THE PRACTICAL STAIR-BUILDER, A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE ART OF BUILDING STAIRS AND HANDRAILS, WITH A MANUAL. OF ELEMENTARY DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS, DESIGNED FOR CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, ILLUSTRATED WITH THIRTY ORIGINAL PLATES, C. EDWARD LOTH. PROFESSIONAL STAIR-BUILDER AT TROY, N. Y. LITHOGRAPHED AND PRINTED BY JULIUS BIEN, NEW YORK. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., ARCHITECTURAL BOOK PUBLISHERS, TROY, N.Y., and SPRINGFIELD, ILLS. 1869. BY 694.8 L91 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by C. EDWARD LOTH, i n the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. INTRODUCTION. Several good books have been published on "Stair-Building" in the English language. They treat principally on Hand Railing, while the planning and construction of the Stair Partis neglected. The theory and principles of the scientific part seem to be but imperfectly understood by the authors, which causes errors and difficulties in the practical execution. The books published on the subject in the German and French languages are edited by scientific men who have no practical experience. They give ground plans and elevations of the different parts, but do not mention the subject of the practical execution of the Handrail, and the workmen have to get out the crooks as best they can, on some system similar to the renowned Peter Nicholson's, which causes a great waste in labor and material. A thorough understanding of the planning and construction of both the Stairs and the Rails, is obviously necessary to a successful Stair-Builder, and it has been my aim in publishing this book, to cover the whole ground. In this country, where skilled labor is valuable, especially at the present time of our progressive age, any mechanic, particularly any one connected with Building, is expected to do a neat and substantial piece of work in the shortest time and with the use of the least material possible. To accomplish this, he, particularly the Stair-Builder, must be a good linear draughtsman. Linear Drawing is mostly a practical application of the principles and facts arrived at by the demonstrations in Elementary, Constructive and Descriptive Geometry; the necessary Definitions, Theorems and Problems of that science are introduced in the forward part of the book in a practical, comprehensive manner, and illustrated on Plates I. to IX. Plates X. to XXIX. illustrate every conceivable case and form of Stairs and Rails, which may come under the stair-builder's notice,, The frontispiece is a perspective view of the stair-case Fig. 1, PI. XXIX., finished in Gothic style, with wainscoting along the wallstring. By the system followed in this book, the wreath-pieces are all sawed square through the plank, all joints made at once, and the Rail, as also the Stairs, may each be put together and finished in the shop for an entire story, before being taken to the building. In no case need the thickness of the plank be more than the width of the rail; the instructions given to ascertain the length of odd balusters will be found of service. The explanation of the Plates is explicit in every particular. That of the practical part of Plates X. to XXIX. is written in such a manner, that a very careful study of the theoretical part is not absolutely necessary. However, a careful perusal of the chapter on "Theory of Handrailing" is recommended, as it will instruct the reader understandingly on the subject, and the young carpenter, who wishes to advance higher than the common average of what is called a good workman, cannot employ his leisure hours to any better advantage, than to study the whole of this work thoroughly. 4 Although fitted by education, which I was fortunate enough, to secure in Prussia, to employments considered by some as more genteel than that of building stairs, it so suits my taste, combining a healthy bodily and mental exercise, that I have made stair-building my exclusive business during the last fifteen years in this, my adopted country. The extensive experience gained during that time, aided by the application of science and a natural mechanical skill, enabled me to examine the subject thoroughly, and bring it to that perfection, which allows of no " guess-work" whatever, but is mathematically certain, subject only to such variations, as are caused by the mechanical manipulations of the materials used. During that time I have had many different men in employ; some as finished workmen, more under instructions. This gave me an opportunity to learn the wants and the best modes of teaching those carpenters who wish to become conversant with this particular branch of their business, and it has been my endeavor to present in this book the whole process systematically, as it is carried on under my personal supervision. I do not claim anything contained in it, as having never been known or practiced by any body else, for such would be an absurd presumption in these days; but I do know, that it contains more solid and specific information than any one book ever published on the subject in any language, and I feel confident, it will supply the want of a complete and reliable Self-Instructor in the art of stair-building in every detail, at once comprehensible to the novice, as well as instructive to the more accomplished workman. THE AUTHOR Troy, N. Y., November, 1867, P1.I. PLATE I. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. All bodies or solids are contained in space, and are limited portions of the same, supposed to be occupied by matter. They may be considered in three relations. 1st. Matter, substance or material. 2d. Figure, shape or form. 3d. Extension, size or volume. Geometry has nothing to do with the first, but considers solids only in regard to their extensions and forms in an abstract sense. A solid^ being a limited portion of space, that boundary, which encloses and divides it from the rest of the same, is called its surface. The boundary of a surface is called a line, and the limit of a line, a point. Solids are extensions of three dimensions: length, breadth and thickness. Surfaces have length and breadth, but no thickness. Lines have length only. A point has no dimensions, but indicates a certain place or position only. Lines are either straight or curved ; a straight line extends its whole length in one and the same direction ; it is also called a right line. A curve line changes its direction at every point of its extension; such as the circle, ellipse, &c. Broken lines are made up of straight lines, not lying in the same direction; and lines made up of straight and curve lines in any direction, are called compound lines. Surfaces are either straight and plane, or curved. If a surface is so constituted that a straight line between any of its points wholly coincides with such surface, then it is called a plane ; all surfaces which are not planes, are curved. The surface of a board, for instance, planed true, so that a straight edge applied to it in any direction will be in contact throughout its whole extent, is a plane. When two lines meet at a common point, they intersect ; that portion of the surface included between them is called an angle ; this term also applies to that portion of space included between two or more intersecting surfaces. Lines, surfaces, angles and solids, being extensions of one or more dimensions, which may be measured and thus represent quantities, are in a general term, called Magnitudes. A figure represents or expresses the form or shape of one or more of the above magnitudes, and indicates by lines their relative extension and position. Geometry, as a general term, is the science of measurement of extension, and the consideration of the properties and relations of the different geometrical magnitudes, by means of such measurement. Magnitudes are equal, when one being applied to the other, they coincide throughout their whole extent. That part �of Geometry which treats of lines, angles and surfaces lying in one plane, is called Plane Geometry. An axiom is a self-evident truth. A demonstration is a train of logical arguments brought to a conclusion. A theorem is a truth, which becomes evident by reasons of a demonstration. A problem is a question proposed which requires a solution. The shortest distance between any two points is that indicated by a straight line between them; only one straight line can be drawn between two points, but the same may be produced or extended infinitely in either direction- 6 A line is designated by two letters. In speaking of a line, a straight line is meant, nnless otherwise mentioned. Two lines are parallel, when situated in one plane, they will never intersect, however far they may be produced in either direction; the shortest distance between them will be the same on any point of either line. Thus A B parallel to C D and E F. Fig. 1. When two straight lines meet at one point with their respective ends, they form a plane angle. The two lines are called the sides, and the point of intersection, the vertex of that angle. Angles are mostly designated by a figure < and three letters; the one at the vertex always in the middle. Thus, in Fig. 2, A B and B D are the sides, and B the vertex of < A B D. If the line A B is produced in the direction of C, then two adjacent angles ABD and CBD are formed, which may either be unequal (one smaller than the other) Fig. 2, or equal, as in Fig. 3; when both angles are equal, they are called right angles (or square angles), and the line B D is said to be perpendicular to the other line A C. Any angle smaller than a right angle is called acute, as < D B C, Fig. 2, and any angle larger than a right one is called obtuse, as < ABD; in that case, line BD is said to be inclined to the line AG. When two lines intersect, as A D and E F, Fig. 4, they form four angles; those situated as < ABE and < DBF are called opposite or vertical angles. When a straight line A D, Fig. 4, intersects two parallel lines, as E F and Q- H, such angles, situated as < A B E and < B C Gr on the same side of the intersecting line, are called alternate angles ; angles situated as E B C and B C G- on the same side of the intersecting line, are termed interior angles. A plane figure is any portion of a plane, inclosed on all sides by lines. A plane figure inclosed on all sides by straight lines is called a Polygon or rectilineal Figure. Polygons have different names according to the number of their sides. A triangle is one inclosed by three sides ; a quadrilateral by four sides, a pentagon by five, hexagon by six, octagon by eight. Triangles are classified in regard to the length of their sides and the size of their angles. An equilateral triangle has its three sides equal, Fig. 5. An isosceles triangle has only two of its sides equal, Fig. 6. A scalene or irregular triangle has all its three sides unequal, Fig. 7. An equiangular triangle has all its angles equal, Fig, 5. An acute angled triangle is one with all three angles acute, Fig. 5 and 6^ An obtuse angled triangle has one angle obtuse, Fig. 7. A right angled or rectangular triangle is one in which one angle is a right one ; the side opposite the right angle is termed the hypothenuse, and the other two sides, respectively, the base and perpendicular. Fig. 8 is a right angled triangle ; < A B C is a right angle, A C the hypothenuse, A B the base, and B C the perpendicular. Quadrilaterals are classified into parallelograms, trapeziods, and trapeziums. Parallelograms have their opposite sides parallel; there are four kinds�the square, rectangle, rhombus and rhomboid. A square, Fig. 9, has its four sides equal, and all angles are right angles. A rectangle, Fig. 10, has four right angles, but only its opposite sides equal A rhombus or lozenge, Fig. 11, has all four sides equal, but only the opposite angles equah A rhomboid, Fig. 12, has both its opposite sides and opposite angles equal. A trapezoid, Fig. 13, has only two of its sides parallel, and all sides and angles may be unequal. The trapezium, Fig. 14, has no two of its sides parallel. A polygon is termed equilateral when all its sides are equal; it is equiangular when all its angles are equal. A regular polygon is one which has all its sides and all its angles equal. The equilateral 7 triangle, Fig. 5, and the square, Fig. 9, are regular polygons; also see Fig. 17, PL II., a regular hexagon, and Fig. 18, a regular octagon. Two polygons are mutually equilateral, when their sides, placed in the same order, are equal, each to each; two polygons are mutually equiangular, when their angles, placed in the same order, are equal, each to each. A line which joins the vertices of two angles not adjacent in any figure, is called a diagonal, and that side of a figure on which it is supposed to stand, is called the base. A C and B D, Fig. 9 and 11, also A C, Fig. 14, are diagonals. The perometer of a polygon is the sum of all its sides. theorems. Theorem 1. The sum of two adjacent angles is always equal to the sum of two right angles. The sum of < A B D and < CBD, Fig. 3, is equal to the sum of two right angles. Theorem 2. Opposite angles are equal. < A B F, Fig. 4, equal to < E B D. Theorem 3. Alternate angles are equal, and the sum of two interior angles is equal to two right angles. < A B E, Fig. 4, equal to < B C Gk The sum of < E B 0 and < B C Gr is equal to two right angles. Theorem 4. An equilateral triangle is also equiangular. The triangle, Fig. 5, is equilateral as well as equiangular. Theorem 5. In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are equal. < B A C, Fig. 6, equal to < A B C. Theorem 6. All angles of a scalene triangle are unequal. Theorem 7. The sum of all angles in any triangle is equal to the sum of two right angles. Theorem 8. In any right angled triangle, the sum of the two angles formed by the hypothenuse with the base and perpendicular, is equal to one right angle. The sum of < B A C and < A 0 B, Fig. 8, is equal to one right angle. Theorem 9. The diagonals of all parallelograms bisect each other. Theorem 10. The diagonals of the square are equal, also those of the rectangle. Theorem 11. The diagonals of the square are perpendicular to each other. Theorem 12. The diagonals of the square and the rhombus bisect their respective angles. Fig. 9, < A B D equal to < C B D, and < A D B equal to < C D B. THE CIRCLE. DEFINITIONS. The circumference of a cirole, Fig. 15, is a continuous curve line, described by a point A moving in a plane around a fixed point O, at an equal distance, A O. That portion of the plane, terminated by the circumference, is called the circle ; any straight line as A O, the radius, and the fixed point O, the centre of the circle. Any straight line, as A B, passing through the centre O, and terminated each way by the circumference, is called a diameter ; it is evidently double the length of the radius. Fig. 16. By the definition of the circle it follows: that all radii of the same circle are equal, also that all diameters are equal. 8 Any part of the circumference, as C D or P G, is called an arc. Right lines, as P Gr, connecting the extremeties of arcs and not passing through the centre, are called chords ; when extended beyond the circumference they become secants. Any portion C O D of the surface of a circle, contained "between two radii and the arc connecting their extremities, is called a sector. A segment is that part of a circle included between a chord and its arc, as F Gr H. A straight line, E D, which touches the circumference of a circle in one single point, is called a tangent. Any angle formed by two radii, the vertex being in the centre, is termed a central angle. Any angle, B C L, Fig. 21, formed by two chords, or a diameter and a chord, the vertex being in the circumference, is called an inscribed angle. All regular polygons may be inscribed in a circle, or circumscribed to a circle. The sides of an inscribed polygon are equal chords, as AB, CD, EF, Fig. 17, PL II., which are sides of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of the radius 0 A. The sides of a circumscribed regular polygon are tangents to the circle, as AB, CD, EF, which are sides of a regular hexagon circumscribed around the circle of the radius O Gr. If the circumference of a circle is divided into a certain number of equal parts (or small arcs), and the two radii running to the ends of one of them are considered as the sides, and the centre of the circle as the vertex of an angle, then the arc is a unit of measure for that angle in reference to the division of the whole circle. It is the custom to divide the circumference for this purpose into 360 units or equal parts, called degrees ; each degree is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds. To express an angle of forty-five degrees, fifteen minutes, and thirty seconds, it is written thus: 45� 15' 30". To farther illustrate the meaning of this division into degrees, suppose the arc A D of the angle A 0 D, Fig 21, PL I, to contain 60 parts or degrees of the circumference described by the radius O A. If the sides of this angle be produced until they intersect the circumference described from the same centre, O, by the radius O B, then the arc B C will contain again 60 parts or degrees of the larger circle, but the angle itself, or the inclination between the two lines D O and A O, remains unchanged. Two diameters perpendicular to each other, will evidently divide the whole circle into four right angles of 90� each. The sum of two right angles, as B O F and J O F, is 180�; if < B O C contains 60�, then < J O C must contain the remainder of 180�, namely, 120� and < F O C 30�, or the remainder of 90�. The diagonal of a square divides the right angle into two equal parts of 45� each, as < J O H and < O H J. The sum of all angles in a triangle, being equal to two right angles, or 180�, each angle in an equilateral triangle, which is also equiangular, must contain 60�. THEOREMS. Theorem 13. Any diameter divides the circle into two equal sectors, called semi-circles. Theorem 14. Any two diameters at right angles to each other divide tlie circle into four equal sectors, called quadrants. Thus, J O F and B O F, Fig. 21, are quadrants. Theorem 15. Tangents are always at right angles to the radius at the point of contact. Thus, E D is perpendicular to J) O, and E B perpendicular to B O. Fig. 16. Theorem 16, Any radius, which is perpendicular to a chord, loill bisect the chord and its arc. Let the radius O H be perpendicular to chord F Gr, then F J and J Gr are equal, and arc F H equal to arc H G. 9 Theorem 17. Any perpendicular bisecting a chord, will pass through the centre. Let O J be perpendicular to and bisect F G ; it will pass through O, the centre of the circle. Theorem 18. A circle may be described through any three points not in the same straight line. Theorem 19. Any inscribed angle is measured by one half of its arc. Theorem 20. The diameter is to the circumference as 1 to 3. 