ILLINOI S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2012. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Copyright. Reproduced according to U.S. copyright law USC 17 section 107. Contact for more information. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Preservation Department, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012 655 75p s t Y: :. .1.. ..y ,'' i .. m.r..'= a. ._a Y.. QTY..�"^:' '~ Fa.Pa-.ti .. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, WV.C.1. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--Continued. 10 CARACTEIRES D'IMPRIMERIE. Paris, 1751 �6 6s. 2 pts., folio. Mottled calf and boards. Included in Vol 2 of the Encyclop6die ou Dictionnaire Raisonn6 des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers. Attached to the article is a type specimen containing 22 varieties of type from the printing office of M. le Breton. With the exception of the two minute types known as Perle and Sedanoise, both of which were the property of the Imprimerie Royale, all the types came from the Fournier type foundry and these sheets consequently form a Fournier Type specimen which has not previously been noted. With this volume is a copy of the collection of plates illustrating Type.Founding from the Illustrations Section of the Encyclopedie. 11 [ALPHABETUM divi Hieronymi.-Alpliabetm divi Cyrilli. Romae, Typis Sac. Cong. de Prop. Fide, 1753], �1 Is. 8vo. Boards. pp. 78. Woodcut front. Entirely in the two Slavonic types. 12 FOURNIER (S. P.). MCMURTRIE (Douglas C.) Fournier le Jeune's 1757 Specimen of Sedanoise and Nompareille, with a reproduction of the specimen in facsimile. Chicago, R. O. Ballou, 1924 10s 6d 12mo. Orig. boards. Facsimile of an unrecorded Type Specimen Book by Fournier. The preface gives an interesting account of the origin of these small types. 13 FOURNIER LE JEUNE (S. P.) Tableau des Vingt Corps de Caracteres, d'usage ordinaire dans 1'Imprimerie. [Paris, 1766] �12 10s. 4to. This excessively rare and unregistered Type Specimen Book of Fournier is included in the Abb6 Jean Raymond de Petity's Bibliotheque des Artistes et des Amateurs : ou Tablettes Analytiques sur les Sciences et les Beaux Arts, Paris, P. G. Simon, 1766. 3 vols, 4to. Vol 3 contains a large section devoted to Printing with plates of all the various Alphabets, and Vol 2 an account of writing, with plates of the various hands. Old calf, rubbed, but perfectly good inside. 14 ALPHABETUM Grandonico-Malabaricum sive Samscrudonicum. [Edited by Joh. Chr. Amadutius]. Romae, Typis Sac. Cong. de Prop. Fide, 1772 �1 is. 8vo. Boards. 9 folding plates. pp. xxviii.: 100. 15 ALPHABETUM Persicum cum Oratione Dominicali et Salutatione Angelica. [Edited by Joh. Chr. Amadutius]. Romae, Typis Sac. Cong. de Prop. Fide, 1783 15s. 8vo. Boards. 16 WILSON (A., and Sons) A Specimen of Printing Types. Glasgow, 1783 �4 15s. Folio. Broadside. Includes Roman, Italic, Black Letter, Hebrew and Greek. Variety without blank space across centre. 17 Another variety, with blank space across centre �4 15s, 18 FRY (Joseph, and Sons) A Specimen of Printing Types. London, 1785 �4 10s. Single sheet folio. Printed on both sides. Specimens of Roman, Italic, Black Letter, and the learned languages, including Samaritan and Persian. Metided. 19 CASLON (William) A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty. London, 1785 �5 15s. Folio. Wrappers. 8 pp. Includes Roman, Italic, .Black Letter, the learned characters and flowers. 20 Another variety, with the last page reset and an extra line of music inserted �5 15s. Cable Address-CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 3 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS-continued. 21 FRY (Joseph, and Sons) A Specimen of Printing Types. London, 1786 �10 10s. 8vo. Tree calf, gold tooled borders on sides, gold tooled back, g.e. Dedicated to George, Prince 'of Wales. The Royal Arms at the head of the dedication is signed " Blake sc. Change Alley." A beautiful copy of this rare Type Specimen Book. .22 FRY & CO. (Edmund) A Specimen of Printing Types. London, Printed in the year 1787 �5 10s. 8vo. Calf. This Specimen Book of 44 pages occupies pp. 273-316 of Smith's Printer's Grammar, 1787. 23 Another copy, cloth, pages somewhat discoloured �5 5s. 24 BREITKOPF (Joh. Gottlob Imman.) Exemplum Typographiae Sinicae Figuris Characterum e Typis Mobilibus Compositum. Lipsiae, e Typographeo Autoris, 1789 �2 2s. 4to. Boards. 1 plate. Very rare specimen of Chinese type. 25 CASLON. Poetry of Nature, comprising a Selection of the Most Sublime and Beautiful Apostrophes, Histories, Songs, Elegies, etc., from the Works of the Caledonian Bards. The Typographical Execution in a Style entirely new, and Decorated with the Superb Ornaments of the Celebrated Caslon. [London, N. P. Cooke, 17891 �1 7s. 6d. 4to. Cloth, back mended. Printed in Caslon Script Type, with head and tail pieces from the same foundry. Long list of subscribers at end. Rare. 26 WILSON (Alexander, and Sons) A Specimen of Printing Types. Glasgow, 1789 �8 8s. Sm. 4to. Orig. boards, rebacked, joints weak, slight stains. 27 FRY (Edmund) Pantographia, containing Accurate Copies of all the known Alphabets in the World, together with An English Explanation of the Peculiar Force or Power of each Letter; to which is added, Speci- mens of all Well-Authenticated Oral Languages, forming a Comprehensive Digest of Phonology. London, Cooper and Wilson, 1799 �2 2s. 8vo. Green morocco, gilt back, gold tooled border on sides, g.e., a little rubbed. The author was the famous Letter founder and his book forms a Specimen Book of his Foundry. 28 Another Copy �1 15s. 8vo. Cloth. 29 GILLE (J.) [Circular in Script type and Caractires Financibre et Civiliti announcing his Specimen Book and giving a Price List of his Types]. Paris, an 13 (1804) �1 is. 4to. Unbound. 30 STOWER (C.) The Printer's Grammar; or, Introduction to the Art of Printing; containing A Concise History of the Art, with the improvements in the Practice of Printing for the last fifty years. London, B. Crosby and Co., 1808 �2 2s. 8vo. Half calf, shabby. Used copy. Illustrations. Contains a Type Specimen of Fry, Steele and Co., extending to 19 pages, and a 12-page specimen of Caslon and Catherwood. 31 Another copy. London, 1808 30s. 8vo. Half calf, wanting. title-page. 32 FRY AND STEELE. Specimen of Printing Types. London, [1819] �1 10s. 4to. Boards. 8 pp. Contains the Roman, Black and Learned characters. 4 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--Continued. 33 GAUTHIER FRERES ET CIE. Epreuves de quelques nouveaux Caractres. Besancon (c. 182-) 15s. 8vo. Unbound. 4 leaves. Rare. No specimen from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 34 GAUTHIER FRERES ET CIE. Epreuves de quelques nouveaux caracteres. Besancon (c. 182-) 15s. 8vo. Unbound. 4 leaves. Rare. No specimens from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 35 GAUTHIER FRERES. Epreuve de quelques Caracteres. Besan- con, 182( ) �1 5s. 8vo. Unbound. First and last leaves slightly defective. Rare. Nothing from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 36 CASLON AND LIVERMORE. Specimen of Printing Types. London, 1822 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. printed boards, soiled, back stripped, loose. 37 MILLER (William) Specimen of Printing Types. Edinburgh, 1822 �1 10s. 4to. Wrappers. 38 CAREZ (J.) (Circular announcing his starting as a Typefounder, with specimens attached. Cut by M. Vibert). Paris, 1823 � �1 Is. 4to. Unbound. He proposes to adopted a new basis of measurement of type, the " dixmillimetre." and all his type will ultimately be cast on this basis. He says: " La nonpareille portera 20 dixmillimetres, le Cicero 40, a Palestine 80." Rare and important. Nothing from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 39 TAUCHNITZ (Karl) Proben aus der Schriftgiesserei von Karl Tauchnitz. Leipzig, 1825 �3 Large folio. Boards. 40 MOYES (J.) Specimens of the Types commonly used in the Temple Printing Office, Bouverie Street; with the names of the founders, also specimens of wood engravings. London, 1826 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 42. With views of the exterior and interior of the printing house. 41 DIDOT, LEGRAND ET CIE (H.) Specimen des Caracteres de la Fonderie Polyamatype. Paris, E. Duverger, 1828 �2 10s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Types, ornaments and rules. 42 DIDOT PPRE ET FILS (Firmin) Ier Cahier, Contenant les Carac- thres Romains et Italiques avec leur prix en kilogrammes. Paris, 1828 8vo. Orig. wrappers. � 1 Is. 43 CORNE. Nouvelle Epreuve de Caracteres. Dijon, 1829 �1 15s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Rare. No specimen from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 44 DAULE. [Circular announcing his re-organization of his Stereo Foundry. Paris (c. 1830)] 10s. 6d. 4to. Unbound. M. Daule describes himself as " Fondeur-Stereotypeur-Polytypeur. Inventeur du proced6 dit Pankytotypie." 45 DOYEN (G.) (5 Type Specimen sheets. Paris, c. 1830) 17s. 6d. 4to. Unbound. Doyen was a printer and typefounder. He printed Vibert fils Specimens and his type may have been cut by them. None of his specimens is in the St. Bride Catalogue. Cable Address-CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 5 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--Continued. 46 MILLER (William) Specimens of Newspaper Founts. Edinburgh [c. 1830] 10s. 6d Broadside folio. Slightly torn. 47 PANCKOUCKE (C. L. F.) [24 Sheets of Type Specimens. Paris, c. 1830] �1 5s. 4to. Unbound. None of Panckoucke's specimens is in the St. Bride Catalogue. 48 GALLAY. Ancien Maison Hy. Specimen des Caracteres neufs. Paris, 1831 �2 2s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Rare. No specimen from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. Many ornaments are included and a circular announcing the dissolution of the partnership of Gallay and Hy. 49 MOYES (James) Specimens of the Types commonly used in Moyes's Printing Office, Castle Street, Leicester Square: with their names, and the names of the Founders, also Specimens of Wood Engravings. London, James Moyes, 1831 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. With cut of the Printing Office. Interesting introduction, with list of the more important books printed by Moyes. Autograph presentation copy to [Sir] Henry Ellis. 50 REY FILS ET CIE. Sp6cimen des Caracteres. Lyon, G. Rossary, 1833 * �2 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Rare. No specimen from this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. This establishment was founded prior to 1780 by Pierre Rey, as his Specimen Book of that date was in the Paris Exhibition of 1900. 51 MILLER (W., and Co.) Supplement to Specimens of Newspaper Founts. Edinburgh, 1834 10s. 6d. Broadside folio. 52 LE GLAY (Docteur) Melanges Historiques et Littdraires. Cambrai, Imprimerie de Lesne-Daloin, 1834 �4 15s. 8vo. Orig. boards. 50 copies only. Printed on thick paper in blue borders. The second part of the book has a special title, " Specimen des Caracteres Composant 1'Imprimerie de Lesne-Daloin : Pr6c6d6 d'une Notice sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie." The latter notice is taken from the Manuel de l'Imprimerie by Audouin de Gdronval. Very rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 53 MOYES (James) Specimens of the Types Commonly used in Moyes's Printing Office, Castle Street, Leicester Square, with their names and the names of the founders. Also Specimens of Wood Engravings. London, 1834 �2 2s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, with view of the printing office. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 54 WILSON (Alex., & Sons) Selection from the Specimen Book. London, 1834 �1 15s. 4to. Calf. Joints weak, g.e., a little stained. 55 THOROWGOOD & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. Specimen of Printing Types. London, 1837 �1 10s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, shabby. 56 WOOD AND SHARWOODS. The Specimen Book of Types cast at the Austin Foundry. London [1838] �1 17s. 6d. Large 8vo. Half bound, g.e. The first complete specimen book of the Austin Foundry. 6 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTcENT, LONDONg COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.l. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--continued. 57 TARBE (E., et Cie) Epreuves de Caractares. Paris, 1839 18s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. printed boards. 58 NEILL & CO. Specimen of Printing Types: I., Book Types; II., Bible Types; III., Newspaper Types; IV., Titling Types. Edin- burgh, 1844 �1 is. 4to. Original cloth. 59 McCORQUODALE AND CO. (Geo.) Specimens of Book Work, showini the Various Sizes of Types and Pages. Newton, 1849 18s. 6d. 4to. Cloth, g.e. 60 OPERATIVE JEWISH CONVERTS' INSTITUTION. Specimen Book of Printing Types. London, 1850 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Frontis., loose. 61 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Specimens of some of the Languages and Dialects in which the distribution, printing, or translation of the Scriptures, in whole or in part, has been promoted by the British and Foreign Bible Society, either directly or indirectly. Lon- on, 1852 �1 7s. 6d. 4to. Boards. Front cover loose. Actual leaves of the various editions mounted. 62 Another copy, in calf, issued about 1838 �1 1s. 63 DRESLER'SCHEN GIESSEREI. Schrift-Proben. Frankfurt-a- M., 1852 �1 10s. Folio. Orig. boards. Paper slightly discoloured. 64 SERRA Y OLIVERES (Antonio) Manual completo de la ,Tipo- grafia Espafiola, o sea el arte de la Imprenta. Madrid, D. Eduardo Oliveres, 1852 16s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Includes a 26 pp. Type Specimen of the 'Petibon Foundry, Madrid. 65 CASLON (H. W., and Co.) New Specimen Book of Modern Founts. London, 1854 �1 10s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 66 SHARWOOD (S. and T.) Specimen Book of Types. London [1854] �1 12s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Sharwood's foundry was also known as the Austin Letter Foundry. 67 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimen of PrintingTypes, Ornaments, Rules, etc. Sheffield, 1854 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 68 CASLON (H. W., and Co.) Specimens of Printing Types. London [c. 1860] �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth, shabby, wanting title. 69 RENAULT ET ROBEIS. [Type Specimen Book]. Paris [c. 1860] Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. L1 is. 70 CASLON (H. W., and Co,) Caslon's Epitome Specimen Book of Printing Types. London [c. 18651 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. A rare specimen, not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 71 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimen of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, etc., including Old Style Founts. Sheffield [c. 1867] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Cable Address--COPTICITY, LONDON. 7 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS-Continued. 72 COCHARD AND DAVID. [Specimen Book of Type]. Paris [1868] �1 is. 4to. Orig. cloth. A few leaves defective. 73 MUIR AND PATERSON. Specimens of Printing from Old Style Types [supplied by Miller and Richard]. Edinburgh, 1868 18s. 4to. Cloth, g.e. 74 RENE (Ad., et Cie) Specimen de la Fonderie Generale des Carac- tires Frangais et Etrangers. Paris [c. 1868] 17s. 6d. Oblong folio. Wrappers. 75 -- [Another Copy, without general title] 15s. 76 DELAMOTTE (F.) Examples of Modern Alphabets, Plain and Ornamental, including German, Old English, Saxon, Italic, Perspective, Greek, Hebrew, Court Hand, Engrossing, Tuscan, Riband, Gothic, Rustic, and Arabesque, with several original designs, and an analysis of the Roman and old :English Alphabets. London, G. Lockwood and Co., 1869 8s. 6d. Oblong 8vo. Orig. cloth. 77 CARMANNE (J. G.) Notions Pratiques de Typographie. Liege, H. Vaillant- Carmanne, 1870 �1 ls. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Contains at end : " Epreuve des Caract6res de l'imprimerie de H. Vaillant-Carmanne et Cie." Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 78 MILLER AND RICHARD. Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Job- bing and Ornamental Types. Edinburgh and London [c. 1870] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, some leaves stained. 79 REED AND FOX. Selections from the Specimen Book of the Fann Street Foundry. London [1870] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 80 TIPOGRAFIA CLAUDIANA. Campione della Tipografia Clau- diana continente caratteri fregi, filetti ed incisione. Firenze, 1871 �1 Is. 4to. Unbound. Many hundreds of specimens. 81 MARR (Jas. and Co.) Specimens of Ancient and Modern Printing Types, Rules and Borders. Edinburgh [c. 1872] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Used copy, name on title, two or three pieces cut. 82 FIGGINS (V. and J.) Specimens of Type, Printing Materials. Lon- don [1872] �1 10s. 8vo. Red morocco, inside gold dentelles, g.e. One or two small pieces have been cut out. 83 MARR TYPEFOUNDING CO. Specimens of Printing Types, Rules and Borders. Edinburgh and London, 1877 1 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 84 ANDERSON (Robert) Specimens of Printing Types. Glasgow, 1878 Sm. 4to. Blue morocco, gilt. 16s. 6d. 85 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimen of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, etc. Sheffield, 1878 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 86 CLOWES (William, and Sons) A Few Selected Specimens of Book and Magazine Founts, Old Style and Modern. London [c. 1880] 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth, extra gilt. 8 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--continued. 87 FAULMANN (Carl) Das Buch der Schrift enthaltend die Schriften und Alphabete aller Zeiten und aller Volker des Gesammten Erdkreises. Wien, 1878 �1 lOs. Large 8vo. Half cloth. pp. 272. In addition to illustrating the alphabets of all known living and dead languages, includes chapters on the Tironian Notes and on the history of English and German Shorthand. As the book is printed by the Imperial Vienna Printing Office it forms a Type Specimen book of that house. 88 FONDERIE MODERNE. [Price List and Specimens of Type]. Paris [c. 1880] 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Hf. morocco. With guards for insertion of additional specimens. No specimen book of this foundry in the St. Bride Catalogue. 89 MILLER AND RICHARD. Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Jobbing and Ornamental Types. Edinburgh [c. 1880] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Used copy. 90 [UNION PAPER AND PRINTING CO. Type-Book. c. 1882] Sm. 4to. Half leather. No title. 73 sheets of type and ornaments. 10s. 6d. 91 REED (Sir Charles, and Sons). [Type Specimen Book. London, c. 1883] 9s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Wanting title. 92 SCHILDKNECHT (G.) Specimen. Bruxelles, 1883 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Roman and other book and display types, fleurons and ornaments and cuts. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 93 GILBERT AND RIVINGTON. Specimens of some of the Oriental and Foreign Types now in use in the printing offices of Gilbert and Riving- ton. London, 1884 6s. 6d. Small 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 94 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimen of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Plain and Fancy Brass Rules, etc. Sheffield [c. 1885] 8vo. Orig. cloth. 7s. 6d. 95 VANDERBORGHT (A. and F.) Specimen Album. 3e Compl6ment. Bruxelles, 1885-6 12s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Some non-typographical matter bound at end. 96 FLINSCH. Proben der Schriftgiesserei Flinsch. Frankfurt-a-M., 1886 �1 2s. 6d. Folio. Orig. wrappers. 97 MILLER AND RICHARD. Specimen of Book, Newspaper, Job- bing, and Ornamental Types. Edinburgh [1887] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Good copy. 98 BERTHOLD (H.) [Specimens of rules and borders], Berlin [1889] �1 5s. Large 4to. Boards, cloth back. An immense series of varieties of rules and com- bination rule borders. 99 DELACRE (J., and Co.) Rapport sur les Caracteres Typographiques pr6sent6 A la Chambre de Commerce Francaise de Charleroi. Charleroi, 1889 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. An interesting report comparing and giving specimens and prices of various French and American types. Cable Address--CPTICTY, LONDON. 9 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56. TYPEFOUNDERS' -SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--continued. 100 HARRISON AND SONS. Printing Types. London, 1889 10s. 6d. 8vo, Orig. bds. Includes many Oriental types. 101 MONNOYER (Edmond) Specimen des Caracteres de 1'Imprimerie E. M. Le Mans, 1889 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Portrait, loose, a leaf or two wanting. 102 PEIGNOT (G.) Specimen. Paris, 1889 18s. 6d. Thick 8vo. Orig. cloth, soiled. 103 QUANTIN. Specimen. Caracteres et Vignettes. Paris, 1889 �1 is. 8vo. Buckram. Interleaved throughout. The Type Specimen Book of a well- known Paris printing house. The name of the founder is attached to each type. 104 GROETAERS '(Leon, et Cie) [Type Specimen Book]. Bruxelles [c. 1890] 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth. Many of the sheets of this. Specimen Book bear the name of P. Crabb6 and A. Borremans, who were evidently succeeded by Messrs. Groetaers. These three typefounders do not occur in the St. Bride Catalogue. 105 BARNHART BROS. AND SPINDLER. Superior Copper-mixed Type, Barnhart's Big Blue Book, containing specimens superior copper- mixed Type; Borders, Ornaments, Rule, etc. Chicago [c. 1890] 17s. 4to. Orig. blue cloth. pp. 324. 106 MORTON (C.) The City Type Foundry New Ornament Book. London, C. Morton [c. 1890] 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 107 TURLOT. Specimen des Caracteres Anciens de la Fonderie Turlot. [Fonderies reunies Derriey--Virey frdres-Marcellin Legrand- Dumeil-Colson]. Elzdvirs. Paris [c. 1890] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds. 108 TURNBULL AND SPEARS. A Reference Book to the Principal Book Fonts used by Turnbull and Spears, Printers. Edinburgh [c. 1890] Sm. 4to. Cloth gilt. 8s.: 6d. 109 HAYMAN, CHRISTY AND LILLY, LTD. Specimens of Printing Types, etc. London, c. 1891 17s. 6d. Thick 8vo. Cloth, g.e. Most of the types have the founders' names attached. 110 SCHILDKNECHT (G.) Specimen des Polytypages. Bruxelles, 1891 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. 175 leaves of cuts. 111 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Plain and Fancy Brass Rules, etc. Sheffield {c. 1892] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 112 WARNERY FRERES. Specimen de Caracteres de Labeurs a l'Usage de MM. les Editeurs et Imprimeurs. Paris, 1892 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. 113 DOUBLET (C.) Specimen des Nouveaux Caracteres et Vignettes. Paris [1893] �1 is. Obl. 4to. Orig. bds., cloth back. 114 DAY AND. COLLINS. Catalogue and Price List of Patent Machine-Cut Wood Type, Printing and Bookbinding Materials. London, 1893 7s. 6d. Sin. 4to. Orig. bds. Inland Telegrams-CoPTITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. ,10 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS--continued. 115 HOPFER (A.) Schriftproben der Buchdruckerei A. H. Biurg b. M. [c. 1895] 8s: 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. 116 MILLER AND RICHARD. Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Jobbing and Ornamental Types. Edinburgh, 1895 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 117 LINOTYPE CO. Type faces supplied with the Linotype Com- posing Machine. London, 1896 6s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1.18 PEIGNOT (G.) Specimen. Paris, 1897. �1" 5s. Large 4to. Orig. cloth. 119 DAVY (J., and Sons) Specimens of Type, etc., in use at the Dryden Press. London, 1898 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. buckram. No. 67 of 500 copies. A fire in this old printing office shortly after the issue of this volume destroyed most of the type and blocks illustrated. 120 GENZSCH AND HEYSE. [Seven specimen booklets issued by this firm of Typefounders, c. 1900-1907] 16s. 6d. 6 parts, la. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. :121 AUGUSTA TURIN S. A. Specimen de Caracteres. 2e Partie Caracteres de Fantaisie, Caracteres Ecriture, Initiales, etc. Turin [c 1900] 12s. 6d. Thick 4to. Orig. wrappers. This firm succeeded Nebiolo and Co. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 122 BARNHART BROS. AND SPINDLER. Specimen Book of Type. Chicago, 1900 18s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. pp. 880. 123 BELSERSCHE BUCHDRUCKEREI (Chr.) Monotype, Setzmas- chinen-Schriften. Stuttgart [c. 1900] 7s: 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 136. 124 LANSTON MONOTYPE CORPORATION, LTD. Monotype Specimens, Book Pages. London [c. 1900] 8s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Loose sheets of various sizes. 125 MUNSON (V. B.) Bruce's New York Type Foundry. Specimens for Printers, Type, Borders, Rules. New York, 1900 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. pp. 448. '126 OSTERRIETH (August) Schriftproben der Buchdrukerei von August Osterrieth Lithographische Kunstanstalt, Steindruckerei Buch- binderei in Frankfurt-a-M. Gegrundet, 1831. Frankfurt [c. 1900] �1 15s. Thick 8vo. Ornamental cloth. 127 PEIGNOT (G., et Fils) Specimen rBsum6. Paris [c. 1900] 15s. 8vo. Orig. bds. 128 SCHELTER (J. G.) and GIESECKE. Proben. Leipzig [c. 1900] �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. pp. 584, 52. One of the most important type specimen books published in Germany. .129 SCHIELE (Heinrich) Mtisterbuch fur Setzmachinenschriften. Regensburg [c. 1900] 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 'Cable AddrYess--CPTICITY, LONDON. 11 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. TYPEFOUNDERS' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS---COtinued. 130 TUDOR PRINTING WORKS. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, etc., in use. Cardiff, 1900 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. The office of the Western Mail, Ltd. 131 TURLOT (A.) Caracteres de Labeurs. Paris [c. 1900] 17s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Issued after the foundry was taken over by Henri Chaix Gendre et Cie. 132 SCHELTER (J. G.) and GIESECKE. Edelgotisch mit besonderen in Atelier Albert Knabe gezeichnetem Zierat zur modernen Ausstaltung aller Druckarbeitem. Leipzig [1901] 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 133 BAUER'SCHE GIESSEREI. Hohenzollern Neue Buch-und Acci- denzschrift. Frankfurt am Main, 1902 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 134 NAUMANN (C. G.) Meine Bleisoldaten, Werkschrift-Probe. [With a history of the firm and its founder.] Leipzig, 1902 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 135 PEIGNOT (G., et Fils) Le Grasset. [Specimens and appreciations of the Grasset type and ornaments designed by E. Grasset.] Paris, 1902 Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 10s. 6d. 136 RUDHARD'SCHE GIESSEREI. Schriften und Ornamente nach Entwiirfen von 0. Eckmann. Offen bach am Main [1902] 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers., 137 CASLON (H. W., and Co.) Specimens of Printing Types and Illus- trated Catalogue of Printing Materials. London, 1905 �1 Is. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. 138 CASLON. Morland Romain et Italique. Paris [c. 1905] 6s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 139 KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY. Abridged Specimen Book of Type. Philadelphia, 1905 12s. 6d. 8vo Orig. cloth. pp. 488. 140 GILBERT AND RIVINGTON. The Lord's Prayer in five hundred languages, comprising the leading languages and their principal dialects throughout the world, with the places where spoken. With a preface by Reinhold Rost. London, Gilbert and Rivington, 1905 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. 141 SCHRIFTGIESSEREI FLINSCH. Paul Lang Schriften und Ornamente. Frankfurt-a-M., 1905 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Series of Type and Ornaments designed by Paul King. 142 DAVY (J., and Sons) A Selection of the Types, Ornaments, etc., of the Dryden Press. London, 1907 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 143 GENZSCH AND HEYSE. Typen-Revue. Deutsches Normal- Schriftlinien-System. Hamburg [1907] 16s. 4to. Orig. bds. pp. 275. 144 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO., AND SIR CHARLES REED AND SONS. Specimens of Point Line Type. Sheffield and London, 1907 �1 is. 4to. Orig. cloth. pp. 288, 40. Inland Telegrams---CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 12 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. TYPEFOUNDERs' SPECIMEN BOOKS AND SHEETS-continued. 145 WARNERY (F.) Fonderie de Caracteres et de Blancs [Specimen Book]. Paris [c. 1908] �1 5s. Large 4to. Orig. cloth. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 146 BRANDSTETTER (Oscar) Altbewihrte und neue Maschinensatz- Schrif ten. Leipzig [c. 1910] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 147 DEBERNY & CIE. Le Livret Typographique. Specimen de Caracteres. Paris [1910] �1 5s. Thick 8vo. Orig. bds. 148 LINOTYPE AND MACHINERY, LTD. Some Linotype Faces for Book Printing. London, 1910 6s. 4to. Boards. pp. 284. 149 MILLER AND RICHARD. Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Jobbing and Ornamental Types. Edinburgh, 1910 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 150 CASLON (H. W., and Co. Ltd.) Specimens of Types and Borders and illustrated catalogue of Printers' Joinery and Materials. London, 1911 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. Coloured portrait. pp. 686, 116. 151 STEPHENSON, BLAKE AND CO. Specimens of Point Line Type, Borders, Brass Rules, etc., Materials and Machinery1 Sheffield, 1911 7s. 4to. Orig. cloth. Used copy. 152 PFEIFFER (Reinhold) Eine Anzahl moderner Schriften aus dem Bestande der Buchdruckerei R.P. Wiirzburg [c. 1913] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 153 HESSE AND BECKER. Moderne Buchschriften in Hand-und Maschinensatz. Leipzig, 1914 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds. 154 BUTTER (Brider) Schriften. Dresden, 1921 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 155 SCHRIFTGUSS A-G. Neues Schmuck Material. Dresden, 1921 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 6s. 6d. 156 BUCHDRUCKEREI des Waiesenhauser Halle. Schrift und Satz- proben. Halle [1922] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 157 DEBERNY ET CIE. Girard et Cie, Srs. Le Livret Typo- graphique Specimen de Caracteres. Paris, 1923 10s. 8vo. Orig. boards. 158 PEIGNOT (G., et fils) Specimen G6neral. Paris, 1923 10s. 6d. 4to. Boards, leather back, with cut index on front edge. 159 IDZKOWSKI I S-KA (J.) [Type Specimen book of Polish and Russian types.] Warszawa [N.D., recent] 14s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Cable Address--CoPTIzcxT, LONDON. 13 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. TYPEFOUNDING. 160 ALKAN (A. aind) Un Fondeur en Caracteres'Membre de l'Institut. Paris, 1886 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 2 portraits, uncut. Autograph presentation copy from author. A biographical notice of Edouard Rene Lefebvre de Laboulaye, the type- founder. 161 CARACTERES et Alphabets de Langues mortes 'et vivantes. (Paris, 1763] �1 is. Folio. Boards. 25 engraved plates. pp. 18, description of the plates. 162 DET (A. S.) Guillaume le Be de Troyes celdbre graveur et fondeur de caracteres d'Imprimerie. [1888] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract. 163 FONDERIE EN CARACTERES D'IMPRIMERIE, pr6cide de la Gravure des Poincons. Paris, 1763 �1 10s. Folio. Wrappers. 8 engraved plates of the processes of Typefounding. With the 4 pp. letterpress description of the plates. Fournier's type,mould invented in 1737 is illustrated. 164 FOURNIER LE JEUNE (S. P.) Eloge de M. Eournier le Jeune. [Paris, 1770] .10, 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Nicrologe des hommes c lebres. An obituary notice of the famous typefounder. 165 GALEZOWSKI (Dr. X.) Echelles typographiques et Chromatiques pour 1'Examen de 1'Acuit6 Visuelle. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et Fils, 1874 ' 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 20 plates, some in colour. Although intended for occulists, of considerable value for information as to the visibility of various forms of type. 166 GENZSCH AND HEYSE. 70 Jahre der Schriftgiesserei Genzsch und Heyse in Hamburg, 1833-1903. Hamburg, 1903 ' 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 167 JACOBI (Chas. T.) A Few Suggestions' of Plain Letterings for Artists and others. London, Printed for Presentation, at the Chiswick Press, 1899 14s. 6d. * Sq: 8vo. Cloth, padded with blanks, orig. wrappers bound in. Autograph letter from author presenting the pamphlet to Mr. Horace Hart, Controller of the Oxford University Press, inserted. 10 plates. 168 KUHL (Gustav) On the Psychology of Writing. Marginal Notes by Dr. Gustav Kuhl, translated by John Bernhoff. Offenbach, Rudhardsche Giesserei, 1905 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Specimens of varieties of Gothic and Black Letter types showing their development from 1457 to the present day. S169 McMURTRIE (Douglas C.) American Type Design in' the 20th Century: with Specimens of the outstanding types produced during this period. With an introduction by F. W. Goudy. Chicago, R. O. Ballou, 1924 lOs. 6d. 8vo. Bds., linen back. 170 MARPLES (Josiah) Type-Founders and Type-Fountding, a Paper read December 11th, 1876. Liverpool, 1876 .�1' i. T:ls. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. A rare pamphlet, containing both historical and practical details. Inland Telegrams--CoPrTIITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 14 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1, TYPEFOUNDING-COntinucd. 171 MEYER (F. S.) Handbook of Ornament : a grammar of art, indus: trial and architectural designing in all its branches. Leipzig, O. Mutze, N.D. [c. 1910] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. pp. 548. 300 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. Section G relates to writing, printing, etc. (ornamental letters). 172 MUSSET (Georges) Vente de Matrices d'Imprimerie par Pierre Haultin. 5 fevrier 1575. [Paris, 1889] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Arch. du Com. Tray. Hist., 1889. 173 OMONT (H.) Specimens de ,Caracteres Hebreux, :Grecs, Latins et de Musique Graves a Venise et a Paris par Guillaume le.,Be (1545- 1592). Paris, 1889 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 3 folding plates. Reprint from Mem. Soc. de l'Hist. de Paris. Reproductions of specimen; sheets accompanied by MS. notes which are now in the Bibliotheque Nationiale. 174 REED (Talbot Baines) A History of the Old English Letter Foun- dries, with Notes, Historical and Biographical, on the Rise and Progress of English Typography. London, Elliot Stock, 1887 �4 4s. 4to. Orig. roxburgh binding. Shabby. Illustrations and plates, folding frontis- piece, being a reproduction of the print of Caslon's foundry. The most important work on the: subject, now rare. 175 SCHELTER (J. G.) and GIESECKE. Fiinfundsiebzig Jahre des Hauses J. G. Schelter and Giesecke in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1894 �1 is. Folio. Orig. cloth. Illustrations throughout. The history of one of the most important German :type-foundries, 1819-1894. 176 TURBAYNE (A:. A.) Alphabets and Numerals. London, T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1904 - �1 is. 4to. Cloth. 27 plates. No. 5 of 50 copies on handmade paper. 177 UPDIKE (Daniel Berkeley) Printing Types : Their History, Forms, and Use. A Study in Survivals: Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1922 .3 ,17s. 6d. 2 vols. 8vo. Orig. buckram. The most important book on Printing Types from the earliest period to the present day, full of facsimiles of types and type specimen books. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING. 178 ABERDEEN. DUFF (E. Gordon) A New Aberdeen Printer. [Edinburgh, 1915] 4s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 179 ADVERTISING. [A Collection of several thousand Specimens of Job Printing, Handbills, Cards, LetterHeadings, Advertisements of all kinds, English, American, French, German, etc. Collected by a: practical printer for actual study and use,] �5 Various sizes, mostly in single sheet form. The period covered is roughly from 1890 to 1914. 180 ADVERTISING. HADDON (Walter) Type Designs in Newspaper and Magazine Advertisements. London, [1903] 6s: 4to. Orig. wrappers. Cable Address -CoPTICTry, LONDON. 15 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-Continued. . 181 ADVERTISING. MEIStNBACH Co. 155 Competitive Specimens of the Meisinbach Artistic Display in Advertisement Competition. London, 1895 9s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 182 ADVERTISING. Reproductions of Haddon's �500 Ad. Compe- tition. Leicester, 1905 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. A large number of designs for advertisements. 183 ADVERTISING. SAMPSON (Henry) A History of Advertising from the Earliest Times. Illustrated by anecdotes, curious specimens and bio- graphical notes. London, Chatto and Windus, 1875 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 14 plates, folding coloured front. 184 ALDUS MANUTIUS. DIDOT (Ambroise Firmin) Alde Manuce et l'Hellenisme a Venise. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1875 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 5 plates. Of great importance for the history of Greek scholarship and the Aldine Greek Press. Pp. 643. 185 ALENCON. DESPIERRES (G6rasime) L'Imprimerie A Alengon de 1529 A 1575. [Paris, 1893] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Hist. Phil. Com. Tray. Hist. 186 ALKAN (A.) Memoire sur le Projet de Joindre une Exposition Typographique a la Ve section (Exposition historique de l'art ancien) [of the Paris Exhibition of 1878]. Paris, Emile Martinet, 1877 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 14 pp. 187 ALLAN (Geo.). [BROCKETT (John T.)] A Catalogue of Books and Tracts Printed at the Private Press of George Allan, Esq., F.S.A. New- castle, Hodgson, 1818 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Limp boards. 188 THE ART OF PRINTING. [London, 1747] 7s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 folding engraved plate. Extract from the Universal Magazine. 189 ATKINSON (F. R.) [MS. collections for a bibliography of print- ing] �2 2s. Sm. 8vo. Bds., 64 pp. This is probably the Patent Office official whose bibliography of printing, compiled for inclusion in the first volume of Abridgements of Patents relating to Printing, was set up in type but never published and now only exists in a proof copy in the Patent Office Library. 190 AUDIN (Marius) Le Livre son Architecture, sa Technique. Preface d'Henri Focillon. Paris, G. Cres et Cie, 1924 16s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Numerous illustrations and type facsimiles. 191 AUSTRIA. LANGER (Eduard) Bibliographie der Osterreichischen Drucke des 15. and 16. Jahrhunderts, 1. Band, 1. Heft. Trient. Wien. Schrattenthal. Bearbeitet von Dr. Walther Dolch. Mit einem Anhang Aus der erster Zeit des Wiener Buchdrucks von Dr. .Ignaz Schwarz. Wien, Gilhofer and Ranschburg, 1913 18s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 4 facsimile plates. This first part (all published) con- tains complete all the 15th century books printed in Austria, with analyses of the types, etc. 16 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcrITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---COntinued. 192 AVIGNON. Memoire pour les Libraires et Imprimeurs 6tablis a Avignon. [18th century] �2 2s. Sm. folio. Wrappers. Manuscript of 7 pages setting forth the claims of the printers and booksellers of Avignon to rights possessed by their predecessors by royal charters. Important document. 193 AVIGNON. REQUIN (M. L'Abbe) Documents inbdits sur les Origines de la Typ6graphie. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1890 15s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The documents are those connected with the experiments in printing in Avignon in 1444. 194 BABBAGE (Charles) On the Economy of Machinery and Manufac- tures. London, Charles Knight, 1832 7s. 6d. 8vo. Maroon morocco, gold tooled border design on sides, rubbed, gilt back shabby. Printing and lithography pp. 69-104. 195 BALLANTYNE AND CO. The History of the Ballantyne Press and its Connection with Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1871 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. Issued in connection with the Scott Centenary. 196 BALLANTYNE PRESS. [LOCKHART (J. G.)] The Ballantyne- Humbug Handled, in a Letter to Sir Adam Fergusson, by the Author of Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, Robert Cadell, 1839 �1 Is. 8vo. Half calf. 122 pp. A reply to the attacks on his Life of Scott by members of the Ballantyne firm of printers and publishers with which Scott was connected. 197 BALLANTYNE PRESS. Refutation of the Misstatements and Calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne, by the Trustees and Son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. London, Longman, 1838 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 198 BAMBERG. CAMUS (A. G.) Notice d'un Livre imprime a Bamberg en 1462, lue a l'Institut National. Paris, Baudouin, An. VII., 1799 4to. Boards, leather back. 5 plates, some folding. �1 10s. 199 BASEL. SCHOLDERER (Victor) Michael Wenssler and his Press at Basel. London, A. Moring, 1912 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprinted from " The Library." 200 BASEL. STOCKMEYER (Imm.) and REBER (Balth.) Beitrage zur Basler Buchdruckergeschichte. Basel, 1840 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Wrappers. Illust. of printers' devices. Relates to the 15th and early 16th centuries. 201 BASKERVILLE (John). STRAUS (Ralph) and DENT (Robert K.) John Baskerville : a Memoir. Cambridge, University Press, 1907 �6 6s. 4to. Orig. cloth. 14 plates. Charles Sayle's copy with his MS. notes and corrections. The only work giving bibliographical details of all varieties of all the known works printed by Baskerville or in his type. 202 - [Another Copy] �5 4to. Orig. cloth. Very fresh copy. Plates. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 17 .. GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Contiued. 203 BELGIUM, LAMBINET (P.) Recherchehes Historiques, Littbraires et Critiques, sur 1'Origine de l'Imprimerie: particulierement3 sur ses premieres 6tablissemens, au XVme siecle, dans la Belgique, maintenant reuni6 a la Republique Frangaise. Bruxelles, Emmanuel Flon, An 7 [1799] . �1 17s. 6d: 8vo., Orig. wrappers, uncut: 2 plates. Rare first edition. Fine copy. 204 Another copy �1 10s. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. 205 -- Another copy �1 5s. 8vo. Hf. calf. 206 BERLAN (Franc,) Le Invenzione della Stampa a tipo mobile fuso revendicata all'Italia. Firenze, 1882 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 8, 298, 2 folding plates. 207 BEVAN (G. P., ed.) British Manufacturing Industries, edited by G. Phillips Bevan, F.G.S.: Paper by Prof. Archer, F.R.Sc., Printing and Bookbinding by Joseph Hatton, Engraving by Samuel Davenport, Photo- graphy by P. le Neve Foster, M:A., Toys,- George C. T. Bartley. London, Edward Stanford, 1876 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 folding plate, illustrations, vi.� 200 pp. + 16 pp. advertise- ments. 208 BIBLIOPHILE. L'Imprimerie hors l'Europe. Paris, J. Maison- neuve, 1902 �1 1s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. A gazetteer of, printing for Asia, Africa, America and Australasia. 209 BIGNAN (A.) Epitre A quelque ennemis des Lumires, sur la D- couverte de l'Imprimerie, qui a obtenu 1'Accessit, au jugement de l'Acad6- mie Frangaise dans la Seance publique du 25 aout 1829. Paris, Vezard, 1829 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. In verse. 210 BIRMINGHAM. HILL (Joseph) The Book Makers of Old Birming- ham. Authors, Printers and Book Sellers. Birmingham, Cornish Bros., 1907 16s. 6d. 4to. Orig. buckram. Numerous plates and illustrations. No. 39 of 275 copies. 211 BIRMINGHAM. PARKINSON (James) A Loyal Oration, etc., composed by James Parkinson, and spoke by his Son on the 10th day of December, 1716, to which is annexed by way of postscript, The Author's Letter to the Reverend Mr. Higgs, Rector of St. Philip's Church in Birm- ingham, etc., edited with an Introductory Notice by William Bates, B.A. Birmingham, Reprinted for William Downing by Robert Birbeck, 1884 �1 ls Sm. 4to. Boards. No. 2 of 50 copies only. A reprint of the first book printed in Birmingham. 212 BLACKMAN (R. D.) Deacon's Composition and Style : A Hand- book for Literary Students, with a Complete Guide to all matters connected with Printing and Publishing. London, C. W. Deacon [c. 1890] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Inland. Telegrams--CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 18 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. '213 BLACKWOOD. OLIPHANT (Mrs. M. O .W.) Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and his Sons', their Magazine and Friends. (John Blackwood, by his Daughter, Mrs. Gerald Porter). Edinburgh, Btackwood, 1897-98 �1 10s. 3 vols, 4to. Orig. buckram, t.e.g. Large Paper copy on handmade paper (100 copies only). With presentation slips inserted. 214 BLADES (William) An Account of the German Morality Play, entitled Depositio Cornuti Typographici, as performed in the 17th and 18th centuries. With a rhythmical translation of the German version of 1648. To which is added a literal reprint of the unique original version, written partly in Plaat-Deutsch by Paul De Vise and printed in 1621. London, T rubner, 1885 �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Orig. half vellum,. uncut and unopened. . 215 BLADES (William) On the Present Aspect of the Question-Who was the Inventor of Printing ? London, Privately Printed, 1887 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 216 BLADES (William) The Pentateuch of Printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a Memoir of he Author and' List of his Works by Talbot B. Reed. London, Elliot Stock, 1891 �1 7s. 6d. 4to. Morocco roxburghe, t.e.g., uncut. Illus. and'facsimiles. Fine paper copy. 217 Another copy, on ordinary paper �1 Is. 218 BLADES (William) Shakspere and Typography : being an Attempt to show Shakspere's Personal Connection with, and Technical Knowledge of the Art of Printing, also remarks upon some, common Typographical errors, with special Reference to the Text of Shakspere. London, Trubner and Co., 1872 �1 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, unopened. Rare. Interesting jeu d'esprit by the famous printer showing at once his great knowledge of his art and of the methods of Shakesperian criticism. 219 BLIND (Printing for the). GUILLIE (Docteur) Essai sur 1'Instruc- tion des Aveugles, ou Expose Analytique des proced6s employes pour les instruire. Paris, Imprime par les Aveugles, 1817 �2 2s. 8vo. Orig. boards. 21 plates and' frontis. Autograph presentation inscription on title, from the author to the Vte. Math. de Montmorency. This work was actually printed by the blind workmen and the method of their instruction is described and illustrated. Previous attempts to teach printing to the blind are described. Rare. Fine copy. 220 Another edition. Paris, 1820 �1 15s. 8vo. Boards, shabby. 24 plates and front., Last few leaves wormed in margin. 221, BLIND (Printing .for the),, Petite Instruction Familibre pour apprendre de Suite aux Aveugles :a se rendre compte de leurs affaires, consigner leurs iddes sur le papier, recueillir celles d'autrui, et lire leur dcriture, sans que.l 'on soit oblig6 de leur enseigner la figure des lettres, l'usage de la plume, ni les ragles de l'orthographe, ni les difficultds de l'epel- lation. Paris, Firmin Didot, N.D. [c. 1820) 15s. Folio brpadside, with illustration of writing machine for the' use of the' Blind. Cable Address-CoPTIcirTY, LONDON. 19 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Continued. 222 BLIND (Printing for =the). GUILLIA (Docteur) Notice Historique sur 1'Instruction des Jeunes Aveugles. Paris, Imprime par les Jeunes Aveugles, 1819 �2 15s. 4to. Orig. boards. Printed in embossed characters without ink. At the end is the diagram of the case used in the printing shop. 223 BODONI (G. B.). BERTIERI (Raff.) L'Art di Giambattista Bodoni: con una notizia Biografica a cura di Giuseppe Fumagalli. Milano, Bertieri e Vanzetti, 1913 �2 15s. 4to. Orig. boards. 1 portrait, 25 plates and numerous facsimiles in the text. 224 BOLOGNA. SORBELLI (Albano) I Primordi della Stampa in Bolog- na. Baldassarre Azzoguidi. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1909 �1 Is. 8vo. Cloth. 12 facsimile plates. Important bibliography of the first press in Bologna. 225 BONN. PIEL (Albert) Geschichte des filtesten Bonner Buchdrucks. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur rheinischen Reformations-Geschichte und Biblio- graphie. Bonn, H. Schroeder, 1924 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 15 facsimiles. pp. 12: 112. 226 BOOKSELLERS. Autograph Letters of Booksellers and Pub- lishes [A large collection (over 80 in number) of Autograph Letters, with a few signed documents and agreements of famous booksellers and pub- lishers of the 18th and early 19th centuries. The names occur of Jacob Tonson, John Murray, Bentley, Cadell, James Dodsley, William Pickering, Charles Rivington, etc., etc.] �10 10s. On folio mounts. An interesting and valuable collection throwing light on much literary history of the past. 227 BOOKSELLERS. COLMAN (Geo.) Eccentricities for Edinburgh: containing Poems entitled A Lamentation to Scotch Booksellers, etc. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne [1820] 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Calf. A curious satirical volume. The full-length silhouette of Gibbon, the historian, occurs at p. 75. 228 BOOKSELLERS. CURWEN (Henry) A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New. London, Chatto [1873] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Used copy. 229 BOOKSELLERS. DODEMAN (Charles) Le Long des Quais, Bou- quinistes, Bouquineurs, Bouquins. Illustrations de A. Robida et de J. Boullaire, Preface de M. Emile Le Senne. Paris, Les Editions "Gallus" [c. 1900] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Illus. 230 BOOKSELLERS. FRANCE. Arrbt du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, Qui casse Exploit signifi a la requate du sieur Bontoux, Libraire a Nanci, au sieur Chassell, Inspecteur de la Librairie pros la Chambre Syndicale de cette ville: fait defenses audit Bontoux, et A tous autres Libraires et Im- primeurs d'en faire faire de semblables, aux Procureurs de la signer et aux Huissiers de la Procureurs de les signer et aux Huissiers de les signifier, A peine contre les Libraires et Imprimeurs de d6chdance de leur 6tat, et contre les Procureurs et Huissiers de trois mois d'interdiction. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1785 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Unbound. 4 pp. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 20 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Cntinued. 231 BOOKSELLERS. IHEBRARD (J.) De la Librairie, son ancienne prosp6rit6 son 4tat actuel, causes de sa decadence, moyens de reg6neration. Paris, J. Hebrard et Cie, 1847 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 232 BOOKSELLERS. Justification du Directeur de la Librairie Sur les reproches que lui font les Libraires de Paris, ou Entretien Entre le Directeur de la Librairie et un de ses Amis, sur les Nouveaux Reglemens. [Paris, c. 1790] 8vo. Wrappers. 14s. 6d. 233 BOOKSELLERS. KNIGHT (Charles) Shadows of the Old Book- sellers. London, Bell and Daldy, 1865 15s. 8vo. Cloth. Obituary notice of the author inserted. 234 BOOKSELLERS. MARSTON (E.) Sketches of Booksellers of other days. London, Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1901 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 9 portraits. 235 BOOKSELLERS. MARSTON (E.) Sketches of Some Booksellers of the Time of Dr. Samuel Johnson. London, Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1902 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 7 portraits and 2 plates. 236 BOOKSELLERS. PARKER (J. W., and Son) The Opinions of certain Authors on the Bookselling Question. London, 1852 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The beginnings of the great Discount War. The authors whose letters are printed include Dickens, Carlyle, Tennyson, Darwin, Whyte Melville, etc., etc. 237 BOOKSELLERS. Requate en Faveur des Bouquinistes. 1697. [Paris, 1848] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bib. de l'Ecole. des Chartes, 1848-9. 238 BQOKSELLERS. ROBERTS (William) The Earlier History of English Bookselling. London, Low, 1889 14s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. From the earliest time to the middle of the 18th century. 239 BOOKSELLERS. [THIN (James)] Reminiscences of Booksellers and Bookselling in Edinburgh in the time of William IV. Edinburgh, Printed for Private Circulation by Oliver and Boyd, 1905 7s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Boards. Frontis. 240 BORDEAUX. BOISVILLE (M. Dast de) Simon Millanges, Impri- meur a Bordeaux de 1572 A 1623. Paris, 1896 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Bull. Hist. du Comit6 des Tray. Hist. 241 BORDEAUX. GOUNOUILHOU (G.) Histoire d'une Imprimerie Bordelaise, 1600-1900. Les Imprimeries G. Gounouilhou la Gironde la Petite Gironde. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1901 �1 15s. 4to. Orig. wrappers, pp. 666. Numerous illus. and facs. 242 BORDEAUX. LABADIE (Ernest) Notices Biographiques sur les Imprimeurs et Libraires Bordelais des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles suivies de la liste des Imprimeurs et Libraires de Bordeaux et du departe- ment de la Gironde an XIXe siecle. Documents pour servir A l'histoire de 1'Imprimerie et de la Librairie. Bordeaux, M. Mounastre-Picamilk, 1900 �1 1s. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and. unopened. Coloured frontispiece and 6 plates, illus. in the text. Cable Address---CPTICITY, LONDON. 21 GRAFTON & CO.. CATALOGUE INo. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 243 BOUCHOT (Henri) Le Livre, 'Illustration, la Reliure. , Etude historique sommaire. :Paris, M. Quantin, 1886 . 18s. 6d. .ivo. Orig. wrappers, loose. Numerous facsimiles and illus.,, 244 BOURGES. SAMARAN (Ch.) Un Imprimeur et un libraire a Bourges azla fin du XVe sidcle,. ,[Paris,, 1909] 6s. .,8vo: Orig. wrappers. Extract from the, Bibliographe Moderne. 245 [BOWYER (William) Ed.] Origin of Printing, in Two Essays :- I., The Substance of Dr. Middleton's Dissertation on the Origin of Printing in England; II., Mr. Meerman's Apcount of the First Invention of the Art (Appendix). London, W. Bowyer and, J. Nichols, 1774-76 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Calf. 2 parts in 1 vol, The appendix to the first part.conitains notes on early Greek, Hebrew and Polyglot books. 246 The secoid edition, with improvements. :London, '. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1776 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. 247 AnotherfC6py, hfr. bd. 16s. 6d. 248 BOWYER (William) Memoirs of W. Bowyer, the most'learned and distinguished Printer of the last Century, [London, 1807] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. 249 BOWYER (William) NICHOLS (John) Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Priiter, F.S.A., and of many of his learned friends. London, By and For the Author, 1782 �1 10s. 4to. Half calf. Fine portrait by Basire, pp. 666. 250 BOWYER (William) [Portrait by J. Chapman, printed in colours]. 1800 , 15s. 4to. Fine portrait of the famous printer whose publications gave rise to Nichols' Literary Anecdotes. 251 BREITKOPF &I HARTL,. Buch und Notendrucker, Buchli und Musikalienhindler in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1894 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Illus. Presentation inscription on cover.. History of the firm. 252 BRESCIA. iPEDDIE (R. A.) Printing, at Brescia in the Fifteenth Century. A List o fthe Issues. London, Williams and Norgae, 1905 7s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. boards, cloth back. With typewritten list of corrections' and numerous additions by the author inserted. 253 BRETON (V.) Essais Pvogressifs sur la Composition Typographique des Tableaux et Travaux delVille divers par V. Breton, avec un appendice sur la composition des Langues Orientales 'par M. A: Labouret. Paris, Imprimerie de L' Ecole E tienne, 1893 �1 Is. 4to. Hf. morocco. The first-pat is devoted'to job priniting, the design of menus, visiting cards ,and, similar work,;,, the second part to ,the composition of numerous oriental languages,, giving the diagram of the cfSein .each instailce. 254 BRICE (Andrew), Engraved portrait. , ,London [c. 1810]. 8s. 6d. 8vo.: Brice was perhaps the best-known .printer of, Exeter. , 255, BRITO (Jean). IRO ,MEL. (Henri), Jean Brito Prototypo.gaphe Brugeois Conference donnee aux membres de la Societe d'Archeologie, de Bruges. Bruges, Louis dePlancke, 1898 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Inland .Telegrams -CorTIetrY, WESCEIT1,T LONDON. 22 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 256 BRITO (Jean) ROMMEL (Henri) L'Oeuvre de Jean' Brito Photo- typographe Brugeois, par M. Louis Gilliodts-van Severen. Etude Analy- tique suir l'Invention de l'Imprimerie a Bruges. Bruges, Descl e de Brou- wer et Cie, 1898 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 52 ;pp. 257 BRIVE. DUCOURTIEUX (Paul) Les Imprimeurs de Brive ~ l'Ex- position du Livre Limousin. :Limoges, V. H. Ducourtiex, 'f896 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph copy, from the author. 258 BRUN (M.) Manuel Pratique et abr6g6 de la Typographie Fran- gaise. Bruxelles, Lejeunefils, 1826 '12s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 259 - Another copy 10s. 6d. ..8vo. Orig. wrappers 260 BRUSSELS. PERQUY (J. L. M.) La Typographie a Bruxelles, au Debut de 20e siacle. Bruxelles, 0. Schelens et Cie, 1904 �1 12s. 6d. - Large 8vo. Half bound. Autograph presentation inscription, " Hommage de 1'Auteur." Original covers preserved. ,pp. 36, 584.. A complete monograph from the technical, historical, bibliographical and economic standpoints. 261, BUCHAN (Peter). FAIRLEY (John A.) Peter Bchan, Printer and Ballad Collector, with a bibliography. Peterhead, Buchan 'Field Club, 1902 7s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 50 copies only reprinted from Trans. Buchan Field Club. 262 BUISSON (P.) De l'Obligation otn sont les Irmprimeurs de prater leur ministbre. Rouen,; F. Baudry, 1829 ' 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 263 BUMSTEAD (George) Apology for an Old Bookseller. Diss, Printed for Private Circulation, 1882 7s. Od. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 264 BUSY HIVES AROUND US : a variety of trips and,visits to the mine, the workshop and the factory. London, J. IHogg and Sons, [c. 1860] 7s. 6d. ~8vo. Orig. cloth. " Her Majesty's Printers " 139-164. " History of the cheap press: The Daily Telegraph," pp. 239-265. 265 CAMBRIDGE. BowEs (Robert) Biographical Notes on the University Printers from the Commencement of Printing in Cambridge to the Present Time. 1886 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprinted for private circulation from the Cambridge Antiquarian Society's Communications. No. 101. Presented to' H. W. Wallis. 107 illustrations of deviceS, ornaments, initials, etc. 266 CAREY (Annie) The History of a Book. London, Cassell [c. 1880] 4to. Cloth, gilt. Illustrations, portrait of Caxton. 