.4 3355.2 43,0 45.6 43.6 4,200 30,120 24,840 20,500 10,920 3,620 1,380 1,240 1,320 188 220 1,220 8,220 7,840 6,240 2,940 1,640 640 680 760 48 460 4,780 55,780 29,140 25,260 14,240 5,440 2,420 2,180 1,500 215 720 3,820 22,880 16,580 11,520 6,080 1,700 820 420 740 111 100 740 7,640 8,180 7,480 3,780 1,540 440 500 440 51 880 40 1,720 2,120 2,520 1,800 700 300 440 160 99 1 00 60 1,060 1,580 2,120 1,620 720 500 380 100 100 420 720 1,220 1,020 820 320 300 40 4,160 S57 80 400 580 1,380 800 460 200 220 40 9 580 80 80 240 280 320 120 420 1. 560 80 100 260 180 320 160 220 20 2 40 1,520 7,300 9,540 8,900 4,480 1,760 880 1,160 1,120 50.560 8,300 7,840 6,280 2,960 1,620 640 700 800 4A 880 5.95 7.55 9.75 10.82 13,17 8.62 6,40 7,51 9.57 10.05 11.41 14.95 - J 6.24 7.55 8.86 10.38 11,87 15.88 . A8 5.88 6.51 7.36 9.55 10.57 12.28 14.44 19.39 8.70 8.70 5.76 6.88 8.29 10.24 10.88 12.81 13.93 16.45 -81 9 21 17,640 14,540 2,180 15.2 12,180 3,300 14,240 10,220 2,620 660 690 120 20 5,400 6.47 88,980 74,000 11,980 16.2 62,020 14,980 73,980 45,300 17,280 5,660 4,240 1,340 180 15,000 '7.67 66,680 54,740 11,060 20.2 45,680 11,940 54,640 28,820 14,020 5,600 4,120 1,660 420 12,040 8.98 52,040 41,340 10,840 26.2 50,500 10,700 41,280 16,400 10,900 5,720 5,040 2,620 600 10,760 11.44 17,960 15,100 5,020 33.2 10,080 2,860 15,060 5,360 3,600 2,160 2,020 1,520 400 2,900 12.51 8,500 6,820 2,580 37,8 4,240 1,680 6,780 1,900 1,500 "1,000 980 1,080 340 1,720 14.47 4,400 3,500 1,660 47.4 1,840 900 3,500 920 840 540 520 480 220 900 14.44 4,300 3,500 1,940 55,4 1,560 800 3,500 560 560 580 620 720 460 800 20,51 4,100 2,800 660 25.6 2,140 1,300 2,740 . 1,620 560 240 220 80 20 1,560 7.98 144,640 124,020 45,700 35.2 80.320 20.620 125.720 62,620 26,980 13,280 11,380 6,980 2,500 20,920 9.38 15,940 13,560 5,000 22.1 10,560 2,380 13,580 9,120 2,920 760 440 260 80 2;,560 6.95 54,580 46,920 14,560 51.0 32,360 7,660 46,960 27,980 10,180 4,120 3,120 1,320 240 7,620 7.89 30,960 26,420 9,280 35.1 17,140 4,540 26,280 12,600 5,860 3,280 2,500 1,660 380 4,680 9.96 23,200 19,760 8,340 42.2 11,420 3,440 19,700 7,480 4,420 2,840 2,860 1,520 580 3,500 12.18 7,520 6,700 3,220 48.1 3,480 820 6,660 2,700 1,160 880 880 740 300 860 12,22 4,520 4,000 1,980 49.5 2,020 520 4,000 940 980 740 620 540 180 520 15,04 2,180 1,980 1,100 - 880 200 1,960 420 500 180 280 280 300 220 3,140 2,820 1,700 60.3 1,120 320 2,800 340 520 300 640 580 420 340 23.25 2,600 1,860 520 - 1,540 740 1,780 1,048 440 180 40 60 20 820 - 128,880 110,220 39,180 35,5 71,040 18.660 109,980 52,500 28 740 11,620 9,800 4.920 2,400 18,900 9.93 16,140 48,760 26,680 20,560 6,280 3, 280 2,080 2,860 2,240 13,700 41,100 23,060 17,840 5,640 2,920 1,840 2,620 1,500 3,580 11,000 8,480 7,980 2,900 1,700 1,100 1,840 600 26,1 26,8 36.8 44.7 51.4 58.2 70'. 2 10,120 30,100 14,580 9,860 2,740 1,220 740 780 900 2,440 7,660 3,620 2,720 640 360 240 240 740 13,700 40,960 22,960 17,860 5,640 2,900 1,840. 2,620 1,500 8,920 22,820 9,940 6,140 1,940 780 520 360 700 3,160 10,880 6,900 4,780 1,340 700 260 220 500 840 3,720 2,480 2,740 660 480 160 380 160 580 2,140 2,220 2,300 900 520 440 620 80 160 1,100 1,080 1,060 540 260 240 440 40 40 300 340 440 260 180 220 600 20 2,440 7,800 3,720 2,700 640 580 240 240 740 7.18 8.47 10.82 12.00 12.78 14.45 25.15 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. eComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,snd all persons not in private households. 50 .-- 11 f w---- I aw -faw- wv- I vv-- -- I ivf- ' -sr f r 1' w--- a w--- I 1-- "-- ; ""t " I - _ ' I T -ir T- I T T "i ir- i . . . . .. . . TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 51 Table 9.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL X)MPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based oh a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME IMNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Median COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenurerental Total Percent n not re Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $ to not re- value reporting r t rented ported reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 49 and porte (dol- reporn Number retpohoesover la) tal re. porting THE SOUTH---dCFthued Rural-nonfara Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ..... . ..... ..... 20 and21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ .4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years .......... College:. 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years' completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeas ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported .... ............. 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old .......... .. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 529,080 11 443,70011154.9601 4.9 1 288.740 1 85.380 1 441,240 158.A2 0 3I4.0 1 9,080 35,640 o1 50.08011 12.20 40.8 1 17.8201 5.560 I. 29.880 2 58 1n nan I 80 0 26.400 2.580 I 460 280 120 40 . s~760 s1 " 1,380 960 260 - 700 420 940 860 60 - 20 - 440 9,880 8,260 2,320 28.1 5,940 1,820 8,200 7,740 460 - - - - 1,680 4.80 * 8,300 7,040 2,640 37.5 4,400 1,260 7,000 6,520 560 40 40 20. 20 1,300 4.87 7,300 6,400 3,020 47.2 5,380 900 6,340 5,400 640 160 60 - 20 960 5.31 6,260 5,480 3,060 55.8 2,480 780 5,480 4,460 720 180 60 60 - 780 5.64 1,360 1,200 700 - 500 160 1,200 860 200 60 60 20 - 18160 - � 540 480 260 - 200 80 460 500 80 20 40 20 - 80 - 620 280 - - 280 540 260 200 60 - - - - 360 - 534,260 27,280 9,620 35,3 17.660 6.980 27.240 23,700 2,440 480 5380 220 20 7,020 5.25 1,280 940 280 - 660 340 940 900 20 - - - 20 540 10,560 8,540 2,560 27.6 6,180 2,020 8,520 7,960 420 40 60 40 - 2,040 4.85 7,800 6,220 2,220 35.7 4,000 1,580 6,180 5,520 500 120 20 20 - 1,620 5.10 6,420 5,120 2,040 59.8 5,080 1,300 5,160 4,460 480 60 100 60 - 1,2680 5.28 5,140 4,280 1,660 38.8 2,620 860 4,260 3,460 600 80 100 20 - 880 5.66 1,780 1,520 740 - 780 260 1,520 1,000 300 100 80 40 - 260 - 480 320 200 - 120 160 320 160 20 80 20 40 - 160 - 60 40 20 - 20 20 40 - 40 - - - - 20 - 740 300 100 - 200 440 300 240 60 - - - - 440 - 52,100 41,320 12.200 29.5 29.120 10.780 41.140 37,140 2.420 840 480 160 100 10.960 5,04 35,120 2,160 480 22.2 1,680 960 2,140 2,020 120 - - - - 980 4.80 17,060 15,900 2,720 19,6 11,180 3,160 15,860 13,220 480 100 60 - - ,200 4.74 11,460 9,440 2,900 50.7 6,540 2,020 9,420 8,680 420 180 80 20 40 2,040 4.95 " 10,400 8,460 2,880 34.0 5,580 1,940 8,380 7,680 440 140 100 20 - 2,020 4.96 " 5,660 4,400 1,760 40.0 2,640 1,260 4,3860 3,480 500 220 160 - - 1,300 5.76 S 2,400 1,940 940 - 1,000 460 1,940 1,440 300 60 20 80 40 460 - 720 600 580 - 220 120 600 360 20 100 60 40 20 120 - " 300 120 80 - 40 180 120 40 60 20 - - - 180 - 980 300 60 - 240 680 320 220 80 20 - - - 660 - 84,720 68.540 18.580 27.,1 49.960 16,180 68,180 61,100 4,640 1,260 680 240 260 16, 540 5.08 6,000 4,420 760 17.2 5,660 1,580 4,400 4,200 180 20 - - - 1;600 4.74 30,560 25,260 5,400 21.4 19,860 5,300 25,120 23,860 940 160 120 20 20 5,440 4.76 20,320 16,980 4,700 27.7 12,280 3,340 17,000 15,280 1,280 260 120 20 40 3,320 5.06 15,160 12,440 4,380 535.2 8,060 2,720 12,280 10,640 920 360 200 60 100 2,880 5.27 6,860 5,580 1,900 54.1 3,680 1,280 5,520 4,500 600 220 100 60 40 1,340 5.65 2,340 1,940 700 - 1,240 400 1,940 1,300 360 140 .100 20 20 400 - 920 740 400 - 40 .180 740 520 140 20 20 40 - 180 - 740 440 200 - 240 300 460 200 140 40 20 20 40 280 - 1,820 740 140 - 600 1,080 720 600 80 40 - - - 1,100 - 72,140 59.660 15.960 26.8 43.700 12,480 59,200 52,920 4.380 1.020 420 320 140 12,940 5.09 5,760 4,420 960 21.7 3,460 1,340 4,360 4,140 160 40 20 - - 1,400 4.77 27,300 23,040 5,060 22.0 17,980 4,260 23,000 21,580 1,100 160 100 40 20 4,300 4.83 17,760 15,220 4,660 50.6 10,560 2;540 15,040 13,400 1,180 320 60 80 - 2,720 5.11 11,540 9,760 2,900 29.7 6,860 1,780 9,660 8,180 980 180 140 120 60 1,880 5.40 5,060 4,160 1,300 31.3 2,860 900 4,160 3,400 580 80 40 60 - 900 5.62 1,240'. 940 320 - 620 300 940 760 100 60 - 20 - 300 - 800 680 400 - 280 120 680 380 140 100 20 - 40 120 - 780 600 160 - 440 180 580 340 120 80 40 - - 200 - 1,900 840 200 - 640 1,060 780 740 20 - - - 20 1,120 - 118,620 100,960 54.400 54.1 66.560 17.660 100.500 88,080 8.540 2,000 1,240 520 120 18 120 5.21 15,660 11,080 3,080 27.8 8,000 2,580 11,040 10,340 0 80 60 - 20 2,620 4,84 51,400 44,780 12,940 28.9 51,840 6,620 44,540 40,880 2,860 440 260 100 - 6,860 4.95 25,400 22,180 8,780 39.6 13,400 5,220 22,060 19,040 2,220 540 160 80 20 5,340 5.29 16,060 14,020 6,020 42.9 8,000 2,040 14,000 11,320, 1,720 ,420 380 140 20 2,060 5.68 5,040 4,140 1,580 38.2 2,560 900 4,140 5,340 �520 140 100 40 - 900 5.70 1,800 1,560 860 - 700 240 1,540 1,080 200 100 160 20 - 260 860 720 420 - 300 140 720 380 160 80 40 60 - 140 - 1,200 1,060 440 - 620 140 1,060 540 160 160 60 80 60 140 - 3,200 1,420 280 - 1,140 1,780 1,400 1,180 160 40 20 - - 1,800 - 85,500 72,600 30,060 41.4 42,540 10.700 72,200 62,00 6.520 1,740 1,200 460 180 11,100 5.29 1,U020 37,580 16,600 9,300 2,660 1,020 520 620. 1,980 48,300 10,740 21,780 7,700 4,040 1,240 500 460 500 1,40 11,100 33,480 14,720 8,100 2,280 900 440 560 1,020 435.260 9,540 19,760 7,100 3,640 1,100 480 460 440 740 5,700 13,260 6,740 4,040 1,080 440 260 2680 280 21.880 3,640 10,340 4,040 2,200 480 300 300 300 280 3355.5 59.6 45.8 49.9 47.4 50.6 38.2 52.5 $6.9 60.4 - 7,400 20,220 7,980 4,060 1,200. 460 180 500 740 21.580 5,900 9,420 3,060 1,440 620 180 160 140 460 1,920 4,100 1,880 1,200 380 120 80 60 960 5.040 1,200 2,020 600 400 140 20 60 600 11,040 33,300 14,620 8,100 2,260 900 440 540 1,000- 42.900 9,480 19,520 7,080 3,620 1,100 460 460 440 740 9, 860 50,020 12,100 6,500 1,700 580 520 300 920 36.780 8,580 17,160 5,760 2,940 960 300 260 240 580 920 2,420 1,520 860 300 140 60 60 40 3,660 620 1,460 800 400 60 60 80 60 120 120l 440 520 380 140 40 20 60 20 1.280 240 540 220 120 40 20 40 20 40 100 360 320 180 80 80 40 20 20 640 20 180 160 140 20 .20 40 60 40 20 140 140 40 40 40 340 160' 80 20 20 40 20 - 40 20 40 20 60 200 20 20 60 20 20 60 1,980 4,280 1,980 1,200 400 120 80 80 980 5.400 1,260 2,260 620 420 140 40 60 600 5.10 5.05 5.54 5,73 6.15 5_55 5.02 5.19 5.65 5.66 IComp.-ises related members of private huseholds in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. aComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value,ser P inpFvate households not related to household head,and all persona not in private households. U. , L 11 1 1 I I r - - W-- - - . l} I , v I W . I0f . .' 11 ' - - - r - - --- ---- r - -- I - - 77- M M " I w - w- T T -1T I . . I I 5 18 s Sat " EDUCATION Table 10.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM' FOR THE SOUTH): 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HONE MNTHRLT RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA EARSOF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Tenure Rental ronal Total Percent reIned ot re- Total Under $10 to 15 to $20 to $30 to not r reportingNumber e- hoe reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 ver ported* lars) porting THE ORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old 18 and 19 years old....... No school years completed.. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. 20 and 21years old....... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years . High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ............. 22 to 24 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ............. 25 to 29 years old ........ No school years completed.. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years: 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ............. 30 to 34 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years.. 4 years .... .. College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. 35 to 44 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported .. ........ 45 to 54 years old ........ No school years completed.. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old ......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years . High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years . . 4 years or more Not reported............ * r 7W7 4A .7c82J 520.L 92660.1 2 6400 .ni u I 140060,UV - 2,8500 15860 A 58 840 2 11,180 20.91 509 560 41.940 8.040 19.2 33.900 8.620 41.740 5800 - 4 7.860 12.4804 7.7001 1.680 .820 80.25 ue4U 940 2,400 9,500 25,560 11,620 2,120 40 540 52,180 wo 700 1,520 7,240 20,520 9,980 1,920 40 140 59.440 40 8o 60 200 820 3,620 2,500 780 11.3 17,8 25.1 R A1I Ia 40 640 1,520 6,420 16,700 7,480 1,140 40 120 32.980 160 240 880 2,260 3,040 1,640 200 12.740 80 700 1,520 7,180 20,280 9,900 1,900 40 140 39.420 140 500 1,560 2,680 740 100 20 5,560 40 160 30 1,360 5,140 1,280 180 - 6.200 140 260 1,660 3,860 1,560 500 60 7.800 220 580 1,800 6,260 5,240 520 680 11.720 20 40 180 640 3,800 2,420 560 40 a SA 40 160 540 640 240 - .BA 180 240 880 2,3820 3,080 1,720 220 200 12.700 16, 52 20.23 25.67 ...... 440 540 60 - 280 100 540 60 40 80 60 80 20 100 - ...... 1,400 960 140 - 820 440 960 220 240 100 240 80 80 440 - 3,080 2,00 160 7. 2,140 780 2,300 380 500 420 800 100 00 780 17.71 ...... 11,3540 7,840 820 10.5 7,020 3,500 7,840 1,680 1,40 1,420 2,220 980 120 3,500 17.39 17,480 13,840 1,700 12.5 12,140 5,640 15,860 1,940 2,3520 220 0 4,10 2,580 540 5,620 19.62 ...... 14,140 10,900 2,460 22.6 8,440 3,240 10,880 1,020 1,520 2,080 3,420 2,460 580 35,260 22.48 3,460 2,740 1,020 37.2 1,720 720 2,740 240 500 380 760 760 300 720 25.42 e...... 300 260 80 180 40 260 - 20 20 60 60 100 40 - 540 260 20 - 240 280 240 20 40 80 40 40 20 300 - 81,720 58.860 7,660 15.0 51.200 22,860 58.820 6.760 10.740 10.160 17,880 11.060 2,220 221900 20.48 ... . 680 400 20 - 380 280 400 60 60 100 120 40 20 280 - 2,740 1,860 120 - , 1,740 880 1,880 500 400 420 480 260 20 860 6,780 4,660 360 7.7 4,300 2,120 4,680 800 1,000 960 1,360 440 120 2,100 17.531 21,100 14,560 1,260 8.8 13,100 6,740 14,580 1,800 3,520 2,280 4,460 1,880 440 6,780 18.60 ...... 36,480 20,260 2,280 11.3 17,980 6,220 20,220 2,260 3,4 ,80 0 3,8 600 ,00 4,060 520 6,260 0.40 17,960 13,300 2,420 18,2 10,880 4,660 13,260 1,140 1,960 1,860 4,520 3,240 740 4,700 25.37 3,480 2,460 660 26.8 1,800 1,020 2,460 320 160 480 700 660 140 1,020 235.36 e ..... 1,460 1,120 500 - 620 3540 1,120 40 80 140 200 460 200 40 - 1,040 440 40 - 400 600 420 40 80 100 160 8 20 620 - 147,620 106,840 12,520 11.5 94,520 40,780 106.580 12.640 17.80 19,580 352,400 19,720 4,380 41,040 20.49 1,660 1,140 140 - 1,000 520 1,120 220 220 360 280 40 - 540 - 8,040 5,660 320 5.7 5,340 2,380 5,660 960 1,180 940 1,920 460 200 2,380 18.17 ...... 18,200 13,540 900 6.6 12,640 4,660 15,540 1,920 2,940 2,660 4,060 1,640 520 4,660 18.09 45,300 52,180 2,500 7.8 29,680 15,120 52,080 4,480 5,900 6,880 8,940 4,840 1,040 15,220 18.61 39,520 29,340 35,00 11.2 26,040 10,180 29,280 5,120 4,880 4,960 9,940 5,420 960 10,240 21.19 23,500 17,580 3,040 17.5 14,540 6,120 17,340 1,380 2,080 2,780 5,300 4,660 1,140 6,160 24.08 6,880 5,020 1,380 27.5 5,640 1,860 4,980 440 560 800 1,500 1,700 380 1,900 26.35 e...... 2,820 1,980 700 - 1,280 840 1,980 60 160 80 520 840 320 840 - ...... 1,700 600 40 - 560 1,100 600 60 140 120 140 120 20 1,100 - 1435,940 110.300 135800 12.5 96.500 33.640 109.980 11,420 16.720 19,820 32,980 235,820 5,220 33,1960 2.65 ... 1,880 1,500 100 - 1,200 560 1,500 260 260 400 240 120 20 560 .. . 11,840 8,760 560 6.4 8,200 5,080 8,760 1;540 1,700 1,740 2,900 920 160 5,080 18.55 ...... 23,420 17,820 1,240 7.0 16,580 5,600 17,680 2,500 3,280 3,660 5,100 2,800 340 5,740 18.68 ... . 48,460 37,140 3,980 10.7 355,160 11,520 57,100 4,100 5,940 6,880 11,740 7,300 1,140 11,560 20.89 ... 50,300 23,560 5,100 15.2 20,460 6,740 25,520 2,000 35,380 4,180 6,780 5,820 1,560 6,780 22.74 ..... 18,140 14,240 2,760 19.4 11,480 3,900 14,200 660 1,520 1,980 4,220 4,520 1,500 35,940 26,47 5,420 4,340 1,060 24.4 5,280 1,080 4,540 220 440 560. 1,350 1,540 420 1,080 26.49 3.... 5,000 2,440 860 55.2 1,580 560 2,400 200 80 260 500 920 440 600 52.98 ... 1,500 700 140 - 560 800 680 140 120 160 140 80 40 820 - ... . 267,780 217.720 57,860 17,4 179.860 50,060 217.140 22.640 34 220 59.350 64.680 45,020 11 200 50640 21,42 ... 6,340 5,540 400 7.5 4,940 1,000 5,540 960 1,400 1,100 1,220 640 20 1,000 15.91 ...... 57,140 30,160 2,780 9.2 27,380 6,980 50,060 4,180 6,740 5,980 8,720 3,860 580 7,080 17.94 ... 55,420 44,720 5,640 12.6 39,080 10,700 44,620 5,540 8,120 9,560 15,380 7,280 1,140 10,800 19.23 ... 91,720 75,180 12,540 16.7 62,640 16,540 75,040 7,380 11,040 13,860 25,300 15,660 5,800 16,680 21.75 40,060 32,620 7,220 22.1 25,400 7,440 32,560 5,060 4,260 5,560 9,840 8,100 1,940 7,500 23.16 ..... 22,180 18,440 5,060 27.4 13,580 5,740 18,380 980 1,580 2,280 5,560 6,040 2,140 3,800 27.62 7,500 6,120 2,540 38.2 3,780 1,580 6,040 480 440 720 -1,520 2,120 760 1,460 28.58 ...... 4,200 3,540 1,620 48.5 1,720 860 3,540 100 280 240 860 1,020 840 86 355.3.22 3,220 1,800 260 - 1,540 1,420 1,760 160 360 420 480 300 40 1,460 - 165.180 158,260 54.880 25.2 105,580 26,920 157.720 18,040 22.300 24,060 57,800 27,480 80040 27,460 20,68 ....... 7,280 6,040 900 14.9 5,140 1,240 6,020 1,220 1,620 1,120 1,560 580 120 1,260 15.26 3.. 54,440 29,000 4,780 16.5 24,220 5,440 28,940 5,000 5,866 6,360 7,560 3,580 580 5,500 17.34 34,880 28,940 6,240 21.6 22,700 5,940 28,860 3,860 5,680 5,520 8,160 4,780 1,060 6,020 19.10 52,160 45,780 11,500 26.3 52,280 8,580 45,640 5,180 5,600 7,140 12,520 10,200 3,000 8,520 22.62 17,900 15,280 5,020 52.9 10,260 2,620 15,240 1,700 1,980 2,420 4,580 5,540 1,220 2,660 22.97 9,640 8,400 5,420 40.7 4,980 1,240 8,320 480 740 1,020 2,480 2,620 980 1,5320 27.24 3,920 5,400 1,640 48.2 1,760 520 5,340 240 320 580 800 1,100 500 580 28.63 ...... 2,400 2,060 1,180 57.3 880 3540 2,060 180 180 100 300 800 500 540 Se,25 2,560 1,560 200 - 1,160 1,200 1,300 180 320 200 240 280 80 1,260 - 84,720 71.460 23.260 2 32.5 48,200 15.260 71.120 10,000 11,880 12,060 18,560 14,580 4.040 13.600 7 2057 a~u ca CCA1 A^U 2 ." " , o% M "a^ A n M .-- --- 6,860 ) 21,580 17,580 23,540 6,760 4,580 1,540 860 1,420 5, 54 17,760 14,840 20,520 6,080 5,960 1,280 780 700 1,140 4,100 4,600 7,860 2,420 1,860 720 360 200 20.6 23,1 31.0 38.3 39.8 47.0 4,400 13,660 10,240 12,660 3,660 2,100 560 420 500 1, 320 3,820 2,740 3,020 680 620 260 80 720 5,520 17,680 14,780 20,460 6,040 5,880 1,280 780 700 1,380 3,000 2,160 2,380 660 220 100 20 80 1,040 3,840 2,360 3,000 1,000 480 80 80 1,080 5,700 2,540 2,920 1,000 580 100 120 220 1,3500 4,040 4,280 5,780 1,560 820 540 140 160 580 2,800 2,960 4,920 1,260 1,280 280 380 120 140 300 680 1,520 560 500 180 120 40 1,540 3,900 2,800 3,080 720 700 260 80 720 16.07 17.20 20.74 22.87 21.81 27.55 IComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. SComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. 52 I II rl I I I - I - 1 0 I An " I **^ ^^ "" CM AA ! A Q M I1 A ^AIA~ M 1 a IWe.a- .. .- I -- e... ... TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 53 Table 10.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME IDNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HONE Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes Rental Median COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure rental Total t Percent Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to 30 to not rale- reporting Number ofto- rented ported reporting $10 $14 $19 29 $49 and orted ar Nbertal re- homes over lars) porting THE SOUTH Urban and Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 1,826,560 1,594.900 440,820 27,6 1,154.080 251.460 1.589.660 5123,200 299,060 114,240 95,860 49,960 17,540 256,700 7.54 18 and 19 years old .............. 120,920 105,460 28,800 27,5 76,660 15,460 105,260 70.080 19,580 6,600 5,460- 2,780 700 15,660 7.01 No school years completed......... 1,920 1,640 260 - 1,580 280 1,640 1,440 100 20 40 20 20 280 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 15,000 10,980 1,700 15.5 9,280 24020 10,900 9,520 1,140 200 120 100 20 2,100 5.55 5 and 6 years ........ 21,080 18,440 5, 0 19.2 14,900 2,640 18,480 14,880 2,240 820 400 140 - 2,600 5.71 7 and 8 years ........ 28,520 24,640 5,080 20.6 19,560 5,880 24,620 17,540 4,740 1,220 600 420 100 5,900 6.52 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 55,200 51,260 9,220 29.5 22,040 3,940 51,200 18,420 7,600 2,180 1,820 1,020 160 4,000 7.97 4 years ............. 14,860 135,040 5,760 44.2 7,280 1,820 13,000 6,200 2,940 1,540 1,540 620 160 1,860 10.01 College: 1 to 3 years ......... . 5,140 4,580 5,040 66.4 1,540 560 4,560 1,640 760 640 880 420 220 580 15.71 4 years or more...... 140 140 40 - 100 - 140 60 - - 60 20 - - - Not reported ................ .... . 1,060 740 160 - 580 320 720 580 60 40 - 20 20 540 - 20 and 21 years old.............. 120,520 101,260 22,740 22.5 78.520 19.260 100,860 69,500 16,820 6,200 5,000 2,540 800 19,660 6.76 No school years completed ........ 2,140 1,680 260 - 1,420 460 1,660 1,500 140 - 20 - - 480 Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . ..... 17,460 14,860 1,640 11.0 15,220 2,600 14,860 15,180 1,280 220 140 60 - 2,600 5.15 5 and 6 years........ 24,140 19,980 2,640 15.2 17,540 4,160 19,900 15,780 2,700 780 540 80 20 4,240 5.81 7 and 8 years........ 27,580 22,900 5,940 17.2 18,960 4,680 22,760 16,600 5,920 1,140 780 500 20 4,820 6.56 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 26,120 22,260 5,700 25.6 16,560 3,860 22,240 13,480 4,700 1,780 1,480 740 60 5,880 7.75 4 years ............. 15,560 15,540 5,020 37.6 8,520 2,020 15,240 6,700 2,940 1,500 1,200 660 240 2,120 9,58 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,540 4,720 2,880 61.0 1,840 820 4,700 1,720 920 480 620 620 540 840 12.92 4 years or more...... 1,240 1,000 600 - 400 240 1,000 180 180 240 220 80 100 240 - Not reported................ ..... 940 520 60 - 460 420 500 580 40 80 - - 20 440 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 184,500 151,620 29,800 19.7 121.820 52.880 150,980 105,.440 26.100 8,940 7,560 5,960 980 55,520 6.80 No school years completed ......... 5,880 5,020 420 15.9 2,600 860 5,020 2,720 180 100 20 - - 860 5.05 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 29,820 25,020 2,720 10.9 22,500 4,800. 24,860 21,000 2,760 560 540 140 60 4,960 5.42 5 and 6 years........ 58,880 32,540. 4,240 13.0 28,500 6,540 52,580 25,240 4,540 1,4000 0 0 560 40 6;500 5.91 7 and 8 years........ 44,640 36,760 6,260 17.0 50,500 7,880 36,660 25,680 6,620 2,020 1,540 660 140 7,980 6.64 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 54,700 28,480 5,640 19.8 22,840 6,220 28,560 17,280 6,560 1,980 1,520 760 260 8,540 7.71 4 years ............. 19,240 15,760 5,280 535.5 10,480 5,480 15,700 7,540 5,600 1,760 1,820 1,020 160 5,540 10.21 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,580 6,360 5,160 49.7 5,200 1,220 6,320 2,620 1,500 860 900 500 140 1,260 11.58 4 years or more ...... 3,940 2,680 1,920 71.6 760 1,260 2,680 740 460 240 560 500 180 1,260 17.42 Not reported ...................... 1,820 1,000 160 - 840 820 1,000 820 80 20 60 20 - 820 - 25 to 29 years old ............... 305.680 255.120 47.820 18.7 207.300 48.560 254.580 169.260 46.820 16,920 12,780 6,700 1.900 49,500 7.01 No school years completed ......... 7,640 6,460 720 11.1 5,740 1,180 6,440 5,560 740 120 160 60 - 1,200 5.51 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 57,200 48,940 5,260 10.7 45,680 8,260 48,920 59,820 6,120 1,640 1,100 200 40 8,280 5.64 5 and 6 years........ 70,480 59,580 8,540 14.5 51,040 10,900 59,580 45,920 9,980 2,620 2,160 500 200 11,100 6.26 7 and 8 years ........ 76,580 64,180 11,040 17.2 55,140 12,400 65,920 41,220 15,440 4,520 5,100 1,600 240 12,660 7.25 High school: 1 to 3 years .....;... 49,220 41,760 8,480 20.5 55,280 7,460 41,720 24,520 9,040 5,480 2,580 1,620 480 7,500 8,01 4 years ............. 25,400 19,540 6,760 54.6 12,780 5,860 19,500 8,900 4,460 2,460 1,920 1,560 400 3,900 10.45 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 10,200 8,300 4,080 49.2 4,220 1,900 8,240 5,520 2,020 1,180 880 540 .100 1,960 10.99 4 years or more...... 6,520 4,780 2,640 55.2 2,140 1,540 4,740 960 800 980 820 760 420 1,580 17.61 Not reported .:................... 2, 640 1,580 300 - 1,280 1,060 1,520 1,040 220 120 60 60 20 1,120 30 to 34 years old............... 250,720 217,120 48,520 22.3 168.600 33.600 216.480 155,920 42,940 .15,700 15,160 6,500 2,260 54,240 7.46 No school years completed ......... 9,020 7,580 1,280 16.9 6,500 1,440 7,580 6,420 740 240 160 20 - 1,440 5.40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 56,060 48,780 6,840 14.0 41,940 7,280 48,660 38,440 7,100 1,820 1,040 200 80 7,400 5.85 5 and 6 years........ 62,220 53,880 9,420 17.5 44,460 8,540 55,780 56,160 11,100 5,520 2,120 880 200 8,440 6.94 7 and 8 years........ 60,540 52,460 11,180 21.5 41,280 7,880 52,260 50,340 12,060 4,500 5,480 1,760 520 8,080 8.11 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 52,620 28,660 7,960 27.8 20,700 3,960 28,620 14,920 6,200 2,900 2,640 1,480 480 4,000 9.09 4 years ............. 15,900 12,220 4,740 58.8 7,480 1,680 12,140 5,040 2,980 1,540 1,800 880 500 1,760 11.23 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,840 6,900 5,840 55.7 5,060 940 6,880 2,640 1,560 900 940 460 580 960 12.06 S4 years or more ...... 5,760 4,580 2,880 62.9 1,700 1,180 4,520 820 700 680 1,060 760 500 1,240 20.07 Not reported ..................... 2,960 2,060 380 18.4 1,680 900 2,040 1,140 500 200 120 60 20 920 8.45 35 to 44 years old ............... 456,880 390,360 112,980 28.9 277,580 46,520 588.800 255.520 79,720 51,520 25,900 12,460 4,080 48,080 7.76 No school years completed .-........ 25,940 25,080 4,220 18.5 18,860 2,860 23,000 18,160 5,400 800 440 140 60 2,940 5.85 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 126,940 114,220 25,520 22.2 88,900 12,720 115,920 83,000 19,320 5,900 4,220 1,100 380 15,020 6.56 5 and 6 years........ 112,920 100,840 25,580 25.4 75,260 12,080 100,420 61,740 22,060 8,100 5,880 2,260 380 12,500 7.65 7 and 8 years ........ 91,5320 81,3500 25,180 351.0 56,120 10,020 80,900 42,460 19,160 8,520 6,800 5,100 860 10,420 9.03 High school: 1 to 3 years........... 40,120 56,500 14,560 59,5 22,140 5,620 56,420 17,700 8,680 5,660 3,500 2,260 620 5,700 9.79 4 years ............ 17,460 16,020 7,760 48.4 8,260 1,440 15,920 5,740 5,520 2,000 2,280 1,620 760 1,540 12.65 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 10,120 9,040 5,560 61.5 5,480 1,080 9,020 2,740 1,900 1,520 1,460 1,060 540 1,100 14.16 4 years or more..... 6,540 5,560 5,820 68.7 1,740 780 5,520 1,400 1,040 640 1,160 840 440 820 17.00 Not reported...................... 5,720 5,800 1,180 51.1 2,620 1,920 5,680 2,580 640 580 160 . 80 40 2,040 7.25 45 to 54 years old. ............. 267,520 245,880 91,220 574 152,660 25,440 245,200 148,00 44,460 19,460 17,420 9,720 4,080 24,120 7.71 No school years completed ......... 28,520 25,640 6,480 25.53 19,160 2;880 25,540 20,260 5,3560 840 540 480 60 2,980 5.80 Grade scliool: 1 to 4 years ......... 94,200 86,580 27,060 51.5 59,520 7,620 86,580 60,3520 15,180 4,880 4,400 1,460 540 7,620 6,68 5 and 6 years........ 62,160 57,000 20,980 56.8 56,020 5,160 56,660 54,060 11,100 5,000 4,140 1,920 440 5,500 7.82 7 and 8 years........ 45,860 40,060 17,1i0 42.8 22,900 5,800 59,900 20,040 7,940 4,440 4,020 2,400 1,060 5,960 9.46 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 15,980 14,940 7,400 49.5 7,540 1,040 14,920 6,740 5,160 1,660 1,620 1,520 420 1,060 10.64 4 years .............. 8,600 7,780 4,920 65.2 2,860 820 7,780 2,560 1,620 1,200 1,100 880 620 820 14.22 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 5,900 5,480 5,860 70.4 1,620 420 5,460 1,540 940 760 920 800 500 440 16.14 4 years or more ...... 5,420 3,120 2,300 75.7 820 300 5,120 560 460 480 560 440 620 500 20.57 Not reported. .................... . 4,680 5,280 1,060 32.5 2,220 1,400 5,240 2,180 700 200 120 20 20 1,440 6.98 55 to 64 years old ............... 141,820 130.080 58.940 45.5 71,140 11,740 1j29,7001 .81,620 22,620 9,040 8,580 5,300 2,540 12,120 7.45 No school years completed ......... 25,600 21,500 7,740 36.0 13,760 2,100 21,460 16,720 2,960 880 600 220 80 2,140 5.92 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 54,520 50,120 19,900 39,7 30,220 4,400 50,000 35,140 8,400 2,520 2,260 1,400 280 4,520 6.61 5 and 6 years...:.... 28,640 26,700 12,720 47.6 13,980 1,940 26,580 15,100 5,360 2,420 2,080 1,80 240 2,060 8.30 7 and 8 years........ 18,600 17,480 9,280 53.0 8,220 1,120 17,400 8,740 3,300 1,720 1,700 1,100 840 1,200 9.45 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,280 5,860 5,640 62.1 2,220 420 5,840 2,600 1,000 600 820 440 380 440 11.10 4 years ............. 3,480 3,060 1,980 64.7 1,080 420 3,060 1,160 620 340 480 280 180 420 12.48 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,440 2,260 1,880 82.3 400 180 2,240 600 480 200 400 220 540 200 15.50 4 years or more...... 1,10 1,100 920 - 180 60 1,120 140 260 160 80 200 180 40 - Not reported ..................... 3,100 2,000 920 46,0 1,080 1,100 2,000 1,420' 240 200 60 60 20 1,100 6.54 ICosprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households, aComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. EDUCATION Table 10.-TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME E)NTILT RENTAL VALUE OF HME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, EARS OF SCHO, Total In owned homes Tenure Rental tal COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenurevalue Tot Percent In not re- ted ported reporting $10der $10 t $15 o $20 to $40 o $0 orted reporting ot ren ported reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 an porteds tal re- porting THE .80UTH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .. 5 and 6 years .... 7 and8 years .... High school: i to 3 years ..... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .... ........... 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: i to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ..... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .. .......... ... . 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College; 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. . Not reported.............. 25 to 29 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .:.. 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High schobl: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... . 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old ........ .. No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 1 e. 11an 1107n n 112s.n540 24 1 R_ a I17R_11 I1.inO.Am 11586.620 282.280 104.740 89.180 I 47.24 Il16s801o in1_ldol 94 .L A.04 s V 11 1 1V / WW ' - 1 I I~ m o 81i- - - 4 -i 4 -h- * - - - .r 4 80 200 Rn 7m II 16R R6 52 10Y I _ iani ana0II 57680 116540 I 6.020 I 5.100I 2.700I 60nl 11.5801 8.61 .... 920 760 140 - 620 160 760 600 60 20 40 20 20 160 - .... 6300 5,040 560 11.1 4,480 1,260 , 5,020 3,780 860 200 100 80 - 1,280 6.14 ... 12,080 10,340 1,340 13.0 9,000 1,740 10,580 7,240 1,880 780 340 140 - 1,700 6.67 18,220 15,24C 2,160 14.2 15,080 2,980 15,280 9,020 4,080 1,140 560 420 80 2,940 7.97 .... 25,920 22,840 5,640 24.7 17,200 5,080 22,740 11,640 6,360 1,960 1,680 960 140 3,180 9.27 .... 11,880 10,280 4,200 40.9 6,080 1,600 10,240 4,000 2,620 1,340 1,500 620 160 1,640 11.64 ... 4,160 3,680 2,480 67.4 1,200 480 3,660 1,020 640 560 820 420 200 500 16.02 120 120 20 - 100 - 120 40 - - 60 20 - - - 600 440 100 - 340 160 420 320 40 20 - 0 20 20 80 - ... 80,840 65.820 12,640 19,2 53.180 15.020 65.760 37.580 -14840 5,700 4,620 2,280 740 15,080oeo 8.25 1,220 860 100 - 760 560 860 700 140 - 20 - - 560 - 9,580 7,860 460 5.9 7,400 1,720 7,860 6,220 1,220 220 140 60 - 1,720 5.82 14,800 11,660 1,120 9.6 10,540 5,140 11,680 7,960 2,360 760 -500 80 20 3,120 6.84 .... 18,220 14,340 1,580 11.0 12,760 3,880 14,360 8,800 3,540 1,000 720 300 3,860 7.66 19,320 16,200 5,260 20.1 12,940 3,120 16,180 8)420 4,100 1,660 1,520 640 40 3,140 9.11 11,860 10,080 3,400 355.7 6,680 1,780 10,020 4,120 2;600 1,340 1,140 600 220 1,840 11.21 . 4,300 3,720 2,240 60.2 1,480 580 3,700 1,100 720 460 580 520 540 600 14.83 1,020 800 440 - 560 220 800 80 120 200 220 80 100 220 - .... 520 300 40 - 260 220 300 180 40 60 - - 20 220 - 125.700 100.260 16.700 16,7 853.5 0 25.440 100,020 57.180 22.840 8.260 7,040 3.800 900 25,680 8,25 1,840 1,340 100 - 1,240 500 1,340 1,180 80 80 20 - - 500 17,800 14,440 1,020 7.1 15,420 3,360 14,440 11,100 2,400 460 520 120 40 3,360 6.00 24,760 19,820 1,560 7.9 18,260 4,940 19,820 15,400 3,940 1,540 740 360 40 4,940 6.90 . 0,340 24,060 5,180 13.2 20,880 6,280 23,980 14,060 5,860 1,900 1,420 640 100 6,360 8.03 25,500 20,380 3,220 15.8 17,160 5,120 20,280 10,180 -4,800 1,840 1,460 760 240 5,220 9.46 15,460 12,460 3,580 28.7 8,880 5,000 12,420 4,800 3,160 1,620 1,720 960 160 3,040 11.73 . 5,840 4,900 2,520 47.3 2,580 940 4,880 1,580 1,100 800 800 460 140 960 13.41 . 3,000 2,240 1,640 735.2 600 760 2,240 440 420 200 520 480 180 760 20.65 .... 1,160 620 80 - 540 540 620 460 80 20 40 20 - 540 - . 215,860 177.480 27.480 15,5 150,00 ' 3 0380 177,380 1,460 41,560 15,440 11,780 6,320 1,820 1 8,40 8.33 4,260 35,980 48,800 55,3540 38,140 19,140 7,680 5,040 1,480 180.960 5,180 36,760 44,600 44,560 25,700 11,520 5,940 4,700 2,000 317.060 15,240 86,660 81,540 70,160 31,300 14,860 8,220 5,400 3,680 190.080 17,080 62,740 45,180 34,540 12,480 7,420 4,90 2,920 2,800 94.860 13,480 56,060 20,380 15,500 4,860 2,840 1,860 1,020 1,860 3,500 50,020 40,020 44,820 51,720 16,000 6,580 4,020 1,000 154.920 4,400 31,560 57,780 58,100 22,280 10,080 5,360 5,780 1,580 281.560 13,620 77,100 71,960 61,760 28,340 15,660 7,360 4,820 2,740 1, ArM 15,360 57,220 40,800 31,400 11,580 6,680 4,580 2,680 2,180 86.380 12,200 31,800 18,820 12,560 4,480 2,540 1,740 980 1,260 300 2,080 3,900 5,340 5,520 5,100 2,980 2,280 180 29.100 540 3,180 4,660 6,040 5,380 3,600 3,060 2,360 280 70.580 1,880 12,820 14,480 16,160 10,180 6,480 4,520 5,300 760 57.980 3,200 14,600 12,200 12,440 5,400 4,300 3,180 1,980 680 35.420 5,600 10,840 8,020 6,000 2,660 1,00 1,580 800 520 8.6 6.9 9.7 11.9 16.8 51.9 46.7 56.7 18.8 12.5 10.1 12.3 15.9 24.1 55.7 57.1 62.4 13.8 16.6 20.1 26.2 835.9 47.4 61.4 68.5 27.7 ** * a 20.8 25.5 29.9 59.6 46.6 64.4 69.4 73.9 51.2 41_0 sew w,5 29.5 34.1 42.6 47.8 59.4 63,0 3,200 27,940 36,120 39,480 26,400 10,900 3,400 1,740 820 125.820 3,860 28,580 355,120 32,060 16,900 6,480 2,300 1,420 1,500 slo.7 11,740 64,280 57,480 45,600 18,160 7,180 2,840 1,520 1,980 114. 500 12,160 42,620 28,600 18,960 6,180 2,580 1,400 700 1,500 S0.960 8,600 20,960 10,800 6,560 1,820 940 360 180 740 760 5,960 8,780 10,520 6,420 3,140 1,300 1,020 480 26.040 780 5,200 6,820 6,460 3,420 1,440 580 920 420 35.700 1,620 9,560 9,580 '8,400 2,960 1,200 860 580 940 17.600 1,720 5,520 4,380 3,140 900 740 540 240 620 8.480 1,280 5,260 1,560 940 3860 300 120 40 600 3,500 30,120 40,000 44,780 51,700 15,980 6,320- 5,980 1,000 154.680 4,400 51,600 57,760 37,980 22,260 10,000 5,340 3,760 1,560 tun s M 13,620 76,960 71,680 61,600 28,280 13,580 7,340 4,780 2,720 1 1 eAn 15,340 57,220 40,620 51,280 11,580 6,680 4,580 2,680 2,180 86.280 12,200 31,800 18,760 12,500 4,480 2,540 1,720 1,000 1,260 2,580 22,040 26,040 24,400 15,780 6,340 2,080 680 520 81.100 3,380 22,240 21,660 18,140 9,580 3,280 1,620 460 740 114. 38 9,560 49,300 36,680 26,120 11,160 4,200 1,780 1,040 1,520 86.260 10,640 33,720 20,260 12,980 4,320 1,700 1,060 360 1,220 44.020 8,200 18,460 8;690 4,940 1,520 920 400 140 760 600 5,420 8,820 11,820 8,280 5,920 1,820 660 220 58.440 600 6,460 9,960 10,720 5,620 2,800 1,280 540 460 70.200 2,760 16,780 19,480 17,50 7,700 5,100 1,580 860 580 58,740 2,880 15,460 9,560 7,000 2,640 1,420 800 380 600 19.120 2,400 7,320 4,660 2,660 860 480 340 220 180 100 1,540 2,480 4,000o 5,220 2,140 1,000 880 120 14.400 240 1,660 3,120 3,840 2,740 1,260 740 620 180 28.920 680 5,440 7,680 7,860 3,360 1,840 1,160 560 340 17,960 800 4,360 4,640 4,240 1,560 1,080 660 420 200 * ^^^ 720 2,3540 2,120 1,520 540 280 200 140 180 160 980 2,000 2,880 2,420 1,840 780 680 60 12.420 160 1,000 2,020 3,320 2,440 1,520 880 960 120 24.200 420 4,060 5,520 6,460 5,20 2,120 1,320 1,080 160 16,280 520 4,020 5,900 5,800 1,480 1,060 840 540 120 7.740 580 2,100 1,80a 1,500 760 460 320 160 60 60 140 480 1,460 1,540 1,560 540 680 60 6.160 20 180 840 1,680 1,400 840 460 380 0 11.980 140 1,040 2,160 2,980 2,200 1,580 1,000 800 80 9.080 I -- ,r - . � . � - - I I v -. - 440 1,380 1,840 2,240 1,200 800 740 420 20 a son 220 1,300 1,280 1,040 420 220 200 180 60 20 200 220 40 380 100 420 20 2.140 60 160 280 480 500 300 360 500 3.900 60 340 360 820 600 740 500 440 40 3-840 60 280 420 1,020 580 620 480 560 20 2.420 80 280 220 840 380 180 260 160 20 760 5,860 8,800 10,560 6,440 5,160 1,360 1,060 480 26.800 780 5,160 6,840 6,580 3,440 1,520 600 940 440 36.500 ,-- " � �~ - . � - - � .. . . .18 8 . 6 2 1,620 9,700 9,880 8,560 3,020 1,28Q 880 620 980 17_ 920 1,740 5,520 4,580 3,260 900 740 540 240 620 8.600 . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .0 -- -- - 8- 4--- 1,260 5,280 1,620 1,000 380 300 140 20 600 6.28 6.533 7,.18 8.68 9.54 11.60 12.47 18.28 9.04 6.01 6.60 8.22 9.90 10.88 12.57 13.60 22.21 9.42 6.62 7.51 9.27 10,85 11.44 13.68 15.84 18,88 8.45 9 4R 6.71 7.98 9.53 11.40 12.28 15.52 17.76 22,85 8.45 9_IR) 6.94 8.11 10.25 11.96 13.69 15.15 'Coprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. sComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and al persons not in private households. 54 I is it - - - --- 2 1 --p - - - a - li - -- - - - , -- - F - - I - i - - - i --r-- -. . I . - - l - - T T T T T T I I I w w - w T ir T T I II r- ww I I -T T T T I ... i 24 2 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 55 Table 10.-TENURE AND MONTHLY REJTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent and median not shown where base is less than 2,000) TENURE OF HOME MDNTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Reporting tenure Reporting rental value AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total In owned homes TenuRentalMedian COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure r e rental Total Percent n not re- Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 toat re- (dol- Numbergtal re-$hou$e9over lars) porting THE SOUTH--Oatinued Rural-nonfara Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old............ No school-years completed... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... . 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ... . ........... . . 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ...................... 22 to 24 years old............ . No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years.... . 7 and 8 years .... . High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ........... ... ..... 25 to 29 years old ............ . No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ... ..... 4 years or more...... Not reported. .................. 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ............... .... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... . Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 40.720 1 1,000 6,700 9,000 10,300 9,280 2,980 980 20 460 39.680 920 7,880 9,340 9,380 6,800 3,500 1,240 220 420 58.800 2,040 12,020 14,120 14,300 9,200 3,780 1,740 940 660 87.820 3,580 21,220 21,680 21,240 11,080 4,260 2,520 1,280 1,160 69.760 5,840 19,300 17,620 15,780 6,920 2,380 1,900 1,060 960 36.720 11 12.160 5533.1 24,560 I 4,000 5 36,640 880 5,940 8,100 9,400 8,420 2,760 900 20 300 35,440 820 7,000 8,320 8,560 6,060 3,260- 1,000 200 220 51.3560 1,680 10,580 12,720 12,700 8,100 3,300 1,460 440 380 77.640 2,960 18,920 19,560 19,560 10,040, 5,540 1,920 760 580 62,200 3,180 17,220 16,100 14,560 6,380 2,140 1,540 800 480 120 1,140 2,200 2,920 3,580 1,560 560 20 60 10.100 160 1,180 1,520 2,560 2,440 1,620 640 160 S20 153.100 320 1,700 2,680 3,080 2,420 1,700 840 280 80 20.340 420 5,180 4,640 5,700 5,160 1,660 1,100 360 120 19.420 740 3,660 4,760 5,140 2,580 1,140 780 520 100 19.2 27.2 31.1 42.5 56.5 28.5 16,9 18.53 27.6 40.5 49.7 25.5 16.1 21.1 24.5 29.9 51.5 26.2 14.2 16.8 23.7 29.4 51.5 46.9 31.2 25.5 21,5 29.6 35.8 40.4 53.5 760 4,800 5,900 6,480 4,840 1,200 340 240 25.540 660 5,820 6,800 6,200 5,620 1,640 560 40 200 38.260 1,360 8,880 10,040 9,620 5,680 1,600 620 160 300 57.500 2 420, 2,94 2,540 15,740 14,920 13,660 6,880 1,880 820 400 460 42,780 I , -- - i ----6 - 3- - 2,440 15,560 11,340 9,220 5,800 1,000 760 280 380 119-.820 1109.000 1142.4001 38.9 1 66,600 10,700 40;280 31,380 21,160 8,820 2,600 1,900 940- 2,040 In on 9,460 37,120 28,880 19,540 8,160 2,360 1,680 740 1,060 2,340 12,500 11,100 9,020 4,180 1,280 1,040 520 420 4An 24.7 33.7 38.4 46.2 51.2 54.2 -R 7,120 24,620 17,780 10,520 3,980 1,080 640 220 640 58 16n 120 760 900 900 860 220 80 160 4,240 100 880 1,028 800 740 240 240 20 200 7.440 360 1,440 1,400 1,600 1,100 480 280 500 280 10.180 420 2,500 2,120 1,880 1,040 720 600 520 580 7,560 660 2,080 1,520 1,420 540 240 360 260 480 10820. 1 ,40 - - - 1,240 3,160 2,500 1,620 660 240 220 200 980 S 840 880 5,880 8,100 9,540 8,460 2,760 900 20 300 35,100 S- 800 7,000 8,220 8,400 6,060 3,220 1,000 200 200 50,960 1,680 10,420 12,560 12,680 8,080 5,280 1,440 440 580 77,000 2,940 18,800 19,580 19,140 10,020 3,520 1,920 760 520 61,820 5,180 17,060 16,020 14,280 6,360 2,140 1,540 760 480 108,240 9,380 36,960 28,740 19,50c 8,14( 2,54C 1,68C 74( 96C 71 _04 42 3 4 1 1 6 1 ) 4 0 ] ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,580 536,780 2 420 3,040 840 5,540 7,640 8,520 6,780 2,200 620 20 260 1 _920 .-,--f - l%. .. ..._ 800 6,940 7,820 7,800 5,080 2,580 620 100 200. L6 2I0 40 280 360 60 1,240 520 120 20 1.080 60 540 380 600 340 200 60 3 _80 9.500 6.680 5601 80 40 80 220 200 80 20 500 20 60 40 140 40 60 380 20 60 20 8 I 5_5601 5.16 100I 4.080 5.15 20 40 20 20 20 S . -- 120 820 900 960 820 220 80 160 4.580 20 140 120 160 20. 40 880 40 60 160 60 60 520 100 60 100 160 20 20 20 80 120 880 1,120 960 740 280 240 20 220 7_840 4.81 4.80 4.98 5.74 5.77 5.00 4.54 4.76 4.88 5.49' 5.74 5.01 Va, 1S 6 % , wvw 1 %go 1 d6% % 1 - .-- 1,560 9,900 .1,840 11,620 7,100 2,540 1,040 300 360 68.800 vv1 o 9:; 1 ywA w I w 1 ,2 v 2,780 14 2,780 17,780 17,880 16,820 8,740 2,560 1,440 280 520 54,820 3,4 5,040 16,200 14,500 12,200 5,340 1,760 1,020 560 400 "5 080 --- + - - =- i.I 8,600 55,700 25,060 16,540 6,540 1,540 960 360 860 R61 800 100 560 600 760 760 440 200 40 -.280 140 700 1,160 1,620 760 540 200 140 4,500 140 640 1,140 1,340 580 180 280 160 40 9 520 640 2,540 2,580 1,800 980 420 320 180 60 5 720 20 100 60 120 140 140 60 40 1.480 20 100 160 520 260 320 180 120 1.500 20 60 120 .60 100 100 40 20 1 000 140 160 220 160 80 100 140 740 20 20 80 60 40 20 380 20 40 20 80 560 1,600 1,560 1,620 1,120 500 300 500 280 10 820 4,76 4.80 4.96 5.19 5.96 5 10 60 20 140 80 80 340 20 20 20 20 120 440 2,420 2,300 2,100 1,060 740 600 520 640 7.940 4.79 4.79 4.92 5.19 5.25 6.58 5.14 ,4 - 160 200 460 160 80 160 60 20 2.400 40 100 160 200 80 60 100 1.700 120 460 420 660 100 160 160 80 40 1_$oO) 20 160 560 540 240 160 140 80 1-140 20 40 80 80 40 80 480 60 100 120 60 40 60 40 640 40 40 20 20 180 40 20 40 20 20 40 -4 660 2,240 1,600 1,500 560 240 360 300 480 11,580 1,320 3,320 2,640 1,860 680 260 220 200 1,080 a s 4.75 4.77 5.02 5.55 5.46 5.58 5,26 4.95 4.98 5.23 5.41 5.72 7.10 5 25 017 40 71,.W 33oo,4U 0 04 /a, 4iW . .,r-.-- 11,440 10,280 5,280 31.9 7,000 1,160 10,200 9,620 480 40 20 40 - 1,240 4.80 31,460 29,560 12,460 42.4 16,900 2,100 29,360 26,600 1,720 520 380 80 60 2,100 5.02 16,980 16,200 8,780 54.2 7,420 780 16,040 15,800 1,540 360 240 80 - 20 940 5.31 9,320 8,660 4,720 54.5 3,940 660 8,620 7,060 940 200 220 160 40 700 5.60 5,500 3,560 2,000 59.5 1,3560 140 5,540 2,420 520 100 140 120 40 160 6.40 1,180 1,100 620 - 480 80 1,100 660 200 120 40 80 - 80 980 900 680 - 220 80 880 480 140 100 80 60 20 100 500 440 320 - 120 60 440 200 80 60 20 20 60 60 - 1,880 1,100 380 - 720 780 1,060 960 100 - - - - 820 - 46,960 45.700 23,520 55,8 20,180 3,260 43,440 57,600 5,500 1.000 840 380 120 5520 5.28 10,120 19,460 8,260 5,100 1,420 640 580 140 1,240 9,500 18,320 7,880 4,920 1,580 520 520 120 740 4,140 9,060 4,700 3,260 980 580 480 120 400 44.5 49.5 59.6 66.35 5,160 9,260 3,180 1,660 400 140 40 340 820 1,140 380 180 40 120 60 20 500 9,260 18,200 7,820 4,900 1,360 520 520 120 740 8,520 16,680 6,420 3,800 1,080 240 200 660 560 1,080 700 640 140 140 140 40 60 180 180 300 200 60 60 20 20 20 160 100 280 100 200 60 60 20 20 60 80 20 20 20 -_- 20 80 20 860 1,260 440 200 60 120 60 20 500 4.95 4.96 5.59 5.95 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household- head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. sComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head,and all persons not in private households. Iv v M2 - ' ' -- 7 w -- v e ,, , , , - I _ - o IL --r ... . H.. I I L PL III 11I I - . ,~ ,- - 1 I I 1 iiI 1 11 I L 1 i III II I I I I I IL ItI 11I i _w s i I .i 4687,801117280 1 55.8 1 31.180 1.55,540 484 , 240 EDUCATION Table 11.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FARM NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YAR OF SCHOOL In owned homes Tenure In owned homee COMPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent In not Total otal Peroent In not eotift rented reportedotr orented reported1 reporting umber oftotal homes repted reporting Number o total homes report- report- ing " ing UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed. .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 yeafs .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ... . . College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: -1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. .. 30 to 34 years old .... ..... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more . Not reported .............. 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and .6 years... 7 and.8 years... High school: I to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ .... 575640 480 8318.200 59.2 219 .280 8 8.160 479.180 460.660 249.740 54, 210,920 18,520 5,600 4,720 1,740 36.9 2,980 880 3,920 8,560 1,380 38.8 2,180 860 37,000 34,180 12,140 35.5 22,040 , 2,820 17,660 16,840 4,780 28.4 12,060 820 54,520 51,280 21,980 42.9 29,300 3,240 33,640 82,400 10,220 31.5 22,180 1,840 171,420 155,280 88,820 57.2 66,460 16,140 116,000 110,740 52,580 47.5 58,160 5,260 170,780 162,000 101,880 62.9 60,120 8,780 143,680 138,820 74,720 53.8 64,100 4,860 114,760 109,620 76,320 69.6 33,300 5,140 132,880 128,160 82,680 64.5 45,480 4,720 18,400 i7,860 18,980 78.3 3,880 540 28,760 27,800 21,880 78.7 5,920 960 320 300 220 - 80 20 540 520 440 - 80 80 2,840 2,240 1,120 50.0 1,120 600 2,100 1,820 1,060 - 760 880 . 504,740 461,000 266,680 57.8 194,380 43,740 396,960 878 740 188,420 49.7 190,320 182280 6,160 5,320 2,040 38.3 3,280 840 3,620 3,160 1,020 32.3 2,140 460 31,660 29,040 9,820 32.1 19,720 2,620 15,660 15,100 3,760 24.9 11,340 560 46,420 42,360 17,220 40.7 25,140 4,060 29,720 28,900 8,580 29.7 20,320 820 162,000 143,460 79,740 55.6 63,720 18,540 111,820 106,520 46,040 43.2 60,480 5,800 98,020 89,720 52,080 58.0 37,640 8,300 80,180 77,200 33,660 43.6 43,540 2,980 122,040 114,940 78,560 68.3 36,380 7,100 114,680 110,380 66,880 60.6 43,500 4,800 33,640 32,140 25,120 78.2 7,02D 1,500 85,880 832,860 25,140 76.5 7,720 8,020 1,840 1,680 1,460 - 220 160 3,320 2,900 2,420 83.4 480 420 2,960 2,340 1,080 46.2 1,260 620 2,080 1,720 920 - 80o 860 637,880 581.200 806.540 2.7 274,660 56.80 515,580 492.140 214,100 438.5 278.040 28,440 7,880 6,900 2,580 37.4 4,320 980 5400 5,060 1,740 34.4 3,320 840 43,240 39,660 10,800 27.2 28,860 3,580 22,640 21,880 5,580 25.5 16,30 760 62,520 57,360 21,340 37.2 36,020 5,160 41,640 40,500 11,720 28.9 28,780 1,140 227,020 201,640 104,160 51.7 97,480 25,380 159,760 153,080 60,720 839.7 92,36C 6,680 119,380 110,440 57,680 52.2 52,760 8,940 101,260 97,940 38,320 39.1 59,620 3,8320 134,760 126,080 81,140 64.4. 44,940 8,680 136,040, 131,060 67,240 51.3 63,820 4,980 29,640 27,720 20,780 75.0 6,940 1,920 34,780 80,980 20,420 65.9 10,56C 3,800 9,280 8,180 6,580 80.4 1,600 1,100 10,760 8,760 7,120 81.3 1,64C 2,000 4,160 3,220 1,480 46.0 1,740 940 3,300 2,880 1,240 43.1 1,64C 420 9168.80 853,020 387.120 45.4 465.9g 0 a.360 790.400 766.100 332.640 43.4 433.460 24,300 12,360 10,940 8,820 30.3 7,620 1,420 8,580 8,060 2,260 28.0 5,800 520 65,200 60,480 16,720 27.6 43,760 4,720 837,120 36,000 10,160 28.2 25,84C 1,120 102,220 95,140 31,760 33.4 63,380 7,080 69,540 67,920 21,740 32.0 46,180 1,620 364,380 335,500 147,940 44.1 187,560 28,880 265,220 258,340 105,780 40.9 152,560 6,880 168,920 159,760 75,620 47.3 84,140 9,160 165,020 161,400 66,460 41.2 94,940 3,620 153,100 145,620 82,600 56.7 638,020 7,480 169,840 165,600 83,160 50.2 82,44C 4,240 31,300 29,940 19,320 64.5 10,620 1,360 54,680 51,000 30,940 60.7 20,060 3,680 12,920 11,260 7,880 70.0 3,380 1,660 15,720 13,800 10,880 74.5 3,520 1,920 5,980 . 4,380 1,960 44.7 2,420 1,600 4,680 3,980 1,860 46.7 2,120 700 794,500 752.700 341.260 45.3 411.440 41.800 728.540 711.520 349.100 49.1 3628420 17,020 13,500 12,340 3,900 31.6 8,440 1,160 8,180 7,560 2,680 35.4 4,880 620 66,740 63,140 19,740 31.3 43,400 3,600 39,540 88,320 13,040 34.0 25,280 1,220 95,060 90,140 33,420 37.1 56,720 4,920 74,440 72,800 27,640 88.0 45,16C 1,640 33888,900 320,100 143,380 44.8 176,720 18,800 267,380 261,980 124,880 47.7 137,100 5,400, 142,220 136,680 65,700 48.1 70,980 5,540 143,500 141,240 69,920 49.5 71,320 2,260 91,500 87,680 48,620 55.5 39,060 3,820 112,780 110,860 61,140 55.2 49,720 1,920 27,660 26,600 16,700 62.8 9,900 1,060 59,300 57,720 35,460 61.4 22,26C 1,580 12,320 11,220 7,680 68.4 3,540 1,100 17,800 16,560 12,040 72.7 4,52C 1,240 6,600 4,800 2,120 44.2 2,680 1,800 5,620 4,480 2,300 51.3 2,180 1,140 1,442,400 1.3883.080 742.160 53.7 640.920 59.320 1.371.566 1.344.160 781.260 58.1 562.900 27,400 30,540 28,180 9,600 34.1 18,580 2,360 20,580 19,680 7,880 40.0 11,80o 900 148,340 141,360 54,860 88.5 86,500 6,980 101,260 99,040 42,960 43.4 56,080 2,220 200,360 192,260 89,220 46.4 103,040 8,100 171,400 168,340 88,960 49.9 84,80 8,060 682,120 654,760 360,160 55.0 294,600 27,360 581,540 572,240 331,100 57.9 241,14C 9,800 210,080 203,920 118,260 58.0 85,660 6,160 229,620 226,200 138,000 61.0 88,200 3,420 91,960 89,300 59,200 66.83 30,100 2,660 142,860 140,360 92,100 65.6 48,260 .2,500 42,240 40,920 29,220 71.4 11,700 1,320 85,200 88,100 .59,480 71.6 28,620 2,100 20,860 19,740 14,900 75.5 4,840 1,120 27,580 25,780 20,020 77.7 5,760 1,800 15,900 12,640 6,740 53.3 5,900 3,260 11,520 9,420 5,760 61.1 3,660 2,100 1.851,480 1,298,980 837,2601 64. 5 461.720 52,500 1.209.800 1.188,160 811.280 68,6 371,880 8.,640 34,820 181,560 210,160 599,780 144,620 57,020 39,720 17,580 13,720 978.520 36,140 164,580 178,000 433,320 81,460 35,480 26,820 11,380 11,840 14,880 95,720 126,920 400,400 101,340 43,420 81,160 14,280 9,140 702.520 19,460 103,100 121,620 326,000 62,560 29,520 22,500 9,800 7,960 42.7 52.7 60.4 66.8 70.1 76.1 78.4 81.2 66.6 71.8 58.8 62.6 68.3 75.2 76.8 88.2 85.5 86.1 67.2 19,940 85,840 88,240 199,880 48,280 18,600 8,560 3,300 4,580 276.000 16,680 61,480 56,380 107,820 18,900 5,960 3,820 1,580 3,880 2,740 8,040 8,220 22,840 3,760 2,100 1,260 820 2,720 51.580 3,620 8,340 9,400 21,480 2,360 1,520 720 460 3,680 25,180 122,260 185,180 542,660 162,640 88,240 54,740 17,400 11,500 887.160 23,480 106,700 142,220 '75,520 89,860 52,640 27,860 9,340 9,540 2s,940 119,900 181,900 532,020 159,680 86,820 53,380 16,560 9,460 813.620 22,180 103,980 138,960 366,320 87,800 51,160 26,880 8,780 7,560 11,540 66,000 114,160 373,180 114,140 68,220 48,760 13,880 6,400 621.080 12,460 68,900 98,560 289,500 71,280 43,520 23,700 7,780 5,380 48.2 55.0 62.8 70.1 71.5 79.0 82.0 83.8 67.7 76.8 56.2 66.3 70.9 79.0 81.2 85.1 88.2 88.6 71.2 12,40( 53,90( 67,74( 158,84( 45,54( 18,10( 9,62( 2,68( 8,06C 192.540 9,72( 35,08( 40,40C 76,820 16,52C 7,64( 3,180 1,00C 2,18 1,240 2,360 3,280 10,640 2,960 1,920 1,860 840 2,040 23.540 1,800 2,720 3,260 9,200 2,060 1,480 980 560 1,980 37,560 189,600 218,880 622,620 148,380 59,120 40,980 18,400, 16,440 1.030.100 39,760 172,920 187,400 454,800 83,820 37,000 27,040 11,840 15,520 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 56 - - - - - - - v sv 1. .1 . _ . .1 II .. ,.1 . i ? 258 120 6 45 _980 Q 9.01 680 Aq 7An 7M 9 0 608 48 19 000 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 11.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FARM NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued 57 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MAID FEMALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes In owned homes COLPLETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent in not Total Total Percent in not rented reported' rented reported' reporting Number of total ed repreporting Number of total SNumber ot hoes Number homes report- report- ing ing THE NORTH Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported................... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ..:...... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: i to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... . Not reported ................. .. 35 to 44 years old .......... ... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old. ............. . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years... ..... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... .,59,84U .1 ,113,36011 1.899.8401 61. , 4 35201 2.46i 2a.o3..1a1. u 2 1 8 6011161, 8,601 611 1. 06 700 10 46 20n ann 600II 226c n600 144. 4AAI 60 1 at na V ,nI 2.0n.l O1 nn 11 080 940 580 340 - 240 360 620 480 280 - 200 140 2,680 2,140 880 41.1 1,260 540 1,540 1,260 620 - 640 280 7,760 6,680 3,640 54.5 3,040 1,080 8,520 3,160 1,540 48.7 1,620 360 91,440 79,600 48,340 60.7 31,260 11,840 51,500 48,260 26,880 55.7 21,380 3,240 71,900 66,220 42,080 63.5 24,140 5,680 55,180 52,300 30,240 57.8 22,060 2,880 66,880 63,020 42,880 68.0 20,140 3,860 69,920 66,520 42,200 63.4 24,320 3,400 7,660 7,400 5,660 76.5 1,740 260 13,000 12,380 9,120 73.7 3,260 620 120 120 80 - 40 - 220 200 180 - 20 20 1,220 840 560 - 280 380 900 760 440 - 320 140 229,240 201.760 129.900 64.4 71.860 27.480 164.580 153,540 85,380 55.6 68,160 11040 1,100 820 540 - 280 280 860 680 400 - 280 180 2,700 2,140 960 44.9 1,180 560 1,280 1,100 360 - 740 180 7,660 6,220 3,440 55.3 2,780 1,440 3,320 3,060 1,260 41.2 1,800 260 88,800 75,140 46,940 62.5 28,200 13,660 52,040 48,460 24,480 50.5 23,980 3,580 40,200 35,100 21,620 61.6 13,480 5,100 27,320 25,720 12,240 47.6 13,480 1,600 71,160 66,020 44,220 67.0 21,800 5,140 59,340 56,600 33,380 59.0 23,220 2,740 15,420 14,580 11,040 75.7 3,540 840 18,280 16,060 11,840 78.7 4,220 2,220 920 800 640 - 160 120 1,320 1,260 980 - 280 60 1,280 940 500 - 440 340 820 600 440 - 160 220 291,040 255,900 152,460 59.6 103,440 35,140 217,720 203,740 96,800 47.5 106,940 13,980 1,420 1,040 660 - 380 380 800 640 880 - 260 "166 3,600 2,860 1,360 47.6 1,500 740 1,720 1,460 600 - 860 260 10,800 8,800 4,740 53.9 4,060 2,000 4,460 4,260 1,640 38.5 2,620 200 126,520 107,600 62,160 57.8 45,440 18,920 76,060 71,440 31,840 44.6 39,600 4,620 48,960 43,800 24,160 55,2 19,640 5,160 37,160 35,160 14,360 40.8 20,800 2,000 79,460 73,720 46,000 62.4 27,720 5,740 72,020 68,980 33,880 49.1 35,100 3,040 14,060 12,920 9,620 74.5 3,300 1,140 19,860 17,140 10,700 62.4 6,440 2,720 4,420 3,920 3,160 80.6 760 500 4,220 3,520 2,860 81.3 , 660 700 1,800 1,240 600 - 640 560 1,420 1,140 540 - 600 280 408,860 371.600 184,980 49.8 186.620 37,260 332.220 318.660 145,660 45.7 173,000 13,560 1,340 1,100 620 - 480 240 1,080 900 540 - 360 180 6,480 5,380 2,400 44.6 2,980 1,100 3,020 2,660 1,280 48.1 1,380 360 19,300 16,220 7,280 44.9 8,940 3,080 9,980 9,500 4,080 42.9 5,420 480 201,780 180,680 86,300 47.8 94,380 21,100 127,740 123,400 53,680 43.5 69,720 4,340 68,200 68,40 31,000 48.9 32,340 4,860 60,740 58,720 25,280 43.1 33,440 2,020 88,700 83,920 44,860 53.5 39,060 4,780 92,180 89,560 41,000 45.8 48,560 2,620 14,380 13,820 7,940 57.5 5,880 - 560 29,300 26,900 15,080 56.1 11,820 2,400 6,140 5,460 3,680 67.4 1,780 680 6,380 5,580 4,040 72.4 1,540 800 2,540 1,680 900 - 780 860 1,800 1,440 680 - 760 360 357,100 333,120 162,500 48.8 170.620 23,980 311,180 302.020 152,600 50.5 149,420 9,160 2,460 2,040 1,100 53.9 940 420 1,400 1,140 700 - 440 260 9,040 7,720 3,340 43.3 4,380 1,320 4,300 3,920 1,940 49.5 1,980 880 21,740 19,360 8,960 46.3 10,400 2,380 12,480 11,980 5,780 48.2 6,200 500 191,460 178,640 84,320 47.2 94,320 12,820 130,920 127,480 62,820 49.3 64,660 3,440 57,040 53,980 26,280 48.7 27,700 3,060 55,600 54,280 25,940 47.8 28,340 1,320 53,100 51,240 26,120 51.0 25,120 1,860 64,860 63,760 32,020 50.2 31,740 1,100- 12,860 12,220 :7,320 59.9 4,900 640 31,660 30,720 17,340 56.4 13,380 940 6,440 5,980 4,100 68.6 1,880 460 7,600 7,120 5,120 71.9 2,000 480 2,960 1,940 960 - 980 1,020 2,360 1,620 940 - 680 740 675,980 641,420 358.260 55.9 283.160 34.560 617.840 601.920 358.460 59.6 24q3460 15,920 3,780 3,180 1,600 50.3 1,580 600 2,780 2,380 1,480 62.2 900 400 27,060 24,320 12,240 50.3 12,080 2,740 16,440 15,540 8,760 56.4 6,780 900 62,500 58,300 29,540 50.7 28,760 4,200 43,500 42,100 23,860 56.7 18,240 1,400 403,640 384,160 209,540 54.5 174,620 19,480 314,000 307,500 178,740 58.1 128,760 6,500 89,880 86,780 49,760 57.3 37,020 3,100 93,940 91,960 54,820 59.6 37,140 1,980 51,420 50,060 31,640 63.2 18,420 1,360 85,020 83,320 50,740 60.9 32,580 1,700 20,740 20,060 18,660 68.1 6,400 680 45,300 44,000 29,400 66.8 14,600 1,300 10,040 9,520 7,140 75.0 2,380 520 11,620 11,100 8,120 73.2 2,980 520 6,920 5,040 3,140 62.3 1,900 1,880 5,240 4,020 2,540 63.2 1,480 1,220 649,260 11 617,800 415.940 67.3 201.860 31,460 578.480 562.940 399.,920 71.0 163,020 15.540 5,600 51,740 83,620 377,060 65,540 30,320 19,180 8,460 7,740 497.760 6,860 56,460 74,700 278,100 38,220 18,420 12,560 5,240 7,200 4,460 47,940 79,140 361,060 63,560 29,220 18,400 8,140 5,880 465.160 5,260 51,780 69,060 262,920 36,800 17,420 12,180 5,040 4,700 2,620 29,320 50,460 241,320 45,360 21,920 14,140 6,520 4,280 351.340 3,540 36,260 49,780 200,040 29,500 14,480 10,160 4,240 3,340 58.7 61.2 63.8 66.8 71.4 75.0 76.8 80.1 72.8 75.5 67.3 70.0 72.1 76.1 80.2 83.1 83.4 84.1 71.1 1,840 18,620 28,680 119,740 18,200 7,300 4,260 1,620 1,600 113.820 1,720 15,520 19,280 62,880 7,300 2,940 2,020 800 1,360 1,140 3,800 4,480 16,obo 1,980 1,100 780 320 1,860 32.600 1,600 4,680 5,640 15,180 1,420 1,000 380 200 2,500 3,520 31,000 59,440 320,620 72,840 50,860 27,140 7,820 5,240 404.600 3,340 29,100 49,300 228,800 43,500 28,880 13,820 3,840 4,020 3,180 30,080 57,860 313,500 71,080 49,740 26,360 7,340 3,800 390.420 2,720 27,900 47,600 222,460 42,140 27,980 13,200 3,460 2,960 2,12( 19,10( 39,32( 220,72( 50,72C 38,38C 20,90( 6,04C 2,62C 311.54( 1,94( 21,02 36,44C 176,80C 34,86C 23,66C 11,46C 3,00C 2,36C 66.7 63.5 68.0 70.4 71.4 77.2 79.3 82.3 68.9 79.8 71.3 75.3 76.6 79.5 82.7 84.6 86.8 86.7 79.7 1,060 10,980 18,540 92,780 20,360 11,360 5,460 1,300 1,180 78.880 780 6,880 11,160 45,660 7,280 4,320 1,740 460 600 340 920 1,580 7,120 1,760 1,120 780 480 1,440 14.180 620 1,200 1,700 6,340 1,360 900 620 380 1,060 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. z~ "I -- zv -vv vv~f av ____ _ y'vl vws vm zfv v.1 -- a!_ afv vl "V W i ,i- I I m . )I , )L U L . i e I %A^ 1 s -1i I ^1 1 A A"^^ ^ ^ oo ^^ o^ jai ,I , . . I 60 2 ,111 hn 58 EDUCATION Table 11.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FARM NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: -1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL 1 In owned homes In owned homes COMPIETED, AND AGE Tenure Teaure Total Total Percent In not Total Total Percent In not reporting of total rented reported, reporting of total rented reported Number eport hom es Number report- home ing 1ing 'IE SOUTH Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 yeais..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. . . 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . 5 and 6 years.. .. 7 and 8 years..... High school: I to 3 years . ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: I to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .. College; 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. . U , 265, 720 1 3o19.2u01 o1.6to160 51.9 1-Il-060-_ 106.5001 3-007 380 1 , 2.951.U40 1,576,900 5.4 1 .374.640 S5.840 276,620 266,440 143.960 54.0 122.g80 10,180 249.000 2378320 114,720 48.3 122.600 51680 4,380 3,940 1,280 82.5 2,660 440 3,100 2,94O 1,000 84.0 1,940 160 33,320 31,180 10,820 84.7 20,360 2,140 15,340 14,860 8,880 26.1 10,980 480 ... 44,980 42,900 17,660 41.2 25,240 2,080 28,580 27,740 8,020 28.9 19,720 840 70,420 67,560 35,900 53.1 31,660 2,860 58,260 56,520 23,120 40.9 33,400 1,940 80,100 78,320 47,920 61.2 80,400 1,780 74,580 73,200 836,600 50.0 86,600 1,880 33,740 83,160 23,380 70.5 9,780 580 49,540 48,740 31,880 64.4 17,360 800 8,120 8,000 6,420 80.3 1,580 120 -12,340 12,160 10,000 82.2 2,160 180 . 160 160 120 - 40 - 240 240 200 - 40 1,400 1,220 460 - 760 180 1,020 920 520 - 400 100 232.780 221,660 112.600 50.8 109.060i 11.120 201.400 96:180 87.180 44.,4 109.000 5.220 4,900 4,360 1,400 32.1 2,960 540 2,600 2,360 560 2.7 1,800 240 28,300 26,440 8,140 830.8 18,300 1,860 13,760 13,400 8,100 23.1 10,800 860 37,320 34,880 13,100 37.6 21,780 2,440 25,480 24,960 7,020 28.1 17,940 530 62,540 59,500 28,380 47.7 31,120 3,040 58,620 52,280 19,440o 7. 832,840 1,40 47,960 46,280 25,660 55.4 20,620 1,680 46,080 45,180 18,820 41.7 26,360 900 36,600 35,640 24,780 69.5 10,860 960 44,400 48,880 26,940 62.1 16,440 1,020 12,900 12,520 9,920 79.2 2,600 380 12,680 12,280 9,760 79.5 2,520 4Q0 780 1740 680 - 60 40 1,660 1,840 1,140 - 200 320 1,480 1,300 540 - 760 180 1,120 1,000 400 - 600 180 291,880 278,000 126.940 45.7 151.060 13.,880 257.960 250,560 98,780 89.4 151,780 91400 6,160 5,560 1,780 32.0 3,780 600 4, 380 4, 00 1,260 30.0 2,940 180 38,300 35,580 9,040 25.4 26,540 2,720 20,100 19,680 4,620 23.5 15,060 420 49,560 46,700 15,920 34.1 30,780 2,860 85,660 34,740 9,440 27.2 28,800 980 85,380 81,680 36,080 44.2 45,600 3,700 74,560 72,940 25,500 85.0 47,440 1,620 57,580 55,640 27,820 50.0 27,820 1,940 56,020 55,040 20,900 88.0 84,140 -980 38,940 37,880 25,280 66.7 12,600 1,060 49,300 48,040 25,840 53.8 22,200 1,260 ... 10,580 10,220 7,800 76.3 2,420 360 11,160 10,400 7,380 71.0 8,020 760 3,420 3,040 2,520 82.9 520 380 5,040 3,900 3,180 81.5 720 1,140 1,960 1,700 700 - 1,000 260 1,740 1,620 660 - 960 120 .. 428,920 411,500 165.940 40.3 245.60 , 17.420 895,940 87.640 157.760 40.7 229.880 8.300 10,500 9,460 2,500 26.4 6,960 1,040 7,120 6,860 1,540 22.4 5,320 260 56,780 53,440 18,660 25.6 39,780 .3,340 832,560 31,900 8,120 25.5 23,780 660 78,740 75,420 23,300 30.9 52,120 3,320 57,820 56,180 16,820 29.9 89,360 1,140 135,020 130,620 51,260 39.2 79,360 -4,400 121,900 119,880 46,000 88.4 73,880 2,020 82,680 80,460 86,760 45.7 43,700 2,220 88,580 87,600 34,260 39.1 53,340 980 45,180 43,900 26,440 60.2 19,460 1,280 59,200 57,980 32,380 55.8 25,600 1,220 11,960 11,440 8,000 69.9 3,440 520 19,280 18,860 12,440 67.8 5,920 920 5,000 4,280 3,140 73.4 1,140 720 7,420 6,540 5,080 77.7 1,460 880 3,060 2,480 880 35.5 1,600 580 2,560 2,340 ,1,120 47.9 1,220 220 371,300 360.040 148,460 41.2 211.580 11.260 60,380 854,520 165.960 46.8 188.560 5.860 10,640 9,980 2,620 26.3 7,360 660 6,220 5,960 1,740 29.2 4,220 260 55,540 53,460 15,520 29.0 37,940 2,080 33,780 33,060 10,440 81.6 22,620 720 69,020 66,960 22,760 34.0 44,200 2,060 58,940 57,920 20,540 35.5 37,380 1,020 121,000 117,920 48,580 41.2 69,840 3,080 121,000 119,440 54,760 45.8 64,680 1,560 70,380 68,880 32,480 47.2 36,400 1,500 73,640 73,060 36,380 49.8 86,680 580 26,540 25,820 15,780 61.1 10,040 720 35,220 34,760 21,540 62.0 18,220 460 10,720 10,540 7,020 66.6 3,520 180 20,640 20,200 13,740 68.0 6,460 440 4,420 3,900 2,720 69.7 1,180 520 7,980 7,480 5,580 74.6 1,900 500 . .. 3,040 2,580 980 38.0 1,600 460 2,960 2,640 1,240 47.0 1,400 320 644,220 627,980 11 313.720 50.0 314.260 16,240 646.160 637,8320 352.020 55.2 285,800 8,840 25,540 28,980 7,460 81.1 16,520 1,560 16,840 16,340 5,840 35.7 10,500 500 114,460 110,980 39,560 35.6 71,420 3,480 81,340 80,140 32,100 40.1 48,040 1,200 127,420 124,580 54,760 44.0 69,820 2,840 121,720 120,200 56,820 47.3 638,80 1,520 219,840 215,680 117,960 54.7 97,720 4,160 227,780 225,720 128,000 56.7 97,720 2,060 97,980 96,320 54,820 56.9 41,500 1,660 118,240 112,280 67,860 60.4 44,420 960 28,060 27,400 19,140 69.9 8,260 660 38,960 38,500 27,660 71.8 10,840 460 15,220 14,860 11,100 74.7 3,760 360 29,640 29,100 22,620 77.7 6,480 540 7,680 7,380 5,800 78.6 1,580 300 11,160 10,300 8,420 81.7 1,880 860 8,020 6,800 3,120 45.9 3,680 1,220 5,480 4,740 2,700 57.0 2,040 740 578,260 564.240 888 280 1 60.. 1 22.960 14.020 _ ~.880 525,040 339,080 64.6 185.960 7.840 30,000 28,520 11,180 39.2 17,340 1,480 20,180 19,400 8,580 44.2 10,820 780 127,640 124,160 60,520 48.7 63,640 3,480 86,540 85,200" 43,660 51.2 41,540 1,840 120,300 117,480 67,200 57.2 50,280 2,820 117,760 116,800 69,800 60.0 46,500 1,460 185,700 182,820 119,300 65.4 63,020 3,380 178,580 176,520 120,960 68.5 55,560 2,060 65,820 64,640 44,020 68.1 20,620 1,180 72,700 72,020 50,800 69.8 21,720 680 S 20,060 19,620 15,200 77.5 4,420 440 26,040 25,620 20,900 81.6 4,720 420 14,960 14,620 11,640 79.6 2,980 340 19,240 18,860 16,280 86.8 2,580 380 6,420 6,180 5,160 83.5 1,020 240 6,260 6,060 5,220 86.1 840 200 7,360 6,700 4,060 60.6 2,640 660 5,580 5,060 3,380 66.8 1,680 520 441,740 429 ,60 288,2601 67.11 141.,100 12. 380 869.660 362.960 261.400 7,0 101.560 6.700 30,660 105,580 100,440 133,800 36,540 13,340 9,780 4,280 7,320 28,920 102,680 97,900 130,660 35,980 13,100 9,680 4,080 6,360 14,760 60,180 64,220 95,520 26,400 11,040 8,480 3,600 4,060 51.0 58.6 65.6 73.1 73.4 84& 87.6 88.2 63.8 14,160 42,500 33,680 35,140 9,580 2,060 T,200 480 2,300 1,740 2,900 2,540 3,140 560 240 100 200 960 18,920 73,200 .87,040 118,720 36,780 16,780 9,640 3,660 4,920 18,800 71,960 85,700 117,000 36,500 16,440 9,420 3,540 4,100 9,62C 44,90C 58,14C 91,48C 28,840 14,06C 8,52C 8,180 2,680 52.6 62.4 67.8 78.2 79.0 85.5 90.4 89.8 65.4 8,680 27,060 27,560 25,540 7,660 2,880 900 360 1,420 620 1,240 1,840 1,720 280 840 220 120 820 'Comprises related members of privatd households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private.households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. I aei nen I ...I .. A OAK non ,I A A' ,ndn Q n, l 1AI " 1 Mfg! AM' !e I I 1 - 0.w' !! A TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 59 Table 11.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FARM NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE Reporting tenure. Reporting tenure Aa, 1[S 0, O l -In owned hoe ...d homes COMPITnD, nD ed hoTenure In owned homes Tenure Total In not Total In not Total Total Percent n ed repot Total Total Percent rented reported P e rented reported reporting totalreported reporting Number of total homesporting Number total homes report- report- ing ing TBE WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old .. 627,560 573.400 363.8680 63.4 209,720 54,160 498,780 480,000 808,860 64,8 171,140 18,780 18 and 19 years old 48............. 48.420 0 440 29 .180 67.0 14.660 .980 9.780 38.020 23520 61.9 14.500 1,760 No school years completed. 280 200 120 - 80 80 200 140 100 - 40 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,000 860 440 - 420 140 780 720 280 - 440 60 5 aind 6 years...... 1,780 1,700 680 1,020 80 1,540 1,500 660 -- 840 40 7 and 8 years........ 9,560 8,120 4,580 56.4 3,540 1,440 6,240 5,960 2,580 43.3 3,380 280 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,780 17,460 11,880 68.0 5,580 1,,320 13,920 13,320 7,880 59.2 5,440 600 4 years ............. 14,140 13,440 10,060 74.9 3,380 700 13,420 12,900 9,100 70.5 3,800 520 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,620 2,460 1,900 77.2 560 160 3,420 3,260 2,760 84.7 500 160 4 years or more...... 40 20 20 - - 20 80 80 60 - 20 - Not reported .................... 220 180 100 - 80 40 180 140 100 - 40 40 20 and 21 years old........... 42720 37.580 24.120 64.2 1.460- 5.140 30.980 29,020 15.860 54.7 13,160 1,960 No school years completed ........ 160 140 100 - 40 20 160 120 60 - 60 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 660 460 220 - 240 200 620 600 300 - 300 20 5 and 6 years ........ 1,440 1,260 680 - 580 180 920 880 800 - 580 40 7 and 8 years ....... 10,660 8,820 4,420 50.1 4,400 1,840 6,160 5,780 2,120 36.7 3,660 380 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,860 8,240 4,800 57.6 3,540 1,520 6,780 6,300 2,600 41.3 3,700 480 4 years ... .......... 14,280 13,280 9,560 72.0 3,720 1,000 10,940 10,400 6,560 63.1 3,840 540 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,320 5,040 4,160 82.5 880 280 4,980 4,520 3,S40 78.3 980 400 4 years or more ...... 140 140 140 - - - 340 300 300 - - 40 Not reported ....... .............. 200 100 40 - 60 100 140 120 80 - 40 20 22 to 24 years old............... 54.960 47,300 27.140 57.4 3,0.160 7660 89,900 37,840 18.520 48.9 19.3820 2,060 No school years completed ......... 0 800 140 - 160 - 220 220 100 - 120 - Grade school: 1 to 4 year ........ 1,40 1,220 400 820 120 820 740 360 - 380 80 5 and 6 years........ 2,160 1,860 680 - 1,180 300 1,520 1,500 640 - 860 20 7 and 8 years ........ 15,120 12,360 5,920 47.9 6,440 2,760 9,140 8,700 3,380 38.9 5,320 440 High school: I to 3 years ......... 12,840 11,000 5,700 51.8 5,800 1,840 8,080 7,740 3,060 39.5 4,680 340 4 years ............. 16,360 14,480 9,860 68.1 4,620 1,889 14,720 14,040 7,520 53.6 6,520 680 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,000 4,580 3,360 73.4 . 1,220 420 3,760 3,440 2,340 68.0 1,100 320 4 years or more ...... 1,440 1,220 900 - 320 220 1,500 1,340 1,080 - 260 160 Not reported ..... ................. 400 280 180 - 100 120 140 120 40 - 80 20 25 to 29 years old............. ... 78,600 69,920 36.'200 51.8 3.720 8.680 62.240 59,800 29,220 48.9 0.,580 2.440 No school years completed ......... 520 380 200 - 180 140 880 300 180 - 120 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,940 1,660 660 - 1,000 280 1,540 1,440 760 - 680 100 5 and 6 years........ 4,180 3,500 1,180 33.7 2,320 680 2,240 2,240 840 37.5 1,40.0 - r and 8 years.... ... 87,580 24,200 10,380 42.9 13,820 3,380 15,580 15,060 . 6,100 40.5 8,960 520 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,040 15,960 7,860 49.2 8,100 2,080 15,700 15,080 6,920 45.9 8,160 620 4 years ............. 19,220 17,800 11,300 63.5 6,500 1,420 18,460 18,060 9,780 54.2 8,280 400 College: 1 to3 years ......... 4,960 4,680 3,380 72.2 1,300 280 6,100 5,740 3,420 59.6 2,320 360 4 years or more ...... 1,780 1,520 1,060 - 460 260 1,920 1,680 1,160 - 520 240 Not reported .... ................ 880 220 180 - 40 160 320 200 60 - 140 120 30 to 34 years old .............. 66100 59,540 30,800 0.9 29.240 6.560 56.980 54.980 30.540 55.5 24.440 2,000 No school years completed ......... 400 320 180 - 140 80 560 460 240 - 220 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,160 1,960 880 - 1,080 200 1,460 1,340 660 - 680 120 5 and 6 years....... 4,300 3,820 1,700 44.5 2,120 480 3,020 2,900 1,320 45.5 1,580 120 7 and 8 years ........ 26,440 23,540 10,480 44.5 13,060 2,900 15,460 15,060 7,300 48.5 7,760 400 High school: 1 to 3'years ......... 14,800 13,820 6,940 50.2 6,880 980 14,260 18,900 7,600 54.7 6,300 360 4 years ............. 11,860 10,620 6,720 68.3 3;900 1,240 12,700 12,340 7,580 61.4 4,760 860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,080 3,840 2,360 61.5 1,480 240 7,000 6,800 4,380 64.4 2,420 200 4 years or more...... 1,460 1,840 860 - 480 120 2,220 1,960 1,340 - 620 260 Not'reported ................ ..... 600 280 180 - . 100 320 300 220 10 - 100 80 35 to 44 years old............. 12,200 118,680 70.180 61.7 43.500 8.520 107.560 104.920 70.,780 67.5 34.140 2,640 No school years completed ........ 1,220 1,020 546 - 480 200 960 960 560 - 400- Grade school: 1 to 4 years . -... 6,820 6,060 3,060 50.5 3,000 760 3,480 3,360 2,100 62.5 1,260 120 5 and 6 years........ 10,440 9,380 4,920 52.5 4,460 1,060 6,180 6,040 3,280 54.3 2,760 140 7 and 8 years ......... 58,640 54,920 32,660 59.5 22,260 3,720 39,760 39,020 24,360 62.4 14,660 740 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 22,220 26,820 13,680 65.7 7,140 1,400 22,440 21,960 15,320 69.8 6,640 480 4 years .. .......... 12,480 11,840 8,420 71.1 3,420 640 18,880 18,540 13,700 78.9 4,840 840 College: 1 to 3 years..... 6,280 6,000 4,460 74.3 1,540 280 10,260 10,060 7,460 74.6 2,540 260 4 yearsor more ...... 3,140 2,840 1,960 69.0 880 800 4,800 4,380 3,480 79.5 900 420 Not reported ..................... 960 800 480 - 820 160 800 , 660 520 - 140 140 45 to 54 years old............... 123,960 1 16,940 83,.040 71.0 33.900 7., 020 98.440 4l95,180 72,.280 75.9 22,900 3.260 No school years completed ......... 1,960 1,840 1,080 - 760 120 1,480 1,360 840 - 520 120 Grade school: 1 to 4years ......... 10,220 9,460 5,880 62.2 3,580 760 4,720 4,620 3,240 70.1 1,880 100 5 and 6 years.... ... 14,460 13,540 9,260 68,4 4,280 920 7,980 7,740 5,040 65.1 2,700 240 7 and 8 years........ 59,860 56,400 39,780 70.5 16,620 3,460 48,460 42,000 31,500 75.0 10,500 1,460 High school: 1 to 3 years.......... 17,020 16,420 11,960 72.8 4,460 600 17,100 16,580 13,120 79.1 3,460 520 4years ............ 8,740 8, 6,300 77.0 1,880 560 11,340 10,960 8,940 81.6 2,020 380 College: lto 3 years ..... .. 6,840 6,70_ 5,380 80.8 1,320 140 8,360 8,160 6,$80 80.6 1,580 200 4 years or more...... 8,580 8,260 2,600 79.8 660 260 3,320 3,160 2,620 82.9 540 160 Not reported ..... ............... ... 1,840 1,140 800 - 840 200 680 600 400 - 200 80 55 to 64 years old ................ 90.600 ,84,000 62,920 74.9 21.,080 6,.600 . 62,900 60. 240 48,40 79.9 12,100 2,660 No school years completed .. 2,240 1,960 1,160 - 800 280 1,220 1,160 900 - 260 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,880 10,120 6,660 65.8 3,460 760 4,400 4,120 2,980 72.3 1,140 280 5 and 6 years........ 12,260 11,040 7,620 69.0 3,420 1,220 5,880 5,660 3,980 70.3 1.680 220 7 and 8 years...... 42,900 38,740 80,440 76.6 9,300 3,160 28,000 26,860 21,240 79.1 5,620 1,140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,060 8,680 6,660 76.7 2,020 880 9,580 9,160 7,580 82.8 1,580 420 4 years ........... 5,240 4,960 4,000 80.6 960 280 6,980 6,740 5,800 86.1 940 240 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,700 4,460 8,860 86.5 600 240 4,400 4,260 3,720 87.3 1 540 140 4 years or more ...... 2,20 2,260 1,960 86.7 300 -60 1,840 1,780 1,600 - 180 60 Not reported ..................... 1,000 780 560 - 220 . 220 " .600 , 500 340 - 160 100 C0omprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 748370 O0-47--.-5 60 EDUCATION Table 12.-TENURE OF HOME, FOR ThE RURAL-FARM NEGRO FOFULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FCR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where baeo is less than 2,000) MAI FEMAIZ Reporting tenure Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes In owned homes COMPETED, AND AO Tenure Tenure not T otal in not Total Percent In not Taotal l Peroent rted reported reporting Number of total nted reportedreporting ber of total hoes report- report- _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 1g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old... ......... No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old ............ No school years completed ..... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years . ......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ......... ........ 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: I to 3 years .4..... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: I to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1. to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years .. .... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................ 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: I to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 1 127 880!? .1 80 540 71 6 .o 0V 09@ 78 94 I m$.u + � 851.5 88a180 84 105,080 97,620 283,480 24.1 74, 40 7,460 100660 97 820 19 800 20.8 77 960 2 840 4,320 3,520 480 13.6 8,040 800 2,520 8,400 60' 15. ",b40 - 1b 41,800 38,540 5,040 13.1 33,500 3,260 24,120 23,820 1,940 8.8 21,880 800 28,280 26,640 6,580 24.7 20,060 1,640 27,740 27,160 3,620 18.8 23,540 580 18,120 17,180 5,880 34.2 11,300 940 23,680 22,900 6,800 23.1 17,600 .780 9,500 9,020 4,040 44.8 4,980 480 17,700 17,8820 6,800 86.4 11,020 880 1,580 1,560 940 - 620 20 2,920 2,900 1,580 54.5 1,820 80 420 420 420 - - - 900 840 580 - 260 60 20 , 20 - - 20 - 20 20 20 - 1,040 720 100 - 620 320 1,060 960 160 - 00 100 90,700 82,980 17,9q80 21.7 65.000 7.720 87.460 84o 14,920 17.7 69 560 2,980 5,.000 660 13.2 820 3 ww ...5 . , . 1 5,820 37,820 22,300 14,600 6,740 1,940 400 40 1,040 118.940 I uu Io l,,n a 1:. ,8 .. 5,000 34,180 20,740 18,620 6,280 1,840 400 40 880 109.800 7,860 48,180 26,520 16,980 6,160 2,140 820 160 980 146.140 660 4,620 4,460 8,960 2,720 1,120 240 40 160 20.780 7860 5,860 S5,060 4,800 2,380 1,140 500 160 100 22.220 13.2 18.5 21.5 29.1 43.3 18.9 9.9 12.2 19.1 28.3 38.6 58.3 15.2 4,340 29,560 16,280 9,660 3,560 720 160 720 89.020 42,320 21,460 ,12,180 3,780 1,000 320 880 123.920 820 3,640 1,560 980 460 100 160 9,140 1,140 3,640 2,060 1,160 420 160 40 20 500 11.860 3,100 24,180 23,840 19,140 11,380 3,640 1,220 220 740 113.200 4,440 34,640 88,060 238,760 10,820 8,200 1,800 540 940 15?.920 2,960 2,.220 a,200 18,600 11,040 8,520 1,140 140 660 108860 4,300 88,420 8,,760 23,080 10,520 , 2,960 1,620 860 840 151.780 880 2,200 2,560 3,740 3,540 1,700 680 80 14C 16.34 8,480 3,940 8,940 2,740 1,160 1,02c 300 160 21.660 9.5 9.5 11.0 20.1 88.1 48.8 14.9 12.1 7.4 12.4 17.1 26.0 89.2 14.8 2,680 21,020 20,640 14,860 7,500 1,820 460 60 520 92.683 30,960 27,880 19,140 7,780 1,800 600 60 680 10O.10 avvvv a 4 1 1 V At *9 - . * 4 - Me + - I6 - lA ,L4 .LNou � Jeu 17A DO Ao A ~ CO A~ 13,14U 73,180 39,120 21,100 6,400 1,780 740 420 2,120 125.020 12,100 59,540 28,620 16,120 4,460 780 640 580 2,180 215.660 11,8oo 68,380 36,340 19,520 5,900 1,680 700 200 1,560 116.080 10,920 55,960 27,100 14,940 4,100 620 520 420 1,500 202.500 7,080 5,780 4,800 1,900 760 380 180 180 18.020 1,120 6,240 4,880 8,660 1,080 800 260 260 220 39.840 9.6 10.4 15.9 24.6 832.2 10.3 11.2 18.0 24.5 26.3 19.7 iU,70U 61,300 30,560 14,720 4,000 920 820 20 1,380 98.060 9,800 49,720 22,220 11,280 3,020 320 260 160 1,280 162.660 1,2w0 4,800 2,780 1,580 500 100 40 220 560 8.940 1,180 3,580 1,520 1,180 360 160 120 160 680 1s.160 7,uou 50,120 47,100 88,900 12,120 38,20 2,220 920 2,140 125.400 . , I 1- . W . - W m aun - - - .. I , a. 7,480 45,560 86,300 23,100 7,400 2,060 1,840 560 1,600 227.100 48,880 48,920 81,980 11,740 2,980 1,860 560 1,660 121.860 16084 7,160 44,400 35,520 22,560 7,240 1,980 1,180 520 1,80b 220.300 7w 3,780 5,600 5,500 8,060 1,160 1,180 460 220 21.140 980 4,540 5,440 5,580 2,480 860 720 880 160 49,620 7.8 18.8 17.2 86.1 38.9 17.3 10.2 15.83 24.7? 34.3 -9 o,W 44,600 40,820 36,430 8,6%0 1,830 680 100 1,440 100. 70 39,860 30,080 16,980 4,760 1,120 460 140 1,140 " -, ;A&,I 140 960 640 540 80 10 80 60 1,300 840 180 100 6.140 1,740 1,180 980 360 480 3860 480 3.540 880 1,160 780 540 160 80 160 40 300 6.800 28,100 26,120 3,300 12.6 22,820 1,980 19,740 18,940 2,200 11.6 16,740 800 109,100 102,960 16,500 16.0 86,460 6,140 89,780 87,260 13,980 16.0 73,280 2,500 46,180 43,940 10,780 24.5 33,160 2,240 65,220 63,960 14,720 23.0 49,240 1,260 20,940 19,780 5,800 29.3 13,980 1,160 33,040 82,200 10,600 82.9 21,600 840 5,220 4,800 1,740 36.3 3,060 420 10,220 10,060 4,040 40.2 6,020 160 1,040 920 480 - 440 120 3,040 2,840 1,720 60.6 1,120 200 880 860 600 - 260 20 1,940 1,780 1 ,340 - 440 . 160 340 240 140 - 100 100 740 . 640 480 160 100 3,860 2,880 500 17.4 2,380 980 3,880 2,620 540 20.6 2,080 760 183 580 175.120 45.220 25.B 129.900 8.460 171.580 166.8~ 47.520 85 119.300 4.76i 31,600 29,780 4,740 15.9 25,040 1,820 23,020 22,160 3,800 17.1 18,360 860 94,500 90,540 20,200 22.3 70,340 3,960 76,700 75,040 17,140 22.8 57,900 1,660 32,100 30,920 10,180 32.9 20,740 1,180 39,920 39,140 12,660 82.3 26,480 780 15,080 14,460 5,940 41.1 8,520 620 19,640 19,060 8,440 44.3 10,620 580 4,380 4,200 2,000 47.6 2,200 180 5,920 5,820 2,760 47.4 3,060 100 1,300 1,260 640 - 620 40 1,920 1,900 1,180 - 720 20 660 620 480 - 140 40 840 760 600 - 160 80 440 420 3800 - 120 20 540 500 - 160 40 3,520 2,920 740 25.3 2,180 600 3,080 2,440 610 24.6 1,840 640 130.400 124.200 39,700 32.0 84,500 6.200 100440 9718011 835,020 6.0 62,160 3.260 29,160 63,320 20,800 9,460 2,720 780 500 260 3,400 27,640 60,800 20,000 9,060 2,600 780 480 240 2,600 6,100 17,580 8,500 4,240 1,480 460 380 200 760 22.1 28.9 42.5 46.8 56.9 29.2 21,540 43,220 11,500 4,820 1,120 320 100 40 1,840 1,520 2,520 800 400 120 't0 20 800 19,020 46,680 19,620 8,960 2,660 760 380 240 2,120 18,280 45,460 19,200 8,820 2,600 700 380 240 1,500 4,400 14,640 8,920 4,420 1,320 460 280 160 420 84.1 32.2 46.5 50.1 50.8 18,880 30,820 10,280 4,400 1,280 240 100 80 1,080 740 1,220 420 140 60 60 620 'Comprises related members of privatq households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households. 9,000 51,820 28,580 18,140 6,580 2,300 860 180 1,480 158.000 9- T Kr o n.. ... ..0 neon I A An l I LL I LF 21 I I III I - .I I 191 Qan 00n OAAI al I 69' onArr 179 A1 99! CA 1 1 09 1 Il 9 60 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 61 Table 12.--TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FARM NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE ,Reporting tenire Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned homes In owned homes COMPLETED, AND AG Tenure Tenure Total Total Percent n not Total Total Percent r n o otal ng Nuber rented reported reporting Nuberented reported Numbe report- homes Number eport- homes ing .ing HIE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .... 5 and 6 yeas .... 7 and 8 years .... High schodl: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 sears ..... 4 yeaz% or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8"years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reportel .............. 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 ysars .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 26,460 20,080 6,000 29.9 i. 14,0801 6,380 _18 9 15,460 36.0 9,900 2,700 .... 1480 110 380 -1 780 320 1,280 1,100 540 - 560 180 .. . . 260 220 - - .40 100 80 - - 80 20 2.. 20 200 20 - 180 20 80 60 - - ' 60 20 .... 540 880 140 - 240 160 460 420 220 - 200 40 340 260 140 - 120 80 460 380 180 - 200 80 .... 100 80 60 - 20 20 120 120 100 - 20 - .... 20 20 20 - - - 40 40 40 - ....- - - - - - 20 - - - - 20 ..... 1,3 980 . 0 - 620 340 920 740 160 - 580 180 40 20 - - 20 20 20 20 - - 20 260 180 20 - 160 80 100 100 - - 100 260 120 40 - .80 140 80 80 - - 80 - 400 300 120 - 180 100 240 240 80 - 160 220 220 120 - 100 - 220 140 40 - 100 80 80 80 40 - 40 I- 160 100 - - 100 60 60 60 20 - 40 - 100 60 40 - 20 40 .... 1,980 1,60 0 . - 1.280 380 1,380 1 .160 260 - 900 C220 .... 100 40 - - 40 60 20 20 - - 20 - 300 300 40 - 260 - 160 160 - - 160 - 420 320 60 - 260 100 400 340 60 - 280 60 .... 620 500 60 - 440 120 500 420 80 - 340 80 .... 240 240 80 - 160 - 120 80 40 - 40 40 240 140 80 - 60 100 80 60 20 - 40 20 . 20 20 - - 20 - 40 40 20 - 20 - - - - - - 40 20 20 - - 20 ... 40 40 - - 40 - 20 20 20 - - ..... 4,200 2,880 740 25.7 2,140 1.320 2.460 1.860 240 - 1.620 600 ... 180 120 40 - 80 60 20 20 - - 20 ... 1,020 760 , 80 - 680 260 480 400 40 - 360 80 860 540 120 - 420 320 440 60 20 - 340 80 ... 1,400 960 300 - 660 440 860 00 120 - 580 160 .... 440 260 40 - 220 180 360 40 40 - 200 120 .... 100 100 40 - 60 - 140 60 20 - 40 80 .... 80 80 60 - 20 - 60 40 - - 40 20 60 20 20 - - 40- - - - - - 60 40 40 - - 20 100 40 - - 40 60 .... 3.080 2,1201 00 18.9 1720 960 420 2.120 620 9,2 1,500 8300 .... 180 140 20 - 120 40 20 20 - - 20 - . . 820 640 120 - 520 180 480 460 63 - 400 20 ... 540 360 60 - 800 180 480 400 80 - 320 80 1,040 660 160 - 500 380 900 840 280 - 560 60 340 260 20 - 240 80 240 220 100 - 120 20 80 40 20 - 20 40 120 80 60 - 20 40 .- - - - - - 60 40 - - 40 20 20, - - - - 20 60 40 40 - - 20 ...60 20 - - 20 40 60 20 - - 20 40 S 5 240 3,760 1.180 31.4 2.580 1,480 4,480 3,820 1.440 37.7 2,380 660 260 200 60 - 140 60 100 80 20 - 60 20 1,760 1,200 280 - 920 560 940 780 180 - 600 160 1,100 800 200 - 600 300 1,020 960 240 - 720 60 1,420 1,120 420 - 700 800 1300 1 0 1,280 540 - 740 120 340 220 40 - 180 '120 500 420 240 - 180 80 .... 80 60 40 - 20 20 8300 280 200 - 80 "20 40 40 40 - - - 40 20 20 - - 20 60 60 40 - 20 - 20 - - - - 20 180 60 60 . - - 120 160 - - - - 160 --. 5040 4.56004 o 1,420 33.3 2,840 780 8.00011 2,680 1.200 44.8 1.4 700 1,680 860 1,200 260 160 20 20 140 d.n 580 1,300 880 960 80 80 20 220 600 1,360 760 1,060 220 140 20 20 80 3 .32 460 1,040 720 820 80 80 20 100 180 320 280 420 80 80 20 1 20n 100 320 280 300 40 80 20 60 420 1,040 480 640 140 60 20 40 2 120 360 720 440 520 40 40 100 320 100 140 40 20 60 Rnn 120 860 160 140 120 220 800 440 1,100 180 80 20 20 140 2 22n 220 .580 520 660 80 60 100 200 720 420 1,020 160 80 20 60 1 .980 180 540 520 580 80 40 40 8C 14C 22C 600 4( 6C 20 4C 1 l10 120 580 200 420 120 20 20 880 40 220 260 300 20 40 20. 80 20 80 20 -20 80 240 40 40 80. 20 60 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household-heed, and all persons not in pri- vatd households. . . . . I 't-I 1 11 rr IA Il J. RlVV I , +lr YYV } .G4V Il 7oV 11 - 1 OO 4R T - -1 :-r - Ig 36.1l EDUCATION Table 12.--TENURE OF HOME, FOR THE RURAL-FAR NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY REGIONS:1940--Continued (Statistios based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) Reporting tenure J Reporting tenure AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL In owned home In owned homes COMPETED, AND AGE Tenure Tenure Total Notal Percent In not Total Total Percent i not reportlng of total rented reported1 rented reports"1 -oi Number homes repori Nuhmber of total hors report- repot- ing __ __ ing THE SOUTH Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years . . . . ..... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to,3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ......... ......... 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: I to 3 years ...... 4 yearsor more... Not reported ................ .. 26 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... .. 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........... . .. . 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not repotLed .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College; 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ......... ,55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College? 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 1nn n I i na QnI l 9 II 1, 08 6 . 103.600 96.460 2.100 28.9 . 73.86I 7.140 99.880 96.?0 19.80 0.0 77.400 2.660 4,320 3,520 480 18.6 3,040 800 2,520 2,400 360 15.0 2,040 120 41,540 38,320" 5,040 13.2 33,280 3,220 24,020 23,240 1,940 8.3 21,300 780 28,060 26,440 6,560 24.8 19,880 1,620 27,660 27,100 3,620 13.4 23,480 560 17,580 16,800 5,740 - 34.2 11,060 780 23,220 22,480 5,080 22.6 17,400 740 9,160 8,760 3,900 44.5 4,860 400 17,240 16,940 6,120 36.1 10,820 300 1,480 1,480 880 - 600 - 2,800 2,780 1,480 53.2 1,300 20 400 400 400 - - - 860 800 540 - 260 60 20 20 - - 20 - 20 20 20 1,040 720 100 - 620 320 1,040 960 160 - 800 80 89.380 82.000 17.620 21.5 64.80 7.80 86.540 8.740 14.760. 17.6 968. 2.00 5,780 4,980 660 138. 4,e20 800 3,080 2,940 280 9.5 2,660 140 37,560 34,000 4,600 13.5 29,400 3,560 24,080 23,120 2,200 9.5 20,920 960 22,040 20,620 4,420 21.4 16,200 1,420 23,760 23,120 2,560 11.1 80,560 640 14,200 13,320 3,840 28.8 9,480 880 18,900 18,360 3,660 19.9 14,700 540 6,520 6,060 2,600 42.9 3,460 460 12,160 10,900 3,500 32.1 7,400 260 1,860 1,760 1,080 - 680 100 3,480 3,420 1,700 49.7 1,720 60 340 340 -220 - 120 - 1,120 1,080 640 - 440 40 40 40 40 - - - 20) 140 80 - 60 80 1,040 880 160 - 720 160 740 660 140 - 520 80 . 116,960 108.200 20.460 18. 87.740 8.760 111.820 . 1.700 15.980 4.8 91.720 4,120 8,900 7,820 780 10.0 7,040 1,(.O 4,420 4,280 520 12.1 8,760 140 51,520 47,880 5,820 12.2 42,060 3,640 -34,480 33,260 2,460 7.4 30,800 1,220 28,160 26,200 5,000 19.1 21,200 1,960 32,660 31,420 3,880 12.3 27,540 1,240 17,520 16,480 4,740 28.8 11,740 1,040 23,260 22,660 3,860 17.0 18,800 600 6,340 5,920 2,800 38.9 8,680 420 10,700 10,440 2,700 25.9 7,740 260 2,060 2,000 1,060 53.0 940 60 3,120 2,900 1,140 39.3 1,760 280 840 800 500 - 300 40 1,760 1,580 1,000 - 580 180 . 180 160 160 - - 20 500 340 280 - 60 160 1,440 940 100 - 840 500 920 820 140 - 680 100 153,800 143,260 21,480 15.0 . 121,780 10,540 155,460 149,920 21,420 14.3 128,500 5,540 12,960 11,740 1,120 9.5 10,620 1,220 7,060 6,740 700 10.4 6,040 820 72,160 67,620 7,000 10.4 60,620 4,540 49,640 47,980 3,740 7.8 44,240 1,660 38,260 35,800 5,660 15.8 30,140 2,460 46,660 45,560 5,580 12.2 39,980 1,100 19,700 18,560 4,500 24,2 14,060 1,140 82,040 31,220 5,380 17.2 25,840 820 5,960 5,640 1,860 33.0 3,780 320 11,760 11,500 3,020 26.8 8,480 260 1,680 1,580 720 - 860 100 8,180 2,920 1,140 39.0 1,780 260 660 620 8320 300 40 2,160 1,820 1,180 - 640 840 360 180 160 - 20 180 920 560 460 - 100 360 2,060 1,520 140 - 1,380 540 2,040 1,620 220 - 1,400 420 ... 121,940 118.960 17.620 15.a 96,40 , 7.980 g 122.9Q 19740 20.520 1 7,1 99220 8,240 11,920 10,780 1,100 10.2 9,680 1,140 7,460 7,140 980 13.7 6,160 320 58,720 55,320 6,120 11.1 49,200 3,400 45,080 43,940 4,480 10.2 89,460 1,140 28,080 26,740 4,820 18.0 21,920 1,340 35,820 35,120 5,360 15.3 29,760 700 15,080 14,280 3,500 24.5 10,780 800 22,200 21,720 5,300 24.4 16,420 480 4,120 3,840 1,060 27.6 2,780 280 7,160 7,020 2,380 33.9 4 640 140 700 580 280 - 300 120 1,940 1,900 800 - ]100 40 640 520 260 60 260 120 1,280 1,140 720 - 420 140 560 420 260 - 160 140 500 48 840 - 140 20 2,120 1,48s 220 - 1,260 640 1,540 1,280 160 - 1,120 - 260 ... 0,420 198,740 88.660 19,.5 160.080 11.680 22.620 216,480 48,180 22.a 168,.300 6.140 2784 2n,9w 3,24 22,880. www w w ~ w ww. .. . 27,840 107,340 45,080 19,520 .4,880 960 840 280 3,680 17?R8 40 30,900 92,820 31,240 18,880 4,120 1,140 640 420 ,3880 126.280 28,580 62,020' 19,920 8,500 2,640 700 500 240 3,180 25,920 101,760 48,140 18,660 4,580 860 820 180 2,820 170 n860n 29,180 89,180 30,160 18,400 3,980 1,120 600 400 2,840 120.880 27,180 59,760 19,280 8,240 2,520 700 480 220 2,500 8,240 16,220 10,580 5,380 1,700 440 560 100 440 49,800 4,560 19,880 9,900 5,520 1,920 560 460 300 700 8 .0on 6,000 17,260 8,220 8,940 1,440 380 380 180 700 18.5 15.9 24.5 28.8 37.1 15.6 25.6 15.6 22.3 32.8 - 41.2 48.2 24.6 1.8_R 22.1 28.9 42.6 47.8 57.1 28.-0 22,680 85,540 32,560 13,280 2,880 420 260 80 2,380 12?,060 24,620 69,30C 20,260 7,880 2,060 56C 140 1040 2,140 a8 R.8 21,180 42,500 11,060 4,'300 1,080 320 100 40 1,800 1,920 5,580 1,940 860 300 100 20 100 860 7,680 1,720 3,640 1,080 480 140 20 40 20 540 Snn00 1,400 2,260 640 260 120 20 20 680 19,640 88,840 64,200 31,640 9,720 2,740 1,900 720 3,220 168,580 22,800 75,900 39,480 18,540 5,740 1,840 820 520 2,940 98 220 18,800 46,100 19,100 8,300 2,580 700 380 240 2,020 18,860 86,480 63,000 30,920 9,640 2,560 1,760 640 2,620 164,140 21,960 74,320 38,720 18,040 5,660 1,820 760 480 2, 80 on raIn 18,100 44,920 18,680 8,240 2,520 660 380 240 1,460 13,800 14,480 10,060 3,800 1,520 1,320 480 540 46,820 3,720 17,000 12,440 7,840 2,720 1,120 600 320 560 339 2o 4,260 14,320 0,600 4,140 1,240 440 20f 60 420 11.6 16.0 28.0 32.5 39.4 59.4 20.6 2. 16.9 22.9 32.1 43.5 48.1 23.5 _s a 23.5 31.9 46.4 50.2 49.2 .72,680 48,520 20,86C 5,84C 1,040 440 160 2,080 117.82C 18,24C 5',320 26,280 10,200 2,940 70C 16C 16C 1, 20C 13,840 30,600 10,020 4,100 1,280 220 100 80 1,040 780 2,360 1,200 720 80 180 140 80 600 4.440 840 1,580 760 500 80 20 60 40 560 3.020 700 1,180 420 60 60 40 560 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting tenure, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in pri- vate households, 62 __ ___. r 1 I -- -I i -L , Ai 11 , , U I ,i jwI fw- V" iw - w 11 7 .N V i~p1 Q&, VWV1 . VV' 7p 4L. 11 . N . ., V 1 l4 .7 .V ..1 V V1,4 IV I r 1 7T- -w T T T T -T - 01 AA RAA I : ::I 9On I9/ 1 0- 16 ."M e.1 ee TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 63 Table 13.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total value rental CCWETZ, AND A Total Under .$10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to $75 and repnot rted (doluear) reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over URBAN AND RURAL-NONFAM Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 yearsold........... TRo school years completed.. ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . S and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years. .'. . High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old'............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grale school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ...................... 5 a7 10 nn 5 a m l n r 1 o sAf l 900en 02n 0 n& av so,4s",w. io" 64 0,140) 1 ,76, 6 2,01,U w o 00 1 ,J 95 tJ9 O,, ,w , , , , vow , , , , .. ..uq 12158,520 1.050,120 185,520 154,940 128,500 222,440 255.480 92.660 52,780 108,400 25.02 6,020 4,160 2,040 600 540 440 240 220 80 1,860 9.85 25,300 20,520 14,680 2,480 1,240 1,120 580 280 140 2,780 6.49 45,980 40,960 23,560 7,960 5,800 5,780 1,400 520 140 5,020 8.19 165,080 144,020 51,280 29,560 20,400 25,700 15,640 2,640 800 21,060 15.01 429,520 594,740 59,860 56;400 57,060 95,140 87,580 26,640 12,060 54,780 22.05 572,600 541,400 27,580 52,520 38,500 80,060 100,400 41,720 21,020 51,200 28.56 106,040 98,180 5,500 5,120 6,240 15,120 50,200 20,120 17,880 7,860 42.15 1,540 1,280 60 100 40 200 420 220 240 260 8,440 4,860 960 400 680 880 1,020 500 420 3,580 25.93 1,078,760 927,060 170,240 120,060 109,100 194.220 205,800 81,220 48,420 151,700 22.80 4,420 21,440 44,440 168,520 272,400 369,460 172,540 17,020 8,720 1.619.080 5,620 52,240 64,780 284,500 585,180 5536,080 181,700 116,760 12,420 2,702,780 15,580 62,980 152,160 612,580 634, 560 726,200 245,080 250,160 25,880 2.550.680 16,840 75,820 149,820 690,960 580,140 524,800 215,800 249,520 27,180 4.228.540 5,200 18,000 58,420 142,220 255,520 521,760 152,660 15,540 4,140 1.565.720 4,500 27,940 56,720 245,560 552,720 460,000 149,980 85,040 5,660 2,559,000 11,440 54,500 118,220 545,780 569,160 645,760 207,900 196,500 12,140 2.277.920 12,880 67,920 155,480 627,540 551,520 477,900 , 192,200 218,420 14,060 5.817.840 1,400 15,280 21,960 51,120 41,640 55,780 6,000 520 740 260.900 2,220 21,260 52,480 84,020 62,880 46,860 7,820 2,200 1,160 454,840 7,020 38,480 64,780 162,580 99,080 65,560 11,520 4,980 2,840 397.840 7,980 45,280 62,960 156,160 74,640 35,400 9,960 4,500 5,160 568,500 460 2,240 7,140 27,880 57,780 35,280 8,040 500 740 187.900 740 5,160 10,88C 50,060 55,000 54,280 9,680 5,080 1,020 550,200 u I E 1 _ _ a 1,500 7,960 21,980 106,940 95,020 74,420 15,480 7,580 1,520 289.460 1,460 11,420 26,680 110,020 75,500 42,580 12,640 7,480 1,680 455.820 460 680 5,680 19,960 54,720 38,100 10,240 660 600 172.580 540 1,520 5,260 36,160 55,580 58,880 12,040 4,240 560 512,680 640 5,520 15,780 86,920 91,560 84,400 19,460 11,020 1,580 290.540 720 5,120 18,460 101,040 79,180 55,700 16,660 12,140 1,520 452,500 500 900 5,680 24,760 58,260 78,800 24,620 1,960 740 299,920 400 1,200 4,940 45,800 85,980 121,400 30,960 12,140 1,100 540,080 1,180 2,860 11,860 112,740 147,500 176,740 50,820 55,960 2,620 515,860 1,500 4,780 17,860 142,000 145,200, 125,400 45,020 55,280 5,020 811,080 S 3 P H 7 2- . - 58,840 180,240 555,160 1,453,140 850,760 659,880 315,400 558,900 58,220 5.181.860 50,660 160,540 299,520 1,519,060 761,460 605,700 285,240 526,680 29,480 2.861.600 17,720 85,900 100,600 228,580 81,960 50,100 11,760 5,940 5,740 402.540 4,480 50,500 56,400 194,640 82,420 38,580 14,160 9,100 5,540 307.700 2,500 16,400 44,820 191,660 95,040 49,800 19,540 11,600 5,140 500.160 2,920 16,940 56,820 516,780 190,440 151,500 51,680 57,900 6,100 568,480 240 680 1,520 14,880 45,060 91,660 45,500 5,820 640 289,500 540 800 2,560 23,660 60,500 126,000 47,840 26,580 1,020 515,460 1,020 1,500 4,780 65,800 110,960 185,580 71,260 76,720 2,240 541,700 1,080 2,440 7,760 94,880 124,480 157,180 69,880 80,820 5,180 966,260 2,240 8,580 52,860 289,500 217,280 215,020 97,440 99,260 6,280 718,960 40 140 500 2,840 11,840 51,720 50,660 5,500 580 100,660 140 160 540 4,420 13,080 59,080 24,560 18,200 480 145,820 140 500 880 10,800 22,160 46,480 24,780 57,200 1,080 175,220 I I 240 760 1,400 19,400 28,040 47,900 27,980 48,540 960 400,520 6 2 8 620 1,680 6,500 77,760 72,960 99,880 54,640 85,580 2,900 542,420 100 80 140 780 4,020 12,420 27,800 2,780 500 54,660 120 40 60 1,240 5,700 15,500 17,080 18,600 520 61,920 140 80 160 2,000 5,080 14,780 14,580 24,840 260 69,500 100 120 560 4,040 6,480 15,740 12,060 29,860 540 205,760 280 540 1,520 20,140 23,560 42,820 36,020 79,500 1,780 221,540 1,220 5,440 6,020 26,100 59,080 47,700 19,880 5,680 4,580 255,360 1,520 4,500 8,060 40,940 52,460 76,080 31,720 51,720 6,760 545,780 4,140 8,680 15,940 66,600 65,200 82,440 57,180. 53,860 11,740 252,760 5,960 7,900 14,540 65,420 48,620 46,900 25,600 50,900 15,120 410,700 8,280 19,900 55,840 154,080 69,500 64,180 50,160 52,220 28,740 520,260 11.67 6.28 8.25 13.09 19.92 26.52 41.61 46.41 19.42 21.56 I 1 I -, , -, 9.18 9.18 6.07 8.25 15.26 19.02 25.26 $5.56 45.20 20.52 21.01 7.65 6.56 8.62 14.69 19.56 25.15 31.57 40.09 20.00 22.64 7.57 7.55 10.40 16.86 22.04 28.05 55.45 41.87 21.72 25.55 8.12 8.85 15.85 20.91 25.98 54.46 58.85 49.41 25.50 26.90 44,760 55,500 19,020 6,260 5,020 5,500 2,580 720 400 9,260 8.85 206,220 185,840 81,020 35,720 25,540 24,840 15,620 3,660 1,440 22,580 11.12 526,940 295,640 78,860 50,280 41,920 60,140 46,480 12,3560 5,600 55,500 16.61 1,210,460 1,094,640 154,020 157,460 * 137,460 255,240 279,240 97,400 55,820 115,820 24.14 478,480 437,620 58,520 41,180 45,560 99,920 150,580 57,240 25,020 40,860 28.90 416,720 582,780 15,560 20,080 25,720 67,660 125,220 75,940 52,800 55,940 39.49 210,700 189,520 7,220 9,860 13,760 51,060 59,460 58,220 29,740 21,580 40.52 236,060 217,640 5,720 5,740 6,620 20,980 55,480 54,800 72,900 18,420 57.93 51,520 26,620 4,800 5,120 2,760 5,140 6,500 2,680 1,820 24,900 24.62 2,041,620 1,827,880 508,580 210,920 191,500 547,020 429,060 204,420 156,580 215,740 25.55 5,8 ,4 6 6 ,6 41,060 181,420 255,220 815,480 25$, 960 252,040 111,840 155,400 56,200 55,900 160,440 227,400 755,140 215,500 211,680 101,180 125,460 19,180 18,960 68,360 61,140 1153,960 22,580 10,480 5,400 5,540 4,560 5,520 28,000 39,100 92,760 20,580 12,140 6,620 4,560 2,240 2,880 19,140 50,580 88,120 22,260 14,520 7,240 -4,580 2,180 5,280 22,600 44,280 160,500 47,260 35,900 17,040 12,840 5,320 2,540 16,520 38,160 182,620 61,580 65,460 29,560 28,940 4,080 860 4,500 10,760 69,520 28,18C0 42,540 19,460 27,52C 1,68C0 260 1,520 5,580 27,660 15,660 50,840 15,860 41,880 1,520 7,160 20,980 25,820 78,540 21,460 20,560 10,660 11,940 17,020 8.44 11.62 16.70 24.05 28.54 59.52 59.17 56.54 21.94 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. - T T 1 T T- - I -rr Z- T T T- T - T T. - - - - - - ii 1 I T: T -r T Z- T I ir r I I _ _ 7A 1 03 ms Mn 2 5 r 6o_ 6clr 64 EDUCATION Table 13.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHI"E MALES 18 TO. 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940--Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total value rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to . $50 to $75 and not 1 value reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old. ............. 12,627,880 11,212,940 787,060 1,076,160 1,517,280 2,736,680 3,286,260 1,296,660 712,840 1,414,940 28.56 766,940 707,740 52,580 71,660 .86,620 175,740 197,540 79,000 44,600 59,200 27.64 2,520 1,900 520 560 540 260 160 180 80 620 7,960 7,160 3,340 1,240 860 880 480 240 120 800 10.47 19,740 18,020 6,460 4,540 2,720 .2,800 1,220 180 10d 1,720 12.31 88,440 79,120 15,040 16,540 14,280 20,220 10,580 1,960 500 9,320 17.29 291,980 273,420 19,060 31,200 40,440 77,060 75,820 22,040 9,800 18,560 25.47 269,040 249, 260 6,940 15,400 24,500 62,920 85,180 36,160 18,360 19,780 33.04 80,780 74,920 1,020 2,160 3,260 10,840 24,900 17,620 15,120 5,860 45.71 1,120 920 - 60 40 140 500 200 180 200 - 5,360 3,020 200 160 380 620 .900 420 340 2,540 32.85 728,520 633,480 49,980 67,080 77,640 158,020 172,320 69,620 40,820 95,040 27.52 No school years completed ......... 2,520 1,980 540 360 360 400 200 40 80 540 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 7,260 6,080 3,240 1,020 540 600 540 80 60 1,180 8.88 5 and 6 years ........ 19,680 17,160 5,900 4,020 2,720 2,920 1,240 260 100 2,520 12.83 7 and 8 years ........ 94,640 80,700 14, 920 16,160 14,640 20,000 12,060 2,560 560 13,940 17.67 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 187,000 165,860 13,720 22,980 26,620 49,080 38,420 9,800 3,240 23,140 25.29 4 years ............. 264,560 231,720 9,320 18,300 25,640 63,120 78,280 26,840 10,220 52,840 29.42 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 155,660 118,340 1,960 3,620 6,280 17,680 37,760 27,140 23,900 15,320 45.19 4 years or more...... 13,580 10,800 140 200 560 1,600 5,280 2,840 2,380 2,580 48.40 Not reported .................... 5,820 2,840 240 420 480 620 540 260 280 2,980 24.02 22 to 24 years old ............... 1,107,620 937,860 78,680 105,920 123,820 245,300 250,440 86,680 47,020 169,760 26.94 No school years completed ......... 2,640 2,120 740 400 160 320 260 120 120 520 15.50 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 11,620 9,980 5,640 1,560- 900 1,000 700 140 40 1,640 8.35 5 and 6 years ........ 31,060 27,300 10,100 6,500 4,040 4,040 2,140 440 40 5,760 12.23 7 and 8 years....... 165,740 142,5320 25,700 29,520 26,620 36,060 19,840 5,500 1,080 25,420 17.49 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 265,240 231,780 20,780 553,560 40,460 70,820 57,140 11,220 2,800 3355,460 22.48 4 years .............. 589,060 334,760 12,740 27,940 40,840 98,640 109,780 . 33,420 11,400 54,300 28.20 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 141,560 116,540 2,060 4,700 7,920 24,560 41,320 21,120 14,860 25,020 38.71 4 years or more ...... 91,900 69,120 460 1,200 2,480 8,860 2Z, 400 16,520 16,400 22,780 47.95 Not reported ..................... 8,800 5,940 460 540 400 1,000 860 400 280 4,860 25.20 25 to 29 years old ............... 1,831,960 1,592,180 128,760 181,380 220,920 438,000 447,820 122,320 52,980 238,880 25.55 No school years completed ......... 6,860 4,940 1,720 660 540 940 920 80 80 1,920 15.55 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 25,360 21,400 10,840 4,860 2,160 2,280 1,000 200 60 3, 960 9.57 5 and 6 years........ 64,560 57,020 19,620 12,920 10,020 9,760 3,840 740 120 7,540 12.94 7 and 8 years........ 368,680 326,280 44,640 60,420 64,060 92,700 54,180 8,600 1,680 42,400 19.05 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 439,600 395,240 30,800 54,240 67,660 122,780 96,920 18,480 4,360 44,560 23.16 4 years ............. 528,740 467,320 16,320 37,040 58,560 143,620 160,240 39,400 12,140 61,420 27.98 College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 184,860 156,280 2,720 7,520 11,640 59,260 61,620 21,060 12,460 28,580 55.02 4 years or more.. 196,980 155,860 1,5300 2,780 5,200 24,520 67,280 32,880 21,900 41,120 42.62 Not reported ...................... 15,420 7,840 800 940 1,080 2,140 1,820 880 180 7,580 24.84 30 to 34 years old... ............ 1,708,400 1,528,580 107,700 154,740 198,520 404,280 460,000 146,580 56,760 179,820 27.00 No school years completed ......... 7,680 5,760 2,180 860 / 460 1,100 880 220 60 1,920 15.57 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 32,440 28,380 11,520 6,560 3,880 50 80 2,100 560 80 4,060 11.60 5 and 6 years ........ 77,400 68,680 18,040 15,760 13,280 14,240 6,140 920 500 8,720 .14.70 7 and 8 years........ 427,920 385,760 41,340 60,240 73,700 113,760 78,140 15,380 3,200 42,160 21.05 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 403,280 368,120 20,980 41,520 S5,540 114,980 . 106,480 23,540 5,080 55,160 25.24 4 years ............... 388,960 553,020 9,200 21,000 36,560 98,54Q "135,040 40,080 15,000 55,940 31.22 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 162,280 143,400 2,400 5,880 9,500 52,420 59,20 23,600 9,880 18,880 56.74 4 years or more...... 190,400 166,560 \ 1,220 2,060 4,860 23,280 68,740 41,460 24,740 24,040 44.56 Not reported ..................... 18,040 9,100 820 1,060 1,140 2,280 2,560 820 420 8,940 26.21 35 to 44 years old ............... 2,902,520 2,607,540 159,280 224,720 286,000 626,280 810,260 332,920 168,080 294,980 29.68 No school years completed ....... 19,240 15,06b 5,260 2,880 1,820 2,3580 1,980 480 260 4,180 13.44 Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ........ 87,620 75,440 24,960 17,680 11,240 13,080 6,780 1,540 360 12,180 13.11 5 and 6 years ........ 194,840 172,220 29,680 52,760 32,540 44,760 26,900 4,620 1,160 22,620 18.16 7 and 8 years ........ 959,160 864,060 63,100 102,160 130,560 248,900 240,000 62,900 16,440 95,100 24.97 High school. 1 to 3 years ......... 585,720 554,080 22,160 40,740 61,220 148,940 182,460 59,700 18,860 51,640 29.10 4 years ............. 5Q2,960 460,500 8,400 17,920 31,040 101,540 182,080 84,540 54,980 42,460 37.54 College: to 3 years ......... 239,280 214,980 2,720 5,820 10,860 37,540 81,980 46,200 29,860 24, 00 41.83 4 years or more ...... 277,540 252,440 1,680 2,940 4,920 24,460 82,940 70,840 64,660 25,100 82.77 Not reported ..................... 36,160 18,760 1,520 1,820 2,000 4,680 5,140 2,300 1,500 17,400 28.56 45 to 54 years old ............... 2,206,580 1,982,460 119,100 158,680 199,040 432,800 597,240 288,560 187,240 224,120 32.23 No school years completed ......... 22,520 17,980 6,100 3,800 2,100 2,880 2,140 620 540 4,540 13,50 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 110,720 96,500 24,080 20,020 16,880 19,380 12,080 3,000 1,060 14,220 15.75 5 and 6 years........ 205,988 181,400 24,440 28,140 29,880 47,940 358,520 9,560 2,920 22,580 21.22 7 and 8 years........ 823,740 740,960 43,080 69,80d 92,120 197,100 231,040 80,180 27,640 82,780 27.90 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 342,100 311,760 11,540 19,860 29,560 74,520 108,480 47,080 21,120 50,340 33.33 4 years ............. 327,020 300,700 5,200 9,420 15,680 51,940 106,720 66,100 45,640 26,520 42.26 College: I to 3 years ........ 157,620 141,260 1,980 3,900 7,840 21,5320 48,520 32,720 24,980 16,560 44.17 4 years or more.. 188,620 174,440 1,180 2,220 3,460 13,900 44,600 46,880 62,200 14,180 61.16 Not reported .................... 50,260 17,460 1,700 1,520 1,720 3,820 5,140 2,220 1,540 12,800 29.42 55 to 64 years old ............... 1,576,240 1,223,100 90,980 111,980 .124,720 258,260 350,640 171,180 115,540 153,140 50.96 No school years completed ......... 19,700 16,080 5,740 3,200 1,860 2,640 1,880 - 580 180 5,620 13.09 Grade school: I to 4 years ........ 99,320 85,700 20,760 16,580 13,160 17,560 13,220 3,500 1,120 13,620 16.59 5 and 6 years....... 157,280 139,160 18,980 22,920 20,900 53,940 51,100 8,660 2,760 18,120 21.53 7 and 8 years....... 542,900 485,520 51,500 47,060 57,820 120,380 148,900 56,820 22,840 57,580 28.55 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 167,240 150,440 6,700 . 9,840 13,840 34,840 50,240 23,700 11,280 16,800 35.48 4 years ........ .... .180,260 164,380 3,220 6,580 9,060 26,700 55,140 57,080 26,800 15,880 42.86 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 82,300 73,740 1,660 3,000 4,340 11,500 23,500 16,180 15,560 8,560 45.43 4 years or more...... 105,760 96,240 1,140 1,860 2,480 8,086 23,540 23,560 55,780 9,520 61.41 Not reported ..................... 21,480 12,0401 1,380 1,140 1,260 2,20 3,320 1,500 1,020 9,440 28.05 1Gomprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private househblds. TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 65 Table 13.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued ' (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VAIUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total value rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to $75 and not value reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over reported1 (dollars) RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21"years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .. ........... . 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College:' 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............, ....... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years .... . 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ...... Not reported'. ................... 45 to 54 years old.... ........ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................. 5.913.980 391.580 5.274,2001t 1.959.5001 958.840 542. W 130.940J 6 .2RO I 80 41.880 619.s801 760.420 61 _7o01 244R.080 46 700 5 7.940 / 157. 92 15 R660 o .7 6 1 . 11 ---i--r --- . ,- - - -- ,v -V- s. {- VV, - 4.00 3 5,500 2,260 1,520 240 200 180 80 40 - 1,240 6.95 . 15,340 13,530 11,340 1,240 380 240 100 40 20 1,980 5.59 . 26,240 22,940 17,100 3,420 1,080 980 180 140 40 3,300 6.21 . 76,640 64,900 36,240 13,020 6,120 5,480 53,060 680 300 11,740 8.45 137,540 121,320 40,800 25,200 16,620 18,080 13,760 4,600 2,260 16,220 13.44 103,560 92,140 20,640 16,920 14,000 17;140 15,220 .5,560 2,660 11,420 17.54 25,260 23,260 2,480 2,960 2,980 4,280 5,300 2,500 2,760 2,000 27.00 . 420 360 60 40- 60 120 20 60 60 - . 5,080 1,840 760 240 500 260 120 80 80 1,240 - . 550,240 2953580 120,260 52,980 531.460 58.200 .480 11.600 00 56,660 12.00 . 1,900 1,220 860 100 100 100 40 - 20 680 . 14,18d 11,920 10,040 1,220 140 300 140 60 20 2,260 5.44 24,760 21,260 16,069 3,120 960 760 280 40 3,500 6.12 73,680 61,520 36,200 11,720 5,320 4,760 2,820 480 220 12,160 8.00 85,400 69,460 27,920 14,800 8,100 9,180 6,640 2,040 780 15,940 11.80 104,900 90,040 24,460 16,980 12,460 15,680 13,380 4,880 2,200 14,860 15.94 58,880 54,320 4,040 4,420 5,960 6,940 7,540 3,520 5,900 4,560 26.5533 . 3,640 2,540 180 5300 500 360 540 460 400 1,100 34.31 2,900 1,500 50 520 120 120 100 120 20 1,600 - . 511,460 427,860 182,220 81.980 48.560 54.620 58.860 13.980 7.,640 83.600 11.43 . 2,980 2,180 1,480 340 180 80 80 20 - 800 6.86 20,620 17,960 15,620 1,600 420 200 100 20 - 2,660 5.25 553,720 29,420 22,380 4,580 1,220 900 420 100 20 4,300 6.07 . 118,560 101,040 58,320 20,540 9,540 7,740 3,820 920 160 17,520 8.16 119,940 100,940 42,100 21,440 13,120 13,160 8,560 1,860 900 19,000 11.45 147,020 125,240 534,120 26,340 18,040 22,760 16,220 5,660 2,100 21,780 15.10 40,140 5533,440 5,760 4,980 4,120 6,400 6,520 53,440 2,220 6,700 22.41 24,860 15,920 1,740 1,880 1,760 53,280 3,180 1,880 2,200 8,940 27.37 � 3,620 1,720 700 480 160 100 160 80 40 1,900 - . 871,720 7Q6,820 326.080 148.820 91.760 102.080 67 640 21.500 8.940 104.900 11.43 8,720 6,500 5,500 640 100 240 100 60 60 2,220 5.63 37,620 532,900 27,640 5,100 * 1,160 580 500 100 20 4,720 5.45 67,600 61,200 45,160 9,060 3,760 2,100 940 140 40 6,400 6.28 243,700 219,500 117,940 46,520 22,860 20,040 9,620 2,200 320 24,200 8.81 . 194,760 175,920 68,280 38,780 23,900 24,520 14,040 3,680 720 20,840 11.91 197,460 - 176,440 47,240 37,3580 25,840 33,120 23,140 7,080 2,640 21,020 15.20 . 60,220 51,620 8,800 7,960 7,820 11,560 9,640 3,720 2,120 8,600 20.56 S 53,180 40,440 3,680 4,800 5,820 9,440 9,440 4,520 2,940 12,740 25.77 . 8,460 4,500 2,040 580 500 480 420 200 80 4,160 10.45 822,280 7495340 290,140 134,720 92.020 109.580 81.700 28 640 12,540 72,940 12.64 9,160 7,120 5,800 600 260 200 200 20 40 2,040 5.64 45,3580 59,540 31,760 5,060 1,240 900 540 200 40 5,840 5.72 72,420 66,800 44,920 10,92Q 5,180 3,620 1,620 480 60 5,620 6.94 265,040 241,780 114,820 49,780 27,340 28,240 16,740 4,020 840 21,260 10.11 176,860 165,400 53,660 33,980 25,640 28,220 18,000 4,500 1,400 13,460 15.63 135,840 124,880 26,200 21,580 19,340 25,060 22,140 7,'820 2,740 10,960 18.29 55,520 48,800 7,560 6,760 7,360 10,600 9,960 4,580 2,180 4,720 22.07 58,920 52,060 5,080 5,420 7,280 12,000 12,080 7,080 5,120 6,860 28.04 9,140 4,960 2,340 620 580 740 620 140 120 4,180 10.63 020 l a . 0 409,020 209,100 146,300 184,800 156,000 67,400 37,680 115,720 14.19 19,600 15,500 12,460 1,600 480 540 260 140 20 4,100. 5.72 92,620 84,900 60,940 12,820 5,160 3,860 :1,600 340 180 7,720 6.47 138,320 127,100 70,920 23,640 12,480 12,060 5,960 1,680 360 11,220 8.46 493,980 455,000 165,480 92,480 61,100 67,880 49,500 14,860 3,700 38,980 12.85 245,040 227,380 59,800 41,680 31,820 41,500 34,820 13,260 4,500 17,660 16.42 . 156,920 145,200 21,700 20,660 18,760 29,960 30,940 15,340 7,840 11,720 23.53 76,120 70,280 9,040 8,540 8,680 14,140 15,460 8,440 6,160 5,860 25.91 81,360 74,240 4,260 6,160 6,680 13,440 16,320 12,740 14,640 7,120 57.56 22,060 10,720 4.420 1,720 1,140 1,420 1,140 600 280 11,340 12.25 975,280 879,140 285,3240 149 .020 101.120 . 1,680 121,720 54,060 34,500 96 ,140 14.86 22,240 95,500 122,960 386,720 156,380 89,700 53,080 47,440 21,260 865.380 21,560 82,100 95,940 270,580 69;720 51,780 29,540 29,640 14,720 17,520 87,540 112,240 553,680 125,860 82,080 48,060 45,200 9,160 604.780 17,820 74,740 88,240 249,820 65,060 47,500. 27,440 27,220 7,140 12,920 56,940 54,420 110,940 26,980 10,160 5,240 2,540 3,100 217.600 13,220 47,600 42,260 82,460 15,680 7,260 5,740 2,400 2,980 2,460 13,700 22,140 67,660 21,520 10,660 5,960 3,520 1,600 98.940 2,120 11,420 16.180 45,700 10,540 5,760 3,620 2,500 1,100 920 6,660 12,040 45,340 16,000 10,040 5,920 3,160 1,040 66.780 1,020 5,980 9,680 50,500 8,420 5,460 / 2,900 2,100 920i S 620 ,5,460 12,200 58,140 25,400 15,720 9,740 7,080 1,520 88.760 640 5,040 10,340 40,120 12,420 9,200 5,540 4,760 700 440 3,540 7,960 48,200 22,100 18,500 10,940 8,880 1,160 78.420 480 3,300 7,060 33,720 11,140 10,320 6,060 5,600 760 100 660 2,800 17,220 10,160 9,840 5,500 7,320 460 3355.240 280 1,000 2,100 12,700 4,480 5,260 3,280 3,760 380 60 580 680 6,180 3,900 7,160 4,790 10,700 480 21.040 80 400 620 4,820 2,380 4,040 2,300 6,100 300 4,720 8,160 10,720 55,040 10,520 7,620 5,020 4,240 12,100 60.600 5,540 7,360 7,700 20,760 4,660 4,480 2,100 2,420 7,580 6.28 7.17 9.88 14,S7 19.07 25.98 26.59 41.44 14.13 13.78 6.24 7.55 10.07 14.14 18.25 25.12 25.75 36.11 12.18 'Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, ad all persons not in private households. I j~v,.vvl v .s wv~a ivvv avarvsv y-v--v vj " .v'i isz'"" V'~1c vVV' w ' V tt I vow.." f - _ - - _ - - - - - - 12 RR68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 EDUCATION Table 14:-W-ONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is lass than 2,000) REPORTING IRENTAL VAIE Rental Media AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL .Totalvalue rental COMPIETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $80 to $50 to $75 and reot ai e reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over reported (dollars) URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 ana 21 years old ......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: '1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. .; .. 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old. . ..'... . No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..,.. 4 years or more... Not reported ............... . 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 19. 94. 40 i17 698m n a man .mnl 2 n 6 nl a new aacnl t sa, namI A we onni wa- -Yan 9A 44 . a 6a9 860 . 1.250.460 1.110.700 210.660 143.960 1 5.960 24.880 26.720 98.8280 55. 8 189760 3.26 3,220 2,340 1,320 260 260 160 160 140 40 880 8.36 18,240 15,920 11,260 1,880 1,000 840 720 180 40 2,980 6.57 8,260o 84,960 21,900 6,320 8,040 2,460 980 160 100 8,320 7.48 156,140 135,820 54,980 27,320 17,800 22,040 11,020 1,980 680 20,320 11.89 . 395,860 868,820 71,680 57,680 54,500 86,560 65,460 19,880 8,060 32,540 19.30 . 510,100 444,300 44,060 45,080 52,120 104,660 125,760 48,080 24,540 65,800 87.28 120,520 108,800 4,860 5,040 6,700 17,020 31,420 22,660 21,100 11,720 48,98 2,240 1,960 40 80 140 420 560 360 8360 280 5,860 8,280 560 300 400 720 640 840 320 2,580 4.78 . 1.228,600 1,062,280 198,400 142.240 188.940 234.560 2p5,480 80,580 47,080 166.820 81.91 3,040 2,100 1,160 200 200 40 240 240 40 20 940 8.585 16,620 14,640 10,880 1,740 680 760 460 60 60 1,980 6.23 37,780 34,320 21,300 5,720 3,260 2,680 1,160 140 60 3,460 7.56 173,380 151,880 57,080 31,280 21,220 25,660 13,300 2,440 900 21,500 12.51 291,340 263,900 55,860 46,400 42,360 65,480 42,560 8,440 2,800 27,440 18.00 512,800 434,700 44,500 47,360 55,640 113,560 120,16e 189,188 14,300 78,100 28.65 162,660 138,480 6,380 8,220 9,180 22,700 41,9, 26,000 24,080 24,180 40.36 23,360 18,120 460 760 840 2,580 5,120 3,800 4,560 5,240 46.76 7,620 4,140 780 560 560 900 560 480 300 3,480 21.89 . 1,809,900 1,588,640 292.080 212.920 208.660 361.800 350.500 107.140 55.540 881, 860 21.73 4,960 3,740 2,140 440 180 380 340 160 100 1,220 8.24 25,520 22,580 16,540 2,460 1,160 1,260 860 200 100 2,940 6.33 58,680 53,800 31,320 9,780 5,640 4,600 2,000 400 60 4,880 8.09 28,720 260,240 86,960 50,840 39,480 50,360 27,200 4,280 1,120 28,480 13.74 417,480 383,640 78,180 62,740 62,520 97,640 67,260 12,100 3,200 38,840 18.57 718,760 634,000 64,920 72,020 82,220 165,080 178,880 51,860 19,020 e4,760 25.43 175,840 145,400 8,500 10,980 12,980 30,060 *46,280 21,640 14,960 0,440 88.90 108,500 78,520 2,120 2,840 3,600 10,960 26,180 16,140 16,680 29,980 44.58 11,440 6,720 1,400 820 880 1,460 1,500 360 300 4,720 21.28 2,886:180 2,618,740 446.160 337.580 334.900 612.840 K19.860 189.280 78.120 267,440 22.61 13,400 9,900 4,960 1,100 860 1,080 1,30 . 420 160 3,500 9.48 50,840 46,120 32,220 6,040 2,960 2,900 1,720 240 40 4,720 6.66 117,180 109,320 56,540 21,700 12,920 11,920 5,500 520 220 7,860 9.17 587,700 546,180 145,700 100,260 85,460 127,680 71,680 12,820 2,580 41,520 16.09 677,700 635,780 107,540 94,860 96,340 165,620 135,980 28,660 6,780 41,920 20.66- 943,540 858,020 77,680 86,940 102,840 221,720 260,280 79,720 28,840 85,520 26.79 283,800 244,620 , 14,720 19,500 22,480 54,240 82,980 33,200 17,500 9,180 32.24 194,260 157,840 *4,440 5,720 9,020 25,540 58,040 32,740 21,540 36,420 41.01 17,760 10,960 2,360 1,460 1,220 2,140 2,360 960 460 6,800 21.56 . 2.599.800 2.403.320 8361.240 279900 285240 532,109 616.800 2248000 103.240 196,480 24.67 13,660 10,700 5,580 1,200 860 1,320 1,080 380 280 2,960 9.09 58,540 58,920 32,160 9,400 4,780 4,820 2,160 420 180 4,620 7.88 . 131,240 124,120 54,460 24,900 17,260 17,120 8,500 1,460 420 7,120 11.03 ... 613,320 578,420 128,340 . 97,600 89,520 133, 600 102,700 21,440 5,220 34,900 18.08 598,060 565,380 75,940 70,340 77,500 143,440 145,340 41,680 11,140 32,680 23.61 . 692,300 642,860 44,360 49,460 62,360 150,280 215,560 84,21P 36,620 49,440 30.89 A 278,500 251,240 14,080 18,600 22,860 52,100 82,840 37,960 22,800 27,260 33,84 ... 194,060 163,600 4,120 6,720 8,560 26,020 55,920 36,160 26,100 30,460 42.51 20,120 13,080 2,200 1,680 1,540 3,400 2,700 1,080 480 7,040 22.79 ... 4,240,960 3,951,300 509,740 413,260 426,200 829,560 1 ,059,540 4632960 2582040 289 ,660 27.13 .... 32,660 26,760 14,140 3,960 2,520 2,740 2,400 ' 760 240 5,900 . 136,340 127,180 64,620 22,940 13,580 15,400 8,320 1,660 . 660 9,160 9.34 286,340 270,800 88,120 51,760 39,040 49,380 34,140 6,700 1,660 15,540 14.07 .... 1,298,400 1,230,800 196,880 167,780 172,880 294,620 286,740 87,300 24,600 67,600 22.14 869,260 822,920 85,020 86,980 96,580 194,920 240,300 87,020 32,700 46,340 26.86 900,880 843,800 36,980 49,400 62,820 162,560 290,540 151,000 90,00 57,080 37.08 ... 407,180 870,840 15,220 20,820 25,840 66,840 119,680 70,560 51,880 36,840 88.97 ... 269,940 233,520 5,040 7,340 10,360 29,640 71,180 55,860 54,100 36,420 47.59 39,960 24,680 3,720 2,880 2,580 4,460 6,240 3,100 1,700 15,280 26.59 . ,209,820 2,978,080 8 372.640 307,420, 306.4001 595.800 772.920 8379.360 243.540 21,740 827.94 fee0 e 1,I I 0l0 1,4 4,34 AP^2 . ^1,22f I oRn 0 &"^10 m^I A^I t I0 ^,0 1^.Is $6,680 161,140 293,360 1,130,960 568,580 570,700 254,500 165,000 33,900 34,460 147,040 240,980 820,120 316,840 350,640 143,800 88 400 26,340 31,300 150,220 278,540 1,061,140 529,660 530,720 232,080 143,620 20,800 oar, G9A 29,520 186,760 226,160 761,160 291,500 319,180 128,860 76,980 15,500 16,460 62,940 75,040 139,300 45,680 18,180 9,180 2,880 2,980 15,300 64,200 59,020 107,220 27,440 12,720 5,400 1,960 2,600 4,540 27,800 47,520 129,640 50,920 28,300 12,220 4,200 2,280 O.^ Ann 4,640 24,120 36,720 95,740 29,160 17,760 6,900 2,700 1,660 18,760 38,480 133,820 56,140 34,300 14,220 5,640 2,120 2,440 16,860 31,220 91,460 30,820 19,960 8,740 3,400 1,660 8,520 22,460 57,140 244,080 118,880 91,300 37,260 17,340 3,820 381.740 3,320 21,540 46,640 161,940 62,240 53,940 20,140 9,460 2,520 2,620 14,220 45,200 273,620 152,400 168,960 70,460 40,480 4,960 494.080 2,700 14,800 38,380 - 193,500 84,480 97,000 38,860 21,340 3,020 760 3,120 12,160 103,820 68,220 105,460 47,300, 36,120 2,900 244.840 700 4,280 10,680 79,380 38,400 64,300 25,720 18,520 2,360 480 920 3,000 37,360 37,420 84,220 41,440 36,960 1,740 153.640 420 960 3,500 31,920 18,960 33,500 23,100 19,600 1,680 5,880 10,920 14,820 69,820 33,920 89,980 22,42Q 21,380 18,100 18. 00_ 4,940 10,280 14,820 58,960 25,340 31,460 14,940 11,420 10,840 9.01 11.69 16.67 24.74 28.93 40.54 41.75 50.38 27.41 26.86 9.15 12.44 17.28 24.82 28.87 40.88 41.47 49.15 26.76 10omprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. .; y iy y 1 L W V y w V- r " rs " vr V V ' L" V T T T- T T T T . = I I on u. e.8ozo . 5 80na IFI .1 .I . I . . mY ~n4nI 2U.530U i 85 01 TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 14.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total value rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 and not value reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over reportedl (dollars) URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed.... .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 amn 6 years . ... . 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................. . 20 and 21 years old......... ... No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... ... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old................ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... $0 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported.................... 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years. . . High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years'or more ...... Not reported................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed .......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years .. ...... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 13.674O.60 12.96.140~f 862.16011 755.820 1,520 7,780 17,720 89,780 269,240 379,360 91,540 1,800 35,620 865.500 1,500 6,540 17,740 105,380 205,300 385,520 124,840 17,620 5,260 1.265.820 2,440 11;260 28,660 177,820 291,820 536,840 129,880 79,280 7,820( 6,700 21,840 61,400 378,360 477,480 700,880 204,420 146,120 12,020 1,812,660 7,120 28,460 72,400 598,880 425,180 525,100 196,400 147,500 15,620 3.024.360 17,880 75,760 175,620 897,560 625,140 700,280 296,140 210,640 27,540 1,040 6,780 16,040 76,180 245,440 524,860 81,940 1,620 1,920 755.420 1,100 5,500 15,760 87,620 182,300 320,240( 105,34C 14,600 2,98C 1.100.98 1,760 9,680 25,700 156,860 265,580 466,920 107,280 62,620 4,580 U^a nom 5,080 19,34Q 56,300 347,500 443,860 630,540 174,580 122,240 7,580 ' "' "" 789 40 I 1 o1s n 1 o .6.o60I s tnl Y .,I 1 a _5 1 a sI ' r I 1 62.2 001 80.4801 96,480 420 5,360 7,080 16,700 21,020 12,060 1,460 20 80 57.520 560 2,840 6,540 16,120 17,300 12,080 1,760 60 260 84.060 820 5,140 9,520 25,140 253,44 17,020 2,06C 480 440 1,360 9,220 17,380 41,580 31,960 19,360 2,540 1,000 740 140 1,180 3,920 16,700 55,580 22,920 1,960 80 85.520 120 1,120 3,420 19,820 29,040 25,740 3,560 320 580 120,.00 180 1,560 6,060 31,000 38,440 37,560 4,460 840 500) '""""^ 580 5,680 13,840 58,140 54,220 42,200 6,880 2,140 840 ,.Q ^^^, 140 740 2,080 15,520 40,380 35,800 5,740 60 220 97.040 120 500 2,440 16,08C 53,100 38,620 5,240 46C 48C 149,800 120 920 4,38 30, 240 47,74C 56,640 7,220 1,96 58( 9""-K ' 600 2,300 10,220 63,580 70,680 67,940 12,560 5,020 940 t^^n^ ^ 187.880 14 1I 80 2 8 140 700 1,980 18,120 71,300 82,800 12,020 360 460 191.960 AI , - , -- 100 560 2,240 21,480 55,940 92,780 16,220 1,980 660 296.540 2 240 140 200 1,040 5,740 42,280 82,860 135,580 21,980 7,620 1,240 AGO""On 840 2,380 9,660 109,840 158,120 179,540 59,100 18,160 1,580 201.680 100 600 780 9,240 56,580 108,260 25,280 500 540 195.060 - , 4 160 400 960 11,380 37,680 104,620 35,020 4,540 500 509,240 2480 760 1,620 25,780 60,240 158,740 59,780 22,840 1,240 "^?{ "" 1,180 1,480 4,600 61,780 119,100 229,480 70,720 48,860 2,060 79.5401 47 560 106R 540 80 160 140 1,560 15,780 41,720 19,440 360 500 69.740 40 40 120 2,020 6,840 34,280 22,600 3,400 400 93.060 140 160 560 5,540 10,260 45,520 18,780 14,220 280 '" " 360 240 440 10,420 24, 00 68,140 28,100 28,500 900 11- 1, 800 10,40 1 48.9801. v 192 .L01. 4190.80 1 52.6801 189 8,680 5,740 25,720 67,760 573,360 399,120 482,240 175,400 125,280 8,980 1,920 9,800 16,900 55,400 22,540 11,740 2,720 860 720 II 2,V05,600 u 15 6 0.L i 14,600 68,020 165,840 847,560 589,480 652,680 268,080 182,120 17,220 4,900 20,960 29,000 56,400 24,120 10,500 3,000 1,320 1,260 660 5,860 15,240 53,980 58,440 25,040 6,200 2,640 920 220,700 2,660 14,300 32,580 92,780 42,960 25,760 7,360 2,880 1,620 '^^ ^o^n 680 3,600 13,200 64,620 55,680 39,96( 11,800 4,100 1,080 289 52k 1, 9 4 S 1,940 10,640 29,080 124,000 64,380 59,820 12,800 5,040 1,820 ^ ^^7 960 4,120 13,860 110,380 115,000 117,680 36,540 17,780 2,780 R3 50 2,220 12,920 40,220 257,280 152,760 123,460 45,140 19,840 3,480 1,000 1,800 7,100 87,460 125,580 187,540 68,060 46,920 2,220 89 860 2,020 7,160 2&, 300 243,820 204,580 249,480 97,080 59,140 5,280 ......w 320 400 1,-160 17,340 34,720 72,060 31,740 31,080 860 3954 40 680 1,500 5,420 73,100 75,500 130,420 59,840 48,740 2,480 20 40 60 540 7,000 21,300 18,040 320 240 40,580 40 40 720 2,400 "12,120 20,940 4,040 280 47,680 , - so 100 20 880 2,600 16,060 13,000 14,660 300 160 40 160 2,160 5,680 25,880 14,680 18,560 320 85.060 200 140 300 4,180 9,360 30,220 18,340 21,920 400 214.260 180 540 1,440 20,180 27,380 75,240 42,860 45,160 1,280 280 1,000 1,680 15,600 25,800 54,500 9,600 180 1,700 129,880 4ou 840 1,980 15,760 21,000 65,080 19,500 3,020 2,300 164.840 68C 1,580 2,960 20,96C 26,240 69,920 22,600 16,66C 3,240 1,620 2,500 5,100 30,860 53,620 70,340 29,840 23,880 4,640 2R 89 9.63 10.70 16.26 25.39 31.13 46.74 26.25 9.18 11.46 16.95 21.59 28.52 44.28 50.55 24.95 26.11 8:92 12.25 18.19 22.50 28.52 58.51 4'.37 25.71 19.50 10.11 15.39 20.45 24.21 30.04 36.91 43.74 26.91 I 149.060j 28.80 1,380 2,740 4,640 25,520 26,060 40,860 21,000 22,220 4,640 218.760 3,280 5,740 9,780 50,000 35,660 47,600 28,060 28,520 10,120 16.63 12.11 15.16 22.46 26.90 34.69 58.44 45.39 25.87 31.81 14.01 14.06 18.20 25.85 30.53 59.82 45.04 50.96 31.13 :11" , ' .2,150,56011 17 115,64 0 16840 209.120 1 40.5401. 651.5001 324.0201 208,9001 172,7801 33.03 .l A 1. n. CA 11 C 7c " ,% 21 6 400 2,800 953,400 188,740 796,100 4135,520 453,1760 191,700 131,720 22,620 1,524,100 1O n 10,211 4 C 1 2 85,720 155,520 565,640 227,600 275; 220 108,040 72,820 16,580 17, 180 86,X80 178,740 745,640 386,820 420,740 173,580 114,640 14,540 1,589,340 16, 560bO 79,180 145,500 521,060 207,520 249,880 96,020 653,440 10,180 21,160 18,020 14,080 24,480~ 28,80 2914 28,860 71,640 25,540 15,820 4,820 1,940 1,260 119.620 3,020 14,840 22,660 49,980 14,620 9,060 5,060 1,480 900 29,140 92,840 37,280 21,480 7,740 2,940 1,320 15e8.100 2,000 12,340 22,680 61,000 19,620 12,400 4,880 2,060 1,120 24,460 40,280 15,880 5,960 2,180 880 1,060 91,020 5,220 18,520 20,060 31,880 8,280 4,220 1,500 740 800 2,920 18,240 46,180 192,400 90,200 69,660 25,660 12,580 2,900 289.840 2,940 16,860 37,220 123,220 46,480 59,660 14,540 7,180 1,740 2,180 11,720 38,000 230,520 128,600 145,100 57,540 33,880 4,160 409.200 2,400 12,500 31,260 160,620 70,140 81,880 29,980 18,020 2,400 660 2,660 9,780 86,900 58,900 91,680 40,520 20,640 2,480 208.900 580 3,520 8,700 67,200 32,120 56,400 22,060 16,560 1,960 400 800 2,520 31,060 32,420 73,040 35,520 51,980 1,360 132.660 400 800 2,920 27,160 16,260 46,260 20,000 17,300 1,260 2,800 6,720 10,000 50,460 26,500 355,020 18,120 17,080 8,080 154_7Rn 24 14.60 i - 2,400 6,540 10,020 42,580 20,080 25,340 12,020 9,580 6,400 14.28 15.98 21.00 28.23 33.62 43.21 45.68 53.82 33,01 32 P4 14.66 17.11 21.47 29.05 335.71 44.06 45.53 52.92 33.92 iComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. 67 irv : O L#69 sy rvas V 11S0 ,4V 1,s NV v m 0r Ne . mr IU I lOi ~i,04V o' LJV I lX/t3,fb U Z.~ ,r LIIf T _T- -T- I1 i it 1 T T -Tr ,7r - - . . . - - , -....-,---- I- it "L T :Ti -Tr- ! C;,CN ,.(C~V I rtarO,~d Ill lxb,14IW Lts;)PcWI *3 zbWI Q3ll1 488,22- I) LOV( ' l � ibi.c 65,640 202o,4001 26.75 __ . ..,-- w tv r ) )I S --... vw- 1 rvoua c J1 vur uk, if MM " OW 1 a "tw )l Ii 11 if i I - T -, - I T 00 1 S I 68 EDUCATION Table 14.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL Total . value rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to 420 to $30 to $50 to $75 and not value reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over reported' (dollars) RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ....... ..... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6.years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...,.. Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years . ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. .. 35 to 44 years old......... ..... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. .. 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. Uzi T i " wri -' -w"-f - ,iLUUWJ 001 pr4, Q.0W Ci M rLVI LnlrIu b 1s 3Q.0 5883500 1,900 10,460 20,560 66,360 126,620 150,740 28,980 440 2,240 3653.300 1,540 10,280 20,040 70,000 88,040 127,480 37,820 5,740 2,360 544.080 2,520 14,260 30,020 110,900 125,660 181,920 45,960 29,220 3,620 876,.960 554.88011 '1.0801 6 900 7,900 14,820 38,280 50,660 52,000 5,400 20 480 600 8,040 14,760 40,960 58,560 52,420 ,4,620 400 520 208 .020 1,520 11,400 21,800 61,820 54,740 47,900 6,440 1,640 960 521.020n 1,500 9,140 18,920 59,640 117,880 119,440 26,860 340 1,360 326.860 1,000 9,140 18,560 64,260 81,600 114,460 33,140 3,520 1,180 487.880 1,980 1p,900 28,100 105,380 118,060 167,080 38,120 15,900 2,140 811 920 1201 700i 2,400 10,620 24,100 22,160 5,080 80 220 58.720 80 620 2,500 11,460 17,560 21,620 4,660 440 180 o2.520 260 900 5,720 19,840 24,300 54,460 6,520 2,000 520 1~St can 120 260 9680 4,480 14,120 16,520 2,960 80 180 36.900 80 180 820 5,140 9,260 17,020 5,940 380 80 60 240 1,260 9,240 14,780 25,580 5,760 1,640 300 Ina nan 47.00nn 20 140 480 3,920 15,260 21,860 5,000 60 260 42.800 140 200 440 4,180 9,540 20,780 6,480 600 240 a5260n 180 220 860 8,080 14,780 29,500 8,080 5,540 220 S~nam 1 _7401 7.801n an A48 " -X 1 6%0%~ L 4 W ..L 60 120 200 1,780 9,080 17,500 6,140 60 100 30. 420 80o 60 200 1,920 4,880 15,540 6,900 780 60 41 _.2 100 100 380 5,420 7,020 20,140 6,500 5,540 260 2W 20 20 420 5,600 6,560 3,220 40 10.840 20 20 420 1,600 4,900 5,400 400 80 14.080 20 40 40 740 1,840 6,540 2,860 1,920 80 20 40. 140 1,080 5,240 3,060 40 80 6,500 20 20 20 180 400 2,180 5,140 520 20 7,860 40 40 240 800 2,960 1,960 2,020 1P_ 480 I- -H -- w uw ' --1 CI-l -- OIj--L ThL 6,700 29,000 55,780 209,340 200,220 242,660 79,580 .48,140 5,740 787.140 , I V r 500 F 0vrr r05) 040 15 arrr a.) e can i nI~n ee a can inn 50,080 58,840 214,440 172,880 169,200 82,100 46,560 6,500 1_216.600 4,820 26,780 55,020 198,680 191,920 227,480 70,040 55,600 3,580 739.720 28,200 56,560 205,060 166,260 160,620 75,840 58,520 4,100 1 145dr ?00 3,600 25,000 59,180 104,120 75,580 58,520 12,180 5,440 1,620 25. R40 22,3560 57,560 92,940 53,600 32,620 11,560 5,260 1,480 558 280 520 2,360 7,860 42,120 40,640 44,740 12,620 5;580 620 12. 9n0 40 5,540 9,660 43,620 31,900 26,420 12,400 4,080 760 192 560 260 660 2,700 21,880 25,660 54,900 9,920 4,800 280 9 520 180 1,180 4,060 24,900 25,820 22,400 11,060 4,460 460 136 680 240 520 2,260 17,840 27,500 42,180 15,140 7,380 560 115,020 Ow 50 560 700 5,260 25,220 28,440 52,600 15,560 8,260 620 'IaRs 3M 240 900 9,900 16,880 50,800 12,260 9,180 500 89,120 80 560 1,400 15,240 19,760 28,020 14,780 9,000 480 1R82 RR0 60 80 2,400 4,580 11,580 5'100 4,240 60 55,120 60 20 500 4,100 6,960 12,160 6,290 5,080 220 ew n 80 420 1,100 4,960 2,820 2,980 140 18,180 80 40 120 1,040 1,780 6,400 4,460 4,180 80 45 780 ouu 1,520 1,840 8,720 8,740 11,500 2,120 100 880 86,440 540 1,140 1,480 5,740 6,440 15,020 4,680 2,220 1,180 56.420 540 1,500 1,980 1,920 7,520 7,600 14,840 7,840 15,520 1,480 65,040 1,880 2,220 2,700 10,660 8,500 15,180 9,540 12,540 2,100 47,420 1 7*0 s3 l,b580 1,880 2,480 9,580 6,620 8,580 6,280 8,240 2,400 70. 00 11 i 5.28 5.88 7.28 11.22 16.20 27.48 11.48 5.18 5.79 7.54 10.15 15,44 24,67 28.50 11.44 5.16 5.94 7.86 10.58 14.75 19.92 27.49 11.22 12.24 8.19 5.52 6.17 6.27 9.04 12.01 16.05 19,70 27.60 10.87 15.68 5.28 5,81 7.00 10.60 14.15 19,25 21.49 28,.41 15.25 1R_ l 14,780 12,160 9,240 1,300 580 520 580 80 60 2,620 6.08 62,580 59,160 43,660 8,640 2,940 2,480 1,160 160 120 5,420 6.28 110,720 104,960 59,120 19,380 9,960 9,180 5,840 1,280 220 5,760 8.58 400,840 385,240 140,480 75,000 48,880 57,340 42,920 14,200 4,420 17,600 12.91 244,120 253,440 60,900 45,420 52,200 42,160 55,720 15,720 5,520 10,080 16.48 200,600 191,120 26,480 25,640 25,000 39,100 41,060 20,580 15,260 9,480 24.73 111,040 102,760 12,220 15,460 15,040 21,700 22,600 10,720 9,020 8,280 25.55 59,300 51,400 3,720 4,460 5,320 9,800 12,040 7,120 8,940 7,900 55.49 12,620 7,460 2,460 1,360 760 980 960 620 420 5,180 14.57 898,480 839,520 257,000 158,580 97280 155,280 121,420 55,540 54.640 58,90 156.74 16,700 14,120 10,680 1,600 620 600 440 .100 80 2,580 6.11 67,740 65,540 41,780 9,780 4,680 4,220 2,500 460 120 4,200 7.10 104,620 99,800 50,580 18,660 9,540 10,960 7,200 2,380 680 4,820 9.57 534,860 515,500 99,020 58,000 40,980 51,680 45,100 16,420 6,300 19,360 14,59 150,260 142,840 31,800 25,380 18,860 28,680 25,800 9,520 5,000 7,420 18.28 116,940 109,980 12,220 14,480 12,820 21,640 25,860 13,780 11,180 6,960 26.65 62,800 58,500 7,000 7,400 6,480 11,600 15,120 6,980 5,920 4,300 26,72 355,280 28,980 2,000 2,260 2,700 4,960 6,600 5,480 4,980 4,300 87, 29 11, 280 6,280 1,920 1,020 800 920 800 420 380 5,020 15.69 644,520 596,280 194,840 99,780 68,480 91,900 84.880 55,440 20,90 48,240 14,78 15, 500 61,32C 85,460 256,48C 89,240( 75,420 35,76 15,58 9,760 12,960U 57,580 80,660 240,100 83,980 69,300 52,840 13,540 5,320 10,080 35,880 58,960 75,340 19,160 8,500 5,900 1,220 1,800 1,620U 9,280 14,080 45,760 14,540 8,700 3,840 1,220 760 440 4,520 8,540 50,460 11,200 7,560 5,860 1,540 540 580 4,680 9,420 58,720 15,760 14,280 5,600 2,280 780 500 2,300 7,120 32,800 14,540 15,10o 8,880 3,520 620 120 760 1,980 12,180 6,280 7,900 5,660 2,160 40 180 580 4,760 2,700 7,240 5,100 2,000 420 2,540 5,740 4,800 16,580 5,260 6,120 2,920 2,040 4,440 b.95 7.52 9.99 14.59 18.20 26.45 28.11 55.78 15.45 iComprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. r m2 CAnll 1 5e mSanl I ass soan - - .. . . .. ,, 7- I M-I T I- I I ,-.--- 11 =::.L w I ii J7W.%t I'1 w I I I -- --- I ? F -r -- i-a - r - of wovw v 606wE rI9Fr l i~pvw - - - - . L I w ---- !i1 I . i W. v T 0 ~1 r7 1 mmnI ASo on 701 non A.S .. Po1 oI 111 AM l AAA I . CA TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 15.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics baed on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, IEARS OF SCHOOL Total not vrental CCEPIETED, AND AGE Total Under $1O to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to $75 and repotd (dolars) reporting $10 14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARI Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ .College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ... .......... .... 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... . 5 and 6 years...'... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ ... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3years .... .... 4 years ..... ...... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ......... . . 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years .. .. 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years.... 4 years ........... . College: 1 to3years......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ Hig~ school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... . Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old... ........ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ..... . 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old..... ...... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... . 5 and 6 years ...: 7 and 8 years..... . High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported................... 55 t 64-years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years......... 4 years ............. College: l to 3 years .. 4 years or more...... Not reported ......... . .... 6.860.580 6.279.560 417.740 551.860 716.4001 1.504.860 1,953.460 790.060 ______ JI - II - 4 - . + - + .9 455,840 455,4801 50,680 1 41,4001 55,1401 114,5401 129,2601 1,280 4,840 11,800 75,800 177,000 151,660 50,020 720 2,560 ^ co 1,280 4,280 9,960 82,480 125,560 146,580 48,140 6,720 1,780 areQ sa^ 2,120 5,800 17,460 146,260 180,040 202,500 51,400 51,060 2,720 994.400 4,400 12,260 57,960 507,500 250,960 257,200 65,980 74,040 4,500 Rk1 a5 n 4,500 14,600 45,040 505,780 196,780 151,400 52,920 76,100 4,640 1 .37.700 8,620 57,060 105,840 575,560 251,640 184,020 75,040 96,260 7,860 9,840 54,520 105,540 4865,600 141,040 115,540 47,260 55,840 7,900 597,400 560 2,580 3,020. 8,860 10,160 5,140 420 140 27.760 540 2,520 2,280 8,700 7,240 5,500 1,060 40 80 42.940 580 5,400 5,420 15,200 10,120 8,620 1,100 560 140 68,640 1,420 5,440 7,040 29,760 15,100 9,540 1,580 1,000 160 55,520 1,200 4,340 7,100 .25,880 9,900 4,520 1,520 740 520 79,520 2,900 9,020 12,820 37,600 9,980 5,840 1,840 1,100 420 65,820 5,060 10,160 12,100 28,280 5,620 2,600 900 620 480 49,060 140 480 2,380 11,040 17,600 8,760 740 40.200 20 580 1,940 11,920 12,680 11,260 1,660 120 220 a, ean 160 780 5,400 21,760 18,700 15,540 2,520 560 280 101,580 500 1,680 7,680 45,040 26,560 15,040 ,2,940 1,840 500 78,200 560 2,580 8,620 38,560 16,280 8,220 1,660 1,460 4680 104,140 1,040 6,020 15,780 54,800 14,760 6,940 2,600 1,600 600 75,960 1,320 x;660 13,200 55,700 7,640 5,660 2,220 900 660 50,880 140 460 1,860 15,020 25,700 12,580 1,080 40 2680 re nam 100 400 1,580 15,180 16,900 15,840 2,620 240 160 80,800 500 440 5,100 24,660 26,600 20,760 3,200 1,580 560 155,560 480 1,340 7,480 55,520 57,480 22,920 4,540 3,160 640 106,260 460 2,820 9,000 51,540 25,620 12,500 3,540 2,340 640 159,740 1,060 6,900 18,060 71,800 25,780 10,340 4,580 2,480 940 92,000 1,240 8,160 46680 10,720 5,420 2,500 1,500 760 55,880 140 840 2,580 21,460 50,860 .55,540 4,560 20 540 109.560 240 420 2,040 22,700 37,540 57,640 7,580 660 540 168.800 460 560 4,120 41,520 54,160 55,940 9,520 5,940 580 262.120 740 2,080 8,720 90,220 74,120 61,500 12,740 10,720 1,280 212,500 1,060 2,780 12,220 87,280 54,520 54,720 9,620 9,120 1,180 504,640 1,560 8,560 29,340 152,880 57,620 52,740 11,060 9,060 1,820 211,5340 2,000 12,620 27, 460 109,140 29,160 17,420 7,180 4,680 1,680 121,760 160 620 1,500 14,960 1,980 11,240 520 580 129.980 220 580 1,720 17,920 85,580 52,500 18,700 2,460 500 195,280 420 520 2,760 52,000 55,500 72,180 19,900 11,240 960 500,760 980 1,500 5,680 67,060 76,060 89,500 28,880 50,560 940 270,240 880 1,540 6,600 78,960 68,600 61,560 21,600 29,200 1,500 455,160 1,500 5,040 21,560 181,600 95,940 70,720 26,860 29,500 2,440 515,240 1,500 11,040 155,120 49,480 58,920 15,920 14,580 2,000 181,540 1,820 5,400 12,600 77,580 M19$,980 137,740 51,400 720 2,800 455.520 1,920 4,940 11,000 89,080 151,980 155,580 51,500 7,440 2,280 699,900 2,860 7,140 19,600 159,240 194,260 218,760 57,080 57,540 3,620 1,085,960 6,020 14,540 41,580 550,960 269,680 255,060 73,760 88,500 5,860 922,040 5,740 16,820 49,820 528,040 209,940 162,640 57,580 85,080 6,580 1,465,480 10,560 42,640 115,620 625,840 273,000 197,880 81,480 105,440 11,020 1,108,960 12,560 62,560 118,620 512,140 154,600 122;840 52,880 61,440 11,720 670;680 544.9801 581.020 29.16 45,720 16,9401 20,5601 27.55 I 100 - - - 54- I 100 220 .540 5,640 16,000 17,140 7,580 240 480 an '^^ I .. -' .. .. .. 100 100 520 4,580 10,320 17,860 10,340 1,960 120 65_400 100 80 500 8,520 13,020 25,220 10,000 7,700 260 95,540 2 1 2 .. - --- 220 540 1,080 15,520 19,000 29,860 11,180 17,600 540 a6 CR0 120 420 1,180 19,280 19,540 22,900 10,980 21,920 440 191,820 .- ' 4' s II a ' i I I -- I - i 400 1,100 5,140 60,080 38,220 41,180 17,120 27,560 1,220 160,940 11- -II - ----- - - 420 2,900 8,520 68,000 27,180 26,880 10,880 14,820 1,540 88,560 - - -- 1 1 - v - .9 I- i .9 . - + - I9- -- 10,480 8,200 2,560 1,820 1,280 1,500 1,500 57,880 49,440 9,780 7,620 6,880 11,260 10,160 85,540 75,080 9,580 9,440 9,520 17,600 21,000 509,200 278,900 19,960 25,780 27,140 61,060 90,500 72,020 65,260 5,500 4,280 5,260 12,840 22,140 66,840 61,260 2,180 2,140 2,940 9,500 20,400 28,200 24,880 I 1,100 1,200 1,500 5,660 7,880 55,260 29,980 520 700 940 5..,520 6,900 7,460 4,400 280 400 420 1,020 1,260 500 2,600 6,540 40,520 11,520 14,100 5,180 7,400 800 40 40 120 820 4,700 6,600 4,400 60 160 18.560 60 80 80 1,480 5,500 5,980 6,180 1,240 160 26,640 100 20 160 2,600 4,140 8,240 5,560 5,880 140 52,400 60 80 280 4,180 4,840 9,040 4,520 9,560 240 52,460 2 1 18.7 20 120 520 4,480 4,520 7,580 4,200 11,520 100 84,680 160 420 1,140 18,600 15, 540 18,260 9,180 25,160 420 83,580 500 980 2,160 22,680 11,240 18,640 7,660 18,940 980 49,720 I 2 140 1,140 1,600 16,140 5 920 10,M00 4,560 10,000 220 540 560 800 53580 6,980 6,080 1,580 440 an an D 640 660 1,040 6,600 8,420 9,000 5,560 720 500 60,540 S� � � - 4 � 740 1j540 2,140 12,980 14,220 16,260 5,680 6,280 900 91,560 1,620 2,280 5,620 25,660 18,720 17,860 7,780 14,460 1,560 70,480 1,440 2,220 4,780 22,260 15,160 11,240 4,460 8,980 1,940 125,780 1,940 5,580 11,780 50,480 21,560 15,860 8,440 9,180 3,160 108,080 2,520 7,840 15,280 46,540 13,560 9,500 5,620 5,600 5,820 75,280 2,280 8,440 10,260 50,500 6,760 5,580 5,520 5,280 5,060 9.92 15.84 21.35 26.59 51.92 44.11 30.19 27.85 8.72 16.91 21.82 26.15 30.68 48.20 27.46. 19.93 8.05 17.58 22.27 25.89 50.72 59.11 46.05 29.50 26.88 17.42 11.55 17.55 22.09 26.05 51.69 57.59 42.87 26.14 28.25 18.74 15.17 18.28 25.75 28.41 34.69 39.05 46.20 27.13 31.58 16.25 17.03 21.29 27.58 553.69 40.29 41.89 55.51 50.75 55.26 16.68 19.72 24.00 51.18 56.52 453.72 43.10 59.5~ 33.20 51.85 16.14 19.89 24.61 51.16 55.78 45.29 42.14 57.64 50.77 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private householda. 69 7r T T 7F T I T T I T T T 7r - T T T T I Ir I- I I L EDUCATION Table 15.--MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND "RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Totalval e rental CCMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to $75 and reported (dollue) reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeard ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old........... No school years com)leted ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .............. .. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... .7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. .... 5,6,v 26 ab ,l 175500 o76.100 58052D 11 0 ur�.,70u 718,700 311.020 7,~3 60 1.54 ... 386.840 575,540 14.980 30.200 46 580 104.080 120.240 41,980 15,540 13,300 26.65 1,120 860 260 60 140 120 140 100 40 260 - .5,720 5,560 1,480 260 360 620 580 220 40 160 15.06 9,140 8,800 1,580 1,780 1,540 2,160 1,580 280 80 840 17.88 62,080 59,840 5,960 7,880 11,120 19,380 15,560 , 5,220 720 2,240 23.09 .... 158,860 154,060 5,000 13,400 22,040 46,660 48,240 14,540 4,180 4,800 27.54 .... 119,860 115,740 2,400 6,040 10,560 50,540 44,660 15,720 6,220 4,120 55.41 "" � 29,100 28,000 180 "580 820 4,500 10,800 7,260 4,060 1,100 44.54 680 680 - 40 20 20 520 240 40 - - """ 2,280 2,000 60 160 180 480 560 400 160 280 SS.98 ... 388,660 567,580 15,560 29,520 45,020 99.620 120,360 42.140 17,560 21080 29.1 1,200 940 500 - 80 240 180 100 40 260 3,280 5,040 1,500 260 540 580 580 100 80 240 15.78 8,420 7,760 1,500 1,400 1,460 1,720 1,580 260 40 660 18.54 .... 71,820 67,660 3,780 8,640 12,960 20,860 15,980 4,060 1,580 4,160 28.55 .... 114,340 108,600 5,620 9,920 14,880 54,480 55,820 9,220 3,160 5,740 27.01 .... 134,600 128,120 2,540 7,800 12,980 34,200 48,400 16,600 5,600 6,580 52.20 .... 46,440 45,660 640 1,260 2,020 6,720 17,480 9,780 5,760 2,780 42.30 . 6,900 6,500 20 100 160 580 2,560 1,900 1,180 600 48.91 1,760 1,500 60 140 140 440 480 120 120 260 601,580 557t260 20.560 46 140 70,740 154.560 180.240 60,400 24,620 44,320 26.8 1,980 1,720 380 120 240 460 520 100 100 260 5,040 4,180 2,040 680 580 540 440 80 20 860 9.87 .... 14,920 15,640 1,680 2,660 2,740 5,660 2,560 580 160 1,280 19.05 .... 151,280 121,880 6,700 16,260 21,800 58,040 29,100 7,680 2,500 9,400 25.75 .... 171,040 160,780 5,660 14,780 25,700 50,540 50,560 11,920 5,820 10,260 26.67 189,400 176,960 3,280 9,280 17,580 48,720 67,200 25,580 7,520 12,440 52.56 .... 51,500 46,700 540 1,680 2,800 8,560 18,860 9,260 5,000 4,600 89.86 355,780 29,100 200 480 1,200 5,540 10,720 7,400 5,560 4,680 46.55 2,840 2,500 80 200 500 500 880 200 140 540 51.09 ... 925.520 855&920 29,800 73,980 115,880 257 820 281,780 88,820 29840 69,600 28.54 4,400 5,600 820 420 440 700 ' 940 220 60 800 21.21 "" � 10,400 8,920 2,980 1,280 1,200 1,900 1,160 520 80 1,480 15.55 .... 3355,540 50,620 5,680 6,080 6,620 7,980 5,060 960 240 2,720 18.69 "" � � 272,080 254,920 11,880 32,720 48,080 82,700 62,100 15,940 5,500 17,160 25.71 255,520 221,140 5,840 20,140 52,560 67,940 72,180 18,060 4,420 14,580 27.16 ... 220,920 206,560 5,460 9,920 18,640 54,900 85,600 27,540 8,500 14,560 55.41 " � 65,420 59,020 520 1,880 5,500 11,380 27,140 10,3520 4,080 6,400 -58.51 �.-. 78,800 67,200 480 1,080 2,500 9,140 28,740 16,740 8,720 11,600 45.85 4,640 5,940 140 460 540 1,180 860 520 240 700 26.55 ... 771,940 -. 717,040 22.480 55, 00 87.120 187.860 248,500 88440 29.,40 54,900 50.12 4,120 12,520 59,260 268,060 178,540 159,980 49,460 74,880 5,120 1n2 n026 7,520 51,660 90,160 509,980 228,260 169,500 67,660 89,820 8,100 892,420 8,880 46,200 92,140 415,120 125,420 104,060 42,700 51,700 8,200 525.640 7,540 41,600 64,580 243,020 58,060 55,860 22,480 27,540 5,160 5,500 10,840 95,720 250,760 168,200 150,980 45,640 67,720 5,880 1a _ Cn 6,380 27,800 81,480 471,500 211,240 158,160 60,940 82,400 6,460 811.600 7,440 40,660 82,580 577,520 115,440 96,700 58,120 47,240 6,500 468.600 5,980 35,460 56,500 219,120 52,520 51,240 19,660 24,820 3,500 640 2,180 3,580 9,760 4,500 1,280 460 500 180 so an 1,460 4,180 5,200 15,520 5,460 1,600 540 260 180 23.600 1,460 4,400 4,800 9,520 1,880 880 520 200 140 18.580 940 4,060 3,400 7,100 1,400 840 400 120 120 380 1,860 6,580 26,520 11,520 4,940 1,120 680 500 an_ aLn 800 4,200 11,220 55,200 8,680 4,000 1,460 840 460 45.620 1,020 5,840 8,600 21,440 4,560 2,400 1,040 580 540 50.480 1,060 4,840 5,720 15,820 2,700 1,240 540 560 200 400 2,500 8,040 42,880 19,400 9,500 2,520 1,420 460 ,O n An 920 5,960 14,940 57,220 17,500 7,400 2,820 1,580 700 68.080 1,080 6,400 11,980 35,100 7,160 5,460 1,420 860 620 40.260 1,040 5,260 7,020 19,520 5,880 1,840 940 500 260 880 2,42C 10,800 78,460 48,180 80,740 8,020 7,16C0 1,040 cain war 1,420 7,720 26,000 152,640 49,28C 27,180 8,680 5,980 1,560 175 .020 1,800 10,800 25,740 91,200 25,640 14,020 5,080 5,540 1,400 97.940 1,500 9,060 14,720 49,620 9,960 7,580 2,640 2,500 760 880 1,400 5,800 71,860 65,680 56,780 19,780 26,920 1,400 we' ^"^ 1,840 4,420 18,780 164,420 85,860 65,920 24,000 26,580 2,060 280.500 1,400 9,780 25,860 138,840 43,980 54,900 15,580 12,440 1,720 158.000 1,220 8,940 18,580 78,900 19,000 18,180 6,400 5,740 1,040 100 580 1,040 17,860 17,220 20,960 10,060 20,900 420 178.700 3800 1,020 4,400 55,740 54,420 38,100 15,540 25,220 1,080 144.400 580 2,580 7,440 60,920 24,580 24,400 9,780 18,520 1,220 78.820 20 100 280 8,960 4,100 68,780 8,880 5,680 10,b40 80 160 300 940 14,960 12,040 15,96C 8,100 22,540 420 74.580 500 860 1,960 20,300 9,840 16,640 6,920 16,700 860 44.720 500 120 2,240 1,060 5,680 1,580 55,640 14,520 10,300 5,280 12,580 9,180 4,760 5,980 6,580 9,020 740 180 820 1,680 5,540 17,500 10,540 9,000 5,820 7,160 1,240 98.500 1,140 8,860 8,880 8,680 58,480 17,020 11,540 6,720 7,420 1,640 80.820 1,440 5,540 9,760 55,800 9,980 .7,560 4,580 4,4680 1,900 "" ^ ^ 22.11 17.26 19.56 25.40 29.8 47.55 29.12 55.94 19.57 19.15 25.11 29.50 55.72 41.67 45.64 55,80 52.70 56.16 20.59 22.92 26.1b 54.02 58.81 45.51 45.99 61.51 57.06 55.48 1,580 19.26 6,140 25.44 8,080 27.75 25,900 54.44 5,540 58.26 4,620 45.25 2,820 48.09 2,520 61.62 1,860 55.48 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental valme, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. 70 , " r I I PI T 4VG VV i rV Q V a 7V .OJV 00 i30" lvl VP OS LV 90V O I WVW uI 11 " - -' - - . - -_ I 1 - -� T- - T T itI -IF- I 1 1 I I i r i - Z - 1 1 1 - w -- -2 -i , # i 0 T r 1 11 r I ~ .. aas wn~ ms n I ze . iI onc v 21n &^1 , ne "^ "" R A s . _ TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME 71 Table 15.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOLE, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shon where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YERS OF SCHOOL Total value rental C(MPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $0 o $15 to $20 to $50 to $50to $75 and rnort (dollrs) reporting $10" $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over reported (dollars) RURAL-NHFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .............. .... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years .......-.. 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 22 to 24 years old............... No school yegrs completed ...... ... Qrade school: 1 to 4.years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more .... -.. Not reported ................... .. 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6-years........ 7 and 8 years ...... . High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 1,165.12011 1.021.46011 244.240 175.760 155.880 187.500 172.7601 71 xanl ar ano I as a - -- + Ii j. - >- - - .f , "t )*w' ! V'4 a V' . U ' 670.00011 59.9401 15.7601 11.20nI a Ran """" I .- ' "4 J. iv, .wo Z .L vI v, I J' ( 1 [ - 18 700 1,680 5,460 15,300 25,120 17,880 2,500 40 520 a s noi 420 1,280 5,000 13,960 22,940 15,920 2,020 40 560 57 nOn oc00 900 1,440 4,900 5,160 2,740 240 80 14 200 60 220 600 5,160 4,200 2,720 160 60 In nn 100 520 1,900 5,660 2,220 260 20 80 Nv 20 20 420 2,080 4;200 5,200 260 60 v v-- i .fl1 i= a. * .w + 1-' O- - V 3- 720 1,660 2,580 17,260 17,640 20,880 5,060 540 520 98.520 540 1,240 2,200 14,820 14,960 18,260 4,480 420 280 RInn 240 1,020 980 4,920 5,620 2,960 420 20 20 or _a ?q 20 120 540 5,280 2,760 5,460 400 20 80 15 .~0n 20 60 120 2,220 2,020 2,860 600 80 20 10n .n60 40 520 1,840 5,060 5,440 860 80 100 20 40 120 1,400 5,740 0,240 440 20 9.620 140 1,940 2,260 5,900 1,220 100 20 15 -AAA - 60 420 1,460 1,420 520 60 5.560 60 520 1,100 1,260 560 60 - [1M 40 100 520 580 540 20 1.200 20 40 100 140 580 420 60 40 280 400 46C 1,540 2,180 1,960 280 160 9.860 580 420 580 2,440 2,680 2,620 580 120 240 10.00 12.79 17.38 20.58 55.59 16.76 10.61 135.50 17.22 19.24 29.05 % V1p 1 7 0 , ;000 2,02 16220 16.15 880 400 200 40 60 - 100 - - 480 - 2,100 1,620 1,560 100 60 20 80 I - - 480 4,680 3,820 1,740 740 560 469 400 120 - 860 10.65 27,960 24,380 8,500 5,500 2,860 5,480 2,900 840 500 5,580 12.85 23,220 19,260 4,460 5,920 2,900 5,620 2,940 1,100 520 5,960 16.66 29,360 25,540 -5,540 4,260 5,180 5,220 4,980 1,840 720 5,820 19.48 5,780 4,700 560 640 400 960 1,040 740 .560 1,080 27.51 5,560 1,960 160 80 180 400 520 300 520 1,600 - 780 420 60 8Q 60 80 80 60 - 560 - 160,440 158,480 538840 27.600 19,680 24.500 18.980 6.520 2,560 21.960 15.21 1,620 800 600 80 40 40 40 - - 820 4,140 5,540 2,460 400 140 180 140 20 - 800 6. 89 8,240 7,540 5,560 1,600 860 740 620 120 40 900 10.47 58,880 52,580 17,880 12,520 7,440 7,520 4,960 1,580 680 6,500 12.87 54,160 29,820 7,260 6,220 4,920 6,180 3,880 940 420 4,540 15.95 54,140 30,640 5,880 5,120 4,280 6,600 5,900 2,520 540 5,500 . 