STOCK EXCHANGE VALUES: A DECADE OF FINANCE 1885 to 1895. STOCK EXCHANGE VALUES. A DECADE OF FINANCE 1885 TO 1895. THE INTRODUCTION, WITH STATISTICS AND DIAGRAMS, BY S. F. VAN OSS, (Author of " American Railroads as Investments," etc.) THE CHARTS AND TABLES COMPILED BY FREDC. C. MATHIESON & SONS. LONDON: EFFINGHAM WILSON, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.C. FREDC. C. MATHIESON & SONS, 16 COPTHALL AVENUE. 1895. 3 3 2. 6 V344s cop. 2 FERDC. C. MATHIESON & SONS, PRINTERS, &C., 16 COPTHALL AVENUE, AND 10 OLD BROAD STREET, E.C. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE I. Introductory: '• Trade Cycles" ... ... ix. II. The Position at the end of 1881 ... ... xii. Beview of 1885 ... xvi. III. ... ... IV. Do. 1886 xx. V. Do. 1887 ... VI. Do. 1888 ... ... ... xxix. VII. Do. 1889 ... ... ... xxxi. VIII. Do. 1890 ... ... ... xxxiii. IX. Do. 1891 ... ... ... xxxviii. X. Do. 1892 ... ... ... xlii. XL Do. 1893 ... xlv. XII. Bo. 1894 xxiv. ' xlviii. XIII. The Course of Trade 1884—1894 ... li. XIV. Silver ... lvi. XV. " New Capital Created" ... ... lix. The Money Market ... ... lxiv. Government and Municipal Securities ... lxix. Colonial Securities ... ... lxxii. XIX,. Foreign Government Securities ... .,, lxxv. XVI. XVII. XVIII. ... ... VI. PAGE. CHAPTER. Home Eailway Stocks... lxxxiv. American Railways xcii. XXII. Foreign and Colonial ... ci. XXIII. Miscellaneous Securities civ. XX. XXI. Charts of Prices, 1885—1894 cxi. to cxxvii. ... Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices, dates when they occurred, and extreme fluctuations of every Security officially quoted on the Stock Exchange for . . . .. . 1885 . . .. . 3 to 14 Do. do. do. 1886 . . 17 to 30 Do. do.. do. 1887 . . 33 to 46 Do. do. do. 1888 . . . 49 to 64 Do. do. do. 1889 . . 67 to 84 Do. do. do. 1890 . . 87 to 106 Do. do. do. 1891 . . 109 to 128 Do. do. do. 1892 . . 131 to 150 . Do. do. do. 1893 . . 153 to 172 Do. do. do. 1894 . . 175 to 194 INTRODUCTION BY S. F. VAN OSS. ix. I. Introductory: "Trade Cycles." Exports of British Produce 1868—1894 in Shillings per inhabitant. STixlluigs f8?0 /e7S j$$o /ess is so s&ss THE period covered by this review, undoubtedly one of the most interesting decades in the history of British business, is divisible into two parts of almost equal 'duration, but with opposite tendencies. From 1885 until 1890 business expanded and prosperity increased; since the year of the Baring crisis depression has prevailed in almost every sphere of commercial activity, and business has on the whole returned to the low and unsatisfactory level which it occupied at the beginning of our survey. In other words, the ten years ending with 1894 embrace, as nearly as possible, one of those c: commercial cycles" that mark the road along which trade travels. During this decade trade has passed through all possible stages. Between the two " dips of depression " which in most of our diagrams lie on or near the lines for 1885 and 1894 we find the " crest of prosperity " of 1889-91. We have seen the most gratifying activity succeed stagnation, aiid we have seen prosperity give wray once more to depression. And the fact that the ten years which are to occupy our attention coincide almost exactly with one of these commercial cycles adds considerable interest to the present review, which thereby becomes a modest contribution to a subject which in this country might with advantage be studied more closely than it is at present. These commercial cycles are no new phenomena, but old acquaintances and regular visitors. They are as old and will no doubt last as long as commerce itself, unless human nature undergoes changes of the most radical kind. Joseph's dream of the fat kine and the lean has to my mind always been presumptive evidence of the existence of these cycles among the Ancients; and that often-quoted New Zealander will know X. them as well as those who now spend their days within the sound of Bow Bells, unless he is born after the advent of the millennium. This certain prospect of the recurrence of changes in the state of trade arises from the peculiarities of our own character. Formerly, these cycles, and the constant recurrence of commercial crises were ascribed to all possible reasons; several old economists attributed them to the periodicity of the spots on the Sun, which, by causing rainy or dry seasons led to great variations in the harvests, and thereby influenced trade; and other theories, equally ingeniously absurd, were propounded and accepted. But these fallacies are by this time as exploded as the popular belief that every decade year was sure to produce its crisis. The more clearly the connection between economic conditions and human nature is discerned the better established becomes the proposition that commercial cycles are due to a much greater extent to the character and tendencies of us mortals than to any rigid law of nature. It is now regarded as certain that we must look to that optimism which fortunately lives in the breasts of most men, and in a special degree of most men of business, for the chief cause of this constant rotation of good times and bad. The eternal hope of gain, the keen desire to " get o n / ' matures at all times a spirit of enterprise which only needs tolerably favourable conditions to develope into excessive activity, into over-trading, and into inflation which cannot but lead to collapse. The latter is, as a rule, attended by a panic, and followed by a state of depression whose acuteness depends upon the severity of the disaster that preceded it. A general lack of confidence and of enterprise becomes for a few years the general characteristic of business; and often the distrust and the despondency are as unreasoning and as foolish as the optimism of better times. At length, however, the feeling of hopelessness wears away, and wo enter by degrees upon a new cycle. Thus it has always been, and thus it will be as long as, on the whole, the hope of gain within us is stronger than the fear of loss. Since the beginning of the 17th century the United Kingdom has always been a particularly favourable point for observing these most interesting phenomena on the commercial firmament. Our business life is more intense, more highly developed, and more sensitive than that of other nations; our commercial and financial operations cover the whole globe. We are not merely the world's caterers, but at the same time its customers and its money lenders. Our accumulated wealth, our over-population, and our resources force us to XI. seek and maintain constant contact with every other trading nation; if we were to confine our operations to our own land all our wealth would be next to useless, and we should prove Bacon's quaint dictum that lc money is like dung ; it must be spread to do good." It is precisely because of the abundance o£ our resources that we are so easily encouraged to employ our capital abroad, mostly in the young countries that require it to irrigate as it were the fertile but parched soil of their possibilities. But the trouble is that we do not send out assistance in an equal flow. Sometimes we flood creditors with our advances, and at other times we " c u t the pipes" like real water companies. This erratic conduct arises from the fact that we forget, to quote the Elizabethan sage once more, that " moderation is tho virtue of prosperity, and fortitude the virtue of adversity." At one time we lend too much and believe too much; and when by so doing we have conjured up a crisis we rush into the other extreme. Commercial crises and trade cycles could not exist, or at any rate could not be endowed with their present degree of intensity, if we practised greater moderation. And as for the gradual disappearance of depression after the crisis, this is fully illustrated by the events of the last four years. We are.always producing new capital, and unless this finds cutlets it accumulates near its source and causes an overflow as irksome to ourselves as the total withdrawal of our assistance is disastrous to our creditors. Owing to the lack of enterprise " money" becomes cheap, and the va^ue of capital falls rapidly to an extraordinary extent. The rate of interest shrinks, and the dearth of investments increases. At last conditions become intolerable, and through sheer despair we turn again with our capital to the newT countries from which we have just withdrawn our credit. At the present moment we seem extremely near the point where this will occur. The regular course taken by commercial cycles, as it has been outlined here, is most clearly illustrated by the history of the past ten years; and I have dwelt upon it at some length because we can only see the events of this decade in their true proportion, and because we can only fully appreciate their meaning, if we regard this era as a trade cycle, and most of its events as incidents inseparable from its character. No great feature of these years, from the fall in the prices of commodities down to the dearth of investments, from the " nitrate b o o m " to the Baring collapse, from the slackness of trade of the present day to the excellent Board of Trade Returns of 1889-90^ is anything but one of tho symptoms regularly attending these cycles. xii. Vast and numerous as have been the kaleidoscopic changes in the business world since 3 884, they are all reducible to this common factor, with possibly one or two exceptions. The subsequent chapters deal so fully with the principal of these vicissitudes and incidents, that it is not at this place necessary to do more than briefly indicate the most notable of the causes that have been at work to produce the main result. The first three years under review were a time of considerable political perturbation on the Continent, which materially furthered the employment of our capital in America and Australia, and at the Cape. The next years were years of great inflation, notably in the two youngest continents; and from the Baring crisis of 1890, which was the direct outcome of this inflation, dates the general collapse and depression with which every business man is only too well acquainted. II. The State of Business at the end of 1884. AT the beginning of the period covered by this review State of Affairs the state of trade, though it could not be regarded in 1884. as satisfactory, was at any rate interesting. After the severe and widespread depression, which beginning in 1873, reached its worst stages in 1878 and 1879, 1881 brought a distinct change in the business situation, and the following two years witnessed a further improvement, with the result that by the end of 1883 there existed a reasonable prospect of general recovery. Yet, contrary to expectations, a renewed set-back occurred early in 1884; and, although it was at first supposed to be only of a temporary nature—the usual view taken of such cases — the reaction soon developed into that well remembered state of stagnation which lasted until well into the eighties. The causes of this disappointing development were of great variety; so complex, indeed, was its origin that there can be cause for little surprise at its being but imperfectly comprehended, as the views taken of it at the time abundantly illustrate. The most common opinion was that the return of commercial adversity was almost entirely due to the over-trading resulting from the Protectionist Xlll. fallacies of leading foreign Governments; and equally general was the belief that the mistakes made by other great States, in the matter of currency legislation, bore a large share of the responsibility. Nor can there be any reasonable doubt that similar errors hastened on the relapse; but they were merely additional and aggravating features, and not ultimate causes. The truth is that the great economic changes which were at the bottom of the commercial upheaval and culminated in the crises of the early seventies had not yet entirely lost their influence upon the business of the world; nor, it may be stated in passing, is it quite certain that they have yet done so. The Depression Seventies The inventions .of our century, and the grand scale U p 0 n whi^h these have been applied by the present generation, resulted in the substitution of entirely new business methods for the old. The telegraph and especially the cable, revolutionised trade and credit; the railway opened up immense tracts of country, and converted their latent possibilities into actualities which at once affected not merely the world's markets, but the producers of well-nigh every kind of material in every part of the civilised globe. The remarkable expansion in the wheat production of America and Argentina asserted itself as forcibly as the removal of many uncertainties in the trade with India or the Cape, or as the " elimination cf distance " and the economy of time in our intercourse with every trade centre. The expansion of business and enterprise, fostered by the introduction of the many new trade stimulants, at first led to an era of great prosperity. In its turn this was conducive to over-trading and speculation; and, finally, business found itself so weakened by excesses, so upset by the great changes which in part were its own handiwork, that the long prostration which preceded the slight recovery of 1881-3 was an utterly inevitable result. There is no feature in commercial or financial history which will strike the student of that somewhat uninviting branch of knowledge so forcibly as the strong and constant ascendancy of optimism over pessimism— even over cynicism. Men of business are rarely despondent. The hope of profit springs in their breasts even amidst the gloom of Black Fridays or a 6 per cent. Bank rate. And it can, therefore, cause little surprise that when 1881 revealed to the more cautious the first real gleams of hope, the merchant and the financier were The Recovery at once prepared to rely upon and to put forth their of 1881, strength. Thus, without there being other very potent motives besides its own initial force, we find xiv. trade lifting itself above the level of depression during 1881, 1882, and 1883. The foreign borrower of our money and our manufactures saw his credit gradually restored; the home capitalist witnessed a return of profits; mills and men became busy once more. For a time all went well. Within two years we brought about a rise of over four per cent, in our foreign trade, and our railway receipts showed a net gain of more than three. But, after all, the old causes of distress had not been removed. The average price of wheat, falling from 45s. 7d. in 1880 to 37s. lOd. in 1884, continued to bear testimony to the great change that had overtaken the "oldest industry;" the further decline in Messrs. Pixley & AbelPs average annual price of silver from 52£d. to 50|d. still pointed to the fruitless years of monetary changes behind us, and the hopeless years of monetary problems that loomed ahead. Under these circumstances there lies no ground for The Relapse surprise in the relapse of 1884. Business men had of 1884. lulled themselves into the belief that the dawn of a new era was come; in reality our old ailments had remained with us. People had fancied that the situation had become strong once more; in truth, it had remained precarious. And when the fallacious assumption led to operations, which can only produce good results so long as they have the strong, basis of sound conditions, the structure that had been reared on deceptive foundations soon began to get out of plumb, and ultimately collapsed. There is no stronger proof of the absence of such an indispensable basis than the comparatively trifling nature of the occurrences which led to the relapse of 1884. In the United States, where trouble had been brewing since 1881, the decrease of railway revenue, resulting from rate wars and over-construction, was, together with the eccoinage of silver," responsible for a collapse of speculation, of prices, and of credit, which materially affected this country, but which would not, under sounder circumstances, have been so potent a force towards the dislocation of business. Austria was the scene of a series of financial Its failures; France embarked upon a more than usually Causes. aggressive policy and was at loggerheads with China. Besides this, we ourselves had our political complications in South Africa j Parliament was discussing three legislative proposals which were not at all popular with business men, who prefer as little " l a w " as possible—they were the Bankruptcy, Merchant Shipping, and Railway Bills. Besides this we had the failure of P. W. Thomas XV. & Co.y due to the well-remembered "Blakeway F r a u d s " ; the not unforeseen failure of the Oriental Banking Corporation; and a great deal of trouble in Mincing Lane, where a rather extensive speculation caused numerous bankruptcies, amongst which that of the Spartalis was presumably the most important. I t will be readily granted that the greater part of these causes were, comparatively speaking, insignificant^ and that the great harm they wrought casts a clear light upon the lack of soundness in the situation to which I just alluded. The results attending the setback which now ensued were striking enough to convince every one of the severity of the reaction. In 1884, the imports of merchandise from abroad were 9.2 per centi smaller than in 1883, the exports 2.9 per cent., though the lower prices explained part of the falling-off:. These lower prices are a favourite excuse in mitigation of sentence on waning commerce. As if they were not part and parcel of hard times, and Fallingr-off in more injurious by far than a smaller volume of Figures. business ! The railway companies reported a shrinkage of £27,000, or 2.4 per cent, in the receipts, from merchandise traffic, and the carriage of minerals yielded £582,600, or 4.6 per cent. less. The reaction was felt most keenly in the coal and iron trades—the antennae of business ; the wholesale and retail trades suffered in sympathy, but the malaise had not yet had sufficient time to pervade them thoroughly. Agriculture was languishing; on November 29th, the price of wheat in Mark Lane went down to 30s. 5d., though this was partly a consequence of the Spartali failure. The money market, though unsettled by the various failures in Mark Lane, saw the average price of accommodation considerably below the level of 1883; the average Bank rate was £2 19s, 2d. per cent, against £3 l i s . 6d. in the preceding year. Company promotion stood almost still, but there were a goodly number of Government, municipal, and especially of colonial loans; the total amount offered for subscription just exceeded £109,000,000, and was, therefore, larger by 28 millions than in 1883. In the stock markets there was little speculation, but a good deal of investment buying, largely due to Mr. Guilders' conversion scheme, which caused considerable fluctuation in the 3 per Cents. The investment buying at one time caused a rise of some ten points in Home Railway Debentures and Preference On the Stock Stocks; but Ordinary stocks went to much lower prices Exchange. when the dividends showed a reduction of about i per cent, on the average. Colonial securities were ill 2: vl. good demand; but the inquiry was met by the issue of over £20,000,000 new stocks, mostly issued by the Australian Colonies. Foreign securities had an eventful market. Eussians rose some 10 per cent, on German buying, Portuguese fell heavily; part of the Turkish debt was successfully converted, and the stock of that country rose in common with most Internationals; Egyptians experienced sharp changes, for which the vicissitudes of the political situation were responsible. South Americans were on the whole quiet; Mexicans underwent several changes. The American railway market was subject to extreme depression, the u May panic" alone causing a general decline of from ten to fifteen points, and the year closed with prices as a rule from twenty to forty points lower than those ruling at the beginning of the year. Bonds also were mostly lower, though the better descriptions were well supported by the demand for firstrate securities. There was great excitement in the market for Mexican railway securities, which were the only active speculative stocks. Grand Trunks suffered heavily in sympathy with the American crisis, but the Government Guarantee kept Canadian Pacifies steady. There was a good demand for Indian railway securities. The Miscellaneous markets were generally declining in connection with the state of trade, but there were few features; ono of these was a fall of 35 in Colonial Bank shares, due to the Blakeway frauds ; a fall of 8 in Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, due to the hostilities between France and China; and a heavy fall in American cable stocks arising from the opening of the Mackay-Bennett cable. Lest this enumeration of events might lead to the impression that the Stock Exchange was the scene of great activity, I will mention that the London Bank Clearings on settling days amounted in the aggregate to £961,000,000, whereas, in 1831, they had amounted to £1,383,000,000, or 44 per cent. more. III. Events in 1885. Had 1881 been bad, 1885 was considerably worse] and there cannot be any doubt that this was largely Still further down hilh due to a remarkable number of political complications* In February, the month which also saw the fall of 1885: xvii. Khartoum, the trouble with Russia, arising from disputes about the delineation of the Afghan frontier, assumed a threatening aspect, aiid until the end of March, when an agreement was arrived at, trade was upset by a war scare. In April, the unprovoked attack of Russian troops upon Afghans in the Pendjeh, and the interference of France in Egypt, renewed the grave apprehensions which had just been allayed, but explanations on the part of Russia soon soothed the public mind, whilst the conclusion of the Franco-Chinese war, and an agreement with France concerning Egypt, farther improved the prospects of peace; a few months later the Austrian and Russian Emperors met at Kremsier, and, although Germany picked a quarrel with Spain concerning the Caroline Islands—which dispute, it will be remembered ^ was submitted to the arbitration of the Pope—the political outlook might have been considered satisfactory at the end of the year had not the revolution in Eastern Roumelia and the assumption of the throne by Prince Alexander of Battenberg threatened to re-open the Eastern question; nor was the anxiety lessened by the reports of armaments and the concentration of troops in Greece and Turkey, which countries were at loggerheads with each other because of questions connected with frontier limitation. Whilst these various complications would in themselves have been sufficient to spread and nurture anxiety, our own politics were like< wise of an exceptionally exciting nature. It is not necessary to speak of the convention arrived at between this country and Polities to the the Transvaal, or of: the troubles in the Canadian fore. North-west, these being incidents of minor importance. But the year saw two General Elections, both of which were attended by great political excitement and led to a change of Government. In June, the Liberal Ministry was defeated on the proposed addition to the beer and spirit duties, and Lord Salisbury returned to power, thanks to the Irish vote. November there was another General Election, which resulted in the number of Liberal Members returned being nearly equal to that of the combined Conservatives and Irish; but, though the Home Rule proposals, which have since altered the face of British politics, were published before the year ended, Mr. Gladstone did not return to office until February, 1886. If political events were numerous, important, and disturbing to business, economic developments were likewise striking and farreaching, and, with but one or two exceptions, their influence was, as a rule, of the adverse kind. The only really good features of the year B xviii were the excellent crops in almost every part of the world, and the rapid recovery of the United States, where a "bumper harvest" and more favourable railway developments caused the trade improvement, which became perceptible during the second half of 1884, to develop into a boom too big to last long. The remainder of events were bad. The year was hardly born when a severe financial crisis broke out in Argentina; it led to a heavy fall in South American securities, and to numerous failures, amongst which the suspension of the Provincial Bank of Buenos Ayres was the most prominent. Nearer home, there soon came another failure, the Munster Bank suspending payment on July 14th, with the result that there was a good deal of financial trouble in Ireland, and a heavy fall in Irish securities. The evil effects which these occurrences and others had upon trade was slightly mitigated by the great recovery in the United States. This revival, it was thought at first, would re-act favourably upon our own trade; but once more the optimists were disappointed. The Board of Trade reported heavy decreases in our foreign commerce, railway receipts drooped, and bank clearings dwindled, all in a very depressing degree. Our foreign trade represented only £624,000,000, which was 44 millions less than in the previous Bad business, year, and 90 millions below the aggregate for 1883; the railway gross receipts fell from £3,606 to £3,505 per mile, and the London Bank Clearings 288 millions to 5,511, a figure below which they have never been since 1879. Trade had, indeed, fallen back again to pretty much the same level which it occupied during the unprofitable year I just mentioned; the depression, which in 1884 had been chiefly confined to the great manufacturing trades, now pervaded all branches and business. The prices of commodities sank to levels which intensified the disappointing nature of the trade statistics. Wheat, after being rendered dearer by the war scare, rapidly fell in price as the year wore on. Copper, which had quoted £65 in 1883, had a remarkable fall to £38 12s. 6d.; iron and coals went lower, and the " index number }} of Mr. Sauerbeck fell from 76 to 72. The result of all this was a general lack of spirit; so universal was the commercial gloom that the year saw not only the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the causes of the depression of trade, but also a by no means insignificant agitation in favour of the abandonment of that traditional policy of free trade which is the mainstay of our commerce. "YVitii such a predominance of bad features in the political and xix. economic situation, it could scarcely be expected that the money and stock markets would present a cheerful aspect. On the whole, money was cheap, though this was entirely the result of the small requirement of trade, and not of the abundance of the supply; and though there were numerous fluctuations between comparatively wide ranges, a 2 per cent. Bank rate ruled for 168 days. Only the early and last parts of the year saw high rates, due to the Argentine and political troubles. The Irish bank failure, though leading to large shipments of gold across the Irish Channel, did not lead to dearth in London. On the stock market business remained of small dimensions, and in spite of the transactions arising from the political scares and the active campaign in Americans, the turnover of the Capel Court Clearing House on settling days was only 935 quiet. millions; it had been 1,383 millions even in 1881. Whatever business arose from the belief in the approach of better times could be found in the American department. Argentines were largely sold, Consols were frequently upset by political considerations, and the common stocks of our Home railways were sold, and declined on the bad traffic statements. Eailway debentures, however, and Colonial stocks, were somewhat largely purchased —the demand for the latter was somewhat remarkable since large loans were contracted by our Colonies, notably by Australia; the tota* reached almost £25,000,000. The demand for Colonial Loans was, however, in some measure explained by the small amount of other new issues; under the combined influence of the various causes already alluded to, the total amount of " new capital" which ib was attempted to create barely reached £78,000,000, whereas it had exceeded a hundred millions the year before; moreover, a great part of this sum was borrowed by Governments, and miscellaneous enterprises were floated on a remarkably small scale. The principal changes in quotations which took place in the leading departments stood in inverse proportion to the volume of business, though it was in perfect harmony with the stirring events of the year. The Three per Cents, moved between 94f and 103f, and therefore fluctuated to the unusual extent of 9 per cent. Bank of England Stock fell 10 points, though the institution raised its dividend to 10 per cent. Colonial loans generally appreciated Course of i^ price. Foreign funds kept remarkably steady in Prices. spite of the political complications, and the heavy fall that occurred during the April panic was soon followed 5 2 XX. by a general recovery, except for the debts of Southern European countries. But in Spain the King had died, Italy, Portugal and Greece were in a bad way, Turkey seemed on the brink of another war, and so there was not much in these exceptions that could cause surprise. Even Argentines, which at first fell very considerably, recovered, and there was a distinct revival in the cheaper Central and South American Stocks; only the obligations of Mexico, which had not yet recognised its foreign debt, fared badly. In the Home Kailway market, bad trade and a strike caused unsatisfactory traffics, and it being anticipated that the average dividend would be about f per cent, below the preceding year's, there was a considerable fall, notably in the stocks of lines directly affected by the labour troubles in Yorkshire ; but the better outlook in the United States led to the belief that our trade would soon revive, and the end of the year brought a slight recovery. American railway securities, for reasons more fully dwelt upon elsewhere, witnessed a phenomenal rise; but this did not spread to Grand Trunks, which fell heavily on the completion of the Canadian Pacific; the latter Company's issues rose of course. Indian and Mexican rails fell to a considerable extent. The Miscellaneous markets were usually good for investment descriptions, and bad for the more speculative kinds ; a fall from 840 to 250 in Bank of Ireland shares deserves special mention. IV. Events in 1886. That the year of grace, 1886, was worse even than i£S predecessor, would be an assertion that could be proved with the greatest ease by one or two references to the most important figures contained in the " Statistical Abstract"; and yet it would be utterly false. Of the deceptive nature of general average figures, and of the uselessaess of figures that are not interpreted under the guidance of facts, there can be found no more convincing proof than the Board of Trade and other official statistics for this year. The total volume of our trade was smaller than in 1885; railway earnings were considerably worse, and yet 1886 was a year better by far than the dreary twelvemonth that 1886: Statistics xxi. had preceded it. This was so because it contained the turningpoint in the tide of business affairs. When it began we found ourselves still going down hill, when it ended we had taken the turning to better times once more. The following little compilation throws a most instructive light upon this change. It compares railway receipts and Bank Clearings for the four quarters with those of the corresponding period of 1885. 1st quarter, gross railway receipts fell 3*1 %, bank clearings were the same. 2nd „ „ „ 0-8% „ roae4&% 3rd „ „ rose 04% „ „ 8£ % 4th „ „ „ 1-0% „ „ 13% For the whole year „ fell 1*7 % „ „ 8% The events of the year entirely explain this change. To begin with, it started with considerable uncertainty as to the Year began political situation at home. The forces of the bad. Government and of the Opposition were almost equally strong; the Liberals had propounded a scheme which threatened—or, if you like, promised—to win for them the support of the Irish allies of the Conservatives; and when, in January, Lord Salisbury's Cabinet was defeated by a majority of 79, upon " a certain Mr. Jesse Collings" amendment to the Address, nobody was surprised. But at the same time Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule and Land Purchase Bills—whether rightly or wrongly I would rather not say now—were undoubtedly received with such grave apprehensions that public confidence received a severe shock from which it only recovered when a Conservative Cabinet, destined to remain in power for six years, followed the Gladstonians as the natural result of an overwhelming defeat at the general election. Besides these changes at home there were numerous developments beyond our shores which at first intensified the depression and kept back the recovery which was already being discounted by speculators. Burmah was annexed, which fed French jealousy; Greece and Turkey fell out in January, though they settled their dispute in May, and disarmed on the advice of France. July brought a heavy fall in silver, and the disappointing failure of the first Manchester Ship Canal issue, offered through the Rothschilds; August witnessed the abduction of Prince Alexander, and though that gallant Prince returned in September, he soon resigned, M. Kaulbars, a nominee of Russia, taking his place. This once more threatened to re-open the Eastern Question; and whilst at xxii. the end of the year Germany was discussing the necessity of once more increasing the peace footing of her army, Prance began to flirt with Bussia, with what results everybody knows. The business world, however, seemed bent upon disregarding the great and, for the most part, unpleasant possibilities of the political situation; whereas during the preceding year it had been swayed by the fear of war, it now began to assume that nothing was likely to interrupt a spell of peace, and when increased purchases of our finished products were made by the United States, profits grew, and with them confidence and credit. Especially the woollen and cotton trades began to revive, and from these great branches of industry the improvement soon spread to others, notably to the languishing iron and coal trades. This at once re-acted upon Home The Railway Securities which, after a decline due to the turning-point, bad February dividends and to the political changes, began to recover in the latter part of the year, and from thence spread to the other markets. But the winter brought a change in the monetary situation, which placed a perhaps not unwholesome check upon the stock markets. 1886 was, generally speaking, a year of abundant money, and, until the autumn, accommodation was both cheap and plentiful. But towards the end of the year the heavy borrowings of the Australian Colonies, and the vast purchases of American securities by Europe, caused an efflux of gold to New York and Melbourne, and this led to a rapid advance of the Bank rate, which was raised to 4 per cent, in October, and to 5 per cent, in December, whilst some held even a 6 per cent, rate extremely probable. Nevertheless, the volume of Stock Exchange business had, in spite of the stringency at the end of the year, shown a most gratifying expansion; and in a measure this was the more remarkable because during 1886 finance was for the first time influenced by a development which since then has become one of the most remarkable and powerful factors—the fall in silver. Nine years ago we found President Cleveland denouncing the silver purchases under the Bland Act, and as Germany about the same time sold part of its discarded silver to Egypt, there occurred what was then termed remarkable fluctuations in the price of the metal. It had begun the year at 47d., and had by May fallen to 44§d.; in July a " panic " brought the price down to 42d., which was then a more remarkable thing than silver at xxiii. 27|d. is now. But neither dear gold nor cheap silver could stop the revival on the Stock Exchange, and to what extent Brokers more business increased can be inferred from the rise of the satisfied. Bank Clearings on settling days, which reached 1,199 millions sterling, against 935 millions in 1885. Whilst figures bear out the improvement of business, there are also many facts illustrating the increase of confidence on the part of investors. The Manchester Canal Scheme, it is true, had failed; but there was a stupendous and, as a few people said with good reason, an alarming increase in the promotion of miscellaneous concerns; nearly 300 schemes, requiring 52*8 millions for their realisation, were offered, and most of them were received well, though it soon appeared that few deserved their success. There were several very large issues amongst these miscellaneous companies, for example, Guinnesses with its six millions, and the Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia with £2,250,000. There were large Argentine and Brazilian borrowings besides, and also a Canadian Pacific Loan of considerable magnitude, and the issues offered, including some eight millions of money partly placed abroad, reached a total of 101*9 millions, against 78 millions in 1885. Whilst the capital for most of these new ventures was supplied without stint, much also went, as we have just indicated, into securities that were already in existence. There was some demand still for the Funds, and for Municipal Securities; but the 3 per Cents, only fluctuated between 99^ and 102£, and of gilt-edged stuff comparatively little was bought. Colonial issues were in good demand. Canadians rose on the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, an event which was even noticed by Punch in a full page cartoon. Australians gently rose on a good wool crop; but New Zealand issues were left alone, a great deal of adverse criticism being showered upon the bad financial position of that Colony. Home Railway securities have already been mentioned. In Foreigners there was a determined upward movement, which included especially Egyptian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek descriptions; and South Americans saw a great rise, including Costa Rica, which had just been " converted," and Mexicans which were in demand for New York, Americans, however, still formed the most active department; earnings were good, the dividends were nearly all on a higher basis, and much of the debris of 1884-5 had been removed, so that a rise from 15 to 25 points xxiv. was general for the more popular descriptions. "Foreign" railways were, likewise, extremely active. There were violent Mexican Rails fluctuations in Mexican Rails, which, though by no buoyant. means closing at their best, ended the year 25 to 35 points higher than they began it, with the result that much money was made over them by enterprising gamblers. In Argentine railways there was likewise a great rise, and the Costa Rica Railway which came upon the market was, under the circumstances, readily absorbed. Even Grand Trunks did well, the restoration of American traffics being the chief reason, and Indian lines recovered most of the damage they suffered during 1885. The Miscellaneous market was dull here and there, yet the better descriptions were in great demand; Bank of Ireland recovered 28 points; but the feature of this market was the rise in diamond and tin shares. Among the latter Dolcoath, which rose from 67 to 140, attracted great attention. V. Events in 1887. If 1886 had witnessed the turning of the tide, 1887 saw it gain rapidly in strength. It is true that during Improvement ,, % . , ., , continues earlier part oi the year no great progress was made in any sphere of business activity; but the autumn and winter months quite made up for this, and saw not only a very material revival of trade and enterprise, but in some directions even an excess of it—speculation in coffee, copper, and tin reached stages which soon brought about collapse and loss. The reason for the quietude of the first months was in large measure once more due to political tension on the Continent. We have already stated, that at the end of 1886 France was engaged in a political coquetterie in Russia, whilst Prince Bismarck contemplated a further increase of the German army. Early in 1887 one of those frontier incidents, which have so often alarmed the Continental Bourses, seemed to render war between Gaul and Germany inevitable, and led to a panic on the Bourses, the excitement being added to by the rejection of an Army Bill by the Reichstag, a dissolution and re-election of that 1887 : XXV. body, and, finally, the passing of the Iron Chancellor's measure. In the mean tine, Italy formally joined the Austro-German understanding, and the birth of the Triple Alliance was believed to have led to some sort of agreement between Russia and France, though with regard to this nothing but surmises existed. Whatever may have been the grounds for these conjectures, it is certain that they led to one of the most remarkable developments ever seen in the realm Polities Prince Bismarck had just stated—his Q£ p i n a n c e < versus Finance Army Bill notwithstanding—that the great battles of the future would be fought on the Stock Exchange, and the boursiers of both Berlin and Paris made haste to support the view of the real ruler of Germany. Germany was still so largely interested in Russian securities of all descriptions that it had no choice in the matter of supporting the market for them, but official hints led to quiet realisations on a large scale, and the offered stocks were eagerly purchased by Paris. In return France began to unload Italians, the tariff war with Italy, and especially the latter's alliance with Germany and Austria, provoking an unusual degree of bitterness in France. In addition the election of Prince Ferdinand of Goburg to the Throne of Bulgaria, and the massing of Russian troops near the Austrian frontier, provided grounds for apprehension, and with the domestic politics of France in a state of confusion owing to the Wilson scandals, and the subsequent resignation of President Grevy, the year did not terminate with a satisfactory political outlook. This was especially the case when it became generally known that Prince Bismarck had caused his Government to instruct the Reichsbank to advance no longer any money on Russian securities. Whilst the state of foreign politics was thus an anxious one there were a few other unsatisfactory developments. In the United States, though the Reading had at last been reorganised once more whilst the Garrett control of the Baltimore and Ohio was believed to have ceased, the Inter-State Commerce Bill was passed by the House of Representatives in January, and ratified by the Senate later on. The agitation and the debates which preceded this piece of legislation disclosed the existence of many grave defects in American railway management, and though the Bill chiefly aimed at the prohibition of " pooling " and " differential tariffs," and though it has not, on the whole, proved detrimental to the railways, it was at the time interpreted xxvi. as a legislative measure hostile and injurious to railutuer ways. Nor was this view unwarranted, since many Drawbacksi . . The U S " individual States passed laws, less known in this country, which, in reality, were highly unfair and detrimental to the companies. This Inter-State Act put a " w e t blanket } } over the very sanguine temper of the American market, and when June brought a collapse of wheat and coffee speculation in New York, and September great monetary stringency in Wall Street, due to the accumulation of money in the Treasury, the American business situation underwent a considerable change for the worse; nor was its position improved when the Baltimore and Ohio passed its dividend in October. Towards the end of the year, however, President Cleveland sent a message to Congress which made a very good impression and raised fresh hopes, especially in this country, where his utterances in favour of lower Customs' duties led to expectations of larger American purchases of British goods. Mr. McKinley soon upset these. In spite of these various drawbacks, however, Trade does trade kept on expanding pretty well throughout the F J 8 not mind. / ° * entire year. I his was in large measure due—to the circumstances that this country was not, as in 1885, entangled in foreign complications, to a good business with the United States, and especially to a revival of trade with the River Plate countries and South America generally. Our shipping trade was good, our metal industries were even in buoyant condition. Our foreign trade increased about three per cent, in volume, and owing to the satisfactory condition of Jabour the home consumption of our own manufactures reached large dimensions. Even railway earnings, which had been going down ever since 1883, were better than in the preceding year, and the return of the London Bankers' Clearing House rose from 5,902 to 6,077 millions. This was the more satisfactory, as the clearings on Stock Exchange settling days were about 4 per cent, below those of 1886, as a result of the unsettled outlook of politics. That this was the principal cause is further confirmed by a slight rise in the new capital created. The total amount of capital applied for reached, partly under the stimulating influence of cheap money, 111 millions against 102 the year before. This time there were not many colonial issues nor many foreign loans, but South America, the United States, and Canada borrowed large sums of money. Promotion, which was most active during the autumn, again turned to a variety of miscellaneous concerns, and a notable feature was the flotation of a number of South African xxvii. mining concerns; some 80 companies of this kind were " hatched," with a capital of about eight millions, These were mostly thrown away. Whilst these facts in themselves bespoke a considerable increase of confidence amongst investors, the growth of enterprise was further shown by the successful capital issue of the Manchester Oanal Company. Money, we have already said, was, on the whole, cheap; but in the autumn there was a rise in its value, chiefly caused by shipments to the United States. The silver market, on the other hand, was far less eventful than in 1886. The price fluctuated between 43f and 47J, and whereas during the preceding twelvemonths there had been sales, the market was now supported by talk of purchases by a French syndicate; this syndicate, however, was either the creature of fancy or else wise in time. But cheap money, quiet silver, and improving trade were not sufficient to brace up the Stock Exchange, which, to tell the truth, had already entirely discounted the future in 1886; it had reckoned without the diplomatists who now upset speculation by the disquieting developments of foreign politics. Still, if we pay no Qf t ' n e e ^ *° £°VGign securities, our market was not much worse Exchange. °ff than in 1886, if worse off it was at all; fche turnover was perhaps a triGe smaller, and there was a kind of panic in February, when France and Germany seemed getting ready for another fray; but on the other hand a good business was done in Argentines, miscellaneous securities, and " Kaffirs." The market for Three per Cents.—which, by the bye, reached the highest price on record, 103f—*was quiet, and not much upset by the rumours of the impending conversion. India Sterling improved considerably, but Eupee paper was dull. Home Corporation Stocks generally appreciated in value, these and Colonials, as well as railway Debentures being the favourite securities in which those who parted with their "foreigners" put their capital. Amongst Colonial Loans Cape descriptions had a good market, in sympathy with the mining "boom. 0 Canada saw her 3^ per cents, at a higher price than any other colony, and Australians were steady, New Zealand excepted; these were dull, owing to the difficulties of the Bank of New Zealand, which found itself compelled to suspend the payment of its dividends. The Home Railway market hardened on the whole, though it had occasional fits of despondency, due to foreign politics and to the course of events in the United States. Debentures and good preference securities continued the upward movement which they had begun in 1884 under the xxviii. influence of Mr. Childers' conversion scheme. Foreigners were once more remarkably firm in the face of bad political prospects, the only noteworthy feature being the striking out of Greek securities from the " Official L i s t " ; we are sorry to say they were re-inserted soon afterwards. In South Americans there was what is colloquially called a " boomlet." Argentines were very firm though borrowings were large, and signs of inflation not wholly wanting. Uruguay and Paraguay descriptions went up some twenty points for the year, the former country proposing the conversion of her debt, and the latter rearranging the payment of interest. Oosta Eicas were likewise firm. Mexicans rose steadily, because the Government seemed able to keep up its payments; only Colombians lost four points. A similar fate befell Virginia Debt, which gave way $7 on the United States Supreme Court decision which upheld the "sovereign rights " of States. In this case " sovereign rights " meant the right of repudiation. In American Railway Securities a general decline Course of followed by way of re-action upon the recent rise; Quotations, and there were plenty of reasons, and to spare, for this. The Inter-State Commerce Act, the collapse of wheat and coffee corners, the passing of the Baltimore and Ohio dividend, the •'squeeze in Wall Street," the Ives' failure, and last, but not least, the construction of about 12,000 miles of new railways, which caused ruinous competition, notably in Kansas, supplied ample grounds for a fall of from 5 to 15 dollars per share for the year. Canadian Railway stocks fared quite as badly, the Canadian Pacific suffering from the troubles in Manitoba, and the Grand Trunk from bad traffics, which at one time were, however, disregarded by very sanguine speculators. Indian lines were quiet, but good. Of Foreign Railways Argentines and South Americans generally had a considerable rise; Mexican Rails fluctuated severely on changing traffics, but did not alter much on balance; Brazilians were flat on the failure of the coffee crop; Copiapos rose 10 points in sympathy with copper; and Nitrate Rails saw that immense rise from £40 to £150, which will be remembered by brokers and jobbers as long as they live. The Miscellaneous markets were for the most part heavy. Most banks were good, but Bank of New Zealand lost 8 points—which led to a weak market for most Australian credit-dealing institutions—and Hong Kong and Shanghai exactly as much on a reduction of the dividend. Docks and Canals were mostly down; Gas and Water Securities rose considerably on investment buying. Trams collapsed xxix. on the rise of the purchase question; in Telegraphs, Submarine fell 65 on the expiration of contracts, which could not be extended. Guinness rose very considerably, the quotation rising from 1 7 | for £1-0 shares to 277^ for £100 shares; but Allsopps, which had been taken up so eagerly, fell from 50 prem. to 1 7 | prem. Primitivas saw a rise of the shares, £4^ paid-up, to 121. Mines were very active, and most of them rose enormously. Diamonds saw considerable advances, Centrals rising 25, and De Beers 14. A large business in a rising market was done in the hitherto unknown " Kaffirs." Copper rose on the formation and purchases of a syndicate. Tin was much better on the high price of the metal; only Indian and Australian mines were neglected. VI. Events in 1888. After having been the victim of continuous dis1888 : turbances for upwards of three years, the political Still better, atmosphere underwent a great and welcome change Polities quiet. £ 0p ^Q ^G^ev a g s o o n a s -^ 33 j ^ m a ( j e y^ appearance ; and since then the political outlook has, with but few interruptions, been satisfactory. The Wilson scandals and the Boulanger craze still held sway in France, and the two changes of sovereigns were of great moment for Germany. But these occurrences were, after all, more of local or national than of general importance—though, of course, they might lead to developments which could affect the world at large—and but few events worth chronicling occurred in foreign politics. The betrothal of the Greek Crown Prince to the sister of the German Emperor, and the visits of that potentate to the Courts of Russia, Austria, and Italy, were the only incidents that called for notice. And politics being for the nonce pushed into the background, it was but natural that interest centred chiefly in those economic developments of which the year was fruitful in a singular degree. The most important of these developments was no The great doubt the conversion of that part of our National Conversion. Debt which was known as the Three Per Cents., and which was so skilfully converted into Consols bearing XXX. 2 | and ultimately 2 | per cent, interest, by Mr. Goschen. The then Chancellor of the Exchequer issued his Local Loans Stock in January by way of "feeler;" in March the scheme was submitted to Parliament ; and by the end of April it was quite certain that the operation, notwithstanding its magnitude, was a great success. But though carried out without in the least upsetting trade, or even the money market, its consequences were nevertheless far-reaching. A wholesale shifting of investments kept the Stock Exchange busy, although the beginning of this movement dated back as already stated, from proposals made by Mr. Childers, in 1884; and whilst the demand for railway or industrial debentures, for American railway bonds and Foreign Government Securities sent up the prices of all these media of investment, there cannot be any doubt that in addition it also gave an impetus to i€ company promotion," which was so marked a feature of this and the succeeding years. The hazardous ventures to which the public were invited between the end of 1887 and the autumn of 1891, were, in a great measure, the result of a step which reduced the interest on the old Threes by one-twelfth, with the certainty of- a further reduction after some years. The capital applied for by the sponsors of new ventures and new loans during this year reached a total of a hundred and sixty millions. Heavy Argentine and Large new Colonial borrowings accounted for a great part of this Issues. sum, but a conspicuous share was contributed by South African Gold Mines and by miscellaneous companies ; both varieties included many schemes which are by this time forgotten, and others which are sadly remembered, for example the Salt Union; in connection with the latter, it is perhaps a noteworthy fact that our salt exports decreased from 738,000 tons, in 1888, to 564,000 tons, in 1893. But both the conversion and the flotation of new loans and new companies brought grist to the mill of the Stock Exchange which, in spite of several set-backs in the shape of dear money, of a fall of silver to the lowest point hitherto touched—41 fd.— of American rate wars, and the like, witnessed another considerable expansion of business. The Bank Clearings on Settling Days rose no less than 10 per cent., from 1,146 to 1,252 millions sterling; and most departments of the Stock Exchange saw a continuous and wellsustained rise, which was most notable in the new " Kaffiriy department, "where numerous shares rose to an absurdly high level, some of them advancing 500 per cent., and even more. Commerce was likewise brisk; the foreign trade per head of population rose from XXXI. £17 l i s . 8d. to £18 12s. 2d., and notably the metal, coal and cotton industries were active. The improvement of the foreign markets was most pronounced in Argentina, South Africa and the East. In the United States, business conditions continued satisfactory in spite of the excitement attending the General Election, but nevertheless the market for Transatlantic Eailway shares was depressed at first, as the result of disagreement amongst the Trunk Lines ; towards the end of the year a recovery took place. Home Railways were firmer on the improvement in trade; and amongst miscellaneous securities, electric light ventures attracted special notice, due to the amendment of the Electric Light Act. VII. Events in 1889. Although 1889 was not without its drawbacks it wit. nessed a still further increase in general rprosperity, r Soaring" ° ,, : a in some Aloft rasped^ it was even better than its successor. For example, the foreign trade per head of population, which rose £1 7s. 8d. for the year, reached the highest figure of recent times—£19 19s. lOd. Yet there were far-reaching events of evil portent, and if these did not affect our own business it was chiefly because they occurred abroad. The London Dock strike, the Gas strike, and some other labour troubles, were the only domestic events worth mentioning. But across the Channel there prevailed great perturbation. The Dividends of Spanish Copper Mines. collapse of the Societe des 1885 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Mason and Barry 3f 2$ 5 9* 3 3 1 1 1 nil Metaux, a company which Rio Tinto ... 5 | 3 10 17 10 16& 10 7 7 4 Tharsis 10 1\ 10 20 20 22£ 12 15 12| 10 hoped to corner copper and to keep its price above £60, created great stir in the early part of March, and was soon followed by that of the Comptoir d'Escompte, though that institution obtained, with the sanction of the Government, a loan of 100,000,000 francs from the Banque de France. In addition, M. Boulanger was very active, and at one time threatened to overthrow the Government; but his fall was almost as sudden as his comet-like rush into prominence. His -f QQQ • xxxii. flight to Brussels, and thence to London, provided a fitting end to his ephemeral career. Whilst Boulanger's " retirement" certainly improved the state of affairs in Prance, that of King Milan was likewise beneficial to the position of the Balkan States; in fact, the political state of Europe had not for many years been so highly satisfactory as it was in 1889. In South America, however, the outlook was less favourable. In Brazil a revolution quickly and quietly terminated the reign of Dom Pedro, and caused the two Americas to become " t h e continent that knows no kings "—as Whittier put it. Warning's j n ^ e Argentine Republic numerous signs pointed to Argentina impending trouble arising from the huge land speculation, and the constant issues of Cedulas \ and when, in spite of heavy borrowings in Europe, the gold premium reacted 140 in September, English investors, and business men in general, began to assume that attitude of caution which might have been adopted with greater profit a few years before. Still, in spite of all this, 1889 brought satisfactory results to men of business. The great industries were still prosperous, business was active all over the country, prices were high, and wages good. The imports rose 11.6 per cent., the exports 5.7 per cent., gross railway earnings 5.3 per cent., and the return of the Bankers' Clearing House exceeded those of the preceding year to the extent of nearly 10 per cent. Needless to say the applications for new capital were especially numerous. Large Colonial borrowings again attracted attention, but in addition the proportion of breweries, and also of trusts, was very large—the latter brought in vogue the vicious principle of Founders' shares. According to Messrs. Spackman's annual list, some 500 prospectuses made their appearance in 1889; the nominal capital of the companies concerned was £170,258,000, the capital offered £125,415,000. There were not less than 44 applications for more than a million each. Needless to say that the Stock Exchange was still busier in 1889 than in 1888; and if one may rely upon the Bank Clearings on settlement days, its business must have been larger by 7 per cent, than in the preceding twelve-month, and fully 50 per cent, better than in 1885. As a general rule markets were firm and rising, and whilst the conversion of Consols, which was completed during this year, as well as other causes, led to a good enquiry for investment values, the excellent trade profits encouraged merchants and manufacturers to support the more speculative descriptions. There was a good enquiry for Homo Funds, notably for Bank of England stock (which rose 11|) and for xxxiii. Municipal issues; the London County Council Loan of £1,000,000 was subscribed for three times over. The Colonial market was likewise very firm, and as yet paid no heed to the large borrowings. Home Eails were very strong as a result of excellent traffics, whilst the Southern lines saw a strong advance in their shares as the result of the Paris Exhibition. The Foreign department was quiet, with a slight decline on balance for the year in most South Americans. American railways were supported by good earnings, though these were best in the South. In the Northwest rate disagreements interfered with them. Mexican Rails suffered from the new competition, and South Americans were heavy; but Nitrate Rails rose to a record price, from which they fell, however, in sympathy with a decline in the shares of the producing companies mentioned elsewhere. In the Miscellaneous and Mining markets there was a heavy fall in Copper shares, consequent upon the collapse of the Copper Syndicate; but in African mines a general rise took place, there being most remarkable upward movements in January, when Robinsons, for example, rose 18 and Salisburys 1 2 | . VIII. Events in 1890. There is this peculiarity about 1890, that it was a 1890' y e a r brimful of unpleasant developments and disComing events appointments, whilst, at the same time, most business easting statistics that relate to it are of an exceptionally shadows. favourable nature; if the year was one of almost unparalleled disaster, it also was one of unprecedentedly good statistics. It began well. Our English press has a pleasant habit of seeing everything couleur de rose when New Year's Day comes round, but on this occasion it took an especially hopeful view of the immediate future; and when the first month of the year brought good railway dividend forecasts and the " Grace }) contract with Peru, few people doubted that these fine prognostications would be fulfilled to the letter. But soon a string of disasters followed each other in rapid succession. In February the diyidend on the Reading Income Bonds C XXXIV. was passed, although President Corbin had quite recently declared that they would be paid. At the same time new railway rate wars were reported from the other side of the Atlantic, and the Silver Purchase Bill was introduced into the House of Representatives. In this country there was a heavy fall in pig-iron, a circumstance which merits special mention, because it once more demonstrated the sensitiveness of the " barometer of t r a d e ; " abroad, a plot against Prince Ferdinand, and gold exports from Russia attracted notice. In March, there was considerable anxiety about the position of the Berlin Bourse, and this was not lessened by the resignation, or dismissal, of Prince Bismarck. The Argentine Government promised to take measures to avert a crisis towards which, it was perceived, things were rapidly drifting, but, instead of fulfilling this pledge, the Cabinet resigned in April, leaving to others the task of extricating the country from its difficulties; the state of affairs was so serious that the National and Provincial Banks suspended payment on April 8th until June 1st. Whilst the Peruvian Corporation was successfully brought out in London during the same month, a Portuguese Loan, offered in Paris, was a wretched fiasco; this was, no doubt, principally due to the state of Portuguese finances, although the publication of the bad Panama report, and the resignation of the Vice-President of the Credit Foncier, pointed to the existence of weak spots in France which were not unconnected with the failure of this Loan. A notable incident of this month was the " Warner r i g " on the London Stock The Rig* in Exchange. " Warner's Safe Cure " was a limited Warners. company with a capital of £700,000. When this was offered to the public the applications were not very large, and when, consequently, the £10 shares went to 1^—2J prem., there were many " outsiders " who thought bear sales advisable. The promoters were ready to buy, and next refused to allot in many cases, whilst in others they secured options on the allotted shares. This enabled them to force the quotation up to £5 premium, and at that price many jobbers sold " b e a r s . " The rig further succeeded, and the price was forced up to £10 premium; when the Committee had, after much delay, granted a special settlement, the price rose to £25, and ultimately, as the " Standard" in its Money Article on October 9, in recording the end of the rig, stated the nominal making-up price on September 23 was £130 per £10 share, but on October 8 was nominally at par. Legal proceedings followed, but came to nothing. It should bo mentioned that this prosecution, which, alas, was not XXXV. gone on with, emanated from the Stock Exchange itself, and that several members of that institution, to their credit be it said, had during the early stages of the rig refused to become parties to it. During May and June, 1890, there was a pause in our misadventures ; the arrangement of the Mexican Eailway debt was even a welcome event, though its effect was more or less offset by the news that the Uruguay Government proposed to raise a new loan in order to do away with its deficit. The resignation of President Corbin of the Eeading was considered good news, and was speedily followed by the election of Mr. McLeod, of whom people thought better then than they do now. Senor Uriburu likewise resigned his post in June. In July, the negotiations for a new Argentine Loan of Failure of the £^000,000 failed, and the events which soon occurred on Negotiations k°* n sides of the Eiver Plate soon showed that the distrust which explained this failure was well-founded. A grave crisis, which amongst others led to the suspension of payments on the part of the National Bank, broke out in Uruguay, and in the Argentine Eepublic large illegal issues of notes were discovered; and though they were subsequently legalised, a run on the banks could not be prevented. These financial disasters occurred in the midst of political perturbations which continued throughout the year; a plot to overturn the Government, discovered in January; an insurrection in the Province of Oatamarca; the coalition between General Mitre, General Eoca, and Senor Oorta, the Governor of Buenos Ayres; the vote of censure passed by the Senate upon President Pellegrini—were some of the principal signs of great political unrest in this Eepublic. Two other events which occurred in July were the conversion of the Egyptian Daira Sanieh Loan, of which £7*3 millions were outstanding, and the passing of the Silver Purchase Bill by the American Senate. August brought the resignation of Dr. Oelman, and good British Eailway dividends. A great strike paralysed the industries of South Wales, and at the same time labour troubles broke out on the New York Central Eailway. In spite of the latter, The Silver however, business in the United States was fairly Purchase Bill, active, largely because of the stimulating influence of the Silver Bill which had just come into force, and it resulted not only in a rise of silver to 54f d. but also in general business activity throughout the United States. The stock markets saw a " boom " in American securities consequent upon the improved outlook of business, but the upward movement did not last long. c 2 xxxvi. Though its collapse was attributed chiefly to the monetary stringency in Wall Street—a stringency which was once more relieved by bond purchases on the part of the Treasury—it was, no doubt, the result of that over-speculation and over-trading which soon began to cast a protracted gloom over the money markets of the whole world. August also witnessed the issue of a fourth Russian Conversion Loan of £1,652,000, which was largely placed in France. In September, the New York Central strike collapsed, and the Mexican Railway Debt Redemption Loan of six millions was issued. In October, there was trouble with Portugal, arising from differences with regard to certain African territories, a strike in the Scotch iron trades, and a labour dispute which threatened to paralyse the shipping trade, and led to the formation of the Shipping Federation : the most notable events abroad were the defeat of M. Tricoupis* Ministry, the issue of a 5 per cent. Spanish Loan of £Q'6 millions, and the coming into force of the so-called McKinley Tariff. As far as our subject is concerned all these events are, however, collapse on s u r p a ssed in importance by a general collapse on the Exchange "Lcmclon Stock Exchange, which took place during October as a necessary outcome of the numerous adverse developments enumerated above. Virtually, it began in June with the fall in Argentine securities, and it reached its worst stages in November, during the panic which ensued immediately after the difficulties of the Barings became generally known, on November 14th. To this Baring crisis I allude in other parts of this introduction, so that I need not revert to it now; it led to a severe collapse in all the stock markets, and though a partial recovery had set in before the close of the year, the stock markets closed the year in an exhausted condition. Neither the state of trade, nor the statistics for the year as a whole, show the effects of the collapse that overtook the financial world. The foreign commerce showed practically the same figures per head of population as in 1889, though the total in itself was larger, the imports having risen 2*09 per cent, in value, the exports 6*22 per cent. Our home trade was likewise prosperous, as can be inferred from the fact that gross earnings for the year rose from £3,696 to £3,813 per mile yet our industries received several severe checks during the year, apart altogether from,the inevitable effects of the Baring crisis. To begin with money was dear; then there were^ as we have already xxxvii. seen, several strikes; the Scotch pig iron market was manipulated to such a considerable extent that it actually led to the introduction of a special Bill-Parliament; the price was worked up from 40s. lOd. in February to 64s. lO^d. in November, after which it sank again to 57s. 10^d. in December, and, of course, healthy business was largely interfered with. There also was a short-lived cotton corner in Liverpool which led to the Steenstrand failure, and which, for the time being, unsettled the Lancashire trade. Yet the turnover of the London Clearing House reached for the year the highest figure ever recorded—7,801 millions—which was nearly 3 per cent, in excess of the total of the preceding year; and the total of the clearings on the Stock ExOnthe Stoek change settling days, £1,417,000,000, was likewise by Exchange. far the largest ever reached. There cannot, however, be any doubt that the activity was largely caused by the realisations of the autumn; and it is certain that there was far less business in new shares than in the preceding year, as the new " capital" applied for was only just in excess of 125 millions. Notably the last quarter of the year saw very few new issues, the amount involved being only fourteen millions against forty-eight during the last quarter of 1889. That under these circumstances the year closed with lower prices than its predecessor is so evident that it need hardly be stated. Investment stocks were at first generally better, and silver values became inflated on the views taken by the Sherman Act. Home rails began the year well, and so did Americans; but the Argentine troubles, the reaction in America, the collapse of the London Stock Exchange in October, and the Baring crisis, soon resulted in declines of such magnitude that the year closed with lower prices for nearly all stocks. Consols went down to 93f, but closed the year at 97£, with a loss of only If for the twelvemonth. Colonial issues and Home Corporation stocks, though in a large measure kept up by investment buying, closed from 2 to 4 points lower. Home rails went down with few exceptions, but the decline was nowhere very great, except for Caledonians, which fell 10, and for Great Northern A's, which went down 18^. International stocks noted small advances as a rule, chiefly due to the strenuous efforts of financial houses on the Continent. Argentines were the centre of interest {see " Foreign Stocks )} ) and showed very heavy declines specified elsewhere. Americans closed in some cases with heavy losses; Unions fell 27, Illinois 22, and St. Pauls 21. Foreign railway stocks were drooping, Argentines being, of course, flat. Mines were quiet; an attempted boom was xxxviii. frustrated by the Silati collapse. Miscellaneous descriptions were all bad in tone, especially Nitrates, the market value of which depreciated fully £10,000,000. IX. Events in 1891. Nearly all the prominent events of the four years which elapsed since the Baring crisis have been closely connected with that catastrophe, or rather were due to the same causes. A period of collapse was the natural outcome of an era during which so many unsound or top-heavy structures were reared; and after this collapse a time for strengthening weak spots and for removing the rubbish was an inevitable prelude to the work of restoration, reconstruction, and recuperation. In 1891 the time for clearing the ground was not yet come; we were chiefly concerned in saving as much as we could from the tottering structures, in examining buildings which we suspected, and generally in patching and shoring u p ; it was too early yet for thorough-going repairs. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find in the annals of our commerce a year so full of varied disaster as this. Early in January war broke out in Chili. In February there were bad Board of Trade returns and disappointing dividends of the English Eailways; the passing of the Allsopp dividend caused widespread dismay, and the appointment of a receiver for the Hansard Publishing Union widespread loss and distrust. In March the Argentine settlement providing for the funding of three years' coupons was ratified, the air was full of rumours with regard to the position of leading Rumours financial houses, there were bad Scotch railway dividends, an Disasters ^ Bar< ^ fighting was reported from Chili; several more Argentine provinces defaulted, and from, the United States large amounts of gold were exported. In April the Argentine State Banks " deferred" payment, and more defaults occurred in the same country ; a Victoria Loan failed in London, and also a Portuguese Loan in Paris. This last occurrence was soon followed by the announcement that Portugal would postpone payment of its coupons for sixty days ; but though the situation in Portugal was 1891: Down Hill onee more. xxxix. so bad that nobody could be surprised at the failure of the loan, the hesitation of Paris was also connected with the position of the Bourse there, which was so weak that early in May the postponement of the Russian Loan that was to be offered in France and other continental countries seemed advisable. In the same month a Queensland Loan had a bad reception in London, and the Bank of England raised its rate to 5 per cent. There were many more rumours on the Stock Exchange, especially when it became known that the Argentine State Banks had " deferred payment indefinitely." This announcement prepared us for the panic which soon broke out in Buenos Ayres; it was attended by a rise of the gold premium to 323, and led to the proposal that a six months' moratorium should be proclaimed; the duration of this breathing time was, however, reduced to three months. A revolt in some of the provinces increased the troubles under which the country laboured. One of the results of the course of events in South America was weakness of the London Market, which was not reduced by the rumours concerning the Muriettas. In July the The " arrangement" of the affairs of this firm was Muriettas. announced, and reports concerning the bad position of the English Bank of the River Plate were put into circulation. At the same time the gossips kept themselves busy with on dits about a variety of other leading houses, both here and abroad. There cannot now be any doubt that these rumours did not lack foundation; notably St. Petersburg had become weak, a circumstance which explained the large amount of withdrawals of gold from Russia that had been made. In August there were failures in Trieste, and several Australian mortgage companies got into trouble; and, which was worse, Uruguay followed the bad example of her neighbour and proclaimed a moratorium of one month's duration, whilst the next month brought the debt reduction scheme and its adoption. In addition, September saw Scotch railway dividends which were quite as unsatisfactory as those declared by the English lines in the preceding month. There was a deficit in Greece, a New South Wales Loan had but a poor reception in London, and the failure of S. V. White was reported from New York. By October the Paris market was in better shape, and this favoured the flotation of an issue of £16,000,000 Communal Bonds by the Credit Foncier, and also of the Russian Loan that had been postponed earlier in the year. It was of £20,000,000 sterling, and though it was at first described as a great success it was soon quoted at a discount, and the Minister of Finance found it necessary to purchase back part of the xl. new bonds; this was also the case, because Paris had over-estimated its strength, with the result that large blocks of securities were sold from that centre. The only country which reported a favourable state of affairs was Austria, where the reform of the currency on a gold basis began to be considered. A scheme, which has since then been successfully carried out, was published in November; during the same month Russia prohibited the exportation of cereals on account of very bad crops, the Ecuador debt scheme was adopted, and another crisis in Brazil ended with the deposition of Senhor da Fonseca. In December the Government of Spain was forced to borrow 250,000,000 pesetas from the Bank at the cost of further concessions to that institution ; the Field swindles in New York, the £1 note scheme of Average Gaxttte Price of Mr. Goschen, and the debate on the tariffs in France Wheat. supplied three interesting topics for discussion; but the s. d. 1883 41 7 1884 38 8 only bright feature of this month, if not of the entire 1885 32 10 1886 31 0 year, consisted of the huge exports of cereals from the ! 1887 32 6 1888 31 10 United States, where crops were as good 1889 29 9 3890 31 11 1 °° as they were bad in Europe, and where, 1891 37 0 4 1892 30 3 J r American 1893 26 4 1894 22 11 m conse( uence Crops. l j trade was so prosperous that it looked as if the Great Republic would be the one great country that was to escape the great wave of depression. After the preceding summary of events in 1890, it is scarcely necessary to say that they had a most depressing effect upon trade and finance. The crises in countries which rank amongst our best customers had a distressing influence upon our great industries, and as, in addition, the United States tariff reacted most severely upon our cotton and woollen trades, whilst a London syndicate upset the iron market by huge speculations in Scotch pig iron, the more or less general fall in prices that took place need cause no surprise that our exports fell enormously. The decline as compared with 1890 was not less than 5.30 per cent. The turnover of the London Bankers' Clearing House was almost a thousand millions anK Clearings sterling^: below that of the previous year, and many £953 000 000 ° ^ e r statistics show similar declines. The only exception, and one which certainly appears most anomalous, is provided by the railway earnings, which actually rose from £3,813 to £3,881 per mile. This was largely due, no doubt, to the circumstances that depression takes some time to spread from our wholesale. trades to business in general j besides, there is a general xii. tendency amongst our railways for the receipts per mile to rise as time goes on. So does, by the way, the capital and cost of working per mile. The depression was noB A N X C L E A K I N G S ON SETTLING-DAYS I N £ MILLIONS STERLING. where more pronounced than on the Stock Exchange; the turnover of the Bankers' Clearing House on settling days came down from 1,417 to 1,067 millions sterling. Speculative business could hardly be said to exist, except during the autumn, when there was no mean activity in American shares. Promotion was almost at a standstill; only 110 new concerns came out, with £49,548,000 capital, and of these fifteen answer for half the money. Whatever business there was centred in investment securities, and even for these the market was not by any means always rising. Consols were so dull in January that the Government broker bought large parcels —an unusual step—which elicited much comment. Municipal descriptions were in good request, though the supply was unusually large owiug to several new loans, including one of £3,000,000 issued by Manchester for the Canal. Colonials were weak Investment on the whole, notably Australians. We have already but no Speculation. seen that several loans failed, wholly or in part, and besides, there was a shearers' strike. Home Eailways fell, owing to the bad dividends and the discouraging trade prospects ; but the decline rarely exceeded ten points, and a further fall of 16 in Great Northern disclosures and disaster. The first three months passed away comparatively quietly; then came the banking crash in Australia, the currency troubles in the United States, the collapse of the Trusts at home, the Panama scandals in France, the great coal strike, and so on. However, let us sum up these events in chronological order. In January the most notable occurrences were the Civil War in Argentina and the Panama scandals in Paris, with their evidence of widespread corruption. In February the Reading receivership took the world by surprise, and the Home Rule proposals led to a fall in Irish securities. In March Sir William Harcourt's Local Veto Bill brought down brewery stocks; the Baring guarantee was prolonged for one year; and President Cleveland assumed the reins of Government. In April and May many Australian Bank suspensions took place, the Commercial Bank of Australasia being the institution which fell first. May also saw a heavy all-round decline on the Stock Exchange, attended by many failures; but a rapid recovery took place, Trust stocks being the only description in which the fall degenerated into a panic. In June heavy gold shipments unsettled Wall Street; the Indian mints were closed; an arrangement was made for funding the Greek coupons; and the Rothschild-Romero agreement was accepted. In July there was a heavy fall iu silver, and a collapse in the Italian Exchange; Goldsbrough, Mort and Co. failed; the Erie went into the hands of receivers, and the outcome of all this was another heavy decline on the London Stock Exchange, attended by a very troublesome settlement. In August the greatest strike that ever upset British trade began; the South American and Mexican Company was ordered to be wound up; there were many small business failures in the United States, where President Cleveland had just convened a special Session of Congress; and the Northern List Pacific receivership was announced. In September the House of Representatives passed the Repeal Bill, but it took two xlvi. months* wrangling in the Senate, and another strong message from the President, before this relief measure was passed. It deserves also to be noted, en passant, that the House of Lords rejected the Home Rule Bill during this month. The most notable events of October were the appointment of receivers for Union Pacific, and the decision of German capitalists to help Italy in spite of her blameworthy attitude in regard to the coupons. In November the great coal strike came to an end; there were also reports of irregularities at the Bank, which seemed well founded when Mr. Frank May, the Chief Cashier, handed in his resignation. For December we have to chronicle the Atchison receivership, an Indian Loan for £10,000,000, and the beginning of that protracted discussion on tariff reduction, which during the next year attracted so much notice in all countries interested in trade with the United States. This tariff discussion, and the unsettled conditions amongst which it took place in the United States, was one of the principal obstacles on the way to commercial recovery which presented themselyes in the course of 1893. In a way the year began hopeful, or at any rate with hopeful views; but the cataclysms in America and Australia, and the strikes at home, soon entirely suppressed the Bad is not undertone of strength that was perceptible at the s the Word." , . . . ,, T, -f / . , , ., . beginning or the year. It was hoped that the low prices of raw materials would stimulate production, but the dearth of fuel and the absurd demands of labour counteracted this advantage, if an advantage it was. Certain it is that both our coal and our iron trades languished to a most conspicuous degree, that our cotton mills were less busy and less profitable than at any previous time, and that our woollen trade was exceptionally lifeless. There was, consequently, another decrease in the value of our foreign trade, equal to nearly one pound sterling per head of population. Railway receipts declined to the extent of four per cent., but the turnover of the Clearing House was only slightly below that of 1892. It was the same with the clearings on Stock Exchange settling days, where the shrinkage amounted to only two per cent. It is highly probable that this decline is more than accounted for by the further diminution in company promoting, the " c a p i t a l " offered being only £39.18 millions against £53.19 millions in 1892. The stock markets were for the most part quiet throughout the year, but nevertheless fluctuations were many, and in spite of some xlvii. investment buying a general decline of prices took place. The only time when the markets were agitated was in May, A Settlement immediately after the banking troubles in Australia, with when the combined effect of the collapse in Wall Sixteen Failures Street, and the shaky position of the Trusts, caused great weakness, and the Mid-May settlement, when 16 failures occurred—mostly in the Mining and American markets— will long be remembered. During this settlement the rate of discount for three months' paper went to 4 \ per cent.—\ above the increased Bank rate—and the " differences " were unusually great, a fall of from eight to ten points having for instance occurred in ten different American railway shares. Apart from the excitement resulting from the Australian, American, and Trust collapses, the Stock Exchange was on the whole dull with a declining tendency for all speculative or clouded values, and with a well-sustained demand for investment securities. The movements in the Funds were small, but a decline of 11 points took place in Bank Stock on May's retirement. In Australian loans fluctuations of ten points or so were the rule, but a recovery took place towards the end of the year, and they closed with slight changes; both the fall in Bank shares and the decline in Australian loans had, by the way, some connection with the trenchant and timely criticism in Mr. Wilson's Investor's Bevieiv. In the Home Eailway market there was the usual firmness for debentures and preference stocks, but a sharp decline took place in the ordinary descriptions, which went lower as the shocks lasted longer. International securities were mostly lower for the year, notably Greek and Italians; but except for these the declines were not great. South Americans were also on the whole lower, but did not close at the worst prices, like American railways, these had a most disastrous year, as will be easily seen by a reference to the sub-division dealing with the events in this market. In Foreign railways, which are for the most part speculative stocks, little or nothing was doing; of Colonial lines the two Canadian roads suffered in sympathy with Americans. The Miscellaneous market was again very quiet, the only features consisting of a slight spurt in the Mining market, and heavy declines in Australian Banks and Trust securities. xlviii. XII. Events in 1894. We all know that 1894 has been generally described / as a most unsatisfactory year from every point of view Bed-Rock ? u P o n which the business man can place himself, and this view is supported by the principal statistics of that year. Still, in one respect, it was better than its four immediate predecessors—it saw no great collapses. The era of falling down and pulling down reached its close pretty well before 1894 began. The work of clearing away the wreck could be continued without the discouraging consciousness that new disasters added more to one end of the heap than could be carted away frcm the other. We had no longer a year of downfall. It was a year during which much that was bad could be removed, and it permitted of a great deal of recovery and reconstruction. Whether it will actually prove to have contained the deepest point of depression is a matter concerning which we cannot as yet have a well substantiated opinion; but if it is not certain that recovery began, there is at least no doubt that our troubles ceased to grow. What is most needed during recovery is absolute rest, and of this 1894 fortunately provided an unbroken spell. There were not many events of importance, and grave disturbances especially were few in number. The financial crisis in the United States was really the only one, though it included a variety of catastrophes. In January there were Mr. Wilson's criticisms of the Bank of England, and also a banking crisis in Italy. In February the conversion of the 4 per cent. French Eentes, and the issue of $50,000,000 United States Bonds to relieve the Treasury took place, whilst Congress passed the New Tariff Bill. In March Guatemala suspended payment, and the New English Bank of the River Plate did the same. In April the Bank sold Uruguay Bonds from the Baring Estate, and Greece offered to pay 30 per cent, of the interest on her debt. In May there were grave labour disturbances in America, the Argentine gold premium rose to above 300 per cent., and the Indian Government xlix. issued a 3 per cent. Sterling Loan of £6,000,000. July saw the " Pullman" strike, the announcement 0 f difficulties of the Bank of New Zealand, the Ecuador default, the passing o£ the Louisville dividend, a bad Allsopp dividend, and the declaration of war between China and Japan. In August President Reinhart of the Atchison resigned, as a consequence of Mr. Little's examination of the Company's accounts, and the Bank of England reserve reached the record figure—£31,306,054. September saw the Bank selling more Baring securities. In October the " Westralian Boom " coincided with another Witwatersrand record output, 176,709 ozs.; there was a "war scare" on the Stock Exchange due to the hasty summons of a Cabinet Council; Costa Rica's default was announced; there was a bad Mexican Railway dividend, and the Bank of Persia proposed a reduction of its capital. In November the United States Treasury was, by the depletion of its gold reserve, Baring Liquidation. compelled to issue another block of Ass. Liab. Bal. (Millions sterling.) $50,000,000 United States Bonds. Mr. 11 Dec. 1890 25-19 21-97 3'22 8-37 3*52 9 J u n e 1891 11-86 29 F e b . 1892 10-93 7*02 3*32 Little's report was received and read with 13 A u g . 1892 8'39 5-11 3*28 28 F e b . 1893 7*72 4*55 3-16 consternation; the Baring guarantee was 31 A u g . 1893 4*64 4-22 0-42 28 F e b . 1894 4*02 3-55 0-47 closed by the formation of the Baring Estate 31 A u g . 1894 3-15 2-48 0-67 N o v . 1895 2-70 e n d of liq. Company, and there was a very active speculaby formation of ltd. company. tion in mining shares. In December Consols rose to 103 J cum div., a price since then exceeded by more than two points. President Cleveland urged on currency reform; a financial crisis broke out in Newfoundland; there was another successful Russian Conversion Loan—this time of £15,820,000—and the activity in the Mining market was so great that when the settlement came the account was, in many cases, found too large for the staffs of the brokers. I t was generally thought that this mining boom augured well for 1895; but whether these anticipations will be realised remains to be seen. Principal Events. The statistics relating to the year's trade were satisfactory only in one respect: railway earnings per mile were larger than in 1893, bub this was due to the poor traffics which, during the last-mentioned period, resulted from the great coal strike and the smaller labour disturbances. The rise in the aggregate railway gross receipts cannot yet be stated, Trade Bad. D I. Year. the Board of Trade figures not being published until the summer; but they will presumably be ANNUAL TURNOVER IN MILLIONS STERLING. found about three per cent, better than in 1893. London Clearing London Our foreign trade kept on waning; the total, Clearing House on Stock Ilouse. Exchange it is true, represented £800,000 more than in Settling Days the previous year, but the total per head of 1881 £6,357 £1,383 1882 6,221 1,229 population was only £17 13s. 6d. as compared 1883 5,929 1,059 1884 5,7^9 961 1885 5,531 935 with £17 16s. Od. in 1893. The London Bank 1886 5,902 1,199 1887 6,077 1,146 Clearings fell from 6,478 to 6,337 millions 1888 6,942 1,2*2 1889 7,619 1,339 sterling; and for the first time in ten years 1890 7,801 1,417 1891 6,843 1,067 the clearings on Stock Exchange settling days 1892 6,482 1,023 | 1893 6,478 1,002 fell below £1,000,000,000; they amounted to 1894 6,337 964 964 millions. There was a slight increase in "promotion" — from £39,200,000 to £61,200,000—due in some measure to the " Westralian" boom, which answered for £5,916,000. The Stock Exchange was quiet. Again there was no Investment speculative business, but the demand for investment Securities securities was remarkably strong, and resulted in very Rising-. high prices for all first-class stocks. Consols rose 5 points for the year, India 3 ^ % 4^, and Municipal Issues, which were greatly in request, 7 to 8 ; Eupee Paper, however, was down 9 | and Bank Stock 1 | ; Colonial loans rose from 3 to 8 points. Home Rails all close the year higher, though the rise rarely exceeded ten points, and usually remained below 5. All International loans, with the exception of Greeks, were better, Spanish and Russian and German most. South American descriptions, with the exception of the obligations of defaulting Governments, likewise improved. In American Rails the changes for the year are as a rule small, and can be found on the right side as well as on the wrong one. Canadian and Mexican Railway stocks were dull, but Argentine Railways close better. The feature of the Miscellaneous Market was a good demand for investment stocks, and in the Mining Market there was, at the close of the year, a strong tone for gold shares, in which very large toansactions took place. li. The Course of Trade. FOEEIG* TEABE OP THE U . K . SHILLING* PEB W B I T A K T S , IT ^ has a i r e a ( 3y ^ ^ ^ been stated rf t r a d e ^ VM««j^^ocois<3ocr>Qv,Nt*>^- downward until 1886; in that />A?4Sg 3? SgSgSgSgSgS? Sggg^gSSS? gg year it began to improve, and from 1889 until 1891 inclusive its condition was5 as the appended diagram shows, most satisfactory ; for these three years the aggregate imports and exports reached a total of almost £20 per inhabitant. By the way, the Board of Trade Beturns should always be considered in conjunction with the constant increase of the population. The latter grows now at an average rate of ovei 800,000 per annum, and an apparent increase of 0*75 per cent, in the volume of foreign trade is therefore necessary to keep it stationary in its proportion to the population. That no such stability exists, and that our foreign commerce shows a well-defined tendency to decrease per capita as time goes on seems to be well-established by the appended table, although the lower prices of commodities no doubt accentuate the decline to a considerable extent. Especially our exports grow smaller by degrees; indeed, the decline under this head is chiefly responsible for the lower figures. P2 Hi. Our domestic commerce however does not appear to show a £ Millions S t e r l i n g . Total per similar tendency; the excise reImports. Exports. Total. I n h a b i t a n t . 397.0 1881 694.1 £ 1 9 17 5 297.1 turns for example demonstrate a 1882 413.0 306.7 719.7 20 8 10 1883 426.9 305.4 732.3 20 13 2 well-sustained demand for " the 1884 390.0 296.0 6S6.0 19 4 1 1885 371.0 271.5 (•42.4 17 16 9 1836 349.8 269.0 618.8 17 0 10 Briton's beverage/' spirits, tea, 362.2 281.3 643.5 1887 17 11 8 188S 387.6 29.8.6 686.2 18 12 2 cocoa, &c, and there appears to 1889 427.6 315-6 743.2 19 19 10 1890 420.7 328.3 748.9 19 19 7 be no doubt that the home demand 1891 435.4 309.1 744.6 19 14 0 1892 423.8 291.6 715.4 | 18 15 6 for our produce is rising. This is 1893 681.8 17 16 0 404.7 277.1 1 1894 408.5 1 274.1 1 682.6 17 13 6 due not merely to the increasing purchasing power of the masses, but also to the decrease of foreign competition in our home markets. The " M a d e in Germany" may have attained an unpleasant frequency since the passing of that absurd and narrow-minded Merchandise Marks' Act, but ifc is nevertheless certain that on the whole less goods of foreign manufacture are consumed here now than was the case ten or fifteen years ago. But in other markets foreign competition in our own manufactures is more successful, and notably Belgium and Germany have of late years made heavy inroads upon our business with oversea countries. This seems to be due rather to merits of our competitors than to faults of our own. Whilst we adhere to our conservative and somewhat independent attitude towards the foreign customer the merchants of other countries are more accommodating in many ways, notably with regard to credit and samples, whilst consular reports show the great benefit which has accrued to foreign traders from well-trained commercial travellers, sample rooms connected with consulates, and the like. The greater comparative demand for cheap goods is also to no small extent at the bottom of this increased competition; but this does not seem to injure our trade much as far as business of the superior kind is concerned. And even as regards cheaper goods the injury will probably neither be great nor lasting. If other methods prove preferable in the long run our business-men will no doubt adopt theni, and as producers we still enjoy a good many advantages above others, in spite of our higher wages and the wanton restlessness of our working classes. VOLUME OP FOREIGN TKA.DE. 1 We need not exclusively rely upon the diagram and the figures given above for indication of the changes in the state of trade* The railway receipts, which are more fully considered elsewhere, point to precisely the same conclusion as the Board of Trade figures, and the liii. returns of the Bankers' Clearing House likewise. The receipts of our railways fell from £3,606 per mile in 1884 to £3,446 in 1886; from that year on they rose until they reached £3,881 7600 in 1892. The Eeturns of the 7WO London Clearing House were 72O0 / £5,511,000,000 in 1884; they increased by degrees to 7000 £7,802,000,000 in 1890, and esoo they receded again until in oeoo 1894 they had shrunk to €400 £6,337,000,000. ezoo The causes of these changes in trade are of course entirely eooo explained by the events and ssoo developments of the decade, seoo and as these have been sumS400 marised elsewhere it is not necessary to go through them again at length here; it will suffice to enumerate the principal influences that have been at work. In 1885 business was interfered with by the Russian war scare and the general election, and in addition our farmers suffered from very low prices of cereals, though they were blessed with, bounteous harvests; the industrial situation was most precarious, although during the autumn there were good prospects of improving trade with the United States; and the appointment of a Eoyal Commission to enquire into the causes of the depression was hailed with satisfaction by the mercantile community, though of course a similar commission could be of little practical use. The features of this year were great stagnation in the shipbuilding trade, a rise of £20 in the price of tin, a recovery in the price of sugar and a remarkable fall in copper, which fell in November to £38 12s, 6d.; it was quoted £65 in 1883. The price of wheat, as we have already stated, was low, but before the harvest it was kept up by the war rumours. We have pointed out elsewhere that 1886 contained the turning point of affairs on the Stock Exchange; with business in general it was the same. The first months of the year were unsettled, partly LONDON BANK CLEARINGS. MILLIONS STERLING. r 111 H 111 (1 \\\\\\\\ 1 IN I HJ K\\\\\M n \\ \\\\\ \\v m 11 1 1 IT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 liv. because of Mr. Gladstone's Home Eule policy, partly because the political outlook on the Continent was not at all satisfactory. But in the autumn a general improvement in business took place, and business with the United States and the Bast improved considerably. The result was great strength of the wool and cotton trades, and hopeful reports concerning the coal, iron and shipbuilding industries. During the autumn quarter there was a rise of 13 per cent, in the London Bank Clearings, and there were many other statistical indications of an improvement which lasted throughout 1887 and the following three years. In 1887 there was a decided ANNUAL CHANGES PER CENT, IN THE expansion in our foreign trade, both VOLUME OF FOREIGN TRADE, 1885-1894. imports and exports being about 5 per Home Net Total Year Produce Trade Imports Exported cent, better than in the preceding year. 1885 + 3-28 3*84 0-26 Notably the metal trades were good, iron 1586 1'94 0-37 + 5-33 + 1887 4*50 + 4'93 + 5*07 + exports increasing 21 \ per cent, in 1888 + 3*42 + 4*64 + 3'94 1889 + 11*25 + 3*71 + 8*08 1890 0-31 0*51 0*39 quantity and 13^ per cent, in value; 5*30 + 0'25 1?91 + 4-34 1892 4-91 4*17 4*46 copper rose on the purchases of a 1893 + 2*26 1'71 2*05 1894 + 7-91 4*27 6*54 French syndicate, and the price of other metals went likewise higher. Shipbuilding was active, and the shipping trade had no cause of complaint. There was a sharp rise in sugar, the price of coffee had a temporary advance caused by speculation based upon a short Brazil crop, and most other commodities rose in price. In 1888 conditions further ameliorated, a brisk trade with South America and South Africa adding considerably to the industrial activity, whilst a copper corner provided excitement. A general revival had set in by this time, and confidence and enterprise were increasing every day. In 1889 more progress was made; the London Bank Clearings were 10 per cent, better, railway earnings rose 5 per cent., imports 11.6 per cent, and exports 5.7 per cent., the general level of prices ran likewise higher; in fact Mr. Sauerbeck's statistics show that in " COMMERCIAL CYCLES." 1889, 1890, and 1891 it stood at the highest point Prices of Commodities. touched during the period under review. I n 1890 Mr. Sauerbeck's Statistics 100 = average price activity continued, the statistics for this year being 1867-77 of 45 commodities. 1884... 1890... ...72 f in several respects the best annual figures of the 1885... ...72 1891... ...72 1886... ,,69 1892 .. ...68 decade ; but signs of approaching decadence 1887... 68 1893... ...68 1888... ...70 were already perceptible to acute observers. 1889... ...72 There was also a great deal of overtrading, as was indicated by huge speculative transactions in pig iron and cotton. The latter led to the Steensbrand failure in Liver- fo. pool, and the former to a collapse in the autumn ; the price had been driven up from 40s, lOd. in February to 64s. 10^d. in November, but by the end of December it fell back to 57s. 10Jd. There were also signs of restlessness amongst " Labour," a short coal strike during the summer months being one of its results. The Baring collapse suddenly placed a check upon business, and from 1891 on we have seen trade declining in almost every branch. In 1891 there was the sudden prostration of the South American markets, though the rush of goods to the United States caused by the McKinley Bill led to some temporary activity. In 1892 the new American tariff provided an additional cause for depression, and whilst the financial collapse added to the gloom matters were also aggravated by a good number of strikes which left scarcely a trade unaffected, and by the great " lock-out" in the cotton trade, which caused widespread depression and loss throughout Lancashire. Our exports showed a falling off of not less than 19 \ millions, of which 7 millions fell on the iron and steel trades and h\ on the textile trades. There was a heavy fall in the prices of commodities, and the only trade which was tolerably good was the woollen. There was a slight recovery at the end of the year, but it did not last far into 1893, the crises in America and Australia placing a renewed check upon business which just found the effects of the American tariff less injurious than people had anticipated, whilst trade with the Colonies had begun to show signs of revival. The great coal strike added to the general depression by either increasing the cost or altogether stopping the supply of fuel in many districts to an extent which could not but PRODUCTION or C A paralyse industries. It even appears to have resulted OL AND P I G I R O N I N G E T BRITAIN, 1882RA 1894. Millions. Y e a r . Coal. I r o n . Tons. Tons. 1882 156,4 8,5 1883 163,7 8,5 1884 1160,7 7,8 1885 159,3 7,4 1886 157,5 7,0 1887 162,1 7,5 1888 169,9 7,9 1889 176,9 8,3 1890 181,6 7,9 189 L 185,4 7,4 1892 181,7 6,7 1893 164,3 7,4 ! 1894 175,0f 7,9 u * L r in some permanent injury to our coal industry since some „ .. , .• , ,. n or our southern ports now receive regular supplies or German and Belgian coals. During 1894 no further severe setback occurred, but the stagnation remained as great as it was in 1893. The tariff revision in the States kept trade in that country in an unsettled condition, and most of the foreign markets remain in an exhausted state, whilst the heavy fall in the price of silver further added to the complications. The decade closed with the hope of an early revival, but at the close of 1894 there was very little which indicated that these expectations would be realised in the immediate future. lvi. Silver. AVERA&E ANNUAL PBIOE OP SILVER, raS7 /$ffQ /86& •—~< 60J /870 I—< l » ^ /87S 1857-1894. /880 /88S /89S 78$0 •4" -i U - i SSd "l^ 30d 3Sd SOd sL r _rr/; k ^ i 45d toa >—< i •7 1 "s L V) | i 2jJ wm all the developments of recent years there is none more conspicuous or important than the fall in silver. The consequences of the decline in the price of this commodity from 50d. in 1884 to 27d. in 1894, transcend both in absolute and in relative severity even the fall in wheat which during the same period went down from 38s. 8d. to 22s. lid.—average annual price. Cheap bread is at least beneficial t6 all that have to buy i t ; cheap silver spells ruin to its producers and its users alike. To convey some faint meaning of the immense decline in the price of this article I have prepared a diagram, given above, which shows its average annual price since 1857. It will be observed that from that year until 1873, the year in which Germany demonetised silver, the price of the metal remained within very narrow limits around Mint par; and if we had but space to carry the diagram back to an earlier period we would see that from 1833 until 1857 it did the same. For forty years the price of the metal never went above 62i, nor below 59d. per ounce in the London market. But from 1873 onward it has been subject to great changes and often to violent fluctuations; it has repeatedly been at the mercy of ill-advised legislation, and it has had to contend with uninterrupted hostility on the part of some of the principal trading nations. With what results everybody knows. Most silver-using countries are either wholly bankrupt or on the verge of AMONGST Ivii. insolvency. The burden of taxation has become too heavy for some, and is rapidly crushing others. Trade between gold-users and silverusers has seen the introduction of elements of uncertainty which threaten to throttle i t ; industries have been paralysed, and whole communities weakened. Small wonder, indeed, that the silver problem is the problem of the day. But T am nob here concerned with this PRICES OF SILVER I N LONDON.—Pence. problem; all I have to do is to narrate Annual Lowest Year. Highest Average the events that have brought it into 50* J u l y 1881 5 2 | F e b . 61ft 1882 52 & M a y 50 Dec. 51! prominence these last ten years. In 1883 51 TO M a r . 50 J a n . 50ft 1884 5 1 | F e b . 49£ D e c . 50! 1884 the Bland Act had been in force 1885 50 J a n . - M a y 46£ Dec. 48! 1886 47 J a n . 42 J u l y - A u g . 4 5 | for seven years, the Government of the 1887 47£ J a n . 4 3 ^ May 44f 1888 4 4 ^ J a n . 4 1 | May. 42£ 1889 4 4 | D e c . 42 J u l y 42 ft United States having begun to purchase 189G 5 4 | S e p t . 43ft F e b . 47ft 1891 48f J a n . 43i Nov.Dec. 45 iV $2,000,000 worth of silver in 1877; 1892 43f J a n . 37 ft D e c . 39IJJ 1893 3 8 | J u n e . 30| June 35! but President Cleveland recommended 31f J a n . 1894 27 M a r . 28^ the repeal of this Act, and the result was " considerable fluctuations," the price going down from 51 | d . to 49 £ d. In 1885 the uncertainty with regard to the Latin Union further caused a slight relapse in May, when the price was 50d.; but the prolongation of this agreement—which in December was joined by Belgium—brought about a recovery. In 1886 there were, in the language of the time, " violent" changes in the price, which during the year ranged between 42d. and 47d., the lowest price being reached in July, when President Cleveland alluded in angry terms against the continued coinage of silver in his message to Congress. This, and the sale by Germany of her uncoined silver to Egypt, led to a kind of panic. In 1887 the price, which moved to the extent of 3fd., rose again to 47£d., the market being under the impression that a French syndicate would corner the metal; there was also some talk of the foundation of a Western National Bank in the United States, which was to issue silver certificates against deposits of bullion, but neither scheme was carried out, and a relapse in the price of the metal was the result. In 1888 the price started at 44 |d., but drooped to41|d., after which it recovered to 4 2 | d . ; A N N U A L FLUCTUATIONS I N THE PRICE OF the report of the Gold and Silver Commission SILVER. d. 1884 • 1* 1885 .3* which was issued during this year had no effect 1886 . 5 .3* 1887 ... whatever upon the market. In 1889 the price 1888 • 2* 1889 ..2* moved between 42 and 44J, the latter being reached 1890 .11 .51 1891 before the United States Congress met because it 1892 •5| 1893 . 8! 1894 was supposed that increase of the amount of silver .-4f purchased was in contemplation. But as neither Iviii. the President nor Mr. Windom, the Secretary of the Treasury, alluded to such a measure the quotation fell back later on. Yet during the next year the u Sherman A c t " was passed, by which the purchases of the Treasury were increased to 4,500,000 ozs. per month. Whilst the Bill, which came into force in August, was passed there were large purchases for American account, and the price rushed up to 59d. per ounce; still, there was a reaction even before the higher price could stimulate production. The price at the beginning of 1891 was 48d., but it gave way by degrees as the year wore on, there being no occurrence that could support it. In 1892 President Harrison, who was less inimical to silver than his predecessor, invited the Powers to an International Conference; the latter met at Brussels, but failed in its object, and the year closed with the belief that repeal of the Sherman Act was imminent, whilst even the closure of the Indian Mints was deemed possible, A further fall in silver, which went to 37|d. was the result, and it was FALL IN SILVER VALUES, 1891-2. attended by a heavy fall in silver Beg.'91. Aug.'92. F a l l . 4% R u p e e 82 63| securities; concerning the latter 18| 4 | % Rupee 84 61 23 Mex. R y . O r d i n a r y 46! 25 21! some details are given in the appended 32| „ I s t P r e f . . . 121 88^ 79 44! „ Seconds.. 34! little table. In 1893 the price Mex. 6% 93 82 11 remained for the first six months between 37d. and 3 8 | d . ; in July the closing of the Indian Mints brought it down to 31|d., then it rallied to 34§d., but when in November, after many distressing manoeuvres, the Eepeal Bill was passed by the Senate, it went down to 32d. 1894, without producing any special events except the war in the East, witnessed a further fall to 27d., and at the close of the year the price showed no tendency to rise much above that point. The fall of the metal and its serious results has, however, attracted wide attention, and the result is that at the time of writing there is once more a prospect that an International Conference will be held at an early date. SILVER PRODUCTION.—In thousands of ounces. Years. U.S. Mexico. Australia. 1871-75 1876-80 1881-85 1885-90 1891 1892 1893 1894 121,262 157,622 182,900 230,980 58,330 63,500 60,000 48,000 98,290 98,433 124,003 150,520 35,719 39,505 44,370 43,100 598 562 1,263 31,148 10,000 13,439 20,501 22,000 Total, inclu- Value* ding other £ Countries. 295,882 72*29 356,135 78'18 437,907 92-29 557,551 103*86 137,965 25*90 152,940 25-37 161,170 23-92 149.100 17-98 * Based on Messrs. Pixley & Abel's average prices. lix. GOLD PRODUCTION.—In thousands of ounces. Years. Australia. M.S. 1871-75 1876-80 1881-85 1886-90 1891 1892 1893 1894 10,533 7,527 6,910 6,886 1,519 1,638 1,712 1,883 9,476 9,531 7,730 8,070 1,605 1,597 1,739 2,080 Other R u s s i a Africa Countries. 2,354 5,664 6,531 2,760 5,750 4,178 5,213 1,114 5,321 1,169 728 1,266 1,200 1,151 1,456 1,280 1,381 1,550 1,354 ] 1,838 1,665 New Capital — — — . Total. 28,027 26,349 24,568 26,604 6,286 7,042 7,662 8,820 Created.'' THE great activity of the company promoter and the spread of the limited liability principle constitute another great feature of the period under review. In 1884, says the "Statistical Abstract," the capital of the companies carrying on business under the Limited Liability Acts amounted to £475,000,000; at the end of 1894 it cannot have fallen far short of £1,100,000,000. The number of companies registered each year has not been below 1,000 since 1879; in 1890 it reached the huge number of 2,711, and the capital involved was in that year £234,000,000; in 1888, with " o n l y " 2,443 new registrations, the amount reached even £353,000,000. Of course many of these registrations relate to still-born enterprises. The appended table shows that only from forty to fifty per cent, of the companies registered come before the public; the rest are either privately subscribed, or, which is more likely, never reach the more advanced stages of incubation. And even amongst the numerous concerns floated by no means every venture is a success. Not including the issues partly offered abroad the amount of capital offered in England during the decade under review was, according to the Economist figures, £925,000,000; the actual money calls on these issues were only £826,000,000. This seems to indicate that about 10 per cent, of the capital asked for is refused by the public; but this COMPANY P R O M O T I N G — C A P I T A L A P P L I E D TOR 1883-94.—MILLION £ k. gives only a faint indication of the measure of success upon which the promoter may rely. Government, municipal, or railway issues have nearly always been a success; the failures are mostly found amongst the miscellaneous issues. Now it is shown in one of the subjoined tables that the issues which might.come under this term represent, for the ten years 1885-1894, about £600,000,000 of capital; and if 100 millions of this had been refused by the investors we may take it that the chances of success for the promoter average 5 : 1 . Of course it would be impossible to supply absolutely correct figures; but even an approximation is interesting, and the above estimate certainly tallies with the general opinion amongst company experts, who say that every sixth miscellaneous prospectus proves on the average a failure as far as its godfathers are concerned. Of course the chances of failure do not cease with the posting of the " letters of allotment and regret." According to the 3rd Annual Eeport of the Board of Trade under the Companies' Winding-up Act, 873 companies went into liquidation in 1891, 1,091 in 1892, and 1,042 in 1893; the « capital" involved in the failures of 1893 was £42,480,080, or about £40,000 per company, a figure which confirms the view that mostly small companies succumb; for 1894 the amounts were almost the same. This company promoting and its consequences has been extensively discussed lately. There cannot be any doubt that the system under which it has been carried on is deplorably defective in many respects, but the official inquiry which is now proceeding is sure to result in many valuable suggestions, which no doubt will induce Parliament to amend the existing laws. With such authoritative statements and remedies in preparation it would be absurd to discuss the matter here, even if such a discussion came within the scope of a review of facts like the present; and I shall therefore simply proceed to state the main facts relating to the new issues of 1885-1894. In 1885 " p r o m o t i o n " was limited by the COMPANIES REGISTERED. unsettled feeling engendered by the political Year. Number. Capital. 1 1884 1370 £125,256,000 complications, and nearly all the capital applied 1885 1344 111,284,000 1886 1738 138,077,000 for was for Foreign and Colonial Governments 1887 1893 160,616,000 1888 2346 339,858,000 1889 2578 229,406,000 and railways. Oar Colonies borrowed £24^ 1890 2542 222,253,000 1891 2446 126,363,000 millions, Egypt issued a loan of £9,000,000 1892 2371 95,683,000 1893 2333 81,851,000 guaranteed by the Powers, and China asked for 1894 105,101,000 1 2671 3f millions. Amongst the railway loans there was an issue of £3,000,000 made by the Canadian Pacific, and another of a like amount by the Indian Midland; and miscellaneous issues Ixi. included Watney and Co. (£2,000,000), the Mercantile Investment Trust and the Victoria Fire Office with £1,000,000 each, and the New South Wales Land and Finance Company with half-a-ruillion capital. In 1886 promotion of small companies was more active. There were again heavy Colonial borrowings, aggregating 2 6 | millions sterling; foreign governments, chiefly South American, applied for 16 millions; foreign railways, also mostly South American absorbed 11 millions. Guinness' asked for £7,500,000 which was said to have been subscribed 20 times over; mining companies, mostly Queensland, answered for 8 millions, cattle and land 2 millions, and some £6,500,000 were put into 110 miscellaneous trading concerns, mostly bad. In 1887 promotion was quiet during the early part of the year, but active towards the close. There were few foreign Loans, an Argentine issue and the Greek Monopoly Loan being the only two, and the Colonies also borrowed very little; but there were large applications for capital that was to be put into South American railways ; 70 or 80 South African mining companies took about £8,000,000, 8^ millions was put into Australian land ventures, and 5J millions into breweries; in all over 300 prospectuses appeared. Some of the more prominent ventures were : Hotchkiss, £1,100,000; Mexican General Land Mortgage and Investment, £3,000,000 ; Borax, £1,325,000; British Broken Hill, £1,200,000; AUsopps, £3,300,000; Trustees, Executors, &c, £2,000,000. In 1888 companies with a total capital of £340,000,000 were registered, largely under the influence of Mr. Goschen's Bill, which raised the registration fee to £1 per £1,000; some £160,000,000 of new capital was offered and well received, largely because of the reduction of the interest on the National Debt. £49,000,000 was put into foreign loans, mostly South American; 11 millions were advanced to Australia, 7 to India, and 4 to Canada; 21 were invested in South American railways, 7^ in Colonial, and 13 in United States lines; 11^ millions were put into breweries; 80 mining companies, chiefly " Kaffirs " absorbed £5,500,000; and 9f millions was put into trusts and land companies. In 1889 our investors could "pay their money and take their choice" amongst over 500 issues, representing £207,000,000. South American Governments took £10^000,000, the Australian Colonies £9,000,000, lxii. India 3^ millions. Twenty-four millions went into foreign railways, namely: 11J into South t condensedZm'the Economist. America, 4 into North America > n .*, *f M l , L L I 0 * s / T E T?\™ „„ 6 i in Colonial, and 2 in Capital created and issued. Actual Money Calls. In England English Foreign and England Total. Issues. Issues. Total. alone. Abroad. 1884 91*5 17*5 109*0 74-3 16*3 90-6 1885 55-6 22-4 78-0 62*8 15*0 77-9 1886 93*9 7-9 101-9 70-3 17-1 87*5 96'8 84-2 1887 14*4 9-5 111-2 93-7 | 1888 140-8 19'5 160-3 | 126-9 11-4 137*3 1889 178*9 28*1 207-0 1 152-0 15-8 167*8 1890 142-6 ! 102'7 20-3 141-0 125*9 16-7 1891 80-2 24*4 104-6 66-8 9-2 76-0 1892 53-2 27-9 81*1 47-2 12-0 59-3 1893 39*2 10-0 49-1 33-8 8'2 42*0 1894 61'2 30*6 91*8 62-7 11-6 74-3 foreign lines. Municipal loans absorbed only 2^ millions, of which the County Council took £1,000,000. English Breweries took again £8,000,000, and American £20,000,000. Seventy mining companies relieved us of £4,000,000, and £30,000,000 went into Trusts and kindred enterprises. Forty-four companies each asked for a round million or more; amongst the more notable promotions there were Bahia Blanca, £2,000,000; Alliance Insurance, £2,000,000; Cordoba and Ecsario, £1,976,000; Courage and Co., £2,100,000; Frank Jones Brewery, £1,300,000; Lister, £2,000,000; the Imperial British Bast Africa Company, £2,000,000 ; and a host of Trusts, led by the Industrial and General with its £5,000,000 of capital. In 1890 company promoting received, like business in general, a check by the anxiety which preceded the Baring crisis, and especially by that crisis itself, but it still was on a great scale. The only foreign loans floated were a Mexican of five millions, and the Piraeus Larissa Loan ; India borrowed h\ millions, Australia 4, and 28^ millions went into foreign railways, mostly North America. Breweries absorbed ten millions, Trusts 21, and South African and other mines 10. Over 300 prospectuses appeared, and 28 companies with a capital of £1,000,000 or more came a out." Among them were, besides many Trusts, the Bank of New Zealand Estates with 3^ millions, the City of Chicago Breweries with £1,900,000, the Glass Bottle Industries with £1,750,000, the Gordon Hotels with £2,401,000, J . and P . Coats with £5,750,000, the Peruvian Corporation with £6,000,000, P . Walker & Sons* Brewery with £3,000,000, the San Francisco Breweries with £1,500,000, and the South American and Mexican, as well as the Anglo-American Debenture Corporation, each with £3,000,000. The crisis of course soon led to a restriction of company promoting; yet in 1891 many great schemes were carried out and some important loans floated. Eussia issued a conversion Loan of £20,000,000 partly offered in London; the Colonies borrowed 1 7 i ; foreign railways lxiii. applied for lOf. 8 millions were asked for Trusts, 3 | for new mines and If for Breweries. The principal flotations were : United Alkali £8,500,000; City of London Electric Light £1,200,000; English and Italian Banking Corporation £2,000,000; Milwaukee and Chicago Breweries £2,271,000; National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation £2,000,000; United Steam Millers £1,500,000; Water and Gas Works Securities Company £2,000,000, and Winterbottom Book Cloth £1,300,000. In 1892, 1893 and 1894 "promotion" stood almost still. The first of these years witnessed the issue of 23 millions in foreign loans, including a German issue of 14J millions, and Dutch, Transvaal and Chili borrowings. The colonies obtained 8 \ millions; foreign railways applied for 14*9; and the prospectus of the new Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Eailway asked for £5,000,000, which were readily subscribed. There were large issues of home municipal bonds, including the Manchester issue of £3,000,000, required to finance the Canal. Miscellaneous ventures were few in number, and included only one prominent venture, Pears' Soap, which was capitalised at £810,000. In 1893 there was a further shrinkage in the capital applied for, less than 50 millions being offered in all, with no other feature than large municipal borrowings, and a "pneumatic t y r e " boom which, however, chiefly affected Dublin, and a craze for Music Hall Shares. In 1894 the amounts offered were somewhat larger, but this was. almost wholly due to considerable government, colonial, and W E S T AUSTRALIAN" G O L D municipal borrowings, and to large issues of West COMPANIES FLOATED IN" 1 8 9 4 . Australian mines in the autumn. NumThe tables of quotations of miscellaneous secu1894. b e r . Capital. F e b . ... £100,000 1 rities at the end of this summary throw additional Mar.... 1 5,250 A p r . ... 6 173,550 light upon the promotion of u miscellaneous" M a y ... 2 100,000 June... 2 120,000 concerns during the last decade. Some further J u l y ... 3 226,500 Aug.... 3 130,000 particulars are likewise contained in the appended Sept.... 8 795,010 Oct. ... 17 1,450,000 N o v . . . . 17 1,995,800 table, which shows that nearly £1,300,000,000 of Dec. ... 5 850,000 new capital were offered during the ten years 65 £5,916,100 J expiring December 31st last. Of these 167 millions were foreign loans; 159 Colonial and Indian loans; 190 foreign and colonial railway issues; 120 home railway issues; 38 home municipal loans. £72,000,000 were put into breweries and £74,000,000 in Trusts; £43,000,000 went into mines, and £420,000,000 into ventures of various kinds. What a vast proportion of this money has been thrown away ! lxiv. " N E W CAPITAL CHEATED." A rough classification of the new loans, &c, offered. MILLIONS STERLING. Foreign Loans Colonial & India Foreign & Col. Rys Home Railways Home Municipal Breweries. Mines , Trusts, Land Co's., etc. Miscellaneous Totals 18S5 1886| 18871 131 16 2 24* 26JI 7 I 16 11 25 * 2 3 m 2i * 51 8 3i 57f 1889| 10 15 24 # 31! 28 71! 30 921 18911 1892 2:}| 8£ m 15" 6\ 105 5 1 20 19 10 1894 Years 221-1 167 13 159 9\ 190 61 120* 9 38 41 72 5 43 74 341 420 Foreign Loans Colonies & India For. & Col. Rys. Home Railways Home Municipal Breweries Mines Trusts, Land etc. | 78 1102 | l l l |l60 1207 143 105 81 49 92 1233 * Note.—But a small part of our new railway capital issues are included in these figures, a great proportion being subscribed for by the old shareholders. The average amount issued each year may be taken to amount now to about £12,000,000, not including nominal additions; this figure has also been taken as a basis for the last column. The Money Market. The diagram given here shows that the movements on the London Money Market have had the same general tendency as other statistics ; the price of money rose to its highest level in 1890, and has since that time sunk to points which have no parallel in our monetary history. These fluctuations are of course ascribable to the course of events in general; but it must not be forgotten that these "average annual" figures merely reflect general tendencies, and take but little account of those more ephemeral changes to which the Money Market with its sensitive and delicate mechanism is particularly liable. From the fact that the Bank rate was changed no less than 72 times since January, 1885, one may infer to what extent the London money market is subject to disturbances. W e had twice a 6 per cent, rate, lasting 52 and 27 days respectively; 8 times the rate stood at 5 per cent., once at 4 j , 18 times at 4 per cent., 10 times at 3^, 18 times at 3 per cent.,, 9 times at 2£, and 6 times ATEBAGE ANNUAL BANK RATE [upper line] AND AVERAGE DISCOUNT RATE FOR 3 MONTHS' BILLS IN THE OPEN MARKET |_lower line]. lxv. at 2. The average rate was by far THE LONDON MONET MARKET. the lowest in 1894 when it wa3 Average Average only £2 2s. I d . ; the highest figure Y e a r Discount open markfc. Difference. B a n k of r a t e . T h r e e E n g l a n d . n i n t h s ' hills. was for 1890, when the average was 1882 £ 4 2 8 £3 7 3 £4 10s. 4d., and the rate never 1883 3 11 6 3 0 8 £ 0 10 10 1884 2 8 1 9 11 1 2 19 2 1885 2 0 9 0 16 0 2 16 9 stood below 3J. The above dia[ 1886 3 0 4 2 1 0 0 19 4 1887 3 6 0 2 7 3 0 18 9 gram as well as the table given 1888 3 6 3 2 7 0 0 19 3 1889 3 14 10 2 15 6 0 19 4 here shows that the movements on 1890 4 10 4 3 13 11 0 16 5 3 5 11 2 10 0 0 15 11 1891 the discount market were in close 1892 2 9 11 1 9 5 l i e 1893 3 1 4 2 2 0 0 19 4 harmony with those of the Bank rate. 1894. 2 2 1 0 19 3 0 2 10 It is well known that at times the discrepancy between the two was much greater than a table of annual figures can show; but even the annual figures prove that the widest divergence can be noticed in times of ease, the smallest in years of stringency. For well-known reasons the open market rate is usually below the bank r a t e ; an even level between the two is rare, and a reversion of the usual order of things could be noticed only once during these 10 years ; that was when on November 18, 1890—-during the Baring crisis—the very best paper could not be discounted in the open market below 8 per cent., though the Bank Rate was two points lower. We have already indicated that the money market witnessed many changes; let us now give a short summary of the reasons to which these vicissitudes were due. 1885 began with a 5 per cent, rate, which was reduced to 4 in January, and kept up owing to fears of war until March, when it went to 3 £ ; in the beginning of May it came down to 3 and soon it was only 2 per cent., with great abundance of money. The failure of the Munster Bank, however, caused large shipments of specie to Ireland and a strengthening of bank reserves in general; and as in addition Germany withdrew gold in the autumn the Bank's stock of gold and bullion fell from 28 millions in June to 2 1 | in October. After a 2 per cent, rate had been kept up for 168 days the Bank reluctantly raised its rate, after having first attempted to harden outside rates by borrowing upon or selling securities, and the year closed with a 4 per cent. rate. When 1887 NUMBER OF CHANGES came this was soon lowered to 3 per cent., and I N THE B A N K R A T E . 1884 7 1 1885 .. 7 1 throughout the spring and summer of that year 1886 .. 7 money was cheap; but in the autumn the Bank's 1887 .. 7 1888 .. 9 store of coin and bullion was depleted by shipments 1889 .. 8 1890 .. 11 1891 .. 12 to Australia and America, and the year closed with 1892 .. 4 .. 5 1893 the rate at 5 per cent., and with the position of the 1894 .. 2 Bank so weak that a 6 per cent, rate was feared. E lxvi. From 1887, by the way, dates the accumulation of specie by the great State Banks of Europe, a policy which has since often disturbed our market. To what extent this accumulation of money has gone may be seen from the following figures :— I Specie, Bank of France ... „ „ Germany 31st Dec, 1887. 31st Dec, 1894. Increase. £92,382,000 ... £129,832/00 ... £37,450,000 £39,034,000 ... £53,560,0(0 ... £14,526,000 | Both these banks have therefore increased their stock and specie to the extent of more than one third, and several other institutions have followed their lead. Those who superficially consider these figures will no doubt argue that allowance must be made for the circumstances that the general stagnation has tended to accumulate money in all Government banks. This is no doubt true, and by substantially adding to our own Bank reserve a kind of misleading similarity between the movements here and on the Continent has come into being which is, however, due to wholly different causes. In 1888 the rate went down again in the early part of the year; but thrice a gold drain to the Argentine Eepublic, consequent upon the large amounts of capital raised by the River Plate countries, compelled the Bank to put up its rate. In October the official minimum reached 5 per cent., but once more the turn of the year saw lower figures. These lasted till the autumn of 1889 when the Argentine demand was removed. In addition Portugal, Germany, and South Africa drew gold, and the result was again a 5 per cent, rate in November. In December it was raised to 6 per cent, due to a very large home demand, and on the whole the winter months found our money market seriously disorganised owing to the large shipments of gold necessitated by foreign applications for British capital. 1890, it; is needless to say, witnessed many changes and great dearth, the average rate being a trifle over 4^. The 6 per cent, rate which was fixed on December 30th, 1889, was lowered to 5 per cent, on February 5th, and from then until the end of June money was comparatively cheap if we consider how enormous was the demand caused by the rare activity of trade in nearly every quarter of the globe. The probability of a large Argentine demand and the flotation of the Greek and Egyptian loans caused a rise to 4 per cent in July ; the outbreak of the Argentine provincial revolt and of the crisis in Uruguay soon brought about a rise to 5 per cent., but in the course of July this rate attracted enough gold to cause an increase in the reserve of 2£ millions, &nd so it w$s lowered again in August, In September it returned to lxvii. 5 per cent, due to fears of withdrawals for America, where excessive stringency prevailed in Wall Street, the United States, however, did not take gold, but the Continent. Still the weekly meeting of Thursday, November 6th, did not lead to a rise of the rate, but on Friday the 7th it was suddenly advanced to 6 per cent. Taken by surprise the City was at a loss to understand at once the real CHEAP MONET. meaning of this unusual step, and so attributed A 2% Rati Ruled. it to French applications for bullion, connected 378 d a y s 1876 20/4 t o 3/5 with a loan made to Spain by a Paris syndi1879 10/4 „ 6/11 210 „ 1884 19/6 „ 9/10 112 „ 1885 28/5 „ 12/5 168 „ cate; but the Baring rumours soon revealed ;1887 28/4 „ 4/8 98 „ 1892 28/4 ,,20/10 175 „ the true cause of the measure. The failure was announced together with the relief scheme, and for a few days the money market was the scene of great agitation ; only the very best stocks could be €t pawned/ 3 and only the finest bills were discounted, whilst even for them the rate was 6, 7, and at one time even 8 per cent. The Bank however behaved splendidly throughout these trying times. It borrowed three millions from the Bank of France and obtained 1\ millions from Eussia by the sale of Eussian Exchange Bills, and by these measures, as well as by lending freely, it prevented a serious collapse. Soon the high rate attracted gold from abroad, and on December 4th it could once more be lowered to 8 per cent. I give below a few figures showing the fluctuations of the Bank's reserve during this most eventful year :— . . . Oct. 1 .... . . N o v . 12 . . £12*07 MiUions. £11-43 £14-22 £11-12 £11-21 £11-10 Reserve „ it ,, ,, ,» .. N o v . 26 ... .. Dec. 3 .. Dec. 10 ... .. .. Dec. 23 ... .. £14-55 Millions. £16-50 „ £16-67 „ £17-00 £16-76 £14-89 Early in 1891 the reserve rose to a still higher figure, the statement of January 28th showing that £17,410,000 were available in the banking department. The Bank could return the money borrowed in France in February, when a 3 per cent, rate ruled; but the failure of the Societe des Metaux and the Murrieta rumours as well as an " a g i t a t i o n " for a stronger reserve soon rendered a higher rate desirable, and so it reached 5 per cent, again in May, partly also because it was supposed that bhe great Eussian Conversion Loan would lead to exports ; this loan was, however, postponed, and as the reserve had under the protection of a high rate mounted from 12*2 millions on May 6th to 19*44 millions on June 17th, great ease came to the money market. Until the end of September the reserve did not fall below sixteen -millions, but when the United States began to attract I % Ixviii. large quantities of bullion, it fell to 1 2 | millions in November, the rate going up to 4 meanwhile, which soon caused an influx. As a result of the agitation for greater banking reserves mentioned above, the London banks began to publish monthly statements in July, and Mr. Goschen proposed to ease the money market by replacing part of our gold circulation by one pound notes. In 1892 only four changes took place in the rate, which averaged £2 9s. l i d . per cent, for the year, and never went higher than three per lYear. H i g h e s t . Lowest. 1834 25-5 M a r . 19*3 N o v . cent. There was no foreign demand of any 1885 28*1 J u n e 20*3 D e c . 1S86 23*0 F e b . 18-8 Dec. consequence, and the autumn brought even 1887 24'8 M a r . 19-3 Tan. 1888 23-5 Mar. 18'3 Dec. imports from quarters which usually require gold 1889 23-9 J u n e 17*8 Dec. 1S90 24'9 Dec. 17-8 J a n . at that season; only Russia took small parcels 1891 28-3 J u l y 20-8 M a y . 1892 27*9 S e p t . 22-4 J a n . of bullion off our market. Austria required vast 1893 30*0 J u n e 23-5 M a y 1894 39'8 Sept. 24*8 J a n . 