8s. 6d. S267 CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of Printing, held by tthe American Institute of Graphic Arts at National Arts Clubs, New York City, May 5 to June 1. New York, American Institute: of Graphic Arts, 1920 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Cable A ddress-+CoPTIIeTY, LONDON. 23 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 268 CATNACH (Jas.). HINDLEY (Charles) The History of the Catnach Press at Berwick, Alnwick and Newcastle, and Seven Dials, London. London, G. Hindley, 1886 16s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. half vellum, with illustrated dust cover. Large Paper copy. No. 106 of 250 copies, many illustrations. Catnach was the famous printer of Chap- books and Penny Histories. 269 CATNACH (Jas.). HINDLEY (Charles) The Life and Times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), Ballad-monger. London, Reeves and Turner, 1878 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Many reproductions, some in colour, including 42 cuts by Bewick. 270 CAVE (Edward) Engraved portrait, by Edwards after Kyte. [Lon- don, c 1820] 10s. 6d. 8vo. E. Cave (1691-1754), Printer, of St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, Founder of the Gentleman's Magazine. 271 CAXTON (William). [BLADES (R. H.)] Who was Caxton ? William Caxton, merchant, ambassador, historian, author, translator and printer. A monograph. London, Hardwicke and Bogue, 1877 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 272 CAXTON (William). BLADES (William) The Biography and Typo- graphy of William Caxton, England's First Printer. London, Trubner and Co., 1882 �1 15s. 8vo. Ornamental boards. Illustrations and facsimiles. The best edition. 273 CAXTON (William). BLADES (William) The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer. London, Kegan Paul, 1897 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 18 plates. 274 CAXTON (William). BLADES (William) How to Tell a Caxton. With some Hints where and how the same might be found. London, H. Sotheran and Co., 1870 7s. 8vo. Orig. boards, back mended. 1 folding plate. 275 CAXTON (William). BRADSHAW (Henry) Notice of a Fragment of the Fifteen Oes and other Prayers printed at Westminster by W. Caxton about 1490-91, preserved in the Library of the Baptist College, Bristol. [Memoranda No. 5]. London, Macmillan and Co., 1877 2s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 276 CAXTON (William) Condensed Catalogue of MSS., Books and Engravings on Exhibition at the Caxton Celebration, held under the aus- pices of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, June, 1877, in Commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of the Introduction of Print* ing into England. Montreal, 1877 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 277 CAXTON (William). GILBERT (Sir John) Chronological Pictures of English History : I., York. [A lithograph.]. London, T. Varty, [c. 1850] 8s " S. Sh. obl. Includes a view of the " First Printing Office, Almonry, Westminster (Caxton's), 1474." Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 24 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Continued. 278 CAXTON (William). KNIGHT (Charles) William Caxton, the First English Printer : a Biography. London, C. Knight and Co., 1844 6s. 6d; 12mo. Cloth, shabby. Many woodcuts. 279 CAXTON (William). KNIGHT (Charles) William Caxton, the First English Printer, a Biography. London, Clowes, 1877 12s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Frontis., illus. and facs. Nice copy. 280 Another copy 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 281 CAXTON (William). JONES (John Winter) Observations upon the Discovery of two rare Tracts in the Library of the British Museum, hitherto unknown, from the press of William Caxton. London, Nichols and Son, 1845 17s. 6d. 4to. Original wrappers. Illustrations of watermarks. 282 CAXTON (William). LEWIs (John) The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton of the Weald of Kent : the first Printer in England. In which is given an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Pryntyng in Eng- land during his time, till 1493. London, 1737 �3 8vo. Russia, gilt borders, yellow edges, hinges weak. Port. and two plates of watermarks by J. Ames. 283 CAXTON (William). PRICE (Francis Compton) Facsimiles of Examples from the Press of William Caxton at Westminster. London, 1877 �2 15s. 4to. Cloth, roan back, uncut. 10 plates in facsimile. 284 CAXTON (William) Some Rules for the Conduct of Life. Consider your ways. London, Field and Tuer, 1877 8s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. A special edition circulated in honour of William Caxton, 1477- 1877. Presented by the Corporation of London to every apprentice on whom its Freedom is conferred. 285 CAXTON CELEBRATION, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Collec- tion of Antiquities, Curiosities and Appliances connected with the Art of Printing, edited by George Bullen. London, Trubner, 1877 17s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Cloth, pp. 472. Catalogue of the finest exhibition of the Printing Art ever got together. With historical introduction by experts to several of the sections. Inscription on cover, " R. E. Graves, Esq., with the regards of Henry Stevens, author of pp. 77-192, 13 Sept., 1877." 286 [Another copy] 15s. Sm. 4to. Red cloth, with '' Presentation copy " stamped in gold on front cover. Presentation inscription to " R. E. Graves, From the Executive Committee, J. S. Hodson, Hon. Sec.," on fly-leaf. Balance Sheet and Report of E.C. enclosed. 287 - [Another copy] �1 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth. Large Paper Copy. Presented to R. E. Graves by J. C. Wilkins, of the Elzevir Press, the printer. Autograph letter inserted. 288 CHAMEROT (Georges) Conference sur l'Imprimerie. Paris, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie, 1898 �1 4s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 17 facsimile plates and illus. in the text. The facsimiles illustrate the finest books of all periods, mostly French . 289 CHANGEMENTS ORTHOGRAPHIQUES introduits dans le Dictionnaire de l'Academie (Edition de 1877). Publi6 par la Societ6 des Correcteurs des imprimeries de Paris. Paris, A. Boyer et Cie, 1881 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Cable Address--COPTICITY, LONDON. 25 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 290 CHAPOULAUD (Alfred) Un peu de Typographie par un Im- primeur. Limoges, Chapoulaud Freres, 1876 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 291 CHARPENTIER (Henri) Notice sur 1'Etablissement de H. Char- pientier imprimeur-6diteur. Nantes, 1867 6s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 32 pp. 292 CHINA. GORDON-CUMMING (C. F.) The Inventor of the Numeral- Type for China [the Rev. W. H. Murray] by the use of which Illiterate Chinese, both blind and sighted, can very quickly be taught to read and write fluently. London, Downey and Co., 1898 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. 293 CHINA. GORDON-CUMMING (C. F.) The Inventor of the Numeral- Type for China by the use of which illiterate Chinese, both blind and sighted, can very quickly be taught to read and write fluently. London, Downey, 1899 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Name on title. 294 CHISWICK PRESS. WARREN (Arthur) The Charles Whitting- hams, printers. New York, Grolier Club, 1896 �7 10s. Large 8vo. Orig. hf. morocco, uncut. Portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. Rare and important work. Best history of the Chiswick Press. With the Index which was printed separately and is difficult to obtain. 295 CLAYE (J.) De la Situation faite aux Imprimeurs de Paris par la Soci6te Typographique. Lettre a ses Confreres. Paris, J. Claye et Cie, 1870 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 26 pp. 296 CLAYE (Jules) Typographie, Manuel de l'apprenti compositeur. Paris, J. Claye, 1871 15s. 8vo. Half roan, t.e.g., others uncut. Diagrams. 297 - Another edition. 1891 7s. 6d. 298 CLUNY. DELISLE (Leopold) Rapport sur une Communication de M. Dumoulin. Livres imprimes A Cluni au XVe siacle. [Paris, 1896] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 folding facsimile printed in black and red. Extract from Bull. Hist. Com. Tray. Hist. 299 [A COLLECTION of several hundred single-sheet advertisements, cards, booklets, etc., all issued by Printers and Typefounders,, or relating to Printing and kindred trades. English, American, French, German, Scandinavian, etc. [c. 1890-1914] �6 15s. Various sizes. A collection made by an enthusiastic printer. A few type specimen sheets of an earlier period are included. 300 COLLIJN (Isak) Bokhistoriska Uppsatser I. (-XI.). Uppsala, 1905-08 17s. 6d. ' 11 parts in 10. Orig. wrappers. A series of small but important monographs by the leading Swedish bibliographer. ' 301 THE COMMERCIAL HISTORY of a Penny Magazine. London, 1833 8s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. Numerouswoodcuts. Four Supplements to the Penny Magazine. Papermaking, Typefounding, Printing. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDONg 26 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, "PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 302 COMPOSING MACHINES. Linotype Co. The Linotype Com- posing Machine. London, 1896 7s. 6d. 12mo. Dark blue limp morocco, inside dentelles, g.e. 303 COMPOSING MACHINES. Linotype Co. List of Linotype Parts. London, [1896] 16s. 6d. Oblong 4to. Boards. 11 mounted diagrams. Rare. 304 COMPOSING MACHINES. Linotype Co. The Linotype Com- pany's Work and Estate at Broadheath, near Manchester. [c. 1898] 6s. 6d. Oblong 8vo. Orig. wrappers, soiled. Many illus. 305 COMPOSING MACHINES. Linotype Co. List of some News- papers and other Publications in Greaf Britain set by the Linotype Com- posing Machine. London, 1901 9s. 6d. 4to. White orig. cloth. Contains facsimiles of the newspapers and portraits of their owners and editors. 306 COMPOSING MACHINES. Linotype and Machinery. The Latest Linotype Composing Machine, Model No. 4. London, [1909] 5s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 16 pages. Illus. 307 COMPOSING MACHINES. MACKIE (Alexander) Italy and France. An Editor's Holiday. London, Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1874 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Printed for private circulation to illustrate the work of the Mackie Steam Composing Machine invented by the author. 308 COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO PRINTING AND PUBLISH- ING. A Manual of Information on Matters connected with Printing, Publishing, etc. London, W. G. and L. Collingridge, 1877 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illustrations. 309 COPYRIGHT. An Act for prohibiting the Importation of Books reprinted Abroad, and first composed or written, and printed in Great Britain: and for repealing so much of an Act made in the Eighth Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, as impowers the limiting the Prices of Books. London, John Baskett, 1739 10s. Sm. folio. Wrappers. Black Letter. 310 COPYRIGHT. DUNCAN (I. M.) Important Copyright Case. Report of the Trial at the instance of the Atlas Company of Scotland against A. Fullarton and Co., publishers, Edinburgh and London, July, 1853. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1853 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. In reference to the National Atlas. 311 COPYRIGHT. A Few Words on the Copyright Question, shewing it to be one of Public Interest: with some Objections to Mr. Sergeant Talfourd's Bill to change the Present Law of Copyright. London, Scott, Webster and Geary, [1839] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 312 COPYRIGHT. Library of Congress. Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904. A Bibliography and Chronological Record of all Proceedings in Congress in relation :to Copyright from April 15, 1789, to April 28, 1904, prepared by Thorvald Solberg. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. A complete record of American copyright legislation. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 27 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Cotinued. 313 COPYRIGHT. Library of Congress. Report of the Librarian for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1903. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. Contains on pp. 469-590 a bibliography of all Copy- right Laws of the U.S. and all foreign copyright laws then in force. 314 COPYRIGHT. MACGILLIVRAY (E. J.) A Treatise upon the Law of Copyright in the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the Crown, and in the United States of America, containing a full appendix of all acts of Parliament, international conventions, orders in council, treasury minute, and acts of Congress now in force. London, John Murray, 1902 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 315 COPYRIGHT. MILLAR (Andrew) The Question concerning Literary Property, determined by the Court of King's Bench on 20th April, 1769, in the cause between Andrew Millar and Robert Taylor: with the separate opinions of the four Judges and the reasons given by each, in support of his opinion. London, W. S. Strahan and M. Woodfall, 1773 10s. 6d. 4to. Quarter calf. 316 COPYRIGHT, National and International, with some Remarks on the Position of Authors and Publishers, by a Publisher. Also, An Appendix, including the text of " The International and Colonial Copy- right Act, 1886," and of "A Bill to Consolidate and Amend the law relating to Copyright " (now before Parliament, 1887) ; also, The Articles of "The International Copyright Union." London, Sampson Low, 1887 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 317 COPYRIGHT. Observations on "A Bill (as amended by the Committee) to amend the several Acts for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies and Copyright of Printed Books to the Authors." [Edinburgh, 1814] 7s. 6d. Folio. Wrappers. The case of the University of Edinburgh in favour of the " library copies." 318 COPYRIGHT. PICOT (Georges) Le Depot Legal et nos Collec- tions Nationales. Paris, Picard, 1883 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Compte-Rendu Acad. Sci. Morales et Polit. 319 COPYRIGHT. PUTNAM (Geo. Haven) The Question of Copy- right, A Summary of the Copyright Laws at Present in Force in the Chief Countries of the World, together with a Report of the Legislation now pending in Great Britain, a Sketch of the contest in the United States, 1837-1891, in behalf of International Copyright, and certain papers on the development of the Conception of Literary Property, and on the Probable Effects of the New American Law. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 28 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-Continued. 320 COPYRIGHT. SOLBERG (Thorvald) Copyright Enactments, 1783-1900, together with the Presidential Proclamations regarding Inter- national Copyright. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1900 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 321 CORRECTORS OF THE PRESS. CRAPELET (G. A.) Etudes Pratiques et Littbraires sur la Typographie. Paris, de l' Imprimerie de Crapelet, 1837 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Vol 1 (all published). The first chapter is on the history of Printing in Paris, but the rest of the volume is devoted to Correctors and Correcting of the Press. 322 CORRECTORS OF THE PRESS. JACOBI (C. T.) Proof-Readers' Marks and Signs. Method of marking adopted by Printers, with specimen of corrected page and synopsis of marks. Chiswick Press, C. Whitting- ham and Co., 1890 4s. 6d 8vo. Unbound, 4 pp. 323 CORRECTORS OF THE PRESS. ZELTNER (Joh. Conr.) C. D. Correctorum in Typographiis Eruditorum Centuria Speciminis loco collecta a J.C.Z. Norimbergae, A. J. Felsecker, 1716 �2 15s. Sm. 8vo. Panelled calf.rebacked, purple edges. pp. 598. One leaf of table mended in lower margin. Very rare collection of biographies of Correctors of the Press. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 324 COSTING. DAVIS (A. E.) How to Find Costs in Printing. New York, Oswald Publishing Co., 1914 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Folding blank forms. 325 COSTING. Letterpress Printing. Production and Cost. By the Editor of The Caslon Circular. London, H. W. Caslon and Co., Ltd., [c. 1900] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illus. 326 COTTEREAU (E.) Rapport lu la Societe Typographique d'Angers sur les deux questions : Privileges des Brevets d'Imprimerie.-Apprentis. Angers, 1849 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue or Bigmore and Wyman. 327 COTTON (Rev. Henry) A Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, University Press, 1831-1866 �2 2s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. Unopened. The First Series is the second edition very much enlarged. Still the best gazetteer of printing in the English language. 328 COTTON (Rev. Henry) The Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1825 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, shabby. 329 [COWIE (G.)] The Printers' Manual, containing the Compositors' Scale of Prices, agreed upon in 1810, and modified in 1816, an' abstract of the Newsmen's Scale, a table showing the price of any number of letters from 16,000 to 100,000, numerous schemes of impositions, the Hebrew, Greek and Saxon Alphabets, and instructions for young compositors, also the Pressmen's scale of prices. London, C. Strange, N.D. [c. 1830] 18s. 6d 12mo. New boards. Rare early edition, possibly first. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. Cable Address--CoPTICTY, LONDON. 29 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---COfZinued. 330 COWIE (G.) Cowie's Printer's Pocket-Book and Manual, con- taining the compositors' and pressmen's scale of prices agreed upon in 1810, and modified in 1816; the news men's scale, numerous valuable tables ; and the schemes of impositions from folio to hundred and twenty- eights inclusive ; the Hebrew, Greek and Saxon Alphabets, etc. London, W. Strange [c. 1835] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 331 COWPER (E.) Printing Apparatus for the Use of Amateurs, containing Full and Practical Instructions for the use of Cowper's Parlour Printing Press; also the description of large presses on the same prin- ciple, and various other apparatus for the amateur typographer, the whole manufactured and sold only by Holtzapffel and Co. London, Holtzapffel and Co., 1846 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrations and type specimens. 332 CRACOW. COLLIJN (Isak) Der Drucker des Turrecremata in Krakau=Caspar Hochfeder. [Leipzig, c. 1911] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Zentralb. fuir Bibl. 333 CUSSET (J.) Traite de la Typographie. Par H. Fournier. Rapport de J. Cusset, Imprimeur. Paris, E. Briere, 1873 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 32 pp. A lecture on Fournier's book, to the Printers' Overseers of Paris. 334 DANZIG. COLLIJN (Isak) Ein Danziger Einblattdruck aus dem Jahre. 1506 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Facsimile. 335 DAUNOU (P. C. F.) Analyse des opinions diverses sur l'Origine de 1'Imprimerie. Paris, Renouard et Baudouin, An X I. (1803) �1 4s. 8vo. Boards. A valuable contribution to the literature of the Invention con- troversy. The author goes carefully into the history of the " 1468 " Oxford book in the course of his investigations. 336 DELALAIN (Jules) Exposition Universelle de 1855 Produits Typographiques. Rapport. Paris, Pillet fils aine, 1856 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 337 DELALAIN (J.) La Typographie Francaise et Etrangerd 1'Ex- position Universelle. Simple statistique. Paris, Jules Delalain, 1855 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph copy from author. 6s. 6d. 338 DENTU. DEBANS (Camille) Dentu. Paris, 1876 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Extrait de la Revue de France. An account of the great Paris publisher. 339 DESORMES (E.) Notions de Typographie . l'usage des Ecoles Professionnelles. Paris, Ecole Gutenberg, 1896 18s. 6d, Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 22, 484. Numerous illustrations and diagrams. 340 DICTIONNAIRE DES ORIGINES, D6couvertes, Inventions et Etablissemens : ou tableau historique de l'origine et des progrbs de tout ce qui a rapport aux Sciences et aux Arts: aux modes et aux usages, anciens et modernes: aux differens etats, dignitds, titres ou qualitis, et gendralement a tout ce qui peut Stre utile, curieux et intdressant pour toutes les classes de citoyens. Paris, Moutard, 1777 17s. 6d. 3 vols, 8vo. Mottled calf, gilt backs. Articles on Printing, Types, Paper, etc. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 30 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-C--OntInued. 341 DIDOT. ALKAN AINE (A.) Particularit6 concernant un volume sorti des Presses de Jules Didot et vers inddits de Pierre Didot. Neuilly, 1886 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened, stained. Reprint from Bib. de la France. 342 DIEPPE. SAUVAGE (1'Abbe) Premiers Libraires et Imprimeurs Dieppois introduction I 1'Histoire de 1'Imprimerie A Dieppe, de l'Abb6 Cochet. Rouen, Cagniard, 1891 8s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 343 DODD (Geo.) Days at the Factories. Illustrated by numerous engravings of machines and processes. London, C. Knight and Co., 1843 * 14s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Includes "A Day at a Printing Office." (Messrs. Clowes, Duke St., Stamford St.), and "A Day at a Bookbinder's " (Messrs. Westleys and Clark). 344 DOLET (Estienne). BADIN (Adolphe) Estienne Dolet. [Paris, 1889] 6s. 4to. Wrappers. Extract from Revue Bleue. 345 DOLET (Estienne.). BOULMIER (Joseph) Estienne Dolet sa vie, ses Oeuvres, son Martyre. Paris, Auguste Aubry, 1857 15s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 portrait. Uncut. 346 DOLET (Estienne). CHRISTIE (Richard Copley) Etienne Dolet the Martyr of the Renaissance, 1508-1546. A Biography. London, Macmillan, 1899 18s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth, uncut. The 2nd and most complete edition of the biography and bibliography of the famous Printer-Martyr of Lyons. Bibliog., pp. 517-543. %347 DOLET (Estienne). CHRISTIE (Richard Copley) Etienne Dolet le martyr de la Renaissance. Sa vie et sa mort. Traduit par C. Stryienski. Paris, Fischbacher, 1886 �1 5s, 8vo. Orig. wrappers, wants binding. Extensive bibliographies. Dolet was a printer at Lyons. 348 DOLET (Estienne) De Re Navali liber ad Lazarum Bayfius. Lug- duni, Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537 �7 10s. Sm. 4to. Half polished calf. Device on title and at end. This work was written by the celebrated martyr-printer in reply to a charge of plagiarism brought against him by Charles Estienne in his abridgement of Lazare de Baif's De Re Navali. See Christie Etienne Dolet, pp. 273-281. Rare. 349 DOLET (Estienne). DUVAL-ARNOULD (L.) Etienne Dolet. Etude Historique. Paris, [c. 1905] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 350 DOLET (Estienne). DUVAL-ARNOULD (L.) Etienne Dolet. Un Pretendu Martyr de 1'Atheisme au XVIe siecle. [Paris, 1898] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from La Quinzaine, 1898. 351 DOLET (Estienne). MoRIN (Louis) La Famille Dolet a Troyes. Troyes, P. Nouel and J. L. Paton, 1917 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Name torn from title. Extrait de l'Anuaire de l'Aube. Cable Address--CoPTIrTY, LONDON. 31 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-cOntinued. 352 DOUTES SUR L'ORTOGRAPHE FRANCEZE (Avis touchant 1'Art de l'Imprimerie, qui pourra servir d'Instruction a plusieurs Com- pagnons Imprimeurs on Aprentis.) [Without place or printer's name. No date, Paris, c. 1750] �3 15s. 12mo. Calf, rubbed. This most curious little book is in two parts, the first being devoted to suggestions for phonetic spelling and the other being a practical treatise on printing. The preface, which is addressed " Aus Maitres Imprimeurs," is signed " Jrilodrad." Very rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue, Brunet or Barbier. 353 DUCOURTIEUX (Paul) L'Imprimerie, Notions de Typographie, le Livre, le Journal. Limoges, V. H. Ducourtieux, 1892 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. Autograph copy from author. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 354 DUPONT (Paul) Histoire de l'Imprimerie. Paris, 1854. �1 17s. 6d. 8vo, 2 vols. Half red morocco. General history of printing and the allied arts. 355 DUPONT (Paul) Notice Historique sur l'Imprimerie. Paris, P* Dupont, 1849 17s. 6d. Large 8vo. Half morocco, g.e. pp. 233. 356 DUPONT (Paul) Une Imprimerie en 1867. Paris, Imprimerie et Librairie Administratives, 1867 �1 5s. Sm. folio. Buckram. Frontis., illustrations, bound with original wrappers. No. 46 of 50 copies only of the Edition-de-Luxe printed for presents to Royalties and Members of Commissions attached to the Paris Exhibition of 1867. Presented to Sir Henry Cole, with the author's autograph. 357 DUVERGER (Eug.) Album Typographique Histoire de l'Invention de l'Imprimerie par les Monuments. Paris, 1840 �1 10s. Folio. Half cloth. Facsimiles of the 42-line Bible, and other' specimens of the earliest printing, with illustrations of type, moulds, etc. Rare and important book. 358 DUTUIT (Eugene) Quel est l'Inventeur de l'Imprimerie ? [Paris, 1883] 6s. Large 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Le Livre. 359 DIJON. OURSEL (M.) Notes pour servir a l'Histoire des Impri- meurs et des Libraires a Dijon. Paris, 1915 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Bull. Phil. et Hist. du Com. des Tray. Hist. 360 EDDINGTON AND CADBURY. The Printing of Fine Illus- tration. Swindon [c. 1890] 6s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 361 EDINBURGH. DoBsoN (William T.) History of the Bassandyne Bible, the First Printed in Scotland, with notices of the Early Printers of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Wm. Blackwood and Sons, 1887 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. With facsimiles and other illustrations. 362 ELLIS (John B.) Hints and Tables for the Printing Office and Paper Warehouse. Leeds, J. B. Ellis, 1892 6s. 12mo. Cloth. 363 ELOGE en vers de l'Imprimerie, par un Typographe. Paris Ambroise Dupont et Co., 1827 10s. 6d 8vo. Orig. wrappers. A MS. note appears to ascribe this work to a M. Raimon. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 32 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST.. LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 364 ELZEVIER. BERGHMAN (G.) Catalogue Raisonne des Impres- sions Elzeviriennes de la Bibliothique Royale de Stockholm. Stockholm, 1911 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. pp. 32 : 389. [Sold] 365 ELZEVIER. BERGHMAN (G.) Nouvelles 6tudes sur la Biblio- graphie Elzevirienne. Suppl6ment . l'ouvrage sur les Elzevier de M. Alphonse Willems. Stockholm, 1897 [Sold] 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 366 ELZEVIER. Catalogue complet des Republiques Imprimees en Hollande, in 16 avec des remarques sur les diverses editions. Par De La Faye. Paris, Panckoucke, 1842 7s. 6d. 12mo. Orig. wrappers. 125 copies only. 367 ELZEVIER. COPINGER (H. B.) The Elzevier Press. A Handlist of the Productions of the Elzevier Presses at Leyden, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, with references to Willems, Berghman, Rahir and other bibliographers. London, Grafton and Co., 1926 �1 Is. net 8vo. Cloth. In the press. Prospectus on application. 368 ELZEVIER. PIETERS (Ch.) Annales de l'Imprimerie des Elsevier. Gand, C. Annoot Braeckman, 1858 �1 4s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, pp. 502. 369 ELZEVIER. WILLEMS (Alphonse) Les Elzevier, Histoire et An- nales Typographiques. Bruxelles, G. A. van Tright, 1880 �5 7s. 6d. Large 8vo, 2 pts. in 1 vol. Half maroon morocco, gilt top by L .Claessens. Front. in colours. Folding type specimen sheet, plates and facsimiles. The most important book on the Elzevier Press, absolutely essential for all collectors and libraries. 370 ENGLAND. ALDIS (H. G.) The Book Trade, 1557-1625. 1909 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprinted from The Cambridge History of English Litera- ture, 1909. 371 ENGLAND. AMES (Joseph) Typographical Antiquities. Being an Historical Account of Printing in England : with some Memoirs of our Antient Printers, and a register of the books printed by them, from the year 1471 to the year 1600, with an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same Time. London, W. Faden, 1749 �3 3s. 1 vol bound in 2, 4to. Russia, joints weak, interleaved throughout, with manu- script additions and notes by the Rev. G. North and others. 372 ENGLAND. AMES (Joseph). HERBERT (William) Typographical Antiquities; or, an historical account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Gt. Britain and Ireland: containing Memoirs of our ancient Printers and a Register of Books printed by them, 1471-1600. London, T. Payne and Son, 1785-90 �6 6s. 3 vols, 4to. Contemporary morocco, shabby. The most important work on Early English Printers and Books. Portraits and facsimiles. Large and clean copy. 372AENGLAND. AMES (Joseph) Proposals for Printing by Subscrip- tion. The Hitory of Printing in England to the year 1600. London, 174[-] �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Boards. The Proposals are accompanied by a specimen leaf from the account of Caxton. With portrait and a four-page list of English printers proposed to be dealt with in the work. The author incidentally remarks that he has in his possession Palmer's practical guide to printing in manuscript. Cable ABddress-COPTIITY, LONDON. 33 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 373 ENGLAND. Bibliographical Society. A Century of the English Book Trade: short notices of all printers, stationers, book-binders, and others connected with it from the first issue of the first dated book in 1457 to the incorporation of the Company of Stationers in 1557, by E. Gordon Duff, London, 1905-A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Foreign printers of English books, 1557- 1640, by H. R. Plomer and others, London, 1910-A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667, by H. R. Plomer, London, 1907-A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by H. R. Plomer and others, London, 1922. London, 1905-22 �4 10s. 4 vols, 4to. Cloth and boards. A complete set of the biographical dictionaries of British printers and booksellers, 1457-1725. 374 ENGLAND. PLOMER (Henry R.) English Printers' Ornaments. London, Grafton, 1924 �2 2s 4to. Boards, linen back, t.e.g. Nearly 300 reproductions of borders, head and tail pieces, of book decorations of all kinds. The first book on an important aspect of the printing craft. pp. 12, 292. 375 Edition de Luxe. 75 copies only, with additional illustrations. On the finest handmade paper �5 5s. Large 4to. Boards, vellum back, t.e.g. Each copy numbered and signed by the author. 376 ENGLAND. TUTET (N. C.) [Copy of a letter to Dr. Ducarel, authenticated by the autograph signature of the writer and the following statement also in his autograph-" Aug. 29th, 1761, I signed this copy at the request of Dr. Ducarel, he having sent the origl. to Mr. Meerman." The letter refers to a MS. in the possession of the writer relating to the introduction of printing into England corroborating Atkins, and to the fact that Palmer printed this MS. with alterations. Meerman, Origines I I., p. 24, prints this MS., quoting Tutet's Letter.] �2 5s. Sm. folio. An important document in the Atkins Controversy. 377 EXHIBITION AND MARKET OF MACHINERY, Implements and Material Used by Printers, Stationers, Papermakers and Kindred Trades, Official Catalogue of Exhibits. London, Dale, 1880 10s 6d 8vo. Cloth. Contains a series of articles by J. Southward and others on the historical and practical aspects of printing. 378 FAULMANN (Karl) Illustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst mit Besonderer Beriickschtigung ihrer Technischen Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig, A. Hartleben, 1882 �3 3s. 8vo. 'Half red morocco, gilt. 14 coloured plates, 12 supplements,and 380 illustra- tions in the text. One of the best general histories of Printing. 379 FINLAND. VASENIUS (Valfrid) Outlines of the History of Printing in Finland. Translated from the Finnish (with notes). By E. D. Butler. London, F. H. Butler, 1898 16s. 6d. 8vo. Limp boards. Rare. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 34 COPTIC HOV"SE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 380 FOULIS. Glasgow Bibliographical Society. Catalogue of the Foulis Exhibition held in the University of Glasgow, April, 1913. Glasgow, J. MacLehose and Sons, 1913 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 5 plates. 381 FOULIS. Glasgow Bibliographical Society. Foulis Exhibition held in the University of Glasgow, April 12-26, 1913. Description of Exhibits and Opening Ceremony. Glasgow, 1913 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 382 FOULIS. MURRAY (David) Robert and Andrew Foulis and the Glasgow Press, with some account of the Glasgow Academy of the Fine Arts. Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1913 �1 is. 4to. Orig. boards, uncut. Illustrations and facsimiles. 383 FOURNIER (P. S.) De l'Origine et des Productions de l'Imprimerie Primitive en Taille de Bois: avec une refutation des prdjugis plus ou moins accrbdit6s sur cet Art. Paris, J. Barbou, 1759 17s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter calf. 384 FOURNIER (Henri) Trait6 de la Typographie. Tours, Mame et Cie, 1854 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 385 FRANCE. Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roi. Qui, en ordonnant 1'exdcution des articles CI., CII., CIII., CIV., et CV., du Reglement fait pour la Librairie, en 1723: fait defenses A tous Imprimeurs-Libraires, d'imprimer ou faire imprimer aucun Ouvrage sans en avoir prealable- ment obtenu la permission. Du 15 Decembre 1776. Paris, P. G. Simon, 1777 18s. 6d. 4to. Unbound, 4 pp. Rare. 386 FRANCE. Cercle de la Librairie. Premiere Exposition. Paris, 1880 �1 5s. 8vo. Ornamental cloth, gilt. The exhibition was composed of two sections, the first being a collection of early French printing, including most of the first books from the provincial presses, which are all fully annotated. The second part is devoted to modern literature, and this forms a series of pages illustrative of modern French printing and bookmaking. The Cercle is representative of French publishers, booksellers, printers, typefounders, etc. Fine fresh copy. 387 FRANCE. CHRISTIAN (M. A.) Origines de 1'Ipnprimerie en France. Conference Faites les 25 Juillet et 17 Aout 1900. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1900 �3 10s. Folio. Unbound in original portfolio, with ties. Large Paper copy. Numerous facsimile plates of the earliest printed books. 388 FRANCE. CRAPELET (G. A.) Des Brevets d'Imprimeur, des Cer- tificats de Capacit6, et de la Necessit6 Actuelle de donner a l'Imprimerie les reglemens promis par les lois: suivi du Tableau G6neral des Imprim- eries de toute la France en 1704, 1739, 1810, 1830, et 1840. Paris, P. Dufart, 1840 17s 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Important for the lists of French printing offices. Cable A ddress-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 35 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56.. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 389 FRANCE. D6cret de la Gonvention Nationale, du 2 Septembre 1793, 'an second de la Republique Frangoise, une et indivisible. Portant que tous les Imprimeurs de Paris sont en 6tat de requisition pour le Service public. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1793 17s. 6d. 4to, single leaf. Wrappers. 390 FRANCE. Dcret de la Convention Nationale, du 14e jour de Frimaire, An 2e de la Republique Francaise, une et indivisible, qui met en Rdquisition les Imprimeries employees dans les Departemens, A la r6impression des Lois. Paris, l' Imprimerie Nationale, [1793] 16s. 6d. 4to, single leaf. Wrappers. 391 FRANCE. Declaration du Roy, qui fait defenses d'imprimer aucuns Livres ou autres Ouvrages, sans Privilege ou Permission. Donnee a Paris le 12 May, 1717. Verifide en Parlement le 7 Juin suivant. Metz, Brice Antoine, 1717 �1 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Margins frayed. Rare. 392 FRANCE. Declaration du Roy, Concernant les Imprimeurs. Donnee a Versailles le 10 May, 1728. Verifide en Parlement le 8 Novembre suivant. Metz, Brice Antoine, 1728 �1 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Margins frayed. Rare. 393 FRANCE. Edit du Roy pour le Reglement les Imprimeurs et des Libraires de Paris. Registre en Parlement le 21 Aout 1686. Paris, Le Mercier, 1731 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards. 394 FRANCE. LA BORIE DE LA BATUT (Guy de) Le Role des Assem- blies G6ndrales du Clerg6 de France en Matibre d'Imprimerie et de Lib- rairie. Paris, Picard et Fils, 1921 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 395 FRANCE. LEPREUX (Georges) Gallia Typographica ou Repertoire Biographique et Chronologique de tous les Imprimeurs de France depuis les origines de l'Imprimerie jusqu'a la Revolution. Paris, Honore Champion, 1909-11 �2 2s. 3 parts, large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Vol 1 contains the provinces of Flanders, Artois and Picardy. Vols 2-3 deal with Paris. 396 FRANCE. Projet de Loi Contre les D6lits qui peuvent se com- mettre par la voie de 1'Impression et par la publication des Ecrits et des Gravures, etc., Present6 a l'Assemblee Nationale, le 20 Janvier 1790, par le Comit4 de Constitution. Paris, de l' Imprimerie Nationale, 1790 16s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 397 FRANCE. Protestation des Libraires du Departement de la Loire Infdrieure contre la suppression des Brevets. Refutation des Reponses de MM. les Editeurs de Paris Publides dans le No, 46 (13 Novem- bre 1869) de la Bibliographie de la France et Intitul6es Opinion des Editeurs de Paris. Nantes, Charpentier, 1869 ,. 6s. 4to. Wrappers. 36 Inland Telegrams---CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---COntined. 398 FRANCE. RADIGUER (Louis) Maitres Imprimeurs et Ouvriers Typographes (1470-1903). Paris, 1903 8s. 8vo, Orig. wrappers, unopened. pp. 568. 399 FRANCE. Reglement pour la Librairie et Imprimerie de Paris; Arrest4 au Conseil d'Etat du Roy le 28 Fev. 1723. Paris, P. A. Le Mercier, 1731 �1. 15s. 12mo. Calf. At the end are printed similar documents bringing the legislation up to 1731. 400 FRANCE. STEIN (Henri) Melanges de Bibliographie (Premiere Sdrie). Paris, Techener, 1893 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Principally on the History of Printing in France. 401 FRANCE. STEIN (Henri) Recherches sur les Imprimeries Pro- testantes. Les Atelier Typographiques de Francois Chayer, & la Fert6- sous-Jouarre et a Sedan. Paris, A. Fontaine, 1893 8s. 6d Sm. 4to. Orig, wrappers, edges frayed. Autograph presentation copy from author. Reprint from Le Livre et l'Image. Facsimiles. 402 FRANCE. VASCHALDE (Henry) Etablissement de l'Imprimerie dans le Vivarais. Illustre de marques typographiques. Vienne, E.- J. Savignd, 1877 10Os. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 14 facsimiles of devices. 100 copies only. Printing in Tournon, Bourg-St.-Andbol, Privas, and other towns. 403 FRANCOIS (Rene, pseud., i.e., E. Binet) Essay des Merveilles de Nature, et des plus nobles artifices. Rouen, A. Ferrant, 1657 �1 is. 8vo. Limp vellum, stained. L'Imprimerie, pp. 321-327. An early description of the method of printing. 404 FRERE (Ed.) Considerations sur les Origines Typographiques. Rouen, A. Peron, 1850 12s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 100 copies only. Presentation autograph inscription by the author. Obituary notice of M. Frdre inserted. 405 FREY (A.) Manuel Nouveau de Typographie. Imprimerie, con- tenant les principes theoriques et pratiques de 1'imprimeur-typographe. Paris, Roret, 1835 10s. 6d. 2 vols, 12mo. Orig. wrappers. 6 folding plates. 406 - Another edition. Paris, Roret, 1857 8s. 6d. 2 vols, 12mo. Orig. wrappers. 6 folding plates. 407 FRITSCHIUS (Ahasverus) Dissertationes duae Historico-Politicae, alter 'de Abusibus 'Typographiae Tollendis, altera de Zygenorum origine, vita ac moribus. Jenae, Georg Sengenwald, 1664 �2 2s. Sm. 4to. Boards. Large copy, interleaved. 408 FYFE (H. Hamilton) Triumphs of Invention and Discovery. London, Nelson and Sons, 1863 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, g.e. 4 plates and frontis. pp. 1-40 contains The Art of Printing : Coster, Gutenberg. Caxton, The Printing Machine. 409 GARNIER (Jacques Marin) 15 Mai 1806--2 Mars 1882, Notices Necrologiques. Paris, 1882 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 portrait. Biographical notices of the famous French publisher. Cable A ddress--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 37 GRAFTON & CO.: CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 410: GARZONI (Tommaso) Piazzo Universale : das ist: Allgemeiner Schawplatz, Marckt und Zusammenkunsst aller Professionen. Kiinsten, Geschafften, Hiindeln und Handtwercken, etc. Frankfurt am Mayn, M. Merian, 1659 �3 3s. 4to. Orig. vellum, stamped with initials G.L.C. and date 1662,. pp. 1,054. All trades, professions, etc., are described and illustrated with the famous series of wood- cits by Jost Amman. Printing, Typefounding and Bookbinding, pp. 958-968. 411 GENT (T.) Life of Thomas Gent, Printer, of York, written by Himself. London, Printed for Thomas Thorp, 1832 , �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter calf. Engraved port. 412 GERING (Mr.). ALKAN (A.) Memoire sur le Projet d'elever une Statue sur la Place de la Sorbonne a Ulrich Gering l'Introducteur de 1'Imprimerie a Paris. Paris, Emile Martinet, 1879 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 1 plate. 413 GERONVAL (E. Audouin de) Manuel de l'Imprimeur, ou Traith Simplifid de la Typographie. Paris, Crapelet, 1826 17s. 6d. 12mo. Hf. bd. 6 folding plates. 414 GERRING (Charles) Notes on Printers and Booksellers, with a Chapter on Chap-Books. London, Simp kin, 1900 15s. 4to. Orig. boards. Illustrated with 56 illustrations. 415 GLASGOW. AIRD (Andrew) Reminiscences of Editors, Reporters and Printers [in Glasgow] during the last sixty years. Printed for Private Circulation, Glasgow [1890] 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. boards. 1 portrait. 416 GLASGOW. Notices and Documents illustrative of 'the Literary History of Glasgow during the greater part of the last century. Glasgow, Hutchison and Brookman, 1831 18s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Frontis. A Maitland Club publication. The original issue. 417. GLASGOW. Notices and Documents illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow during the greater part of last century. Glasgow, 1831.-Verbatim et literatim reprint, with appendix additional. Limited to 350 copies. Glasgow, Thomas D. Morison, 1886 12s. 6d. 4to. Boards. Frontis. Entirely on the history of Printing in Glasgow and pririci- pally devoted to the Foulis Press. 418 GOULD (Joseph) The Letter-press Printer ; a Complete Guide to the Art of Printing, containing practical instructions for learners at case, press and machine. London, Farrington, 1876 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth, worn. First edition. Illustrated with diagrams, etc. 419 GOULD (Joseph) The Letterpress Printer, a Complete .Guide to the Art of Printing. London, Farrington and Co. [1881] 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. With historical introduction by J. Southward. 420 Another copy, half bound . 7s. 6d. 421 GRAYSON (Robert) Designs and Suggestions for Job Work. Leicester, Raithby, Lawrence and Co., 1893 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 38 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 422 GREEK. PROCTOR (Robert) The Printing of Greek in; the Fif- teenth Century. Printed; for 'theBibliographical Society at the Oxford University Press, 1900 �315s 4to. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 24 plates and 39 figures in the text.. 423 GRIFFIN (C.; , and Co.) The Centenary Volume of Charles Griffin and Co., Ltd., Publishers, 1820-1920. London, 1920 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous portraits and illus. The well-known firm of technical book publishers, originally established in Glasgow. 424 GUIDE TO TRADE. The Printer. London, Knight and Co., 1838 8s. 6d. 12mo. Quarter blue morocco. 1 folding plate and other illustrations. 425 GUTENBERG (Joh.). ALARY (Jacques) Gutenberg et -'Impri- merie Typographique. Paris, G. Jousset, 1876 10s. 6d 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph copy from the author. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 426 GUTENBERG (Joh.). DINGELSTEDrT (Fr.) Jean Gutenberg, Premier Maitre Imprimeur, ses faits et discours les plus dignes d'admira- tion, et sa mort. Geneve, J. G. Fick, 1858 17s. 6d. Sm. folio. ;Boards. Woodcut on title, etchings on India paper. 427 GUTENBERG (Joh.). GAMA (J. P.) Esquisse Historique de Gutenberg. Paris, Germer Baillare, 1857 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 428 GUTENBERG (Joh.) Gutenberg-Fest zu Mainz im Jahre 1900. Zugleich Erinnerungs-Gabe an die Er6ffnung des Gutenberg-Museums am 23 Juni 1901. Mainz, 1901 6s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 2 plates. 429 GUTENBERG (Joh.). K6STER (Albert) Festrede zur fiinf- hundertjahrigen Geburtsfeier Johannes Gutenbergs, gesprochen in Mainz am 24 Juni 1900. Leipzig, B. C. Teubner, [1900] 8s. 6d 4to. Orig. wrappers. Large Gothic type. 430 GUTENBERG (Joh.). LAMARTINE (A. de) Gutenberg Inventeur de l'Imprimerie (1400-1469). Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1867 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Frontis. 431 GUTENBERG (Joh.). LAMARTINE (A. de) Gutenberg Inventeur de l'Imprimerie. [Paris, 1863] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from " Oeuvres completes de Lamartine." 432 GUTENBERG (Joh.). LUCHET (Auguste) Recit de l'inauguration de la statue de Gutenberg et des Fetes donnees par la Ville de Strasbourg. Paris, Pagnerre, 1840 8s. 6d. 12mo. Orig. wrappers. Front. 433 GUTENBERG (Joh.). Proposals for Erecting in the year 1836 a Monument at Mayence in Honor of John Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg, the Inventor of Printing. Mayence, F. Kupferberg, 1832 .,�1 5s. Sm. 4to. Boards, printed in red and black. Very rare. Not in ;the St. Bride Catalogue. The monument referred to was unveiled in 1837. Cable Address--CoPTcITY, LONDON. 39 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 434 GUTENBERG (Joh.). SCHMIDT (C.) Nouveaux Details sur la vie de Gutenberg, tires des Archives de 1'Ancien Chapitre de Saint-Thomas a Strasbourg. Strasbourg, C. Silbermann, 1841 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 435 GUTENBERG (Joh.). WALLAU (Heinrich) Gutenberg Techniker and Kiinstler. Mainz, Gutenberg Gesellschaft, 1905 17s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Illus. and facs. Forms part of the 4th Jahres-Bericht of the Gesellschaft. Important for the technical methods of type casting of the earliest printers. 436 GUTENBERG (Joh.). WINARICKY (Charles) Jean Gutenberg n en 1412 a Kuttenberg en Boheme, Bachelier es Arts . 1'Universit6 de Prague, promu le 18 Nov., 1445, inventeur de l'Imprimerie a Mayence en 1450. Traduit par J. de Carro. Bruxelles, A. Vandale, 1847 15s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 437 HALL (Edw. Pickard) Printing: its parentage, progress and practice, with some account of the Authorized Version of the Bible and of the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Oxford, 1876 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations. 438 HAMMAN (J. M. Herman) Des Arts Graphiques destines A Multi- plier par l'Impression consideres sous le double point do vue Historique et Pratique. Geneve, Joel Cherbuliez, 1857 14s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. pp. 490. The whole of the Printing Arts historically and practically described. 439 HANSARD (Luke) Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, Esq. Many years printer to the House of Commons. Not Published, Printed by James and Luke G. Hansard and Sons, 1829 16s. 6d. 4to. Cloth, covers damaged. 1 portrait. 440 HANSARD (Thomas Curson) Typographia : An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with Practical Direc- tions for conducting every Department in an Office, with a Description of Stereotype and Lithography, illustrated by Engravings, Biographical Notices and Portraits. London, Baldwin, Craddock and Joy, 1825 �1 10s. �8vo. Cloth. pp. xxiv., 940 [281. Many plates, tables, and illustrations in the text. 441 HANSARD (T. C.) Treatises on Printing and Typefounding. Edinburgh, A. and C. Black, 1841 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Folding plates. Includes also the treatise on lithography by William Nichol. 442 HANSARD (T. C.) The Art of Printing: its History and Practice from the days of John Gutenberg. Edinburgh, A. and C. Black, 1851 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt back. 3 folding plates. Fresh copy. 17s. 6d. 443 HARPEL (Oscar H.) Harpel's Typograph, or Book of Specimens, containing useful information, suggestions, and a collection of examples of Letterpress Job Printing. Cincinnati, Printed and Published by the Author, 1870 �1. Is. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, largely printed in colours. Many illustrations. Inland Telegrams-CoPTcrrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 40O CoPTIc HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 444 HASSE (Frid. Christ. Aug.) Rector Academiae Orationeiemin Solem- nibus Typographiae Saecularibus Quartis Lipsiae XXV. Junii, 1840. Lipsiae, 1840 8s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. 1 folding plate. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 445 HATCHARDS. HUMPHREYS (Arthur L.) Piccadilly Bookmen: Memorials of the House of Hatchard. London, Hatchards, 1893 6s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Buckram gilt. 2 portraits, 1 plate and 1 folding table. 446 HAZELL (Ralph C.) Walter Hazell, 1843-1919, London, Hazell, Watson and Viney, Printed for Private Circulation, 1919 7s. 6d. '8vo. Orig. quarter buckram. 1 portrait. 447 HAZEN (Edward) The Panorama of Professions and Tradet, or Every Man's Book. Philadelphia, Uriah Hunt, 1836 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. boards. 82 Trades with woodcuts. Articles with illustrations on Printing, Lithography, Engraving, etc. 448 HEBREW. CARMOLY (E.) Annalen der Hebriiischen Typographie von Riva di Trento (1558-1562). Frankfurt am Main, G. Hess, 1868 6s 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Not in Bigmore and Wyman. 449 HELLER (Alfred) Die Organisation der Buchdruckerei. Leipzig, C. E. Poeschel, 1916. 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 450 HESSELS (J. H.) Haarlem the Birth-Place of Printing, not Mentz. London, Elliot Stock, 1887 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth. Dr. Hessels is the principal exponent of the Haarlem claim td the invention of printing, and he includes in this book a complete annotated list of those Incunables on which his 'case is based. 451 HISTORY OF PRINTING, Published under the Direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London, S.P. C. K., 1855 . 7s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Cloth, loose. Illustrated. 452 Anoth r edition 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Col. front. and title. Fresh copy. 453 A HISTORY of Wonderful Inventions. Illustrated with numerous engravings on wood. London, Chapman and Hall, 1849 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Coloured front. and illus. Printing, pp. 49-76. 454 HODSON (James Shirley) A History of the Printing Trade Chari- ties. London, W. H. Allen and Co., 1883 8s. 6d. 08vo. Cloth. Frontis. 455 HOUGHTON (T. S.) The Printers' Practical Every-Day Book, calculated to assist the young printer to work with ease and expedition. London, Simpkin, 1841 14s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. boards, cloth back. First edition. With an advertisement of Clymer and Dixon's Columbian Press at end. Rare. 456 . Another edition, 1843 7s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Half bound. Used copy. 457 Another edition, [c. 1854] 7s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Used copy. Cable Address--CoPTrICTY, LONDON. 41 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGE lNO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 458 HUGO (Herm.) De Prima Scribendi Origine et universa rei liter- arian antiquitate, cui Notas, etc., adjecit C. H. Trotz. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Hlerm. Besseling, 1738 18s, 6d. 8vo. Hf. vellum. pp. 612. Best edition. Chap. 34 relates specially to the invention of Printing. 459 HUMPHREYS (H. Noel) A History of the Art of Printing, from its invention to its widespread development in the middle of the 16th Century. Preceded by a Short Account of the Origin of the Alphabet, and the successive methods of recording events and multiplying MS. books before the invention of printing. London, B. Quaritch, 1868 �6 15s. Folio. Orig. cloth, gilt. 100 illustrations, produced in Photo-lithography, many in gold and colours. The most magnificent general history of Printing ever produced. 460 HUMPHREYS (H. Noel) Masterpieces of the Early Printers and Engravers. A series of Facsimiles from Rare and Curious Books, re- markable for Illustrative Devices, Beautiful Borders, Decorative Initials, Printers' Marks, Elaborate Title-pages, etc. London, Sotheran, 1870 �5.5s. Sm. folio. Orig. cloth gilt. A little spotted. 90 fine facsimile illustrations on 72 plates, with accompanying letterpress. 461 HUTTON (William) The Life of William Hutton, Stationer, of Birmingham, and the history of his family. Written by himself. London, C. Knight and Co., 1841 8s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Port. 462 IBARRA (Joaquin) Homenaje a Joaquin Ibarra. Sesion celebrada en la Casa de la Villa et dia 21 de Julio de 1923, con ocasion del descubri- miento de la placa conmemorativa en la casa numero 13 de la calle de Nunez de Arce, en que tuvo su etablecimiento tipografico el insigne impressor. Madrid, Imprenta municipal, 1923 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 463 IMPOSITION. MoMORO (A. F.) Le Manuel des Impositions Typographiques ou l'on trouve aussi la representation de la casse Romaine, Grecque simple, Anglaise et ronde, ainsi que la maniare de composer 1'Anglaise, et celle de corriger les 6preuves d'Imprimerie. Bruxelles, F. Visscher, 1819 �1 1s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 32 plates. .464 IMPRIMERIE EN CARACTERES (Imprimerie en Taille-Douce). Paris, 1769 �1 is. Folio. 2 pts. in 1. Wrappers. 21 engraved plates illustrating the processes of Printing, both Letterpress and Intaglio. 14 pp. description of the plates. 465 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. BERNARD (Auguste) Histoire de 1'Imprimerie Royale du Louvre. Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1867 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Contains a catalogue of works printed at the Imprimerie Royale from 1640 to 1795. 466 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. CLARETIE (Jules) Une Visite a l'Imprimerie Nationale. Paris, Imprimterie Nationale, 1904 8s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. Text printed in borders. Inland Telegrams---CoPTicTY, WE5STCENT, LONDON. 42 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---continued. 467 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. DUPRAT (F. A.) Histoire de 1'Imprimerie Impdriale de France suivie des Specimens des Types Et- rangers et Frangais de cet Etablissement. Paris, 1861 �2 2s. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 578. Folding specimen. 468 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. DUPRAT (F. A.) Precis Historique sur 1'Imprimerie Nationale et ses Types. Paris, B. Duprat, 1848 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. At end is " Specimen des Caract6res Francais et Etrangers de l'Imprimerie Nationale." 469 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. ESCODECA DE BOISSE (M. D') Quelques Details sur les Produits de 1'Imprimerie Impbriale de France. Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1855 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The exhibits of the National Printing Office at the Paris Exhibition of 1855. 470 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. GUIGNES (J. de) Essai Historique sur 1'Origine des Caracteres Orientaux de 1'Imprimerie Royale, sur les Ouvrages qui ont ~t imprimes a Paris en Arabe, en Syriaque, en Armnien, etc., et sur les Caracteres Grecs de Francois I., appeles communbment Grecs du Roi. [Paris, 1787] �1 1s. 4to. Wrappers, uncut. Without title-page. 471 IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. L'Imprimerie Nationale dans ses Rapports avec 1'Etat et avec l'Industrie Privee. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1886 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 472 INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF AUTHORS. The Grievances between Authors and Publishers, being the report of the Conferences of the Society held Mar., 1887. London, 1887 '8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 473 INK. CANEPARIUS (Petrus Maria) De Atramentis cuiuscunque generis. Venetiis, E. Deuchinus, 1619 �1 is. Sm 4to. Calf loose. Device on title. Wormed in margins. The first book to describe inks of all kinds. 474 INK. KIDD (John, and Co.) Specimens of Printing Inks, etc. London, 1906 7s. 6d. Oblong 8vo. Orig. cloth. 475 INK. MANDER BROS. Examples of Printing executed with Lithographic and Letterpress Inks manufactured by Mander Bros. London, 1886 7s. 6d. Oblong 12mo. Orig. cloth. 476 INK. RICHARDSON PRINTING INK CO. Specimens of Printing Inks., Gateshead-on-Tyne, 1898 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 477 i'NK. SHACKELL AND EDWARDS. Specimen of Printing Inks, Loidon [c.. 18601 .s 8vo. Orig. cloth, slabby and loose. Printed in colorrs, 478 INK. SMTIf (. and S6n) Back and Coloured:Pintiing Is, L ondett 1862 7s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, g.e., loose. Specimens in black and all combinations of colours. Cabl A:''dd'erss- -CdP'rTICTY, LoNDoN. 41' GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---Continued. 479 INK. WIBORG (Frank B.) Printing Ink. A History, with a treatise on Modern Methods of Manufacture and Use. New York and London, Harper and Bros., 1926 16s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, with dust cover. Frontis., plates and 1 folding table. Important and up-to-date work. 480 DES INTERETS TYPOGRAPHIQUES devant la conference mixte des Maitres Imprimeurs et des Ouvriers Compositeurs. Paris, H. Carion, 1861 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 481 JACKSON (Stephen) A Thought on Creation. A Poem touching some of the Liberal Sciences, with a reference to the usefulness of the Art of Printing. Berwick-upon-Tweed, R. Taylor, 1753 �2 10s. Sm. 4to. Half calf. Title in red and black. Probably the first work printed in Berwick. The author, in his dedication to the Mayor, says : " When I was made sensible the town was to b& accommodated with the useful Art of Printing," etc. Very rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 482 JACOBI (Chas. T.) Gesta Typographica,,or A Medley for Printers and ,Others. London, Elkin Mathews, 1897 �1 Is. 8vo. Orig. buckram. No. 39 of 50 copies printed on Japanese vellum and signed by the author. 483 - Another copy on ordinary paper 7s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Bds., linen back, a little soiled. 484 JAGGARD (William) Printing: its Birth and Growth. Liverpool, Shakespeare Press, 1908 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illuminated facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible and a portrait of Caxton. 