14 or approximate 1 to 3| PROPORTIONS. DEFINITIONS. Proportion of magnitudes of the same kind, is the relation they bear to each other in regard to one being more or less than the other ; the measure of such proportion is called their ratio ; it is expressed by the quotient arising from dividing one by the other. Thus, a line A, which is four inches, and another B, six inches long, are in the ratio of �, or four to six ; the first is two-thirds the length of the second. This relation between the lines A and B is written thus: A : B :: 4: 6 :: 2 : 3. When another pair of lines, C and D, bear the same ratio to each other as A does to B, then the four are said to be in proportion. For instance : let C be 12 inches and D 18 inches long, then such proportion would be designated thus� C : D :: 12 : 18 :: 2 : 3 and consequently A : B :: C : D or substituting their numerical measures 4 : 6 :: 12 : 18 When A is one inch, B three inches and C one foot long, then T> must be three feet long, to be in proportion with the others. On this principle depend the constructions of drawings on a small scale. The first and last terms are called the two extremes, and the second and third the two me ans. The product of the two extremes is equal to the product of the two means. Three magnitudes of the same kind are said to be in proportion, when the first has the same ratio to the second, as the second has to the third ; the middle term is then said to be a mean proportional between the other two. Thus, when A : B :: B : C then B is the mean proportional between A and C. theorems. Theorem 21. If in any triangle a line is drawn parallel to either side, it will divide the other two sides proportionally. Let D E, Pig. 19, be parallel to A B5 then CD:DA::0E:EB or CD : G A:: CE: C B. If C D is three times the length of D A, then C E will be three times the length of E B. Theorem 22. If in any triangle a line is drawn parallel to one side, then any lines drawn from the opposite vertex, will divide that side and the parallel proportion ally. 2 10 Let D E, Fig. 19, be parallel to A B, then AG:GB::DF:PE. If A G is double the length ot G B, then D F will be double the length of F E. Theorem 23. In any right angled triangle, a line drawn perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle to the hypothenuse, is a mean proportional between the segments of the hypothenuse. Let A C B, Fig. 18, be a right angle, and C D perpendicular to A B, then AD : DC :: DC : DB. If D B is nine parts long and A D four of the same parts, then D C will be six of such parts in length; 9 : 6 :: 6 : 4. D C is the mean proportional between B D and A D. Theorem 24. The square of the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Let CAB, Fig. 20, be a right angled triangle. If A C is three parts long and A B four of such parts, then B C will be five of those parts in length. The square of A C will contain nine of the small squares of each part, and the square of A B sixteen of such small squares. The sum of both is equal to 25, or the number of small squares inscribed in the square of the hypothenuse B C. Remark.�This explains the practice of laying three rods, respectively three, four and five feet, or six, eight and ten feet long, together to form a right angled triangle, while framing timbers and other work. EQUALITY AND SIMILARITY OF FIGURES. DEFINITIONS. Two figures are alike or equal, when, one being applied to the other, they coincide in all their parts. All the sides and angles of equal figures in their respective situation, each to each, are equal; or, in other words, such figures are mutually equilateral and equiangular. Two figures are similar, when they are mutually equiangular, and have their sides about the equal angles respectively situated, proportional. In figures which are mutually equiangular, those angles which are equal, each to each, are called homologous angles, and those sides which are like situated, respectively to the equal angles, are called homologous sides. In every plane triangle there are six parts : three sides and three angles, which are so related to each other, that, when one side and any two of its other parts are given, the remaining ones may be found by geometrical construction. THEOREMS. Theorem 25. Triangles having one side and any two of the other homologous parts alike, are equal. Theorem 26. Mutually equilateral triangles are equal. Theorem 27. Mutually equiangular triangles are similar, and their sides are mutually proportional. Triangles HOC and J F C, Fig. 19, are similar. 11 Theorem 28. The diagonal of a parallelogram divides the same into two equal triangles. Theorem 29. Two squares are equal, when their sides are equal. Theorem 30. Two rectangles are equal, when their long and short sides are equal. Theorem 31. Lozenges are equal, when one of their sides and one of their homologous angles are equal. Theorem 32. Rhomboids are equal, when their short and long sides and one of their homologous angles are equal. Theorem 33. Two irregular quadrilateral figures are equal, when three of their homologous sides and two of the homologous angles formed by them are equal. Theorem 34. Two irregular quadrilateral figures are also equal, when two of the homologous sides and three of the homologous angles are equal. PLATE II. GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS. The instruments used in solving the following problems are, a straight edged ruler to draw the straight lines, and a pair of dividers with lead pencil attached to one leg, to describe circular lines. Problem 1. At a given point in a given line, to construct an angle equal to a given angle. Let A, Fig. 1, be the given point in the given line A B, and < c a b the given angle. Prom the vertex a as a centre, describe with any radius the arc b c, terminating in the sides of the angle ; then, with the same radius, from A as a centre, describe the indefinite arc B C, lay off on B C the arc as b c, and draw a line through A and C ; then angle CAB will be equal to the given angle cab. Problem 2. Through a given point to draw a line parallel to a given straight line. First solution: Let D, Fig. 2, be the given point, and A B the given line. Describe from any convenient point of the line A B, a semicircle passing through the given point D, then lay off from B to C the arc A D, and a line D C, will be parallel to A B. Second solution: Let C, Fig. 3, be the given point, and A B the given line. From C draw any straight line C A, forming any angle with A B; then construct angle D C A equal to angle CAB, and the side C D of the second angle, will be parallel to A B. Problem 3. To bisect a given arc, or a given angle. Let A D B, Fig. 4, be the arc to be divided into two equal parts. Describe with any equal radii from the points A and B, two arcs cutting each other at C ; then a line drawn through C and the centre O, will bisect the arc and also the angle A O B. By the same process the angle DOB may again be bisected, and angle ExO B will be then equal to one-fourth of the given angle A O B. Problem 4. To bisect a given straight line. Let A B, Fig. 5, be the line to be bisected. With any equal radii more than one-half of A B, describe arcs cutting each other above and below the line, as in D and E; then a line, D E, will bisect A B in C, their point of intersection. D E will also be at right angles to A B. Problem 5. At a given point in a given straight line, to erect a perpendicular to that line. Let A, Fig. 6, be the given point in the given line B C. Lay off from A each way, equal distances as B and C ; from these points describe arcs with equal radii, cutting in D ; then a line A D, will be the perpendicular. Problem 6. At the end of a given line to erect a perpendicular to that line. Let A, Fig. 7, be the end of the given line B A. Describe arcs with equal radii from A and any point B, cutting in D ; then with the same radius, from D as a centre, describe the semicircle B A C, intersecting the line B D produced at C ; a line A C will be the perpendicular. Problem 7. From a given point A, outside of a given line B C, to let fall a perpendicular to that line. Let A, Fig. 8, be the given point, and B C the given line. From A as a centre, describe an arc with any radius, cutting the line as in B and C ; from these points describe intersecting arcs either above or below the line as in D, then the line A D will be the perpendicular. Problem 8. From a given point outside of, and nearly opposite the end of a given line, to let fall a perpendicular to that line. Let A, Fig. 9, be the given point, and B C the given line. From the point A draw any line A C, intersecting B C as at C ; bisect A C as in D, and describe the semicircle over A C, intersecting C B as in B ; then the line A B will be the perpendicular Problem 9. To construct a triangle, the three sides being given. Let the lines marked A, B and C, Fig. 10, be the given sides. Draw D E and make it equal to the side A; then describe from D an arc with the side C as radius, and from E an arc with the side B as a radius, cutting the former in F ; draw the lines D F and E F, and D E F will be the triangle required. Pin. My.2. &./ \c Fiq. 5. A J) Jfy.6. AJ> c E B l.C FigX / ^':D B A Fit,. 9. y%A \D B FiglO. A Efyll. C B C Fvg.13. <:& Fig.11 E^- B . I) / /.'b .�..M4___ \\ /V"/ \ \ K 1 V" V 7 '' w G \ /�'" " -\/ y\ \ /% / \ \0/ p*r:------------] V i \ A Fig. 21 A. C B Fig. 8. A 3 C,'' ) J) i I\F Fiq.12. / <* 20. G �*-� v \ / \ N i / \ i / ; / _3i \ % vi' / ^v \ \ A '�K \ /\; s\ B +� 4- 4-U ,-' *H-\ ' ,'' f*\ ^ /*c\ \ i � //r\\ ;; v // i M " ,y y\ i/ � \\ /' -- A "�-^ 13 By reference to the figure, it will be noticed, that triangle D E Gr is equal to triangle D E F, both containing the sides given; therefore, when the figure is to be constructed in reference to some other figure, then the situation of the three sides must be taken into consideration, and the point F or G found as required. Problem 10. Two sides of a triangle and the angle formed by them being given, to construct the triangle. Let the lines marked A and B, Fig. 11, be the given sides, and c d e the given angle. Construct the angle given as in Problem 1, with the sides produced indefinite ; make one side D 0 equal to A, and the other D E equal to B, then CDE will be the triangle. Problem 11. One side and two angles of a triangle being given, to construct the triangle. Let A, Fig. 12, be the given line, < db c and < d cb the given angles. The two. angles will either be adjacent to the given side, or one will be adjacent and the other opposite. In the first case, draw a line B C and make it equal to A ; construct at B an angle equal to db c, and at C an angle equal to d cb ; the sides of these angles will intersect in D, and BCD will be the triangle required. In the other case, make B C equal to A, and construct at B an angle equal to db c as before; then construct at any point E of the line B E, angle D E Gr equal to deb, and draw through C a line C F parallel to E Gr; then B C F will be the triangle required. Problem 12. The side being given, to construct the square. First solution : Draw two lines, A B and A D, Fig. 13, of indefinite length, at right angles ; make them equal to the side given, and describe arcs from B and D as centres with the given side as radii, cutting at C ; then A B C D will be the square required. Second solution : Draw a line A B, Fig. 14, equal in length to the side of the square to be constructed ; describe arcs AEC and BED, with AB as radius, and A and B as centres, cutting at E ; bisect the arc E A by the line B Gr at F, describe an arc D F C from E as centre and E F as radius, intersecting the first arcs at C and D, and A B C D will be the square. Problem 13. To construct a lozenge, one angle and the side being given. The solution is similar to the first of the preceding problem. Construct an angle, DAB, Fig. 15, equal to the given angle, and make its sides, A D and A B, equal to the given side of the lozenge ; from the points B and D describe arcs with that same side as radii, cutting in C, and A B C D will be the figure required. Problem 14. To construct an irregular quadrilateral, three sides and both angles formed by them being given, in relative position. Let Fig. 16, D A, A B and B C, be the given sides, DAB and ABC the given angles. Draw a line A B equal to the given one, then construct the given angles DAB and AB C as situated, and make their sides A D and B C of the length given, completing the figure by joining C D. Any irregular figure may be most accurately and conveniently copied from another already given, by dividing the latter into triangles, and constructing these according to Problem 9 in their respective situation. Thus, Fig. 15 is a copy of Fig. 11, PL I, and Fig. 16 that of Fig. 14, PL I. Problem 15. To construct a figure similar to another given figure. Any regular or irregular polygon may be constructed similar (either enlarged or reduced in proportion) to a given one, by dividing the same into triangles, as when making a copy equal to it, and then drawing homologous sides in the proportion required, either by the method applied Fig. 19, PL I., or using the scale, Figs. 14 and 15, PL IV. Thus, ab cd, Fig. 16, PL IL, is a figure similar to A B C D, the sides being reduced one half. It will be noticed, when any of the homologous sides of similar polygons are parallel, all of them will be parallel. Problem 16. To construct a, regular hexagon. It is one of the peculiar properties of the circle, that the radius will space off six equal chords on the whole circumference. The construction of a regular hexagon is therefore very simple, when one side of the same is given. Describe a circle with the given side O A, Fig. 17, as radius, space off the circumference, draw the chords, and a regular hexagon, as A B C D E F, will be the result. In case the distance G H, between two of its parallel sides is given, describe a circle with half of that distance, as O G, for a radius, space off the six arcs as before, and draw the perpendiculars to the radii at the points of division; as A B tangent to O G at G, and those tangents will form the 14 hexagon required. Connecting three alternate points of those divisions of the circumference, will produce an equilateral triangle, &$ ace. Problem 17. To construct a regular octagon. When the distance AB, Fig. 18, between two parallel sides is given, construct a square CDEF, its sides equal to that distance ; draw the diagonals CE, DF, and set off from their intersection O, the distance D F, equal to O A and O B. Draw a line H G, perpendicular to the diagonal through F, and where this line intersects the sides of the square, will be the angles, and H Gr, one side of the octagon. To complete the figure, set off the distance EH or EG from the remaining corners on all sides of the square, and connect the points thus found. In that case, when the side of the octagon to he constructed is given, draw a line C B, Fig. 19, indefinite, and set off A B equal to the side given ; bisect A B by a perpendicular O D, Problem 4, and draw AF parallel to DO. Then bisect the angle OAF, Problems, and make E A equal to A B ; bisect again E A by a perpendicular H O, intersecting D O at O, which will then be the centre of the octagon. The completion of the octagon is easily seen by the figure without further description. Problem 18. Any square being given, to find the points to form an octagon. Let A B C D, Fig. 20, be the given square ; draw the diagonals A C, B D. From any corner B, as the centre, and half of the diagonal O B, as the radius, describe the arc O E, intersecting the side in E. Then C E will be the distance to be laid off each way from the corners of the square, to form the same into an octagon. Second method : Draw the diagonals as before ; from any corner C, as the centre and the side of the square as the radius, describe the arc B F, intersecting the diagonal C A at F ; from F draw F G parallel to the side A B, and A Gr will be the distance to be laid off each way from the corners of the square, to form it into an octagon. HemarJc.�This problem finds frequent practical application, when making the square base of a newelpost octagon ; set the guage by the distance found, as C E or A Gr, and run a guage-mark each way from the corners. Problem 19. To divide a given line into any number of equal parts. Let A B, Fig. 21, be the given line. From A draw an indefinite line A C on any convenient angle, and set off as many equal parts of some convenient length toward C, marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as the given line is to be divided into ; connect the last point of division (5) with the other point B of the given line, and draw parallels to 5 B through all the points of division ; these parallels, 11, 2 2. 