19.56 8,540 6,960 860 1,060 1,040 1,560 1,740 660 240 1,580 2IW32 9,700 6,840 520 760 860 1,580 1,620 860 640 2,860 27.60 1,220 560 20 40 100 100 80 20 - 860 1650,100 154,520 52.840 24,900 19,140 24,640 21.740 8,140 5,120 15 580 16.99 1,620 4,300 10,560 59,980 51,400 22,660 7,920 10,200 1,460 260,820 5,040 10,980 25,460 115,860 44,740 28,580 13,820 15,620 2,920 216.540 5,480 16,160 26,480 99,020 29,180 18,780 10,180 9,740 5,520 145,040 2,940 16,280 20,760 66,180 15,960 10,980 5,720 5,920 2.500 1,000 3,760 9,520 55;020 28,580 20,420 7,280 8,580 760 251,540 2,240 9,260 22,360 105,860 40,400 25,860 12,100 15,860 1,400 189.280 2,400 15,860 22,960 88,280 25,600 16,840 9,140 8,600 1,600 128,800 2, 220 15,980 18,580 59,780 12,740 10,020 5,220 5,160 1.100 560 180 2,160 720 5,720 2,240 16,120 12,040 5,600 4,960 5,240 3,280 860 540 440 780 140 160 49.520 57.280 1,440 4,840 7,620 24,280 6,520 2,240 1,500 840 240 40.220 1,600 5,760 7,900 18,760 5,740 1,720 580 420 540 50.680 1,420 5,720 6,180 12,860 1,900 1,540 700 400 160 240 1,820 4,560 19,600 6,080 2,940 1,140 760 140 28.940 500 2,820 4,600 14,260 3,080 1,260 1,180 520 520 20.400 60 520 960 8,660 4,220 2,800 1,020 920 180 50,900 140 940 5,120 14,580 6,280 2,940 1,560 1,100 240 23.920 160 1,760 8,040 11,580 5,560 1,960 1,080 640 140 15.620 260 2,780 5,720 9,960 1,580 900 660 540 200 240 1,820 2,500 7,620 1,580 1,100 560 440 60o 180 560 1,420 8,660 6,540 5,980 1,600 1,960 140 44.180 140 840 5,540 20,240 8,540 5,560 2,380 5,080 260 36.320 200 1,820 3,720 * 17,940 - 5,520 5,400 2,100 1,540 280 25,820 200 2,200 2,880 11,440 2,880 1,920 1,020 1,020 260 140 800 7,100 4,920 4,580 1,820 2,280 100 42.080 260 620 2,780 17,180 8,080 6,800 2,860 5,120 580 34.740 100 1,260 5,020 16,280 5,500 4,020 2,540 1,940 280 28,540 80 1,220 2,420 11,600 5,140 2,220 1,480 1,160 220 20 40 140 1,920 2,120 1,940 920 1,020 20 18.120 20 80 740 6,540 5,800 3,080 1,780 2,140 140 16. 540 40 520 1,080 7,080 2,800 2,480 1,120 1,500 120 9,740 560 660 4,680 1,220 1,520 420 820 60 20 40 520 420 600 520 980 20 9.460 120 200 1,640 1,500 2,300 1,080 2,820 9,200 120 200 2,580 1,400 2,000 740 2,240 120 5,000 20 80 220 1,620 640 1,020 580 980 40 S . . - - 620 540 1,240 4,960 2,820 2,240 640 1,820 700 29,480 800 1,720 5,100 12,000 4,540 2,520 1,720 1,760 1,520 27,260 1,080 2,500 5,520 10,740 5,580 1,940 1,040 1,140 1,920 16,240 720 2,500 2,180 6,400 1,220 960 500 760 8.20 11.60 14.25 18.92 21.74 27.15 80.29 19.20 7.28 9.07 15.49 17.26 21.08 28.15 28.11 56.87 20.09 7.00 11.57 14.04 19.30 23.88 29.90 27.74 48.78 38.76 7.32 11.78 15.68 19.14 24.74 28.20 26.26 56.05 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. r r I . - - - 11 - - - - - - . - -2- .. .. ... . .... if I I i L -q! - I -! - F_ T -T itI 1rI '� s , , - --- -- I - i " I I r I T T -ir l r 1 F 1. 1 1 ,I _1 _L ,I ~I l , , r AL o t In 3fn a non A mAn I 1 _ '} a no Ia. P EDUCATION Table 16.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES;. URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5.percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) _ _BPT__M_ _gggMg _AM_ Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOGL Total value rental PLETE, AD AE Total Under $10 to to $5 to reped (dollars) reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over URBAN'AND RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ .. . 20 and 21 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. .... 30 to 34 years old ............... No schooltyears completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ............ .... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more..... Not reported ... . ... ....... eam an 465,62011 1,520 4,740 8,580 73,500 163,900 182,580 26,420 680 2,100 476.220 2,060 4,180 9,260 95,620 128,960 192,480 56,460 6,820 2,580 720.140 I . I _ 3,020 5,700 18,560 172,480 187,840 263,440 39,160 26,540 5,600 1.107?.760 r660E lOhII 371 isA eaSE78 7~a2Ra SA 1 1a n nRsa nn I a7 sn I a SVoI 451,280 50,540 403.20 55.620 115,240 1s50.00 44.600 17.1601 2.940 1,000 4,420 8,060 66,460 154,560 170,000 24,580 600 1,600 a nA 1,560 5,840 8,420 85,660 120,960 175,300 52,420 6,100 1,800 661.720 2,120 4,920 17,100 159,280 177,620 243,880 32,380 21,640 2,780 1.055.600 580 2,380 2,900 7,760 9,940 6,080 480 60 160 28.000 480 1,540 2,440 9,240 7,520 6,020 820 60 80 780 2,280 5,500 14,140 9,340 7,740 980 140 200 60.500 100 500 1,540 10,700 16,100 10,880 740 20 140 ^n AR^ 20 520 1,540 12,640 15,560 11,060 1,180 60 80 ,62.780 120 660 5,760 22,880 18,860 14,460 1,400 480 160 92.720 20 560 1,100 12,260 22,920 15,820 980 160 56.200 100 500 1,240 16,240 19,500 16,440 1,740 200 240 86.500 20 600 5,160 29,980 27,760 22,120 1,820 720 520 151.680 580 1,540 19,060 47,120 45,240 5,340 40 320 114.100 240 560 2,120 25,100 36,020 45,780 5,240 580 460 179.400 500 720 900 12,420 42,580 63,660 8,880 220 520 132.040 520 520 860 17,240 533,980 64,840 11,540 1,900 640 205.460 60 240 5,580 12,260 22,580 5,960 140 200 46.760 140 140 160 5,720 8,660 25,040 7,080 1,600 220 66.940 20 40 900 5,840 7,940 4,200 120 100 18.500 60 60 60 1,480 2,120 8,120 4,820 1,700 80 25.540 ' a - a - aa- a 420 640 4,040 49,100 55,200 61,480 5,640 2,260 620 274.680 700 560 1,980 55,580 51,440 95,560 12,620 8,380 1,040 528.540 80 160 520 7,420 11,860 54,560 6,800 5,480 260 108.860 20 140 2,580 5,160 10,560 5,120 4,180 180 56,.820 -,I 5,740 15,040 41,540 339,400 271,520 316,740 67,820 46,740 5,420 929.140 6,620 18,020 54,180 317,140 204,040 218,640 65,940 41,340 5,220 4,440 11,820 39.100 322,280 257,580 295,520 59,260 39,920 5,880 877.400 5,740 16,860 51,820 504,040 195,400 206,720 57,520 35,740 3,760 1,520 4,460 6,520 24,060 11,580 9,500 2,180 620 260 45.980 1,880 4,100 6,120 18,180 7,840 5,140 2,220 280 220 540 1,700 7,840 40,920 21,880 16,180 2,680 800 380 68.000 420 3,220 9,160 30,720 12,460 8,460 2,700 600 260 .... ^.. 540 1,640 7,460 56,580 34,520 24,680 4,200 1,460 600 99.660 760 5,000 10,520 46,820 20,160 12,840 4,020 1,100 440 880 1,940 11,040 101,700 75,140 67,160 11,060 4,800 960 213.520 1,200 5,780 14,580 90,080 49,780 59,100 9,940 3,920 940 880 1,580 5,100 77,060 86,280 118,5320 23,180 14,960 1,180 291.660 1,180 2,160 9,140 89,100 72,800 85,380 �20,320" 12,560 1,220 220 420 1,040 16,780 22,540 45,920 10,940 10,680 520 116.700 220 520 1,760 25,500 26,000 41,460 12,200 10,700 540 680 80 500 5,180 5,440 15,960 5,020 6,600 180 42,080 80 80 540 5,840 6,560 16,540 5,920 6,780 140 520 520 520 6,840 9,340 12,580 1,840 80 500 40.160 500 540 840 7,960 8,000 17,180 4,040 720 580 58,420 900 780 1,460 15,200 10,220 19,560 6,780 4,700 820 74,160 1,500 1,220 2,240 17,120 14,140 21,220 8,560 6,820 1,540 51,740 880 1,160 2,360 13,100 8,640 11,920 6,620 5,600 1,460 27.45 8.79 15.72 20.82 25.51 52.32 44.70 27.68 13.15 15.45 21.58 25.14 38869 42.05 53.41 27.44 22.85- 22.83 10.86 16.54 22.07 25.45 52.96 39.56 46.73 31.25 27.95 17.8 17.85 15.76 18.11 27.58 54.64 57.70 45.92 26.79 50.50 18.25 16.55 19.58 25.75 51.55 58.57 59.12 4829.85 29.83 RR .,,. I 4900 14022 J. , 0U J, ZU 71,12U 98,02 0 155,40 515 240 467 620 1O 100O J 101,95 4.78 ., 33.10 12,320 10,720 3,500 1,540 1,420 2,060 1,840 540 229 1,600 17.04 45,200 42,780 8,360 6,900 6,720 10,700 -7,700 .1,880 520 2,420 19.06 112,900 107,980 10,020 14,060 18,920 31,160 25,520 6,620 1,680 4,920 23.03 606,180 580,560 29,760 47,280 65,860 150,900 196,060 69,020 21,500 25,820 29.26 278,800 265,000 9,960 14,040 21,840' 58,080 97,360 46,000 17,720 13,800 35.57 280,000 264,520 5,040 9,240 14,640 42,200 95,560 62,400 35,440 15,480 42.50 90,740 81;,820 3,560 5,780 4,020 15,140 27,420 17,660 12,440 8,920 41.61 57,560 47,960 840 920 1,820 4,900 14,160 13,560 11,760 9,400 51.97 10,500 8,080 480 480 900 2,100 , 2,000 1,420 700 2,420 30.50 1,156,700 1062 220 53,240 74,900 98 420 229,680 349,820 167,320 88,840 74,480 53.78 12,760 11,520 2,600 1,560 1,640 2,120 2,340 740 320 1,440 19.07 56,100 55,060 7,060 7,680 9,000 14,380 10,820 8,880 40 5,040 21.44 117,140 112,200 9,160 15,600 15,520 30,500 31,520 9,480 2,620 4,940 25.534 509,920 482,140 22,600 34,760 47,860 112,640 169,580 68,560 26,120 27,780 32.25 173,560 162,420 6,220 9,240 12,340 34,240 57,140 28,940 14,500 10,940 56.21 165,420 154,720 3,060 4,640 7,580 23,580 51,900 56,540 27,620 10,700 44.41 57,000 50,180 1,540 2,500 5,220 7,720 15,680 10,960 8,760 6,820 42.65 56,540 29,980 500 600 940 3,120 9,520 7,820 7,680 � 6,360 51.15 8,660 6,200 500 500 520 1,380 1,720 1,000 580 2,460 51.82 755,900 691,680 45,040 56,580 65,860 145,400 216,940 105,500 58,360 62,220 32.72 9,140 51,040 88,760 551,740 95,820 97,480 32,140 21,620 6,160 7,780 47,100 83,320 327,180 87,500 89,480 27,280 18,140 4,100 1,940 7,300 8,460 17,720 5,580 2,580 700 560 400 1,120 7,100 10,000 26,780 5,740 5,620 1,320 640 260 " 1,120 6,560 11,280 32,920 6,860 4,560 1,520 680 560 1,400 11,220 21,140 72,560 18,500 13,420 4,500 2,080 980 1,640 10,860 22,360 109,560 29,920 28,520 8,400 5,000 1,080 400 160 5,060 1,000 7,820 2,260 47,520 20,520 14,600 8,300 20,200 16,780 6,380 4,660 4,920 4,460 600 420 1,360 5,940 5,440 24,560 8,52C 8,000 4,860 3,480 2,060 18.21 21.81 25.14 51.99 35.635 44.02 45.31 81.08 50.42 1 Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. 72 Wls'sw]I VW/a 1pV;1 I . 64 wi r 00 UfOI b L r W)oJ AL 0001,Ww 4 SIAIH cV V V) W1 _lp/JLW 1 eI VLO I QV If - , - , - -. , - - , : __ - - , -- - - - - - I 1 5I - I T T - _ .. ,_ 1 r- " - r - - T T I 1 - - IF I .' ...v .. 11 v..) vv1 -sv w v _v w 1 vv~ vv1 rrwp 1 ~-v -- 1 +-- P - 2.120 ORO TENURE AND MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME Table 16.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 13 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPOkTING ENTAL VAIUE Rental Median CCMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $50 to $50 to $75 and eported1 (dollars) reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over report URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years ald..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported................. 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............ . No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or ritore.... Not reported .................. O6007,560 5,,617 5,0.L( 66I L4 8OU 52U f O 0 5J96UV .0- 5345 9.N W'8..L r . , ,, __ ,__ _..,_a 402, 80 575,320 15,880 50.200 46 620 104 780 121,000 40,920 15 ,920 27,060 28.56 920 3,500 6,660 60,120 142,320 162,880 25,560 560 1,860 416 ,880 1,540 3,380 7,600 78,580 115,000 170,380 32,100 6,360 71,940 630,180 760 3,320 -6,280 54,500 134,740 151,820 21,940 500 1,460 382,640 1,280 3,160 7,020 71,760 107,800 155,600 28,560 5,860 1,600 581,700 1,760 3,780 13,540 135,120 159,740 217,000 28,520 19,740 2,500 895,980 540 1,540 1,960 3,680 5,080 2,920 240 120 13,600 260 1,020 1,680 4,000 3,680 2,520 360 20 60 18,580 560 1,440 1,780 5,860 4,820 3,340 360 120 100 26,800 100 200 1,060 7,960 12,580 7,620 560 120 31,060 20 440 1,540 9,500 10,880 8,100 700 40 40 47,100 80 580 2,940 17,360 15,020 10,020 640 320 140 67,000 20 300 920 11,000 19,900 13,680 680 120 4 ,840 60 500 1,060 14,580 17,540 15,440 1,280 160 220 75,440 540 2,800 26,300 25,100 18,380 1,420 640 260 111,780 540 1,300 17,100 42,980 39,680 2,840 20 320 104,020 240 520 1,940 23,160 553,440 39,220 4,500 560 440 165,040 380 600 3,720 51,940 55,520 4,920 1,740 580 247,220 500 660 780 11,100 59,620 59,720 8,080 220 520 124,340 520 500 800 15,960 32,220 61,440 10,460 1,860 580 191,440 680 540 1,740 31,020 48,840 88,080 11,780 7,780 980 307,740 60 240 2,860 11,020 20,880 5,520 140 200 43,640 120 120 160 3,200 8,060 23,480 6,720 1,600 180 62,320 60 60 440 6,740 11,080 32,000 6,440 5,240 260 101,580 20 20 800 5,560 7,520 4,020 120 60 17,140 60 60 40 1,560 1,980 7,400 4,540 1,620 80 21,980 20 120 2,200 2,940 9,660 2,960 3,900 180 33,860 160 180 580 5,620 7,580 11,060 1,620 60 400 34,240 I " -28 260 220 580 6,820 7,200 14,780 3,540 500 540 48,480 - -320 320 480 1,140 11,080 9,040 17,380 5,240 3,100 700 61,440 12.50 15.15 22.20 26.44 53.52 45.96 28.90 15.70 16.81 22.87 26.02 54.23 43.72 54.03 28.58 13.58 18.16 23.45 26.23 34.52 41.25 47.62 52.97 29.51 4,160 3,600 800 320 500 820 880 220 60 560 21.70 9,960 9,160 2,580 1,380 1,440 1,820 1,460 400 80 800 16.65 33,760 31,980 3,260 6,180 6,580 10,100 4,620 940 300 1,780 19.48 289,780 275,320 10,420 30,420 49,540 93,240 71,560 15,580 4,760 14,460 24.57 259,920 227,940 5,260 16,200 30,440 68,400 81,620 20,980 5,040 11,980 28.57 279,040 260,320 5,340 10,560 19,400 59,360 111,660 43,160 12,840 18,720 36.22 55,680 48,960 600 1,200 2,600 8,980 20,940 10,120 4,520 6,720 40.10 40,680 35,320 5380 420 760 3,720 13,840 10,120 6,080 5,360 47.39 4,440 3,380 160 320 520 780 1,160 260 180 1,060 28.55 791,320 749,460 19,800 47,240 81,860 188,180 267 320 106,860 38,200 41,860 52.52 5,000 4,640 1,060 300 720 1,120 1,140 220 80 360 21.64 13,960 13,220 2,200 2,380 2,760 3,420 1,920 460 80 740 "18.18 44,520 42,840 3,500 7,000 9,320 13,140 8,120 1,460 500 1,680 20.87 270,560 259,640 7,140 22,420 40,300 81,200 81,960 21,300 5,320 10,920 26.88 176,420 169,060 3,480 8,640 16,180 44,180 67,040 23,680 5,860 7,360 53.09 190,940 180,580 1,860 5,220 9,420 33,660 77,060 38;500 14,860 10,560 39.91 50,360 45,200 680 840 2,220 7,520 17,700 10,940 5,300 5,160 42.31 35,500 31,040 60 260 580 53,040 11,220 9,780 6,100 4,460 50.42 4,060 3,240 20 180 560 900 1,160 520 100 820 32.26 1,255.280 1,187.860 29.960 65.980 107.540 271.900 423.3580 199,860 91.240 67,420 35.19 9,700 8,900 2,200 1,080 1,500 1,920 1,720 480 200 800 19.00 35,180 33,480 4,300 5,040 5,820 9,440 6,840 1,600 440 1,700 21.17 92,540 89,080 4,620 9,880 16,000 28,280 22,980 5,780 1,540 3,460 24.46 509,380 489,020 11,780 31,300 53,060 132,560 178,060 62,840 19,420 20,5360 531.27 237,740 226,240 3,580 8,700 16,840 50,040 89,000 42,420 15,660 11,500 57.15 242,720 229,720 1,920 5,560 10,440 34,920 87,160 57,700 32,020 13,000 45.73 71,920 64,480 1,100 1,620 2,260 9,400 23,580 15,660 10,860 7,440 44.65 48,100 40,520 280 480 1,100 5,680 12,500 12,160 10,520 7,580 54.48 8,000 6,420 180 520 720 1,660 1,740 1,220 580 1,580 33.29 943,120 883 940 22,540 46,540 75,140 1935 860 314,220 151,700 79,940 59,180 56.11 9,520 8,820 1,420 1,220 1,280 1,820 2,100 680 500 700 22.19 44,220 42,040 3,420 5,240 7,540 12,520 9,740 2,840 740 2,180 23.35 96,320 92,540 4,240 9,360 12,720 26,880 28,640 8,360 2,340 53,780 26.92 423,640 401,940 9,100 20,960 36,980 96,200 152,480 62,600 23,620 21,700 34. 45 144,640 135,520 2,440 5,360 8,800 28,500 51,480 26,100 12,840 9,120 58.50 141,340 132,140 1,020 2,660 5,020 19,060 a 46,480 52,980 24,920 9,200 45.98 45,180 539,600 460 960 1,800 5,420 13,420 9,840 7,700 5,580 46.15 51,440 26,040 200 340 - 560 2,280 8,340 7,340 6,980 5,400 53.95 6,820 5,300 240 440 440 1,180 1,540 960 500 1,520 34.04 610,780 560,680 17.,600 35,400 48,880 119,900 192,260 94,520 52,520 50,100 55.59 7,040 358,720 69,320 284,520 78,740 85,160 25,600 19,160 4,520 6,160 35,660 65,140 265,020 71,640 76,240 21,520 16,020 3,280 1,000 5,140 3,620 6,760 1,520 940 300 160 160 960 4,560 6,560 16,560 3,260 2,280 660 540 220 900 5,320 8,420 24,560 4,969 3,080 920 500 220 1,300 9,580 17,960 59,800 14,700 10,980 3,100 1,680 800 1,480 *9,500 19,560 97,120 26,600 25,420 7,000 4,600 980 560 2,720 7,040 42,400 13,100 18,300 5,400 4,460 540 160 840 1,980 18,020 7,500 15,240 4,140 4,080 560 880 3,060 4,180 19,500 7,100 6,920 4,080 3,140 1,240 21.19 24.52 27.28 54.65 58.06 45.90 46.01 52.47 34.40 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. 73 it *Ad 'M 7AO 0An 52 A M rr17 'Acrdr C 0117 coll nl 0 r~l znn c -AnI a e0 1 nn nm I m I ?tcn Annr 2,080 4,260 14,680 146,200 168,780 234,380 33,760 22,840 3,200 957.429 ... EDUCATION Table 16.-MONTHLY RENTAL VALUE OF HOME, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 04 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OI0 MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL-NONFARM: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Median not shown where base is less than 2,000) REPORTING RENTAL VALUE Rental Median AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Totalvalue rental COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Under $10 to $15 to $20 to $30 to $50 to $75 and repnorted doluelas) reporting $10 $14 $19 $29 $49 $74 over RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .............. ... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 yeats or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old. ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College:, 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old,............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 1 n 74 1nil a ann �J. VIAV I J�ZouvI o V � vJZX. l v�5a LVar4 I t55.L� I5 (O VVV .��5erv l 0 0 , v -- 0 -_94V ___ 61.2401! 55.96011 14.4601 10.1201 7.000 400 1,240 1,920 13,180 21,580 19,700 2,860 120 240 59.340 240 1,100 1,780 11,960 19,820 18,180 2,640 100 140 53.420 240 840 940 4,080 4,860 3,160 240 60 40 14.400 100 280 2,740 3,520 3,260 180 .20 20 9.400 60 180 1,260 3,020 2,140 300 40 7,360 10.4601 9.0001 3.6801 1.2401 5.280 40 240 1,960 4,140 3,560 500 20 10.080 60 - 120 - 1,520 500 2,760 1,240 3,940 1,500 800 440 7 1 x _1 20 100 280 620 180 40 1,360 160 140 140 1,220 1,760 1,520 220 20 100 5,920 16.93 12.97 17.05 20.99 32.00 16.48 520 280 220 - 40 - - 20 - 240 - 800 680 520 80 - 40 20 20 - 120 1, 660 1,400 760 200 180 180 60 - 20 260 15,040 13,900 5,240 5,140 1,660 1,940 1,280 520 120 1,140 12.22 13,960 13,160 3,640 2,480 1,960 2,580 1,760 600 140 800 15.67 22,100 19,700 3,500 2,960 3,000 4,560 3,400 1,560 720 2,400 20.56 4,360 3,860 460 480 460 740 1,080 560 280 500 26.66 " � 460 240 40 20 40 20 40 80 220 - 440 200 20 40 20 20 60 40 - 240 - 89,960 80,020 20,720 15,680 11,060 14,360 12,020 4,620 1,560 9,940 16.13 940 360 220 40 20 40 20 20 - 580 - 1,440 1,140 840 80 60 40 20 100 - 300 3,880 3,560 1,720 820 360 320 240 80 20 320 9.87 26,280 24,160 8,280 5,520 3,680 3,460 2,360 680 180 2,120 12.94 19,060 17,880 4,520 3,840 2,660 3,260 2,600 780 220 1,180 15.59 29,060 26,880 4,400 4,440 3,740 5,960 5,280 2,360 700 2,180 20.94 5,400 3,860 620 760 400 720 840 360 160 1,540 21.58 3,500 1,900 20 160 80 520 600 240 280 1,600 - 400 280 100 20 60 40 60 - 120 - 150,340 137,620 33,500 25,720 19,900 27,460 20,800 7,280 2,960 12,720 16.91 1,580 840 720 20 40 60 - - - 740 3,080 2,660 1,880 320 200 120 120 20 - 420 6.57 7,580 7,120 3,060 1,660 880 940 480 100 - 460 11.01 49,620 46,960 13,640 10,500 7,040 8,460 5,500 1,400 420 2,660 14.19 31,600 29,440 6,320 5,680 4,080 6,740 4,660 1,560 400 2,160 17.83 37,700 35,200 5,960 5,620 5,280 7,800 6,660 \2,760 1,120 2,500 20.45 12,140 10,300 1,580 1,480 1,600 2,080 2,240 820 500 1,840 21.86 6,060 4,600 240 380 700 1,080 1,120 560 520 1,460 28.57 980 500 100 60 80 180 20 60 - 480 - 137,820 127,940 26,180 20.760 17,800 25.140 24.340 9,840 53880 9,880 19.28 1,62C 4,060 9,66C 46,580 27,620 27,70C 13,58C 5,840 1,160 238,72C 2,62C 10,02C 20,36C 96,80C 41,06C 37,280 18,820 9,26C 2,50C 193,58C 3,240 11,88C 20,820 86,28C 28,72C 24,08C 11,82C 4,900 1,840 143,12C 2,10C 12,320 19,44C 67,220( 17,080 14,320 6,540 2,46C 1,640 1,100 3,640 8,980 44,400 26,340 26,140 12,120 4,700 520 221,360 1,820 9,300 18,900 91,540 38,760 34,800 17,340 7,440 1,660 178,280 2,500 11,020 19,660 80,200 26,900 22,580 10,580 3,940 900 131,000 1,620 11,440 18,180 62,160 15,660 13,240 5,760 2,120 820 820 1,900 2,820 11,040 4,360 3,280 1,540 220 200 41,160 1,100 4,060 5,400 17,980 6,380 3,120 2,260 560 300 30,700 1,180 3,640 4,920 13,500 3,780 2,040 1,080 300 260 25,440 940 4,160 4,840 10,960 2,060 1,640 400 200 240 120 840 2,160 8,300 3,820 3,240 1,860 340 80 34,040 260 1,86es 4,180 15,96C 5,340 3,68C 2,16C 44C 16C 28, 36C 340 2,440 4,240 13,820 5,880 1,980 1,840 260 60 21,180 160 2,540 3,440 10,420 2,480 1,340 660 100 40 40 240 1,200 6,520 3,980 3,420 1,800 520 80 28,600 120 900 2,920 12,800 5,000 4,20C 1,760 720 180 23,280 360 1,460 2,800 10,880 3,540 2,360 1,420 380 80 16,980 220 1,240 2,860 8,360 1,900 1,480 600 180 140 80 360 1,440 8,880 5,600 5,440 2,420 880 40 43,540 140 1,260 2,880 18,340 8,040 7,280 3,740 1,220 440 35,820 300 1,860 3,620 16,440 5,740 4,520 2,,00 840 200 25,500 100 1,640 3,180 - 12,760 3,600 2,440 1,200 400 180 40 240 1,020 7,140 5,760 6,320 '2,620 1,140 60 44,240 120 860 2,540 18,000 8,360 8,400 3,840 1,860 260 35,600 240 1,080 2,680 17,100 5,660 5,420 2,260 980 180 24,680 160 1,360 2,800 12,240 3,320 2,900 1,400 400 100 60 300 2,000 -2,320 2,960 1,260 920 20 19,240 60 280 840 6,180 5,580 4,700 2, .00 1,400 200 15,620 60 440 1,120 5,960 2,840 5,560 1,120 480 40 11,180 40 340 780 5,120 1,500 1,900 980 460 60 40 520 500 1,480 620 680 40 10,740 20 80 140 2,080 2,060 3,420 1,580 1,240 120 8,900 20 100 280 2,500 1,460 2,700 1,060 700 80 6 040 160 280 2,300 800 1,540 520 380 60 520 420 680 2,180 1,280 1,560 1,460 1,140 640 17,360 800 720 1,460 5,460 2,500 2,480 1,480 1,820 840 15,300 740 860 1,160 6,080 1,820 1,500 1,240 960 940 12,120 480 880 1,260 5,060 1,420 1,080 780 340 820 9.08 13.37 16.69 21.30 25.25 25.05 36.34 21.09 11.09 14.54 19.08 22.81 28 .29 26.16 37.89 21.40 10.53 13.33 15.70 20.66 23.42 30.94 25.80 335.58 20.25 12.57 15.92 20.55 23.36 28.35 29.78 38.50 74 1Comprises related members of private households in homes not reporting rental value, persons in private" households not related to household head, and all persons not in private households. _ I C -- -- L 7 _ ~---- ---~- - ---------r i ,- - --. ., - , - .- I----I 'F------.- - , 1o o 1 :: 7a 45n 8 . n 206.560l 165.260n 192.160 178.380r I o can EMPLOYMENT STATUS 75 Table 17.--EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE YAIR In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS 0 SCHOOL COPLIETED, Al AGE Employed Seeking Nt in Employed Seeking Not in Total btal in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Peroedt on emr- force labor Percent on eer.- force force Number of labor genoy force Ntmber of labor gency force work force work W 8TeD STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: J1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed . . . . . . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .......... ....... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Net reported ................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old... No school years completed .. ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ... ... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .. Not reported .... ..........,. 7483T0 0--47---6 32.655.340 29. 498.22 25.802.80I 858.1 4.19R.40l 3.157.12n 2 .85.00nnnl -a.674.400 8.i4nn ?l 1 29_nlas 2 1n0 2.188,000 1,424,860 958.820 67.0 470,540 76.640 2,19, 260 884.,940 6i5.660 69.6 269,280 1. 08,320 13,440 6,820 4,960 72.7 1,860 6,620 8,460 1,620 1,160 - 460 6,840 65,700 53,500 37,660 70.4 i5,840 12,200 40,640 8,200 5,760 70.2 2,440 32,440 113,100 97,180 61,900 63.7 35,280 15,920 80,500 20,920 12,980 62.0 7,940 59,580 413,880 365,900 236,100 64.5 129,800 47,980 345,440 136,140 95,940 70.5 40,200 209,800 784,280 417,800 264,620 63.4 152,680 8366, 980 708,440 220,500 145,160 65.8 75,340 482,940 625,100 441,000 816,800 71.7 .24,700 184,100 825,560 455,760 323,120 70.9 132,640 369,800 155,840 35,020 26,340 75.2 8,680 120,820 175,700 37,500 28,120 75.0 9,380 138,200 2,580 1,60 920 - 140 1,520 3,460 1,240 960 - - 280 2,220 14,080 6,580 5,020 76.3 1,560 7,500 10,060 8,060 2,460 80.4 600 7,000 2,089,020 1 1,703.480 1.293.780 75.9 409.700 35.540 2.101.780 1.009.080 823,460 81.6 185,620 1.092.700 12,500 7,340 5,900 80.4 1,440 5,160 8,720 2,120 1,760 83.0 360 6,600 58,040 49,520 36,300 73.3 13,220 8,520 36,460 7,480 5,480 73.3 2,000 28,980 101,860 92,540 66,460 71.8 2 86,080 9,320 76,760 18,780 13,460 71.7 5,320 57,980 419,400 391,100 281,080 71.9 110,020 28,800 378,820 143,260 113,240 79.0 30,020 235,560 502,400 449,280 330,840 73.6 118,440 53,120 500,480 210,240 165,180 78.6 45,060 290,240 646,880 587,560 470,000 80.0 117,560 59,320 819,960 510,060 423,720 83.1 86,340 309,900 257,680 104,780 85,800 81.9 18,980 152,900 235,000 94,560 81,000 85.7 13,560 140,440 26,800 13,040 11,060 84.8 1,980 13,260 33,500 17,940 15,540 86.6 2,400 15,560 13,960 8,820 6,340 76.2 1,980 5,640 12,080 4,640 4,080 87.9 560 7,440 2,956,860 2,702,480 2.234.020 82.7 468,460 254.380 3.045.620 1.331.360 1.174,580 88.2 156,780 1,714,260 16,360 11,220 9,260 82.5 1,960 5,140 13,8380 2,480 2,160 87.1 320 10,900 82,620 74,020 55,620 75.1 18,400 8,600 53,860 9,780 7,560 77.3 2,220 44,080 146,900 135,880 101,720 74.9 34,160 11,020 118,880 27,080 21,580 79.7 5,500 91,800 670,560 636,880 495,480 77.8 141,400 33,680 620,960 205,900 175,540 85.3 30,360 415,060 698,820 668,440 539,400 80.7 129,040 30,880 706,580 254,680 217,180 85.3 37,500 451,900 889,600 854,700 745,860 87.3 108,840 34,900 1,118,240 590,160 529,000 89.6 61,160 528,080 268,420 190,180 168,820 88,8 21,360 78,240 249,780 136,740 125,680 91.9 11,060 113,040 168,880 118,840 107,340 90.3 11,500 44,540 145,6001 98,140 90,180 91.9 7,960 47,460 20,200 12,820 10,520 85.4 1,800 7,880 18,840 6,400 5,700 89.1 700 11,940 S 4 705.120 4,477.620 8.891.840 86.9 585,780 227.500 4,784.340 1,631,540 1,490, 660 91.4 140,880 3,152,800 33,960 23,100 18,100 78.4 5,000 10,860 27,720 4,18d 3,760 90.0 420 23,540 142,720 128,940 99,720 77.3 29,220 13,780 101,000 16,500 13,500 81.8 3,000 84,500 275,960 258,860 203,880 78.8 54,980 17,100 228,060 47,180 39,980 84.7? 7,200 180,880 1,307,720 .1,251,860 1,033,420 82.6 218,440 55,860 1,192,8320 327,760 289,420 88.3 38,340 864,560 1,072,960 1,036,340 897,780 86.6 138,560 36,620 1,114,240 326,440 291,980 89.4 34,460 787,800 1,134,360 1,103,500 1,003,580 90.9 99,920 30,860 1,430,120 568,740 528,300 92.9 40,440 861,380 350,140 327,340 304,540 93.0 22,800 22,800 406,300 181,060 171,240 94.6 9,820 225,240 351,580 325,180 310,980 95.6 14,200 26,400 256,720 151,080 144,480 95.6 6,600 105,640 35,720 22,500 19,840 88.2 2,660 13,220 27,860 8,600 8,000 93.0 600 19,260 4,247,220 4,065,4001 3,608,920 86,8 456,480 181,820 4,257,480 1,231,180 1,134,980 92.8 96,200 8,026,300 36,080 25,460 20,500 80.5 4,960 10,620 28,460 4,000 3,340 83.5 660 24,460 159,380 147,220 115,340 78.3 31,880 12,160 116,100 20,400 16,360 80.2 4,040 95,700 294,700 276,740 224,580 81.2 52,160 17,960 259,860 52,640 45,520 86.5 7,120 207,220 1,857,900 1,302,440 1,113,320 85.5 189,120 55,460 1,197,840 276,520 247,540 89.5 28,980 921,320 . 982,300 902,600 807,000 89.4 95,600 29,700 945,600 249,040 226,220 90.8 22,820 696,560 778,940 756,840 704,120 98.0 52,720 22,100 1,023,720 350,080 329,700 94.2 20,380 673,640 300,840 291,960 274,400 94.0 17,560 8,880 401,740 142,640 135,040 94.7 7,600 259,100 346,720 337,580 327,660 97.1 9,920 9,140 253,200 127,620 123,400 96.7 4,220 125,580 40,860 24,560 22,000 89.6 2,560 15,800 30,960 8,240 7,860 95.4 , 880 22,720 7,134,420 6.762.600 6.021.800 89.0 740.800 371.820 7.106.520 1.778,540 1,611,580 90.6 166,960 5,327,980 79,940 62,080 49,660 80.0 12,420 17,860 65,5604 9,900 8,260 83.4 1,640 55,660 371,220 338,920 268,600 79.3 70,320 32,300 282,800 46,900 37,640 80.3 9,260 235,900 649,140 606,020 500,700 82.6 105,320 48,120 570,64Q 99,180 88,080 83.8 16,100 471,460 2,761,100 2,632,880 2,304,680 87,5 328,200 128,220 2,486,120 514,960 457,260 88.8 57,700 1,971,160 1,313,840 1,262,240 1,144,740 90.7 117,500 51,600 1,877,680 334,480 300,860 89.9 33,620 1,048,200 949,720 914,320 851,820 93.1 63,000 35,400 1,823,740 401,56" 371,600 92.5 29,960 922,180 439,120 422,480 396,800 93.9 85,680 16,640 583,120 188,380 176,720 93.8 11,660 394,740 485,200 471,980 458,560 97.2 18,420 13,220 354,880 169,700 168,760 96.5 5,940 185,180 85,140 51,680 46,740 90.4 4,940 33,460 61,980 13,480 12,400 92.0 1,080 48,500 5.642.300 5.201.020 4.578,480 88.0 622,540 441,280 5 556,820 1,186,700 1,051,480 88.6 135,220 4,369,620 94,680 75,240 59,280 78.8 15,960 19,440 74,620 9,480 7,820 82.5 1,660 65,140 458,180 407,740 327,820 80.4 79,920 50,440 339,500 48,920 38,789 79.3 10,140 290,580 663,940 603,460 500,580 83.0 102,880 60,480 595,680 90,460 74,780 82.7 15,680 505,220 2,345,220 2,180,260 1,908,520 87.5 271,740 164,960 2,1883,540 399,000 349,600 87.6 49,400 1,784,540 781,460 734,820 661,840 90.1 72,480 47,140 899,580 196,480 172,740 87.9 23,740 703,100 598,680 562,820 520,180 92.4 42,640 35,860 824,360 216,040 196,620 91.0 19,420 608,320 304,560 286,900 266,820 93.0 20,080 17,660 366,240 114,560 104,740 91.4 9,820 251,680 815,900 301,440 289,800 96.1 11,640 14, 460 218,740 101,580 97,200 95.7 4,380 117,160 79,680 48,8401 48,640 89.4 5,200 30,840 54,060 10,180 9,200 90.4 980 48,880 3,742,400 83161 260. 2.719.7201 6.0 441.540 581, 140 3.759.680 621.060 542.640 87.4 78.420 8.188.680 91,300 412,220 525,960 1,577,480 392,800 335,880 167,080 180,500 59,180 65,940 336,580 440,480 1,345,940 341,400 290,400 145,440 161,220 33,860 51,640 268,140 365,280 1,157,920 299,440 262,240 132,680 153,240 29,140 78.3 79.7 82.9 86.0 87.7 90.3 91.2 95.1 86,1 14,300 68,440 75,200 188,020 41,960 28,160 12,760 7,980 4,720 25,360 75,640 85,480 231,540 51,400 45,480 21,640 19,280 25,320 67,080 304,780 471,960 1,547,380 502,520 500,760 203,800 119,360 42,040 6,780 35,580 56,700 223,920 90,900 100,420 54,200 46,.700 5,860 5,400 27,760 46,440 193,400 78,920 90,640 50,160 44,700 5,220 79.6 78.0 81.9 86.4 86.8 90.8 92.5 95.7 89.1 1,380 7,820 10,260 30,520 11,980 9,780 4,040 2,000 640 60,300 269,200 415,260 1,382,460 411,620 400,340 149,600 72,660 36,180 .. 76 EDUCATION Table 17.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistic based on a S-percent seaple. Peroent not shoed where base is less than 2,000) MAL FUAIZ In labor force In labor force AREA, TRARS OF SCHOOL COYPETED, AND AGE maployed Seeking Not in Employend Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Peroent on emer- force labor Percent on emaer- ee force Number of labor Beoy force Namber of labor gency force work force work URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old... ........ No school years completed......... Grade school: .1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... .4 years ............. College: I to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................. 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed .:....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years:....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. . 1 18,3 P, H1 4011 16570.>.I 14..11.3 401 8311 3 .I468 1 .4( I 860 1.j2.,.222.2 4 7.a7U.W01'. 9,5O I 07.0)1 9IU1iW 11,94U7,La 9 Af400 . 4A& AA , , l),- . �-.&, ,avf , --- " - L -- - -.. --- 9wv o....- 3,640 1,880 800 - 580 2,260 2,40 800 620 - 180 1,440 11,680 8,120 4,400 54.2 3,720 8,560 11,280 8,680 2,480 67.4 1,200 7,600 28,880 24,820 11,600 47.7 12,720 . 4,560 24,880 10,320 6,000 38.1 4,880 14,060 150,520 133,440 66,720 50.0 66,720 17,080 149,900 85,220 58,600 68.8 26,620 64,680 450,840 249,620 145,680 58.4 108,940 201,220 411,560 168,100 110,140 65.5 57,96p t48,460 388,900 272,320 187,200 68.7 85,120 116,580 542,240 384,080 242,560 70.9 99,50 200,160 109,880 23,980 18,300 76.3 5,680 85,900 115,100 25,600 19,420 75.9 6,180 89,500 1,800 780 680 - 100 1,020 2,860 860 620 - 40 1,500 7,640 8,880 2,560 75.7 880 4,260 5,480 1,980 1,540 - 440 38,00 1,117,180 916.500 669.720)0 , 73.1 246.780 200,680 1,282180 758,400 617,480 88.0 135,980 588,780 3,720 2,040 1,360 66.7 680 1,680 83,040 1,300 1,100 - 200 1,740 10,540 8,400 4,720 56.2 3,680 2,140 9,720 3,420 2,480 72.5 940 6,800 28,100 25,000 15,380 61.5 9,620 3,100 25,340 9,740 6,760 69.4 8,980 15,600 166,460 154,680 -9 00 62.7 57,680 11,780 181,960 97,580 77,860 79.8 80,220 84,380 301,340 274,880 194,000 70.6 80,880 26,460 318,800 168,440 132,480 78.7 85,960 149,860 399,060 364,420 286,100 78.5 78,820 34,640 555,700 393,580 330,020 88.9 88,560 162,180 180,100 72,640 59,520 81.9 13,120 107,460 156,940 68,780 54,120 84.9 9,600 93,8220 20,280 10,240 8,620 84.2 1,620 10,040 23,980 12,200 10,220 88.8 1,980 11,780 7,580 4,200 8,020 71.9 1,180 3,380 7,-200 8,420 2,940 86.0 480 8,780 1.709,200 1.555.460 1. 274.820 82.0 280.640 15. 740 1,896000 1,00900oo0 894.120 88,6 114,880 887,000 4,620 3,220 2,440 75.8 780 1,400 4,520 1,640 1,480 - 220 2,880 16,660 14,580 9,600 65.8 4,980 2,080 15,520 4,760 8,600 75.6 1,160 10,760 45,980 41,920 28,320 67.6 13,600 4,060 43,o40 15,980 12,600 78.8 3,380 27,860 297,020 281,820 205,960 73.1 75,860 15,200 324,020 150,240 128,900 85.8 21,840 178,780 436,280 420,240 332,280 79.1 87,960 16,040 460,600 205,740 176,100 85.6 29,640 254,860 578,460 557,240 485,320 87.1 71,920 21,220 771,220 467,180 423,060 90.6 44,120 04,0460 192,860 138,140 123,100 89.1 15,040 54,720 163,640 911880 88,940 91.4 7,940 71,760 125,680 91,380 81,880 89.6 9,500 34,300 102,120 66,820 60,300 90.2 6,520 85,300 11,640 6,920 .5,920 85.5 1,000 4,720 11,080 4,760 4,200 88.82 560 6,280 2,756,580 2.634.420 2,291.660 87.01 842.760 122.160Q .9664.40 1.263.780 1,150 5.26 91.4 108580 1702.8860 11,260 7,020 5,040 71.8 1,980 4,240 10,860 2,620 2,360 90.1 260 8,240 35,760 31,680 21,860 69.0 9,820 4,080 31,800 9,160 7,4860 81.4 1,700 22,640 97,900 91,260 67,720 74.2 23,540 6,640 95,160 80,880 25,540 84.1 4,840 64,780 640,760 613,660 495,140 80.7 118,520 27,100 668,140 258,580 224,500 88.5 29,080 414,560 675,120 655,620 564,560 86.1 91,060 19,500 717,400 263,440 285,960 89.6 27,480 458,960 749,660 782,000 664,100 90.7 67,900 17,660 - 979,920 463,080 430,940 98.1 32,140 516,840 250,280 235,140 218,480 92.9 16,660 15,140 260,100 124,440 117,340 94.8 7,100 135,660 275,780 255,300 243,620 95.4 11,680 20,480 186,800 110,720 105,200 95.0 5,5280 76,080 20,060 12,740 11,140 87.4 1,600 7,320 16,460 6,860 5,960 93.7 400 10,100 2,480 340 2,386,600 2,186,000 89.1 260, 600 93,740 1 2603,980 940,700 868,960 92.4 71,740 1,668,280 11,800 7,960 5,960 74.9 2,000 3,840 12,120 2,800 2,300 82.1 500 9,80 44,960 40,740 30,120 738.9 10,620 4,220 42,420 12,300 9,660 78.5 2,640 30,120 116,660 109,020 86,320 79.2 22,700 7,640 116,920 34,100 29,340 86.0 4,760 82,820 695,980 668,240 563,620 84.3 104,620 27,740 669,440 210,500 188,500 89.5 22,000 458,940 581,820 565,780 503,700 89.0 62,080 16,040 601,600 196,360 179,380 91.4 16,980 405,240 528,940 515,900 479,360 92.9 36,540 13,040 714,040 285,680 869,780 94.4 15,900 488,860 211,740 206,000 193,800 93.8 12,700 5,740 246,760 97,860 92,460 94.5 5,400 148,900 265,280 258,980 251,080 96.9 7,900 6,300 188,000 95,120 91,840 96.6 3,280 87,880 23,160 13,980 12,540 89.7 1,440 9,180 17,680 5,980 5,700 95.3 280 11,700 4 105.180 3.911.020 3.479.300 89.0 41.720 194.169 .279.640 1.348.160 1.222.420 90.7 125.740 2,931,480 26,760 19,580 14,640 74.8 4,940 7,180 27,580 6,180 5,080 82.2 1,100 21,400 119,280 106,920 79,800 74.6 27,120 12,360 108,940 28,140 22,240 79.0 5,900 80,800 285,000 265,280 212,720 80.2 88,560 19,720 26 160 65,900 55,160 83.7 10,740 202,260 1,469,140 1,402,640 1,210,100 86.3 192,540 66,500 1,406,940 387,800 344,440 88.9 42,860 1,019,640 813,980 784,400 707,160 90.2 77,240 29,580 862,880 257,720 282,200 90.1 25,520 605,160 672,460 650,700 604,540 92.9 46,160 21,760 943,000 329,020 303,860 92.4 25,160 613,980 306,940 296,280 278,080 93.9 18,200 10,660 368,060 188,940 125,840 93.6 8,600 234,120 367,360 358,440 348,000 97.1 10,440 8,920 258,740 180,320 125,340 96.2 4,980 128,420 44,260 26,780 24,260 90.6 2,520 17,480 35,340 9,640 8,760 90.9 880 2,700 3.099.000 2.866.620 2,502.92 87.3 36 3.A0Q 8288,880 8.254.460 88888620 780.760 88,7 99,860 2,373.840 31,400 156,920 296,120 1,236,860 467,520 431,080 200,320 240,320 38,460 9_01 88 27,240 140,920 221,860 785,920 225,800 236,180 104,780 133,100 26,640 24,300 135,700 266,660 1,147,300 440,640 407,580 189,480 280,500 24,460 1r 58?820 18,560 107,840 179,300 �57,720 193,720 204,880 90,940 119,700 14,660 17,220 100,240 212,660 984,160 394,160 376,000 175,820 221,240 21,420 1,328,980 12,320 75,320 138,820 546,000 165,740 188,700 81,600 113,220 12,260 70.9 73.9 79.7 85.81 89.5 92.3 92.8 96.0 87.6 M ? 66.4 69.8 77.4 88.0 85.6 89.7 89.7 94.6 88.6 7,080 85,460 54,000 163,140 46,480 31,580 13,660 9,260 3,040 D5a_4 6,240 32,520 40,480 111,920 27,980 21,180 9,340 6,480 2,400 7,100 21,220 29,460 89,560 26,880 26,500 10,840 9,820 14,000 814 560 .8,680 33,080 42,560 128,200 31,580 31,240 13,840 13,400 11,980 29,500 137,620 285,060 1, 219,740 557,960 595,100 2886,880 168,160 29,440 �2184 .880 26,000 124,440 224,840 848,160 306,340 358,380 133,640 91,980 21,100 5,260 29,800 60,760 291,000 146,880 174,780 83,920 81,300 7,520 I an Q'%( 3,900 20,640 35,920 153,920 65,480 78,580 39,680 38,660 4,120 4,160 882,840 50,280 P4,200 129,400 158,580 76,620 77,840 6,840 888,880 3,100 15,740 89,180 131,300 56,460 70,660 36,940 87,060 8,640 79.1 78.2 82.8 87.4 88.1 90.7 91.8 95.7 91.0 87.1 7 .. 5 - --. 1 ,0 -0 79.5 76.3 81.8 85.8 868.2 89.9 92.6 95.9 88.38 1,100 6,860 10,480 86,800 17,480 16,200 7,800 8,460 680 57,020 800 4,900 6,740 28,620 9,020 7,920 2,940 1,600 480 24,240 108,420 224,800 928,740 411,080 420,880 152,960 81,860 21,920 1,693,980 22,100 108,800 188,920 694,240 240,860 279,800 93,960 58,820 16,980 6ax.900 1_ -L :. 0 L . 00 11 0.V, 1' , i.0 , 1 .J1 -, lYW . V 11 ,":/V ZIVV I1 , ,JO%604V 11 ^" ' a" " I 158 r780 61_1 7 41 e l 437 941 1 86 540 688.66011 441.9801 69.21 196.60 EMPLOYMENT STATUS 77 Table 17.--EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistiecs based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) HAI FEMAIE In labor force In labor force AREA, 12ARS OF SCHOOL COMPETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on er- force labor Percent on emwr- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work URBAN-Continued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed . . .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: I to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported .. . ............... 25 to 29 years Qld ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported . ................ 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: I to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years'. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: I to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... . High school: .1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... I 3 4 1 6,410 535 4 .bA901 8.2 1 .8 . .840 1 7,511.78011 3,03200011 2,622,80 6 1, 180 4,47,Y7O 4a 40 II sa an s9 1 s1 620 152 n 5 I8 47 0sn 268.99011 175_2201 65_11 95 20an 820 800 120 - 180 520 600 280 . 260 - 20 320 8,060 1,720 980 - 740 1,340 2,940 1,100 680 - 420 1,840 8,140 6,960 8,020 43.4 3,940 1,180 6,440 2,940 1,580 53.7 1,360 3,500 56,340 50,600 25,060 49.5 b25,540 5,740 57,880 35,740 23,100 64.6 12,640 21,640 172,160 106,680 59,640 55.9 47,040 65,480 153,920 75,920 46,400 61.1 29,520 78,000 147,020 105,660 70,560 66.8 35,100 41,360 206,240 141,800 94,900 66.9 46,900 64,440 44,780 10,120 7,480 73.9 2,640 34,660 39,520 9,620 7,120 74.0 2,500 29,900 1,060 440 380 . - 60 620 1,120 460 280 - 180 660 2,860 1,180 800 - 380 1,680 2,200 1,120 900 - 220 1,080 488.860 369.900 270.700 8.I, 99,200 68.960 491,640 317.660 254600 80.1 63,060 173,980 1,060 740 580 - 160 820 820 520 400 - 120 3800 3,000 2,220 1,800 58.6 920 780 2,940 1,100 640 - .460 1,840 8,260 7,360 4,620 62.8 2,740 900 7,040 2,840 1,960 69.0 880 4,200 67,740 63,720 40,860 64.1 22,860 4,020 73,140 42,620 32,500 76.8 10,120 830,520 127,780 119,140 83,220 69.9 35,920 8,640 180,700 78,900 60,080 76.1 18,880 51,800 152,440 140,920 111,200 78.9 29,720 11,520 211,940 161,860 134,200 82.9 27,660 50,080 66,220 29,260 28,920 81.7 5,340 36,960 52,480 23,100 19,500 84.4 3,600 29,380 9,660 5,160 4,160 80.6 1,000 4,500 10,200 5,400 4,220 78.1 1,180 4,800 2,700 1,380 840 - 540 1,220 2,380 1,320 1,160 - 160 1,060 676,900 623,740 509,160 81.6 114,580 53,160 758,440 484,840 380,040 87.4 54,800 818,600 1,360 980 840 - 140 380 1,320 640 520 - 120 680 4,360 3,780 2,600 68.8 1,180 580 4,700 1,660 1,220 - 440 3,040 13,860 12,700 8,580 67.6 4,120 1,160 12,800 4,980 3,920 78.7 1,060 7,820 123,420 118,360 87,260 73.7 31,100 5,060 138,380 69,10 58,640 84.8 10,480 69,260 185,660 180,060 142,820 79.0 37,740 5,600 197,120 98,800 82,620 83.6 16,180 98,280 216,520 209,520 180,760 86.3 28,760 7,000 299,260 195,720 176,080 90.0 19,640 103,540 73,740 56,220 49,800 88.6 6,420 17,520 56,500 35,640 32,240 90.5 3,400 20,86Q 58,800 39,740 34,980 88.0 4,760 14,060 39,260 26,360 23,140 87.8 3,220 12,900 4,180 2,380 2,020 84.9 360 1,800 4,100 .1,920 1,660 - 260 2,180 1.094.4011 1.048.080 908,800 86.7 139,280 46.260 1.186,060 54,10011 491,480 90.5 51,620 642,960 3,720 10,120 29,880 269,180 276,060 278,560 98,440 120,400 7,980 969.840 3,980 14,020 39,240 294,580 226,680 198,820 78,700 104,680 9,140 1 "^ ^ ew 2,440 9,240 28,000 258,960 268,660 272,160 92,880 111,180 4,560 985.680 2,920 12,960 36,680 284,020 220,820 194,620 76,800 101,720 5,140 1,720 6,820 21,160 209,100 230,920 244,060 85,160 105,740 4,120 825.340 2,280 9,700 29,120 287,540 194,620 178,980 70,880 97,620 4,600 70.5 73.8 75.6 80.7 86.0 89.7 91.7 95.1 90.4 882 720 2,420 6,840 49,860 87,740 28,100 7,720 5,440 440 110.840 1,280 880 1,880 10,220 7,400 6,400 5,560 9,220 3,420 34.160 4,220 10,120 32,600 292,040 808,620 876,520 90,880 70,280 6,280 1.029.080 1,020 2,960 10,240 112,100 122,380 197,340 49,900 44,620 2,540 399.620 , -va- -1 .w1L - 11 v s 1 1,36 78.1 74.8 79.4 88.6 88.1 92.0 92.3 96.0 89.5 ^n "n 640 3,260 7,560 46,480 26,200 15,640 5,920 4,100 540 1&1^ 1,060 1,060 2,560 10,560 5,860 4,200 1,900 2,960 4,000 "^ "^^n 4,300 14,200 41,080 304,920 239,660 273,940 79,200 64,700 7,080 1,360 4,340 12,140 98,640 88,200 121,740 37,780 38,140 2,280 900 2,260 8,480 98,240 108,420 182,360 46,360 42,060 2,400 367,640 1,200 3,420 10,300 88,460 75,660 114,160 35,720 86,580 2,140 "^" ^^^ n 76.4 82.8 87.6 88.6 92.4 92.9 94.3 94.5 92.0 78.8 84.8 89.7 90.9 93.8 94.5 95.9 98.9 ^^ A 120 700 1,760 19,860 13,960 14,980 3,540 2,560 140 .31,980 1 29 160 920 1,840 10,180 7,540 7,580 2,060 1,560 140 ^t^^ 8,200 7,160 22,360 179,940 181,240 179,180 40,480 25,660 3,740 629,460 2,940 9,860 28,940 206,280 156,460 152,200 41,420 26,560 4,800 ^^^ ^"^ I 7I .54r01115 4 0 04D 11U.U , 3239 001 87.V 71 186140 69500I'1 60o3o001 1,8 ,O 55 6,8o0 41 503,0 1 9.5 3I,O600 1,Ve,320 9,080 37,400 100,900 616,480 299,220 255,080 110,580 184,980 15,820 7,380 34,160 94,620 590,860 288,940 247,440 106,520 181,440 8,680 5,880 25,580 75,160 503,160 256,940 225,240 98,360 126,400 7,680 72.9 74.9 89.4 85.2 88.9 91.0 92.3 96.2 88.5 2,000 8,580 19,460 87,700 32,000 22,200 8,160 5,040 1,000 1,700 3,240 6,280 25,620 10,280 7,640 4,060 3,540 7,140 9,280 37,620 100,280 610,400 322,480 352,500 109,600 85,900 12,240 2,180 9,680 23,780 173,360 107,420 139,280 48,460 49,500 3,320 1,780 7,860 20,200 154,700 96,580 127,180 44,860 47,140 3,080 81.7 81.2 84.9 89.2 89.9 91.3 92.6 95.2 92.8 .....c 400 1,820 3,580 18,660 10,840 12,100 3,600 2,360 240 .... :.. 7,100 27,940 76,500 437,040 215,060 213,220 61,140 36,400 8,920 72.4 2,420 1,640 1,36080 280 7,88060 10,640 50,800 105,860- 495,240 159,540 154,620 67,940 85,840 18,080 655 16n 8,400 42,680 78,720 287,120 69,900 82,760 33,580 48,260 8,740 8,780 44,180 94,760 459,260 150,280 146,260 64,180 81,940 7,460 549 960n 6,020 32,620 60,860 238,780 60,060 71,380 29,380 -42,960 3,900 6,360 32,780 75,120 389,860 181,320 132,100 57,840 77,220 6,380 �Ki' nn 4,100 23,480 46,540 195,640 50,040 62,780 25,280 39,880 3,260 72.4 74.8 79.3 84.9 87.4 90.3 90.1 94.2 85.5 82_6 68.1 72.0 76.5 81.9 83.3 88.0 86.0 98.8 88.6 2,420 11,340 19,640 69,400 18,960 14,160 6,340 4,720 1,080 94 960n 1,920 9,140 14,820 43,140 10,020 8,600 4,100 3,080 640 1,860 6,680 10,600 35,980 9,260 8,360 3,760 3,900 5,620 109.200 2,380 10,060 12,860 48,340 9,840 11,380 4,200 5,300 4,840 9,480 47,300 105,520 497,940 1838,100 213,960 70,800 55,300 10,560 746,940 8,680 41,200 76,620 393,180 95,540 122,200 39,920 32,700 6,900 1,640 9,540 22,080 121,680 54,420 71,060 80,420 32,160 2,480 165,340 1,300 6,540 13,320 60,780 23,340 30,200 13,560 14,860 1,440 1,360 7,600 18,800 106,440 48,080 68,520 27,480 30,580 2,220 144,380 1,100 5,380 11,120 52,220 20,000 26,880 12,200 14,200 1,280 79.7 85.1 87.5 88.8 89.4 90.3 95.1 89.5 87.3 82.3 83.5 85.9 85.7 89.0 90.0 95.6 280 1,940 3,280 15,240 6,340 7,540 2,940 1,580 260 20,960 200 1,160 2,200 8,560 3,340 3,320 1,360 660 160 7,840 37,760 88,440 376,260 128,680 142,900 40,380 28,140 8,080 581,600 I7,380 7,380 34,660' 63,300 262,400 72,200 92,000 26,360 17,840 5,460 =L a .I V r I ULI LL I . 1 oaavtov 1J tea. ov 11 v vvv I oauoJ a . ao GI O .. : : ^ ^ne n % ^In ^ n ^ '^ .. ^ " A ^.... 16 11 78 EDUCATION Table 17.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a S-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE MALE Total Total in labor force In labor force Employed Percent Number of labor force Seeking work and on emer- gency work Not in labor force URBAN--Continued Places of 25,000 to 250,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old. 18 and 19 years old........ No school years completed... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 20 and 21 years old....... No school years completed ... Grade school: I to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years .. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old ....... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years .. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. 25 to 29 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ..... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ............ 30 to 34 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1. to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ............. 35 to 44 years old ......... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years . . 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported ........... 45 to 54 years old........ No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years . 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years . . 4 years or more Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old......... No school years completed . .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years., High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ........... 5 C,.,An II70 na FEMALE Total In labor force sot Total in labor force Employed Percent Number of labor force work and an msd geny work Not in labor force 0, fuootw I blcub 14,442-040 6.1 72.04040U 544-520 6-183-020 1 32, 525* 420 122051,1540 88.2 278,880 S 8579600 562,180 224,180 141,060 62.9 835120 138,000 398,120 801 840 145,220 71.9 6,620 196,280 . 1,120 560 160 - 200 760 700 280 180 - 100 420 3,260 2,260 1,140 50.4 1,120 1,000 2,980 1,020 .700 - 520 1,960 8,620 7,140 3,800 55.2 53,540 1,480 6,600 5,260 1,860 57.1 1,400 3,840 45,440 40,540 20,500 50.8 19,840 5,100 .43,540 25,100 17,540 69.9 7,560 18,440 146,640 79,140 47,440 59.9 31,700 67,500 132,660 55,000 35,840 867.6 17,160 79,660 123,280 86,280 61,120 70.8 25,160 37,000 173,060 109,720 81,500 74.3 28,220 65,340 51,060 7,220 5,620 77.8 1,600 25,840 55,640 8,400 6,760 .80.5 1,640 27,240 ..... 560 200 160 - 40 160 660 280 260 - 20 300 . 2,400 1,240 1,120 120 1,160 2,280 780 580 - 200 1,900 342,480 279,500 205,140� 73.4 74,560 62.980 404,380 239.620 200,580 83.7 59,040 1 6,7 1,520 660 400 - 260 660 1,220 400 560 - 40 820 2,520 2,040 1,120 54.9 920 480 2,660 900 700 - 200 1,760 7,880 7,220 4,300 59.6 2,920 660 7,900 2,980 2,060 69.1 920 4,920 47,980 44,680 28,020 62.7 16,660 5,300 51,920 28,400 22,860 80.5 5,540 25,620 94,480 85,960 60,940 70.9 25,020 8,520 100,820 52,800 43,280 81.9 9,580 48,020 124,880 112,980 88,840 78.6 24,140 11,900 179,820 127,580 108,180 84.9 19,200 52,440 55,540 21,860 18,040 82.5 5,820 33,680 50,660 21,780 18,900 86.8 2,880 28,880 ...... 5,220 2,520 2,220 88.1 300 2,700 6,900 3,760 5,280 87.2 480 5,140 2,660 1,580 1,260 - 320 1,080 2,480 1,8 0 1,020 - 200 1,260 527,900 478,500 397,060 83.0 81,440 49,400 589,620 318,480 284,680 89.4 35,800 271,140 1,500 1,040 760 - 280 460 1,960 546 480 - 60 1,420 4,540 5,880 2,680 69.1 1,200 460 4,060 1,520 1,060 260 2,740 13,120 12,000 8,100 67.5 3,900 1,120 15,560 5,260 4,000 76.0 1,260 8,)00 84,100 79,980 59,480 74.4 20,500 4,120 95,640 44,860 38,700 86.5 8,160 48,780 134,160 129,060 102,240 79.2 26,820 5,100 142,680 64,240 56,080 87.3 8,160 78,440 187,100 179,800 158,460 88.1 21,540 7,500 248,120 151,980 158,260 91.0 15,720 96,140 61,280 42,480 58,160 89.8 4,520 18,800 51,540 28,740 26,560 91.7 2,380 22,800 3.. 8,660 28,100 25,280 90.0 2,820 10,560 30,900 20,020 18,320 91.5 1,700 10,880 3,640 2,160. 1,900 88.0 260 1,480 3,160 1,520 1,420 - 100 1,640 848,720 . 812,760 713,460 87.8 99,500 559960 907,460 3929780 561,580 92.0 51,400 514,680 2,880 1,680 1,240 440 1,200 2,640 760 720 - 40 1,880 9,540 8,180 5,840 71.4 2,340 1,i60 9,180 2,900 2,500 79.4 600 6,280 30,540 28,260 21,120 74.7 7,140 2,280 29,200 10,140 8,640 85.2 1,500 19,060 185,540 177,920 144,780 81.4 33,140 7,620 182,720 71,560 65,780 89.1 7,780 111,160 216,100 210,400 182,840 86.9 27,560 5,700 222,960 83,040 74,840 90.1 8,200 159,920 241,180 255,980 215,920 91.5 20,060 5,200 515,580 149,960 140,280 935.5 9,680 165,620 76,560 72,060 67,200 93.3 4,860 4,500 82,220 38,940 37,140 95.4 1,800 45,280 .. 80,260 74,160 70,860 95.6 5,300 6,100 57,940 33,420- 51,760 95.0 1,660 24,520 6,120 4,120 3,660 88.8 460 2,000 5,020 2,060 1,920 93.2 140 2,960 755,580 727,260 655,260 90.1 72,000 28,120 812,460 502,400 280,620 92.8 21,780 510,060 3,040 1,880 1,440 - 440 1,160 35,580 760 640 - 120 2,620 12,760 11,280 8,540 75.7 2,740 1,480 12,980 4,000 5,220 80.5 780 8,980 36,280 34,040 27,360 80.4 6,680 2,240 35,000 10,860 9,520 87.7 1,540 24,140 . 199,380 190,940 165,460 85.6 27,480 8,440 198,140 68,500 61,660 90.0 6,840 129,840 182,200 177,460 159,060 89.6 18,400 4,740 190,440 65,420 58,260 91.9 5,160 127,020 169,140 164,640 154,040 95.6 10,600 4,500 233,200 94,480 .89,640 94.9 4,840 158,720 65,900 64,020 60,660 94.8 3,60 1,880 77,420 30,200 28,440 94.2 1,760 47,220 ...... 80,500 78,820 76,960 97.6 1,860 1,680 56,940 28,640 27,820 97,1 820 28,500 6,180 4,180 3,740 89.5 440 2,000 4,960 1,540 1,420 - 120 3,420 1,277,140 1,216,300 1,091,900 89.8 124,400 60,840 1, 44,720 4-3,460 394,120 90.9 39,p40 '911,260 6,980 4,640 3,360 72.4 1,280 2,540 7,900 1,920 1,660 - 260 5,980 36,280 32,260 24, 320 75.4 7,940 4,020 55,620 9,600 7,220 75.2 2,580 24,020 91,560 85,140 69,600 81.7 15,540 6,220 82,560 21,920 18,620 84.9 3,300 60,640 . 40;840 411,500 359,520 87.53 52,180 19,340 412,060 118,340 104,680 88.5 13,660 293,720 264,580 254,740 230,400 90.4 24,340 9,840 278,460 83,420 75,300 90.5 8,120 195,040 220,280 212,640 198,800 93.5 13,840 7,640 313,900 108,980 101,320 935.0 7,660 204920 97,360 94,000 88,540 94.0 5,660 3,560 120,200 43,580 41,020 94.6 2,560 76,820 ... 115,420 112,560 109,740 97.5 2,820 2,860 84,700 42,440 41,100 96.8 1,340 42,260 14,040 8,820 8,020 90.9 800 5,220 11,320 3,460 5,200 92.5 260 7,860 981,240 910,380 804,280 88.3 106,100 70.860 1,041,800 289.420 256,800 88.7 32,620 752,380 8,860 6,740 4,920 73.0 1,820 2,120 8,500 1,720 1,260 - 460 6,780 47,420 40,720 30,640 75.2 10,080 6,700 40,920 9,040 7,120 78.8 1,920 31,880 95,760 86,560 69,980 80.8 16,580 9,200 91,200 20,820 16,920 81.5 5,900 70,380 374,500 348,240 300,940 86.4 47,300 26,060 364,440 91,900 80,400 87.5 11,500 272,540 153,320 144,740 131,000 90.5 13,740 8,580 189,880 49,760 43,280 87.0 6,480 140,120 149,220 159,080 129,580 93.0 9,700 8,140 202,900 59,100 54,260 91.8 4,840 145,800 63,700 60,160 56,460 93.8 3,700 5,540 80,040 27,960 25,680 91.8 2,280 52,080 .. 78,480 75,580 75,540 97.0 2,240 2,900 54,820 26,260 25,300 96.5 960 28,560 12,180 8,560 7,620 89.0 940 3,620 9,100 2,860 2,580 90.2 280 6,240 611,560 513,200 433,880 84.5 79,520 98,360 684,460 147,420 128,140 86.9 19,280 557,040 .. 8,300 44,880 71,900 242,340 76,800 83,000 33,940 42,300 8,100 5,520 34,700 57,900 204,320 66,200 72,140 29,220 38,320 4,880 3,720 24,380 45,760 170,980 56,920 65,260 26,500 16,340 4,020 67.4 70.3 79.0 83.7 86.0 90.5 90.7 94.8 82.4 1,800 10,320 12,140 33,340 9,280 6,880 2,720 1,980 860 2,780 10,180 14,000 38,020 10,600 10,860 4,720 3,980 3,220 7,740 38,820 73;660 259,020 100,880 128,120 44,320 31,300 6,600 1,140 7,260 12,180 49,380 22,060 26,700 13,900 13,400 1,400 960 5,500 9,700 41,700 18,880 24,140 13,100 12,860 1,300 75.8 79.6 84.4 85.6 90.4 94.2 96.0 180 1,760 2,480 7,680 3,180 2,560 800 540 100 " 6,600 31,560 61,480 209,640 78,820 95,420 30,420 17,900 5,200 it s " I --- --- -- II II I I I 1 11 ! C/ l1 171 A A II C l & i A 1 f A / 7 CAr1 C A^ ee ft M! LfAA 0 ", EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 17.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOtR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force - In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on eker- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work URBAN--Continued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 mnd 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .. ...... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ..... Grade school:' 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years .. ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported.. ................ 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years. College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 5OG,52I6M 5,U059,00P 4 30 3 30 ,4 (O75I5,72 5 00 9879 507 11 1 I,917 ,780 QIA �9 00 ; .1 . _227_280_4068__40 355.360 II 20.500 11 128.8401 61.5 80.660 I 145.860 I 596. 060 II 167.820 II 121.540 72.4 I 4.280 I 228.240 1,700 720 520 - 200 980 940 240 180 - 60 700 " 5,360 4,140 2,280 55.1 1,860 1,220 5,360 1,560 1,100 - 460 3,800 12,120 10,220 4,780 46.8 5,440 1,900 11,340 4,120 2,560 62.1 1,560 7,220 " 48,740 42,500 21,160 49.8 21,340 6,240 48,980 24,580 17,960 73.7 6,420 24,600 132,040 65,800 38,600 60.5 25,200 68,240 124,980 39,180 27,900 71.2 11,280 85,800 118,600 80,580 55,520 69.1 24,860 38,220 162,940 90,560 66,160 75.1 24,400 72,380 34,040 6,640 5,200 78.5 1,440 27,400 539,940 7,580 5,540 73.1 2,040 32,560 580 140 140 - - 240 580 120 80 - 40 460 2,380 960 640 - 520 1,420 1,000 80 60 - 20 920 S 3555,840 267,100 195,880 72.6 735,220 68,740 586,160 196,120 162,500 82.8 553,820 190,040 1,540 640 5380 - 260 700 1,000 5 580 540 - 40 620 5,020 4,140 2,300 55.6 1,840 880 4,120 1,420 1,140 - 280 2,700 11,960 10,420 6,460 62.0 3,960 1,540 10,400 3,920 2,740 69.9 1,180 6,480 50,740 46,280 28,120 60.8 18,160 4,460 56,900 26,560 22,000 82.8 4,560 50,340 " 79,080 69,780 49,840 71.4 19,940 9,300 86,780 356,740 29,240 79.6 7,500 50,040 121,740 110,520 86,060 77.9 24,460 11,220 163,940 104,540 87,640 84.0 '16,700 59,600 58,340 21,520 17,560 81.6 3,960 36,820 53,800 18,840 15,720 83.4 3,120 34,960 5,400 2,560 2,240 87.5 520 2,840 6,880 3,040 2,720 89.5 320 3,840 2,220 1,240 920 - 5320 980 2,340 880 760 - 120 1,460 504,400 453,220 368,600 81.3 84.620 51,180 552,940 255.680 229,400 89.7 26,280 297,260 1,760 1,200 840 - 360 560 1,240 460 420 - 40 780 7,960_ 6,920 4,320 62.4 2,600 1,040 6,760 1,780 1,520 - 460 4,980 19,000 17,220 11.640 67.6 5,580 1,780 16,980 5,740 4,680 81.5 1,060 11,240 89,500 83,480 59,220 70.9 24,260 6,020 92,000 36,260 31,560 87.0 4,700 - 55,740 116,460 111,120 87,720 78.9 25,400 5,340 120,800 42,700 57,400 87.6 5,300 78,100 174,840 167,920 146,100 87.9 21,820 6,920 225,840 119,480 108,720 91.0 10,760 104,360 57,840 39,440 55,140 89.1 4,300 18,400 55,600 27,500 25,340 92.1 2,160 28,100 3355,220 23,540 21,620 91.8 1,920 9,680 31,960 20,440 18,840 92.2 1,600 11,520 3,820 2,380 2,000 84.0 380 1,440 53,760 1,320 1,120 - 200 2,440 813,520 775,580 669,400 86.5 104,180 39,940 873,120 527,900 302,400 92.2 25,500 545,220 4,660 2,900 2,080 71.7 820 1,760 4,000 840 740 - 100 5,160 16,100 14,260 9,200 64.5 5,060 1,840 12,500 3,500 2,900 87.9 400 9,200 37,480 35,000 25,440 72.7 9,560 2,480 553,560 10,000 8,420 84.2 1,580 23,360 186,040 176,780 141,260 79.9 35,520 9,260 193,380 69,920 62,480 89.4 7,440 125,460 182,960 176,560 150,800 85.4 25,760 6,400 190,820 58,020 52,700 90.8 5,320 152,800 229,920 225,860 204,120 91.2 19,740 6,060 287,820 115,780 108,300 93.5 7,480 172,040 75,280 70,200 66,120 94.2 4,080 5,080 87,500 35,600 33,840 95.1 1,760 51,900 75,120 69,960 67,020 95.8 2,940 5,160 58,580 32,680 31,380 96.0 1,300 25,900 5,960 4,060 3,360 82.8 700 1,900 5,160 1,760 1,640 - 120 3,400 755,120 723,660 645,400 89.2 78,260 31,460 762,440 238,680 220,700 92.5 17,980 523,760 4,780 18,180 41,140 202,020 172,940 160,980 67,140 80,100 7,840 1,248,500 10,700 45,600 92,740 421,820 250,180 197,100 99,000 116,960 14,400 974.700 11,900 58,700 95,000 567,520 154,660 129,240 6&,680 76,000 15,200 635,160 3,160 16,500 38,300 193,280 167,500 156,640 65,180 78,440 4,660 2,240 11,880 29,840 162,620 150,020 146,540 61,760 76,500 4,200 1,184,680 111,065,500 7,560 40,500 85,520 400,280 Z40,720 190,620 95,760 114,440 9,280 899.206 8,780 50,860 85,540 3559,800 145,620 122,240 65,140 72,980 8,440 528,160 5,900 29,900 67,960 347,620 219,820 180,500 91,380 111,860 8,560 789.660 5,940 56,820 67,560 293,360 131,840 114,520 61,520 70,680 7,420 444,100 70.9 72.0 77.9 84.1 89.6 95.4 94.8 97.5 90.1 89.8 78.0 75.8 79.5 86.8 91.3 94.7 95.4 97.7 92.2 920 4,620 8,460 350,660 17,480 10,300 3,420 1,940 460 121,180 1,660 10,600 17,560 52,660 20,900 10,120 4,380 2,580 720 1,620 1,680 2,840 8,740 5,440 4,340 1,960 1,660 3,180 65,820 3,140 5,100 7,220 21,540 9,460 6,480 3,240 2,520 5,120 87.8 r 109.540 75.500 67.7 72.4 79.2 86.5 90.5 93.7 94.4 96.8 87.9 84.1 2,840 14,040 17,780 46,440 13,780 7,720 3,620 2,300 1,020 84,060 3,120 7,840 9,660 27,520 9,040 7,000 3,540 3,020 4,760 107,000 4,440 15,240 40,840 166,580 171,500 206,900 90,140 61,360 5,640 1,294,620 10,400 37,700 85,320 384,480 261,940 276,600 138,260 88,140 11,780 1.018.700 11,520 49,400 88,340 357,560 184,980 178,240 86,040 53,040 9,780 703,480 680 3,960 11,100 43,360 49,740 69,460 29,880 28,340 2,160 357,720 2,080 8,860 20,200 95,600 66,880 80,760 42,100 38,580 2,860 245.720 1,900 10,620 17,860 77,430 42,700 44,620 25,540 22,880 2,180 128,140 460 5,020 9,520 58,380 45,460 65,980 28,300 27,440 2,140 324,920 1,640 7,160 16,340 85,060 60,320 75,360 39,460 57,100. 2,480 217.880 1,540 8,120 14,560 67,360 38,040 40,800 23,460 21,960 2,040 111,360 I~ ~~~ ~ ~ - 1 * -* - - 10,540 53,560 76,240 256,460 78,600 70,360 57,260. 42,540. 9,800 7,020 40,520 60,540 214,620 67,460 61,560 52,340 58,420 5,880 4,500 27,460 46,520 179,380 58,780 55,660 29,820 37,000 4,980 64.1 67.8 76.8 83.6 87.1 90.7 92.2 96.3 84.7 2,520 13,060 14,020 35,240 8,680 5,700 2,520 1,420 900 3,520 12;840 15,700 41,840 11,140 9,000 4,920 4,120 3,920 9,580 44,420 74,560 265,960 109,920 114,060 49,400 27,980 7,600 1,460 6,840 10,420 45,760 20,080 21,680 12,220 10,400 1,280 1,040 4,860 8,360 37,380 17,580 19,640 11,440 10,000 1,060 76.5 85.6 88.5 91.4 95.0 94.7 96.8 99.1 90.8 78.8 80.8 80.9 89.0 90.2 95.5 93.7 96.7 86.7 88.7 76.5 81.5 87.0 89.1 91.4 91.9 96.0 93.6 86.9 71.1 80.2 85.4 87.5 90.6 93.6 96.2 220 940 1,580 4,980 4,280 5,480 1,580 900 20 52,800 440 1,700 ,5,860 10,540 6,560 5,400 2,640 1,280 380 27.840 560 2,500 3,500 10,060 4,660 5,820 2,080 920 140 16,780 420 1,980 2,060 6,580 2,500 2,040 780 400 220 3,760 11,280 29,740 123,020 121,760 137,440 60,260 33,020 3,480 936,900 8,520 28,840 65,120 288,880 195,060 195,840 96,160 49,760 8,920 772.980 9,620 38,780 70,480 279,940 142,280 135,620 60,500 30,160 7,600 575,540 8,120 37,580 64,140 222,200 89,840 92,580 37,180 17,580 6,520 79 " - ' ' - - - - ' V/ 1/ yV -- V y - 1 V - / V V f VV 1 V I" V 1 iV V f V=V 1 I V f V V ' i f ViV f/ VV " v f" 11 " f V 1 VV - r - " -- f vvv ezc en I- Z AC A ^ el 0 "^^ ^C ^^^i 1 v")o EDUCATION Table 17.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE PO1ULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, EARS OF SCHOOL" CCPLTED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in, work and labor labor Percent on amer.. force labor Percent on mer-. force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor genoy force work force work RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old. No school years completed...... Grade,school: 1 to 4 yc rs ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and, 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported................ 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College. 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High'school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 81 7 1 156 96 8 0r 1 625 520 1, n40 220 8 71 216 _5 l 1R87 6 2 760 5 08 00 II . 9,0 0 2U, ,tb 41:4800 .7., s .A . . / 1 10 ,u Z3 ,.'v 0 , ., a, v, , ,. ,,... v.'. 1 -- V-- 9LaIV AN 458,580 292,260 177.800 60.8 114,460 166.320 449.540 147.880 102,800 69.5 4500 301 ,660 4,200 1,580 860 - 720 2,620 2,500 260 180 - 80 2,040 " � 17,020 13,040 6,800 52.1 6,240 5,980 11,700 2,020 1,540 66.3 680 9,680 29,700 24,300 12,860 52.9 11,440 5,400 22,480 5,200 3,540 64.2 1,860 17,280 91,940 78,560 43,080 54.8 35,480 13,380 79,540 26,980 19,060 70.6 7,920 52,660 162,660 81,020 50,000 61.7 31,020 81,640 148,200 34,140 22,560 65.5 11,780 114,060 121,440 85,480 58,640 68.6 26,840 35,960 150-40 72,080 51,220 71.1 20,860 78,560 27,560 6,580 4,460 67.8 2,120 20,980 31,840 6,320 4,500 71.2 1,820 25,520 460 140 100 - 40 320 560 180 180 - 880 3,600 1,560 1,000 - 560 2,040 2,480 700 620 - 80 1,780 417,100 347,300 250,220 72.0 97,080 69,800 422,640 157,180 127 520 81.1 29,660 265,460 2,620 1,480 980 - 500 1,140 2,060 240 200 - 40 1,820 ... 15,840 12,500 7,760 62.1 4,740 3,340 11,080 1,980 1,400 - 580 9,100 ... 27,340 24,380 15,540 65.7 8,840 2,966 21,700 5,040 3,720 73.8 1,520 16,660 ... 90,940 83,480 54,780 65.6 28,700 7,460 85,040 24,600 19,220 78.1 5,580 60,440 103,040 69,980 65,160 72.4 24,820 13,060 102,000 28,040 22,100 78.8 5,940 75,960 125,780 113,300 88,320 78.0 24,980 12,480 149,580 75,720 61,960 81.8 13,760 75,860 45,940 18,500 14,440 ,78.9 3,860 25,640 42,180 16,700 14,300 85.6 2,400 25,480 4,180 2,160 1,920 88.9 240 2,020 6,200 4,060 3,860 95.1 200 2,140 3,420 1,720 1,320 - 400 1,700 2,800 800 160 - 40 2,000 609,780 552,280 436,220 79.0 116,060 57,500 654,040 214,540 187,440 87.4 27,100 419,500 5,860 2,280 1,740 76.3 540 1,580 3,460 480 440 - 40 2,980 22,720 19,220 12,080 62.9 7,140 3,500 15,700 2,560 2,040 79.7 520 13,140 "". 38,400 34,540 25,060 66.8 11,480 3,860 33,900 7,160 5,900 82.4 1,260 26,740 "" 146,520 136,600 99,360 72.7 37,240 9,920 137,180 32,460 26,800 82.6 5,660 104,720 ". � 143,160 134,560 106,740 79.3 27,820 8,600 144,720 54,360 29,140 84.8 5,220 110,560 176,580 168,800 143,140 84.8 25,660 7,580 210,980 85,740 74,480 86.9 11,260 125,240 45,920 32,740 28,520 87.1 4,220 13,180 51,360 26,440 24,400 92.3 2,040 24,920 28,420 21,560 20,020 92.9 1,54 6,860 32,720 24,280 23,280 95.9 1,000 8,440 4,400 1,980 1,560 - 42(0 2,420 4,020 1,060 960 - 100 2,960 1,032,160 965,500 805,660 85.4 159,840 66,660 1,027,00 258,120 236,280 91.5 21,840 769,180 10,540 41,760 75,840 302,580 228,920 231,600 68,560 62,880 9,680 972,580 10,780 47,680 82,980 323,020 208,260 158,500 61,440 69,120 10,600 1.586,840 22,640 103,600 163,780 609,840 289,780 185,300 89,940 96,980 24,980 1.191,820 25,720 111,660 149,440 485,740 165,560 108,480 63,260 57,180 24,780 810,420 24,500 98,580 116,700 3556,760 85,680 62,760 55,260 35,560 17,020 6,340 36,040 69,600 284,760 217,720 223,200 64,060 58,720 5,060 914,020 6,960 42,940 76,320 305,140 198,620 152,300 59,140 66,780 5,820 1,463,020 15,840 91,140 148,140 567,920 273,920 175,120 85,500 95,520 12,520 1,049,060 18,000 94,420 129,560 454,260 150,900 99,400 58,400 53,600 10,520 639,320 14,800 73,800 90,580 271,140 69,640 51,540 29,520 30,720 7,580 4,460 24,680 50,960 221,280 184,420 199,320 59,180 56,920 4,440 785,020 5,140 50,460 58,560 249,640 175,400 139,980 55,580 65,180 5,080 1,255,700 10,960 65,980 115,100 476,260 244,460 161,920 79,460 90,820 10,740 868,520 12,180 67,640 97,140 355,720 131,640 90,200 55,360 51,480 9,160 506,660 9,480 49,620 66,320 214,540 58,620 45,520 27,120 29,500 5,940 70.53 68.5 73.2 77.7 84.7 89.5 92.4 96.9 87.7 85.9 73.9 70.9 76.7 81.8 88.3 91.9 94.0 97.6 87.3 85.8 69.2 72.4 77.7 85.9 89.2 92.5 93.2 97.5 87.2 82.8 67.7. 71.6 75.0 81.9 87.2 90.7 91.4 96.0 87.1 79.2 64.1 67.2 73.2 79.1 84.2 88.3 91.9 96.0 78.4 1,880 11,360 18,640 63,480 33,300 23,880 4,880 1,800 620 129,000 1,820 12,480 17,760 55,500 23, 22q 12,320 3,560 1,600 740 207,320 4,880 25,160 53,040 91,660 29,460 13,200 5,840 2,500 1,580 180,540 5,820 26,780 32,420 78,540 19,260 9,200 5,040 2,120 1,360 152,660 5,320 24,180 24,260 56,600 11,020 6,020 2,400 1,220 1,640 4,000 5,720 6,240 17,820 11 ,200 8,400 4,500 4,160 4,620 58,560 3,820 4,740 6,660 17,880 9,640 6,200 2,300 2,340 4,780 1235,820 6,800 12,460 15,640 41,920 15,860 10,180 4,640 3,660 12,660 142,760 7,720 17,240 19,880 51,480 14,660 9,080 4,860 3,580 14,260 171,100 9,500 24,580 26,120 65,620 14,040 11,220 5,740 4,840 9,440 8,280 32,080 65,360 258,960 231,820 280,360 91,520 54,200 6,720 924.960 8,160 X4,140 68,500 261,020 200,500 196,900 95,680 52,400 7,660 1,455,320 17,400 72,600 151,080 497,640 285,180 237,880 129,860 68,560 15,120 1,092,060 19,940 79,620 125,440 421,140 178,980 141,020 74,620 58,180 13,120 787,640 17,600 73,640 104,900 323,700 106,320 89,740 42,800 18,040 11,400 920 4,560 11,100 49,360 45,900 78,000 35,300 31,340 1,640 210.580 780 5,320 12,740 45,800 39,540 50,500 30,140 24,400. 1,560 509,260 8 4 1,0 0 .. . . 2,300 11,520 21,460 88,540 58,100 56,840 37,760 29,860 2,880 210,100 I ,r 6 .. . 2,060 11,920 17,560 71,600 56,540 31,900 21,680 15,520 1,720 117,860 1,460 8,020 11,900 44,460 18,300 16,860 10,020 5,860 980 800 3,700 9,580 43,020 41,000 72,300 53,700 30,660 1,520 193.560 68 10 7,380.... 680 4,380 10,980 40,800 55,600 47,160 28,720 25,760 1,480 278,980 1,880 9,040 17,540 77,680 52,100 55,060 55,680 29,280 2,720 182,700 1,680 8,900 13,680 61,900 31,400 29,100 19,900 14,640 1,500 99,940 I - -_ . 1. 1 I i _ -_ -_ -- - y1, 6 1,060 5,560 9,040 37,700 15,780 15,240 9,100 5,580 880 81.1 86.5 87.2 89.5 92.7 95.5 97.8 91.9 82.4 86.2 89.1 90.0 95.8 95.5 97.4 90.2 81.7 78.5 81.7 87.7 89.7 935. 94.5 96.1 94.4 87.0 81.6 74.7 77.9 86.5 86.4 91.2 91.8 95.6 84.8 69.3 76.0 84.8 86.2 90.4 90.8 95.2 120 860 1,520 6,540 4,900 5,700 1,600 680 120 17.020 100 940 1,760 5,000 5,940 5,140 1,420 640 80 50.280 420 2,480 3,920 10,860 6,000 3,780 2,080 580 160 27,400 580 3,020 3,680 9,700 4,940 2,800 1,780 680 220 17,920 400 2,460 2,860 6,760 2,520 1,620 920 280 100 7,360 27,520 52,260 209,600 185,920 202,560 858,220 22,860 5,080 714,580 7,8680 28,820 55,760 215,220 160,960 146,600 65,540 28,000 6,100 1,146.060 S15,100 61,080 109,620 409,100 227,080 181,040 92,100 38,700 12,240 881,960 17,880 67,700 107,880 349,540 142,640 109,120 52,940 22,860 11,400 669,780 16,140 65,620 93,000 279,240 88,020 72,880 52,280 12,180 10,420 80 , I I -L _I 11I 1LI L I_ AL II _I I _ i I i 1 1 J II HI L I _ I I I I I ( I 07 nn 6 795~ 500 EMPLOYMENT STATUS 81 Table 17.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETSD, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 -Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL "ot in COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on amer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor 'gency force work force work RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 7,t255,120 6,700,180 6,105,240 91.1 594,940 552.940 6,529,180 775,680 670,960 86.7 102,720 5,555,500 18 and 19 years old .............. 575,640 414,760 358,080 81.5 76,680 160,880 479,180 98,420 70,880 72.0 27,540 580,760 No school years completed......... 5,600 5,860 5,500 85.5 560 1,740 35,920 560 560 - 200 5,560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 37,000 52,540 26,460 81.8 5,880 4,660 17,660 2,500 1,940 77.6 560 15,160 5 and 6 years ........ 54,520 48,560 57,440 77.1 11,120 5,960 33,640 5,400 5,640 67.4 1,760 28,240 7 afid 8 years ........ 171,420 155,900 126,500 82.1 27,600 17,520 116,000 25,940 18,280 76.4 5,660 92,060- High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 170,780 86,660 68,940 79.6 17,720 84,120 145,680 18,260 12,660 69.5- 5,600 125,420 4 years . ............. 114,760 85,200 70,460 84.7 12,740 51,560 152,880 41,600 29,540 70.5 12,260 91,280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,400 4,460 3,580 80.5 880 13,940 28,760 5,580 4,200 75.5 1,580 25,180 4 years or more ...... 520 140 140 - - 180 540 200 160 - 40 340 Not reported ................ ... . 2,840 1,640 1,460 - 180 1,200 2,100 580 500 - 80 1,720 20 and 21 years old .............. 504,740 459,680 573,840 85.0 65,840 65,060 596,960 98,500 78,460 79.7 20,040 298,460 No school years completed ......... 6,160 3,820 5,560 95.2 260 2,540 5,620 580 460 - 120 5,040 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 51,660 28,620 25,820 85.2 4,800 5,040 15,660 2,080 1,600 76.9 480 15,580 5 and 6 years ........ 46,420 45,160 55,540 82.5 7,620 5,260 29,720 4,000 2,980 74.5 1,020 25,720 7 and 8 years ........ 162,000 152,940 129,300 84.5 23,640 9,060 111,820 21,080 16,660 79.0 4,420 90,740 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 98,020 84,420 71,680 84.9 12,740 15,600 80,180 15,760 10,600 77.0 5,160 66,420 4 years ............. 122,040 109,840 95,580 87.0 14,260 12,200 114,680 40,760 51,740 77.9 9,020 73,920 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 355,640 15,840 11,840 85.5 2,000 19,800 35,880 14,140 12,580 89.0 1,560 21,740 4 years or more 1,840 640 520 - 120 1,200 5,5320 1,680 1,460 - 220 1,640 Not reported ..................... 2.,960 2,400 2,000 85.5 400 560 2,080 420 580 - 40 1,660 22 to 24 years old............... 637,880 594,740 522,980 87.9 71,760 43,140 515,580 107,820 95,020 86.3 14,800 407,760 No school years completed ......... 7,880 5,720 5,080 88.8 640 2,160 5,400 560 500 - 60 5,040 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 43,240 40,220 35,940 84.4 6,280 5,020 22,640 2,460 1,920 78.0 540 20,180 5 and 6 years ....... 62,520 59,420 50,540 84.7 9,080 5,100 41,640 5,940 3,080 78..2 860 57,700 7 and 8 years ........ 227,020 218,460 190,160 87.0 , 28,500 8,560 159,760 23,200 19,840 85.5 5,560 136,660 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 119,580 115,640 100,580 88.1 13,260 5,740 101,260 14,580 11,940 81.9 2,640 86,680 4 years ............. 114,760 128,660 117,400 91.2 11,260 6,100 136,040 37,240 31,460 84.5 5,780 98,800 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,640 19,500 17,200 89.1 2,100 10,540 54, 780 18,420 17,340 94.1 1,080 16,560 4 years or more...... 9,280 5,900 5,440 92.2 460 35,580 10,760 7,040 6,600 93.8 440 3,720 Not reported ..................... 4,160 3,420 5,040 88.9 580 740 3,500 580 540 - 40 2,720 25 to 29 years old ............... 916,580 877,700 794,520 90.5 83,180 38,680 790,400 109,640 99,120 90.4 10,520 680,760 No school years completed ......... 12,560 9,740 8,600 88.5 1,140 2,620 8,580 640 600 - 40 7,940 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 65,200 61,220 55,180 86.9 8,040 3,980 57,120 2,780 2,540 84.2 440 34,540 5 and 6 years ........ 102,220 98,000 85,200 86.9 12,800 4,220 69,540 5,700 4,860 85.5 840 65,840 7 and 8 years ........ 364,580 3555,440 517,000 89.7 36,440 10,940 265,220 24,820 21,900 88.2 2,920 240,400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 168,920 165,000 148,800 91.3 14,200 5,920 165,020 17,100 15,020 87.8 2,080 147,920 4 years ............. 155,100 148,500 140,160 94.5 8,140 4,800 169,840 27,660 25,060 90.6 2,600 142,180 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5 31,500 28,140 26,880 95.5 1,260 5,160 54,680 21,520 20,200 94. 7 1,120 35,360 4 years or more ...... 12,920 11,160 10,440 95.5 720 1,760 15,720 9,020 8,620 95.6 400 6,700 Not reported ...................... 5,980 4,700 4,260 90.6 440 1,280 4,680 600 520 - 80 4,080 30 to 34 years old ............... 794,500 764,780 697,900 91.5 66,880 29,720 728,540 79,900 72,460 90.7 7,440 648,640 No school years completed ......... 13,500 10,540 9,400 89.2 1,140 2,960 8,180 420 560 - 60 7,760 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 66,740 65,540 54,760 86.2 8,780 5,200 39,540 2,780 2,520 85.5 460 56,760 5 and 6 years........ . 95,060 91,400 79,700 87.2 11,700 3,660 74,440 5,800 5,200 89.7 600 68,640 7 and 8 years ........ 358,900 529,060 500,060 91.2 29,000 9,840 267,580 20,220 18,240 90.2 1,980 247,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 142,220 158,200 127,900 92.5 10,300 4,020 145,500 15,140 11,240 85.5 1,900 130,560 4 years ............. 91,500 88,640 84,780 95.6 5,860 2,860 112,780 14,100 12,760 90.5 1,340 98,680 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 27,660 26,820 25,520 95.2 1,500 840 59,500 14,640 13,860 94.7 780 44,660 4 years or more...... 12,520 11,820 11,400 96.4 420 500 17,800 8,100 7,800 96. 5300 9,700 Not reported ..................... 6,600 4,760 4,580 92.0 580 1,840 5,620 700 680 - 20 4,920 35 to 44 years old.., ........ 1,442,400 1,588,560 1,286,800 92.7 101,760 55,840 1,Z71,560 121,120 110,180 91.0 10,940 1,250,440 No school years completed ...... 50,540 26,660 24,060 90.2 2,600 5,880 20,580 1,420 1,300 - 120 19,160 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 148,540 140,860 122,820 87.2 18,040 7,480 101,260 7,240 6,560 87.8 880 94,020 5 and 6 years ........ 200,560 192,600 172,880 89.8 19,720 7,760 171,400 11,820 10,580 87.8 1,440 159,580 7 and 8 years......... 682,120 662,520 818,520 95.4 44,000 19,800 581,540 19,120 55,140 89.8 5,980 542,420 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 210,080 203,920 195,120 94.7 10,800 6,160 229,620 18,660 16,560 88.7 2,100 210,960 4 years ............. 91,960 88,500 84,860 95.9 3,640 35,460 142,860 15,700 14,680 95.5 1,020 127,160 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 42,240 40,900 59,260 96.0 1,640 1,540 85,200 16,680 15,700 94.1 980 68,520 4 years or more ..... 20,860 20,220 19,740 97.6 480 640 27,580 9,520 9,140 96.0 580 18,060 Not reported ..................... 15,990 12,580 11,740 95.5 840 8,820 11,520 960 920 - 40 10,560 45 to 54 years old................ 1,551,480 1,285,540 1,207,040 95.9 18,3500 66,140 1,209,800 95,980 88,020 91.7 7,960 1,115,820 No school years completed ......... 59,560 52,940 29,880 90.7 5,060 4,620 25,180 2,160 1,980 91.7 180 25,020 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... ..... . 189,600 177,620 159,940 90.0 17,680 11,980 122,260 7,800 7,040 90.5 760 114,460 5 and 6 years........ 218,80 207,240 190,780 92.1 16,460 11,140 185,180 12,140 10,820 89.1 1,520 175,040 7 and 8 years........ 622,620 ' 598,700 568,640 95.0 50,060 25,920 542,660 56,400, 35,500 92.0 2,900 506,260 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 148,580 142,780 156,040 95.5 6,740 5,600 162,640 15,260 11,940 90.0 - 1,520 149,580 4 years ............. 59,120 55,840 55,980 96.7 1,860 .5,280 88,240 9,560 8,940 95.5 420 78,880 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 40,980 59,020 57,640 96.5 1,580 1,960 54,740 8,960 8,220 91.7 740 45,780 4 years or more...... 18,400 17,540 17,080 98.5 260 1,060 17,400 4,960 4,720 95.2 240 12,440 Not reported ................... . .16,440 15,860 15,060 94.2 300 2,580 11,500 940 860 - 80 10,560 55 to64 years old............... 1,050,100 954,620 884,080 94.6 50,540 95,480 837,160 62,500 58,820 94.4 5,480 774,860 No school years completed.......... . 59,760 52,580 29,840 91.6 2,740 7,180 25,480 1,420 1,240 - 180 22,060 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 172,920 154,940 143,200 92.4 11,740 17,980 106,700 6,920 6,460 93.4 460 99,780 5 and 6 years......... 187,400 170,600 160,140 95.9 10,460 16,800 142,220 8,880 8,220 92.6 660 133,540 7 and 8 years........ 454,800 417,080 397,580 95.3 19,700 57,720 575,520 25,540 24,400 95.5 1,140 549,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 85,820 78,040 75,080 96.2 2,960 5,780 89,860 7,120 6,680 93.8 440 82,740 4 years ............. 37,000 33,980 5533,020 97.2 960 3,020 52,640 4,980 4,740 95.2 240 47,660 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 27,040 24,980 25,960 95.9 1,020 2,060 27,860 4,500 4,520 96.0 18Q 25,360 4 years or more...... 11,840 10,800 10,520 97.4 280 1,040 9,540 2,180 -2,060 94.5 120 7,160 Not reported ..................... 15,520 11,620 10,940 94.1 680 5,900 9,540 760 700 60 8,780 EDUCATION Table 18.--EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force I In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- fbroe force Number of labor gency froe Number of labor gency force work force work UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .. College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8.years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ ... 245,840 182.660 134.780 783.8 47880 63180 272,140 101.420 73,320 72.3 28,100 170,720 ... 6,940 5,020 4,280 85.3 740 1,920 4,680 1,860 1,600 - 260 2,820 .... 62,160 54,880 48,060 87.6 6,820 7,280 38,060 14,540 12,460 85.7 2,080 23,520 .... 51,780 43,700 35,020 80.1 ,680 8,080 5,220 19,580 16,300 83.2 3,280 31,640 .... 48,920 38,020 24,940 65.6 13,080 10,900 61,700 24,980 18,920 75.7 6,060 36,720 .... 53,520 28,280 15,320 54.2 12,960 25,240 . 76,260 23,780 14,500 61.0 9,280 52,480 .... 15,620 10,420 5,400 51.8 5,020 5,200 29,400 14,340 7,940 55.4 6,400 15,060 ... 3,960 940 620 - 320 3,020 8,160 1,520 1,040 / - 480 6,640 1.00 60 60 - - 40 200 80 40 - 40 120 .... 2,840 1,340 1,080 - 260 1,500 2,460 740 520 - 220 1,720 223,380 193,860 150,560, 77.7 43,300 29,520 260,160 113,600 89,360 78.7 24,240 146,560 8,580 6,740 6,220 92.3 520 1,840 5,680 1,980 1,700 - 280 3,700 60,100 55,080 48,340 87.8 6,740 5,020 43,040 17,460 15,540 89.0 1,920 25,580 ... 45,300 41.,760 34,240 82.0 7,520 3,540 51,060 20,540 17,260 84.0 3,280 30,520 ... 43,760 39,160 28,540 72.9 10,620 4,600 58,060 25,920 20,760 80.1 5,160 32,140 38,100 31,020 19,640 63.3 11,380 7,080 54,980 23,780 17,140 72.1 6,640 31,200 1... ,840 15,600 10,220 65.5 5,380 2,240 33,140 18,120 12,420 68.5 5,700 15,020 ... 6,000 2,300 1,580 68.7 720 3,700 10,220 3,780 2,740 72.5 1,040 6,440 580 320 260 - 60 260 1,760 1,260 1,120 - 140 500 3,120 1,880 1,520 - 360 1,240 2,220 760 680 - 80 / 1,460 323,380 298,440 239,700 81.7 53,740 29,940 379,420 175,260 146,940 83.8 28,320 204,160 .... 15,220 12,680 11,360 89.6 1,320 2,540 9,000 3,180 2,960 93.1 220 5,820 91,300 85,460 76,300 89.3 9,160 5,840 67,200 26,180 23,060 88.1 3,180 41,020 65,560 61,060 51,400 84.2 9,660 4,500 78,720 33,260 29,480 88.6 3,780 45,460 65,140 59,500 46,120 77.5 13,380 5,640 89,500 40,540 33,960 83.8 6,580 48,960 46,580 41,840 29,220 69.8 12,620 4,740 72,000 35,020 27,640 78.9 7,380 36,980 24,640 22,740 17,240 75.8 5,500 1,900 40,400 23,000 17,920 77.9 5,080 17,400 ... 8,420 5,760 4,240 73.6 1,520 2,650 12,860 7,840 6,500 82.9 1,340 5,020 2,220 1,820 1,440 - 380 400 5,940 4,760 4,080 85.7 ' 680 1,180 . 4,300 2,580 2,380 92.2 200 1,720 3,800 1,480 1,340 - 140 8,320 523,060 482,180 402.180 83.4 80,000 40,880 609,220 283.960 244,960 86,3 39,000 325,260 26,520 150,820 115,140 108,520 63,580 32,080 10,860 7,500 8,040 466.020 26,460 142,140 104,820 99,260 48,260 20,160 8,840 7,020 9,060 853.060 68,160 293,480 191,000 175,380 58,060 26,980 13,380 10,800 15,820 21,960 140,360 107,960 101,040 59,000 30,420 9,440 6,980 5,020 431.900 22,840 132,660 98,580 92,540 45,360 19,100 8,280 6,760 5,780 788.700 60,400 273,780 178,360 163,540 53,700 25,400 12,740 10,420 10,360 19,420 123,500 91,280 79,520 45,200 25,000 7,640 6,240 4,380 362.680 19,960 115,320 82,660 74,620 36,200 15,920 6,860 6,180 4,960 654.980 50,520 230,p80 146,460 132,260 43,780 21,460 11,060 9,920 8,840 88.4 88.0 84.5 78.7 76.6 82.2 80.9 89.4 87.3 84.0 87.4 86.9 83.9 80.6 79.8 83.4 82.9 91.4 85.8 83.0 83.6 84.3 82.1 80.9 81.5 84.5 86.8 95.2 85.3 2,540 16,860 16,680 21,520 13,800 5,420 1,800 740 640 69.220 2,880 17,340 15,920 17,920 9,160 3,180 1,420 580 820 133.720 9,880 43,100 31,900 31,280 9, 920 3,940 1,680 500 1,520 4,560 10,460 7,180 7,480 4,580 1,660 1,420 520 3,020 34.120 3,620 9,480 6,240 6,720 2,900 1,060 560 260 3,280 64.360 7,760 19,700 12,640 11,840 4,360 1,580 640 380 5,460 16,380 115,360 135,780 154,780 100,860 50,220 19,300 -10,060 6,480 520.060 18,360 113,460 121,940 131,900 70,320 34,100 14,600 9,320 6,060 931.760 52,020 253,860 233,560 216,080 90,400 42,680 19,560 11,280 12,320 6,060 47,940 58,680 71,840 49,160 27,840 12,220 7,820 2,400 243.200 7,340 47,700 53,680 62,540 34,700 18,560 9,520 6,940 2,220 424.380 19,740 109,920 103,840 101,500 43,560 21,460 11,880 8,180 4,300 5,360 42,680 51,080 61,360 40,800 23,600 10,820 7,000 2,260 212.260 6,460 41,940 47,140 53,960 29,840 15,980 8,420 6,540 1,980 371.140 17,540 97,620 90,960 88,060 36,660 18,480 10,200 7,720 3,900 88.4 89.0 87.0 85.4 83.0 84.8 88.5 89.5 94.2 87.3 88.0 87.9 87.8 86.3 86.0 86,1 88.4 94.2 89.2 87.5 88.9 88.8 87.6 86.8 84.2 86.1 85.9 94.4 90.7 700 5,260 7,600 10,480 8,360 4,240 1,400 820 140 30.940 880 5,760 6,540 8,580 4,860 2,580 1,100 400 240 53 .240 2,200 12,300 12,880 13,440 6,900 2,980 1,680 460 400 030 rA^ 10,320 67,420 77,100 82,940 51,700 22,380 7,080 2,240 4,080 276.860 11,020 65,760 68,260 69,360 35,620 15,540 5,080 2,380 3,840 507.380 32,280 143,940 129,720 114,580 46,840 21,220 .7,680 3,100 8,020 z= aa K^ 82.078 11,26 8,94 5880 2,04970393 230 3,2 71,460 229,140 117,140 102,760 29,000 16,240 7,460 7,980 11,600 400 120 65,120 158,960 73,160 59,860 15,100 8,320 5,020 5,460 9,120 62,520 207,840 106,420 91,940 26,100 15,020 6,760 7,440 7,660 34 2.36 53,740 137,360 63,600 52,000 12,820 7,180 4,440 4,920 6,300 51,260 171,280 86,500 72,480 20,620 12,800 5,780 6,860 6,480 29J n3 44,600 111,720 51,640 41,180 10,660 6,000 3,940 .4,580 5,020 82.0 82.4 81.3 78.8 79.Q 85.2 85.5 92.2 84.6 81. 83.0 81.3 81.2 79.2 83.2 83.6 88.7 93.1 79.7 11,260 36,560 19,920 19,460 5,480 2,220 980 580 1,180 v,4y0, 1 , V49,48 14,340 10 90 . v. .'.. ..8 9,140 25,640 11,960 10,820 2,160 1,180 500 340 1,280 8,940 21,300 10,720 10,820 2,900 1,220 700 540 3,940 11,380 21,600 9,560 7,860 2,280 1,140 580 540 2,820 58,820 205,340 136,960 115,660 39,800 20,160 10,660 6,360 10,320 326.980n 49,480 122,780 65,840 61,100 15,700 8,820 4,360 2,260 6,640 22,100 79,760 54,620 48,920 16,700 9,020 5,940 4,020 3,480 n102 900nn 14,340 38,320 20,480 16,560 5,040 3,400 1,940 1,240 1,580 19,740 71,560 48,000 42,060 13,860 7,920 5,100 3,660 3,120 90 940 13,020 34,280 18,080 14,120. 4,180 2,940 1,620 1,140 1,360 p9.3 89.7 87.9 86.0 83.0 87.8 85.9 91.0 89.7 88.2 90.8 89.5 88.3' 85.3 82.9 86.5 2,360 8,200 6,620 6,860 2,840 1,100 840 360 360 12,160 1,320 4,040 2,400 2,440 860 460 320 100 220 36,720 125,580 82,340 66,740 23,100 11,140 4,720 2,340 6,840 224,080 35,140 84,460 45,360 34,540 10,660 5,420 2,420 1,020 5,060 82 I ___ I I ' I - -- ~ - - - J' ..L____i Y -- -- I VV,- 11 11 1- 1 1 ---- ------. f --=I V 1 w-, =I -r -- --- " z -- I - 1 i, S v v v --( -- I-- T r ZT' 7F- -f T -TT- -TT- i I 'VV 1.1V '. VV II .. .. . . I VO 1 - I I - _r , 1 I 1 AA PA I AR R I OAKa~ It~f% 1 9 AQA Oda a nn al a 1 enr ROM I oar nrnr EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 18.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 1I TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent shAple. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... . 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... s-igh school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ..... .... College: I to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...:. 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .............. . 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years'..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 100 .260 1,140 10,220 14,820 22,040 35,740 12,300 2,920 80 1,000 93,640 ' *a*, '^ l ?- ' 1 a nan I an aan Sase nan II a eisan I an Ionei san I AnnAA ' tSZEyUbU 41. ', 6 II1,G ,1G U 1 I _1 4 VEUt 3 1GU .2.L�2 _2..G14 GU 11 1.1bLSVlt II yVIItPV I 0400 I IV,1OO 1 'U4I WV 660 8,700 12,840 17,940 19,740 8,340 660 40 460 80,660 35.720 . 81.5 - -33.660 1 30,88 360 5,440 7,520 8,780 8,880 4,000 400 40 300 49,440 62.5 58.6 48.9 45.0 48.0 61.3 300 3,260 5,320 9,160 10,860 4,340 260 160 31,220 480 1,520 1,980 4,100 16,000 3,960 2,260 40 540 12,980 1,100 7,120 14,240 26,620 47,620 22,900 6,200 160 880 129,180 _6.940 11 34.820 61.2 22.120 69.900 400 3,700 7,740 14,020 17,480 11,920 1,220 60 400 70,880 280 2,580 5,720 9,340 9,580 6,260 760 20 280 51,300 69.7 73.9 66.6 54.8 52.5 72.4 120 1,120 2,020 4,680 7,900 5,660 460 40 120 19,580 700 3,420 6,500 12,600 30,140 10,980 4,980 100 480 58,300 1,440 920 680 - 240 520 1,620 700 560 - 140 920 ... 11,460 10,240 6,560 64.1 3,680 1,220 10,680 6,260 5,180 82.7 1,080 4,420 ... 14,660 13,800 9,040 65.5 4,760 860 17,680 10,420 8,080 77.5 2,340 7,260 ... 21,440 19,440 11,860 61.0 7,580 2,000 28,540 16,280 12,220 75.1 4,060 12,260 .. 24,840 21,620 12,140 56.2 9,480 3,220 35,740 18,160 12,360 68.1 5,800 17,580 ... 16,160 11,700 7,160 61.2 4,540 1,460 25,140 14,840 9,840 66.3 5,000 10,300 ... 4,960 2,020 1,360 67.3 660 2,940 7,560 2,800 1,860 66.4 940 4,760 440 220 180 - 40 220 1,300 940 ,800 - 140 360 . 1,240 700 460 "- 240 540 920 480 400 - 80 440 145,840 132,560 93,180 70.3 39,380 13.280 202.180 117.700 94,160 80.0 23,540 84,480 .... 2,960 2,200 1,66 75.5 540 760 2,340 1,180 980 - 200 1,160 21,880 20,280 14,880 73.4 5,400 1,600 20,280 11,960 9,800 81.9 2,160 8,320 .... 24,640 22,860 16,540 72.4 6,320 1,780 30,840 18,220 15,360 84.3 2,860 12,620 .... 34,620 32,000 22,040 68.9 9,960 2,620 50,020 28,680 23,300 81.2 5,380 21,340 .... 32,740 30,120 19,600 65.1 10,520 2,620 50,460 27,960 21,520 77.0 6,440 22,500 .. 18,900 17,820 13,120 73.6 4,700 1,080 32,620 19,500 14,960 76.7 4,540 13,12q . .. 6,680 4,880 3,460 70.9 1,420 1,800 9,180 5,800 4,560 78.6 1,240 3,380 .... 1,700 1,380 1,020 - 360 320 4,400 3,400 2,800 82.4 600 1,000 ... 1,720 1,020 860 - 160 700 2,040 1,000 880 - 120 1,040 .. 270,060 250,600 189.280 75.5 61.320 19.460 354.520 205,020 171,340 83.6 33,680 149,500 7,020 5,800 4,160 71.7 1,640 1,220 5,680 2,840 2,380 83.8 460 2,840 .... 45,866 42,360 31,660 74.7 10,700 3,500 43,?80 25,660 21,720 84.6 3,940 17,720 54,040" 50,520 38,700 76.6 11,820 3,520 65,720 38,640 32,560 84.3 6,080 27,080 .... 69,060 64,760 47,460 73.3 17,300 4,300 97,560 55,620 4&,340 83.3 9,280 41,940 .... 48,600 45,720 33,420 73.1 12,300 2,880 75,800 41,700 33,880 81.2 7,820 34,100 .... 26,680 25,480 20,660 81.1 4,820 1,200 41,540 24,280 20,300 83.6 3,980 17,260 8,940 7,900 6,300 79.7 1,600 1,040 14,140 8,960 7,740 86.4 1,220 5,180 6,060 5,640 5,000 88.7 640 420 7,740 5,900 5,120 86.8 780 1,840 . 3,800 2,420 1,920 79.3 500 1,380 2,960 1,420 1,300 - 120 1,540 ... 259,320 242,580 188,040 77,5 54,540 16,740 316,660 180,940 154,300 85.2 26,640 135,720 8,200 53,840 56,460 68,560 37,420 17,680 7,240 5,520 4,400 498.680 25,060 128,300 115,060 132,280 45,960 23,540 11,220 9,100 8,160 309.540 7,140 49,820 53,240 64,580 35,560 16,960 6,820 5,340 3,120 462.040 22,140 118,140 107,420 123,820 42,960 22,260 10,840 8,780 5,680 2 3000 5,280 37,820 40,940 49,660 27,480 14,120 5,540 4,780 2,420 356.040 15,020 87,040 81,580 96,880 34,580 18,820 9,320 8,300 4,500 197.160 73.9 75.9 76.9 76.9 77.3 83.3 81.2 89.5 77.6 77.1 67.8 73.7 -75.9 78.2 80 .5 84.5 86.0 94.5 79.2 72 2 1,860 12,000 12,300 14,920 8,080 2,840 1,280 560 700 n106000 7,120 31,100 25,840 26,940 8,380 3,440 1,520 480 1,180 75840 1,060 4,020 3,22C 3,980 1,860 72C 420 180 1,280 so man 2,920 10,160 7,640 8,460 3,000 1,280 380 320 2,480 3 654 6,820 47,680 66,440 90,040 54,900 28,940 11,160 7,560 3,120 r69 o00 21,120 121,280 133,460 156,380 69,380 36,220 15,380 9,500 6,280 n43 66n 3,660 27,320 38,440 50,560 29,920 16,580 7,300 5,480 1,680 n 9.40 9,880 67,140 74,800 83,020 36,400 19,000 9,180 6,980 3,340 84d 000 3,060 22,980 32,980 42,900 25,420 14,080 6,260 5,140 1,480 26n3.3n2 8,400 57,040 63,740 70,780 29,940 16,200 7,620 6,580 3,020 1 o s~n 83.6 84.1 85.8 84.8 85.0 84.9 85.8 93.8 Es n 85.0 85.0 85.2 85.3 82.3 85.3 88.0 94.3 90.4 85_1 600 4,340 5,460 7,660 4,500 2,500 1,040 340 200 AAn on 1,480 10,100 -1,060 12,240 6,460 2,800 1,560 400 320 924 500 3,160 20,360 28,000 39,480 24,980 12,360 3,860 2,080 1,440 O- can 11,240 54,140 58,660 73,360 32,980 17,220 6,200 2,520 2,940 25,300 21,080 13,000 61.7 8,080 4,220 23,640 10,380 8,920 85.9 1,460 13,260 .. 92,720 80,980 54,040 66.7 26,940 11,740 94,660 44,640 38,180 85.5 6,460 50,020 .. 65,040 58,140 42,640 73.3 15,500 6,900 77,480 38,120 32,580 85.5 5,540 39,360 .. 73,780 65,940 49,680 75.3 16,260 7,840 83,300 39,640 33,540 84.6 6,100 43,660 S. 21,100 18,980 14,280 75.2 4,700 2,120 29,320 13,420 10,820 80.6 2,600 15,900 .. 13,500 12,480 10,380 83.2 2,100 1,020 16,580 7,580 6,600 87.1 980 9,000 �.. 6 060 5,560 4,720 84.9 840 500 8,740 4,800 4,040 84.2 760 3,940 . . ,860 6,420 5,840 91.0 580 440 5,160 3,260 2,960 90.8 300 1,900 S.. 5,180 3,420 2,580 75.4 840 1,760 4,780 2,160 1,860 86.1 300 2,620 . 211,720 175,380 126,260 72.0 49,120 36.340 172.480 62,820 53,120 84.6 9,700 109,660 24,020 70,840 42,840 44,020 10,740 6,840 3,960 4,560 3,900 18,300 57,800 36,540 37,720 8,920 5,900 3,460 4,120 2,620 11,780 38,560 26,920 28,480 7,160 4,840 3,040 3,780 1,700 64.4 66.7 73.7 75,5 80.3 82.0 87.9 91.7 64.9 6,520 19,240 9,620 9,240 1,760 1,060 420 340 920 5,720 13,040 6,30C 6,300 1,82C 94C 500 44C 1,28C 19,560 54,760 36,380 35,260 11,220 7,200 3,300 1,880 2,920 6,160 19,900 13,460 12,780 4,040 2,860 1,540 1,080 1,000 5,480 16,860 11,540 10,560 3,240 2,420 1,240 980 800 89.0 84.7 85.7 82.6 80.2 84.6 680 3,040 1,920 2,220 800 440 300 100o 200 13,400 34,860 22,920 22,480 7,180 4,340 1,760 800 -1,920 83 iV V V f VV 11 VV /L iIV V I_ V i V VY I Vi ^I I / I VY ~V ~v-v v u vw v- v " vv v of ii"1 iWV, VV uV.VZra Vu;7.VVV 11 ovusvzV 11 G v J4 , B L.V 40.44 GJy.4o - T -i H I T T T ' I . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. - ' "'A *^^ EDUCATION Table 18.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF TI-E NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, .BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work RURAL-NCNFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 yearsf...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years or nore .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 2 years ....... 4 years ........... Colleges 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: I to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. al c i onn 1I 362 an 611.40011_ lU .34V 114 1'G 4- - 1 -iu- t y4 --- iU 1 lU4.- U l 4' + V 144 ,7JG 4411 41 /. 4 o . 4.........L.44V 40,500 1,480 10,140 8,680 8,760 8,280 1,740 620 800 Ra t Ln 28,040 19,360 69.01 8,680 12,460 780 8,420 6,860 6,700 3,700 1,120 140 320 31.480 520 6,420 5,080 4,060 2,360 600 80 240 as sekn 76.2 74.1 60.6 63.8 .5 260 - - - - 260 2,000 1,780 2,640 1,340 520 60 80 S_.20 700 1,720 1,820 2,060 4,580 620 480 480 _ 560 44. 640 16.34011 12.620 1 77.2 3.720 28.30 ---. -. . .. . .. 680 3,860 5,380 7,300 7,840 1,880 980 380 26.280 1,060 6,820 9,240 11,400 10,940 3,580 1,060 20 520 43.520 380 2,960 3,860 4,100 3,100 1,700 80 20 140 17.240 300 2,380 3,280 3,160 2,240 1,080 80 20 80 14.680 80.4 85.0 77.1 72.3 85.2 80 580 580 940 860 620 60 2.560 4 Vt . . .. . . . . , . . . . . . .. ... ... . .. . .. - . .. . , . . . . 1,320 860 760' - 100 460 960 360 260 - 100 600 10,820 9,320 7,560 81.1 1,760 1,500 8,180 3,360 2,900 86.3 460 4,820 8,340 7,220 5,600 77.6 1,620 1,120 9,540 3,720 3,300 88.7 420 5,820 7,720 6,480 4,520 69.8 1,960 1,240 10,380 4,100 3,500 85.4 600 6,280 6,520 4,760 3,240 68.1 1,520 1,760 7,860 2,840 2,400 84.5 440 5,020 2,740 2,300 1,680 73.0 620 440 4,360 2,020 1,540 76.2 480 2,340 640 200 140 - 60 440 1,440 600 540 - 60 840 100 60 40 - 20 40 240 120 123 - - 120 840 280 220 - 60 560 560 120 120 - - 440 58,600 49,160 39.540 80.4 9,620 9.440 64.040 26,580 23,700 89.2 2,880 37,460 3,260 2,360 1,960 83.1 400 900 2,220 760 740 - 20 1,460 17,600 15,500 13,020 84.0 2,480 2,100 12,280 4,820 4,300 89.2 520 7,460 12,340 10,780 '8,700 80.7 2,080 1,560 14,820 5,920 5,420 91.6 500 8,900 . 12,380 10,500 8,080 77,0 2,420 1,880 15,720 6,040 5,320 88.1 720 9,680 7,260 5,780 4,300 74.4 1,480 1,480 10,720 4,500 3,820 84.9 680 6,220 3,440 3,040 2,380 78.3 660 400 4,580 2,320 2,000 86.2 320 2,260 880 460 400 - 60 420 1,880 1,080 1,040 - 40 800 340 340 320 - 20 - 1,000 900 820 - 80 100 1,100 400 380 - 20 700 820 240 240 - - 580 95,000 82,560 69,660 84.4 12,900 12,440 96,780 39 080 35,620 91.1 3,460 57,700 6,360 31,780 21,980 18,360 8,580 3,620 1,180 1,020 2,120 81.680 6,160 28,760 19,740 14,580 6,380 1,700 960 920 2,480 1R38.720 15,000 56,080 29,760 22,160 6,880 2,400 1,200 1,360 3,800 99,660 14,560 41,920 20,000 13,900 3,520 1,440 740 680 2,900 58.000 11,940 24,800 9,520 6,380 1,640 700 560 640 1,820 4,580 27,900- 20,000 16,400 7,400 3,340 1,000 1,000 940 70.460 4,840 25,320 17,840 12,620 5,620 1,460 880 P80 1,000 120.080 12,060 49,980' 26,380 19,600 5,820 2,220 1,040 1,320 1,660 83,640 11,900 35,940 17,500 11,540 3,000 1,300 560 600 1,300 45.520 8,840 19,900 7,540 5,340 1,340 560 500 580 920 3,900 23,860 16,660 13,560 6,240 2,820 860 920 840 59.420 4,040 21,480 15,280 10,200 4,780 1,140 740 860 900 99.400 9,920 41,240 21,8P80 16,440 4,520 1,780 900 1,300 1,420 66,720 9,360 28,720 13,980 9,000 2,340 1,200 500 600 1,020 34.800 6,740 15,060 5,740 4,060 1,040 480 440 580 660 85.2 85.5 83.3 82.7 84.3 84.4 84.3 83.5 84.8 85.7 80.8 85.1 82.8 82.3 82.5 82.9 83.9 77.7 80.2 79.8 78.7 79.9 79.9 78.0 78.0 76.4 76.2 75.7 76.1 76.0 680 4,040 3,340 2,840 1,160 520 140 80 100 1,780 3,880 1,980 1,960 1,180 280 180 20 1,180 112 o2n 3,620 21,860 22,960 24,320 '2,940 5,360 2,940 1,400 1,380 ?_ nnn 1,220 9,080 9,280 8,960 4,840 2,340 1,820 1,180 360 2 280 1,060 8,340 8,360 8,040 4,440 2,140 1,740 1,160 340 3. ZU 91.3 90.1 89.7 91.7 91.5 -1 ._ 160 740 920 920 400 200 80 20 20 2.900 .&4Jw 11, 9,- . ~ 44 ,- 4 4 - 4 OiZ 800 ,32 4,00 1660 ,48 18 2,40 800 3,840 2,560 2,420 840 320 140 20 100 20.680 2,140 8,740 4,500 3,160 1,300 440 140 20 240 16.920 2,540 7,220 3,520 2,540 660 100. 60 280 10. 720 2,100 4,840 1,800 1,280 300 80 60 260 1,320 3,440 1,900 1,960 760 240 80 40 1,480 18.640 2,940 6,100 3,380 2,560 1,060 180 240 40 2,140 16,02C 2,660 5,980 2,500 2,360 520 140 180 80 1,600 12.480 3,100 4,200 1,980 1,040 300 140 60 60 900 4,060 20,220 19,200 18,760 8,020 3,100 2,100 1,200 1,340 135.660 .I 4,II420,V Li * 11,160 42,800 34,880 26,660 10,800 3,420 2,240 1,040 2,660 88,840 12,160 33,980 19,560 12,720 4,560 1,660 1,080 660 2,460 54.060 10,700 21,340 9,840 "6,880 1,820 860 680 140 1,600 1,660 8,680 7,380 7,520 3,080 1,420 1,440 1,000 200 58,920 4,420 19,060 14,720 11,540 4,820 1,560 1,580 680 540 36,300 5,100 14,280 7,300 5,300 1,860 740 660 440 620 16.480 3,300 6,780 2,680 2,320 500 320 260 120 200 1,480 7,820 6, 20 6,940 2,740 1,360 1,380 940 200 54,020 4,000 17,540 13,400 10,600 4,460 1,420 1,500 620 480 32,780 4,520 12,980 6,620 4,660 1,780 640 600 400 580 14.820 2,920 6,100 2,300 2,160 480 300 240 120 200 90.1 89.7 92.3 89.0 91.7 90.5 92.0 91.0 91.9 92.5 90.3 S ,- .- . .....8.6 88.6 90.9 90.7 87.9 89.9 _ .5- 3 ,. 88.5 90.0 85.8 93.1 180 860 760 580 340 60 60 60 4,900 420 1,520 1,320 940 360 140 80 60 60 3,520 580 1,300 680 640 80 100 60 40 40 1.660 380 680 380 160 20 20 20 2,400 12,780 13,680 15,360 8,100 3,020 1,120 220 1,020 45.620 2,400 11,540 11,820 11,240 4,940 1,680 660 200 1,140 76,740 6,740 6,740 23,740 20,160 15,120 5,980 1,860 660 " 360 2,120 52,540 7,060 19,700 12,260 7,420 2,700 920 420 220 1,840 37.580 7,600 14,560 ?,160 4,560 1,320 540 420 20 1,400 84 ' V , Vg_ V !1 I I L AL II Ji I 1 1 1LI II .I - - , , ' -.. 91. 2n od 9 no9 . . .. .. .. . . i lnn "" "^"n II ran" EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 18.--EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued 85 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. PerCent not shown where base is less than 2,000) HALE FEMAI In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPIETED, AND AGE E Employed Seeking Not in . Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total work and labor labor Percehit on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work U force work RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ,.... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years . ...... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4,years or more... Not reported .................. 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years ... High school. 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ........ ... .... 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeats ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ...... ........... 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ...:. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years oJd ........... No schopl years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 1 12 80_ II 1 0 I 1 ,,, o- II , ;a I or '/,* 1 11 8 . , a 0 6.8379,160 7,720 1 O760o11 2 77920 2 641.o 9 50 .60 .OU 4 105,080 85,240 79,700 93.5 5,540 19,840 100,6601 28,140 25,880 92.0 2.260 72,520 4,320 41,800 28,280 18,120 9,500 1,580 420 20 1,040 90.700 3,580 37,760 24,000 13,380 4,840 960 140 20 560 81. 20 3,400 36,200 22,420 12,100 4,080 800 140 20 540 ?'7 60 95.0 95.9 93.4 90.4 84.3 -47 180 1,560 1,580 1,280 760 160 20 - .36 740 4,040 4,280 4,740 4,660 620 280 480 8.980 2,520 24,120 -27,740 23,680 17,700 2,920 900 20 1,060 1,080 7,880 7,980 6,860 3,200 720 220 200 25.R 80 1,020 7,500 7,300 6,420 2,680 600 200 160 S.R fl9t 95.2 91.5 93.6 83.8 81_ 60 380 680 440 520 120 20 40 1,440 16,240 19,760 16,820 14,500 2,200 680 20 860 61 980 .. . , ... .. , ... ....7,Y / Y Q,,0... .. ,* , .4.7 r, ,lO1 W- .... 5,820 4,960 4,780 96.4 180 860 3,100 920 880 - 40 2,180 .... 37,820 35,520 34,220 96.3 1,300 2,300 24,180 7, 840 7,460 95.2 380 16,340 22,300 20,740 19,600 94.5 1,140 1,060 23,840 6,400 5,880 91.9 520 17,440 .... 14,600 13,240 12,160 91.8 1,080 1,360 19,140 5,540 5,040 91.0 500 13,600 .... 6,740 4,640 4,260 91.8 380 2,100 11,380 2,780 2,380 85.6 400 8,600 .. 1,9.40 1,600 1,380 - 220 340 3,640 1,260 1,040 - 220 2,380 400 80 80 - - 320 1,220 380 340 - 40 840 40 40 40 - - - 220 200 200 - - 20 1,040 900 840 - 60 140 740 160 160 - - 580 118,940 111,720 106,980 95.8 4.740 7,220 113.200 30.980 29.080 93.9 1.900 82.220 S... 9,000 8,120 7,740 95.3 %80 880 4,440 1,240 1,240 - - ,200 51,820 49,680 48,400 97.4 1,280 2,140 34,640 9,400 8,960 95.3 440 25,240 28,580 27,420 26,160 95.4 1,260 1,160 33,060 9,120 8,700 95.4 420 23,940 ... 18,140 17,000 %16,000 94.1 1,000 1,140 23,760 5,820 5,340 91.8 480 17,940 ... 6,580 5,940 5,320 89.6 620 640 10,820 2,560 2,300 89.8 260 8,260 . .. 2,300 1,880 1,740 - 140 420 3,200 1,180 960 - 220 2,020 . .860 420 380 - . 40 440 1,800 960 900 - 60 840 180 100 100 - - 80 540 460 460 - - 8s �. 1,480 1,160 1,140 - 20 320 940 -240 220 - 20 700 . 1 158,000 149,020 143,240 96.1 5.780 8.980 157.920 39,860 38000 95.3 1,860 118,060 13,140 11,580 11,360 98.1 220 1,560 7,080 2,000 1,920 96.0 80 5,080 ... 73,180 70,100 67,980 97.0 2,120 3,080 50,120 13,200 12,620 95.6 580 36,92C S... 39,120 37,440 35,920 95.9 1,520 1,680 47,100 10,760 10,160 94.4 600 36,340 S... 21,100 19,880 18,500 93.1 1,380 1,220 32,900 7,260 6,980 96.1 280 25,640 .... 6,400 5,880 5,540 94.2 340 520 12,120 2,620 2,480 94.7 140 9,500 ... 1,780 1,600 1,520 - 80 180 3,320 1,220 1,160 - 60 2,100 740 540 480 - 60 200 2,220 1,440 1,340 - 100 780 S.. 420 340 320 - 20 80 920 740 720 - 20 180 .... 2,120 1,660 1,620 - 40 460 2,140 620 62C - - 1,520 125,020 118,860 115,220 96.9 3.640 6.160 125.400 29,880 28.480 95.3 1,400 95,520 ... 12,100 10,860 10,640 98.0 220 1,240 7,480 2,020 1,920 95.0 100 5,460 .... 59,640 57,520 56,020 97.4 1,500 2,020 43,560 11,700 11,140 95.2 560 33,860 .... 28,620 27,500 26,440 96.1 1,060 1,120 36,300 7,860 7,540 95.9 320 28,440 .... 16,120 15,340 14,760 96.2 580 780 23,100 4,460 4,120 92.4 340 18,640 .... 4,460 4,180 3,940 94.3 240 280 7,400 1,700 1,680 - 20 5,700 780 680 660 - 20 100 2,060 560 540 - 20 1,500 640 580 580 - - 60 1,340 780 780 - - 560 S580 540 540 - *- 40 560 460 430 - - 100 2,180 1,660 1,640 - 20 520 1,600 340 300 - 40 1,260 215,660 206,580 199.540 96.6 7,040 9.080 227,100 55.720 53,800 96.6 1 920 171,360 28,100 109,100 46,180 20,940 5,220 1,040 880 340 3,860 183.580 31,600 94,500 .32,100 15,080 4,380 1,300 660 440 3,520 130. 400 29,160 63,320* 20,800 9,460 2,720 780 500 260 3,400 26,200 105,660 44,560 20,120 4,920 920 860 320 3,020 175.060 29,540 90,920 30,780 14,460 4,120 1,240 640 420 2,940 121.460 26,600 59,660 19,520 8,940 2,560 720 480 220 2,760 25,580 102,400 43,000 18,940 4,680 860 840 320 2,920 170.180 28,900 88,520 29,880 13,800 4,000 1,220 560 420 2,880 118.280 26,080 58,100 18,980 8,640 2,460 680 460 220 2,660 97.6 96.9 96.5 94.1 95.1 - - 96.7 97.2 97.8 97.4, 97.1 95.4 97.1 98.0 97.4 98.0 97.4 97.2 96.6 96.1 95.4 620 3,260 1,560 1,180 240 60 20 100 4.880 640 2,400 900 660 120 20 80 60 3.180 520 1,560 540 300 100 40 20 100 1,900 3,440 1,620 820 300 120 20 20 840 8.520 2,060 3,580 1,320 620 260 60 20 20 580 8.940 2,560 3,660 1,280 520 160 60 20 40 640 19,740 89,780 65,220 33,040 13,220 3,040 1,940 740 3,380 171.580 23,020 76,700 39,920 19,640 5,920 1,920 840 540 3,080 100.440 19,020 46,680 19,620 8,960 2,660 760 380 240 2,120 5,440 23,720 14,320 6,940 2,340 900 1,120 520 420 44.260 6,620 20,840 9,200 3,980 1,420 700 480 320 700 23.600 4, 880 11,640 4,340 ., 460 500 220 140 40 380 5,140 23,040 13,820 6,680 2,260 860 1,080 520 400 42.740 6,300 20,400 8,800 3,860 1,260 680 460 300 680 22. 800 94.5 97.1 96.5 96.3 96.6 96.6 95.2 97.9 95.7 97.0 96.6 4,620 94.7 11,320 97.3 4,240 97.7 1,400 - 460 - 220 - 140/ - 40 - 360 - 300 680 500 260 80 40 40 20 1.520 320 440 400 120 160 20 20 20 20 800 260 320 100 60 40 20 14,300 66,060 50,900 26,100 7,880 2,140 820 220 2,960 127.320 16,400 55,860 30,720 15,660 4,500 1,220 360 220 2,380 76.840 14,140 35,040 15,280 7,500 2,160 540 240 200 1,740 � . I I _ _ _ � .1 _ If I .I. . . -. f--i I - � _ I --- --- " '--~--- ' ---'-' -~--' --'--= ' -'--- ---'--- ~-- 9A Q 1 40 1 An 1 17 179 cur. nwn EDUCATION Table 19.-,EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown. where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEAIE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL CCMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- fprce labor Percent en force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE NORTH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College' 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........... ...... 22 to 24 years.old ...... ...... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...,... 5 and 6 years..'.. 7 and 8 years..... High school; 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... -5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: "1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years or more... Not reported ................. . 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 y ..ear . .... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and S years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school-years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 19.622.580 17.795.740 15.105.000 84. 2.6R92740 1 R82Ra0 I 190.0 RA40 5 6850 s I A I 808 0wI .. . ,- .,.. .. a , -- ,- . . , . , . WV v-".-, .,. d. 1 .. . ,1,, ,, , ._o Vo , .W 1,303,840 851,960 555,560 62.8 316.600 � 451,880 1.506.060 627.660 452,480 68.9 195,180 680.400 4,280 1,300 740 - 560 2,980 1,460 460 560 - 100 1,000 ... 9,880 5,660 3,560 59.4 2,300 4,220 7,220 1,780 1,140 - 640 5,440 ... 29,640 24,500 11,900 49.0 12,400 5,540 16,520 6,260 5,540 56.5 2,720 10,060 . .. 251,040 225,900 137,040 60.7 88,860 25,140 200,780 97,220 68,140 70.1 29,080 105,560 ". 484,240 264,800 153,980 58.1 110,820 219,440 426,480 161,900 105,400 65.1 56,500 264,580 ... 421,880 305,340 209,920 68.7 95,420 116,540 550,660 555,000 254,860 70.1 100,140 215,660 .. 92,500 19,960 14,860 74.4 5,100 72,540 96,580 21,980 16,660 75.8 5,520 74,400 1,620 600 520 - 80 1,020 2,020 760 560 - 200 1,260 8,960 4,100 5,040 74.1 1,060 4,860 6,740. 2,500 1,820 79.1 480 4,440 .. 1,233,200 1,057,720 761,520* 75.4 276.200 195,480 1.280.120 717,140 585,140 81.6 132000 562.980 S 5,620 1,620 1,120 - 500 2,000 5,020 1,240 1,040 - 200 1,780 ". � 8,680 5,660 5,520 62.2 2,140 5,020 6,460 1,820 1,560 460 4,840 ". � 28,940 25,200 15,500 60.7 9,900 3,740 18,260 6,440 4,420 68.6 2,020 11,820 264,980 248,000 170,680 68.8 77,320 '16,980 254,600 107,820 85,500 79.5 22,520 126,780 " 513,520 285,760 200,560 70.2 85,200 27,560 510,240 157,120 125,040 78.5 54,080 155,120 "". 434,540 398,780 511,880 78.2 86,900 35,760 545,040 571,720 508,580 85.0 65,140 175,520 153,960 59,640 48,160 80.8 11,480 94,520 155,820 57,880 50,120 86.6 7,760 77,940 . � 16,760 8,040 6,640 82.6 1,400 8,720 18,960 9,880 8,240 85.4 1,640 9,080 8,400 5,020 3,660 72.9 1,360 3,580 7,720 5,220 2,840 88.2 580 4,500 1,8035,440 1,651,360 1.538.640 81.1 512,720 152.080 1,877,920 954,160 824.480 88.5 109,680 945.760 4,560 2,420 2,000 82.6 420 2,140 4,240 1,100 980 - 120 5,140 . � 12,760 9,680 6,680 69.0 5,000 5,080 9,440 2,480 2,000 80.6 480 6,960 46,080 40,960 26,980 65.9 153,980 5,120 54,460 11,020 8,840 80.2 2,180 25,440 435,400 414,280 314,580 75.9 99,900 21,120 407,400 160,000 156,960 85.6 25,040 247,400 "" 440,540 423,480 550,620 78.1 92,860 17,060 446,380 188,520 160,060 85.0 28,260 258,060 " � 594,000 572,500 492,800 86.1 79,500 21,700 757,460 425,280 580,420 89.9 42,860 514,180 153,620 105,w0 92,080 87.3 13,400 48,140 140,240 85,540 77,180 92.4 6,560 58,700 104,640 75,480 66,920 88.7 8,560 29,160 85,760 59,400 53,540 90.1 5,860 26,560 11,840 7,280 6,180 84.9 1,100 4,560 12,540 5,020 4,500 89.6 520 7,520 .. 2,827,700 2 6968020 2,5319,640 86.0 576,580 131,680 2.896.520 1.086.540 992,980 91.4 98.560 1,809,980 10,580 27,300 94,800 875,740 660,060 724,940 195,400 221,680 21,200 2,541,900 12,040 57,820 118,100 907,480 563,420 487,240 167,140 224,160- 24,500 4.295.180 22,920 113,500 509,500 1,879,120 781,760 585,260 244,680 508,260 50,180 3,401,080 28,160 184,040 347,720 1,608,380 470,560 359,520 161,980 192,340 48,580 2.216.240 28,700 187,240 280,640 1,065,800 233,320 195,740 85,580 104,420 34,800 5,080 21,940 87,580 837,800 658,220 706,520 180,160 205,560 13,560 2 457 440 6,700 32,720 109,160 872,220 545,820 474,740 162,880 219,060 14,140 4.085.160 14,580 100,720 287,660 1,796,260 753,180 566,180 256,400 301,040 29,140 3,151,940 20,340 160,880 314,600 1,501,500 445,060 340,880 154,240 185,220 29,220 19,360 151,040 234,320 914,460 204,060 171,680 75,740 94,900 18,880 5,780 15,460 65,640 681,720 544,800 656,600 166,240 195,340 12,060 2 .155 000 5,360 23,660 85,500 741,260 484,400 440,180 152,060 212,000 12,580 5.627.500 11,160 75,920 228,440 1,567,840 679,820 525,700 221,660 292,800 26,160 2,761,100 15,540 122,140 253,580 1,309,480 399,340 514,300 142,980 178,200 25,940 1n 6042 0 13,740 112,860 187,080 783,620 177,520 153,980 69,220 90,680 15,540 74.4 70.5 72.7 81.4 85.4 90.1 92.3 95.1 88.9 as - 80.0 72.5 76.5 85.0 88.7 92.7 95.4 96.8 89.0 88.8 76.5 75.4 79.4 87.5 90.5 92.9 95.8 97.3 89.8 87.6 75.4 75.9 80.5 87.2 89.7 92.2 92.7 96.2 88.8 71.0 74.7 79.8 85.7 87.0 89.7 91.4 95.6 85.6 1,300 6,480 23,940 156,080 95,420 69,720- 15,920 10,020 1,500 282 440 1,340 9,060 25,660 150,960 61,420 54,560 10,820 7,060 1,560 457.660 3,420 26,800 59,220 228,420 73,360 40,480 14,740 8,240 2,980 590,840 5,000 358,740 61,220 192,020 45,720 26,580 11,260 7,020 5,280 27 a 5,620 38,180 47,240 130,840 26,540 17,700 8,520 4,220 3,040 5,500 '5,560 7,220 55,940 21,840 18,620 15,240 16,520 7,640 104.460 5,540 5,100 8,940 55,260 17,600 12,500 4,260 5,100 10,560 210.020 8,340 12,780 21,840 82,860 28,580 19,080 8,280 7,220 21,040 249.140 7,820 23,160 55,120 106,880 25,500 18,640 7,740 7,120 19,160 ,) 'IM 9,340 36,200 46,520 151,340 29,260 24,060 9,840 9,520 16,220 10,720 21,520 78,680 805,440 682,220 904,280 227,960 148,740 16,960 2.566.360 10,980 52,500 106,660 802,860 566,200 652,540 228,280 147,220 19,520 20,880 93,940 272,660 1,705,320 815,700 838,360 327,440 205,120 59,260 3,386,240 24,140 141,860 506,460 1,514,000 555,780 509,020 195,420 125,220 54,340 2.278.740 21,740 136,620 249,480 1,066,440 300,760 505,760 105,280 66,460 26,200 2,200 5,200 19,860 249,640 225,520 582,860 105,640 90,200 5,420 778.860 1,920 6,480 24,040 199,260 158,620 225,740 82,700 74,740 5,560 5,980 16,520 50,780 363,100 204,040 254,580 106,740 98,980 8,760 755.500 3,060 21,060 50,040 279,860 118,540 151,500 62,240 60,560 6,640 388.200 2,580 17,780 52,440' 156,500 55,580 61,560 29,140 27,140 3,680 2,060 4,280 16,620 221,040 202,280 555,900 100,040 85,680 5,080 721.540 1,740 5,400 20,780 179,280 145,680 212,680 78,560 72,540 5,080 5,360 13,160 43,280 526,080 184,920 256,400 101,200 95,580 8,140 657.900 2,600 16,920 42,540 247,600 105,520 120,540 58,160 58,240 5,980 341 .700 2,060 14,240 27,180 136,920 48,600 56,100 27,340 26,000 5,260 95.6 82.5 83.7 88.5 89.7 95.0 94.7 95.0 95.7 92.6 85.5 86.4 90.0 91.8 94.2 95.0 96.8 94.8 84.4 80.6 85.2 89.7 90.6 92.9 94.8 96.6 92.9 89.7 85.0 80.5 84.6 88.5 89.0 91.8 93.4 96.2 90.1 88.5 79.8 80.1 83.8 87.5 87.4 91.4 953.8 95.8 88.6 140 920 5,240 28,600 25,240 26,960 5,600 4,620 540 57.520 180 1,080 5,260 19,980 12,940 15,060 4,140 2,400 280 OS.15*0 3,160 7,500 57,620 19,120 17,980 5,540 5,400 620 *95 _ 460 4,140 7,700 82,260 13,020 10,760 4,080 2,320 660 44.500 520 5,540 5,260 19,580 6,980 5,260 1,800 1,140 420 8,520 16,420 58,820 555,800 456,700 521,420 122,520 58,540 11,540 1.787.500 9,060 25,8209 82,680 605,800 407,580 426,600 145,580 72,480 14,160 5.20.0 16,900 77,620 221,880 1,541,620 609,660 585,980 220,700 106,140 50,800 2.652.940 21,080 120,800 256,420 1,234,140 417,240 577,720 135,180 64,660 27,700 1 a0.540s 19,160 118,840 215,040 909,940 245,180 244,400 76,140 39,520 22,520 86 I .. - , - . - . .1 s 1 1 .. II ,, , 'Z SV , 1 , , aapv , va. , 404, *%% -T 7rI T F ,' �s - + s s+ + " vv v. .vvv . v~vw ' , fva s v 11 46 a 'F avw ,a:1 +s "14"w as.93 av vw v'ava -w - S. main 1u 1.. U .- II . 1 .012. 1 . 1.4 . I II ' II II T -TF -Tr .i I ) "' 7 Ik It - .7 I - -- 7 1 _7 _7 _ I _7 7 ' . �TT I I 1 T - -7r T I- ,- . , I ac , r- vv~a .c: . wv vvrc. s v , vsi ' - vvo s WV i'Va " 7 '" -t . . .. . I II 1,t0st41JL II . VU rU, . . 7" 9 I 1 .0 . 332.1 .U I ... "" R 71 5M EMPLOYMENT STATUS 87 Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940- Continued (Statistice based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in CMPLETED, AND AGE Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emaner- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE NORTH--Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old........... . No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported. .................. 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ............... ..... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years . .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 3 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ... ............ 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....:. 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ 12.545.660 11.410.960 9.595.060 8.1 1 _R815 900 1,,7. " I 1 15 , a7 00 108 200 I4 5a5 580 87 7 ', la2 , I,5 2 ., 819,140 519,680 300,180 57.8 219,500 299,460 885.020 488.820 3532760 68.1 156 .060 596200 1,840 580 300 ',- 280 1,260 480 340 500 - 40 140 4,220 2,220 1,200 54.1 1,020 2,000 4,000 1,360 820 - 540 2,640 15,540 11,320 4,620 40.8 6,700 2,220 9,680 4,420 2,360 53.4 2,060 5,260 111,340 99,560 46,020 46.5 53,340 11,980 109,500 67,960 46,520 68.5 21,440 41,540 327,060 185,420 101,480 54.7 83,940 141,640 295,660 133,900 86,720 64.8 47,180 161,760 283,040 202,500 132,820 65.6 69,680 80,540 591,480 263,360 182,860 69.4 80,500 128,120 71,000 15,100 11,320 75.0 3,780 55,900 68,280 15,300 11,560 75.6 3,740 52,980 1,360 560 480 - 80 800 1,600 580 400 - 180 1,020 5,74 0 2,620 1,940 74.0 680 5,120 4,340 1,600 1,220 - 380 2,740 . 791,400 657,840 464,900 70.7 192,940 155560 905,220 573,140 465,760 81.3 107,380 332,080 1,720 860 600 - 260 860 1,300 1,000 840 - 160 300 3,540 2,320 1,220 52.6 1,100 1,220 3,700 1,380 1,060 - 320 2,320 14,520 12,640 7,200 57.0 5,440 1,880 11,100 4,880 3,280 67.2 1,600 6,220 126,440 118,100 71,580 60.6 46,520 8,540 138,080 80,300 65,460 79.0 16,840 57,780 221,980 204,280 138,760 67.9 65,520 17,700 233,940 154,880 105,120 77.9 29,760 99,060 288,480 264,980 201,860 76.2 653,120 23,500 400,500 500,500 249,540 83.0 50,960 100,000 115,480 44,580 35,780 80.3 8,800 70,900 96,000 39,820 33,940 85.2 5,880 56,180 13,960 6,960 5,740 82.5 1,220 7,000 15,300 7,840 6,320 80.6 1,520 7,460 5,280 3,120 2,160 -69.2 960 2,160 5,500 2,540 2,200 86.6 340 2,760 1,202,220 1,098,840 880,900 80.2 217,940 103,580 1,5534,880 753,180 665,080 88.3 88,,100 581,700 2,080 1,620 1,300 5 320 460 1,920 960 840 - 120 960 5,540 4,480 3,140 70.1 1,340 1,060 5,420 2,040 1,660 81.4 580 5,580 24,440 21,960 13,880 63.2 8,080 2,480 22,100 8,740 7,020 80.3 1,720 135,5360 228,060 216,600 154,700 71.4 61,900 11,460 255,980 125,820 108,040 86.9 17,780 130,160 320,260 309,040 238,080 77.0 70,960 11,220 337,420 162,800 138,440 85.0 24,560 174,620 411,740 397,220 340,320 85.7 56,900 14,520 542,600 347,520 314,080 90.4 553,440 195,080 117,140 81,420 71,200 87.4 10,220 35,720 94,420 56,540 51,620 91.6 4,720 38,080 85,280 61,660 54,220 87.9 7,440 23,620 66,240 44,960 59,880 88.7 5,080 21,280 7,680 4,840 4,060 83.9 780 2,840 8,780 4,000 3,500 87.5 500 4,780 1,898,560 1,818,460 1,562,680 85.9 255,780 80,100 2,049,140 900,000 820,960 91.2 79,040 1,149,140 6,060 3,320 2,500 75.3 820 2,740 6,680 1,840 1,700 - 140 4,840 15,640 11,600 8,200 70.7 3,400 2,040 13,340 4,260 5,520 82.6 740 9,080 54,880 51,020 56,640 71.8 14,380 3,860 52,540 16,600 13,760 82.9 2,840 35,940 496,300 476,640 379,860 79.7 96,780 19,660 530,680 207,400 185,800 88.6 23,600 323,280 478,100 464,960 395,880 85.1 69,080 13,140 507,820 195,060 174,780 89.6 20,280 312,760 505,200 493,460 442,880 89.7 5),580 11,740 658,180 322,760 299,940 92.9 22,820 5535,420 147,520 137,960 127,060 92.1 10,900 9,560 152,180 75,840 71,400 94.1 4,440 76,340 183,420 170,5340 161,540 .94.8 8,800 13,080 116,080 71,980 68,040 94.5 3,940 44,100 13,440 9,160 8,120 88.6 1,040 4,280 11,640 4,260 4,020 94.4 240 7,580 1,691,680 1,631,000 1,440,700 88.3 190,300 60,680 1,778,700 637,400 589,740 92.5 47,660 1,141,300 6,640 4,560 3,620 83.0 740 2,280 6,860 1,660 1,480 - 180 . 5,200 19,380 17,300 12,840 74.2 4,460 2,080 20,560 5,420 4,480 82.7 940 15,140 68,400 65,660 48,760 76.6 14,900 4,740 71,140 19,7$0 16,960 85.9 2,780 51,400 551,160 511,180 427,280 83.6 83,900 19,980 521,900 162,220 145,420 89.6 16,800 359,680 400,580 389,780 344,140 88.3 45,646 10,800 410,760 154,740 123,900 92.0 10,840 276,020 346,060 337,840 312,520 92.5 25,320 8,220 474,180 189,600 178,880 94.3 10,720 284,580 124,500 121,660 115,280 95.1 8,380 2,840 146,180 .59,300 56,200 94.8 3,100 86,880 179,440 175,920 169,940 96.6 5,980 3,520 114,480 60,600 58,520 96.6 2,080 53,880 15,520 9,300 8,520 89.5 980 6,220 12,640 4,120 3,900 94.7 220 8,520 2,789,700 2,667,260 2,559,840 88.5 507,420 122,440 2,918,140 894,420 814,580 91.1 79,840 2,023,720 15,200 58,680 179,920 1,107,260 544,840 432,680 179,680 244,100 29,340 2.0968.440 15,380 90,900 192,860 922,940 315,860 270,240 112,080 155,040 25,140 1.256.520 14,480 86,560 143,060 567,580 147,980 142,960 56,000 80,620 17,480 9,120 52,120 167,880 1,060,260 526,520 420,180 174,980 238,980 18,220 1.953,340 11,960 78,920 174,040 861,040 298,200 257,320 106,860 148,080 16,920 1.064.540 10,220 67,660 117,480 480,520 129,080 126,240 49,640 73,860 9,840 7,080 37,340 130,860 911,820 472,440 589,020 162,800 252,020 16,460 1.699.160 8,820 57,480 137,000 737,640 266,260 236,160 98,760 142,220 14,820 886700 6,800 46,480 89,580 598,340 110,060 112,540 44,600 70,220 8,080 77.6 71.6 77.9 86.0 89.7 92.6 95.6 97.1 90.3 87.0 75.7 72.8 78.7 85.7 89.5 91.8 92.4 98.0 87.6 66.5 68.7 76.35 82.9 85.53 89.1 89.8 95.1 82.1 2,040 14,780 37,020 148,440 54,080 31,160 11,180 6,960 1,760 254.180 3,140 21,440 37,040 123,400 31,940 21,160 8,100 5,860 2,100 177.840 3,420 21,180 27,900 82,180 19,020 13,700 5,040 3,640 1,760 4,080 6,560 12,040 47,000 18,320. 12,500 5,700 5,120 11,120 143.100 3,420 11,980 18,820 61,900 15,660 12,920 5,220 4,960 8,220 191. 980 4,260 18,700 25,880 87,060 18,900 16,720 6,360. 6,760 7,640 14,000 57,120 174,880 1,084,840 572,700 617,320 215,200 159,120 24,960 2.195.400 15,180 82,100 187,860 923,360 562,980 574,700 129,620 98,940 20,660 15,540 75,820 145,800 621,740 195,540 222,680 70,000 53,400 14,580 3,340 15,180 40,320 289,740. 167,360 213,720 78,480 81,640 6,640 574,380 2,460 15,500 58,740 213,620 93,280 107,620 47,100 50,880 5,180 286 .860 2,000 12,360 23,140 111,560 41,200 48,400 22,160 23,300 2,740 2,780 10,600 54,360 258,880 151,160 198,000 74,000 78,660 6,140 5135 .100 2,060 12,280 32,720 187,400 82,920 98,300 43,900 48,880 4,640 251.400 1,660 9,640 19,120 95,920 35,760 43,840 20,760 22,300 2,400 83.2 80.4 85.2 89.3 90.3 92.6 94.3 96.3 92.5 89.3 85.7 79.2 84.5 87.7 88.9 91.53 95.2 96.1 89.6 87.6 85.0 78.0 82.6 86.0" 88.8 90.6 93.7 95.7 87.6 560 2,580 5,960 30,860 16,200 15,720 4,480 2,980 500 61,280 400 5,220 6,020 26,220 10,360 9,320 3,200 2,000 540 55,460 540 2,720 4,020 15,640 5,440 4,560 1,400 1,000 340 10,660 45,940 154,560 795,100 405,340 405,600 134,720 77,480 18,520 1,621,020 12,720 66,600 149,120 709,740 269,700 267,080 82,520 48,060 15,480 1,126,040 11,340 63,460 122,660 510,180 154,340 174,280 47,840 30,100 11,840 1~ - - , - - I -L I i -Tr "T T Z T T - - 7r, , -----1r, 1.. .. I --- - -' , " I~ I s f v z f v -i - -r I 1I Z1 f.1~W it + w , VV c, w .1 , o I 11 1 .41z.90 I 0t . W, ,UU UC5. 5- 11I .I i EDUCATION Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE. WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL CCMPIETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in maployed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Nmaber of labor gency force work force work THE NCRTH--Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed. .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .~. High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: I to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: I to 4 years .... 5 and 6 yerrt. . 7 and 8 yea's ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ............... 35 to 44 years old .......... No school yeas completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years I... 7 and 8years... High school:. 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 3 717 .080 80n R2O 1 IR8 2 0 ( _ 2I ' I I usA a In II ~a 6. . 254,100 146,860 82,200 56.0 64.660 87.240 226,640 88,520 61,920 70.0 286,600 158,120 .... 1,500 520 100 - 220 1,180 560 40 - - 40 520 2,980 1,420 640 - 780 1,560 1,680 260 220 - 40 1,420 ..... 8,540 6,120 2,480 40.5 5,640 2,220 5,120 1,000 660 - 540 2,120 48,260 42,060 20,700 49.2 21,360 6,200 $9,780 16,060 13,500 70.4 4,760 25,720 85,280 41,140 22,460 54.6 18,680 44,140 '75,640 20,200 15,200 66.5 7,000 55,440 71,960 51,900 55,520 64.2 18,580 20,060 89,260 47,220 3355,740 71.5 15,480 42,040 15,640 3,020 1,960 64.9 1,060 10,620 15,100 5,160 2,280 71.5 9, 00 11,940 . 140 20 20 - 120 200 80 80 - - 120 2,000 860 520 - 340 1,140 1,500 500 460 - 40 1,000 212,560 176,040 121,380. 69.0 54,660 36,520 210,520 91,160 74,920 02.2 16,240 119,160 .... 800 560 160 - 200 440 860 80 60 - 20 780 2,440 1,180 680 - 500 1,260 1,480 240 120 - 120 1,240 6,760 5,500 2,640 48.0 2,860 1,260 5,840 960 720 - 240 2,880 .... 49,740 45,660 27,220 59.6 18,440 4,080 44,480 14,800 11,540 78.0 3,260 29,680 51,140 44,960 30,440 67.7 14,520 6,180 48,980 16,500 15,080 80.2 5,220 82,680 74,900 68,140 52,180 76.6 15,960 6,760 85,200 47,720 39,500 82.8 8,220 57,480 25,060 8,600 6,760 78.6 1,840 14,460 21,540 9,180 8,080 88.0 1,100 12,880 .. 1,880 780 680 - 120 1,100 2,540 1,420 1,380 - 40 920 1,840 860 640 - 220 980 1,600 460 440 - 20 1,140 . 510,180 279,440 214,480 76.8: 64,960 350740 525,520 125?260 1092520 87.5 15,940 200,060 1,060 3,620 10,840 80,820 71,320 102,800 22,420 14,940 2,560 520,280 .14u - 1~- - I -I ----- ---- -- --- I-- el- 0,10V I ~ ~ C I 7,180 20,620 175,660 115,760 131,040 31,500 32,120 5,220 495,120 220 2,240 9,100 75,580 67,060 98,700 14,760 10,920 860 484.080 1,100 4,900 18,180 164,680 107,640 126,00 29,120 29,780 2,380 462,140 160 1,260 5,140 52,180 50,640 81,980 12,460 9,980 680 398.520 740 2,840 11,540 124,880 89,140 111,740 26,700 28,840 2,100 396,740 56.35 56.5 69.0 75.5 83.1 84.4 91.4 82.3 58.0 63.5 75.8 82.8 88.5 91.7 96.8 88.2 85.8 60 980 5,960 23,400 16,420 16,720 2,300 940 180 85.560 360 2,060 6,640 39,800 18,500 '"14,560 . 2,420 940 280 65,400 840 1,580 1,740 5,240 4,260 4,100 7,660 4,020 1,500 36.200 2,080 2,280 2,440 10,980 6,120 4,740 2,380 2,340 2,840 30,980 1,520 2,300 7,900 75,560 71,800 122,840 25,960 15,500 2,540 515.160 2,960 5,160 16,160 147,020 115,660 153,920 46,480 26,280 3,520 476,480 100 220 1,840 20,560 19,500 55,820 15,620 11,660 640 135.860 260 700 2,500 29,380 23,680 44,720 18,880 14,880 860 106,520 100 180 1,480 16,920 16,520 48,120 14,520 11,060 620 125.120 260 560 2,180 25,680 21,220 41,740 18,240 14,440 800 99.020 82.5 84.6 87.0 95..0 94.9 92.1 87.2 87.4 89.6 93.3 96.6 97.0 - A 40 560 5,640 2,980 7,200 1,100 600 20 10.740 140 520 5,700 2,460 2,980 640 440 60 7.500 1,420 2,000 6,060 54,800 52,500 67,520 10,340 3,640 1,700 me oRn 2,700 4,460 15,660 117,640 89,980 109,200 27,600 11,400 2,660 569.960 2,940 1,180 820 - 360 1,760 2,720 220 220 - - 2,500 9,400 7,500 4,540 60.5 2,960 1,900 7,440 840 700 - 140 6,600 . .. 27,960 25,040 17,540 70.0 7,500 2,920 23,040 5,180 2,740 86.2 440 19,860 . . 184,860 174,380 142,080 81.5 52,300 10,480 150,040 26,440 24,000 90.8 2,440 123,600 ". � 105,800 100,620 88,660 88.1 11,960 5,180 99,840 18,800 17,160 91.3 1,640 81,040 "" � 88,080 84,960 77,740 91.5 7,220 3,120 115,300 28,680 26,840 95.6 1,840 84,620 29,780 28,720 26,860 93.5 1,860 1,060 50,440 16,260 15,520 95.4 .740 54,180 �.. 38,280 36,940 36,080 97.7 860 1,340 25,140 11,260 11,060 98.2 200 13,880 "" � 6,020 2,800 2,420 86.4 380 3,220 4,520 840 780 - 60 3,680 829,500 763,580. 655,820 85.9 107,760 65,920 780,700 161,760 148,840 92.0 12,920 618,940 .. 5,940 2,880 1,840 63.9 1,040 3,060 4,100 580 320 - 60 3,720 27,760 23,180 15,240 65.7 7,940 4,580 20,580 2,120 1,580 74.5 540 18,260 ... 67,080 59,720 44,700 74.8 15,020 7,560 54,280 7,540 6,500 83.6 1,240 48,740 3.. 368,220 342,600 286,100 83.5 56,500 25,620 306,480 53,760 48,280 89.8 5,480 252,720 ... 147,040 138,820 125,860 89.2 14,960 8,220 147,060 29,420 27,020 91.8 2,400 117,640 . 101,160 95,980 88,480 92.2 7,500 5,180 136,020 32,420 50,480 94.0 1,940 105,600 44,260 42,220 39,380 93.3 2,840 2,040 68,940 20,280 19,420 95.8 860 48,660 "" � 54,120 52,320 51,240 97.9 1,060 1,800 34,3580 14,260 15,960 97.9 500 20,120 13,920 5,860 4,980 85.0 880 8,060 9,060 1,580 1,480 - 100 7,480 ... 655,580 577,100 474,840 82.3 102,260 78,280 612,360 115,980 104,400 90.0 11,580 496,580 7,180 4,000 2,640 66.0 1,560 5,180 5,440 500 240 - 60 5,140 41,400 33,940 22,260 65.6 11,680 7,460 28,760 3,620 2,880 79.6 740 25,140 71,240 61,040 43,520 71.35 17,520 10,200 59,160 7,680 6,280 81.8 1,400 51,480 ".� 308,380 276,060 224,340 81.5 51,720 92,320 270,020 45,760 40,840 89.2 4,920 224,260 .. � 91,160 83,440 . 72,600 87.0 10,840 7,720 99,960 19,840 17,680 89.1 2,160 80,120 "" � 58,960 54,620 50,060 91.7 4,560 4,340 85,460 18,920 17,620 93.1 1,500 64,540 ". 350,720 28,780 26,140 90.8 2,640 1,940 38,660 11,160 10,520 94.5 640 27,500 30,840 29,180 28,060 96.2 1,120 1,660 . 18,460 7,660 7,400 96.6 260 10,800 15,500 6,040 5,220 86.4 820 9,460 8,440 1,040 940 - 100 7,400 461,960 565,240 287,100 78.6 78,140 96,720 459,240 69,560 61,860 88.9 7,700 5389,680 5,940 32,820 48,760 177,820 39,320 28,220 14,300 16,200 3,860 2,420 20,580 34,060 140,160 53,180 24,800 15,300 15,700 2,900 61.4 62.7 69.9 78.8 84.4 87.9 93.0 96.9 75.1 1,520 12,240 14,700 37,660 6,140 3,420 1,000 500 960 3,420 11,600 14,120 42,300 7,800 6,140 2,720 2,560 6,260 5,060 31,700 52,380 215,900 61,720 54,200 21,460 9,220 7,600 380 3,320 5,800 30,520 10,960 10,280 4,860 5,020 620 280 2,580 4,780 26,900' 9,640 9,680 4,520 2,900 580 77.7 82.4 88.7 88.0 94.2 93.0 96.0 100 740 1,020 3,420 1,320 600 340 120 40 4,680 28,380 46,580 185,580 50,760 43,920 16,600 6,200 6,980 88 . . . . . . 7,360 44,420 62,880 220,120 47,120 34,360 17,020 18,560 10,120 9 254 45 2 651 080 8n a I ~n EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) In labor force In labor force *BEA, TEARS OP SCHOOL oC PLETED, AND AOE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor . Percent a emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gendyy force Number of labor gency force work force work THE NORTH--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: I to 3 years ....... . 4 years ...... ... ... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ...... ........... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ......... 7 and 8 years ......... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ........ . .. .... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported................... 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. -. 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: I to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not renorted .................. . 55 to 64 years old ............. . No school years completed .......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years.. ..... 7 and 8 years........ High school* 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College 1 to 3 years .. ...... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 250.600 940 2,680 7,760 91,440 71,900 66,880 7,660 120 1,220 229.240 1,100 2,700 7,660 88,800 40,200 71,160 15,420 920 1,280 291.040 1,420 3,600 10,800 126,520 48,960 79,460 14,060 4,420 1,800 408.860 1,340 6,480 19,300 201,780 68,200 88,700 14,380 6,140 2,540 557.100 2,460 9,040 21,740 191,460 57,040 53,100 12,860 6,440 2,960 3,70 4,580 21,240 86.8 30 120 ,70,50 5,780 27,060 62,500 405,640 89,880 51,420 20,740 10,040 6,920 649.260 185.420 II 152.980 400 2,020 6,860. 84,480 38,240 50,940 1,840 20 620 203.840 400 2,160 7,060 84,240 36,520 65,660 6,460 300 1,040 2753.080 580 2,960 9,900 122,100 47,580 76,380 9,300 2,900 1,580 388.480 660 5,440 18,580 196,480 65,620 86,560 15,080 5,240 2,020 544.300 1,160 7,920 20,460 186,660 55,420 51,940 12,500 6,200 2,040 2,580 25,420 60,060 393,400 87,840 50,020 20,200 9,740 5,060 621.500 340 1,520 4,800 70,320 30,040 43,780 1,580 20 580 175.240 360 1,620 5,460 71,880 31,360 57,840 5,620 240 860 243.260 540 2,280 -- 7,960 107,500 41,900 70,500 8,420 2,720 1,440 358.440 540 4,420 15,460 176,980 59,780 81,980 12,480 4,960 1,840 517.560 i920 920 6,280 17,200 171,900 51,600 49,920 1 11,920 5,980 1,840 2,240 21,340 52,880 369,920 85,520 48,200 19,480 9,540 4,720 587.100 91 9 2c 9 440 I22 9a 0 82.51 52.440 65.180 _ 196.400 75.2 70.0 83.2 78.6 85.9 86,0 - - 75.0 77.5 85.5 85.9 88.1 87.0 89.1 77.0 80.4 88.0 88.4 92.3 90.5 95.8 91.1 81.5 84.1 90.1 91.1 94.7 95.4 94.7 91.1 92.2 79.3 84.1 92.1 93.1 96.1 95.4 96.5 90.2 86.8 83.9 88.0 94.0 95.1 96.4 96.4 97.9 93.3 94.5 60 500 2,060 14,160 8,200 7,160 260 40 28.600 40 540 1,600 12,560 5,160 7,820 840 60 180 29.820 40 680 1,940 14,600 5,480 5,880 880 180 140 35.040 120 1,020 2,920 19,500 5,840 4,580 600 280 180 26 .740 240 1,640 3,260 14,760 3,820 2,020 580 220 200 340 4,080 7,180 23,480 4,320 1,820 720 200 340 34.400 540 660 900 6,960 553,660 15,940 5,820 100 600 25.400 700 540 600 4,560 3,680 5,500 8,960 620 240 17.960 840 640 900 4,420 1,580 3,080 4,760 1,520 220 "S ao^ 680 1,040 920 5,300 2,580 2,140 1,300 900 520 12.800 1,500 1,120 1,280 4,800 1,620 1,160 360 240 920 1,200 1,640 2,440 10,240 2,040 1,400 540 500 1,860 27.760 620 1,540 3,520 51,500 55,180 69,920 13,000 220 900 164.580 860 1,280 35,5320 52,040 27,320 59,340 18,280 1,320 820 217.720 800 1,720 4,460 76,060 37,160 72,020 19,860 4,220 1,420 332,220 1,080 3,020 9,980 127,740 60,740 92,180 29,300 6,380 1,800 311.180 1,400 4,300 12,480 130,920 55,600 64,860 31,660 7,600 2,360 2,780 16,440 43,500 314,000 93,940 85,020 45,300 11,620 5,240 578.480 529 560 I 89 4 9 0 A 01 5 890ou'tf4 11 olou, Il o/o ifoV l1.b .Gua %VU 4y o y Ic ycvv 1 9o ., ,1ov '0. vv sa 146.08 I 146,080 540 1,580 2,680 38,300 47,580 45,500 9,480 120 700 111,740 14 70 700 1,080 2,720 39,320 21,380 55,840 9,400 700 600 162,000 76 0 760 1,500 4,020 62,440 30,940 51,580 8,280 1,440 1,040 281,540 0 9 980 2,780 9,220 114,880 55,960 76,800 18,580 3,040 1,500 276.240 1,360 4,080 11,560 120,320 50,520 57,400 24,520 4,720 1,960 2,520 15,420 40,580 295,800 86,680 76,780 37,320 8,540 4,700 535.540 50.520 1 37.8001 75.11 12.520 80 160 840 13,200 7,800 24,420 5,520 100 200 en- o^^ 160 200 600 12,720 5,940 23,500 8,880 620 220 55.720 40 220 440 15,620 6,220 20,440 11,580 2,780 380 50,680 100 240 760 12,860 6,780 15,380 10,920 3,340 300 54.940 40 40 40 220 1,120 10,600 5,080 7,460 7,140 2,880 400 5% 00 260 1,020 2,920 20,200 7,260 8,240 7,980 3,080 540 42.940 -----, - 60 100 520 10,320 5,480 18,260 2,840 80 140 44.460 140 180 420 10,500 4,840 19,540 8,100 540 200 50.080 40 160 540 12,000 5,500 18,220 11,040 2,600 380 46,900 100 200 680 11,560 6,280 14,220 10,400 5,200 260 52.780 40 220 1,080 9,860 4,620 6,960 6,840 2,760 400 4R _700 260 980 2,620 18,920 6,740 7,920 7,780 2,960 520 40.400 78.2 70.5 74.8 80.7 84.1 82.5 81.5 83.1 91.2 89.9 88.1 85.2 89.1 95.3 95.5 92.5 92.5 89.9 92.6 )2.5 95.2 95.8 93.8 93.0 90.9 95.3 95.8 95.8 - ~ 89.7 95.7 92.8 96.1 97.5 96.1 94.1 20 60 520 2,880 2,320 6,160 680 20 60 8.380 20 20 180 2,220 1,100 3,960 780 80 20 5,640 60 100 1,620 920 2,220 540 180 5,780 40 80 1,500 500 1,160 520 140 40 2.160 40 740 460 500 500 120 - n 40 500 1,280 520 520 200 120 20 2.540 5,600 4,380 3,880 88.6 500 1,220 3,520 300 300 - - 3,220 51,740 48,020 42,400 88.3 - 5,620 5,720 31,000 1,940 1,760 - 180 29,060 83,620 79,520 72,860 91.6 6,660 4,100 59,440 5,620 3,340 92.5 280 55,820 377;060 364,400 547,500 95.4 16,900 12,660 320,620 20,480 19, 60 94.5 1,120 500,140 65,540 63,420 60,480 95.4 2,940 2,120 72,840 5,420 4,920 90.8 500 67,420 30,520 28,940 28,080 97.0 860 1,580 50,860 4,760 4,620 97.1 140 46,100 19,180 18,600 18,080 97.2 520 580 27,140 5,980 5,740 94.0 240 23,160 8,460 7,960 7,920 99.5 40 500 7,820 2,020 1,960 97.0 60 5,800 7,740 6,260 5,900 94.2 360 1,480 5,240 420 400 - 20 4,820 497,760 454,560 430,440 94.7 23,920 43.400 404,600 29,780 28,440 95.5 1,540 374,820 6,860 56,460 74,700 278,100 58,220 18,420 12,560 5,240 7,200 5,200 50,560 68,080 256,120 35,660 17,220 11,800 4,840 4,880 4,5203 45,800 63,440 245,12C 34,280 16,64C 11,32C 4,760 4,56 86.9 90.6 93.2 95.7 96.1 96.6 95.9 98.3 95.4 680 4,760 4,640 11,000 1,380 580 480 80 320 1,660 5,900 6,620 21,980 2,560 1,200 760 400 2,320 5,540 29,100 49,300 228,800 43,500 28,880 13,820 3,840 4,020 200 2,100 5,500 14,620 3,420 2,680 2,120 820 320 120 2,020 3,280 14,100 3,200 2,580 2,060 800 280 96.2 93.7 96.4 93.6 96.3 97.2 80 80 220 520 220 100 .60 20 40 5,140 27,000 45,800 214,180 40,080 26,200 11,700 3,020 3,700 89 T T T T T . T I T Tr- -Tr T T -r T T I T- -nI i ii T T T -iT- -1T- T T - i - . ii T T T -H- 7r- T T 2.825 020 5 40Q PAn 5 n II50 500 2 876 8 568- 720 EDUCATION Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940- Continued (Statistics based on a S-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is lees than 2,000) UMAZ FMA In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL CCPLETED, AND AGE ployed Seeking Not in Em ployed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent o emer- force labor Percent on sr- force foroe Number of labor gency arce Number of labor genoy force work force work THE SOUTH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... .5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ..........:.. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 25 to 29 years old................ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: . to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... .. ,f~60o4aw , 04 88.4 5 7005 9700 7 2 87. 86 67941.480 650,900 457,240 529.020 75.2 108.220 213.660 655.240 184,260 134,l18 72.8 50 060 468.980 . ...1 n.... .. 4,0 7. 7. . . . . 8,420 55,200 78,540 154,500 208,680 121,800 41,300 800 3,660 585.620 8,240 47,220 68,420 123,380 136,400 129,760 61,240 6,840 4,120 818.720 ,02 8,.) 82. 1,8 2 ,820 1 **,260 , 85 1@ 56,6 U10,820 U 66,360 93,660 183,96Q 181,540 172,920 64,840 8, 500 6,120 7'? d" " 5,160 45,960 68,740 115,840 108,120 "81,620 9,580 400 2,020 489.540 5,480 42,160 63,280 114,180 117,320 115,680 25,220 3,600 2,620 75'0.500 8,200 61,360 88,660 174,260 172,400 165,760 47,180 8, 750 3,920 1 DSO cAn 4,060 33,420 47,820 84,420 82,840 67,100 7,400 540 1,620 399.500 4,620 31,800 48,660 90,700 97,020 99,600 21,640 3,300 2,160 R48 540 6,820 47,200 71,040 145,740 151,600 151,920 45,300 5,600 1 so13% cn 78.7 72.7 69.6 72.9 76.6 82.2 78.9 80.2 si . 84.5 75.4 76.9 79.4 82.7 86.1 85.8 91.7 82.4 85.2 76.9 80.1 63.6 47.9 91.7 91.8 95.0 91.8 00 13 1,100 12,540 20,920 31,420 25,280 14,520 1,980 60 400 90.040b 860 10,360 14,620 25,480 20,300 16,080 5,580 300 460 5,260 7,240 9,800 18,660 100,560 40,180 51,920 400 1,640 o oano 2,760 5,060 5,140 9,200 19,080 14,080 56,020 3,240 1,500 6,180 50,720 59,480 123,080 199,660 178,040 52,500 1,180 2,600 R602.68 5,120 28,040 54,400 120,740 142,860 178,800 58,880 11,040 5,500 980 5,940 13,700 3355,160 42,560 77,340 9,520 380 660 206'_ 30 800 5,420 11,580 29,600 40,620 89,560 21,240 6,460 1,020 4 101. 960 1 2s 0 1 O- I 900 1 II 27'P IA II 1,580 14,160 17,620 28,520 20,800 15,840 5,880 1,440 320 we .can 2,620 5,000 5,000 9,700 9,140 7,160 17,660 9,740 2,200 A. clan 8,260 41,500 78,580 174,280 191,70Q 258,540 65,960 40, 180 4,500 1 o . ^11 1,260 6,860 15,080 37,300 50,420 107,580 30,820 27,040 1,080 .0 riven 68C 4,560 8,940 24,120 29,880 58,060 7,200 54C 600 66C 4;000 8,580 25,760 32,720 74,740 18,100 5,92C 900 1,060 5,280 12,020 51,740 45,940 96,500 28,.40 940 .4G7... 75.4 65.5 72.7 70.2 75.1 75.6 , _ 1 73.8 74.1 80.5 80.6 83.5 85.2 91.6 - _ 77.0 79.7 85.1 87.1 69.7 92.0 95.8 -l - 300 1,580 4,760 9,040 12,680 19,280 2,820 40 80 we nn 140 1,420 5,000 5,840 7,900 14,820 3,140 540 120 1,580 5,060 5,560 6,480 11,060 2,480 1,300 140 5,200 24,780 45,780 89,920 157,100 100,700 42,780 800 1,920 .M. %an 4,520 22,620 42,820 91,140 102,240 88,740 37,640 4,580 2,280 7,000 54,440 863,500 156,980 141,280 180,760 35,140 19,140 5,420 iLaAD,'44 r j63iOYi t39 z . O1L3,0 O 60,SSJ 1 1,555,980 o ,iqi7l0 34 004i 891 .7 3, o0 971,24 21,260 108,020 166,220 325,240 282,700 238,140 90,900 82,740 10,200 16,640 100,400 157,460 311,480 2?3,020 231,440 85,600 76,720 6,780 1 .201.40 11 14 420 15,340 80,280 131,180 272,060 248,380 216,980 81,320 74,520 6,020 1 .04.280 80.2 80.0 85.3 87.5 91.0 95.8 95.0 96.0 88.8 90n 1 3,300 20,120 26,280 39,420 24,640 14,460 4,280 2,400 760 114 140 4,620 7,620 8,760 15,760 9,680 6,700 5,300 6,020 5,420 58-o I 15,260 75,280 137,580 509,120 508,420 325,200 110,3500 70,680 8,260 1 214 740 1,740 10,520 25,460 63,020 75,360 117,980 48, 560 41,800 2,500 A16 E0% 1,520 8,620 21,940 55,840 66,040 109,720 46,040 40,760 2,280 9a 5 81.9 86.2 88.6 90.0 95.0 95.2 97.5 91.2 220 1,900 3,520 7,180 7, 20 8,260 2,320 1,040 220 2I 40 15,520 62,760 111,920 248,100 235,060 205,500 61,940 28,880 5,760 21,580 17,300 14,080 81.4 3,220 4,280 15,240 1,880 1,420 460 1, 560 112,220 106,180 86,520 81.5 19,660 6,040 76,700 12,840 10,180 79.3 2,660 65,860 158,380 150,820 129,620 85.9 21,200 7,560 158,920 26,400 25,100 87.5 3,500 112,520 324,420 310,520 273,960 88.2 36,560 15,900 509,220 58,680 52,680 89.8 6,000 250,540 247,120 239,400 220,000 91.9 19,400 7,720 261,940 61,760 55,440 89.8 6,520 200,180 167,860 162,860 154,320 94.8 8,540 5,000 222,940 76,120 71,680 94.2 4,440 146,820 81,140 78,660 75,220 95.6 3,440 2,480 111,700 40,000 37,780 94.5 2,220 71,700 76,940 74,560 73,140 98.1 1,420 2,380 69,240 36,400 55,160 96.6 1,240 52,840 11,740 8,120 7,420 91.4 700 3,620 8,840 2,240 2,140 95.5 100 6,600 1,986,180 1,875,940 1,697,600 90.5 178,340 110,240 1.979.320 448,900 597,600 89.0 49.300 1.552.420 51,280 43,280 35,680 82.4 7,600 8,000 39,600 5,380 4,440 82.5 940 54,220 231,780 215,100 179,140 83.3 35,960 16,680 171,740 28,000 22,440 80.1 5,560 143,740 292,200 275,080 239,560 87.1 35,520 17,120 266,740 42,520 35,080 82.5 7,440 224,220 592,480 563,980 508,280 90.1 55,700 28,500 561,120 100,200 86,820 86.6 13,380 460,920 549,400 335,060 311,180 92.9 23,880 14,340 3586,300 85,120 75,260 88.4 9,860 501,180 214,440 205,260 194,700 94.9 10,560 9,180 283,340 85,920 .79,500 92.5 6,620 197,420 119,140 114,100 108,900 95.4 5,200 5,040 160,580 51,420 47,680 92.7 5,740 109,160 109,940 106,700 103,980 97.5 2,720 3,240 92,980 45,000 43,52 96.7 1,480 47,980 25,520 17,380 16,180 93.1 1,200 8,140 16,920 3,340 3,060 91.6 280 13,580 1,536,400 1,410,660 1,273,520 90.5 137.540 125,740 1,504,900 282,300 2435,500 86.35 8,800 1.222,600 58,340 48,520 39,940 82.5 8,580 9,820 44,540 5,640 4,680 83.0 960 58,900 237,260 214,720 183,280 85.4 31,440 22,540 175,900 24,540 19,500 78.6 5,240 151,560 255,140 254,540 205,180 87.5 29,360 20,600 249,600 355,120 26,840 81.0 6,280 216,480 460,200 427,060 388,120 90.9 38,940 55,140 440,240 69,720 59,120 84.8 10,600 370,520 201,580 188,520 174,820 98.7 13,700 13,060 236,520 45,600 39,300 86.2 6,300 190,920 158,940 129,860 122,020 94.0 7,840 9,080 181,180 46,580 42,140 90.5 4,440 134,600 88,260 82,580 78,320 94.8 4,260 5,680 107,200 31,780 28,220 88.8 5,560 75,420 74,520 70,260 68,240 97.1 2,020 4,060 54,960 23,140 21,900 94.6 1,240 31,820 22,360 14,600 15,400 91.8 1,200 7,760 14,760 2,180 2,000 91.7 180 12,580 1,049,500 888 600 796,700 89.7 91,900 160,900 1,027,700 139,720 118p760 85.0 20,960 887,980 54,260 188,140 195,560 317,700 102,080 80,260 48,440 45,520 17,540 40,980 157,180 166,400 272,540 88,980 69,060 41,380 40,520 11,560 54,300 135,580 148,120 245,340 81,240 64,220 38,420 38,920 10,560 85.7 86.3 89.0 90.0 91.5 93.0 92.8 96.1 91.53 6,680 21,600 18,280 27,200 7,740 4,840 2,960 1,600 1,000 13,280 30,960 29,160 45,160 13,100 11,200 7,060 5,000 5,980 39,560 145,920 189,720 309,960 127,860 111,720 60,040 30,760 12,160 3,580 14,340 18,740 36,920 19,000 20,940 13,760 10,860 1,580 2,60C 10,74C 14,90C 30,900 16,400 18,600 12,520 10,420 1,42 79.9 74.9 79.5 85.7 86.3 88.8 91.0 95.9 720 3,600 3,840 6,020 2,600 2,540 1,240 440 160 55,980 151,580 170,980 273,040 108,860 90,780 46,280 19,900 10,580 90 rrr~r- I rv)uv IL vv~w ii~v~~uy lp 1U I4II 7 A, 1 IN fen ^n II nr :"a 00 Q AMn ne: nn I n ,-7n AAA~ .aw A AAA ADA ' w w ._ - I EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FE(AIE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in . work and labor labor . Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work TIE SOUTH--Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. .. 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .... ........ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .. ................ 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more .... .. Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ,........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... .. 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....: ... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........ ... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 748370 0---47----7 1 5- 1An I 1 CA 0 0,aj , C1u ptoo v .9 1!0 89.U .3,47560 358,52 0:P b,ws.,1,. , , 1, oo,54 ti. J53,rw c J ,3-- 210,460 129,460jj 93,440 72.2 36,0201 81,000 -243,960 99,940 75,120 75.2 24,820 144,020 1,0 80 2012 ,2 1,640 6,780 13,960 30,540 76,280 56,320 23,500 360 1,060 204.420 1,780 6,460 12,240 29,560 52,120 61,260 55,140 4,320 1,540 313,480 2,240 10,380 19,180 49,620 74,620 89,260 40,220 25,360 2,600 533.220 4,360 19,460 57,660 99,180 122,860 133,340 55,240 56,980 4,140 487.900 4,120 22,080 40,360 106,100 108,340 100,020 50,000 51,660 5,220 808 180 720 5,540 11,920 26,900 40,780 37,740 5,120 200 540 164.340 1,080 5,620 11,140 27,100 46,320 55,480 14,580 2,160 860 284.240 1,460 9,480 I7,940 47,120 71,880 86,120 29,860 18,860 1,520 508.720 3,100. 17,780 35,320 94,920 119,160 150,600 52,680 52,640 2,520 468.5340 3,020 20,300 38,200 101,600 105,520 97,600 48,640 50,040 3,420 76R 420 460 3,000 6,480 17,060 30,180 1,400 4,200 180 480 134.320 680 3,260 7,540 20,200 358,400 48,620 12,920 1,980 720 250.540 1,000 6,080 13,260 38,840 63,600 80,460 27,900 17,940 1,460 461.780 2,120 12,500 28,180 83,220 109,060 123,220 50,160 51,140 2,180 450.240 1,960 15,460 32,680 90,920 97,540 92,700 46,620 49,180 3,180 AQ698 060 54.2 54.4 63.4 74.0 83.2 82.0 81.7 58.0 67.7 74.5 82.9 87.6 88.6 91.7 88.1 64.1 73.9 82.4 88.5 93.4 93.4 95.1 90.8 68.4 70.3 79.8 87.7 91.5 94.5 95.2 97.2 86.5 91.9 64.9 76.2 85.5 89.5 92.4 95.0 95.8 98.3 93.0 91_5% 280 2,540 5,440 9,840 10,600 6,540 920 20 60 30 .020 400 2,360 3,600 6,900 7,920 6,860 1,660 180 140 33.700 460 3,400 4,680 8,280 8,280 5,660 1,960 920 60 46,940 980 5,280 7,140 11,700 10,100 7,380 2,520 1,500 540 38.100 1,060 4,840 5,520 10,680 7,980 4,900 2,020 860 240 663 60 920 1,240 2,040 3,640 35,500 18,580 18,380 160 540 40 .080 700 840 1,100 2,460 5,800 5,780 20,560 2,160 680 29.240 780 900 1,240 2,500 2,740 3,140 10,560 6,500 1,080 24.500 1,260 1,680 2,340 4,260 3,700 2,740 2,560 4,340 1,620 19.560 1,100 1,780 2,160- 4,500 2,820 2,420 1,60 1,620 1,800 4 E760 1,600 6,560 13,160 31,920 75,840 88,020 27,680 580 800 243.640 1,700 5,400 12,560 34,060 57,880 91,560 33,160 6,060 1,260 356,560 2 64 0 10 1, 0 0v 2,540! 8,940 18,880 50,580 82,720 1533,200 36,340 21,920 1,440 583,760 3,620 16,420 37,180 99,440 135,120 183,560 61,740 43,580 3,300 525.540 4,220 18,860 39,260 103,380 117,840 135,500 60,520 42,300 3,460 845. 180 580 2,080 5,440 14,180 23,320 48,220 5,820 180 520 117.940 280 1,820 4,480 15,820 24,440 56,440 12,900 3;200 569 165,520 640 2,420 6,700 18,940 30,820 73,400 18,300 13,740 560 239.700 640 4,460 12,520 35,240 47,260 84,760 28,340 24,940 1,540 198.300 980 6,100 12,980 35,080 39,320 56,640 23,780 22,080 1,340 281 580 260 1,520 3,360 10,080 16,600 58,220 4,640 160 280 100.740 26 1,532 3,240 11,500 20,532 49,620 11,080 2,92( 480 149.600 54C 1,760 5,180 16,320 27,60( 67,960 16,820 12,920 50C 221.660 56C 3,58C 10,840 31,560 42,940 79,460( 27,040 24,260 1,420 183.240 680 4,600 11,380 31,800 55,840 53,900 22,460 21,300 1,28C 2 2 40 73.1 61.8 71.1 71.2 79.3 79.7 85.4 72.3 83.2 83.1 87.9 85.9 91. 3 90.4 72.7' 77.5 86.2 89.6 92.6 91.9 94.0 92.5 80.5 86.6 89.6 90.9 93.7 95.4 97.3 92.4 75.4 87.7 90.6 91.1 95.2 94.4 96.5 120 560 2,080 4,100 6,720 10,000 1,180 20 40 17.200 I H -- -- ;- 19 1 1- --. - --- A-- i -- --- -- il --- * -e , ,--.- 1 . 2-1 &, Ww 20 500 1,240 2,320 4,120 6,820 1,820 280 80 15,920 100 660 1,520 2,620 5,220 5,440 1,480 820 60 18,040 I . - . -8 -- - - - , 80 88C 1,680 3,680 4,32C 5,300 1,300 680 120 15.060 50C 1,50C 1,600 3,280 3,48C 2,74C 1,320 780 6C 9o 10 1,220 4,280 7,720 17,740 50,520 39,800 21,860 400 480 125.700 1,420 3,580 8,080 20,240 33,440 35,120 20,260 2,860 700 190.840 1,700 6,520 12,180 31,640 51,900 59,800 18,040 8,180 880 344.060 2,980 11,960 24,660 64,200 87,860 98,800 33,400 18,440 1,760 327.040 3,240 12,760 26,280 68,300 78,520 78,860 36,740 20,220 2,120 11,320 8,880 6,660 75.0 2,220 2,440 11,320 2,480 1,980 79.8 500 8,840 50,480 45,860 56,320 79.2 9,540 4,620 43,800 13,200 10,240 77.6 2,960 30,600 85,500 77,740 66,980 86.2 10,760 5,760 77,240 21,560 17,500 81.2 4,060 55,680 214,820 203,860 182,580 89.5 21,480 10,960 199,480 60,560 53,140 87.7 7,420 1358,920 157,020 150,520 139,740 92.8 10,780 6,500 175,980 55,120 4, 300 89.4 5,820 120,860 134,100 129,240 122,760 95.0 6,480 4,860 181,400 65,160 60, 60 92.6 4,800 116,240 74,400 71,620 68,580 95.8 3,040 2,780 90,800 32,420 30,180 93.1 2,240 58,380 72,720 70,680 69,000 97.6 1,680 2,040 58,340 29,140 28,060 96.3 1,080 29,200 9,820 6,020 5,640 95.7 580 3,800 6,820 1,940 1,720 - 220 4,880 592,980 541,320 485,200 89.6 56,120 51,660 631,600 175,860 153,620 87.4 22,240 455,740 12,520 50,700 75,720 168,600 87,520 89,240 52,220 50,200 8,460 374.580 9,660 39,360 54,060 115,720 42,620 50,220 27,400 29,620 5,920 9,600 43,880 66,320 154,800 81,100 83,820 49,220 47,560 5,020 305.860 6,420 29,440 42,620 95,560 55,920 43,080 23,160 26,500 3,160 6,780 54,480 55,880 137,460 74,480 78,800 46,660 46,200 4,460 265.560 4,500 22,020 35,100 83,200 31,840 39,600 21,200 25,360 2,740 70.6 78.6 84.5 88.8 91.8 94.0 94.8 97.1 88.8 2,820 9,400 10,440 17,540 6,620 5,020 2,560 1,560 560 2,920 6,820 7,400 15,800 6,220 5,420 3,000 2,640 3,440 11,840 44,740 76,220 164,720 110,320 118,820 63,540 35,700 5,700 86.81 40.500 68.720 1 422.700 70.1 74.8 82.4 87.1 88.6 91.9 91.5 95.7 86.7 1,920 7,420 7,520 12,560 4,080 3,480 1,960 1,140 420 3,240 9,920 11,440' 20,160 6,700 7,140 4,240. 3,120 2,760 9,860 3,880 59,040 121,780 60,700 72,160 36,640 21,180 4,460 2,400 11,480 17,100 42,100 28,820 35,240 21,020 16,400 1,300 81.400 1,440 6,020 8,940 20,180 11,840 15,100 8,960 8,060 860 1,86C 8,820 13,860 36,240 25,180 32,060 18,820 15,540 1,240 70.080 1,080 4,320 7,060 16,900 10,300 13,540 8,280 7,820 780 77.5 76.8 81.1 86.1 87.4 91.0 89.5 94.8 86.1 71.8 79.0 83.7 87.0 89.7 92.4 97.0 540 2,660 3,240 5,860 3,640 3,180 2,200 860 60 11.320 II II2 360 1,700 1,880 3,280 1,540 1,560 680 240 80 9,440 33,260 59,120 122,620 81,500 83,580 42,520 19,300 4,400 341.300 8,420 30,860 50,100 101,600 48,860 57,060 27,680 13,120 3,600 91 )I kI )I L I 1LI 11I 1 11 iI l I I r I 11 i 01 0 JI 1 l L III 11I I A - - p ii - - m - - - im - - - . - - - - - i - - - - - - - A - - - i - - - - - . , - - T T Z- -I -rr T 7 -R- no n 'dam can I -ce rnn o " I7S ,M) " An' ,M EDUCATION Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MAIE FEMALE In labor force- In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in w *k and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent ae emer force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE SOUTH-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............ . ... 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed .. . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ... 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................. 2,363,200 2,094,660 1,760,640 84.1 334,020 268,540 2,319,540 540.960 461.560 85.3 79.400 1.778.580 . 163,820 108,240 73,160 67.6 35080 55,580 166,280 45,660 50,800 70.5 12,860 122,620 ... 2,400 1,140 720 - 420 1,260 1,480 160 120 - 40 1,320 13,100 10,900 5,960 54.7 4,940 2,200 9,020 1,560 1,020 - 540 7,460 .... 19,600 16,640 9,620 57.8 7,020 2,960 17,740 3,880 2,540 65.5 1,340 13,860 33,540 27,920 17,960 64.3 9,960 5,620 52,900 9,260 6,820 73.7 2,440 23,640 52,300 27,360 19,900 72.7 7,460 24,940 51,240 10,340 7,060 68.3 3,260 40,900 . 1,740 21,340 16,940 79.4 4,400 10,400 40,480 15,960 11,360 71.2 4,600 24,520 9,680 2,220 1,580 71.2 640 7,460 12,280 2,200 1,620 73.6 580 10,080 280 120 80 - 40 160 360 100 100 - - 260 1,180 600 400 - 200 580 780 200 160 - 40 580 148,420 124,840 95,5E60 76.6 29,260 25,580 157,640 50,60 40,520 80.5 9,840 107,280 1,560 1,020 780 - 240 540 820 160 140 - 20 660 .... 12,460 10,600 6,780 64.0 3,820 1,860 8,880 1,720 1,260 - 460 7,160 .... 18,860 17,320 12,060 69.6 5,260 1,540 16,360 3,820 2,840 74.3 980 12,540 .... 31,280 28,680 21,420 74.7 7,260 2,600 33,060 8,440 6,800 80.6 1,640 24,620 .... 36,320 31,400 25,020 79.7 6,380 4,920 38,900 9,420 7,400 78.6 2,020 29,480 .... 31,900 28,420 23,360 82.2 5,060 3,480 42,540 ' 19,560 15,700 80.5 5,860 22,780 13,200 5,680 4,640 81.7 1,040 7,520 13,040 4,660 3,960 85.0 700 8,380 1,740 1,140 1,060 - 80 600 3,320 2,320 2,180 94.0 140 1,000 1,100 580 460 - 120 520 920 260 240 - 20 660 S... 213,360 194,880 161,080 82.7 33,800 18,480 226,580 67,940 60,020 88.3 7,920 158,640 2,420 1,780 .1,400 380 640 1,540 300 260 - 40 1,240 11,680 15,760 10,280 65.2 5,480 1,920 12,260 2,260 1,800 79.6 460 10,000 24,920 23,140 16,760 72.4 6,380 1,780 23,840 5,080 4,220 83.1 860 18,760 ... 48,960 45,460 36,300 79.9 9,160 3,500 49,140 9,900 8,600 86.9 1,500 59,240 "" � 49,340 46,440 40,140 86.4 6,300 2,900 52,960 11,980 10,280 85.8 1,700 40,980 "" � 44,720 42,780 38,180 89.2 4,600 1,940 55,840 21,080 18,380 87.2 2,700 34,760 "" � 14,040 10,820 9,800 90.6 1,020 3,220 16,460 7,160 6,640 92.7 520 9,300 9,720 7,840 7,440 94.9 400 1,880 13,220 9,840 9,540 97.0 300 3,380 1,560 860 780 - 80 700 1,320 540 300 - 40 980 363,280 341,480 292,180 85.6 49,500 21,800 376,280 94,620 86,120 91.0 8,500 281660 6,400 4,700 3,320 70.6 1,380 1,700 4,520 580 480 - 100 3,940 . 31,780 28,620 20,380 71.2 8,240 53,160 24,300 3,640 2,980 81.9 660 20,660 .... 49,820 46,500 36,400 78.3 10,100 3,320 42,880 8,140 7,020 86.2 1,120 34,740 S... 91,040 86,360 71,940 83.3 14,420 4,680 87,780 16,920 14,860 87.8 2,060 71,860 .. 77,160 73;980 65,480 88.5 8,500 3,180 84,720 17,560 15,840 90.2 1,720 67,160 59,620 57,540 52,900 91.9 4,640 2,080 80,520 23,520 21,560 91.7 1,960 57,000 "" � 23,700 22,280 21,060 94.5 1,220 1,420 29,280 11,500 10,820 94.1 680 17,780 .... 20,760 19,660 19,060 96.9 600 1,100 19,880 12,100 11,960 98.8 140 7,7o0 .. 3,000 1,840 1,640 - 200 1,160 2,400 660 600 - 60 1,740 3. 542,200 323,160 280,480 86.8 42,680 19'040 329,020 . 79740 72,580 91.0 7,160 249,280 . .. 6,820 5,220 3,920 75.1 1,300 1,600 4,800 520 420 - 100 42 0 34,600, 32,280 24,120 74.7 8,160 2,320 24,060 4,280 3,560 83.2 720 19,780 .. 49,000 45,800 37,600 82.1 8,200 3,200 40,720 8,960 7,820 87.3 1,140 31,760 97,320 92,100 77,680 84.3 14,420 5,220 84,840 15,240 13,540 88.8 1,700 69,600 68,400 65,520 59,100 ,90.2 6,420 2,880 70,460 15,720 14,020 89.2 1,700 54,740 .... 41,300 39,900 37,400 93.7 2,500 1,400 52,220 14,300 13,320 93.1 980 37,920 20,420 19,680 18,720 95.1 960 740 30,540 10,140 9,640 95.1 500 20,400 .... 20,860 20,320 19,880 97.8 440 540 18,960 9,940 9,640 97.0 300 9,020 3,480 2,340 2,060 88.0 280 1,140 2,420 640 620 - 20 1,780 S.. 533,780 494,400 ... 450,560 87.1 65,840 39, 380 487,980 107,820 94,120 87.7 13,200 380,660 14,420 66,840 81,280 157,820 94,400 52,280 29,520 29,540 7,680 365,160 15,820 58,920 61,120 105,900 48,440 29,640 21,080 17,700 6,540 233,180 13,940 43,200 41,060 68,180 22,920 16,700 11,260 11,620 4,300 11,320 60,120 74,740 147,780 89,780 49,440 27,960 28,560 4,700 323,460 12,020 51,040 54,220 95,400 44,380 27,240 19,340 16,660 3,160 184.200 9,100 32,880 32,180 54,960 19,300 13,740 9,440 10,100 2,500 8,080 46,340 60,840 128,680 81,560 46,520 26,460 27,780 4,300 275.560 8,540 39,460 43,360 82,340 39,820 24,960 18,120 16,120 2,840 152.040 6,140 24,480 25,880 45,700 16,580 12,580 8,740 9,760 2,180 71.4 77.1 81.4 87.1 90.8 94.1 94.6 97.35 91.5 85.2 71.0 77.3 80.0 86.3 89.7 91.6 93.7 96.8 89.8 82.5 67.5 74.5 80.4 835.2 85.9 91.6 92.6 96.6 87.2 3,240 13,780 1;5,900 19,100 8,220 2,920 1,500 780 400 47.900 3,480 11,580 10, 60 13,060 4,560 2,280 1,220 540 320 32.160 2,960 8,400 6,500 9,260 2,720 1,160 700 340 320 3,100 6,720 6,540 10,040 4,620 2,840 1,560 980 2,980 41.700 3,800 7,880 6,900 10,500 4,060 2,400 1,740 1,040 3,380 48.980 4,840 10,320 8,880 13,220 3,620 2,960 1,820 1,520 1,800 11,440 46,600 67,780 133,860 97,080 62,980 40,140 25,480 4,620 340.420 12,520 44,620 55,620 96,940 53,500 36,520 24,420 13,000 3,480 235.340 1,780 8,760 12,580 24,080 20,720 15,640 11,780 10,940 1,040 64.700 1,500 7,440 8,320 16,000 10,900 8,120 7,040 4,940 440 32.620 1 II_____ * w 10,780 35,840 43,640 69,460 0,380 22,780 15,760 5,920 2,780 1,000 3,960 4,960 8,620 4,480 4,120 3,320 1,840 320 1,460 7,000 10,240 20,380 18,040 14,360 10,900 10,740 1,000 52,620 1,240 5,380 6,180 12,720 8,860 7,080 6,100 4,680 380 24,780 740 2,440 3,360 6,380 3,600 3,440 2,840 1,720 260 79.9 81.4 84.6 87.1 91.8 92.5 98.2 81.3 72.2 74. 3 79.5 81. .2 87.2 86.6 94.7 76.C 61.6 67.7 74.C 80.4 83.5 85.5 320 1,760 2,340 3,700 2,680 1,280 880 200 40 12,080 260 2,060 2,140 3,280 2,040 1,040 940 260 60 7,840 260 1,520 1,600 2,240 880 680 480 120 60 9,660 57,840 55,200 109,780 76,560 .47,340 28,360 12,540 3,580 275,720 11,020 37,180 47,300 80,940 42,600 28,200 17,380 8,060 3,040 202,720 9,780 31,880 38,680 60,840 25,900 18,660 10,440 4,080 2,460 92 1 '1 1 I L :L II T- 1riI T T- -ir -Ir . , u '1 - "L :l II :- T -ir | ... i, ... ... ....i ... ... EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) AIE PEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS CF SCHOOL COMPIETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent op emer- force labor Percent on eaar- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE SOUTH--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: I to 3 years ... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years .. High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. . 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to,3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... . Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 276,620l. 1 y99U,540 162, 4 .0 , 2,u1 4,0 243,0001 w 40,660u 28,260 56 69.5. 