485 JOFRE (Jean) Imprimeur Breton dtabli en Espagne. [Paris, 1900] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extldct from Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartes, 1900. Description of a volume printed by Jean Jofr6 at Valencia. 486 JOHNSON (J.) Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor, including an account of the Origin of Printing, etc. London, Longman, 1824 17s. 6d. 2 vols, 12mo. Orig. cloth. 487 - Another copy, Large Paper �1 5s. 488 JUDD AND GLASS. Counsels to Authors and Hints to Ad- vertisers. London, Judd and Glass, 1856 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. With specimens of type pages and woodcut illustrations. 489 KNIGHT (Charles) The Old Printer and the Modern Press. London, John Murray, 1854 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Many illustrations. 490 KRONENBERG (M. E.) De Geheimzinnige Drukkers Adam Anonymus te Bazel en Hans Luft te Marburg Ontmaskerd, 1526-1535. Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 9119 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 18 facsimile plates. Autograph copy from aithor. 491 KURDISTAN.. HEAZELL (Rev. F. N.) and MARGQLIOUTH (Mrs.) Kfdst and Christians.' London, Wells Gardner, Darton and .o,, 1913 .l0s ,6d. 8vo. Cloth. Illustratd:. Contains an account of the Mission Press in Kurdistan* Inland Telegrams--COPTacITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 44 CoPTIC HOUSE, $1 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING---continued. 492 LA CAILLE (Jean de) Histoire de 1'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, ou Yon voit son origine et son progris, jusqu'en 1689. Paris, Jean de la Caille, 1689 �2 2s. 4to. Calf, gilt back. 493 LACKINGTON (James) Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, the present bookseller in Chiswell Street, Moorfields, London. Written by himself. London, For the Author, 1794 17s. 6d. 8vo. Tree calf, hinges weak. Fine portrait by Ridley after Keenan printed in blue. pp. 540. 494 LACKINGTON (J.) The Confessions of J. Lackington, late Book- seller at the Temple of the Muses, in a Series of Letters to a Friend, to which are added two letters on the bad consequences of having Daughters educated at Boarding Schools. London, R. Edwards, 1804 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut, shabby. 495 LACKINGTON (J.) The Confessions, in a series of letters to a friend, to which are added on the bad consequences of having daughters educated at boarding-schools. London, Richard Edwards, 1804 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Bound with :-Lackington's Confessions. Rendered into narra- tive to which are added observations of the bad consequences of educating daughters at boarding-schools, by Allan Macleod. London, Crosby and Co., 1804. 496 LACROIX (Paul). FOURNIER (Edouard) et SERE (Ferdinand) Histoire de 1'Imprimerie et des Arts et Professions qui se Rattachent d la Typographie. Paris, A. Delahays, 1852 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, soiled. 4 coloured plates and illus., stained. 497 LAFFAILLE (J.) Notice Typographique intiressant les Amateurs de Livres. Paris, Laffaille, 1891 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 498 LAGERSTROM (Hugo) Bok-Tryckstypen sore Ytornament: en Studie Over Boktryckstypens dekorativa anvindning. Stockholm, 1919 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 19 reproductions. 499 LEEDS. Master Printers. Souvenir of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, held in Leeds, May 25th to 29th, 1906. Leeds, Electric Press, 1906 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations and portraits. Articles on Leeds printers, newspapers, etc. 500 LESN]t (-) A la Glorie Immortelle des Inventeurs de l'Imprimerie �2 2s. 8vo. Unbound. Manuscript of this poem by the well-known French Bookbinder. It was printed in 1840. 501 LEMOINE (Henry) Memoirs of Henry Lemoine, the well-known Literary, Pedestrian and Eccentric Bookseller and Author of ,the City of .London. [London, 1802] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDoN. 4 45 GRAFPTON & CO. CATALOGUE' NO. 56,; PRINTING, PUBLISRING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 502 LEMOINE (Henry), Typographical Antiquities: History, Origin, and Progress of the Art of Printing, from its first invention in Germany to the end of the seventeenth century; and from its introduction into England, by Caxton, to the present time: including its Progress in the Provinces, with Chronological Lists of Eminent Printers, :in England, Scotland and Ireland: also a particular and complete history of the Walpolean Press, est. at Strawberry Hill, with an accurate list of every Publication issued therefrom and the exact number printed thereof. At the conclusion is given a curious dissertation on the Origin of the Use of Paper: also a complete History of the Art of Wood-Cutting and Engraving on Copper. London, S. Fisher, 1797 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Interleaved throughout. 503 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. BEHRENS (C.) Der Moderne Buchdruck. Berlin, [c. 1898] 6s. 6d. Obl. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 504 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. BOROUGH POLYTECHNIC. Print- ing Classes. The Booklet [containing specimens of work done], Nos. 3-26. London, 1896-1918 �1 is. 4to. 23 parts. Orig. wrappers. A fine collection of specimens. 505 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. BRUGEL (C. and Sohn) Druck- proben. Ansbach, [c. 1900] 6s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 506 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. HADDON (J., and Co.) Job Designs in Black and White, set exclusively in labor-saving Types and Borders of the Caxton Type Foundry. London, [c. 1903] 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 507 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. JERVIS (Fred. W.) Specimens of Letter-Press Printing in Ordinary Styles, and A Few Examples of Work of Higher Merit. Shrewsbury, 1890 7s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers, damaged. 508 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. JOHNSON (Robert, and Co., Ltd.) " Visiter " Printing Works. Specimens of Letterpress Printing. Southport, [1890] 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards. 509 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. LANGGUTH (Wilh.) Druckproben. Esslingen-a- N., 1909 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. '_::510 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. Regia Stamperia. La Tipo- gradia Pratica Album. Milano, Regia Stamperia, 1871 �1 8s. Large folio. Orig. wrappers. Specimens of printing of all kinds, book work, illustration, etc., some in colour. 511 'LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. RODER (C. G.) Setz-Maschine Linotype [Specimens of setting.] Leipzig, 1901 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 46 Inland T egra ns.-'-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HousE, 51 GREAT, RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLINGC-COntinued. 512 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. ST. Bride Foundation. Printing Classes. Examples of Work, 1900-01 (-1921-22). London, 1901-1922 �1 5s. 4to. 19 parts (only). Orig. wrappers. Containing specimens of letterpress and ljtho. work in every form. 513 LETTERPRESS SPECIMENS. WOOD (Fied) Artistic Specimens. Letterpress Printing. Wexford, 1890 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Specimens of job printing in black, gold and colours. 514 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. ANDRIEU (Jules) La Censure et la Police des Livres en France sous l'ancien Regime. Une saisie de Livres a Agen en 1775. Agen, J. Michel et Mtdan, 1884 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. '515 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. BARENS (J. H.) Nok en Draabe i det store Hay af Skrifter om Skrivefriheden. Kiobenhavn, Z. Bremtm, 1797 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. With a bibliography of Danish literature on the freedom of the Press and Pen. 516 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. BROUILLANT (Leonce Janmart de) L'Etat de la Liberty de la Presse en France aux 17e et 18e sidcles. Histoire de Pierre du Marteau, Imprimeur a Cologne. Paris, Maison Quantin, 1888 �1 17s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 5 plates and 1 portrait. Copy on Papier de Hollande, No. 83. This printer never existed, the imprint being used for various works which might come under the eye of the censor. At the end is printed a monograph on the Histoire des Amours du Grande Alcandre, 1652. The Elzevirs used this disguise on more than one occasion. 517 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. COLLETT (Peter) Forsdg til en Be- ddmmelse af M. G. Birckners Bog om Trykkefriheden og dens Love. Kiobenhavn, Berlins, 1797 6s. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 518 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. COLLETT (Peter) Tillaeg til Bedom- melsen af M. G. Birchners Bog om Trykkerfrihed og dens Love. KiOben- havn, H. Seidelin, 1797 6s. 6d Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 519 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Er det Klogstab og Retfaerdighed at saette Graendser for Trykfriheden. Den af Kongen forordnede Com- mission tilegnet. Kiobenhavn, N. Moller, 1797 7s. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 520 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Essay on the Liberty of the Press chiefly as it respects personal slander. London, J. Raymond [c. 1750] 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. 12s. 6d. 521 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. GIRARDIN (Emile de) Le Spectre Noir. Paris, Serriere, 1864 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 522 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. HALL (Robert) An Apology for the Freedom of the Press, and for General Liberty; to which are prefixed remarks on Bishop Horsley's Sermon Preached on the 30th of January, 1793. London, W. Jlamnilton, 1821 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Cable. Address-CoPTIcITY, LoNDO' 4 47 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-contnued: 523 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Lettre de M *** a un Libraire de ses Amis (Seconde Lettres de M ***, a un Libraire de ses Amis). [Paris], 1779-1780 10s. 6d. 2 parts, 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. According to Barbier, by Durant de Miremont. On the 'laws relating to Bookselling and Printing. 524 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. MILTON (John) Areopagitica: A Speech to the Parliament of England for the Liberty of Unlicensed Print- ing. With prefatory remarks, copious and excursive illustrations by T. Holt White; to which is subjoined, a tract : Sur la Liberty de la Presse, Imite de l'Anglois de Milton, par le Comte de Mirabeau. London, R. Hunter, 1819 8s. 6.d. 8vo. Calf, front cover loose, back shabby. 525 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. MILTON (John) Areopagitica [A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, 24 Nov.], 1644. Preceded by illustrative documents. Edited by Edward Arber. London, 1868 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The preface includes a reprint of the Decree of Starre Chamber concerning Printing, 1637, and the Order of the Lords and Commons, 1643. 526 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. MILTON (John) A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing. To the Parliament of England. London, J. Cleave [c. 1835] 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo.. Half bound. With several other tracts in the vol. 527 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the Regulating of Printing, and for sup- pressing the great late abuses and frequent disorders in Printing many false scandalous, seditious, libellous and unlicensed pamphlets, to the great defamation of Religion and Government. Also authorizing the Masters and Wardens of the Company of Stationers to make diligent search, seize and carry away all such books as they shall finde printed, or reprinted, by any man having no lawfull interest in them, being entred into the Hall Book to any other man as his proper copies. London, I. Wright, 1643 �10 lOs. Sm. 4to. Boards, leather back. Title in border. Black Letter. This is the famous Order which resulted in John Milton's appeal for the Liberty of the Press in his Areopagitica, which was published in the following year. On pp. 9-11 will be found " A Particular of the Names of the Licensers,wlho ,re appointed by the House of Commons for Printing." The imprint at the end of the tract reads " London : Printed by John Field for Edward Husbands, 1643." Very rare and important document. 528 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. OST (N. C.) Det f6rste danske Skrivt i det nittende Aarhundrede: kaldet Nye Materialier til Trykkerettens Historie, etc. Kiobenhavn, Z. Breum, 1801 6s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 529 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. PEDERSEN (Lars) Underdanige Tanker om Skrivefrieheden. Kiobenhavn, Z. Breum, 1794 5s Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. Inland Telegrams-CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 48 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.l, PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--Cntined. 530 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. SCHMETTOW (W. F. Greve af) Allerunder danigst Erklaering til Hans Majestaet Kongen Angaaende Beskyldningen for Misbrug af Trykkefriheden. Ki6benhavn, M. Geest, 1794 6 s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 531 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. STOCKDALE (John) The Whole Proceedings on the Trial of an Information exhibited ex officio by the King's Attorney General, Against John Stockdale: for a Libel on the House of Commons, tried in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, on Wednesday, the 9th of December, 1789, Before the Right Hon. Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, Chief Justice of England, to which is subjoined, An Argu- ment in support of the Rights of Juries. [By the Hon. T. Erskine]. London, John Stockdale, 1790 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. Stockdale was prosecuted for publishing a pamphlet on the Trial of Warren Hastings, and was acquitted. 532 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. VINGTAIN (L6on) De la Libert6 de la Presse. Avec un appendice contenant les avertissements, suspen- sions et suppressions encourus par la presse quotidienne et pdriodique depuis 1848 jusqu'd nos jours. Paris, Michel Levy freres, 1860 7s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter red morocco. 533 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Wogle Anmaerkninger i Anledning af Hr. Birkners Skrivt om Trykkefriheden og dens Love. Kiobenhavn, J. R. Thiele, 1797 6s. Sm. 8vo. Wrappers. 534 LICHTENBERGER (J. F.) Histoire de l'Invention de L'Impri- merie pour servir de d6fense a la ville de Strasbourg contre les Pretensions de Harlem. Avec une pr6face de M. J. G. Schweighaeuser. Strasbourg, J. H. Heitz, 1825 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 portrait. 535 LILLE. DANEL (L.) Bi-Centenaire de l'Imprimerie L. Danel, Lille, 1698-1898. Souvenir de la Fete du 4 Septembre, 1898, Au Kursaal de Dunkerque. Lille, L. Danel, 1898 15s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrations by "Mars." 536 LILLE. HOUDOY (Jules) Les Imprimeurs Lillois: Bibliographie des Impressions Lilloises, 1595-1700. Paris, Morgand, 1879 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig.' Wrappers. pp. 22, 392. Illus. 537 LILLE. QUARRE-REYBOURBON (L.) Une Impression Lilloise & Gravures sur bois. Lille, Imprimerie Lefebure-Ducrocq, 1903 9s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph copy from author. Reprint from Bull. Soc. d'Etudes de Cambrai. 12 reproductions of woodcuts. 538 LIMOGES. Cinquieme Congris des Maitres Imprimeurs de France, Limoges, 1898. Exposition R6trospective de 1'Art Typograph- ique.: Typographie, Reliure, Gravure, Lithographie, Histoire du Livre, Histoire de l'Imprimerie. Exposition Sp6ciale du Livre Limousin Cata- logue par ordre de Matibres. [Paris], H. C. Lavauzelle, 1898 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Cable A ddress-COPTICITY, LONDON. 49 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 539 LIMOGES. GUIBERT (M. Louis) Les Premiers, Imprimeurs de Limoges. Tulle, 1886 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Extract from the Bull. de la Soc. des Sciences de la Corr6ze. 540 LOGOGRAPHIC PRINTING. ANDERSON (Adam) An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce. London, Printed at the Logographic Press by J. Walter, 1787-89 �2 15s. 4to, 4 vols. Calf gilt, hinges weak. Engr. maps and folding tables. The largest work produced at the Logographic Press. J. Walter prefixes a statement on Logo- graphic Printing to the work. 541 LONDON. ARBER (Edward) A List, Based on the Registers of the Stationers Company, of 837 London Publishers (who were by trade Printers, Engravers, Booksellers, etc.), between 1553 and 1640. Birming- ham, 1890 �2 2s. 4to. Orig. boards. Autograph presentation copy to R. E. Graves. 542 LONDON. Curious and Interesting History of the Origin and Progress of Bookselling [and Printing] in London. With Historical Anecdotes of the Stationers, Publishers, etc. [London, 1808] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. 543 LONDON. Master Printers. Souvenir of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, held in London, May 23rd to 26th, 1905. London, Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1905 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Frontis., illustrated. Contains articles by R. A. Peddie (Master Printers of London, 1785-1872), H. R. Plomer (Famous London Printing Houses), C. E. Pascoe (The Printers' London). 544 LONDON. PLOMER (Henry R.) Wynkyn de Worde and his Contemporaries, from the Death of Caxton to 1530. A Chapter in English Printing. London, Grafton, 1925 �1 Is. 4to. Buckram, t.e.g. Fully illustrated. 1,000 copies only. 545 LONGEVILLE. DANNREUTHER (M.) Martin Mourot. Imprimeur a Longeville devant Bar le Duc (1501, etc.). Sa marque typographique et son enseigne. [Paris, 1898] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Hist. du Com. des Tray. Hist. 546 LONGMAN. Cox (Harold) and CHANDLER (John E.) The House of Longman, with a record of their bicentenary celebrations, 1724-1924. London, Longmans, 1925 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. 2 plates. 547 LORCK (Carl B.) Die Herstellung von Druckwerken : Praktische Winke fiir Autoren und Verleger. Leipzig, Carl B. Lorck, 1868 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. Numerous type specimens. 548 LORCK (Carl B.) Der Buchhandelund die graphischen Kiinste auf der Kunstgewerbe-Ausstellung zu Leipzig im Jahre 1879.. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1879 6s. 8vo. Unbound. Reprint from the B6rsenblatt. Inland Telegrams-CoPTICITY, WES'TCENT, LONDON. 50 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 549 LORRAINE. BIiAUPRE (J. N.) Recherches Historiques et Biblio- graphiques sur les Commencements de l'Imprimerie en Lorraine, et sur ses Progress, jusqu'a la fin du XVIIe Siecle. Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, P. Trenel, 1845 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Green morocco, roxburgh, m.e. 1 folding plate. pp. 542. Nice copy. 550 LOVE (John) An Account of John Love, late Bookseller of Wey- mouth, the most remarkable man in all England for his weight and corpulence. [London, 1805] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Engr. port. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. 551 LUXEMBOURG. VANNERUS (Jules) Documents relatifs aux imprimeurs luxembourgeois Birthon et Reuland (1598-1816). Luxem- bourg, 1911 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Publ. de l'Inst. de Luxembourg. 552 LYCK. KOCH (Franz) Der letzte Druck des Lycker Erzpriesters Johann Maletius. Koinigsberg, R. Leupold, 1903 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 30. 8 collotype plates. Separat-Abdruck aus der Altpr. Monats. Printing in Lyck in Poland. 553 MACINTOSH (Charles A.) Popular Outlines of the Press, Ancient and Modern, or a brief sketch of the origin and progress of printing, and its introduction into this country. With a notice of the Newspaper Press. London, Wertheim, 1859 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 554 MACKELLAR (Thomas) The American Printer: A Manual of Typography, containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing every Department of a Printing Office. Philadelphia, 1873 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis., numerous illus. Name on title. The standard American textbook of the period. 555 MACKELLAR (Thomas) The American Printer: A Manual of Typography, containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing every Department of a Printing Office. Philadelphia, 1878 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations. The standard American textbook for many years. 556 MADDEN (J. P. A.) Lettres d'un Bibliographe. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1868-86 �4 10s. 6 parts, 8vo. Orig. wrappers and 2 4to Atlases. Important articles on the in- ventiQn and spread of printing. 557 MAINZ.. WURDTWEIN (Stephan. Alexandr.) Bibliotheca Mo- guntina libris saeculo primo typographico Moguntiae impressis instructa, hinc inde Addita inventae typographiae historia. Augsustae Vindeli- corum, C. F. Biiglen, 1787 . �1. 17s. 6d. &4to. Mottled calf, gilt back. 9 plates, 1 folding, 252 pp, Device on title. Library stamp on title. 558 ---Another edition. Augustae Videlicorme, C F. Bi rglen, 1789 �1 5s. 4to. Calf, shabby. 9 plates, Wanting plate 5, Cable - Address-CoPTICITY, 'AinT. 51 51 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 559 [MARCHAND (Prosper)] Histoire de l'Origine et des premiers Progris de 1'Imprimerie. La Haye, 1740 12s. 6d. 4to. Calf, shabby. 560 MARCOLINI. ZACCARIA (Gaet.) Catalogo ragionato di opere stampata per Francesco Marcolini da Forli. Con Memorie Biografiche del medesimo tipografo raccolte dall' Avv. R. de Minicis. (Appendice e Cor- rezioni). Fermo, 1850-53 17s. 6d. 2 pts., 8vo. Wrappers. 561 MARTENS (Thierry). GAND (M. J. de) Recherches historiques et critiques sur la vie et les editions de Thierry Martens. A lost, Spitals- Schuermens, 1845 �2 2s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Front. and facs. Biography and bibliography of the first printer in Belgium, who worked from 1473 to 1529. At the end a list with biographical particulars of the famous men natives of Alost. 562 MARTENS (Thierry). ISEGHEM (A. F. van) Biographie de Thierry Martens d'Alost, Premier Imprimeur de la Belgique, Suivie de la biblio- graphie de ses editions. Alost, Spitaels-Schuermans, 1852 �1 5s. 8vo. Half morocco, back damaged. 1 folding plate. 563 MARTENS (Thierry). RIVIER (Alphonse) Le Compendium In- stitutionum de Nicolas de Bruxelles. [Bruxelles, 1874] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. l'Acad. Roy. Sc. des Lett. de Belgique, 1874. With reference to Thierry Martens, the first printer of Belgium. 564 MASSON (Georges) Les Arts Graphiques L'Exposition de Vienne. Paris, Simon Racon et Cie, 1875 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Complete account of the exhibits relating to the printing arts at the Exhibition' at Vienna in 1873. 565 MEDICI PRESS. MARMOTTAN (Paul) La Typographie orientale des Medicis et Napoleon. [c. 1890] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract. 566 MEERMAN (G.) Plan du Trait6 des Origines Typographiques. Paris, Aug. Mart. Lottin, 1762 �1 5s. 8vo. Wrappers, title in border. The preface refers to Fournier, Baskerville and Enschede. Rare. 567 MEERMAN (Gerard) Origines Typographicae. Hagae Comitum, N. v. Daalen, 1765 �2 10s. 4to. Polished calf. 2 fine engr. portraits and 10 facsimile plates. Important collection of facts and documents relating to the Invention of the art. Fine copy. 568 MEXICO. Libros y Libreros en el Siglo XVI. Mexico, G. Hnos, 1914 �2 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Forms No. 6 of the Publicaciones del Archivo General de la Nacion. pp. 608. Proceedings of the Inquisition against printers and book- sellers in the 16th century in Mexico. 569 MEYER (Dr. Heinrich) Adressbuch der Buchdruckereien von Mitteleuropa : der Stein-, Kupfer und Stahlstichdruckereien, der Schrift und Stereotypengiesser, xylographischen Institute, Pressen und Druck- maschinenbauer, Farbefabrikanten, sowie der mechanischen Papierfa- briken in Deutschland. Braunschwieg, J. H. Meyer, 1854 8s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, leather back. Inland Telegrams,--COPTncrIY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 52 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-Continued. 570 MILLER (Geo.) Latter Struggles in the Journey of Life. The Retrospections of a Sexagenarian from the Real Life of a Country Book- seller. Edinburgh, J. Colston, 1833 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. The author was in business at Dunbar and was not only a bookseller but a publisher of much popular literature. 571 LA MISERE des Apprentifs Imprimeurs appliquie par le detail A chaque fonction de ce noble art. Vers Burlesques A M. F. Nouvelle 6di- tion publide et annotee par Henry Mosnier, 1745-1889. Paris, G. Richard et Cie, 1889 . 7s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 572 MONTAUBAN. FORESTIE (Em.) Histoire de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie a Montauban. Montauban, E. Forestie, 1898 �1 8s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, back broken. pp. 378. Numerous illustrations of titles, devices and initials. 573 MONTAUBAN. FORESTIE (Edouard) Vignettes typographiques d'une Imprimerie Montalbanaise tri-centenaire. Montauban, Ed. Forestie, 1900 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 6 folding plates, with over 100 reproductions of vignettes used by the author's printing house from the 18th century. 574 MORAVIA. DUDIK (B.) Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Buch- druckes in Mihren, vom Jahre 1486 bis 1621. Brunn, 1879 15s. 8vo. Marbled boards. pp. 80. The History of Printing in Moravia, the towns of Brunn, Olmutz, etc. 575 MOREAU (Chevalier de) Conducteur Typographe de l'Agglomera- tion Bruxelloise (Brabant-Belgique). Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1892 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. On the economic situation of the working printer in Belgium. 576 MOREL (Fed.). DUMOULIN (Jos.) Vie et Oeuvres de Fedric Morel, imprimeur a Paris depuis 1557 jusqu'a 1583. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1901 �2 17s. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Many illustrations, some folding. Facsimiles of all the types cut by Garamond, including the Royal Greeks. Bibliography of books printed by Morel. 577 [MORETUS (Balthasa)r]. KIRCHERUS (Athanasius) Latium id est, nova et paralella Latii tum Veteris tum novi descriptio. Qua quaecumque vel natura, vel veterum Romanorum ingenium admiranda effecit, geo- graphico-historico-physico ratiocinio, juxta rerum gestarum, temporumque seriem exponitur et enucleatur. Amstelodami, Apud Joannem Jans- sonium a Waesberge, 1671 �4 4s.. Folio. Contemporary blind tooled calf, slightly rubbed. 1 portrait, 25 plates and illustrations in the text, stained. One of the volumes presented by the famous printer Balthasar Moretus, of the Plantin Printing Office in Antwerp, to the library of the Society of Jesus in that city. On the engraved title is the inscription " Coll. Soctis. Jesu Antverpie, B.M." In front of the engraved title is a specially printed sheet commemorating the donation inserted on Moretus' death in 1674. 578 MOTTEROZ (C.) Essai sur la Mise en Train Typographique. Paris,. May et Motteroz, 1891 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 53 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-Continued. 579 MOXON (Joseph) Mechanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy- Works (Vol 2, Mechanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy Works applied to the Art of Printing). London, J. Moxon, 1677-83 �15 10s. Sm. 4to. 2 vols in 1. Old calf, shabby, hinges and back defective. This work will always form the foundation stone of a Typographical Library. The first book on Practical Printing, it contains chapters on every aspect of the art. Illustrated by 35 engraved plates, one plate of Alphabets wanting. Vol 1, which does not deal with Printing, has 18 engraved plates. A working copy of this rare work, slightly cut at head. 580 MUNIER (J. B.) Nouveau guide illustr6 de l'Imprimerie de la Librairie et de la Papeterie. Paris, C. Marpon et E. Flammarion [c. 1885] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. 581 MUNSTER. NORDHOFF (Dr. J. B.) Denkwirdigkeiten aus dem Miinsterischen Humanismus. Mit einer Anlage fiber das friihere Press und Bucherwesen Westfalens. Miinster, Theissing'sche Buchhandlung, 1874 10s. 6d. 8vo, Quarter green morocco, uncut. Rare history of Printing in Westphalia, including Minster and numerous other towns. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 582 MURRAY (John). SMILES (Samuel) A Publisher and his Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the House, 1768-1843. London, John Murray, 1891 10s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Half morocco. 3 portraits. 583 MUSIC. GOOVAERTS (Alphonse) Histoire et Bibliographie de la Typographie Musicale dans les Pays-Bas. 1877 18s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut and unopened. 9 plates. pp. 608. The most important work on music printing. 584 MUSIC. LAGARDE (M.) Rapport sur les Nouveaux Procedds de Typographie Musicale de M. Duverger. [Douai, 1837] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Mem. de la Soc. d'Agr. sc. et Arts du Dep. du Nord. 585 NEVERS. BEGAT (Prosper) Notice sur 1'Imprimerie a Nevers. 1867 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract. Rare. 586 NEW PROJECT for the Destruction of Printing and Bookselling, for the benefit of the Learned World. London, Printed from the Dublin Copy and sold by J. Roberts [c. 1740] �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Bds. Very rare. 587 NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. WELFORD (Richard) Early Newcastle Typography, 1639-1800 (Art and Archaeology, the three Richardsons). Newcastle, 1907 15s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Facsimiles and illustrations. The catalogue of New- castle printed books is based on the researches of Mr. R. A. Peddie, whose collections on the subject were presented by him to the Newcastle Society of Antiquaries. 588 NEWSPAPERS. NAYLOR (T. E.) The Principles and Practice of Newspaper Make-up. With preface by Lord Burnham. London, Raithby, Lawrence and Co., 1918 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Inland .Telegrams--CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 54 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING.AND BOOKSELLING--Continued. 589 NIORT. CLOUZOT (Henri) Notes pour servir a 1'histoirede 'Im- primerie a Niort et dans les Deux-Sevres. Niort, L. Clouzot, 1891 �1 12s. 6d 8vo. Orig. wrappers, broken back. Contains notices of the printers and book- sellers of Bressuire, Champdeniers, La Mothe, St. E Haye, Melle, Niort, Parthenay, St. Maixent, and Thouars, and of the booksellers of many smaller towns. 590 NORMANDY. FRERE (Edouard) Recherches sur les premiers temps de l'Imprimerie en Normandie. Rouen, E. Frdre, 1829 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 591 NUMBERING MACHINES. DERRIEY (Charles) Numerotage par les Chassis Automatiques Charles Derriey. Paris, A. Turlot [c. 1885] 6s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 592 O'BRIEN (M. B.) A Manual for Authors, Printers and Publishers. Being a Guide in all Matters pertaining or incidental to Printing and Publishing. Illustrated with Specimens of Chromo-Lithography, Wood- cuts, Process Blocks, Photophane, Fine Art Illustration; Electrotyping and Stereotyping. London, Gee and Co:, 1890 8s. Bvo. Orig. cloth. Frontis., plates. 593 OGILVY (David) Biographical Account of Mr. David Ogilvy, Sen., the late Bookseller in Holborn. [London, 1808] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. 594 OLDFIELD (Arthur) A Practical Manual of Typography and reference book for printers. London, E. Menken [c. 1890] 7s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 595 ORLEANS. JARRY (L.) Des Debuts de l'Imprimerie a Orleans. [Orleans, 1885] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 plate. Extract from Mem. Soc. Arch. et Hist. de l'Orleanais. 596 ORLEANS. L'Universite et la Typographie, Exposition Organis~e par la Societe Archeologique et Historique de l'Orleanais (Mai-Juin 1884). Orleans, G. Jacobs, 1884 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Numerous reproductions of Printers' marks, ornaments, and title-pages. Printing in Orleans and the other towns in the Province. 597 OXFORD. Bodleian Library. Rough List of Works known, or supposed to have been published at Oxford, but not in the Bodleian Library up to July, 1882. Oxford, 1882 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, soiled. 598 OXFORD. MADAN (Falconer) A Brief Account of the University Press at Oxford, with Illustrations, together with a Chart of Oxford Printing. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Numerous illustrations and facsimiles 599 OXFORD. [SINGER (S. W.)] Some Account of the Book Printed at Oxford in 1468 under the title of Expositio Sancti Jronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum, in which is examined its claim to be considered the' first book printed in England. London, 1812 17s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 3 plates. Mr. Gordon Duff's copy, with an interesting MS. note on fly-leaf. Cable ddress--Co ciTY, LoNoN. 5 55 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 600 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Educational Exhibit, Paris, 1900 (Paper Exhibit, Binding Exhibit). Oxford, 1900 10s. 3 pts. in 1 vol. Cloth. From the collection of Horace Hart, Controller of the Oxford Press. 601 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. The University Press at Oxford. 1894 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. Presentation copy from the Controller, Mr. Horace Hart. Illustrated. 602 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Some Account of the Oxford University Press, 1468-1921. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1922 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. Frontis. and plates. 603 PADUA. FEDERICI (F.) Annali della Tipografia Volpi-Cominiana Colle Notizio intorno la vita e gli studi de' Fratelli Volpi. Padova net Seminario, 1809 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Port. frontis. History and Bibliography of the famous printing house of Padua from 1717 to 1756. 604 PADUA. VOLPI (Gaetano) La Libreria de' Volpi e la Stamperia Cominiana Illustrate con utili e curiose Annatazioni. Avvertenze neces- sarie e profittevoli a' Bibliothecarj, e agli Amatori de' buoni Libri. Padova, Giuseppe Comino, 1756 17s. 6d. 8vo. Vellum. A bibliography of the famous press of the Comino at Padua. 605 PALMER (S.) Proposals for Publishing a General History of Print- ing. London [c. 1730] �1 is. 4to. Boards. This is the original prospectus for a work in 2 vols, the 2nd volume to be devoted to the practice of the art. The latter volume was never issued, and Joseph Ames mentions in the prospectus of his book (see No. 372A) that he possessed the MS. Benjamin Franklin was employed by Palmer when he was working in London. In this edition the work is estimated to run to " above 140 sheets." In another edition it is estimated at 120 sheets. 606 PALMER (S.) A General History of Printing:' from the first Invention of it in the City of Mentz, to its Propagation and Progress thro' most of the Kingdoms of Europe, particularly The Introduction and Success of it here in England. With Characters of the most celebrated Printers, from the first Inventors of this Art to the years 1520 and 1550. Also an Account of their Works, and of the considerable Improvements which they made during that Time. London, A. Bettesworth, 1733 �1 15s. 4to. Calf, shabby. 607 PALMER (S.) The General History of Printing. Vol 1, No. 1, for March, 1729. London, Printed by the Author, 1729 10s. 4to. Quarter green morocco. Title stained. The first number of the serial issue of this work. 608 PANCIROLLUS (Guidonis) Rerum Memorabilium sive Deperdi- tarum . . . . Commentarijs illustrata et Locis prope innumeris pos- tremum aucta ab Henrico Salmuth. Francofurti, Haer. J. G. Schonwette, 1660 �1 17s. 6d. 4to. Sheepskin. Engraved title with printing office at foot. Somewhat dis- coloured and a few wormholes in blank margin. An important boolk of inventions, containing long chapters on America, Printing, Paper, Horology, Alchemy, etc., etc. A few leaves misplaced in binding. Inland Telegrams--CoPTICtTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 56 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 609 PAPYRUS. Numdro Special. Typographie. Paris, Papyrus, 1922 14s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Articles on every aspect of printing. Numerous illustrations. 610 PARIS. ALKAN (A. Aini) et LE PRINCE (-) Les Quatre Doyens de la Typographie Parisienne. Angers, Andre Burdin et Cze, 1889 17s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 5 portraits. 611 PARIS. BLONDEL (Pierre Jacob) Memoir sur les Vexations qu'ex- ercent les Librairies et Imprimeurs de Paris, publi6 d'apres l'imprimb de 1725 et le manuscrit de la Bibliothique de la Ville de Paris par Lucien Faucou. Paris, Moniteur du Bibliophile, 1879 �1 2s. 6d. 4to. Boards. 612 PARIS. BOUTMY (Eugene) Les Typographes Parisiens suivis d'un Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte Typographique. Paris, chez l' Auteur, 1874 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The human side of the French printer, with his slang words. 613 PARIS. CHEVILLIER (Andre) L'Origine de l'Imprimerie de Paris. Dissertation Historique et Critique. Paris, Jean de Lauln, 1694 �1 is. 4to. Old calf, rubbed. 614 PARIS. CLAUDIN (A.) Les Origines de 1'Imprimerie a Paris, Le Premiere Presse de la Sorbonne. Paris, A. Claudin, 1899 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from the Bull. du Bib. With autograph presenta- tion inscription by the author, partly cut away. 615 PARIS. DELALAIN (Paul) Les Libraires et Imprimeurs de 1'Aca- dimie Frangaise de 1634 a 1793 notices biographiques. Paris, A. Picard et f ils, 1907 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Folding table. 616 PARIS. DELALAIN (Paul) Notice sur Galliot du PrB, Libraire Parisien de 1512 a 1560. Paris, Cercle de la Librairie, 1890 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 4 facsimiles, unopened. 617 PARIS. DEVIEU (G.) Les Imprimeurs de Paris: piece et un acte, mele de couplets. [Paris, Dubois et Vert, c. 1860] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. A rare little play, the scene of which is a printing office. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 618 PARIS. DIDOT (A. Firmin) Discours de M. Firmin Didot, d6put6 du Departement d'Eure-et-Loir, sur la P6tition de M. Cordier, Imprimeur a Paris. Paris, F. Didot, [1828] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 619 PARIS. DUPRAT (F. A.) Apergu sur les Progres de la Typographie depuis le 16e sicle et sur l'6tat actuel de 1'Imprimerie de Paris. Paris, A. Aubry, 1863 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 100 copies only. 620 PARIS. FICHET (Guillaume) Epitre Addressee a Robert Gaguin le ter Janvier 1472, sur 1'Introduction de 1'Imprimerie a Paris. Repro- duction Heliographique de 1'Exemplaire unique possd6 par L'Universit6 de Bale. Paris, H. Chamfrion, 1889 16s, 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. A facsimile of one of the earliest and most important docu- ments relating to the invention of printing, and to its introduction into Paris. Cable A ddress--CPTICITY, LortDON . 57 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 621 PARIS. FUNCK-BRENTANO (F.) L'Imprimerie a Paris en 1645. [Paris, 1902] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Revue des etudes Hist., 1902. 622 PARIS. GRESSWELL (Wm. Parr) Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an account of the earliest Typographical Establishments of Paris, and notices and illustrations of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian Gothic Press; compiled principally to shew its general character and its particular influence upon the Early English Press. London, Cadell and Davies, 1818 �1 5s. 8vo. Diced russia gilt : or orig. cloth. Front. and facsimiles of printer's devices. 623 PARIS. GRESSWELL (William Parr) A View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, including The Lives of the Stephani; Notices of other contemporary Greek Printers of Paris; and various particulars of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of their Times. Oxford, S. Colling- wood, 1833 �1 12s. 6d. 8vo,' 2 vols. Orig. boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened; or orig. cloth, leather label. 624 PARIS. LEPREUX (G.) Contributions a 1'Histoire de l'Imprimerie Parisienne. [Paris, 1909] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Revue des Bib. Articles on C. Estienne and Fed. Morel. 625 PARIS. OMONT (H.) Inventaire Sommaire des Archives de la Chambre Syndicale de la Librairie et Imprimerie de Paris. Manuscrits Francais 21813-22060 de la Bibliothque Nationale. Paris, 1886 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 626 PARIS. PHILLIPPE (Jules) Guillaume Fichet sa vie, ses Oeuvres. Introduction de l'Imprimerie & Paris. Annecy, J. Depollier et Cie, 1892 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 627 PARIS. PHILLIPPE (Jules) Origine de l'Imprimerie a Paris d'apris des documents inddits. Paris, Charavay, 1885 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Plates and facsimiles. One of 55 copies only on Dutch paper. 628 PARIS EXHIBITION, 1855. The Imperial Establishment at Vienna at the Universal Exhibition of Industry and Art, Paris, 1855. Wien, 1855 7s, ,6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Printed in four languages--English, French, German and Italian. 629 PARIS EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury Irnternational. L'Imprimerie et la Librairie, par M. E. Martinet. Paris, mprimerie Nationale, 1880 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 630 PERTHES (F.) Life and Times of Frederick Perthes. Edinburgh, Constable, 1858 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, back broken. 1 portrait. Life of the famous German publisher. 631 PICKERING (William). KEYNES (Geoffrey) William Pickering, Publisher. A Memoir and a Hand-List of his Editions.. London,. The Fleuron, 1924 �2 2s, 4to. Orig. cloth, with dust cover. 37 facsimiles of title-pages. & Inland Telegrams--CoPWIdiTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HousE, 51 GREAT .RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 632 PIZZETTA (J.) Histoire d'une Feuille de Papier. Paris, Librairie d'Education [c. 1880] 16s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 36 illustrations. Includes the history of paper, writing and printing. 633 PLANTIN (Chr.). Rosseels (Emm.) Het Huis van Christoffel Plantijn. Met 20 Phototypische Platen van Jos. Maes. Antwerpen, J. Maes, 1886 16s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Illustrated. 634 PLANTIN-MORETUS MUSEUM. Catalogue, by Max Rooses. Antwerp, 1921 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Full descriptions in English of the contents of the famous Printing Office and Museum. 635 PLON (E., et Cie) Souvenir du 20 Octobre, 1877. Paris, Typo- graphie de E. Plon et Cie, 1877 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 636 POITIERS. CLAUDIN (A.) Origines et Debuts de 1'Imprimerie a Poitiers. Bibliographie des premiers livres imprimbs dans cette ville 1479-1515 (Monuments de 1'Imprimerie a Poitiers. Recueil de Fac- similes des premiers livres imprimbs dans cette ville, specimens de carac- thres filigranes, etc.). Paris, A. Claudin, 1897 �4 15s. 2 vols, 8vo. Half morocco. 200 copies only. A monograph of the highest order. 258 facsimiles of title-pages, type, initials, watermarks etc., with bibliographical description of all the early books printed in Poitiers. 637 POITIERS. LA BOURALIERE (A. de) Nouveaux Documents sur les debuts de l'Imprimerie a Poitiers. Chapitre Complementaire. [Poi- tiers, 1894] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Rev. Poit. et Saint. 638 POITIERS. Provisions d'Imprimeur du Roi pour Julien Thoreau du 24 Juillet, 1612 [and for successive Printers to the King at Poitiers to the year 1777]. Poitiers, J. F. Faulcon, 1777 15s. 4to. Boards. Calf back. 639 PORT-SAINT-NICOLAS. MORIN (Louis) L'Imprimerie du Port- Saint-Nicolas (Aube). Troyes, P. Nouel, 1902 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Mem. Soc. Acad. de l'Aube. 640 POWELL (Arthur) The Printer's Primer, extracted from South- ward's " Practical Printing," with additions and amendments, Part I., Composition. London, "Printer's Register " Office, 1895 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. No more published. pp. 176. 641 PRESSES AND MACHINES. ADAMS MANUFACTURING CO. Electrical Control of Printing Machinery. Bedford, [1909] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 642 PRESSES AND MACHINES. BONNEWELL (W. H., and Co.) Illustrated List of Printing Machinery, Wood Type, etc. London, [1862] 8vo. Orig. wrappers, dust soiled. 8s. 6d. 643 PRESSES AND MACHINES. BURKITT (J.) Self-supplying Tym- pan for a Printing Press. [London, 1838] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Illus. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 59 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--COntinued. 644 PRESSES AND MACHINES. DUTARTRE (Bern.) Brevet d'In- vention pour une presse mecanique a imprimer en retiration, sans soulve- ment de cylindres pour le retour des formes, sans course de feuilles, sans brosse, avec continuit6 de cordons pour le passage des feuilles d'un cylindre A l'autre, et avec un nouveau systhme pour le d6tachement des feuilles. [Paris, 1837] 10s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. 1 folding plate. Extract. Description and illustration of a perfecting printing machine. 645 PRESSES AND MACHINES. FURNIVAL AND CO. [Catalogue of Printing and Litho. Machines and Supplies]. Redditch, 1892 6s. 8vo. Cloth. Illus. 646 PRESSES AND MACHINES. GIROUDOT (de) Notice sur les Presses Mecaniques et celles & la Stanhope. Paris, [1829] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 folding plate. Perfecting machines and Stanhope presses made by de Giroudot. 647 PRESSES AND MACHINES. GOEBEL (Theo.) Frederic Koenig et l'Invention de la Presse Mcanique. Traduit par P. Schmidt. Paris, P. Schmidt, 1885 15s. Large 8vo. Wrappers, loose, uncut and unopened. Numerous illustrations in the text. Portrait. Full account of the invention of the printing machine. 648 PRESSES AND MACHINES. HADDON (John, and Co.) The Babcock Standard. New London, Conn. [c. 1914] 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Illus. Description of one of the best known American printing machines. 649 PRESSES AND MACHINES. HADDON (J., and Co.) Haddon's Platens. London [c. 1909] 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. bds. Descriptive account, fully illustrated, of 32 varieties of Platen Printing Machines. 650 PRESSES AND MACHINES. HARRILD AND SONS. Catalogue of Machinery and Materials for Printers, Bookbinders, Stereotypers, etc. With selections of Modern Printing Types. London, 1903 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 651 PRESSES AND MACHINES. HARRILD AND SONS. Catalogue of Printing Machinery and Materials, with Selected Type Specimens. London [c. 1895] 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth. Illus. 652 PRESSES AND MACHINES. KELLY (Wm. J.) Presswork. A Practical Handbook for the use of pressmen and their apprentices. Chicago, Inland Printer Co., 1898 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. 653 PRESSES AND MACHINES. MONET (A. L.) Les Machines et Appareils Typographiques en France et a l'Etranger suivi des Procedes d'Impression. Paris, 1878 . 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Half morocco. Numerous illustrations and diagrams. Used copy. 654 PRESSES AND MACHINES. MONET (A. L.) Machines Typo- graphiques et Procedds d'Impression. Paris, Gauthier- Villars, 1898 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Many illustrations. 16s. 6d. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 60 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.l. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING--continued. 655 PRESSES AND MACHINES. RIDLEY (Joseph) Improvement in the Printing Press. [London, 1796] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 plate. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 14, 1796. 656 PRESSES AND MACHINES. RIETSCH (Auguste) Manuel de Conducteur Typographe. Tours, Alfred Mame et Fils [c. 1901] 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Plates, some coloured, and other illustrations. Handbook for machine minders and pressmen. 657 PRESSES AND MACHINES. RUSSELL (Henry) Russell's Im- proved Printing Press. [London, 1825] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Illus. Extract from Mechanics' Magazine. 658 PRESSES AND MACHINES. SCHELTER AND GIESECKE (J. G.) The Phoenix Single-Revolution Cylinder Machine (Windsbraut). Leipzig, 1904 7s. 6d. Oblong folio. Boards. Illus. 659 PRESSES AND MACHINES. SOUTHWARD (John) The Principles and Progress of Printing Machinery, with an Account of Modern Printing Machines. London, E. Menken [c. 1890] 10s. 6d. 8vo., Orig. cloth. Some advt. pp. at end soiled. Folding plates and other illustrations. 660 PRESSES AND MACHINES. WILSON (F. J. F.) and GREY (D.) A Practical Treatise upon Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress Printing, illustrated with numerous engravings. London, Cassell and Co., 1888 15s. 8vo. Orig. gilt cloth, uncut. 661 THE PRINTER. A Description of his Business, and all that per- tains to it. London, Houlston and Sons [c. 1870] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Illus. 662 PRINTER. Printing. [Articles from Rees' Encyclopaedia, 1819, with 4 plates]. London, 1819 10s. 6d. 4to. 663 PRINTERS' MARKS. DELALAIN (Paul) Bibliothdque Technique du Cercle de la Librairie. Inventaire des Marques d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires. Paris, Cercle de la Librairie, 1886-88 �1 3 parts, large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Many reproductions. 664 PRINTERS' MARKS. DELALAIN (Paul) Inventaire des Marques d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires de la Collection du Cercle de la Librairie, Paris, 1892 �1 10s. Sm. folio. Orig. wrappers. pp. 28, 358. The largest collection of printers' devices in the world. 2nd and latest edition. 665 PRINTERS' MARKS. DELALAIN (Paul) Les Marques des Lib- raires et Imprimeurs du XVe au XVIIIe Siecle. Paris, Pillet et Dumoulin, 1885 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Extrait de la Bibliographie de la France. 666 PRINTING. [London, c. 1860] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. I plate. Extract. Cable A ddress--CoPTIITY, LONDON, 61 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLINGL--continued. 667 PRINTINTING. A Short History of the Art. Edited by R. A. Peddie. London, Grafton and Co., 1926 �1 Is. net 8vo. Cloth. America, North, by Lawrence C. Wroth; Belgium and Holland, by Mauritz Sabbe ; France, by Charles Mortet; Germany, by Ernst Cious; Italy, by G. Fumagalli; Scandinavia, by Lauritz Nielsen; Slavonic Countries, by L. C. Wharton ; Spain, by James P. R. Lyell; Supplement dealing with Australasia, by R. A. Peddie. In the press. Prospectus on application. 668 PRINTING SCHOOLS. LAPORTE (Ant.) Les Estienne Magnus- kises ou l'Ecole Municipale Estienne des Arts et des Industries du Livre, Slav'e par Magnuski et Cie. Paris, Henri Noirot, 1890 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. An attack on the management of the famous Paris Printing School. 669 PRINTING WORLD (The), Vols 1-2. London, 1891-2 �1 5s. Folio. Half roan. Many illustrations and specimens. All published in this size. The New Series was issued in quarto. 670 PUTNAM (George Haven) George Palmer Putnam. A Memoir, together with a Record of the Earlier Years of the Publishing House Founded by Him. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. 671 PUTNAM (George Haven) Memories of my Youth, 1844-1865 (Memories of a Publisher, 1865-1915). New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914-15 17s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. to each volume. 672 QUANTIN (A.) Les origines de l'imprimerie et son introduction en Angleterre. Paris, A. Quantin, 1877 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened, a little dust soiled. Only 275 numbered copies. A finely printed account of the Invention of the Art, and of Caxton's work in England. 673 RABIER (Louis). DUBARAT (V.) L'Imprimeur bearnais Louis Rabier (1583-1606). Renseignments in6dits sur lui et sur la famille. [Paris, 1896] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Hist. du Com. Tray. Hist. 674 RAE (Peter). SHIRLEY (G. W.) Mr. Peter Rae, V.D.M., Printer. Glasgow, 1914 8s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. 2 plates. Reprint from Records Glasgow Bib. Soc. Printing at Kirkbride and Dumfries. 675 RAIKES (Robert) Engraved portrait by Bromley after Drummond. London, I. Sewell, 1788 10s. 6d. 8vo. Raikes was a printer at Gloucester and founder of Sunday Schools in England. 676 REPORT from the Select Committee on Printing (Houses of Parlia- ment, etc.), together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. London, 1855 16s. '6d. Folio. Half calf, joints weak, shabby. This report contains the investigation into the inventions of Major Beniowski, which included Logotypes and pneumatic rollers. Bound with :-Report from the Select Committee on Postal Arrangements (Waterford, etc.), together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. 1855. 677 RHEIMS. JADART (H.) Nicolas Bacquenois, le premier Impri- meur de Reims (1552-1560). [Paris, 1890] .6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Hist. Phil. Com. Tray. Hist. Inland Telegrams-COPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 62 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING COntinued. 678 ROBIN (Charles) Histoire Illustre de l'Exposition, Universelle par categories d'Industries avec notices sur les exposants.+ Paris, Furne; 1855 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. Stained. Part I., including Printing, Bookselling, Typefounding, Bookbinding, Lithography, Paper making. 679 ROBINSON (George) Memoirs of G. Robinson, John Walker and William Richardson, booksellers. [London, 1807] 7s. 8vo. Wrappers. Engr. port. of John Walker. Extract from Granger's Wonder- ful Museum. 679AROTH-SCHOLTZIUS (Frid.) Thesaurus Symbolorum ac Emble- matum, i.e., Insignia Bibliopolarum et Typographorum ad Incunabulis Typographiae ad nostra usque tempora. Norimbergae et Altorfii, Haer. Jo. Dan. Tauber, 1730 �3 10s. Folio. Orig. boards, vellum case. Fine engraved portrait and 508 engraved printers' and booksellers' marks. The Index, which generally exists only in MS., is supplied in this copy by a recent reprint. 680 ROUEN. CLAUDIN (A.) Un Typographe Rouennais oublie. Maitre J. G. Imprimeur d'une edition de Commines en 1525. Paris, A. Claudin, 1896 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Bull. de Bib., facsimiles of initials. With autograph presentation inscription by the author. 681 ROUEN. LE VERDIER (Pierre) L'Atelier de Guillaume Le Talleur Premier imprimeur rouennais, Histoire et Bibliographie. Rouen, Albert Laine, 1916 �1 16s. 4to. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 77 facsimiles. An excellent monograph on the fifteenth century printer who printed Statham's Abridgment for Pynson. 682 ROUMANIA. PICOT (Emile) Coup d'Oeil sur 1'Histoire de la Typographie dans les pays Roumains au 16e sidcle. Paris, Imp. Nat., 1895 �1 15s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 12 facsimiles. Rare. Printing at Tirgoviste, Brasov (Kronstadt), Belgrade, Sebes and Orastie. 683 ROUTLEDGE (Robert) Discoveries and Inventions of the Nine- teenth Century. London, George Routledge, 1876 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, g.e. Plates and illus. Printing Machines, p. 201 ; Printing Processes, p. 459. 684 SAAVEDRA FAXARDO (Diego de) Idea de un Principe Politici Christiano Representada en cien Empressas. Valencia, Heredi de Chr. Garriz, 1656 �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Vellum. A few pages wormed. Many cuts, the first being that of a printing press. 685 ST. BONNET (Am. de). FORESTIE (M.) Les Peregrinations de 1'Im- primeur Arnaud de Saint-Bonnet, a Lyon et A Grenoble, a Montauban et & Auch (1617-1653). [Paris, 18901 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bull. Hist. Com. Tray. Hist. 685AST. LO. CLAUDIN (A.) Les Origines de l'Imprimerie & Saint-Lo en Normandie. Paris, A. Claudin, 1894 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Bull. du Bib. Rare, like all Claudin's pamph- lets on provincial French printing. Illus. and facsimiles. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 63 .GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-c tinued. 686 SARE (Richard). STANHOPE (George) Death just Matter of Joy to good Men. A Sermon Preach'd at the Parish Church of St. Pancras, on Tuesday the 11th of February, 1723, at the Funeral of Mr. Richard Sare of London, Bookseller. London, W. Bowyer for Richard Williamson, 1724 15s. Sm. 4to. Wrappers, 24 pp., cut close. Richard Sare was a bookseller and pub- lisher at Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn. 687 SAUNDERS AND OTLEY. The Author's Printing and Publish- ing Assistant. Comprising explanations of the process of printing, prepara- tion of MSS., eto. London, 1839 7s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth, stained. 688 SAVAGE (William) A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. London, Longman, 1841 �1 5s. 8vo. Half calf, gilt back. pp. 816. 689 - Another copy. London, 1841 �1 Is. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Used copy. 690 SCHOEFFER (Pet.). BOISSERAND (M.) Une Quittance de Pierre Schoeffer. [Paris, 1849] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bib. des l'Ecole des Chartes, 1849. 691 SCHOEPFLIN (Jo. Dan.) Vindiciae Typographicae. Argentorati, Joh. Goth. Bauer, 1760 �2 2s. 4to. Orig. boards. 7 folding facsimile plates at end. 692 Another copy �1 18s. 4to. Calf, gilt back. 693 SCHWENKE (Paul) Die Donat und Kalendar Type, Nachtrag, und Ubersicht. Mainz, Gutenberg Gesellschaft, 1903 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 7 collotype plates, some folding, being reproductions of the Indulgences and Donatuses from the earliest Mainz press. The 2nd publica- tion of the Gesellschaft. 694 SCOTLAND. COUPER (W. J.) The Millers of Haddington, Dunbar and Dunfermline, A Record of Scottish Bookselling. London, T. F. Un- win, 1914 12s. 8vo. Boards, linen back. 15 plates and frontis., illus., uncut. A contribution to the history of Scottish provincial printing. 695 SCOTLAND. DICKSON (Robert) Introduction of the Art of Print- ing into England. Aberdeen, Edmond and Spark, 1885 16s. 8vo. Cloth. No. 449 of 500 copies only. Many illustrations. 