33, &c, will intersect and divide the line AB into the required number of equal parts. Problem 20. To find the side of a regular polygon, for any number of sides, to be inscribed in a given circle. All regular polygons may be inscribed in a circle. Several methods for constructing a polygon of an even number of sides have already been given, as that of the square, hexagon, octagon, &c. The method now to be described, is mostly applied for polygons with an unequal number of sides, as the pentagon, of five sides, heptagon, of seven sides, nonagon, of nine sides, &c. Let A B, Fig. 22, be the diameter of the given circle. Make B D equal to A B, and divide A D (this being twice the length of the diameter) into as many equal parts, as the polygon is to have sides ; in this diagram, A D is divided into five equal parts, and let D 4 be one of these divisions; make B C equal to D 4, and describe arcs from A and B as centres, and the diameter as radius, cutting as in E; connect E and C, which extended, will intersect the circumference as in F; the chord B F will be the side of the required pentagon. Problem 21. To find the radius of the circle, in which a regular polygon of any number of sides may be inscribed, the side of the polygon being given. Let AB, Fig. 23, be the given side. From A and B as centres, and AB as radius, describe arcs, cutting as in 0 ; bisect A B by a perpendicular indefinitely extended, which of course passes through C. It is evident, that a circle, described from C as a centre and A B as a radius, will contain a regular hexagon, of which A B is a side. Divide C12, which is equal to A C or A B, into six equal parts, marked 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. These divisions are the centres of the circles required, passing through A and B. For instance: a polygon of nine sides, of the given side A B may be 15 inscribed in a circle, described from 9 as a centre, and 9 A or 9 B as radius. If a polygon of more than twelve sides is required, lay off as many more of these parts on the perpendicular toward D, as are required ; thus, the mark 15, will be the centre for the circle of an inscribed polygon of 15 sides, and so on. The larger the number of sides, the more the centres thus found will deviate from the true centre of the required circle. PLATE III. GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS. (CONTINUED.) Problem 22. To find the centre of a given circle or arc. Take three points anywhere in the circumference or arc, draw the chords A B and B C, Fig. 1, bisect them by the perpendiculars E O and D O, and O their point of intersection, will be the centre sought. Problem 23. To draw a tangent through a given point, in a given circle. Let A, Fig. 2, be the given point, and O the centre of the given circle. Draw the radius O A, and erect the perpendicular B C, which will be the tangent required. Problem 24., Through a given point outside of a, given circle, to draw a tangent to the circle- Let A, Fig. 3, be the given point, and O the centre of the given circle. Connect A with O, and describe a circle, of which A O is the diameter; where this circle intersects the given circle, as in B and C, will be points of contact, and A B and A C will be the tangents required. It will be noticed, that from any point outside of a circle, two tangents may be drawn, and that both will be of equal length. (Compare Figs. 16 and 21, Plate I.) Problem 25. To draw a tangent through a given point in a given arc, the centre not being Jcnown. Let A, Fig. 4, be the giveii point and B A C the given arc. From A set off equal portions of the arc as B A and A C ; conceive a chord, drawn from B to C, and bisect the same by a perpendicular F Gr, which evidently must pass through A, and extended, also through the unknown centre of the circle. Through the point A of this line, erect the perpendicular *D E, which will be the tangent sought. Problem 26. Through a given point, outside of a given arc, to draw a tangent to the same, the centre not being Jcnown. Let A, Fig. 5, be the given point and C B F the given arc. Draw any convenient secant A C, and describe a semicircle ADC, AC being the diameter ; to this diameter erect a perpendicular B D at B, intersecting the semicircle at D ; then from A as a centre and A D as a radius, describe the arc D E F; cutting the given arc at E and F, and the lines A E and A F will be the required tangents. Problem 27. To draw a tangent to a given circle, parallel to a given line. Let A B, Fig. 6, be the given line, and O the centre of the given circle. From O draw a line O C perpendicular to the given line A B, intersecting the circle at C ; through C, perpendicular to O C, construct the line D E, which will be the tangent sought. Problem 28. To describe a circle, to which a given line at a given point in the same, will be a tangent, the periphery of the circle to pass also through another given point, not contained in the given line. Let A, Fig. 7, be the given point in the given line AB, which is to be tangent to the circle, and C the given point, through which the circumference is to pass. At A draw a line A O perpendicular to A B ; then draw the chord A C and bisect by a perpendicular D O ; both perpendiculars will evidently pass through the centre and 0, their intersection, will be the centre of the circle sought. Problem 29. To describe a circle in a given triangle. Let ABC, Fig. 8, be the given triangle. Bisect any two of the angles of the triangle, and O the intersection of the bisecting lines, will be the centre for the required circle. All three of the bisecting lines A O, B O and C O will meet in one common point, and it is evident, the sides.of the triangle will be tangents to the circle. Problem 30. To find a fourth proportional to three gfoen lines. Let A, B, C, Fig. 9, be the given lines. Draw two indefinite lines D Gr and D H, making any convenient angle ; from D lay off D E equal to A, D F equal to B, and E Gr equal to C ; draw the PI. III. Fig. I. Fh/.U. \z Ki> Fig YE. \F Fig. IK. 17 line E F, and through the point G, a line GH parallel to EF; then FH will be the fourth proportional to A, B and C. (Fig. 19, PL I.) A: B:: C : FH. Problem 31. Two lines are given; one of these to he mean proportional between the other one and a third line: to find that third line. Draw two lines of indefinite length, Fig. 10, forming any convenient angle, as in the preceding problem. Make A C equal to that one which is to be a mean proportional, and A B equal to the other of the given lines ; make B D also equal to A C, and draw D E parallel to B C; then C E will be the third, or the line required. AB: AC :: AC: CE. Problem 32. To find a mean proportional between two given lines. Draw an indefinite line ; make A B, Fig. 11, equal to one of the given lines, and B C equal to the other. Over A C as a diameter, describe the semicircle ADC, and from B erect the perpendicular B D, cutting the semicircle in D; B D will be the mean proportional sought. (Fig. 18, PL I.) Problem 33. To find the lengtli, or stretchout of the are of a given semicircle or quadrant, by construction. The length of an arc is what is commonly understood by the stretchout and may be developed approximate by the following construction : To find the stretch out of the semicircle ABC, Fig. 12, draw a tangent EF of indefinite length, and describe arcs from A and C as centres, with the diameter as radius, cutting in D ; draw lines A D and C D through the point D and the extremities of the diameter, produce the same until they intersect the tangent, and the line E F will be the length sought. E B and B F each, are equal to the stretchout of the quadrants A B and B C. In the same manner any portion of the arc, as B H, may be developed by drawing a line from the point D through H produced, intersecting the tangent in J ; then J B is the stretchout of H B. To find the stretchout of the quadrant B C only, describe arcs from O and C as centres, with O C as radius, cutting as in G; produce Gr C, intersecting the tangent in F, and B F is the stretchout. Hemar~k.�Although this construction developes the stretchout of the semicircle and quadrant very nearly in true length, that of the segment varies more therefrom; for instance: E J falls short of A H, and J B is longer than H B. THE ELLIPSE. It has been mentioned before, that a circular line is the most simple, as well as the most practically applied of all the single curves. The Ellipse is the next most important of that class, and every workman ought to be well acquainted with its construction and proportions. DEFINITIONS. An Ellipse, Fig. 13, is a continuous curve line, described by a point A, while moving around two fixed points B and C, called the foci, which are contained in a straight line D E, termed the major axis, in such a manner, that in any one of the diiferent positions of the point A, the sum of its distances from the two foci is equal to the given major axis D E. Thus AC+AB=DE, and when A assumes the position at F of the curve FC+FB^DE, and also DB+DC=DE. The line F G-, being perpendicular to, and bisecting the* major axis D E at O, is called the minor axis. The major axis is also termed the long or transverse, and the minor axis, the short 3 18 or conjugate one. The extremity of an axis, as D or F, is called a vertex, and the intersection 0 of the two axes, the centre of the ellipse. Lines as AC, AB, FC, &c, drawn from any point of the curve of an ellipse to the foci, are termed vectoes ; and a line as A L, bisecting the angle formed by two vectors, is a normal to the curve, at the point A. Any Jine as MN, perpendicular to a normal AL, touching the curve at one single point A, is a tangent to the curve, at the point of contact. Either axis divides the ellipse into two equal parts, called semi-ellipses, and both axes divide the same into four equal parts, termed elliptical quadrants. THEOREMS. Theorem 35. By the definitions of the ellipse given above, it follows: that the distances C E and DB, Fig. 13, are equal; also, that F Q and F Beach, or G G and G B each, are equal to one half of the major axis D E. Theorem 36. If from any point K, in the curve, an arc is described with one half of the major axis as radius, cutting the minor axis as in H, and a line H K drawn through these points, then: that part as JK, between the major axis and the curve, will be equal to one half of the minor axis. If from K an arc is described with one half of the minor axis as a radius, cutting the major axis in J, and K J produced until it intersects the minor axis in H, then : UK will be equal to one half of the major axis. Theorem 37. If one of the vectors as B A is extended, forming an angle CAP with the other vector, then tangent A JSF wiU bisect that angle. It is evident that perpendiculars to either axis through the vertex, are tangents to the ellipse. Thus four such tangents will form a rectangle PQRS, Fig. 14, whose sides are respectively equal to the major and minor axis of the ellipse. Theorem 38. Let F D, Fig. 15, be a tangent to the elliptic curve at A, A B and A C the vectors, and F Gr parallel to one of the vectors, say A C ; further, let the semicircle F D J Gr be described from O as a centre, and one half of the major axis as radius ; then, First�A line 0 D, running from the centre of the ellipse to the point where the tangent intersects the semicircle, will be parallel to the other vector A B. Second�The line BG, running from that point of intersection to the other extremity of the diameter of the semicircle, will always pass through O, or that focus of the ellipse, from which the first vector was drawn, and to which the diameter F G is parallel. Third�Triangles COG and B OF being equal, such lines as OG and B F, connecting the foci with the extremities of the diameter, are equal and parallel. Fourth�Tangent F D, and the line D G passing through the focus C, are at right angles. They are inscribed in a semicircle. (See Fig. 17, PL I.) Fifth�If vector OEis parallel to vector BA, then a line D E, drawn from D the intersection of tangent F D and the semicircle, to E the intersection of the vector CE with the elliptic curve, is also a tangent to that curve at the point E. Theorem 39. Let A B, Fig. 16, be tangent to the ellipse at B ; S and P the foci, and the segment B"Gr of vector B P, equal to one half of the major axis H J ; further, let the line Q C pass through the pdint G, and O the centre of the ellipse, and where this line intersects the curve as at C, let C A be a tangent to the ellipse ; then, ly Tangents A 3 and A O will be so situated, as to form a parallelogram with those lines B 0 and CO, which connect the points of contact with the centre of the ellipse. Theorem 40. If from O, Fig. 16, as a centre, with one half of the axes as radii, arcs, as J T and F L, are described, also a line drawn from the centre, intersecting the arcs as in F and T, then, First�Lines, as FE and TE, drawn perpendicular to their respective axis, will intersect the curve of the ellipse in one and the same point E. Second�Let E D be a tangent to the curve at the point E, intersecting the minor axis K L extended as in D; then, a line F D, drawn perpendicular to 0 Ffrom the point F, will intersect said minor axis in the same point D. Theorem 41. Let Q R, Fig. 13, be tangent to the curve at Q, and C R perpendicular to this tangent from the nearest focus C ; then, a vector B Q, passing through the further focus B and the point of contact Q, will produced, intersect the perpendicular OB extended at a point 8, which will be the same distance from the tangent, as the tangent from the nearest focus ; that is, SB will be equal to BO: and farther, the distance B 8, will be equal to the major axis D E. Theorem 42. Let XV and X Z, Fig. 13, be tangents to the ellipse, and W Y an arc, described from the further focus 0 as a centre, the length of the major axis D E as a radius ; also the arc WBT described from X as a centre, and the distance X B to the nearest focus, as a radius, intersecting the first described arc at W and Y ; then, First�Lines as OV and 0Z, drawn from the further focus and passing through the points of contact will produced, inter sect,the arcs in the same points, as Wand Y. Second�Tangent X Vwill bisect angle WXB, and tangent XZ angle Y XB. Theorem 43. The circumference of an ellipse is equal to that of a circle, whose diameter is equal to a mean proportional between the major and minor axis. Bemark.�It is well to bear in mind, not to confound a mean proportional with the average of two lines. PROBLEMS, Problem 34. The major and minor axis being given, to find the foci. Let D E, Fig. 13, be the major, and F Gr the minor axis ; take one half of the major axis, as O E, as radius, and describe arcs from either vertex of the minor axis, as 0- or F, cutting the major axis in B and C, which are the foci. Problem 35. To construct an ellipse, the two axes being given There are several methods to construct an ellipse. First method.�This is based on the definition of the ellipse as given. Find the foci B and C, Fig. 13, as in preceding problem ; the four vertexes D, F, E, Gt are, of course, four points in the ellipse.! Open the dividers to any part of the major axis, as E b, and describe arcs from both foci; then take the remainder b D of that axis as radius, and describe arcs also from both foci, cutting the first arcs as in V and 5" which will be two points of the elliptic curve ; any number of points as c\ a\ A, c" may be similarly obtained on both sides of the axis, and a curve line traced through these various points will form the ellipse. The other half of the ellipse is constructed in the same manner. BemarJc.�To trace elliptic curves and other sweeps, on a small scale, a curved ruler is used; but on a large scale, a tapering strip of hickory or some other hard wood, about one-fourth thick on one, and one-sixteenth on the other end, by about one-half to three-fourths wide, is employed to good advantage; it will bend naturally to most any curve. Second method.�This is based on Theorem 40. Let D E and G F, Fig. 14, be the given axes, the vertices of which are four points in the ellipse. To find any number of intermediate points, as 20 a, b, c, d, in the quadrant between D and F, describe circles from O as centre and one half of each axis as radii, draw lines as O a\ 06" from the centre O, intersecting both circles in points a\ a", &', 6" ; from the points a\ V draw lines parallel to the major, or perpendicular to the minor axis, and from the points a", 5", . . . lines parallel to the minor, or perpendicular to the major axis ; the intersection of these parallels or perpendiculars as a, 5, c, are points of the elliptic curve, which is traced through them as in the preceding method. One quarter of the ellipse, as D F, being constructed in this manner, the other three quarters, being equal to it, may be found as follows: produce the ordinates c c", dd" ; draw also ordinates at corresponding distances from the centre on the other half of the major axis, equal to the first, as O It" equal to O d) ", O f? equal to 0 c"' ; then set off each way from the maj or axis the length of the original ordinates respectively, as d?" dP'",#'" #"" and yfc'" 7c each, equal to ^.....' \^~________ ^____ ______L_ A Fig.JIV. B K TnTrl 1 2 �3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 h 12 13 /* 16\ vz i 1 i - 1 2 3 ? 5 6 7\ iiIiiiiiIm 4i 1 2 3 4 i i 1 ii 1 ii 11 i IN. :-------------1-------------------------- 1 2 3\ i i 1 i i 1 i i 1 i i c 1 1 Fig. JOT. 8 JLa Fig.XF. I' IIIIH > U> T? \\ n t y .....jet; t I j ...........----------- � r � Mill1 Mill 10 8 � �> h- 2. c / I 3 PLATE IV. Problem 44. To construct a curve resembling an ellipse by means of compasses. Remark.�When compasses are applied to any true ellipse, it will be found that the curve, in parts, very near coincides with circular arcs. The axes of an ellipse divide the curve into four equal parts; therefore, the circular arcs resembling nearest the curve, must pass through the vertices of the ellipse, and the centres from which they are described, must lay in the lines of the axes. To construct an ellipse by means of compasses, the transverse and conjugate axis must be given. Fig. 1, represents a semi-ellipse described from five, and Fig. 2, one described from three centres. Comparing the two figures, the respective axes of which are alike, it will be noticed, that Fig. 1 very nearly resembles in shape the true ellipses drawn on Plate III., while Fig. 2 shows a decided abruptness in the curve, where the large and small arcs meet, as at D and G, which in Fig. 1 is remedied by introducing another arc between the two. The construction of Fig. 1 is as follows : Let B O and O C be one half of the axes; construct the rectangle O C E B, draw the diagonal C B, and let fall from E a perpendicular to the same ; produce both this perpendicular and the conjugate axis until they intersect as in H, which point will be the centre of the larger curve passing through the vertex C ; next find a mean proportional to O B and O C, or one half of the axes; make O F equal to O 0 and describe a semicircle over F B as a diameter, and produce O C, intersecting the semicircle in G; O G will be such mean proportional. (See Problem 32.) Make CM equal to OG, and describe the arc LML' from H as a centre and HM as radius ; also make B K equal to the mean proportional 0 G and describe the arc K L from J (the point where the perpendicular E H intersects the transverse axis) as a centre and J K as radius, cutting the other arc at L. Draw a line through L and J produced; make M L' equal to M L5 and A J' equal to J B, and draw H U and U J produced; then L and J will be the centres of the arcs on one side, and L' and J' on the other. Describe the central arc V C b and the small arcs a B and cS A; then, if the construction is accurately made, ha, L&, U B\ and 1/ a5 will be equal, and the arcs a b and a?V described from centres L and L' will form with the others the continuous curve A a] V C b a B. Fig. 2 shows two constructions of the semi-ellipse from three centres ; both produce about the same result. The quadrant AD G of the curve is found in the following manner: Let A O and O C be the semi-axes ; construct the rectangle A E C O, and draw the diagonal A C; bisect the angles E A C and E C A, the bisecting lines intersecting in D ; let fall a perpendicular D J from D to A C, which produced, will intersect the conjugate axis or its extension in H. If the construction is accurately made, J A will be equal to J D and H D equal to H 0. J and H are the centres from which the arcs A D and D C are described. To construct the quadrant C G B in the manner as shown in the figure, draw the diagonal C B, C10 and 0 B being the semi-axes; describe an arc C L from O as centre and the spmi-minor axis O C as radius; then take LB, or the difference between the semi-axes, and transfer from 0 to F on the diagonal; bisect F B, the balance of the same, by the perpendicular G K H, intersecting the minor axis produced in H. From H as a centre and H 0 as a radius, describe the arc C G, cutting the perpendicular in G. If the construction is accurately made, K G will be equal to K B and the arc GB, described from K as centre, will form with the first arc, the curve C G B. The other quadrants, if a semi-ellipse is required, are constructed by either method in the same manner. 