1 sums, but these were wholly supplied by the United States and South Africa, which in that year produced gold worth £5 millions. But in 1893 there was again great disturbance. The first months of this year witnessed gold arrivals from the States, and the result was that the market was easy until August, when the Australian and American crisis and the trust collapse induced the joint stock and other banks to strengthen themselves. The bank however saw no necessity to raise its rate at first; subsequently it had to put it up to four, and then to five per cent. This brought the reserve, which, after rising to twenty millions in June, had fallen to 14*61 in August, to 18*14 in September, and from this the rate has constantly been lowered until on Feb. 22, 1894, it came down to 2 per cent., afc which figure it is still at the time of writing. The condition of the market during the last year of the decade was as placid as it could possibly be, and it was presumably only tradition which prevented the Bank rate from being put below 2 per cent. Outside rates broke away, and call money quoted mostly J or \, whilst the rate of discount for three months' bills sagged until it reached f. The only feature of 1894 was an amazing accumulation of money in all reservoirs. In September the u coin and bullion" reached the huge total of £39,800,000, and the bank's reserve broke all records in August, when it amounted to no less a sum than £31,306,054, | F L U C T U A T I O N S I N T H E STOCK O P " OOIJT AKD B U L L I O N " [ AT THE B A N K O F E N G L A N D . I MILLION £. lxix. Government and Municipal Securities. The market for Government securi<0 N Of) o> C 5 VfV O* o> o* o> ties has during the &0 00 oo oo oo oo ?0 $0 *0 00 P ) S> 2o oo oo oo OQ ., , C S s: "v v. •2° ^ - w ^ past ten years been under the influence of two great developments : the conversion which necessarily led to a decline in price caused by the shifting of investments ; and the considerable appreciation consequent upon the accumulation of capita] at home since the Baring crisis. In addition to these two wellestablished developments there has also been at work that slow but irresistible lowering of the loan price of capital. That capital becomes cheaper by degrees cannot be doubted; the gradual " conversion" of so many national debts, the lower interest paid on mortgages, and the lower yield of all investments which are free from any element of risk, prove it most conclusively. The rate at which this cheapening continues naturally depends entirely upon circumstances. Occasionally it is for a time accelerated by developments which, like the stagnation of the present day, lead to a glut in capital-lending countries; at other times it may be checked, or even make way for reaction, either by sudden diminutions in the store of capital, or else by excessively large demands. During the past ten years we have been witnesses of both kinds of movements. At one time the demand for capital was so great that sales of the better class of securities, which yielded too small a return to satisfy investors, were effected on a wholesale scale, with the result that their prices went down and their " y i e l d " up. At another HIGHEST AND LOWEST PUICES OF CONSOLS, 1883-1894 LXX. Season we have seen such an abundance of capital, coupled with such a general lack of confidence and enterprise, that a keen competition ensued for all superior media of investment, with the inevitable consequence that their prices rose to a very high level. In addition we have, of course, noticed the effect which cheap money—altogether a different thing than cheap capital—-produces upon first class securities. When " accommodation " may be had in the market for 2 or 1 per cent., the purchase of Consols and the like with borrowed money leaves a handsome margin of profit which is tempting enough to make numerous people disregard the risk of a decline in price; moreover, this risk is to some extent neutralised by the possibility of a rise in quotations adding to the profit. In 1884 the Three per cents, were fairly steady ; in 1885, which, as we have seen, was a year of great political unrest, they fluctuated considerably; on April 9th they fell 2\ during the Eussian panic. The highest price was 101^ and the lowest 9 4 | ; by the way, Bank of England stock fell 10 per cent, during the year, owing to the same cause, though the dividend was raised to 10 per cent. In 1886 the price recovered again and in the following year it reached the highest point on record, 103|, and that in spite of heavy foreign " b e a r " sales. These led to profits, for conversion rumours soon brought down quotations. In the early part of 1888 Mr. Goschen issued his Local Loans Stock to feel his way for the conversion, and this operation was begun in March; the new 2 | per cents, were at first above par, but they fell owing to monetary stringency, and also as a result of extensive sales by holders who were not satisfied with so low a yield as 2f per cent. Early in 1889 Mr. Goschen reduced the amount of outstanding Threes by purchases in the market; in April large holders received an offer to convert their holdings into Local Loans Stock, and after that it was announced that all outstanding Threes would be paid off on July 6th; since that date ihe old Three per Cents, which for generations had been the leading stock in our market, ceased to exist. Meantime the new 2 | per cents, were not destined to see par again until 1894. The conversion drove thousands of British rentiers out of their holdings; and indeed a reduction of their income by one-twelfth, with another scaling down to the same extent in prospect, could not have led to any other consequence; .moreover, the scuttle out of Consols was facilitated by the passing of the Trust Fund Investment Act of 1890, which considerably widened the scope of investment for trustees. These sales of Consols were further increased by dear money, and at one time the price went down to 93f, although at the Ixxi. close of the year it recovered to 97i, a loss of but If for the year. This lowest price was reached during the crisis ; but when January, 1891, brought more heavy sales, the Government took the unusual step of purchasing its own obligations through its broker. In 1892 the price appreciated owing to a considerable demand for investment, and also as a result of cheap money. Both causes have continued until now, the result being that in 1894 the quotation went to 103§, or £• below the highest price ever touched by the old Threes. Since the turn of the year Consols have been bought above 106. The stocks usually classed with " Government Securities" have practically witnessed identical movements, though some at first derived some benefit from the Conversion. This was notably the case with India Sterling Loans, which in 1887 were also hardened by the successful conversion of 4 per cents; but Rupee Paper (officially known as India Bnfaced) of course went down with silver. Similarly Egypt guaranteed has at times been slightly depressed when the Egyptian question came to the fore. Bank of England stock fell, as we have already noted, 10 points in 1885, when the trouble with Eussia upset the markets; it rose 17 points in 1888, but then relapsed on the decision in the Vagliano case, recovering 11 \ points in 1889. In 1891 Mr. Goschen's £1 scheme caused a rise; but Mr. May's retirement in November, 1893, as well as Mr. Wilson's criticisms iu 1894, brought about a relapse. In 1894 its price remained stationary; the end of the Baring liquidation was a great point in its favour, but the cheapness of money affected the profits of the great institution. We should also mention a fall in the Bank of Ireland stock, due to the failure of the Munster Bank and the Home Rule proposals, with a subsequent recovery. In Municipal securities, as is well known, a considerable rise has taken place lately. At one time their upward tendency was checked by the expansion of enterprise in other fields, but the subsequent stagnation and cheapness of money made up for this, and, as the subjoined table shows, a most important appreciation has taken place since 1884. Comparing the prices of 31st ^December, 1894, with those of the same day of 1884, we find, for example, a gain of H i in Metropolitan Three and a Halfs, and of 11 in Threes; Birpingham Three per Cents, are 18 j higher for the decade, Bristol Three and a Halfs 2 0 | , Liverpool Three and a Halfs 23. In a measure this enormous appreciation is no doubt due to the narrow market, and to the circumstances that these stocks are tightly held, but there can be little doubt that present prices are too high to last long. The total indebtedness of British municipalities. lxxii. by the way, almost reaches £250,000,000. Especially during the past few years numerous new loans have been floated, the total since 1892 reaching over £20,000,000; some of these were, however, for the purpose of conversion. T A B L E SHOWING F L U C T U A T I O N S OF L E A D I N G G O V E R N M E N T AND M U N I C I P A L F R O M Y E A R TO Y E A R (31 Q u o t a t i o n + o r - + o r - +or— + o r - + o r — 31 D e c . '84 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 97£ Childers 2f p e r c e n t s . ... 2 | p e r cents I n d i a 3^ p e r cent., 1931 „ 3 „ Egypt 3 „ guar. M e t r o p o l i t a n 3^ p e r c e n t . 3 „ B i r m i n g h a m 3£ „ Liverpool 3^ p e r c e n t . . . . Manchester 4 „ 99 97 91| lOlf 91| 107f 99 lOOf 99| 110 102 + A + 11 —4 —3 --2* -3\ 97 + lf -* - ** + + 1 —2 115 + * + t + 1 + i + * - H + f + 2* + 1* +2 + 1| +2 + ll 3 0 + 6^ + 5* +3^ + 6£ + 3| + 2^ -n + —1 i +3| +14 -* +6 +5 +2 +5 +8 +or- + or- +or- + or- +or1890 1891 1892 1893 1891 -1 —1 L + 2| + * - i —1 —2 —1 —1 -2* + 1* + i —l +34 +H +44 +34 + 2^ + 11 + i + M + 2* — l +3 + 1 + 1 + 1* +1 SECURITIES DECEMBER). —l +i —l +2 *" -n —3 +*2 4 + +7 —3 +2 — -1* —1 —2 —1 +H —1 + + + + +» +4 + * 3 2 2| 2| + f - 4 +24 + 14 + 2| +2 + 3| +5 + lf +4 +34 +54 +34 + 4f +44 +4| +3 +44 +4 +5 +5 +3| — + * + 84 + 1 +6 Colonial Securities. Like all other first-class investments Colonial Securities have on the whole been rising in price, D E B T S OF THE V A R I O U S C O L O N I E S — 1 8 9 3 . as a reference to Mathiesons' n w o i -n ™- D e b t p e r H e a d Total Debt. p^ation. tables will at once show. The India and Burma 218,426,000 0 19 10 j greatest improvement has taken Ceylon 2,518,000 0 16 9 i Hong Kong 200,000 0 19 0 place in the case of Cape Colony New South Wales 54,210,000 45 5 9 Victoria 46,711,000 40 0 7 South Australia 22,103,000 65 11 7 | and Natal Obligations; the Western Australia 2,263,000 38 11 5 Tasmania 6,991,000 45 15 0 smallest is that of the AusNew Zealand 37,677,000 57 19 0 Queensland 29,457,000 69 19 3 j tralasian Colonies, which have Fiji 247,000 1 19 4 j Natal 7,100,000 13 1 0 been borrowing so freely that Cape Colony 24,850,000 16 5 4 i Mauritius 718,000 20 13 6 there was a constant fresh Sierra Leone 58,000 0 15 7 Bermuda 7,620 0 9 8 j British H o n d u r a s 17,600 0 11 2 supply of their securities, whilst British Guiana 770,000 2 15 6 Canada, Govmt 48,864,000 10 2 4 at the same time their huge and C a n a d a , P r o v i n c i a l ... 5,690,000 1 3 6 Newfoundland 1,076,000 5 8 9 ever-increasing debts became Bahamas 83,000 1 15 0 ! Jamaica 1,678,000 2 11 9 a source of misgivings. S t . K i t t s , &c 20,900 0 9 2 Antigua and Barbados 26,200 0 14 4 Dominica 41,900 111 2 The years during which these St. Lucia 233,700 5 3 3 St.A^incent 12,270 0 6 0 Colonies borrowed most were Barbados 30,100 0 3 2 Grenada 95,000 1 11 7 from 1883 and 1886; by Montserrat 3,800 0 6 6 Malta 79,000 0 9 7 degrees their debts have been Total £513,306,000 — run up until per head of popuQ of Ixxiii. lation they rank among the highest; but it is only fair to add that a great part of them have been contracted for the purpose of constructing useful public works, most of which yield returns. I t should also be considered that against these debts there are great potentialities, although there cannot be any doubt that in several cases these have been over-discounted. In 1884 the tendency of prices was mostly upwards, except for South African descriptions, which suffered from the political complications with the Transvaal; £24,900,000 was issued in new stocks, against £23,467,000 in the preceding year. In 1885 these South African descriptions hardened, and Canadians were likewise firm; they rose 6 points in 1886, consequent upon the opening of the Canadian Pacific's through route. Australians were better on a good wool crop, but New Zealand 4 per cents, fell at one time to 95^ as a result of the bad financial position, which was extensively criticised. In the following year the Bank of New Zealand was in difficulties, and as the result of severe losses had to suspend its dividend, which formerly had ranged between 12 and 15 per cent.; but the year closed with quotations considerably above the worst points. Canadians rose considerably in spite of the troubles in Manitoba, the 3 | ' s being the dearest of all Colonial securities, a distinction which at present belongs to the South African Colonial debts; these began to rise in value in 1887, as the result of the " opening up " of the country. In 1888 the conversion caused a good demand for Colonial bonds, and prices were generally from 3 to 6 per cent, better for the year; only Canadians were rather dull on the unsatisfactory relations with the United States. The same cause tended to raise prices in 1889, but in 1890 the crisis caused a general relapse and a fall of from 2 to 4 per cent., although in the early part of the year a good investment demand had supported quotations. Especially Queensland descriptions were flat, and the railway squabbles in Victoria as well as the too extensive borrowings of most Colonies brought about a change in the good opinion which our investors had so far had of these Colonies. In 1892 this distrust proved well founded. There was a shearers' strike in Australia, and the New Zealand Legislature passed several measures which were extremely hostile to " capital"; the worst of them took the shape of heavy taxation. Moreover, the revenues of most Colonies were much worse than the budgets had led people to suppose. Victoria was confronted with a deficit of £797,000 against an estimated surplus of £670,000, and in New South Wales Ixxiv. Ill the year ended with £749,000 on the wrong side of the account, whilst it was thought that the revenue would exceed expenditure by £400,000. The consequence was not only that all prices went down from 3 to 7 points for the year, but also that several new loans failed to attract investors, so that several Colonies were compelled to issue " l o n g " Treasury bills. A South Australian loan was subscribed for to the extent of only one-third, and a Queensland Loan failed entirely, and had to be offered a t a lower price. The credit of these Colonies underwent a very considerable change for the worse, as can be seen from the facts and figures in the appended table: In 1892 the market for ColColony. Loan Issued. Interest. Average price obtained. Date. onial issues was J a n . , '89 £103 2s. Od. 31% dull, but not Do A p r . , '90 £ 1 0 1 1 0 s . 5d. 3^% Do A p r . , '91 Only £2,000,000 allotted 31% bad on the Queensland.. A u g . , '90 £97 16s. 6d. 31% Do. M a y , '91 Only £296,000 allotted 3^% S. A u s t r a l i a M a y , '87 £102 18s. Od. m i n i m u m whole. Cana4 % Do. F e b . , '89 Only £553,000 allotted Do. F e b . , '91 Only £430,000 allotted ^ a 7o dian and Cape Q l O/ ^ 2 JO descriptions rose again, and soon Australians were likewise better. Victoria and Queensland were down again, however; the former probably in connection with the railway scandals, and the latter presumably because the Bank of England notified the Treasurer of the Colony that it would cease to act as its financial agent: this was by reason of some grave imputations which were made by the Treasurer without the slightest foundation. There were large issues of Treasury Bills, and Sir George Dibbs paid a visit to this country " o n financial business. ,, An Indian Loan of £1,300,000 was offered at 94 minimum, and the application amounted to £4,054,700, whilst it was allotted at the average price of £96 18s. 4d. In 1893 severe criticisms were passed upon the finances of all the Australian Colonies and this as well as the banking crisis brought down quotations to a very considerable extent, though a rapid recovery set in before the year closed. The banking crisis involved 14 leading banks, that is all but three, and a capital of over twenty millions as well as £83,000,000 deposits were AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES IN 1893. 3 | per cents. 1 J a n . , '93. Highest. New South Wales.. 96 105 90* 95£ 90 97 107* 92* 96 93 involved. Lowest. 83* 97 75 84 79 A heavy fall in Colonial Securities was the result, as will be seen from the annexed details. I n 1894 the 1 market further righted itself under the IxxV. influence of persistent investment buying, and an average rise of 4*3 per cent, could be recorded. Notably New South Wales and Queensland Stocks were strong, but Victoria debt continued more or less under a cloud, and at the end of the year the quotation of its 4 per cents. (1908-13) was actually two points lower than on 31 December, 1884. All other Stocks however still closed the decade with a substantial improvement. For the 10 years Canada 3 ^ s are 15 higher, Cape 4 per cent. 27^, Natal 4 per cent. 27, New South Wales o ^ s 5, New Zealand and Queensland Fours 7 each, and South Australia Fours 2 | . The appended list gives details of the annual changes. TABLE SHOWING FLUCTUATIONS OF SOME LEADING COLONIAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES PKOM YEAR TO TEAK. (QUOTATIONS OP 31ST D E C E M B E R . ) Q u o t a t i o n + o r - +or— + o r - + o r 31 D e c . ' 8 4 1885 1886 1887 1888 N e w S o u t h W a l e s 3 | % ... N e w Z e a l a n d 4<% Queensland 4 % South. A u s t r a l i a 4% T a s m a n i a 4 % b d s . , 1908-20 V i c t o r i a 4 % , 1908-13 ... . C a n a d a 3f % C a p e of Good H o p e 4 % . . . Natal 4 % 95| 99 100 102| 10H 104 9H 89 100 87 —2 + H + 1V + i +1 +tt +7* + 4£ + 1 +5 +H + 1* +2 -* + + + + + 1* 6 5£ 2 6 —1 + * + 2£ + 2£ + 3£ + 1 +5 + 4| + 2* + 6| + 5| + 1 + 4i + 1 +4 + 3 + 4i +or1889 + 5 + 2* + 2 -H +2 + 2 —3 + 3| + o r - +or— + o r - +or— + o r 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 —2 —1 —5 -1* —H -3* —2 -2| —2 —4| -71 —4 -31 -31 —2 -31 —1 —2 —1 + 1 -H + 3 + 1 -H + 1 -H + 1 —2 + 2 +4 —1 +3 —4 + 1 —1 -1 +1 —1 +51 +4 ! + 31 +4 J - 1 +31 +7 +2 +7 Foreign Government Securities. Mr. H. 0. Burdett has estimated the par value of the " foreign" se+ 39J + 321 curities held in the United Kingdom + 22 ii + 13| at upwards of seven hundred millions + 27 + 29| sterling, or about one-tenth of the — 39 -244 m -—H65i peculiar kind of " w e a l t h " which — 53 1 takes the shape of national debts. If to this sum we add our own national debt, and the obligations of our colonies—and both are almost wholly owned in this country—we find that we have invested nesirly £2,000,000,000 in national obligations of one kind or another, in bonds which have no other security than national honesty, and, at their best, no other basis than national revenue. These £700,000,000 of foreign securities can, as is well-known, be divided into two groups. With regard to the one, which embraces chiefly 31 D e c , 31 D e c , 1894. 1884. 102f E g y p t Unif. ... 631 1014 F r e n c h 3 % ... 78| xl H u n g a r y Grid.... 79| Spain 4 % 60 73| Russia 4 % 84 101 T u r k e y " A " ... 36 654 Greek, 1881 ... 70 31 Portugal 49 Italy 981 86| B . A y r e s 6 % ... 92 27 S t a . F 6 6 % ... 824 29| STOCKS. + or- Ixxvi. the debts of the South and Central American Bepublics, London leads; with regard to the other, which consists largely of c< international" securities, we are more apt to follow the great Continental Bourses. This alone would be a sufficient reason to deal with the two classes separately, but an additional ground for dividing the present chapter into two parts lies in the vast difference between the two markets, the course they took and the condition in which we find them now. The very causes which weakened Internationals imparted strength to South Americans, and the collapse on the Eiver Plate became one of the causes of that phenomenal rise in continental government securities which has been one of the features of recent times; or, to say the same thing in other words, the heavy South American borrowings and the River Plate " boom " was generated by the political unrest in Europe and the instability of the quotations for her national loans; and the withdrawal of capital from South America following upon the Argentine collapse led both directly and indirectly to a strong demand for Internationals, which, in most if not all cases, brought their quotations to levels neither warranted by intrinsic merits nor by surrounding conditions. The alternating rage for South American and European Government securities and its result upon their quotations has been one of the most interesting phenomena of the Stock markets during recent years. But if there are great contrasts between these two "markets" there are also analogies and similarities, and amongst these none is more striking than that remarkable degree of insecurity which is peculiar to all Government securities, good and bad alike. At its very best a Government or Municipal bond is based on faith; it is not founded on a tangible security, like a railway or " industrial " debenture. And for that very reason, such a bond ought to be wholly free from every kind or degree of insecurity whatsoever. Yet the opposite is the case. The owner of a Government " obligation" always finds himself between the devil of default and the deep sea of conversion. If his creditor becomes insolvent he will get less CONVERSIONS, 1884-1894. interest by virtue of an " arrangement; " if his Russia ...1889-94 creditor's status improves he is likely to receive France 1894 England ...1888 less interest by virtue of a conversion. When default Holland 1886 Sweden 1886 is committed he can get nothing, except perhaps some Egypt 1885 Turkey 1884 Germany ...1893 cold comfort from the Council of Foreign Bondholders, India 1887 Brazil 1889 he can seize nothing but what the Government or the Chili 1885 Argentina...1889 bankrupt Government chooses to give him, and he can foreclose nothing. When, on the other hand, the lxxvii. security of his bond improves, he is not likely to profit by a considerable rise above p a r ; and thus a Government security is much inferior to a good railway or industrial bond. Which of these two drawbacks alluded to is the greater and which the smaller may perhaps be regarded as a debateable point. But it is DEFAULTS, 1884-94. certain that both would exert a baneful influence upon Portugal. Greece. this whole class of stocks, were not every one of them— Argentina. Uruguay. each in its own country—upheld by special privileges, Guatemala. Costa Rica. and often by special protection. And these disadvanEcuador. Peru. tages will last as long as defaults can be led up to by constant borrowings—which take place with the most profound disregard for senior creditors—or as long as the right of conversion is not more carefully delimited than it is at present. The position of the market for Continental Government securities at the end of 1884 was on the whole fairly strong. There had been some trouble at Prague and Vienna, but the position of Berlin and Paris left nothing to be desired. In the German centre large purchases of Russians were the feature, and resulted in a rise of 10 points for these stocks. In Paris Rentes were rising in spite of some complications emanating from the ambitious policy of the Perry Cabinet, and, notwithstanding a heavy fall in Portuguese stocks, Italians were better on a good budget, and Turks on a successful conversion. The spring of 1885, however, saw a kind of collapse in Paris, attended by many failures, amongst which, that of M. Alfassa was the most important, and during the same month troubles were also reported from Holland. The Paris failures were due to the panic consequent upon the trouble between Russia and England, alluded to elsewhere, and the tendency to lower prices, which characterised the whole of this year, was most intimately connected with the political perturbations. Spanish Pours fell on the death of King Alphonso; Turks were flat on the Balkan complication; Greece was recognised to be on the road to bankruptcy, and its stocks fell 15 per cent, or thereabouts, and Portuguese were flat for the same reason. The financial position of Italy once more proved to be much worse than the Budget had led people to believe. Only Egyptians were steady, and Russians firm on the meeting of the Emperors and on German buying. Virginia Funded Debt rose 13. In 1886, recovery was general in spite of continued political trouble, and the year closed with prices notably higher in the lower grades of stocky such as Greeks, Portuguese, and Spanish, In 1887, lxxviii. however, the pendulum swung back again on account of renewed political disturbances ; Prince Bismarck's alarming speech on the Army Bill, and a Franco-German frontier incident culminated in a semi-panic in March, and later on the concentration of Eussian troops on the Austrian frontier caused general uneasiness, whilst during the autumn the refusal of the Eeichstag to lend money on Eussian securities increased the tension. Early in 1888 a general improvement set in, but this was soon arrested by tight money in Berlin, and by the Panama troubles in Paris, whilst the tariff war between France and Italy engendered further depression. Still, after another recovery, the year closed with higher prices for most stocks, French and Italian rentes being the only exception. The relations between these two countries had become extremely strained as soon as Italy joined the alliance between Germany and Austria, and France began to bid for the favour of Eussia. The outcome was—France began to sell its Italian stocks to Germany, whilst it bought the Eussian securities sold by Berlin, an exchange which was decidedly to the advantage of the French investor. In 1889 the market was on the whole quiet, and the year closed with small improvements in most cases. Turkish and Egyptians rose on English purchases, and French Eentes improved considerably on the collapse of the copper syndicate which caused a kind of " stampede for safety " in Paris; Eussians were well supported in connection with the conversion, but Italians remained rather flat. In 1890 there was another general advance, due to the efforts of Continental houses; it resulted in rises of 3$ in Unified, 7 in French Eentes, 5 in Hungarian Gold Eentes. h\ in Turkish " A," and a general improvement in Eussian descriptions; Portuguese fell considerably, though the crisis was staved off by a Paris loan. The condition of Spain was likewise critical, but help was promised by French financiers, and at the close of the year the stock was 5 points above the worst quotation. Greeks were likewise weak, though they were quoted as yet at high prices; the cause lay in the defeat of M. Tricoupis, who was succeeded by M. Delyannis. Bulgaria placed a loan at Vienna, and Eussia successfully attempted the conversion of several loans, whilst Turkey and Egypt completed similar operations. In 1891 the foreign market was, on the whole, in a troubled condition. Paris was weak, the Eussian crops failed, Signor Crispi fell, Portugal defaulted, Italy had a large deficit and urgently needed retrenchment, Spain borrowed once more from the Bank, Greece was lxxix. in financial straits, and in short, the condition on the whole continent was bad, if we accept Austria, Holland, and, in a measure, also Germany. Heavy fluctuations and a general fall in values were the result, the most notable declines being 25J in Portuguese, 15 in Greeks, and 10| in Spanish Fours. Yet two large loans were placed, one French and one German; the former was subscribed 45 times over, the latter 12 times. 1892 witnessed a modest recovery for most Internationals, Greeks, which fell another 15 points, and Portuguese, which gave way 10J for the year, excepted. French Rentes reached par for the first time since the war, but the Panama scandal reacted on the market and they receded four points. Russians rose in spite of the bad harvests of the preceding year, chiefly because they were supported by the Minister of Finance. Spanish Fours benefited little by an advance of 50,000,000 pesetas, which the Government obtained from the Bank of Spain. Portuguese declined, as already noted; the Government first offered to pay 50 per cent, of the interest, but ultimately the distribution came to only 33 J per cent, of the original rate, or 1 per cent. net. In Greeks a short spurt in May occasioned by the re-election of M. Tricoupis was soon S p u r t i n Greeks, M a y , 1892. followed by a heavy relapse, subsequent to End End the appointment of French and English Rise April M a y 5% 1881 66 81 15 delegates, who were to inquire into the 5 % 1884 64 80 16 49 6) 11 country's finances. The prices of Decem58 75 17 5 % Piraeus 9 56 65 4% Monopoly ber 31 were even below those of April given in the appended table. In 1893 prices were again mostly lower. Greece defaulted, and its stocks fell some thirty points; Italians gave way on the Bank scandals, the currency troubles, and the foreign coupon question; but other changes for the year were small. French Rentes, however, were at one time down to 9 3 | on forced sales on the part of the Savings Banks, which had to resist a kind of run. The price of Rentes has been brought to its high level largely by investments on the part of the Caisses d'Epargne, and is consequently greatly influenced by the business and the condition of these semi-Government institutions. Finally, in 1894, a most marked recovery took place; the year was not only wholly free from troubles, but in addition prices were pushed upwards by the cheapness of money and by the general lack of confidence ; in many cases, indeed, they reached a level not by any means warranted by circumstances, such, for example, was the case with lxxx. Spanish Fours; and in most other instances they found themselves at the close of the year at points where they will find it very difficult to remain when the real value of capital rises again. That a general appreciation has taken place, since the beginning of the decade, in all cases where special conditions have not brought about a decline, is shown by the small table at the head of this chapter, and more fully still by the appended table:— TABLE SHOWING FLUCTUATIONS OF SOME LEADING FOREIGN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FROM YEAR TO YEAR. (QUOTATIONS OF DECEMBER 31ST.) Q u o t a t i o n 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 31 Dec '84 + or— + o r — + or— + o r — + or— + o r — + or— + o r — + or— + or— " INTERNATIONALS." China 7% Egypt Unified 63| French3% .... 78f Greek, 1881 70 Hungary 4% Gold Rentes 79i Italy 5% 98i Portugal 3% 49 Prussian 4% 1 102! Russia 4 % Nicolas Ry. ... 84 Spanish 4% 60 Turkish Series " A " 36 U.S. 4% 125| 116 + * +n i + 10f +H —15 + 10 + 2i + 2 | 2. + 3 —3 + 9! + H + 1 + 1 —5f + 1 2 | —10 —3 + 1* + 5 — —1 -11 4 +7 —7 -5* + 2 + 1 —5 +* —1 -2! +4 +9! +H + 14 + 9| —1 +10| + 5f +7! +I + ! -1* -7* +I + 1 —2 +6 +7 + 5* + 1 + 3 + 12! + 1 — -2! + 3| +7 —1 -! +5 —15 + 5| +3! —25! i 4 —6f — —4 — + 3 io —! —+H| +5 -64 SOUTH AMERICAN, &C. Argentine, 1886 Brazil, 1879 Buenos Ayres 6% Chili, 1886 Guatemala 6% Mexico 6% Santa Fe 6% Venezuela 3% .' Uruguay „ 86 92 —2 35 —5 82! 31 53 +H -3! —1 —8 90| +2 +8 + 3 + 3^ + H 99 +1 + 2^ + 2 0 + 12 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 18 + + + + 5 1 3 2 — 92^ + 4 + 12 +4 'a —14 —18! + 13 —1 — 2 1 ! —1 + 16 —20 +2| -H —36 —2 —4 + 3 -21! — — a. -2! —2 +3! +2 + 1 + 2 +3! —14 —34 +i + 4 + 6! —l! + 2J — 1 2 | +fif - 1 0 * —3 + 4f + 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 -1* + I +10! + 10f + 2! + 8 +4! —2 + 1 +n\ — — -! +6 -17 +! —22 + 1 2 ! —14! + 1 5 ! —36! + 7 - 1 1 ! +* —9 —1 —8 + 13 —2 + 8 —4 —19 —8 + 5 - 7 * —llf —35 + 1 —7 + 10! 2 —5 + 2 ! + 16! —16! + 1 ! -11 + 1 5 ! Whilst European Government Securities are for the most part higher at the end of the decade than at the beginning, the reverse is the case in nearly all South and Central American descriptions, as will be seen from the foregoing table. Of course this is entirely explained by the collapse of 1890-91, and by the inflation of the preceding years. At the end of 1884 there was a very firm tone for the obligations of Chili, no doubt the soundest of all South American States. Brazilian securities had just suffered a relapse, due to large borrowings, but recovered; the obligations of the smaller States were depressed, Mexicans fluctuated sharply in connection with the proposals pertaining to a settlement of the foreign debt, and River Plate descriptions, which were still few in number, were quiet. In 1885 there was a general revival in low class securities; Argentines, at first lower, held their ground, but Uruguays closed the year in a loss of 10 points. 1886 witnessed a general advance. Costa Rica Bonds rose 20 per cent., Columbia 12, Venezuela 10, Paraguay 6 ; Mexican sixes, at one Ixxxi. time improved 8£ on New York purchases, and Argentines and Uruguays were likewise higher. In 1887 the market was most active again, and ce booming " even for some stocks. Argentines were firm in spite of signs of inflation, and a large loan was floated in Berlin in August; but Cedulas fell heavily owing to a considerable rise in the gold premium. Uruguays rose 20, and Guatemalas even more on the resumption of interest payments and conversion proposals. Paraguay likewise arrived at an arrangement with her creditors; Costa Eica descriptions rose from 10 to 18 points, and Mexicans rose steadily because the Government kept up its payments. There was, however, a decline of 4 per cent, in Columbias, and one of $7 in Virginia Debt on tlie Supreme Court decision, which upheld the sovereign rights of the State in the matter of her debt. In 1888 another heavy rise in Costa Bicas was the feature, but the market was likewise firm for other descriptions except Argentine currency loans, which fell as the gold premium rose, and Perus, which after being firm became flat because the prospects of a settlement were minimised. Uruguays and Argentine sterling loans rose about five points, Mexicans and Paraguay were each 7 per cent, better for the year, and Venezuelas rose 12 on the proposal to convert the debt and to increase the interest to 4 per cent. A rig in Ecuadors brought about a rise of 12 per cent, in these bonds. In 1889 the market was quiet, and though prices were not quite maintained, there was no heavy fall. But during the following year the whole South American market was destined to attract general attention, notably in regard to Argentine and Uruguay descriptions. The two Eiver Plate countries had succeeded in attracting a large amount of European capital; the governments and the provinces had become overburdened with debts of all kinds, large sums had been put into railways and land, and a general inflation followed which led up to a memorable collapse. The first warnings of the approaching disaster came early in 1890, but were then overlooked. In July, however, the Argentine Loan of £5,000,000 failed, and the investors henceforth refused to follow the Barings any further. Bad news soon showed that this caution was fully justified. The Argentine National Bank suspended specie payments ; immense illegal issues of Cedulas were discovered, the amount involved being at least 60,000,000 dollars; then came a run on the banks, and, which was still worse, a revolt attended by a week's hard fighting in the capital, which ended with a victory of the Ministerial party. All this caused a heavy fall, which assumed still larger lxxxii. dimensions when the difficulties of Baring Bros, were announced. On November 19th prices reached their lowest levels; the extent of the decline is shown by the subjoined table : F A L L I N ARGENTINE SECURITIES DURING A r g e n t i n e , 1884 Do. 1886 " " Do. 4 1 % I n t . 1888.| Do. 4 * % S t e r . 1889; Do. 3*5 Cedulas A Do. B Do. E Do. I B . Ayres 1882-6 Do. 1883... A m o u n t of Loan. £1,583,000 £8,065,800 £3,912,800 £5,263,560 £2,577,300 $20,000,000 $14,852,000 §20,000,000 §21,472,600 £3,723,500 £2,127,000 £10,795,300 revoltend-ju?'TndNov^o^i 1890. 31 D e c , 30 J u n e , 31 J u l y , 14 N o v . , 19 Nov., 31 D e c , Fall 1889. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. for y e a r . 93 92 77 78 68 25 67| 93 93 79 79 71 79 14 82 79 68 671 591 57 25 82 78 68 671 591 60 22 64 65 56 521 471 47 161 48 45 37 30 261 311 16-1 49 45 36 28 241 29 20 41| 40| 31 26 241 301 42| 33| 25 21 191 211 201 99 99 861 871 801 671 99 99 87 88 801 671 311 73 75 63| 50 40 2H 5H m ^ committee composed of representatives of leading English and foreign firms " met to consider the position, and discussed * ! a statement submitted to them by Dr. \& Y «- f> $» Playn, who came to Europe chiefly, it a A seems, to borrow £4,000,000. The com41f J mittee proposed to relieve the Govern& 54/ ment of its duty to remit interest to Europe for three years on condition that it should cancel notes and thereby reduce the gold premium ; but owing to dissent amongst the various delegates this proposal was not ratified until towards the end of the year. Whilst the decline in Argentine securities was heaviest, those of Uruguay did not fare much better, and the situation in Monte Yideo was not much superior to the state of affairs in Buenos Ayres. Other South American securities were also depressed by the general collapse. There was a war between San Salvador and Guatemala, Mexico suffered from the state of the silver market, but Peru at last arranged with her creditors by signing the " Grace contract," In 1891 the Eothschild scheme was prepared, but when accepted it gave very little relief to the market, and the national " patriotic " loan which it prescribed was a dismal failure; the establishment of a new bank was proposed, but this could only aggravate the evil of paper money, and there being nothing to encourage investors or to sustain prices, another heavy fall ensued, the 1886 loan declining 15^, the 1883 issue 1 9 | , Buenos Ayres Sixes 87^, &c. Uruguays declined 16 on the settlement, which it will be remembered was against the wish of a strong minority. Meantime there had been a revolution in Chili, leading amongst others to the "Itatct " dispute with the United States, 1886 1887 1888 1889 31 E x t e n . Cedulas " A " " B " «E" B . A y r e s , '82 „ '83 '86 U r u g u a y , '83 » 6%Stg. 60 \ 34 | 30 © 3J 261 20£ o 20| A 17f 1 31 1 o3 31 31 o 33* J 341/ 33 \ 58 ' 38 n371 7! 381 24 24* 21? 69 'o* 68 69 fr liixiii. In Brazil Fonseca declared martial law, though he ultimately Quot., Quot., Quot., R e c . b e t w e e n N o v . 1, N o v . 1, Nov. 20, 2 0 a n d 3 0 N o v . , resigned, being followed by '89. '91. '91. '91. Brazil, '83 101 55J 9* 69 Senhor Peixoto; Virginia and Gold, 7 9 99| 79| 60 m i 4 % , '88 99^ 68 54 10 Ecuador settled their debts. In 4 % , '89 j u s t i s s . 63 51 9 1 1892 there was a slight improvement in the quotations of the leading descriptions, notably Argentine Funding Loan, which at one time rose 1 2 | per cent.; the premium fell from 272 to 189, but this soon appeared to be due to manipulations, and not to an intrinsic improvement. In 1893 the three years' grace expired, and the BothschildBomero agreement was signed, but prices still further receded, and the whole South American market was depressed throughout the year; but 1894 brought about a considerable improvement in most stocks, largely due no doubt, to the sales of the Baring securities and the support which for the purpose was given to the market by powerful interests. TTruguays rose 15 points, but the tardiness displayed with regard to the settlement of the railway guarantee question had a more or less depressing influence upon. Argentines. Brazil and Chili Loans showed material gains, due to the recovery from the effects of the civil wars. Peruvian Corporation stocks suffered through the apparent dishonesty of the politicians in Lima, and of the instability of the Government. Guatemala, Ecuador, and Costa Rica defaulted as a result of the fall in silver and of general depression. But though the serious decline in the price of silver weighs heavily upon Mexico, the evidently honest intentions of the country not only shielded her foreign loans against a fall for the past year, but even caused it to rise a few points. * 2 Ixxriv. Home Railways. GROSS R A I L W A Y E A R N I N G S , W E may congratulate and even pride ourselves upon the fact that no department of our Stock Exchange has made so little history during the past decade as "Home Rails." It speaks volumes for the stability of British institutions that an interest representing a money value of at least a thousand millions sterling has for a considerable number of years been wholly free from shocks and crises of any kind whatsoever. Not that our railway world has been entirely without disturbances or without developments. But in no case have events, when they were unfavourable; led to anything approaching a panic, or even a collapse, nor have more auspicious occurrences led to those wild booms which are so frequent in other departments. No doubt, with very few exceptions, our railway stocks are not in favour with speculators. But even for an investment market favourable conditions have been taken with moderation and adversities have been borne with fortitude and confidence; witness the comparatively slight and transitory effect of the great coal strike, which, better than anything else could have done, illustrated the remarkable firmness wherewith the investor clings to these stocks. In spite of the bad traffics of the autumn of 1893 hardly any stock came into the market; and the eager purchases made in 1894, when almost every other department was under a cloud, was no less significant. £ PER M I L S PER A N N U M . Still, even upon this market, we can to a certain extent perceive the trail of the times, and there have been several interesting influences and developments which call for notice here. The main influence which asserted itself was, of course, the varying state of trade, which naturally affected railway revenue. The diagram printed at the lxxxv. head of this chapter, and the figures contained in the adjoining table, show that Gross Miles Gross Year Re ipts operated Receipts p e rc eMile these changes have not been entirely devoid 18S1 18,175 £67,155,000 £3,572 , of significance; the difference in gross 18S2 18,457 69,377,000 3,633 ! 1883 18,681 71,062,000 3,673 revenue per mile between the worst year, 188 A 18,864 70,523,000 3,606 1885 19,169 69,556,000 3,505 1886, and the best, 1891, amounts to 12 per 1886 19,332 69,592,000 3,446 1887 19,578 70,943,000 3,469 cent. With railway receipts the value 1888 19,812 72,895,000 3,520 1889 19,943 77,025,000 3,696 1S90 20,073 79,948,000 3,813 of railway securities has of course moved | 1891 20,191 81,860,000 3,881 i 1892 20,325 82,092,000 3,864 in sympathy. But with regard to the 1893 20,646 80,631,000 3,722 f N o t y e t k n o w n , bu t t h e i n manner in which this has taken place a 1894 j crease p e r mile m a y b e j e s t i m a t e d a t abou Lt t h r e e peculiarity is to be noted which, though v p e r cent. common to most stocks, is nowhere so pronounced as here. If the fluctuations of railway stocks and railway revenue were combined in one diagram we should most clearly see that the movements of the former anticipate those of the latter by a goodly number of months; in other words, prices are regulated less by the conditions of the moment than by the prospects. In the same way changes in the state of trade, as indicated by the Board of Trade Eeturns, always precede changes in railway revenue ; it takes some time before our home trade feels the movements of our foreign commerce. And another noteworthy characteristic is that the fluctuations in railway revenue are per cent, much smaller than those in foreign trade, bank clearings, etc. Of the more permanent changes that can be perceived in this market, one, the gradual but well-marked appreciation of railway stocks, is perhaps most pronounced. It is most pronounced in the case of good preference stocks and debentures, but it is also clearly perceptible in the case of those ordinary stocks which have not suffered from special causes. This movement is undoubtedly to a small extent due to the ever-increasing stability of these enterprises; but the chief reason lies in the gradual appreciation of capital. By this term I do not mean the temporary abundance of money of the present times, but the slow cheapening of capital aus und fur sich, as a result of its increasing abundance. The recent rise in stocks due to the general lack of confidence seems but a transitory movement, and will presumably be followed before long by a reaction. Of the other developments two more call for brief notice. One of these is the gradual growth of railway capital. As matters stand our railways employ too much capital already, which is partly their own fault, partly that of the nation and of Parliament. But the demands R A I L W A Y R E V E N U E (Gitoss) , 1881-94. lxxxvi. of trade and travel grow more exacting as time goes on, and hence continuous additions are made to the capital per mile. CAPITAL O F R A I L W A Y C O M P A N I E S I N T H E U N I T E D K I N G D O M ON 31ST D E C E M B E K I N E A C H OP T H E Y E A E S P E O M 1884 Amount. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1893. Guaranteed and Preferential. Ordinary Proportion to Total Capital. £ 298,983,446 302,254,759 305,202,082 314,795,317 322,338,446 326,229,558 332,070,153 340,361,063 347,700,876 354,276,789 P e r cent 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 Year. TO Loans and Debenture Stock. Amount. Proportion to Total Capital. Amount. Proportion to Total Capital. £ 301,412,847 308,129,163 314,451,644 318,824,385 323,504,819 327,446,627 332,889,003 339,182,845 345,519,156 350,689,514 Percent 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 36 £ 201,068,074 2 5,474,133 208,690,528 212,351,952 218,852,698 222,918,981 232,512,870 239,881,213 251,137,288 266,357,050 Percent 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 Total. Amount. £ 801,464,367 815,858,055 828,344,254 845,971,654 864,695,963 876,595,166 897,472,026 919,425,121 944,357,320 971,323,353 During the ten years endIncrease in each Year. ing with 1893 Total A m o u n t Year. the length of of Capital. A m o u n t of R e a l D u e to Nominal I n Total a s Returned. Additions. Increase. our railways increased Mln. £ Mln. £ Mln. £ Mln. £ 1884 801-5 16-5 \ about ten per 1885 815*9 14*4 1886 828-4 12-5 L Complete i n f o r m a t i o n n o t o b t a i n e d cent., the 1887 846-0 17*6 for t h e s e y e a r s . 1888 864'7 18-7 1889 876*6 11-9 capital 21 per / 1890 897*5 20*9 14-9 6-0 1891 919*4 21-9 7-1 14-8 cent., namely, 1892 24-9 4-0 20-9 944'3 27*0 10-0 17'0 1893 971*3 from £801-5 to £971-3mil+16-9 . +6*8 *18'6 A v e r a g e a n n u a l increase lions, or over f F o r t h e four y e a r s 1890—93. * F o r t h e t e n y e a r s 1884 t o 1893. £170,000,000; part of this was merely a nominal addition to the conversion of Debentures by the North Western and Midland, to stock-splitting, etc.; still, the real increase remains considerable. Now, if this increased capital yielded corresponding returns the matter would little affect the shareholders. But that is precisely what it fails to do. There is a well-defined increase in operating expenditure, chiefly due to dearer labour, which causes the railways to receive less pay for the work they do. It is shewn in the Board of Trade Beturns, reproduced below, that the companies gradually make less and less profit per train I N C E E A S E OF R A I L W A Y C A P I T A L . Ixxxvii, RAILWAY W O R K I N G Traffic Receipts, Year. EXPENDITURE. Net Earnings. Working Expenditure, Amount per T r a i n Mile. 1 ; ! 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 Increase ( + ) or Decrease (—). Amount per Train-Mile. Increase ( + ) or Decrease {—). Amount per Train-Mile. Increase (+) or Decrease (—), d. 59*56 58-19 57-69 57*63 57-48 58.37 58*61 58*12 57*49 57-13 d. (—) 1-32 (—) 1-37 (—) 0-50 (—) 0-06 ( - ) 0-15 ( + ) 0-89 ( + ) 0-24 (—) 0'49 (—) 0-63 (—) 0-36 d. 31-59 30-93 30-41 30-26 29-97 30-54 31-82 32-22 32-24 32*60 d. (—) 0*58 (—) 0*66 (—) 0-52 (—) 0-15 (—) 0*29 ( + ) 0-57 ( + ) 1*28 ( + ) 0-40 ( + )0'02 ( + ) 0-36 d, 27-97 27-26 27*28 27-37 27-51 27*83 26*79 25*90 25*25 24-53 d. ( - ) 0-74 ( - ) 0-71 ( + ) 0'02 ( + ) 0-09 ( + ) 0-14 ( + ) 0-32 (—) 1-04 (—) 0*89 (—) 0-65 (—) 0-72 1 mile, and this largely because the working expenditure goes on increasing; it was 32'60d. in 1893 against 30'54d. in 1889. At the same time there is an increased demand for lower rates. This does not seem to have been wholly ineffective, but the traders are not by any means satisfied yet, and there can be little doubt that many branches of business which now languish would do better if rates were lower. This question, however, is too involved to be discussed here. The main point is that the lower rates and the higher expenditure are not wholly compensated for by greater traffic, and in consequence there has been a marked falling of in the yield of railway capital. The total has gone down from 4*27 per cent, in 1884 to 3*74 per cent, in 1893; the returns on the ordinary stocks fell in the same period from 4*34 to 3*51 per cent. Truly a marvel, that in face of this severe reduction of § per cent, railway stocks have, on the whole, risen considerably since 1884. AMOUNT A N D AVERAGE RATE OF D I V I D E N D ON EACH DESCRIPTION Y E A R S FBOM 1884 TO 1893. O r d i n a r y Capital. Year. Amount. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 ... 1889 1890 1891 ... 1892 • 1893 112,982,094 ^ 12,222,828 12,039,316 12,832,775 ... 13,615,997 15,209,927 14,988,864 14,433,657 ... 13,842,281 1 12,420,830 Rate. 4-34 4*04 3*94 4*08 4-22 4-66 4-51 4*24 3-98 3'51 | Guaranteed, a n d P r e f e r e n t i a l Capital. Amount. £ 12,785,282 12,846,963 13,025,944 13,199,786 13,320,992 13,484,048 13,734,266 13,831,973 13,964,330 13,941,094 O F CAPITAL I N E A C H O F T H E Loans and D e b e n t u r e Stock. Total Dividends. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. 4*24 4*17 4-14 4-14 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-08 4*04 3*98 £ 8,473,692 8,598,446 8,727,906 8,871,896 9,091,770 9,158,733 9,287,705 9,466,110 9,754,567 9,982,905 4*21 4-18 4-18 4*18 4*15 4*11 3*99 3*95 3*88 3-75 £ 34,241,068 33,668,237 33,793,166 34,904,557 36,028,759 37,852,708 38,010,835 37,731,740 37,561,178 36,344,829 4-27 4-13 4*08 4-13 4-17 4-32 4-24 4-10 3*98 3-74 NOTE.—The amounts in the above table are slightly in excess of the true totals, as some companies have invested a small portion of their capital m the stocks and shares of other companies. At the end of 1884 prices of railway stocks were lower for the year in nearly all cases, Metropolitan being one of the few exceptions by reason of the completion of the inner circle* Owing to lower Ixxxviii. dividends, which had not been anticipated by reason of the reduction of the passenger duty there had been a considerable decline in the earlier parts of the year, but a subsequent recovery put prices considerably above the lowest level, though some stocks, like North Westerns and Great Westerns, still left off with a loss of 8 or 10 points. I n 1885 a further decline on balance took place, although the American boom and better trade prospects at one time caused a rise. Districts fell 20 points, the burden thrown upon the company by the new city lines having for its result that only 2 per cent, could be paid on the 5 per cent, prefs. Metropolitans receded 10 points; Great Easterns, Shelfields, and Lancashires fell heavily, owing to the Yorkshire strike, which lasted eight weeks. There was a tariff war between the Brighton and South Eastern lines and the Chatham, which carried on negotiations for an amalgamation with either of these companies, or both of them. Hhymney Stock was one of the few bright spots in the market, and at the end of December stood 40 points higher than twelve months before. The year closed with bad dividend prospects, the distribution being expected to average about | per cent, less, since there was for the half year a decline of £555,000 in gross revenue. The first half of 1886 likewise saw bad traffics, but there was a subsequent recovery in anticipation of the improvement of trade, which gradually became perceptible. Speculative stocks rose considerably, Brighton A's being 23£ higher for the year, the Ordinary 14, and South Eastern A's 1 2 | . The " heavies" were as a rule a little lower; Metropolitans rose 11£, but Taff Vale Ordinary fell 45, Hull and Barnsley 35—to 211, and London, Tilbury and Southend 17. During 1887 the market improved steadily in spite of repeated spells of depression; but the rise on balance was seldom great. In February it was disturbed owing to the war scare; the prices rose till June, when bad traffics brought about a renewed fall; but better trade restored quotations, and though political apprehension caused another decline in the autumn, prices as a rule left off higher for the year. Hull and Barnsley recovered 18, Tilbury stock fell another 8, Mersey £20 Stock 3 | , and Rhymney gave way 20 on the removal of the Dowlais Ironworks to Cardiff. In 1888 the tendency was generally upwards on account of the conversion, but disappointing receipts caused a relapse towards the close of the year. Scotch lines were especially buoyant during this year on account of the Glasgow Exhibition, Caledonians rising 15, and North British 23, partly in consequence of the splitting of the stock. Southern lines rose on the lxxxix. forthcoming Paris Exhibition. Heavies were generally from 3 to 6 points better for the year, Great Western rising however as much as 11. Districts were flat, because the line was unable to earn the preference interest; Southerners rose 11, Staffordshire 12, Rhymney 35, Taffi Vale 20. Hull and Barnsley were rigged on reports of an impending lease to the Great Northern ; but the high price could not be maintained. The receipts for the year rose about If per cent, for the English lines, and 4f per cent, for the Scottish, and fell mostly to the share of the goods' department. It should also be noted that the Railway Rates Bill was read a third time in July of this year. 1889 was one of the best years for English Railways, and witnessed a most substantial rise; railway revenue was £4,200,000 larger, than in 1888, and there was every prospect of a further improvement in traffics. Hence, in spite of the dock strike, and of the fears engendered by the discontent of the working classes, prices rose steadily. Brighton led with an advance of 29£, partly due to the Paris Exhibition traffic ; Sheffield improved 22\ on the improved connection established with Wales and the North; Great Westerns rose 18f on the completion of the Severn Tunnel, and various others rose ten points or more; only Scotch lines were weak, in spite of the proposed splitting of Caledonian stock. 1890 brought about a reaction in spite of good traffics, not only because or! the Baring crisis, but also because the speeches of the chairmen at meetings forecasted higher expenses due to dearer fuel and the demands of the working classes; in 1889 old contracts had shielded most companies against loss through dearth of fuel. So marked was the effect of the higher cost of working the lines that the distributions for the first half of the year were lower, although the fourteen leading lines had an increase of £1,310,000 in their receipts. The Scotch lines suffered from a big strike and from the blowing out of nearly all f urnaces; the Southern lines missed the Exhibition traffic, but still did fairly well; and there was a general outcry against the decisions of the Railway Rates Committee, probably largely exaggerated. The Metropolitan lines became interested in the new Sheffield railway. All quotations were down for the year, except Great Easterns and South Westerns, whose business was expanding fast, though the latter company suffered considerable loss owing to the Southampton Dock strike; Staffordshires were also higher. The remainder, however, fell, as a rule, fiom 3 to 8 points for the year. In 1891, though trade kept on expanding, a decline was once more fairly general, though there were two or three notable rises, for example, xc. in Midlands and Metropolitans, which rose 1 4 | and 15^ respectively .* The dividends were poor, and Sir Eichard Moon's farewell speech made a deep impression because of the gloomy view it took of railway prospects. There was the trade depression which set in immediately after the Baring crisis, there was the heavier cost of materials, the higher wages and the shorter hours of the companies' servants, not to mention the Board of Trade revision of rates, which caused maiiy companies to withdraw the capital clauses of their new bills by way of protest. Hence most stocks fell, except thosp already mentioned; but the decline never exceeded ten per cent, in the case of the " heavies/' except for Great Northern A's, which gave way 16. Notable incidents of the year were the passing pf the Bill for the new Derbyshire Trunk line, the rejection of the Bill for the Sheffield extension, a reported Midland agreement with the Chatham, and a bridge accident on the Brighton Jine. ^ n 1892 an agreement was also entered into between the two principal Scotch lines, and another event, which perceptibly influenced the course of prices, was the one week's " play " of the coal miners and the beginning of the Durham Strike. The tendency of prices was downward throughout the year, the only exceptions of note being Great Western, which rose 4 on the abolition of the narrow gauge and good investment buying, and South Westerns, which improved 14 on the acquisition of the Southampton Docks and the extension to the City; the price of this stock passed that of North Westerns. North Easterns suffered in price owing to the strike, and South Easterns and Chathams were at one time affected by the amalgamation scheme of Mr. Nathaniel Spens, which failed, though the South Eastern directors admitted that the position of the company was " temporarily" bad, and some arrangement desirable. 1893, it will be remembered, was the year of the great coal strike, which caused an immense loss of revenue; the receipts of the Midland alone fell £787,000 as a result of this dispute, and the Great Western, North Western, and other lines suffered almost as severely in proportion. Dividends were lower, and all prices receded, except for North Easterns, which had no strike and good traffics compared with 1892, South Westerns, which continued their upward course, and Brightons, though this stock fell at one time on the double-tracking of the section, Redhill-Croydon. Barry stock rose 14; Chathams and South Easterns were once more agitated by the fusion scheme; North British was depressed owing to higher pre-preference charges; and Sheffields fell because no dividend was earned, which had the result that the stocks ceased to be fit for trustees. Finally, 1894 was a year of XC1. general recovery, largely due to reaction, investment buying, and the belief in the approach of better times. The first half year was overcast by the gloom of lower dividends resulting from the coal strike, but the receipts of the second half year showed a fair improvement, and favoured a rise. Incidents of the year were the retirement of Sir Edward Watkin, an agreement between the Chatham and South Eastern, from which considerable benefits are expected, and the cutting of the first sod of the new Sheffield line ; considerable additions to the capital accounts of various companies also deserve to be noted. As already stated, most stocks are higher for the year, the rise ranging as a rule from 8 to 12 per cent. The history of the better class of preference stocks and of debentures can be given in a few lines. Ever since the first conversion scheme of Mr. Childers there has been a considerable demand for these securities, and the result was a constant rise, which was especially marked in the years 1888 and 1894. I t will be seen from the subjoined table that a comparison between the prices ruling on December 31, 1894, and those on the same day of 1884 show a gain of 28 in Great Eastern 4 per cent. Debentures, of 27 in Great Western ditto, of 33 in Brightons, of 31 in North Western Fours (new 3 per cent.), of 32 in Midland dittos, &c.; the level of prices for ordinary stocks is also much higher as a rule ; the most important rises for the ten years being 30 for Great Westerns, 49 for Brighton Ordinary, 54 for Brighton A's, 12 for North Westerns, 68 for South Westerns, and 22 for Midlands. Conspicuously lower are, amongst others, SheflSelds and North British. The annual fluctuations of the principal stocks can be ascertained from the appended table : T A B L E S H O W I N G F L U C T U A T I O N S I N SOME L E A D I N G HOME R A I L W A Y Y E A R (QUOTATIONS O F D E C E M B E R ORDINARY STOCKS. Caledonian Great Eastern * Great Northern Great Western Lancashire & Yorkshire L o n d o n & B r i g h t o n Ord. B r i g h t o n &Defrd. ( " A " ) London, C h a t h . & Dover London & North Western London & S o u t h w e s t e r n M a n . , Sheff., & L i n e Metropolitan Midland North British North Eastern Q u o t a t i o n 1885 31 Dec. '84 + o r - 97^ 68 1111 133J 116| 120 104| 18| 1641 126i 73^ 112^* 130| 97 155| DEBENTURES. Great Eastern 4 % Great Western 4 % Brighton 4 1 % ; Metropolitan 3 | % L. & N . W . 4 % Midland 4 % South Eastern 5 % 115 118 126 100 121 117 142 +4i —4 +2 +3 -10} —3 -8* + 51 1* -n + 1 —1 + 3* + 14 + 5 | -f-231 + 5 + 3| 3. + H —11 4 —1* - 1 1 —l + 5| -41 + 5| —9f* +2 i a +31 + 4 | - 2 £ —5* + 9 + 2f + 4| +3 + 1 +4 +2 +3 +3 +3 —1 +5 +2 +4 + 3 +4 + 1 # UndiTided O r d i n a r y S t o c k , 189U 1891 1892 1893 1894 + o r - + c r - + or- + o r - + or— 1887 +or-3i + 5| S E C U R I T I E S FROM Y E A R TO 31ST). + 1 4 | + 9^ + i + 15 + 2| + 8| + 11 + 18f| + 7* —3 + 17 +8 + 13f| +291 + 1 | —1 + 41 + 7* + 1HI + 15 —2 + 23 + 91 + 6* + 7£ + 101 +8 + 11} -6| +7 +6 + 10 +10 +4 +6 +9 +2 +2 + 1 —1 +3 +3+ +3 -8| + 5| -71 ~8| +1 -21 +3 —12 —8 + * —12 +3f +* —11 -3* -6| —3 -6| +1 -31 + 1 —6 + 14^ + 15^ -5f -6| +3 +3 —1 —1 —3 —1 —2 +3 +3 —6| —7 —13^ +5 -41 -91—11 + 13 + 2£ -** —2 +6 + 1* —3t -9* +9 —18 —2 -101 -5* + 9| +3 + 9£ +4| +2 -8k -n -21 + 14 =3 +H - 1 H | + 111 -3| +3 +4 +5 + 3 +4 + 1 +7 f Converted i n t o T h r e e p e r c e n t , d e b e n t u r e s . + I + 1 +4 +4 + 1+ +2 +m + 10 +8 + 9£ +5 +6£ + 10f + 10 +8 +8 +3 +9 +9 + 10 xcu. American Railways. A most striking peculiarity distinguishes the accompanying diaDollars** w < N «o < S ^ 5 ^ ^ * gram from all the others contained >& * 7 in this volume. lb contains two S6O0\ waves, whereas the remainder show, without exception, only one. There could be nothing more characteristic either of the Great Eepublic or of her railways than the fact which this simple line indicates. Whereas the other parts of the world have had their fill with one crisis, the United States has, during the ten years under review, virtually had two. Such is the intensity of life—which means business— on the other side of the Atlantic that a single decade has practically produced two commercial cycles, two "crests of prosperity " separated by three of those " dips of depression " which are the Sloughs of Despond of the modern statistician. The extraordinary rapidity of these changes in AMERICAN BANK CLEARINGS. the condition of American trade affords a simple Increase Million Dollars. for y r . p . ct. explanation of the extraordinary and widely 18*1 49,376 + 27-9 1882 46,917 — 5*0 contrasting movements which this railway market 1883 37,434 — 20-2 1884 30,985 — 17*2 has seen since 1884; but if their effect appears 1885 28,152 — 7'1 1886 33,676 + 19-6 by no means involved their cause is more complex. 1887 33,474 — 0-6 1888 31,]0i. — 7-1 It will take some time before we shall be able ro ^889 35,895 + 15'4 1890 37,458 + 4.4 ISfrl 33,749 — 9*9 see the economic history which this great country 1892 36,662 + 8-6 1893 31,261 — 14-7 has been making since 1880 in its true perspective, 1 1894 24,387 — 22-0 J and it is, in my opinion, as yet impossible to give a faithful and minute analysis of the present depression and its causes. But it seems not hazai-dous to say that the defects of the currency system, and the unwise measures designed to bolster it up, bear the greater part of the responsibility for setbacks which, if they have not so far actually prostrated the country, have at any rate materially retarded its growth and wasted a good proportion of its vast resources. To this course of bad money, which has caused continuous trouble for at least the lifetime of a whole generation, we must add, no doubts the GBOSS EARNINGS OP AMERICAN RAILWAYS, I N DOLLARS PER M I L E PER A N N U M . xciii. erratic attempts at far-reaching legislation which, running from the one extreme to the other, has continuously shifted the basis of business and kept it in an unsettled and disturbed state. There are other causes besides these, The fall in the price of silver, and the attempts to maintain its price the gradual decline in the price of cereals, which deeply affects the mainstay of the country, P R I C E S o r C E R E A L S REALISED agriculture; the heavy mortgages resting on BY AMERICAN PRODUCERS. (cents.) nearly all farms; the extravagant and improviYear. W h e a t . Corn. Cotton. dent character of the nation; the evident 8.6 69.8 28.3 1889 1890 83.8 50.6 8.6 inflation in many directions ; the heavy tribute 83.9 40.6 7.3 1891 1892 62.4 39.4 8.4 which America pays to Europe, compulsorily 1893 52.1 36.5 7.0 1894 49.8 45.6 4.9 for interest on its debts, and voluntarily by by travelling and purchasing luxuries. All this contributes its share towards the creation of a state of affairs as complicated and entangled as it is deplorable and extraordinary. And in America not man alone is continuously rushing from one extreme to the other, nature also seems bent upon giving time no points in this respect, and produces in rapid succession seasons of uncommon drought, or cold, or heat, and crops which are either so abundant that corn is used for fuel by the farmers, or else so deficient that whole States are plunged in poverty. A discussion of the causes of these rapid changes, however, scarcely lies within the range of this work; all we have to do is to indicate them and describe their results. And their main consequence, as we have already stated, is that business in America is subject to violent fluctuations, which render the intervals between depression and prosperity shorter, and the changes in the state of trade more rapid than anywhere else. They can do this the more easily because tho principles of business in America instead of aiming at breaking the violence of the economic concussions are rather calculated to increase their destructive effects. The business of America is like that of most young countries, of the hand-to-mouth description. There are no strong reserves, no vast and liquid resources at the back of it, like in England. Here people are so cautious by habit and inclination that it is not uncommon to find large traders employ but a part of their resources; in the United States the reverse is the case. Everybody does business on a scale which to our minds is altogether too vast in proportion to his means. Large transactions are done by people who in our more conservative community would find themselves effectually handicapped by the smallness of their capital. Credit is given and XC1V. taken without stint on a scale altogether foreign to our own business methods. As long as no hitch occurs this system seems to work tolerably well on the whole. But causes which in a more cautious community would produce no noteworthy result, causes which often owe their origin solely to the overstrained conditions, regularly produce serious consequences in the shape of widespread and acute depression. The less the powers of resistance of a structure the smaller the force necessary to destroy i t ; and business in America being on the whole always more or less topheavy, there can be no surprise at the havoc wrought by comparatively slight shocks. The wholesale collapse that occurred in 1894 without any real catastrophe for its motive proves this conclusively. The lack of stability in business generally is of course faithfully reflected by that of the railways, and the changes in their position during the ten years with which we are here concerned. Kail way earnings have shown movements which would be altogether impossible in this country, though it is true that on the River Plate even they have been excelled. Substituting for Mr. Poor's " aggregate " statistics, which are not by any means reliable, some of my own, based upon the monthly traffic statements of about 100,000 miles of railway, we see that the gross earnings AMERICAN RAILROAD EARNINGS. Gross per Month per Mile, in dollars. ^ * e r -^jlg for 1894 Were only $4,664 against S5,410 in 1893, a decline of nearly 14 per cent, in one year. In preceding years fluctuations of almost equal extent have taken place; j notably the changes in the four years 1884-7 were striking. The small compilation given here shows that 1884, 1886, and 1889 were fairly satisfactory, 1888 was rather less so, 1885 and 1894 were phenomenally bad, 1890 fairly good, 1887, 1891, 1892, and 1893 good. There cannot be any doubt that there is a close connection between these remarkable fluctuations in railway revenue and the condition of agriculture; the table at side which brings together figures relating to both, proves the existence of close sympathy between the two. Of course there are other deterring influences besides, as is shown by the subjoined summary; but the state of agriculture is the deterring factor. • Month. 1884 1885 1886 1887 393 348 293 397 345 313 326 371 413 380 382 465 422 384 359 430 413 359 361 535 418 370 423 440 413 373 480 429 436 391 469 450 483 454 505 493 508 511 545 536 451 456 506 501 429 426 481 456 January... FebruaryMarch . . . April May June July August . . . September October . . . November " December 1888 1889 1890[1891 357 373 408 409 358 351 371 375 398 404 407 394 387 378 396 406 407 407 439 422 407 399 413 416 412 399 442 461 456 461 458 472 461 470 483 516 488 655 548 534 456 470 498 515 432 439 462 500 1892 1893 1894 408 420 346 419 396. 338 468 481 396 422 429 338 430 449 379 448 461 347 454 426 320 515 437 429 539 472 436 559 555 476 521 470 455 496 414 404 xct. Now it is because of these wide fluctuations in the state of business that the American railway market has seen such remarkable developments. True, in addition U.S. CROPS AND RAILWAY GROSS EARNINGS, 1884-94. to these, we cannot, in some Millions of Bushels for Cereals. Millions of Bales for cases, blame the railways Cotton. R a i l w a y Gross themselves for their misYear, W h e a t . C o r n . Oats. Cotton. E a r n i n g s , Dollars P e r Mile P e r Y e a r . fortunes; adventurers like 1884 1,796 513 583 5,124 5.7 1885 357 1,936 629 6.6 4,735 Mr. McLeod, and managers 1886 457 1,665 624 6.5 5,129 1887 456 1,456 659 7.0 5,503 of the kind of those in whose 1888 415 1,987 701 6.9 5,019 ! 1889 490 2,112 751 7.3 5,106 hands the Atchison and lb90 399 1,489 523 8.6 5,325 1891 611 2,060 738 9.0 5,430 Central Pacific had been for 1892 515 1,628 661 6.7 5,467 1893 396 1,619 638 7.5 6,410 I 1R94 460 1,212 662 4,664 years past, would work — havoc anywhere and at any time. But in the main the collapse of railway business is due to the commercial conditions of the country in general, just as it remarkable recovery in 1887 and 1890-91, has been the result of the same causes. And because this is so it is folly to wax AMERICAN wroth because of the heavy declines and rapid rises which RAILWAYS. Gross Earning these stocks witness. American Railway shares could per Mile per Annum, in Dollars. not under the present circumstances do otherwise, and 1884—$5,124 they will not as long as American business remains on 1885— 4,735 1886— 5,129 its present restless basis, be anything but highly specula1887— 5,503 1888— 5,019 tive securities. Let anyone look carefully over the tables 1889— 5,106 1890— 5,325 1891— 5,430 of quotations further down in the present volume, and it 1892— 5,469 1893— 5,410 will require very little talk to convince him of the fact 1894— 4,664 that American railway shares are not fit for investment, and dangerous even for speculation. They may, when they are cheap, perhaps be bought just as one would buy a ticket in a lottery; but they are not " securities " for prudent people. With bonds it is totally different. Even in their case, things are not always what they seem. But with a maximum of care and a minimum of greed one can find plenty of safe and tolerably remunerative investments amongst them. The highly speculative nature of shares will in all probability be still further emphasized by a brief summary of the events which occurred in the American market since 1884. In that year the United States saw a severe crisis; trouble had been brewing since 1881, and only the united efforts of the New York banks, could by the issue of $24,915,000 Clearing House certificates, succeed in averting a serious financial collapse. There were not less than 121 " b a n k " failures XCV1. against 45 in the preceding year, and the aggregate number of failures was 11,600, the amount involved being $130,000,000. In Wall Street the panic reached its acute stage on May 14th, but the end of the depression was reached in June, and the distribution of fair July dividends, together with excellent crop reports, caused a turn for the better. But before this stage was reached many roads had gone into the hands of Eeceivers, amongst them the Erie, Reading, Denver and Wabash, and numerous others passed their dividends, notably the Central and Union Pacific and the Michigan Central. The May panic resulted in a drop of from 10 to 15 points in a single day, but at the close of the year prices were as a rule 20 to 40 points above the worst of the year. Early in 1835 prices shrank further; conditions grew worse again, many more receivers were appointed, the Lake Shore passed its dividend and the New York Central reduced its distribution from 8 to 2 per cent. But July once AMERICAN- B O O M , 1885. more brought a change, the war beLowest, 29 D e c , Rise. tween Vanderbilt and the Pennsyl1885 1885 44 28 16 C e n t r a l Pacific. . vania came to an end, the West Shore S t . P a u l ... . . 