1 2,400 2,3 276,620 199,540 162,420 81.4 57,120 77,080 245,000 40,660 28,260 69.5 12,400 202,540 4,380 33,320 44,980 70,420 80,100 33,740 8,120 160 1,400 232,780 4,900 28,300 37,320 62,540 47,960 36,600 12,900 780 1,480 291,880 6,160 38,500 49,560 85,380 57,580 58,940 10,580 5,420 1,960 428R920 35,00 29,520 40,180 61,020 59,980 22,540 2,040 80 880 200.360 3,380 25,940 4,820 58,400 59,600 51,780 4,960 300 1,180 271,580 4,960 356,120 47,580 81,680 54,080 36,860 6,500 2,060 1,540 409 a40A 2,880 24,460 31,720 49,400 32,760 18,760 1,620 -80 740 169.600 3,160 21,760 29,060 49,080 55,600 27,620 4,080 260 980 256.920 4,420 30,840 41,020 70,600 47,860 3355,280 5,600 1,940 1,560 69 920 87.3 82.9 78.9 81.0 81.9 85.2 79.4 84.6 93.5 83.9 83.5 84.0 84.8 86.9 82.35 87.5 89.1 85.4 86.2 86.4 88.5 90.5 86.2 94.2 90 4 420 5,060 8,460 11,620 7,220 3,780 420 140 50.760 220 4,180 5,760 9,320 6,000 4,160 880 40 200 34.460 540 5,280 6,560 11,080 6,220 3,580 900 120 180 59 420 1,080 5,800 4,800 9,400 40,120 11,200 6,080 80 520 52.420 1,520 2,360 2,500 4,140 8,360 4,820 7,940 480 500 20.500 1,200 2,180 1,980 35,700 5,500 2,080 4,080 1,360 420 19 50A 5,100 15,540 28,580 58,260 74,580 49,540 12,340 240 1,020 201.400 2,600 15,760 25,480 53,620 46,080 44,400 12,680 1,660 1,120 257.960 4,380 20,100 35,660 74,560 56,020 49,300 11,160 5,040 1,740 595 9d40 440 2,300 4,380 9,720 8,900 13,160 1,500 100 160 38.000 360 1,880 3,280 7,340 6,760 13,560 3,680 940 200 43.980 320 2,180 3,300 8,460 7,620 13,100 5,360 3,460 180 300 1,820 3,040 7,220 6,220 8,480 940 80 160 28.120 260 1,420 2,500 5,460 5,000 9,420 3,060 820 180 35.940 260 1,720 2,620 6,820 6,060 10,160 4,880 3,280 140 AA 980 79.1 69.4 74.3 69.9 64.4 74.0 76.2 74.4 74.0 69.5 83.2 81.7 78.9 79.4 80.6 79.5 77.6 91.0 94.8 - 140 480 1,540 2,500 2,680 4,680 560 20 9.880 100 460 780 1,880 1,760 4,140 620 120 20 8.040 60 460 680 1,640 1,560 2,940 480 180 40 5 n 2,660 15,040 24,200 48,540 65,680 56,380 10,840 140 860 163,400 2,240 11,880 22,200 46,280 59,320 50,840 9,000 720 920 213.980 4,060 17,920 32,360 66,100 48,400 36,200 5,800 1,580 1,560 10,500 8,840 7,900 89.4 940 1,660 7,120 520 480 - 40 6,600 56,780 54,000 47,400 87.8 6,600 2,780 532,560 2,420 2,060 85.1 360 30,140 78,740 75,640 66,600 88.0 9,040 3,100 57,520 4,800 4,080 85.0 720 52,520 135,020 130,200 116,900 89.8 13,300 4,820 121,900 10,860 9,420 86.7 1,440 111,040 82,680 79,880 73,840 92.4 6,040 2,800 88,580 8,540 7,260 85.0 1,280 80,040 45,180 43,300 40,860 94.4 2,440 1,880 59,200 9,700 8,700 89.7 1,000 49,500 11,960 10,640 10,100 94.9 540 1,320 19,280 8,520 8,180 96.0 340 10,760 5,000 4,420 4,120 93.2 300 580 7,420 4,760 4,540 95.4 220 2,660 3,060 2,420 2,200 90.9 220 640 2,560 300 260 - 40 2,260 371,300 356,920 3235560 90.7 335560 14,580 360,380 38,280 33,760 88.2 4,520 322,100 10,640 9,060 8,200 90.5 860 1,580 6,220 580 320 - 60 5,840 55,540 53,600 46,940 87.6 6,660 1,940 5533,780 2,460 2,020 82.1 440 31,320 69,020 66,820 59,340 88.8 7,480 2,200 58,940 4,460 3,900 87.4 560 54,480 121,000 116,820 105,360 90.2 11,460 4,180 121,000 8,360 7,340 87.8 1,020 112,640 70,380 68,360 63,360 92.7 5,800 2,020 73,640 6,720 5,580 83.0 1,140 66,920 26,540 25,3560 24,220 95.5 1,140 1,180 35,220 5,180 4,460 86.1 720 30,040 10,720 10,340 9,880 95.6 460 5380 20,640 6,080 5,680 93.4 400 14,560 4,420 4,200 4,080 97.1 120 220 7,980 4,380 4,220 96.3 160 3,600 3,040 2,360 2,180 92.4 180 680 2,960 260 240 - 20 2,700 644,220 617,120 568,980 92.2 48,140 27,100 646,160 58,000 51,000 87.9 7,000 588,160 25,540 23,080 20,940 90.7 2,140 2,460 16,840 1,120 1,000 - 120 15,720 114,460 109,120 96,480 88.4 12,640 5,340 81,340 6,040 5,200 86.1 840 75,500 127,420 122,600 111,740 91.1 10,860 4,820 121,720 8,380 7,340 87.7 1,040 113,340 219,840 212,340 197,220 92.9 15,120 7,500 227,780 15,560 13,300 85.5 2,260 212,220 97,980 94,760 89,880 94.9 4,880 5,220 113,240 9,280 7,920 85.3 1,360 103,960 28,060 26,580 25,420 95.6 1,160 1,480 38,960 5,120 4,580 89.5 , 540 33,840 15,220 14,520 15,860 95.5 660 700 29,640 7,220 6,600 91.4 620 22,420 7,680 7,460 7,200 96.5 260 220 11,160 4,920 4,720 95.9 200 6,240 8,020 6,660 6,240 93.7 420 1,360 5,480 560 340 - 20 5,120 578,260 545,880 512,560 93.9 33,320 32,380 532,880 41,740 37,260 89.5 4,480 491,140 30,000 26,900 24,620 91.5 2,280 3,100 20,180 1,740 1,580 - 160 18,440 127,640 119,800 109,340 91.3 10,460 7,840 86,540 5,620 5,100 90.7 520 80,920 120,300 114,000 105,940 92.9 8,060 6,300 117,760 7,700 6,800 88.5 900 110,060 185,700 176,860 168,320 95.2 8,540 8,840 178,580 11,620 10,160 87.4 1,460 166,960 65,820 63,040 60,520 96.0 2,520 2,780 72,700 5,880 5,260 89.5 620 66,820 20,060 18,800 18,260 97.1 540 1,260 26,040 3,220 3,000 93.2 220 22,820 14,960 14,020 13,540 96.6 480 940 19,240 3,720 3,300 88.7 420 15,520 6,420 6,040 5,920 98.0 120 380 6,260 1,800 1,680 - 120 4,460 7,360 6,420 6,100 95.0 320 940 5,580 440 380 - 60 5,140 441,740 398,540 379,100 95.1 19,440 43,200 5369,660 25,700 23,900 93.0 1,800 5343,960 30,660 105,580 100,440 133,800 36,540 13,340 9,780 4,280 7,320 25,460 94,880 91,600 122,020 33,760 12,240 8,780 3,920 5,900 23,660 89,080 87,140 116,440 32,820 12,040 8,480 3,800 5,640 92.9 93.9 95.1 95.4 97.2 98.4 96.6 96.9 95.6 1,800 5,780 4,460 5,580 940 200 300 120 260 5,200 10,720 8,840 11,780 2,780 1,100 1,000 360 1,420 18,920 75,200 87,040 118,720 36,780 16,780 9,640 3,660 4,920 1,140 4,360 4,840 8,120 2,680 1,720 1,480 960 400 1,040 3,980 4,480 7,620 1, 1,400 880 380 91.3 92.6 93.8 93.3 100 580 360 500So 180 100 .80 ;80 20 17,780 68,840 82,200 110,600 34,100 15,060 8,160 2,700 4,520 93 I - r_ ~ - - r r r II -r II -~-I I II I I . II T I T T -r -ff -1 -11 _rr " r ' r r r w I I I rr -r - T T T -T IF -TT an Q CC7a n6 I 02 C* %I= 7an 13nat 13,13 CA 7 1 C can EDUCATION Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 16 TO 64 YEAI; OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS. URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 --Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in Ework and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on eeer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE WEST Total Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ..... ............ . 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more., Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: I to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... . 878620.l 5 442 .04 0 1 2.9 54 A4 CC 45 50 4 IVqWI CVOV ,*c 0to 4 V ,710,9W IW55 I80U U I 6 86.9 159tS00 2.652,020 25533,260 155,160 89,440 66.2 45,720 98,100 251,960 75,020 49,000 67.1 24,020 158,940 740 360 160 - 200 380 820 180 120 - 60 640 . 2,620 1,880 80 - 1,000 740 2,700 480 260 - 220 2,220 .... 4,920 4,140 2,180 52.7 1,960 780 4,700 960 500 - 460 5,740 28,540 24,160 14,640 60.6 9,520 4,180 21,580 5,760 3,680 63.9 2,080 15,820 91,560 44,380 27,800 62.6 16,580 468,980 77, 00 16,040 9,880 61.6 6,160 61,260 .... 81,420 54,040 59,280 72.9 14,760 27,380 96,860 45,420 50,200 69.6 13,220 53,440 22,240 5,680 4,080 71.8 1,600 16,560 27,020 6,000 4,260 71.0 1,740 21,020 160 60 60 - - 100 260 100 60 - 40 160 1,460 460 360 - 100 1,000 720 80 40 - 40 640 .... 220,200 176,220 132,760 75.3 43,460 435980 218,980 85,640 68,940 80.5 16,700 155,540 640 240 160 - 80 400 580 80 60 - 20 500 2,140 1,700 980 - 720 440 1,960 240 120 - 120 1,720 4,500 4,060 2,500 61.6 1,560 440 4,100 760 460 - 300 5,340 31,040 28,920 19,700 68.1 9,220 2,120 25,480 5,840 3,980 68.2 1,860 17,640 52,680 46,200 33,260 72.0 12,940 6,480 47,580 12,500 9,420 -75.4 3,080 54,880 82,580 75,100 58,520 80.1 14,580 9,480 96,620 48,780 40,400 82.8 8,580 47,840 42,480 19,920 16,000 80.3 3,920 22,560 40,300 15,440 12,780 82.8 2,660 24,860 2,700 1,400 1,120 280 1,500 3,500 1,600 1,580 - 220 1,900 1,440 680 520 160 760 1,060 400 340 - 60 660 334,700 300,620 246,840 82.1 53.780 354080 5326.800 119.760 104.540 87.3 15,220 207,040 980 600 440 - 160 380 880 120 120 - - 760 35,500 2,980 1,740 58.4 1,240 520 5,120 440 280 - 160 2,680 7,160 6,260 3,700 59.1 2,560 900 6,040 980 720 - 260 5,060 51,200 48,340 35,360 73.1 12,980 2,860 39,280 8,600 6,840 79.5 1,760 50,680 76,740 72,560 57,180 76.8 15,380 4,180 68,500 15,940 13,180 82.7 2,760 52,560 122,680 116,640 101,140 86.7 15,500 6,040 142,440 50,500 52,080 87.8 7,220 83,140 49,960 37,520 33,440 89.1 4,080 12,440 45,580 22,5380 20,160 90.1 2,220 25,200 20,240 14,600 15,100 89.7 1,500 5,640 19,660 11,700 10,900 93.2 800 7,960 2,240 1,120 740 - 380 1,120 1,300 300 260 - 40 1,000 552,000 522,060 448.320 85.9 73,740 29,940 531.840 160,260 144.920 90.4 15,340 571,580 2,120 1,380 980 400 740 1,740 240 180 - 60 1,500 7,400 6,600 3,980 60.3 2,620 800 6,200 780 600 - 180 5,420 14,940 13,820 9,060 65.5 4,760 1,120 12,000 1,860 1,420 - 440 10,140 108,740 102,580 79,640 77.6 22,940 6,160 77,760 15,100 12,540 83.0 2,560 62,660 . 10,200 125,100 104,600 83.6 20,500 5,100 123,600 27,560 23,660 85.8 3,900 96,040 171,280 165,740 150,000 90.5 15,740 5,540 202,560 67,900 62,680 92.3 5,220 154,660 65,840 61,580 56,980 92,5 4,600 4,260 68,040 27,060 25,160 935.0 1,900 40,960 47,160 43,100 41,320 95.9 1,780 4,060 37,500 19,080 18,040 94.5 1,040 18,220 4,520 '2,160 1,760 81.5 400 2,160 2,640 680 640 - 40 1,960 .... 505,920 479,540 419,640 87.5 59.900 24.380 476,380 136,000 125,860 91.1 12,140 540,580 2,460 1,460 1,060 - 400 1,000 2,240 200 180 - 20 2,040 9,340 8,320 5,160 62-O 5,160 1,020 7,100 1,080 780 - 300 6,020 18,220 16,760 11,460 68.4 5,500 1,460 14,280 2,200 1,640 74.5 560 12,080 126,000 119,700 98,100 82.0 21,600 6,500 85,760 18,580 15,580 83.9 3,000 67,180 121,760 117,380 102,600 87.4 14,780 4,580 117,460 28,660 25,100 87.6 35,560 88,800 123,840 119,240 109,620 91.9 9,620 4,600 148,440 48,220 45,540 94.0 2,880 100,220 52,560 50,420 47,120 95.5 5,300 2,140 61,760 19,940 18,700 83.8 1,240 41,820 45,620 43,960 42,520 96.7 1,440 1,660 56,740 16,480 15,900 96.5 580 20,260 . 4,120 2,500 2,000 87.0 300 1,820 2,600 640 640 - - 1,960 855,060 801,500 696,700 86.9 104.800 51,560 810,520 223,960 201,860 90.1 22,100 586,560 . 5,740 4,220 2,820 66.8 1,400 1,520 5,080 540 460 - 80 4,540 25,940 25,100 15,540 67.5 7,560 2,840 17,120 2,580 2,040 79.1 540 16,540 47,440. 43,280 32,700 75,6 10,580 4,160 31,240 5,80 4,720 80.3 1,160 25,360 289,500 272,640 228,560 83.8 44,080 16,860 219,680 51,060 44,360 86.9 6,700 168,620 182,680 174,000 153,740 88.4 20,260 8,680 177,680 45,320 40,680 89.8 4,640 132, 60 150,020 142,880 130,920 91.6 11,960 7,140 202,040 61,260 55,900 91.5 5,360 140,780 75,5300 71,980 66,240 92.0 5,740 3,320 95,100 30,220 27,840 92.1 2,350 .64,880 67,000 64,240 61,780 96.2 2,460 2,760 56,780 25,720 24,660 95.9 1,060 31,060 9,440 5,160 4,400 85.3 760 4,280 5,800 1,580 1,200 - 180 4,420 .... 704,820 638,420 544,060 85.2 94,560 66,400 665,180 171,100 150,080 87.7 21,020 494,080 8,180 6,580 4,000 62.7 2,380 1,800 5,940 780 540 - 240 5,160 . 56,880 52,140 22,400 69.7 9,740 4,740 21,740 3,320 2,560 77.1 760 18,420 61,080 54,320 42,020 77.4 12,300 6,760 39,620 7,300 5,600 76.7 1,700 32,520 276,640 251,700 210,920 83.8 40,780 24,940 229,300 49,420 42,880 86.8 6,540 179,880 109,320 100,740 87,680 87.0 15,060 8,580 127,20 32,340 27,920 86.3 4,420 94,940 100, 220 92,080 83,860 91.1 8,220 8,140 134,160 38,160 33,940 88.9 4,220 96,000 54, 20 50,080 45,520 90.9 4,560 4,240 6 ,620 20,540 18,360 89.4 2,180 43,080 .... 49,240 45,960 43,60 94. 2,600 ,280 38,560 17,680 17,060 95.4 820 20,680 8,940 5,020 4,300 85.7 720 5,920 4,960 1,360 1,220 - 140 5,600 .... 476,660 388.520 5318.780 - 82.0 69,740 88,140 455,240 95.140 82,180 86.4 12,960 560,100 8,5340 36,840 49,760 193,980 57,400 59,880 33,060 30,560 6,840 5,600 28,360 39,760 158,940 48,360 49,660 28,320 25,800 3,720 3,600 19,700 30,080 128,960 40,680 44,040 25,040 23,640 3,040 64.3 69.5 75.7 81.1 84.1 88.7 88.4 91.6 81.7 2,000 8,660 9,680 29,980 7,680 5,620 3,280 2,160 680 2,740 8,480 10,000 35,040 9,040 10,220 4,740 4,760 5,120 5,780 22,240 34,760 170,980 73,900 83,280 38,460 22,140 3,680 620 3,460 5,520 30,500 16,320 18,120 11,300 8,700 600 480 2,780 4,360 25,580 13,920 15,940 10,300 8,280 540 80.3 79.0 83.9 85.3 88.0 91.2 95.2 140 680 1,160 4,920 2,400 2,180 1,000 420 60 5,160 18,780 29,240 140,480 57,580 65,160 27,180 13,440 3,080 94 i . ACqC %on an i 1 e G l 7Qc. A EMPLOYMENT STATUS 95 Table 19. -EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-porcent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MAg FEAIB In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in- Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor lakor Percent on eaer- force labor Percent on eme- force force Number of labor gsooy force loaber of labor gency force work force work THE WEST-Continued Urban Total, 18to 64 years old....... 2252,260 1,997,620 1,697,140 85.0 I0,480 254,640 2.350.3580 806760 704,940 87.4 101,820 1,545,620 18 and 19 years old............... 124,180 68,200 44.320 65.0 23.80 55.90 ~35,560 49,880 54,100 68.4 15,780 85,680 No school years completed ......... 160 80 40 - 40 80 160 80 60 - 20 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 680 560 200 - 160 320 920 240 140 - 100 680 5'and 6 years ........ 1,580 1,080 500 - 580 0 1,540 460 280 - 180 1,080 7 and 8 years ........ 8,640 7,180 5,640 50.7 3,540 1,460 8,480 3,080 2,000 64.9 1,080 5,400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 47,500 23,420 14,020 59.9 9,400 24,080 42,060 10,880 6,820 62.7 4,060 31,180 4 years ............. 49,540 52,060 22,980 71.6 9,100 17,460 62,740 50,500 21,480 70.4 9,020 52,240 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,380 5,760 2,780 73.9 980 11,620 19,140 4,480 3,22D 71.9 1,260 14,660 4 years or more ..... 80 20 20 - - 60 180 100 60 - 40 80 Not reported ........ ...... .... 820 220 140 - 80 600 340 60 40 - 20 280 20 and 21 years old............. ... 121,560 94J320 70,500 74.7 238 820 27,040 155,320 62,520 50,980 81.8 11,340 71,000 No school years completed ........ 220 100 80 - 20 120 - 40 20 - - 20 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 540 460 240 - 220 80 620 220 100 - 120 400 5 and 6 years ....... 1,540 1,220 640 580 120 1,680 880 240 - 140 1,300 7 and 8 years ........ 10,460 9,480 5,220 55.1 4,280 980 9,820 5,460 2,400 69.4 1,060 6,360 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 27,240 24,280 16,840 69.4 7,440 2,960 26,480 9,120 7,040 77.2 2,080 17,560 4 years ............. 49,520 45,960 35,620 61.0 8,40 5,5360 63,640 36,640 50,860 84.2 5,780 27,000 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 29,480 13,480 10,820 80.5 2,860 16,000 27,780 11,000 9,100 82.7 1,900 16,780 4 years or more ..... 2,000 1,120 900 - 220 880 2,620 1,160 980 - 180 1,460 Not reported .................... . . 760 220 140 - 80 540, 640 320 260 - 60 520 22 to 24 years old ............... 195,500 172,380 143,3580 83.2 29.000 21.120 204.760 90.500 79,440 88.0 10,860 114,460 No school years completed ......... 300 140 140 - - 160 260 40 40 - - 220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 740 620 380 - 240 120 1,160 300 180 - 120 860 5 and 6 years........ 2560 2,020 1,180 58.4 840 540 2,360 540 400 - 140 1,820 7 and 8 years ........ 19,340 18,100 12,420 68.6 5,680 1,240 17,460 5,480 4,540 82. 8 940 11,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4.3,400 39,320 50,600 77.8 8,720 2,080 40,460 12,120 10,060 83.0 2,060 28,540 4 years ............. 77,460 75,900 64,540 87.3 9,560 5,560 95,420 46,260 41,020 88.7 5,240 49,160 College: 1 t%3 yeas ......... 35,500 26,860 24,000 89.4 2,860 8,640 32,880 17,240 15,500 89.9 1,740 15,640 4 years or more...... 15,040 10,860 9,720 89.5 1,140 4,180 13,960 8,120 7,500 92.4 620 5,840 Not reported .................... .. 1,560 560 400 - 160 800 800 200 200 - - 600 25 to 29 years old ............... 324,800 507,240 267,200 87.0 40.040 17.560 5335,740 124,080 112.640 90.8 1,440 209,660 No school years completed ......... 840 600 420 - 180 240 560 140 100 - 40 420 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... -2,660 2,500 1,160 50.4 1,140 360 2,040 440 60 80 1,600 5 and 6 years........ 5,360 4,920 2,900 58.9 2,020 440 5,440 1,260 940 - 520 4,180 7 and 8 years........ 45,280 42,100 52,060 76.2 10,040 3,180 36,020 10,940 9,140 85.5 1,800 27,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 74,160 71,500 59,620 85.4 11,880 2,660 74,460 21,120 18,240 86.4 2,880 55,340 4 years ............. 111,120 107,940 98,000 90.8 9,940 3,180 138,180 55,560 51,540 92.8 4,020 82,620 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 47,520 44,500 41,260 92.7 35,240 5,020 46,180 20,260 18,900 93.3 1,360 25,920 4 years or more . 55,580 32,520 30,940 . 95.7 1,580 5,060 27,5340 15,800 12,900 93.5 900 13,540 Not reported ..................... 2,480 1,060 840 - 220 1,420 1,520 560 520 - 40 960 30 to 34 years old ............... 300,760 287,260 255,060 88.8 32,200 13,500 299940 105,000 95,980 91.4 9,020 194,940 No school years completed ......... 1,040 580 380 - 200 460 1,040 160 140 - 20 880 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 35,500 3,140 1,820 58.0 1,520 560 3,000 780 580 - 200 2,220 5 and 6 years ........ 7,900 7,160 4,880 68.2 2,280 740 6,520 1,380 1,000 - 380 5,140 7 and 8 years........ 58,720 55,460 45,420 .81.9 10,040 3,260 44,160 13,200 11,280 85.5 1,920 50,960 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 72,900 70,480 62,020 88.0 8,460 2,420 73,000 22,500 19,640 88.1 2,660 50,700 4 years ............. 82,860 80,460 74,140 92.1 6,320 2,400 104,560 39,440 57,000 95.8 2,440 64,920 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 57,240 35,700 33,400 93.6 2,300 1,540 40,060 14,780 15,800 93.4 980 25,280 4 years or more ...... 34,180 5533,020 31,960 96.8 1,060 1,160 26,220 12,440 12,020 96.6 420 15,780 Not reported ..................... 2,420 1,260 14040 - 220 1,160 1,580 520 520 - - 1,060 35 to 44 years old ............... 507,3500 479,340 421,400 87.9 57.940 27960 516,320 172,160 155,560 90.2 16,800 344, 160 No school years completed ....... 2,240 1,580 900 - ,680 660 2,260 360 52 - 40 1,900 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,120 8,940 6,140 68.7 2,800 1,180 8,020 1,760 1,400 360 6,260 5 and 6 years 21,580 19,660 14,880 75.7 4,780 1,920 16,040 4,020 5,500 82.1 720 12,020 7 and 8 years........ 147,060 138,520 115,900 83.7 22,620 8,540 122,620 57,000 32,420 87.6 4,580 85,620 Highr school: 1 to 3 years ......... 112,120 107,560 94,980 88.5 12,560 4,760 114,200 55,240 51,740 90.1 3,500 78,960 4 years ............ . 105,680 101,280 92,760 91.6 8,520 4,400 144,280 50,140 45,500 90.7 4,640 94,140 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 52,860 50,680 46,700 92.1 5,980 2,180 64,060 25,040 21,160 91.8 1,880 41,020 4 years or more ...... 50,540 48,780 46,980 96.5 1,800 1,780 41,280 19,540 18,620 95.3 920 21,740 Not reported ............ ......... 5,100 2,540 2,160 85.0 Mo 2,560 5,560 1,060 900 - 160 2,500 45 to 54 years old .............. 409,580 571,960 518560 85.86 58,400 57,620 427460 10,580 114,040 "87.5 16,540 297,080 No school years completed ........ 5,500 2,740 1,620 59.1 1,120 760 2,480 400 240 160 2,o080., Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 15,320 12,900 8,280 64.2 4,620 2,420 10,780 2,220 1,740 78.4 480 8,560 5 and 6 years....... 29,540 26,300 19,780 75.2 6,520 5,240 20,980 4,920 5,700 75.2 1,220 16,060 7 and 8 years....... 145,320 151,460 109,060 85.0 22,400 18,860 151,660 5,280 50,560 86.6 4,720 96,580 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 66,540 61,540 55,420 87.1 7,920 5,000 84,660 24,780 21,300 86.0 5,480 59,880 4 years ............ 71,600 66,440 61,040 91.9 5,400 5,160 101,580 31,920 28,220 88.4 3,700 69,660 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 856,020 355,400 50,400 91.0 5,000 2,620 45,720 15,800 15,900 88.0 1,900 27,920 4 years or more ..... . 57,080 54,860 52,820 94.1 2,040 2,220 28,520 14,020 15,420 95.7 600 14,500 Not reported ..................... 4,860 2,520 2,140 84.9 Mo 2,540 5,080 1,040 960 - 80 2,040 55 to 64 years old............... 270,780 216,920 176,720 81.5 40 200 553,860 299,280 72,640 62,400 85.9 10,240 226,640 No school years completed -........ ,100 1,920 1,020 - 900 1,180 2,800 460 560 - 100 2,340 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... .... 15,200 10,740 6,820 83.5 ,920 4,460 11,740 2,260 1,780 78.6 480 9,480 5 and 6 years....... 24,740 19,200 14,140 7.6 5,060 5,540 20,000 ,840 5,000 78.1 840 16,160 7 and 8 years........ 102,620 81,640 64,460 79.0 17,180 20,980 104,640 22,180 18,480 83.5 5,700 82,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4,700 28,720 2,840 83.0 4,880 5,980 50,100 12,440 10,400 85.6 2,040 37,660 4 years ............. 42,940 5,560 31,560 88.8 4,000 7,580 63,540 15,080 15,280 88.1 1,800 48,460 College: 1 to 3 years .. . 21,380 18,140 15,800 87.1 2,340 3,240 27,000 8,560 7,700 90.0 860 18,440 4 years or more...... 22,860 19,40 17,640 91.2 1,700 3,520 17,400 7,300 6,940 95.1 360 10,100 Not reported .................... ,240 1,660 1,440 - 220 1,580 2,060 520 460 - 60 1,540 96 EDUCATION Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHDOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-C-ontinued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FEMALE In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL _ __ COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in \ Employed Seekig Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emner- force force Number of labor gency B force Number of labor gency force work force work THE WEST-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 998,800 873.620 694.080 79.,4 179.540 125,180 867.740 189,940 162,260 85.4 27,680 677,800 18 and 19 years old .............. 60,660 37,160 22,440 60.4 14,720 25,500 56,620 15,700 10,080 64.2 5,620 40,920 No school years completed ......... 300 120 40 - 80 180 460 60 60 - - 400 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 940 720 200 - 520 220 1,000 200 100 - 100 800 5 and 6 years ........ 1,760 1,540 760 - 780 220 1,620 520 140 - 180 1,500 7 and 8 years ........ 10,140 8,580 4,420 51.5 4,160 1,560 6,860 1,660 940 - 720 5,200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 25,080 12,520 7,640 61.0 4,880 12,560 21,520 5,600 2,100 58.3 1,500 17,720 4 years .............. 17,740 12,240 8,580 68.5 53,860 5,500 20,700 8,900 6,120 68.8 2,780 11,800 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4, 240 1,540 920 - 420 2,900 4,460 960 620 - 540 5,500 4 years or more...... 40 - - - - 40 - - Not reported ................ .... 420 100 80 - 20 520 200 - - - - 200 20 and 21 years old.............. 56,120 46,420 33,260 71.7 15,160 9,700 54,680 15,660 12,080 77.1 5,580 59,020 No school years completed ......... 260 100 40 - 60 160 380 - - - '- 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 940 720 300 - 420 220, 720 20 20 - - 700 5 and 6 years ........ 1,720 1,560 840 - 720 160 1,500 260 160 - 100 1,240 7 and 8.years ........ 9,920 9,140 6,140 67.2 5,000 780 7,500 1,560 880 - 480 6,140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,580 15,620 9,700 -71.2 5,920 1,960 14,120 2,520 1,620 69.8 700 11,800 4 years ............. 18,980 16,740 12,780 76.5 5,960 2,240 22,040 8,440 6,760 80.1 1,680 15,600 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,680 4,020 5,040 75.6 980 5,660 7,8600 2,860 2,260 79.0 600 4,740 '4 years or more...... 560 240 200 - 40 320 540 520 800 - 20 220 Not reported ..................... 480 280 220 - 60 200 280 80 80 - - 200 22 to 24 yearsold.............. 86,240 77,960 60,660 77.8 17,300 8,280 82,140 21,340 18,100 84.9 5,240 60,800 No school years completed ......... 380 280 180 - 100 100 400 '80 80 - - 520 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,420 1,220 540 - 680 200 1,140 80 60 20 1,060 5 and 6 years ...... . 2,640 2,300 1,160 50.4 1,140 540 2,160 240 200 - 40 1,920 7 and 8 years ....... 16,740 15,560 10,880 70.0 4,680 1,180 12,680 2,000 1,280 64.0 720 10,680 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 22,500 21,060 15,960 75.8 5,100 1,440 19,960 3,080 2,540 82.5 540 16,880 4 years ............. 28,860 27,320 22,980 84.1 4,340 1,540 32,500 9,540 7,980 85.4 1,560 22,960 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 9,460 7,160 6,260 87.4 900 2,500 8,940 3,660 5,240 88.5 420 5,280 4 yearsor more ...... 3,760 2,800 2,600 92.9 200 960 4,200 2,780 2,680 96.4 100 1,420 Not reported .................... . 480 260 100 - , 160 220 560 80 40 - 40 280 25 to 29 years old ............... . 148,600 139,940 114,960 82.1 . 24,980 8,660 155,860 27,640 25,040 90.6 2,600 108,220 Nb school years completed ......... 760 540 400 - 140 220 800 80 60 - 20 720 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,800 2,520 1,460 58.0 1,060 280 2,620 220 160 - 60 2,40 5 and 6 years :....... 5,400 4,920 5,020 61.4 1,900 480 4,320 460 380 - 80 5,860 7 and 8 years........ 35,880 33,720 24,460 72.5 9,260 2,160 24,160 3,060 2,480 81.0 580 21,100 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 38,000 56,100 29,800 82.5 6,300 1,900 33,440 4,660 3,940 84.5 720 28,780 4 years ............. 40,940 39,360 34,680 88.1 4,680 1,580 45,920 9,760 9,000 92.2 760 56,160 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 13,360 12,660 11,420 90.2 1,240 700 15,760 4,920 4,640 94. 3 280 10,840 4 years or more...... 10,000 9,280 9,020 97.2 260 720 8,040 4,360 4,260 97.7 100 5,680 Not reported ..................... 1,460 840 700 - 140 620 800 120 120 - - 680 30 to 34 years old............... 5137,060 128,720 107,800 83.7 20,920 8,340 119,460 24,320 21.960 90.35 2560 95,140 No school years completed ......... 1,020 560 400 - 160 460 '640 40 40 - - 600 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 3,680 5,160 1,800 57.0 1,360 520 2,640 200 120 - 80 2,440 5 and 6 years ........ 6,020 5,480 3,420 62.4 2,060 540 4,740 600 420 - 180 4,140 7 and 8 years ........ 40,840 38,660 29,880 77.3 8,780 2,180 26,1.40 4,120 5,260 79.1 860 22,020 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 34,060 32,480 27,640 85.1 4,840 1,580 30,200 5,020 4,420 88.0 600 25,180 4 years ............. 29,120 27,440 24,840 90.5 2,600 1,680 31,580 7,320 7,000 95.6 320 24,060 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,240 10,740 10,000 95.1 740 500 14,700 5,740 35,560 95.2 180 10,960 4 years or more ...... 9,980 9,520 9,220 96.8 5300 460 8,300 5,200 3,060 95.6 140 5,100 Not reported ..................... 1,100 680 600 - 80 420 720 80 80 - - 640 35 to 44 years old ............... 223,560 205,040 169,320 82.6 35 720 18,520 186 640 40 180 1 56020 89.6 4160 146,460 No school years completed ......... 2,280 1,640 1,040 - 600 640 1,860 140 100 - 40 1,720 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,000 7,840 4,400 56.1 3,440 1,160 5,620 640 460 - 180 4,980 5 and 6 years ........ 15,420 13,680 9,560 69.9 4,120 1,740 9,020 1, 540 1,000 - 540 7,680 7 and 8 years ........ 83,800 77,540 61,480 79.3 16,060 6,260 57,300 10,700 9,020 84.5 1,680 46,600 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 48,340 45,320 39,040 86.1 6,280 3,02Q 41,040 7,960 7,040 88.4 920 35,080 4 years ............. 51,860 29,700 26,920 90.6 2,780 2,160 58,880 8,780 8,220 95.6 560 50,100 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 16,160 15,120 13,620 90.1 1,500 1,040 20,780 5,700 5,360 94.0 540 15,080 4 years or more..... 15,520 12,440 11,800 94.9 640 880 10,700 4,660 4,580 98.5 80 6,040 Not reported ................... . .3,380 1,760 1,460 - 300 1,620 1,440 260 240 - 20 1,180 45 to 54 years old ............... . 171,280 148,500 118,120 79.5 50,580 22,780 159 280 29,420 25,680 87.5 5,740 109,860 No school years completed ......... 2,720 1,980 1,000 - 980 740 1,980 260 200 - 60 1,720 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 11,340 9,440 5,920 62.7 5,520 1,900 6,240 860 640 - 220 5,580 5 and 6 years....... 17,080 14,500 10,260 71.7 4,040 2,780 10,660 1,560 1,220 - 340 9,100 7 and'8 years....... 71,460 62,800 49,040 78.1 15,760 8,660 54,180 9,840 8,340 84.8 1,500 44,540 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 25,960 23,080 19,220 85.5 3,860 2,880 25,520 5,600 4,860 86.8 740 19,920 4.years ............ 19,880 17,540 15,180 86.5 2,360 2,340 21,240 4,860 4,400 90.5 460 16,580 College: I to 3 years ........ 11,460 10,280 9,100 88.5 1,180 1,180 11,540 3,480 5,280 94.5 200 8,060 4 years or more ..... 8,640 7,760 7,500 94.] 460 880 6,720 2,720 2,560 94.1 160 4,000 Not reported . . 2,740 1,3520 1,1.00 - 220 1,420 1,200 240 180 - 60 960 55 to 64 years old ............... . 115,280 89,880 67,520 75.1 22,360 25,400 95,060 15,680 15,500 84.8 2,580 77,580 Y No school years completed ......... 3,000 1,760 920 - 840 . 1,240 1,760 80 40 - 40 1,680 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,760 8,100 4,560 56.3 5,540 2,660 6,100 740 540 200 5,560 5 and 6 years..... 12,760 9,640 6,380 66.2 3,260 3,120 . 8,880 1,140 900 - 240 7,740 7 and 8 years...... 48,460 38,360 28,680 74.8 9,680 10,100 38,340 5,520 4,420 801 1,100 52,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,640 11,020 8,860 80.4 2,160 2,620 14,220 2,860 2,540 88.8 320 11,560 4 years ............. 11,700 9,580 8,140 85.0 1,440 2,120 12,760 2,460 2,120 86.2 340 10,300 College: 1 to 3 years.......... 6,980 5,780 5,080 87.9 700 1,200 7,080 1,840 1,740 - 100 5,240 4 years or more ...... 5,380 4,420 4,040 91.4 380 960 2,900 1,000 960 - 40 1,900 Not reported ..................... 2,600 1,220 860 - 360 1,380 1,020 40 40 - - 980 EMPLOYMENT STATUS 97 Table 19.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) 1MAI FTMALE In labor force i In labor force AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL II- COMPLETED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employd Seeking Not in Total Total in Ework and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work j THE IEST--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years . :..... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... Highachool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed .... ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years or more.... Not reported ............ . ..... 30 to 34 years old .-........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: .1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 627 c560 570 800 505. 20! 88.5I 6 5.4801 56.7601 498.780 68.180 58.180 85.35 10.000 430.600 48,420 29,800 22,680 76.1 7,120 18620 -39,780 7,440 4,820 64.8 2,620 32,540 280 160 80 - 80 120 200 40 - - 40 160 1,000 800 480 - 5320 200 780 40 20 - 20 740 1,780 1,520 920 - 600 260 1,540 180 80 - 100 1,360 9,560 8,400 6,580 78.3 1,820 1,160 6,240 1,020 740 - 280 5,220 18,780 8,440 6,14 72.7 2,300 10,340 13,920 1,560 960 - 600 12,360 14,140 9,720 7,920 81.5 1,800 4,420 13,420 4,020 2,600 64.6 1,420 9,400 2,620 580 380 - 200 2,040 53,420 560 420 - 140 2,860 40 40 40 - - - 80 - - - - 80 220 140 140 - - 80 180 20 - - 20 160 42,720 35,480 29,000 81.7 6,480 7,240 30,980 7,660 5,880 76.8 1,780 23,320 160 40 40 - - 120 160 60 60 - - 100 660 520 440 - 80 140 620 - - - - 620 1,440 1,280 1,020 - 260 160 920 120 60 - 60 800 10,660 10,300 8,340 81.0 1,960 360 6,160 1,020 700 - 5320 5,140 9,860 8,300 6,720 81.0 1,580 1,560 6,780 1,060 760 - 5300 5,720 14,280 12,400 10,120 81.6 2,280 1,880 10,940. 3,700 2,780 75.1 920 7,240 5,320 2,420 2,140 88.4 280 2,900 4,920 1,580 1,420 - 160 3,340 140 40 20 - 20 100 540 120 100 - 20 220 200 180 160 - 20 20 140 - - - - 140 54,960 50,280 42,800 85.1 7,480 4,680 59,900 8,120 7,000 86.2 1,120 31,780 300 1,340 2,160 15,120 12,840 16,360 5,000 1,440 400 78.600 520 1,940 4,180 27,580 18,040 19,220 4,960 1,780 380 66,100 400 2,160 4,300 26,440 14,800 11,860 4,080 1,460 600 122,200 1,220 6,820 10,440 58,640 22,220 12,480 6,280 5,140 960 123,960 1,960 10,220 14,460 59,860 17,020 8,740 6,840 3,520 1,340 90 .600 180 1,140 1,940 14,680 12,180 15,420 3,500 940 300 74.880 I 24 240 1,780 3,980 26,760 17,500 18,440 4,420 1,500 260 65,560 320 2,020 4,120 25,580 14,420 11,340 3,980 1,420 360 117,120 1,000 6,520 9,940 56,580 21,520 11,900 6,180 3,020 860 117,960 1,660 1,660 9,800 13,720 57,440 16,320 8,100 6,400 3,340 1,180 81.720 1,920 9,520 10,920 38,940 8,620 4,520 4,400 2,040 840 120 820 1,360 12,060 10,620 13,620 3,180 780 240 66,160 160 1,360 3,140 23,120 15,180 17,320 4,300 1,360 220 56,780 280 1,540 3,160 22,800 12,940 10,640 3,720 1,340 360 105,980 880 5,000 8,260 51,180 19,720 11,240 5,920 3,000 780 107,380 1,580 8,200 11,980 52,820 15,040 7,640 6,020 3,240 1,060 74.540 1,660 8,520 9,560 55,820 7,980 4,340 4,160 1,960 740 82.2 87.2 88.3 90.9 88.4 r a- 78.9 86.4 86.7 93.9 97.3 89.5 76.2 76.7 89.1 89.7 93.8 93.5 90.5 79.1 85.1 90.5 92.5 94.5 95.8 99.5 91.0 83.7 87.3 92.0 92.2 94.3 94.1 97.0 91.2 87.4 87.5 92.0 92.6 96.0 94.5 96.1 60 320 580 2,620 1,560 1,800 320 160 60 8.720 80 420 840 5,640 2,320 1,120 120 140 40 6,780 40 480 960 2,780 1,480 700 260 80 11,140 120 1,520 1,680 5,400 1,600 660 260 20 80 10,580 280 ,1,600 1,740 4,620 1,280 460 580 100 120 7.180 260 1,200 1,360 3,120 640 180 240 80 100 120 200 220 440 660 940 1,500 500 100 35.720 280 160 200 820 540 780 540 280 120 2,540 80 140 180 860 380 520 100 40 240 5,080 220 500 500 2,060 900 580 100 120 100 6,000 300 420 740 2,420 700 640 440 180 160 8.880 320 1,360 1,340 3,960 440 720 300 280 160 220 820 1,520 9,140 8,080 14,720 3,760 1,500 140 62.240 380 1,540 2,240 15,580 15,700 18,460 6,100 1,920 320 56,980 560 1,460 5,020 15,460 14,260 12,700 7,000 2,220 500 107,560 960 3,480 6,180 39,760 22,440 18,880 10,260 4,800 800 98,440 1,480 4,720 7,980 43,460 17,100 11,540 8,360 3,520 680 62.900 1,20II 1,2 20 4,400 5,880 28,000 9,580 6,980 4,400 1,840 600 60 200 1,120 740 3,700 1,480 800 20 8,540 S- - 120 140 1,100 1,780 2,580 1,880 920 6,680 100 220 1,260 1,340 1,460 1,420 840 40 11,620 40 180 520 3,360 2,120 2,340 1,480 1,520 60 11,500 1 10 1,380 120 240 820 4,500 1,960 1,380 1,260 1,140 80 6.820 80 460 540 2,800 1,020 580 900 400 40 40 120 1,020 580 3,080 1,420 720 20 7.240 20 80 100 920 1,480 2,140 1,620 880 5,920 80 220 1,040 1,040 1,340 1,340 820 40 10,480 40. I 9 40 180 420 2,920 1,900 2,180 1,320 1,460 60 10,360 100 180 680 3,980 1,760 1,320 1,180 1,080 80 6,480 8o 460 460 2,680 980 540 860 380 40 83.2 84.8 82.9 88.6 90.2 -0 2 86.9 89.6 93.2 91.7 92.6 95.0 95.7 20 80 100 160 620 60 80 1.00 40 40 180 300 440 260 40 760 20 220 500 120 80 20 1,140 100 440 220 160 160 60 940 20 60 140 320 200 60 80 60 340 80 12C 40 40 *40 20 220 760 1,320 8,020 7,340 11,020 2,280 700 120 53.700 560 1,420 2,100 14,480 15,920 15,880 4,220 1,000 320 50 ,300 I II56 560 1,360 2,800 14,200 12,930 11,240 5,580 1,580 260 95,940 920 5,300 5,660 36,400 20,520 16,540 8,780 5,280 740 87,140 1,560 4,480 7,160 39,160 15,140 9,960 7,100 2,180 600 56,080 1,140 5,940 5,540 25, 200 8,560 6,400 3,500 1,440 560 I I _ II _ I H _ _ _ IL _ I T T T- 7rr a T T T T r I ..r - I ir T T T T II -- 1 ; - _- "IT' II T T T T . ,_ n _ I -^ T T T i I- 2,240 10,880 12,260 42,900 9,060 5,240 4,700 2,520 1,000 98 EDUCATION Table 20.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940 " (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2000) In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPISTED, AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on emer- force labor Percent on emr- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old....... . 935,820 . 809,680 531,760 65.7 277,920 125,640 1,011,860 451,080 334,940 74.8 116,140 560,780 18 and 19 years old.............. 45,760 98,460 9.420 33.1 19.040 17.300 51.840 22540 10, 660 47.8 8880 29,8K00 No school years completed......... 320 120 40 - 80 200 240 60 20 - 40 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1, 280 840 400 - 440 440 1,040 800 200 - 100 740 5 and 6 years........ 2,960 2,300 880 38.3 1,420 660 2,480 1,180 740 - 440 1,800 7 and 8 years ....... 9,960 8,000 2,580 32.3 5,420 1,960 9,960 4,800 2,600 54.2 2,200 5,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 21,360 11,260 8,280 29.1 7,980 10, 100 28,820 8,800 8,860 43.9 4,940 15,080 4 years .............. 7,840 5,460 2,040 37.4 3,420 2,380 11,740 6,700 2,880 43.0 8,820 5,040 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,400 280 120 - 160 1,120 2,160 580 260 - 820 1,580 4 years or more ..... 20 20 20 - - - 40 - - 40 Not reported .................... 620 180 60 - 120 440 860 120 100 - 80 40 20 and 21 years old.............. 41,820 34,760 16,300 46.9 18,460 7,060 53,100 26,640 16,040 60.2 10,600 26,460 No school years completed ........ 440 200 120 - 80 840 460 140 100 - 40 820 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,900 1,620 760 - 860 280 1,500 600 440 - 160 900 5 and 6 years....... , 3,240 2,700 1,140 42.2 1,560 540 8,160 1,460 960 - 500 1,700 7 and 8 years ........ 9,660 8,420 3,760 44.7 4,660 1,240 11,580 6,180 8,940 68.8 2,240 5,400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,020 12,860 5,660 44.0 7,200 2,160 17,700 8,000 4,580 57.8 8,420 9,700 4 years ............. 8,420 7,480 4,080 54.5 3,400 940 14,8300 8,460 4,900 57.9 8,560 5,840 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 2,400 1,160 620 - 540 1,240 3,560 1,460 920 - 540 2,100 4 years or more...... 160 80 40 - 40 80 800 140 80 - 60 160 Not reported ..................... 580 240 120 - 120 340 540 200 120 - 80 840 22 to 24 years old ............... 63,740 55,460 32,600 58.8 22.860 8,280 838,100 48,340 0,440 70.2 12,900 89,760 No school years completed ......... 740 420 280 - 140 320 700 280 820 - 60 420 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 3,280 2,700 1,460 54.1 1,240 580 2,900 1,240 800 - 440 1,660 5 and 6 years........ 6,680 5,800 3,120 53.8 2,680 880 7,180 3,480 2,680 77.0 800 8,700 7 and 8 years........ 17,000 15,040 8,480 56.4 6,560 1,960 21,600 11,280 8,140 72.2 8,140 10,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 19,460 17,420 9,780 56.1 7,640 2,040 26,600 13,120 8,820 67.82 4,800 18,480 4 years ............. 11,860 10,960 7,420 67.7 3,540 900 18,040 10,420 7,360 70.6 8,060 7,620 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,80 2,420 1,560 64.5 860 960 8,520 -- 2,080 1,380 66.8 700 1,440 4 years or more...... 480 360 240 - 120 120 1,500 1,080 700 - 880 480 Not reported .................... 860 840 260 - 80 520 1,060 360 340 - 20 700 25 to 29 years old ............... 118,780 106,320 70,480 66.3 35,840 12,460 150,080 75,640 57,620 76.2 18,020 74,440 No school years completed ......... 1,720 1,060 660 - 400 660 1,680 680 560 - 120 1,000 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,580 9,040 5,360 59.3 8,680 .1,540 8,520 8,780 2,860 75.7 920 4,740 Sand 6 years ........ 15,660 13,920 8,460 60.8 5,460 1,740 18,640 8,600 6,360 74.0 2,240 10,040 7 and 8 years........ 36,200 32,700 20,920 64.0 11,780 3,500 46,160 22,520 17,200 76.4 5,320 28,640 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 28,200 25,900 17,140 66.2 8,760 2,300 89,880 20,080 14,760 78.5 5,820 19,800 4 years ............. 16,680 15,800 11,900 75.3 3,900 880 238,640 18,280 10,560 79.5 2,720 10,860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,240 4,580 3,480 76.0 1,100 660 6,940 8,960 3,080 77.8 880 2,980 4 years or more ...... 2,460 2,280 1,860 81.6 420 180 2,820 2,120 1,720 81.1 400 700 Not reported ..................... 2,040 1,040 700 - 340 1,000 1,800 620 520 - 100 1,180 30 to 34 years old ............... 122,840 111,100 76,960 69.3 34,140 11,740 146,860 70,260 55,340 78.8 14,920 76,100 No school years completed ......... 2,780 2,140 1,300 60.7 840 640 1,880 780 580 - 200 1,100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. . 14,040 12,140 7,380 60.8 4,760 1,900 12,820 4,820 3,800 68.5 1,520 7,500 5 and 6 years........ 22,000 20,220 13,020 64.4 7,200 1,780 23,900 10,460 8,080 77.2 2,380 13,440 7 and 8 years........ 41,100 37,260 25,780 69.2 11,480 3,840 49,360 24,000 18,920 78.8 5,080 25,860 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 21,880 20,480 14,700 71.8 5,780 1,400 80,540 14,980 11,800 78.8 3,180 15,560 4 years ............. 11,160 10,540 8,260 78.4 2,280 620 18,260 9,560 7,900 82.6 1,660 8,700 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,340 4,160 3,200 76.9 960 180 5,480 3,260 2,560 78.5 700 2,220 4 years or more...... 2,800 2,680 2,320 86.6 360 120 8,060 1,940 1,800 - 140 1,120 Not reported ..................... 2,740 1,480 1,000 - 480 1,260 1,560 460 400 - 60 1,100 35 to 44 years old ............... 259,420 234,260 166,840 71.2 67.420 25,160 272.260 1 121,820 94,620 77.7 27,200 150,440 No school years completed ........- 9,020 7,360 4,200 57.1 3,160 1,660 6,440 2,100 1,540 78.8 560 4,840 Grade school: 1 to 4-years ..... 45,760 40,200 25,060 62.3 15,140 5,560 88,080 15,300 10,700 69.9 4,600 22,780 5 and 6 years........ 53,840 48,940 32,940 67.3 16,000 4,900 56,440 24,240 18,100 74.7 6,140 32,200 7 and 8 years........ 87,760 81,020 59,840 73.9 21,180 6,740 93,120 42,860 84,600 80.7 8,260 50,260 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 30,180 27,620 20,860 75.5 6,760 2,560 40,560 18,820 14,560 77.4 4,260 21,740 4 years ............. 15,720 14,600 11,740 80.4 2,860 1,120 22,480 10,560 .8,580 81.3 1,980 11,920 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,280 7,040 5,780 82.1 1,260 240 7,540 3,900 2,940 75.4 960 8,640 4 years or more...... 5,020 4,800 4,360 90.8 440 220 4,220 2,780 2,560 92.1 220 1,440 Not reported ..................... 4,840 2,680 2,060 76.9 620 2,160 3,380 1,260 1,040 - 220 2,120 45 to 54 years old ............... 186,300 162,140 1 110,300 68.0 51.840 24,160 168,180 65,340 50,400 77.1 14.940 102,840 No school years completed ......... 11,600 9,540 5,200 54.5 4,340 2,060 7,500 2,140 1,620 75.7 520 5,360 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 44,160 38,120 22,620 59.3 15,500 6,040 35,240 11,840 8,760 74.0 3,080 28,400 5 and 6 years ........ 38,340 33,420 22,020 65.9 11,400 4,920 35,320 13,980 10,60 75.8 8,380 21,840 7 and 8 years ....... 56,380 49,960 36,340 72.7 13,620 6,420 53,260 22,220 17,680 79.6 4,540 31,040 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 14,700 13,200 9,600 72.7 3,600 1,500 18,080 7,260 5,400 74.4 1,860 10,820 4 years . 9,560 8,780 7,080 80.6 1,700 780 9,720 4,000 3,260 81.5 740 5,720 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,120 3,740 3,020 80.7 720 380 3,940 1,900 1,400 - 500 2,040 4 years or more ...... 3,800 - 3,540 3,060 86.4 480 260 2,420 1,280 1,060 - 220 1,140 Not reported ..................... 3,640 1,840 1,360 - 480 1,800 2,700 720 620 - 100 1,980 55 to 64 years old ............... 96,660 77,180 48,860 68.3 . 28,320 19,480 86,940 25,500 19,820 77.7 5,680 61,440 No school years completed 9,660 . 7,060 3,780 53.5 ,3,280 2,600 7,080 1,500 1,180 320 5,580 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 26,400 20,380 11,040 54.2 9,40 6,020 22,160 5,600 4,100 73.2 1,500 16,540 5 and 6 years.. 18,860 15,620 9,560 61.2 6,060 3,240 18,100 5,100 4,140 81.2 960 18,000 7 and 8 years... 26,760 22,220 15,420 69.4 6,800 4,540 24,200 7,960 6,40 79.6 1,620 16,240 High school: 1 to 3 years . 4,940 3,980 2,760 69.3 1,220 960 6,840 2,160 1,520 70.4 60 4,680 4 years ............. 3,840 3,220 2,460 76.4 760 620 4,640 1,560 1,280 - 280 8,080 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,980 1,680 1,440 - 240 300 1,540 700 540 - 160 840 4 years or more.. 1,860 1,620 1,460 - 160 240 860 460 420 - 40 400 Not reported ................... .. 2,60 1,400 940 - 460 960 1,520 460 00 - 160 1,060 EMPLOYMENT STATUS 99 Table 20.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-perent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MAIZ FWAL In labor force In labor force AREA, YIARS OF SCHOOL C(UETED, AND AB Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on seer- force labor Percent on emer- force force Number of labor gaeny force Nuaber of labor gency force work force work THE So0l Total Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported............... 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old. ......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 .nd 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. . Not reported ............... . 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old.. ........ No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 2.692.320 2.431.12011 2.126.520 87.81 310.6001 255.200 2.891.960 1.238.200 1.108.800 89.51 129.4001 1.6 3.760 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- ---t . ----5- t . _______ __ -.Y ~RIt 'Iia innrtea I~in ci a)I on~ lnl Ik iacnn I sn evrl II ., an11 As cnt s o A JJ ssn'Zi'i\ 'r_ _wr .. 11J-, ..-- 1 .ev _ - .0 1- 9 ... v0 5 5~ vv i / . . v. -- o -- - -s- I- - s-- -w s - a - - ~s*x- 1 -..-,**. D, ,, 6,620 4,900 4,240 86.5 660 1,720 4,440 1,800 1,580 - 220 2,640 .... 60,880 54,040 47,660 88.2 6,880 6,840 37,020 14,240 12,260 86.1 1,980 22,780 S 48,820 41,400 84,140 82.5 7,260 7,420 48,740 18,400 15,560 84.6 2,840 30,240 . 8,960 30,020 22,860 74.5 7,660 8,940 51,740 20,180 16,320 80.9 3,860 31,560 .... 32,160 17,020 12,040 70.7 4,980 15,140 52,440 14, 980 10,640 71.0 4,340 37,460 7,780 4,960 3,360 67.7 1,600 2,820 17,660 7,640 5,060 66.2 2,580 10,020 2,560 660 500 - 160 1,900 6i000 940 780 - 160 5,060 . 80 40 40 - - 40 160 80 40 - 40 so 2,220 1,160 1,020 - 140 1,060 2,100 620 420 - 200 1,480 .... 181,560 159.100 14,.260 84.4 24,840 22,460 207.060 86.,960 73,320 84.3 13,640 120,100 8,140 6,540 6,100 93.3 440 1,600 5,220 1,840 1,600 - 240 3,380 .... 58,200 538,460 47,580 .89.0 5,880 4,740 41,540 16,860 15,100 89.6 1,760 24,680 42,060 39,060 33,100 84.7 5,960 3,000 47,900 19,080 16,300 85.4 2,780 28,820 34,100 30,740 24,780 80.6 5,960 3,360 46,480 19,740 16,820 85.2 2,920 26,740 . 28,080 18,160 13,980 77.0 4,180 4,920 37,280 15,780 12,560 79.6 3,220 21,500 9,420 8,120 6,140 75.6 1,980 1,300 18,840 9,660 7,520 77.8 2,140 9,180 3,600 1,140 960 - 180 2,460 6,660. 2,320 1,820 78.4 500 4,340 S... 420 240 220 - 20 180 1,460 1,120 1,040 - 80 340 2,540 1,640 1,400 - 240 900 1,680 560 560 - - 1,120 .... 259,640 287,980 207.100 87.0 30,880 21.660 296.3820 11,920 116,500 88.3 15,420 164,400 14,480 12,260 11,080 90.4 1,180 2,220 8,300 2,900 2,740 94.5 160 5,400 S... 88,020 82,760 74,840 90.4 7,920 5,260 64,300 24,940 22,260 89.8 2,680 39,860 .... 58,880 55,260 48,280 87.4 6,980 3,620 71,540 29,780 26,800 90.0 2,980 41,760 .... 48,140 44,460 37,640 84.7 6,820 8,680 67,900 29,260 25,820 88.2 3,440 38,640 27,120 24,420 19,440 79.6 4,980 2,700 45,400 21,900 18,820 85.9 3,080 23,500 12,780 11,780 9,820 88.4 1,960 1,000 22,360 12,580 10,560 83.9 2,020 9,780 5,040 3,340 2,680 80.2 660 1,700 9,340 5,760 5,120 88.9 640 3,580 1,740 1,460 1,200 - 260 280 4,440 3,680 3,380 91.8 300 760 .... ,440 2,240 2,120 94.6 120 1,200 2,740 1,120 1,000 - 120 1,620 . 40 280 375,860 331.700 88.83 44160 28,420 459,140 208,820 187 ,340 89.9 20,980 250,820 24,800 20,900 18,760 89.8 2,140 8,900 14,700 5,380 4,800 89.2 580 9,320 140,240 131,820 118,140 90.0 13,180 8,920 106,840 44,160 39,820 90.2 4,340 62,680 99,480 94,040 82,820 88.1 11,220 5,440 11 7,140 50,080 44,720 89.3 5,360 67,060 72,320 68, 40 58,600 85.7 9,740 3,980 108,620 49,320 44,160 89.5 5,160 59,300 35. ,380 3388,100 28,060 84.8 5,040 2,280 60,980 29,080 26,040 89.5 3,040 31,900 15,400 14,620 13,100 89.6 1,520 780 26,580 14,560 13,040 89.6 1,520 12,020 5,620 4,860 4,160 85.6 700 760 12,360 8,260 7,740 93.7 520 4,100 5,040 4,700 4,380 93.2 320 340 7,240 5,700 5,280 92.6 420 1,540 6,000 3,980 3,680 92% 300 2,020 4,680 1,780 1,740 - 40 2,900 .... 343.180 8320,800 285.720 89.1 35.080 22.380 373.8,700 .172.940 156.920 90.7 16020 200,760 23. ,680 20,700 18,660 90.1 2,040 2,980 16,480 6,560 5,880 89.6 680 9,920 128,100 120,520 107,940 89.6 12,580 7,580 101,140 42,880 38,640 90.1 4,240 58,260 82,820 78,860 69,640 88.9 8,720 4,460 98,040 438,220 39,060 90.4 4,160 54,820 58,160 55,280 48,840 88.4 6,440 2,880 82,540 38,540 35,040 90.9 3,500 44,000 26,380 24,880 21,500 86.4 3,380 1,500 39,780 19,720 18,040 91.5 1,680 20,060 .... 9,000 8,560 7,660 89.5 900 440 15,840 9,000 8,080 89.8 920 6,840 4,500 4,120 3,660 88.8 460 380 9,120 6,260 5,860 93.6 400 2,860 ..... 4, 220 4,080 3,860 94.6 220 140 6,260 5,000 4,740 94.8 260 1,260 6,320 4,300 3,960 92.1 340 2,020 4,500 1,760 1,580 - 180 2,740 .... 593,640 554,440 488,140 88.0 66,800 39,200 659,500 302,560 276,520 91.4 26,040 3856,940 59,140 53,040 46,320 87.3 6,720 6,100 45,580 17,640 16,000 90.7 1,640 27,940 . 7,720 2388580 280,620 88.0 27,960 14,140 215,780 94,620 86,920 91.9 7,700 121,160 137,160 129,420 113,520 87.7 15,900 7,740 177,120 79,600 72,860 91.5 6,740 97,520 87,620 82,520 72,420 87.8 10,100 5,100 122,960 58,640 53,460 91.2 5,180 64, 20 27,880 26,080 22,920 87.9 3,160 1,800 49,840 24,740 22,100 89.3 2,640 25,100 11,260 10,800 9,720 90.0 1,080 460 20,200 10,900 9,900 90.8 1,000 9,300 .... 6,100 5,700 5, 280 92.6 420 400 12,020 7,980 7,260 91.0 720 4,040 . 5,780 5,620 6,560 98.9 60 160 7,060 5,400 5,160 95.6 240 1,660 10,980 7,680 6,780 88. 900 3,300 8,940 3,040 2,860 94.1 180 5,900 . 406.480 869.560 32,.760 87.6 45.800 86,.920 45,.900 179,220 164,620 91.9 14.600 2 . 9,860 . 52,980 46,060 86.9 6,920 6,880 51,320 19,960 18,120 90.8 1,840 31,360 184,980 169,720 148,660 87.6 21,060 15,260 170,100 67,920 62,800 92.5 5,120 103,180 78i 800 78,000 64,480 88.3 8,520 5,800 101, 640 40,640 37,400 92.0 3,240 61,000 46,380 41,980 36,140 86.1 5,840 4,400 62,400 26,700 24,380 91.3 2,320 35 700 14, 00 12,900 11,020 85.4 1,880 1,400 21,720 9,440 8,460 89.6 980 12,280 6,680 6,240 5,720 91.7 520 440 10,440 5,020 4,660 92.8 360 5,420 3,340 3,020 2,760 91.4 260 320 6,720 4,040 3,700 91.6 340 2,680 4,180 3,900 .3,800 97.4 100 280 3,940 2,740 2,600 94.9 140 1,200 7,96 , 5,820 5,120 88.0 700 2,140 7,620 2,760 2,500 90.6 260 4,860 3038,460 265.180 230,480 86.9 34,700 38,280 240,040 77,400 70,920 91.6 6,480 162.640 55,460 132,560 54,200 33,100 10,160 4,480 3,040 3,600 6,760 46,680 116,980 47,980 29,780 8,840 3,960 2,769 3,800 4,900 40,820 100,680 42,080 25,760 7,900 3,540 2,500 3,120 .4,080 87.4 86.1 87.7 86.5 89.4 89.4 90.6 94.5 83.3 5,860 16,300 5,900 4,020 940 420 260 180 820 8,780 15,580 6,320 3,326 1,320 520 280 300 1,860 42,400 100,620 47,740 26,900 8,860 4,180 2,820 1,400 5,120 12,840 32,720 15,380 8,600 2,880 1,840 1,240 780 1,120 11,840 30,180 13,940 7,780 2,660 1,660 1,080 720 1,060 92.2 92.2 90.6 90.5 92.4 1,000 2,540 1,440 820 220 180 160 60 60 29,560 67,900 32,360 18,300 5,980 2,340 1,580 620 4,000 .... EDUCATION Table 20.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE,AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Peroent not shown where base is less than 2,000) MALE FDAL In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL CCMPLETED, AND AGE hmployed Seeking Not in hmployed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Peroent on emer- force labor Peroent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work THE SOUTH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ,..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and-8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......" 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. Noschool years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 1,062,820 60.840 920 9,460 12,460 14,080 16,740 4,940 1,620 60 560 R7.920 1,080 10,080 12,220 13,480 11,420 5,780 2,780 320 760 90.580 956,400 44.420 540 8,160 10,900 11,320 9,420 3,300 400 20 360 n an 740 9,020 11,620 12,360 9,860 5,080 960 160 480 8 .120 757,080 28.080 320 5,260 6,880 6,900 5,960 2,160 300 20 280 35 640 560 6,080 8,200 8,780 7,140 3,580 800 160 340 64.560 79.21 199,3201 105,9201 1,285,560 63.21 16.401 16.420 64.5 63.1 61.0 63.3 65.5 70a.9 67.4 70.6 71.0 72.4 70.5 77. 220 2,900 4,020 4,420 3,460 1,140 100 80 la an 180 2,940 3,420 3,580 2,720 1,500 160 140 18. _60 380 1,300 1,560 2,760 7,320 1,640 1,220 40 200 7.640 1,060 600 1,120 1,560 700 1,820 160 280 7.460 80.200 920 6,300 12,080 18,220 25,920 11,880 4,160 120 600 80.840 1,220 9,580 14,800 18,220 19,820 11,860 4,800 1,020 520 12.700 742,780 36.000 8960 3,420 6,600 9,680 9,420 5,520 660 60 280 46.920 560 5,740 8,980 10,560 10,500 6,960 1,520 800 800 76.780 648,060 25.040 260 2,400 5,000 7,000 6,120 3,560 500 20 180 a6.40 460 4,820 7,140 8,620 8,060 5,820 1,100 720 800 65.5280 87.81 94,720 69.61 10.960 70.2 75.8 72.3 65.0 64.5 79.6 84.0 79.5 81.6 76.8 76.4 85._ 100 1,020 1,600 2,680 3,300 1,960 160 40 100 9.380 100 920 1,840 1,940 2,440 1,640 420 80 11 e60 542,780 44.200 560 2,880 5,480 8,540 16,500 6,360 3,500 60 320 34.920 660 3,840 5,820 7,660 8,820 4,900 2,780 220 220 48. 920 2,460 1,900 1,440 - 460 560 1,840 920 780 - 140 920 19,440 18,140 13,780 76.0 4,360 1,800 17,800 10,840 9,100 88.9 1,740 6,960 19,260 17,980 14,000 77.9 3,980 1,280 24,760 15,060 12,920 85.8 2,140 -9,700 " 20,220 18,840 14,780 78.5 4,060 1,380 30,340 18,120 15,640 86.8 2,480 12,220 15,120 13,960 10,560 75.6 3,400 1,160 25,500 15,400 13,120 85.2 2,280 10,100 8,320 7,980 6,580 82.5 1,400 340 15,460 9,580 7,960 83.1 1,620 5,880 3,480 2,520 1,960 77.8 560 960 5,840 8,780 83,240 85.7 540 2,060 1,260 1,060 820 - 240 200 3,000 2,400 2,180 90.8 220 600 1,020 740 640 - 100 280 1,160 680 580 - 100 480 165,760 155,140 126,240 81.4 28,900 10,620 215,860 13388,580 117,260 87.8 16,820 82,280 5,840 4,960 3,700 74,6 1,260 880 4,260 2,220 1,880 84.7 340 2,040 37,520 34,820 27,300 78.4 7,520 2,700 86,980 22,200 19,140 86.2 8,060 \13,780 40,900 38,560 31,840 81.3 7,220 2,840 48,800 30,580 26,600 87.0 8,980 18,220 37,460 35,600 28,960 81.3 6,640 1,860 55,340 34,280 30,060 87.7 4,220 21,060 22,560 21,460 17,460 81.4 4,000 1,100 38,140 22,700 20,040 88.8 2,660 18,440 11,380 10,960 9,740 88.9 1,220 420 19,140 11,640 10,360 89.0 1,280 7,800 4,040 3,580 3,020 84.4 560 460 7,680 5,240 4,860 92.7 380 2,440 3,940 3,660 3,420 93.4 240 280 5,040 3,880 3,500 90.2 380 1,160 2,120 1,540 1,300 - 240 580 1,480 840 820 - 20 640 149,100 140720 117 580 83.6 28,140 8,880 180.960 114280 102.020 89$. 12.260 66.00 6,000 5,380 4,240 78.8 1,140 620 5,180 2,980 2,580 86.6 400 2,200 42,080 39,280 31,520 80.2 7,760 2,800 86,760 22,780 19,860 87.2 2,920 18,980 36,980 35,060 29,320 83.6 5,740 1,920 44,600 28,520 25,320 88.8 3,200 16,080 31,540 30,360 25,900 85.3 4,460 1,180 44,560 27,940 25,200 90.2 2,740 16,620 17,200 16,380 13,800 84.2 2,580 820 25,700 15,520 14,080 90.7 1,440 10,180 7,060 6,860 6,160 89.8 700 200 11,520 7,420 6,540 88.1 880 4,100 3,060 2,780 2,460 88.5 320 280 5,940 4,160 3,820 91.8 340 1,780 2,880 2,800 2,600 92.9 200 80 4,700 8,680 3,480 94.6 200 1,020 2,300 1,820 1,580 - 240 480 2,000 1,280 1,140 - 140 720 264,600 246,82011 208.540 87, 44 280 17.780 1700 194820 74,40 89.7 1990 74 17,640 88,980 66,680 52,040 17,960 8,500 4,400 4,300 4,100 15, 700 82,58C 62,780 48,840 17,060 8,240 4,180 4,180 3,260 Ia .4nII 1a6 , a 15,940 54,580 80,960 23,200 7,520 4,520 2,180 3,140 2,600 128.880 16,140 48,760 26,680 20,560 6,280 3,280 2,080 2,860 2,240 13,260 47,600 27,860 20,600 6,660 4,220 1,980 2,940 1,860 108.920 1252 8,84 70. 360 360480 440 9. 40 8,0 12,520 40,740 23,120 18,200 5,360 2,920 1,860 2,640 1,560 11, 40 65,020 51,500 41,640 14,960 7,500 3,820 4,120 2,640 Q9 1an 9,000 4,720 22,500 16,640 5,360 3,820 1,840 2,840 1,420 84.300 8,840 29,560 18,740 14,780 4,700 2,580 1,640 2,460 1,000 72.2 78.7 82.0 85.3 87.7 91.0 91.4 98.6 81.0 77.3 67.9 72.9 80.8 80.8 80.5 90.5 96.6 77.4 70.6 72.6 81.1 81.2 87.7 88.4 93.2 4,860 17,560 11,280 7,200 2,100 740 860 60 620 28.840 4,260 12,880 5,360 3,960 1,300 400 140 100 440 24.620 8,680 11,180 4,380 3,420 660 840 220 180 560 1,940 6,400 3,900 8,200 900 260 220 120 840 17. 660 2,680 6,980 3,100 2,600 860 300 200 200 740 19,960 3,620 8,020 3,560 2,360 920 360 220 .220 680 15,240 86,660 81,540 70,160 31,800 14,860 8,220 5,400 3,680 19 000 17,080 62,740 45,180 34,540 12,480 7,420 4,920 2,920 2,800 94.860 13,48V 35,060 20,380 13,500 4,860 2,840 1,860 1,020 1,860 7,900 52,860 51,840 42,420 18,560 8,820 5,480 4,260 2,180 6,960 47,240 46,740 38,160 16,260 7,980 -4,880 4,060 2,060 1n02. an 9 sai 8,440 33,680 24,780 18,760 6,500 8,760 2,960 2,080 1,560 39.380 4,840 14,820 8,760 5,540 1,960 1,400 860 620 580 7,460 80,120 22,480 16,960 5,720 3,480 2,680 1,980 1,860 35.100 4,440 13,200 7,720 4,920 1,780 1,220 720 560 540 88.1 89.4 90.2 90.0 87.6 90.5 89.1 95.3 94.5 940 5,620 5,100 4,260 2,800 840 600 200 120 7,840 98,800 29,700 27,740 12,740 6,040 2,740 1,140 1,500 annl i sP80l 87 an 88.4 89.4 90.7 90.4 88.0 92.6 90.5 95.2 89.1 91.7 89.1 88.1 88.8 1 8 8 4 0.. 980 8,560 2,800 1,800 780 280 280 100 200 4.280 400 1,620 1,040 620 180 180 140 60 40 8,640 29,060 20,400 15,780 5,980 3,660 1,960 840 1,240 55.480 8,640 20,240 11,620 7,960 2,900 1,440 1,000 400 1,280 100 - -- - 1 ~ ' VV' -sv 'i-i Yv YV)VW V--- Yl_ -IV t/f - iV ZYV Vv VvVL VV v v f/1v f IfV iV)IV Ir--- 'ts) Y -- T T T -Tr- - T Z T - - - . - - , QJW %W s -I I - Mr l ,... F I A.'s %--" I f a %T . 1 %a-_.11 "u a AAP.. 1 WW %F'W.1 1 owl W I W a I T T I- 7r"- 'TT- 'i _ T irr 1 ,t3V I1 ,,4.DLV I I yG. Gil 1 V , V, 4W 1 ,D .DDV L L . 144,s d4V I 1 140 * yOUII J0 - x - 11 -.6 - 11 , v- - . ,j s0 - I vv 9i 1 , - - vI I, - I 1 EMPLOYMENT STATUS Table 20.--EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE,, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) NALS FM ALZ In labor force In labor f'orce ARBA, YTEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLITD, AND AGE ploye Seeking Not In ployed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor * Percent on emer- orce labor Peroent on emer- force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor gency force work force work E 80SOUT-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years olct.. .......... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. . 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. ' . . 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years.... ... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported............... . . 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years . ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ...... ...... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... 529.08011 45s.180 77.12s( 83.2l 76.0601 75.9001 540.800 35.64011 2.64011 19. 71.fl7 1 . 261 10 0 00 - i0.7l - w ... .. .. ... 1,380 9,880 8,300 7,300 6,260 1,360 540 .620 34, 260 1,880 10,560 7,800 6,420 5,140 1,780 480 60 740 2.10io 8,120 17,060 11,460 10,400 5,660 2,400 720 300 980 A84. 720 6,000 30so,560 20,320 15,160 6,860 2,340 920 740 1,820 72_140 780 8,860 6,680 6,700 2,940 800 140 240 28.140 860 9,140 6,880 5,540 8,800 1,520 100 40 260 44.880 ,300I _ , 2,900 15,2460 10,260 9,160 4,720 2,140 400 300 880 X15.02 4,500 27,220 18,720 18,920 6,120 2,160 820 740 820 6a3.760 520 6,400 4,980 3,640 2,080 480 80 200 22. 4 760 7,440 5,460 4,160 2,660 1,240 80 20 220 86.900' 1,940 12,920 8,400 7, 800 8,660 1,700 340 280 360 3,84( 28,50( 16,12( 11,96( 5,40( 1,94( 740 680 780 k ll "76.6 74.6 63.9 70.7 78.3 - . 81.4 79.4 75.1 70.0 82.2 84.3 86.8 82.0 79..7 77.5 79.4 -. - _C 88. 86.2 86.1 86.9 88.2 89.8 86.4 260 1,960 1,700 2,060 860 320 60 40 6,100 100 1,700 1,420 1,380 1,140 280 20 20 40 7.9080 360 2,320 1,840 1,860 1,060 440 60 20 20 in orn 660 3,720 2,600 1,960 720 220 80 60 40 8.6o 600 1,520 1,620 1,600 3,320 560 400 380 6.120 420 1,420 920 880 1,8460 260 380 20 480 7.2a20 820 2,040I 740 720w 20 820 1,820 1,220 1,240 940 260 320 600 9.70 1,500 3,340 1,600 1,240 740 180 100 1,000 8.980 0RI00lW15 A a WR u vv% rrr 0 -VV 1 r200 64 1,000 6,700 9,000 10,300 9,280 2,980 980 20 460 39.680 92 3609 260 1 920 7,880 9,460 9,360 6,800 3,500 1,240 220 420 58.800 2,040 12,020 14,120 14,800 9,200 8,780 1,740 940 660 97.920 3,880 21,220 21,680 21,260 11,080 4,260 2,520 1,280 1,160 69 760 221A0 II .4011 360 2,960 3,820 3,720 2,400 1,440 80 20 140 15.860 860 3,280 3,700 3,740 2,560 1,540 460 120 100 2.46A 740 4,720 5,660 5,420 8,960 1,860 1,040 860 200 .s 520 1,160 8,860 8,840 7,960 8,860 1,800 1,620 1,080 340 9_Q 9J:Vl 199.520 90.21 21.640 99i.5 5.060 00 8,260 2,960 1,860 940 80 20 80 13.600 260 2,820 3,280 3,220 2,140 1,240 420 120 100 an - in 72C 4,220 5,220 4,880 8,420 1,660 1,000 780 200 as 2Le .' ,w)I - R I ~ r l rrI1 p r i % I. 7 ./ 1 p Itw 1 Awa4V 1,0001 7 1,000 8,140 8,040 7,280 3,620 1,620 1,560 1,060 320 a6no88 80,4 79.6 77.5 -K 86.0 88.6 86.1 82.6 - 'L 89.4 92.2 90.0 86.4 91.9 91.0 91.5 93.8 91 A o6 580 560 760 540 500 60 100 460 420 520 420 300 40 20 500 440 540 S 540 200 40 80 2.880 160 720 800 680 240 180 60 20 20 2 o0 319.640 2 5,7 3,740 5,180 6,580 6,880 1,540 900 3.0 23,820 56o 560 4,600 5,640 5,620 4,840 1,960 780 100 320 1,300 7,800 8,460 8,880 5,240 1,920 700 80 460 52,300 2.2 2,220 12,360 12,840 13,280 7,220 2,460 900 200 820 4an 5,760 4,600 3,920 85.2 680 1,160 3,8410 1,560 1,380 - 180 2,280 27,300 24,440 21,020 86.0 3,420 2,860 19,300 8,420 7,660 91.0 760 10,880 17,760 16,280 14,280 87.7 "2,000 1,480 17,620 6,960 6,300 90.5 660 10,660 11,540 10,400 8,840 85.0 1,560 1,140 15,780 6,380 5,940 93.1 440 9,400 5,060 4,580 4,020 87.8 560 480 6,920 2,520 2,800 91. 220 4,400 1,240 1,100 900 - 200 140 2,380 1,060 1,040 - 20 1,320 800 760 620 - 140 40 1,900 1,340 1,280 - 60 560 780 , 760 740 - 20 20 1,060 900 840 - 60 160 1,900 840 760 - 80 1,060 960 140 140 - - 820 118,620 11 105,440 89.680 85.1 15,760 13,180 119,820 58,420 49,140 92.0 4,280 66,400 .w acu U !A . 1,78. ,3 1 ... . .. .. .,30. 3. 9.7 -n 6 1, DO660 51,400 25,400 16,060 5,040 1,800 860 1,200 3,200 R _ RO0 13,020 37,580 16,600 9,300 2,660 1,020 520 620 1,980 d.48 ,00 10,740 21,780 7,700 4,040 1,240 500 460 500. 1,340 11, 60 46,780 23,040 14,820 4,400 1,680 700 1,180 1,480 71.60n 10,760 32,740 15,100 8,000 2,360 940 420 560 1,080 R8 .40 8,060 17,680 6,080 3,520 1,000 400 420 460 720 9,600 39,380 19,700 12,900 3,560 1,400 660 1,180 1,300 69 1l 8,680 26,720 12,660 6,580 1,880 840 360 560 860 M( o9(1 6,360 13,980 4,96C 3,060 80C0 34C 40C0 460C 56C 84.5 84.2 86.5 87.0 80.9 80.7 81,-6 88.8 82.3 79.7 78.9 79.1 81.6 86.9 1,760 7,400 8,360 1,920 840 280 40 180 19 2n2 2,080 6,020 2,440 1,420 480 100 60 220 7.420 1,700 3,700 1,120 460 200 60 20 160 2,300 4,620 2,360 1,240 640 120 160 20 1,720 ''I "^ 10,700 40,280 31,380 21,160 8,820 2, 600 1,900 940 2,040 + "" 2,260 4,840 1,500 1,300 300 80 100 60 900 9.960 2,680 4,100 1;620 520 240 100 40 40 620 11,440 31,460 16,980 9,320 3,500 1,180 980 500 1,880 46.960 10,120 19,460 8,260 5,100 1,420 640 580 140 1,240 4,320 18,220 13, 620 9,540 3,980 " 1,240 1,400 640 460 32.920 4,940 13,560 6,720 4,060 1,560 600 620 340 520 14.760 3,180 6,320 2,360 1,700 440 240 340 120 160 8,920 16,800 12,420 8,820 3,720 1,120 1,320 600 420 30.0001 4,380 12,440 6,160 3,620 1,480 540 580 320 480 18.280 2,820 5,720 2,020 1,560 420 240 220 120 160 90.7 92.2 91.2 92.5 93.5 91.1 88.7 91.7 91.7 89.2 90.0 88.7 90.5 85.6 400 1,420 1,200 720 260 120 80 40 40 2.920 560 1,120 560 440 80 60 40 20 40 1.480 360 600 340 140 20 20 6,880 22,060 17,760 11,620 4,840 1,360 500 300 1,580 44.320 6,500 17,900 10,260 5,260 1,940 580 6 160 1,360 92.200 6,940 18,140 5,900 3,400 980 400 340 20 1,080 101 - -I- -iI - p ii -- - 2-- -1 F I 2 i -- -m a-- ! - I- - i i --I --.- 1 - 9 -- 1 ----- , -- . - T i I I---- . - s VVf V - w - T L - .-.- -_ !L :l i IL- ,' yy~yyvll iS-yy r Ur-.Ll 04*4 4a 4V 11. i 77 1Gw 1 . .,...,r . 1_ L f .. .1 .L . S v , 1 , ..I . y . EDUCATION Table 20.-EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample. Percent not shown where base is less than 2,000) FMA In labor force In labor force AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL C(LMPIE , AND AGE Employed Seeking Not in Employed Seeking Not in Total Total in work and labor Total Total in work and labor labor Percent on ear-. force labor Peroent n fei. force force Number of labor gency force Number of labor genoc force work force work THE SOUTH-Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .............. 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 22 to 24 yearts old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported .......... .. ... 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. . 35 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... 10n 60 LV -: 44ys - '4::s sa w ii i 118 11 3,4 l A. I ,0II 4,ao 41,540 28,060 17,580 9,160 1,480 400 20 1,040 _ 14n .R_ n 93.8 s.840n .s. .nI na nn II 5 s 5a 19.4_6 87,520 28,820 18,000 4,660 860 120 20 560 80 680 86,000 22,280 11,820 4,000 720 120 20 540 ?1 500 95.9 98.5 90.9 85.8 -iL Q 1o8 1,520 1,540 1,180 660 140 - L_100 7U 4,020 4,60 4,580 4,500 680 280 480 2,D2 86,020 27,660 23,220 17,240 8,800 860 20 1,040 Ra 540 99.3801 27.94011 25.740 1, 0II 1 0I 1,080 7,860 7,980 6,780 8,160 680 800 o.l 180 1,020 1,480 7,800 6,860 2,660 560 200 160 s.180 os oI iI nI iQ1 Uan 92.11 2.2001 71.440 95.2 91.5 93.8 84.2 - , - , 98 1 60 880 680 420 500 120 2.000 16,160 19,680 16,440 14,080 8,120 660 80 840 61.360 5,780 4,940 4,780 96.8 160 840 3,080 920 880 - 40 2,160 37,560 85,300 84,060 96.5 1,240 2,260 84,080 7,840 7,460 95.2 880 16,860 .... 22,040 20,560 19,440 94.6 1,120 1,480 23,760 6,400 6,880 91.9 520 17,860 .... 14,200 12,840 11,840 92.2 1,000 1,860 18,900 5,440 4,980 91.6 460 13,460 .... 6,520 4,500 4,180 92.9 8820 ,020 11,160 2,720 2,860 86.8 860 8,440 1,860 1,520 1,320 - 00 40 ,480 1,160 960 - 00 ,820 340 80 80 -60 1,120 840 800 - 4 780 40 40 40 - - 220 20 oo00 - - 20 ... 1,040 900 840 - 60 140 940 160 160 - - 880 ... 116.960 109,980 105,640 96.1 4.1 6.980 111.820 80.680 28.880 94., 1.800 81,140 8,900 8,060 7,700 95.5 860 840 4,420 1,240 1,240 - - 8,180 .... 51,520 49,380 48,140 97.5 1,240 2,140 84,480 9,380 8,940 95.3 440 ,100 28,160 27,040 25,880 95.7 1,160 1,120 32,660 9,060 8,660 95.6 00 a ,600 17,580 16,460 15,560 94.5 900 1,060 23,260 5,720 5,300 92.7 420 17,540 6,340 5,740 5,220 90.9 520 600 10,790 2,540 2,280 89.8 260 8,160 2,060 1,660 1,540 - 120 400 3,120 1,140 940 - 200 1,980 840 420 880 - 40 420 1,760 940 880 - 60 880 180 100 100 - - * 80 500 420 420 - - 80 1,440 1,120 1,10 - - 8820 920 40 220 - 20 80 _ 153,800 145.700 140.500 .96.4 5.200 8.100 155.460 89.220 87,440 95.5 1.780 116,860 12,960 11,440 11,220 98.1 8220 1,520 7,060 2,000 1,920 96.0 80 5,060 ..... 72,160 69,280 67,340 97.2 1,940 2,880 49,640 13,100 12,540 95.7 560 86,540 88,260 86,760 35,860 96.2 1,400 1,500 46,660 10,660 10,080 94.6 580 36,000 19,700 18,820 17,680 93.9 1,140 880 82,040 7,080 6,820 96.8 260 26,960 5,960 5,520 5,200 94.2 320 440 11,760 2,520 2,380 94.4 140 9,240 1,680 1,500 1,420 - 80 180 8,180 1,120 1,060 - 60 8,060 660 460 400 60 200 2,160 1,400 - 1,320 80 760 360 300 280 - 20 60 920 740 720 - " 20 180 2,060 1,620 1,600 - 20 440 2,040 600 600 - - 1,440 121,940 1168,320 113.040 97.2 8280 5.620 122,980 29,380 28,020 95.4 1,360 98,300 11,920 10,720 10,500 97.9 220 1,200 "7,460 2,020 1,920 95.0 100 5,440 58,720 56,800 55,400 97.5 1,400 1,920 45,080 11,680 11,120 95.2 560 388,400 28,080 27,020 26,040 96.4 980 1,060 35,820 7,740 7,440 96.1 800 28,080 15,080 14,,50 14,100 97.1 420 560 22,200 4,220 3,900 92.4 820 17,980 4,120 8,920 3,680 98.9 240 200 7,160 1,680 1,660 - 20 5,480 700 600 600 - - 100 1,940 520 500 - 20 1,480 640 580 580 - - 60 1,280 760 760 - - 520 560 520 520 - - 40 500 420 420 - - 80 2,180 1,640 1,620 - 20 480 1,540 840 300 - 40 1,200 210,420 202,180 195,920 96.9 6,260 8,240 222,620 54,820 58,040 96.8 1,780 167,800 27,840 28,98 2 _0 97.7 800 1,860 1,4 8,48 , 4... ... .0. . . . 27,840 107,340 45,080 19,520 4,880 960 840 280 3,680 25,980 ,104,220 48,600 18,860 4,620 880 820 260 2,940 25,880 101,220 42,820 17,880 4,400 820 800 260 2,840 97.7 97.1 97.1 94.8 95.2 96.6 ,n A 600 8,000 1,280 980 220 60 20 100 1,860 3,120 1,480 660 260 80 20 20 740 19,640 88,840 64,200 81,640 9,720 2,740 1,900 720 3,220 8a 80 5,420 28,540 14,140 6,680 2,200 840 1,100 500 400 Aa_7a 5,120 22,880 18,700 6,480 2,120 800 1,060 500 380 a4 l 94.6 99.2 96.9 97.0 96.4 9Qn L 17,50 17,2s .~6.....L. ...L.s' 4.z . z . ~ ~ r~ 30,900 92,820 31, 40 13,880 4,120 1,140 640 420 3,380 0 e A .. 28,580 62,020 19,920 8,500 2,640 700 500 240 8,180 28,960 89,380 80,040 18,380 3,880 1,080 620 400 2,880 119 0VA 26,100 58,560 18,780 8,060 2,480 640 480 200 2,620 28,880 87,220 29,820 12,920 9,780 1,060 560 400 2,840 1 Oan 25,620 57,140 18,380 7,920 2,400 620 460 200 2,520 - 98.0 97,6 97.6 96.6 97.4 98.6 98.2 97,6 97,9 98.8 96.8 96.2 580 2,160 780 460 100 280 60 40 0_ 660 480 1,420 400 140 80 20 20 100 1,940 3,440 1,200 500 240 60 20 20 500 8 8nn 2,480 8,460 1,140 440 160 60 20 40 560 22,800 75,900 39,480 18,540 5,740 1,840 820 520 2,940 98.280 18,800 46,100 19,100 8,800 2,580 700 380 240 2,020 6,580 20,680 9,140 8,880 1,380 660 460 320 680 23,260 48 20 , , , ,95.0 4,820 11,580 4,260 1,860 480 200 140 40 880 6,280 20,240 8,760 8,800 1,260 640 440 800 660 22 5240 4,580 11,260 4,200 1,800 460 200 140 40 360 96.4 97.9 95.8 97.9 - 9 95.0 97.2 99.6 - - 800 660 440 200 80 40 40 800 440 880 80 120 20 20 20 0 240O 820 60 60 20 20 14,880 66,300 60,060 26,960 7,620 1,900 800 220 2,820 19 A. 16,220 80,840 14,660 4,60 1,180 860 200 2,260 'i an 18,980 84,680 14,840 6,940 2,100 500 240 oo0 1,640 102 .I II II I I I I II I1 _. _ 100092p ,07,D4Ull 992. J VO OD 1 a D gm i Tasa U1_ 1.VOD OW11 47% , uvL1 rv fr rrs Moro v)\rrl i .p Cr T T Tr .1 126.2t 28 17 2II ,, I V .I 42 bV 1 D QW - - - - - - - - - - - - -IT __ I __ I 1 .... Oil ZroaOW I ao~s 1 ' 1 I a I I A ... I ...... n '^^ ^" n ^'n "^ ... ... .. . 291.22~ MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 103 Table 21.'--MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent ample) Professional arme Proprietor, leral, Craftn, perativesarm Laborers, AREA, YEARS O SCHOOL Total and semi- and mansgers, sales, for an, and Servioe laboreri except Ocpation COPITED, AND AE professional fa off s, indred d kindred workers and farm and reported workers managers . fial, kindred kindred workers foremen ine reported fern workers wr orkers UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4,years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .......... .. .... 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. . . 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported ............ ...... 35 to 44 years old ..*.......... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported ..... ........ 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 8al6l a80 e2n.1.asl 0 .e anl 2 .a a4l .5n2.n2 1 377I 1R al n l 2n R@ S. 953,820 10,820 33 88,100 8. . ,580 .8820 50,720 207,60 85,600 275,780 104,540 19,100 .. 4,960 - 880 20 120 200 800 100 3,820 540 80 S 7,660 60 2,560 - 480 560 8,800 � 1,040 24,120 4,540 500 61,900 60 4,460 180 1,480 1,740 10,660 3,040 31,780 7,620 880 S.. 86,100 700 11,180 1,080 11,520 9,820 44,980 16,680 108,040 28,620 3,480 264, 620 2,060 7,280 2,220 41,720 17,060 69,140 33,200 54,400 31,600 5,940 . . 316,800 6,200 6,860 4,460 91,140 19,660 78,300 27,780 50,580 29,360 6,960 S. 26,840 1,580 360 620- 10,840 1;340" 4,100 2,760 2,220 1,540 980 920 100 - - 840 100 200 40 . 20 40 20 5,020 60 120 - 680 240 780 960 1,240 680 2eO . 1,298,780 830.540 68,560 258,40 226,880 109,060 322,600 99,480 246,620 146,640 18,060 5,900 60 580 40 280 240 740 820 2,840 700 100 S 86,800 140 4,500 140 640 1,340 4,780 1,020 18,200 5,200 340 66,460 180 7,400 8380 1,500 8,160 14,160 3,740 25,740 9,440 760 281,080 1,080 22,440 2,460 14,260 19,800 68,200 18,820 93,040 37,980 3,000 330,840 3,500 18,480 4,880 42,660 34,020 105,580 33,120 45,880 43,120 4,600 � 470,000 12,780 17,480 12,400 128,040 44,320 114,300 34,620 54,920 44,100 7,040 85,800 9,020 1,920 4,460 34,300 5,560 12,860 6,300 4,720 4,840 1,820 11,060 3,640 100 980 4,040 240 820 480 120 880 260 6,840 140 660 100 660 880 1,160 1,060 1,160 880 140 2.2384, 020 104.600 159.940 81.580 390,840 244,820 582.480 137,640 265,240 243,700 23,680 9,260 140 1,240 120 420 500 1,220 260 3,620 1,560 180 55, 620 120 11,280 460 960 2,500 84860 1,920 21,180 7,880 460 101,720 280 17,440 880 2,840 7,040 24,060 4,580 27,600 15,940 1,060 495,480 2,220 56,420 6,680 26,380 48,300 140,600 29,520 108,800 72,320 4,240 539,400 7,420 32,500 14,080 66,100 71,400 183,340 42,720 47,620 69,080 5,140 745,860 25,400 34,600 35,640 192,640 95,180 192,220 46,260 48,980 66,660 8,280 168,820 21,400 4,460 14,080 65,420 14,880 24,620 8,980 - 5,220 7,660 2,100 107,840 47,280 920 9,400 34,620 8,420 5,200 2,120 680 1,640 2,060 10,520 340 1,080 240 1,460 1,100 2,360 1,280 1,540 960 160 3.891840 275.780 374,880 258,460 642,460 500,900 � 985 560 187,240 286,540 345,960 34,560 18,100 800 3,040 380 660 1,160 3,800 800 5,800 2,460 200 .. 99,720 26Q 24,840 1,420 2,060 5,980 22,200 2,740 25,740 13,780 700 , e203,88 720 41,360 3,440 5,500 18,380 61,160 7,320 34,300 30,000 1,700 1,033,420 7,460 149,360 29,020 68,840 135,480 328,800 50,280 125,940 130,120 8,120 . 897,780 15,660 71,360 48,760 123,400 152,520 286,260 54,160 47,200 90,780 7,680 1,003,580 39,500 68,160 95,960 255,940 145,460 231,760 52,940 38,400 66,020 9,440 304,540 48,620 11,860 43,080 107,820 30,01)0 37,200 13,280 6,100 8,400 3,100 �.. 310,980 - 167,140 2,700 35,280 75,720 9,520 10,080 4,140 1,300 2,080 8,020 19,840 1,120 1,700 1,120 2,520 2,320 4,800 1,580 1,760 2,320 600 S3.608.920 294.060 408, 240 349,980 .5 , 149 564,740 811.620 16. 260 172,760 254,660 28,460 " 20,500 400 4,100 620 720 1,480 4,040 740 5,360 2,780 260 "". 115,340 440 31,640 2,440 2,360 10,040 30,000 3,440 19,320 15,000 660 "". 224,580 1,160 46,880 6,960 6,820 81,120 67,680 8,820 28,760 20,320 1,560 " 1,118,820 10,900 178,120 54,800 77,000 201,080 331,580 57,780 79,200 115,160 8,200 " 807,000 17,500 75,200 71,200 124,600 169,000 216,280 47,900 25,320 58,460 6,540 704,120 37,480 51,840 106,220 191,000 111,720 122,420 33,760 14,460 29,400 5,820 ". 274,400 42,920 14,480 55,660 86,520 27,040 27,160 9,780 2,980 5,480 2,380 327,660 182,320 4,100 50,180 66,180 9,560 7,700 2,740 900 1,400 2,580 22,000 940 2,880 2,400 2,940 3,700 4,760 1,300 1,460 1,660 460 6,021,800 425.820 886.320 777,200 880,840 1.066.700 1,085,000 300,780 2d,320 346,700 50,620 "" 49,660 400 14,980 2,360 1,500 4,080 8,680 1,640 8,400 7,240 380 "" � 268,600 1,120 82,540 9,780 5,940 33,340 62,280 10,120 29,540 32,040 1,900 �" 500,700 2,680 119,040 4,560 20,120 90,880 182,200 24,260 32,160 51,640 3,160 ... 2,304,680 25,340 435,680 186,340 206,560 488,860 534,560 140,320 94,680 173,780 18,560 " 1,144,740 30,180 1338,480 159,600 208,760 255,220 209,960 70,420 21,760 50,600 9,760 851,320 51,160 57,840 189,780 245,040 - 136,240 96,100 37,240 9,900 20,540 7,4180 396,800 58,820 25,780 108,440 116,600 38,580 25,060 10,840 2,620 5,860 4,200 458,560 258,780 9,460 90,100 75,820 - 12,220 7,560 3,300 960 1,300 4,060 46,740 2,340 7,520 6,240 5,000 7,280 8,600 2,640 2,300 3,700 1,120 . 4.578.480 285.140 941.920 670.40 602.900 840.640 596,340 28,040 132.820 281,580 38,620 59,28C 327,82( 500,58C 1,908,52 661,84( 520,180 266,82 289,80C 43,64 ^n "^e 51,640 268,14C 865,280 1,157,92C 299,44 262,24 132,68C 153,24 29,14C 800 1,180 2,980 24,940 19,500 3388,480 42,720 158,580 1,660 ^ ^^ AC 180 1,340 2,280 16,100 9,180 18,200 21,840 88,540 760 21,688 124,960 148,880 451,820 106,880 89,760 28,220 9,880 9,840 "^^ ^6A 22,720 120,120 134,100 336,640 63,180 26,960 20,540 6,420 8,540 2,640 17,180 33,060 210,840 119,080 142,640 75,260 68,200 6,580 ^^^ CA 2,880 15,700 29,180 198,940 58;820 74,020 5,500 80,260 4,500 1,680 8,820 21,780 186,260 128,340 148,140 69,900 88,500 4,980 ,^A ^^I 1,160 7,160 16,820 108,160 51,220 69,800 80,980 18,160 2,940 6,420 48,200, 100,620 424,680 140,800 80,020 24,200 9,080 6,620 " ^ V~ 4,540 33,260 61,100 228,780 54,980 37,800 11,910 4,120 4,220 8,540 55,780 94,080 $01,320 77,880 37,280 12,040 3,560 5,860 " ' ^0", 5,400 31,440 46,120 130,060 25,560 14,100 4,380 1,600 2,700 2,320 14,920 29,240 123,480 86,420 20,200 6,760 2,340 2,360 '"^ ^ ^ 8,00( 24,34( 23,86( 58,02( 10,16( 4,64( 1,94( 68( 1,68( ^^ "" n 2,680 6,62( 16,220 19,748 24,800 19,32( 84,380 41,740 17,260 5,708 11,740 2,34( 3,520 98( 1,380 500 1,360 1,828 7,320 80,640 43,140 112,220 21,620 9,520 3,060 1,040 3,020 5,040 21,380 28,360 67,920 10,480 4,620 1,720 820 1,660 38 2,300 3,640 14,940 6,160 4,500 2,720 2,940 1,040 *^ "^^ 420 1,780 3,200 10,200 3,060 2,660 1,280 1,440 640 I 271,7211 158491 739,220SV1 389_.8001 305,4001 433,7401 261.3601 163,340 99I ,760 142,000 24,680,DL - I-RS AB 1.a97a.39 25 80s as i 104 EDUCATION Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP_OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 16 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN, PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftn, Operaties Laborr,, 0oupation AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL botal and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers excepttion COPLETBD, AND ACE and and and not professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and far and rported workers managers exe. farm workers workers URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 14,111.340 1.189.220 44,540 1,784,500 3082,920 2,624,240 1 3,181,960 1,001280 72,000 992,800 138,880 18 and 19 years old......... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old." ....... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years.... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 30 to 34 years old......... No school years completed . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more Not reported .............. 45 to 54 years old......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............. 55 to 64 years old......... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 437.940 8.0601 3001 5.3201 127.5601 34.340[ 137.0801 51,0001. . 7.800 56,12o 10,360 ..... 800 - - - 100 140 140 100 180 140 ..... 4,40 60 - - 280 240 1,280 500 780 1, 220 40 ..... 11,600 20 40 100 1,080 840 4,360 1,360 840 2,700 260 ..... 66,720 460 40 620 8,940 6,300 25,220 8,40 ,420 13,100 1,280 145,680 1,680 80 1,400 35,080 11,840 49,660 20,140 2,100 20,180 3,520 ... 187,200 4,720 120 2,760 72,420 13,740 52,520 17,740 1,300 17,460 4,420 ..... 18,300 1,020 - 440 8,780 980 3,260 1,940 180 1,060 640 . 68C 60 - - 320 80 140 40 - 20 20 2,560 40 20 - 560 . 180 500 840 - 240 180 ... 669,720 22,000 800 17,420 182,840 76,1760 211,520 60,740 7,160 80,780 9,700 1,360 40 20 20 160 120 480 300 120 100 - ..... 4,72 100 - 40 400 760 1,280 540 360 1,180 60 . 15,880 120 60 180 920 1,740 . 6,140 1,940 540 3,540 200 ..... 97,000 800 ,100 1,240 11,280 12,780 38,980 10,360 2,320 17,940 1,200 194,00 2,840 180 8,500 35,780 24,860 94,86.0 20,060 1,780 27,580 2,560 ..... 286,10 9,860 320 8,540 101,800 31,760 78,680 22,600 1,700 26,580 4,260 ..... 59,5C 5,620 100 3,000 28,440 4,280 9,680 3,860 280 3,200 1,060 ..... 8,62 2,540 20 820 3,600 180 720 260 20 220 240 3,02 s80 - 80 460 280 700 820 40 440 120 .... 1,274,820 75,480 1.260 57,460 32 520 173,300 887,880 91,900 9,380 140,400 14,240 ... 2,44 100 - 80 360 300 660 160 140 560 80 .. .9,60 80 - 220 780 ' 1,200 2,840 1,360 680 2,320 120 ... 28,320 160 40 400 1,900 8,820 11,180 2,900 940 6,600 380 . . 205,960 1,660 200 4,120 21,080 31,680 84,760 19,020 2,860 38,620 1,960 332,280 5,980 280 9,460 55,280 52,420 129,540 28,980 2,480 44,420 3,440 485,320 20,340 . 460 25,120 157, 200 69,060 134,360 31,200 1,780 40,580 5,220 123,100 13,800 220 10,860 54,960 11,400 18,700 5,960 320 5,500 1,380 . . 81,880 33,140 60 7,000 30,700 2,620 4,200 1,300 60 1,220 1,580 . . 5,920 220 - 200 1,260 800 1,640 1,020 120 580 80 ..... 2,291.6601 205,500 3.200 183,880 538,040 352.400 644.840 137,360 11.580 194,980 19,880 ..... 5,040 220 - 280 500 700 1,440 580 380 860 80 .. . 21,860 240 60 760 1,460 3,120 8,480 2,300 840 4,500 100 .... 67,720 480 120 1,940 4,140 10,840 30,460 4,900. 1,040 13,180 620 .. 495,140 5,640 600 17,980 56,800 91,020 207,260 36,140 4,360 71,540 3,800 . . 564,560 12,660 800 34,820 108,960 111,060 197,740 _40,480 2,440 56,040 4,560 . 664,100 31,540 840 67,540 211,760 104,320 161,620 38,360 1,900 40,320 5,900 .... 218,480 28,700 540 31,620 90,200 22,220 26,820 10,140 360 5,860 2,020 243,620 125,260 240 28,180 67,200 ,7,640 7,880 3,160 200 1,460 2,400 11,140 760 - 760 2,020 1,480 3,140 1,300 60 1,220 400 2.126.0001 220.260 4.000 245.080 461,420 383,660 523,460 126,700 8,260 136,360 16,800 ..... 5,960 280 20 400 620 920 1,760 520 380 960 100 30,120 220 140 1,320 1,660 5,480 12,640 2,400 760 5,220 280 86,320 880 220 3,880 4,740 18,040 36,300 6,860 980 14,832q 600 563,620 8,700 820 32,640 62,040 132,720 212,640 43,860 3,260 62,820 4,120 503,700 14,280 840 48,800 103,200 116,960 147,400 836,400 1,460 8 30,620 3,740 479,360 29,940 820 75,900 158,580 80,566 84,760 26,260 840 17,580 4,120 193,300 29,060 700 40,940 71,260 19,380 19,480 7,700 320 2,940 1,520 251,080 136,280 380 39,400 56,880 7,100 5,680 2,180 140 1,060 1,980 12,540 620 60 1,800 2,440 2,500 2,800 1,020 120 840 840 3.479.300 321.560 10.040 546.080 718.520 720,600 705,000 230,640 11,760 183,180 31,920 14,640 240 40 1,460 1,260 2,300 4,300 1,160 540 3,200 140 79,800 800 300 5,160 4,420 18,580 28,440 7,280 1,360 12,800 660 212,720 1,840 620 14,060 15,040 57,320 76,580 18,520 1,360 25,660 1,780 1,210,100 19,620 2,820 120,120 167,800 328,140 353,620 107,680 5,260 94,320 11,220 707,160 23,340 2,100 107,440 165,280 174,240 144,040 54,320 1,760 28,380 6,260 604,540 40,700 1,720 142,260 202,840 99,000 69,780 29,160 1,000 12,780 5,800 278,080 41,680 1,420 81,240 95,000 26,780 17,460 %8,140 180 3,360 2,820 348,000 191,800 .900 70,160 63,680 9,420 5,480 2,500 180 800 8,080 . 24,26C 1,540 120 4,180 8,700 4,820 5,300 1,880 120 1,880 720 2,502.920 218.460 12.640 469,940 487,160 582,240 395,920 180,600 9,080 124,460 22,420 17,220 220 140 1,660 1,440 4,120 4,120 1,660 420 3,300 140 100,240 700 580 9,140 6,320 28,000 28,800 10,340 1,440 14,100 820 212,66C 1,940 1,040 20,560 16,740 65,320 58,840 22,100 1,240 22,960 1,920 984,160 18,640 4,500 138,520 149,160 297,080 207,700 94,380 3,920 62,200 8,060 394,16C 14,860 2,280 81,320 97,800 98,600 54,240 27,680 980 " 12,500 3,900 376,000 26,920 1,800 109,800 123,420 60,960 27,920 15,720 640 5,680 8,140 175,82 30,080 1,100 55,060 55,980 16,920 8,160 5,040 220 1,520 1,740 221,24( 124,060 1,080 49,680 32,480 6,880 2,480 1,900 60 560 2,060 21,42C 1,040 120 4,200 3,820 4,360 3,660 1,780 160 1,640 640 1,328,98C 117,900 12.300 259.320 243,860 300.940 176,260 122,340 6,980 76,020 18,060 12,320 120 140 1,540 920 2,740 2,460 1,760 400 8,140 100 75,32 720 980 .8,040 5,140 19,640 17,780 11,340 740 10,80 620 138,82C 1,560 1,440 16,380 12,740 40,640 29,760 18,520 1,400 15,000 1,380 546,00 11,340 4,840 87,220 85,000 156,400 91,140 64,300 3,480 37,240 5,040 165,74 6,840 1,520 38,900 40,700 38,480 18,480 12,580 400 6,160 1,680 183,7 14,200 1,720 55,720 -8,440 29,100 10,640 9,120 260 2,600 1,900 81, 60C 15,340 1,020 25,480 23,800 8,120 3,140 2,480 140 1,200 880 113,22 67,340 460 23,340 15,080 3,120 1,020 1,200 . 40 500 1,120 12,26c 440 180 2,700 2,040 2,700 1,840 1,040 120 860 340 I MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 105 Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR TBE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Crftmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, Occupation AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL and seai- and :managers, sales, foremen and Service laborers except not T"ta1 and and and kifrandkreported COMPLETED, AND A professional farm officialsa, kindred kindred workers foa n farm an reported workers managers exo. farm workers workers URBAN-Continued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 yeard old ....... 5,365,920 459,840 3,940 602.420 1.869.800 967.320 1.146,940 444.040 5j840 318,120 48,160 18 and 19 years old ................ 168,040 8,600 0 o 1,840 59440 13.740 50,420 17,220 800 17,660 3300 No school years completed......... 120 - - - 20 20 20 20 - 40 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 980 20 , - - 100 100 260 140 20 340 - 5 and 6 years ........ 3,020 20 - 20 320 280 1,180 420 80 660 40 7 and:8 years ........ 25,060 20 - 140 4,880 2,440 9,080 3,160 280 4,800 460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 59,640 780 - 600 17,020 5,140 208,300 7,040 260 7,320 1,180 4 years ............. 70,560 2,020 20 940 32,500 5,220 18,160 5,600 100 4,660 1,340 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,480 400 - 140 4,080 420 1,160 660 60 320 240 4 years or more...... 380 40 - - 200 40 80 - - - 20 Not reported................oo800 - - - 820 80so180 180 - 20 20 20 and 21 years old .............. 270,700 9,180 20 6.62 8.360 2.900 77.480 26.100 620 26,680 3,740 No school years completed ......... 580 40 - 20 80 60 200 140 20 20 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,300 60 - 20 200 280 220 240 - 260 20 5 and 6 years........ 4,620 60 - 60 300 640 1,620 820 40 1,020 60 7 and 8 years........ 40,860 320 - 640 6,420 5,640 15,480 4,960 200 6,740 460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 88,220 1,260 - 1,460 18,880 11,440 30,160 9,120 200 9,740 960 4 years ............. 111,200 4,160 20 8,000 46,080 13,020 25,980 9,880 120 7,740 1,700 College: 1 to 3 years .......2. 38,980 2,140 - 940 13,120 1,720 3,380 1,160 40 1,040 380 4 years or more ..... 4,160 1,120 - 400 2,120 40 180 120 - 40 140 Not reported ..................... 840 20 - 80 160 60 260 160 - 80 20 22 to 24 years old ............... 509,160 31,060 100 21.120 150,320 70.780 139,080 42,680 820 48,100 5100 No school years completed ......... 840 20 - 40 140 160 200 60 - 160 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,600 20 - 140 300 340 680 560 - 500 60 5 and 6 years ....... 8,580 40 - 140 740 1,440 2,820 1,280 40 2,000 80 7 and 8 years. ....... 87,260 840 20 1,440 12,880 13,600 32,900 10,140 280 14, 740 920 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 142,320 3,020 20 4,040 29,460 22,880 50,700 14,000 320 16,720 1,160 4 years ............. 180,760 8,300 40 8,440 . 66,960 26,460 43,660 13,120 180 11,820 1,780 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 49,800 5,460 20 8,760 24,960 4,720 6,280 2,520 - 1,620 460 4 years or more ...... 34,980 13,260 - 8,080 14,740 840 1,440 680 - 360 580 Not reported .... ................. 2,020 100 - 40 640 340 400 320 - 180 - 25 to 29 years old ............... 908.800 87.220 400 67.900 247,40 138.1601 230960 66,000 780 62,960 7,080 No school years completed ......... 1,720 60 - 100 260 240 480 320 - , 240 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,820 120 - 280 580 1,160 2,840 1,180 20 1,060 80 5 and 6 years ........ 21,160 240 - 740 1,540 3,580 8,780 2,420 80 3,680 100 7 and 8 years........ 209,100 2,860 80 7,980 81,260 38,980 80,100 19,640 380 26,240 1,580 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 230,920 6,560 60 13,580 52,180 44,540 73,960 19,620 220 18,520 1,740 4 years ............. 844,060 13,140 160 238820 89,000 38,560 51,380 16,120 60 10,540 1,780 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 85, 160 10,980 60 10,680 39,220 7,740 9,600 4,360 20 1,800 700 4 years or more...... 105,740 53,000 40 10,960 32,420 2,720 3,340 1,740 - 500 1,020 Not reported ..................... 4,120 260 - 260 940 640 980 600 - 380 60 30 to 34 years old ............... 825.340 88.240 480 87.120 06.600 143.840 188.740 59.860 660 43 900 5,900 No school years completed ......... 2,280 120 - 140 360 860 600 340 20 300 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 9,700 120 - 460 840 2,120 3,200 1,220 60 1,540 140 5 and 6 years........ 29,120 800 100 1,320 2,240 6,340 11,380 2,760 20 4,440 220 7 and 8 years........ 237,540 4,280 20 14,8320 83,440 55,040 83,980 22,360 300 22,360 1,440 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 194,620 6,660 180 17,680 49,040 42,540 51,700 16,100 180" 9,120 1,420 4 years ............. 178,980 .12,840 80 25,820 65,880 27,680 28,580 11,740 40 4,980 1,340 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 70,880 11,280 60 13,100 28,540 6,440 6,540 3,700 - 640 580 4 years or more ..... 97,620 52,320 40 13,760 25,180 2,400 1,840 1,100 20 320 640 Not reported .................... . 4,600 320 - 520 1,080 920 920 540 20 200 80 35 to 44 years old .............. 1,823,900 120,960 960 188.140 313.100 262.560 259,880 107,120 780 58,980 11,420 No school years completed ........ 5,880 80 - 700 740 760 1,600 580 - 840 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ....... 25,580 340 - 1,680 2,160 6,040 7,880 3,240 20 4,000 220 5 and 6 years........ 75,160 820 80 5,220 6,620 20,320 25,860 8,000 40 7,740 460 7 and 8 years ........ 503,160 9,780 320 46,280 85,380 128,560 141,840 52,700 420 33,120 4, 760 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 256,940 10,040 200 36,360 71,060 58,200 47,980 23,280 120 7,740 1,960 4 years ............ 225,240 16,800 160 ' 47,400 82,060 35,100 "24,840 13,200 140 3,760 1,780 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 98,360 15,540 60 25,260 36,740 8,580 6,340 3,920 - 980 940 4 years or more ..... 126,400 67,060 140 24,000 27,260 3,480 1,920 1, 340 20 260 920 Not reported .............. . .... =%7,680 500 - 1,240 1,080 1,580 1, 620 860 20 540 300 45 to 54 years old............... . 908,980 ??t77700 1.040 151.080 205.180 206,560 . 141.020 78,580 880 39,360 7,580 No school years completed ......... 6,360 120 40 640 740 1,680 1, 220 860 60 940 60 Grade school: 1 to4 years ......... 82,780 300 140 2,860 8,160 9,000 8,960 4,100 100 3,820 340 5 and 6 years........ 75,120 680 40 6,740 ?,500 22,180 20,920 9,000 140 7,180 740 7 and 8 years....... 889,860 8,280 440 48,840 71,600 118,180 79,200 43,740 340 21,360 2,880 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 181,320 5,680 160 28,880 88,640 30,960 16,860 10,640 140 3,200 1,160 4 years ............. 132,100 10,500 80 84,020 47,980 20,300 9,580 6,600 80 1,940 1,020 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 57,840 9,760 60 16,320 21,020 5,420 2,360 2,100 20 320 460 4 years or more ...... 77,220 42,220 80 16,600 13,120 2,640 840 840 - 160 720 Not reported ............. ....... . 6,380 160 - 1,180 1,420 1,200 1,080 700 - 440 200 55 to 64 years old............... 451.000 41.880 920 78.600 99,960 98.780 59,360 46,480 500 20,480 4,040 No school years completed ........ 4,100 40 500 480 1,100 '800 660 20 480 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 23,480 260 100 2,200 2,520 6,060 5,300 4,060 60 2,800 120 5 and 6 years....... 46,540 780 220 4,860 5,720 13,680 9,840 6,620 140 4,240 440 7 and 8 years....... 195,640 5,280 360 27,240 37,940 54,500 32,560 26,020 220 9,840 1,680 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 50,040 2,700 60 10,700 15,060 10,060 5,500 3,960 20 1,600 380 4 years ............. 62,780 5,320 80 17,700 22,340 9,160 3,420 3,400 40 760 560 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 25,280 5,040 60 6,980 8,380 2, 380 980 800 - 440 220 4 years or more ..... 39,880 22,00 40 7,80 6,740 1,260 460 640 0140 40 Not reported .................... ,260 160 - 600 780 580 500 320 - 180 140 -r "I II1111'1 _ 111 EDUCATION Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftaen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL tal and emi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Seriup laborers except atio Total and and and not COMPLETED, AND ACE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and URBAN-Cont inued Places of 25,000 to 250,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old...,........ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .. ..... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... . Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 4,44,uwj 364, ,0 1 84320( 5608240 _ v 6e 3 O,3eV 6 1, 9I 304,eO20 IV 36,350 43,0V0 141_ nn 160 1,140 3,800 20,500 47,440 61,120 5,620 160 1,120 sn 1 4 400 1,120 4,300 28,020 60,940 88,840 18,040 2,220 1,260 397.060 ar nn 20 60 500 1,580 340 -678 20 40 260 1,000 2,980 1,880 580 20 23.060 40 20 220 40 80 80 20 340 1.680I 89.8201 12.160 40 320 380 820 120 40 280 980 2,520 1,100 260 16.940 60 80 420 2,200 10,460 21,500 2,620 40 140 K9 SAn 60 120 320 2,760 10,080 30,040 8,240 800 140 97.740 20 80 400 2,020 4,100 5,180 300 20 40 24,220 20 160 420 4,380 7,820 9,960 1,240 120 100 56.840 44.660 40 380 1,520 8,560 15,420 17,460 1,020 40 220 67,640 160 420 1,800 11,780 24,360 25,600 2,980 260 280 125.380 20.s96 40 200 520 2,880 8,300 7,140 700 40 540 19,840 120 100 520 3,060 6,680 7,420 1,380 60 500 28.140 1.3201 17.460 80 140 320 460 300 20 1,540 120 80 420 340 460 120 1,780 280 680 8,840 6,620 5,600 840 20 80 24,680 40 160 1,040 4,840 8,840 8,660 840 80 180 42,500 8.340 80 80 300 1,160 1,580 160 100 2,480 20 40 200 760 1,120 240 60 40 4,840 S. 760 40 - - 180 40 280 60 20 140 - S. 2,680 60 - 20 320 400 800 380 100 580 20 S.. 8,100 40 20 140 580 1,020 3,060 900 160 2,060 120 S. 59,480 340 40 1,320 5,260 9,900 25,580 5,100 520 10,900 520 . 102,240 1,740 60 2,500 15,380 17,220 41,300 8,660 520 13,780 1,080 . 158,460 6,820 140 7,600 49,520 28,560 46,120 10,240 360 12,480 1,620 . . 38,160 4,120 60 3,480 16,220 3,580 6,380 1,960 60 1,940 360 25,280 9,860 20 1,780 9,880 920 1,420 400 20 420 560 . . 1,900 40 - 100 400 200 440 440 20 200 60 S.. 713.460 59,120 540 56.580 164,460 114,940 '208.060 39,420 2,400 61,440 6,500 S.. 1,240 80 - 80 120 220 480 80 20 120 40 S.. 5,840 40 - 260 380 780 2,360 520 160 1,320 20 S.. 21,120 -40 20 580 1,580 3,580 9,420 1,320 240 4,060 280 . . 144,780 1,520 120 4,720 14,820 27,680 63,140 9,520 780 21,420 1,060 .. 182,840 3,740 220 10,900 31,300 36,960 67,620 11,640 480 18,580 1,400 215,920 10,460 140 21,380 67,380 35,060 53,440 12,140 500 13,260 2,160 67,200 8,460 20 9,600 27,700 7,520 8,040 '3,120 140 1,920 680 �.. 70,860 34,540 20 8,820 20,520 2,740 2,320 620 60 520 700 3,660 240 - 240 660 400 1,240 460 20 240 160 655.260 64.800 800 74,480 142,800 123,720 163,140 36,400 1,400 42,480 5,240 1,440 60 - 140 100 220 480 60 60 320 - 8,540 60 20 380 460 1,480 8,820 600 180 "1,500 40 27,360 400 60 1,220 1,380 5,820 11,440 2,140 80 4,660 160 �.. 163,460 2,420 240 8,580 16,780 40,160 62,200 12,180 700 18,900 1,300 �.. 159,060 3,940 160 15,380 30,640 39,320 .47,760 10,720 160 9,740 1,240 154,040 9,260 160 23,000 51,480 27,160 28,000 7,780 140 5,800 1,260 .. 60,660 8,720 80 12,320 22,820 6,600 6,640 2,060 40 900 480 .. 76,960 39,820 60 12,900 18,320 2,180 2,060 560 20 420 620 3,740 120 20 560 820 780 740 300 20 240 140 1.091.900 99.280 2,020 168.980 80 236,420 224,460 66,8340 2,180 55,460 9,780 3,360 60 40 200 320 760 980 240 60 680 20 24,320 200 80 1,300 1,260 6,080 9,080 2,000 240 3,860 220 69,600 480 80 4,480 4,960 19,200 25,300 5,760 280 8,420 640 359,320 5,180 540 34,840 46,120 103,280 108,220 29,500 1,020 27,540 3,080 230,400 7,820 380 32,420 53,020 60,280 48,580 16,520 300 9,040 2,040 198,800 12,900 300 46,100 68,100 33,320 23,220 8,980 180 3,980 1,720 88,340 12,680 400 25,100 31,620 8,940 5,540 2,180 40 980 860 109,740 59,460 160 23,260 20,300 2,740 1,800 640 40 300 1,040 �. 8,020 500 40 1,280 1,280 1,820 1,740 520 20 660 160 804.280 72,020 2.140 153,440 154,700 193,520 126,840 54,400 1,960 38,400 6,860 4,920 60 20 400 360 1,380 1,180 420 60 1,020 20 �.. 30,640 200 40 3,060 1,680 9,120 8,780 3,120 200 4,260 180 �.. 69,980 680 180 6,560 5,420 22,580 18,880 7,620 240 7,320 500 300,940 5,400 740 42,940 42,760 95,260 64,620 27,040 980 18,680 2,520 131,000 4,960 440 27,060 31,940 34,380 17,840 8,740 160 4,100 1,380 129,380 8,700 420 38,200 42,260 21,520 10,600 4,820 200 1,820 840 56,460 10,140 120 16,900 18,460 5,560 2,700 1,460 60 440 620 73,340 41,420 140 16,700 10,740 1,980 920 640 60 160 580 �". 7,620 460 40 1,620 1,080 1,740 1,320 540 - 600 220 433,880 36,780 2.200 82,960 79p620 103,540 59,260 39,720 1,360 23940 4,500 3,720 24,380 45,760 170,980 56,920 65,260 26,500 36,340 4,020 40 240 420 3,040 2,000 4,800 4,820 21,320 100 20 120 280 760 260 480 140 120 20 580 2,180 5,220 26,500 12,500 18,980 8,140 8,000 860 180 1,500 3,780 25,860 14,080 20,620 8,120 4,880 600 880 6,940 18,980 51,000 14,700 11,120 2,820 980 1,120 660 6,100 9,740 30,500 6,340 3,960 1,040 340 580 520 3,920 6,700 19,340 4,460 3,340 780 300 360 740 3,080 4,840 11,640 1,760 1,080 400 180 220 40 240 460 1,660 720 820 220 220 120 106 1'i- fV V" r+yvv; v ; 1.V V Ni tivi ti. v i Iv v w vv + v v :vv v v- - II - - - ,I ,p , ,i , I GV ,lkn ,v" I OU , .&.LOVL , .D0VI "i Qcw CfJ **^ " AI ARC " * ^ ' * Odnl "^A Ron 1Q' ni l ar"r "^ A A" A MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 107 Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, ROB THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional arers Proprietors, Clerical, Craften Operatives Farm Laborers, anaers, sales, on, Seric laborers acapt AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and angers, sales, foremen and Service laborer except Occupation CO TE AND AG professional fa offials, kindred kind kindred workers and farm and renorted workers managers exc. fam workers workers workers foremen mine �xe fP ,rrkr .okr URBAN-Continued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported . . ............... 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed . .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High schooP. 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more�... Not reported ........ ...... . 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years . ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more,,. Not reported .............. .. . 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... '7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years.... *High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... .. 748370 0--47---8 8000 8 420 51680 21 000 3720 520 2,280 4,780 21,160 88,600 55,520 5,200 140 640 199. F80 380 2,300 6,460 *28,120 49,840 86,060 17,560 2,240 920 68. 600 20 80 400 1,120 280 20 40 20 20 220 580 2,720 1,600 840 40 21 8n60 40 40 40 80 20 20 60 60 100 220 80 20 820A 40 160 420 1,000 180 - .62 20 80 320 1,060 3,020 960 160 19 400 20 100 340 1,860 7,600 18 420 2,080 80 100 42 Q2 20 80 300 2,100 6,820 25,680 7,080 680 160 95460A 100 60 160 1,840 2,600 3,840 260 20 60 19 .64 40 320 680 2,760 5,600 8,780 1,320 20 120 45. 80 80 64C 1,660 7,580 13,940 16,900 1,080 20 100 6 6400 2 I I * I 0V VVV 40 , 120 640 2,720 11,720 20,340 27,100 3,320 280 160 123.4 2 40 160 420 2,300 4,800 5,000 580 180 40 200 600 2,340 4,260 5,800 -1,320 80 160 21.0 8 180 680 620 1,820 1,380 900 100 100 240 420 1,700 1,240 1,120 120 20 40 6. 80n 100 600 1,360 4,960 6,240 7,200 400 140 29 420 40 760 1,480 6,360 9,000 10,180 1,320 100 180 49.800 20 140 520 1,180 1,560 240 60 .Ln 20 100 540 840 1,440 440 40 60 SAm 840 40 - 40 40 100 180 40 120 260 20 4,320 - - 60 160 460 1,360 420 580 1,240 40 11,640 80 20 120 580 1,360 5,800 720 740 2,540 180 59,220 480 140 1,360 3,440 8,180 26,280 3,780 2,060 12,980 520 87,720 1,220 200 2,920 10,440 12,320 37,540 6,320 1,640 13,920 1,200 146,100 5,220 280 9,080 40,720 19,040 44,580 7,840 1,240 16,280 1,820 .. 35,140 4,220 140 3,620 18,780 3,100 6,040 1,480 260 1,940 560 .. 21,620 10,020 40 2,140 6,080 860 1,340 220 40 440 440 .. 2,000 80 - 60 220 260 800 260 100 200 20 669,400 59,160 2,260 59,400 126,240 99,300 205,820 81.940 8,400 70,580 6,300 .. 2,080 80 - 100 120 240 480 180 360 500 20 �.. 9,200 80 60 220 500 1,180 3,780 600 660 2,120 25,440 200 100 620 1,020 3,680 12,260 1,160 720 5,440 240 141,260 1,260 400 5,280 10,720 24,360 64,020 6,980 3,200 23,880 1,160 .. 150,800 2,360 520 10,340 20,540 29,560 - 56,160 9,220 1,740 18,940 1,420 204,120 7,940 540 22,840 55,380 30,700 56,800 10,100 1,340 16,520 1,960 66,120 9,260 460 11,340 23,280 6,960 9,180 2,660 200 2,140 640 67,020 37,720 180 8,400 14,260 2,180 2,220 800 *140 440 680 S ,360 260 - 260 420 440 920 240 40 600 180 645,400 67,220 2,720 88.40 112.020Q 116,.100 171.5801 30.440 6.200 49,980 5,660 2,240 11,880 29,840 162,620 150,020 146,340 61,760 76,500 4,200 6aq n . 5,900 29,900 67,960 347,620 219,820 180,500 91,380 111,860 8,560 789.660 5,94C 36,820 67,560 293,36C 131,84C 1114,520 61,520 70,68C 7,420 444.100 4,500 27,46C 46,520 179,380 58,780 55,660 29,82(0 37,06 4,980 100 40 180 2,000 3,680 7,840 9,060 44,140 180 101 820 100 260 540 4,660 5,480 11,000 13,460 65,280 540 68.740 40 200 580 4,960 4,220 7,720 10,180 40,420 420 Q_ 240n 40 220 360 3,020 2,140 4,080 5,480 23,720 180 20 120 60 560 500 580 560 280 40 9 060 220 460 1,960 1,520 1,260 960 600 80 9.460 80 400 820 3,320 1,680 1,300 920 860 80 9_180 120 760 940 3,720 1,200 1,160 820 300 160 120 480 1,340 9,740 15,740 27,080 15,520 12,740 720 18896 560 2,180 4,360 89,000 38,660 48,760 30,880 22,900 1,660 165.420 620 3,220 7,260 46,740 30,380 37,580 21,840 16,380 1,400 98.760 460 3,660 6,300 33,480 15,700 19,040 10,360 7,520 1,240 160 360 1,120 11,820 23,520 41,220 19,900 13,380 540 178.440 200 1,000 3,460 35,800 41,200 52,680 26,640 16,120 1,340 127. 280 340 1,480 3,820 34,800 27,220 33,180 16,500 8,620 1,320 64.280 260 1,120 3,240 21,200 11,560 15,480 7,300 3;460 660 340 1,880 5,880 37,520 35,100 25,720 6,340 2,520 800 221.620 780 6,460 17,800 96,300 55,760 30,580 9,260 3,200 1,480 182.160 1,060 9,880 20,560 88,640 33,260 19,140 5,940 2,260 1,420 98.620 760 6,640 12,980 50,900 13,720 8,820 2,920 880 1,000 680 5,620 13,480 66,460 47,940 28,180 6,300 1,780 1,140 220.660 1,720 11,480 25,420 108,560 47,480 21,720 5,580 1,760 1,940 128.060 1,720 11,060 19,040 63,880 19,540 7,740 3,100 720 1,260 57.640 1,000 6,380 10,180 28,080 6,640 3,260 1,120 220 760 120 580 1,460 9,320 9,580 6,740 1,940 520 180 57,180 340 2,040 4,760 25,480 14,520 6,980 2,040 520 500 47,620 380 3,120 5,480 23,600 8,300 4,300 1,480 420 540 36.140 580 3,360 5,200 18,940 4,160 2,380 900 260 360 300 520 e 880 2,260 1,120 660 280 100 80 8.800 S----- - , - --- -- i-- i . 480 1,100 1,040 3,820 1,340 680 140 120 80 6,240 300 1,140 860 2,600 680 360 140 160 5.120 320 620 920 2,580 280 160 120 40 80 340 2,180 5,220 21,560 11,760 6,800 1,400 320 400 68,740 1,680 4,940 9,500 33,660 11,600 5,040 1,400 240 680 46.700 4 , 0 6 _ 1,340 6,020 8,460 22,160 5,200 1,920 760 240 600 31.600 920 4,440 5,920 15,760 2,800 760 360 180 460 60 100 220 1,380 1,080 1,520 460 720 120 10,720 40 220 620 3,380 2,260 1,800 1,020 1,120 260 7,980 60 300 680 2,660 1,360 1,280 660 760 220 4.520 40 260 480 1,700 580 520 440 420 80 it ' '. PI ) )l I 0auto 3UU11 IU1,44U 1 7 VP I 500) ayou . Z A LV -r Vhf 1 f V - pr f rv- V " W ' vfv vl v. v v - a v a I R' 991 ::: .99 AA 49 van am AAA ... 4R7 1as ... 9.. RDA .A. -- .7 io 108 EDUCATION Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSifIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerisal, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, upation AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except opat COMPLETED, AND ACE professional an officials, kindred kindred kindred workrs and farm and workers managers exci fsm workers workers workers foremen maine reported exc. farm workers workers RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: -1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years . ..... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 5 n8ORi .R 177.800 1.800 1.260 An sAnl asr ea am . m n 2. 5201 23.8 60 1.801 0 0 .000o n naT . 860 - - 20 - 40 120 - 360 300 20 S. 6,800 - 80 - 100 200 1,740 420 2,320 i1,720 220 12,860 20 180 40 320 480 4,820 1,480 2,560 2,740 220 S. 43,080 160 260 340 2,020 2,180 13,500 7,840 7,180 8,860 740 S. 50,000 220 280 700 5,100 3,840 14,400 12,380 4,240 7,780 1,060 . 58,640 1,040 400 1,280 14,360 4,200 15,140 9,140 3,280 8,180 1,620 4,460 300 60 140 1,540 300 720 680 240 300 180 100 40 - - 20 - 20 - - 20 - 1,000 20 - - 100 40 240 60 120 340 80 250,220 5.860 1,960 6.600 322400 22.0 79.040 35,540 20,680 41.840 3,760 980 20 - 20 100 60 220 - 280 280 - 7,760 40 120 80 140 320 2,240 400 2,100 2,260 60 15,540 20 220 140 440 1,180 5,720 1,680 2,360 3,500 280 54,780 220 380 920 2,280 4,320 19,440 7,800 6,860 11,840 720 65,160 440 386 1,000 5,240 6,580 23,020 12,380 4,480 10,740 900 88,320 2,280 680 3,120 19,620 9,120 25,600 10,860 4,020 11,680 1,340 14,440 1,920 140 1,180 4,020 840 2,360 2,000 460 1,080 440 1,920 880 20 120 380 60 80 180 20 160 80 1,320 40 20 20 180 60 360 240 100 300 436,220 21.480 4,460 19,760 52.480 52.740 142a440 41.820 28,040 67,940 5,060 1,740 40 - 40 20 140 380 80 420 560 60 12,080 20 320 200 120 760 4,140 480 2,620 3,320 100 23,060 80 440 320 620 2,060 9,320 1,500 2,920 5,560 240 99,360 420 1,220 1,980 3,760 11,460 38,400 9,520 10,400 21,260 940 106,740 1,120 920 3,540 8,400 14,420 41,380 12,780 5,780 17,380 1,080 143,140 3,740 1,300 8,680 27,900 20,020 42,960 13,920 5,120 17,740 1,760 28,520 4,28G 220 2,820 8,420 2,960 4,600 2,520 620 1,600 480 20,020 11,720 40 2,140 3,160 700 820 760 20 300 360 1,560 60 - 40 80 220 440 260 200 220 40 805.660 508.920 9.500 63.840 87.500 118720 267.060 45,080 40.400 106,180 8,460 4,460 60 100 80 100 300 1,640 200 880 1,060 40 24,680 - 480 540 440 2,040 10,500 380 4,140 5,900 260 . 50,960 220 820 1,080 1,060 5,700 23,360 1,960 5,640 10,680 440 221,280 1,420 2,560 8,700 9,420 34,160 93,340 12,640 16,060 40,860 2,120 184,420 2,520 1,740 11,360 16,320 33,640 71,080 12,580 7,240 25,880 2,060 199,320 6,740 2,600 24,760 37,300 33,720 55,060 13,260 5,000 18,560 2,3280 59,180 10,960 900 10,400 14,700 7,020 8,900 2,940 860 1,860 640 56,920 36,680 260 6,600 7,120 1,540 1,900 920 260 560 480 4,440 320 40 320 440 600 1,280 200 320 820 100 785.020 63.660 11,600 90.520 83.260 147.960 230,780, 35,240 28,580 86,140 7.280 5,140 120 160 180 80 360 1,820 140 920 1,280 80 30,460 180 580 920 480 3,280 13,700 880 3,540 6,660 240 58,560 220 980 2,500 1,640 10,060 24,900 2,120 4,360 11,240 540 249,640 1,660 3,820 17,900 12,400 55,160 94,200 12,220 12,260 .37,860 2,160 175,400 2,760 2,660 18,860 18,080 43,280 55,580 10,460 4,360 17,460 1,900 139,980 6,520 2,080 26,880 28,460 26,200 30,900 6,860 2,060 8,880 1,140 55,580 10,500 880 13,060 13,420 6,480 6,280 1,820 560 1,920 660 65,180 41,420 360 9,720 8,280 2,160 1,740 480 260 260 500 5,080 280 80 500 420 980 1,660 260 260 580 60 1,255,700 90.320 25,120 197,880 137.140 278,460 297,940 61,280 37,740 118,080 11,740 10,960 140 240 760 140 1,200 3,500 340 1,600 2,940 100 65,980 320 1,900 3,640 1,060 11,080 26,180 2,360 6,000 12,920 520 115,100 500 2,920 8,080 4,020 25,600 42,900 4,780 6,720 18,860 720 476,260 4,740 10,100 54,520 32,200 127,580 139,880 28,380 16,980 57,500 4,380 244,460 6,020 4,580 44,860 32,540 67,120 52,720 14,160 3,760 16,440 2,260 161,920 9,200 2,960 42,520 36,620 31,840 21,980 7,420 1,840 5,820 1,720 79,460 13,740 1,460 23,620 18,780 9,980 6,240 2,460 420 1,880 886 90,820 55,100 760 18,100 10,720 2,340 1,860 700 80 320 840 10,740 560 200 1,780 1,060 1,720 2,680 680 340 1,400 320 . 868,520 56,520 29,000 167,260 95,400 201,400 . 155,560 48,940 28,460 76,940 9,040 12,180 60 380 740 200 1,780 3,340 520 1,900 3,120 140 67,640 340 2,600 5,960 1,540 14,860 21,300 3,580 5,220 11,520 720 97,140 660 3,700 9,740 4,160 26,020 27,240 6,120 4,960 13,900 640 355,720 5,020 18,580 59,640 29,540 100,040 71,780 24,960 12,220 36,360 3,580 131,640 3,820 4,400 31,840 21,100 33,780 18,860 7,520 2,300 6,620 1,400 90,200 5,580 * 2,360 28,640 21,320 15,920 7,640 3,840 1,040 2,860 1,000 53,360 10,360 2,080 17,120 11,560 5,600 2,840 1,520 440 1,180 660 51,480 30,200 660 11,580 4,960 1,740 860 360 120 320 680 9,160 480 240 2,000 1,020. 1,660 1,700 520 260 1,060 220 506,660 34.100 26,460 107,980 51,680 104,140 68,180 35,180 22,000 51,060 5,880 9,480 49,62( 66,32( 214,54( 58,62( 45,52( 27,12( 29,50( 5,94( 40 520 600 3,88C 1,860 3,360 5,28C 18,300 260 540 3,280 4,100 11,000 3,400 1,800 1,540 500 300 1,020 5,820 9,680 43,140 16,580 15,640 8,740 5,820 1,540 200 1,680 3,380 18,840 8,720 9,520 5,900 2,700 740 1,100 10,060 15,320 52,240 13,080 7,280 2,960 920 1,180 2,280 10,760 13,100 31,200 5,680 3,020 980 500 660 800 4,040 5,180 17,520 4,100 2,240 900 140 260 1,320 4,500 4,000 9,940 1,220 520 180 100 220 2,100 8,420 10,480 24,000 3,100 1,660 420 260 620 80 540 480 2,780 880 480 220 260 160 ,I U OVI 442] . __ _ ,orau 044G1 ? U41 ,X1 U ! aoI U b O' 57b40' 5,6 1 11 1 1 .. ona manl ... ...I 99C CAM .. ... ..K .. MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 109 Table 21.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Proprietor, Clerical, Craftsmen, fessional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftmen Operatives Farm Laborers, Occpation AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total and semi- and managers, sales , foremen, and Service laborers except not COfPLETED, AND AGE professional farm officials kindred kind kindred workers and farmand reported workers managers officials, indred k indrd re workers foremen mine Aexc farm workers workers MRAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. . Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... . 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. .. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... 'High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ . 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old. . ...... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .. .. 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years br more. Not reported.. . ............ 45 to 54 years old .... ..... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ .....I 6,105,240 68,3001 3,457,780 121,0601 . 119,440 251,3401 378,560 1 42,020 1,382,640 245,060 44,040 ... 338,080 960 81,540 740 7,200 5100 19,480 2,600 247,680 18,180 4,600 .... 3,300 - 280 - 20 20 40 - 2,780 100 60 S.. 26,460 - 2,480 - 100 120 780 120 21,020 1,600 240 37,440 80 4,240 .40 80 420 1,480 200 28,380 2,180 400 126,300 80 10,880 120 560 1,340 6,260 500 98,440 6,660 1,460 68,940 160 6,920 120 1,540 1,380 5,080 680 48,060 8,640 1,360 70,460 440 6,340 420 4,360 1,720 5,640 900 46,000 3,720 920 3,580 260 300 40 520 60 120 140 1,800 180 160 . 140 - - - - 20 40 - 80 - - .... 1,460 - 100 - 20 20 40 60 1,120 100 - 373,840 2,680 65,800 1,820 11,140 9.760 32.040 3,200 218,780 24,020 4,600 3. ,560 - 560 - 20 60 40 20 2,440 320 100 ... 23,820 - 4,380 20 ;100 260 1,260 80 15,740 1,760 220 .. 35,540 40 7,120 60 140 240 2,300 120 22,840 2,400 280 . 129,300 60 21,960 8300 700 2,700 9,780 660 83,860 8,200 1,080 ... 71,680 220 12,920 380 1,640 2,580 7,700 680 39,620 4,800 1,140 .. 95,580 640 16,480 740 6,620 3,440 10,020 1,160 49,200 5,840 1,440 11,840 1,480 1,680 280 1,840 440 820 440 3,980 560 320 ... 520 220 60 40 60 - 20 40 80 - - 2,000 20 640 - 20 40 100 - 1,020 140 20 .. 522,980 7,640 154.220 4.3860 14,840 18,280 52.160 3,920 227,820 35,360 4,380 ... 5,080 - 1,240 - 40 60 180 20 3,060 440 40 .. 33,940 20 10,960 40 60 540 1,880 80 17,880 2,240 240 50,340 40 16,960 160 320 1,160 8,560 180 28,740 3, 780 440 . 190,160 140 55,000 580 1,540 5,160 17,440 980 95,540 12,440 1,340 . 100,380 320 31,300 1,080 2,420 4,560 12,420 960 39,420 7,280 620 . 117,400 1,320 32,840 1,840 7,540 6,100 14,900 1,140 42,080 8,340 1,300 . 17,200 3,320 4,020 400 2,040 520 1,320 500 4,280 560 240 5,440 2,420 820 260 760 100 180 60 600 120 120 3,040 60 1,080 - 120 80 280 - 1,220 160 40 . , 794,520 11.360 361.680 10.740 16,920 29,780 73,660 4,800 234,560 44,800 6,220 . 8,600 20 2,940 20 60 160 220 20 4,540 540 80 .... 53,180 20 24,3800 120 160 820 ' 3,220 60 20,760 3,380 340 85,200 20 40,420 420 300 1,840 7,340 460. 27,620 6,140 640 317,000 400 14(200 2,340 2,620 10,300 28,200 1,500 105,520 17,720 2,200 148,800 480 68,820 2,580 3,120 7,820 17,440 1,100 37,520 8,860 1,060 140,160 1,220 64,720 3c660 6,880 7,420 15,080 1,320 31,500 7,140 1,220 26,880 3,960 10,420 1,060 2,920 840 1,480 200 4,880 680 440 10,440 5,200 2,200 500 800 340 300 60 840 60 140 4,260 40 1,660 40 60 240 380 80 1,380 280 100 697.900 10.140 392.640 14.380 13,460 33.120 57.380 4,320 135,920 32,160 4,380 9,400 - 3,920 40 26 200 460 80 4,060 540 80 54,760 40 30,920 200 220 1,280 8,660 160 15,020 3,120 140 79,700 60 45,180 580 440 3,020 6,480 340 18,420 4,760 420 300,060 540 173,480 83,760 2,560 13,200 24,740 1,700 63,680 14,480 1,920 127,900 460 71,700 8,540 3,320 8,760 13,300 1,040 19,500 5,380 900 84,780 1,020 48,940 8,440 3,960 4,960 6,760 640 11,560 2,940 560 25,520 3,360 12,900 1,660 1,840 1,180 1,400 260 2,100 620 200 11,400 4,620 3,360 1,060 1,020 300 280 80 500 80 100 4,380 40 2,240 100 80 220 800 20 1,080 240 60 1,286,800 13,940 851.160 33.240 24,680 67.640 82,060 8,860 152,820 45,440 6,960 24,060 20 14,700 140 600 580 880 140 6,260 1,100 140 122,820 - 80,340 980 460 3,680 7,660 480 22,180 6,320 720 172,880 340 115,500 2,420 1,060 7,960 12720 960 24,080 7,120 720 618,320 980 422,760 11,700 7,060 33,140 41,060 4,260 72,440 21,960 2,960 193,120 820 126,800 7,300 5,94 13,860 13,200 1,940 16,240 5,780 1,240 84,860 1,260 58,160 5,000 5,580 5,400 4,340 660 7,060 1,940 460 39,260 3,400 22,900 8,580 2,820 1,820 1,360 240 2,020 620 590 19,740 6, 880 7,800 1,840 1,420 460 220 100 700 180 140 . 11,740 240 7,200 280 240 740 620 80 1,840 420 80 1... .207.040 10,160 900,280 33,280 20,840 57.000 44.8601 8,500 95,280 30,180 7,160 29,880 159,940 190,780 568,640 136,040 53,980 37,640 17,080 13,060 884.080 29,840 143,200 160,140 397,380 75,080 38,020 23,960 10,520 10,940 20 140 180 1,280 820 980 2,280 4,820 140 6.420 20 100 120 880 480 640 1,220 2,900 60 21,160 121,780 144,140 434,740 100,200 35,600 25,040 8,140 9,480 700.460 22,040 115,860 128,560 320,800 58,260 23,440 17,980 5,460 8,060 240 2,080 2,760 12,680 .5,920 4,200 3,080 1,940 380 22.500 320 1,840 3,120 8,580 3,340 2,660 1,280 1,100 260 40 460 880 7,560 4,440 3,400 2,360 1,060 140 10.860 40 3O40 700 4,320 1,800 1,840 1,280 .380 160 520 5,340 9,280 27,560 8,420 3,140 1,680 460 600 30.660 1,080 5,680 "8,000 21,840 4,780 1,720 1,040 220 500 16.920 140 1,000 1,020 4,140 1,220 640 200 80 60 5.820 5,680 17,680 17,160 41,880 6,880 2,960 1,280 500 1,260 69,780 900 5,020 6,280 13,660 2,500 980 360 160 320 14,920 + - 4 4 . 4 ~ WA 700 660 120 4,900 800 240 700 3,560 5,140 15,140 3,420 1,420 860 80 340 660 2,900 3,260 7,720 1,400 440 260 80 200 120 840 1,100 2,560 580 380 140 40 60 4,900 14,500 13,920 28,320 4,080 1,560 660 360 1,480 800 2,640 2,880 6,680 1,220 360 100 60 180 1CO 760 1,080 3,300 860 360 320 200 - 180 5,740 240 620 1,340 2,380 500 280 180 60 140 LII . _ L _ _ _ii " - --I -- -- " " T T i EDUCATION Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVP WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL. AND FOR URBAN PI.AClS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Fam Laborers AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and anagers, alq , Servic laborers except'Opt professional farm als kied kdred kindred workers and farm and offorkericial kindred kindred reported workers managers erworkers foremen mine UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed. . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... .. 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years. ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. ol.... ... ,44041 . 1 ,29500 864801 38.1201 2,964,760 1 93,401 1,658 740 1 1693,060 90180 6.360 148.6 615.660 41.540 34C0 2.000 219.700 A nng 1,160 40 - - 80 - 240 340 8340 80 40 5,760 40 20 20 300 - 1,200 2,600 1,340 100 140 .. 12,980 120 20 40 480 60 4,460 5,520 1,720 180 380 95,940 380 160 180 6,100 500 84,740 44,500 4,640 1,900 2,840 ... 145,160 2,020 40 840 27,600 1,000 49,540 56,020 2,820 2,380 3,400 ". � 323,120 31,600 100 1,180 167,820 1,040 40,040 68,22 2,540 2,780 7,800 28,120 6,760 - 200 16,300 80 860 3,140 60 100 620 960 340 - 20 440 - - 0 60 20 20 . 2,460 240 - 20 580 - 540 900 120 - 60 .. 823,460 81,620 760 4.700 334 600. 4 500 177.320 185,360 11,060 10,720 1280 S. 1,760 60 - - 560 - 280 640 200 - 20 5,480 100 40 20 440 - 1,600 2,040 1,000 100 140 S. 13,460 200 100 40 520 100 5,780 4,520 1,680 220 800 ... 113,240 760 240 400 9,960 940 48,820 43,440 8,780 2,660 2,240 S. 165,180 2,520 80 920 35,800 1,380 66,380 50,200 2,020 3,380 2,500 428,720 40,980 260 2,680 286,740 1,900 52,120 76,740 2,220 4,100 5,980 �". 81,000 26,280 40 480 44,560 , 140 1,520 6,380 120 160 1,820 15,540 10,000 - 140 4,700 40 120 340 - - 200 ". 4,080 720 - 20 1,320 - 700 1,060 40 100 120 1. 174.580 167,460 1.04402 12. 20. 468.460 9.420 260.620 220.560 10.360 13.860 16,140 . . 2,160 200 - 20 620 - 480 540 220 40 40 7,560 140 80 20 580 - 2,620 2,480 1,300 140 200 . . 21,580 220 140 60 1,000 220 11,000 6,660 1,380 380 580 . . 175,540 1,780 840 960 18,320 2,160 85,220 55,280 3,860 4,280 8,840 . . 217,180 4,020 400 2,340 53,900 2,800 87,040 57,760 1,880 4,340 2,700 �.. 529,000 .48,000 380 5,860 301,680 3,660 69,720 87,700 1,560 4,260 6,180 �. 125,680 50,000 60 1,600 61,280 280 2,840 7,680 120 220 1,600 �. 90,180 62,180 - 1,360 23,320 280 400 1,340 20 120 1,160 5,700 920 40 40 1,760 20 1,300 1,120 20 80 400 1,490.660 246,440 2,560 32,340 571,960 14,520 88336,020 286,940 13,120 15,660 21,100 3,760 340 40 80 720 80 1,080 840 320 120 140 13,500 .240 140 120 960 40 6,020 4,320 1,180 240 240 ... 39,980 260 260 420 2,200 340 23,440 9,700 3, 720 1,020 680 289,420 4,820 880 4,060 45,300 4,280 142,440 71,200 5,180 6,360 4,900 .. 291,980 7,980 520 6,700 102,800 4,520 95,280 62,800 2,460 4,400 4,520 �". 528,300 57,140 460 13,100 307,860 3,860 60,120 74,160 1,800 3,060 6,740 �". 171,240 73,440 200 4,520 74,420 700 4,600 10,640 260 240 2,220 144,480 100,680 60 3,020 35,660 600 1,020 1,720 120 100 1,500 8,000 1,540 - 320 2,040 100 2,020 1,560 80 120 220 1,134,980 208,000 4,900 42,380 437,640 13,220 229,500 162,840 10,220 9,380 16,900 3,340 260 100 100 480 20 1,000 1,040 200 20 120 16,360 220 400 320 1,280 140 8,300 4,200 1,020 320 160 45,520 380 540 1,040 2,680 540 26,080 10,500 1,860 1,160 740 247,540 3,820 1,620 6,900 52,300 4,860 107,600 57,200 4,160 4,220 4,860 226,220 8,500 1,100 9,540 96,820 8,620 56,300 42,700 1,740 2,200 3,700 . . 329,700 38,180 600 14,700 207,820 2,740 24,340 35,420 760 1,240 3,900 135,040 63,660 320 5,620 51,340 760 '3,520 7,840 280 120 1,580 S. 123,400 91,540 160 4,040 22,820 460 700 2,020 120 - 1,540 �". 7,860 1,440 60 120 2,100 80 1,660 1,920 80 100 800 1.. 611,580 282,760 19,000 99.960 5683740 23,960 290,340 275,900 16,040 10,980 28,900 8,260 420 300 400 760 60 2,900 2,560 520 100 240 37,640 380 1,980 1,260 1,940 460 16,560 11;240 2,340 720 760 �. 83,080 700 2,320 3,460 6,660 1,680 38,480 23,380 3,100 1,360 1,940 4. 457,260 9,200 7,500 24,440 114,420 10,300 148,720 122,300 6,140 5,220 9,020 300,860 16,840 3,060 - 21,520 132,680 5,100 52,720 ,59,480 2,180 1,960 5,320 371,600 43,640 2,140 29,600 220,080 4,120 23,000 41,200 860 1,040 5,920 176,720 82,280 1,200 11,560 61,320 1,360 4,780 10,140 560 380 3,140 163,760 127,360 340 6,900 22,180 720 780 3,340 160 40 1,940 S. 12,400 1,940 160 820 3,700 160 .2,400 2,260 180 160 620 1.051480i 180,860 29.880 91.120 274,120 17.320 164,020 254,600 10,520 5,760 22,680 7,820 120 580 360 560 180 1,820 2,860 860 140 340 38,780 380 3,160 2,340 1,800 480 12,180 14,780 1,700 560 .1,400 74,780 800 4,300 4,240 5,780 1,500 24,480 28,700 2,180 800 2,000 349,600 10,860 12,320 28,280 73,380 8,200 82,400 118,920 3,780 2,800 8,660 � 172,740 12,760 4,500 17,420 61,280 3,100 24,980 43,360 1,060 800 3,480 196,620 31,400 2,520 22,300 89,660 2,340 12,920 31,260 480 480 3,260 104,740 48,240 1,620 10,480 28,880 860 3,360 9,420 220 40 1,620 97,200 74,440 620 5,580 10,700 540 660 3,040 160 60 1,400 9,200 1,860 260 720 2,080 120 1,220 2,260 80 80 520 542,640 86,620 27,600 52.760 1100,540 7,820 69t300 175,560 5,220 2,460 14,760 5,400 27,76C 46,44( 193,40( 78,920 90,64C 50,16C 44,70C 5,220 160 200 820 6,440 5,980 16,080 23,640 32,480 820 66( 3,20C 3,96C 11,76C 3,66C 2,02C 1,54 54 26 320 1,640 2,880 17,660 9,340 11,740 5,680 2,920 580 200 1,360 3,460 28,360 21,000 30,800 9,940 4,480 940 100 400 860 3,640 1,160 1,140 300 180 40 80C 5,04 9,18C 35,16C 10,58C 1,18 1,26C 58C 520 2,500 340 140 13,720 1,020 180 22,200 1,020 980 81,260 1,800 1,320 24,320 580 200 20,480 200 220 6,780 160 40 2,640 - 20 1,660 100 60 180 1,000 1,780 6,000 2,100 1,780 820 860 240 110 - - ne "n^ nn n I A i 9 wrn 7 Rl1 . . 11 1 Ar 1i1 _nn MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 111 Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued' (Statistic based on a 5-percent ample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftmn, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCROL and i- aagers, sles, Servis laborers except pao Total and and and snot COMPLETED, AND ACE Ttal professional am offials, kindred knde kindred workers and farm and workers managers eo. farm workers workers workers thrmen amae URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 6.364,860 913,960 2.520 235.280 2,524,140 76.500 1,882,080 1,188,780 3,620 515800 86,460 18 and 19 years old.............. 441,980 32.560 20 1.320 178,000 2140 101,280 112,880 380 ,160 8 140 No school years completed......... 620 40 - - 40 - 200 180 80 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 2,480 40 - 220 - ?80 1,280 80 60 5 and 6 years....... 6,000 80 - 40 440 40 , 660 2,50 80 40 100 7 and 8 years........ 58,60 280 - 140 4,960 440 25,860 24,980 - 1,880 1,110 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 110,140 1,580 20 240 23,060 840 41,9800 39,400 40 1,T80 1,880 4 years ............. 242,560 26,620 - 740 135,980 740 29,960 41,900 100 1,so0 4,140 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 19,420 8,560 - 160 12,560 80 600 2,040 - 100 80o 4 years or more.. 620 180 - - 360 - - 60 - - 80 Not reported....... 1, 540 180 - - 880 - 40 520 - - 40 20 and 21 years old ........;..... 617.480 54.520 20 3160 278,100 ,000 1s8, 980 123,540 480 ,80 T,500 No school years completed ........ 1,100 40 - - 500 - 220 340 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,480 60 - 20 340 - 840 1,100 60 20 40 5 and 6 years....... 6,760 100 - 20 460 100 3,540 2,240 40 120 140 7 and 8 years ........ 79,860 520 - 220 8,320 840 s8,100 26,580 120 1,660 1,000 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1832,480 2,000 - 620 81,200 1,220 55,540 ?7,560 180 2,480 1,680 4 years ............. 330,020 338,820 20 1,800 196,600 1,640 39,120 50,500 60 $,800 8,60 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 54,120 12,220 - 340 35,260 80 1,040 4,280 20 180 S80 4 years or more ...... 10,22C 5,340 120 4,280 20 100 220 - - 140 Not reported ............. ........ 2,940 420 - 0 1,140 - 480 20 - 80 80 22 to 24 years o914................ 894.12 102100 120 8920 120 8 0 94400 8040 205.380 155,300 380 9,700 9," No school years completed ......... 1,420 80 - - 540 - 320 380 40 40 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 3,600 140 - 20 480 - 1,480 1,360 60 40 80 5 and 6 years ...... 12,600 180 - 40 780 180 6,880 3,960 40 280 880 7 and9i years ........ 128,900 1,260 - 620 15,800 1,960 67,960 g6,620 100 8,080 1,560 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 176,100 3,240 40 1,680 47,740 2,500 71,920 43,960 60 8,240 1,110 4 years ............. 423,060 37,940 60 4,140 255,980 2,980 53,280 61,740 80 2,880 4,040 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 83,940 22,920 20 1,260 50,640 240 2,200 5,560 - 180 980 4 years or more...... 60,300 35,760 - 1,120 20,960 220 360 1,000 - 40 840 Not reported. ..................... 4,200 580 - 40 1, 480 20 980 72 0 - 40 840 25 to 29 years old ............... 1,155, 260 164.50020 2 3.640 49 6.680 12.060 259.180 174,920 600 10,900 1,160 No school years cpompleted ......... 2,360 200 - 80 560 80 700 640 - 60 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 7,460 180 - so 780 40 8,640 2,480 s 160 80 5 and6 years........ 25,540 200 - 340 1,820 300 15,540 6,840 - 760 O40 7 and 8 years....... 224,500 4,320 20 2,900 40,520 8,660 118,420 58,280 140 4,600 2,640 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 235,960 6,540 - 4,840 91,560 3,700 75,180 47,960 220 8,160 2,800 4 years ............. 430,940 46,000 - 9,480 265,440 8,080 45,220 55,080 160 2,020 4,460 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 117,34( 38,740 - 3,240 62,540 590 3,800 7,580 40 100 1,220 4 years or more ..... 105,20C 67,220 - 2,460 31,700 540 800 1,340 20 - 1, O Not reported .... ......... . 5,960 1,100 - 220 1,760 80 1,880 1,220 - 40 160 30 to 34 years old .......... :.... 868,960 143,500 160 80,040 877,800 10,880 171,560 118,080 480 5,960 10,500 No school years completed ....2,00 180 - 100 420 20 780 760 - 80 80 Grade school: I to 4 years ........ 9,66 180 - 260 1,100 120 4,980 2,800 80 160 40 5 and 6 years....... 29,340 180 - 720 2260 400 17,800 6,980 40 TS0 00 7 and 8 years....... 188,500 3,080 20 4,640 46,180 4.120 84,500 40,580 160 2,880 2,400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 179,380 6,880 60 6,660 84,480 3,020 42,020 32,180 160 1,380 2,540 4 years ............. 269,780 30,320 60 10,620 179,020 2,160 17,460 26,500 40 '00 2,900 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 92,460 36, 540 - 3,620 42,680 540 2,840 5,660 20 100 960 4 years or more..... 91,840 65,100 20 3,320 20,020 420 420 1,880 40 - 1,1 0 Not reported ..................... 5,700 1,040 - 100 1,640 80 1,260 1,800 - 60 Sa0 35 to 44 years old ............... 1 22,22 420 206,260 580 69,580 482880 19,280 220,820 198,840 660 7 ,80 16,960 No school years completed ........ 5,0 280 820 200 520 60 2,040- 1,680 80 60 140 Grade school: I to 4 years ........ 22,240 260 - 680 1,700 320 11,080 7,460 120 340 280 5 and 6 years....... 55,160 540 60 2,280 5,500 1,380 27,660 16,020 40 780 900 7 and 8 years ....... 44,440 7,000 100 16,700 97,800 8,420 117,340 88,280 200 3,900 4,'00 h school: 1 to 3 yedrs ........ 2,200 13,260 80 14,460 11,00 4,140 39,820 42,?00 140 1,220 8,180 4 years ............. 303,860 34,660 160 21,500 190,860 3,260 17,460 . 81,840 40 660 83,980 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 12, 340 52,980 100 7,740 51,060 1,000 8, 0 7,180 40 220 1,800 4 years or more..... 125,340 95,960 60 5,380 18,740 600 560 2,600 - 20 1,440 Not reported .................... . 8,760 1,820 - 640 2,940 100 1,660 1,580 - 120 400 45 to 54 years old ............. 780,760 140320 940 68.060 2,840 18,9o80 129,860 182,780 400 3,500 1,L8 No school years completed 4........ ,16 100 , 220 460 100 1,300 1,780 - 100 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years 22,840 820 20 1,340 1,480 380 8,460 9,740 80 800 700 5 and 6 years....... 50,28 660 40o 8,000 4,760 1,140 18,760 20,340 100 460 1,020 7 and 8 years....... 254,20C 8,520 300 18,460 61,940 6,700 66,960 84,880 120 1,940 4,580 Highschool: 1 to 3 years ........ 129,40 10,180 200 12,060 51,620 2,500 19,560 30,680 40 400 2,160 4 years ............ 158,58 25,120 120 16,280 77,960 1,860 10,360 24,440 20 240 2,180 College: 1 to 3 years 7........ 6,620 33,860 200 7,100 24,200 720 2,700 6,840 - 1,000 --4 years or more ..... ~,84 60,080 60 4,060 9,080 480 540 2,480 20 20 1,020 Not reported .................... . 6,840 1,480 - 540 1,740 100 920 1,600 20 40 400 55 to 64 years old.............. 383,8880 70,.200 660 35,.560 83,600 6,220 55,520 122,440 240 1,700 7,740 No school years completed 3......,100 120 240 140 80 600 1,740 20 80 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 15,7 160) 20 1,000 1,060 220 3,800 8,840 10 580 5 and 6 years.... .... 29,18 620 40 1,720 2,720 740 7,420 14,900 60 200 160 7 and 8 years 13........ 1,300 5,320 100 11,720 2,200 2,840 28, 140 56,120 120 960 2.780 High chool: 1 to 3 years ...56,46 4,880 120 5,900 17,540 980 8, 480 17,180 40 140 1,200 4 years ............. 70,6 13,140 260 8,260 26,240 940 5, 10 15,440 140 1,060 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 36,74 17,640 80 4,100 8,120 220 1,020 5,00 8 0 520 4 years or more ... 37,060 .27,580 40 2,2800 8,840 160 500 ,100 20 6280 Not reported ................... .. 3,640 740 - 420 740 40 880 1,100 8D 0OO EDUCATION Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RUHAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operivesarm Lborers, Occupation ifaofficials, kinded kredn kindre orkie l aborers xrtan rpo AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, an ar Occupation COMPLETED, AND AGE Total prpfessional farm offiands, nd nd kindred orkers and farm and reorted workers managers exof. farm workers workers workers foremen mine ported URBAN--Continued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ .. . 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years. ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old ............. . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 yeres old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: -1 to 3 years ........ 4 years"........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. .. 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .. Not reported .................... I - )vc ,tscl l .34tL,4b 440 3,9zJ 1,191,480 349180 483,8 8 42 6,4V300 15,200 29,560 175,22( 13,560 700 78,260 1.000 42.500 34.540 1.800 2.840 260 40 - - - - 140 40 - 40 680 - - - 100 - 280 260 - 40 - 1,580 20 - - 140 - 700 700 - - 20 23,100 160 - 100 2,840 200 11,420 7,380 - 580 420 46,400 820 - 160 12,600 420 17,920 13,280 - 600 600 94,900 10,900 - 360 57,580 360 11,620 11,860 20 520 1,680 7,120 1,440 - 80 4,560 20 180 760 - 20 60 280 60 - - 180 - - 20 - - 20 900 120 - - 260 - 240 240 - - 40 254,600 22,9401 - 1,120 126,160 1,920 56,180 40,840 60 2,400 2,980 400 20 - - 180 - 120 80 - - - .640 20 - 20 200 - 160 220 - - 20 1,960 40 - - 340 20 780 660 - o60 60 32,500 260 - 20 5,100 380 16,400 9,300 20 620 400 60,020 1,260 - 220 18,160 720 24,260 13,940 40 760 660 134,200 14,460 - 660 86,980 740 13,840 15,140 - 900 1,480 19,500 5,060 - 100 12,560 40 320 1,140 - 40 240 4,220 1,740 - 80 2,120 20 60 120 - - 80 1,160 80 - 20 520 - 240 240 - 20 40 380,040 37,980 20 3,740 187.,760 4.160 82,880 56.560 20 3220 3,700 520 20 - - 220 - 140 100 - 20 20 1,220 80 - 20 320 - 440 340 - - 20 3,920 120 - 20 480 120 1,720 1,340 - 40 80 58,640 640 - 280 10,200 1,220 29,920 14,540 - 1,120 720 82,620 1,520 - 600 28,880 1,360 31,520 17,000 20 1,060 660 176,080 15,720 20 1,520 116,580 1,320 17,680 20,780 - 880 1,580 32,240 8,440 - 620 20,120 60 900 1,820 - 80 200 23,140 11,260 - 660 10,200 80 180 420 - 20 320 1,660 180 - 20 760 - 380 220 - - 100 491,480 61,720 - 9.800 244,420 6,180 94,840 67,120 . 40 3,100 4,260 900 60 40 260 60 280 180 - - 20 2,260 60 - 20 380 20 1,020 740 - 20 8,480 100 - 140 920 180 4,300 2,460 - 300 80 98,240 1,380 - 1,320 24,120 2,020 46,020 20,780 - 1,540 1,060 108,420 3,200 - 2,000 52,540 2,180 27,220 19,620 40 800 820 182,360 19,500 - 3,860 121,900 1,220 13,980 19,920 - 420 1,560 46,360 13,420 - 1,300 27,220 200 1,180 2,620 - 20 400 42,060 23,600 - 1,040 16,200 240 320 400 - - 260 2,400 400 - 80 880 60 520 400 - - 60 367,640 54.640 40 12,720 183,140 4.,740 61,920 45.160 60 1560 3,660 1,200 40 - 40 260 20 380 460 - - - 3,420 40 - 120 580 100 1,640 840 - 80 20 10,300 120 - 340 1,220 160 5,680 2,500 - 180 100 88,460 1,500 - 2,220 29,320 1,960 34,460 17,220 20 820 940 75,660 3,180 - 2,680 43,100 1,240 12,780 11,780 - 280 620 114,160 13,260 40 4,320 79,400 860 5,620 9,460 20 160 1,020 35,720 12,260 - 1,540 18,500 140 860 2,060 20 - 340 36,580 23,820 - 1,460 9,980 200 160 500 - - 460 2,140 420 - - 780 60 340 340 - 40 160 503,380 76,580 80 27,520 230.220 8,180 78,040 75,220 80 1,880 5,580 1,780 40 - 100 260 40 740 500 - 60 40 7,860 140 - 280 760 220 3,340 2,860 - 120 140 20,200 200 - 1,040 2,960 800 8,820 5,980 - 60 340 154,700 8,600 40 7,480 56,480 3,800 45,460 34,880 60 1,120 1,780 96,580 5,840 20 5,580 54,680 1,600 12,160 15,400 - 200 1,100 127,180 15,280 20 7,640 84,360 1,220 5,900 11,360 20 280 1,100 44,860 16,660 - 3,020 20,540 320 ' 940 2,820 - - 560 47,140 84,420 - 2,180 9,000 180 140 840 - - 880 3,080 400 - 200 1,180 - 540 580 - 40 140 306,080 53,980 160 24,620 104,640 5,560 , 46,080 65,940 - 740 4,360 1,360 60 - 120 220 20 420 460 - 20 40 7,600 120 20 320 680 200 2,640 3,340 - 40 240 18,800 280 20 1,360 2,120 420 6,880 7,200 - 160 360 106,440 4,400 80 8,160 31,020 2,780 25,340 32,700 - 400 1,560 48,080 4,020 - 4,360 22,500 820 5,540 10,140 - 40 660 63,520 10,320 20 6,360 33,160 720 3,700 8,420 - 80 ?40 27,480 11,440 20 1,960 10,260 240 1,000 2,360 - - 200 30,580 22,860 - 1,880 3,940 320 280 880 - - 420 2,220 480 - 100 740 " 40 280 440 - - 140 144,380 27.060 140 12.700 36,880 2.440 21.440 41,020 20 500 2,180 1,100 5,380 11,120 52,220 20,000 26,880 12,200 14,200 1,280 60 40 320 2,740 1,780 5,100 5,880 10,780 360 120 460 740 4,480 2,040 8,880 1,120 800 60 60 500 1,240 11,860 7,440 10,760 3,240 1,540 240 40 120 200 1,240 240 440 60 80 20 rea 1,500 3,040 11,220 2,740 2,040 280 220 140 S 520 2,560 5,200 19,640 5,320 5,320 1,460 620 380 20 20 20 80 260 60 60 20 180 280 760 340 240 120 160 80 112 I II I I I I . I r 1 I I O -ee oT - QAo As nAA n0 09A AO& AAA 0 AA I G 4%^ M -A-_ QA .AI MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 113 Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) 1 Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and and Service laborers except Total and and and not COMPLETED, AND AGE professional farm official, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers exe. farm workers workers workers foremen mine URBAN-Cont inued Places of 25,000 to 250,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ..:............... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. .. 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years .. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .............. 45 to 54 years old....... ....... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ...... . 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years .... .. 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 71. a n In 7an 9. 60anl aan an 17 ani 2 n an. c44. 0L.LX '4. .a0aaa 9V / VI 4 0aV IW -'V 6 - = V r rlV u7 wv 145.22( 13.48C 2201 55.940 640 33.540 36.540 1.900 2.940 18 - - - 40 - 20 80 - 40 - 700 40 - - 100 - 160 400 - - - 1,86C 40 - 20 200 40 860 640 - 40 20 17,54C 80 - 40 1,260 140 7,780 7,440 - 420 380 85,84( 400 - 20 6,560 8300 14,180 12,980 20 600 780 81,500 11,480 - 120 43,080 160 10,160 14,140 _ - 760 1,600 6,760 1,280 - 20 4,440 - 220 600 - 40 160 26C 100 - - 160 - - - - - 580 60 - - 100 - 160 260 - - - 200,58 19640 - 1,140 85,600 1,260 48,100 40,040 140 2,420 2,240 386 - - - 200 - 60 100 - - - 70 20 - - 120 - 260 280 - 20 - 2,060 60 - 20 60 40 1,200 640 20 - 20 22,86( 180 - 140 1,800 340 11,980 7,660 20 520 . 220 48,220 420 - 220 8,200 340 19,680 12,760 80 940 580 108,180 12,740 - 560 61,100 520 14,420 16,820 20 900 1,100 18,900 4,340 - 180 12,380 20 360 1,340 - - .280 3,280 1,660 - 20 1,440 - 40 100 - - 20 1,020 220 - - 300 - 100 340 - 40 20 284,680 38,100 40 2,800 120.760 2,240 70,080 49,100 80 3,220 3,260 480 1,060 4,000 38,700 56,080 138,260 26,360 18,320 1,420 361.880 720 2,300 8,640 63,780 74,840 140,280 37,140 31,760 1,920 280.620 40 20 40 320 1,100 13,260 7,060 11,080 240 50.580 40 20 40 500 1,720 16,140 11,480 20,26P 380 43.680 160 780 1,340 300 200 20 7.5601 2C 120 700 1,740 2,800 .1,120 940 120 8.560 240 100 100 3,320 11,820 82,320 16,140 6,260 460 149.060 240 220 600 8,860 25,180 83,920 20,420 9,120 500 118.220 40 420 680 880 140 80 3.200 20 60 840 800 1,100 160 220 3.280 100 440 \2,360 22,280 25,140 18,700 620 100 340 88.040 240 1,020 5,820 35,320 27,300 16,600 1,040 240 460 61.080 100 480 1,240 10;740 14,660 19,560 1,740 360 220 54.360 S140 860 1,760 15,220 15,640 17,300 2,440 640 360 39.720 20 40 20 180 60 1,000 1,160 920 40 20 20 4.080 40 80 200 1,540 1,280 880 20 40 2.320 160 420 720 1,240 320 280 120 4.320 20 60 40 760 1,120 1,480 440 340 60 3.640 640 60 - 40 140 - 200 180 - 20 - 3,220 80 - 60 240 - 1,900' 920 - 20 - 9,520 40 - 100 600 100 6,100 2,160 - 340 80 61,660 1,020 - 1,100 11,980 1,220 30,500 13,780 40 1,120 900 58,260 1,960 20 1,940 25,760 880 15,020 11,120 20 520 1,020 89,640 9,400 20 3,380 59,840 760 6,140 8,780 - 260 1,060 28,440 11,180 - 860 13,060 200 780 2,100 -- 40 220 27,820 19,680 20 1,000 6,240 120 40 380 - - 340 1,420 .260 - 80 360 - 400 300 - - 20 394,120 67,200 180 21,720 150,760 6,000 76,620 63,560 140 2,280 5,660 1,660 7,220 18,620 104,680 75,300 101,320 41,020 41,100 3,200 256.800 1,260 7,120 16,920 80,400 43,280 54,260 25,680 25,300 2,580 128.140 960 5,500 9,700 41,700 18,880 24,140 13,100 12,860 1,300 200 80 200 2,000 4,020 10,980 17,420 31,860 440 46.300 100 220 2,140 3,500 8,720 11,380 19,780 460 23.660 60 80 200 1,420 1,780 4,360 6,040 9,480 240 40 240 560 4,960 4,380 7,280 2,240 1,760 .260 18.500 400 760 5,080 3,700 4,720 2,540 1,060 240 11.120 40 300 480 3,540 1,640 2,600 1,640 700 180 180 540 1,560 24,900 35,680 64,520 16,760 5,580 1,040 77.020 140 420 1,620 18,900 16,820 27,160 8,140 3,160 660 27.400 60 400 920 6,720 5,720 9,060 2,920 1,360 240 20 260 2,460 1,420 1,160 460 160 60 4.720 40 100 380 2,140 960 660 300 80 60 2.1201 60 360 900 280 300 140 60 20 720 3,940 10,340 39,700 14,180 5,740 1,060 220 720 45.140 500 3,020 6,660 23,280 6,820 3,440 900 160 360 17.800 140 1,240 2,340 8,900 2,820 1,720 300 200 140 460 2,;220 5,j40 27,960 13,900 9,920 2,440 1,000 520 59.480 540 2,780 6,820 26,680 10,580 8,660 2,000 740 680 42.580 620 3,180 5,040 18,940 6,300 5,560 1,820 740 380 40 60 40 140 80 360 1,140 460 200 80 20 1.280 40 100 100 780 160 60 20 20 440 20 60 100 200 20 20 20 60 60 240 1,500 1,200 1,460 520 480 140 4.140 180 320 1,400 660 820 380 280 100 2.880 20 180 240 1,020 340 500 200 280 100 II vv .mil - Ivi s v v _ - ---a --Wl 1 w----- -- --I- - ~I .W 2 o05.a0 2a7 a4 4M R38 5nR an2 EDUCATION Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Occupatio COMPLETED, AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers exo. farm workers workers workers foremen mine reported exc. farm workers workers URBAN-Continued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old .......... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.. .. 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ... . 7 and 8 years. ... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ., .... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 5 years old ............ No school years completed. ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years .. . . 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years. ..... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 690n 50nn n0740v 547.900 1R8 860 Ra7800 377.000 18.380L 27.820 ... 121,540 5.520 20 400 43,800 500 25,240 41,800 340 1,460 2,460 180 - - - - - 40 60 80 - - 1,100 - - - 20 - 340 620 80 20 20 2,560 20 - 20 100 - 1,100 1,180 80 - 60 S.. 17,960 40 - - 860 100 6,160 10,160 - 320 320' . . 27,900 360 20 60 3,900 120 9,200 13,140 20 580 500 S. 66,160 4,240 - 260 35,320 220 8,180 15,900 80 500 1,460 .. 5,540 840 - 60 3,560 - 60 200 680 - 40 100 . 80 20 - - 20 - - 40 - - . 60 - - - 20 - 20 20 - - - ... 162300 11,940 20 900 66,340 720 34.700 42,660 280 2,460 2,280 . 340 20 - - 120 - 40 160 - - - S.. 1,140 20 - - 20 - 420 600 60 - 20 2,740 - - - 60o 40 1,560 940 20 60 60 S.. 22,000 80 - 60 1,420 120 9,720 9,620 80 520 380 29,240 320 - 180 4,840 169 11,600 10,860 60 780 440 S 8,640 6,620 20 580 48,520 380 10,860 18,540 40 1,000 1,080 .. 15,720 2,820 - . 60 10,320 20 360 1,800 20 80 240 S.. 2,720 1,940 - 20 720 - - - - - 40 .. 760 120 - - 320 - 140 140 - 20 20 229,400. 31.020 60 2 380 85,880 1,640 52,420 49,640 280 3,260 2,820 S.. 420 20 - - 80 - 80 180 40 20 - S.. 1,320 40 - - 60 - 600 540 40 40 - ... 4,680 20 - 20 200 20 2,800 1,380 40 120 80 3.. 31,560 300 - 180 2,280 320 15,760 11,340 60 900 420 . . 37,400 620 20 300 "7,040 460 15,260 12,300 40 1,020 340 �. 108,720 8,960 20 1,280 57,080 720 16,900 21,400 60 1,080 1,220 25,340 7,420 20 340 14,380 40 680 2,000 - 60 400 18,840 13.,480 - 260 4,500 60 80 220 - - 240 1,120 160 - - . 260 20 260 280 - 20 120 302,400 52,200 20 6,280 103,200 2,680 76,300 53,440 380 3,720 4,180 740 100 - 40 60 20 180 320 - 20 - 2,900 100 - 40 - 180 - 1,600 880 20 60 20 8,420 60 - 80 300 60 5,420 2,120 - 260 120 ... 62,480 2,440 20 880 7,540 800 32,080 16,280 100 1,520 820 52,700 1,620 - 1,100 13,840 720 20,660 12,700 120 1,080 860 ... 108,300 10,360 - 2,820 59,620 760 14,640 17,860 100 720 1,420 33,840 13,840 - 820 14,900 220 1,080 2,520 20 60 380 3. 31,380 23,360 - 480 6,380 80 240 300 20 - 520 ... 1,640 320 - 20 380 20 400 460 - - 40 220, 700 , 45,180 60 8.760 76,440 2,860 48,560 33,200 360 2,080 3,200 . 460 80 - 20 20 - 200 120 - - 20 ... 3,020 60 - 80 280 20 1,440 1,040 20 60 20 ... 9,520 20 - 280 440 140 6,020 2,260 40 200 120 38,380 560 20 1,320 4,880 940 19,540 9,580 100 880 560 S.. 45,460 1,740 40 2,040 15,620 900 14,220 9,280 140 580 900 S.. 65,980 7,660 - 2,920 39,780 540 5,700 8,260 20 280 820 S.. 28,300 13,100 - 1,220 11,120 200 700 1,500 - 60 400 S.. 27,440 21,600 - 860 3,800 100 220 500 40 - 320 ... 2,140 360 - 20 500 20 520 660 - 20 40 ... 324,920 62,480 320 20,340 101,340 5,100 66,160 60,060 440 3,160 5,520 1,640 40 20 60 .80 20 580 720 80 - 40 ... 7,160 40 - 160 400 80 3,800 2,380, 80 140 80 ... 16,340 140 40 680 980 320 8,500 4,900 40 420 320 85,060 1,400 60 4,260 16,420 2,160 32,180 25,440 80 1,640 1,420 60,320 3,400 40 4,500 22,840 1,120 13,480 13,400 100 560 880 S.. 75,360 8,400 80 6,580 41,980 880 5,820 10,060 20 180 1,360 S.. 39,460 18,900 60 2,480 13,760 220 1,220 1,920 40 140 720 S.. 37,100 29,680 20 1,440 4,160 260 180 760 - 20 580 ... 2,480 480 - 180 720 40 400 480 - 60 120 217.880 40.040 700 19.940 51.580 3,700 38,140 57,360 260 1,480 4,680 1,540 40 - 100 l 100 40 380 780 - 40 60 ... 8,120 100 - 620 380 80 2,800 . 3,620 60 160 300 S.. 14,560 160 20 880 1,020 340 5,220 6,320 60 200 340 .. 67,360 1,980 220 5,220 12,020 1,780 18,140 25,500 120 760 1,620 S.. 38,040 2,660 160 4,000 12,300 -720 7,200 9,960 - 200 840 40,800 6,080 100 5,200 17,640 480 3,220 7,360 - 100 620 . . 23,460 11,040 140 2,600 5,800 180 800 2,480 - - 420 . . 21,960 17,440 60 1,120 1,980 80 100 860 - - 320 . . 2,040 540 - 200 340 - 280 480 20 20 160 .. 1113,860 19,480 440 11,740 19,820 1,660 16,280 38,840 160 760 2,680 1,040 4,860 8,360 37,380 17,580 19,640 11,44 10,000 1,960 40 100 1,160 1,320 8,680 5,720 7,320 140 20 80 100 200 20 20 s80 240 500 3,700 2,220o 2,780 1,340 700 180 20 160 560 4,620 4,380 6,420 1,960 940 260 40 40 180 700 460 200 20 20 200 1,060 2,040 8,080 2,920 1,420 440 80 100 600 3,100 4,660 17,540 5,560 4,560 1,740 740 340 40 20 500 80 60 20 40 160 240 1,000 520 320 200 180 20 114 .i ._ . 267 8601 1 640 MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 1: Table 22.--MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) 15 Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, ProOessional Farmers Operatives ram Laborers, Oceuption A ARS OF SCHOOL Total and saagers, sales, foremend and Service laborers except Occupation COMPTAT SD, AND ACE professional farm officials kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers ex. work worker workers foremen ine RUlAL-ONAR Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 1,409,220 257,280 6.060 86,960 852,480 13.520 291.500 345,440 7,640 17400 80,940 18 and 19 years old.............. 102.8001 4,20 20 560 29,300 380 20,940 41880 900 1,460 3,140 No school years completed......... 18 - - - 40 - - 100 20 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,840- 20 60 - 360 700 140 - 60 5 and 6 years ........ 3,840 40 - - 40 - 1,260 1,720 100 120 60 7 and 8 years ....... 19,060 80 - 40 700 40 6,420 10,700 240 300 540 High school: 1 to 3 years .......2. 22,360 240 - 80 3,380 120 6,080 11,120 200 400 740 4 years ............. 51,220 2,600 20 340 22,580 220 "6,540 16,580 200 620 1,520 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4,50 1,140 - 40 2,260 - 200 680 - - 180 4 years or more x,. . 180 100 - 20 40 - - - - 20 Not reported ....... ......... - ..... 620 20 - 20 200 - 80 280 - - 20 20 and 21 years old. 127,520 13,720 140 1,100 40,880 460 26.940 38,540 1,040 2,160 2,540 No school years completed ......... 200 20 - - 60 - - 120 - - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,400 - 20 - 60 - 560 620 60 20 60 5 and 6 years ........ ,720 80 - - 20 - 1,800 1,400 260 80 80 7 and 8 years ........ 19,220 160 2 100 1,260 60 7,240 8,960 440 540 440 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 22,100 8320 20 240 3,500 140 8,460 8,860 80 620 360 4 years . ............ 61,960 3,740 60 640 29,160 200 8,420 17,460 180 860 1,240 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,300 5,840 20 100 6,340 40 280 1,340 20 20 300 4 years or more ...... ,860 3,80 - 20 340 20 - 60 - - 40 Not reported ...... . . . . ....... 760 180 - - 140 - 180 220 - 20 20 22 to 24 years old................ 187,440 41,880 200 2,820 51,400 1,000 40,640 43,020 700 2,740 8,040 No school years completed ......... 44 60 - - so60 - 140 120 60 - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 2,040 - 20 - 100 - .1,040 680 60 60 80 5 and 6 years ........ 5,900 20 20 20 220 20 3,580 1,680 120 140 80 7 and 8 years........ 26,800 280 20 240 1,780 160 12,560 10,160 280 760 560 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,140 520 60 600 4,960 220 11,700 9,780 100 760 440 4 years ............. 74,480 6,280 40 1,500 34,500 540 11,020 18,380 60 920 1, 240 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 24,400 13,860 20 280 7,820 20 360 1,660 20 20 840 4 years or more...... 23,280 20,680 - 180 1,740 40 20 280 - 60 280 Not reported ..................... 960 180 20 - 220 - 220 280 - 20 20 25 to 29 years old ............... 2362801 55,020 00 oo 7.460 60,940 1,940 59,140 42,520 1,280 3,500 4,180 No school years completed ....800 40 - - 160 - 8320 120 40 60 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 3,700 60 20 40 160 - 2,000 1,200 100 60 60 5 and 6 years........ 9,580 20 20 80 840 20 6,520 2,160 120 160 140 7 and 8 years........ 43,020 440 140 1,020 3,940 540 22,420 11,620 640 1,340 920 High school: I to 3 years ......... 41,000 960 40 1,660 9,080 600 15,820 11,000 220 820 800 4 years ............ 72,300 7,700 40 3,040 34,400 640 10,460 13,840 120 760 1,300 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 3,700 19,480 40 1,140 9,120 100 920 2,120 40 - 120 620 4 years or more...... 30,660 25,980 - 400 3,460 20 180 280 - 100 240 Not reported ...................... 1,520 340 - 80 280 20 500 180 80 40 30 to 34 years old ............... 193.560 44, 340 520 10,760 49.980 1.740 46,740 32,600 1,020 2,400 3,460 No school years completed ......... 680 60 60 - 60 - 180 200 60 - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 4,880 20 40 60 160 20 2,860 900 140 160 20 5 and 6 years. 10,980 120 20 260 360 120 7,140 2,340 120 340 160 7 and 8 years........ 40,800 520 180 1,980 5,260 520 18,800 11,100 420 880 1,140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 35,600 1,260 40 2,540 10,400 440 11,200 8,220 180 660 660 4 years ............. 47,160 5,700 0 38,560 28,940 440 5,800 7,140 20 340 640 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 28,720 16,780 100 1,740 7,060 180 760 1,700 20 - 380 4 years or more ...... 2,760 19,680 - 600 2,860 20 200 540 20 - 340 Not reported ..................... 1,480 200 - 20 380 - 300 460 40 20 60 35 to 44 years old..............- 278,980 54,900 1.360 25.660 69,880 4.040 56,140 56,780 1,400 2,800 6,520 No school years completed .....1,880 80 - 160 200 - 780 560 60 20 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,040 80 200 500 200 120 4,800 2,420 120 360 240 5 and 6 years........ 17,540 140 100 1,080 1,000 280 8,760 4,960 320 520 380 7 and 8 years........ 77,680 1,780 420 6,440 14,260 1,580 24,800 24, 840 540 1,000 2,020 High school: 1 to 3 years .... .... 52,100 2,760 320 5,800 16,720 760 10,680 13,080 140 540 1,300 4 years ............. 53,060 6,600 160 7,020 24,980 780 4,360 7,540 100 240 1,280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 35,680 19,320 80 3,180 8,420 340 1,140 2,280 60 60 800 4 years or more ...... 29,280 28,620 40 1,3820 2,960 120 200 620 20 20 360 Not reported ..... ................. 2,720 520 40 160 640 60 620 480 40 40 120 45 to 54 years old .............. 182.700 30.520 2,000 23r840 85.600 2,740 28.800 52.220 780 1,680 4,520 No school years completed ......... 1,680 20 20 120 100 40 440 740 40 40 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 8,900 40 160 940 260 80 3,840 8,840 200 180 360 5 and 6 years ..... 18,680 100 160 860 920 320 4,680 5,960 140 220 320 7 and 8 years ....... 61,90 1,920 0 8,100 10,080 1,200 13,000 24,360 180 620 1,740 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 31,400 2,100 440 4,400 8,360 520 4,600 9,760 180 340 700 4 years ............. 29,100 5,060 800 5,200 10,060 880 2,060 5,220 40 180 600 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,90C 10,020 100 2,800 4,180 180 360 1,920 - 20 380 4 years or more..... 14,640 10,980 120 1,280 1,340 60 100 480 - 40 240 Not reported ..................... 1,500 280 - 140 So00 20 220 440 - 40 60 55 to 64 years old............... . 99,940 12,680 1,520 14,760 15,000 1,20 12p160 37,880 520 660 3,b40 No school years completed .....1,060 0 20 60 49 20 10 520 60 60 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . 5,560 40 200 480 240 100 1,100 3,080 140 40 140 5 and 6 years 9,040 120 120 980 680 80 1,420 5,000 100 80 460 7 and 8 years .... 37,700 820 520 5,180 4,500 620 6,340 17,940 120 320 1,340 High school: 1 to 3 years .. 15,8 980 340 3,080 ,060 o180 1,880 5,520 60 40 640 4 years ............. 15,240 ,40 120 2,960 4,140 180 860 ,920 40 80 520 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,100 4,460 16 1,280 1,560 40 200 1,200 - 20 180 4 years or more...... 5,50 ,740 40 580 600 - 80 400 - - 140 Not reported .................. . . . 880 8o - 160 180 100 00 - 20 40 116 EDUCATION Table 22.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES' 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Fars Laborers, copati AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Servioe laborers except nat COPI D, AND AGE tal professional fa offiand and kiandred kindred workers and farm and rerted C0]PIZTED, AND Apondrd okFoenln workers managers exic fam workers orkers workers formen mine reported RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old . .... 670,960 124,060 77.900 15.880 88, 314 .. 4 85.160 158,840 78,9201 7,440 31,e00 18 and i9 years old .............. . 70,880 4.760 30 120 12.400 160 9.400 26,540 12.860 920 ,g9 No school years completed......... 360 - - - 40 60 240 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,940 - 20 - 20 - 60 620 1,120 40 60 5 and 6 years ........ 3,640 - 20 - - 20 540 1,280 1,540 20 220 7 and 8 years ........ 18,280 20 160 - 440 20 2,960 8,820 4,400 280 1,180 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 12,660 200 20 20 1,160 40 2,160 5,500 2,580 200 780 4 years ............. 29,340 2,380 80 100 9,260 80 3,540 9,740 2,240 380 1,540 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,200 2,060 - - 1,480 60 420 60 - 120 4 years or more ...... 160 60 - - 40 . 60 Not reported .............. .... .. 00 40 - - - - 40100 120 - - 20 and 21 years old .............. 78,460 13,380 600 440 15,620 140 11.400 23,280 9p540 1,280 2,780 No school years completed ........ 460 - - - - 60 180 200 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,600 40 20 - 40 - 200 320 880 60 40 5 and 6 years ........ 2,980 20 100 20 40 - 440 880 1,380 20 80 7 and 8 years........ 16,660 80 220 80 380 40 38,480 7,900 3,220 460 800 High school: '1 to 3 years ..1....... 0,600 200 60 60 1,100 20 .2,380 4,280 1,760 280 460 4 years ............. 31,740 3,420 180 240 10,980 60 4,580 .8,780 1,980 440 1,00 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 12,580 8,220 20 40 2,960 20 200 760 80 20 260 4 yeirs or more ...... 1,460 1,280 - - 80 - 20 60 - - 20 Not reported ..................... 380 120 - - 40 - 40 120 40 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 93,020 23,480 1 20 520 16660 880 14,600 22,240 9,280 1,420 3,320 No school years completed ......... 300 60 - 20 0 - 20 40 120 - 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,920 - 60 - - - 100 440 1,180 40 100 5 and 6 years........ 3,080 20 120 - - 20 540 1,020 1,220 20 10D 7 and 8 years.... 19,840 240 320 100 740 40 4,700 8,500 3,480 500 1,220 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,940 260 300 60 .1,200 80 3,420 4,020 1,720 340 540 4 years ............. 31,460 3,780 280 220 11,200 200 5,420 7,580 1,420 460 900 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 17,340 13,220 20 60 2,820 20 280 460 100 20 840 4 years or more ...... 6,600 5,740 - 60 620 20 20 60 20 20 40 Not reported .......... ....... 540 160 20 - 60 - 100 120 20 20 40 25 to 29 years old ............... 99,120 26,920 2,240 1,240 14 340 520 17,T00 19,500 11,240 1,260 4,160 No school years completed ......... 600 100 40 - - - 60 80 280 - 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,340 - 120 - 20 - 380 640 1,060 20 100 5 and 6 years........ 4,860 40 240 - 40 20 1, 80 1,200 1,600 ,00 240 7 and 8 years ........ 21,900 60 720 140 840 80 6,600 ,800 4,400 480 1,840 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,020 480 480 200 2,160 220 4, 80 8,840 2,020 420 920 4 years ............. 25,060 3,440 420 580 8,020 140 4,440 5,240 1,520 280 980 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 20,200 15,220 160 140 2,760 20 380 940 180 20 380 4 years or more ...... 8,620 7,480 60 160 500 40 40 100 100 - 140 Not reported ...................... 520 100 - 20 - - 140 160 80 - 20 30 to 34 years old ............... 72,460 20,160 4,220 1,580 9,860 600 11,200 12,160 8,720 1,020 2,940 No school yeafs completed ......... 60 20 . 40 - - - 40 80 140 - 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,320 20 360 - 20 - 460 500 860 - 100 5 and 6 years........ 