24 THE PAEABOLA. DEFINITIONS. A Parabola, A Gr/, Fig. 3, is an open curve, described by a point A moving in such a manner, that in all positions its perpendicular distance from a fixed straight line E C, called the directrix, and that from a fixed point B, termed the focus, are equal. A line D F, perpendicular to the directrix C E and passing through the focus B, is termed the axis, and divides the curve into two symetrical parts. The point Gr, in which the curve passes across the axis, is termed the apex, and is always situated midway "between the directrix and focus. Any line A H, bisecting that angle, formed by a line A B connecting any point A of the curve with the focus B, and an ordinate A E perpendicular to the directrix from the same point, is a tangent, and A the point of contact. A line A L, perpendicular to the tangent at the point A, is a normal. If from any point A of the curve, an ordinate A M is drawn perpendicular to the axis, and also a normal A L from the same point, then the distance M L between the points of their intersections with the axis, is always equal to a similar ordinate of the focus, as B V or B V. Problem 45. To construct a parabola, the focus and directrix being given. Let B, Fig. 3, be the focus and C E the directrix. The following construction is based on the definition of the parabola given above. Draw lines as Bb\ cd, dd\ parallel to the directrix, take their distances from the same, as D B, D c, D d, as radii and from B as centre, describe arcs, cutting the corresponding parallels in points V c? W, which will be points in the curve. The apex Gr being always midway between D and B, the curve is traced through the points so found. Problem 46. To construct a parabola, the axis, apex and one point in the curve being given. Let Gr F, Fig. 3, be the axis, Gr the apex and 4 the given point of the curve. Let fall from 4 a perpendicular 4 F to the axis, produce it and make Ff equal to 4 F; divide 4 F into any number of equal parts, say four, and draw parallels to the axis through the points of division. Divide also F Gr into the same number of equal parts, and draw lines from the point f through these points of division on the axis, producing the same until they intersect their corresponding parallels in points as 1' 2' A, which will then be points of the curve, v Problem 47, To construct a tangent at a given point of a parabola, the directrix and focus being given. First�Let A, Fig. 3, be the given point, D E the directrix and B the focus. Connect A and B, draw a line A E from the given point perpendicular to the directrix, bisect the angle B A E formed by them, and the bisecting line H A will be the required tangent. Seeond-�The axis and focus being given. Let Gr F be the axis and B the focus ; draw the ordinate A M from A, also either ordinate B V from the focus, and lay off the latter from M, the foot of the former,on the axis toward the opening part of the curve ; as ML equal to B V ; then AL will be a normal, and a line AH perpendicular to the normal at the point A. will be the required tangent. VOLUTES AND SCROLLS. DEFINITIONS. Volutes or scrolls, as Figs. 4 and 5, are a combination of quadrants of circles, their radii diminishing or increasing in a certain ratio ; the centre part of the scroll terminates in a full circle, called the eye. They find application in constructing the lower parts of staircases, caps of Ionic columns, &c. Problem 48. To construct a volute or scroll. Several methods are employed; they differ only in the mode of ascertaining the centres of the circular arcs, but produce about the same result. 25 Let AB, Fig. 4, "be the diameter of the scroll; divide the same into an unequal number of equal parts, say nine. At division 5 and the point B draw perpendiculars to AB indefinitely, and set off Bf and 5 E equal to one of the divisions; draw the line Af intersecting the perpendicular from 5 at D, and from this point D sett off D O on A/, toward f, equal to one half of one of the divisions. Through O draw the diagonals O 5 and O E produced ; also draw E/ parallel to A B, being intersected by 5 O at F ; from F draw F g perpendicular to the diameter, intersecting E O at Gr; from Gt draw G h parallel to the diameter, intersected again by the diagonal 5 0 at H; fr� x 24=^^=21f cubic feet, which is 2J cubic feet more than the true solidity found in Example 10. Hound logs are generally tapering, and their solidity is calculated by Rule No. 22, relating to frustums of cones. To avoid the inconvenience of finding a mean proportional, the solidity may be found similai to that of a rectangular prismoid. Find the sum of the area of the two ends, add four times that of a circle midway, and multiply their sum by one-sixth of the length. Example 12. How many cubic feet are contained in a log twenty feet long : the butt end being twenty-eight and the top end fourteen inches diameter ? "Surface of butt end, 14x14x3^=616 square inches, top end, 7 k 7x3^=154 The radius of the circle midway must be one half the sum of the radii of the ends, or 10% inches. Surface of circle midway 10| x lOf x 3|=346| square inches. Solidity of log, eie ii54^46^*4 xy^ =Wx�=40ff oubio feet. The solidity of this log, found by Eule No. 22, is 49f� cubic feet. Domes on churches and public buildings have the form of a half sphere. Example 13. How many square feet are contained in the surface of a dome twenty-one feet diameter ? Apply Rule No. 23. Circumference, 21x3^=66 Surface, 1^x^=1^=3693 square feet. TOOLS, In regard to position in nature, lines and surfaces may either be horizontal, vertical or inclined. When a sheet of water is at rest, its surface is said to be horizontal or level. When a line is freely suspended in still air with a sufficient weight attached for steadiness, it will assume a certain position in the direction to the centre of gravity in the earth, and is said to be VERTICAL Or PLUMB. A line or surface which is neither horizontal nor vertical, is said to be inclined. 33 A horizontal line or surface, and a vertical one, are always at right angles to each other. Although vertical lines on different places on the surface of the earth make an angle with each other (because all show toward the centre), that angle is imperceptible within the extent of any one building; and therefore, all vertical lines are considered parallel. A large sheet of water at rest represents the true shape of a horizontal surface. Although its roundness or curvature is perceptible to the naked eye in the distance of a few miles, all horizontal lines as far as they concern any one building, are considered straight. Fig. 7 represents a very simple tool called a plumb rule, with which every carpenter is familiar. It consists of a true piece of board with parallel straight edges and a guage-mark through the centre. At the upper end A, over the guage-mark, a string is fastened with a plumb-bob B attached. If either side of this tool is applied to any surface or straight edge, and the line of the plumb-bob coincides with the centre line guaged on the board, it must be plumb or vertical. Fig. 8 represents an instrument of simple construction to ascertain whether a surface or straight line is level or horizontal. The lower edge C D being straight, a line A B is marked at right angles to it on the upright standard ; over this line is a string A and plumb-bob B arranged, in the manner as the plumb rule. As a horizontal and a vertical line are always at right angles, the lower edge of the tool must be level, whenever the square line coincides with the freely suspended plumb-line. Fig. 9 represents what is termed a spirit level. Its action depends upon that property of water or any other liquid, to assume a horizontal surface and exert laterally an equal pressure in all directions, whenever at rest. A slightly rounded glass tube B, so far filled with spirits that only a small bubble of air A remains, is fitted to a true rectangular piece of wood or metal in such a manner that, whenever the lower edge C D of the instrument is placed upon a level surface, the air bubble A will assume a position in the centre of the tube. As soon as the instrument is declined either way, the equal pressure of the liquid on both sides of the bubble will be disturbed, and force it toward the raised end of the instrument. The plumb rule, Fig. 10, is arranged upon the same principle. Whenever the edge C D is in a vertical or plumb position, the bubble A is at rest in the centre of the tube B. Usually both instruments are combined in one; they are more convenient than those represented in Figs, 7 and 8. Whenever any number of parallel lines are to be drawn in a position, as the parallels and ordinates in the construction of the ellipse Fig. 14, PI. III., or the parabola Fig. 3, PI. IV., the T-square AB and set-square or angle CDE represented in Fig. 11, are used. The T-square consists of a thin, parallel straight-edged plate B, made of straight and close-grained hard wood, and attached at right angles to an arm A. This arm is slid along a straight edge of the drawing board, and all lines drawn along the edge of the plate B must be parallel. The arm A is usually applied to the left hand edge of the drawing board. The angle C D E is a rectangular triangle, made of the same material. Two sides are usually of equal length, and therefore, the angles at D and E are 45�. Whenever one side, as C E, is slid along the edge of the plate B, all lines drawn along the side C I) must be parallel to each other and to that edge of the drawing board, along which the arm A slides, and also at right angles to all lines drawn along the edge of the plate B. For instance: Let C E, Fig. 3, represent the edge of tho drawing board ; then all parallels, as DF, 11', 22', are drawn blong the edge of the plate of the T-square, and all ordinates or perpendiculars as cc', dd', &c., are drawn along the edge of the set square. 4l11 lines drawn along the hypothenuse E D, Fig. 11, would form an angle of 45� to all lines drawn along the plate B, which is often very convenient in making drawings. For instance, the construction of the regular octagon, Fig. 18, PL II., is facilitated by its use. There are also set squares, as B C D and B' C D', Fig. 12, with one angle of 60� as at B and B', and one of 30� at D and D'. They are used to advantage in constructions such as the regular hexagon, Fig. 17, PL II. Whenever parallel lines on any angle to the face of the drawing, as B5, 44, 3 3, Fig. 21, PL II., are to be drawn, a simple straight ruler A, Fig. 12, PL IV., which may be placed in any 34 position on the drawing board, is used in conjunction with a set square. For instance : to draw lines parallel to & d\ place one edge as C D of the set square to coincide with & d? ; while pressing it tight to the paper in that position with one hand, apply the ruler A to the hypothenuse B D, with the other ; then press down the ruler, and release the set square, sliding it along the edge of the ruler, and lines, as c d, drawn along the edge C D, will be parallel to & d\ In this same manner lines are drawn perpendicular to each other. For instance : let a line be drawn perpendicular to c d ; place the set square and ruler in position, so that side C D coincides with the line c d; then, while holding the ruler tight to the paper, slide the set-square, and a line as V c\ drawn along the edge B C, will be perpendicular to c d. Some practice is required to carry out these operations accurately and expeditiously, and to find the many uses to which they may be applied in drawing. Fig. 13, represents an instrument called a peoteactoe, found in most sets of drawing tools. It is used to read the size of angles in degrees, and to transfer the same. It consists of a semicircle ABC, AC being the diameter and O the centre, divided into 180 parts or degrees. To read the angle A O B for instance, place the centre O at the vertex of the angle, and let the edge A O coincide with one of the sides ; the other side passing through the division marked 60, shows that the angle is one of 60 degrees. THE SCALE. The real size of an object cannot always be drawn on paper, on account of the room it would occupy, but can be represented in its true proportions, when drawn, as it is termed, on a small scale. (See page 9.) A scale is a straight line, divided in the same proportion as the unit of measurement, by which the object represented is already, or is to be constructed. In building, the unit of measurement employed is the foot, divided into twelve inches; inches are again divided into halves, quarters, eighths, &c. When one inch in length on the drawing, represents one foot in length in reality, then the scale is said to be one inch to the foot; that is, in other words, the drawing is one-twelfth of the real size of the object. A drawing on a scale of one quarter of an inch to the foot, will occupy ^ part of the real surface of the object represented. Drawings for buildings are usually made on a scale of either one inch, one half inch, one quarter inch, or one-eighth inch to the foot, in order to facilitate the measurement by a common foot rule, which every mechanic uses. To construct a scale, draw a straight line and divide whatever unit is to represent one foot, into twelve equal parts, which represent one inch each ; from there space off any number of units required, and number them from left to right 1, 2, 3, &c, representing as many feet. Fig. 14 shows four different scales marked on the left hand, J, \, f, IN. They are one-quarter inch, one-half inch, &c, to the foot respectively. All the drawings of stairs and rails contained in this book are made by these scales. To take off dimensions, as the length AB on the \ scale for instance, place one foot of the compasses in 11 and the other in A; the measurement of that opening will be eleven feet and three inches; the same distance on the f scale would be only one-third of that, or three feet nine inches. Likewise, the opening of the compasses from C to D on the inch scale is one foot eight inches, while the same opening on the \ scale is double o� that, or three feet four inches. Fig. 15 shows what is termed a diagonal scale, one inch to one foot. Although fractions of an inch may be measured on the other scales by the eye, this scale is used whenever great accuracy is required. 35 To construct this scale, proceed to space off on a straight line a number of inches representing feet, marked from left to right, 0, 1, 2, 3; draw eight right lines parallel to it, equally distant apart, marked 2, 4, 6, 8, and erect the perpendiculars through the points of division representing feet. Divide the one at the left on the upper line 8 B into twelve equal parts, to represent inches, and through these points of division draw the parallel diagonals as o A, &c, A B representing one inch, and the eight parallels being equally distant apart, the diagonal o A will cut off on those parallels, fractions in eighths ot an inch between itself and the perpendicular o B. The parallel diagonal lines will also divide the first foot on the lower line into twelve equal parts marked from right to left, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. To take off measures on this scale, read the feet and inches on the bottom line as usual, and the eighths of an inch on the parallels from the bottom line up ; for instance, from C to F measures one foot nine inches and three-eighths of an inch. To take three feet six and five-eighths inches between the compasses, place one foot in the intersection of the third perpendicular with the fifth parallel at E, and the other on the intersection of the same parallel with the sixth diagonal at D. Fig. 16 is the side view of compasses, used to draw circles of large diameter. Two sliding blocks B and C, with set screws, are fitted to a straight rod A, about one inch wide by half an inch thick, and made of some hard wood. B has a steel point and C a pencil holder D. Fig. 17 represents an adjustable triangle, used to take the actual size of angles between the walls of buildings. It consists of three straight rods with half rounded ends and fastened together by screws at B and C, while the ends at A slide over each other. Whenever an angle \t to be measured, press A B and B C against the walls and mark where the end of C A comes on A B; thus, the angle ABC can be transferred to paper. By inspecting the figure it will be seen, that the tool can be folded up and conveniently carried. (See Figs. 10, 11, 12, PL II.) Fig. 18 is the pencil holder used to draw ellipses by means of a string and two pins. It is mentioned in detail in the explanation of Fig. 15, PL III* PLATE ~V\ STUDY OP PROJECTIONS. INTRODUCTION. The representation of any object contained in space, by means of a geometrical drawing on a plane surface, as a sheet of paper for instance, is a Projection. The art or science of the correct and practical execution of these projections, according to the known principles of geometry, is called Descriptive Geometry, and may4 be divided into two systems: First�Scenographic Projections or Natural Perspective, which represents an object as it really appears in a certain position to the eye of the observer, viewed from a limited distance. Second�Orthographic or Geometric Projections, also, Drawings in Ground Plan and Elevation, which represents an object as it would appear in a certain position to the eye of the observer, could it be viewed from such an infinite distance, that the sight lines may be assumed as parallel. The latter system is generally referred to, when speaking of drawings in projection or descriptive geometry; it is the most useful in making what are called construction or working drawings, as they show the object in real proportions and form. It is evident, that, in order to give a correct idea of an object, it must be viewed in different positions, as the top, front, or sides. It is customary, because most convenient, to represent the object on two planes, assumed to be at right angles to each other; one horizontal, called the horizontal plane of projection, and the other vertical, termed the vertical plane of projection. Working drawings consist of horizontal projections or plans, vertical projections or elevations, and sections, A horizontal projection, or ground plan, is that view of an object, as it would appear on the surface of the horizontal plane of projection, could the eye of the observer be placed vertically over every point represented. A vertical projection, or elevation, is that view of an object, as it would appear on the surface of the vertical plane of projection, could the eye of the observer look at every point represented horizontally, and perpendicular to that vertical plane of projection. These views show the exterior contours or outline of the object, but are not always sufficient; whenever interior parts, which are hidden from view by the outside surfaces, are needed to be shown, then sectional views are drawn. A section is that view, as the object would appear, were it cut by an imaginary plane, and all those parts between that plane and the eye of the observer, removed. Sections may be horizontal, vertical, inclined, or oblique, as circumstances may require, and are thus named from the position which the cutting or sectional plane assumes. i A horizontal section is a view in which the cutting plane assumes a horizontal position ; as the eye of the observer looks at every point represented perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projection, it is therefore, a horizontal projection, as the plan of a building. A