67 96| 29£ Denver Ord. . 5 21| 16£ was conquered by the Commodore, the Illinois Cent. . . 119 141 22 24 46 22 Louisville ... . . E r i e 2nds ... . . 47 9H 44£ 1 crop reports were excellent, and a boom ensued which caused American shares to rise £100,000,000 in value before the end of the year, which was reached with "top prices" ruling. This tone lasted fairly well throughout 1886, during which year the American market was the most active department on the London Stock Exchange. As a rule, prices had another rise for the year; Norfolk Preference leading with an improvement of 22, whilst Louisville rose 21^, Wabash Preference 151, and Central Pacific 12^. In 1887 business further expanded, but the market was nevertheless in a most unsatisfactory condition. In February the Interstate Act was passed, and though it has not done much harm to the railway interest, it was rightly considered as a mark of hostility towards the railways. The collapse of wheat and coffee corners, the passing of the Baltimore and Ohio dividend and renewed monetary stringency during the autumn upset Wall Street, and to this was added the prospect of ruinous competition sure to ensue from the railway craze, which resulted in 12,000 miles of railway being built in this year. Moreover, the European stock markets were not at all in a favourable position, and thus there came a heavy decline which undid the improvements of 1886. Central Pacifies lost 28$, Illinois 26, St. Pauls 1 5 | , and xcvii. Denvers 13J. In 1888 the decline continued in all but a few cases. The insane construction of the preceding year caused destructive rate wars in the West, notably in Kansas, between the Atchison and the Missouri Pacific, and hence the net revenue was less, though the heavy movements of cereals had caused a considerable Total number ^ deaiMnShe Ne stoIkrk 1885-189?/ growth of gross earnings. Prices were mostly worse for the year, but the decline nowhere exceeded 10 per cent., except in the case of St. Paul's, which had to pass its 3885 92*5 dividend; also because of excessive construction and rate 1886 100*8 1887 84'9 wars with its competitors whose territory it invaded. 1888 65*1 1889 72*0 1890 71*2 Norfolk and Western Shares, however, rose, a dividend on 1891 69*0 1892 85-9 the Prefs. being paid in spite of the contest for the control 1893 80-9 1894 49'1 1 of the Bast Tennessee. I n 1889, however, the market was good; the harvests were most excellent, the currency trouble was once more pushed into the background, and a general rise took place, Louisville leading with an advance of 29§ for the year. Many reorganisations and reconstructions were effected. During the first months of 1890 the market was quiet; railway earnings rose 10 per cent, gross and 3 per cent, net for the first quarter, but the disappointment caused by Mr. Austin Corbnr's passing of the interest on Reading Incomes was so great that the market was more or less upset. Soon, however, the tone changed; silver legislation as well as good crop prospects caused a boom which lasted until August, and resulted in a material gain in prices. But in August there was a strike on the New York Central, and when this dispute was settled monetary stringency broke out in Wall Street. Once more the Secretary of the Treasury came to the assistance of the market by purchasing bonds and paying interest in advance, but, nevertheless a heavy relapse set in, and at our mid-October settlement many differences of 15 per cent, or thereabouts had to be met, a great many failures being the result, whilst several brokers had to be "assisted." The Baring collapse caused a further heavy fall, and though a recovery set in during December, the year still closed with heavy losses in price. Ullinois were 22 lower, Unions 27, St. Paul 21, Louisville and Northern Pacific 13 and Wabash 14. In 1891 there was a recovery, chiefly caused by excellent crops. The first part of the year was bad, owing to heavy gold shipments and hostile State laws, but the autumn saw a boom which led people to think that America could not suffer from the Baring collapse. Prices for the year showed a substantial recovery, St. Paul's rising 31J on the declaration of a dividend, New York a xcviii. Centrals 18, &c. Even the loan difficulties of the Union Pacific, attributed to Gould's operations, could not prevent this stock from rising four points. 1892 was once more a year of relapse. The Denver dividend was passed in January, that of the St. Paul's in March; but McLeod's Heading combination was consummated in February, and this event strengthened the market to a conCOAL COMBINATION. siderable extent; nobody dreamt RISE IN " COALERS," FEBRUARY, 1892. of the disillusionment that was sure l F e b . 29 Feb. Rise. ^Reading Shrs 211 29| 16 to follow. Crops were also good, 771 x c l „ 1st Incomes .. 771 21 661 x d „ 2nd „ ... 60 9 and railways were busy, though the 3rd „ ... 401 62 211 *Lehigh Valley Shrs.... 50J 58 14* traffic was not profitable owing to Cent of New Jersey. . 1151 138| 231 159| Lackawanna 145^ 131 Del. and Hudson 1251 132f n the low rates. But after a while * = 50 doll. Shares. renewed disturbance in the money market, due to a gold efflux that was caused by the Sherman Act, led to a collapse; in addition the re-election of President Cleveland was followed by protectionist successes during the autumn, and this as well as the Atchison reconstruction plan made a bad impression in Europe. The Homestead, Buffalo, and other strikes also had a disquieting effect, and the result was that the market began to sag, and that most prices closed lower for the year; the declines were however mostly unimportant, except in the case of Northern Pacifies, which lost 26^. 1892 had been a year of disappointment; its successor became one of disaster. The defects of the monetary system which had been apparent to the more acute observers for years past, and which since 1889 had caused continuous disturbances of the money market, assumed a threatening shape during the latter half of 1892, and led to the proposal that the Sherman Act should be repealed in order that the Treasury should be relieved from the strain placed upon it by the compulsory purchases of silver; and in the autumn of 1893 the Eepeal Bill was passed after a protracted debate. As soon as the passing of this measure became a certainty there ensued a heavy fall in silver, which at once paralysed business throughout the Western States. That this business had been bolstered up for a series of years is for our present purpose less important than that its collapse shook confidence throughout the country, for thereby it intensified the evils of a largely fiduciary and ill-regulated currency, and of a defective credit system. Bad money may under ordinary conditions conceal its weaknesses; but the moment confidence is shaken all its evils appear on the surface. Consequently when credit began to be curtailed and loans XC1X. illfl were called in the defects of the currency appeared in all their nakedness. The absolute powerlessness of the Treasury to control the supply of money, and the ability of the great State Department to pay the outstanding notes as promised in gold should there be a panic, began to be doubted. Abroad it led to an immediate restriction of American credit in every shape or form. In the United States itself people fortunately remained for the most part blind to the danger that surrounded them. Fortunately, for had every American been as sound in his economies as he thinks himself to be the recognition of the great danger would have caused a stampede for safety, the consequences of which would have been terrible. Even now, however, the state of affairs was bad enough. The dearth of money, the impossibility to obtain accommodation at the usual rates, the curtailment of credit, caused a temporary prostration of business which was worse than the crisis of 1884, and as bad, it seems, as the cataclysm of 1878. The number of failures was huge in all directions ; the only class of business that was comparatively free from them was the banking world, who for years had been preparing itself for the ordeal. The movement of cereals and of freight in general ceased, and AMERICAN RAILWAY COMPANIES kept away millions of revenue from the THAT WENT INTO THE HANDS OP RECEIVERS. railways, though the Chicago Exhibition Nominal Number Milepartly concealed the loss. 74 companies went Capital of Year. of age. Companies. Roads. into the hands of Receivers during 1893 11,038 1884 37 alone, and on the 31st December of that 8,286 1885 44 1,799 1886 13 1,046 1887 9 year 43,037 miles, or one fourth of the 3,270 1883 22 3,803 ! 1889 22 system, had " the brokers/' the capital con2,963 1890 26 2,159 1891 26 cerned being $2,199,426,000, not including 10,508 1892 36 1893 74'" 32,397 the floating debt. Throughout 1894 the 1894 On 31st Dec, 1893, there were in collapse continued, there being a greater the hands of Receivers 43,047 miles, representing §2,199,426,000 (not in- decline of railway revenue during that eluding floating debt) ; this was 24% of the mileage, and 22 % of the year than during any other; the decline capital. in gross receipts on 87 systems amount to fully $120,000,000. At the same time the financial difficulties were aggravated by the condition of the New York money market and by the impossibility of obtaining relief from Europe. On this side of the Atlantic there prevailed the most pronounced distrust in the currency, whilst in addition the Atchison disclosures heaped discredit upon all American railway securities, good and bad alike. The lack of faith in the currency led to huge withdrawals of gold which depleted the reserve of the Treasury and thereby ultimately conduced to their own Q 2 c. increase; the bad traffics constituted another inducement to sell American securities on an unexpectedly huge scale. Under these conditions the American market could not but bear a most deplorable aspect throughout 1893 and 1894. Distrust was incessantly fed by new disasters, and there was nothing to lessen the depression. Consequently, though there was a slight recovery when the Repeal Bill had been passed, 1893 closed with prices lower for the }ear in all cases. Louisville lost 30, Northern Pacific Preferreds 28, Denver Preferences and Atchisons 22 ; the remainder Companies from 10 to 20 per cent. down. And in 1894 the position virtually underwent no change if we except Atchison and Erie stocks. The year closed with both these roads, the Eeading and the Union Pacific, and others, in the hands of Receivers, and with the Norfolk and Central Pacific not far removed from them ; and prices were, on December 31st, after a quiet year, on the whole at the same level as twelve months before, and nearly or wholly at the lowest points of the decade. Compared with ten years ago prices are for Atchisons 60 points lower, for Central Pacifies 20, for St. Paul's 15, for Delivers 37. Illinois shows a loss of 34, and Unions of 3 5 ; but Louisvilles were 29 points better than ten years ago, and New York Centrals 13. The appended table shows the changes in the principal stocks from year to year. T A B L E S H O W I N G F L U C T U A T I O N S I N SOME L E A D I N G H O M E R A I L W A Y S E C U R I T I E S EBOM Y E A R TO Y E A R . (QUOTATIONS OE D E C E M B E R 3 1 S T ) . Quotation 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 31 D e c . ' 8 4 + or- + or— + or—I + o r - l + o r - + o r - +or—I + o r - + o r - +or— C e n t r a l Pacific C h i c , Milw.& S t . P a u l . . . Denver Illinois Central Louisville New York Central N.Y., L. Erie & Western Norfolk & W e s t e r n Pref. P e n n s y l v a n i a ($50) Phila. & Reading U n i o n Pacific W a b a s h Pref 34* 73 48 119 26 88* 14i 23 6 # 46* 13 + 10* + 25 -20*| + 23 + 20| + 20 + 12*1 + 6*| + 41 + 2k + 11 + 9*1 + 12* - 4 + 8*| - 5 + 21*1 + 10 + 8 + 22 + 2*1 + 7j| + + 15*1 -23* -15* -13* -16 - 5 - 6*| - 6 - 8 - 2*1 + 14| - 4 - 2i - 4 | + 5; - 1 9 + 4* + 31/ + \ + 4: - 2 2 + 12*1 +29i| - 1 4 + 111 - 1 - 8 + 18 - 1 - 1 - 7*1 + 15 + 10 - fit + *| + 7*1 - 11 - 3 + 7*| - 9 - 3 + 4 -2$ + 4 + 5* + 3j| + 14*1 + 6: -13J + 3 -13| - 6i - 3 -_4*| + 11 * = 41 - 61 - 3*| - 2 -10*1 -12 - 8 -141 -21 - 7 - 9 —291| -10* -10 -191| - 6* - 6 - 3* - 1 8 1 + 7 -21 - 8 1 -11*1 _ 7* - n\ - 1 - 1 + 11 - 8* +ioi - l -41 - 1 + 3 - If - 7 + * BONDS. C e n t r a l Pacific 1st Mort. Erie 2 n d M o r t £ Ulin. Cent. 5 % S t g . 1903 P e n n s y l . Gen. Mort. 1910 N . Y. Cent. 4 % Debs. 1903 Louisville 6 % Gold, 1930 Bait. & Ohio 6 % 1902 112 58 106 124| 121 88 117 + +36*1 + 4 + 3*1 + 1 + 2 + 15 + 6 + 2 + 2 + + 2*| 1 2 2 + 1 + % + 2] - 4 - 1 + 1* + 4 - 1 + 7 - 1 - 4 + 11*1 + 1 - 4 + 1 + 4 + + + + + + 1* 7 1 2 2 4 1 - 2 -27 - 1 - 1 - 3 + 8*| - 1 - 2 -12 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 4* + 1 ci. Foreign, Colonial, and Indian Railways. This chapter can be brief, the securities it deals with being great neither in number nor in importance. Foreign Eails, as is well known, chiefly comprise South American and Mexican descriptions, and of the latter several rank amongst Americans. Argentine Eailway Securities, many of which came into being during the period under review, have, as a matter of course, gone up during the Argentine boom, and down during the collapse, many movements being remarkable for their width; a fall of 50 per cent, has been no extraordinary occurrence. Whilst sharp movements in Mexicans, over which at least one fortune has been made, characterised 1884, 1885 saw these gambling counters quiet; there was a sharp fall in Argentines on the revolutionary movement of that year, but Uruguay North West and San Paulo were better; Continental Lines also rose, except those in the Balkan States. Daring 1886 this market saw an immense business. There were sharp fluctuations in Mexican Eails which, after having been much higher, closed, the First Preferred 24 and the Second 32 higher for the year. In South Americans there was also a great rise; North West Uruguay improved 35, Eosario 40, Eastern Argentine 25, etc.; during this year the Costa Eica Eailway also came upon the market. In 1887 Mexicans were active again, but without much change on balance for the year. Brazilians were flat owing to the failure of the coffee crop, but Argentines rose further, the companies doing a good business. Oopiapos rose £10 in sympathy with copper, and the shares of the Nitrate Eailway went from £40 to £150. In 1888 there was another huge rise in Argentine and other South American descriptions; Buenos Ayres Great Northern rose 80 points, Great Southern 28, Ensenada 35, and Central Uruguay 2 7 | per cent. East Argentines went down owing to a dispute with the Government concerning the railway guarantee. Brazilians were firm; Mexican Eails were flat owing to the increase of competition. But a further rise took place in Nitrate Eails; tho £100 shares, which began the year at 150, were divided into £10 shares which rose to £28. Ottoman Eails rose 7. In 1889 Mexicans recovered somewhat; Argentines and Brazilians fell heavily, and Nitrates, after reaching a record price, declined in sympathy with the producing companies. I n 1890 prices were mostly down ; Mexicans improved on the settlement cii. of the Government subvention which gave $14,600,000 to the Central and $3,500,000 to the Vera Cruz Line; Brazilians were good, but Argentines flat with a heavy fall, due to the "Baring collapse. This decline continued throughout 1891, the Great Southern falling 67 in the two years, Eosario Stock 105^, Central Argentine 135, etc. Mexicans were also flat on the opening of the Interoceauic Railway, the Ordinary falling 16^, the First Preferred 12, the Second 2 6 | . Of course, the crisis was especially disastrous for inflated speculative values like these. In 1892, Mexicans rose considerably in July on the announcement of the pooling arrangement, yet closed lower for the year. Argentines similarly rose in March, some guarantee moneys were paid by the Government, but they relapsed later on, though some improved on balance for the year. Brazil descriptions suffered amongst other things from the collapse of the Companhia Geral. In 1893 there was little doing, speculation being non-existent, and prices " s a g g e d / ' and the same holds good of 1894, though a few descriptions gained a trifle. Argentines were perfectly stagnant pending the settlement of the guarantee question. Colonial Railways consist chiefly of Canadian Pacifies and Grand Trunks, and these stocks move, as a rule, up and down with Americans. Hence the history of the latter has, to a very great extent, been that of the former, especially in the case of the Grand Trunk which is more closely connected with the United States than its rival, and to a greater extent endowed with internal weakness. In 1884 it had, therefore, a bad year, and could only with difficulty pay a dividend on its First Preference. 1885 was even worse; the Debenture interest could not be met, and the Guaranteed fell 11, whilst the First Preference declined 15; in 1886 it recovered, rates and trade being better; the following year saw a considerable amount of speculation, but prices were rather lower; and during the next there was another heavy fall in connection with the depression that had again overtaken the States. In 1889 the low prices led to purchases, which brought about a rise; 1890 was a year of reaction again, the First Preferences falling 1 6 ; they recovered 15 points in 1891, during which year there were also the remarkably weak attacks of Sir Charles Tupper. In 1892 prices went down again in spite of a working arrangement between the two rival lines, and of a visit of Sir Henry Tyler to Canada. In 1893 there was another heavy relapse, due, no doubt, to past financing in the matter of dividends; in 1894 prices went to the lowest points, and an ciii. inquiry committee was appointed which, it is to be hoped, will clean out the stables, and bring the bankrupt concern on its legs again. The history of the Canadian Pacific reads quite differently, though of late fortune has frowned, upon this company too. In 1884 the shares were steady on the Government guarantee; in 1885 they rose 18 points on the completion of the line to the Pacific Coast; the next year witnessed a gain of 6, but 1887 and 1888 were years of relapse; the loss, however, only amounted to 15 points, and was largely due to the troubles in Manitoba. In 1889 there was a rise on balance of 21£, due to remarkable traffics which caused an addition of 2 per cent, to the Government guarantee of 3 per cent, to be anticipated—-rightly, as appeared afterwards. 1890 closed without change in price for the year; 1891 witnessed an improvement of 19, but this gain was lost in 1892 and 1893, chiefly during the latter, as a result of the issue of Preferred stock. In 1894 bad traffics caused a decline of 13^, and fears that the next dividend would have to be passed. Concerning Indian Railways little need be said, except that these ventures, which mostly enjoy Government support, constantly rise in the estimation of investors. Their securities are now firmly held, and constantly grow in value, as the subjoined table shows. But it seems doubtful whether the present high prices can be maintained for long. TABLE SHOWING FLUCTUATIONS IN SOME LEADING FOREIGN, COLONIAL, AND INDIAN RAILWAY S E C U R I T I E S , EROM Y E A R TO Y E A R (QUOTATIONS O F D E C E M B E R 3 1 S T ) . Quotation 1885 I 1886 Dec.31, '84 + o r — + o r - 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 +or— - o r + + or— + o r - + o r - 1887 I 1888 t-or— + o r - FOREIGN. B u e n o s A y r e s Gt. S u t h r n B u e n o s A y r e s & Rosario Central Argentine G r e a t W e s t e r n of Brazil M e x i c a n 1st Pref „ 2ndPref N i t r a t e R y s . (£10) North West Uruguay Ottoman Ry San Paulo 165 95 174 21| 89 48 -15 + 19 - 4 + 11 i -n - 1\ 37| + 15 + 38 + 6 + 8^ + 20 + 24i + 4' 94 + 32*1 + 6 15 9* 11 + 3f + I + 32 + 12 + 18*1 + 1 - 2 - 6*| + 13 •Tail +4 -22^ -36*| - 4 V 3 V 7i - 6*| 2 5 - 2* -36 -55* -45* - 5 - 9* -24 - 4f - 2* - 5 - 5 - 3* + 2*' + 7* - 9 ! -31 -50 -89^ + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3*| + 13 + 24 + 1 -22^ -14 - 4 -17 -22*1 - 8 + 2* -16i - 3 ~3] - 6^ —12 + 5 + 5 - 5 -11 + 2 + 9 COLONIAL. C a n a d i a n Pacific G r a n d T r u n k G u a r . 4 %.. „ 1st Pref. ... 45f 71* 74* + 18f + 6i -ii -15 - 14 + 5^ + 8 -11 - 4 -16 + 19 + 3* + 15 + + + + + + + + - - 9f + 21* + 14|| + 19 -17* - 1 3 | - 6*| - 1 1 * - 5 INDIAN. Bengal Nagpur Bombay-Baroda Great I n d i a n P e n i n s u l a . . I n d i a n Midland £20 N i z a m ' s R y . £20 150 142 + + 14 + 5 + 4 ¥ + 15^ 108 - 2 + 10 + 2 + 4*1 8 12 14 8 2 + + + + + 1 11 2 3 5 1 1 1 2 2*1 - 1 3* + 3 I" - 1 3 1 + 2 + 3 -13 - 1 - 1* + + + + + 3 15* 11 3 5 civ. Miscellaneous and Mining Shares. We have stated elsewhere that according to official returns the capital employed by limited liability companies has since 1884 risen from 450 to 1,100 millions sterling. In view of this stupendous growth, which has increased the number of companies by several thousands, it may be considered superfluous to explain that the present chapter cannot possibly contain an exhaustive history of miscellaneous ventures since 1884. All we can do is to give a brief summary of the leading events; for the rest we refer to the elaborate tables of fluctuations given elsewhere in this volume. The chapter on company promotion contains the birth register of the principal companies; and from this, as well as from the tables specially prepared for the present issue, the year during which the leading companies came into existence can be ascertained without much difficulty. But we may repeat that most Mines were brought out in 1886-88, most Trusts in 1888-90, most Breweries in 1887-90, and most " miscellaneous" concerns in 1886-7, and 1889-91. In 1884 the market for miscellaneous shares was on the whole characterised by dulness, especially for some bank shares, American cable Stocks and " Rubbers." In 1885 the feature was a fall of 90 in Bank of Ireland Stock on the Munster Bank failure, and a reduction in the dividend from 12 to 10 per cent. London Banks gave way on the dulness of trade; Hong Kong and Shanghai rose on the successes of China in Tonquin and the prospect of the Chinese Empire being opened up. Colonial Banks were better. Water Shares rose 7 to 8 points, Chelsea even 15, but Southwark stock fell 25. Gas, Insurance, Telephone, Coffee, and Tea securities were firm; Canals, Docks, and Shipping lower; Tramways mostly a little better; London General Omnibus rose 15. Copper shares were usually higher, Cape and Rio Tinto excepted. Land and Finance descriptions were dull. Indian Mines were active; Mysores rose from 1J to 7J, and many issues that had been unsaleable were unloaded at high prices. A feature of the year was a rise of 8, to 18 J, in Bryant & May's. In 1886 Bank shares were dull, and though they recovered towards the end prices closed lower for the year in most cases, notably Irish descriptions fell heavily on the Home Rule Bill, except Bank of Ireland, ev. which recovered 28. Gas shares were generally unchanged, though South Metropolitan issues rose from 5 to 10 points. Water Stocks were much better, Lambeth Ordinary rising 35, Chelsea 25, East London 12, Yauxhall 13, etc. Telegraph Stocks were flat, except Anglo-American, which rose 4 to 6 per cent. Submarine lost as much as 10 points. There was a considerable rise in first class Insurance, Tramway, and Trust securities; Iron and Steel shares were dull at first, but recovered later o n ; Canals and Docks were mostly lower, the feature in this department consisting of a fall of 32 points in East and West India Docks, owing to the disappointing result of New Tilbury Dock. Mines were active and higher, though there were realisations at the close of the year; there was a great rise in diamond and tin shares, Dolcoath shares rising from 67 to 140. In 1887, Bank shares were mostly down again. Bank of New Zealand fell £8 on the suspension of the dividend, and other Australian descriptions lost in sympathy. Hong Kong and Shanghai likewise gave way to the extent of 8 points, the dividend being reduced as the result of heavy losses. British and South African Banks were, however, mostly up a few points. There was a heavy fall in Dock shares, Tilbury losing 25, Surrey 20, Hull 15, and Millwall 10. Gas shares were generally better, except Imperial Continental; Gas Light and Coke rose 15, South Metropolitan 10 and 20. Chelsea Water improved 14 and Lambeth 20, but other water stocks were down. Trams fell on the rise of the purchase question. Insurance stocks were generally better, but a fall of 70 in Royal Exchange shares attracted much attention. Submarine Telegraph stock declined about 65 on the expiration of the concession which could not be renewed. The improvement in trade led to somewhat better prices for Shipping shares. Trusts rose in value, but there was a heavy loss in " L a n d and Financial" values. Amongst Breweries Guinness* rose from 1 7 | for £10 shares to 277i for £100 stock, a rise of 100 per cent., but Allsopp's fell from 50 premium to 17^ premium. Primitivas, £4£ paid up, quoted 14\. Mines were very active, a large business being done in " Kaffirs " which had just been introduced, and rose to very high prices. Central Diamond rose 25, De Beers 14. Copper shares were dull at first but soon rose under the influence of the operations of the French Syndicate. Cape Copper closed the year 24 points better, Eios 9, Panulcillo 5 | , Mason and Barry 4 | , etc. Tin also was better, several shares rising £4 or so. Indian gold mines were neglected, and Mysore receded 2\; Australians were likewise lower. cvi. In 1888/ bank shares rose moderately, except Bank of New Zealand, which fell another 6 points. An important rise took place in Water stocks, most of which improved 20 or 30 points. Gas shares were dull but not much lower, except Commercial and South Metropolitan descriptions, which lost from 10 to 15 points. Telegraphs were good, notably North and South American, and the same holds good of Insurance, Shipping, Iron, and Miscellaneous shares generally. Trams were flat on the purchase question, which seems to have checked the rapid increase of new lines that TKAMWAYS OP H I E U . K . took place up to this year, as the appenGross Net ded table shows. Breweries were mostly Capital Bee. Uec. < Y e a r Miles. Mill £ 000 o m i t t e d . down; Allsopps losing 35, but Guinness 336 488 1,576 1881 5*09 1882 5*95 1,970 415 564 and City and South London were up, the 1883 671 7'20 2,212 460 1884 752 8*11 2,421 569 former 40. Amongst Land shares South 1885 811 8*70 2,613 633 1886 865 9*10 2,630 609 Africa Exploration, 10s. paid, rose to 1887 886 9*38 2,802 660 1888 904 9*96 2,796 621 1889 949 9*61 2,9.80 713 £18 in sympathy with the boom on the 1890 948 9-58 3,215 812 1891 963 9'55 3,430 799' South African Mining Market, where an | 1892 946 9*40 3,531 678 1 1893 960 9'40 3,606 768 average rise of 500 per cent, took place. 1 1894 975 9-11 3,615 756 Copper shares were also up, the operations of the syndicate having raised prices and dividends to a very high level, but towards the close of the year realisations in sympathy with the Panama collapse carried a slight reaction, Diamond shares, which were manipulated in Hatton Garden, fluctuated heavily, but closed considerably below their best in spite of the De Beers amalgamation. 1889 had for its features the "booms" in "Kaffirs " and Breweries, but was on the whole quite as good for miscellaneous securities as for others. Bank shares rose again with the exception of New Zealands, London and South Westerns rising as much as 9 | . Insurance descriptions were also in great demand, some, like Commercial Union and Northern, rising 10 points. Gas and Water, Docks, Canals, and Telegraphs were as a rule up, Anglo-American being a notable exception. Iron and Steel were very good, and even Trams rose; London General Omnibus however fell 10 points F A L L I N N I T R A T E S , A U T U M N 1889. for the year. Breweries were likeF e b . 4, Oct. 29, F a l l . 1 High wise up, Guinness rising 22£, but Recorded. 1889 1889 Allsopps went down. In Nitrate 8 22 22 A r a u c o Ord. .. 14 50 12 29 Do. Pref. .. 17 shares a decline took place, 12 7 5f 9f 39| 61 26f 33| ascribed to the absence of 13 S a n D o n a t o .. 1 4f 3* 13 J 8 3* 12i Colonel North, but really due to 15 S a n t a L u i s a .. 7f • 51 131 6| 51 HI • 171 inflation and gradual exhaustion S a n Sebastian.. 31 44 10 N i t r a t e Rails .. . n- 2 3 | 3| 30| of the properties. The mining 27k ! cvii. market was active. De Beers rose 10 on the success of the amalgamation. Copper fell heavily when the syndicate collapsed, Eio Tinfco's giving way as much as 5£ in January alone. Indian descriptions were up, but Queensland mines declined. In South Africans a wild rise took place during January; Kobinson's rose 18, to 67, Salisbury 1 2 | , to 3 6 | , Roodepoort 6£, Simmer and Jack 5 | , Jumpers and City and Suburban 4£, etc. A heavy fall, however, soon ensued, though it was followed by a slight recovery. In 1890 the Miscellaneous market went down like all other departments, and since then there has been next to no revival, except in the case of some exceptionally solid descriptions. English Banks gave way on the Baring guarantee. Breweries suffered from the decision of many magistrates to oppose the " tied houses " system, and from the rumours concerning the Allsopp dividend. Nitrates lost some £10,000,000 in market value, owing to the failure of the attempted restriction of the output; Trusts gave way; in short, the whole miscellaneous market became as weak as the other departments and closed with lower prices all round. Leading events in the year were the rig in Warner's, dealt with elsewhere, and heavy fluctuations in Bell's Asbestos. There was also a collapse in the South African Mining Market, due chiefly to bad management of the properties, which caused the market value of the capital of 16 leading companies to decline to £6,298,000; the year before it had been as much as £20,103,000, though the face value represented only £5,870,000. In 1891 the debacle continued, and the depreciation became quite formidable. The passing of the Allsopp dividend, the Hansard Union affair, the influence of the Chili War upon the Nitrate industry, the Omnibus Strike in London, and other incidents, adding to the depression. Banks and Colonial Corporation Stocks fell several points, some Trusts receded 50 per cent,, Gas was WATERWORKS . — S O M E F I G U R E S , 1893. depressed by the asTotal Gross Capital cendancy of the elecExpenditure. Profits. Income. tric light. Breweries £142,032 £97,464 £1,216,827 292,126 165,869 2,549,662 experienced a sharp 184,226 107,101 1,632,566 145,827 92,059 Kent 871,269 fall on the decision in 255,584 142,102 1,763,666 517,350 304,531 3,599,104 219,473 120,283 the Sharp v. Wake2,450,178 Southwark and Vauxhall 223,885 136,784 1 1,552,539 W e s t Middlesex field case, which up£15,454,811 £1,960,503 £1,186,193 totals held the right of j . licensing magistrates cviii. to refuse licences irrespective of misconduct. A heavy fall took place in water stocks as the result of the inquiries of the Committee which showed that whereas formerly the market value of the properties would determine the consideration that is to be paid, the condition and prospects of the works would now be regarded first. In view of the pending proposals relating to the acquisition of these works by the County Council the appended table is of some interest. Mines were also dull in 1891, in spite of a considerable increase in the production of the Witwatersrand goldfields. In 1892 prices further declined, but there was a fair inquiry for good Industrials, and attempts were made to revive the South African market; these were, however, without result, partly as a consequence of the legal proceedings in connection with the Silati River Company. In 1893 the features of the Miscellaneous Market were the collapse of Trusts and Australian Banks. Particulars of both are contained in the following tables, and in preceding chapters. One of the few rises AUSTRALIAN B A N K I N G C R I S I S , 1893.—FALL I N P R I C E S O F S H A R E S DURING A P R I L . Nominal. B a n k of Paid up. M a r c h 28. A p r i l 28. Fall. 40 20 10 20 25 5 10 75 40 20 5 20 25 4 5 25 85 66 65 52^ 6* 20 113| 5 2 44 20 13* 1 3* 12 3 New South Wales C h a r t e r e d of I n d i a , A u s t . & C h i n a Queensland National 23| 125t 8 6 54 4 10 of the year took place in Alsopps, which rose—the Ordinary from 17 to 54, the Preferred from 55 to 112. AUSTRALIAN BANKING CRISIS.—BANKS INVOLVED. NOTE .—The amounts represent thousands of pounds. Suspended Jan. 30 April 4 „ 12 „ 20 „ 25 „ 28 „ 29 May 5 » 9 „ 15 » 15 „ 15 „ 16 » 17 Banks. Federal Bank of Australia Commercial of Australia ... Engl., Scot., and Austral. Chartered.. Australian Joint Stock London Chartered of Australia Standard Bank of Australia National Bank of Australasia Colonial Bank of Australasia , Bank of Victoria .Queensland National Bank of North Queensland Commercial Bank of Sydney City of Melbourne Bank Royal Bank of Queensland B r i t i s h Colonial Paid-up F u r t h e r C a p i t a l . L i a b i l i t y . D e p o s i t s . Deposits. 1,522 400 400 435 6,309 1,200 1,800 5,638 4,863 900 900 895 6,833 860 4.008 704 3,190 1,000 1,000 3,400 530 337 200 270 7,056 1,000 1,500 1,805 3,365 406 812 160 1 5,474 600 1,800 1,583 4,089 1 800 800 4,438 325 ! 250 250 26 | 1 600 600 485 ! 10,960 | 1,667 ! 500 509 3,261 778 375 375 21 26,425 1 9,072 11,797 Totals (1 = £1,000) The remaining banks had £55,100,000 Colonial and £16,722,000 British Deposits. cix. DECLINE IN TEUST STOCKS, 1893. Bankers Investment Trust, Deferred Debenture Corporation Foreign and Colonial Debenture Corporation Indian and General Investment Trust, Deferred. Mercantile and General, Deferred Preference Securities Trust, Deferred Railway Investment, Deferred Trustees and Executors United States and South American, Deferred United States Debenture Corporation 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 1892. 1893. 20£ 36^ ; 4| li 2£ 11 56* 77* 78* 34J 37* 9* 17 14 6dis. H 37* 46!r 3dis. 1^ Fall. 16 31 fi 12 44* 28 3 7* 9 4i Highest. L o w e s t . * 39 4£ 21 81 81* 40 18* 1* 49 If 16 65$ 30* 7* 14 6dis. 37* 5 dis. * From quotations. In 1894 there has been a little more activity, but, with the exception of good Breweries and Industrials, the markeb has still been a very quiet one; in some respects it was even declining, for example, for Music Hall Shares, which were quite the rage a couple of years ago. A rise in Allsopps Ordinary, which rose from 52 to 135, and closed at 128, was the feature, and caused COUKSE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MINING MARKET, 1894. a steady market for all good J a n . 2 M a y 2 S e p t . 1 Dec. 29 Companies. Brewery Stocks. A notable City and Suburban 15* 171 134 11* Crown Reef 9* 8* 10* 94 feature was a marked rise in the Durban- ^oodepoort] 4 | 5* 6 7* East Rand 14/14/53/South African Mining Market, 7# 15| Ferreira 8* 8* Geldenhuis Deep . 24 3| 44 74 which caused all shares of the Geldenhuis Estate. 51 44 4| 64 Glencairn 22/6 32/33/3 77/better kind to close the year Goldfields Deep 4 H — 3& 4 Heriot 3^ 8} Jumpers with a marked advance, indicated 4 4| 6| 34 Langlaagte 4| 44 4* Meyer and Charlton] 4 # 54 6 7 in the subjoined table. Whether 4* New Primrose 44 64 3*4 New Rietfontein ... 2* 14 31 14 this rise is justified by actual Rand Mines 22f 94 m 15/6 18/3L condition seems doubtful, but Randfontein 15/6 W 7A Robinson 4-25£ 61 Simmer and Jack... 33? 7 13| 74 that the gold industry of the Village Main Reef... 3 4 6 ( *b # Transvaal has developed in a wonderful way cannot be disputed. Its progress is recorded in the subjoined table, which the reader has, no doubt, " seen before." But Q23. WlTWATEESRAND GOLD PRODUCTION - . 1887. January February March April May June July August September October November December Total for year 1888. oz. 1890. 887 734 240 1,409 1,936 4,029 5,463 8,457 7,328 12,180 11,976 14,146 13,397 12,773 16,687 18,616 20,242 27,165 26,827 26,784 oz. 25,506 22,457 27,919 27,029 35,028 30,878 31,091 30,520 34,143 32,214 33,722 30,050 23,155 208,121 369,557 1891. 1892. ozs. 35,007 36,887 37,780 38,697 38,836 37,419 39,457 42,864 45,486 45,249 46,783 50,352 oz. 53,205 50,079 62,949 56,372 54,673 55,863 54,924 59,070 65,602 72,793 73,394 80,323 oz. 84,560 86,649 93,245 95,562 99,436 103,252 101,279 102,422 107,852 112,167 106,795 117,748 108,374 93,252 111,474 112,053 116,911 122,907 126,169 136,069 129,585 136,682 338,640 146,357 OZS. 149,814 151,870 165,372 168,745 169,773 168,162 167,953 174,977 176,707 173,378 175,304 182,104 494,817 729,247 1,210,867 1,478,473 2,024,159 1894. oz. my excuse for inserting it lies in the desirability of placing the output on record in a work like the present. I t is, by the way / a pity that ex. the prices of leading Witwatersrand Shares cannot be recorded in " MathiesonsV DO official record of dealings in these shares being published. The movements of individual Miscellaneous Stocks can so easily be ascertained by reference to the Tables that it is not necessary to refer to them here, especially as this introduction already considerably exceeds the space originally allotted to it. S. P . VAN OSS. Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of B R I T I S H BRITISH FUNDS. .. CONSOLS 3 % Do. 2f % Goschens' Do. 2f % Childers' Do. 2\% Local Loans 3 % Egyptian Government 3 % Gua. Turkish 4 % Guaranteed B a n k of England Stock India Stock 3 i % Do. 3% India Bupee Paper 4 % M U N I C I P A L STOCKS, Metropolitan Consolidated 3^ % Q CV Do. do. O /O Do. do. 2*% Birmingham 3^ % Do. % % Bristol 3 ^ % Cardiff 3 $ % Croydon 3 £ % Derby 3 % Huddersfield 3 % .. .. 9734 861/4 9214 84 1886. 1023/8 993/s 1887. 10334 99% 1888. 1033/s 9 9 ^ 100% 9514 1011/4 97 98V4 92% 1061/4 102 104 99 110 1061/4 332 303 10834 10334 100 9334 73y8 6 5 1889. 101i/2 9 9 5/ 8 99% 96% IOQ14 983/4 97 94% 1043/8 IOI14 1C21/4 100 10934 104% 346 320 10934 106% 102 975/8 693/8 6334 1151/4 1101/g 10634 iooi/4 II314 111 10434 1015/g 94% 903/g 9214 88 . • • 985/8 963/s .. 1073/4 1043/4 .. 30S1/4 2S71/4 .. 10334 96 .. 9214 84% .. 78% 72i/4 IOO14 109 2991/2 10234 91% 741/4 9e5/8 106% 291 991/8 855/8 64/2 1011^ 971/4 10434 110 310 293 104% 100 94 84/ 2 7 1 % 661/4 . .. . .. . .. 110 100 1071/g 97i/8 111 102 101% 981/4 105 100 100 981/4 100 1021/4 991/4 IOC/2 10534 102i/2 945/s 9 1 % 103 1001/s 10334 96% 103% 99i/8 1123/s 101 109 10934 noi/4 IO514 943/s 101% 103% 102% 112% 102 10934 11034 111% IIO14 9834 IO614 10734 1081/4 IIO14 118% 109% 104V4 993/8 1145/s 128 IIO14 100y4 J 09 110 110% 98 10734 116 106 10214 9714 1101/4 125 106 97i/8 IO71/4 108% 107% 94% .. .. .. 109% 101 IOO14 94 921/4 8734 106 98 ... .. 97 98 96 IOO14 •941/4 99% 9634 97 ... .. .. .. .. Hull3£% Leeds 4 % Do. 3f% Leicester Z\ % Lincoln 3 % Liverpool 3%% Manchester 4% Newcastle 3f% (1936)... Nottingham 3 % P o r t s m o u t h 31 % Eeading3£% Swansea 3 | % Tynemouth3% Wigan3% Windsor 3 % Wolverhampton Z\% ... 1885. 1011/2 943/8 and M U N I C I P A L STOCKS from 1885 to 1894. ... iooi/4 98% 111% 1091/4 1013,4 99 98% 98 1021/s 99 1131/g 1091/4 100 102 103% 1003/g 1131/4 111 10234 10034 98^4 98 1091/4 120 10934 IO414 1035/s 11314 10234 103 .. .. .. •• .. .. ,. 102 116% 100% 841/4 993/^ IOO/2 983,4 10434 119% 100% 871/s 101 102 981/4 100 115 991/4 8334 9714 993/4 96 10534 H91/2 IO31/4 933/4 103% 102% 1031/4 1023/8 116 101 85% 97% 99 96 112 126% 1095/8 100 1091/2 10914 10934 105i/2 H814 103 931/4 103% 101% 103% 99% 9634 102% 97% 98% 114 100 801/4 97i/2 971/4 36i/2 ... ... . 98i/4 95% 9634 95 109% 102% 995/8 96 10934 10734 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 98 3 4 100 9534 103% 102% 1077s 341 109% 101% 903/8 933/8 955/8 91% 100% 98% 102 327 1041/4 9414 68 97/ 2 99% 95% 105 102% 1103/s 343 no 993/8 S2i/2 943/8 95% 92% 100 98% 1071/2 323 10334 93% 72/2 98% 100% 96% 1045/8 104 10834 344 1093/s 98/ 2 741/2 95% 96% 93% 102% 100% 105 325 105 94% 62 99% 102% 98% 105% 104% 110 343 110% IOO4 71% 97 99% 95% io23/ 8 101% 106 325 106% 96% 61% 103% 103% 102% 1083/s 106 114 338 11334 10334 66% 983/8 100% 97% 104% 103% 107 322 108% 98 52% 113 10234 91% 111% 102 112 10934 113 98% 109 9834 85 1073/8 9934 107% 106 110 98% 1093/8 117% 109 1083/8 99% 112% 129 108% 99% 109% 110/2 109% 9634 96% 9934 IO914 106% 113% 106 1043/g 97 HOi/4 1251/4 107% 9610634 108% 10634 94% 94 98 106% Hli/4 103% 89% 1123/8 101% 110% 109% 111 98 9634 109% 117 108 108V4 983/8 II214 126 108% 98% 110 10934 109 98% 963/g 99% 109% 1073/8 99% 86% 1073/8 98 106 10434 10734 95% 941/4 104% 114 105 103% 961/2 1085/s 122 1051/4 95/2 1051/4 1071/4 106% 9634 93 97 107% 113 104% 9034 1153/8 102% 112 1123/8 114 100 99% 1113/8 119 110% Hli/4 983/8 116% 129% 108% 100% 111% 113% mi/4 971/4 98% 98 11134 110 100% 87 109 9834 107/2 106% 10734 95% 95 10834 115% 105 107 96 111% 124% IO6I/2 96/ 2 10734 1073/4 10734 96% 94/ 2 95% 107 115% 106% 92% 116% 104% 115% 115% 118% 1023/8 102% 11534 120 114% 114% 101% 119 132% 114 103% 114% 116% 115% 100 100% 10134 114% 112 1925/s 88% 11234 100% 111% 111% 114 99 99% 11134 115 108 110% 99% 115% 128% 110% 99% 110% 112% 111% 97% 97% 97% 111% 119/s 110% 99% 120% 108 120% 1173/4 120% 106 10634 1193/4 123% 114 118% 103 125% 13834 II53/8 107% 115% 12134 117 102% 105% 103% 119 H43/ 8 105% 91% 114 102% 115% 112% 116 100% 9934 11234 117% 110% 112 100% 1163/8 131% 111% 1013/g 112 114% 113% 93% 9934 99% 1123/8 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of COLONIAL COLONIAL GOV. SECS. British Guiana 4 % Canada Sh % Do. 4 % (1910-35) Do. 3 % Cape of Good Hope 4 % (1923) Do. 3*% ... Ceylon 4 % Do. 3 % Jamaica 4% Mauritius 4% Natal 4% (1937) Do. Z\% Newfoundland 4 % New South Wales 4 % Do. 3| % New Zealand 4 % Do. 1885. 963/8 891/g 101% 953^ 1053/s 98% 1888. 1081/4 102% 109 101% 115% 106% 95 921/s 110 1043/s 101% 105 1003/g 108% 102% 112% 10654 107 1031/4 96 1091/4 106 108^ 105 1073/s 102% 11214 1063/4 99J4 92V4 100% 93% 1053/g 102% 118% 110 10734 991/8 104% 9654 94 89% 1033,4 100% 99% 1887. 104 971/4 99% 9%% 10314 96^ 1073,4 10156 H0% 103% 1021/4 9934 92 8534 1083^ 102 9534 88 101 93% 111 105% 971/4 92% 100% 1033/8 951/4 2>\% Queensland 4 % Do. 3|% South Australia 4 % (1916-36) Do. 3|% Tasmanian 3 | % Victoria 4% (1908-13-19) ... Do. 4 % (1920) Do. %\% West. Australia 4% (1934) ... F O R E I G N STOCKS. Argentine 1884, 5 % Do. 1886,5% Do. Funding Loan, 6 % Do. National Cedulas " B " Austrian Silver Eentes Do. Gold Eentes Brazil 1S83, 4§ % Do. 1879, 4i% Do. 1889,4% Buenos Ayres 1882 &6,6% ... Bulgarian 1W, 6 % 1886. 106 1011/4 98% 98% 1041/4 997/^ 110% 103 1003/s 9534 11134 1043/8 10654 101% 1033/g 100% 104% 973,4 1073/8 103% 107% 104 1083/g 103V4 1093/g 10234 114% 107% 113% 106% 10134 973/g 106^4 100 10834 103% 113 8614 75 69 6354 90 8134 8734 81 SS 81% 9014 91% 803/8 7934 69% 65% 98 89 943/4 83% 95% 86% 96% 9414 1073/s ". and F O E E I G N STOCKS from 1885 to 1894. 1889. 1103/8 1053/g 10754 103% 11634 109% 97% 933/s 112% 108% 104% 10034 113% 1093/g 108 105% 109 105% 11314 107 10114 9834 10934 IO314 11834 113 106 IOI14 10954 99% 98% 9634 114 10954 103% 100 111 107% 102% 993/4 101 98% 11454 108% 11334 110% 105 1023/8 112% 109 1890. 10854 106% 106 10134 1123/g 107% 96% 9134 110% 106 103% 98% 114 110 9434 9314 10734 104 107% 103 111% 106% 101% 9614 1083/g 103 116 112 105 9954 109% 10214 98% 9354 312 104% 10134 9634 11054 105% 101% 97% 1003/s 94% 111% 105 112% 10654 103% 97 110% 106 9534 85 96 8454 1001/g 91 9934 901/8 100% 10034 90% 90% 94% 95% 67% 68 671/4 9U/4 9634 99 60 84 8954 93% 63% 55 69% 61% 923/8 85% 10154 9454 100 9654 91 10354 59% 75% 93% 103 10214 83% 1043/4 46% 68% 9ii/4 78% .81 7154 97V4 50% Sl% 96 92 95 85% 100% 92% 2354 72% 91% 79% 83% 7354 65 87% 100% 96 1891. 109% 103 104% 100 IIO34 10534 9534 9 1 % 109% 103 10054 963/4 10934 105% 95 923/8 10734 10454 106% 105 109% 103% 98% 901/4 105% 101 114% 10414 103% 94 107% 100 9854 91% 109% 10134 98% 90% 10914 101% 100% 92% 9834 92% 109 100% 109% 102% 100% 9314 10834 10334 66% 771/4 71% 30% 81% 98% 84% 923/8 79% 70% 95 29 52% 47 14 76% 9034 531/4 60 49 27 82% 1892. 106% 103 105% 10134 110% 106 96 91% 110% 103% 10034 95% 112 107% 94 9134 107 103% 105% 10234 109 103 95% 9154 105% IOI14 111 105 97% 9234 106% 100 98 91% 10634 9834 95% 87% 106% 101% 96% 93 98 9234 105% 100 1063/4 100 98 89% 108% 10354 48 30 76 5854 73% 49 3314 20 813/4 78 983/4 91% 6654 58 86 69 68% 54 4234 24 92 80 1893. 103% 102 106 101% 110% 10634 96% 92 112% 107% 103% 99% 115 109% 98% 94 110 105 11114 10654 110 106 98% 94% 105 102 111 97% 97% 83% 1071/4 97 97% 90 103% 89 9214 75 105% 93 96 85% 96 84 103 93 IO314 95 93% 79 107% 102 48% 72% 75% 32% 823/8 99% 76% 86 71% 36 951/4 3354 58% 59% 24 753/8 93% 59 66 5354 23 85% 1894. 110 106 10734 10254 11354 107% 101% 933/s 116% 109% 111% 100% 120 11254 101% 96 116% 107% 118% 109 115% 108 107 9534 10834 103 111% 104% 103% 95% 109% 104 103% 9654 10834 102 10054 90% 110% 102% 102% 92% 10214 91 107% 99% 1063/g 100 99% 9 1 % 113% 10334 4634 6914 7414 29% 82 10234 81% 87 773/8 35% K : 3% 38 60% 62% 22^ 77% 9654 58 65% 54% 2354 92% Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of F O R E I G N STOCKS from 1885 to 1894. FOBEIGUST S T O C K S --con. Chilian 1885, 4^ % Do. 1 8 8 6 , 4 ^ % ... ..•• Chinese " A " 7 % Do. (March) 6 % ... Colombian 1873 4 % % Cordova 6 % red. 1919 Costa Rica " A " Do. "B" E g y p t i a n Unified 4 % Do. Government Pref. 5 % Do. State Domain 5 % Do. Daira Sanieh 4 % E n t r e Bios 1886 6 % ... Do. 1888 6% ... F r e n c h E e n t e s 4f % ... Do. 3% ... Greek 1881 5 % Do. M o n o p o l y 5 % ... Do. E e n t e s 5% Guatemala 4 % Hawaiian 6 % Honduras 10 % H u n g a r i a n 1881,4% ..% Italian Eentes 5 % Do. Irrigation 6 %.,. J a p a n 7% Mexican 1888, 6 % Nicaragua 1886, 6 % ... Norwegian 1886, 3 ^ % . . . Do. 1 8 8 8 , 3 % ... Portuguese 3 % 1 P r u s s i a n Cons. 4 % ... Russian 1859, 3 % Do. (Nic.Bail.)4% Do. Conv. 4 % ... San Paulo 5% w 1885. 9034 883/s ... ... ... 1161/2 107i/2 1093,4 102% 203/4 15 69i/8 583/8 91i/8 751/2 90 741/4 673,4 5 3 ^ 109% 105% 821/4 751/4 69% 51 7 234 si% v% 97% 88 117 110 1153,4 1033/s 1886. 1033/4 8834 99)6 983/4 118% 112 115 109 321/s 18 91 893/8 75% 513/4 6914 46% 771/8 63i/2 981/4 8714 98 871/2 75 613/g 96 91 110 83% 69 10734 7914 483/8 8% 434 8734 79 IOI14 9434 117 1111/4 II814 1071/4 '.. 9Si4 ... 47% 4 1 % 1043/4 iooy2 73 64 86% 7434 97/2 56% 4314 106)4 10134 78 73 921/4 8314 1887. 10234 97% 10134 973/g 117 109 113i/s 107 3214 22 96% 88 82 6314 79 541/2 77 67% 1001/4 9 1 % 98i/2 88 741/4 64% 1011/2 87% 109 813^ 7534 783/4. 104% 75 5414 701/4 106l/2 98 14tJ 51/4 823/4 72V8 993/8 90 11714 II21/4 119% 1091/4 93 99% ... 83 951/g 5834 49 106% 100 73 69% 86 80 1888. 1023/4' 931/8 1031/8 97% 11434 105 Hli/2 10514 351/2 253/4 101 91 93% 75 921/4 75 85% 72% 104 983/8 103 94 80% 69/2 104 97 99% 95% 106% IO21/4 83 791/2 8614 663^ 7634 64V8 62% 103 1314 86% 983* 115 II734 94% 98 101^ 89% 65 108 7434 8834 ... 101 1 I n t e r e s t reduced to 3% % . 2 1889. 1061/g 100% 106% 1003/g 112 1031/2 HO/2 104% 453/g 2734 103 89% 963^ 90 951/4 86i/2 94i/s 831/4 10534 101 105% 1001/2 88V6 79 103% 97/2 103 951/2 10514 10214 88 81% 951/4 8134 73 83 73 78 51 67 54 95 98 109 17% 101/2 9/ 2 883/4 821/2 7434 913/8 9734 903/8 111 114% 109 1094 115 107J6 8414 99% 915-8 85 107^ 93 10234 9 8 ^ 973/g 9234 871/4 87 553,4 68/2 62i/2 106^4 104% 103% 6S% 821/2 8OI/4 771/2 95 861/g 94 89/2 100 105 1011/2 Interest reduced to 4£ % 3 1890. 10434 9914 10514 981/2 109% 103 106 1011/2 48 233/4 93 38 9414 77 911/2 73 99 92% 105% 100 105% 100 S8i/8 79i/2 991/2 70 961/2 60i/4 107 102)6 95 8614 9634 87 81% 69 76 68 64 42 IO514 10034 17 9/ 2 9234 8434 971/4 9034 114 108% 1141/6 IO6I/2 100% 84 106 92 103 95 92 87 64% 53% 1061/6 103% 873/4 81% 981/6 93 100 924 101% 94 1891. 1892. 933/4 88 100 75 993/4 74% 94 87% 100 10634 102 109 98 106 10514 101% 1634 261/4 19% 25% 20 38 27 15% 81 64 7014 52 77 60 64 43 933/4 91% 99% 93% 95 95% 87% 85141 104 100)6 105% 10034 9834 91% 3 99 93 20 43 22% 47 43% 22 47 1334 106 104 105% 102% 100 94 951/4 92 913/4 72% 83 561/4 75 58 6634 50% •74 493/4 62 44% 30 46% 5514 40 99 90 98 94 5 103/s 11% 634 923/4 86 96^ 9014 8534 94% 93% 86 III34 106% 114% 107 113 10634 11034 103% 9334 79 871/4 7634 96 78 9514 72 101% 95% 94V4 101 84 91 9 0 4 841/4 3234 2 2 ^ 57% 3114 106 103 10714 10334 90% 76 80% 77 99% 9734 90% SSi/s 8634 98% 9 1 % 100% 98% 65 />87 7014 Converted into new loan at same rate. 1893. 75 88% 89% 75 10634 101 105% 100 22% '3% 2214 14 66 47 58% 38 102% 97% 981/4 92% 1022 106 103% 98i/4 47 31 45% 31 IO71/4 102 9834 9334 76% 28% 65% 301/4 60 21 5234 39 107 92 7% 41/4 9634 90% 92% 77% 113 9534 110 104 85% 52 89% 66% 101% 94 91% 84% 24 19« 107% 104 84 80% 99% 94% 101V4 95% 88 71%; 1S94. 95% 79 96% 80% 107 100 10434 9934 1934 I614 24 16 62% 35 53 27% 105)6 100% 103 9714 10634 102% 105% 102 37% 25 3o% 25 105 10234 103% 9534 35 28% 36 3 4 31)6. 28% 23 423/8 203/8 106 95% 7% 43/8 102 9234 86% 711/8 107% 88%. 10934 100% 72% 57 7634. 59% 103 97 97 86 26j£ 19)6 107% 10234 94% 87)6 102 97% 103)6 97 f 93" -: 70 r I • " "Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of F O R E I G N STOCKS and B R I T I S H R A I L S , from 1885 to 1894. FOREIGN STOCKS—con. 1885. 64i/2 1 Santa Fe 1883-4, 6 % ... 83 i I Spanish Quicksil-v er 5 % 106 IOI1/2 || Do. 4% 62% 50i/8 1035/s 99 [ Swedish 1880,4% .., Do. 1888,3% 74 583/8 ' Turkish 1871, 4£ % | Do. Priority 5% 8 1 % 68 Do. do. 4% Do. Convertible A Do. do. B 1 Do. do. C 1 Do. do. D Uruguay 1883, 4% 577s 433/s Do. Sk% 127% 124 United States 1907,4 % Venezuela 1881, 3 % ^ ... 321/4 26% BRITISH RAILWAYS. Barry ... Caledonian Do. Preferred Converted Do. Deferred Converted East London Eurness Glasgow and South Western Great Eastern ... Great North of Scotland Great Northern " Do. Preferred Converted I Do. Deferred Converted Do. "A" Do. "B" Great Western ... Highland Hull and Barnsley , Lancashire and Yorkshire London, Brighton, and South Coast J Do. Preferred 103% 17 107 IIO1/2 691/4 90% 1886. 95/ 2 781/2 106 103 6814 523,4 106 101% 7534 7634 m 67 1887. 99% 87 106 102 68i/8 583/8 my2 78i/8 73/2 102 67 66% 1888. 1021/2 92/ 2 1053,4 103 755/8 65% 1073/8 10114 87% 84/ 2 71% 69 1889. 105 95 106 102 77% 711/g IO6J2 1C2 92% 883/4 95% 831/2 97% 831^ 33% 35% 231/s 211/4 17tf 50% 363,4 7334 44i/8 76% 65 17 17^ 76 171/8 68% 132% 125% 4314 29% 1321/4 1271/8 433/4 36 13134 12634 56% 37% 132 58^ 105% 105 118% 1291/2 114% 96% 931,2 99% 129 493/4 ... ... 9% 98i/2 91i/2 57% 11434 104% 106% 92i/2 154 14634 140% 124% 91 871/4 II714 IO414 120 105 142 130 17% 106% 104 74^ *8 86i4 9514 621/2 11734 108 11314 155 139% 93% 2914 11514 133 150% 102 14814 i2ey2 8814 1414 9914 II514 139% 13% 108 103% 70% 7% 8814 97% 641/4 55 55 1161/4 110% 109 163 9ey2 152 1401/2 1S27/8 92 77 4114 16i/s 123% 113% 137 125 154 143 12% 1063/4 10934 721/4 581/2 i2oy2 1061/4 1671/2 1521/g 83 423/8 12134 145 161 W2 921/4 98% 63% 54 111 96i/2 158& 138% 76% 24% 11334 135 152 15^ 9% 119% IO214 117% 102^ 8414 68% 643/8 59% 132^ 11714 116% 1673/4 171% 99 3934 127% 162% 167 103 162% 151 91% 3234 117 144 159 1890. 98 55 10534 101 79 70% 1051/2 101 1891. 60 18% 106 10iy2 77% 6 1 % 91% 99% 103 85% 46% 27/2 19if 19% 9034 100% 781/4 89 93% 94% 77 371/4 21% 17^ 17-& 38 1293/4 123% 551/2 45/2 132 77% 543/8 11% 119% 119 94/2 60% 128% 108/ 2 87 110% 171 170% 102% 4134 12534 166% 164% 114% 73% 413/4 91/4 98 98/2 803/8 51% II8I4 103% 87 91 166 159% 91 34 11534 154 160 106 iooy2 84l/2 87% 87 78 45% 38/ 2 26% 1934 19% 16% 1 9 * 16% 553/8 30 124% 119 50 42 1892. 32 15 106 102l/2 68% 563/8 106 102 89 85 9834 92 873/4 80% 55/2 43/2 32% 24% 23% 18% 22% 18% 38 343/4 40% 27 12034 116 47 26 223% 211% 123% 112 78% 74% 47% 35 11% 8/2 104i/2 8 5 105/ 2 95% 97% 87 70 68 216 190 1233/4 115% 8O/2 76 47% 36% 10tV 8% 93 113% 91% 79% 73% 99 821/4 66^ 113 86^ 90% 1711,2 166 100% 41% 118 165% 165 114% 76% 783^ 17134 168% 110% 41% 1113/8 170/2 172 108 58% 59/4 165% 1563/g 101 32 103% 157 159 106% 67%' 70/ 2 164^ 1523/g 91% 313/8 105% 150/2 157% 1893. 27% 15 1063,4 102 67% 58% 1073/8 101/2 91% 86 1013/4 95} 8 1894, 31 17 1063/8 102V4 74 62% 107 1011/2 97% 87% 10534 100 86/2 53 293/8 20% 203/8 9734 90% 6614 56% 46/ 2 353/8 29% 23% 26% 22% 38% 29% 117% 112% 38 30 50% 34% 118 114% 4434 36% 207 187% 121% III34 83% 79% 391/4 303/8 9 6fg 75% 65/ 2 H2/2 10534 863/8 733/8 85% 743/8 240 208% 131% 11234 87% 80 46I/2 323/8 7% 6% 85 65 1103/8 103% 83% 7034 95/ 2 84% 91% 573/s 35/2 24/ 2 22H 117% 63% 68 180ii 163% 117 32% 109% 169% . 176% 109/2 49% 50 171 150% 111 20 102% 1581/2 170% II6/2 651/2 6i% lsli/4 169 120/2 3434 11534 173/2 109% 48 49 172 15034 111% 26 102% 163 184 173 I ) 1 | 1 1 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of B R I T I S H and I N D I A N R A I L S , from 1885 to 1894. B R I T I S H RAILWAYS—con. London,Brighton,& South Coast Def. Do. Conting, Eights London, Chatham, and Dover ... London and North Western London and South Western Do. do. Pref. Conv Do. do. Def. Conv London, Tilbury, and Southend ... Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln. Do. do. Preferred Do. do. Deferred Metropolitan Do. Consolidated Do. Surplus Lands Metropolitan District Midland North British Do. Ordinary Preferred Do. Ordinary Deferred North Eastern North London ... North Staffordshire Rhymney South Eastern Do. Preferred Do. Deferred TaffVale Do, Act 1889 1885. 1C4% 79 16% 8 20y4 13% 17034 153% 129% .119% 1886. 1193,4 93% 29 13 2634 18% 167 151% 12834 118% 1887. 12234 106% 28 19% 25% 19% 169% 160 133 123/s 1838. 1333,4 111% 28% 19 25 1934 173% 163 14334 131 1889. 164i/21323/8 33 25% 29% 2 2 ^ 189 1733/8 160 143% 1890. 1693% 149% 31% 27 26/2 18% 185% 174% 166 151 159 74% 112% 39 113% 1573% UQI/2 71 62% 1033% 90 41 32% 118 102% 1431^ 132 77% 65 115% 97 44% 33% 118 107 72 62% 75 64?/^ 43% 33% 129% 121% 1063/8 963/8 135% 733% 109% 40 1333% 1 1 8 £ 93 68 137 102 49 35% 128 102% 96 79% 140 120% 533% 343% 1891. 1892. 1893. 163% 137% 163% 146 159% 142 24 20 26% 21 26 20 2 0 ^ 15£ 20 16%. 18 1234 1803/8 168 • 177% 1703/8 176% 162 163% 154% 177% 162 195 175% 117% 109 120% 112% 124% 118 50% 423/8 60 50% 76/2 59 1103% 95 118% 108 1143% 104 81 65% 75% 63% 667/g 45% 124% 102 112% 104% 107 70 33% 32% 39 32% 33% 22% 923,4 70% 39 150% 84% 68 3434 150% 74% 62% 2834 140l/8 92% 74% 333/8 163% 76% 62% 283/8 147% 90% 76 33 164% 80 75 65% 55 1773% 162% 205 193 119% 112% 202% 149 138% 130% 164% 160 117 104% 288 208 87% 80 79% 73% 743,4 51% 175% 162 201 192 120% 110% 164 138 134 125 163% 155% 107% 95% 76% 53 163% 201 126% 170 128 160 97% 63% 36% 153% 195 120% 14^ 115 150% 79% 993/s 90% 53% 5% 120 1153% 190 173 1133% 105% 253/s 24% 25% 24% 123% 111 . 102% 94% 6 5% 120% 115 3 191 % 179 121% 110 24% 233,4 24% 23% 115% 109% 143 63 96 29 98% 60% 36% 134% 125% 97% 83% 160 179% 923,4 190 123 146 101% 271% 1423% 168 81% 133 110 137 77% 234% I N D I A N RAIL-WAYS. Bengal and North Western Bengal Central 5 4 Bengal Nagpur Bombay, Baroda, and Central India 154% 132 Delhi, Umballa, Kalka : Eastern Bengal "A" Annuity ... 24% 21 East Indian " A " Annuity 25 21 Do. Deferred Ann. Cap 125 110. 44% 37 131% 1223/8 97% 87% 1593% 189 94% 191% 130% 152 114 262% 142% 177 883% 180 117 143 923/8 212 106 5 103% 4% 170 158% 149% 191 177 903% i 0 0% 182 150 132 124 155 147 113% 97% 242 209 121% QQ 99 33 773,4 64 723/8 65% 37 293/8 136% 124% 131% 104% 77% 73% 56% 50% 163% 1493,4 200 186% 114 99% 204 150% 134% 124% 161 150 114% 98 247 190 150% 104% 92% 4% 4 110% 105 1713% 160 100% 93 5 « 4% 117 1073,4 176% 160% 24% 22% 24% 223/8 126 119% 24 22% 24% 223/8 119% 112 243,4 23% 25% 23% 122% 114% 74% 67 303/8 134% 90 63 79% 69% 117 G 120 189% 115% 25% 25% 127% 101 53/8 103% 179% 99 23% 23% 111 89% 81% 773^ 72% 343% 2 2 ^ 162% 146% 1894. 161 14734 22 18 1S% 12% 179% 1611/ 196 181 " 123 119% 733,4 603% 117 104% 65% 48% 99% 75% 32% 20 " 93% 80 86 73% 323,4 2 6 ^ 162% 1453,4 723/8 67% 48% 363/8 163% 151% 208 197% 130 122% 199 170 1213% 107% 157 149 90% 69% 73% 403/8 161% 213 1233% 252 126 164% 89 65% 30 151% 185 120 193 111 156% 633/8 79% 703/8 43% 32% 166% 154% 212 187 1363,4 122 210 188' 1313% 113 175% 156 91% 653% 813% 69 88 75% 83% 75% 1153,4 109% 5tf 5ft 119 114 192% 181 106 85 25% 233% 263% 24% 134% 122% 126% 5*£ 118 196% 99% 2534 27% 137 112% 5% 113 184% 88% 23% 25% 128% 85% 72 23% 152% 122% 6 121 208% 96% 26% 28% 141% 110 5% 113% 187 83 233% 25% 131^ Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of I N D I A N , COL., and A M E R I C A N R A I L S , from 1885 to 1894. I N D I A N B A I L W A Y S - con. 1885. 1453,4 126 Great Indian Peninsula 1031/8 100 Indian Midland 129% 113 Madras 5% Nizam's State ... Rohilkund and Kumaon Scinde, Punjaub, & Delhi " A " Ann. ... South Indian Southern Mahratta ... ... 201/4 16 West of Tndia Portuguese COLONIAL B A I L W A Y S . Canadian Pacific jj Grand Trunk of Canada 1 Do. do. Guaranteed. Do. do. IstPref. ... Do. do. 2ndPref.... Do. do. 3rdPref. ... J 1 j 1 i 1886. 153 HO1/2 IO6I/2 1311/2 125/2 109 233/g 106 21 65 36i/ 2 753/ 4 12ft 6% 50 42% 29% 14 17% 79 73i/ 8 78% 48% 25i/o AMERICAN R A I L W A Y S . Alabama Great Southern " A " Pref. 10 7 Do. do. "B"Ord.. 2 3% Atchison, Topeka, a n d S a n t a Fe* ... ... Baltimore a n d Ohio Central Pacific 51 27% Chicago, Milwaukee, a n d St. Paul ... 1 0 1 % 66/2 Do. do. Preference Denver a n d Rio Grande 24% 4% "Do. do. Preference... 1433/ 8 122 Illinois Central Lake Shore a n d Michigan Southern 93 52% Louisville a n d Nashville 533/4 233/s Mexican Central Missouri, K a n s a s , a n d Texas ... New York Central & Hudson Eiver 86% 8514 New York, Lake Erie, and W e s t e r n 291/4 91/2 Do. do. Preferred 571/2 201/2 New York, Ontario, a n d W e s t e r n . . 20^ 7 141 853/ 8 70% 41 10 414 1001/2 223/4 1887. I6II/2 144 1103,4 103 13434 12514 1133/ 4 IO61/4 10314 100 23% 2214 901/4 17^4 111% lOll/o 21% 201/4 631/4 9 54 521/4 3514 70% 52/8 173/4 821/g 853/ 4 •743/ 4 4134 lift 70 721/2 52/ 2 2534 Ws m 21/4 11 44 9i/2 3% 188S. 174 155 1083/ 8 118 146 131% II8I/2 108 l / 2 103 97% 25 23 116% 1073/ 4 II534 109i/ 2 1889. 16634 179 122% 116 150 14314 121% 112% 11034 10034 1 1 7 % II2I/4 1 1 6 % 1044 351/2 251/4 lll/ 2 334 11 4% 8% 2% 52i/ 8 383/ 4 451/8 ... 28 38 7934 12014 23% 56% 127 107 653/4 I6I/4 18% 114% 31% 69 18% IOP4 843 / 8 129i/4 119 37i4b 22 971/2 721/4 13034 116>2 146% 135<4 1035/s 77% 70/s 34i/ 8 1411/s 10134 33% 701/8 120/2 IOI1/4 39% 223/ 4 83% 52 231/s I51/4 71% 211/4 54 118 921/2 56i/2 1 1 8 % IO514 363/ 4 25% 771/2 20% 6II/4 15 ... 273/ 4 60% 103 15 43% 115 881/2 .-.. 38 76% 118i/ 8 191/4 543/ 8 52% 90 I91/4 22% 34% 621/s 98% 15% 42% 12314 1 1 0 % 1 1 1 % 10214 I21/2 lOi/s 10534 117 i i 8 % 112 120 114 76^/8 4834 9% 13H 71 803/8 80% 653/ 8 61 45/8 ... 151i/2 W514 126 24 251/g ... ... 161% II514 1 1 7 % 110 2434 233/4 64i/2 521/2 13ft 9/4 7534 64% 78% 56% 60 37% 301/4 211/4 9 2/ 2 1890. 178 124 14ft 57% 12% 934 II31/4 1 0 7 % 3 1 % 261/s 531/2 74% 65 •14!/8 2 3 xo" 15/8 6 assessment paid. 86% lift 667/8 3 84 81 69 54% 81 34 60 321/4 19% 11 5 9% 3% 1891. 178 168 12014 110 153% 139 12434 113% 116% 112 251/4 231/4 104 921/4 116% 109 105% 79% 1892. 177% 167 119 113 151 142% 120% 11514 1151/2 112% 2514 2334 102 98 116% 110 72 64 95% 743/8 8TF 11% 683/8 77 74 55 54% 34% 2934 19 l / 8 97% . S7i/s lift 81/4 78 6734 73/8 56% 543/8 36% 3014 20 934 3% 8% 3 ... 38i/8 27 81% 45 12534 108 2 2 ^ 14 633/4 46% 124 90fc 117/ 8 106 95% 67 31% 18 21ft& 12% 113% 98 301/4 16% 71 51 23i/4 13 27% 52% 113 14 41i/s 93% IO914 67% 19% 21/s 11% 123% 101 351/4 18/8 78% 48 24 14% 3614 84% 127 211/4 65% 113% 13034 86% 25/2 9% 3ft 43 10014 36% 86 3 4 13114 19% 563/8 11334 139 873/8 2334 21 12234 35% 7834 2314 81/4 2% 331/4 9534 28/8 77% 122 15% 461/4 98% 125 6Q% 1034 13% 111 23H 5434 18 1893. 174l4 158% 113 118 151% 142 119% 115i/2 117 122 24 26 98 107 116 109% 61 70 1894. 155 175 120% 113% 159% 1451/4 123 114% 11934 116 2534 •23% 106 102 112% 122 64% 58 93 9% 751/8 65/s 4434 23% 66% 5% 56% 4iy s 26H 14% 75% 59 G\% 5 % 6£ 4434 463/g 34% 30% 23i/8 17/8 12% 7% 2/s 37% 100/8 30% 85i/8 128/2 19 58% IO71/4 136/9 801/1 8% 16% 114/2 27% 59% 20ft 6% 1 10% 58 141/4 50 110 7% 26 88 111% 41i/2 5% 7% 963/4 8% 19 iiy4 6 8% 1 2% 16% 3i/8 83% 60% 11 19 691/4 55% I261/4 119% 7% 13ft 38 24ft 9&i/4 84 124 143 59 43 4^ 9/s 17ft 1 1 % 10534 98 9% 191/4 4-^4 22% 18i/2 14% Tearly Highest and Lowest Prices of AMERICAN B A I L S , and GOLD BONDS from 1885 to 1894, AMEBICAST B A I L WAY—cow. Norfolk and Western Preferred Northern Pacific Do. Preferred Pennsylvania Philadelphia and Beading Union Pacific Wabash Do. Preferred Do. " " B " Debentures 1885. • 35i/2 1414 577s 4634 137/s 6% 64% 421/2 153/s 134 253,4 434 1886. 601,2 26 323/g 2634 68% 603/8 62% 52i/2 267s 93/4 691/2 4634 257s & 121/4 433/86 21 1887. 567s 36 35% 2014 65/ 4 43% 6 1 % 54% 367/sfe 2834 65% 46 22% 13 3878 24 1888. 60/ 8 43/4 30 20/2 651/2 437s 53 58 28c 2278 68/ 8 51/s I614 12/4 2934 21 1889. 64 487s 36/ 8 26% 79% 60 57/4 52/4 • 2534 19/ 8 73/8 58 18% 1 3 * 35/8 25 1890. 6^/8 47% 39 20 88% 5634 5834 48/ 2 25 14% 703/8 411/2 187s 10 37/s 157s 591,2 3014 1891. 59% 47/s 32 22 81i/2 6 1 % 59/4 507s 223/4 1 3 * 5334 33 17 9 343/4 17/2 53 28i/2 1892. 57% 383/g 25/4 I6I/2 7434 4678 59/4 54/ 8 321/2 20 51%. 37/ 8 1534 10/s 34/ 8 233/8 513/8 3534 1893. 407s 1634 17* 4/s 51/4 15% 5634 4734 27% 6 4334 16/s 63412% 2 6 ^ 11/2 4114 19 1894. 27/4 17 7 3% 24 1234 54 49 12* 678 23/s 7/ 8 8 6 19 1314 287s 2O/4 GOLD BONDS. At., Topeka, and Santa P e 4% Gold Baltimore and Ohio Gold 5 % Central Pacific 1st Mortgage Chesapeake and Ohio 1st Mortgage Chic. Mil. & St. P a u l (C.&P.W.Div.) Do. 4 % General Mortgage ... Denver and Bio Grande 1st Mort. ... Do. Improvement Mortgage ... E a s t Ten., Virginia, and Geo. 1st M t . Louisville and Nashville 6 % Mort.... Do. do. 5 % Gold ... Mexican Central 4 % Mexican National 6 % 1st Mortgage Do. 2nd Mort. " A " . . . Missouri, Kan., & Texas 1st Mt. 4 % Mobile & Birm. 1st Mort Nash., Flo., & Sheff. 5 % Mort. ... New York, L. E., & W . 1st Mt. (Erie) Do. 2nd Cons. Mort. New York, Ontario, & W e s t e r n 5 % N . York, Penns., & Ohio 1st M o r t . Norfolk and W e s t e r n General Mort. Do. 7% Adj. ... Northern Pacific 1st Mortgage Do. 2nd do. Do. 3rd do. 11134 1061/2 11634 11156 1177s 109^ 119% II514 IO614 116 107 113 10834 11234 105% 121% 116% 118% II614 114 95% 109 8434 10734 831^ 1127s 1017s 104% 78 H71/2 HO 9734 9414 132 114 94% 4634 14034 131 106 100% 14134 130% 1067s 9514 41/s IO6I/2 55% 33% 119 10634 111% 85 123% 113 108 94 51% 12014 110% 12134 110 21 88 II6I/2 1021/2 37 11234 102% H714 100% 81% 103% 76% 118 112% 99 95% 74% 6434 10514 9514 9834 114 10934 118% 115% 106% 97 110 105% 8334 77/4 883/8 75 9678 937s 1207s H 3 % 110 96 75 66^ 10714 10034 6634 57 93% 9914 141% 136 1047s 9334 14434 110 99 3714 125% 1173/4 123 119% 113 43% 124% 115% 122 116% 103 b assessment paid. 3214 116% 107 116 3 4 1051/4 9014 93% IOI/4 139 1003/8 9534 29/4 120% 111 117 112% 100 91 114% 116% 104% 111% 99% 8614 8834 96% 120 110% 8I14 102% 6134 7934 10934 IH14 97% IO814 8914 7834 80% 89 H414 103 683/8 90 41 971/4 10634 143 IO814 102% 4134 125% 116 122 117% 113% 91 102 135 96 94. 29 120 110 115% 113 1097s c ex assessment. 1113/4 112% 10734 111% 91 85% 88 90 120 10734 77 101 48/ 4 82 91 10734 140 111 IOI/4 42% 127 116 121 II73/4 112% 77% 104% 108 99 10514 847s 80 76 79 115% 102 7014 92 381/4 77/4 81 100 1357s 98% 94 29 12014 111% 115/4 113 109 88 83% II614 10934 113% 105 108% 105 113% 109 9534 90% • 8914 81 883/8 78 77 72 12314 1187s 1087s 104 75% 66 103 9714 48% 38 843/4 81 81% 78 10534 101% 143% 136 112% 103% 10934 10214 40% 28/ 8 128% 12234 116 112% 12134 118% 118% II414 112% 108 87 116 112 109% 114 98 91% 66V2 111 105 94% 108 92% 73 75 123 114% 113 101 68% 45 104 84 48 19% 85% 73 38% 10514 91 125% 107% 57% 11034 105% 307s I6/4 128% 118 114% 104 12134 IOO14 117/4 87 7714 62 11634 IH14 107% IO314 11334 105 116 109 9414 9114 86 717s 82% 60 9114 62% 121% 112 110% 100 61% 49% 9914 87 2734 20% 85% 79% 22 19% 9314 80% 139% 132% 88% * 64 11334 108% 22% 14% 124 114 109 99 119 109 9114 73 67 49% Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of AMEBICAN GOLD BDS. & FOBEIGKN* R A I L S , from 1885 to 1894. GOLD BONDS—con. 1885. Oregon and California 1st Mortgage 97/2 59 Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mortgage ... 106% 99 Perkiomen5% Gold Philadelphia and Eeading Gen. 4 % Do. IstPref.... Do. 2nd Pref... Do. 3rd Pref... St. Jos. and Grand Island 1st Mort. St. Louis and S. West. 4% 1st Mrt. S. Pacific of California 1st Mortgage 109 9634 FOREIGN RAILWAYS. Alagoas Antofogasta and Bolivia Argentine N. E. 5 % Deb Bahia and San Francisco Brazil Gt. Southern 6% Per. Deb.... Brazilian Imperial Central Bahia ... Do. do. 6% Deb. Buenos Ayres Great Southern ... Buenos Ayres and Ensenada Port... Do. do. 7% Pref Buenos Ayres Northern Do. 8% Pref Buenos Ayres and Pacific 7 % Pref. Buenos Ayres and Kosario Do. 7% Pref. Buenos Ayres Western Central Argentine ... Do. 6% Deb Central Uruguay of Montevideo ... Cordoba and Bosario 6 % Pref Cordoba Central Costa Biea Dvinsk and Vitepsk East Argentine. 18 22% 1886. 103% 97 111 104% 1888. 101% 95% II214 107% 100% 99% 92% 89 93% 90% 76% 703/4 63% 60% 10914 101% 1113,4 110 112 92/ 2 116% IO8I/2 120 1123,4 14ft ... 18% 15 19% 23% 21% 17% 14% 2414 22% 18% 115% 103 164% 141 93^ 79 15% 11% 1143,4 86% 14% 12 ~ 90 147% 126 169 16H 67 133 14% 11 114 13% 1203,4 116 119% 114% 1834 125 92 253/8 2054 25 1091/4 107 • 114% 103 108 95 117 111 121 213% 176 220 166% 143 211 174 157 206 179% 90 200 232% 150 250 1353,4 123% 137 181 157 185% 173/4 18% 223/8 18 115 109 186% 157 9% 89 96 148 24% 164% 16% 1890. 106 97 113 109% 103 96 90% 78 83 53% 59% 39 493/8 29% 1103,4 103 191/4 15% 22 19% 1634 105% 97 167% U9% lOyf 89 1889. 105% 97 113/s 109% 102% 10014 9634 90% 96% 79% 82% 59% 63 47 110% 105% 1193,4 114 1887. 104% 104% 111 107 67 1431/4 121 138 14% 179% 154% 132 126 12% 9% 179% 154 141 128 12ft 10% 200 164 143 137 12% 10« 218 165 156 13914 15% 1 1 % 18ft 14 1834 15" 5ft 23/8 19% 17 110 89% 5 3 18 163^ 113% 96% 26% 20% 6% 4/8 . 19% I6I/4 117% 89% 9^10 paid. 11 13 117% 83% 14 106% 78 95 183 152% 158 172% 224 127 162 16% 219 172 163% 149 153 149 106% 98% 30% 23 6 % m 203/8 110 183,4 84 <£20 paid. 16% 12634 88% 19% 105 90 105% 1903,4 185% 193 196 247 131 172% 13% 111 60 14% 92 75 96 152 106 140 182 228 1171/4 119 17ft 14 10ft 185% 155 160 102% 23% 7* 21% 94% y lG 85 146 104 89% 17 4% 19ft 78 100 112 98 1891. 96 105 93% 88% 77% 763,4 48 57 34 4214 25 100 83 72 67 116% 112% 173/4 13% 120 97% 24% 57 I8I/4 11% 76% 97 77% 51% 83 102 112% 169 62% 122 146% 100% 145 179 233 210 78% 50 61 138 14% 10% 53,4 10% 94% 40 1361/4 111% 113 6% 21/4 78 72% 71 3% 17% 53 1892. 103 963,4 111% 108% 101% 93 93 86% 81% 70y4 74% 55 67 38% 100% 9334 75% 67 118% 1143^ 1893. 101% 80 114% 107 96 95% 8734 63 79 23 60% 15% 6334 13% 99 65% 65 56% 119% 103% 14% 10% 119% 110 26% 17 151/4 10% 82% 74% 30% 53 73 86 134% IOII/4 53% 76 115 96 168 136 202 193% 41 21 84 56 14ft 12% 10% 6% 751/4 40 136% 100 80% "55% 48 40 5% °16 3% 1% 19% 17% 39% 28/4 13 114 22 151/4 77 47% 841/4 122 58 117 185% 228 27% 80 145/8 11 72% 141 80% 19 3% 1% 22% 41 97 141/4 11% 70% 37 75% 97% 35 95 166 220 19 46 13 9% 50 131 60 18 2ft 0% 18% 29% 1894. 8434 73% 11534 109 90% 84 83% 71 40 23 24 15 20 12 68% 58 63% 55 114 106% 11% 110 20% 15% 58 69% 99% 106% 38 96% 211 250 25% 71 15% lift 73% 152 10234 16 11% 40 36 71 90 25 83 170 219 18 50 13% 8% 56 136% 69% 18% 34 2 V/s u l(5 1% 23xi3- 22 37% 26 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of FOREIGN" R A I L W A Y S and BANKS from 1885 to 1894. FOHEIGN B A I L WAYS—con. 1885. Great Western of Brazil 22% 19/, Inter-Oceanic of Mexico Debenture L a Guaira and Caracas 9 73/8 Lima Manila, 7 % Preference 37/ 2 20^ Mexican Do. 1 s t Preference 943/s 7156 Do. 2nd Preference 53/ 2 3314 Mexican Southern Midland of Uruguay 2234 203/8 Minas and Rio Nitrate N . B . of Uruguay, 7% Preference ... N . W . of Argentine, 7 % Preference N. W . of Uruguay, 1st Preference ... 47/2 19 Ottoman 4% 100 Recife and Sao Francisco 80 R i o Claro Sao P a u l o ... 9 Royal Sardinian San Paulo 411/2 36 Smyrna and Cassaba 19% 17 South Austrian 12ft 1056 Southern Brazilian Rio Grande ... 19% 1556 Taltal Uruguay Northern 1 £ 4 £ paid. BANKS. Agra ... 10% 8% Anglo-Egyptian W 4 14V2 Bank of Africa... 4% 3 Bank of Australasia 981/2 86 Bank of British N o r t h America ... 60% 53 B a n k of New South W a l e s B a n k of Yictoria 3656 35 Capital and Counties Chartered of India, Aus. and China 22% 19% Char. Merc, of India, Lon. & China 20% 16 8 1886. 21 16/s 9 8/8 m 57% 118% 77/2 1887. 20% 18% 73/8 5ft 25% 7814 37/2 7 5 67/ 2 34% 131% 107% 90 65 '32 *2ft 2314 2 1 % 2414 2 1 % 4ft 4 79 10% IO414 37 6% 9256 11% 41/s 24% 11% 23ft 414 93/8 39 18 8/2 18% 3/2 2 4% 81 6OI/2 133/8 8% 105 100 ioft 45 26-^ 8% 22% 414 10 39 20/2 6ft 1934 3ft £ 4 paid. ^ £7 paid. 10ft 83/8 18% 15 6% 3 10156 89' /2 6856 721/2 63 381/2 37 9i/2 10% 6V2 105^ 73 7056 41% 2334 2iy 2 21 17 1 2 7% 8/ 2 5 87 67 63% 3656 2414 22 19V4 15 £ 2 0 Shares. 1890. 1891. I734 I414 17 11% 10934 75 llOS/g 102 n% 914 8 6/4 914 6/2 4/8 7 4/8 52 27/ 8 67% 31% 125% 102%' 1343/4 10934 8656 46/ 8 953/8 6714 101 9014 9156 80 *3% 2% 7%<> 3 3/2 1ft 24 22% 2 1 % I8/2 2iy 2 15 2214 123/8 30% 2214 19% U% 141/49 13ft 141/4 1 1 % 15/ 8 1 3 / 8 15/s 13/s 1114 10% 6/2 2ft 1 1 % 10% 914 6% 84 6656 57 25 9114 771/4 88 57 22ft 19 18% 9/2 2414 1856 23% l 6 / 8 9334 76 l 4 110 10014 IO814 84 9956 85 • 1356 10% 14% 10% 1954 11/8 10% 9ft 11% 9% 1 1 % IO/2 49/2 37 45 39% 5014 40 50/2 40 17 1256 24% 20 23% I4/2 2614 22 14% 1034 12% 9/2 6ft 7% ii/s m 15ft 8% 2034 1134 15 9% 211/2 1714 5% 4 -4ft 3 5% 414 8TS 5 410 4 911 3%6 3 % 4 6 " £6% paid. 9 £10 £2|paid. £6 paid 2214 1914 104/2 101 7% 6ft 8% 434 4i 3% 5434 3734 127% 10956 86% 671/2 1389. 