696 SCOTLAND. DICKSON (Robert) Who Was Scotland's First Printer ? Ane Compendious and breve Tractate, in Commendation of Andrew Myllar. London, Trubner, 1881 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 24 pp. 697 SERNA SANTANDER (C. A. de la) An historical essay on the Origin of Printing, Translated from the French. Newcastle, S. Hodgson, 1819 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 698 SERNA SANTANDER (C. de la) M6moire sur l'origine et le premier usage des Signatures et des Chiffres, dans l'Art Typographique. Bruxelles, A. Gaborria, An 4 [1796] �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. The preface is in Lettres de Civilit6. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 64 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 699 SHARP (Granville) The Gilbert Prize Essay on the Adaptation of Recent discoveries and inventions in Science and Art to the Purposes of Practical Banking. London, Groombridge and Sons, 1854 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half roan. Numerous specimens and facsimiles of paper, watermarks, cheque printing, etc. 700 THE SISTER ARTS, or A Concise and Interesting View of the nature and history of Paper-Making, Printing and Bookbinding. Lewes, J. Baxter, Sussex Press, 1809 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards. 3 plates. 701 SONCINI. MANZONI (Giac.) Annali Tipografici dei Soncino. Tom. II. Fasc. 1: Tom. III. Fasc. 1-3: Tom. IV. Fasc. 1. Bologna, G. Ro- magnoli, 1883-86 �1 10s. 8vo. 5 parts (all published). Original wrappers. The Soncini were the famous Jewish printers who produced Hebrew, Greek and Latin works in various towns in Italy. 702 SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) Specimen of Principia Typographia, an ex- tensively illustriated work on ,the Block Books, on their connection with the Origin of Printing and on the Character of the Watermarks in the Paper of the Period. London, Not Printed for Sale, 1858 �1 4s. Folio. Half morocco. 8 plates in facsimile. With a few other sheets referring to the same loosely inserted. 703 [SOUTHWARD (John)] Authorship and Publication. A Concise Guide for Authors in Matters relating to Printing and Publishing, including the Law of Copyright, and a Bibliographical Appendix. London, Wyman and Sons, 1884 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. 704 SOUTHWARD (John) A Dictionary of Typography and its acces- sory arts. London, Joseph M. Powell, 1875 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, a little soiled. 705 SOUTHWARD (John) Modern Printing, A Handbook of the Prin- ciples and Practice of Typography and the Auxiliary Arts. London, Raithby, Lawrence and Co., 1898-1900 8s. 6d. 4 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. to each vol, illus. 706 SOUTHWARD (John) Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts during the Victorian Era. .London, Simpkin, 1897 12s. 6d. 4to. Limp boards. Numerous illustrations. Slightly soiled. 707 SOUTHWARD (John) A Treatise on Practical Printing. London, J. M. Powell and Son, 1882 7s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Numerous illustrations. First edition of the best modern textbook. Other editions :-708, 1884, 6s. 6d.-709, 1887, 6s. 6d.-710, 1892, 10s. 6d.-711, 2 vols, 1900, 12s.-712, 2 vols, [1911], 15s. 712ASPAIN. LYELL (James P. R.) Early Book Illustration in Spain. With an introduction by Dr. Konrad Haebler. London, Grafton and Co., 1926 �4 4s. net 4to. Buckram, g.t. 280 pp. Numerous reproductions. Limited to 500 copies, each copy numbered and signed by the author. 713 SPAIN. NEE DE LA ROCHELLE (J. F.) Recherches historiques et critiques sur l'etablissement de l'Art Typographique en Espagne et en Portugal pendant le 15e sidcle. Paris, Merlin, 1830 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Cable Address--COPTICITY, LONDON. 65 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 714 SPEDDING (James) Publishers and Authors. Printed for the Authors, 1867 16s. 6d. 8vo, Orig. cloth. By the editor of Bacon. References to his edition occur through- out. Autograph inscription by the author on flyleaf. 715 STARK (Adam) Printing, its Antecedents, Origin and Results [Traveller's Library, 82]. London, Longman, 1863 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Woodcut front. 716 STEPHANUS. BRANDON (Edgar) Date de la Naissance de Robert Estienne. [Paris, 1904] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Melanges de Phil. Offerts a Ferd. Brunot, Paris, 1904. 717 STEPHANUS. DIDOT (Ambrose Firmin) Les Estienne. Henri I. : Francois I. et II.: Robert I., II. et III.: Henri II.: Paul et Antoine. Paris, Firmin Didot Freres [c. 1860] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographie Generale. 718 STEPHANUS. FEUGERE (Leon) Etude sur Henri Estienne. Paris, Jules Delalain, 1853 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 36 pp. 719 STEPHANUS. MAITTAIRE (Michael) Stephanorum Historia. Vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens. Londini, Benj. Motte, 1709 �1 5s 2 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Calf, covers loose. 1 portrait. pp. 564 : 133. 720 STEPHANUS. RENOUARD (A. A.) Annales de l'Imprimerie des Estienne ou Histoire de la Famile des Estienne et de ses Editions. Paris, J. Renouard et Cie, 1843 �3 15s. 8vo. Boards. 2nd and best edition. Very rare and important. Bound at end is : Renouard (A. A.) Note sur Lourent Coster, a l'occasion d'un ancien livre imprim6 dans les Pays-Bas, 1838. 721 STEREOTYPING. ADVIELLE (Victor) Christophe Plantin a-t-il Connu le Chichage Typographique, Memoire sur cette question. Paris, 1870 6s. 6d. Folio. Orig. wrappers. 722 STEREOTYPING. CAMUS (A. G.) Histoire et Procedds du Polytypage et de la Stdrdotypie. Paris, Baudouin, Brumaire An 10 [1801] �1 is. 8vo. Boards. 8 specimens of stereotyped works. 723 Another copy, with 6 specimens 17s. 6d. 724 Another copy, with 5 specimens 17s. 6d. 725 STEREOTYPING. FREYLINGHAUSEN (John Anastasius) An Abstract of whole Doctrine of the Christian Religion, with observations. The first book stereotyped by the new process. London, Stereotyped and Printed by A. Wilson for Edward Harding, 1804 15s. Sm. 4to. Half calf, gilt back. This process of Stereotyping was one invented by Earl Stanhope. 726 STEREOTYPING. HODGSON (Thomas) An Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereotype Printing, including a Description of the various Processes. Newcastle, S. Hodgson, 1820 18s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. 7 specimens. pp. 178. Inland Telegrams-CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 66 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-cottinued. 727 STEREOTYPING. MONET (A. L.) Procidds de Reproductions Graphiques Appliquies a l'Imprimerie. Paris, 1888 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 13 plates and illus. in text. Stereotyping, electrotyping and photo-process work. 728 STEREOTYPING. [NICHOLS (J.)] Biographical Memoirs of William Ged, including a particular account of his progress in the art of Block-Printing. London, J. Nichols, 1781 21s. 8vo. Wrappers. Rare. 729 STEREOTYPING. Practical Notes on Stereotyping and Electro- typing, from " The British Printer." London, Raithby, Lawrence and Co., 1901 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 folding plate, illus. 730 STEREOTYPING. WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT (W. H. J. v.) Rapport sur les Recherches relatives a l'Invention premiere et a l'usage le plus Ancien de l'Imprimerie Stereotype. La Haye, 1833 15s. 8vo. Orig. bds. 4 facsimile plates. Important historical document. Rare. 731 STEREOTYPING. WILSON (Frederick J. F.) Stereotyping and Electrotyping: a Guide for the Production of Plates by the Papier Machi and Plaster Processes. With instructions for Depositing Copper by the Battery or by the Dynamo Machine, also Hints on Steel and Brass Facing, etc. London, Wyman and Sons, [1882] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illus. With historical introduction by John Southward. 732 STOCKDALE (John) Biographical Memoirs of John Stockdale, a remarkable and eminent Bookseller and Publisher in Piccadilly. [London, 1802] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Granger's Wonderful Museum. 733 STRAKER BROS., LTD. The Bishopsgate Press (1800-1925). A Brief History of the Business. London, 1925 5s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Illus. 734 STYRIA. STIEFVATER (Leopold) Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchdruckes und Buchhandels in Steiermark. Wien, 1887 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Printing in Graz, and other towns in Styria. 735 SWEDEN. COLLIJN (Isak) Det Aldsta Svenska Trycket ? Ett nyfunnet Remigius Fragment. Stockholm, 1923 7s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 10 photographic facsimiles. 736 SWEDEN. KLEMMING (G. E.) and NORDIN (J. G.) Svensk Bok- tryckeri-Historia, 1483-1883 med inledande Allmin Ofversigt. Stock- holm, P. A. Norstedt and Soners Forlag, 1883 �2 15s. Large 8vo, quarter calf. 2 plates. The best general history of printing in Sweden 737 TAUBER. SCHOTTGEN (Christian) Historie derer Buchhindler wir solche in Alten und Mitlern Zeiten gewesen. (Kurtze Nachricht von der Tauberischen-Buchhandlung in Niirnberg und Altdorff von 1639 bis 1722 . . . durch F. Roth-Scholtz). Niirnberg and Altdorff, Johann Daniel Taubersseel, 1722 �1 15s. Sm. 4to. Boards. 2 portraits and 1 woodcut. With a list of books issued by the Tauber firm. Rare. Fine impressions of the portraits. Cable Address-CorTIcrrT, LONDON. 67 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-Continued. 738 THORP (Joseph) Printing for Business. A Manual of Printing Practice in non-technical idiom. London, John Hogg, 1919 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, linen back, with dust cover. Illus. 739 TIMBS (John) Stories of Inventors and Discoverers in Science and the Useful Arts, a Book for old and young. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1860 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, gilt back. 1 plate and numerous engravings in the text. " Who invented Printing and where ? " pp. 29-42. " Navigation of the Air," pp. 95-120. 739A THE TIMES. Printing Number, No. 40,000. London, Sept., 10, 1912 �1 is. Large folio. Boards, cloth back. 64 pp. Fully illustrated. This is the rare original number, not the quarto reprint in which many of the illustrations were reduced in size. 740 TIMPERLEY (C. H.) Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote, 2nd edition, to which is added, a continuation to the present time and a practical manual of printing. London, H. G. Bohn, 1842 �1 Is. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrated. pp. 6, 116, 996, 12. Piece torn from title. 741 TIMPERLEY (C. H.) Songs of the Press, and other Poems, relative to the Art of Printing; also Epitaphs, Epigrams, Anecdotes, Notice of Early Printing and Printers. London, Simpkin, 1833 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. bds., cloth back, paper label. Fine copy of the First Edition. Rare. 742 Another edition. London, Fisher, 1845 16s: Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 743 TINSLEY (William) Random Recollections of an Old Publisher. London, Simpkin, 1900 12s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. 744 TITLE-PAGES. Grolier Club. A Catalogue of a Selection of Engraved Titles and Frontispieces published in England during the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries. New York, 1898 10s. Svo. Orig. wrappers. 745 TITLE-PAGES. POLLARD (Alfred W.) Last Words on the History of the Title-Page, with notes on some Colophons and twenty-seven fac- similes of title-pages. London, J. C. Nimmo, 1891 �8 8s. 4to. Orig. buckram, paper label. No. 94 of 260 copies only. Coloured front. and facsimiles. 746 TOMLINSON (Charles) On the Invention of Printing, a Lecture delivered in the School-Room of Christ Church, St. Pancras. Printed for Private Circulation, 1865 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 747 TORY (Geof.). BERNARD (Aug.) Geofroy Tory, peintre et graveur, premier imprimeur royal reformateur de l'orthographie et de la typo- graphie sous Francois Ier, 2e edition entierement refondue. Paris, Tross, 1865 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo.. Orig. wrappers. Numerous illustrations in text, pp. 412. Contains extensive bibliography of books published by or for, and written or illustrated by Geofroy Tory, the most important figure in French printing in the 16th century. 748 - Another Copy, bound in boards, with cloth back �1 15s. Inland Telegrams---CoPTIITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 68 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 749 TOULOUSE. MACARY (M.) Etude sur l'Origine et la Propagation de l'Imprimerie a Toulouse au XVe siecle. [Paris, 18981 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from du Bull. Hist. et Philol. Com. Tray. Hist. et Scient. 750 TOURS. GIRAUDET (E.) Les Origines de l'Imprimerie a Tours (1467-1550) contenant la nomenclature des imprimeurs depuis la fin du 15e siecle jusqu'en 1850. Tours, Rouille-Ladeveze, 1881 �1 10s. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Facsimiles. 751 TRADE UNIONS. Association Libre des Compositeurs-Typo- graphes de Bruxelles Fondde en Janvier 1842. Notice, Statuts. Bruxelles, A. Mahieu et Comp, 1857 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. History of the Compositors' Trade Union of Brussels. 752 TREGUIER. DELISLE (L.) Mandements Episcopaux imprimbs a Treguier au XVe siecle. [Paris, 1900] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartes, 1900. 753 TROYES. BABEAU (Albert) Imprimeurs Libraires et Relieurs Troyens d'Autrefois, 1623-1725. [Troyes, 18841 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Annuaire de !'Aube. 754 TROYES. CORRARD DE BREBAN (M.) Recherches sur l'Establisse- ment et l'Exercice de l'Imprimerie a Troyes contenant le Nomenclature des imprimeurs de cette ville depuis la fin du XVe Sidcle jusqu'a 1789 et des Notices sur leurs productions les plus remarquables, avec facsimile et Marques typographiques, 3me edition, Revue et considerablement aug- mentee d'Apres les notes Manuscrites de l'Auteur par Olgar Thierry-Poux. Paris, Chossonnery, 1873 � 1 is. 8vo. Original wrappers, uncut and unopened. 755 TROYES. MORIN (Louis) Histoire Corporative des Artisans du Livre a Troyes. Troyes, Paul Nouel, 1900 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 306. 756 TROYES. MORIN (Louis) Histoire des Imprimeries de Troyes depuis 1789 et des Autres Imprimeries du Departement de l'Aube depuis leur fondation. Toyes, Dufour-Bouquot, 1893 10s. 6d. 8vq. Orig. wrappers, shabby. 757 TSCHASCHLAU (Woldamar de, pseud.) Essai Satirique sur les Vignettes, Fleurons, Culs-de-Lampe et Autres Ornements des Livres. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre, 1873 , 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. vellum wrappers. Frontis. Purports to be translated from the German. It is dated at end Leipzig, 1752. 758 TULLE. DUCOURTIEUX (Paul) Les Imprimeurs de Tulle a 1'Ex- position du Livre Limousin. Limoges, V. H. Ducourtieux, 1896 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph copy from the author. 759 TURNEBUS (Adr.). CLEMENT (L.) De Adriani Turnebi regii Professoris Praefationibus et Poematis. Thesim facultati litterarum in universitate Parisiensi. Parisiis, Apud A. Picard et filiurn, 1899 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Adrianus Turnebus was King's Printer as well as a great scholar. His Greek editions are finely printed. Cable A ddess---CoPTICITY, LONDON. 69 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-continued. 760 UPSALA. COLLIJN (Isak) Paul Grijs Uppsalas Forste Boktrytkare 1510-1519. Uppsala, 1921 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Uppsala UniversitetsbiblioteksMinnesskrift. 21 photographic facsimiles. 761 VALLET DE VIRIVILLE (A.) Les Inventeurs de l'Imprimerie en Allemagne. Paris, Pilletfils ain, 1858 6s. 6d. 8vo. Unbound. Extrait de la Revue de Paris. 762 VAN DER LINDE (A.) The Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing by L. J. Coster critically examined. From the Dutch by J. H. Hessels, with an Introduction and a classified list of the Costerian Incuna- bula. London, Blades, 1871 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 folding table. 763 VENICE. ONGANIA (Ferd.) L'Art de l'Imprimerie a Venise. Venise, F. Ongania, 1895-196 �3 3s. Sm. folio. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. An enormous number of illustra- tions of type, woodcuts, initials, title-pages, printers' marks, etc., etc., from Venetian books from 1469 to 1540. 764 VERARD (Antoine). BERNARD (Aug.) Antoine Verard et ses Livres a Miniatures au 15e sidcle. Paris, J. Techener, 1860 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. 765 VERARD (Ant.). MACFARLANE (John) Antoine Verard. London, Bibliog. Socy., 1900 �2 15s. 4to. Orig. boards, uncut. Numerous reproductions. 766 VERARD (Ant.). RENOUVIER (J.) Des Gravures en Bois dans les livres d'Antoine Verard, Maitre Libraire, Imprimeur, Enlumineur et Tail- leur sur bois de Paris, 1485-1512. Paris, A. Aubrey, 1859 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half black morocco. Frontis. 767 VITRY-LE-FRANCE. DENIS (Auguste) Notice sur l'Introduc- tion et 1'Exercice de l'Imprimerie dans la Ville de Vitry-le-France. [ Vitry- le-Francois, F. V. Bitsch, 1873-74] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Soc. Sci. et Arts de Vitry-le-Francois. 768 VRIES (A. de) Arguments des Allemands en Faveur de leur pr- tention 1l'Invention de l'Imprimerie. Traduit du Hollandais par J. J. F4 Noordziek. La Haye, A. D. Schinkel, 1845 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. 769 Another copy 15s. 8vo. Half calt. Bodleian Library duplicate. 770 VRIES (A. de) Eclaircissemens sur l'Histoire de 1'Invention de 1'Imprimerie. Traduit par J. J. F. Noordziek. La Haye, A. D. Schinkel, 1843 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Important contribution to the controversy on the Invention. 771 Another copy 18s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Bodleian Library duplicate. 772 WAGES. BAZIN (A.) Deux Questions ouvribres. La Revision du Tarif Typographique. La Femme et le Travail. Paris, 1862 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Inland Telegrams--COPTIClTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 70 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING-COntinued. 773 WAGES. COUTANT (-.) Du Salaire des Ouvriers Compositeurs. Tarif des prix de Main-d'Oeuvre Reponse a la brochure de M. J. Claye. Paris, Poulet-Malassis, 1861 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 774 WAGES. London Union of Compositors. The London Scale of Prices for Compositors' Work: Agreed upon April 16th, 1810, with Explanatory notes, and the scales of Leeds, York, Dublin, Belfast and Edinburgh, Second Edition. London, R. Thompson [c. 1836] �1 5s. 8vo. Cloth. 775 WAGES. Observations addressdes a M. Jules Claye A propos de sa lettre au ridacteur en chef du Courrier du Dimanche sur la Question d'Augmentation du Salaire des Compositeurs-Typographes. Paris, F. Malteste et Cie, 1861 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 776 WAGES. Societe Typographique Parisienne. Tarif Pr6sent6 par la Commission Ouvriare. Paris, 1868 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 777 WAGNER (Leopold) How to Publish a Book or Article, and How to Produce a Play: advice to Young Authors. London, G. Redway, 1898 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 778 WALES. JONES (Ifano) A History of Printing and Printers in Wales to 1810, and of Successive and related Printers to 1923. Also, A History of Printing and Printers in Monmouthshire to 1923. Cardiff, William Lewis, 1925 �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. pp. 367. 779 [WILSON (J. Farlow)] A Few Personal Recollections by An Old Printer. London, Printed for Private Circulation, 1896 8s. 6d. 8vo. Half cloth. Illustrated. The author was manager of Cassell and Co. 780 WOLF (Jo. Chris.) Monumenta Typographica, quae Artis hujus praestantissimae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt. Ham- burgi, Chris. Herold, 1740 �2 15s. 8vo, 2 vols. Vellum. pp. 1,104; 1,232; Index. An important collection of all the early treatises on printing reprinted and (where necessary) translated into Latin. 781 WOLFE (Reyn.) SAYLE (Charles) The Initial Letters of Reyner Wolfe. Illustrations for a Paper by Mr. Charles Sayle. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1914 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 782 YORK. DAVIES (Robert) A Memoir of the York Press, with notices of Authors, Printers and Stationers, in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Westminster, Nichols and Sons, 1868 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. pp. 6, 398. Cable A ddress--CoPTIcrTY, LONDON. 71 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56. PAPER AND WATERMARKS. 783 ABRIDGMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS relating to the Manufacture of Paper, Pasteboards, and Papier Mache, 1665-1857. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1858 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 784 B. (B.) The Method of Japanning Wood or Paper. [London, 1752] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Universal Magazine. 785 BERTRAMS LTD., Illustrations of Paper Mill Machinery. Edin- burgh, Bertrams Ltd., [c. 1900] 10s. 6d. 4to. Limp leather, gilt. 786 'BOHN (Henry G.) The Paper Duty Considered in reference to the action of the literature and trade of Great Britain: showing that its abolition on the terms now proposed in Parliament would be prejudicial to both. London, H. G. Bohn, 1861 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 788 BOILEAU (D.) The Art of Working in Pasteboard, upon Scientific Principles: to which is added An appendix containing directions for constructing Architectural Models: intended as a Sequel to Papyro- Plastics, or the Art of Modelling in Paper. London, Boosey and Sons, 1827 7s. 6d. Sq. 12mo. Orig. boards. 8 plates. 789 BRIQUET (C. M.) Les Anciennes Papeteries du Duch6 de Bar et quelques Filigranes Barrois de la seconde moitid du XVe Siecle. BesanGon, P. Jacquin, 1898 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 790 BRIQUET (C. M.) Associations et Groves des Ouvriers Papetiers en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sidcles. Geneve, Georg et Cie, 1897 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 791 BRIQUET (C. M.) De quelques industries nouvelles dont le Papier est la Base. Geneve, C. Schuchardt, 1885 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 792 BRIQUET (C. M.) Les Filigranes ont-ils un sens cach6 ? Une Signification mystique ou symbolique? Besancon, Jacquin, 1910 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 793 CARTONNIER et Gaufretir en Carton. Paris, 1763 8s. 6d. Folio. Boards. 2 engraved plates, with letterpress description. 794 CHABROL (L6once) La R6glementation du Travail dans l'Industrie du Papier. Paris, E. Capiomonte et Cie, 1901 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half red morocco. Numerous folded tables, etc. 795 CLAPPERTON (George) Practical Paper-Making. A Manual for Paper-Makers and owners and managers of plper mills, to which are appended useful tables, calculations, data, etc. London, Crosby Lock- wood, 1894 8s 6d.. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 8 plates. 796 EINSLE (S.) Ivory Paper. [London, 1820] 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extr. from Trans. Soc. Arts. Inland Telegrams-CoPTcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 72 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. PAPER AND WATERMARKS-Continued. 797 EVANS (Lewis) The Firm of John Dickinson and Company, Limited. With an Appendix on ancient paper making. London, Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1896 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, soiled. Portraits and plates. John Lane's copy " From the Author." 798 FARIA DE ATAIDE E MELO (Am.) 0 Papel como elemento de Identificagao. Lisboa, 1926 6s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 8 folding plates of watermarks. 799 GERBAUX (Fernand) La Papeterie de Buges en 1794. Besancon, Jacquin, 1903 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. 800 HERRING (Richard) Paper and Paper making, ancient and modern, with an Introduction by the Rev. Geo. Croly. London, Long- man, 1855 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Front. plates and 25 samples of various kinds of paper. 801 [KOOPS (Mathias)] Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas, from the earliest date to the Invention of Pap&. London, T. Burton, 1800 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, joints weak. " Printed on the first useful paper manufactured soley [sicl from straw." Wants front. The Appendix is printed on " Paper made from Wood alone." 802 LE NORMAND (L. Seb. 0.) Manuel du Fabricant de Papiers, ou de I'art de la Papeterie, suivi de l'art du Fabricant de Cartons, et de l'art du formaire. Paris, Roret, 1833-4 17s. 6d. 2 vols and atlas, 12mo and 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 17 folding plates. 803 MACNIVEN AND CAMERON. Specimen of Paper from a New Fibre, which yields a Saving of 10 to 15 per cent. in weight. Edinburgh, Macniven and Cameron, 1863 �1 is. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. The volume is composed of blank paper made from the " new fibre" referred to. 804 MARMOL (Baron F. del) Dictionnaire des Filigranes classes en groupes Alphabetiques et Chronologiques. Namur, J. Godenne, 1900 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. 114 pages of facsimile reproductions of watermarks. 805 MEYER (F. H.) Papierfabrikation und Papierhandel. Beitriige zu ihrer Geschichte besonders in Sachsen. [Leipzig, c. 1880] 6s: 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint. 806 MIERZINSKI (Stanislaus) Handbuch der practischen Papier Fabrikation. Leipzig, A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1886 10s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf, rubbed. 2 folding plates, 280 illustrations. 807 MITTINEAGUE PAPER CO. The Strathmore Quality Deckle Edge Book Papers. Strathmore Japan, Old Cloister, Strathmore, Old Stratford Alexandra. vMittineague, Mass.; Mittineague Paper Co., 1906 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 7s. 6d. 808 OLMER (Georges) Du Papier Mecanique et de ses Apprats dans les diverses impressions. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre, 1882 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Folding table. Presentation copy from the author. Cable A ddress-CoPTIcrrT, LONDON. 73 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. PAPER AND WATERMARKS-COntinued. 809 PAPER. London, 1816 7s. 6d. 4to. Unbound. 2 engraved plates and explanatory letterpress. 810 PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900. Musee R6trospectif de la Classe 88. Fabrication du Papier. Paris, 1900 14s: 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 52 illus. Important collection of reproductions of machines and watermarks. 811 PARKINSON (Richard) A Treatise on Paper, with an Outline of its Manufacture, Complete Tables of Sizes, etc., for printers and stationers. Clitheroe, R. Parkinson, 1894 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 16 actual specimens at end, illustrations in text and 2 folding plates. 812 PLANCHE (Gabriel) De l'Industrie de la Papeterie. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1853 , 17s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, gilt back. 2 large folding plates. 813 PROTEAUX (A.) Practical Guide for the Manufacture of Paper and Boards, with additions by L. S. le Normand, translated from the French with notes by Horatio Paine, to which is added a Chapter on the Manu- facture of Paper from Wood in the United States, by Henry T. Brown. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1866 16s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrated by 6 plates, containing drawings of raw materials, machinery, plans of paper mills, etc. 814 REEVES (John) On the Making of Chinese Paper. [London, 1833] 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts. 5s. 815 THE STATIONER'S HAND-BOOK and Guide to the Paper Trade. London, Groombridge and Sons, 1871 4s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 816 THE STATIONER'S HAND-BOOK and Guide to the Paper Trade, by a Stationer. London, Simpkin Marshall, 1893 6s. Small 8vo. Orig. cloth. 817 STOPPELAAR (J. H. de) Het Papier in de Nederlanden Gedurende de Middeleeuwen, Inzonderheid in Zeeland. Middelburg, J. C. and W. Altorffer, 1869 35s. 8vo. Half morocco. pp. 126. 16 plates of watermarks. Rare. 818 A VIEW AND DESCRIPTION of a Paper Mill and its implements. [London, 1762] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 engraved plate. Extract from the Universal Magazine. 819 [VOLUME containing 450 (approx.) sheets of blank paper, 121 by 10 inches, c. 18801 �1 7s. 6d. 4to. Half red morocco. 820 WATT (Alexander) The Art of Paper-Making, A Practical Hand- book of the Manufacture of Paper from Rags, Esparto, Straw, and other Fibrous Materials, including the manufacture of Pulp from Wood Fibre, with a Description of the Machinery and Appliances used, to which are added Details of Processes for Recovering Soda from Waste Liquors. London, Crosby Lockwood, 1890 15s. 8vo. Cloth. 1 folding plate and other illustrations. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 74 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION. 821 ALTDORFER (Alb.). WALDMANN (Emil.) Albrecht Altdorfer. London, Medici Society, 1923 12s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 115 reproductions, being the complete known work of the master. 822 AMMAN (Jost.). BECKER (C.) Jobst Amman, Zeichner und Form schneider, Kupferitzer und Stecher. Nebst Zusitzen von R. Weigel. Leipzig, R. Weigel, 1854 14s. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Bibliography of all the works illustrated by Amman. 17 woodcuts. 823 ANASTATIC PRINTING. COWELL (S. H.) A Brief Description of the Art of Anastatic Printing and of the uses to which it may be applied. Ipswich [c. 18601 .. 15s, 8vo. Wrappers. Illus. The whole of the pamphlet, including the letterpress, was produced by the Anastatic process. 824 ANASTATIC PRINTING. COWELL (S. H.) A Brief Description of the Art of Anastatic Printing, and of the uses to which it may be applied: with full directions for making drawings for transfer. Ipswich, S. H. Cowell, N.D.[c. 1880] 7s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 10 plates. 825 ANNALES DE LA CALCOGRAPHIE GENERALE. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-23. Paris, Chez Vallin, 1806-7 �2 2s. 8vo. Boards, leather back. 22 plates. An early periodical devoted to engravers and engraving. It was printed by Gill6 fils the typefounder, and several of the plates illustrate his specimens of cuts. Rare. 826 ANNUAIRE DE LA GRAVURE'FRAN'AISE, 1911. Paris, Societe pour 1' Etude de la Gravure Francaise, 1911 7s. Sm. 4to. Original wrappers. 4 plates, including a fine drypoint of Card. Manning by Alph. Legros. 827 THE ARTIST'S ASSISTANT in Drawing, Perspective, Etching, Engraving, Mezzotintoscraping, Painting on Glass, in Crayons, in Water- Colours, and on Silks and Satins. Containing The Easiest and most Com- prehensive Rules for the Attainment of those truly and useful and Polite Arts, Methodically digested, and adapted to the Capacities of Young Beginners. London, R. Sayer and J. Bennet, 1786 7s. 6d. 8vo. .Unbound. Frontis., 48 pp. 2 folding copperplates. 828 AUTOTYPE. SAWYER (J. R.) The Autotype Process: being A Popular Manual of Instruction in the Art of Printing in Permanent Pig- ments. London, Autotype Co., 1877 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 829 BALDINUCCI (Filippo) Cominciamento e Progresso dell' Arte dell' Intagliare in Rame colle Vite di molti de' piu eccellenti Maestri della Stessa Professione. Firenze, Gio. Batista Stecchi, 1767 15s. 4to. Half calf, or vellum. 830 BANK-NOTE ENGRAVING. ORMSBY (W. L.) A Description of the Present System of Bank-Note Engraving, showing its tendency to facilitate counterfeiting, to which is added a new method of constructing bank-notes to prevent forgery. New York, W. L. Ormsby, 1852 �2 15s. Large 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. 13 plates, g.e. Rare. Cable A ddress---CoPTICrTY, LONDON. 75 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 831 BANK-NOTE ENGRAVING. Society of Arts. Report of the Committee, together with the approved communications and evidence upon the same, relative to the mode of Preventing the Forgery of Bank- Notes. London, 1819 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds., shabby, uncut. 6 plates. Caslon and Hansard were among the witnesses. 832 BEWICK (Thomas) Catalogue of a Scarce and Curious Collection of Books and Engravings, including copies of the Histories of British Birds, Quadrupeds, and Fables of Aesop: with the entire stock and remainder of Mr. Bewick's " Memoir Written by Himself," embellished with vignettes and cuts of fishes. Also, the Household Furniture and a portion of the Silver Plate. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Davison and Son, 1884 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. with cuts by Bewick previously unpublished. 833 BEWICK (Thomas). STEPHEN S (F. G.) Notes on a Collection of Drawings and Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Rooms, 1800 ; also, a complete list of all works illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, with their various editions. London, 1881 �1 is. 4to. Calf. 32 illustrations from the original wood blocks. 834 BONNARDOT (A.) Le Pourtraict de l'Iconophile Parisien, Painct au vif. Paris, Dumoulin, 1852 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 835 BOSSE (A.) Trait6 des Manieres de graver en taille douce sur l'airain, par le moyen des Eaues fortes et des Vernix durs et mols. En- semble de la fagon d'en imprimer les planches et d'en construire la presse. [Paris, 1645] �2 2s. 8vo. Vellum. Contemporary manuscript of 191 pages. 836 BOYDELL (John) The remarkable Life and Character of Alder- man Boydell, the Father of the British Arts. [London, 1805] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Engraved portrait. Extract from Grainger's Wonderful Museum. 837 CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVINGS by the most esteemed artists, after the Finest Pictures and Drawings of the Schools of Europe: sys- tematically arranged under the Painters, and by index to the subjects : accompanied by a List of Works in Progress, or recently completed: and also of various books of Prints forming part of the Stock of Moon, Boys, and Graves. London, Mayes, 1829 17s. 6d. 8vo. Red morocco, m.e. Lettered outside " Catalogue of Hodgson, etc., Copper Plates." 838 CERCLE DE LA LIBRAIRIE. Catalogue de 1'Exposition de Gravures anciennes et modernes. Paris, 1881 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. bds., uncut. Includes articles on engraving and photographic reproduc- tion. With many illustrations and facsimiles. 839 CHIROMOLITHOGRAPHY. The Chrozmolithograph. A Journal of Art, Decoration and the Accomplishments, with which is incorporated " Nature and Art," Vol 1 (-2). London, Zorn and Co., 1868-69 �1 Is. 2 vols, large 8vo. Half calf. 148 coloured plates in Chromolithography. Inland Telegramns-CoPTncxtY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 76 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION--CO tinued. 840 CHROMOLITHOGRAPHY. HESSE (Fred.) La chromolitho- graphie et la photochromolithographie. Edition frangaise, revue et augmentde, avec 87 figures dans le texte, par Alb. Mouillet et Georges Lequatre. Paris, A. Muller, S.D. [c. 1897] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Many illustrations. 841 CICOGNARA (Leopoldo) Memorie Spettanti alla Storia della Calcografia. Prato, Frat. Giachetti, 1831 10s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Wanting the folio Atlas. 842 COLOUR PRINTING. ACHAINTRE (Albert) Etude sur les Impressions en Couleurs. Paris, A. Lahure [c. 1885] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Bds., cloth back. 1 portrait. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 843 COLOUR PRINTING. BUCKLER (John) Rievaulx Abbey in Yorkshire. Bermondsey, J. Buckler, 1810 �7 7s. Obl. folio. Aquatint engraving entirely printed in colours. Size of paper 231 by 35in. Engraved surface 161 by 231in. Magnificent copy with absolutely full margins, in mint condition. 844 COLOUR PRINTING. BURCH (R. M.) Colour Printing and Colour Printers. With a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble. London, Pitman, 1910 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 23 coloured plates. The only general history of the subject. Important and rare book. 845 COLOUR PRINTING. CRISPIN (A. T.) A Christmas Carol. London, Macmillan [c. 1860] 12s. 6d. Folio. Orig. cloth gilt. Printed in colours throughout by R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor. 846 COLOUR PRINTING. DOYLE (James R.) A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55-A.D. 1485, the designs engraved and printed in Edmund Evans. London, Longman, 1864 �1 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth gilt. Over 80 illustrations in the text printed in colours from wood blocks. 847 COLOUR PRINTING. EUCLID. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters, by Oliver Byrne. London, William Pickering [Chis- wick, Printed by C. Whittingham], 1847 �1 10s. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth, slightly defective. Printed in colours throughout. An extraordinary experiment. 848 Another copy �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Boards, cloth back, spotted. 849 COLOUR PRINTING. HAXTHAUSEN (Baron von) Transcaucasia, Sketches of the Nations and Races between the Black Sea and the Caspian. London, Chapman and Hall, 1854 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Folded map and 8 plates printed in colours by Leighton Brothers. Book illustrations by this firm's process are very scarce. 850 COLOUR PRINTING. KEBLE (J.) The Christian Year. Thoughts in Verse for the Sundtays and Holydays throughout the Year. Oxford, Parker, 1859 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Green morocco, stamped in black. Printed throughout within triple red line borders and with elaborate colour printed titles to each section. Cable Address,-*CoPTIcITY, LoNDoN. 77 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 851 COLOUR PRINTING. HOWARD (Frank) Colour as a Means of Art, being an Adaptation of the Experience of Professors to the Practice of Amateurs. London, J. Thomas, 1838 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. green cloth. 18 coloured plates in chromolithography. The Preface states : " For the method in which the plates of the present work have been executed, I am indebted to a recent improvement in Lithography made by Mr. Hullmandell. It is capable of producing more nearly the effects of painting than any other style of engraving." Important work in the development of colour printing from the litho. stone. 852 COLOUR PRINTING. " LE BLON (J. C.) L'art d'Imprimer les Tableaux. Traite d'apres les Ecrits, les Operations et les Instructions verbales. Paris, P. G. le Mercier, 1756 �8 8s. 8vo. Mottled calf, gold tooled back. 3 folding plates, one printed in colours. English and French text to the first part. Le Blon was the inventor of the method of printing in three colours from mezzotint plates and his books and prints are much sought after, and therefore very scarce. 853 COLOUR PRINTING. LOCKHART (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantical, translated with Notes. London, John Murray, 1856 �1 2s. 6d. 4to. Original cloth. Portrait and numerous illustrations. Printed within coloured borders throughout, and with illuminated titles, by Owen Jones. A fine specimen of colour printing by Bradbury and Evans. 854 COLOUR PRINTING. MORRIS (Rev. M. C. F.) Francis Orpen Morris, a Memoir. London, John C. Nimmo, 1897 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait and illustrations. Includes an account of Benjamin Fawcett, of Driffield, the colour printer. 855 COLOUR PRINTING. MUNSELL (Prof. A. H.) A Grammar of Color: arrangements of Strathmore Papers in a Variety of Printed Color Combinations according to the Munsell Color System, with an introduction by Prof. A. H. Munsell, and explanatory text, with diagrams illustrating the application of the System to work in the Graphic Arts, by T. M. Cleland. Mittineague, Mass., Strathmore Paper Company, 1921 18s. 6d. 2 parts, sin. folio. Boards, cloth back. Numerous coloured plates and specimens of coloured papers. 856 COLOUR PRINTING. [NICOLAS (Sir Harris)] The Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdoms, and of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, together with the Medals, Clasps and Crosses. [London, c. 1844] �4 10s. 4to. Half morocco. 20 plates in colours by Geo. Baxter (C. Lewis, 108-110; 112-127). This may want an engraved front. and one other print (C. Lewis, 107 and 111), but they are not mentioned on the printed list of plates. 857 COLOUR PRINTING. NOBLE (Frederick) The Principles and Practice of Colour Printing stated and explained. London, "Printers' Register," 1881 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 50 coloured plates. 858 COLOUR PRINTING. SAVAGE (William) Improvements in Block Printing in imitation of Coloured Drawings. [London, 1825] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Socy. Arts. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcIrY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 78 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-COntinued. 859 COLOUR PRINTING. SAVAGE (William) Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with Illustrations engraved on wood and printed in colours at the Type Press. London, Longman, 1822 �1 5s. 4to. Half roan. An imperfect copy containing pp. 53-118, the Index and 23 plates mostly printed in colours. Several of the most important plates are included. 860 COLOUR PRINTING. SHELDON (Frederick M.) The Practical Colorist. A Pathfinder for the Artist Printer. Burlington, Vt., The Owl Press, 1900 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Coloured frontis. and numerous specimens in black and colours on white and coloured papers. 861 COLOUR PRINTING. WHITE (Frank H.) Christ in the Taber- nacle. With some Remarks on the offerings. London, S. W. Partridge and Co., 1873 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, g.e. 12 Chromo-Lithographs by W. Dickes. This edition not in Docker's Dickes. 862 DELABORDE (Henri) Le Departement des Estampes a la Biblio- thique Nationale. [Paris, 1872] 7s. 6d. 8vo, 3 parts. Wrappers, uncut and unopened. Extract from Revue des Deux Mondes. 863 DELABORDE (Henri) La Gravure: Precis Elimentaire de ses origines, de ses procedds et de son Histoire. Paris, A. Quantin, [c. 1890] 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illus. 8s. 6d. 864 DELTEIL (Ioys) Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes des XIXe et XXe siecles (1801-1924). Paris, Dorbon-Aine, 1925 �2 2s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. 158 reproductions. Indispensable manual for the Collector of Modern Engravings. 865 DUCHESNE. Voyage d'un Iconophile Revue des Principaux Cabinets d'Estampes, Bibliotheques et Musees d'Allemagne, de Hollande, et d'Angleterre. Paris, Heideloff et Camp, 1834 12s. 6d. 8vo. Original wrappers, uncut. 418 pp. 866 DUPLESSIS (Georges) Les Merveilles de la Gravure. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1871 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, gilt. Illustrated. 867 -- Another copy, orig. wrappers, broken 7s. 6d. 868 DUPLESSIS (Georges) The Wonders of Engraving. London, Sampson Low [c. 1890] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 34 wood engravings by P. Sellier. Used copy. 869 DURER (A.) RETBERG (R. v.) Diirer's Kupferstiche und Holz- schnitte: ein kritisches Verzeichnis. Theodor Ackermann, Munich, 1871 �1 5s. Large 8vo. With two facsimile reproductions. Red cloth. William Bell Scott's copy, with his bookplate and pencil notes.: A catalogue of Diirer's engraved work, giving a detailed description of each specimen, references to Bartsch and Heller, dimensions, watermarks, and location of original drawing (if any) and states (if any). An appendix of doubtful works and classified tables giving numbers of this catalogue, Bartsch and Heller, date, signature, watermark, etc. Cable A ddress--CoPTCTY, LONDON. 79 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 870 ELECTROTYPING. URQUHART (J. W.) Electro-Typing: A Practical Manual, forming a new and systematic guide to the reproduction and multiplication of Printing surfaces and works of art by the Electro- Deposition of metals. London, Crosby Lockwood and Co., 1881 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrations. 871 ETCHING. HAMERTON (P. G.) The Etcher's Handbook, giving an Account of the Old Processes and of Processes recently discovered. Re- vised and augmented. London, C. Robertson and Co., 1881 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrated with etchings by the author. 872 ETCHING. MARTIAL (A. P.) Nouveau Traiti de la Gravure A 1'Eau-forte pour les peintres et les dessinateurs. Paris, A. Cadart, 1873 10s. Large 8vo. Orig. covers, uncut. With 9 etchings illustrating the process. Wants sewing. 873 EVIDENCE relating to the Art of Engraving taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Arts, 1836: reprinted, together with the petition of engravers which led to that evidence being taken. To which is prefixed a brief account of the connexion of engraving with the Royal Academy of Arts of London. Illustrated with notes. London, Longman, 1836 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 874 GILLOT (Firmin) Paniconographie de Gillot. Prospectus-Specimen. Explications sur la nature et les applications diverses de la Paniconogra- phie, pour MM. les typographes et MM. les 6diteurs, libraires et autres personnes. Paris, 1852 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. A new process for obtaining reproductions in relief. 875 [GILPIN (William)] An Essay upon Prints: containing remarks upon the principles of picturesque beauty : the different kinds of prints: and the characters of the most noted Masters : illustrated by criticisms upon particular pieces: to which are added, some Cautions that may be useful in collecting prints. London, G. Scott, 1768 10s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, back shabby. Levis Bibliog. of Eng. Works on Engraving describes this work as " one of the land-marks in the history of print collecting in England." 876 -- Another edition. 1781 8s. 6d. 877 Another edition. 1802 12s. 6d" 878 GLYPHOGRAPHY. PALMER (Edward) Glyphography, or En- graved Drawing, for Printing at the Type Press after the manner of wood- cuts, with full directions for the Use of Artists, Engravers, and Amateurs, and Specimen Illustrations. London, Edward Palmer's Patent [1844] Large 8vo. Half roan. Numerous plates. 17s. 6d. 879 GRAPHOTYPING CO. The Handbook of Graphotype, a Practi- cal Guide for Artists and Amateurs. London [c. 1865] '15s. 8vo. Unbound. :Numerous specimen plates and illustrations, some in colours. The process was known later as the Chalk Plate process. Inland .Telegrams--CoI'TrcTY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 80 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-COntinued. 880 GRAVURE en Taille-Douce, en Maniere Noire, Maniere de Crayon, etc. (Gravure en Pierre Fines.-Gravure en Lettres, en Geographie et en Musique.-Gravure en Medailles et en Cachet.-Gravure en Bois.) [Paris, 1767] 17s. 6d. 5 pts. in 1, folio. Boards. 22 engraved plates, with descriptive letterpress. 881 GRAVURE en Lettres (en Topographie, Semie-Topographie, G6o- graphie et Musique). [Paris, 1790] 7s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. 2 double plates on map and music engraving. 882 HADEN (Sir Francis Seymour) The Relative claims of Etching and Engraving to rank as fine arts, and to be represented as such in the Royal Academy of Arts. London, Metchim and Son, 1883 �1 is. 8vo. Cloth. 8 illustrations on four plates, 1 folding etching inserted. Bound with :-Haden (F. S.) The Disposal of the Dead : a plea for Legislation, and a protest against Cremation. London, Bemrose and Sons, 1888. 883 HALLE (J.) [Auction] Catalogue of Fine Engravings of the early English School-Fine collection of 18th Century French Prints, many in colours-Old Sporting Prints. Munich, J. Halle, 1911 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 126 plates. 884 [HEINECKEN (K. H. v.)] Idee Genrale d'une Collection complette d'Estampes. Avec une Dissertation sur l'origine de la Gravure et sur les premiers Livres d'Images. Leipsic et Vienne J. P. Kraus, 1771 �2 2s. 8vo. Calf, joints weak, gilt back. 3 folding plates. One of the most important books on the history of engraving. Special sections deal with the invention of Printing at Mainz, Playing Cards, Block Books, etc. 885 HIEROGLYPHIC BIBLE. Being a careful selection of the most Interesting and Important Passages in the Old and New Testaments: .regularly arranged from Genesis to Revelations. London, Field and Tuer, 1888 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. Embellished and illustrated with hundreds of engravings on wood. Originally published in 1819. 886 HOGARTH (William). NICHOLS (J.) Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth, and a Catalogue of his works chronologically arranged with occasional remarks. London, J. Nichols, 1781 16s. 8vo. Tree calf, joints weak, corners damaged. 887 HUBER (M.) Notices Generales des Graveurs Divises par Nations, et des Peintres Ranges par Ecoles. Priciddes de L'Histoire de la Gravure et de la Peinture depuis l'Origine de ces arts jusqu'a nos jours, et Suivies d'un Catalogue Raisonnd d'une collection Choisie d'estampes. Dresde et d Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1787 15s. 2. vols in 1. Half calf. Lacks frontis. 888 HYMANS (Henri) Histoire de la Gravure dans l'Ecole de Rubens. Bruxelles, J. Olivier, 1879 ls 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, loose. 5 plates in facsimile. 889 ILLUSTRATION. PENNELL (Joseph) The Illustration of Books, a Manual for the use of students ; notes for a course of lectures at the Slade School, University College. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1896 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Cable Address--CoPTxcITY, LONDON. 81 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION---continued. 890 LANDSEER (John) Lectures on the Art of Engraving delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London, Longman, 1807 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. 14s. 6d. 891 LEWIS (Edward) [Specimens of his method of producing heraldic illustrations by moveable types, with an autograph letter to the Duke of Bedford.] 1849 17s. 6d. Unbound. A curious.attempt to avoid the cost of engraving. 892 LITHOGRAPHY. ABRAHAM (W.) Lithography in India: being a few practical hints for the Indian Amateur. Bombay, Chesson and Woodhall, 1864 15s. 8vo. Orig. limp cloth. Frontis. and 3 plates. Rare. With autograph letter from author inserted. 893 LITHOGRAPHY. ACKERMANN (R.) Description of a portable Lithographic Press, the invention of M. Senefelder. [London, 1820] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 plate. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 37, 1820. 894 LITHOGRAPHY. ANDRE (P. H.) Portrait engraved by J. Basire after Ecstein of Mr. Philip H. Andre, the first Polyautographic Printer in England. 1801 7s. 6d. 8vo. Portrait from Gentleman's Mag., 1808. The first productions of the litho- graphic press in this country were issued in 1803 by the Polyautographic Society. 895 LITHOGRAPHY. Bilder A.B.C. Carlsruhe, P. Wagner [c. 1835] 10s. 6d. 4to. Red roan, rubbed. 26 litho. plates, each with many figures illustrating a letter of the alphabet. 896 LITHOGRAPHY. DELPECH (F.) Album Lithographique. Inm- primerie lithographique, 1818. Paris, 1818 �2 10s. Folio. Fine polished calf, rebacked, gilt back and borders, g.e. 20 plates, spotted. 897 LITHOGRAPHY. ENGELMANN (G.) Manuel du Dessinateur Lithographe ou Description des meilleurs moyens A employer pour faire des dessins sur pierre dans tous les genres connu. Paris, Engelmann et Cie, 1830 �1 5s. 8vo. Quarter brown morocco. 13 plates. Fine fresh copy. 898 LITHOGRAPHY.-ENGELMANN (G.) Trait6 thdorique et pratique de Lithographie. Mulhouse [1839-40] �2 2s. 4to. Orig. boards, rubbed. 1 portrait and 50 plates. pp. 468. 899 LITHOGRAPHY. Every Man His Own Printer, or Lithography Made Easy, being an Essay upon Lithography in all its Branches, showing more particularly, the advantages of the " Patent Autographic Press." London, Waterlow and Sons, 1854 18s, 6d. Imp. 8vo. Orig. green cloth. Port. and 9 plates. Fresh copy. 900 LITHOGRAPHY. Every Man his Own Printer, or Lithography Made Easy, being an essay upon Lithography in all its branches, showing more particularly the advantages of the " Patent Autographic Press." London, Waterlow and$oSons [1856] 15s. Imp. 8vo. Orig. green cloth. Port. and 9 plates. Fresh copy. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 82 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT .RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.I. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION- continued. 961 LITHOGRAPHY. FOUQUE (Charles) Note sur l'Origine de la Lithographie en France. [Paris, 1899] 7s. 6d. 8vo. 1 plate. Extract from Reunion des Soc. des Beaux-Arts des Depts., 1899. 902 LITHOGRAPHY. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. New York, 1896 10s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 903 LITHOGRAPHY. HULLMANDEL (C.) The Art of Drawing on Stone, giving a full explanation of the various Styles of the different methods to be employed to Ensure Success, and of the Modes of Correcting as well as of the several Causes of Failure. London, C. Hullmandel [1824] Large 8vo. Orig. litho. boards. 19 plates. �1 Is. 904 LITHOGRAPHY. HULLMANDEL (C.) Art of Drawing on Stone, giving a full explanation of the Various Styles of the different methods to be employed to ensure success and of the modes of correcting as well as of the several causes of failure. London, Longman and Co., 1833 �1 Is. Large Svo. Half roan. 19 plates. Name on title. Good copy. 905 LITHOGRAPHY. HULLMANDEL (C.) Lithography on German Stone. [London, 1820] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Socy. Arts. 906 LITHOGRAPHY. The Lithographer, Vol I. London, 1870-71 16s. 6d. 4to. Boards, cloth back. Nos. 1-13, July 1st, 1870, to July 6th, 1871. 907 LITHOGRAPHY. LORILLEUX (Ch. et Cie) Traitd de Litho- graphie, Histoire, Thdorie, Pratique. Paris, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie, 1889 4to. Orig. wrappers. Numerous illustrations. 16S. 6d. 908 LITHOGRAPHY. MAIRET (F.) Notice sur la Lithographie, deuxieme edition suivie d'un Essai sur la Reliure et le blanchiment des livres et Gravures. Chatillon-sur-Seine, C. Cornillac, 1824 �2 2s. 12mo. Quarter morocco. 5 plates. A rare early lithographic item. 909 LITHOGRAPHY. MARTIN (R.) A Specimen of Ink Lithography. Designed, Drawn on Stone, Printed and Published at R. Martin's Establish- ment, 124, High Holborn, Jan., 1832 12s. 6d. Single sheet, folio. India paper on mount. 910 LITHOGRAPHY. .NETHERCLIFT (Joseph) Improved Method of making Lithographic Transfers. [London, 1829] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts. 911 LITHOGRAPHY. The Parthenon. A Magazine of Art and Literature. Nos. 1-16, 1825-6 [all published]. London, 1826 �2 15s. Large 8vo. Calf, rebacked. Very rare. This curious magazine was, for the whole of the fiist 5 numbers 'arid for considerable portions of the rest, entirely printed from stdne at the Typolithographic Press. It purports to be, and probably was, the first instance of letterpress being transferred to and printed from stone. The same effect is produced to-day by a totally different process, rotary photogravure. Cable- A ddress---COPTICITY, LONDON. 83 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-COnttnued. 912 LITHOGRAPHY. RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE (A.) A Manual of Lithography, or Memoir of the Lithographical Experiments made in Paris at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges, translated by C. Hullmandel, 2nd edition. London, Rodwell and Martin, 1821. 12s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, shabby. 2 folding plates. 913 LITHOGRAPHY. RICHMOND (W. D.) The Grammar of Litho- graphy. A Practical Guide for the Artist and Printer in Commercial and Artistic Lithography, and Chromolithography, Zincography, Photo- Lithography, and Lithographic Machine Printing. London, Wyman and Sons, 1878 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. First edition of the best English handbook of the art. 914 LITHOGRAPHY. SMITH (Robert) Discovery of Lithographic Limestone in India. [London, 1836] 4s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts. 915 LITHOGRAPHY. STRAKER (C.) Instructions in the Art of Lithography. London, B. Winstone, 1867 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 6 coloured progress plates illustrating chromo-lithography. 916 LOSTALOT (A. de) Les Proc6ddes de la Gravure. Paris, A. Quantin [c. 1890] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Fully illustrated. All the methods of engraving and photographic reproduction are described and illustrated. 917 LOWELL (John A., and Co.) [An Album containing 170 specimens of Steel Plate engraved cards by the process Messrs. Lowell]. Boston, 1879-1800 �1 17s. 6d. Folio. Half blue morocco. A fine collection of specimens of this interesting process of reproduction. 918 MARLY (L. I. de) L'Art de la Gravure. Paris, A. Charles, 1903 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 919 MEADOWS (Robert Mitchell) Three Lectures on Engraving, delivered at the Surrey Institution in the year 1809. London, M. Meadows, 1811 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, shabby. Rare. 920 MEZZOTINT. Manchester Whitworth Institute. Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Mezzotints, by 17th and 18th Century Engravers. Printed and Pub. for the Governors, 1910 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Name on title. Used copy. 24 full-page plates. 921 MEZZOTINT. SALAMAN (Malcolm C.) Old English Mezzotints. Edited by Charles Holme. London, The Studio, 1910 �1 15s. 4to. Half blue calf, gold tooled back. 128 plates. 922 MORGHEN (Raff.). PALMERINI (Nic.) Opere d'Intaglio del Cav. Raffaello Morghen. Firenze, N. Pagni ( Impressa in Pisa co' Caratteri di Didot), 1824 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half cloth. 154 pp. Large Paper copy. 3 curious plates inserted at end, I portrait. Inland Telegrams---CoPTIrITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 84 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-COntinued. 923 NIELLI. DUCHESNE (-) Essai sur les Nielles, gravures des Or- fevres Florentins du 15e siecle. Paris, Merlin, 1826 �1 Is. 8vo. Dark stained calf, gilt. Bound with a copy of the letterpress of Cicognara's Memorie spettanti alla storia della Calcografia. Prato, Giachetti, 1831. 924 NEVILL (Ralph) British Military Prints. London, The Connois- seur Publishing Co., 1909 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. Numerous plates and 14 coloured plates. 925 OTTLEY (William Young) An Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving, upon Copper and in Wood, with an Account of En- gravers and their works from the invention of Chalcography by Maso Finiguerra, to the time of Marc' Antonio Raimondi. London, J. and A. Arch, 1816 �4 10s. 2 vols, 4to. Boards, uncut. 22 plates in facsimile and illus. in the text. 926 PASSAVANT (J. D.) Le Peintre-Graveur. Contenant l'histoire de la gravure sur bois, sur m6tal, et au burin jusqud vers la fin du 16e siecle. L'histoire du nielle avec complement de la partie descriptive de l'Essai sur les Nielles de Duchesne aind, et Un Catalogue suppl6mentaire aux estampes du 15 et 16 sidcles, du Peintre-Graveur de Adam Bartsch. Leipsic, Weigel, 1860-64 [Facsimile Reprint, recent] �3 10s. 8vo, 6 vols bound in 3. Boards, cloth back. Plates of Monograms. 