vertical section is a view, when the sectional plane is vertical; the eye of the observer looks at every point represented horizontally and perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection ; it is therefore, a vertical projection, such as an elevation. The position of the cutting plane is mostly assumed to be parallel to the vertical plane of projection. An inclined section is a view in which the cutting plane assumes an inclined position to either one of the planes of projection. An oblique section is a view in which the cutting plane assumes an oblique position, that 87 is, inclined to both planes of projection. In a set of drawings for a building, what is termed the plak of any one story, is a horizontal section through that story ; the horizontal cutting plane is assumed at some convenient height above the floor, to show all the window and door-openings, interior arrangements, &c. The elevation is a view of the front. There are also side and rear elevations, giving a view of the side or rear of the building, whenever the particulars of either cannot be ascertained by the rest of the drawings. In all these elevations, the sight lines are assumed to be perpendicular to the main vertical surface, that the view represents. The section is generally a vertical section, to show the thickness of walls, height of stories, depth of timbers, height of window and door-openings, cornice, arrangement of roof, &c. The cutting plane is assumed to be parallel to some one of the main vertical surfaces of the building. Sections are Gross sections, when the cutting plane is assumed to pass crosswise ; or longitudinal, when the same run lengthwise through the building. The outlines of buildings form mostly rectangles; the surfaces are either vertical or horizontal, also at right angles to each other; or, when they are inclined, as roofs for instance, they form an angle with one of the main surfaces only, but are perpendicular to the others. The main part of the materials used in the erection of a building are in the form of rectangular prisms, such as cut stones, brick, timber, &c, and are joined together parallel and at right angles ; when they are inclined or arched, some of their surfaces are either in a horizontal or vertical position. The lines in both projections run, therefore, mostly parallel or at right angles to each other; or, when they are inclined or curved in one projection, they are parallel or perpendicular in the other. Plans of such rectangular work are readily made, easily understood, and carried out in practice without much difficulty. There are cases, however, when certain parts of a building, such as arches, roofs, stairs, and all so-called splayed worlc, oifer some difficulty in their planning, comprehension, and practical execution, because the materials used are joined together in oblique positions, and frequently form when finished, warped or twisted surfaces. It is the aim and purpose of the study of projections, as demonstrated in descriptive geometry, to assist the workman who, by applying the problems practically, overcomes the difficulty. No mechanic is more benefitted by its study than the stairbuilder ; it will enable him to lay out every line, and cut every joint with absolute certainty and precision For this reason a comprehensive elementary course in this science is here introduced. ELEMENTARY DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. The two planes of projection on which objects are represented, are considered to be of infinite extension, intersecting each other at right angles. They will evidently divide space into four right angular parts, termed diedral angles, whose vertices meet in the line of intersection of both planes; this line is called the ground or base line. To make this idea more comprehensible, let the planes be assumed to be of limited extent, as represented in Pig. 1, PL V. in a perspective view. JNOK represents the horizontal, and TLMS the vertical plane of projection ; Q R is their line of intersection or the ground line, which divides each plane into two parts, called respectively, the forward part as J Q R K, and the hack part as Q N O R of the horizontal plane of projection; also the upper part as QLME, and the lower part as T Q R S of the vertical plane of projection. 38 The eye of the observer, and also the object to be projected, are assumed to be in that diedral angle, formed by the forward part of the horizontal and the upper part of the vertical plane of projection. This angle is therefore termed the first diedral angle, or simply the first angle. The othei three angles are named the second, third and fourth angles, as indicated in the figure. A ball or sphere appears in circular form in all positions. Let Gt represent one as being suspended in space in the first angle. Conceive the eye as looking down perpendicular Irom above, and the sphere will appear as the shaded circle H on the horizontal plane of projection ; then conceive the eye as looking from the front against it, perpendicular to the vertical plane, and the sphere will appear as the shaded circle V on the vertical plane of projection. H represents the horizontal projection, and V the vertical projection oi the globe GK If both planes of projection are considered fixed, the exact position of the globe in relation to them, may be conceived and located by means of its projections H and V ; it would be known : that the sphere is as far off the vertical plane in a perpendicular direction from V, as the horizontal projection H is distant from the ground line ; also, that it is as far above the horizontal plane perpendicular over the projection H, as the vertical projection V is above the ground line. Conceive the vertical plane thrown back on the horizontal plane, the ground line Q R being the axis to swing on, then the upper part of the vertical plane would coincide with the hack part of the horizontal one, and the lower part of the vertical with the front part of the horizontal plane. The two planes would then lie in one plane, but the projections H and V would not change their relative position in regard to the ground line. On this principle,diagrams in descriptive geometry are drawn, representing both projections on one and the same sheet of paper. The ground line is drawn parallel to the assumed front of the draughtsman ; the surface between himself and the ground line represents the forward part of the horizontal and the lower part of the vertical plane of projection, and the surface beyond oi above the ground line, represents the upper part of the vertical and the back part of the horizontal plane of projection. Projections of solids, are given by the projections of their boundary surface; those oi surfaces, by the projections of their boundary lines, and those of lines by the projections of two or more points contained in them. All objects are, whenever convenient to do so, projected as being contained in the first angle ; their projections will therefore fall on the front part of the horizontal plane, and the upper part of the vertical plane of projection. When speaking of either plane of projection, that forming the first angle is referred to, unless otherwise mentioned. The figures in PL V"., represent the projections of the point, lines, surfaces and solids, as being contained in the first angle* PROJECTION OP A POINT. If we conceive any point as being contained in space, and perpendicular lines drawn from that point to both planes of projection, these perpendiculars are termed the projecting lines of that point; those points, where the perpendiculars intersect the planes of projection, are called its projections. The projections of a point are indicated by small letters; the horizontal one by the unaccented, and the vertical one by the accented letter. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the projection of a point A. A a is its projecting line to the horizontal plane, and a its horizontal projection. A a' represents the projecting line to the vertical plane, and ar the vertical projection of the point A. If from the points of projection a and a', lines are drawn perpendicular to the ground line Q R, it is evident that they will meet that ground line in one and the same point a�. The lines thus drawn, are called the ordinates of the point A, and are termed respectively; the horizontal and the vertical ordinate ; a a� is the horizontal, and a' a� the vertical ordinate. 39 A little reflection must show the following facts : First.�The projecting lines A a, A a', and the ordinates a a0, a' a�, are all contained in one plane perpendicular to both planes of projection, and form a rectangle. Second.�The projecting line A a is equal to the vertical ordinate a' a0, and the projecting line A a' equal to the horizontal ordinate a a0. Third.�If one projection of a point is given, it is known, that the point is contained in a projecting line from that point of projection. Fourth.�If both projections of a point are given, the point is definitely located at the intersection of its projecting lines. Fig. 2 ^ shows how this projection is carried out graphically on paper. Like letters refer to the same points in the perspective view. J Q R K is the horizontal plane, Q R the ground line, and Q L M R the vertical plane ; a is the horizontal, and af the vertical projection ; a a� is the horizontal, and af a0 the vertical ordinate. Ordinates are indicated by fine dotted lines. In speaking of a point, its projections are referred to ; for instance, the point a-a' means the point A in space. It has been remarked before, that by the revolution of the vertical plane back on the horizontal one, the relative position of the projections of a point, in regard to the ground line, is not altered; therefore, on the diagram, the ordinates, a a� and a' a� of the point a-a', form one line, perpendicular to the ground line Q R. If only oneprojection of a point is given, it is known, that its other projection must be contained somewhere in the line drawn through the given projection, perpendicular to the ground line. PEOJECTIOlsr OF A LIKE. Lines are projected by projecting a number of points' contained in them. Their projections are indicated by small letters, as mentioned in the projections of a point. In speaking of a line in space, its projections are referred to ; for instance, a b�a" b', means the line A B in space. (Fig. 5.) The projections of a line are drawn in continuous fine lines, while the ordinates are fine dotted lines. A straight line is projected, by projecting any two points contained in it and connecting their respective projections by straight lines. A limited straight line is projected, by projecting its end points and connecting their respective projections by straight lines. In regard to the position of straight lines and their projections, the following facts become apparent, by examining the figures referred to in the several cases: First.�When a line is perpendicular to either plane of projection, its projection in that plane will be a point, and in the other, a line perpendicular to the ground line and equal to its real length. Fig. 3 represents the perspective and Fig. 3 ^ the graphical projection of a line A B, which is perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection. Its vertical projection is a point ar; its horizontal projection a h is perpendicular to the ground line, and equal to A B in length. Fig. 4 is a perspective view, and Fig. 4 A the graphical construction of the projection of the line A B, which is perpendicular to the horizontal plane; its horizontal projection is a point a, and its vertical one a line a' V, perpendicular to the ground line and equal to the real length of A B. Second.�When a line is parallel to both planes of projection, its projections will be parallel to the ground line and equal to the length of the line, in both planes of projection. Fig. 5 shows in perspective, and Fig. 5 ^ the graphical construction of the projection of a line A B, parallel to both planes of projection; its projections a b and a' bl are parallel to the ground line Q R and equal in length to A B 40 Third.�When a line is parallel to one plane of projection but inclined to the other, then its projection in that plane to which it is inclined, will be parallel to the ground line and shorter than the real length of the line ; but the projection in that plane to which the line is parallel, will appear inclined to the ground line, and equal in length to the line itself. Fig. 6 is a perspective view and Fig 6 ^ the graphical diagram of the line A B, parallel to the horizontal, but inclined to the vertical plane of projection. Its vertical projection, a! &', is parallel to the ground line, and shorter than A B ; but its horizontal projection, a b, appears inclined to the ground line and equal to A B. Fourth.�When a line is inclined to both planes of projection, its projection in both planes will be inclined to the ground line (with one exception, to be explained hereafter,) and shorter than the given line in space. Fig. 7 is a perspective view of the projection of a line A B inclined to both planes of projection. Fig 7 A is the graphical diagram. Both projections a b and af V are inclined to the ground line and shorter than A B. These diagrams make it plain that, when one projection of a line is given, it is known that the line in space must be contained in a plane, which is perpendicular to and intersecting in the given projection that plane of projection, in which the line is projected. , Such a plane is termed a projecting plane of that line. For instance : let a 5, Fig. 7, be the horizontal projection of a line; then it is known that said line must be contained in a vertical projecting plane, which intersects the horizontal plane of projection in the line a b. It is also plain that, when both projections of a line are given, the line must be common to two projecting planes which are perpendicular, one to each plane of projection, and necessarily intersect each other. The line itself must therefore be the intersection of its projecting planes. When the projection of a line is a point, it is known, that the line must be contained in a projecting line of that point of projection. The exception referred to in the fourth case is, when a line is inclined to both planes of projection, and contained in a pro-' jecting plane which is perpendicular to both planes of projection. In such a case, its projection in both planes of projection, will be perpendicular to the ground line, but shorter than the real length of the line. Fifth.�If two lines intersect in space, their projections will intersect in one or both planes of projection, with that exception, when both lines are contained in & plane perpendicular to both planes of projection, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. PROJECTION OF SURFACES. These are determined by the projection of their boundary lines, and are therefore governed by the rules given in the preceding chapter for the projection of the point and line. | Figs. 8 to 11 represent the projections of plane surfaces in various positions. Whenever a surface is perpendicular to either plane of projection, but parallel to the other, its projection in the former plane will appear as a line, and in the other in its real form and size. Fig. 8 represents the projection of a rectangular surface A B C D, in a vertical position, and parallel to the vertical plane of projection. Fig. 8 ^ is the graphical construction of its projection, which appears as a line a b in the horizontal plane, and as the rectangle a' V c( d' in the vertical plane ; all the boundary lines appear in real length. Fig. 9 shows the projection of a rectangle, which is perpendicular to the vertical but inclined to the horizontal plane of projection. 41 In the graphical construction of Pig. 9 A its horizontal projection appears not as large as the given surface, and its vertical projection a' &', as a line equal to the real length of the side A B. Fig. 10 represents the projection of a regular octagon in a horizontal position ; its vertical projection a' bf d dJ appears as a straight line, while its horizontal projecticn assumes the real shape and size of the given surface. Fig. 11 represents the projection of a triangular surface A B C in an oblique position. Both projections will assume different formed triangles than that of A B C in space. Lines can never appear longer in their projections than they are in reality, although they do appear shorter, as the case may be. Angles may appear both larger and smaller in their projectionss as they may be situated ; for instance: angle BAG appears in its horizontal projection h a c, Fig. 11 ^, as an acute, while its vertical projection is an obtuse angle. Remark.�This latter subject will be treated in detail in problems relating thereto. In regard to the indication of surfaces by letters, it may be mentioned that the visible lines only are indicated by their letters ; for instance : Fig. 9 the side C D is hidden from view in the vertical projection, by the side A B ; this projection is therefore indicated a! b\ although the projection of C D is the same as that of A B in the vertical plane. Remark.�The perspective views, Fig. 2 to Fig. 11, are drawn in so-called parallel perspective, which is somewhat different from real perspective. The latter method, as has been mentioned in the introduction, shows the apparent size of an object, but its real dimensions could not very conveniently be ascertained by it. The former, or parallel perspective, allows to show three dimensions in real size in perspective, and for small objects, in which the principal outlines run parallel and at right angles, may combine the advantages of a geometrical plan, elevation and perspective view in one diagram. Thus, all the ordinates and the distances along the ground line Q R, as also all lines which are perpendicular to either plane of projection or parallel to the ground line, show in real size in the above-mentioned perspective figures, and may be compared by a pair of compasses with the respective graphical constructions in projection. As many men conceive the relative situation of lines more readily in a perspective view than in a geometrical plan and elevation, and this book being designed to be a self-instructor: it was deemed advisable by the author to introduce these diagrams, in order to impress upon the student's mind theN first principles of descriptive geometry more distinctly. PEOJECTIOH OF SOLIDS. Solids are projected by projecting their surfaces, edges and outlines, according to the rules already given for the projection of the point and line. Whenever a solid is projected for the purpose ot showing its size and form only, without regard to the position it many occupy in connection with other objects, it is represented as resting with its base on the horizontal plane of projection. If such base is a plane surface, the vertical projection of it will be a horizontal line, and coincide wiljh the base line of the drawing. Tjhe horizontal projection is drawn at some convenient distance from the ground line, bearing in mind that both projections of one and the same point are always contained in one and the same perpendicular to the ground line. It is customary, to notate the projections of solids by the large letters of the alphabet, using the unaccented letter for the horizontal, and the accented one for the vertical projection ; only the points and lines visible are indicatedby letters. Figs. 12 lh to 17 & show the projections of six elementary solids, treated of in the elements of geometry. Their corresponding perspective views are the Figs. 12 to 17. 