21% 16 11434 IOI14 lift W2 914 m 5 3% 58 39% 133% 1123/8 9314 6814 10014 IOO14 6ft 3 5% 2714 20 2834 1934 n% m 8% 10% 9 99 76i/2 72 4514 7ft 8J6 6% 87 ^914 6414 40 2634 21% 2314 17% 2 £ 1 0 Shares. W2 IO/4 11% 1021/2 8V/2 76 4 8% 42 2914 26 V/2 7% 8% 91 7314 68 8/ 2 3914 24 21% 3 10% 3 8% 556 12 IO6V2 81 7656 9/2 42 30% 3114 9% 5ft 10% 105i/2 8O14 76% 9% 4156 293/8 2556 4/8 8 99 75 70 814 3956 25 2334 £ 5 Shares. 4 £ 5 paid. 6% 4 7 90 70 63 8% 38 22 12 1892. 1356 10% 93 66V? 1054 7ft m 5% 3% 3414 113 58% 9014 2/4 19 19% I3/2 556 371/4 22/ 8 9056 18 11% 41 15% 9% 13 1893. 14% 10 71 30 8% 7/2 5/ 8 3% 3% 2/4 24% IO/2 8734 54/2 50 3656 8556 48 2/ 2 2034 76% 35/2 81 1% m 0% 12ft 16% 1034 17% i m 12ft 13% 12ft II/2 5% 356 234 28/ 2 19% 24% 18% 18% 10ft 69 92 73 1556 18% 15 m H56 9 35 1934 31% 15/s 10% 10% 10/s 83/8 8 9 11% 656 3 4ft 2ft 3 2% 2% 2% paid. £ 1 4 paid. 7% 4% 4ft 3% 8/4 6k 971/6 84 7714 66 6914 6214 9% 7/2 3834 3356 2456 1956 I614 356 - 5ft 4% 3% 3% 8% 1894. 18% II/2 52 37/2 7 8/ 8 3 41/4 1 2 201/4 12% 78 55% 44/2 27% 6056 4 7 4 3/8 1% 17% ioy 4 isft i2/8 15% 13ft 3ft 2 36 1934 14ft 1 1 % 94 50 19% m 10 714 3156 17% 18% 13ft 10% 8*f 10 6% 5ft 2% 6 2*f n £ 2 0 paid. 3% 23/8 656 9014 51 78 6556 67 32 83/8 6/2 34 3056 2334 18 8 4ft 4% 751/6 54 74V4 6656 4756 3356 34% 24% 32 19% Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of BANKS, CANALS & DOCKS, & B E S W S . from 1885 to 1894. BANKS—continued. Commercial of Australia English,Scottish & Australian Chart. Hong-Kong* and Shanghai Imperial Ottoman L ondon and Provincial London and River P l a t e London and South Western ... London and Westminster , London of Mexico & South America London Chartered of Australia .„ London Joint Stock , National of New Zealand National Provincial of England(<£12) Queensland National ... Standard of South Africa , Union of Australia Union of London ... ' ... CANALS A N D DOCKS. E a s t and W e s t India Docks Do. Debenture... London and St. K a t h a r i n e Millwall ... Surrey Commercial ... Suez Canal 1885. m 61/4 35i/ 4 30V4 63i/ 4 15* 48 9 12& 11% 1854 ^ 14* 1456 6934 456 9/2 36 671/4 56 12* 13 I41/4 1734 61 .m 25 m 36i/ s 7 1 47 10 33 51 I21/4 39i/ 4 391/2 2 21 36 1 Itt 4756 o2% 131,2 11* 35k 67 34 131/4 463,4 75 6756 .3934 353/ 8 3856 79^ 102 47J6 33% 901/2 80 161 149 88I/4 Oil 511/4 48% 74% 95 108 343/ 8 956 18i/ 8 22/2 W2 41 83/8 30 6056 44 8% HA 143/ 4 13/2 21^2 I6/2 24 2156 67i/ 4 6 1 % • 556 -33/4 26i/ 8 223/4 3914 3534 734 141/2 1887. % 293/ 8 661/4 63 231/4 3i/ 4 ' 1886." 71 1 /* 84 107 42 S6i/ 2 7iy 2 39^ 49 IOO1/2 35 78 1551/2 13556 883,4 77% 53i/ 8 101 391/2 75/2 1* 483^ 11 421/6 571/4 35 24^ 70 3156 62 115 140 837s 75 1888. IO/2 87s 35% 5334 12i/ 8 1754 28% 5 32 70 •6* 29i/ 8 4034 256 53 13 5156 65 41% 29& 47% 9^ 1456 19/2 26/ 2 64 • 4 24 37 iy8 49 1034 45/2 58 371/4 1889. 12 3814 56/ 2 12% 183/4 34 610% 74/2 m 3214 42/2 9 32 5056 10 17 26% 33/2 67 5% 28 38% 2l/8 571/2 501/4 11% 10^> 603/4 6834 4856 4334 1* 61 39 17 62 4514 32k 76i/ 2 60 10434 123 8956 8I/2 18 69 35 46 73 88 12514 113 9G3/4 86 1271/2 77/2 135 1071/2 127 37 86/2 28 861/2 1890. 1334 11% 33<2 33i,£ 69 56 1534 1156 20/ 2 I8/4 34 29 41 384 • 753/8 69/ 2 834 6/4 32 231/4 4234 36 2 I/2 64 5I/2 12 ^10 61V4 493/8 72i/ 4 63/2 4414 39 20 84 37^ 81 119 97 ny2 65 30 64 110% 90 1891. 13/2 107s 3654 2714 701/4 49 15* 10* 217s 18/2 19 33 4234 39 75/2 673/4 8 51/4 3034 25 4034 8 % 54/2 3556 y4 493/ S 1892. 1156 5 30/ 2 1756 511/2 2334 i4/4 11* 2256 191/2 291/2 -191/2 4256 3334 72 60 5* 3y 8 257s 2056 3854 3234 n% 1* 54 5056 1156 654 5534 491/2 7/2 5434 4/2 4914 6II/2 3334 64i/ 2 4034 52i/6 3456 271/2 99 15/2 80 49% 67 12456 111 35 57 113 10234 273/ 8 75i/ 4 12J6 443/ 8 6956 43 I61/2 78 0 541/2 25 671/4 57 121/2 109 II51/4 95 3856 8% I91/2 1 | 1894. 1893. 43/ 4 6 37 25/2 32/2 26/4 1454 I21/4 17 2034 183/ 4 203/ 8 •13tf 183/ 4 2956 42/2 23 323/ 4 251/4 40/2 41% 1 234 47 58 4% 51/2 30/2 3456 30 056 156 64 5 23 3934 52 1% 54 7 47 5654 471/4 58/2 33 371/4 3034 283/ 4 106 52 56V 4 4634 341/4 5056 221/4 15 io7y 2 3956 49/2 51 129/2 124 IO31/2 10134 OH 4656 92/2 5934 27s 5156 054 15 51/2 60 131 124 ... 3154 3056 897s 37 4856 H556 106/2 BBEWERIES. Allsopp Do. Preference Barnsley Bass, E a t cliff, and G. Preference Bristol Combe & Co. Preference Courage & Co. Preference Distillers Gillman & Spencer ... • Guinness Do. Preference 1533^ ... 11654 13114 122/2 93i/ 8 123/ 8 ... ... ... ... 1#4 556 14 ... m m 2517s 1856 171/4 300 12% 5 2634 1834 32/2 1117s IO1/4 25 121/4 II/2 1191/2 115 I41/4 ... ... 78i/ 8 I21/2 1421,2 132% <£17£ p a i d . 6 £2fy paid. 861/4 40 116 913/4 10* 7% 114 118 2434 32 127s 11 120 IIII/4 13l/2 11 556 4 12^f 15/2 I41/4 12>/8 5% 434 654 5 330% 274% 347i/ 2 300 35756 2981/6 I 5 9 3 4 151 159i/ 2 150 156i/2 14114 8 7 £2% paid. £3 paid. 47 95 8/2 2034 63 456' 122/2 115 291/4 23% 12 ioif II91/4 114 H3/4 434 3 333 29856 16056 151% » £'2i paid. 1456 57s 33/ 8 12734 1 2 1 2656 13 126 14/2 3% 340 165 237s 1156 116 12% 13/4 31256 1553/4 55 11456 171/4 56 3fo 1 1307s 121 251/4 2154 1256 11% 127y 2 11854 1554 1334 2fe 345/2 135V 8 531/4 1 4 2 3 4 112 1-32 l rf 1% 31154 16656 151 139 251/2 1334 133 17 37s 364 175 10 12556 21% 1256 124 •1436 254 1 341 162 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of B R E W S . , AMER. B R E W S . , & COMMRCL. from 1885 to 1894. BBEWEBIES—continued* Lion Do. Preference Manchester Meux' s Preference New Westminster N o r t h a m p t o n ... Do. Preference Eeid' s Preference 1 Tamplin & Sons Threlfalls Do. Preference W a t n e y & Co. Preference W h i t b r e a d Preference Worthington Preference A M E B I C AST B B E W E B I E S . Bartholomay Chicago City of Chicago Denver United Indianopolis Jones (Frank) New York SanPrancisco United States COMMEBCIAIi. Aerated Bread Artizans Lab. and Gen. Dwellings... Assam R y s . and Trading Pref. Aylesbury Dairy Belgravia Dairy Bell(R.)&Co Bell's Asbestos Bodega Bovril Brunner, Mond, & Co. B r y a n t & May Cassell & Co 1885. 36 3I/2 26% 24& 1886. 38 271/2 1887. 35^ 27% ... ... 6 ... ... ... ... 4% 39% 26 34% 251/8 1888. 367s 3 3 % 25 27 IO/2 87s ... *7% 5^8 7% 6% ... 6% 14 11^ 5% 13% lit* ... ... 12ft 12/2 ... 10% 11% ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1889. 37% 34 27/2 251/2 I2/2 87s 12/2 1 1 % 5 5% 17ft 14% 14/2 12 1183/4 112% 12 10% 16 12 14% 12% 147% 144 1071/2 104 12% 11% 15% 11% 10% ... 14% 10ft "w ... ... 127s ... ... 16 103/s 13ft ... ... 4ft 10% 6% 1ft ... 3y 4 28i/8 19% lit 6 0^8 5 11% 5% 1ft ... ... 2 27 7i£ '10 3% ... 34 V 9% 3% on 2 26*4 25/2 20% 15/2 •v °1Q 4ft 1 1 1 % 1063,4 67s ITS 1% 0 5 "To 26% 17 4 oft ... ••• 51/2 115 7 15 16 •If. 1ft •7I/4 "0% 19% 2% 12% 4% 106 5 ft •1ft 5 9 1ft ... 24% 12 6% 47s 115 108 6 11% % % l 3 /4 1% 6l/4 16% 8ft 20ft 2% 5H 37% 14-^15 263^ 12^ 14 10% 40% I4/2 37% m 41/8 383/8 12% 15 1890. 37;14 35 28 26 12 10% 11 io» 4% 5% 16 13% 141/2 12% 12014 113 12% 107s 171/s 151/s 141/s 1214 14534 136 111% 104 13 11% 15 11% 11 11% 15 H l /s 13% 8 12& 12 9% 9% 91/s 12% 7% 11% 6ft 10 6% *>16 1141/4 108 14ft 10% 10 1% 7ft 21% 2» 57s 42 14% 18% % 1* 2% 10 •1ft 21/2 39% 13% 17 37 1891. 333/4 2734 26% 14 ll/s 12/2 lift 6/2 5ft' 15 12% 143/s 1234 11834 H31/2 1414 II/2 16% 1 3 % 13% 117s 144 13614 113% 104 12%^11% 13 11 111/2 11% H/2 9% 12% 7% 11% 9% 8ft 8% 7/ 2 4/ 2 7^ 934 3 9% 7ft 5% 113% 107 15ft 131/2 % 1892. 3534 3 3 % 25/2 25% 14% 12% 127s 1 1 % 6 6% °T5 12/s 11 12 128 H6/2 17% 13% 16ft 15ft 13tf 12% 142 149 109 114 13 11% 11% 8% 87s 8/2 3/2 Q-5, V\0 10 9% 5t§ 4% 3 7 3% 41/2 7% 263/4 131/8 12^ 7ft 8% 12 12934 17% 16% 14% 150 113 13 10% 8% 8% 7ft 2^ m 5% lL/8 101/s 7% 6% 114 107 16ft 13ft % % % I/2 1 3ft 1% I614 6 4ft 2% 4 1ft 531/4 5178 143/8 isy2 203/g 173/8 1% 1 1% 6 21/2 711 5% 4ft 67 •Ws I81/2 Q15. o1P 23/ 8 55% 13% 17% 1894. 1893. 39% 32 24% 10% II/2 6 6/2 9% 117 14% 14/2 12ft 142 107 12 8% 41/4 4i£ 4% 2 4% 3/4 0% Q_2_ •'lO 53/ 4 856 7 114i/ 2 101 14 10 1 ?. 40% 26i/ 2 14 13ft 7% 7 1034 134 18 23ft 157s 155 120 14% 10% 6 ^7k 5'/8 3% 6% 4 I1/* 9Vs 3434 26 11 12 6% 5% 9y8 124 15% 16ft 13% 149 109 I2/2 8/2 3% 23/s 21/4 2 414 1% 0% 6% 7% 5% 113 100% 1334 10 % 13 IB % 1% 3% 6% on 2 1% 31/8 7% I 1 /* 51/s 4% 3/2 52 5 85% 3i/8 15i/2 I41/4 18% 16 5T£ 6ft 52% I5/2 n% 2% 3% 4 4 43 137s 137s ' Y e a r l y H i g h e s t a n d L o w e s t P r i c e s of C O M M E R C I A L from 1885 t o 1894. COMMEBCIAIr—con. City Offices Clay (H.), Bock, & Co. Coats ( J . & P.) Colorado N i t r a t e Crystal Palace ' ; A " Do. 1st D e b . Dalgety & Co Devas, Routledge, & Co. Eastmans Do. Pref E . C. Powder Eley Brothers Fore Street Warehouse Poster, Porter, & Co General Hydraulic Power ... Harrison, Barber, & Co. H o r n s b y & Sons Hotchkiss Ordnance ... Do. Pref. ... Do. D e b . ... Humber & Co India Rubber Co La Guaira Harbour D e b . Lautaro N i t r a t e Lawes'Chemical Manure Leeds Forge Pref. Liebig's E x t r a c t of Meat Linoleum Manufacturing Lister & Co Do. Pref. . Liverp ool Nitrate London Produce Clearing House Maxim-Nordenf elt Do. Deb. Milner's Safe Morris (B.) & Sons Naval Cons, and Armaments... 1885. 10ft 93 /8 34 5% 5 18 5 434 37i/2 3034 12 10% 15% 14 6% 5ft 6 251/s 51/2 19% 1887. 1886. 9*4 28 7ft 434 e% 1888. 8 15 434 4% m 391/2 341/2 1414 101/2 15% 1414 6% 53,4 9ft 4% 5 % 43/4 253/s 22 20 113 14 111 7ft 5ft 6/2 6 11 391/2 141/2 151/4 71/2 534 41/2 18% 12% 104% 4 36 1234 1334 534 3% 314 13% 10% 96% 25 104% 20% 88 11% 15 17 105 115 8 6ft 51/4 42 39% 1534 10 3% 17% 1134 IO414 434 23 IO414 • 7 50^ 43 14ft 12 93,4 73/s 59, 48% 281/s 2$ 16 10 1414 8i/« 573/8 27% i5y 8 51 2434 91/4 9ft m 3 unpaid. 59 26I/4 5% 36% 8% I41/4 634 33,4 33/s 8% 8 96% 3 153/4 93 5% 51% 24 3334 16ft 23/4 6ft 4% 5% 963^ 94 101/4 11 3ft 634 •5ft 3% 1889. 11% 9i/4 11% 81/4 12 17 115 5 15 107 8ft 7 16% 13ft 534 45% IO14 18 141/4 73/4 6ft 7ft 6ft I6I/4 12 434 40 8 1514 934 5ft 334 61/4 7 921/4 2% 17% 100 734 7 5 0734 25-5/g 12 10% 10134 4% 20 120 914 814 534 71 2714 131/4 l i f t 10% 10ft 30% 20 5 2ft °16 96% 13% 86 11 43/ 8 5i/8 * £8 paid. 1890. 12 10% 93/4 7 12ft H % 51/4 2i/ 4 18% 16 113 108 8% 7 7% 6ft 2214 10% 1414 H3/8 ^T^ 45% 10% 18ft I414 6% 4 7y 4 734 8ft 97% 5ft 201/4 112% 8 8 6 7414 29 13% 11; 16 4y^ 40 8 16ft 12 4ft 5^ 3ft 5 92% 3% I71/4 101 4 7 4% 68% 26% 9% 9% 7 8ft 4 % 3ft 0% 84 55 14ft 1034 015 .3ft 3% 5T6~ 12% 534 16ft 41/4IS 112 7ft 13% 13 63/8 45 8% 18 12ft 6% 5% 33/4 5% 71 4% 213/8 96 7% 5 72 30% 10 IOI/4 8% 103/4 33/8 12 21/4 14 106 6ft 3ft 5% 1392. 12ft 1214 5ft 2% 16 ft 13ft 4ft 1% 15% 10 117 111 5% 7y4 V/8 QJL 5% "10 6I/4 10% 4ft 6ft 4014 6% 16 10ft 5% 4% 44% °% 1% 64 33/s 183/4 77 • 31/4 634 2% 60ft 30 7% 94 18 lift 16 4ft 11 3To" ^115 1 6 95 51/4 23 93 5ft 7% ^1(5 65ft 31 8% 10ft 8% 1ft 64 14% 3 2ft 5 3YB * £5 paid. D 32% 7ft 16ft S% 6% 70 4 19% 80% 3% &k 1 58 2314 3% 6ft 734 2% oy 4 50% 12% 21/4 41/4 15 2% 4.11. 40 12 2y4 3ft 1893. 11 5T^ 3 16 1314 3ft 1% 11% 8 115% 106 6ft 234 7% 6% 4ft: 2ft 9 5% 534 6% 373/s 27 9ft 8I/4 17% 16 8% 9% 7ft 4 4ft 3% 2ft 0% 9-55% 90 4% 2*74 211/4 973/4 86 3ft 5 2 3 4 6% 6ft 1ft 0ft 67y4 59 3114 291/4 8ft 4ft 63/4 8% 8ft 3% 2ft 13 ft 55 13% 2ft 3ft y4 40 1234 2ft 2% H l 4 1034 8ft 5T6 22ft 15ft 21/4 3ft 12 7 118 103 K 7 4 i\ 634 21/4 6 3 64 31% 8/2 16% 10 °1G 24% 7% 14% sy4 414 1 4%. 105 7% 3ft 03/8 21/4 87 2oy 4 53/s 97%- 22ft 81 8% 2ft 7% 1ft 1% 54% 63 291/4 32 6 3 4 4% 10% 8ft 4 , 3 1% 014. se 49 13% 11 234 2^ 41/4' 3 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of COMMERCIAL and F I N A N C I A L from 1885 to 1894. COMMEKCIAL—con. 1885. Nelson Bros ... 8l/2 *ll/2 New Explosives Pawson & Co 6 514. Price's Patent Candle 16% Primitiva Nitrate Eio de Janeiro City Improvemerts 25% 2 1 ^ Eosario Nitrate Eoyal Aquarium 2% V/4 Eoyal Niger Eudge Cycle Salt Union Do. Pref San Donato Nitrate San Jorge Nitrate San Pablo Nitrate Spiers & Pond » Spratt's Patent... -. Telegraph Construe, and Mainten. 381/4 323,4 Val de Travers Asphalte 9% 7% Walkers. Parker, & Co. Pref Waterlow Brothers & Layton Welford & Sons FINANCIAL COMPANIES. Assets Bealisation 7 ^ 5i /2 Australian Agricultural 134 115 Australian Mort., Land, and Finance 17% 16 Buenos Ayres Harbour W o r k s Canada Company 91 76 Canada N . W . Land 3 % 1% Credit Foncier of Mauritius 1 1 % 93/ Debenture Corporation Exploration Company Exploring Company Foreign, Amer. & Gen. I n v . T r u s t Def. 103% 95 F o r e i g n a n d Colonial D e b . Corp Foreign & Col. Gov. I n v . T r u s t Def. 124 112 1886. 8ft 8% 3ft 1% 6% 5% 18% 15ft 2634 2414 3% 1 2i/ 4 1 1887. 81/4 61/2 1889. 8 2/2 67s 6 18% 16% 143,41 13 293,4 25% 67s 4fc 6% 5% 22 1714 2393/« 1334 33& 28& 17ft 5% 36i/2 9 1% 0% 1 1 % 10% 13% 9% 40 35 lli/o ift 2% 1% !<£4 10s. paid. 8% 6% 127 10514 18% 14% 90 II1/2 13 lit I41/4 80 1263,4 19 100& 89^ 113 16% 97 83 43/s 2% 31/8 2 9ft 8% 9fc s% 8ft 4% H8I/2 100 1191/2 111 134 132 11834 3% 21/4 21/4 lft Sfe 401/2 12% 3% 21/4 ioy 8 4 171/4 10% 121/8 1 0 % 11 7% 411/4 381/g 133/4 I21/2 18ft 13 3ft 21/4 <£5 p a i d . 2 9% 7ft 1221/4 109 I8I/4 161/8 107 81 3% 9914 593/4 2ft 9 6% 8 5i/ 4 123 112 7% 51/4 1890. 10% m 1% 7 25I/2 38^ 36% 5 31/2 2ft 7% 131/2 13ft 8*i 6y8 2114 201/s 26 4 214 1% 4ft 9ft 10^ 3% I31/4 V/4 7% 27 23ft 6/2 23% 0I/4 1891. 10% 8% 3% 1ft 7% 31 IOI/4 28i/2 5% 25i/s 5% 19% 2 311/4 25 414 2% 3T6 2T^ 3i/ 8 2% W4 2 IV4 14ft 9% 14 71/4 Q15 10% 131/2 9% °16 133/4 12 i3y8 7% 3 1% 3ft 1% 4 7ft 4% Oil I51/2 4ii 5% 1ft °TtT Ifc ^*16 15 16^ 14 17i/ 8 13ft 10% 11 9 6% 7% 46 461/2 42 48i/2 401/2 I214 9 10ft 91/2 13% 12 Hi/4 9 9% 4i/4 10% 8ft 201/2 171/4 . 211/4 18% 2 1 % 191/4 3i/4 2% 3i/4 6 2 f t .2ft 2l/8 5 £5 paid. £ 1 0 paid. 11% 9% 120 IO614 197s 16% 1071/4 98 64i/2 55 4% m 81/4 7!/2 3 6ft 63/8 2ft 129 114 5% 4% 121 136i/2 124^ 150V4 134 1 <£4£ paid. 2 £ 4 f paid. 121/2 109 191/2 10 921/4 171/2 103% 94 57 42 ^=16 °16 8I/4 7% 6y4 5% 1ft 3ft 124& 113 4ft 4ft 150 130*4 ii!/4 98 I81/2 901/2 50 2 l 4 /4 7 6% 2 10 87& 155/s 401/4 40 3ft 6 4% 1 113 871/4 3ft 23^ 139i/2 103 1894. 1892. 9i/2 9 1% 6% 0% 5% 281/2 23 8% 4ft 171/2 91/4 6 11% 1% 614 26i/2 73/8 12 1% 1% l l /8 Ws 10ft 6i/s 5ft 3% 101/2 8ft 2% 1% 6ft 4% 4 2ft I6I/4 13% 61/4 m 6% 47 12 5 421/4 9ft 2% 211/2 21/2 I91/2 1% 11% 95 8ft 86 163/s 141/2 81 53 423/4 36 4% 31/2 3% 3% 5ft 4 2 0ft 5% 4 94 70^ 3% 2ft 1153/4 981/2 °16 101/2 2% 6% 4% 171/2 9 47 133/g 4% 12i/ 8 5 1% 91/4 01/2 4i/2 22i/2 3% 7i/2 1% 0% 3 2% 81/2 l l /8 41/9 23/ 4 15ft 8 28 12 3 11 114 9 4I/0 901/4 60 14% 10 8OI/4 66 31 39 21/4 41/2 io%d. iiy 4 d. 2% ^16 0ft 21/4 2% 53 v 2% 16 109 84 91/2 7 2ft 1ft 5 3ft 27% 24i/2 5% 21/4 11& 7% 3% 2% 1 3 3ft 9V4 1ft 4% 3f/2 VA 4y 8 5% llft 2% 6% 4-9. ^*i6 OIL £i \e. 171/2 153^ 10ft 8% 43 36 I41/4 5 11% 121/s 3/2 71/2 1% 1% 5l/8 3 % 82 63 12 914 831/2 651/2 303/4 24 2 15. Q 5 10 ^16 3% 1ft 6ft 1 1ft 3% 6OI/2 431/2 1% 106 1ft 79 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of F I N A N C I A L and GAS from 1885 to 1894. FINANCIAL—continued. Globe Telegraph & Trust Hudson's Bay Land Securities London and South African Explor... Mortgage of Biver Plate National Discount New Zealand Trust and Loan North British Australasian Peel Eiver Land and Mineral Peruvian Corporation Do. do. Preference ... Do. do. Debenture Scottish Australian Investment South Australian Submarine Cables Trust Trustees, Executors, and Securities Uuion Discount Union Mort. and Agency of Austral. Yan Dieman's Land GAS. Bahia Belgrano (Buenos Ayres) Bombay Brentford British Gas Light Brush Electric Buenos Ayres (New) Cape Town and District City of London Electric Commercial Continental Union Crystal Palace District European Gas Light and Coke Hong Kong and China Imperial Continental Metropolitan Electric 1885. 7^ e& 24i/8 141f 4 2% 7% 6 ^ 10% 914 17 13i/2 43 25 9814 80 1886. 5 26^ 21» 2% 01/2 IOI/4 7% •7i/ 4 lli/o 10^ 1% 37 86 I31/4 25 80 .... 1887. 5% •4% 25y^ 20% 31/8 1% 16% 10 HV2 10% 1334 10 22 27 82 89 ... ... 1888. 7^ 5% 231/2 1614 2% 19% 2% 12 11% 25 1% 823/ 4 I41/4 2 101/2 8% 211/2 701/2 6% 190 70 98 51/s 2081/2 68 1101/2 "sy8 175 60 95 6% 203 189 6434 55 91 100 19 253/ 8 22 26^ 241/4 29 20% 24 6% 71/2 231 226 47% 44 8 14 18 K1A °10 21/2 3% 18 31 208 45% 40 Ws 165 55% 93 21/4 2l3/4 20 '71/8 2261/2 195 60 110 5 '7i/ 2 24 *7% 6% 229% 2241/2 47% 261/s I6I/2 261/4 4 2% 12% 11 111/4 8% 22 20 87 77 33/ 4 I21/2 43% 3i/4 8 7 227% 221 44 47 2l/2 11 914 71/2 19% 18 3934 841/2 111/4 311/4 131/4 79 192 183 200 61 64% 57 116 105 117 8% 7% 5 83,4 101/8 •716 23/ 4 31/4 2& 1534 12 13 5 i 7 paid. 27% 20% 22 12i/ 8 11% Hi/2 7% 6 » • 7 % 232 218 222 461,4 471/2 43^ 915 15 121/4 2 7 0 ^ 248 433,4 36 191 189 22% 21% 241i/o 219 201/2 20 220 200 161/s 2861,2 13 265 46 411/2 200 199 23^ 221/4 253 233 22 20 236 207 143,4 1234 263 45% 38 204 198i/» 24% 21 2 5 9 ^ 228 22% 221/2 219 204 2781/2 i5y4 2811/2 I31/4 257 46% 421/4 210 210 26i/ 2 24 263 233 211/4 23 21314 199 1 Stock. 17% 13 275 50 205 141/2 238 257 4414 205 261/4 2691/2 221/4 22i/> 239 20 220% 203 25% l l /4 121/4 21/2 HV4 ... ... 83/ 8 3% 25 1890. 9% s % 221/2 17% ... ... ..: 234 79 105 1889. 9 6M 2 2 ^ 18% 234 21/4 501/4 202 30 254 22 227 stock> 78 176 50 109 1891. 1 0 ^ 834 19A 14& ... 1892. 1«% 9% 16% 13% % 0% 12% 2 103/s Hi/2 15% 2% 11% 8 11^3 °1G 61/4 301/2 30/2 24 95 14% 87 96 6% 61/4 371/2 18% 851/2 210 59 711/2 181 51 122% U 2 3 / 4 421/2 881/2 9 0% 10 4% 14 871/2 91/4 341/4 791/4 194 167 54% 421/2 120% 1 1 5 % 41/4 0% 81/4 7^7 21/s 3% 7% 1% 10% 131/4 101/2 131/2 1934 17 13 11 103/4 13 7% 7 61/s 213 43 1V4 iiy 4 246% 46 192 I8I/2 2321/2 I91/2 213 7y4 73/s 61/2 222 214 461/2 42 3% 1% Hi/2 6% 101/8 10 8% lO^T 264 239 237i/ 2 1 2 1 5 % 201 I891/2 21% 18% 252 206 20 19 237 214 IOI/2 9% i* 17 81/4 12% 1894. 8^ 15i/ 8 12% ^16 TTs" 6 8% 2& 41/2 Si/s 1893. iol/8 1 11 2161,2 11 6 5% 209 45 13% 2 121/4 9% 1 1% II1/4 9 10% 8% 5 3^4% 3i/4 10 6 101/2 10 95% 74% 911/4 84 10f« 3% 5% 2% 35% 1334 16 8% 833/ 8 52% 56% 421/s 1331/2 100 170 135 53 42 45% 41% 124 116 1 1 5 % 1033/g 2 7dis w 0X/8 7 8% 7% 8^3 8T6 m it "if} 91/2 7% 11% 5 IOI/2 6i/s 226 5 5 214 10% 6% 12 9 6% 5 6% 4% 238 221 4934 43 401/2 44i/ 2 411/4 3TG 2% 31/2 8/2 51/2 10% 9 9% 230 219 7 6% 253 237 2% 5% 6% 10% 235 277 223% 247% 2 3 1 % 1891/2 1052 105 H91/4 19 202 22% 203/ 8 237 2171/2 18% 171/2 236 211 Hi/4 250 231 190 203/ 8 2261/2 18% 18i/s 230 210 10 61/2 131/s 8i/ 4 q s °ICJ 7% 10 2ft 51/4 6/8 10% u% 244% 107 24% 22 255 226% 17 14% 234 203 103/8 7i/4 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of GAS and I N S U R A N C E from 1885 to 1894. GAS—continued. 1885. Monte Video •• I81/2 Notting Hill Electric Oriental .. 9i/2 St. J a m e s ' s and Pall Mall Electric San Paulo .. 16i/ 4 South Metropolitan " B " .. 2381/2 Westminster Electric INSURANCE. Alliance Alliance Marine » 271/2 Atlas .. 16ft British and Foreign M a r i n e . . . .. 21% Commercial Union .. 171/4 Employers' Liability .. 2i/ 8 Guardian .. 64 Imperial Fire .. 156J6 Imperial Life .. 24/2 Indemnity Marine .. 151/2 Law Fire .. 16 L a w Life ... .. I W 2 Liverpool, London, and Globe .. 27% London .. 51i/2 London and Provincial Marine Marine .. 29% N o r t h British and Mercantile .. 34 Northern ... 451/4 Ocean Marine .. 61/4 Phoenix ... 2 2 1 Railway Passengers ... 81/2 Rock Life .. 7% Royal Exchange .'. 4 0 3 Royal •• 32% Sun Fire .. 4 3 0 Sun Life .. 1011/ 2 Thames and Mersey ... 11% Union ... 570 Universal Life .. 41 a .£5 pd. blOs.pd. c&i pd. .. m 15ft 8 1886. 19% 10ft 16% 8% 1887. 19% 101/s 1888. 17 l / 2 21% 10 &k 19& 8% 1889. 21% 9% 18% 8% 1890. 22 9% 1891. 18% 19% 8% 7 9y4 91/4 13% 2181/2 15 2531/2 233 16M 7% I6I/4 14ft 249 235 8ft Ws 81/4 261/4 371/g I6I/4 211/4 20% 231/2 22% I71/2 2614 29% 17% 22% 22 2y8 21% 28I/4 7^8 251/, I41/4 I81/4 I51/4 30 18 21 14 23% 21 22% I51/4 1% 57 lit 1% 58% 71 1 6 6 % 154 m 23/2 29i/ 8 241/4 14 17% 15% 14% Ws 16ft 15ft 1434 107 231/g 4134 110i/ 2 1042 321/4 273/ 8 122 211/2 34% 311/2 49 3% 27% 461/4 531/2 3 57 4% 3% 26i/ 2 31V4 26 37% 55 28I/4 321/2 4% 32 41 57 40i£ 4ft 200 8% 6H 377 283/ 8 64 V 236 9% 83/ 8 45 " 5-1-3 205 8ft 7« V 415 392 37% 32% 443 424 105 IOII/2 428 101 10% I31/4 12ft 550 37 41 38 <£4 Capital returned. 3 4ft 249 179% 4 28 31^8 12i/ 8 10i/s 1534 HIS 16% 23% 37i/ 8 551/4 4% 34 58% 5% 265% 5 21% 32% 50% 3V4 VA mi 23% 4134 58% 4-2- 30 40 503/ 8 551/8 701/4 3% 237% 5 283 6 7% 8% 6*f 7 8 363 321 44% 38 440 450 107 110 12 13 6 1 7 % 615 41 37i/ 2 38% 36 °2 D i v i d e d . *£2 £ p d . s % 243/ 8 29i/ 2 451,4 8 7 412 315 38% 36% 448 440 100 110 13ft 12% 46% 1653,4 156% 81% 531/4 3tt 1 IOI/4 I/2 5/4 4/4 10 7i/4 55/4 4 3 % 12% 11/8 179 123 12% 11 2% 3/s 12 ft ion 15H 14% 16/8 14H 20% 18% 46 39/2 4% 5% 44% 35% 13/4 10% 150 138 13/2 12 24% 4% 8/8 II/2 161/s 14% 16ft 15ft 22/8 20 48% 4134 5% 4% % 5/ 8 10 % 4-2- m "Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of T E L E G R A P H S , TEAMS. & OMN,, & S H I P , from 1885 to 1894 TELEGRAPHS—con. •• R e u t e r ' s W e s t Coast of America W e s t e r n and Brazilian j Do. do. Deferred j W e s t India and P a n a m a .. TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. ' Anglo-Argentine ] Barcelona j Bordeaux Buenos Ayres and Belgrano Pref. ... City of Buenos Ayres Continental Metropolitan j Edinburgh Street Glasgow Tramway and Omnibus ... Liverpool United London Loudon General Omnibus London Boad Car London Street N o r t h Metropolitan Provincial Sheffield \ Southampton South London Tramways of Germany , Tramways Union Wolverhampton SHIPPING. Castle Mail Packets Cunard Steam General Steam Navigation Orient Steam Navigation Peninsular and Oriental Def Royal Mail Steam Shaw, Savill, and Albion Union Steamship j Union Steamship of New Zealand ... 1885. 8 7/4 43/s 5% 6ft 5i/4 1 m JL5. % 10 1886. 7/2 4/2 711 •10 °1G 1 1887. 6 3 6ft lit Oft 91/4 iift I61/4 81/4 8% 10 81/4 101/4 6% 8/s 83,4 5/2 7 9% 9% 4i^ 5i/4 8 10% 14 13 9/8 171/s 15ft 227/ 2 206% 19/4 19ft 7/2 7/2 9 171/4 17/2 63/ 8 16ft 12% 15I/2 121/4 10/8 18/s 16/4 236^ 217 203/ 4 21% 18 19 4/2 51/4 6% 71/8 93/ 4 5ft 8% 3/8 13/8 121/4 4/2 334 15 5ft 63/8 4-9- 5/2 4% 12ft 121/s 8/ 2 9% 11% 9% 8/s 8% 8 54% 17/2 12% 4ft 38 4 • ^10 8/4 415. 8% 3ft 10% 12% 12 8% 20% 15 230 193 4% 9/8 20% 15V8 17 21/2 7 4% 6 7i/4 8 9% 4 14% 13ft 6% 4% m 5^8 10 5/4 10/8 11/2 •5/2 8/ 8 m 6/4 12% 9% 6/ 8 12ft 3/s 13/8 16>8 9/s 16% 220 6 17/4 19/2 m 6 9 5% 14 7/s 5 10% 7% 5% 9/8 4/2 5 3 IO/2 6% 4/8 6ft 6 13% 7i/2 5/2 13% 11% 18 12% 5% 13 8ft 6/2 12 14% 14/s 11 10% 9% 171/4 14ft 7/s 3/s 11% 13 7% 13/ 8 185 3% 11/s 16/s 4% 15/4 I7/2 36% II/2 4— 8/2 8/2 49 18S9. 7/2 2/4 4/8 36 13% 1888. 8% 7% 9/2 5ft 14/8 8ft 7ft ri 9 0% 3/2 463,4 ... 14/ 8 12 7/s 3 10/2 8% 73/8 7/2 IOI/2 5/ 8 oir, OTo 12/2 11 13% 151,4 6/ 2 1ft 6/ 8 3/s 7/s 2 0ft 10% 10ft 5% 10/4 4% 11% 63/ 8 IO/9 8/2 13% 67 8% 23/ 8 48 >4% 18% 10& 13/8 im 6ft 8% 8% 3 1ft 4 11 6/ 8 5ft 8% 2% 12/2 12ft 8% 11/8 17 14/ 8 172 208 4% 6/2 14% 11/8 17% 19/8 9 5 6%. 5/ 8 5/2 7/4 4 2% 13% 12/ 4 7% 6ft 5 6& 16 18ft 13% 7% 72% 9% 27 14% 13ft 15% 9 6/2 62/ 4 7/2 22% 12/s 1890. 8% 7ft 2% 11% 9% lift 5/s' 3 % 2% 3/8 4% 11/8 7ft 6/2 8/8 3/8 8/4 6 5 6/4 1% 10 9 13% 12 9% 17/s 14% 200 177 •5/8 7ft 13/8 •10% 19% 171/4 4% 6ft 6& 5/4 6% 5% 3 1/2 12/s 11% 7ft 5/4 5% 6% 31/4 131/4 16% 19 9/s 7/s 220% 76 10% 27 13% 13% 16 7% &A 183% 59% 9/s 19% H/4 1891. 9% 7% 4% 2/4 13 9% KUi. 3ft 3ft 1/8 31/4 8/4 1ft 3 5 3% 3 1ft 10% 8 10 9/ 8 130 6 7 13% 3% 43,4 6% 8% 4ft 6ft 1ft 12ft 12 lift 17% 198 '9% 12% 19% 5% 6/ 8 7% 2% 0/8 12% l i f t 5 5% 6 4/8 14% 13% 18/8 12/8 8 6% 6/4 4/8 209% 189 65% 56% 10% 9/s 24% 18% 9/ 8 12/4 1892. 8% 5% 2% 4/ 8 10% ' 7 / 8 45 1% ^16 1ft 1/8 1893. 4% 7ft 9-§~ 3% 8/4 5% U4 5% 1% 1& 11/2 2ft 3 4 3% 3/8 3ft 4% 7 3/8 4% 1ft 3TO 4% 5% 3/4 4 5% 4 5/s 5% UL 10 30ft 8% 4 3% 3ft % 8/4 6/2 9% U% 7% 142 105% 5% 7/4 6 8/ 8 143/g 9% 3ft 4% 10/4 5/2 •4% 8/4 6% 0% 10% 4/8 4 1/8 11/4 5% tr 3 °To 12% 15% 8 5% 199% 61% q_5_ ^16 21% 10% 10% 13/ 8 4/8 2% 180 42 6% 15% 7% 2/8 11/8 2% 3/4 43/ 8 1894. 6/4 1A 16 % 8% 10/s ' 8/ 4 6% 8% 10/4 9 10/8 139% 110 6 7% 6 7% 1 2 / 4 10% 3 4/8 6ft 5% 7/ 8 9% 0/8 2% 10% H/4 4% 5% 4% ^10 10 9/4 14/4 QliL *7lO 4 5 2% 3% 194 180 50% 42% 6/ 8 5ft 17 12/4 7% 9/4 1/4 5ft 16% 1j 3 1% 5% 1% 1 | 1/8 1 3/4 5 2% 3% 0% 3% 4% 9/s 10% 12ft 8/4 162 137 6 7% 4U10 13% 9 4% 3% 5% 6/4 9/4 7% 2ft 1% 12/s 10% l 4% 5 /4 4% 6>/8 11 s lift 9% 10 4 2% 3l6" 193& L6S 50 44% 6% 6ft 13 15 1 6 6/4 6% 1 Yearly Highest and Lowest Prices of T E A & C O F F E E , and "WATER from 1885 to 1894. TEA & COFFEE. Assam Tea Darjeeling Dooars Jokai Jorehaut Lebong . Ouvah Coffee ... ... 1885. 46/ 2 36 2514 201/2 1886. 483,4 41 2614 23/ 2 10 83,4 ... ... -. 37 3#,4 1214 10 2%. 1ft 45£ 13/2 3% 4014 12 23/4 233 9^ 201 127 264 I43/4 226 213 83/4 184 113^4 253 9/2 192 1887. 46& 39 251/4 23i/2 63/4 101/4 12i/2 11 37 48 133/8 12% 43/4 3% 1888. 421/2 38/ 2 251/2 2278 9/2 11% 15/2 123/g 47 40 131/2 12 4 4% 1889. 3934 301/s 271/4 20% 8 IO/2 I51/4 13 32 41 I3/2 Hl/2 43/4 4/2 1890. 371/8 321/2 27 20 12/2 934 I51/4 13% 37 29^ I21/2 I31/4 31/4 2% 1891. 34i/2 2934 22/ 2 191/8 1 3 ^ 103/8 16 143/8 34 31 105/8 9 5i/8 3% 1892. 30& 22% 2O/2 17 133/g 11 15ft 13% 331/8 30y4 11 8 5fa 41/4 1593. 31 271/8 2034 18 153/s 1234 15f« 13% 34^4 31 11% 101/4 5^8 4ft 1894. 43% 27% 20/ 2 18 15ft 12/2 15% ^ 44 33/2 121/4! 91/4 8l/2 51,2 WATEB. Chelsea W a t e r Colne Valley E a s t London Grand Junction A Kent Kimberley L a m b e t h (max. 10 % ) . . . Montevideo New River, N e w Southwark a n d Vauxhall Tarapaca W e s t Middlesex . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 208^ 91/4 192 1203,4 255 10 1941,4 187 83/4 173 103& 243 5% 182 ... 2451/2 9i/4 203 1261/4 259 13!/2 240 22614 9 188 118 248 9/ 2 217 ... ... 335 322 1891,2 155 342 334 1741/2 157 324 346 1701/2 154 ... 257 261 264 233 24S& 249 ^264 11 203^ 127i/2 280 12% 265 239 91/4 190 120 255 734 2391/2 353 323 176 15514 201/s 12% 274 256 !<£8 paid. 275/2 11% 219 131 285 11% 263 l / 2 221/g 368 185 201/4 271% 2571/2 10% 202^ 122 273 91/4 250 201/2 348 164/ 2 10% 2611,2 275 10& 218& 127 282 10% 25S& 22 371 180 11% 270 261 9% 207 120 272 6% 247i/2 183,4 360 162l,2 61/4 260 272l/2 10% 220/2 124 2791,2 6% 257 19& 360 179 12 270 2541/2 9% 196 98 257 41/4 225 19 335 148/ 2 7i/8 242 259/2 1034 209 1071/2 279 6 229 171,2 33S 153 12i/8 251 227 10 193 90 242 3ft 205 15 323 133 i 0 i/ 4 235 275 11% 221 116 290 41/4 249 16% 348 169 12iV 258% 248l4 11 205 106 276l4 2& 2201,4 15% 325 149 9/ 2 243 2963,4 12 236l/> 123/2 309 2ft 275 191/4 383 172/2 11% 233 269 113/g 2121,2 HO/2 28S 1 237 153/g 365 156 9i/8 265 j 1 1885 BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1885. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. 'Sg BRITISH FUNDS. Consols llOl 1 ^ 30.5 943/8 14.4 Do. for Account ... 101% 1.6 9456 13.4 7 14.4 71 Eeduced Three per Cents. ..101% 9.4 Do. for Account ...101 93% 13.4 New Three per Cents. ...101% 27.8 Do. for Account ... 100% 24.8 9 3 % 13.4 7 20.4 34 Do. Three-and-half p . Cts. h 02% 14.2 29.4 im Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 97% 30.1 10.4 84 Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 92*4 9.1 84 Do. for Account ... 91% 9.1 8456 9.4 7f 9 Red Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. 15-^ 16.12| 143,4 16.6 ie Exchequer Bills (March) ... 14/-p. 30.7 6/-d. 17.12| 20/Do. do. (June) ... 12/-p , 19.10|r :7/-d. 3.1 19/18.121 Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8lll\£ 6.1 I l l Do. " E u p e r t ' s Ld."1904112J6 24.11 11256 24.1l[ Do. Bonds 1910115 8.6 IH1/2 30.4 15.4 6 Do. ' Bonds 1913115 14.8 109 28.8 96% 22.12| 24 Egypt. Gov. 3 % Grua. Loan J a m a i c a ^ u a . b y Imp.G.,1897106% 1.8 10556 6.7 I f Turkish 5 % Guaranteed ... 107% 12.8 10434 20.2 3 5.1 128756 4 . 5 |21 Bank of England ... B a n k of Ireland f ... |338 10.6 [249 28.12| J9 30.4 6f India Stock 18881103% 1.9 97 Do. do. 1931) 103% 5.2 96 27.4 7 | Do. do. 1948] 92y4 12.2 841/6 16.7 7! India Enfaced Paper 7856 13.1 721/4 16.4 64 Do. do. 18851 77i/2 14.2 7756 14.2 Do. do. 1893 80% 7.1 72% 16.9 71 Do. Debentures 1889 100 21.7 991/4 28.1 Do. do. 1891[ 99 6.101 98% 17.12| Isle of Man Debentures 3.7 9956 5.8 CORPORATION STOCKS, Met. Bd. of W o r k s 31 %,1929| 9.4 28.8 101 Do. do. 3 %,1941 1001,4 4.2 94 15.4 Do. 5th issue 3% 24.12| 99 11.6 10056 Com. of Sewers, Lon., 19051H0014 26.9 98 3.6 Corp. of London 31 % ,1885-8 10056 19.11] 99 12.5 Do. do. 31%,1891-4 10056 26.6 9856 26.5 Do. do. 3 % 1912 4.7 96 20.10| Birmingham 31 % 1946]I 97 30.5 9856 30.4 101% 18.9 27*6 1Q.2 Do. Gas Ann. of <£1 1 Do. W a t e r do. of £1, 37J6 Blackburn 4 % Do. 31% Bristol 3 % 2S.4 100 29.9 Cardiff 3 1 % 15.9 98i/2 7.10| Croydon 3 1 % 19141100 26.3 30.5 Glasgow 3 1 % 1904 10214 10.11 22.5 Hull 3 1 % 1943||ioo56 5.10] 8.121 Lee Conservancy 4 % Leeds 4 % 1927| 111% i.'iol10956 21.3 Do. 3 1 % 1.7 101% 8.6 99 Leicester Gas and Wafer 4 % 98% 29.9 983/8 1.101 Do. 31% 19341, 9856 7.101 98 11.8 Liverpool 31 % 2.1 y»/ 2 9.4 |102 Longton3|% 1932| 993/8 1.4 102 11.9 I Manchester 4 % 8.1 iH6% 9.11 114 Middlesbrough 44 % 19081107 19.11 10456 21.2 Do. 3| % 1909 Newcastle 3 1 % 19361IOO14 8.'5 100 8.5 Nottingham 3 % 2.6 8056 22.4 Portsmouth 31 % . 17.111 9756 29.121 Eeading 31 % 31.1 9756 17.4 South Stafford 41 % 9314 17.1 90 10.8 Stockton 44 % 1908| 106J6 28.1011,0356 11.3 Swansea 3 1 % 6.11 9656 9.4 Swansea H a r b o u r Trust 5 % Do. do. 4£ % Wolverhampton 31 % ...| 9856 2 . 1 10.4 n n n COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES. B . Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894|ll234 Do. 6% 190712656 C a n . " I n t c . E1.L.," 5 %,1903114 Do. 4 % 1904-5-6-81061/6 Do. Eeduced 4%, 1910103% Do. 31% 1909-34 9334 Do. 4 % 1910-351033,4 25.8 111 2.12 120 26.6 110% 18.2 10156 14.121100% 28.5 "% 14.12|1101 26.5 23.3 12.1 2.5 6.8 13.4 29.7 C L NA I ?RN.-continued. OOIL Cape of G. H . 6 %, 1890-1900111756 27.2 1041 15.1 13 Do. do. 6 % 1891 15.12| 10456 5.8 5 Do. do. 5 % 1900| 1093,4 14.7 103% 25.3 61 Do. 41 % red. an. dr. 110334 13.10) 9456 25.4 94 Do. 4 1 % , 1879 do. 10314 27.11 9534 13.1 71 97 20.11 8714 26.3 9f Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 28.11 8954 16.3 7f Do. 4 % 1917-221 97 Do. 41 % 1899| IIO34 2.10 IO254 5.'l Do. 5 % 10/40 Ceylon 4^% Do. 4% Skg.Fd.froml886-8]IO234 29.5 9956 20.'3 Do. do. do. 1887-901100% 2.12| 100% 2.12| 10314 23.2 "3 22 64 Fijian Government 41 % Jamaica 4^% 41 10056 25.'8 Do. 4 % Mauritius 4 % 1895-961[11656 16.7 11656 16.7 Do. 41% 10334 22.9 10334 22.9 Do. 4 % 10156 27.8 9914 11.3 24 Natal 6 % 1885-71104% 19.6 1100% 9.1 44 Do. 6 % 1896 25.6 Hit 4.'6 Do. 5 % 1909|[107 10.4 9f 102% 22.121 Do. 41 % 7.1 51 Do. 4 % 19261 92i/4 11.11 12.3 Do. 5%10/401894-1924 10534 12.11 99 ,10534 11.11 10856 15.9 61 Do. 5% New Brunswick 6 % ,1886-91 111 16.5 10214 14.9 24 8| New S. W . 5 % 1888-18941110956 16.12| 10134 9.1 7 | Do. 5% 1895-1902 11434 15.6 10534 22.4 9 2.1 61 Do. 5% 18724898 111056 16.6 J104 26.3 7f Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 106% 27.6 99 11.4 6f Do. 4% 1910 1053/8 6.6 99 New Zealand 6 % 1891 113% 20.6 109 14.3 4f 29.1211063/8 7.5 71 Do. 5% 1914|H31/2 19.6 104 16.1 5 | Do. 5% Consols... Do. 6% 1891 10934 28.5 10914 15.9 3 | 113 5.12| 10856 2 . 1 3f Do. 6% 1891 Do. (Auck.)6%,1896 112% 31.1 106% 31.1 25.4 51 Do. 4!%5/30,1879-1904 106% 28.5 14.4 Do. 5% 10/40,1888-1918 105 25.8 10234 6.11 21 Do. 5 % 1889 107 11.9 10556 7.5 I10034 24.1 21 Nova Scotia 6 % 1886 Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 1904 102% 29.12110434 4.5 51 Do. 5 % 1906 HO1/2 17.12 '10556 2.1 4f Do. 41 % 1919 II01/4 9.11 ~y 4 17.4 •73 '4 3.1 6f Do. 5 % 1912 107 22.12 106 1891-6 112% 10.6 106 13.4 131 Queensland 6 % 1913-15 119J6 23.121 971/4 13.4 94 Do. 4% 7.7 , 2 4 South Austra. 6 %, 1885-1890 10656 23.11 101 6%, 1891-1900 10314 14.7 11034 13.8 H I Do. 2.1 115 6%, 1901-1918 12254 8.121 115 Do. 130 5 %, 1911-1920 6.11 X 2 15.4 51 Do. 30.4 64 4 % , 1894-1916118 Do. 7.12 16.4 4f 1929 10314 23.12 97 Do. 4% 1916I10354 7.12 95% 28.4 71 Do. 4% Do. 4 % 1917-18-241IO314 7.2 """' '2.4* 4§ Straits Settlements 41 % ...10456 21.3 110456 21.3 Tasmania 6 % 189511856 25.6 11314 22.4 54 Do. 6 %, 1893-1901119% 16.4 11056 8.4 9f 14.4 54 Do. 4 %, 1908-13-14-2010356 30.6 Trinidad 5% 104 26.2 10156 13.11| 21 Do. 4 % , ...100 16.111 9556 24.4 41 2.1 5 Victoria 6% 1891114 16.6 109 Do. 6%, 1885 10334 31.3 10054 21.4 31 2.5 4 | Do. 5 % 1894110% 26.6 Do. 4 % 1899-1901105 4.11 10534 14.4 71 9756 Do. 41% . 190411034 2.12| 105 15.4 51 11.4 81 Do. 4 % , 1881 190710756 24.6 30.4 61 Do. 4 % 1882-3... 1908-13104% 2.12| 10214 21.1 34 W e s t e r n Australia 41 % ... 10556 3.9 Do. do. 4% ...102% 29.5 9756 16.7 5f Do. do. 4% ...10154 12.121 91V2 4.8 3 * n W E E G I S T E R E D & I N S . STKS, Canada 4 % Beg., 1904-5-6-8|l0656 26.2 IOO34 Do. 4 % Eeduced... 1910103% 12.121 101 % Do. 3 i % E e g . , 1909-34 94 6.5 Do. 4% i9iO-35iO3343O.ll 1100% Cape of Good H.4%Eeg.,1923 961 9:10| 8834 16.4 31.7 10.4 28.7 27.3 at 47. V 7f 3 *i *« i -II Flue tip NAME OF STOCK. est. COLONIAL—continued, and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Ac, for 1885. -Ed *<3 NAME OF STOCK. II I* FOREIG N—continued, R E G I S . & INSCRIBED—con. Cape of Good H.4% Ins.l923l 9634 8.10 89% 2 . 1 7* H u n g a r i a n 5 %, 1871 101% 18.9 921/4 30.4 9f Ceylon 4 % I n s . 1934 101% 23.12 99% 26.9 H 10134 8.6 93 30.4 81 Do. 5 % , 1873 15.121 8534 21.4 6* N a t a l 4 % Reg., 1927 92 Do. 4% G. Rentes, 1881.. 81% 24.6 7234 30.4 9* 30.5 102 30.4 6f I* Italian 5 % NewSth.Wales4% Ins.,1933 10834 97i/2 30.12! 88 30.4 9* Do. 3*% Ins.,1924 9534 3.2 88 24.4 Do. 5 %(Sard.), 1851 .. 101% 22.101 9 6 | 25.6 1.101 93% 11.4 New Zealand 4 % Ins., 1929 101 Do. Irrigation 6 % 24.6 110 25.4 117 Do. Do. 5%, M a m m a . Rail.... 971/4 21.11 92 22.4 98% 27.10 98% 27.10 28.11 98% 9.6 4 Queensland 4% Ins., 1915-241103% II534 16.12||103% 27.3 5* * J a p a n 7%, 1873 S. Aus. 4%Reg.l917-18-24-35 103% 19.2 100 14.4 3^ Mexican 3 % , 1851 2iy 4 13.1 16rAr 30.6 2f Victoria 4 % I n s . 1907 106% 24.11| 100 11.4 6* Do. 3 % , 1864 9% 14.1 6% 16.7 5 ^ Do. 4 % Ins.1908-13-19 |104% 13.2 9734 16.4 6f N o r w e g i a n ^ %, 1876 1917110634 17.10| 100% 4.5 3 14.12| 973/8 1.8 4* W e s t . Australia 4 % 1934|10134 Do. 4 * % , 1878 1920 106% 26.6 101% 27.4 Do. 4 %, 1880 1934]103% 4 . 8 100 18.4 FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, &c. Orange Free State 6 % 9 . 3 9534 19.2 96 104 12.6 93 2 9 . 1 11 Argentine 6 %, 1868 P a r a g u a y 8%, 1871 14 7.12| 7 14.4 3* 1 Do. 6%, 1871 10234 25.8 9iy2 28.1 1 H Do. 8%, 1872 11% 24. Hi 8% 5.2 7 4 Do. 6%, 1881 1100 28.10| 86% 29.1 Peru 6%, 1870 29.12 9% 13.4 27.7 88 29.1 10^ Do. 6 %, 1882 Do. 5%, 1872 17.11 6% 2.5 3* 29.6 75 14.4 H i Do. 5 %, 1884 Portuguese 3 %, 1853-84 3.6 41% 6.8 61 Do. Public W o r k s .. 95 23.12| 77 17.4 18 * Do. 5 %, 1882 87 21.3 75 12.8 4 | * 5.1 57 13.4 2 5 | D o . H a r d Dollars .. IIO434 12.12| 100% 3.1 6 * 3.1 66 15.4 33f I* Prussian Consols 4 % Do. Treasury 12.2 78 13.4 |12 10.6 6314 23.4 51 Russian 5 %, 1822 * Austrian Silver Rentes .. 69 Do. 41 %, 1850 19.2 80 15.4 , 4i 68fc 10.2 64% 11.11 4 * D o . Paper do. Do. 4*%, 1860 90 14.9 85% 8.7 1.8 8134 24.4 8 i * D o . Gold do. .. 90 Do. 3 %, 1859 73 64 24.4 20f 7.2 * Belgian 2*% Do. 5 %, 1862 973/4 3.1 80 10.4 1 7 | 6.10 841/2 13.1 ik 91 * D o . 3 %, 1874 Do. Ang.-D.5%,1864 99% 9.2 22.4 1X7* 10134 11.111 98% 26.1 HI Brazilian 4*%, 1860 Do. do. 5%,1866 9934 6.2 9.4 23.9 98 29.4 4 102 Do. 4*%, 1863 Do.(Nic.Rail.),1867-6i 86% 30.101 2.5 15* 19.8 92 23.4 8 Do. 100 5 %,1865 Do. 5 %, 1870... 991/4 29.12 9.4 i i f Do. 99% 8.7 90 28.4 9f 5 %, 1871 Do. 5 %, 1871... 5.2 10.4 18* Do. 993/4 10.6 90% 30.4 9* 5 %,1875 Do. 5 %, 1872... 12.2 10.4 |18|Do. 88 28.12| 81i/2 27.4 6* 4*%, 1879 4 10.4 20| Do. 5 %,1873... 9734 13.2 Do. 873/4 22.5 81 29.1 6* 4i%,1882 Do. 4*%, 1875... 9iy 4 12.2 73 10.4 17* 10314 21.121 96 J 4 25.4 7 Buenos Ayres 6 %, 1824 Do. 3 %, Transcau.Rail.| 12.1 59 5.5 18* Do. 3%, 1857 97% 22.101 9514 19.8 2* * San Domingo 6 %, 1869 31.8 8% 27.4 •10 * 17.9 87 14.4 Do. 6%, 1870 98% 83 2.1 64% 2 . 5 18* 6%, 1873 31.8 86I/2 25.4 10* Santa Fe" 6%, 1883-84 Do. 97 Do. (North Col. Rail.) 5 89 31.12| 78 21.4 111 6%, 1882 Do. 931/4 19.6 8OI4 28.4 13 Spanish 2 % 48 8.6 41 26.11 "" 26.9 80 29.1 12 Do. 6% ,1883 92 Do. Quickslvr. Mortgage!106 27.6 101% 2.7 7 Chilian 3 1842 93i/2 23.3 9134 8.7 I f Do. 4% 62% 13.2 50% 26.11 112 Do. 4* 1858 94 12.8 87i/2 22.4 6* Swedish 4* %, 1876 3.11| 100% 105 2.5 4* Do. 7 1866 10814 100 21.10 8* Do. 4 % , 1878... 2.5 4* IO314 5.8 99 Do. 6 1867 10734 12.12110014 1 3 . 3 6* Do. 4 % , 1880... 28.9 99 2.5 , 4 | Do. 5 1870 1104 18.121 951/2 6.5 8* Turkish 5%, 1854 ... 1.9 81% 13.4 1 2 | Do. 5 1873 102i/2 27.8 94 15.3 8* Do. 4*%, 1871 74 23.3 583/8 30.4 15* Do. 5 %, 1875 |103 26.8 9334 30.4 9£ Do. 5%, 1877 (Defence)! 86% 21.3 683/4 30.4 18* Do. 4* % Scrip (all paid)! 9034 30.121 883/8 8.10 2t Do. Priority 5% Bonds 81 3 4 4 . 3 68 15.10| 13* Chinese 7 %, Series A H6I/2 4.12 IO71/2 13.6 9 22.9 115* Do. 7%, Series B 1858 i Registered 38% 2.2 Do. 11734 31.12 107% 16.6 10* (, Stamped.. 3434 4 . 3 2.1 , 2 « Do. 6% 10934 17.12 1021/2 16.7 7 * | 2.2 25 9.11 13* 1 Q*O I Registered! 38% Do. 6% Do. HOI/2 6. l l | a543/8 20.7 1862 10.2 24 30.3 8* I Stamped... 273/8 Colombian 4f %, 1873 6.7 5f [ 2034 17.9 15 Costa Rica 6%, 1871 Do. 1863 C Registered 20 21.2 16% 15.8 3* 251/2 30.111 11 16.4 14* (.Stamped... Do. 7 % , 1872 30.111 1114 1.4 20 10.3 13% 13.10| Danish 4 %, 1850 & 1861 .. 991/2 30.4 99% 30.4 ^ Do. Gen. ( Registered 24.3 6.1 Debt. (.Stamped... Do. 4 % , 1862 14.3 11.11 4 | •\QRK ( R e g i s t e r e d Danubian7%,1864 |108 27.2 102 " 12.10 6* Do. lbb5 1 4.2 ion 26.1 i Stamped., Do. 8%, 1867 112 17.6 103 8.1 9 5.3 12% 22.9 * D u t c h Certificates 2* % .. 69% 7.11 6434 30.4 4 | 17% Do. 1869 ( S i 17.2 934 2.1 * Do. do. 4 % .. IO31/2 18.9 99% 23.4 4 10% Treas. ( Registered 21 4 . 3 13% 9.12| 7* * Do. do. 4 % .. IO41/4 29.101 1011/2 28.1 Do. A,B,C£ Stamped... 2034 3.1 16% 20.2 4 Ecuador New Cons. 934 13.10 7 18.5 21 IQ»7O ( R e g i s t e r e d ! 17% 11.3 13& 9.12| 4 * Do. Prov. Land Warrants! Do. iy7d I Stamped... 91/4 4.2 69%" 4.2 583/g 30.4 10f 8% 15.6 1* E g y p t i a n , Unified Debt 4% I U.S.(Massachustts.)5% 1888 106 20.7 104 28.5 Do. Government Pref.5% 91% 4.2 75% 30.4 18 * Do. do. 5%, 1894 115% 26.11 111% 19.1 2 Do. State Domain 5% ... 90 16.12| 7414 30.4 15* Do. do. 5%, 1900 120% 13.6 115% 6.1 8* Do. Daira San.C.Dbt. 4% 6734 4.2 53% 30.4 144 10534 Do. d o . 5%, 1889 108 23.4 I 105 12.1 41 Entre-Rios 7 %, 1872 4.121 102 29.1 3* Do. do. 5%, 1891 109% 10.2 107 2.1 3 Do. 6 % Cen.R.M.Bds. 31.121 91% 16.9 2* Do. do. 5%, 1895 116 8.12 111 6.1 2* * French Rentes 4* % 109% 28.7 1051/2 30.3 4* United States 4* % 1891 H6i4 5.1 I118% 27.5 5 * Do. 3 % ~~" 9 . 6 7514 10.4 7 Do. do. 4 % 1907|127% 26.11 124 27.3 2 | * Do. 3 %Red.... 79% 14.4 3 | 8| Greek Independ. 5%, 1879... 70 15.10 19* Virginian 5 % 41 '" 7.11 40% 13.11] Do. 6% Do. 5%, 1881 J 51 16.11 18* 57 12.11 39 , '* Do. New F u n d . 6% ,19051 28.1 Do. 5%, 1884 51 19.11 5.1 18 Do. 6 % (with Cert.).. 659| 11.11 40 Guatemala 5 %, 1856 44 2514 7.10 18f Uruguay,Unified 5%, 1883.. 5 7 | 10.1 43f 14.12119* Do. 6%, 1869 46 10.3 26 21.8 20 32* 29.5 26* 24.2 Il4* H o n d u r a s 1 0 % , 1867 7.11] 234 28.4 4* Venezuela 5 %, 1881 7 Do. 10%, 1870 61/2 17.111 3 27.4 1 8 * » 51 n n\\ f ? m, s* m SS SP m mi n n\\ m n RAILWAYS—Ordinary, Lines Leased, and Debenture Stocks for 1885. NAME OF STOCK. 5* a NAME OF STOCK. RAILWAYS—ORDINARY. Bedford&NorthamptonDef.] 25 21.7 24 17.8 Do. do. Pref, [122 8.9 116 21.1 '103% 2.9 90% 15.4 Caledonian 21.Ill 5 l / 2 2.4 Do. Deferred N o . 1 Do. do. No. 2| Cornwall 5% 6.11 4* 20.7 Do. A 51/4 4.12 4% 31.3 Do. B Cornwall M i n e r a l s . . . 7.1 4 * 11% 9.12] 7 16.1 East London 17 934 9.2 74 Eurness [107 23.2 98% 21.7 Glasgow and South Western ! no% 2 . 1 91% 7.10|19 12.1 57% 30.4 [ l i t Great E a s t e r n 691/4 Great N o r t h of Scotland Great Northern 11434 ' 15.121104% 26.3 164 Do. A ... 106% 30.12|, 92% 9.4 Il4* 154 10.2 14634 2.5 Do. B ... 7.7 114 Great Northern (Ireland) 114 7.7 Great South. & W . (Ireland)| 114 28.3 10234 6.11 lii 140% 25.8 124% 9.4 1 5 | Great Western 5.2 871/4 4.4 3 | 91 Highland 434 13.11| 3 Hull & Barnsley 13.8 i f 119 7.3 H 8 3 4 7.3 , 4 Isle of W i g h t Lancashire and Yorkshire [117% 10.2 IO414 21.12 Lon.,Brghtn. & South Coastl 120 9.1 105 14.4 15 Do. do. Preferred 142 15.12| 130 13.4 112 104% 15.9 79 14.4 Do. do. Deferred Do. Contin. B-ights| 16% 17.10| 8 20.4 London, Chat., & Dov. Arb, , 201/4 20.11 1314 1.4 7 London and N o r t h Western| 17034 26.8 153% 14.4 London and South Western 129i/2 17.6 119% 30.4 10 London, Til., and Southendl 159 1.12| 143 9.4 16 Do. do. New, 1883 158 29.9 137 27.5 21 Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 741/2 17.1 63 23.7 Do. do. Preferred! II21/4 13.1 96 8.7 13.11 29 Do. do. Deferred.] 13.4 |10 25.6 12 13.11| Mersey Metropolitan II31/4 24.1 9814 9.4 Do. Preferred 133 16.3 133 16.3 15 Do. Deferred Metropolitan District , 60% 2.1 36% 9.4 13434 4.6 125)6 9.4 , 9 * Midland # North British 97i/8 2.1 831/4 15.4 118* Do. Edinburgh & Glas.| 35% 3.1 , 26% 6.10| 8f North E a s t e r n 160 27.11 14234 9.4 17* Do. do. New| 58% 20.11 48 13.8 10f 179% 18.11 168 14.4 U * N o r t h London 9234 17.11 81% 10.4 H i N o r t h Staffordshire [190 21. l l | 133 Ehymney 5.5 157 Do. .£10 Shares 1814 21.9 1234 2.4 54 841/4 15.9 82% 16.11| Shropshire Union f Somerset and Dorset 9.11!, IX* , 6i/8 20.111 5 South Eastern 123 10.1 [110 28.3 13 Do. do. Preferred .. 146 8.1 137 28.4 9 Do. do. Deferred .. 101% 8.1 77% 13.4 !3f Do. do. 1882 8.1 104 2.5 111% TaffVale ... 271% 16.7 [234% 24.4 37 W e s t Lancashire , Whitby,Eedcar, & Mid. Un, n \m II m m n LINES LEASED. Birkenhead 118 Do. 44 % Preference![123 Colchester, Stour Valley,&c.| E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % 161% Great Western 4£%Rent-ch.| 1213/4 Hammersmith & City 54 % 143 London and Blackwall ... 126 Do. 44 % Preference|[126 London and Greenwich ... 75 Do. Pref. 5% 138 Mid K e n t (Cray Line) 101 Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... 68% Do. do. 6%... 78% N o r t h &South Western Jnc.| North British Cons. Lien 112%' Nottingham and Grantham|116% 541/2 Preston and Wyre Eoyston, Hitch. & Sheprethl1160 Shrews.&Heref.6% Rent-ch.l 162 9.12 108 22.10 [120 19.101 8.5 25.9 29.4 27.2 16.3 21.5 9.11 30.4 9.9 2.6 104%' 10.12|[108 10.7 523/4 15.12| 155/ 2 10.2 155 14.4 22.4 24.3 12.3 29.4 'a € 5 LINES imtQ-continued. Victoria Station & Pimlico] 230% 20.4 228% 1.4 Do. 4* 5.2 117 117 5.2 Waterford,Dun.,&Lis.Pref. W e s t London, Class C 7.4 10 23.5 Weymouth and Portland . [118 3.10| 114 24.8 DEBENTURE STOCKS. B a n b u r y & Cheltenham 5 %| 130 29.5 [123 24.3 Do. 5 % , , 7 3 r e d . t o 4 % ... 75 24.3 72 16.7 Do. 5 % , 1881 24.3 30 30 24.3 Do. 5 % ,'77 red. t o 4%, ... 26 28.12] 21 8.5 Bedford & Northmptn. 4 % , 16% 1.9 [116 1.9 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % ... |103% 13.8 99 28.4 4 * Do. do. B 4 % ... 86 24.7 75% 6.5 Caledonian 4 % 117 31.8 1108% 29.4 8 * Cornwall Guaranteed 4 %... 126 5.11| 121% 13.5 4 * Cornwall Minerals A 4 % ... 22.9 IO614 7.10| Do. do. B 34 % . 8214 10.9 79% 23.6 2f Eastern & Midlands 44 %... , 92% 8.6 83 15.1 E a s t London 6% 169 5.1 150 17.1 19 Do. 5% Do. 6%, 1874 ... Do. 6 % , 1875 ... 94 8.1 91% 11.6 Do. Guaranteed 3* % 99 6.111 96 1.9 3 Do. W h i t e c h . E x . 2* %..[ C6914 26.2 66 5.10| 84 Furness 4 % 117 17.12| 11114 7.5 5f Glasgow & S. Western 4%| 116 14.7 108% 4 . 5 7* Great E a s t e r n 4 % ... 118% 28.101' i l l 30.4 Do. A 5% 140% 27.10 135 24.3 ft Do. B 5% 1867... 129% 12.11 123 21.7 64 Do. 4^% ![120 5.5 5.5 [120 Do. E a s t Anglian 4 % 116 18.11 110% 11.5 5 i Great N . of Scotland4 % ...[ 11034 24.10U09 14.3 I f Great N o r t h e r n 4 % ... |!l23 21.12 113% 23.4 9 i Great Western 4 % I2234 15.12 113 27.4 9f Do. 4£% 126% 1.12 116% 17.3 10 Do. 4*% 1134 21.12 124 15.4 10 Do. 5 % 1473/8 18.12 138 22.4 9f Highland 44 % 1183/4 21.10 [113% 13.5 64 Do. 4 % Ill4 17.10 1109% 13.5 44 ; Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 %! 120% 4.11 111 22.4 London & Blackwall 44 % 123 8.12 117 8.4 London & Greenwich 4 % 2.2 111 15.6 113 London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 118 19.111II21/4 4.5 2 ! Do. Perpetual 4 4 " 131% 15.12 124 28.4 74 I Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 44 123 21.12TL13 14.4 10 Do, B 4* % [12134 18.12 [111% 24.4 104 Do. 4% 106% 31.1 103 11.8 34 Do. 1883 4 % [107 17.12 [102 18.3 5 London & N o r t h West. 4 % 12434 2.7 114 13.4 |10f London & South West. A 4% 123 5.6 113 29.4 10 Do. do. B 4% 122% 29.12| 113 15.4 94 Do. do. 3*% 104 17.6 ( 1100% 22.1 34 London, Tilbury, & c , 4% ... J116K 13.10 111 21.4 54 Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 %j 138 31.12 136% 20.5 14 Do. do. 4| % 129% 16.12 121% 29.4 Mersey Perpetual 5 % ,121% 13.2 II8I/4 5.121 8 Do. do. 44 % 10.121106 20.101 34 11634 11.12 111 10.4 I t Metropolitan 4 % ... Do. 4k% ... [129% 4.121122 4 . 5 5f Do. 3*% ... 102 20.6 100 11.4 Metropolitan District 6 % 160 13.1 !151% 4 . 5 Do. 4 % 108 13.1 103% 17.4 Midland 4% 12234 5.12 113% 15.4 84 M i d - W a l e s A 4 % ... 1104 15.9 95% 28.4 94 N o r t h British 4 % ... 116% 16.8 108ft 4.5 84 Do. E.P. &D.B. 5 137 9.1 128% 1.4 8 18.6 8f Do. 4k% ... 129% 23.101125 24.12 [117 20.5 44 Do. 44%... 120 23.10 112% 24.4 3 N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% ... 121% 124 Do. 4*% ... 132% 9.121 125 24.4 9 N o r t h London44% ... 131% 16.6 117% 13.5 84 3.6 4.3 N o r t h Staffordshire 4k % 122 64 Rhymney Perpetual 4 % 44 South E a s t e r n Perp. 4 % 118% 25.6 112/2 20.4 27.4 144 12.12| 134 Do. do. 5% 16.2 115 26.5 112 TaffVale 4 % W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 %j Wrex. Mold& Con. Q. A 4% 99% 17.11 97% 29.5 Do. do. B 4% f\ ? 15.4 HO 26.8 3 12.2 155 11.111 11614 25.9 143 1.121 117 2.12 118 3.121 7oy8 31.7 132 9.11! 101 21.12 6434 24.11 75% 61 & o ei 9" 8 4| 6 3f 3 8" 84 If 44 7 5 RAILWAYS—Guaranteed, Contingent Preference, and British Possessions for 1885. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. it & o P E E E C STOCKS-c™fe«?.| RFRNE Lancashire & York. 4% Con.| 1133/4 17.12 106 7 Do. do. 4% Pref. 1133/4 7.1 104% 18 12 9i Do. do. 4%, 18821111% 16.121104% 22, 7i Do. do. 4%, 1884] 1.12 , SV4d 3 . London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 10^6 27.11[ 128 20. Do. 2nd do. 5% 132 16.7 |l27 21. 5 Lon., Chatham,&c., Arb.44% 2.1 73% 13. |24£ Do. do. 1885, .£40 pd.l 29.12| 41 14. • « Do. do. 44% 2nd Pref. 54 3.1 30 1 3 . 24 London & NorthWestern4%] 118% 3.7 108 13. 104 London & South Western4% 115 18.12110634 24. 84 Do. do. 4%, 18841H414 7.12 106% 20. 7| Do. div. from Jan., 1886j111% 14.12 105 4. 6f London,Til. 3 & Southend4% 108% 21.12 10534 10. 21 Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 109 30.111 10414 3 1 . Do. 5% Perpetual 132 18. 2.7 127 Do. 5% do. 1872.. 29.6 126 30. Do. 5% do. 1874.. 130% 125 2 1 . 51 Do. 5% do. 1876.. 128% 123 11.: 54 Do. 5%, 1879, convert.. I2534 121 24.: 4| Do. 5%, 1881 do. 123% 117 26, 6f Metropolitan 4% Perpetuall 10914 104% 19, 4f Do. 4% do. 1882 104 104 19, 3" Do. 4% Irred.,1884|105 1102 7, Metropolitan District 5%... 123 6.2 80 31, 143 104 Midland 5 % Perpetual ... 141% 16.121131% 16, Do. 44% 126 22.12 116 28, 110 Do. 4 %Perpetual,1876| 112% 29.7 |106 5, 64 Do. 4 %, 1878 131/s 5.6 10% 11, 2i Do. 4 % 1880 Shares.. 12% 6.6 1134 14. 1 Do. 4 %Perpetual,1881| 115 14.12!|107 25, 8 <£11 Perpetual Do. 10% 15.12 914 14. 1* Do. 4 %, 1885 ... 114% 23.12 [110 19. 44 N o r t h British 4% No. 2 IIO914 17.12] 102 29. 74 Do. Monkland ... Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow| 3.9 112 7.5 64 Do. 1865 130 23.9 12634 20.3 3i Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 . 13114 7,9 124 29.4 74 Do. 44% Irredeem., 1875, 11734 26.9 1121/s 30.4 5* Do. 44% Convert., 1875 . 118 8.121 112% 30.4 5f Do. 5% do. 1879. 131 14.12 17.4 7f Do. 4% do. after 1889! 10634 15.12 12314 16.4 4f 102 Do. 4% do. 2nd Issue 104 3.10 102 26.10| 2 16.4 N o r t h East.,S.& D., Class D 148% 17.1 141 19.3 74 Do. B l y t h & Tyne 4% 1.121 106 7 113 19.3 9 Do. 1876 4% 1.12 115 N o r t h London44%(max. 5%)| 135% 29.12 106 1.4 71 '127» Do. do. 44%, 1875 121 7.1 116 10.9 5 N o r t h Staffordshire 5% 130 23.1 125 14.8 5 Do. do. 44% 18731119 13.7 116 27.3 3 Do. do. 44% 1876 120% 17.12| 116 27.111 41 E h y m n e v 6% 1864 ... 1.10 21 Somerset & Dorset, 5% l s t | 21 1.10 Do. 5% 2nd Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 102 26.1 97 16.4 South E a s t e r n Cons. 44%... 125 18.121117 30.7 Do. do. 5 % ... 139 30. l l | 131 30.3 Do. H u n d r e d of Hoo 4 % 105% 1.8 102% 30.6 Do. W e s t Wickham 4 % 105% 3.12| 102 30.6 TaffVale6% 153% 2.7 153% 2.7 W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs. 1% 26.6 1% 26.6 G A A T E STOCKS. U R NED Caledonian 4% Guatd. Ann. 114 24.8 109 4.5 Do. 4% Cons. Gua. 114 21.8 107 2.5 City of Glasgow Union C ... Do. do. F .. 1.12| 117 18.4 Cornwall 4 | % 122 F o r t h Bdge.4%o810Shs.dg4p. 4% 20.8 43/4 13.8 3 Do. 4% 6.5 51 ll2 /4 29.12] 107 Furness 4% 8.1 106 9.3 109 Glasgow & South West. 4% [117 30.7 IO814 17.4 Do. St. Enoch B.ent-ch.1 Great E a s t . 4% Rent-charge 112% 18.12| 109 1.6 34 16.5 133 11.5 3 Do. 5% Metro. Stk.| 136 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem, 113% 31.12| 106% 27.4 7 Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 106 27.8 106 27.8 Great N o r t h e r n 5% 14234 16.121 13314 22.4 94 Do. 4f% 28.4 10 18.12 117 127 Do. L e e d s , B . & H . 6 % 159% 27.11 156% 13.10] 3 Great South. & West.Irld.4% Great W e s t n . ~ Rent-ch. 51 144 14.12 133 27.4 1 1 ' Do. Consolidated 5% 14334 14.12| 132% 30.4 H i Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 1115% 9.6 108 29.4 74 17.12|1155 26.8 Do. do. 6% 14.5 1156 20.11! 4 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire)] 160 London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 13834 6.1 13014 27.3 ; 84 17.6 117% 20.2 3f Lon. C.&D. 5 Sheer.R.-ch.4J% London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 119% 29.7 109% 14.4 I10 London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4% 117 17.12| 109 15.4 8 9.1 155 17.8 5 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6 % 160 Do. do. 1st Pref. 4£% 124 11.12| 118 24.3 6 84 11.9 82 20.5 2 Do. do. 34% Do. 5%S.Y.Eent-charge| 13534 16.12| 130 51 115% 19.1 112 Do. 4i% do. do. 31 Met. Diet., Ealing Rent-ch 117% 3.1 116 14 Do. P u l h a m Rent-chargel 113 30.9 11234 106 23.4 106 Do. Midland 4%Rent-ch. 29.1 99 16.10] Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar.! 25.8 |109 13.4 Midland 4 % Rent-charge... 119 14.4 Do. 4% Guaranteed ... 1119 26.8 109 ,3 North British 4% No. 1 ... 118 19.8 106 N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4 % 118% 28.12| 108 11 |148 24.7 148 24.7 Do.. G.N.E.4% 4.11 134% 19.2 Do. Stockt. & Darl. A 5% 140 Do. do. B.&C.6% 162% 7.1 155 11.9 Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 117 4.12| 107% 21.4 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % ... 27% 7.1 253/4 29.4 South E a s t e r n Read, Ann. 28 17.6 26% 27.8 Do. 44% ... 12434 24.111 118 14.3 2.3 Taff Vale, No. 1 ' ... 265y4 16 12 1247 P E E E C STOCKS. RFRNE 11134 27.8 103 10.4 8f Caledonian 4% No. 1 10934 30.5 103 Do. 4% No. 2 7.5 6f 135 18.9 |127 Do. 5% 1878 4.5 8 109^ 23.9 102 16.4 Do. 4% 1884 Cornwall Minerals, 4% 20 17.8 18% 16.6 14 Eastern &Mid.(Lynn&F.)5% 95 22.9 95 22.9 E a s t London 5% 1st Pref.... 31% 13.1 13 21.9 1184 Do. 5%, 1877 ... 17% 10.4 12% 18.111 5 Furness 4% 108 25.11S 101 28.3 7 Do. 4% A [106 28.111 101 23.4 5 Do. 4%B 17.1 21 10234 30.10| 100 Glasgow & South W e s t . 5% 12% 8.4 , 12% 8.4 Do. do. 4% 109% 7.8 103 20.4 64 Great E a s t e r n 4% ... 111% 15.12|!l04% 30.1 6f Do. 5% 1876 ... 18.6 105 10.4 4* Do. 5% Northern Exten.. 109 5.6 105% 5.2 34 ... Do. 4% 1881 6.Ill 100 2.5 44 Do. 4 | % till 1893 106% 30.11 103% 8.8 3 Do. 44% 2nd Issue 9.12 4.9 1* Great N. of Scotland 4% A| Do. do. 4% B 126 2.12 117% 27.4 Great Northern 44% Do. 4 | % , 1876... |126 17.121,117 23.4 Do. 4 %, 1877... 12514 28.11 116 25.3 Do. 4 % , 1881... " 2 % 22.6 105 28.4 Do. 4 %, 1882... 112% 22.121105 26.5 140% 19.12 131 16.4 Great Western 5 % Highland A 4 | % j Do. B 5% ... ...I n 7 n n BRITISH POSSESSIONS, Barbados 6% Pref. Shares| Buffalo and Lake H u r o n 11& Do. 1st Mortgage 5% 12034 Do. 2 n d M o r t . 5 4 % . 11934 Canada C e n t r a l i s t Mort.. 109 Canadian Pacific 3 % 65 Do. 5 % l s t M o r t . | 105 Demerara 90 Do. P e r p . Pref. Stock,141 Graham's Town & Pt.Alfred| Do. do. 6 % Deb, 93% Grand Trunk, G.B.lMt.l903| 9234 Grand Trunk of Canada ... 12& Do. Guar. 4 % 731/g Do. 1st Pref... 78% Do. 2nd do. 4834 Do. 3rd do. , 25% 6 2.1 1 0 ^ 5.5 23.1 115% 22.5 28.1 115 12.5 7.12][IO414 13.4 30.12 36% 27.4 4| 31.12J 95i/8 1.9 |284 14.7 . 8 8 %30.7 9i 10.3 135 20.101 14 8 6 12.3 23.12| 20.11 6.1 9.1 18.11| 18.11 93% 90 6% 50 42% 29% 14 12.3 2.3 3.7 1.7 234 26.3 36 8.7 18| 8.7 RAILWAYS—British Possessions, Indian, and American for 1885. it NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. Q o BRITISH POSSESSIONS-^. Grd. Tnk. Can. 6% 2nd Equip. 119ft Do. 5%Perpt.Deb. l l l f t Do. 4% do. 89i/2 Do. G.W.Perp.5%Db.|110 Do. do. 6% 1890|107 Hamilton&N. W . l s t Mt. 6 % 1053,4 Melbour. &Hob.Bay5%Bds. lwy2 Mid. of Can5%lst Mt.(Mid.)J 93ft Do. 5% I s t M o r t . ... 92 Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt. 90ft Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st Mt.| New Brunswick5%lst Mort, 85% Newf ound.l Mt. Ld. Gr.BdsJ North, of Canada 6% Pref. 5% 1st Mort. 10634 Do. Do. 3rd Pref.A&B| 80 Do. IstNorth.Ex.Prf. 1063,4 Do. North. Ex. Impr. 103 Do. 4 % Debenture... Quebec Central 5% 1st Mort.| St. J o h n and Maine 30ft Do. 5%Deben... 98ft St. Lawrence & Ottawa 4 % 76ft Tasman. Main Line 6% Pref.l 26 Do. 4 % Debentures 93 Toron.Grey &Bruce4% lMt.j 773/ Wellington & Manawatu ... 1 4 Do. do. 5%Debent. Wel.Grey & Bruce7% IstMt.j Windsor & A n n a p . 5% Pref, Do. B 4 % Deben.l 51 P & AMERICAN—continued, BuffaloN.Y.&Phil.Con.lMt'.l Burling. CedarEapidslstMt. Canada Southern 1st Mort. Central of New Jersey Do. Con. Mort. Do. Adjust. Bonds] Do. 6%Conv.Deb. Central Pacific of California Do. do. 1st Mort.f Do. (Cal.&Or.Dv.)lMt.l Do. Land Grant Bonds 6.11 6i Chicago & N.W. 5%Sink.Fd. 1.7 79 Chicago & W . Ind. Gen. M. Chic. Burl. & Quin.Sink.Ed. 7.12| 99 26.3 Chicago, Milwau.,& St. P a u l 1.8 80 1.8 Do. lstMt.(S.W.Div.) 20.6 102 2 . 1 41 Do. (LaCros.&D.Div.) 29.4 |102% 9.3 * Do. (Hast. & Dak. Div 25.9 783/4 25.9 Do. (Chic.&L.Sup.Div." 9.1 20 27.7 115 Do. (Chic.&Pac.W.Div.j 30.12| 22.6 7* Do. (Wisc.&Minso.Div.) 2.6 2.6 Do. Termi.Mt.5%Gld.Bds. 65 20.10|Hi* Chicago & Tomah 6 % 8.121 24.10 16ft 9.9 9* Chicago,St.L.&N.Or.Gl.Bd. 28.10 83 3.2 10 Cincinnati, Wash. & B . lMt.j 5.12 69V2 26.3 8* Do. do. 2 do.! 761/4 8.12 13.8 16.5 0% 6.10| 5 I Do. 3 do.| 421/4 21.12 1.9 # do. 13.8 99 16.1 . * Cleveland & P i t t s b u r g 14.2 I 75ft 29.12 6.1 84 31.3 15* Delaware & HudsonCanal Do. 7% Mort. Bds. of 1875||116% 11.4 U6%"il.4 I 20.1 20.1 51 Do* 7% Mort. Bonds Do. 7%lstMt.(Pens.Div.)| 136 " " 8 . 6 |131 *"29 Atlantic & St. Lawrence 26.9 135 21.1 125 Denver & Eio Grande 243,4 25.1] 43,4 2 Chicago & G . T r . l Mt.C.1900| 107 23.9 3.6 98 Do. do. 6 % Mort. 473/8 2 Grand T r u n k Junction 5%..[ 101% 11.6 95% 19.3 Do. Lond. Com. Cert, 713/4 8 Do. 5 % Mort. 100 24.3 10.1 88 Det.G.Hav.&Mil.6% Eq.Bd.| 109ft 13 MichiganAirLine 5% lstMt.| )ft 2.6 85ft 8.121 Do. Cons. Mort. 1106 17 Galv.&Harrisbg. 6% 1st Mt.| 100 30 INDIAN. Illinois Central 122 8 Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , Lim.| 7y4 11.12 /fft 6, Do. Bds.lstMt.(C.&S.)| 116% 20 1 Bengal Central, Limited 5 Do. Leased Line 4 % ... 5.1 86ft 15 4 2. 22i Bombay, Baroda, & Cen.Ind.l 154ft 23.12] 132 Indianapolis & Vin.lstMort, 122 26 2. E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 241/g 28.111 21 Do. do. 2nd do. 8* 107 16 7. • Do. B do. 1957 24ft 4.2 21 30. 52ft 12 8* Lake Shore & Michigan Sth. Do. 4% Gua. Deb. 109 4.12| 102ft 21. Lehigh Valley Mortgage 12414 13 6* E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953| 25 2.1 21 13. Long Island 5% Coup.Bonds| IO514 19 4 Do. Annuity B 24% 21.121 21 27. 3 | Louisville & Nashville , Do, Def. Ann. Cap.l 125 4.12 110 Bo. 6% Mort. ... 14. 15 Do. 4£% Deb. Stock| 119 2.12 110 29. Do. 6 % Sink.Ed, 9 Great Indian Peninsula 1453,4 6.6 126 13. il9f D o . 6 % IstMort.! Do. do. 4% Deb 109 28.111 100 Do. 6%10/40Adj. 63 12. 9 Indian Midland, Limited .., 20% 8.12 20 Minne. & St. Louis Gd. Bds.l 111 9. Do. do. 23/8 14.12 Mis.Kansas &Tex.7%lstMt. |106 Madras 5 % guaranteed .., 129ft 28.11 i « s 16* NewYorkCentral&Hud.Eivi] 851/4 Do. 4 | % do. 10* 1211/4 28.12 113 30 Do. London Eeg. 83ft 13 Do. 4*% do. 115 25.11 111 Do. 7 % Mort. ... 130 3 Nizm. State El. 5% Gua.Shs.| 183/4 27.11 102ft 5 Do. 5 % Deb. ... 1105 t Oude& Eohilkund5% gua.., 12934 3.12 U% 27 9ft 1 5 | New York, LakeErie&West, 25 Do. 4% Deb. ... 10734 16.12 114 Do. Preference 50ft 6* Eohilk. & Kumaon4% gua.... 43/8 31.1 101ft 5 Do. lCon.Mt.Bd.(Erie)| 114 Scinde Punj. &Delhi 5% gua. 3.12| 3% 23 is| Do. 1 Con.Mt.Ed.Cp.B. 108 Do. do. Shares! 11.9 |108 30 Do. 2 Con. Mort.Bonds] I South Indian 5%guaranteed,130 2.12| 5ft 22 Do. Gold Income Bds, 16 30 Do. 4f% do. 114 16.2 114 New York, Ontario & West.| 20i£ 28.11| 3 2 Do. 4 | % do. Db. 118ft 28.2 111 Do. London Beg. 22 18.11 3* 17 grSouthem M a h r a t t a 4% gua. 203/8 10.121115 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt, 41i/8 25.111 21 If Do. do. £5 paid 434 22.101 183,4 29 Do. do. 2ndMt.| 14 25.11 434 4. 29 Do. do. 3*% Db, 99ft 28.1 Do. do. 3 r d M t . 67s 25.11 2% W e s t of Ind. Port., Lim. 5%| 201/4 29.1 99ft 28 4* N.Y. Texas &Mx. S t r . l M . B . 16 23 Do. do. 5% Deb, 104% 30.12i Norfolk &WesternPreferred 35ft" 29.10 I414" 7i49i4 2 1 . Do. do. Gen.Mt.Gl.B.| 106ft 2.12| 88 AMERICAN, N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. H6ft 23.11 102ft Ohio & Mississippi Alabama Great S. 1st M o r t . | l l 2 2.4 106 3.1 28ft 14. l l ! 101/4 Do. Preferred ... 93 30.12] 45 Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort. 130*4 2.7 1253/8 15.4 Oregon & California ...! 93/8 2.10 5 Atch.Top.&San.Fe Sink.Fd.100i/ 30.11| ~ 5.1 Do. do. 6 % 1101 Do. Assessment paidl 131/4 18.11 10ft 4.11 10534 14.5 Baltm.&Ohio 5%GoldBonds|11134 2.12| 106ft 25.4 Do. Preferred 19ft 18.8 , l i f t 18.11 18% Do» Assessment paid 26 Balt.&Pot. (Main L i n e ) l M t . 125ft 27.8 118ft 25.3 29.12] 59 Do. 1st Mortgage] Do. do. (Tunnel) 1st Mt.ll26 .5.121118% 10.3 97ft 6.11| [114 5.1 96% 6.1 76ft 2 . 1 94% 13.1 102 18.8 99ft 26.11 105ft 9.1 81ft 13.1 81 6.6 84ft 31.3 6* 14.9 15* 15.7 13 22.9 15* 18.9 5 21.3 6* 13.1 2 29.9 112 7.10|1 1 1 3.11 6 S* m 7 RAILWAYS—American, Sterling Bonds and Shares7 arid Foreign for1885. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK". A £ AMERICAN—continued. 97% 30.12 Oregon with complete Crt. Do. with incomplete Crt.| 94 30.12] 94 1053,4 18.8 |10l P a n a m a Subsidy ... 12.11| 4634 Pennsylvania Railroad ; w%29.6 {119 Do. Con. Sink. F u n d . 123 17.3 1103% Do. Gold Bonds Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mort 1073A 16.11! 99 Philadelphia & Reading ... I10614 21.11 Do. Deferred Inc. Bds.l 13% 18.8 D o . C.Mt.Bds.lstSeries Do. do. 2nd Series| '24% 22.12 23 Pittsburg,Fort W a y n e & Ch.i|146% 30.12f 137% 20 23.2 20 St. Louis & SanFrancisco Do. 2nd Preferred , 48% 21.11 33 7.12| 110 Do. lMt.(Mis.&W.Div.)! 110 n Do. 2 M o r t . B & C Series]102y 97 2 St. Louis Bridge 1st Prefd. 28.111 90% 101% 23.11 42 Do. 2nd do. 47M8 Do. 1st Mort, 130% 8.12 '17% Sh.Pacific of Calif. 1st Mort. 109 31.12 9634 Tunnel Railroad of St.Louis] 103 20.10 97% 23.1l[ 42% Union Pacific Railway Do. 1st Mort.... , Ws 4.9 113 118 9.111 108 Do. Ld.GrantlstMt, W a b a s h , St. Louis, &Pacific| H314 20.11 1% Do. do. Preferred] 15% 18.11 4 % Do. do. Gen.Mrt. 25% 26.11 25 Do. do. Com. Certs.: 55i/2 18.11 Do. (Cairo Div.), 57% FOREIGN. 23.9 30.12| 1.6 29.6 23.2 17.1 9.1 3.6 17.6 " i 5*1 11.11 3.7 23.2 8.9 115* 7.12| 11.6 26.1 H i 19.2 26.3 134 9.5 12i 4.2 5* 8.4 22£ 11.3 5 29.5 6 5.5 , * 2.5 13f 6.7 21 11.9 \m m STERLING BONDS AND SHARES. Alabama Gt. Sth, A 6%Pref. 10 Do. B O r d . ... 3% Alabm.NewOrl., T.&c.APrf .1 3% Do. do. BDef. 1 Do. 6% Debentures! 83 Do. 6%2ndDebentures| 67 11321/2 Allegheny Valley ... Atlantic &Gt.West.(W.Ex.)| 54 Do. Com. Certs Do. ( Erie)| 54 AtlanticlstLea.Ln.Ren.Trt. 67 Do. 4%Mort.Deb. 78% Baltimore and Ohio 6%, 18951 114 Do. do. 1902) 120 Do. do. 191C 126 Do. 5%, 1927 109% Do. 4£%, 1933]10834 Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort 123% ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt. 130 Cleve.Col.Cin.& Ind.Con.M. 122% East. Rly. of Massachts. 6% 122% Illinois Central Sink. Fund 110% Do. 6%GoldBonds| 116% Do. 5% do. !112 Illinois Midld. (Paris&Dec.)] Lehigh Valley 6% Cons. Mo. 110 Louis & Nashville 1st Mort. I116% Memphis & Ohio 1st Mort.) 121% NewYork&CanadaRld.Mrt.j |115 NewYorkCent.&Hud.R.Mt. 12334 N. Y. Penns. & Ohio P . Lien| 107 North. Cent. Rail. Con. Mt. 114% P a n a m a General Mort. ... 114% Pennsylvania General Mort.|12834 Do. Con. Sink. Fundi 124 Perkiomen Con.Mortgage 75 Do. Scripiss.forFd.eps.] 65 Do. Extended Scrip Philadel. & Erie Con. Mort.j12334 Phil. &Read.Gen.Con.Mort.||H8% Do. Improvem. Mort. 102 Do. G e n . M o r t . o f l 8 7 4 | 85 Do. Scrip for six £ cps, 78 Do. Extended Scrip . 77% P i t t s . & Connsv. 6%Con.Mt.| 128 South.& North. AlabamaBd. 109 Union Pacific (Omaha Brd.) 122% United New Jer. Rl. & Canal] 114 Do. do. Gen.Mort 1124% 7 2 18. II 1% 17.8 0% 24.1 63 12.11 67 22.9 1123% 18.11 25 3.1 18.111 1 18.111 30 7.121 593/8 31.12 7 . 9.7 110 6.8 115% 13.1011118% 7.11] IO414 22.9 100 25.6 116 14.2 122i/8 9.1 119% 22.121 113 24.11] 104 13.8 111% 26.101107% 13.6 3 6.7 25.9 29.10} n n , i 12.11]|20 25.4 9* 12.2 |29 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 I 9 23.1 11.4 19.5 10.3 24" 71 71 4 4* 7* 8| n 7i •8 3 9f 6| 5 4| 24.9 [IO734 9.11 105% 4.11, 116% 21.10] 109% 19.6 117% 2.121 96% 9.11] 10734 31.3 108 24.12] 121% 2.12] 117% 13.6 61 17.8 65 1 i# 5.5 5 21.1 5* 8.5 10* 5.1 6 | 21.10| 61 7.1 7 20.1 , 6 * 19.1 14 17.8 11.12 118% 20.11 106 23.12 88% 17.11 69 24.11 65 24.12 77% 10.12 120% 3.12] 100 16.2 121 19.6 111% 13.111118% 8.1 13.1 12* 6.1 184 2.1 16 17.8 |13 24.12 13.1 7'i 16.1 9 15.1 1* 31.3 2* 5.3 6 21. 11. Alagoas, Lim. (Brazilian)... 18 1 4 * 6.10| 3H| Antwerp and R o t t e r d a m .. 25 25 5.6 Arica and Tacna 8% 24.12] Bahia & San Francisco,Lim 2214 19% 24.-4 Do. (Timbo Brch.) 1414 9.12 4% 30.5 2* Belgian E a s t e r n Junction] Bilbao River & Can. Rail.,L. 23.12] 634 13.4 Brazil Great Southern,Lim. 13 6.1 7 27.5 Brazilian I m p . Cen. Bah., L.|, 19% 17.9 1634 4 . 5 Do. do. 6% Deb. 105% 3.12] 97 24.4 Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim.| 9.2 [149% 31.121[18 Do. Bah.,Blancam 29.8 116% 27.4 !l2" Conde d'Eu, Limited., 128% 10.1 12% 10.7 5* Copiapo 18 Donna Theresa Chr.,L., Prf.] 17 7.11 5 29.1 12" D u n a b u r g and Witepsk .. 1 8 * 12.2 14 29.4 Do. Registered .. 17% 11.2 14% 24.4 D utch Rhenish 19% 2.1 16% 12.121 Do. New 5.111 5 7% 21.1 Do. do. of 1872 .. 22.1 0% 3.7 2 East Argentine, Limited .. 6.5 2.1 15 Do. 6% Debenture .. 18% 19.11] 98% 26.1 109% 24.2 233/ Grand Russian Shares 4 22.7 2 Great W e s t e r n of Braz., L.. 25% 22.6 6.5 Do. 6% Debenture] 22% 9.7 110% 7.5 3f Imp.Braz.Na.&Nov.Cruz.,L, 119 23.1 26.9 8 | 4 3 L a Guaira& Caracas, Lim... 31.12| 7% 21.1 I fi Lemberg-Czern-Jassy 26.3 16 3.1 3 Lima, Limited 28.9 3 * | 19 12.1 Mexican, Limited 2 . 3 20H 18.9 M i * 8 Do. I s t P r e f . .. 37% 2.3 71% 18.9 Do. 2nd do. ... 943/8 2 . 3 22.9 222 Do. Perp. D e b . J 53% 23. llj 17.9 20J Do. 2nd Mort. Deb.| 113 19.8 94% 23.9 Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 10234 6.3 20% 30.1 N a m u r and Liege 18.3 22% 29.7 Do. Preference! 12^4 19.5 23.5 North, of Buenos Ayres, L. 2 7 * 14.2 2.2 Do. guarantee" 1*4* 11.9 2.2 Do. Deferred. 8.10| 7 10.8 8 Do. Deb. Stock| 107 8.6 103 27.2 1 Norwegian Trunk, Pref. .. N o r t h West, of Uru. 1st Prf. 47% 3.11 19 25.4 4 Do. 2nd do.] 24 3.111 5 12.1 19 Ottoman (Smyrna to Aidin) 73/s 18.8 434 30.4 Palermo,Mar sala, & Tr apani Por. Aleg. & N.H,Bra.,L.Db.| 84 " 24.3 77 28.9 Provincial Orel-Vitebsk 19.1 16 16.4 QuebradaRly.L.&Copp.Lim.] 2% 7.1 1 * 22.101 Do. 6% Debenture 82 13.5 41% 6.10| 40* Recife & Sao Francisco, L.J 100 3 . 3 80 7.5 20 Riga and D u n a b u r g ..., 16 4.2 14i/4 11.5 I f Royal Sardinian 9.10| 9 5.5 Do. Preference ...| 28.5 10 28.4 Royal Swedish % 18.111 Vo 12.6 Do. Preference ... 3 * 29.6 29.6 Sambre and Meuse n% 28.9 10 5.11] Do. 5£% Pref...J 1 2 « 30.3 111/4 10.9 San Paulo (Braz.)L.,Gua.7% , 41% 22.6 36 23.4 6* Do. 54% Debent. Stk. 130 19.101120% 16.1 9* 10.12 17 21.8 2* Smyrna and Cassaba, Lim.j Do. 7% Preference 2 0 i | 5.121 18% 1.12] I f m I if 2* 8* It mi m RAILWAYS—Foreign, BANKS, and CANALS AND DOCKS for 1335. ;s NAME OF STOCK. it If NAME OF STOCK. II BANKS. 27.1 Agra, Limited 15.101 H Alliance, Limited 131/4 17.1 11 11.4' 2* South Austrian 9.1 10% 2 . 5 i*£ Anglo-Austrian 12* 13.3 18.7 1* 8 South. Braz. Rio Grande,&c. , 19V4 7.12| 15% 6.2 Anglo-Californian, Limited] 107/8 28.11| 9% 21.3 H Do. Irre. Deb. Stk.| 102% 24.9 94% 13.5 8 Anglo-Egyptian, Limited.. 201/4 17.9 14% 29.4 Swedish Central Deb. Stk. 75 23.3 67% 24.121 Anglo-Foreign, Limited ... 7 * 10.2 6% 21.4 Do. do. Pref. Stk.| 15% 20.101 1514 12.10 Anglo-Italian, Limited .., 5% 27.8 5i/4 27.8 43,4 30.1 Varna SVs 24.4 Bank of Africa, Limited .,, 4% 5.1 29.8 W e s t Flanders 14 6.2 1314 31.101 i B a n k of Australasia 19.3 112* 98% 15.9 Do. 5*% Preference! 1Z1A 17.3 12% 2.7 of Columbia.. 9.121 9.4 i Bank Do.Britishdo. Newl 25% 31.12 21% 4 . 5 4 2* 10 12% 1 Bank of British N . America| 60% 9.12 53 16.3 7f OBLIGATIONS. Bank of Constantinople 27 " 27.8 22 1.4 5" Bank of Egypt 18.6 64% 17.9 4* Bank of New South Wales| 69 5.11| 251/4 5.1 2£ Bank of New Zealand Alagoas 6% Debentures 103% 24.12 95 4.2 8* 6% 2 534 2.9 Antwerp and Rotterdam Bank of Roumania Bay of Havana, Scrip Certs.l 83% 25.11 75 12.11 Bank of South Australia .. 4iy 4 2 1 35% 2.4 36% 23.1 35 21.1 1* Beira Alta (Portuguese) Bank of Victoria 6 3.7 6 3.7 23.1 11 27.7 1 Bergslagernas Central of London, Limited I 12 Bilboa River & Caritab.Deb.l 99% 31.3 Chart, of India, Aus.&China 22% 7.12] 191/4 30.4 3* 31.3 Braz. I m p . Central Bahia } L.| 16.101 96 4.5 9iH Chart.Mer.ofInd.,Lon.& Ch.f 20i/8 9.6 16 25.3 4* 19% 19.12| 17% 12.3 Campos a n d Carangola City, Limited 105% 24.12 98% 4.2 7 51% 10.6 37 14.3 2* Charkof-Azof 9734 13.2 78% 14.4 19* Colonial 2.1 14* 8.12| Charko w • Krement shug Com. Bk. of Australia, Lim. 96% 11.2 80 15.4 16* 20.1 9.4 1*1 Conde d'Eu 5*% Debentures] 95% 9.1 87 30.1 8 Consolidated, Limited * Donna Theresa Chris.L.,Db. 96% 29.12| 78 30.1 18* Delhi and London, Limitedl 13% 24.121 I21/4 5.12| D u t c h Indian, 1869... 853/4 4.6 85 7.10 I English Bk. of Rio deJan.,L. 1 3 * 26.11 10% 14.3 2 * | Eastern of France ... English Bk. of Riv. Plate,L. io l / 30.11I > 5 % 24.3 8 43/4' 19.2 Great Luxembourg I 5U 31.7 * Engr.,Scotsh., & Aust. Chart.] 351/4 19.11 301/4 12.1 24% Franco-Egyptian Do. ... 25% 19.1 5.1 1 8% 21.10| 8% 21.10] German Bank of Lond.,Lim.| 10% 16.7 10 27.1 H a v a n a Railway 1st Mort... 108 12.12| 101 22.1 7 2.1 15* Imp. Braz. N a t . & NovaCrnz 82 4.3 71% 8.5 lOf Hong-K. & Shang. Bk. Corp. 631/4 22.12| 48 JereztoAlgeciras(Gibraltar) 55 8.2 50 22.10 & Imperial, Limited 18% 10.2 17 22.4 14.10| 3.3 K u r s k Charkow Azow ... 93% 5.3 84 16.5 9* Imperial Ottoman 9 14* L a Guaira and Caracas Deb. 11114 28.10|[108% 21.4 International of London, L.| 137/8 12.3 12 27.4 25.4 I6I/4 30. iij 4f Do. 2nd Mort. 106% 2.12] 105% • 2.7 1 Ionian 21 12.8 12.8 Lemberg-Czernowitz-Jassy. 2 4 ^ 17.2 24y8 17.2 Do. 30.1 211/4 24.8 3f Matanzas and Sabanilla . 102% 5.8 102% 5.8 ... Lloyds,Barnette &Bosan.,L. ... 2.5 8* M i n a s a n d Rio Debentures.. 106 4.12] 1001 30.1 5| London and County, L i m . . . 247/ 2.121 75 8 13.11 16.9 Mogyana (Brazil) Deb. ... 99% 4.12 88% 6.8 10* London and Hanseatic,Lim. f 83% 5.12 9% 31.1 Moscow- Jaroslaw 102% 22.12 92% 14.4 10 12% 1* London and Provincial,I*m.| Moacow-Kour sk |l03^4 21.1 100% 22.4 2 | London and River Plate, L. 101/4 8.12| 11% 14.4 3^ 1 Nassjo Oscarshamn .. I 38 26 8 32% 10.3 5* London and San F r a n c , L.| 1 4 ^ 29.1 43,4 10.7 1 5* National Pisco t o Yea ... 72 31.7 43 11.2 29 London and South West.,L. 53/4 29.10| 163/4 20.3 1* 4 2.1 63 14.4 6f Do. Registered ..I 75 24.7 14.1 3? London and Westminster,L. I8I/4 28.1 N i t r a t e Rail., L., 1st Mort... 96 27.111 31fc 21.3 11 2% 20.10| I f London Bk.of Mex.& S.A.,L.| 8.12 85 29.1 1 22.12| 18% 24.3 4f Northern of France ... 15 London Chartered of Aust.| 15 2 . 1 36i/8 5.8 4* Do. (late Charleroi) London J o i n t Stock, Lim. Northern of Spain P r i . Obi. J 15 26.2 137s 3.11 i* Lond.,Paris,&Americ.Bk,L.| 17% 27.8 1 6 * 24.4 1 * | 11.121 1 20.3 Ottoman (Smyrna t o Aidin)| 114% 23.121100% 21.3 14 10 Merc.Bk.oftheRiverPl.,Lim.| 10.2 3f Do. (Seraikeuy) Ass.... |112% 19.12 100 17.3 12* Merchant, Limited... 4% 2.12 22.10| Do. do. Non-Assnt.; 106 17.11 104 17.2 2 National, Limited ... 231/4 6.8 21% 23.10| 9 3.2 ** , Do. Debentures National of Australasia 98 11.12 88 18.3 10 Do. (Seriak.Exten.)Db. 93 16.12| 85 9.7 2* National of N. Zealand,Lim.| A 29.1 1 16.5 8 26.5 40 13.3 4 Do. ( T i r e h E x . ) D e b . . . . l 91 21.8 79 8.5 12 Nat.Prov.ofEng.,L.(^10*p. Paris,Lyons& Med.(Fu.An.) 15% 25.2 14% 10.1 1 9.121 47 9.4 Do. do. do. («£12pd.; 51 4 Do. (Fusion Nouvelle) i5y 8 10.6 3.10 London & 1.4 * Newt h E*stern,Brazilian, L.| W8 19.6 1 1 % 16.4 Provincial Orel "Vitebsk ... 97% 11.2 Nor Limited ... 6 * 14.4 17* 5% 7.5 Recife and Sao Francisco....] 97 North Western, Limited .. 9.1 91 15.4 | 6 Royal Sardinian A . . . 12% 13.2 11% 27.4 * Provincial of Ireland, Lim. 283,4 5.5 26i/8 21.8 Do. B... Do. ... 12% 17.2 12 2.1 * Queensland do. NewLim. I21/4 10 " 7.4 Royal Swedish National. 56% 25.8 54% 5.5 2 33 Sagua L a Grande ... 9.3 105 27.4 101% 27.6 3* Standard of South Africa,L.| 391/4 San Paulo & Rio de Janeiro]107% 17.9 991/4 4.5 8* Union of Australia, Lim. 75 67% 10.4 393/4 353/8 14.4 Do. 2nd Series 103% 18.3 991/4 5.5 4± Union of London, Limited..! South Austrian 7.10 27.1 Union of Spain & Eng.,Lim.| 12% 1.12| 11% 2.5 1 Do. 1871 (X) 1 2 1 1 14.9 1 1 * 30.4 1* CANALS A D DOCKS. N l Southern of France 22.6 15 / 8 22.6 Alexandra Docks & Railwayl South Italian 12A 4.2 30.4 1 * Do. Deb. StocK| 9734 17.1 97 Tamboff-Kosloff ... 7.1 10.4 19* Birmingham Canal f 84% 2.2 II51/4 8.12| 1071/4 21.4 8 Varna 3 % , 5.1 30.4 3 63/4 3.1 E a s t and W e s t I n d i a Dock] 95 Do. 6% 3.7 79% 7.10; 15* 6% 24.4 14% 4.5 Do. Debenture Stock] 108 Western of France... 9.121 102 22.4 6 14.4 * 7.5 91 Grand Junction Canal 115% 16.12] 105f West, of Bu. A y r e s 6 % Bds. 1 5 * 7 8 101 2.5 8 109 Do. 6% Preference.. 1434 2.5 14% 11.3 Do. do. 6% Cert. i 10 8 [100 28.3 7i 13.1 45 16.9 [15 60 Do. do. 5%Mt.Db.|1071/4 1.8 881/4 29.10 3i H u l l l ~ Do. * j > c o n v e r t . Pref,| 13% 31.3 13 3 / 8 31.3 u Western of San Paulo Deb. k 27.11 28.4 3i Do. 4% Debenture Stk, 10214 6.3 97% 16.111 41 Do. 4j% do. 105 17.6 103 17.6 2 F R I N—continued. O EG n u si m 1*1 n m 2* u* i m 8* till 9 CANALS & DOCKS, COAL, IRON, & STEEL, and COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL for 1885. NAME OF STOCK. A ,2 A3 NAME OF STOCK. fi o fi o ft COM. I \mSimi-continued\ 19% 26.11 7 » 8.1 333,4 16.10 1 3 | [Bryant & May, Limited Do. 5 % Debenturel 123 11.12 103)6 10.1 19^ Bo. 4|% Preferential!1109 22.1 103% 26.11 5f CantareiraWaterSupplyDb. 