927 PERKINS, FAIRMAN AND HEATH. Siderographic process for multiplying copies of Engravings, particularly with a view to the preven- tion of Forgery. [London, 1821-26] 10s. 8vo. Wrappers. 2 plates. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vols 38-43, 1821-26. 928 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. CHRISTIAN (Arthur) L'Illus- tration du Livre et sa simili-gravure polytramde de Charles Petit. [Paris, c. 1900] 6s. 6d. Large 8vo. Wrappers. Plates. Extract from Les Parisiens de Paris. 929 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. FERRAND (H.) Essai d'Etude sur les Procedes d'Illustration. Gre oble, F. Brotel & Cie., 1899 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 930 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. HAUGK (Fritz) Das Licht- paus-Verfahren. Dusseldorf, E. Liesegang [1875] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Illus. 931 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. MARKL (A.) Die neuesten Fortschritte der Phototypie (Lichtdruck) oder praktische Anleitung, mit miglichst wenig Kosten und Apparaten, druckfahige Glasbilder zu erzeu- gen, und dieselben mittelst Druck einer gewbhnlichen Satinirmaschine, auf Papier beliebig zu Vervielfiiltigen. Prag, H. G. Steinhauser, 1870 �1 5s. 8vo. Limp boards, loose. A rare early work on Collotype. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 932 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. Roux (V.) Trait& Pratique de la Transformation des Negatifs en Positifs servant a l'H6liogravure et aux Agrandissements. Paris, Gauthier- Villars, 1881 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Cable Address--CoPTICTY, LONDON. 85, GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION--Continued. 933 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. VINE (Charles J.) Hints on Drawing for Process Reproduction. London, Lechertier, Barbe and Co., 1895 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Plates. 934 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. WATERHOUSE (J.) Practical Notes on the Preparation of Drawings for Photographic Reproduction: with a Sketch of the Principal Photo-Mechanical Printing Processes. London, Kegan Paul, 1890 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. and 3 folding plates. 935 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING. WOOD (Sir H. Trueman) Modern Methods of Illustrating Books. London, Elliot Stock, 1887 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 936 PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Fifth Annual Exhibition of Photo- graphs and Daguerreotypes at No. 1, New Coventry Street, Piccadilly, W. (Exhibition of Photographs and Daguerreotypes at the South Kensington Museum, Fifth Year). London, Taylor and Francis, 1858 �1 5s. 4to. Boards. Orig. wrappers bound with both catalogues. Rare. Each entry gives the process used and the name of the photographer. 937 PHOTOGRAPHY. ABNEY (W. de Wiveleslie) A Treatise on Photography. London, Longmans, 1881 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations. 938 PHOTOGRAPHY. ARCHER (Frederick Scott) A Manual of the Collodion Photographic Process. London, 1852 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 999 PHOTOGRAPHY. ARCHER (Frederick Scott) The Collodion Process on Glass. London, Printed for the Author, 1854 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 940 PHOTOGRAPHY. CLAUDET (M.) The Progress and Present State of the Daguerreotype Art. [London, 1843] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 55, 1843. 941 PHOTOGRAPHY. COOPER' (J. T.) Preparation of Photogenic Paper. [London, 1839] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 52, 1839. Published within the first year of the invention of Photography. 942 PHOTOGRAPHY. HUNT (Robert) Photography: A Treatise on the Chemical Changes Produced by Solar Radiation, and the Production of Pictures from Nature, by the Daguerreotype, Calotype, and other Photographic Processes. London, J. J. Griffin and Co., 1851 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illus. 943 PHOTOGRAPHY. HUNT (Robert) A Manual of Photography. London and Glasgow, R. Griffin and Co., 1854 9s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Coloured frontis., illus. 944 PHOTOGRAPHY. MENTIENNE (-) La Dcouverte de la Photo- graphie en 1839. Description du Proced6 faite aux Chambres Legisla- tives par Daguerre. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1892 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 6 plates. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 86 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 945 PHOTOGRAPHY. THORNTHWAITE (W. H.) A Guide to Photo- graphy, containing simple and concise directions for obtaining Views, Portraits, etc., by the action of light on prepared surfaces of Paper, Glass and Metal, including the Calotype, Daguerreotype, and the Improved Processes with Collodion, Albumen, and Waxed Paper. London, Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood, 1852 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Illus. 946 PLAYING CARDS. CARTIER. Paris, 1763 8s. 6d. Folio. Boards or wrappers. 6 engraved plates, with letterpress descriptions. 947 PLAYING CARDS. CARTIER. [Paris, 1790] 6s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. 6 engraved plates illustrating the manufacture of playing cards. 948 PORTRAITS. APIN (Sigmund Jacob) Anleitung wie man die Bildniisse beriihmter und gelehrter Minner mit Nutzen sammlen und denen dagegen gemachten Einwendungen grundlich begegnen soll. Nurnberg, A. J. Felssecker, 1728 12s. 6d, 8vo. Boards. Frontis. 6 plates of engravers' marks, front. pasted down. 949 PORTRAITS. DIDOT (Ambroise Firmin) Les Graveurs de Por- traits en France. Catalogue raisonn6 de la collection des portraits de l'Ecole frangaise appartenant a A. F. Didot. Preced6 d'une introduction. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1875-77 �1 10s. 8vo, 2 vols. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Catalogue of one of the finest collections of French engraved portraits ever brought together. With full indexes and biographies of the engravers. 950 PORTRAITS. FLINDALL (John Morris) The Amateur's Pocket Companion; or, a description of scarce and valuable engraved British portraits. Also of the rare or curious books as mentioned in the works of Granger, Bromley, Noble, etc. With notes, including prices and descriptions. London, J. M. Flindall, 1813 16s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards, uncut. Name on title. 951 PORTRAITS. TIFFIN (Walter F.) Catalogue of a Collection of English Portraits in Mezzotint (from the origin of that style of engraving to the end of the 18th century). (Addenda No. 2.) Salisbury, Bennett, 1883 . �1 5s. Large 8vo, 2 parts. Orig. wrappers. Photo. front. Autograph presentation inscription to Sir Geo. Scharf. Only a few copies printed for private circulation. Addenda No. 1 is printed as part of the original volume. 952 PORTRAITS. TIFFIN (Walter F.) Gossip about Portraits. Prin- cipally engraved portraits. London, H. G. Bohn, 1866 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 953 PORTRAITS. THOMAS (T. H.) French Portrait Engraving of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries. London, J. Bell, 1910 17s. 6d. 4to. Cloth gilt. Frontis. and plates. 954 PORTRAITS. VAN DYCK (Sir Ant.) Catalogue des Estampes Anciennes qui composent le Magasin de Hermann Weber. Premiere Partie. Portraits graves par et apres Antoine Van Dyck. Bonn, 1852 8vo. Hf. mor. MS. notes. pp. 128. 10s. 6d. Cable Address-CoPTICrTY, LONDON. 87 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION--Continued. 955 PRINTSELLERS' ASSOCIATION. An Alphabetical List of Engravings declared at the Office of The Printsellers' Association, London, since its establishment in 1847 to the end of 1891. London, 1892 �1 10s. 4to. Half dark morocco. The official catalogue of all prints published, with full particulars of size, price, etc. 956 RAIMBACH (Abr.). RAIMBACH (M. T. S.) Memoirs and Recollec- tions of the late Abraham Raimbach, Esq., Engraver, including a Memoir of Sir David Wilkie, R.A. London, F. Shoberl, 1843 10s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. 1 portrait. " Not Published." Rare. 957 REID (George William) Works of the Italian Engravers of the Fifteenth Century reproduced in facsimile by Photo-Intaglio, with an introduction by George William Reid, F.S.A., with letterpress descrip- tions of the works illustrated, and copious extracts from the text of the Poems. First Series, Illustrations: II Libro del Monte Sancto di Dio, 1477; La Divina Commedia of Dante, 1481; and the Triumphs of -Petrarch. London, Quaritch, 1884 �2 2s. Folio. Morocco roxburgh. 19 fine plates. 958 REPERTORIUM SCULPTILE-TYPICUM: or a Complete Collection and Explanation of the Several Marks and Cyphers by which the Prints of the best Engravers are distinguished, with an Alphabetical Index to their Names, Places of Abode, and Times in which they lived. Translated from the Abcedario Pittorico of Pellegrini Antonio Orlandi. London, S. Harding, 1730 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. Numerous facsimile marks. 959 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). WHEATLEY (Edmund) A Descriptive Catalogue of all the Prints with the engraver's names and dates which have been engraved from original portraits and pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, E. Wheatley, 1825 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds. 960 REMBRANDT.-Catalogue raisonni de toutes les estampes qui forment l'ceuvre de Rembrandt et des principales pieces de ses e6lves. Compos6 par les sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver: corrigde et augment6e par M. le Chev. de Claussin. Paris, Didot, 1824 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, some pp. spotted. 961 REMBRANDT. MIDDLETON (Rev. Chas. Henry) Notes on the Etched Work of Rembrandt, with special reference to the recent Exhibition in the Gallery of the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1877. London, John Wilson, 1877 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 962 SCULPTOR. Account of the Curious Art of Engraving, Etching and Cutting in Wood. [London, 1748] 7s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 engraved folding plate. Extract from the Universal Magazine. 963 SCULPTURA-HISTORICO-TECHNICA: or, The History and Art of Ingraving. Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Comte, Faithorne, the Abcedario Pittorico, and other authors. London, S. Harding, 1747 12s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, gilt. 10 plates. 964 Another edition. London, N. Marks, 1770 10s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, front cover loose. 10 plates. Inland Telegrams--CoPTICrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 88 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION--continued. 965 SINGER (Hans W.) and STRANG (William) Etching, Engraving and the other methods of Printing Pictures. London, Kegan Paul, 1897 �5 5s. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth, back faded. 10 original plates by, and 4 illustrations after William Strang. A rare book of great technical value apart from the fine engravings by Strang. 966 STEEL ENGRAVING. LUPTON (Thomas) Engraving in Mezzo- tinto on Steel. [London, 1823] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. 3 pp. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 40, 1823. 967 STEEL ENGRAVING. TURRELL (Edmund) Menstruum for Biting-in on Steel Plates. [London, 1824] 4s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Socy. Arts. 968 STEEL ENGRAVING. WARREN (C.) Improvements in the Art of Engraving on Steel. [London, 1823] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers, pp. 8. Extract from Trans. Soc. Arts, Vol 41, 1823. 969 STENCILLING. Supplementum Antiphonarii Romani ad usum Chori Abbatiae B.M.V. de Voormezeele. Voormezeele, 1779 �10 Large folio. Calf. This most extraordinary work is entirely produced, music, initials, etc., by the process of stencilling. There does not appear to be any record of similarly produced works. Many colours are used. The artist's name is H. de Myttenaere. 970 WALPOLE (Horace, Lord Orford) A Catalogue of Engravers who have been born, or resided in England, digested from the MSS. of Mr. George Vertue,'to which is added An Account of the Life and Works of the latter. London, J. Dodsley, 1786 10s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, front cover loose. 971 WALPOLE (Horace) A Catalogue of Engravers who have been born, or resided in England, digested from the MSS. of Mr. George Vertue, to which is added an account of the life and works of the latter. London, J. Moore, 1794 6s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, shabby, uncut. 972 WOOD ENGRAVING. BAROUX (Eugene) Application de la Photographie a la Gravure sur Bois. Paris, chez l' Auteur, 1863 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Rare. Not in the St. Bride Catalogue. 973 WOOD ENGRAVING. BUSSET (Maurice) La Technique moderne du Bois Grave et les proc6dds anciens des xylographes du XVIe siecle et des maitres graveurs japonais, recueillis et mis a la porte des artistes et des amateurs. Edition ornee de bois graves par l'auteur et de nom- breuses reproductions de gravures de maitres. Paris, Delagrave, 1925 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 63 illus. 12s. 6d. 974 WOOD ENGRAVING. C. (F.) La Xilografia ovvero 1'Arte di disegnare su legno col trasportarvi ogni sorta di stampe. Napoli, da' Torchi del Tramater, 1834 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 975 WOOD ENGRAVING. CRAWHALL (Joseph) George Barnwel, Newlie sett foorth and adorn'd with Sculptures, curiously engraven by J. C. London, Field and Tuer, 1883 8s. 6d. 4to. Half bound. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 89 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 976 WOOD ENGRAVING. CRAWHALL (Joseph) Impresses Quaint. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Mawson, 1889 17s. 6d. 4to. Boards, linen back. 300 copies only. Crawhall cut the style of the early chap-books very successfully. 977 WOOD ENGRAVING. CUNDALL (Joseph) A Brief History of Wood-Engraving from its Invention. London, S. Low, 1895 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations and facsimiles. 978 WOOD ENGRAVING. DALZIEL (George and Edward) The Brothers Dalziel. A Record of fifty years' work in conjunction with many of the most distinguished artists of the period, 1840-1890. London, Methuen and Co., 1901 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. cloth. Numerous illustrations. 979 WOOD ENGRAVING. DIDOT (Ambroise Firmin) Essai Typo- graphique et Bibliographique sur l'Histoire de la Gravure sur Bois. Paris, 1863 16s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. 980 Another copy. Paris, 1863 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Presentation copy from author to Edouard Fournier, with autograph inscription. 981 WOOD ENGRAVING. DODD (William) Specimens of Early Wood Engraving, being impressions of woodcuts in the possession of the publisher. Newcastle, W. Dodd, 1862 �3 4to. Orig. roan roxburgh, t.e.g., wants rebacking. Only 100 copies printed. This collection of woodblocks originated with John White, printer, of York, and afterwards of Newcastle, where he strated the Newcastle Courant in 1711. Thomas Saint, T. Angus, Geo. Angus, and E. Charnley, the successive owners, added to it from time to time. At the end will be found several from the graver of Bewick and his school. 982 WOOD ENGRAVING. DODGSON (Campbell) Drei Studien. Wien, F. Ternmpsky, 1910 8s. 6d. Folio. Cloth. Reprint from the Jahrb. der Kunst-Samml. Several reproductions of early woodcuts. 983 WOOD ENGRAVING. GILKS (Thomas) The Art of Wood En- graving. A Practical Handbook. London, Windsor and Newton, 1866 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Frontis. First edition. Rare. 10s. 6d. 984 Another edition. 1871 8s. 6d. 985 Another edition. 1881 8s. 6d. 986 WOOD ENGRAVING. GILKS (Thomas) A- Sketch of the origin and progress of the art of Wood-engraving, with a chapter explanatory of a box of materials used in the process to accompany the book. London, A. N. Myers and Co., 1868 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Portraits, plates and illustrations. 987 WOOD ENGRAVING. GLASER (Curt) Der Holzschnitt von seinen Anf~ingen im XV. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin, Bruno Cassirer, 1920 6s. 8vo. Cloth. 16 illustrations. 988 WOOD ENGRAVING. Gravure en Bois. [Paris, 1767] 9s. Folio. Wrappers. 3 plates illustrating the processes of engraving on wood.. Inland Telegrams---CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 90 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 989 WOOD ENGRAVING. HARVEY (William) Proof Illustrations to Northcote's Fables : and of the Ornamental Letters and Vignettes. Lon- don, Geo. Lawford, 1828 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. boards, slightly spotted. The beauty of these cuts is very much more apparent in these proofs than in the book as published. Very rare. 990 WOOD ENGRAVING. JACKSON (John) and CHATTO (W. A.) A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. London, C. Knight and Co., 1839 �2 2s. Large 8vo. Half calf. With upwards of 300 illustrations engraved on wood, including the Baxter print of Ovingham Parsonage. 991 WOOD ENGRAVING. JACKSON (John) A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical, with upwards of three hundred illus- trations engraved on wood, the Historical Portion by W. A. Chatto, with a new chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, by Henry G. Bohn, and 145 additional wood engravings. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1861 �1 15s. Large 8vo. Half morocco, gold tooled back, slightly rubbed. Frontis., many illus- trations in the text. 992 WOOD ENGRAVING. JANSEN (H.) Essai sur 1'Origine de la Gravure en Bois et en Taille-Douce et sur la Connoissance des Estampes des 15e et 16e siacles. Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 16s. 6d. 8vo, 2 vols. Half bd. Wanting the plates. This work contains considerable in- formation on Paper, Writing, Watermarks, Signatures, etc., in addition to the main subject. 993 WOOD ENGRAVING. LINTON (W. J.) The History of Wood- Engraving in America. London, George Bell and Sons, 1882 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards, cloth back, rubbed. Numerous illustrations. 994 WOOD ENGRAVING. LINTON (W. J.) Some Practical Hints on Wood-Engraving for the Instruction of Reviewers and the Public. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1879 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 4 plates and illus. 995 WOOD ENGRAVING. Penny Magazine. One Hundred and Fifty Wood Cuts, selected from " The Penny Magazine " : worked, by the printing-machine, from the original blocks. London, Charles Knight, 1835 �1 5s. Folio. Orig. cloth, g.e. The impressions appearing in the Penny Magazine were from stereotypes. These from the original blocks are much finer. They represent the best work of the period. 996 WOOD ENGRAVING. PROTAT (Jules) Un Bois Grave du XIVe sidcle. [Paris, 1900] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from des Annales internat. d'histoire. Facsimiles. 997 WOOD ENGRAVING. RUMOHR (C. Fr. v.) Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Formschneidekunst. Leipzig, R. Weigel, 1837 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 9 plates. 998 WOOD ENGRAVING. SMILLIE (Thomas W.) Photographing on Wood for Engraving. Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1905 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprinted from Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 91 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. ENGRAVING AND ILLUSTRATION-continued. 999 WOOD ENGRAVING. TOKUNO (T.) Japanese Wood-Cutting and Wood-Cut Printing. Washington, 1894 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 24, 10 plates. From the Report of U.S. Museum. 1000 WOOD ENGRAVING. TUER (A. W.) 1,000 Quaint Cuts from Books of other Days, including Amusing Illustrations from Children's Story Books, Fables, Chap-Books, etc., A Selection of Pictorial Initial Letters and Curious Designs and Ornaments from Original Wooden Blocks belonging to The Leadenhall Press. London, Field and Tuer, 1886 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards. 1001 WOOD ENGRAVING. VARUSOLTIS [pseud. i.e., L. Varlot] Xylographie de l'Imprimerie Troyenne pendant le XVe, le XVIe, le XVIIe et le XVIIIe siacle, Preced6e d'une Lettre du Bibliophile Jacob, sur 1' His- toire de la Gravure en bois. Troyes, Varlot pere, 1859 �4 10s. 4to. Half vellum. Contains 571 reproductions of early woodcuts. 1002 ZINCOGRAPHY. BOCK (Josef) Zincography. A Practical Guide to the Art as Practised in connexion with Letterpress Printing. London, Wyman and Sons [c. 1890] 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illus. 1003 ZORN (Anders) The Etchings of Anders Zorn, with an Introduc- tion and Critical Notes, by Ernest M. Lang. New York, Empire State Book Co., 1923 18s. 6d. Large 8vo. Boards, cloth back. 101 reproductions. FACSIMILES OF RARE BOOKS. 1004 AESOP. Die erneuerten Aesopischen Fabeln nebst den hiezu geeigneten Lehren zusammengetragen zum wahren Nutzen und unter- haltenden Vergnigen. Miinchen, Holbein- Verlag, 1923 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards. With hand-coloured woodcuts from the edition by Joh. Zainer, Augsburg, 1475. The text is not in facsimile. 1005 ALCIAT (And.) GRIMALDI (Aless.)'Funeral Oration, Jan. 19, 1550, for Andrea Alciati, in photolith. facsimile, with a translation, edited by Henry Green. Manchester, Holbein Society, 1871 6s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. Port. and facsimiles. 1006 ALMACK (Edward) The Cavalier Soldier's Vade-Mecum, Repro- duced in Facsimile from the unique copy discovered by E. A., who has added an Introduction and various notes. London, Blades, 1900 15s. Sm. 4to. Cloth. 3 plates and front. A facsimile of " Certain Prayers fitted to Severall Occasions and are to be used in His Majesties Armies, 1648." 1007 AMMAN (Jobst) The Theatre of Women, edited by Alfred Aspland [Facsimile of the 1586 edition]. Manchester, Holbein Society, 1872 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. With a list of Amman's works. 1008 ARS BENE MORIENDI Reproduction Photographique de l'Edition Xylographique du XVe sidcle. Notice par Benjamin Pifteau. Paris, Delarue, [c. 1900] 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Facsimile of a famous Block Book. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 92 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. FACSIMILES OF RARE BOOKS-continued. 1009 BERNERS (Dame Juliana) The Boke of Saint Albans, containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting and Cote Armour, Printed at Saint Albans by the Schoolmaster-Printer in 1486. Reproduced in Facsimile, with an Introduction by William Blades. London, Elliot Stock, 1881 �2 15s. 4to. Stamped vellum, uncut and unopened. 1010 BERNERS (Dame Juliana) A Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle, being a Facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde, at Westminster, in 1496, with an Introduction by Rev. M. G. Watkins, M.A. London, E. Stock, 1880 �2 10s. 4to. Vellum, uncut. 1011 BOCCACCIO (Giov.) Des Giovanni Boccaccio Buch: von den beruhmter Friuen. Vertetitscht von H. Steinhdwel. Miinchen, Holbein- Verlag, 1924 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards. With the woodcuts from the edition by.Joh. Zainer, Ulm. 1473. The text is not in facsimile. 1012 BOCCACCIO (Giov.) Geschichte von der wunderlichen geduld der Grifin Griseldis. Nach Boccaccios Novelle wiedererzihlt von Gustav Schwab. Miinchen, Holbein- Verlag, 1923 10s. 4to. Orig. boards. With hand-coloured woodcuts from the edition by Joh. Zainer, Ulm. 1473. The text is not in facsimile. 1013 BRIDGET (Saint) The Golden Epistle of Saint Bernarde. Four Revelations of Saint Bridget. Faksimile efter Kungl. Bibliotekets exemplar af Thomas Godfray's forsta i London omkring 1532-35 tryckta upplaga. Med efterskrift af Isak Collijn. Stockholm, 1916 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. 1014 BUNYAN (John) The Pilgrim's Progress as originally published, being a fac-simile reproduction of the first edition. London, Eliott Stock, [c. 1890] 10s. 8vo. Boards. 1015 CALCOEN, a Dutch Narrative of the Second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut. Printed at Antwerp, circa 1504, with Introduction and Translation by J. P. Berjeau. London, B. M. Pickering, 1874 10s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Printed at the Chiswick Press. Facsimile reproduction. Gordon Duff's copy, with his autograph. 1016 CAMOES (Luis de) Reimpressoes i Os Lusiadas de Luis de Camoes Reimpressao fac-similada da verdadeira la edicao dos Lusiadas, de 1572. Precedida duma introducao e seguida dum aparato critico do Professor da Faculdade de Letras Dr. Jose Maria Rodrigues. Lisboa, Tip da Biblioteca Nacional, 1921 �1 10s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Frontis. Facsimile reprint of the rare first edition of the Lusiads of Camoens. 1017 CANTICUM CANTICORUM, reproduced in fac-simile from the Scriverius copy in the British Museum. With an historical and biblio- graphical introduction by J. P. Berjeau. London, Trubner and Co., 1860 �1 15s. Large 4to. Orig. vellum. Facsimile of a rare Block Book. Cable Address-COPTICITY, LONDON. 93 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. FACSIMILES OF RARE BOOKS-continued. 1018 CAXTON (William) The Fifteen O's, and other Prayers. Printed by William Caxton (circa 1490). Reproduced in Photo-lithography by Stephen Ayling. London, Griffith and Farran, 1869 16s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. bds. The book reproduced in this volume is the only work decorated with borders issued by Caxton. 1019 COLUMBUS (Chr.) The Latin Letter of Columbus, printed in 1493 and announcing the Discovery of America, reproduced in facsimile, with a preface. London, Quaritch, 1893 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1020 COLUMBUS (Chr.) The Spanish Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, dated 15 Feb., 1493, reprinted in reduced facsimile and translated from the unique copy of the original edition (Printed by Johann Rosenbach at Barcelona early in April, 1493). London, Quaritch, 1893 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, pp. 18 and facsimile. 1021 DES PERIERS (Bonaventure) Cymbalum Mundi Rdimpression de l'edition 1537 facsimile de l'examplaire unique conserve a la Biblio- thique de Versailles. Paris, Societe des Anciens Livres, 1914 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Photographic facsimile, with introduction. 1022 DONATUS. DOREZ (Leon) L'Ars Minor de Donat. Traduction Francaise Reproduite en Fac-simile d'Apres l'Incunable Unique de la Bibliothbque de l'Iniversit6 d'Utrecht. Paris, A. Picard, 1890 15s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Autograph presentation inscription from author on fly-leaf. Only 100 copies. Facsimile reproduction of the only copy of a very early Donatus. 1023 DURER (Albrecht) Die geheime Offenbarung Johannis. 15 Vollbilder nach den Handzeichnungen Albrecht Diirer's und gleichzeitigem Text nach der Strassburger Ausgabe von Martin Graeff 1502. Mit einem Vorwort und begleitender Auslegung von Prof. Dr. J. N. Sepp. Miinchen, Carl Hanshalter, 1893 18s. 6d. Large folio. Orig. boards. 16 reproductions. 1024 AN EARLY NEWS-SHEET. The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563. An exact facsimile of a contemporary account in Latin, pub- lished at Douay. Together with an introduction and historical notes, and a full translation into English. London, Chatto and Windus, 1874 12s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 250 copies only printed. 1025 EXERCITIUM super Pater Noster. Suite de Gravures avec legendes. Reproduction Photographique d'une publication xylographique du XVe siecle. Notice par Ben jamin Pifteau. Paris, Delarse, [c. 1900] 16s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Reproduction of a unique Block Book in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 94 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. FACSIMILES OF RARE BOOKS-continued. 1026 [FACSIMILES OF THE EARLIEST BOOKS PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE.] BULLOCK (Henry) Oratio ad Thomam Card. 1521. With a bibliographical introduction by Henry Bradshaw. Cambridge, 1886.-AUGUSTINUS (S. Aur) De Miseria, Sermo, 1521. Cambridge, 1886. -GALEN (Claud.) De Temperamentis, Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete, 1521. With an introduction by J. F. Payne. Cambridge, 1881.-Papyrii Gemini Eleatis Hermathena, 1522. With an Appendix from Mr. Brad- shaw's notes. Cambridge, 1886.-BOWES (T.) and GRAY (G. J.) John Siberch: bibliographical notes, 1885-1905. Cambridge, 1906. 1881- 1906 �3 15s. 5 vols. Orig. uniform cloth. These volumes contain complete photographic fac- similes of four of the books from the first press in Cambridge, with biographical intro- ductions and notes, and a final volume giving the latest information on the printer and his press. This final volume can be supplied separately at 17s 6d. 1027 GESCHIEDENIS VAN HET HEYLIGHE CRUYS ; or, History of the Holy Cross. Reproduced in facsimile from the Original Edition printed by J. Veldener in 1483. Text and engravings by J. P. Berjeau. London, C. J. Stewart, 1863 �1 1s. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. Facsimile of a rare illustrated incunable. 1028 HERBERT (George) The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. First Edition, 1633. Facsimile Reprint, 1876. London, Gardner, 1876 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Calf, antique. 1029 HOLBEIN (Hans) Holbein's Icones Historiarum Veteris Testa- menti, a photo-litho. facsimile reprint from the Lyons edition of 1547, edited by Harry Green. Manchester, Holbein Society, 1869 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth gilt. Many plates and facsimiles. The introduction includes a valuable bibliography of Bible Prints. 1030 LA MARCHE (Olivier de) Le Chevalier Dilibir. The illustrations of the edition of Schiedam reproduced, with a preface by F. Lippmann and a reprint of the text. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1898 �2 5s. 4to. Half morocco bound with original wrappers. No. 5 of the Illustrated Mono- graphs of the Bibliographical Society. 1031 THE MIRROUR OF MAJESTIE, or the Badges of Honour con- ceitedly emblazoned. A photo-lith. facsimile reprint from Mr. Corser's perfect copy, 1618, edited by Henry Green and James Croston. Man- chester, Holbein Society, 1870 15s. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. Many plates and facsimiles. Bibliographical notes on early English emblem and heraldic books and similar works. 1032 NEWCASTLE COURANT, with News, Foreign and Domestick, Nov. 24-26, 1712, No. 208 [Reprint]. Printed from the original type manu- factured by Messrs. Caslon and Co., at the offices of the Newcastle Courant, 1887 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. pp. 12. A facsimile of one of the earliest English provincial newspapers. 1033 SKELTON (John) A Ballade of the Scottysshe Kynge. Reproduced in Facsimile with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction by John Ashton. London, Elliot Stock, 1882 17s. 6d. 4to. Vellum, gilt, uncut, pp. 96. Cable Address-COPTICITY, LONDON. 95 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE NO. 56. FACSIMILES OF RARE BOOKS--c-ontinued. 1034 SOLOMON AND MARCOLPHUS. The Dialogue or Communing between the wise King Solomon and Marcolphus. London, Lawrence and Bullen, 1892 16s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. No. 21 of 350 copies. only. Facsimile of the edition printed by Gerard Leeu at Antwerp, from the only known copy, together with a transcript, bibliography and introduction by E. Gordon Duff. 1035 DER. SPIEGEL DER TUGENT und Ersamkeyt durch den Hochberimten Ritter von Thurn. [Basel, M. Furter, 1493. Facsimile. Nachwort von Kurt Pfister.] Muinchen, Roland Verlag, 1922 10s. 6d. 4to. Boards. Coloured cut on front cover. 1036 STIMMER (Tobias) Neue Kiinstliche Figuren Biblischer His- torien griintlich von Tobia Stimmer getissen: Und zu Gotfbrchtiger ergetzung andiachtiger hertzen mit artigen Reimen begriffen durch J. F. G. M. Basel, Thoma Gwarin, 1576. Leipzig, Georg Firth, 1881 17s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Stamped leather. 170 plates. Facsimile of a well-known book of Bible pictures. 1037 VAN DEM NEDDERVAL DER VENEDDYER. Zwei nieder- deutsche in Liibeck und Hamburg gedruckte Ausgaben einer Maximilian- ischen Flugschrift aus dem Jahre 1509. Von Isak Collijn. Hamburg, J. Grafe and Sillem, 1913 8s. 6d. La. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Jahr. Hamb. Wiss. Amst. 1038 VAUGHAN (Henry) Silex Scintillans, Sacred Poems and Private. Ejaculations, being a Facsimile of the First Edition, published in 1650, with ah Introduction by the Rev. William Clare, B.A. London, Eliot Stock, 1885 10s. 6d Svo. Cloth. 1039 VIATOR (Jean Pelegrin, called) De Artificiali Perspectiva : Tulli [Toul] P. Jacobus 1509. (Notice historique et bibliographique sur Jean Pelerin Chanoine de Toul et sur son libre De Artificiali Perspectiva. [Par H. Destailleur]. Paris, Tross, 1860 17s. 6d. Folio. Orig. cloth. Facsimile of one of the rarest early books on Perspective. With many woodcuts and diagrams. 1040 VOCABULARI CATALA-ALEMANY DE L'ANY 1502, edicio facsimil segons l'unic exemplar conegut. Acompanyada de la transcripcio, d'un estudi preliminar i de registres alfabetics per Pere Barnils. Barce- lona, Institut d' Estudis Catalans, 1916 , �1 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Facsimile of the Catalan-German Vocabulary printed by Rosenbach at Perpignan in 1502. Vol 7 of the Biblioteca of the Institut. 1041 WALTON (Izaak) The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation, being a facsimile reprint of the first edition, published in 1653. With a Preface by Richard le Gallienne. London, Elliot Stock, 1896 12s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 96 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BOOKBINDING. 1042 ARNETT (John Andrews, pseud., i.e., J. Hannett) Bibliopegia ; or, the Art of Bookbinding in all its Branches. London, R. Groombridge, 1835 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. Cloth. Plates and illustrations. Somewhat used and slightly soiled copy. 1043 ARNETT (John Andrews, pseud., i.e., J. Hannett) Bibliopegia ; or, The Art of Bookbinding in all its Branches. London, R. Groombridge, 1836 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 10 plates, spotted. 1044 THE ART OF BOOKBINDING, containing a description of the tools, forwarding, gilding and finishing, stationary [sic] binding, edge- colouring, marbling, sprinkling, etc. London, Baldwin, 1818 �2 2s. 8vo. Diced russia gilt, raised bands. Front. Rare. With MS. additions of recipes for marbling and colouring. 1045 AUBERT (M. Ed.) Reliure d'un Manuscrit dit Evangeliaire de Charlemagne. [Paris, 1874] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 folding plate. Extract from Mem. Soc. Antiq., 1874. 1046 BELIN (T.) Catalogue de Livres Pricieux Riches Reliures ornies et blasonnees Provenances illustres. Manuscrits. Paris, 1908 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 79 reproductions of bindings. 1047 BLACKWELL (Henry) Notes on Bookbinding. New York, Caslon Press, 1899 5s 12mo. Orig. wrappers. 1048 [BOOKBINDER'S NOTE BOOK, containing a number of recipes for colours, ruling, varnish, ink and treatment of leather. Most of the leaves are blank. c. 1846] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Red morocco, gold borders, black inlaid frame on sides, gold tooled back, g.e. 1049 BOOK-BINDING. [London, c. 1860] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 plate. Extract. 1050 BOUCHOT (Henri) De la Reliure, Exemples a imiter ou a rejeter. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1891 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 92. 15 plates. 1051 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Exhibition of Bookbind- ings. London, 1891 12s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1052 CHIVERS (Cedric) Exhibition of Bookbinding in Embossed, Modelled and Tooled Leather. London [c. 1893] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 24 plates. Most of the designs by Alice Shepherd. 1053 COCKERELL (Douglas) Bookbinding and the Care of Books: Text-Book for Bookbinders and Librarians. London, J. Hogg, 1911 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds. 8 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. The illustrations show the actual manual operations and are of very great practical value. 1054 COCKERELL (Douglas) A Note on Bookbinding. With Extracts from the special Report of The Society of Arts on Leather for Libraries. London, W. H. Smith and Son, 1904 6s. 6d. 8vo. Buckram. Original wrappers bound in. Frontis. Cable A ddress---CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 97 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE, No. 56. BOOKBINDING-continued. 1055 COUTTS (Henry T.) and STEPHEN (Geo. A.) Manual of Library Bookbinding, Practical and Historical, with an Introduction by Douglas Cockerell. London, Grafton and Co., 1911 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Specimens of leathers and cloths, forms and illustrations, 1 folding plate. As new. 1056 COWIE (G.) The Bookbinder's Manual: containing a 'full des- cription of leather and vellum binding: also, directions for gilding of paper and book-edges: and numerous valuable recipes for sprinkling, colouring and marbling: together with a scale of bookbinders' charges, a list of all the book and vellum binders in London, etc. London, Cowie and Strange, [c. 1830] 15s. 8vo. Modern boards. First edition. Rare. 1057 CRANE (W. J. E.) Bookbinding for Amateurs: Being Descrip- tions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instruc- tions for their effective use. London, L. Upcott Gill, [c. 1890] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Illustrated throughout. 1058 CUNDALL (Joseph) On Bookbindings, Ancient and Modern. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1881 �2 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth. 28 plates. 1059 DAVENPORT (Cyril) English Heraldic Book-Stamps. London, A. Constable and Co., 1909 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. Stamp on title. Of the utmost importance for identifying armorial bindings. 1060 DAVENPORT (Cyril) Royal English Bookbindings. London, Seeley and Co., 1896 15s Large 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 8 coloured plates and numerous illustrations in the text. 1061 ESSCHE (Maurice van) Het Boekbinden voor Allen. Antwerpen, Gust Janssens, 1917 6s 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 21 illus. in the text. 1062 FOURNIER (Edouard) L'Art de la Reliure en France aux derniers sibcles. Paris,. J. Gay, 1864 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, shabby, uncut. 1063 Another edition, 1888 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, shabby. 1064 GERRING (Charles) Notes on Bookbinding. Nottingham, Frank Murray, 1899 14s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 37 illustrations. 1065 GRAY (George J.) The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and Book- binders and the First Cambridge Printer. Oxford, Printed for the Biblio- graphical Society, 1904 �1 11s. 6d 4to. Orig. wrappers. 28 plates of bindings and details of bindings. 1066 GRUEL (Leon) Reliures en Vernis sans Odeur. Paris, H. Leclerc, 1900 7s 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 folding plate. Reprint from the Bull du Bib. 100 copies only. Inland Telegrams-COPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 98 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BOOKBINDING-COntinued. 1067 GRUEL (Leon) Conferences sur la Reliure et la Dorure des Livres faites aux cours professionnels de l'Association philotechnique (1894- 1895). Paris, Chambre Syndicale de la Reliure, 1896 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. Uncut and unopened. Presentation inscription by the author to Ed. Engelman. No. 3 of 15 copies on Papier Hollande. 1068 HANNETT (John) Bibliopegia; or, The Art of Bookbinding in all its branches, illustrated with engravings. London, Simpkin, 1848 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. 10 plates. 1069 HARRISON (T.) The Bookbinding Craft and Industry: an outline of its History, Development, and Technique. London, Pitman, [1924] 3s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1070 HASLUCK (Paul N.) Bookbinding, with numerous engravings and diagrams. London, Cassell and Co., 1912 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 125 illus. 1071 HEADLEY BROS. [26 specimens of various styles of book- binding in cloth and leather. London, c. 1895] 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Leather. 1072 LEATHER FOR LIBRARIES, by E. Wyndham Hulme, J. Gordon Parker, A. Seymour-Jones, Cyril Davenport and F. J. Williamson. London, Library Association, 1905 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. With 6 actual specimens of leather. 1073 LENORMAND (Seb.) Nouveau Manuel complet du Relieur, dans toutes ses Parties. Paris, Roret, 1840 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Half red roan, gilt back. 4 folding engraved plates. 1074 LESNE~ (-) Epitre a Thouvenin, par Lesne, auteur du Poeme de la Reliure et de la Lettre d'un Relieur frangais a un Bibliographe Anglais. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1823 16s. Large 8vo. Boards. In verse. Dibdin and The Edinburgh Review are mentioned. A defence of French taste in bookbinding against the English vogue. 1075 LIVERPOOL ART CLUB. Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Ancient and Modern Bookbindings. Liverpool, 1882 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, soiled. 1076 MAIRET (F.) Notice sur la Lithographie, 2e Edition suivie d'un Essai sur la Reliure et le Blanchiment des livres et gravures. Chatillon sur-Seine, C. Cornillac, 1824 �1 10s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 3 plates. pp. 69-228 relate to bookbinding. 1077 MARBLING. C. (D.) The Manner of Making Marbled Paper. [London, 1752] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Universal Magazine. 1078 MARBLING. WOOLNOUGH (C. W.) The Art of Marbling as applied to book edges and paper, containing instructions for executing British, French, Spanish, Italian, Nonpareil, etc., etc. With a brief notice of its recent application to textile fabrics and particularly to the cloths so extensively used by' bookbinders. London, Alexander Heylin, 1853 �1 Is. 8vo. Orig. cloth, g.e. Illustrated with actual specimens. Rare first edition. Cable A ddress--CoPTICTY, LONDON. 99 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BOOKBINDING-continued. 1079 MARBLING. Marbreur de Papier. [Paris, 1767] 10s. Folio. Boards. 2 engraved plates, with letterpress descriptions. 1080 MARIUS-MICHEL (MM.) La Reliure Frangaise depuis l'Inven- tion de 1'Imprimerie jusqu'a la fin du 18e siecle. Paris, D. Morgand et C. Fatout, 1880 �3 3s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Frontis. and 22 plates. 1081 MATTHEWS (Brander) Bookbindings Old and New, Notes of a Book-lover, with an Account of the Grolier Club, New York. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1896 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous plates and illus. 1082 MAZEROLLE (F.) Documents sur les Relieurs, Miniaturistes et Calligraphes des Ordres Royaux de Saint Michel et du Saint Esprit. Paris, Techener, 1897 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1083 MEARNE FAMILY. Marriage settlement made by Thomas Sisson, citizen and bowyer of London, upon his approaching marriage to Anne Mearne, daughter of the late Samuel Mearne, bookbinder and stationer to the King. Dated 20th August, 1683. [Begins] " This Indenture Tripartite made . . . Betweene Thomas Sisson citizen and bowyer of London of the first part, Anne Mearne the Elder of the said city of London, widdow and Anne Mearne daughter of the said Anne Mearne of the second parte, and Charles Bernard citizen and Chirurgion of London and John Roberts citizen and distiller of London of the third part. . " [One messuage in the parish of St. John the Evangelist in the City of London, fronting upon Friday Street, and one messuage in Drury Lane, in the tenure of Thomas Sisson father of the said Thomas- Amongst the witnesses whose names occur on the back of the document was Samuel Mearne eldest son of Samuel Mearne-Lease for one year- included.] 1683 �2 10s. Two deeds on parchment with good armorial seals attached. Interesting docu- ments with details of the family of the famous bookbinder to Charles II. 1084 MINZLOFF (Rodolphe) Notice sur les Relieures anciennes de la Bibliothique Impiriale de Saint-Petersbourg. Paris, J. Techener, 1859 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Reprint from Bull. du Bib. 1085 NICHOLSON (James B.) A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding, containing full instructions in the different Branches of Forwarding, Gilding and Finishing; also, the Art of Marbling Book-Edges and Paper. The whole designed for the Practical Workman, the Amateur, and the Book Collector. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1874 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Numerous plates and illustrations. 1086 PARIS EXHIBITION, 1867. Delgation des Ouvriers Relieurs. Premiere Partie : La Reliure aux Expositions de l'Industrie (1798-1862). Deuxibme Partie: La Reliure a 1'Exposition de 1867. Etudes compara- tives de la Reliure ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1868-75 10s. 6d. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. Hf. bound. 6 photogravure plates. Inland Telegrams--CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 100 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BOOKBINDING-COntinued. 1087 PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION, 1876. Delgation Ouvriere Libre. Relieurs. Paris, 1879 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 2 plates. 1088 PHILIP (Alex. J.) The Business of Bookbinding. Bookbinding from the point of view of the binder, the publisher, the librarian and the general reader. With chapters on the manufacture of binders' leather and cloth, and a description of a working bindery, together with a glossary of terms used in leather and cloth manufacture and bookbinding. London, S. Paul, 1912 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, with actual specimens of leather and cloth. 1089 PRIDEAUX (S. T.) An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. With a Chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. London, Law- rence and Bullen, 1893 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Front. 1090 RELIEUR. [Paris, 1771] 10s. 6d. Folio. Wrappers. 6 plates illustrating the processes of bookbinding. 1091 RELIEUR. [Paris, 1790] 9s. 4to. Wrappers. 3 engraved plates illustrating the work of a bookbinder. These differ from those in the folio edition. 1092 RICHARDSON (Edw. and Jas.) Leathers for Bookbinding and Upholstery, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Elswick Leather Works. [c. 1905] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. With actual samples. 1093 SKETCHLEY (R. E. D.) Book-Bindings. London, Joseph Zaehnsdorf, 1907 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 7 plates. 1094 STEPHEN (Geo. A.) Commercial Bookbinding, a Description of the Processes and the various Machines used. London, W. John Stonhill and Co., 1910 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 70 illustrations and diagrams. 1095 TRANSACTIONS of the Assoc. for the Advancement of Art, and its Application to Industry: Edinburgh Meeting, 1889. London, 1890 �1 10s. 8vo. Index. Contains articles by William Morris, Sir William Richmond, G. F. Watts, Onslow Ford, Walter Crane, and a lecture on bookbinding by T. J. Cobden- Sanderson. Rare, fine copy. Orig. buckram, t.e.g. 1096 TREGASKIS (J. and M. L.) International Bookbinding Exhibi- tion by the Chief Craftsmen from all parts of the World, at the " Caxton Head." London, Tregaskis, 1894 12s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Coloured plates. With introduction by Cyril Davenport, F.S.A. Messrs. Tregaskis purchased 75 copies of the Kelmscott Press edition of King Florus and the fair Jehane and had them bound by the famous binders of every country. 1097 UZANNE (Octave) L'Art dans le Decoration Exterieure des Livres en France et a 1'Etranger, Les Couvertures illustrees, les Carton- nages d'Editeurs, la Reliure d'Art. Paris, L. H. May, 1898 �2 15s Large 8vo. Original coloured wrappers, loose, uncut. Numerous plates and illus- trations, some in tints. Cable A ddress-CoPTIclTY, LONDON. 101 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BOOKBINDING-continued. 1098 WHEATLEY (Henry B.) Bookbinding considered as a Fine Art, Mechanical Art and Manufacture. London, Elliot Stock, 1882 17s. 6d. 8vo. Ornamental cloth, gilt lettering. 11 plates. 1099 ZAEHNSDORF (Joseph W.) The Art of Bookbinding. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1880 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Plates and illustrations. LIBRARIES. 1100 BAILLY (I. L. A.) Notices Historiques sur les Bibliothiques Anciennes et Modernes: suivies d'un tableau comparatif des Produits de la Presse de 1812 a 1825, et d'un recueil de Lois et ordonnances con- cernant les bibliothbques. Paris, Rousselon, 1828 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1101 BAMBERGER (Florence Eilau) The Effect of the Physical Make- up of a Book upon Children's Selection. Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1922 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1102 BERGAMO. BINI (Giacomo) Sulla Biblioteca Pubblica di Bergamo e circa il decretato traslocamenti di essa. Cenni Storici. Bergamo, Sonzogni, 1839 6s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1103 BOOKPLATES. CLUTE (Beulah Mitchell) The Bookplate. [Berkeley, 1924] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers, illustrations and reproductions, some in colour. Extract from University of California Chronicle. 1104 BORDEAUX. CELESTE (Raymond) Histoire de la Bibliothbque de la Ville de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1892 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1105 BRADSHAW (Henry) Address at the opening of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Library Association, Cambridge, Sept. 5, 1882 [Memoranda No. 7]. Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes, 1882 2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1106 BRITTANY. LA BORDERIE (Arthur de) Notes sur les Livres et les Bibliothbques au moyen age en Bretagne. [Paris' 1862] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartes 1862. 1107 BURGOYNE (F. J.) Library Construction: Architecture, Fittings and Furniture. London, G. Allen, 1897 7s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Frontis. 1108 CAMBRIDGE. BRADSHAW (Henry) The University Library [Memoranda No. 6]. Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes, 1881 2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. -1109 CAMBRIDGE. SINKER (Robert) The Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, Deighton Bell and Co., 1891 12s. 6d Sm. 4to. Orig. half calf. 8 plates. Inland Telegrams-COPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 1'02 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. LIBRARIES-continued. 1110 COTTON DES HOUSSAYES (J. B.) Des Devoirs et des Qualites du Bibliothecaire. Discours prononce dans l'Assemblee generale de Sorbonne, le 23 Decembre 1780 Traduit du Latin en Francais, avec quelques notes par Gratet-Duplessis. Paris, A. Aubry, 1857 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint (100 copies) from Bull. du Bouq. 1111 A CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of all the Cele- brated Libraries in Foreign Countries, as well Ancient as Modern, and particularly the Vatican. With General Reflections upon the Choice of Books and the Method of furnishing Libraries. A Work of great use to all men of letters. By a Gentleman of the Temple. London, J. Jolliffe, 1740 14s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, wormed at end. 1112 DELISLE (L.) Documents sur les Livres et les Bibliothbques au moyen age. [Paris, 1849] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartes, 1849. 1113 DELISLE (Leopold) Instructions 6lmentaires et techniques pour la mise et le maintien en ordre des Livres d'une Bibliothbque. Paris, H. Champion, [c. 1911] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Instructions for cataloguing and classification by the Administrator of the Bibliothbque Nationale. 1114 DELISLE (Leopold) Instructions pour la Redaction d'un Cata- logue de Manuscrits et pour la Redaction d'un Inventaire des Incunables conserves dans les Bibliothdques Publiques de France. Paris, H. Cham- pion, [c. 1911] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. On the cataloguing of MSS. and In- cunabula by the Administrator of the Bibliothbque Nationale. 1115 DELISLE (Leopold) Recherches sur la Librairie de Charles V. (Extrait) Hommage a l'Acad6mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. 1857-1907. Paris, 1907 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. With autograph presentation inscription by the author. 1116 EBERT (Friedrich Adolf) Die Bildung des Bibliothekars. Leipzig, Steinacker and Wagner, 1820-25 10s. 6d. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. Boards, cloth back. The author was the Librarian of Dresden. 1117 EDINBURGH. CUTHBERTSON (David) The University Library of Edinburgh, with a short notice of its Rarer Treasures. Edinburgh, Otto Schulze and Co. [c. 1905] 6s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Frontis., illus. and facsimiles. 1118 EDINBURGH. RUDDIMAN (Thomas). Chalmers (George) The Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A.M., the Keeper for almost Fifty Years of the Library belonging to the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, to which are subjoined new Anecdotes of Buchanan. London, John Stockdale and W. Laing, 1794 17s. 6d. . 8vo. Tree calf, joints weak. 1 portrait and 1 folding plate. Ruddiman was also a printer at Edinburgh. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 103 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. LIBRARIES-continued. 1119 EDWARDS (Edward) Free Town Libraries, their Formation, Management and History, in Britain, France, Germany and America, together with brief notices of book-collectors, and of the respective places of deposit of their surviving collections. London, Trubner and Co., 1869 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 2 folding tables. Fine fresh copy of this rare and important book. The list of book collectors is of special interest. 1120 EDWARDS (Edward) A Statistical View of the Principal Public Libraries of Europe and America. London, 1849 �1 Is. Folio. Orig. wrappers, soiled and corners frayed. 11 maps (1 folding). Rare. 1121 FLETCHER (William I.) Public Libraries in America. London, Sampson Low, 1894 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 18 plates, gilt. 1122 FLORENCE. PASSERINI (Luigi) Cenni Storico-Bibliografici della R. Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze. Firenze, M. Cellini e C., 1872 8vo. Boards. 7s. 6d. 1123 GAUTIER (Jean) Nos Bibliotheques Publiques Leur situation l~gale. Avec appendice contenant les Dcrets, Arriths et Circulaires relatifs aux Bibliothbques publiques parus dans ces vingt dernibres annies. Paris, L. Larose & Forcel, 1902 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1124 GREENWOOD (Thomas) Free Public Libraries, their Organiza- tion, Uses and Management. London, Simpkin, 1886 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1125 GREENWOOD (Thomas) Public Libraries: a History of the Movement and a Manual for the Organization and Management of Rate- Supported Libraries. London, Simpkin, 1890 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Many illustrations. 1126 Another edition. London, Cassell, 1894 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Many illustrations. 1127 GREENWOOD (Thomas) Greenwood's Library Year Book, 1897, a Record of General Library Progress and Work. London, Cassell, 1897 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. Illustrated, frontis. 1128 JENKINSON (F. J. H.) Address at the Opening of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Library Association. Cambridge, 1905 2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1129 KENDAL. SAYLE (Charles) Kendal Grammar School Library. 1902 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Autograph letter from author to Gordon Duff inserted. 1130 LACROIX (Paul) Bibliotheque de la Reine Marie-Antoinette au Petit Trianon d'apres 1'Inventaire original dresse par ordre de la Con- vention. Catalogue avec des notes inddites du Marquis de Paulmy. Paris, Jules Gay, 1863 8s. Sm. 8vo. Original wrappers, shabby, unopened. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 104 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. LIBRARIES-continued. 1131 LE GALLOIS (Sieur) Traitte des plus belles Bibliotheques de 1'Europe. Des premiers livres qui ont ete faits. De l'invention de l'Im- primerie. Des Imprimeurs. De plusieurs livres qui ont ete perdus et recouvrez par les soins des Scavans. Avec une Methode pour dresser une Bibliothbque. Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1680 �1 8s. 8vo. Calf. Name on title. 1132 Another edition. Suivant la Copie, a Paris, Estienne Mich- allet [Leyden], 1685 �1 is. 12mo. Vellum. Engraved title. 1133 LEGIPONTIUS (Oliverius) Dissertationes Philologico-Biblio- graphicae, in quibus De Adornanda, et ornanda Bibliotheca : nec non De Manuscriptis, librisque rarioribus, et praestantioribus: Ac etiam de Archivo in Ordinem redigendo, veterumque Diplomatum criterio : Dequs Rei Nummariae, ac Musices studio, et aliis potissimum ad elegantiores literas spectantibus rebus differitur. In usum Bibliothecariorum, et Philobiblorum publicae luci commissae. Norimbergae, Paul Lochner et Mayer, 1747 32s. 6d. 4to. Vellum. An early and important treatise on Libraries and Archives. Boutnd with : Moser (Jo. Jac.) Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum maxime Anecdotorum eorumque Historicum. Noribergae, Hoffmann, 1722. 1134 LONDON. British Museum [Annual Reports for 1890-1905, 1908, 1911-12]. London, 1891-1913 18s. 6d. 18 parts in 5 vols. Half morocco, and 3 parts in orig. wrappers. Contains lists of important accessions in every department of the Museum. 1135 LONDON. British Museum. COWTAN (Robert) Memories of the British Museum. London, R. Bentley and Son, 1872 10s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter roan. Frontis. 1136 LONDON. British Museum. EDWARDS (Edward) A Letter to Benjamin Hawes, being Strictures on the " Minutes of Evidence " taken before the select committee on the British Museum: with an appendix, containing heads of inquiry respecting the improvement of the Museum. London, Effingham Wilson, 1836 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1137 LONDON. British Museum. EDWARDS (Edward) Lives of the Founders of the British Museum: with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870. London, Trubner and Co., 1870 �1 15s. Large 8vo. Quarter morocco, cloth sides, t.e.g. Large Paper Copy. Frontis. and plates, some folding and coloured. 1138 LONDON. British Museum. GEMMER (Frederic W.) Memorial addressed to the Trustees of the British Museum. London, J. R. Lynn, 1864 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 24 pp. The Author had the grievance that he was asked to resign from the staff of the MSS. Dept. because he was not expert in Palaeography. 