6 42 A cube Fig. 12 being enclosed by six equal squares, shows as a square in both projections. The upper side, ABCD, being the one seen as horizontal projection, is indicated by these letters, Fig. 12 ^. The front face E F A B in the perspective being the one visible in the vertical projection, is indicated by the accented letters E7 F7 A' B7. A quadrangular parallelo-pipedon, is projected in Fig. 13 ^. Its horizontal projection shows a square, ABCD, and its vertical one, a rectangle E' F7 A' B7. A right quadrangular pyramid is projected in Fig. 14 fa. The horizontal projection is a square equal to its base ; the vertex being shown in the centre S, which is the intersection of the diagonals A D and B C ; these latter represent the slanting edges of the pyramid in horizontal projection. The vertical projection A7 B7 S7 is an isosceles triangle whose base is equal to one side of the base, and whose altitude is equal to the axis S S7 (prospective view) of the pyramid ; the equal sides A7 S7 and B7 S7 represent the slant height. To project a right cylinder, as shown in Fig. 15 fa, construct a circle, A B, of the diameter of the base, which will be the horizontal projection. On the ground line construct a rectangle, A7 B7 07 D7, its base equal to the diameter A B, and its altitude equal to the axis of the cylinder; this rectangle will be its vertical projection. The vertical projection of a right cone is similar to that of the pyramid. The horizontal projection is a circle A B, Fig. 16 fa9 of the same diameter as the base o* the cone ; the centre S indicates the vertex of the same. The projection of a sphere, Fig. 17 fa, is a circle equal to a great circle of the same, in both planes of projection. Fig. 18 is a perspective view of a right rectangular parallelopipedon &HMJABOD, connected with a quadrant of a hollow cylinder, JKLMCDEFof equal thickness and height. The hollow cylinder is the space included between two cylindrical surfaces of different radii, generated from the same axis. Fig. 18 fa shows their projection. The horizontal projection of the rectangular parallelopipedon is a rectangle, ABCD, equal to its base; to construct that of the hollow cylinder, draw a line D O perpendicular to the face D B, and from the centre O describe the two circular quadrants C E and D F ; connect E and F to complete the figure. The vertical projection shows the face A B as a rectangle GP H7 A7 B7 with A B as base, and of the same height as that of the prism ; the rectangle H7 K7 B7 F7 is the vertical projection of the hollow surface of the cylinder as seen in the position indicated in the horizontal projection. Fig. 19 is the perspective view of an octagonal newel-post5 and is here introduced to illustrate the practical application of the rules for the projection of solids. It consists of a right octagonal prism E F Gr H, called the Base ; the shaft ABCD has the form of the frustum of a right octagonal pyramid. The part C D E F between the base and the shaft, as also the parts above the shaft are called the turned members, and are solids of revolution ; the uppermost member is termed particularly the cap. To construct the projections of this newel-post, as represented in Fig. 19 fa, draw an octagon E J K F of the size of its base, which is the horizontal projection of the outlines ; then draw the dotted lines from the corners to the centre O, representing the lateral edges of the shaft, and construct the smaller octagon equal to the required size of the upper base A B of the same. These lines are indicated by dotted lines, on account of their being hidden from view in the horizontal projection by the upper-turned members. To construct the vertical projection, square over the ordinates from the visible edges E J K F and draw a horizontal line E7 F7 at the height of the base from the ground line Gr7 H7. The perpendiculars through the points E' J7 K7 F7 are the visible edges of the base in their vertical projection. To facilitate the construction of the rest of the figure, draw an ordinate of the centre O through the whole height of the newel-post; space off the different heights of the shaft and turned members, and draw horizontal lines A7 B7 and C D7 through these points, from the centre line 0 O7 set 48 off each way on the horizontals the distances for the respective edges of the shaft, taken from the horizontal projection, and connect the points so found, which will give the vertical projection of the slanting edges of the shaft. It will "be noticed, that the central faces of the "base and shaft appear in real size, while those on each side show foreshortened. The edges formed by the different mouldings of the turned members and cap, appear in vertical projection as horizontal lines; having drawn the shape of the mouldings on one side, their respective points on these horizontals are transferred over to the other side, equally distant from the centre line, and thus the whole drawing is accurately completed. PLATE VI. DESOKIPTIVE GEOMETRY-Continued. Heretofore the projections of Points, Lines and Planes contained in the first angle only, were considered, and, although objects are projected as being contained in said first angle, it will occur frequently in the solution of problems, or the development of working drawings, that auxiliary lines and planes, which intersect or pierce the planes of projection, pass into or through the other angles. The rules which govern their projections in such cases will now be considered, POSITIONS OF THE POINT. A point may assume nine different positions in regard to the four planes of projection. It may be situated in either one of the four diedral angles, or in either one of the four planes of projection, or in the ground line. These nine different positions are represented in a comprehensive view in Pigs. 1 and 2. Let the thick drawn lines in Pig. 1 represent a perpendicular section through the four planes of projection ; J is the ground line, which appears as a point; the four diedral angles are indicated by the arcs, as 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, and the different situations of the point in space by the large letters from A to J, while their projections are marked by the respective small letters ; the unaccented for the horizontal, and the accented for the vertical projection. In this view, the projecting lines appear in their real length and correspond to the respective ordinates in Pig. 2, which represent the projections of the point in the 3ame situations, with the notation used in graphical constructions. Q J is the ground line ; A, is situated in the first angle; its projections a-af, Fig. 2, have been considered already in the previous plate. B5 is situated in the 2d angle ; its projections are b-bf, Pig. 2. In this case both projections fall above the ground line. When it is taken into consideration, that in a diagram as Pig. 2, the space on the paper above the ground line, represents both the upper vertical and the back part of the horizontal plane, and further, that the unaccented letter stands for the horizontal projection of a point, it is evident that: Whenever an unaccented letter indicates the projection of a point above the ground line, such projection must be the one on the back part of the horizontal plane of projection. TMs may take place in three situations: 1st, when the point is situated as B in the 2nd angle; or 2nd, as C in the third angle ; or 3rd, as G- in the back part of the horizontal plane. The projections of C are the reverse to those of A ; the horizontal one, cf, is above, and the vertical one, c, below the ground line-As the lower vertical coincides with the front horizontal plane of projection, both being represented on the paper below the ground line, and the accented letter stands for the vertical projection, it becomes evident that: Whenever an accented letter indicates the projection of a point below the ground line, such projection must be the one on the lower vertical plane of projection. This may take place in three cases: 1st, when the point is situated as C in the 3rd angle; or 2nd, as D in the 4th, or 3rd, as H in the lower vertical plane of projection. D is situated in the 4th angle ; both projections fall below the ground line ; it will Tt>e noticed they are reverse to the projections of the point B. Whenever a point is contained in one of the planes of projection, the point itself will coincide with its projection in that plane, and its other projection will fall into the ground line. E is situated in the front part of the horizontal plane; its projection in that plane is indicated by the unaccented letter e, and the vertical one, which falls in the ground line, by the accented el'. IFig JOL. \ k \ \ \ c \ \ N \ Tig.vj JL Pig.YII Fig.Yn.jL !" . # f \ 2� �i\ V I [,/ \| Pig.lX JL. k' �' F IT ~Q\ FitfX. Pag. X _^L. P^ig XI Pigxi.^L Pig. xii Pig XH.^I p ig xiii _A 2>' in Q n jr/ ^M Pigxiv: Pi g xiv: JL. /' / 6/1 ft / ! 1 / c Pig. XV. Pig.XY^L. 45 F being situated in the upper vertical plane, its projection in that plane is indicated by the accented/', and its horizontal one is /, in the ground line. Gr is situated in the back part of the horizontal plane ; its horizontal projection indicated by the unaccented letter g, falls therefore above the ground line, and g] in the ground line, indicates its vertical projection. H is situated in the lower vertical plane; the projection in that plane falls below the ground line, and is indicated by the accented hf; the horizontal projection h is contained in the ground line. A point, J, contained in the ground line, coincides with both of its projections, j-f. This notation of the point in the different positions ought to be well understood, in order to conceive readily its situation in space by its noted projections, as also to notate properly any point found in the course of a graphical construction. POSITIONS OF THE LINE. When a4 line pierces or passes through a plane of projection, the point of intersection is called a trace of the line. For instance: the line A B in Fig. 3 pierces the horizontal plane at the point A, which is called its horizontal trace, and the vertical plane at B, called the vertical trace of the line A B. A line which pierces either one of the planes of projection but runs parallel to the other, can have but that one trace. A line running parallel to both, cannot pierce either one, and consequently has no trace. Any infinite line oblique to both planes of projection, pierces both the horizontal and vertical plane, and has consequently two traces. This latter class deserves a more particular notice. There are four different positions such a line may assume ; they are represented in Figs. 3 to 6, in perspective views. That portion of the line, which passes through the first angle, is indicated by a full, thick line, while those portions, which are hidden from view by the front part of the horizontal and the upper part of the vertical plane of projection, are drawn in thick interrupted lines. Fig. 3 shows a line A B, passing through the first angle into the second and fourth one, piercing the horizontal plane at A, and the vertical one at B. Fig. 4 represents a line A B, as passing from the first angle through the second into the third, piercing the upper vertical plane at B, and the back part of the horizontal one at c. Fig. 5 shows the line A B, as coming from the second angle, passing through the third into the fourth, piercing the back part of the horizontal plane at B, and the lower vertical one at c\ As no part of this line passes through the first angle, the whole of it is hidden, and indicated by an interrupted line. Fig. 6 represents the line A B, as coming from the first angle and passing through the fourth into the third, piercing the front horizontal plane at B and the lower vertical one at c\ positions of planes. *The positions of planes in space in relation to the planes of projection, are indicated by their intersections with the latter. The lines of intersection of any plane with the planes of projection, are called its traces ; they will evidently meet at one and the same point in the ground line, except those parallel to it, and are notated by two large letters of the latter part of the alphabet. The trace in the horizontal plane of projection is termed the horizontal trace, and that in the vertical one, the vertical trace. For instance: P Q, Fig. 7, is the horizontal and Q P' the vertical trace of the plane P Q P'; it will be noticed that in this notation, the middle letter is used for the point common to both traces in the ground line; the other in connection with it unaccented for the horizontal, and accented for the vertical trace. 46 In speaking of a plane, its traces are referred to. The different positions a plane may assume, are represented in Figs. 7 to 9 in perspective, and their corresponding graphical notation in Fig. 7, A? to Fig. 9, /&. The visible traces in the front part of the horizontal and the upper part of the vertical plane of projection, are indicated by thick continuous lines, while those in the back part of the horizontal and the lower vertical plane, being invisible, are indicated by thick interrupted lines. An inspection of these diagrams, will convey the truth of the following rules in regard to the traces of planes in the different positions. The traces of a plane perpendicular to both planes of projection, are perpendicular to the ground line. Plane P Q P7, Fig. 7 ^, has both traces, P Q and Q P7, perpendicular to the ground line. A plane perpendicular to one of the planes of projection only, and inclined to the other, has its trace perpendicular to the ground line in that plane of projection, to which it is inclined; the other trace is inclined to the ground line. tPlane R S R7, Fig. 7 /&, is perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection and inclined to the horizontal; its horizontal trace, R S, is perpendicular, and its vertical one, S R7, inclined to the ground line. TUT7represents a plane perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projection; its vertical trace, U T7, is therefore perpendicular, and the horizontal one, T U, inclined to the ground line. Both traces of an oblique plane are inclined to the ground line. A plane is said to be oblique, when it is inclined to both planes of projection. Fig. 8 ^ represents two such oblique planes. * The traces of P Q P7 form, one an acute, and the other an obtuse angle with the ground line on the same side ; while the angles formed by the traces of plane R S R7 with the ground line, are both acute on one side and obtuse on the other. A plane parallel to the ground line has its traces parallel to the same. There are four different positions of plants of this class; they are represented in Figs. 9 and 9 &. In order to convey a clear idea of these positions, an auxiliary plane perpendicular to both planes of projection is assumed in the perspective view, in which their traces are indicated by dotted lines. A plane parallel to either one of the planes of projection must be perpendicular to the other, and can intersect only that one plane to which it is perpendicular. R Q Q" is a plane parallel to the vertical plane of projection, and consequently perpendicular to the horizontal one ; its trace R Q is parallel to the ground line. R' Q' Q77 represents a plane parallel to the horizontal plane of projection ; its trace is R7 Q7. A plane parallel to the ground line, and inclined to both planes of projection, has two traces, both running parallel to the ground line. Each trace is notated separately by either one or two letters. R Q-R7 Q7 is such a plane; R Q is its horizontal and R7 Q7 its vertical trace. The fourth position is that of a plane passing through the ground line and either of the dietral angles. T U U77 is such a plane; it has only one trace, T U, which coincides with the ground line, and its position is only then definite, when another trace in some auxiliary plane is given, as the trace U U" in the figure. PROBLEMS IN ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION. After these general definitions and statements in regard to the projection of a point, line and plane, the necessary problems are introduced, which find practical application in the development of working drawings. In every problem in descriptive geometry, certain parts given and required, are distinctly stated, the same as in the problems in geometrical constructions. 47 Auxiliary parts are such, which, must be introduced, to find or develop the parts required In order to distinguish the different lines readily from each other, the following notations are observed, with some of which the reader is already familiar: All visible given or required traces of planes are drawn in thick continuous lines, �� All visible projections of given or required lines are drawn in continuous fine lines,-------------------------- Traces of all auxiliary planes, as also those of given or required planes which are hidden from view by the planes of projection or other objects, are drawn in interrupted thick lines, Projections of all auxiliary lines, as also those of invisible given or required ones, are drawn in interrupted fine lines,--------------------------------------------�------ All ordinates, whether given, required, or auxiliary, are drawn in fine dotted lines,...................