19.10 56% 31.1 |12i 18.11 10 21.1 n Do. 4 | % New Pref. 109 3% 14.5 Cen. Sugar of Brazil,L.,Pref .| 24.1 Do. New Pref., 1882| 93/8 23.7 5* City Offices, Limited 2.2 1% Do. 4% Debenture |107 31.3 |102 27.1 |l0i Do. 4 | % Mort. Bds. 4.5 90)6 10.2 80 MillwallDook 11.6 24.1 CityofLond.Brew.L.,6%Prf. 45 29.4 6 Do. 4 | % Preference!105 27.2 99 City of Lond. Real Prop., L. 16-if 23.9 163 24.1 7.5 5 Do. 5% P e r p . PrefJ 121 28.2 116 9 / 8 5.10| Do. New«£12| Shs.| 9)6 24.3 5.3 2* Do. 5%Perp.Deb.... isoy2 10.7 128 Colonial, Limited 4)6 d. 10.8 4)6 d. 10.8 Neath Harbour 1st Mort.... 2.2 21.111 5 * Compagnie Gen.desAsp.deP. " Newhaven Harbour 4% ... 11 18.7 10 '17.7 1 7.11 34 28.1 18 24.4 12£ Crystal Palace A Regent's Can. City & Docks| 94*4 8.7 82 1 21.7 3 30.5 Do. B Redeem... 4 Southampton Dock 6.1 20% 26.8 2 7 | 3.11 13 Do. 6%Debent... 123 23.1 110 Do. 4 | % Debent. Stk.| 102% 26.11| 96)6 26.10| 6 5.11 20 Do. Con. 5% Debent 85 26.2 65 88% 30.12 ny8 Suez Canal Shares ... 5.1 Dakota Stock & Grazing. L.| Do. Arrear Obligations] 233/8 19.3 233/8 19.3 5 19.1 Dalgety & Co., Limited ... 5% 28.8 Do. Delegations, 1894.. 9.7 Do. 4£% Debenture... 1102)6 19.6 100 Do. do. dejouiss, Devas,Eoutledge &Co.,Lim. 5 8.101 434 8.10| Do. Thirty-year Bonds| 3034 30.1 5.2 4t Eley Brothers, Limited .. 87)6 12.10 30)6 18.3 26% Do. Founders' Shares Emigrant&ColonistsCor.,L. Do. Societe* Civile, Crts.] Do. do. Shs.f Surrey Commercial Dock.. 161 "*21.3 [140 20.10||2l' % 29.10 i f 19.1 English &AustralianCop.,L. 20.5 155 20.5 Do. 4 % A Pref |155 0A- 15.7 If Explosives Company, Lim.. l i t 14.2 Do. 5 % B & C d o . 129)6 4.12] 127 11.11| 7.1 10)6 17.101 14 Fore St. Warehouse,Lim.... 12 Do. 4£% Debenture] 118 21.7 116J6 3.7 l i Poster, Porter, & Co., Lim.l 15% 21.7 14 10.2 If General HydraulicPower,L.| 634 15.12 5 * 23.10| GOAL, IRON, AND STEEL, 14 10.6 7f G. Kynoch & Co., Limited... 2 1 % 24.7 Barrow Haematite Steel, L.| A. ' % 14.121 Vs 27.4 Glenrock, Limited Do. do. 6 % Pref. 834 27.11 734 16.10 Vs 12.6 23.6 17)6 24.111 14 Hammond Electric Light,L. % 7.1 Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L. H . H . Vivian & Co., L., Pref. 4i/2 10.12| 4% 17.12 Do. do. <£12pd, 8% 21.11 7% 23.10 2)6 6.1 Howell & James, Limited... 3% 16.4 Bowling Iron, Limited 10.4 Improved Indus. Dwell., L.l 120)6 11.7 114 Chillington Iron, Limited... 3.3 20 25.9 17 ImprovedWoodPavemnt.,L. 9i# 17.121 7)6 29.6 2 * | Consett Iron, Limited 19% 26.2 51 India Rubber, &c.,Works,L. 25)6 12.6 Ebbw Vale Steeljron &C. L. 6% 17.11| 334 17.6 Do. 6% Debenture... 103% 6.8 100% 21.101 2f Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim.| 2% 3.12 1)6 28.2 334 5.1l| 21 4}£ 21.7 534 15.1 J o h n Moir & Son, Lim.,Pref.| 6% 22.1 General Mining Assoc.,Lim 3 21.2 21.2 Levy's J u t e SpinningWk.,L. 3 J o h n Brown & Co., Limited! 43 16.3 7.1 7.1 102 Liebig's E x t r a c t of Meat, L. 50)6 14.10| Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal 102 2634 21.101 23/8 23.2 LinoleumManufacturing,L.| 28% 8.1 Marbella Iron Ore, Limited) 23/8 23.2 8% 9.6 SV8 9.6 18.12| 31)6 17.5 Lion Brewery, Limited 36 Muntz's Metal, Limited 21.3 4.9 11 ll1^ Do. New Mwyndy Iron Ore, Limited] 38% 17.4 8 | 4634"27. Ill 2634 23.6 24% 29.4 Do. 6 % Pref. Nantyglo & Blaina, Lim. 034 16.11 London & Glasgow Eng., L.| Nerbudda Coal and Iron, L.| i+§ 15.1 734 20.7 London Stereoscopic, Lim.. 5% 13.11 5% 13.11| Newp.Aber.Bl. Vein St. Cl.L. 9% 12.1 A 12.1 % U.3 Max Greger, Limited, A ... 5% 13.101 ty8 22 A NewSharls.Collier.jLim.Prf. Y8 24.8 Maxim-Weston Electric, L. I f 21.11 Pelsall Coal and Iron, Lim. 5% 9.10 5% 9.10| 0% 7.3 26% 17.12] Metro. Assocfor Imp .Dwell. 28)6 17.9 l i f 8.12 Rhymney Iron, Limited A 24.9 Midland Rail. Car. &Wag.L. % 7.12 Do. do. New| 22.6 13 Do. do. 6 % Pref.l Do. 7 % Debentures 100 18=. 12 87 7.121 12.2 2tf 14H 28.12 12 Milner's Safe, Limited 7.12 2 Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim. 2 0)6 12.12] National African, Limited.. 3 & 28.2 Do. do. Defrd, 2% 16.12 Wa 16.12 Do. do. fully paid| 11% 22.10 1034 20.11 Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&Rlj 234 12.8 National Safe Deposit, Lim, 4)6 7.1 Do. do. 1st Pref. 2 11.5 Native Guano, Limited ... 4% 12.8 Do. do. 2nd Pref. % 6.7 6.7 Do. «£lpaid... Vancouver Coal, Limited 30.4 13 222 9.1 Nelson Brothers, Limited .. 8)6 19.11 7)6 7.10| Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim...| Neuchatel Asphalte, Lim.... V2 29.1 i f 19.11 T6 W . Cumberl, Iron & Steel,L, Do. Pref.... 5)6 10.12| 3*f 29.1 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. 1% 4 . 7 Nevada Land and Cattle ... 2% 27.1 Aerated Bread, Limited ... 4 ^ 30.10 1 « 24.1 434 18.6 NewWest.Brewery,Limited| 6 3.1 Anglo-Amer. Brush. £3 pd.| 43/8 30.12 1^ 434 30.12] Do. do. 6% Pref..., 5 ^ 12.6 7.5 3A Do. do. fully paid| 6 ^ 30.12 2 5 / 4 9.9 Nobel's Explosives, Lim.... 17)6 27.11 15 2 3 . " ' 2* Argentine Sugar Est. & Fac. 11)6 2.1 20.10! 8i Norton Brothers & Co.,Lim.| 6 21.5 5% 7.1 Artizans', Lab.&Gen.Dwell. 10% 22.5 Pawson & Co., Limited 6.1 7.1 2% 30.4 2 22.6 Do. 4J% Preference! 10% Phospho-Guano, Limited 6.2 31.12| % 23.12| Assam Elwys.& Trad.L.,Prf. 6% 6.2 Pilsen, Joel&Gen.Elec.Li.,L.| 1 17.8 Do. do. Deferred Powder River Cattle, Lim.., Do. . do. 6% Debs. 99 27.6 91% 9.5 Do. do. PrefJ Aust. ElecL.Pow. & Stor.,L. Prairie Cattle, Limited ... Aylesbury Dairy Com. Lim. 16.2 Price's P a t e n t Candle, Lim. 25,11 11Y8 10.4 23.9 Bahia Central Sugar F a c . L . Public W o r k s of E g y p t ... Barnagore J u t e Factory, L. 434 22.6 Recife Drainage, Lim., Deb. 83% 20.2 80% 24.9 4% 22.6 Bedford Park, Limited 1-& 24.121 R. Goldsborough& Co., Lim.| m 3.3 Bodega, Limited ... 5)6 16.121 3% 12.12 2 13.11 Richard Hornsby & Sons, L. 6 24.8 B. Morris & Sons, Limited! 934 16.9 4.7 .. Preference! 98)6 23.6 98 73/8 24.6 Brighton Aquarium 8.7 .c/o. Debenture!100 .6.8 96 % 19.5 % 19.5 Brown, Davis & Co. Lim.! 1)6 9.11 1 Rio de Janeiro City Imp., L 253/8 17.12 211/6 2.5 30.4 Brunner, Mond & Co., LimJ 28% 21.8 27 22.7 24.4 Do. do. 5% Deb.| 104 9.9 98 Do. do. 7 % PrefJ 13% 15.101 1234 2.4 Do. do. 5% 103% 5.6 [100)6 5.5 C N L A D mUS-continuea.l A AS N London & St.Katharine Dk. , 4754 2 . 1 a11 m n n u 10 Hi COM. 1 \mm\M-continued River PlateFreshMeat,Lim. ••• E o b e r t Campbell & Sons, L. 7% 27.5 6 20.11 Royal Aquarium S o c , Lim. 11.11 1% 2.3 If 7 Do. 6 % Pref. 3 H 3 1 . 3 3ft 17.2 16 Sadler i6 Copiapo, Limited ... DevalaMoyar Gold, Lim. Don Pedro ... E b e r h a r d t , Limited, Ordy.J Do. do. Pref...| Fortuna, Limited ... 9.7 Frontino & Bolivia Gold, L.j 1 20.111 Indian Consolidated Gld.,L. 1% 14.12 Kapanga Gold, Limited ... 15.12] Kimberley Diamond, Lim... iy 4 5.3 L a Plata, Limited 14.11! Linares, Limited 3.12 Mason & Barry, Limited ..< 10tt 20.11 Montana 31.12 4 Mysore Gold, Limited 7V4 14.12 New Chile Gold, Limited... 13.11 New E m m a Silver, Limitedl 1.7 New Hoover Hill Gold,Lim.| 19.12] New Potosi Ordinary, Lim. 2.1 ' Do. do. 31.3 Do. 10%Pref.... 1 13.1 Panulcillo Copper, Limitedl 3% 18.111 Pestarena United Gold,Lim.f 15.12 24.10 Pontgibaud Silver-Lead ... P o r t Phillip&Col. Gld., Lim. 2.6 Richmond Consolidated, L. 28.11] 13 Rio Tinto Limited 5% 13.1 Do. Mort. Bds. 13% 30.12] Do. 5 % 2nd do. 101% 11.7 Ruby & Dunderb.Con., Lim. 93 11.111 Scottish Australian, Lim.... 9.9 Do. New 12.10| Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited 19.1 Do. Plumas Eureka| IH 2.4 St. J o h n del Rey, Limited., 1% 31.12 Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim. 1*6 6.3 Tocopilla Copper, Limited| 87 23.12| 5% 13.1 Tolima, Limited United Mexican, Limited.. y 4 15.1 Wentworth Gold, Limited ..| 4% 17.12] Yorke Peninsula, Limited, 3 Do. Preference! A 3.11 i slf I , 6 f t 24.1 [377 7.5 |26 3% 9.4 4 i "*l m * 3.1 I .. 13 334 30.11] 10% 4 4 1514 6.2 11 27.6 10% 19.3 2 21.2 8% 1.9 7% 27.8 7% 8.10] 7% 15.10 If 2 71 3f 3 " I 8.101 1% 6.10] 1 1% 7.7 I iy2 3.3 314 12.11! iy8 14.5 2 * 6% 6.11[ 4 H 4.6 65% 7.12 57% 23.1 2434 26.11 2114 24.1 3* • n 14 12.6 1 * 26.5 5434 10.3 % 19.11 0% 27.10 38 16.10 |16f 17% 15.9 8% 26.2 12% 25.3 14% 15.4 63/4 24.1 12 18.7 46% 3% 25% 1/4 37 4% 12^4 5 36 4.2 10£ 3 26.2 20% 4.8 y4 9.6 34V4 14.2 2f 4y4 11.9 i 10 9.6 3% 6.K 12.12| 20.7 24.12 9.6 9.12| 11.9 24.11] 3.6 31 1* 1* 2% 10.9 1**30. * 31.121 % 6. "l5| * TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. Anglo-American, Limited. Do. do. PrefJ Do. do. Def. Brazilian Submarine, Lim.| 15.12| Do. do. 5 % Bonds iy34 5.3 9.3 Con.Telephone Con.Main.,L.| 16 3% 15.1 1 * . Cuba, Limited 9.10| Do. 10% Preference] 7 Direct Spanish, Limited ... 2% 10.11 Oft 19.1 6 * Do. 10 % Pref. % 15.7 Direct Un. States Cable, L.| E a s t e r n , Limited ... y 4 7.5 Do. 6% Preference * 30.6 Do. 5% Debentures, 1877] * 27.10 Do. 5% do. 1899j * 1.4, Do. 4% Deb. Stock * 27.10 E a s t e r n Extension, Limitedl 1% 2 . 5 ' Do. 6%Deben.,1891 19.111 Do. 5% do. 1900 4% 24.10| Do. 5% do. 1890 21.8 East.&S.African,L.Deb.l900j 15.6 73,4 30.4 6* German Union, Limited 89 29.4 12* Globe, Limited Do. 6 % Preferencel 71% 2.5 y8 9.3 * Gt. Northern of Copenhagen Do. 5%Deb.(iss.l880) 2% 15.1 * Do. 5% 114 5.2 H Indo-European,do.(iss.l883)| Limited 034 16.7 # 0 ^ 19.8 * London Platino-Braz., Lim.l Do. 6 % Debentures! 59 29.10 28 4 7.10 1* Oriental Telephone, Lim. * 16.1 * Router's, Limited ... 2% 12.5 1* Submarine Do. Scrip 2 6.11 If % 9.2 * United Telephone, Limited| Do. issued a t £2 pm. 28.5 f 20.1 21.1 5% 9.4 4% 5.3 9 21.1 534 12.101 34 73/8 31.3 73/8 31.3 12tf 8.12J 12% 4 . 6 4.5 26 46 30.4 5% 24.3 6i ioy4 30.4 1* 102 21.5 o * 5.1 % 10 10% 4.5 2 * 27.2 17% 1% 1.6 JLi 18.4 16 28.9 31 , 30.4 1 * 13 6.8 100% 15.4 2 i 105% 4.6 H 96% 2.5 4£ ny 4 2 . 5 3 1071/4 2.9 6 101% 29.4 2 6.5 4 i 101 5 !ioi 24.4 4 17.6 91/4 25.4 5 12 24.4 , 12% 30.4 34 5.5 3 * |101 8.5 6* 101 2.5 5 28 , 2 « 14.12| 1*1 101% 7.3 Vs 5.2 1 71 /4 8.1 • * 2.1 177 11.3 |36 1% 2.5 3\ ±, 4% 14.4 n 2» TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS, and WATERWORKS for 1885. m NAME OF STOCK. 1 it If J TELEGRAPHS & TELEPHONES-^. W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 5% Do. 8 % Debentures 113 Western & Brazilian, Lim. m Do. do. Preferred 4% Do. do. Deferred 1% Do. Deb., " A , " 1910 106% Do. Deb., " B 3 " 1910 102 W e s t India & Panama,Lim. if | 1 *3 w N A M E O F STOCK. i 1 II — HI TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS-*™. 7.1 43/8 24.8 25.11 107% 13.5 2.1 514 2.5 29.5 4% 2.5 4.5 17.12 1 10.1 103% 31.8 97 7.4 29.7 G-G % 12.5 14 51 1ft 1 4i fi ¥ Do. do. IstPref. 9 ^ 31.10 IV4 19.1 %TQ\ Do. do. 2nd do. 6 4.11 4 ^ 11.5 1 ^ Western Union 7% 1st Mort. 124 3.3 120% 4.9 3^ r Do. Sterling Bonds 101% 6.2 101% 6.2 N o r t h Staffordshire,Lim.... 63/8 Nottingham&District, Lim. 8% 7% Provincial Limited 7% Sheffield 9 Southampton Southwark & Deptfd., Lim. 53,4 4 Sunderland, Limited Tramways Co. of France, L. 4 & TramwaysCo.of Germany,L. 13% Tramways Union, Limited 4% Do. 5 % Debentures 10014 Vienna General Omnibus,L. 1% Wolverhampton, Limited... 63/8 414 22.4 29.1 10.7 6if 19.10 63/ 8 1 1 . 1 1 i t 30.1 2.2 5J4 6.5 2\ 29.12 m 13.5, 16.1 5 5.1 * 16.1 234 6.5 l i 28.12 2% 24.3 24.2 I214 17.4 I * 9.3 334 7.10 28.7 97% 6.2 , 3.9 1 4.2 * 6.1 4ft 13.5 l i t ft iMl n m\\ TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. 7 Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 120 Barcelona, Limited 93,4 Belfast Street 12ft Birkenhead Ordinary2% Do. 6 % Preference 6% Bordeaux, Limited 9% • Do. 5% Preference... 10% Brazilian Street Bail., Lim. 1-& Bristol, Limited 8 Calais, Limited 3% Calcutta, Limited 714 Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 334 Do. 5 % Debentures 70 City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 914 .Do^ 6% Deb. Stk. 123 9% Edinburgh Street 11^1 Glasgow,Trm.& Omnibus,L. I614 Hull Street ... ... ... 914 Imperial, Limited 2^r Leicester 17% Do Liverpool United 13 London, Limited 17% Do. 6%Pref.... 1434 Do. 5 % D e b . . . . 114% Lon. General-Omnibus, Lim. 227% London Street 19% N o r t h Metropolitan 19H Do. New 11% 13.11 5% 12.11 112 9.1 8V4 16.1 1034 10.1 1% 17.12 4% 16.2 sy4 7.1 9% 13.2 1% 10.10 714 9.1 2% 7.1 3% 13.6 3 2.6 68% 7.1 8 14.12 118% 2.3 9 21.8 1034 13.1 14 2.1 634 10.1 0% 17.6 IIV4 28.'l "9% 29.7 15ft 11.7 1334 27.2 1063,4 19.8 206% 28.7 17% 23.11 17% 16.12 sy8 WATERWORKS. 6.5 If Antwerp, Limited 20 4.7 8 208% 8.12 1* ' Chelsea Ordinary ... •±1A City of St. Petersburg, Lim % 27.3 Colne Valley 91,4 9.5 EastLondon 192 7.9 2 25.4 11 Grand Junction (max. 10%) 1203,4 Do. New (max. 7%) 3.6 ... < 255 13.7 % K e n t ... Limited 6 Kimberley, 10 6.5 1I Do. 6 % Debentures 108 25.9 10.12 31 Lambeth, maximum 10% ... 194% Do. do. 7 ^ % . . . 176 7.10 Do. 4 % Debentures 1133/8 26.2 ll New Eiver, New 335 12.5 Do. 4 % Debentures 115% 11.5 4i Do. Debentures B 11334 23.3 2 10.1 1— Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. 5% Do. B Deferrd. 2 22.4 fl$t\ Do. 5 % Debentures 91 17.12 2\ Pernambuco, 1st D e b . Bds.. 104 11.9 1— Shanghai, Limited 17.6 ... South Staffordshire A Do. do. B ... ... 24.'9 8* Do. 4% Debentures ... 7.8 Ife Southwark & Vauxhall ... 189% 21.1 1 II34 Do. New 30.3 71 Do. D 7^% maximum 159 5.3 21 Do. d o . 5 % P r e f . ... 131 22.4 2 Do. do.4% Debs. ... 1251^ 2.5 2-^ 257 3.1 31 W e s t Middlesex ill u n 7.11 143/8 12.3 5f 16.12 187 30.4 2U 21.12 % 21.12 23.9 8% 9.12 6.7 173 4.5 19 14.12 103% 5.5 "i m 19.2 243 8.12 5% 18.12 100% 22.12 182 19.6 168 19.2 108 13.11 322 8.12 110% 11.8 112 15.12 3 11.12 1 22.12 91 4,12 993,4 ... ... ... ••• ••• ... 22.'l 155 2.2 8% 17.12 159 3.2 129 15.10 12514 8.12 233 4."5 12" 5.5 4« 20.5 7i 2.5 121 25.4 8 13.5 5f 21.4 13 11.5 5 20.3 If 13.10 2i 16.10 1 22.12 26.9 4i ... ... ... ... I0.'l2 34'i 24.11 31 17.12 21.3 2 15.10 14.4 24". r NOTES. * Coupons payable abroad. f There being no dealings in London in B a n k of Ireland Stock, t h e dealings in Dublin, courteously supplied b y T. C. Searight, Esq., Begistrar Dublin Stopk Exchange, have been inserted. a. <£50 paid. b. Business done quoted 5 per cent, higher t h a n closing price. c. Actually 138|, t h e Stock being then 5 per cent. d, £3 paid. e. £7$ paid. 1 / . £6 paid. g. Since converted into Stock. h. MO paid. 1. £12 paid. 0.088 paid. 1 t. JslO paid. h £4> paid. m, £2% paid. n, £2 paid. # . £3 paid. 14 1886 1 BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1886. NAME OF STOCK. 1 •a H it i NAME OF STOCK. J BRITISH FUNDS. 1023/8 23.11 993/8 2 . 1 3 Consols COLONIAL I PROV, SECURITIES. 10214 15.11 99% 2 . 1 2 | Do. for Account B . Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894 11334 Beduced Three per C e n t s . . . 102% 18.2 99% 3 0 . 3 3 Do. for Account 10134 9.8 99% 13.4 2\ Do. 6 % 1907 126% 102% 18.2 99% 16.3 3 Brit. Guiana4% Scp.allpd. i 99% New Three per Cents. Do. for Account 102 24.2 99% 12.4 2i Do. do.<£50topy. i d ... D o. Three-and-half p . Cts. 102 16.1 IOO14 29.6 If Do. do.c£25topy. i d Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 94% 20.2 9214 2 . 9 at Can. " Into. El.L.," 5 %,1903 115% Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 903/8 5.7 88 Do. 4 % 1904-5-6-8 107 2 . 1 2f 90% 25.2 883/8 20.1 U Do. Beduced 4%, 1910 107% Do. for Account Do. 3|% 1909-34 9934 Red Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. I514 5.5 14M 29.7 o& Exchequer Bills (March) ... 10/-p. 10.4 8/-d. 30.12 18/Do. 4 % 1910-35 107% Do. do. (June) ... 10/-P. 23.2 6/-d. 4 . 1 16/- Cape of G. H . 6 %, 1890-1900 122 Do. do. 6 % 1891 10914 Can.Gov."Intercl.E.,"1903-8 II314 8.9 1103/8 15.11 « Do. " K u p e r t ' s Ld."1904 Do. do. 5 % 1900 115 13.'l0 l l i i 4 20.'7 3* Do. 4 | % red. a n . dr. 107% Do. Bonds 1910 114 Do. 4J%,1879 do. 107 Do. Bonds 1913 115 23.9 111% 20.7 3* Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 10114 •Egypt. Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan IOO14 27.2 96% 8.1 8* Do. 4 % 1917-22 10034 Jamaica,gua.byImp.G.,1897 J Turkish 5 % Guaranteed ... 169 e.'io 106% 2 7 . 3 Do. 4£% 1899 105 299% 3 . 3 291 29.9 8i Do. 5 % 10/40 Bank of England 109 B a n k of Ireland 279% 1 5 . 1 259 5.4 20£ Ceylon 4 ^ % 108% Do. 4% Skg. F d . fr. 1886-90 105 India Stock 1888 10414 23.2 101% 3.9 3£ 10234 27.2 99% 2 . 1 3f \Y Do. 1931 Do. do. do.1887-90 d Do. 1948 91% 22.2 85% 3.11 5f Fijian Government 4 | % ... 106 Do. 3%'86Sc.allpd. % d Jamaica 4 ^ % ... Do. do.<£70topy. i d | 203/8 15.6 19% 7.'6 Do. 4 % 103% Manitoba Scrip allpd.1910 i 1110% Do. do.<£50topy. i d 393/8 7.7 38% 26.7 Do. do. £ 3 0 t o p y . i d 78% India Debentures 1889 10014 16.4 100 3.5 1895-96 II534 Do. do. 1891 IOO14 29.5 100 24.2 oi Mauritius 6 % 7414 1.2 64% 17.8 Of Do. 4|% Do. Enfaced Paper 104% Do. do. 1885 Do. 4 % 103 6 % 1886-7 106 Do. do. 1893 7614 25\2 67% 3.B 8! N a t a l Do. 6 % 1896 11034 Isle of M a n Debentures ... 100 10.8 9814 15.4 If Do. 5 % 1909 112% CORPORATION STOCKS. Do. 4|% 10514 Met. Bd. of W o r k s 3 | %,1929 110 26.5 107% 24.4 2 Do. do. 3 %,1941 100 3 1 . 5 97% 8 4 2 Do. 4 % 1926 100% Do. 5th issue 3% d 100% 18.1 99% 11.1 01 Do. 5%10/401894-1924 112% Do. 3%Scp.ce60topy. i d 39% 6.7 39% 6.7 ... Do. 5% ... a 109 Do. 3% do. «£20topy. i d New Brunswick 6 %51886-91 108% ... ... Com. of Sewers, Lon., 1905IOI14 15*.*6 99% 4 . 1 if New S. W. 5 % 1888-1894 110 Corp. of London 3£ % ,1886-8 10034 13.5 99% 4 . 1 1* Do.' 5% 1895-1902 H414 Do. do. 3^%,1891-5 101 22.12 99% 11.1 1* Do. 5% 1872-1898 108% Do. do. 3 % 1912 97 12.5 95% 22.2 Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 107 Do. 3£% D b . Sep. allpd. i 101% 26.8 100% 20.11 If Do. 4% 1910 10614 Do. do. .£25 t o p a y i d 1891 110% ... New Zealand 6 % Birmingham 3 | % 1946 105 30.11 100 7.1 5 Do. 5% 1914 116 Do. Gas A n n . of ,£1 29 15.11 29 15.11 ... Do. 5% Consols... 110% Do. W a t e r do. of ,£1 ,,, Do. 6% 1891 U234 ,,, ... Blackburn 4 % 6% 1891 111 ... ... ... ... ... ; Do. Do. 3£% Do. (Auck.)6%,1896 110 ... Brighton 3 | % 1946 i 9934 17.'l2 99 26.11 Of Do. 4|%5/30,'79-1904 d 105 Bristol 3 % .. 102^ 28.9 99% 12.1 21 Do. 5%10/40,1888-1918 106 Cardiff 3 * % 1935 99% 3.6 9634 21.12 2f Do. 5 % 1889 105% Do. 3!%Scp.«£80topy. i Do. 5%Bds.conv.1892 i 10834 Croydon 3 ^ % 1914 100% 27.'5 97 2 ^ 1 2 3i Nova Scotia 6 % 1886 d Glasgow 3i% 1914 10314 20.12 10314 20.12 Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 1904 113% Do. 3 | % Irred. Stock % Do. 5 % 1906 113% Hull3£% 1943 102% 29.'5 99 7 i l 3 | 1 Do. 4}% 1919 107% 10134 20.1 IOI14 2 0 . 1 o* Lee Conservancy 4 % Do. 5 % 1912 II614 Leeds 4 % 1927 113% 24.12 109% 9 . 1 ^\ Queensland 6 % 1891-6 118 102 15.3 100 6.1 2 Do. 3 | % Do. 4% 1913-15 10434 1 South Austra. 6 %, 1886-1890 IO734 Leicester Gas and Water 4 % ... ... ... Do. 6 % , 1891-1900 120% Do. 3£% 1934 ... ... 1 ... 16434 29*."ll 100 2. Do. 6 % , 1901-1918 128% Liverpool 3 | % 4f Do. 5 %, 1911-1920 116 ^Do. i>25 to pay i d 76% 28.1 76% 28.1 Do. 4 % , 1894-1916 103 Longton3|% 1932 102% 16.8 102% 16.8 119% 1.12 115 4.1 Do. 4% 1929 103 Manchester 4% 9.10 10434 21.9 0i Do. 4% 1916 104% Middlesbrough 4£ % 1908 105 Do. 4 % 1917-18-24 10514 Do. 3|% 1909 ... ... ... Newcastle 3£ % 1936 100% 30.4 99% 2 7 . 1 if Straits Settlements 4£ % ... 105 87% 27.9 8334 2 . 1 3f Tasmania 6 % 1895 116% Nottingham 3 % 101 1.12 97% 12.1 8* Do. 6%, 1893-1901 124% Portsmouth 3£ % 102 5.3 9934 20.10 a* Do. 4 % , 1908-13-14-20 10414 Beading 3 | % Do. 1886 4% red. 1911 i 102 Southampton 31% 1945 i 9834 15.11 96% 10.7 1* Trinidad 5 % South Stafford 4£ % 105 ... 5.11 10034 23.12 ,,, ... ... Do. 4 % Stockton 4£ % 1908 107 10034 98% 15.2 96 10.12 »t Victoria 6 % 1891 111% Swansea 3^% 1 D o . 6%, 1885 ... d 104 ... , Swansea Harbour Trust 5 % ... Do. 5% 1894 110 Do. do. 4&% 98 26.2|| 97% 26.2H 99% 29.7 9634 U . 2 2 | 1 D o . 4 % 1899-1901107 11 Wolverhampton 3 | % si 6'i f f u 4 ei oil B B 17 | U ! Hi — 17.9 110% 10.4 23.3 121% 15.1 7.12 9814 24.9 ,,, 9.*6 112 4.12 103% 8.12 101% 14.9 925,1 30.11 101% 25.3 106 2.4 106 26.11 106 30.9 1013/8 6.10 101 30.11 95% 31.5 9614 6.10 105 21.4 104% 17.2 105% 23.7 IOI14 3i 5 If ... 8.'4 a* 2.1 3f 6.1 6f 2.1 13.1 6 22.10 16 9.7 3f 11.11 9 11.1 5f 11.1 6 11.1 5f 9.1 4 | 6.10 23.12 4f 23.7 3 5.4 3f n 25.2 16314 19.'4 2f 3i 3.*2 166 18.6 107% 4.2 7734 5.4 113% 18.2 104 25.2 IOO34 8.3 101 22.9 UO34 24.4 105% 1.2 100% 4.10 91% 19.4 IO414 5.3 109 14.9 10034 2.10 101% 27.5 105% 17.4 106 17.6 102 1.10 1043/8 9.3 106% 28.4 112 10.3 102 26.2 107 24.2 10734 17.6 110 16.1 100% 28.1 100% 17.2 10034 22.4 103% 23.'l 29.7 24.2 25.5 18.2 12.1 17.5 22.9 5.1 30.3 6.1 21.12 5.3 20.7 4.9 4.1 7.1 2.1 30.3 27.3 21.9 8.11 27.3 22.6 17.6 1.4 2.9 19.11 28.10 ll.'lO 10714 21.10 10714 2.12 1043/8 4.10 109 7.6 107% 28.6 100% 5.5 10734 22.2 107 15.31 116% 13.3 111% 20.2 993/8 20.4 IOO14 18.2 99% 23.2 99% 22.3 10314 20.2 110% 22.6 110% 30.6 9934 1.12 9934 4.2 103% 20.7 100 4.6 108% 4.1 104 2.11 107% 30.6 101% 17.*5 6 | 24.5 6 | 5.7 2f 4.1 ?J 12.1 2.1 3§ 5.5 26.8 13'i 4.8 12 12.8 4 | 5.4 3f 9.9 2f 10.5 5f 3.5 24.11 i 5 12.7 6 16.1 13f 22.10 4* 5.11 2i 12.5 H 16.3 Of 16.7 3 4.1 23.1 2'i 2.1 lit]' 3 °^ 2k 0k 2 * 5 7* 4f 8f 8| 7f 81 8 f 2* 5 X & 4 4 816 f 4\\ 4*i H\\ 4 4 m COLONIAL—continued, and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Ac, for 1886. NAME OF STOCK. it NAME OF STOCK. M 2 43 I COLONIAL & PKOV.—con, Victoria 4£% 19041 B o . 4 % , 1881 1907 Do. 4 % 1882-3...1908-13| W e s t e r n Australia 4 | % ... Do. do. 4% ... Do. do. 4% ... FOREIGN—continued, Chilian 3 %, 1842 ... Do. 4 | %, 1858 ... 101% Do. 7 %, 1866 ... Do. 6 %, 1867 ... Do. 5 %, 1870 ... 105 Do. 5 %, 1873 ... 105 Do. 5 %, 1875 ... 104% Do. 4 | % , 1885 ... 10334 9.1 D o . Conv.Ln.Scp.aUpd.'i 99i/8 12.1 Do. do. «£45pd.t| 2.1 Chinese 7 %, Series A |H8% 5.1 Do. 7 % , Series B 1201/2 2.1 115 D o . 6% 2.1 Do. 6% ]114 8.11| 3f Colombian 4f %, 1873 18.1 4f Cordova Prov. Sep. all pd. i\ 91 26.10| Do. .£50 paid i d\ IV/4 2 . 1 81 Costa Rica 6%, 1871 2.1 51 Do. 7%, 1872 ...|42" 27.10] 4f Do. Bonds " A " i\ 75^ 11.1 04 Do. do. " B " 25.8 0 * , Danish 4 %, 1850 & 1861 ...|104 18.101 3 Do. 4 % , 1862 ... 26.10 0 | D a n u b i a n 7 %, 1864 108 25.11 112 Do. 8 %, 1867 29.12] of I* D u t c h Certificates 2 | % 751/4 27.11 8 | * D o . do. 4 % 104% Of 29.12| * Do. do. 4 % 10334 4.1 Ecuador New Cons. 12H 23.1 Do. Prov. Land Warrants! 1 » 8.6 E g y p t i a n , Unified Debt 4% 77y 8 22.6 Do. Government Pref .5% 9814 25.8 Do. S t a t e Domain 5% 98 5.4 6 Do. D a i r a S a n . C . D b t . 4 % 10.6 24 E n t r e - R i o s 7 % , 1872 d 75 21.6 0 | Do. 6% Cen.R.M.Bds. [10434 23.12] 3f D o . 1886 Scrip all pd. i\ 10014 23.1 31 Do. do. .£45 pd. i d\ 28.12| 34 Do. do..£70pd. i d\ 7 1 % 2 . 1 6* Do.Ct.Ry.Mt.Sp.fl.pd. i\ 100J6 Do. do. <£45 pd. % d\ 4734 Do. do. .£70 paididj, 713/ 44 4 7 I* French Rentes 4 | % |110 , tP Do. 3 % lOf 83% Do. 3 %Red... 8 I* Greek Independ. 5%, 1879.. ,9| Do. 5 % , 1881 Hi Do. 5 % , 1884 01 Guatemala 5 %, 1856 0* Do. do. Stpd. Bds. i\ Do. 6%, 1869 |l4f Do. do. Stpd. B d s . i\ H o n d u r a s 10 %, 1867 ... . Do. 10%, 1870 ... 8I/4 % H u n g a r i a n 5 %, 1871 ... 10234 9 Do. 5 % , 1873 ...103^ D o . 4% G. R e n t e s , 1881... 87 3 A IOI14 11 I* Italian 5 % D o . 5%(Sard.),1851 ...102 3 D o . Irrigation 6 % ... 117 64 Do. 5 % , M a r m n a . R a i l . . . . 101 61 |118J< 64 J a p a n 7 % , 1873 Mexican 3 % , 1851 ,8| 29 D o . Stamped Bonds 1U 13 Do. 3 % , 1864 ... 6| 1106% I I Norwegian 4 | %, 1876 Do. 4 } %, 1878 10634 31 Do. 4 %,1880 14 Do. 3 | % ' 8 6 p d . u p S o . i\ Do. do. .£10 pd. % d\ Do. do. £30}*\ Orange F r e e State 6 % . 105% 8* P a r a g u a y 8%, 1871 Do. 8%, 1872 94 81 P e r u 6%, 1870 D o . 5 % , 1872 Portuguese 3 %, 1853-84 . Do. 5 %, 1881 I* D o . I n t e r n a l 1853-69 1107% 2.1 IO414 8.1 103i/2 3.4 1 0 3 ^ 13.5 10034 20.1 |1023/8 7.1 R E G I S T E R E D & I N S . STKS . Canada 4 % Reg., 1904-5-6-81 107 11.10 102% Do. 4 % Reduced... 1910 107% 8.12 |101 Do. 3 f % R e g . , 1909-34 , 9934 20.101 92% Do. 4% 1910-35 1073,4 11.6 lO^/g Cape ofGood H.4%Reg.,1923 11003,4 25.8 9534 Do. 4% I n s . 1923 jl01% 20.8 9534 Do. 4% Cons. 1936 i\ 993/4 6.12! 963/8 Ceylon 4 % I n s . 1934 ;105 18.12 1003/g J a m a i c a 4%Inscribed 1934 i\^02% 17.5 993/4 Natal 4% Ins., 1927 l003/8 7.10| 91% NewSth.Wales4% Ins.,1933 111 24.2 1 0 5 ^ Do. 3£% Ins.,1924 9714 30.6 92i/2 Do. 3f%Scp.allpd.'85iot Gold do. * Belgian 2*% 6.12| 94 * Do. 3 %,1874 10034 19.2 Brazilian 4£%, 1860 1102 2.9 Do. 4 ^ % , 1863 Do. 5 %,1865 102% 16.8 31.121 Do. 5 %, 1871 1013/4 Do. 5 %,1875 IOI34 31.12 Do. 4 ^ % , 1879 951/2 31.12 Do. 4 $ % , 1883 943/4 30.11 Do. 5%1886Sc.allpd. i\ 993/4 16.121 Do. do. <£20pd. i d\ 211/4 15.5 Do. do. .£40 pd. i d\ 43 21.6 Do. do. .£65 p d . i d\ 65% 14.8 Buenos Ayres 6 %, 1824 102 14.5 18.3 Do. 3 % , 1857 99 13.3 Do. 6 %, 1870 100 Do. 6%, 1873 100 22.2 Do. 6 % , 1882 d\ 97% 3.12| 30.9 Do. 6 % , 1883 Do. 6% ^ S c a U p d . ^ ! 8 2 * 3.12| 96 30.4 Do. do.«£20pd. i d\ Do. d o . ^ 4 0 p d , i d\ 20 3.6 Do. do. «£60pd. i d\ 40% 26.6 61% 16.12] Do. 6% 1882 & 1886 96% f f a ill 18 16.9 27.9 16.9 4.1 19.'6 IO214 31.5 99% 18.6 26.2 22.121 30.12 9834 8."ll| 14.1 11.3 14.1 5 9.1 115 30.12 0 | 6.8 112 14.8 114% 2.9 109 14.9 10734 29.12 1 18 7.12 893/8 2.11 my 2 9.12 27.11 20 16 30.11 7.12] 5134 18.8 4 6 ^ 1104 28.7 102 26.6 105% 2.12| 68% 1.2 IOO14 21.1 1 0 0 | 10.12| 13.9 0% 27.10| 631/2 27.9 871/4 30.11 871/2 24.9 613/8 22.5 101 8.12 91 12.8 91 13.7 46 26.8 7 1 % 8.12 9534 6.10 46i/2 9.11 71 20.2 110734 1.7 791/4 29.6 6.12 7.12 7.12 30.10 17.11 28 29.1l| 3134 22.9 27% 18.9 27% 18.9 434 18.3 22.6 11.8 88* 79 3.12] 9434 24.8 , 9814 16.6 29.6 94 16.12 10714 6.10 1 8 * 29.111 23i/ 8 10.121 7% 18.2 9914 17.5 1103 10.8 15.9 101% 97% 26, 19, 4, 2. 8. 18. IP 21.12 3.121 20.9 17.2 22.3 15.12| 21.12 98^4 11 H14 13% 10* 4314 81% lo, Si 6 6 64 m If 11. , 0 | 4. 26i l o , 26 10. 23f 18. |22f 28.9 18.1 8.1 1.4 44 23.6 3f , 12.1 5.3 27.1 6.1 Of 6.1 13f 27.1 11 10£ 27.1 7.1 8.11 27.7 26.8 12.11| 15.9 14 9.11! Of 21.5 24 5.1 44 8.6 • l f 22.4 164 25.1 20f 23.1 I204 24.3 25.2 8 22.1 7 16.7 111* 12.4 12 5.8 3* 18.11 3* 11.11 6.1 8f 6.1 6* 18.12| 3 | 7.1 51 4.1 7 9.2 111 25.1 5 * 2.10| 51 25.1 5* 2.111 7* 12.11 31 7.1 26.10 m\ 14.7 25.1 741 10.2 74 4 . 5 51 , 2.1 441 19.1 13f 20.1 Hi FOREIGN—continued, RAILWAYS—Ordinary, Lines Leased, and Debenture Stocks for 1886. . CQ 1 6% JL % h3 FOREIGN—continued. # Prussian Consols 4 % 106% 29.11 10134 1043,4 27.5 94% Russian 5 %, 1822 Do. 4|%51850 '98% 6.8 93 Do. 4 | % , 1860 96 7.6 88 78 2.7 73 Do. 3 %,1859 1003/8 13.8 93% Do. 5 %, 1862 Do. Ang.-D. 5%,1864 ... 101% 10.8 95 Do. do. 5%,1866 ... 100% 5.3 96 Do.(Nic.Eail.),1867-69... 92% 11.8 83% 10234 30.7 96 Do. 5 %, 1870 99% 10.8 9334 Do. 5 %, 1871 Do. 5 %, 1872 100% 8.3 933/8 Do. 5 %,1873 101% 27.5 93% Do. 4 | % , 1875 95% 8.6 87% Do. 3%,Transcau.Bail. 70% 20.5 64 1 San Domingo 6 %, 1869 ... 1 1834 27.5 12% / Santa F e 6 %, 1883-84 1 95% 30.9 78% Do. ( N o r t h C o l . R a i l . ) 5 % 100 31.12 85% Do. Ex.5% Mt.Bds.allpd. i 94% 15.12 80% Do. do. ^840 pd. i d 4034 13.3 40% Do. do. .£60 pd. i d 61 24.3 60% Spanish 2 % 1 483/4 24.6 423/8 1 Do. Quickslvr. Mortgage 106 15.6 103 Do. 4% ... ' ... 1 68% 15.12 5234 102% 2 . 1 (IOO34 Swedish 4* %, 1876 d 106% 16.3 102% Do. 4 % , 1878 106 11.8 101% Do. 4 % , 1880 Turkish 5%, 1854 97 19.6 88% 7534 11.8 66 Do. 4*%, 1871 Do. 5%, 1877 (Defence) 893/8 11.8 7734 Do. Priority 5% Bonds 7634 8.3 1 67 27 11.3 22 »°- *» {*£££ 237/8 14.5 Do. 1862 {|g££S? 1863 v* T>« m ^en« Debt. {ftltSd (Registere u 43 1 NAME OF STOCK. 2.1 4 | 21.12 104 2.1 5* 29.12 8 8.2 5 20.12 17.12 6* 8.12 4f 21.12 9 31.3 6 | 28.12 6g20.12 20.12 8s14.12 8* 2.1 6 | 3.2 6 i 19.1 17 11.1 14f 17.2 26.2 01 22.3 0* 5.1 6 | 2.1 3 14.1 27.1 11 14.1 4f 5.1 4* 9.1 8* 27.1 9 | 27.1 HI 26.1 ! 9 | 31.12 6 \n \n m M r 1 3i * 13.3 12 6.1 3" 5.5 28.5 11.3 18.5 12.7 13 10.9 9% 28.5 i" 12% 4.1 8% 18.5 13% 3.11 2" 11.3 12%"23.9 {Stamped... Do 14 9% 15% 8% •n« Treas. C Eegistered 15% ^ A , B , C { Stamped... 15% * • 1873 { g j g g a 114% * U.S.(Massachstts.)5% 1888 * Do. do. 5%, 1894 115% * Do. do. 5%, 1900 118% * Do. do. 5%, 1889 106% * Do. do. 5%, 1891 109 * Do. do. 5%, 1895 114 * United States 4* % 1891 115% * Do. do. 4 % 1907 132% Uruguay,Unified 5%,1883... 5 0 | 43% Venezuela 5 %, 1881 # Virginian5% 4034 * Do. 6% * D o . New F u n d . 6% ,1905 62% * Do. 6% (with Cert.)... 64% - M6 { * & £ £ 6 D- »» { g j g « RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. Bedford&Northamp.Def. d 27 Bo. do. Pref.d 12634 Caledonian 105% Do. Deferred N o . 1 9 ^ Do. do. No. 2 Cornwall 5% Do. A \\ Do. B S\ 5% Cornwall Minerals IO34 E a s t London 17% Furness ... 106% Glasgow andSouth Western 104 Great E a s t e r n 74% 11 Great N o r t h of Scotland ... "7 Great Northern \1V7% Do. A... ...|113% n 6.5 101% 18.5 113 12.3 118% 25.2 10434 11.3 108% 19.2 113% 2.10 112% 4.10 125% 30.11 3634 4.12 29% 5.7 23.2 18.2 2f 29.11 12f 5.11 %\ 12.3 11.10 H 22.3 Ok 8.11 Of 11.9 a* 11.1 7 17.2 13f 2 . 1 13f 4034 5.7 54% 26.6 5434 7.1 8" 9f 2.2 25% 6.1 1* 11.3 126 22 2 Of 28.9 96% 17i4 8 | 1.121 6% 9.6 j 10.3 4* 1 1it 1 * 0 [id & 0 — 20 18.9 2234 17.12 2234 17.12 15 NAME OF STOCK. 5.4 m Of 1 RAILWAYS-ORD.—con. 155 Great Northern B Great Northern (Ireland)... 10134 Great South. & W . (Ireland) 100% Great Western 139% 93% Highland Hull & Barnsley Shares a 3 & Do. Stock % 29% 128 Isle of W i g h t Lancashire and Yorkshire... 115% Lon.,Brghtn. & South Coast 133 Do. do. Preferred 150% Do. do. Deferred 11934 Do. Contin. R i g h t s 29 London, Chat., &Dov. Arb. 2634 London and N o r t h Western 167 London and South Western 12834 London, Til., and Southend 15734 Do. do. New, 1883d 151 Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 71 Do. do. Preferred 10334 Do. do. Deferred. 41 Mersey 14% Do.Nos.20,907to46,000 i d 15 Metropolitan 118 Do. Preferred ... 140 Do. Deferred 44% Metropolitan District 131% Midland 97? 8 North British Do. Edinburgh & Glas. 3234 15934 North E a s t e r n Do. do. New ^850 pd. 87 Do. do. .£75 pd. t. 123% N o r t h London 189 94% N o r t h Staffordshire 191% Ehymney Do. .£10 Shares d 19% 81% Shropshire Union Somerset and Dorset 6 South E a s t e r n 130% 152 Do. do. Preferred ... Do. do. Deferred ... 114 12234 Do. do. 1882 TaffVale 262% W e s t Lancashire Whitby,Redcar, & Mid. Tin. 1* 6.9 6* 10.2 29.4 fl* 4 . 5 18$ 11.5 | 6 i 16.2 17.6 14f 25.5 7* 20.4 16 1.2 1 7 | 29.1 U 22.4 26f 16.1 16 25.1 8f 29.4 1 5 | 22.4 10* 22.11 17i 20.1 29.3 "8f 11.5 13f 21A 8* 16.8 7f 21.1 0 | 6.1 15* 14.5 3.5 37 13.8 1223/8 6.10 87% 20.10 28 4 . 1 142% 12.1 76% 5.10 5.10 177 3.2 8834 26.1 180 20.1 18% 15.11 81% 29.11 5 15.12 117 14.12 143 22.10 92% 1.12 109% 22.1 212 23.7 17.12 9Jr 17.4 27.1 4 . 5 171 7.5 10* LINES LEASED. 119 19.1 113% Birkenhead 30.1 124% Do. 4* % Preference 125 16.11 84 Colchester, Stour Valley, &c. 89 167 22.11 159 E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % Great Western 4f%Rent-ch. 12634 25.10 121% Hammersmith & City 5* % London and Blackwall ... 128 16.12 123 Do. 4* % Preference 1273/8 10.12 123% 8.6 71% London and Greenwich ... 74% 22.2 134 Do. Pref.5%, 138 Mid K e n t (Cray Line) Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... 6934'3i.3 67% 25.5 79% Do. do. 6%... 81 N o r t h & South Western J n c . 194 4 . 6 192 10934 N o r t h British Cons. Lien... 114 19.7 1 Nottingham and Grantham 116% 30.6 113% Preston and W y r e . . . 55% 13.7 54 Royston, H i t c h . & Shepreth 16634 10.6 159% Shrews.&Heref .6% Rent-ch. 16734 16.12 164 Victoria Station & Pimlico 242 26.11 234 Do. 4*% ... 120 21.4 120 Waterford,Dun.,&Lis.Pref. W e s t London, Class C ... ... ••• ... W e y m o u t h and P o r t l a n d ... 12.3 4% 1.4 of 17.11 S% 6.9 23.10 8 7.9 9f DEBENTURE STOCKS. 26.10 86% 2.6 30£ 31.8 95% B a n b u r y & Cheltenham 5 % 130% 3.5 11.10 62% 10.2 Ftil I Do. 5 %, '73 red. t o 4% ... 82 I Do. %, ••• Do. 55 % , '1881e d . t o 4 % , ... 30 16.7 ]L08 17 6.5 9f 77r 30.9 1102 2 7 . 4 ' H i f I u 16.2 148% 10.2 10134 5.8 9134 29.9 126% 9.11 88% 2% 4.1 24.2 14% 25.11 120% 21.12 99% 1.12 115% 29.11 139% 31.12 933/8 27.11 13 11.10 18% 13.8 151% 2.2 118% 7.1 140% 20.1 151 29.9 62% 20.10 90 11.10 327/8 7% 15.1 6.1 14% 19.10 102% 14.5 140 5.8 130% 20.12 82 16.4 30 12.2 17 ' n H 30.6 12 21.4 26.11 11* 4.3 1 15.11 Of 13.2 1 6.2 1 3 | 12.2 9 i 9.2 2 1 | 5.2 13 1 3.12 50* | ,5* 11.12 3.4 8.4 19.1 28.5 5f 1 0* 1 31.3 4.3 11.9 19.5 5 19.1 6.11 3.6 3.2 16.8 21.10 7.9 20.9 9.4 21.4 ••• 5.8 20.12 16.4 12.2 BB 2 5 1 8 64 31 3 4 2* 1* 2 H 3 1* n 8 3f 1 ' If' " ... 1! I1 f || RAILWAYS—Debenture Stocks, Guaranteed, and Contingent Preference for 1886. 4 k .1 1 i NAME OF STOCK. DEBENTURE STOCKS—oon . Bedford & N o r t h p t n . 4 % d 26 12.3 24 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % ... 106 19.7 103 Do. do. B 4 % ... 87% 18.10 82 Caledonian 4 % 117% 22.10 114 Cambrian 4% " A " i\ 108% 17.11 104 Do. "B" i\ 104% 2.11 io(% Do. "0" t 93 29.11 87% Do. "D" i\ 66 10.3 55% Cornwall Guaranteed 4£ %.. 129% 9.12 123 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % ... 111% 20.10 106 Do. do. B 3 £ % . . . | 8134 27.2 80 Eastern & Midlands 4 j %... 90 3.2 80 E a s t London 6 % Do. 5% 101% 9.8 101)4 Do. 6 % , 1874 ... Do. 6% ,1875 ... Do. Guaranteed 3£ % 99 22.7 97 Do. Whitech. Ex. 2\ %.. 6834 6.12 65 F o r t h Bridge 4% i 116% 28.9 116% 11 Furness 4 % 116 15.3 113 Glasgow & S. Western 4 % 117% 6.12 11334 Great E a s t e r n 4 % 11934 3.11 115% Do. A 5% 141% 6.11 138% Do. B 5% 1867... 134 21.12 126% 130% 23.11 12334 Do. M% Do. E a s t Anglian 4 % 116% 3.8 J114 Great N . of Scotland4 % ... 11234 22.1 111% Great Northern 4 % 124% 14.12 11834 Great "Western 4 % 124% 3.12 11834 Do. 44% 127 23.111 124 135% 17.12 130 Do. 4|% Do. 5% 149 7.12 143 119 21.4 117% Highland 4 4 % Do. 4 % 114 1.12 112 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 120% 7.12 115% London & Blackwall 44 %... 12234 22.12 120 London & Greenwich 4 % ... 117 22.12 112% London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 118 7.4 114% Do. Perpetual 4£ % 13234 4.12 127% Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 4£ % 128 13.12 Do. B 4 * % ... 125 20.11 111% 21.12 106% Do. 4% Do. 1883 4 % 111% 27.11 105% London & N o r t h W e s t . 4 % 124% 4.12 119 London & South W e s t . A 4% 123 1.12 11834 Do. do. B 4 % 123 26.11 118% Do. do. 3£% 10334 1.6 101% London, Tilbury, & c , 4% ... 117 19.6 11434 Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 % 116% 29.5 116% Do. do. 4£% ... 1131% 9.12 126 Mersey Perpetual 5 % 126 19.3 118 Do. do. 4£% ... 115 5.3 10534 |118% 2.12 113% Metropolitan 4 % ... Do. 4&% 128% 22.3 125 10034 5.3 98 Do. 3i% Metropolitan District 6 %... 161 30.11 152% Do. 4 % . . . 10934 2.12 104% Midland 4 % 12334 27.11 118% M i d - W a l e s A 4 % ... 10934 24.11 103 N o r t h British 4 % 116% 6.10 113% Do. E . P . & D . B . 5 % 139% 7.6 13534 12734 16.7 126 Do. 4k % Do. 44% 122 9.2 119% N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 123% 14.12 117 133 12.11 130 Do. 4i%... N o r t h London 4J% 134% 17.12 128% N o r t h Staffordshire44% ... |124 22.11 119% Ehymney Perpetual 4 % ... 111 16.6 108 Sev.&Wye&Sev.Bdge.4% % 92% 15.7 85% i 112V4 31.3 111% 1 South E a s t e r n P e r p . 4 % ... 12034 15.12 115 Do. do. 5 % ... 146 13.12 14034 TaffVale4% II534 17.3 111% 1 W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % Wrex. Mold & Con. Q. A 4%| 99 17.11 97% Do. do. B 4 % 78% 31.12 78% 3$ II II [1 1 1 GUARANTEED STOCK . 112 Caledonian 4% Guatd. Ann. 114% 12.6 1 12.3 2 Do. 4% Cons. Gua. 114% 26.3 111 19.3 3 12.5 5* City of Glasgow Union C . . . 134% 22.2 134% Do. do. F J 136 14.12 136 3.5 3f 123 19.1 118 14.4 44 Cornwall 44% ForthBdg.4%<£10shs.de4p.(Z 8.6 11% 10.9 4 Do. 4% 114 23.6 110 21.1 15£ HI 25.10 107% 9.2 10£ Furness 4% 5.1 6 | Glasgow & South West. 4% 1125/8 24.2 111 5.1 54 Do. St. Enoch Eent-ch. Great E a s t . 4% Bent-charge 114 22.7 110% 2.11 I f Do. 5% Metro. Stk. 138 3.12 134% 7.4 10 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem. 116 13.7 111 Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 9.8 Great Northern 5% . ... 143% 3.7 140 Do. 4f% 129% 30.12 125 Do. Leeds,B.&H-.6% 167% 4.10 165 10.4 2" 14.4 3f Great South.&West.Irld.4% 28.9 Great W e s t n . — Eent-ch. 5%145 8.7 140% 24.12 3* Do. Consolidated 5% 145% 16.7 |139% 30.1 31 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 116 22.12 112 Do. do. 6% 167% 16.12 161 9.6 44 18.8 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire) 169 24.7 162 2 . 1 71 London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 140% 22.12 136 2.6 6f Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.E.-ch.44% 126% 20.12 115% 9 . 3 2£ London & North Westn., 4% 11934 19.2 115% 25.5 0 | London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4 % 117 15.1 112% 26.7 54 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6% 165 18.6 158 3.8 1213% 5.8 5f Do. do. l s t P r e f . 4 4 % 126 Do. do. 34% 87 26.8 82% 26.1 3 26.10 131 Do. 5% S.Y. Rent-charge 1.4 54 6.7 6 Do. 44% do. do. 118% 1.7 115 1.6 x* Met. Dist., Ealing Eent-ch.1 113 14.7 112% Do. FulhamEent-charge 114% 14.9 112 18.5 2 17.6 54 ! Do. Midland 4%Eent-ch. 108 19.11 105 Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar. 106 2.11 98% 21.1 21 15.1 44 Midland 4 % Eent-charge... 119 15.2 115 5.1 34 Do. 4 % Guaranteed ... 119 5.1 114% 26.7 54 N o r t h British 4% No. 1 ...! 113% 27.3 110 14.1 8f N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4 % 118 18.1 113 2 . 1 6* Do. G.N.E.4% ...1 13.1 54 1 Do. Stockt. & D a r l A 5% 142% 18.6 138 Do. do. B.&C.6% 16634 10.4 159% 2 . 1 61 Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 117% 8.2 113% 30.8 54 7.7 44 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % ... 27% 6.5 26 21.7 4f Portpatrick&Wig.3|%gua. , i 25.1 2* South E a s t e r n E e a d . Ann. 28 2.11 26% 18.1 24 Do. 4|% 128 21.6 124% Taff Vale, N o . 1 230% 17.6 220 29.5 21:7 51 PREFERENCE STOCKS. 2.2 8 14.1 94 Caledonian 4% No. 1 113% 20.8 108% Do. 4% No. 2 2.2 5 111% 30.9 107% Do. 5% 1878 135 21.6 131% 15.9 34 Do. 4% 1884 111 23.8 106% 15.9 2f 22.1 8* Cornwall Minerals, 4% 2034 8.11 15 22.1 5* E a s t e r n &Mid.(Lynn&F.)5% 9.4 54 E a s t London 5% 1st Pref.... 26% 13*! 10 15% 23.1 6 | Do. 5%, 1877 ... 21 11.10 13 10734 4.12 102 3.5 34 F u r n e s s 4% ... 29.1 3 | Do. 4% A 106 10.11 101 2.11 I f Do. 4%B . 10334 26.10 100 Glasgow & South W e s t . 5% 13% 27.3 13% 13.8 2f Do. do. 4% 113% 29.10 108 12.6 64 16.1 3 Great E a s t e r n 4% 113 23.7 109 Do. 5% 1876 11334 11.12 106 23.1 6 Do. 5% N o r t h e r n Exten. 114 28.10 106% 25.1 44 21.1 3 Do. 4% 1881 111% 31.12 104% Do. 4 | % till 1893 20.9 7 111% 23.12 105% Do. 44%2ndlss.,£30pd.d 33% 17.3 30 31.3 Of !4 Do. do. 13{ Grand Trunk Junction 5% 109 4.101 9914 7.1 9 1 Do. 5 % Mort. 105% 13.12 97 5.1 , 8 * MichiganAirLine 5% I s t M t . [100 8.10 85 25.2 1 5 AMERICAN RAILWAYS-SHARES. Alabama Gt. Sth, A 6%Pref.| 10 8.12 7*4 Do. B Ord. 41/2 29.11 21/4 Alabm.NewOrl., T.&c.APrf. 334 29.11 2 % Do. do. BDef. 1** 27.111 0% AtlanticlstLea.Ln.Een.Trt.| 80i/2 30.9 66/2 Central of New Jersey6534 6.10| 501/g Central Pacific of Californial 52i/8 29.9 Chicago, Milwau.,& St. Paul 10134 22.9 Do. do. Pref. Stk. ' 12914 20.9 119 Cleveland & P i t t s b u r g 8OI/4 29.9 7 5 % Delaware & HudsonCanal.. 120 13.7 120 Denver & Rio Grande 19% 16.1 16 Do. do. Assess, pd.?! 371/4 6.12| 22 Illinois Central 146% 10.2 11351/2 Do. Leased Line 4 % 102 12.3 961/4 Lake Shore & Michigan Sth. ;103% 29.111 Louisville & Nashville 70% 10.121 Mis.Kansas &Tex.7%lstMt. 39i/8 30.11 24 NewYorkCentral&Hud.Riv.| Do. London Reg.jI1261/2 4.'l2 |ioi% New York, LakeErie&West. 6.1211 Do. Preference 24.9 New York, Ontario & W e s t . 193/4 16.3 Do. London Reg. 231/g 26.111 1 6 % Norfolk &WesternPref erred! 60% 10.12 I51/4 Northern Pacific Com. Stk.-i| 32% 4.12 2 6 Do. Pref. do. 68% 4.12 2634 Ohio & Mississippi... 3534 24.111 603/ 8 Do. Preferred . 94% 5.3 201/4 75 Oregon & California Do. Assessment paid! 12% 2.'l2| id Do. Preferred I81/2 15.7 18% Do. Assessment paid] 25% 29.9 19% Pennsylvania 62% 14.10| 52% Philadelphia & Reading ... 26% 30.11 934 Pittsburg,Fort W a y n e & Ch. 1541/2 18.8 14514 18.101 20 St. Louis & SanErancisco... 37 Do. 2nd Preferred ... 741/2 16.111 44% St. Louis Bridge 1st Prefd. 108% 1.4 IIOII/4 Do. 2nd do. 2.9 47 53 Tunnel Railroad of St.Louis | 113 2.6 |109 691/2 6.12| 4634 Union Pacific Railway Wabash, St. Louis, &Pacific] 131/4 2 . 1 9 Do. Ord.Crt.Ass.pd. i\ 25% 6.12| i2y 4 Do. do. Preferred! 2334 4 . 1 14% 433/<, 6.12" 21 Do. do. Ass.pd, 22.6 21 12.3 24 8.9 8.9 **, 1* 2.1 14 21.12| 14.5 4.5 1 7 | 4.5 1104 13.1 4i 13.7 25.1 31 18.1 154 21.121|U 22.1 , 5 * 4.5 264 4.5 36 5.5 |15| m m 4.*5 |194 4.5 16f 26.1 | 3 1 | 19.5 34 4.5 7* 25.1 i |34i 29.12 5f 21.121 84 4.5 1 5 | 12.6 19f g* 25.1 15.7 4.5 20.5 16.1 4.1 19.3 22.3 16.1 26.1 17.2 26.3 29.3 4.5 7.6 19.5 24 6f 10^ m |17 10 74 6 4 |22| *± 131 91 3 e? £ Id 9c CURRENCY BONDS. Alabama Great S. 1st Mort,.114% 1.12 108% 12.7 6 Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort..137 20.9 135% 8.3 H Alleg. Val. 7% 1 Mt. Bds, 133% 9.9 127% 8.11 6 Atch.Top.&San.Fe* Sink.Ed.l 107 9.3 100 6.1 7 Do. do. 6 % 115% 11.10 10834 2.1 Baltm.&Ohio 5%GoldBonds 117% 13.7 109% 18.1 8f Balt.&Pot. (MainLine)lMt. 127 23.7 122% 24.3 4* Do. do. (Tunnel) 1st Mt. 127 11.5 123 24.12 4 BuffaloN.Y.&Phil.Con.lMt. Burling.CedarRapidslstMt. 16914 7.'4 16914 7.'4 Canada Southern 1st Mort. 109% 3.2 105% 26.1 4* Cent, of New J e r . Con. Mt 120% 7.9 107% 18.1 13 Do. Adjust. Bond? 11434 21.4 105 7.1 9 | Do. 6 % Conv. Deb 93% 7.1C 69% 12.1 24 Cent. Pacific of Cal. I s t M t 119% 19.5 H514 22.1 4f Do. (Cal.&Or.Dv.)lMt 111% 9.6 105 26.1 6* Do. Land Grant Bonds 109 9.3 10434 19.4 44 Chicago & N . W . 5% Sink.Fd 114% 13.8 L073/8 6.1 74 Chicago & W . Ind. Gen. M 117 16.8 109 20.1 8 Chic. Burl. & Quin.Sink.Ed, Ch.,M.,&St.P.l M.(S.W.Dv. 123% 7.'l2 118% 15.2 5 Do. (LaCros.&D.Div.)! 109% 5.7 L04 5.1 H Do. (Hast. & Dak. Div) 132% 30.9 128% 15.6 4 Do. (Chic.&L.Sup.Div.) 112 7.6 105% 16.2 6£ Do. (Chic.&Pac.W.Div.) 11234 3.6 105% 15.1 U] Do. (Wise.&Minso.Div.) 112 6.8 10414 11.1 7f Do. Ter.Mt.5%Gld.Bds.| 110% 25.5 103 21.1 7* Chicago & Tomah 6 % 122 4.2 121 11.1 1 Chicago,St.L.&N.Or.Gl.Bd 122 15.9 115% 9.3 6£ Cincin., Wash., & B . I s t M t , 109% 6.3 105 11.11 4$ Do. do. 2nd do. 87% 10.12 61% 10.5 26 Do. do. 3rd do. 5014 24.11 30% 6.5 19f Del.&Hud.Can.7% M.Bs.'75| 117 16.8 113% 15.10 3 | Do. 7% Mort. Bonds Do. 7%lstMt.(Pens.Div.)j 143 lSUO 136 20!2 .7" Den. & Rio Grande 7% Mort. 7.'l2 9*614 18.'l 33| Do. Lond. Com. Cert, 124 Det. G.Hav.&Mil.6% Eq.Bd. 120 19.8 109% 19.1 10^ Do. Cons. Mort. II734 3.9 H214 16.2 5* Galv.&Harrisbg. 6% I s t M t . 118 4.3 10934 1.2 84 G.Rap.&Ind.lM.G.L.G.B. *| 130 19.10 125% 23.12 4* Do. Musk.lMt.Chi.Sp. 106 9.12 IOO14 29.7 6* Hlin.Ct. Bds. 1st Mt.(C.&S.)| 124 4.10 11834 17.6 54 Indianapolis & Vin.lstMort, 1313/8 22.3 i 129% 4.6 1 Do. do. 2nd do. 114 2.4 10714 9.7 6 | Lehigh Valley Mortgage ... 136% 7.9 131 5.1 5£ Long Island 5% Coup.Bonds| 11414 5.10 IIO14 7.1 4 Louis, and Nash.6 % Mort. 112% 5.11 101% 25.1 11 Do. 6 % Sink.Ed.l 108% 24.11 98% 26.5 9 | Do. 6 % lstMortJ 112% 10.12 101% 18.6 11 Do. 6%10/40Adj 104 7.12 8234 25.1 214 Minne. & St. Louis Gd. Bds. 118 13.4 118 13.4 Miss., Kan., & Tex.7% 1 M . i\ 119% 5.7 114 4.11 5f Do. 6% Gen. Mt. i 10514 11.11 97 6.9 84 Nw. Yk. Ct. & H . R. 7%Mort. 140% 19.4 137 12.1 31 Do. 5 % Deb. ... 114% 4.8 HI 13.1 3* N.Y.,L.E.,&W.1C.M.B.(E.) 14034 8.7 131 6.1 9 | Do. lCon.Mt.Ed.Cp.BJ 14C% 26.7 122 18.1 18£ Bo. 2 C o n . M o r t . B o n d s 106 6.12 100% 21.12 5* Do Ex. 30 Juneid 106 14.9 79% 18.1 36§ Do. Ed.Coup.5% Bds. i 100 28.9 97 7.12 3 Do. Gold Income Bds. 76 20.9 73 12.7 3 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt.l 55% 29.9 33% 18.1 Do. do. Def J n t . W . i\ 27% 21.9 20% 22.12 7i Do. do. 2 n d M t . 17% 14.9 IO14 3.5 74 Do. do. 3rd Mt.| 7 ^ 11.8 43/8 3.5 3 ^ N.Y. Texas &Mx. Str.lM.B. 3.8 10634 £ 1 124 Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. 119 Do. do. Im.&Ex.6%B. i 10634 7.12 90 5.2 16| Do. do. 7%Adj.M.B. i\ 111% 10.8 85 1.2 36* N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. 123% 10.12 113 4.1 101 Do. Gen.2Mt.R.L.G. i\ 108 14.12 94 12.5 14 Ohio&Miss.lGen.Mt.Bds. i\ 97% 15.3 89 4.5 8i Oregon & California 1st Mt. 103% 24.2 97 2.1 6 | Do. with complete Crt. 109 17.11 94 1.6 15 Do. with incomplete Crt.| 104 18.11 93 11.1 11 P a n a m a Subsidy Bonds lOIYg 18.3 102% 3.11 <% Penns. Rail. Con. Sink. Ed. 125 20.2 1 121 31.5 1 4 Do. Gold Bonds 112 6.8 1 105 *1 2 . 1 » ? 22 n n RAILWAYS—American Currency Bonds, Sterling Bonds and Shares, and Foreign for 1886. a NAME OF STOCK. CURRENCY BONDS- . _ . . . . a it NAME OP STOCK. ft FOREIGN—continued, 3 fBue. Ayres North., Lim. d\ 12.1 63/8 4.1 19.1 6£ , Do. do. Ordinary * 96 4.101 67 13.8 29 ] 30.4 Do. do. 8%Pref. 148 18.11 133 2.7 15 8.7 ,61 Do. do. Gua. Pref.j 14% 4.3 13% 20.1 04 16.4 H I Do. d o . Def. Pref.i 8% 17.8 8 29.1 23.11 24 t D o . do. 6% Deb 110 27.3 [105 31.8 15.10) Buenos Ayres & E n . P., L... 93,4 21.10) 7 9.6 21 1 12.11 Do. do. 8% Prf. 143,4 22.10 12% 15.7 2k 13.2 3 Do. do. 5%Db.| 11234 21.12 104% 2.2 2.1 64 BuenosAyr.&Pacific7% Prf. 24% 13.10 14% 14.1 84 2.1 8 Do. 7% Debenturel 130% 20.9 115% 2.1 91 2.1 31 Do.5%Deb.Sc. r i 820pd, 213/8 8.121 20% 25.11 ,154 U 8.11| 0i Buenos Ayres & Eos., Lim.l|164% 2.10|114 1.2 50f 29.4 10| Do. 7% Preference 16% 23.9 13% 21.1 Do. (Sun.Ext.).£5pd 9% 3.5 8^6 8.1 6.12 483,4 28.1 22| Do. do. «£710s.pdi 11% 29.3 9% 13.2 4.1l] 60 29.6 13 Do. do. .£10 pd 154f 20.9 14-& 14.4 Do. 5% Debenture!|118% 5.8 106% 5.1 124 Central Argentine, Limited 179% 15.121154 19.1 254 STERLING BONDS & SHS. Do. 6% Debenture Stk.l 141 17.12 128 15.1 [13 Ala.G.St.6%Dbs.Sc.allpd. i\106 11.12| 997/s 29.10 6Jr Central Uruguayof Mont.,L. 1 2 ^ 15.3 10l/8 29.4 1 « | Alab.,N.Or.,&Tex.6%Debs. 7934 5.2 71% 17.11 84 Do. Eio Negro Exten. d\ 11% 19.8 8% 16.1 34 Do. 6%2ndDebentures 63 1.2 63 1.2 Do. Permanent 6% Deb.|132% 29.3 122% 26.5 |10 Allegheny Valley 136% 13.3 |129 16.1 16% 8.101 13% 9.2 2f Conde d'Eu, Lfmi*»*d Atlantic &Gt.West.(W.Ex.) 65% 10.12 45 13.4 20 Copiapo 41% 30.11 41% 30.11! ... ... Do. Com. Certs.... 62 9.10 454 3.6 5 ^ 1.12| 23/8 12.8 Costa Eica ... Do. (Guar.byErie) 63% 8.12] 48 9.3 154 Do. 6%lstM.D;3 «845r> ,i d\ 51% 28.9 46% 17.8 Atlantic 1st Lea.4% Mt.Deb. 91% 31.7 2.2 Do. do. .£70 p i 81 29.111 76 29.9 Baltimore and Ohio 6%, 1895116% 3.2 3.11 14 Do. do. In!I* pax 1104% 8.12|[103 24.121 5 14 Do. do. 1902124% 7.7 119% 11.1 Donna Theresatifcr. L.. FVf. 1734 10.3 73/4 17.12 10 Do. do. 1910129 22.7 123 14.1 51 Dunaburg and V^fi«p«ilt ... 19% 9.3 17 6.1 ' Do. 5%, 1927114% 18.5 107% 13.1 Do. Eegiaterect ... 1834 26.3 16% 16.1 18% 27.2 Do. 44%, 1938113% 20.9 107 20.4 Dutch Ehenish ii/ Q 15% 20.1 Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort 126 12.10! 14.1 Do. New 27.2 2% 30.1 ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt. 135% 15.11 131%~ 6.12| Do. do. of 1872 ... 24.7 0% 11.5 Cleve.Col.Cin.&Ind.Con.M. 124 2.6 |124 2.6 East Argentine, Limited c 20 23.3 16V8 29.1 Bast. E l y . o f Massachts.6%13134 23.11|122 14.1 Do. Stock 1110 29.101 89% 22.6 Illinois Central Sink. F u n d 113% 31.3 109 11.5 Do. 6% Debenture .. 117 28.10 [106 21.1 Do. 6% Gold Bonds 117 7.6 113 19.111 Grand Eussian Shares 25% 10.12 24% 25.6 Do. 5% do. 112 3.11!109% 22.1 Great Western of Braz., L.. 21 8.3 16% Do. 6% Debenture![1203/4 17.7 109% 20.10| Do.34%Bds.Sc.all p . 4 Provincial of Ireland, Lim.l 22% 18.1 19% 15.6 3* 4.10 Do. 2nd Series 105% Do. do. New ... 17% 13.8 17% 13.8 Sm.& 108% 13.8 96ft 2.2 7£ II .. Queensland National, Lim. 13% 13.11 1 1 * 4 . 3 , 8ftI Do. d£25paid i d\ 104 14.1 24 14.1 Of Standard of South Africa,L. 483,4 2.10| 35% 17.4 [134 24 15.1 48% 28.1 Do. r £50 paid i d\ 24.4 7f South Austrian 13& 24.6 13& 2 . 1 Of Union of Australia, L i m . . . . 74% 13.7 67 5.1 4 | Do. 1871 (X) 13ft 9.8 12 A 2.4 0m Union of London, Limited.. 38ft 2 . 1 34 04 Union of Spain &Eng.,Lim. 5ft 31.12| 2% 9.1 Southern of France 15% 28.5 153/8 22.12 1* CANALS A D DOCKS. N I , South Italian 1314 26.7 i m 2.1 Tamboff-Kosloff ... 8834 25.6 81 23.1 7 | Alexandra Docks & Railway 163/8 10.2 15jf 14.4 0 * 7.10| I I D o . C o n . P f . S t k . " A " 1 1 0 1 % 23.12 100 Varna 3 % 6% 6.8 5ft 2 . 1 I f Do. D e b . Stock 101 2.9 9734 10.5 34 Do. 6% 534 27.2 4% 21.12 l i 18.3 3 | Of Birmingham Canal 115% 12.7 112 Western of France... 1534 22.3 14% 19.1 Oft 29.4 D r y Dock Corp. (£3 pd.) i\ Oft 29.4 West, of Bu. A y r e s 6 % Bds.l 114 27.9 107 18.1 7 2% 13.5 Do. (£6 pd.) i\ 3£$ 5.5 Do. do. 6% Cert. 112 19.8 106ft 17.4 5 | Do. (£10 pd.) i\ 4 H 18.10| 4 H 18.101 Do. do. 5%Mt.Db. 99% 7.12| 88% 6.1 |10| 23.11 !35' 5.1 49 Do. do. Sc.£20pd. i d\ 23% 22.3 2134 12.4 1£ E a s t and W e s t I n d i a Dock 84 Do. Debenture Stock 107 9.6 jlOOi 28.6 6 i Do. do. S c £ 5 0 p d . * d\ 52% 10.6 513,4 8.5 l i 112% 17.121 ...116 29 W e s t e r n of San Paulo Deb. 115 22.9 108% 6.4 6£ Grand Junction Canal Do. 6% Preference...! 15% 15.4 14% 9.9 Zafra & H u e l v a 3 % Bonds t 10% 10.121 10% 15.121 Of || m n n n i* i*| 24 CANALS & DOCKS, COAL, IRON, & STEEL, and COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL for 1886. NAME OF STOCK. it i?1 NAME OP STOCK. fi*l COM. & INDUSTRIAL—con. CANALS AND DOCKS—co». Assam Elys.&Trad.6% Dbs.|104 24.12] 92 10. [12 HullDock 49% 8.2 43 26.7 Aust. Elec.L.Pow. & Stor.,L. 0% 19.1 0% 19. Do. 4i% Convert. Pref. Aylesbury Dairy Com. Lim. 1 * 22.1 0* Do. 4% Debenture Stk. 102 5.3 7.1 31 Bahia Central Sugar Fao..L.| " ' 3.5 OH 14.. 7 3 0* Do. 44% do. 106% 18.3 |106 18,3 0J Barnagore Jute Factory, L. 4ft 8.6 4ft 8. London & St.Katharine Dk. 42 5.8 , 35 22.11! 7 Barrett's Brewery & Bott. i 13.11! 4 * 1 1 . 3*1 Do. 4|% Preferential 107% 13.12 101 12.1 6£ Bedford Park, Limited ... 16.111 2% 16. Do. 4i% New Pref.... 105% 26.10|100 12.2 9.3 2 28. Bodega, Limited Do. New Pref., 1882102 3.8 94% 7.1 B. Morris & Sons, Lim. ... 10 13.1 m 16. |103% 15.1 71 Brighton Aquarium Do. 4% Debenture ...111 9.12] 01 03/4 19.1 03/8 28. Milford " A " Deb. Stock t 12.8 0* , 4.'l2| si Brooke,Sim.,&Spil."A"S. 1 43/4 29.101 414 16. Millwall Dock ... ... 86% 4.1 78 0* Brown, Davis & Co. Lim.l 1 * 1 4. Do. 4J% Preference 105% 14.7 102 12.1 3* Brunner, Mond & Co., Lim.! 46% 9.7 25% 8, Of 4.3 Do. 5% Perp. Pref. 119% 29.9 114 Do. do. £2 pd. % d\ 534 4.6 ok Do. 5%Perp.Deb....l32% 9.8 |126 19.2 Do. do. .£3 paid Neath Harbour 1st Mort.... Do. do. 7% Pref. 8.'6 Newhaven Harbour 4% ... l i f t 14.5 l i Do* do. £4 paid i\ Do. Nos.25,001 to35,000 i\ ... Bryant & May, Limited ... 20% 1.2 15% 26.8 Begent's Can. City & Docks 92% 10.3 68% 2% 9.11 Consett Iron, Limited 19 12.'ll! 16% 22.9 21 01/4* 17 0* Ebbw Vale Steel,Iron &C. L.l 8 20.10| 414 18.6 3 | English &AustralianCop.,L. 0% 9.8 Explosives Company, Lim.d] 1% 16.3 1% 16 L% Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim. 2 19.1 1 30.4 1 Forder & Co., Limited -' 1% 31.121 1% 31 General Mining Assoc,Lim. 4 24.6 4 24.6 3f J o h n Brown & Co., Limited! 7.121 63% 6.5 6 | Fore St. Warehouse, Lim.., 14% 11.12 10% 16 Foster, Porter, & Co., Lim.l 15% 8.7 If Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal General HydraulicPower,L. 6% 2.12| 14% 14 Marbella Iron Ore, Limited| 4 * 7.12 "2V8 15.5 2*1 Do. New £1 pd. i\ l f t 24.5 5% 2 Muntz's Metal, Limited .. 6% 8.6 Ok Do. do. £2ip&. id\ 2% 2.11| 1% 24 0ft Mwyndy I r o n Ore, Lim. d\ 5.2 2ft 5 G. Kynoch & Co., Limited. 24 0^ Nantyglo & Blaina, Lim.... 20.101 42% 18.'5 0& 18.10] I71/4 Glenrock, Limited ... Nerbudda Coal and Iron, L.l 1% 5.4 0* 0ft 5.1 , oft 8 Newp.Aber.Bl. Vein St. Cl.L. 7% 20.4 5% 19.10] 1* ItGuinness & Co.Ord.dfilOpd. 18y^ 17.12 0% 23 Of Do. do. ,£5pd. 1 3 15.12 17% 18 NewSharls.Collier.,Lim.Prf. 7% 6.4 514 29.1 2 0}l It Do. Pref.<£10pd. 29 8.'4 207s Bahia, Limited Do. 10% Pref.... 281/2 6.10 27 Bombay, Limited 7i/2 27.8 6% Do. New ... 5% 16.9 Ws Brentford, Consolidated ... 231 19.10 226 165 8.7 163* Do, New Stock Do. 5% Preference... Do. 4 % Debenture... 107% 6.*7 107% Brighton and Hove General 42% 9.7 40% British Gas Light, Limited 477s 16.9 44 Bromley Consumers 10 % ... 22 27.5 22 Do. do. 7%... Buenos Ayres (New),Lim.... 1QY8 24. , 3 13 Do. (New) £5 pd. i 934 14.10 63^ Do. £6 paid i 101/4 2.11 9 Do. 6 % Deb.112% 6.12 107 Cagliari Gas a n d W a t e r , L. 2734 4.11 25 Commercial,Consolidated... 286% 11.10 265 7.9 200% Do. New Stock ... 210 Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk. 123% 11.10 117 Continental Union, Limited 46 26.7 41% Do. N e w , ' 6 9 &'72 31 18.8 27% Do. 7 % Pref. ... 3734 21.5 3334 5.4 199 Crystal Palace District ... 200 143 5.4 142 Do. 7% Do. 6 % Pref. 231/2 5.'7 2214 European, Limited 16% 27.4 16 Do. New Do. do. (£5 paid) 1 1 % 9.7 107s Gas L i g h t & Coke A Ordy.... 253 3.8 233 Do. B 4 % m a x . 94 22.11 89% Do. C D & E 1 0 % P r f . 259 26.7 250 Do. F 5% Pref. 120 28.12 117 Do. G 7 1 % d o . 186% 27.10 180 Do. H 7% max. 167% 19.10 155 Do. J 1 0 % Prf. 255% 13.1 248 Do. 4 % D b . S t . 114 15.11 110 Do. 41% do. 120 23.3 117% Do. 6 % do. 165 30.11 1563^ H o n g Kong and China,Lim. 22 22.10 20 Imperial Continental 236 17.8 207 M a l t a & Mediterranean, L. 67s 20.10 5M li/s Mauritius, Limited 1% 23.2 Metro.of Melbour.6% Deb.d 102% 18.8 102% do. 5% Deb. 112% 15.9 10914 4 | % Deb. StkJl08% 21.6 <101 " 11 . U 71 1 Do. 1 *•?« 1 | ... ... 0ft ••• le.'n 81 11 Of 01 21.10 2.3 25.1 7.1 6.7 6*7 22.4 16.2 27.5 5 11 2" 31 24.5 31 9.6 3 21.12 27.1 5f 6.2 2f 15.11 211 19.1 91 5.4 61 5.1 4* 30.12 2f 29.12 4 5.4 1 5.4 1 n 27.*2 11.5 01 5.2 Of 23.11 20 6.4 41 15.3 9 21.12 21 6.4 61 26.2 121 8.3 71 9.1 4 17.2 21 19.1 8 i 24.6 2 30.12 29 19.1 ots 27.3 01 18.8 21.101 3£ | | i'i 1 GAS—continued, INSURANCE, MINES, and SHIPPING for 1886. NAME OF STOCK. to © J W O Q Q 0 NAME OF STOCK. fi _k 3 *1 MINES. Devon Great Consols,71pd.$ 23/8 19.3 3* Do. 30/-pd. i 2i/4 23.11 l * Great Laxey, Limited 1014 7.4 OH South Caradon, Limited d "16 8i/6 5.3 South Condurrow 0 i ; South W h e a l Frances 8 22.5 934 28.10 01 Tincroft Van, Limited ... d 134 3.4 4 6.3 18.*3 2234 21.'l 8* W e s t B a s s e t t W e s t Wheal Seton 2.11 3.2 15 634 9.3 Wheal Bassett 10.3 22 16.9 289 1934 3.12 22.3 20^ W h e a l Grenville 26.8 233 11.11 242 16.3 18 COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. 3.5 130 12.4 2* Akankoo Gold, Limited ... 0 & 28.4 214 10.12 Alamillos, Limited Almada & Tirito Con., Lim. 0 * 2 . 1 .. ... Do. do. ... d 0 * 7.1 INSURANCE Anglo-African^ Diamond, L. 334 27.11 Alliance i 7% 7.9 7 y 8 1 1 . 1 1 0 ! Asia Minor, Limited 01,6 10.5 Alliance British & Foreign d 393/8 18 1 36 22.4 31 Australian ... 134 18.1 Alliance Marine, Limited .. | 2814 21.9 251/6 21.1 21 Bratsberg Copper, Limited oi/6 22.3 Atlas I814 1.4 I514 4 . 1 3 Canadian Cop. & Sulphr., L. British & For. Marine, Lim. 23% 16.10 2234 17.9 U 8 28 20.'3 Cape Copper, Limited Church of England..." 0% 9.6 Chontales, Limited City of London Fire, Lim... "6% 15.'l ' "0& 7.*7 16 Colorado United, Limited... 3 & 1.2 City of Lon.Mar.In.Corp.,L. 2 * 2.12 I1/4 7.1 4J§- 9.10 16 Copiapo, Limited ... Clerical, Medical,&Gen.Life 70 27.8 15 2.12 55 Devala Moyar Gold, Lim... OH 30.1 Commercial Union 21 5.8 1514 9.1 51 Don Pedro ... 034 5.5 County Fire 152 17.6 1511/6 17.6 0* Eberhardt, Limited, Ordy.d OH 31.12 Crown Life 434 3.8 Empire, 15s. paid i d Do. ( £ 5 0 paid) ... 74 18.3 731,6 2.*2 Do. 20s. paid i 4 ^ 17.8 Eagle 7 6.4 614 13.7 01 Fortuna, Limited 5 10.12 Employers' Liab. Ass.Cor.L. l * t 8.6 11/2 22.9 0 * Frontino & Bolivia Gold, L. 034 9.1 English & Scottish Law.Life Indian Consolidated Gld.,L. 1 ^ 15.1 Equity and Law Life 23fc 3.'8 231/6 3.8 Kapanga Gold, Limited d 0% 12.2 Fire Insur. Association,Lim. 0% 26.1 014 6.3 Of Kimberley Diamond, Lim... 3% 29.11 General Life and F i r e 8 H 8.10 8% 21.5 0 * La Plata, Limited ... 03/8 6.5 Globe Marine, Limited ... 1 « 18.1 O H 10.11 1 6 3.9 Linares, Limited Gresham Life Mason & Barry, Limited ... 1014 11.10 6.'l2 58% 5.1 Montana Guardian Fire and Life ... 71 9% 31.7 Home & Colonial Marine,L. 3 8.10 I14 2.2 i f 93/8 2.4 Mysore Gold, Limited Imperial F i r e 166^ 23.6 154 3.2 12^ New Chile Gold, Limited... O^e 1.2 Imperial Life 29% 10.12 2414 15.2 4 | New E m m a Silver, Limited 0 * 14.1 1734 20.7 14% 19.2 Indemnity Marine New Hoover Hill Gold,Lim. 01/6 4 . 1 614 3.11 5 Lancashire 26.3 l i New Potosi Ordinary, Lim. 0 * 4 . 1 153,4 10.5 14% 21.6 H Law F i r e Do. do. d ... ... Law Life 8.4 6* HOi/6 6.9 104 Do. 10%Pref.... Legal and General Life ... 2*4 Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. i 2 ... 25.5 " 6 ^ 29*3 QJL Lion Fire, Limited 0% Do. 10% Pref. i 214 19.10 Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L. 1 3214 6.12 273/8 2 . 1 Panulcillo Copper, Limited 3 % 11.10 Do. do. (<£LAnn.) 1 25i/£ 23.10 241/6 9.3 1 Pestarena United Gold,Lim. 0i/8 16.1 London 57 25.5 4614 2.1 lOf Pontgibaud Silver-Lead ... London and Lancashire Fire 8i/6 4.11 7 2.6 l i 014 21.4 P o r t Phillip&Col. Gld., Lim. ... London and Lancashire Life 4i/6 20.1 4 10.11 0 | Richmond Consolidated, L. 6% 16.6 London & Prov. Mar., Lim. 434 21.10 334 20.2 1 1 3 * 9.10 Rio Tinto Limited 3114 15.10 2814 13.7 3 Marine, Limited Do. Mort. Bds. 1031/6 23.6 Maritime, Limited 4i/6 11.11 21/g 16.7 21! 981/6 14.12 Do. 5 % 2nd do. Merchants' Marine, Lim.... 2 ^ 5.10 11/6 14.1 1*1 Ruby & Dunderb.Con., Lim. 0% 20.10 National Marine Limited... 2% 22.10 I1/2 25.1 Of ; Scottish Australian, Lim.... 3 % 17.11 North British and Mercan. 3734 23.10 321/2 15.5 64 134 30.9 Do. New Northern ... ^ 55 15.10 45 25.1 10 Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited 1% 6.4 Ocean Marine, Limited ... 61/4 8.1 5 ^ 23.2 1 * Do. Plumas Eureka OH 15.1 Pelican 60 22.12 60 22.12 | St. J o h n del Rey, Limited.. IO71/2 7.8 Phoenix 236 18.11 205 14.1 3 l ' Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim. 4 H 5.1 Provident Life 3614 7.9 351/8 1.6 1* Tocopilla Copper, Limited 0 * 19.1 25/| 4.6 Oi Tolima, Limited 2% 22.6 Queen 4 27.4 8 & 25.11 OH United Mexican, Limited... 4% 2.2 914 30.7 Eailway Passengers 71/s 12.2 Rock Life 83/8 10.6 W e n t w o r t h Gold, Limited.. 014 17.2 Royal Exchange 415 8.12 392 30.3 23 Yorke Peninsula, Limited d ... ... Royal Insurance 37% 19.11 3234 3.5 Do. Preference d ... H\ ... Standard F i r e Office, Lim.d .... 3 19• » 3 SHIPPING. Sun F i r e . 443 5.'l0 424 4% 3.5 Sim Life 105 26.2 ! 1011/6 24.7 3 i African Steamship Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim. 131/4 9.12 1 2 * 9.1 1 * Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim. 9 18.11 Union British Shipowners, Lim.... ... Union Marine (Liver.) Lim. ... 5i/4 12.3 "51/4 12*'3 Castle Mail Packets, L i m . . . "934 17.'l2 Universal Life # 41 16.6 38 18.3 3* Commercial Steamship,Lim. | Universal Marine, Limitedi 9% 28.9 | 8i/6 4 . 3 Do do. do. 1 1 ft GAS—continued. 19% Monte Video, Limited 10* Oriental, Limited .,. 9 1 1 T)n " Vw Nvr 2l/8 Do. do. 1879 71/s Ottoman, Limited 4% Para, Limited People'sGs.&Ck.Chic.lstM. 1 1 i~\ T c\ i ti/r i Do. do. 2ndMort. Eio de Janeiro, Limited .. 25% 16H San Paulo, Limited 311 South Metropolitan A Do. B ... 253& Do. C .. 260 Do. 5 % Debenture 132^ Tottenh.& Edm. G.Light&C. Do. do. New 20.10 161/6 16.2 20.11 8% 5.1 22.11 8-& 31.5 31.5 m 5.1 16.3 6% 3.4 4 3.5 26.1 u U m ?! 4° n\ 1*1 28 1 12.7 I f 0% 3.8 I f 7 H 4.10 2 * 614 7.9 2 i 734 19.4 0 i 93/s 20.11 Of 134 3.4 31/6 22.9 6'i 63/8 14% 1.10 Of 5.5 oy8 1% 0y8 014 1% 0* 1% 0% 8.10 12.1 Of 8.6 22.6 6.8 2f 11.5 0 * 18.1 20.4 221/6 0% 134 2% 0* 014 014 334 2% 3% 0^ 034 0^ 13/8 0% 434 7% 3 4H 014 0% 0% 0* °M\ °* 2£ li'.'9 9.6 29.12 9.4 28.7 9.1 1.4 6.8 6.11 2.1 10.7 19.3 19.1 16.1 17.6 9.1 1.6 15.1 21.12 15.6 26.3 29.9 23.12 ... ... "6% 9.#8 1 19.7 2 12.8 0% 16.1 °4 si itf lx% Of 0* 1 ml If OH OH 0* 2* Oi !f 2i 6f 4A 1 OT^ 0^ Of Oi 1 •• 1 1# 1* If "6v £ 2 oi 1 3 % 8 21.1 H \\ 1014 18.1 3 99% 20.1 4f 8934 15.1 81 0 & 20.9 2% 21.1 Of 114 4 . 6 0^ 1 13.1 Of 03/8 17.6 0 ^ 40 23.12 67i 1 3 % 22.12 0 & 23.10 0 | li/6 25.9 2 i 2% 18.1 U 0 * 5.1 M\ °^ ^1 ... ... ... ... 414 4.4 61/s 11.1 ... 83,4 8.9 °M\ ... ... 0 8 1 ... jl SHIPPING, TEA & COFFEE, TELEGRAPHS, and TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS for 1886. +3 NAME OF STOCK. j u &i 1 I M — SHIPPING—continued. Cunard Steamship, Limited Do. do. do. General Steam Navigation Do. 5 % Preference Do. 5% 1877 Mercantile Steamship, Lim. Merchant, Limited 1 National Steamship, L i m . New Zealand, Lim. £6 paid Do. do. £7 paid Orient Steam Navigation,L. Penin.&Oriental SteamNav. Do. do. New, 1867 Riv. Thames Steam Boat,L. Do. do. Pref. E o y a l Exchange, Limited... Royal Mail Steam Packet... Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim. Union Steamship, Limited.. Do. do. New ... Union Steamship of N . Zeal. W e s t India & P a c . Steam,L. 1 fi3 0 £-3 — rELBGRA. & TELEPHO.—eon.\ 4 6.10 1 1 % 13 10 934 9.1 7% H . 5 6% 9.10 11/2 23/8 23,4 2* 8i/8 671/2 25% 28.1 16.10 19.1 26.11 16.12 20.10 22.10 o% 1.4 1% 4 . 1 463,4 22.2 17% 27.11 7ft 19.11 133/8 7.1 2 1.4 8 15.3 5% 27.8 5ft 1.9 5% 30.8 2 3f 4* 24 If Submarine . . '212ft 23.2 ]L94 Do. Scrip 2 21/4 7.1 United Telephone, Limited 1434 30.6 l i f t Do. issued a t £2 pm. 8% 9.10 6 f t W e s t African Telegraph i\ 114 14.9 Do. 5%Dbs.pd.upSc. i\ 96ft 24.'ll 95% 2% 16.10 64 W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 4ft 26.1 04 3 Oft 11.3 24 Do. 8% Debentures 115 25.6 107ft 1ft 25.8 oft Western & Brazilian, Lim. m 11.3 6* 5ft 29.9 2f Do. do. Preferred 5ft 7.12 4% 59 31.3 8* Do. do. Deferred 3 * 11.3 1ft 22 13.7 8* Do. Deb., " A , " 1910 108ft 20.1 103ft Do. D e b . , " B , " 1910 105 10.3 100 Oi/s 1.4 26.1 W e s t India & Panama,LimJ 1 0* 2 0* Do. do. 1st Pref. 93,4 1.3 8% 36 1.7 1 0 | 6% 22.4 5ft Do. do. 2nd do. Western Union 7% 1st Mort. 122% 12.4 120% 13% 28.5 3 i Do. Sterling Bonds 104 10.9 101 * 5ft 3.5 2 * 113,4 3.3 I f J* 4 ... TEA AND COFFEE. Assam British Indian, Limited ... Darjeeling, Limited Dooars Tea ... .. i E a s t e r n Assam, Limited ... Jorehant Tea, Limited L a n k a Plantations, Limited Lebong, Limited Luckimpore, Limited Do. do. New Ouvah Coffee, Limited Upper Assam Limited NAME OF STOCK. || •s' 483/4 5% 261,4 10 20.9 18.6 13.5 28.5 451/2 5ft 13ft Q% 2.*6 401,4 26.7 4ft 7.12 12 2.12 43,4 3% 14.10 03^ 7.12 41 3% 23ft 83,4 23/4 0* TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. Africa Direct 4% Deben. i 993,4 28.12 971/4 Anglo-American, Limited... 4 1 % 27.10 30% Do. do. Pref. 65 27.10 51 Do. do. Def. 181,4 25.10 9 Brazilian Submarine, Lim. 11% 16.3 10% 1 Do. do. 5 % Bonds 107 5.7 103 Do. 2ndSer.June,1906 i 107 18.9 105ft Compagnie du Tele. Sous. 1 2% 20.8 i 1 f t 034 Con.Telephone Con.Main.,L. 1 2.1 Cuba, Limited 1134 16.10 10% Do. 10 % Preference 19 21.7 1 7 * Direct Spanish, Limited ... 2 23.11 l 3 / 8 9 Do. 10 % Pref 12 20.2 Direct U n . States Cable, L 1 0 * 7.4 8 E a s t e r n , Limited 1 2 * 30.3 1 0 * Do. 6% Preference 1434 22.3 13ft Do. 5% Debentures, 1877 104ft 26.1 100% Do. 5% do. 1899 108 28.10 105% Do. 4% Deb. Stock ... 106 24,8 100% E a s t e r n Extension, Limited 18% 26.3 10% Do. 6% Deben., 1891 111 11.6 106 Do. 5% do. 190C 106ft 24.6 102ft Do. 5% do. 189C 104 5.4 101 East.&S.African,L.Deb.l90C 1053,4 29.4 103 1 German Union, Limited ., 10% 2 . 3 9 Globe, Limited 5 714 6.4 Do. 6 % Preference> 13ft 8.1 12% Gt. Northern of Cop enhagerJ 15% 7.2 12% Do. 5%Deb.(iss.l880 1071/4 25.1 102ft Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883 108 2.2 104 1 Indo-European, Limited .. 3834 7.4 32% . 334 12.3 2% 1 London Platino-Braz., Lim Do. 6 % Debentures1102ft 14.7 99 Oriental Telephone, L i m . . . 014 4.1 0* Router's, Limited 7ft 4 . KM 6 10.12]L8£ 19.4 04 10.2 2ft 27.3 1— 25.*9 14 4.8 H 11.1 7* 29.1 H 12.5 14 1.2 I f 13.8 5 12.8 ! 5 18.6 0 * 2.6 i f 18.12 1* 26.8 I f 23.3 3 TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. 83/8 4.10 63/8 25.1 2 Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 127 3.11 117 20.2 10 Barcelona, Limited 8% 5.4 I f 10 28.7 13.7 7 | Belfast Street 1 1 % 5.2 10% 5.3 1 | 4 . 1 14 Birkenhead Ordinary 3ft 12.1 1ft 14.8 2 5.10 21 5.2 Do. 6% Preference 7 2ft 14.8 4 i 25.5 14 Bordeaux, Limited 10% 9.12 83,4 7.1 H Do. 5% Preference... 11% 15.10 9ft 26.1 1 * 11.12 54 1 Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. 2 1 * 7.1 0 f t 17.8 18.1 1 Bristol, Limited 93,4 17.11 8% 5.2 2.2 1* Bue.Ayr.&Belg.Pref.Shs. i 5ft 30.10 4 f t 31.8 0ft 19.6 2 Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% i 116 23.11 111ft 24.8 Calais, Limited 3 13.3 2ft 11.2 O2 29.4 Calcutta, Limited 7% 7.10 4 * 5.4 3 * 2 . 1 0 * Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 7 * 9.12 3% 20.3 Q13 I Do. 5% Debentures 95 20.12 76 8.4 19 City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 11 29.10 8ft 5.2 2\ Do. 6 % Deb. Stk. 1253,4 5.11 124 10.7 If 6.9 21 Dublin United i 10% 7.10 934 18.2 Of 20.4 Edinburgh Street 12ft 26.1 10ft 18.8 2 22.4 14 Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L. 1 6 * 18.1 12% 23.9 3 * 20.4 94 Hull Street 7% 21.5 5ft 6.8 1 * 0% 3 . 3 Of 1% 10.3 2.7 I f Imperial, Limited 5.11 i 4 Leicester 22.9 1* Do 3.8 0 * Liverpool United 12% 13; 11 i'6ft 15.'2 $ 24.11 0* London, Limited 18% 22.12 16% 4 . 1 2f 12.2 l i Do. 6% Pref.... 15ft 14.9 14% 9.2 x* 15.2 1 * Do. Found. Sc. Cts. i 21% 28.4 i 20 17.9 H Do. 5% D e b . . . . 115 29.3 Of 4.2 108 5.5 7 6.5 3 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 236ft 21.10 217 24.11 1 9 | 29.9 2 * London Street 203,4 10.8 18 19.2 21 23.11 **4 Do. New, £4i pd.t d l i f t 31.3 1034 11.3 Of 4 . 1 14 Do. £6 paid i 6 17ft 20.8 13ft 12.5 4 2.10 4f Do. £8 paid i 22.9 2 | N o r t h Metropolitan 2 1 % 4.'8 19 2 . 1 21 25.1 51 Do. New, £1 paid ... 15ft 1.10 12 7.1 3 | 13.12 34 N o r t h Staffordshire, Lim.... 6 434 22.9 8.4 5.11 5 Nottingham&District, Lim 7% 19.2 6% 17.8 ** 17.12 4 Provincial Limited 73/s 30.7 4ft 18.8 2* 27.7 3 Sheffield 634 11.2 5 f t 13.1 0ft 11.1 2 | Southampton 9% 24.2 8% 8.1 x* 17.12 1* South London ... 1 63/8 26.8 3% 5.2 2k 23.12 24 Southwark & Deptfd., Lim 5 22.12 3% 12.1 I f 17.12 4% 27.5 Sunderland, Limited 3% 27.2 OH 17.6 Uft Tramways Co. of France, L 6% 2.6 2| 43/8 7.1 x« 7.1C 4f Tramway sCo.of Germany,L 15 24.11 13% 13.1 ^ 18.5 4 Tramways Union, Limitec L 6 f t 24.11 4 20.1 Itt 11.1 6 | Do. 5 % Debentures5104 24.6 101 11.1 3 23.8 1 Vienna General Omnibus,L 13/8 24.2 1*14.8 23.11 3* Wolverhampton, Limited.. 5ft 20.3 434 9.2 0 1 24.5 0 * 22.7 4 m °* J 1 * 29 WATERWORKS for 1886. M M NAME OF STOCK. WATERWORKS. Antwerp, Limited ... 2oy4 Chelsea Ordinary ... City of St. Petersburg", Lim 233 Colne Valley Do. 4% D e b . [201 E a s t London Grand Junction (max. 10% 127 Do. New (max. 7% 84 |264 Kent Do. New, £2 paid i d\ Do. do. <£3 paid Kimberley, Limited 1434 Do. 6 % Debentures!llOft Lambeth, maximum 10% .. 226 Do. do. 7|%.. Do. 4 % Debenturesl 114 [342 New River, New ... Do. 4% Debentures]117 Do. Debentures B 116 m 1 18 4.11|, 2 * 11.12|213 18.1 [20 24.11 OH 20.11 0 * , 6.7 8% 13.2 0 * | ill 17" 23.8 184 10.8 1113% 15.1 13| 23.10| 83 25.10| 1 7.1 11 4.9 253 22.12| 6fc 15.7 1 30.'8 9fc 26.7 104ft 28.121192 23.12| 172 23.9 1110ft 1.4 334 9.6 113 13.5 '113% 4.1 5*i 9.2 6 9.1 34 26.1 Il8* 26.1 8i 8.10| 31.3 8 6.2 4 NAME OF STOCK. si WATERWORKS—continued. Odessa, Limited, A 6% Erfd. 6 13.4 4ft 25.6 Do. BDeferrdJ 1% 1.7 1 7.5 Oi Do. 5% Debentures 923,4 17.6 85 23.2 Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 106ft 6.12 101 & 3.2 Shanghai, Limited | 30 15.5 | 30 15.5 South. Staffordshire A Do. do. B Do. 4% Debentures! Southwark & Vauxhall ...174% 16.9 1157 7.1 TO Do. New lOft 29.9 9% 2.6 Do. D 7|% maximum 158ft 10.3 147% 15.1 Do. 5 % Pref |l31 25.10|129 26.6 Do. 4% Debs. West Middlesex |261 2.4 ]248£ 13.1 12* I N the foregoing compilations the Highest and Lowest prices have been given in each condition of the Stock or Share, e.g., if a Stock or Share has had different amounts paid up on it during the year, the Highest and Lowest prices of each amount paid or to pay are given. The undermentioned changes in the Official List are given :— 1. Inserted during the year. D. Discontinued during the year. In all cases where no prices are put, the year has passed without transactions having been recorded. NOTES. * Coupons payable abroad. f Formerly quoted as "Northern of Buenos Ayres." J First quoted 15th December. || The only day during" the year on which business is recorded. ^f The National African Company was altered this year to Royal Niger Company, Chartered and Limited. The following have been converted from Shares into Stock during the year:—* Hull and Barnsley Railway. His Highness The Nizam's State Railway. Buenos Ayres Northern Railway (see f). East Argentine Railway. The Alliance British and Foreign Insurance has been altered into the Alliance Insurance, and each ,£100 Share, <£11 per Share paid, has been exchanged for five £20 Shares, £2 4s. per Share paid. 30 1887. BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1887. . -c >> NAME OF STOCK. c •3 +* Ml •s 0 « 8 S-2 S NAME OF STOCK. « o a COLONIAL I PROV. SECURITIES , B. Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894 iioy 4 4.2 Do. 6% 1907 12434 31.5 99% Do. 4 1 % Deb. 1917 i\ 109% 31.5 100 4.2 3 1 2.3 31 British Guiana 4% ... 10334 2.6 99% C a n . " I n t c . Rl.L.," 5 %,1903|114% 8.12| IOO14 10.3 2 Do. 4% 1904-5-6-8 10934 2.6 99% 2.3 Do. Reduced 4%, 1910 110% 26.5 100 7.3 21 Do. 31% 1909^34 113% 6.1 100% 18.10 9214 4.3 Do. 4 % 19lti-35 110% 31.12! 13.12 8734 2.3 G'ill Cape of G. H . 6 %, 1890-1900 12314 4 Do. do. 6 % 1891! 10934 7.4 13.12| 90% Do. do. 5 % 1900 112 9.2 1334 22.9 1 Do. 41 % red. an. dr.f IO914 27.6 5/-d. 3.1 19/Do. 4 1 % ,1879 do. 110 6/-d. 6.1 14/Do. 4 % ,1881 do. 104% 9.12 111 19.5 2h Do. 4 % 1917-22| 105% 4.4 3 10.8 110 Do. 41% 28.9 112% 28.9 Do. 5 % 10/40 11114 27.121III14 22.8 15.12] 9714 4.3 4£ Ceylon 4 1 % Do. 4% Skg.Fd. fr. 1886-90]104% Fijian Government 41 % 108 12.1 10434 30.9 293 18.3 17 HongKong4%Db.Sc.all pd.ij102% Jamaica 4 1 % 106 Do. 4 % 100% 24.5 100% 12.*9 4'i 100 4.1 4* Manitoba 5 % Debentures 110% 3.6 1895-961114 4.2 9* Mauritius 6 % 13.12| 84% Do. 4&% 26.3 28.6 10C 4 % 10234 Do. 15.6 9934 1.12 Do. 4 % Scrip^SOtop.i 22.1 6614 22.4 51 6 % 1886-7 105% 1.4 3£ N a t a l 29.10) 65% Do. 6 % 1896 12014 16.12] 6934 5.4 51 Do. 5 % 1909||106% 99% 9.8 Do. 41% 107% Do. 4 % 1926! 103% CORPORATION STOCKS. . 111 26.7 106 1.2 5 Do. 5% 10/401894-1924 U33/8 Met. Bd. of W o r k s 3 1 %,1929 17.12] 98 New Brunswick 6 %,1886-91 106 15.1 4 Do. do. 3 %,1941 102 30.3 1* New S. W . 5 % 1888-1894 107% Com. of Sewers, Lon., 1905 IOI14 29.7 100 29.12 100 Do. 5% 1895-1902 115% 13.4 1 Corp. of London31%, 1887-91 101 Do. 5% 1872-1898 |109 8.2 11 Do. do. 31% ,1892-7 1013/8 8.8 100 Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 108 Do. do. 3 % 1912[ 98% 19.7 96% 31.3 2 Do. 4% 1910 Do. 31% Deb. Scrip allpd IOII/4 19.8 9934 1.12 1891 112% Birmingham 31 % 1946]10534 8.11 102% 6.1 H\\ New Zealand 6 % 1.12] 9134 28.9 8* Do. 5% 1914| 11434 Do. 3 % 1947 6.9 36% Do. 5 % Consols... 10634 6.9 Do. 3 % «£55topayid| 10.101 62 Do. 6%,15Mr.l891 10734 Do. 3 % .