5,200 80 520 60 60 20 1,140 1,240 1,700 100 280 7 and 8 years........ 18,240 220 1,420 280 860 220 4,300 5,520 3,580 520 1,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,240 360 1,000 340 1,940 160 3,080 2,200 1,400 160 500 4 years ............. 12,760 2,160 460 520 4,860 140 1,580 1, 780 700 200 360 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 13,860 10,340 220 260 1,600 40 420 480 240 20 240 4 years or more...... 7,800 6,760 140 120 440 20 80 100 60 - 80 Not reported ..................... 680 200 60 - 80 - 100 1 0 40 20 20 35 to 44 years old .............. 110.180 21,600 17.060 4,720 12,040 640 138380 20,280 13,980 860 5,620 No school years completed ........ 1,300 60 280 40 40 - 80 320 380 20 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,360 40 1,780 80 40 20 680 1,360 2,100 s0 240 5 and 6 years ........ 10,380 20 2, 160 100 160 20 2,060 2,400 2,740 60 660 7 and 8 years........ 35,140 420 6,980 1,300 2,360 300 6,580 9,180 5,400 820 2,300 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 16,560 820 2,660 1,260 2,760 200 2,220 8,700 1,900 200 840 4 years ............ 14,680 2,880 1,820 1,080 4,240 80 1,180 2,320 20 140 720 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,700 9,980 1,020 640 1,840 20 420 680 460 100 540 4 years or more ..... 9,140 7,780 240 200 480 - 40 120 140 140 Not reported .................... 920 100 120 20 120 - .120 200 140 - 100 45 to 54 years old............... 88,020 10,020 26,940 4,820 5,280 600 5.860 19,600 9,340 580 4,980 No school years completed ......... 1,980 - 560 20 - 40 80 340 820 - 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 7,040 20 2,980 60 60 20 380 1,700 1,420 80 320 5 and 6 years....... . 10,820 40 4,100 380 100 40 1,040 2,400 1,940 120 660 7 and 8 years........ 33,500 420 11,320 1,720 1,360 300 2,640 9,680 3,480 240 2,340 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,940 480 - 3,860 960 1,300 80 820 2,920 840 60 620 4 years ............. 8,940 1,220 2,100 820 1,640 100 500 1,600 420 60 480 College: I1 to 3 years ......... 8,220 4,360 1,320 580 500 20 300 660 220 20 240 4 years or more...... 4,720 3,380 440 240 280 - 20 80 140 - 140 Not reported ...................... 860 100 260 40 40 - 80 220 60 - 60 55 to 64 years old............... 58.820 3, 740 25, 420 2,.440 1 9940 880 1, 60 15,240 4,460 100 3,480 No school years completed ........ 1,240 20 640 20 20 -20 240 260 - 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...6,460 - 2,989 160 60 80 140 1,800 880 20 840 5 and 6 years...... 8,220 80 3,800 180 60 40 340 2,300 860 - 560 - 7 and 8 years ........ 24,400 300 11,140 760 660 180 680 7,220 1,560 40 1,880 High school: I to 3 years ......... 6,680 120 3,200 360 400 - 280 1,620 480 20 260 4 years ............. 4,740 520 1,640 520 420 20 140 1,120 160 - 200 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,320 1,540 1,300 300 260 40 40 560 160 - 180 4 years or more...... 2,060 1,160 460 140 40 20 - 10 - - 100 Not reported ......... ............ 700 - 260 - o0 - 40 860 100 20 - MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP Table 23.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLE(ED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) 117 Professional armers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, ARAYEAR OF SCHOO and semi- and managers, als, foremn, and Service laborers except Occupation Total and and and not COMPlETED, AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm andted workers managers exc. farm workers workers workers foremen mine UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 2.658,.880 50,740 554,440 ' 4. 0 54.440 125,900 347,500 419,520 4602'800 594,680 16,100 18 and 19 years old.............. 134.780 200 8.000 160 1.580 1.980 13.360 16,920 71,300 20,160 1,120 No school years completed ......... 4,280 - 260 - 20 20 160 200 3,200 380 40 Grade schol:- 1 to 4 years ........ 48,060 - 8,540 100 360 2,300 2,020 32,640 6,760 340 5 alnd6 years........ 35,020 - 2,320 40 180 320 3,400 3,260 20,120 5,200 180 7 and 8 years ........ 24,940 80 1,380 20 440 380 3,120 4,340 10,620 4,340 220 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 15,320 20 300 40 400 580 3,100 4,540 3,540 2,580 220 4 years ............. 5,400 60 100 60 340 260 1,060 2,140 620 660 100 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 620 - 20 - 80 60 100 260 80 20 - 4 years or more ...... 60 40 --- - - - 20 - Not reported .................... . . 1, 080 - 80 - 20 - 120 160 480 200 20 20 and 21 years old.............. 150 560 640 16.360 200 2 960 2.560 16.360 21,200 59,100 29,960 1,220 No school years completed ......... 6,220 - 860 - 20 60 420 160 3,760 900 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..40...... 40 7,380 - 220 220 2,520 2,360 26,340 8,980 280 5 and 6 years ........ 34,240 - 4,280 20 240 380 3,140 3,660 14,960 7180 380 7 and 8 years........ 28,540 100 2,620 - 540 720 3,880 4,780 9,040 6,580 280 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 19,64 200 820 100 780 680 4,120 5,380 3,220 4,280 60 4 years ............ 10,22 120 200 40 860 440 1,860 3,920 1,080 1,600 100 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,580 80 - 20 200 40 260 740 60 140 40 4 years or more. ..... 260 100 - - 60 - 20 60 - 20 - Not reported ..................... 1,520 - 200 20 40 20 140 140 640 280 40 22 to 24 years old ........... .. 239,700 2.340 35.980 960 4.000 6.800 30,800 36,400 67,380 53,660 1,380 No school years completed ......... 11360 - 2,020 20 - 140 480 380 5,880 2,420 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 76,300 20 16,160 80 200 1,140 6,160 4,300 31,320 16,580 340 5 and 6 years ........ 51,400 60 9,400 60 440 1,080 6,340 5,800 14,860 13,000 360 7 and 8 years........ 46,120 180 5,640 220 580 1, 780 7,520 8,800 9,980 11,160 260 High school 1 to 3 years ......... 29,220 380 1,200 200 960 1,180 6,180 8,260 3,240 6,800 220 4 years ............. . 17,240 440 440 220 1,040 960 3,300 6,780 1,120 2,840 100 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,240 480 60 120 580 420 560 1,480 200 300 40 4 years or more ...... 1,440 780 0 20 160 80 100 180 20 60 20 Not reported .............. ......... 2,380 - 440 20 40 20 160 420 760 - 500 20 25 to 29 years old ............... 402,180 7,240 68,940 2,620 7,960 15,620 58,080 67,240 72,680 99,740 2,080 No school years completed ......... 19,420 40 4,700 140 60 380 1,500 980 6,460 5,060 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 123,500 120 32,220 380 440 2,680 12,300 8,640 35,180 31,220 320 5 and 6 years ........ 91,280 280 18,700 500 780 3,600 12,700 11,240 17,360 25,560 560 7 and 8 years ........ 79,520 540 8,940 440 1,240 3,600 15,460 18,540 9,320 21,000 440 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 45,200 820 2,660 340 1,500 2,780 9,380 14,120 2,800 10,460 340 4 years .............. 25,000 80 540 400 2,040 1,800 5,020 9,420 700 4,220 80 College: 1 to 3 years . ........ 7,640 1,040 200 160 1,100 480 960 2,660 60 920 60 4 years or more ...... 6,240 3,560 20 240 760 200 180 980 20 200 80 Not reported ..................... . 4,380 60 .960 20 40 100 560 660 780 1,100 100 30 to 34 years old .............. 362680 7.660 67.020 .760 160 16.980 57.360 61,940 46,680 91,620 2,500 No school years completed ........ 19,960 20 5,140 120 120 440 1,880 1,200 5,580 5,280 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 115,320 220 32,600 340 540 3,780 14,320 9,180 23,120 30,580 640 5 and 6 years ....... 82,66 360 16,380 580 780 3,760 14,460 12,120 9,680 24,020 520 7 and 8 years ....... 74,620 480 9,040 920 1,360 4,340 14,420 18,560 5,340 19,660 500 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 36,20 800 2,300 840 1,000 2,440 7,540 11,620 1,640 7,660 360 4 years ............. 15,92 620 220 440 1,800 1,240 3,020 6,020 400 2,340 120 College: 1 to 3 years ......6,86 1,180 260 00 1,080 620 860 1,860 160 520 20 4 years or more ..... 6,180 3,880 60 180 760 60 340 680 20 4 120 80 Not reported ..................... 4,960 100 1,020 40 20 S00 520 700 740 1,440 80 35 to 44 years old............... 654,980 13,880 18.,180 10,680 14,740 39,720 100,580 107,920 67,280 162,840 4,160 No school years completed'........ 50,520 120 15,920 420 120 1,540 5,300 3,200 10,480 13,140 280 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 230,680 780 67,780 2,100 1,520 10,120 29,380 20,100 35,480 62,020 1,400 5 and 6 years ........ 146,460 860 29,800 2,200 1,640 8,940 24,380 22,440 12,900 42,300 1,000 7 and 8 years....... 132,260 1,580 13,560 2,780 3,940 10,780 26,060 35,200 5,540 31,980 840 High school. 1 to 3 years ...... 43,780 1,180 3,200 1,060 2,840 4,320 8,900 13,900 1,360 7,300 220 4 years ............. 21,460 1,260 500 860 2,400 2,300 3,480 7,440 260 2,800 160 College: 1 to,3 years ......... 11,060 1,860 520 500 1,720 1,200 1,120 3,300 100 620 120 4 years or more ..... 9,920 6,160 20 620 940 240 340 1,120 60 380 40 Not reported ..................... 8,840 80 1,880 140 120 280 1,620 1,220 1,100 2,300 100 45 to 54 years old............... 434,060 10.900 130.300 9,780 10,280 25.520 47,800 64,500 46,600 86,440 1,940 No school years completed ......... 51,260 140 20,000 700 240 1,480 4,120 3,180 10,040 11,180 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 171,280 840 68,460 2,720 880 7,480 15,820 15,140 24,240 34,960 740 5 and 6 years........ 86,500 740 24,220 1,860 1,260 5,760 11,340 14,460 7,020 19,440 400 7 and 8 years ....... 72,480 1,520 10,880 2,120 2,800 6,000 11,260 19,660 3,360 14,380 500 High school: i to 3 years .......... 20,620 780 3,080 980 1,680 1,900 2,820 5,400 880 3,000 100 4 years ............. 12,800 1,320 860 600 1,560 1,620 1,240 3,840 200 1,540 20 College: 1 to 3 years .......5. 5, 780 1,360 400 320 1,040 440 440 1,280 60 440 - 4 years or more ..... 6,860 4,160 80 820 680 440 300 720 20 140 Not reported ................. 6,480 40 2,820 160 140 400 460 820 780 1,360 55 to 64 years old.............. 279.340 7.880 94.660 6.000 5.760 16,720 23,180 43,400 29,780 50, 260 1,700 No school years completed ...... . . 44,600 140 19,480 40 800 1,280 2,800 3,580 8,440 7,980 260 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 111,720 620 46,400 1,720 700 5,420 8,280 11,460 14,780 21,740 600 5 and 6 years..... 51,640 440 16,800 1,320 680 3,780 5,200 9,940 3,580 10,040 360 7 and 8 years.... 41,180 1,240 7,320 1,400 1,780 3,640 4,740 11,700 1,780 7,300 280 High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 10,660 680 2,100 44 420 1,160 1,040 3,040 320 1,420 40- 4 years ............. 6,000 740 560 260 980 660 420 1,600 40 700 40 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,940 1,200 20 220 460 340 260 700 60 300 80 4 years or more.. 4,580 2,740 140 200 400 240 140 560 40 100 20 Not reported .................... . . 5,020 80 2,040 100 40 200 300 820 740 680 20 EDUCATION Table 23.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHDOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent saaple) fessional Farmers Proprietors, C al, Cften, Operatives Farm Laborers Oc t managers, sales, foremen, anlaboers scet sot AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and and and and and service laborers except t COMPLETED, AD AGE professional farm offis kinred nd kindred workers and farm ad work rNeson a nagrs fficials, kindred kindred workers foremen sine reported workers managers ex. farm workers workersine rURBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 1,23512010 38,660 2,940 28520 50,580 97,620 248,120 360,140 20,200 379,460 8,880 18 and 19 years old.............. 35,720 160 - 120 1.420. 1,e 80 9,460 13,360 1,200 8,880 400 No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years, or more.. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: � 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ..... ... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 36s 5,440 7,520 8,78C 8,880 4,000 40 4( 300 4Q . Sd! 680 6,560 9,040 11,860 12,140 7,160 1,360 180 460 OQR 'n 80 60 20 LAO 60 160 120 60 60 1 so 100 40 20 40 20 140 20 60 20 20 20 720 80 160 420 320 340 80 20 2.700 .2 i 20 160 240 500 700 820 200 40 20 3.660 12 11 1 1 I I - I - 20 200 160 240 440 180 40 1.920 40 60 260 520 560 420 40 20 4.820 60 1,460 2,280 2,200 2,360 920 100 10.980 240 1,280 2,020 2,600 3,140 1,360 220 20 100 20.420 140 1,480 2,360 3,360 3,880 1,880 180 80 17.100 100 1,680 2,780 3,980 4,580 3,160 680 40 100 30.300 80 420 300 240 120 20 80 1.720 6 .20 60 560 480 400 120 40 60 1.800 8,140 8,080 1,640 520 20 80 13.920 2E0 2,740 3,120 3,680 2,760 1,160 100 20 180 a8.900 40 80 140 80 60 800 0o 180 120 60 60 40 900 .... 1,660 - - - - 80 260 240 60 1,020 - .... 14,880 - - 80 160 620 8,800 8,200 6680 6,760 100 16,540 40 40 20 360 660 3,720 4,760 500 6,260 160 ... 22,040 160 20 180 520 1,300 5,100 7,260 280 7,120 100 19,600 360 20 160 880 940 4,680 7,140 200 5,080 140 13,120 360 20 140 980 800 2,660 5,900 80 2,080 100 .... 3,460 340 - 100 580 340 460 1,380 - 220 40 .... 1,020 500 - 20 160 60 80 140 - 40 0 860 - - 20 20 20 160 280 20 320 80 189.280 5.500 200 2,280 7,500 12,080 40,480 57,400 3,340 59,500 1,000 4,160 20 - 100 40 200 820 640 180 2,140 31,660 80 60 340 400 1,700 7,040 6,520 1,140 14,240 140 . 38,700 240 60 360 680 2,480 * 8,480 9,2280 1,200 15,780 00 47,460 400 40 420 1,120 2,900 11,300 16,200 400 14,460 s20 33,420 720 40 280 1,440 2,400 7,360 12,540 340 8,080 22D .. 20,660 660 - 360 1,940 1,620 4,080 8,620 40 3,280 80 �.. 6,300 680 - 160 1,080 480 860 2,240 - 760 40 5,000 2,640 - 240 760 200 120 880 - 120 40 1,920 60 - 20 40 100 420 540 40 640 60 188,040 5.680 180 3,180 6,640 13,60 42,120 54,160 2,280 58,880 1,560 5,280 - - 120 120 240 1,060 900 80 2,640 10o ... 37,820 140 80 280 420 2,480 9,240 7,040 1,160 16,760 220 �.. 40,940 260 40 380 640 2,780 9,920 10,240 500 15,860 380 49,660 420 40 740 1,220 3,700 11,540 16,760 280 14,600 360 ... 27,480 720 - 740 980 2,120 6,200 10,520 140 5,740 380 .. 14,120 520 - 420 1,500 1,200 2,680 5,680 20 2,000 100 �.. 5,540 780 20 280 1,000 580 720 1,720 20 400 20 .. 4,780 2,760 - 180 740 40 280 640 - 80 60 ... 2,420 80 - 40 20 220 "480 660 80 800 40 ... 356,040 10,760 620 9,080 13,740 31,520 74,100 95,020 4,380 114,160 2,660 15,020 100 40 . 340 80 1,000 8,040 2,360 420 7,54C 100 ... 87,040 480 280 1,660 1,300 6,920 18,480 16,240 2,060 38,960 660 81,580 680 140 1,780 1,440 6,940 18,300 19,540 980 81,120 660 96,880 1,200 120 2,500 3,740 9,180 21,080 32,020 600 25,760 700 34,580 920 - 960 2,260 3,840 7,580 12,680 120 6,020 200 18,820 1,000 - 760 2,260 2,020 3,140 7,080 60 2,360 140 9,320 1,360 - 460 1,660 1,120 1,080 3,020 - 520 100 . 8,300 4,9601. - 520 900 220 260 1,080 - 8320 40 4,500 60 40 100 100 280 1,160 1,000 140 1,560 so 197,160 8.340 1.0209 7.920 9680 19.840 32.940 55,420 8,020 57,880 1,100 .. 18,000 120 80 480 240 1,000 2,040 2,120 620 6,220 80 54,040 640 420 2,200 740 5,340 9,540 12,400 1,280 21,100 380 42,640 440 300 1,460 1,180 4,280 7,740 12,380 560 14,060 240 49,680 1,100 120 1,800 2,580 5,080 9,160 17,660 - 400 11,420 .360 14,280 520 60 760 1,580 1,580 2,400 4,780 120 2,460 80 10,380 960 - 540 1,540 1,480 1,060 3,480 - 1,300 20 4,720 1,080 - 280 1,000 420 360 1,180 - 400 .... 5,840 3,440 - 280 680 340 280 700 - 120 - .... 2,580 40 40 1201 140 320 360 720 40 - - .... 126.260 6,000 820 5,080 5,240 12,800 17,620 37,380 2,460 37,900 960 11,780 38,560 26,920 28,480 7,160 4,840 3,040 3,780 1,700 60 380 240 940 440 600 920 2,340 80 220 300 240 60 220 1, 460 1,120 1,200 380 240 180 200 86 -280 560 580 1,640 400 960 440 360 20 780 3,760 2,980 3,120 940 560 340 160 160 1,660 5,980 4,320 3,880 900 360 200 80 240 2,540 9,320 8,680 10,740 2,820 1,500 620 520 640 600 1,060 380 260 60 20 80 5,360 15,440 8,180 6,400 1,180 400 60 300 800 240 40 40 60 80 118 I ..I - .i T r. .... � � ,% MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP Table 23.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) AA, SCOL siona ar Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Service Far Laborers, Occupation roEAn Tarer OF SCHOOL managers, sales, foremen, and Srite laborrs exceptn A Total and semi- and and and and kindred iworkers aend fara and o COMPLETED, AGE tal professional fagr officials, kindred kindred worker s formen an reported exc. farm workers workers RIRAL-NDNFAWI Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old....... .. No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 year .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..6.. 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed .. . Grade school: to4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... Highschool: 1to 3years..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............. . .. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... Hlghschool:1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ........ .. No school years completed.... Grade school: I to 4 years .... . 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... igh school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... Hig school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old....... No school years, completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: _ to 3 years .... 4 years or more. .Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: l to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported .............. 520 6,420 5,080 4,060 2,360 600 80 240 760 7,560 5,600 4,520 3,240 1,680 140 -40 220 ;... 69,66011 1. 100 g s 1 a v 1uv v 4 _ 1 .9A 4,80 1194 10 6~~~~~ Ij o r v u 3,900 23,860 16,660 13,560 6,240 2,820 860 920 840 59,420 04 1 80 |., c . l . .... 3,..0 10,04 22 I0nn 4n 4,040 21,480 15,280 10,200 4,780 1,140 740 860 900 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 60 200 20 40 80 80 220 660 - n 20 80 60 40 80 80 280 700 100 40 60 40 an^ 100 40 40 40 4018 I 39b40 880 60 t6U ,0V 6 0v ,r -,,- .. i n non Cld 60 180 120 140 80 20 40 40o 200 180 40 20 20 80 540 180 80 20 40 20 40 23,760,52 120 206 ..o. nn0 , , 40 20 I- 20 20 40 20 60 20 ,,^^ 40 40 120 60 40 60 160 120 100 20 4412 8 444 2.96 % 2'9001 8 6,6 300 , 20 20 20 80 22h 40 60 40 20 20 20 80 40 80 60 20 o ,, 20 40 100 100 40 60 20 dan 80 120 140 20 80 20 c 2n -21 .100 100 60 120 120 60 san 40 100 80 100 20 1380 40 340 240 340 200 140 60 20 - n 120 780 900 560 320 140 264n 160 840 740 440 3820 40 40 60 6 280 81.880 49.7201 72.4201 156.940 3.260 aM COA 9 'I 7A I 1 I II rr I nn I u'.,o 660 780 660 600 140 20 S.840 ioo 740 760 1,040 360 40 20 7 R560 160 1,900 1,660 2,000 1,200 560 60 20 1d_ 4Zo 4,140 3,440 3,420 1,740 840 100 60 120 12.800 DU 4,140 3,900 2,480 1,260 220 120 60 40 22.500 o6 420 620 840 620 180 80 80 20EO 520 720 560 720 680 40 20 40 5.040 120lU 700 840 1,380 980 760 _80 40 140 8.380 1,620 1,680 2,080 1,380 740 380 100 80 6.460 1,620 1,640 1,460 1,020 320 100 40 40 10.960 2,460 1,820 960 280 60 60 5.800 360bU 2,440 1,520 920 340 200 20 8.360 720 3,660 1,920 1,440 360 180 40 40 11 _380 180 4,800 2,940 1,960 580 120 180 8.460 3,860 1,920 1,120 260 80 20 160 14.120 .u 2,580 1,700 1,340 560 100 60 9,520 3,520 2,360 1,720 1,140 340 40 120 15.460 6,140 3,700 2,620 1,300 580 80 20 180 R .fO 11,940 7,140 5,080 1,920 780 100 60 400 25.260 1,vv 10,040 6,420 4,260 1,660 320 80 40 540 37.940 80 40 60 60 20 20 320 120 100 80 20 280 60 100 60 60 520 100 120 140 80 20 40 540 220 140 60 40 20 20 720 99 ,400 2U 320U 2 60 1 2u0U_ , - .. . , ... .. -. -1 9,920 - 160 60 40 360 1,840 660 2,200 4,500 100 .. 41,24 0 200 1,120 340 220 2,520 9,060 3,140 7,060 1 6,240 340 .... 21,880 120 .480 300 160 1,440 5,320 2,500 2,680 8,720 160 16,440 280 440 260 180 1,320 4,400 2,840 1,400 5,260 60 4,520 240 60 100 80 380 1,160 1,000 440 1,060 - 1,780 180 20 100 120 180 280 360 100 420 20 900 360 40 20 60 60 20 260 - 60 20 1,300 940 - 80 40 20 80 40 40 60 - . 1,420 - 40 20 20 - 340 160 200 620 20 66.720 1,900 3.080 1,420 520 4,300 13,000 7,720 11,440 23,000 340 .. 9,360 - 380 140 - 420 1,700 920 1,920 3,860 20 .... 28,720 160 1,560 400 120 1,520 5,420 2,240 5,940 11,180 180 1.... 1,980 260 620 320 80 1,160 3,260 1,740 2,020 4,460 60 9,000 380 340 280 180 720 1,840 1,740 1,100 2,360 60 .... 2,340 220 80 140 80 240 400 540 180 440 20 1,200 260 20 60 20 80 180 320 60 200 - 500 200 20 20 40 - 80 100 - 40 - S600 420 - 40 - 80 20 20 - 20 - 1,020 - 60 20 - 80 100 100 220 440 - .... 34,800 1,280 2,680 700 400 2,880 4,940 4,940 7,000 9,740 240 6,- 60 _ ..3 100n 6,740 15,060 5,740 4,060 1,040 480 440 580 66"0 60 220 80 220 140 40 180 340 340 1,220 620 320 20 40 20 40 60 100 140 160 180 60 20 20 20 20 120 60 140 20 20 20 400 1,160 640 380 140 100 60 980 2,040 760 780 140 60 60 60 60 780 1,780 1,020 760 220 100 80 40 160 1,920 3,520 880 480 80 20 100 z;,uw 4,760 1,480 780 220 120 20 20 260 100 40 20 20 119 11 1oF A L 0 3 340 1,960 13,020 8,700 8,080 4,300 2,380 400 320 380 Al0 &An a AAAI 2,9601 2.900) 5,8601 6,460 00 140 460 19AA I EDUCATION Table 23.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Pro fessional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical,' Craftsmen, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and anagers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Occupation COMPLETED, AND AGE Total professional ar officials, kindred kinde kindred workers and farm and ported workers managers exe. farm workers workers workers foremen mine r RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 yers ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ... ............... . 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .. ....... . 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed .:....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ........... ........ 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years .e....... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. . I- .LU.LUOU a oq 3anV t.L. GV a __ _ __"u o . LOU SJV tOV io .u. DO 3 ~ .V 79.700 40 7.760 - - 20 240 940 660 64,240 5,380 420 3,400 - 260 - 20 - - - 2,900 .200 20 36,200 - 3,440 - - 60 180 120 29,760 2,420 220 22,420 - 2,280 - - 100 340 280 18,000 1,360 60 12,100 - 1,320 - - 20 260 140 9,420 920 20 4,080 20 260 - - 20 140 40 3,140 380 80 800 - 100 - - 20 - 80 540 40 20 140 - 20 - - 20 20 - 80 - - 20 20- - - - - - 540 - 80 - - - - - 400 60 - 77,360 60 16,140 - 40 300 1,540 780 51,580 6,520 400 4,780 - 860 - - 20 80 '40 3,840 400 40 34,220 - 7,280 - 20 120 500 160 23,340 2,720 80 19,600 - 4,240 - - 20 360 160 12,960 1,700 160 12,160 - 2,580 - - 120 240 240 7,720 1,10 80 4,260 20 780 - 20 20 200 80 2,760 380 - 1, 380 - 200 - - - 140 80 . 840 100 20 80 - - - - - - 20 60 - - 40 40 - - - - - - - 840 - 200 - - - 20 - - 560 40 20 106,980 200 . 35.280 60 40 600 2,820 1,060 57,220 9,300 400 7,740 48,400 26,160 16,000 5,320 1,740 380 100 1,140 143.240 11,360 67,980 35,920 18,500 5,540 1,520 480 320 1,620 115.220 10,640 56,020 26,440 14,760 3,940 660 580 540 1,640 199.540 25,580 102,400 43,000 18,940 4,680 860 840 320 2,920 170.180 28,900 88,520 29,880 13,800 4,000 1,220 560 420 2,880 118.280 40 80 80 640 20 40 20 100 20 40 140 260 640 40 20 20 120 420 20 800 20 100 60 100 20 80 140 260 20 660 20 40 40 40 40 100 80 300 600 1,960 15,980 9, 240 5,480 1,700 420 60 440 67.800 4,660 31,760 18,440 8,720 2,580 520 180 20 920 65.840 5,060 31,980 16,160 8,920 2,280 180 220 60 980 180.200 15,720 66,380 29,180 13,000 3,140 480 480 20 1,800 126.200 19,540 66,480 23,300 10,420 2,940 840 380 80 2,220 91.160 " � � i - I- - I 20 20 120 40 60 20 320 20 100 120 20 20 20 20 440 80 120 80 40 80 20 20 220 20 180 180 140 40 20 20 720 60 200 220 140 60 40 980 40 460 240 200 20 20 1.920 180 680 560 280 100 100 20 1,380 60 620 320 200 80 60 20 20 1.040 60 960 960 420 800 80 40 8,300 260 1,120 780 740 280 100 20 2.440 - 80 4 7 2__0_- 240 940 640 400 80 120 20 3.980 --42-- 18 76 0m- 1,10 r, 420O 1,840 760 600 160 60 80 120 1.860 - --- 1 4 0 -1 380 860 340 260 20 620 20 400 200 160 140 120 20 1,460 20 500 340 260 200 60 40 40 1.320 0 520 240 340 80 20 40 1,940 180 720 400 340 220 20 60 1,360 140 500 340 260 80 40 1.080 5,100 27,000 12,440 8,260 2,680 860 160 20 700 57,960 5,480 29,240 13,220 6,960 1,880 540 60 20 560 35,940 4,460 18,100 7,260 3,940 1,240 300 120 20 500 48,780 7,860 26,360 9,240 3,540 800 100 100 20 760 32,140 7,500 17,020 4,440 1,860 580 140 60 20 520 20.320 560 3,680 3,040 1,420 420 180 10,680 780o 5,040 2,640 1,460 460 160 60 20 60 9.49 740 3,780 1,740 800 260 20 40 100 10,740 1,100 5,820 2,460 960 220 20 40 120 5,560 1,100 2,680 920 600 100 40 120 2.620 tr- I 7 4 .~ .~i ~ 26,00 2 18,20 0 10 16 260 5,30 54 14 26,080 58,100 18,980 8,640 2,460 680 460 220 2,660 20 20 120 80 100 100 100 60 18,920 44,880 15,440 6,940 2,080 520 300 100 1,980 20 120 40 20 20 100 500 160 140 80 20 40 160 260 120 80 260 360 240 200 20 5,920 10,200 2,320 1,040 180 40 40 20 560 540 1,540 880 120 20 20 20 20 560 80 80 240 80 40 20 20 400 20 800 60 80 20 20 780 80 400 180 80 20 20 500 80 180 100 80 60 500 140 200 120 20 20 120 I II I I _ I I 1 1 II 02 1 o Q 0 GIAI Win aa^ 0 n 1 s.o -' IMRAA n dbl Qa tn 1 .m an MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP Table 24.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professibnal Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCRL Total and s and managers sas, foren, and Service laborers, except COMPLETED, AND ACE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and reported workers managers exici falsrm, workers workers workers foremen mine reported UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years .. ..... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 20 and 21 years old....... ..... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................. 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. . 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ...... .... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 1040,7e40 64840 4 1 90U 10,160 20I20 Z 0 2,300 . 95,220U I019 o 1 4bU 14,00U 14,440 7838.20 960 420 60 960 40 2,420 46,400 20,600 360 1,100 1,600 - 20 - 20 - - 720 780 40 20 12,460 - 120 - - - 180 5,580 6,480 60 40 16,300 - 160 - - - 340 9,580 5,860 100 260 18,920 20 100 20 80 40 540 12,900 4,840 80 300 14,500 140 20 20 120 - 960 10,860 2,040 80 260 . 7,940 520 - 20 640 - 380 5,820 380 - 180 1,040 260 - - 100 - 20 540 80 - 40 . 40 20 - - - - - 20 - - 520 - - - - - - 380 140 - - 89.360 3.380 360 140 1,280 40 4,460 59,920 17,860 920 1,000 1,700 - - - - - 40 .900 720 - - 15,540 20 100 - 20 - 480 8,440 6,140 100 240 17,260 20 60 20 60 - 820 10,940 4,960 240 140 20,760 80 100 - 140 - 1,040 15,140 3,720 340 200 17,140 320 20 80 220 '20 1,260 13,140 1,620 160 300 12,420 980 20 - 580 20 720 9,480 480 60 80 S 2,740 1,000 - 20 220 - 100 1,300 60 - 40 1,120 920 - 20 20 - - 160 - - - 680 40 20 - 20 - - 420 160 20 - 146,940 8,820 1.240 200 2,4001 120 8,220 103,160 20,080 1,620 1,080 2,960 28,060 29,480 33,960 27,640 17,920 6,500 4,080 1,340 244.960 5,360 42,680 51,080 61,360 40,800 230600 10,820 7,000 2,260 212.260 6,460 41,940 47,140 53,960 29,840 15,980 8,420 6,540 1,980 371.140 17,540 97,620 90,960 88,060 36,660 18,480 10,200 7,720 3,900 215.020 19,740 71,560 48,000 42,060 13,860 7,920 5,100 3,660 3,120 90.?40 40 40 60 100 840 1,700 3,200 3,260 80 14.600 20 80 140 320 760 2,280 5,540 5,460 12.020 40 80 100 240 620 1,580 4,260 5,020 80 15.280 60 140 280 520 1,040 2,580 5,060 5,480 120 7.380 40 100 120 200 440 1,260 2,560 2,620 40 29400 20 400 560 120 100 20 20 2.460 120 820 660 720 100 40 3.260 240 1,440 980 420 80 40 20 20 20 12.160 1,000 5,640 3,460 1,340 520 80 40 40 40 13.360 1,920 5,980 3,080 1,560 540 40 20 40 180 8R.40 40 60 20 20 40 20 800 60 100 200 160 160 80 40 1.100 20 80 120 240 380 160 40 60 4.160 100 580 860 1,160 720 280 260 160 40 2.640 40 560 520 680 400 240 100 40 60 1 060 ., ., ., . "I ,.. 13, 020 34,280 18,080 14,120 4,180 2,940 1,620 1,140 1,360 60 80 80 160 140 440 800 640 1,840 4,160 1,600 560 220 80 40 140 40 200 300 220 140 60 60 20 20 20 20 40 160 540 960 340 320 4,760 80 80 700 860 1,380 1,060 560 40 3,560 200 300 440 500 1,040 620 , 460 4.300 100 240 340 880 680 1,060 600 380 20 2.100 160 160 500 300 460 400 120 840 60 80 140 240 100 120 60 40 20 20 60 20 360 60 20 60 80 100 20 20 360 40 40 40 80 60 40 60 980 120 260 240 140 120 60 40 260 40 60 100 20 40 140 60 860 1,320 2,200 2,360 1,020 260 140 18,100 1 80 260 2,460 3,780 5,320 3,480 2,060 500 120 120 17,160 240 1,420I I 240 2,640 3,860 4,940 3,240 1,540 460 60 180 28,600 720i 11,82 3,260 �.. . 3-0-0- 1 - 720 5,920 7,340 8,400 3,820 1,520 440 140 300 12,440 620 3,120 2,900 3,360 1,020 860 240 220 100 3.820 480 980 860 740 340 280 60 60 20 1,640 13,920 20,680 27,200 22,320 13,680 2,500 340 880 173,960 3,280 28,580 37,680 48,460 33,160 17,100 3,480 720 1,500 152,580 4,340 28,660 35,740 44,060 23,580 11,140 2,840 820 1,400 268,820 11,820 69,160 68,660 70,460 28,300 12,360 3,560 1,380 3,120 152,240 1 - V V 1 vv V1 "i v' vl - 7 1 -' -- 13,260- 1 - 260 13,260 49,300 36,420 33,500 10,540 4,720 1,700 600 2,200 62.140 ,r-10 20---- 8 8,200 22,920 12,900 11,280 3,080 1,880 580 340 960 1, 120 7,260 6,120 3,620 1,400 280 60 20 200 24,980 1,480 9,380 7,340 4,440 1,440 280 40 20 560 18,220 1,420 7,780 5,020 2,560 920 220 100 200 29,480 8,260 13,860 7,560 3,420 1,000 160 40 20 160 20,540 3,340 10,700 4,000 1,480 340 180 60 440 9.700 2,080 5,160 1,780 420 80 20 160 40 280 440 380 320 120 20 20 2,900 120 820 760 640 380 100 40 20 20 2,160 80 580 520 540 260 120 60 3,540 180 1,000 1,240 740 200 140 40 1,840 260 880 340 220 60 40 40 660 120 160 200 120 20 20 20 220 200 160 220 80 80 100 2,040 80 340 520 500 380 100 60 ,40 20 1,840 80 440 460 480 180 80 40 40 40 3,820 900 960 960 900 240 180 100 80 100 2,220 260 720 400 460 200 120 20 20 20 1.340 140 540 220 320 40 20 20 20 20 121 n.A^ T T i , , -t , A An 90 An !" sIAI 17 AA In 1 cn nn nw 0 ... .. ...'' ,e,., 1 I M' I A A EDUCATION Table 24.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent smple Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and anmanagers, sales, foremen d Service laborers except Occupation Abtal and and and not COMPLTED, AND AE ofessional fa officials, kindred kndred kindred workers and farm and workers managers exe. farm workers workers workers foremen mine URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old ......... No school years completed. ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... . 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ............. 25 to 29 years old ...... .... No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..:. 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: i to 3 years .... 4 years or pnore. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old. ........ No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not repolted ............... 961 .860 43.700 3n00 7. 780 18.700 2.140 85.620 781.960 4.600 9.600 7.460 .As2nt11 660lt , r2IO flI 0 40 920 20 1.920 30.320 2401 2401 46 .... 280 - - - 20 - - 260 - - - ... 2,580 - - - 80 2,400 60 40- ... 5,,720 - - - - - 240 5,260 80 - 40 100 .... 9,340 20 - 20 60 20 440 8,560 60 80 80 .... 9,580 60 " - 20 100 - 780 8,380 40 80 120 6,260 420 - - 640 - 360 4,720 - - 120 .... . 760 160 - - 100 - 20 440 - - 40 .... 20 - - - - - 20 - - - 280 - - - - - 280 - - - 51,300 2, 180 - 120 1,200 40 3,880 42,220 520 640 500 .... 560 - - - - - 20 520 20 - - . 5,180 20 - - 20 - 380 4,520 140 40 60 .... 8,080 20 - 20 60 - 660 6,940 140 180 60 12,220 40 - - 140 - 940 10,680 100 240 80 12,360 140 - 60 160 20 1,180 10,340 100 140 220 9,840 800 - - 560 20 600 7,760 - 40 60 ... 1,860 480 - 20 220 - 100 1,020 - - 20 .... 800 640 - 20 20 - - 120 - - - .... 400 40 -* - 20 - - 320 20 - - 94,160 5,440 20 140 2,320 120 7,200 77,140 540 780 460 980( 9,800 15,360 23,8030C 21,52C 14,96C 4,560 2,80C 88C 2,380 21,720 32,56( 46,340 33,880 20,300 7,740 5,120 1,300 154.300 3,06C 22,98( 32,980 42,90( 25,420 14,080 6,260 5,14( 1,480 263.320 8,400 57,0401 63,74@0 70,780 29,940 16,200 7,620 6,580 3,020 19 500 8,920 38,180 32,580 33,540 10,820 6,600 4,040 2,960 1,860 53 120 :::::I : : : : : 20 20 40 60 180 1,220 1,640 2,180 80 9.22 60 100 280 460 1,500 3,100 3,720 8.260 20 60 80 200 320 1,140 2,620 3,780 40 11.180 40 120 240 400 680 1,860 3,280 4,440 120 5.2 20 60 80 160 300 760 1,700 2,000 40 1.640 20 40 40 140 100 260 520 520 20 20 20 20 40 20 5o 20 20 20 160 540 940 320 300 4.440 20 20 60 20 340 I tf A 11 - _ 60 60 120 80 140 60 40 820 60 60 640 800 1,380 980 500 20 3.240 - i , n ...- T - I I I0 20 120 - 0 20 60 100 180 260 120 20 60 3.220 180 280 380 440 960 580 420 3.900 60 20 40 80 100 20 20 340 20 40 40 80 60 40 60 920 - -I V -i .I .. I 60 80 60 420 640 900 520 260 028 160 40 2.06 20 380 420 540 340 onn 80 40 40 820 40 180 200 180 120 20 40 20 20 80 140 320 780 600 1,060 520 380 20 1 .90 140 160 460 280 420 380 120 40 60 120 180 100 120 60 40 120 220 220 140 120 60 40 - n 40 60 80 20 40 120 40 680 1,180 2,000 2,120 840( 260 8( 16.420 160 2,040 3,360 4,940 3,220 2,000 460 120 120 15.720 200 2,160 3,480 4,560 3,140 1,480 460 60 180 26.140 600 5,240 6,620 7,860 3,580 1,420 400 140 280 11060 Lu4 1 wv v G 4 vv 2 vv -- ---8220 I 0 0 420 2,680 2,540 3,140 960 780 240 200 100 3. 80 y0 14V 1 V + V -V vv 1 4,90 6 280 780 780 700 340 280 60 40 20 880 8,660 13i780 20,680 18,180 11,760 2,240 280 680 136.300 2,100 18,480 27,920 39,360 28,580 *15,020 3,040 660 1,140 122.620 2,700 19,680 28,260 36,720 20,780 10,080 2,520 720 1,160 212,060 7,380 49,320 54,060 59,160 24,'060 11,180 3,020 1,340 2,540 116.140 8,220 33,800 28,740 28,560 8,700 4,360 1,620 580 � 1,560 45.160 4,960 15,400 10,060 8,940 2,540 1,680 560 320 700 20 220 180 lo00 20 920 40 280 300 220 40 20 20 580 60 240 100 100 40 40 1.,000 4 -. 120 560 200 160 40 560 60 220 160 80 40 240 100 100 240 260 80 2.100 - , .. ,2.v- 60 580 520 420 380 60 40 20 20 1.580 -- -- ----- 60 400 360 380 200 .120 60 2.700 80 720 900 640 180 140 40 1.140 120 500 240 180 40 40 20 420 60 120 20 40 40 80 160 80 20 20 20 60 40 S40 180 60 60 20 1,040 20 100 220 320 240 80 40 20 1.120 160 280 340 160 80 20 40 40 2,080 120 360 520 600 140 160 80 80 20 1.140 60 340 160 320 180 40 20 20 660 20 160 160 240 20 20 20 20 122 r __I __ , I -I -- II T r r I ___ T . _ .. 5,480 16,860 11,540 10,560 3,240 2,42Q 1,240 980 800 MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 123 Table 24.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 54 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Fafmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, fraemen, and Service laborers except Occupation COMPLETED, AND AGE ttal professional farm and and- and kindred workers and farm and not orkerofficials, kindred kindred reported workers managers exce. farm workers workers workers foremen mine i , RURAL-N)NFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............... ... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ..... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported.................. 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... Land 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old-. ............ No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years. ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ...... ...... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years . High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed . ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 148370 0-47---9 2 11,6201 8401 2.0 801 1. 280 20 1 7.8601 175,201 1i2,160 3 600,1 25 5,00 1 C i l20 100 40n 10 00 8I - S 300 - - I - - - 220 40 40 2,380 - - - - - 100 1,840 400 20 20 3,280 - - - - 100 2,880 260 20 20 . 3,160 - - - 20 - 60 2,760 280 - 40 S. 2,240 - - - 20 - 120 1,900 140 - 60 " 1,080 60 - 20 - - 20 860 80 - 40 80 20 - - - - 60 - - - .. 20 20 - - - - - - . 80 - -,- - - - - -0 - - - 14 680 580 40 20 80 - 480 12, 220 860 220 180 . 260 - - - - - 20 220 20 - - . 2,900 - - - - - - 80 2,320 400 60 40 3,00 - 20 - - - 140 2,860 180 60 40 S 3,500 20 - - - - .60 ,100 220 80 20 . 2,400 60 - 20 60 - 80 2,080 40 - 60 1,540 100 - - 20 - 100 1,280 - 20 20 S. 540 300 - - - - 240 - - - 120 100 - - - - - 20 - - - 120 - 20 - - - - 100 - - - . . 2 00 1,800 4 60 80 - - 840 18,620 1,3.60 620 280 S. 40 20 - - - - - 20 540 120 20 20 " 4,300 20 20 20 - - 100 3,440 500 120 80 5,420 20 - * 40 20 - 140 4,500 440 220 40 5,320 20 20 - - - 140 4,840 160 120 20 38,820 80 - - - - 240 3,300 120 60 20 2,000 200 - - 20 - 160 1,540 20 40 20 1,040 740 - - 20 - - 260 - - 20 820 700 -- - 20 - - 20 - 20 60 240 - - - - - 40 180 - 20 - 35,620 2,860 80 200 200 - 1,840 28,120 1.760 640 420 1,060 - - - - - 80 800 120 40 20 8,340 - - 40 - 20 - 8380 6,980 600 200 120 8,360 40 20 0 20 20 - 240 7,220 520 200 80 8,04C 40 20 80 - - 340 6,960 360 160 80 4,440 120 - - 60 60 - 220 3,760 120 - 100 2,14 320 - 20 - -0 40 1,720 - 40 - 1,740 1,2 40 - 20 60 - 40 360 - - 20 1,16( 1,100 - - 20 - - 40 - - - 340 - - - 20 - - 280 40 - - 29,480 2,320 100 280 260 20 1,220 23.000 1,480 540 260 1,480 20 - - - - 40 1,200 200 20 - 7,820 20 40 20 20 20 420 6,340 680 180 80 6,62 - 4020 20 20 - 340 5,600 360 160 80 6,940 40 - 60 60 - 320 6,100 140 140 80 S 2,740 120 - 120 20 - 60 2,300 80 40 - 1,360 240 - 40 80 - 40 940 20 1,880 1,060 - 20 20 - - 260 - - 20 940 800 20 - 40 - - 80 - - - 200 20 -I - - - - 180 - - 54,0280 2,240 820 800 380 s60 2,100 44,120 2,620 680 700 4,00C 17,54( 13,40( 10,60( 4,46( 1,42( 1, 50( 62( 48 32,78( 4,52( 12,98( 8,62( 4,66( 1,78( 64( 60( 40( 58( 14,8?( 2,92( 6,10( 2,30( 2,16( 48( 30C 240 12 20( 20 20 40 60 220 320 980 580 1,180 40 40 40 240 460 860 540 40 160 60 40 20 180 20 60 40 20 20 20 180 40 160 200 220 140 20 20 500 100 100 60 40 20 20 200 20 100 20 100 80 60 140 20 40 20 40 20 100 120 520 600 500 220 80 40 20 980 11 I I 1 . - 20 20 40 20 40 100 200 100 20 60 Lo 40 20 40 20 140 320 220 '200 40 40 20 500 180 200 80 20 20 8,280 14,700 11,440 9,200 3,700 960 380 20 440 26,740 3,720 10,980 .5,740 3,980 1,520 220 80 20 480 11.840 2,200 5,060 1,880 1,940 380 160 20 200 860 1,500 560 240 20 20 20 1,920 420 880 340 180 40 20 40 960 320 480 140 20 100 160 320 80 20 620 100 360 80 40 20 20 200 120 220 120 140 40 20 20 20 500 100 180 60 80 20 40 20 280 80 60 60 160 20 40 40 20 1 "4 ... -, i -F i ^ I I^^ .I I ^I % AA^ a ^A I G^ ^ A a ^ l n= ' " ^ ^ ^ ^' a^a' 1 820 190 EDUCATION Table 24.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: .40-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmees Proprietors, Clerical, Craftmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and en and Service laborers except oto COMPLETED, AND AGE aal professonal farm offals kindred kidred kindred workers and farm and workers managkesers foremen mine exe. faro workers workers RURAL-FARM 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ....... .......... 20 and 21 years old .............. Ng school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years..... High school: 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... . 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6"years ...... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. .. 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 year# ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years' ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. l. . 1 to ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. .. 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ........... ......... 264.160 9.520 LO W __ _ 5CUV ___u._ -. I 't-- w r+ 1001 5.480 1 1.016 d4An 1,020 - 20 - - - - 240 740 - 20 7,500 - 12 - 120 - - 1,840 6,020 - 20 7,300 - 160 - - - - 1,440 5,580 40 140 6,420 - 10 - 100 - - 20 40 1,580 4,500 - 180 2,680 80 20 - - - 60 500 1,860 - 80. 600 40 - - - - - 840 800 - so 200 * 80. - - 40 80 - - 160 - - - - - - 20 140 - - 23, 380 620 820 - - - 100 5480 16 490 60 820 880 4 - 40 - - - 160 680 - - 7,460 - 100 - - - 20 1,600 5,600 - 140 5,880 - 40 - - - 20 1,140 4,640 - 40 5,040 20 100 - - - 40 1,360 8,400 20 100 2,380 120 20 - - - 720 1,480 20 0 1,040 80 20 - - - 0 440 480 - 340 220 - - - - - 40 60 - 60 200 180 - - - - - 20 - o 160 - - - - - - - 140 80 - 29,0801 1,580 1,.180 - - - 180 7,400 18,180 220 840 1,240 8,960 8,700 5,340 2,300 960 , 900 460 220 38,000 1,920 12,620 10,160 6,980 2,480 1,160 1,340 720 620 28.480 20 80 280 820 380 .2,520 20 20 leo 460 1,200 640 1.440 20 380 560 100 80 20 20 2.80 120 780 640 700 100 40 3.140 80 60 20 340 340 20 40 180 40 40 20 220 220 1,820 2,400 1,680 840 880 40 20 9,540 880 3,120, 2,540 2,140 820 360 80 20 80 6.960 90 6,540 5,500 3,860 1,280 260 60 80 180 88,.800 1,820 8,500 6.520 8,860 1,280 260 40 5260 16.160 60 60 10 20 80 180 100 20 80 580 40 120 220 100 40 20 20 80 460 1,920 - 240 - - - - 440 1,160 - o80 11,140 - 1,380 - - - 60 2,640 6,860 - M00 7,540 20 940 - - - 40 1,880 4,560 - 100 4,120 - 420 - - - 60 1,240 2,820 20 60 1,680 180 80 - 40 - 40 500 800 80 20 540 200 40 - - - 20 120 160 - - 780 580 20 - 20 - - 60 100 - - 460 440 - - - - - 20 - - - 300 20 20 - - - - 60 8200 - - 53,800 1,860 11,720 140 20 - 360 12,640 25,860 160 1,040 5,140 23,040 13,820 6,680 2,260 860 1,080 520 400 42, 740 6,300 20,400 8,800 3,860 1,260 680 460 300 680 22,800( 4,620 11,320 4,240 1,400 460 220 140 40 360 60 140 400 460 1.080 960 5,440 3,380 1,240 500 80 40 40 13. 100 -, ----- 20 40 100 260 400 260 -220 1,900 5,900 3,020 1,520 520 40 40 160 8.400 - I I- - 1,760 4,040 1,580 560 200 80 40 140 160 120 40 20 20 400 s0 120 140 20 20 40 40 1,160 5,140 8,160 2,100 540 220 180 20 140 9,360 1,820 4,529 1,940 960 320 140 160 5.140 1,040 2,460 960 400 160 40 60 2,960 11,800 6,800 8,020 940 140 40 160 18.060 2,6 1 801__ .860 9,600 8,500 1,220 800 160 60 860 8,500 1,700 4,560 1,620 860 80 20 160Q 120 80 - 60 80 160 60 60 580 100 180 60 40 400 60 20 I 220 20 20 - 60 - 0 -80 40. 660 300 220 1.7401 62.0001 144.700 800 4.180 124 - -- - 1 1 T u i i 1 420 25.889 200 20 MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 125 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) " Propritor, C4rial, Craf.n, Professional Farmers Proprietors, ClOrical, Craftmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, i manaers, sales, foremen,ic a Occpation AREA, PEARS OF SCHOOL otal and semi- and manacerls, alesnd fomend and Service labore except pati COMPIZTED, AND AGE professional fam off als kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers exa. farm workers workers workers foremen mine 110 ~~ ~ .an rrtr okr THE MNORTH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old ......... No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3.years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported........ ...... 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years . ... 4 years or more. . Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ..... .... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 aid 8 years... Eigh school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported .............. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: '1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years..'. 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 15,108,0J011 1,00L,u0 169 ,800 1,0 1$001 2446 J36OJ.UUUUJ3,1Z9,8 I 4a i i rZw I 1,1L%,4bU 14%, r 585,86011 7,020 20 40 420 1,180 4,200 1,080 60 20 1O 9nn 740 3,860 11,900 137,040 153,980 209,920 14,860 520 3,040 761 520 11.100 60 300 4,240 2,460 8,920 120 85.660 ,.100 lo07,480 60 580 1,860 2,880 2280 1&_� 1 60 160 600 7,640 27,860 68,500 6,940 220 500 I~R Ilil 30,260 80 80 480 5,840 10,540 12,440 620 40 140 68 160 129,1601 42,620 130,5601 60,2401 11,820 60 560 2,960 28,020 * 45,520 49,200 2,200 140 500 205.000 20 340 820 8,100 15,940 15,140 1,400 40 820 51.940 380 1,500 4,760 63,160 �25,400 33,720 1,040 600 122,540 100 560 1,620 16,800 20,080 20,020 720 340 91.440 40 80 260 2,240 3,640 4,900 520 20 120 11.360 .... 1,120 60 - 20 120 140 300 100 300 80 - .. 3, 52,50 20 180 20 260 120 680 300 1,280 620 40 .... 15,300 60 540 120 680 920 3,760 1,340 4,720 '2,940 220 17.. 0,680 800 9,280 1,440 10,200 12,380 44,380 9,560 55,760 24,780 2,100 200,560 2,200 4, 20 2,700 28,480 21,380 70,220 16,580 22,100 29,100 3,080 .... 311,880 8,480 9,660 7,220 88,100 29,620 77,600 20,120 35,580 30,800 4,700 .... 48,160 5,440 1,020 2,300 20,820 3,280 6,840 2,920 2,160 2,400 980 6,640 2,060 20 560 2,680 160 560 200 40 220 140 3,660 80 240 40 460 160 660 820 600 500 100 1,338,640 64,560 638620 47,240 256,360 154,420 374,260 73,920 132,820 155,880 15,560 2,000 40 100 60 280 280 400 60 o 20 400 60 6,680 60 560 120 440 460 1,260 580 1,860 1,260 80 26,980 140 1,560 220 1,180 2,380 7,460 1,960 5,700 5,960 420 314,380 1,460 25,900 4,280 19,040 32,160 95,360 16,680 67,680 48,740 3,080 330,620 4,460 12,120 7,660 44,600 44,400 121,460 22,800 22,640 47,020 3,460 492,800 17,160 20,720 21,980 129,660 63,940 130,720 25,420 30,660 46,700 5,840 92,080 12,000 1,800 7,220 37,540 8,120 12,800 4,340 2,760 4,240 1,260 66,920 29,000 440 5,560 22,740 1,920 3,380 1,160 360 1,040 1,320 6,180 240 420 140 880 760 1,420 920 840 520 40 2,319,640 172,340 158,720 150,520 415,060 308,320 625 620 113,060 140,860 214,620 20,520 .3,780 160 200 160 420 420 1,240 400 200 440 40 15,460 160 1,340 400 800 1,300 . 4,620 1,080 2,960 2,660 140 .... 63,640 320 5,240 1,200 2,640 6,620 23,060 3,400 9,100 11,480 580 681,720 4,920 77,800 18,920 50,480 91,900 230,660 33,080 78,580 90,120 5,260 544,800 9,620 25,760 27,780 82,860 94,020 187,540 32,320 21,640 58,640 4,620 636,600 25,820 40,360 56,820 166,460 90,720 149,680 32,800 23,900 44,200 5,840 166,240 24,820 5,920 28,780 60,220 16,380 19,640 6,500 2,880 4,600 1,500 195,340 105,780 1,560 20,800 49,600 5,560 5,820 2,320 640 1,140 2,120 12,060 740 540 660 1,580 1,400 3,360 1,160 860 1,340 420 2.155.000 189.260 188.480 203360 361,100 347,260 512,340 103,580 81,820 155,0801 17,720 5,360 240 280 280 500 700 1,620 400 480 800 60 .... 23,660 200 2,900 660 1,100 2,540 8,000 1,540 2,880 3,660 180 83,500 500 8,320 2,680 3,360 12,760 29,620 4,440 7,260 13,900 660 741,260 7,380 101,360 35,340 55,700 135,620 233,660 39,220 48,080 79,500 5,400 484,400 11,220 28,340 39,700 82,180 103,980 139,740 29,760 12,000 33,380 4,100 440,180 24,680 32,200 62,560 122,240 69,140 77,500 20,280 8,500 19,100 3,980 152,060 25,420 7,000 29,920 49,640 14,160 14,600 5,500 1,480 3,000 1,340 . 212,000 118,900 2, 80 - 31,000 44,400 6,080 4,860 1,580 500 840 1,660 12,580 720 900 1,220 1,980 2,280 2,740 860 640 900 340 . 3,627,500 272.200 427.080 462,860 572,126 660.320 704,100 190,300 96,940 209,940 31,640 11,160 240 1,22Q 1,100 940 1,460 3,000 600 840 1,640 120 . 73,920 480 13,340 3,660 8,540 10,820 21,740 4,620 6,449 9,800 480 ... s 228,440 1,380 35,140 10,880 10,320 43, 240 73,240 13,500 12,10 26,900 1,740 1,567,840 17,380 263,440 124,000 148,940 334,140 388,780 96,660 59,700 121,620 13,180 679,820 19,100 58,640 92,340 133,000 153,320 132,940 43,580 9,540 31,080 6,280 525,700 32,900 34,000 112,440 157,080 83,920 60,540 22,020 5,460 12,760 4,580 221,660 35,000 13,240 59,780 65,960 21,480 13,980 5,640 1,360 3,120 2,100 . 292,800 164,200 4,880 55,260 50,340 7,560 4,820 2,000 600 660 2,480 26,160 1,520 3,180 3,400 3,000 4,380 5,060 1,680 900 2,360 680 2,761,100 180,'900 464.540 400.760 389.000 '538,340 398.640 154,540 63,620 147,080 23,680 15,340 220 2,700 1,140 940 2,400 3,080 1,000 1,200 2,540 120 122,140 680 82,420 7,020 4,260 21,240 27,080 7,720 6,740 14,100 880 253,380 1,380 56,240 16,260 12,380 54,720 57,109 17,000 10,400 25,800 2,100 1,309,480 17,700 280,660 188,780 132,780 300,160 224,280 87,420 36,520 81,080 10,160 399,340 12,940 47,940 71,800 80,940 88,560 51,640 23,380 4,580 13,840 3,720 314,300 21,780 21,160 83,880 92,800 49,180 23,020 11,800 2,22G 5,600 2,860 142,980 25,040 14,460 39,400 837,920 12,540 6,480 3,300 920 1,520 1,400 178,200 100,140 4,740 38,880 23,860 5,340 2,060 1,180 160 540 1,800 25,940 1,020 4,220 4,160 3,120 4,200 3,900 1,740 880 2,060 640 . 1,604,240 96,220 361.100 226,240 193 640 277,960 180,760 108,600 51, I0 93,180 15,420 13,740 112,860 187,080 783,620 177,520 153,980 69,220 90,680 15,540 120 700 1,060 10,600 5,420 11,520 12,880 53,440 480 3,360 37,280 52,600 209,280 29,080 13,180 9,940 3,020 3,360 1,080 6,760 13,96C0 87,860 34,820 42,900 18,220 18,240 2,400 680 8,680 4,020 76,720 32,620 42,840 16,140 10,100 1,840 1,800 17,140 34,680 155,500 35,560 22,480 5,700 2,400 2,800 2,140 17,560 30,700 98,760 17,560 9,280 2,140 920 1,700 1,240 9,480 15,720 60,820 11,120 6,640 1,940 840 800 1,200 7,800 9,420 27,080 2,740 1,300 480 200 S 900 2,060 116660 18,300 49,620 6,640 2,460 1,120 480 840 60 800 1,620 7,380 1,960 1,480 660 1,040 420 --,--- - ~ , - - - - aLqa r~rln ^^ ^^ AA^^ 1 AA 1 9A Pon van I , AM I " I A~n nn ea A1M I . R-1 n R n 1 0 t " 126 EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED -NATIVE '.HITE-MALES 16 TO 64 YEARiS OLD, BY YARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 -Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Proprietors, clerical, crtiftemer, Professional Farmers Proprietors, sale , rtmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- aan, sales, foremen and Service laborers exept Occupation COMPETED, AND AGE Total professional farm officials, kindred kindred kidred workers and farm and icals, kindred kindred wen mn reported exc. farm workers workers MHE DRTH--Cont inued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 9,595,0601- 791,200 20,340 1,108,920 2,085.340 1.779,200 2,296,320 668,820 35,260 - 713,580 96,080 18 and 19 years old ............. 300, 180 5 420 140 3 .540 92,040 22, 740 96. 240 30,660 3 980 37, 80 7,540 No school years completed........ 300 - - - 60 80 40 20 40 60 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... .. 1,200 20 - - 120 60 380 300 60 240 20 5 and 6 years ....... 4,620 20 - 40 560 360 1, 800 540 240 900 160 7 and 8 years....... 46,020 300 40 400 6,360 4,000 18,280 5,460 1,400 8,860 920 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ .. 101,480 980 20 1,040 24,920 8,120 35,980 12,160 1,340 14,300 2,620 4 years ............ . 132,820 3,360 80 1,860 53,400 9,420 37,460 10,340 800 12,740 3,360 College: 1 to 3 years .......1. 11,320 660 - 200 5,980 540 1,840 1,040 100 620 840 4 years or more ... 480 60 - - 20.0 40 120 40 - - 20 Not reported .............. ..... 1,940 20 - - 440 120 340 760 - 160 100 20 and 21 years old .............. 464,900 14,660 300 10,060 128.460 52.180 151,960 37.860 3,700 58 760 6,960 No school years completed ........ 600 40 - - 100 80 240 100 - 40 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,220 20 - 20 200 80. 480 200 - 200 80 5 and 6 years ....... 7,200 40 20 80 540 660 2,620 1,060 240 1,840 100 7 and 8 years. :...... 71,580 660 40 920 8,820 8,980 29,480 6,960 1,340 13,460 920 High sdhool: 1 to 3 years ........ 138,760 1,720 120 2,120 25,600 17,220 55,820 12,380 940 20,760 2,080 4 years ............ 201,860 6,900 80 4,880 72,380 22,260 56,780 14,300 1,080 20,260 2,940 College: 1 to3 years .......3. 35,780 3,540 40 1,560 17,960 2,640 5,560 1,980 100 1,720 680 4 years or more ..... 5,740 1,660 - � 460 2,540 120 500 160 - 180 120 Not reported ...... .............. . 2,160 80 - 20 320 140 480 720 - 300 100 22 to 24 years old ............... 880,900 49,400 540 36.040 222.240 117.820 278.160 56.820 4,600 104,840 10,440 No school years completed ......... 1,300 40 - 40 240 200 340 60 40 280 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 3,140 60 - 120 440 840 820 520 100 680 60 5 and 6 years ........ 13,880 100 - 100 1,020 1,800 5,060 1,720 120 3,700 260 7 and 8 years........ 154,700 1,120 80 2,900 16,160 22,600 65,360 1,020 1,480 30,400 1,580 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 238,080 3,840 140 5,980 40,020 35,900 95,220 18,380 1,400 34,560 2,640 4 years ............. 340,320 14,240 220 16,840 110,040 48,820 97,080 18,220 1,180 30,840 83,840 College: 1 to 3 years ....... .. 71,200 8,100 80 5,920 32,800 6,500 10,280 3,160 180 3,800 880 4 years or more ..... 54,220 21,720 20 4,520 20,700 1,520 2,840 940 40 800 1,120 Not reported ............ ......... 4,060 180 - 120 820 640 1,160 . 800 60 280 25 to 29 years old .............. 1,562,680 136,260 1,360 115,140 362,820 234,440 460,120 91,720 5,840 141,340 13,640 No school years completed ....... 2,500 140 - 140 840 320 840 340 - 360 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......8. 8,200 160 - 60 720 1,100 3,240 980 0so 1,500 60 S and 6 years........ 36,640 240 60 980 2,280 5,060 16,640 3k060 500 7,460 360 7 and 8 years....... 379,860 4,060 380 13,240 44,040 67,040 162,060 26,920 2,460 56,780 2,880 Highschool: 1 to 3 years ......... 395,880 8,360 320 21,900 74,100 74,740 143,960 26,700 1,380 41,200 8,220 4 years ............ 442,880 21,100 340 41,440 142,580 67,800 110,260 25,380 1,140 28,880 8,960 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 127,060 17,500 120 18,680 52,260 12,820 15,680 5,240 140 3,480 1,140 4 years or more ..... 161,540 84,120 140 17,880 45;100 4,560 4,980 2,080 120 820 1,740 Not reported ................. .... 8,120 580 - 520 1, 4b0 1,000 2,460 1,020 20 20 860 260 30 to 34 years old........... 1,440,700 149,900 2,020 151,220 310,320 256,700 372,200 85,380 3,820 97,580 11,560 No school years completed .......3. 3,620 220 - 240 460 540 1,200 340 40 540 40 erade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 12,840 140 20 500 920 1,980 5,600 1,300 120 2,140 120 5 and 6 years ........ 48,760 420 .80 1,960 2,580 9,160 21,380 3,700 280 8,840 360 7 and 8 years........ 427,280 6,280 580 28,380 47,420 97,500 166,120 32,300 1,700 49,020 2,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 344,140 9,620 400 29,560 71,400 78,060 104,960 24,940 780 21,660 2,760 4 years ............. 312, Q 20,8320 460 46,520 104,580 52,060 56,520 16,360 560 12,340 2,800 College: I to 3 years ........ . 113,9 18,520 260 22-,980 42,440 10,940 .10,900 4,440 160 1,780 860 4 years or more ...... 169,940 93,880 200 25,060 38,840 4,820 8, 720 1,280 100 660 1,380 Not reported ..................... 8,320 500 20 1,020 1,680 1,640 1,800 720 80 600 260 35 to 44 years old ............... 2,859,840 215,580 4,760 341,900 485.080 487.500 512.800 155,820 5,560 128,840 22,000 No school years completed ......... 7,080 oo200 20 760 860 1,160 2,260 580 20 1,100 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 37,340 S00 100 2,460 2,280 7,780 14,020 3,800 280 6,040 284 5 and 6 years........ 130,860 1,140 280 7,340 8,860 32,160 51,760 11,140 500 17,120 1,060 7 and 8 years ........ 911,820 14,400 1,600. 84,520 125,080 42, 740 280,320 78,940 2,860 72,740 8,620 igh chool: 1 to 3 years ......... 472,440 15,760 1,020 67,360 112,700 114,360 100,080 36,140 1,040 19,620 4,360 4 years ............. 389,020 26,820 680 86,320 134,220 63,940 46,560 18,000 580 8,340 38,560 College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 162,800 26,120 580 46,540 55,580 15,860 10,300 4,340 100 1,860 1,580 4 years or more...... 232,020 129,780 460 44,200 43,660 6,120 8,680 1,540 120 460 2,000 Not reported ..................... 16,460 1,060 20 2,400 2,340 8- ,380 3,820 1,340 . 60 1,560 480 4e . .e . ,,1 1 1o.699 l6o 144.980 5.440 294. 120 25.120 403.920 291.940 124.520 4140 89,960 15,020 to year U V ........ ..... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... Higha school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: lto 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... igh achool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 8,820 1801 40 840 860 1,940 2,220 860 100 1,680 100 57,480 500 200 4,500 3,460 15,280 18,160 6,280 300 8,440 360 137,000 " 1,100 380 10,980 10,380 40,920 41,460 13,920 540 16,100 1,220 737,640 13,940 2,340 95,340 110,700 228,420 164,500 70,280 2,260 48,840 6,020 266,260 10,240 .1,000 52,040 66,460 67,480 38,540 18,540 480 8,860 2,420 236,160 18,280 700 66,420 79,000 38,200 18,080 9,560 320 3,600 2,000 98,760 18,720 360 29,680 31,300 9,400 4,720 2,660 80 860 980 142,220 81,320 360 31,560 20,560 4,220 1,520 980 20 360 1,820 14,820 700 60 2,760 2,400 3,060 2,740 1,440 40 1,220 400 886.700 95,000 5,780 156.900 159.260 203.900 132,900 86,040 3,620 54,380 8,920 6,800 100 80 740 580 1,460 1,400 1,020 40 1,340 40 46,480 440 440 3,960 3,040 11,980 11,860 7,500 800 6,680 380 89,580 820 640 8,580 7,360 25,280 21,960 12,440 720 10,880 900 398,340 7,940 2,680 57,180 61,960 113,120 72,960 48,460 2,180 28,240 3,620 110,060 4,380 640 24,080 27,100 26,260 13,500 8,520 220 4,120 1,240 112,540 9,180 640 33,000 36,620 17,720 7,380 5,280 140 1,420 1,160 44,600 9,460 400 13,280 12,720 4,220 1,720 1,440 80 860 420 70,220 42,360 200 14,540 8,540 1,920 740 740 - 300 880 8,080 320 60 1,540 1,340 1,940 1,380 640 40 540 280 .. .. MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 127 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Prfssoa Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, REYEARS OF SCHOOL and sei- ander managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Ocupation C(CNMPITED,I AND AGE professional far official, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers ex. farm workers workers workers foremen mine *Iexc. farm wrr bfO i~ orkers workers THE FORTS-Continued Rural-nonfam Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old.......... . . No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .......... . ...... 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... 'College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Ndt reported ................ 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. .. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............ ...... . 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. en San I sa n I am anI 2.2001 100 640 2,480 20, 700 22,X60 33,320 1,960 20 520 121.380 401 80 140 540 180 2.980 an0 1.20 12.620 5.4201 24.1201 10.760 I 9.5401 14.900 2.180 80 100 220 600 20 140 320 820 20 3.480 40 40 1,040 2,380 8,260 780 280 60 18.340 20 80 1,160 1,880 2,200 60 20 11.260 20 80 1,060 6,680 7,200 8,620 320 140 39.260 20 280 2,360 3,440 4,320 300 42220 12,220 40 220 500 8,90 2,400 .2,260 80 60 8,860 40 200 440 4,700 4,180 5,060 "100 180 on ann 60 60 480 420 1,020 120 200 2,100 160 20 - 20 20 20 60 - - 20 - 680 - - - 20 20 140 100 140 260 4,640 20 20 20 140 240 840 260 60 720 20 27,220 100 60 400 1,100 2,040 10,140 2,240 3,620 6,960 560 30,440 320 140 440 2,360 3,120 11,380 3,800 2,140 6,280 460 52,180 1,160 340 1,880 12,520 5,340 15,400 5,060 2,340 7,320 820 6,760 1,060 40 620 1,940 420 1,080 640 220 520 220 660 8300 - 80 100 40 60 20 - 40 20 640 - - 20 140 20 160 100 40 160 - 214 480 11,080 1.520 9.440 7. 640 27.720 70.460 15.420 12.860 35.620 2,720 160 - - 20 - 40 20 - 20 60 - 1,260 - - - - 80 . 420 60 280 420 - 5,140 20 60 60 140 460 1,840 240 680 1,580 60 52,180 260 480 1,040 2,080 6,640 20,500 3,160 "5,520 11,940 560 . 50,640 460 300 1,400 3,840 6,800 20,920 4,100 2,820 9,480 520 ." 81,980 2,100 660 4,780 16,160 11,880 24,380 6,640 3,020 11,200 1,160 12,460 2,100 20 1, 160 3,700 " 1,400 1,860 920 380 660 260 " 9�9,980 6, 100 - 960 1,700 340 400 180 - 160 140 680 40 - 20 20 80 120 120 140 120 20 398,520 30,680 4,040 381320 45,160 60.000 132,540 18,980 17,380 54,160 4,260 740 20 - 20 60 100 340 60 40 80 so20 2,840 - - 20 60 180 1,260 80 380 840 20 11,540 60 180 160 300 1,260 5,060 260 1,200 2,920 140 124,880 640 1,420 4,620 5#300 19,320 54,060 5,320 8,98b 24,000 1,220 89,140 1,060 . 640 5,080 7,800 15,900 35,660 5,140 3,360 13,520 980 111 ,740 3,940 1,300 13,780 20,500 18,980 31,180 6,620 2,740 11,400 1,300 S 26,700 5,500 360 4,760 6,800 3,140 3,500 1,200 420 800 220 28,840 19,320 140 2,760 4,160 800 760 220 120 260- 300 2,100 140 - 120 180 320 720 .80 140 340 60 396.740, 834.820 4.460 46,620 45.240 75.600 114.440 16,140 12,020i 43,560 3,840 820 20 20 40 "20 80 280 60so 60 220 20 ". 4,540 60 40 160 140 440 '1,980 220 320 1,140 40 17,540 60 200 640 660 3,040 6,980 660 1,160 3,960 180 "" � 142,080 860 2,120 .10,380 7,000 31,020. 54,240 5,940 6,820 22,460 1,260 88,660 1,420 720 9,040 9,700 22,180 28,880 4,420 1,960 9,340 1,000 "" 77,740 3,700 1,000 14,640 15,980 14,420 17,300 3,600 1,100 5,200 800 ... .26,860 5,580 200 6,300 6,520 2,740 3,040 860 340 940 340 36,080 22,940 140 5,260 4,960 1,160 940 240 160 100 180 "" 2,420 180 20 160 260 520 800 140 100 200 40 655,820 50 460 10.720 107.460 . 76,580 141.500 153,560 30.740 16,680 61860 6,260 1,840 15,240 44,700 2$6,100 123,860 88,480 39,380 51,240 4,980 47M840 2,640 22,260 48,520 224,340 72,600 50,060 26,140 28,060 5,220 287,100 2,420 20,580 34,060 140,160 33,180 24,800 13,300 15,700 2,900 20 180 160 2,480 2,980 5,380 7,320 31,560 380 .ql kn 40 100 240 3,080 2,320 3,080 5,460 17,020 220 sR RK 20 220 240 2,280 900 2,120 2,980 9,940 160 40 280 780 5,600 1,86C 1,220 580 320 6C 1, nor 50C 1,28C 7,500 1,560 980 780 300 100 1_/%R 180 960 1,780 7,040 1,420 720 660 220 40 100 1,020 3,020 34,040 22,540 23,820 11,720 10,120 .880 92. 780 240 2,100 4,420 37,240 17,420 15,580 8,640 5,900 1,240 60.340 300 2,420 4,580 86,680 9,520 8,600 4,320 3,120 800 60 220 1,620 20,400 17,900 20,360 9,240 6,200 580 $24 480 80 680 ' 1,640 18,240 12,400 12,280 5,660 2,760 680 29. 40 100log 580 1,380 12,560 4,900 5,220 2,940 1,420 440 280 2,460 8,680 73,680 32,660 17,020 4,920 1,120 680 108. 980 420 4,640 10,780 61,620 17,840 9,300 2,680 880 820 58.900 p i , --p.. 200 3,920 7,440 33,300 7,740 4,000 1,180 460 660 580 6,220 17,760 84,900 27,260 11,800 3,020 960 1,060 85o30C 660 7,480 12, 8C0 47,100 10,900 4,120 1,220 500 940 39.200 600 4,540 7,360 21,020 3,300 1,640 340 160 240 20 680 2,140 15,580 6,760 3,700 1,140 400 320 26.360 120 1,200 2,680 15,080 4,240 1,980 600 160 300 19.540 180 1,700 2,780 10,820 2,280 1,120 460 60 140 120 1,280 2,320 9,980 1,580 940 220 60 180 13.620 . . ' ,Zv I i ... a.. if . . . . iO . . . ' vv 3..0. -r I 20 340 1,160 2,340 7,560 1,240 580 220 20 460 12,180 220 1,880 2,020 6,900 680 280 60 40 100 420 2,780 7,760 36,700 9,060 3,440 940 100 660 483820 720 4,120 7,440 24,800 3,900 1,520 580 100 640 31.700 620 620 4,100 6,180 17,400 1,940 880 180 160 240 120 460 2,740 1,260 800 280 420 ]80 5.000 20 280 320 2,120 780 640 300 420 120 3.820 260 300 2,160 500 220 180 120 80 s! _ YW.LUt$Ul ltsi'tsU1 4Y67DU a:J. %CU1 %%WV OW 1 4�y .7�V 1 � � OU1 1aU 1 V I L naL V1 wirav r wsi 1 Vt Il -- w v--- as- -- sv-- - i"--- �" ~ T T T I T 711 T T T T T T . ir 7 T T 15f_16AR % "'R ""^l I Al R^ "- "'^ f 10.9 _ 140 907 _900 90. I 128 EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR O JCUPATION G1OUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-perent sample) Professioal Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total and semi- and managers, sales, foremen' and Serice laborers except Occpatioa COMPL2i {and and and and - Srio laborers except t COMPLELTD, AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and workers managers so. farm workers workers workers foremen mine THE NDORT-Continued Rural-fara Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: r to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported ..................... 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. 'College: I to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old............... 19o school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years,....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. .. 30 to 34 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and.6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3yars ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................. 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years completed ....:... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more. Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 year ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported.................. I 2,876,8601 29, 1.627.0 45901 51. 6801 1 6 L.41 17.,680 1.L3c 681.8891 105.P8 1 21.4W Oan I 2 _x 1 2_1 1.50 1 SA nI _1 , . .v .70v Do1. .2 n%, a., we ,s a w 340 - - - - - - 300 - 40 1,520 - 60 - - - 100o 0 1,220 120 4,800 20 300 - - 40 100 - 4,020 280 40 70,32 40 4,120 40 240 680 3,060 280 57,780 8,240 840 30,04 60 2,340 - 560 540 . 2,340 340 21,660 1,600 600 43,78 300 83,620 200 1,840 820 3,120 480 30,660 2,220 580 1,580 240 f 120 - - 180 20 40 60 860 . - 60 20 *- - - 580 -.. 20 2 540 - - 175,240 1,560 24. 760 880 5,000 4'.720 13.780 1.860 109,980 10,400 ,8o00 36 - - - - 40 - - 8300 20- 1,620 - 180 - 40 20 60 - 1,140 160 80 5,46 - 500 80 - 20 300 20 4,120 880 100 71,880 40 9,180 120 280 1,360 4,760 860 50,800 4,860 680 31,360 160 4,460 140 520 1,040 $ ,020 400 19,020 2,060 540 57,840 420 9,240 460 3,200 2,020 5,420 760 32,160 3,220 940 5,620 840 940 120 9280 220 200 800 1,840 160 80 40 100 20 20 40 - - 20 40 - - 86 - 240 - - - 20 - 560 40 - 243,260 /4,080 61,560 1.760 6,480 8 880 25,640 1,680 115,360 15,420 8,400 540 - 100 - 440 40 '- 260 60 - 2,280 - 560 - - 40 20 - 1,480 160 20 7,960 80 1,500 60 80 180 560 - 4,900 680 100 107,500 80 25,340 340 800 2,920 9,500 500 60,680 6,400 940 41,900 160 11,680 280 740 1,700 5,320 320 18,420 2,980 300 70,500 820 19,840 860 3,460 3,740 9,260 560 26,460 4,660 840 8,420 1,800 1,700 140 1,040 280 660 260 2,200 280 180 2,720 1,180 420 80 340 60 140 40 320 80 60 1,440 20 420 - 40 40 140 - 640 180 60 358,440 5.400 153,320 4.060 7080 13.880 32,960 2,860 117,640 19,120 8,680 540 - 200 - 20 - 60 - 260 - - 4,420 - 1,340 20 20 20 120 80 2,500 320 60 15,460 20 5,000 / 60 60 800 1,360 80 7,400 1,100 80 176,980 220 76,000 1,060 1,140 5,540 14,540 840 67,140 9,340 1,160 59,780 z00. 24,800 800 960 3,380 7,920 480 16,900 3,920 480 81,980 780 38,720 1,600 8,880 3,940 8,240 800 20,020 3,920 80 12,480 1,820 5,440 340 . 1,160 480 460 60 2,820 880 140 4,960 2,340 1,280 160 340 800 80 20 400 60 80 1,840 20 540 0 *- 80 180 60 700 140 100 317,560 4,540 177,000 5,520 5,540 14,960 25,700 2,060 65,980 18,940 2,s80 92 - 260 - 20 80 140 - 380 40 ' - 6,280 - 2,840 - 40 120 420 20 2,440 380 80 17,200 20 8,040 80 280 560 1,260 80 5,820 1,100 180 171,900 240 98,660 1,580 1,280 7,100 13,800 980 39,560 8,0$0 1,180 51,600 180 7, 27220 1,100 1,080 3,740 5,900 400 9,260 2,380 340 49,920 660 80,740 1,400 1,6801 2,660 3,680 320 6,840 1,560 30 11,920 1,320 6,540 640 680 480 660 2800 980 280 140 5,980 2,080 1,840 680 600 100 800 60 240 80 100 1,840 40 860 40 40 120 140 - 460 100 40 611.840 6,160 411.600 1.500 10,460 31,320 87,740 3,740 74,700 19,240 3,80 2,240 20 1,160 40 20 80 160 - 700 180 - 21,340 - 12,960 180 40 580 1,500 140 4,880 980 80 52,880 80 34,080 520 340 2,400 3,720 220 9,280 2,020 880 -369,920 500 256,240 5,440 3,460 17,720 23,560 2,140 46,860 12,180 1,880 83,520 360 55,760 2,440 2,400 6,800 5,600 ' 680 6,920 2,400 660 48,200 700 32,100 2,300 2,500 2,960 2,180 320 3,940 980 80 19,480 1,560 12,080 1,50 1,140 700 660 160 1,040 320 00 9,540 2,860 4,120 940 480 320 180 60 420 100 60 4,720 80 3,100 120 80 320 180 20 660 140 80 587.100 4,360 446.100 13.860 9,460 25,440 21,4001 3,660 45,860 13,300 8,660 3,880 - 2,660 60 - 40 200 20 760 140 - 42,400 80 31,720 420 120 1, 820 1, 440 240 5,280 1,540 240 72,860 40 54,580 180 360 3,020 3,260 400 7,520 2,260 .360 347,500 680 270,820 6,140 3,840 15,120 12,680 2,060 26, 700 7,440 2,080 60,0 380 45,380 2,340 2,080 3,240 2,200 600 2,860 1,080 320 28,80 420 19,480 1,880 1,580 1,680 820 260 1,320 480 220 18,080 860 13,320 1,080 960 460 540 40 680 80 1D0 7,920 1,800 4,080 920 540 240 40 40 120 80 60 5,900 100 4,060 160 40 320 220 - 680 200 180 430,4401 2.360 342300 9 0001 4,840 15,160 8,660 3,020 35,320 7,100 2,680 4,5280 45,800 63,4401 245,120 34,280 16,640 11,320 4,760 4,560 40 880 140 220 440 1,140 3,100 85,880 50,180 199,560 27,020 11,820 8,880 2,600 3,260 40 380 800 4,000 1,220 1,800 620 580 60 60 280 8,800 680 1,000 480 140 60 140 1,240 1,960 9,080 1,560 660 800 20 200 140 1,160 1,380 4,780 760 260 80 20 80 40 280 500 1,540 320 240 40 40 20 940 5,7280 6,680 18,000 1,840 880 340 160 760 100 800 1,240 8,980 580 160 80 20 60 80 1600 480 1,600 220 100 60 40 60 on ,on IQ ""^I R1 co^I 11G "^ ... ^A i^onA !A7 AAAI 1A! ,,,I Al .l.. 1 200 152_9801 n10.56 MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 129 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) ofessional Farmers PopretosC ,Ca OperativesFarm Laborers, AO Pmanagers, sales, foremen, Occupation AREA, YEARSOF SCHaOOL and semi- and and Service laborers except ot Totalandkindred workers and ae and reported COMPIE ID, AND AGE professional farm offloials, kindred orkers andworkers arm and workers managers ex. far workers workersmine Total Total, 18 to 64 years old... '18 and 19 years old......... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..-.. 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years'old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... 'igh school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years . ....... College: I to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No (chool years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported ............... .. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ........... ... 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 ytars or more . Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ..,. 4 years ....... College: 1 to3-years ..... 4 years or moree. Not reported ..... ......... 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years.... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old ....... .. No school ypars completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 829.020 2.400 20.000 ' 2.540 37.300 15.4201 acF n~I 1 .28 2 4fll Qar 7nI ruama s nI d Sf111 All 5A 59.8401 28.800 123.640 33.880 5.200 4,060 - 280 20 60 120 220 40 2,860 420 40 .... 33,420 40 2,460 - 300 460 3,140 680 22,080 3,860 400 ..... 47,820 20 4,080 126 820 -1,240 7,460 2,120 25,680 5,660 620 S.... 84,420 240 6,520 400 3,540 8,520 15,160 6,720 374700 9,600 1,020 82,840 540 4,040 580 10,340 4,860 18,300 11,200 . 28,140 8,320 1,520 .... 67,100 1,180 2,300 1,100 19,180 4,640' 14,180 7,320 10,840 5,200 1,160 7,400 320 200 320 2,820 460 1,040 620 800 500 320 .... 340 40 - - 100 40 60 - 60 40 - ... 1,620 20 120 - 140 80 280 100 480 280 120 .... 399,500 7,420 38,800 8,280 52,680 28.700 88,220 31,320 99,960 39,340 4,780 4,620 - 580 20 120 80 420 180 2,500 620 100 .... 31,800 100 4,260 120 340 3,180 4,000 660 16,420 4,440 280 .... 48,660 120 6,760 260 760 2,120 10,080 2,120 "19,820 6,080 540 .... 90,700 260 12,160 880 3,240 6,460 20,600 6,940 29,240 10,240 680 97,020 820 7,800 1,700 11,140 9,040 27,180 11,220 17,540 9,400 1,180 . . 99,600 2,540 6,100 3,560 27,280 8,600 22,200 8,180 12,500 7,200 1,440 21640. 640; 2,320 660 1,440 8,560 980 3,140 1,600 1,440 1,040 460 3,300 1,200 80 280 1,080 80 160 220 60 60 80 . 2,160 60 400 20 160 160 440 200 440 260 20 .... 648,540 26,840 85.860 24.480 93,200 60,440 151,300 38,160 101,980 60,740 5,540 .... 6,820 80 1,100 40 120 220 760 180 3,140 1,060 120 .... 47,200 60 10,660 340 500 1,980 7,480 1,180 18,260 6,380 360 .... 71,040 120 15,600 540 1,560 4,440 16,160 2,340 20,240 9,420 620 ... 145,740 640 27,660 1,920 6,320 13,300 ' 38,360 8,280 30,480 17,900 880 ..... 151,60 2,260 17,940 4,960 16,840 18,920 45,680 12,600 17,420 13,880 1,100 .... 151,92 5,120 10,340 9,340 42,500 17,040 35,220 10,500 10,600 9,800 1,460 43,30 5,880 1,620 4,580 17,000 3,220 5,840 2,120 1,080 1,600 360 2.... 7,320 12,580 300 2,680 7,920 1,080 1,040 680 180 340 520 " 3, 60 100 640 80 440 240 760 280 580 360 120 1,123,880 65,980 190,760 75 200 153,360 129,240 260,420 43,440 109,720 86,260 9,500 13,340 120 2,800 200 180 620 1,820 300 5,220 1,920 160 80,280 80 23,260 960 1,180 4,360 16,880 1,380 21,280 10,360 540 131,180 320 35,480 2,080 2,680 11,220 36,140 3,300 22,160 16,740 1,060 272,060 1,760 63,700 8,000 15,100 33,060 78,000 11,440 32,780 26,100 2,120 248,80 3,800 39,500 15,740 29,960 39,180 68,740 12,940 17,440 19,020 2,060 216,980 7,520 20,000 25,500 57,940 30,040 46,540 9,960 8,180 9,340 1,960 81,32C 11,840 4,200 12,760 29,140 7,520 8,740 2,980 1,600 1,600 940 74,32C 40,320 720 9,640 16,500 2,500 2,380 980 340 440 500 6,020 220 1,100 320 680 740 1,180 160 720 740 160 1,034,280 65,760 . 196,580 101.880 131.640 148,920 214.340 37,140 66,000 64,840 7,180 14,080 140 3,720 280 180 680 2,260 280 4,520 1,820 200 86,52c 220 28,060 1,660 1,100 7,020 21,120 1,520 15,000 10,380 440 129,620 520 36,800 3,840 3,140 16,780 - 35,200 3,540 14,180 14,780 840 273,960 2,440 66,300 14,360 16,100 47,980 -72,760 11,700 19,340 20,980 2,000 220,000 3,400 39,840 23,140 30,100 42,520 49,460 10,780 8,640 10,640 1,480 154,320 7,060 13,860 28,180 42,860 23,720 24,180 6,300 2,860 4,400 900 75,220 11,620 5,420 16,560 23,620 7,120 6,460 2,060 720 960 680 73,140 40,160 1,260 12,960 13,860 2,060 1,200 660 180 280 520 .. 7,42 200 1,320 900 680 1,040 1,700 300 560 600 120 .... 1,697,60C 95,840 3938900 212.500 205,980 276.940 267.220 66,680 75,620 90,140 12,780 35,680 179,140 239,560 508,280 311,180 194,700 108,900 103,980 16,180 39,940 183,280 205,180 388,120 174,820 122,020 78,320 68,240 13,400 796. 00 34,300 135,580 148,120 245,340 81,240 64,220 38,420 38,920 10,560 120 420 960 4,740 6,220 10,460 15,300 57,080 540 60 340 940 4,080 4,080 6,280 11,320 36,240 380 39.120 60 440 940 3,360 2,100 3,940 5,280 22,720 280 13,280 66,740 78,940 140,320 62,440 16,700 8,560 2,960 3,960 401,680 18,100 87,000 84,540 133,740 47,560 13,360 9,340 3,180 4,860 320.500 18,280 76,800 74,520 98,880 27,980 10,140 7,020 2,220 4,660 1,080 5,560 11,620 42,820 46,460 48,900 31,820 22,000 2,240 1,260 8,320 13,220 45,800 31,700 36,700 24,240 15,900 1,680 110. 300 1,580 7,440 11,900 33,520 16,080 19,200 11,120 7,820 1,640 480 2,960 8,220 39,300 47,960 56,340 33,160 16,100 1,460 600 3,480 7,620 34,340 27,140 34,360 20,600 8,660 1,400 71.580 380 2,760 6,320 19,660 11,900 16,060 9, 10 4,480 820 2,460 20,320 41,020 104,840 65,020 29,340 9,040 2,640 2,260 200.980 3,540 23,740 37,260 76,880 32,800 16,520 6,420 2,060 1,760 10 a .40 2,420 i.3, 300 21,040 42-,420 12,020 8,380 3,160 680 980 5,360 38,000 52,860 96,540 46,660 18,100 5,740 1,260 2,700 132.560 4,880 Wy1 lr ra v1 vv-' 1 . 4 rO, 4,880 25,500 29,700 45,100 15,320 7,240 2,740 540 1,540 51 .540 2,960 11,840 11,660 17,120 3,920 2,160 1,000 240 640 740 4,220 8,280 26,500 15,640 7,620 2,380 560 740 49.680 1,080 5,600 8,700 20,260 7,180 4,120 1,800 580 360 31,540 1,120 5,080 6,240 12,220 3,140 2,500 700 260 280 6,880 19,860 16,220 20,920 7,700 2,260 620 160 1,000 46.080 6,040 14,000 9,760 10,560 3,500 1,040 480 160 540 32,360 4,560 9,500 7,340 7,760 1,700 520 220 140 620 5,060 19,720 20,260 29,060 10,940 3,060 900 180 960 4,160 14,120 12,260 14,500 3,920 1,520 520 240 560 29,300 2,580 7,660 6,920 8,920 1,660 680 260 120 500 220 1,340 1,180 3,240 2,140 1,920 1,380 1,040 320 9 800 220 1,180 1,180 2,860 1,620 880 860 680 320 6,080 360, 760 1,240 1,480 740 640 480 240 140 7,SVG;,t34Q u divv rv 1,o416 , rU 714 U est Jyrv v vIIyV v l 44J,44V 0401- rove 000000 v - . u p , vUrDV 4 , , f--V I 'p'- t6S.7oZj6 ) ) ) II M I 178I 820I l38120 ,' --- ... .. u ... ... I ... .. l -- .. .. l ... .. .. . V vI - - I~ 0 - - - I -I T T-- "" ^onn InA nAn one ~on . . " ^" "^ EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR. REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Cra en, Operatives rvice lar aborer O,oupatio AREA, YEARS OF SCDO and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, Ocoupation Total and and and and "ervice laborers exoept COMPIETEDA AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kined kindred workers and farm and workers managers exc. farm workers workers workers foremen mine THE SOUTH-Continued Urban TE . - I .. .a -Li Io8t 04 years old...... Gx I $19 r 4,6601 1.420{ 43GU 3 . .. 4 62 .9401 533.3801 575.04 1 18.201 16. 1201 160i 0 24,660 18 and 19 years old ........ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ..... .... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... . 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... ... 30 to 34 years old ......... . No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. .. 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old.....:.... . No school years q.mpleted ..... Grade school: I to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to-3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1T to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .......... ....... 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to-3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported............... s 44aanl 1201 1 8lII as 2 n2 N snl IV a Al ~z, .... & , W - * 9 .994 0vw I 47 ... 460 - - - 40 60so 140 140 80 3,000 40 -- 140 160 860 200 660 920 20 6,480 - 20 60 500 480 2,460 * 820 360 1,680 100 17,060 120 - 200 2,380 2,000 6,200 2,180 260 8,440 280 .... 30,180 400 60 260 7,$40 2,680 10,000 4,620 200 4,060 480 .... 31,400 800 20 600 12,680 2,520 7,740 3,920 120 2,400 600 4,200 220 - 160 1,940 280 800 380 20 200 200 .... 180 - - - 00 40 20 - - 20 - S' 480 - 20 - 100 40 160 40 - 40 80. .... 134,320 4,420 360 4, 0 37.200 16.06 41.060 13,460 1.300 14 060 1.540 680 - 20 20 40 20 240 160 120 60 ... 3,260 60 - 20 180 640 780 320 820 900 40 7,540 80 40 100 340 980 8,420 740 200 1,540 100 .... 20,200 120 40 260 1,980 8,340 - 8,040 2,460 820 8,440 200 .... 38,400 700 20 . 1,000 7,800 5,260 14,020 4,920 120 4,320 240 .... 48,620 1,700 160 2,340 19,400 5,040 12l120 3,980 120 3,080 680 12,920 1,200 60 860 6,520, 600 2,100 740 80 580 180 . 1,980 560 20 240 820 60 120 60 - 20 80 ... 720 - - 20 120 120 220 80 20 120 20 .... 250,540 16,560 420 14,580 67,860 34,400 72,940 18,040 2,080 21,580 2,080 ... 1,000 60 - 20 100 100 280 100 60 . 260 20 ... 6,080 20 - 100 320 820 1,960 740 500 1,580 40 .... 13,260 40 40 220 840 1,880 5,980 1,040 540 2,580 100 38,840 440 - 80 880 4,200 7,200 15,980 83,640 8240 5,840 240 .... 6,600 1,640 60 2,560 11,680 11,200 24,220 5,720 320 5,740 460 80,460 3,740 120 5,820 30,880 10,160 19,380 5,420 160 4,100 680 .... 27,900 3,260 80 8,180 12,940 2,160 4,000 1,000 80 1,020 1e0 .... '17,940 7,320 40 1,740 6,580 780 760 200 20 220 280 1,460 40 - 60 320 100 880 180 60 240 80 461.780 A" 42,280 1 000 45,200 114,980 74560 123,220 24,000 2,620 30,300 3, 8620 2,120 80 - 120 100 880 500 180 840 480 60 ... 12,500 60 40 360 700 1,880 4,900 1,080 700 2,740 40 28,180 160 60 880 1,720 5,440 12,900 1,480 800 5,000 240 . 83,220 1,100 100 8,720 10,280 17,940 34,420 5,640 600 8,800 620 "" 109,060 2,660 240 9,300 21,740 23,160 835,840 7,420 280 7,620 800 "" � 123,220 5,440 300 16,060 43,600 18,720 27,540 5,920 280 4,320 1,040 50,160 6,460 180 8,140 22,480 4,920 4,960 1,760 60 820 380 " 51,140 26,220 80 6,440 13,900 1,860 1,560 420 40 300 320 2,180 100 - 180 460 360 600 100 20 240 120 430.240 41.600 1.180 61.600. 96.760 81.080 99.300 22,820 1,980 21,200 3,220 "" 1,960 40 20 120 120 320 480 160 280 360 60 15,460 80 100 720 620 3,140 6,660 820 400 2,780 140 32,680 340 120 1,680 1,860 7,960 13,460 2,000 380 4,610 220 "" � 90,920 1,620 80 6,520 10,500 24,700 32,500 6,780 580 6,860 780 97,540 2,300 160 13,420 21,520 23,560 25,720 6,220 200 8,880 560 92,700 5,220 220 18,120 32,380 15,280 14,460 4,280 40 2,000 700 46,620 6,480 320 11,120 18,020 4,320 4,300 1,340 60 300 360 49,180 25,400 140 9,300 11,220 1,200 840 540 40 180 320 3,180 120 20 600 .520 600 '880 180 - 180 80 . 698,060 61,800 83.220 129.960 1497900 149,140 121,740 42,700 2,860 80,780 5,960 6,660 36,320 66,980 182,380 139,740 122,760 68,580 69,000 5,640 485.200 6,780 34,480 55,880 137,460 74,480 78,800 46,660 46,200 4,460 265.560 4,500 22,020 35,100 83, 00 31,840 39,600 21,200 25,360 2,740 40 280 460 2,680 4,000 7,460 9,200 37,380 300 41.880 20 100 560 2,400 2,580 4,360 6,620 25,060 180 24.740 20 200 540 1,740 1,100 2,580 3,140 15,300 120 20 180 260 680 700 560 520 220 80 4.200 60 280 460 1,040 740 620 520 120 60 9,3920 60 460 560 880 580 680 440 200 60 580 2,320 5,500 23,080 25,860 33,900 21,960 15,440 1,320 110.220 680 3,600 7,200 25,240 18,340 26,500 16,540 11,100 1,020 65.440 620 3,200 5,680 18,760 9,480 13,620 7,740 5,460 880 340 1,76 5,460 27,520 33,920 42,780 25,020 12,180 920 100.000 440 2,380 5,040 23,26C 19,060 26,380 15,640 6,800 1,000 50.940C 240 1,600 4,140 13 ,740 8,18C 12,560 6,540 3,420 520 1,020 9,380 20,960 54,180 35,740 19,200 5,'700 1,800 1,160 110.040 1,900 10,720 19,040 42,120 18,140 11,740 3,940 1,480 960 59 840 1,080 6,080 11,560 25,240 7,000 6,100 1,860 420 500 1,960 13,140 21,240 45,080 24,040 11,100 3,320 800 1,060 63.280i 1,560 9,000 13,00C 23,940 8,420 4,920 1,44C 32C 680 P25 16 940 4,780 5,260 9,440 2,380 1,44C 560 120 240 420 2,560 5,600 16,680 10,000 5,120 1,560 400 360 31.240 600 3,000 5,560 12,800 4,640 2,760 1,220 480 180 20,320 540 2,660 4,120 8,240 2,020 1,900 420 220 200 460 740 540 820( 120 120 20 20 20 1.960 240 580 300 360 180 160 60 20 60 1,560 260 380 300 480 80 20 80 20 1,820 5,640 6,460 10,240 4,300 1,420 540 100 260 18.180 1,240 4,520 4,240 5,200 1,680 800 240 100 160 11,.60 680 2,500 2,640 4,020 800 360 140 60 160 820 500 1,420 1,060 1,100 740 660 160 4.200 40 800 0 480 1,100 700 560 440 420 160 2,280 60 160 800 660 220 340 360 140 40 130 TotU, 1&A MI ... -- -. - i - , - - f - - . vg - - - - - jL '_ g I 1 T T - -TV 1! ,M IA LA '^L AAA Aar! ,wnl CAO ^ A^ man of A mME IA I AA AAA 1.80 a s- A 2A 12R M ..i :: MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 131 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS 0l~, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, Occupation Professioal Farmers foremen, Occupatione AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL Total and semi- andor and, and Service laborers except not COMPlTD, AND AGE professional farm kindred workers and farm and L ANDAGprofe onal agrs officials, kindred kindred workers foremen mine reported workers managers e. farm workers workeroremen ine exe. farm workers workers THE SOUTH-Continued. Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 1,760,640 104,720 46,320 220,500 184,.80 319.400 477.700 124,880 80,880 184a240 17,620 18 and 19 years old ............. 738,160 600 760 840 8, 300 4,460 .21,940 15.560 7,700 111,640 1 ,360 No school years completed.......20 - 20 - 40 80s- 320 240 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5,960 - 80 - 60 180 1,600 400 2,000 1,500 140 5 and 6 years ....... 9,620 . 20 180 20 260 380 3,640 '.,120 1,760 2,080 160 7 and 8 years........ 17,960 ' 80 180 140 840 900 6,000 4,340 2,080 3,180 220 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 19,900 60 120 200 2,060 1,400 5,900 6,320 920 2,520 400 4 years ............. 16,940 300 140 340 4,500 1,380 4,420 3,180 520 1,820 340 College: 1 to 3 years .. ...... 1,580 80 60 120 560 160 180 180 60 140 40 4 years or more...... 80 40 - - - 20 - - 20 - Not reported ............... ..... 400 20 - - 20 20 100 20 40 140 40 20 and 21 years old ............... 95,580 2,080 1,160 2,620 10,320 8,240 30,980 16,780 8,060 14,040. 1,300 No school years completed . ........ . 780 - - - 60 40 140 - 280 260 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 6,780 40 120 80 100 300 2,020 260 1,860 1,940 60 5 and 6 years ....... 12,060 - 200 120 280 920 4,680 1,280 1,720 2,600 260 7 and 8 yehrs ....... 21,420 120 240 460 880 1,900 8,040 4,180 1,920 3,560 120 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 25,020 100 220 480 2,260 2,420 8,940 6,060 1,200 2,960 380 4 years .............. 23,860 680 260 1,000 5,060 2,400 6,380 3,980 840 2,360 400 College: 1 to 3 years o.... 4,640 560 80 460 1,420 220 620 760 180 260 80 4 years or more ..... 1,060 * 540 20 20 240 20 20 140 20 40 - Not reported .................... . 460 40 20o - 20 20o 140 120 40 60 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 161,080 7,380 28.340 7,720 18,220 17,760 55,620 18,500 9.660 22,200 1,680 No school years completed ......... 1,400 20 - 20 20 100 340 60 340 440 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,280 20 320 200 120 660 . 8680 360 2,080 2k740 100 5 and 6 years ........ 16,760 60so 340 240 440 1,520 7,240 1,140 1,840 3,760 180 7 and 8 years........ 36,300 140 740 820 1,400 3,980 15,140 4,300 2,840 6,700 240 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 40,140 480 420 1,720 3,620 5,320 15,580 6,380 1,480 4,720 420 4 years ............. 38,180 1,020 400 2,740 8,180 4,920 11,660 4k700 880 8,800 380 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,800 1,400 80 1,180 3,300 840 1,440 1,000 120 360 80 4 years or more ..... 7,440 4,220 40 - 780 -1,080 300 260 460 20 80 200 Not reported ............ . ......... "780 20 - 20 60 120 280 100, 60 100 20 25 to 29 years old ............... 292,180 18,760 4,220 24,260 30,060 41,580 102,740 17,440 15,080 35,100 2,940 No school years completed .......3. 3,320 20 100 60 40 180 1,160 100 720 920 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 20,380 - 480 500 340 1,740 8,940 280 3,260 4,620 220 5 and 6 years ....... 36,400 160 640 860 720 4,280 17,400 1,460 3,700 6,920 260 7 and 8 years . ...... 71,940 520 980 3,140 3,480 11,280 31,800 5,200 4,020 10,800 720 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 65,480 920 860 4,880 6,220 12,160 25,100 4,960 2,100 7,580 700 4 years ............. . 52,900 1,680 680 7,680 11,520 8,860 14,160 3,720 900 3,160 540 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 21,060 8,640 360 4,020 5,380 2,360 3,120 1,140 160 580 800 4 years or more ..... 19,060 11, 700 80 3,000 2,200 500 680 540 80 140 140 Not reported ...... .............. 1,640 120 40 120 160 220 380 40 140 380 40 30 to 34 years old ............... 280,480 19,380 5,340 32,660 27,900 52.200 88,080 12,960 10,960 28,700 2,300 No school years completed ......... 3,920 100 140 140 60 240 1,480 60 680 960 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 24,120 100 420 740 300 2,740 11,340 560 2,820 4,920 180 5 and 6 years ........ 37,600 140 760 1, 660 960 6,440 16,720 1,300 2,640 6,640 340 7 and 8 years........ 77,680 560 1,320 5,840 4,380 18,020 30,700 4,280 2,780 9,200 600 High school' 1 to 3 years ......... 59,100 900 1,260 7,600 6,560 14,640 17,700 4,080 1,320 4,540 500 4 years ............. 37,400 1,540 680 8,360 8,500 6,840 7,520 1,800, 440 1,600 120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,720 3,340 560 4,700 4,740 2,240 1,660 6 60 100 440 280 4 years or more....... 19,880 12,620 140 3,880 2,280 700 300 100 60 100 200 Not reported ..................... 2,060 80 60 , 240 120 340 660 120 120 300 20 35 to 44 years old ..................430,560 28,040 10,600 65,800 44,160 97,860 107,920 19,860 13,640 38,800 3,880 No school years completed ......... 8,080 80 160 400 60 880 2,700 200 1,220 2,300 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 46,340 140 1,400 2,460 800 7,960 18,900 1,3601 3,900 9,020 400 5 and 6 years........ 60,840 260 1,860 4,320 2,100 14,820 22,880 2,020 3,220 9,120 240 7 an 8 years........ 128,680 1,680 2,960 14,460 8,780 38,100 37,760 8,120 3,520 12,340 960 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 81,560 1,880 1,960 16,400 11,100 23,260 16,400 4,640 1,140 4,160 620 4 years ..... 46,520 2,540 1,180 12,860 11,060 8,740 5,680 2,280 480 1,040 660 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 26,460 4,600 680 8,280 6,700 2,640 1,940 780 60 280 500 4 years or more...... 27,780 16,780 280 5,840 3,180 720 440 140 20 60 320 Not reported ................... .. 4,300 80 120 780 380 740 1,220 320 80 480 100 45 to 54 years old............... 275,560 17 ,420 11.480 52,960 29,420 65,220 50,720 14,620 9,440 2120 2,860 No school years completed ....... 8,540 20 360 420 120 1,160 2,500 860 1,30soo0 2,220 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 39,460 200 1,680 3,220 760 9,180 12,560 1,900 3,120 6,440 400 5 and 6 years ....... 43,360 260 1,920 4,380 2,100 12,680 12,460 2,580 1,920 4,780 280 7 and 8 years....... 82,340 1,260 3,440 15,380 8,100 25,120 14,640 5,960 2,220 5,400 820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 39,820 1,100 2,080 10,320 6,180 10,540 5,120 2,040 480 1,480 480 4 years ............. 24,960 1,520 780 8,540 6,540 3,740 i, 720 1,120 200 520 280 College: 1 to 3 years .... 18,120 3,500 900 6,140 3,840 1,740 980 460 100 200 260 4 years or more. ... 16,120 9,880 240 4,040 1,480 460 140 80 40 100 160 Not reported ..................... 2;,840 180 80 520 300 600 600 120 60 280 100 55 to 64 years old................ 152,040 11,060 10,420 33,640 16000 82.080 19,700 9,160 6,340 129340 1.800 No school years completed ......... 6,140 0 00 680 100 820 1,540 500 860 1,240 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 24,480 200 2,060 2,940 940 5,160 5,380 1,920 1,980 3,700 200 5 and 6 years....... 25,880 280 2,020 4,140 1,780 6,560 4,840 1,82 1,380 2,960 100 7 and 8 years... 45,700 1,220 2,660 10,800 4,280 12,680 5,600 3,240 1,580 3,340 300 High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 16,580 - , 520 5,000 2,780 3,560 1,oso 900 300 500 260 4 years ............ 12,580 960 800 4,620 - 2,840 1,82 560 460 100 240 180 College: 1 to 3 years .0. 8,740 1,500 620 2,880 2, 80 940 300 220 60 120 20 4 years or more. 9,760 6,080 200 2,000 98p 200 120 40 20 20 100 Not reported................... . . . 2,180 100 240 580 220 340 200 60 60 220 60 132 EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF' EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COUPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, CraftsmenP Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and manager, sales, foremen and rice laborers except Occupation COMPLETED, AND AGE Total professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers end farm and re ted workers managers c. fa workers workers workers foremen mine exe. farm workers workers THE SOUTH--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 2,723,060 27,500 1,587,340 60,360 56,600 112,260 172,700 17,600 558,360 1114760 18,580 18 and 19 years old.............. 162,420 220 19,120 420 3,700 2,700 9,560 1,040 114,180 9,400 2,080 No school years completed......... 2,880 - 280 - 20 20 40 - 2,400 100 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 24,460 - 2,380 - 100 120 680 80 19,420 1,440 240 5 and 6 years........ 31,720 - 3,880 40 60 880 1,340 180 23,560 1,900 360 7 and 8 years........ 49,400 40 6,340 60 320 620 2,960 200 35,360 2,980 520 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 32,760 80 3,860 120 860 780 2,400 260 22,020 1,740 640 4 years ............. 18,760 80 2,140 160 2,000 740 2,020 220 10,200 980 280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,620 20 140 40 320 20 60 60 720 160 80 4 years or more. .... 0 - - - - - 20 - 60 - - Not reported .................. . 740 - 100 - 20 20 20 40 440 100 20 and 21 years old.............. 169,600 920 37,280 800 5,160 4400. 16,180 1,080 90,600 11,240 1,940 No school years completed ........ 3,160 - 560 - 20 20 40 20 2,100 300 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years :....... 21,760 - 4,140 20 60 240 1,200 80 14,240 1,600 180 5 and 6 years ....... 29,060 40 6,520 40 140 226 1,980 100 17,900 1,940 180 7 and 8 years........ 49,080 20 11,880 160 380 1,220 4,520 300 27,000 3,240 360 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 33,600 20 7,560 220 1,080 1,360 *4,220 240 16,220 2,120 560 4 years ............. 27,620 160 5,680 * 220 2,820 1,160 3,700 220 11,540 1,760 360 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,080 560 520 120 620 160 420 100 1,180 200 200 4 years or more ..... 260 100 40 20 20 - 20 20 40 - - Not reported ..................... 980 20 380 - 20 20 80 - 380 80 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 286,920 2,900 83,100 2,180 72120 8,280 22,740 1.620 90,240 16,960 1,780 No school years completed ......... 4,420 - 1,100 - - 20 1420 2,740 360 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 30,840 20 10,340 40 60 500 1,840 80 15,680 2,060 220 5 and 6 years........ 41,020 20 15,220 80 280 1,040 2,940 160 17,860 3,080 340 7 and 8 years ........ 70,600 60 26,840 220 720 2,120 7,240 340 27,300 5,360 400 High schlool: 1 to 3 years ......... 47,860 140 17,460 * 680 1,540 2,400 5,880 500 15,620 3,420 220 4 years ............. 33,280 360 9,820 780 3,440 1, 60 4,180 380 9,560 2,400 400 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,600 1,220 1,460 220 760 220 400 120 880 220 100 4 years or more ...... 1,940 1,040 220 160 260 - 20 20 140 40 40 Not reported ..................... 1,360 40 640 - 60 20 100 - 460 a0 20 25 to 29 years old ............... 369 920 4,940 185,540 5,740 8,320 13,100 34.460 2,000 92,020 20860 2,940 No school years completed ......... 7,900 20 2,700 20 40 160 160 20 4,160 540 so80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 47,400 20 22,740 100 140 740 3,040 20 17,320 3,000 280 5 and 6 years........ 66,600 - 34,780 340 240 1,500 5,840 360 18,160 4,820 560 7 and 8 years........ 116,900 140 62,620 1,140 1,340 3,840 11,780 600 28,160 6,500 780 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 73,840 220 38,400 1,560 2,000 3,860 7,800 560 15,060 8,820 560 4 years ............. 40,860 400 19,020 1,760 2,820 2,460 4,840 320 7,000 1,860 880 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 10,100 1,740 3,660 600 "1,280 240 660 80 1,380 200 260 4 years or more...... 4,120 2,400 560 200 400 140 140 20 220 - 40 Not reported ..................... 2,200 - 1,060 20 60 160 200 20 560 120 - 30 to 34 years old ............... . 323,560 4.780 190,060 7.620 6.980 15,640 26.960 1.860 53.060 14,940 1,660 No school years completed ......... 8,200 - 3,560 20 - 120 300 60 3,560 500 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 46,940 40 27,540 200 180 1,140 3,120 140 11,780 2,680 120 5 and 6 years........ 59,340 40 35,920 500 320 2,380 5,020 240 11,160 3,480 280 7 and 8 years ........ 105,360 260 64,900 2,000 1,220 5,260 9,560 640 15,980 4,920 620 High school: "1 to 3 years ......... 63,360 200 38,420 2,120 2,020 4,320 6,040 480 7,120 2,220 420 4 years ............. 24,220 300 12,960 1,700 1,980 1,600 2,200 220 2,380 /800 80 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,880 1,800 4,540 740 860 560 500 60 560 220 40 4 years or more ...... 4,080 2,140 980 280 360 160 60 -20 80 - - Not reported ....................... 2,180 - 1,240 60 40 100 160 - 440 120 20 35 to 44 years old ............... 568,980 6.000 380.080' 16i740 11,9201. 29.940 37.560 4,120 59.120 20,560 2,940 No school years completed ......... 20,940 - 13,100 100 80 560 700 120 5,200 940 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 96,480 - 65,160 780 400 2,980 5,960 300 15,220 5,060 620 5 and 6 years ........ 111,740 240 76,820 1,800 660 5,240 8,740 660 12,460 4,680 440 7 and 8 years ........ 197,220 380 136,680 5,280 3,000 12,560 13,700 1,700 16,580 6,480 860 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 89,880 340 59,780 4,200 2,940 6,020 6,220 1,000 6,440 2,480 460 4 years ............. 25,420 460 14,960 2,140 2,500 ' 1,400 1,320 220 1,660 600 160 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 13,860 1,500 7,360 1,580 1,440 700 480 40 540 80 140 4 years or more ...... 7,200 2,920 2,460 720 740 120 20 20 120 20 60 Not reported ..................... 6,240 160 3,760 140 160 360 .420 60 900 220 60 45 to 54 years old............... . 512,560 4,420 386,000 15,640 8,780 25, 720 18, 560 3,820 34,680 12, 200 2,740 No school years completed ......... 24,620 20 17,680 160 40 480 820 120 4,500 700 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 109,340 40 85,040 1,500 340 i 3,840 3,940 700 10,300 3,160 .480 5 and 6 years....... 105,940 120 82,160 1,640 480 5,540 4,240 560 7,540 3,240 420 7 and 8 years....... 168,320 420 / i29,260 5,180 2,980 9,640 6,520 1,00 ?,980 3,900 940 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 60,520 400 44,740 3,040 1,900 4,120 1,780 500 2,840 760 440 4 years ............ 18,260 400 11,960 1,660 1,440 1,040 600 240 680 200 40 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 13,540 1, 200 7,920 1,560 1,120 740 320 120 320 80 160 4 years or more..... 5,920 1,800 2,520 760 380 120 80 . 20 100 40 100 Not reported .... ................ .6,100 20 4,720 140 100 200 260 60 420 120 60 55 to 64 years old............... 379.100 3.320 306.160 1L8.220 4.620 12.480 6,680 2.060 24,460 5.600 2,500 No school years completed ......... 23,660 20 17,920 280 40 520 480 80 3,440 660 220 Grade school: I to 4 years ........ 89,080 40 74,280 1,300 220 2,060 1,680 500 7,140 1,460 400 5 and 6 years........ 87,140 120 71,940 2,080 400 2,920 1,560 300 5,660 1,320 840 7 and 8 yeis....... 116,440 400 95,340 ,960 1,640 4,500 2,080 740 5,700 1,560 520 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 32,820 300 25,880 1,600 940 1,460 480 220 1,320 360 260 4 years ............ 2,040 400 8,660 960 660 460 160 140 400 80 120 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 8,480 640 5,960 500 560 360 140 60 160 - 100 4 years or more.... 3,800 1,340 1,820 360 80 60 - - 100 40 Not reported ..................... 5,640 60 4,360 180 80 140 oo o 540 120 40 MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 133 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP. OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Poprietors, Clerical, Craftmn, Operatives Far Laborers,Occupaton ATEARS OF SCHOOL Total and semi- and managers, sae, foremen, and Service laborers except not rA, TEAR S and aOFCO and ndedarrkerlandnfarknIeo 0PID, AND AGE Total professional farm off kndred kindred workers and far and workers managers exo. farm workers workers workers foremen mine THE WEST Total Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade adsool: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... Ilh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to.3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ....... ... . . 20 and 21 year old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... igh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years .... . 7 and 8 years...... Iigh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7- and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade rhool: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... ligh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ........... ........ 35 to 44 years old ....."......� No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... irh school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .... .. . . . ... . 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... lgh scSool: I to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old .......... No ch)ool years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High sdcool: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported................. 0 -9 : 0 26i68 a80 8 a40 48rl800 ,u 40 w 74u t o ivw azNu ,2;3Z Ou Z ct .. 89,440 1,400 2,000 940 18,504 0 18,260 14,180 21,580 10,420 2,080 . 160 - - - - so20 40 o so 20 - S e880 - 40 - 20 20 100 20 540 120 20 2,180 - 80 - 60 20 240 00 1,340 340 - 14,640 40 420 100 840 460 - 1,800 1,860 7,180 2,220 220 27,800 8340 780 280 8,520 1,660 5,320 6,060 5,860 3,200 780 89,280 820 640 480 8,460 2,580 9,920 5,320 6,020 4,140 900 4,080 180 40 80 1,080 260 860 740 8380 820 140 . 60 - - - 20 20 - - 20 - - 860 20 - - 40 20 - 40 160 60 20 132, 760 83.920 4.100 8 3.140 21.100 12 200 29,880 16,220 24,120 15.860 1,920 160 - - 40 20 20 40o 40 - - 980 20 60 - 40 40 100 60 500 140 20 2,500 - 100 - 60 120 8320 280 1,200 420 19,700 20 1,000 140 820 960 3,220 2,320 8,040 2,960 220 33,260 480 960 480 8,040 8,600 8,180 5,320 6,240 4,620 340 58,520 1,760 1,720 1,620 12,660 6,200 14,500 6,380 6,840 6,100 900 . 16,000 1,260 240 720 4,920 1,300 2,880 1,780 1,120 1,400 380 . 1,120 .380 - 140 280 - 100 60 20 100 40 8 520 - 20 40 40 60 60 40 120 120 20 246,840 138200 10,460 9,860 41280 29 460 56,920 25,560 30,440 27,080 2,580 440 20 40 20 20 - 60 20 160 100 - 1,740 - 60 - 20 60 120 160 1,060 240 20 So,700 20 '280 120 100 220 440 280 1,660 560 20 3 5,360 120 2,860 480 1,020 2,840 6,880 4,560 10,640 5,680 280 57,180 700 2,440 1,460 4,660 8,080 16,200 7,320 7,560 8,180 580 101,140 3,120 3,540 4,380 20,480 14,200 26,280 10,340 7,720 10,160 980 33,440 3,520 1,040 2,280 10,880 3,540 5,980 2,520 1,380 1,820 480 13,100 5,700 180 1,160 8,960 420 780 280 140 260 220. 740 - 20 20 140 100 180 80 120 80 - 448.820 37.460 24,900 .32.40 74.040 3. o 99.520 30,740 35.960 45,00 4,540 980 20 40 20 60 120 240 100 280 100 - 3,980 20 240 60 80 320 700 280 1,500 760 20 9,060 80 640 160 180 540 1,960 620 3,040 1,780 60 79,640 780 7,860 2,100 3,260 10,520 20,140 5,760 14,580 13,900 740 104,600 2,240 6,100 5,240 10,580 19,820 29,980 8,900 8,120 13,120 1,000 150,000 6,160 7,800 13,640 81,540 24,700 35,540 10,180 6,320 12,480 1,640 56,980 6,960 1,740 6,40 18,460 6,180 8,820 3,800 1,620 2,200 660 41,320 21,040 " 420 4,840 9,620 .1,460 1,880 840 320 500 400 1,760 160 80 140 260 180 260 260 180 240 20 419 640 389040 28.180 44,740 65.400 68,560 84.940 25.540 24,940 384,740 3,560 1,060 20 100 60 40 100 160 60 860 160 - 5,160 20 680 120 160 480 880 380 1,440 960 40 11,460 140 1,260 440 820 1,580 2,860 840 2,320 1,640 60 98,100 1,080 10,460 4,600 5,200 17,480 25,160 6,860 11,780 14,680 800 102,600 2,880 7,020. 8,860 12,320 22,500 27,080 7,360 4,680 9,440 960 109,620 5,740 5,780 15,480 25,900 18,860 20,740 7,180 3,100 5,900 940 47,120 5,880 2,060 9,180 18,260 5,7 60 6,100 2,220 780 1,520 360 42,520 23,260 660 6,220 7,920 1,420 1,640 500 220 280 400 2,000 20 160 280 280 380 320 140 260 160 - 696,700 57,780 65.340 101.840 102.240 129,440 113,680 43,800 29,760 46,620 6,200 2,820 40 480 180 80 160 20 200 680 540 40 . 15,540 220 2,460 560 440 2,200 2,540 1,280 3,240 2,520 80 32,700 840 4,960 2,060 1,580 6,620 6,200 2,480 3,840 4,480 240 228,560 3,220 81,920 19,520 18,820 49,880 49,240 17,160 14,060 23,100 2,140 153,740 4,860 12,400 20,800 22,800 36,880 30,360 11,200 4,520 8,580 1,340 130,920 7,800 7,140 28,440 81,620 22,980 17,460 7,600 2,180 4,720 980 66,240 8,520 3,980 16,840 17,480 8,060 5,340 2,820 640 1,840 720 61,780 32,500 1,620 12,840 9,880 2,020 1,480 740 200 460 540 4,400 '280 380 600 540 640 840 220 400 380 120 544,060 40,520 75.?00 90.900 75,700 101,320 65,140 33,820 23,120 32,700 5,140 4,000 20 880 240 140 480 580 240 760 620 40 22,400 160 5,540 1,840 580 3,220 3,200 1,600 3,600 2,420 240 42,020 460 8,100 3,580 -- 1,780 8,640 7, 280 3,540 3,200 5,080 360 210,920 8,160 37,420 26,320 19,140 47,640 31,940 15,800 10,940 16,640 1,920 87,680 2,480 11,880 15,580 15,260 19,440 10,920 5,860 2,080 3,860 820 88,860 5,420 5,240 22,060 20,980 14,320 7,020 4,280 1,380 2,400 760 45,520 6,860 4,420 11,620 11,880 5,240 2,820 1,660 540 1,020 460 48,360 22,200 1,960 8,920 5,980 1,680 960 580 360 260 460 4,300 260 760 740 460 660 420 260 260 400 80 318,780 23,080 57,620 53,260 41,200 58,80 829060 23,200 15,280 19,520 3,180 3,600 19,700 30,080 128,960 40,680 44,040 25,040 23,640 3,040 200 280 2,140 1,660 2,740 8,680 12,880 1,080 6,040 6,980 28,480 6,120 3,640 3,580 1,180 520 220 1,500 8,820 17,560 7,92& 11,920 6,160 4,200 460 100 720 1,480 11,780 6,700 10,900 5,660 8,580 280 was 2,820 5,380 25,860 7,400 7,040 3,080 1,040 440 300 2,040 3,760 14,180 4,080 2,660 1,240 440 360 320 1,660 2,840 11,340 3,000 2,600 880 280 280 860 2,440 2,560 6,900 1,260 520 280 160 200 400 2,060 3,140 9,380 2,180 1,480 340 220 320 220 340- 1,340 360 540 140 160 80 I 229 AM~ ARV.9x11 496 900A CIA AMA 'RA AA AAA 2 l oag n~n 90 nn 134 EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YRS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND- RURAL: 1940-Continued' (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Poprietors, Clerical, Crafttln, Operatives Far Laborers, ARA, TEARS OF SCIE)0L and semi- and naer, sales, foreen And Service laborers exoept Dbtal and and and not OPID,ANDAprofessional far offial, kidred kied kindred workers and tfarm and workers anagers eo. farm wo kindred kindred rs workers fportedoremen mine xcrnaerm workers workersi workers toren mine . I tn rrar ertr Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 yearsold............. No chool years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ....... lgh sdcool: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .... Not rported . . ................ . 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more..... Not reported ................. .. 22 to 24 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... Higha school: 1 to 3 years . ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... '5 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............ . ... 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ 'igh school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed . ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: i to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .':...... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ..... Highchool: Ito 3 years......... 4 years ............. College: I to 3 years ....... 4 years or more...... Not repoted ..................... 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years......... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ... Not reported .. . ... .. I 1,b7,4011 . 163,160 I 9.780 I 242,4421 35416404 11.6601 310.6001 148.180 I eo,6E1 118,4201 1',940 44.320 1.060 5001 10.2201 3.340 12.500 8.140 2.060 5.4001 1.060 40 - - - - - - 40 - - - 200 - - 20 20 40 - 60 60 - 500 - 20 - 20 - 100 - 240 120 3,640 40 - 20 200 300 740 700 760 800 80 14,020 300 - 100 2, 740 1,040 3,680 8,360 560 1,820 420 22,980 560 20 300 6,40 1,800 7,3 20 8,480 380 2,20 460 2,780 140 - 80 860 160 20 820 60 240 100 20 - - - 20 - - - - - - 140 20 - - 20 20 - 40 - 40 70.500 2,920 140 2,500 17,180 8.520 18,500 9,420 2,160 .?960 1,200 80 - - - 20 20 - 40 - - - 240 20 - - 20 40 20 20 40 80 - 640 - - - 40 100 100 140 100 160 - 5,220 20 20 60 480 460 1,460 940 660 1,040 80 16,840 420 40 380 2,380 2,380 - 5,020 2, 760 720 2,500 240 35,620 1,260 80 e 1,320 10,020 4,460 9,780 4,320 500 8,240 640 10,820 880 - 580 3,960 1,040 2,020 1,140 100 900 200 900 320 - 120 240 - 100 40 20 20 40 140 - - 40 20 20 - 20 20 20. - 143,80 9,520 800 6,840 33,420 21,080 86,780 17,040 2,700 18,980 1,720 140 880 1,180 12,420 30,600 64,540 24,0001 9,720 400 ""V 91N 20 100 500 2,360 2,440 4,100 ** "'" I- 40 80 120 60 -ya 20 80 340 920 2,960 1,760 740 20 as _^^ 20 20 40 720 3,580 16,280 9,220 3,420 120 A^ ** 40 140 1,880 5,320 10,580 2,740 320 60 * ^^ 40 60 140 3,420 10,100 17,900 4,420 600 100 "' "^ 100 140 2,360 4,880 7,560 1,800 160 40 "' "^ 40 80 280 1,040 760 440 60 ~in .60 320 2,880 4,120 5,640 1,180 200 60 A a*t^ .1 - b%"* ,G U"'t -,'b"+12UL22Y U Pv 1 216Y4 . 1'jV 0 4 v a gas DU 42C 1,16C 2,90( 32,06( 59,62( 98,00( 41,26( 30,94( 84( 255.06( 38( 1,82( 4,88 45,42( 62,02C 74,140 33,40( 31,96( 1,04( 421.40( 90( 6,14( 14,88( 115,90( 94,981 92,76( 46,70( 46,98( 2,16( n18 6~ 1,62( 8,28( 19,78( 109,060 53,42( 61,04 30,40C 32,82( 2,14C '"' "" 1,020 6,820 14,140 64,46C 283,840 31,56C 15,80C 17,64C 1,440 20 80 480 1,640 5,000 4,740 14,920 80 28.760 20 120 800 2,360 4,400 4,060 17,000 44.180 220 240 2,540 3,580 6,420 6,360 24,640 180 20 100 280' 2,300 2,040 4,280 4,740 17,680 160 ,a ,A^n 80 200 1,660 1,360 2,440 2,740 9,680 20 120 240 200 240 20 800 20 20 160 280 140 120 40 20 2.060 20 540 380 480 320 .220 20 Q Ann,, 40 100 200 1,120 540 480 220 300 9- A 20 40 80 1,020 3,620 10,040 4,800 3,860 60 32.260 40 100 240 2,740 5,820 11,260 6,840 5,040 180 74.220 120 380 1,220 12,520 14,220 22,040 12,740 10,520 460 140 1,040 2,380 17,940 10,940 16,880 8,840 7,020 420 60 40 S 140 2,480 8,120 85,580 15,460 8,200 160 54.8340 40 120 300 4,120 10,280 21,620 10,800 6,820 240 83. 40 60 380 1,220 14,700 18,660 25,840 14,400 7,840 440 ,,, ,,non, 140 480 1,320 15,200 12,280 18,040 9,040 5,120 420 0, can 100 140 340 6,040 18,160 17,800 4,480 1,220 120 45.880 60 360 920 10,520 15,340 183,220 4,120 1,080 260 83. 60 120 1,420 4,200 31,220 24,140 15,860 5,220 1,500 280 280 2,000 5,360 31,540 12,980 11,020 3,580 1,180 340 ^-n-^^ 100 340 920 10,780 17,940 23,820 6,180 .1,340 80 51.960 80 880 1,460 14,020 16,720 13,780 4;,280 1,120 120 n 70.460 80 1,280 3,580 28,220 19,920 12,120 3,840 1,000 420 ( 71( 340 1,640 4,380 19,260 7,280 4,920 2,000 640 240 60 240 360 3,580 6,360 7,060 3,140 660 180 19.000 20 280 660 4,780 5,240 5,620 1,920 360 120 32.182 160 920 1,780 12,060 8,180 6,040 2,240 560 180 24. 840 200 1,060 2,620 11,300 4,500 3,400 1,160 440 160 1- R^^^ 40 60 240 1,300 780 -- 480 160 40 20 2.460 60 240 320 980 480 240 100 40 3_R4n 0o 340 320 1,580 600 300 60 40 40 P88_80t 1 , v , a 4 ' 1/ , rvL A 8 80 560 400 1,300 320 160 80 20 60 40 260 720 5,960 7,220 7,120 1,560 340 120 17.580 60 300 820 6,040 5,080 3,240 860 220 60 s mln 280 1,120 2,080 11,340 4,460 3,020 960 240 60 16 _20 380 1,140 2, 620 8,160 1,960 1,280 420 100 260 20 280 140 340 700 820 .180 "^ro O20 00 540 500 340 20 2.020 20 20 860 420 6280 300 8280 t .an 80 60 160 1,180 840 640 560 420 80 a+ (v .160 220 940 580 580 320 320 80 17,71UF .12.u01260g,3. j81 3360 .IO7.00'1 8,00 w1,9 0 ,8001 10,801 1,80 80 240 1,280 300 400 180 60 60 180 880 2,120 11,280 5,340 9,100 4,460 3,340 280 100 500 1,240 9,800 5,420 9,260 4,540 3,120 180 200 1,580 3,800 18,040 5,220 5,280 2,040 780 260 120 1,140 2,540 8,740 2,600 1,820 860 160 220 2oo 1,180 1,960 7,600 2,040 1,940 620 240 200 100 160 380 820 100 100 60 20 60 120 1,140 1,480 4,980 1,240 820 200 140 160 80 180 760 220 400 100 100 20 wow !AA . .. .. . . ... ... .. . . . - A -'- I I i i T T I II I I I vVV YY ' VV"'(- j WW, iivVV1 /V.7VV1 NYajYVi VfiN7N1 6o&UVVI QAvVV - T T T -Tr r .,. , v v V 9. 9 r 3I 31 )1 iI 5 J 813bUU 600PV 58, 0000 1 55.500 52.0401 68.2801 sea wass--continues lea T&0 n nenI dM f ~ i ft. I ^I wq" sw MATOR OCCUPATION GROUP 135 Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based.on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Fam Laborers, AREA,EARS OF SCHOOL otal and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Ocpation COMPI~ED, AND AE o professional far offals, kind red nd kindred workers and farm and worrs managers e. farm workers workers workers for n mine workers managers officials, kindred kindred workersort exo. farm workers workers THE WEST-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 694,080 46,560 152 80 88.100 69.500 128.460 155.120 60,040 42,180 86,280 7,560 18 and 19 years old.............. 22,440 260 1Q00 60 2,.640 1400 4.640 5,6801 8,060 ,700 600 No school years completed......... . . 40 - - - - - 20 - - 20 Grade school: I to 4 years ......... 200 - - - - - 60 - -00 20 2 5 and 6 years ......... 760 - - 20 20 120 80 300 220 7 and 8 years ........ 4,420 " - - 60 140 120 820 1,140 1,120 980 40 High school: I to 3 years ......... 7,640 20 60 18060 180 660 560 1,300 2,620 920 1,080 240 4 years ............. .. 8,380 200 40 120 1,600 620 2,100 1,640 500 1,300 260 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 920 40 - - 200 80 220 200 100 60 20 4 years or more...... - - - - - - - - - Not reported ................ . .... s80 - - - 20 - - - 20 20 20 20 and 21 years old.............. .. 33,260 800 2 0 500 . 9740 ,040 8,800 6,540 3.760 5,520 360 No school years completed ......... 40 - - - 20 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 300 - - - 20 - 80 40 100 60 5 and 6 years ........ 840 - - - - 20 20 200 140 280 180 7 and 8 yars ........ 6,140 - 80 60 00 380 1,260 1,380 1,320 1,320 40 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,700 20 20 80 620 1,040 2,700 2,520 1,140 1,500 60 4 years ............... 12,780 440 80 240 2,040 1,380 3,820 1,820 840 2,000 180 College: 1 to 3 years ... ...... 3,040 300 20 100 660 200 660 600 60 300 140 4 years or more ...... 200 40 - 20 40 - - 20 - 80 - Not reported ........................ 220 - - - 20 20 60 20 20 80 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 60,660 3,020 600 2600 6, 620 7,260 16,860 7900 5,520 10,120 660 No school years completed ......... 180 20 - - - - 20 20 60 60 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 540 - - - - 20 40 60 260 160 5 and 6 years ......... 1,160 - 40 20 40 80 240 120 400 220 - 7 and 8 years ........ 10,880 20 - 120 280 840 2,760 2,060 2,040 2,620 140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,960 180 200 420 940 2,300 4,880 2,300 1,420 3,180 140 4 years ............. .22,980 620 240 1,160 3,560 3,220 6,920 2,580 1,220 3,240 220 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,260 780 120 480 1,420 720 1,300 600 120 580 140 4 years or more...... 2,600 1,400 - 400 380 60 160 120 - 60 20 Not reported ........ ..... 100 - - - - 20 40 40 - - 25 to 29 years old ............... 114,960 9,480 1. 240 8,260 12180 17,140 31,780 8,660 7,940 16,920 1,260 No school years completed ......... 400 20 - - - 20 140 40 120 60 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,460 - - 20 40 120 300 20 500 440 20 5 and 6 years ....... 3,020 - - 60 40 160 900 240 7 40 840 40 7 and 8 years....... 24,460 260 160 940 640 3,560 7,480 2,120 3,060 6,060 180 High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 29,800 540 240 1,400 2,300 5,580 10,320 2,480 1,780 4,780 380 4 years ............. 34,680 1,120 620 3,300 5,280 5,880 9,720 2,920 1,360 4,000 480 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,420 1,820 180 1,620 2,520 1,520 2,280 600 280 480 120 4 years or more ..... 9,020 5,660 40 840 1,360 240 460 160 601 160 40 Not reported ................ . 700 60 - 80 100 60 180 80 40 100 - 30 to 34 years old .............. 107,800 9,460 1,800 11,240 10,120 20,160 28,260 6,140 5,600 13,880 1,140 No school years completed ......... 400 - - - - 40 60 20 180 100 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,800 20 120 20 40 100 380 100 400 600 20 5 and 6 years ........ 3,420 20 20 200 20 580 1,200 160 560 640 20 7 and 8 years ........ 29,880 240 880 1,680 1,020 6,120 9,260 2,000 2,660 6,200 320 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 27,640 440 680 2,220 1,820 6,460 9,000 1,960 1,080 3,580 400 4 years ............ 24,840 1,280 400 3,880 3,980 4,940 6,080 1,460 520 2,080 220 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 10,000 1,580 120 2,060 2,160 1,500 1,580 300 120 540 40 4 years or more..... 9,220 5,860 80 1,080 1,040 300 500 140 40 60 120 Not reported .......... .. 600 20 - 100 40 120 200 - 40 80 - ld 169 82 0 1ma rI eM sn I C820 0n 4an 0ann 16 4 3 nn9 a 00a n 10 I 680 79 .420 17.420 1.600 3 to 44P y ears ou ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5-and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years .. .. . 4 years or more.... Not reported ... . .............. 45 to 54 years old ...... ...... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... . 5 and 6 yeare ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 1,040 40 40 .60 20 40 220 120 260 220 20 4,400 - 220 160 40 660 1,060 320 820 1,120 - 9,560 80 280 740 300 2,100 2,260 620 1,180 1,980 20 61,480 580 1,540 6,020 3,020 15,800 17,220 4,680 3,480 8,460 680 39,040 1,160 760 5,920 3,540 11,200 9,060 2,760 1,040 3,220 380 26,920 1,280 560 5,840 5,200 6,080 -4,500 1,440 420 1,340 260 13,620 1,820 200 3,620 2,840 2,420 1,280 540 140 660 100 _11,800 6,760 , 180 2,140 1,340 500 460 160 - 160 100 1,460 100 20 120 100 300 400 40 80 260 40 118, 120 7,540 4, 520 21,520 11,560 27,200 19,540 7,960 5,400 11,700 1,180 1,000 - 20 80 - 200 180 40 260 180 40 5,920 40 420 640 100 1,040 1,260 480 940 960 40 10,260 160 500 940 420 2,560 2,400 860 700 1,680 40 49,040 "680 1,640 7,020 3,200 13,300 10,040 3,920 2,440 6,160 640 19,220 400 760 4,100 2,520 5,400 2,840 1,240 580 1,240 140 15,180 980 600 4,520 2,500 2,880 1,800 740 260 820 80 "9,100 1,400 400 2,340 2,060 1, 180 640 460 120 400 100 7,300 3,800 120 1,640 720 400 220 120 60 120 100 1,100 80 60 240 40 240 160 100 40 140 - 67,520 4,180 3.020 14,000 6,140 13,160 9,280 6,480 3,480 7,020 760 920 - 60 40 - 80 140 120 240 240- 4,560 100 260 460 160 980 840 420 640 620 80 6,380 80 300 960 220 1,320 900 580 600 1,340 80- 28,680 380 1,300 5,660 2,000 6,260 4,580 3,460 1,460 3,260 J20 8,860 260 460 2,060 1,040 1,780 1,320 920 240 660 120 8,140 280 280 2,420 1,460 1,450 820 660 140 540 80 5,080 800 260 1,540 880 840 340 220 60 120 20 4,040 2,280 80 700 800 260 220 40 40 80 40 860 - 20 160 80 180 120 601 60 160 20 .,. 136 EDUCATION Table 25.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on. 5-percent saaple). Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftmen, Operatives Frm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and ma s, sles, foren, and Service laborers cept tion COMPZED, AND AGE professional ffar ofttls, kine kindred workers and fam and workers managers officials, kindred kindr workers foremen ine port TH WEST--Continued Rural-farm ........ e...A& .AA 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High echool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................ 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeara....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years. ..... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ......... No school year completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ... .. 7 and 8 years ...... High school: lto 3 yearst...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. . . 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High chool: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ......... . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years .......... College: I to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 6_.6N1 2L4.840. IU_ a 11_.160 8_6a80 91.1a 4.8401 142.4001 27.320 JIQ ,- 1 o - 'w ,y4. ......1 -WV" ... . . -.. .. .... .I.. I -- a. - + - ... ... .. .-. 4'.. . 80 tai 001 1 120 RA60 16I 40 1 1P80 4.00 �.. .,6, ,, L ,4V 14V 'V , '-w , -;.. ... E ......*- 80 - - 8- 40 - - - - 20 880 40 - 9 - 60 - 20 - 20 20 800 - - S 6,50 - 40 20 - 40 240 20 5,300 440 100 . . 6,14 20 720 - 120 60 340 80 4,880 300 120 7,92C 60 580 60 520 160 500 200 5,140 520 180 S- 40 - 20 20 20 20 220 20 20 --C- - * 20 - - 20 - - 1 - - - - - - 140 - - 29,000 200 8.760 140 980 640 2.080 260 18, 200 2 880 360 4 - - - * - - 40 - - - 60 - - - - - 860 - so 1,02 - 100 - - - 20 - 820 80 - 8,84 - 900 20 40 120 500 - 6,060 600 100 6,72� 40 900 o20 40 180 460 40 4,880 620 4 10,120 60 1,569 60 600 260 900 180 5,500 860 140 2,140 80 220 40 800 60 200 40 960 200 40 2C 20 - * * . - - - - - 160 - 20 - - 20 - - 80 20 80 . 42.800 660 9,560 48 1,240 1,120 8,780 620 22,220 e,980 200, 12 - 40 - - - - - 60 20 - 820 - 60 -- - 20 - 720 20o - 1,36C - 240 20 20 - 60 2 0 980 20 - 12,060 - 2,820 20 20 120 700 140 7,560 680 - 10,62 20 2,160 120 140 460 1,220 140 5,380 880 100 13,u20 140 8,180 200 640 400 1,460 200 6,060 1,280 60 8,1C 8300 860 40 240 80 8260 120 1,200 0 20 8 200 180 20 160 40 20 - 140 - 20 4 20 - 20 20 40 - 120 20 - 66,160 1,020 22,820 940 1,520 s0oo0 62 40 440 4,900 _ . o660 16C - 40 - . - - - 120 - - . 1,3�0 - 220 - - 60 60 20 940 60 - 8, 14- 640 20 - 40 140 20 2,060 220 - 28,120 40 7,580 140 140 920 1,880 60 10,280 1,880 260 ... 15,180 60 5,620 220 160 580 1,720 60 5,560 1,120 80 " 17,32C 40 6,980 800 680 1,020 2,000 200 4,480 1,860 260 " � 4,0( 400 1,820 120 480 180 360 60 1,180 160 40 1,360 460 360 140 60 - 80 20 220 - SC 220 20 60 - - - - - 10 20 - 56, 8( 820 5.,580 1,240 940 ,20 4 720 400 16,880 , 280 400 - 100 20 - - 20 20 180 - - 1,54 - 540 - - 0 120 - 800 60 - . ,16 - 1,220 - - 80 200 20 1,440 180 20 22,so 40 9,920 180 60 840 1,880 80 8,140 1,540 120 12,940 80 / 6,060 820 220 700 1,360 160 8,120 780 140 10,64C 60 5,240 840 800 700 880 100 , 340 580 100 38, T240 1,820 280 800 140 . 240 - 560 120 80 -. 1,84C 400 540 100 60 40 20 - 180 - - 36C - 140 - - - - 20 180 20 - .. 105, 980 1, 80 59,480 8.000 2. 00 6.880 6.760 1,000 19,000 5 640640 S 88 - 440 - - - 20 20 860 40 - 5,000 - 2,220 20 20 120 200 . 40 2,080 280 20 8,2 20 4, 00 100 60 820 260 80 2,340 420 60 51,180 100 29,840 980 600 2,860 8,800 420 9,000 3,800 280 . � 19,72C 120 11,260 660 600 1,540 1,380 260 2,880 900 10 S 11,24 100 6,100 560 580 1,040 840 120 1,460 360 80 5,920 340 3,460 480 240 420 220 4 440 220 60 S 3, 000 1,100 1,220 180 200 20 20 20 160 6020 780 - 340 20 - 60 20 - 280 60 - S 107,3881 1,880 68,180 .780 2 .1j ,840 4,900 1.020 14,740 4,680 760 ... 1,88 - 820 20 - - 60 - 420 60 - 8,so 20o 5,020 160 180 00oo 60 2,100 320 40 11,98C 20 7,400 260 40 720 500 60 2,100 780 100 ... 52,82 180 34,660 1,360 740 2,800 2,640 580 7,200 2,320 840 ... 15,040 40 10,080 540 460 1,060 800 120 1,180 660 100 7, 64 160 4,160 660 440 420 300 140 960 300 100 6,030 220 8,800 440 280 480 180 40 340 200 40 ... 3,40 720 1,540 260 140 100 100 20 280 40 40 -. 1,060 20 700 80 - 80 20 - 160 - - .. ,57450 740 52,000 - .280 1,400 8020 1. 580 740 -10,000 , 20 560 1,660 8,320 9,660 35,820 7,980 4, 40 4,160 1,960 740 20 100 40 20 140 420 1,020 5,700 6,440 25,900 5,360 2,960 8,140 1,040 440 160 240 620 520 400 160 160 20 60 20 480 240 10 240 160 20 40 260 260 1,560 400 300 200 40 60 320 860 160 20 40 60 20 60 300 280 40 40 20 520 1,640 1,580 4,620 920 280 160 100 180 40 800 320 1,140 280 120 20 1 II ( 1 IL1.I J 1 I L 4 60 260 20 60 20 40 22 _6A .AA AM i MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 137 Table 26.--MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- nd managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Occupation Total and end and not COMPLETED, AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kind kindred workers and farm and workers managers exc. farm workers workers workers foremen mine THE NORTH Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... . Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years.... . 7 and 8 years ........ High school:, 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................. .. 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years-completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. . 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years.......... 5 and 6 years.... . 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 4 years ............ College: - 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ . .. 55 to 64 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... I- 2,060 14,240 27,180 136,920 48,600 56,100 27,340 26,000 3,260 80 160 480 4,800 3,800 10,700 14,620 20,380 520 40 940 1,320 5,780 1,380 760 640 160 120 100 680 1,300 10,120 4,380 6,220 2,560 1,120 420 140 720 1,960 20,800 13,660 19,940 5,000 2,100 520 240 560 2,760 800 740 160 120 40 420 2,540 5,480 25,940 6,660 3,640 620 220 360 1,040 8,240 14,440 60,560 16,240 12,600 3,160 1,380 1,140 180 360 1,000 140 120 80 60 80 220 980 160 100 20 20 40 120 460 1,060 4,180 1,380 1,280 480 500 100 o,oo,s4 825,740 32,900 183 8360 2 5 3uuo4w 66,680 1 ,1 7,I00 1,18,ao 6,080 55UU , 00 96,880 432,480 30,100 120 1.220 155,600 2j160 97,600 126,620 3,000 5,360 10,700 360 40 - - 20 - 160 80 - 40 20 1,140 - - 20 240 - 420 440 - - 20 3,540 80 - - 80 20 1,240 1,840 80 o 00o 00 68,140 320 60 160 4,780 420 25,380 32,020 1,580 1,400 2,020 105,400 1,320 20 200 19,220 840 39,140 40,240 400 1,780 2,240. 234,860 23,340 40 700 121,340 840 30,320 49,600 880 1,980 5,820 16,660 4,680 - 120 9,160 40 560 1,620 - 40 440 560 140 - - 300 - - 60 20 20 20 1,820 180 - 20 460 - 380 720 40 - 20 585,140 55,140 280 2,760 238, 740 3,680 135,160 129,260 2,720 8,580 8,820 1,040 40 - - 420 - 240 320 - - .20 1,360 40 - 20 320 - 380 560 - 20 20 4,420 60 - - 260 80 1,980 1,760 80 120 80 85,500 520 120 260 7,880 800 38,140 32,640 1,380 2,080 1,680 123,040 1,540 20 400 26,660 1,100 52,740 35,580 440 "2,840 1,720 308,580 30,380 140 1,700 172,480 1,600 40,180 53,760 760 3,300 4,280 50,120 17,580 - 260 26,600 80 960 3,620 60 120 840 8,240 4,480 - 120 3,120 20 60 280 - - 160 2,840 500 . - - 1,000 - 480 740 - 100 20 824,480 .07,000 600 7 520 328,620 7,.520 196,320 152,240 2,680o lo,680 11,300 980 80 - - 360 - 260 240 - 20 20 2,000 100 - - 380 - 640 740 80 20 40 8,840 120 - - 440 100 4,940 2,780 60 160 240 136,960 1,340 180 620 15,140 1,980 68,260 42,060 1,500 3,400 2,480 160,060 2,760 160 1,380 39,720 2,300 67,820 40,300 380 3,480 1,760 380,420 34,000 220 3,580 220,020 2,800 51,420 59,920 580 3,300 4,580 77,180 33,460 20 900 35,300 160 1,620 4,440 60 180 1,040 53,540 34,400 - 1,000 15,920 160 260 840 20 80 860 4,500 * 740 20 40 1,340 20 1,100 920 - 40 280 992,980 154,440 1,000 18540 392, 740 9,920 232,840 154,320 3,600 11,820 13,7c0 2,060 260 j- 80 540 80 620 420 - 40 20 4,280 200 - 20 660 - 1,640 1,560 40 80 80 16,620 80 - 160 1,140 180 9,800 4,380 80 540 260 221,040 4,160 480 2,520 36,780 3,380 110,840 52,820 1,900 4,860 3,300 202,280 5,200 140 4,020 75,840 3,040 66,060 40,820 620 3,620 2,920 355,900 39,040 240 7,640 212,100 2,380 39,560 47,180 - 740 2,320 4, 06 100,040 46,240 100 2,220 41,380 420 2,600 5,320 160 140 1,460 85,680 58,300 40 1,700 22,880 360 500 880 40 100 880 5,080 960 - 180 1,420 80 1,220 940 20 120 .140 721,540 129,780 1.960 24,180 286,360 9,380 147,580 102,320 2,860 6,340 10,780 1,740 120 2C 80 340 20 560 520 40 - 40 5,400 180 40 180 640 80 2,640 1,400 60 120 60 20,780 220 80 500 1,320 .300 11,640 5,480 260 620 360 179,280 2,780 780 4,400 39,540 3,920 79,420 40,340 1,520 3,160 3,420 145,680 5,580 440 5,200 65,960 2,500 35,360 26,440 400 1,420 2,380 212,680 24,860 260 8,400 136,800 1,740 14,840 21,920 340 880 2,640 78,560 40,980 200 2,980 27,020 520 1,720 3,960 140 100 940 72,340 54,020 100 2,360 13,420 240 260 1,100 60 - 780 5,080 1,040 40 80 1,320 60 1,140 1,160 40 40 160 1,012,120 177.100 6.860 53,680 363,900 16,500 186,820 176,640 5,500 7,360 17,760 3,360 260 80 200 480 40 1,200 920 80 20 80 13,160 200 280 460 1,080 220 5,220 4,900 240 240 320 43,280 340 500 1,620 3,740 920 19,580 14,120 720 760 980 326,080 6,440 3,480 14,660 85,020 7,760 109,940 85,820 2,940 4,060 5,960 184,920 10,860 900 10,540 85,160 3,620 32,480 36,500 560 1,140 3,.60 236,400 29,200 960 16,580 142,020 2,680 14,$20 25,460 520 780 3,880 101,200 52,880 460 5,480 31,440 640 2,280 5,620 340 180 1,880 95,580 75,580 120 3,760 12,320 500 ,240 1,840 60 40 1,120 8,140 1,340 80 380 2,640 120 1,560 1,460 40 140 380 657,900 116,640 10,940 48,560 174,540 12,040 105,300 168,160 3,840 3,680 14,200 2,600 100 60 140 260 60 860 880 100 60 80 16,92d 240 740 1,100 960 360 4,660 7,720 220 240 680 42,340 440 840 2,160 3,600 800 13,800 18,440 540 500 1,220 247,600 7,860 5,940 16,340 52,480 6,480 61,240 87,200 2,160 1,980 5,920 105,520 8,140 1,500 8,860 39,520 1,960 15,080 27,380 380 520 2,180 120,540 20,920 1,080 11,960 56,300 1,520 7,440 18,920 260 240 1,900 58,160 3.0,860 500 4,740 14,720 460 1,320 4,440 100 40 980 58,240 46,680 220 2,820 5,440 8300 200 1,540 60 60 920 5,980 1,400 60 440 1,260' 100 700 1,640 20 40 320 341,700 55,540 11,140 26,900 64,840 5,480 45,860 118,800 1,880 1,680 9,560 I icy cn OOM "AAll ,Do onnl cc conI or. ond r, rn I c oo EDUCATION Tyble 26.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940-Cont inued (Statistics based on.a 5-percent sample) ProprietOrs, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Fare Laborers, Ocupatiom AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen and Service laborers except- not AREA, YEARS O SCHOOL Total and nd and k �ar and COMPLETED, AN AD AE professional far officials, kindred kindred workers adfoand feartnd orkrs managers ex. farm workers workersmine THE SOUTH Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............ No scho1l years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... #High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years'old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... igh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ........ .... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4.years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ... Not reported . . 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College : to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years. ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years or rhore.... Not reported ................ Aa Pn I as sanI ass San 17 - n A 1 sin- a58 S1 mI es 5 ant. 9 n-i5 l 5 nn .......�.L0 IL IJD D V 6 4 . JV V d+G48 %V 1 1%.04V1 r4 6 -2I Y-'1 VV1 al a VOV 1O1H W 134.180 680 4,360 8,940 24,120 29,880 58,060 7,200 340 600 169.380 8.240 40 40 60 460 5,980 1,440 160 60 19.420 20 20 100 60 440 560 44.980 40 20 100 360 20 20 1.280 20 60 360 1,180 6,840 31,600 4,700 120 100 63320 420 - 29.940 34.840 40 80 120 140 40 680 60 740 3,140 8,860 9,180 7,600 200 160 36.900 200 2,000 3,340 9,800 9,700 9,040 600 160 s 200 "1,040 340 1,280 1,620 2,880 2,2840 1.500 60 40 80 7.700 1.740 40 100 80 460 460 580 20 1.760 - t) 1 so 3.220 20 1280 260 680 7800 1,800 120 40 " a,1ee " --a, . .. , - , ----. vs vr 660 20 - - 140 - 40 320 140 - - 4,000 60 40 - 100 . - 1,180 1,460 1,000 80 80 8,580 140 100 40 220 20 3,780 2,440 1,520 100 220 23,760 180 120 120 1,700 120 .10,140 8,180 2, 240 500 460 32,720 620 60 400 7,560 240 11,740 9,620 1,420 500 560 74,740 7,780 80 580 41,820 240 9,400 12,000 1,300 560 980 18,100 5,820 40 120 10,400 40 360 940 40 20 820 5,920 4,640 - 20 1,140 20 60 20 - - 20 900 160 - - 240 .- 200 220 40 - 40 245,560 42,420 820 3,200 86,980 1.260 55,140 42,820 7,120 2,420 3,380 1,060 100 - 20 220 - 180 280 \ 220 20 80 5,280 20 80 20 200 - 1,960 1,520 1,200 120 160 12,020 100 140 60 520 120 5,920 3,520 1,180 180 O80 31,740 360 160 260 2,600 140 15,480 9,100 2,200 740 900 43,940 940 240 680 11,120 360 16,100 11,720 1,440 620 920 96,500 9,680 140 1,500 52,900 460 14,420 15,040 820 640 900 28,340 10,720 40 440 14,580 80 800 1,280 40 20 340 25,740 20,340 - 220 4,540 100 ,100 240 - 40 160 940 160 20 - 300 - 180 .120 20 40 100 352,760 65.180 1,420 9.020 118. 880 3.240 87.740 50,000 8.720 3.040 5,520 1,520 60 40 - 120 - 440 340 -320 80 120 8,620 40 140 80 240 40 4,240 2,440 1,120 160 120 21,940 140 260 220 1,020 160 13,300 4,480 1,600 440 820 55,840 500 380 1,120 6,820 720 28,060 12,560 2,980 1,340 1,860 66,040 2,200 320 1,840 19,880 1,010 24,480 12,960 1,600 560 1,180 109,720 12,000 180 3,360 61,680 940 14,900. 13,940 900 440 1,380 46,040 19,620 80 1,320 20,640 180 1,280 2,320 60 20 520 40,760 30,200 20 980 8,000 160 340 520 80I - 460 " 2,260 420 - 100 480 20 700 440 60 . 60 289.580 53.440 2.480 11.940 100.420 2.720 69,380 36,120 6,500 2,100 4,280 1,420 100 80 20 80 - 420 460 160 20 80 10,180 40 340 140 520 20 5,520 2,360 960 180 100 23,100 120 420 520 1,240 220 13,940 4,260 1,500 520 360 52,680 660 740 1,720 9,800 660 24,220 10,720 2,300 800 1,060 55,440 1,700 520 2,960 21,360 760 16,580 8,940 1,100 500 1,080 71,680 8,220 240 3,760 44,400 700 6,640 6,400 320 40 760 . 37,780 15,740 60 1,680 16,480 180 1,260 1,940 80 - - 860 35,160 26,560- 60 1,120 5,920 180 300 540 40 - 440 2,140 300 20 20 620 - 500 500 40 40 100 397,600 67,160 10,080 28.240 127,260 4,640 83,320 57,200 9,340 2,680 7,680 4,440 80 200 140 180 20 1,680 1,520 420 40 160 22,440 100 1,580 700 640 160 10,920 5,440 2,060 420 420 35,080 160 1,740 1,360 2,540 660 17,480 7,440 2,260 580 860 86,820 1,580 3,380 6,000 19,040 1,580 29,560 20,060 2,660 800 2,160. 75,260 3,680 1,720 6,820 31,660 980 15,060 11,940 1,480 520 1,400 79,300 8,980 700 7,480 46,760 680 5,700 7,480 140 160 1,220 47,680 18,840 540 3,660 19,380 420 1,700 1,980 140 160 860 43,520 33,260 140 1,840 6,320 120 480 800 80 - 480 3,060 480 80 240 740 20 740 540 100 - 120 243,500 36 400 15,820 24.660 61.060 3.180 43,100 46.440 5.720 1,540 5,580 4,68011 20 480 180 280 100 940 1,700 720 40 220 19,30 100 2,360 980 700 120 6,960 5,780 1,420 300 580 26,84 200 3,260 1,600 1,760 620 9,340 7,600 1,580 260 620 59,120 1,460 4,800 6,260 12,820 1,020 14,100 15,120 1,220 560 1,760 39,30 2,500 2,420 5,100 13,120 560 6,460 7,620 540 240 740 42,140 5,940 1,180 5,480 19,400 440 3,400 ,240 100 100 860 28,220 10,720 860 3,260 9,160 220 1,200 2,280 80 - 440 21,900 15,140 280 1,640 3,420 100 240 820 - - 260 2,000 320 180 160 4001 - 460 280 60 40 100 1 18,760 16,620 13,580 13,640 . 21,440 1,500 16,060 29,080 2,840 540 3,460 2,860 10,740 14,900 30,900 16,400 18,600 12,520 10,420 1,420 240 760 980 3,100 4,680 6,660 160 560 2,100 2,400 4,760 1,700 1,080 580 280 120 180 560 1,080 3,820 2,600 2,600 1,760 920 120 40 420 1,220 4,360 4,300 6,180 3,140 1,520 260 20 120 260 500 260 260 60 20 340 2,180 3,100 5,840 2,260 1,620 360 220 140 1,200 4,020 5,280 8,860 3,460 3,460 1,720 680 380 340 780 620 620 320 60 100 80 80 60 180 40 60 20 20 60 480 640 1,180 480 240 140 120 120 138 ---,--- T|) .. --- VV ... . | --V -r- --s T T I -r T . . .. 1 Q95 .92r me _ an MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 139 Table 26.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL tal and semi- and managers, sales, foemen, and Service laborer except Occupation COPL D, AND AGE professional farm officials, kindred kindred kindred workers and farm and not workers managers exo. farm workers workers workers foremen mine reported THE WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old .... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ,..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ... .. High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............ . ... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .. .. 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... Highschool: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more-... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years . .. .. . College: 1 to 3 year ...... 4 years or more... Not reported................ a925 sanI in 6n 29.nnIl ai912 8 5n 8 0an 49.000 8200 0 22 19.129 100 . 4,080 19,840 600 440 180. 120 - - - 40 - - 20 60- - - 260 - - - - - 40 160 60 - - 500 -- - 40 - 80 840 20 - 20 8,680 - - - 140 - 500 2,680 180 40 " 140 9,880 240 20 40 1,540 40 1,220 6,080 180 140 880 ... 30,200 2,.280 - 120 14,880 60 2, 120 9,580 160 220 780 4,260 640 - 60, 2,440 - 100 920 - 40 60 60 40 - - 20 - - - -- 40 - - - o20 - 20 - -o 68,940 7.060 40 660 8e 40 140 5,260 20,900 640 380 1,820 60 - - " - - - - 60 - - 120 - - - 20 - 40 20 - - 40 460 - - - 40 - 20 320 80 - - 3,980 60 - 20 380 20 540 2,620 160 80 100 9,420 360 - 120 1,580 40 1,900 5,000 160 40 220 " � 40,400 2,820 40 400 22,440 60 2,540 10,980 160 240 720 " 12,780 2,880 - 100 7,560 20 200 1,820 20 20 160 1,380 880 - - 440 - - 40 - - 80 340 60 - 20 80 - 20 100 - - 60 104,540 18,040 20 1,540 46,860 640 9,160 25,500 560 760 1,460 120 20 - - 40 - 40 20 - - 280 20 - - - - 20 220 20 - - .. 720 - - - 40 - 140 360 140 40 6,840 80 - 80 580 40 ' 1,480 4,120 160 140 160 �" 13,180 320 - 280 3,060 140 3,120 5,740 60 240 220 52,080 4,320 20 780 28,760 400 3,880 12,740 160 320 700 20,160 5,820 - 260 11,400 40 420 1,960 20 20 220 "" 10,900 7,440 - 140 2,860 20 40 260 - - 140 260 20 - - 120 - 20 80 - - 20 144,920 26,820 140 4.780 60.340 1.360 15.440 32,620 800 800 1.820 180 20 - - 60 - 20 80 - - 600 - - 20 60 - 140 320 20 - 40 .. 1,420 40 - 40 40 - 340 840 40 40 40 12,540 160 20 420 1,700 180 3,540 5,820 800 160 240 "� 23,660 580 60 840 7,080 460 4,740 9,020 240 220 420 .. 62,680 6,100 40 2,100 34,080 * 540 5,660 13,040 160 300 660 " � 25,160 7,580 20 980 12,400 100 720 3,000 40 80 240 18,040 12,180 - 8340 4,780 80 180 320 - - 160 640 160 - 40 140 - 100 180 - - 20 123,860 24,780 460 6.260 50,860 1,120 12.540 24,400 860 740 1,840 180 40 - - / 60 -0 60 - - - 780 - - 20 - 120 40 140 440 - 20 "! 1,640 40 40 20 120 20 500 760 100 20 20 ". 15,580 380 100 780 2,960 280 3,960 6,140 340 260 380 25,100 1,220 140 1,380 9,500 360 4,360 7,320 240 280 300 45,340 b,100 100 2,540 26,620 - 800 2,860 7,100 100 120 500 18,700 6,940 60 - 960 7,840 60 540 1,940. 60 20 280 " � 15,900 10,960 - 560 3,480 40 140 880' 20 - 820 640 100 - 20 160 20 20 260 - 20 40 201,860 388500 2,060 18.040 72,580 2,820 20,200 42,060 1,200 940 8,460 460 80 20 60 100 - 20 - 120 20 40 - 2,040 80 120 100 220 80 420 900 40 60 20 4,720 200 80 480 380 100 1,420 1,820 120 20 100 44,360 1,180 640 3,780 10,360 960 9,220 16,420 540 860 900 40,680 2,300 440 - 4,160 15,860 500 5,180 11,040 140 800 760 55,900 5,460 480 5,540 31,00 760 2,980 8,260 200 100 8280 S 27,840 10,560 200 2,420 10,500 300 800 2,540 80 " 40 400 24,660 18,520 80 1, 00 3,540 100 60 700 20 - 340 "" 1,200 120 - 200 320 20 100 260 40 20 120 150.080 27.820 8,120 18.500 38,5201 2.100 15.620 40,000 960 540 2,900 540 2,560 5,600 48,880 27,920 33,940 18, 60 17,060 .1,220 82.180 480 2,780 4,360 25,580 13,920 15,940 10,300 8,280 540 40 160 '1,540 2,120 4,540 6,660 12,620 140 14.460 40 40 100 880 1,200 2,280 4,340 5,440 140 40 60 200 1,580 580 260 260 120 20 2.880 60 160 240 1,220 580 * 180 -320 100 20 40 260 480 5,680 3,460 4,860 2,480 1,120 120 12.220 40 400 500 3,720 2,360 2,920 1,360 880 40 20 140 420 8,080 8,640 13,960 5,000 1,840 420 14,260 20 220 280 3,200 3,040 4,680 1,800 860 160 20 80 700 580 380 180 140 20 840 20 40 40 380 100 140 80 40 20 560 1,340 7,060 3; 440 2,080 840 220 60 7.360 40 320 600 3,380 1,660 920 280 140 20 280 1,280 2,660 '16,600 8,860 7,100 2,700 680 340 27.680 260 1,460 2,480 11,820 4,620 4,420 1,900 580 140 40 60 60 400 140 120 40 100 500 60 40 180 120 80 20 40 20 40 260 40 140 240 20 160 60 40 140 160 980 560 500 200 220 100o 1.740 60 80 640 240 260 200- 240 20 748370 0-47-10 "' . n 5 --1 . 1 - . 1 885 000 i 8- 740 62_2 e0 9 1 9_ 66 EDUCATION Table 27.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent-saple)' Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Professional Farmers roprietors, Clerical, Cramen, Operatives Farm Laborers, O AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Tota and semi- and manr, send, foremean, and Service laborers except ation COMPIFTED,AND AGE professional farn ndkindred workers and far and a iorkr ansirs eflat kindred kkindresd wfpo jfworkers aan6ers oaxefarm workers workedn workers foremen mine reported THE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High schoo: 1 to 3 years. ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... ho arx .. 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed .:.. . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ... . .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ...... . .... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old ............. Ng school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years...... - 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............. N6 school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....:.. 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 581 _ 9t 1 820 5_5601 14.980 41.2401 103.820 170.820 14.6001 130.4801 4.140 9.42 100 60 80 600 400 1. 840 8450010 140 160 . 4- - - - - 20 20 - � 40- - - - - - 120 200 80 - 88 - 20 - 40 20 120 180 140' 820 40 2,5 20 2 20 240 120 880 820 800 .600 60 S 3,28C - - 20 120 180 760 1,440 120 620 20 . 2,04C 60 20 40 200 80 540 800 40 220 40 S 12C - - - - 20 80 20 - - 2 20 - - - - * - - * 6 o - - - - - - 4Q 20 - - 16,300 360 20 100 1.46.0 680 8,280 5,760 940 8,560 140 S 12 - - - - 20 40 40 - 20 - . 760 - 20 - 20 - 60 160 180 8320 . 1,140 - - 20 40 - 200 260 180 880 60 . 3,760 . 60 - - 220 120 880 1,180 380 900 20 5,660 160 - 20 420 280 1,320 2,080 140 1,220 20 . 4,080 100 - 20 620 240 640 1,720 60 660 80 . 62 40 - 20 120 20 140 240 - 40 - S40 - - - - - 40 - - 120 - - 20 20 - - 40 - 20 20 82600 940 260 340 2 .040 1.880 6. 640 11.160 1,320 760 26 S 280 - - - 40 40 80 40 80 - 1,460 - 60 20 20 - 400 260 220 480 8,120 - - 20 140 160 440 1,020 340 960 40 8,480 120 180 120 340 440 8_ ,760 360 2,300 60 9,780 800 20 40 640 540 2,300 8,300 100 2,460 80 7,420 280 - 100 540 480 1,460 3,040 220 1,240 60 1,560 140 "_ - 40 840 180. 180 520 20 120 80 240 100 - - 20 40 40 40 - - - 260 - - - - - 20 100 20 120 - 70,480 2,540 " 380 960 ,660 4,860 14,820 2,400 2,420 17,020 ' 420 660 20 20 40 - 20 200 80 120 160 - 5,360 20 100 " 100 40 220 1,180 1,200 580 1,860 60 8,460 120 so80 100 200 580 1,760 2,080 540 2,960 40 20,920 840 120 800 520 1,220 4,760 7,160 820 5,560 120 17,140 520 60 120 940 1,260 3,700 6,220 220 3,960 140 11,900 320 - 200 1,040 1,240 2,540 4,720 80 1,720 40 3,480 860 - 40 600 220 460 1,300 20 480 - 1,860 800 - 60 00 80 100 420 - 100 - S 700 40 - , - 20 20 120 220 40 220 20 76,960 2.780 480 1.700 s.7 40 5.260 16.o52 25,4 1.960 18, 00 8o 1,300 - 40 60 20 40 200 300 120 460 60 7,380 20 . 120 60 80 580 1,620 1,640 660 2,520 80 S 1,0 80 80 180 320 920 3,100 3,560 420 4,220 140 25,780 280 140 460 760 1,780 5,820 8,780 480 6,980 800 14,700 360 60 420' 680 1,000 3,380 5,780 180 2,740 100 . 8,260 400 - 240 900 640 1,560 8,520 60 880 60 8,200 320 20 220 680 220 460 1,060 20 200 - 2,820 1, 280 - 60 280 20 200 440 - - 40 . 1,000 40 20 - 20 60 .180 840 29 300 20 166.840 5,000 1,140 4.920 8,480 15,0201 35,820 49.940 2.,660 42,960 1.400 4,200 25,060 82,94( 59,840 20,86( 11,740 5,780 4,360 2,060 110.800 5,200 S22,620 22,020 36,340 9,600 7,080 3,020 3,060 1,36C 55 to 64 years old ........ ........ 48,860 No school years coppleted ........ 3,a780 Grade school: 1 td 4 years ........ 11,04C 5 and 6 years ........ 9,56C 7 and 8 years ....... 15,4-20 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 2,76C 4 years ............. . 2,460 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 1,44C 4 years or more.... 1,460 Not reported .................... 94C 20 180 280 640 540 540 700 2,080 20 3.620 40 200 120 740 280 240 460 1,540 1.980 40 480 160 380 60 20 ' "^ 180 480 320 520 100 60 20 1,540 100 600 780 1,640 600 420 880 360 40 4.420 220 800 780 1,340 560 320 140 10 80 2.460 400 800 2,460 1,460 1,540 1,140 620 60 6.440 140 380 720 1,700 1,120 ,160 680 480 60 320 1,860 2,500 5,880 2,100 1,340 700 160 160 9.480 240 1,740 1,680 8,8340 880 1,040 200 220 140 3.660 920 5,600 7,600 13,100 4,760 2,060 520 160 400 19.460 880 4,120 4,580 4,780 1,680 820 240 180 180 5 940 740 5,160 8,400 19,880 8,060 4,540 1,80 700 480 34.260 960 5,760 6,420 18,460 3,340 2,600 980 280 460 1738860 200 860 640 740 160 20 40 2.700 440 1,060 460 520 100 60 60 1.760 1,820 9,640 11,440 14,680 2,980 1,220 00 240 640 27.640 2,080 7,900 6,800 79,720 1,520 760 320 80 460 11.400 11 - .. , . .p . . p . .. ., , .. .i> . . . ., .. .. * , -::: + ' 60 120 180 340 60 200 360 680 40 160 540 340 360 40 40 60 120 600 340 760 240 140 100 120 40 20 160 120 920 220 580 180 160 20 S220 540 880 1,200 260 260 180 80 40 500 1,560 1,420 1,680 320 120 100 80 160 1,020 3,200 3,440 6,580 1,160 860 320 280 420 280 780 360 320 40 40 1,880 3,440 2,480 3,120 420 240 160 40 120 40 280 340 440 140 80 60 20 600 20 180 140 20 2o 60 60 140 20 40 20 140 -- . ---. - . I . . . .o. MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 141 Table 27--MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Stastistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professonal Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, OperativesFar Laborers, t AREA, YEARS OF SCOOL rand semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Occupatiop COU D, A AOFSCHtal professional farm officialnd kindred indred kindred workers and farm and reported workers managers exofficials, kindred kindred workers foremen mine exc. farm workers workers Total ToCI, 100 5 o4 years' o....... 1 .12 .5201 33l.4 548.80 19 8 01 25.64 0j 1 8 5 1 4 6.01 87 0. 44501001 1S0,(UV V 1,96 0.,W 18 and 19 years old ......... Io school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. . Notreported ................ 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more. Not reported .. .............. . 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: I to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ........ ........ 45 to 54 yearsold ........... No school years. completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 year .... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported. ............... 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ............... . 1 nn 940 1 I580 11 520 18 420 70n 4601 18. 30 .... 4,24C - 260 - 20 20 140 180 3,200 380 40 .... 47,660 - 3,540 - 100 / 360 2,300 1,900 32,440 6,680 340 .... 34,140 - 2,300 40 140 300 3,280 3,080 19,980 4,880 140 22,360 60 1,360 - 200 260 . 2,740 3,520 10;320 3,740 160 . . 12,040 20 300 20 280 400 2,340 3,100 3,420 1,960 200 . 3,360 - 80 20 140 180 520 1,340 580 440 60 .... 500 - 20 - 80 60 80 180 60 20 .... 4 20 - - - - - - - 20 .... 1,020 - 80 - 20 - 120 120 460 200 20 . . 134,260 280 16,340 100 1g500 / 1880 13,080 15,440 58,160 26,400 1,080 ... 6,100 - 860 - 20 40 380 120 3,760 880 40 47,580 40 7,360 - 200 220 2,460 2,200 26,160 8,660 280 33,100 - 4,280 - 200 380 2,940 3,400 14,780 6,800 320 24,780 40 2,620 - 320 600 3,000 3,600 8,660 5,680 260' 13,980 40 820 80 360 400 2,800 3,300 3,080 3,060 40 6,140 20 200 20 240 200 1,220 2,200 1,020 940 80 960 40 - - 80 20 120 500 60 100 40 . 22 100 - - 60 - 20 20 - 20 - 1,400 - 200 - 20 20 140 100 640 260 20 207,100 1,400 35,720 620 1,960 4,920 24,160 25,240 66,060 45,900 1,120 11,080 - 2,020 20 - 100 440 300 5,840 2,340 20 74,840 20 16,100 60 180 1,140 5,760 4,040 31,100 16,100 340 48,280 60 9,400 40 300 920 5,900 4,780 14,520 12,040 320 37,640 60 5,460 100 240 1,340 5,760 6,000 9,620 8,860 200 19,440 80 1,780 160 320 640 3,880 4,960 3,140 .4,340 140 9,820 160 440 120 500 480 1,840 3,740 900 1, 600 40 . 2,680 340 60 80 240 240 380 960 180 180 20 . 1,200 680 20 20 .140 40 60 140 20 60 20 2,120 - 440 20 40 20 140 320 740 380 20 331 700 4,700 68.560 1,660 4,300 10,760 43,240 43,840 70,260 82,720 1,660 18,760 20 4,680 100 60 360 1,300 900 6,340 4,900 100 118,140 100 32,120 280 400 2,460 11,120 7,440 34,600 29,360 260 82,820 160 18,620 400 580 3,020 10,940 9,160 16,820 22,600 520 58,600 200 . 8,820 140 720 2,380 10,700 . 11,380 8,500 15,440 320 28,060 300 2,600 220 560 1,520 5,680 7,900 2,580 6,500 200 13,100 460 540 200 1,000 560 2,480 4,700 620 2,500 40 4,160 680 200 120 500 260 500 1,360 40 440 60 .. 4,380 2,760 20 180 460 120 80 560 20 100 80 3,680 .20 960 20 20 80 440 440 740 880 80 285.720 4,880 66.540 2.060 3,420 11.720 40.840 36,520 44,720 73, 320 1,700 . 18,660 20 5,100 60 100 400 1,680 900 5,460 4,820 120 107,940 200 32,480 280 460 3,200 12,700 7,540 22,46Q 28,060 560 69,640 280 16,300 400 460 2,840 11,360 8,560 9,260 19,800 380 48,840 200 8,900 460 600 2,560 8,600 9,780 4,860 12,680 200 21,500 440 2,240 420 320 1,440 4,160 5,840 1,460 4,920 260 7,660 220 220 200 600 600 1,460 2,500 340 1,460 60 3,660 860 240 80 400 400 400 ' 800 140 320 20 3,860 2,600 60 120 480 40 140 240 20 120 40 3,960 60 1,000 40 - 240 340 360 720 1,140 60 488,14011 8.880 1382040 5.7600 260 24,7001 65,260 57.980 64.620 119,880 2. 760 46,32( 205,620 113,520 72,420 22,920 9,720 5,28( 5,560 6,78( 323.760 46,06( 148,660 64,480 a6,140 11,020 5,720 2,760 3,800 5,120 230,480 40,820 100,680 42,080 25,760 7,900 8,54~ 2,500 3,120 4,080 100 600 580 940 640 720 1,160 4,080 60 S 100 0 640 0 620 0 780 0 500 0 1,080 S 900 0 2,620 0 40 S 5.900 0 80 500 0 320 0 900 620 9 540 840 2,060 0 40 15,880 67,300 29,640 13,180 3,140 500 520 20 1,860 19,820 67,980 28,900 10,360 2,980 ,800 400 80 2,300 93.120 19,320 45,860 15,960 6,960 2,060 520 320 140 1,980 320 1,500 1,420 1,140 460 440 120 260 100 480 1,920 1,080 780 420 280 180 140 80 3. 540 220 1,1.20 980 640 200 120 120 80 60 120 1,120 840 1,480 880 860 580 320 60 ..CAA 100 500 540 1,100 560 400 360 200 80 3 3@ 280 .540 560 860 200 400 280 240 20 1,220 8,260 6,440 4,900 2,220 960 500 80 120 16.040 1,240 5,740 4,080 2,660 1,020 580 240 220 260 13.060 1,060 4,880 2,900 2,440 900 400 160 160 160 4,380 23,78C 16,78C 12,960 4,140 1,420 600 180 1,020 28. sa 3,240 11,700 6,760 4,480 1,140 420 200 120 280 197.240 2,300 6,720 3,780 3,060 720 300 160 60 140 2,460 14,940 14,040 15,320 5,840 2,900 1,320 420 740 30.240 2,220 9,380 8,040 6,200 2,060 1,240 300 340 460 26.020 0 , i W -I- , 2,560 8,160 6,500 5,120 1,880 740 380 280 400 10,280 34,620 12,260 4,800 1,200 240 100 40 1,060 4. 0nn0 9,600 23,180 6,560 2,840 780 140 60 20 720 28.020 8,160 14,060 3,220 1,460 280 40 60 40 700 11,320 52,380 30,860 17,300 4,320 1,580 320 140 1,660 58,800 9,100 27,060 12,640 6,660 1,480 780 120 60 900 38,860 6,600 18,300 7,560 4,180 1,000 460 140 60 560 240 1,120 660 400 80 80 60 20 100 1,340 160 560 260 280 80 1,340 240 540 300 140 40 20 40 20 . " .v . .v i .v.y .uy ' N yt ' i ys , 910ae ' v v s I.v - r J - T T- T" ) ,I . .l II 7 Lso. 178.6201 n 3 .840 " L . -. . - - r _1 'T - OA q &CA n 00 � A ,e iAnl CA CC^ *AD ^A A e nn1 AAA GAA aanA6 980 185 860 EDUCATION Table 277.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample.) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL end semi- end managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except COi1LETED, AND AGE Total professional farm offi als, kiand kind kindred workers and farm and not workers managers exc. farm workers workers workers . foremen mine e....mwoke...rer THE SOUIH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years . ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old ............. . No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College : 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. .. .5 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. .. 45 to 54 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 757. 080 22.460 2.820 14.-00 22.& t8.4001 153.9201 199.3001 18.4601 260.040 28.080 60 - 60 820 900 7, 740 10.240 1.180 6.840 240 . 320 - - - - 20 40 120 80 60 - . 5,260 - - - 80 200 1,460 1,360 420 1,700 40 . 6,880 - - 40 120 140 2,180 2,200 280 1,880 40 . 6,900 60 - - 180 140 1,880 2,620 240 1,700 80 . 5,960 - - 20 200 260 1,640 2,600 120 1,060 60 . 2,160 - - - 140 100 380 1,180 20 320 20 . 300 - - - 80 40 60 100 - 20 - . 20 - - - - - - - - 20 - . 280 - - - 20 - 100 60 20 80 - . 35,640 140 - 40 1,280 1,260 8,140 12,000 1,620 10,780 380 . 560 - - - 20 .20 200 60 .60 200 - 6,080 - - - 140 60 1,220 1,540 540 2,500 80 . 8,200 - - - 200 260 1,860 2,540 480 2,780 80 . 8,780 - - - 300 400 1,880 2,880 360 2,860 100 . 7,140 20 - 40 300 300 1,940 2,760 80 1,660 40 3,580 20 - - 200 180 820 1,680 40 600 40 . 800 40 - - 80 20 100 460 - 60 40 . 160 60 - - 40 - 20 20 - 20 - . 340 - _ - - - 20 100 60 60 100 - . 64,560 880 100 380 1.700 3,080 14,420 20,100 1,60o 21,840 460 1,440 - - - - 60 220 160 60 940 - . 13,780 - - 60 140 620 2,900 2,960 640 6,360 100 . 14,000 40 46 - 240 520 3,340 3,800 460 5,420 140 * 14,780 60 20 60 200 880 3,560 4,680 200 5,060 60 . 10,560 80 20 120 240 400 2,580 4,180 160 2,720 60 . 6,580 80 20 40 480 380 1,360 3,120 60 1,000 40 . 1,960 200 - 60 240 160 280 900 - 100 20 . 820 420 - 20 140 40 40 100 - 40 20 640 - - 20 20 20 140 200 20 200 20 126,240 3.160 200 1.340 3,880 7500 26,860 35,460 3,040 44,180 620 . 3,700 - - 60 40 180 660 560 180 2,000 20 . 27,300 60 60 240 360 1,480 5,980 5,380 1,120 12,540 80 . 31,340 120 60 260 500 1,900 6,860 7,240 1,120 13,120 160 28,960 80 40 120 620 1,820 6,960 9,400 300 9,500 120 . 17,460 200 40 160 500 1,200 3,860 6,740 280 4,380 100 . 9,740 340 - 180 900 460 1,780 4,240 20 1,800 20 . 3,020 360 - 120 480 260 400 1,040 - 320 40 . 3,420 1,980 - 180 460 120 60 520 - 60 40 * 1,300 20 - 20 20 80 300 340 20 460 40 117,b80 3,040 60 1.,480 2980 8,280 26,600 30.000 2,080 42,080 880 . 4,240 - - 60 100 200 900 600 80 2,220 80 31,520 120 80 220 340 1,940 7,700 5,480 1, 100 14,380 160 29,320 180 40 200 340 1,940 7,080 6,960 460 11,940 180 25,900 160 40 280 480 1,920 6,060 8,380 220 8,280 80 13,800 360 - 320 300 1,180 2,980 5,100 120 3,200 240 6,160 140 - - 180 600 560 1,160 2,260 20 1,180 60 2,460 480 - 60 360 360 280 700 - 200 20 2,600 1,560 - 120 460 20 140 200 - 80 20 1,580 40 - 40 - 160 300 320 80 600 40 202,540 6.080 580 4,340 5.440 17,160 41,740 47,380 4,000 74,460 1,360 11,34C 65,020 51,50 41,640 14,96C 7,50C 3,82C 4,12C 2,64C 98.140 9,00C 34, 72C 22,50C 16,64C 5,36C 3,82C 1,84C 2,840 1,42C 84.30r 8,840 29,560 18,74C 14,78C 4,70 2,58C 1,64 2,46C 1,00C 80 300 420 640 420 480 700 3,000 40 4.880 8 80' 280 10 7 80 440 340 420 260 740 640 1,920 40 4.220 20 320 120 600 380 420 600 1,720 40 40 280 120 100 40 1.000 80 400 300 120 60 40 780 220 280 200 60 240 1,100 1,020 920 380 360 100 160 60 3.780 280 1,480 720 560 220 240 140 100 40 2.780 120 880 780 520 180 100 80 80 40 80 900 680 1,340 820 780 520 280 40 3.300 100 360 460 900 480 380 340 200 80 2.960 260 400 460 760 200 380 260 220 20 700 5,140 4,620 3,500 1,820 740 460 60 120 10. 740 780 3,680 2,620 1,900 720 500 220 120 200 9.480 580 3,320 2,200 1,940 740 320 160 100 120 2,240 13,420 11,360 9,120 3,160 1,160 560 100 620 15.680 1,360 6,100 3,640 3,040 780 300 140 120 200 12.740 1,340 4,660 3,120 2,480 640 260 100 40 100 1,660 11,320 11,600 13,020 5,000 2,640 1,180 420 540 23.140 1,280 6,940 6,200. 5,040 1,640 1,060 260 340 380 20.980 1,580 6,100 5,440 4,620 1,720 680 300 240 300 420 1,940 880 440 120 60 140 2.640 580 1,220 440 260 120 20 2.300 580 1,020 360 200 40 20 80 5,820 30,220 20,440 12,260 3,180 1,220 260 80 980 32.440 4,400 13,880 7,680 4,260 1,060 600 100 40 420 27.420 4,100 12,320 5,900 3,480 760 400 120 40 300 60 400 360 300 60 60 40 20 60 540 60 220 100 140 20 640 40 260 140 120 40 20 20 142 , I . _ 4 :T- T T T _ z u l' z w + Iv 1 _ _ +f 1 ^' I MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP 143 Table 27.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Far Laborers, ccupation AREA, TEARS OF SCHOOL and semi- and anars, sales, formen, and Service laborers except t exo and wand and not orkers n Sere officials, kindred kikindr kr workers fo een mine reported exc farm workers workers 'E 80WTH-Continued Rural-nonfarm Total, 18 to O4years Old..L....I 3 77,120 11 7,86 10,801 9.20 .01 19301 79,100I V ObiV b G40 14b, ?z 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... ,5 and 6 years ..... 