1139 LONDON. British Museum. POLES (Stefan) The Actual Con- dition of the British Museum. A Literary Expostulation. London, H. S. Warr, 1875 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. A violent attack on the administration of the British Museum during Mr. Winter Jones' Principal Librarianship. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 105 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. LIBRARIES--Continued. 1140 LONDON. British Museum. HOSKING (William) Some Obser- vations upon the recent addition of a Reading Room to the British Museum, with plans, section and other illustrative documents. London, E. Stamford, 1858 8s. 6d. Folio. Orig. wrappers, soiled. 6 plans. The author claimed to be the real origin- ator of the design for the Reading Room. 1141 LONDON. Guildhall Library. A Catalogue of Engraved Por- traits, Topographical Drawings and Prints, Coins, Gems, Autographs, Antiquities and Works of Art, Exhibited at the Opening of the New Library and Museum of the Corporation of London, edited by W. H. Overall, F.S.A., Librarian, with an Historical account of the Ancient and Modern Library at Guildhall, by W. Sedgwick Saunders, M.D., F.S.A., Chairman of the Committee. London, 1872 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth, bound with orig. wrappers, includes a selection of Blades' collection of medals relating to printing. 1142 LONDON. RYE (Reginald Arthur) Libraries of London : A Guide for Students. London, University of London, 1908 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 1143 LONDON. WELCH (Charles) The Guildhall Library and its Work. London, Printed under the Direction of the Library Committee, 1893 6s. 8vo. Red morocco, gilt, arms of the City of London stamped in gold on front cover, frontis. and plates. 1144 LYONS. Notice sur la Bibliothbque de la Ville de Lyon. Lyon, J. M. Barret, 1828 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint from Arch. Hist. du Dept. Rhone. 1145 MANNERS (Lady John) Some of the Advantages of easily acces- sible Reading and Recreation Rooms and Free Libraries, with remarks on starting and maintaining them, and suggestions for the selection of books. London, Wm. Blackwood and Sons, 1885 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1146 MAUDUIT (A. F.) Description d'un projet de Bibliothbque com- pose a Rome en 1833, pour la Ville de Paris. Paris, Firmin Didot Freres, 1839 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1147 MONTPELLIER LEOTARD (Saturnin) Notice sur la Biblio- theque de la Ville de Montpellier (Musee Fabre). Montpellier, De Gras, 1867 . 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Bull. du Bib. 1148 NAUDE (Gabriel) Advis pour dresser une Bibliothdque Prisent6 a Monseigneur le President de Mesme. Paris, I. Liseux, 1876 14s 12mo. Half cloth. A reprint of the rare edition of 1644. The first practical treatise on Librarianship. 1149 NORWICH. [Collection of Newspaper Cuttings relating to Norwich Libraries, 1822-1876] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half roan. The larger number of cuttings relate to the early period, 1822- 1826. Inland Telegrams-CoPrTcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 106 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. LIBRARIES-continued. 1150 OGLE (John J.) The Free Library, its History and Present Con- dition. London, George Allen, 1897 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1151 ORLEANS. BIMBENET (E.) Restitution de la Librairie de l'Uni- versit6 d'Orleans ou salle des Theses. [Orleans, 1885] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extracts from Mem. Soc. Arch. Hist. de l'Orlianais, 1885. 1152 OXFORD. Bodleian Library. The Bodleian Library in 1882-7. A Report from the Librarian. Oxford, 1888 5s. 4to. Boards. 1153 OXFORD. MACRAY (Rev. William Dunn) Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1598-A.D. 1867: with a Preliminary Notice of the earlier Library founded in the Fourteenth Century. London, Rivingtons, 1868 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1154 PANIZZI (Sir Anthony). COWTAN (Robert) A Biographical Sketch of Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., LL.D., etc., Late Principal Librarian, British Museum. London, Asher and Co., 1873 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. Library stamps. 1155 PANIZZI (Sir Ant.). FAGAN (Louis) The Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., late Principal Librarian of the British Museum. London, Remington and Co., 1880 �1 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. With an etched portrait and other illustrations bythe author. 1156 PANIZZI (Sir Ant.). MERIMEE (Prosper) Lettres A M. Panizzi, 1850-1870, Publi6es par M. Louis Fagan. Paris, CalmannLevy,1881 10s. 6d. 8vo, 2 vols. Orig. wrappers, broken. 2 portraits. 1157 PARIS. ALBY (Ernest) Bibliothbques. La Bibliotheque Royale, depuis son origine jusqu'd nos jours. [Paris, c. 1835] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract. 1158 PARIS. BAUDRILLART (M.) Rapport sur les pertes epreuvdes par les Bibliothbques publiques de Paris en 1870-1871. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1871 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1159 PARIS. CHAMBON (Felix) Rapport sur la Bibliotheque Victor Cousin adress a Monsieur le Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. Paris, 1908 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 1160 PARIS. DELESSERT (B.) Memoire sur la Bibliotheque Royale, ou l'on indique les mesures a prendre pour la transferer dans un batiment circulaire, d'une forme nouvelle, qui serait construit au centre de la Place du Carrousel: Cette Bibliotheque contiendrait 800,000 volumes (Seconde Memoire). Paris, Henri Dupuy, 1835-38 12s. 6d. 2 pts. in 1, 4to. Orig. wrappers. 3 folding plates. The plan of the circular library is singularly like the plan of the Reading Room of the British Museum constructed many years afterwards. .1161 PARIS. [FRANKLIN (Alfred)] La Bibliotheque Imperiale son Organisation son Catalogue, par un Bibliophile. Paris, A. Aubry, 1861 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 8s. 6d. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 107 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. LIBRARIES-continued. 1162 PARIS. FRANKLIN (Alfred) Histoire de la Bibliotheque de Abbaye de Saint-Victor a Paris, d'apres des Documents inidits. Paris, A. Aubry, 1865 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. 1163 PARIS. HERVIER (Paul Louis) Un Cambriolage Prussien A la Bibliotheque del' Arsenal (28 Juillet, 1815). [Paris, 19151 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from La Nouvelle Revue. 1164. PARIS. LE PRINCE (N. T.) Essai Historique sur la Bibliotheque du Roi. Paris, Belin, 1782. �1 lls. 6d. 12mo. Polished calf gilt, g.e. Includes also a description of the other Parisian Libraries. 1165 PARIS. LE PRINCE (N. T.) Essai Historique sur la Bibliotheque du Roi aujourd'hui Bibliotheque Impdriale avec des Notices sur les depots qui la composent et le Catalogue de ses principaux fonds. Nouvelle edition. Revue et augmentee des Annales de la Bibliothbques Pr6sentant a leur ordre chronologique tous les faits qui se rattachent a l'histoire de cet 6tablissement, depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Par L. Paris. Paris, au Bureau du Cabinet Historique, 1856 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, broken. 1166 PARIS. MORTET (Ch.) Association des Biblioth6caires Frangais. Regles et usages observes dans les principales Bibliothiques de Paris, pour la redaction et le classement des catalogues d'auteurs et d'Anonymes, 1912. [Paris, 1913] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Extract from Rev. des Bib. 1167 PARIS. OMONT (H.) Remarques de l'Abb6 Bonardi sur le Cata- logue des Livres Imprimds de la Bibliotheque du Roi (1739). [Paris, 1893] 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Revue des Bib., 1893. 6s. 6d. 1168 PARIS. ROCHETTE (Raoul) Lettre a M. P. Paris sur le Projet de mettre en direction la Bibliotheque Royale ou rdponse au Chap. XVIII. du rapport de M. Allard sur les credits supplementaires. Paris, Techener, 1847 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1169 PARIS. Tableau Historique de la Bibliotheque du Roi, et des diffdrens Dep6ts qui la composent. On y a joint une Liste historiques des Bibliotheques Publiques et Particulieres de Paris, l'Indication de jour et des heures ou elles sont ouvertes, etc. Paris, 1780 6s. 6d. 12mo. Mottled calf, wanting main title. Interesting account of the Pre-Revolu- tionary Parisian libraries. 1170 PEACH (R. E.) The Bath Abbey Library, with Notes thereon. Reprinted from the Bath Chronicle, 1879 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1171 PHILLIPS (Sir Thomas) Observations on some Monastic Libraries and Archives in French Flanders. [London, 1834] 4s. 6d. 4to. Wrappers. Extract from Trans. Roy. Socy. Lit., Vol 2, Pt. 2. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIciTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 108 COPTIC IIOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. LIBRARIES-Continued. 1172 PICATOSTE (Felipe) Memoria sobre las Bibliotecas Populares. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1870 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph presentation inscription from author. 1173 PICOT (Georges) Du Role des Bibliotheques et de l'Extension qu' elles pourraient prendre. Paris, Alphonse Picard, 1890 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Compte Rendu de 1'Acad. des Sci. Mor. et Pol. 1174 PICOT (Georges) Rapport, par M. G. Picot, Chargee d'examiner l'6tat de 1'Inventaire des livres imprimes de la Bibliothdque Nationale et les moyens d'en effectuer l'impression. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1894 6s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1175 QUANTIN (Max) Histoire des Bibliotheques des Etablissements Religieux des pays qui forment le Departement de l'Yonne. Auxerre, G, Perriquet, 1875 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1176 RAVAISSON (M. Felix) Rapports au Ministre de l'Instruction Publique sur les Bibliotheques des D6partements de l'Ouest, suivis de pieces inddites. Paris, Joubert, 1841 7s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 418. 1177 ROME. BONGHI (Ruggero) La Bibliotheca Vittorio Emanuele e i Musei. Roma, Tipografia Barbera, 1876 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 1178 ROME. MiiNTZ (Eugene) La Bibliothbque du Vatican au XVI. Sidcle : notes et documents. Paris, E. Leroux, 1886 7s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, rebacked. 1179 ROUEN. FRERE (Edouard) Etude Historique sur la Bibliothbque Publique de Rouen et sur les anciennes bibliothiques publiques de cette ville (1200-1809). [Rouen, 1872] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Extract from Acad. de Rouen. 1180 ROUEN. RICHARD (Ch.) Notice sur l'Ancienne Bibliotheque des Echevins de la Ville de Rouen. [Rouen, 1845] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Acad. de Rouen. 1181 SUTTON (Charles W.) Special Collections of Books in Lancashire and Cheshire. Aberdeen, University Press, 1900 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Printed for Private Circulation. 1182 SWEDEN. COLLIJN (Isak) Smarre Bidrag till de Svenska Klosterbibliotekens Historia. Uppsala, 1917 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1183 VIENNA. LAMBECIUS (Petrus) Bibliotheca Acroamatica Theo- logica, Juridica, Medica, Philosophica, Historica et Philologica, compre- hendens Recensionem Specialem Omnium Codicum, Msctorum Grae- corum, Hebraicorum, Syriacorum, Arabicorum, Turcicorum, Armenicorum, Aethipicorum, Mexicanorum, Sinensium, etc., Augustissimae Bibliothecae Caesareae Vindobonensis. Hannoverae, Nic. Foerster, 1712 15s. Sm 8vo. Boards, back shabby, stained. An abridgement in 800 pages of the work in many folio volumes descriptive of the.Vienna Imperial Library. Cable Address-CoTrcITr, LONDON 109 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. LIBRARIES---continued. 11'884 WHEATLEY (Benjamin R.) Conference of Librarians, 2, 3, 4, 5 October, 1877, Two Papers. Chiswick Press, Printed for the Author, 1878 7s. Sq. 12mo. Orig. wrappers. The two papers are : " On an ' Evitandum ' in Index- making " and " Hints on Library Management." 1185 WHEATLEY (Henry B.) How to Catalogue a Library. London, Eliot Stock, 1889 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, uncut. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES. 1186 AA (P. v. d.) Catalogus Rarissimorum et Praestantissimorum Librorum qui in Thesauris Romano, Graeco, Italico et Siculo continentur : Secundum Nomina Auctorum per Alphabeti Ordinem Digestus. Leidae, Apud P. Vander Aa, 1725 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. 1187 A.B.C. BRADSHAW (Henry) On the A. B. C. as an Authorised School-book in the 16th Century. [Cambridge, 1875] 2s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint from Camb. Antiq. Soc. 1188 ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1863-79 �2 5s. 4to. 7 vols bound in 9. Orig. cloth, worn, The catalogue of the most important Scottish Library. 1189 AERONAUTICS. TISSANDIER (Gaston) Bibliographie Aeronau- tique: Catalogue de livres d'histoire, de science, de voyages et de fan- taisie, traitant de la Navigation adrienne ou des Aerostats. Paris, H. Launette et Cie, 1887 � 1 is. Sm. folio. Boards, cloth back. Original wrappers bound in. 1190 AIMS-MARTIN (L.) Bibliothdque de M. Aim-Martin, compos~e de Livres anciens et rares la plupart en riches et 6lgantes reliures. Paris, .Techener, 1847 9s. 8vo. Quarter calf, priced throughout. 1191 AIMS-MARTIN (L.) Plan d'une Bibliothbque Universelle : etudes des livres qui peuvent servir a l'histoire littdraire et philosophique du genre humain : suivi du catalogues des chef-d'oeuvre de toutes les langues. Bruxelles, Hauman, Cattoir et Cie, 1837 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. 1192 ALCHEMY. FERGUSON (John) Bibliotheca Chemica: a cata- logue of the Alchemical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical books in the collec- tion of the late James Young, of Kelly and Durris, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S:E. Glasgow, J. Maclehose and Sons, 1906 415 15s. 2 vols, large 8vo. Green morocco roxburgh. 2 portraits. pp. 488 and 598. One of the most elaborate bibliographies ever produced. The author was a combination of Scientist, Scholar and Bibliographer-a combination rarely met with. Copies in this binding were specially bound for presentation. Inland .Teiegrams.-CosrIClTY, WESTCIrN, LONDON. 110 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1193 ALCHEMY. Grolier Club. Catalogue of Works on Alchemy and Chemistry, exhibited Jan., 1891; New York, The Grolier Club, 1891 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. The collection was the property of H. Carrington Bolton and his autograph signature is attached to the Preface. 1194 ALGERIA. PLAYFAIR (Sir R. L.) A Bibliography of Algeria. London, J. Murray, 1889 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Supplementary Papers, Royal Geographical Society. 1195 AMERICANA. Martin Hylacomylus Waltzemuller, ses Ouvrages et ses collaborateurs. Voyage d'exploration et de decouvertes a travers quelques 6pitres ddicatoires prefaces et opuscules en prose et en vers du commencement du XVIe sidcle: Notes, causeries et digressions biblio- graphiques et autres par un Gdographe Bibliophile. Paris, Challamel Aine, 1867 �1 10s. 8vo. Half red morocco, original wrappers bound in. A bibliography of the utmost importance dealing with the early geographical publications relating to America. Rare. 1196 AMERICANA. RICH (0.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of Books relating to America, in various languages. London, Rich and Sons, 1846 18s. 8vo. Cloth, unopened. Vol 2, Part 2, only, containing the years 1831-1844. 1197 AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, or English Guide to American Literature, giving the full title of original works published in the United States since the year 1800, with especial reference to works of in- terest to Great Britain. London, Sampson Low, 1856 15s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1198 AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 1895-1903. New York, Publishers' Weekly, 1901-1904 �4 2 vols, 4to and large 8vo. Half brown morocco and cloth. 1199 Another copy. 1895-1900 �1 15s. 4to. Half brown morocco. 1200 AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGES. PILLING (James Con- stantine) Bibliography of the Iroquoian Languages. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1888 8s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 8 facsimiles, edges frayed. 1201 AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGES. PILLING (James Con- stantine) Bibliography of the Muskhogean Languages. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889 7s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1202 ANA. AUDE (A. F.) Bibliographie critique et raissonn6e des Ana Frangais et Etrangers. Paris, H. Daragon, 1910 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Frontis., uncut and unopened. 1203 ANDREWS (William) Literary Byways. London, W. Andrews and Co., 1898 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Amusing and interesting disquisitions on English and American books. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 111 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1204 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS. PLACCIUS (Vinc.) De Scriptis et Scriptoribus Anonymis atque Pseudonymis. Hamburgi, Sumptibus Christiani Guthii, 1674 17s. Sm. 4to. Calf, rubbed. Name on title. 1205 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS. PLACCIUS (Vincentius) Thea- trum Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum. Hamburgi, Sumptibus Vidua Gothofredi Liebernickelii, 1708 �1 is. Folio. Stamped vellum. Engraved title. Best edition. 1206 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS. STONEHILL (C. A.), BLOCK (A.) and STONEHILL (H. W.) Anonyma and Pseudonyma. London, 1926 �5 5s. net 4 vols, 8vo. Cloth. In the press. Prospectus on application. The most com- plete catalogue of Anonymous English books and list of Pseydonyms. 1207 ANTIQUITIES. FABRICIUS (Jo. Alb.) Bibliographia Antiquaria sive Introductio in Notitiam Scriptorum qui Antiquitates Hebraicas Graecas Romanas et Christianas Scriptis Illustrarunt. Hamburgi, Apud J. C. Bohn, 1760 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Calf, gilt back, cover loose. Still a valuable bibliography. 1208 ARITHMETIC. SMITH (David Eugene) Rara Arithmetica. A Catalogue of the Arithmetics written before the year MDCI., with a des- cription of those in the Library of George Arthur Plimpton, of New York. Boston, Ginn and Co., 1908 �2 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis., uncut, numerous facsimiles of title-pages, etc. pp. 507. Valuable bibliography of an out-of-the-way series of books. 1209 ART. National Gallery. Catalogue of the Eastlake Library. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1872 15s. Large 8vo. Quarter brown morocco. 1210 ART. R. (M.) Catalogue des Livres sur les Arts tous bien reli6s composant la Bibliothbque de M. R. . . . Paris, Adolphe Labitte, 1879 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. An important Art Library of over 3,000 items. 1211 ART. VINET (Ernest) Bibliographie mithodique et raisonnee des Beaux-Arts esthitique et histoire de l'art archiologie, architecture, sculp- ture, peinture, gravure, arts industriels, etc., etc., accompagnee de tables alphab6tiques et analytiques. Paris, Firmin-Didot Freres, 1874 �1 is. 8vo. Half linen. pp. 288. All published. Contains sections on the History of Art. Pageants, etc., which are complete in themselves. Rare. 1212 AUMERLE (Ernest) La Dermotyptemnie. Etude sur quelques livres cum figuris et characteribus ex nulla materia compositis. Issoudun, Imbert et Gaignault, 1867 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Refers to books made by cutting out the letters and illustrations in blank sheets and interleaving with coloured paper or other material to make them visible to the eye. The only work on the subject. 1213 AUVILLAIN (J.) Catalogue des Livres Rares et Precieux. Paris, J. Miard, 1865 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half green morocco, gilt back. Curiosities in Law, Medicine and Literature form the greater portion of this fine Library. Inland Telegrams-CPrTIcTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 112 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C. . BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES continued. 1214 BACON (Sir Francis, Viscount St. Albans) Steeves (G. Walter) Francis Bacon, A Sketch of his Life, Works and Literary Friends : chiefly from A Bibliographical Point of View. London, Methuen and Co., 1910 8vo. Orig. cloth. 43 illustrations. 10s. 6d. 1215 BAKER (Geo.) Catalogue of the very choice and select Library of the late G. Baker, of St. Paul's Churchyard. (Catalogue of the Prints and Drawings). London, Sotheby, 1825 16s. 6d. 8vo, 2 pts. in 1 vol Large Paper, the books priced. Portrait by Bragg after Ozias Humphry. 1216 BALDWIN (James) The Book-Lover, a Guide to the Best Read- ing. London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1886 6s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. 1217 BAMBURGH CASTLE. Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle. London, 1859 10s. 6d. 8vo, 2 vols. Half calf. 1218 BEAUCHAMPS (J. de) et ROUVEYRE (Ed.) Guide du Libraire- Antiquaire et du Bibliophile Vade-mecum A l'usage de tous ceux qui achttent ou vendent des livres. Paris, Ed. Rouveyre et G. Blond, 1882-86 �1 1s. 15 parts, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 58 plates principally of bindings, some in colours. 1219 BECKFORD (W.) The Valuable Library of Books in Fonthill Abbey. Catalogue. London, Phillips, 1823 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds., shabby. 1220 BECKFORD LIBRARY. Catalogue of the First (-Fourth) Portion of the Beckford Library, removed from Hamilton Palace. London, Sotheby, 1882 �1 5s. 8vo. Polished calf, triple gold line border on sides, gilt back repaired, inside gold dentelles. Printed Lists of Prices and Purchasers' Names at end. 1221 BELL (Thomas) The Catalogue of 15,000 volumes of Scarce and Curious Printed Books, and Unique Manuscripts, Collected by T. Bell. Newcastle upon Tyne, Geo. Hardcastle, 1860 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. Thick Paper copy. The most nearly complete library ever got together relating to the North Eastern Counties. 1222 BERNARD (Jaques) Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, Mois de Juillet, 1701-(Dec., 1701). Amsterdam, Henry Desbordes, 1701 17s. 6d. 12mo. Calf, gilt back, hinges weak. Arms of N. J. Foucault in gold on sides and his bookplate inside front cover. 2 vols in 1. 1 folding plate. Contains reviews of recently published books. 1223 BIBLE. ANDERSON (Christopher) The Annals of the English Bible. London, William Pickering, 1845 �1 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait, facsimiles. A fully documented history of the various editions. 1224 Another copy �1 7s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Half black morocco. Nice copy. Cable Address-Co rIcIrY, LONDON. 113 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1225 BIBLE. COTTON (Rev. Henry) A List of Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from 1505 to 1820, with an Appendix con- taining specimens of Translations and Bibliographical descriptions. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1821 8s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, m.e. 1226 BIBLE. DORE (J. R.) Old Bibles, an Account of the early Ver- sions of the English Bible. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1888 10s. 6d. .8vo. Orig. cloth, r.e. 1227 BIBLE. Editions of Bibles, Psalms, Catechisms, and Confessions of Faith, which have been much used in Scotland, though not Printed by Scottish Patentees. [Edinburgh, c. 1825] 7s. 6d. Large folio, unbound. 4 pp. An interesting list. 1228 BIBLE. LOFTIE (W. J.) A Century of Bibles, or the Authorised Version from 1611 to 1711, to which is added William Kilburne's Tract on Dangerous Errors in the late printed Bibles, 1659, with Lists of Bibles in the British Museum, Bodleian, Stuttgart and other Libraries. London, Basil Montagu Pickering, 1872 �1 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, with paper label on back, uncut and unopened. Device on title. One of 30 copies only. Printed on Large Paper. 1229 BIBLE. LEE (John) Memorial for the Bible Societies in Scotland : containing remarks on the complaint of His Majesty's Printers against the Marquis of Huntly and others. (Additional Memorial on Printing and Importing Bibles: containing remarks on the answers for Sir David Hunter Blair and J. Bruce, His Majesty's Printers, to the petition of George Buchan and others. By John Lee). Edinburgh, 1824-26 13s. 6d. 2 parts, 8vo. Wrappers. Name on title. 1230 BIBLE. LEWIS (John) A Complete History of the Several Trans- lations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both in MS. and in print; and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of Printing. To which is now added a List of Various editions of the Bible, and Parts thereof, in English. London, W. Baynes, 1818 8vo. Original boards, ungut. 1 folding plate. 10s. 6d. 1231 BIBLE. MOULTON (W. F.) The History of the English Bible. London, C. H. Kelly [c. 1887] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Front. 1232 BIBLE. PANZER (Georg Wolfgang) Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der iiltesten Augspurgischen Ausgaben der Bibel mit litterarischen An- merkungen. Niirnberg, G. P. Monath, 1780 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. boards. An early monograph by the celebrated bibliographer. 1233 BIBLE. R. (L. N.) The Book and its Story, a Narrative for the Young, on occasion of the Jubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society. With an introductory preface by the Rev. T. Phillips. London, S. Bagster, 1853: 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. 1234 BIBLE. STEVENS (Henry) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. London, Henry Stevens, 1878 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. Inland Telegrams---CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 114 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES---continued. 1235 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER (The), Vol I. Nos. 1-4 [all published]. London, 1905-07 10s. 6d. 8vo. 4 numbers as published, unbound. Contains the previously unpublished letters of Henry Bradshaw on printing in the Irish character and contributions by E. Wyndham Hulme, H. R. Plomer, Robert Steele and R. A. Peddie. 1236 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, Vols 1-3. Lon- don, 1893-96 �3 10s. Sm. 4to. Half green morocco, t.e.g. These volumes contain valuable bibliographi- cal papers, including Dr. Copinger's Incunabula Virgiliana. 1237 BIBLIOGRAPHIE des Ouvrages relatifs aux P6lerinages, aux Miracles, au Spiritisme et a la Prestidigitation imprimbs en France et en Italie l'an du Jubil4, 1875. Turin, J. Gay, 1876 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. FERGUSON (John) Some Aspects of Bibliography. Edinburgh, G. P. Johnston, 1900 �1 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth, uncut and unopened. Large Paper Edition. No. 2 of 26 copies only. One of the most important modern treatises on Bibliography. 1239 Another copy, on ordinary paper 10s. 6d. 1240 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. GROWOLL (A.) Three Centuries of English Book-Trade Bibliography, an essay on the beginnings of Book-trade Bibliography since the introduction of printing and in England since 1595, by A. Growoll. Also a list of the Catalogues, etc., published for the English Book-trade, from 1595-1902, by Wilberforce Eames. New York, The Dibdin Club, 1903 30s. 8vo. Quarter roan, rubbed. 3 folding plates and 3 portraits. 1241 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. JOSEPHSON (Aksel G. S.) Bibliographies of Bibliographies chronologically arranged with occasional notes and an index. Chicago, 1901 12s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1242 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. LABBE (Phil.) Biblio- theca Bibliothecarum curis secundis auctior. Accedit Bibliotheca Num- maria in duas partes tributa. Rothomagi, Thomas Maurry, 1672 15s. 8vo. Calf, gilt back. .1243 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. MURRAY (David) Bibliography, its Scope and Methods, with a view of the Work of a Local Bibliographical Society. Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1917 17s. 6d. 4to. Boards, unopened and uncut. Facsimiles. Dr. Murray's work is by far the best review of bibliographical science in existence. 1244 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. PEDDIE (R. A.) A List of Bibliographical Books published since'the foundation of the Biblio- graphical Society in 1893. [London, 19101 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to.' Boards. Extract from Trans. Bibliog. Soc., pp. 235-311. 1245 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. POWER (John) A Handy Book about Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book- Sellers. London, John Wilson, 1870 10s. 8vo. Half mor., interleaved throughout with blank paper. Cable Address--CoPTICIT, L-LNDON. 115 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1246 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. SABIN' (Joseph) A Handy Book about Books which relate to Books, being an alphabetical catalogue of the most important works descriptive of the literature of Great Britain and America, and more than a few relative to France and Germany. New York, J. Sabin and Sons, 1877 15s. 8vo. Half morocco, original wrappers bound in. 1247 - Another copy. New York, 1877 10s. 8vo. Original wrappers. 1248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. STEIN (Henri) Biblio- graphie des Bibliographies (a propos du Supplemente publi6 par M. Leon Vallee). Tours, Delis Freres, 1888 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. A review of Vallee. Reprint from Bull. Crit. 1249 LE BIBLIOPHILE BELGE, Vols 1-3. Bruxelles, 1845-46 �1 18s. 6d. 8vo, 3 vols. Buckram. Contains many important articles on bibliography and the history of printing. A series of articles on the Spanish Press in Belgium is of con- siderable value. Rare. 1250 BIBLIOTHECA ANONYMIANA : Being A Catalogue of Scarce Books .in most Languages, belonging to a Learned Gentleman lately deceas'd. London, John Wilcox, 1729 10s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter calf, stained at top throughout. An early Auction catalogue. 1251 BIBLIOTHECA PRETIOSA. Being an unusually Choice Collec- tion of Books and Manuscripts in exceptionally fine condition, including Incunabula, Rare editions of early English Classics, and especially of Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton, Defoe, George Herbert, and Izaak Walton, Works in Art and Architecture (some in unique state) and early Manu- scripts on Vellum, while the last section consists of a Remarkable Collec- tion of Choice and Rare Liturgical Books, including a probably unique gathering of the various editions of the Book of Common Prayer. London, Henry Sotheran and Co., 1907 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 26 plates in photo-facsimile. 1252 BIGNON (Abbe) Bibliotheca Duboisiana, ou Catalogue de la Bibliothique de feu son Eminence Mgr. le Cardinal Du Bois. La Haye, Jean Swart and Pierre de Hondt, 1725 16s. 6d. 4 vols, 8vo. Orig. boards, leather back, uncut. 1253 BIRMINGHAM. Books for a Reference Library, being Lectures on the Books in the Reference Department of the Free Public Library, Birmingham. First Series. London, Simpkin, 1885 8s. 6d, 8vo. Orig. cloth. With bibliographical lists. 1254 BIRMINGHAM FREE LIBRARIES. Catalogue of the Refer- ence Department. Birmingham, Printed for the Free Libraries Committee (1879) �1 lls. 6d. Thick 8vo. Half linen, one cover damaged. The following note is written on the fly-leaf: " N.B.--This Catalogue was not printed for publication or intended to be issued in its present form. It is made up from slips printed for use in the Library Catalogues only and is now put together as a record of what the Library was at the time it was destroyed in the Fire of 1879." Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 116 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1255 [BIRRELL (Augustine)] Obiter Dicta. London, Elliot Stock, 1891 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 1256 BIRRELL (Augustine) Res Judicatae, Papers and Essays. London, Elliot Stock, 1892 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. half vellum. 1257 BLACKBURN (C. F.) Hints on Catalogue Titles and on Index entries, with a rough vocabulary of terms and abbreviations; chiefly from catalogues, and some passages from journeying among books. London, Sampson Low, 1884 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Interesting notes on the compilation of catalogues. Name on title. 1258 BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, No. 1,000. Special Double Number. London and Edinburgh, 1899 7s. 6d. 8vo. Half buckram, uncut and unopened. 1259 BLADES (William) The Enemies of Books. London, Trubner and Co., 1880 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. vellum wrappers, uncut. 7 plates. First edition. 1260 -- Another edition. London, Trubner and Co., 1881 12s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 7 plates. 1261 BLADES (William) Les Livres et leurs Ennemis. Paris, A. Claudin, 1883 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Illus. 1262 BLADES (William) Books in Chains [Bibliographical Miscellanies, Nos. 2-5]. London, Blades, 1890 17s. 6d. 2 parts. Orig. wrappers. Rare in this form. Plates. 1263 BLADES (William) Books in Chains and other Bibliographical Papers. London, Elliot Stock, 1892 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth gilt. 1264 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogus Impressorum Librorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae in Academia Oxoniensi. Cura et Opera Thomae Hyde. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1674 �2 2s Folio. Half vellum. The second Bodleian Catalogue of printed books. pp. 480, 272. 1265 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogus Impressorum Librorum Bib- liothecae Bodleianae in Academia Oxoniensis. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniana, 1738 �1 15s. 2 vols. Large folio. Calf, covers very shabby, joints weak. Good copy inside. 1266 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, University Press, 1840 �1 Is. Folio. Half morocco. 4 plates. " 1267 BOHN (Henry G.) Catalogue of a very select Collection of Books English and Foreign offered at the low prices affixed. London, 1831 6s. 8vo. Half calf. Bound with J. Bohn's Catalogue of English Books, 1829. 1268 -- Another copy 6s. 6d. Orig. bds. Cable Address--CPTICITY, LONDON. 117 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES---continued. 1269 BOHN (Henry G.) A Catalogue of Books. London, 1841 12s. 6d. Thick 8vo. Orig. half red morocco, m.e. 1,948 pp. Originally known from its price and size as the Guinea-pig. 1270 BOHN (James) Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Books in all Languages. London, C. Richards, 1840 8s. 6d. Thick 8vo. Boards, roan back. pp. 792. With numerous illustrations. 1271 BOHN (John) A Catalogue of an extensive collection of English Books, offered at the prices annexed. To which is appended, a selection of valuable foreign books and a specimen of an intended classical catalogue. London, 1829 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. boards, shabby. Large Paper Copy. 1272 BOHN (John) Catalogue of English Books in all classes of litera- ture. London, 1843 8s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter roan. pp. 800. 1273 BOLOGNA. BUMALDUS (Jo. Ant) Minervalia Bonon. Civium Anademata, seu Bibliotheca Bononiensis, cui Accessit antiquiorum Pic- torum, et Sculptorum Bonon. Bononiae, Haered. V. Benatius, 1641 �1 10s. 12mo. Vellum. 264 pp. A valuable bibliography of Bolognese Authors. 1274 BOSSANGE, BARTHES AND LOWELL. Catalogue des Livres Frangais, Italiens, Espagnols, Portugais, etc. (Supplement). London, 1830(-36) 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. pp. 595. 1275 BOTANY. LEON (Dr. Nicolas) Biblioteca Botanico-Mexicana Catalogo Bibliografico, Biografico, y Critico de Autores y escritos referentes a Vegetales de Mexico y sus aplicaciones, desde la conquista hasta el pre- sente. Mexico, 1895 �1 ls. 4to. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. 1276 BOUCHOT (Henri) Des Livres Modernes qu'il convient d'acqudrir. L'Art et l'engouement, la bibliofolie contemporaine les procedes de d6cora- tion. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1891 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, back shabby. 15 plates. 1277 BOZE (M. de) Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de M. de Boze. Paris, G. Martin, 1753 18s. 8vo. Calf, triple gold line border on sides, gilt back, rubbed. Engraved portrait pp. 552: 14. Priced throughout. 1278 BRADSHAW (Henry) Collected Papers. Cambridge, University Press, 1889 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 14 plates. Contains practically the whole of Bradshaw's valuable contributions to bibliography, including his List of Founts of Type used in Holland in the 15th century, which all users of Proctor will find indispensable. 1279 BRADSHAW (Henry) Eleven Letters from Henry Bradshaw to S. W. Lawley. [Cambridge, c. 1910] .2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Fasc. J. W. Clark dicatus. 1280 BRADSHAW (Henry) Memoranda No. 1--(No. 8, wanting No. 4). Cambridge, 1868-85 12s. 6d. 7 parts. Orig. wrappers. These bibliographical pamphlets contain practically all Bradshaw's contributions to the science, including his Founts of Types used in Holland in the 15th century, and his Printer of the Historia S. Albani. Wanting the photographic illustrations. Several sets can be supplied. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 118 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1281 BRIDGES (John) Catalogus Librorum J. Bridges. Londini, J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1725 16s. 8vo. Half calf. A good catalogue of the fine library collected by John Bridges, the historian, of Northamptonshire. The collection was sold in the following year and realised over �4,000. Long MS. note on fly-leaf. 1282 BRIGHT (Benjamin Heywood) Catalogue of the Valuable Library. London, Sotheby, 1845 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, soiled. pp. 388. One of the finest collections ever sold in this country. 1283 BRITISH MUSEUM. A Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Reading Room of the British Museum. London, 1886 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Fresh copy. 1284 BRITISH MUSEUM. A Guide to the Printed Books Exhibited in the King's Library. Printed by order of the Trustees, 1891 8s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Mr. Gordon Duff's copy with his signature and a few MS. notes and corrections. 1285 BRITISH MUSEUM. Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogus. Londini, 1813-19 �3 15s. 7 vols bound in 8, 8vo. Calf, rubbed. The third General Catalogue of the British Museum Library and the last prior to the great Catalogue printed in the years 1880- 1900. 1286 BROWN (J.) Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Books, including a curious and rare collection of Catholic Divinity and Contro- versial Works. Wigan, 1834 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Title soiled. 1287 BROWN (John Taylor) Catalogue of the Extensive and Interest- ing Library. London, Sotheby, 1903 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1 portrait. Orig. wrappers bound in. Cuttings from newspapers, a copy of Dr. Brown's " Bibliomania," and the sale catalogue of his pictures, inserted. 1288 BROWNE (Dan.) A Catalogue of the valuable part of the Libraries of the Rev. Mr. Maurice Vaughan, late Prebend of Windsor, of a Counsellor at Law, and a Physician. London, 1722 10s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter calf. An early bookseller's catalogue without prices. 1289 BRUNET (Gustave) Imprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraires Sup- poses. Etude Bibliographique suivie de Recherches sur quelques ouvrages imprimbs avec des indications fictives de lieux ou avec des dates singulibres, Paris, Tross, 1866 15s. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut and unopened. 1290 BRYCE (Thomas, and Co.) A Catalogue of Books, Ancient and Modern, in various languages and classes of literature for 1812. Edinburgh, 1812 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. pp. 156. 1291 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. List of Books in the Library. London, 1877 6s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth. Cable Addvess,-COPTICITY, LONDON. 119 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1292 BURNET (William) Bibliotheca Burnetiana : being a Catalogue of the Intire Library of His Excellency Wm. Burnet, Esq., Deceased late Governor of New England. London, John Wilcox, 1730-1 �1 is. 8vo. Quarter calf, inside margin damaged at head. Burnet was the son of the famous Bishop of Salisbury and was successively Governor of New York and Massachusetts. Several rare American books occur in his Sale Catalogue. 1293 BURTON (John Hill) The Book-Hunter, with Additional Notes by Richard Grant White. New York, Sheldon and Co., 1863 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1294 Another edition. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1885 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. half binding, slightly defective, uncut. 1294A- Another edition. London, Blackwood �1 is. Sm. 4to. Orig. buckram, uncut. Port. front. Best edition. 1295 BURTON (John Hill) Catalogue of a Portion of the Rare Anti- quarian Library. Edinburgh, T. Chapman and Son, 1881 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Named and priced throughout. The Library of the famous author of " The Bookhunter." 1296 BUSCH (Rudolf) Sammlung R. Busch, 2ter. Theil. Illuminierte Manuscripte, Buchminiaturen,Incunabeln, Einbande, Illustrierte Biicher. Frankfurt a M., Baer, 1921 15s. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 58 plates, one in colours. 1297 CAMBRIDGE. BARTHOLOMEW (A. T.) Catalogue of the Books and Papers for the most part relating to the University, Town, and County of Cambridge bequeathed to the University by John Willis Clark, M.A. Cambridge, University Press, 1912 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. buckram, uncut. Frontis. 1298 CAMPBELL (Frank) The Theory of National and International Bibliography. With special reference to the introduction of system in the record of modern literature. London, Library Bureau, 1896 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. pp. 500. 1299 CATALOGUE DES LIVRES choisis et bien conditionnes du cabinet de M. . . . . Paris, 1789 10s. 6d. 8vo. Calf. pp. 316. Title stained. With the printed prices. 1300 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM INSIGNIUM; or, A Catalogue of a Valuable Library of scarce and uncommon books in most languages and faculties. London, J. Worrall, 1734 8s. 6d, 8vo. Quarter calf. An early auction sale catalogue. 1301 CATHOLIC. GILLOW (Joseph) A Literary and Biographical History, or Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics from the Breach with Rome in 1534 to the present time. London, Burns and Oates, [1885-95] �6 6s. 8vo, 5 vols. Orig. cloth. Vol 1 somewhat used, otherwise a bright and clean copy of this invaluable work of reference. 1302 CENTO. [DELEPIERRE (Oct.)] Revue Analytique des Ouvrages ecrits en Centons depuis les temps anciens jusqu'au 19e Sidcle.' Par un Bibliophile Belge. Londres, Triibner and Co., 1868 14s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. bds. Printed at the Chiswick Press. Inland Telegrams--CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 120 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1303 CERAMICS. Champfleury. Bibliographie Cdramique: Nomen- clature Analytique de toutes les publications sur les arts ceramiques jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, A. Quantin, 1881 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. 1304 Another copy �1 is. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, loose. 1305 CHAPBOOKS. Catalogue of English and American Chap-Books and Broadside Ballads in Harvard College Library. Cambridge, Mass., Library of Harvard University, 1905 16s. 6d. 8vo. Unbound. pp. 12, 172. 1306 CHAPBOOKS. HARVEY (William) Scottish Chapbook Litera- ture. Paisley, Alexander Gardner, 1903 12s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards, linen back, unopened. 1307 CHARLES I. TODD (Rev. Henry John) A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury concerning the authorship of Eikon Basilike. London, C. and J. Rivington,' 1825 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, joints weak, shabby. Bound with Broughton (William Grant) A Letter to a Friend touching the Question, " Who was the Author of Eikon Basilike ? " London, Rivington, 1826. 1308 CHESTER. COOKE (John H.) Bibliotheca Cestriensis, or a Bio- graphical Account of Books, Maps, Plates and other printed matter relat- ing to, printed or published in, or written by Authors resident in the County of Chester. Also giving in many instances a short biographical account of the author. Warrington, Mackie and Co., 1904 �1 5s. 4to. Half vellum. 1 portrait and 20 plates. 1309 CHILDREN'S BOOKS. FIELD (Mrs. E. M.) The Child and his Book. Some Account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. London, Wells Gardner, Darton and Co., 1891 10s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 4 plates. 1310 CHILDREN'S BOOKS. TUER (Andrew W.) Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children's Books brought together and introduced to the Reader. London, Leadenhall Press, 1898-9 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Numerous illus. Used copy. 1311 CHINA. WANG (Chung yu) Bibliography of the Mineral Wealth and Geology of China. London, C. Griffin and Co., 1912 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1312 CIM (A.) Bibliophiles et Bibliomanes. [Paris, 1905] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from La Revue. 1st article only. 1313 CITY LIBERAL CLUB. Catalogue of the Library. London, Printed for the Members, 1887 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1 portrait. 1314 CIVIL SERVICE. MARTIN (Leopold Charles) Contributions to English Literature by the Civil Servants of the Crown and East India Company. From 1794 to 1863. With occasional Biographical Notes. London, Longman, 1865 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half roan. A rare bibliography. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 121 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1315 CLARKE (John) An Essay upon Study. Wherein Directions are given for the due conduct thereof and the collection of a Library, proper for the purpose, consisting of the choicest books in all the several parts of learning. London, A. Bettesworth, 1731 17s. 6d. 8vo. Calf. The author was Master of the Public Grammar School of Hull. 1316 CLAYE (Baron de). PORTALIS (Baron Roger) Le Baron Anatole de Claye, 1851-1903. Paris, Henri Leclerc, 1903 7s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 1 portrait. Reprint from the Bull. du Bib. The Baron de Claye was a famous book-collector. 1317 COLLES (William Morris) Literature and the Pension List. An investigation Conducted for the Committee of the Incorporated Society of Authors. London, Glaisher, 1889 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Complete list of all grants of civil list pensions, with notes. 1318 COLLIJN (Isak) Deux Feuillets francais inconnus du 15e Sidcle appartement A la Bibliothique de 1'Universit6 Royale d'Upsala. Besanpon, Jacquin, 1907 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Facsimile. Reprint from Bibliographe Moderne. 1319 COLOMIES (Paul) La Bibliothbque Choisie, Augmentde des Notes de Messieurs Bourdelot, de la Monnoye, et autres. Paris, Theodore le Gras, 1731 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, red edges. 1320 COMPANION for the Learned and Curious in all Languages, Arts and Sciences, in four Distinct Parts, Part I. contains a Taste of Oriental Learning, being the first Chapter of St. James' Epistle, In Arabick and Latin. Part II. begins the-New Testament on a Noble Paragon Greek, with a Latin Translation in the Column over-against it. Part III. is an Impartial Extract of Books newly publish'd in all parts of Europe. Part IV., An exact Journal of every Remarkable in the Month, both at Home and Abroad, to be continued monthly, this for March, 1715. London, John Morphew, 1715 �2 5s. 4to. Half red morocco. Not in B.M. Rare and curious. 1321 CONGRES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONAL tenu a. Paris, Juillet, 1878, Sous les auspices de la Societe Bibliographique. Compte-Rendu des Travaux. Paris, Societe Bibliographique, 1879 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. pp. 576. 1322 CONJURING. CLARKE (Sidney W.) and BLIND (Adolphe) The Bibliography of Conjuring and Kindred Deceptions. London, G. Johnson, 1920 6s. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. 1323 CONSTABLE (David) Catalogue of the Library of David Con- stable, containing an extraordinary assemblage of rare and curious books and manuscripts. Edinburgh, D. Speare, 1828 10s. 8vo. Half calf. With printed prices. Inland Telegrams---CoPTIcITY, WESCENT, LONDON. 122 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1324 COOKE (Robert) Censura quorundam Scriptorum, quae sub nominibus Sanctorum et veterum auctorum, a Pontificiis (in quaestionibus potissimum hodie controversis) citari solent. Helmestadii, G. Wolffgang, 1683 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Half vellum. 1325 CRAIG (James T. Gibson) Catalogue of the Valuable and very extensive Library. London, Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, 1887-8 �5.5s. 3 parts in 1 vol, large 4to. Half red morocco. Large Paper Copy. 32 coloured plates and facsimiles. With printed prices and names of purchasers. 1326 -- Copy on ordinary paper without plates 17s. 3 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Cloth. Priced and named. 1327 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.). COHN (Albert M.) A Few Notes upon Some Rare Cruikshankiana. London, Karslake and Co., 1915 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 9 illustrations, some coloured. No. 20 of 250 copies only. 1328 CURLL (Ed.) A Young Student's Library, or A Catalogue of Books belonging to the late Mr. Lusher of Pembroke Col., Oxon., consist- ing of 500 articles in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and English. London, E. Curll, [n.d., c. 1730] 17s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter calf. Title and a few corners damaged. An early auction cata- logue issued by the famous bookseller " at his Literatory, the Two Green Spires, next door to Will's Coffee House in Bow Street, Covent Garden." 1329 CURRER (Miss Richardson) A Catalogue of the Library, collected by Miss Richardson Currer, at Eshton Hall. By C. J. Stewart. London, Printed for Private Circulation only, 1833 18s. 6d. 8vo. Half red morocco. 4 engr. plates. A classified catalogue arranged according to Horne's Scheme devised for the British Museum. Author index. A rare catalogue. 1330 CUTHELL AND MARTIN. A Catalogue of Books for the year 1807. London, 1807 12s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. Nearly 14,500 entries. 1331 DANISH LITERATURE. RAUPACH (Bern.) De Praesenti Rei Sacrae et Litterariae in Daniae. Hamburgi, Chr. Liebezeit, 1717. THURA (Albert) Idea Historiae Litterariae Danorum. Hamburgi, T. C. Fel- ginerus, 1723 �1 Is. 8vo. Calf. 2 works in 1 vol. Useful bibliographies of Danish authors. 1332 DAUZE (Pierre) Repertoire des Ventes Publiques Catalogubes. Index Bibliographique. Oct., 1894-Sept., 1898. Paris, 1896-1900 �2 10s. Large 8vo, 4 vols. Half morocco, not uniform. Contains the records of French book auctions, with prices and descriptions for the four seasons, 1894-5, 1895-6, 1896-7, and ,P97-8. 1333 [Another copy of the volume for Oct., 1894-Sept., 1895] 15s. 1334 DAVIS (William) An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anec- dotes and Memoranda Original and Selected: including Mr. Cole's Un- published notes on the Revd. Jas. Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral. London, J. Rodwell, 1814 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 123 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1335 DE BURE (Guillaume) Catalogue de Livres Rares dont la Vente se fera le Lundi 13 Mars, 1786, et jours suivants, trois heures de relevee, en I'une des Salles de l'Hotel de Bullion rue Platriere. Paris, G. de Bure, 1786 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, shabby. 1336 DEFOE (Daniel). PURVES (W. Laidlaw) The "O " Edition of " 1obeson Cruso." London, Francis and Co., 1903 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Privately reprinted from " The Athenaeum." 1337 DEIGHTON (J. and J. J.) A Catalogue of a Valuable and Exten- sive Collection of Books, in various languages and in every branch of litera- ture. Cambridge, J. Smith, 1828 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Nearly 7,000 items. 1338 DELISLE (Leopold). LACOMBE (Paul) Bibliographie des Tra- vaux de M. Leopold Delisle. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1902 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 portrait, uncut and unopened. pp. 512. M. Delisle was Chief Librarian of the Bibliothbque Nationale. 1339 DEROME (L.) Le Luxe des Livres. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre, 1879 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 100 copies only. Ornaments printed in colour. 1340 Another copy, in half red morocco �1 is. 1341 - Another copy, in buckram �1 Is. 1342 DES PERIERS (Bonav.). DELARUELLE (L.) Etude sur le Prob- leme du Cymbalum Mundi. [Paris, 1925] 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Extract from Revue d'Hist. Litt. de la France. The Cymbalum Mundi was written by Bonav. Des Periers. 1343 DE TRIBUS IMPOSTORIBUS M.D.IIC. Texte Latine, colla- tionne sur l'exemplaire du Duc de la Valliere aujourd' hui & la Bibliothbque Imperiale. Augments de variantes de plusieurs manuscrits, etc., et d'une notice philogique et bibliographique par Philomneste Junior [G. Brunet]. Paris, Jules Gay, 1861 12s. 6d. 18mo. Half green morocco. An interesting monograph, with a considerable amount of bibliographical information, on one of the rarest books in the world. Brunet suggests that only three copies of the original exist. The three impostors referred to are Moses, Christ and Mahomet. A fine copy. 1344 DEVONSHIRE. DAVIDSON (James) Bibliotheca Devoniensis: A Catalogue of the printed books relating to the County of Devon. Exeter, W. Roberts, 1852 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. 1345 DEZEIMERIS (Reinhold) Etude Bibliographique et Critique sur une version peu connue des Moralia de Plutarque complement a la Publica- tion des Remarques d'Estienne de la Boitie sur le Traite intitule Erotikos. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1904 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Frontis. and 1 plate. 1346 DEZEIMERIS (Reinhold) Pierre Trichet. Un Bibliophile Borde- lais un siecle. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1878 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, 26 pp. Autograph copy from the author. 124 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES---continued. 1347 DIALOGUES IN A LIBRARY. London, G. G. and J, Robinson, 1797 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, leather back, uncut. MS. notes on title. 1348 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. London, R. Jennings, 1829 �3 3s. 3 vols. Orig. cloth, loose, covers defective. Fronts. and illustrations in text. 1349 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. London, Printed for the Author by D. Richards, 1838 �3 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Half vellum. 42 engraved plates and numerous engraved illustra- tions in the text. A little spotted, otherwise a very good copy. 1350 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) The Bibliomania; or, Book-Mad- ness : containing some account of the History, Symptoms and Cure of this Fatal Disease in an Epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq.' London, Longman, 1809 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo. Vellum, inside gold dentelles. First edition. Bound with : Mercurius Rus- ticus, Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present Languid and Depressed state of Litera- ture and the Book Trade addressed to the Author of the Bibliomania. With notes by Cato Parvus. London, H. Bohn, 1832. 1351 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) Bibliomania ; or, Book-Madness, a Bibliographical Romance. New and improved edition. London, Chatto and Windus, 1876 �1 7s. 6d. La. 8vo. Orig. roxburgh binding. One of the most fascinating volumes in biblio- graphical literature. 1352 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) The Library Companion; or, The Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library. London, Harding, 1825 �2 10s. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf, gilt backs. 1353 Another copy �1 10s. 2 vols in 1. Orig. cloth. 1354 Another copy 10s. 6d. 3 vols. Orig. bds., roan backs. 1355 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) The Library Companion; or, The Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. London, Harding, Triphook and Lepard, 1824 18s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, cloth back, or calf. pp. 912. 1356 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) Lettre Trentieme concernant l'Im- primerie et la Librairie de Paris, Traduite de l'Anglais, avec des notes, par G. A. Crapelet. Paris, Crapelet, 1821 �1 5s. La. 8vo. Boards, foxed, uncut and unopened. Crapelet's comments on this chap- ter of Dibdin's Tour in France are very interesting. Rare. 1357 DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) Reminiscences of a Literary Life. London, John Major, 1836 17s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf, rubbed. 10 plates. 1358 DIDOT (Firmin) Catalogue des Livres rares, pr6cieux, et tris- bien conditionnis du Cabinet de M. Firmin Didot. Paris, De Bure, 1810 8vo. Quarter calf. Priced throughout. 12s. 6d. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 125 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--Continued. 1359 DITCHFIELD (P. H.) Books Fatal to their Authors. London, Elliot Stock, 1895 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt, uncut. 1360 DRAMA. DELESTRE (Maurice) Catalogue de la Bibliothbque Dramatique de feu le Baron Taylor. Paris, Techener, 1893 �1 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. pp. 492. One of the most famous dramatic collections ever brought together. 1361 "'DRUGULIN (W.) Catalogue of a most valuable Collection (the largest ever submitted to the public) of pictorial broadsides, allegorical and satyrical prints, books of pageants, etc., serving to elucidate the public and private history of all countries during the last four centuries. Leipzig, W. Drugulin, 1867 15s. 8vo. Orig. boards. With numerous printed additions inserted in their chrono- logical order. pp. 500. 1362 DRUMMOND (Wm.) Auctarium Bibliothecae Edinburgenae, sive Catalogus Librorum quos Guilielmus Drummondus ab Hawthornden Bibliothecae D.D.Q., Anno 1627. Edinburgh, Excudebant Haeredes An- dreae Hart, 1627 [reprinted by James Ballantyne, 1815] 17s.6d. 4to. Bds., uncut. 