£30 „ id\ 62 10.10 20.7 28 Do. 6%,15Ju.l5Dc.l891 108 20.7 Oi Do. Gas Ann. of <£l\ 29.9 2734 11.2 Of Do. (Auck.)6%,1896[ 106% Do. W a t e r do. of £l\ Do. 5%10/40,1888-1918 10414 Blackburn 4 % Do. 5 % 1889 1053/g Do. 31% 6.10] 993/8 7.'l 34 Bo. 5%Bondsconv.l892 108% Brighton 31 % 1946]'103J6 103 12.8 100% 22.4' y* Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 1904 H334 Bristol 3 $ % .. 13.121 963/4 5.1 7 Do. 5 % 1906 113% Cardiff 3 1 % 1935! Do. 4£% 1919 Do. 3!%Scrip.£80topayd 991/8 28.*1 Do. 5 % 1912 116 Croydon 31 % Irredeemable 103V4 3i.'l2 4 . 1 100 Queensland 6 % 1891-6 118% Glasgow 31% 19141100 4.1 Do. 4% 1913-15 104% Do. 31% Irred. Stock Hull 3 1 % 1943| 103% 23.12 100% Sl."l 3* St. Lucia 4£ % Debentures i\ 107 South A u s t r a . 6 %, 1887-1890 Lee Conservancy 4 % 13.1 21 6%, 1891-1900 119 Do. Leeds 4 % 1927] 113% 25.11 111 1023^ 9.11, 10034 10.1 2 6 % , 1901-1918 Do. Do. 3 1 % 5 %, 1889-1920 Do. Leicester Gas & W a t e r 4 % d\ 2(h8 98 23" 3 4%, 1894-1916 Do. Do. 31 % 1934| 10534 16.12] 1023/8 11.3 31 4% 1929 1033/g Do. Liverpool 31 % 4% 1916 102 Do. Longton 3f % 1932| 119% 24"5 116 8.1 3 H 4% 1917-18-24 10314 Do. Manchester 4 % 11.2 104 Straits Settlements 4 | % Middlesbrough 4£ % 19081104 11.2 IO51/4 Tasmania 6 % 18951|107% Do. SJ % 1909 17"8 2i Do. 6%, 1893-1901 114% Newcastle 3 1 % 1936| 1631/4 13.'l2| 101 Do. 4 % , 1908-13-14-20 120% Do. Irredeemable .101% 19.10 100% 22.8 Do. 1886 4% red. 1911 10514 Nottingham 3 % , (33/4 30.12 85% 12.1 8 Trinidad 5 % P o r t s m o u t h 31 % ... 10314 22.11 9734 13.1 105 Do. 4% Reading 3 1 % IO21/4 23.8 99 18.3 106% 1891 102% Victoria 6 % Southampton 31% 1945| 101% 28.12] 963A 5.1 4f 12.12 88 1894 110 Bo. 5% South Stafford 41 % 12.12 88 4% 1899-1901 107% Do. Do. 4f % D e b . Scrip i\ 100 28.12] 99 7.10 1 10.3 10334 31.1 4£% 1904 1121/s Do. Stockton 4 i % 1908| 105 4%, 1881 1907 109 Do. Swansea 31 % 20.1 7 103% 30.121 96 4%1882-3...1908-13|,108l4 Do. Swansea H a r b o u r T r u s t 5 W e s t e r n Australia 4£ % Do. do. 4i%i 107% 1043/4 8.'2 5*' Do. do. 4% Wolverhampton 3f % ...|102% 14.12| 97% Do. do. 4% 106% „ BRITISH FUNDS. . _, Consols 10334 Do. for Account ...10334 Eeduced Three per Cents. ..102% Do. for Account ...102% New Three per Cents. ... 102% Do. for Account ...102% Do. Three-and-halfp.Cts.102 Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 10014 Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 94% Do. for Account ... 94% E e d Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. 1434 Exchequer Bills (March) ... 14/-p. Do. do. (June) ... 8/-p. Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8113% Do. " R u p e r t ' s Ld."1904113 Do. Bonds 1910112% Do. Bonds 1913114 Egypt. Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan 101% Jamaica, Imp. G., 1897 Turkish 5 % Guaranteed ... 110 B a n k of E n g l a n d |310 B a n k of Ireland ... India Stock 1888104% Do. 1981104& Do. 1948 94 India Debentures 3889100% Do. do. 1891100% Do. Enfaced Paper ... 7 1 % Do. do. 1885 ... 693/8 Do. do. 1893| 75% Isle of M a n Debentures oi K 3 « « H\\ u * * a* £ °# °« u '4 on o* « II H * i» •a 9.2 110 2.121 121 30.11 105% 19.12| 97% 13.6 110% 14.6 103% 2.6 1031/g 26.111 96% 2.6 1041/g 13.6 100 18.6 105 14.6 107 26.5 10214 21.5 1003/8 31.5 98% 26.111 21.5 104 'a 5.4 Oi 9.2 27.7 3f 27.1 31.5 16.2 21.2 71 3.3 17 3.3 6§ 15.2 8.1 18.1 10.1 5 14.1 7 14.2 9* 3.3 6 f 9 8.2 61 7i 22.8 102 8.8 10314 9.3 13.6 100 6.10| 20.9 104 5.5 25.11| 100i/8 21.9 Oh 13.6 105 1.10] 5.5 107 29.8 5 i 7 5.5 99 10.2 3f f IO414 108% 11051/8 101 97% 26.10 IO41/4 100% 110034 105% 105 101% 5.11 10234 23.12] 106 1.6 IIO14 21.5 IOIV4 3.6 10434 21.101 10314 7.12) 106% 25.7 ; - ) i / 4 30.4 10114 11.6 102 13.10] 10S14 14.9 109 29.12] 103 18.6 11214 28.5 IO6I/4 16.5 99 12.7 107 25.7 14 19.2 l l f 11.1 H 4.2 6* 10.1 6 5.2 9£ 10 2 5* 14 1 4 1 tio 10 1 4 25, 1 61 10, 1 4 1 2 61 25.1 41 1.12| 51 24 3 23.12! 4f 7.11 4" 5.3 41 25.11 61 1.12| 51 21.2 41 1.3 51 21.2 3f 22 7 2i 3.1 51 22.2 12.7 11.10] 106 13.1 118 27.8 107% 20.5 ; 97% 15.4 100 2.6 98% 2.11] 100% 3.11 102% 10.6 111 30.6 106 26.5 99% 6.6 , 99% 18.4 105 6.6 100 25.6 106 20.6 Il06 31.5 jl013/8 7.6 105% 13.12][102% 30.9 104% 17.9 105 1.12] 101 6.121 104% io!s 13 24.5 4 i 3.12| 81 3 . 3 51 24.1 2 2.12| 4f 19.2 4f 17.9 5f 9.2 31 3.2 141 25.1 2.2 si 22.3 5* 17.2 H 4 . 7 2k 17.2 4 18.2 3£ 17.2 6 e! 22.1 61 14.1 14.2 2£ 24.2 31 26.4 2 COLONIAL continued and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, &c, for 1887. In NAME OF STOCK. COLONIAL PROV.—eon. w -a % B R E G I S T E R E D & INS. STKS. British Guiana 4 % Ins. i 104 Canada 4 % Reg., 1904-5-6-8 109% Bo. 4 % Reduced... 1910 110% Bo. 3 | % R e g . , 1909-34 IO314 Bo. 4% 1910-35 110% Cape ofGood H.4%Reg.,1923 10414 - AKO / < Bo. 4% Tns. 1923 105% Bo. 4% Cons. 1936 105% Ceylon 4 % I n s . 1934 iosy2 I J a m a i c a 4% I n s . 1934 107 N a t a l 4% I n s . , 1927 103% Bo. 4% i 103% NewSth.Wale&4 % Ins.,1933 II214 Bo. 3 | % Ins.,1924 99% New Zealand 4 % Ins., 1929 100% \ B o . 4% Scrip all paidi$ j Bo. do. ,£50 to pay-id Bo. do. ,£30 to pay id 65% Queensland 4% Ins., 1915-24 106 B o . Scrip <£85 t o pay?'d I6I4 Bo. <£65topayicZ 401/4 I Bo. <£45 t o payic? 601,4 Bo. do. ,£25 to p a y id S. Aus. 4%Reg.l917-18-24-36 105% Bo.. 4% 1917-36 104% Bo. 4% ,£50 t o pay id 52% Victoria 4 % I n s . 1907 109% Bo. 4% Ins.1908-13-19 1083/8 Bo. 4 % , 1885 1920 1093/8 West. Australia 4 % 1934 10834 FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Zc. Argentine 6%, 1868 105i/2 105 Bo. 6%, 1871 Bo. 6%, 1881 104% Bo. 6%, 1882 103% 953,4 Bo. 5 % , 1884 96 Bo. 5 % , 1886 Bo. Scrip all paid id 9514 Bo. do. .£50 paid id 52% Bo.5%Trea.ComBdsSc.V 90 Bo. H a r d B o l l a r s ... 7814 Bo. Treasury 91% Austrian Silver R e n t e s ... 67y4 Bo. Paper do. 66 Bo. Gold do. 9114 Belgian 2£% Bo. 3 %, 1874 9 ^ Brazilian 4£ %, 1860 d Bo. 4 | % , 1863 102 Bo. 5 %, 1865 10334 Bo. 5 %, 1871 IO314 Bo. 5 %, 1875 IO414 . Bo. 4 ^ % , 1883 9634 Bo. 5 %,1886 103 Bo. 4£%,1879GoldLn. 99 Buenos Ayres 6 %, 1824 ... 98 Bo. 3 % , 1857 ... 99 Bo. 6%, 1870 ... 103% Bo. 6%, 1873 .. 103% Bo. 6%1882&'86 100% Bo. 6%, 1883 ... 10134 Chilian 3 %, 1842 Bo. 6 %, 1867 106 Bo. 5 %, 1873 ... d 102% B o . 5 %, 1875 ... d 102 B o . 4 ^ % , 1885 10234 Bo. Conv.Ln.Scp.allpd. 10134 Bo. do. .£45 pd. d 45% Bo. do. <£ 70% Chinese 7 %, Series A 117 1 , B o . 7%, Series B 119% B o . 6%, March, 1895... 113i/8 Bo. 6%, J u n e , 1895 ... 1143/4 Colombian 4f %, 1873 321/4 Cordova Prov. 6 % ... 1919 96% Bo. Scrip all paidi 92 Costa Rica 6 %, 1871 d 98 Bo. 7%, 1872 d 38 j Bo. Bonds A ...j 82 0 Hi CO p 2 ill NAME OF STOCK. a FOREIGN— continued. 79 Costa Rica Bonds B Banish 4 %, 1850 & 1861 ... Bo. 4 % , 1862 B o . Internet 3^%Bonds'i 10534 Banubian7%,1864 110 Bo. 8 % , 1867 H B u t c h Certificates 2-| % ... 74% 6| Bo. do. 3|% i 9934 7| Bo. do. 3f%Bds.• Gen. C Eegistered i'414 Debt. 1 Stamped... 14% 1869 {fSpe 6 ^ 13% -n_. Treas. C Eegistered 1456 • U0, A,B,C( Stamped... 1234 »*.."» {IfiS? Louisiana 4% Stamped Bds .'i 93 Do. 4% Small Bondsa * U.S.(Massachstts.)5%1888 10156 * Do. do. 5%, 1894113% * Do. do. 5%, 1900 121 * Do. do. 5%, 1889 10414 * Do. do. 5%, 1891 10856 * Do. do. 5%, 1895 H214 * United States 44 % 1891 H314 * Do. do. 4% 1907 13214 Uruguay,Unified 5% ,1883... 7334 Venezuela 5 %, 1881 43% *Virginian5% ... * Do. 6% * Do. New Fund. 6% ,1905 551/2 * Do. 6% (with Cert.)... 58 Do. 6% Com. Certs. •% 54^ „ RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. Caledonian 105 Do. Deferred No. 1 9% Do. do. No. 2 1 Cornwall 5% Do. A & B 4*4 Cornwall Minerals 10 East London 1334 Furnesa 108 Glasgow andSouth Western 10356 Great Eastern 70% Great North of Scotland ... 55 Great Northern 116^ 1 Do. A 109 Do. B 163 Great Northern (Ireland)... 10414 [ Great South. & W. (Ireland)102 i Great Western 14056 Highland 92 4114 Hull & Bamsley Isle of Wight 134 Lancashire and Yorkshire... 12356 Lon.,Brghtn. & South Coast 137 Do. do. Preferred 154 Do. do. Deferred 12234 Do. Contin. Eights 28 London, Chat., &Dov. Arb. 2514 London and North Western I6914 London and South Western 133 London, Til., and Southend 1431/6 Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 7756 Do. do. Preferred II514 Do. do. Deferred. 4414 Mersey ' ... 8 Metropolitan ... ad 118 1 Do. Consolidatedai' 72 1 "to *4 NAME OF STOCK. ft 1 •8" © -a 0" lid Ns ft B RAILWAYS-ORD.—eon. 20.9 60 20.9 4.8 6434 26.10 ctMetropolit'n Surp. Lands i 75 19.12 84 23.11 3 | Metropolitan District 1 4314 28.4 3314 11.11 13.6 4534 4.2 3 | Midland 129% 31.5 121% 16.9 10 18.6 102 22.1 4 1063/g 31.12 96f 4.2 10 North British 3 3.6 583/8 3.2 9f Do. Edinburgh & Glas. 3814 15.12 3254 21.2 5f 11.5 10134 28.1 3 | North Eastern 158%. 13.12 1491/4 16.9 9f 9.6 102 5.2 44 Do. New d 15556 8.3 15214 24.1 34 1.9 89 4.2 9 North London 4.3 14 1 191 21.7 177 7.7 67 3.2 1001/6 15.12 9034 11.2 9f i North Staffordshire 3.6 78 4.2 182 26.1 150 1.12 32 Ehymney 3.6 66% 16.2 81% 23.11 8I14 1.4 Of | Shropshire Union 22.11 20 14.10 | 4 i Nottingham Suburban i Somerset and Dorset *6% 20.'l2 "4% 22.#7 2' 27.10 18 4.2 5 South Eastern 132 1.6 124 4.2 8 Do. do. Preferred ... 155 5.7 147 5.2 8 Do. do. Deferred ... 113% 14.1 97)6 29.11 151 1 Do. do. 1882 12656 14.7 120 25.2 6^ 26.'8 ili/6 4.*2 j 2f 1TaffVale 242 9.8 209 16.11 33 ... West Lancashire ... ... ... 24.*8 123/8 27.4 if Whitby,Eedcar, & Mid. Un. LINES LEASED. 20.1 12% 20.'5 6j Birkenhead U914 7.12 11256 13.1 6f ... 14.*6 1234 8.3 if Do. 44% Preference 115 16.8 115 16.8 Colchester, StourValley,&c. 91 20.9 87 21.7 4 29.'12 iiy2 4.'2 i'i East Lincolnshire 6 % 168% 7.2 1601/6 31.3 n Hammersmith & City 5* % 25\3 83% 12.'2 London and Blackwall ... 130 14.'7 124 li*.2 Q Do. 44 % Preference 130 29.12 1261/6 19.4 34 2.*2 100% 19.'l0 London and Greenwich ... 7914 7.12 71 11.2 8* 28.4 1111/2 2.6 8* Do. Pref.5% 13914 7.1 13714 3.5 2 1.3 114 20.12 7 Mid Kent (Cray Line) ... 107 26.2 107 26.2 30.4 102 20.8 \2z Northern and Eastern 5%... 71J6 9.12 671/6 3.1 4 3.2 103 10.11 6t i Do. do. 6%... 82 2.6 79 5.4 3 15.1 H056 If North & South Western Jnc. 18.6 109 15.12 4i Nottingham and Grantham II914 14.'l2 11256 12.2 6f 9.6 127% 27.9 6* Portpatrick & Wigtonshire 100 21.1 100 21.1 10.9 44% 4.2 Preston and Wyre 5556 12.1 53% 28.9 1.6 36 3.3 Eoyston, Hitch. & Shepreth 166 20.12 161 13.10 i'i ^ Shrews.&Heref .6% Eent-ch. 168 16.9 1621/6 23.8 54 ... Victoria Station & Pimlico 25114 22.12 235 15.7 16£ 18.'3 46 7.'l2 & Do. 4^% ... 125 4.2 119 11.8 6 30.3 441/6 28.12 131 Waterford,Dun.,&Lis.Pref. 44 27.12 10f West London, Class C ii& le'.e i i & 16.6 ... 18>5 Weymouth and Portland ... 125 4.8 125 4.8 13.12 9356 12.10 114 DEBENTURE STOCKS. 13.12 534 21.10 3f Banbury & Cheltenham 5 % 18.11 1 18.11 Do. 5 %,'73 red. to 4% ... 89 16.'6 82 8'.11 'i" 3.12 434 18.7 Of Do. 5%, 1881 294 11.7 20 11.10 9£ 12.4 4H 12.4 Do. 5%/77red.to4%, ... 15 25.8 10 11.10 ^ 3.8 8 19.8 2* Brecon & Merthyr A4 % ... 104 16.6 102 1.3 1 2 15.12 756 19.11 64 Do. do. B 4 % ... 9134 20.7 8714 11.2 4.} 8814 2.9 19f Caledonian 4% 19.1 12034 21.12 116 3.1 4f 20.1 971/6 28.7 6 Cambrian 4% A 112 15.8 109 5.4 3 14.1 6414 4.2 6f Do. B 105 31.5 10334 5.4 H 8.12 55 8.12 Do. C 99 29.7 92V4 13.1 6f 20.1 1101/6 28.2 51 Bo. D 71 9.12 60 7.5 11 14.1 96l/2 4.2 124 Cornwall Guaranteed 44 %.. 129 20.6 12556 13.4 34 16.12 152 5.3 11 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % ... 11216 18.5 HI 6.5 14 12.1 10414 12.1 Do. do. B3i%... 811/6 16.5 7914 5.2 H 12.5 101% 7.9 Of Eastern & Midlands 44 %... 81 18.4 80 18.6 1 15.12 132% 25.2 71 East London 6 % ... d 141 25.4 135 11.8 6 4.4 77 28.11 15 Do. 5% ... d 110 15.3 110 15.3 8.12 16% 22.2 254 Do. 6%, 1874 d 60 28.7 60 28.7 13.1 | 12556 16.8 84 Do. 2nd Charge "A" * 110 22.12 108 31.12 2* 13.6 II31/2 3.2 10 Do. 2nd Charge "B" i 51 16.12 45 14.12 6 1.6 125 4.2 12 Do. 3rd Charge i 9.12 143 5.2 11 Do. 4th Charge i 31.5 106% 4.2 164 Do, Guaranteed 34 % 100J6 4.'l0 9756 17.1 3* 22.3 1914 5.2 81 Do. Whitech.Sx.24%.. 70 4.11 671/6 10.3 2* 21.3 1934 13.10 51 Forth Bridge 4% 120 17.12 II514 12.3 4f 15.12 160 2.3 94 Furness4% 118% 25.11 11256 31.1 wW 1.6 12356 25.2 9£ Glasgow & S. Western 4 %12014 20.12 114 23.2 6i 3.1 132 24.6 11* Great Eastern 4 % 121% 25.111 116 24.1 H 24.6 65 4.2 124 Do. A 5% 150 5.11 141 7.1 9 22.6 97 4.2 18i Do. B 5% 1867... 14056 10.11 132 28.2 Q 2 30.4 331/6 4.2 10f Do. 4*% 134 19.5 1281/6 5.2 ^ 10.1 5% 12.12 2£ Do. East Anglian 4 %11934 2.11 115 28.1 14f 31.5 107 4.2 11 Great N. of Scotland4 % ... 11556 26.11 113 31.5 | 24 5.8 ' 62% 25.10; 9 1 ' Great Northern 4 % 12734 19.12 11856 1.3 9i m m \n\ \u \m n\ 35 q c2 RAILWAYS—Debenture Stocks continued, Guaranteed, and Contingent Preference for 1887. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. & o A i2 DEBENTURE STOCKS—con. 1263,4 22.12 118% G reat Western 4 % 6.12 I2214 Do. 44% 130 Do. 41% 27.12 1311/2 Do. 5 % 151i/2 7.121 1451/4 Highland 4 4 % 122 23.6 IH51/2 Do. 4 % 118 7.9 1131/4 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 124 14.12| 11634 London & Blaokwall44 %... 1263,4 8.6 119 London & Greenwich 4 % ... 117 2.11 London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 12034 31.5 11434 - Do. Perpetual 4 | % 13514 27.6 11151/2 Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 41 % 13034 27.12| 128 124 Do. B 4| 128 26.5 123 Do. 4% 1131/2 6.6 Do. 1883 4 % 113% 5.11 10834 London & N o r t h W e s t . 4 % 1281/2 16.1211031/2 London & South West. A 4% 1251/2 7.I1! 118 Do. do. B 4% 126 5.12 118i/4 Do. do. 31% 107i/2 28.11 II8I/4 London, Tilbury, & c , 4% ... 1173/4 6.6 102 Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 % 143 4.10 [114 Do. do. 4 1 % ... 135 14.12] 143 Mersey Perpetual 5 % 6.9 12814 111 Do. do. 41% .. 7.2 10S34 Metropolitan 4 % 120V4 14.6 85 Do. 41% 132 15.12||115 [10334 27.5 126 Do. 31% Metropolitan District 6 %... 3.6 , 9834 Do. 4 % . . . 1101/2 1.6 |157 Midland 4 % 127 14.12| 106 Mid-WalesA4.% 110914 13.7 1181/2 N o r t h British 4 % I201/2 21.12| IO514 Do. E.P. & D . B . 5% 1401,2 30.9 H51/2 1303,4 12.9 139 Do. 41% I241/2 16.12! 126 Do. 44% 126 N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 17.11' 119 13634 22.11 118 Do. 4£% 1353/8 2.12 130/ 2 N o r t h London 41 % North Staffordshire 4 i % ... 1281/2 22.12 130 Ehymney Perpetual 4 % ... H41/2 27.5 1211/2 Sev. & Wye & Sev. Bdge. 4% 87 20.7 114 '9i/2 M.R.& Sh.Dk. 113 31.5 South E a s t e r n Perp. 4 % ... 1231/2 22.121 117 Do. do. 5 % ... 15014 20.121 142 TaffVale4% 116 30. L2 II21/2 W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % Wrex. Mold& Con. Q. A 4% 1031/4 18.11 10234 Do. do. B 4% 31.10| 87i/2 GUARANTEED STOCKS. II8I/4 30.9 Caledonian 4% Guatd; Ann. Do. 4% Cons. Gua.| H8I/4 6.9 City of Glasgow Union C ... Do. do. F .. 1353/4 15.2 13534 7.121 121 127 Cornwall 41% F o r t h Bridge 4 % 11834 20.12 111 Furness4% U33/ 4 9.6 108 Glasgow & South West. 4% H6I/2 14.7 112 Do. St. Enoch Rent-ch. 1161/s 9.11 ii2y 4 Great E a s t . 4% Rent-charge II6I/2 23.9 mft Do. 5% Metro. Stk. I441/2 25.8 137 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem. H7ft 9.12 111 Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 7.12| 140 147 Great Northern 5% 25.6 126 131 Do. 41% 25.11] 1 6 2 ^ Do. L e e d s , B . & H ; 6 % 1701/4 Great South.&West Jrld.4% 1153/4 2.11 IO41/4 Great Westn. - Rent-ch. 5% 148i/2 30.12 1401/2 Do. Consolidated 5% 11481,6 27.121 140 Do. W.Corn.Rt-ch.41% I2934 30.6 12114 5.7 II31/2 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% |119 10.1 163 Do. do. 6% 168 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire)| 1 6 8 ^ 4.101 1641/, London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 14534 15.12 137 Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.R.-ch.45% London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 122 '" 14.12 1151/2 London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4% 1201/2 22.12 II414 2 . 1 1 161 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6% 167 Do. do. 1st Pref. 4^% I12934 8,121 123 89i/2 17.6 861/2 Do. do. 34% Man ,Sh.,& L.5% S.Y.Rt-ch, 138% 23.6 113714 119 27.101H334 Do. 44% do. do. as IS ft GUARANTEED STOCKS-cow.l 4.2 114 27.10 2 Met. Dist., Ealing Rent-ch. 116 5.2 9.6 112 27.10 9 Do. F u l h a m Rent-charge 121 7.2 27.7 | l l l f t 26.10 01 Do. Midland 4%Rent-ch. 112 4.2 64 3.101|12 Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar, 107 23.6 95 14.1 61 9.3 61 Midland 4 % Rent-charge... 120% 6.8 IW2 4.5 Do. 4 % Guaranteed . 121 20.121 IW2 14.3 6* 11.3 74 North British 4% No. 1 . 116*6 9.12 IO8I/4 31.3 84 10.1 7.2 8 5.11 110 Do. Lien Stock. 118 4 . 1 24 11.3 54 N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4 % I201/4 10.12| 113 11.3 Do. G.N.E.4% I4514 20.9 14514 20.9 7.1 74 Do. Stockt. & Darl. A 5% 145 14.11 139 24.10] 6" 25.1 61 11.2 4f Do. do. B.&C.6% 16834 8.8 164 17.1 5 5.3 3.8 112 Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4°/i 119 17.3 41 7 9.2 5* N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % .. 28H 17.121 271/4 5.4 1 & 4.2 10£ South E a s t e r n Read. Ann. 283/4 3.10 261/2 16.4 24 Do. 41% 1311/2 20.12 1251/2 26.1 6 21.2 74 ... 211 11.11 [211 11.11 4.2 7 | T a f f V a l e , N o . 1 PREFERENCE STOCKS, 5.1 51 117% 22.I2] 109^ 4.4 14.3 3f Caledonian 4% No. 1 Do. 4% No. 2 II434 27.9 IO8I/2 2.4 4.10| 18.4 Do. 5% 1878 1383/8 18.8 il32 11.1 61 9.4 Do. 4% 1881 10.121 2 * 113 22.7 108 7.121|107 10.11! Do. 4% 1887 31.12123| 109 15.12| 15 19.8 3.1 54 Cornwall Minerals, 4% 191/2 28.4 East.& Mid.(Cromer)gu.5%i| 95 28.4 95 21.1 6 30.3 Do. (Lynn Loop)do.i 1011/2 20.5 1.3 5 Do. (Lynn&Fak.)do. 26.1 91 6.5 15 *28.9 7 1.9 4* E a s t London 5% I s t P r e f . d\ 22 Do. 5%, 1877 d\ 171/2 23.9 12J6 14.2 5 8.1 81 HOI/4 27.6 1051/2 23.12] 4 | F u r n e s s 4 % ... 21.10| 4 109 2.6 1041/2 23.12| 41 Do. 4% A 3.1 5 14.3 3 | IO71/4 22.11 Do. 4% B 26.8 14 Glasgow&S.West.<£10shs.£d| 24.3 4f Do. do. 4% II8I/2 lO.ill 10834 3.5 15.1 51 Do. do.No.2 4>%i\ 1141/4 31.12 107i/4 10.5 7 14.1 8 9.2 61 II51/2 17.12] 109 12.2 64 Great E a s t e r n 4% 9.6 104 30.4 |12 Do. 5% 1876 116 7.2 51 Do. 5% Northern Exten 105 19.7 104% 24.2 Of 10.1 7 16.2 7 Do. 4% Pref., 1886 114 26.7 107 19.5 01 3.12! 1073/g 17.3 Do. 4% 1881 113 2 . 3 7£ 15.2 54 Do. 41% till 1893 114i/2 9.12, 107 20.7 U Do. 2nd Issue ... d\ 1091/2 11.1 1071/2 3.1 2 14.3 61 Do.41%Pf.,'87,Scp.^20pi'd 2i7/8 20.5 23% 6.5 11 5.2 84 26.5 3 4.7 45 Do. do. «£40 p&.idl 48 16.2 31 20.10| 3 13.12] Do. do. £60 pd.i 69 11.1 105I/2 26.1 01 18.11 6'i Great N . of Scotland 4% A 106 11.1 H 2.6 991/2 Do. do. 4% B] 101 31.101 1 8.3 6.121 125 Great N o r t h e r n 41% 131 25.2 6 Do. 41%, 1876... 131 28.12] 124 10.2 6 Do. 4 %, 1877.. 129% 15.7 12414 2.3 7 2.4 6f 5* Do. 4 % , 1881... 117& 23.12] HOI/4 25.2 74 25.2 8 Do. 4 %, 1882... 117 23.12] 109 15.2 Great Western 5% .461/4 10.8 139 25.2 74 21.2 6 17.2 71 Highland A 41% Do. B 5% 7.2 7.4 41 Lancashire & York. 4% Con, 118 30.12 illOfc 2.3 71 Do. do. 4% Pref. 119i/2 27.6 HOI/2 28.2 9 6.5 3* 14.3 74 Do. do. 4%, 1882 II614 6.7 109 22.2 5 Do. 4%, '84 .£9 pd.d 103/8 5.1 10tk 17.1 O^r 29.3 Do. ,£12 p d i d 1 3 ^ 23.5 13-f6 10.3 01 5.2 Do. .£15 pd.-»d 17V8 19.8 1634 19.7 01 18.101 3 | 23.12| 113 Do. Stock ' 28.3 H 7" 12.11 Do. 4%, '81 £2p&.i\ 1163/4 16.121 28.3 V2 8.3 , 0 4 5 London, Brighton, Cons. 5%) 234 16.12| 20.8 % Do. 2nd do. 5% 1441/2 22.11 133 22.3 91 29.4 7 | Lon.,Chatham,&c.,Arb.41% 1421/2 31.5 9514 13.101 2.2 71 Do. do. 1885, Scrip dl 102% 2.3 4.2 17f Do. do. 41% 2nd Pref.I O734" 22.3 50 19.4 8 3.3 81 London & NorthWestern4% 1193/8 24.8 113 25.2 6f 3 . 3 74 15.9 81 London & South Western4% II8I/4 30.121 111 Do. do. 4%, 1884| 1171/2 9.12 HOI/2 5.3 7 27.1 51 London,Til., & Southend 4% H31/2 7.111IO814 28.2 54 5 25.2 Do. do. Scrip d\ 10914 13.1 IO8I/2 22.1 01 4 29.3 7 1.12| 107 25.2 8f Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 114 Do. 5% Perpetual 1371/2 6.7 1281/2 25.2 9 5.2 61 Do. 5% do. 1872.. 1351/2 19.12 I1271/2 7.2 8 6.8 64 5 . 1 ' 1271/2 7.2 51 Do. 5% do. 1874.. 133 2.2 Do. 5% do. 1876.. 131!/2 22.12] 1261/2 8.2 5 25.2 4 . 8 51 21.12| 125 Do. 5%, 1879, convert..] 130i/2 27.8 4.2 92 Do. 5%, 1881 do. 26.3 1273/4 11.7 118 ? n n n m m 36 RAILWAYS—Preference contd., Indian, British Possessions, and American Shares for 1887. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. W PREFERENCE STOCKS—con.\ Metropolitan4% Perpetual 113% 20.6 1106^ 7.2 7 i Do. 4% do. 18821113^ 17.12105% 22.3 6 i Do. 4% Irred.,1884 H I 18.6 105% 3.3 Bt Do. 4% 1887 4 0 7 % 20.8 105 30.7 21 Do. New4% Pref. 4108 8.12|108 8.12] Metropolitan District 5%... 87 18.5 15.101|24* Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 119 18.8 Illl^S 1.3 Do. 4%conv.Aug.,'87d 12% 9.6 12 6.1 N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 115 15.12|108 6.4 7 Do. Monkland ' Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow|l26% 29.12|ll7 1 / 4 6.1 9*i Do. 1865 137 23.1213014 6.10| 6* Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ...135 21.12131 14.5 4 Do. 4£% Irredeem., 1875...M26l4 20.12118 3.1 Do. 4r/o Convert., 1875... 126^ 20.12118*4 8.1 8 i Do. 5% do. 1879 ...130% 20.12126% 10.10| 8* Do. 4% do. after 1889 112% 31.12107% 3.3 4* NorthEast.,S.& D., Class D 155% 6.12145 3 2 6.1 5t Do. Blyth & Tyne 4% 117 22.12110 15.2 9f Do. 1876 4% 1181/2 31.1211034 4 . 3 7 71 NorthLondon4|%(max.5%)l37% 25.7 132 16.3 Do. do. 4£%, 1875 121 21.9 121 21.9 N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ...138% 22.12130 23.2 si Do. do. 4 | % 1873122 24.10U17 6.4 5 Do. do. 4 | % 1876117 17.5 117 17.5 Rhymnev 6% 1864 Somerset & Dorset, 5% 1st ... Do. 5% 2nd Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 103% 6.5 101 8.12| South E a s t e r n Cons. 4£%... 131 10.12| 123 11.3 Do. do. 5 % ... 143% 7.12 136^ 17.3 Do. Vested Co's. 4% Stk 11314 12.12 IO8I/2 10.2 Ta#Vale6% 159% 21.1 156 1.7 Do. 4% ... ... 1121/2 18.10| 108 22.2 W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs. INDIAN RAILWAYS, Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , L i m . 1041/4 18.1 92% 25.11| H I Do. Shares d£7^pd.'ir7J 7j£ 10.1 7% 5.1 Do. do. £8v&.id\ 8^4 20.1 7 13.9 H Do. do. .£9pd.« 8i/2 4.11 8 25.11 Oi Bengal Central, Limited ... 4% 17.6 4 31.8 0| Bengal-Nagpur <£20 paidid\ 21& 24.5 20% 29.4 o*g 6 Do. Stock *110% 22.12 105 22.7 51 Do. .£3 paid i\ 4 ^ 27.5 3 ^ 27.4 Of Bombay,Baroda,&Cen.Ind. 17134 24.5 160 22.2 E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 24 20.6 2 2 ^ 2.3 Do. B do. 1957 25 25.11 22% 9 . 3 | Do. 4% G u a . D e b . II314 26.10106 2 7 . 6 ! 2# E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953 24% 2 5 . 5 1 223/8 18.3 Do. Annuity B ... 25% 28.11 24 20.9 I Do, Def. Ann. Cap. 119% 15.4 112 11.10 7 | Do. 4^% Deb. Stock 122 17.9 117% 13.4 Great Indian Peninsula 161% 23.12 144 4.2 1 7 | Do. do. 4% Deb. 110 7.6 10634 7.1 3t Indian Midland, Limited ... 11034 10.12103 3.3 7f Do. do. d810 paidd 1 0 ^ 1.3 10% 19.3 Do. do. <£12 paidd 15%' 4.11 12 4.4 H Do. do. <£14paidi Madras 5 % guaranteed ...13434 20.12125% 5.2 Do. 4 | % do. ... 125i/2 20.12119 23.2 6 f Do. 4£% do. ...120 19.12 113 22.3 7 Nizam State Railway ... II334 7.6 106% 5.2 Do. 4% MortDeb-SclOlsyg 27.12 9334 3.1 Do. do. <£60 paid cl\ 65% 20.1 65% 20.1 71 Oude & Rohilkund 5% gua... 1313/8 24.6 125 3.2 &§ Do. 4% Deb. ...108% 13.1 104% 29.10| 3 | Rohilk.&Kumaon<£5Shs.c? 5% 17.1 5 24.1 0 Do. Stock i i 0 3 % 24.5 100 4.4 04 Sc. P . & Del.Ann. " A " 1 9 5 8 23% 19.5 22% 14.2 H Do. do. " B " 1958 2434 11.11 22% 9.2 If South Indian5%guaranteed 132 2.6 125 7.2 H Do. 4 | % do. 119 28.3 119 28.3 7 Do. 4 | % do. D b . i l 8 9.12 115% 18.1 2f Southern M a h r a t t a 4 % gua. l l l ^ 12.12 101 % 29.1 10 Do. do.Shs..£15pd.t? ... * ... Do. do. 3f%Debs.cZ I Do. do. 4%Db.Stk. 108% 5.7 10556 7.4 Do. 4 % Bearer E d s . ; l W e s t of Ind.Port.,Lim. b%d\ 2\7/8 4.7 20% 3.2 t Do. do. Stock i l l l 31.12 106% 25.7 Do. do. 5%Deb.lll5 20. 1 L ' 1 0 9 % 9.2 n n °^ n 37 BRITISH POSSESSIONS, A t . & N . W . 5 % G u . l M . Bds. 10434 Do. .£38 to pay vl\ Barbados 6% Pref. Shares| Buffalo and Lake H u r o n 12% Do. 1st Mortgage 5% 127% Do. 2 n d M o r t . 5 | % ... 128 Canada Central 1st Mort.... 10934 Canadian Pacific 3 % 70i/2 Do. 5% St. 1st Mort, 107% Caraquet6% 1st M r t . Bonds| 95 Demerara 97 Do. P e r p . Pref. Stockl 144 Graham' sTown&Pt. Alfredd Do. do. 6 % Deb.f? Grand Trunk, G.B.lMt.l903|105 Grand T r u n k of Canada 17% Do. Guar. 4 % 82i/8 Do. 1st Pref... 85% Do. 2nd do. 74% Do. 3rd do. 4134 Do. 6%2ndEquip.| 129 Do. 5%Perpt.Deb. 118i/2 Do. 4% do. 941/2 Do. G.W.Perp.5%Db. 116 Do/ do. 6% 1890] 108% Hamilton&N. W . l s t Alt. 6 % 111 Manito.&N.W.6% l M t . B d s . ! 88% Melbour. & Hob.Bay5%Bds. 106 Mid. of Can5%lstMt.(Mid.) 108% Do. 5% 1st Mort. 1071/2 Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt.j 106 Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st Mt. New Brunswick5%lst Mort.J IOO34 Newfound.l Mt. Ld.Gr.Bds. 41i/2 New ZealandiMid. <£4< paid i Do. do. <£10 paid i\ North, of Canada 6% Pref.... 58 Do. 5% 1st Mort. 10934 Do. 3rd Pref.A&Bl 99 Do. l s t N o r t h . E x Prf. 10534 Do. N o r t h . Ex. Impr.| 10434 89 Do. 4 % Debenture Ontario & Que.6%Cap.Stockl 122% Do. 5% Per. Deb. Stk. 11034 Quebec Central 5% 1st Mort. Do. Committee's Cert.... St. J o h n and Maine 44 Do. 5 % Deben.... St. Lawrence & Ottawa 4 %j 87 Tasman. Main Line 6% Pref. 20 Do. 4 % Debenture p 89 Toron.Grey &Bruce4% l M t . 871/4 Wel.Grey &Bruce7%lstMt.| 10214 Wellington & Manawatu ... Do. do. 5%Debent.| 10734 Do. do. 2nd Issue... 106% Do. 3rdIss.,Scp.allpd. 1 102i/2 Windsor & A n n a p . 5% Pref, 5% Do. B 4 % Deben. 691/2 Atlantic & St. Lawrence 145 Chicago & G . T r . l Mt.C.1900|U 3 % Grand T r u n k Junction 5%., 108% Do. 5 % Mort. 10734 MichiganAirLine 5% I s t M t 106 AMERICAN RAILWAYS-SHAKES.] Alabama Gt. Sth, A6%Pref 11 Do. B Ord. ... 41/2 Alabm.NewOrl., T.&c.APrf.l 3 Do. do. BDef. AtlanticlstLea.Ln.Ren.Trt.] 80 Central of New Jersey84% Central Pacific of Calif ornial 451/s Chicago, Milwau.,& St. Paul 97i/2 Do. do. Pref. Stock| 13034 Cleveland & P i t t s b u r g 81J Delaware & HudsonCanal.. Den. & Rio Grande Ass. pd, 33% Do. do. Ex Prf Stk.dl 2 7 ^ Do. do. Preferericel 70i/8 Q o 8.6. 10.6 21." 7 27.6 8.6 18.6 4.1 27.6 7.1 1.2 3.11 93% 21.9 66 27.6 11% 121% 120% 10534 52% 99 88 90 .36% 61 Of 22.*2 o'i 22.3 6k 2.3 7^ 26.1( 4 16.9 18f 20.9 81 4 . 3 725.11 7 28.4 7^ 31.1 6 13.12 6H| 4.2 ,12* 4.2 13 i4.2 1:5.12 16 4.2 6 3.2 10 7.2 9 18.2 11 12.12| 5* 22.2 5 28.1 28.4 6^ 2.2 25.1 8 i 4.2 10 92 28.111 si 41% 31.1 26.5 99 12.4 1 1 * 18.4 70 12.4 72% 12.4 52% 12.4 25% 27.121 123 28.111 108% 4.5 85% 26.7 105 IIO314 106 82% 106 29.10 [IOO14 27.5 98 19.5 3.'5 31.1 6.5 55% 18.6 10434 2.8 98% 8.6 10234 17.121IO414 27.10| 8CI4 20.1 11734 15.4 10434 13.'4 3.5 20 30 13.'5 82 10.1 15 12.1 80 3.5 81% 28.6 9.5 034 10.5 100 28.5 12.9 1102% 314 1.6 23.3 65 26.3 2.8 4.8 25.2 17.3 2.12! 29.10 5 0^ 3 0* 8| 4£ 6 28.7 10.10] 14 7.1l! 11.3 1.2 9.11 17.1 25.4 4.1 22.2 9.9 23.3 7.2 5" 5 9 5* 4* 0t 7^ Sk 0i 2| 4i 20.12| 13714 21.3 7f 25.5 105 4.2 8^ 11.5 103 8.2 fit 8.6 102% 10.1 6 ? 18.2 10 5.7 96 7.7 9% 4.7 3% 7.4 3.1 30.6 75 21.4 57% 3.1 28 19.5 721/4 19.5 116% 9.8 75 18.1 26.1 4.6 21.1 1* 16.5 1 25.10] 6.9 3.3 6.1 5 13.10! 15.10 13.12| 25i 4.2 144 3^ m m m 2iy 4 13.10121 •24% 27.1 29.12|16i 54 CURRENCY BONDS. Alabama Great S. 1st Mort. 117% Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort. 131i/2 Alleg. Val. 7% 1 Mrt. Bonds 13134 Atch.Top.&San.Fe Sink.Fd. 106 J Do. do. 6 % 115% Do.5% 1 MJBds.all pd. id 11014 Do. do. «£65pd.6 99% 8.6 102% 18.4 II714 20.1 100% 11.5 90 12.1 104% 27.5 9934 8.3 101% 7.4 99% 26.4 120 29.6 108% 29.11 107 li'.'io 7 i 9.2 [ 7 4 30.9 8 27.12 4* 18.10 4.2 74 12.1 ... 19.10 15 8.3 27.10 26.9 4.1 # 3.2 4 Day. 1 Month. © 0 Fluctua1 tion. •a Shares continued and Currency Bonds for 1887. Day. 1 Month. N A M E OF STOCK. Day. Month. RAILWAYS- American +3 CURRENCY BONDS—con. Del.&Hud.Can.7% M.Bs.'75 116% 19.12 ° 1 0 Do. 7% Mort. Bonds ... 26.9 Do. 7%lstMt.(Pens.Div.) 142% 13.10 Den. & R. Gra. 4% 1st C. MA 8434 4.2 Det.G.Hav.&Mil.6% Eq.Bd. 120 15.10 94 ! Do. Cons. Mort. U93/ 8 13.10 15f | Galv.&Harrisbg. 6% I s t M t . 11434 12.12 G.Rap.&Ind.lstM.G.L.G.B. 12814 15.10 131 ! D o . Musk.ltsMt.Chi.Sp. 106% 15.10 Illin. Ct. B d s 1st Mt. (C.&S.) 119 in Indianapolis . &Vin.lstMort. 127% 11.10 164 11.10 o 5 « Do. do. 2nd do. 111 15.10 20£ Lehigh Valley Mortgage ... 135% 13.10 1 4 | Long Island 5% Coup. Bonds 11634 25.10 21-1 Louis, and Nash.6 % Mort. 117% 13.10 124 Do. 6 % Sink.Fd. 111 17.10 1 9 | Do. 6 % IstMort. 117% 11.3 H Do. 6%10/40Adj. 10734 4.2 6 Minneapolis 6% Gold Bonds 116% 2.2 Minneapolis & Pacific 1 Mid 103% 4.2 344 Minne.Slt.&At.5%lM.G.B. i 96 7.3 O10 Do. .£90 t o pay id 28.6 21 Min.&N.West 1st M. Bds. i 16734 30.7 2* Miss.,Kan., & Tex.7% 1st M. 115% 31.8 4f Do. 6% Gen. Mort. 10534 1.9 8£ Mobile & B i r m . , l s t M . G . B A 9734 16.3 9f Nw.Orleans & Gulf G.Bds. i 106 6.4 94 Nw. Yk. Ct. & H . R. 7%Mort. 139% 2.2 Do. 5 % Deb. ... 113% 19.10 121 ! N.Y.,L.E.,&W.1C.M.B.(E.) 14134 5.10 44 Do. l C o n . M t . F d . C p . B . 138 20.10 3 Do. 2 Con. Mort.Bonds 106% Do. Fd.Coup.5% Bonds 9814 13.10 19f Do. Gold Income Bds. 85 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt. 51% 4 . 2 91 Do. do. Def. Int. W . 2314 3.2 Do. do. 2 n d M t . 14 4.2 14f Do. do. 3 r d M t . 5% N.Y. Texas &Mx. S t r . l M . B . Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. I2614 Do. do. Im.&Ex.6%Bd. 10634 13.1 54 Do. do. 7 % A d j . M . B . 110% 24.5 N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. 12134 19.4 Do. Gen.2ndMt.R.L.G. 110 11.10 54 Ohio&Miss.lst Gen.Mt.Bds. 9714 17.11 5 13.6 34 Oregon & California 1st Mt. 104% D o . with complete Crt.... 11434 Do. with incomplete Crt. 101% 28.'9 ,9" 8.10 34 P a n a m a Subsidy B o n d s - ... 105 12.2 3 Penns. Rail. Con. Sink. F d . 124% Do. Gold Bonds 113 Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mort. 111 ... 31.3 1 t Phil, & Read. 7% Gen. Mor.i Do. Def. I n c . Bnds. "6% 25.11 1 0 | Do. Temp. Receipts 9% 3.3 4 Do. 25% ass. paid id 10% 3.1 224 Do. 50% do. id 23.9 4 Do. 75% do. id "9% 12.1 5 Do. all do. i 12% 25.7 3 8.10 3£ D o . C.Mt.Bds.lstSeries 6814 Do. do. 2nd Series 79 21.10 4f 4.7 ot Pitts.Clev.& T.4%Gold Bds. 121 St. J o . & G d J s . l s t M . G . Bds. 112 19.12 104 St.L.&S.Fran.lM(M&W.D.) ... 20.12 6 i D o . 2 M o r t . B & C Series 20.12 91 St.L., Ark.& Texas 1st Mvt.i 104% 7.7 3 Do. do. 2nd do. i 5514 31.12 94 St. Louis Bridge 1st Mort. 138 20.12 6 St.Pl.Min.&Man.C.M.6% B. 10314 19.12 5f 1 Sh.Pacific of Calif. 1st Mort. 120 19.5 oil Union P a c . Rail. 1st Mort.. 119 1.4 Of Do. Ld.GrantlstMt. 109% 6.7 3 | Do. 5%ColI.Tst.Bds.10 paidi 28 31.12 27% 30.12 Of 26.10 7 Do. 6% Debenture Stk. 143 27.5 137 27.7 6 4.11 7 Central Uruguayof Mont.,L. 12% 13.9 1014 15.3 1 « 2.12 ? Do. Permanent 6% Deb. 135% 26.5 128 17.2 74 4.10 94 Conde d'Eu, Limited 16% 12.4 12% 11.11 4f Copiapo 42% 12.11 42% 12.11 7.2 6 2.11 31 Costa Rica 5 1.9 3 5.2 2* 7.9 Do. Certs, of Shares i 5% 30.8 m 2.2 29.8 Donna Theresa Chr., L., Prf. 8% 31.3 5 19.10 34 7.4 34 Dunaburg and Witepsk ... 18 24.9 1634 5.4 14 13.10 44 Do. Registered ... 17% 6.6 16% 18.8 1 22.6 Dutch Rhenish 17% 22.3 I6I4 28,11 11 Do. New 19.7 34 4% 9.5 3% 20.7 1 Do. do. of 1872 ... 034 23.8 j 0% 10.8 04 1.12 31 E a s t Argentine H334 8.12 96% 22.11 174 18.10 34 Do. 6% Debenture ... 120% 30.12 110 9.2 104 2.2 6 Grand Russian Shares 241/4 1.7 2414 1.7 8.11 5 Great South of Spain7%Pf.i 934 17.12 934 17.12 5.2 61 Great W e s t e r n of Braz., L... 20% 14.1 18% 7.12 '7" 2 1 . 9 14 Do. 6% Debenture 120 13.7 113 22.2 & 7.2 4 | Do. 6% E x t . Deb. 112 14.7 106 23.3 6 Imp.Braz.Na.&Nov.Cruz.,L. 9% 6.6 19.10 8 6 7.2 34 24.1 64 L a Guaira& Caracas, Lim... 7% 10.12 634 22.10 14 8.2 74 Do. 5% Deb. Stk. i 963/4 8.7 92 17.3 4 | 20.8 22 Lemberg-Czernowitz-Jassy. 1834 5.1 I534 17.12 3 1 9 . 1 0 51 Lima, Limited 7 1.6 5 12.10 3 Mexican, Limited 67% 15.4 34% 12.10 321 9.2 12 Do. 1st Pref. ... 131% 24.5 10714 13.10 24f 31.1 9* Do. 2nd do. ... 90 15.4 65 13.10 25 2.2 94 Do. Perp. Deb... 126% 17.6 II714 4.2 94 26.2 104 Do. 2nd Mort. Deb. 107% 8.3 103% 24.1 4 4.2 4 11.2 4 | Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 241/4 28.7 211/g 11.10 34 13.1 41 Midland of Uruguay.«£4pd.'i 3 15.11 2ft 29.12 044 Do. D e b . S t k . ^ 4 0 p d i 39% 15.11 37 28.12 24 28.1 44 Do. do. all paid-i 9534 25.11 94% 19.12 14 30.4 Of I214 6.5 12i/8 .16.3 04 23.9 34 N a m u r a n d Liege Do. Preference 19.3 5 Norwegian Trunk, Pref. ... ... ... 28.9 '41/8 1.9 2 5 . 1 1 34 N.East.ofUrug.7%Pf.24pdi 4ft N o r t h West, of Urug.Ordy.'i 12% 23.3 7% 7.10 5 8.8 Do. do. 1st Prf. 81 4.1 60% 6.10 204 2 6 . 8 Of Do. do. 2nd do. 59% 5.1 38% 7.10 Do. 6% Deb. Stk. IIII/4 5.1 103 4 . 2 84 30.11 Si Ottoman (Smyrna t o Aidin) 133/8 22.3 8% 15.10 44 10.12 Palermo,Marsala,& Trapani 4.11 , 30.9 31 Por.Ale.&N.H.Br.,L.Pf. Shs. "5% 30'.11 '414 30.*8 14 Do. do. D e b . 103 24.2 93 25.11 10 28.'l 3xe| Provincial Orel-Vitebsk ... 18% 15.7 17% 11.11 i f 5.12 44 QuebradaRly.L.&Copp.Lim. 6% 15.12 0% 20.8 64 Do. 6% Debenture 81 15.12 39 29.10 42 25.11 4f 20.10 o Recife & Sao Francisco, L.. 105 31.1 100 26.4 5 Riga a n d D u n a b u r g 4.2 15% 3.6 1434 2.11 Of 4.2 24 Royal Sardinian 10H 22.6 10 26.1 044 Do. ^ Preference ... 11% 21.3 10% 11.1 Of 7.2 i * 0V4 17.6 6.5 14 Royal Swedish 014 17.6 Do. Preference ... 3% 17.6 334 13.10 04 28.12 14 D o . ( A s s o . P r o . ) D b . S t k . 11034 4.4 106 22.2 4f 6.1 84 1 Sambre a n d Meuse 29.4 I t 10ft 30.12 9% 1.2 Do. 54% Pref.... 12% 9.5 11% 22.2 1 9.2 It San Paulo (Braz.)L.,Gua.7% 45 29.12 5 3.6 39 29.12 6 54% Debent. Stk. 135% 14.6 129 23.2 64 18.3 44 11 D o . 23 ! Smyrna and Cassaba, Lim. 26ft 14.4 20% 14.11 14.6 Do. 7% Preference 28 20.4 2534 14.11 2 11.7 44 South Austrian 834 7.1 6ft" 9.5 2ft South. Braz. Rio Grande,&c. 22% 24.3 193/4 10.12 34 Do. I r r e . D e b . S t k . . II91/4 29.3 II31/4 30.9 6 16.'8 i" 14.2 44 i Swedish Central D e b . Stk. 75% 7.7 70% 1.12 5 Do. do. Pref. Stk. 1534 19.10 1534 19.10 5.5 11 T a l t a l Ordinary Shares ... 41/4 30.12 3& 19.7 23.11 5 Varna 3% 15.12 2% 3.2 i'A 5.2 134 14 W e s t Flanders 11% 18.5 11% 18.5 19.1 16.3 1 3 | I 1 Do. 54% Preference 1234 2 . 3 1 12 23.5 21.2 11.10 12.9 3.1 12.12 7* 24 n\ lM\ n °M m si m m\\ K of 1 39 «*"«, -"»yr-- -"~''~ ;"•*"- 1 .»y - - :-,~ -._.. . -~r-Tv?»- ~r~~->m^ ^^^RAILWAYS—Foreign continued and BANKS for 1887. ?;»..-,VfrT^ 1o NAME OF STOCK. FOREIGN--continued. 1 bo I S fr*- ' TJ 14. "8 3 1 M 8 |fe . ~ ? r ^ - ~ - * T ~ ~ tffw NAME OF STOCK. in A 0 ! •s 0 a Jl — - II -L* -•-"-»• t fR FOR. OBLIGATIONS—cow. OBLIGATIONS. 7,2 5H 1.6 4 Alagoas 6% Debentures ... 108% 1.6 102% 22.10 5f Varna 3 % 4 ^ | 24.6 3% 11.5 Do. 6% 9.12 100 Autofagasta(Chili)5%lMB i 102 25.10 2 1534 6.1 15 14.3 Antwerp a r i v„«iterdam ... Western of France 11.6 1091/4 4.4 £ n i 89% 24"ll 3f West, of Bu. Ayres 6 % Bds. 114 Arg.N.C.5% Gv.Bds.allpd. i ; 9234 27.4 1071/g 22.10 Do. do. 6% Cert. 113 2034 27.7 2034 27.7 Do. do. i&Opd.-id Do. do. 5%Mt.Db. 10334 29.8 9734 3.1 1.9 Of Do. do. «£45pd.i. 4% Deb, Southampton D ock 21.4 3156 5.121 23 21.4 22.7 68 Do. 4% Con. Pref. 76 15.2 102 Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk. 108 4.2 Suez Canal Shares 83% 14.12! 75 Do. A r r e a r Obligations| 2314 28.10 2314 28.10 D o . Delegations,1894... Do. do. de jouiss. Do. Thirty-year Bonds! Do. Founders' Shares.., 27l/2 28.2 26\2 20.5 Do. Societe Civile, Crts 14.1 115 Surrey Commercial Dock . 140 19.7 25 9.5 119 Do. 4% A Preference I125 19.12| 6 1 2 7 ^ 16.2 127 Do. 5 % B do, 16.2 0^ 124 15.6 124 Do. 5%C do. 15.6 19.11, 117% 16.4 if Do. 4£% Debenture.. I119 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL, Aerated Bread, Limited .. 4 * 5.2 I I 5tf 3.6 l 7 * 4.4 2 * Allsopp(S.)& Sons«£5paid id] 9 /2 14.4 Do. «£7f paid id] I214 19.4 1 1 * 23.4 1 * . Do. .£10 paid id] 1 8 * 1.6 14 17.5 , 4 ^ Do. Ord.Stock ' 153% 14.7 1.12||37£ Do. Pref. £5 paid %d\ 7 * 16.4 6% 29.3 Do. do. £7§*p&i 6 1234 17.5 o * Do. 6% Pref. Stk. i\ 13114 13.2 122& 15.8 01 Do. Deb. .£50 paid id] 53% 15.4 511/6 1.4 8 | Do. do. <£75 paid id\ 8214 13.5 79 21.4 24 Do. do. ,£100 paid*!113 20.12110714 19.5 3 i Aluminium A Shares 43/8 6.10 2& 20.10] 5f Anglo-Amer.Brush.oS3 pd.dl 3i/8 12.5 li/6 22.7 If Do. do. , £ 4 p d . " 33/8 30.121 17/3 3.12 1* Do. do. fully paid| 434 12.5 2% 3.121 Argentine Sugar E s t . & Fac. Artizans'Lab.&Gen.Dwell.d| 1 1 % 14.'6 ibi/6 20.'i 01 \ Do. Ordinary Stk. lliy2 15.8 10634 21.12! Do. 4\% Preference d\ 11 25.1 IO14 24.1 0 | 15.8 2 111 22.8 109 Do. 4£% Pf.Stk.1879 i\ Do. 4\% Pref. 1884 d\ 10% 10.3 IO/2 13.1 Of 22.9 2^ Do. 4\% Pf.Stk.1884 i\ 110^ 6.10 108 ' Assam Rlwys.& Trad.L.,Prf. 6% 3.12 4 14.6 Do. do. Deferred 3.12 0! 29 9 ofi! 6.12 5.3 Do. do. Pre-prf.A? 1 9.12 99 5.2 7 Do. do. 6% Debs. 106 Do. New"A"Shs..£5p.Hfl Aus. El.L.Po.&St.,L.<£4fpd/ Aylesbury Dairy Com. Lim. 1TV 20.9 0 * 2 . 3 0* Bahia Central Sugar F a c . L . B a m a g o r e J u t e Factory, L. "514 is."e '5*4 16.6 n COM. & INDUSTRIAL—cow. B a r r e t t ' s Brewery & Bott.... 734 10.1 Ws 2.a Bedford P a r k , Limited, A d\ Belgravia Dairy '114 21A " l * 8.9 oh I Bentley (Henry) & Co. Bodega, Limited ... ' * 2 * 14.2 0% 19.10 iftl Brighton Aquarium 3 6.10 i" /s '6.10| Brooke, Sim.,&Spil. A Shrs.| 334 16.2 ot 434 3.1 Brown, Davis & Co. Lim 0% 17.2 2 Brunner, Mond & Co., Lim, 11/4 11.1 24% 8.7 '"' Do. do. <£3pd. d\ 2634 19.2 25.2 ""' Do. do. £4 pd. i\ 9% 25.2 7.7 7.7 Do. do. 7% Pref. 14i/ 8 5.12| 13 14.6 01 Do. do. 7%Pf.<£6p.d Do. do. £8 pd. B r y a n t & May, Limited . 17 7.1 12 27.10) 5 B r y a n t , Powis, & B r y a n t 1% 16.2 0 ^ 27.10 1 T 5 « | ^ Campbell (Robert) & Sons] 5^~ 21.7 4^6' 13.12 lift 4.4 101 10.3 3 CantareiraWaterSupplyDb. 104 " * 13.5 991/6 4.4 Catalinas W a r e . 6% Deb. i 106 CearaHarb our Corporation i\ 1034 20.6 7 29.12) 61 Cen.Sugar of Brazil,L.,Prf. d\ Do. lstMt.5|%Dbd Cit7 Offices, Limited SH 11.2 6*11.7 Do. 4 | % Mort. Bds.| CityofLond.Brew.L.,6%Prf. 44J6 28.*9 City of Lond. S e a l P r o p . , L.l 16% 14.1 15/2 3.9 Do. New«£12J S h s i | 9 * 14.9 9 14.9 0 ^ Cifcy of Santos Improv. Pref. 127/8 16.4 lli/s 29.11] I I Colonial, Limited ... Compagnie Gen.des Asp.deF. i'6% 21.*4 7.1 if Crystal Palace A 3.6 14 26.1 6 20 Do. B Redeem... 4% 1.2 4.10| 7.1 80 Do. 6%Debent.a| 113 16.4 [33 Do. Con.5% Debent.d 62. 11.1 43 26.9 19 Do. 6% Deb. 1st '87 i\ 113 12.11 111 18.11 2 Do. do. 2nd 53i/2 9.121 50 19.111 3* Do. do. 3rd DakotaStock & Grazing.L.d! Dalgety & Co., Limited ... 7V8 26.3 5ft 30.6 i A Do. U% Debenture... 109 18.4 104% 14.1 4 | Do. 4"% do. <£100i4 10.12! 98 16.6 Daniell & Sons' Brew.Ord. i\ 12% 15.12 1034 8.10J •2 Do. 7 % C u m . P f . i 12% 16.9 1034 26.8 l i Devas,Routledge &Co.,Lim. 6/ 2 22.1 6 5.1 0k Distillers, Lim. 1 to 65,000 1434 5.5 121/8 22.8 2} E . C. Powder 11 5.9 4 23.3 7 Egypt.Cig.&FrenchG.Tob.^ Sl/2 14.2 114 23.9 Eley Brothers, Limited .. \ S9l/2 4 . 1 36 5.2 Emigrant&ColonistsCor.,L. Do. do. Shs. English &AustralianCop.,L. 0 * 14.121 0 ^ 20.5 0k Forder & Co., Limited ... 1% 3.1 034 26.101 0 i , Fordham (W. B.) & Sons i 1 * 10.2 1% H . 3 0 * F o r e St. Warehouse,Lim.... 1 4 ^ 23.4 1234 8.3 I f Foster, Porter, & Co., Lim. 15& 13.5 1334 17.9 General H y draulicPo wer ,L. 7!/6 2.6 534 19.3 U Do. do. £2paid d\ 2% 19.2 2 ^ 26.3 0 * Do. do. .£3 paid-id 4% 4.8 314 25.4 1* Do. do. .£4 paid id h% 19.9 5i/6 6.10! Of Do. do. £0 paid| Gillman & Spencer... "iy2 25.11 1 5i/6 30.11 Glenrock, Limited ... 0 * 28.2 0 * 0% 23.6 Goldsborough (R.) & Co, l r f 21.101 li/6 25.1 0 * Guinness & Co. Ord. <£10 p.dl 26% 19.4 16% 4 . 2 1 0 | Do. £7ij)\ 15% 7.2 14 4.2 I f Do. £b p . d\ 127/s 4 . 1 123/8 5.1 m Do. Ord. Stock 00 1.6 251% 12.5 m Do. 6%Prf .Stk. i\ 142/2 13.121132^ 12.5 48£ Do. Pref. £10 p . d\ 13/2 3.5 1 2 * 4 . 2 I10 24.1 Do. do. «£7£p.t'd' 103/8 14.1 10 Do. do. £5$.d\ m 3.1 7/ 2 7.1 '1ft Do. 5% Deb.Stockij119% 31.12 II6I/2 10.5 oi , Harrison, Barber, & Co. 3% 4.10) 0 * 544 H . 3 5.11 Hildesheimer (S) & Co. 5 5i/8 6.9 Hodgson's Kingston Brew. i\ 6% 21.9 414 21.3 21 , l U Do. ""• ~ 5% D e*b s i H 0 1 4 13.5 105 /6 30.9 0^ 0 * 23.9 Hop Bitters . 07/8 3.3 01 Hornsby (Richard) & Sons] 17.5 314 11.101 4 | Do. do. 6% Pref. 0*1 Do. do. 5% Deb.l 41 , °^ H COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL contd. and FOREIGN & COLONIAL CORPORATIONS for 1887. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. COM. & INDUSTRIAL—COM. COM. & INDUSTRIAL—con. fi l a 3 ... i\ 11 4 11.11 10% 13.12 HotchMssOi dnance«£7£ pidl 1 3 * 13.5 12% 26.5 0«| Spiers & Pond Do. 5%lstMort. 10 ^ 2.4 1% 15.111 0| X. 2 Do. (Div.) 10s. pd. 0% 30.12 0 & 28.12 0 * Peel RiverLand&MineraljL. 89 30.6 82 Amer. Invest. Trust,L.,Pref. 120% 10.2 113 26.10 7.3 Queens. In. &Ld.M.,L.«£2pd. 2H 10.1 1 23.1^ Do. do. Def. 116 2.6 107 12.11 9 Assets Realisation, Limited| 8% 30.12 7 Do. do. .£1 pd. 1% 22.1 oy4 18.111 i* 5.2 11 Do. 4%Perp.Deb.| 97% 18.7 94 18.4 3f Aus tralasianMr t. &Agen., L, 3 19.1 2 * 19.11 OH 1.2 , 0% 23.2 Australian Agricultural ... 12634 3.5 113 29.12 1 3 | Railway DebentureTrust,L. 11 Do. 5% Debentures!11334 19.7 110l/4 15.8 Australian &NewZ.Mort.,L, 1 17.1 0% 17.3 Of Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk.III14 24.10]103 7.2 Do. 4$%Deb.Stk.| 99% 6.8 98 23.11 If Do. 4% Debnt. Stk.[ 101 29.12 [101 29.121 3f Australian Mrt.Ld.&Fin.,L, 19 4 . 4 1 5 | 12.12 3 i Do. New Shs.l 12% 28.3 9 24.11 H Railway Investment Pref.... 98£ 29.12 9314 29.9 8 i Do. do. Def. 30% 13.12; 23 Do. 4%Deb.Stk.|106% 3.6 100 24.2 6f 4.2 5* British & AmericanMort.,L. 2% 26.1 23/8 26.1 0 i Railway Share Trust, L.,A| 9 13.1 7% 22.3 7f Do. " B " 6% Pref. 2614 18.6 22% 15.3 I t Brit.&AustralasianT.&L.,L. 4% 20.5 3% 22.11 I t Reversionary InterestSc.,L.| 109% 30.9 106 11.7 3f Do. 4|% Perm.Dbs. i\ Do. do. New 20 14.10| 20 14.10] Brit. & New Zeal. M.& A.,L, 3 British American Land ... 31 4.10 5.'o 29 30.'9 2* R. Plate Trust, L.& A.,L., A 4% 22.3 10.12| 2% 8.6 Bu.Ay.Hr.Wk.Tr.Cts.allp.'t| 100% 10.10 97 30.6 3f Do. do. B1 s Do. do. d865pd.icl 6814 28.5 i 66Y2 10.5 I f Russian 5J% LandMrt., 2nd W * 29.6 82 19.12] Cale.&Aus. Mt.& Ag. Ord. i 1 20.9 1 20.9 Do. do. 3rd' 91% 3.6 82 30.11] 9f Do. do. A i 10% 21.12 10 26.9 ScottishAmericanInvest.,L, 3% 6.1 3 % 11.5 Ok Canada Company ... 5.3 189 22.12|14 89% 11.7 83 24.1 6f Scottish Australian Inv., L.| 203 Do. 6 % Pref, 134 17.5 129 7.3 5 CanadaNorthWst.Ld.Co.,L. 3% 3 . 1 2 21.9 ^ Do. 5% do. 119 4.1 6 5.4 113 Central Argentine Land, L.l 3% 16.5 2% 29.1 1 2% 14.11| 2% 14.11] ColonialInv.&Agn.ofN.Z.,L. 1 8.1 1 8.1 ... S.AfricanLn.Mt.&Me.Ag.,L. South Australian 6434 13.4 55 15.121 ColoradoMt.&Inv.ofLon.,L.| 13 S. Australian Ld.Mt.&Ag.,L.| 2TO" 29.9 , 21/4 4.11 0 ^ Credit Foncier Egyptien Do. LandMt.Deb.l 89 li'.'l 83 27.'7 e" Stock Exchange 4 % Deb. 104 16.3 104 16.3 11.1 91 28.5 9" Credit Fonc. of Mauritius,L. 9* 9.9 100 8fk 1.12 1A Submarine Cables Trust 20.6 20.6 Debent,Corporation<£2pd.<2| 3 ^ 1 9 . 1 3 5.1 o& Texas Land & Mort., Lim.l Do. do. £3 pd.i] 4% 8.6 3% 8.2 Of Trust & Agency ofAustrl.,L. a» 7.1 3 % 11.3 Of Do. do. (fully paid) 414 27.5 1414 21.12] 0* Equit. Reversion.Int.Soc.,L. 110 22.7 106 15.11 4 Do. do. 5% Pref. 1434 11.6 HV4 24.1 1 * Fo.,Ame.,&Gn.In.T.,L.Pref.| 121 1.9 111% 30 3 9f Bo. do. do. Def. H 9 % 13.1 111 30.3 8 | Trust & Loan Co. of Canada! 12H 28.11] 4% 6.1 Of Do. do. New 5% 18.7 Do. 4%Per.Deb.Stk. 106% 28.11 100 21.1 6f 2x% 7.12] oH For. & Col.Gov. Tst.,L.,Pref.I129 13.12 11834 17.2 10i UnionDiscountCo.of.Lon.,L. 234 21.12! 7% 12.1 of Un.Mt.&Agn.ofAustr.Ord.'i 8% 17.10| 21/4 30.3 i f Do. do. Def.|132 17.1 121 1 5.3 1 11 Do. 6%Pref.-86pd.-id| 3% 25.6 Freehold Tst. of Australia * 1% 19.121 l"To" 19.111 Oftl 6% 28.2 0H m &i i 1 ! » m °*, n u 8 oi 43 I FINANCIAL, LAND, &c, continued, GAS, INSURANCE, and COAL, IRON, & STEEL for 1887. 03 43 NAME OF STOCK. CD •a a FINANCIAL, LAND, &c—con. \n Un.Mt.&A.&c.6%Pf.Stk.'i 125 Do. do. £2yd.i 2 ^ Do. 4i%Irr,Db.Stk.V 1IO714 U.S.&S.Am.Inv.Tr.,£4pd.i'd 4 H Do. do. .£7 -p&.id 734 Do. do. «£ l i f t Do, do. 1st Pref. i \noy2 Do. do. Deferred i 111 Do. do. 4 % D e b . i 1003/4 United States Mrt. 5% Sterl 1023/4 Van Dieman's Land 25 Western Ld.&Cattle,L.,Ord Do. do. Pref W e s t e r n Mort. & Tnvest., L " i % P ° 111 I *i ft NAME OF STOCK. Hi INSURANCE •a ! a& 8 Hi | u\ 30.12 7ft 25.4 1 * Alliance 23.6 2&/4 25.3 3J Alliance Marine, Limited .. , 30 Atlas 18 18.1 16% 7.7 British & .For. Marine. Lim. 23i/2 1.6 21% 28.4 Church of England 3/ 2 23.9 0 ^ 3 & 28.7 Cifcy of London Fire, Lim... 0 & 7.5 0% 27.10 City of Lon.Mar.In.Corp.,L 2 3.1 iy4 22.10 Of Clerical, Medical,&Gen.Life 71 4.2 70 4.2 1 Commercial Union 223,4 4.7 17V2 7.1 54 County Fire 152 22.1 145 18.7 7 Crown Life (<£50 paid) ... 74% 23.4 7334 24.1 6% 17.3 6% 6.5 Of Eagle 2ft 28.4 1% 12.9 Of Employers' Liab. Ass.Cor.L English & Scottish Law.Lif e 63^ 11.5 634 11.5 13.'8 "i* s.'i Equity and Law Life GAS Fire Insu. Assoc.,L.«£lpd.c? "OTTT 1 8 1 "6h 8.'8 Alliance &Dublin(max.lO%) 18% 24.10 I8I/9 24.10 Do. do. - e i £ p d . i 014 20.10 Oft 16.11 0^ Do. do. (do. 7%) 13!/o 16.12 I31/2 16.12 General Life and Fire 10ft 18.11 10ft 18.11 Aust. Gas Light (Sydney) i 111% 31.12 108 22.10 10.1 Globe Marine, Limited 1ft 7.10 1 Bahia, Limited 24 19.1 19 27.8 5 Gresham Life Do. 10% Pref.... 26ft 16.12 24i/2 7.5 11 Guardian Fire and Life ... 751/2 24.*8 69 4 1 6i Bombay, Limited 7% 14.5 6% 25.2 2* Home & Colonial Marine,L. 23^ 13.1 0 ^ 24.11 2 ^ Do. New ... 5 3 4 13.5 5ft 30.11 ! Of , Imperial F i r e 5.2 9 164 21.1 155 Brentford, Consolidated ... 229% 11.5 224% 17.9 1 5 Imperial Life 12.3 Of 29% 30.6 29 Do. New Stock 170 19.5 166 13.9 4 21.11 4£ Indem. Marine(44cap. ret.) 14ft 6.1 10 Do. 5% Preference... 119 16.5 118% 16.5 0* Lancashire h% 16.3 ot j 6% IS-4 Do. 4 % Debenture... 6.6 14 16& 21.11 1 5 ^ Law F i r e Brighton and Hove General 46 25.*6 41% 10.'2 Law Life d |109& 5.2 107% 8.3 1 2 British Gas Light, Limited 47% 3.10 4 3 ^ 22.2 4 22 5.12 21% 5.12 0i Do. Divided ... i Bromley Consumers 10 % ... 1.4 Legal and General Life ... 13% 5.10 13 Do. do. 7 % . . . 14% 25.*5 14 25.11 03/8 7.11 0 ^ Lion Fire, Limited 1 & 14.1 Buenos Ay. (New),L.<£10pd. 1434 6.6 123,4 12.10 2 Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L. 34% 26.4 31% 7.2 Do. (New)<£7 paid id 10% 2.2 103/8 6.1 0^ Do. do. (£1 Ann.) 25% 21.7 2434 8.6 Of Do. £8 paid id 1 1 % 1.4 113/8 1.4 14.6 53% 9.9 49 London ... H Do. £d paid id 123/4 28.6 1234 28.6 83/8 19.7 O^o London and Lancashire Fire 8TV 18.4 Do. .£10 pd. d 14 26.7 13% 28.10 10.3 London and Lancashire Life 4 & 28.12 4 Do. 6 % Deb. 111 29.6 IO6I/2 18.2 4* London & Prov. Mar., Lim. 4% 20.1 3% 27.7 0^ Cagliari Gas and Water, L. 28ft 11.7 26 19.5 2k Marine, Limited 32 29.6 2734 9.2 44 Comm ercial, Consolidated... 278% 30.11 263 8.2 15t Maritime, Limited ... Do. New Stock ... 210 16.8 205 2.6 5 Merchants' Marine, Lim.... * 2 ^ 21.'l "m 7.2 Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk. 126% 7.11 120 14.1 6* National Marine Limited ... 1 & 21.2 0% 5.11 Qm Continental Union, Limited 45% 10.12 38 23.2 7* North British and Mercan. 41 11,7 36& 8.2 4^ Do. New, '69 & 7 2 31% 12.12 27 17.2 4 | Northern 57 10.5 53% 28.10 3 | Do. 7 % Pref. ... 36% 10.9 32 8.2 44 Ocean Marine, L., £5 pd. d 6% 28.3 5% 14.2 14 Crystal Palace District ... 204 19.3 198% 3.2 5t 3 ^ 14.12 Of Do. do. <£2|pd. i 4 ^ 7.7 Do. 7% 60 1.2 60 1.2 Pelican ... Do. 6 % Pref. 15.1 13 249 28.7 236 Phoenix European, Limited 24% 2 2 1 1 21 26.*3 3'i Provident Life 36% 26.2 .36 26.2 04 Do. New 17% 25.8 15% 1.4 24 Queen... 33/8 22.2 04 3% 15.4 Do. do. (^5 paid) 1 2 ^ 24.8 10% 2.2 i-fc Railway Passengers 87/8 14.1 7ft 3.11 If Gas L i g h t & Coke A Ordy,... 259% 26.10 228 28.2 31* Rock Life 7 30.11 1 8/8 7.1 Do. B 4% max. 991/2 7.7 94% 26.1 3 412 4 . 1 315 30.9 97 Royal Exchange Do. C D & E 1 0 % P r f . 260^ 11 # 7 249 8.3 11* Royal Insurance 38% 22.6 3634 3.11 If Do. F 5% Pref. 122 5.5 5 6.9 8 7.9 117 448 4.7 440 Sun F i r e Do. G 7£% do. 186^ 8.1 180 12.9 6 H San Life 22.10 10 110 9.11 100 Do. H 7% max. 170 25.6 159 2.3 11 Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim. 13-& 8.8 12% 19.12 OH Do. J 1 0 % P r f . 260 19.7 248 3.3 12 Union... Do. 4 % D b . S t . 116 1.6 111 10.1 5 Union Marine (Liver.) Lim. "6ft 1 4 1 1 "6ft 1 4 1 1 Do. 4£% do. 125 30.6 120 19.1 5 41 1.6 37% 18.8 3'i Universal Life Do. 6 % do. I66I/2 9.11 161% 15.1 5 V/s 14.3 1 UniversalMarine,L., 93/8 21.1 * Hong Kong and China,Lim. 22% 23.9 22% 21.9 6% 1.4 Of 7% 9.6 Do. do. <£2pd. t 0* Imperial Continental 219 3.6 204 5.2 15 Malta & Mediterranean, L. 6 COAL, IRON, A D STEEL, N 1.2 5 ^ 12.8 0*3 Mauritius, Limited Barrow Haematite Steel, L. 6% 15.1 4 2.12 2f Metrop.of Melbour.5% Deb. 113% 31.12 109 9" 2 4* Do. do. 6 % Pref. 8% 13.1 7% 30.11 14 l Monte Video, Limited 1934 25.8 1 17 A 17.2 24 Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L. 1914 12.1 15ft 31.8 , 4^ Oriental, Limited 91/4 21.4 0 % | Do. do. m ,£12 pd. 10& 8.1 714 29.11 3 ^ 10ft 2.9 Do. New 9 16.7 83/8 31.3 Of Bowling Iron, Limited Do. do. 1879 2 15.6 20% 27.'l2 18% 3 1 l i t 3.12 0i% Consett Iron, Limited Ottoman, Limited ... „, 7 ^ 7.10 7ft 19.12 o& E b b w Vale Steel,Iron &C. L. 73/s 14.1 4ft 21.11 34 Para, Limited 4 2.2 3 10.10 1 Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim. 4ft 17.12 1% 28.6 2J 1 People'sGs.&Ck.ChiclstM. 104 11.7 104 General Mining Assoc,Lim. 2ft 5.8 11.7 m 5.8 | t Do. do. 2nd Mort. 102 28.11 102 28.11 J o h n Brown &Co., Limited 69 13.1 6 7 3 4 1 0 . 2 14 Rio de Janeiro, Limited d\ Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal San Paulo, Limited 161,4 6 1 2 14& 1 4 1 1 i » Marbella Iron Ore, Limited "iv2 5.12 3% 2.'9 South Metropolitan A 325 20.8 297 7.2 28 I Muntz' s Metal, Limited ... 63/8 14.12 63/8 14.12 Do. B ... 219 3.6 235 7.3 14 Nantyglo & Blaina, Lim.... 53 21.12 45 2 6 1 8* Do. C .. 267 23.5 260 7.3 7 Nerbudda Coal and Iron, L. 1 4.2 0% 5.1 Of Do. 5% Debenture 13534 29.10 130% 22.1 64 Newp.Aber.Bl. Vein St. Cl.L. 5 434 19.8 04 14.9 T o t t e n h . & E d m G.Light&C. NewSharls.Collier.,Lim.Prf. 8*4 18.3 7 28.10 14 Do. do. New| NoithumberlandLd.&CoaKl 1ft 10.5 1 0 B 22.2.1 0^r| 21.12 118 2 20.5 12.12 1033,4 41/2 29.1 7% 2.2 28.4 10££ 11.6 101. 9 6 103 7.9 99 8.11 9934 10.3 213/4 15.10 7 11.3 1 o& 9.8 3^ 31.1 4.2 Of 4.4 ®TE 18.11 6f 7.12 8 6.12 If 6.12 3 4.10 34 U& si ° ™ °* o'i oi £ 8 17.12 o% 22.7 o-ft Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim. 6ft 16.12 2i$ 10.101 4 2.11' Do. 7 % Debentures! 101k 9.3 95 Tocopilla Copper, Limited] 0% 15.12 0V8 22.11 Do. 5 % Mort. D e b i 87 20.6 8314 4.7 0^ 21/4 15.1 Tolima, Limited 23.3 1% 7.4 Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim 1 17.6 I t 4 ^ 27.9 United Mexican, Limited. o% 7.4 Do. do. Defrd.| 0%, 23.3 2% 2.2 Ofb 6.12] 0 & 6.12 1 H W e n t w o r t h Gold, Limited Simonds Steel, &c. ... Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&Rll SHIPPING. Do. do. 1st Pref. . African Steamship ... Do. do. 2nd Pref. .. Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim.| 10 26.5 734 3.8 2i 414 2 5 , 1% 27.12) Vancouver Coal, Limited.. British Shipowners, Lim, 27.1 Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim.. 201 1 4 . 200 Castle Mail Packets, Lim. ..] 10 6.12 2.11 l i Do. do. Prf. S t M Commercial Steamship,Lim W . Cumberl. Iron & Steel,L. 21.1 3% .12 Do do. do. MINES. Cunard Steam., L. <£10 paid] 334 1.2 2% 10.8 ! BRITISH. Do. do. <£20 paid 10% 23 12] 8% 18.10] 3V2 13.12 1% 7.10| Devon Great Consols General Steam Navigation 11% 15.12 Gft 3.2 Great Laxey, Limited 10V2 5.12| 5% 7.9 Do. 5 % Preference 934 9.12| 614 20.1 South Condurrow ... 11% 30.12 7J/s H . 6 , 91/4 8.12) 534 2.2 Do. 5% 1877 South Wheal Frances 87/8 19.12 8% 19.12 Mercantile Steamship, LimJ Tincroft .£12 2s. Od. paid cl\ I614 9.2 15l/8 22.2 l'l^ 22.11 National Steamship, Lim . 2% 28.'l Do. £15 7s. 6d. paid i\ 14 30.7 12 0% 23.5 0% 19.9 7.10] New Zealand, Limited W e s t Bassett<£8 12s. 6d.pd 1 & 19.7 6 8.9 Orient Steam Navigation ,L, 8'/8 20.4 1T 5 « 6.10 W e s t Wheal Seton Penin.&Oriental SteamNav. 64% 12.121 58 1.7 Wheal Bassett Do. do. New, 1867 2434 14.12 21% 1.7 31% 19.12| 18% 11.2 1 3 * Royal Exchange, Limited d\ 03/8 12.1 Wheal Grenville 03/8 12.1 COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. 49 31.12] 3614 31.3 12f Royal Mail Steam Packet 0T/8 23.11] 0± Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim.] Akankoo Gold, Limited ... 03/8 10.5 3 % 23.121 1% 23.11 Alamillos, Limited 18 28.121 13l4 22*. 4 4 | Union Steamship, Limited.. 0 l / s 24.6 Almacla & Tirito Con., Lim. 0 & 29.4 Do. do. New ... 8I/2 20.12 6% 16.4 2 30.4 Anglo-African Diamond, L.| 4if 9.11| 2 Union Steamship of N . Zeal.l 12i/2 19.3 10y2 25.11' 2 Asia Minor, Limited W e s t India & Pac. Steam,L.| Australian ' . 1 % 25.'2 l 3 /s 25 TEA A D COFFEE. N ,29£ Cape Copper, Limited 50% 15.12| 21 9 Assam 46% 1.6 39 20.10 Chontales, Limited OfV 28.5 Ofk 23 3% 17.12 3 l / 8 14.12 0£ Colorado United, Limited. 1% 13.1 H British Indian, Limited 034 22 Darjeeling, Limited 2514 16.2 23 Vo, 5.10 I f Copiapo, Limited ... 634 23.121 23/8 20 4| „, IOI/4 20.1 63/4 16.11 3^ D a y D a w n P . C. Gold 1 28.7 Ofk Dooars Tea ... OH 6 914 28.12] 8% 27.12 01 Do. Pref. ... Of Devala Moyar Gold, Lim. 0% 9.6 E a s t e r n Assam, Limited 0Yo 21.12 0l/c» 14.11 Don Pedro ... 1% 31.121 oy4 1^1 Jokai Tea 12i% 29.11 11 15.4 0A 01/4 1 1 . E b e r h a r d t and Monitor o% 10.5 Jorehaut Tea, Limited 22.2 11 48 1.6 37 2i/8 4 Empire , 3 & 1.4 53/4 23.9 L a n k a Plantations, Limitedl 5% 23.9 3^r 29 F o r t u n a , Limited 5 14.1 13% 5.1 12% 7.9 ot OI/4 26 0 i Lebong, Limited Frontino & Bolivia Gold, L. 0-& 29.3 7 13.6 Luckimpore, Limited 6y2 4.7 Oh Gympie Golden Crown 1 15.11] 07/8 2 5 Do. New, Limited Ilex Gold Preferred... ll/2 27.12] 0 t k 2 9 4% 24 .'9 " 3 % 10."l li Ouvah Coffee, Limited 0i/, 23 Indian Consolidated Gld.,L.j 1/k 5.1 Upper Assam Limited 1 * 2.12] 0% 14.3 Kimberley Diamond, Lim. 16.12| 2 i J l 9 0i 01/4 11 TELEGRAPHS & TELEPHONES. L a Plata, Limited ... d\ oy4 11.1 1A| African Direct 4 % Deben. 101 21.3 96 25.2 5 Linares, Limited ... 2.121 53/4 4 6&| Anglo-American, Limited... 4014 29.101 31 1.2 9 i 15 Mason & Barry, Limited 15.121 Do. do. Pref. 66% 29.10 51 2.2 15^ Montana 9& 3.1 6% 2i 2.2 51 Do. do. Def.I 1534 22.4 10 S{-1 23.11 Do. Divided ... 9 1 Brazilian Submarine, Lim 12 & 13.12] 10% 7.2 I- 9 3 7V4 24.2 Mysore Gold, Limited H Do. do. 5 % Bonds 104% 25.1 IOOI/4 3.8 4|° 0% 3 . 1 New Chile Gold, Limited 01/4 Do. 2nd Ser June,1906j 106i/2 4 . 3 105 29.7 0Yo 13.7 1.4 I I Do. £1 paid 1{^ 22.7 . 0 3 4 10.12! l-nr 0 ^ 17 11 44 Compagnie du Tele. Sous. New E m m a Silver, Limited] 0/o 2.6 0^ Con.TelephoneCon.Main.,L.| 07/ 3.1 05/8 9.12 0* 0i/8 13. New Hoover Hill Gold,Lim.| 0% 13.5 8 0 * Cuba, Limited 12% 4 . 8 II14 8.1 New Potosi Ordinary, Lim, OtV 28.4 01/8 6. 0^ 9.11| 18 Do. 10 % Preference| 19 9.8 Do. 10% Pref.... 13.12] 2 03/8 10 J O oi Direct Spanish, Limited ... 10.3 1 Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. ... 1V4 3.1 Do. 10% Pref, 97/8 3 . 1 03/4 7.7 Of 714 21.3 2 Do. 10% Pref.l9s.pd.d 1% 11.5 03/8 10.10] 0 i Direct U n . States Cable, L. 9 ^ 4.7 73/8 5,2 21 Do. do. 20s.pd " 0% 23.8 113/8 28.111 ioy 8 31.1 2T% E a s t e r n , Limited ... 30.12| 11/4 13.10 Panulcillo Copper, Limited 9 1434 25.11 133/g 24.1 Do. 6% Preference OYs 29.4 Pestarena United Gold,Lim.| 014 19.5 l 15.121100% 14.2 i t Do. 5%Debentures,1877(Z]108 6% 12.12] 6 /2 12.12] Pontgibaud Silver-Lead 3.6 105 Do. 5% do. 1899[ 109 OyV 22.1 P.Phillip&Col.G.,L.21s.pd.d| OKg 9.5 16.2 j 71 18.4 100 14.11 4 104 Do. 4% Deb. Stock 0T\ 16.7 '" Do. do. t 22s.pd. %\ OI/4 3.6 3|f 27.12 r« E a s t e r n Extension, Limited] 12Y2 25.4 101/2 22.1 4 Richmond Consolidated, L. 6% 2.6 Do. 6% Deben., 1891 109 20.6 104% 23 15.12] 73/8 10.10 151 Rio Tin to Limited 8.2 9.6 101 10.1 2 Do. 5% do. 19001105^ Do. Mort. Bds.| 10314 31.3 97!/2 11.5 51 Do. 5% do. 1890 104| 27.9 100 l 4 23.12! 4* 97k 23.12| 89% 13.10] 8 Do. 5 % 2nd do. 4^ 28.12] 101 East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900| 105 Ross United Gold £1 paid i\ 8.1 41 German Union, Limited 11 25.5 Do. 19s.6d.paidi[ 834 14.2 ! 4 Globe, Limited oy8 11.11 R u b y & Dunderb.Con., Lim. 0 ^ 5 1 0 . e 5% 3.5 4% 1.2 3 i Do. 6% Preference] 13y2 29.7 n y 23/4 14.3 Scottish Australian, Lim.... 3% 26.1 8.3. ! Gt. N o r t h e r n of Copenhagen I414 26.4 13i/2 6.1 l i iy> 20.1 Do. New ... 1% 5.5 2 8 Do. 5 % Deb.(iss.l880)l 1013/4 13.10) IOO14 13.8 11 0 f t 19.12] Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limitedl 11/4 19.1 8.1 102 Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883)! 106% Do. Plumas Eureka| 0% 31.121 03/8 2.8 3.3 11 m m a m n n 4i 45 TELEGBA. & TELEPHO.—con. Indo-European, Limited ... 38 London Platino-Braz., Lim. 4% Do. 6 % Debentures 105l/2 Oriental Telephone, Lim. .. 0-fo Reuter' s, Limited 81/, Submarine 195 United RiverPlateTelepho.-i 5 ^ United Telephone, Limited 1 3 ^ Do. issued a t £2 pm. 7% W e s t African Telegraph ... Do. 5%Debs.pd.upSc. 96 W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 5% Do. 8 % Debentures 113 Western & Brazilian, Lim. 8J£ Do. do. Preferred 6 Do. do. Deferred 3 Do. Deb., " A , " 1910 108& Do. D e b . , " B , " 1910 10ty 2 W e s t India & Panama,Lim. 1^ 0 Do. do. I s t P r e f . IO14 Do. do. 2nd do. 7 Western Union 7% 1st Mort. 123 Do. Sterling Bonds 106 TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. W/> Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 128 1034 Barcelona, Limited Belfast Street 11^ Birkenhead Ordinary Do. 6% Preference "314 Bordeaux, Limited 10& Do. 5 % Preference... l l ^ r Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. 1% Bristol, Limited ioy 9 Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs. hf8 . Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 122 Calais, Limited 2% Calcutta, Limited 6& Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 11 Do. 5 % Debentures 102 City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. IO14 Do. 6 % Deb. Stk. 128 Continental Metrop. Ord. i 4 £ Do. 5% Pref. i 4% 10% Dublin United uy2 Edinburgh Street Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L. 15i/o Hull Street 7 Imperial, Limited , 1-& Leicester «£10 paid Do. £6 paid Liverpool United 12 London, Limited 20% Do. 6% Pref.... 15 Do. Found. Sc. Certs. 243/s Do. 5% Deb. ...fill ~ _a TRAMS. & OMNIBUS—con. 11.10 34 12.5 4 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 230 25.5 3 4.1 I f London Road Car ... i 9Y8 12.7 10114 3.1 4 i London Street 2034 8.6 oy4 31.1 0to\ Do. New ... d 11.10 6% 30.3 I f N o r t h Metropolitan 'iiy2 19.1 123 15.12 72 Do. New, <£8 paid d 17% 3.6 43/8 6.12 1A Do. do. £9 paid i 9 10.5 lll/8 27.10 9 Norbh Staffordshire, Lim.... "63/4 11.5 h% 22.7 1^ Nottingham&District, Lim. 7 Provincial Limited 7 8.'l 90 22.'9 6* Sheffield 7% 20.12 3% 3.2 2 Southampton 93/8 21.10 107% 6.1 South London 6H 27.12 7y8 29.3 H\ Southwark & Deptfd., Lim. 53/4 6.12 4% 29.3 1* Sunderland, Limited 43/4 7.6 2 17.10 1 Tramways Co. of France, L. 6 ^ 29.7 105& 7.4 3 Tramway sCo.of Germany,L. 14% 19.5 101 4.2 3* Tramways Union, Limited 6y2 30.11 0 ^ 22.7 0£ Do. 5 % Debentures 103 23.11 %V» 26.5 I f Vienna General Omnibus,L. 23,4 17.11 5 19.3 2 Wolverhampton, Limited... 5J£ 4.3 120!£ 10.11 WATERWORKS. 6.6 101 26.9 5 Antwerp, Limited 18 Chelsea Ordinary 245| 8.10 Ws 16.2 3f City of St. Petersburg, Lim V/2 18.11 124J6 16.3 3* Colno Valley 914 14.4 Do. 4% D e b . 9ft 6.1 EastLondon 203 25.11 10% 16.2 G r a n d Junction (max. 10%) 126% 11.'3 ' i y 2 8.'i2 87% if K e n t Do. New (max. 7%) 259 8y4 22.10 6.1 1 0 ^ 27.9 0i Do. New, .£3 paid d 8% 7.4 Do. do. .£4 paid i 9% 9.2 1* 14.11 Of 13V2 1.6 10 8.11 o i ! Kimberley, Limited Do. 6 % Debentures 108% 8.12 4*£ 3.2 Oil 16.6 113 15.1 9 i Lambeth, maximum 10 % ... 240 Do. do. 7 | % ... 188 20.6 2 7.9 Of Do. 4% Debentures 115 5% 20.12 1^5 5.4 12.9 346 7% 24.1 3f, New River, New 8.8 92& 15.3 9 | Do. 4 % Debentures 116 Do. Debentures B 11534 27.10 8% 6.1 I f 19.7 126 Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. 4% 18.1 2 12.9 3ft 31.12 Do. B Deferrd. l!/£ 14.9 2^ 0 29.8 1 Do. 5 % Debentures 91 9.2 10 11.11 Of Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 105 29.12 10V4 9.3 Shanghai, Limited 21.12 i2y 2 22.2 3 South Staffordshire A 6.5 3l/2 25.11 3^ 1 Do. do. B Do. 4% Debentures 0% 30.11 0T« 21.1 Southwark & Vauxhall ... 1701/2 Do. New .£5 paid d 9l/2 Do. .£10 paid i 16% lO.'l "8% 27.'8 31 3.5 15 20.5 5f Do. D 7|% maximum 160 2 . 3 13% 23.8 I f , Do. 5 % Pref 133 14.3 isy2 23.5 6 Do. 4 | % Debs. 126 264 22.11 108y2 13.5 2k ! W e s t Middlesex m n\ om om m\ om a & CO * 0 • 31.1 193 12.11 37 27.5 43/8 5.10 4f 14.1 15y8 20.5 5 | IG\3 10.3 17 14 11.'5 "5^j 22.6 5% 30.6 434 6 13.1 15.6 8 27.5 4 17.5 43/8 4.7 334 10.1 sy2 8.7 13f0 27.12 43/4 20.12 100% 29.3 1% 20.1 sy2 20.'5 21.5 U 3f 15.12 21.10 9.3 29.12 23.2 19.10 7.2 28.11 22.12 23.12 15.3 21.9 3.1 3.9 ii If 4 H it 2H u 1 ITS If 2f H If 6.1 13 25.7 5 18.10 226% 16.2 19* 13.12 1 11.8 Oh 24.1 9 22.7 l 14.'5 188 17.5 118 27.5 8 5 # 20.9 248 28.6 8 10.10 93/8 14.7 91/, 11.6 104)5 22.11 217 7.5 180 18.3 1121/* 23.6 324 4 . 3 113 31.3 114% 1.2 2y2 16.2 oy2 8.6 81 24.3 101 ° 18.*2 15' 27.1 Sk 23.2 I f 21.2 11 4.4 Of 27.9 ot 12.12 4 3.2 3f 3.2 23 25.1 8 28.7 2 | 15.11 22 8.8 3 23.2 U 17.11 2 i 17.11 1 25.3 10 30.9 4 n f Fluctua-| tion. i S Day. 1 Month. NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. Fluctuation. ] DQ O 1 •a Day. ' Month. M NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. 1 TELEGRAPHS & TELEPHONES oontd., TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS, & WATERWORKS for 1887. ... 26.'5 9.3 23.4 24.6 13.1 5.5 3.6 154 9fc ... ... 1 25.*2 10J- 9.3 15% 17.8 i" 158 4.5 2 130 2.2 3 126 5.5 249 17.2 15" NOTES. a. Metropolitan Railway stock commenced to be dealt in as " R a i l w a y " and " S u r p l u s L a n d s " stocks in August, t h e holder of .£100 old stock keeping ^8100 of Railway stock, and getting ,£50 of Surplus Lands stock. The Preferred and Deferred Ordinary Stocks have been withdrawn from List. b. Bengal Nagpur dealt in as £20 shares till July, t h e n as stock. 1 c. RohSkund and Kumaon first dealt in as stock in March. |j d. Discontinued in Official Daily List during 1887. 1 e. W e s t of India Portuguese first dealt in as stock in J u l y , before t h e n as <£20 shares. / . Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 7 % Preference shares first quoted as stock in J u n e . g. The Anglo-Egyptian B a n k was re-constructed during 1887, t h e shares being .£20 paid till May and «£10 paid from then. ht Bank of E g y p t shares were altered from ,£25 paid at t h e commencement of t h e year t o .812^ paid in J u n e . i. Inserted in Official Daily List during 1887. h. F i r s t quoted as stock in J u l y . 1. F i r s t quoted as stock in August. m . First quoted as stock in M a y . J n. F i r s t quoted as stock in J u n e . 46 1888 BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1888. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. P W BRITISH FUNDS. | New Consols (Goschens) i 100% 29.3 95i/2 10.12 5f Do. do. for A / c i 1003/s , 7.4 96y8 10.12 9.1 11.12 Consols ... j 1033/8 9.1 9m 19.12 4 Do. for Account Reduced Three per Cents d\1103% 9.1 993/8 6.10] 4^ Do. for Account d\ IO314 30.1 991/4 9.5 New Three per Cents. ... 103% 9.1 1003/8 20.3 3 | 1001/4 19.3 3 Do. for Account ... 103% 9.1 J New Three-and-half p . Cts.103 29.11 oo% 26.7 11 10.1 1011/2 3.101 4 i Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 101% 10.12 51 Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 98% 12.3 97 Do. for Account ... 97% 14.3 92% 4.12 4 Local Loans Stock ... i 106% 12.3 93i/2 7.12 4^ 27.4 Of Red Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. 14% 19.111 102 Exchequer Bills (March) ... 10/-p. 20.1 13% 22.121 17/Do. do. (June) ... 10/-p. 13.3 7 - d . 3.10 22/Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8116 12.4 12/-d. 20.12| Do. " R u p e r t ' s Ld."1904 111^4 116% 20.7 114 ii'.'5 Do. Bonds 1910 18.4 116 . 7.4 Do. Bonds 1913 113 10.3 99 . 5.101 2 Egypt. Gov, 3 % Gua. Loan 104 5 Jamaica, I m p . G., 1897] 1063/8 30.10; mys 30.101 ok 110 4.4 1061/2 17.2 Turkish 5 % Guaranteed 332 3.1 [29 18.9 303 B a n k of jEngland ... 308% 28.11 |280 14.2 28i B a n k of Ireland 103L4 25.1 99i/4 6.9 4 India Stock 4 % 1888| Do. 3£% 1931|110834 12.3 1033/4 3.1 12.3 104 Do. for Account 4, 1 1 Do. 3% 19481100 " 5.4 93% 993,4 12.4 93% 1 Do. for Account ... 20.6 Do. Scrip <£80topay^ I71/2 29.5 Do. do. £60 do. id\ 373/8 31.7 %* 6.7 Do. do. <£40 do. id\ 573/8 13.9 573/8 13.9 Do. do. 4 2 0 do. i\ India Debentures 18S9 ! Do. do. 1891101 16.3 j 101 16.3 18.5 Do. Enfaced Paper ... 73% 23.2 65 Do. . do. 1885 ... 72 2.11 7 1 % 24.10| Do. do. 1893 75 12.1 69i/4 30.8 Isle of Man Debentures ... 1023,4 27.7 100 29.2 CORPORATION S r O C K S . - k a ^ ^ " ^ free. Met. Bd. of Works3|%,19291151/2 20.3 HOi/s 3.101 Do. do. - 3 %,194110634 14.3 IOOI/4 3.10 Com. of Sewers, Lon., 1905 102% 16.3 100% 8.10 Corp. of London3|%,1888-92102% 17.3 100 % 6.10 Do. do. 3i%, 1893-810234 5.4 100% 6.12/ Do. do. 3 % 1912101% 9.8 ! 98i/2 2.8 14.12| Do. 3 | % Deb. Scrip all pd. 10234 12.4 j 100 Birmingham 3 | % 1946112% 6.4 1051,2 3.1 Do. 3% 1947101 5.4 94% 3.1 Brighton 3 ^ % 1946109% 26.3 i IO414 10.1 Cardiff 3 | % 1935109% 3.4 103i/8 3.1 6.1 Croydon 3£% Irredeemable 110% 3.12) 7.5 Glasgow 3 | % 1914108 7.5 108' 3 Do. 3 | % Irred. Stock ..108% 2.5 107% 1 H u l l 3£ % F i r s t issue 1943109% 20.3 103% 8 Leicester 3 | % 1934104% 16.3 103 1 Liverpool 3 ^ % ... 112 19.3 105% 1 Middlesbrough 3 | % 1909107% 15.6 1013/8 2 Newcastle 3 | % 1936109% 14.4 103 1 Do. Irredeemable ... 109% 12.11101% 1 Nottingham 3 % ... 100 "16.3 93% 1 Portsmouth 3 | % 109% 27.3 IO314 Reading3£% 109% 9.4 101% 12.1 S o u t h Stafford 4 | % D e b . . . . 102 24.4 98% 23.11| Swansea 3 | % 19511093,4 16.4 103^4 3,1 Weymouth&Melc.Regis3%i 963/8 31.12 96% 7 121 Windsor 3 % 1918i 9634 10.7 95 26.10 Wolverhampton 3f % ...109% 3.4 102% 3.1 SUBJECT TO STAMP DU TY. 3.4 II Birmingham Gas Ann. of ,£1 31 3 4 22.10 30 Do. W a t e r do. of <£1 ... Blackburn 4 % Do. 3|% IO614 2.11]106% 2.11 Bristol 3^ % |109 9.10] 101% 3.1 71 Glasgow 3 i % ... i 106% 18.5 106i/8 Hull 3 | % {2nd issue) 1941 104 1.2 104 Lee Conservancy 4 % 1.6 11314 Leeds 4 % 192r, L20 10934 12.4 IO234 23.1 Do. 3£% 1881 n n 2 SUBJECT TO STAMP DUTY—cow.: Longton 3f % 1932 108 14.3 10S Manchester 4 % 126% 25.9 II8V4 Middlesbrough 4£ % 1908108 8.2 107 Sheffield 3 f % Redeemable 10714' 5.6 103 Southampton 3^% 1945107% 21.4 1C0% South Stafford. 4 | % ... 94 3 4 23.3 94 Stockton 4 i % 1908|l09 9.8 107 Swansea H a r b o u r T r u s t 5 % Do. do. 4| % 14.3 4.1 10.2 24.1 11.1 22.3. 10.2 COLONIAL I PROV, SECURITIES. , 6.3 107% 7-. 12] B . Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894 111 Do. 6% 1907 132% 20.3 121 ,- 31.1 , i*& l i 19.3 109% 17.1 6 ' Do. 4^ % Deb. 19171115% British Guiana 4% . 108% 23.3 104 l 4 21.7 4i C a n . " Into. Rl.L.," 5 %,1903|1118 18.8 114 9.1 Do. 4% 1904-5-6-8 115% 16.3 1073/g 20.12J 4 20.3 10634 4.1 Sh Do. Reduced 4%, 1910 | l l 5 Do. 3|%. 1909-34 108% 31.3 103% 6.2 8 i Do. 4 % 1910-35 115% 19.3 107% 4 . 1 4 | 8i Cape of G. H . 6 %, 1890-1900 123 23.10| 103% 7 5.7 104% 6 Do. do. 6 % 1891 110 5f Do. do. 5 % 1900| 114 29.3 105% 28 8^ Do, 4£ % red. an. dr. 114% 28.9 105% 3 9 Do. 4 | % , 1 8 7 9 do. 113% 31.10| 108 4 H Do. 4 %, 1881 do'. |108% 14.3 101% 4 Do. 4 % 1917-22!10834 1.10!10334 5.1 7 Do. 4i % 1899| 112 18.7 [112 18.7 5 Do. 5 % 10/40 112 15.10] 106 1.121 6 ' Ceylon 4^ % 10434 17.10] 104 19.1 Of 13.4 102 Do. 4% 1886-90| 107 15.8 5 Fijian Government 4f % 106% 24.1 101% 8.12] 5 Hong Kong 4 % 1.3 102% 3.10 2f 1105 Jamaica 4^-% 105% 25.8 1043/ 19.6 Do. 4 % m% 15.3 IOII/48 22.8 Manitoba 5 % Debs. 19101113% 21.12| 3.1 Do. 5%Ster.'S8<£57pd.% 3 . 1 Do. 3%Scp.,<£50fcopy.M 9 Do, do. ,£30 do. id\ 63% 6.9 63l/2 6.9 Do, do. paid u p i\ 95 27.10| 92ft 20.12| Cape of Good H.4%Reg.,1923 109% 21.9 !103% 4 . 1 Do. 4% Tns. 1923110 16.3 1043/8 6 . 1 6.1 Do. 4% Cons. 1936110 16.3 105 Ceylon 4 % I n s . 1934112% 23.4 |106% 2 0 . 1 J a m a i c a 4% I n s . 193 i 109% 13.8 106 26.1 6.9 Mauritius 4 % Ins. 1937 i\l08% 19.3 105 Do. 4%Scrip Jt £45topayidj 106% 19.10! 106% 19.10 Do. do, paid u p Natal 4% Ins., 19271 1073/g 31.121'103% 9.5 D o , 4% do. 1937| 1073/ 8 31.12J 102% 3.1 3% 4 . 5 Do. 4 % Scrip,<£60topayid 43% 4 . 5 Do, do. .£35 do. id., 105% 15.9 105ft 15.9 Do, do. paid u p Newfnd.4%I.Scp.,80 t o py id\ Do. do. paid up 1053/g 14.11) 102% 18.12 6.1 NewSth.Wales4 % Ins.,1933| 118% 17.3 110 Do. 3£% Ins.,1924 IO734 16.3 99ft 3.1 Do. 34% Stock 1918i 1033/4 30.7 9934 6.10 Do. 34%<£S0topay?d 2344 29.5 2 3 ^ 29.5 Do. do. .£40 do. id 63% 27.7 61% 26,7 Do. do. .£20 do. id\ 81% 12.9 8034 15.9 N e w Zealand 4 % Ins., 1929 104% 14.3 96V4 23.5 Do. 4%Scp.<£80topyid 193/8 17.7 19% 17.7 Do. d o . ,£60 do. id\ 39% 7.8 39% 7.8 Do. do. all paid 3.1 Queensland 4% Ins., 1915-2411103^ 30.10| 103 Do. 34%Ins..£60to pyid ~ ~ " 8.9 36% 8.9 Do. do. <£40 do. id] 583/8 11.101 58% 12.10] Do. do. ,£20 do. id\ 80% 26.10 79% 2.11 Do. do. paid u p i l00 3 / 8 26.10 9534 23.8 S.Aus.4%Rg.l917-18-24-36.. l l l 3 ^ 27.10 1043/s 3.4 104% Do. 4% 1917-36(2109 Victoria 4 % I n s . 1907 114 16.3 107% Do. 4 % Ins.1908-13-19114ft 15.3 107% Do. 4 % , 1885 1920113% 19.3 10634 W e s t . Australia 4 % 1934|113 17.3 107% 7.1 26.6 9.1 20.3 7.4 25.5 31.7 26.6 31.3 13.3 19.3 28.3 27.3 27.3 28.3 15.5 111% 107% 101% 1103% 104 1102% 105% 106% |103% 108% 107 3 4 108 107 103 107% n FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Zc. Argentine 6 %, 1868 105% Do< 6 %, 1871 105% Do, 6%, 1881 107 Do. 6 %, 1882 10434 Do. 5%, 1884 100ft Do. 5 % , 1886 9934 Do.N.Ct.Ry.Ex.5%G.B/ 100 Do. do, 2nd Issue - 97% Do, do, do..£20pd.*d| 21 Do. do. do.«£45pd.'Sd 46% Do. do. do.«870pd.• *» Registered 15% {SX. •n Gen. C 19.11 2134 14% 30.'l0 1234 • u o # Debt. 1 Stamped... 1414 vi',9 12% 18 5 Do- « {fSpeT" Do. 1869 { » d ^ Do ' ... 6 d l i f t 12U1 12% Treas. C Registered 15% 26.'l0 i'314 A , B , C ( Stamped... 14% 24"l0 i'314 Do. 1873 { § • £ £ II Louisiana 4% Stamped Bds.l [i • aa NAME OF STOCK, u 0 Hi 9.2 7 4 . 6 3* 13.1 4 6.3 6^ 3.1 8* 16.1 71 6.2 5* 6.1 2* 14.2 0* 28.5 10f 16.5 3* 16.6 j 4i 12.1 13 20.7 5 19.10 7 2.11 4 * 18.10 3* 5.7 31 5.1 9 H 3.1 71 15.6 13.6 3.1 9t 3.1 6* 1 , H FOREIGN—continued. * U.S.(Masschstts.)5% 1888d * Do. do. 5%, 1894 16914 * Do. do. 5%, 1900 11314 * Do. do. 5%, 1889 102 * Do. do. 5%, 1891 IO414 * Do. do. 5%, 1895 10934 Uruguay } Unified 5% ,1883... 7634 Do. 6%Ster.Ln.allpd.i 91 Do. do. 27% Do. do. £4&v&.id 483/8 Do. do. £65jy&.id 693/8 Venezuela 3 % Cont., 1881 56% •United States 4*% 1891 IH14 :* D o . do. 4 % 1907 13134 # Virginian 5% * Do. 6% 40 * D o . New F u n d . 6% ,1905 43% * D o . 6% (with Cert.) ... 44% * Do. 6%Com. Certs. ... 46 m RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. m\ Caledonian 11834 Do. Deferred N o . 1 12% Do. do. No. 2 214 4.1 Cornwall 7 9.3 1 3 | Do. A & B 614 25.2 91 Cornwall Minerals 11 21.6 l * E a s t London 12% 10634 5.5 64 Furness 29.2 1 2 | Glasgow a n d S o u t h Western 10934 6.3 8* Great E a s t e r n 721/4 12.3 84 Great N o r t h of Scotland ... 58/ 2 8.3 H i Great Northern 120% 24.2 91 Do. A , IO614 9.3 12f Do. B 167% 9 . 3 11* Great N o r t h e r n (Ireland)... 8.3 134 Great South. & W . (Ireland) 117% 29.2 1 2 | Great W e s t e r n 152% 8.2 1 Highland 83 22.6 4 Hull & Barnsley 423/8 29.11 01 Isle of W i g h t 132% 17.12 1 Lancashire and |Yorkshire.. 12134 5.1 10 Lon.,Brghtn. & South Coas 145 2.7 6f Do. do. Preferred 161 12.1 91 Do. do. Deferred 13334 4 . 