7 mnd 8 High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ... . . . . . . 20 and 21 yearsold........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... Righ school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ . College: i to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ . 22 to 24 years old......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: l'to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .. ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ......... ......... 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... Igh school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years. .... 4 years or more .. Not reported................. 30 to 34 years old ........ ... No school years completed . ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... igh school: .1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3years ... . 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... Hlgh school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported .............. . 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... S5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................ . 4401 .R60 5 40 6. 160 300 . . 7- V ,,.! ..:,, , L. .. ... . . ... .| ... . ..... ... 52 - - - - - 100 60 220 120 20 6,400 - 100 - 20 100 660 420 2,440 2,580 80 4,980 - 40 - 20 _ 60 760 600 1,800 1,660 40 3,640 - 60 - 20 100 620 780 860 1,140 60 2,080 - 40 - 80 120 560 460 240 520 60 480 - - 20 - 60 140 120 40 80 20. .. 80 - - - - - 80 - - - 200 - - - - - 20 60 40 60 20 22.040 80 220 60 180 320 8,440 2,680 5,600 9,.140 320 760 - - - - - 100 20 360 280 - " 7,440 40 100 - 40 40 740 520 2,400 3,440 120 5,460 - 40 - - 100 740 700 1,460 2,320 100 4,160 40 40 - 20 80 880 480 880 1,660 80 .. 2,660 - 40 40 40 80 680 460 300 1,020 - S� 1,240 - - 20 40 20 260 440 180 260 20 80 - - - - - 20 20 - 40 - .. 20 - - - 20 - - - - - - 220 - - - 20 - 20 40 20 120 - 836900 820 600 180 240 l,260 6,980 4,160 8,100 14800 260 1,940 - 60 20 - 20 160 120 720 840 - 12,920 20 180 - 20 340 1,900 680 3,660 6,060 60 8,400 20 120 20 60 220 1,620 780 1,860 3,600 100 7,300 - 140 40 40 340 1,800 1,180 1,340 2,380 40 3,660- 80 20 80 200 1,020 660 320 1,220 60 1,700 40 - 60 20 80 400 540 140 420 340 60 - 20 - 60 60 40 20 80 - 280 180 20 - - - 20 40 - 20 - 360 - - - 20 - - 120 40 180 - 64,960 1.000 940 280 340 2,620 13,180 7,060 11,060 28,000 480 3,840 23,500 16,120 11,960 5,400 1,940 740 680 780 5 1 n 3,920 21,020 14,280 8,840 4,020 900 620 740 760 R89_ e 9,600 39,380 19,700 12,900 3,560 1,400 660 1,180 1,300 59 140 8,680( 26,72C 12,660 6,580 1,88C 840 360 56C( 860 30_92 6,36C 13,980( 4,96C 3,060 800 340 400 460 560 20 40 80 80 220 560 -. 2 20 80 60 20 80 60 260 640 200 100 200 200 160 820 860 SR0 160 240 340 200 240 180 420 60 160 80 220 140 40 140 280 40 400 200 180 40 20 20 40 9a 80 520 180 80 20 40 20 20 9 flo 160 1,100 480 400 60 20 40 40 .020 380 1,540 620 300 80 20 20 60 9Rn A 340 1,160 600 320 20 40 20 40 60 40 40 120 60 20 60 160 120 100 20 1 140 6 4 340 60 300 300 200 80 80 20 80 20 1.14 120 320 280 180 120 40 20 40 20 540 80 180 160 100 20 20 20 20 20 40 80 80 40 60 20 - O 80 100 120 "20 40 20 740 40 220 120 120 60 60 60 40 20 480 120 80 160 80 20 20 -4 20 824 1,880, V rr 20 120 60 100 loo 20 20 120 780 900 460 280 80 PLkn Sr , , 16 160 800 660 440 260 40 40 60 .so S340 2,440 1,280 1,140 320 140 20 20 4.020 ,400 400 1,460 1,140 600 220 60 80 60 2.r40 380 1,060 540 360 80 80 40 400 4,020 3,300 3,040 1,580 600 100 20 120 11 .880 540 4,060 3,640 2,200 1,120 180 100 40 19.880 1,740 8,560 4,9 00 3,400 860 220 20 80 300 10.940 1,520 4,800 2,800 1,200 360 120 60 80 S,940 8 20 1,800 560 520 80 40 60 20 40 320 1,560 1,620 1,760 1,020 400 280 40 60 5.320 220 1,560 1,380 1,120 660 240 60 40 40 8.860 620 2,940 2,060 2,000 720 260 120 140 5.840 800 1,940 1,520 980 340 140 40 80 4.120 740 1,720 840 380 160 60 80 40 100 780 4,780 2,900 1,760 540 120 180 8.140 1,020 3,740 1,820 1,060 260 60 20 160 13.440 2,120 6,900 2,540 1,220 340 100 40 180 10.680 1,820 5,700 1,860 920 120 60 200 6.580 1,880 3,900 780 420 80 20 100 2,120 11,780 6,860 4,520 1,700 560 80 20 360 23.860 1,860 9,920 6,140 3,640 1,480 260 80 40 440 34.920 4,420 16,400 7,980 4,180 920 340 40 60 580 20.920 8,620 10,520 4,060 1,840 340 140 20 20 360 8.920 1,980 4,460 1,800 620 220 60 20 20 240 100 120 120 60 20 40 20 420 20 200 140 40 20 660 100 320 140 40 20 20 20 320 20 160 60 60 20 220 220 60 80 40 20 20 _ ,- 1 . 1 y - s y v -.-: I , +v , v -s - T T T- -r A..',aW %f1 ,--i i-2 v ,I , - 1 I T T- T- ,I-| ... . I . . . - - T I - , - one i'n 9 O ,AA ne 0 canr n aen .In ncn a A f 1e GA1 179 1 A Af, Ann 140 2 .580 I8 _380I i ... ... ... ... 144 - EDUCATION Table 27.--MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, B YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample)- Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Farm Laborers, ASCHOOLandProfessional Farmers managers, sales, foremen, and Service laborers except Oeupation aTotal nd and and andnot Ca~ETE~ , AND AG professional farm offickindred .workers and far and workers managers eoxe. farm workers okers workers foremen mine THE SOUTH7-Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 992,320 3,400 535,180 1,160 440 6,900 16,660 , 780 358,500 57,440 3.860 18 and 19 years old.............. .. 8,900 o40 7,700 - 20 .40 90 600 63,640 5,320 . 4a8 No school years completed 3........ 3,400 - 260 - 20 - - 2,900 800 so Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 36,000 - ,- 3,440 - - 60 10 120 9,50 001 o 5 and 6 years ..... . 22,280 - 2, 60 - - 100 340 280 17,900 1)'40 60 7 and 8 years........ 11,820 - 1,300 - - 20 240 120 9,220 900 so High school: 1 to 3 years ......... .4,000 20 260 - - 20 140 40 8,060 380 00 4 years .............. 720 - 80 - - 20 . - 40 520 40 So College: 1 to 3 years ......... 120 - 20 - - 20 20 - 60 - 4 years or more ...... 20 20 - - - - - - - - Not reported ................. .... 540 - 80 - - - - 400 60 - 20 and 21 years old .............. 76,580 60 16,120 - 40 300 1,500 760 50,940 6,480 380 No school years completed ......... 4,780 - 860 - - 20 80 40 3,340 400 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years,......... .. 4,060 - 7,260 - 20 120 500 140 23,220 2,720 80 5 and 6 years ........ 19,440 - 4,240 - - 20 340 160 12,840 1,900 140 7 and 8 ifears..... .. 11,840 - 2,580 - - 120 8240 240 7, 420 1,160 80 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,180 20 780 - 20 20 180 80 270o 0 380 - 4 years ............. . 1,320 - 200 - - - 140 80 800 80 30 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 80 - - - - - 20 60 - - 4 years or more ...... 40 40 - - - - - Not reported ..................... . 840 - 200oo - - - 20 - 560 40 aD 22 to 24 years old ............... 105,640 200 35.020 9 0 20 Q 2,760 980 56,360 9260 400 No school years completed ......... 7,700 - 1,960 - - . 20 60 20 5,060 560 so Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 48,140 - 15,920 - 20 180 960 400 26,800 3,680 180 S 5 and 6 years ........ $5,880 - 9,240 20 - 180 940 200 12,200 8,020 so 7 and 8 years ........ 15,560 - 5,300 - - 120 400 140 8,080 1,420 100 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,220 - 1,680 20 - 40 280 130 2,660 400 so 4 years .............. 1,540 40 420 20 - 20 so80 so80 700 180 - College: 1 to 3 years ......... 380 80 60 - - 20 40 20 160 - - 4 years or more ...... 100 80 so - - - - - 20 Not reported ................... 1,120 - 440 - - - - -80 - - 25 to 29 years old ................. 140,500 540 67.420 40 9 . 60 3. 200 1.320 56,160 10540 560 No sChool years completed ......... 11,220 20 4,640 - - 60 240 20 5,380 780 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 67,340 40 31,660 - - 200 1,120 500 28,700 5,040 80 5 and 6 years........ 35,360 20 18,360 20 - 220 780 300 12,800 2,620 40O 7 and 8 years ........ 17,680 80 8,600 20 20 100 700 220 6,440 1,420 so High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,200 2Q 2,520 - 20 40 240 140 1,760 420 40 4 years ............. 1,420 40 520 - 40 20 100 60 480 140 30 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 400 100 180 - - - - 40 40 40 - 4 years or more ........ 280 220 20 - - - 20 20 - Not reported ............ .......... 1,600 - 920 - - 20 40 640 60 30 30 to 34 years old ............... 113040 620 65.420 120 60 980 2,360 1.200 34 .500 .380 40W No school years completed ......... 10,500 - 5,020 - - 40 240 80 4,360 740 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 55,400 - 31,880 - 40 460 940 500 17,620 3,760 200 5 and 6 years ....... 26,040 40 16,080 40 20 240 640 220 6,980 1,720 60 7 and 8 years........ 14,100 20 8,780 60 - 200 340 280 3,580 760 80 Hih school: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,68 - 2,220 - - - 60 80 1,080 240 4 years .............. .600 20 180 - - - 120 - 260 20 - College: 1 to 3 years . ........ 580 120 220 20 - - 20 40 120 40 - 4 years or more ...... 520 400 60 - - 20 - 20 - 20 Not reported ..................... 1,620 20 980 - - 20 - - 480 100 30 35 to 44 years old................ 195,920 760 129,160 280 80so 1840 3,640 1,740 47,180 10r500 740 No school years completed ........ . 25,380 20 15,680 20 - 180 400 180 9,740 1,080 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 101,220 100 65,920 100 - 680 1,800 680 25,780 5,760 400 5 and 6 years ........ 42,320 60 29,040 100 40 540 720 380 8,840 2,440 160 7 and 8 years........ 17,880 100 12,680 20 20 260 440 300 3,140 860 60 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,400 20 3,080 - - 80 120 120 740 220 0 4 years ...... ........ 820 80 480 - 20 80 40 - 100 20 - College: I to 3 years ......... 800 140 480 - - 20 20 20 100 20 - 4 years or more...... 260 220 20 20 - - - - - Not reported ..................... 2,840 20 1,'780 20 - - 100 60 740 100 20 45 to 54 years old.............. .. 166,480 620 124.600 440 60 1,.280 1. 720 1 .260 30,580 5,440 480 No school years completed ......... . 28,380 20 19,360 80 - 60 3 60 140 7,200 1,080 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... .... 87,220 40 66,040 120 20 600 800 500 16,260 2,660 180 5Sand 6 years........ 29,32C 40 22,980 80 - 320 2 0 30 320 4,260 900 100 7 and8 years ........ 12,920 20 9,940 40 40 160 240 180 1,660 560 80 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,780 40 2,840 80 - 80 - 80 540 80 40 4 years ............. 1,060 100 780 - - 20 - 40 80 40 - College: 1 to 3 years ......... 560 80 380 20 - 20 - - 60 - - 4 years or more ...... 400 280 80 - - 20 - - 20 - - Not reported ..................... 2,840 - 2,200 20 - - - - 500 120 - 55 to 64 years old.. ............. . . 115,260 560 p9,740 220 80 1 040 560 920 19,140 2 ,520 480 No school years completed ......... . 25,620 - 18,760 .20 - 100 140 240 5,700 520 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 57,140 20 44,420 120 20 500 260 340 9, 740 1,520 200 5 and 6 years ........ 18, 380 120 15,140 40 40 160 100oo 220 2,080 360 120 7 and 8 years........ 7,920 80 6,580 20 - 140 60 120 840 80 - High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,400 100 2,040 - - 80 . - - 160 20 - 4 years ............. 620 80 480 - 20 - - - 40 - - College: 1 to 3 years ......... 460 100 300 20 . - - - - 40 - - 4 years or more...... 200 60 100 - . - 20 - - 20 Not reported..................... 2,520 - 1,9o20 - - 40 - - 520 20 s MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP Table 28.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940 145 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsaen, Operatives Farm Laborers, AA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, and service laborers except Occupation ODa ndsei- fand and and and kindred workers and farm and reported CPTED, AND A professional farm officials, kindred kindred workers aforemen mine reported workers , mangers exc. farm workers workers THE NORTH AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old ......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: I to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ......... .. ..... 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more . Not reported ........... .... 22 to 24 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years . .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... I 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported.............. 30 to 34 years old.......... No scfol years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ... ..... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .:.. 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years . ... 4 years or more . Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ..... ... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported........ ..... 12 r540 140l 3.780 10.080 1.180 36.420 263.400 600 3.000 3,.800 0..... 660 120 - 20 560 - 600 9.020 20 80 . 240 .. . 20 - - - ---20 - - - ....200 - - - - - - 180 20 - - .... 740 -- - - - - 700 - - 40 .... 2,600 - - - 20 - 100 2,400 - 40 40 .... 3,860 - - 20 60 - 320 '3,400 - 40 20 .... 2,880 80 - - 440 - 180 2,080 - - 100 .... 260 40 - - 40 - - 140 - - 40 ... 100 - - - - - - 100 - - - 16.040 380 - '60 720 40 1,240 13,180 60 160 200 ..... 100 - - ---- 100 - - - ....440 - - - - 80 360 - - ...96 - - - 20 - 80 780 20 20 40 ... 3,940 20 - - 60 - 180 3,600 20 40 20 .... 4,580 20 - 20 120 20 420 3,820 - 60 100 4,900 280 - - 360 20 420 3,720 20 40 40 . 920 60 - 20 120 - 60 660 - - - S... 80 - - 20 . 20 - - 40 - - - .... 120 - - - 20 - - 100 - - - 30,440 1,300 - 100 1,240 60 2,780 24,420 60 260 220 .... 22020 - - - - 20 180 - - .... 800 - - - 20 - 40 720 - - 20 .... 2,680 40 - - 20 - 240 2,340 40 - - .... 8,140 - - 20 40 - 800 7,180 20 60 20 8,82 100 - 20 340 20 1,120 6,960 - 120 140 7,36 460 - - 580 40 420 5,760 - 60 40 1,380 240 - 40 100 - 80 920 - - - .... 700 380 - 20 140 - 160 - - - 34 60 - - - - 60 200 - 20 57,62C 2 600 " - 140 2,540L 100 6,560 44,600 120 480 480 560! n1 -1-o 560 2,860 6,360 17,200 14,760 10,560 3,080 1,720 520 5.3 40 580 3,300 8,080 18,920 11,800 7,900 2,560 1,800 400 94.620 1,540 10,700 18,100 34,600 14,560 8,580 2,940 2,560 1,040 50.400 20 20 60 240 600 640 1,020 2 SW n 40 60 160 380 800 1,220 3.320 v - I. 1 I - 20 20 80 180 260 600 780 1,340 40 1.640 2C 2C 20 2( 4( 20 20 320 560 840 560 220 20 1 s680 40 40 20 160 20 400 820 2,160 1,720 1,160 220 40 20 7.120 2C 2C 60C 80 18C0 100 20 20 1.480 - 1 bAt 20 40 240 220 680 320 160 2.060 20 40 60 20 20 8580 80 420 1,100 2,660 1,800 840 180 20 20 11-900 120 260 520 220 100 140 120 1.020 40 20 60 440 360 560 280 800 1.000 120 80 140 80 40 40 180 180 1,360 2,660 4,720 1,860 740 220 20 140 4.920 52o 2,280 5,360 14,360 11,840 7,800 1,560 400 480 42.080 460 2,720 6,620 15,480 9,140 5,700 1,220 360 380 72.960 1,200 8,700 14,340 27,980 11,460 6,280 1,440 720 840 40.640 60 20 40 100 20 20 20 20 20 140 40 80 80 160 60 40 20 500 60 60 180 80 120 960 20v 20 100 300 320 100 100 20 320 20 40 40 160 180 40 540 20 140 160 160 40 20 1.180 80 240 220 320, 140 120 20 20 20 560 1,620 20 - - - - 140 1,460 - - - 8,760 40 20 140 40 40 740 7,400 60 100 180 10,600 60 - 160 40 40 1,160 ,9,020 - 80 40 17,680 80 20 320 320 80 1,780 14,780 20 100 180 5,400 180 - 200 100 - 420 4,380 - 20 100 3,260 260 - 120 260 - 480 2,080 - 20 40 1,400 380 - 40 220 - 60 700 - - 1,060 620 - 20 20 - 100 280 - - 20 620 - - 20 - 20 40 540 - - - 19,82011 520 60 460 280 60 1 8300 16,500 20 240 380 1,180 4,100 4,140 6,340 1,520 1,280 540 420 300 20 20 120 60 120 180 20 go 80 40 100 100 40 60 20 40 20 40 160 soo 300 460 160 100 40 20 20 1,060 3,720 3,500 5,280 1,200 1,020 280 200 240 60 120 160 20 20 . . . . .. . . " T . . . -F- -f -T T- - I I i 334 94( EDUCATION Table 28.-MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP OF EMPLOYED NEGRO ':,ALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Professional Farmers Proprietors, Clerical, Craftsmen, Operatives Sam r bo AREA, TIARS OF SOL and semi- and managers, sales, foremen, O and ervie laborers re eoccupatio C0PIaD and and and nd' szcept ot COMPET, AND AE Total professional farm official, kindred kindre kindred worker and far and not workges anaers cx. farm workeindred workeres woker foremen mine po Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.-............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. Collage: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed. ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years...... .. High school: 1to 3 years .. .. 4 years .... ....... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or.more ...... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... ... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ... .......... College: . 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High scool: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old............... NQ school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: .1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ .7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 1,108,80 01 1 5,3001 41.7 . 8 11. 8 5 80 755.8201. 160.860 1001 10,640 62,660 840 420 400 1.8mnI '89.8801 20.880 1,580 - 20 - 20 - - 700 780 40 820 12,260 - 120 - - - 180 5,400 6,460 60 40 15,560 - 160 - - - 40 8,880 5,860 100 220 16,320 20 100 20 60 40 440 10,500 4,840 40 260 10,640 140 20 - 60 - 640 7,460 2,040 40 240 5,060 440 - 20 200 - 200 8,740 380 - 80 780 220 - - 60 - 20 400 80 - - 40 20 - - . - - - 20 420 - - - - - . 280 140 - - 73,320 3,000 360 1 560 - 8, 220 46,740 17,800 760 800 1,600 15,100 16,300 16,820 12,560 7,520 1,820 1,04(C 56C 116.500n 20 20 60 300 700 940 920 40 7.520 40 100 60 100 20 20 20 1.240 20 60 10 40 60 660 60 80 180 140 140 40 20 600 20 40 80 100 220 100 1 .16 .OO V i5N V L 4 . JVV4 4 2,740 22,260 26,800 25,820 18,820 10,560 5,120 3,380 1,000 187.340 4 a* 39,82( 44, 720 44,16( 26,044 18,04C 7,744 5,28( 1,974 156 92( 5,88( 38, 64( 39,06( 35,04( 18,044 8,08( 5,96( 4,74( 1,58( 276,520 16,000 86,920 72,860 53,460 22,100 9,900 ?,26C 5,160( 2,860 164,620 20 40 20 100 240 1,240 2,960 2,880 20 12.000 Z= 60 120 260 520 1,680 4,900 4,440 9.360 40 80 60 180 460 1,200 3,460 3,800 80 11.960 0 40 c 120 C 200 0 780 1,980 4,280 S 4,140 S 80 A 5.740 20 400 560 120 100 20 20 - ,n 120 820 660 720 100 40 83.260 _ - - ...i , 1 240 1,440 S980 420 80 40 20 20 20 12.120 1,000 5,640 3,440 1,340 500 80 40 420 40 60 60 160 200 60 20 40 2.680 100 460 600 640 500 180 120 40 40 1.620 20 20 120 200 380 240 180 -.22 6C 380 80C 54C 340 20 lea 260 200 280 360 300 300 a man 60 220 280 440 320 500 320 80 20 1 .100 20 20 20 20 60 20 60 40 60 20 20 40 20 40 20 60 40 140 160 40 20 g0o 40 400 740 860 840 300 40 5,440 40 820 1,080 1,400 1,240 600 180 80 is sun 240 2,060 2,960 8,160 1,760 900 280 80 100 10040I 160 2,220 2,760 2,280 1,440 700 280 40 160 ', enn 540 4,560 4,680 3,680 1,960 780 220 120 160 9 520 ) 8,080 10,160 11,540 9,820 5,760 640 120 320 78,740 1,460 13,200 18,340 20,020 15,360 7,920 1,580 180 680 1on_36A 2,760 26,300 32,320 34,100 21,320 9,300 1,920 320 1,020 1106500 3,880 25,940 29,120 28,580 14,440 5,440 1,620 460 1,020 , e.= on 10,620 60,460 54,320 42,480 16,840 6,080 2,120 660 2,280 111 000 720 6,140 4,940 3,700 1,620 460 60 160 20,020 .i, SV 7,260 6,080 3,600 1,400 280 60 20 200 VA ..AM 1,480 9,320 7,320 4,400 1,440i 280 40 20 560 18_ 120n 1,400 7,760 5,000 2,'40 920 200 100 200 o .., 3,260 13,800 7,520 3,380 1,000 160 40 20 160 20 460 100 220 o00 100 20 20 1,360 40 280 440 320 200 60 20 220 780 680 560 220 40 20 80 520 460 360 180 60 9 .^^ 160 900 940 420 100 40 20 -ii a 240 100 180 200 40 40 860 20 200 200 140 80 40 80 100 I *u 60 00 480 340 200 60 .60 40 20 1 800 80 420 320 320 20 40 40 20 40 2.640 220 720 740 580 100 60 80 60 80 , I ,8.,, , 0I OOV 18,120 20 1,920 40 - - 480 11,800 3,340 260 260 62,800 60 5,960 420 120 - 2,380 41,900 10,640 W"80 540 37,400 6803,080 360 120 20 1,740 27,400 4,000 260 360 24,380 120 1,540 360 180 20 1,580 18,720 1,460 120 .280 8,460 260 540 200 200 20 600 6,160 340 40 100 4,660 1,000 40 120 200 - 280 2,640 180 0 80 3,700 2,180 20 60 180 - 180 1,000 60 - 20 2,600 2,000 40 20 100 - 120 320 I,500 40 180 40 - 20 60 1,660 440 40 20 70,92011 1880 8.580 600 560 80 2,520 45,640 9,4680 420 960 11,840 30,180 13,940 7,780 2,660 1,660 1,080 720 1,060 60 60 60 40 140 380 680 460 1,840 4,160 1,560 540 220 80 40 140 20 120 260 120 40 20 20 40 60 80 160 60 100 .20 40 t" . ,. 20 20 20 20 440 820 560 280 180 180 20 4Q 7,140 19,200 9,400 6,000 1,880 860 300 140 720 2,060 5,160 1,780 420 80 20 160 100 120 140 40 20 140 480 100 160 - 40 20 20 I 146 T i" T U- 1. +."" . +" vv v vv vvv G "W OV LL Q= Lv 71 i V ii4 tl0 l Y. 4L' 1 6 _ Al A 9A- w w w . . w . . l r v a.. v N l 17 .CV L i4 I Z .8OI r; ~~ ~ I T- -r I I I r I- !s ftj%. 11 !A A www -- --- - -- -- ---l 860 T WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 147 Table 2- -WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD,_ BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statisties based on a 5-peroent sample) W11OUT OWER032 INCCE ARAI, TAS 7OF SCHOOL Totalother CCPLEA D, A D AoS $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,000 $s,ooo Not inoae Ttal None to to to to to .to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $2,999.. $4,999 over ported WUITED STAS Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old.. ......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ............. . . 20 and 21 years old. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ ... 22 to 24 years old .......... . No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 .and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4.years or more... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Notreporte ...... .......... 45 to 54 years old ........:.. SNo school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported................ 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 82, 6800 840 21.623.820 2 .9268201 4.1 4 �014 8.080 4 2 0.. 6L41 . 1 5.28L01 182.I00R!58.7601 4.OlD8U J..5OUW O g8jI7 "- . W." 18,440 65,700 118,100 418,880 784,280 625,100 155,840 2,580 14,080 Lfl I m 7I .40an I.sea lu -L" u .L! iy7 Vi .114. - m 4 ....1L QUO, OW + L 6 + I 4-1!4 + 4l r im" 1 iyr l iv vw 34 ,4 9,000 50,060 86,640 815,080 A12l,980 504,280 118,620 1,860 7,100 1 9 t A50 5,080 21,620 84,920 119,200 889,580 222,860 80,400 960 2,860 An qlA 8,840 2,460 40,020 141,560 186,840 186,200 64,8640 440 2,200 840 2,480 7,520 86,760 59,-920 64,680 5,560 840 900 �4 10 160 560 4,240 8,740 9,760 .1,000 80 120 00_ uAn 20 40 760 1,820 1,000 160 20 60 20-AM0 20 20 200 260 220 20 40 60 20 F;En 20 6o 120 120 20 680 20 40 80 100 5 B 840o 2,300 8,200 ,12,220 27,060 19,340 7,200 120 960 44 180 6,4460 15,640 26,760 98,800 162,800 120,880 7,2880 720 6,980 444 860 o 0 v4 i4ru Jm 118 a . V-v.,. .la. W 0 , @.. , vv 12,500 9,080 4,780 3,080 640 100 60 20 - e - 880 8,480 �". 58,040 42,540 12,420 28,440 4,420 660 100 20 - - 20 1,460 15,500 101,860 75,200 80,020 86,880 18,520 2, 00 800 80 40 20 20 2,520 26,660 ... 419,400 818,000 72,220 140,200 74,360 19,120 2,800 340 100 80 120 9,160 101,400 502,400 401,620 81,860 144, 000 120,220 89,660 5,880 800 160 140 160 8,740 100, 780 � 646,880 524,240 102,460 165,680 170,860 61,260 9,400 1,500 180 800 200 12,400 122,640 �"� 257,680 197,780 102,160 49,820 24,680 10,940 2,080 380 20 100 20 8,080 59,900 �" 26,300 19,140 9,060 4,860 2,700 1,160 640 200 20 20 20 960 7,160 �." 18,960 7,060 2,060 2,300 1,780 400 40 - - - - 40 6,900 S2956,860 2.295.560 806.140 611.780 706 660 464.860 129.640 228.040 4.20 2.,80 1.200 46.540 661,800 16,360 11,200 4,120 4,460 1,560 " 600 180 40 - 20 - 220 5,160 82,620 59,460 12,580 3388,960 9,080 1,480 860 40 20 20 - 1,920 23,160 146,900 106,980 19,020 50,260 26,140 7,420 1,100 40 40 - 20 2,740 89,920 670,560 501,280 69,200 179,980 155,200 69,640 12,980 2,220 200 .180 200 11,480 169,280 �.. 698,880 557.,700 55,200 147,140 192,620 119,120 28,920 4,100 700 400 200 9,800 141,120 "". 889,600 718,960 62,480 137,380 242,560 197,180 56,620 8,480 1,960 780 800 11,220 170,640 �" � 268,420 207,900 50,660 36,160 50,160 44,620 - 16,820 8,380 700 460 140 5,800 60,520 �" 163,880 122,220 31,600 19,720 26,480 22,900 12,880 8,420 640 580 820 8,740 41,160 20,200 9,860 1,280 2,720 2,860 1,900 280 120 60 - 20 620 10,840 4,705,120 8.,516,620 271,580 835,780 924.800 927.760 479.220 148.100 899160 24,260 5,920 60,940 1,188t500 33,960 21,600 6,280 9,40 3,240 1,520 620 200 100 - - 600 12,860 142,720 97,280 14,720 49,180 23,080 5,4,460 .1,460 540 120 60 20 2,640 45,440 275,960 195,400 22,100 76,700 60,040 24,660 6,400 1,020 120 100 40 4,220 80,560 1,307,720 958,000 86,120 236,260 297,700 22,120 74,520 14,480 3,540 1,400 400 18,460 349,720 1,072,960 835,180 51,560 13388,020 240,920 248,360 112,160 27,140 6,440 8,180 620 11,780 237,780 1,184,360 878,060 50,360 92,960 213,960 284,280 158,120 46,280 11,800 6,040 1,260 12,500 256,300 850,140 265,140 18,880 20,140 50,440 77,100 60,940 22,480 6,020 4,780 980 8,880 85,000 � � 851,580 248,500 20,200 14,860 31,040 57,560 63,240 38,520 11,840 8,600 1,620 4,520 103,080 35,720 17,460 1,860 8,620 4,380 3,700 1,760 440 180 100 80 1,840 18,269 4,247,220 2,994,900 189.740 411,840 635.020 717,940 554.120 258,880 86.860 78,640 15.160 52,700 1,52,880 36,080 21,960 5,120 8,580 4,080 2,060 860 360 100 100 20 680 14,120 159,380 105,260 12,900 45,220 28,260 11,260 8,620 1,080 640 160 20 2,500 54,120 294,700 201,420 18,560 60,700 62,520 37,640 13,240 8,680 820 480 200 8,880 93,280 .. 1,357,900 956,700 69,660 170,840 254,440 242,540 139,880 41,640 10,840 7,720 900 18,240 401,200 932,800 689,540 86,200 72,860 148,480 193,720 145,120 56,020 15,360 *10,500 1,440 9,840 242,760 "" � 778,940 571,160 26,840 36,040 90,140 149,400 143,160 72,980 22,600 17,720 2,860 9,420 207,780 . 00,840 210,700 9,840 9,720 28,000 44,220 55,600 32,440 12,580 12,640 2,900 3,260 90,140 �." 346,720 220,620 9,520 5,040 15,260 3388,540 49,920 44,200 28,380 29,080 6,780 8,900 126,100 40,360 17,540 1,600 2,840 8,840 83,860 2,720 980 440 240 40 980 22,820 7,134,420 4,555,700 828,480 565,900 825,40 " 912.500 827,920 507,100 196,020 230,520 66,620 100,400 2,57,720 79,940 46,000 9,380 18,040 9,820 4,140 2,000 540 240 180 80 1,580 3388,940 871,220 224,460 25,640 81,740 60,800 80,400 13,340 4,440 1,340 520 200 6,040 146,760 ... 649,140 412,440 86,980 96,360 110,400 84,000 50,020 17,680 5,220 2,460 800 9,020 236,700 .. 2,761,100 1,799,860 185,780 238,660 381,560 417,860 329,440 159,220 49,880 89,580 5,740 40,140 965,240 ... 1,31,840 879,700 50,620 75,980 145,380 192,920 192,920 118,560 42,300 37, 20 7,940 15,760 484,140 949,720 635,300 34,700 3388,320 70,700 114,420 142,620 111,520 48,840 58,780 15,100 183,00 314,420 489,120 268,160 14,460 10,840 27,400 39,900 55,060 48,020 21,100 34,000 11,260 6,120 170,960 485,200 256,600 12,080 5,140 12,560 22,840 . 87,360 44,340 28,800 61,500 25,660 6,320 28,600 85,140 35,180 3,840 5,820 6,620 6,020 5,160 2,7s80 1,800 1,180 3840 2,120 49,960 5, 642 ,300 8,136,600 . 044680 4832,300 558960 5483.880 .491 600 332,760 140,840 175,280 66,400 89,900 2,505700 94,680 49,940 9,840 18,960 10,760 4,500 2,460 720 300 220 140 2,040 44,140 ... 458,180 244,840 5,880 77,320 59,700 33,440 18,680 7,280 2,180 1,880 380 8,600 218,340 �. 663,940 875,420 44,200 80,060 88,740 68,840 48,400 22,440 7,280 4,680 740 10,540 288,520 S 2, 845,220 1,648,040 129,380 177,500 .262,940 267,220 227,960 186,980 - 52,620 45,160 9,600 88,680 997,180 781,460 448,640 34,660 41,640 69,280 81,160 85,020 62,860 26,560 28,900 7,760 10,900 33882,820 �.. 598,680 850,80 285,540 19,400 88,800 52, 320 63,880 58,840 25,760 41,500 16,140 8,700 248,300 � 304,560 154,020 11,540 9,200 16,040 19,980 26,240 23,700 12,640 2,940 9,260 4,480 150,540 8. 815,900 1385,880 10,820 8,720 7,640 11,700 15,280 17,820 12,320 30,840 21,800 8,940 180,020 79,680 29,440 8,820 4,600 5,060 5,220 4,180 2,120 1,180 1,160 580 2,020 50,240 . 8,742,400 1,815,460 297,1801 835,800 889,920 276,680 212,960 128,580 55,100 74,180 27,200 68,340 1,926,940 91,800 412,220 525,960 1,577,480 892,800 885,880 167,080 180,500 59,180 45,800 201,080 262,380 796,960 189,420 167,100 69,720 62,700 20,300 13,720 44,620 48,440 124,8520 25,220 19,700 9,440 8,040 8,480 16,260 65,640 63,720 137,520 25,460 12,960 6,460 2,720 4,560 8,380 41,700 58,840 157,080 32,420 22,860 9,960 5,380 3,300 8,D00 20,880 39,640 138,120 82,140 24,120 10,280 5,940 2,560 1,880 12,260 23,840 101,480 27,760 27,140 10,120 7,020 1,980 540 4,300 10,260 56,680 19,900 21,680 7,540 6,680 1,000 860 1,600 3,660 22,460 7,760 10,660 8,780 4,520 400 220 980 8,820 26,100 10,000 16,120 6,900 11,980 560 60 280 540 4,840 2,960 7,200 8,140 8,440 260 1,980 8,820 10,120 80,660 5,820 4,660 2,100 1,980 2,200 45,500 211,140 263,580 780,520 208,880 168,780 97,860 117,800 38, 880 'Inoludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. \ -- wW A- % w e% eo Aian I cka cw r n 9 AnnA S_8nn 74n0 148 EDUCATION Table 29.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AD FOR URBAN' PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statisties based oan a 5-peroent sample) WITHD0UT OP INCOMI Wth , oRAS o SCHOOL Tot $1 $5oo ,00 ooo $1,0oo $,oo000 $,5oo $3,ooo 5,ooo 0 aot inoo , c(P0mD, AND AGE oe Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18,323,140 13,852,040 1,617,180 1,871,280 2,901,700 2,959,600 2,124,180 1,151,800 44v,260 505,220 155,880 28,540 4,411,100 18 and 19 years old.............. 1,153,780 965.680 461,660 80.7200 17.460 18,500 2,60o 540 180 200 180 a3,740 188,109 No school years completed......... 3640 2,6520 1,420 900 100 - - - - - - 100 1,120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 11,680 9,560 8,660 4,660 880 80 - - - 860 2,120 5 and 6 years ........ 28,880 I,60 8,940 11,440 8,460 860 - - 20 80 400 4, 60 7 and 8 years........ 150,520 127,060 42,160 55,q60 22,860 2,680 500 140 40 20 40 2,860 28,460 High. school: 1 to 3 years ......... - 450,840 87,640 198,620 111,160 45,680 6,880 1,060 200 60 60 60 13,920 73,200 4 years ............... 888,900 8832,660 14,900 118,460 49,280 7,580 820 180 - 80 60 10,200 56,840 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 109,880 86,580 59,060 16,980 4,400 820 100 20 20 20 - 5,160 28,800 4 years or more..... 1800 1,340 580 80 060 20 20 io- 120 460 Not reported ........... ... ..... 7,640 38,680 1,320 1,000 660 40 40 - - - - 60 8,960 20 and 21 yearsold............... 1,117,180 949,880 22,780 288,580 293,060 104,600 16,280 2,620 440 540 440 19,640 167,800 No school years completed ......... 8,720 28,860 1,280 980 80 100 60 - 20 - 80 860 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,540 8,600 1,960 4,440 1,560 340 60 20 - - - 220 1,940 5 and 6 years ....... 28,100 28,500 4,640 10,000 6, 40 1,300 280 60 40 20 460 4,600 7 and 8 years ....... 166,460 148,420 26,060 8,800 45,900 12,780 1,600 60 100 60 120 2,830 28,040 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 301,340 260,900 46,980 84,880 89,200 81,220 4,880 560 140 100 100 8,840 40,440 4 years ............. 99,060 849,280 60,920 97,040 127,320 48,600 7,60 1,200 120 40 160 6,140 49,780 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 180,100 1438,860 78,660 8,180 18,7 00 9,100 1,760 340 20 100 20 5,480 6,940 4 years or more..... 20,280 15,180 7,100 8,820 2,180 1,020 540 180 20 20 20 780 8,100 Not reported .............. ....... 7,580 3,7980 1,180 1,040 1,120 - - - - 200 8,00 22 to 24 years old............... 1,709,200 1,452.580 167,860 886,260 481 800 865.680 105.740 18,820 8680 ' 1960 1,040 20,740 256,620 No school years completed .. ...... 4,620 3,480 1,020 960 880 840 160 40 - 20 - 60 1,140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 16,660 14,020 1,920 6,800 8,860 828080 40 20 20 - 260 2,640 5 and 6 years ........ 45,980 8,640 5,540 14,000 18,280 4,520 740 140 40 o 880 7,840 7and 8 years ... 297,020 254,560 27,780 65,800 94,940 50,280 10,080 . 1,840 160 140 10 38,8360 42,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 486,280 378,880 81,800 83,040 187,220 95,080 23,020 8,340 620 260 140 4,860 57,400 4 years ............. 578,460 505440 88,000 75,240 172,600 157,820 46,440 7,140 1,660 700 280 5,560 73,080 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 192,860 155,560 85,740 84,820 37,140 37,100 13,840 2,860 560 360 140 3,500 870K)0 4 years or more...... 125,680 96,120 25,420 14,980 19,880 18,280 10,930 2,840 580 460 280 8,980 29,560 Not reported ............... 11,640 5,880 640 1,120 2,000 1,440 260 80 40 - 20 80 5,760 - 25 to 29 years old .............. 2,756,580 2.289,900 186.900 266.820 582.060 712540 84.560 1238.00 883,70 20.76 0 4,.00 25.920 466s60 No school years completed ........ 11,260 7,700 . 2,100 2,100 1,720 940 '500 160 60 - - 120 8,560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5,60 29,440 2,900 it,160 10,080 8,500 1,020 200 10 40 20 300 6,820 5 and 6 years ....... 97,900 82,540 7,240 22,840 80,420 15,880 4,860 780 100 40 40 840 15,860 7 and 8 years ....... 60,760 546,820 3 87620 86,500 178,900 165,860 57,260 11,260 2,920 ,120 200 6,680 98,940 Iligh school: 1 to 3 years ......... .675,120 577,580 29,180 68,780 159,820 194,000 89,880 22,520 5,560 2,700 540 5,100 97,540 4 years ............. 749,660 636,260 28,440 49,000 1438,400 22,200 128,360 39,460 9,960 5,800 1,100 7,040 118,400 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 250,280 202,060 12,840 12,960 38,560 628,140 49,920 18,480 5,060 4,100 860 2,640 48,820 4.years or more...... 275,780 197,260 16,800 11,760 21,920 48,560 51,880 29,740 9,900 7,860 1,280 8,560 78,520 Not reported ..................... 20,060 10,240 780 1,220 2,740 " 2,860 1,380 840 140 100 40 640 9,820 30 to 34 years old .............. 2,480,840 1.964.820 89.580 1592i0 878.3840 520,260 488,560 208.240 72,780O 68,000 12,500 21,980 515,520 No school years completed ......... 11,800 8,180 1,620 1,900 1,880 1,400 700 820 0 s 0 o20 180 8,620 Grade schdol: 1 to 4 years ....... 44,960 85,780 2,920 10,080 12,380 6,800 2,660 780 160 120 20 360 9,180 5 and 6 years ....... 116,660 95,040 6,760 18,860 32,240 84,080 8,940 2,580 640 420 160 860 21,680 7 and 8 years........ 695,980 578,280 80,240 65,700 148,480 171,700 106,660 3388,080 9,200 6,940 600 5,680 117,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 581,820 479,500 19,620 32,880 98,680 144,180 114,200 46,100 12,860 9,380 1,180 4,440 102,820 4 years ............. 528,940 426,140 14,820 19,280 59,000 114,620 I,220 61,080 19,160 15,8320 2,420 5,220 102,800 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 211,740 159,700 5,800 6,080 17,780 32,740 43,980 27,380 10,820 102880 2,440 1,860 52,040 4 years or more...... 265,280 171,740 7,040 8,500 10,600 22,880 39,220 36,2460 19,6520 24,700 5,640 2,900 98,540 Not reported ......... ... 23,160 10,460 760 800 2,200 8,860 1,980 680 360 220 20 480 12,700 35 to 44 years old ............... 4,.105,180 8,027,160 154.780 229.520 489.320 640,620 628.800 416.640 164,880 197,220 56,200 48,180 1,078,020 No school years completed .. ...... 26,760 18,200 2,940 4, 9760 4,900 2,640 1,640 460 240 120 80 420 8,560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 119,280 90,100 7,200 21,840 28,080 18,220 8,640 8,480 920 440 160 1,10 29,180 5 and 6 years ........ 285,000 228,180 '13,920 32,660 60,380 56,320 26,860 18,960 4,020 1,900 160 2,500 62,820 7 and 8 years ........ 1,469,140 1,157,440 61,920 98,720 226,220 292,280 251,800 10,600 42,720 34,460 4,860 18,860 811,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 813,980 621,440 26,700 8,420 91,060 127,480 148,840 97,620 25,480 32,060 6,780 7,500 192,540 4 years ............. 672,460 491,50 22,080 0,400 48,420 86,160 114,8320 98,320 89,060 46,780 12,980 8,10100180,940 College: 1 to 3 years .......,. 8306,940 04,860 9,480 6,960 17,880 28,640 41,920 29,60 18,160 29,220 9,480 8,880 102,080 4 years or more .... 867,860 200,960 9,180 8,760 8,500 15,140 27,940 25,880 28,820 51,80 p1,80 4,720 166,400 Not reported ..................... 44,260 20,460 1,860 2,000 8,880 8,740 8,840 2,180 1,060 1,000 820 1,080 23,800 45 to 54 years old.............. 09000 .075.500 144.800 188,5.0 888280 891.620 89,.10 274.460 118.00 152,2800 579,540 285,160 1.028,500 No school years completed ........ -81,400 20,860 8,040 6,000 5,80 8,080 1,90 560 280 180 100 80 10,560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 156,980 110,940 11,100 28,680 81,860 20,820 18,280 5,T60 1,980 1,2860 240 1, 860 45,980 5 and 6 years....... 896,120 215a,100 18,980 80,620 50,060 48,020 86,660 17,820 5,900 8,900 500 2,640 81,020 7 and 8 years........ 1,226,860 892,140 59,880 79,280 160,700 194,600 176,860 115,060 44,160 89,480 8,00 18,90 344,720 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 467,520 818,840 18,720 21,00 48,760 59,100 65,100 51,120 2,640 84,760 6,860 5,080 148,680 4 years ............... 431,080 276,160 16,920 12,860 27,680 89,800 51,820 49,560 22,200 86,800 14,060 5,460 154,920 College: 1 to 3 yeart ......... 200,820 115,000 6,880 5,500 10,540 14,460 19,600 19,000 10,500 17,940 8,040 2 ,540 28,820 4 years or more..... 240,820 108,840 8,020 2,500 5,960 .8,060 11,800 , 14,020 10,220 26,760 19,100 2,900 181,480 Not reported ...............8.... 8,460 . 17,640 1,260 1,880 2,880 8,680 8,080 1,560 920 1,020 ' 440 920 20,820 55 to 64 years old............... 1,901,880 1,126.520 187.820 186,780 211,8801 205,780 167,560 107,340 ,0 64M,860 88,900 8, 775,8 No school years completed ... 7,240 17,840 ,120 4,50 4,500 1,960 1,040 280 180 120 60 460 9,900 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 140,920 90,80 15,280 1,280 28,960 14,200 9,260 3,500 1,840 800 200 1,660 S0,600 5 and 6 years ........ 281,860 144,10 20,260 ,4 8,940 28,440 18,560 8,560 3,080 2,880 460 2,520 77,740 7 and 8 years ........ 95,920 502,00 59,80 58,60 98,060 104,020 80,560 47,240 19,420 20,940 3,780 810,560 83,840 High school: 1 to 3 years......... . 225,00 11,980 18,560 12,840 22,320 86,100 21,540 16,740 6,660 8,660 2,620 2,940 98,820 4 years ............. 286,120 10,600 12,920 8,620 16,300 19,360 28,420 18,420 9,100 14,280 6,360 2,960 106,520 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 104,780 49,860 5,360 8,760 7,060 7,600 7,280 6,180 2,980 5,900 2,480 860 54,920 4 years or more.. 138,100 49,840 5,680 1,680 8,800 4,160 5,400 5,560 8,840 10,340 7,840 1,540 88,760 Not reported ..................... 26,640 10,880 1,400 1,540 1,940 1,940 1,520 760 340 460 200 780 15,760 1Includes statistics for persons for whem the receipt or nonroeeipt of other income in 1959 as not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 29.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOIE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Cont inued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) Wr 0UT OTHER INC0CHE With AWA, TliB OF SCHOOL other PL , AND ta$1 $500 $1,00 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 000 $5,000 Not oterinme Tbt4l None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported URBAN--Continued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More - Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................ .. 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ..... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 'ears ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ igh school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .. ...... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... *Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ....... . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school:. 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ...: ..... 4 years or more ....... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... ai an I20 198 5a0n I 9a. ,,n I C . A 0on II C7 n 1 54.540 ,,w 940ev 5,419 ,4 68,60 6 625,060 JAS "'99 t7e 7 IU Ot I v IV o*V ,N of 4OV ,J.,ow , , , , , 4362840 374,340 187,960 107;940 56,640 8,920 1,140 260 80 80 40 11280 61,900 820 700 440 180 40 - - - - - - 40 120 3,060 2,460 1,320 720 320 20 20 - - - - 60 600 8,140 "6,940 2,860 2,580 1,180 120 - - - - 20 180 1,200 56,240 48,720 18,280 18,000 9,620 1,520 180 60 20 - 1,060 7,620 172,160 148,580 78,860 40,040 21,940 3,280 500 120 4d 40 - 4,260 28,580 147,020 188,320 60,060 39,740 21,000 8,580 420 80 - 40 20 3,880 18,700 44,780 36,380 25,680 6,080 2,200 380 - - 20 - - 2,020 8,400 1,060 720 280 180 140 - 20 - - - - 100 840 2,860 1,520 680 420 200 .20 - - - - - 200 1,360 438,860 379,680 93.860 100.520 122.040 48,060 7,080 1,800 280 280 200 6,060 59,180 1,060 880 340 280 180 20 20 - - 20 - 20 180 3,000 2,580 680 1,140 500 160 - 20 - - - 80 420 8,260 6,980 .:1,720 2,400 1,940 560 120 40 20 - 20 160 1,280 67,740 59,40 ' 12,960 18,520 19,000 6,920 860 160 100 40 40 800 8,340 127,780 111,8w 21,300 32,920 39,020 14,860 1,820 280 80 40 40 1,460 15,960 152,440 135,248 24,820 32,660 51,200 20,700 3,280 560 60 120 60 1,780 17,200 66,220 53,860 27,760 10,680 8,620 4,320 760 180 20 40 20 1,460 12,360 9,660 7,500 3,740 1,560 1,100 500 220 60 - 20 20 280 2,160 2,700 1,420 540 360 480 20 - - - - - 20 1,280 676,900 583,640 72, 060 99.340 182,720 161,760 48,260 9,540 1.960 940 600 6,460 983260 1,360 4,360 18,860 123,420 185,660 216,520 73,740 58,800 4,180 1,080 3,600 11,740 107,000 163,060 192,060 61,620 41,320 2,160 380 620 2,020 13,780 15,860 15,320 12,820 11,020 240 200 1,260 3,420 22,380 31,580 25,520 8,440 6,260 280 240 1,080 3,860 37,900 56,360 59,760 14,800 8,500 720 120 420 1,940 25,040 43,960 64,800 16,880 7,940 660 60' 80 320 5,560 11,360 20,200 6,080 4,460 140 11 n 40 100 840 2,020 3,440 1,580 1,480 40 59 860 20 160 320 780 300 340 40 lP lIn 80 180 340 160 180 11 00 140 120 120 80 140 2 140 2,80 60 40 54,220 2 I.Ur JV I I~allIV I o~riv I avliu c~ln~,~w r~~,o f rr~rv u~vrvI ~,~v l Ywvr r~r6 3,720 10,120 29,880 269,180 276,060 278,560 98,440 120,400 7,980 969.840 8,980 14,020 39,240 294,580 226,680 198,820 78,700 104,680 9,140 1,579.540 9,080 :7,400 100,900 616,480 299,220 255,080 110,580 134,980 15,820 1 148.060 10,640 50,800 105,860 496,240 159,540 154,620 67,940 85,840 18,080 655.160 8,400 482,680 79,720 287,120 69,900 82,60 82,580 48,260 8,740 2,860 8,420 25,060 230,480 237,940 239,580 82,520 85,660 3,660 780.080 8,040 10,920 31,700 247,780 189,820 164,040 61,560 67,200 4,020 960 900 2,160 18,960 18,580 11,760 5,180 7,460 160 40.,60 700 1,040 2,760 15,180 8,820 6,440 2,340 8,240 340 440 2,360 5,320 30,360 24,600 16,460 4,700 5,680 500 52.960 429 2,100 4,420 23,280 11,280 7,120 2,560 1,480 800 540 2,900 8,660 65,140 57,300 47,540 12,460 9,440 880 131. 620 680 8,240 9,380 55,620 31,160 19,820 6,140 4,780 800 520 1,620 6,200 74,540 80,620 81,280 24,880 18,060 1,120 260 380 * 2,000 29,960 42,760 52,840 20,540 21,800 500 20 180 380 6,580 11,780 18,760 8,440 12,920 180 196,8401 183,140- 94,020 700 2,680 9,040 70,780 52,440 39,720 11,640 8,340 1,000 240 1,060 3,880 53,040 49,200 45,420 16,060 18,480 760 S-- 0 180 500 1,320 17,960 22,540 25,820 11,400 14,020 280 1,192, 60 65. 3601 76,5401 174,640 236,8401 253,0001 186,440 6,840 28,240 79,200 494,580 233,840 192,860 77,020 73,220 7,060 790.820 7,160 85,840 76,640 367,240 113,260 104,160 41,340 39,400 5,680 40o2,00 5,420 27,500 48,880 188,560 8,900 48,700 17,820 19,660 2,860 880 2,400 5,40 29,940 11,060 8,560 8,820 3,360 500 57.580 1,100 3,800 7,280 25,860 6,720 7,000 2,280 3,080 460 52.300 1,220 4,540 7,140 25,480 4,440 4,840 1,840 2,40 1,160 5,120 9,240 35,140 12,260 8,440 2,720 1,920 540 59.340 1,460 5,880 8,620 27,720 7,240 4,840 2,040 1,000 540 87.980 1,080 4,700 6,600 16,720 8,580 ,840 1500 840 320 1,780 8,120 18, 740 84,340 30,700 19,080 6,900 8,720 1,260 117.980 1,740 9,440 15,140 58,820 14,820 10,880 4,140 2,720 780 69.920 1,540 6,680 10,900 92,180 7,040 6,040 2,620 1,860 460 1,220 6,440 20,180 114,620 46,220 80,640 10,100 5,620 1,800 140.840 1,440 7,480 16,720 73,980 18,600 13,620 4,820 3,040 1,140 71.200 840 4,720 9,860 36,780 7,400 6,840 2,700 1,580 480 680 3,560 15,360 111,440 53,840 42,540 15,320 8,760 1,500 147.880 780 5,280 14,960 74,160 22,220 18,280 7,220 3,980 1,000 64,000 400 4,060 7,180 32,820 6,960 7,900 2,420 1,840 420 S00 1,940 6,920 68,400 40,940 88,800 15,180 13,340 820 118,220 300 2,540 8,720 56,280 19,740 19,020 6,300 4,700 620 44.800 120 1,880 3,820 21,300 6,200 7,520 2,060 2,240 160 so6 40 80 1,880 38,00 5,220 2,740 4,740 40 34,240 80 400 4,900 7,220 9,000 4,540 7,860 200 20 740 1,740 2,920 2,180 3,540 60 33,460 40 120 4,700 5,360 7,680 5,120 10,280 160 20 40 60 260 580 440 720 20 6,360 20 120 200 640 1,320 1,220 2,740 120 80 1,120 1,300 1,780 980 1,000 40 to - 220 2,260 2,000 2,220 960 1,o00 800 7,580 80 160 260 2,020 1,660 1,700 540 980 180 200 760 2,120 16,420 22,600 24,460 12,120 12,480 2,020 178_160 860 1.700 4,820 88,7 00 88,120 88,980 15,920 4,740 4,320 189,760 940 8,100 7,540 46,800 86,860 34,70 17,140 37,480 5,120 74,340 87,780 24,0801 18,8401 887,180 ,.....f.. -f.. , ..,., _! 120 280 i, 760 22,360 17,240 16,820 6,880 8,440 440 50,500 120 680 2,460 21,900 9,100 8,540 3,780 8,660 260 19,040 8 6 80 660 1,220 8,400 2,520 3,660 940 1,520 40 60 240 960 20,900 15,640 19,680 11,580 18,420 00 64,500 S-- ------ --I ... . � - - - - � � ... . - - - 3,8 80 480 1,760 20,500 10,260 14,840 6,680 9,520 380 26,280 60 240 1,360 9,600 3,220 5,440 2,340 3,880 140 100 120 2,440 3,520 5,920 3,880 8,060 4860 23,860 100 80 200 4,160 3,060 5,720 3,480 6,880 180 10,280 420 120 200 1,920 900 2,620 1,140 3,220 120 140 240 580 5,000 2,420 2,380 1,140 1,580 360 10,120 40 TO 780 4,460 1,500 1,420 600 820 8320 7,100 40 400 600 3,360 640 1,000 260 480 320 2,740 9,160 21,700 121,900 65,380 62,220 33,560 61,760 8,760 52,860 8,480 14,960 28,720 127,900 46,280 50,460 26,600 46,440 7,400 252,860 2,980 15,180 86,840 98,560 27,000 864,060 15,760 28,600 5,880 1I3ldes statistics for persona for whoa the receipt or n6nreedipt, of /oner ineoms in 1959 was net reported. 149 ,% I T T T- T T T T T 71 MA 1 ,I I T T T T T T 'T I T T T T T T T 7r T TI' T T' T T T T T T Ir a n '85 l0r asn .:nn eon runh fEDUCATION Table 29.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEA OF SCHDOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940--Continued (Statisties based on a 5-perment ample) wiOUT OR I mias $1 $00Tel None to to to to to to to ,000 re-,000 $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported URBAN--Oontinued Places of 86,000 to 256,0,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 3 years ...... 4 years ........... Oollege: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported................. 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to3years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... . Not reported ........... . . 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years . College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ..:.............. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 year.......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. . ..... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1to 3 years...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old............ No achool years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years,.... High school: 1 to 3 years . .... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 yearp ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 5.706.600 4.384.440 - 454.80 578.840 899.5801 955.0801 697.58e00 860740 1378.80 158.8001 46.700 71.9801 1.868.160 . W:Oa II @U.@QI 14 2,8801 JV S.@w a 8.8WI b, 801 9w1 180! I oI 60I 1.8101 Aye 42 180 w40.w "w 1,120 3,260 .8,620 45,440 146,640 128,280 31,060 Q60 2,400 2s 620 _-J, 640 7,540 38,420 121,980 106,080 814,580 320 1,180 292 1tL 42o 880 2,780 11,880 64,520 45,120 16,280 100 860 lr) en 16u 1,380 3,500 18,840 86,820 88,900 5,300 140 300 s Rw 40 260 1,020 6,400 18,800 16,120 1,32s 20 260 MAsW 60 80 600 2,160 8,880 240 40 80 88.860 280 380 200 t2o 40 80 60 00 -o 80 - - -( 80 40 30 -o - n 60 160 980 4,T60 2,420 1,460 640 I oes0 1,00 1,090 96,810 18,00 6,490 40 1,80 soas 1,320 1,000 460 280 100 80 20 - - - - 60 380 2,520 2,060 580 920 500 60 - - - - 60 460 7,880 6,600 1,120 2, ,000 480 2,000 480 0 - - - - 160 1,0 47,980 40,980 6,480 16,320 13,440 8,480 400 60 - 20 40 700 7,060 94,480 82,160 14,100 27,2 0 27 ,840 9,980 1,580 20 60 40 40 1,060 12,830 126,880 109,640 19,680 80,600 29,020 15,880 2,440 860 20 80 60 8,000 15,8M0 55,540 44,680 23,880 11,5860 4,620 , 760 540 80 - 40 - 1,700 10,860 5,22o0 ,820 1,620 780 460 340 80 80 20 - - 80 1,400 2,680 1,280 340 3860 440 100 - - - - - 80 1,880 527.900 450.580 5 .,o , 000 89.060 1.00 1, 118.660L .020 . .48 0 900 50o 200 .680 7.80 1,500 1,140 800 320 800 140 80 - - - - - 60 . 4,30 3, 780 460 1,700 1,200 200 120 o - so20 - 40 80 18,120 11,140 1,580 4,180 8,640 1,520 220 - 20 - - 40 1,960 81,100 72,400 7,140 18,840 8,420 18,9860 8,80 600 - 20 40 1,000 11,700 1834,160 117,000 8,600 26,880 48,760 28,660 7,160 760 160 40 - 1,480 17,160 187,100 168,960 11,800 24,900 56,820 51,100 15,100 2,280 440 860 80 1,709 28,140 61,280 49,280 12,040 7,680 11,520 11,300 4,880 860 0 80 - 1,260 12,000 88,660 80, 860 8,180 4, 700 6,080 5,480 8,540 880 120 140 80 1,060 8,400 '8,640 1,640 200 420 560 800 40 20 - - - 100 8,000 .. 848,70 718,040 89140 79,520 181,140 880 2 ,820 5a80 5o 80 8,920 5 200 860 8040 185 680 .. 2,880 1,860 40 50 460 140 10 40 - - 40 1,00 9,540 9,700 840 2,860 2,940 1,060 840 100 60 - 200 1,840 80,540 26,060 2,640 6,580 9,720 5,120 1,880 320 - 20 - 280 4,480 185,540 159,960 9,960 25,160 55,180 48,620 15,460 8,800 700 00 40 1,810 25,50 216,100 187,100 8,300 21,780 51,140 66,820 88,840 6,820 1,960 500 60 1,680 29,000 241,180 206,500 8,860 15,560 44,860 75,900 44,060 12,260 2,460 1,260 180 2,200 8,680 76,560 61,600 3,540 8,840 10,560 19,060 15,400 5,780 1,400 1,100 260 660 14,960 80,260 58,860 4,840 83,340 6,8320 12,960 16,360 8,680 2,960 2,100 320 980 21,400 6,120 3,400 200 340 760 1,140 520 80 80 20 - 260 2,720 . 55, 80 604,560 81.660 46,460 114,680 165.840 136,620 63.800 22,840 19.620 8.120 7,420 150.880 8,040 1,940 340 380 460 320 280 40 20 40 20 40 1,100 .. , 760 10,280 960 2,740 8,520 1,960 780 160 20 60 - 80 2,480 . 6,280 80,080 1,940 5,580 10,660 7 9,660 2,820 700 200 220 20 280 6,00 199,380 166,760 8,000 18,640 42,640 52,460 80,210 9,080 2,520 1,340 140 1,700 52,620 182,200 150,920 6,020 10,220 29,600 47,420 36,840 13,720 , 960 2,200 340 1,600 81,380 169,140 187,760 8,940 5,860 19,320 37,820 37,960 19,520 6,800 4,840 560 2,140 81,880 65,900 50, 80 1,860 1,800 5,840 10,500 14,600 ,8,660 8,880. ,040 480 580 15,660 80,500 58,520 1,940 940 2,720 6,800 12,480 11,660 6,320 8,860 1,540 820 26,980 6,180 , 060 160 s00 420 900 680 260 120 20 20 180 8,120 1,277.1401 9584.960 4.600 67,960 150.20 ID07.aQ 212A40 180.900 51.60 "60.400 16.160 18.660 ass_.18 *6,980 36,280 91, 860 480,840 264 580 22880,80 97,860 115,420 14,040 4,660 27,540 72,260 846,400 206,700 163,660 66,560 64,860 6,840 981.20 11 667.640 88,520 91,820 272,700 106,540 96, 360 87,980 39,160 6,260 8,860 47,420 95,760 87418,800 158,820 147,220 68,700 78,480 12,180 860 2,100 4,8601 .'16,310 8,000 7,140 2,820 2,720 4600 438.e0 940 8,480 5,940 17,160 5,780 5,040 2,000 2,420o 2W~a 1,180 6,540 9,620 28,720 12,060 5,960 2,180 1,080 680 1,200 8,600 19,800 66,560 80,040 15,480 5,600 2,200 1,860 68.0601 106.4601 1,500 9,260 17,280 49,280 18,760 9,420 8,140 1,700 1,120 1,20 8,480 : 9 , 80 22,740 6,860 8,920 1,580 760 580 780 5,880 20,060 90,860 46,800 28,820 9,22880 4,580 1,880 980 6,200 16,940 61,940 20,020 14,040 4,740 2,700 .1,840 480 8,800 12,160 80,800 62,680 40,200 18,780 9,080 1,260 128.;00 740 4,700 18,140 57,860 88,880 18,560 6,460 8,800 1,120 55 to 64 years old............. . ..11,Oo s 869.140 , 42.100 41, o 68.600 1.80 58.80 No school years completed 8....... 8 30 5,2801 1,360 1, 26 40 520 460 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 44,880 29,340 4,900 6,200 7,620 5,160 3,040 5 and 6 years........ 71,900 47,800 6,540 7,380 11,380 10,300 6,360 7 and 8 years ........ . 42,340 159,520 16,880 17,760 31,300 35,440 27,440 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 76,800 45,760 1,0 ,120 7,100 8,60 7,920 4years ............. 83,000 45,780 4,0 2,860 5,780 7,200 8,400 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 88,940 16,440 1,600 1,020 2,060 2, 40 2,600 4 years or more ...... 42,300 15,820 1,700 580 1,160 1,160 1,860 Not reported ...................... 8,100 3,900 480 440 760 800 720 tIncludes statiststics for persons for whoa the receipt or nonreceipt of other incom in 1959 ~a not reported. 840 4,020 86,660 32,720 81,660 18,700 11,660 660 a.,80 140 1,660 5,880 33,800 17, 680 17,620 6,460 4,940 600 33.980 120 1,140 2,540 14,220 5,76C 6,140 2,060 1,760 240 60 860 1,860 11,980 10,600 18,880 6,560 7,440 180 28.2 60 120 680 1,820 12,800 7,520 8,000 3,900 3,540 860 15.500 40 ao0 1,140 6,120 2,500 3,060 1,240 1,020 60 100 580 7,506 9,440 .15,500 9,580 17,880 380 ms Ga 20 480 1,160 10,600 9,080 12,980 6,400 9,860 420 21. 20 20 860 600 6,180 3,200 5,100 2,180 8,500 180 ,20 1,580 8,480 2,900 6,740 140 1* **^ 0 180 2,160 2,100 4,80 2,200 6,640 100 9.840 20 40 140 1,080 880 2,100 1,000 8,560 80 1s20 380 980 3,940 2,400 2,640 1,280 1,540 880 11.180 160 a0 740 4,260 1,540 1,840 940 900 280 7.820 60 640 920 3,100 1,180 900 360 540 200 2, 880 8,740 19,100 87,440 68,880 56,680 80,800 51,080 9,800 81,600 8,910 .1,900 86,440 101,600 46,780 60,990 25,720 41,880 6,920 3,2.420 8,080 15,640 14,600 82,880 11,040 17,500 86,4800 4,800 150 ..,I I 1 I I I~ . -- - s - , -ii I .-.-- m -f - - 2- -a = - . , w v, WII 0 !L L o.. on a^ I AG DOAI - ni ..A 00 6..,l OAA M I I I A.Aq ,nn WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 151 Table 29.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOIE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OL, BY YEAR$ OF SCOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statieties based an a -percent sample) WITHOUT 0 HER INCE With AK OFDOL Tota $1 00 1,000 $1,00 2,ooo000 $2,500 $330o ,000 Not other Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 ,$4999 over ported Piaee. of 8,500 to 25s,oo000 Total, 8 to 64 yeas old. ...... 5,622,60C 4,078,oo00 432 678,o00 942,320 , 2o 551,060 276,640 105,840 122,400 41,620 80,960 1,544,400 18 and 19 years old............... 85,360 88,980 181,480 108,440 32.580 4,160 680 100 20 100 60 11,420 66,80 No school years completed......... 1,9700 1,800 560 560 20 60 50 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5,60 4,460 1,460 2,560 800oo - - - 140 900 5 and 6 years........ 12,120 10,160 - 00 5,60 1,260 1,o 160 20 - 60 1,960 7 and 8 years........ 48,740 9,920 12,000 19,420 6,80 560 10 40 20 2o 80 900 8,880 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 182,040 107,080 55,740 84,800 9,880 1,440 280 - - - 20 80 4,900 24,960 4 years ... ............ 118,600 99,260 40,720 39,820 13,160 1,780 200 40 - 20 20 8,500 19,840 College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 34,040 85,620 17,160 5,600 880 200 60 20 - 20 - 1,680 8,420 4 yearsor more ...... 380 800 200 40 40 0 - - - - - - 80 Not reported ............... . ..... , eo6 980 2o 9 o oo - 0o - - - - 1,400 20 and 21 year old........8...... 5.840 278040 62 40 9,240 8600 3880 890 520 60 80 100 7,400 57,800 No school years completed ......... i, O 980 480 420 60 - 20 - - - - - 860 Gradeschool: I to 4 years ....... 5,020 3,960 760 2,80 560 120 60 - - 1,060 5 and 6 years ....... 11,9960 9,920 1,800 4,820 2,800 260 60 9 a 20 140 2,o040 7 and 8 years........ 50,740 42,100 6,640 18,360 13,460 2,380 340 40 40 840 8,640 High school: 1to 3 years .......7. 79,080 66,920 11,580 24,220 22,340 6,380 980 60C - 20 0 1,320 12,160 4 years .............. 121,740 104,400 16,420 83,780 37,100 12,420 1,920 880 40 40 40 2O 60 17,840 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 58,340 44,820 22,520 11,940 5,460 2,020 460 80 - 20 - 2,320 18,520 4 years or more ..... 5,400 3,860 1,740 980 620 180 80 40 - - 220 1,540 Not ported ........ ....... ..... 2,220 1,080 300 840 200 120 - - - - - 120 1,140 22 to 4 years old.. ............ 504,400 18,360 45.500 97.860 146.780 91,260 4,4 60 8,860 820 480 240I 7 600 86,040 No school years completed ........ 1, 960 1,260 840 440 840 80 20 2- 0 - 20 500 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..7...... ,960 6,660 840 3,840 1,580 200 so 20 - - .100 1,800 5and 6years........ 19,000 15,760 1,940 6,460 5,780 1,060 200 40 SO - - 260 8,240 7 d 8 years....... 89,500 75,160 6,860 8,50 28620 11,280 2,140 400 40 - 1,80 14,40 High school: 1 to 3 years......... .. 116,460 98,820 7,840 25,080 89,100 22,460 4,500 560 140 40 20o 1,580 17,640 4 years ............. 174,840 149,420 10,880 84,820 56,520 41,980 11,140 1,420 440 120 80 2,080 25,420 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 57,840 44, 660 10,880 8,200 11,280 8,920 3,880 420 100 180 60 1,360 18,180 4 years or more ...... 338,220 84,540 6,220 4,020 4,800 4,860 2,920 480 120 140 60 920 8,680 Not reported ........ ......... ..... 8,820 2,080 200 420 720 480 80 20 - - 0 140 1,740 25 to 29 years old............... 813,520 660 680 86.640 96.880 196,060 192,880 91t000 26,920 6,00 4,960 1,080 8,660 152,840 No schoo years completed ......... 4,660 2,980 680 1,100 720 290 80 100 - - 20 1,680 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 16,100 13,820 1,160 6,440 4,440 820 00 20 20 20 - 100 28,780 5 and 6 ytars .....;.. 37,480 31,420 2,440 10,940 12,040 4,560 980 80 20 20 - 340 6,060 7 and 8 years........ 186,040 136, 80 8,700 80,980 58,580 42,200 11,840 '1,880 840 180 100 1,580 29,660 igh r school: Ito 3 years ......... 182,960 152,540 7,800 22,400 50,880 46,560 18,288 3, 920 1,000 460 220 1,520 80,420 4 years .......... ... 229,920 190,180 8,320 16,980 51,600 67,120 81,460 8,440 2,180 1,120 $40 2,620 89,740 College: 1 to 3 years . ....... 75,280 57,40 8,620 4,420 10,540 18,200 18,980 4,260 920 820 160 1,020 17,840 4 years or more ..... 75,120 52,740 4,000 2,740 6,160 12,540 13,720 8,140 2,200 1,720 240 1,280 22,880 Not reported ...... ........... 5,960 3,180 420 880 1,100 600 360 80 20 20 20 180 2,780 30 to 34 years old............... 755,120 580,180 24,50 60 .160 182,040 158.080 118,800 50,420 16,800 14,920 3,020 6,980 174,940 No school years completed ........ 4,780 3,200 580 1,100 740 380 180 100 20 40 - 60 1,580 Grade school: lto 4 years ......... 18,180 14,580 920 5,240 5,620 1,660 820 120 60 20 - 10 8,600 5 and 6 years ....... 41,140 38,260 2,060 8,360 12, 200 7,880 2,240 560 40 80 o 8go0 7,880 7 and 8 years ....... 202,020 168,740 7,060 28,780 50,220 48,460 23,380 6,040 1,780 900 160 1,960 88,280 Highachool: 1 to 3 years......... 172,940 138,760 5,280 12,880 82,920 44,320 28,160 9,840 2,660 1,820 200 1,180 84,180 4 years ............. 160,980 12P,840 4,440 6,300 19,860 87,080 31,840 15,740 3,860 3,300 540 1,380 86,640 College 1 to 3 years .... ..... 67,140 47,900 2,100 1,720 6,300 10,600 18,820 7,320 2,400 2,660 740 740 19,240 4 years or more..... 80,100 51,020 1,860 1,080 3,100 7,240 13,820 10,560 5,840 6,060 1,860 1,100 29,080 Not reported ........ ............. 7,840 3,380 260 200 1,080 960 540 140 40 40 - 120 4,460 35 to 44 years old ............... 1 48500 879,840 44,820 85 020 164.460 197,080 169.380 99,300 39,180 48,960 15,960 15,680 868,660 No school years completed ........ 10,700 7,200 i,200 2,480 1,920 700 480 80 60 40 80 160 8,500 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 45,600 84,80 8,700 10,180 11,2860 5,960 8,280 900 280 100 60 500 11,80 S and 6 years ........ 2,740 70,720 4,820 18,800 22,440 16,080 8,840 8,020 900 860 20 940 22,020 7and 8 years........ 421,820 319,460 15,740 84,860 75,820 87,800 60,160 25,540 8,440 6,060 1,120 4,920 102,860 HigLchool: 1 to 3 years ......... 250,180 181,900 7,640 14,100 .0,820 44, 980 41,920 238,960 7,640 6,980 1,680 2,680 88,280 4 years .......... ..... 197,100 135,000 6,880 6,000 13,860 26,900 81,580 22,860 9,860 11,600 3,580 3,080 62,100 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 99,000 61,280 ,840 2,060 5,880 9,820 12,880 11,860 4,720 8,060 2,700 1,460 87,720 4years o0r more...... 116,960 68,400 8,100 760 2,580 4,960 - 10,160 10,880 7,8 0 15,440 6,580 1,600 58,560 Not reported ........" .... . 14,400 6,560 400 780 1,880 1,080 1,080 700 440 820 140 840 7,840 45 to 54 years old.......... 974.00 617,00 48Q0 1.180 11.06 181.880 198.00 6.460 80,060 8.60 15,880 18,860 35.,660 No school years completed ........ 11,900 7, 9740 1,800 8,00 .2,100 660 400 120 40 80 - 140 4,140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 58,700 41,580 8,820 11,820 12,660 7,140 8,800 1,560 620' 400 100 660 19,120 5 and 6 years........ / 95,000 67,140 5,960 12,960 17,640 24,860 9,560 8,2 0 1,620 980 180 1,120 27,860 7 and 8 years........ 867,8320 ,100 1,0 , 28,80 583,100 5,680 44,840 84,980 9,960 8,380 1,880 5,200 115,220 Highachool: lto3year ........ .. 154,660 99,040 6,220 "8,220 15,180 20,480 20,060 13,700 6,020 6,420 1,700 8,040 55,620 4 years............. 129,240 . 75,760 4,880 8,600 1,880 12,140 14,480 12,920 5,660 9,040 8,460 2,200 58,480 College: to 3 years ....... 68,680 35,680 2,520 1,880 8,2 60 4,00 5,920 6,240 2,820 4,860 2,280 1,000 88,000 4years ormore..... 96,000 82,280 2,520 740 1,540 2,80 3,5820 4,380 3,020 7,880 5,680 1,180 48,720 Not reported ............. . .. .. . . 13,200 5,700 460 760 980 1,o00 960 s40o soo00 220 160o s80o ,500oo 55 to 64years old................ 685.160 855.080 42,420 57.180 78.960 68.000 44,780 28,560 12,300 16.274 5,980 9,860 880,080 No achoolyears completed........ . 10,540 6,640 1,560 2,180 1,520 600 180 140 60 4o - 60 3,900 Grade school: 1 to 4 year .. 53,S60 53,480 5,840 10,40 8,660 4,0 2,140 980 840 200 40 620 19,880 5 and 6 years ........ 76,240 47,940 6,580 10,440 12,660 8,280 5,020 2,200 720 920 120 1,000 28,800 7 and 8 years....... 256,460 154,000 16,880 3,780 84,580 31,800 20,00 11,720 4,900 5,160 780 4,100 102,460 igh school: i to 3 year ... 78,600 43,320 4,700 5,140 8,180 8,040 6,660 4,780 1,560 2,640 840 1,180 35,880 4 years ............. 70,360 36,120 3,840 2,820 4,480 5,320 2,120 4,760 2,380 3,700 1,640 1,060 84,840 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 37,260 15,600 1,920 1,240 2,380 2,560 2,260 2,060 800 1,380 740 360 21,660 4 years or more...... 42,540 1,860 1,580 460 780 1,420 1,20 1,560 1,00 2,960 1,560 520 28,680 Not reported .............. . ....... 9,800 4,120 520 780 720 660 380 360 240 140 60 260 5,680 'Iocludes statistics for persons for whoa the receipt or nonreeeipt of other income in 1959 was not reported. 152 EDUCATION Table 29.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO.64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDIIt TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statisttos based on a a-peroent sample)' WITHOUT OTHER INCCMS A, 10s o0 SoHOL it CMIE, Am AE0bta$1 oo$500 $1,000 $1,500 $8,000 $t,500 $,000 $5,000oo ot Total one to to . to to to to to san re- $499 $999 $1,499 11,999 $8,499 28,999 $4,999 over port* RUAL-mAN Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed. ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ... . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High chool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: i to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old.. .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 yeas ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: '1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or mre... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: i to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... . Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old ........ . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years... . High chool: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years .... .... . College: 1 to 3 year ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .... ............ . 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High achool: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 yeara . College: 1 to3 years.... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. n a M A+ + - .. 79UW. ,V,0 0 1 *, ,w0w, I 500.10019o 3 ,6 u 1.1o 0 89,140 o oW , a2.o T4 7,no , oI goJ aaugelge 45. 580 8691440 149.620 145,940 .6 560 601 - 100 20 1a,00 109,140 ... 4,800 2,480 1,440 860 80 - - - - - I00 1,y 17,080 18,140 4,280 7,460 1,080 so - - - 00 , 29,700 2s,060 7,120 12,180 2,980 180 0so so - s 6,660 91,940 70,680 21,440 86s,840 9,10 1,000 180 20 - so . 1,060 81,860 162,660 184,220 65,160 42,800 10,080 1,360 800 - - 40 6,080 86,440 .. 11,440 94,140 6,540 40, 920 11,2 1,72o 180 0 - 40 3D 3, 530 ,300 87,560 19,580 12,6820 4,660 920 60 40 - - 1,380 7,980 460 20 220 80o 0o - - - ao ,oo00 1,820 800o 640 160 80 - - - - - 140 1,0 417,100 816,760 ,~6 1,N480 82, 00 ,S-9a 8,640 540 60 80 80 T,400 100,360 2,620 1,800 1,020 460 220 - - - - - - 100 8 15,840 12,220 2,400 7,600 1,660 240 40 - - - - 30 8,530 27,840 21,280 8,940 11,580 4,640 900 40 0 - - - 860 .6,060 90,940 70,080 10,760 34,840 17,960 4,580 580 SO - 0 - 1,00 0,860 108,040 76,940 12,480 82,200 22,440 6,740 1,280 180 D 80 40 1,540 6,100 125,780 % 98, 460 16,580 87,820 80,580 9,940 1,400 800 40 40 40 3,100 2T,540 4 , 940 1,780 15,680 9,280 8,920 1,260 240 40 - - - 1,860 18,180 4,180 82,60 1,280 660 440 140 100 - - 1 1,40 . 8,420 1,560 880 540 840 160 80 - - - 10 1,860 609,780 465,580 1 44j840 149,720 159.440 80.080 20a,0 83.880 560 820 10 7.860 144,D00 . 2,860 2,460 760 920 560 160 20 - -- 40 1,400 22,720 19,820 2,840 10,960 8,760 460 80 - - 4,900 . 8,400 80,000 2,640 15,160 9,120 ,86 80 3800 so - 0 360 8,400 146,520 114,040 9,400 45,840 89,960 14,960 2,400 380 40 20 - 1,640 32,460 148,160 108,980 7,980 22,0 0 40,620 19,820 5,00 70 80 140 40 1,580 3, 10 .196,880 187,860 9,280 3,580. 50,580 1,580. 8,660 1, 240 340 60 80 2,180 89,080 . 45,920 8,000 7,680 6,740 .8,9780 6, 60 2,140 440 180 60 - 800 12,90 28,420 20,100 4,000 8,460 5,560 4,120 1,880 540 60 40 40 460 8,880 4,400 1,820 260 540 500 880 80 40 30 - - 60 8,160 1,082,160 781,100 40,120 182.600 849,160 182.78 0 8.60 as8.80a e a,o4o 780 10,50 ' 81,060 10,240 6,280 1,840 2,900 1,180 580 100 40 40 - - 140 4,020 41, 760 82,740 2,760 17,400 9,O80 1,740 880 20 - - 20 9,020 75,80 60,660 , 620 25,080 22,000 7,840 1,740 800oo 0 4 - sam 8,180 02,580 225,120 11,800 69,860 88,580 49,860 14,9700 2,920 500 200 140 2,660 9,460 228,920 176,420 1,080 35,160 60,269 46,700 19,900 4,100 840 400 60 1,980 52,800 S 21,600 178,780 7,960 24,860 52,000 50,880 26,960 6,180 1,820 660 10 . 2,900 57T630 68,560 48,120 2,960 4,420 12,080 12,640 9,960 8,680 920 6820 100 740 ,30440 62,880 48,620 2,580 2,280 7,160 12,260 10,840 5,460 1,820 1,120 30 80 19,260 9,680 4,820 520 1,240 1,120 720 840 80 80 40 no0 5,860 972,280 706,680 22.180 180.440 192.220 �166.940 108,800 41,820 12,50 9,9 a2,4 8,980eo a265 10,780 7,020 1,880 2,180 1,620 560 140 40 20 - 80 3,0 47,680 2 37,160 2,600 16,740 12,100 4,140 840 80 80 0 - 360 10,530 S 82,980 65,060 2,180 - 21,220 28,720 11,180 3,9e0 880 180 4 - s80 179,9 22,020 248,500 10,660 58,120 77,840 59,100 29,620 7,960 1,40 700 20 2,940 79,320 S 208,260 158,880 6,220 21,540 41,4,0 6 4260 27,560 9,800 82,280 90 00 1,620 54,80 158,500 112,460 5,120 10,160 28,660 29,780 26,080 ,080 ,260 2,860 480 1,640 4,040 . 1,440 40,140 1,800 2,280 ,140 9,840 10,400 4,720 1,580 1,680 440 960 1,300 69,120 42,220 1,740 1,080 3,580 9,780 9,960 7,480 8,620 4,300 1,080 800 8,800 10,600 4,640 480 1,020 1,140 800 680 380 80 20 - I 00 5,960 1.586,840 1.069.020 58.120 1799420 54.00 7,40 170.880 81,80 28.8800 80740 9.640 18 . 40 0, 22,640 14,800 2,080 6,880 8,840 1,260 280 80 - - 860 8,860 108 600 76,200 5,040e 9,680 8 ,960 10,220 8,800 900 400 80 40 1,0O0 21,400 . 168,780 118,740 6,620 28,120 87,900 28,040 11,660 8,260 1,080 460 100 1,6500 45,040 609,840 486,880 22,500 74,500 114,960 108,680 67,760 25,400 6,40 4,840 780 6,740 2,960 289,780 195,720 9,640 22,880 42,380 47,120 89,640 19,000 6,400 4,900 1,100 3,160 94,060 185,800 116,980 6,600 8,120 17,680 84,420 0,720 1 ,920 6,440 6,640 1,920 2,5620 68,30 89,940 51,720 2,560 8,860 7,460 9,820 11,940 8,060 28,600 4,440 1,600 1,380 38,290 96,980 49,220 2,040 920 8,200 6,540 8,420 9,940 5, 820 9T,720 4,100 1,2280 4T,0 24,980 9,260 1,040 1,960 2,020 1,800 1,100 520 2280 140 - 460 15,917 1,191,820 708,880 1 ,56.200 141,180 16, 680 126.720 96.800 50.780 19,960 21.060 8,020 18.500. 488.440 25,720 15,560 2,160 6,900 4,820 1,180 420 160 40 20 860 10,160. 111,660 75,060 7,140 27,720 21,620 10,620 4,520 1,840 180 440 100 1,80 ,00 149,440 99,480 8,180 27,520 29,500 16,480 9,800 8,860 1,180 680 200 2,080 49,960 485,740 299,100 28,040 56,660 77,080 59,60 48,800 18,960 7,560 5,120 1,220 6,000 186,660 16,560 95,180 6,520 12,840 19,540 18, 200 17,620 10,220 2,680 8,720 800 3,040 90,380 108,480 59,820 4, 720 5,060 8,600 10,800 10,840 8,480 8,280 4,400' 1,960 1,'740 49,160 . 68,260 29,620 2,180 2,820 4,240 4,480 5,900 8,940 1,900 2,720 1,060 880 33,640 59,180 22,700 1,980 780 1,180 8,040 8,460 8,360 1,980 8,800 2,6520 600 8,40 24,780 7,860 780 1,280 1,580 1,260 940 520 200 140 140 480 17,430 . 810,420 48.,960 61.500 119.060 101,000 58;160 89.280 18,80 7,40 8 2600.920 12,720 81.460 24,200 98,880 116,700 326,760 88,680 62,760 56,260 88,560 17,020 14,220 60,180 69,840 185,740 40,220 28,820 14b280 11,160 5,100 8,600 9,660 10,020 84,840 5,460 4,0460 1,980 1,540 860 6,220 S24,940 22,640 49,400 8,540 2,840 1,740 840 1,400 2,820 14,580 18,780 46,560 8,140 5,460 2,440 1,220 1,000 840 5,880 8,900 28,060 6,520 4,180 2,200 1,620 460 260 2,460 4,500 17,960 5,500 4,140 2,480 1,560 420 100 640 1,520 8,040 2,760 2,980 1,140 1,000 200 80 8460 500 2,620 1,000 1,440 660 640 60 sou 140 400 8,760 1,240o 1,540 860 1,480 100 80 60- ,-600 260 '960 220 980 80 20o 1,960 1,9a0 5,500 800 940 560 280 540 10,080 8,2800 47,460 151,020 * 48,460 28,940 80,980 ,400 11,980 ,1Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1959 was not reported. RAM 1M can -I An .. P a nonnon WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 153 Table 29.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARE OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued istatiaties based on a 5-pereent sample) WITHOUT OTER INC0NE , With ARA, TYEARS OF SCHOOL otha CM~I D, AND A~ Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 Not ocel Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over perted RURAL-PA Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 7,2,120 2,960860 900,040 1,115,840 438,820 175140 71,900 25,240 6,840 7,230 2,520 217,800 4,292,260 18 and 19 years old ............... 575,640 399200 214.200 141.640 15.160 1,800 260 140 20 40 40 25,900 176,440 No school years completed......... 5,600 4,000 2,220 1,580 60 - - - - - 140 1,600 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 7,000 27,360 18,680 11,340 520 60 - 20 - - - 1,740 9,640 5 and 6 years......... 54,520 38,640 18,860 16,490 1,080 80 20 - 20 - - 2,180 15,880 7 and 8 years ........ 171,420 117,840 55, 600 48,960 4,780 560 80 40 - 20 - 7,800 54,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 170,780 120,120 73,800 38,380 4,220 500 60 60 - 20 20 8,060 050,660 4 years ............. 114,760 77,480 40,420 26,820 4,160 460 . 60 20 80 5,520 37,280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,400 12,460 8,720 2,600 240 122020 - - - - 760 5,940 4 years or more ...... 820 200 160 - 20 20 - - - - - - 180 Not reported .................. . ... 2,840 1,600 740 5 60 80 - 20 - - 200 1, 40 20 and 21 years old .............. 504,740 888,020 118.740 145.700 87.920 .8240 880 180 20 60 40 17,240 176,720 No school years completed ......... 6,160 4,420 2,480 1,640 so80 - - 20 - - - 200 1,740 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 31,66Q 21,620 8,060 11,400 1,800 80 - - - - 20 .860 10,040 5 and 6 years ......... 46,420 80,420 11,440 14,800 2,140 oo 20- - 20 - 1,700 16,000 7 and 8 years ........ 162,000 105,500 85,400 52,160 10,500 1,760 180 - - - - 5,500 56,500 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 98,020 68,780 22s,400 7,420 8,580 1,700 22o 60 - 20 20 8,360 o a,24 4 years .............. 122,040 76,720 84,960 31,8320 12,960 2,820 360 100 20 20 - 4,160 45,320 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 33,640 22,640 12,820 5,860 2,060 580 0 - - - - 1,240 11,000 4 years or more ...... 1,840 1,200 680 380 80 - - - 60 640 Not reported ..................... 2,960 1,720 500 720 320 - 20 - - - - 160 1,840 22 to 24 years old6............... 637,880 377,400 98,940 175,800 65,920 19.100 8,480 400 80 100 40 18,540 260,480 No school years completed ......... 7,880 5,260 2,840 2,580 120 100 - - - - - 120 2,620 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 43,240 27,620 8,320 16,200 1,460 200 - - - - - 1,440 5,620 5 and 6 years........ 62,520 38,340 10,840 21,100 3,740 540 80 20 - - 2,020 24o ,180 7 and 8 years........ 227,020 132,680 32,020 68,840 20,800 .4,400 500 100 - 20 20 6,480 94,340 High shool: 1 to 3 years .......... 119,380 69,840 15,420 31,080 14,780 4,220 900 60 - - 20 3,860 49,540 4 years .............. 134,760 76,160 15,200 28,560 19,380 7,780 1,520 100 60 20 - 8,540 58,600 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,640 19,840 .7, 240 5,100 4,240 1,280 840 80 20 40 - 1,000 10,300 4 years or more ...... 9,280 6,000 2,180 1,280 1,540 500 140 40 - 20 - 300 8,280 Not reported......I............... . 4,160 2,160 380 1,060 s60 80 - - - - - 280 2,000 25 to 29 years old ............... 916,380 445,620 94.560 186860 98,580 832.500 10,800 28,240 460 460 160 24,500 470,760 No school years completed ......... 12,360 7,580 2,840 4,040 340 - 20 - - - - 840 4,780 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 65,200 35,100 9,060 20,620 8,220 220 120 20 20 - 1,820 80,100 5 and 6 years ........ 102,220 52,200 11,240 38,780 7,620 1,440 300 40 - 20 - 2,760 50,020 7 and 8 years ........ 364,380 176,060 37,200 80,500 5,220 9,900 2,560 800 120 80 60 10,120 188,8320 High school: l1to 3 years ......... 168,920 81,180 15,300 29,080 21,840 7,660 2,880 520 40 80 20 4,760 87,740 4 years ............. 153,100 68,020 18,960 19,100 18,560 9,100 2,800 700 120 80 40 3,560 85,080 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 31,300 14,960 3,080 2,760 4,800 2,8320 1,060 320 40 60 20 500 16,840 4 yearsor morq...... 12,920 7,620 1,320 820 1,960 1,740 1,00 0 10 120 120 20 180 5,800 Not reported ...................... . 5,980 2,900 560 1,160 520 120 40 20 20 - - 460 3,080 30 to 34 years old ............... 794,500 8328,400 66.980 121.820 64,460 30.740 12.360 3.820 1.000 740 240 21.740 471,100 No school years completed ......... 13,500 6,760 2,120 3,500 580 100 20 - - 20 - 420 6,740 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 66,740 32,380 7,880 18,400 8,780 820 120 20 - 20 - 1,780 34,420 5 an4 6 years ........ 95,060 41,820 8,620 21,020 6,560 2,080 320 220 - 20 40 2,440 53,740 7 and 8 years ........ 38,900 134,920 28,760 52,020 28,120 11,740 8,600 800 160 80 20 9,620 203,980 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 142,2o 56,660 10o,360 17, 40 13,80 7,280 38,60 620 240 140 60 3,780 85,560 4 years ............. 91,500 32,560 6,900 6,600 7,480 5,000 2,860 820 180 140 20 2,560 - 58,940 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 27,660 10,860 1,740 1,860 3,080 2,140 1,220 340 180 140 20 640 16,800 4 years or more ...... 12,320 5,560 740 460 1,080 1,880 740 480 240 180 60 200 6,760 Not reported ..................... 6,600 2,440 360 1,020 400 200 120 20 - - 20 S00 4,160 35 to 44 years old....4.............1.42,4001. 469.520 110.580 156.960 81.720 44 .80 22.800 8.580 2.260 2.560 780 38,800 972,880 No school years completed ..2....... 80,540 13,500 4,360 6,900 1,080 240 80 - - 40 - 800 17,040 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 148,340 58,160 13,400 30,220 7,760 1,960 900 60 20 - - 3,840 90,180 5 and 6 years ........ 200,360 71,520 16,440 30,580 12,120 4,640 2,000 460 120 100 40 5,029 128,840 7 and 8 years ........ 682,120 213,540 51,360 65,440 40,580 21,900 9,880 3,220 740 780 100 19,540 468,580 High school: 1 to 3 years .........-. 210,080 62,540 14,280 15,180 11,940 8,320 4,940 1,940 420 360 60 5,100 147,540 4 years ............. 91,960 26,800 6,020 4,800 4,600 3,840 2,580 1,880 840 360 200 2,680 65,160 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 42,240 11,580 2,420 1,520 2,060 1,940 1,200 720 340 3840 180 860 30,660 4 years or more ....... 20,860 6,420 860 460 860 1,160 1,000 720 260 540 180 380 14,440 Not reported ............ ....... . . 15,900 5,460 1,440 1,860 720 480 220 80 20 40 20 580 10,440 45 to 54 years old............... 1,51,480 357,720 103,180 '107,600 53,020 86.540 1 A,680 7.520 2.080 2.020 840 39,240 993,760 No school years completed .......3.. 7,560 18,540 4,640 6,060 1,100 840 120 - so - 20 1,840 84,020 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... ...... 189,600 58,840 17,140 25,920 6,720 2,000 880 . 180 20 80 40 5,860 180,760 5 and 6 years ........ 218,880 60,840 17,040 21,920 9,180 3,840 "1,940 760 200 100 40 5,820 157,540 7 and 8 years........ 622,620 156,800 46,460 41,560 25,160 12,960 7,300 2,960 900 560 180 18,760 465,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 148,80 84,620 9,480 7,000 5,980 8,860 2,300 1,520 o40 420 100 8,780 113,760 4 years ............. .. .59,120 14,900 8,900 1,980 2,520 1,720 1,720 860 280 800 120 1,500 44,220 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 40,980 9,400 2,480 1,880 1,260 1,040 740 760 ' 40 280 160 1,060 31,580 4 years or more ...... 18,400 4,40 820 440 500 600 520 440 120 280 180 440 14,060 Not reported ....... ...... . . . . . . 16,440 4,440 1,280 1,340 600 280 160 40 60 - - 680 12,000 55 to 64 years old............ 1,030,100 259,980 97.,860 79,460 27,040 12740 6140 2,,860 920 t.6L0 8 3 8 1,840 ??0,120 No school years completed ........ . 89,7?60 14,240 6,000 5,520 1,060 . 200 80 so60 - 20so - 1,300 25,520 Grade school; 1 to 4 years .......... 172,920 50,580 19,680 19,460 4,160 1, 800 560 160 20 40 - 5,200 122,840 5 and 6 years....... .. . 187,400 49,020 18,160 16,660 5,120 2,800 780 180 80 40 20 5,680 188,880 7 and 8 years........ 454,800 109,140 40,940 29,860 12,466 6,040 2,960 1,400 420 400 60 14,600 845,660 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 88,820 17,220 6,200 4,080 1,960 1,520 720 400 100 100 60 2,080 66,600 4 years ............. . 87,000 7,680 2,740 1,100 1,100 580 580 280 120 40 80 . ?760 29, so20 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 27,040 5,580 2, 100 960 460 480 860 220 140 140 40 680 21,460 4 years or more ......i 11,840 2,200 820 200 360 160 60 120 40 160 120 160 9,640 Not reported .. ......... ...... 15,520J 4,820J 1,220[ 1.620 3601 160 .401 40[ -I -I -j 8801 11,200 1Includes statistics for persona for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 154 EDUCATION ,aole 30.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOIE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF OF Sutt)OL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, .URBAN AND HURAL, AND FUR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDIG TO SIZE: 1940 (Statisties based on a 5-peroeat apleJ) WI00UT OWER INCM With COPIMD, AND A 1 500 *1,000 1,500 2000 ,00$,000*000 Not oM Total Noea to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $8,999 $4,999 over partod UNITED STANS Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 806.000 86,086,860 7,190440 2.868.800 2.754.9604 1,887.7 99980 127,580 89,800 4,800 ,801,479P60 6,718,740 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years ... High adool: Ito 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported................... 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years .... . High school: l to 3 years.... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old ............. I o school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old ........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1to 3 years ........ 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years....... 5 and 6 years ...... -7 and 8 years ... High acool: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more .... -Not reported................... 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to3years ... .. 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years or more .... . Not reported .. ............... 45 to 54 years old............. No achool years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years......... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ...,.... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years, ...... High ~shool: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more.... Not reported..................... 8,460 40,64C 80,500( 845,440 708,440 825,560 175,700 8,460 10,060 8,780 86,460 76,'760 878,880 500,480 819,960 25,000 388,500 12,080 3.045,620 18,880 58,860 118,880 620,960 706,580 1,118,840 849,780 146,600 18,8640 4.784.840 101,000 228,060 1,192,820 1,114,840 1,480,120 406,800 856,920 87,860 4.257.480 28,460 116,100 289,860 1,197,860 948,600 1,088,720 401,740 58,200 80,960 7 106 20an 6,480 82,920 69,080 291,980 598,020 696,760 186,160 2,880 5,200 5,820 80,420 65,520 322,960 486,060 706,860 188,700 27,120 6,860 2,618,100 9,560 45,800 100,680 581,480 616,080 976,780 207,840 180,160 10,280 4.08.3240 20,500 84,900 192,960 1,018,90Q 962,060 1,282,480 841,100 2158,260 15,840 8.562.420 20,280 95,160 218,460 1,011,620 799,920 868,840 880,700 202,280 15,660 � �50~ aRn 5a 1982600188401 10 4b 1 W , V 1 40 40 1 , 6,080 26,200 51,800 184,440 404,820 874,220 99,180 1,800 2,640 4,80 28,700 48,800 191,260 248,700 272,160 104,400 12,560 2,560 1,869,600 7,460 85,680 78,120 829,840 865,860 418,800 80,940 84, 700 4,800 2.448.900 16,580 66,680 148,680 680,740 625,180 668,400 167,080 78,880 7,840 2.884.580 15.900 74,860 168,080 718,500 545,420 584,540 196,860 87,880 8,540 8 992Q8 2 880 4,720 11,000 78,040 122,860 219,200 22,500 560 1,180 717 179 E 9 ,4 0180 38205w! 47,yl 40 5,7V7 1 7il ow eOv La1 70 Y"1 a VI 2,10 780 4,080 10,200 78,940 99,800 195,920 88,500 6,760 1,760 49 0an0 140 480 2,840 18,880 88,440 67,840 5,800 260 600 820 1,000 8,420 87,100 66,820 181,800 81,880 4,880 1,180 83. 440n 40 920 1,760 8,500 580 80 140 L7 ^o 40 80 60 8,980 6,800 80,660 6,440 1,740 88220 lasao 120 80 80 260 860 440 8,160 680 240 60 1a860o 20 20 80 80 60 120 860 80 20 2.480 60 80 o~r - G so 0 60 180 20 60 900 4C 80 140 20 220 80 40 800 60 20 20 720 80 40 80 20 80 60 860 40 480 400 1,500 4,000 15,020 30,000 29,180 8,460' 160 640 9a0 m ago 1,580 8,500 17,40 18,720 8~,460 8,200 1,280 540 111.240 VG4 + VR/ 4W O !7V+i V -'V- V4V - 4 " - 4. * - - - P , , ,840 0 8,82 740 5,460 14,720 92,460 105,040 1656,980 81,920 21,140 1,680 481.880 1,480 8,800 21, 640 121,460 105,280 1824,180 81,700 14,580 28,820 288.680 1,680 9,280 28,400 92,660 66,280 57,86C 21,980 9,880 1,720 9885080 580 1,820 6,880 71,940 98,180 858,940 60,580 88,460 8,180 0m _R 160 420 9,800 18,280 87,600 28,860 22,420 520 212 y 60 660 1,860 7,620 2,960 8,800 100 s 120 80 800 1,140 8460 620 9 94. 80 100 40 800 140 100 a nsi 20 40 860 160 140 S1so so 80O 20 880 80 40 8o 290 ow 8,180 5,460 27,500 87,620 86,260 6,920 8,740 1,040 1,90 7,920 11,420 58,460 110,480 188,800 89,540 680 4,860 Cll O 8,9ou 6,040 11, 40 66,860 64,480 118,100 46,800 6,880 5,790 487.50 8,880 8,660 18,200 89,480 90,500 141,560 41,960 5,440 8,060 .Ini(51 6 4 95 . 4w, 0 a a ~ g.v o , 07X. . , +- . , ..-, =A= 1,080 4,080 15,560 185,480 126,440 219,600 68,800 41,880 8,740 gIa ag 880 680 1, 900 29,440 48,880 1828,80 46,480 51,960 1,120 100 40 60 8,860 6,680 86,7820 10,580 81, 60 860 24O R� IM ' 40 20 460 1,020 8,860 1,400 8,540 20 to 180 200 660 800 640 80 5.86 80 140 800 580 800 560 40 4.50 so 140 100 480 140 80 940 4,680 10,840 67,640 48,640 57,980 14,880 7,580 .1,500 105.550 .1 , Z ~..n 4 + + - 9 * - j 4. L 800~~ * 0 2 20 1,10 8,18 460 5,880 18,060 99,760 80,780 100,640 41,200 25,860 2,400 448 100 600 660 2,500 82,800 47,780 100,800 88,680 88,760O 1,040 78.8060 200 860 6,020 11,920 81,580 15,8220 81,280 880 188 9780 8o 40 1,260 1,880 5,080 4,180 10,020 40 49 .0 800 600 1,840 680 2,920 14.760 40 180 260 960 760 28,140 280 10 "D- 180 80 180 200 200 20 2.7 00 1,180 5,290 18,060 69,960 44,920 48,860 16,440 9,020 -1,500 547.640 16,100 86,100 178,460 158,180 197,700 66,800 41,460 18,620 sea.oao 8,180 0,940 41,400 186,880 146,680 166,80 71,040 50,980 15,800 1.445.940 65,56011 '47,920 88,400 4,220 1,960 520 160 40 - 80 - 2,640 17,640 282,800 228,480 181,740 20,-800 12,140 1,660 420 100 2- 0 40 11,560 4,880 570,640 462,440 858,100 89,700 29,540 5,160 800 180 80 20 - 28,860 108,800 2,486,120 2,017,740 1,496,900 152,060 154,260 58,920 16,560 4,260 780 920 2 0 182,840 468,180 1, 877,6 80 1,111,840 798,980 76,800 88,640 54,700 21,280 5,500 1,120 1,820 860 69,140 266,840 1,823,740 1,051,500 691,420 54,900 89;80 90,860 44,820 12,020 040 2,500 880 62,180 278,840 .588,120 448,780 287,120 24,520 40,000 85,980 22,640 9,860 2,080 2,180 400 84,560 184,840 854,880 261,800 127,040 10,500 2,540 29,160 27,000 17,800 7,5660 6,680 160 11,860 98,580 61,-980 81,080 18,120 8,080 8,140 1,640 600 260. 100 120 10 4,000 80,900 5,556,820 4,09,280 o,051,90o 26as,060 841500 122,880 69,82 81,00 10,720 1,13 0 8 ,140276oo 600 1,499,100 74,680 889,500 595,680 8,188,540 899,580 884,860 866,840 818,740 54,060 258,140 4857,240 1,655,200 664,200 585,060 244, 220 187,840 282 8c 44,460 810,840 866,980 1,276,680 495,860 411,740 160,500 69,980 14,940 19,820 110,580 48,580 29,100 18,660 6,840 1,920 1,640 10,80 20,700 96,140 41,820 40,560 18,900 9,840 8,080 180 1,180 8,920 88,780 22,700 82,640 15,220 11,540 960 80o 200 940 18, 240 10,620 19,860 11,940 -11,820 620 99non 80 40 220 8,640 8,600 6,960 6,840 10,120 160 11 i m 80 820 1,960 1,540 5,000 40 20 80 280 1.260 760 2,0eo 2,120 6,520 120 OO 40 800 800 600 880 40 3,20 16,020 80,000 119,840 44,800 89,860 14,720 6,620 8,140 so,760 81,860 188,440 588,840 2885,80 289,200 122,020 81a,400 80,100 1 rn 7,0801 48,80 89,0 0 260 4.0 416 0 T60 40dbA 87,080 804,780 471,980 1,547,880 502,520 500,760 208,800 119,860 42,040 46,8C 215,580 881,740C 1,056,180 828,620 298,78C 109,8uC 59,840 16,960 89,620 180,880 272,940 868, 800 251,620 286,780 76,620 88,520 11,660 8,960 14,260 20,900 66,8460 81,860 15,850 5,860 8,440 1,840 940 4,760 10,500 48,160 15,480 15,840 6,680 4,2280 1,080 160 700 1,800 11,700 6,640 10,620 5,680 8,400 840 60 280 420 4,280 8,460 6,520 4,200 8,540 .60 40 100 180 1,880 1,100 8,580 8,680 8,480 100 40 560 280 860 840 2,040 40 40 40 580 140 760 880 8,100 80 60 so 20 140 80 880 180 840 20 8,480 16,000 84,900 79,740 $3,580 81,800 6,800 8,860 8,460 80,840 89,200 140,220 491,200 198,900 201,980 98,940 60,020 5,080 AIncludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other incom in 1989 as not reported. i 11 - - N - - , - - -M , 1L -- " - S ... .. ... . . .. . of n -t-- . ... .. ... 01 IL WAGE OR SALARY.INCOME IN 1939 155 Table 30.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, B S OF OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND OR URBAN PLACES CTLUSIED ACORI 1O SIZE: 1940-Continuaed ;(Statistica based on a 5-percent seap e) asA, IUmAs OF cHLaoo With oa n,AATotal 1 oo .$1,000 $1,45 $,000 $2,500 $,000 . ,000 Not Total None to to to to to to to A4 re- $499 $999 $1,499 1,99 $2,4 99 $ ,9I99 $,999 o I port . . ____ _.. ... . . .Ii1 + I + . . Total Total, 18 to 64 years old. . 18 and 19 yers old. No school yearscompleted .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1to 3years.... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years.... 4 years or more. Not reported............. . 20 and 21 years old. No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: I to 3 years .... 4yearp.. College: 1 to 3 years ,/.. 4 years or more. Not reported........... 22 to 24 years old. No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years . .. College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more Not reported ........... 25 to 2* years old . No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years... High school: 1to 3years... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years :.. 4 years or more Not reported........... 30 to 34 years old ........ No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. Hgh school: 1to 3 years ... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ........... . . 35 to 44 years old ...... . No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. Highschool: 1to 3 years ... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years. .. 4 $ears or more Not reported........... 45 to 54 years old . No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years.. High school: I to 3 years ... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old......... ..... *r1, r6# *01*077.0,01 * * J.usWo .a7 0 W00..1600, M8 14W .aSO m s 4 ,3 I8AD ...... 20 9O,740 1, 00 00 120 o0 - - - - 1 I 4, 0 11,00 9,5 8 so , 60 0 80 2 - 400- 1, 900 ..... 4 ,880 21,500 18,700 5,860 1,4 - e 2,ae80 ..... 149,000 129,960 66,000 44, 860 13, 880 780 12 - 40 80 4,0 20,060 4 11,59 897940 222140 87, 900 28,200 1,540 89 140 60 80 40 18 5~a,820 542,860 64,o060 25,920 151,040 55,740 4,88 80 30 0 140 80 16,7 0,180 ...... 115,100 90,80 s 66,480 14,780 8,620 440 o0 - 0 20 5,s880 8,260 .2,80 1,960 1,220 360 160 60 - I - - 140 400 .... 5,480 s,580 1,140 720 420 120 - - - - - 10 8,900 l,e8,180 1,105,980 465.,640 295,440 26,.160 4.2. 00 1.$.. aJ# 640 260 500 840 84,520 176,260 2,040 1,960 1,280 220 180 40 - - - - - 140 1,000 9, 99: 8,120 5,2 60 1,980 540 80 O so - - 80 1,600 . 25,840 5, 15,6 5,340 2,240so O4 s - 20 -00 3,400 ..... 181,960 158,00 78,780 46,500 29,84'0 2, 640 40 20 80 0 ,5640 8,260 Is ,o, e8,100l 138,520 75,000 57,860 6,8220 8 120 40 40 Go 9,42 86,200 .... 55,700 4,640 .156,420 136, 00 149,460 27,8 0 1,01 8230 140 280 lD 12,80 71,060 . 156,90 . 125,180 70,780 24,280 19,960 4,400 54 80 . 20 60 40 5,090 81,760 23. 8,980 19,880 9,720 4,480 2,628 1, 846 2 80 20 20 - 980 4,600 7,200 ' 8,900 1,200 1,2460 960 180 .40- - - 0 - 240 3,300 1,89,000 1,650,68 11,780 300,540 425,160 140,700 6, 2,240 620 520 480 56,8 4,52 ...... 4,80 2,90 1,720 880 480 2000- 20 - - 180 1,540 ..... 15,520 12,820 8, 660 2,360 1,320 120 - 860 2,700 . .... 48, 40 ,800 6,020 8,00 4,820 880 60 - 0 1,520 6,540 ...8.. . 2 ss,288,180 140,80 61,380 59,220 ,440 620 80 100 so 11 u,00 1,840 .... 460,600 406,060 210,880 78,060 85,320 16,580 1,180 280 40 20 20 19,940 54,520 . 771,220 688,720 246,800 113,880 216,160 78,460 6,800 1,000 240 260 180 19,940 87,500 ..... 163,640 136,520 52, 280 20,240 86,860 19,820 2,440 - 820 140 120 80 4,220 .27,120 ..... 102,120 8,2 80 96,140 15,0080 19,260 16,360 8,040 560 80 180 20 2,620 18,840 ..... 11,020 6oo800 2 ,420 1,100 1,720 440 100 - - - 20 500 4,720 2,966,640 28,559.460 1.8,50 497,90 .476.00 ,12.0 59,40 8,500 1.900 .5 40 88 104 90 407,180 .10, 860 7,940 5,640 720 740 840 100 - - - - t40 ,920 ...... 1,800 . 26,180 17,440 4,540 2,560 520 20 40 - - 1,060 5,620 . 95,160 80 o, ,700 51,860 18,180 10,940 1,480 b 20 20 20 w as 8,180 14,460 688,140 577,840 383,440 83,800 104,660 26,760 ,00 60 120 80 120 26,480 90,800 717,400 626,490 865,220 76,560 106,920 44,120 6,250 940 180 180 100 2,98 96,980 979,940 .855,560 406,580 86,440 183,020 118,460 22,540 ' ,680 660 480 420 84, 80 124,80 260,100 219, 20 101,800 19,840 89,740 88, 60 9,240 1,80 300 260 8 8,420 40, 780 ..... 186,800 156,480 58,160 11,240 25,320 39,220 17,980 3,180 600 500 80 5,100 20,820 ..... 16,460 9,020 8,380 1,660 2,120 820 180 - - 20 40 800 7,0 ...... .603,980 2.201.800 1.299.660 190.460 4,.140 g17J5 77,.200 20.480 5.00 4.00 101.940 40.80 12,120 8,800 6, 100 1,000 720 480 60 20 20 40 3,~90 ..... 42,420o 4,180 23,180 5,300 3,420 620 200o- - - 8,80 . 116,920 98,260 63,980 14,120 12,880 2,060 220 40 - 40 20 4,900 18,660 . 669,440 572,060 864,840 62,980 81,500 20,220 5,600 1,060 260 180 140 25,280 97 ,80 .0 . 601,600 513,680 320,160 45,840 65,500 48,220 10,940 1,700 . 580 2280 Oa25,440 87,9p0 ...... 714,6,04 613,780 339,420 89,860 81,520- 89,140 28,480 4,640 1,280 880 160 28,400 100,260 ...... 246,760' 204,520 115, 240 13,800 22, 640 25,820 13,240 3,680 660 680 200 8,860 42,440 ...... 183,000 147, 840 62, 00 7,060 14,060 25,140 18,180 9,320 2,700 2,000 200 6,440 85,660 ...... 17,680 9,880 4,440 1,000 1,900 880 340 20 - 80s 80 760 8,800 .... 279 64Co ,3.423.860 1,221,690 21.ap 34. 4 ge o 8 , . 0119.84 4.700857 14 .7 . 0 1.8 . 80 ..... 27,580 19,820 13,800 2, 880 1,860 500 160 40 - 80 - 1,000 8,260 .. . 10e,940 86,480 61,140 11,660o 8,080 1,500 o 80 8b 0 20 8,600 2,460 ...... 268,160 218,520 155, 080 24,820 21,960 4,800 680 140 80 20 11,540 49,640 ...... 1,406,940 1,151,160 788,6(00 100,720 126,600 52,800 15,000 8,940 720 780 40 61,780 8255,780 ...... 862,880 700,640 466,080 49,480 71,860 48,440 19,400 4,980 1,000 1,880 840 39,800 162,M40 948,000 756,120 464,640 39,000 78,740 80,280 40,840 10,760 2,780 2,400 9?60 89,4t0 186,880e ...... 8,060 288,900 172,680 14,830 22,920 28,540 19,740 18,140 1,860 2,000 280 18,420 84,160 258, 40 190,640 8e,460 7,220 - s, 20 21,000 8,180 15,400 6,900 6,060 640o 8140o 68,100 ,8540 17,000 8,180 2,020 2,220 1,340 460 . 220eo 80 120 0 1,o 0 18,860 . ,254,460 2,381,060 1.66.,940 170.540 1926.20 108.140 ..80 .87.820 9.900 1.380 .94 I1 - 884 29,500 s 80,660 b,940 2,2120 1,s160 120 86 .20 - sD 20 1, 8,840 .... 17,690 108,780 78,020 11,40 7,640 960 160 40 60 o 0 - 4 0 eee ..... ,060 217,540 -168,960 20,940 16,600 3,460 2o0 200 20 80 $ 11,00 6s,820 1,219,740 990,280 676,480 78,100 79,720 29,560 11,140 8,860 1,060o 1,180 0 $4,4 88,4 ..... 7.980 411, 8S0 29,7560 28,100 88, 960 19,740 9,0 O,140 760 700 A0 a,9* 1,700 ..... 595,100 424,460 86,740 20,960 88,760 28,780 17,98D 6,280 1,900 2,180 50 ,Bsi 170,l40 .... 26,880 17,7 . 97,760S 8,020 1,180 11,520 10,4009 5,640 1,580 8,020 S3 8,450 9,120 ...... 168,10 101,880 o , 0960 4,680 5,800 8,180 91,90 9,020 4,540 6,140 500 4,i 81,0 . 29,40 18,440 7,80 1,140 1,440 820 480 140 40 120 4 ,gQ 16I,000 ... 218,8801 1,360,820 1.021. 94.021 8.3� 0 8.9 0 8.080 1.580 L4.1w0 .MD 0 No school years completed ......... 6,000 17,100 18,840 1,460 740 160 0 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 184,440 85,400 67,200 8,140 3,980 640 5 and 6 years ........ 224,840 155,900 122,660 12,700 B,560 1,620 880- 7 and 8 years........ 848,160 573,420 442,160 41,220 36,100 10,180 3,180 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 306,840 193,440 143,840 13,760 12,800 5,760 8,100 4 years ............. 358,380 212,220 156,220 10,740 12,500 9,180 5,860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 138,640 69,400 46,200 3,820 4,120 4,340 8,580 4 years or more...:.. 91,980 45,580 24,240 2,000 2,900 2,720 3,100 Not reported .................... . 21,100 8, 60 5,460 680 680 380 60 'Includes stayiatics for persona for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 748370 0--47-11 . 40 100 100 1,260 1,040 2,220 2,860 8,800 100 500 260 680 740 1,900 40 500 120 700 820 8,000 80 e so 120 8110 10 280 $se 9,00 87,660 15, 680 18,840 8,800 2,140 980 89,040 68,940 2?4,740 112,900 146,160 64, 240 46,400 12,740 39 oax if .V 1D 7!.L rzou Y SIi37 "l 2!' e x 167i lUU Z UD� VW J3 4 as U __ W7UU 7 1 @ !4 ~: :rU:~ i . . . . ... ..AR . ^ m "aL ..t A .on II ]half . . 1 . .... ale 1 oAI YA A rum' 1 1 A. AAfI .lClf ~,lM AIM %In t da i 4 sai-e~i : i u r 156 EDUCATION Table 30.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF! OF SCHOOL COMPLETED- AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES; URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING T( SIZE: 1940--Continued (Statisties based on a .5-perent sample) WIfflOIJT OTmu INCn I AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL . . . With COMPLETED, AD A~ s Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 2,500 $8,9000 $5,000 Not other Total None to to. to to to to to and re $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported +i URBAN-Cont inued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .....,.. .... College: I to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............. . . 20 and 21 years o1O......: ....... No school years completed .......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8. years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school' 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .......... .. College: I to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ..... ... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ............... 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................. .. 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 4 years or more ....... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years conpleted ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school; 1 to 3 years ... .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ... . ........ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ..................... C ^ ^ 7,511,701 6,09,760113 4 5Q,510, 18 0 648,6 60 J D903,,720 2,0)1,6 ,28 0 6,420 12,4u0 25,880 4,o0 R199,v60- 0,u00 470,.86( 600 2,940 6,440 57,880 153,920 206, 240 39,520 1,120 2,200 491.640 8Z0 2,940 7,040 73,140 130,700 211,940 52,480 10,200 2,380 753.440 1,320 4,700 12,800 188,380 197,120 299,260 56,500 39,280 4,100 407,32011 228.2601 111,8201 49.460 4,240I 500 3, 00 1,660 3,960 25,800 81,180 91,100 23,740 540 480 166.480 280 1,580 8,860 29,120 50,800 53, 40 23,300 4,460 300 -266.800 480 2,580 6,480 58,480 84,800 87,620 15,560 9,880 920 ^M ^M 120 500 1,260 16,380 84,160 54,000 4,940 140 320 106.080 100 480 1,240 *17,060 30,080 47,240 7,820 1,800 260 107.560 80 640 2,140 23,520 31,200 36,920 6,580 6,060 420 60 S00 460 6,640 14,140 26,020 1,520 100 320 119.220 80 240 880 14,460 29,280 65,720 i 6,960 1,180 420 187.600 180 520 1,700 29,720 44,500 90,040 13,200 7,000 740 ^e "^^n 20 40 440 780 2,620 230 40 80 22.880 60 1,520 4,040 14,620 2,180 860 100 75.600 140 100 120 5,320 10,700 48,460 9,280 6,220 260 ^^e y^n 80 120 260 40 1.740 140 180 1,040 800 80 8.160 20 860 780 4,200 1,380 1,400 20 ^^ ^ ^ 560 2,480 5,840 50,060 185,160 179,140 31,940 900 1,240 427.760 520 2,340 6,120 64, 40 117,100 186,020 41,940 8,820 1,160 66ss.780 1,000 3,940 10,840 121,080 176,360 268,820 47,360 31,900 2,480 8.00 140 160 380 40 80 160 20 80 1.20 40 220 480 180 320 - 60 140 20 20 100 soo 20 60 40 40 60 80 - 80 - - 20 60 340 60 40 180 60 280 - 80 80 100 o ^^I 601 18,540 20 40 220 20 20 140 40 140 60 40 80 20 60 120 10 1,220 4,600 4,820 1,480 80 40 10.280 60 40 140 1,800 8,060 8,480 1,260 860 80 16.100 100 100 880 8,520 4,100 5,940 1,020 840 100 68,40j 40 460 600 7,820 18,760 27,100 7,580 230 960 68,880 800 600 920 8,900 18,600 865,980 10,540 1,eeo 1,880 89.660 8830 S 760 1,960 17, 00 0,760 80,440 9,140 7,860 1,680 1 1,186,U0601 11,a, 24 0 2.0U 0 0.0201 J19.70011L39lv 0 .3.940l 528 1.3801 1.120 1 460 13.220 5 3I.80 . 4,220 10,1280 32,600 292,040 303,620 376,520 90,380 70,280 6,280 8,400 8,380 27,300 .255,220 268,480 331,860 75,820 58,460 ,820 0#" o 2,480 5,460 18,020 148,800 148,980 145,460 81,400 18, 200 1,220 260 1,40 , 680 30,600 28,100 27,020 6,500 3,980 540 340 1,020 3,900 48, 240 49,000 71,500 12,980 8,040 680 ^^^. , 180 180 700 15,900 27,760 61,820 17,000 15,180 440 ^n ^ ^ 60 20 20 ;2940 4,520 13,480 4,680 8,680 140 ^A ^n 40 20 840 560 1,760 700 1,960 -ee. 20 80 100 4ao 280 400 0o 60 140 280 800 880 40 2o so 100 40 240 40 20 80 820 900 8,860 9,880 9,880 2,040 1,620 240 880 1,740 5,800 86,880 85,140 44,660 14,560 11,880 2,960 1 ,29501 1 087,5201 1 DU.594 06,601 .i28j 01 .o0 4296 12 .2 80 .0401.. 2,8801. 480 158.160 150 . 560 400 14,200 41,080 304,930 239,660 278,940 79,200 64,700 7,080 1,640,300 2,380 11,280 84,500 261,680 206,840 239,380 65,800 51,900 8,760 1,329,040 2,060 7,780 23,800 167,440 125,920 124,920 3,220 19,420 1,880 846.120 360 1,360 4,140 22,100 14,200 12,760 4,080 2,400 240 79.560 440 1,800 4,700 38,820 26,060 29,040 6,620 4,220 580 138.100 280 420 1,020 18,920 28,560 42,680 9,720 7,800 460 112.980 4s 80 80 , 920 7,100 17,340 6,740 7,860 300 "" '9 20 40 680 1,120 2,900 2,820 5,200 2.220 20 200 400 860 440 2,120 8.280 20 120 140 580 500 1,500 20 *** A 20 60 40 80 160 120 - a 160 840 1,180 9,920 8,300 8,220 2,000 1,760 280 54.380 920 2,980 6,580 48,880 84,560 18,400 12,800 8,580 811. 260 9,280 7,080 4,960 640 640 240 40 20 - 60 - 4801 2,800 3?,620 29,700 .21,780 3,180 2,940 700 140 - - 20 20 920 7,920 100,280 82,480 61,120 7,000 8,460 2,180 300 60 40 - - 3,820 17,800 610,400 505,160 .348,500 33,740 55,460 31,980 10,460 2,460 500 540 200 21,320 105, 240 322,480 263,740 168,300 14,980 26,760 25,440 11,820 3,280 620 -940 200 11,420 58,740 352,500 286,460 166,940 13,160 26,820 36,820 21,840 6,340 1,820 1,680 420 11,120 66,040 109,600 85,520 45,980 4,000 7,500 9,940 7,840 4,380 1,040 1,580 140 , 120 824,080 85,900 63,320 25,760 2,260 3,940 5,600 7,080 7,540 4,220 4,400 380 2,140 22,580 12,240 5,580 2,780 620 580 580 200 140 40 . 100 - 540 6,660 1,193,960 887,900 614,700 . 52,520 74.320 48,280 29,260 14,440 5 8.340 8.800 1.060 39.680 806,060 9,480 6,640 5,360 460 400 60 40 - - 20 - 300 2,840 47,300 35,500 27,320 2,720 3,020 500 120 20 40 20 - 1,740 11,800 105,520 81,620 63,120 6,520 6,620 1,780 440 186 20 - 2,940 ,900 497,940 385,120 2883,400 23,580 33,120 16,520 6,840 2,140 640 830 140 17,90 112,820 183,100 137,000 92,340 7,480 12,720 9,480 5,440 1,780 480 480 220 6,580 46,100 218,960 154,260 99,180 7,180 12,520 13,140 9,120 8,540 1,120 1,440 240 6,780 59,700 70,800 48,000 26,980 2,660 3,660 4,120 8,800 2,80Q 680 1,820 140 1,840 22,800 55,300 5,140 14,460 1,600 1,840 2,420 8,160 8,880 2,880 4,160 300 940 20,160 10,560 4,620 2,540 320 420 260 300 100 - 20 20 640 5,940 746,940 483.X00 861,860 27,460 33,040 15800 10,000 52 80 2 2160 3,00 500 28,600 263,740 a an C.Ca I1* _"n____ww w .. 8, 680 41,200 76,620 323,180 95,540 122,200 39,920 32,700 6,900 5,620 28,040 53,440 221,120 61,080 79,020 20,700 17 600 2,580 4,720 22,740 42,180 172,480 44,100 52,180 12,820 8,940 1,700 840 1,840 8,880 11,960 8,940 3,620 940 720 220 800 1,620 3,820 15,720 4;800 4,320 1,260 1,000 00 80 360 920 5,840 2,540 4,100 1,120 680 160 140 200 2,340 1,700 3,280 1,520 80b 20 40 80 40 840 500 1,100 1,120 1,500 60 20 280 180 320 420 960 20 s0 40 840 120 380 520 2,060 60 11,300 40o 3,160 140 3,580 80 900 180 ., 760 - 180 'Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other incom in 1959 was not reported. 3;060 18,160 28,180 102,060 34,460 49,180 19,220 15,100 4, 30 ' - -- - -- ' - - - -- - -- - - - --- -- -- - - -- - ---- ' V V v' v, " v W V/ V V v' W V" V v ", V v I' Y V r V rY v y 't I Y --- ---- ---- --- Y 4 Y Y Y-- T 7- 7r T- T! T- -T T- T' -T ^ cis non &AM &&^I ^^. ^A 10^ ^^^ ea ^en ^ 01 ^ ^ ^^ . AAA AA I WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 30.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN',1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF 0 SCHOOL COMP',I'ED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO IZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL With PIED, AND A OOLtal $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 Not ine~ael Total leae to to to to to - to to and re- S$499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported URBAN-ontinued Places of 85,000 to 850,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old 18 and 19syears old....... No school years completed.. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years.. 7 and 8 years . High school: I to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to,3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. 20 and 21 years old....... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years . High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. . 22 to 24 years old........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years .... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more Not reported .............. 25 to 29 years old ........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or mor Not reported ....... . " .... . 30 to 34 years old ....... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or mor Not reported .............. 35 to 44 years old........ No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years. 7 and 8 years. High school: 1to 3years.. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or mor Not reported .............. 45 to 54 years old ....... No school years completed . Grade school: 1 to 4 years . 5 and 6 years 7 and 8 years High school: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3 years . 4 years or mor Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old ..... No school years completed . Grade school: 1 to 4 years . 5 and 6 years 7 and 8 years High school: 1 to 3 years . 4 years ..... College: 1 to 3 years . 4 years or mot Not reported .... ........ .o. . . .. .. S..... e.. ... 2 aOa n so2 an I am14. 0 a32 an 1ina sn 3 4.40I 9_140 .000 1 960 I 36.80 i 1 ,jt !aI I 4&aSZ G L*!"11rV4 iS _ (lu il 4 V L Vy 1 + 1 + ma-w' 1+ aaa7 - s rv 1+. I ii- I rr- v1 r-c- 1 arra-s. vr-- 700 2,980 6,600 48,540 182,660 178,060 85,640 660 8,880 404.880 1, 220 28,660 7,900 51,920 100,820 179,820 50,660 6,900 2,480 589. 680 1,960 4,060 18,560 98,640 142,680 248,120 51,540 80,900 8,160 907) 460 O lO, , a. , ,4 31/ ,r,, 6. 7 i. . 0, . . I,--- III I 480 2,480 5,880 88,060 115,980 146,040 88,100 580 1,260 3488.000 600 , 880 6,780 45,580 90,400 155,840 89,800 5,720 1,580 5185540 1,260 8,220 11,640 82,880 126,280 220,020 43,420 25,240 2,080 78. 700 940 1,680 8,280 18,700 71,720 782,680 20,100 800 620 148.6460 440 1,500 4,180 20,180 42,860 49,880 22,000 8,560 560 2188640 680 2,020 6,860 89,860 65,280 78,780 16,820 7,720 820 an sanl sao aI a e 80 680 1,820 18,720 89,260 48,870 4,540 180 380 O9 PM o80 560 1,680 16,840 25,560 44,760 7,920 1,520 560 99 900 200 660 2,680 19,840 25,940 37,600 6,340 4,780 860 80 880 8,900 9,140 17,5280 1,280 60 80 AA lln 40 480 660 8,580 18,080 48,000 6,880 840 280 260 480 1,580 17, 840 26,180 72,800 11,960 5,800 520 1kA.~M 140 440 1,560 180 20 40 12oA 20 20 780 1,420 8,220 1,220 540 60 L oCn . I 60 20 40 2,860 8,960 22,620 6,100 4,960 140 9I a.R 20 140 140 40 20 20 80 600 180 80 2o 9. 0 20 160 200 1,680 600 8406 80 1 K4/' 60 20 20 140 100 40 40 40 320 60 100 2. 080 .20 20 20 20 160 60 340 180R 40 60 60 20 120 20 80 20 160 100 40 20 260 401 14.600 20 20 v�D C J as i ." W. raw 1 . ai .,.-. w I1 L 20 20 140 20 60 20 20 260 100 1,540 5,140 5,820 1,960 140 20 80 180 1,660 2,900 3,660 1,600 140 100 17'_440 60 40 440 3,760 4,660 5,900 1,420 1,000 160 31.960 1.224._2 500 780 5,480 16,740 27,020 7,540 80 1,020 62 340 1,180 6,400 10,420 24,480 10,860 1,180 900 794080 700 840 1,920 11,260 16,400 28,100 8,120 5,660 1,080 121.760 2,640 1,860 1,200 140 oo00 o60 40 - - - - 120 780 9,180 7,400 4,840 1,380 700 220 - - - - - 260 1,780 29,200 25,040 14,920 4,740 3,900 420 - - - - - 1,060 4,160 182,720 158,740 89,060 25,560 0,600 5,520 440 100 - 20 - 7,440 23,980 .... 222,960 193,500 112,720 25,100 35,500 10,900 1,800 280 40 - 40 7,620 29,460 815,580 276,840 180,120 29,140 69,020 37,460 5,820 580 160 140 160 10,740 839,240 82,220 70,800 32,600 6,760 13,020 12,160 3,020 420 20 40 20 2,740 11,420 e ..... 57,940 48,920 17,280 8,700 7,940 12,500 4,880 700 120 60 40 1,700 9,020 5,020 3,100 1,120 600 820 240 40 - - - - 280 1,920 812,460 688,800 397,120 65,20 96,860 67,480 21,920 5,260 820 700 200 32,7201 123,660 38,80 2,260 1,640 200 180 120 - - - - - 120 1,120 12,980 10,440 6,620 1,860 1,140 140 100 - - - - 580 2,540 .5,000 29,500 18,400 4,660 4,120 560 80 - - 20 - 1,660 5,500 198,140 168,480 101,840 22,940 26,640 7,540 1,026 220 - 40 40 8,200 29,660 190,440 162,700 100,240 15,960 22,540 12,860 8,640 320 140 80 20 7,900 27,740 ....... 238,200 202,020 110,480 18,380 80,300 29,180 7,940 980 180 200 80 9,300 31,180 77,420 64,480 36,820 4,300 7,460 8,120 3,980 960 180 80 - 2,580 12,940 e...... 56,940 46,300 19,660 2,140 3,940 . 8,780 6,140 2,780 320 280 60 2,20Q 10,640 .... . 4,960 2,620 1,420 280 540 180 20 - - - - 180 2,840 1,344,720 1,081,020 690.540 83.840 115.000 76.820 38420 12.980 3320. 2.600 400 57.100 263.700 7,900 5,200 3,540 760 0000 200 12 - - 20 - 260 2,700 83, 620 26,160 17,480 4,000 2,760 600 140 40 - - - 1,140 7,460 ........ 82,560 67,400 45,720 8,440 7,580 1,560 160 60 20 20 - 8,840 15,160 ........ 412,060 338,380 226,980 83,100 41,180 18,960 2,920 800 140 220 20 19,060 73,680 ........ 278,460 227,860 151,200 16,800 25,800 15,540 5,560. 1,120 260 260 40 11,780 50,600 818,900 254,200 156,300 12,960 26,280 28,100 12,980 2,900 620 520 120 13,420 59,700 120,200 93,100 56,980 4,600 6,920 9,560 7,040 2,640 600 240 60 4,460 27,100 e ...... 84,700 63,000 29,400 2,440 3,780 6,840 9,280 5,380 1,680 1,300 160 _2,740 21,700 11,320 5,720 2,940 740 900 460 220 40 - 20 - 400 5,600 1,041,800 763.180 526.740 56.700 67.000 33,480 19,880 8,800 8.020 2.720 540 44,300 278.620 8,500 6,180 4,620 700 440 20 20 - - - 20 360 2, 20 40,920 31,040 22,940 3,680 2,580 260 - 80 20 20 - 1,520 9,880 ........ 91,200 68,700 50, 00 7,060 6,080 1,000 300 20 20 - - 4,0 o0 22,500 . 864,440 277,700 196,620 23,920 27,620 8,900 2,760 740 300 240 20 16,580 86,740 189,880 140,880 , 100,080 9,580 11,980 6,480 3,080 900 160 140 40 8,440 49,000 202,900 145,400 98,720 7,380 11,720 9,960 5,900 1,800 500 400 260 8,760 57,500 80,040 53,980 33,900 2,300 4,060 3,800 4,040 2,040 620 520 80 2,620 26,060 re...... 54,820 34,520 17,080 1,520 1,940 2,700 ' 3,660 8,260 1,380 1,340 100 1,540 .20,300 9,100 4,780 2,580 560 580 .360 120 20 20 60 20 460 4,820 , 684,460 47, 720 825.180 831.640 28,480 1 11,080 6560 8 520 1.800 1 260 . 40 28,360 1.?46. 4i re .... ... .. 7,740 38,820 738,660 269,020 100,880 1822,120 44, 8320 31,300 6,600 4,940 26,500 51,320 176,980 64,580 72,480 28,100 14,960 2,860 4,040 20,580 39,980 184,540 47,500 53,560 15,320 7,740 1,920 880 2,860 4,380 13,980 4,760 3,480 1,040 640 180 240 1,440 8,800 11,880 4,600 4,820 1,420 1,000 280 20 200 580 8,520 2,040 8,020 1,560 1,020 100 20 140 to 140 1,040 940 1,620 1,340 1,400 20 20 40 240 380 780 860 1,160 40 20 280 60 180 180 640 20 sro 140 240 '40 60 20 100 40 100 20 220 1,280 8,880 12,480 4,280 4,680 1,100 640 300 2,800 12,820 22,840 82,040 36,800 49,640 21,220 16,840 3,740 tIncludes statistics for persons for whoa the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1959 was not reported. 157 s____ _ LL __ IL. L _ I I - i I II I 20A la s2A o ceA oo a4n loo 158 EDUCATION Table 30.-WAGE OR SAARY INCOW6 AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOM IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OP CP SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FPO URBAN PLACES CLA SSIIED ACCORDI0 TO- SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistlos basd on a s-poaeeat ample) WI'WUT o& WRIC - With AA, TARSAOF SC0WOL tol_ other 1M-,, m A s $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $8,000 $3,500 $8,000 $5,000, Not tasm Total Iona to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $g,499 $1,999 $8,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported. URBAm -Contioued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old 5....... 989,&80 4,492,800 1 .93.4 69,9200 0,44~ 306.10 6 26M,0 17,50 8. S0 AG9 LstO alW D l,89 6s0 18 and 19 years old.............. 896,001 1,600 195,620 95,940 88400 1,860 0 40 30 O 601oso 148 40 No school years completed......... 940 90 560 160 - - - - - - - 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 ye ......... 5,60 4,40 3,100 1,00 60- - - - - 90 S and 6 years....... 11,40 9,840 6,460 28,80 580 - - - 50 1,00 7 and 8 yea ....... 48,980 41,720 22,000 14,860 8, 30 00 30 - - - 80 1,80 7,360 iigh school: 1 to 3 year ......... 13,980 104,660 69,210 81,480 5,020 80 40 40 - 0 5,500 80,880 4 years . ........... 162,940 138,80 71,200 48,8 12, 00 700 o00 80 o - 0 80 8,140 3,060 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 9,940 0,800 22,640 ,a00 880 40 - - - - - 1,940 9,140 4 years or more ..... 580 480 380 40 - - 60 100 Notreported .............. ..... .. 1,0 40 80 - 2 0 80 20 and 21 yearsold .............. 386.1601 80,160 156,520 9se.4 0 60, 0o0 .' 940 4o 120 60 401 00 18.900 56.000 No scoyears completed ......... 1,ooo000 840 60 140 60 0 - - - - 60 160 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 4,10 3,460 2,3t0 940 160 - 190 660 5 and 6 years....... 10,400 9,100 5,640 2,40 700 40 - - 0 - - 280 1,300 7 and 8 year....... 6,900 48,940 3,480 18,800 6,800 840 80 - - - - ,100 7,960 Hgh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 86,780 74,600 40,80 19, 60 10,000 760 60 40 80 - 0 3,60 110 4 year ............ 163,940 143,280 53, 00 44,800 38,740 4,50 200 60 so0 0 60 5,160 80,660 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 58,800 4,40 " 2,480 8,540 6,180 1,000 60 80 - - - 8,160 10,860 4 years or more ...... 6,880 5,340 2,00 1,160 600 50 60 - - - - 480 1,o40 Not reported ............. ....... . 32,340 1, 160 380 40 60 . so so - 0 - . 80 1,1 22 to 24 years old............... 5 940 471.,860 6,640 95,00 100.640 9,840 2480 44 0 80 1401 80,90 1 .580 No achool years coimpletd 0.......0. 1,0 0 -560 100 o40 - - - - - 80 530 Grade school: 1 to 4 year ........ 6,60 5,660 4,060 1060 0 - 0 1,100 S and 6 years........ 16,9o0 14,30o 8,680 38,260 1,40 110 s0 - - - - 700 s,o80 7 and 8 year ...... 92,000 78,720 s 43,00 18,530 1,160 . 760 100 s- 5 - D 4,1830 ,18,80 High achool: 1 to 3 years ......... 120,00 103,440 60,800 80,900 14,60o 1,980 180 so4 - - - ,980 17,860 4 years. ........... 228,840 194,880 80,400 39,60 538,820 1,380 920 00 40 80s 80 8,100 28,960 Cone: 1 to 3 yea ......... . 55,600 45,740 19,900 7,0 11,700 4,440 460 80 80 . - 40 1,790 9,860 4 years or more..... 31,960 6,140 8,540 4,940 6,460 5,180 800 140 - - - 750 5,880 Not reported ................ 8,760 1,740 680 83 460 40 - - - - - 860 8,00 25 to 29 years old .............. 8v73,120 741,520 414,6401 98840 .. 16,50 51,480 9,860 1,140 860 a -0Q 89.59A0 I81600 No chool yea completed ....... . 4,000 2,680 1,960 80 100 100 . - - 800 1,880 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... .... 18,500 10,400 7,140 1,830 840 180 - 490 ,'00 S and 6 year...... 33,860 28,60 18,920 4,760 8,140 800 20 - - 1,880 5,000 7and 8 years ........ 193,380 163,880 95,580 27,640 5,8380 5,80 40 s0 40 - so 9,180 39,800 Hh m chool: 1 to3 year.......... 190,820 164,440 103,520 8,8360 88,480 5,460 400 100 40 40 s 9,000 36,860 4 years ........... 287,8M0 97,360 131,000 30,280 49,500 19,180 ..8,30 860 80 60 t0 13,660 40,460 Coege : 1 to 3 yea ......... 87,500 72,700 37,800 6,580 13,740 9,800 1,540 160 - so0 0 8,640 14,800 4 years or more ..... 58,580 49,100 17,680 3,560 9,340 11,640 4,420 5D 0 80860 0 1,780 9,480 Not reported' ..................... 5,160 2,600 1,040 520 6A0 140 - - 80 ,560 30 to 34 years old ............... 762,4401 630480 10960600 ..100 .76.000 45.940 12.320..2.940 640 440 1 0 g.6o No chool year -copleted .......... 4,440 3,160 2,400 440 100 80 - - - - 18o 1,80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... .. , 0 12,460 8,780 2,oeo 980 so so - - - - 4o 8,70 S and 6 year ....... 40,840 34,260 3,380 5,320 4,060 0 so60 - - - - 8,060 6,580 7 and 8 years........ 166,380 141,900 95,560 17,960 16,540 8,760 660 160 60 80 40 7,160 81,40W High chool: 1 to3 years......... 171,500 144,140 94,000 15,680 16,900 6,800 1,800 260 40 - 80 9,860 T,860 4 years............. 206,900 172,380 104,020 13,730 8,180 17,280 8,200 760 240 100 - 10,800 8,530 College: I to 3 years ......... . 90,140 74,040 45,200 4,920 8,560 7,980 2,520 400 40 100 40 4,280 16,100 4yearorm ore .... 61,860 49,140 a3, 20 2,520 5,900 8,560 4,a0 1,830 260 20 s80 ,480 18, #0 Not qreprted .................. 5,640 3,000 1,140 480 780 240 20 20 - - 20 800 2,640 35 to 44 years old................1294,620 1,013,8001 68,94 88 0 93.880 48.900 21,100 6,500 1,820 860 540 679040 280,880 No sdool se~i s pleted. ......... 10,400 7,040o 8,300 980 430 60 - o - - - 260 8,860 Grade school: 1 to4 years.. ....... 37,700 30,620 31,880 4,480 2,880 800 100 40 - - 1,540 7,080 5 and 6 yers 86........ 85880 68,640 48,30 9,880 5,980 560 10 20 0 - - 4,580 16,650 7 and 8 year........ 381,480 307,620 e18,120 83,880 89,960 6,860 1,620 680 80 - 80 21,400 76,960 High school: 1 to 3 year ......... 261,940 809,040 146,580 17,730 19,800 7,460 3,030 580 130 60 100 14,600 5 ,900 4 yea .-........... 276,600 815,460 148,400 18,880 30,640 15,860 5,580 1,520 840 300 880 14,880 61,140 College: to 3 ear .......... 18,360 105,380 69,660 5,720 8,500 9,040 4,860 1,130 820 30 80 5,840 8,980 4 2years or m e. ..... 88,140 64,880 3,7 3,30 5 6,520 8,560 6,880 2,480 1,000 860 100 8,260 88,880 Notnreportd ..................... 11,780 , 8,060 660so 740 800 40 40 40so - 0 80 s,ooo000 45 to 54 years old.............. 1,o.o 7a,.eo sa 7ss9o 5, o o 21.8eo 11.44o 4,,soo 1.o .so o60 a40o 5s,5o s8.7so No chool year ac Apleted ......... 11,580 7,80 6,960 960 so 40 o so - s0 8, 0so Grde hdool: 1 to 4 years ... . . . .. 49,400 37,10 3,760 4,940 8,040 300 . 40 - 80 - , 18,160 S and 6 years ..... 88,840 67,0 so50,640 7,860 8,900 680 80 - 0 4,540 21,130 7 and 8 years........ 5,.s60 367,460 196,400 85,600 18,980 4,140 1,540 460 139 180 60 30,040 89,900 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . . 184,980 188,380 97,840 11,040 9,860 8,780 1,830 460 180 80 20 9,960 51,600 4 yeaa ............. 178,840 18,00 88,810 6,400 9,580 5,680 2,760 940 380 280 80 10,030 58,440 College: 1 to 3 year s.......... 86,00 5,980 86,800 8,060 4,460 8,600 2,560 800 330 180 60 8,960 80, o60 4yearor mo5..... 53,040 82,30 17,430 1,500 3,030 8,060 8,00 1,880 780 640 100 1,70 so,8s0 Not repoetd ................... .. 9,80 4,040 2,20 460 440 800 40 80 80 40 - 560 ,740 55 to 64 ea old..... 908,40 489.900 a37f80 ,s90 8 s0,860 8,0 . 4 .8,460 1.780 700 480 180 8.880 2683,50 No school years completed .... Grade chool: 1 to 4 year ........ S and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High uchool: 1 to 3 year ........ 4 years............. Colege: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or ........ ........ Not reported.. ................... 9,580 44,4E0 74,560 386,960 109,980 114,060 49,400 27,980 7,600 6,540 30,860 51,140 175,380 T67,780 66,730 N,600 18,080 2,930 5,080 88,880 40,500 18,140 58,810 60,480 18,060 7,560 1,860 760 8,440 4,440 15,060 8,640 1,840 640 880 300 980 1,940 8,500 8,400 8,860 '1,440 900 200 40 80 180 1,880 1,150 8,060 1,660 1,080 60 - o .0 40 840 460 960 730 900 30 0 180 160 840 380 640 40 80 180 140 800 80 0 80 60 8o0 880 - o 60 80 40 480 3,530 4,080 18,880 ,10 5,580 1,500 740 600 8,040 13,560 83,480 90,640 48,140 47, 840 3,800 14,960 4,680 1Ialudes statistics- for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1959 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 30.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME-AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD BY YEARS OF' OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES Ca66iFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (8tatistioes based a a 5-perent sample) WI'HUT OTHE INCCM a n, _asor~ aaot1th ocu3l, AN A otal$1 $5oo $1,oo0p $1,00 $2000 $2,5oo00 $3,000ooo ooo,000 ot Total None to to to to to to to asd ze- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 62,999 $4,999 j over ported RUEAL-NOFAl[ Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed.. . . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 year .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... . 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years ..... College: . 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........ ........ 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed . ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years . .... 4 years or more... Not reported ...............- . . 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: . 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............... . 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more :. Not reported ............... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years . ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.. . 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ...... ..... a eL0snn a sn nd a Ie nr a1_ rvn an 12n 11 anI an a muna0 n ael a om1 op zI r U.a ..L . .14. r ..1. 4 ..I .4. ....L & awar 1 Wa ...-A 1 1�L=* -....Iu, . = ' I aml lJ .Li.L 2 449.540 8,800 11,700 2288,480 79,540 148,200 150,440" 81,840 560 2,480 422.640 2,060 11,080 21,700 85,040, 102,000 149,580 42,180 6,200 2,800 684.040 I .. ... :::I , 8,280 32,080 68,360 258,960 231,820 280,360 91,520 54,200 6,720 924. 960 8,160 86,140 68,500 261,020 200,500 196,900 95,680 52,400 7,660 e LRAP 974.460 1,600 8,980 19,160 68,500 128,820 126,900 26,200 460 1,860 858.860 1,080 9,060 18,580 7, 260 87,800 128, 800 86,100 5,100 1,840 541 l80 2,100 13,200 29,420 118,140 125,120 180,460 48,180 28,240 1,920 na A AG qioI ' I 5,460 27,800 54,260 222,740 198,860 288,120 77,020 46,060 3,540 766.420 5,800 28,880 58,120 218,660 168,680 164,260 78,500 41,240 8,280 1 1o an I7. 720 1,100 9,140 14,440 45,600 90,880 69,640 17,960( 800 780 409.500 840 7,180 18,580 47,700 59,040 59,960 19,000 1,600 660 326.840 1,700 10,080 21,440 83,860 86,900 97,820 17,960 6,060 1,020 RO non e 4,440 21,680 41,600 164,560 146,260 156,440 15,640 1,900 54.240 4,380 22,280 44, 80 165,400 126,100 112,880 48,860 18,940 2,020 8s. 68 00 1,440 8,860 15,960 81,960 48,820 8,940 80 880 88.000 80 1,240 2,960 14,680 16,400 897,780 7,880 1,740 00 89.080 200 1,880 4,3860 17,960 19,020 88,760 7,020 4,600 280 520 2,980 5,660 4,600 20,600 26,100 7,660 2,340 440 6.s280 400 2,800 5,860 20,000 14,560 13,240 5,620 2,280 520 16. ao 20 180 8,180 4,000 7,8�0 620 60 140 42.680 80 820 1,080 5,040 7,120 81,940 5,700 1,260 140 77.220 60 480 1,800 9,480 10,220 81,500 13,040 10,260 380 240 1,260 3,920 16,620 15,500 27,780 16,600 12,480 540 68.200 220 1,620 4,440 14,780 12,540 15,180 11,120 7,860 440 Iyo can 840 20 120 160 360 140 20 20 4.580 20 220 520 2,640 860 300 40 18.880 40 40 140 640 ' 1,520 7,420 8,180 5,840 60 40 60 240 2,280 3,540 11,980 6,260 10,540 260 as8.sO 40 380 2,320 3,800 9,400 5,980 6,600 60 99. � . 100 100 360 40 80 200 20 20 1.960 40 180 700 440 600 - co -o 80 20 s320 380 1,920 1,160 2,940 60 8_06O 20 300 820 2,600 1,660 8,620 -0 0 40 20 200 0 120 20 40 - in 100 60 520 100 360 201 1.820 180 160 340 500 640 - s~ I 1 "I I 80 60 - 60 20 so 40 40 280 60 20 - io 160 20 80 40 -o 60 20 80 40 40 -80 40 60 80 14o - , - 40 20 -M 20 40 40 19.440 160 1,20 6,880 6,100 1,540 140 1.E040o 0eo 880 4,560 4,620 5,980 1,720 160 60 27.820 100 720 1,680 6,640 7,840 8,980 1,480 800 180 280 1,300 2,880 14,120 12,480 12,260 3,660 1,700 320 a aDB_ K Mso 1,640 8,080 16,640 10,640o 10,600 4,660 1,960 940 00 8,720 11,040 a3,ae4 88,880 7,640 100 1,140 6a4. s 980 2,0o0 3,180 12,980 14,00oo 21,380 7,080 1,100 1,560 92260 1,36 1,860 2,500 4,480 19,040 19,600 20,580 8,180 4,480 2,100 2,80 4,780 9,100 36,220 32,960 42,860 14,800 8,140 3,180 In sann 2,860 5,760 10,380 42,860 381880 328,640 19,180 11,160 4,0e. ... 17,400 12,380 10,120 1,240 500 20 - - - - - 500 5,020 72,600 58,940 46,480 5,980 8,460 140 20 80 - - - 2, 12,660 181,080 105,920 82,040 9,980 6,380 800 220 20 - - 6,480 28,160 ... 497,640 403,260 809,420 85,500 22,500 5,360 1,260 280 60 120 - 28,740 94,400 .... 285,180 228,580 171,280 18,860 14,040 5,440 1,760 480 120 60 20 16,520 66,600 .... 2378,880 185,180 133,760 12,120 12,860 8,260 8,460 1,120 260 80 100 12,180 52,700 .... 129,860 100,000 67,040 6,840 10,300 5,680 2,840 1,160 200 100 120 6,2880 29,860 .... 68,560 50,840 26,460 2,840 7,120 6,560 3,080t 1,620 540 480 120 2,520 17,720 15,120 7,280 4,460 740 880 200 140 40 20 - - 860 7,840 .... 1,092.060 90 8 001. 64840 89.260 15.900, 8,6200 3.740 780 720 200 58.90 01,Mo0 ... 19,940 18,720 11,960 1,60 440 60 - - - - - 620 6,20 79,620 60,400 48,460 5,460 2,540 160 20 20 - - ,740 1,22s .... 125,440 96,480 76,240 9,320 8,860 400 100 20 20 - 20 7,000 28,960 .... 421,140 814, 80 863,500 26,060 18,700 8,720 1,080 240 140 60 80 25,860 106,760 S.. 178,980 130,800 100,260 11,420 6,440 2,620 700 40 60 40 20 8,740 48,180 .... 141,020 97,720 72,120 6,060 5,600 8,240 1,800 620 60 160 80 8,040 48,800 ... 74,620 48,760 88,220 3,100 4,440 2,980 1,280 500 20 100 - 8,120 25,860 .... 38,180 28,980 13,540 1,260 2,260 2,620 1,120 920 460 360 60 1,880 14,200 .... 13,120 4,600 8,100 300 480 100 160 20 - - - 440 8,520 787,640 512,620 404,160 41,120 16'040 5.160 25)40 880 480 260 80 42,160 275.020 17,600 738,640 104, 900 323,700 106,820 89,740 42,300 18,040 11,400 11,640 58,040 74, 880 817,400 67,840 82,400 88,880 8,840 3,900 9,880 44,160 60,2860 1728,460 58,640 89,880 16,600 5,580 8,760 1,080 4,860 8,789 18,420 6,060 8,480 1,460 880 8360 200 640 "1,580 5,940 8,800 8, 880 . 2,380 1,820 980 860 60 140 1,860 800 1,840 J,100 580 80 o80 80 480 860 600 480 360 60 120 40 280 840 140o 140 40 20 140 100 120 40 0so 60 40 100 580 3,860 6,440 18,700 5,600 4,400 1,440 660 540 5,960 20,600 . 80,620 106,800 38,480 37,340 19,020 9,800 7,500 'Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of ether ~e 1 L198 was not reported. 748370 159 .a 3,460 15,700 28, 900 187,180 144,720 210,980 81,860 82,720 4,020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 _e n p l----- 1 Y-- - - - .. ....... ... I.. ... ... TT T -Ir '1f I- - - -r 1 1 r I _ ~_ . . _ _ _ r T- T- ' 7F I T -r "I I in/ Yv. w i V _ I i 1 gW i I 7 /{/ J&~. 'T T -r T- T - - 1 T I " I " I 141_ aM A60 EDUCATION Table 30.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOLE IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OFi OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDIND T SIZE: 1940--Continued (Statiltile based m a S-percent sample) I MMT 083R DI0IM AMA, TA8 OF SCHOOL * With c EmuD, ANMD A $1 $500 $1,000 $1,00 $,000 $8,500 $,000 $6,000 Not o Toal Noe ' to to to to, to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $28,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported HmI~IIIF Total, 8 to 4 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old........ . .. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High achool: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Notreported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to,4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ Hig chool: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................. .. 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ...... ............. 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years... ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... .. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... a9 86n II 2a0 9 Sa201 .901 *a I R . O &o . L - = , - = ,. . _ - - - $8656 9d80 8,920 8,120 2,780 2D - - - - - - - 120 800 17,660 14,560 12,680 1,020 80 - - - - - - 860 8,100 88,640 28,420 28,660 s,780 180 - - - - - - 1,800 6,820 116,000 92,640 72,840 12,720 1,80 20 - - - - 6,740 2, 860 148,680 118, 960 91,860 12,500 1,140 60 20 - - - - 8,880 29,780 182,880 105,800 69,660 25,860 8,720 860 - 80 - - 6,800 27,080 28,760 21,120 14,740 8,780 1,060 - - - - - - 1,540 7,640 540 460 280 120 40 - - - - - - 80 80 2,100 * 1,280 780 140 40 - -- - - - 820 880 396,960 825.540 228.800 58.40 20.760 1.140 200 20 so .o 8$2. 20 71.480 8,620 2,780 2,200 80 60 - - - - - - 140 840 15,660 18,a60 11,820 800 140 - - - - - 20 960 8,420 29,720 25,060 21,040 1;900 100 - - - - - - 8,020 4,660 111,820 92,000 69,760 12,760 2,220 120 9 - - - 7,120 19,880 80,180 66,160 51,140 8,400 1,840 60 40 -- - 4,680 14,020 114,680 94,00 -55,780 '21,840 10,100 560 120 20 20 - 8,5680 20,660 85,880 28,420 14,620 6,400 5,720 200 20 - - - 1,460 7,460 8,320 2,640 1,840 540 500 200 20 - - - - 140 680 2,080 1,220 700 280 80 - - - - - - 820 860 515,580 425.640 a11,480 49.460 000 4.220 J 40 9 40 - .960 1 I49,94, 5,400 4,480 4,040 160 40 - - - - - - 860 980 22,640 19,280 16,940 1,220 20 - - - - - 1,100 8,860 41,640 83,460 29,660 2,280 860 - - - - - - 8,860 9,180 159,760 81,160 105,120 18,120 8,20 20 - - - - - 9,460 8,600 101,260 84,880 67,480 7,980 2,580 180 20 - -- - 6,640 16,880 186,040 112,540 73,680 18,860 11,280 1,720 120 20 - 40 - ,o860 88,500 84, 780 28,140 , 10,700 4,660 10,680 860 80 - - 1,820 6,640 10,760 8,640 2,500 1,460 2,940 1,220 160 20 20 - - 880 8,10o 8,800 2,060 1,860 240 80 20 - - - - - 860 1,860 790,400 '650.520 516.860 42.440 .640 7.200 960 100 - 40 40 4860 1896880 8,580 7,100 6,500 260 40 - - - - - - 820 1,480 37,120 81,420 27,560 1,280 260 - - - - - - 8,380 5,700 69,540 58,000 50,220 2,800 700 40 - - - - - 4,40 11,660 265,220 218,320 182,40 12,940 4,200 400 - - - - 18,040 46,900 165,020 186,780 118,640 8,120 4,020 720 80 20 - - - 10,180 28,860 169,840 18,740 105,880 11,640 8,800 2,140 260 40 - 20 20 10,440o 1,100 54,680 44,760 28,780 4,200 12,460 1,860 180 20 - 0 2,840 9,9210 15,720 12,720 4,580 1,000 4,080 2,100 440 20 - 80 - 480 8,000 4,680 2,680 1,960 220 80 40 - - - - 880 8,000 728,540 594200 489,680 27.94 22080 6,860 1,6 220 20 20 60 486 00 186.840 8,180 6,180 5,420 220 20s l - - - - - 100 8,000 89,540 82,600 28,900 1,180 380 - - - - - - 8,180 6,940 74,440 62,080 54,720 2,420 740 60 - - - - 4,140 1,860 267,280 220,900 188,260 9,680 3,40o 260 180 20 - 40 19,040 46,460 143,500 117,560 99,160 5,880 27140 760 160 20 - - - 8,840 25,940 112,780 90,800 72,60 4,760o ,940 1,760 500 - 100 - 80 20 6,960 88,480 59,800 47,880 82,260 ,0 7,440 1,880 880 - - - - 2,920 11,420 17,800 18,700 6,640 5420,820 ,020 480 60 20 - - 620 4,100 5,620 3,000 2,080 200 60 100 40 20 - - - 500 2,659 1,371,560 1.084 860 920.160 39.860 88.140 .08o 8.80 2 020,o 149 o 91.10 887.2o00 0.580 16,220 14.40 600 00 - - - 1,040 4,s60 101,260 83,060 74,120 8,160 600 20 20 - - - 0 5,120 18,800 171,400 128,000 120,980 4,900 1,200 60 - 20 - - - 10,840 88,400 501,540 463,840 898,880 15,840 5,160 760 800 40 - 40 - 42,820 118,300 29,620 182,120 156,620 6,960 2,740 820 120 40 - - - 14,820 47,500 142,860 110,200 91,020 8,780 8,280 1,820 520 140 20 20 20 9,580 88,660 85,200 64,880 47,460 8,860 6,780 1,700 560 60 20 20 - 4,920 20,820 27,580 19,820 11,720 940 8,180 1,600 740 280 -120 40 - 1,800 '7,760 11,520 6,720 4,880 320 100 100 - - - - - 1,820 4,800 1, 09,800 907.320 785, 2 0 27180 9.980 83180 1,040 440 40 80 - 80.100 202,480 25,180 19,480 17,20 760 40 - - - - - - 1,400 5,700 122,260 98,960 84,860 2,520. 200 60 20 - - 0 - 6,980 88,800 185,180 14, 220 126,780 4,120 740 60 20 - - - - 11,500 41,960 542,660 410,540 856,760 11,420 2,720 500 80 60 40 20 - 88,940 182,120 162,640 122,140 105,760 4,000 1,420 340 80 40 - 20 - 10,480 40,500 88,240 62,880 52,880 2,080 1,200 620 280 60 - - - 5,760 - 5,860 54,740 37,700 29,520 1,540 2,280 820 260 100 - - - 8,180 17,040 17,400 11,480 7,480 460 1,280 740 800 180 - 20 - 1,020 5,980 11,500 5,920 4,460 280 100 40 - - - - - 1,040 5,580 887,160 584,860 513.460 14,8801 3680 960 460 180 60 60 60 51.060 85, 800 288,480 106,700 142,220 875,520 89,860 52,640 27,860 9, 60 9,540 17,500 77,140 101,560 265,360 62,860 84,160 17,180 4,920 4,700 15,900 69,020 90,020 233,680 55,140 28,740 13,820 3,700 3,440 480 1,880 2,420 6,700 1,420 1,060 580 120 220 140 860 1,120 880 460 '40 400 80 40 280 80 200 .860 100 20 20 20 140 60 140 80 20 20 80 40 20 20 20 - 80 40 1,100 6,100 8,660 88,860 5,800 3,560 1,660 460 940 5,980 29,560 40,660 110,160 27,580 18,480 10,680 4,40 4,840 u 1 1tatistic for peron _or isL te r__pt or IoL __ipt of oUr _ i. _ _ not Ipor.d. IIncludes statistics for persona for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other eeame in 18 wa not reported. I s , 329 9 As i . 4, 954 900 114,06 . b001 3139 W I 163.860 J 30.8801 6.9W I 146001 3201 3801 2801 ' 3S9lr.4BO 11,374,90 " 1M. I ... I " A _,- "1a ta) An..... an Qs. e AI A M-%I - MA A I q 479 l80 WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939; Table 31.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics base'd on a 5-percent sample) WITHOUT OTHER INCOME With CO D, SCHOAND OL Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 Not i 'Tatal None to to to to to to to and re- $499 f $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2;999 $4,999 over ported UNITED STATES Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ........ .......... 20 and 21 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 anrd 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ............... .. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .. .... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old ............. No school years completed .. .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported .......... . ...... 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8rears..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .. ....... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........ ..... ... 45 to 54 years old . ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school:, 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 1noludes statistics for p 200 840 24u.84011 192.180 85.940 86.840- .9.7801 560 s560so 1._.o201 2.0401 1.5801 7601 61.2801 1.125.780 100 60 62btox 01yl ,6 LO ir11%v0/OV l 0 V7i vl0 40) 82 53, 66 0 , , 6,940 5,160 2,420 2,480 80 - - - - - 180 1,780 62,16 47,940 17,880 26,120 1,380 40 - - - - 20 2,500 14,220 51,780 41,069 16,200 21,140 1,960 60 - - 20 - - 1,680 10,720 48,920 837,680 16,020 17, 00 2,400 140 20 - 20 -20 - 1,760 11,240 58,52 43,200 24,060 14,340 2,620 200 60 - 20 - - 1,900 10,320 15,620 12,660 6,520 4,300 1,200 100 - 20 - - 20 500 2,960 3,960 3,220 2,400 560 80 20 - - - - 160 740 100 100 60 20 - - 20 - - - - - - 2,840 1,160 380 580 60 - - - - - - 140 1,680 223 880 169,560 45,120 93,940 22.420 2.220 180 40 20 - 20 5,600 53,820 8,580 6,800 1,760 3,920 400 20 - - -- - 200 2,280 60,100 43,560 10,640 27,620 8,200 160 20 o20 - - - 1,900 16,540 45,800 34,040 8,240 20,960 3,720 120 20 - 20 - - 960 11,260 43,760 33,260 7,900 .18,140 5,620 580 40 - - - - 980 10,500 8,100 30,680 9,160 14,600 5,180 900 100 - - - - 740 7,420 17,840 15,000 4,160 6,480 3,640 400 - - - - 20 300 2,840 6,000 4,729 2,780 1,180 440 40 - 20 - - - 260 1,280 580 500 800 160 0 - - - - - 20 80 38,i20 1,500 180 880 200oo - - - - - - 240 1,620 323,380 239,780 36,840 14,180 55,060 '6,780 1,000 200 40 20 40 5,620 3,600 15,220 10,260 2,000 6,900 1,000 100 20 - - - - 240 4,960 91,800 64,880 10,260 48,220 9,100 360 80 - - - 20 1,840 26,420 65,560 48,520 6,880 30,180 9,860 480 140 *0 - - 940 17,040 65,140 49,260 7,020 25,920 13,160 1,520 X00 20 - 20 20 1,80 15,880 46,580 36,780 4,740 17,000 12,080 2,080 200 60 20 - - 600 9,800 24,640 19,840 2,900 7,980 6,960 1,480 220 '40 .20 - - 240 4,800 8,420 6,560 2,300 1,440 1,920 .-20 120 40 - - - 220 1,860 2,220 1,840 500 540 560 180 20 / - - - - 40 380 4,300 1,'840 240 1,000 420 60 - - - - - - 120 2,460 523,060 882,660 37,860 188,160 120,800 23,920 3,280 740 180 100 120 7,500 140,400 26,520 17,760 3,180 11,240 2,680 260 20 - 20 - - 360 8,760 150,820 103, 80 12,200 64,000 21,920 2,060 120 40 20 40 20 2,960 47,440 115,140 82,420 7,960 44,600 24,760 3,40 260 120 20 - 20 1,340 32,720 108,520 84,200 7,260 36,380 32,040 5,960 940 120 20 40 20 1,420 24,320 63,580 50,480 3,820 f 19,040 20,840 5,560 540 80 - - 20 580 13,100 82,080 26,580 1,780 7,560 12,480 3,680 620 160 20 - 40 240 5,500 10,860 8,560 940 2,460 3,040 1,560 280 20 40 - - 220 2,300 7,500 5,880 420 1,040 2,120 1,400 500 200 40 20 - 140 1,620 8,040 3,400 300 1,840 920 100 - - - - - 240 4,640 . 466a020 333,900 25,960 144.620 118,580 30.500 6,560 1,640 160 180 40 5,660 132.120 26,460 17,440 2,300 10,700 3,780 860 20 20 - - - 260 9,020 142,140 95,540 8,460 54,540 26,900 3,160 500 40 20 20 - 1,900 46,600 104,820 76,140 .5,800 4,140 28,740 5,360 740 60 20 - - 1,280 28,680 99,260 75,540 5,060 26,400 80,880 9,820 1,900 180 - 20 40 1,240 23,720 48,260 16,880 2,600 11,880 15,260 5,660 - 1,220 40 60 40 - 420 11,380 20,160 16,000 860 3,900 6,640 3,200 720 500 - 20 - 160 4,160' 8,840 6,680 320 1,500 .2,860 1,140 500 8320 20 - - 20 2,160 7,020 5,520 160 620 2,020 1,400 840 280 40 80 - 80 1,500 9,060 4,160 400 1,440 1,500 400 120 - - - - 800 4,900 8583,060 588,020 47,880 231,540 "204,500 .72,240 13,840 5,100 800 600 240 11,280 265,040 68,160 44,200 5,380 24,380 10,660 2,840 260 60 20 - - 1,100 23,960 293,480 193,800 18,360 95,780 50,620 13,340 1,600 240 40 80 40 4,700 99,680 191,000 133,560 10,500 " 53,480 48,840 15,340 2,440 420 100 60 40 2,340 57,440 175,380 129,260 7,960 37,460 52,820 _ 23,340 4,440 940 240 120 60 1,880 46,120 58,060 42,840 3,000 11,060 16,920 8,360 1,960 940 80 40 - 480 15,220 26,980 19,920 1,140 3,840 7,640 5,020 1,120 780 120 20 20 220 7,060 13,380 9,540 580 1,900 3,260 1,960 780 800 40 80 40 100 3,840 10,800 7,300 420 680 2,200 1,720 1,000 840 160 200 40 40 3,500 15,820 7,600 540 2,960 2,540 82Q 240 80 - - - 420 8,220 592,780 361,120 43,240 145,900 1038,860 43,260 10,260 4,400 420 420 160 9,200 231,660 71,460 42,940 6,800 23,520 8,900 2,280 320 20 20 40 20 1,020 28,520 229,140 133,800 18,440 65,360 33,380 9,980 1,840 200 40 - 40 4,020 95,840 117,140 78,680 8,360 26,840 24,760 9,680 1,860 380 40 - 20 1,740 43,460 102,760 68,720 6,040 19,600 23,780 13,760 3,160 880 40 60 20 1,380 34,040 29,000 18,280 1,640 5,240 5,820 8,220 1,240 760 40 60 - 260 10,720 16,240 .10,480 700 1,820 3,720 2,140 880 880 40 100 40 160 5,760 7,460 4,520 380 1,000 1,080 860 420 520 100 40 - 120 2,940 7,980 4,400 360 380 1,160 1,020 440 680 100 100 20 140 3,580 11,600 4,800 520 2,140 1,260 -320 100 80 - 20 - 360 6,800 400,120 234,640 .87,260 98,880 62,620 21,3860 4,401' 1,880 360 240 100 7,600 ' 165,480 65,120 a6,680 7,920 18,920 6,780 1,520 260 158,960 90,580 15,020 44,880 21,100 5,220 660 873,160 44,520 6,680 "16,640 14,020 4,960 740 . 59,860 38,380 4,520 11,760 13,100 6,020 1,480 15,100 .9,420 1,320 2,820 3,200 1,480 260 8,320 5,120 600 1,200 1,780 600 380 ,O 5,020 3,140 260 600 1,040 540 180 S 5,460 2,640 260 300 740 680 240 9,120 4,160 680 1,760 860 340 40 ersons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other incoae in 1989 as not reported. 20 200 140 520 120 440 240 180 20 40 80 60 100 80 40 20 40 40 20 60 20 60 20 20 1,220 3,440 1,260 820 180 80 120 20 460 28,440 68,380 28,640 21,480 5,680 8,200 1,880 2,820 4,960 161 860 100 Q69 k620 S 4 moll 01a 86 s 1 ii6 060 20 40 8,820 58,660 I 162 EDUCATION Table 31.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETEJP AND AGEI, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RUSAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-peroent sample) WITHOUT OTHER INCOME AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL With COMPTED, AD AGETotal $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 Not other Total None to to to to to to to and re- income $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 1,889,060 1,501,440 155,700 549,980 548,420 176,100 836,000 13,120 1,920 1,300 580 18,320- 387,620 18 and 19 years old............... 100,260 83,640 35 ,840 38,240 6,540 . 460 80 20 40 20 20 2,380 16,620 No school years completed ........ . 1,140 900 480 360 40 - - - - - 20 240 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .........1. 0,220 8,520 1,920 5,820 580 40 - - - - - 160 1,700 5 and 6 years ...... 14,820 13,120 3,400 8,320 1,080 60 - - - - - 260 1,700 7 and 8 years 22,040 18,200 6,460 9,520 1,680 100 20 - 20 20 - 380 8,840 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 35,740 29,560 16,020 10,100 2,040 140 40 - 20 - - 1,200 6,180 4 years ............. 12,300 10,340 5,440 3,440 1,040 100 - 20 - - 20 280 1,960 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,920 2,460 1,900 420 40 20 - - - - - 80 460 4 years or more ...... 80 80 60 - - - 20 o Not reported ... ................. 1,000 460 160 260 40 - - - - - - - 540 20 and 21 years old. .............. 93,640 78,840 17,760 41,040 16,960 1,640 160 40 20 - 20 1,200 14,800 No school years completed .......... 1, 440 1,140 280 540 280 20 - - - - - 20 00oo Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 11,460 9,760 1,680 6,100 1,740 60 20 20 - - - 140 1,700 5 and 6 years........ 14,660 12,860 1,920 8,180 2,500 100 - - 20 - - 40 1,800 7 and 8 years........ 21,440 17,780 4,080 9,740 4,360 360 40 - - - - 200 3,660 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 24,840 20,800 5,040 10,100 4, 460 740 100 - - - 360 4,040 4 years ............. 13,160 11,620 3,100 4,940 8,040 320 - - - - 20 200 1,540 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,960 4,000 2,320 1,000 400 40 - 20 - - - 220 960 4 years or more...... 440 380 280 80 20 - - - - - - - 60 Not reported ..................... 1, 0 500 60 260 160 - - - - - - 20 740 22 to 24 years old............... 145,8401 122,420 14,200 58,500 41,660 5,580 860 140 40 20 - 1,420 23,420 No school years completed ......... 2,960 2,380 500 1,240 540 60 20 - - - - 20 580 Gradeschool: 1 to 4 years ......... 21,880 19,040 1,620 11,900 5,060 220 80 - - - - 160 2,840 5 and 6 years ........ 24,640 21,180 1,960 11,840 6,720 440 100 - - - - 120 3,460 7 and 8 years........ 34,620 28,900 2,960 13,520 10,500 1,200 180 20 - 20 - 500 5,720 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 32,740 27,420 2,980 12,080 10,100 1,760 160 40 20 - - 280 5,320 4 years ............. 18,900 15,780 1, 940 6,000 6,200 1,240 200 40 20 - - 140 3,120 College: I to 3 years ......... 6,680 5,380 1,740 1,100 1,820 480 100 4 - - - 100 1,300 4 years or more ...... 1,700 1,480 460 440 380 140 20 - - - - 40 220 Not reported ..................... 1,720 860 40 380 840 40 - - - - - 60 860 25 to 29 years old ............... 270,060 225,720 15,420 89,820 93,560 20,800 2,920 660 180 40 100 2,220_ 4840 No school years completed ...... . 7,020 5,760 780 3,140 1,580 140 -o - - 1000 1,260 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 45,860 39,260 2,880 20,640 13,480 1,660 80 20 20 - 20 460 6,600 5 and 6 years........ 54,040 45,660 2,680 21,540 17,920 2,880 240 100 20 - - 280 8,380 7 and 8 years........ 69,060 58,080 . 3,800 21,240 26,460 5,089 820 100 20 20 20 520 10,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 48,600 40,660 2,820 138,80 18,200 4,900 480 80 - - 20 320 7,940 4 years ............. 26,680 22,500 1,260 5,980 10,940 3,360 680 160 20 - 40 160 4,180 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 8,940 7,140 720 1,860 2,600 1,460 280 20 40 - - 160 1,800 4 years or more...... 6,060 4,680 860 700 1,580 1,240 440 180 40 20 - 120 1,380 Not reported ................... ... 3,800 1,980 120 880 800 80 - - - - - 100 1,820 3n M - 34 v nlar o 259.320 215.160 12.060 ?8._40 93.680 7.08 50 840 1. 60 160 140 o 0 0 0 4 a r1n yv ..Y CU . ... .......... .. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school:, 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years .... ..... 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old ............... 8,200 6,600 640 8,140 2,460 260 20 20 - - - 60 1,600 53,840 45,640 2,660 21,120 18,500 - 2,540 400 20 20 20 - 360 8,200 56,460 48,140 2,400 18,140 22,020 4,440 680 40" 20 - - 400 8,320 68,560 57,440 8,160 16,500 26,360 8,920 1,720 180 - 20 20 560 11,120 37,420 80,380 1,920 8,340 13,240 5,200 1,060 240 60 40 - 280 7,040 17,680 14,380 760 3,140 6,100 3,140 640 480 - - - 120 8,300 7,240 5,640 260 1,080 2,460 1,040 460 300 20 - - 20 1,600 5,520 4,340 140 400 1,400 1,180 760 280 40 60 - 80 1,180 4,400 2,600 120 680 1,140 360 100 - - - - 200 1,800 498,680 896,780 22,820 124,140 1638,60 63,680 12,700 4,780 760 500 180 3,860 1010900 No school years completed .......... 25,060 20,340 1,660 9,440 7,040 1,780 240 60 20 , - - 100 4,720 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 128,300 104,740 5,820 41,900 43,460 10,780 1,420 200 40 60 20 1,040 23,560 5 and 6 years ........ 115,060 93,660 5,400 32,380 39,060 13,340 2,180 300 100 60 - 840 21,400 7 and 8 years ......... 132,280 104,780 5,780 25,960 45,380 21,180 4,180 880 220 100 60 1,040 27,500 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 45,960 85,920 2,160 7,840 14,980 7,760 1,880 920 80 40 - 260 10,040 4 years ............. 23;540 17,860 880 3,200 6,820 4,780 1,040 780 120 20 20 200 5,680 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,220 8,420 440 1,460 2,940 1,820 740 780 40 80 40 80 2,800 4 years or more ...... 9,100 6,080 360 580 1,660 1,520 820 780 140 140 40 40 3,020 Not reported ................... .. 8,160 4,980 320 1,880 2,020 720 200 80 - - - 260 3,180 45 to 54 years old ............... 3 809,540 227,660 19,820 71,780 80,660 37,900 9,540 4,180 360 360 140 2,920 81,880 No school years completed ......... 25,300 19,460 2,240 9,000 6,040 1,760 240 20 20 40 - 100 5,840 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 92,720 69,780 6,840 27,860 24,160 8,120 1,680 180 20 - 40 880 22,940 5 and 6 years........ 65,040 49,200 4,040 14,700 19,840 8,480 1,700 8320 40 - 20 560 15,840 7 and 8 years ....... 8,780 54,760 4,120 1,120 20,140 12,700 2,920 880 40 60 20 760 19,020 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 21,100 14,880 1,160 3,760 4,920 2,860 1,240 720 40 20 - 160 6,220 4 years ............. 13,500 9,140 600 1,400 3,200 1,960 860 840 40 100 40 100 4,360 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,060 38,860 320 660 940 820 420 500 80 40 - 80 2,200 4 years or more...... 6,860 8,800 8320 320 900 940 380 640 80 80 20 120 3,060 Not reported .................. .. 5,180 2, 780 180 960 1,020 260 100 80 - 20 - 160 2,400 55 to 64 years old ............... -211,720 151,220 17,780 583920 52.000 18,960 8,900 1.740 360 220 100 2,240 60.500 No school years completed ......... 24,020 17,360 2,740 8,160 4,820 1,260 180 - - 40 - 160 6,660 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 70,840 51,920 6,500 22,540 16,860 4,420 600 140 40 20 - 800 18,920 5 and 6 years ........ 42,840 31,780 3,500 10,440 12,100 4,420 640 140 80 - - 460 11,060 7 and 8 years........ 44,020 31,120 3,140 8, 00 11,680 5,660 1,360 480 60 20 60 360 12,900 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 10,740 7,520 780 2,140 2,800 1,20 240 10oo - 40 - 100 3,220 4 years ............ 6,840 4,460 480 900 1,620 540 360 440 - 20 20 80 2,880 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 3,960 2,700 180 500 820 500 180 240 100 60 - 120 1,260 4 years or more ...... 4,560 2, 20 220 180 660 560 00 180 80 20 - 2,40 Not reported..................... ,900 2,140 240 760 640 280 40 20 - - - 160 1,760 'Inoludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME' IN 1939 163 Table 31.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) I II "AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE RURAL-NNIFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ........ SGrade school: 1 to 4 years .... .... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years.. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ..................... 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... . 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 35 to 44 years old ............... No schol years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ........ ,Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more, ..... Not reported ......... ............ 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... Total tot.1 None WITHOUT OTHER INCOME $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,000 $5,000 Not to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported With other income i f-- I T t 1 t - 611,20011 462,540 88,8401 268,2401 121.800 22.400 40.50011 0.96011 9g.001 18.2 e0 ..180 100 1,480 10,140 8,680 8,760 8,280 1,740 620 800 39.040 1,320 10,820 8,340 7,720 6,520 2,740 640 100 840 58.600 8,260 17,600, 12,340 12,380 7,260 3,.440 880 340 1,100 95.000 980 7,820 6,900 6,800 6,840 1,880 460 280 29.820 960 8,420 6,800 5,800 5,020 2,020 440 80 280 45.400 , ,00 2,140 14,560 10,180 9,440 5,320 2,660 -560 240 300 VA.nO 400 1,260 1,640 2,120 3,080 480 280 40 4.00 180 740 600 880 1,180 360 300 20 40 3.480 240 850 640 800 420 320 180 .. 40 566 5,820 4,640 3,900 2,400 640 120 180 20.420 700 6,500 5,400 3,640 2,820 1,040 100 40 180 30.400 1, 640 10,280 7,420 6,200 2,860 1,500 200 100 200 45. 0n 20 540 520 500 460 100 20 20 3.860 40 1,020 640 920 700 480 40 20 9.780 260 3,060 1,980 1,980 1,600 580 100 120 80 2. nn 6,360 31,780 21,980 18,360 8,580 3,620 1,180 1,020 2,120 81,680 6,160 28,760 19,740 14,580 6,380 1,700 960 920 2,480 18R. 8.0 I1 1, ~ ,u , ,Y iIJLa, ,0 300 Zv 80 40 0 ,1 500 2 80 8 1 R rnn ln3,640 15,000 56,080 29,760 22,160 6,880 2,400 1,280 1,860 3,800 99 660 v ,Lv0 1,180 16,84 ,u000 4604807160 lA 6(,A It AA 13,560o 14,560 41,920 20,000 18,900 3,520 1,440 .740 680 2,900 88.000 " " ,II,8 I ,0 11,940 24,800 9,520 6,380 1,640 700 560 640 1,820 40 640 8.220 640 1201 200 I 001 6.980 1 48.a 0 500 2,320 1,780 1,960 1,940 360 160 520 9.220 360 2,400 1,540 1,920 1,500 720 200 20 560 1,120 3,040 2,160 2,940 1,940 780 320 100 800 201 20 ,,J f [7M a ,T 60 20 220 160 80 120 20 300 820 220 40 20 20 so f 20 20 20 40 20 20 awn 20 20 200 80 240 320 160 40 40 680 40 100 120 140 160 60 20 40 AAA 200 100 140 60 20 20 III t- ':::f :ln .': r:4 v4 .I 4 1 'V z 40 20 9001 20,540 own80 a,8 800 80n 'Y- 4,2O0 25,680 17,900 .14,840 6,500 2,920 860 900 600 63.180 , .. . . . .40 18,500 1 A QlA fl 1 n n _ n 4, 600 23,320 15,840 11,400 4,540 1,280 ' 680 760 760 106. 140 11,360 U 45,000 23,160 16,720 4,940 1,780 840 1,000 1,340 72.140 11,000 31,860 14,720 9,400 2,260 980 440 440 1,040 40.440 340 1,140 660 780 240 80 60 20 20 2.460 880 560 520 140 40 40 /F; ,�9 760 2,360 1,080 540 380 180 40 40 40 8.880O 1,160 2,300 1,000 760 160 60 20 20 80 4. 80 17,260 11,000 8,200 3,380 1,140 300 260 480 35. 80 5,140 14,940 8,560 5,700 1,900 600 260 120 340 55 ;2 n 6,840 25,920 11,440 7,280 2,200 540 300 40 700 9.900 6,640 19,380 7,560 4,240 900 260 200 40 680 9 nn400 800 6,580 5,600 4,580 2,140 1, 80 400 460 80 30.840 1,060 6,740 5,680 8,980 1,900 480 280 420 800 , O~n 3,160 13,720 8,140 6,260 1,660 760 280 460 460 19 620Rn 2,500 7,780 4,580 3,020 800 420 120 200 200 on.6 80 340 420 880 600 260 100 60 20 R3060 80O 520 900 820 420 60 80 160 20 onn 500 2,320 1,820 2,020 540 220 140 160 80 o nn 460 1,640 1, 140 960 360 180 40 80 40 2.180 20O 40 120 60 20 60 6,40 100 40 180 140 60 40 60 20 20 140 260 240 80 80 40 160 40 640 80 160 140 240 20 tno 20 20 40 100 60 20 20 60 20 40 40 20 40 an 20 on 20 20 60 40 20 on 20 0 20 -A 40 00 200 260 80 40 20 40 140 100 180 40 40 80 500 280 280 60 20 20 160 560 260 180 20 201 40 van 2,100 6,100 4,080 3,520 2,080 700 320 120 1,520 1,560 5,440 8,900 3,180 1,840 420 280 160 1,720 8,640 11,080 6,600 5,440 1,940 620 440 360 2,460 3,560 10,060 5,280 4,500 1,260 460 300 240 1,860 In .M ru xv - v ! 0 - 42V1 01 - I 2 - 1 70 1,56 8, 480 17,840 6,720 4,380 1,200 S 380 340 340 760 1,380 1,940 780 520 200 40 40 20 60 5,000 11,280 3,720 2,080 520 140 100 60 400 1,660 220 3,360 '720 1,480 520 1,260 300 .260 160 120 60 180 20 220 60 80 120 8 0 80 60 80 100 20 20 40 lIncludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 20 120 360 140 - 80 20 S 20 20 8,460 6,960 2,800 2,000 440 320 220 300 1,060 -l 41 -1 -- -r - 1 _ _ - _- I -s ! " r""" --- ' w. v I v' v ' LOAO 9 I . ,v ,. u vv .vv + ~ , v W V - i I . 4v1 �1 4 I ' I . CV 54 T T "T1 7t i S-I wv ' ~ - b/qV i I I I t - - , T T "T I I I I I . , 1, V - 2�1 540.E 15,200-- -r 1 I I 1 T i I- ,~ I _. - EDUCATION Table 31.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL, COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statiatis based on a 5-peraent ample) WIWOUT 02ER INCOM rm, ia T sCoL -otal otar IoaWD, N AMs ,t60o $1,000o $1,60oo ,000oo ,00oo sa,ooo s,ooo ,000 ot other Total None to to to to to to to end re- $499 *999 1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported RURAL-PAEM Total, 18 to 64 ears old .... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . .... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ........... ..... 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years. ... . 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ... .... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................ . 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and I years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old... ...... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school:' 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ..... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported. ............... 1,127,38011 _637,8801 105,080 77,580 165.5601 805,8401 8,.400 2,840 s3401 2601 -I 801 801 8.980 40,800 8 0,860 1,060 - 20 5,860 27,500 ... 4,320 3,280 1,540 1,560 20 - - - - - - 160 1,040 ... 41,800 31,600 14,700 14,480 260 - - - - - 20 2,140 10,800 ... 28,280 21,040 11,160 8,180 860 - - - - - - 1,840 7,860 ... 18,120 12,680 7,440 3,880 220 - - - - - - 1,140 5,440 . 9,500 7,300 4,960 1,840 10 - - - - - - 880 2,2800 1,580 940 600 220 60 - - - - - - 60 640 420 800 220 20 20 - - - - - - 40 180 0 20 - 20 - - - - - - - 1,040 420 180 140 - - - - - - - 100 620 90,700 60,900 88 23.060 82.480 1.00 4 - - - - - .720 29,800 ... 5,820 4,200 1,800 2,680 80 - - - - - - 140 1,680 .... 87,820 25,380 8,220 15,020 440 40 - - - - - 1,660 12,440 . 22.. 2,00 14,380 5,720 7,280 580 - - - - - - 800 7,920 ... 14,600 9,680 8,940 4,760 840 - - - - - - 640 4,920 6,740 4,860 2,9400 1,680 20 - - - - - - 220 1,880 ... 1,940 1,360 700 500 120 - - - - - 40 680 ... 400 280 160 80 - - - - - - - 40 180 ... 40 40 - 40 - - - - - - - - ... 1,040 720 8 80 440 20 - - - - - - 180 80 .... . 