40 pp. The Ballantyne reprint of the excessively rare catalogue of the books of William Drummond of Hawthornden. 1363 DRUMMOND CASTLE. JOHNSTON (George P.) Catalogue of the Rare and most Interesting Books and Manuscripts in the Library at Drum- mond Castle. Edinburgh, Privately Printed, 1910 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. One of 50 copies only. Presented by the Compiler to Mr. Wm. Macmath. 1364 DUELLING. LEVI (Gio. Enr.) and GELLI (Jac.) Bibliografia del Duello. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1903 �1 17s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Thick paper copy. pp. 570. 1365 [DUREY DE NOINVILLE.] Dissertation sur les Bibliotheques Avec une Table Alphabetique, tant des Ouvrages Publies sous le titre de Bibliotheques, que des Catalogues imprimbs de plusieurs Cabinets de France et des Pays strangers. (Table Alphabetique des Dictionnaires, en toutes sortes de Langues et sur toutes sortes de Sciences et d'Arts). Paris, Chaubert et Herissant, 1758 �1 Is. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. Calf, gilt back. Two interesting and useful bibliographies. Brunet 31795 has the second work only. On the authorship, see Barbier. Rare. 1366 EDINBURGH. Cathologus Librorum quos vir eximus et beate memorie Magister Clemens Litill Edinburgene Ecclesie et Ministris ejus- dem obiens legavitet conseeravit, 1580. (Inventories of Buikis in the Col- leges of Sanctandrois, 1588-1612). Maitland Club, n.d. [c. 1850] 10s. 6d. 4to. Half calf. Curious early lists of books of the Scottish University Libraries. 1367 ELTON (Charles Isaac and Mary Augusta) A Catalogue of a Portion of the Library. London, Quaritch, 1891 15s. Large 8vo. Morocco roxburgh, shabby, uncut. Plates. A famous catalogue, largely the work of Mr. A. W. Pollard. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 126 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES---ontinued. 1368 ENGLISH HISTORY. MACRAY (William Dunn) A Manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600. Containing a Chronological Account of the Early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers, their Printed Works and Un- published MSS. London, William Pickering, 1845 12s. 6d. 8vo. Half green morocco, gilt back. Printed by C. Whittingham at Chiswick. 1369 ENGLISH HISTORY. NICoLsON (W.) The English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries. Giving a Short View and Character of most of our Historians, either in Print or Manuscript. With an account of our Records, Law-books, Coins, etc. To which is added a Letter to the Reverend White Kennet, D.D., in Defence of the English Historical Library, etc. London, T. Evans and T. Becket, 1776 16s. 6d. 4to. Half russia. 1370 ENGLISH LITERATURE. ARBER (Edward) The Term Cata- logues, 1668-1709, with a number for Easter Term, 1711, a Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature. London, 1903-1906 �3 3s. 3 vols, large 4to. No. 16 of 100 Large Paper Copies. Of the utmost value for the literature of the Restoration and the Protestant Revolution. With full indexes. 1371 ENGLISH LITERATURE. BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA, or A Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry, in the Possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Remarks, critical and biographical. London, Printed by Thos. Davison for the Proprietors of the Collection, 1815 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. boards, with paper label. Frontis., uncut. Fresh copy. 1372 ENGLISH LITERATURE. COLLIER (J. Payne) Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, from 1557 to 1587. London, Shakespeare Society, 1853 �1 is. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. Half russia, gilt back, joints weak. Records of all the Poetical, Dramatic, and General Literature recorded in the Stationers' Registers. 1373 ENGLISH LITERATURE. COLLIER (J. Payne) The Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particu- larly on the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Edinburgh, A. Constable, 1820 �2 8vo, 2 vols. Half calf. " The real bent of his mind has been revealed in the Poetical Decameron, 1820, in which he displayed a remarkable familiarity with the best known Elizabethan poets."-D.N.B. 1374 ENGLISH LITERATURE. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. New York, Grolier Club, 1901 �4 4s. 8vo. Boards. Mezzotint portrait of Ben Jonson. One of 300 copies on hand-made paper. Name on fly-leaf. 1375 ENGLISH LITERATURE. WHITE (Newport J. D.) A Short Catalogue of English Books in Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin, printed before 1641. Oxford, University Press, 1905 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Cable Address--CoPTIcrTY, LONDON. 127 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--COntinued. 1376 ERASMUS (Desid.) Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Bibliographe des oeuvres d'Erasme. Adagia (Admonitio Adversus Mendacium; Annota- tiones; Antibarbari; Antwort; Apologia ad J. Fabrum Stapulensem; Apologia adv. Debacchationem P. Sutoris; Apologia adv. Monachos quosdam Hispanos ; Apologia adv. Rhapsodias Alberti Pii.). Gand, Vyt, 1897-1900 �1 15s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. pp. 580, 228. 1377 EROTICA. Bibliotheque Nationale. L'Enfer de la Biblio- thbque Nationale, Bibliographie Methodique et Critique de tous les ouv- rages composant cette c6kl6bre collection avec une preface un index des titres et une table des Auteurs par Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, Louis Perceau. Paris, Bibliothbque des Curieux, 1919 13s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Uncut and unopened. 1378 EVANS. List of a Series of Catalogues of the Eminent Libraries which have been sold by Mr. R. H. Evans, from May 18th, 1812, to March 11th, 1840, by Messrs. T. and C. Evans, and Messrs. Evans from July 6th, 1840, to December 22nd, 1843 10s. 6d. 4to. Limp leather. A manuscript list describing a collection of the catalogues. 1379 EYTON (J. W. K.) Catalogue of the Library of J. W. K. Eyton. London, 1848 �1 14s. Sm. 4to. Orig. half roan. 1 cover loose. Large Paper. Only 50 copies printed for presents, No. 34. The most complete collection of privately printed books and limited editions ever got together. With the owner's bookplate printed in colours and inserted as a frontispiece. 1380 FABRICIUS (Jo. Alb.). REIMARUS (Herm. Sam.) De Vita et Scriptis Joannis Alberti Fabricii Commentarius. Hamburgi, Sumtu Viduae Felgineriae, 1737 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half vellum, shabby. 1 portrait. 1381 FALCONRY. UHAGON (Francisco R. de) Los Libros de Cetreria del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala, de Juan de Sant-Fahagun y de Don Fadrique de Zufiiga y Sotomayor. Madrid, 1889 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers, soiled, uncut and unopened. 100 copies only. The three great Spanish books on Falconry. 1382 FENCING. THIMM (Carl A.) A Complete Bibliography of the Art of Fence, comprising that of the sword and of the bayonet, duelling, etc., as practised by all European Nations, from the earliest period to the present day. With a classified Index. London, Franz Thimm and Co., 1891 15s. 8vo. Half vellum, uncut. 1383 FERRAR (Nicholas). CARTER (Rev. T. T.) Nicholas Ferrar, His Household and his Friends. London, Longmans, 1892 9s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1 portrait and 1 plate. Includes an account of the famous Har- monies, prepared at Little Gidding. 1384 FERRAR (Nicholas). CARTER (T. T.) Nicholas Ferrar, his house- hold and his friends. London, Longmans, 1893 9s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 port. and 1 plate. Includes an account of the famous Har- monies prepared at Little Gidding. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WE STCENT, LONDON. 128 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-COntinued. 1385 FERRAR (Nicholas). PECKARD (P.) A Life of Nicholas Ferrar. London, J. Masters, 1852 14s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. An envelope is fastened inside the front cover containing flowers and moss from Nicholas Ferrar's grave at Little Gidding. 1386 FERRAR (Nicholas) The Story Books of Little Gidding, being the religious dialogues recited in the great room, 1631-2, from the original MS. of Nicholas Ferrar, with an introduction by E. Cruwys Sharland. London, Seeley and Co., 1899 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 6 portraits and other plates, unopened. 1387 FERRARA. BAROTTI (Gianandr.) Memorie Storiche di Letterati Ferraresi. Volume Primo (only one published). Ferrara, 1777 12s. 6d. Folio. Half calf (cracked). Engraved title and front., nice vignettes and tail- pieces. Tall and clean copy. Gamba 2140. 1388 FICHET (Alex.) Arcana Studiorum Omnium Methodus, et Bib- liotheca Scientiarum, Librorumque earum ordine tributorum universalis. Lugduni, Apud Guillelmum Barbier, 1649 �1 5s. 8vo. Limp vellum, device on title, stained. A rare bibliography. 1389 FISHING. MARSTON (R. B.) Walton and some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fishing. London, E. Stock, 1894 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, gilt, uncut. Presentation inscription by the author to Rev. J. F. Fleming, S.J. 1390 FITZGERALD (Edward) A Chronological List of the more im- portant issues of Edward Fitzgerald's Version of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, and of other books, written, translated, edited or owned by him, with portraits, autograph letters, etc., and certain items identified with his name, or forming part of his Persian Studies. Chicago, Caxton Club, 1899 �1 15s. 8vo. Half green calf. Frontis., original wrappers bound in. Bound with :- Fitzgerald (Edward) Notes for a Bibliography. Reprinted, with corrections from " Notes and Queries." London, Athenaeum Press, 1900. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 50 copies private printed. With an autograph letter from Col. W. F. Prideaux, the author of the latter work, inserted. 1391 FITZGERALD (Percy) The Book Fancier, or the Romance of Book Collecting. London, Sampson Low, 1886 (1887) 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1392 FITZGERALD (Percy) Recreations of a Literary Man, or Does Writing Pay ? London, Chatto and Windus, 1883 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1393 FORD (W.) Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of Books, in various languages and classes of literature ; and including also, a small, but curious collection of Manuscripts which are now selling, for ready money, at the prices affixed to each article. Manchester, 1811 6s. 6d. 8vo. Half bound. Front cover missing. Nearly 16,000 entries. 1394 FRANKLIN (Benjamin) Benjamin Franklin's Life and Writings, a Biographical Essay on the Stevens' Collection of Books and Manuscripts relating to Dr. Franklin. By Henry Stevens. London, Davy and Sons, 1881 18s. 6d. La. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. Large Paper. 5 portraits and facsimiles. Cable Address-CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 129 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1395 FRENCH (Frederick W.) Catalogue of the valuable private Li- brary, magnificent collection of fine and rare books. Boston, Libbie, 1901 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half morocco. Many illustrations and facsimiles. 1396 FRENCH HISTORY. Du CHESNE (Andre) Bibliotheque des Autheurs, qui ont escrit 1'Histoire et Topographie de la France, Divisee en Deux Parties, selon I'Ordre des temps & matieres. Seconde edition, revue & augmentee de plus de deux cens Historiens. Paris, Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, 1627 17s. 6d. 8vo. Polished calf, gilt back, lines and edges of boards, inside gold borders. Device on title. 1397 FRENCH HISTORY. LE LONG (Jacques) Bibliotheque His- torique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages, imprimbs et manuscrits qui traitent de l'Histoire de ce Royaume, ou qui'y ont rapport : avec des notes critiques et historiques. Paris, Jean- Thomas Herissant, 1768-78 �15 15s. 5 vols, folio. Mottled calf, triple gold line border on sides, gold tooled backs and edges of boards, inside gold dentelles, arms of Louis XVI. stamped in gold on covers. A fine copy of the best edition of this great Bibliography of the History of France. 1398 FROBENIUS (G. L.). HOFFMANN (Friedrich Lorenz) Der gelehrte Buchhandler Georg Ludwig Frobenius in Hamburg. Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe, 1867 7s. 8vo. Boards. Few pages spotted. Device on title. Biography and Bibliography of the Hamburg publisher (1566-1645). 1399 FURLY (Benjamin) Bibliotheca Furliana sive Catalogus Librorum Benjamin Furly, inter quos excellunt Bibliorum Editiones, Mystici, Libriproprii cujuscumque Sectae Christianae, et Manuscripti membranei. Roterodami, Fritsch et Bohm, 1714 �1 12s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, double gold line border on sides, gold tooled back and edges of boards, joints weak. B. Furly (1636-1714), Quaker and friend of Locke and George Fox. Important catalogue. 1400 GAELIC. MACLEAN (Donald) Typographia Scoto-Gadelica, or Books printed in the Gaelic of Scotland, from 1567 to 1914, with biblio- graphical and biographical notes. Edinburgh, J. Grant, 1915 �1 10s. 4to. Orig. cloth. No. 29 of 250 copies only. 1401 GAIGNAT (L. J.). DE BURE (Guill. Francois) Supplement & la Bibliographie Instructive, ou Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de feu M. L. J. Gaignat. Paris, G. F. De Bure, 1769 10s. 2 vols, 8vo. Hf. calf. 1402 GALITZIN (Prince Augustin) Notice sur un Bibliophile Emigre. Paris, Ch. Dahure, 1865 5s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 24 pp. The bibliophile referred to is G. H. de Romance de Mesmon. 1403 GARDENS. HAZLITT (W. Carew) Gleanings in Old Garden Literature. London, Elliot Stock, 1887 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 130 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.I. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1404 GARNETT (Richard) Essays in Librarianship and Bibliography. London, George Allen, 1899 10g. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Important essays on Libraries and the history of printing and paper. 1405 GEOGRAPHY. Royal Geographical Society. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. London, John Murray, 1895 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1406 GEOGRAPHY. York Gate Library. Catalogue of the York Gate Library formed by Mr. S. William Silver. An Index of the Literature of Geography, Maritime and Inland Discovery, Commerce and Colonisation, by E. A. Petherick. London, Murray, 1886 16s. Large 8vo. Vellum. Autograph presentation letter from Mr. Silver inserted. pp. 132, 336. Maps and facsimiles. 1407 GERMAN HISTORY. DAHLMANN-WAITZ. Quellenkunde der Deutschen Geschichte. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1894 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1408 GIBBS (Henry Hucks, Lord Aldenham) A Catalogue of some Printed Books and Manuscripts at St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park and Aldenham House, Herts. London, 1888 18s. 6d. Imp. 8vo. Morocco roxburgh, uncut. With autograph letter from Mr. Hucks Gibbs (afterwards Lord Aldenham) presenting the copy to Mr. Milnes Gaskell. 1409 GOMME (George Laurence) The Gentleman's Magazine Library: being a classified collection of the chief contents of The Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Bibliographical notes, edited by A. C. Bickley. London, Elliot Stock, 1889 10s. 6d. 8vo. Buckram. 1410 GOODHUGH (William) The English Gentleman's Library Manual; or, a Guide to the formation of a Library of select literature: accompanied with original notices, biographical and critical, of authors and books. London, William Goodhugh, 1827 8s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 1411 GRANGERISING. ANDREWS (W. L.) Of the Extra Illustration of Books. London, Zaehnsdorf, 1900 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1412 GRANGERISING. BULLOCK (J. M.) The Art of Extra-Illustra- tion. London, A. Treherne and Co., 1903 7s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. boards. Illus. 1413 GRANGERISING. TREDWELL (Dan. M.) A Monograph on Privately-Illustrated Books. A Plea for Bibliomania. Brooklyn, F. Tredwell, 1882 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1414 GRAY LIBRARY. Specimens of a Catalogue of the Gray Lib- rary, Kinfauns Castle. Perth, D. Morison, 1828 �1 10s. Folio. Orig. cloth. Lithographed throughout in decorative borders. Black and red. Curious specimen of early Scottish lithography. Cable Address--CoPTICITY, LONDON. 131 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1415 GREEK LITERATURE. COLLIJN (Isak) Catechesis Graeca Christianorum, Stockholm 1584. Den Antagligen Aldsta i Sverige pa Greekiska Tryckta Boken. Uppsala, 1921 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Facsimile. Reprint from the Nordisk Tidskrift for Bok och Biblioteksvasen. 1416 GREEK LITERATURE. YOUNG (Sir George) On the History of Greek Literature in England, from the earliest times to the end of the reign of James the First. Cambridge, Macmillan and Co., 1862 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, shabby. 1417 GUBERNATIS (Angelo de) Dictionnaire International des Ecrivains du Monde Latin. Rome, Chez l' Auteur, 1905-06 16s. 6d. 7 parts, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1418 GUILDHALL LIBRARY. A Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London. Printed for the Use of the Members of the Corpora- tion of the City of London, 1859 8s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. 1419 GUNTZBERGER (M.) Catalogue de la Bibliothbque Frangaise. Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1872 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1420 HAMILTON (G.) and BALFOUR (J.) Catalogue of a very curious and valuable collection of Books for sale. Edinburgh, 1754 17s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Quarter calf. Margins shaved. Interesting and rare Scottish book- seller's catalogue. 1421 HAMPSHIRE. GILBERT (H. M.) and GODWIN (G. N.) Biblio- theca Hantoniensis, A List of Books relating to Hampshire, including Magazine References, etc., with an Additional List of Hampshire News- papers, by F. E. Edwards. Southampton, Ye Olde Boke Shoppe [1891] 10s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, shabby. 1422 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H.) The Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. Illustrated by original letters and notes, biographical, literary and antiquarian. London, Longman, 1829 �1 15s. Large 8vo. Polished calf, gold borders and back, a little rubbed, inside gold dentelles, m.e. Autograph presentation inscription from the author to W. C. Russell, whose bookplate is inside front cover. Illustrations. Fine copy. 1423 HARTLEY (Leonard Lawrie) Catalogue of the Library of the late L. L. Hartley, Compiled by J. Corbet Anderson, instructed by W. H. Dunster, Esq., and W. R. Young, Esq. (the Executors), by Order of the Court of Chancery. London, 1885-7 �1 is. 3 vols, 8vo. Cloth. Fine copy. One of the largest collections of topographical and historical literature ever made. 1424 HERING (Jod.) Bibliotheca Heringana, sive Catalogus Librorum, qui studiis, inservierunt viri clarissimi Jodoci Heringa Ez. fil. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Robert Natan, 1841 lOs. 6d. 8vo. Boards, leather back. Inland Telegrams-COPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 132 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1, BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1425 HINDLEY (Charles) The Old Book Collector's Miscellany, or a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary Rarities, illustrative of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation during the 16th and 17th Centuries. London, Reeves and Turner, 1871-72 4to, 2 vols. Half green morocco. �1 10s. 1426 HISPANIOLA. ROTH (H. Ling) Bibliography and Cartography of Hispaniola. London, J. Murray, 1889 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Supplementary Papers, Royal Geographical Society. 1427 HISTORY. HALLERVORDIUS (Jo.) De Historicis Latinis Spicile- gium, opera majori praemissum. Jenae, Jo. Nisus, 1672 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards. Interesting list of historical writers and their works. 1428 HOCHEGGER (Dr. Rudolf) Ueber die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Blockbicher mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Liber Regum seu His- toria Davidis. Eine bibliographisch-kunstgeschichtliche Studie Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens. Leipzig, Otto, Harrassowitz, 1891 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Folding facsimiles. 1429 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. FOPPENS (Joannis Francisci) Bibliotheca Belgica, sive virorum in Belgio vita, Scriptisque illustrium catalogus, librorumque nomenclatura continens scriptores a Clariss. Viris Valerio Andrea, Auberto Miraeo, Francisco Sweertio, aliisque, recensitos, usque ad annum 1680. Bruxellis, P. Foppens, 1739 �3 10s. 2 vols, 4to. Calf, rubbed, gilt back. 143 fine portraits. Biography and biblio- graphy of the writers of the Low Countries. 1430 HORNE (Thomas Hartwell) An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, to which is prefixed a Memoir of the Public Libraries of the Antients. London, Cadell and Davies, 1814 �1 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf. 12 plates, some folding. 1431 HOYOIS (H. J.) Muse Bibliographique, Collection d'Ouvrages Imprimbs et Manuscrits dont le moindre prix est de 1000 francs. Mons, Hoyois-Derely, 1837 17s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter morocco. A description of 442 books and 81 MSS., each of which had realised more than 1,000 francs. It was probably this compilation that induced Renier Chalon to produce his famous hoax, the catalogue of the Fortsas Library of unique books, which was published by the author of the above work. 1432 HUGUENOTS. Bibliothique de la Providence. Catalogue of the Library of the French Hospital, Victoria Park Road, London, by R. S Faber, with an introduction by Arthur Giraud Browning, F.S.A. Canter- bury, Cross and Jackman, 1901 8s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Forming a bibliography of the Huguenots. 1433 IDEE GENERALE DES ETUDES, Choix qu'on en doit faire. But ou on doit tendre, les Regles et la Maniere de les faire avec fruit. Avec Un Etat des Bibliotheques et le Plan pour enformer une curieuse et bien ordonnee pour servir de suite a la Science de la Cour. Amsterdam, Chate- lain, 1713 15s. 8vo. Calf. 4 folding tables. An interesting systematic guide to the best authors on many subjects. Cable A ddr~ess--COPTICITY,, LONDON. 133 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1434 ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. BOUCHOT (Henri) Les Livres A Vig- nettes du XVe au XVIIIe (-XIXe) siecle. Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1891 �1 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Illus. 1435 IMITATIO CHRISTI. FITZGERALD (Percy) The World's Own Book, or the Treasury of a Kempis. An Account of the chief Editions of " The Imitation of Christ," with an Analysis of its methods. London, Elliot Stock, 1895 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. 5 plates. 1436 IMITATIO CHRISTI. WHEATLEY (Leonard A.) The Story of the " Imitatio Christi." London, Elliot Stock, 1891 7s. 8vo. Orig. cloth gilt. Frontis. Uncut and unopened. 1437 IMPERIALI (Jos. Ren., Card.) Bibliothecae Josephi Renati Imperialis Sanctae Romonae Ecclesiae Diaconi Cardinalis Sancti Georgii Catalogus Secundum auctorum cognomina ordine alphabetico dispositus : Una cum Altero Catalogo Scientiarum et Artium. Romae, Franciscus Gonzaga, 1711 �1 2s. 6d. Folio. Vellum, loose. Device on title, uncut, wormed. An author catalogue, with index of subjects, of this famous library, by Fontanini. 1438 INCUNABULA. BOTFIELD (Beriah) Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures. London, H. G. Bohn, 1861 �1 10s. 4to. Roan roxburgh, rubbed. pp. 72, 674. The Preface forms an interesting his- tory of the earliest editions of classical authors. 1439 INCUNABULA. BRADSHAW (Henry) A Classified Index of the 15th Century Books in the Collection of the late M. J. de Meyer, which were sold at Ghent in Nov., 1869. London. Macmillan, 1870 2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Memoranda No. 2. With valuable Appendices. 1440 INCUNABULA. CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.) Annales de la Typo- graphie Neerlandaise au 15e siecle. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1874-90 �3 3s 8vo. 1 vol and 4 supplements. Orig. bds. and wrappers. Bibliographical catalogue of all the known issues of the press in Holland and Belgium during the 15th century. 1441 INCUNABULA. CASTAN (Auguste) Catalogue des Incunables de la Bibliotheque Pub]ique de Besancon. Besancon, J. Dodivers, 1893 �1 10s 8vo. Half calf, rubbed, uncut. 1 portrait, facsimiles. An important catalogue of nearly 1,000 incunables. Only those authors down to G appear in Pellechet. 1442 INCUNABULA. Christ's College. Early Printed Books to the Year 1500 in the Library of Christ's College, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1912 6s. 6d 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1443 INCUNABULA. Collection a vendre de Monumens Typogra- phiques et autres ouvrages rares, imprimes aux XVe et XVI sidcles. Offen- bach sur le Mein, Ernest Heinemann, 1840 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. An extraordinary collection, including nearly 400 Incunabula. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 134 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-COntinued. 1444 INCUNABULA. CONWAY (Sir W. M.) The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the 15th Century, in 3 parts: I., History of the Wood- cutters; II., Catalogue of the Woodcuts; III., List of the books contain- ing Woodcuts. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1884 �1 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. A catalogue of every illustrated book printed in Holland and Belgium up to 1500 and a complete description, with measurements, of every wood- cut contained in them. An absolutely essential work for all students of incunabula and of woodcut illustration. 1445 INCUNABULA, DENIS (Michael) Annalium Typographicorum V. Cl. Michaelis Maittaire Supplementum. Viennae, o. de Kursbek, 1789 �1 5s. 2 vols, 4to. Calf. Working copy, many margins damaged by damp. 1446 INCUNABULA. DEVENTER. Catalogus van de Incunabelen in de Athenaeum-Bibliotheek te Deventer Door M. E. Kronenberg. Deventer A. E. Kluwer, 1917 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 folding plate and 4 in the text. 1447 INCUNABULA. DUFF (E. Gordon) Early Printed Books. London, Kegan Paul, 1893 �1 is. 8vo. Orig. buckram. 11 plates. The most useful book on its subject. 1448 Another copy, from Charles Sayle's collection with his Autograph �1 5s. 1449 INCUNABULA. DUFF (E. Gordon) English Fifteenth Century Broadsides. London, Blades, 1909 4s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from the Trans. Bib. Soc. 1450 INCUNABULA. Emmanuel College. Early Printed Books to the Year 1500 in the Library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1911 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1451 INCUNABULA. Gonville and Caius College. A List of the Early Printed Books, and an Index of the English Books printed before the year 1600, in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, Compiled by W. R. Collett, M.A. Cambridge, J. Deighton, 1850 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1452 INCUNABULA. KELCHNER (Dr. Ernst) Der Pergametdruck der Agenda Ecclesiae Moguntinensis von 1480, der Stadtbibliothek zu Frank- furt am Main. Frankfurt am Main, Gebruder Knauer, 1885 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 4 facsimiles. 1453 INCUNABULA. KRUITWAGEN (B.) Spaansch-Portugeesche en Engelsche Incunabelen. [ The Hague, 1919-20] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, 2 parts. Extracts from Het Boek. A comparison between Span- ish and English books of the 15th century. 1454 INCUNABULA. MAITLAND (Rev. S. R.) A List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archi-episcopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1843 �1 15s. 8vo. Half roan, t.e.g., stamp on title. pp. 24, 464. The title does not do justice to this exceedingly valuable bibliography. Cable Address-CoPTiCITY, LONDON. 135 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continueda 1455 INCUNABULA. NYERUP (Eras.) Spicilegium Bibliographicum ex Bibliotheca Regia Havniensi. Fasc. I., Describitur in tribus Speci- minibus semicenturia Monumentor. typogr. rarissimor, quae Annalium Typogr. autore Cl. M. Maittairio ignota fuere. Havniae, C. G. Proftius, 1783 12s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. Descriptive list of incunables in the Royal Library at Copenhagen unknown to Maittaire. Rare. 1456 INCUNABULA. ORLANDI (Pell. Ant.) Origine e progressi della Stampa o sia dell' Arte Impressoria e Notizie dell' Opere stampate dall' anno 1457, sini all' anno 1500. Bologna, C. Pisarius, 1722 �1 17s. 6d. 4to. Old calf, shabby. Contains an encyclopaedic account of printing and the productions of the press in the 15th century. 1457 INCUNABULA. PEDDIE (R. A.) Conspectus Incunabulorum, an index catalogue of fifteenth century books, with reference to Hain's Reper- torium, Copinger's Supplement, Proctor's Index, Pellechet's Catalogue, Campbell's Annales and other Bibliographies. London, Grafton and Co., 1910-1914 �1 10s. 2 parts (A-G). Boards, cloth back. As new. 1458 INCUNABULA. QUEEN'S COLLEGE. Early Printed Books to the Year 1500, in the Library of Queen's College, Cambridge. Cambridge, University Press, 1910 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1459 INCUNABULA. SERNA SANTANDER (C. A. de la) Dictionnaire Bibliographique Choisi du 15e sidcle, ou description par ordre alphabetique des editions les plus rares et les plus recherches du 15e siecle. Precede d'un Essai Historique sur l'origine de l'Imprimerie, ainsi de' i'Europe. Brux- elles, J. Tarte, 1805-7 �2 5s. 8vo, 3 vols. Polished calf, gold borders and backs, a little rubbed, m.e. Fine copy 1460 INCUNABULA. STENZLER (Ad. Frid.) Inest Librorum Seculo XV. impressorum quos Bibliotheca Regiae Universitatis Vratislaviensis tenet, conspectus generalis. Vratislaviae, Grassii, Barthii et Socii, 1861 10s. 6d. 4to. Half calf. 1 plate of facsimiles. Catalogue of the 15th century Books in the Breslau Univ. Lib. 1461 INCUNABULA. Stockholm. Kungl. Biblioteket. Utstallning af Inkunabler in Kungl. Biblioteket pa uppdrag af Foreningen for Bok- handtverk anordnad af Dr. Isak Collijn. Stockholm, 1904 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Short title catalogue of incunabula arranged according to Proctor's Index. 1462 INCUNABULA. Trinity Hall. Early Printed Books to the Year 1500, in the Library of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Cambridge, University Press, 1909 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1463 INCUNABULA. Upsala. Katalog der Inkunabeln per Kgl. Universitiits-Bibliothek zu Uppsala [by Isak Collijn]. Uppsala, Almquist and Wiksell, 1907 �1 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. An important collection of over 1,500 incunabula well catalogued. 136 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continueda 1464 INDEX. Indicis Librorum Expurgandorum in studiosorum gratiam confecti. Tomus Primus. [All published]. In quo quinquaginta Auctorum Libri prae caeteris desiderati emendantur, per F. Io. Mariam. Brasichell. Romae Primo, Deinde Bergomi, Typis Comini Venturae, 1608 �2 15s. 8vo. Wrappers. Device on title, Library stamp on title. A rare expurgatory index. 1465 INDEX AUCTORUM DAMNATAE MEMORIAE, Tum etiam Librorum qui vel simpliciter, vel ad expurgatione usque prohibentur, vel denique iam expurgati permittuntur. Ulyssipone, Petr. Craesbeeck, 1624 �6 6sa Folio. Limp vellum. Title in woodcut border. Few leaves stained, wormed. The rare and important Indices both prohibitory and expurgatory issued by the authority of Ferd. Mart. Mascaregnas, the Inquisitor-General of Portugal. 1466 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM. Elenchus Librorum Omnium tum in Tridentino, Clementinoq. Indice, tum in alijs omnibus sacrae Indicis Congreg. particularibus Decretis usque ad annum 1640. prohibitorum: Ordine uno Alphabetico, per Fr. Francis Franciscum Mag'dalenum Capiferreum Ordinis Praedicatorum dictae Congreg. nis Secretarium digestus. Romae, Ex. Typ. Rev. Cam. Apost., 1640 �1 15s. 8vo, Vellum, loose. 1467 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM et Expurgandorum Novissimus. Pro Catholicis Hispaniarum Regnis Philippi IV. Regis Cathol. Madriti, D. Diaz, 1667 �6 10s. Folio. Calf, rebacked. Device on title. Bound with :-Index Librorum Pro- hibitorum Alexandri VII., Pont. Max. Jussu editus. Romae, Ex. Typ. Rev. Cam. A post., 1667. These two Indexes are always found together. It is almost certain that they were printed at Lyons or Geneva and not either at Madrid or Rome. Pro- bably printed by Protestants, but their authenticity was never denied by Catholics. 1468 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM Clementis X. Ponti- ficis Maximi Jussu editus. Romae, Ex. Typographia Rev. Cam. Apost, 1670-75 �1 15s. Sm. 8vo. Vellum, back damaged. Engraved title. With Supplement from 1670- 1675. 1469 INDEX LIBRORUM.PROHIBITORUM Innoc. XI. P. M. jussu editus usque ad annum 1681. Eidem accedit in fine appendix usque ad mensem Junii 1704(-1739). Romae Typis. Rev. Cam. Apost., 1704-39 �1 10s. 4 parts in 1 vol. Sm. 8vo. Calf. From the Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his bookplate. 1470 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM SSmi D. N. Benedicti XIV. Pontificis Maximi Jussu Recognitus, atque editus. Romae, Ex Typographia Rev. Camera Apostolicae, 1758 �1 7s. 6d. 8vo. Vellum. Engraved title. Large copy. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 137 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-conZtitnued. 1471 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Pii Septimi Pontificis Maximi Jussu Editus. Romae, Rev. Camerae Apostolicae, 1819 �1 Is. 8vo. Boards. Engraving on title, xliv. + 344 pp. Frontis. 1472 Another copy. Romae, Rev. Camerae Apostolicae, 1819 �1 5s. 8vo. Mottled calf, gilt back. Frontis. With a series of broadside and other supplements bound at end carrying the Index up to 1829. Library stamp on title. 1473 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Gregorii XVI. Pontificis Maximi jussu Editus. Romae, Ex Typo- graphia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, 1835 �1 15s. Z 8vo. Mottled calf, gold tooled border design on sides, gilt back and edges of boards. inside gold dentelles, joints broken, m.e. Frontis. Large Paper Copy from Inglis's Library with a long MS. note by him on fly-leaf. 1474 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Gregorii XVI. Pontificis Maximi Jussu Editus. Romae, 1841 �1 Is. 8vo. Vellum, gilt back. Frontispiece. A series of later Decrees are bound at the end bringing the Index up to the year 1855. 1475 INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius. The only Vatican Index of this kind ever published. Edited with a Preface by Richard Gibbings, A.B. Dublin, Milliken and Son, 1837 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. A little damaged. pp. 86, 608. 1476 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM. POOLE (Ronald L.) The Earliest Index of the Inquisition at Venice. [c. 1905] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. 2 pp. Extract from the Journal of Theological Studies. 1477 INDEXING. WHEATLEY (Henry B.) How to Make an Index. London, E. Stock, 1902 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, uncut. Large Paper copy. 1478 INDEXING. WHEATLEY (Henry B.) What is an Index ? A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers. London, 1878 12s. 8vo. Buckram. 1479 [INGLIS (John Bellingham)] Catalogue of a singularly curious and valuable selection from the Library of a Gentleman. London, Sotheby, 1826 �1 is. 8vo. Hf. bd., priced and named. A magnificent collection of important English and Foreign Books. See the next entry for Mr. Inglis's MS. Catalogue of his later collections. 1480 INGLIS (John Bellingham) [Manuscript Catalogue of his Library in his own hand, with many bibliographical and biographical notes. c. 1830-1870] �10 4to. Half calf. pp. 1,524. A catalogue, with many unique notes, of one of the most interesting libraries collected during the 19th century. Inglis sold his previous library at Sotheby's in June, 1826, when it occupied 8 days and realised over �3,000. The collection catalogued in the present volume was dispersed in two sales, one at his death in 1870 and the second in 1900. This latter sale contained 849 lots and realised over �7,500. The notes to the titles are of considerable value, not only bibliographical but biographical as well, and many scraps of information known to Mr. Inglis personally are incorporated in the entries. Inland Telegrams-CoPTICITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 138 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1481 IRELAND (Alexander) The Book-Lover's Enchiridion, Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books. London, Simpkin, 1883 7s. 6d. 12mo. Orig. white cloth. 1482 Another edition. 1894 8s. 6d. 1483 [IRELAND (S. H.)] Scribbleomania; or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon, a Sublime Poem, edited by Anser Pen-Dragon, Esq. Lon- don, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1815 12s. 6d. 8vo. Diced russia, rebacked. 1484 IRELAND. POWER (John) Irish Literary Enquirer ; or, Notes on Authors, Books, and Printing in Ireland, biographical and bibliographical, notices of rare books, memoranda of printing in Ireland, Biographical notes of Irish Writers, etc. Nos. 1-4. London, John Power, 1865-66 8s. 6d. 8vo. Part 1, Nos. 1-4, all published. Orig. wrappers. 1485 ITALIAN LITERATURE. AUDIN (S. L. G. E.) Osservazioni Bibliografico-Letterarie intorno ad una edizione sconosciuta del Morgante Maggiore di Luigi Pulci eseguita in Firenze nel 1482. Colla descrizione d'un' edizione del Decamerone di Gio. Boccaccio che credesi eseguita nella Stamperia di S. Jacopo di Ripoli circa il 1483. Firenze, 1831 9s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, uncut. 1486 ITALIAN LITERATURE. Bibliografia od Elenco Ragionato delle Opere contenute nella collezione de' classici Italiani. Milano, 1814 8vo. Half vellum, gilt back. 10s. 6d. 1487 ITALIAN LITERATURE. BORROMEO (Conte Ant. Mar.) Notizia de' Novellieri Italiani posseduti dal Conte A. M. Borromeo con alcune novelle inedite. Bassano, 1794 15s. 8vo. Half vellum. 1488 ITALIAN LITERATURE. BORROMEO (Anton Maria) Catalogo de' Novellieri Italiani, Edizione seconda con aggiunte ed una Novella inedita. Bassano, della tipografia Remondiniana, 1805 15s. 8vo. Uncut, boards. Large copy. 1489 ITALIAN LITERATURE. CAPPONI (Aless. Greg., Marchese) Catalogo della Libreria Capponi o sia de libri Italiani, Con annotazioni in diversi luoghi, e coil' Appendice de' libri Latini delle Miscellanee, e dei Manoscritti in fine. Roma, Bernabo, 1747 �1 Is. 4to. Calf, hinges weak. An important catalogue of Italian books, with many notes. 1490 ITALIAN LITERATURE. FONTANINI (Giusto) Della Eloquenza Italiana. Roma, G. Mainardi, 1726 8s. 6d. 4to. Vellum. A few leaves a little stained. 1491 ITALIAN LITERATURE. FONTANINI (Giusto) Della Eloquenza Italiana. Venezia, Cristoforo Zane, 1737 16s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards, back stripped, uncut. Fine engraved port. of Lor. Tiepolo, to whom the work is dedicated. Important bibliography of Italian literature. 1492 ITALIAN LITERATURE. HAYM (N.) Biblioteca Italiana, o sia Notizia de' Libri rari nella Linguae Italiana, divisa in quattro parti prin- cipali: Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti e Scienze. Venezia, Angelo Geremia, 1736 4to. Vellum. 7s. 6d. Cable Address-COPTIcITY, LONDON. 139 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1493 ITALIAN LITERATURE. TIRABOSCHI (Girolamo) Storia della Litteratura Italiana. Roma, L. P. Salvioni, 1782-1797 �2 10s. 10 vols in 13, 4to. Orig. vellum. Fine copy of this invaluable reference book. 1494 ITALIAN LITERATURE. TosI (P. A.) Bibliografia dei Ro- manzi e Poemi Cavallereschi Italiani. Milano, P. A. Tosi, 1838 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 portrait. Uncut. 2nd and best edition. pp. 380. 1495 ITALIAN TRANSLATIONS. ARGELATI (Filippo) Biblioteca degli Volgarizzatori, o sia notizia dall' opere volgarizzate d'Autori, che scrissero in Lingue morte prima del secolo XV. Opera postuma. Coll' Addizioni e Correzioni di A. T. Villa. Milano, Federico Agnelli, 1767 �1 10s. 5 vols, 4to. Vellum. Library stamp on titles. An important bibliography. 1496 ITALY. BLANC (Joseph) Bibliographie Italico-Francaise Uni- verselle ou Catalogue Methodique de tous les Imprimes en langue frangaise sur l'Italie ancienne et moderne, 1475-1885. Milan, Gio. Messaggi, 1886 Large 8vo. 2 vols. Orig. wrappers. �1 10s. 1497 JANIN (Jules) Le Livre. Paris, H. Plon, 1870 16s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. pp. 404. 1498 [JENKIN (Robert)] Remarks on some Books lately publish'd, viz., Basnage's History of the Jews; Whiston's Eight Sermons; Lock's Paraphrase and Notes on St. Paul's Epistles; Le Clerc's Bibliotheque Choisie. London, W. P. for R. Sare, 1709 7s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 1499 JOHNSON (James Henr.) Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of James Henry Johnson, F.C.S., of Southport and Siverdale, Lancashire, compiled by Henry Tennyson Folkard, Librarian. London, Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1885 10s. 6d. 4to. Vellum, gilt line on sides, uncut. 1500 KLOSS (Dr. G. B.) Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss of Franckfort, Professor, including many original and unpublished MSS. and Printed Books, with MS. Annotations by Philip Melanchthon. London, Sotheby, 1835 �1 10s. 8vo. Orig. hf. cf. Stamp on title. Facsimiles. One of the most important collec- tions of early printed books. 1501 LACKINGTON, ALLEN AND CO. General Catalogue (of books) for the Year 1811. London, 1811 14s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. pp. 888. 1502 LACOUR (Louis) Annuaire du Bibliophile du Bibliothecaire et de 1'Archiviste pour l'annee 1862. Paris, E. Meugnot et A. Claudin, 1862 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Uncut. 5s. 6d. 1503 LA FIZELIERE (Albert de) Rymaille sur les plus C6lbres Bib- liotibres de Paris en 1649. Avec des notes et un essai sur les autres biblio- theques particulires du temps. Paris, Auguste Aubry, 1868 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, uncut. 1504 LAING (David) Catalogue of the First (-Fourth) Portion of the Extensive and Valuable Library. London, Sotheby, 1879-81 �1 ls, 4 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Half calf, original wrappers bound in. Priced throughout. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDONI 140 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUEs-continued, 1505 LAMBECIUS (Petr.) Catalogus Librorum quos Petrus Lambecius, Composuit et in Lucem Edidit ab Anno Aetatis Decimo non usque ad Quadragesimum Quintum ; nempe ab anno Christi MDCXLVII., usque ad annum MDCLXXIII. Vindobonae, M. Cosmerovius, 1673 �1 7s. 6d. 4to. Boards. Device on title and at end. A bibliography of the works of this famous scholar, librarian and bibliographer. 1506 LANCASHIRE. FISHWICK (Lt.-Col. Henry) The Lancashire Library, a Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography, Biography, History, Science, and Miscellaneous Literature relating to the County Palatine, including An Account of Lancashire Tracts, Pamphlets, and Sermons printed before the year 1720, with Collations and bibliographical, critical, and biographical notes on the books and authors. London, G. Routledge and Sons, 1875 14s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 1507 LANG (Andrew) Books and Bookmen. London, Longmans, 1887 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. 1508 LATIN AUTHORS. FABRICIUS (Jo. Alb.) Bibliotheca Latina nunc melius Delecta rectius digesta et aucta diligentia Jo. Aug. Ernesti. Lipsiae, Weidmann, 1773-4 �1 7s. 3 vols, 8vo. Vellum. Last and best edition. Fine copy. 1509 LAW. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the Collection presented by Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. Laws and Jurisprudence of France. London, Roworth and Sons, 1849 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Half brown morocco. The most important bibliography of French law-books. The annotations are very extensive and valuable. 1510 LEE (John) Catalogue of the Extensive Library. Edinburgh, T. Nisbet, 1859-63 12s. 6d. 4 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Cloth, interleaved throughout. The Very Rev. John Lee was Principal of Edinburgh University. 2 portraits inserted. 1511 LEIGHTON (J. and J.) Catalogue of Early Printed and other interesting books. London [1910-14] �3 15 parts, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. With very numerous illustrations in facsimile. A complete set from A-Z, and the Supplement A-D. 1512 LELAND (John) The Laboryouse Journey & Serch for Englandes Antiquitees geven of hym as a newe years gyfte to Henry 8, with declara- cyons enlarged, by Johan Bale. Manchester, Privately Printed at the Priory Press, 1895 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. No. 1 of Bibliographiana, edited by W. A. Copinger. Reprint, with introduction. 1513 LEQUATRE (Georges) L'Enseignement de l'Histoire du Livre et son Utilite. Paris, L. Cerf, 1893 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1514 LETTERS. ARENHOLD (Silv. Jo.) Conspectus Bibliothecae Uni- versalis historico-literario-criticae Epistolarum. Hanoverae, Hered. Foer- ster, 1746 �1 is. Sm. 4to. Half calf. Interleaved throughout and with some MS. notes. A biblio- graphy of collections of letters of all periods and countries. Cable Address-COPTICITY, LONDON. 141 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--co ntinued. 1515 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, Loan Collection. Descriptive Catalogue of Books, MSS., etc., Lent by Richard Tangye. Birmingham, 1887 6s. 4to. Half morocco. 1516 LILIENTHAL (Michael) De Machiavellismo Literario, sive de perversis quorundam in Republica Literaria inclarescendi, artibus. Dis- sertatio Historico-Moralis. Regiomonti et Lipsiae, Henr. Boye, 1713 6s. 8vo. Marbled wrappers. 1517 LILLY (Joseph) [Catalogues of Books. London, 1858-60] 5s. 6d. 5 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Half calf. 1518 LIPSIUS (Justus) Bibliographie Lipsienne, Oeuvres de Juste Lipse. Gand, C. Vyt, 1886-88 �2 2s. 3 vols, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Complete collations and descriptions of each book, with facsimiles of printers' marks, etc. 1519 LITURGIES. COLLIJN (Isak) Bibliografiska Miscellanea. Upp- sala, 1909 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 6 articles, mostly on early Scandinavian Service Books. Facsimiles. 1520 LITURGIES. DEGERT (M. L'Abbe) L'Impression des Liturgies Gasconnes. Tableau d'Ensemble et Documents inedits. 1902 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1521 LITURGIES. [DICKINSON (F. H.)] A List of Printed Service Books, according to the Ancient Uses of the Anglican Church. London, J. Masters, 1850 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1522 LITURGIES. KLEMMING (G. E.) Sveriges aildre liturgiska litera- tur. Stockholm, Kongl. Boktryckereit, 1879 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, unopened. Extract from Kongl. Bib. Handlingar. 1523 LITURGIES. MOREL (E.) Les Livres Liturgiques imprimbs avant le 17e sidcle 1l'Usage des Dioceses de Beauvais, Noyon et Senlis. Paris, 1902 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Bull. Hist. du Com. des Tray. Hist. 1524 LIVERPOOL LIT. AND PHIL. SOC. A Hand List of the Books of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Reduced to order by John Sampson. Liverpool, D. Marples, 1899 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1525 LIVRE (Le) Contemporain. Annuaire de 1906 (1907, 1909-1914, 1918). Paris, 1906-18 �1 5s. 8vo, 9 vols. Orig. wrappers. Most of the annuals contain special articles by famous writers, such as Claretie, Poincar6, etc., on books anid libraries. No volumes were issued in 1915-1917. 1526 LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, with their sizes, prices and publishers, containing the books published in London, and those altered in size or price, since the year 1814 to 1839. London, Rc bert Bent, 1839 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Inland Telegrams---CoPTrcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 142 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1527 LONGMAN. A Catalogue of Old Books for the year 1827. Lon- don, 1827 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Over 700 rare early printed and other books. 1528 LULL (Ramon). SOTO (P. Pedro Blanco) Estudios de Biblio- grafia Luliana. Madrid, Revista de Arch. Bibliotecas y Museos, 1916 15s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1529 MACKENZIE (John Whitefoord) Catalogue of the very extensive and valuable Library of rare and curious books. Edinburgh, T. Chapman, and Son, 1886 15s. 2 vols, 8vo. Cloth. With printed list of prices and newspaper cuttings inserted relating to the Burns MSS. and to the litigation before the sale. From the Macmath Collection. 1530 Another copy 17s. 6d. 2 vols in 1. Half morocco. With printed list of prices. 1531 MACPHERSON (Francis) A Catalogue of useful and important books in various languages and classes of literature. London, 1835 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. This bookseller was successor to Mr. Cuthell. Nearly 5,000 items. 1532 MADDISON (John) Bibliotheca Maddisoniana. A Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library, comprising a Collection of Books in almost every Branch of Foreign and English Literature, many of them in Splendid Bindings, and the whole in fine Preservation. London, King and Lochee, 1809 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. Priced throughout. Uncut. 1533 MAIDMENT (James) The Bibliography of J. Maidment, from the year 1817 to 1878, drawn up by Thomas George Stevenson. Edinburgh, Printed for Private Circulation, 1883 10s. 6d. Svo. Quarter morocco. I portrait. 1534 MAKELLAR (Rev. William) Catalogue of the Extensive Library of Valuable Books and Manuscripts. London, Sotheby, 1898 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Priced throughout. Orig. wrappers bound in. A large collection of rare Bibles, including the Gutenberg Bible and the Complutensian Polyglot. 1555 MANCHESTER. Catalogue of the Portico Library (Supple- ment). Manchester, 1831-33 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. With presentation inscription to the Russell Institution, London. 1536 MANCHESTER LIT. AND PHIL. SOC. Catalogue of the Books in the Library. Manchester, T. Sowler and Co., 1875 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1537 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY. Christie Collection. Catalogue of the Christie Collection, comprising the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed to the Library of the University of Manchester by the late Richard Copley Christie, LL.D. Compiled under the direction of C. W. E. Leigh. Manchester, University Press, 1915 �2 10s. 4to. Orig. buckram. The most complete collection of books on the Classical Renaissance of Italy and France, and of the utmost importance to students of these great movements of the 16th century. Typographical and other extensive Indexes enhance the value of the work. Cable Address-CorPTICITY, LONDON. 143 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1538 MANGIN (Rev. Edward) A View of the Pleasures arising from a Love of Books : in letters to a Lady. London, Longman, 1814 6s. 8vo. Half calf, joints weak. Name on title. 1539 MANTUA. BETTINELLI (Saverio) Delle Lettere e delle Arti Mantovane. Mantova, Erede di A. Pazzoni, 1774 12s. 6d. 4to. Vellum. 1540 [MAUBUY (Aublet de)] Histoire des Troubles et des Dim6l6s Littiraires, depuis leur origine jusqu'd nos jours inclusivement. Amster- dam, Paris, 1779 14s. 6d. 8vo, 2 vols in 1. Half calf, uncut. 1541 MEERMAN (J.) Bibliotheca Meermanniana; sive Catalogus librorum Impressorum et Codicum Manuscriptorum, quos maximam Partem Collegerunt viri nobilissimi Gerardus et Joanne Meerman; Morte Dereliquit Joannes Meerman. Hagae Comitum, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1824 �1 5s. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf. Back of Vol I. loose. Many notes of prices throughout. 1542 MENCKEN (Joan. Burch. & Frid. Otto) Bibliotheca Virorum Militia aeque ac Scriptis Illustrium. Lipsiae, Haeredes Lankisios, 1734 12s. 6d. 8vo. Vellum. Bound with : Mencken (Joan. Burch.) Dissertationes Literariae. Olim Seorsim publicatas, nunc in unum corpus redegit et cum sua de Romanorum Veterum Stipendiis Militaribus dissertatione. Lipsiae, Jo. Chris. Martinus, 1734. 1543 MENDHAM (Rev. Joseph) Catalogue of the Mendham Collection : being a selection of books and pamphlets from the Library of the late Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A., subsequently the property of the late Rev. John Mendham. London, Spottiswoode and Co., 1871 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. cloth. This magnificent collection of books relating to the Controversies between the English and Roman Churches includes the most complete series of the Indexes of Prohibited and Expurgated Books. The collection is now in the possession of the Incorporated Law Society, London. Rare. 1544 MERCURIUS RUSTICUS. Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present languid and depressed state of Literature and the book trade in a Letter addressed to the Author of the Bibliomania, by Mercurius Rusticus, with notes by Cato Parvus. London, Henry Bohn, 1832 16s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. 1545 MERRYWEATHER (F. Somner) Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, or Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, and Illuminators from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman Periods to the introduc- tion of printing into England; with anecdotes, illustrating the history of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain. London, Merryweather, 1849 Svo. Orig. cloth. 12s. 6d. 1546 MICHELANGELO. PASSERINI (Luigi) La Bibliografia di Michel- angelo Buonarroti e gli Incisori delle sue opere. Firenze, M. Cellini, 1875 4to. Orig. wrappers. Large Paper, interleaved throughout. �1 5s. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 144 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1547 MILITARY. COCKLE (Maurice J. D.) A Bibliography of English Military Books up to 1642 and of Contemporary Foreign Works, with an Introductory note by Charles Oman, M.A., F.S.A.,edited by H. D. Cockle London, Simpkin, 1900 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. cloth, uncut and unopened. 13 facsimile plates. 250 copies only. Printed at the Chiswick Press. Over 950 works are described. A most valuable bib liography. 1548 MILTON (John) Milton Tercentenary. The Portraits, Prints and Writings of John Milton, exhibited at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1908. Cambridge, 1908 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Portraits and reproductions. An important and rare illus- trated catalogue. 1549 MILTON (John) Milton Tercentenary. The Portraits, Prints and Writings of John Milton, by Dr. Williamson, with an appendix and index by Mr. C. Sayle. Exhibited at Christ's Coll., Cambridge. Cambridge, 1908 �1 is. 4to. Orig. boards, cloth back. Large Paper copy, with 28 plates, uncut. 1550 MINIATURE BOOKS. LUTHI (Karl J.) Biicher kleinsten For- mates, Vortrag gehalten vor der Schweizer Bibliophilen-Gessellschaft in Bern, den 16 November, 1923. Bern, Buchler and Co., 1924 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 8 plates. A monograph on miniature books. 1551 MOLYNEUX (Hon. Samuel) Catalogue of the Library. London, J. Wilcox, 1729-30 10Os. 6d. 8vo. Quarter roan. An early auction catalogue. 1552 MONTAGU (R.) A Catalogue of the Libraries of Mr. Bishop of Drayton: Mr. Hitch of the Six Clerks Office, and Dr. Castle. London, 1732 12s. 6d. 8vo. Quarter morocco. With prices. A bookseller's catalogue. 1553 - Another copy, without prices 8s. 6d. 1554 MONTAGU (R.) A Catalogue (in two parts) of Curious Books: the first being a collection chiefly English, the second part is the Library of the Late Eminent Dr. Obrian. London, 1730-1 10s. 8vo. Quarter calf. An early Bookseller's Catalogue, the items however not being priced. 1555 MOORE (Bishop John). MOORE (Cecil) " The Father of Black Letter Collectors," Memoir of the Rt. Rev. John Moore, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ely (Translated from Norwich), born 1646, died 1714. London, Elliot Stock, 1885 6s. Sm. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Port. Autograph copy from author. 1556 MORDEN COLLEGE. Catalogue of Books in the Kelsall Library, Morden College, Blackheath, compiled by C. E. Collyer. London, 1907 6s. 8vo. Cloth. With MS. additions to 1912. 1557 MORGANTE (Giacomo) Saggio di un Catalogo Ragionato di Antiche e rare idizioni stampate prima dell' anno 1550. Compresi alcuni Incunabuli con note biografiche e bibliografiche storiche, leterrarie e critiche. Roma, Libreria Romana, 1906 16s. Large 8vo. Boards. 1 portrait. An important catalogue, with extensive notes. Cable Address---COPTICITY, LONDON. 145 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1558 MOROCCO. PLAYFAIR (Sir R. L.) and BROWN (Robert) A Biblio- graphy of Morocco from the earliest times to the end of 1891. London, J. Murray, 1893 12s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from the Supplementary Papers, Royal Geographical Society. 1559 MUDDIMAN (J. G.) The King's Journalist [Henry Muddiman], 1659-1689, Studies in the Reign of Charles II. London, John Lane, 1923 9s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, with dust cover. 14 plates. 1560 MUHLBRECHT (Otto) Die Biicherliebhaberei (Bibliophile-Bib- liomanie) am Ende des 19 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Puttkammer and Mihl- brecht, 1896 14s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wooden boards, gilt. pp. 118-183 contain a Bibliography of Biblio- graphies, the History of Printing, etc. 1561 MUSIC. Musicians' Company. An Illustrated Catalogue of the Music Loan Exhibition held by the Worshipful Company of Musicians at Fishmongers' Hall, June to July, 1904. London, Novello and Co., 1909 �1 15s. Large 4to. Original wrappers. Frontis., facsimiles and plates. 500 copies only printed. The finest collection of early music books ever exhibited. In addition to the books, early musical instruments are described and illustrated. 1562 MUSIC. RIMBAULT (Edward F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, etc. London, John Russell Smith, 1847 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Title in border. Charles Sayle's copy. 1563 NAPIER (John, of Merchistoun) [A collection of over 40 tracings of titlepages, etc., of Napier's works and translations thereof, a few slightly damaged. Unmounted.] �1 10s. An interesting collection of tracings of the works of the inventor of Logarithms, Napier's Rods, etc. 1564 NATTALI (M. A.) Catalogue. London, 1830-31 5s. Thick 8vo. Half calf. Bound with : Egerton (Thos.) A Catalogue of Valuable Books in various languages. London, 1831-Rodd (Thomas) Catalogue of Books for the Year 1830. London, 1830. 