� The same letter is used for the same point in all its different positions, which are distinguished by the number of accents. Developed lines or surfaces are drawn in rather thick continuous lines, and the various points of them are indicated by the same Capital Letters, which are used small in either projection. For instance: in Fig. 9, Plate IX, h is the horizontal and hf the vertical projection of a point; h" is the position of the same point in one and h,n in another auxiliary plane, while H indicates: that same point in the developed figure. The graphical constructions of the problems on Plate VI are indicated by the letter ^, and are accompanied by corresponding views in parallel perspective, in which all the ordinates and all distances along the ground line are the same as in the graphical constructions ; this will enable the reader to comprehend their meaning more readily. In the problems on Plates VII, VIII and IX those perspective views are dispensed with. PROBLEM lo The traces of a line being given^ to find its projections. Each of the traces of the line is also a point of its projection in that plane of projection to which the trace belongs ; the other projection of the trace is contained in the ground line, where its ordinate intersects. Lines drawn through either one of the traces and the respective projection of the other thus found, are the projections of the line. It is evident, that in case the traces are contained in the same perpendicular to the ground line, the projections of the line will coincide with the ordinates of its traces. The different positions of lines passing obliquely through the diedral angles, are shown in diagrams, Figs. 3 ^ to 6 ^. Let a and b', Fig. 3 ^, be the given traces ; a being the horizontal trace, is also the horizontal projection of that end of the line ; the vertical projection of the same point is contained in af, the intersection of its horizontal ordinate with the ground line; b' is the vertical trace, and its horizontal projection is b ; thus a b and af V are the projections of the line whose traces are a and bf. Let c and br, Fig. 4 ^, be the given traces; c is evidently a trace in the back part of the horizontal plane; its vertical projection is c'; V is the vertical trace, and b its horizontal projection, and c! ~br therefore the vertical projection of the given line and c b the horizontal one. As this line evidently passes through the second angle, the extension of these projections, as & a and V ar are the projections of that line in the first angle. !Let b and cf, Fig. 5 /&, be the given traces, b is contained in the back part of the horizontal and c' in the lower part of the vertical plane ; this line passes evidently through the third angle, and no part of it will be visible in the first one ; its projections, b c and V d, are indicated by dotted lines. Let b and d, Fig. 6 ^ he the traces of a line, b is the horizontal trace, and & evidently that in the lower part of the vertical plane ; c and V are the other projections of these traces ; consequently b c is the horizontal and bf cf the vertical projection of the line. These projections extended, give in a b and a' br the projections of the line in the first angle. 48 PROBLEM II. The traces of two intersecting planes being given, to find the projections of their intersection. If the definition of a plane is considered, it is evident, that the intersection of two planes must be a straight line, which passes through the intersection of their traces; the solution of this problem therefore is identical with that of problem I. To illustrate the different positions of intersecting planes, four cases are represented in Figs. 10 ^ to 13 ^, all contained in the first angle. Fig. 10 /& shows the intersection of two oblique planes, PQP; and P S P'. P being the intersection of the horizontal traces, and P' that of the vertical ones, these points are also the respective traces of that intersecting line whose projections are required ; P p and P' p' are the projections. Fig. 11 ^ represents the intersection of an oblique plane P S P', with PQP' which is perpendicular to the horizontal, but inclined to the vertical plane of projection. A little reflection must convince, that in such a case, where one of the intersecting planes is perpendicular to either plane of projection, the required projection of the intersecting line must coincide with the trace of the perpendicular plane in that plane of projection, to which it is perpendicular. In this case therefore, the horizontal projection of the intersecting line coincides with the horizontal trace P Q, while P' p' is its vertical one. For the same reason, in Fig. 12 /^ which represents the intersection of an oblique plane P S P;9 with a plane P Q P' perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection, the vertical projection of the interseeting line coincides with the vertical trace Q P', while P'jp' is the horizontal projection required. Fig. 13 ^ shows the intersection of two planes, PQP7 and R S E/, both of which are perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projection. It is evident, that the intersecting line must also be perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projection, or, in other words, a vertical line ; its horizontal projection n coincides with the' intersection of the horizontal traces, and its vertical projection is a vertical line nf mr. The case is similar when both intersecting planes are perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection. PROBLEM III. The projections of a line being given, to find the traces. * It was shown in Problem I, that the trace of a line is also a point of its projection, and the intersection of its ordinate with the ground line is a point of projection of the same line in the other plane of projection ; therefore, when the projections of a line are given, find the intersection of one of the projections with the ground line, and where the ordinate from that point intersects the other projection of the line, must be its trace. Let a b and af &', Fig. 14 ^\, be the given projections of a line ; to find its horizontal trace, extend a! bf intersecting the ground line at d; from d draw the horizontal ordinate, intersecting a b extended in c, which will be the horizontal trace required ; the vertical trace df is found in the salme manner-Figs. 3 ^ to 6 ^ represent lines projected in different positions, passing through the diedral angles ; in Problem I, the traces were supposed as being given and the projections required ; now let the reader suppose, the projections are given and the traces required, and work out the problem. PROBLEM IV. To construct the traces of a plane, which passes through three given points. It has been shown in elementary geometry, that any two intersecting lines, also any three points, are always contained in one plane. 49 It is evident, that the trace of any line contained in a plane, must also be a point in the trace of that plane. To solve the above problem, find the traces of two lines passing through the three given points, which will be two points of the required traces in each plane of projection. Let a-a\ b-b\ c-c\ Fig. 15 A be the three given points ; employ the solution of Problem III, and/ will be the horizontal and e' the vertical trace of a line passing through the points a-a! and b-bf; d is the horizontal trace of the line passing through b-b' and c-c', and a line drawn through /and d is evidently the horizontal trace P Q of the plane required. This trace P Q intersects the ground line at Q, and as both traces of a plane intersect the ground line in one and the same point, a line drawn through Q and e' must be the vertical trace of the plane required. This saves the time to find the vertical trace of the line passing through b-b' and c-c'. PLATE VII. PROBLEMS IN ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION � Continued. PROBLEM IV. To pass a plane through three given points. To pass a plane through three given points means to construct the traces of the plane containing the three points given. This problem is identical with Problem IV, represented in Pig. 15 t&, PL VI. Pig. 1 represents another position of the three given points, a-a\ b-b\ c-c\ P is the horizontal trace of the line a b�a' b\ and / that of b e�b[ c'\ P/is therefore the horizontral trace of the plane required, intersecting the ground line at Q. P' is the vertical trace of a b�a' &', and gf that of a c�af cr; the line through Py is therefore the required vertical trace ot the plane. If the drawing is made accurate, both traces will meet the ground line at the same point Q. PROBLEM V. A line and a point outside of it, being given, to pass a plane through the saws. This problem is only a modification of the preceding one ; it may be solved in the same manner, by projecting a second line through the given point and intersecting the given line, and find their traces. Another solution is presented in Fig. 2, based on the fact, that two parallel lines are contained in a plane ; the projections of lines parallel in space being parallel to each other, construct such a line through the given point, and their traces will be points in the traces of the required plane. Let a b and a' b' be the projections of the given line, and n-n' those of the given point; draw n d parallel to a b, and nf df parallel to a' b\ which will be the projections of the auxiliary line parallel to a b�af V through the point n-n'; b being the horizontal trace of the given line, and e that of the auxiliary, the line P Q drawn through these points will be the horizontal trace of the plane; the vertical trace Q P' is found in the same manner. If the construction is accurate, both traces will meet at the same point Q, in the ground line. Fig, 3 is a solution of the same problem, with the given line and point in another position, PROBLEM VI. * Two parallel lines being given, to construct the plane passing through them. The solution of this problem is simply to find the traces of the parallel lines, which are points in the traces of the required plane. The given lines may assume different positions ; they may be oblique to both planes of projection, or parallel to the ground line, or parallel to one of the planes of projection only and inclined to the other. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the cases in which the given lines are oblique to both planes of projection.. If we assume the line a b�a' bf and the auxiliary one drawn parallel to it through the point n-n' as the parallel lines given, the explanation of the figures in the last problem will be sufficient. In Fig. 4 a b�a! V and c d�d d' are two lines parallel to the ground line ; in this case it is necessary to construct an auxiliary plane R S R', and find the traces of the given lines in this plane. JPI.TH. _P/ ^ T^. r' R T" T the angle formed by the oblique plane with the vertical plane of projection. Fig. 3 represents an oblique plane P Q P7 in a different position. To find the angle formed with the horizontal plane of projection, construct the auxiliary plane P S perpendicular to the horizontal trace. As this plane does not intersect the given vertical trace in the upper part of the vertical plane of projection, a second auxiliary plane S R P7, perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projection and parallel to the horizontal trace of the given plane, is constructed. If the intersected part of the first auxiliary plane is revolved about its horizontal trace P S, into the horizontal plane of projection, it will appear as S P S;; S S7 being equal to R P7, and > S P S' is evidently the required angle. To find the angle formed with the vertical plane of projection, the horizontal trace is extended into the back part of the horizontal plane of projection, as Q P77. The auxiliary plane P77 R R7 is drawn perpendicular to the given vertical trace Q P7, being thus located in the second diedral angle. R R77 P" is this plane, after being revolved back into the horizontal plane of projection. > R R77 P" is evidently the angle formed by the oblique plane with the vertical plane of projection in the second diedral angle, and>RR"if is the angle formed by the same planes in the first diedraL angle. Fig. 4 represents the same oblique plane ; its traces P Q P' form the same angles with the ground line as in Fig. 3 To find the angle formed by the oblique plane with the vertical plane of projection, the same construction is employed, as that in Fig. 3 to find the angle of inclination with the horizontal plane of projection. P7 S7 S77 is the auxiliary plane after being revolved into the vertical plane of projection, and S77 P71 the required angle, which is equal to R R" t found by the construction employed in Fig. 3. PEOBLEM XIX. To find the real size of the angle formed by an inclined or oblique plane, with any vertical plane not coinciding with the vertical plane of projection. The solution of this problem is similar |o that of the preceding one, withtthis difference, that the line of intersection of the two given planes must first be found, and then an auxiliary plane constructed perpendicular to it, to find the diedral angle ; while in the previous problem, it will be observed, this line of intersection (it being the trace of the oblique plane) was given. Fig. 5 represents a plane Q P�Q7 P7 inclined to both planes of projection and parallel to the ground line, which is intersected by a vertical plane P R P7, making an angle with the ground line. To find the diedral angle formed by the two planes, revolve the intersected portion of the vertical plane about its horizontal trace P R back into the horizontal plane of projection, as P R P77; then P P77 is evidently the line of intersection of both planes in its real length. Construct the auxiliary plane perpendicular to this line of intersection ; pass its horizontal trace R Q, which of course is perpendicnlar to P R, for convenience through R or the point where the given vertical plane PEP' intersects the ground line. The line R S, drawn from R perpendicular to P P77, is evidently the line in which the auxiliary plane would intersect the vertical plane P R P7 in space ; make R S7 equal to R S (as indicated by the arc) and Q R S7 will be the intersected portion of the auxiliary plane, after being revolved about its horizontal trace Q R back into the horizontal plane of projection, and R S7 Q is the required angle. 57 Pig. 6 shows an oblique plane P Q P7, intersected by a vertical plane PEP; perpendicular to the ground line; revolve the intersected portion of the latter about its horizontal trace f R, by carrying the intersection P' of the traces round to the ground line in P" ; PEF' will be this plane after its revolution, and P P77 their line of intersection. As the vertical plane is also perpendicular to the ground line, the horizontal trace of an auxiliary plane perpendicular to it, must fall into the ground line or run parallel to it; for convenience, pass again this trace through the point of intersection R of the vertical plane with the ground line, as R Q or the ground line. R S being again perpendicular to the intersection P P77 and carried over to S7 as indicated by the arc S S', Q R S7 is the intersected portion of the auxiliary plane after its revolution about its horizontal trace R Q back into the horizontal plane of projection, and > R S7 Q is the angle required. Pig. 7 represents the intersection of an oblique plane P Q P7, with a vertical plane P R P7 making an angle with the ground line. After reading the description of the two preceding figures, this will be easily understood ; P R P77 is the vertical plane developed, R S perpendicular to the intersection P P7/ and R T perpendicular to the trace P R ; T R S7 is the auxiliary plane developed, and > R S7 T the required angle. Remark.�The angles developed in this, as also those in the last problem with the vertical plane of projection, are technically called the spring-bevels, and are applied to the wreath pieces of stair-rails, &c. Their theory ought to be well understood by the reader. PROBLEM XX. To find the real size of the diedral angle formed by two oblique planes in any position. The solution of this problem is similar to' the preceding ones. Construct the line of intersection of both planes, also from any one point in it, perpendiculars to the same, one in each plane, and the angle formed by the two perpendiculars will be the diedral angle wanted. Let PQP' and PRP' Pig. 8 be the given planes; then P p�Yr p! will be the line of intersection (see Problem II.), and from any point n-nr construct the perpendiculars. It is not necessary to find the projection of these perpendiculars, if their traces and real lengths are found. In order to do this, revolve the oblique planes with the perpendiculars contained in them, about those of their traces, which the perpendiculars will intersect. In this case the planes are revolved about their horizontal traces. While revolving the plane P Q P7, the point n-nr describes an arc in a vertical plane, whose horizontal trace n r is perpendicular to the given horizontal trace P Q ; the real length of the line perpendicular from n-nf to that trace, may be found ; n r is its horizontal projection, and the vertical ordinate of n' to the ground line is also known ; n r being perpendicular to P Q, make c r equal to the vertical ordinate of n\ and n e is the real length. Lay off r n,,r equal to n c, and nnr is evidently the point n-nf after being revolved into the horizontal plane of projection; likewise, the line nr" P is that part of the line of intersection of both given planes, shown as P n�p' n! in its projections, and a line drawn perpendicular to the same in the given plane PQP', would also be perpendicular to P n'n in the revolved position ; therefore, draw n,n a perpendicular to P n"' intersecting P Q in a, which point is evidently the horizontal trace of the perpendicular to be found, and n'n a its real length. The trace b and real length n/; b of the perpendicular in the other given plane P R P', is found in the same manner, viz: draw n t n" from n perpendicular to P R, make t d equal to the vertical ordinate of n\ and tn" equal to dn. If the drawing is accurately made, n" P and ^77/P will be equal, as both lines represent the same line n T?�p' n! in its revolved position. Then draw n" b perpendicular to n;/ P ; b will be the trace, and nff b the real length of the other perpendicular. The traces and real lengths of the perpendiculars being found, describe arcs from the respective traces a and b as centres and the real lengths as radii, cutting in N, and a N b will be the required diedral angle. 8 58 PROBLEM XXI. The angles formed by any oblique plane with both planes of projection being given, to find its traces. The diedral planes indicating the angles formed by any oblique plane with either plane of projection, are right-angled triangles (see Problems XVII. and XVIII.)