118,940 71,960 19.160 4, .880 3.640 140 - 0 40 - - 20 8.660 46.980 ... 9,000 5,740 1,260 4,020 200 40 - - - - - 820 8,260 .... 51,820 31,280 7,760 21,040 980 20 - - - - - 1,480 20,540 .... 28,580 17,160 4,280 10,920 1,160 20 20 40 - - - 720 11,420 .... 18,140 10,920 8,260 6,200 680 20 - - - - 20 740 7,280 6,580 4,040 1, 40 2,060 880 - - - - - - 260 2,540 ... 2,300 1,400 640 480 180 20 - - - - - 80 900 ... 860 620 380 140 - - - - - - - 100 860 ... 180 120 40 - 60 20 - - - - - - 60 ... 1,480 680 200 420 - - - - - - - 60 800 .... 158,000 82,480 19,100 53.3800 5.220 360 40 40 - 40 - 40 80 75520 ... 18,140 7,740 2,060 5,080 300 40 - - - - - 260 5,400 .... 73,180 38,440 8,180 26,100 1,860 60 - 20 - 20 - 2,200 84,740 ... 39,120 18,860 4,620 12,060 1,240 40 20 20 - - - 860 20, 60 ... 21,100 11,280 2,680 6,940 1,000 - - - 20 - 640 9,880 ... 6,400 8, 20 . 760 1,820 500 60 - - - - - 180 8,080 ... 1,780 1,160 440 440 160 60 20 - - - - 40 620 ... 740 560 160 800 40 - - - - - - 0 180 ... 420 300 40 80 80 100 - - - - - 120 ... 2,120 820 160 480 40 - - - - - - 140 1,800 ... 125,020 55,560 11,440 36,5~) 4,060 60 80 40 - 0 - 8,040 69,460 12,100 59,540 28,620 16,120 4,460 780 640 580 2,180 21. 660 28,100 109,100 46,180 20,940 5,220 1,040 880 340 3,860 183.580 31,600 94,500 32,100 15,080 4,380 1,300 660 440 3,520 130.400 29,160 68,820 20,800 9,460 2,720 780 500 260 3,400 6,2480 26,580 12,160 6,700 1,960 340 360 420 800 8s.100 12,500 44,060 16,740 7,760 1,980 280 280 220 1,280 61.320 1,380 4,920 2,840 1,380 540 60 60 20 840 1aSo 2,960 10,180 4,020 1,640 460 80 100 -20 180 17 60_ 4,420 18,480 7,440 4,200 1,140 160 160 100 420 anlan 8,100 27,960 9,660 4,220 1,020 100 140 60 880 S34.220 260 1,660 1,040 540 120 60 120 200 60 S6.24A 460 2,440 1,640 1,180 280 60 40 80 60 Sa 0 20 100 20 80 S40 20 60 20 60 60 340 180 140 60 20 40 20 460 20 20 - -. 160 1,400 780 500 100 40 60 6.180 920 8,160 1,220 560 160 20 140 5,860 82,960 16,460 9,420 2,500 440 280 160 1,880 180.56n 18,600 65,040 29,440 18,180 8,840 760 600 120 8,580 ..vv .....+L 4- s . 4 w + 4W% -v + -w o v - - 12,480 31,660 9,760 4,560 1,140 360 220 160 980 42.980 10,840 20,820 6,020 2,880 700 280 100 80 1,260 8,400 9,300 38,20 1,160 8320 40 40 20 260 14.5i0 3,800 6,580 2,400 860 340 80 40 20 380 7,880 18,120 4,580 2,240 580 160 140 20 500 ni nan C 5,760 10,960 2,480 1,380 160 160 60 600 360 1,440 840 620 100 100 20 60 40 300 880 440 160 140 40 .40 60 220 60 100 20 2o20 40 80 20 60 20 20 760 8,580 920 440 100 40 80 20 160 a nn 940 2,280 660 280 60 280 19,120 68,840 88,840 10,520 2,240 940 440 280 8,540 no .an 18,820 42, 500 14,780 6,580 8,080 500 400 180 8,140 164 Ilnoludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other inoose in 1939 was not reported. m -F--, v --- ii -;- - , --- am --- - - - a - - - -- i -,x-- R --- a --- i a -- i -- i -I --- i --- --- I .0t re ----I -ww-- - -- 11 460 W VW 60 v - I - w w w w v I itR r avv s &P + 11 i/W QL V v 4 V 4W 'iV ... 889500 I WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 32.-WAGE OR SALARY INCONE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOIE IN. 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) WIT fUT OTHER INCOME AREA, YEAS OF SCHOOL Total the COMPIa ED, AND A(T $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,000ooo $5,000 Not n Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported UNITED STAMI Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ..... ......... .. 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old.... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: i to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3.years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ...... .,.......... . 45 to 54 years old........ ... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High schol: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 1Inoludes statistics for I aMnnI n I oAMl ,Mn n , I 1 n s, ___, ogu II s, u Px, L!U 11, 7 U1, b LdP U' v 1. �1!!D, L D, I X, aL 4 I UW 'r l , 'l, - OJ , ,O 272.140 228.440 149. 600 600360 2. 00 100 4,680 88,060 51,220 61,700 76,260 29,400 8,160 200 2,460 o60 160 3,780 30,940 41,940 51,240 62,660 24,500 6,700 140 1,540 17. 880 2,880 20,260 27,640 32,560 44,900 15,560 5,400 80 820 1,200 8,780 11,760 15,580 14,160 7,420 1,000 20 440 ll RMn 20 140 220 540 780 460 20 20 s o I 1 201 -1 I -I 201 111140 41700 20 20 20 40 0 20 18 90 180 1,740 2,300 2,540 2,820 980 280 20 280 s900 7,120 9,280 10,460 18,600 4,900 1,460 60 42_980 '930 L,~l n .... 5,680 4,680 3,200 1,300 20 - - - - - - 160 1,000 43,040 25,520 21,280 11,960 220 20 - - - - - 2,040 7,520 .... 51,060 48, 240 26,040 14,240 560 40 - - - - - 2,360 7,820 ... 58,060 48,540 27,960 17,280 1,220 60 20 - 20 - - 1,980 9,520 ... 54,980 46;480 27,160 15,820 1,620 100 20 - 20 - - 40 1,700 8,500 . 83,140 27,860 14,820 10,680 1,400 120 - - - - - 840 5,280 .... 10,220 8,280 5,180 2,340 360 20 20 20 - - - 340 1,940 1,760 1,540 480 620 8440 40 - - - - - 60 220 ... 2,220 1,240 620 340 60 - 20 - -- - 200 980 . 79,420 812,740 166.080 114.760 17.460 940 240 100 - 40 - 18120 66.680 ... 9,000 7,260 4,460 2,220 160 - 20 - - - 400 1,740 ... 67,200 55,340 32,980 18,660 600 20 - - - - - 3,080 11,860 S.. 78,720 64,620 36,700 23,040 1,500 20 - - - - - 8,860 14,100 . .. 89,500 74,300 41,020 27,100 8,360 100 20 20 - 20 - 2,660 15,200 . 78 2,000 59,460 29,960 22,460 4,840 100 - - - - - 2,100 12,540 . .. 40,400 338,640 14,720 18,720 8,900 200 40 40 - 20 - 1,000 6,760 . .. 12,860 10,820 4,260 4,760 1,320 180 80 - - - - 220 2,040 5,940 5,240 1,220 1,800 1,680 320 80 40 - - - 100 700 . . 8,800 2,060 760 1,000 100 - - - - - - 200 1,740 ,,.. 609,220 497,480 257,120 179.3880 37,480 83.280 840 140 40 40 - 19.160 111,740 16,380 115,860 185,780 "154,780 100,860 50,220 19,300 10,060 6,480 o R060 18,860 118,460 121,940 181,900 70,820 84,100 14,600 9,820 6,060 931.760 52,020 253,860 233,560 216,080 90,400 42,680 19,560 11,280 12,320 604.080 58,820 205,340 186,960 115,660 39,800 20,160 10;660 6,360 10,320 326.980 18,020 98,800 111,880 125,680 88,220 41,640 16,020 8,660 3,560 14 700nn 14,040 91,660 97,520 104,740 55,960 27,100 12,260 7,980 8,440 718.520 39,580 193,880 181,480 165,500 68,660 82,840 15,840 9,580 6,660 440.340 48,040 151,060 100,200 84,400 28,960 14,880 8,080 4,560 5,160 222.400 7,680 58,840 61,660 64,160 41,700 18,920 5,440 2,000 1,720 n1 . n 7,820 51,760 58,000 58,180 27,560 12,300 4,200 1,920 1,520 380.280 23,880 110,020 97,920 85,720 35,580 16,320 5,720 2,400 2,720 260.200 26,400 92,600 60,640 48,020 16,880 8,240 3,440 1,580 2,400 148.340 4,360 3388,820 40,580 46,080 S0,720 15,020 6,020 1,900 1,880 5,260 32, 00 834,940 86,520 19,820 7,940 4,260 1,400 1,260 238.360 13,060 67,580 68,020 54,200 22,220 8,840 5,000 1,820 2,620 12'.400 13,480 45,540 28,740 23,420 7,660 8,700 2,220 680 1,960 50.580 180 2,160 4,260 9,880 8,100 6,160 3,380 3,180 180 a ann 440 8,240 5,300 10,760 6,340 5,160 2,620 2,540 220 57.460 820 7,180 12,080 18,420 7,520 5,440 2,900 2,660 440 27.920 940 4,940 5,760 8,860 2,660 1,960 1,400 1,140 260 10.140 40 80 180 420 440 500 640 980 3 .00 120 200 620 440 560 520 1,120 20 5.780 40 �60 580 1,240 820 960 840 880 60 3.060 100 220 360 720 400 300 500 440 20 1.080 40 80 80 120 100 420 1 200 40 20 60 20 240 340 480 1.840 40 40 100 80 240 260 240 820 20 820 20 420 60 120 160 140 280 220 .... 49,480 34,240 24,360 7,660 500 60 - .. 122,780 84,460 56,720 20,280 2,420 160 - ... 65,840 45,540 80,760 10,020 2,120 220 20 S 51,100 34,200 22,120 7,620 2,640 200 40 .. 15,7001 10,500 7,000 2,000 860 80 20 S... 8,820 6,000 8,660 1,360 680 100 40 .... 4,360 2,960 1,3 40 760 560 80 io ... 2,260 1,520 640 240 280 -.180 80 6,640 2,980 1,740 640 80 - - persons for whom the receipt or nonreoeipt of other income in 1989 was not reported. 20 100 nlO 20 20 20 140 240 1.120 20 60 20 40. 60 40 220 660 500 20 20 60 120 260 20 200 40 1 n 20 20 20 20 80 200 20 20 20 20 20 100 140 20 40 40 20 20 no 20 20 20 20 240 40 40 20 20 20 100 80 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 100 20 40 20 20 60 20 20 20 40 - - - - 20 - - 60 - - - 40 - - - 60 20 - - 760 4,380 5,140 5,060 2,180 860 440 60 280 I _n Ci 520 4,180 4,000 3,560 1,740 860 160 160 420 28.140 1,720 8,580 7,680 5,720 2,200 940 380 120 800 20.160 2,120 7,740 4,620 3,260 1,200. 420 220 80 500 11.800 1,660 4,840' 2,380 1,520 540 160 160 20 520 3,a60 21,560 23,900 29,100 17,640 8,580 ,eo80 1,400 2,920 innn a 4,880 21,800 84,480 27,160 14,860 7,000 2,840 1,840 2,630 2.18,a40 12,440 59,980 52,080 50,580 21,740 9,840 4,220 1,700 5,660 163.740 15,780 54,280 36,760 81,260 10,840 5,380 2,580 1,800 5,160 104.580 15,460 20,300 16,900 5,200 2,820 1,400 740 3,660 165 V GV VVV11 1 , IVV II A47f QWP'l I I III I 7 GVI I IV ' I I m ' ' I VV' - - L V - i-I 1W T T T T -r I I I ri II 1 I r I ~ --I-'- II --- ~--- 1. ------ ---- I ---I-----I -- ----I I I I - - _ I T T T Z- T- -r- I II r 1 I- I -- -II --~ --~II I --~I- -~ I T T -T T T- T- T T T - i v'rv vw w1~ --wr sv v I, ssv v's1v vv vw v az I v_ + --- rw - w-vv .. ' T . = n ... ^"" '"s n I 1 I a sun. . .Pan 40l EDUCATION Table 32.---AGE OR SALARY IINCO AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMAES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continued (Statisties base on a 5-pereent sample) WI'JEUT OTHIR IM -A, 1aM o0r theo m, m AM $1 $o $1,ooo $tl,s500 ,oo ,000 ts,o 25 s,ooo ,oo 000 o,000 hot Ntal Wone to to to to to to to sa re- *499 $999 *1,99 *1,999 t,499 $,999 $,999 ove porte '1at , 18 to 64 year o ld...... .. D14,520 1,711, 960 ~B880 600,0 1, 0 16,260 4,60 1 ,480 80 480 160 45,620 502,60 18 ad 19 yew old............... 1o,8 105,440 64,080 8960 1 0 60 2O - - 80 - _ - 23,640 00 No school yews coeted......... 1,100 780 460 00 - -D - - - Grade s~ol: 1 to 4 yes ......... ,10 ,540 2,640 8,00 100 -- - - - - 100 1,M8O 5 and 6 years....... 14,n 0 12,060 6,080 5,460 160 - - - - - - 60 8,0 S and 8 years . .. 68620 22,160 11, 60 9,560 520 0 - - - - - 00 ,4 High scool: 1 to 3 years......... 49,620 9,960 27,2D 10,60 700 - - - - - - 1,400 7,660 4 year ............. 8,900 19,140 18,100 " 5,900 440 40I I - - 0 -I 620 8,20 College: 1 to 3 year ........ 6,200 5,140 4,060 80 - - - - 0 1,060 4 years or more .... 160 100 60 - 80 - - - - - 0 60 ot reported ................ ... 80 560 o800 80 - - - - - - - 80 0 s 20 and 21 yers old................ 129,180 108,860 852,260 47,920 5, 88 30 s80 so20 - 20 2,940 2o,s20 No chool year completed ...... 1,680 1,820 740 540 80 - - - - - - 20 MO Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 10,680 8,900 8,560 4,960 180 - - - - - - 00 1,780 S and 6 year ........ 17,680 15,000 6,120 7,940 480 40- - - 420 2,60 7 and 8 year....... 38,40 4,000 10,940 11, 60 1,120 40 so - 80 - - 600 4,540 High& dool: 1 to 3 years ........ 5,740 80,480 15,700 12,260 1,500 100 20 . - - - 80 880 5,860 4 years ............... 25,140 21,200 10,680 . 8,620 1,860 100 - - - - - 500 8,940 College: I to 3 years ........ 7,560 6,260 4,020 1,700 80 20 20 20 - - - 200 1,800 4 yearsorn mo..... 1,800 1,160 880 440 8 20 - - - - - 40 140 Not r .a...................... . 920 540 180 o00 60 - 20 - - 80 Mo 22 to24 years old .............. e202,180 167,960 69,560 77,908 15,740 780 40 100 - 40 - 4,180 8,4280 No oolyears ompleted ......... ,40 1,820 800 840 80 - 20 - - - - 80 so Grade hool: 1 to 4 years .2........ 0,20 16,640 6,500 9,80 440 - - - - - - 480 8,640 S and 6 years...... 0,840 25,90 9,980 13,980 1,;60 80 - - - - - 640 4,840 7 and 8 years ........ 50,080 41,480 18,420 19,040 ,2280 8l 0 20 - 0 - 660 8,540 High ool: 1 to 3 year .. . 50,460 41,800 18,160 17,680 4,680 80 - - - - - 1,200 8,660 4 year ............. 28,6280 87,440 11, 20 11,400 3, 80 1- 40 40 - so - 760 5,180 College: 1 to 3 year ........ 9,180 7,680 3,020 3,0 960 180 80 - - - - 120 1,500 4 years or more ...... 4,400 8,880 960 1,260 1,880 340 80 40 - - - 80 580 Not reported ..................... 8,040 1,860 400 640 100 - - - - - - 100 800 25 to 29years old ............... 8,00 117,8002 188,100 33,620 ,940 760 140 40 40 - 6,860 6,820 No chool 0yeascompleted .5..... , 60 4,440 1,980 18,00 140 - - - - - - 180 1,40 Grade school: 1 to 4 year ,... 48,880 36,180 14,120 18,420 1,80 80 - so - - - 7280 8,800 S and 6 years....... 65,720 53,920 80,940 27,540 4,020 140 20 - - so - 1,240 11,80 7 and 8 years....... 9,560 78,840 81,880 35,840 9,400 880 80 - - - - 1,860 18,780 Hgh adaool: 1 to 3 years .. ... 75,800 62,800 27,180 825,580 7,780 420 80 - - - - 1,820 18,500 4 years ............. 41,540 34,300 14,660 12,680 5,680 480 120 20 40 - - 620 7,3640 College: 1 to 3 year ........ 14,140 11,860 4,22880 4,00 2, 80 80 80 - - - - 800 8,280 4 years or more ... , 7740 6,700 1,740 1,260 2,o80 860 80 100 - 0- - 60 1,040 Notreported ..................... 2,960 1,660 540 880 180 - - - - - - 60 1,800 30 to 34 year old8............... 316,660 251,640 102,620 104,800 I 80 ,8601 440 160 so80 40 5900 6,0 No sool years completed ..... Grkdeshool: 1 to4 years .... .... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years....... Bigh school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or mao ..... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old............. No achool years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... gh school: 1 to 3 yeara ........ 4 years ............ Colle: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or moe ...... Not reported.................. 45 to 54 years old............. No chool year completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ and 6 years....... 7 and $ years ... bih school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 year ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported............ .... 55 to 64 years old.............. No sool years completed ....... . Orade scool: 1 to4 years ........ 5 and 6 yenrs..... . 7 and 8 years....... HiSh dool: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .- . ... . 4 years or more . Not reported ....:.:............ 6,820 47,680 66,440 90,040 54,900 28,940 11,160 7,560 8,120 569.000 81,180 121, 800 188,460 156,880 69,880 86,22880 15,80 9,500 6,280 343.660 88,640 94,660 77,480 88,800 89,320 16,580 8,740 5,160 4,780 1'8,480 19,560 54,760 36,380 85,260 11,2280 7,200 8,800 1,880 2,980 5,160 88,22880 52,640 71,060 48,680 2388,040 9,860 6,540 1,940 431.920 15,840 89,980 102,540 119,160 52,940 27,900 11,940 8,040 3,780 a44.840 16,800 66,800 55,860 60,080 80,920 12,800 6,480 8,660 8,600 1= *2m0 12,960 35,300 a4,060 22,800 7,260 4,760 2,260 S 1,220 1,400 2,140 15,460 21,220 29,540 18,920 9,820 3,300 1,660 5601 188.620 8,120 38,640 42,160 53,800 24,680 13,520 4,740 1,980 980 123.020 8,860 33,680 87,600 30,400 11,380 6,7820 2,860 1, 60 880 67.520 8,540 81,300 14,320 13,900 4,500 2,820 980 480 680 8,680 18,900 19,080 17,020 6,940 2,960 980 1,060 4 n aan 6,500 41,920 46,a40 48,280 18,440 7,520 3,440 1,820 2,100 85.80 6,580 26,780 20,860 18,980 5,900 8,980 1,640 460 1,260 =n ** 3,420 10,660 6,720 5,6540 1,560 1,120 540 840 420 360 2,880 4,9280 9,920 6,120 4,880 8,080 1,980 800 52.760 720 6,600 11,040 17,880 7,080 5,060 2,280 8,240 360 24,.900 760 4,800 5,20 8,260 1, 720 1,100 980 .80 8.80 440 1,980 1,900 2,360 800 580 460 480 80 180 200 560 440 540 420 960 5.00 s.aoo 40 880 560 1;180 740 860 740 800 60 *. *. ^,. 20 20 60 20 220 8300 440 1.700 40 280 80 80 180 260 240 780 20 76180 20 20 20 240 1.080 60 20 20 60 40 220 660 460 20 20 20 2,0 so 200 20. 20 80 80 80 100 140 1 - v r -- + -t ww 100 160 8340 640 360 880 460 880 20 880 60 120 200 180 80 80 80 80 - o 20 40 40 120 160 140 840 20 l20 60 100 20 180 ]so 2o 60 40 60 3O 40 80 20 20 -- - - - - 20 0 20 220 20 40 20 20 20 100 8o 20 so 20 20 20 80 820 940 1,;860 1,180 660 140 160 120 11.1o0 420 2,380 2, 880 8,800 1,540 600 240 860 60 2680 7.20 460 1,960 1,760 1,660 680 840 140 80 240 a.2o0 500 1,880 900 800 300 120 140 80 220 1,660 9,460 18,800 18,980 11,880 S6,900 1,800 1,080 1,180 latone6 5,2W 81,800 80,980 89, 880 16,640 8,880 8,440 1,460 8,500 98.80 7,440 27,860 81,620 28,280 8,400 4,880 1,600 2,180 60.880 6,600 19,460- 12,80 12,880 8,960 2,440 1,040 660 1,620 1lnludes statiati s for persons for ha the receipt or nonreceipt of other inoae in 1989 was not reported. 166 I I ----I --- -I- -) -- - --~I --- I --I - ---I --~ --- I I I 1 I 1 T T T rr 7" - - , --- . ... .. z- - T -r r II I 1 I I -- I I 1 WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 167 Table 32.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOE AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOJE IN 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-perent saple) WIWOUT (IOER INC01 ARA, A SOOL iotl th A0Mai , AND AET otal $1 $o00 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 5.000 ot Total None to to to to to to to sad re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported RURAL-NONAW T4Atal, 18 to 64 years old....... 605,640 476,660 860,460 1784980 14,120 1,720 -40 100 so _ _- - tlaD 18, e80 18 and 19 years old.............. 44.640 36.740 8., 12.160 160 - - - - - - 1.640 ,900 No school years completed ......... 1,060 860 380 - 400 20 .... 0 2 o Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,820 5,680 3,060 2,40 40 - - - - - - 10 1,140 5 and 6 years ....... 9,240 7, 640 4,440 2,00 60 ae 1,600 7 and 8 years ........ 11,400 9,460 5,760 8,200 s500 1,960 High school: 1to 3 years ......... 10,940 8,960 6,520 2,000 40 40oo 1,980 4 years ............. 8,580 8,060 1,740 1,180 - - - - - - - 140 580 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 1,060 820 720 80 so 20 240 4 years or more...... 20 20 20 - Not reported .. .... ..520 20 1 0 80 - - . 010 20 and 21 years old.............. 43,520 a6,3801 20,440 13,880 340 60 - 20 - - - 1,640 7,140 No school years completed ........ 960 700 360 340 - - 260 Grade school: 1 to4 years ......... 8,180 6,740 3,520 240 40 20 40 1,440 5 and 6 years ....... 9,540 8,360 4,680 3,260 80 - 400 1,180 7 and 8 years ....... 10,380 8,860 5,200 8,300 60 20 280 1,520 High school: 1 to 3 years .7....... ,860 6,440 8,900 8,160 80 - - 0 - - 80 1,420 4 years ....... ...... 4,360 ,840 ,120 1,20 40 - - 160 520. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,440 1,040 540 380 40 - 80 400 4 years or more ...... 40 180 60 80 - 20 20 60 Not reported ......5............... 560 220 120 100 - - - - - - - - 40 22 to 24 years old............... 64,040 52.,460 28.120 20.660 1.200 160 - - - - - 2.20 .1,580 No school years completed ......... 2,220 1,700 1,040 500 60 - - 100 520 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 12,280 10,060 5,500 3,920 140 20 480 2,220 5 and 6 years ........ 14,820 12,060 6,500 4,900 100 - 560 2,760 7 and 8 years........ 15,720 13,100 7,800 5,060 100 20 - - - - - 620 2,620 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... .10,720 8,920 5,020 8,380 140 0 - 360 1,800 4 years ............. 4,580 ,820 1,880 1,560 20 20 - - - - 140 760 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,880 1,580 560 820 160 - 40 300 4 years or more...... 1,000 920 220 340 280 80 so 80 Not reported ..................... 820 00 100 180 - - - - - - - 20 520 25 to 29 years old ............... 96,780 19,500 42 0 0.440 2.780 800 60 - - - - 8 0 17,280 No school years completed ........ 8,620 2,820 1,480 1,100 40 20 180 800 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 21,860 17,980 9,420 7,560 200 800 8,880 5 and 6 years........ 22,960 19,180 10,520 7,600 180 40 20 80o 3,780 7 and 8 years ........ 24,20 19,960 11,260 7,340 340 40 980 4,360 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 12,940 10,840 6,840 8,700 340 20 440 2,100 4 years ............. 5,860 4,400 2,360 1,520 420 20 - 80 960 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,940 2,500 700 940 640 60 20 140 440 4 years or more ...... 1,400 1,280 160 380 620 100 20 - - - - - 120 Not reported ...................... 1,380 540 200 800 - - 80 30 to 34 years old................ ;.. 78,000 61,660 832.400 2,520 2,680 S00 120 - - - - 640 16,340 No school years contpleted ........ 4,060 3,020 1,460 1,360 80 - - 120 1,040 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..2...... 0,220 16,140 8,440 6,780 280 - 20 620 4,080 5 and 6 years....... 19,200 15,460 8,340 6,000 340 - - 780 3,740 7 and 8 years ....... 18,760 14,980 8,100 5,340 760 40 740 3,780 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 8,020 6,380 3,800 . 2,220 180 - - 180 1,640 4 years ............. ,100 2,420 1,26Q 760 so40 20 20 120 680 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,100 1,740 440 780 400 60 40 20 60 4 years or more...... 1,200 960 160 220 380 160 40 -40 Not reported ..................... 1,340 560 400 60 20 20 - 60 780 35 to 44 years old... ..... ... 8 ,660 105,00 54.740 41,760 8.580 440 120 40 -- -- - 4,0 80,640 No school years completed ......... 11,160 8,160 4,840 3,440 "100 - - 20 - 260 8,000 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 42,800 84,160 18,040 14,260 440 40 20 - 1,860 8,640 5 and 6 years ........ 34,880 27,540 14,480 10,920 840 8 200 - 1,260 7,340 7 and 8 years ........ 26,660 20,240 10,730 7,780 880 60 - 0 780 6,4280 High school: 1 to 3 years......... 10,800 8,400 4,660 2,920 380 60 40 - - 340 2,400 4 years ............. ,420 2,700 1,340 920 240 100 - - 100 720 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,240 1,860 460 860 360 100 - 80 380 4 years or more ...... 1,040 960 260 300 280 60 40 1- 20 80 Not reported ..................... 2,660 1,000 440 360 60 - - - - 140 1,660 45 to 54 yeas old.............. . 88,840 66,260 8.6820 at50 3440 800 40 o - - - a080 . 2580 No school years completed. ........ 12,160 9,180 4,980 8,620 180 - - - - - - 400o 2,980 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 8,980 25,760 18,220 10,460 580 60 .. - 1,440 8,220 5 and 6 years....... 19,560 14,640 8,680 4,880 500 20 " . . . 560 4,920 7 and 8 years 12........ ,720 9,660 5,540 8,160 500 60 . 400 8,060 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 4,560 8,500 1,980 1,100 180 40 o 200 1,060 4 years ............ . 1,660 1,180 540 420 180 20 . 20 480 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,080 840 240 340 140 40 - 20 - - - 60 30 4 years or more...... 660 520 180 100 120 so o 20 140 Not reported "....... 8..... .,460 980 460 460 60 ..- - 1,480 55 to 64 years old........ ....... . 54,060 88,640 28.720 11.820 940 160 - - 8D - - 1 980 15.40 No school years completed .... . lo . 10900 7,580 4,760 2,440 40 .40 8,30 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........... 1,40 15,660 9,60 5,160 00 40 800 5,680 5 and 6 years. 9,840 7,280 4,780 1,880 200 o - - oo 2,560 7 and 8 years. 6,880 5,020 2,980 1,560 220 20 - 40 1,860 High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 1,820 1,60 920 320 20 - - 100 460 4 years ........ ... 860 660 80 180 80 20 200 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 460 00 160 80 0 220 4 years or more...... 140 120 20 - - 100 20 Not reported ................. .. 1,600 500 320 120 60 1,100 SIncludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 168 EDUCATION Table 32.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS CLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COIPLETED AND AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND. RURAL: 1940-Oontinued (Statistios based on a 5-percent sample) W0fma osrINno �I, A A 00 11TRS OF SCHOOL TotWiTothe- OPI.D, AND Al Ttal $1 $500 $ 1,000 $1,500 $,00 00 $2,500 $,000. $5,000 Not other Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2, 999 $4,999 over ported Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed......... Grade chool: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ H&h scool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 year ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................ ... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported .......... . . . . . . 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ..... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ......... Grade school. 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High acbool: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ........... ....... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: I to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................ .... 1.089,760 85338011 656.280 130.020 4.580 260 80 62,060 9 - r 1" - 100.66011 8126I 011 2.7401 12.660 5.860 i30.380 19.400 2,520 2,140 1,540 500 - - - - - - '100 880 26,120 19,720 14,560 3,680 - 20 - - - - - 1,460 4,400 27,740 22,240 17,120 8,500 - 0o - - - - - 1,600 5,500 23,680 / 19,620 15,540 2,820 20 - - - - - - 1, 40 4,060 17,700 13,740 11,160 1,520 40 - - - - - 1,020 38,960 2,920 2,300 1,720 340 20 - - - - - - 220 620 900 740 620 100 - - - - - - - 20 160 20 20 20 - - - - 1,060 740 460 80 - - - - - - - 200 830 87,460 72,140 54,040 12,780 180 20 - - - 8t 5.100 15,820 3,100 2,660 2,100 420 - - - - - - - 140 - 440 24,180 19,880 14,200 4,260 - 1,420 4,3800 23,840 19,880 15,800 3,040 - - - - - - - 1,540 3,960 19,140 15,680 11,820, 2,720 40 - - - - - - 1,100 8,460 11,880 9,560 7,560 1,400 40 - - - - - 20 540 1,880 3,640 2,820 2,080 540 - o 0 - - - - - 1,220 980 629 260 40 - - - - - - 60 260 220 200 40 1bo 60 - - - - - - - 80 740 480 320 40 - - - - - - - 120 360 113,200 92.320 68,400 16.720 520 - - - - - - 6, 680 0880 4,440 3,740 2,620 880 20 - - - - - 280 700 34,640 28,640 20,980 5,520 20 - - - - - 2,180 6,000 33,060 26,580 20,220 4,160 40 - - - - - - 2,160 6,480 23,760 19,720 15,300 3,000 40 - - - - - -- 1,880 4,060 10,820 8,740 6,780 1,400 20 - - - - - - 540 8,080 3,200 2,380 1,520 760 - - - - - - - 100 82 1,800 1,560 680 620 200 - - - - - - 60 860 540 440 40 200 180 - - - - - 0 100 940 520 260 180 - - - - - - 80 420 157,920 128,780 97,480 0,840 1,080 40 20 - - - - 9,820 29,140 7,080 5,760 4,280 1,060 - 20 - - - - - 400 1,880 50,120 40,640 30,300 7,840 140 - - - - - - 2,860 9,480 47,100 38,780 0,200 5,440 60 - - - - - - 8,080 8,320 32,900 26,880 21,020 3,500 140 - - - - - - 2,220 6,020 12,120 10,080 8,180 1,440 40 - - - - - 430 2,040 3,320 2,-940 1,900 820 60 - - - - - 160 80 2,220 1,660 520 780 860 - - - - - - - 60 920 680 100 260 280 20 20 - - - - - 60 2,140 1,360 980 200 - - - - - - 180 780 125,400 101,400 78,260 15,380 660 60 - - - - - 79060 86,000 7,480 5,860 4,220 1,320 - - - - - - - 820 1,630 45,560 37,800 27,860 6,620 80 - - - - - - 2,740 8,260 36,300 29,420 23,440 3,660 40 - - - - - - 2,280 6,880 23,100 18,700 15,540 2,100 80 20' - - - - - 960 4,400 7,400 5,900 4,840 580 40 - - - - - - 440 1,500 2,060 1,640 1,220 240 100 - - - - - - 80 420 1,340 1,160 460 520 140 40 - - - - - - 180 560 480 100 200 180 - - . - - - - - 80 1,600 940 6560 140 - - - - - - - 240 660 227,100 176,580 136,920 25740 1.120 40 20 - - 20 40 12, 680 50,520 19,740 15,580 11,420 3,120 - - - - - - - 1,040 4,160 89,780 69,740 53,340 11,400 140 - - - - 20 - 4,840 20,040 65,220 51,400 41,280 5,860 200 - - - - - 20 4,040 18,880 33,040 26,100 21,200 3,040 160 - - - - - - 1,700 6,940 10,220 7,520 6,240 860 60 20 20 - - - - 820 2,700 3,040 2,240 1,460 400 140 - - - - - - 240 800 1,940 1,540 520 700 260 - - - - - 60 400 740 580 160 200 140 20 - - - - 20 40 160 3,380 1,880 1,300 160 20 - - - - - - 400 1,500 171,580 129,240 101,360 17, 480 580 20 20 - - - 20 9,760 42,3840 23,020 17,660 13,060 3,340 - - - - - - - 1,260 5,860 76,700 58,500 45,800 8,300 60 - - - - - 4,340 18,200 39,920 29,700 24,860 3,000 .40 - - - - - - 2,00 10,o20 19,640 14,720 12,080 1,280 100 20 20 - - 20 1,200 4,920 5,920 4,540 3,520 660 40 - - - - - - 30 1,880 1,920 1,400 980 300 60 - - - - - - 60 520 840 760 840 240 160 - - - - -- 20 80 540 380 160 120 100 - - -. 160 3,080 1,580 1,060 240 20 - - - -I - 260 1,500 100,440 71,660 57,1001 85401 3601 40 - 20 - - - 6,600 28, 780 19,020 46,680 19,620 8,960 2,660 760 380 240 2,120 13,700 33,500 14,200 6,300 1,880 580 240 180 1,080 11,060 26,060 11,660 5,240 1,580 460 160 140 740 1,800 4,460 1,420 520 120 60 60 100 20 140 20 60 40 20 20 40 820 2,820 1,080 480 140 20 240 5,880 18,180 5,480 2,660 780 180 140 60 1,040 1 Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other inome in 1939 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 169 Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statisties based on a 5-percent sample) WITHOUT O IER INCOME _ AREA, YEARS QF SCHOOL With COMPLETED, AND AE Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,000 $5,000 Not income Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 . $2,999 $4,999 over ported *1__ s lE NORITH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed...... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years..... .. 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............... .... 20 and 21 years old ............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... . Not reported ..................... 22 to 24 years old............. . No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ..... . 7 and 8 years ....... -High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ..... ,.. 4 years or more...... Not reported .... ..... . . . . . 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported .......... . ... 35 to 44 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years or more ..... Not reported ........... ..... .. 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed .... . Grade school; 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College; 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . lIncludes statistics for pers 19 r622. 80 1R.489.680 1.747.980 2.288.200 2.808.240 2.698.000 1 786860 830.400 I.61120 R3994001. 12.1 0R.220 6.132.900 1 , G ,i ~ , , ,,V , , 7 ,GV ,~ G ,V4i ,---,--- , /p p , VV tp ,iG 7 ,4 i V,G Ag ,G p, a7,. 1,308,840 1,037,320 499,520 359,240 113,240 15,700 2 060 420 40 160 1801 46,960 266,520 4,280 9,880 29,640 251,040 484,240 421,880 92,300 1,620 8,960 1.233,200 8,620 8,680 28,940 264,980 818,820 434,540 153,960 16,760 8,400 1,808,440 4,560 12,760 46,080 485,400 440,540 594,000 153,620 104,640 11,840 2,827,700 10,580 27,300 94,800 878,740 660,060 724,940 193,400 221,680 21,200 o� gl or, 12,040 37,820 118,100 907,480 563,420 487,240 167,140 224,160 24,500 2,340 6,540 22,620 194,280 391,460 844,440 70,100 1,100 4,440 990,520 2,440 5,520 22,220 205,800 260,440 358,400 119,060 12,440 4,200 1,444,040 2,920 9,020 35,200 334,420 366,280 489,160 121,360 79,780 5,900 2,182,900 6,020 19,420 72,680 658,960 5 6,860 572,540 149,020 ]57,020 10,880 1 _A 9_ O 6,920 26,220 86,240 657,180 435,980 362,940 119,880 143,060 10,580 4,295,18011 2,853,520 22,920 113,500 309,500 1,879,120 781,760 585,260 244,680 308,260 - 50,180 3,401,080 28,10O 184,040 347,720 1,608,380 470,560 359,520 161,980 192,340 48,380 2,216,240 13,060 74,000 210,860 1,262,120 551,920 401,360 154,040 165,240 20,920 1,993,060 15,080 106,140 211',840 963,480 288,920 219,320 84,900 84,700 18,680 1,139,320 1,540 3,160 9,500 72,020 209,780 152,960 48,280 620 1,660 247.960 1,500 1,760 5,780 46,740 51,400 70,400 63,100 5,980 1,300 191,140 I -, _s r "-' - - l 'r I - . .. 1,300 2,080 6,640 45,780 35,780 44,920 32,180 21,740 720 166,160 2,300 3,360 8,200 57,980 32,680 85,180 11,280 14,100 1,080 110,720 1,980 3,340 7,700 46,680 21,260 17,280 5,380 6,200 900 640 2,580 9,940 87,440 117,040 126,840 13,140 240 1,380 389.440 440 2,300 9,620 88,060 92,220 114,900 28,000 2,620 1,280 353,260 540 3,780 14,080 112,860 92,200 94,580 20,760 13,040 1,420 338,380 800 6,620 23,160 147,460 76,540 61,280 11,320 9,560 1,640 104,660 1,100 7,880 20,500 104,320 39,140 21,820 5,160 3,300 1,440 40 820 2,060 28,460 40,060 43,380 3,240 120 560 269.040 200 860 4,660 49,180 78,980 117,180 15,100 1,700 1,180 451,340 440 1,780 9,260 104,700 124,960 164,000 28,020 16,440 1,740 560,740 1,140 5,140 22,220 200,660 145,620 136,700 27,900 18,380 2,980 371,440 1 11 II 2 8 0 1,240 6,740 25,160 168,580 86,900 55,520 15,500 9,860 1,940 100 240 2,800 5,720 6,060 680 20 80 89.460 80 40 2 80 240 1,120 13,640 27,560 39,640 6,180 820 180 317,400 320 680 3,740 51,780 84,320 135,160 25,380 14,640 1,380 630,540 -.I 840 2,660 13,200 170,500 172,340 188,640 43,480 36,360 2,520 477,060 1,320 5,080 20,900 175,680 129,240 96,300 24,380 21,400 2,760 20 460 760 760 20 20 20 13.9,160 40 40 220 1,580 4,000 5,820 1,060 380 20 81,980 140 200 580 9,860 19,380 35,260 8,300 8,100 160 308,900 480 860 8,860 55,540 75,880 98,800 32,460 39,840 1,180 363,900 620 1,740 7,600 103,760 96,400 89,180 30,760 32,120 1,720 190,8201 282,3001 482,4601 606,1801 543,760 3,180 7,920 16,780 92,060 29,720 22,400 8,840 7,860 2,060 176,520 2,660 13,200 23,280 86,640 20,540 15,500 6,080 6,580 2,040 165,140 2,320 20,680 41,160 147,280 39,800 19,520 5,900. 3,040 2,600 225,380 3,560 27,620 37,720 114,320 21,920 11,000 4,720 2,040 2,480 ,185,540 2,640 18,680 52,980 255,540 84,980 42,380 14,200 7,360 3,700 343,440 3,740 26,340 49,700 183,800 41,740 22,260 8,540 4,340 2,980 216.540 2,120 14,700 50,400 305,640 122,100 71,200 22,180 14,020 3,820 369,820 2,6 1,6 48 14 1270 2,260 17,960 44,000 198,340 53,900 32,400 10,460 6,880 3,620 191.840 1,380 400 200 1,380 6,580 29,920 239,920 123,160 87,280 29,500 22,520 3,500 328,960 1,460 11,120 30,080 167,560 56,040 37,760 13,680 8,400 2,860 144. 140 28,700 15,180 3,920 3,960 3,440 1,720 880 187,240 99,300 17,980 29,140 22,220 13,540 7,700 280,640 151,420 23,780 34,140 35,440 26,180 16,040 1,065,800 565,260 83,300 90,780 111,660 103,280 74,680 233,320 119,560 13,920 14,040 20,640 21,420 18, 340 195,740 102,520 10,820 7,160 13,320 15,360 16,200 85,580 37,320 5,020 2,780 5,040 5,440 5,220 104,420 36,720 4,600 1,040 2,720 3,240 3,880 3$,800 12,040 1,800 2,500 2,060 1,660 1,200 sons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 wasee not reported. 20 140 180 80 2.060 80 40 280 540 860 140 180 14,400 40 40 100 1,620 2,820 5,480 2,080 2,140 80 95,020 180 240 540 10,680 18,920 29,900 12,600 21,580 380 .40 40 80 540 20 20 60 100 220 100 20 1,420 20 100 240 460 340 260 16,040 40 40 1,040 2,180 3,900 3,180 5,560 100 20 20 60 80 320 80 100 120 20 820 20 140 140 140 60 300 20 3,380 20 20 300 480 880 520 1,120 40 120 360 840 7,880 17,800 14, 200 4,740 80 740 28. 220 160 300 740 6,100 5,440 9,160 5,360 720 240 29,480 120 440 740 7,420 5,960 7,940 3,800 2,740 320 37,360 200 420 1,380 12,140 7,060 9,460 2,600 3,240 860 1,940 3,340 7,020 56,760 92,780 77,440 22,200 520 4,5;0 242.680 1,180 3,160 6,720 59,180 52,880 76,140 34,900 4,320 4,200 359,400 1,640 3,740 10,880 100,980 74,260 104,840 2, 260' 24,860 5,940 644,800 4,560 7,880 22,120 214,780 123,700 152,400 44,380 64,660 10,820 692.900 5,120 11,600 31,860 250,300 127,440 124,300 47,260 81,100 13,920 1,441,660 9,860 39,500 98,640 617,000 229,840 183,900 90,640 143,020 29,260 1.408.020 13,080 77,900 135,880 644,900 181,640 140,200 77,080 107,640 29,700 1.076.920 , , , 1, f- , 5 2 13,520 87,940 129,220 500,540 113,760 93,220 48,260 67,700 22,760 20 20 320 20 80 100 100 20 2,800 20 40 160 480 1,220 440 380 60 26,880 80 -40 60 2,660 4,660 7,800 3,680 7,280 100 164,3401 58,8801 54,7801 10.9201 32.300 (1920 322800 280 600 2,180 30,300 37,320 46,400 18,480 28,060 720 338,400 400 2,420 10,640 - 118,960 79,820 69,740 27,800 26,680 1,940 228,560 480 4,320 14,360 103,040 42,840 38,040 13,260 10,820 1,400 87.200 320 2,880 6,080 41,760 13,060 14,160 4,340 3,920 680 80 140 480 8,660 10,880 15,400 7,980 14,980 280 137,400 200 600 3,140 38,720 30,260 31,240 12,980 19,280 980 96,760 140 1,360 4,620 39,740 18,300 16,920 7,080 7,760 840 38.540 220 1, 020 2,340 16,800 5,320 7,160 2,240 3,080 360 60 100 260 6,380 7,900 12,240 8,140 19,480 220 158,920 100 320 1,640 31,420 26,300 36,600 20,840 40,760 940 118,280 120 " 1,060 2,660 34,320 20,420 27,160 12,440 19,360 740 49.260 100 680 2,080 17,880 6,840 10,180 3,960 7,200 340 20 80 620 1,040 2,100 2,100 4,920 20 49,280 80 180 .220 4,440 5,940 11, 360 7,800 19,120 140 49,160 100 180 420 7,640 6,160 12,180 6,080 15,940 460 19.200 40 240 340 3,580 2,140 5,000 2,040 5,640 180 220 580 1,380 12,200 5,90 6,700 2,000 2,740 580 64,000 640 1,920 3,980 28,140 9,840 9,640 4,000 4,600 1,240 56.180 560 2,980 5,000 28,080 7,060 6,100 2,560 2,580 1,260 41.920 580 3,900 5,000 21,540 3,840 3,160 1,240 1,400 1,260 i ,I 'l I I F '_ I L I ALI II I i1 .1 __ 1 I L I I I I 01 I- I L I I I id *g.L-yv II 4.9O F VVV II I 1 1 T_ i I I j- I L L ULI III 170 EDUCATION Table SZ.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME A'D RECEIPT OF OTIER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPI M IAND A9-s, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (*btlwtle s based on a 5-perent asmplea) S. wrOo OTER im Co , imo uor sooo . .oo AiA, YARS O ISCHOOL Total er OM.U AD, AND Atal $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $8,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 lot ineome Total waee to to to to to to to and sre- $499 *999 1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $,999 $4,999 over ported S MOR--Continued * Urban h 18 to 64 years old....... 12,545,60 9,674,000 1 11a6,00 0.760 1,971,540 2,112,880 1,476,50 800,740 315,680 358,960 116,4460 169,860 28,891,60 1 and 19 years old.............. . 819,140 690. J1 s1.7 80 89.900 *J2,7 ~ 0 o 120 1. 40M 25,940 18, SO No ashool years completed.0 ........ 1,0 11,100 80 400oo - - - - - -0 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 4,220 3,10 1,80 90 10 so 20 - - - - 140 1,100 5 and 6 years ....... 13,540 11,00 ,00 4,440 1,380 180o - - - - 30 260 8,30 7 and 8 years ...... . . 11,40 94,580 8, 00 40,000 16,540 2,020 380 140 20 20 ,340 16,760 High chool: i to3 years .......3. 82,060 276,C60 147,880 79,100 38,260 4,980 660 160 20 20 40 10,720, 0,o;0 4 years .............. 283,040 244,300 10,480 80 6,920 85,100 4,840 660 80 - 80 40 8,160 88,40 College 1 to 3 years ..1...... 71,000 56,080 88,840 10,020 2,900 580 20 - - - " - 8,660 14,980 4 years or more ..... 1,360 920 460 220 120 20 20 - - - - 80 440 Not reported ........ .............. 5,740 ,720 - 920 760 460 0 20o - - - - 540 8,020 20 and 21 years old.... . ......... 791,400 681,420 148,960 2804900 20,83 80 78,080 10,80 1.7 40 800 40 280 15,460 109,980 No school years completed .......1. 1,720 1,880 640 280 120 80 40 - - 20 - 40 500 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 3,540 2,660 80O 940 560 180 40 20 - - - 40 880 5 and 6 years ..... 149,520 11,940 8,100 4 ,320 3,020 900 200 40 20 - - 840 2,580 7-and 8 years ........ 126,440 109,80 81,980 39,800 34,420 10,060 1,180 240o so so 80 1,920 17,120 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 221,980 195,260 897,50 63,040 64,380 23,060 3,320 420 100 80 60 3,280 26,720 4 years ............. 288,480 255,140 4 060 78,060 91,460 32,560 4,820 740 80 160 120 5,080 338,40 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 115,480 92,680 48,00 21,120 12,080 5,360 960 120 80 100 - 4,020 22s,800 4 years or more ..... 13,960 10,620 5,060 2,160 1,540 740 3280 160 - 20 20 600 3,840 Not reported ......... ......... 5,280 2,580 o 20 680 800 140 - - - - - 140 2,700 22 to 24 years old ............... 1,202,220 1,083,50 19.660 201,720 336,380 261,780 70,760 12,640 2.440 1,240 720 16,180 168,700 No school years completed ........ 2,080 1,60 420 40 400 220 140 40 - 20 - 60 440 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5,540 4,800 940 1,260 1,320 560 180 40o o - 180 1,040 5 and 6 years ........ 24,440 20,260 4,000 6,140 6,340 2,880 520 60 40 - - 280 4,180 7 and 8 years ........ 228,060 196,200 23,820. 49,100 70,580 40,520 8,040 1,420 120 100 120 2,880 81,860 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 320,260 280,800 26,220 62,160 98,260 71,060 16,440 2,440 440 160 120 3,500 39,460 4 years ............. 411,740 363,920 8140 0 56,440 123,580 111,540 80,580 4,880 1,040 420 140 4,260 47,820 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 117,140 95,820 4, 940 15,020 21,680 21,820 7,400 1,800 380 280 60 2,640 21,320 4 years or more ...... 85,280 66,400 18,520 10,540 12,940 12,060 7,320 1,900 360 260 260 2,240 18,880 -Not reported ..................... 7,680 3,980 460 720 1,280 1,120 140 60 40 - 20 140 3,9700 25 to 29 years old ............... 1,898,560 1,593,140 106,$60 177,600 394,440 509,480 261,420 8,140 23,620 14,160 . 2,860 19,760 305,i20 No school years completed ......... 6,060 3,960 1,80 420 800 680 400 140 60 - - 80 2,100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 13,640 10,580 1,460 2,220 3,520 2,s00 720 160 60 40 so 80 3,060" 5 and 6 years........ 54,880 46,000 5,140 10,980 15,320 10,360 3,120 460 40o 80 20 540 8,880 7 and 8 years ........ 496,300 423,260 31,860 63,880 184,460 133,020 45,140 8,900 2,300 920 140 4,640 71,040 High school: 1 to-3 years ......... 478\100 413,560 83,240 48,480 107,480 142,540 64,560 16,760 4,160 1,940 400 4,000 64,540 4 years ............. 505,200 434,260 22,540 35,020 96,280 153,660 83,920 26,30 6,940 3,380 840 5,860 70,940 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 147,520 120,180 8,300 8,000 20,100 36,180 28,240 10,920 3,240 2,8004 500 1,900 27,840 4 years or more...... 183,420 131,820 12,140 7,900 14,360 28,660 34,280 19,160 6,760 4,960 920 2,680 51,600 Not reported ..................... 1,440 7,520 600 700 2,120 2,080 1,040 320 60 100 20 � 480 5,920 30 to 34 years old ............... 1,691,680 1. 3,920 65.600 102.900 249.980 868.200 299.740 141,740 51.740 48,520 9,280 16,220 337,760 No school years completed ......... 6,640 4,580 1,020 480 900 1,120 540 260 60 60 20 � 120 2,060 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 19,380 14,680 1,560 2,660 4,080 4,020 1,500 500' 100 100 20 140 4,700 5 and 6 years ........ 68,400 55,120 4,700 9,100 16,200 16,160 5,860 1,800 420 240 60 580 13,280 7 and 8 years........ 531,160 443,500 24,680 48,260 109,640 132,460 84,360 25.,680 7,660 5,880 440 4,440 87,660 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 400,580 334,820 14,540 28,240 61,780 101,860 80,140 32,440 9,480 7,180 820 3,340 65,760 4 years ............. 346,060 2828,780 10,560 12,840 38,040 76,520 74,480 40,340 13,540 10,800 I 1,840 3,820 63,280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 124,500 95,420 3,420 3,440 10,640 18,760 25,560 16,200 7,240 7,020 1,820 1,320 29,080 4 years or more...... 179,440 116,100 4,660 2,420 7,440 15,160 26,020 24,000 12,980 "17,040 4,260 2,120 63,340 Not reported .................... 15,520 6, 920 460 460 1,260 2,140 1,280 520 260 200 - 340 8,600 35 to 44-years old .............../ 789,700 2,099,220 110,320 143.360 321.580 455.720 444.140 289.760 119,480 140.240 42,400 32.220 690,480 No school years completed ......... 13,200 8,500 1,700 1,020 1,840 1,740 1,280 320 200 80 80 PA40 4,700 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 58,680 43,520 4,180 8,440 11,820 10,500 4,980 2,020 440 280 140 720 15,160 5 and 6 years....... 179,920 141,100 9,360 19,680 34,860 37,940 24,300 9,080 2,680 1,880 140 1,680 38,820 7 and 8 years........ 1,107,260 883,620 48,460 69,680 165,020 226,640 194,860 101,860 34,020 28,160 3,940 10,980 223,640 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 544,840 426,860 18,540 23,840 59,820 93,720 100,880 68,580 26,180 23,680 5,240 '5,380 118,980 4 years ............ 432,680 823,8260 15,020 13,100 30,240 55,480 73,060 60,280 27,580 32,400 9,880 .6,8.0 109,420 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 179,680 128,540 6,040 4,020 9,960 16,840 23,940 23,620 11,480 18,340 6,620 2,680 56,140 4 years or more..... 244,100 135,360 6,40 2,260 5,520 10,020 17,960 22,380 16,060 35,100 16,280 3,600 -108,740 Not reported ..................... 29,340 14,460 780 1,320 2,500 2,840 2,880 1,620 840 820 140 720 14,880 No school years completed ......... 15,380 9,900 1,500 1,720 2,640 1,860 1,800 420 140 100 80 140 5,480 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 90,900 64,500 6,580 11,540 17,040 13,360 9,040 3,860 1,300 840 140 800 26,400 5 and 6 years . .. 192,860 142,800 13,80 17,920 32,400 33,820 4.,880 12,340 3,900 2,340 240 1,620 50,060 - 7and 8 years....... 922,940 680,020 44,600 55,680 119,040 151,420 187,340 89,400 24,160 80,620 6,800 11,060 242,920 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 313,860 220,900 12,940 13,160 28,240 41,420 45,460 36,140 16,180 18,160 5,520 3,680 92,960 4 years ............ 270,240 178,480 10,840 7,500 16,720 25,220 31,460 32,860 14,840 24,340 10,580 4,120 91,760 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 112,080 67,000 8,800 3,000 6,040 7,900 10,800 11,000 6,300 11,060 5,420 1,680 45,080 4 years br more ..... 153,040 70,600 5,200 1,460 3,500 4,920 6,420 8,920 6,600 17,40 14,240 2,100 82,440 Not reported ..................... 25,140 12,380 780 1,280 1,880 . 2,580 2,280 1,160 680 680 340 780 12,760 55 to 64 years old.............. 1,256,520 775,840 90,500 85,240. 143.300 149,340 118, 920 75,.240 33,940 43,860 17,40 18,160 480.680 No school years completed......... 14,480 9,220 2,140 1,760 2,580 1,320 740 I40 180 60 40 160 5,260 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 86,360 55,720 8,740 11,840 13,840 10,040 6,180 2,460 880 580 200 960 30,640 5 and 6 years........ 143,060 95,040 12,620 14,860 22,800 19,800 13,320 5,480 2,100 1,900 320 1,80 48,020 7 and 8 years........ 567,580 376,720 4,440 40,280 72,480 80,400 62,040 3,720 14,860 16,000 ,180 8,20 190,860 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 147,980 89, 760 8,580 7,980 14,760 16,980 15,040 11,440 4,740 5,920 1,960 2,360 58,220 4 years ............. 142,960 82,820 7,560 4,880 9,760 12,780 13,480 12,300 6,280 9,100 4,520 2,160 60,140 College: 1 to 3 years......... 56,000 28,420 3,100 1,840 3,580 4,400 4,040 3,600 1,8 3,500 1,80 600 27,580 4 years or more .. 80,620 30,700 3,440 740 2, 200 2, 260 3,120 3,80 2, 720 6,54 5,100 1,200 49,920 Not reported ..... ................ 17,480 7,440 880 1,060 1,300 1,360 960 6201 300 260 140 560 10,040 1 Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 171 Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (gtatistlee based on a 5-perent saple) WIJ1UOUT ER INCOMB , AMWith COM n, AND ~ MooL 0t$1 00 l,1o O 1,oo $1 ,000 sas , ooo $000 $5,ooo 000 Not ot Total None to to to to to to to and r- $499 $999 ,9999 1,49 $1, $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported NORM-Contiaued rhael-oanfa Total, 18 to 64 years old ........ 1791 8,503,00 M8,6o00 5O0,00 . ,8800 493,580 874,180 116,58 00 0 2 41600 15,660 56,180 1,215,060 18 and 19years old.............. A .. OO 1798,760 71220 78,500 16,50 82.160 220 S0o - 40 20 8,000 55,840 No school years completed.. . 1,500 680 48o 140 60o 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ,980 1,680 800 700 100 - - 80 1,00 5 and 6 years ........ ,840 5,920 40 0 2,80 5 - so 20 - - 260 2,429 7 and 8 years ........ 48 60 27,060 11,680 19,56 ,460 500 . 80 - - - 1,260 10,o00 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 85,80 66,00 86,020 22,860 4,940 540 0 - - 20 - 8,120 19,200 4 years ............ 71,960 56,60 21,540 25,400 6,180 980 60 - - - 20 2,500 15,280 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,640 9,00 5,960 2,140 800 40 - - 640 4,560 4 years or more...... 140 80 60 0 - - - 60 Not reported ................. .... . . ,000 1,000 440 860 80 60 - - - 80 1,000 20 and 21 years old .............. 212,560 1 8,8" 0 8,00 67,980 42,660 12,500 1,860 200 - 40 40 4,380 48,700 No school years completed ........800 500 400 - - - - - - - - 100 00 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ,440 1,080 280 500 140 60 - - - - - 100 1,860 5 and 6 years ........ 6,760 5,200oo 1,260, 2,540 1,120 160 20- - - - 100 1,560 7 and 8 years........ 49,740 89,820 6,640 19,760 9,60 2,5 280 40 - - - 840 10,480 High school: .1 to 3 years ....... 1,140 9,80 6,400 16,70 11,00 8,540 80 80 - - 40 900 11,880 4 years .......... ... 4,900 59,980 10,000 28,80 18,740 5,580 820 40 - 40 - 1,880 14,980 College: 1 to 3 years ........ ,060 16,420 8,440 ,80 2,020 540 80 20 - - - 740 6640 4 years or more ..... 180 180 240 640 220 140 80 60 20 - - - 80 640 Not reported ................. 1,80 800 24,0 860 230 40 20 - - - - 40 1,040 22 to 24 years old............... 10,180 8 0880 25160 7S,080 81,860 4 ~900 9.860 1,460 320 140 80 4,520 69,800 No school years completed....... 1,060 440 880 - - 20 - 40 620 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 3,620 2,260 520 1,180 300 120 20 - - - 120 1,860 5 and 6 years ........ 10,840 7,960 980 4,080 1,980 00 40 20 - - 20 140 8,880 7 and 8 years ...... 80,820 68,900 6,080 a,840 22,240 8,640 1,500 180 40 - - 940 16,920 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 71,820 56,,640 4,50 16,860 80,360 11,020 2,480 820 40 80 20 940 14,680 4 years ............. 102,800 81,740 6,060 21,240 29,640 18,920 8,820 520 140 20 - 1,880 21,060 College: 1 to 3 years . ....... 22,480 16,40 4,280 8,2200 4,20 28,860 740 200 60 40 660 5,980 4 years or more ...... 14;940 10,600 2,240 1,920 28,800 ,860 740 200 20 - ,40 280 4,840 Not reported ...... .............. .. 2,860 900 160 180 220 260 20 20 20 - - 20 1,460 25 to 29 years old.. ....... 50,280 892,780 21,580 81,720 128,020 108,140 42200 10,600 2,540 1,660 440 5,880 127,500 No school years completed ......... 8,180 1,240 400 220 280 160 60 40 20 - - 60 1,940 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 7,180 4,700 720 1,960 1,0 840 120 60 - - - 160 2,480 5 and 6 years .2.....0. 0,620 15,720 1,440 5,980 5,060 2,820 640 60 20 - - oo200 4,900 7 and 8 years........ 175,660 136,520 7,060 88,440 47,240 81,280 8,840 1,560 300 80 120 1,600 39,140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 118,760 88,880 4,000 16,260 29,100 25,780 10,130 1,860 480 200 60 1,020 24,880 . 4 years ............. 181,040 99,480 4,780 15,020 80,860 29,760 12,280 3,200 820 480 40 1,740 81,560 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 5 1,500 22,880 1,580 2,080 5,800 6,240 8,840 1,580 420 240 20 480 9,120 4 years or more ..... 88,120 81,900 1,880 1,840 3,260 6,880 5,180 2,200 460 560 180 460 10,220 Not reported ..................... 5,220 1,960 880 420 580 880 120 40 20 - 20 160 8,260 30 to 34 years old............... 4983120 854,720 16.740 54,20Q 92,660 93,500 57,560 21,040 6,660 5,880 1,500 4,980 188,400 No school years completed ........ ,940 1,840 540 320 180 180 60 20 20 - - 20 1,600 Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ..... 9,400 6,240 580 2,460 2,020 800 240 100 40 - 100 3,060 5 and 6 years ........ 27,960 20,600 1,100 6,120 7,100 4,180 1,620 300 60 20 - 100 7,360 7 and 8 years........ 184,860 188,880 6,180 27,980 43,780 36,460 179,000 4,220 920 420 160 1,760 45,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 105,800 78,880 8,000 9,540 19,820 23,700 14,660 4,640 1,260 660 180 920 27,420 4 years ............. 88,080 62,920 2,920 5,680 18,600 17,300 13,280 5,640 1,800 1,380 260 1,060 25,160 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,780 19,880 1,100 1,040 3,680 4,760 4,680 2,140 700 1,060 280 440 9,900 4 years or.more ...... 88,280 88, 940 1,080 580 1,920 5,620 5,680 3,800 1,840 2,320 620 480 14,840 Not reported ..................... 6,020 2,440 240 480 50o 500 340 180 20 20 - 100 3,580 35 to 44 years old ............... 829,500 546,760 80,980 78,180 124580 128,220 8860 44,080 16,820 17,440 6,540 11,280 82,740 No school years completed ......... 5,940 2,720 600 740 680 360 0 80 - 20 - 180 3,220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 27,760 19,860 1,840 6,600 5,480 3,700 1,200 4X) 160 40 40 460 8,400 5 and 6 years........ 67,080 47,020 2,580 11,920 14,080 10,700 4,960 1,400 420 260 60 640 20,060 7 and 8 years ....... 8368,220 256,960 14,280 4 ,900 68,2k0 65,760 89,920 14,960 4, 20 2,700 500 4,560 111,260 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 147,040 99,940 5,120 10,380 80,800 24,800 19,960 10,890 3,900 2,500 660 1,980 47,100 4 years ............. 101,160 68,860 8,820 4,160 9,820 14,040 12,780 8,700 38,520 4000 1,400 1,620 37, 800 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 44,260 25,220 1,880 1,160 8,520 4,500 5,080 8,940 1,880 2,380 1,080 800 19,040 4 years or more...... 54,120 27,120 1,220 560 1,50 3,540 4,140 4,000 3,100 5,420 2,800 760 27,000 Not reported .... . ...... .......... 18,920 4,560 700 760 900 880 540 8320 120 10 - 280 9,860 45 to54 years old.............. 85,11 882,00 80,060 67,980 91,640 78,840 52,820' 8,700 1,540 l,00 5,360 9,440 273,800 No school years completed ........ 7,180 8,540 600 1,160 1,020 860 120 60 - 20 20 180 3,640 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 41,400 25,860 8,400 9,180 7,200 4,000 1,800 / 440 40 200 40 560 15,540 5 and 6 years....... 71,840 46,880 8,840 11,780 18,800 8,360 4,420 1,780 600 260 80 960 25,420 7 and 8 years........ 808,880 190,860 14,460 84,900 50,480 89,160 86,040 11,980 4,960 3,320 800 4,320 118,020 High school: 1 to 3 years......... 91,160 58,160 3,500 6,500 11,040 10,700 9,60 5,920 1,960 1,980 580 1,360 38,000 4 years ............ 58,960 88,060 2,600 2,440 4,480 6,140 5,440 4,700 2,000 2,620 1,500 1,140 25,900 College: 1 to 3 years........ 0,720 18,920 1,040 1,080 2,140 2,100 2,620 1,960 720 1,260 620 380 16,800 4 years or more ..... 20,840 1,060 1,000 360 620 1,640 1,780 1,680 1,120 1,980 1,600 280 18,780 ,Not reported ........ .... .. 15,500 4,800 620 640 860 880 480 240 140 60 120 260 11,200 55 to 64 years old. ....1......... 41-,960 242 ,00 81,860 68,860 59,800 35.820 22,020 10,480 4,180 4,700 1,680 7,800 219,760 No school years completed. ..... ,860 3,860 840 1,0 600 340 120 80 o 20 - 100 4,000 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 44,40 26,80 3,720 10,560 6,620 8,040 1,220 20 140 80 40 880 17,800 5 and 6 years ........ . 62,880 7,440 4,820 12,300 10,580 5,280 2,3 560 240 160 20 1,100 25,440 7 and 8 years........ . 20,10 18,200 15,620 32,240 81,700 19,120 10,960 5,140 1,680 1,620 860 2,760 97,920 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 47,120 2,080 2,50 4,860 4,940 3,740 2,920 1,460 540 840 160 540 25,040 4 vears ......... ,60 15,900 2,100 1,680 2,980 2,260 2,400 1,740 820 860 460 600 18,460 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 17,020 6,660 1,020 60 1,00 880 1,060 620 320 420 120 360 10,860 4 years or more ...... 8,560 5,160 820 240 440 900 720 500 40 620 480 100 13,400 Not reported ............... . 10,120 2,780 240 700 640 260 240 60o so so 40 360 7,40 1 Inoludes statistis for persons for whoa the reoeipt or nonreeoipt of other inooe uin 1939 was not reported. 748370 0-47--12 172 , EDUCATION Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (8tatisties based o a 5-preeat eple ) WlWOU0 OBERI IO AREA, A OF SCHOOL Total ith conCrPIS, AND A, $1 $500 $1,000o $1,500 $2,000o ,ooo $a,000 $ ,000 No st t Total lere to to to to to to to a d re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,490 $2,999 $4,999 ve port Ii NORW-Contimaet Raral-fam Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years otd ........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years... . High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or more... Not reported................ 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .. Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed .... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years 4 years College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ............... 55 to 64 years old ...... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 ears......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. A oa.n{il r sri m11 250.60011 16s8.0 940 2,680 7,760 91,440 71,900 66,880 7,660 120 1,220 229.840 500 1,740 5,40Q 62,140 49,140 48,460 8,000 100 7280 14A. 840 ass A2alI L oIl m 202.001 I201i a261901 i1s.00I 3.400I Sa0 1 1.14 01110.1 2.01A00a 88.e001 68.9601 6.1801 80 580 2,860 27,240 8l,480 88,000 8,480 100 800 47.700 100 960 2,680 27,880 15 ,580 15,520 980 280 66.560 40 160 2,460 1,860 2,100 40 iso n ma0 800 800 840 60 a.sOe o20 40 420o 480 20 120 o 1.2,0 82.400 10 140 4,280 2,960, 6,540 440 120 8,480 440 2,960 89,100 22,420 2,660 20 000 84,000 1,100 720 460 160 80 - -8 - - -- 0 30 2,700 1,780 600 860 160 - - - - - 160 90 . ,660 5,060 1,420 2,760 520 60 - - 80 - 20 - 00 2,5 88,800 57,160 18,120 29,000 5,500 1,080 120 - - 8,40 81,8640 .. 40,200 25,860 7,480 12,420 8,580 960 100 40 - 20 - 1,860 14,8460 71,160 48,880 18,840 18,460 6,980 1,500 180 80 80 80 - 3, 00 27, 80 15,480 9,960 5,760 2,00 1,000 280 20 - - - - 600 5,460 920 " 580 280 240 20 - - - - - - 40 360 1,280 820 240 860 160 - - - - - - 60 440 891,040 169,640 86,220 78Z460 .,100 10,720 1860 800 40 40 20 8780 181,400 1,420 840 500 200 40 80 - - - - - 20 580 . ,600 2,260 610 1,840 160 - - - - - - 140 1,340 10,800 6,980 1,660 8,860 940 160 20o 20 - - - 20 ,820 126,580 74,20 16,440 29,420 11,880 2,620 20 2 0 - - 20 2,600 82,200 . 48,960 28,840 5,040 18,180 6,60 2,o40 460 60 - - - 1,520 0,110 79,460 48,500 7,880 16,900 10,780 4,700 860 80 0 20 - ,800 85,960 14,060 9,100 ,160 28,460 2,020 700 10 8 80 - 20 - 500 4,960 4,420 2,780 980 580 700 220 40 40 - - - 20 1,640 1,800 1,020 100 580 0 - - - - - - 160 780 408,860 196, 980 I, 920 99060 483280 17,920 5,80. 1,280 220 880 80 11,720 811,880 1,840 820 520 160 60 - so20 - - - - 60 680 6,480 4,140 1,180 2,440 280 20 20 20 - - - 180 8,240 19,800 10,960 1,620 6,800 1,840 520 100 20 to - 640 8,260 201,780 97,180 19,060 45,140 18,960 6,200 1,560 280 60 40 40o 900 104,600 S 8,200 88,920 5,440 11,81,00 9,00 4,020 1,200 800 20 40 20 2,040 34,20 ... 88,700 88,800 7,860 11,240 10,060 5,220 1,600 880 40 40 - 82,860 49,900 14,880 6,460 1,400 1,240 2,000 1,060 880 100 20 40 - 20 7,920 6,140 8,800 580 820 760 820 880 220 60 40 80 100 2,840 2,540 1,400 260 520 80 60 20o 20 20 - - O80 1,140 86... ,100 140,860 28,880 . 47,560 28800" 15,860 6,400 1,560 480 880 140 11,100 216,740 ... 2,460 1,000 420 800 160 20so o 20 - - - - 80 1,460 ... 9,040 5,200 1,200 2,760 640 260 - - - - - 840 8,840 21,740 10,520 1,900 5,280 1,860 560 120 80 - - 0 700 11,2 0 ... 191,460 74,800 15,880 28,080 15,160 6,760 2,400 400 80 80 80 6,000 116,660 ... 57,040 22,780 8,720 6,860 6,800 8,680 1,600 240 140 60 40 1,640 364,60 568,100 17,240 8,800 8,800 8,880 2,480 1,42 420 60 60 - 1,880 2,860 12,860 4,580 860 680 1,180 860 520 140 40 60 - 240 8,280 6,440 8,020 460 800 500 620 420 260 160 120 40 140 2,420 2,960 1,220 200 500 120 180 100 20 - - 20 140 1,740 675,980 207,540 49,520 60,760 86,800 22,860 10,980 4,560 1,100 1,240 840 20,500 468,440 ... 8,780 1,840 880 660 120 20 40 - - - - 220 1,940 ... 27,060 11,120 2,400 5,640 1,880 500 400 60 - - - 740 1,940 62,500 22,740 4,840 9,560 4,040 1,760 660 - 160 40 - 0 1,660 9,760 408,6b0 121,540 29, 80 86,700 22, 200 18,860 5,140 2.140 480 560 - 12,600 82,100 89,880 86,120 6,660 5,580 ,860 8,580eo 2,20 900 180 120 40 2,480 68,760 ... 51,420 14,240 8,560 2,260 2,820 1,680 1,440 760 140 200 80 1,800 87,180 . 20, 740 5,2 80 1420 72 0 720 840 480 240 180 120 100 620 18,460 10,040 2,760 400 220 260 460 420 800 120 60 100 840 7,180 6,920 1,900 580 520 200 160 80 - 20 - - 860 6,00 649. 260 164,400 46980 44.140 24.00 18. 980 7760 8.760 1,120 1, 00 840 ,820 484 s 60 6,600 1,640 560 680 80 40 40 - 80 -, 960 S 51,740 15,780 4,220 6,900 2,100 600 280 20 20 20 - 1,620 8,960 ... 88,620 28,220 6,200 8,080 8,500 1,820 780 240 120 60 - 2,420 60,400 ... 877,060 98,100 27,580 2,7940 14,80 -7,760 4,280 1,7820 620 880 40 182,700 88,960 . 5,540 14,860 4,100 2,260 2,460 1,780 960 780 160 280 60 2,020 60,660 0,80 7,780 2,060 1,060 1,060 1,040 860 480 80 . 200 100 840 2288,540 19,180 2,980 1,240 640 860 460 260 800 60 120 40 500 15,200 ... 8,460 2,040 880 220 220 820 200 220' 40 140 100 200 6,420 7,740 2,000 640 560 240 160 100 - 20 - - 280 5,740 497,760 11,28 42.790 86,440 18,440 6,680 ,2 00 1,480 420 700 180 .18I90 3176,480 6,860 56,460 74,700 278,100 88,220 18,420 12,560 5,240 7,200 2,600 16,960 18,940 66,840 7,'120 8,800 2,240 860 1,820 940 5,520 6,8460 24,240 26,760 1,10 900 8460 580 980 6,740 6,980 18,260 1,700 800 880 60 740 260 1,760 2,060 7,480 .940 580 160 80 120 60 460 1,100 8,760 700 820 160 80 40 80 800 860 1,680 800 880 820 180 40 - 100 40 900 160 120 180 40 - o 260 40 to 60 40 20 20 20 260 80 220 40 40 - 40 to 20 40 60 - 880 8,060 2,060 9,460 940 400 280 100 860 89,800 66,760 811,9760 0,600 14,680 10,820 4,280 5,80 Includes statistics for persons for wham the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1989 was not reported. rruvrrr l w r Arr l rrr %rrr r __rZ 1 "yriw ir I r v .w.. --- I r+w .rr". I --- ---II --- --- --'--- --'--- -'--- --- T I I I I I - - - T InI .., WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5-percent sample) .W , moUT ons 2Isux AIRE, IIRS F S0HOOL with comK4 ND, O Total $1 oo00 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 2,50oo $3,000 $5ooo ,000 ot ot Total Neae to to to to to to to ad re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 321,999 , ,999 over ported ot a1 Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ � 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ . 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years.. . 7 and 8 years. High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6, years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. -a2n san II oIa Manl i an nonl i . on1 a agol _MaI sI s seM I M2- 200 1nn cc ai I ie l 95. s4nl ice i5. L srJ.W%$Xr , USD) eVI II v ii '' 14 I Y '4 .LtV.*wr I . i '4v 4 Day L - I X2.lL 4 V I aa.2.LZv)giwI 4oa uZZLZl 4 L 1 ) rJ asn.eoo 8,420 58,200 78,540 124,500 208,680 121,800 41, 800 800 8,660 586.620 8,240 47,220 68,420 123,380 186,400 129,760 61,240 6,840 4,120 818.720 21,260 108,020 166,220 825,240 282,700 288,140 90,900 82,740 10,200 �r 1Ml r 496.180I ".70 176.040 48.680 6,140 41,500 59,720 100,000 159,680 95,500 30,960 640 2,040 426,840 6,360 85,420 49,660 89,240 102,840 100,940 465,960 4,860 2,180 89 9 0 7,560 47,840 66,800 129,260 188,420 184,440 48,860 27,620 2,940 921.000 8,280 17,940 24, 320 41,620 91,920 42,820 21,700 280 880 123.740 8,040 10,860 18,720 22,860 24,840 21,360 25,140 2,800 660 2,540 10,080 11,840 20,460 15,760 11,860 11,640 6,580 440 85.940 3,640 10,820 18,080 24,020 14,880 10,240 4,440 4,160 560 09A 2,440 19,580 27,880 42,220 44,040 88,840 6,720 160 660 167.800 2,560 20,160 24,940 40,620 86,760 80,900 10,540 1,160 860 8,680 28,680 3388,180 52,120 89,820 26,900 7,900 8,840 1,020 286.760 7,720 89,540 48,940 68,700 41,520 20,420 5,200 3,180 1,540 1 ,,M w 200 2,040 4,920 10,860 14,820 18,820 1,620 100 00 101.480 860 8,400 8,180 19,260 30,140 38,580 6,400 740 420 980 6,700 15,480 88,140 47,920 49,100 12,740 6,660 860 260.700 1,760 16,500 34,240 70,880 66,360 47,920 13,740 8,120 1,180 14,080 72,200 111,640 220,180 199,920 174,560 65,860 57,620 4,940 78 0on 5.480 60 so 220 1,120 1,920 1,900 180 60 20 20 880 1,000 8,780 7,720 10,660 2,420 240 100 86.080 760 8,840 12,500 21,880 82,120 10,080 5,820 840 181.760 440 2,380 10,020 86,500 46,940 52,120 18,900 13,560 900 9n 40 260 .860 120 IbO 20 4.100 so 40 40o 520 1,000 1,780 540 160 2e.100 20 140 440 1,780 5,280 10,260 3,960 3,220 20 98.180 100 520 2,100 11,520 20,220 29,440 15,020 14,020 240 no0 o20 60 40 100 20 780 80 40 40 160 860 140 20 4.440 100 440 800 1,420 700 940 40 29.220 20 220 420 2,860 4,780 7,940 5,020 8,460 20 20 20 20 loo 20 60 8O 20 -80 40 120 880 140 140 7.820 20 60 60 560 860 2,060 1,420 2,700 8so 140 40 40 660 20 60 120 180 80 200 5.240 60 260 700 1,120 980 2,200 SR n^^ 201 19.sa0 20 180 20 40 40 60 220 60 20 60 60 20 980 20 40 120 280 460 240 40 220 1,860 2,300 8,800 6,500 38,80 1,600 40 160 1 q_ / a220 1,080 1,700 2,620 8,640 2,140 1,780 220 160 1s980 100 1,460 1,920 8,660 2,700 2,180 1,040 700 220 19.300 880 2,140 2,700 5,860 3,540 2,920 900 980 380 :4.70 2,280 11,700 18,8280 84,500 49,000 26,800 10,860 160 1,620 14 an80 2,000 11,800 18,760 86,140 84,060 28,820 15,280 1,980 1,940 221000n 38,60 18,520 27,860 564,700 48,120 38,480 16,500 10,880 8,180 404.420 7,180 35,820 54,580 .106,060 82,780 68,680 25,040 25,120 5,260 21,580 18,700 2,860 7;080 2,420 620 180 40 80 40 - 440 7,880 112,220 72,260 8,840 24,500 19,580 5,420 1,540 400 60 60 - 1,860 89,960 158,880 102,160 10,160 86,160 3388,000 14,240 4,560 1,140 260 200 1 0 2,320 56,220 ". 324,420 210,480 19,200 50,800 60,500 43,860 21,940. 6,700 1,540 920 180 4,840 113,940 247,120 164,600 11,680 25,440 42,680 40,320 26,860 10,020 2,560 1,620 200 3,220 82,520 "" � 167,860 118,600 5,900 8,880 20,900 20,200 28,980 18,920 4,220 3,180 440 1,980 49,260 81,140 53,820 2,540 2,660 8,160 11,880 14,120 7,800 2,640 8,140 460 980 27,320 �.. 76,940 48,460 2,020 1,000 8,600 7,820 10,560 9,640 5,160 6,520 1,300 840 28,480 " 11,740 5,240 520 1,180 1,500 880 560 ' 180 20 20 20 o 0 6,400 1.. 986,180 1,166.200 106,220 22.,940 P.r. 84 P ,o 0.6 0 171.180 95.,640 4, ,. 00 44.800 10.720 29040 819.980 51,280 29,540 5,660 14,560 6,240 1,540 480 . .0 20 80 - 880 21,740 S: 281,780 188,980 16,680 55,060 86,960 13,540 5,360 1,600 640 160 - 3,980 97,800 "" 292,200 171,620 18,820 48,160 48,600 28,300 15,840 5,460 1,640 580 60 4,660 120,580 592,480 360,040 83,620 65,280 84,200 71,180 52,300 22,460 5,920 5 020 760 9,300 242,440 S 49,400 207,860 15,760 26,180 40,300 45,580 40,240 20,800 6,840 6,500 1,120 4,540 141,540 214,440 135,820 8,180 8,200 16,620 25,640 31,240 22,140 8,080 10,420 2,240 2,560 79,120 119,140 69,180 3,940 2,840 8,860 10,660 15,220 11,700 4,960 8,000 2,220 1,280 49,960 109,940 57,960 2,560 1,060 8,460 5,720 9,380 10,740 5,860 13,860 4,160 1,160 51,980 �". 25,.520 10,700 1,500 2,600 2,100 1,460 1,120 660 240 180 160 680 14,820 S 1,536.400 759,520 98.160 154,940 143940 110,840 98,880 60,060 26,280 3388620 11,280 26,520 776880 58,240 80,180 6,600 18,700 5,760 1,660 " 740 200 100 40 20 1,360 28,160 . 237,260 117,760 20,280 42,o40 27,720 12,600 5,700 2,240 640 580 160 5,200 119,500 255,140 127,940 17,920 24,260 30,560 17,940 12,140 5,860 1,940 1,460 180 4,680 127,200 460,200 229,140 80,600 40,920 45,460 40,880 31,780 17,880 7,360 5,820 1,860 7,580 231,060 201,580 98,520 9,840 18,200 17,840 16,960 16,120 11,680 4,860 4,620 960 2,940 103,060 ... 18,940 75,000 5,900 4,920 9,600 11,420 14,140 11,380 5,020 8,400 2,400 1,820 68,940 88,260 42,080 3,600 2,640 4,360 5,740 7,300 6,260 8,260 5,460 2,060 1,400 46,180 7. 4,320 31,140 2,400 880 1,680 2,940 4,120 4,160 2,880 7,020 4,100 960 43,180 .� 22,360 9,760 1,020 1,780 1,460 1,200 840 400 220 220 40 580 14,600 ... 1049.00 453.500 101 820 106.500 78,720 1 51.00 59,640 23,180 10,080 15.840 5.160 21.060 596.000 54,260 188,140 195,560 817,700 102,080 89,260 48,440 45,520 17,540 26,220 83,500 85,400 139,640 42,220 86,880 18,540 15,780 5,880 8,960 22,860 21,100 28,980 7,820 5,460 8,700 2,060 1,880 10,800 29,720 23,060 88,660 7,160 3,60 1,980 800 1,400 3,940 15,540 16,860 26,220 6,840 5,220 2,760 1,460 880 880 5,440 9,680 19,740 6,060 4,800 2,7t60 1,600 640 360 8,280 5,520 14,280 5,440 5,840 2,560 1,960 400 160 1,100 2,720 8,500 3,520 8,800 1,600 1,520 260 - -120 360 200 1II000 910 8,860 2,000 8,760 1,760 8,060 i, 8,260 1,440 2,000 1,100 880 40 140 20 80 so 180 520 500 1,160 760 1,980 20 1,280 4,480 4,440 6,640 1,440 1,040 560 460 720 28,040 106,640 110,160 198,060 89,860 48,940 29,900 29,740 11,660 1 Inoludes statisties for persons for whoa the receipt or nonreeeipt of other inoeae in 1939 was not reported. 173 a nnS a9n F .' w ) .w 11 i &A~ f ww a 9wy' J61 1Pa V-sv 1 v a w- I 7vv 1 drw ' f SV ' w ' s Irv' as - I I T-r T- " ' T I - - - 1 - - - 1 .' vw "-w ' --=-vi 'I s w - 'svl s- w - yvv- - rvia 7wi--y iw ' ivv' wi iW ' ifi- i - - i Vm 9 N I T I - - T- -T - 1 1 - - 1 - - I I - - I i .' rvl ' f " fI t v vwvv f a-v1 v -v W i- W ' F fi W .I i .I ._ . - IL II DV,7. V I2 VL UUI 19b. #U I 7120 1 0I . I 1 2 - 1- 2- - -*.- - - - - - 11 -- . 9 - 1 - - - - 1 - e a I I .1 . .i . L S L .L . I 10,820 66,360 98660 188,960 181,540 172,920 64,840 38,500 6,120 1.825.420 a aI 1An. 07 aI 7a& GLA 174 EDUCATION Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties baed as a 5-perent sample) wnlou T OUan aou " - With AiMtLD, SCHOOL Total $1 $00 $1,000 $1,500 $,000 $3,500 $3,000 $,000 ot tk oou - zo41 -oo Naaooo k I I oI oo o o Total None to to to to to to tb n ro- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $3,999 $4,999 over peted WEf aow--oetisset Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 1s and 19 year old............. No school years copleted... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... igh school: 1,to 3 years ........ 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ........... .... 20 and 21 years old ........... No school years completed ........ Grade school: I to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... Hi ghscool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or-more.... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 year ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ............... . 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported .......... ......... 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... -High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years.or more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High ichool: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 2101.461 $ 000 950 175.$00 s62,8001 418.6601r 69,7?0 516,8601 36,00 191,0 T8,90 91.400 3s.660 .,6D01 986.300 6.940 60 660 1,860 5,3880 9,300 9,030 160 Mp ln 160 960 8,500 9,880 17,860 88,140 8,700 480 880 I.260 100 500 1,280 100 40 SO 30@ 3 -- - : .. . --. . 0-,-'- , ,3-,0 .... 33 . f"0- sO 180 860 8,060 5,880 7,840 1,880 200 80 60al -O 1O0 860 100 80 - m s0 880 500 1,80 43a 140 120 60 800 180 -O s0 80 80 - 30 40 - A 30 40 so0 30 80 - - - W%. 400mv v w w 100 140 430 1,760 1,330 840 40 40 4 40 160 100 80 380 6410 940 180 40 400 1,540 4,600 8,960 800 mar 1,100 4,440 7,6I0 8,060 8,080 1,160 630 - &-W - ' t"4 1,640 6,80 18,960 30,540 76,380 56,830 23,500 860 1,080 80_4.3 1,780 6,460 18,840 89,860 582,180 61,860 85,140 4,880 1,640 1,840 5,900 18,180 1,880 68,500 47,860 18,880 840 640 1912 0 1,460 5,460 10,540 5,100 44,800 853,200 27,060 3,160 920 640 1,630 3,460 7,360 81,880 18,800 18,640 80 240 ^ena 540 960 1,880 3,060 6,580 7,520 14,280 1,460 260 480 8,580 6,540 13,160 19,460 16,860 8,440 100 180 5.80 680 8,240 5,130 10,140 18,620 18,800 6,720 740 880 a1,48U 68.740 2 ..960 5.10 9 . .6u . 00 8 ia 00 gI.w0 .800 3 i w .1001 .499 2, 80 1,660 480 620 440 180 - - - - 680 10,880 9,020 980 5,80 8,80 860 80 - - 0 - 80 1,60 19,180 14,580 1,880 7,030 6,810 1,480 800 80 - - - 100 3,600 49,630 42,880 8,860 11,960 18,760 6,760 1,80 300 40 80 60 400 6,740 74,620 64,980 8,540 18,780 37,760 14,780 3,740 560 . 100 80 - 640 9,640 89,260 77,880 8,780 10,460 30,160 28,140 7,740 1,000 800 140 60 660 -11,680 40,220 31,540 6,140 4,820 8,540 7,900 3,260 560 ,80 40 66 640 8,680 S ,8360 18,460 4,300 8,80 4,000 4,010 2,830 660 100 160 30 530 6,900 '2,600- 1,40 100 280 560 - 00 80 30 - - - 60 1,860 5388280 487, 920 20,100 62 630 1296,0 129 0 1280 , ao 1920 s 12 0 4,2 00 720 4 .4,0 96,00 4,860 8,060 560 1,500 740 140 60 20 - - - 40 1,300 19,460 16,880 1,180 8,040 5,960 1,000 280 100 60 - - 800 3,640 87,660 88,880 1,840 10,860 18,740 4,760 1,040 860 60 o0 20 880 5,380 99,180 84,760 4,180 15,620 88,800 21,820 7,080 1,400 860 160 40 800 14,410 188,860 108,860 8,800 18,480 34,960 31,900 14,860 8,480 660 500 130 760 19,000 188,840 111,860 8,520 8,880 28,500 88,800 21,840 6,880 1,720 980 180 1,110 81,980 55,860 48,860 2,230 3,620 7,180 14,480 11,180 8,740 1,100 800 800 460 11,)80 56,980 89,800 8,900 2, 60 4,120 9,800 10,880 6,440 2,080 1,740 140 660 17,180 4,140 2,020 100 880 520 640 140 20 80 - 80 180 3,130 48s7,900 888, 260 15 700 40,880 89 .740 96880 0 a 9800 12,460 18, 80 1,00 4,360 104,640 4,120 , 960 440 1,860 760 180 100 40 s0 20 - 40 1,160 22,080 18,440 1,080 6,5 0 7,430 3,000 940 220 40 20 - 00. ,640 40,8360 34,040 1,840 7,860 18,880 6,780 3,480 580 140 160 100 20 6,810 106,100 88,560 8,960 11,920 -26,940 25,400 18,100 4,840 1,180 680 100 940 17,540 108,340 87,440 8,240 6,940 21,600 26,060 18,800 7,10 1,840 1,420 160 760 80,900 100,020 78,900 2,160 3,420 12,430 81,700 21,460 10;660 8,260 8,480 880 1,0280 1,110 50,000 86,640 1,860 1,400 4,140 8,460 10,820 5,840 1,980 2,620 820 430 18,360 51,660 38,700 1,440 620 1,800 4,460 8,020 7,100 8,920 4,960 860 820 17,960 5,20 2,580 180 280 780 560 440 80 80 20 30 140 3,640 808,180 580,020 30,760 59,840 114,860 118,480 110,680 69,220 35,660 8J,720 8,140 7,780 888,160 11,830 8,80Q 1,040 8,840 2,730 640 280 80 so 40 - 140 8,010 50,480 89,640 2,760 11,660 14,820 6,280 8,720 1,100 480 120 - 360 10,840 88,500 .65,520 8,960 10,640 20,980 15,060 9,180 ,640 1,0eo 80 820 - 660so 17,980 214,820 166,040 8,920 18,820 89,860 40,480 33,280 15,480 4,460 8,780 540 1,960 48,780 187,020 114,880 5,160 9,880 19,280 37,460 36,580 14,860 5,060 4,880 760 1,580 43,140 184,100 94,800 4,300 4,000 10,560 18,130 22,460 17,040 6,880 8,500 1,860 1,140 39,800 74,400 47,400 2,8320 1,480 4,530 6,840 10,560 8,780 4,000 6,460 1,760 740 7,o000 72,720 89,760 1,840 640 1,720 8,060 6,000 7,880 4,340 10,500 8,000 800 38,960 9,820 4,180 460 440 1,000 540 620 480 140 130 140 300 5,640 592,980 878,540 89.860 46 69,7 67,720 6 0,60 4640 8 0 ,0 0 .6,820 8,760 6 30 21 4,440 12,530 50,700 78,780 168,600 87,320 89,840 52,220 50,200 8,460 874,580 9,660 89,860 54,060 115,780 48,680 50,220 87,600 89,680 5,920 8,880 86,680 52,780 116,22880 58,900 54,880 88,040 2288,860 8,480 210,840 6,860 26,120 84,8460 69,160 28,620 88, 60 25, 960 11,830 10,660 2,800 1,4a0 8,820 4,580 9,140 8,460 8,840 1,900 1,580 830 20 .60 1,6o40 5,8460 6,080 8,840 2,920 8,180 1,880 1,860 860 8,700 9,480 9,380 18,360 5,000 1,340 500 440 88.880 8,800 7,880 6,880 9,740 8,580 8,000 840 420 800 8,060 11,480 18,800 23,800 9,080 6,880 8,480 1,800 640 41.680 1,480 6,830 8,400 13,960 4,840 18,9460 8,660 1,900 760 500 780 6,100 10,140 ",800 10,880 8,300 8,730 1,730 780 83.760 400 3,860 6,000 18,100 8,00 8,840 1,780 1,060 420 440 8,030 6,800 19,680 10,420 10,560 4,960 8,840 520 87.490 300 8,130 8,580 9,740 3,620 4,830 1,760 80bo 80 180 1,380 8,860 18,100 8,860 8,7 40 4,660 8,780 280 173.260 100 780 1,9460 6,280 2,740 2,900 1,340 1,160 130 100 880 1,400 '38,740 4,100 ,380 2,860 180 7,760 340 780 8,600 1,060 1,600 840 640 40 40J 880 1,120 4,560 8,840 7,220 4,420 5,560 180 1** *Rn 60 sio 160 720 8,040 1,720 8,840 1,400 2,330 130 80 80 980 740 8,040 1,580 8, 80 40 4,040 sao 180 480 860 980 680 1,500 30 160 480 7680 1,760 1,000 980 660 640 100 4,820 360 580 460 1,440 460 560 160 860 140 a,900 14,030 81,000 31,430 84,860 86,180 87,840 6,040 188,740 !8,800 18,360 19,880 46,560 19,000 96,360 18,580 .18,960 8,690 I1,I1 1 aludes statistis for persons for whom the receipt or nonreoeipt of other inoase ia 1989 was not repoeted. - - - - - ' - - - - I I I .lumto . ,, , . .ll " - - ' - ' - - ' - -- 2 626_!0 WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5-pereent sample) WIIOUT O(YR INCl0M SWith a, $as 0D S$ oL Total1$ 00 1,000 , $1,500 $2,000 s2,50o0 8,000o 5,000 Not otr Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported H 800W--Centinmed raral-noafarz Total, 18 to 64 years old.... . 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 20 and 21 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade, school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years .-..... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... . College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 30 to '34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 35 to 44 years old ............ . No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... . College: l'to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ............. .. . 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more....... Not reported ................... . 55 to 64 years old.......... ... No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: .1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... .s63.s200 1.a62.00011 182.5001 477 840l 455.180 245.9801 150,9601 62,980 20,880 22,100 I 6,860 27,740 711,00 18 6 820 16 10o . 51.o0 14 A 1,401 00 20 - 4 - ,800 3 9,060 780 2,400 18,100 19,600 38,540 52,800 81,740 9,680 280 1,180 148,420 1,560 18,x60 81,280 86,820 81,900 18,200 1,740 1,100 218 860 1,620 10,760 15, 700 25,680 89,060 23,940 7,140 220 640 111 940 1,180 .10,520 14,740 28,440 26,700 28,860 9,840 lCA O1.fl 880 8,860 4,600 8,160 21,200 9,980 4,960 140 260 as-can 58 4 580 1,960 2,480 8,460 4,820 4,720 5,340 480 120 620 6,240 8,440 12,620 12,120 9,420 1,260 60 48. 940 400 6,660 8,840 11,500 10,820 8,580 2,600 320 220 R 8.20 80 940 2,280 8,780 8,780 9,820 400 20 80 SR.93 1,440 8,220 .6,620 8,600 7,500 980 260 100 56.620 20 60 380 520 460 20 6.300 S180 460 1,260 1,880 2,080 380 40 20 21.960 20 6e 80 20 20 1.080 20 160 420 340 120 20 5.620 20 220 20 40 80 60 20 1.180 40 40 160 20 20 20 20 160 800 660 1,840 720 480 60 2.420 260 220 400 560 500 400 40 40 2.020 780 2,340 8,900 7,860 18,360 7,800 2,540 60 86.480 1,940 4,120 7,8460 9,620 8,040 3 ,860 580 600 52.420 2,420 1,720 840 780 488 100 20 - - - - - 700 17,680 14,520 1,720 9,040 8,280 320 60 - - - - 100 3,160 24,920 20,000 1,520 9,860 6,700 1,540 200 20 - - - 160 4,920 48,960 87,620 2,680 15,960 18,400 4,480 420 80 - 20 - 580 11,840 49,840 85,760 ,2,780 11,280 14,880 5,280 1,280 240 20 40 - 460 13,580 44,720 38,980 2,20 8,060 183,80 7,140 2,200 400 60 40 - 480 10,740 14,040 9,680 2,280 1,820 2,800 1,880 620 140 40 20 - 80 4,860 9,720 6,900 1,360 1,160 1,96Q 1,120 820 280 40 40 - 120 2,820 1,560 760 100 260 240 100 - 20 - - - 40 800 363,280 277.720 14.460 81.120 95. 660 49,580 29.880 6,920 1,540 940 200 23,420 85,560 6,400 4,600 900 2,460 800 200 40 - 20 - - 80 1,800 31,780 25,740 1,860 14,240 7,840 1,200 160 120 - - - 320 . 6,040 49,820 40,840 2,000 17,440 15,520 4,460 880 140 - 40 - 360 8,980 91,040 72,040 8,220 28, 920 26,960 12,260 8,780 860 160 60 - 820 19,000 77,160 58,900 2,260 14,080 22,660 12,620 5,220 1,240 180 160 - 480 ,18,260 59,620 43,200 2,100 6,180 14,020 11,220 6,960 1,420 300 100 60 840 16,420 23,700 16,200 1,040 1,540 4,480 3,760 3,520 1,180 300 160 20 200 7,500 20,760 14,580 880 660 2,940 3,560 3,220 1,960 580 420 100 260 6,10 3,000 1,620 200 600 440 200 100 - - - 20 60 1,880 342,200 258,900 18 280 62,120 76.880 49 100 29 960 12180 ,720 38060 740 2,860 88,800 6,82 5,2 760 2,6 1,30 360 80ci, L n 6,820 84,600 49,000 97,820 68,400 41,00 20,420 20,860 3,480 53.7 980 14,420 66,840 81,280 157,820 94,400 52,280 29,520 29,540 7,680 865.160 15,820 58,920 61,120 .106,900 48,440 29,640 21,080 17,700 6,540 2833. 180 13,940 48,200 41,060 68,180 22,920 16,700 11,260 11,620 4,800 5,120 28,080 89,820 74,600 49,660 29,420 12,700 12,760 1,740 868.760 - 10,200 10,200 50,760 61,700 -118,600 64,140 82,860 17,160 15,560 8,280 284.580 10,280 42,200 42,960 66,860 27,8.60 15,700 10,140 7,800 2,800 129.400 9,00 9,100 27,540 34,620 38,780 11,440 7,720 4,520 4,220 1,460 ?60 1,720 1,920 8,760 2,460 1,540 500 420 200 20.580 1,280 8,220 8,440 5,900 8,440 1,900 780 420 200 19.180 1,280 4,200 8,880 5,�_40 1,920 1,280 760 580 140 22.500 2,420 4,920 4,180 6,160 1,980 1,240 600 560 440 2,560 18,080 18,620 19,860 9,020 8,000 800 240 440 80.460 5,120 20,580 18,840- 28,240 8,880 2,420 720 200 960 56.060 4,900 16,140 18,160 14,800 4,420 1,440 820 260 620 89.900 ,6 1 860- 4 4,160 11,540 8,240 10,840 2,780 920 740 260 420 1,800 9,420 15,180 24,980 15,820 6,260 2,620 1,280 520 99.080 2,2 7 4 2,720 17,560 20,720 82,520 15,880 4,820 2,900 1,220 740 54.840 8---0 72 26 0. . , 2,880 12,560 13,020 15,920 5,780 2,420 1,880 800 580 28.500 1,860 6,900 6,280 8,560 2,000 1,440 720 520 o220 360 2,920 6,200 15,020 11,700 7,200 8,680 2,740 280 68.8401 740 5,880 10,680 24,760 14,720 6,140 8,140 2,140 640 84,460 720 5,880 6,120 12,100 4,700 2,580 1,580 960 820 14,280 400 1,880 2,640 5,120 1,660 1,240 740 480 120 80 520 1,900 7,960 7,240 6,460 8,400 2,800 100 52.140 180 2,200 5,480 16,900 11,800 8,020 4,140 3,040 380 27,840 260 2,160 4,000 10,180 4,800 2,980 2,040 1,120 300 10,240 100 920 1,580 8,800 1,560 860 700 640 80 160 420 2,100 2,660 3,000 1,340 2,400 100 23,380 500 1,560 6,820 5,060 4,620 2,620 2,540 160 14,140 80 700 1,600 8,980 2,800 2,880 1,220 1,220 160 20 120 320 620 860 580 1,160 40 20 20 240 120 640 480 1,540 80 20 100 120 420 60 220 44o 780 500 860 180 , 260 60 1,700 6,520 9,180 -22,720 18,740 11,880 7,820 8,100 1,740 7,660 1 9,020 1 2,2601 5,8401 165,020 200 500 1,200 1,620 1,700 820 1,520 100 5,820 120 460 1,620 1,060 740 740 540 40o 40 160 1,060 1,440 1,780 1,340 8,180 20 6,160 160 800 1,140 1,140 1,140 900 1,340 40 4,9401 .1,940 2,700 20 260 640 1,900 600 800 300 320 100 100 200 520 320 360 220 220 - 0 60 20 800 700 280 460 320 640 20 40 160 360 820 880 1,000 2,140 40 80 840 200 840 860 780 160 580 780 1,540 940 640 820 00 80 4,440 160 740 840 1,140 520 400 S 340 200 100 4,220 16,080 19,580 .44, 220 30,260 19,920 12,860 18,980 4,400 140,580 5,540 16,720 18,160 89,540 21,100 18,940 10,940 10,400 4,as0 9601 8,4401 108,780 20 40 80 100 200 80so 440 80 980 620 1,100 160 200 100 140 60 4,860 15,660 16,440 29,400 11,480 8,980 6,740 7,400 2,840 1 Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreoipt of other inaome in 1989 was not reported. 175 ' , ,..II , av, o ' . | ... . , . . ---I .. r " o -r I I T- T-, 7- -r II i I i I I 1 T- - T ml I I I 11 T - -T T T T -Tr Al T EDUCATION Table 33. -WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN. 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 6-perent sample) ITHOUT 0 10 DICOMI With ARL, A r OFSCHOOL tl other COMELED, D AGEt 1 $5o00 $1,000 $1,00 $8,000 $2,500 $8,000 $,000 Not tnoto Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $8,999 $4,999 over ported HE 809n --Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old... 18 and 19 years old......... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ... ............ . 20 and 21 years old.. ....... No school years c6mpleted .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ....... College: I to 3 years .... - 4 years or more. Not reported .......... ...... 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years.. ..... . College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 yeas .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 35 to 44 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 yers ........ College: 1 to3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ...... College: 1 to 3.years .... 4 years or more. Not reported.............. 3.265.72011 1.367.660 470. 2601 59.5201 166.801 58.5001 a4.60 I . o700 2.6401 2. 001 1.0801 98.9 0 1.898.060 ttII -it I - tI I- -t* - - 170,Oi50 .L8V6GO .J.LW .00 6,80 T8 140 1001 J. 4N P 40 - 1 4,380 3,280 1,760 1,340 60 - - - - - - 120 1,100 .... 3388,820 24,840 12,960 9,820 440 40 - 20 - - - 1,560 8,480 . 44,980 1,900 16,260 12,900 780 s60 20 - 20 , - - 1,860 13,080 .... 70,420 48,440 26,200 17,440 1,700. 840 80 40 - 20 - 2,720 21, 90 80,100 57,120 39,340 12,460 1,660 2800 20 20 - 20 - 8,400 23,980 3388,740 24,200 14,040 7,060 1,480 160 - 20 - - 1,440 9,540 .... 8,120 5,600 4,100 1,020 140 60 - - - - - 280 2,580 160 80 60 - - - 20 - - - - - - 80 1,400 760 380 240 60 - 2 - - - - 60o 640 .... 232,780 1538,700 68.760 65,680 14,80 2.140 200 40 - - 40 7.460 79,080 .... 4,900 3,600 1,920 1,480 - - - - 20 - - - 180 1,300 .... 28,00 19,440 7,420 10,260 1,000 80 - - - - 20 660 8,860 . 7, 20 24,380 9,860 11,480 1,460 180 20 - - - - 1,380 12,940 ... 62,540 40,700 15,860 18,980 3,420 460 40 - - - - 1,940 21,840 47,960 31,340 13,440 11,820 ,680o 820 80 20 - - 20 1,760 16,680 .. 6,600 23,880 9,120 9,020 3,940 "40 60 - - - - 1,000 12,70 . 12,900 9,060 ,5820 2,220 720 160 - - - - - 440 3,840 780 540 360 100 60 - - - - - - 80 860 . 1,480 760 260 320 100 - - - - - - 80 7280 291,880 173,040 58, 260 82,820 p, 060 5,460 900 80 _ 40 40 20 8,860 118,860 6,160 4,180 1,720 2,280 60 20 - - - - - 100 1,980 38, 800 24,300 7,440 14,260 1,140 180 - - - - - 1,280 14,000 49,560 29,720 8,940 16,300 2,460 320 40 - - - - 1,660 19,840 85,380 48,760 14,420 2s4,20 5,980 1,260 140 60 - 20 - 2,680 6,620 57,580 32,680 9,440 14,260 5,780 1,320 260 - . - - 20 1,600 24,900 8,94 23,08oeo0 5,920 8,380 5,560 1,840 300 20 20 - - 1,040 18,860 10,580 7,120 8,220 1,760 1,400 3800 80 - 20 0 20 - 20 8,460 3,420 2,260 920 400 620 180 80 - - - - 60 1,160 1,960 940 240 480 60 40 - - - - - 1280 1,00 428,920 205,360 51.880 98,020 386020 9400 8,100 580 160 200 60 11440 223,860 10,500 56,780 78,740 135,020 82,680 46,180 11,960 5,000 3,060 371.300 10,640 55,540 69,020 121,000 70,380 26,540 10,720 4,420 3,040 644.220 25,540 114,460 127.420 219,840 97,980 28,060 15,220 7,680 8,020 78_260 6,420 29,640 38,420 68,380 87,160 20,000 5,800 8,240 1,800 182.260 5,620 25,740 28,300 47,820 27,500 10,280 4,480 2,000 1,020 217.420 11,040 48,580 44,400 70,400 28,840 8,660 4,620 2,640 3,240 156400 2,180 7,780 9,240 16,620 8,820 4,720 1,180 580 260 54.74 1,660 6,040 6,400 11,480 5,980 2,200 680 160 140 548_80f 8,340 10,700 10,920 18,800 7,160 1,980 840 300 840 49 420 8,760 17,260 21,140 29,160 18,960 8,860 1,040 280 560 6JS.R&O 3,160 14,900 14,680 19,520 9,460 2,460 460 140 460 83.640 6,100 22,820 19,180 23,720 7,980 1,780 640 220 1,200 58 000 820 2,700 4,980 10,620 8,740 5,400 2,080 1,060 220 86 87 360 2,740 8,940 8,580 5,760 2,220 1,400 520 200 2. 900 800 5,180 6,900 11,820 5,140 1,240 940 520 360 19_ 80 180 800 2,420 2,420 2,100 720 700 60 10.760 -- r -- i ... ..v ~ ! "V j. .s . . .. I ....w r...I I I.. I I. . . .. 80 500 1,260 3,440 2,560 1,800 960 620 40 16 360 -i -1 20 'U .u1 r a.-- ,0 S + 1 s vw BW 'i - - i y 160 1,880 2,560 6,000 8,400 1,380 680 520 280 lso ~ 80 180 660 740 640 80 420 80 180 880 1,820 1,060 400 240 -20 R_ S&O 20 440 1,180 3,120 1,860 520 760 120 6 400 20 80 120 200 100 60 1.180 - . 20 140 260 40 260 120 140 _ 040 260 660 880 480 360 820 80 2 700 40 20 40 20 40 400 40 100 100 80 80 20 60 40 160 160 140 100 -OO 20 40 40 40 20 40 40 20 inn 20 20 20 80 60 40 20 I 1060 40 100 180 180 140 200 180 40 &A^ 20 20 20 20 20 320 20 wn 60 80 80 20 ^^ 260 1,620 2,060 3,740 2,900 960 240 60 200 9,660 340 8,080 1, 440 1,660 3,120 1,960 600 320 60 160 15,980 880 14,800 580 8,040 8,220 5,800 2,080 680 220 60 800 15.80 .L 6 44 , + - ,7~~ 4 l 4 ,* = ,****=~ 4 ,~==6 4 -~ ~ 4 1'i 30,000 127,640 120,300 185,700 65,820 20,060 14,960 6,420 7,360 441.740 _... 11,080 38,880 32,260 46,560 15,280 4,920 8,900 1,480 2,040 113.260 3,900 12,260 9,960 15,720 4,460 1,380 940 240 560 48.720 5,100 17,020 11,820 18,8360 3,780 600 480 120 720 34_320 820 3,740 4,260 6,240 2,540 800 560 180 240 8R. 600 160 1,120 1,680 3,400 1,440 540 440 260 100 ** K 40 520 940 1,920 900 600 800 160 20 so P 160 400 800 520 260 380 160 20 80 220 60 180 140 80 380 40 40 120 140 40 140 120 s360 20 40 20 100 20 20 120 40 1,040 8,980 ',060 4,680 1,420 500 400 120 380 13.300 . 1 . . . II+ .. . I. I . .fI .. .1 i . . a. 1 1e1 rw %-... . 10,760 29,840 25,940 31,700 7,160 2,640 2,200 900 2,120 4,900 13,200 10,900 13,980 2,920 1,100 880 260 580 4,140 10,860 7,940 8,060 1,800 320 400 120 680 600 1,820 2,180 2,700 500 320 140 180 160 80 700 940 1,520 600 220 240 60 100 60 240 360 740 269 160 100 20 40 40 60 140 320 ao 180 100 60 40 40 20 80 140 40 40 40 20 20 20 120 60 40 100 o20 o20 40 40 40 940 2,920 8,3860 4,100 820 280 800 60 520 4,080 27,140 40,820 71,6460 245,180 6,160 1,760 1,760 219,040 5,080 29,800 40,720 73, 680 48,880 16,260 6,20 2,420 2,080 426,800 14,500 70,880 88,020 149,440 69,140 19,400 10,600 5,040 4,780 421.860 18,980 88,760 88,040 189,140 80,640 15,140 11,060 4,940 5,880 l .YO 19,900 75,740 74,500 108,100 29,80 10,700 7,580 8,880 5,800 SIncludes statistics for persons for whoa the receipt or nonreceipt of other inoae in 1939 was not reported 176 L L .._ 80,660 105,580 100,440 188,800 36,540 13,940 9,780 4,280 7,320 11KE 1MI t t io won' ,A, 1M An i 11 ..e M AM WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 177 Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 8-pereat ample) WIMOUT o0 R ICOmI With CM, O SMCHOOL Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $28,00 $8,000 $5,000 Not toer Total None to to to to to .to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $28,999 $4,999 over ported Tetal Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... .88,60 e ,513,7601 6A.le 0 451.740o P2.560 485.00 895,180 aos,740 65,400 ?0,700 17,860 40,420 1 864,860 18 and 19 years old. ............. 8832160 180,820 1 81,200 7a.020 16,880 ,480 480 80 40 40 40 6,120 582440 No school years completed ........740 50 260 260 - - - - - - - - 220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 2,6 2,020 50 520 1,800 0 - - so 600 5 and 6 years ....... 4,920 4,000 1,100 2,200 540 100 - 60 920 7 and 8 years........ 28s,340 20,800 5,560 11,900 2,440 820 40 - 540 7,540 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 91,860 70,8 5,88o 25,760 5,040 1,100 200 40o 20 20o 20 2,760 20o,s520 4 years ........... 81,420 64,840 27,080 26,020 7,480 1,800 120 40 - 20 20 1,760 17,080 College: 1 to 3 years .2....... 2,240 17,560 10,420 5,880 700 140 40 20 - - 860 4,680 4 years or more ..... 160 120 60 40 0 - - - - 40 Not reported................ .... 1,460 620 20 160 40 20 20 - - - - 60 840 20 and 21 years old.............. 220.200 167.800 s,840 61.820 42.660 19.820 8,540 500 100 60 60 3,400 52,900 No school years completed ......... 640 400 240 80 80 - - - - - - - 240 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ,140 1,600 320 980 160 40 20 - - - - 80 540 5 and 6 years........ 4,500 3,820 520 1,820 680 180 40 - - 80 1,180 7 and-8 years ........ 81,040 22,960 3,120 11,520 5,920 1,700 200 20 20 20 - 440 8,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 52,680 38,840 5,620 16,020 11,100 4,880 880 100 60 20 660 18,840 4 years .............. 82,580 64,900 10,700 19,880 20,100 10,960 1,800 280 20 40 so20 1,100 17,680 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 42,480 82,760 13,920 10,780 4,180 2,840 480 100 - - 20 940 9,720 4 years or more ...... 2,700 1,840 780 580 266 100 100 - - 20 860 Not reported ........... .......... 1,440 680 120 160 180 1P o20 - so 760 22 to 24 yqars old.............. .... 4. 00 253,800 2.800 61.880 76.740 61,880 22.560 8,200 700 300 160 8,080 80,909 No school years completed ........ 980 720 280 240 140 o40 20 .- - - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 8,500 2,600 420 1,500 600 40 20 - - 20 900 5 and 6 years ....... 7,160 5,480 540 38,000 1,400 340 80 40 - - - 80 1,680 7 and 8 years....... 51,200 87,600 2,960 15,000 12,860 5,860 1,840 160 - 20 - 400 18,600 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 76,740 58,000 8,660 15,620 19,740 18,420 4,260 480 100 40 40 640 18,740 4 year ............. 122,680 95,860 5,900 15,900 29,460 29,900 11,120 1,580 860 140 100 1,100 27,820 College: 1 to 3 ears ......... 49,960 38,200 6,840 7,500 9,400 9,160 4,060 600 120 40 20 460 11,60 4 years or more ...... 20,240 14,820 2,280 2,840 3,380 2,940 1,560 340 120 60 - 800 5,420 Not reported ..................... 2,240 1,020 120 280 260 180 100 - - - - 80 1,220 25 to 29 years old............... 552,000 412.720 19.480 60.640 103.860 115,460 77.140 28,860 4,960 2.880 660 4,80 *189,80 No s hool years completed ........ 2,120 1,500 840 520 840 240 40 - - - - 20 620 Grade school: 1 to4 years .......... 7,400oo 5,660 540 ,020 1,440 40 80so so - - - 80 1,740 5 and 6 years ........ 14,940 11,080 820 4,600 8,580 1,440 440 60 - - - 140 8,860 7 and 8-years ........ 108,740 78,860 4,120 20,100 26,160 18,120 7,460 1,460 320 100 60 960 29,880 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 10,200 98,900 4,000 14,960 28,940 29,080 16,060 8,440 920 800 20 1,180 81,800 k 4 years ............. 171,280 180,960 4,840 11,260 29,840 43,520 29,880 8,440 1,440 1,020 100 1,120 40,320 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 65,840 50,260 2,660 8,620 8,800 14,720 13,460 4,860 920 620 220 380 15,580 4 years or more ..... 47,160 38,860 1,940 2,120 4,540 9,640 9,880 5,480 1,360 840 260 300 18,800 Not reported ..................... . 4,820 1,640 220 440 220 280 340 40 - - - 100 2,680 30 to 34 years old .............. 508920 56480 158.300 89.480 71.240 85,640 80,90 839,700 10,900 8,160 1,520 3.620 147.440 No school years completed ........ 2,460 1,840 80 400 420 120 60 40 - - - 20 1,120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 9,840 6,980 720 2,840 1,940 960 840 80 40 - - 60 2,560 5 and 6 years........ 18,220 13,020 700 4,040 4,860 2,200 1,080 860 80 20 - 180 5,200 7 and 8 years........ 126,000 89,040 8,780 15,720 25,860 28,000 14,180 4,640 640 420 100 1,200 36,960 High school: i to 3 years ......... 121,760 88,960 3,260 8,280 18,900 24,160 21,860 8,680 1,920 980 200 720 32,800 4 years ........1..... 123,840 89,620 3,660 5,340 .1,720 22,900 25,000 12,660 2,980 2,800 320 740 34,220 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 52,560 37,000 1,420 1,900 4,340 7,960 10,720 6,660 1,960 1,860 340 840 15,560 4 years or more...... 45,620 29,100 1,800 740 1,800 4,820 7,240 6,500 8,240 8,080 560 820 16,520 Not reported .................... . 4,120 1,620 180 220 400 220 . 440 80 40 - - 40 2,500 35 to 44 years old .. ................ 853,060 585,980 26440 59.660 95.940 102 700 112,980 78.060 24.420 26.800 6.620 7.860 317,080 No school years completed ......... 5,740 8,400 540 1,160 940 480 140 60 20 - - 60 2,840 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .....-.. 25,940 16,480 1,040 6,000 5,160 2,160 1,400 420 100 40o 20 140 9,460 5 and 6 years ........ 47,440 29,960 1,880 7,040 8,820 5,800 4,260 1,580 440 240 20 380 17,480 7 and 8 years........ 289,500 185,700 10,100 26,100 41,820 41040 47,220 17,800 5,240 3,140 540 2,700 103,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1828,680 119,920 5,140 10,000 20,100 25,240 29,520 17,940 5,200 4,520 880 1,380 62,760 4 yeas ............... 150,020 98,620 4,120 5,600 11,700 17,580 24,100 19,64 6,0 6,520 6,760 1,500 1,100 51,400 College: 1 to 3 yeatrs ......... 5,800 44,940 1,680 2,100 4,840 7,060 10,840 8,520 8,160 5,160 1,240 840 80,860 4 years or more ...... 6,000 88,400 1,660 1,040 1,740 8,100 5,460 6,920 8,660 6t880 2,880 560 88,600 Not reported .......... ........... 9,440 8,560 280 620 80 740 54 180 80 60 40 20oo 5,880 45 to 54 years old..... ......... 0,820 88.080 0 80,000 51. 9802 71.80 68.0,0 08.60 44. 140 1.800 A,$80 5960 7,200 820.800 No school years completed ......... . .8,180 4,680 580 1,700 1,260 880 260 40 60 60 20 120 3:50 Grade school: I to 4 years ...... ... 86,880 20,940 1,900 7,060 5,640 2,880 1,860 720 180 2O 40 420 15,940 5 and 6 years........ 61,080 3s,640 8,000 8,080 8,480 6,400 5,180 2, 220 9720 560 140 860 25,440 7 and 8 years....... .26;640 155,420 12,140 22,860 s,680 28,500 88,680 16,060 5,520 5,020 600 8,020 121,220 High school: 1 to &years ......... 109,820 61,200 4,280 6,420 10,200 10,800 12,860 8,840 8,400 8,860 640 900 48,120 4 years ............. . 100,280 56,060 4,140 8,480 6,940 8,500 11,480 9,420 8,820 5,940 1,560 780 44,160 College: 1 to 3 years......... ,54820 827,040 1,860 1,840 8,140 8,780 5,260 4,180 2,800 8,040 1,120 520 27,280 4yearsormore...... . 49,240 20,040 1,840 800 1,620 1,880 8,7 0 ,840 1,680 4,460 1,760 400 29,200 Not reported .............. ....... . . 8,940 8,000 260 340 620 400 480 320 120 200 80 180 5,940 55to 64 years old ............ 476,660 8,60 8020 48 6 22 44.660 88 8.40 29.200 18.200 8,480 9 080. 2,840 5.360 254 020 No school years completed . .. . ...8,40 4,400 840 1,00 1,oo 400 140 40 - - 120 8,940 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,840 18,280 8,280 6,780 3,940 k,900 1,280 320 ao 10 20 4s0 18,560 5 and 6 years........ 49,760 2,560 ,560 6,520 6,540 8,880 8,280 1,460 0 800 20 680 24,200 7 and 8 years........ .. 19,980 92,060 12,840 18,100 20,200 15,100 12,520 6,420 2,400 2,60 240 2,480 101,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 57,400 27,640 3,40 4,360 4,940 4,660 8,980 8,80 1,000 1,160 800 540 29,760 4 years ........... 89,880 38,880 3,420 2,560 4,320 3,960 5,100 8,720 1,500 8,180 1,040 460 81,620 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 8.... ,060 1,860 1,720 1,700 2,160 2,080 2,840 1,600 440 1,180 40 800 19,200 4 years or more.. 80.560 10,200 1,880 880 1,200 1,100 1,180 1,840 560 1, 720 820 120 20,860 Not reported ..68.. ... 280 300 660 360 P01 3801 601 801 60j 2201 4,460 1Inoludes statistics for persons for whom the nooeipt or nonreqeipt of other ineooe in 1939 was not reported. 178 EDUCATION Table 33.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY TEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continued (Stastiatles basd o a s-pereeat a ple) w -it nL me ATotal $1 $ so $1,ooo $,0oo aooo $seoo sooo $s,oo st iom Total kess to to tS to to* to to ea r4 Total n to to to t999 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $,499 $,999 $.999 over port*d -E WaT-Coatise UrbanI Total, 18 to 64 years old ..... 18 and 19 years old ............ No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: . 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ...... .......... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported ..... .............. 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more Not reported................. 25 to 29 years old .... .... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported . ............... 30 to 34 years old. .......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to %years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: i to 3 years ........ 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported ..... ......... 'I. ME _R, mA( Il i1A* I _f I AMn Il 100 1i80 11 L.0 2ae9= I_ 95001 5.6 ae oanI .s sm 40 8.1 0 M4.00 160 180 100 0 - - - - - - 40 680 40 8 260 280 40 - - - - - - 2 0 140 1,880 1,880 460 460 220 80 - - - - - - 160 8,640 6,600 1,800 ,600 . 940 160 - - - 100 ,040 47,500 87,900 19,960 12,600 8,980 900 160 80 80 80 80 1,,440 9,600 49,540 41,000 17,680 1,680 5,140 1,460 80 80-' - - 980 8,540 15,880 .18,840 7,580 8,50 480 140 - - 0 - - 660 8,040 80 80 40 40 - - - - - - - - 880 380 160 60 40 -. 0 - - - - 40 500 1260 97.260 21.800 a 8o.oo s.00.oo s.60M .so 0 o so 60 1 ,40 4100 22880 180 100 80 60 - - - - - - - 40 540 480 180 860 40 40 - - - - - 0 80 1,840 1,080 160 560 880 40 80 - - - - 800 10,460 8,000 1,040 8,760 8, 60 660 100 80 8 - - 140 8,60 27,40 81,840 2,880 7,790 6,960 2,840 560 80 40 - 0 a40 5,900 49,8s0 40,940 6,840 10,680 18, 70 8,100 1,440 160 80 40o 0 4 6,880 29,480 28,680 10,480 7,840 8,980 1,860 880 100 - - 80 580 56,60 8,000 1,400 580 480o . 880 80 0 - - - 0 00 760 880 100 40 100 80 . 80 80 193,500 165.880 1 4.860 . 460 46a, 6 .8a0l0 48.Mo 1.. 4004 6.LI9 1D . 0 180 .,40 88,180 800 180 120 - 40 - 80 - - - -o - 1 740 500 60 160 860 - 0 - - - - - 2,860 1,800 160 840 680 160 80 - - - - 660 19,80 15,480 1,100 4,740 6,600 8,000 880 180 - 80 - 80 , 860 41,400 88,100 2,00 7,100 11,800 9,860 8,86 0 80 80 80 2 0o ,800 77,460 64,140 8,860 8,840 18,860 88,140 8,180 1,860 80 140 80 8640 18,880 85,500 28,200 4,860 4,980 6,90 7,880 ,180 600 100 40 20 880 7,800 15,040 11,260 2,600 2,160 2,860 8,800 1,800 80 180 40 - 880 8,780 1,860 660 80 180 160 180 100 - - - - 0 700 841,800- 258,840 10,140 26.100 58.60 80,8l 6.940 18,1809 8 980 2,400 500 1.780 6,90 840 680 160 180 180 180 40 - - - - 160 2,660 ,040 260 900 600 800 80 40 - - - 80 680 5,860 4,160 280 1,500 1,860 760 800 60 - - - 80 1,800 46,280 86,800 1,580 7,000 11,140 10,560 5,040 960 860 40 80 860 8,480 74,160 60,160 2,140 6,880 16,880 19,560 11,060 , 840 740 860 80 840 14,000 111,180 90,640 2,880 5,600 18,680 81,840 88,600 6,820 1,800 940 80 560 10,480 47,520 88,080 1,820 8,840 6,880 11,540 10,560 8,880 780 500 160 .80 9,500 85,80 8 25,640 1,460 1,680 8,440 5,600 7,880 4,140 1,060 660 m0 880 9,740 2,480 700 80 140 100 140 00 - - - - 40 1,780 800.760 227,640 8. 809 16.860 8.620S 8A.680 588.60 30.680 0.O1 97100 1,840 1,500 8.180 1,040 640 . 160 60 220 100 60 80 - - - 80 400 8,500 2,6o 280 900 880 280 880 60 80 - - 0o 640 7,900 5,880 880 1,400 8,160 1,140 600 800 80 20 - 60 8,080 58,720 46,220 1,600 5,580 11,900 18,8640 9,800 8,060 860 860 60 800 18,500 72,900 57,840 1,840 8,700 10,800 18,8600 6,760 6,540 1,880 .80 800 360 16,660 82,860 64,460 2,100 8,080 8,540 16,400 19,880 10,080 8,860 8,040 860 880 18,400 87,240 27,640 1,020 1,840 8,000 5,740 8,100 5,840 1,600 1,180 800 180 9,600 84,180 21,940 940 460 1,860 2,760 5,180 5,140 8,620 8,700 580 860 18,860 2,420 960 120 60 260 160 860 80 0 . , - - 1,440 507.800oo 47.980 18.o00 a6.0 ,52.000 0.49 79.9 87.0 19.4. ..,g0 5. 2.0 19.880 2,840 1,400 200 400 840 820 80 60 o0 - - 40 840 10,120 6,940 260 1,740 2,040 1,440 940 860 60 40 80 40 8,180 21,580 15,560 600 8,840 4,540 8,820 2,880 1,840 860 800 80 160 4,080 147,060 107,780 4,640 10,720 1, 0 25,22880 24,660 18, 60 4,880 8,680 880 980 89, 80 112,120 80,700 8,000 5,860 11,960 16,800 80,880 14,180 0 8,500 780 0 600 81,480 105,680 78,960 8,760 8,800 7,620 18,560 18,800 15,900 6,860 6,880 1,40 640 81,780 528,860 82,920 1,120 1,460 8,400 4,960 7,480 6,900 8,660 4,480 1,100 460 18,940 50,540 25,840 1,100' 860 1,260 2,060 8,980 5,680 8,980 5,640 8,080 880 84,700 5,100 1,820 180 240 880 860 840 140 80 60 40 60 8,80 S� 409. 580 25080 15.960 8 8 1 0 41,8000 49.600 ik0Q . 1 .0 S.00 520 8,740 t.. 9 0 8,500 2,180 120 880 640 180 80 40 40 80 44 1,880 15,880 9,760 700 8,660 8,900 1,860 1,880 580 160 140 80 80 5,560 89,540 19,580 1,160 8,420 4,880 4,060 8,580 1,680 600 440 80 840 9,960 145,880 95,900 6,040 10,640 18,860 18,800 19,940 18,560 4,480 4,800 480 1,100 49,480 66,840 48,040 - 2,880 8,540 6,500 6,860 9,880 6,680 8,780 8,860 600 400 84,800 71,600 48,800 2,840 1,980 4,580 6,880 9,00 7,96060 5,840 1,440 40 8,800 86,020 19,960 1,180 1,160 2,080 8,840 -8,640 ,840 1,480 8,460 -1,040 800 16,060 7,080 15,880 1,240 540 ,0 1, 480 ,040 8,80 1,8601 8,960 1,580 160 81,00 4,860 1,840 160 160 860 880 880 180 60 160 60 100 8,080 270.780 1898 40 16.780 19.2 ,96 6,90 8,680 2 81.80 14.840 5,140 7,7001 8.580 1,800 130,940 56�4 4 0 40 .0 J._ 8,100 15,2800 24., 740 102,620 84,700 42,940 81,880 2288,860 8,8640 1,760 8,480 14,840 56,800 . 18,600 81,880 9,680 7,980 1,140 840 1,800 1,680 6,960 8,060 8,240 1,040 1,000 160 860 8,080 8,880 8,840 2,880 1,640 1,080 580 180 440 8,800 8,740 11,420 8,880 8,080 1,580 840 140 860 1,800 8,640 10,580 8,880 3,80 8,840 1,480 860 160 100 9840 1,680 8,760 8,880 4,180 1,480 980 880 40 860 1,140 5,80 8,5860 8,880 1,840 1,080 SO80 1,940 1,09 180 860 1,960 860 1,880 860 480 60 860 1,900 1,060 1,900 1,000 1,400 80 80 180 800 980 880 740 40 .40 180 880 800 180 840 100 80 80 5,780 10,500 46,40 18,100 81,180 11,70 14,860 8,100 x Inoludes statistios for persons for whaa the reoeipt or nosresoipt of other incoms in 1989 was not report4d. 39XDXOSD 1' L, haah 11 1TW 1 A7 HW i V sew p " w 7 wv v .. w .w ~ vw d .w.. . 9 O. ..M. 35.5so 19as.06 694.940 I 18_ lM' yesn annI WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 179 Table 33.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistios based on a 6-peroeat sample) WITBOUT ORI INCCHE ___With ARn, s OF sooLWith 00W.ML D, AND AM Total1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $,500 $8000 $5000 Not other Total Nome to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1, 999 $2,499 .$2,999 $6, 999 over ported m .E WST-oat ianued f taral-nantara Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 998,800 656,880 56,700 144,5 158.580 129,580 96,440 40.040 11,920 10,140 8000 9,980 841,920 18 and 19 years old .............. 60,660 45.920 19.860 . ,.420 4.420 740 14 20 - 80 - 1,800 14.740 No school years completed......... 800 o so oo - - - - - - - - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 940 700 180 520 40 - - - - - - 20 840 5 and 6 years ........ 1,760 1,440 280 900 180 20 - - - - - 60 8o0 7 and 8 years ........ 10,140 7,440 .1,600 4,660 880 120 40 - - - - 140 ,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 5,080 19,080 8,940 7,80 1,860 800 40 - - - - 20 6,000 4 years ............. 19,740 18,520 5,020 6,100 1,0 0 48800 - 20 - 00 4,8fD College: 1 to 3 years ..,0 8,860 1,700 1,260 22 - 20 - . - - - 160 880 4 years or more...... 40 20 20 - - - - - - - - - 20 Not reported ...................2.... 40 180 100 60 - 20 - - - - - - Mo 20 and 21 years old .............. 56,120 40.960 F 6,260 17.560 10,620 4,960 700 IS0 20 20 - 700 15,160 No school years completed ........260 120 40 60 0 - - - - - - - 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 940 720 160 4420 - 20 - . - 20 220 5 and 6 years ....... 1,720 1,840 200 700 200 80 20 - - - - 40 880 7 and8 years........ 9,920 79,820 660 8,580 2,080 880 so - - 20 - so 2,600 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,580 10,920 1,260 5,120 2,820 1,820 280 20 20 - 80 " 4,660 4 years .......... .... 18,980 14,400 1,860 5,860 4,840 2,280 840 100 - - - 220 4,580 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,680 5,520 1,900 2,100 920 80 40 - - - - 220 2,160 4 years or more .. . 560 860 160 120 40 20 o - - - - 200 Not reported ........... ..... .. .... 480 260 20 8 so 20 100 - - -4 -Io 2 22 to 24 years old ............... . 86,260 68,760 1I -,180 18,490 0,960 3.220 .,440 680 0 so 40 70 22.480 No school years completed ......... 880 800 40 140 80 40 - - - - - 80o Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,420 1,040 100 740 180 20 - - - - - - 880 5 and 6 years ...... 2,640 2,040 140 1,220 440 120 40 40 - - - 0 o 600 7 and 8 years........ 16,740 12,520 700 5,040 4,820 1,840 480 20 - - - 120 4,220 High school: 1 to 3 years ... . . 22,500 16,880 680 4,880 5,880 .8,520 1,240 140 20 20 20 180 5,920 4 years ............. 28,860 21,640 1,000 4,280 7,560 5,520 2,640 320 40 - 20 260 7,220 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 9,460 6,880 1,120 1,640 1,660 1,500 780 100 20 - - &' 2,580 4 years or more ...... ,760 2,600 400 880 800 640 260 60 - - - 60 1,160 Not reported ..................... 480 160 - 100 40 so - - - - - - 820 25 to 29 years old ................ 148,600 110.600 ,o ) 19.760 30.480 0.000 1 .18280 5,00 900 440 140 1,220 88,000 No school years completed ......... 760 480 40 220 100 120 - - - - - - 2e Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,800 800 so 1,200 600 200 40 40 - - - 40 500 5 and 6 years........ 5,400 4,100 180 -1,660 1,420 560 220 - - - - 60 1,800 7 and 8 years........ 86,880 26,560 1,020 6,900 9,880 6,820 2,080 600 40 60 20 240 9,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 88,000 88,540 820 4,820 8,500 8,300 4,560 1,000 180 40 - 420 9,860 4 years ............. 40,940 81,100 1,080 8,660 7,620 9,900 6,720 1,500 200 80 20 820 9,840 College: ' 1 to 3 years ........ 18,860 9,540 840 800 1,800 2,640 2,600 920 200 120 60 60 8,820 4 years or more ..... 10,000 , 7,140 820 280 960 1,820 1,940 1,800 280 140 40 60 2,860 Not reported ....... ............. 1,460 740 100 220 - 1oo 140 120 40 - - - 20 720 30 to 34 years old ............... 187.060 98,060 8.160 4,120 22.680 ,24. 40 20,680 8.600 2.200 960 180 1.140 89.000 No school years completed ........ 1,020 560 80 800 140 20 - - 20 - - - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......8. 8,680 2,740 800 1,200 660 420 - - 40 940 S and 6 years ........ 6,020 ,6460 160 1,580 1,4 40 800 460 160 - - - 40 1,880 7 and 8 years........ 40,840 80,020 720 5,780 "9,000 7,620 ,660 1,440 240 40 40 400 10,820 High school: 1 to 3 years .......8. 84,060 2S,840 760 2,980 6,280 6,860 5 60 2,000 400 200 - 200 8,720 4 years ............. 29,120 20,120 660 1,480 8,800 5,280 5,20 2,440 600 840 60 220 9,000 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 11,240 7,560 200 440 840 1,900 2,820 1,240 800 140 40 140 8,680 4 years or more..... 9,980 6,620 240 260 880 1,420 1,980 1,280 620 840 40 60 38,60 Not reported ...................... 1,100 460 40 100 60 20 180 - 20 - - 40 640 35 to 44 years old ............... 228,560 148,500 6,560 20.780 0,.540 30,.40- 9,540 14,420 4,480.280 40 1.800 80.060 No school years completed ......... 2,280 1,880 00 520 440 160 40 - - - - 20 900 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,000 6,080 480 2,500 1,920 640 400 60 40 - - 40 2,920 5 and 6 years........ 15,420 10,020 600 2,860 , 100 1,660 1,220 s800o 160 40 - 80 5,400 7 aid 8 years........ 88,800 56,820 2,880 9,860 14,020 18,160 10,940 4,120 1,000 580 120 640 27,480 High -chool: 1 to 3 years ......... 48,840 81,640 1,080 8,120 6,200 7,600 7,880 8,600 880 960 80 240 16,700 4 years ............ 81,860 20,60 880 1,540 8,040 4,240 4,920 8,600 1,220 860 200 260 11,100 College: 1 t3 years ...... ... 16,160 9,840 400 480 1,040 1,680 2,720 1,500 400 720 140 260 6,820 4 years or more ..... 18,820 6,540 400 160 400 860 1,240 . 1,200 700 1,120 800 160 6,780 Not reported ............ . .......... 8, 880 1, 420 140 M0 880 840 180 40 - - - 100 1, 960 45 to 54 years old................. 1914280 96,9280 7,460 17,140 21,180 17,920 . 16,640 .90 8,100 8, 200 520 1,620 74,560 No school years completed ......... 2 ;8,O 1,740 28 80 40 10 40 20 - so - so 980 OGrade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 11,840 7,000 540 2,400 1,860 1,840 560 200 0o 80 s o so 4,Mo 5 and 6 years .... ... 17,080 10, 700 960 2,640 2,680 2,000 1,880 480 120 120 40 280 6,880 7 and 8 years ........ 71,460 42,880 2,940 7,460 10,680 8,400 7,580 8,060 980 660 80 - 540 29,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . . ,960 14,680 1,100 1,920 2,7920 2,800 8,200 1,500 660 600 20 160 11,280 4 years ............. 19,880 10,560 840 1,180 1,700 2,080 1,920 1,840 540 640 120 200 9,820 College: 1 to 3 years......... 11,460 8,560 880 420 720 800 1,240 760 440 560 80 160 5,900 4 years or more...... 8,640 8,8160 400 160 260 440 5660 460 820 480 140 120 5,800 Not reported .................... . . 2,740 160 20 120 140 60 160 120 20 40 20 60 1,980 55 to 64 years old .............. 115,280 57,860 7,140 15,800 12,700 8,060 7.,020 2.960 1,220 1,200 2 80 1,480 57,920 No school years completed ......... 8,000 ,1,760 80 840 60 100 40 - 40 - - 40 1,80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,60 6,020 1,020 2,840 1,060 460 sa so loo 40 20 100 4,740 5 and 6 years.... 12,760 7,180 1,020 2,po 1, 920 - 980 540 820 o60 o - 200 5,580 7 and 8 years.... 48,460 84,76O 2,560 6,820 6,800 8,820 8,00 1,000 420 440 60 640 28,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,640 6,700 900 1,400 1, 00 1,120 1,020 700 140 120 - 100 6,940 4 years ............. 11,700 5,200 700 740 1,040 - 680 880 440 260 220 100 140 6,500 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 6,980 8,100 860 440 420 580 720 220 120 120 20 100 8,880 4 years or more...... 5,880 1,780 160 840 260 240 200 180 80 220 60 40 3,600 Not reported ................... 8,600 860 80 280 140 80 100 40 - - 20 120 1,740 1 Zlelasda statisties for persons for whom the re*eipt orn onreoeipt of other innooa in 1989 was not reported. 180 EDUCATION Table 33.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5-pereoat sample) W81MUT OmIR 2 I=0 - - With AREA, YEWS OF SCHOOL Total other aol, $1 $0oo 0 1,000ooo $1,00oo 2,ooo ,00 $5,ooo 6o000 Not tamee Total None to to to to to to to sad re- $499 $99999 $1,499 ,1,999 $2499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported THE WEST--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 627,560 79.560 56.,880 99,880 68.540 b,040 11.480 8.460 B 70 80 a 184. 00 2 ,000 18 and 19 years old .............. 48,420 84.7800 60 80 - - - ,O I ,640 No school years completed ......... 20 220 so80 140 - - 0 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,000 780 140 560 40 40 880 5 and 6 years ........ 1,780 1,840 8860 840 140 - - 440 7 and 8 years........ 9,560 6,760 2,160 8,640 620 40 - 00 ,200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,780 18,860 6,980 5,840 700 100 0 - - - 00 4,920 - 4 years ............. 14,140 9,820 4,380 4,240 580 60 20 - 540 4,820 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,620 1,860 1,140 600 60 - 20 40 760- 4 years or more ...... 40 20 - - 0 . -9 Not reported ........................ 220 120 60 40 - - 100 20 and 21 years old .... ......... 42,720 29,080 7.280 18.460 5.40 1,220 260 20 - 1,300 183640 To school years completed ......... 160 100 100 - - - - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 660 400 40 280 40 - - - - - - 40 60 5 and 6 years........ 1,440 960 160 560 160 60- 0 480 7 and 8 years ........ 10,660 , ,640 1,420 4,180 1,580 220 20 o - 0 8,020 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,860 6,580 1,480 8,180 1,820 22 40 - - - - 0 8,80 4 years ............. 14,8280 9,560 2,500 2,840 2,040 580 120 20 - - - 460 4,980 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,820 ,620 10 1,540 1,840 840 140 60- - 200 1,00 4 years or more ...... 140 80 40 40 - - - 60 Not reported .................... . 00 140 - 40 60 - 20 .100 S _ 22 to 24 years old ............... 54,960 84,720 5.360 15.,020 9.760 .920 720 t - 20 - 900 20,260 No school years completed ......... 0 240 120 100 - - - - - - - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,840 1,060 260 600 160 20 - - - - 0 80 5 and 6 years ........ 2,160 1,640 240 940 340 60 20- 40 580 7 and 8 years........ 15,120 9,600 1,160 5,220 ,440 520 40 20 - - - 200 5,520 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,840 8,880 940 8,640 8,660 660 180 . - 40 4,520 4 years ............. 16,860 9,580 1,460 8,280 3,040 1,40 860 80 800 6,780 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,000 8,120 860 880 820 280 100 - - 180 1,880 4 years or more...... 1,440 960 280 00 220 100 20 20 - 0 480 Not reported ..................... 400 200 40 60 60 40 - - - - - 00 25 to 29 years old ............... 78.600 48.280 5.260 14780 14.280eo 5.180 1,920 8 80. so 40 20 1.0 3520 No school years completed ......... 520 840 140 120 60 - - - - - - 20 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1, 940 1,320 100 920 240 20 20 - - - - 20 620 5 and 6 years ..1 .... 4,180 2,820 880 1,440 800 120 20 - - 60 1,8860 7 and 8 years........ 7,580 15,500 1,520 6,200 5,640 1,80 84s0 - o * 20 480 12,00 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,040 10,100 1,040 8,820 8,560 1,220 440 100 - - 420 7,940 4 years .............. 19,220 9,220 1,880 2,000 8,100 1,780 560 120 40 - - 60 10,000 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4,960 2,700 500 480 720 540 800 120 - - - 40 2,260 4 years or more ...... 1,780 1,080 160 220 140 220 220 40 20 40 - 20 700 Not reported ..................... . 880 200 40 80 20 - 20 - - - - 40 180 30 to 34 years old ............... 66,100 80.80 8 6860 . 9,000 9,960 4.620 11580 580 120 100 - 980 35,380 No school years completed ......... 400 140 40 40 60 - - - - - - - 60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,160 1,880 140 740 400 60 40 - - - - - 780 5 and 6 years ........ 4,800 2,500 820 1,060 760 260 20 - - - - 80 1,800 7 and 8 years ........ 26,440 18,800 1,460 4,420 4,880 1,540 820 140 40 - - 500 18,640 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,800 6,880 660 1,600 2,820 1,040 440 140 - - - 180 8,420 4 years ............. 11,860 5,040 900 840 1,880 1,220 380 140 20 20 - 140 6,820 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,080 1,800 200 220 500 820 800 80 60 40 - 80 8,880 4 years or more... .. 1,460 540 120 20 60 140 80 80 - 40 - - 920 Not reported................. 600 200 20 80 80 40 - - -- -- 400 35 to 44 years.old ............... 122,200 44,560 6.180 12.560 1.520 .,880 .460s 980 80, 260 120 2.80 77.640 No school years completed ......... . 1,220 620 140 240 160 60 20 - - - - - 600 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,820 8,460 800 1,760 1,200 80 60 - - - - 60 8,860 5 and 6 years ....... 10,440 4,380 680 1,840 1,180 320 160 40 20 - - 140 6,060 7 and 8 years ........ 58,640 21, 600 3,180 6,020 6,460 2,660 1,620 420 20 40 40 1,140 837,040 High school: 1 to 3 years .......2. 2,201 7,580 1,060 1,620 1,940 1,840 760 160 80 60 20 540 14,640 4 years .............. 12,480 8, 900 480 760 1,040 780 880 140 40 20 60 200 8,6580 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,280 1,680 160 160 400 420 200 120 80 20 - 120 4,600 4 years or more ...... ,140 1,020 160 20 80 1240 100 40 120 - 80 2,120 Not reported ................... ... 960 820 20 140 60 40 20 - -0 - - 640 45 to 54 years old........... ... 1288960 86.90 6.780, 10 .460 9.40 .420 2P. 1.060 200 180 180 , O 87,040 No school years completed ........ 1,960 820 180 280 200 40 40 - 20 - - 60 1,140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,220 4,180 660 8,000 80so 280 80 - - 0 - 860 6,060 5 and 6 years........ 14,460 ; 5,360 880 2,020 1,420 340 820 120 - - 80 340 9,106 7 and 8 years ........ 69,860 17,140 8,160 4,460 4,640 1,800 1,100 440 60 60 o 40 1,880 42, 7980 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 17,080 4,480 860 960 980 640 440 220 20 - 20 840 18,540 4 years ............ 8,740 2,200 460 820 660 140 260 120 20 60 - 160 6,540 College: I to 3 years ......... 6,860 1,520 300 260 340 140 180 80 40 20 - 160 5,880 4 years or more ...... 8,580 I 820 200 100 100 20 160 60 - L 80 40 10 2,900 Not reported ..................... . 1,840 400 80 60 180 so o 20 40 - - 20 940 55 to 64 years old............... 90,600 25,440 6,860 8,700 5,000 1,600 960 400 120 180 40 2,080 66 0ao No school years completed ......... 2,240 880 160 400 20 so - 20 - - - 40 1,860 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... "10,880 8,780 960 1,860 580 140 80 - - - - 820 7,100 5 and 6 years........ 12,260 4,140 920 1,740 880 260 80so - - - - 260 8,180 7and 8 years....... 42,900 11,100 270 8,840 2,280 760 540 180 20o - 1,040 81,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 9,060 2,840 520 580 520 .20 0 80 60 20 20 - 820 6,920 4 years ............. . ,5,260 1,240 480 180 200 40 100 60 20 60 20 80 4,000 College: 1 to 3 years . ....... 4, 700 1,140 820 180 160 80 140 40 60 60 - 100 8,8680 4 years or more .. 2,820 440 220 20 100 20 - 40 - 20 20 - 1,80 Norpre.............[.... 801 6j 20j 8] 2t - ___{ 4___j - 0 6280 Not reported ............ ....... . 1,000 8801 60 200 80 20 - - -- 20 680 1Inludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreoeipt of other income in 198 was not reportod. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN. 1939 Table 34.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940 (Statisties based on a 5-pereent sample) 181 With AeA0, OAND OL t AM 1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500oo $38, ,000 lot O r Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,49$ $2,999 $4,999 over ported WE NORW Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ... .. . ......... $0 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... ... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ....... .......... 22 to 24 years old........... No school years completed ..:... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... * 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .............. . 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ... ........... 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3,years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported................ 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years,..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ................ 19- Pe. nll .Ao -n 1 R7n a.14 86K 90 2A .o 0 90.4o 28.960 l s.140 6.480 968.E601 4.061.020 I 1ov ,OV D tOV 1 7k78O 1/7 vv v/ % W 4vv QU rnI *+PI ,,uI :w S �501m KA vvr RiO1. . .. K. 1 o0.L u wo4L, U8924 648I0 LwP 1..O.IliJ *WW - vis w O4J. s -- ,ol. 1,460 1,000 400 240 100 40 - - - -- 220 460 7,220 4,800 3,240 1,060 220 - - 20 - - - 260 2,420 16,320 13,360 8,680 3,000 460 40 - - - - - 1,180 2,960 200,780 168,400 93,160 51,960 18,380 780 120 - 40 20 8,940 32,380 426,480 361,520 229,100 86,660 25,560 1,060 240 140 40 80 - 18,640 64,960 550,660 464,380 235,460 155,380 49,200 3,720 5 20 200 40 120 60 19,680 86,280 96,380 74,080 52,400 12,840 3,260 340 60 - - 20 - 5,160 22,800 2,020 1,660 940 340 220 40 - 20 - - 100 8360 6,740 3,340 1,440 980 460 100 - - - - - 360 8,400 1,280,120 1 ,098,120 473,400 293,020 438,820 3,880 2,680 440 280 480 260 43,860 188,000 3,020 1,580 780 40 180 40 - - - - 240 1,440 6,460 4,560 3,000 780 460 40 20 - - - - 260 1,900 18,260 15,200 9,560 3,400 1,480 20 20 - - - - 720 3,060 . 234,600 199,540 108,060 854,180 29,440 2,440 220 20 20 80 40 10,040 35,060 310,240 272,720 131,960 71,560 51,900 5,460 320 120 40 40 40 11,280 37,520 545,040 471,220 159,2 00 135,400 137,400 21,560 1,640 220 140 260 180 15,220 73,820 135,820 108,180 .57,160 22,420 19,800 3,260 300 40 20 60 - 5,120 27,640 18,960 15,180 7,440 3,660 2,240 860 140 40 60 20 - 720 3,780 7,720 3,940 1,240 1,280 920 200 20 - - 20 - 260 3,780 1 877,920 1,618 300 739.540 289,440 888,520 118,800 9,900 1,780 520 520 300 68,980 259,620 4,240 2,320 1,400 200 360 180 - - - - - 180 1,920 9,440 7,060 4,620 1,100 840 100 - - - - 400 2,380 . ,460 28,620 17,760 5,480 3,440 280 - - - - - 1,660 5,840 407,400 347,380 193,900 68,400 58,180 8,260 640 40 100 20 60 17,780 60,020 446,380 391,300 209,220 72,300 76,640 14,800 1,000 220 20 40 - 17,060 55,080 737,460 647,480 249,600 109,940 192,680 64,480 4,660 880 260 260 160 24,560 89,980 140,240 116,680 40,040 17,820 28,420 14,500 1,180 '180 80 80 80 4,300 23,560 85,760 70,460 20,140 12,960 16,120 15,820 2,340 460 60 120 - 2,440 15,300 12,540 7,000 2,860 1,240 1,840 380 80 - - - - 600 5,540 2,896,520 2,469,740 1,885,760 264.740 410040 225:080 44.460 6.720 1,620 1,140 680 129,500 426,780 . 10,720 6,640 4,540 520 720 340 80 - - - - 440 4,080 21,520 16,280 11,120 1,900 1,620 500 40 40 - - - 1,060 5,240 78,680 65,040 44,380 7,980 7,520 1,100 40 - 20 20 - 3 ,980 13,640 806,440 688,700 434,040 86,400 98,800 26,080 2,900 400 180 120 140 89,640 116,740 682,220 590,200 359,180 65,760 89,200 39,300 5,180 720 180 120 80 30,480 92,020 904,280 779,140 398,860 75,600 152,460 94,580 15,180 2,060 460 320 320 39,300 125,140 ... 227,960 190,720 89,240 16,720 38,680 29,480 6,260 1,060 240 160 80 8,800 37,240 148,740 123,940 40,680 8,880 19,260 32,960 14,600 2,440 520 360 60 4,680 24,800 16,960 9,080 3,720 1,480 1,780 740 180 - 20 40 - 1,120 7,880 2,566,360 2,148,520 1,362,700 " 165,420 232,080 174,720 58,420 17.260 4,800 3,680 640 128,800 417,840 10,980 32,300 106,660 802,860 566,200 652,340 88,280! 1427,220 19,520 6,740 24,840 88,820 679,420 480,520 553,640 187,880 117,060 9,600 4,820 18,280 62,780 468,600 814,860 328,640 109,420 50,240 5,060 420 2,160 10,100 62,720 87,840 38,940 11,760 5,660 820 560 2,060 8,700 72,840 51,060 63,840 21,540 9,920 1,560 4 a4 9.901 9 279.540 22 1.001 78.8an 0 380 520 1,760 27,460 35,820 68,460 20,460 19,120 740 187 560 60 140 120 5,240 8,640 20,400 9,500 14,060 260 87 920 20 40 1,060 1,560 3,520 3,320 7,700 40 34.860 260 460 1,160 540 2,380 10.840 20 180 180 760 700 1,820 20 11.640 20 100 80 80 180 160 20 2.020 _______~lJ ..~.L-11 ~~ * -~-1 6 -a - ,~ + - ,~ - - ~ - -- 1 1,2 1,0 2 2 20,880 93,940 272,660 1,705,320 818,700 838,360 827,440 205,120 89,260 3,386,240 24,140 141,860 806,460 1,514,000 535,780 509,020 195,420 125,220 84,840 2,276,740 21,740 186,620 247,480 1,066,440 300,760 305,760 105,280 66,460 26,200 18,060 72,100 219,260 1,388,200 658,140 669,460 254,020 150,560 19,100 2,494,280 15,160 105,500 285,120 1,151,840 397,120 365,360 130,760 78,960 14,460 1,488,220 13,260 94,280 172,560 729,580 S194,180 183,380 57,320 33,800 9,860 9,260 56,080 165,540 1,014,600 458,260 434,060 158,980 72,080 10,680 1,832,800 12,100 84,620 184,200 878,760 289,020 253,420 83,780 38,340 8,560 S151.800 10,860 76,400 138,680 579,480 147,700 134,980 S 38,820 17,880 S 6,500 1,020 5,980 18,900 101,280 42,120 81,480 12,740 5,760 1,740 158,200 1,080 7,320 17,780 78,520 25,480 17,200 6,000 8,560 1,260 91,640 880 6,560 11,520 45,800 13,080 8,920 2,720 1,440 720 1,000 4,400 16,000 112,460 55,560 57,540 20,160 9,320 2,140 155. 900 S vI , 40 ,20 w- 680 4,640 12,400 71,760 27,140 25,120 8,760 4,080 1,320 68,40 560 2,840 6,880 32,640 10,800 9,720 2,900 1,820 680 420 1,180 3,560 46,800 37,640 60,980 21,840 14,980 1,160 81 700 140 860 2,960 25,840 15,020 21,560 8,900 5,760 660 28 100 120 240 480 13,000 13,920 28,220 14,320 17,140 480 44.140 40 80 700 9,220 7,000 12,360 7,220 7,200 320 14:660 ,0oo0 120 3,500 3,960 8,320 6,380 12,260 180 21 .160 20 40 140 2,800 2,540 4,800 4,200 6,480 140 7.860 40 620 840 2,520 S1,540 5,260 20 S7.700 60 40 940 680 1,420 1,340 3,180 40 3.120 V , ... ,- .. i . . . -- 160 540 1,480 9,240 4,360 7,040 3,180 1,840 260 40 180 260 2,680 2,320 4,080 2,660 2,880 60 20 60 120 1,060 720 1,640 1,780 2,380 80 40 480 180 700 520 1,160 40 40 20 .880 1,080 1,920 1,880 5,740 80 10.860 20w, 1,8 8,8 0, S 80 40 20 1,000 600 1,780 1,780 5,540 80 4.560 20 20 480 120 600 740 2,560 20 20 220 240 720 220 600 1.760 40 280 220 440 240 500 40 740 20 80 80 180 60 320 480 1,680 5,280 40,960 30,020 32,840 10,460 6,000 1,080 229,920 1, 1 1,160 4,080 14,620 95,340 44,520 43,700 16,460 7,420 2,620 185.060 1,080 7,840 16,840 87,720 29,420 27,260 8,540 4,320 2,040 117.900 7 ,,480 940 7,660 13,560 57,640 15,320 15,520 3,940 \ 2,020 1,500 4,24860 7,460 17,840 123,440 85,680 98,700 40,40' 30,160 9,920 872,.80 7,820 21,840 53,400 317,120 155,560 168,900 73,420 54,560 20,160 891.960 8,980 36,360 71,340 362,160 188,660 143,660 64,660 46,260 19,880 788,520 8,480 42,340 74,920 336,860 106,580 122,380 47,960 32,660 16,840 1 Inclgdes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceeipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. . amP n n al InI Ao 1 2601 Ao1 5.541 n s.52 T I I -I '7 T I '_ Son an i . . . . . 0 2 ae,& nn 1 0i6 &rn ca aan 182 EDUCATION Table 34.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WRITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 'YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940--Continued (Statisti s base4 e a 5-pesest ample) Wl5WT OaER 10I OCM ithr ,,, OSOL otal $1 o $1,000oo $1,o00 $,000 $2,600 $3,000 $5,000 Nt Total Nose to to to to to to to mu re- $O99 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over porte UfI I dal 5 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years...... High 'school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ . 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................ 22 to 24 years old ............. No school .years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 sand 6 years...... S 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ... .. 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school; 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... Highschool: 1 to 3 years..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more... Not reported ........ ...... . 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 9,179,4604 7,98992,V11 D.I7,78 0 716, . 9014 M I 9' "1 7 7 WI a' A4 "I .:.=j ,," W... "' I - 653iW i47 W 011- "" "" I __ w,1 8C, -4 4 82 'U I I 6,18( 30,72C 59,,480 "128,080 199,660 198,060 52,800 1,180 2,600 "esa aoc 4,940 26,100 51,640 106,440 166,880 149,800 40,800 1,020 1,480 ,Roa a 21,400 40,100 78,400 127,060 90,000 81,800 680 920 A"-,A 96_ I 2? 3,840 7,880 16,960 2388,780 88,940 5,200 200 180 9 0 460 1,700 4,700 6,840 12,640 1,400 40 120 s_0Mv 1.901 80 540 1,90 40 40 140 0 900 so0 180 601 ".l : 106i. 1,16 6,800 S20 8640 ,1640 4*M ,740 11,500 10 603* W uLY -r'L __ 5 - -..r,. - =_ __ _ __ _ _- 5,120 8,980 .8,20 400 140 - - - - 1,140 28,040 24,260 19,400 8,120 500 20 - - - - 0 1,00 8,70 54,400 46,640 25,900 6,160 1,900 40 - - 20 - ,620 7,760 120,740 108,560 74,520 15,860 6,980 460 20 40 - - - s, 0 17,10 142,860 123,820 84,740 0,20 11,680 1,060 60 so2 - 20 ,420 19,40 178,300 152,460 75,140 al7,200 9,180 4,780 820 80 20 20 80 5,700 , 58,880 48,020 29,820 8,820 7,460 1,020 200 40 - - - 1,660 10,860 11,040 9,40 ,720 2,420 1,820 740 60 - - - 480 1,800 8,800 1,960 300 80 200 20 40 20 - - - 00 1,80 840.. ,900 719.880 461.660 104.060 ,108.120 4.140 4,80 4,0 10 BO 10 120 140 81,00 181,080 8,260 6,660 5,640 460 220 60 - - 20 - - 360 1,600 41,800 35,700 28,880 4,160 900 60 - - - - - 1,700 6,600 78,380 67,000 51,560 8,420 8,300 140 60 - - 0 8,600 11,M80 174,280 150,520 111,740 18,540 11,560 780 20 40 - - - 20 ,80 28,7600 191,700 165,760 115,000 23,280 16,840 2,200 800 60 20 - - ,960 M5,940 238,o40 205,420 104,020 35,620 43,560 12,300 1,980 160 20 40 40 7,680 8,920 63,960 52,740 24,360 8,100 13,260 4,120 - 1,160 140 60 60 - 1,480 11,280 40,180 33,880 8,620 5,180 13,240 4,260 700 80 20 20 40 1,00 6,800 4,500 2,700 1,640 800 240 120 - - - - 20 380 1,800 S1.355,980 1,159.660 777.100 116.740 145.960 4900 18 0 1.800 0 440 120 88860 196,30. 15,260 12,520 10,900 860 260 40 - - - - 460 2,740 79,280 63,320 51,280 6,200 2,320 60 - - - - 8,460 9,960 137,380 118,020 91,560 12,260 7,840 560 20 20 - - 20s ,740 19,460 809,120 264,400 198,260 26,820 22,060 2,420 220 40 - - - 14,580 4420 308,420 265,640 190,240 27,440 28,860 5,920 1,040 180 80 20 12,960 48,760 S 323,280 218,200 164,940 29,620 44, 200 20,760 5,900 820 180 120 60 11,660 46,080 110,300 92,580 46,900 9,020 21,080 9,180 2,900 2460 0 100 - 8,140 17,780 . 70,680 60,020 20,200 8,800 19,060 11,800 8,480 480 80 140 20 1,660 10,s60 8,260 4,960 2,820 720 780 280 40 20 - - - 800 8,800 1,214 740 1,014,100 707,940 83.7208 106.040 46440 16.560 2,860 600 460 160 49820 800o40 15,240 12,020 9,980 1,040 880 60 20 - - - - 640 8,220 76,700 64,660 51,440 6,720 8,140 140 20 - - - ,200 18,00 138,920 117,740 90,800 11,080 8,920 680 100 - - 20 - 6,140 81,180 809,220 260,440 198,200 21,960 21,140 8,140 480 100 40 - 80 18,800 48,780 261,940 220,160 160,560 19,840 20,460 6,740 2,040 180 80 60 - 10,700 41,760 222,940 186,900 116,260 13,620 8, 260 17,800 6,620 e980 100 120 40 9,600 36,060 111,700 91,640 54,620 6,700 14,700 7,800 8,660 460 80 80 80 8,680 80,060 "" 69,240 55,540 28,160 2,500 12,400 10,860 8,620 1,140 800 240 20 1,800 18,700 8,840 5,000 2,920 760 640 220 100 - - - 860 ,860 1,999320 1576,040 1.1783.180 1138400 117.0801 58.020 25,500 6,60 1,860 980 460 88 800 408,200 39,600 31,120 26,120 2,920 880 20 - - - - - 1,180 8,480 171,740 142,760 114,54 13,600 7,360 280 140 - - - 20 6,820 28,990 266,740 218,180 173,860 17,980 12,140 1,220 260 20 20 20 - 12,660 48,60 561,120 452,420 854,280 33,580 27,660 6,700 2,120 880 100 - 20 27,580 106,700 386,300 309,720 235,380 20,820 22,460 9,280 4,180 980 200 140 80 16,200 76,680 283,340 221,860 149,640 13,060 20,280 16,160 9,040 1,960 840 800 60 11,020 61,480 160,580 122;280 80,440 7,360 14,100 9,060 4,420 1,380 300 800 140 4,880 88,200 92,980 68,600 338,060 3,080 11,480 9,980 5,240 2,020 860 800 120 2,460 8,80 16,920 9,100 5,860 1,000 720 320 100 20 40 20 20 1,000 7,820 " 1,504,900 1,107,640 875,440 71.080 s 5.840o 21 .800 18 960 4650 100 1140 0 -65,820 897e60 44,540 34,320 28,780 2,780 760 20 40 - - - so20 1,920 10,220 175,900 16,400 113,260 lo,4o 4,960 0 8 1200 l0 - 9,80 o89,600 249,600 192,900 160,640 18,800 6,920 640 200 80 - - - 11,820 66,700 ... 440, 0 333,340 269,600 21,820 18,940 3,280 1,540 400 180 120 - 22,460 106,900 .. 236,20 174,140 138,920 10,800 8,260 3,580 1,920 480 100 120 40 9,920 6,380 181,180 125,340 92,040 6,160 8,600 5,520 8,980 1,220 840 800 80 7,100 66,860 107,200 69,960 48,160 3,840 6,480 8,980 2,760 920 140 200 80 8,460 87,860 54,960 34,000 18,820 1,560 3,620 8,900 2,240 1,460 540 860 40 1,460 -80,960 14,760 7,240 5,220 400 500 160 160 - - -800 7,0 1.. 027.700 686.s 120 570.700 86,820 18,280I . 6,660 5,040 1,40o 540 860 240 4,000 861,s80 29,40 1840 80 .,05 J.L'.. 89,560 145,920 189,720 309,960 127,860 111,720 60,060 80,760 12,160 29,680 106,460 185,160 218,740 82,940 65,960 . 82,220 14,820 5,520 25,60 91,660 115,160 180,060 68,740 52,080 28,980 9,8460 4.040 1,860 6,520 7,400 11,820 4,160 8,120 1,500 560 400 880 1,820 8,540 4,860 2,420 8,'980 8,800 1,540 8240 100 180 1,000 1,040 1,780 1,320 1,8200 4C 60 80 1,100 780 1,500 900 680 20 60 140 200 440 240 880 40 80 100 180 200 40 80 80 160 40 80 40 80 80 20 20 166 6,620 9,720 15,140 6,640 4,000 1,700 740 780 10,140 89,580 96,220 44,920 48,760 15,960 6,640 1 Inoludes statistis for persons for whoa the receipt or nonre ipt of other inoeme in 1959 ws not reported. 91s .nI as5n 1.440 SAB anD1.16B.140 w 7wA "!A .R. I .. 1 . .A I eta OAA cL fAl n If on anI is 1anI ' so WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 183 Table 34.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NATIVE WHITE FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COWPLEED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statlrties baseO on-a 5-pereeat saaple) WITOUT 1ER INC 9 OF SHL Total - -o lWith S 12807 sCooL To talDA $1 $5 00 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,,000 5000 ot Total Noe to to to to to to to a6d re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $8,999 $4,999 over porte Total, 18 to 64 years old....... S.,716,900 2914,7980 1.942.S0 U1,5 ,6 160,80 58,080 18,960 5,400 8,540 920 1 89,8 802,18 18 and 19 years old.............. U 1.9 194.900 180.60R 46,500 8.100 980 80 100 20 20 80 8. y1o60 No school years completed......... 830 5o 440 -60. . . 40 Grade school: I to4 years ....... .. 2,70 2,020 1,560 20 . 0 _ .. 10 .8 5 and 6 years........ 4,0700 4,080 8,020 780 80 oo - 00o 7 and 8 years 21,580 18,140 12,880 4,120 800 60 - - - - - 80 ,440 High school: 1 to 3 years.. 77,80......0 .0 6,180 48,660 11,930 1,540 10 40 - - 0 2840 1,1 4 years ............. 9,860 8,080 48,760 8,8,80 5,500o 00 40 100 20 20 - 3,00 1,780 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 29,020 81,280 14,980 4,460 640 60 - - - - 1,140 ' 5,74 4 years or more...... 860 0 180 20 - - 60 Not reported 7...... ... . 720 880 280 20 so0 60 360 20 and 21 years old ............ 218980 184 260 102.o80 4980 22.980- 5900 400 100 20 20 100 7,880 34 780 No school years completed ......... Sao 260 20 40 - - - - - 320 Grade school: I to 4 years ........ 1,960 1,6,00 1,300 10 40 so . 1 860 5 and 6 years ........ ,100 $,680 2,860 640 40 - 160 7 and 8 years ........ 2,480 19,860 18,660 4,400 740 so 20 - - - 960 3,62O High school: I to 3 years ......... 47,880 40,0020 27,000 7,920 2,740 280 60 - - - 2,020 7 ,8360 4 years ............. 9620 83,180 87,820 28,820 14,920 4,220 300 60 20 2o 60 2,840 1,440 College: 1 to 3 years ....... 40,800 82,500 17,920 7,760 4,120 1,160 80 - - 40 1,420 7,00 4 years or more..... 8,500 2,700 1,400 680 820 140 40 40 - - - 80 00 Not reported ..................... 1,060 460 220 100 60 80- - - - - so00 22 to 24 years old ........... . 826, 8.40 479.90 18580 41.800 90.860 2.440 g8 4o p a 40 10.4 60 680 No school years completed ...... 880 580 420 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 8,180 2,540 2,180 200 80 - 00 580O 5 and 6 years ........ 6,040 5,060 3,800 820 140 - - o00 980 7 and 8 years ........ 89,280 ,580 8,700 5,520 2,200 260 - - - 1,900 5,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 68,500 59,020o 41,040 9,460 4,60 1,180 60 - - 20 8,600 9,480 4 years ............. 142,440 128,820 6,8o0 20,420 22,700 10,880 980 100 s0 60 SD 4,020 18,60 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4,580 88,420 16,840 6,000 8,840 5, 86 620 20 - 80 - 1,140 7,160 4 years or more...... 19,660 16,820 5,740 8,000 3,100 8,340 760 80 20 -80 8,840 Not reported ..1........... 00 580 00 so 100 0 so - - - 70 25 to 29 years old ............ ..... 531 0 458,940 8040 4980 49.00 9.7980 9.060 1,80.0 180 260 160 19,860 1 7,900 No school years completed . 1,7940 1,840 1,140 100 40 - 0 - - 40 400 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6,200 5,800 4,280 700 140 20 160 900 5 and 6 years........ 12,000 9,900 7,740 1,400 200 40 - - 50 ,100 7 and 8. years........ 7,760 5800 48,40 8,120 4,60 940 220 20 - - 3,420 11,960 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 128,600 106,220 75, 00 1,080 8, 880 8, 760 460 120 - - 5,200 17,280 4 years ............. 202,560 175,080 104,600 18,960 22,940 17, 340 8,640 860 1'8Q 140 100 7,020 87,480 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,040 57,800 80,940 5,960 9,040 7,820 1,420 100 40 40 60 2,80o 10,10 4 years or more ...... 87,800 81,800 12,500 2,400 3,860 7,800 8,w80 620 40 60 - 1,040 6,000 Not reported........... ........... . 2,640 1,200 700 180 190 100 20 - - - 80 1,440 30 to 34 years old............... 476,280 8 9.800 _3940 ,0 -6.800 81.860 11 0 2,0 460 22O 80 18,100 76,50 No school years completed ........ 2,40 1,520 1,100 160 0 60 - 0 - - 160 720 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 7,100 5,660 4,640 400 180 40 . 400 1,440 5 and 6 years........ 14,280 11,900 9,500 1,20 440 60 40 - - - 640 2,380 7 and 8 years........ 85,760 71,760 51,700 7,980 5,780 2,200 800 100 - - - 8,900 14,000 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 117,460 99,8o0 90,000 9,100 9,260 5,s0 1,240 140 60 0 - 4,800 , 880 4 years ............ 148,440 127,800 79,640 10,800 12,540 14,540 4,560 580 80 80 60 5,420 20,640 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 61,60 51,180 $2,220 8,520 4,960 5,420 2,160 400 60 40 - 2,800 10,680 4 years or more ...... 88,40 29,680 14,480 1,720 2,920 4,280 8,540 1,180 40 80 0 1,220 7,060 Not reported .................... 2,600 1,060 560 140 2.0 8s 20 . -- 60 1l,540 35 to 44 years old............. 810.520 640.640 M.440.100 50 660 4.40 1o '7.460 8 0.860 T.400 8,00 1,120 20 -88.820 1689880 No school years completed ......... 5,080 8,740 8,020 280 89 80 40 - - 40 - 200 1,840 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 17,120 18,620 11,120 1,20 280 200 40 - - 660 3,600 5 and 6 years........ 81,2s 25,000 18,900 2,820 1,400 80 60 40 so - - 1,580 6,60 7 and 8 years........ 219,680 177120 12,020 1700 14,140 5,90 1,440 880 60 40 - 9,920 42,560 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 177,680 148,480 100,840 12,860 10,680 7,780 3,180 560 80 100 40 8,4280 , 200 4 years ............ 208,0to0 160,180 107,0 10,860 ,0 12,060 18,280 7,060 1,740 180 '280 100 7,460 41,860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 95,100 72,480 47,700 4,420 5,40 5,520 3,900 1,600 240 100 40 8,220 ~M,620 4 years or more ...... 56,80 42,140 21,900 1,660 28,40 4,200 4,620 8,020 1,440 540 40 1,980 14,640 Not reported ............. - ........ 5,800 2,880 1,580 840 280 160 20 60 40 20 - 880 2,920 45 to 54 years ld..6............. 6665180 477300 84( M 40 780 8170 160 19,S~0 10,80 6,80 1,p0 1,180 180 a,0 187,800eo No school years completed ......... 5,940 , 8,50 880 200 20 - - - - - 00 1,860 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 81,40 16,8 0 18,960 1,580 780 100 - s - - 800 5,500 5 and 6 years........ ,60 8 9,60 0 2a,140 8,800 1,580 0 40 - - - - 1,860 10,400 7 and 8 years........ . 9,0oo 170o,o0o0 128,80 15,30 10,40 4,660o 1,480 40 10 140 20 9,130 59,80 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 21.9,80 92,940 867,920 7,860 6,420 4,100 1,900 580 40 40 40 4,860 84, 60 4 years ............ 184,160 94,860 66,80 5,740 8,840 5,560 8,520 940 800 00 80 5,000 89,800 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 68,620 48,50 88,560 ,80 , ,5,680 2,440 1,960 1,120 60 140 20 8,7280 80,10 4 years or more ... 8,560 86, 80 12,880 1,W20 1,840 1,8 1,80 ,180 1, 280 620 20 860 14,180 Not reported .................... . 4,960 2,2s60 1,160 260 200 140 140 20 - 40 - 800 8,00 55 to 64 years old. 5.............. 45,60 ,90 21s7 ,440 80 81560 8,0 S l 980 640 120 16,100 171,280 No school years completed .-5,700 ags 8,10 allO 2 100 8. 20 80 - - - 60 2,220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 8..... 2, 0 14,960 12,880 1,180 600 60 40 20 - 20 - 720 7.,280 5 and 6 years ......... 24,020 19,100 1,980 1,080 140 80 - so - 1,680 10,740 7and 8 years ......... 10,980 112,860 88,760 9,220 5,660 1,460 500 180 40 60 20 6,960 58,180 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... ,900 46,500 85,180 4,000 8,760 1,260 420 180 80 20 - 2,60 37,400 4 years .......... 88,280 49,4640 37,720 8,60 2,840 1,800 940 440 40 80 60 8,880 8,840 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 88,480 20,820 18,820 1,140 1,480 1,180 640 660 140 60 40 1,160 18,160 4 years or more...... s28,140 10,720 6,800 440 860 860 480 720 680 880 - 500 11,420 Not reported .................... . 8, 680 1,580 1,120 120 100 . 40 " 80 - - - 180 2,100 1 Includs statistics for persons for whar the receipt or noaroooipt of other taosem in 1989 was not reported. 184 EDUCATION Table 35.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (11 TH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940 (Statisties baset a 5-puerent sple) W1WOUT OwER 0 ARKA, 1tA F0 ,SCHOOL ,tiother CO(MUMsD, sM 1 Ao0 $1,0o $1.5oo a,oo 3,so00 0 ,ooo ooo lot ne Total Nom to to to to to to to sa re- $499 $999 11 ,499 1,999 $,499 $,999 6,999 ovwr p re M ORM AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old 9 80........ " 95,30 675,930 82,000 174,600 360,080 128 ,00 86,160 "10,140 1900 900 80 9,60 869,400 18 and 19 years old ... ......60 ,8 19,680 ,0 ,900 80 80 0 40 30 o I 1.,3 9,900 No school years copleted ........ 0 160 100 40 SD. - 10 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,280 860 . 80 440 40 0 40 5 and 6 years........ 2,960 ,400 1,020 1,00 300 so - 40 s60 7 and 8 years....... 9,960 7,660 8,880 8,260 680 100 80 - 80 0 - 60 8,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 81,860 16,860 10,460 4,380 1,180 10 40 - 0 - - 660 4,600 4 years ............. 7,840 6,620 8,600 8,080 640 - 0 303 180 1,3i0 College: 1 to 3 years ... 1,400 1,100 90 120 80 � . 40 .800 4 years or more ..... 0 20 so .0 - - - - - Notreported ................ .... 620 180 10 40 0 - - - 20 and 21 years old ............. 41,820 88,580 10,180 18,530 6,86 1,060 100 40 - - SD) 800 9,860 No school rears completed ........ 440 260 100 80 80 - - - - - - - 10 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,900 1,440 400 680 - 0 0 - - 80 5 and 6 years 0 ........ 240 2,800 620 1,140 580 -- s0 940 7 and 8 years ..... 9,660 7,860 1,940 8,460 1,580 00 - 180 8,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,020 11,960 8,740 5,060 ,80 560 80 - - - - 0 ,060 4 years .............8.. 420 7,080 8,230 8,540 1,80 8 0 s 160 1,340 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,400 1,860 1,040 460 40 0 - 30 - 80 50 4 years or more...... 160 160 100 40 - - - - s Not reported................ ....... .580 160 0 60 60 - - - so 40 22 to24 yeass old ............ .. ,740 48.560 7.680 17.600 17.640 8,900 760 120 40 0 - 800 15,180 No school years completed ......... 40 460 80 0 100 40 0 - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 8,80 ,860 480 1,100 680 - 40 - - - - 0 0 5 and 6 years....... ,680 4,920 620 2,120 1,8000 30 80 - 80 1,760 7 and 8 years....... 17,000 12,80 1,880 4,940 4,540 880 160 0 - 0 - 860 4,0 High school: 1 to 3 years........ 19,460 15,860 2,100 5,980 5,580 1,60 160 0 20 - - 140 4,100 4 years ............. 11,860 9,4280 1,520 2,760 38,80 1,020 800 40 20 - - 80 3,440 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 8,880 2,640 860 00 1,000 00 80 40 - - 60 740 4 years or 'mnore..... 480 40 100 140 0 60 0 - - - 140 Not reported ..................... 860 280 40 40 140 so - - - - - 25 to 29 years old ............... 118,780 90 800 7680 780 880 6 0 14.680 2,180 440 100 60 40 1.060 87,90 No school years completed ......... 1,720 960 o00 840 80 so - - 80 - - - 760 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,580 7,580 760 2,760 2,900 880 80 - - 00 8000 5 and 6 years........ 15,660 11,580 1,080 ,840 4,780 1,600 160 20 - - - 100 4,000 7 and 8 years ........ 86,200 2,880 2,980 8,540 12,080 8,800 580 100 20 40 - 340 8,80 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,00 22,520 1,880 6,100 9,880 8,960 420 80 - - 30 180 5,680. 4 years ............. 16,680 13,440 800 2,780 6,400 ,8720 500 140 30 - s0 60 8,o60 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,460 4,080 380 840 .1,540 1,000 200 0 20 - - 80 1,10 4 years or more 4...... 260 1,980 140 200 700 530 260 80 8 0 0 60 480 Not reported ............ 2,040 780 60 380 00 100 - - - - 40 1,860 30 to 34 years old............... l 92.040 6.80 21.100 ,140 1,900 4.60 1.840 160 80 - 1.090 800 No school years completed ......... 28,780 1,860 800 540 730 40- - 0 - - - 40 980 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 14,040 9,700 920 8,120 8,80o 1,420 820 30 0 - 80 4,360 5 and 6 years ........ 22as,000 16,880 1,100 4,700 7,080 38,00 530 40 20 - - 0 5,180 7 and 8 years........ 41,100 81,900 2,860 6,980 13,~80 79, 0 1,540 160 -- .400 9,200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 21,880 16,560 1,140 3,380 6,720 3,920 940 20 60 40 - 140 8,880 4 years ............ .. 11,160 8,780 60 1,50 8,420 8,00 46 420 - 0 - 0 8,80 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4,340 8,800 140 480 1,280 740 840 280 0 - - 0 1,040 4 years or more ..... 2,800 1,900 100 180 420 630 380 180 40 80 80 900 Not reported ..................... 8,40 1,160 60 260 460 240 60 - - - 80 1,580 35 to 44 years old ....2........... 259,480 187,540 1,020 89,060 71,640 47,400 10,460 8,880 600 400 100 1.990 71,980 No school years completed ...9,080 . 6,880 660" 1,900 2,180 1,260 180 40 30 - - 60 8,740 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 45,760 1,980 2, 20 8,60 18,100 6,50 1,220 100 40 - so0 360 13,780 5 and 6 years....... 58,840 39,500 8,580 9,480 15,440 9,560 1,800 280 46 60 - 880 14,860 7 and 8 years...... 87,760 65,460 8,900 12,6201 25,500 17,800 8,780 780 800 80 80 780 88,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 80,180 22,820 1,00 4,80 8,260 6,000 1,420 780 80 40 - 160 7,860 4 years .......... 15,720 11,420 680 1,820 4,000 3,660 880 640 100 - 0 10 4,800 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 7,3o 5,240 260 700I 1,640 1, 240 580 660 30 60 40 t0 2,040 4 years or more 5 ...... ,020 3,00 180 340 700 720 40 540 100 160 - 80 1,830 Not reported ..................... 4,840 8,140 140 220 80 600 160 60 - - - 140 8,700 45 to 54 years old ....1..........- .o 17.20 1 10.o0 .9.100 .00 0 ~am . s I 3 n 120 1.600 69.0o0 No school years completed......... 11,600 7,560 740 480 8,820 1,60 140 30 0 0 0 60 4,00 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 44,160 80,530 ,040 . 9,080 10,960 5,540 1,840 40 so - s0 480 18,640 5 and 6 years ........ a960 ,50 5,740 10,420 ,400 1,400 180 40 - 8 11,80 7 and 8 years........ 55,80 89,940 ,700 8,120 14,380 10,980 ,40 740 0 o 0 50 16,440 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 14,700 9,900 700 1,880 3,330 8,880 980' 600 40 3 80 4,800 4 years ............. 9,560 6,4 880 8 0 1,960 1, 60 600 800 40 60 0 80 8,140 College: 1 to 3 years 4,1280 2,620 220 500 830 620 360 400 40 20 - 40 1,500 4 years or more 3,800 1,980 16 160 880 50 200 40 80 3 30 1,880 Not reported ................... . . 8, 60 1,880 100 800 50 00 8 0 60 80 - 80 8,860 Ssto64years l.......9....... 60 61,860 .. 8600 11.060 19.860 18 060 6540 1030 140 10 80 100 8.400 No school yeqrs completed ......... 9,60 5,90 1,000 ,120 1,700 820 160 0 S - 100 3,730 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... s,400 16,400 8,080 8, 630 5,180 3,900 30 o - 260 10,000 5 and 6 years ....... 18,860 12,980 1,440 ,560 4,5800 ,60 480 60 40 - 260 ,8 0 7 and 8 year........ 86,70 17,440 1,860 4,120 6,080 3,70 940 360 60 40 40 80 9,330 High achool: 1 to 3 year 4......... ,960 ,0 480 800 840 920 160 60 o 1,700 4 years... ......... . 8,840 3,160 820 800 700 840 30 360 - 30 3 60 1,680 College: 1 to 3 years 1,980 1,0oo 100 140 80 300 80 120 20 40 - 60 780 4 years or more 1...... ,860 80 80 100 160 0 160 100 80 - 1,080 Ntreported ........... . : .. ... 2,860 1,060 100 280 340 0 0 8 - 80o 1,0o 1 Inoludes statistios for persons for whom the reooeipt or nonreosipt of other inoame in 1989 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY, INCOME IN 1939 185 Table 35.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER'INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH) 1940-Continued (Statisties base on a 5-pereent ample) / As R , AS OF 80CH001L camlo D, AND AG WE 80018 Total Total, 18 to 64 years old.. 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years .. ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years or more.,..... Not reported ..... ....... ..... 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more... . Not reported ........ . . ..... ... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years . ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or moe ...... Not reported ................ ... 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years.......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ..................... 30 to 34 years old............ No johool years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old............... No school years completed .... .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years .... ... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ . College: 1 to 3,years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old ............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years...... . 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ...........-. College: 1 to 3 years ......... S4 years or more ...... Not reported............... .. 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... Total WrMw OT z 02= u Total Nons $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 oo ,000 $,50,oo $8,000 $5,000 Not to to to . to tobe to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $8,499 $, 999 $4,999 ever ported with other laaoom' 2,692,820 1,82,940 28,100 949,4601 47,6 00 ,400 720401 11,880 740 680 801 51,660 866,80 80000 156,80.1s 66,080 75.460 6880 240 80 - . 20 - 20 7,600 48,760 6,620 60,880 48,820 88,960 82,160 7,780 2,560 80 2, 220 181.560 8,140 58,200 42,060 84,100 28,080 9,420 8,600 420 2,540 259.640 14,480 88,020 58,880 48,140 27,120 12,780 5,040 1,740 3,440 404,280 24,800 140,240 99,480 72,320 35,380 15,400 5,620 5,040 6,000 4S. 180 28,680 128,100 82,820 58,160 26,380 9,000 4,500 4,220 6, 20 59. 640 5,000 47,080 88, 660 80,020 26,8460 6,040 2,120 80 980 126.983 6,040 42,120 81,740 26,900 18,720 7,920 2,860 840 1,840 191.220 9,800 62,520 48,600 36,480 21,429 10,420 8,920 1,500 1,560 291.860 16,800 95,800 70,840 56,820 27,960 18,140 4,480 8,900 2,620 241.8so60 15,580 85,860 59,260 483,640 20,820 7,220 8,380 8,620 8,000 400.480 17,560 15,180 12,700 18,700 13,600 2,920 1,480 t 60 260 s34.940 1,660 10,340 7,620 5,960 5,420 1,940 1,740 200 160 29.160 1,920 9,780 6,260 5,140 2,640 1,880 1,440 400 200 0.180 2,980 11,440 6,880 4,880 1,940 980 560 280 240 19.280 2,000 7,540 4,700 2,700 1,460 800 180 60 340 35. 860 2,440 26,680 20,120 14,040 S9,960 2,220 440 20 420 80.420 8,840 26,940 19,820 14,680 9,540 3,940 720 120 820 116.580 6,680 42,120 28,060 20,980 11,020 5,220 1,140 400 960 162380 10,900 61,860 40,760 -27,840 12,940 4,780 1,620 840 1,460 122.520 10,160 51,420 29,440 19,420 8,000 2,880 1,020 500 1,180 192.480 60 1,8360 1,660 1,720 1,440 560 60 15.560 820 2,960 8,200 4,040 2,900 1,780 200 20 140 87.420 900 8,420 8,060 8,620 6,500 8,180 920 540 280 82.000 2,860 19,020 19,980 19,960 10,960 6,080 1,500 1,420 720 81.440 8,060 28,100 21,60 17,640 8,540 8,220 1,580 1,600 1,040 188.860 40 40 40 80 20 20 1.160 20 160 120 380 840 120 20 2.880 60 360 260 640 720 460 220 120 40 9.260 180 1,180 1,740 2,160 1,600 960 560 880 10.600 120 1,740 2,160 2,600 1,740 900 400 780 160 24.840 80 20 40 20 240 40 60 40 S 40 20 40 1.100 20 40 100 860 120 120 80 260 2.000 20 180 220 860 280 260 160 460 60 S 3580 40 40 800 40 100 20 20 120 300 20 20 20 20 80 40 o100 1.220 so .0 20 20 80 20 20 20 20 200 40 .40 100 20 20 60 200 40 140 180 2,440 1,640 1,50 1,240 880 120 140 4.800 ,y 9 , - - - 300 I,10 200 1,820 940 800 500 140 180 2820 4,820 I I 4,680 1,780 860 1,040 460 160 160 40 80 6,440 86 8,00 360 2,760 1, 40 1,080 400 180 140 80 200 4.580 20 ' ,10 I 220 1,820 1,060 840 280 80 60 220 9.800 1,620 18,800 10,160 8,940 5,820 1,740 440 1,260 44,580 8,100 16,080 10,880 8,00 4,860 1,500 740 80 1,200 68.420 4,880 25,500 150M28 11,660 5,700 2,860 1,120 240 1,880 112,420 8,000 44,440 28,640 16,000 7,420 2,260 1,140 1,140 8,880 101.S20 8,100 42,260 28,560 14,520 6,060 1,780 1,120 600 8, 82Q 198.160 - --r . . . , . V . . . , .. . ,.. . V. . !. .s-.. .. . , - - ,- 59,140 87,920 4,720 22,480 8,480 1,100 80 20 - - - 1,040 21,220 247,720 161,820 16,040 87,520 46,520 6,760 880 140 - 80 20 4, 60 85,900 137,160 94,06 ?7,920 44,060 38,400 5,780 640 140 60 - 40 2,020 48,100 87,620 68,800 4,060 2,840 27,S20 5,540 660 160 40 40 40 1,100 28,820 27,880 20,520 1,700 6,780 8,660 2,860 540 160 - - - 320 -7, 60 11,260 8,500 .' 460 2,520 8,640 1,860 240 140 20 20 - 100 2,760 6,100 4,300 320 1,200 1,620 720 200 140 20 20 - 60 1,800 5,780 4,100 240 340 1,500 1,000 560 300 60 40 40 20 1,680 10,980 5,460 4oo00 2,740 1,720 220 80 20 - - - 280 5,520 406,480 28,860 32,660 116,800 58,660 1, 760 2S780 .1,120 200 - 220 40 7,600 172,640 59,860 184,980 78,800 46,880 14,800 6,680 8,360 4,180 7,960 808,460 55,460 132,560 54,300 33,100 10,160 4,480 8,040 3,600 6,760 85, 380 102,780 46, 720 28,78C 8,38(0 4,06C 1,900 2,420 8,480 178,880 30,740 74,180 31,540 20,940 6,180 2,960 1,940 1,800 8,100 6,060 15,400 5,820 8,840 940 820 160 200 420 29,940 6,920 12,940 5,2460 2,660 900 860 160 180 580 21,040 56,280 21,100 11,480 38,60 980 500 220 1,840 81,820 16,800 89,260 18,060 7,640 2,020 900 460 200 1,480 6,080 g2,420 14,840 ,9,400 2,600 1,760 560 780 720 42,780 5,080 15,920 9,520 7,020 2,360 1,080 700 580 520 1,040 4,440 8,280 2,840 840 520 240 440 120 a nn 700 2,320 2,840 2,800 560 260 240 460 120 180 500 460 680 260 280 160 240 1,800 100 840 260 540 100 160 100 180 20 160 200 140 160 80 120 240 20 860 180 80 160 60 180 120 80 OO 20 60 100 220 20 40 so so 80 20 20 40 40O 20 80 180 2 1,2 20 20 40 20 20 960 8,540 1,500 860 180 80 80 120 280 6,520 1,120 3,180 1,000 600 140 20 60 20 880 26,480 82,200 82,080 17,600 5,920 2,620 1,440 1,760 4,540 180,080 84,720 58,380 22,760 12,160 8,980 1,520 1,100 1,800 3,660 lIncludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other inoome in 1939 was not reported. I I _ - _ 7r T T T - - - - - 7 - I r I T -T T T T I 'Tr -r i T - T- T T T T -R' T T T- T - Z- T T T 'T -T 186 EDUCATION Table 35.