1565 NAVAL. NAVARETTE (Martin Fern. de) Biblioteca Maritima Espafiola. Madrid, Calero, 1851-52 �2 10s. 2 vols, large 8vo. Orig. wrappers, pp. 672 and 784. A most extensive bibliography, including every work that has even the most distant relation to the maritime history and industry of Spain. 1566 NAVAL. LAUGHTON (L. G. Carr) Bibliography of Naval Litera- ture. (Chronological List of the Chief Services of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines and Notable Naval Events.) [London, 1910] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. Extract from Lean's Royal Navy List. A useful bibliography with the British Museum pressmarks. Inland Telegramns-CoPIcITY, 1VESTCENT, LONDON. 146 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1567 NEWBERY (John). WELSH (Charles) A Bookseller of the Last Century. Being some account of the Life of John Newbery, and of the books he published, with a notice of the later Newberys. London, Griffith Farran, 1885 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards. Numerous plates. 1568 NEWSPAPERS. GRANT (James) The Newspaper Press: Its Origin, Progress and Present Position (The Metropolitan Weekly and Provincial Press). London, Tinsley Bros., 1871 �1 5s. 3 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth. Still the standard book for the history of English news- papers. 1569 NEWSPAPERS. LA TOURETTE (Gilles de) La Vie et les Oeuvres de Thdophraste Renaudot, fondateur du Journalisme et des Consultations charitables. Paris, 1892 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Life of the founder of the first French newspaper. 1570 NEW TESTAMENT, GREEK. REUSs (Eduardus) Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeci cuius editiones ab initio Typographiae ad nostram aetatem impressas. Brunsvigae, C. A. Schwetschke et Filium, 1872 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. The standard bibliography of the Greek New Testa- ment. 1571 NICHOLS (William, 1655-1716) De Literis Inventis Libri sex. Londini, Henr. Clement, 1711 �1 10s. 8vo. Black morocco, gold line borders and frames on sides, ornaments at corners, gold tooled back and edges of boards, g.e. Frontispiece very slightly damaged in top margin. A learned Latin poem on the invention of letters, with many notes, some in Greek and Hebrew. 1572 Another copy in calf �1 5s. 1573 Another copy, boards, vellum back �1 Is. 1574 NONCONFORMISTS. An Arranged Catalogue of the Several Publications which have appeared relating to the Enlargement of the Toleration of Protestant Dissenting Ministers and the Repeal of the Cor- poration and Test Acts, 1772-1790. London, J. Johnson, 1790 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1575 NORFOLK. RYE (Walter) An Index to Norfolk Topography. London, Index Society, 1881 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth. pp. 32, 416. 1576 NORWICH. A New Catalogue of Books in the Publick Library of the City of Norwich in 1732. Norwich, W. Chase [1732] �1 is. Sm. 4to. Boards. pp. 54. Possibly lacks an account of the coin collection at the end. 1577 NOTITIA Auctorum Veterum aureae praesertim et argenteae ubi de Rebus eorundem, scriptis Dictione ac editionibus disseritur una cum Consilio de Optimis Subsidiis ad Comparandam latine scribendi faculta- tem. .Jenae, Ern. Claud. Bailliar, 1710 12s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Boards. 1578 NUMISMATICS. BANDURI (Anselmus) Bibliotheca Nummaria, sive auctorum qui de re Nummaria scripserunt. Hamburgi, C. Liebezeit et T. C. Felginer, 1719 10s. 6d. 4to. Vellum. Cable Address-CPTICITY, LONDON. 147 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1579 NUMISMATICS. LEITZMANN (J.) Bibliotheca Numaria, Ver- zeichniss sammtlicher in dem Zeitraume 1800 bis 1866 erschienenen Schrif- ten uber Munzkunde. Weissensee, G. F. Grossmann, 1867 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1580 NUMISMATICS. SELDEN (John) Liber de Nummis in quo An- tiqua pecunia Romana & Graeca metitur precio ejus, quae nunc est in usu. Huic Accedit Bibliotheca Nummaria. Londini, Pitt, 1675 8s. 6d. 4to. Half calf. Device on title. The bibliography at the end is by P. Labb6. 1581 OFFO R (George) Catalogue of the Important and Valuable Library of the late G. Offor, comprising rare early versions of the Holy Scriptures, etc., etc. London, Sotheby, 1865 15s 8vo. Half red morocco. The collection was destroyed by the fire at Sotheby's after the second day's sale. Many excessively rare books were lost, of which this Catalogue is the only record. 1582 OLDCASTLE (John) Journals and Journalism, with a Guide for Literary Beginners. London, Field and Tuer, 1880 6s. 6d. Sq. 8vo. Vellum. 1583 OLDYS (William) The British Librarian: Exhibiting a Com- pendious Review or Abstract of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books in all Sciences, as well in Manuscript as in Print : with many Char- acters, Historical and Critical, of the Authors, their Antagonists, etc., in a Manner never before attempted, and Useful to all Readers. London, T. Osborne, 1738 �1 is. 8vo. Calf gilt, hinges rubbed, 1584 OVIDIUS NASO (Publius). DUPLESSIs (Georges) Essai Biblio- graphique sur les Difftrentes Editions des Oeuvres d'Ovide orndes de Planches publiees aux 15 et 16 sidcles. Paris, Leon Techener, 1889 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. A valuable descriptive bibliography of the early illustrated Ovids. 1585 PAGEANTS. Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry, bequeathed to the Society of Antiquaries by F. W. Fairholt. London, 1869 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, dust soiled. 1586 PARIS (Paulin) Catalogue de Livres Anciens et Modernes com- posant la Bibliothdque de feu M. P. P. Paris, Leon Techener, 1881 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. The library of a distinguished architect, palaeo- grapher and historian. 1587 [PARIS (Sam.)] Bibliotheca Parisiana. A Catalogue of a Collec- tion of Books, formed by a Gentleman in France. London, 1791 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half roan, gilt back. Fine paper copy, interleaved with prices and pur- chasers' names in MS. 1588 PARR (Samuel) Bibliotheca Parriana, a Catalogue of the Library of the late Reverend and Learned Samuel Parr, LL.D. London, John Bohn and Joseph Mawman, 1827 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, soiled and loose. 1 portrait. Many important and lengthy annotation. Inland Telegrams-CoPTicITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 148 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1589 PAYNE AND FOSS. A Catalogue of Books in Various Lan- guages (Supplement). London, 1840-41 7s. 6d. 2 parts in 1 vol. Half calf. Includes a large number of 15th and 16th century books. 1590 PEERAGE. YOUNG (Chas. Geo.) Catalogue of Works on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland and Ireland, in the Library of C. G. Young, York Herald, 1827. [Privately Printed], 1827 8s. 6d. 8vo. Boards. 1591 PEIRSON (Rev. Thomas) Bibliotheca Peirsoniana, or catalogue raisonne, of the very valuable and extensive library of the Rev. Thomas Peirson, D.D., collected, during a residence of twenty-three years, in The United Netherlands. London, Leigh and Sotheby, 1815 7s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. pp. 218. Uncut. 1592 Another copy 15s. 8vo. Half calf. Priced. Rev. Philip Bliss's copy, with a note in his autograph. 1593 PERIODICALS. HATIN (Eugene) Bibliographie Historique et Critique de la Presse Periodique Franyaise ou Catalogue systimatique et raisonne de tous les 6crits periodiques de quelque valeur publies ou ayant circuld en France depuis l'origine du Journal jusqu'd nos jours. Precede d'un Essai Historique et Statistique sur la Naissance et les Progris de la Press Periodique dans les deux mondes. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1866 �1 8s. 8vo. Quarter cloth. Orig. wrappers bound in. Frontis. pp. 118, 660. 1594 PERIODICALS. JACKSON (Mason) The Pictorial Press, its Origin and Progress. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1885 16s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. 150 illustrations. Full account of the development of illustrated journalism from the earliest times. 1595 PHILOBIBLON SOCIETY. DELEPIERRE (Octave) Analyse des Travaux de la Societe des Philobiblon de Londres. Londres, Trubner, 1862 8s. 8vo. Orig. half binding. 300 copies only. 1596 PHILOLOGY. BONAPARTE (Prince Louis Lucien) Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library by Victor Collins. London, H. Sotheran and Co., 1894 �1 15s. 4to. Half dark morocco. With autograph presentation inscription by Princess Bonaparte to Lothrop Withington. This collection, the most complete philological library in the world, is now in the Newberry Library, Chicago. 1597 PHILOMNESTE JUNIOR. Bibliomania in the Present Day in France and England, or some account of celebrated recent sales, giving the prices at which the more important books were sold, together with the prices brought by the same books in previous sales. New York, J. W. Bouton, 1880 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1598 PHILOSOPHY. STRUVIUS (Burcard Gotthelff) Bibliotheca Philosophica in suas classes distributa recensuit et largissimis accessionibus instruxit Joannes Georgius Lotterus. Jenae, E. C. Bailliar, 1728 10s. 6d 8vo. Vellum. pp. 14, 374. Indexes. An early but important bibliography of Philosophy. Cable Address-CoPTICITY, LONDON. 149 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1599 PICKERING (Basil Montague) A Catalogue of a Portion of the Books recently purchased from an Old English Library, bequeathed to the late possessor in 1791, the Library of J. F. Dickson, Esq., both purchased by private contract : also purchases from the Collections of S. W. Singer, Esq., Rev. J. Mitford, T. Turner and others, sold by public auction. London, 1860 7s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, gilt back. Bound with other Pickering catalogues, all printed at the Chiswick Press. 1600 PICKERING (William) A Catalogue of the Valuable and Unique Private Library. London, 1854-55 15s. 4 parts in 1 vol, 8vo. Half calf. The first portion was sold by Robinson, the others by Sotheby's. The Catalogue of the famous publisher's private library. 1601 PICKERING AND CHATTO.' An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books for sale at prices affixed. London, [c. 1900] 5s. 8vo. Orig. boards. Numerous illustrations. 1602 PINELLI (Maffei) Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A Catalogue of the magnificent and celebrated Library of Maffei Pinelli, late of Venice. London, 1789 �1 2s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. bds., uncut, leather back, worn. Stamp on title, also MS. note, " Priced, June, 1800, from Mr. Evan's copy of Pall Mall per me, W.C., junr." This was William Combe, and he did the job in six weeks according to a note on the fly-leaf. pp. 538. 1603 PITHOEUS (Petrus) Vita, Elogia, Operum Catalogus Bibliotheca. Accesserunt Excerpta Notae, aliaeque Appendices. Accurante Joan. Boivin. Parisiis, Apud Franciscum Jouenne, 1716 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. 1604 POOLE (William Frederick) An Index to Periodical Literature. Boston, J. R. Osgood and Co., 1882 �1 5s. Large 8vo. Half black morocco, hinges weak, m.e. pp. 1442. An indispensable bibliography. 1605 POWELL (G. H.) Excursions in Libraria, being Retrospective Reviews and Bibliographical Notes. London, Lawrence and Bullen, 1895 Sm. 4to. Cloth. Illustrations. 10s. 6d. 1606 PRINTING. BIGMORE (E. C.) and WYMAN (C. W. H.) A Biblio- graphy of Printing, with Notes and Illustrations. London, Bernard Quaritch, 1880-86 �1 5s. Vol 3 only (T.-Z.). Morocco roxburgh. The only general bibliography of printing and now very scarce. Only 250 copies printed. 1607 PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. MARTIN (John) A Biblio- graphical Catalogue of Books Privately Printed: including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland and Roxburghe Clubs, and of the private presses at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Straw- berry Hill. London, J and A. Arch, 1834 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, back damaged. Frontis. 1608 PROCLAMATIONS. CRAWFORD (Earl of) Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Hand List of a Collection of Broadside Proclamations issued by Authority of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1886 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 7s. 6d. Inland Telegrans---CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON, 150 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1609 PROCLAMATIONS. WENTWORTH (Godfrey) Schedule of Broad- side Royal Proclamations of Chas. I. [at] Woolley Park, near Wakefield, and which have been kept there since the time of the Civil Wars. Privately Printed, 1887 8s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. Ink stain on few pages. MS. note signed C. on cover [? Lord Crawford]. 1610 PROCTOR (Robert) Bibliographical Essays. Printed at the Chis- iick Press, London, for the Donors and Subscribers to the Proctor Memorial Fund, 1905 �8 8s. 8vo. Red morocco, roxburgh. 1 portrait. No. 22 of 200 copies. This volume includes the whole of Proctor's bibliographical work, with the exception of his great Index and the Monographs he did for the Bibliographical Society. Charles Sayle's copy. 1611 PROVERBS. DUPLESSIS (Georges) Bibliographie Paremiologique. Etudes Bibliographiques et Littiraires sur les ouvrages,.fragmens d'ouv- rages et Opuscules Spicialement consacr6s aux Proverbes dans toutes les langues, suivies d'un appendice contentant un choix de curiositis pare- miographiques. Paris, Potier, 1847 12s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut and unopened. 1612 P[SAUME (Etienne)] Dictionnaire Bibliographique ou Nouveau Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres. Preced6 d'un Essai dl&- mentaire Bibliographie. Paris, Ponthieu, 1824 17s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Half calf, gilt back. See a curious note on Psaume in the Catalogue des Collections lorraines de M. Noel, I., p. 10. 1613 PUTNAM (Geo. Haven) Authors and their Public in Ancient Times: a sketch of Literary Conditions and of the Relations with the Public of Literary Producers from the earliest times to the Invention of Printing, New York, Putnam, 1894 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1614 PUTNAM (Geo. Haven) Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages. A Study of the Conditions of the Production and Distribution of Literature from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the Seven- teenth Century. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896 �1 2s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 1615 QUARITCH (Bernard) Contributions towards A Dictionary of English Book-Collectors as also of some Foreign collectors, whose libraries were incorporated in English collections or whose books are chiefly met with in England. London, 1892-1921 �1 10s. 14 parts, 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Numerous facsimiles and other illustrations, some in colour. 1616 QUERARD (J. M.). HAMST (Olphar, pseud., i.e., Ralph Thomas) A Martyr to Bibliography: A Notice of the Life and Works of Joseph- Marie Querard, Bibliographer, Principally taken from the autobiography of Mar. Jozon d'Erquar (Anagram). With the Notices of Gustave Brunet, J. Assezat and Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob). And a list of biblio- graphical terms after Perquin, with notes and index. London, J. R. Smith, 1867 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, bound with orig. wrappers. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 151 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUE s-continued. 1617 QUERARD (J. M.) Encyclopddie du Bibliothecaire et de l'Amateur de Livres Francais, Prospectus. Paris, Firmin Didotfrres, [1850] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1 portrait. This great work announced for publication in 15 volumes was never issued. 1618 RAWLINGS (Gertrude Burford) The Story of Books. London, Hodder and Stoughton, [c. 1910] 5s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Frontis. 1619 REED (Isaac) Bibliotheca Reediana, A Catalogue of the Curious and Extensive Library of the late Isaac Reed, Esq., of Staple Inn, deceased. London, King and Lochie, 1807 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. 1 portrait. 1620 REES (J. Rogers) The Diversions of a Book-Worm. London, E. Stock, 1886 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Unopened. 1621 REWICZKY (Comte de) Bibliotheca Graeca et Latina. (Cata- logue de la Bibliotheque du Comte de Rewiczky. Contenant les auteurs classiques Grecs et Latins. Avec des remarques tiries de differens ouvrages bibliographiques, souvent 6claircies, quelquefois redressies). Berolini, J. F. Unger, 1794 �1 10s. 8vo. Straight grain red morocco, a little rubbed. Gold line borders on sides, edges of boards tooled, inside gold dentelles, g.e., by Charles Lewis. Fine Paper Copy. Some leaves a little discoloured. This collection was purchased by Earl Spencer and incorporated in the Althorp Library, now in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. 1622 RICHARDSON (Charles F.) The Choice of Books. London, Sampson Low, 1881 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. 1623 RITSON (Joseph). HASLEWOOD (Joseph) Some Account of the Life and Publications of the late Joseph Ritson. London, R. Triphook, 1824 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. 1 portrait. 1624 RIVINGTONS AND COCHRAN. A Catalogue of Books in various languages and in every department of Literature. London, 1824 8vo. Orig. bds., leather back, rubbed. Over 800 pages and 17,000 entries. 7s. 1625 ROBERTS (W.) Rare Books and Their Prices, with chapters on Pictures, Pottery, Porcelain and Postage Stamps. London, George Red- way, 1895 7s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. 1626 RODD (Thomas) Elegant Literature. Part 4 of a Catalogue of Books consisting of Language, Poetry, Romances and Novels, Facetiae, Literary History, Bibliography, etc. London, 1845 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, shabby. Contains over 600 pages and over 14,000 entries 1627 ROGERS (Walter Thomas) A Manual of Bibliography: being an introduction to the knowledge of books, library management, and the art of cataloguing. With a list of bibliographical works of reference, a Latin- English and English-Latin topographical index of ancient printing centres and a glossary. London, H. Grevel and Co., 1891 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Illus. Inland Telegrams--COPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 152 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1628 ROMANCES. ESDAILE (Arundell) A List of English Tales and Prose Romances printed before 1740. Part I., 1475-1642 ; Part II., 1643- 1739. London, Bibliographical Society, 1912 �1 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Boards, linen back, uncut. 1629 ROMA. Biblioteca della Camera dei Deputati. Catalogo Metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle pubblicazioni periodiche Italiane e Straniere (Primo-Secondo Supplemento). Parte Prima. Scritti Biografici e Critici. Roma, Tipografia della Camera dei Deputati, 1885-90 �2 2s. 3 parts in 1 vol, large 8vo. Boards. Index of the biographical and critical articles contained in the periodicals on file in the Library of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. pp. 517, 173, 229. A most valuable reference book supplementing all other Indexes to Periodicals. 1630 ROSCOE (William) Catalogue of the very select and valuable Library (Prints, Books of Prints, etc., Drawings and Pictures). Liverpool, G. F. Harris, 1816 12s. 6d. 8vo, 3 pts. in 1 vol. Boards. Priced throughout. 1631 Another copy of the Library Catalogue only 10s. 6d. 8vo. Polished calf gilt, with the crest and monogram of William Congreve Russell in gold on front cover. 1632 ROSCOE (Wm.). ASPINALL (James) Roscoe's Library; or, Old Books and Old Times. London, Whittaker and Co., 1853 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cl. Account of the books in the Library of William Roscoe. 1633 ROSENTHAL (Jacques) Catalogue 27. Illuminated Manuscripts and Illustrated Books. Miinchen [c. 1900] 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 97 illustrations. 1634 ROSNY (Joseph) Le Tribunal d'Apollon, ou Jugement en dernier Ressort de tous le Auteur vivans ; Libelle injurieux, partial et diffama- toire: par une Societe de Pygmies litiraires. Paris, Marchand (1799) 2 vols in 1, 12mo. Diced calf. xiv., 212, 236 pp. Rare. �1 5s. 1635 ROXBURGHE (John, Duke of) A Catalogue (- Supplement) of the Library, arranged by G. and W. Nicol. London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1812 �2 2s. 8vo. Half russia, joints weak. With printed list of prices. Bound with :- Constable (David) Catalogue of the Library, Edinburgh, D. Speare, 1828. The Rox- burgh sale was, without doubt, the most famous of the period. The Roxburgh Club was founded by the most eminent bibliophiles on the day of the sale. 1636 RUDDIMAN (Thomas) Catalogue of a Rare and Valuable Collec- tion of Books, being the whole Library of the late Mr. Thomas Ruddiman. Edinburgh, 1758 �1 10s. Sm. 8vo. Half calf. Title shaved at foot. The Library of the famous Edinburgh printer and librarian. Wanting an Appendix. 1637 RUSSELL (W. Clark) The Book of Authors, A Collection of Criti- cisms, Ana, Mots, Personal Descriptions, etc., etc., wholly referring to English Men of Letters in every age of English Literature. London and New York, Warne and Co. (c. 1890) 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, unopened. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 153 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1638 RUSSELL (William Congreve) [Catalogue of his Library, together with the Catalogue of his Collection of Pictures. Manuscript, c. 1850] 4to. Diced calf, gilt, g.e. 10s. 6d. 1639 SACHS (Hans.). MUMMENHOFF (Ernst) Hans Sachs, Zum 400 Jahrigen Geburstjubilium des Dichters. Im Auftrag der Stadt Niirnberg. Niirnberg, H. Kornsch, 1894 8s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Many facsimile illustrations of title-pages, etc., of the works of the great Meistersinger. 1640 SADLEIR (Michael) Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. London, Chaundy and Cox, 1922 18s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. The authors dealt with are Anthony Trollope, Benjamin Dis- raeli, Frederick Marryat, Wilkie Collins, Charles Reade, G. J. Whyte Melville, Mrs. Gaskell and Herman Melville. 1641 SALLUSTIUS (C. Crispus) Liste Chronologique des editions, des commentaires et des traductions de Salluste. 2e. edition revue, corrigde et augment6e. Paris, A. M. Lottin, 1768 13s 6d. 8vo. Boards, interleaved throughout. A rare Bibliography. 1642 SAMS (J.) A Descriptive Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, in various languages, and almost every Branch of Science and Literature: including some pretty large Importations from several parts of the Continent during the years 1816-1817:-21 ; Many fine specimens of typography: a choice collection of Polyglot Bibles, Testaments, and Biblical Literature in general. Darlington, 1822 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. With an interesting autograph letter from Mr. Sams to the Duke of Hamilton, commencing " Esteemed friend." An important catalogue. 1643 SARGENT (E. B.) and WHISHAW (Bernard) A Guide Book to Books. London, G. Frowde, 1891 7s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth. 1644 SAVAGE (James) The Librarian. London, William Savage, 1808-9 16s. 6d. 2 vols, 8vo. Orig. boards, uncut. 1645 SCHELHORN (J. C.) Amoenitates Literariae, quibus Variae Observationes, scripta item quaedam anecdota et rariora Opuscula ex- hibentur. Francofurti et Lipsiae, D. Bartholomaeus, 1725-31 �3 5s. Sm. 8vo. 14 vols in 7, Half vellum. An important work containing many trea- tises on the history of books and printing, on bibliography and libraries. 1646 SCHOETTGEN (Christian) and THALMANN (Christian) De Librariis et Bibliopolis antiquorum disputabunt d. 19. Martii, 1710. Lipsiae, In Bibliopolio Frommanniano, 1710 17s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Calf, top and bottom of back damaged. Bound with : Buxtorfius (Joh.) Vita et mors, quam oratione parentali, in ferquenti Theologorum Ausitorio. Basileae, Typis Ludovici Regis, 1630. 1647 SCOTT (Robert) Catalogus Librorum ex Variis Europae Partibus Advectorum. Londini, Robert Scott, 1674 �2 5s. 4to. Calf, rubbed, back damaged. A very rare bookseller's catalogue, the Brit. Mus. having nothing by Scott before 1687. Scott was bookseller to Charles II.and to Pepys. 154 Inland Telegrams-CorPTIcTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1648 SCOTT (Temple) Book Sales of 1895, A Record of the Most Im- portant Books sold at Auction and the prices realized, with introduction, notes and index. London, P. Cockram, 1896 10s. 4to. Orig. cloth. 1649 SCOTT (Sir Walter) Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. Edinburgh, 1838 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards, joints weak. 1650 SETCHELL (J. F.) A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets for 1833, now on sale. London, C. Richards, 1833 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. 1651 SETTE OF ODD VOLUMES. Inaugural Address of George Clulow, 7th President of the Sette of Odd Volumes. London, Privately Printed, 1886 8s. 6d. 12mo. Orig. wrappers. 133 copies only printed. 1652 SHAKESPEARE (William) Birmingham Catalogue of the Shake- speare Memorial Library. By J. D. Mullins. Printed for the Free Libraries Committee, London, Chiswick Press, [1875] �1 is. 8vo. Quarter roan. This Library was destroyed by fire shortly after this Cata- logue was published. Presentation copy to Prof. John Ferguson. 1653 SHARPE (Charles Kirkpatrick) Catalogue of the highly interest- ing and valuable Collection of Objects of Vertu, Prints, Etchings, and Drawings (Catalogue of the extensive and valuable Library). Edinburgh, Tait and Nisbet, 1851-2 12s. 6d. Large 8vo. Half morocco. Sharpe was a friend of Sir Walter Scott and one of the greatest of Scottish Antiquaries. 1654 SHAYLOR (Joseph) Sixty Years a Bookman, with other recollec- tions and reflections. London, Selwyn and Blount, Ltd., 1923 6s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1 portrait. 1655 SHEFFIELD. FREEMANTLE (W. T.) A Bibliography of Sheffield and Vicinity. Section I. to the end of 1700. Sheffield, Pawson and Brails- ford, 1911 17s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth. 67 plates. Autograph letter from author inserted. Biblio- graphies are included of all the authors connected with South Yorkshire and parts of Derby and Notts. 1656 [SHOOLBRED AND CO.] Catalogue of the Tottenham House Library, September, 1872, removed to present Library, Jan., 1854, Established 1825. London, 1872 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1657 SINKER (Robert) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Editions of the Printed Text of the Versions of the Testamenta XII. Patriarcharum. Cambridge, Deighton Bell and Co., 1910 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers: 1658 SLATER (J. Herbert) The Library Manual : A Guide to the Formation of a Library, and the Valuation of Rare and Standard Books. London, L. Upcott Gill, [c. 1883] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Cable Address--CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 155 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1659 SLATER (J. H.) Book Collecting, a Guide for Amateurs. London, Sonnenschein, 1892 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Illustrated. 1660 SMITH (Alfred Russell) A Catalogue of Rare, Curious and Valuable Old Books. London, 1882 6s. 8vo. Roan roxburgh. pp. 528. 1661 SOBOLEWSKI (M. Serge) Catalogue de la Collection Precieuse de livres anciens et modernes formant la Bibliotheque de Feu M. Serge So- bolewski (de Moscou). Leipzig, 1873 10s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. pp. 314. An important collection. 1662 SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. A Iist of Works on Pottery and Porcelain (Furniture-Lace and Needlework-Heraldry-Costume) in the National Art Library. London, 1875-81 10s. 6d. 8vo, 5 vols in 1. Half mor., rubbed. Useful bibliographies. 1663 SPAIN. ERNESTI (Gerhardus) Bibliotheca Hispanica Historico genealogico heraldica. Lipsiae, M. G. Weidmann, 1724 15s. 4to. Boards, back stripped. 1664 SPENCE (Rev. Joseph) Observations, Anecdotes, and Charac- ters, of Books and Men, arranged with notes by the late Edmund Malone. London, John Murray, 1820 6s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf, back shabby, joints weak, 1665 SPIRITO (Lorenzo). CARISSAN (M.) Note sur un Exemplaire du Libro de la Ventura o vero de la sorte. [1865] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extr. from Bull. Soc. Arch. Hist. Charente, 1865. Refers to the edition of Lorenzo Spirito's work, Milan, 1508. 1666 STAFFORD. SIMMs (Rupert) Bibliotheca Staffordiensis; or, a bibliographical account of books and other printed matter relating to- printed or published in-or written by a native, resident or person deriving a title from-any portion of the County of Stafford. Together with a list of Prints and Portraits. Lichfield, A. C. Lomax, 1894 �1 5s. 4to. Orig. cloth. Large Paper Copy. No. 29 of 200 copies only. The compiler wrote the whole of this work without hands, having lost both at an early age by an accident. pp. 26, 546. 1667 STANLEY (Colonel) Bibliotheca Stanleiana. A Splendid Selec- tion of Rare and Fine Books. London, R. H. Evans, 1813 12s. 6d. 8vo. Half green morocco, t.e.g. Priced, with names of buyers throughout. Large and thick paper copy. 1668 STEVENS (Henry) Who Spoils our New English Books ? London, H. N. Stevens, 1884 10s. 6d. Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. Printed at the Chiswick Press. 1669 STEVENSON (Rev. William) Catalogue of the very extensive and valuable Library. Edinburgh, T. Chapman, 1874 12s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. Priced throughout. With press cutting and photograph of Prof. Stevenson inserted. The Library realised over �4,000. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 156 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOG UES-Continued. 1670 SUNDERLAND LIBRARY. Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. Sale Catalogue of the Truly Important and very extensive Library of Printed Books known as the Sunderland or Blenheim Library, comprising a re- markable collection of the Greek and Roman Classic Writers in first early and rare editions, a large series of Early printed Bibles and Testaments in various languages, a few ancient and important MSS. London, Puttick and Simpson, 1881-83 �1 10s. 6 parts, large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. With printed prices. Large and Fine Paper Copy. 1671 Another copy on small paper, with prices �1 is. 1672 SURRY INSTITUTION. A Catalogue of the Extensive Library. London, Saunders, 1823 10s. 6d. 8vo. Half roan, shabby, priced throughout. The Collection fetched �3,237 12s. 1673 SUSSEX (Duke of). Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by historical and biographical notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Library of the Duke of Sussex. By T. J. Pettigrew. London, Longman, 1827-39 �2 10s. 3 pts. in 2 vols, large 8vo. Half mor. Plates and facsimiles. Complete as far as published. Contains the theological manuscripts and the editions of the Bible and parts thereof. Fine copy. 1674 SWEDEN. SCHEFFER (Joan.) Suecia Literata seu Descriptis et Scriptoribus Gentis Sueciae. Holmiae, Henr. Keyser, 1680 �1 2s. 6d. 8vo. Vellum. Bound at end is Joannis Schefferi De Generosi Nobilisq. Informa- tione Literaria Dissertatio. Holmiae, Henr. Keyser, 1678. 1675 SWEDENBORG (Hon. Emanuel) A Catalogue of the Theological Works lately translated into English from the Original Latin. London, Gale and Curtis, 1810 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 1676 SYDNEY, N.S.W. Supplementary Catalogue of the Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney, for the years 1896-1900 : Reference Department. Sydney, W. A. Gullick, 1902 8s. 6d. 4to. Orig. boards. 1,124 pp. Author Catalogue and Subject Index. 1677 TAYLOR (Isaac) History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times. London, B. J. Holdsworth, 1827 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. First edition. 1678 Another edition. London, Jackson and Walford, 1859 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. Cover slightly defective. 1679 TECHENER (J.) Un Mus6e Bibliographique au Louvre. Paris, 1852 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1680 TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord) Tennysoniana. London, Pickering and Co., 1889 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 1681 THACKERAY (William Makepeace) Library of the late Major W. H. Lambert. Part 2, Thackerayana. New York, Met. Art Assoc., 1914 7s..6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Many plates and facsimiles. The most complete collection of Thackeray's works and autographs. Cable Address--COPTICITY, LONDON. 157 GRAFTON & Co. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1682 THEOLOGY. ALLAN (T. R.) A Catalogue of Books, chiefly Theo- logical, collected by T. R. A(llan). Leipzig, G. Teubner [c. 1885] 12s. 6d. 8vo. Half green morocco. At foot of title is printed " In usum Amicorum." 1683 THEOLOGY. CLEAVER (William, Bishop of Chester) A List of Books intended for the use of the Younger Clergy, and other Students in Divinity within the Diocese of Chester. Oxford, J. Fletcher, 1791 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. pp. 48. 1684 THEOLOGY. DARLING (James) Cyclopaedia Bibliographica: A Library Manual of Theological and General Litterature and Guide to Books for Authors, Preachers, Students and Literary Men, Analytical, Bibliographical and Biographical. London, J. Darling, 1854-59 12s. 6d. Large 8vo, 2 vols. Half morocco, rubbed, m.e. 1685 THEOLOGY. GOLDWITZER (Fran. Wenc.) Bibliographia Dog- matica. Solisbaci, J. E. de Seidel, 1831 10s. 6d 8vo. Bds. A rare theological bibliography. 1686 THEOLOGY. HURST (John F.) Bibliotheca Theologica, a Select and Classified Bibliography of Theology and General Religious Literature. London, R. D. Dickinson, 1883 8s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1687 THEOLOGY. STRAKER (William) A Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Books in English and Foreign Theology, arranged according to subjects. London, 1851 6s. 8vo. Original boards. 1688 THEOLOGY. TRITHEMIUS (Joan.) De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis Collectanea. Parrhisiis, Berth. Rembolt et Jo. Parvo, 16 Oct., 1512 �1 5s. Sm. 4to. Limp vellum, stained, first and last leaf slightly defective. Petit's device on title. One of the earliest bibliographies. 1689 THORPE (Thomas) Catalogue of the most extensive, valuable and truly interesting collection of curious books, on sale in this or any other country, in most languages and classes of literature, including many hundred articles of the utmost rarity, and of which other copies do not exist even in the public libraries. London, 1842 15s; 8vo. Boards, cloth back. pp. 850. 1690 TITE (William) An Address delivered before the Society of Anti- quaries of London, on Thursday, December 12th, 1861, at an Exhibition of Early Printed Books, to which is subjoined An Address delivered on Thursday, June 6th, 1861, at an Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts. London (Not Published), 1862 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Morocco roxburghe, rubbed. 1691 TODD (J. and G.) A Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Books, new and second-hand (Supplement). York, 1825-27 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. pp. 274, 80. 1692 THE TORCH AND COLONIAL BOOK CIRCULAR. Vols 1-3. London, 1887-90 �1 5s. Large 8vo, 3 vols in 1. Cloth. Edited by E. A. Petherick, whose bibliography of Australia ran through these volumes. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcrTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 158 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES--continued. 1693 TOSI (Paolo Antonio) Notizia di una edizione sconosciuta del poema romanzesco La Spagna colla descrizione di en opuscolo impresso da Aldo Manuzio nell' anno M.CCCC.XCIX. Milano, Felice Rusconi, 1835 8vo. Wrappers. 100 copies only printed. 8s. 6d. 1694 TREGASKIS (J. and M. L.) Caxton Head Catalogue No. 400. London, 1898 7s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. Photo. plates and facsimiles, some in colours. MSS., rare books and bookbindings. 1695 TUER (A. W.) Quads for Authors, Editors and Devils. London, Field and Tuer, 1884 7s. 6d. Sq. 12mo. Orig. wrapper;. 1696 TURNER (Dawson) Catalogue of the Remaining Portion of the Library, Engravings, Pictures, etc. London, Puttick and Simpson, 1859 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut. 4s. 6d. 1697 UNIVERSAL CATALOGUE [OF BOOKS] for the year 1772. London, J. Bell [1773] �1 lOs. 8vo. Half calf. An annotated catalogue, with extracts from reviews of over 1,500 books published in London, with their prices, publishers' names, etc., together with a list of foreign books. Very rare. 1698 UPSALA. Catalogue Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecae Re- giae Academiae Upsaliensis. Upsaliae, Stenhammar et Palmblad, 1814 �2 2s. 3 vols, 4to. Boards, uncut. The catalogue of one of the most important libraries in Northern Europe. Of great value for Swedish books. 1699 VARIETES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES. Organe de la Librairie E. Rolland, Vol 1, Vol 2 Nos. 1-2. Paris, E. Rolland, 1890-1 8s. 6d 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1700 VELLUM (Printing on). BOTFIELD (Beriah) Bibliotheca Mem- branacea Britannica, or Notices of Early English Books printed upon vellum. [London, 1856] 10s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Wrappers. 1701 VELLUM (Printing on). DUFF (E. Gordon) English Printing on Vellum to the end of the Year 1600. Bibliographical Society of Lancashire, 1902 5s. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. No. 1 of the Publications of the Society. 1702 VENTOUILLAC (L. T.). The French Librarian, or Literary Guide, pointing out the best works of the principal writers of France, in every branch of literature: with criticisms, personal anecdotes, and bibliographical notices: preceded by a sketch of the progress of French Literature. London, Treuttel, 1829 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. boards, cloth back. 1703 VIRMOND (Londolphe de) R6crbations Bibliographiques. Paris, Dentu, 1882 8s. 6d. 12mo. Orig. wrappers, broken. A curious skit in which modern writers are linked up with namesakes of previous centuries. Cable Address--Co~TIcITY, LONDON. 159 GRAFTON CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-continued. 1704 VOGT (Johannis) Catalogus Historico-Criticus Librorum Rar- iorum, jam curis quartis recognitus et copiosa accessione ex symbolis et collatione Bibliophilorum per Germaniam doctissimorum adauctus. Hamburgi, Sumptibus Christiani Heroldi, 1753 16s. 6d. 8vo. Calf, back shabby. pp. 736. 1705 WAKE (H. T.) Monthly Catalogue of Books, Coins, Antiquities, etc., Nos. 1-258. Derby, H. T. Wake, 1887-96 10s. 6d. Large 8vo. Cloth. Interesting series of catalogues with many thumb-nail sketches, produced entirely in lithography. 1706 WALES. National Library of Wales. Bibliotheca Celtica, A Register of Publications relating to Wales and the Celtic Peoples and Languages for the year 1910. Aberystwyth, 1912s 5s. 8vo. Cloth. 1707 WALES. ROWLANDS (Rev. William) Cambrian Bibliography, containing An Account of the Books printed in the Welsh Language, or relating to Wales, from the Year 1546 to the end of the eighteenth century, with Biographical Notices, edited and enlarged by the Rev. D. Silvan Evans. Llanidloes, John Pryse, 1869 �1 is. 8vo. Cloth. pp. 754. 1708 WALFORD (Cornelius) Some Practical Points in the Preparation of a General Catalogue of English Literature. (London), Chiswick Press, 1879 7s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth. 1 folding table. Reprinted from Trans. Conf. Lib., 1878. 1709 WALPOLE (Horace, Earl of Orford) A Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill. London, George Robins, 1842 12s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. 1 portrait, illus. 1710 WALTON (Izaak). WESTWOOD (Thomas) The Chronicle of The " Compleat Angler " of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, being a Biblio- graphical Record of its Various Phases and Mutations. London, Willis and Sotheran, 1844 10s. 6d. 4to. Boards, leather back. Printed at the Chiswick Press. 1711 WATSON (E. H. Lacon) Hints to Young Authors. London, Brown, Langham and Co., 1906 6s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth gilt. 1712 WEDMORE (Frederick) On Books and Arts. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1899 1 8s. 6d. 8vo. Half vellum. On Books, the Drama and Painting. 1713 WEST (James) Bibliotheca Westiana : A Catalogue of the curious and truly valuable Library. London, Langford, 1773 14s. 6d. 8vo. Half red morocco, priced. A very fine collection of early English books is contained in this Catalogue. 1714 WHEATLEY (H. B.) How to Form a Library. London, Elliot Stock, 1886 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth gilt. Presentation inscription copy from the author to G. W. Prothero, with the latter's bookplate. 1715 WHEATLEY (H. B.) Prices of Books, an Inquiry into the Changes in the Price of Books which have occurred in England at different Periods. London, G. Allen, 1898 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 160 Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-Continued. 1716 WHITE (Rev. Gilbert). MARTIN (Edward A.) A Bibliography of Gilbert White, the Natural Historian and Antiquarian of Selborne. London, The Roxburghe Press, [1897] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth, uncut. 5 plates. 1717 WILLETT (Ralph) Merly Library. A Catalogue. (Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Library of Charles Burney, Doctor of Music). London, Leigh and Sotheby, 1813-14 �1 5s. 2 vols in 1. Calf, broken. Inserted are a Description of the Library of Merly, an engraved portrait of Dr. Burney, and an autograph addressed by him to Dr. T. F. Dibdin. The Merly Library contained a wonderful collection of early printed books. 1718 [Another copy of the Merly Library Catalogue, priced throughout] �1 is. 8vo. Boards. 1719 WILLIAMS (Frederic Conde) Journalistic Jumbles, or Trippings in Type, being notes on some Newspaper Blunders, their origin and Nature : with numerous examples. London, Field and Tuer, [c. 1885] 6s. Sq. 12mo. Orig. boards, rubbed. 1720 WILLIAMS (Rev. Theodore) A Catalogue of the splendid and valuable Library, containing a most extraordinary collection of Early Biblical and Theological Manuscripts, books printed on vellum, from the Aldine, Junta, and other celebrated Presses, etc. London, Stewart, Wheat- ley and Adlard, 1827 �1 is. Large 8vo. Half russia. Priced throughout. Large Paper. This magnificent Library realised over �10,000. 1721 WILSON (John). The Bibliographical and Retrospective Mis- cellany, containing notices on, and extracts from, rare, curious, and useful books, in all languages: original matter illustrative of the history and antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland : abstracts from valuable manu- scripts, unpublished autograph letters of eminent characters and notices of book sales. London, J. Wilson, 1830 10s. 6d. 8vo. Boards, leather back. 1722 WODHULL (Michael) Poems. London, Nichols and Son, 1804 �2 15s. 8vo. Orig. cloth, defective. Engr port., spotted. Presentation copy with the author's autograph inscription to the Earl of Albemarle. The author was the famous book collector and patron of Robert Payne, the bookbinder. An autograph letter from the author referring to this book is inserted, written to his printers, ordering a cancel leaf (pp. 121-122) to be printed and complaining of having to erase two super- fluous letters on p. 122 with his penknife. This copy has the two letters erased in line 161 on p. 122, and therefore was presented to the Earl of Albemarle before the printing of the cancel leaf. 1723 WOODMAN (James) and LYON (David) A Catalogue of the Library of the Honourable Thomas Crawfurd, Esq., his Britannick Majesty's Resident at Paris. London, 1725 10s. 8vo. Quarter calf, uncut. An early Bookseller's catalogue without prices. 1724 WOODS (James Chapman) Old and Rare Books. An Elementary Lecture. London, E. Stock, 1885 8s. 6d. 8vo. Orig wrappers. Cable Address--COPTICITY, LONDON. 161 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES-COntinued. 1725 WYCLIF (John). SHIRLEY (Walter Waddington) A Catalogue of the Original Works of John Wyclif. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1865 10s. 6d 8vo Orig. cloth. 1766 XIMENES (Card.). LYELL (James P. R.) Cardinal Ximenes, Statesman, Ecclesiastic, Soldier, and Man of Letters, with an Account of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible. London, Grafton and Co., 1917 10s. 6d. 4to. Half linen. Frontis. facsimile. As new. 1727 YATES (S. A. Thompson) Ex Bibliotheca S.A.T.Y., being a Selection from that part of his Library embodied under the heads of Books of Emblems and General Literature. With a choice of books from the Presses of Aldus, Plantin, the Elzevirs, Baskerville and Foulis. Liverpool, D. Marples and Co., 1896 12s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. wrappers. MANUSCRIPTS, PALAEOGRAPHY AND ILLUMINATION. 1728 AUBERT (Edouard) Manuscrit de 1'Abbaye d'Hautvillers dit Evang61liaire d'Ebon. [Paris, 1879] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Mem. Soc. Nat. des Ant. de France. 7 plates. 1729 AUVRAY (Lucien) Deux Manuscrits de Fleury-sur-Loire et de Ferridres conserves au Vatican. Orleans, H. Herluison, 1889 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 plate. Reprint from Ann. Soc. Hist. du Gatinais. 1730 AUVRAY (Lucien) Documents Orl6anais du XIIe et du XIIIe siecle. * Extraits du Formulaire de Bernard de Meung. Orleans, F. Her- luison, 1892 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Mem. de la Soc. Arch. de l'Orlianais. 1731 AUVRAY (Lucien) Documents Parisiens tires de la Bibliotheque du Vatican (VIIe-XIIIe siecle). Paris, 1892 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Mem. de la Soc. de l'Hist. de Paris. 1732 AUVRAY (Lucien) Inventaire Sommaire des Manuscrits Italiens acquis par la Bibliotheque Nationale (1886-1892) [Nogent-le-Rotrou, Daupeley- Gouverneur, 1892] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint from Bib. de 1'Ecole des Chartes. 1733 AUVRAY (Lucien) Jugements de l'Echiquier de Normandie du XIIIe siecle (1244-1248) Tires d'un Manuscrit du Vatican. Nogent-le- Rotrou, Daupeley- Gouverneur, 1888 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint from Bib. de 1'Ecole des Chartes. 1734 AUVRAY (Lucien) Le Manuscrit Original de la Chronique de Saint-Serge d'Angers. Nogent-le-Rotrou, Daupeley-Gouverneur, 1892 5s, 8vo. Wrappers. Reprint from Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartes. 1735 AUVRAY (Lucien) Les Fundrailles du Cardinal Bertrandi a Venise en 1560. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1900 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Revue d'Hist. Diplom. 1736 AUVRAY (Lucien) Lettre de Giulio Malmignati a Louis 13. [1899] 8vo. Unbound. Reprint from Giorn. Stor. della letter. Ital. 5s. 1737 AUVRAY (Lucien) Lettres Inedites de Pierre Charron publibes d'aprbs la copie de Gabriel Naud. Paris, A. Colin et Cie, 1894 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Revue d'Hist. Litt. de la France. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 162 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. MANUSCRIPTS, PALAEOGRAPHY AND ILLUMINATION-continued. 1738 AUVRAY (Lucien) M6moire de Nicilas Rigault sur le Tr6sor des Chartes de Lorraine (1634). Besancon, Paul Jacquin, 1899 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Bib. Moderne. 1739 AUVRAY (Lucien) Notices sur Quelques Cartulaires et Obituaires Francais conserves a la Bibliotheque du Vatican. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1894 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Melanges Havet. 1740 AUVRAY (Lucien) Un Poeme Rythmique et une Lettre d'Etienne de Tournai. Paris, A. Picard etfils, 1902 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Melanges Paul Fabre. 1741 AUVRAY (Lucien) Une Source de la Vita Roberti Regis du Moine Helgaud. Rome, Philippe Cuggiani, 1887 5s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 folding plate. Reprint from Melanges d'Arch. et d'Hist. 1742 BABINET DE RENCOGNE (M. G.) Description et Prix d'un Antiphonaire note a l'usage du Diocese de Saintes d'apres une charte de 1339. [1866] 5s. 8vo. Wrappers. Extr. from Bull. Soc. Arch. Hist. Charente, 1866. 1743 BABINET DE RENCOGNE (M. G.) Documents Palbographiques et Bibliographiques extraits des archives d'Angouleme. [1870] 8s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 7 folding plates of MSS. and bindings. Extract from Bull. Soc. Arch. de la Charente. 1744 BACHELIN (A.) Description du Livre d'Heures de la Dame de Saluces, faisant partie de la Bibliothbque de M. Yemeniz. Paris, Bachelin- Deflorenne, 1847 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, soiled. Frontis. 1745 BEZAE CODEX CANTABRIGIENSIS, being an exact copy, in ordinary type, of the celebrated uncial Graeco-Latin ,manuscript of the four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, written early in the sixth century, and presented to the University of Cambridge by Theodore Beza, A.D. 1581. Edited with a critical introduction, annotations, and facsimiles, by F. H. Scrivener. Cambridge, Deighton, Bell and Co., 1864" 17s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Facsimile plates. 1746 BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. Dbpartement des Manuscrits. Psautier de Saint Louis. Reproduction des 86 miniatures du Manuscrit Latin 10526 de la Bibliothbque Nationale. Paris, Berthaud Freres [c. 1900] 15s. Sq. 8vo. Orig. boards in case. 92 plates. 1747 BIRCH (Walter de Gray) The History, Art and Palaeography of the Manuscript styled The Utrecht Psalter. London, S. Bagster and Sons, 1876 10s. 6d. 8vo. Cloth, gilt. 3 large folding plates. 1748 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Catalogo dei Manoscritti Italiani che sotto la Denominazione di codici Canoniciani Italici si conservano nella Biblioteca Bodleiana a Oxford, Compilato dal conte Alessandro Mortara. Oxonii, E Typ. Clarendoniano, 1864 12s. 6d. 4to. Cloth. Cable Address-CoPTIcITY, LONDON. 163 GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE NO. 56. MANUSCRIPTS, PALAEOGRAPHY AND ILLUMINATION-COntinued. 1749 BRADLEY (J. W.) Books before Printing. London, Dryden Press, 1888 5s. Large 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Reprint from Libr. Chron. 1750 BRADLEY (J. W.) Notes on a Book of Hours for the " use " of the Metropolitan Diocese of Reims (probably commissioned by the Abbess of St. Remy), circa 1450-1460. [London, Chiswick Press, c. 1900] 5s. 8vo. Quarter orange morocco, green linen sides. 2 photographic plates. 1751 BRADLEY (J. W.) Notes on a Book of Hours, written and illu- minated at St. Albans in the Reign of Henry V. (circa 1420) [London, Chiswick Press, N.D., c. 1900] 5s. 8vo. Quarter orange morocco, green linen sides. 6 photographic plates. 1752 BRADLEY (J. W.) Notes on the De Maillard Livre de Prieres (circa 1450) [London, Chiswick Press, c. 1900] 5s. 8vo. Quarter orange morocco. 5 folding photographic reproductions. 1753 BRADLEY (J. W.) Notes on the Lyte Family Book of Hours (circa 1390) [London, Chiswick Press, c. 1900] 5s. 8vo. Quarter orange morocco. 4 photographic reproductions. 1754 BRADSHAW (Henry) The Early Collection of Canons known as the Hibernensis, two unfinished papers. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1893 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 2s. 6d. 1755 CAMBRIDGE. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Biblio- theca Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia quos legavit Matthaeus Par- kerus, Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis. Londini, G. J. Innys, 1722 17s. 6d. Folio. Orig. bds., shabby. A long MS. note on p. 1 referring to the MS. Homer, and mentioning Humphrey Wanley. 1756 CHASSANT (Alph.) Palbographie des Chartes et des Manuscrits du XIe au XVIIe siecle. Paris, A. Aubry, 1876 17s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 10 folding plates. 1757 CLARKE (J. B. B.) A Historical and Descriptive Catalogue of the European and Asiatic Manuscripts in the Library of the late Dr. Adam Clarke, F.S.A., M.R.I.A., London, John Murray, 1835 17s. 6d. 8vo. Half calf. 7 facsimiles and 1 portrait, interleaved throughout. 1758 COTTON (Sir Robert) Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bib- liothecae Cottonianae. Cui Praemituntur Illustris Viri D. Roberti Cottoni. Vita et Bibliothecae Cottonianae Historia et Synopsis. Scriptore Thoma Smitho Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbytero. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1696 15s. Folio. Calf, rubbed, shabby. Fine engraved portrait by White after Johnson. The Cotton MSS. are now in the British Museum. 1759 COXE (H. O.) Report to Her Majesty's Government on the Greek Manuscripts yet remaining in Libraries of the Levant. London, G. E. Eyre and Win. Spottiswoode, 1858 4s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1760 DELISLE (Leopold) Fac-simile de Livres Copies et Enluminds pour le roi Charles V. Souvenir de la Journbe du 8 Mars., 1903, offert a ses amis. Nogent-le-Rotrou, Daupeley-Gouveneur, 1903 12s. 6d. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 14 fine plates in facsimile. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIcITY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 164 COPTIC HOUSE, 51 GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C.1. MANUSCRIPTS, PALAEOGRAPHY AND ILLUMINATION-continued. 1761 DELISLE (Leopold) Notice sur un Livre d'Astrologie de Jean duc de Berri. Paris, Techener, 1896 6s. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1 folding plate. 1762 DIDOT (Ambroise Firmin) Missel de Jacques Juvenal des Ursins cede a la Ville de Paris le 3 Mai 1861 par A. F. Didot. Paris, A. F. Didot, 1861 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Autograph presentation inscription by the author to the Baron Charles Dupin. 1763 DURRIEU (Paul) Les Manuscrits a Peintures de la Bibliotheque de Sir Thomas Phillips a Cheltenham. Paris, 1889 4s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Reprint from Bib. de 1'Ecole des Chartes. 1764 ERICUS (Ioh. Pet.) Renatum e Mysterio Principium Philologicum In quo vocum, signorum et Punctorum, tum et literarum maxime ac Numerorum Origo. Patavii, Ex Typ. Seminarii, 1686 12s. 8vo. Calf gilt. Device on title. A curious work on the origin of the forms of Alphabets. 1765 GERSON (Joh.) Quedam Regule de modo titulandi seu apificandi pro novellis scriptoribus copulate tractatulus, nunc primum ad fidem imo etiam ad similitudinem, codicis seculo quinto decimo exarati asservatique in bibliotheca propria, edidit Joannes Spencer Smith anglus. Cadomi Normanorum, 1840 10s. 6d. Imp. 8vo. Wrappers. A reproduction of a rare MS. tract by Gerson in 1423 at Lyons. See Journal des Savants, Oct., 1841. 1766 HARDY (Sir Thomas Duffus) The Athanasian Creed in connexion with the Utrecht Psalter, being a Report to the Master of the Rolls on a Manuscript in the University of Utrecht. [London], 1872 16s. 6d. Folio. Hf. bd. Photographic facsimiles and other illustrations. 1767 HASELOFF (Arthur) Les Psautiers de Saint Louis. [Paris, 1900] 7s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. 4 plates, unopened. Extract from Mem. Soc. Antiq. de France. 1768 HODGKIN (Joh.) and ASHBY (H.) Calligraphia graeca et poe- cilographia graeca. Exaravit, J. H., sculpsit, H. A., Londini, 1794 17s.6d. Large folio. Bound in contemp. half calf, back gilt. Shabby, slightly stained. Portrait of H. Ashby, engraved title and dedication+ 3 11. printed ; follow plates 2-6 and 8-19 engraved by Ashby, and 1 leaf printed. Plate 7 missing. 1769 HUET (Gedeon) Catalogue des Manuscrits Neerlandais de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris, 1886 7s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 1770 ILLUMINATION. BERGER (Samuel) Les Manuels pour l'Illus- tration du Psautier au XIII. siecle. [Paris, 1898] 6s. 8vo. Wrappers, unopened. Extract from Mem. Soc. Ant. de France. 1771 ILLUMINATION. DELAMOTTE (F. G.) The Book of Ornamental Alphabets, ancient and modern, from the eighth to the nineteenth century, with numerals. London, E. and F. N. Spon, 1859 8s. Oblong 8vo. Orig. cloth, gilt. 5 plates in various colours. 1772 ILLUMINATION. DELAMOTTE (F. G.) Mediaeval Alphabets and Initials for Illuminators. With an Introduction by J. Willis Brooks. London, E. and F. N. Spon, 1861 10s. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth, loose. 21 coloured plates printed from wood blocks by Whiting. 165 Cable A ddress---COPTICITY, LONDON. GRAFTON & CO. CATALOGUE No. 56. MANUSCRIPTS, PALAEOGRAPHY AND ILLUMINATION-continued. 1773 ILLUMINATION. DELAMOTTE (F.) Primer of the Art of Illu- mination for the use of beginners : with a rudimentary treatise on the art, practical directions for its exercise, and examples taken from illuminated MSS. London, E. and F. N. Spon, 1860 17s. 6d. Sm. 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. 20 coloured plates. 1774 ILLUMINATION. DENIS (Ferd.) Peintures des Manuscrits. Paris, Curmer [c. 1880] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. Printed within borders. Illuminated MSS. from the earliest times. 1775 ILLUMINATION. LABITTE (Alphonse) Les Manuscrits et l'Art de les Orner. Ouvrage Historique et Pratique. Paris, Charles Mendel, 1893 �2 2s. 4to. Half brown morocco. Illustrated with 300 reproductions of Miniatures, Bor- ders and Initials. Fine copy. 1776 ILLUMINATION. LA MARCHE (Lecoy de) L'Art d'Enluminer : trait6 Italien du XIVe sidcle. [Paris], 1886 6s. 6d. 8vo. Wrappers. Extract from Mem. Soc. des Antiq. 1777 ILLUMINATION. LA MARCHE (A. Lecoy de) Les Manuscrits et la Miniature. Paris, A. Quantin [c. 1890] 10s. 6d. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 107 illus. 1778 ILLUMINATION. R. (F. M.) Emblematic Illumination; or, Forms, Colours and Emblems suitable for Illuminating texts of Holy Scripture in large Style, in oils or water-colours. London, Day and Son [c. 1880] 10s. 6d. 4to. Orig. cloth, gilt. 8 coloured plates. 1779 ILLUMINATION. SHAW (Henry) Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Ages. London, William Pickering, 1845 16s. 6d. Large 8vo. Half roan, shabby. 48 plates mostly in colours. 1780 ILLUMINATION. TYMMS (W. R.) and WYATT (M. D.) The Art of Illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times. London, Day and Son Ltd. [c. 1860] �1 10s. 8vo. Orig. cloth. 95 plates, mostly in colours. 1781 ILLUMINATION. WEALE (John) Monograms, Old Architectural Ornament. Sacred Illustrations, Borders and Alphabets collected on the Continent and in England. London, J. Weale, 1844 �1 15s. 4to. Orig. cloth. 18 plates, some in gold and colours. 1782 LANGLOIS (E.-H.) Essai sur la Calligraphie des Manuscrits du Moyen-Age et sur les ornements des premiers livres d'heures imprimbs. Rouen, I. S. Lefevre, 1841 �1 10s. 8vo. Quarter calf. 17 plates, some folding. 1783 LANSDOWNE (Marquis of) Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lansdown- iana. A Catalogue of the entire Collection of Manuscripts on paper and vellum, containing the Burleigh State Papers. (Vol. 2, the Shelburne State Papers.) London, Leigh and S. Sotheby, 1807 10s. 6d. 2 vols in 1, 8vo. Orig. boards, back shabby. Inland Telegrams-CoPTIlTY, WESTCENT, LONDON. 166 s ;. ; , I 6 M .. This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012