? and a perpendicular from the right angle to the hypothenuse, is evidently the perpendicular distance of the oblique plane from that point of the ground line, in which the diedral plane intersects the same. Therefore, when both diedral planes are constructed through one and the same point of the ground line> they will have this perpendicular distance in common ; consequently* the perpendiculars from the right angle to the hypothenuse will be alike in both, and the traces of the hypothenuses will be points in the required traces of the oblique plane. Let > a and > b, Fig. 9, be the given angles. Construct both diedral planes through any point R of the ground line; describe a semicircle v u from R as centre, with any convenient radius ; draw a line as S' Pr, making the angle a with the ground line and tangent to the semicircle at u ; then S' R P' will be the diedral plane revolved about its vertical trace R P'. Also construct in like manner the diedral plane P R T in its revolved position, containing the given angle b. The vertical trace P' of the hypothenuse S' P' is evidently a point in the required vertical trace, and the trace P of the hypothenuse P T, a point in the required horizontal trace. If the diedral plane S' R P' revolves back into its real position, the point S' will describe the arc S' S contained in the horizontal plane of projection, and the required horizontal trace must obviously be a tangent to this arc. Therefore, draw a line P S from P tangent to this arc, which will be the required horizontal trace. S R is the horizontal trace of the diedral plane P' R S' in real position. Likewise the point T will describe the arc T T/ in its revolution, and a line P' T' drawn through P' tangent to this arc, will be the required vertical trace. When the construction is accurate, both traces will meet in the same point Q of the ground line. A little reflection will convince, that whenever the sum of both angles given is equal to 90�, the plane will be parallel to the ground line, and whenever that sum is equal to 180�, the plane will be perpendicular to it. In all cases, when the sum of both angles given is more than 90� and less than 180�, the position of the plane will be an oblique one. The radius R v with which the semicircle is described, is evidently the perpendicular distance of the plane PQP' from the point R in the ground line ; if both are given in conjunction with the angles, the traces will be definitely located. Whenever it is required to pass either trace through a givei?. point, both angles being given, find the direction of the traces first without regard to the giyen point, and then draw the required traces parallel to the directions found, and passing through the given point. PROBLEM XXII. The traces of a plane in any position being given, also the horizontal projection of a figure contained in it; to find the angle which the plane makes with the horizontal plane of projection, and to develop the plane with the figure in it, in real size. The first part required in this problem, is found as in Problem XVIII and the development of the plane and figure in it, may be done as in Problem XVII. Another method, preferable for the purposes of this work, is the following : Construct the auxiliary diedral plane, to find the angle of inclination of the given plane with the horizontal plane of projection, and, instead of revolving, the auxiliary plane about its vertical trace, as was done in Problem XVIII, revolve the same about its horizontal trace into the horizontal plane of projection; then revolve the given plane with the figure in it about its line of intersection with the auxiliary plane, also into the horizontal plane of projection. Let P Q P', Pig. 10, be the traces of the given plane, and a b c the horizontal projection of a triangle contained in the same. Through any convenient point P, construct the auxiliary diedral 59 plane, P R P', perpendicular to the horizontal trace P Q. At its intersection R with the ground line, erect a line R P" perpendicular to its horizontal trace P R, and carry the distance of the intersection P' of the vertical traces from the ground line, round to P" as indicated by the arc' P' P" ; then the right angled triangle P R P" will be the auxiliary plane revolved into the horizontal plane of projection, while ule gjven piane jn revolved position which is intersected by both planes of projection and the auxiliary plane PEP'. Any line contained in a plane parallel to either trace in space, will also appear in its projection parallel to that trace in that plane of projection, to which said trace belongs; so, if lines are conceived from the vertices of the triangle in space parallel to the horizontal, trace P Q, tlieir horizontal projections a a", b b", and c c" will be parallel to it. If these parallels are extended until they intersect the line P P", as in a'", V" and d", then the distances P a"\ P V" and P d" are evidently the real perpendicular distances of the points in space from the horizontal trace, and a" arn, b" bf" and c" d" are the vertical distances of the same points above the horizontal plane of projection. Further, as P Q' is the horizontal trace P Q in its revolved position, the lines a"' A, V" B and d" C parallel to P Q and equal in length respectively to a" a, b" b and c" c> must be the lines conceived through the vertices of the triangle also in their revolved position. A B C is the triangle in real size, and in its true position in regard to the given traces of the plane containing it. In case the real form and size of the figure alone is required, find the angle of inclination R P P", and draw perpendiculars to P R from the points a, 5, c until they intersect P P" in a"\ b'" and d" ; from these points of intersection draw perpendiculars to P P", and lay off on them the respective distances of the points a, 6, c from P R, as in A B C, which will be the required figure. Remark.�It is important for the reader to understand this problem thoroughly, in order to conceive readily the problems relating to the intersection of solids by planes, as represented on Plate IX. EXAMPLES IN PROJECTION OF LINES AND SURFACES. These Examples are here introduced to accustom the reader to the mental conception of the position of lines stated in language, and also to produce the same on paper. Figs. 11 to 17 represent the projection of a given line, A B, under various conditions. EXAMPLE I. Project the given line, A B, on an angle of 30� to the horizontal plane of projection, and parallel to the vertical one ; the end point A to be contained in the horizontal projection at a. As the given line A B Fig. 11 is to be parallel to the vertical plane of projection, it will appear in real length in its vertical projection and parallel to the ground line in the horizontal one ; the point A being contained in the horizontal plane of projection at a, its vertical projection is in the ground line at a'. * Draw an infinite line, a1 b', from a1 on an angle of 30� to the ground line, and make it equal to A B, then a' b' will be the vertical projection of the given line; from the given horizontal projection a of the point A, draw an infinite line parallel to the groimd line, also the ordinate from V, and a b is the horizontal projection of A B. 60 EXAMPE II. Project the given line A B, as being contained in a vertical plane making an angle of 30� with the ground line, and the line itself an angle of 45� with the horizontal plane of projection ; the point A of the line being contained in the horizontal plane of projection at a. As the line is to be contained in a vertical plane making an angle of 30� with the vertical plane of projection, the horizontal projection of the line will make the same angle with the ground line ; therefore, draw from a, Fig. 12, a line a c parallel to the ground line, and also an indefinite line, a b, on an angle of 30� to a c; in this line a b must be contained the horizontal projection of the given line. To determine the length of this projection, draw from a an indefinite line a b" making an angle of 45� with a �, and make a b" equal to A B ; from b" let fall a perpendicular to a b intersecting in 5, and a b is the required horizontal projection. The vertical projection of A is given in a'; to find that of B, draw the indefinite ordinate from b and make its vertical one 6� V equal to b b" ; then a' V is the vertical projection of A B under the conditions given. It is evident a b b" is the projecting plane of the given line revolved into the horizontal plane of projection. EXAMPLE III. Project the line A B as follows : Let the projecting plane of its vertical projection make an angle of 30� with the horizontal plane of projection and the line itself an angle of 15� with the vertical one ; the projections of the point A being given. Let a-a\ Fig. 13, be the given projections of A. The graphical construction of this diagram is similar to the last one. The vertical projection of the given line will make an angle of 30� with the ground line ; draw a line af cf through a' parallel to the ground line, and af V on an angle of 30� with the same ; draw also an indefinite line ar b", making the angle of 15� with a' b\ and set off af b" equal to the given line A B ; from b" let fall a perpendicular to af b\ and br will be the vertical projection of B. To find the horizontal projection of B, draw a c parallel to the ground line, also the ordinate from V and set off c b equal to V b" ; then 5 is the horizontal projection of B, EXAMPLE IV. Project the line A B under an angle of 45� to the horizontal, and 25� to the vertical plane of projection ; the projection of A being given, and to be the nearest one of the line to the ground line. In the two previous examples, the direction of one projection was immediately obtainable from the conditions given. The construction of this diagram is somewhat more complicated. It is evident that, one point of a given line being fixed, if it revolves around said point, keeping at a certain angle with the vertical plane of projection in all positions of its revolution, it will describe the curved surface of a right cone ; the fixed point being the vertex, and the circle described by the other end of the line, the base of the same ; the circle will be contained in a plane pairallel to the vertical plane of projection. Again, if the line revolves around the fixed point, keeping at a certain angle with the horizontal plane of projection in all positions of its revolution, it will describe the curved surface of another right cone, the fixed point being its vertex, and the circle described by the other point, its base ; said circle of the base will be contained in a plane parallel to the horizontal plane of projection. A little reflection will convince, that both circles must intersect each other in two points, whenever the sum of both angles given is less than 90�, but when the sum is equal to a right angle, both circles will come in contact at one point only. In the first case these points of intersection, and in the second the points of contact, will be the points in space which the revolving end-point of the given line must occupy, in order to have the line make the given angles with the planes of projection. 61 Four such cones may be described by the given line under these conditions : one above and one below the given point, the bases of both being horizontal; also one in front and one in rear, the bases of both being parallel to the vertical plane of projection. Thus it becomes evident, that in case the sum of the given angles is less than 90�, there are eight different positions, and in the other case when the sum of the angles is equal to 90�, there are four different positions of the line complying with the required condition In the former case, both projections of the line will be inclined to the ground line, while in the latter, they will be at right angles to the same. The graphical construction of the example given above, is carried out for one of the eight positions in Fig. 14. Let a-oJ be the given point A of the line A B ; from a draw a line parallel to the ground line, and also another making an angle of 25� with the same, on which set off a b" equal toAB; an indefinite line b b" through b" parallel to the ground line, will represent the horizontal projection of the vertical circle in which the point B would revolve ; then draw from b" a perpendicular to the ground line intersecting at bY a horizontal drawn through a\ and describe an indefinite arc from a' as center, and a' bY as radius, representing the vertical projection of the same circle of which b" b is the horizontal one. From af draw an indefinite line af b,fr on an angle of 45� with a' b\ and set off a' b"f also equal to A B ; a horizontal line through b"r is the vertical projection of the horizontal circle, which the point B would describe, were the line A B revolving on an angle of 45� to the horizontal plane of projection. Then, from b,tf draw also a perpendicular to the ground line, intersecting the horizontal through a in &"", and describe an arc from a as centre with a b"" as radius, representing the horizontal projection of the same circle, of which b' V" is the vertical one. The respective intersections b V of these arcs with the horizontals, are the horizontal and vertical projections of the point B, and a b and a! V the projections of the line in a position to comply with the given conditions. If the diagram is accurately made, the ordinates of b and b! will meet the ground line in one and the same point. Fig. 15 represents the line A B in a position in which the sum of its angles of inclination to both planes of projection is equal to 90� ; its projections a b and a' V are perpendicular to the ground line, a b A B evidently represents the projecting plane of a b revolved back into the horizontal plane of projection ; c is the horizontal and d! the vertical trace of the line. When the line A B and the angles of inclination are given in the revolved position, the diagram shows plainly, how the projections are obtained; also in the reversed case, when the projections a b and a' V are given, how to find the line in real length, its angles of inclination and traces, without further explanation. Fig. 16 represents the line A B in the same position as found in the construction of Fig. 14. Suppose the projections a b and a' V to be given; develop the line in its real length as demonstrated in Prob. XV; a b A B is the projecting plane of a b revolved into the horizontal plane of projection ; c is the horizontal trace of the given line, and b cB the angle made with the horizontal plane of projection ; it will be found to be equal to 45� and A B equal to the given line. Likewise a' b' A! B' is the projecting plane of a' V revolved into the vertical plane of projection ; d! is the vertical trace and A' B' equal to the real length of the line; > V &' B' equal to 25�, is the angle made by the line with the vertical plane of projection. example v. Fig. 17. A triangle A B C is given in real size, also a point a in the horizontal plane of projection. Project the triangle on an angle of 60� to the horizontal plane of projection, the vertex A resting in a; the horizontal trace of the plane containing the triangle, to make an angle of 30� with the ground line, and the side A B an angle of 45� with the horizontal trace. As the vertex A is to rest in a, the horizontal trace of the plane containing it, must pass through the same point; therefore, draw the trace P Q through a, making the given angle of 30� with the ground line Q R. The plane of the triangle is to make an angle of 60� with the horizontal .62 plane of projection : in order to find the other trace, construct an auxiliary vertical plane a R P' (see Problem XVIII, Fig. 2) through any point, say a, perpendicular to the trace P Q, and revolve the same into the horizontal plane of projection ; to do this, draw a line a P" on an angle of 60� to a R, also a perpendicular from R, both intersecting in P', then a R P" is the auxiliary plane revolved ; carry R P" round to P' and Q P' is the vertical trace of the plane containing the triangle. To construct the required projections of the triangle, conceive the plane P Q P7 containing it, revolved about its horizontal trace P Q, and draw the triangle in this position, according to the conditions given. The vertex A is to rest in a, which remains unchanged, and the side A B to make an angle of 45� with the horizontal trace ; then a B C will be the triangle in its revolved position. To construct its projections, draw from 3f TO&IX rFig."vn. '/* IbJ^I r vft'V- j�< V \^' ^ \ \ j / -' '// A nC / \ V /''/ M//V"\ /A' _ l^"3 J. jv^S Tig.X. 7> 7rlH |,q Y'w' ,3 !4- |J :6 1/ jg j.9 j/0 j// 9/ ft!__Jw." 76^ iT XOTE Ti^.XIXl xyir A "�<- W ^"-----�� i. Tia.ixx: i T TiQ^XYX. i !! : ji h 7i � b jp W-r/ c�'!' J'� ! i y'0\ vO . A I l '/7iV; / ^ ! \\Ti�.3XDI.' /I J> JP PLATE IX. INTERSECTION OF SOLIDS WITH PLANES. The figure produced by the intersection of any solid with a plane, is called a Section of such solid. It is evident, that the sections of one and the same solid lby planes in different positions, will he different figures ; those by planes parallel to the base, will be either equal, as in the prism and cylinder, or similar to it, as in the pyramid and cone ; they have been mentioned under Plate V. The sections produced by planes inclined to the base or axis will now be considered, as also the development of the intersected parts of the surface. INTERSECTION OP PLANE�SIDED BODIES WITH PLANES. The section of any plane sided solid by any plane in any position, will be a polygon. If the cutting plane is so situated, as to cut all the lateral edges of a prism or a pyramid, the figure of the section will be a polygon of as many sides, as the solid has lateral faces respectively. The construction of the projections of such sections consists simply in the projection of those points, where the edges pierce or intersect the cutting plane (see Problem X.), and the connection of the respective points so found by right lines. The projections of a section being thus found, and the figure of the section itself being a plane figure contained in the cutting plane whose traces are given, the development of the section is simply an application of Problem XXII. This general statement will suffice to explain the principles of the construction of Pigs. 1, 3 and 5. The development of the intersected parts of the surface will be explained in each case separately. PROBLEM XXIII. To construct the section of a right rectangular prism, intersected by a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection, hut inclined to the horizontal one ; also to developethe section and the intersected part of the surface in real size. Let P Q P' Fig. 1 be the intersecting plane, and abed the horizontal projection of the prism. For simplicity's sake, the prism is assumed to have a quadrangular base, one side being parallel to the ground line. It is evident, that in this case the horizontal projection of the base is also that of the section, and the vertical projection of such section is a' V, or a line coinciding with the vertical trace of the cutting plane, limited by the vertical projection of the edges perpendicular to the groundi line. To develope the section in real size, revolve the cutting plane containing the figure about its vertical trace : it is plain, that the intersecting line of the sides a b and c d with the cutting plane, jnust be parallel to the trace Q P', and those of the sides a d and b c, perpendicular to the same. ' On these perpendiculars lay off from Q P' the respective horizontal ordinates of a, b, c and d, and A B C D is the developed section. Fig. 2 is the development of the intersected part of the surface between the horizontal plane of projection and the cutting plane. Oh a straight line dd, lay off the sides of the prism as d a, a b, b c and c d, equal to the corresponding horizontal projections Fig. 1, erect perpendiculars representing the lateral edges of the prism, and make them equal to the corresponding vertical projections; <#DABCD^is then the developed surface of the intersected prism below the cutting plane. 64 PROBLEM XXIV. To construct the section of a right rectangular prism, intersected by an oblique plane; also to develope the section and the intersected surface in real size. Let P Q P', Fig. 3, be the traces of the intersecting or cutting plane, and ab cd the horizontal projection of the prism, which is also that of the section; the sides stand on an angle to the ground line. The development of the figure is the same as in Problem XXII. Through any point, say 6, construct the auxiliary plane PEP' perpendicular to P Q, and