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5-pereent saajle) WI'HOUT 0M INO h AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL,000 Not COMPL D, AND AGE Tot $1 $500 $1,000 $1,00 ,000 $,500 $8000 $5,000 Not ote total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 4,999 over ported THE SOUTH-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 1,062,820 8902PA0 81,820 404,490 826,720 58,400 8,860 8,120 620 480 220 10,660 172,080 18 and 19 years old .............. 60,840 51,920 17,860 28,620 8 - - - - 1400 8,980 No school years completed......... 920 740 3 320 . 20 - - - - - 20 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,460 7,940 1,620 5,600 540 40 - - - - - 140 1,820 5 and 6 years ....... 12,460 11,120 2,540 7,500 800 40 - - - - - 240 1,840 7 and 8 years........ 14,080 11,840 8,660 6,880 1,060 20 - - - - - 220 2,840 High school-: 1 to 3 years ......... 16,740 14,880 6,620 6,160 960 40 - - - - - 600 2 860 4 years ............ 4,940 4,080 1,920 1,600 420 20 - i20 860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,620 1,420 1,020 00 20 20 - - - - 60 200 4 years or more ...... 60 60 60 - - - - - Not reported .............. ... .... 560 840 40 260 40 - - - - - - . 220 20 and 21 years old .............. 57,920 50,140 8.600 29.480 10.680 640 60 - 20 - - 660 7,780 No school years completed ........ 1,080 900 180 480 200 20 - - - - 20 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 10,080 8,660 1,820 5,660 1,520 60 - - - 100 1,420 5 and 6 years ........ 12,220 11,000 1,400 7,440 2,020 100 - - 20 - - 20 1,220 7 and 8 years ........ 18,480 11,540 1,880 6,840 2,960 180 40 - - - - 140 1,940 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 11,420 9,960 1,740 ' 8,580 2,280 200 20 - - - 140 1,460 4 years ............. 5,780 5,200 1,040 2,660 1,860 60 - - - - - 80 580 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 2,780 2,260 1,820 560 200 20 - - 160 520 4 years or more ...... 320 260 180 60 20 - - - - - - 60 Not reported ..................... 760 860 40 200 120 - - - - - 400 22 to 24 years old ............... 90,580 79.140 7.,180 48.920 25140 1,900 120 20 - - - 860 11.440 No school years completed ......... 2,460 2,040 440 1,080 460 40 - - - - - 20 420 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 19,440 17,200 1,220 11,140 4,460 220 40 - - - 120 2,840 5 and 6 years . ....... 19,260 17,200 1,460 10,820 5,100 22D 20 - - - - 80 2,060 7 and 8 years........ 20,220 17,760 1,820 9,600 6,200 860 20 - - - - 0 8,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 15,120 18,160 1,000 6,640 4,840 460 - 20 - - - 200 1,960 4 years ............. 8,320 7,200 500 8, 660 2,660 300 20 - - - - 60 1,1 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,480 2,820 880 820 860 180 20 - - 60 660 4 years or more ...... 1,260 1,160 360 800 860 100 - - - - - 40 100 Not reported ..................... 1,020 600 - 360 200 20 - - - - 20 480 25 to 29 years old ............... 165,760 143,780 8,820 68.640 57.420 6.820 840 220 80so - 60 1,80 21.980 No school years completed ......... 5,840 5,000 660 2,900 1,260 so0 - - - - - 100 840 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 37,520 32,860 2,200 18,640 10,840 800 20 20 20 - 20 00 4,660 5 and 6 years ........ 40,900 35,640 1,680 18,560 13,620 1,860 80 80 20 - - 8240 5,260 7 and 8 years ........ 37,460 33,320 1,640 14,480 15,200 1,480 280 - - - 20 220 4,140 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 22,560 19,400 1,020 8,9260 8,780 1,100 60 - - - - 180 8,160 4 years ............. 11,380 10,060 460 8,620 4,980 760 80 0 - 20 120 1,820 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4,040 8,260 360 1,080 1,160 480 80 - 20 - - 80 780 4 years or more. . ... 3,940 2,960 220 560 980 760 240 100 20 - - 80 980 Not reported ..................... 2,120 1,280 80 540 600 - - - - - 60 840 30 to 34 years old............... 149,100 130,460 5,980 54,720 59,000 7,840 1,460 220 - 80 20 1,140 18,640 No school years completed ......... 6,000 5,120 80 2,820 1,840 40 0 40 20 - - - - 0 880 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 42,080 37,240 1,900 18,860 14,920 1,140 100 - - 20 - 800 4,840 5 and 6 years ........ 36,980 32,940 1,420 14,180 15,480 1,460 180 - - - 226 4,040 7 and 8 years ........ 31,540 28,020 960 10,620 18,980 1,940 240 20 - 20 20 220 8,520 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 17,200 14,680 860 5,180 6,940 1,360 160 20 - - - 160 2,520 4 years ............. 7,060 5,960 220 1,720 2,880 840 200 '60 - - - 40 1,00 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,060 2,440 120 620 1,220 320 140 20 - - - 620 4 years or more ....... 2,880 2,520 40 280 1,020 600 880 100 - 40 - 60 860 Not reported ..................... 2,300 1,540 80 440 720 140 40 - - - 120 760 S tn 44 ve old............... 264,600 224,180 11,860 90,440 7,220 18,480 1 2.,6820 940 160 120 8 28,8260 40420 No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .. . . 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... .. 45 to 54 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........ ... . College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported .........: ......... . 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... r 7 and 8 years... .' High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ...... I lot reported ..................... 17,640 14,920 1,100 7,920 5,100 640 60 20 - - - 80 2,720 .88,980 76,700 3,860 85,240 81,760 4,620 260 100 - 60 - 800 12,280 66,680 57,380 2,980 24,160 24,800 4,260 480 20 60 - - 620 9,800 52,040 43,940 2,120 14,920 21,620 4,220 500 120 20 20 40 360 8,100 17,960 14,960 960 8,980 7,260 1,980 500 160 - - - 120 8,000 8,500 6,840 280 1,940 2,980 1,180 200 140 20 20 - 80 1,660 4,400 3,460 200 840 1,400 620 180 120 20 20 - 60 940 4,300 2,980 180 240 1,020 800 400 240 40 - 40 20 1,820 4,100 8,000 180 1,200 1,280 160 40 20 - - - 120 1,100 144,640 112,500 10,600 47,860 89.000 9,960 2220 960 140 160 40 1,600 82,140 15,940 13,280 1,620 7,200 8,640 620 120 - - " 20 - 60 2,660 54,580 42,920 4,180 20,460 14,280 8,980 360 140 - - 20 800 11,660 80,960 24,620 1,840 9,960 9,520 2,889 840 160 - - 20 400 6,840 23,200 18,160 1,800 6,260 6,820 2,800 620 140 20 20 - 280 5,040 7,520 5,620 540 2,140 1,840 600 260 140 - - - . 100 1,900 4,520 8,060 240 660 1,400 400 260 40 - 40 - 20 1,460 2,180 1,380 120 220 440 220 160 120 40 20 - 40 800 3,140 1,860 160 160 540 980 180 200 80 '60 - 100 1,280 2,600 1,600 . 100 760 520 so80 20 20 - - - 100 1,000 128,880 98,120 11.420 40,700 84,400 ' 7.580 1.540 760 220 120 20 1.860 80,760 16,140 12, 840 1,900 6,520 3,300 500 40 - - 20 - 60 3,800 48,760 38,020 4,700 18,220 12,360 1,680 820 120 20 20 - 880 10,740 26,680 20,780 2,2 20 7,800 8,140 2,020 200 80 40 - - 280 5,900 20,560 15,620 1,540 5,080 6,140 2,020 500 140 - - 20 1804 4,940 6,280 4,58( 400 1,420 2,040- 480 80 40 - 40 - 80 1,700 3,280 2,460 240 640 1,do00 .240 140 180 - - - 20 820 2,080 1,540 100 360 500 200 100 120 - 80 20 - 60 640 2,860 1,440 140 80 50 380 140 80 80 20 - - 1,420 2,240 1,840 180 580 400 60 20 - - - - 100 900 1Includes statistics for persons for whoa the reeeipt or nonreceipt of other inocme in 1989 was not reported. WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 187 Table 35.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) WITHOUT OTHER INCOE ,_With cAm, Tr SCHOOL Total $1 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $8,000 $5,000 Not inoth OCPLTo, AND AUo Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported T RO 80aU-Continued Rural-nonfara . o0 418 .460 8 660 24 980on 106 820 16 600 2 260 50 120 140 100 5 760 115.620 Total, 18 to 64 years old..... and 19 years old.......... school years completed...... . e school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years......... i school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. ege: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... reported ................ ... and 2I vears old.............. _ Z ,v - , V 04, , MOO *O ,V, 3,4LG v .. ... ... ... .,. . - 35640 27,880 7.740 17.120 1.980 60 20 - 20 - - 940 7,760 1,380 980 400 560 20o - - - - - - 400 9,880 7,740 1,240 5,780 540 - - - - 180 2,14 8,300 6,660 1,500 4,580 500 - - - 20 - - 60 1,640 7,800 5,840 1,720 3,460 440 20 - - - - 200 1,460 6,260 4,940 2,200 2,040 360 40 20 - - - - 280 1,820 1,860 1,080 400 440 100 - - - - - 140 280 540 420 240 120 20 - - - - - - 40 120 620- 220 40 140 - -- - - - 40 400 24,260 26,840 8,500 18,980 3,360 480 20 - - - - 500 7,420 18 No s Grad High Coll Not 20 No s Grad High Coll Not 22 No s Gra Hig Coll Not 25 No a Grac Hig Coll Not 3C No Gra Hig Coll Not No Gra Hig Col Not 4, No Gre Hig Coll Not 5 -No Gra His Col Not chool years completed ......... 1, 280 960 180 700 40 - - - - 40 320 le school: 1 to 4 years ....... 10,560 8,220 700 6,880 1,000 60 - 80 2B340 5 and 6 years ........ 7,800 6,500 500 5,220 620 20 20 . 10 1,300 7 and 8 years........ 6,420 4,980 680 3,280 760 200 - 60 1,440 school: 1 to 3 years ..... 5,140 4,100 900 2,320 600 140 140 1,040 4 years ......... ..... 1,780 1,420 200 800 340 60 - - - - - 20 360 ege: 1 to 3 years ......... 480 360 280 80 - - - - - 1 4 years or more...... 60 40 20 20 - 20 reported ............ ........... 740 260 40 180 40 480 I to 24 years old ............... 52,100 41,720 2,980 28.,00 8.960 860 100 20 - - 20 380 10,880 school years completed ........ 8,120 2,080 220 1,620 40 - - - - - 1,040 de school: 1 to 4 years ......... 17,060 14,820 840 10,140 3,000 120 - - - - 20 200 2,740 5 and 6 years ........ 11,460 9,640 540 7,120 1,880 20 60 1,820 7 and 8 years ........ 10,400 8,280 640 5,480 1,800 260 20 - 80 2,120 hschool: 1 to 3 years ........ 5,660 4,420 20 2,440 1, 840 260 40 20 - - - - i, 0 4 years ............. 2,400 1,960 240 1,120 440 140 - - - - - 20 440 ege: 1 to 3 years ......... 720 500 180 180 60 40 20 20 220 4 years or more ...... 800 220 - 100 120 - - - 80 reported........... ......... . 980 800 - 200 80 20 680 5to 29 years old............... 84,720 68,140 2,980 42,060 19,920 2,140 220 40 - 20 20 740 16,580 school years completed ........ 6,000 4,140 280 2,980 800 s60 20 - - - - - 1,860 de school: 1 to 4 years ......... 30,560 25,220 1,140 17,020 6,400 320 20 . - - 20 - 800 5,340 5 and 6 years ........ 20,320 16,780 600 10,420 5,240 340 - - - - 20 160 3,540 7 and 8 years ........ 15,160 12,660 640 7,060 3,960 680 80 20 - - 220 2,500 h school: 1 to 3 years . . 6,860 5,460 160 2,940 1,800 460 60 - 40 1,400 4 years ............ . 2,340 1,960 80 740 940 160 20 - - - 20 880 ege: 1 to 3 years ........ 920 700 40 260 320 80 - - - 220 4 years or more ..... 740 680 20 200 880 40 20 20 60 reported ..................... 1,820 540 20 440 so80 - - - - 1,280 0 to 34 years old .............. 72,140 57,640 2,020 33.8460 18,760 2.400 480 40 - - 20 460 14,500 school years completed ........ 5,760 4,320 260 2,980 980 60 - - - - - 40 1,440 de school: 1 to 4 years ....... 27,300 22,520 740 14,500 6,560 500 80 - - - - 140 4,780 5 and 6 years........ 17,760 14,540 480 8 ,040 5,260 680 20 - - - - 60 3,220 7 and 8 years ........ 11,540 9,480 420 4,940 3,260 580 120 - - - 20 140 2,060 h school: 1 to 3 years ........ 5,060 3,860 80 1,760 1,520 340 120 - - - - 40 1,200 4 yars ............. 1,240 980 20 540 300 60 40 20 - - - - 260 lege: 1 to 3 years ......... 800 580 - 240 240 60 20 20 - - - - 220 4 years or more ..... 780 680 - 120 880 120 60 - - - - - 100 reported ............... .. .... 1,900 680 20 340 260 - 20 - - - - 40 1,220 5 to 44 years old............... 118,620 94,200 4.540 51,700 30.120 5,720 720 "260 40 60 40. 1.000 24.420 school years completed........ 18,660 10,660 660 6,580 2,940 400 20 - - - - 60 3,000 de school: 1 to 4 years ......... 51,400 42,100 2,060 25,040 12,480 1,920 100 40 - - - 460 9,300 5 and 6 years ........ 25,400 20,640 960 10,680 7,100 1,360 160 100 - - 40 240 4,760 7 and 8 years ........ 16,060 12,900 360 6,060 4,860 1,220 140 40 20 20 - 180 3,160 h school: 1 to 3 years ........ 5, 040 8,780 S00 1,900 1,160 340 40 - - - - 40 1,260 4 years ..... . ...... 1,800 1,880 100 480 600 160 40 - - - - 420 lege: 1 to 3 years ........ 860 560 20 220 180 100 20 20 - - - 300 4 years or more ...... 1,200 940 40 40 420 160 160 60 20 40 - - 260 t reported ................. ,200 1, 240 40 700 380 60 40. - - - - 20 1,960 5 to 54 years old ............... 83,800 62,600 4,540 896. 60 16.480 .,440 480 120 60 60 - 1.060 20,700 school years completed .......... 13,020 9,980 1,080 6,200 2, 120 360 60 - - - - 160 3,040 de school: 1 to 4 years ......... 37,580 29,240 2,040 18,400 6,860 1,280 140 20 20 - - 480 .8,340 5 and 6 years ........ "16,600 12,700 740 6,760 4,020 860 100 20 - - - 200 3,900 7 and 8 years ........ 9, 00 6,600 460 3,280 2,080 460 160 - - - - 160 2,700 h school: 1 to 3 years ......... 2,660 1,800 100 740 680 240 - - - 40 - - 860 4.years........ ..... 1,020 -720 40 220 280 120 - 40 - - - 20 300 lege: 1 to 3 years ......... 5o0 300 - 140 100 20 , - - 20 - - 20 220 4 years or more ...... 620 400 20 40 180 60 20 40 20 20 - - 220 t reported .................... .. 1,980 860 60 580 160 40 - - - - -20 1,120 5 to 64 years old....... ...... . 48,300 34,440 4.360 20,900 6.740 1,500 220 40 - 680 13.860 school years completed ......... 10,740 7,860 1,00 4,720 1,500 160 60 - - - - 120 2,880 de school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,780 16,020 1,760 10,540 2,780 560 20 20 - - - 340 5,760 5 and 6 years....... 7,700 5,20 700 ,100 1,060 00 40 - - - - 120 2,80 7 and 8 years........ 4,040 2,900 320 1,480 820 220 20 - - - 40 1,140 h school: 1 to 3 years ........ 1,240 940 160 460 180 80 20 20 - - - 20 300 4 years ............ 500 240 40 100 60 20 20 - - - - - 260 lege: 1 to 3 years ......... 460 00 20 100 160 20 - - - - - - 160 4 years or more ..... 500 280 20 60 60 80 40 - - - - 220 t reported ................... . 1,340 580 40 34 120 60 - - - - - 20 760 IIneludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other inome in 1939 was pot reported. 748370 O-47---14 I- EDUCATION Table 35.-WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO MALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent saple) With AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL other CaPLTZD AND AGM Tot $1 $ 500 $1,000 $1,600 $2,000 $2,500 $,000 $5,000 Not iaes Total None to to to to to to to and re- $499 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported HE r SOUT01-Continued Rural-fare Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... . 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .......... ... .. 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... Colleges 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. " 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed . .. . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .. . 7 and 8 years. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 103.600 4,320 41,540 28,060 17,580 9,160 1,480 400 20 1,040 89.380 5,780 97,560 22,040 14,200 6,520 1,860 340 40 1,040 116.960 22 2401 n 16 A620 I noan I r 6an0 2 o .o4 601I s. 0 1p 4 .L(. J.IV' yI Loy 4 M .a - 4 + - 4 '- -V- 76.52011 40.480 29.720 1.040 8,280 31,400 20,880 12,840 7,020 880 280 20 a420 60.000 1,540 14,700 11,140 7,320 4,780 600 220 180 22.840 1,300 8,220 5,720 3,900 2,780 700 140 80 19.000 1,560 14,300 8,040 3,700 1,760 180 20 20 140 31.960 2,660 14,900 7,160 4,560 1,640 480 80 40 440 44 260 20 260 360 220 120 40 20 1.520 80 440 560 880 820 80 a 20 3.20 4,180 25,'240 14, 240 9, 80 4,660 1,800 240 40 720 90.360 40 - - - - 120 20 40 - - - 20 5,260 20 - - 20 160 2,120 1,640 1,100 860 60 820 100 8.640 7 - -V I ... .. v r... .. - .. .. "..I. .I--- 14 140 1,660 800 600 220 40 20 180 8 .580 578.680 29,040 1,040 10,140 7,180 5,860 2,140 600 120 6280 29880 1,600 7,800 4,8820 1,860 560 100 860 46 600 8,900 5,680 1,260 8,980 200 20 - - - - - - 280 8,220 51,520 31,000 7,720 20,840 960 20 - - - - - 1,460 20,580 28,160 16,760 4,260 10,620 1,080 20 20 40 - - - 720 11,400 17,520 10,440 8,180 5,900 622020 - - - - 20 700 7,08b .. 6,40 3,840 1,820 1,940 320 - - - - - - 260 2,600 2,060 1,260 640 440 80 20 - - - -- 80 800 840 600 380 140 - - - - - - - 80 240 180 120 40 - 60 20 - - - - - - 60 1,440 660 200 400 - - - - - - 60 780 153,800 79,940 18,880 51,680 4,660 300 40 40 - 20 - 4,820 78860 12,960 7,660 2,040 5,020 300 40 - - - - - 260 6,800 72,160 37,720 8,100 25,580 1,780 60 - 20 - 20 - 2,160 84,440 38,260 18,420 4,600 11,780 1,120 40 20 20 - - - 840 19,860 19,700 10,340 2,600 6, 00 800 - - - - - - 640 9, 60 5,960 3,100 760 1,740 380 40 - - - - - 180 2,860 1,680 1,120 440 420 160 40 20 - - - - 40 560 660 520 160 280 20 - - - - -- 60 140 360 260 40 80 60 80 - - - - - - 100 2,060 800 140 480 40 - - - - - - 140 1,260 121,940 53,760 11,280 - 8540 3 680 860 "60 40 - 20 - 2,980 68,180 11,920 58,720 28,080 15,080 4,120 700 640 560 2,120 210 420_ -- 27,840 107,340 45,080 19,520 4,880 960 840 280 3,680 178 J.0 80,900 92,820 31,240 13,880 4,120 1,140 640 420 3,380 1 26 80 28,580 62,020 19,920 8,500 2,640 700 500 240 3,180 6,140 26,080 11,780 6,140 1,780 280 360 420 780 82R100 12,340 43,020 16,040 6,960 1,780 280 280 180 1,220 58 740 12,120 30,620 9,400 4,020 960 280 220 160 960 40.820 10,540 20,140 5,440 2,420 660 260 100 80 1,180 1,860 4,900 2,800 1,320 520 60 60 20 240 1Q9460 2,960 10,120 3,980 1,580 440 80 100 20 180 17 520 38,60 9,180 3,240 1,080 300 40 40 '20 260 14.160 3,720 6,480 2,320 800 340 80 40 20 860 4,860 18,060 7,220 3,860 1,060 120 160 100 400 50 340 7,980 27,240 9,220 3,860 900 100 140 60 840 .280 7,640 17,420 4,380 1,940 480 100 140 20 500 20.220 5,560 10,500 2,160 1,080 140 160 60 560 1,620 920 400 80 40 120 200 60 5 .520 440 2,280 1,500 860 240 60 40 60 60 9 180 820 1,280 800 500 80 80 20 60 40 1.640 280 780 320 60 140 20 40 20 100 20 80 40 20 60 20 ae 60 - - - 220 20 - - 160 - 20 - 100 20 - - 40 - - - 20 - - - 40 - - - 360 80 40 - 20 20 20 - 2- 20 60 - - - - - 180 - - - - 40 20 20 - - - 80 - - - - - - 20 - - - - 20 - - - - . 40 - - - - 220 40 60 - - - 40o - - - - 80 - 40 - - - 20 20 - - - - 60 20 20 - - - 20 - - - - - -. - - - 20 -.. -..- 160 1,880 980 80 40 60 6.040 .% ,dv ... .. i 1 7 r Y TV Y -V V I _- -- v I ..... . 9 15,600 900 8,100 1,160 560 160 20 140 4.940 L 7ll 1 7 8040 7 L W 4 , , l v s - .- _- -- _ 740 2,560 900 420 80 40 20 20 160 4.480 , v a y v94 1804 0 V V 1 ' ' 1 7sw w 940 2,260 600 880 40 260 5,980 82,640 16,800 8,940 8,840 420 280 140 1,840 128.820 16,500 64,820 29,040 12,660 8,100 680 560 100 2,460 119.800 18,780 62,200 21,840 9,860 8,160 860 420 260 2,420 86.460 18,040' 41,880 14,480 6,080 1,980 440 400 160 2,000 lIncludes statisticg for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 188 sv v ' I 1 1 " ' I T T I " .7 T T T ,, T - T T T - - r T T I II 11 -r -i I1 " 0 1n i WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1939 189 Table 36.--WAGE OR SALARY INCOME AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 84 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-peront ample) WITOUT0 OTHER IN1(C3 With J~A TEA S OF SCHOOL Total other coatw , AND AG $1 500 $1,00o $1,500 es,ooo $s,500oo $,ooo s,ooo Not Total None to to to to to to to and re- $ 99 $999 $1,499 $1,999 $2,499 $2,999 $4,999 over ported TE NORTS AND WEST Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 1,011,860 741,640 899,280 186,8o 118,160 10,880 580 1480 880 320 60 4,2 00 270, 220 18 and 19 years old .............. 51, 41860 8,40 10,40 100 60 20 - - - - 1,700 9,980 Na school years completed......... 840 60 40 - o20 - - - - - - - - 180 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 1,040 600 3860 160 40 - - - - 40 440 5 and 6 years ........ 2,480 1,880 1,140 580 80 - - - - - so 600 7 and 8 years ........ 9,960 7,960 4,840 2,400 820 20 .. 8 - 80 2,000 High school; 1 to 3 years ......... 28,820 19,540 14,800 8,980 540 - - - - - 720 4,280 4 years ............. 11,740 9,860 6,400 2,700 800 40 20 - - - 400 1,880 College: 1 to 3 years ....... .. 2,160 1,60 1,80 80 000 20 - - - - . -l 60 400 4 years or more..... 40 40 40 - - - Not reported ............... . .... . 860 160 40 100 - - 20 200 20 and 21 years old................ 58.,100 42,880. 28.640 14,080 8,460 240 60 - 20 - - 1, 80 10,230 No school years completed ........480 840 240 100 - - - - - - - - 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 1,500 1,060 560 800 100 - - - - - - 100 440 5 and 6 years ........ 3,160 2,520 1,260 920 160 40 - - - - - 140 640 7 and 8 years ..... .. 11,580 9,120 4,540 3,460 760 20 -0 - - 320 2,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 17,700 14,580 8,520 4,280 1,280 80 20 - 400 8,120 4 years............. 14,3800 11,860 6,340 4,140 980 60 - - - - - 840 ,440 College: 1 to 3 years .... . 8,560 8,000 1,940 800 160 20 20 - 60 560 4 years or more ...... 300 220 180 20 - 20 - - - - - - 80 Not reported ..................... 540 180 60 60 20 - 20 - - - 20 360 22 to 24 years old...8........... .. 83,100 65,600 81,980 20,960 9,960 420 140 80 - 40 - 2,020 17,500 No school years completed .7....... 00 460 260 80 so 60 - 20 - - - - 40 240 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 2,900 2,020 1,100 560 220 - - - - - 140 880 5 and 6 years....... 7,180 5,520 2,540 1,960 760 20 - - a240 1,660 7 and &years... .... 21,600 16,760 8,520 5,640 2,200 80 20200 - 2O - 260 4,840 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 26,600 21,140 10,900 6,140 3,240 80 - - - - - 780 5,460 4 years ............. 18,040 14,900 6,560 5,040 2,760 120 40 40 - 20 - 320 3,140 College: 1 to 3 years .......3. 8,520 2,980 1,880 1,080 860 40 20 - - - - 100 540 4 years or more ..... 1,500 1,300 520 280 280 80 40 20 - - - 80 200 Not reported ..................... 1,060 520 200 180 80 - - - - - - 60 540 25 to 29 years old ............... 150,080 115,740 55,160 82.520 21,960 2.180 400oo 100 20 - - 3,400 34,340 No school years completed .......... 1,680 1,120 500 460 120 -o - - -- 40 560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 8,520 6,340 8,280 1,720 980 - 20 - - - 340 ,180 5 and 6 years ........ 18,640 18,940 7,120 4,020 2,180 140 40 - - - - 440 4,700 7.and 8 years........ 46,160 35,140 16,980 10,100 6,580 340 20 - - - - 1,120 11,020 High school: 1 to 3 years ..9....... ,880 31,460 15,420 8,800 5,880 420 60 - - - - 880 8,480 4 years ............ 23,640 19,120 8,680 5,840 4,800 380 40 20 20 - - 340 4,520 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,940 5,540 2,80 1,320 1,160 540 40 - - - - 160 1,400 4 years or more ..... 2,820 2,880 600. 80 680 360 200 60 - - - 40 500 Not reported ................. .... 1,800 760 260 80 80 - - - - - - 40 1,040 30 to 34 years old ............... .. 146,360 109,3820 53,940 26,460 22,340 2,180 680 00 120 60 20 8, 20 37,040 No school years completed ......... 1,880 1,960 620 300 320 - - - 20 620 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 12,320 8,640 4,780 2,060 1,420 40 20 8320 ,680 5 and 6 years........ 23,900 17,000 9,100 4,200 3,000 140 20 - - - 540 6,900 7 and 8 years ........ 49, 60 37,860 18,200 9,600 7,740 480 60 20 20 - - 1,240 12,000 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 0,540 22,920 11,280 6,000 4,720 300 o 20 20 - 20 - 560 7,620 4 years ............. 18,260 14,280 6,740 2,960 3,500 440 180 20 20 - - 420 3,980 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,480 4,520 1,960 800 1,060 400 200 40 - 20 - 40 960 4 years or more ...... 3,060 2,560 880 300 500 380 180 100 80 20 20 100 500 Not reported ................... . . 1,560 780 380 240 80 o - - - - - 80 780 35 to 44 years old ................ 272,260 197,420 104,040 46,500 5,760 8,280 900 660 120 160 20 5,980 74,840 No school years completed ....... 6,440 4,560 2,800 1,180 360 40 40 - - - - 140 1,880 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 38,080 25,720 14,480 6,440 3,640 200 20 40 - - - 900 12,360 5 and 6 years ....... 56,440 40,480 21,440 10,200 7,140 840 80 20 20 - - 1,240 15,960 7 and 8 years........ 3,120 68,800 835,400 16,300 1,840 860 40 40 20 80 - 2,280 24,3820 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 40,560 30,440 16,260 7,600 5,040 480 100 40 - 20 - 900 10,120 4 years ............. 22,480 16,660 9,000 2,980 3,560 660 100 20 20 - 20 8 300 5,820 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 7,540 5,620 2,860 900 1,060 460 120 80 20 - 20 - 100 1,920 4 years or more ..... 4,220 3,460 1,180 340 -780 200 380 420 40 100 - 20 . 760 Not reported ..................... 3,380 1,680 620 560 840 40 20 - - - - 100 1,700 45 to 54 years old.. ........... . 168,180 114,920 67.000 24.,00 17.,200. 1.660 800 320 80 60 20 3, 980 .5, 260 No school years completed .... 7,500 4,960 8,020 1,180 500 60 - - - - - 200 2,540 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 85,240 22,740 14,160 4,860 2,740 100 20 - -. - - 860 12,500 5 and 6 years ........ 85,820 24,420 \14,280 5,480 8,600 260 20 20 - - - 760 10,900 7 and 8 years.. 5..... 58,260 87,440 21,100 8,240 6,840 460 20o 20. - - 1,240 15,820 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 18,08, 12,520 7,820 2,480 1,840 280 20 - 20 - 20o 540 5,560 4 years ........... 9,720 7,120 4,220 1,100 1, 240 160 80 60 - 20 - 240 2, 600 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3, 940 2,860 1,400 480 520 200 60 6 0 40 - - 100 1,080 4 years or more...... 2,420 1,700 840 180 280 120 80 160 80 20 - - 720 Not reported .......... .......... 2,700 1,160 660 800 140 20 - - - - - 40 - 1,540 55 to 64 years old'............... 86,940 58,3001 84,980 9,740 6,180 360 80 120 20 - - 2,420 38,040 No school years completed ......... 7,080 4,460 3,260 640 340 - - - - - 180 2,620 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 22,160 13,220 8,780 2,620 1,160 80 - - - - - 580 8,940 5 and 6years........ 18,100 11,160 7,260 1,960 1,400 20 - - 20 - - 500 6,940 7 and 8 years........ 24, 200 15,460 9,660 2, 880 2, 080 80 20 40 - - - 700 8,740 High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 6,840 4,360 2,880 740 500 20 8o - - - - 200 2,480 4 years .... ......... 4,640 3,060 2,040 480 400 60 - - - - - 80 1,580 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,540 1,000 540 220 120 20 - 40 - - - 60 540 4 years or more..... 860 580 240 80 120 40 40 40 - - - 20 280 Not reported ..................... 1,520 600 320 120 so - - - 100 * 920 lInoludes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreceipt of other income in 1939 was not reported. 100 EDUCATION Table 36. -WAGE OR SALARY INCOM AND RECEIPT OF OTHER INCOME IN 1939, FOR NEGRO FEMALES 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED AND AGE, FOR REGIONS: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5pereent sample) WIMOUT (MM DNCCM Ith AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total -With oL , AND AT a $1 00 $1,000 1oo 00 ,ooo 000 $s,5o00 *o ,ooo ,o0oo ot ot Total Naoe to to to to to to to and V- e $499 999 $1,46990 19,99 $2,499 s$,999 $4,999 over ported Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 2,891,960 2,800,860 11,802,80 804,M 76,920 7,860 2680 1060O 880 180 180 104,600 591,600 18and 19 years old ............. e80800 181580 121.060 50, 180 900 40 - - - s0 - 4, 0 -,692 0 No school years completed ......... 4,440 8,70 8,840 1,10 0 . 1 - Gide school: 1 to 4 years ......... 8,080 80,460 19,900 8,680 100 0 -. 1.00 68.68 S and 6 years ........ 48,740 40,060 26,500 11,180 140 S - , - 8,80 7 and 8 years ........ 51,740 48,280 2,70 18,180 20 .-. 3,160 8,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... ,440 48,180 80,600 10,180 860 - 100 9,830 4 years ............. 19,660 14,640 9,160 4,720 160 s0 - 5 8,030 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,000 4,940 4,080 700 - 30 1,060 4 years or more...... 160 100 40 80 0 0 60 Not reported ............... ..... 2,100 1,88o 80 780 30 - - 860 70 20 and 21 years od.............. 207.060 174,500 1083100 60 00 28840 160 80 40 - - 40 8,800 82,560 No school years completed ....... 5,a,0 4,840 2,960 1,00 0 - - - 160 880 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .4....... 1,540 4,460 20,730 11,660 10 0 - 1,940 ,080 5 and 6 years...,.... 47,900 40,780 4,780 18,820 400- - i,0 7,180 7 and 8 years 4....... 6,480 39,420 23,480 13,830 460 400 - - 1,660 9,060 High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 1,280 31,900 18,640 11,40 8 80 80 - 40 1,00 5,80 4 years ............ ... 18,840 16,000 8,480 6,540 40 60 - - - 500 ,840 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 6,660 5,280 8,40 1,540 200 - . - - - 880 1,880 4 years or more.. 1,4 1,1,8s0 800 600 840 20 - - 60 140 Not reported ..................... 1,680 1,060 560 280 40 - - - 180 22 to 24 years old .......89688.... .9,3o0 e47,140l 134.100 98.800 7,500 580 100 80 - - - 11,100 49,180 No school years completed ......... 8,800 6,800 4,200 2,140 100 - - - - 860 1,500 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 64,00 53,80 81,880 18,100 880 20 2 8,940 10,980 5 and 6 years ........ 71,540 59,100 34,160 21,080 740 -.- s,1so 18,440 7 and 8 years........ 679,900 57,540 32,500 21,460 1,160 0 - - - - 2,400 10,860 High school:1 to 3 years ....... 45,400 38,320 19,060 16,820 1,600 0 .- 1,830 7,080 4 years ............. 822,860 18,740 8,160 8,680 1,140 80 - 680 8,620 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 9,340 7,840 2,800 8,680 960 140 60 - - - 10 1,500 4 years or more ..... 4,440 8,940 900 1,580 1,400 40 40 0 .. 0 00 Not reported .................... 2,740 1,540 560 820 20 - - - 140 1,300 25 to 29 years old .............. 49,140 881,740 201,960 146,860 15,520 1,100 440 40 20 40 - 15,760 77,400 No school years completed ....... 14,700 11,900 7,180 8,900 60 40 - - - - - 70 1,800 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 106,840 89,460 50,560 81,600 1,180 80 - - 4,00 19,880 5 and 6 years ........ 117,140 97,940 54,540 86,560 2,000 40 - - - 4,00 19,200 7 and 8 years ....... 108, 60 90,540 47,180 38,980 8,800 80 60 - - - - 8,940 18,080 Highschool: 1 to 3 years ......... 60,980 51,760 26,280 21,980 2,220 80 80 - - - - 1,800 9,280 4 years ............. 26,580 22,520 10,860 9,680 1,860 120 80 - 80 - - 50 4,060 College: 1 to 3 years ...... .. .12,360 10,480 8,120 4,700 s,30 100 60 - - - - 280 1,880 4 years or more ...... 7,40 6,840 1,400 1,520 ,500 60 0 40 0 - 20 900 Not reported ..................... 4,680 2,800 1,40 1,000 100 - - - - - 40 1,880 30to 34 ears old ............... 373,700 05,980 0 159830 117.s40 14.280 1.40 50 20 40 o 0 12,s80 68,880 No school years completed ......... 16,480 12,780 7,200 4,960 180 - - - - 500 8,700 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 101,140 83,020 46,980 80,4O 1,820 80 0 - - 8,860 18,120 5 and 6 years....... 98,040 80,520 4,900 30,740 2,00 0 - - o 0 8,460 17,580 7 and 8 years....... 82,540 67,380 34,980 26,990 3,00 140 .- 28,80 16,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 89,780 8,040 16,280 13,820 1,62 140 - - 1,180 6,740 4 years ............. 15,840 12,820 5,560 4,980 1,660 180 60 - - - 440 8,030 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 9,120 7,740 2,240 3,460 1,560 120 140 100 - - - 180 1,880 4 years or more ..... 6,260 5,480 1,040 1,100 2,040 740 800 . 140 - - - 60 840 Not reported ..................... 4,500 2,660 1,140 1,020 140 20-- - - o40 1,840 35 to 44 years old........... 659500 516.100 6 0 191860 21700 2.500 940 480 80 80 80 2,160 148,400 No school years completed ......... 45,580 35,020 21,080 11,880 460 - - 20 - - 1,580 10,560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 215;780 168,160 95,540 61,140 8,540 160 20 0o 30 40 - 7,680 47,620 5 and 6 years ........ 177,120 141,000 76,480 52,820 4,940 240o 0 - 40 20 6,440 86,120 7 and 8 years ........ 122,960 96,700 50,820 87,900 4,580 880 40 .40 8,440 26,260 High school; 1 to 3 years ....... 49,840 38,220 19,380 14,620 2,480 30 140 0 - - - 1,800 11,60 4 years ............. 80,200 16,180 7,830 5,860 1,880 800 160 20 - - - 640 4,00 College: 1 to 3 years .... ..... 12,020 9,720 2,860 4,100 1,840 880 120 140 - - 80 2,800 4 years or more ...... 7,060 6,120 1,2820 1,480 1,880 680 440 0 60 - 20 100 940 Not reported ..................... 8,940 4,980 2,100 2,060 100 0 - - - - 700 8,960 45 to 54 years old ............... 48,900 895,40 198,200 108,.100 10, T0 1400 50 180 60 80 40 16,180 110,480 No school years completed ........ 51,,80 88,080 23,880 12,300 440 40- .. - 1,9280 1,340 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 170,100 128,820 78,440 40,680 2,200 1280 - - - 6,880 41,780 5 and 6 years....... 101,640 75,780 46,860 s,s260 2,160 100 0 - D - 8,860 25,860. 7 and 8 years....... 68,400 46,960 s26,90O 15,180 2,530 260 40 - - - s ,O 0 1,A40 High school: 1 tp 3 years ........ 21,730 16,440 9,560 5,180 830 120 100 - - - - 660 5,80 4 years ............ 10,440 7, 760 4,080 2,600 80 140 00 - - - 0 180 2,680 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 6,720 5,0 ,040 1,740 880 800 80 60 - - - 130 1,500 4 years or more.... 8,940 2,860 740 500 860 880 s800 100 60 - - 80 1,080 Not reported ......s... .. 760 4,000 1,740 1,660 180 - - - - - 460 8,630 55 to 64 years old 0......00........ 168,500 118360 40,840 8,960 780 140 80 80 - - 9,80 71,540 No school years completed ..........4S,400 29,780 21,100 7,030 160 30 - - - - - 1,480 12,620S Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... . 100,680 71, 0 47,940 17,660 1,260 80 40 - - - 4,260 29,380 5 and 6 years........ 47,740 34,880 23,500 8,060 780 300 30 -- 1,880 18,860 7 and 8 years........ 26,900 - '8,740 18,460 4,740 560 180 0 0 - - - 82) 8,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,860 6,140 4,120 1,860 860 60 - - - - - 840 2,70 4 years ............. 4,180 2,930 1,620 880 280 0 40- 80 1,30 College: 1 to 3 years .... 2,880 1,960 800 540 440 60 S - - - - 100 860 4 years or more ...... 1,400 940 400 160 160 140 t40 0 80 - - - 4680 Not reported .-................ ... 5,120 2380 1,40 80 0 4- ,740 1Includes statistics for persons for whom the receipt or nonreeoooipt of other ineone in 1989 was not reported. MARITAL STATUS 191 Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL. AND FO 4URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940 (Statistios based on a 5-percent saple) KI MA ' ALE Fi, N. 0 G SCHOOL Married Married CtLD, AND AGEleo - tal Singleidowed i- Tol e al Wife Wife do orcd d sToal band Huaband vorced present absent present absent WITED STATES ''otal, 18 to 64 years old....... 32,655,340 10,320,400 21.187.020 08.316.440 870.580 682.720 465,200 a2,805,000 7,716,420 22,362,8,60 ,44860 918,800 2,057,660 668,560 18 and 19 years old.............. 2,8les000 2,114,800 2.4A0 60.640 11.780 560 720 2,198,260 1,735,260 448,640 418,90 29,9280 2,740 6,60 t]o school years completed.......... 18,440 13,880 520 460 0 - 40 8,460 6,280 2,080 1,960 120 20 8 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 65,700 61,180 4,460 8,780 680 40 20 40,40 24,580 15,520 14,340 1,180 280 260 5 and 6 years ........ 118,100 105,080 7,900 6,140 1,160 40 80 80,500 48,620 36,120 33,50Q0 2,620 60 400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... . 784,280 760,020 23,800 20,80 3,420 180 280 703,440 528,600 171,440 159,820 11,620 780 2,620 4 years ............. 625,100 611,920 12.,960 9,980 2,980 120 100 825,560 729,080 95,020 89,860 5,,60 840 1,120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... . 155,840 153,840 1,940 1,100 840 40 20 175,700 - 167,560 7,900 7,040 860 40 800 4 years or more ...... 28,580 ,540 40 40 - - - 8,460 3,260 180 160 20 20 - Not reported ................... .. 14,080 1,540 50 40 13,540 52000 20 - 10,060 7,960 1,960 1,760 200 60 80 20 and 21 yearsold......... ... 8,09,00 19751,520 282920 2 59,240 82,680 1,340 83,240 2,101,780 1,268,900 818,520 ?775,020 43,500 5,560 13,800 No school years completed .......... 12,500 10,660 1,780 1,600 180 20 40 8,720 5,680 2,940 2,630 20 S80 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 58,040 44,460 13,340 12,420 920 120 120 36,460 14,940 20,780 19,800 980 320 420 5 and 6 years....... 101,860 78,460 22,980 21,060 1,920 220 200 76,760 28,720 46,780 43,800 2,980 620 640 7 and 8 years ........ 419,400 348,180 74,980 69,520 5,460 440 800 788,820 177,120 197,180 186,720 10,460 1,640 2,880 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 502,400 4,3,8380 87,680 80,580 7,100 220 1,120 500,480 280,240 2638,260 248,760 14,500 1,460 5,520 4 years ............. 646,880 579,780 66,220 60,500 5,720 180 700 819,960 569,360 245,920 234,440 11,480 1,020 8,660 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 257,680 244,880 12,520 10,480 2,040 -60 220 235,000 200,640 33,500 81,420 2,080 260 600 4 years or more ...... 26,800 24,620 1,620 1,480 140 40 20 83,500 29,420 3,980 8,680 00 '80 20 Not reported ... ............... 18,960 12,100 1,800 1,600 200 40 20 12,080 7,780 4,180 8,780 400 80 40 22 to 24 years old ................ ,956,860 1,910,100 1,089,520 973,800 55,720 4,500 12,740 s,045,620 1,232,740 1,762,900 1,687,340 75,560 13,960 36,020 No school years completed ......... . 16,360 10,700 5,600 5,040 560 40 20 13,380 6,580 6,840 6,020 320 260 200 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 82,620 44,140 837,20 35,240 2,080 600 .560 58,860 15,180 37,160 35,300 1,860 760 760 5 and 6 years ........ . 146,900 810,040 65,660 61,760 8,900 400 800 118,880 28,960 86,860 82,120 4,740 1,460 1,600 7 and 8 years ......... 670,560 405,520 260,800 247,220 13,580 1,8300 2,940 620,960 195,400 414,320 396,080 18,240 4,020 7,220 High school: 1 to 3 years......... 698,820 408,760 285,020 270,360 14,660 760 4,280 706,580 205,540 485,400 463,900 21,500 8,880 12,260 4 years ............. 889,600 606,240 279,540 265,460 14,080 980 82,840 1,118,240 517,880 586,680 565,060 21,620 3,100 11,080 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 218,420 206,340 60,840 57,080 3,760 320 920 249,780 147,180 99,820 95,260 4,560 520 2,260 4 years or more...... 168,880 13388,920 29,080 26,620 2,460 80 300 145,600 107,820 37,040 35,080 1,960 280 460 Not reported ...................... 20,200 14,440 5,660 5,020 640 20 80 18,340 8,700 9,280 8,520 760 180 180 25 to 29 years old............. . 4,705,120 1,708,660 2,989,180 2,824,420 114,760 16,740 41,540 4,784,340 1,107,760 3,547,520 3,414,980 132,540 48,280 85,780 No school years completed ......... 33,960 17,380 15,860 14,800 1,060 380 840 27,720 11,520 15,560 14,480 1,080 -360 280 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 142,720 46,440 93,860 89,680 4,180 1,260 1,160 101,000 17,420 79,860 75,40 .4,400 2,10 1,600 5 and 6 years ........ 275,960 88,020 188,660 175,340 8,320 1,500 2,780 228,060 31,560 188,400 178,660 9,740 4,280 3,820 7 and 8 years ........ 1,307,720 458,060 834,200 802,8200 32,000 5,060 10,400 1,192,320 206,640 953,920 916,980 36,940 12,600 19,160 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,072,960 8334,020 724,020 696,120 27,900 3,840 11,580 1,114,240 182,020 895,900 861,920 33,980 10,600 25,720 4 years ............. 1,134,360 438,820 688,880 659,300 24,080 2,480' 9,680 1,430,120 395,920 998,860 967,200 831,160 9,820 26,030 College: I to 3 years ......... 850,140 136,020 209,780 201,760 8,020 900 3,440 - 406,300 129,520 267,680 259,480 8,200 2,420 6,680 4 years or more ..... 3851,580 170,800- 178,400 170,800 7,600 560 1,820 256,720 122,960 130,980 125,860 5,120 800 1,980 Not reported ..................... 85,720 19,100 16,020 14,420 1,600 260 340 27,860 10,200 16,860 14,940 1,920 280 520 30 to34 years old................4,247,220 870,020 3,288,760 8,171,860 116,900 26,160 62,280 4,257,480 644,480 8,422,860 3,800,080 122,780 .80,960 109,180 No school years completed ......... 86,080 -14,680 20,460 19,240 1,20e 400 540 28,460 9,500 17,640 16,280 1,860 840 486 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 159,380 31,580 123,900 118,780 5,120 2,140 1,760 116,100 13,160 96,820 91,140 5,180 4,260 2,860 5 and 6 years ........ 294,700 63,140 225,020 215,640 9,880 2,920 3,620 259,860 29,300 223,800 213,640 10,160 70020 57,40 7 and 8 years........ 1,857,900 282,720 1,047,020 1,008,520 88,500 9,180 18,980 1,197,840 13388,520 1,011,460 973,860 87,600 26,200 26,660 High school: 1 to 3 years .... .... 932,300 163,300 748,060 - 721,460 26,600 5,800 15,640 945,600 102,980 795,600 766,640 28,960 18,200 28,820 4 years ............. 778,940 161,160 601,780 583,160 18,620 3,560 12,440 1,028,720 187,820 792,060 767,900 24,160 15,600 28,240 College: I to 3 years ......... 800,840 55,940 237,900 230,080 7,820 1,460 5,540 401,740 79,900 � 305,800 297,380 8,420 4,960 11,080 4 years or more ..... 846,720 80,500 . 262,080 254,740 ;7,340 860 8,280 253,200 85,880 159,340 154,540 4,800 2,880 5,100 Not reported ...................... 40,860 17,000 22,540 20,240 2,800 340 480 30,960 8,420 20,840 . 18,700 2,140 1,000 700 35to44 years old ................ 7,14,420 970,420 5,910,780 5,688,500 227,280 107,400 145,820 7,106,520 791,920 5,766,600 5,541,480 225,10 3388,860 209,140 No school years completed ......... 79,940 20,980 55,360 51,660 3,700 2,440 1,160 65,560 14,400 44,960 41,480 8,480 5,200 1,000 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 871,220 55,160 801,040 287,480 138,560 8,720 6,300 282,800 20,560 . 234,980 223,620 11,860 21,660 5,600 5 and 6 years ........ 649,140 93,460 529,620 506,980 22,640 12,900 13,160 570,640 85,840 486,760 464,400 22,360 34,680 18,360 7and 8 years........ 2,761,100 388,340 2,271,360 2,185,140 86,220 44,920 56,480 2,486,120 197,380 2,103,500 2,021,400 82,100 119,960 65,280 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,313,840 149,040 1,120,060 1,078,780 41,280 16,240 28,500 1,377,680 122,600 1,148,660 1,100,440 43,220 68,500 47,920 4 years ............. 949,720 128,980 794,940 767,980 26,960 11,820 18,980 1,323,740 185,220 1,039,080 1,003,440 85,640 54,600 44,840 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 489,120 48,120 875,020 360,340 14,680 4,560 11,420 583,120 91,260 448,620 435,080 138,540 23,680 19,560 4 years or more...... 485,200 61,240 412,140 400,'360 11,780 3,940 7,880 354,880 109,560 223,160 215,520 7,640 12,200 9,960 Not rported ............... . . 85,140 80,100 51,240 44,780 6,460 1,860 1,940 61,980 15,100 41,880 36,100 5,780 3,380 1,620 45 to 54 years old............. a64,00 599,60 4,707.560 4.51760 198.800 10,240 125,240 5,556,20 552,980 4,218,180 4,035,160 178,020 648,200 141,960 No school years completed ......... . 94,680 17,780 69,060 64,400 4,660 5,900 1,940 .74,620 11,120 50,160 46,080 4,080 12,040 1,800 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ...458,180 53,060 878,280 355,600 17,680 22,840 9,000 339,500 J8,260 263,640 249,360 14,280 51,140 6,460 5 and 6 years... ... 68,940 79,660 541,580 519,020 22,560 80,020 14,680 595,680 82,460 469,920 449,640 20,280 79,960 13,340 7 and 8 years...... 2,85,220 257,260 1,945,140 1,868,660 76,480 90,680 52,140 2,188,540 166,600 1,718,780 1,652,140 66,640 246,360 51,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 781,460 69,980� 669,880 644,560 25,820 23,820 17,780 899,580 81,060 690,180 662,520 27,660 102,280 26,060 4 years ............. .. 598,680 50,040 516,500 497,920 18,580 18,400 18,740 824,360 105,740 603,840 580,280 23,560 90,160 24,620 College: 1 to 3 years .......... 804,560 28,720 264,860 253,720 11,140 7,760 8,220 866,240 58,820 256,200 245,600 10,600 39,520 11,700 4 years or more ...... 3165,900 26,680 277,120 267,740 9,880 6,720 5,380 218,740 66,200 127,400 121,640 5,760 19,920 5,220 Not reported ......... ........... ... 79,680 28,080 50,140 42,140 8,000 4,100 2,360 54,060 12,720 83,060 27,900 5,160 6,820 1,460 55 to64 yearsold ............... 8,742,400 896,120 2955,880 ,2829,220 126,660 316,780 78,620 3,759,680 887,380 2,3882,140 2 ,275,580 106,560 924,100 66,060 No school years completed......... . . 91,00 14,280 64,380 59,620 4,760 10,940 1,700 67,086 7,420 38,520 35,300 3,220 20,400 740 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ...412,220 47480 13,700 397,620 16,080 42,960 8,480 504,780 16,960 198,460 188,060 10,400 84,380 4,980 5 and 6 years....... . 525,960 60,320 402,480 88,60 17,220 52,060 11,100 471,960 26,820 310,960 297,060 13,900 127,140 7,040 7 and 8 years........ 1,577,480 187,300 1,246,540 1,197,580 48,960 188,280 30,360 1,547,380 139,820 1,021,480 979,720 41,760 370,920 25,160 High school: 1 to 3 years........ .... 39,800 6,380 20,260 307,920 12,340 28,120 8,040 502,520 52,580 317,240 803,740 13,500 121,680 11,020 4 years ............. 35,880 26,960 80,740 870,520 10,220 22,420 5,760 500,760 69,480 304,080 292,020 12,060 117,260 9,940 College: 1 to 3 years ......... .. 167,080 12,960 139,580 134,000 5,580 11,180 3,360 203,800 87,560 112,920 108,940 4,980 48,140 4,180 4 years or more... 180,500 14,280 153,420 147,44o 5,980 9,340 3,460 119,360 37,300 56,140 53,160 2,980 23,360 2,560 Not reported ................ ...... 59,180 16,560 84,780 29,260 5,520 6,480 1,860 42,040 9,440 21,40 17,580 3,760 1 0,80 440 199 EDUCATION. Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample)' MALE FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL 0OMPLETED, ANPD AGE Married married Total .Sigle i Di- Total Single i 1id o Di- Total Single Wife Wie idoved vored Husband Husband vooed Total present absentTotal present absent URBAN Total Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ........... College: '1 to 3 years........ 4 years or more ...... Not reported ............... . 20 and 21 years old......... ... No school years completed ...... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 yea s ...... ... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .. ..... . .... ... 22 to 24 years old ............. . No school years completed ...... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. ...... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years.. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported................... 25 to 29 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ......... ... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ Sand 6 years....... '7 and 8 years....... High school: -1 to 3 years... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ..... .. 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed .......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade 'school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and8 years....... Highschool: 1 to 3 years......... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................. 3,640 11,680 28,880 150,520 450,840 388,900 109,880 1,800 7,640 1,117,180 8,720 10,540 28,100 166,460 801,340 399,060 180,100 20,280 7,580 1.709.200 4,620 16,660 45,980 297,020 436,280 578,460 192,860 .125,680 11,640 2.756.580 11,260 35,760 97,900 640,760 675,120 749,660 250,280 275,780 20,060 29 4 8,540 10,880 27,140 143,380 488,060 381,720 108,580 1,760 7,42C 979,420 8,220) 8,400 22,200 187,860 251,440 359,340 171,040 18,960 6,960 1.145.860 2,980 9,340 26,840 181,760 264,920 398,780 148,380 108,960 8,400 1 04 inn 6,160 12,820 34,740 229,940 216,680 295,760 99,680 187,920 10,980 24 1 e. 100 800 1,700 7,020 12,480 7,040 1,280 40 220 135,080 480 2,060 5,800 27,920 49,060 39,040 8,880 1,260 580 554.160 1,620 7,060 18,720 112,920 168,280 177,800 43,680 21,400 3,180 4,860 22,340 61,140 402,180 448,720 444,960 147,480 135,920 8,800 aa 8C 620 1,340 6,100 10,420 5,260 70C0 4C0 140 121,980 400 1,720 5,040 25,620 44,800 35,660 7,120 1,120 500 521.600 1,460 6,420 17,120 105,760 159,140 168,180 41,060 19,680 2,780 1 609 780 4,880 20,720 57,120 384,420 429,200 428,340 141,520 180,260 7,820 20 180 360 920 2,060 1,780 580 13,100 80 340 760 2,30C 4,260 3,880 1,760 140 80 32.560 16C0 640 1,600 7,160 9,140 9,120 2,620 1,720 40C0 480 1,620 4,020 17,760i 19,520 16,620 5,960 5,660 980 60 100 sao -O 60 40 220 2.000 160 60 40 20 2.000 20 100 160 580 820 580 160 60 20 , �u t 140 220 620 2,380 1,820 1,520 420 460 80 40 .60 200 80 20 2_000 20 20 60 460 760 520 120 20 20 7.680 160 260 1,760 2,760 1,800 640 260 40 9") 1� 100 880 1,400 4,240 7,900 7,420 2,700 1,480 200 2 1,15,780 1,1828,4280 080 4t0 5,0 zo 400 184500101054. 7,1 1 ,0 8 1r 2,240 11,280 24, 880 149,900 411,560 542,240 115,100 2,360 5,480 1.282.180 8,040 9,720 25,840 181,960 318,300 555,900 156,940 23,980 7,200 1.896.000 4,520 15,520 48,340 324,020 460,600 771,220 163,640 102,120 11,020 2.966.640 10,860 31,800 95,160 668,140 717,400 979,920 260,100 186,800 16,460 1,760 7,820 15,800 105,580 829,3860 491,120 109,780 2,220 4,620 850,140 1,840 4,960 11,240 97,980 165,880 407,820 134,440 21,020 4,960 865.040 2,260 5,080 13,280 121,760 156,880 389,620 96,900 74,460 5,900 805.280 4,840 6,800 17,080 189,460 142,46C 809,800 87,860 90,280 6,700 8o *a 1 7R A9* n I ar i I in a natl AQ A4f 420 8,280 8,820 42,080 86,080 50,140 5,180 120 800 419,800 1,140 4,380 18,640 81,540 147,600 144,560 21,900 2,880 2,160 997.400 2,080 9,780 28,440 195,940 292,7.80 870,940 65,480 27,100 4,860 2 069.3 0 5,640 28,540 73,520 507,380 548,440 642,040 165,820 94,360 9,140 1 99-M 40C0 2,860 7,820 89,820 78,760 47,04 4,660 120 700 93,20(0 980 8,980 12,280 75,400 187,880 137,860 20,740 2,700 1,880 947.580 1,860 8,920 26,060 184,620 276,980 856,020 62,620 25,940 4,560 c MO 5,160 21,820 67,940 482,200 528,540 619,620 160,080 90,980 7,960 1 l91A0n 8 420 1,00 8,760 7,820 3,100 520 100 26,600 160 400 1,860 6,140 9,920 7,200 1,160 180 280 49.820 220 860 2,380 11,820 15,800 14,920 2,860 1,160 800 90.580 480 2,220 5,580 25,180 '24,900 22,420 5,240 3,880 1,180 7.0 02 60 180 180 1,040 1,780 740 180 60 9,500 1 2 0 - - 200 e80 1,740 4,080 2,660 460 20 40 25.640 80 340 880 4,540 8,560 1,560 860 100 66.140 .1 0 . 180 2,480 14,020 20,100 21,120 5,420 1,560 460 i1 80a a 4803 04 ,1601( 1 ,060. 8b, 0 16 0 2U la ! 4S-1.IW I ,WU, 4 , , , ,'I N .1., . , W 1-, a %VW VI -W W 11,800 4,800 6,640 6,160 480 60 300 12,120 3,740 7,680 6,780 900 440 260 44,960 9,600 34,000 81,560 2,440 620 740 42,420 5,520 38,801 80,260 8,120 1,920 1,600 116,660 . 27,860 , 85,400 80,440 4,960 1,240 2,160 116,920 12,506 97,420 90,960 6,460 8,800 8,700 695,980 148,600" 531,020 507,620 23,400 4,540 11,820 669,440 90,720 542,200 515,640 26,560 16,000 20,520 581,820 106,460 460,860 443,100 17,760 8,200 11,300 601,600 79,560 486,880 465,060 21,820 11,980 23,180 528,940 116,120 406,740 393,280 13,460 2,520 9,560 714,040 152,100 526,900 508,860 18,040 11,500 25,540 211,740 41,440 164,980 159,020 5,960 1,020 4,800 246,760 55,260 179,820 173,720 5,600 3,800 8,880 265,280 65,600 196,360 190,760 5,600 620 2,700 183,000 64,660 111,880 108,580 8,800 2,820 4,140 23,160 9,680 13,060 11,500 1,560 140 280 17,680 4,780 11,740 10,520 1,220 600 560 4,105,180 574,600 3,370,520 3,221,860 149,260 59,860 100,700 4,279,640 579,740 8,806,80 8146,900 159,920 226,520 166,560 26,760 119,28C0 285,000 1,469,140 813,980( 672,460 806,940 367,360 44,260 3,099,000 31,400 156,920 296,120 1,236,860 467,520 431,080 200,320 240,320 .28,460 1.901,880 27,240 140,920 221,860 785,920 225,900 236,120 104,780 133,100 26,640 7,760 20,120 46,780 214,900 98,580 88,140 34,080 48,200 16,040 332 040 6,400 21,940 38,120 139,580 48,220 36,000 15,820 20,180 10,780 204.600 4,580 19,460 28,640 85,460 21,400 18,740 7,840 10,660 7,820 17,680 92,920 228,900 1,193,180 685,480 560,680 260,480 309,720 26,480 2,569,620 22,520 121,880 234,980 1,012,700 397,600 371,700 178,140 210,740 24,860 1,489,460 17,980 101,220 163,800 612,180 181,540 197,720 87,120 112,780 15,120 15,960 85,860 210,720 1,137,960 656,680 541,260 248,900 300,580 28,340 2,449,660 20,540 113,880 222,680 963,900 380,880 358,060 164,920 208,880 20,920 1,417,760 16,160 93,580 155,360 584,060 173,400 190,740 88,260 108,56(0 12,640 1,720 7,060 18,180 55,220 28,800 19,420 11,580 9,140 3,140 119,960 1,980 8,000 12,300 48,800 16,720 13,640 8,220 6,860 3,440 71,700 1,820 7,640 8,440 28,120 8,140 6,980 8,866 4,220 2,480 880 3,080 5,960 24,000 9,760 8,680 3,200 2,940 860 115,760 1,580 8,660 14,160 50,980 14,460 18,320 5,140 5,260 2,200 164.220 3,780 16,300 23,580 70,840 16;980 15,580 7,180 6,980 8,000 440 3,160 8,86( 37,060 20,16 14,96( 9,18( 6,50( 880 81,58( 900 4,440 8,860 38,600 12,240 10,060 6,220 4,140 1,120 48.600 900 3,940 5,840 17,440 5,380 4,0E0 2,640 2,680 700 27,580 108,940 268,160 1,406,940 862,880 943,000 868,060 258,740 35,340 8,254,460 29,500 137,620 285,060 1,219,740 557,960 595,100 236,880 163,160 29,440 2.134.880 26,000 124,440 224,840 848,160 206,340 358,880 138,640 91,980 21,100 5,960 9,800 19,820 184,460 94,000 154,860 66,660 85,800 9,880 401,740 4,140 8,420 18,660 114,780 62,000 87,900 44,160 54,740 6,940 273,560 2,940 8,100 16,800 88,240 38,980 55,160 27,620 30,780 5,440 18,480 86,100 219,160 1,142,520 685,600 707,780 269,0 155,200 22,600 2,813,260 18,740 99,500 211,920 903,500 404,020 415,820 154,520 88,520 17,220 1.224.220 18,340 72,700 132,680 506,020 175,400 205,600 68,840 40,860 9,280 16,460 79,220 204,660 1,088,660 654,040 679,800 S259,820 149,9280 19,820 2,192,960 16,720 91,480 198,940 858,480 884,860 896,900 147,220 84,440 14,420 1,155,080 . ,I. , , , II , 11,760 67,040 123,540 478,960 166,040 196,420 65,580 38,120 7,680 2,020 6,880 14,500 58,860 81,560 27,980 9,560 5,280 8,280 120,800 . I - m m .II I i r Im . i . i I I 2,020 8,020 12,980 45,020 19,660 18,420 7,800 4,080 2,800 69 ,140 2,540 9,960 19,540 78,940 44,620 42,780 16,540 9,500 2,100 420,160 5,840 25,400 44,820 162,760 71,600 71,240 28,760 15,580 4,160 589.900 1,580 9,160 5,660 40,760 9,140 71,840 27,060 285,920 9,860 83,700 9,180 89,860 8,90 34,260 2,240 18,720 1,600 6,180 600 8,580 9,640 51,020 88,660 88,080 15,480 8,240 1,260 109,800 4,800 9,660 38,700 20,840 20,640 9,440 4,820 1,120 47.200 560 2,880 4,520 17,980 8,260 7,760 2,920 2,120 200 60 86 200 868 240 20 80 2,740 700 740 660 140 60 40 '7,920 100 820 740 1,780 2,220 2,100 800 200 160 25.840 200 660 2,080 7,280 6,400 6,960 1,500 600 160 4 5l7G7 S u Ulr, 3 l rrrcc fllllllr1r,4u l ru0wy Jq 363,8601 30612M 19.662,33011 5.X5.8801 12.57:6,E001111.906. 8 5151,620 11,335.4 D1~.8~C =L :L -1 UL 1 l vj -,.. ._ _ + __ 11 II "I _ll_ 1 ' " , ,L , ill it II 1 1 ,1 L A. .L .L I vI aYvoara0'J1 i~vuow wv !1L Jul 1DV"B /VVJ LYIV,%VII 1,OVD, OVI 74,0VI /,00VI r7, 4 .I wl i i 1L "I 1 1 1 i it V !IL "I I *P ' [ 1 - -dh I:'e non I . Ali 10 q c nM . De gn 185 d1 I 1A * AA CkmMl I m oncWII 0 Of% R00 MARITAL STATUS 193 Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN -AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MAIR FEMAUZ AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Di- Wi Di- Total Single Wife Wife ided ed Total a gle Toal Husbad Husband usband Widowed rced present absent present absent uRBA-Continued Cities of 250,000 Inhabitants or More Total, 18 to 64 years old ...... 6,998,940 2,580,720 4,200,520 8,976,260 224,260 188,500 124,200 7,511,780 2,234,780 4,558,420 4,807,680 250,740 507.,600 210,980 18 and 19 years old ............... 486,240 488,040 8,060 5.900 2,160 40 100 470,860 412,440 56.280 51.340 4,940 840 1800 No school years completed........ 820 820 - - - - - 600 440 120 120 - 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......3. 8,060 2,920 140 60 80 - - 2,940 2,880 540 420 120 - 20 5 and 6 years........ 8,140 7,720 420 800 120 - - 6,440 4,880 1,960 1,740 220 60 49 7 and 8 years....... 56,840 54,780 1,560 1,280 280 - - 57,380 44,200 12,700 '11,520 1,180 40 440 High school: 1 to 3 years ...... .. 172,160 168,540 8,480 2,720 760 40 100 158,920 127,880 .25,460 23,820 2,140 100 480 4 years ............. 147,020 144, 980 2,040 ,40 700 - - 206,240 192,040 18,860 12,780 1,080 120 220 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 44, 780 44,360 420 200 220 - - 89,520 87,980 1,500 1,840 160 - - 40 4 years or more ..... 1,060 1,060 - - - - - 1,10 00 - - - 20 - Not reported ................ .... . .2,860 2,860 . - - 2,200 2,040 140 100 40 - 20 20 and 21 years old .............. 438,86010 899.00 8.840 88.780 4.560 220 600 491.640 849.,920 188.100 129,200 8,900 700 2,920 No school years completed ......... 1,060 820 220 160 60 - 20 820 500 800 280 20 20 - Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 8,000 2,600 880 840 40 - 20 2,940 1,500 1,840 1,200 140 20 80 5 and 6 years ....... 8,26 7,80 980 820 160 - - 7,040 8,220 8,640 8,180 460 60 120 7 and 8 years........ 67,740 59,520 7,960 7,200 760 80 180 78,140 44,220 28,800 26,400 1,900 120 500 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 127,780 112,960 14,640 18,200 1,440 40 140 180,700 78,560 50,680 47,220 8,460 260 1,200 4 years ............. 152,440 141,820 10,900 9,460 1,440 60 160 211,940 165,860 45,580 48,080 2,500 160 840 College: 1 to 3 years ..... .... 66,220 68,480 2,680 2,080 600 20 40 52,480 45,640 6,680 6,880 80 - 160 4 years-or more...... 9,660 9,220 400 880 20 20 20 10,200 9,040 1,100 1,060 40 40 20 Not reported ........... ......... 2,700 2,500 180 140 40 - 20 2,880 1,880 480 400 80 20 - 22 to 24 years old ............... 676,900 489,440 184, 200 172,540 11,660 600 2,660 758,44, .878,560 867,940 848,400 19,540 2,500 9,440 No school years completed ......... 1, 860 900 460 440 20 - - 1,820 440 800 780 20 40 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 4,60 2,920 1,420 1,260 160 - 20 4,700 1,780 '2,800 2,620 180 60 60 S and 6 years.. 18,860 9,880 4,500 8,980 520 - 80 12,800 4,860 8,120 7,500 620 80 240 7 and 8 years ........ 128,420 84,880 88, 40 35,780 2,460 220 580 188,880 58,640 .77,660 72,840 4,820 520 1,560 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 185,660 124,960 59,460 55,860 8,600 120 1,120 197,120 77,880 115,080 108,480 6,600 700 8,460 4 years ............. 216,520 159,400 56,460 58,160 8,800 140 520 299,260 164,240 180,760 125,140 5,620 920 8,840 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 78,740 58,260 15,200 14,220 980 80 200 56,500 85,800 20,540 19,520 1,020 60 600 4 years or more..... 58,800 46,080 7,540 7,080 460 40 140 89,260 28,580 10,460 9,940 520 100 120 Not reported ..................... .. 4,180 8,260 920 760 160 - - 4,100 2,840 1,720 1,580 140 20 80 25 to 29 years old .............. 1,094, 8401 466,540 615,100 585,780 29,820 2,700 10,000 1,186,0601 860,440 790,020 752,800 37,220 10,060 25,540 No school years completed ........ 8,720 2,220 1,860 1,240 120 80 60 4,220 1,600 2,440 2,800 140 80 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,120 4,880 5,600 5,800 300 60 80 10,120 2,120 7,540 6,620 920 280 180 5 and 6 years ...... 29,880 12,020 17,280 15,940 1,840 240 840 82,600 6,120 24,880 22,920 1,960 800 800 7 and 8 years........ 269,180 110,020 156,200 148,440 7,760 920 2,040 292,040 70,440 218,560 202,180 11,880 2,840 5,200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 276,060 102,180 170,880 162,500 7,880 560 2,940 808,620 71,500 221,860 211,940 9,920 2,540 7,720 4 years ............. 278,560 120,520 155,160 148,740 6,420 420 2,460 876,520 185,880 280,140 221,160 8,980 2,600 8,400 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 98,440 48,740 58,420 51,100 2,820 140 1,140 90,880 35,820 52,160 50,100 2,060 620 2,280 4 years or more..... 120,400 66,480 52,840 50,120 2,720 240 840 70,280 85,240 84,060 82,700 1,860 220 760 Not reported ..................... 7,980 4,980 2,860 2,400 460 40 100 6,280 2,720 8,880 2,880 500 80 100 30 to 34 years old ............... 969,840 286,240 711,740 679,460 82,280 5,080 16,780 1,029,080 206,420 766,440 780,140 86,800 19,840 86,880 No school years completed ......... 8,980 1,540 2,280 2,140 140 20 140 4, 00 980 2,980 2,720 260 200 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 14,020 8,140 10,560 9,720 840 100 220 14,200 1,780 11,180 10,180 1,000 ?20 520 5 and 6 years ....... 89,240 10,600 27,680 25,700 1,980 340 620 41,080 4,680 34,140 81,560 2,580 1,000 1,260 7 and 8 years........ 294,580 72,480 215,900 205,720 10,180 1,780 4,420 804,920 46,520 248,280 280,940 12,840 6,820 8,800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 226,680 47,840 178,480 166,180 7,800 1,200 4,160 289,660 88,120 187,880 178,440 8,940 4,540 9,620 4 years ............ 198,820 47,920 145,920 "140,800 5,620 940 4,040 278,940 66,960 192,020 184,840 7,180 4,840 10,620 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 78,700 17,780 58,740 56,080 2,660 420 1,760 79,200 20,840 58,180 51,260 1,920 1,220 8,960 4 years or more...... 104,680 80,780 72,800 69,540 2,760 280 1,820 64,700 24,440 37,800 36,840 1,460 800 1,660 Not reported ..................... 9,140 4,160 4,880 4,080 800 - 100 7,080 2,100 4,480 8,860 620 200 800 35 to 44 years old.. .......... - 1,579,540 266,720 1,247,220 1,188,740 68,480 28,260 42,840 1,640,800 250;620 1,229,780 1,159,600 70,180 90,220 69,680 No school years completed ........ 9,080 2,440 6,240 5,700 540 260 140 9,280 1,840 6,820 6,820 500 860 260 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 37,400 7,840 28,120 25,720 2,400 940 1,000 87,620 8,860 29,700 27,820 2,880 8,840 1,223 5 and 6 years........ 100,900 19,086 76,420 71,700 4,720 2,260 8,140 100,280 7,780 82,800 76,800 6,000 6,900 8,800 7 and 8 years ........ 616,480 107,660 488,880 459,220 24,660 10,000 14,940 610,400 67,200 486,940 459,020 27,920 84,860 21,400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 299,220 44,100 242,800 281,220 "11,580 8,820 8,500 822,480 48,060 245,900 282,180 18,720 17,880 16,140 .4 years ............. 255,080 40,160 204,700 196,580 8, 38,520 6,700 352,500 67,620 249,980 287,760 12,220 17,660 17,240 College: 1 to 3 years......... 110,580 16,000 89,140 88,920 5,220 1,040 4,400 109,600 24,820 78,020 69,100 8,920 5,480 6,280 4 years or more.... 14,980 23,680 106,9 10,820 4,640 1,120 8,220 85,900 81,760 47,680 45,500 2,18 8,120 8,840 Not reported .......... ........... 15,820 6,260 8,960 7,860 1,600 800 200 12,240 8,680 7,440 6,100 1,840 620 500 45 to 54 years old ............... 1,148,060 15,960 910,080 8579,800 52,280 45,080 88,940 1,19,960, 169,780 812,260 764,820 47,940 165,280 46,640 -No schoolyearscompleted ....... 10,640 2,040 7,540 6,780 760 660 400 9,480 1,220 6,080 5,840 740 1,900 280 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 50,800 9,520 87,160 84,180 2,980 2,620 1,500 47,800 8,000 388,460 30,860 2,600 9,140 1,700 5 and 6 years....... 105,860 16,140 80,200 75,200 5,000 5,840 8,680 105,520 7,920 77,580 72,560 5,020 16,840 8,680 7and 8 years....... 495,240 68,880 892,120 869,980 22,140 20,620 18,620 497,940 54,980 857,660 888,280 19,880 68,760 16,540 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 159,540 19,800 129,400 122,480 6,920 5,820 5,020 188,100 25,800 124,840 117,040 7,800 4,580 8,880 4 years ............ 154,620 16,460 128,740 128,020 5,720 5,040 4,880 213,960 87,060 189,500 181,960 7,540 27,820 9,580 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 67,940 7,240 55,480 51,78C 8,700 2,140 8,080 70,800 16,000 41,840 88,860 2,480 9,500 8,960 4 years or more..... 85,840 9,980 71,840 68,420 8,420 2,060 1,960 55,800 21,740 26,280 24,640 1,640 5,640 1,640 Not eported ..1.................. i 080 4,400 7,600 5,960 1,640 780 800 10,560 2,560 6,020 4,780 1,240 1,600 880 55 to 64 years old ............... 655,160 90,080 485.780 457,260 28,520 61,520 17,780 746,940 111,600� 897,600 871,880 25,720 218,660 19,080 No school years completed ......... 8, 1,58 5,6 4,720 40 1,100 60 8, 680 740 4,520 4,000 520 ,200 220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 42,680 7,500 28,76 26,180 2,580 5,000 1,42 41,200 8,160 28,780 21,740 2,040 18,200 1,060 5 and 6 years....... 78,720 . 11,820 51,820 48,460 2,860 8,600 1,98 76,620 6,820 42,500 39,460 3,040 25,580 1,720 7 and 8 years........ 287,120 89,540 212,8 200,620 11,700 27,940 7,820 823,180 40,320 180,500 170,020 10,480 95,800 7,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 69,900 9,120 52,240 49,000 3,240 6,080 2,460 95,540 14,520 49,900 46,820 3,080 27,540 8,580 4 years .......... 82,760 8,240 66,860 64,120 2740 6,10 1,560 122,200 22,40 62980 59,20 8,760 88,740 8,240 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 33,580 8,70 26,460 24,740 1,720 2,500 920 9,920 9,620 17,720 16,80 1,80 11,800 1,280 4 years or more...... 48,260 540 88,060 86,160 1,900 8,300 1,500 32,700 12,100 13,020 12,120 900 6,760 820 Not reported ....................... 8,740 ,180 4,400 3,260 1,140 900 260 6,900 2,080 2,680 2,120 560 2,040 100 194 EDUCATION Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPUL.TION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN. PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statlsties based on a 5-pereoant . apl. AREA, YEARS 07 S800L arriedi arr le C, , ' - Di- Dl- CCMa , AND AM, Total . Stgle if Wife Wiowed i Total Si agle ubd Wuband dD iTotal resent absent rub Husband vnrotd Total sent absentpresent absent . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... URa--Continued Plaeos of 25,000 to 850,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 5,706.600 1.774.200 8.717.640 8.549.460 16.880 112.640 102.180 6.18.001 1.660,4801 8,91,860 ysa Lrw ..LUw Lwaw w Lawuy e w 18 and 19 years old.............. 862.180 851.00 .10.160, 8.4600 1.790 1 10 298.10 381.40 64.900 59.000 5,900 820 1.60 No school years completed......... 1,120 1,060 60 60 - - - 700 580 100 80 80 - 80 Grade school: to 4 years ......... ,260 8,060 200 160 40 - - 2,980 1,880 1,060 900 160 30 20 5 and 6 years....... 8,620 8,120 500 420 80 - - 6,600 4,080 2,440 2,120 ao0 - 80 7 and 8 years......... 45440 48,200 2,160 1,900 260 40 40 48,540 289940 18,80 11,820 1,420 100 260 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 146,640 141,980 4,580 8,860 720 40 40 18,660 102,080 29,920 27,080 2,840 140 520 .4 years .......... 123,280 121,000 2,240 1,760 480 20 20 178,060 156,460 16,800 15,820 980 60 260 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 81,060 0,900 840 240 100 20 8,640 84,120 1,460 1,820 140 - 60 4 years or more ..... 860 60 - - - - 660 600 60 60 - - Not reported .................... 2,400 2,8220 80 60 20 - - ,280 1,920 8320 800 0 - 40 20 and 21 years old... ....... 842480 296.50 800 080 . 880 1 4540 4.260 2 0 a 404.880 as266,400 18,800 12460 8,80 10 8,680 1.0 3,660 No school years completed ......... 1,820 1,220 100 100 - - - 1,220 760 440 800 0 60 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2,520 2,000 520 420 100 - - 2,660 1,420 1,160 1,040 120 * 80 5 and 6 years ....... 7,880 6,000 1,860 1,680 180 80 - 7,900 8,640 4,160 8,720 440 60 40 7 and 8 years........ 47,980 39,000 8,9720 7,980 940 100 160 51,920 27,540 23,40 21,60 2a,oeo080 240 700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 94,480 77,460 16,540 15,100 1,440 20 460 100,820 50,80 48,660 45,840 3,420 340 1,540 4 years ............. 124,8880 11,460 13,140 12,140 1,000 80 200 179,8 181,630 4,860 ,780 2,000 280 1,060 College: 1 to 3 years.. ........ 55,50 52,280 3,240 2,540 700 20 - 50,660 48,560 6,8820 6,540 280 80 200 4 years or more..... 5,220 4,760 440 380 60 20 - 6,900 5,960 940 860 80 - Not reported. ................... 2,660 2,400 240 200 40 20 - 2,480 1,620 820 700 120 - 40 22 to 24 years old ............... 527,900 43,2610 181,500 170,060 11,440 480 2,660 589,62080 267,90 310,140 294,400 15,740 ,2500 9,060 No school years completed ......... 1,500 1,020 480 460 20 - - 1,960 1,260 640 50 120 20 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 4840 2,200 2,080 1,920 160 - 60 4,060 1,860 2,460 2,200 260 80 160 5 and 6 years ........ 18,120 9,440 5,580 4,980 600 20 80 18,560 4,180 8,860 7,980 880 180 840 7 and 8 years....... 84,100 48,9720 24,680 32,420 2,260 180 520 93,640 84,140 5v,280 58,860 3,420 620 1,600 High school: 1 to 3 years ..........184,160 96,800 56,420 52980 3,440 20 920 142,680 49,020 . 91,400 86,800 8,100 860 3,400 4 years ............. 187,100 126,020 60,020 586,760 8,360 240 820 8248,120 124,720 119,980 115,100 4,880 540M ,880 College: 1 to 3 years ....;..... .61,280 47,160 13,880 12,940 940 20 220 51,540 3800 80,120 19,860 760 100 50 4 years or more ..... 38,660 31,400 7,220 6,660 560 - 40 30,900 22,700 8,060 7,760 800 20 120 Not reported ..................... 8,640 2,500 1,140 940 200 - - 8160 40 0 1,40 1,320 20 80 - 25 to 29 years old................ 848,720 807,620 528,940 506,800 22,140 2,140 109020 90,460 246,900 630,060 601,460 28,600 9,260 238,40 No school years completed ......... 2,880 1,580 1,240 1,140 100 20 40 2,640 1,480 1,140 1,00 120 - 20 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,540 3,460 5,860 5,340 520 40 180 9,180 28,000 6,740 5,960 780 160 80 5 and 6 years........ 30,540 10,600 19,840 18,040 1,200 120 480 29,200 5,640 22,160 20,200 1,960 580 830 7 and 8 years........ 185,540 62,500 120,000 114,780 5,220 640 2,400 182,720 37,800 138,080 130,580 7,500 1,880 5,460 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 216,100 64,780 147,900 141,560 6,840 580 2,840 222,960 42,260 171,400 162,940 8,460 1,800 7,500 4 years .............. 24,180 92,900 145,060 140,100 4,960 500 2,720 315,580 100,220 206,080 198,960 7,120 2,200 7,000 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 76,560 29,700 45,800 48,940 1,860 120 940 82,220 27,720 52,660 51,200 1,460 400 1,440 4 years or more...... 80,260 38,720 41,040 89,400 1,640 120 280 57,940 28,240 29,100 28,140 960 220 880 Not reported ..................... 6,120 3,880 2,700 2,500 200 40 5,020 2,040 2,700 2,460 240 30 60 30 to 34 years old ............... 755,380 152,940 588,166 560,840 2,820 4400 14,780 812,460 146,560 620,940 592,540 882400 18,840 2,9,10 No school years completed ......... 8,040 1,260 1,720 1,540 180 - 60 880 1,220 2,040 1,700 840 80 40 Grade school:l to 4 years ......... 12,760 2,920 9,800 8,460 840 280 260 12,980 1,980 9,820 8,700 1,120 560 620 5 and 6 years....... .6,280 89760 26,020 24,800 1,220 640 860 835,000 3,800 28,980 27,060 1,920 1,060 1,160 7 and 8 years ........ 199,380 89,900 154,180 147,560 6,620 1,820 3,980 198,140 26,880 159,660 151,200 8,460 4,580 7,520 High school: .1 to3 years......... 1828,200 81,460 145,640 139,980 5,660 1,000 4,100 190,449 23,920 154,840 147,620 7,8220 4,040 7,640 4 years ............ 169,140 '84,120 131,000 126,940 4,060 720 8,800 00 23200 50,840 170,620 164,80 6,240 8,620 8,120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 65,900 12,440 51,780 49,900 1,880 840 1,840 77,420 17,440 56,500 54,620 1,880 940 2,540 4 years or more ..... 80,500 19,580 59,960 58,420 1,540 180 780 56,940 19,760 85,020 34,020 1,000 800 1,860 Not reported ..................... 6,180 -2,500 8,560 8,240 820 20 100 4,960 1,220 8,460 3,240 220 160 120 35 to 44 years old ............... 1,277,140 165,720 1,059,580 1,012,680 46.900 18.380 88.460 1,844,720 182,680 1,035,660 985,60 80060 70,000 56,80 No school years completed ....... , 6,980 2,800 4,240 8,760 480 220 220 7,900 2,080 4,960 4,100 860 640 220 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 86,280 5,940 28,300 26,280 2,020 1,060 980 88,620 2,940 26,300 24,000 2,800 2,e60 1,520 5 and 6 years . 91,860 14,360 72,160 67,740 4,420 2,080 2,760 82.560 5.880 66,460 61,900 4,560 6,540 8,680 7 and 8 years........ 480,840 57,720 528,940 837,040 16,900 6,880 12,800 412,060 86,840 885,680 817,860 18,80 22,560 16,980 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 264,580 30,220 224,720 215,020 9,700 2,860 6,9780 278,460 29,960 221,120 210,720 10,400 18,980 13,400 4 years ............. 220,280 27,220 185,000 178,480 6,520 2,880 5,180 818,900 52,240 285,520 226,880 8,640 18,680 12,460 College: I to 3 years ....... 97,360 9,960 83,100 79,520 8,580 1,220 8,080 10,200 .21,620 87,900 85,280 2,620 5,640 5,040 4 years or more ..... 115,420 18,120 99,560 97,120 2,440 920 1,820 864,00 28,440 50,280 48,760 1,520 ,8280 2,700 Not reported .................... 14,04 4,880 8,560 7,720 840 260 240 11,820 2,680 7,440 6,620 820 820 380 45 to 54 years old ............... 981,240 95,120 828.820 787780 36,040 85,720 26.580 1,041,800 128,620 742.200 708220 8980 18080 85,900 No school years completed ......... 8,860 1,800 6,360 5,660 700. 380 820 8,500 1,240 5,280 4,720 560 1,700' 280 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 47,420 5,880 36,880 84,820 2,560 8,000 1,660 40,920 2,460 29,620 27,000 80 2,540 ,820 1,520 5 and 6 years ....... 95,760 11,480 97,240 78,540 8,900 4,320 2,720 91,200 5,900 67,720 68,160 4,560 14,160 8,40 7 and 8 years........ 74,800 39,060 808,640 294,120 14,52 15,840 11,260 64,440 3388,140 270,740 256,220 14,520 48,520 12,040 High school: 1 to 3 years......... 158,20 12,540 182,880 127,780 5,100 4,120 38,80 189,880 20,500 138,840 188,040 6,800 88,720 6,820 4 years ............. 147,220 11,180 128,20 124,100 4,220 4,400 8,820 202,900 29,820 142,280 186,800 5,900 ,23920 6,880 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 638,00 4,700 55,560 53,000 2,560 1,500 1,940 80,040 15,260 52,260 49,840 2,420 9,560 2,960 4 years or more ..... 78,480 5,520 69,840 68,020 1,820 1,960 1,160 54,820 18,400 29,980 28,820 1,160 4,960 1,480 Not reported ................... . 12,180 2,960 8,100 7,240 860 700 420 9,100 1,900 *0480 4,960 520 1,20 500 55 to 64 years old.............. 611,560 61.160 4856801 462.260 2.420 51.040 13.680 684.460 89,700 894.660 871,900 22a,60 183,880 16,220 No school years completed ......... ,800 1,540 5,400 4,60 640 1100 260 7,740 1,40 4,040 ,500 540 ,560 100 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... ,880 6,160 2,060 9,420 2,640 5,480 1,180 8,820 2,660 22,180 20,120 2,060 12,90 1,000 5 and 6 years ........ 71,900 9,040 53,100 50,220 2, 880 7,700 2,060 78,60 5,260 4,280 39,920 8,860 2300 1,420 7 and 8 years.......... 242,40 24,700 191,140 182,160 8,980 1,60 5,140 259,020 26,460 157,00 148,0 8,680 69,180 6,860 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 76,800 6,840 62,980 60,260 2,50 5,680 1,500 100,880 18,140 57,640 54540 8,100 27,00 8,900 4 years ............. 8,000 5,840 70,840 68,300 2, 4,720 1,600 122,120 18,540 71,880 ,680 8, 140 28,960 2,800 College: 1 to 3 years........ 38,940 2,120 28,800 27,700 1,1 2,100 920 4,820 10,220 22,80 21,420 900 10,920 860 4 years or more ...... 42,800 2,800 36,940 85,540 1,400 1,80 740 81,300 10,900 1,440 .12,780 660 6,80 680 Not reported ............... 8,100 8,120 4,620 ,900 ? 1,00 280 6,600 1,480 ,90 ,600 820 ,100 100 MARITAL STATUS Table 37.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, fRi':THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL I COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married olTotal Singlgle oidoeduband Tusband Widowed d Total ife ife vored Total present absent vored present absent present- absent URBAN--Continued Places of 2,500 to 25,000 Total, 18 to 64 years old...... . 18 and 19 years old .............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years.......... 4 years .............. College: 1 to 3 years .... . . 4 years or more. ..... Not reported .......... .... ... . 20 and 21 years old.............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years...... . 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ... .. . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported....... ........... .... 22 to 24 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 25 to 29 years old............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years .... . High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .... ................. 30 to 34 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and Qyears........ High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported .... ................ 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ..... ... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 5,62260011 1,622,4401 8,806,82o0 83,65d,500 148,3201 112,720 80,620 5.987,520 1,410,6801 4,035,92011 8,866,140 169,780. 411,920 129,000 I.......................1 1.".'. ..1 ...1 ................................ 5.A0nl 11s42.64 _ 1,700 5,360 12,120 48,740 182,040 118,600 34,040 380 2,380 RR8 _.S4 1,340 5,020 11,960 50,740 79,0c80 121,740 58,340( 5,400 2,220 "^^ ^'n 1,660 4,90C 11,300 45,400 127,54( 115,740 3388,52( 384 2,240 283.140 1,18( 3,80( 8,92( 39,34( 61,02( 106,56( 55,28( 4,98( 2,06( al a Aa 12.460 40 460 .780 3,300 4,420 2,760 520 40 140 51._40 160 1,160 2,960 11,240 17,880 15,000 2,960 420 160 -^^ ^ � 10as40o 2.120 20 400 620 2,920 8,840 2,160 260 40 80 47 .66C 140 960 2,540 10,440 16,500 14,060 2,500 360 160 20 60 160 380 580 600 260 60 4, R0 20 200 420 800 1,380 940 460 60 -, , 180 8396,060 817,460 1 76,74011 71,340 5,4001 940 5,360 11,340 48,980 "124,980 162,940 89,940 580 1,000 740 3,560 6,840 31,440 98,880 142,640 37,680 520( 660 I 20 1,680 4,420 17,140 80,700 19,980 2,220 60 840 200 1,540 8,960 15,980 28,860 18,94 2,000 60 800 140 460 1,160 2,340 1,040 220 40 1801l 80 Rs86S160 233.8 0 6C 20 40 20 20 20 -w -o ^^.^, 60 120 160 160 80 - ,, 1,000 4,120 10,400 56,900 86,780 163,940 58,800 6,880 2,340 580e 2,04C 4,380 26,22C 37,040 "410,840 45,240 6,020 1,460 ^^o "^ ' 820 1,540 40 20 60 120 66 20 80 780. 260 20 148.40011 139 .380 9.020 1.020 2.920 , y -v II w400I 80 20ii D v r. a l v . v v r- -rr s z of 400 1,880 5,840 29,800 48,260 52,120 8,400 840 860 ^l^ ^^^n 320 1,740 5,88 27,84 45,420 49,50( 7,82( 780 780 ^^w "^ 80 140 460 2,160 2,840 2,620 580 60 80 ^Aaw 160 60 340 140 220 60 20 20 20 40 120 540 1,840 760 100 AA" I .""~41 O.L~,Oc4 c.~c �,a.vu4 ~ ~a4 n.cW-'4 OO2.Y~M44. unc.Oc'JI~ ~ ~U4,Y~SU4~ JA,0'hU~ 8,32UJ 7,140 1,240 560 646 560 80 46 1,760 7,960 19,000 89,500 116,460 174,84( 57,840 33,220 3,820 813,520 4,660 16,100 37,480 186,040 182,960 229,920 75,280 75,120 5,960 755.120 4,780 18,180 41,140 202,020 172,940 160,980 67,140 80,100 7,840 1 48 500 JL0,700 45,600 92,740 421,820 250,180 197,100 99,000 116,960 14,400 974.700 11,900 58,700 95,000 367,320 154,660 129,240 68,680 76,000 13,200 635,160 10,540 53;360 76,240 256,460, 78,600 70,860 87,260 42,540 9,800 1,060 4,220 10,120 48,660 68,160 118,860 42,960 26,480 2,640 270.540 2,860 4,980 12,120 57,440 49,720 82,840 26,240 32,720 2,620 184.980 2,000 3,540 8,500 36,220 27,160 28,080 11,220 15,240 3,020 1a 6e 3,02 70 400 80 106800 2,48,0 ,00 60 10 . .a ,.x w i.l lul iI OO IL8 J , ", zs 8, L'TU �t U Jl-,kOU J''l 4J JI'JI :U J U JU 7U O IU 8 0 8,020 6,840 18,840 49,520 24,260 20,760 8,120 11,400 4,900 82.960 2,560 6,540 10,500 31,640 11,380 8,36C 3,880 4,680 3,42C 53,36C 1,460 5,80C0 7,78C 21,220 5,440 4,660 2,02C0 2,460 2,52C0 680 3,560 8,640 40,000 52,400 60,820 14,600 6,640 1,120 532.360 2,260 10,880 24,520 125,980 180,440 144,740 48,260 42,040 8,24C 604.160 2,640 14,14C 3' 1,700 160,940 141,740 129,820 54,460 64,100 4,620 1 ~ o 7,200 36,500 75,820 855,360 217,960 170,980 88,240 103,200 8,960 885.720 8,620 47,840 77,540 311,940 135,320 114,640 62,100 69,060 8,660 518.000 7,220 40,400 59,380 208,720 66,520 60,020 31,860 837,780 6,100 560 8,240 8,160 87,56( 50,300 58,260 13,900 5,940 1,080 511.200 2,000 10,080 28,140 121,200 125,140 189,500 46,480 40,740 2,920 58 .140 2,480 18,880 29,940 154,340 186,940 126,040 58,040 62,800 4,180 6,500 83,860 71,280 841,700 210,440 166,200 85,460 101,140 8,260 804.080 8,100 45,380 78,940 299,800 130,620 110,940 60,140 67,440 7,720 498.240 6,680 37,980 56,680 201,280 64,140 58,320 30,820 36,860 5,480 120 320 480 2,440 2,100 2,560 700 700 40 21.160 260 800 1,38(0 4,780 5,380 5,240 1,780 1,300 320 21.020 160 760 1,760 6,600 4,800 3,780 1,420 1,300 440 700 2,640 4,040 18,660 7,520 4,780 2,780 2,060 700 31.640 520 2,460 3,600 12,140 4,700 8,700 1,960 1,620 940 19 760 540 2,420 2,700 7,440 2,380 1,700 1,040 920 620 20 100 140 180 180 200 60 20 2( 2.820 40 120 260 820 680 600 160 100 40 4.380 40 240 260 1,440 1,000 860 260 160 120 400 1,080 1,620 7,120 3,080 2,280 940 900 .800 84.960 540 3,040 4,500 1,,020 4,520 3,880 1,500 1,240 720 51,,660 1,580 1,580 5,820 7,280 21,540 5,220 4,760 2,580 1,860 1,020 80 100 660 720 460 220 80 40 7.800 120 580 1,800 2,120 2,24C 620 26C 60 11.600 100 26C 680 8,420 3,040 2,220( 1,200 600 80 8( 1,18(0 2,460 9,820 4,880 3,080 1,700 1,460 240 21.060 180 1,28( 2,46(0 8,720 3,44(0 2,36(0 1,20(0 1,02( 40(0 12,140 28(0 1,34( 1,80( 4,98(0 1,42( 92( 80( 44( 16( 1,240 6,760 16,980 92,000 120,800 223,840 55,600 31,960 3,760 873.120 4,0 1,6 2,060, 4,000 12,500 33,360 198,880 190,820 287,820 87,500 58,580 5,160 762.440 4,440 15,240 40,840 166,880 171,500 206,900 90,140 61,360 5,640 10,400 37,700 85,320 384,480 261,940 276,600 188,260 88,140 11,780 1.018.700 11,520 49,400 88,340 357,8360 184,980 178,240 86,040 53,040 9,780 703.480 56C 1,940 4,740 28,980 31,480 100,660 30,200 23,18( 1,820 197 .940 1,760 2,680 5,320 31,720 28,700 74,200 24,820 26,800 1,940 115.860 1,540- 1,540 1,760 4,020 17,820 17,520 34,300 16,980 20,460 1,460 2,540 3,000 6,160 30,420 20,980 34,500 20,220 25,600 3,020 103.840 1,680 2,960 4,840 26,660 16,200 21,020 12,900 14,600 2,480 72.260 640 4,520 11,460 61,000 86,300 120,200 24,820 8,580 1,800 649.300 2,060 9,260 26,480 155,740 155,180 205,820 60,500 81,200 3,060 610.020 2,6 2, q30 2,660 12,380 34,300 139,260( 144,660 164,260 69,640 39,060 3,80C 6,700 30,100 70,400 319,900 218,580 222,280 108,460 57,240 7,720 758.800 7 6,660 '7,80 36,420 66,620 275,100 140,840 133,540 60,920 32,260 5,720 431.960 56( 4,100 10,58( 57,92( 82,200 115,780 23,74( 8,24( 1,660 624,54( 1,840 220 120 1,840 8,740 24,820 149,440 148,660 199,500 58,780 30,140 2,620 587 .700 2,60 11,380 32,840 18833,500 189,000 159,640 67,840 38,220 3,420 6,040 27,900 66,460 307,280 211,140 215,160 105,440 55,660 6,600 725.420 6,660 3388,540 68,220 268,980 185,280 128,560 58,520 30,980 4,680 "A "r^ ., -- I! . --- 9,8 1,6 ,8 ,6 9,580 44,420 74,560 265,960 109,920 114,060 49,400 27,980 7,600 1,160 2,280 4,220 21,460 11,320 14,380 7,780 7,780 1,880 4,780 26,740 46,900 168,500 67,860 70,800 28,800 13,900 3,680 4,260 25,180 44,160 160,600 64,680 68,520 27,720 13,220 2,960 80 420 880 3,080 4,100 4,420 1,080 340 140 24,760 220 520 1,660 6,300 6,520 6,320 1,720 1,060 440 22.320 300 1,000 1,960 5,760 5,660 4,620 1,800 840 380 660 2,200 3,940 12,620 7,440 7,120 3,020 1,580 1,120 33.380 720 2,880 3,400 11,120 5,560 4,980 2,400 1,280 1,040 20,660 520 1,560 2,740 7,900 3,180 2,280 1,080 680 720 40 180 480 640 660 640 140 80 60 8,520 120 220 700 2,560 2,060( 2,160 480 160( 60 15,680 160 640 1,240 4,600 3,400 3,540 1,14 720 240 1,040 3,760 6,100 21,520 18,260 11,440 5,420 3,100 660 129,800 2,240 2,240 8,940 14,320 45,480 23,300 19,500 9,700 4,980 1,340 187,360 3,400 240 8,400 14,580 22,060 71,440 28,960 27,160 12,040 5,680 2,040 120 300 1,380 2,860 2,340 440 120 80 17,360- 60 340 860' 3,360 4,880 5,640 1,700 420 100 20,880 80 460 1,280 4,700 5,920 4,800 2,380 1,120 140 40,500 120 840 2,660 12,640 9,120 8,380 4,160 2,200 380 26,760 220 1,080 2,560 10,120 4,640 4,180 2,520 1,200 240 11,900 24o 820 1,880 4,560 1,780 1,720 780 620 195 I I , , 9 - = .. I .I o - t,- --- ' -- - -. -- - - =1 I -1 T - T I- -I T 7- T -7 T ,T-- I .,... ,.. I - - _II - I i ~II -- ---I -- ---I i 'L T T T 1 T -r- IL L -1 vm , 11 T as oal ~nl i vy o nrr rn EDUCATION Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based an a 5-percent sample AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COLETS, AND A1 Married I Married Total Single Total fe WifeWidowed Total Single Widowed T rtal T ed otal uband Hub nd eTnorood ___present absentp Tsal r t absent , L.RA 1-NCIAR CTAtal 1R9 6 vi r nld__ _.__ 7 n nna pnII 7an MI 18 and 19 years old......... No school years completed.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported.............. 20 and 21 years old ......... No school years completed'.... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............. 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: I to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old ........ . No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3.years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ......... College:. 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years . . 4 years or more.. Not reported ..............,.. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported ............. 55 to 64 years old. . No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported............... 4589580 438,760 19.520 16,520 8,000 160 140 449.540 821,520 125,760 197,70 980 a 1,40 4,200 4,060 100 80 20 - 40 2,00 1,680 620 580 40 17,020 15,740 1,280 1,00 240 - 11,700 6,50 ,960 4,5o 0 8eo0 80 80o 29,700 27,400 2,260 1,900 860 40 - 22,480 10,760 11,360 10,420 940 160 800 91,940 85,640 6,240 5,820 920 - 60 79,540 45,000 84,000 81,940 8060 240 800 162,660 156,860 5,720 5,040 680 40 40 148,200 100,800 47,040 44,80 8,660 260 600 121,440 118,080 8,820 2,720 600 40 - 150,440 15,080 25,120 28,520 1,600 40. 200 27,560 27,120 420 260 160 20 - 81,840 29,800 1,980 1,760 280 80 40 0 460 - 560 520 40 40 8,600 3,400 180 160 20 20o - 2,480 1,800 640 560 80 80 80 417.100 842.740 73.5001 67.7001 5.800 280 580 . .640 1 204,780 214.2 00 ,400 9,800 1,800 2.360 2,620 2,200 420 40oo 20 - - ,060 1,460 600 520 80 - - 15,840 11,680 4,100 3,800 800 20 40 11,080 8,80 9,060 6,760 800 60 140 27,840 19,560 7,700 7,180 520 60 20 21,700 6,780 14,540 18,680 860 180 a00 90,940 69,540 21,20 19,760 1,460 40 140 85,040 0,200 58,940 51,720 2,220 880 580 103,040 80,900 21,860 20,040 1,880 120 160 102,000 32,820 68,080 65,020 8,060 840 S60 125,780 110,880 15,260 13,760 1,500 20 120 149,580 -88,8340 60,800 579,680 2,60 260 680 43,940 41,680 .2,160 .2,040 120 - 100 42,180 84,880 7, 00 7,200 500 40 60 4,180 8,860 20 820 - - - 6,8200 5,280 920 820 100 - - ,420 2,940 460 40 60 20 - ,800 100 1060 170,000 60, 40 609.780 850.680 254820 240,700 14.120 1.180 8.100 684.040 196.860 487,580 411,90 15,62 40,0 6560 3,860 2,520 1,800 1,140 160 20 20 8,460 1,940 1,400 1,840 60 40 80 22,720 11,000 11,360 10,540 820 200 160 15,700 8,980 11,380 10,800 580 140 200 28/400 18,840 19,800 18,200 1,100 80 180 88,900 6,500 26,680 25,880 1,800 840 380 146,520 76,440 69,240 65,900 8,8340 8320 520 137,180 80,060 10,480 100,940 8,540 1,180 1,460 148,160 72,440 69,400 65,620 8,780 180 1,140 144,720 26,840 115,620 111,960 8,660 900 8,060 176,880 110,780 64,560 61,160 ,400 240 800 210,980 78,820 180 135, 180,540 4,460 460 1,900 45,920 88,500 12,080 11,840 740 120 220 51,260 27,520 23,160 22,040 1,120 100 580 28,420 22,060 6,800 5,680 620 20 40 32,70 8,900 7,680 74,100 580 80 60 4,400 3,100 1,280 1,120 160 - 20 4,020 1,800 2,180 * 1,860 820 - 40 1,082,160 808,560 711,040 682,820 28,720 8.800 8,960 1.027.300 166,520 887,920 810,480 8,~500 109060 12,800 10,840 5,800 4,760 4,840 420 120 160 8,280 8,940 4,460 4,080 880 40 40 41,760 11,860 29,1�0 27,560 1,600 860 880 82,080 4,500 26,800 84,920 1,880 780 500 75,840 20,800 54,460 51,880 2,580 830 720 68,360 6,160 55,180 88,660 2,520 1,200 820 302,580 88,440 215,620 206,820 9,800 1,200 2,820 258,960 29,960 222,840 15,440 79,400 8,080 8,880 228,920 59,840 165,740 159,820 5,920 760 2,580 231,820 81,220 804,560 198,400 6,160 2,860 8,680 281,600 75,460 154,040 148,620 5,420 520 1,580 280,860 50,780 224,880 218,260 6,120 1,760. 3,440 68,560 21,860 45,760 44,320 1,440. 880 660 91,520 28,440 66,780 65,120 1,660 620 680 62,880 25,260 - 7,280 85,680 1,600 80 260 54,200 24,480 29,260 27,880 1,880 140 880 9,680 5,240 4,220 8,780 440 120 100 6,720 2,440 4,160 8,660 500 80 40 972,880 159,180 795,100 766,480 28,620 6,060 12,040 9824960 96, 0 794,400 969,880 25,020 18,140 16,000 10,780 4,480 6,000 5,620 380 180 120 8,160 8,200 4,640 4,800 340 160 160 47,680 8,00 88,500 86,960 1,540 720 380 84,140 8,260 28,940 27,640 1,800 1,380 560 82,980 14,C00 67,400 64,440 2,960 780 800 68,500 4,680 60,160 57,760 2,400 2,200 1,460 328,020 52,260 264,440 254,880 10,060 2,080 4,240 261,020 18,920 232,280 2A2,620 7,660 5,980 8,840 208,260 29,260 174,920 168,400 6,520 1,120 2,960 200,500 12,120 180,480 175,840 5,140 8,880 4,080 158,500 26,720 129,120 125,800 8,820 620 2,040 196,900 21,820 168,860 164,220 4,640 2,760 8,460 61,440 8,440 51,820 569460 1,860 240 940 95,680 14,780 78,200 76,440 1,760 1,080 1,680 69,120 11,100 597,60 55,880 1,500 180 490 52,400 15,200 36,000 84,820 1,180 440 760 10,600 4,840 5,540 5,060 480 140 80 7,660 2,440 4,840 4,240 600 260 120 1,586.840 184.240 1.849.320 1.293.620 55.700 24.140 29,140 1.455.,20 117,840 1,239,060 1,192.540 468,50 68.10 80,800 22,640 6,360 15,240 18,940 1,800 620 420 17,400 4,560 11,160 10,080 1,080 1,440 240 108,600 14,280 85,040 80,940 4,100 2,860 1,420 72,600 4,860 60,540 57,940 8,800 6,040 1,160 168,780 19,920 188080 131,600 6,40 2,960 2,820 181,080 7,280 112,880 107,640 5,840 8,860 2,560 609,840 70,020 518,040 496,860 21,180 9,620 12,160 499,640 28,760 485,4280 419,060 16,860 28,900 9,960 "289,9780 25,760 254,420 244,960 9,460 8,900 5,700 285,180 16,040 250,100 241,220 8,880 12,100 6,940 185,800 20,400 159,900 154,080 5,820 2,040 2,960 287,880 20,06o 204,120 198,200 5,920 8,800 5,400 89,940 8,800 79,080 76,700 2,8380 900 1,660 129,860 15,180 106,540 108,580 2,960 5,140 8,000 96,980 9,480 85,620 83,420 2,200 760 1,120 68,560 16,640 48,800 46,640 1,660 2,120 1,500 24,980 9,920 18,900 11,120 28,780 480 880 15,120 8,960 10,000 8,880 1,620 920 o40 1. 191,820 126,700 991,440 941,500 49,940 45,740 27,940 1,092,060 85,940) 855,00 814,080 41,120 128,140 22,980 25,720 5,800 17,540 15,800 1,740 1,900 480 19,940 8,440 12,800 11,800 1,500 8.840 - 860 111,660 12,440 90,760 85,280 5,480 5,900 2,560 79,620 4,860 60,600 56,420 4,180 '18,200 1,460 149,440 17,880 121,440 -115,080 6,160 6,980 8,640 125,440 5,940 99,000 94,880 4,620 18,520 .1,980 485,740 50,820 405,400 887,000 18,400 18,760 11,260 421,140 g5,160 840o,80 825,160 15,220 46,520 9,080oeo 165,560 14,800 142,460 186,220 6,240 4,880 3,920 178,980 11,880 142,900 187,020 5,880 20,160 4,040 108,480 8,260 94,180 90,540 8,640 8,280 2,760 141,020 12,820 111,480 107,240 4,240 18,580 8,140 ... 6,260 4,280 55,900 58,620 2,280 1,700 1,380 74,620 9,660 55,820 52,980 2,840 7,940 1,700 57,180 4,9720 50440 48,420 2,020 1,140 880 38,180 8,880 25,180 23,900 1,280 8,380 740 24,780 9,200 18,820 9,3840 8,980 1,200 1,060 18,120 8,800 9,540 5,680 1,860 1,500 280 810.420 86.420 686.720 608.160 82.560 71.400 16.880 -787.640 65,140 515.200 .;88 80 ,820W 194,200 18,100 24,300 98,380 116,700 8336,760 83,680 62,760 85,260 35,560 17,020 4,620 11,600 12,540 84,220 7,520 5,280 2,680 2,400 5,560 16,500 78,460 89,100 266,880 68,200 52,040 29,660 80,800 9.080 14,840 68,940 84, 0 254,940 65,520 49,680 28,460 29,460 6,920 1,660 4,520 4,700 11,940 2,680 2,860 1,200 1,840 2,160 2,940 10,980 12,400 28,440 6,100 4,420 2,360 1,720 1,960 840 2,340 2,580 7,220 1,860 1,020 560 640 4280 17,600 78,640 104,900 828,700 106,820 89,740 42,800 18,040 11,400 2,800 8,960 4,580 21,840 8,740 10,140 6,580 4,500 2,500 9,740 46,640 70,420 218,300 71,200 57,920 80,160 9,960 5,860 8,640 48,660 67,260 207,680 68,260 55,600 24,040 9,480 4,820 1,100 8,980 8,160 10,620 8,940 8,820 1,180 540 1,540 5,440 21,840 28,480 78,560 84,80 19,980 9,500 8,2280 2,820 120 1,200 1,420 5,000 2,020 1,700 1,060 860 220 196 . www ..w nn dOk 7 A - I . -- - - . - -. . . . . i MARITAL STATUS Table 37.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD,- BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL, AND FOR URBAN PLACES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) 197 MALE FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Total Single Widowed Di- Total Single Widowed Total Singl Total Wife Wife vorced Total Husband Husban Widowed rced present absent present absent RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. .. . 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .................. 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... . College: 1 to 3 years .... ... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and S years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years... .. High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed... ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and,8 years..... Highechool: lto3years....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: l'to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 9 2 5.120 . RQ95 7n' am sann A 5Ann car I1 onII e nnl o a nl R a! n onI , .LzZZ.LZZ H- L IAV Ia *,Z)4J�4..OV1 1L '4l , U b , ( -4,3,b0 9 2O,2U I 0 5U 575.64011 553.060 5,600 37,000 54,520 171,420 170,780 114,760 18,400 320 2,840 504.740 5,280 34,560 50,540 164,280 165,100 112,120 18,140 820 2,720 429.860 22.220 320 2,380 8,940 7,020 5,600 2,600 240 120 74. 340 19.4201 2.800 300 2,120 3,500 6,382 4,920 2,000 140 120 69.56C 20 260 440 700 680 600 100 4.780 180 1801 479 180 352.200 124 960 119.4601 .5n00 o41 1 Rn 9 1 1 - - - - L W 40 60 40 20 20 380 20 40 60 40 20 660 3,920 17,660 33,640 116,000 143,680 132,880 28,760 540 2,100 396960 2,840 10,180 17,560 73,740 104,960 112,880 27,980 520 1,540 208 980 1,040 7,280 15,940 41,340 38,320 19,760 740 20 520 184 520 98( 6,90( 15,;26 39,72( 36,68( 18,80( 62(0 50 177 4201 60 380 680 1,620 1,640 960 120 20 20 7 100 20 140 120 400 160 60 40 1.520 20 60 20 520 240 180 40 1 94an 6,160 5,240 880 800 80 20 20 3,620 2,380 1,200 1,120 80 40 31,660 24,380 7,180 6,900 280 40 60 15,660 6,160 9,340 9,060 280 80 80 " 46,420 36,700 9,480 8,840 640 120 120 29,720 10,700 18,600 17,840 760 260 160 162,000 135,780 25,840 24,140 1,700 180 200 . 111,820 48,940 61,700 59,600 2,100 560 620 * 98,020 81,040 . 16,760 15,740 1,020 10 200 80,180 31,540 47,580 45,860 1,720 380 680 122,040 110,060 11,920 11,080 840 - 60 114,680 73,200 41,060 39,400 1,660 100 320 33,640 32,160 1,480 1,320 160 - - 35,880 31,820 3,900 8,480 420 80 80 .. 1,840 1,800 40 40 - - 3,320 3,120 180 160 20 20 - ... 2,960 2,200 760 700 60 - - 2,080 1,120 960 900 60 - - 637,880 414,060 220,540 211,500 9,040 1,320 1,960 515,580 170,840 337,920 327,800 10,120 3,000 3,820 7,880 5,200 2,680 2,440 240 - 5,400 2,380 2,860 2,820 40 120 40 43,240 23,800 18,900 18,280 620 300 240 22,640 6,120 16,000 15,580 420 300 220 �. 62,520 34,360 27,640 26,440 1,200 160 360 41,640 9,180 31,740 30,680 1,060 380 340 S 227,020 147,320 78,640 75,560 3,080 400 660 159,760 43,580 113,900 110,520 3,880 1,060 1,220 . 119,380 71,400 47,340 45,600 1,740 260 880 101,260 22,820 77,000 74,960 2,040 460 980 .. 134,760 96,680 37,680 36,120 1,560 160 240 136,040 53,940 80,740 78,500 2,240 540 820 29,640 24,460 5,080 4,680 400 40 60 34,780 23,360 11,180 10,600 580 120 120 9,280 7,900 1,380 1,260 120 - - 10,760 8,460 2,260 2,040 220 - 40 4,160 2,940 1,200 1,120 80 - 20 3,300 1,000 2,240 2,100 140 20 40 . . 916,380 355,400 551,740 538,320 13,420 4,280 4,960 790,400 185,960 640,220 625,760 14,460 7,380 6,840 " 12,360 5,920 6,240 6,080 160 120 80 8,580 2,940 5,460 5,240 220 120 60 " 65,200 21,760 42,360 41,400 960 680 400 87,120 6,120, 0,020 29,220 800 680 300 102,220 32,980 68,060 66,340 1,720 520 660 69,540 8,320 59,700 58,060 1,640 1,000 520 S 3864,380 144,660 316.400 211,460 4,940 1,480 1,840 265,220 37,420 223,700 219,340 4,360 2,240 1,860 �. 168,920 57,500 . 109,560 107,100 2,460 760 1,100 165,020 18,340 142,900 139,980 2,920 1,840 1,940 153,100 67,600 84,380 82,340 2,040 440 680 169,840 35,340 131,940 129,320 2,620 1,100 1,460 31,300 14,480 16,540 15,920 620 200 80 54,68 18,220 35,580 34,280 1,300 300 580 S. 12,920 7,620 5,200 4,860 340 20 80 15,720 8,200 7,860 7,000 360 60 100 5,980 2,880 8,000 2,820 180 60 40 4,680 1,060 3,560 3,320 240 40 20 .. 794,500 186,689 594,600 581,940 12,660 6,140 7,080 728,540 79,220 631,060 620,320 10,740 11,460 6,800 13,500 5,400 7,820 7,460 360 160 120 8,180 2,560 5,820 5,200 120 240 60 66,740 13,900 51,400 50,260 1,140 800 640 39,540 4,380 34,000 33,240 760 960 200 95,060 21,280 72,220 70,760 1,460 900 660 74,440 6,120 66,220 64,920 1,00 1,520 580 338,900 81,860 251,560 246,520 5,040 2,560 2,920 267,380 23,880 236,980 233,600 3,380 4,220 2,800 142,220 27,580 112,280 109,960 2,320 980 1,380 143,500 11,300 128,240 126,240 2,000 2,840 1,620 91,500 24,320 65,920 64,580 1,340 420 840 112,780 13,900 96,800 94,820 1,480 1,340 1,240 27,660 6,060 #1,100 20,600 500 200 300 59,300 9,860 48,280 47,220 1,060 580 580 12,820 3,800 8,360 8,120 240 60 100 17,800 6,020 11,460 11,140 320 120 200 . 6,600 2,480 3,940 3,680 260 60 120 5,620 1,200 4,260 3,940 320 140 20 1,442,400 211,580 1,190,940 1,168,620 22,320 23,900 15,980 1,871,560 94,840 1,220,720 1,202,040 18,680 44,220 11,780 20,540 6,860 22,440 21,760 680 940 300 20,580 3,880 15,320 14,940 380 1,220 160 148,340 20,760 123,080 120,680 2,400 2,780 1,720 101,260 6,400 88,840 86,660 1,680 5,660 860 200,360 26,760 167,640 164,660 2,980 3,980 1,980 171,400 8,740 154,720 152,100 2,620 6,780 1,160 682,120 103,420 560,140 550,320 9,820 11,300 7,260 581,540 34,160 525,560 518,680 6,880 17,320 4,500 210,080 24,700 180,160 177,140 3,020 2,580 .2,640 229,620 12,560 207,960 205,180 2,780 6,780 2,820 91,960 15,440 74,360 72,640 1,720 1,100 1,060 142,860 10,800 127,180 125,440 1,740 3,520 1,360 42,240 5,740 35,460 34,740 720 460 580 85,200 9,420 72,700 71,680 1,020 2,000 1,080 20,860 3,560 16,800 16,360 440 240 260 27,580 7,120 19,660 18,960 700 580 220 15,900 4,340 10,860 10,320 540 520 180 11,520 1,760 9,280 8,400 880 8360 120 ... 1,51,480 140,520 1,146,500 1,122,600 28,900 48,740 15,730 1,809,800 65,300 1,044,720 1,088,120 16,600 89,900 9,880 37,560 5,580 29,000 28,060 940 2,420 560 .25,180 3,540 18,620 18,060 560 2,860 160 189,600 18,680 160,640 156,440 4,200 8,280 2,000 122,260 , 5,480 105,540 101,460 2,080 12,540 700 218,380 22,160 185,160 181,060 4,100 8,880 2,180 185,180 7,860 159,000 156,320 2,680 16,620 1,700 622,620 67,360 527,040 517,760 9,280 20,940 7,280 542,660 26,660 474,900 468,500 6,400 37,080 4,020 . 148,380 12,460 129,820 127,460 2,360 4,480 1,620 162,640 7,180 143,260 141,140 2,120 10,520 1,680 59,120 5,780 50,620 49,320 1,300 1,800 920 88,240 5,020 77,040 76,140 900 5,340 840 40,980 3,620 35,820 35,180 640 920 620 54,740 5,000 46,860 45,400 960 2,820 560 18,400 1,780 15,940 15,440 500 320 360 17,400 2,580 13,700 13,300 400 960 160 16,440 8,100 12,460 11,880 580 700 180 11,500 1,980 8,300 7,800 500 1,160 60 1,030,100 .105,100 830,700 808,300 22,400 81,160 13,140 837,160 48,680 642,720 631,620 11,100 140,000 5,760 39,760 172,920 187,400 454,800 83,820 37,000 27,040( 11,840 15,520( 5,080 16,020 19,140 47,620 , 460' 2,940 2,440 1,220 3,180 29,900 189,020 149,580 367,480 70,520 30,980 22,800 9,840 .10,580 28,620 135,100 145,500 358,580 69,000 30,100 22,280 9,420 9,700 1,280 3,920 4,080 8,900 1,520 880 520 420 880 4,22C 15,680 16,000 34,000 5,040( 2,420 1,640 640 1,52C 560 2,200 2,680 5,700 800 660 160 140 240 S23,480 106,70p 142,220 375,520 89,860 52,640 27,860 9,340 9,540 2,180 4,900 5,940 19,740 4,860 4,180 3,360 2,020 1,500 15,440 79,120 107,860 297,160 70,640 40,560 19,920 5,820 6,200 14,90C 77,860 106,26C 293,08C( 69,440 40, 000 19,380 5,620 5,58C 540 1,760 1,600 4,080 1,200 560 540 200 620 5,800 21,780 27,320 56,440 18,620 7,420 4,380 1,420 1,820 60 900 1,100 2,180 740 480 200 80 20 1 II I. L . � U. Ji II _ � _ A I - 71 -- i - - I - I - H - I , - I II I ZT" I' ... ... . .. .. t � � =.. A o 000 man n1 . . . - I98 - EDUCATION Table 38.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATI)N 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based an a 5-percent samuT ) ) MA FEMAIEU AREA, YARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND 0B fied Married To il i i Widowed Total Singl widowed - Wife Wife vwced 1e usbaad RubaAd **& vtoed Total present absent present absent UIT ) STAIZS Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 24 s,o46440 7,239,10so 15.920.a s,6o.020 581.28s 0 7.6210 24,909,60 5.04.00oo 1,o480 g16," 9 soeo8 1soo,90,06s 5,500 18 and 19 years old.............. 1,678,1401 1.609.460 67.520 5. 0 . 00 660 1,686,601 1.274.040 40,98 C 37 9,9640 206,00 .520 6.m No school years completed......... 10,760 10,260 480 640 0 20 6,0 4,s60 1,80 1,60 180 80 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 58,620 54,820 4,240 8,620 620 40 20 8,800 19,00 14,140 18,04 1,100 4 810 5 and 6 years....... 98180 90,540 7,520 6,500 1,020 40 80 70,840 85,00 88900 81,580 2,80 860 880 7 and 8 years... .... 814,740 295,460 19,020 16,00 2,820 80 180 259,420 151,180 105,900 99,280 6,480 1,760 Nigh school: to 3 years ......... 588,920 561,640 21,860 18,960 2,900 160 260 527,960 872,020 152,80 148,600 10,80 700 2,860 4 years ............. 476,020 468,740 12,060 9,420 2,640 120 100 680,580 542,980 86,20 81,800 4,90 880 1,060 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 12,160 121,840 1,780 1,000 780 40 146,900 189,420 ,840 6,560 00 40 180 4 years or more ..... 1,820 1,780 40 40 - - 2,720 2,520 10 80 80 - Not reported ................ .... 10,920 10,80 520 40 100 20 - 7,720 5,760 1,840 1,640 80 40 eo 20 and 21 years old........ ...... 1,527,040 6 1.20960 25.040 281,520 20,520 .180. 2.860 1.587,440 872,420 697,580 660,940 6,840 5,0e0 1.2,860 No school years completed ......... 9,700 8,240 1,420 1,280 140 20 20 5,900 8,800 2,040 1,840 200 40 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... .. 51,480 88,660 12,520 11,680 840 120 120 81,180 11,640 18,860 18,020 840 800 800 5 and 6 years ........ 88,220 66,260 21,600 19,900 1,700 200 .60 66,140 21,700 48,240 40,620 8,680 600 600 7 and 8 years ........ 805,160 287,800 66,760 61,900 4,860 . 880 720 271,800 104,420 168,820 15,680 8,9700 1,460 8,600 High school: 1 to 3 years . ....... 860,660 282,980 "76,480 70,500 5,980 200 1,000 864,720 138,580 220,940 208,600 12,840 1,860 4,640 4 years ............. 4978540 -418,84 58,960 54,QOO 4,960 140 6 616,220 99se,960 2all,980 202,s 9,660 960 3,880 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 203,280 191,860 11,160 9,420 1,740 60 200 195,520 164,600 80,120 88,280 1,840 260 540 4 years or more ...... 18,660 17,160 1,460 1,880 140 20 20 26,420 22,960 8,400 8,100 800 40 80 Not reported ................... ..11,400 9,660 1,680 1,520 160 40 20 9,540 5,960 8,680 8,840 840 60 40 22 to 24 years old ............... 2,178,6201 1,808,040 860,960 814.480 46,480 8.800 10.820 2,272.960 810,960 1,419,160 1,858.220 60,940 11,720 81,120 No school years completed ......... 12,200 7,600 4,560 4,120 440 40 9,420 4,480 4,620 4,400 220 180 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 78,220 87,800 4,320 22,500 1,820 540 560 46,460 11,740 88,380 81,740 1,640 700 640 5 and 6 years........ 128,180 62,860 59,860 56,880 3,480 280 680 98,100 19,480 76,000 91,940 4,060 1,160 1,460 7 and 8 years........ 473,520 257,800 212,so0 201,640 10,880 1,140 2,560 427,660 103,600 214,900 801,220 18,680 8,880 5,880 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 492,040 256,880 231,100 219,120 11,980 640 8,420 510,640 114,400 882,860 865,560 17,800 8,740 10,640 4 years ............. 655,280 415,540 286,460 224,300 12,160 780 2,500 840,600 346,940 481,100 468,480 17,680 2,9740 9,820 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 207.860 154,480 52,280 49,260 8,020 280 820 207,160 117,780 86,940 82,940 4,000 500 1,940 4 years or more ..... 125,080 99,760 25,020 22,920 2100 80 220 118,420 86,380 1,860 29,600 1,760 260 4 Not reported .......... ........... 16,240 11,820 4,840 4,240 600 20 60 14,500 6,160 8,000 7,400 600 160 280 25 to 29 years old............... 3497,660 1,125,820 2,384.640 2.2338,40 91,800 12,860 a4.40 8.592,140 718,160 27,68,840 2,665,580108,260 5,200 69,940 No school years completed ......... 26,120 12,780 12,740 11,840 900 820 280 20,680 8,200 12,000 11,020 980 880 200 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 124,180 838,140 83,900 80,120 8,780 1,120 1,020 85,260 12,980 69,080 65,880 8900 1,880 1,820 5 And 6 years......... 226,620 64,400 158,440 151,840 7,100 1,280 2,500 182,800 20,580 155,280 147,500 7,780 8,620 8,820 7 and 8 years........ 910,760 27A,120 626,400 602,34) 24,060 8,940 8,800 817,800 106,940 685,460 658,460 279,000 10,100 14,800 High school: 1 to 3 years........... 784,940 209,580 568,160 5461,420 21,740 2,620 9,580 828,080 104,580 693,780 667,020 26,700 8,880 20,960 4 years ............. 861,220 298,960 552,8240 532,680 19,560 2,100. 7,920 1-,095,660 262.900 808,600 778,680 24,920 9,560 21,600 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 272,980 97,860 171,520 164,960 6,560 780 2,820 381,980 96,140 226,000 219,420 6,580 2,100 5,940 4 years or more ..... 261,640 118,780 142,840 186,660 6,180 440 1,580 208,420 96,260 109,940 105,740 4,200 600 1,620 Not reported. .............9,200 15,00 1,400 11,980 1,420 260 840 21,960 7,580 138,760 12,860 1,400 240 80 30 to 34 years old .............. 8,215,900 585,220 2,559,7O20 2,467,980 91,740 21,020 49,940 3,244,8801 438,160 2,654,500 2,559,600 94,900 64,660 87,560 No school years-completed ......... 28,660 11,420 16,440 15,460 980 360 440 20,720 7,220 12,580 11,880 1,140 580 400 Grade school 1 to 4 years ......... 188,160 25,860 109,860 105,020 4,340 1,980 1,460 95,220 10,100 79,580 75,260 4,820 8,580 1,960 5 and 6 years........ 235,620 44,460 185,800 178,260 7,540 2,60 2,740 200,280 15,100 174,880 167,100 7,780 5,9720 4,5860 7 and 8 years........ 967,480 173,520 772,280 743,280 29,000 6,840 14,840 842,820 75,220 727,740 700,9720 27,80 19,840 20,080 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 706,880 108,340 581,520 560,660 20,860 4,320 12,700 728,260 66,520 623,840 601,020 22,820 14,50 238,880 . 4 years ............. 605,880 112,740 479,800 464,600 15,200 2,820 10,020 790,880 128,120 626,860 609,800 19,060 12,780 28,120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 240,640 40,920 198,780 187,800 6,480 1,200 4,740 380,840 60,580 256,860 249,660 7,200 4,140 9,260 4 years or more ...... 260,040 54,460 202,880 196,700 5,680 640 2,560 210,500 68,440 185,180 181,200 8,980 2,580 4,800 Not reported ..................... 3388,040 14,000 18,860 16,700 1,660 . 240 440 25,860 6,860 17,040 15,460 1,580 860 600 35 to 44 years old ............... 5,450,440 668,200 4,588.980 4,411 ,201 177,760 88880 114.8801 5,426,460 54,220 4,451,140 4,878,880 172,81 25,680 165,420 No school years completed ......... 66,460 16,740 46,760 48,580 8,180 1,980 980 50,400 11,380 88,980 81,820 2,660 4,180 e60 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 815,700 42,480 260,440 249,060 11,880 7,480 5,00 228,080 15,100 189,680 180,720 8,960 18,520 4,780 S and 6 years......... 507,00 64,020 422,760 404,940 17,820 10,840 10,180 489,920 24,80 377,800 860,500 -17,800 27,140 10,700 7 and 8 year-....... 2,001,500 2438,760 1,680,900 1,615,820 65,000 88,820 48,020 1,782.220 117,440 1,528,080 1,468,160 59,860 88,880 48,440 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,017,600 103,100 879,100 846,760 32,340 12,660 22740 1,075,620 81,480 904,860 870,900 38,980 50,860 88,400 4 years ............. 740,840 88,220 627580 605,820 21,760 9,40 18,400 1,04,540 126,420 818,520 790,540 27,980 48,80 6,220 College : 1 to 3 years ......... 852,060 85,900 3808,560 291,960 11,600 8,640 8,960 480,840 69,920 874,560 868,560 11,000 19,860 16,000 4 years or more...... 77,280 4,800 25,200 16,060 9,140 8,020 6,260 294,800 85,920 189,740 188,4 6,8320 10,500 8,640 Not reported ............ ........ 72,200 26,180 42,680 8,220 5,460 1,600 1,740 50,540 12,280 8,33960 29,200 4,760 2,920 1,880 45 to 54 years old............... r297,56 406,700 3,682,1210 3481.660 150,460 162.600 9140 4,224,520 82,000 3,281,440 8,094,900 186,540 500,860 110,220 No school years completed .......... 78 680 18,800 58,860 54,560 8,800 5,040 1,480 59,000 8,980 89,540 6,860 8,180 9,480 1,000 Grade school: 1to4 years......... 568 86,800 805,720 291, 0014,520 18,580 ,140 266,900 18,060 207,420 196,120 11,800 41,840 5,000 S and 6 years...... 506,800 51,700 420,560 408,180 197,80 28,80 11,160 450,560 21,380 857,240 541,840 15,900 61,980 10,020 7 and 8 years...1..... 904,680 ,90 1,484700 189,84 56,860 6,7680 88,80 1,568,860 101,840 1,249,460 1,200,940 48,520 178,860 88,200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 608,000 49,440 525,440 505,8C 19,620 18,880 14,240 906,600 55,740 549,200 529,880 21,820 81,140 20,580 4 years ............. 468,500 85,560 409,640 392,940 14,700 14,280 11,020 646,920 76,200 48,940 460,540 18,400 71,980 80,000 College: 1 to 3 years ............ 45,400 18,020 14,90 205,4 9,160 5,980 6,500 01,640 48,840 214,660 05,880 8,840 88,680 10,080 4 yearsormore...... 51,560 18,100 228,94 216, 50 7,440 5,8 4,200 180,460 51,000 108,120 108,860 4,60 17,100 4,240 Not reported ..................... 65,700 19,860 40,860 ,880 6,980 8,880 2,100 44,080 10,460 26,860 22,540 4,880 5,620 1,140 55 to 64 years old.... .......... ,901.080 274.780 2.822.880! 2.228.06C 99,820 865.40 �,A480 2.874.640 264,040 1,858,460 1,769,960 88,500 904,840 53,800 No shool years completed ............ 77,080 11,860 ,20 51,8 ,860 9, 1,800 56,040 6,060 2,600 29,820 2,80 16,780 660 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 26,800 2,10 58,50 40, 12,960 4, 6, 28,420 11,760 156,660 148,680 ,980 66,040 8,960 3 and 6 years....... 409,80 40,400 319,80 05,66 1,00 40, 9,0 868,780 17,440 41,740 0,7011,080 97,960 5,50 7 and 8 years.... ,18,080 111,840 947,00 910, 7,180 100,5 ,20 1,127,680 78,980 760,900 79,940 80,960 268,180 19,680 High school: 1 to 3 years........ 809,960 26,20 256,00 46, 9,620 1,8 6,80 94,640 5,160 254,600 4,5011,080 95,180 8,700 4 years ............ 264,260 19,560 2,440 14, 8,120 17, 4,780 896,020 50,100 ,040 286,140 9,900 91,680 8,200 College: 1 to 3 years ........... 15,140 9,840 11,800 109,6 4,60 8,9 2,80 168,060 27,700 96,460 9,60 4,200 40,80 8,60 4 years or more ..... 145,840 9,50 15,640 120,68 4,96 7,7 2900 96,260 28,040 46,940 44,50 2,420 19,00 8,080 Not mported .................... .49,640 14,420 28,680 4, 4,400 5,4 1,100 4,800 7,800 17,520 14,360 3,160 9,1001 O80 L MARITAL STATUS Table 38.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS QF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MALE FEMALE AREA, YlbARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Total Single Total Wife Wi vorced Total Single Total Husband Husband Widowed vored Total e Singl e Wdowed Di- To Single ido d vored Total present absent present absent _ _ _ _I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ URBAN Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported.................. 20 and 21 years old ....'....... ... No school years .completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years osmore...... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old..... . ........ No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to.4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years.... . High school: 1 to3 years ......... 4 years,............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old................ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 45 to 54 years old. ............. No school years completed .......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ... ..... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more...... Not reported.................. 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... Highschool: lto3years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported..................... 12,627,88011 3,647,8001 8,486,04011 80802,00 405.840 261.1401 23.400 [.674.96011 3.10.9201 8.988.08011 8.526.76' 766.94011 739.2801 27.12011 22.2601 4.860 2,520 7,960 19,740 88,440 291,980( 269,040 80,780 1,120 5,860 728.520 2,520 7,260 19,680 94,640 187,00 264,560 188,660 18,88 5,82C 1 Irr7 rir 2,420 7,320 18,200 82,140 280,700 262,640 79,640 1,080 5,140 618.460 2,260 5,480 14,760 71,360 145,740 280,640 125,740 12,220 5,260 675 800 100 640 1,500 6,220 11,000 6,260 1,140 40 220 112.840 260 1,700 4,840 22,720 40,540 83,880 7,760 1,120 520 424 640 80 520 1,200 5,440 9,420 4,820 600 40 140 102.040 220 1,380 4,200 20,800 37,140 20,620 6,240 980 460 899 26 20 120 300 780 1,580 1,440 540 80 10.800 40 320 640 1,920 3,400 2,760 1,520 140 60 2r An 60 20 160 80 120 60 20 20 L ane 8601 862.160 40 60 180 80 60 0 20 60 400 640 420 100 20 20 1,820 7,780 17,720 89,780 269,240 379,860 91,540 1,800 3,620 865_ 300 1,500 6,340 17,740 103,380 2038,00 385,320 124,840 17,620 5,260 690.200 1,000 5,040 9,880 58,600 194,960 33884,600 86,640 1,660 2,820 524_500 760 2,700 6,280 42,960 85,080 263,340 104,820 15,220 3, 340 167.440 300 2,600 7,580 35,080 72,420 48,820 4, 780 120 740 330 160 700 3,320 11,040 58,340 114,120 118,960 19,460 2,860 1,860 153.6801 13.760 280 2,220 6,740 31,980( 66,080 41,280 4,384 120 640 308 440 60( 8,040 10,000 53,40( 106,14( 113,000 18,440 2,18( 1,640 ACA aa. 20 380 840 3,100 6,340 2,540 440 100 21 ~7n 100 280 1,040 4,940 7,980 5,960 1,020 180 220 978 900n 4an080 820 3.700 40 80 140 300 220 20 20 r 360 20 160 160 600 S640 600 140 20 20 20 100 180 960 1,560 720 100" 60 8 An0 20 160 260 1,480 8,460 2,420 420 20 40 1 , ow ors , ,0 5 0jP .VLTzb 1 46& b G2: n8Va 59, 540 728. 640 690 860 87.70 780 6E50 21.8 2,640 1,520 1,100 980 120 20 - 2,440 1,280 1,060 940 120 40 60 11,620 6,060 5,340 4,880 460 60 160 11,260 3,140 7,560 6,880 680 280 280 31,060 15,700 15,080 18,740 1,340 120 160 28,660 6,580 20,780 18,880 1,900 540 760 "165,740 84,100 79,660 74,506 5,160 440 1,540 177,820 48,940 124,140 116,460 7,680 1,3820 3,420 265,240 138,940 124,040 117,120 6,920 220 2,040 291,820 74,740 207,600 195,500 12,100 1,680 7,800 389,060 244,480 142,680 135,080 7,600 400 1,500 536,840 241,460 286,180 274,480 11,700 1,800 7,400 141,560 104,780 36,080 34,080 2,000 120 580 129,880 73,080 55,280 52,860 2,420 280 -.1,240 91,900 73,560 18,080 16,660 1,420 60 200 79,280 56,620 22,160 21,180 980 180 3 20 8,800 6,16Q 2,580 2,220 . 360 - 20 40 7,820 3,700 3,880 3,680 200 140 100 1,881,060 599,920 1.208.400 1.148.880 54.520 5,480 22,260 2.009,220 474,180 1,462,780 1,396,020 66,760 19,480 52,580 6,860 3,460 3,260 2,900 360 100 40 6,700 3,020 3,420 2,980 440 120 140 25,360 8,020 16,860 15,460 1,400 180 300 21,840 4,140 16,620 14,980 1,640 500 - 580 64,560 18,760 44,160 41,020 3,140 420 1,220 61,400 8,400 49,400 45,460 3,940 1,540 2,060 368,680 106,120 256,280 244,040 18,240 1,560 4,720 378,360 57,900 304,820 287,720 17,100 5,860 10,280 439,600 115,660 316,400 301,980 14,420 1,220 6,320 477,480 72,960 388,540 364,840 18,700 5,040 15,940 528,740 182,020 339,500 8326,640 12,860 1,220 6,000 700,880 192,160 486,320 468,880 17,440 5,120 17,280 184,860 67,360 114,980 110,180 4,800 340 2,180 204,420 63,500 135,000 10,940 4,060 1,240 4,680 196,980 90,020 105,320 100,920 4,400 8360 1,280 146,120 67,560 76,820 74,200 . 2,630 440 1,300 15,420 8,500 6,640 5,740 900 80 200 12,020 4,740 6,840 6,020 820 120 320 1,708,400 314,820 1,350,480 1,294,000 56,420 .9900 33,260 1,812,660 295,300 1,411,100 1,347,220 63,880 88,600 67,660 7,680 3,140 4,260 3,880 380 40 240 7,120 2,500 4,160 3,420 740 220 240 32,440 6,420 25,000 23,100 1,900 480 540 28,460 3,740 22,060 19,660 2,400 1,400 1,260 77,400 16,140 58,840 55,140 8,1700 1,020 1,400 72,400 6,260 61,000 56,520 4,480 2,400 2,740 427,920 76,060 .340,440 324,000 16,440 2,720 8,700 398,880 43,020 329,720 312,100 17,620 11,220 14,920 403,280 62,680 329,200 315,840 13,360 2,400 9,000 425,180 47,340 - 350,680 334,280 16,400 9,000 18,160 388,960 70,800 308,780 298,200 10,580 1,940 7,440 523,100 98,620 396,280 382,380 13,900 9,100 19,100 162,280 28,940 128,900 124,080 4,820 800 3,640 196,400 40,400 146,000 141,280 4,720 2,720 7,280 190,400 42,840 145,080 140,900 4,180 420 2,060 147,500 49,640 92,3820 89,600 2,720 2,040 3,500 18,040 7,800 9,920 8,860 1,060 80 240 13,620 3,780 8,880 7,980 900 500 460 2,902,520 361,220 2,422,580 2,311,120 111,460 42,980 75,740 8,024,360 875,960 2,351,900 2,234,280 117,620 167,260 129,240 19,240 5,600 12,680 11,320 1,360 . 640 320 17,880 4,360 11,300 9,840 1,460 1,740 480 87,620 13,420 69,380 63,800 5,580 2,280 2,540 73,760 5,720 57,200 52,220 4,980 7,920 2,920 194,840 28,460 156,240 146,500 9,740 4,080 6,060 175,620 11,700 142,860 182,00 10,560 13,660 7,400 959,160 120,280 795,500 756,200 39,300 16,620 26,760 897,560 72;160 735,120 694,160 40,960 53,480 36,800 585,720 62,820 500,280 478,660 21,620 7,260 15,360 625,140 58,180 502,700 478,960 28,740 33,960 0,800 502,960 59,160 425,880 409,960 15,420 6,680 11,740 700,280 101,600 534,940 '512,500 21,440 3388,220 80,520 289,280 24,660 204,880 195,940 8,940 2,620 7,120 296,140 49,840 220,680 213,160 7,520 18,480 12,640 277,540 32,820 287,560 280,600 6,960 2,100 5,060 210,640. 65,560 129,960 125,700 4,260 8,020 7,100 36,160 14,000 20,680 18,140 2,540 700 780 . 27,340 7,340 17,140 14,440 2,700 1,780 1,080 2.206.580 211.980 1.850.980 1.762.280 88,700 88,060 60,560 2.11.340 265.040 1,648,780 1,560,540 88,240 8149820 82,700 22,520 4,360 16,320 14,800 1,520 1,220 620' 19,980 3,040 12,400 10,940 1,460 4,000 540 110,720 14,180 86,980 80,760 6,220 6,380 3,180 98,400 5,280 .66,780 60,980 5,800 18,140 3,200 203,980 23,480 164,060 155,120 8,940 10,020 6,420 188,740 10,760 . 139,780 180,180 9,600 31,280 6,920 828,740 82,620 682,540 648,540 34,000 384,980 23,600 796,100 64,240 593,660 562,720 80,940 110,660 27,540 342,100 28,820 292,760 280,180 12,580 10,800 9,720 413,3820 40,480 802,640 288,000 14,640 54,500 15,700 327,020 24,500 284,560 274,080 10,480 9,940 8,020 453,760 62,180 319,500 05,300 14,200 55,600 16,480 157,620 11,560 137,320 130,560 6,760 3,920 4,820 191,700 31,940 127,700 121,760 5,940 24,100 7,960 188,620 13,480 167,880 162,580. 5,300 4,060 3,200 131,720 41,600 73,320 69,960 3,360 13,280 3,520 30,260 8,980 18,560 15,660 2,900 1,740 980 22,620 5,520 13,000 10,700 2,800 3,260 840 1, 76,240 131,820 1,094,060 1,040,860 53,700 117,540 33,320 1,524,100 176,000 887,280 835,720 51,560 424,300 36,520 19,700 99,820 157,280 542,900 167,240 180,269 82,800 105,760 21,480 3,080 12,000 17,720 52,200 14,340 13,120 5,280 6,900 6,680 13,360 72,800 118,560 '428,580 136,600 151,240 69,620 90,740 11,860 11,960 66,980 11 ,280 408,460 130,500 146,420 66,560 87,300 9,900 1,400 5;820 6,280 20,120 6,100 5,520 3,060 3,440 1,960 2,680 11,560 16,400 49,280 12,160 11,80C 5,460 5,86C 2,340 580 2,960 4,600 12,840 4,140 3,400 1,940 2,260 600 18,960 85,720 155,520 563,640 227,600 275,220 108,040 72,820 16,580 2,280 4,680 9,340 49,020 25,600 38,500 19,620 22,640 4,320 9,560 50,280 92,320 341,620 133,280 162,060 57,720 33,340 7,100 8,320 46,360 85,520 322,720 125,780 154,620 55,000 31,56C 5,840 1,240 3,920 6,800 18,900 7,500 7,440 2,720 1,780 1,260 6,640 28,580 50,600 159,400 62,440 68,320 28,220 15,140 4,960 480 2,180 3,260 13,600 6,280 6,340 2,480 1,700 200 199 m w -0m I - - , - -- f - - . - - - . - - - - - - - . - B - ; - - I I .I O1 YYV . . ,vu .9Vx, . .avv w a iv lr I T ii- T I I T Jr- 7- -TF r 'a . + vsv a v y v y' r . V v . W ' w v Ri ii .uV ' V a 1 I 7r- 7- Zr- I T 7r- -r- -Tr I 461 820 EDUCATION Table 38.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF NATIVE PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR 'THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistic based\on a 5-percent ample) MALE FMALI A*A, YEARS OF SCHOOL Married arried COMPLET, AND AGE Total Single Wife Wife Widowed Total Single Widowed Hota porcre absend Rusbane aoroeb Total prie n aentrsetal asenOe present absent present absent RURAL-NONFARM Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old............... No school years completed. ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. . 20 and 21 years old............ . No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... . 22 to 24 years pld .............. No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years..... . 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: I to 3 years ........1 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. . 25 to 29 years old ............... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 6 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more..... Not reported. .................... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old......... .... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 4 years ............. College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ........ ............ 45 to 54 years old............... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. ..... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ..... .... 4 years or more...... Not reported . ................... 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ .. 391,580f 372,7201 18 600 15.80 28 144 120 388 00. 269.020. 117,160il l09.72.l 7,4401 760j 1,360 ,50( 15,34(a 26,24 76,640 137,540 103,560 25,260 420 3,080 350.240 1,900 14,180 24,760 73,680 85,400 104,900 38,880 3,640 2,900 511.460 2,980 20,620 33,720 118,560 119,94C 147,020 40,140 24,860 8,620 R71 . 7 3,400 14,100 24,100 70,680 182,020 100,300 24,820 420 2,880 281.360 1,560 10,140 17,240 58,880i 65,400 90,600 36,780 3,340 2,420 277.960 1,820 9,560 15,480 56,080 56,320 87,940 28,580 19,120 2,460 2RR R60 80 1,240 2,100 5,900 5,460 3,220 420 180 68.060 340 3,980 7,460 19,620 19,740 14;160 2,04o 300 460 230.260 1,140 10,700 18,040 61,760 62,440 58,080 11,240 5,700 1,160( 621.760 60 1,000 1,820 5,060 4,820 2,620 260 160 62.7 ?60 320 3,680 7,000 18,200 18,140 '12,800 1,920 300 400 217.460 1,020 9,920 17,060 58,740 59,040 54,940 10,600 5,140 1,000 5Q9 nR 20 240 280 840 640 600 160 20 5.300 20 300 460 1,420 1,600 1,3860 80 60 129 00 120 780 980 3,020 3,400 3,140 640 560 160 24 .6n0 60 S40 20 -I 20 1.100 20 200 40 300 180 220 120 20 -4 n ann 20 60 40 560 40 140 160 120 100 740 160 160 4280 1,000 780 200 20 9_C 1,900 10,460 20,560 66,3860 126,620 180,740( 28,980 440 2,24 363.300 .. . - I, . 11 0 0 3I. 0 1,540 10,280 20,040 70,000 88,040 127,480 37,820 5,740 2,360 544.0 0 2,520 14,260 30,020 110,900 125,660 181,920 45,960 29,220 3,620 RA anW 1,860 5,640 9,820 84,340 82,300 107,020 27,040 400 1,600 165:640 1,140 3,380 5,660 21,420 25,120 72,080 0,560 4,880 1,400 1M.000 1,220 3,260 4,800 19,880 19,740 58,760 29,800 21,980 1,560 12n 6Rn .1 l03. a/44 - - *VV1 V6nnLV1V U44 =VOVI G Y SYLI= 4 j aJ.L5 I .vo! .oXJ.L5' ff 8,720 37,620 67,600 243,700 194,760( 197,460( 60,220 53,180 8,460( 822.280 9,160 43,38 72,480 263,040 176,860( 135,84 53,520 58,92( 9,140 4,180 10,160 16,820 59,100 46,260 59,640 18,280 20,080 4,340 123.440 3,640 6,740 10,940 38,280 22,780 21,540 6,980 8,520 4,020 4,280( 26,780 49,760( 181,560 145,540 136,020 41,120 32,800 3,900 682 .900 5,240 35,600 59,940 219,26( 150,68( 111,940 45,48 49,840 4,92( 3,900 25,300 47,440 173,900 140,480 181,180 39,960 31,360 3,560 658.320 4,960 34,180 57,400 210,940 145,060 108,500 44,240 48,520 4,520 380 1,480 2,320 7,660 5,060 4,840 1,160 1,440 340 24.580 280 1,420 i,540 8,320 5,620 3,440 1,240 1,320 400 100 340 360 1,000 720 500 240 60 120 5.480 160 720 '60 1,840 960 520 240 160 120 160 340( 660( 2,040 2,240 1,30C 580 240 100 lMl.M 120 320 780 8,66( 2,44( 1,840 828 400 80 6,700 29,000 55,780 209,840 200,220 242,660 79,880 48,140 5,740 7? .140 6,540 58,840 214,440 172,880 169,200 82,100 46,560 6,500 2,680 3,540 4,700 19,420 16,240 40,900 18,840 21,460 1,900 76.320 .1 VfRI 1"=1 i -w -sz.. Vti ~WI VW -- V/W ,460 3,8009 7 2,460 2,520 8,540 18,500 9,600 ,17,860 11,660 13,860 1,920 540 4,700 10,900 81,480 48,520 23,480 1,880 40 620 194. 00 400 6,700 14,000 47,740 61,860 54,540 7,180 860 920 380.200 - -- -( . .. .---' --.� ... .. "-- - - ... . ... ... .. ... ... ... - ... ... .,22l 1,160 . 60'-- 1,220 10,700 24,600 88,640 108,820 121,120 21,480 7,100 2,080 727,340 3,6 3,8 34 0 2 3,960 24,280 49,200 184,440 178,680 197,260 59,440 26,360 3,720 681.400 8,80C 25,780 52,060 192,900 156,300 145,900 68,160 32,260 4,240 500 4,820 10,00( 29,58( 41,080 22,00( 1,66( 4( 544 185.700 860 6,420 13,180 45,940 59,120 52,340 6,720 760 860 366.440 1,160 10,120 28,440 85,700 100,100 117,240 20,420 6,580 1,740 703,840 8,620 28,o020 46,960 178,520 173,260 192,000 58,020. 28,120 ,8320 660,120 3,520 280 10 la 8,520 24,580 50,040 186,460 151,720 142,080 66,640 31,220 3,860 900 1,900 2,440 1,480 220 80 40 280 820 1,800 2,740 2,200 100 - 60 13.760 60 580 1,160 2,940 3,220 3,880 1,060 580 280 23,500 840 1,260 2,240 5,980 5,420 5,260 1,420 1,240 41,280 21,280 280 1,200 2,020 6,440 4,580 8,820 1,520 1,040 380 7a 160 2480 240 20 1,240 60 180 320 840 860 40 40 2,700 40 40 40 140 860 1,040 680 420 100 80 8,820 40 740 1,100 2,640 8,080 1,460 580 100 80 15,680 160 1,260 1,940 4,960 8,820 2,520 880 420 220 60 180 560 40 8,880 2,20 140 800 580 780 600 40 6,180 40 160 860 1,840 1,980 1,680 580 60 40 11,120 440 780 2,840 8,040 520 880 40 18,740 120 520 1,800 a,oeo 3,660 8,920 .1,400 620 120 ,.o6,0o 14 6 .1 14 0 mg ow 094,00 46,50 .20,240 2466 ,amo, U, .V9760 ,,41a.,480 ,U,ay v - ae w v i v i rs r -Ir T -T1 T T T T -IF T -W r T T -IF T I- T T T T AF T -IF L. � 1! ILI MARITAL STATUS 205 Table 39.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistios based on a S5peroent sample) MALE FMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COVPLETED, AND AGE � Married Married Total Sle tal Wife ife Widowed Dred Total Single Widowed pe absent e oroed Husband Husband voroed present absentTotal present absent RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school:.1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years,...... 7 and 8 years. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Notreported................ .. 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... .7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years..... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: .1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... rade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years. . .. . 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: . 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years . ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ..... ............... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 1,048,520 56,020 860 1,680 2,820 21,760 16,880 11,840 1,280 40 360 56,460 896,74C 620.860 606.460 18.900 28.560 7.860 813.920 163.720 605.620 595.s601 10.260 - r - rr T 1 T It - YV V YY VVV V V V IV VVV i_ VVV VI iVV V I IR 55,60C 840 1,660 2,300" 21,640 16,180 11,820 1,260 40 86 S 58,.220 420 20 20 20 120 200 20 20 3.200 400 20 20 20 120 200 20 2.840 - 20 360 48.080 600 1,600( 1,580 12,72C 11,580 12,400 2,300 60 240 38.12C 37.380 440 1,160 1,060 10,500 10,200 11,520 2,240 60 200 26.700 5.640 160 440 520 2,200 1,380 840 60 40 11.300 5.220 160 400 480 2,060 1,240 780 60 40 10.820 420 40 .40 140 140 60 480 s9 .100 60 20 80 880 820 60 60 - - - 760 480 260 240 20 20 - 1,680 1,340 840 280 60 - - 1,100 600 500 500 - - - 2,640 2,440 180 140 40 - 20 1,360 940 400 400 - - 20 25,160 23,720 1,420 1,240 180 - 20 13,400 8,900 4,460 4,320 140 20 20 9,760 9,200 560 520 40 - 6,800 4,160 2,620 2,520 100 - 20 12,960 12,460 500 500 - - - 11,260 8,660 2,580 2,420 160 - 20 2,900 2,820 80 60 20 - - 8,020 2,600 420 860 60 - - 200 200 - - - - - 260 260 - - - - 280 220 60 40 20 - - 160 100 60 60 - - 78,840 63,680 14,480 13,740 740 80 100 52520 24,420 27,600 26,880 720 240 260 1,300 940 8360 820 40 - - 940 400 520 520 - 20 2,260 1,620 620 580 40 20 - 1,700 780 880 840 40 20 20 4,120 3,180 900 860 40 40 - 2,220 1,080 1,120 1,060 60 20 - 37,800 80,200 7,540 7,160 8380 - 60 20,820 8,800 11,780 11,460 820 140 100 12,520 9,780 2,720 2,640 80 20 - 8,100 2,900 5,060 5,000 60 20 120 15,560 13,560 1,980 1,840 140 - 20 14,200 7,220 6,940 6,800 140 20 20 3,480 3,340 120 100 20 - 20 3,460 2,460 1,000 940 60 - - 960 820 140 140 - - - 840 680 160 140 20 - - 340 240 100 100 - - - 240 100 140 120 20 - - 121,500 68,360 52,260 50,940 1.320 340 540 84,440 21,860 61,500 60,040 1,460 - 480 600 1,820 780 1,040 1,040 - - - 1,300 440 840 820 20 - 20 4,000 1,800 2,100 2,040 60 80 20 2,700 820 1,840 1,840 - 40 ',760 4,160 3,540 3,460 80 20 40 8,920 840 3,020 2,980 40 20 40 . 66,000 37.,760 27,840 27,060 780 100 800 35,620 7,800 27,500 27,120 380 140 180 18,340 9,840 8,340 8,140 200 80 80 14,640 2,960 11,400 11,060 340 140 140 18,080 10,300 7,660 7,480 180 60 60 17,720 5,500 11,920 11,520 400 120 180 3,400 2,260 1,120 1,100 20 - 20 "6,500 2,420 4,020 3,820 200 20 40 1,440 940 480 480 - - 20 1,560 960 600 580 20 - 660 520 140 140 - - - 480 120 360 800 60 - - o109,280 9,720 68,200 66,280 1,920 500 860 83 460 12.680 69 060 68,060 1000 1.080 640 1,680 760 880 840 40 - 40 1,120 300 760 760 - 40 20 4,400 1,700 2,640 2,520 120 20 40 2,860 540 2,260 2,220 40 40 20 9,260 8,900 5,200 5,040 160 60 100 5,400 820 4,400 4,380 20 140 40 . 62,380 22,680 88,980 838,180 800 280 440 87,880 5,180 81,860 81,440 420 560 280 15,480 4,700 10,640 10,200 440 20 120 18,300 1,720 11,380 11,220 160 80 120 10,920 8,920 6,840 6,680 160 60 100 14,200 2,260 11,620 11,480 140 180 140 . 2,820 1,060 1,700 1,620 0 40 20 6,960 1,340 5,580 5,480 100 40 1,600 700 900 840 60 - - 1,860 480 860 760 100 - 20 740 800 420 360 60 20 - 880 40 340 320 20 220,500 50,160 165,100 162,580 2,520 83,240 2,000 186,060 17,340 162,960 160,760 2,200 4,300 1,460 2,920 880 1,880 1,880 - 1650 - 2,840 540 2,200 2,120 80 100 - 12,880 8,280 9,120 9,040 80 260 220 9,520 920 8,260 8,120 140 340 - 26,220 5,940 19,640 19,360 280 320 320 17,820 1,640 15,460 15,160 300 600 120 1338,760 80,780 100,040 98,500 1,540 1,940 1,000 97,720 8,640 86,280 85,320 960 2,100 700 28,240 4,420 18,360 18,180 180 300 160 23,260 1,720 20,700 20,400 800 560 280 11,500 2,620 8,620 8,360 260 100 160 19,200 1,960 16,780 16,660 120 280 180 5,580 880 4,520 4,460 60 80 100 12,040 1,140 10,500 10,360 140 220 180 2,480 700 1,760 1,720 40 - 20 2,720 640 2,040 1,960 80 40 - 1,920 660 1,160 1,080 80 80 20 940 140 740 660 80 60 - . 285,780 89,780 186,500 183,040 8,460 7,060 2,440 195,100 13,660 167,500 165,140 2,360 12,340 1,600 3,640 27,580 38,520 128,400 18,860 7,840 6,280 2,900 2,260 170.640 3,740 27,540 31,340 85,200 10,820 4,780 8,740 1*,400 2,080 840 5,260 6,820 21,660 2,540 1,060 760 400 440 26.220 700 4,040 5,340 13,060 1,480 * 640 400 240 320 2,420 21,020 30,020 101,900 15,680 6,040 5,240 2,460 1,720 1. .00nn 2,660 20,900 238,800 65,540 8,420 3,720 3,160 1,020 1,480 2,320 20,440 29,820 100, 00 15,420 5,880 5,160 2,340 1,660 196 640 2,520 20,400 22,620 68,940 8,220 3,520 3,100 960 1,360 100 580 700 1,400 260 160 80 120 60 3.560 140 500 680 1,600 200 200 60 60 120 300 1,040 1,300 3,440 440 200 240 20 80 12,340 320 2,260 2,480 5,720 800 320 140 100 200 80 260 8380 1,400 200 40 40 20 20 1,880 60 840 220 880 120 100 40 40 80 2,860 16,500 27,980 105,260 19,620 12,020 7,600 1,940 1,320 131,140 1,900 15,320 20,480 67,960 12,060 7,260 3,600 1,480 1,080 440 1,100 1,740 6,920 1,120 880 840 420 200 9.,680 220 820 980 5,060 960 700 520 340 80 2,140 14,040 23,960 90,940 17,220 10,520 6,380 1,320 980 100.060 1,200 11,680 15,920 52,360 9,400 5,420 2,360 880 840 2,100 18,920 28,600 89,800 16,860 10,320 6,3P0 1,280 940 98,440 1,140 11,340 15,840 51,640 9,220 5,340 2,300 840 780 40 120 360 1,140 360 200 60 40 40 1.620 60 340 80 720 180 80 60 40 60 260 1,240 1,960 6,580 1,080 580 340 160 140 20.620 480 2,660 3,520 10,280 1,600 980 700 240 160 20 120 320 820. 200 40 40 40 780 160 60 260 100 160 20 20 - '_ ._ "I ' " " ' ' - F - - m - - - -! - - -m1 1 . I .. . .. . . . arvaisvp .. v * Iv- .I i ,r ,u , vvv lI .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 5.480 EDUCATION Table 40.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO'64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED; AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statisties based on a 5-percent ample)- AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COaPe , AND A Married D- Married Total singe Widowed vo ed Total Single Widowe D- Wife Wife Busband Huabaa Total pM absetnTotal present absent present absent IIT D STATES Total, 18 to 86 years old...3... 8,627,640 1,005,400 2,426,5601 2144,880 28180 152,880 42800 8,908,820 717,00 2,62,060 2,204,480 877;480 525,060 79,700 18 and 19 years old.............. 245,840 88,160 0 ,80 14,100 8,180 240 160 272.140 1798801 88.860 76. 0 1.80 2.020 1.r80 No school years completed..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years..... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ......... ...... 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years, .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: ito 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported................. 22 to 24 years old ........... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: lto 3 years .'.. 4 years ... .... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old .......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old.,..... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ......... College: I to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.. Not reported............... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ... College: 1 to 3 years ...... portd 4 years or more... Notreported................. 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years.... High school: I to 3 years ..... 4 years ... ..... College: I to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported .............. 55 to 64 years old..:........ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported.................. I , , , 6,940 62,160 51,780 48,920 58,520 15,620 8,960 100 2,840 228.880 8,580 60,100 45,800 48,760 88,100 17,840 6,000 580 8,120 828,880 6,800 56,700 47,460 44,960 51,140 15,020 8,920 100 8,560 5,780 41,660 82,180 82,880 29,680 14,720 5,500 540 2,480 157,980 580( 5,80( 4,284 8,90( 2,86( 600( 26( 57. 4, 2,720 18,06( 12,900 11,16( 8,240 3,100 48(0 64 161,200 460 4,620 8,520 8,180 1,620 480 20 200 soo6 2,800 16,120 11,100 9,920 7,100 340 40 460 141,400 180 680 720 720 740 120 20 60 72n0 420 1,940 1,800 1,240 41,140 420 140 180 19,800 40 100 40 20 20 20 660 60 220 120 100 140 20 2,840 2 60 40 40 20 16' 100 4(0 20 1.86( 4,680 28,060 51,220 61,700 76,260 29,400 8,160 200 2,460 8A6 01601 5,680 46,040 51,060 58,060 54,980 38,140 10,220 1,760 979.420 8,200 21,040 26,820 88,820 55,160 24,400 7,700 200 1,540 no 1nn 2,600 15,960 18,880 24,820 X6,440 20,100 8,700 1,480 1,000 117,880 1,46( 16.84 81,980 22,480 80,426 4,840 440 900 s9 I~Eaws 2,960 28,900 81,180 81,860 27,880 .12,56(0 1,40 1,160 246.860 i,80 14,360 19,500 19,00 17,120 4,160 280 820 11ss 2,700 28,140 27,100 27,120 22,400 10,260 240 980 209.760 260 1,980 2,480 3,280 8,800 3,300 680 160 80 ta O... 260 2,760 4,080 4,740 4,980 2,880 220 40 180 87.100 20 400 640 540 890 20 20 40 720 960 660 580 240 4- 9.1 80 280 280 860 800 140 20 .o -o . .. 80 720 MO 880 80 80 20 .-a ... 15,220 7,240 7,760 6,800 960 180 40 9,00 8,020 5,440 4,700 740 420 180 "" 91,300 87,940 51;860 46,600 5,860 860 640 67,80C 15,420 48,980 48,000 5,980 2,080 20 ... 65,560 30,060 34,680 80,880 8,800 500 820 78,72 80,060 55,520 48,320 7,200 1,940 1,00 " � 65,140 82,480 81,760 27,680 4,080 46 440 89,0 24,520 61,260 51,820 9,940 2,800 1,420 ... 46,580 24,800 21,860 18,200 8,660 220 200 72,00 22,840 46,580 88,180 8,840 1,620 1,520 24,640 15,040 9,440 8,100 1,840 80 8 40,0 17,840 21,220 17,560 8,660 560 780 8,420 6,860 1,920 1,680 240 20 120 12,86 8,060 4,580 8,800 780 60 1..60 ... 2,220 1,800 420 40 80 - 5, 4,680 1,220 1,040 180 40 , ,00 2,760 1, 1,120 380 20 0 ,80 1,440 2,120 1,840 280 140 100 ... 52,060 158,380 859240 817.380 41.860 5660 4.,780 609.22 115,620 452,800 885,000 67.500 7,080 14 080 s 26,520 8,880 17,520 15,240 2,280 840 280 16,880 4,240 .10,960 9,240 1,720 840 840 " 150,820 87,020 110,640 99,760 10,880 2,240 920 115,86 17,540 90,400 78,220 12,180 5,700 1,920 1.. 115,140 31,560 81,400 78,120 8,280 1,280 900 185,7 20,220 105,960 91,620 14,840 6,800 2,800 .. 108,520 81,780 74,640 65,220 9,40 920 960 1,140 154,7 27,200 116,620 98,940 17,680 7,8320 8,640 .. 68,580 20,240 . 42,040 86,180 5,860 540 760 100,860 19,060 74,560 61,880 12,680 4,280 2,960 S�� 82,080 11,720 19,660 16,780 2,880 40 520 50, 18,500 ,3388,920 28,500 5,420 1,820 1,480 . � 10,860 4,800 5,860 4,820 1,040 20 180 19,800 9,140 11,220 9,520 1,700 400 540 ... 7,500 4,240 38,00 2,840 860 20 40 10,060 4,740 4,780 8,980 800 140 400 ... 8,040 8,640 4,280 8,420 860 40 6,480 1,980 4,080 8,100 980 280 140 .. 466,020 89,820 ~ 6800 81850 48,760 8,020 5,880 520,060 65,980 898,440 384,860 68,580 41,520 14,10 .. 26,460 5,700 19,880 17,480 2,400 . 480 400 18,86 8,300 12,900 10,760 2,140 1,800 860 .... 142,140 2,960 115,180 102,840 128,840 2,680 1,820 118,460 12,200 .8,460 75,600 11,860 11,560 2,240 ... 104,820 19,160 82,540 78,120 9,420 1,780 1340 1940 1,140 96,220 81,880 14,840 9,960 2,620 99,260 20,520 75,580 65,740 9,840 1,860 1,800 181,90 15,180 108,320 85,100 18,220 9,620 8,780 48,260 9,600 8 ,060 81,620 5,440 720 800 70, 9,000 58,660 48,900 9,760 5,060 2,600 ... 20,160 4,720 14,900 12,920 1,980 220 820 34, 5,580 25,020 21,020 4,000 1,940 1,560 8,8 80 61400 2,280 6,160 5,4 740 120 280 14,60 8,820 9,880 8,40 1,540 880 520 7,020 1,680 5,240 4,700 540 40 60 9,80 8,000 5,800 5,000 800 260 260 9,060 8,120 5,760 4,700 1,060 120 60 6,060 1,260 4,180 8,260 920 440 180 ... 858,060 119,960 685,800 600.6001 85.2300 ..7S . 931.760 72,040 691,860 585,28s l106.80 148,880 24,980 68,16C 298,48C 191,000 175,8(0 58,060 26,980 18,88C 10,800 15,820 5Q ne 71,46C 229,140 117,140 102,760 29,000 16,240 7,46C 7,980 11,600 400.120 OOJ.-- L" ]w "I r~rv l7 ---i VV I i 6t 1NI I " 1a W t 1II 65,120 158,96 78,160 59,860 15,100C 8,82C 5,020 5,46C 9,12C 11,000 86,740 26,040 26,040 8,060 4,800 2,000 1,880 4,400 517 nA 7,740 19,640 10,840 11,480 2,680 1,400 580 640 2,460 88.920 6,6e0 11,700 5,940 5,120 1,100 700 880 400 1,760 58,800 240,9~C 158,900 189,460 46,480 21,060 10,640 8,960 10,520 menI one 55,960 186,160 94,400 81,620 28,580 18,400 6,180 6,700 7,920 -- An 48,620 122,800 56,540 46,860 11,900 6,520 4,120 4,660 5,960 47,540 214,240 185,700 119,620 89,900 18,880 8,980 8,140 8,100 as pmn 50,000 168,880 84,280 70,720 21,160 11,900 5,600 6,120 6,200 277.440 483,840 111,220 50,880 41,600 10,940 6,080 8,740 4,260 4,880 6,260 26,740 18,200 19,840 6,580 2,680 1,660 820 2,420 1n,. 5,960 17,280 10,120 10,900 2,420 1,500 580 580 1,720 so can 4,780 11,580 5,660 4,760 960 440 880 400 1,080 2,680 11,720 8,120 6,860 2,240 960 800 200 580 .. ... 680 4,040 2,940 8,520 1,280 660 440 260 820 1 o AAA 52,020 258,860 288,560 216,080 90,400 42,680 19,56 11,28 12,82 AAA ... 5,540 16,760 15,740 15,520 6,960 4,420 2,720 2,320 2,060 all . . 85,940 188,420C 177,400 161,940 67,820 1,400 18,460 7,400 -8,080 ... .1.M 81,820 159,940 151,280 185,500 56,820 26,880 11,400 6,220 5,980 4,620 28,480 26,120 26,440 11,000 4,520 2,060 1,180 2,160 9,400 48,660 85,240 82,280 11,960 5,020 2,400 1,020 1,900 1,140 5,020 5,180 6,840 8,660 1,840 980 540 280 2" � 4 6 "'a i U .Y f l* 1 8.5 1 9 6,10011 944,8801 51,97E0 164,2601 2,220 7,000 19,840 9,900 7,520 2,100 1,000 560 520 900 58.460 9,800 22,860 9,50(0 7,44( 1,920 960 440 60 1,280 760 3,500 2,000 2,140 640 440 140 120 820 SA460 680 2,100 1,180 940 180 140 80 40 120 58,820 205,84(0 186,960( 115,66 89,800 20,160 10,660 6,860 10,820 an one ~I 49,480 122,780 65,840 51,100 15,70C0 8,820 4,860 2,260 6,640 4,060 9,180 5,780 5,980 1,980 1,420 800 920 1,880 15. 12 2,520 4,520 2,540 2,480 820 620 860 240 1,020 85,200 188,580 98,280 76,420 26,660 18,800 6,880 4,260 6,020 17e 2n7 28,820 64,400 86,520 28,160 8,880 4,560 2,240 1,000 3,060 80,220 . 117,880 81,800 65,480 28,800 12,140 6,020 8,720 4,8280 152 .40 21,180 57,40 82,340 25,140 7,840 4,280 2,060 960 2,060 4,980 16,200 11,480 10,940 8,860 1,660 860 540 1,700 10 -nn 2,640 S6,860 6,180 38,020 1,040 280 180 100 1,000 18,800 .58,720 85,580 80,860 9,740 4,400 8,700 1,140 8,820 ,.. . 22,860 58,400 85,900 19,780 5,680 8,440 1,580 900 2,460 760 8,860 2,8820 2,900 1,420 540 880 40 100 880 1,460 880 740 8$20 200 180 60 100o 206 "' """ " !! ='^'1 - v w'wv Fivyl vy ly Tivp U ii V i %W iD 16V V ' 9 � 2,70 w _ _ I I I IIrn :: r MARITAL STATUS 207 Table 40.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continued, (Statistioe based on a 5-percent sample) MAL FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPI.EED, AND AE Msarried arried Total single idoed i- Total Single WidowedDi- STotal Wife W i. oroed Total Husband Husband oroed present ab ent present absent URBAN Total, 18 to 04 resrs old.... ... 8 88 ,06011 D171001 .1.260.0411 1.078.801 181.2401 85.2801 26.6491 2.214.2011 427.6801 1.885.84011 1.108.7401275.1001 4465201 56.480. 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years .... ,. 7 and 8 years... . High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 yeas ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................. 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ...........:..... 30 to 34 years old ...... ...... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ............... ..... 35 to 44 years old ............. No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 yeas or more.... Not reported ................. 45 to 54 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 100.260 98,700 6,4801 .o860 1.620 126.840 89.240 36.100 29.000 7.100 7801 720 . 1,140 1,100 40 20 20 - - 1,100 660 440 240 200 - . 10,220 9,500 640 400 240 40 40 7,120 4,600 2, 00 1,740 .560 140 80 14,820 18,600 1,220 980 240 - - 14,240 8,580 5,800 4,340 960 220 140 28,040 19,980 2,060 1,660 400 - - 26,620 16,460 9,780 7,6 2,160 200 180 35, 740 88,860 1,880 1,800 580 - - 47,62 88,20 13,940 11,440 2,500 200 160 � 12,800 11,780 520 420 100 .- - 22,900 19,000 83,740 3,220 520 20 140 2,920 2,880 40 20 20 - - 6,200 5,840 340 * 200 140 - 20 80 80 - - - - - 160 160 . 1,000 920 80 60 20 - - 880 620 260 200 60 - - 9. ,640 70,960 22,180 18,720 8, 460 280 220 129,180 65,840 60,880 48,280 12,600 1,560 1,400 1,440 1,040 880 280 100 - 20 1,620 960 600 500 100 20 40 11,460 8,240 8,080 2,420 660 40 100 10,680 4,520 5,800 4,800 1,000 280 80 14,660 10,420 4,180 8,400 780 20 40 17,680 7,420 9,560 7,,820 2,40 400 800 21,440 15,740 5,580 4,900 680 80 40 28,540 12,920 14,900 11,760 3,140 860 360 24,840 18,980 5,740 5,000 740 120 - 35,740 16,500 18,580 14,560 4,020 800 360 18,160 10,660 2,480 2,140 8340 20 - 25,140 15,040 9,700 7,840 1,860 200 200 4,960 4,520 420 300 120 - 20 7,560 6,460 1,040 920 120 - 60 440 400 40 40 - - - 1,800 1,060 240 200 40 - - 1,240 960 280 240 40 - - 920 460 460 8380 80 - - S145,840 75,580 68,820 57,840 10,980 860 1,080 202,180 70,820 122,720 97,800 ,920 4,000 3,740 28,960 1,460 1,440 1,080 860 60 - 2,840 880 1,240 880 360 200 20 S 2,880 9,780 11,800 9,660 2,140 100 200 80,280 5,680 13,540 10,640 2,900 760 300 241,0O 12,080 12,140 10,820 1 20 200 220 80,840 9,160 20,320 16,400 8;920 840 520 34,620 11,120 16,940 14,800 2,640 '260 800 50,020 15,040 32,620 25,600 7,020 1,500 860 82,740 16,760 15,680 12,960 2,720 160 140 50,460 16,280 31,880 25,160 6,720 1,180 1,120 18,900 11,180 7,580 6,500 1,080 60 80 32,620 18,960 17,600 14,380 8,220 860 700 6,680 4,880 1,660 1,460 200 20 120 9,180 5,560 3,460 2,920 540 20 140 1,700 1,840 860 8320 40 - - 4,400 8,460 900 . 800 100 - 40 1,720 980 720 540 180 - 20 2,040 800 1,160 1,020 140 40 40 270,060 85,480 179,340 1538440 25,900 2,540 2,700 354,520 76,860 249,280 199,560 49,720 18,240 10,140 7,020 2,860 4,440 8,680 760 120 100 5,680 1,760 8,800 2,480 820 400 220 45,860 12,320 32,740 27,980 4,760 580 220 48,E8C 8,080 31,300 24,520 6,780 8,140 860 54,040 16,880 86,180 31,400 4,780 540 440 65,720 12,080 47,980 88,060 9,920 3,840 1,820 69,060 20,220 47,520 40,740 6,780 700 620 97,560 19,460 70,040 55,800 14,240 5,420 2,640 48,600 15,480 832,080 27,840 4,740 420 620 75,800 15,260 54,440 48,580 10,860 8,680 2,420 26,680 9,400 16,760 14,800 2,460 80 440 41,540 10,880 28,120 28,840 4,780 1,160 1,880 8,940 8,800 4,940 4,020 920 20 180 14,140 4,780 8,620 7,800 1,320 800 440 6,060 8,840 2,660 2,860 800 20 40 7,740 8,680 8,640 8,160 480 120 800 8,800 1,680 2,020 1,620 400 60 40 2,960 880 .1,840 1,820 520 180 60 259,320 55,680 195,520 167,060 28,460 4 500 8,620 816,660 45,860 231,660 182,880 49,280 28,980 10,660 8,200 1,820 6,060 5,060 1,000 200 120 6,820 1,820 4,480 8,880 1,100 860 160 583,840 10,600 41,560 34,920 6,640 1,060 620 47,680 6,280 3388,980 26,420 7,560 6,140 1,280 56,460 11,980 42,800 86,760 .6,040 860 820 66,440 8,860 49,600 38,54 11,060 6,780 1,700 68,560 14,600 51,720 4,820 7,400 1,400 840 90,040 11,460 67,620 52,540 15,080 7,940 3,020 87,420 7,580 28,620 24,800, 4,320 600 620 54,900 7,520 40,700 82,140 8,560 4,400 2,280 17,680 4,240 12,940 11,260 1,680 200 800 28,90 4,860 20,960 17,840 83,620 1,660 1,460 7,240 1,940 4,980 4,380 600 100 220 11,160 2,520 7,440 6,240 1,200 740 460 5,520 1,480 8,980 8,640 340 20 40 7,560 28,460 4,740 4,1 640 160 200 4,400 1,440. 2,860 2,420 440 60 40 8,120 580 2,140 1,680 460 300 100 498,680 78,460 890.960 88331,720 59,240 20.140 9,120 569.000 50,260 399,540 817,740 81,800 100,440 18,760 S 25,060 4,720 19,180 16,800 2,880 940 220 21,120 2,460 138,580 10,820 2,760 4,580 500 128,800 19,960 100,660 85,040 15,620 5,780 1,900 121,280 9,780 82,400 62,600 19,800 26,220 2,880 115,060 18,220 89,840 76,700 138,140 5,060 1,940 188,460 10,920 98,700 73,80 19,900 25,060 8,780 182,280 20,680 104,200 87,780 16,420 4,800 2,600 156,8380 12,440 112,500 90), 22,00 26,260 5,180 45,960 6,400 86,700 81, 260 5,440 1,900 960 69,880 5,780 50,440 41,120 9,820 9,900 83,260 238,540 8,600 18,420 16,060 2,860 880 640 86,220 8,860 26,260 22,26 4,000 4,460 1,640 11,220 1,660 8,900 7,480 1,420 240 420 15,8380 2,140 10,420 8,800 1,620 1,980 840 9,100 1,180 7,480 6,800 -680 200 240 9,500 1,960 6,160 5,200 960 900 480 8,160 2,040 5,580 4,800 1,280 340 200 6,280 920 4,080 2,940 1,140 1,080 200- S 09,540 85,220 240720 208,380 82,840 27,500 6,100 . 48660 20,600 206,780 169,440 87,840 108,080 8,200 25,800 3,200 18,600 15,900 2,700 8,140 860 28,640 1,780 11,900 9,28 2,620 9,560 400 92,720 10,580 70,980 61,540 9,440 9,420 1,740 94,660 4,820 538,740 43,440 10,800 34,080 2,020 65,040 7,480 50,480 43,640 6,840 5,780 1,800 77,480 4,180 48,020 39,400' 8,620 * 23,700 1,580 78,780 8,520 58,080 49,740 8,840 5,660 1,520 88,300 4,820 51,720 42,80C "9,420 24,420 2,840 21,100 2,020 17,120 15,140 1,980 1,500 460 29,320 1,620 18,940 15,92 8,020 7,700 1,060 183,500 1,180 11,120 9,840 1,280 820 80 16,580 1,200 11,180 9,781 1,400 3,760 440 6,060 460 5,080 4,660 420 400 120 8,740 - 700 5,540 4,74C 800 2,220 280 6,860 580 5,760 5,220 540 420 100 5,160 820 38,820 2,920 400 980 40 " ,180 1,200 3,500 2,700 800 860 120 4,780 660 2,420 1,660 760 1,660 40 211,720 22,020 156,520 187,280 19,240 29,420 8,760 172,480 9,200 76,880 64,540 12,340 88,540 2,860 24,020 70,840 42,840 44,020 10,740 6,840 3,960 4,560 3,900 3,300 7,280 4,380 4,020 900 620 340 320 860 16,46C 51,290 31,780 33,860 8,280 5,320 3,22C 8,96C0 2,440 13,96(0 44,26(0 28,02(0 29,920 7,52(0 4,960 2,880 3,660 2,10( 2,500 6,940 3,760 3,940 760 36C 340 200 34C0 3,800 11,160 5,820 5,340 1,420 760 320 240 560 460 1,200 860S 800 140 140 80 40 40 19,560 54,760 36,380 35,260 11,220 7,200 3,200 1,880 2,920 1,040 2,480 1,720 1,860 620 540 260 220 460 7,440 22,660 16,680 17,860 5,680 8,50C 1,640 840 1,080 6,020 18,740 13,860 14,960 4,800 3,280 1,520 740 620 1,420 3,920 2,820 2,400 880 220 120 100 460 10,980 28,740 17,420 15,440 4,640 2,980 1,240 760 1,340 100 880 560 600 280 180 160 60 40 --- -=-I Q__ 7M A&^ AAA" 1 wwA wwJ ,w, w _I __-- w.w w- w A . I ... --I I. . .,. 208 EDUCATION rable 40.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-.Continued (Statisties based oan a 5-percent a~iple) MALE A I AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL Total Single Wife Wi dowed ed Total Single nidowed D- l preent abfnt psant da abendoro present absent present absent RURAL -NONFARM Total 64 years old..... 611,2001 179,000 899,900 '84620 55.280 26.620 7.680 605.540 108.980 405,090 850.700 548.320 79194 11800' 18 and 19 years old............ 40,500 37,720 2,6801 2.140 540 80 "20 44,640 28.s200 15.900 13.70d 3,00 840 200 No school years completed........ 1,480 1,360 100 80 20 2C - 1,06 760 280 860 20 20 Grade school: 1 t 4 years ........ 10,140 9,420 700 580 120 C - 6,82 8,980 2,760 ,8 880 60 80 5 and 6 years........ 8,680 7,920 720 580 140 2 20 9,240 4,800 4,40 8,78 560 80 so 7 and 8 years........ 8,760 8,120 640 520 120 - - 11,400 6,520 4,680 4,040 640 100 100 High 8chool: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,280 8,000 280 200 80 - - 10,940 7,860 2,960 2,50C 460 60 60 4 years .............. 1,740 1,660 80 60 20 - - 3,58 2,900 680 100 - College: 1 to 3 years ........ 620 620 - - - 1,06C 960 100 20 - - 4 yearsormore - - - - - - 2 20 - Not reported ............... .... 800 620 160 120 40 2 - 52 400 100 20 20 20 and 21 years old ............. 39,040 29,200 9,740 8,160 1,580 40 60 43,520 188300 24,180 21,18C 3,060 560 480 No school years completed . 1, 20 960 360 260 100 - - 96C 400 540 48C 60 - 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 10,820 7,560 ,260 2,860 400 - - 8,1 8,380 4,620 4,04 0 100 80 5 and 6 years ....... 8,340 6,180 2,160 1,740 420 - 9, 540 ,120 6,160 5,40 60 160 100 7 and 8 years....... 7,720 5,700 1,940 1,620 320 20 60 10,389 8,660 6,500 5,700 800 100 120 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,520 5,140 1,360 1,180 180 20 - 7,86 3,600 4,000 3,62 880 140 180 4 years ............ 2,740 2,280 460 8 80 0 - - 4,360 2,420 1,880 1,52 860 40 0 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 640 580 60 40 20 - - 1,440 1,200 220 160 60 - 80 4 years or more ..... 100 100 - - - - - 24 220 0 - - Not reported..................... 840 700 140 80 60 - - 60 00 240 180 60 20 22 to 24 years old ............. .. 58,600 29,220 28,7201 24,040 4,680 440 220 64.040 17.720 43.880 837,86 6,020 1,800 1,140 No school years completed .......... 3,260 1,920 1,340 1,080 260 - - 2,220 840 1,280 1,120 160 60 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 17,600 7,460 9,800 8,440 1,8360 240 100 12,80 2,580 8,980 8,00 980 560 160 5 and 6 years........ 12,340 5,820 6,460 5,500 960 40 20 14,820 3,340 10,720 9,20O 1,520 380 380 7 and 8 years........ 12,380 6,260 5,980 4,940 1,040 80 60 15,720 3,400 11,620 9,9 1,720 480 280 High school: I to 3 years ......... 7,260 3,980 3,200 2,580 620 40 40 10,720 2,860 7,380 6,3 1,040 200 280 4 years .............. a,440 2,080 1,340 1,140 200 20 - -4,580 2,280 8,180 1,880 800 100 20 College: .1 to 3 years ......... 880 700 180 160 20 - - 1,880 1,140 740 580 160 - - 4 years or more ...... 40 280 60 20 40 - - 1,000 880 120 sC 40 Not reported .......... 1....... .... 1,100 720 860 180 180 20 - 820 400 860 26 100 20 40 25 to 29 years old............... 95,000 29,360 63,5801 55.340 8.240 1,40 820 96.780 16,820 74,400 65,020 9,380 3.720 1,840 No school years completed .... .. 6,360 2,460 3,700 2,960 740 100 100 3,620 940 2,540 2,140 .400 100 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....:.... 31,780 8,560 22,300 19,640 2,660 640 280 21,860 38,520 17,040 14,560 2,480 1,000 800 5 and 6 years........ 21,980 5,920 15,680 14,120 1,560 280 100 22,960 8,100 18,220 �15,940 2,280 1,260 880 7 and 8 years ........ 18,360 5,960 12,080 10,460 1,620 100 220 24,320 3,440 19,380 17,360 2,020 920 580 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,580 2,660 5,800 4,920 880 60 60 12,940 1,940 10,400 9,240 1,160 260 340 4 years ............. 3,620 1,440 2,060 1,720 340 60 60 5,360 1,600 8,620 3,240 380 100 40 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,180 520 660 540 120 - - - 2,940 1,lo00 1,760 1,520 240 40 40 4 years or more..... 1,020 .620 400 360 40 1,400 640 700 560 140 - 60 Not reported .................... 2,120 1,20 900 620 280 - - 1,380 540 740 460 280 40 60 30 to 34 yeas old....... ......... 81,680 16,060 63,120 54,000 9,120 1,80 1,120 78,0001 9,560 60,740 52,380 8,860 5,820 1,80 No school years completed ......... 6,160 1,260 4,620 3,940 680 120 160 4,060 960 2,740 2,260 480 420 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 28,760 5,140 22,840 19,780 b ,060 520 260 20,220 ,420 14,980 12,96 8020 2,320 500 5 and 6 years........ 19,740 3,580 15,500 13,480 2,020 420 240 19,200 1,980 15,580 13,66C 1,920 1,220 420 7 and 8 years........ 14,580 3,280 10,840 9,200 1,640 200 260 18,760 1,860 15,480 1,360 2,120 1,020 400 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,380 1,240 4,960 4,160 800 60 120 8,020 900 6,500 5,680 820 380 240 4 years .............. 1,700 260 1,400 1,200 200 20 20 3,100 . 80 2,460 2,160 800 180 80 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 960 140 780 680 100 - 40 2,100 520 1,460 1,240 220 100 20 4 years or more ...... 920 60 840 720 120 - 20 1,200 380 700 560 140 80 40 Not reported ........... .......... 2,480 1,100 1,340 840 .500 40 - 1,340 -360 840 500 840 100 40 35 to 44 years old.............. 138,720 21,080 109960 9480 15680 5140 540 185660 10680 109,960 94,280 15,680 5,140 2,540 135,660 10,680 101,120 87,260 13,860 20140 3,720 No school years completed ......... 15,000 2,820 11,520 9,600 1,920 520 140 11,160 1,440 7,480 6,820 1,160 1,820 420 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 56,080 7,300 45,780 39,740 6,040 2,040 960 42,800 ,980 831,300 26,960 4,840 7,300 1,220 5 and 6 years........ 29,760 4,280 23,640 20,700 2,940 1,40 500 84,880 2,280 26,760 23,360 3,400 5,020 820 7 and 8 vears.. ....... 22,160 3,300 17,400 14,900 2,500 820 640 26,860 1,800 20,500 18,020 2,480 3,560 800 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,880 1,120 5,420 4,520 900 180 160 10,800 700 8,680 7,600 1,080 1,220 200 4 years ............. 2,400 400 1,920 1,680 240 60 20 3,420 300 2,560 2,140 420 440 120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,280 200 1,000 800 200 60 20 2,240 260 1,620 1,320. 00 300 60 4 years or more...... 1,860 120 1,220 1,120 100 - 20 1,040 .220 720 640 80 60 40 Not reported ........... ........ ... ,800 1,540 2,060 1,220 840 120 80 2,660 700 1,500 900 600 420 40 45 to 54 years old ................ 99,660 11,220 77,180 66,580 10.600 9.180 2.080 88.840 5,000 56,720 48,940 7,780 25,320 1.800 No school sears completed .......... 14,560 1,940 11,100 9,360 1,740 1,360 160 12160 860 7,140 " 5,880 1,260 4,000 .160 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 41,920 4,160 32,920 29,160 8,760 4,060 780 83,980 1,900 21,340 18,4C 2,920 9,980 760 5 Aid 6 years ........ 20,000 1,860 15,800 18,860 1,940 1,960 380 19,560 840 12,980 il,500 1,480 5,400 340 7 and 8 years ........ 13,900 1,780 10,720 8,820 1,900 1,020 380 12,720 600 8,640 7,680 960 3,280 200 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,520 460 2,740 2,480 260 200 120 4,560 200 2,960 2,740 220 1,160 240 4 years .............. 1,440 100 1,160 1,000 160 120 60 1,660 80 1,060 860 200 440 80 College: 1 to 3years ......... . 740 60 560 460 100 100 20 1,080 40 660 * 620 40 380 - 4 years or more ...... 680 - 58C 560 20 80 20 660 40 5 40 400 100 120 Not reported .........: ........... 2,900 860 1,600 880 720 280 160 2,460 440 1,44C 840 600 560 20 55 to 64 years gld ............... . 58,000 5,140 42.921 38.080 4.840 9.120 820 54.060 2.700 28.580 24.920 3.660 22,040 740 No school years completed ......... 11,940 1,00 8,56 7,720 840 1,20 160 10,900 700 5,220 4,540 680 4,860 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 24,800 1,840 18, 16,560 1,980 4,120 360 1,40 840 10900 9,500 1,400 9,820 280 5 and 6 years ........ 9,520 760 7,24 6,280 960 1,320 200 9,840 860 5,680 4,900 780 3,640 160 7 and 8 years ........ 6,80 600 4,7 4,300 440 980 60 6,880 340 3,980 3,600 380 2,480 80 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,640 100 1,3 1,140 160 220 20 1,820 80 1,220 1,16C 60 500 20 4 years ............. 00 40 54C 460 80 120 - 860 40 420 400 20 80 20 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 560 40 48 460 20 40 - 680 60 860 20 40 40 20 4 years or more...... 640 440 100 60 - 14 0 20 - 100 Not reported ..................... 1,820 4 ,0 720 320 340 20 1,600 260 780 800 520 40 MARITAL STATUS 209 Table 40.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMIPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued -(Statistios based on 4a5-pecent sample) MALE. _TALE eAldl 4 arried Married D- COMPLETED, AND AGE Total Single Widowed Total Single Widowedv Total Wife Wife Total Husband Husband present abset present- absent RURAL-FARM Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more .... Not reported 20 and 21 years old .......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years .......... College: . 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported................ 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 35 to 44 years old .......... . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ... ...... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... . College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.. . Not reported ............ t..... 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 1 1 27~ 8l Asoa anal vRn asnll n o n 105.0801 96.7401 8.12011 7.1001 1.020 4,320 41,800 28,280 18,120 9,50( 1,580 420 1,040 90.700 5,82( 87,82( 22,80( 14,60( 6,74( 1,940 400 4( 1,040 118.940 8,840 87,780 25,940 "16,860 9,280 1,580 420 20 1,020 64.760 3,780 25,860 15,580 10,940 '5,560 1,780 400 40 820 58.180 440 3,960 2,300 1,200 200 20 25.420 1,980 11,720 6,560 3,640 1,140 160 220 64,160 860 .8,640 1,960 1,000 120 20 23.180 1,760 10,840 5,960 8,400 920 160 140 60.020 80 820 840 200 80 2.240 220 880 600 240 220 80 4.140 4I 9a a 1 fl55 7afII lfan1 'p55 snl E7n o 5ll n-uJ ls ianl as I 120 20 40 20 .20 340 60 180 100 1.040 1001 100.660 62.440 26.86011 - 33.9401 2.920 20 20 40 180 60 60 20 40 560 2,520 24,120 27,740 23,680 17,700 2,920 900 20 1,060 87.460 3,100 24,180 28,840 19,140 11,880 3,640 1,220 220 740 113.200 1,780 12,460 14,940 15,340 18,980 2,500 900 20 520 35.840 1,24C 8,06C 7,840 8,240 6,384 2,640 1,040 200 240 28.840 740 11,280 12,840 8,020 8,520 420 540 49.680 1,820 15,480 15,460 10,460 4,800 1,000 180 20 460 80.760 70( 10,24( 11,88( 7,540 8,180 860 540 45.760 1,720 14,300 14,880 9,660 4,220 900 140 20 420 74.600 I ii -I.40 . 40 1,040 960 480 840 60 3.920 100 1,180 1,080 800 580 100 40 40 6.160 S00 40 200 840 240 120 1.120 20 340 400 200 140 20 2.420 180 120 80 80 820 20 800 140 240 100 20 1.180 9,000 3,860 4,980 4,640 340 120 40 4,440 1,800 2,920 2,700 220 160 60 .. 51,820 20,700 30,260 28,500 1,760 520 340 34,640 7,160 26,460 24,360 2,100 760 260 ... 28,580 12,160 16,080 14,860 1,220 260 80 88,060 7,560 24,480 22,720 1,760 720 800 .. 18,140 9,100 8,840 8,440 400 120 80 23,760 6,080 17,020 15,820 1,200 820 340 6,580 3,560 2,980 2,660 320 20 20 10,820 8,200 7,260 6,680 580 240 120 2,300 1,780 520 460 60 - - 3,200 1,600 1,440 1,800 140 100 60 860 780 80 60 20 - - 1,800 1,360 880 300 80 40 20 180 180 - - - - - 540 340 200 160 40 - - 1,480 1,060 420 .400 20 - - 940 240 600 560 40 80 20 ... 158,000 88,540 116,820- 108,600 7.720 1,880 1,260 157.920 21,940 128,820 120,420 8,400 5,120 2,040 18,140 3,560 9,880 8,600 780 120 80 7,080 1,540 5,120 4,620 500 840 80 78,180 16,140 55,600 52,140 8,460 1,020 420 50,120 5,940 42,060 39,140 2,920 1,560 .560 39,120 8,760 29,540 27,600 1,440 460 360 47,100 5,040 89,760 37,620 2,140 1,700 600 . 21,100 5,600 15,040 14,020 1,020 160 800 82,900 4,300 27,200 25,780 1,420 980 420 6,400 2,100 4,160 3,920 240 60 80 12,120 1,860 9,720 9,060 660 340 200 1,780 880 840 760 80 40 20 3,820 1,020 2,180 1,920 260 60 60 740 480 260 260 - - - 2,220 1,260 840 700 140 60 60 420 280 140 120 20 - - 920 420 440 260 180 20 40 2,120 740 1,860 1,180 180 20 - 2,140 560 1,500 1,320 180 60 20 ... 125,020 18,080 103,66Q 97,480 6,180 2,140 1,140 125,400 11,060 106,040 100,100 5,940 6,720 1,580 .. 12,100 2,620 9,200 8,480 720 160 120 7,480 1,220 5,680 5,120 560 520 60 5.. 9,540 7,220 50,780 48,140 2,640 1,100 440 45,560 850,500 38,500 36,220 2,280 8,100 460 .. 28,620 8,600 24,240 22,880 1,860 500 280 36,300 2,800 31,040 29,680 1, 60 1,960 500 16,120 2,640 13,020 12,220 800 260 200 23,100 1,860 20,220 19,200 1,020 660 860 4,460 860 3,480 3,160 320 60 60 7,400 580 6,460 6,080 880 280 80 780 220 560 460 100 - - 2,060 340 1,600 1,520 80 100 20 640 200 400 360 40 20 20 1,340 280 980 860 120 40 40 580 140 420 340 80 20 - 560 160 360 340 20 20 20 2,180 580 1,560 1,440 120 20 20 1,600 320 1,200 1,080 120 40 40 215,660 20,420 184,880 174.600 107280 7,880 . 2,480 227,100 11,100 191,200 180,280 10,920 22,300 2,500 28,100 8,460 28,100 21,640 1,460 1,220 820 19,740 1,640 14,880 14,180 700 8,000 220 109,100 9,480 94,540 89,460 5,080 3,900 ),180 89,780 4,000 . 74,720 70,880 4,340 10,140 920 .. 46,180 3,540 40,420 38,00 2,120 1,720 500 65,220 2,540 56,940 54,120 2,820 5,160 580 20,940 2,060 17,860 16,940 920 740 280 33,040 1,280 28,940 27,280 1,660 2,460 360 5,220 540 4,360 4,120 240 160 160 10,220 480 8,700 8,100 600 840 200 1,040 800 720 640 80 20 - 3,040 260 2,580 2,480 100 120 80 880 140 740 700 40 - - 1,940 820 1,420 1,280 140 120 80 i 340 80 260 220 40 - - 740 140 520 8380 140 60 20 � 3,860 820 2,880 2,580 800 120 40 8,880 440 2,500 2,080 420 400 40 183,580 11.020 158,020 149.900 8,120 12,660 1,880 171,580 5900 182,600 126,000 6,600 80,860 2,220 ... 81,600 2,600 26,260 24,740 1,520 2,500 240 23,020 1,420 16,160 15,060 1,100 5,240 200 �.. 94,500 4,900 82,260 78,180 4,080 6,360 980 76,700 2,460 58,500 55,520 2,980 14,660 1,080 32,100 1,500 28,120 26,780 1,340 2,160 320 _ 89,920 760 82,280 80,900 1,880 6,480 * 400 .. 15,080 1,180 12,820 12,160 660 840 240 19,640 560 16,060 15,500 560 2,660 360 4,380 200 3,720 3,540 180 400 60 5,920 160 4,760 4,640 120 880 120 1,00 120 120 20 1,060 60 60 - 1,920 140 1,560 1,500 60 200 20 S.. 660 60 540 480 60 60 840 60 680 660 20 100 - . 440 60 860 340 20 20 - 540 60 440 400 40 40 - . 8,520 400 2,820 2,620 200 260 40 8,080 280 2,160 1,820 840 600 40 . 130,400 6,560 108,040 102,080 5,960 14, 920 880 100,440 3,220 67,240 68,940 8,300 29,360 620 29,160 68,820 20,800 9,46C 2,720 780 500 26C 3,40C 2,020 2,580 -800 500 100 40 40 480 28,600 55,120 17,520 7,760 2,820 660 420 160 2,480 22,160 50,400 16,580 7,380 2,280 660 400 160 2,060 1,440 2,720 940 380 40 20 420 3,480 7,080 2,360 1,120 280 80 80 60 880 60 540 120 80 20 60 19,020 46,680 19,620 8,960 2,660 760 380 240 2,120 780 1,200 460 280 120 40 40 800 11,160 80,840 14,160 6,820 1,980 640 240 200 1,200 10,620 29,300 18,580 6,580 1,880 600 220( 200 96C 540 1,540 580 240 100 40 20 240 7,020 14,840 4,840 1,800 540 80 100 40 600 60 800 160 60 20 20 45 6n 19141100 owVI) VQv V)o IoII YI~t VI v :a I NI 9V -VOW! G _+NYI L 1 W ,Coy VIW " , V IV UV .4ICs -~loYVI V09WV r 11 41 7- - + " 1+ - " a v vv vv-vv wr 'ssv vv-vvv vv ~-sv w ~w aVV +iY rr I , I T -IF T -ir I' I . . . . . . . ~ -- - -I -IT T -n-- I T 1I T - I I- ' L .1 " J ' .1 11 _ ,1 . . . . . . . . . i EDUCATION Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, _BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940 (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) YAI FlMAIX AREA, YEARS OF SCROOL Married Married COMPLETED, AND ACE Di- Di- Total Single Wife Wife Wido rced Total Single usband HsbandWidowe o THEo ORTH Total 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6years....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed....... Orade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .. . ............... 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ , 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............ .... 35 to 44 years old ............... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... .. 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade .chool: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 adnd 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or mre.... Not reported ............ .. 55 to 64 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Gradeschool: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported .................. 19.622.580C 4,280 9,88G 29,640 251,040 484,240 421,880 92,300 1,620 8,960 8,620 8,680 28,940 264,980 313,320 434,540 153,960 16,760 8,400 1.803.440 4,560 12,760 46,080 425,400 440,540 594,000 153,620 104,640 11,840 6 6650201 12.31.740 4,220 9,480 28,620 242,120 475,540 415,120 91,420 1,580 8,700 38,60 7,920 25,220 228,780 269,200 400,020 148,100 15,900 7,620 1.256.560 8,680 8,880 31,200 286,180 278,460 427 ,340 124,460 87,i00 8,86( 6 380 1,020 8,8 10,540 6,640 860 40 260 7 9R EG 220 740 3,660 35,580 48,660 34,080 5,740 820 760 540.140 860 8,740 14,520 1479,40 160,080 165,040 28,640 17,020 2,900 11,826,200 493,5401 399,7201238,100119,908,64011 5,305,220 18,130,9601112,601,180 529,78011,125,8001384,160 9. ,nal anaI l A a n I maA nAnil i6n oon 60 26C 760 7,500 8,700 4,940 400 40 24(0 160( 600 3,160 32,480 39,88( 30,940 4,68(0 76( 66( 512.48( 720 3,240 13,080 140,300 152,320 '157,400 29,100 15,620 2,700 &^. ^^^ 12(0 260 1,300 1,840 1,900 460 20 I - CA 60 140 500 8,100 3,780 3,140 1,060 60 100 27.660 140 500 1,440 7,040 7,760 7,640 1,540 1,400 200 coC^ 60 80 80 20 SC 20 20 800 100 140 40 40 20 1.780 20 60 200 520 260 580 120 20 A - 20 60 80 40 - tan 20 20 40 382 360 300 80 4.960 80so 160 1,360 1,740 1,040 400 100 80 10. ^.^ 1,460 7,220 16,320 200,780 426,480 550,660 96,880 2,0284 6,740 8,020 6,460 18,260 284,600 810,240 545,040 185,820 18,960 7,720 1.877.920 4,240 9,440 84,460 407,400 446,380 7987,460 140,240 85,760 12,540 1,860 5,700 11,280 145,300 846,260 505,520 93,680 1,980 5,740 2,540 4,040 9,840 128,440 166,880 409,240 121,260 17,220 ~5,560 == ** 3,120 4,600 12,580 150,400 155,060 382,420 92,620 66,840 6,960 80 1,400 ,4,960 54,460 78,960 44,620 2,640 40 940 46 2,340 8,240 104,300 140,300 188,880 14,300 1,680 2,140 981.460 S 1,080 ) 4,900 D 21,180 D 251,300 S88 ,480 S848,960 D 46,680 S 18,680 S 5.400 1s ._4 t1o e _ 80 1,320 4,400 50,860 73,800 42,220 2,260 40 840 sAin 386 2,10(0 7,680 99,000 18833,040 127,700 13,26( 1,56 1,920 941.78( 1,020 4,260 19,760 240,540 271,520 337,400 44,540 17,800 4,940 180 560 8,600 5,160 2,400 380 100 100 240 560 5,300 7,260 6,180 1,040 120 220 39.680 60 44Q 1,420 10,760 11,960 11,560 2,140 880 460 80 20 260 220 100 20 40 20 60 100 560 520 480 40 60 20 5.900 29 60 380 2,040 1,600 1,400 140 140 120 80 60 960 1,040 420 40 20 80 1,800 2,540 1,440 220 15.960 20 80 820 3,660 6,240 4,680 800 100 60 10,580 27,300 94,800 87,740 660,060 724,940 193,400 221,680 21,200 a1 n 12,040 37,820 118,100 907,480 563,420 487,240 167,140 224,160 24,500 7,160 13,500 40,400 33885,820 225,440 302,620 79,920 114,620 12,160 3,300 13,360 58,180 529,800 427,600 416,3860 111,900 105,940 8,78C 2,940 12,360 50,300 508,780 411,760 4035,60 108,240 101,680 7,960 360 1,000 2,880 20,520 15,840 18,000 3,660 4,260 820 40 100 480 2,880 1,660 1,440 360 360 80 80 340 740 5,740 5,360 4,520 1,220 760 180 10,720 21,520 78,680 805,440 682,220 904,280 227,960 148,740 16,960 a,,.anl I a. ,an II 1 , apo o aa coI c asnl 9n onn o aaca san 6,740 11,420 88,740 207,160 108,180 107,260 84,160 55,820 11,860 5,020 25,600 81,980 684,120 444,900 972,460 129,980 166,800 12,880 4,700 28,940 77,820 659,500 429,980 362,680 126,220 362,660 11,320 320 1,660 4,160 24,620 14,920 9,780 3,760 4,140 1,560 80 400 860 5,400 2,640 1,980 700 460 100 200 400 1,520 10,800 7,70C0 5,540 2,800 1,580 160 10,980 32,300 106,660 802,860 566,200 652,340 228,280 147,220 19,520 6,520 6,500 16,100 162,920 135,760 283,480 82,160 76,700 7,12C a r OdP 5,140 5,580 12,6601 104,400 738,801 134,680 51,680 58,800 5,920 4,080 14,860 60,460 624,940 528,160 603,000 141,800 70,680 9,460 5,520 24,880 89,320 667,440 469,020 495,480 168,84 89,620 12,600 8,680 12,860 56,600 600,740 508,500 585,480 187,760 68,060 8,180 9 50 580 5,080 23,060 84,740 642,180 451,820 480,500 164,820 87,100 11,220 340 1,500 8,860 24,200 19,660 17,520 4,040 2,620 1,280 440 1,820 4,580 25,260 17,200 14,980 4,020 2,520 1,880 111 e, In.., 100 340 1,040 7,000 5,040 5,520 1,160 880 80 L' IIIC .r G 41, 11 J rJ. SV 1 y '/4V T 1 C i rtlGV 4,yGVT oL OZV VV; 7oora rrG*V Girvl crr u vl irwauuv l ruvvl - rvunl o16 "160 1,040 2,160 15,300 9,100 8,060 2,600 1,520 600 80 320 1,080 10,580 13,260 12,280 2,840 980 300 55 860 160 so, 2,520 15,720 14,700 14,120 5,160 2,280 400 4,895,180 649,040 8,508,580183,8377400 181,180 61,560 76,000 4,316,o8 557,220 3,4O6,8n '3,329,80W 187,100 1o0,740u111,74w 22,920 9,920 12,300 11,00 1,200 460 *240 20,880 6,900 12,280 10,9801 1,300 1,380 820 113,500 24,960 83,740 78,220 5,520 2,460 "2,340 93,940 9,460 76,060 71,2801 4,780 6,380 2,040 809,500 56,140 240,90 229,320 11,580 5,840 6,620 272,660 21,180 230,080 218,020 12,060 15,040 6,360 1,879,120 286,620 1,528,960 1,473,320 55,640 29,940 3388,600 1,705,320 155,140 1,4,100 1,876,920 57,180 75,600 40,480 781,760 98,260 659,30( 635,220 24,080 10,080 14,120 813,700 86,540 667,9780 641,640 26,140 34,120 25,260 585,260 83,240 485,860 471,120 14,740 7,040 9,120 838,360 135,100 650,700 629,540 21,160 29,660 22,900 244,680 28,940 208,040 200,380 7,660 2,380 5,320 327,440 60,680 247,160 240,380 6,780 10,840 8,760 308,260 41,540 260,68( 253,880 6,800 2,320 3,720 205,120 71,360 123,280 119,36 83,920 5,840 4,640 50,180 19,420 28,800 24,840 3,960 1,040 920 39,260 10,860 25,540 21,760 8,780 1,880 980 . ,401,080 406,840 2,802,38C .2,687,860 114,520 124,240 67,620 3,386,240 393,020 2,559,46C 2,451,26 108,200 355,640 78,120 28,160 8,960 17,12C 15,520 1,600 1,260 82 24,140 5,120 15,36C 13,5 1,820 3,240 420 184,040 31,620 139,18c 131,060 8,120 9,080 4,160 141,860 9,760 109,5C 102,540 6,980 19,480 3,100 849,720 50,76( 273,74C 261,040 12,700 15,300 7,92( 806,460 20,400 240,92C 229,640 11,280 38,400 6,740 1,608,380 191,140 1,322,94 1,271,240 51,700 62,580 81,72( 1,514,000 131,820 1,189,386 1,148,500 45,860 160,420 32,400 470,56 45,760 401, 344 86,480 14,960 14,380 8,980 535,780 58,360 409,28( 392,14 1,140 54,320 13,820 359,520 81,140 310,72C 300,280 10,440 10,800 6,86 509,020 74,340 372,84 59,08 13,760 49,180 12,660 161,980 13,700 140,66C 135,260 5,400 4,100 3,52( 195,420 38,940 183,46 128,66 4,800 17,320 5,700 192,340 18,000 167,86( 162,860 5,000 4,020 2,460 125,220 e 44,880 68,44( 65,600 2,840 9,520 2,380 " 48,380 15,760 28,72( 24,120 4,600 2,720 1,180 34,340 9,400 20,28C 16,560 3,720 3,760 900 S2,216,240 264,680 1,921,32c 1,646,240 75,080 191,200 39,040 2,276,740 274,040 1,447,78C 1,383,540 64,180 519,280 85,700 88,700 187,240 280,640 1,065,800 2838,20 195,740 85,580 104,420 34,800 6,880 29,180 40,160 120,640 23,900 17,080 7,120 9,200 10,520 17,50C 13,780 204,780 835,080 188,200 162,600 71,180 88,440 19,760 15,680 125,380 195,04(0 802,74C 181,000 157,10(0 68,20(0 85,320 15,780 1,820 8,40C 9,740 32,340 7,200 5,500C 2,980 3,120 3,980 3,420 20,020 29,760 92,380 17,160 18,580 5,880 5,280 8,720 900 4,260 5,940 17,700 4,060 2,480 1,400 1,500 800 21,740 136,620 247,480 1,066,440 300,760 305,760 105,280 66,460 26,200 4,040 9,560 17,440 101,080 37,480 48,600 24,200 25,180 6,460 11,52 88,14 162,40 704,80 192,20 187,5 58,3 29,5 183,3 10,32 82,940 154,90C 676,420 184,34 180,180 56,06�0 27,960 10,420 1,200 5,200 7,500 28,380 7,860 7,340 2,240 1,580 2,880 6,04C 86,600 64,140 245,020 65,080 64,420 21,100 10,660 6,220 140 2,820 3,500 15,540 6,000 5,220 1,680 1,080 220 210 cAn 2 mAM y e s a.. ... -, eI P old.I . I'- I' v -vi-- - . . . -- -- . . ---I" -- , l ltswaVIILvrrr 1*47SY, il r mV0q 4597 q a)~V Iwl riur WJ wV O va ,r 1,sSEQ 1,10 18- Io, 6t-i L 11- iyw 601 114ul ' :9ulZU11 eV tuui W76q a ,e4 !x uZV I E36u D PW I - ~- -~I - -- -- I --- -II --- - - - - - ~ - '~ I I I T- T i-- T r P -I - = one ur us99A an on meN son rIN 2982,7001 11310640 1,669g72011 10607g3801 62g3401?J~ZV_ 79400 18,9401 2 9 895 0 52011 7777- 60, 29036984 1t9b1,86 7r;0,01 ZOOM 41,73 I I n^n ^^u , .14I AA MARITAL STATUS 211- Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE. POPULATTON 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD. BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, ' FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MAIS FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Total Single T Widowed Total Single Widned Total Single Total Wife ife vorced Total Husband Husband idowed vored present. absent present absent THE NORTH--Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old.... 18 and 19 years old........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ......... College: 1 to 3 years .... . 4 years or more... Not reported ................. 20 and 21 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ... Not reported ............. .... 35 to 44 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .............. ... 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... ,High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ..................... 55 to 64 yearseld........... No school years completed ..... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ................ 12 545 66011 4 R34 .9601~ 800 RR 463 "8801 a0001 l 164l0401 13. 47 40011 3 .6 60018 .9 7 n1' 005 .00 39 1 900 808. 40 2773 60 . & , ... . pw ., . , , v . . . ... . . . . . ,-., .. , 4 , . v, , ., . t, .u 819,140 802,800 16,040 12,520 3,520 140 160 885.020 779,160 109 ,620 95,620 8 000 360 I880 1,840 1,780 60 60 - - - 480 400 - - - - 20 . 4, 220 4,120 100 80 20 - - 4,000 3,380 540 420 120 20 60 13,540 13,120 420 820 100 - - 9,680 7,160 2,460 2,080 380 20 40 ... 111,340 107,320 3,920 3,380 540 60 40 109,500 83,320 25,520 23,420 2,100 60 600 327,060 320,000 6,940 5,700 1,240 40 80 295,660 247,080 47,620 44,060 3,560 140 820 283,040 279,160 3,800 2,520 1,280 40 40 391,480 366,180 24,920 23,440 1,480 100 280 . . 71,000 70,320 680 340 340 - - 68,280 66,220 2,000 1,720 280 20 40 1,360 1,320 40 40 - - - 1,600 1,560 40 40 - - 5,740 5,660 80 80 - - - 4,340 3,800 520 440 80 - - 20 791,400 716,180 73,940 66,880 7,560 480 800 905,220 646.780 252,9201 238,240 14.680 1,180 4t340 1,720 1,560 140 100 40 - 20 1,300 940 340 300 40 20 - 3,540 3,200 320 240 80 - 20 3,700 2,540 1,100 960 140 40 20 14,520 12,640 1,860 1,560 300 20 - 11,100 6,520 4,460 4,040 420 60 60 1. 26,440 109,240 16,780 15,280 1,500 200 220 138,080 82,900 53,980 50,380 38,600 300 90( 221,980 193,340 28,320 25,760 2,560 40 280 233,940 136,100 95,480 90,040 5,440 320 2,040 288,480 266,800 21,320 19,280 2,040 120 240 400,500 314,180 84,840 80,720 4,120 820 1,160 . . 115,480 111,220 4,200 3,260 940 40 20 96,000 85,820 9,980 9,340 640 40 160 13,960 13,260 660 600 60 40 - 15,300 13,840 1,400 1,280 120 60 - . . 5,280 4,920 340 300 40 20 - 5,300 3,940 1,340 1,180 160 20 - . 1,202,220 852,800 345.,020 326.720 18.300 940 3.460 1.334.8801 669,340 649,260 620,260 29,000 3.900 12,380 2,080 1,520 540 480 60 20 - 1,920 i,180 700 640 60 20 20 5,540 3,780 1,680 1,500 180 40 40 5,420 2,720 2,600 2,36 Q 240 20 80 24,440 16,500 7,780 6,980 800 so80 80 22, 100 8,480 13,080 12,180 900 260 280 .. 228,060 149,260 77,720 73,500 4,220 200 880 255,980 105,920 146,240 138,840 7,400 1,120 2,700 320,260 208,400 110,420 104,840 5,580 160 1,280 337,420 130,060 201,260 191,760 9,500 1,200 4,900 411,740 301,260 109,380 104,340 5,040 360 740 542,600 303,160 234,680 226,080 8,600 1,000 3,760 . . 117,140 94,560 22,180 21,020 1,160 60 340 94,420 62,020 831,840 30,380 1,460 60 500 85,280 71,840 13,360 12,240 1,120 20 60 66,240 50,700 15,340 14,740 600 100 100 7,680 5,680 1,960 . 1,820 140 - 40 8,780 5,100 3,520 3,280 240 120 40 1,898,560 773,040 1,107,160 1,064,000 48,160 4,900 13460 2,904991400 610780 1,389,080 1,332,100 56,980 15,160 34,120 6,060 3,820 2,160 1,940 220 40 40 6,680 3,640 2,900 2,720 180 60 80 13,640 6,520 6,960 6,400 560 40 120 13,340 3,780 9,060 7,980 1,080 240 260 54,880 23,420 30,600 29,000 1,600 360 500 52,540 11,780 39,160 36,300 2,860 800 - 800 .. 496,300 189,460 301,500 289,280 12,220 1,740 3,600 530,680 120,800 396,700 378,460 18,240 4,740 8,440 . 478,100 166,720 306,300 294,120 12,180 1,100 3,980 507,820 115,780 377,000 361,400 15,600 3,900 11,140 .. 505,200 216,000 284,720 275,260 9,460 1,020 3,460 658,180 231,940 411,960 398,800 13 160 4,160 10,120 147,520 63,020 83,300 80,380 2,920 220 980 152,180 57,880 91,240 88,320 2,920 840 2,220 188,420 96,540 85,880 82,420 3,460 340 660 116,080 60,140 54,760 52, ?00 2,060 360 820 13,440 7,540 5,740 5,200 540 40 120 11,640 5,040 6,300 5,420 880 60 240 1,691,680 384,420 1,277.140 1,230,580 46.560 8.360 .21.760 1.778.700 351,840 1,351,4401 1,295,780 55,660 29,160 46,260 6,640 3,040 3,440 3,240 200 20 140 6,860 2,480 4,140 3,800 340 120 120 19,380 4,960 14,040 12,880 1,160 100 280 20,560 3,320 15,840 14,560 1,280 760 640 ... 68,400 19,140 47,620 44,920 2,700 580 1,060 71,140 8,960 58,780 55,100 3,680 1,400 2,000 S. . 531,160 119,600 401,240 385,000 16,240 3,380 6,940 521,900 77,340 420,920 401,440 19,480 10,660 12,980 400,580 79,160 313,580 302,720 10,860 1,960 5,880 410,760 62,220 329,560 315,460 14,100 6,840 12,140 346,060 78,500 261,800 9 254,220 7,580 1,400 4,360 474,180 113,520 342,720 331,500 11,220 6,060 11,880 124,500 26,780 95,480 92,340 3,140 520 1,720 146,180 37,300 103,040 100,100 2,940 1,600 4,240 179,440 46,520 131,280 127,720 3,560 360 1,280 114,480 43,220 67,980 66,120 1,860 1,320 1,960 ... 15,520 6,720 8,660 7,540 1,120 40 100 12,640 3,480 4,460 7,700 760 400 300 ... 2,789,700 419,960 2,274,740 2,180,260 94,480 39,840 55,160 2,9181401 436,340 2,253,740 2,148,4801 105260 135S820 92,240 .. 13,200 4,900 7,840 7,060 780 340 120 14,000 3,740 8,860 7,960 900 1,160 240 58, 680 12,080 43,820 40,000 3,820 1,380 1,400 57,120 5,940 45,240 41,500 3,740 4,280 1,660 ... 179,920 32,660 139,120 131,380 7,740 3,540 4,600 174,880 14,400 144,400 135,180 9,220 10,960 5,120 . . 1,107,260 169,820 895,960 857,620 38,340 18,280 23,200 1,084,840 113,080 883,200 839,420 43,780 55,360 833,200 544,840 72,040 455,820 437,420 18,400 6,640 10,340 572,700 71,740 453,380 432,660 20,720 26,500 21,080 .. 432,680 62,360 357,640 346,420 11,220 5,460 7,220 617,320 115,300 459,000 442,260 16,740 238,740 19,280 179,680 21,500 151,840 145,440 6,400 1,760 4,530 213,200 46,020 152,640 147,600 5,040 7,660 6,880 .. 244,100 33,920 205,040 199,240 5,800 1,880 3,260 159,120 59,200 91,040 88,160 2,880 4,860 4,020 . . 29,340 10,680 17,660 15,680 1,980 560 440 24,960 6,920 15,980 13,740 2,240 1,800 760 ... 2096440 241840 I1 730420 1,653.20C 77.220 78.700 45,980 2.195.400 1 00,120 1,573,200 1,494,600 78,600 261,340 60,740 15,380 3,960 10,366 9,480 880 62( 440 15,180 2,520 9,880 8,800 1,080 2,460 320 90,900 15,140 68,480 63,700 4,780 4,980 2,300 82,100 5,580 60,760 55,940 4,820 13,420 2,840 . . 192,860 27,560 151,160 143,240 7,920 8,980 5,160 187,860 13,700 142,200 133,720 8,480 26,660 5,300 922,940 108,980 754,620 719,640 34,980 38,060 21,280 923,360 95,420 687,980 655,340 832,640 115,360 24,600 313,860 0,960 266,860 256,380 10,480 9,680 6,860 362,980 47,180 263,980 251,080 12,900 41,140 10,680 270,240 24,000 232,740 224,560 8,180 8,400 5,100 374,700 62,200 262,680 251,540 11,140 39,440 10,380 112,080 9,500 96,800 92,480 4,320 2,960 2,820 129,620 30,040 '82,600 79,180 3,420 12,480 4,500 S.. 153,040 . 14,200 133,480 129,640 3,840 3,340( 2,020 98,940 38,080 51,140 49,080 2,0.60 7,740 1,980 ... 25,140 7,040 15,920 14,080 1,840 1,680 500 20,660 5,400 11,980 9,920 2,060 2,640 640 1,256,520 144,420 976,420 930,22C 46,200 112,420 23 260 1,412,900 202,240 823,940 780,220 43,720 361,420 25,800 14,480 86,360 143,060 567,580 147,980 142,960 56,000 80,620 17,480 2,780 13,30( 20,02( - 63,54 15,620 12, 34( 4,56( 7,30( 4,96(C 9,040 60,380 103,820 441, 260 118,220 119,060 46,340 68,040 10,260 8,160 55,600 98,400 422,020 112,960 115,000 44,160 65,520 8,400 880 4,780 5,420 19,240 5,260 4,060 2,180 2,520 1,860 2,060 10,580 .15,980 52,540 11,340 9,860 3,980 4,180 1,900 600 2,100 3, 240 10,240 2,800 1,700 1,120 1,100 360 13,340 75,821 145,80(0 621,740 195,540 222,680 70,00( 53,400 14,580 1,840 5,500 12,180 71,680 28,760 38,980 18,180 21,260 3,860 7,120 45,320 88,060 374,760 114,720 129,560 35,300 22,500 6,600 6,420 41,940 82,400 355,960 109,000 124,040 33,800 21,300 5,360 700 3,380 5,660 18,800 5,720 5,520 1,500 1,200 1,240 4,240 23,520 43,160 164,820 47,640 50,240 15,520 8,720 4,060 140 1,480 2,400 10,980 4,420 3,900 1,000 920 60 i . .. . 212 EDUCATION Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on. a S-percent sample) MAD FEMA1E AREA, YEARSOF SCBO0L COMPZTID, AND AGE Married Married Total Single Total Wife Wfe Widowed ored Total Single Total Husband Husband WidOwed vor present absent present absent iK NRI-Continued Rural-nonfar Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed.... .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years :.......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported. ......... .... ... 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ... ... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old ............... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or inore.... Not reported................. 25 to 29 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....,.. 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. 30 to 34 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................... 35 to 44 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years. ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 45 to 54 sears old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1to3years.. 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or.more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old ........... .. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................... ,77 ,0991 1,11u,460 ,47 9,501 G,C74.J.D E C014LW 0, 960 46,400 3,G6,eE0U 1 Q 759W 401uVu.WSVIj a. OVE,UJ,0601.10 15U2C,8I. +r1 6, 234,10( 227,120 6,880 5,5801 1,300 801 20! 226,640 180,080 46,120 48, 820 2,800 1601 280 1,50C 1,500 - - - - - 860 00 60 60 - - 2,98C 2,860 , 120 80 40 - - 1,680 1,340 820 300 20 - 20 8, 84 8,060 280 180 100 - - 3,120 1,920 1,180 1,120 60 - 20 48,260 45,900 2,340 1, 980 60 - 20 39,780 25,240 14,420 18,460 960 80 40 85,280 83,060 2,180 1,780 400 40 - 75,640 56,420 19,040 17,920 1,120 60 120 71,960 70,260 1,680 1,380 800 20 - 89,260 78,660 10,520 9,920 600 - 80 18,640 13,500 120 40 80 20 - 15,100 14,740 360 820 40 - - 140 140 - - 200 200 - - - 28,0 1,840 160 140 20 -- 1,00 1,260 220 220 - 20 - 212,560 183,700 28,640 26,120 2,520 60 160 210,820 119,780 89,480 8s, 8,980 420 640 80 760 40 40 - - 860 760 100 60 - - 2,440 2,280 160 140 20 - - 1,480 860 620 58 40 - - 6,760 5,740 1,020 940 80 - 8,840 1,800 2,020 1,9 80 20 - 49,794 89,820 9,900 9,10 800 - 20 44,480 18,640 25,480 24, 980 160 200 . 51,140 41,420 9,640 8,800 840 40 40 48,980 19,340 29,280 28,1 1,180 120 240 74,900 68,160 6,680 5,980 700 20 40 85,200 56,20 28,620 27, 1,380 120 180 23,060 22,100 900 860 40 60 21, 40 18,940 2,580 2, 220 - 20 1,88 1,760 120 - - -2,8 2,100 240 - - S. 1,84 1,660 180 140 40 - 1,60C 1,06 540 50 40 - - 310,18( 193,52C 115,.84 109.580 5.760 88C 940 325,83 122,000 199.840 192,6 9 80 l.22 2.260 1,06 900 160 1 6 - 1,58C 1,22 -8,62 2,420 1,800 98 - 2,80( 1,1 1,16 1, 120 20 10, 7,120 8,660 ,2 420 7,90 2,56 5, 4,9 820 6 20 80,8 45,580 34,84 3 88,46 1,880 18C 80 75,86 19,80 54,6 52, 1,96 460 460 71,3 8,120 2,800 81,800 1,500 2 . 71,80( 16,06 54,4 52,6 1,840 8 980 102,80 68,000 34,480 32, 1,640 100 2C 122,849 50, .. 71, 69, 2,140 80 o80 22,4 17,660 4,680 4,42 260 ( 25,96( 16,6 9,06 8,6 440 4 20 14,9 11,860 3,040 2,82C 220 . 15,806 12,760 2,500 8, 20 2, 2,386 1,860 480 48C 60 2C 2, 1,800 1,04160 - - . 520,28 172,240 848,060 829,96C 18,100 1,80 83.0C 515.16 . 101,140 405 398,8 18.10 8,700 4.880 8,18C 7,18C 20,620 175,66( 113,76C 131,04C 31,50( 32,120 5,220 493,120 2,940 9,400 27,960 184,860 105,80(C 88,080 29,780 88,88(0 6,020 2,300 3,500 9,460 52,840 32,520 45,840 10,440 14,240 3,100 89,420 1,920 2,840 6,800 32,580 15,900 14,960 4,240 6,820 38,60 84C 8,50C 18,900 121,06C 79,94 84,28 20,72C 17,78C 2,04C 396,14C 960 6,840 20,740 149,140 88,220 72,060 24,940 31,140 2,600 740 8,180 115,500 77,420 81,820 20,220 17,180 1,780 100 320 780 5,560 2,520 2,460 500 600 260 383.620 12,520 860 6,000 19,800 145,720 85,200 70,520 24,520 80,660 2,840 100 340 940 5,420 8,020 1,540 420 480 260 86 180 2( 4( 40 180 180 1,160 1,04C 80 40 2,96( 5,16( 16,16( 147,02( 113,66( 153,92( 46,48( 28,88( 3,520 2.8401 5.220 476.48( 2( 16( 16( 1,000 880 84 120 100 6( C 40 0 6C 0 260 0 2,140 0 1,800 0 480 220 0 22 00 2,720( 7,44' 28,04( 150,04( 99,84( 118,80( 50,44( 25,14( 4,52( 829,5001 108,8801 695.98011 668.940 27.0401 11.6601 18.4801 780.70 5,940 27,760 67,080 868,220 147,040 101,160 44,260 54,120 18,920 655, 80 7,180 41,400 71,24C 808,880 91,160 58,96C 30,720 30,840 15,500 461,960 7,860 44,420 62,880 220,120 47,120 84,860 17,020 18,560 10,120 3,200 6,080 10,960 45,380 14,000 12,280 4,420 5,800 6,260 80,760 8,140 7,520 10,400 84,820 8,520 4,280 2,480 2,960 6,640 55.820 2,220 7,800 8,600 23,600 4,240 3,080 1,280 1,340 8,660 2,540 .20,560 58,640 811,100 128,240 86,400 38,84C 47,660 7,000 586,640 8,46C0 80,780 55,760 255,800 77,880 51,840 27,020 27,000 7,600( 856.680 4,800 91,100 45,620 178,220 88,420 28,320 14,440 16,060 5,200 2,220 19,428 50,820 299,140 123,800 88,660 87,780 46,780 5,820 509.520 2,980 28,580 52,500 243,740 74,880 50,200 26,100 25,980 5,060 888.840 8,640 21,020 43,060 165,480 87,180 27,32880 13,900 15,600 3,640 3820 1,140 2,820 11,960 4,440 2,740 1,060 880 1,680 *1 ? *^9 480 2,200 8,260 11,560 8,500 1,640 920 1,020 8,640 17.8401 660 2,080 8,560 7,740 1,240 1,000 540 460 1,560 80 680 1,160 5,880 2,280 1,060 440 320 260 23.860 420 1,940 8,240 12,000 2,760 760 540 660 41.200 720 4,860 7,260 19,260 3,680 2,460 1,140 820 1,000 120 440 6,360 2,520 1,420 560 340 400 14.120 160 1,160 1,840 6,260 2,000 1,800 460 840 600 8.760 120 1,160 1,400 4,040 780 500 160 340 860 4,100 20,380 54,280 906,480 147,060 186,020 68,940 4,380 9,060 612.60 5,440 28,760 59,160 270,020 99,960 88,460 88,660 18,460 8,440 4o9.240 5,060 31,700 52,880 215,900 61,720 54,200 21,460 9,220 7,600 2,20c 1,760 2,48 20,740 12,780 32,420 14, 060 13,100 1,600 59. 50 740 9,800 18,280 128,860 98,860 119,020 81,980 18,040 1,860 404.060 600 2,964 12,500 119,160 95,900 115,900 81,200 12,520 1,580 391.650 140 8340 780 4,200 2,960 8,120 780 520 280 12.880 20 60 200 1,540 700 940 200 20 20 n Cn 91. e--= 45 a a =.=4 %L & 1,800 1,42( 2,080 18,080 6,660 18,660 9,14 7,960 1,780 74.500 1,920 2,10c 4,04( 21,340C 9,600 18,46 9,720 9,6C0 2,960 58.120 1,680 2,280 8,640 18,980 7,860 9,120 6,288 5,480 2,800 45.54S 1,86C0 2,300 2,820 16,980 6,120 7,12C0 4,080 2,84C0 1,920 880 5,680 19,960 182,100 89,760 96,480 89,960 16,700 2,540 660.56 1,980 16,680 46,420 266,700 128,700 115,460 55,400 2,620 5,560 480.300 8,040 22,280 47,260 218,720 80,040 '65,820 27,780 11,260 4,600 04 660n 2,500 20,860 86,140 146,200 42,260 85,220 12,680 4,680 4,020 780 5,220 19,220 128,000 87,180 98,880 89,860 16,220 2,120 686.3 1,640 16,020 44,220 256,820 124,420 111,980 54,000 22,820 4,460 47 .9 2,840 20,620 45,140 209,280 76,680 68,140 26,820 10,600 8,800 one ann 2,100 19,580 84,720 189,020 40,700 88,800 12,240 4,860 2,780 100 460 740 4,100 2,580 2,900 600 480 420 140 40 660 2,200 9,880 4,280 8,480 1,400 800 1,100 e_ a80 700 1,660 2,120 9,440 8,860 2,180 960 660 1,800 1 .60n 400 1,280 1,420 7,180 1,660 1,420 440 820 1,240 20 200 2,920 1,580 1,400 640 200 120 31,240 160 1,60 2,880 18,400 5,580 4,266 2,360 820 420 620 8,680 7,500 27,140 9,900 7,220 8,740 1,880 820 101 _4n 1,200 7,920 12,700 49,500 12,140 10,840 4,120 1,540 1,520 40 200 1,880 1,820 1,540 240 120 40 97,180 20 140 420 1,940 1,840 1,760 700 280 80 14,440 40 840 940 5,040 8,180 2,840 1,460 580 120 11 940 100 -520 760 5,180 2,160 1,800 860 840 220 7_sca 620 720 8,220 1,100 1,020 589 160 140 - ', T T -Fr T 7t- F ' " . . . . - . . . . -- -- - - I I.. . m . . .,vII - i - . - - I 1L R - - - T I -IF T -w - .. w var-wvl --aw1 ro - awwI fi VW - - - " - - 1 T T T -if T -ir " IWW ya. ya sy' ys~yy rya wy 1u.V,1 L '(.a-. ~ uv - - - I 1 T T I T II _T -I I . :: .I n ^ ^^M u1nA ""l " ^l Ra ^' "" ^ l ^ "^" ^ "^ ^" ^^AI N ^^ nl Af ^^ye MARITAL STATUS Table '41.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS.0LW,. BY'E A OF SCIJO5 COPE~RE3, AGE, AND SEX, FOR R~GIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a "Spercent sample) MAI I EAI AlEL, YEARS SCHOOL CQIEETD, AND AsB Married Married Total Single Widowed Di- ,ttal Single WidowedDr- Wife Wifie 3od Tea Husband Husband Total present abseTotal present absent EN(RM-Continued t Rural-tarc Total, 18 to 64 years old ....... 18 and 19 years old............. No school years completed......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... . 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... . 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years . ..... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ... .. ........... 20 and 21 years old............ . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 yeap ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... . 4 years or more ...... Not reported . .................. 22 to 24 years old.............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ... ..... 4 years ............ College: , 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ...... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old .............. No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years........ 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more...... Not reported ................... . 30 to 34 years old .............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ......... .......... 3$ to 44 years old ............ . No dchool years completed. ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . . 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more...... Not reported ............ ..... 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ......... Grade'school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3,years ......... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................. .. 55 to 64 years old .............. No school years completed ....... Grade schoolt 1 to 4 years... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years........ High school: 1 to 3year ......... 4 years............ College: 3 years .... 4 years or more ... Not reported................... a LUL 0W J . "' ' , 73 7 60X52.21 5 48 0 -4 2012,106, 886,20 109,080 20,720 250,6001 244 880 5 ...68041 4.600 .0804 21 24 196.400f .157.58{ 8. 36011 36,7801 1580 1601 800 940 2,68 7,74( 91,440 71,900 66,880 7,660 120 1,22( 229.240 1,100 2,700 7,66( 88,80( 40,20(0 71%16( 15,420 920 1,280 291.040 8,60( 10,80( 126,520 48,96( 79,46( 14,06( 4,42 1,80( 408,86( 1,840( 6,480 19,800 201,78( 68,200 88,700 14, 88 6,14 2,540 857.100 2,46( 9,040 21,74(0 191,46( 57,040 58,10( 12,86( 6,440 2,96( 675.98 940o 2,500 7,440 88,900 70,480 65,700 7,600 120 1,200 206.240 1,040 .2,440 6,840 79,720 84,440 65,060 14,780 880 1,040 210.240 .... -:..v W20 a so 1 d9. 1 OCA 1CA 1 A AA nw n nw w w ,,, --w -- I r 1,2o68 0 2,680 0 7,580 0 91,840 0 31,940 58,080 0 12,240 0 8,800 0 1,820 0 186,360 1,040 9,480 9,520 98,520 26,200 40,780 6,460 8,840 1,520 160 320 2,540 1,420 1,160 60 20 22.680 40 26C 780 8,900 5,700 6,08C 640 4C 24C 79.780 D 1o 860 S ,080 84,78C S16,86 21,180 1,78 S 62 )0 46C S 219,50 300 2,900 9,680 106,740 41,86C 47,86C 7,880 2,280 1,000 100 26C 2,14 1,22 840 20 20 20.820 20 22 660 8,100 5,820 5,680 56( 40 22( 76.180 0 76( 2,86( 0 88,84( 0 16,18( S 20,22( 0 1,66( 0 560 0 46( 0 213842( 26( 2,78( 9,18( 104,000 40,220 46,280 7,64 2,080 980 60 60 400 200 40 20 40 120 800 880 400 80 20 3.600 0 100 0 220 1,440 0 680 0 960 0 120 0 60 0 0 6080 40 120 500 2,740 1,140 1,080 240 200 20 101.5001 250.46011 24.6201 5.840 1,780 8,620 7,800 54,980 18,120 18,800 8,140 1,980 1,280 120.700 62 0,220 18,62 188,740 48,100 88,600 9,560 4,388 1,620 587.860 0 600 0 5,060 0 18,100 0 130,780 0 42,060 0 87,940 S 9,860 0 4,80 0 1,440 A AS ^^M 20 160 520 2,960 1,040 660 200 100 180 9.660 100 20 SO 20 80 140 80 120 20 1.220 60 40 540 800 240 40 20 180 40 80 40 20 40 60 280 80 80 20 20 1,780 40 60 980 340 320 20 20 620 .1,540 3,520 51,500 55,180 69,920 18,000 220 900 164 a80 860 1,280 8,820 52,040 27,880 59,840 18,280 1,820 820 217.720 800 1,720 4,460 76,060 87,160 72,020 19,860 4,220 1,420 382.220 1,080 8,020 9,980 127,740 60,740 92,180 29,800 6,880 1,800 600 980 2,200 86,740 42,760 60,680 12,720 20 680 a8.460 840 640 1,520 26,900 11,440 88,780 16,500 1,280 56c 8.2st 720c 760 1,540 24,680 8,940 28,720 18,968 8,880 560 65,840 680 960 1,840 21,880 7,20C 19,120 10,220 8,46C 480 20 540 1,320 14,520 12,800 9,180 280 200 65.M4 20 620 1,760 24,840 15,540 20,420 1,740 40 260 182.2860 80 940 2,840 50,420 27,780 42,840 5,780 840 840 262,a60 380 2,000 8,020 104,880 52,300 -72,020 18,580 2,880 1,300 20 500 1,200 18,980 11,820 8,860 220 180 o 28n8 20 560 1,700 24,120 14,900 19,740 1,560 40 240 lan ann 80 860 2,640 49,020 27,160 42,020 5,540 780 780 257,440 360 1,920 7,800 103,120 51,200 70,780 18,240 2,840 1,180 40 120 540 480 820 60 20 2_9n6 60 60 720 640 680 180 20 5.4A. 80 200 1,400 620 820 240 60 60 4.920 20 80 220 1,760 1,100 1,240 840 40 120 1.a201 3.2201 811.18011 87.8201 267.82011 96.0601 4.160 40 140 120 1,020 800 240 60 10.060 o60 200 1,720 520 460 100 80 60 7.60 1,400 4,800 12,480 180,920 55,600 64,860 81,660 7,600 2,860 617.840 860 840 1,620 18,980 4,500 7,500 5,840 2,620 660 46as80 500 8,860 10,580 114,420 49,700 56,280 25,840 4,940 1,600 552.720 500 8,280 10,420 112,740 49,180 55,420 25,860 4,760 1,400 545.020 80 160 1,680 520 860 480 180 200 7_700 120 20 20 Pan 20 20 100 80 40 7an0 60 460 80 120 40 1_800 20 40 40 720 440 420 120 20 120 100 60 80 200 260 100 40 1 .0 20 500 860 840 80 20 2,720 20 80 760 800 620 880 40 20 a _7a a an 20 80 180 1,720 680 600 360 80 18 680 20 100 800 720 480 220 40 20 f! _ O& -_ _ _ --- . . . . r, ,- , , - - ., ,_ . . . .v 8,780 1,820 1,920 1,820 100 40 - 82,780 1,240 1,440 1,880 60 60 40 27,060 6,800 19,860 18,800 560 400 500 16,440 1,420 14,140 13,760 380 740 140 62,500 12,520 48,140 47,120 1,020 1,140 700 43,500 2,740 89,260 38,620 640 1,200 800 408,640 71,420 821,900 916,560 5,840 6,280 4,040 814,000 20,720 284,200 280,680 8,520 6,840 8,840 89,880 12,220 ,75,240 74,000 1,240 1,160 1,260 98,940 5,200 85,700 84,560 1,140 2,040 1,000 51,420 8,600 41,820 41,040 780 520 480 85,020 6,340 76,240 75,200 940 1,660 780 20,740 3,020 17,860 17,160 200 180 180 45,300 4,940 89,120 88,780 840 820 420 10,040 1,820 7,980 7,860 120 120 120 11,620 2,800 8,620 8,880 240 160 40 6,920 2,480 4,140 8,840 800 220 80 5,240 980 4,000 8,560 440 '160 100 649,260 84,740 585,820 525,140 10,180 21,680 79,50 578,480 84,780 505,960 498,740 7,220 32,300 5,440 5,60( 51,74 88,62( 877,06( 65,54(0 0,8320 19,18( 8,46( 7,74( 4aw 776 6,860 56,460 74,70C 278,100 38,22 18,42C 12,56 5,240 7,20 1,860 8,960 12,800 47,840 6,280 2,860 1,720 840 2,080 as 41a 8,80(0 89,920 66,82( 818,020 56,70( 26,140 16,84 7,88( 5,20( Aj1A 291 8,06( 88,78( 65,80( 807,860 55,720 25,52( 16,68( 7,240 4,98( ... so o 240 1,140 1,520 5,16 98C 62C 16C 140 S22C 220 2,160 3,080 12,520 1,940 .860 880 140 880 .. ... n 240 700 920 4,180 620 460 240 100 80 . 3,520 31,000 59,440 320,620 72,840 50,860 27,140 7,820 5,240 920 1,90( 8,060 17,420 8,8320 8,020 2,62( 1,820 1,200 09 ORA 2,440 26,480 51,460 282,660 65,260 44,840 28,080 6,040 8,700 all e ,an 2,400 25,980 50,780 278,880 64,380 44,400 22,660 5,920 8,40 WI A .ft 40 500 680 8,780 880 440 420 120 360 160 2,880 4,240 17,920 8,280 2,520 1,100 400 800 .. ... 240 680 2,620 980 480 840 60 40 a.r vw a ..2!�.J.74 1,i40 1 05 ,us4095001 260 s9601 .912 cJ1,02uj 0 5,,100J 1 56 M980 2,840 1,880 8f580 11,540 99,500 4,040 1,660 1,280 560 1,900 4,160( 42,80(0 55,84C 220,60 oc 81,56(0 15,22( 10,40(0 4,340 4,a(0 3,88 40,760 53,58( 215,24 30,86( 14,78( 10,140 4,20C 3,74( 280 1,540 1,760 5,86C 700 440 260 140 56C0 640 4,580 6,520 20,580 2,140 1,260 760 380 820 iUU 1,000 1,800 8,420 480 280 120 60 180 3,340 29,100 49,200 228,800 43,500 28,880 '13,820 3,840 4,020 84( 1,760 2,440 12,420 2,60( 2,50(0 1,94(0 1,080 68( 1,900 21,960 38,200 188,840 35,120 22,740 10,20 2,860 2,680 1,800 21,420 87,780 181,440 S34,640 22,340 10,020 100 540 420 2,400 480 400 200 2,300 60 2,280 400 600 5,160 8,280 31,200 5,800 3,340 1,460 400 640 220 880 1,840 480 800 100 20 213 ...-.v rvv rsv rr - v F/V s V i7V i0V i7VV V 7VV Vii riV 0! DOV V uv - P u 7 A AA w ww . _ I - - - - - s, ,4 . .wv' "1L =L ,...__4 -I. ..1 ..., . T -ir T -T - F I - H W s.WV & !X SL. "t v ' cv vi wl y ' Ou 5aw; 1pZV ajw 404 T T -- T i o Qoe az 1.21 .7 s '. , 9I . .1A C. l 0 ... OAA I 0.. .n! . .. . n I ..- . .... . i 214 EDUCATION Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD. BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLET D, AGE, AND See, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RORAL: 1940-- Continued (Statistics based on a 5-peroet smp.le) MAIe S 1W AREA, TRABS OF SCB00L CMPL D, AND A Married Mia Widowed b- Total Singwle WIdowed- al gle al ie Wife ow roed Total tle Total qsband Husband d vored present absent prent ab T E 80UH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old...... . ,14140 2,486,280 6,8.353.24 6.109.140 44l.100 S201.e 18.540 9.179.40 1.988.8 .91.100 6.8L .040 8 0680 697.740 I 177.830 18 and 19 year old............ 650.90C 61.8360 86.860 82.820 .4-540 280 400 658.240 446.8 202.040 189.860 .80 1.80 8.060 No school years completed......... 8, ,960 C 60 60 - 6,180 4,0 1,830 1,940 80 30 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 53,0 49,120 4,040 8,480 560 40 80,20 1%;,96 18,340 12,460 880 860 .160 5 and 6 years....... 78,5 71,920 6,520 5,660 860 40 59,480 29,7 9,100 89,30 1,880 840 280 7 and 8 years........ 14, 124,400 9,96 8,880 1,080 60 123,080 67,?0 58,960 50,820 8,140 540 880 Highachool: 1 to 3 years.......... 208,6 197,900 1 10,5 94 ,060 80 16 0 199,66C 11,8 66,400 62,080 4,880 420 980 4 years ............. 121,800 117,00 4,40 8,7 640 40 6 178,04 144,6 82,720 80,40 1,980 00 480 College: 1 to 3 years .-..... 41,303 40,580 720 520 200 - 528,0C 48, 3,800 3 ,480 380 30 140 4 years or more ..... 80 800 -- 1,1 1,0 10 100 0 Not reported ................. ... 3,66 ,380 6 180 80 80 0 2,60 1,4 780 680 100 30 60 20 and 21 yearsold .............. 585,62 458,020 125,40 117,060 8,4802 .6 40 1 6068 8888s. 307.620 291.640 15.980 8.240 5,600 No school years completed ......... 8,2 6,680 1, 1,4 1, 1420 120 - 2 5,1 , 2,260 2,040' 20 60 80 Grade achdol: 1 to 4 years ......... 47,22 84,800 12,200 11,440 760 120 1 28,04 1038 17,040 16,880 660 80 400 5 and 6 years........ 68,42 49,640 18,46 17,00 1,80 180 14 54,00 17,4( 85940 88,720 3,20 580 530 7 and 8 years........ 123,8 89,600 33,24 81,460 1,780 140 0 120,7 . 40,60( 77,960 4,080 8,940 960 1,80s High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 136,40 102,880 82,9 30,600 2,8320 100 S 142,86 49,8 90280 85,460 4,820 780 1,960 4 years ............. 129,76 107,960 21,56 20,120 1,440 40 18, 109,0 69,20 65,940 38280 440 1,840 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 61,2 56,920 4,24 83,660 580 80 20 58,88C 46,98( 11,520 10,880 640 C 00 4 years or more...... 6,840 6,240 5 0 60 - 11,0 9,2( 1,760 1,640 0 20 Not reported ............ . . .... 4,120 8,00 70 760 40 20 8,80 1,60 1,640 1,560 80 0so 40 22 to 24 years old .............. 818,720 445,240 866,2C 846,680 19,540 2,220 .5,040 84090 256,284 564,760 540,180 24,580 6,980 18,120 No school years completed ...,..... 10,82 6,380 4,420 4,020 40O 20 8,260 3,040 4,820 4,50 240 240 160 Grade school: 1 to 4 years .......... 66,86 83,0 82,20 80,740 1,460 520 41,00 9,7 30,240 29,040 1,200 680 680 5 and 6 years ........ 98,660 44,720 48,180 45,940 2,240 200 7560 8,880 15,16( 61,100 58,000 8,100 980 1,140 7 and 8 years....... 188,960 89 060 93,100 88,080 5,020 600 1,200 14,280 837,08 132,700 187,020 5,680 1,90 2,780 HIgh school: 1 to 3 years ......... 181,540 89,100 90,420 . 85,800 4,620 420 1,00 191,00 89,0 146,00 140,320 6,880 1,460 38,40 4 years ............. 172,92 102,600 69,120 65,460 3,660 240 96 2888,340 90,4 142,940 137,880 5,560 1,240 38,00 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 64,84 45,400 19,100 17,920 1,180 140 6,960 81,90 81,040 29,580 1,460 00 7280 4 years or more ..... 8,500 80,740 7,600 6,880 720 60 1 40,180 27,66 12,220 11,460 760 130 10 Not reported ............. ........ 6,12 4,020 2,080 1,840 240 20 0 450C 1,8 3000 2,800 00 40 80 25 to 29 yearsold............... 1,8325,4280 88,580 918,1401 882,320 385820 6,360 18,84 1,855,9801 28,68 1.01e980 1 08,32020 89960 18,000 279840 No school years completed ......... 21,260 9,040 11,680 11,040 640 340 2 15,260 4,26 10,600 9,980 620 220 1 0 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... o108,020 80,60 75,780 72,800 2,980 1,060 82 73,280 9, 60,680 58,080 8,600 1,660 1,100 S and 6 years ........ 166,22 42,180 11,440 116,560 4,0 80 1, 1 80 14, 116,56 4880 860 1,7 13380 142 117,60 112,460 5,800 8,040 8,860 7 and 8 years ........ 8325,24 83,880 236,540 228,040 8,500 1,800 8,0 3 809,120 36,16 261,880 52,580 9,800 4,760 6,320 Hih school: to 3 years ......... 882,700 72,520 05,680 198,00 7,640 1,100 8,40 308,480 85,18 861,140 251,840 9,800 4,80 780 4 years .............. 28,1 76,660 158,860 152,040 6,320 600 2,5 8,20 75,8 88,560 229,440 8,180 2,680 ,160 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 90,90 832,620 56,940 54,580 2,360 360 98C 110,800 30, 9 67,460 74,980 8,540 840 1,980 4 years or more...... 82,740 85,800 46,260 44,280 1,980 140 70,680 80,56 89,880 ,440 1,80 800 .600 kot reported ..................... 10,20 4,520 5,460 4,940 520 100 1 8,260 ,84 5,680 8,280 400 120 ' 10 30 to 34 years old...............1,01,40C 198,90 99,660 945,700 88,960 10,520 17,80C 1.214.40 145,0 1.006.540 990.780 35.760 31,160 31.840 No school years completed ......... 21,58 6,740 14,860 13,460 800 800 28( 15,240 8,68 10,80 9,960 820 560 380 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...1..... 112,22c 17,860 91,440 88,480 2,960 1,700 1,220 76,700 6,s 65,540 62,540 8,000 8,020 1o,80 S-and 6 years ........ 158,880 24,700 130,160 125,800 4,860 1,880 1,64C 138,920 9,68( 122,100 119,060 5,040 4,460 38,40 7and 8 years....... 324,42 47,660 269,240 260,880 8,860 2,820 4,0C 809,220 .23,7 269,620 260,00 8,820 8,820 7,040 High chool: 1 to 3 years ......... 247,120 84,560 206,800 199,140 7,160 1,960 4,80 261,940 22,66 225,160 219,220 ,940 6,380 9,740 4 years ............. 167,86C 29,360 134,820 129,860 4,960 920 2,760 222,940 35,?8C 174,580 169,180 5,400 5,20 9,860 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 81,140 12,800 66,260 63,960 2,300 460 1,620 111,700 19,400 87,580 84,940 2,840 1,560 8,160 4 years or more ..... 76,940 16,i220 59,760 . 59,660 2,100 320 640 69,840 22,16C 44,660 45,280 1,880 860 1,560 Not reported ................. 11,740 4,020 ,420 6,960 460 160 140 8,840 1,90 6,520 6,000 520 280 140 35to44yearsold.............. 1,986,180 202,600 1,714,440 19652,980 61,460 8833,660 85,480 1979201 170,88 1,6835,960 1,577,020 58,940 119,80 53.00 No school years completed ......... 51,280 9,640 89,160 87,080 2,080 1,760 20 89,600 6,0 29,180 27,280 1,900 38,460 560 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 21,780 24,420 198,960 192,220 6,9740 5,260 3,140 171,740 10, 144,40 138,9740 5,600 14,180 ,980 S and 6 years . ... 292,200 28,140 25,1o20 244,260 8,860 6,400 4,540 266,940 18,8 230,400 281,780 8,620 17,580 5,420 7 and 8 years........ 592,480 57,300 514,080 496,000 18,080 10,220 10,880 561,120 81,94 481,940 466,120 15,880 83,500 138,40 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 49,400 29,980 808,640 298,780 9,860 4,060 6,720 386,800 279,2 825,940 315,180 10,760 31,100 12,040 4 years ............. 214,440 22,680 184,440 177,540 6,900 2,760 '4,560 283,84 82,86 36 224,60 216,480 8,280 1,880 10,b40 College: 1 to 3 years .... ....... 119,140 11,360 103,620 99,860 4,260 1,480 2,680 160,580 20,580 125,900 121,860 4,040 8,860 5,240 4 years or more ..... 109,940 11,840 95,320 92,300 8,020 1,040 1,740 92,980 25,260 61,00 58,740 2,280 4,140 2,560 Not reported ...... .............. 25,520 7,240 17,100 15,440 1,660 680 500 16,920 8,040 12,480 10,840 1,640 1,00 820 45 to 54 years old ...............1,5,40 111,560 1,888,880 1,289,i440 48,940 60,280 26,180 1,504,900I 111,84 1,1.49,520 1,107,180 42,840 812,840 80,700 No achool years completed 58,84 7,040 46,240 42,680 2,560 4,200 860 44,540 5,4C 80,760 28,880 1,880 7,640 20 Orade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 23?,26 15,920 206,?700 198,940 ?,?760 11,480 8,1o60 175,900 7,4 187,220 181,060 6,160o s8,540 2,660o S and 6 years........ 255,140 17,940 221,560 214,080 7,480 11,600 4,040 249,600 10,56C 197,980 191,140 6,840 36,580 4,480 7 and 8 years....... 460,200 81,500 403,220 390,880 12,840 17,760 7,720 440,240 84,44 848,080 3886,820 11,860 59,80 8,400 Highachool: to3years..... 8.. 01,58 18,060 178,960 172,760 6,200- 6,260 8,300 286,50 15,80 188,220 177,640 5,580 82,220 5,280 4 yearsn ............. 138,94 10,020 122,080 117,600 4,480 4,02Q 2,82 181,110 19,48C 181,800 127,00 4,780 24,90 5,040 College: 1 to 3 yeara ........ . . 88,26C 6,020 ?7?,60 74,620 8,140 2,200 2,280 107;200 18,40 6,240 78,100 8,140 14,820 2,740 S 4.years or more ...... 74,82( 5,200 66,160 68,860 2,300 1,700 1,260 54,960 12,980 84,530 88,900 1,60 6,480 1,040 Not reported..................... 22,8C 4,860 15,700 18,520 2,180 1,060 740 14,760 8,40C 9,700 8,620 1,080 8,820 840 55 to 64 years old .............. ,049,50C 74,000 874,000 842,640 81,860 87,140 14,860 1,027,700 77,94C 658,680 6265,960 25,0 884,180 12,960 No choolryears completed ....... . .54,26 5,460 42,120 89,680 2,440 6,300 380 39,560 3,08 24,080 32,480 1,620 12,080 80o Grade school: 1 to 4years ........ . 188,1 12,000 154,740 149,080 5,660 18,960 2,440 145,920 6,62 96,260 92,140 4,120 41,140 1,900 5 and 6 years....... 195,56 12,400 162,860 157,540 5,920 17,660 2,640 189,720 8,1 125,840 120,940 4,900 6 3,60 8,860 7 and 8 years ....... . 17,70 1,780 266,260 257,680 8,580 25,180 4,480 309,960 80082C 205,300 198,440 6,860 81,260 8,880 High chool: 1 to 3 yeara ......... 102,0 6,9.80 86,940 84,100 2,840 6,860 1,300 127,86019,8 79,080 76,120 8,960 87,880 1,680 4 years............... 80,260 5,340 68,740 66,300 2,540 4,980 1,200 111,720 12,96 66,540 64,100 2,440 30,580 1,640 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4844 3,340 41,220 39,780 1,440 3,080 60,040 8,0 83,900 82,380 1,520 17,020 1,060 4 years or more ...... 45,52 2,90 9,500 8,120 1,380 2,80 720 0,760 7,0 15,560 14,00 60 7,700 460 Not reported ..................... 17,5 3,780 11,620 10,460 1,160 1,740,160 2,2 6,120 5,580 540 8,900 100 MARITAL STATUS 215 Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS QF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MATE _ FEMAI_ AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COPLETID, AND AGE Married Married Total a gl - ldod Total 8ingl Widowed Di- TotalWforedal Husband Husbandvorced present absent d present absent TM 80UTH--Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported ............... .. . 20 and 21 years old.......... ... No school years completed ....... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years.. ... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more... Not reported ................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ...... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years.. 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................... 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old............. . No school years completed ....... Gradeschool: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more.... Not reported .............. .. 35 to 44 years old........... . No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: rto Q years ...... 4 years or more. . Not reported .......... . .... .. 45 to 54 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old ............... No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported.............. .. S"'a ' g. 841 �i�~ �a!!rp"lS a 5E1 Lea 8s 80 T.6401O 6 3 5,5 w 88E 580 055.009 2 55040V, 24t20,9208,120[ ,o05 12,840 210,46011 199,180 11,100H 9-5001 1,6001 60 1 218 243 960o1 175.980 65,90011 60.4001 5.580 5001 1.500 9,660 39,860 54,060 115,720 42,620 50,220 27,400 29,620 5,920 960 8,5820 4,740 9,160 2,700 3,860 1,640 2,000 1,760 7,820C 80,540 42,660 94,700 36,16( 43,040 28,420 25,40( 3,82 6,560 28,680 40,680 90,120 84,680 41,400 22,460 24,580 2,880 760 1,860 1,980 4,580 1,480 1,640 960 820 440 1,260 4,400 5,420 9,500 8,020 2,940 1,740 1,580 600 120 900 1,240 2, 860 740 880 600 640 240 9,860 96,880 59,040 121,780 60,700 72,160 36,640 21,180 4,460 1,000 2,060 3,260 9,980 6,080 9,120 5,120 4,960 1,080 5,00C0 20,40 33,040 69,520 2,520 40,00C 19,820 10,06C0 1,780 4,820 18,820 80,640 65,760 80,880 38,540 18,840 9,520 1,560 680 1,600 2,400 3,760 1,640 1,760 980 540 220 8,640 18,460 21,640 40,280 21,000 21,460 10,940 5,800 1,560 220 940 1,100 2,000 1,100 1,280 760 360 40 1,640 1,600 40 .20 20 - - 1,600 1,160 420 400 20 - 20 6,780 6,080 700 540 160 6,360 8,730 2,540 2,260 280 40 60 18,960 12,800 1,140 880 260 - C 13,160 7,120 5,840 5,320 520 60 140 80,540 28,000 2,520 2,220 800 - 20 81,920 17,560 13,920 12,620 1,300 120 300 76,280 72,140 4,000 8,580 420 40 100 78,840 47,780 25,840 22,960 2,80 160 560 56,820 54,060 2,200 1,940 260 20 40 88,020 72,800 15,280 14,420 860 120 820 28,500 28,140 860 260 100 - 27,680 25,340 2,380 2,180 200 - 60 860 860 - - - - - 580 520 60 60 - - - 1,080 �940 140 60 80 - - 800 560. 200 180 20 - 40 204,420 160,280 48,260 89,460 8,800 180 700 238,640 127,660 111,460 108,580 7,880 1,240 3,280 1,780 1,440 340 800 40 - 1,700 880 780 660 120 20- 20 6,460 4,780 1,620 1,360 260 60 " 5,400 2,220 2,860 2,680 180 140 180 12,340 8,520 8,640 8,200 440 20 60 12,560 4,060 8,180 7,320 860 120 200 29,560 20,420 8,940 8,420 520 20 180 84,060 11,560 21,580 19,720 1,860 800 620 58,120 897,800 14,480 138, 40 1,240 20 820 57,880 21,000 35,840 82,680 2,660 840 1,200 61,260 50,080 11,040 10,280 760 40 100 91,560 56,280 54,200 88,280 1,920 240 840 85,140 82, 80 2,720 2,240 480 20 20 3388,160 26,040 6,860 6,6;0 240 80 180 4,820 8,920 880 320 60 - 20 6,060 5,000 1,060 1,040 20 - - 1,540 1,440 100 100 - - - 1,260 620 600 580 20 40 813,480 178,8801 186,640 127,920 8.720 780 2680 856360 123,620 221,760 09,180 12,580 8,100 7,880 2,240 1,220 1,020 920 100 - - 2,340 960 1,240 1,100 140 80 60 10,880 5,200 5,000 &4,620 880 60 120 8,940 2,040 6,400 5,920 480 280 220 19,180 9,040 9,900 9,220 680 80 160 18,880 4,260 18,640 12,280 1, 60 460 520 49,620 22,200 26,500 24,420 2,080 240 680 50,580 11,920 36,760 84,000 2,760 520 1,880 74,620 85,080 88,500 36,420 2,080 120 920 82,720 18,940 60,480 56,760 8,720 760 2,540 89,260 50,420 88,140 85,980 2,160 140 560 138,200 52,960 76,940 78,860 8,080 740 2,560 40,220 28,040 11,960 .1,200 760 80 140 86,840 17,540 18,200 17,480 720 160 440 25,360 20,400 4,820 4,420 400 40 100 21,920 14,380 7,820 7,020 800 80 140 2,600 1,780 800 720 80 20 - 1,440 620 780 760 20 20 20 .588.220 161.980 861.560 842.560 19,000 1,.9001 7.80 18608 127,640 469,760 408,560 21,300 7,740 18,920 4,360 1,860 2,880 2,140 240 100 20 8,620 1,060 2,380 2,120 60 100 80 19,460 ,260 13,780 12,760 1,020 160 260 16,420 2,580 12,960 12,020 940 880 500 37,660 9,420 27,820 25,160 2,160 240 680 . 87,180 4,640 29,940 27,660 2,280 1,160 1,440 99,180 25,000 72,000 67,920 4,080 520 1,660 99,440 14,060 79,440 74,780 4,660 2,060 8,880 122,860 80,900 89,480 85,100 4,380 400 2,080 135,120 18,540 109,240 108,540 5,700 1,860 5,480 188,340 42,040 89,100 85,120 3,980 800 1,900 '188,560 68,860 l27,660 182,560 5,100 1,580 5,460 55,240 19,800 84,580 82,980 1,600 100 760 61,740 17,640 42,180 40,960 1,220 400 1,520 56,980 25,660 80,880 29,620 1,60 80 360 48,380 18,680 24,080 28,220 860 180 440 4,140 2,040 2,040 1,760 280 - 60 8,800 1,280 1,880 1,700 180 20 120 487,900 82,060 891.860 873,420 17,940 8.940 10,540 525,840 78,340 409,220 388,800 20,420 15,800 21,980 4,120 1,800 . 2,680 2,460 220 40 100 4,220 1,020 2,840 2,860 480 240 120 22,080 3,800 17,880 16,320. 1,060 520 280 18,860 1,820 15,160 13,600 1,560 1,080 800 40,860 6,720 82,280o 0,440 1,840 600 760 89,260 8,140 88,080 30,6604 2,420 1,680 1,360 106,100 16,680 85,940 81,740 4,200 760 2,720 108,380 9,920 84,660 79,960 4,700 4,160 4,640 108,340 15,080 89,720 85,560 4,160 820 2,720 117,840 11,920 96,920 92,100 4,820 8,260 5,740 100,020 16,880 81,000 77,620 8,880 660 2,040 135,500 24,820 101,820 98,040 3,780 3,660 5,700 50,000 8,180 40,820 88,820 1,500 260 1,240 60,520 11,420 45,660 44,120 1,540 1,040 2,400 51,660 12,120 88,800 87,460 1,840 200 540 42,800 18,820 26,880 26,000 820 540 1,120 5,220 1,860 8,240 3,000 240 .80 40 8,460 960 2,60 1,960 800 140 100 808180 87,940 686,160 652,720 3388,440 12,620 21,460 845,180 98,560 651,820 617,540 83,780 68,460 87,840 11,820 2, 20 8,360 7,640 720 420 220 11,820 1,840 8,020 7,080 940 1,180 280 50,480 5,940 41,920 89,380 2,540 1,820 1,800 48,800 2,860 34,280 81,700 2,580 5,000 1,660 88,500 9,640 69,880 65,240 4,140 2,120 2,360 77,240 4,680 62,000 57,880 .4,120 7,220 8,840 214,820 23,080 182,220 172,580 9,640 8,340 6,180 199,480 14,200 159,900 150,960 8,940 16,220 9,160 157,020 14,020 136,740 180,960 " 5,780 1,920 4,840 175,980 15,180 140,120 188,800 6,820 11,980 8,700 184,100 14,020 114,740 110,060 4,680 1,840 8,500 181,400 24,000 187,160- 10,920 6,240 11,660 8,580 74,400 7,040 64,580 61,380 8,200 840 1,940 90,800 12,500 68,520 66,020 2,500 5,740 4,040 72,720 8,440 62,320 60,180 2,140 600 1,360 58,840 16,760 86,840 85,500 1,840 2,920 1,820 9,820 8,440 5,900 5,800 600 220 260 6,820 1,540 4,480 8,680 _ 800 540 60 592.980 46.640 508,620 488,700 e.920 2 .700 15.020 681,600 68,420 487080 418,980 28,100 109,960 21,140 12,520 1,600 9,800 9,040 760 820 800 11,840 i,480 7,220 6,460 760 e,820 880 50,700 4,800 42,820 89,900 2,420 2,920 1,160 44,740 2,180 80,920 28,320 2,600 10,220 1,480 78,720 6;400 61,840 58,700 83140 8,440 2,040 76,220 8,980 54,260 51,120 8,140 15,160 2,820 168,600 18,360 148,460 136,460 7,000 7,160 4,620 164,720 11,640 118,540 112,800 6,240 29,180 5,360 87,320 5,500 77,020 78,3 40 8,680 2,880 1,920 110,820 9,460 78,520 75,180 8,840 18,520 8,820 89,240 " 6,040 78,600 75,400 8,200 8,600 2,000 118,820 15,140 81,860 77,860 83,500 18,220 4,100 52,220 3,680 45,580 48,420 2,160 1,220 1,740 63,540 8,840 42,360 40,400 1,960 10,220 2,120 50,200 38,00 44,560 42,920 1,640 1,240 900 5,700 9,780 20,480 19,480 1,000 ' 4,620 820 8,460 2,260 5,440 4,520 920 420 840 5;700 980 3,420 2,860 560 1,000 300 374.580 11 9.840 806,560 292,040 14,520 80.460 7.720 422,700 42,660 282,460 218,880 13,580 189,780 7,800 brl *A.A ^ ^^ l non ^^^ "^^l o ^ it " ^ SIA W^^ %M MA EDUCATION Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS.OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TI 64 YEARS OLD. BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AID SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940--Continueu (Statistibs based on a 5percent easmple) MAla F AIB AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Total Single Widowed Total Single Widowed D Total Wireod eTotal Hus sb usband woroe .T_ present absent present absent THE SOUTH-Continued Rral-nonfara Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old ............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ............ ollege: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................... 20 and 21 years old ... ........ No school ears completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... .... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 22 to 24 years old .............. No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .. .. 4 years or more .... Not reported .................... 25 to 29 years old.............. No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College:. 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported................ . 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 yeas ...... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ......., 4 years or more .... Not reported ................. . 35 to 44 years old .......... . . No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years,.... 7 and 8years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .......... College : 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported................. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed .... Grade school: .1to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years. Nigh school: 1 to3years ..,.... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 yeprs ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. 55 to 64 years old............. No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 yearsor more.... Not reported................. ,ahs all as an n& eaIl IM sen �iaL,�yi4 , �12zL1l'qI L 12�L ' a 7 4,o ! LL~"4 .1J.? 0%'21 1, WW 1 .�,aL V 1 d.iL . . ou ..l . 16 An2011 153 n60 in 2n anl20 1 ,460 nnol 166a pnll 10n - as 5o 94011 55 C601n 5 70 ....ZJZ 1 44 iv -- I '' 1 t 4w 1 w1 - j 41&t,. +..v v vs*.E.. -i 4 "- - s w 4 2,400 13,100 19,600 33,540 52,300 31,740 9,680 280 1,180 14R 420 2,280 11,940 17,760 30,300 49, 560 30,640 9,460 280 1,140 112 100 80 1,160 1,800 , 220 2,700 1,080 220 20 35 800 60 960 1,580 2,700 2,480 880 140 20 ec9 i 20 200 220 520 220 200 80 2 280 40 20 20 200 40 20 .40 320 1,480 9,020 17,740 2,900 51,240 40,480 12,280 360 780 157 6l40 1,040 4,560 7,960 16,600 81,780 81,160 11,160 880 480 68 980 440 4,580 9,460 15,940 19,000 9,200 1,060 40 280( 91 800 4280 8,980 8,660 15,040 18,08(0 8,620 920 40 800 8 _80C 340 800 900 980 580 140 80 4.000 80 160 140 140 80 aw 920 60 160 880 320 100 40 1.60 " 1,560 1,200 360 340 20 - - 820 420 400 880 20 12,460 8,580 3,820 8,540 280 20 40 8,880 2,740 5,940 5,680 60 60 140 18,860 12,520 6,300 5,880 420 40 - 16,360 "4,540 11,460 10,780 680 160 200 31,280 21,920 9,220 8,680 540 40 100 33,060 9,440 '23,180 22,260 920 200 240 36,320 27,160 9,000 8,380 620 80 80 88,900 10, 27,720 26,480 1,240 200 380 31,900 26,020 5,820 5,480 840 - 60 42,340 22,960 18,960 18,360 600 140 280 " 13,200 12,300 860 820 40 - 40 13,040 9,860 3,140 2,960 180 20 20 1,740 1,540 200 200 - - - , 3,320 2,760 560 480 80 - - " 1,100 860 220 200 20 20 - 920 460 440 420 20 80 - 213,360 106,300 105,140 98,860 6,280 640 1,280 226,580 57,200 164,780 158,540 6,240 1,520 3,080 2,420 1,400 1,000 900 100 20 - 1,540 540 900 840 60 40 60 17,680 7,700 9,660 9,100 560 180 140 12,260 2,620 9,840 8,940 400 120 180 24,920 10,300 14,460 13,840 620 4b 10 23,840 3,740 19,580 18,680 900 200 320 48,960 21,360 " 27,280 25,720 1,560 100 820 49,140 8,280 39,540 88,360 1,180 600 720 . 49,340 22,560 26,160 24,460 1,700 160 460 52,960 7,980 .43,980 42,620� 1,360 820 680 44,720 25,560 18,820 17,720 1,100 60 280 55,840 17,260 87,660 36,220 1,440 140 780 14,040 9,140 4,780 4,540 240 60 60 16,460 7,060 9,080 8,600 480 60 260 9,720 7,380 2,320 2,020 300 20 - 13,220 9,360 8,780 3,480 300 40 40 1,560 -900 660 560 100 - - 1,320 360 920 800 120 - 40 863,280 90 680 267,800 2561920 10 880 1,740 8,060 876,280 49,300 316,640 805,80 10,80 5,140 5,200 6,400 2,640 3,540 3,260 280 120 100 4,580 1,100 38,60 83,180 180 80 40 31,780 7,560 23,720 22,560 -1,160 00 200 24,300 2,420 20,860 19,920 940 660 860 49,820 11,800 37,880 36,320 1,560 160 480 42,880 8,240 88,180 36,520 1,660 980 480 91,040 19,260 70,560 67,900 2,660 , 440 780' 87,780 7,400 77,680 75,220 2,460 1,260 1,440 77,160 17,160 58,960 56,680 2,280 320 720 84,720 6,800 95,220 72,960 2,260 1,260 1,440 59,620 16,940 42,300 40,600 1,700 180 400 80,520 138,9700 65,100 63,180 1,920 540 1,180 23,700 7,260 16,100 15,560 540 140 200 29,280 6,100 -22,740 22,120 680 300 140' 20,760 7,420 13,180 12,580 600 40 120 19,880 7,920 11,780 11,120 660 60 120 3,000 1,340 1,560 1,460 100 40 60 2,400 620 1,720 1,600 120 60 - 342,200 45,340 290,180 279,380 10 800 2 880 s, 00 829,020 20,500 284,200 274,500 9,700 8,480 5,840 S ,820 2,000 4,600 4,340 260 140 80 4,800 1,120 3,420 8,800 220 140 120 34,600 4,360 29,420 28,420 1,000 540 280 24,060 1,700 20,940 20,120 830 " 1,080 840 49,000 5,800 42,220 40,480 1,740 520 460 40,720 2,240 36,000 34,440 1,560 1,520 960 97,320 11,720 83,640 80,520 3,120 800 1,160 84,840 4,700 76,500 73,820 2,680 2,460 1,180 68,400 8,100 58,920 56,800 2,120 560 820 70,460 . 4,460 62,980 61,080 1,900 1,70 1,300 41, 00 6,720 33,900 32,720 1,180 140 540 52,220 6,140 44,060 42,900 1,160 940 1,080 20,420 2,660 17,380 16,820 560 100 280 30,540 4,100 25,620 24,800 820 830 500 20,860 2,700C 18,000 17,360 640 60 100 18,960 5,560 12,860 12,420 440 220 820 3,480 1,280 2,100 1,920 180 20 80 2,420 480 1,820 1,20 100 80 - 40 533,780 45480 471,32880 45840 18,480 9,200 7,780 487,980 33,160 415,020 398,860 16,160 29,640 10,160 .14,420 2,660 11,040 10,240 800 480 240 11,440 2,100 8,000 7,860 640 1,180 160 66,840 6,100 58,160 55,640 2,520 1,800 780 46,600 2,540 39,020 37,180 1,840 4,400 640 81,280 6,440 72,160 69,220 2,940 1,620 1,060 67,780 2,880 58,620 55,980 2,640 4,980 1,300 157,820 12,480 139,780 134,220 5,560 2,880 2,680 133,860 5,620 117,860 113,160 4,200 8,100 2,780 94,400 6,820 85,080 82,320 2,760 1,040 1,460 97,080 5,4280 84,280 81,040 8,240 4,940 2,440 52,280 4,240 46,860 45,200 1,660 520 660 62,980 4,680 54,120 52,600 1,530 2,760 1,480 29,520 2,400 26,840 25,640 700 360 420 40,140 4,060 883,300 32,260 1,040 2,060 720 . 29,540 2,200 26,700 26,020 680 340 800 23,480 5,060 16,940 16,360 580 840 640 7,680 2,140 5,200 4,8340 860 160 180 k 4,620 800 8,880 2,920 460 380 60 365 160 25.040 819,260 '05,600 13660 14,660 6,200 340.420 21,180 261,320 e. 29,200 12,120 51,420 6,500 15,820 58,920 61,120 105,900 48,440 29,640 21,080 17,700 6,540 13,940 43,200 4l,osoc 41,060 68,180 22,920 16,700 11,260 11,620 4,800 2,060( 3,360 4,160 6,160 3,100 2,260 1,02C 1,120 1,80( 15 a46 12,260 51,480 52,900 94,080 43,820 25,940 19,180 16,020 4,080 man1 man 11,140 48,780 0,700 90,980 41,880 25,020 18,480 15,540 3,080 insi can 1,120 2,700 2,200 8,100 1,440 920 700 480 1,000 a R80 1,240 8,060 8,000 4,080 1,240 860 520 820 840 2 ar14 260 1,020 1,060 1,5800 780 580 360 240 320 3 .4 12,520 44,620 55,620 96,940 53,500 86, 320 24,420 1- s,000 3,480 235 340 Gaga 2 i ..~ i. a1V 41 i=! .V J .I ..J-R0l QV4lk~m 1 QOQ'W j!!:!! 1,700 2,620 1,900 4,020 1,740 1,180 840 500 960 10,540 35,100 34,780 57,760 19,260 14,160 9,560 10,480 2,70{ 9,720 83,400 33,380 55,880 18,560 13,500 9,180 10,060 2,280 829 1,700 1,400 1,880 700 660 880 420 420 1,680 4,780 3,860o 5,280 1,580 1,180 660 600 520 20 700 520 1,120 8340 180 200 40 120 10,780 35,840 43,640 69,460 20,380 22,780 13,760 5,920 2,780 1,560 1,820 2,100 4,640 8,060 2,580 2,560 2,140 720 15,160 720 1,560 1,540 8,620 1,840 2,340 1,840 1,28C 42C 8,440 833,440 48 ,060 76,200 41,900 28,740 18,120 9,200 2,220 146,500 6,280 21,840 27,700 44,940. 18,940 14,280 7,960 3,200 1,260 7,760 81,360 41,080 -72,920 40,4280 27C 740 17,800 8,780 1,840 188,900 5,720 20,400 26,320 42,840 18,080 13,700 7,560 3,200 1,080 680 2,080 1,980 3,280 1,480 1,000 8280 420 380 7.600 560 1,440 1,380 2,100 860 580 400 100 180 28,840 8,520 9,640 18,960 7,440 4,800 8,220 1,480 580 70.660 3,880 a,aac 18,680 12,040 18,800 80,080 9,160 5,880 8,720 1,260 1,040 180 840 820 2,140 1,100 " 700 520 180 20 8,020 100 400 600 820 440 280 240 80 60 216 9 - 1 9 1 ,vqwwI UL 1I KQ4 I' s 1 on * 9. A^^ A91 and .. a91l a 1 anl .! ...1 5 .ma rAl 3.. ex, I . . . . .. .. a_ 9an I 160 400 840 900 860 240 100 40 80 2,140 30,66C0 105,58C 100,440 188,80C0 86,54C 13,340 9,78C0 4,28C 7,320 2,800 5,860 5,760 8,600 2,540 800 860 420 1,060 24,260 89,100 85,420 113,800 31,520 11,540 8,240 3,620 5,600 23,400 87,000 83,480 111,68C0 30,860 11,30C 8,14C 3,480 5,30C 860 2,100 1,940 2,120 660 240 100 140 3QC 3,36C 9,78C0 8,380 10,400 2,26C 86C 680 20C 620 240 840 880 1,000 220 140 40 40 18,920 78,200 87,040 118,720 36,780 16,780 9,640 3,660 4,920 1,300 3,000 3,360 6,420 1,900 1,500 1,10( 80( 74( 12,800 54,000 65,100 90,840 27,620 11,960 6,120 2,200 3,080 12,42( 52,920 68,980 89,840 27,160 11,860 5,980 2,080 2,940 880 1,080 1,120 1,000 460 100 140 120 140 4,760 15,640 17,920 20,900 7,120 8,240 2,960 640 1,100 60 560 660 560 140 80 60 20 4,520 29,440 53,020 108,460 65,260 28,700 16,800 4,980 2,440 569.620 4,400 28,820 51,960 107,020 64,040 28,240 15,820 4,869 2,820 560,620 MARITAL STATUS 217 Table 41.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS. URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistice based on a 5-pertent sample) MALE FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Total Single Wfe Wife Widowed D Total Single Widore D1- pree n ae vobeed Husband Husband ord Total Total � prsent absent present absent 8.2or,7, 951,280 2.2. 3 85 I.2o 12oo pos 47o940 78-900 21 6808t007 880 525t380 2292 pov S,344,54V 47 58 o, 4 0,,1, 276,620 260,880 15,480 14,000 1,480 140 120 248,000 165,280 76820 72,900 8,420 760 640 . 4,880 - 4,080 800 280 20 - - 8,100 2,100 960 920 40 20 20 33,820 81,100 2,180 1,980 200 40 - 15,840 8,680 . 6,480 6,220 260 140 40 44,980 41,860 3,580 8,200 880 - 40 28,580 14,640 18,800 18,2401 560 120 20 70o,420 66,100 4,220 8,960 260 60 40 58,260 3,520 .24,100 28,160 940 290 860 80,100 76,200 3,840 8,420 420 40 20 74,580 52,800 22,060 21,040 1,020 120 .100 38,740 . 82,600 1,120 940 180 - 20 49,540 41,180 8,240 7,700 540 60 60 8,120 7,980 140 120 20 - - 12,840 11,940 860 320 40 - 40 . 16( 160 . . . . . 240 220 20 - 20 .. 1,40 1,00 100 loo - - - 1,020 00 8 800 - 20 - 282,78C 185,640 46,480 44,080 2,400 240 420 201,400 94,780 104,860 100,260 4,100 1,200 1,060 4,900 4,040 840 780 60 - 20 2,600 1,480 1,080 1,000 80 40 28,80 21,440 6,760 6,540 220 40 60 18,760 5,380 8,240 8,020 220 60 80 87,30 28,600 8,520 8,000 520 120 80 25,480 8,820 16,800 15,620 680 240 120 62,540 47,260 15,080 14,860 720 80 120 53,620 19,600 88,200 32,040 1,160 460 860 47,960 88,420 9,440 8,980 466 - 100 46,080 18,240 27,220 26,800 920 240 880 86,600 81,860 4,700 4,860 340 - 40 44,400 28,160 16,060 15,800 760 60 120 12,900 12,240 660 600 60 - - 12,680 11,080 1,520 1,800 220 80 - 780 780 - - - - - 1,660 1,500 140 120 20 so 1,480 1,000 480 460 o20 - - 1,120 520 600 560 40 - - 291,88C 165,560 124 440 119.900 4t540 800 11080 257 ,960 75,420 178,220 172,460 5,760 2,160 2,160 . 6,160 8,960 2,400 2,200 200 - - 4,880 1,540 2,680 2,640 40 120 40 38,800 20,820 17,540 17,020 520 280 160 20,100 5,100 14,500 14,180 820 280 220 49,560 25,880 28,820 22,880 940 80 280 85,660 7,160 27,880 27,040 840 320 800 85,88Q( 45,500 39 ,820 37,940 1,380 260 800 74,560 16,880 56,400 54,680 1,740 600 680 57,580 81,460 25,760 24,920 840 140 220 56,020 12,880 42,240 40,940 i ,800 880 520 88,940 26,620 12,160 '11,760 400 40 120 49,800 20,240 28,840 27,800 1,040 860 860 10,580 8,220 . 2,860 2,180 180 - - 11 ,160 7,300 8,760 8,500 260 80 20 8,420 2,960 460 440 20 - - 5,040 8,920 1,120 960 160 - 1,960 1,840 620 560 o60 - - 1,740 400 1,800 1,240 60 20 2 428,920 184,920 288,780 282,840 5,940 2,720 2,500 395,940 62,020 325,580 817,640 7,940 5,120 0,220 , ,~ - I ,---- ~ I I I I T T T Ir T ZT - = 1 ~ _ I __ = _ r _ _ 11 . I I .... . . . 120 680 780 1,800 900 840 490 100 1 8.060 T T -rr T -T I . _ _... . . . . . . . .._ - ,- ,- - I ,- -- -- - - I T I- --- I ~ I ---- 1 - ~I I 1 li T -Tr 1 ~7r 1 . I 1 --- ,... . ' ... ... v v-- - v ---,---I - _- _ . ... .. . .+--- - .. .. _-_ _ .. .. .--- . . - ' Ron ~ f1 A9 Ro . .. ... . . . ,. THE SOUTB--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old ........... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................. .. 20 and 21 years old.......... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.... Not reported .................. l2 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: .1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ..... ........... . 25 t0 29 years old.......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported .................. 30 to 34 years old ............ No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years . ... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............�....... S35 to 44 years old ........ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... :. 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .. .....'.. College: . 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more... Not reported ............ 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 yearor more... Not reported .................. 55 to 64 years old ............ No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. .. 5 and 6 years..... 7 and 8 years. .... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .... . .... . College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more.. Not reported ... I con n~ ' can I vanni 9, An 4 nnA nom A aa e AA" 1681 000A r $ n 7,120 82,560 57, 820 121,900 88,580 59,200 19,280 7,420 2,560 $60,880 4,680 26,140 48,280 102,580 75,840 48,700 11,840 8,100 1,980 07,.480 10,500 56 178 78,74 185,020 82,680 45,180 11,960 5,000 8,060 371.00 4,540 19,54C 21,46C 89,62C 24,46C 17,88C 5,56C 2,72 1,140 66.520 5,760 88,280 56,240 93,980 57,240 26,960 6,260 2,200 1,860 298.120 5,640 37,480 55,080 92,220 56,260 26,820 6,040 2,080 1,720 292.900 120 800 1,160 1,760 980 640 220 120 140 5.220 120 600 460 840 380 120 120 20 60 3,700 80 360 580 580 600 220 20 60 2.960 2,100 4,840 6,840 14,700 9,840 13,820 6,480 8,960 440 36,860 4,86C 26,86( 49,64( 104,76( 76,68( 44,80( 12,54( 8,86( 2,08( 813,.12( 180 720 1,860 2,180 1,840 1,100 700 260 100 5,640 100 620 900 1,440 1,260 560 140 60 40 6,880 60 240 440 1,000 800 520 120 40 8,520 100 560 420 820 760 180 100 20 6,240 6,220 38,780 58,940 121,000 78,640 35,220 20,640 7,980 2,960 646,160 1,480 3,800 4,240 9,120 6,280 5,320 3,880 2,780 46C 43,.66C 120 620 1,060 1,440 1,220 460 480 120 120 9.000 180 860 1,260 2,200 1;400 620 200 100 60 27,680 40 180 420 1,220 700 580 260 120 5.200 10,640 55,540 69,020 121,00 70,880 26,540 10,720 4,420 8,040 644.220 8,440 9,700 12,180 19,260 11,880 6,32 1,96C 1,400 88( 69.18( 6,980 44,640 55,660 99,660 57,660 19,920 8,560 2,960 2,080 556.960 6,660 48,740 54,880 98,120 56,780 19,520 8,320 2,840 2,040 547.420 320 900 780 1,540 880 400 240 120 40 9.540 120 640 760 1,260 580 120 100 60 6(0 11,.840 260 1,060 1,120 2,020 920 400 820 80 60 4.960 16,840 81,840 121,720 227,780 113,240 38,960 29,640 11,160 5,480 5382.880 2,46C 4,840 5,78 12,12C 6,62C 8,680 4,02 8,44 70C 27.24 18,160 71,040 109,780 204,680 101,540 88,480 24,080 7,240 4,620 451120 12,840 69,86C 107,920 / 202,000 100,84C 82,960 238,580 6,880 4,240 444,000 820 1,180 1,860 2,680 1,200 520 500 860 880 7.120 1,100 4,780 5,880 9,180 4,180 1,460 1,060 880 160 51.460 25,540 114,460 127,42C 219,840 97,980 28,060 15,220 7,68C 8,020 578.,260 4,660 12,880 12,060 21,740 9,140 4,420 1,920 1,200 1,660 89 .880 19,760 98,880 111,580 192,080 86,820 22,840 12,700 6,800 6,000 510.500 19,200 97,200 109,800 189,200 85,500 22,280 12,840 6,100 5,800 500.140 560 1,680 1,780 2,880 1,320 560 360 200 200 10.860 860 2,140 2,660 4,000 1,10C 400 280 100 00 22.920 s00 980 940 1,520 600 240 180 120 80 3.400 20,180 86,540 117,760 178,580 72,700 26,040 19,240 6,260 5,580 369.660 2,44 8,480 4,48 8,160 8,280 1,70 2,00( 1,00( 700 20 .12 15,100 72,860 100,660 . 158,840 62,800 21,700 15,760 4,840 4,060 278.720 14,66( 71,880 98,940 151,600 62,04C0 21,420 15,400 4,64 3,920 269,18 0,00( 127,64C0 120,80C 185,70C 6,82C 2 ,06C 14,960 6,420 77,860 441.740 3,880 8,260 7,880 11,980 4,460 1,720 1,820 580 80O 28. ?00 24,180 112,900 106,820 165,680 58,620 17,540 18,000 5,580 6,180 37 .100 28,500 110,260 104,680 162,94(0 57,540 17,180 12,720 5,400 5,920 864.640 680 2,640 2,140 2,740 1,080 860 280 180 260 8. 460 2,140 5,50C 5,160 S6,5C 2,14C 56C 46C 14C 80C54 86 .540 440 1,480 1,720 1,740 760 280 860 200 140 4,540 2,480 9,800 11,780 16,180 6,260 2,400 1,880 880 800 73,.680 .18 EDUCATION Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO'64 YEARS OLDYYEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, rR UAs* , untwAh rulWRAL. 1940-Continued (Statistiocs basede ona 5-pe ent sipsLe MAl & +I AREA, ZEARS8 S SCHOOL COMPE, AND AGE Married Parried Total Siale -Widoed Di- Total 81881* LWidoed Tolal ife Wife Tota Hued sbn Tool16 prlsent absent pesent boent Total Total, 18 to 64 years old......: 8,88,6820 1,169,100 ,514,040 2,381,100 182,940 81,920 118560 8,716,900 677,900 8,640, 80 L, , ,60 ,960 8,180 144,080 18 and 19 years old....... ....... 28,326 226,140 6,960 5,620 1,840 40 120 281,960 172,10 58,500 58,940 4,560 840 1,100 No school years completed .... 740 700 40 40 - - 80 620 10 140 40 - so0 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... ,620 2,580 40 40 - - - 2,900 1,920 80 660 120 - S and 6 years....... 4,920 4,540 860 80 0 - so 4,900 ,620 2,060 1,880 180 - 0 7 and 8 years........ 28,840 26,780 1,520 1,860 160 .40 21,580 11,80 10,000 9,800 700 40 330 Higt school: 1 to 3 years........ 91,860 88,580 2,720 2,200 520 20 40 7,800 .50,480 26,080 a8,940 2,140 140 600 4 years .............. 81,420 79,500 1,920 1,480 440 - - 96,860 78,98Q 17,680 16,400 1e,280 40o 0 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 22,240 21,840 860 180 180 20 20 27,020 25,540 1,460 1,860 100 -, a 4 years or more..... - - - 60 220 20 801 - 0 - Not reported ............. ....... 460 ,460 - - - - - 720 480 240 40 - - - 20 and 21 years old.... . ....... 220,200 187.880 82.120 28.860 8.2 60l 4 660 218.980 112,660 108,260 96,760I 6500 46 3,600 No school years completed . ..... 640 620 20 20 - - - 580 860 220 220 - - - Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 2140 1,740 400 880 20 - - 1,960 560 1,400 1,820 80 5 and� years..... 4,500 8,600 860 820 40 20 20 4,100 1,460 2,600 ,400 200 - 40 7 and 8 years ...... . 81,040 24,800 -.160 5,580 580 - 80 38,480 8,080 14,90 '18,700 1,220 130 860 High school: 1 to 3 ears ........ 52,680 41,00 11,100 10,100 1,000 20 60 49,880 18,520 82,680 0,860 2,420 160 1,020. 4 years ............ 88,580 71,800 10,58149,0 1,10 - 00 96,620 52,790 428000 40,800 2,020 100 980 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 42,480 89,860 2,540 2,140 400 80 40,800 834 780 7,80 400 40 180 4 years or more...... 2,00 2,480 220 00 0 - - 8,500 2,940 540 480 60 - 30 Not reported ......... ............ 1,446 1,180 240 180 60 - 20 1,060 620 400 800 100 40 - 22 to 24yearsold ...........00 08,800 128,160 114.640 8.520 500 2,740 88,2800 101900 216 80 05,88o0 11,00 oo l280 6,940 No school years completed ........ 980 640 820 800 20 - 20 880 420 4400 40 30 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 8,500 2,040 1,380 1,260 220 . 20 60 8,10 820 8,20 2,000 220 20 60 S and 6 years ........ 7,160 4,120 2,960 2,9740 220 - 80 6,040 1,220 4,580 4,860 20 100 140 7 and 8 years...... 51,200 80,280 20,860 18,840 1,520 180 880 89,280 7,920 3,88O , 280 1,800 360 780 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 76,740 41,200 24,520 82,240 2,280 80 940 68,500 10,680 . 55,280 52,060 8,160 88 8,280 4 years .......... 122,680 76,800 45,880 42,600 2,780 160 840 142,440 44,500 94,780 90,280 4,500 460 2,900 College: 1 to 3 years.......... 49960 86,480 18,100 12,060 1,040 60 320 4,580 2,660 228,100 21,140 960 80 40 4years or more..... 20,240 15,680 4,460 4,120 860 - 100 19,660 18,830 6,140 5,830 830 30 180 Not reported ...........8........... 2,240 1,560 680 480 200 - - 1,80 860 880 80 100 0 40 25 to 29 years old ............... 552,000 189,440 851,820 88 4,720 16,600 1,980 9,860 581,840 91,840 418,660 401,100 179,560 ,60 16,720 No school years completed ......... 2,120 1,180 880 820 60 - 60 1,740 740 940 820 120 40 80 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 7,400 2,580 4,720 4,520 200 100 - 6,200 1,080 4,830 4,520 800 120 180 5 and 6 years........ 14,940 5,440 9,040 8,480 560 160 800 12,000 1,240 10,180 9,600 500 00 880 7 and 8 years ........ 108,740 8,860 68,860 65,880 2,980. 880 1,640 7,9760 7,560 679,100 68,660 8,440 840 ,360 HIgh school: 1 to 3 years ......... 180,200 86,060 90,940 86,820 4,430 580 2,82Q 128,600 11,060 106,600 101,580 5,00 1,180 4,940 4 years ............ 171,280 59,540 108,660 108,900 4,760 440 2,640 02,560 8656 1570015900 15 80 5,50 1,60 6,580 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 65,840 28,480 40,940 8,940 28,000 180 1,240 68,040 17,140 48,430 46,800 1,630 430 8,060 4 years or more..... 47,160 20,880 26,00 24,840 1,860 60 50 - '800* 15,700 21,0eq0 0,860 70S 120 400 Not reported ................. .. 4,820 2,420 1,780 1,520 260 80 40 . ,640 740 1,70 1,480 240 80 100 30 to 34 years old................ o508.980 100.760 85,601 8679,80 lo120 8 ,020 2014,780 48nriR 51,540 8938,600 878,80 14,830 9, 60 21,98 No school years completed ......... .. 2,460 1,200 1,180 1,080 100 20 60 2,240 740 1,840 1,40 100 180 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,840 2,800 6,860 6,860 500 40 140 7,100 760 5,900 5,5401 860 00 240 5 and 6 years....... .. 18,20 4,00 1,880 12,020 860 180 460 14,280 1,020 12,380 11,840 840 400 480 7 and 8 years........ 126,000 27,900 98,660 88,640 5,020 960 8,480 85,9760 5,80 74,400 7P,880 8,520 2,080 8,900 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 121,960 20,560 96,860 92,840 4,520 700 8,640 117,460 6,940 101,420 979,600 8,820 2,90 6,880 4 years ........... 128,840 24540 94,500 90,620 8,880 660 4,140 148,440 17,860 122,000 118,220 8,980 2,820 6,960 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 52,560 8,980 41,660 89,900 1,760 800 1,680 61,760 8,820 49,80 47,820 1,560 800 2,760 4 years or more,.... 45,620 8,960 25520 84,420 1,100 80 1,060 86,740 9,920 25,060 24,160 900 500 1,260 Not reported ....... ........... 4,120 1,620 8,240 1,980 280 80 180 2,600 600 1,730 1,480 240 120 160 35 to 44 years old.............. .1 858.060 118.780 687,760 658,120 86,40I 12,180 aS4,840 810520 1 64a,0 668,660 624,580. 29,00 88,840 44,800 No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years .. 5 and 6 years 7 and 8 years. Highschool: 1 to 3 years... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more Not reported .............. 45 to 54 years old........ ...... 5,740 1,420 8,900 8,480 420 220 200 5,080 1,100 8,500 8 291 280 860 120 ... 25,940 5,780 18,8401 17,040 1,800 1,000 820 17,120 860 14,580 18,600 980 1,100 580 ...... 47,440 9,180 85,600 88,400 2,200 660 2,000 81,240 1,820 26,280 24,600 1,680 2,060 1,580 .. 289,500 44,420 228,820 215,820 12,500 4,760 12,000 819,680 10,800 187,460 178,860 9,100 10,860 11,060 182,680 "20,800 152,120 144,780 7,840 2,100 7,660 177,680 8,940 149,940 148,620 6,820 8,280 10,620 ... 150,020 18,060 124,640 119,820 5,820 2,020 5,800 202,040 17,766 168,620 159,420 6,200 9,060 11,600 75,800 7,820 68,860 60,600 2,760 700 8,420 95,100 10,000 75,560 72,840 2,720 8,980 5,560 e".... 67,000 7,860 . 56,140 54,180 1,960 580 2,420 56,780 12,940 88,860 87,420 1,440 2,220 2,760 9,440 8,440 5,840 4,500 840 140 " 520 5,800 1,200 8,860 8,500 860 420 820 ...... 704.820 . 80.860 566.80011 586.460 80 840 25.720 81440 665.18011 48120 04,200 476720 27,480 79,720 88,140 No school years completed ......... 8,180 1,780 5,900 5,200 s0 440 260 5,940 580 4,040 8,860 380 1,160 160 Grade school: i to 4 years ........ 86,880 5,520 27,400 25,600 1,800 2,280 1,680 21,740 1,020 16,900 15,760 1,140 8,120 700 5 and 6 years ....... 61,080 8,960 46,280 48,900 8,380 8,120 2,720 89,630 1,500 81,020 . 28,860 3,160 4,980 2,120 7 and 8 years.....7... 6,640 4 ,620 218,980 207,040 11,940 10,840 12,700 829,800 10,840 181,340 171,820 9,520 826,60 11,000 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 109,820 11,160 89,480 85,820 4,160 8,180 5,500 127,280 6,900 97,680 92,740 4,940 15,740 6,960 4 years ............ 100,220 8,880 88,700 80,040 8,660 8,580 4,060 184,160 11,980 99,200 94,180 5,020 16,060 6,930 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 54,820 4000 46,440 48,840 2,600 1,460 2,420 68,620 6,480 46,500 48,840 2,1660 7,880 8,260 4 years or more ...... 49,240 8,4 48,100 41,020 2,080 1,000 1,660 88,560 8,400 24,440 28,140 1,800 8,920 1,800 Not reported ................. .. 8,940 2,460 5,720 4,500 1,220 820 440 4,960 920 8,080 2,720 860 740 280 55 to 64 years old ....... ........ 476.660 57.440 60 O 40 840~ o 0 ,6 30 80 455o40, 85,400 281,740 265,080 16,660 120,900 17,400 No school years completed ........ . 8,840 1, 4,60 4,260 500 1,220 420 5,780 86 0 2, 2,0 400 2,280 220 Grade school: I to 4 year ........ 86,840 5,90 25,180 2,160 2,020 8,980 1,780 22,340 780 14,060 12,980 .1,080 6,640 760 5 and 6 years........ 49,60 7,76 84,840 32,680 2,160 4,640 2,520 84,760 1,220 22,720 21,20 1,500 9,640 1,180 7 and 8 years........ 1938,0 24 145,200 187,160 8,040 15,720 8,180 170,980 8,720 111,280 104,860 6,520 44,640 6,240 High school: 1 to 3 years ........ . 57,40 5, 45,120 42,820 ,800 4,100 2,680 78,900 5,280 45,960 48,280 2,680 19,320 8,840 4 year ............ 59, 4, 49,400 47,20 2,180 8,860 2,080 88,280 7,920 50,0 47,740 3,280 22,260 8,080 College: 1 to 3 years........... 88,06 2, 21,180 6,020 1,160 2,220 1,160 88,480 5,800 21,78C 20,500 1,220 10,020 1,440 4 years mo nre...... 0,56 2,1 25,480 24,000 1,40 1,680 1,240 22,140 5,080 11, 10,400 640 5,000 1,020 Not reported-. ................... 6,80 2,26 8,40 8,020 880 1,020 160 8,680 740 1,920 1,580 840 900 120 MARITAL STATUS Table 41.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLE'T'ED, AGE, AND SEA, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statistios based on a 5-peront s maple) MAZ FEXAI AREA, RARS OF. SCHOOL present -absaa lpresent absent TH r IT-Continued Urban Total, 18 to 64 years old...... 18 and 19 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years. 5 and 6 years . 7 and 8 years.. High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4years.......... College: 1 to 3 years... 4 years or more ..... Not reported.. ................. 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed........ Grade school: i to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years ....... Highschool: to 3 years....... 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................. 22 to 24 years old ............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years. High school: lto 3 years ....... 4 years........... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ....... ........... 25 to 29 years old ............ No school years completed ....... Grade schol: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ..... . 7 and 8 years...... High chool:1 to 3 years ........ 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more... Not reported.................. 30 to 34 years old........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years... 5 and 6 years . 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .. 4 years or-more ..... Not reported ............... 35 to44 years old............ No school years completed........ Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years . ....... . . College: 1 to 3 year....... . 4 years or more ..... Not reported.......... 45 to 54 years old............ No school years completed ........ Grade school: 1 to4 years ........ 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more .... Not reported................... . 55 to 64 years old............ No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years. ...... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1to 3 year. ........ 4 years ........ . .. College: 1 to 3 years. ....... 4 years or more..... Not renm .................. 748370 O-7--47--15 2.22 n26011 651 601Rn 1.4n n0 124.180 160 680 1,8C0 8,64C 47,500 49,54C 15,8C 80 820 121. 36 220 540 - 1,840 10,46C 27,240 49,$32 29,480 2,000 760 193,5o00 1 if ) 1 Irv +lW 1 -r'+I -Vl +l -av 1y ovv auuv-i ' s2.Lw"4 70, LzawoaL r*09 ' l 090400 LII ILL7, s.U 1so0.56 160 68C 1,22( 8,06( 45,920 48,501 15,12( 8C 821 102.960 221 421 1,04( 8,20( 20,80( 42,46( 27,44( 1,78( 60( 119,18( :3540 140 580 1,540 1,040 240 19 880 120 00 2,200 6,260 6,680 1,960 220 140 72,500 .6801 a 60 140 500 1,140 800 100 16. l4 120 28C0 1,928 5,800 6,100 1,620 200 100 66,960 80 400 240 140 1. 90 60 20 80 . I n2 san m e ann on aenll on sanip a 160 920 ],540 8,480 42,060 62,740' 19,140 180 340 IS _-Sno 140 720 1,020 4,680 28,64 52,640 18,320 14C0 260 o, _, 200 520 3,640 13,120 9,940 800 80 80 18 420 11,740 9,180 760 80 80 \A 20 100 360 1,380 760 40 1 I5 rI 20 60 20 20 I-. 1* - i '1- 1 - s'- ....J..L5! -. _ a w 20 880 460 580 840 80 40 5.540 2 160 180 20 80 *u 40 680 1,680 9,880 26,480 68,640 27,780 2,620 640 204,760 20 200 660 3,520 8,780 379,360 2,580 2,180 400 *O ^o= 20 420 1,000 5,980 16,780 25,520 5,060 420 220 126.380 20 340 920 5,900 15,160 24,360 4,"30 38 1820 118,140 80 80 680 1,620 1,160 280 40 100 8.240 100 80 100 20 20 920 20 220 840 660 120 20 5.380 S 00 240 60 60 - - 260 120 140 120 20 740 360 880 300 80 - 1,160 320 780 640 140 20 40 2,860 1,800 1,040 920 120 - 2 2,360 540 1,720 1,600 120 20 80 19,840 10,800 8,700 7,840 860 140 . 20 17,460 3,920 12,940 11,780 1,160 140 460 * 41,400 21,440 19,860 17,880 1,480 40 56C 40,460 7,380 31,040 28,460 2,580 260 1,780 77,460 47,100 29,780 27,860 1,920 80 95,420 33,500 59,320 56,080 3,240 360 2,240 35,500 25,780 9,540 8,840 700 20 16 32,880 16,9740 15,440 14,960 680 80 620 15,040 11,720 3,220 8,020 200 - 1 13,960 9,380 4,440 4,180 260 20 120 1,360 940 420 240 180 - 800 180 560 520 40 20 40 824,800 109,680 207,680 197,220 10,460 860 6 .580 83.40 697160 250,540 238140 12,400 2,940 13,100 840 480 820 800 20 - 560 140 360 320 40 40 20 2,660 1,040 1,600 1,560 40 30 2,040 440 1,520 1,320 200 40 40 5,360 1,900 3,2201 2,960 260 20 2 5,440 660 4,420 3,980 440 120 240 S 45,280 15,500 28,680 27,220 1,460 10 38,020 4,600 31,240 28,960 2,280 480 1,700 . 74,160 19,060 52,940 49,980 2,960 320 .1,8 74,460 8,140 62,200 58,600 3,600 640 3,480 S 111,120 87,720 71,140 67,960 3,180 200 2,0 138,180 29,000 102,420 98,260 4,160 1,220 5,540 49,520 ,6,860 29,600 28,160 1,440 100 960 46,180 12,340 31,900 .30,800 1,100 260 1,680 85,880 15,720 19,160 18,220 940 40 27,340 11,460 15,520 15,060 460 60" 8300 2,480 1,400 1,020 860 160 40 20 1,520 380 960 840 120 80 100 S 00 760 57, 680 280,560 219,440 11,120 1,660 10,860 299,940 38,660 236,740 225,800 10,940 6,400 18,140 1,040 3,500 7,900( 58,720 72,900 82,860 37,240( 34,180 2,420 50o7. 00 460 840 2,000 12,820 12,220 15,800 6,480 6,960 1,100 66.7 900 520 2,580 5,500 48,840 57,560 63,940 29,180 26,280 1,160 ,no n be 460 2,860 5,080 40,880 54,828 61,440 27,860 25,580 960 s88e20 60 220 420 2,960 2,740 2,500 1,320 700 200 21 S 0 60 400 420 460 240 60 20 $C r 60 8o 340 2,160 2,700 8,160 1,340 880 140 'na nn 1,040 3,000 6,520 44,160 73,000 104,360 40,060 26,2w0 1,580 o ag aPZn 240 380 400 3,460 5,420 14,260 .6,540 7,620 340 4S 9n 700 2,380 5,560 36,620 60,400 82,360 30,620 17,080 1,020 680 2,100 5,200 34,240 57,500 79,320 29,500 16,460 860 8. an80 280 2880 360 2,980 2,900 3,040 1,120 680 160 8o.8n 80 80 220 1,180 1,880 1,780 660 460 60 20 160 340 2,900 5,300 5,960 2,240' 1,060 160 39 aMO Lr.. v vL r It r l� vr~v v LZvr ll =L f O 7F o' w --,.--.I1- r . L'4m , f _ 2,240 10,120 21,58C 147,06C 112,12C 105,68: 52,86C 50,540 5,10C 409 580 , , ---. . 840:I ,, 3: 6.0w: l 6t0 w ult w, w I w. ' II 60U ON JS,,I ,O. L r-V v... . . . . . . 1. . . . .. .. 8,50C 15,82C 29,540 145,82C 66,840 71,60C 86,0C90 87,080 4,860 270.780 540 2,100 4,480 22,000 12,520 -11,760 5,540 5,840 1,920 4411 060 840 -2,500 4,160 17,240 6,760 5,960 2,440 2,480 1,480 30. 40 1,480 7,180 15,400 115,000 92,920 88,800 44,060 '42,860 2,920 J9fl R/ 2,860 11,020 21,920 114,620 58,720 60,860 80,760 88,700 8,000 206.480 1,260 6,480 14,10C 109,960 88,300 84, 80 42,080 41,160 2,360 ^ A wi 8,020 10,280 20,940 107,800 51,160 58,100C 29,020 81,8820 2,320 195 .OC 220 700 1,800 7,240 4,620 3,580 1,980 1,200 560 340 800 1,240 6,820 2,560 2,260 1,940 1,880 680 10.980 120 8,380 1,2001 1,380 600 460 100 460 1,400 7,680 5,480 4,240 2,660 1.880 80 180 160 980 1,660 7,700 3,960 2,9680 1,660 1,88220 280 12.620 140 760 1,740 5,960 1,900 2,320 960 680 100 21.340 2,260 8,020 16,040 122,620 114,800 144,280 64,060 41,280 3,560 2,480 10,780 20,980 131,660 84,660 101,580 43,920 $8,520 8,080 299.280 380 500 740 7,180 7,080 15,060 8,140 9,840 920 .8 00 0oo 660 980 7,720 5,860 10,560 5,280 6,880 560 28.660 1,600 6,580 12,760 99,480 92,100 111,620 48,220 87,880 2,140 ,os o 1,640 7,820 15,460 96,980 61,520 71,280 29,560 16,900 1,820 167,820 1,480 6,080 11,600 98,280 87,580 106,62(0 46,200 86,260 1,900 1,460 7,220 14,100 90,840 58,100 67,500 27,640 15,880 1,640 155.980 t Wit - '.It-,- ---t -. t - -- t W1H , * - , ,, , nu 84 ,2 ,4010 380 30 ,2 0 8,100 15,200 24,74C0 102,62 84,700 42,940 21,880 22,86C0 8,240 840 2,640 8,880 12,760 "8,080 8,040 1,640 1,360 1,100 1,620 10,300 17,320 76,220 27,160 35,620 17,360 19,340 1,540 .1,44C 9,300 16,c80 71,92 85,760 34,4C0 16,64C0 18,460 1,36C0 10 1,000 1,040 4,200 1,400 1,280 720 880 180 460 1,320 8,180 8,800 2,620 2,780 1,460 1,220 500 180 940 1,360 4,840 1,840 1,500 920 940 100 2,800 11,740 30,000 104,640 50,100 63,540 27,000 17,400 2,060 100 540 860 6,580 4,140 7,060 4,320 4,560 500 1,220 6,960 11,580 61,740 28,160 35,740 13,720 7,800 900 1,020 6,80 18,500 57,240 26,160 33,840 12,880 7,300 760 180 560 1,160 6,140 4,520 5,000 2,020 1,060 240 18n 60 180 600 1,860 6,140 3,420 ,9780 1,920 1,020 180 11.840 200 680 1,080 4,500 2,000 6,900 840 500 140 200 680 1,360 7,360 6,140 7,'380 3,140 1,720 260 A Sim 560 1,760 3,000 18,220 11,940 13,580 6,060 8,220 520 88. 00 1,280 3,780 6,540 31,20 15,060 18,160 7,800 4,200 560 80 260o 1,180 8,660 8,880 10,220 4,560 2,400 240 a . 80 540 1,540 8,740 5,840 6,160 2,820 1,520 180 14.100 800 460 1,020 5,000 2,740 2,580 1,160 840 100 219 20 r 140 400 140 20 . - a a-WI . yu . w w1 4V1' RN .0 . 1 .V 1 ---- /11 ---J- --- - "awl 1A' -- + ww. ,WW iV ,F/W! 1I --- LW &A- li T -r r ;. ," _ 9 OL.9 od as '4 r I ,8 - MA It n AM I In, Whl I PM M III i asn 1M I o cn .I ri . 11 - . 220 EDUCATION Table 41.- Im RrAe TATUS THE ATmIVE WHIe POPULATION 18 TO 4 YEA~RS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETEA, ME, MAD SH, Iat ltIOM. URIC A AMd) uRA,: 1wU-O-Cont1nued (Statistics based on a 5-percent uample) M IX . FMLIU AIB, T3M OF SC la OMEA.WD, AD A83 Married Marrted Total e Singlee Wf dowd - Total Binle Widowed Total Wife Wife d Total usband Husband voroed present abeeat o present absent TI Wm--Contimed "aral-nontra Total, 18t 64 yeam old....... 9986 M060 W9 6,00 617.940 39,040 8 P 86,940 10440 678,900 650.,l 88,100 ,8 a4770 0,60 18rand 19 years old.............. 60,60 568,280 2,860 2, 40 - .6Ss 8 0 19,900 18, 500 1,400 100 240 No ~ yoolyears comnpleted ......... 280 0 8 - - 460 840 10 100 0 - - Grade scol: 1 to 4 year ........ . 940 - - - 1,000 680 8320 00 0 - - 5 and yer........ .1,7 1,580 10 1 40 1,8 880 720 6 80so - 7 and 8 yers..... 10,1 9,440 68o 40 6,860 3,160 8,640 ,440 800 80 40 gigh chool: 1to3yeas......... 2... 5, 24,240 840 0 60 - 21,320 121 00 9,000 8,880 620 60 160 4year ............. 17,740 17,180 560 460 100 - 0,00 15,260 5,40 4,980 40 80 80 College: 1 to 3 yeas ........ 4, 4,160 80 80 - - 4,460 8,900 560 5 40 - - 4 years or e 40 ......40 . - - - - S reported ........... ...... .... 40 -. 0 140 1 4 20 and 21 yearsold............. 56, 46940 060 8,00 I M o 1,a6 21.220 32,9s0 31,1o 1,80 se so 460 No chool yers completed . ...... . .240 80 80 - - - 80 280 100 1 - Grade schoo: 1 to 4 years .........I 8 180 1 - - 220 500 o - - - s and 6 year ........ 1 1,300� 80 60 0 0 0 1,500 440 1,060 9 100 - - 7 and 8 year......... 9, 7,800 2,100 1,9 O120 - 9,500 2,120 5,280 4,9 0 480 80 High school: to 3 ye2r ........ 15, 18,88320 ,220 2,8 360 8O - 40 14,120 2,880 11,080 10,44C 640 80 140 4 yearw ............ 18,980 16,200 2,760 2,00 40 - 22,040 9,100 12,720 1 ,08 640 - 280 Con : to 3 ye~r ......... T,o 97,80 400 360 40 - - 9,600 5,580 1,980 1,ss 100 80o 4 years or more..... 560 - - - 540 420 120 10 0 - -reported..... ............ 40 60 0 80 180 80 eo -0 22 to 4 yer old................ 86 0 .860 84,840 .62 . .00 160 880 88 1401 17.660 62.960 60.7 2.,180 00 1,0 No school years copleted ........ 0 140 140 - - 400 80 200 0 80 Grade school 1 to 4 years ........ 1, 880 500 40 40 S 1,140 240 880 a 60 - D S and 6 years......... 2, 1,420 1,180 1,1 60 - 40 2,160 200 1,840 1,6 80 80 40 7 and 8 year....... 16, 9,500 7,120 6,720 400 40 80 18,680 1,980 10,00 9,90 400 120 S0 igh school: 1 to 3 years ........ ,22 11,760 10,440 9,860 580 - 00 19,960 2,800 17,200 16,7 460 60 400 4 years ............. 8, 17 11,60 1,60 660 80 8,00 6,080 25,900 5s, 88eo 40 840 Colege: 1 to 3 years ........ 9, 6,00 2,620 2,8 840 0S 120 8,940 8,820 5,080 4, 200 - 100 4 yemr mo moe ..... 8, "2,890 940 840 100 - 4 0 2,780 1,400 1,80 60 - 0 Not reported ....................40 140 14 - - 360 140 220 1 40 - 25 to 29 year old ............. .148. 4e.640 100.100 95.440 4.740, M _~ _. 18.00 16.8l 115.840 112.280eo 560o 1.a 2.780 No school years completed. . ...... 860 880 40 4 - 20 800 440 860 80 60 - G de school: 1 to 4 years ......... 2, 800oo 1,940 1,80 120 60 ,620 W 0 2,140 8,040 100 60 100 5 and 6 year........ 5, 1,540 ,680 3440 240 '1o 60 4,320 440 8,70 2s, 80 20 140 S7and 8 years........ 35,880 11,840 24,000 22,980 1,080 160 280 4,160 1,680 21,800 21, 060 0 4 0 460 Sschool: 1 to 3 year . ... 88,000 10,160 26,840 25,0 1,120 180 . 820 38,440 1,640 80,480 29,540 940 400 930 4 yer ............ 40, 12,880 279,460 26, 1,260 160 440 45,990 4, 666040 8260 39,180 1,080 280 College: to 3years......... 13,360 4,160 8,940 8,540 400 40 280 15,960 8,80 1,00 ,060 11,00 260 10 00 4 yesrs or mre... 10, ,600 6,320 5,980 400 80 60 8,040 3,460 4,440 4,240 100 60 80 Not reported .................. 800 6 540 80 . 40 - 800 220 0 40 100 30to 34 years old ............. 17,060 24,420 108,780 10,3480 5,800 840 83080 119.460 8.340 106.140 108,300 2,940 8,000 ,90 No school year co lted ......... 1 560 440o 4o m0 0 - . 40 80 840 s30 80 - sD Grade school: 1 to 4 year ......... 3 880 2,740 ,540 00 o 40 2,640 140 2,820 2,300 so 100 80 S and 6 years........ 6, 1,400 4,440 4,1 280 100 80 4,740 360 4,200 4,10 100 100 80 7 and 8 yers........ 40, 9,960 81,660 0,140 1,580 280 940 26,140 1,140 238,680 22,00 880 600 s0 i chool: 1 to 3 ye ......... 34 5,260 27,780 26,40 1,380 18 840 0,200 1,000 27,940 279,0 660 580 880 4 year ........ 29, 5,040 23,160 22,060 1,100 140 780 81,380 2,080 28, 0 279,94 580 420 6 Colleg: 1 to 3 ye ........ . 11, 1,540 9500 9,10 80 20 180 14,900 1,540 12,680 12,280 840 130 480 4 yeasm or mor...... 9, 1,580 8,220 7,840 80 8 160 8,00 1,680 6,440 6,180 860 0 160 Not rported .................. . 00 840 80 40 0 0 180 480 40 80 60 - 35 to 44 yer. old. ..... . 88 30 80 1s,00 17184 10,180 ,80 7,880 186,640o 9,60 16,520 159,30 6,_20 7,240 6, 00 No school yearscompleted . ...8.. 2, 500 1,660 1,480 180 60 60 1,860 540 1,180 1,080 100 100 40 Grade school: I to 4 year ......... 9,000 2,100 6,320 5,880 440 sa0 oo00 5,620 220 4,840 4,540 800 280ee eo S and 6 ye ar ....... 15, 2,520 . 1,280 11,560 720 180 440 9,020 360 9,840 ,4 o o400 500 0 7 and 8 year........ 88, 12,160 69,160 63,500 3,660 1,860 3,120 57,800 1,800 51,860 49,080 2,2880 2.00 1,940 ig chool: 1 to 3 years ..... ... 48,40 4,940 41,100 88,840 2,260 580 1,720 41,040 1,00 89,120 85,760( 1,860 1,580 1,880 4 years ............ 81, ,880 63,640 25, 1,40 40 880 88, 1,980 34,640 883, 920 1,280 1,140 Colege: to 3 years ........ 16,1 1,480 18,900 13,280 680 100 680 80,980 1,400 19,840 17,820 520 720 880 4 yearor re...... 18, 1,480 11,260 10,680 640 100 480 10,700 2,220 7,740 ?,40 280 460 280 Not reported ...................... 3 . 8,0 1,0 100 1,7 460 240 . 60 800 1,440 800 1,060 1,00( 60 120 60 45 to 54 years old............... 171280 0,9001 , 1. 12,50 16. 9.80 1 9.160 . 9.80 7.60 18 9.80 6.640 1158 0 106,980 6,620 14,7W80 4,40 No school yeas comped ...e . . Grdeschool: 1 to4 rs ........ 5adayears....... 7 mod 8 year. I chonol: 1-to3years... 4 years............ College: 1 to 3$years . .... 4 years or more..... Not reported.................. SS to 64 years old .............. No school yea.completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... S md 6 years... 7 and 8 years..... HiE chdmol: 1to 3yers .*...... 4 year ............ College: lto 3 yes....... 4 yea or mor ... Not reported.................. 11,840 17,080 71,468 25,960 19,880 11,480 8,640 8,40 3,000 10,760 12,760 48,460 13,640 11,70C 6,90 5,80 2,60c 600 1,560 2,880 9,840 2,680 1,780 780 640 960 15.640 700 1,660 8,040 6,600 1,540 1.080 560 560 940 1,820 8,500 56,00 21,260 16,400 9,700 7,420 1,640 04.700 1,660 7,260 8,700 35,900 10,0 9,560 5,660 4, 260 1,180C 1,680 7,980 18,000 52,80 19,960 15,8320 9,040 6,900 1,300 78.360 1,480 6,80 7,960 88,580 9, 91 9 780 8,860 5,80 8,00 1,000 140 580O 8,940 1,900 1,080 660 520 440 6.840 180 740 740 740 700 200 460 180 240 900 940 2,680 880 880 4280 880 10.060 540 1,340 1,860 8,900 840 780 560 200 440 .60 1,140 880 14 4.88C 10C0 48C0 66C0 8,060 740 .340 8C 800 260C 40 1,980 6,240 10,660 54,180 25,580 21,240 11,540 6,720 1,200 98.060 1,760 6,100 8,880 88,840 14, 220 12,760 7,080 2,900 1,080 200 260 200 1,540 960 1,180 820 1,260 280 4.440 8220 100 2280 1,240 780 680 660 880 160 1,880 4,880 8,680 45,460 20,960 17,4280 9,420 4,780 720 64.040 960 3,940 6,580 27,160 9,900 8,420 4,520 1,980 50 1,200 4,440 8,160 48,960 19,920 16,860 8,860 4,2 60.680 880 3,680 6,80 25,880 9,4680 8,100 4,84 "1,86 460 120 440 8,500 1,040 1,060 560 800 180 8.360 140 260 860 1,840 420 320 880 120 180 880 1,000 1,880 5,4801 8,880 8,060 980 160 22,060 560 1,890 1,960 8,980 8,060 8,8260 1,6680 4280 260 eo 80 1,760 9800 640 830 230 40 2.520 s0 180 100 960 480 400 240 80 'm - a =a- -1 -i - - 1I ,1 1 . !L .,L .V , . . .I t .- .L MARITAL STATUS 221 Table 41.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NATIv' WHITE POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD.-BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1940-Continued (Statisties based on a 5-percent ample) MAlI FM Aii AERA, TEARS.OF BOOL Total Single al Wife Wife tWidowed roed bTotal Single idoed d Total preTotsale abence present absent!, preent bseat AlI IM. THEI WT-Continued Rural-far, Total, 18 to 64 years old....... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed. .. . Grade school: 1 t,yers....... 5 and 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years ..... High achool: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years or more ..... Not reported .......... . . 20 and 21 years old............ No school yearscompleted ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ........ 7 and 8 years ....... High school: . ,1 to 3 years ........ ...'4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years or more ..... Not reported.................... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years. ..... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ .4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years. 4 years or morn .... . Not reported...... . ......... ... 25 to 29 years old. ............. No school years completed ......... Grade school: 1 to 4 years....... 5 and 6 years ....... 4 year .......... College: 1 to 3 years. . . 4 years or more .... . Not reported.................. 30 to 34 years old ........... No school years completed ........ Grade chool: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ....... High school: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years or more. .. Not reported ................. . 35 to 44 years old.............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years......... 7 and 8 years ........ High chool: 1 to 3 years. . . 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ......... . 4 years or more ..... Not reported... ............. 45 to 54 years old........... No school years completed . ... Grade school: 1 to 4 years....... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years ...... High achool: .lto3 years. .... 4 year .......... .College: 1 to 3 years ........ 4 years of more ..... Not reported.............. .... 55 to 64 years old........... No school years completed. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... . 5 and 6 years... 7 and8 year . High achool: 1to 3 years . . 4 yearm .. ........ College: 1 to 3 year ......... 4 years or more. Not reported ................. 62 .56011 224.8 0 278.201 n 64. 1 tAn n 1it 1n 1ri lni on ea' K 8 48ll0 1106011 880D4 8400 .7 89j . IJ 9. 5L 0 01 1410 U0 1,000 1,780 9,560 18,'80 14,140 2,620 40 220 42,720 960 1,740 9,280 18,420 18,820 2,560 40 220C 20 40 40 8260 340 8840 5,180 5.180 20 40 40 220 2.680 40 60 100 40 a0( 1,54( 6,244 183,920 138,420 8,42( 80 180 S0 RE0 140 520 780 80 160 15.7401 64 8,960 10( ite i-Mur 40 '180 ea 20 isan 80 80 140 100 280 Ln 20 - 49 4q 60 l1 160 160 - - - - 160 6 10 1 - - - 660 50 16 140 20 - 6 140 - - - 1,440 1,26 180 180 - - - 9 860 20 - 20 10,660 8,800 1,860 1,680 180 - 6,1 , 3, 3, 20 - o 9,860 8,1 1,620 1,440 180 60 6,78 1860 ,8 466 160 60 40 14,280 13,140 1,140 1,040 100 - 10,9 6, 60 4,50 4,286 2 80 - 100 5,820 5,140 180 60 20 - 4,92 4,240 640 6 20 - 40 140 140 - - - - - - - 200 16 40 20 20 - 140 1 1 - - - 54,960 38,260 16,320 15,420 900 60 820 s,900 12.16 27 84E 8!460 880 60 840 800 18 120 100 20 - - 2 10 100 100 - - 1,840 800 500 500 -40 8 260 540 0 ,160 1,400 740 00 40 20 1, 480 1,0 1 ,000 20 15,120 10,480 4,540 4,280 260 - 100 9,14 2,020 7, 6,84 240 - 40 12,840 8, 4,720 4,500 220 40 80 8, 1,000 6 6, 120 - 100 16,60 11,980 4,40 4,140 200 - 40 14, 4,980 9,; 9,10 80 60 120 5,000 4,000 940 840 100 20 40 3,60 2,100 1,640 1,560 80 - 20 1,440 1,140 800 260 40 - 1,500 1,160 00 800 - - 40 400 280 120. 100 20 - - 1 40 100 - 80 20 - - 8 ,600 84,120 43,460 42.060 1 ,400 340 680 62 240 8.600 52,2C 50,680 1. 600 460 900 520 340 180 180 - - -160 8 soc so 1,940 740 1,180 1,140 -40 - 1,540 820 1,1 1,10 - 20 40 4,180 8,000 2,140 2,080 60 so 20 20 2 s 0 , 1,9 60 60so 27,580 11,52 15,680 15,240 440 100 280 15, 1,40 14,0 138,640 420 80 100 18,040 6,840 10,960 10,620 840 80 160 15,70C 1,800 18,9 1,440 480 140 840 19,220 8,940 10,060 9,740 820 80 140 18,460 2,900 15,1 14,80 280 120 880 4,960 2,460 2,400 2,240 160 40 60 6,100 1,520 4,46 4, 260 40 80 1,780 1,060 720 700 20 - - 1,920 780 1,1 1,060 60 - 20 380 220 140 120 20 - 20 20 140 18( 160 20 - - s6,100 18,660 46 .0o0 44,420 1,600 520 900 56.980 4,540 o50.70 49.780 940 860 860 400 180 220 200 20 0 220 0 00 - 40 - 2,160 580 1,540 1,460 80 20 20 1,460 240 1,00 1,1 60 20 - 4,300 1,300 2,940 2,780 160 20 40 8,020 260 2,60 2,540 80 80 60 26,440 7,620 18,160 17,620 540 280 380 1,46 80 14,100 13,840 260 300 280 14,800 8,080 11,520 11,120 400 100 100 14,260 520 18,8 13,00 260 260 00 11,860 4,800 7,400 7,120 280 60 200 12,700 1,080 11,883 -11,160 160 180 180 4,080 960 2,980 2,920 601 40 100 7,000 740 6,140 6,040 100 20 100 1,460 420 1,020 1,000 20 - 20 2,220 620 1,540 1,5 20 20 - 40 600 880 240 200 40 - 40 30 0 80 - - . 122,200 21,700 96,120 98,000 8 ,10 2 0 ooo 2,880l 107,560 4.800 9888 9 96,00 1,980 860 1,520 1,220 880 760 740 20 40 40 960 180 7 720 - 60 - 6,820 1,580 4,840 4,680 160 840 160 8,480 140 ,1 ,040 8 120 140 40 10,440 2,180 7,920 7,740 180 180 160 6,180 220 5,6 5,560 120 200 80 58,640 10,860 46,160 44,560 1,600 1 1,020 1,200 9,760 1,320 3680 86,000 680 1,300 460 22,220 3,340 18,100 17,640 460 320 460 22,440 740 20,7 820, 440 560 420 12,480 2,420 9,700 9,820 380 180 180 18,880 780 17, 19,1 .80 400 - 40 6,280 800 5,400 5,240 160 - 80 10,860 460 9,500 9,0 10 1)80 180 8,140 540 2,520 2,400 120 20 60 4,800 880 3,00 8, 100 40 80 960 .200 72,680 680 4.40 - 40 800 80 6 3800 60 40 80 123,960 15,900 100,680 97,820 3,860 4,140 8,240 98,440 8,280 87,640 85, a 260 6,140 1,380 7.L A O I 10,220 14,460 59,860C 17,020 8,74C 6,840 8,520 1,840 90,600 2,240 10,880 12,260 42,900 9,060 5,240 4,700 2,320 1,000 840 1,460 1,98 8,04( 1,720 1,200 58(0 960 220 11,460 400 1,58 1,84( 5,52C 88 48(0 80C0 240 220 1,580 7,820 11,520 48,840 14,500 6,940 5,980 2,980 1,080 69.380 1,480 7,620 8,880 85,080 7,440 4,20 4,160 1,880 680 1,500 7,400 11,080 46,960 14,200 6,620 5,780 8,800 980 66,480 1,340 7,340 8,440 31,660 7,280 4,020 4,000 1,740 20 420 440 1,80 800 820 200 180 100 2.900 280 380 1,420 160 200 160 140 660| 20 60 620 640 1,900 400 980 80 40 20 7.040 220 1,320 1,100 8,020 640 300 200 160 80 40 320 32880 1,580 400 220 200 140 20 2.720 360 500 1,280 100 240 40 40 20 1,480 4,720 7,980 48,460 17,100 11,340 8,360 3,320 680 62.900 1,220 4,400 5,880 28,000 9,580 6,980 4,400 1,840 600 18C 100 1,080 580 300 s80 286 80 aaoc 40 140 140 900 360 180 320 140 80 1,080 4,00 6,880 38,900 15,200 10,500 7,520 2,820 540 49,88 740 8,16( 4,564 22,48( 7,90( 5,86( 8,48( 1,26( 440 1,000 4,100 6,600 8,080 14,720 10,3280 7,340 2,740 540 8' 680 8,020 4,500 21,800 7,640 5,800 8,s80 1,240 360 80 100 280 8O0 480 180 180 80 1,460 60 140 60 680 260 60 100 20 80 . L J IL.I...I..I . _r __ II U. .I .3I J. I I 280 360 600 8,980 980 S 480 340 180 60 9,940 440 980 1,120 4,8340 1,800 840 560 380 80 60 180 800 120 120 60 780 180 60 H I -- E 1 , = V1 I wI 3L- I .II " -w , - . . H E _ _ , . ,_ Tl r -.1 i.l inA an ,O .t. a lm 201- .f EDUCATION Table 42.--MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS.OLD. BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIOINS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL 'FOR THE-SOUTH): 1940 (abtities be as a b-peroeat.aggpit) ataI rantso AREA, TRAPS F0 f C- COMPI, AMD M 1T Mared M arried Total. sage womd- Total-ad dowt prent absent present absent 18 and 19 ars daid.......... 9... .4 a.,ase1 210 .G aol _ _1, c51.0 o 0 oo _10.0 _.eo l0 _ 01011 300 No school years completed....... . Grade school: 1 to 4years ........ S an 6 years ...... 7 and 8 years....... High chool: 1 to 3 yers ........ 4 yearp ......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years ot more.... Not reported ................ ... 20 and 21 years old .. ......... No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 year ........ S and 6 years ... . 7 and 8 years ...... Wiqh school: 1 t 3 years ........ 4 years.... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ormore. Not reported................ 22 to 24 years old .... No school years comp ......... Grade chool: 1 lto 4years .. S and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ... High school:' 1 to 3 years ... . 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ...... ., 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............... 25 to 29 years old-........... No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ........ S and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years....... High school: 1 to 3 ya ........ 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 yar ....... 4 years or moe . Not reported ................ . 30 to 34 year old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: to4 years ......, 5 and 6 years....... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 yearsm ........ 4 years............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more..... Not reported ................. 35 to 44 years old........... No chool years completed ...... Gradeschool; 1to4 years ......... 5 and 6 years. . 7 and a years. Sghschool: 1to3years......... 4 years............ College: to 3 years 4 years a morer..... Not reported... ........... 45 to 54 years old ........... No school years completed .. Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... Sand 6 years.... 7 an8 years ..... Hshschool: 1to 3years. 4 years ......... College: 1to 3 years ......... 4 years or ore ...... Notreported ................ 55 to 64 yeas old .............. No achool yeas completed ...... Grade schopl: 1 to 4 years ........ 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years........ High schol: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: to 3 years ........ 4years ormore..... Notee .... ........... 880 1,360 3,960 9,960 31,360 7,840 1,400 80 680 4.1.8 880 1,160 3,980 9,90 80,500 9,5380 1,400 80 84.080 100 340 560 860 80 60 4.640 6$ 400 600 304 84 6,a3 20 160 860 1.800 s0 140 84 1,040 3,46c 9,966 83,8C 11,746 8,160 86C 53.10( 180 780 1,560 6,840 17,880 9,960 8,000 88.460 60 260 860 8,540 6,8440 1,680 160 40 88 80 40 340 640 ,8740 800 60 80 80 840 800 .1,160 880 80 40 4.840 0 40 40 420 - s0 40 80 80 400 9 0 40 80 * 80 460 840 100 60 40 S0 - 1,900 1,540 34O 0 100 0 1 ,500 760 660 560 100 80 - 3, 8,480 960 800 - - 8,160 1,860 1,760 1,840 40 30 80 9,6 9,780 1,900 1,6 300 40 11,560 5,440 5,840 4,640 1,300 .160 140 15,080 11,80 8,140 8,74 400 .80 17,9700 8,100 9,400 9,840 8,060 80 180 8, 7,180 . 1,880 , 1,0 800 0 - 14,800 9,080. 5,160 4,360 900 60 60 2,40C 8,880 180 10 40 - - 8,560 2,920 560 530 60 60 16 160 - - 800 00 100 100 - - - 500 580 6 0 40 - 540 880 330 160 60 - - 63,4C 89a60 5860 80,80 .180 90 840 88,100 80.I540 49,00 891800 10,630 100 1,60 7 460 360 80 0 - 700 860 840 860 80 - - 3,a 1,780 1,440 1, 60o o0 40 o ,900 900oo 1,8o0 1,560o o60 14o0 40o 6,68 8,980 8,660 ,10 50 .0 30 7,180 2,60 4,600 8,97 60 60 40 179,000 9,60 7,180 5, 1,840 80 180 , 600 7,840 18,640 10,180 '8,400 440 80 19,46C 10,960 8,860 6, 0 1,70 80 60 86,600 8,840 17,880 18,6540 8,680 00 50 11,86 7,880 4,680 8,90 780 - 16,040 7,560 9,980 8,180 1,860 140 840 3 ,0 8,80 900 740 160 80 80 8,580 1,940 . 1,500 1,340 60 80 60 , 00 0 - 80 - - 1,500 1,860 880 160 60 - 80 860 50 340 140 - 1,060 540 460 0 100 80 0 118,7 .8 90 1 h, 59, 12.0 . MO 1,860 150,00~ ,860 10 , 61 81,080 8,100 , 00 4,000 1,78 980 780 330 30 60 1,680 540 980 660 360 140 80 10,8 8,960 6,4680 4,90 1,460 140 40 8,50 1,9760 6,040 4,40 1,560 580 140 1566 6,8640 9,140 96 1,880 40 140 18,640 8,860 18,840 10,800 8,040 1,080 430 86, 18,430 88,060 19, 8,900 360 840 46,160 9,980 88,960 35,40 9,500 3,400 860 38, 9,780 19,900 14,98 8,980 30 300 89,880 8,820 ,8660 88,080 6,640 1,740 1,360 16, '6,600 9,780 8,0 1,50 . 40 360 8,640 7,080 15,860 18,460 8,800 540 80 5, 8,180 3,960 8, 6 - 100 6,90 3,430 4,840 8,440 800 40 540 2,460 1,430 1,000 140 80 30 3,80 1,400 1,340 1,100 140 40 140 8,040 1,100 940 66. 280 - - 1,800 730 440 580 860 100 40 18840 3 81,960 8890 78,0 14.790 2 1930 , 680 146.860 81.700 10,880 8,3.600 34,680 11,500 480 3,9 740 1,80 1,4 840 100 60 1,880 400 1,180 640 840 360 40 14,00C 4,800 9,580 97,9 1,00 180 140 13,80 1,800 8,780 6,580 8,800 1,530 880 32,000 5,800 15,740 18, 8,640 330 140 ,900 ,000 18,800 18,60 4,50 8,860 440 41,10 10,661 ' 9,180 ,86 4,860 730 600 49,860 6,760 87,400 8,970 8,0 ' 8,780 1,480 31,80 4,700 16,420 18,46 8,960 860 400 80,540 4.140 88,560 17,140 5,480 8,860 1,400 111 8,780 8,060 6, 1,180 160 160 18,260 8,100 18,440 11,840 ,100 800 980 6,84 1,180 8;040 ,8(s 860 40 140 5,489 '1,380 8, 60 2,800 780 400 330 ,80 780 8,000 1, 1 0 -80 30 8,060 60 ,0 1,40 00 80 80 a7c 1,160 1,500 1, 4 0o 40 30 1,560 O60 1,040o 9870 3O9 130 40 ,59,c ao 19,6o as6eoc a,160 10o,_a0s so aas eo 196,330 1M Oo 40,o60 89,eo00 8,860 9,080 46,760 87,760 10,160 15,73 9,aec 7,00 5,03 4,640 18680 11,600 44,160 88,86 56,90 14,70 9,560 4,130 s,800 3,640 9,660 16,66 86,400 18,860 86,970 4,960 8,860 1,980 1,866 3,366 8,860 9,840 10,480 15,860 4,86 3,660 1,146 760 1,500 2 4ar 6,440 88,840 67,880 88,440 13,060 5,680 4,030 3,980 1sa 5,800 36,666 / 33,166 54,946 19,16 10p806 4,700 3,660 1,960 11o7!0 1,840 7,180 .9,00 4,aea6 1,866 966 860 960 2as 360 1,786 3,546 8,400 1,146 560 346 asa a sac 60 900 1,766. 740 430 300 160 180 aiann 6,446 56,440 98,180 40,560 38,460 7,546 4,80 8,18 1A8. 1 900 8,400 5,160 7,800 3,780 8,480 860 840 700 11.080 4,140 86,840 41,000 69,440 9,940 16,740 5,340 3,160 8,860 19,940 81,930 5,730 a4,80 14,160 4,330 3,800 1,800 88.960 880 6,900 9,080 13,780 5,600 8,680 920 . 420 860 19.s40 1,000 ,80O 13e,60 1,000 440 430 "SAnn' 11 WI r Wa r.....L '4rV r 4 OA 4r a LLL 3. --I .4. L 4. 4. 4 8,800 6,00 5,300 1,640 940 460o 890 "1 one 9,940 3,60 a3,a0 8,380 3,386e 7,940 aaso 8,8900 6,58 - 7,546 24,88 86,90( 6,9 ,866 1,520 nasome 1,860 5,840 '4,50 1,6ac 1,030 860 960 9_4A 1,806 8,96C 4,08 560 146 In 1 160 800 900 1,466 880 00 830 5886 so,sc e,oec 18,080 9,7C 8,940 8,706 680 3,040 8,040 8,300 1,146 680 so 00 .a 4,890 81,800 3,100 34,906 11,660 6,940 3,640 1,560 1,540 48.880 8,8600 19,160 10,030 5,960 3,180 1,410 880 s. 100 1,080 8,880 8,980 6,80 1,840 980 00 660 6.901 8,00 10,980 9,580 860 680 sann 130 980 440 0oo 100 80 900 660 1,530 780 0 140 40 40 aI1 i &7W1 V & awW w Iiq5 41 . 5 3.ia ...wl & 3.V 94i w4 1Af L5. 4 .l v4 r4a 4. 1,600 8,8340 3,33 8,560 600 360 160 300 6oo0 6,180 19,880 13,300 19,900 83,560 8,940 1,560 1,566 1,30 14,98 11,804 19,864 8,144 3,904 1,400 1,480 1,060 1,13 8,540 8,000 8,6840 430 840 160 100 840 1,660 5,366 8,76 3,746 766 440 190 140 186 t~O C set 66 40 580 560 60 60 66] 9,080 88,160 18,100 84,800 6,840 4,640 1,540 660 1,530 ao 1,346 900 soa 1,466 846 8C 18C sea soc 120 200 8,880 10,846 8,980 18,760 8,680 8,4680 780 806 o70 8,440 8,460 7,840 11,180 8,080 8,800 730 380 880 440 1,7980 1,5080 1,640 600 180 60 60 380 8,660 10,840 8,000 9,640 8,660 1,740 500 a40 630 80 440 200 340 160 100 60 0so -o 222 I n MARITAL STATUS Table 42.-MARITAL STATUS OF THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent seaple) Ml FUEMIZ AREA, YARS CF( SCHOOL COMPLETEI, AND AGZ Married Di- doarried Total Single voeidowed d Total Single Widowed .orced Total Wife Wife Total Husband Husband present absent present absent THE SOUTH Total Total, 18 to 64 years old..... 18 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years .., . 4 years or more ..... Not reported ..... ...... .... 20 and 21 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years ....... 7 and 8 years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more.... Not reported ................ ... 22 to 24 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and. 6 years..... 7 and 8 years....... Jih school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ................ 25 to 29 years old............. No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years ..... High school:- 1 to 3 years ..... . 4 years .......... College: 1 to 8 years ....... 4 years or more .... Not reported ................... 30 to 34 years old............ No school years completed ....... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ....... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and years ...... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years ............ College: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years or more ..... Not reported ............ .. .. .. 35 to 44 years old............ No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years...... 7 and 8 years...... High school: 1 to 3 years ...... 4 years .......... College: Ito 3 years.. ... 4 years o more... Not reported ............ .. 45 to 54 years old............ . No school years completed ..... . Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... .. 7 and 8 years...:. High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years .... ........ College: 1 to 3 years ....... :4 years or more..... Not reported .................... 55 to 64 years old........... . No school years completed ...... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ...... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years..... High school: 1 to 3 years ....... 4 years.......... College: 1 to 3 years ... 4 years or more .... Not reported................. 200.080 15_120 12.420 2_700 220 140 220.3001n 141.400 758 _R 6 10 ni _ran4 I - - H- - I 1 w + -' - H- -0- iv_- I-J 4' =' 4r I - i ---H -'- - + --'-- H -11 W94 -.'- 44. 6,620 60,880 48,820 38,960 82,160 7,780 2,560 80 2,220 181.560 8,140 58,200 42,060 84,100 28,080 9,420 8,600 420 2,540 259.640 5,980 55,540 44,740 85,580 0,640 7,500 2,520 80 2,020 130.900 5,400 40,120 29,700 24,660 17,860 7,540 8,280 880 1,960 120.720 6,780 86,160 26,140 22,860 18,840 7,820 8,980 1,400 2,240 108.680 580 5,200 4,000 S8,840 1,500 280 40 180 49.700 2,680 17,720 12,140 9,260 5,100 1,880 800 40 580 125.340 7,500 50,420 32,000 24,580 13,500 4,820 1,020 340 1,160 287.260 460 4,540 3,800 2,780 1,020 180 20 120 42.720 2,280 15,880 10,540 8,320 4,360 1,660 200 40 440 120.920 6,620 45,520 28,780 21,840 11,620 4,200 940 280 920 257.980 120 660 700 560 480 100 20 60 5.980 400 1,840 1,600 940 740 220 100 140 14.620 880 4,900 8,220 2,740 1,880 620 80 60 240 29.280 40 80 40 20 20 20 520 60 200 120 60 80 2.060 160 840 440 380 140 80 2C 4.820 20 60 40 20 440 160 100 120 40 20 1.520 40 600 200 320 140 60 40 20 . 520 4,440 $7,020 48,740 51,740( 52,440 17,660 6,000 16C 2,10C 207. 06C 5,220 41,540 47,900 46,480 37,280 18,840 6,660 1,460 1,680 296.320 8,300 64,800 71,540 67,900 45,400 22,8 0 9,340 4,440 2,740 459.140 3,020 20,260 26,760 81,980 37,880 14,420 5,700 160 1,220 91.020 2,260 15,200 17,020 19,880 18,340 11,080 5,780 1,280 680 86.840 2,660 14,520 17,780 17,180 14,000 10,260 6,120 3,420 900 80.260 1,400 16,080 21,100 18,940 18,980 8,160 280 860 110.920 2,860 25,240 29,420 26,020 17,980 7,420 860 180 940 197.060 5,100 47,160 50,920 47,620 29,800 11,240 8,080 1,000 1,640 348. 80 1,160 14,120 18,860 16,460 11,840 2,700 200 820 96,180 2,640 22,580 25,760 22,480 15,060 6,000 700 140 820 170.580 4,440 41,440 44,580 41,140 24,640 9,440 2,560 880 1,46C 308.980 240 1,960 -2,240 2,480 2,140 460 80 40 14.740 220 -2,660 8,660 3,540 2,920 1,420 160 40 120 26.480 660 5,720 6,840 6,480 4,660 1,800 520 120 180 44.400 20 400 620 500 840 20 20 2.820 20 640 940 500 50Q 180 40 7.620 420 1,940 1,680 1,860 1,140 420 40 120 20.480 280 260 820 240 60 20 2,800 80 460 520 580 460 160 20 20 4.800 120 680 1,160 1,240 960 440 100 20 80 10.020 - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... - w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 24,800 7,460 16,800 14,740. 2,060 320 220 14,700 8,700 10,040 8,580 -1,460 700 260 140,240 88,080 104,180 94,780 9,400 2,100 880 106,840 15,780 84,360 73,740 10,620 5,120 1,580 99,480 25,220 72,260 65,360 6,900 1,240 760 117,140 16,860 92,120 80,820 11,300 5,780 2,380 72,320 19,860 51,560 46,040 5,520 600 800 108,620 17,280 83,640 73,460 10,180 4,920 2,780 S 85,380 10,460 24,140 21,260 2,880 320 460 60,980 10,840 45,900 39,860 6,040 2,540 1,700 " 15,400 5,120 9,880 8,580 1,300 140 260 26,580 6,480 18,660 16,040 2,620 780 660 5,620 2,620 2,900 2,480 420 20 80 12,860 4,720 6,980 6,080 900 360 300 5,040 2,820 2,200 1,980 220 - 20 7,240 3,340 3,540 2,880 660 100 260 6,000 2,540 3,340 2,760 580 80 40 4,680 1,260 3,140 2,520 620 180 100 . 88180 57;860 2750280 246,040 28,980 6,100 4.200 8783,700 44,280 290,220 251,260 38,960 29,940 9,260 28,680 4,960 18,000 15,940 2,060 8380 340 16,480 2,900 11,720 9,920 1,800 1,540 820 128,100 18,760 105,660 95,120 10,540 2,500 1,180 101,140 10,400 78,680 69,020 9,660 10,040 2,020 82,820 18,860 ,66,800 60,020 6,780 1,460 1,200 98,040 10,140 78,020 68,260 9,760 7,700 2,180 . 58,160 9,860 46,460 41,480 4,980 1,140 700 82,540 8,420 65,920 56,380 9,540 5,840 2,360 26,380 4,980 20,640 18,160 2,480 360 0O0 39,780 4,860 81,100 26,760 4,340 2,700 1,120 9,000 1,940 6,840 "6,040 800 60 160 15,840 2,480 11,580 9,680 1,900 1,140 640 . 4,500 1,160 3,120 2,740 380 80 140 9,120 2,040 6,800 5,540 760 480 300 . 4,220 900 3,240 2,880 360 40 40 6,260 '2,140 3,760 3,160 600 180 180 . 6,320 1,940 4,260 3,660 600 80 40 4,500 900 3,140 2,540 600 320 140 598,640 71,740 490.040 441,000 49,040 22,940 8,920 659,500 46 180 493,640 428,020 65,620 108,080 16,600 59,140 8,740 47,260 42,340 ,5,020 2,420 620 45,580 4,640 81,800 28,060 3,740 8,120 1,020 24,720 27,500 207,140 187,580 19,560 9,940 3,140 215,780 18,860 161,580 140,000 21,580 36,440 4,400 S .187,160 15,620 113,700 102,580 11,120 5,580 2,260 177,120 10,580 186,400 119,360 17,040 26,420 8,720 87,620 10,680 72,240 64,680 71560 2,960 1,740 122,960 71,720 92,500 79,780 12,720 19,020 3,720 27,880 8,200 28,040 20,740 2,800 1,100 540 49,840 8,180 87,880 82,480 5,400 7,000 1,780 11,260 1,620 9,000 8,180 820 400 240 20,200 2,000 14,660 12,720 1,940 2,620 920 6,100 860 5,020 4,280 740 80 140 12,080 1,860 8,220 7,080 1,140 1,400 540 . 5,780 620 4,940 4,480 460 120 100 7,060 1,480 4,680 8,920 760 580 320 10,980 2,900 7,600 6,140 1,460 340 140 8,940 1, 60 5,920 4,620 1,800 1,480 180 406,80 8040 833940 205,140 28.800 8.,840 5,660 485,900 20,480 287,800 255,420 82,880 119,880 7,784 59,860 5,540 48,020 48,420 4,600 5,700 600 51, 20 8,440 80,820 26,860 3,960 16,880 680 184,980 18,420 152,780 141,340 11,440 16,080 2,700 170,100 7,140 112,200 99,820 12,380 47,800 2,960 . 78,800 5,540 65,520 59,900 5,620 6,640 1,100 101,640 8,740 70,180 62,620 7,560 26,060 1,660 46,380 8,900 38,300 33,820 4,480 8,500 680 62,400 2,680 41,520 37,060 4,460 16,820 1,380 . 14, 00 1,040 11,920 11,120 800 1,1201 220 21,720 840 14,800 18,280 1,520 5,440 640 6,680 660 5,460 4,980 480 440 120 10,440 740 6,860 6,180 680 2,620 220 8,840 120 2,820 2,620 200 840 60 6,720 560 4,240 .3,860 380 1,780 140 S 4,180 260 3,480 3,260 220 380 60 3,940 460 2,700 2,800 400 780 - 7,960 1,560 5,640 4,680 960 640 120 7,620 880 4,480 3,440 1,040 2,200 60 S 803460 22,020 289.940 219,380 20 560 38, 00 8,300 240,040 9,840 129,880 117,300 12,580 97,540 2,780 55,460 188,560 54,20C 88,100 10,160 4,480 8,040 8,600 6,760 5,020 8,860 $,780 8,560 500 880 22C 200 1,18C 48,50 105,480C 48,240 26,460 8,340 8,580 2,540 8,14( 4,660 88,840 96,440 39,580 _24,340 7,800 5,380 2,840 2,840 3,820 9,660 9}040 3,660 2,120 540 200 200 300 840 7,540 -17,100 6,740 3,700 1,200 520 260 220 920 400 1,620 600 380 120 60 20 40 60 42,400 100,620 47,740 26,900 8,860 4,180 2,820 1,400 5,120 2,000 8,280 1,640 1,020 480 800 180 120 80 20,94C0 54,160 27,600 15,400 5,20C 2,080 1,460 680 2,860 18,940 49,080 25,000 14,020 4,760 1,980 1,340 640 1,740 2,800 5,080 2,600 1,880 440 100 120 40 620 19,200 42,160 17,900 10,080 8,020 1,700 1,080 560 1,840 260 1,020 600 400 160 100 100 40 100 223 ,j 7d,6 Jasg 1 720,ObV1 l tsm,7fbU 1 lIb~q,4UV117w,9bU .Ub,7 U1 id7,7U 1AUVLVbb ll DZUIiiUl ,51a'3a f,7UUll1,bb 9 vUP j X44,t3Ui auyo 'tiU 54s~t3 . I - s -- vvv-I +w vv' r r vv" s--- r w - v r-- I, vr-T- l zzI - - r 'v-- II vrv- aJ v rrv vv a - s r - -I v .-- - r Ir -r T T ,1 .r. -- 1v sv --r - -- ... --- wfrs -- wI f-w- vI + fvr-- -r- vv . +fvwr - rrvlvw - -- ..--- ..I - --- -- l..II .l .. .--v-r :!v Il 1 I - I T- '11 "' T' T T- T "1 - T '7r r 0 "" "" "va "'^ R ,. GAR " . nn .G Kan- 14,480 88,020 58,880 48,140 27,120 12,780 5,040 1,740 3,440 404.280 .. na ,n , ^~ ,. ...- QM 1.9a01 1.180 224 EDUCATION Table 42..-MARITAL STATUS OF .THE NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND UURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940-Continuea (Statistics based on-a 5-perent samaple) AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Maried Dii Total Single W ido wmd Total Single widowa Total Wife Wife t e or d Total Bubaud ore*&. present absent Tot **BS abeat THE SOUTH-ontinued Urban Total, 18 to 64 yerm old..... 1,06,320 80,50 720,120 627740 92,380 47,440 14,180 1,85.560 24,220 792,020 641,260 o150,60 1as,2. ,as100 18 and 19 yrors old.. 60,840 56,100. 4,680 8,500 1,180 o0 4 00 5 48, e24,40 1~ 440 700 540 No school years completed....... 920 880 40 so 0o 9 -0 540 80 00 180 Grade scool: 1lto 4 years ......... 9,460 S,820 5 360 20o 40 6,300 3,960 2,120 1, 540 140 0 5 and 6 years ........ 12,460 11,360 1,100 880 220 - - 12,080 9,M0 4,5s0 * 3,600 0 m00 180 7 and 8 years........ 14,080 12,480 1,600 1,320 2 - - 18,220 11,080 68,00 5,400 1,400 180 160 Highehool: Ito3 years ........ 16,740 15,700 1,040 720 320 2- 5,980 17,660 8,000 6,50 1,480 160 100 4 years ........ ...... 4,940 720 20 140 - 11,80 9,540 ,260 1,960 00 0 60 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,620 1,50 40 20 20 - - 4,160 83, 180 0 60 3 0 4 years or more ..... 60 60 - - - - - 120 - - Not reported ............... ... 560 500 60 40 80 -0 - 8 380 88 0 20 and 21 years old ............. 57,920 42. 80 15.280 12.940 2840 160 200 80 .840 39.180 89460 31.400 860 1,160 1.40 No school years completed ........ .. 1,0oo 70 60 280 8o - 1,0 640 540 460 80 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ..... .... 10,00 7,180 2,780 2,220 560 80 100 9,580 400 5,280 4,360 90 00 so 5 and 6 years........ 12,220 8,640 3,520 2,920 600 20 40 14,800 6 0 8,00 6,180 1,840 380 7 and 8 years........ 13480 9,480 3990 3, 460 60 40 18,20 7,860 9:900 7,80 2,040 3D 840 High school: 1 to 3 yeaFs ......... 11 420 8,540 2 820 2 440 80 60 - 19,38 8940 9,920 7,860 3,040 33 840 4 years .......... 5,780 4,40 1360 1,:200 1 - - :NO 6,660 4,90 3,90 1,000 140 140 College: 1to 3 years ......... 2,780 2,480 80 180 100 - 0 4,00 3,80 460 400 60 - 4 years or more ...... 320 280 40 40 - - - 1,00 160 130 40 - - Not reported ......... .. .......... 60 540 220 0 - - - 520 2 60 20 40 - - 22 to 24 years old ............. 90,580 4,960 45,20 88,0 6,40 640 760 125,790 484 77,160 6,8 14,0 00 0 No school years completed ....... 2,460 1,180 1,20 940 20 60 - 1,840 40 90 680 300 300 0 Grade school: I to 4 years .... 19,440 8,480 10,700 8,840 1,860 100 10 1, 1,80 9,0 900 9, 2,640 60 , 60 5 and 6 years . .. . 19,260 8,980 9,920 8,720 1,200 140 220 24,760 ,080 16,00 13,4 8,120 600 480 7 and 8 years....... 20,220 9,160 10,680 9,160 1,520 00 180 0,840 8,40 20,280 16,520 8,9760 1,10 90 HIgh school: 1 to 3 years ....... 15,120 7,140 7,820 6,760 1,060 80 80so 25500 8,400 15,80 12,60 ,160 730 400. 4 years .....8....... 8,320 4,860 8,340 2,920 420 60 60 15,460 6,840 8,040 6,40 1,400 0 80 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 3,480 2,640 800 760 40 - 40 5,840 8,7 2,000 1,970 880 - 0 4 years or more...... 1,260 980 280 260 20 - 3,000 2,260 970 660 60 * 0 Not reported ...................... 1,020 .540 460 380 80 - 0 1,lm0 3 9740 60 60 s0 40 25 to 29 years old ............... 65 7o 47.840 114 500 99.660 16.840 1.760 .1 .660 jl5.6 u,e 1 . 128.840 .000 D 90 a . No schoolyears completed ........ 5,840 1,760 3,880 3,280 600 1 100 100 4,860 1,840 2,50 1,900 620 260 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 87,520 9,500 27,380 23,780 ,600 440 200 b5,900 6,40 ,10 800 8 ,60 2,630 730 5 and 6 years....... 40,900 11,760 28,280 24,680 3,600 52 340 48,600 8,94 5,480 28,400 9,080 ,940 1,440 7 and 8 years........ 37,460 9,900 26,820 23,540 3,280 880 360 55,40 10,00 40,040 32,900 7,140 8,140 1,860 Igschool: 1 to 3 year .......... 22,560 6,640 15,380 1,880 2,000 200 840 40 8 0 ,1 7,5 279,860 22,820 4,540 1,960 1,34 4 years ............. 11,380 ,600 7,560 6,560 1,000 40 180 19,140 ,840 18,600 11,460 2,120 620 3D0 College: 1 to 3 years ........ . 4,040 1,760 2,180 1,800 80 0 80 80 7,680 , 4,60 4,10 60 60 0o 4 years or more.. 8,940 2,160 1,760 1,600 160 W0 5,040 2,860 ,440 2,100 840 .80 10 Not reported ................... 2,120 760 1,260 1,040 220 60 40 1,480 8 1,060 840 20 80 30 to 34 years old......... 149.100 27,680 116,580 -100.960 15.620 .60 .2,160 180,960 25.060 181.980 105,920 26,060 17,980 ,.140 No school years completed ......... 6,000 1,800 4,520 3,800 720 100 80 5,180 980 ,460 ,660 800 600 140 Grade school: 1 to 4 yearsn ......... 42,080 7,220 33,480 28,60 5,120 80 500 83660 4,640 26,800 20,760 5,540 4,940 1,00 5 and 6 years........ .36,980 6,840 28,860 25,120 ,740 600 680 44,00 5,540 88,00 26,280 6,800 4,900 1,80 7 and 8 years........ 31,540 5,260 25,240 22,080 8,160 680 360 44,560 5,90 ,840 26,480 6,860 4,540 1,00 Hi ghschool: 1 to 3 years ......... 1,200 8,200 13,60 11,700 1,660 280 260 35,700 3,50 19,140 15,860 3,280 3,100 940 4 years .............. 7,060 1,600 5,280 4,700 580 40 140 11,50 1,86 8,220 6,50 1,640 880 500 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 8,060 840 2,060 1,800 260 100 5,940 1, 4,00 8,00 40 40 40 4 years or more..... 2,880 740 2,100 1,9 200 0o 20 4,900 1,0 2 ,860 2, 460 80 180 Not reported ..................... 2,9900 580 1,680 1,500 180 0 0 ,000 1,36 1,0 1 00 00 80 35 to 44 years old.............. 264,600 86,380 212,520 185 040 27,480 10,920 4,0 317,060 26C 2197140 1181 00 43 440 62,48 10,840 No chool years completed .......... 17,640 3,020 1,720 11, 1,940 900 00 15,240 1,9 9,880 79,00 2,080 ,820 400 Grade school: I to 4 years ......... 88,980 12,280 71,280 61, 620 9,660 4,260 1,160 86,660 6, 9 58, 44,80 12,860 19,440 2,40 5 and 6 years...... 66,680 9,120 53,,40 46,420 7,000 2, 1,420 81,540 6, 56,320 44,900 11,340 16,560 3,440 7 and 8years......... 52,040 7,020 42,180 36,900 5,280 1,90 1,120 70,160 5, 48,500 39,4 9,360 13,40 ,700 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 17,960 1,900 14,840 13,320 1,520 860 360 31,300 , ,480 18,440 4,040 5,180 1,440 4 years ............ 8,500 1,100 6,860 6, 620 20 0 1,560 10,460 8,800 1,600 2,120 0 College: I to 3 years ........ 4,400 620 3,60 3,0 0 40 120 8, 1,8 5,480 4,760 970 1,000 430 4 years or more..... 4,00 520 ,50 3,260 320 10 80 5,400 1,10 ,560 ,000 560 460 60 Not reported ............... . . . 4,100 800 3,020 2,460 560 180 100 3,680 460 2,340 1,00 540 60 180 45 to 4 years old............ 144.640 18.900 11 .240 100.000 18.40 14.940 .50 190.000 10..40 10.80 9. 19.0 * 4,0 No school years completed ......... .15,940 1,580 12,000 10,400 1,600 2,120 240 17,00 1,0 8,160 6,400 1,760 ,00 840 Grade school: I to 4 years ......... 54,580 5,400 41,840 37,00 4,540 6,00 1,140 6,9,0 3 4,630 39,80 6,940 88,80 1,340 5 and 6 years....... 0,960 2,80 24,640 21,6c 2,980 2,1 560 45,10 2, 27,240 2, 14,00 960 7 and 8 years ....... 28,200 2,040 18,840 16,10 2,740 .2, 2 4,540 1,860 0,0 0 16,90 ",0 11,960 900 Ilghs chool: to 3 years ............ 7,520 620 6,140 5,680 460 640 120 12,40 s T940 ,640 1,80 5,40 0O 4 years ......... ..... 4,520 520 3,600 ,0 00 00 7,40 54 4,640 4,100 640 8,080 160 College: 1 to 3 years ........ .2,120 60 .,860 1,7 80 2 40 4,930 48 ,980 ,60 80 1,80 140 4 yearsn or more..... 8,140 800 8,600 2,4 180 800 40 ,90 88 1,930 1,6 620 * Not reported .................... 26oo00 660 1,729 0 1, 6 60 2C - 2,0 2 1,80o 1,100 8 55 to 64 years old.............. 128.80i 1. O 98.100 86.900 11)00 16,20 2,020o 94,,860 ,o 8,90 88,800 .,~ 49,000 1,430 No school yeas comapleted ......... 16,140 2,000 11,420 9,80 1,640 2,500 220 1,4 6 5,140 4,060 1,000 7,60 80 Gradeschdool: 1 to4year......... 48,760 4,So 36,640 31,9 ,70 6,70 84 ,00 1,3 13,60 11,600 s,eo 19,80 460 Sand6years........ 26,680 2,580 20,240 18,18 2,060 3,40 , 940 9,080 7,80 1,400 10,060 0 7 and 8 years ........ . 20,560 1,880 16,300 14,6 1,620 2, 13,0 56 6,180 5,0 860 6,460 o0 HIgsh ol: 1 to years........ 6,280 340 5,140 4,740 - 70 80 4,6 30 2,340 ,eo 3s 3,100 1o 4 years............. 38280 .260 2,620 2,460 160 340 60 3,840 24 1,800 1,140 60 1,300 80 College: 1tm or mr ....... 2,00 00 1,0 1,50 10 140 0 1,80 9400 600 4yearsormore.. 2,860 140 2,540 2,20 40 1,0 460 Not reported ..................... 2 ,240 460 1,480 1,260 0 3001,660 560 80 800 80 MARITAL STATUS 225 Table 42.-M ARITAL STATUS OF THE NE(.RO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS ,WI1TH URBAN AND RURAL FOR TIE SOUTH): 1940-Continued (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MALE FEMALE AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED, AND AGE Married Married Di- Di- Total Single Widowed ed Total Single Husband ibsnd oedvoroed Total1Wife wife vorcedTotal Husband band ored present absent present absent TOE SOUTR--Continued Rural-nonfam. Total, 18 to 64 years old 529,080 148,340 852,520 808,500 44,020 22,540 5,680 ' 540,800 95,540 362,320 315,20 6 47,060 72,560 10,880 18 and 19 years old.............. 5,640 1 8833,080 2,460 1,960 500 80 20 40.720 25380 14,840 12,740 2,100 820 .80 No school years completed......... 1,880 1,260 100 80 20 20 - 1,000 700 280 260 20 20 Gride school: 1 to 4 years ......... 9,880 9,160 700 580 120 20 - 6,700 38,880 2,740 2,860 380 20 5 and 6 years........ 8,00 7,580 so680 540 140 20 20 9,000 4,640 4,260 8,700 560 80 20 7 and 8 years........ 7,300 6,740 560 480 80 - - 10,800 5,900 4,240 3,640 600 80 80 High school: 1 to 3 years .......... 6,260 6,000 260 180 80 - - 9,280 6,580 2,580 2,180 400 60 60 4 years ............ 1,860 1,800 60 40 20 - - 2,980 2,440 540 440 100 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 540 540 - . - - 980 880 100 80 20 4 years or i ore .....- - - - - - 20 20 - - - - Not reported ................. ... 620 500 100 60 40 20 - 460 340 100 80 20 20 - 20 and 21 years old ............. 4,260 25,080 9,100 7,680 1,420 20 60 1 9,686 16,460 22,240 19,440 2,800 540 440 No school years completed ........ 1,280 , 920 360 260 100 - - 920 380 520 480 40 - 20 Grade school: 1 to.4 years ......... 10,560 7,300 3,260 2,860 400 - - 7,880 3,140 4,560 4,000 560 100 80 5 and 6 years....... 7,00 5,720 2,080 1,680 400 - - 9,340 3,060 6,020 5,280 740 160 100 7 and 8 years ....... 6,420 4,620 1 740 1,480 260 - 60 9,360 3,380 5,800 5,100 700 80 100 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,140 3,980 1,140 1,000 140 20 - 6,800 3,200 3,340 3,020 820 140 120 4 years .............. '1, 780 1,420 60 800 60 - - 3,500 1,880 1,560 1,220 840 40 20 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 480 460 20 20 - - - 1,240 1,020 220 160 60 - - 4 years or more...... 60 60 - - - - - 220 220 Not reported ............. ....... 740 600 140 80 60 - - 420 180 220 180 40 20 - 22 to 24 years old............. . 52,100 24,780 26,7201 22,640 4,0801 400 200 58.800 15,82 40..200 84,580 5,620 1,20 1,060 No school years completed ......... 3,120 1,800 1,320 1,060 260 - - 2,040 720 1,220 1,080 - 140 60 - 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 17,060 7,080 9,660 8,380 1,280 220 100 12,020 2,480 8,820 7,840 980 560 160 5 and 6 years........ 11,460 5,240 6,180 5,320 860 40 - 14,120 3,220 10,160 8,700 1,460 8360 380 7 and 8 years ........ 10,400 4,960 5,320 4,500 820 60 60 14,300 2,920 10,740 9,180 1,560 440 200 Highchool: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,660 2,840 2,740 2,240 500 40 40 9,200 2,440 6,340 5,420 920 180 240 4 years ............. 2,400 1,380 1,000 840 160 20 - 3,780 1,840 1,820 1,540 280 100 20 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 720 580 140 120 20 - - 1,740 1,040 700 540 160 - - 4 years or more...... 300 240 60 20 40 - - 940 840 100 60 40 - - Not reported..................... 980 660 300 160 140 20 - 660 820 800 220 80 20 20 25 to 29 years old............... 84,720 24,060 58,700 51,640 7,060 1,240 720 87,820 14,480 68,240 60,020 8,220 8,480 1,620 No school years completed ......... 6,000 2,220 3,600 2,920 680 100 80 3,380 820 2,420 2,080 840 100 40 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 30,560 7,820 21,840 19,380 2,460 640 260 21,220 8,860 16,600 14,240 2,360 960 800 5 and 6 years ........ 20,320 5,040 14,920 13,480 1,440 280 80 21,680 2,900 17,300 15,180 2,120 1,140 340 7 and 8 years ....... 15,160 4,440 10,420 9,100 1,320 100 200 21,240 2,840 . 17,020 15,820 1,700 860 520 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 6,860 1,900 4,860 4,200 660 60 40 11,080 1,440 9,140 8,260 880 240 260 4 years ............. 2,340 700 1,520 1,300 220 60 60 4,260 1,200 2,94Q 2,680 260 100 20 College: 1 to 3 years . ........ 920 420 500 460 40 - - 2,520 960 1,500 1,320 180 40 20 4 years or more ...... 740 440 300 260 40 - - 1,280 560 660 520 140 - 60 Not reported ..................... . 1,820 1,080 740 540 200 - - 1,160 400 6601 420 240 40 60 30 to 34 years old ............... 72,140 13,100 56,8201 49,380 7,440 1,300 920 69,760 8,320 54,540 47,380 -7,160 5,340 1,560 No school years completed ......... 5,760 1,080 4,420 3,780 640 120 140 3,840 700 2,600 2,160 440 420 120 Grade school: i to 4 years ......... 27,300 4,600 21,940 19,160 2,780 520 240 19,300 2,280 14,300 12,420 1,880 2,220 500 5 and 6 years ........ 17,760 3,100 14,060 12,340 1,720 360 240 17,620 1,840 14,300 12,640 1,660 1,080 400 7 and 8 years ........ . 11,540 2,300 8,880 7,760 1,120 200 160 15,780 _ 1,440 13,160 11,460 1,700 880 300 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,060 900 4,040 3,480 560 40 80 6,920 760 5,740 5,040 700 820 100 4 years ............. 1,240 160 1,040 900 140 20 20 * 2,380 280 1,880 10700 180 160 60 College: 1 to 3 years . ...... 800 120 660 580 80 - 20 1,900 440 1,340 1,120 220 100 20 4 years or more ...... 780 40 720 640 80 20 1,060 360 580 460 120 80 40 Not reported ..................... 1,900 800 1,060 740 320 40 - 960 220 640 380 260 80 20 35 to 44 years old ............... . 118,620 16,260 96,1401 84,240 11,900 4,360 1,860 119,820 8,840 89,100 77,460 11,640 18,560 83,20 No school years completed ........ 18,660 2,300 10,760 9,120 1,640 500 100 10,700 1,320 7,180 6,140 1,040 1,800 400 Grade school: 1 to 4 years ......... 51,400 6,200 42,500 37,460 5,040 1,840 860 40,280 2;740 29,440 25,460 3,980 6,960 1,140 5 and 6 years ........ 25,400 3,300 20,560 18,400 2,160 1,160 380 31,380 1,900 24,000 21,060 2,940 4,760 720 7 and 8 years ........ 16,060 1,920 13,160 11,680 1,480 580 400 21,160 1,160 16,360 14,460 1,900 2,980 660 High school: 1 to 3 years ......... 5,040 800 4,080 3,500 580 100 60 8,820 540 7,100 6,840 760 1,000 180 4 years ............. 1,800 240 1,480 1,360 120 60 20 2,600 200 1,900 1,660 240 380 120 College: 1 to 3 years ......... . 860 120 680 560 120 40 20 1,900 240 1,340 1,060 8280 280 40 4 years or more ...... 1,200 40 1,140 1,040 100 - 20 940 220 620 540 80 60 40 Not reported ............. ........ 3,200 1,340 1,780 1,120 660 80 - 2,040 520 1,160 740 420 840 20 45 to 54 years old............... 83,300 8,160 66,140 58,260 7.880 7,640 1,360 77,240 4,060 48,740 42320 6,420 22,940 1,500 No school years completed ......... 13,020 1,520 10,200 8,660 1,540 1,180 120 11,440 760 .6,680 5,580 1,100 3,860 140 Grade school: I to 4 years ........... 87,580 3,480 29,840 26,840 8,000 3,680 580 31,460 1,680 19,760 17,040 2,720 9,840 680 5 and 6 years......... 16,600 1,340 18,400 12,000 1,400 1,600 260 16,980 700 11,020 9,740 1,280 4,960 800 7 and 8 years........ ...9,300 940 7,500 6,400 1,100 660 200 9,320 320 6,300 5,680 620 2,540 160 High school: 1 to 3 yesrs ......... 2,660 240 2,240 2,040 200 120 60 3,500 140 2,240 2,120 120 960 160 4 years ............ 1,020 80 820 700 120 100 20 1,180 60 740 660 80 840 40 College: 1 to 3 years ......... 520 20 420 360 60 60 20 980 40 580 540 40 360 - 4 years or more...... . .. 620 - 540 520 20 60 20 500 20 360 260 100 120 - Not reported ............ . . . . . . . . .. 1,980 540 1,180 740 440 180 80 1,880 340 1,060 700 360 460 20 55to 64 yearsold.... ...... 48,300 3,820 36,440 32,700 3,740 7,500 540 46,960 2,180 24,420 21,820 8,100 19,660 700 No school years completed ......... . 10,740 1,200 7,780 7,140 640 1,640 120 10,120 580 4,740 4,160 580 4,680 120 Grade school: 1 to 4 years......... 21,780 1,400 16,600 14,900 1,700 3,500 280 19,460 760 9,900 8,640 1,260 8,540 260 5 and 6 years...... 7,700 460 6,040 5,300 740 1,100 100 8,260 260 4,760 4,120 640 3,080 160 7 and 8 years........ 4,040 340 3,060 2,880 180 640 - 5,100 260 2,860 2,580 280 1,920 60 High school: 1 to 3 years .. . 1,240 60 960 860 100 200 20 1,420 60 920 860 60 420 20 4 years............. 500 40 360 320 40 100 - 640 20 280 280 - 320 20 College: 1 to 3 years ........ 460 20 400 380 20 40 - 580 60 280 240 40 220 20 4 years or more...... 500 20 460 80 80 20 - 140 20 20 20 - 100 Not reported ................... .. 1,340 280 780 540 240 260 20 1,240 160 660 420 240 380 40 229 EDUCATION Table 42. -MARITAL STATUS OF THE .NEGRO POPULATION 18 TO 64 YEARS OLD, BY YEARS OF SCHOOL CQMPLETED, AGE, AND SEX, FOR REGIONS (WITH URBAN AND RURAL FOR THE SOUTH): 1940--Contlnuea (Statistics based on a 5-percent sample) MACE FEMA AREA, YEARS OF SCHOOL C0MIE'1TD, "AND AGE Married Married Total Sile Widowed D- Total Single 'idowd Dt- Total S Total Wife Wife Widowed orce Totald SingleHusband usband Widowed re present absent Total pseat., absent THE SOU'--Continued Rural-farm Total, 18 to 64 years old... j8 and 19 years old.......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 ye6rs ..... 5 and 6 years.... 7 and 8 years .... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ...... . College: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years or more .. Not reported ............. . 20 and 21 years old......... No school years completed ..... Grade school: 1 to 4 years ... 5 and 6 years .... 7 and 8 years.... High school: 1 to 3 years ..... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. . Not reported ............. . 22 to 24 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years ... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: , 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more.. Not reported .. .. .......... 25 to 29 years old.......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5Sand 6.years.. 7-and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 30 to 34 years old..... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported .............. 35 to 44 years old..... .... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6'years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 45 to 54 years old ......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years .... 5 and 6 years... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ....... College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more . Not reported ................ 55 to 64 years old .......... No school years completed .... Grade school: 1 to 4 years..... 5 and 6 years ... 7 and 8 years... High school: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years ........ College: 1 to 3 years .... 4 years or more. Not reported ................ 'Y a60 8 9 ..... ' ' . , a.** 4 v M r r . 1. .00 4-~". 79 0 asM 40. , 80 91 . 108.600 95.420 7.980 6.960 1,020 129 Q 99,809 61.oi 8648 33.580 .900 900 460 4,820 8,840 40 360 80 20 2,520 1,7800 700 40 - - 41,540 87,560 3,920 3,600 320 40 2,020 12,4o0 11, c 10,180 1,040 o00 180 28,060 25,800 2,220 1,880 340 20 27,660 14,880 2l,ac 11,360 960 840 120 17,580 16,860 1,180 980 200 20 2 23,220 15,000 7,900 7,420 480 240 80 9,160 8,940 200 120 80 20 17,W40 13,640 8,4ol 3,080 820 120 80 1,480 1,480 -- - - - 2,800 2,440 60 00 60 - - 400 400 - - - - 860 60 - - - 20 20 - - - - 20 20 - - 1,040 1,020 20 20 -1,040 500 540 - - - 89.880 63.540 25,320 28.100 2.220 340 a so s, 80 49,220 45, 40 3,880 1,120 820 5,780 ,760 1,96Q 1,740 220 60 3,080 1,40 1,800 1,700 100 20 20 37,560 25,640 11,680 10,800 880 180 6 24,080 8,040 15,40C 14,220 1,180 340 300 22,040 15,340 6,540_ 5,940 600 100 60 23,760 7,840 15, 80 14,300 1,080 400 140 14,200 10,560 3,620 3,400 220 - 20 18,900 8,140 10,820 9,520 800 200 240 6,520 5,340 1,140 920 220 - 40 11,160 6,200 4,720 4,160 560 140 100 1,860 1,700 160 160 - - - ,480 2,540 940 860 80 - - 334 40 - - - - - 1,120 940 180 140 40 - 40 40 - - - - 220 200 20 20 - - - 1,040 820 220 140 80 - 740 240 460 420 40 20 s0 116,960 51,980 63,400 59.3840 4,060 1,020 560 111,8201 28540 79,700 73,620 6,080 2,400 1,180 8,900 8,800 4,960 4,620 340 100 40 4,420 1,300 2,900 2,680 280 160 60 51,520 20,600 80,060 28,300 1,760 520 340 34,480 7,140 26,820 24,220 2,100 760 260 28,160 11,920 15,900 14,740 1,160 260 80 82,660 7,480 24,160 22,400 1,760 720 800 17,50 8,740 8,580 8,,580 8180 400 120 80 23,260 6,020 16,600 15,440 1,160 300 "D 6,840 3,860 2,940 2,620 320 20 20 10,700 3,160 7,180 6,600 580 240 1 0 2,060 1,580 480 440 40 - - 8,120 1,580 1,380 1,2e60 120 100 ' 60 840 760 80 60 20 - - 1,760 1,820 380 8300 80 40 20 180 180 - - - - 500 820 180 160 20 - - . 1,440 1,040 400 380 20 - - 920 220 600 560 40o 80 20 153,800 86,780 114.060 106.680 7.380 1.820 1,140 155,460 21,600 126,800 118,620 8180 5,040 2,020 12,960 3,480 9,820 8,540 780 120 40 7,060 1,540 5,100 4,600 500 340 80 72,160 15,760 54,960 51, 620 3,340 - 1,020 420 49,640 5,940 41,600 38,700 2,900 1,540 560 38,260 8,420 29,060 27,200 1,860 440 340 46,660 5,020 39,340 37,240 2,100 1,700 600 19,700 5,020 14,320 13,400 920 120 240 32,040 4,140 26,580 25,240 1,340 920 400 5,960 1,920 3,900 3,680 220 60 80 11,760 1,820 9,400 8,780 620 340 200 1,680 820 800 720 80 40 20 8,180 940 2,120 1,880 240 60 60 660 440 220 220 - - - 2,160 1,240 800 660 140 .60 60 360 220 140 120 20 - 920 420 440 260 180 20 40 2,060 700 .1,340 1,180 160 20 - 2,040 540 1,420 1,260 160 60 20 121,940 17.080 101,620 95,700 5,920 2.120 1,120 122980 10,900 103,900 98,160 5,740 6,620 1,560 11,920 2,580 9,060 8,860 700 160 120 7,460 1,220 5,660 5,100 560 520 60 58,720 - 6,940 50,240 47,600 2,640 1,100 440 45,080 3,480 38,080 35,840 2,240 3,080 440 28,080 3,420 23,880 22,560 1,320 500 280 35,820 2,760 30,640 29,340 1,300 1,920 500 15,080 2,800 12,340 11,640 700 260 180 22,200 1,800 19,420 18,440 980 620 860 4,120 780 3,240 2,980 260 40 60 7,160 580 6,220 5,860 360 280 80 700 180 520 , 440 80 - 1,940 340 1,480 1,400 80 , 100 20 640 200 400 360 40 20 20 1,280 260 940 820 120 40 4 560 120 420 340 80 20 - 500 140 820 800 20 80 20 2,120 560 1,520 1,420 100 20 20 150 2001,540 820 1,140 1,060 80 40 40 210,420 19,100 181,380 171,720 9,660 7,660 2,280 222,620 10,740 187,400 176,860 10,54O 22,040 2,440 27 ,840 3,420 22,880 21,440 1,440 1,220 820 19,640 1,620 14,800 14,120 680 8,000 280 107,340 9,020 93,360 88,500 4,860 3,840 1,120 88,840 3,920 78,960 69,70 4,240 10,040 920 45,080 3,200 39,720 37,760 1,960 1,700 460 64,200 2,460 56,080 58,820 2,760 5,100 560 19,520 1,740 16,900 16,100 800 660 2o0 31.640 1,240 27,640 26,080 1,560 2,400 360 4,880 500 4,120 3,920 200 140 120 9,720 440 8,800 7,700 600 820 160 960 280 660 580 80 20 - 2,740 240 2,800 2,200 100 120 80 840 120 720 680 40 - - 1,900 300 1,400 1,260 140 120 80 280 60 220 180 40 -, - 720 140 500 380 120 60 20 3,680 760 2,800 2,560 240 80 40 3,220 380 2,420 2,080 840 380 40 178,540 9,980 154,560 146,880 7,680 12,260 1,740 168,580 5,780 180,180 123,720 6,460 -0,500 2,120 30,900 2,440 25,820 24,360 1,460 2,400 240 22,800 1,400 15,90 14,88 I1,100 5,220 200 92,820 4,540 81,100 77,200 3,900 6,200 980 75,900 2,440 57,820 54,900 2,920 14,600 1,040 31,240 1,880 27,480 26,240 1,240 2,100 280 89,480 760 81,980 80,560 1,360 6,400 400 13,880 920 11,960 11,820 640 840 160 18,540 500 15,00 14,660 540 2,520 880 4,120 180 83,540 3,400 140 860 401 5,740 160 4,620 4,500 120 840 120 1,140 60 1,040 980 60 40 - 1,840 140 1,480 1,420 60 200 20 640 40 540 480 60 60 - 820 40 680 660 20 100 - 420 60 340 320 20 20 - 520 60 420 s80 40 40 3,380 360 2,740 2,580 160 240 40 2,940 280 2,060 1,760 800 580 80 126,280 5,760 105,400 99,780 5,620 14,380 740 98,220 8,060 65,680 62,4Wc 2,200 28,880 600 28,580 62,020 19,920 8,500 2,640 700 500 240 3,180 1,820 2,38 680 340 100 2( 4( 38( 23,300 52,240 16,960 7,100 2,240 600 420 140 2,400 21,920 49,620 16,100 6,780 2,200 60C 400 140 2,020 1,380 2,620 860 320 40 20 380 3,400 6,900 2,18C 1,040 280 80 8C 60C 360 60 500 100 20 20 40 18,800 46,100 19,100 8,200 2,580 700 380 240 2,020 780 1,180 440 200 120 20 40 280 11,060 0,380 13,760 6,360 1,940 600 240 200 1,140 10,520 28,840 18,200 6,14 1,84( 560 220 20( 960 540 1,540 560 220 100 40 20 180 6,900 14,240 4,740 1,700 500 80 100 40 580 60 800 160 40 20 20 & GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1947--0-748370 - 1 100n o 9900 40 1n 106 - 92n I _6!L AII 177 w9 74 9 6 9 n 11I 0 Pah This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012