1 12i Do. Contin, R i g h t s 28% 3.1 161' London, Chat., & Dov. Arb. 25 2.6 3* London and N o r t h W e s t e r n 17314 4 . 5 04 London and South Western 14334 10.1 3* London, Til., and Southend 135% 5.1 81 Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 7334 5.1 Do. do. Preferred 109% 12.12 74 Do. do. Deferred. 40 23.10 6* Mersey 6% 25.7 01 Metropolitan Consolidated. 7734 8.8 0* Metropolitan Surplus Lands 723/8 23.11 3f Metropolitan District 37 6.2 5* Midland ... 136% 4 . 2 16 North British ... d\ 131% 3.1 1 3 | Do. E d i n b r g h & Glas.d 54% 13.3 Do. Ordinary Pref. i\ 77% ^ 56% 26.3 * N oDo. E a s t e rdo. Def. i 163% rth n 24.*2 N o r t h London 200 N o r t h Staffordshire 114 N o t t i n g h a m Sub. £4* pd. d\ 4 31.8 Do. do. £6 pd.i 10.*2 21 Do. do. .£10 pd. Rhymney 204 7.*2 Shropshire Union 85% Somerset and Dorset 5% 18.1 3"nr S o u t h E a s t e r n 134% Do. do. Preferred ... 161 23.'2 2f Do. do. Deferred ... 1143/8 Do. do. 1882... d 125 23.5 D o . NewOrd.I.Cts.^50p.d 6 i Do. do. .£75 p . i 91 4 w\ a\ ii ... ii r» Hi j 26.'l 104% 15.3 112 7.11 100% 19.5 J 01% 22.3 IO934 12.9 65 12.9 80% 10.5 263/8 23.6 47 18.7 67 3 4 26.11 37% 27.1 10734 9.10 1263/4 ^ ... 13.11 41 * 25.7 14 3.10 H 17.7 3^ 22.3 3.1 111 29.12 ioi 12.5 01 29.5 If 5.7 If 20.2 19 21.8 ; 3 | 22.3 5 ... 1 l 6 " l 0 40 lO.'lo! 15.8 3714 3.12 6 i 2.8 39 3.12 51 16.1 38% 4.12 n 27.12 99% 14.9 ! 6% 30.11 2 2.11 4% 10.9 5 13.3 9 15.11 8% 18.1 9214 20.9 98% .26.9 6334 29.9 54 12.4 111 10.1 96Y2 28.3 158% 14.6 m 1 11.6 5 t ! 30.11 0i 1 21.4 2^ i 18.2 H 25.7 2 18.6 4^ 15.6 1H 4 . 5 1U ! 8.3 8^ 28.3 4i 29.2 91 6.3 9 | 8.3 9 3..'4 107 27.9 138% 25.8 7634 18.1 24% 25.7 130 11.1 11334 3.10 135 25.7 152 26.9 111% 20.9 19 27.9 1934 31.12 163 15.12 131 23.1 121% 11.1 66 12.1 99 15.9 33 13.12 3 27.12 64 4.4 65% 13.1 293/g 31.12 124% 25.9 104% 26.9 36% 26.9 73% 27.12 50% 31.12 14934 4.12 186% 18.8 99% 3.4 4 5.'l0 I0& 8.3 13* 1 13.6 6 i 23.5 23.5 8 i ! 1.3 8 1 8.3 10 2.2 9 9.3 31* 25.5 8.3 64 8.3 104 3.1 1 2 | 31.8 14 31.5 23.11 10! 1 26.5 7 1 17.2 31 ! 7.3 1 3 | 7.3 6f I 8.3 71 9.3 11* 20.1 37* 18.4 18 3.11 4 3.11 6 17.5 13f 9.3 13* 5.1 14* 3.4 22.'11 150% 14.12 84% 4.10 5 21.9 12414 29.9 150 1.10 98 7.1 125 14.8 62 3.10 , 89 12.*3 53* 30.1 0 | 4.7 0* 9.2 104 31.1 H 8.3 16* 7.1 12.5 3" 4.12 I 3 m1 n n 1 — 51 DD2 RAILWAYS--Ordinary continued, Lines Leased, Debenture, and Guaranteed Stocks for 1888, NAME OF STOCK. W RA£LWAYS-ORD.—cont. TaffVale [247 W e s t Lancashire ... . Whitby,Redcar, & Mid. Un. 5J6 LINES LEASED. Birkenhead 129 Do. 4 | % Preference! 1383,4 Colchester, Stour Valley,&c. 98 E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % ... I181 Hammersmith & City 5* % London a n d Blackwall ... 138% Do. 4<4 % Preference I London and Greenwich ... 8434 Do. P r e f . 5 % 153% Mid K e n t (Cray Line) Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... 77 Do. do. 6%... 89% N o r t h & South Western Jnc.l[209 Nottingham and Grantham 128% P o r t p a t r i c k & Wigtonshire| 105 Preston and Wyre ... 57 Royston, H i t c h . & Sheprethl 79 . Shrews.&Heref .6% Rent-chJ 185 Victoria Station & Pimlicol 269 Bo. 4&% ... 137 Waterf ord,Dun. ,&Lis.Pref W e s t London, Class C i*2% Weymouth and Portland .., 127 DEBENTURE STOCKS. B a n b u r y & Cheltenham 5 % 1129% Do. 5 %,'73 red. to 4% ... 66 Do. 5 % , 1881 15 Do. 5 % , ' 7 7 r e d . t o 4 % , ... 23 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % ... 1143/4 Do. do. B 4 % ... 109 Caledonian 4 % 13114 Cambrian 4% A 115 Do. B 112 Do. C 105Do. D 70Cornwall Guaranteed 4 | %.. 139% Cornwall Minerals A 4 %. ... |116% Do. do. B 3 £ % . . 883/4 E a s t e r n & Midlands 4} %... E a s t London2ndCharge' 'A'' •117% Do. 2nd Charge " B " 62 3rd Charge Do. 353,4 4th Charge Do. 24 Guaranteed 3 | % 106i/ Do. Whitech.Ex.2|% 72 8 Do. F o r t h Bridge 4% ... 12714 Furness4 % 127 !/2 Glasgow & S. Western 4%| 129i/2 Great E a s t e r n 4 % ... 190% Do. A 5% Do. B 5% 1867... 145 Do. 4*%... 142 Do. E a s t Anglian 4 %| 126% Great N . of Scotland4 % ... 124% Great Northern 4 % 134 Great Western 4 % ,13434 Do. 44% 140/ 2 Do. 4|% 149 Do. 5 % |163 Highland 4£ % 31 Do. 4 % 126 I., of W i g h t Cent. "B"4£% 11061/2 Do. do. " C " 4 %i\ 76 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 1321/2 London & Blackwall 4 | % London & Greenwich 4 % London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 130% Do. Perpetual 4 | % Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 4 | % Do. B 4 * % ... 138 Do. 1879 4 % 121 Do, 1883 4 % 120 London & N o r t h West. 4 % 135 7 9 S I* NAME OF STOCK. W *i DEBENf ^RESTOCKS—co?*t , London & South West. A 4% 133% 22.3 123 31.12] 190 Do. do. B 4% 1343/s 31.3 123i/4 16.2 |57 Do. do. 3^% 11534 6.4 10634 Do. do. 3%i\ 97' 29.101 97 5% 21.'7 21.'7 London, Tilbury, & c , 4% ... 125% 31.10]1119% Manchester, Sheff., &c, 5 % 155 31.8 , 152 Do. do. 4 * % ... 143% 4.4 1321/g 20.3 II71/4 2.2 1.1* 24.11 65 ... 79 21.12; 119 6.2 IQii Mersey Perpetual 5 % Do. do. 4*% . . S O 18.121 61% 1.8 90 28.1 8 4 Metropolitan 4 % ..g ...128 22.121117 1.8 168% 18.1 |12* Do. 4£% ... ...140% 4.4 130% Do. 3|% 112 30.4 101 5.*4 129% 3.1 9" 6 24.12] 155 Metropolitan District 6 %... 166 20.3 132% 13.1 30.11 10334 Do. 4%...lll 4.7 7 6 " 6.2 8f 16.3 124 Midland 4% 134 28.7 147 19.1 61 4 . 4 98% Do. 3% 103 22.3 106% 1*116% 3.*4 70i/2 16.*2 ei Mid-Wales A 4*% ... N o r t h British 4 % 1303/4 14.8 120 3.4 23.5 Do. E.P. &D.B. 5% 10.8 9.8 3 Do. 4*% 141% 27.7 133 29.3 30.1 91 Do. 4$% 1341/4 14.8 130 20.12] 105 20.12| N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 133% 27.6 123 30.1 56 28.1 Do. 4}% 15434 12.3 137 19.9 164i/2 3.1 147 25.6 136% 15.3 167 24.1 |14* N o r t h London 4 | % N o r t h Staffordshire 4* % ... 135% 28.9 12634 3.10| 253 10.8 18 Rhymney Perpetual 4 % ... 1120 27.11] 111 25.7 133 21.11 16 25.9 81 Sev. & W y e & Sev. Bdge. 4% 4 2.3 111 Do.. g u a . b y M . R . , & . , 4 % | l l l 26'.*3 lifc 12.9 South E a s t e r n Perp. 4 % ... 130% 4.4 121 9 . 3 120 18.2 Do. do. 5 % ...15934 6.6 147 7 13.3 114% TaffVale 4 % |122 W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % 30.6 125 10.121 4| Wrex. Mold& Con. Q. A 4% L09 3.12 104 22.5 60 23.8 ' 6 4.121 97 Do. do. B 4% 3.9 15 3.9 GUARANTEED STOCKS. 12.7 3.9 16" Caledonian 4% Guatd. Ann. 128% 11.4 119 7 28.11 1071/2 18 Do. 4% Cons. GuaJ 1263/ t 19v9 119% 30.11 931/2 10 |15* City of Glasgow Union C ... 18.7 120% 3.1 1 0 | Do. do. F .. 17.8 111 3 7 % 31,12]125% 1.3 4 Cornwall 4*% 22.8 106 125% 9.4 117 1.3 6 F o r t h Bridge 4 % 122 11.6 113% 21.111 98 19.1 7 Furness4% 9.5 '68 19.1 2 1.101 119 Glasgow & South West. 4% 123 121% 29.2 1213/4 26.4 127^4 23.1 111 Do. St. Enoch Rent-ch. 20.7 M4 3.4 116% 9.4 2 | Great E a s t . 4% Rent-charge' 126 0.121 81 13.2 Do. 5% Metro. Stk. 151 19.10] 140 3 126% 6.4 115 4 13.4 75 19.7 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem, 31.3 108 10.1 9 Great N o r t h of Scotland4% ill2% 19 12] 112% 15.111 40 22.5 |22| Great N o r t h e r n 4 % P e r p . i\ 126% 10.ll] I2434 dl58 15.11 16 -4.4 I471/4 16.7 19 Do. 5 % 19.11, 10 10.7 12614 16.8 14* Do. 4f% d\ 142 180 27.8 172 29.5 101% 14.2 4 | Do. Leeds,B.&H.6%d 31.3 72 8.10| 0£ Great South.&West.Irld.4% 19.3 118% 6 . 1 8* Great Westn.—Rent-oh. 5% 158% 23.7 148 9.4 117% 7.1 91 Do. Consolidated 5% 158% 13.7 148% 29.6 121 5.1 , 8* Do. W.Corn.Rt-ch.4*% 136 24.3 129% 16.3 119% 3 . 1 HI Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 128 11.8 119 5.4 166 Do. do. 6% 185 3.'8 '6 15.'5 140 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire) 180 18.7 175 27;10|14414 7.4 141 24.8 1 London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 155 9.7 122% 6.3 Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.R.-ch.4* % 24.9 124 24.9 London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 12934 19.3 |121% 31.3 124 3.1 10* London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4% 128% 23.3 119% 4.9 I6614 16.3 124 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6% 178 3.1 10 15.3 131 23.1 .'Of Do. d o / l s t P r e f . 4 ^ % 1 3 7 27.101 127% 20.3 137 Do. do. 3 | % do. ... 96* 30.10| 88 7.1 |12* 13.6 |150% 9.1 Do. do. 5%S.Y.Rt-ch. 148 25.6 137% 20.8 125 18.5 6 Do. do. 4*% do. 12934 12.111 116 18.101 121% 5.5 4 | Met. Dist., Ealing Rent-ch. 119 22.10 112 11.4 106% 11.4 Do. F u l h a m Rent-charge 120% 31.12] 112 8.10| 76 Do. Midland 4%Rent-ch. 121% 18.9 110 8.10| 17.3 122 Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar. 105 29.12| 91 3.1 19.3 1271/s 11.1 91 Midland 4 % Rent-charge... 128% 5.4 121 Do. 4 % Guaranteed .. .129 14.8 12014 |118% 17.1 lia" N o r t h British Consol. Lien 124% 25.7 | H 7 % 17.3 135 Do. 4% No. 1 ...12534 22.3 118 13.1 12* 20.3 127% 6.1 113* N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4 % 128 14.3 119 28.3 125% 9.1 Do. G.N.E.4% 20.3 112% 4 . 1 Do. S t o c k t . & D a r l . A5%! 154 24.8 143 19.3 112V4 7.1 Do. ••• do. B.&C.6% 180 31.5 166 14.3 126% 14.2 Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 1283/8 20'.8 Ill9 r i* n 8i. *J if 9.1 101 5.1 U * 6.1 9 29.10| 26.1 e" 1.101 3 6.1 10.7 nt 24.5 14' 3.1 118* 1 11 1 10 3 11 6 ill 7 1 , * 10 15.11] 41 10.2 10 31.1 110* 21.2 26.5 3.1 6.1 7.2 3.1 16.1 3.7 2.3 10.1 4.1 28.1 si 4* 101 171 10* 8£ 9 31 oi 12| 7* 21.2 29.2 31.1 10.1 7.5 12* 11.1 8* 5.1 8* 2.5 4 29.2 28.1 , 9 * 9.1 11 4 . 2 llOf 19.121 9.111 4 . 1 101 3.10|15f 0.1 8 3.1 lio* 3.1 |10* 18.1 6* 17.1 9 15.2 19 15.3 5 2.2 ;10| 8" 6.1 8| 20.2 10.2 114 11.2 9* 23.1 81 2.2 10* 13* 7 8* U* 14 1 3.1 81 31.1 7 23.1 7 | 15.2 9 n 4 . 1 ill* 3.1 14 6.1 RAILWAYS—Guaranteed continued, INDIAN, and BRITISH POSSESSIONS for 1888. NAME OF STOCK. it NAME OF STOCK. & o pa If GUARANTEED STOCKS, con.l PREFERENCE STOCKS—con] 7.2 21 N o r t h East.,S.& D., Class D 164% 7.12 151 29.2 134 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % ... 30% 7.9 28% South E a s t e r n Bead. Ann. 30% 20.3 2734 4 . 1 3 28.1 94 Do. B l y t h & T y n e 4 % 126% 11.4 117 Do. -44% 138 14.11 131 17.1 7 Do. 1876 4% 1271/c 22.8 117% 3.1 91 30.1 201 TaffVale,No. 1 ... ...216 7.3 15 N o r t h London41%(max. 5%) 150 14.3 139 25.1 11 PREFERENCE STOCKS. 5.3 104 Do. do. .44%, 1875136^ 27.3 126 20.4 84 N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ... 146 Caledonian 4% No. 1 ... 123% 22.9 115 15.8 140 1.1.1 6 15.10| 113% 3.1 8 Do. 4% No. 2 ...121% 1.10J 123 1.2 10 Do. do. U% 18731133 Do. 5% 1878 ...146% 6.9 13734 8.2 8f Do. do. 44% 1876139% 9.4 1311/4 27.9 84 Do. 4% 1881. ...12134 25.9 112% 16.1 94 Ehymnev 6 % 1864 ... 2.4.3 6 ... 162 23.6 156 1.2 8 | Somerset & Dorset, 5% l s t | Do. 4% 1887 ...121% 26.9 113 28.2 16% 21.9 44 Cornwall Minerals, 4% ... 21 Do. 5% 2nd E a s t . &Mid.(Cromer)gu.5% 81% 21.4 78% 8.3 3 9.1 6 6.4 102 Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 108 25.5 98 29.3 8 Do. (Lynn Loop) do. 106 South E a s t e r n Cons. 44%... 13634 19.3 129 17.1 7f Do. (Lynn&Fak.)do.d 9.1 H i t Do. do. 5 % ... 1533/8 29.3 142 4.12] 108% 5.1 Furness4% ... 117 Do. Vested Co's. 4% Stk 123% 24.121 113 13.1 104 6.1 6f TaffVale6% Do. 4% A ... ...115 31.8 22.12! 158 30.1 112 170 7.2 64 Do. 4%B 112% 14.8 106 116 24.101 114 24.1 Do. 4% 6.9 115 11.1 7 Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4% 122 W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs.l Do. do. No. 2 4% 121% 21.3 113% 7.1 84 2.2 10 Great E a s t e r n 4% 124 21.7 114 Do. 4% Pref., 1886 ...12134 16.3 111% 4 . 1 10i INDIAN RAILWAYS. 16.3 112 28.2 8 Do. 4% 1881 120 Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , Lini' 100% 15.3 93 9.10] 74: Do. 44% till 1893 ...121% 27.12|[113 16.2 Do. Shares <£9 paid 8 6.7 1 2.2 4 . 1 69 4.1 8 | Bengal Central, Lm.,<£5pd, 9 Do. 44% Pf., '87,«£60pd.d 69 , 541 29.12 4% 3.1 1*1 17.1 Do. do. 97% 20.3 88 Bengal-Nagpur Stock 19.1! 10734 9.1 |H7 Do. do. all paidi 121 20.121 1131/4 8.5 94 Do. Shares £3 pd.dl 4% 24.1 4% 10.2 94 Do. 4%Pref.l888,allpd.il06 l / 4 23.10 105 23.101 Do. do. ,£9 paidi 11 14.9 11 14.9 04: 12.101 Do. do. d820pd.7' 28 30.10 27 Bombay, Baroda, & CenJnd. |176% 27.12| 160% 19.1 [16* 3.2 1 Great N . of Scotland 4% A112% 27.11! 108 E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 2434 3.4 23% 21.9 141 3.2 Do. do. 4 % B 1 0 4 29.5 102% Do. B do. 1957| 26% 18.8 , 7.1 2 3 . 1 41 Great N o r t h e r n 44% d 140^4 12.4 130 Do. 4% Gua. Deb 116 21.12] 14 16.1 74 7 Do. 44%, 1876 d 140^4 12.4 129 10* E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953| 251/4 31.3 23% 4 . 1 I f 5.4 127 2 Do. 4 %, 1877 a 140 Do. Annuity B ... 27% 10.4 251/4 5.1 24 H ' Do. 4 %, 1881 d 128 20.8 116% 18.1 13i Do, Def. Ann. Cap. 122% 20.12] 114% 3.1 8 31.7 |116 18.1 H i Do. 4 %, 1882 d 127 Do. # 44% Deb. Stock] 130 13.12 119% 29.3 104 Do. 4% Perp. Pf. i 125 27.12| 12314 7. Ill 11 x 155 21.3 145 3.1 , * Great Indian PeninsulaDeb 174 24.12 108% 20.1 19 Great Western 5% 156 11 Do. do, 4% 120% 26.11 4.1 12 17.8 12334 15.11 3i Highland A 4$% 127 1083/8 3.1 9f Indian Midland, Limited ... 118 19.12] Do. B 5% 137% 12.3 'I3334 15. iij 3* Do. Shares i814pd.d| Lancashire & York. 4% Con. 127 19.3 116% 5.1 10* Madras 5 % guaranteed 146 27.1i 131% 25.1 144 Do. do. 4% Pref.cZ 120% 13.1 119 24.1 l ! Do. 4 | % do. 129 4.5 124 3.1 5 16.3 115% 3.1 10| Do. do. 4%, 1882126 Do. 44% do. 128 28.12| 116% 9.1 |Hf Do. do. 4%, 188412534 13.8 115% 3.1 io± Nizam State Railway 15.5 10 118% 11.4 Do. 4 % , 1 8 8 7 £ 2 p d . d 2% 14.1 2% 20.1 04 Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Sc.i 99 Do. do. ^64pd.('d 5^> 7.7 44§ 8.3 04 Oude& Eohilkund5% gua... 105% 16.4 I241/4 10.1 64 J 29.6 34 127% 1.2 7 24.101 04 Do. do. £Q pd. t ^7 4 18.8 # Do. 4% Deb. 110 26.4 104 16.111 6 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 153V4 5.4 14314 31.1 10 Rohilkund & Kumaon Stock] 103 4 . 4 97% 1.12 Do. 2nd do. 5% 151 11.7 1421/4 1.2 54 3 8$ Sc. P. & Del. Ann. " A " 1958 25 4.5 23 9.1 Lon., C h a t h a m , & c , Arb.44% 103 4 26.9 951/4 Do. do. " B " 1 9 5 8 26% 28.3 24% 3.1 2 84 27.9 53% Do. do. 44% 2nd Pref. 65y4 South Indian 5%guaranteed 135% 6.4 127% 3.1 24 9.8 118% 5.1 H I London & NorthWestern4% 129 Do. 4f% do. 16.2 104 London & South Western4% 127% 30.7 117 Do. 44% do. Db.|129% 3l'.12| 117% 27.'9 12 4.8 1117 17.2 10* Do. do. 4%, 1884126 9 Southern M a h r a t t a 4% gua, 116% 10.121 10734 6.1 8 | 1.3 6 •London,Til., & Southend 4% 118% 1.8 112% Do. do. 3.V% Deb.l IOO14 3.9 100ft 3.9 04 Do. do. 4% Pref.,'87i 116% 31. 3 110% 2.3 64 Do. do. 4 % D k S t k . 117 3 14.9 10834 20.1 84 Man.,Shefneld & Lincbln.4% 118 4 19, 6 113% 25.1 Do. 4 % Bearer Bds. 54 6.1 Do. 5% Perpetual 1862144 24.10| 135 W e s t of Ind. Port., Lim. 5 % 115% 28.'12] 19.'7 64 Do. 5% do. ' 1872143% 13.4 1134% 11.2 9 Do. do. 5 % Deb. 118 5.4 112% 12.1 54 Do. 5% do. 187414234 4.12] 133 22.2 9 Do. 5% do. 1876140 14.7 131 16.2 »i Do. 5%, 1879, convert.. 139% 25.4 129 : 27.1 9 BRITISH POSSESSIONS. 6.4 I2614 23.8 1 0 | Do. 5%, 1881 do. ...132 8.11 101ft 3 . 1 91 Mersey 5% P e r p t . Pref. i\ 51 A t . & N.W.5% Gu. 1M. Bds 111 111% 20.2 94 Barbados 6% Pref. Shares! Metropolitan 4 % Perpetual 120% 26 9 H214 9.1 2f Buffalo and Lake Huron .. 12% 2.101 1214 12.1 Of Do. 4% do. 1882115 3.1 Do. 1st Mortgage 5 % 13414 22.8 110 7.3 5 Do. 4% Irred.,1884115 30 2.3 Do. 2nd Mort. 54% ... 13434 30.8 127 108 13.1 7 Do. 4% 1887 ... 115 21 II234 15.8 14 Canada C e n t r a l i s t Mort.... 108% 16.3 105% 15.111 3 Do. New 4% Pref.. 114 14 52% 11.12 12 ; ... 64% 3.1 52 16.4 174 Canadian Pacific 3 % Metropolitan District 5%... 69% 7 Do. 5% St. 1st Mort. IO934 23.6 IO214 10.2 74^ Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 128% 15.8 17% 3.1 [10f 28% 17.7 28% 16.7 Oil N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 122 26.3 115 9.1 7 Do. do. ' bOlp.idl 5 3 % 20.7 5 1 % 17.8 It: Do. Monkland Pref. 6 % . . ... Do. do. 76% 8.9 75% 24.8 oy 5.1 Do. E d i n b u r g h ^ Glasgow 13334 21.3 |127 8.10| 31 Do. do. allpd.i "„ 18.7 95 4.9 141% 6.4 4 Do. 1865 Pref. ... ...145% 3.3 D o . A l g o m a l M . « £ 2 5 p d . ^ 26 3 4 3.3 3.4 Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ...14534 13.10] 140 £f /4 12.3 Do. do. £6BvdAd\ 72ft 5.4 67 Do. U% Irredeem., 1875... 134 21.3 12614 9.1 103% 17.4 3 -: Do. do. all paid.. 106% 29.6 5.1 61 Do. 4 | % Convert., 1875 ... 13234 25.8 126 3 5.12| Do. 5% do. 1879... 14534 12.9 129% 3.2 164 Caraquet 6% 1st Mrt. Bonds 90 4 -5.4 65 10.8 ... 91 28.3 80 Do. 4% do. after 1889125% 20.9 11134 25.1 13f Demerara Do.. 7% P e r p . Pref ..Stk. [146% 29.3 138 15.5 84 Do. 4% do. Pref.,'88/lll3%: 27.121110% ..6.121 si if n 53 RAILWAYS—British Possessions, continued, American Shares, & Currency Bonds for 1888. 0 £1 NAME OF STOCK. & § BRITISH POSSESSIONS; EmuBay&Mt.Bischff.dg5 6 Do. 4£%Irred.Db.i Grand Trunk, G.B.1MU903] 108 Grand T r u n k of Canada Do, Guar. 4 % 75*3/4 Do. I s t P r e f . . 783/ 8 60 Do. 2nd do. Do, 3rd do. 30% Do. 6% 2nd Equip, 1311/2 Do. 5%Perpt.Deb, 124% Do. 4% do, 973/4 Do. G.W.Perp.5%Db 121% Do. do. 6% 1890| 106i/2 Hamilton&N. W . l s t Mt. 6 % 113 Manito.&N.W.6% lMfc.Bds, 104 Do. S . W . C l z n . l M t . G . B . 105% Melbour. & Hob.Bay5%Bds 106% Mid. of Can 5% 1st Mt.(Mid.) HOI/2 Do. 5% 1st Mort. 111 Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt, IO614 Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st Mt, 9i/2 New Brunswick5%lst Mort, 105i/2 Newfound.l Mt. Ld.Gr.Bds. 42i/2 New Zealand Mid. £6 Do. do. .£10 paid. North, of Canada 6% Pref... Q6 Do. 5% 1st Mort, 109 Do. 3rd Pref.A&B .107% Do. I s t N o r t h . E x Prf. 104 Do. North. Ex. Impr, Do. 4 % Debenture Ontario & Que.6%Cap.Stock| 130 Do. 5% P e r . D e b . S t k 120!^ Quebec Central 5% 1st Mort, 25 Do. Committee's Cert, d 33 Do. 5% Income Bds, 25i/8 Do. 5% Prior Lien Bds. 961/2 St. J o h n and Maine 37 Do. 5 % Deben. 109 St. Lawrence & Ottawa 4 % 91 l / 2 Tasman. Main Line6% Pref, 15 Do. 4% Debenture?) 87' Temiscouata5%l'stMt.Deb.' 97 Toron.Grey &Bruce4% l M t , 92 Wel.Grey &Bruce7% IstMt, 103% Wellington & Manawatu . 1 Do. do. 5 % D e b e n i 10934 Do. do. 2nd Issue 1063,4 Do. do. 3rd Issue 105 Windsor & A n n a p . 5% Pref. Do. B 4 % Deben 75% 21.3 n 25.7 Of 15.2 2£ 24.9 14.6 3 13 12.6 101 29.6 29.6 23 29.6 17.1 7 6.1 91 25.1 7 8.2 81 8.121 4Jr 7.12 5 16.1 , * 17.12||17£ 16.4 4|8.11 6" 4 . 1 7£ 7.1 4f 7.11 4 . 1 9*1 4 1 % 8.2 NAME OF STOCK. 11.2 9 12.1 Of 13.2 55 3 . 1 111 4.4 105% 5.1 31 22.2 100 5.1 71 8.9 104 8.9 86% 116% 107 20 24 24 86 27 99 82% 13 791/2 91 82i/2 9934 0% 102 96 1023/8 24.2 70 7£ 13f 13| 5 7.7 9 19.12! 1* 25.101 13.6 |10 17.2 10 18.1 9 3.8 2 12.121 5.121 3.1 6 14.1 9* 9.4 31 14.121 0 i 7.12 10! 18.2 , °* 9 2.3 2.5 2% 27.8 15.9 1.2 73 20.111 75% 12.9 27% 24.2 60ft 13.3 103 9.5 79% 24.9 18.10 2£ 8.11 * * 25.6 10.3 0 i 9.3 6 3.4 |18f 19.3 15.121 5.12 29.12 3 8.2 —continued. Lake Shore & Michigan Sth. 107 Louisville & Nashville ... 653/4 Mexican Central Commoni 16% Missouri 3 Kansas,and Texas 18^ 8 N.Y.Cen.&Hud.R.Lon.Reg. 114% New York, LakeErie&West. 313/8 Do. 6% Preferred 69 N.Y.,Ont.&West.Com.Stk. 18% Do. do. Lon.Reg. 18% N . Y . Susqueh. & W . Pref. i\ 31% Norfolk&WesternPreferred 60% N o r t h Pennsylvania « 83% Northern Pacific Com.Stock 30 Do. Pref. do. 65% Ohio & Mississippi 26 3 4 Do. Preferred ... 9034 Pennsylvania ... ... 58 Philadelphia & Reading d\ 34 3 4 Do. ex assesst. i\ 28 Pittsburg,Fort W a y n e & Ch. 159% St. Louis &SanFrancisco... 25 Do. 2nd Preferred ... 75 St. Louis Ark. & Texas Com. 14% St. Louis Bridge 1st Prefd. 110 Do. 2nd do... 53% Tunnel Railroad of St.Louis 104 Union Pacific Railway ..68% Wabash, St. Louis,& Pacific 16% Do. Pfd. Assess.pd. 2934 7.11| 10.1 52% 26.4 12% 3.1 10% 7.111 10534 l.lOl 22% 2.10| 531/2 2.2 14% 13.1 17% 23.10] 37% 18.9 43% 9.6 83 12.9 12.9 12.9 17% 16.11 72% 1.10| 53 18.2 2 7 ^ 8.9 22% 30.4 153 18.12] 25 27.7 68 10.4 14% 21.12] 105 2.2 51% 14.12]104 7.11| 51% 12.1 3.1 8* 3.4 1 8 | 14.6 13* 30.11] 3f 12.6 8f 14.6 8» 14.6 8* 14.6 15| 12.6 4 4.1 l i 23.10| 7.3 1.6 Of 1.3 , 9 * 22.3 211 12.6 3.7 28.5 5 3.4 11.12 27.12 6 i 18.12] 27.4 10.4 3.2 0 15.8 14.12| I f 3.4 19.3 17" 12.6 4 8| \m \m CURRENCY BONDS. Alabama Great S. 1st Mort. 121% 30.4 114% 13.1 7 Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort. 131% 5.5 1301/4 19.3 1 Alleg. Val. 7% 1 Mrt. Bonds 135 21.8 128% 3.4 Atch. Top.&San.Fe Sink.Fd, 104 29.2 100 31.10! 6f Do. do. 6 % 11234 21.4 104 24.12] 4 Do.Coll.Tst.5%Cp.Bds.: 108V4 8.5 10534 28.6 Mexican Cent. 1st Mt.Bds.'?| 74% 4.4 6434 8.3 Do. 3%Inc.Bds.'i| 25i/2 18.121 I8I/2 28.6 Mexican N a t . 1st Mort.6%i IO514 10.ll] 9514 3.1 10 Minnaplis. &Pac.6% Gd.Bds Minneapolis & Pacific 1 Mrt.l 102% 30.1 li'.'lll 3i Minne. Slt.& At.5%1 M. G.B, 95 4.6 14.12 61 M i n . & N . W e s t 1st M t . B d s . 103i/2 3.2 18.12 , 7 * Miss.,Kan., & Tex.7% 1st M.l 107 16.1 2 2 * 2.11 15 Do. 6% Gen. Mort. 7334 16.1 92 14.6 12i Mobile & Birm., 1st M. G. B . 9834 11.6 61% 14.12] 5 i Nw. Orleans & Gulf G. B d s . 106% 11.4 931/2 22.11 6 i Nw. Yk. Ct. & H . R. 7%Mort J 138 22.5 IOO14 29.12] 5 9.8 133 15.2 3 | Do. 5 % Deb. ... l ^ N.Y.,L.E.,&W.1C.M.B.(E.) 141% 20.11 |no% 15.5 5 Do. I C o n . M t . F d . C p . B . 13614 23.3 136 ,6 i l l i Do. 2 C o n . M o r t . B o n d s '•04% 1.10 1321/2 14.11 ,7 7£ Do. Fd.Coup.5% Bonds] 94 Do. Gold Income Bds, 781/2 8.9 • 78»/2 8.9 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt.l 43i/2 1.10] 3214 8.3 fii'i Do. do. Def. Int. W.| 18% 28.9 12% 6.7 64 1.10] 63/8 26.6 Do. do. 2ndMt. 2.5 Do. do. 3rd Mt. 23/4 12.12| N.Y. Texas &Mx. S t r . l M . B . Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. 124^ 7*9 II6I/2 6.1 8 Do. do. Im.&Ex.6%Bd. 14.9 IO214 12.1 9 Do. do. 7 % A d j . M . B . m% 27.7 107 3.1 8 | N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. 115% 17.5 11634 27.12] 5 i Do. Gen.2ndMt.K.L.G.| 122 11.9 IO51/4 21.3 i i H Do. 3rd Mortgage i 116i/2 13.9 9014 15.5 1 2 | i Ohio&Miss.lst Gen.Mt.Bds. 103 28.4 911/a 30.11 bh 5.9 951/4 22.3 ! 6 Oregon & California 1st Mb. 97 4.1 2i Do. with complete Crt. d\lOlii 2.2 104 Do.with incompleteCrt.d] IO614 IO214 24.'9 991/2 17.4 3" P a n a m a Subsidy Bonds 8.11J 1 U Penns. Rail. Con. Sink. Fd.| 221/2 18.5 111 4.12 4 Do. Gold Bonds 114 27.3 110 Pennsylvania Go. 1st Mort.l II21/4 1.6 1071/4 4.1 4 | 10.11 Perkiomen 5% Gd. B d s 100% 24.121 Phil. & R e a d . 7 % G e n . M o r M 11*12] 2" Do. 5%lstPf.Inc.Mt. 931/2 24.'l2| Do. 2ndPf. do. 7034 22.12! 76i/8 13.11 3f Do. C8i/8 23.10 6034 7.12 7f 12.12! W l Do. 3rdPf. no op.i 68% 25.10] 61 Do. Def. Inc. Bnds.f 10% 25.8 10 3 4 13.8 • 4 01 Do. Stamped 93/s 28.12| 8i/8 11.12| H 9.8 Do. Temp.Eecpts.d] 11% 734 12.6 4t D o . C.Mt.Bds.lstSeries| 941/2 5.5 941/4 5.5 Do. do. 2ndSeries/8 5.7 Midland of Uruguay. £4 pd. 3 3 4 1 2 . 9 Do. do. 6% Deb. 117 26.7 111 1.2 6 Do. . Deb.Stk.<£40pd.d 49% 7.4 ! 38% 13.2 11 Do. do. 5%Deb.i 100 27.12 92V4 27.7 Do. do. ^865pd.-i 79% 13.9 ' 70^2 6.7 9 Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim. 2 1 3 ^ 15.10 176 23.1 3 7 ! i Do. do. all paid 11034 11.10 96% 13.3 14i Do. Extension, 1890 ... 20 16.10 1 6 £ 4.1 3TO Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 24 17.7 221/8 16.2 ^ Do. do. 1892, .£10 pd.... 183/8 17.10 141/s 3.1 4 t N a m u r and Liege 12-fc 26.7 12& 16.4 Do. do.2ndiss.<£lpd.i'd 6M 9.4 5 ^ 9.2 14 14.2 26 12.7 2 Do. Preference 28 Do. do. £3 paid-i 11*£ 16.1Q 81/4 5.6 3A Nitrate Railways ... ^ 3014 15.11 22% 13.9 7^ Do. 5% Debenture Stock 1341/; 21.8 123 3.1 18.10 3 | Do. Def. (Bonus) i i 28% 14.11 25 Buenos Ayres & E n . P., It.d 15% 3.10 1 0 3.1 51 Nt.East.ofUrug.7%Pf.2ip.<2 4% 11.1 43/8 17.1 Do. Stock i 166% 5.11 143 14.12 2 3 | Do. do. . £5 8% 23.5 7 3.2 i t Do. do. 8% Prf ;d 1834 21.9 15% 9.1 3 i Do. do. £7^-pd Ad 11% 31.8 10% 14.6 Do. do. 7%PrfA 174 3.11 157 28.12 17 Do. do. ,£10 paid^ 14V4 12.9 13& 6.12 1 1 Do. do. 5%Db. 115% 17.9 110 14.2 51 N t h . W e s t of Argent.7%Pf A Hi/4 31.5 ioy8 4.10 l ^ i Do. 5%BMrt.Db. 1131/2 14.4 109 24.1 4* 5.10 Do. 6% Deb. .£40 paid 58% 16.10 58 ; 1 Buenos Ayres Northern ... 1791/ 22.8 90 3.1 8 9 | Do. do. ,£70pd. i 8814 20.10 S5% 31.12 2f Do. do. 8% Pref... 232% 24.8 150 5.1 82^ N o r t h West, of Urug. Ordy. 1514 12.4 9 10.2 6 i Do. do. 6% Deb.... 105% 20.8 102 24.9 3f 11.4 my2 25.1 l ? i Do. do. 1st Prf. 84 Do. do.5%Mrt.Deb. 119% 31.5 108% 3.1 11 11.4 43 12,11 19 Do. do. 2nd do. 62 Buenos Ayr. & Pac. 7% Prf. 1135% 18.10 123% 3.1 Do. 6% Deb. Stk. I2134 12.4 107% 3 . 1 . 14i Do. 7% Debenture 14814 3.10 134 3.1 1 4 | Norwegian T r u n k Pref. ... Do. 7% Mer. Exten. 113% 30.10 102% 12.1 H i Ottoman (Smyrna to Aidin) 18% 31.12 "9% 23.'i 9 i * Buenos Ayres & Eos., Lim. 181 4.10 157 9.1 24 Palermo,Mar sala,& Tr apani Do*. 7% Preference 1734 30.7 J5H 11,1 118 Piraeus, Athens,Pelopnnes. i ' % 29*.10 '434 4.*9 ^ ; Do. (Sunchales Ext.) i m 2.10 15& 16.1 2k Por.Ale.&N.H.Br.,L.Pf.Shs. 8% 23.3 4% 26.1 4 Do, 5 % Deb. 1313/8 27.8 1183,4 3.1 1 2 | 23.8 93 23.1 8 Do. do. Deb. 101 •: D o . Tucum.«£2pd.i*tf 6 ^ 4.4 4% 9.'2 fie Provincial Orel-Vitebsk' ... 1834 14.9 1634 30.4 2 7% 25 A 1B QuebradaRly.L.&Copp.Lim. 7 ; Do, do. £4pdAd 8% 28.6 5.11 3% .16.6 3 | . 7.8 If 1 Do. do. £6p&Ad 113,4 3.10 W/s 27.10 75 29.6 19 1 Do. 6% Debenture 94 f Do. do. .£8pd. i I31/2 6.10 11 22.11 2\ Recife & Sao Francisco, L.. 110 18.4 IOO14 16.8 9 | l B. A. & Valp.7%Pref.^7p.cZ 71/s 11.1 6 i * 17.1 1514 3.8 14 /2 25.4 Of oft Riga and Dunaburg Do. do. <£10pd.<£ 103/8 10.4 •8% 5.12 I f Royal Sardinian 10% 16.6 9 ^ 7.1 0 ^ Do. do. 7%Deb.i 121 27.9 111% 6.12 9£ Do. ^ Preference ... 11A 28.6 10% 22.2 Central Argentine, Limited 218 30.11 165 15.2 53 1 Royal Swedish Do. Shares ,£10 paid d 30 30.1 25% 5.1 4 | Do. Preferred i" "i% 20.'l0 "il/8 20.'l0 Do. . do. «£20 paidifZ 3934 -1.2 3934 1.2 D o . ( A s s o . P r o . ) D b . S t k . 112% 1 0 . 4 . 108% 31.7 4* Do. do, £h paid.iVZ 2114 11.7 20% 20.7 1 Sambre and Meuse H14 17.8 10 23.2. H 1 Do. do. ^ e i O p a i d ^ 303,4 3.10 2 5 ^ 1.8 5* | Do. h\% Pref.... 1234 22.10 1134 7.1 1 f Do. do. ,£15 paid i 383/8 31.12 3514 10.11 3£ , i San Paulo (Braz.)L.,Gua.7% 45 24.9 3934 4.1 54 Do. 6% Debenture Stk. 156 27,11 13914 3.1 1 6 | 6.11 131% 9.1 5 i Do. h\% Debent. Stk. 137 Central Uruguayof Mont.,L. 15% 27.12 II14 13.1 4 i Smyrna and Cassaba, Lim. 241^ 13.12 20 27.2 4 | :| Do. Permanent 6% Deb. 147 24.9 | 132% 3.1 2614 26.1 2 Do. # 7% Preference 2814 13.3 Conde d'Eu, Limited......... 1734 20.3 1334 3.1 4 6#- 5O.O 3#3 9% 27.8 South Austrian "IS 50% 10.5 48 Cbpiapo 16.10 2i\ South. Braz. Rio Grande,&c. 21% 24.1 17% 24.4 Cordoba Central .£15 $&.id 16 6.2 I51/4 1.2 Of Do. I r r e . D e b . S t k . J 122% 16.1 IO314 8.10 i 4 i Do. .£20 pd.-i 26% 15.10 20% 16.2 51 Swedish Central Deb. Stk. 7414 29.5 7034 16.2 H Do.5%Db.Sc.«£20 p&Ad 271/2 27.4 26V4 25.4 14 Do. do. Pref. Stk. Do. do. <£45 pd.icZ 52% 2.5 50% 25.6 2 Taltal Ordinary Shares ... "5% 13.10 "414 1 4 . 3 . i f Do. do. <£70pd.d. i\ 12% 22.11| 11% 5% NewW e s t . Brewery,Limited 6% 19.1 Do. do. 6% Pref.... 53/8 13.111 Northampton Ordinary i\ 14 26.10) 13% Do. Pref. A lift'18.8 Do. 5% Deb. *105fc 3.9 103§f Nottingham 7% Pref. i\ Do. 1st Mt. Deb. i\ St.Pauli Brews.Or.<£5 pd.-id , 10% 3.3 10 . Do. do. d871pd.tdfl 13% 12.4 1234 Do. do, «£10pd.i 18% 3.12| 15% 7 Do. do. Pref. p65pd.-id 7% 12.3 Do. do. 10% 18.4 10% 12% Do. do. <£10pd.<» 13% 15.11 Showell (W. & S.) Ord. i\ 12 10.12 113,4 Do. 7% Pref, Do. 5% Deb. i\1021/. 8."ll] 102 16.6 5% Smith, Garrett & Co..^85 pd. Do. do. .£20 paid 3.111 22 Do. do. Pref.f 22 Stroud 5% Debenture i 105 16.10]102% Threlfall's Ordinary 1 ' 1 2 * 23.7 103>4 4.12] 11% Do. Preference 1 12% Do. 5% 1st Mort. 1 115% 29.121 10934 W a t n e y & Co., Lim.,5%Deb, 125% 20.6 119 CANALS AND DOCKS, Alexandra Docks & Railway 17% Do. Con. Pref. Stk. A108% Do. Perp.Deb.Stock...102% Birmingham Canal 127% B u t e Docks 4 % Debenture|ll4 Dry Dock Corp. 6 % Pref. E a s t and W e s t I n d i a Dock 37 Do. Debenture Stock Grand Junction Canal ...119 Do. 6% Preference...! Ifi1^ HullDock ... Do. 4^% Convert. Pref.I Do. 4% Debenture Stk. 923,4 Do. 41% do. 99% London & St.Katharine Dk. 45% Do. 4 | % Preferential 112% Do. 41% New Pref.... 107 Do. New Pref., 18821033,4 Do. 4% Debenture ...113% Manchester Ship Can. pd.up 9% Do. do. <£4pd.d 2H Do. do. ^ 5 paid t 4ysr Milford " A " Deb. Stock... 100% NAME OF STOCK. OS & 8 CANALS & DOCKS—cont. 9.Q [16^ MillwallDock 76% 21.11 60 9.11 9234 29.2 84 Do. 4^% Preference! 101 30.11 110 Do. 5% Perp. Pref. 11534 6.3 51 Do. do. 1887/ 106% 10.12 10034 27.3 5f 25.10 !125 Do. 5% Perp. Deb.... 1.8 3| Neath H a r b o u r 1st Mort.... 10 23.11,' W8 3.12| 12% 31.3 Newhaven Harbour 4% . . 1.6 Regent's Can. City & Docks] 85 15.2 19.12] •••4 14.7 Sharpness New Dk.4^% Db.i 97 14.7 14 If Do. d:>. 4% Deb.! 82% 14.7 97 14.7 Southampton Dock ...| 33 25.1 82% 20.3 10.9 17.10] Do. 4% Con. Pref. 83 22.9 25 10.4 16.9 01 Do. 4 | % D e b . Stk.j 114 23.10| 71 28.4 . Ofr Suez Canal Shares ... 89% 24.9 |108 3.1 81% 56£ Do. A r r e a r Obligations] 164 Do. Delegations,1894. 84 Surrey Commercial Dock 123 12.11 10434 15.3 184 15.3 9 Do. 4% A Preference] 117 10.3 108 4| 24.10 3f 124% 4.6 124% Do. 5%B do. 4.6 10.10 2 Do. 5%C do. 29.3 Do. 4£% Debenture..] 18.11 2 26.11| If 30.8 }&! COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL 434 5.1 01 5% 19.7 25.9 II Aerated Bread, Limited .. 7% 31.10| 2% 19.6 4i 12.9 1* Aluminium A Shares 23.8 Do. 6 % Debs. 23.8 100 100 16.11! Anglo-Americn.Brush«£4pd.l 4% 3.11] 2% 17.7 24 4.8 Do. do. fully paid] 5% 31.10] 33/8 19.7 6.9 18.8 of Argentine Sugar E s t . & Fac. 6.1 9 Artizans'Lab. & Gen. Dwell.] 115 10.*8 .06 15.11 Of 3.12] Do. 4 | % Pref.Stk.1879 112 16.6 !l06% 2.3 3 Do. 4}% Pref .Stk.1884 109 4 . 4 |106 26.7 2 3.3 04 Assam Rlwys.&Trad.L.,Prf. 7 23.11 5 Do. do. Deferred % 16.1 y2 7.121 4 . 4 01 Do. do. Pre-prf. A 12% 22.111 11& 29.10] 1 * 26.4 2* Do. do. 6 % Debs. 103 19.11 101% 21.7 28.2 0 i 29.3 04 Aus.El.L.Po.& St. 5 L. £ £4|pd, 18.6 Of Australian Pastoral Ord. i ioy8 13.'l0 i S & 28.'l2| Do. do. Pref. i 10% 20.11] 10 15.12] 20.12] 04 15 18.1 Aylesbury Dairy Com. Lim.1 13.9 01 Bahia Central Sugar F a c L . 3 % 28.9 3% 28.9 Sf 8.111 0i Barnagore J u t e Factory, L.| 5% 2.2 0^ 6l/8 14.6 13.1l| 0 * Belgravia Dairy 5.10] 1 * 13.1 0^ 1* Bell (R.) & Co. 7% 3.12 7.4 2* 3.111 19% 28. ll] 9 29.8 10| 14.12! 21 Bell's Asbestos Bland, J o h n & Co. SI pd. i\ % 6 % 6.9 30.8 1A| Bodega, Limited ... 2% 26.101 1 * 13.6 i*l 30.8 1* 95% 27.12] 92% 13.8 14.11] 61 Borax 6% Deb. Brazil E x t r a c t of Meat 5% 7.1! 4% 22.5 01 4.1 6 i Brighton Aquarium Brooke, Sim.,&Spil. A ShrsJ *5 19.'l 3% 29.111 i'i3 Brown, Davis & Co. Lim. To o V . l 0^ 4 2.2 Brunner, Mond & Co., Lira.] 37% 21.111 26 3 4 3.1 10f Do. do. .£4 pd... Do. do. 7% Pref, 15% 30.10 14 6.*3 22.10] 22.10] Do. do. £8 pd... 18.4 99 20.9 41 25.6 100 19.11! 2 f B r y a n t & May, Limited ... Mft 3.7 12% 23.'ll| 22.9 % 15.6 0^ B r y a n t , Powis, & B r y a n t ... 5.4 [11756 3.1 , 27.7 334 31.1 i f 5.4 13.10] 104 Campbell (Robert) & Sons) Canadian Phosphate i 13.2 110 13.2 4 CantareiraWaterSupplyDb. 106% 11.12 103% 22.3 3' 4.1 21.3 26" 30.11! 7.12 46 Do. 2ndiss.<£45pd.'£d| 46% 16.8 62 6.12| 24f 19.12| Do. .£65 pd. ' 67 19.12 67 6.12| 111 13.1 8 25.6 i" 9.111 14 Cassell & Co. 30.4 15 31.1 1 * 15 17.3 10234 3.4 4i 21.2 29% 3.7 74 Catalinas "Ware. 6 % Deb.. 107 Do. 5%«£30pd.i| >3% 28.12| 32% 14.12| Ceara H a r b o u r Corporation 9% 24.2 17.*9 90% 7% 11.2 1 7.* 7 8.12| 24 9.8 99 Ct.Prod.Mkt.(B.Ay.)lstM.i iift IIA "9i * 14.6 « 1 0 Fore St. Warehouse, Lim. d 1356 4 . 1 11% 30.1 ! if Nordenfeli Guns & Am. d 2% 14.7 l Do. do. d811pd/i 956 28.7 i Do. do. 5% Deb d 103 15.3 100 16.4 3 856 27.9 Foster, Porter, & Co., Lim. 1534 19.11 I414 16.1 U Norton Brothers & Co.,Lim. 5ft 12.11 5 ^ 12.11 General HydraulicPower,L. 10 6.9 634 12.1 3 i Pawson & Co., Limited ... 65/8 5.1 5% 17.1 Of Do. do. New 7ft 17.2 614 24.1 | on Phospho-Guano, Limited ... 33/8 15.10 214 19.6 H Do. do. £ 2 paid d 5 14.6 434 5.6 ! 0i Pilsen, JoelElec.L.,L.28s.pd. A 17.12 ft 17.12 Do. do. i^paid'ici 83/8 2.11 7 30.8 i f Pound (H.)Son & H u t c h i n s i 456 2.S 3 21.6 r* Do. do. £ 5 paid i 934 1.12 954 19.12 1 o* Prairie Cattle, Limited ... Glenrock, Limited 56 5.1 19.'ll 1714 s i i 4 | 56 19.12 1 Of Price's P a t e n t Candle, Lim. 1 22 Goldsborough (R.) & Co. ... 2Jj3 16.10 1% 20.1 0 * Primitiva Nitrate<£4^ paid d I73/4 H . 4 13 3.1 4f Greenwich F e r r y 3i/2 7.7 Do. £5 paidi 393/8 7.12 I334 1.6 2 5 | 356 7.7 Recife Drainage, Lim., Deb. 86 29.11 86 29.11 Do. 6 % Deb... Harrison, Barber, & Co. ... "656 23.'ll "334 2 l i 2 2f Regie Monoply.Cig. & Tob.-i 2 1.3 1 056 25.8 ii Hildesheimer (S) & Co. ... 556 2 1 . 6 5 21.6 0 | Rio de Janeiro City Imp., L. 3356 6.10 2856 6.1 5 Hobbs, H a r t , & Co. x Do. do. 5% Deb. 10634 5.9 IO214 6.12 4 i Hop B i t t e r s Do. do. 5% % 7.3 V4 1.6 Of 10756 19.4 10256 13.7 5 Hornsby (Richard) & Sons 3 % 25.10 33/8 10.11 Ok Jan.Flour Mills<£7ip.eZ 756 25.1 71/2 25.1 • Do. do. 6% Pref. Do. do. «£8|pd.i 83/8 7.4 756 26.5 Do. do. 5% Deb. Do. do. £ 1 0 pd. IOV4 8.11 856 23.10 Of Hotchkiss Ordnance Ord.... 17% 4.'l "856 io"8 9f River PlateFreshMeat,Lim. 356 11.10 234 25.9 Of Do. do. 7% Pref 1134 4 . 1 8 13.8 3f Royal Aquarium S o c , Lim. 3% 12.7 21/4 5.6 I f Do. do.5%Mt.Db. IO41/4 9.4 9656 18.8 7f Do. 6 % Pref. 5i/8 11.7 4% 2 . 3 0 i Howell & James, Limited... 234 27.3 2 6.10 0 | Royal Niger Co. Ch. &L. £2 254 18.5 1T96 13.3 434 16.2 Humber & Co 3 13.1;2 - « 3 Do. do. £ 1 0 pd. 9*f 22.2 91/4 16.7 Oft I m p . Russian Cot. & J u t e i 6i/2 16.11 53/8 16.10 H R u d g e Cycle £ 5 paid i 556 8.12 4 23.2 H. Improved Indus. Dwell., L. 126 10.2 122 18.9 4 Sadler & Co., " B ' ; & " C " S h . 6% 27.10 5% 2.11 Of ImprovedWoodPavemnt.,L. 11J6 7.7 1056 3 . 1 I f Samuda Bros., Limited ... 4i/6 10.1 l 3 4 3.8 2f India Rubber, &c, Works,L. 23 20.1 1534 18.2 San Pablo Nitrate £4< paid i 1056 16.10 9% 9.10 0^ Do. 4^% D e b . 1896 105 10.1 10356 2.2 l i Do. do. £b paid.. 1714 29.11 10% 17.10 6f Jensen (J.) & Co 334 3.1 134 13.7 2 Serajgunge J u t e , Limited... Kynoch (G.) & Co., Pref. ... 1214 28.6 8 10.3 4* \ Do. A Pref. ... ... La Guaira H a r . 7% D b . Stk. 10414 25.9 93 9.2 Simson & Mason "i56 n i l 034 9.4 Of LakeCopais6%Db.d875pd.^ 74 6.11 7356 17.10 0* Spiers & Pond 121/6 18.6 1034 4 . 1 i f Do. do. all pd. i 933/8 7.12 921,6 5.12 Of Do. 5% I s t M o r t . 111 25.6 106 12.1 5 73/8 21.6 3f Lawes'Chem. Manure£9pdr 7 18.9 556 20.4 1* S p r a t t ' s P a t e n t 11 5.1 034 5.6 1ft Do. do. # Pref.-i 10% 14.11 10% 14.11 Do. (America)... l i t 4 . 1 Levy's J u t e SpinningWk.,L. 3 H 16.10 256 7.5 ift Do. (Russia) ... 3 31.10 11/4 3.1 I f Liebig's E x t r a c t of Meat, L. 59 20.6 5156 17.2 Swan United Electric L t . , L . 2 f t 30.10 Ifk 6 . 1 I f 214 3.11 1* LinoleumManufacturing,L. 2614 16.8 24 14.1 2 i Swedish Match £ 5 paid i 334 27.6 14 24.2 Liverpool Nitrate ... i 3334 15.11 1 6 * 15.6 im\ Tambracherry E s t a t e s , L.... 14 24.2 London & Glasgow Eng., L. Tele. Construc.&Maint.Lim. 4iy 4 27.12 3856 9.1 3* London a n d Tilbury Light i 656 26.'l0 614 31.'10 6'i Do. do. 6%Bnds. 10356 7.12 101 25.2 London N i t r a t e Ordinary i 3iy2 20.12 16 10.7 | 151 Tramways & Gen. W o r k s , L. % 15.5 i % 18.4 j Do. Pref. i\ 18i/2 8.11 17% 24.10 H Townsend (C.) Hook, & 11% 18.9 1054 17.10 Lon.Prod.Clear.Hs.£2|pd. i\ 6ft 2 . 5 234 16.8 3ft United Asbestos, L., Ord. A ... ... London Stereoscopic, Lim.. 3% 25.1 Do. Def.B 356 6.11 Of .. Max Greger, Limited, A ... % 21.9 ft 7.3 oft Uni. Horse Shoe &Nail,Lim. ' ft 8,3 "te 8.3 l Maxim-Nordenfelt... i\ 5% 15,11 41/9 18.12 I f Do. . do. Pref. % 13.2 A 7.9 Of Do. Deb. i\ 9634 29.11 9 4 " 15.12 a* Uni.Limmer&Vor.Rck.A.,L. 2 ^ 22.11 1 f t 30.4 Of J Maxim-West on Electric, L. United States Rolling Stock 9% 18.4 6% 10.7 3^ ft 3.9 ft 19-1 McEwan (James) & Co. i\ 13y8 7.4 1156 16.10 Do. 6% Deb. IO534 8.11 99 22.3 6f Do. 6 % M r t . D b s / i II734 17.4 113 14.2 41 Do. 6 % R e a l E s t . B d s . 105 20.1 101 17.4 4 Metro. Assoc.forImp.Dwell. 26J6 19.6 2414 6.4 2 i Do. C o l l a t . T r u s t D b s . 95 25.9 89 31.5 6 Midland Rail. Car. &Wag.L. Val de TraversAsph.Pav.,L. 1334 3.3 1256 14.1 H ... 1 ... Do. do. 6 % Pref. Vivian (H.H.) & Co. Pref.... 55fc 18.9 4 15.5 1* ••• II Milner's Safe, Limited ... ii 6.1 5ft 4.'6 1614 11.7 Of WaterlowBrothers&Layton 18w 19.11 13 Moir (John) & Son 7% Pref. 256 15.10 13/4 20.4 Of Welford & Sons 3 ^ 18.8 214 2 9 . 3 , OM Morgan & Co. 4 4.10 Wenham, Limited ... i\ % 25.8 5 H 7.1 ft 28.11 Oft Morris (B) & Sons 63/4 9.1. 3 % 22.3 °s 3 » 6.7 3ft Wickens, Pease, & Co. 456 3.1 I Morris (Phillip) & Co. 4 3.1 2 8.11 2 Young's P a r . Lt.,Lt.c£3 paid 2% 23.10 23/s 27.2 Morris Tube Am. & Sf.Range 3 H 2.2 2% 3.8 !•& 1 N a t . A g r . H a l l 6%lstM.Deb.| 87 6.3 86 6.2 1 °* u* °m ml n m n\ 3 1 3 ml 1 1 1 56 °" FOREIGN and COLONIAL CORPORATIONS & FINANCIAL, LAND, &c, for 1888. +3 CO NAME OF STOCK. bo S 3 FOREIGN I COL. CORPORATIONS, Auckland Har. Brd.,6%Deb. 107^ Do. do. 5%Deb. 106% Do. 5%Debs 1936 104% Boro. of Invercar. 4£% Deb. 103 1083,4 Borough of Kimberley Borough of Napier 6% Co is. 111 Borough of St. Kilda i 107 Borough of Timaru 7 % il5 Boston City (U.S.) 5%, 1899 105% Do. do. 1902 116^ Do. do. 1893 107'" City of Auckland 6% of 1872 1171/2 Do 6% of 1876 II91/2 Do 6% of 1879 1211/2 Do 5% of 1883 11034 City of Bri&banefBd.Db.)5% 105% 1 City of B . Ayres 6% Deb. i 102% City of Cape Town 5% Deb. 1105% City of Christchurch 6 % ... 12534 City of Cordoba 6% % lOli/o City of D u n e d i n 6 %, 1925... 126% Do. 6%, 1906... 114/9 Do. 5 % , 1908... 110 City of Fitzroy 5% Dbs.1916 11034 City of HobartTown5%Deb 116 1 City of London (Ontario)5% 103% Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. City of Melbourne 5 % ... 116 Do. 4 | % ... 115 Do. 4% Deb. 1885 1071/4 'City of Montreal 5% Sterling 109% Do. 5 % , 1904... 109 Do. 5%, 1909... 110 Do. Deb. <£40topayo. 4|%Db.«£50pd.w? 52% 13.6 521/g Do. <£75 paid id\ 77 26.7 77 Do. all paid i\ 102% 29.9 100 NAME OF STOCK. [I TRUSTS—continued. ; 19.3 U6I/4 Fo.. Ame.,& Gn.Iri.T.,L.Pref. 124 Do. do. do. Def.123 12.9 112 Do. 4% Per. Deb.Stk. 107% 3.5 1023/4 23.'5 3* 30.5 Of For. & Col.Gov. Tst. } L.,Pref. 132 17.3 124 Do. do. Def.136% 23. l l | 124% 9.2 H G e n . & C o m . I n v e s . T s t . S h s . 10% 19.3 10% 13.9 Do. do. Pref. Stk. 114 21.8 108% 21.2 15.111 98 Do. do. Def. Stk. 105 17.9 Do. 4^/oDeb.Stk.i; 105 13.111 102 11.10 H Governments Stk. Inv. Pref .1053^ 11.4 98% 21.8 Do. do. Def. 115 19.10| 106 1.9 5.6 1071/4 Do. do. 4 | % Debs. 113 22.10 Do. do. 4% Per. Deb. 103% 14.12| 100% 13.1 6 Investment Corp. £4< pd. id\ 4% 30.7 Do. < £ 6 p d . ^ 6-1-f 15.101 6f« 2(h8 Do. <£10pd. id\ 11 24.101 10M Do. Pref. Stk.i 95 14.11 93 2.11 H\\ Do. Def. Stk. 1133 16.11 128% 19.6 Do. 4 % D b . ^ 2 5 p d . ^ | 26% 25.9 26V4 11.12 3k Do. .£50pd.<£cl 51% 6.101 50% 18.10 6iDo. paid tip i 102% 17.12 101 19.10 3* Mercantile Invest. Ld. Pref .119% 29.I0! 111% 27.7 13.2 I123 /8 Do. do. Def.120 3.11 12* Do. do. 4 % Deb. 106% 19.3 100 3.9 Its 7.5 19% Municipal T r u s t Preferred 22 6.7 15.111 17 Do. Defd. 22 29.10 4f Do. 4^% Debs.<£ 105 26.5 J100 31.7 1 Omnium Investment Pref. i 103% 6.12] 98% Do. Def. *115% 12.12 108% 16.1 Railway DebentureTrust,L. 11% 15.101 1 0 ^ 19.1 Do; * 5% Debentures 114 20.3 110 10.5 9 T Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk. 112 25.2 107% 8.5 Do. 4 % D e b n t . S t k . 1 0 4 24.4 99% 21.12 16.3 0> Railway Investment Pref.... IO414 26.3 98 Do. do. Def. 31 27.9 23 31.5 30 20.7 5f Railway Share Trust, L., A 8 ^ 16.1 6^ Do. " B " 6% Pref. 26% 30.10| 22% 7.3 5h R. Plate & G. I n . Tst. <£2pd. 214 3.7 2^ Do. «£4pd. i\ 4*% 7.11 4 27.1 *k 10.12 Of Scottish Inves. & Trst. Pref .113% 8.Ill .08 Do. do. Def. 112% 12.9 102 18.'4 Do. do. 4% Deb. i\ ... Submarine Cables T r u s t ... 110 27"9 93 6.1 o^ 27.4 0k TJ.S.& S . A - J n v e s t . T r . P r e f . 1141 21.8 108 Do. do. Deferred l l l ^ 20.3 103% 19.1 1 Do. do. 4 % Deb.]104% 11.4 993,4 28.6 < H GAS 3.2 1* 1 8.8 94; 1Alliance &Dublin(max.l0%)' 193^ 20.3 Do. do. (do. 7%)f 22.6 1* 18.5 01 Aust. Gas Light (Sydney)...! 112% 20.4 1083,4 23.7 of Bahia, Limited 253/g 23.11 22 9.7' Of Do. 10% Pref.... 12.3 243/4 28.12 7* Bombay, Limited ~ 8 31.3 6.1 0i 5 . Do. New ... 53/4 14.4 7.1 7* Brentford, Consolidated ... 227% 2.11 221 18.12 0i 14.4 160% Do. New Stock ...166 26.6 125 Do. 5% Preference... 130 14.'12 4* Do. 4% Debenture... ... Brighton and Hove General 45V4 25.*8 42% B r i t i s h Gas Light, Limited 47 9.101 44 17.*2 Bromley Consumers 10 % ... 21% 24.7 ?1% 14.9 Do. do. 7% ... ... 15.6 0% Buenos Ay. (New),L.£10pd. 15% 11.'9 13% 26.7 5.101 7% Do. do. «£5pd.i<£ .9 12.12 2i Do. do. «£10pd.4 1.3 31.12 13 TRUSTS. Bo. 6% Deb. 112 28.9 106 Amer. Invest. Trust,L.,Pref. 123% 29.3 116 16.5 n Cagliari Gas and W a t e r , L. 27 6.3 26 Do. do. Def. 123 31.8 110 Commercial,Consolidated... 281% 9.2 |257 9.3 13 Do. 4 % Deb. 1105% •3.7 10134 5.12 4 7.9 |205 Do. • New Stock ...216 Army & Navy I n . Trs.d£5pd. 6 31.1 6 Do. 4 | % Deb. Stk. 127 31.5 120 31.1 Do. do. «£7£pd. 8% 16.3 s% 9.2 Of Continental Union, Limited 46% 28.8 42% Do. do. <£10 pd. 11% 9.4 11 Do. New, '69 & ' 72 31 20.1 28 30.4 Do. do. Pref. Stk.J 116 15.5 112 . Do. 7 % Pref. ... 373,4 11.121 35% 9.6 4 Do. do. Deferred.' 115% 6.10| no 15.5 5* Crystal Palace District ... 210 24.1 210 Do. do.4% Deb. StkJ 105% 26.5 Do. 7% ...152 21,9 148% 18.8 3 1 Bankers' Invest.Tst. £2 pd. 14.7 Do. 6 % Pref. 153 8.8 135 8.6 Do. «£4Lpd.^ 1.8.7 |l02i 27.8 0 ^ European, Limited.., ... 26% 17.9 24 /2 13.111 Do. £7 pd. i\ 20.9 17 Do. New 19 10.12 Oft 22.11 Do. 4 % D e b . i\107 9.101 11& Do. do. (,£5paid)| 13 2.10 1* °^ °M °M\ °H a °M\ °* °* m iu °m m 6i m 13.1 0ft Do. 6% Deben., 1891 108 21.1 (103% 15.8 lft 4^ 1.2 % 19.6 oft Do. 5% do. 19001105% 14.3 101% 4.7 4 15.3 % 27.6 ot Do. 5% do. 1890 102 13.1! I100 15.5 28.1 4ft 28.5 2^ East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900| 24.3 101 13.7 3.1 % 3.7 (Mr German Union, Limited 9 18.5 9% 31.7}| 1% 19.12 Globe, Limited 7ft 27.9 5% 7.1 12.1 2% 10.7 2 6.1 Do. 6 % Preferencel 14% 8.11! 13 31.12| 2*| 17.9 OH Gt. N o r t h e r n of Copenhagen 15% 5.121 13% 18.1 2 fa 6.1 % 6.1 100 3.1 I I Do. 5%Deb.(iss.l880)l 105 6.4 Dof 5 % do. (iss.1883) 108 19.7 103% 10421 l i 5 4i 5.3 3 21.8 oft 13.11 1% 27.3 2f8 14.4 43 29.101 2% id 9.6 21.8 13.11 12.9 5-io 16.1 331 5 5.7 0 16 m\\ °M\ °M\ n m\\ °M\ °* °* u\\ \m n, £ M om °\ °* 63 TELEGRAPHS & TELEPHONES cont., TRAMS. & OMNIBUS, and WATERWORKS for 1888. 43 NAME OF STOCK. •a 1 TELEGRA. & TELEPHO.—con. Indo-European, Limited ... 40 5.4 36)6 London Platino-Braz., Lim. 6% 15.5 4*4 Do. 6 % Debentures 111 19.11 103 Oriental Telephone, Lim.... * &UA R e u t e r ' s , Limited 8y 4 3 i . i 714 Submarine 145 9.7 131 United River P l a t e Telepho. 6 ^ 30.6 4t^ United Telephone, Limited 15% 30.4 1134 Do.iss.atd82pm.«£2|p.cZ 11-& 30.4 7^ Do. do. £5 pd. id 15 4 . 5 13& W e s t African Telegraph ... Do. do. 5% Debs. ; 9 8 # £ 8 96 W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 9Yo 16.11 5 ^ Do. 8% Debentures 123& 8.12 112 W e s t e r n & Brazilian, Lim uy8 6 . n m Do. do. Preferred 7i/2 17.10 534 Do. do. Deferrec 7 ^ 7.11 2*3 Do. Deb., " A , " 1910 112 29.10 108% 7.9 106 Do. Deb., " B , " 1910 1109 2JL 2.11 034 W e s t India & Panama,Lim Do. do. 1st Pref 12% 2 i . l l 9i/2 - Do. do. 2nd do. 12% 19.11 j 5 ^ W e s t e r n Union 7% 1st Mort 118 10.11 118 Do. Sterling Bond? 105 1.2 10034 NAME OF STOCK, P R 28.5 3 H 4.1 H 6.3 3 5.6 0 8 L I 5.11 1 24.8 14 4.4 I f 5.1 31 5.1 4* 28.6 1A i'.'s si TRAMS. & OMNIBUS—COM. Montreal St. Kail. 5% Deb. i 11034 N o r t h Metropolitan i9y 2 Do. New, .£9 paid d 18% Do. do. «£10 paid id 18 N o r t h Staffordshire,Lim.... 53/4 Nottingham&District, Lim. 6 Provincial Limited m Sheffield 6 Southampton 9 South London 5l4 Southwark & Deptfd., Lim. 4'4 Sunderland, Limited 5ft Tramways Co. of F r a n c e , L. 4& TramwaysCo.of Germany,L. 14 Tramways Union, Limited Wg Do. 5 % Debentures 102^ Vienna General Omnibus,L. 2 l / 4 Wolverhampton, Limited... 4% 20.1 4 ^ 9.8 l i t 3.1 K 5 3 . 1 °4r1 0 5.1 4ff 4 . 9 3* 19.4 3 10.2 •»-ie 5.1 31 3.3 6 H WATERWORKS. 10.11 Alexandria 1 43 9.10 1 * * A n t w e r p , Limited 1556 Chelsea Ordinary ... 264 Do. 5 % Pref. i 137 Do. 4 | % Pref. i 122 Do. 4|% Deb. i 122 TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. l City of St. Petersburg, Lim 11/2 5 23.11 H 6*4 9.4 Anglo-Argentme, L i m i t e d . 7.6 126 11.2 31 Colno Valley 11 Do. 6 % Debenture Stk 129% 1234 29.6 | 103/Q 12.1 2f Do. 4% D e b . Barcelona, Limited 143/8 28.12 iiy 2 3.1 1 ft8 E a s t London 20314 Belfast Street G r a n d Junction (max. 10%)I2714 Birkenhead OrdinaryDo. New (max. 7%) 88 10.*3 "m Do. 6% Preference "l 5.'4 9% 10.2 280 Bordeaux, Limited 734 27.9 I * Kent Do. New, ,£5 paid d 11« Do. 5% Preference.. 10& 20.2 91f 10.12 01 l 07/8 20.6 1 0* Do. «£6 paid i 127/8 Brazilian Street Bail., Lim l /2 28.3 12% Bristol, Limited l(Hf 14.11 9V4 14.4 1 * Kimberley, Limited 5% 6.1 0i Do. 6% Debentures 10414 Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs 6i/8 2 . 5 28.1 7i Lambeth, maximum 10 % ... 265 Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 128& 18.5 121 134 5.4 Do. do. 7 £ % . . . 208 Calais, Limited 1% 5.4 6 18.1 oif Do. 4 % Debentures 12014 6£§ 18.5 Calcutta, Limited 6l/2 5.12 4* New .River, New 353 Carthagena & Herrerias, L 11*4 28.2 23.1 92 3.12 8 Do. 4 % Debentures 127% Do. 5 % Debentures 100 9-5Do. Debentures B 126& City of Buenos Ayres, Lim 12& 21.9 1 9% 6 . 1 29.11 132 19.1 « 1 0 Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. 514 5 Do. 6 % D e b . Stk 137 Do. BDeferrd. m 3% 7.1 2*4 23.8 If Continental M e t r o p o l i t a n . 5V8 15.2 4% 30.8 1 of Do. 5 % Debentures 93 Do. 5% Pref.. 10 13.2 0 ^ Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 105 10& 5.3 Dublin United Portlnd.Wter.C.M.4%G.B.i 9534 Edinburgh Street ... 13 l / 8 20.7 ll 3 /8 10.1 If 24.11 3£ Shanghai, Limited Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L 16& 4 . 5 13 334 27.1 ! H South Staffordshire A & B.. Hull Street ... Ws 19.3 0% 17.5 Of Do. 4 % Debentures 1 28.1 Imperial, Limited Southwark & Vauxhall ... 176 Leicester .£10 paid Do. New <£10 paid d 16 Do. £6 paid ... d 3 Do. D 7i% maximum 160 Do. £7 paid % "7 4 25\8 '*734 25.*8 7L4 20.7 2f Do. 5 % Pref 13514 Liverpool United 1 9% 21.1 L»o. 4 | % Debs. 13414 13/ 8 7.9 3* London, Limited [ 16V4 11.1 3.2 0* T a r a p a c a .£5 paid id 734 Do. 6% Pref... uy8 12.1 14 19.11 4 Do. £6 paid id 9% 6.3 13 Do. Found. Sc. Certs. 17 3.2 2* Do. £1 paid i 17*/8 Do. 5 % D e b . . . . 111J6 16.2 109 11.9 35 W e s t Middlesex 274 6.2 185 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 220 334 9.10 2i 6 3.1 Do. 4 | % D e b . t 137 London Road Car ... London Street W 4 1 7 . 1 11% 8.9 6* X o'i * Coupons payable abroad. i Inserted in Official Daily L i s t during 1888. d Discontinued in Official Daily List during 1888, 64 4 1 J3 || St 3f H . 8 107 6.4 16V8 31.1 16i/2 16.2 18 27.3 5 21.3 334 5.11 434 20.1 414 13.1 5 3 13.1 6.2 214 3.11 4V4 9.2 2i/2 5.7 IO14 ey 4 17.8 11.2 10114 25.6 1 24.11 4% 20.11 8.9 10.1 16.2 19.1 22.12 21.3 25.10 31.8 12.11 27.9 7.3 24.7 24.12 10.1 9.2 15.5 24.7 5.7 43 4-1 12 2.10 239 22.8 136 22.8 122 31.10 122 1 17.4 2.11 9 J 4 5.7 14.5 4 . 1 25 10.11 1 22.8 31.10 14.5 12.3 20.*3 190 20.3 120 15.2 8714 4.12 255 7.6 10% 19.9 I214 12.10 734 21.3 104i/2 13.9 23914 23.8 187 19.3 II414 26.7 323 ~ 17,7 119 20.8 11714 7.11 2 6.11 014 15.12 8iy 2 10.9 103 6.7 9414 5.1 7.7 15.2 9.1 9.1 14.9 21.8 21.3 18.1 20.1 24.1 30.1 4.2 1.2 1.3 9.3 20.1 16.7 11.9 ... 19.11 155i/2 15.2 16 17.9 15214 5.7 132i/2 30.5 134i/2 30.5 334 20,10 5% 31.12 9% 6.4 256 3.9 134 3| 2i oi 2i 2M It 4 2i 2 01 2 3£ Of 1 u ot 6'i u isi 7i Off 25 1 * • 01 41 25'i 21 6 30 8i 9 3i u 2 llff Ik 22.6 26'i 15.2 9.1 n 4.7 3 30.5 20.6 4" 27.8 31 23.10 6 . 1 18 23.10 3 n i 1889 1 -*3 % JL \ BRITISH FUNDS. SUBJECT TO STAMP DUTY—ow. New Consols (Goschens) ... 99% 17.1 96% 30.9 21 Leeds 4 % 1927 118% 5.6 116 Do. do. f o r A / c . 993/8 17.1 963/4 27.9 Do. 3J% 1927 109% 12.6 106 Consols d 101% 15.6 99% 2.1 1* L o n g t o n 3 | % 1932 Do. for Account d 100% 22.3 IOO14 21.1 1 Of Manchester 4 % 128 29.'lO 125 Reduced Three per Cents d 101% 2S.2 9934 8.3 j l f Middlesbrough 44 % 1908 109 3.6 109 Do. for Account d Sheffield 3 | % Redeemable 107% 7.8 102% New Three-and-half p . Cts. 103 6.'5 16634 29.'3 1 2 4 Do. W a t e r A n n s . P r o g ^ Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 100V4 19.11 98 3 4 9.3 1* Do. do. 5% i Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 97 20.5 9414 3.10 21 Southampton 3£% 103% 28.9 1C2 96% 5.7 943/8 28.9 11 South Stafford. 4£ % Bo, for Account !103% 19.7 103% 1043/g 29.4 101V4 2.10 3f Stockton 4 | % Local Loans Stock 1908 ;10834 6.2 107 D o . Scr.^60tobepd.ia Swansea H a r b o u r T r u s t 4 | % ... Do. Scr„£30tobepd.^ Red Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. 14% 17.7 13% 4.'l2 Of COLONIAL I PROV, SECURITIES. 22.8 10934 Exchequer Bills (March) ... 7/-p. 4.7 7/-d. 22.11 14/- B . Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894 114 Do. do. (June) ... 7/-p. 4.7 9/-d. 26.9 16/Do. 6% 1907 126 3.1 124 Do. 4 | % Deb. 1917 116 23.10 11114 Exchequer 2f % Bonds i 99% 18.10 99% 18.10 20.9 110 10.4 4" British Guiana 4% 109 26.10 10714 Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8 114 C a n . " I n t c . R l . L . , " 5 %,1903 119 25.3 II314 Do. " R u p e r t ' s Ld."1904 Do. 4% 1904-5-6-8 114 29.4 107% Do. Bonds 1910 11534 7.*9 li'214 26.'ll 3'i Do. Reduced 4% 1910 113% 3.6 1083/8 Do. Bonds 1913 117% 10.5 114% 3.12 3 | 2.10 2£ Do. 3 | % 1909-34 10634 30.4 103% E g y p t . Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan 102% 6.2 100 7.2 104 4.10 2 Do. 4 % 1910-35 116 21.5 10834 Jamaica 5 Imp.G.,1897 106 Do. 3 % Red. 1938a 97% 28.5 943/s Turkish 4 % Guaranteed ... 10934 26.4 104% 20.12 54 346 14.9 320 2.1 26 Cape of G. H . 6 %, 1890-1900 124 20.8 101% B a n k of E n g l a n d 21.3 8 Do. do. 6 % 1891 105% 8.5 102^ 315 18.7 307 B a n k of Ireland Do. do. 5 % 1900 118% 15.2 106% India Stock 3£% 1931 10934 3.5 10614 3.12 3 | Do, for Account ... 109% 28.5 10634 2.11 8fr Do. 4 | % red, an. dr. 111% 4.6 107% 26.8 97% 11.3 4f Do. 4 | % , 1879 do. 113 21.10 106% Do. 3% 1948 102 Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 108 25.5 IO214 Do. for Account ... 101% 21.8 9814 11.3 H Do. 4 % 1917-22 111% 18.11 107 Do. Scrip d Bo. 4£ % W y n b . 1899 27.'2 India Debentures 1889 107% 5.*9 l66 Do. 5 % 10/40 109% 27.'5 104 Do. do. 1891 101% 5.7 10014 6.3 01 Do. Enfaced Paper 4% ... 693/8 21.12 6334 11.1 5* Ceylon 4£ % Sink. Ed. fr. '92 IO91/4 6.5 106% Do. do. 4£% 1893 72% 3.12 68 3 4 30.8 4* ! | Do, 4% Skg. F d . fr. 1886-90 1063/8 1.2 103% 27.4 104 Isle of Man Debentures 34% 102% 11.10 102% 11.9 0* ! Fijian Government 4 | % ... 107 Do. do. 3% 1929 99% 12.12 9814 13.9 Of Hong Kong 4 % 10534 24.8 102% Jamaica 4 | % L r i. CORPORATION STOCKS — STAMP DUT Y FREE 1033/8 i'.'lO 102% 4.9 24 Do. 4 % Met. Bd. of W o r k s 3 i %,1929 11314 28.3 111 Do. do. 3 %,1941 10434 28.3 101% 3.10 H Manitoba 5 % Debs. 1910 11534 14.6 111% Do. do.2i%i>50topay.'£ Do. do, 1923 11634 16.12 111% Com. of Sewers, Lon., 1905 IO234 30.'l 100 31.'l0 Mauritius 6 % 1895-96 112 5.9 112 10.5 100 1.10 2 | Corp. of London3|% ,1889-93 102 Do. 4|% Do. do. 3£%, 1894-8 102% 22.1 100 3.10 3* 1 Do. 4 % 106% 9.7 102% Do. do. 3 % 1912 100 5.7 9914 24.10 ata 6 1896 110 20.9 109% of NDo. l 5 % Do. 3J% Deb. Scrip allpd. 10214 27.8 101% 16.7 Of % 1909 Birmingham 3£ % 1946 112% 24.5 HOI/4 30.12 21 Do. 4£% ... ... 115% 28.'8 16934 Do. 3% 1947 102 16.10 98 3 4 8.1 34 Do. 4 % 1926 111% 2.7 10534 Brighton 3£ % 1946 110% 2.4 108% 2 . 1 2f Do. 5%10/401894-1925 110% 15.4 108 New Brunswick 6 % ,1886-91 107% Cardiff 3 | % 1935 IIO34 22.11 10734 2.1 3 1.2 10034 Croydon 3^ % Irredeemable 111% 6.11 108% 4 . 1 31 New S.W. 5 % 1888-1894 107% 21.10 100% Glasgow 3£% 1914 108% 25.5 108% 25.5 Do. 5% 1895-1902 118 20.6 10434 Do. 3i%Irred. StockDo. 5% 18724898 10734 10.9 10414 H u l l 3£ % F i r s t issue 1943 11614 29.'5 10734 3.1 & Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 111 23.5 105 Leicester 3 ^ % 1934 104% 7.11 IO214 5.7 24 Do. 4% 1910 111 23.5 106% 1891 106% 6.6 «102 Lincoln 3 % Red. I919i 99% 21.10 9714 14.6 2* New Zealand 6 % Liverpool 3 | % 114% 30.7 110% 2 . 1 ' Do. 5% 1914 120 10.10 112 Middlesbrough 3 | % 1909 107 20.6 102% 4 . 1 4* Do. 5% Consols... 108 26.8 10314 Do. 3J% 1911-3i 102% 4.10 102% 4.10 Do. 6 %,15Mr.l891 106% 26.7 102 Newcastle 3£ % 1936 HO14 11.12 106 4.2 44 Do. 6%,15Ju.l5Dc.l891 107% 19.8 101% Bo. 3 | % Irredeem... 11034 31.5 107% 12.2 34 1 Do. (Auck.)6%,1896 II334 18.12 109 Nottingham 3 % IOO14 20.8 97% 2.4 3 | | Do. 5%10/40,1889-19I8 10434 5.2 10014 P o r t s m o u t h 3£ % 1916-27 109 2.5 10714 17.1 1^ Do. 5 % 1889 103% 15.4 IOO14 Reading 3 ^ % 110 22.7 IO814 5.4 iM Do. 5%Bondsconv.l892 11534 26.8 106 South Stafford 4f % Deb. ... Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 1904 115 10.10 10834 Swansea 3£ % 1951 li

• Treas. {gg££Ud «» C Regist'd jj 12.'2 IO514 23.10 114 15.4 10134 5.6 103 18.4 105 17.5 68% 29.8 81 18.5 4934 11.2 1063/4 22.5 129 A,B,C I Stamped d 1873 {*£*** Converted Ser. A ^ do. B4 do. C i do. D* . J te *i\ South E a sdo.r n Preferred Do. ii om 69 IS ... 29.'5 25.4 i| 15.4 18.1 ii 18.2 0£ 2.1 7f 2.1 l i t 15.7 8* 13.12 4 * 14.12 3 n 26.'9 40 16.4 13.12 41% 9.1 24.9 40% 26.7 12.12 114% 26.7 83/4 10.9 1% 18.3 83/8 ... ... 17.9 1614 2.4 9% 28.12 102% 16.9 102% 2.12 683/8 23.12 59% 26.7 H714 12.4 103 30.4 162% 21.5 124 ... ... 27.12 151 10.8 9114 14.10 323/4 25.10 126 30.7 117 9.12 144 23.7 159 26.11 1323/8 5.12 25% 18.4 22f66.8 1733/8 27.12 143% 14.10 118% 3.12 68 2.12 102 28.12 35% 7.3 4 10.4 74% 4 . 1 67 4.4 30% 31.7 134% 12.8 75 27.12 55 27.7 162% 26.8 193 18.4 112% 29.5 814 ... 16."2 149 22.3 8914 24.5 5 17.4 130% 25.7 160 23.4 10434 4.2 90 22.5 113 13.2 208 29.11 -SO 5.7 13 30.11 14H 6 138% ... 164% Do. do. Deferred ... 117 20 Sl.'lO 14% 14.'3 Do. NewOr.I.Cts.75J.pd.d 91% do. all paid i 118 16jf 15.*5 14*4 2.2 2it Do. TaffVale a 288 Do. " S t o c k " Act 1889i 87% 38% 28.'l2 35% 15.'ll 24 Do. Ord. Shs. M 19% 23% 12.12 21% 14.11 If Do. do. ' M paid i 16% 17-H 16.12 17 28.11 17ft 16.12 1756 18.11 o* W e s t Lancashire Whitby,Redcar,&Mid.Un.dl 9% 24.6 i.6% 9.*5 143/8 23.'l hi A 1 <& 0 {i&i Somerset and Dorset •r* no ' D* Do. Do. Do. Do. "to CO NAME OF STOCK. 6f 64 7 28.3 141 19.3 34 13.9 01 11.12 1 ... , ... 25.1 it 27.2 6 28.2 17 30.3 15 12.1 151 9.10 4 | 2 . 1 154 3.1 13*. 24.1 51 21.10 31 ... 12.1 20| 3.4 14.1 7 18.3 11 24.1 104 2.1 18| 31.1 8 8.1 32£ 17.1 7*8.11 6ft 3.1 15f 8.1 16! 26.2 154 8.1 25 2 . 1 35 14.1 13| 28.5 If 12.1 18| 1.10 34 12.7 81 19.3 151 3.1 5 30.9 10a H . 3 15! 21.10 12 31.12 61 20.6 04 n ... 22.'ll 53*i 22.3 8.1 14.11 8 3.1 4! 8.11 12s 23.1 1* 5.3 ^ 6.9 80 4.11 6.9 61 11.11 i-A "9% 24.'6 1 i" 1 n RAILWAYS—Lines Leased, Debenture, and Guaranteed Stocks for 1889. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. & o LINES LEASED. Birkenhead 131 26.6 127 25.1 Do. 41 % Preference| 144 26.6 i4oy 8 8.4 Colchester, Stour Valley, &c, 103 13.12| 100 16.3 E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % 18234 11.9 177% 5.4 Ely and Newmarket 1 Hammersmith & City 51 % 169% 9.12 165 29.'io| London and Blackwall 141 29.7 136% 6.11 Do. 41 % Preference!140% 7.8 136 17.9 Do. .£10 Shs. £2 pd.-i] London and Greenwich 8534 31, 6.*2 Do. P r e f . 5 % 156 30. 152 7.11 Mid K e n t (Cray Line) Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... 7834 15.7 76 21.2 Do. do. 6%... 90 18.7 8534 16.5 N o r t h & South Western Jnc. 210 27.9 209 12.111 Nottingham and Grantham! 1323^ 13.7 126 23.9 P o r t p a t r i c k & Wigtonshire 109% 18.12] 108% 3.121 Eoyston, H i t c h . & Sheprethl 179 4.2 176 26.101 Shrews.&Heref .6% Bent-ch.l 1813/4 29.101174 18.2 Victoria Station & Pimlico| 272 15.6 1265 9.2 Do. 41% 139% 7.8 133 24.1 Waterford,Dun.,&Lis.Pref. W e s t London, Class C 12 2 . 3 11% 18.1 Weymouth and Portland DEBENTURE STOCKS. B a n b u r y & Cheltenham 5 %| 127 13.8 127 13.8 Do. 5 % , '73 red. to 4% 89 11.12! 66 26.2 23 Do. 5 % , 1881 22% 19.12| 15 15.4 71 Do. 5 % , 7 7 r e d . t o 4 % , 10 11.12| 2 8 23.9 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % 115 24.6 109 18.10! 6 Do. do. B 4% 10834 25.3 IOO14 19.121 81 Caledonian 4 % 133 - ~ 1.8 12634 4 . 1 64 Cambrian 4 % A 119 13.11 114 15.4 5 Do. B ... 1114 20.6 111% 6.5 21 Do. C ... [106 10.1 IO414 6.11 Do. D ... 91 10.10| 72 14.1 119 Cornwall Guaranteed 41 %d\ 145% 14.11 141% 2.2 4 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % . 118 11,1 114% 3.101 31 Do. do. B 3 i % . . 9334 20.2 90 11.9 3f Devon & Somerset " A " 85% 30.7 8I14 21.6 4 i Do. "B" 2634 23.11 21 26.6 51 Do. "C" 4 7% 1.7 13.6 31 Eastern & Midlands 41 %.. 79 5.7 9 2.1 70 E a s t Lo*ndon2ndCharge" A : 119% 18.111 115% 29.6 4 | Do. 2nd Charge 25.101| 1 3 | 5934 13.3 46 Do. 3rd Charge 1.3 110* 30% 3.5 20 Do. 4th Charge 25.10| 8 23 2.4 15 Do. Guaranteed 31 % 109% 28.10]10634 7.1 3£ Do. Whitech.Sx.2^% 76 16 7 72% 6.2 31 F o r t h Bridge 4% 128% 2 5 125% 2 . 1 3f Furness 4 % 130 15 7 124 2.1 6 Glasgow & S. Western 4% 31 15 6 126 6.2 5 Great E a s t e r n 4 % 13234 18 7 12634 11.1 6 Bo. A 5% 155% 17 1 142 14.2 1 3 | Do. B 5% 1867... 148 23.7 140 22.1 8 Do. 41%,.. Do. E a s t Anglian 4 % 130 8.11 12114 9.3 8f Great N . of Scotland4 % ... Great Northern 4 % 135 25.6 129% Great Western 4 % 13534 19.10| 129% 2 . 1 Do. 4i% 140% 18.7 133% 15.1 Do. 41% 14934 3.5 142% 10.1 Do. 5 % 164 22.5 |157% 14.1 Highland 4 i % 10.1 4.4 130 132 Do. 4 % 17.7 12434 7.11 129 Hull & Barns.lDb.65°/c] Do. do. all paid i\ Do. 2ndDb.allpd.i I. of W i g h t Cent. " B " 4 | % i Do. do. " C " 4 %i 77 1.2 77 1.2 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 13314 16.7 128 2.1 London & Blackwall4^ %.., 138 .1 10.12! 133 London & Greenwich 4 % 131% 31.7 128% 23.10 London, Brighton, &e. 4 % 133% 1.8 I271/4 19, Do. Perpetual 41 % 148% 21.6 142 Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 41 % 141 16.7 134 16 Do. B 4 | % ... 140% 6.8 132 26 Do. 1879 4 % ' 126% 15.7 9 Do. 1883 4% 127 25.7 11714 4 . 1 London & N o r t h West. 4 % 13534 10.7 131 16.1 im If G5 DEBENTURE STOCKS-cow. London & South West. A 4% 134% 9.4 I3014 18.2 Do. do. B 4% 134% 25.4 129% 2.2 5 25.9 4 Do. do. 31% 117 15.4 113 1.7 0 | 2.7 99 Do. do. 3%'/ London, T i l b u r y , & c , 4% ... 128%" 18 6 12314 29.1 H Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 % 15514 14 6 15134 7.11| 31 2.1 61 Do. do. 4 1 % ... 14534 18 7 139 97 19 2 80 Mersey Perpetual 5 % 13.6 17 29.11!|20 Do. do. 41% .. 90 1 70 Metropolitan 4 % 130 18.6 |126 23.1 4 145 24.7 139% 29.6 51 Do. 41% 109% 2.1 3* 113 7 Do. 31% Metropolitan District 6 %... 174 25.6 I6214 3.1 3.1 Do. 4 % . . . 117% 8.6 110 135 23.121 12934 2.1 Midland 4% 102% 8.5 99 Do. 3% 26.1 5i Mid-Wales A 4-1% ... i !H7% 5.6 113 24.1 3* 13134 8.8 12634 3 . 1 4^ N o r t h British 4 % Do. E.P. & D . B . 5% 156 9.7 151% 3.5 5 Do. 41% 140% 31.12)1383/4 2.5 41 134% 9.8 129 Do. 4$% 11.6 If 134% 9.4 128% 2.1 51 N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% ^.47% 2.8 142V4 Do. 41% 1 61 147% 23.5 14234 30 1 51 N o r t h London 41 % 2 1 4| North Staffordshire 4 i % ... 13734 22.5 133 Ehymney Perpetual 4 % ... 123% 29.3 12134 7. 1 4 | Sev. & W y e & Sev. Bdge. 4% ~ 11.7 91% 16 2 1* Do. gua.byM.R.,&.,4% 12134 9.5 114% 15.2 71 131 South E a s t e r n Perp. 4 % 2.4 127% 2 ~ Do. do. 5% 163 27.7 156 24.9 TaffVale4% ... d\ 127 29.1 127 29.1 Do. 3 % Act 1889 97% 19.12] 97% 19.12] W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % Wrex. Mold& Con. Q. A 4% 117 4.'7 114% 1.6 21 Do. do. B 4% IO714 24.6 106 12.8 GUARANTEED STOCKS. 15. 127 15.10| 3 Caledonian 4% Guatd. Ann.) 130 3.4 7.: Do. 4% Cons. Gua. 131 71 City of Glasgow Union C ... Do. do. F .. 2 135% 29.6 31 Cornwall 41% ... d\ 127 13, 121% 4 . 1 511 F o r t h Bridge 4 % [12634 19, 119 31.1 7* Furness 4% ... 6, 122% 23.2 61 Glasgow & South West. 4% 129 Do. St. Enoch Rent-ch.lH251/4 18.10112514 18.10! 4 . 1 i'i Great E a s t . 4% Rent-charge 127% 20.5 122 6.2 6 Do. 5% Metro. Stk. 1573/4 25.7 152 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem.] 130% 18.7 12334 30.1 Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 61 126 Great Northern 4 % P e r p . 1S4% 2.10| Do. Leeds,B.&H.6%(Zj 176 176 9.3 81 Great South.&West.Irld.4% Great Westn.—Rent-ch.5% 164% 155 4.'2 91 Do. Consolidated 5%| 164% !l55% 2 . 1 9 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 13334 125% 12.1 8* Do. do. 6% 184 19.12] 176% 1.3 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire)] 181 30.4 181 30.4 71 London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 16314 18.7 154 1.2 Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.R.-ch.4f % 9£ London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 13434 17.'7 125% 3.101 London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4 % 132% 10.8 126 2 . 3 9'i J Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6 % 182% 10.8 176% 7.1 61 23.7 135 11.3 Do. do. l s t P r e f . 4 1 % 141 6 101 23.12| Do. do. 3i% do 7.5 6 Do. do. 5%S.Y.Rt-ch. 154% 4.4 1149 30.9 6 i Do. do. 4i% do. I 13214 28.12 '128J4 14.2 4 Met. Dist., Ealing Rent-ch. 124 28.2 118 19.2 6 Do. F u l h a m Rent-charge] 121% 4.9 118 10.5 31 Do. Midland 4%Rent-ch. 124 15.8 117 18.1 7 Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar.] HI 1 /* 8.3 100% 3.10i 11 Midland 4 % Rent-charge 134 20.7 |125% 2 . 1 81 Do. 4 % Guaranteed 134 18.7 126 23.9 8 N o r t h British Consol. Lien|12834 23.7 '122 12.2 Do/ 4 % N o . . l t .. 12734 18.7 123 12.1 N o r t h Eastern Consol. 4 % [13334 24.7 125 1.11 Do. G.N.E.4% 163% 4 . 3 163% 4 . 3 81 Do. S t o c k t . & D a r l . A 5% 161% 15.7 152% 7.10| Do. do. B.&C.6% 186' 9.8 176% 19.2 Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 133% 31.7 124% 2.1 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % ... 3134 8.7 I 29% 23.1 n n t I! 70 RAILWAYS—Guar, con., Contingent Preference, INDIAN, and BRITISH POSSESSIONS for 1889 NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. a GUARANTEED STKS.—con. South E a s t e r n Read. Ann, 32 144% Do. 4|% |282% Taff Vale, No. 1 W e s t Cornwall E n t . Chge. 143 *3 E" 9.7 29% 28.8 137 18.2 255 16.8 135 16.1 21 1.2 4.12] 26.2 8 PREFERENCE STOCKS, Caledonian 4% No. 1 ...Il28 29.7 Il21% 4 . 1 6* Do. 4% No. 2 ... 12634 30.7 120 4 . 1 61 Do. 5% 1878 ... 15134 28.8 144% 28.3 Do. 4% 1881 ... 126 14.S 119 25.1 7 Do. 4% 1887 ... 130 12.12119 9.1 Cornwall Minerals, 4% ... 2 3 H 17.5 20 23.121in East.&Mid.(Cromer)gu.5% 77% 2 . 3 39% 11.12]|38 8 Do. (Lynn Loop) do. 103 4.4 95 Furness4% 123% 3.1211414 8.2 9 i Do. 4% A 11934 26.7 11214 8.2 Do. 4%B .., ...112 1.7 10914 8.2 21 Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4% 127% 23.7 120 2.1 7 i Do. do. N o . 2 4% 12634 25.7 119 8.1 71 Great E a s t e r n 4% 129% 19.7 121 4.2 8* Do. 4%Pref., 1886 ...127% 16.7 120% 12.2 7 Do. 4% 1881 124 17.6 119% 10.1 41 Do. 4£ % till 1893 ... 126 18.12120% 20.2 5* 4.2 6 | Do. 4^/o Pref., 1887 ...125% 1 4 . 1 2 119 ]"" 4.2 8* Do. 4 % P r e f . l 8 8 8 , a l l p d . l l 6 i 4 19.7 108 Do. do. «£60pd. ? 75% 4.11] 743/8 5.12| 1* 2.2 Do. do. d£40pd.^ 57 30.7 49% 2 . 1 Tt Do. do. «£20pd.d 30 24.1 Great N . of Scotland 4% A117 27.7 113% 22.2 I f Do. do. 4% B10714 7.6 IO71/4 7.6 3* 8.10| & Great Northern 4% Perp.Pf. 133% 13.7 124 6.8 15414 27.9 8f 163 Great Western 5% 128 23.3 I2534 19.1 2i Highland A 4^% 31.1 3* Do. B 5% 139% 23.8 |136 1.10] 9| Lancashire & York. 4% Con.l 13234 6.8 123 9.10 8* 19.7 122% Do. do. 4%, 18821 131 4.10| 8 6.8 122% Do. do. 4%, 1884 131 * , 7 ^ 26.2 Do. 4%,1887«£6pd.'$d[ 73/8 19.1 !8% 6.8 122 7.10| Oft Do. 4%, 1887 2.1 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 158% 18.7 150% Do. 2nd do. 5% 158V4 24.7 [150 11.2 3 Lon.,Chatham,&c.,Arb.4£% 116 /4 12.4 •031/s 3.1 , 8* 8.11] 1 3 | Do. do. 4£% 2nd Pref.! 75% 12.4 2 . 1 ;14§ London & NorthWestern4% 1134% 22.7 125% 3 2.101 9 London & South Western4% 133 4 31.7 123% 1.101|10* Do. do. 4%,1884| 131% 31.7 123 22.8 London,Til., & Southend 4% 118 12.1 115 Do. do. 4% Pref., '87||119 11.12| 114 21.2 7.1 Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 12434 29.7 118% Do. 5% Perpetual 18621150 17.7 14334 8.3 5 8.1 e* Do. 5% Convert. 1872; 147 1.7 142i/8 Do. 5% do. 1874114734 31.121142 12.3 6 i 3.1 41 Do. 5% do. 1876 147 19.12| Do. 5% do. 1879 |l43 18.10| 138V4 4 . 1 5 | 9.1 Do. 5% do. 1881] 142 30.8 130% Do. 4%'89Prv.Cts.20%p.'S i 33% 13.12| 3214 12.12] 8* Mersey 5% P e r p t . Pref. 5.6 33% 28.10 4| 37 14.2 H i Metropolitan 4 % Perpetual! 1251/ 20.7 118 Do. 4% do. 1882 122% 30.12!115% 22.1 H 14.2 84 Do. 4% Irred.,1884 122% 16.12 113 1183/4 23.121|114 5.4 9f Do. 4% 1887 8.2 ii4y 2 19.9 4| Do. New 4% Pref, [ll6 4.3 6 1 % 10.8 19* Metropolitan District 5%.. 81 Midland Consol. 4% P e r . . . 133% 16.7 , .241/4 2 . 1 9 i N o r t h British 4% No. 2 .. 125% 19.8 |H9% 2.1 6 Do. Monkland Pref. 6%..! Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow 138% 13.9 131 18.1 7* 147% 23.2 142 4.10 51 Do. 1865 Pref 16.7 142 Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ... 2.10| 7 25.7 13U4 8.1 7* Do. 4 | % Irredeem., 1875... Do. 4t% Convert., 1875 ... I3934 19.8 132% 10.1 31.7 143 Do. 5% do. 1879... |l50 4.10] Do. 4% do. after 1889] 137% 14.8 128 16.1 Do. 4% do. Pref.,'! 131% 15.10| 11514 4 . 1 9* N o r t h East.,S.& D., Class D|l72% 25.7 162 25.2 1 6 | Do. B l y t h & Tyne 4% .. 131% 13.7 12234,15.2 |10£ Do. 1876 4% ... ...133% 16.7 123% 4.10] 8 | 11.3 10 N o r t h London4f % (max. 5%) 150 19.12| 145 5 18.3 Do. do. 4 | % , 1875135 21.2 133 22.2 o N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ...1154 23.10] 144 10 f f ? PREFERENCE STOCKS, con, N o r t h Staffordsh. 4 | % 1873|l38% Do. do. 4*% 1876140 R h o n d d a & Swan. Bay Prf A\ E h y m n e v 6% 1864 165 Somerset & Dorset, 5% 1st Do. 5% 2nd Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 109 South E a s t e r n Cons. 4 | % . . . 140% Do. do. 5 % ... 156V4 Do. VestedCo's. 4% Stk. 129% TaffVale6% ... d\ ... Do. 4% ... dl21% Do. 4% Act 1889 * 122% W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs. A£ 23.8 130% 27.7 130 l 4 3.4 3.4 7.6 165 7.6 21.6 IO6V4 23.12113534 11.12 151% 29.7 121% 22.10| 115% 11.11 120 18.2 24.121 INDIAN RAILWAYS. Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , Lim-I 993/8 6.2 9014 4.5 Vk -22.7 Do. Shares ,£9 paid 834 26.3 5i/8 8.3 Bengal Central, Lm. ,.£5 pd. 5% 2.1 Bengal-Nagpur Stock ... 120 12.12] 11534 26.10 Do. Shares £ 1 2 pd.d Do. do. «£15pd.u? Do. do. £ 1 7 pd. i\ Bombay, Baroda, & Cen.Ind. 190 Del.Umballa Kalka£2pd.-ic£| 2% Do. do. «£4pd. Do. do. all paid i\ E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 Do. B do. 1957] Do. 4%Gua.Deb. E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953| Do. Annuity B ..." Do. Def. Ann. Cap. Do. 4£% Deb. Stock Great Indian Peninsula Do. do. 4% Deb. ( Indian Midland, Limited ... Madras 5 % guaranteed ... Do. 4f% do. Do. 4 | % do. Nizam State Railway Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Sc. Oude &Rohilkund 5% gua. d\ Do. 4% Deb. Rohilkund &Kumaon Stock] Sc. P. & Del. Ann. " A " 1958 Do. do. "B"1958 South Indian 5% guaranteed Do. 4 | % do. Do. 4£% do. Db. Southern M a h r a t t a 4 % gua.l Do. do. 3£% Deb.| Do. do. 4%Db.Stk. Do. 4 % Bearer Bds, W e s t of I n d . Port., Lim. 5 %! Do. do. 5 % Deb, BRITISH POSSESSIONS. At. &N.W.5%Gu.lM.Bds Barbados 6% Pref. Shs. d\ Buffalo and Lake H u r o n Do. 1st Mortgage 5 %! Do. 2ndMort.5|%, Canada Central 1st Mort. Canadian Pacific 3 % Do. 5%St.lstMort.| Do. 3£%50yr.L.G.B. Do. 3£% Inscribed Do. 4%Cn.Db.£25p.idl 323/4 Do. do. .£| 63% Do. do. all pd, 991/4 Do. A l g o m a l s t Mort. 112% Caraquet 6% 1st Mrt. Bonds] 55 Chignec.Mar.7%Pf.<£10 18 Do. do. £20pd.V 22 Demerara 84 Do. 7% P e r p . Pref. StkJ 141^4 E m u Bay& Mt.Bischff.c£5 p . 6 Do. 4£%Irred.Db. 105 Grand Trunk, G.B.lMt.l903| 107 71 9| RAILWAYS—British Possessions, continued, American Shares & Currency Bonds for 1889. NAME OF STOCK. BRITISH POSSESSIONS, con. Grand Trunk of Canada 13tt Po. Guar. 4 % 803/ s Do. 1st Pref...I Do. 2nd do. 61 Do. 3rd do. 3554 Do. 6%2nd Equip.! 134$ Do. 5%Perpt.Deb.|130 Do. 4% do. 101 Do. G . W . P e r p . 5 % D b . l 2 6 Do. do. 6% 1890105% Hamilton&N. W . l s t Mt. 6 % 118 Manito,&N.W.6% l M t . B d s . 117 Manito.S.W.Clzn.lMt.G.B. 11054 Melbour. & Hob.Bay5%Bds. Mid. of Can5%lst Mt.(Mid.) 112 Do. 5% I s t M o r t . ...112 Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt. 10654 Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st M t . [ 10% New Brunswick5%lst Mort, Newfound.l M t . Ld.Gr.Bds. New Zealand Mid. .£10 pd. Do. 5 % 1st Mort. i\ 92 North, of Canada 6% Pref. cl\ Do. 5% 1st Mort. 1:109% Do. 3rd Pref.A&Bl Do. IstNorth.Ex.Prf. 104 Do. N o r t h . Ex. Impr.j 104% Do. 4 % Debenture.. 101 Ontario & Que.6%Cap.Stock|13754 Do. 5% P e r . D e b . S t k . 1233,4 Qu'App.&S.6%l M.^| 67% Do. do. all paid i\IO41/2 Que.&L.St.John5%lstMrt.i| 9 7 ^ Quebec Central 5 % P d . Lien 102J6 Do. 5 % I n c . Bds.| 33 St. J o h n and Maine Do. 5 % Deben. d\ 33% Do. 4%Deb.Stk. paidid 4 Do. .£5 paid 4** Anglo-Austrian lli/ 2 Anglo-Californian, Limited| 16% Anglo-Egyptian, Limited... 101/4 Anglo-Foreign, Limited ... 11 Anglo-Italian, Limited ... 71/4 Bank of Africa, Limited ... 1134 Bank of Australasia 102^ Bank of British Columbia..! 4014 Bank of British N. America| 8II/2 Bank of Constantinople 7% Bank of Egypt I91/2 Bank of New South Wales) 76 Bank of New Zealand 11 Do. New Shs. i\ 14 Bank of Roumania 9 Bank of South Australia 29% Bank of Tarapaca, &c. id 5% Do. .£3 v&.id\ 61/4 Do. .£4 63/8 Do. .£5 pd. i\ 6 & Bank of Victoria £25 paidd 453/4 Do. £ 5 paid*| 834 Banque Interle. de Paris 20i/8 Capital and Counties 42 Central of London, Limited 12i/8 Chart, of India, Aus.&China| 29% Chart.Mer.ofInd.,Lon.& Ch.[ 26 City, Limited 231/4 Colonial 541/4 Com. Bk. of Australia, Lim.| 12 Consolidated, Limited 9i/8 Delhi and London, Limited| 101/2 English Bk. of Rio deJan.,L. 16 English Bk. of Riv. Plate,L. 19% Do. do. (New) all paidi| 183/t Do. do. ... £6 paidid 13V4 Do. do. ... .£9paidto. do. ,£10 paid i 16% 27.6 11% 27 .2 2f Do. Pref.„£7#paidi s 29."l '"y2 19^3 Of I Midland Rail. Car.&Wag.L. ••• Travers (Joseph) & Sons i 105 13.12 104 24.10 1 ••• ... ... Do. do. 6 % Pref. United Asbestos, L., Ord. A 21/4 11.10 1 J 4 23.2 U • •• 1 Do. Def.B % 23.2 ... Milner's Safe, Limited ... 135/s 13.'9 i i Vs 23.2 20.2 2f Moir (John) & Son 7% Pref. 4 20.9 W8 3.1 | H Uni. Horse Shoe &Nail,Lim. ... ... Morgan & Co 4 f t 25.1 2 H 26.10 H Do. do. Pref. "'14 24.'l 14 24.1 Morris (B) & Sons 43/8 4 . 1 : 2 H 24.7 ift United L a n k a t P l a n t . i 1 * 17.9 1 17.9 6ft Morris (Phillip) & Co. d Uni.Limmer&Vor.Rck.A.,L, 234 1.10 l i t 12.4 OH ... MorrisTubeAm.&S.Range d "l% 17.4 1 8.3 United States Rolling Stock m 21.1 7 7.11 N a t . Agr.Hall 6%lstM.Deb. 70 11.9 70 11.9 Do. 6% Deb. 105 27.6 102 2.1 3 National Dwelling Soc.Ord. 134 27.3 Do. 6 % R e a l E s t . B d s . 1051/2 11.5 10214 3.10 3f 1% 2.4 Of Do. do. Pref. ... Do. C o l l a t . T r u s t D b s . 981/2 31.8 94% 15.1 3f Do. 5%Cons.Mt.Bds. i 98 25.9 9614 4.12 If National S. Dep., L., ,£4 pd. 414 30.4 314 18.'7 i 1 Do. 7.6 I f 1ft- 8.11 1 * 19.9 of Val de TraversAsph.Pav.,L. 13% 30.4 12 t 6% Pref. Native Guano, Limited ... 2Y2 12.4 Vivian (H.H.) & Co. Pref.... V/2 28.12 1 Do. <£lpaid... ... WaltersParker&Co.6%C.P.<£ 1634 18.'l2 "8ft 12 .'9 1 ... Nav. Cons. & A r m a . J65 pd. 5l/g 25.2 Do. 4£ % Debs, v 102 19.12 86 14.9 16 37/s 12.8 H Nelson Brothers, Limited .. W/8 11.11 V/8 21.8 2* W a t e r . H s e . Swan & E d g a r i 3 H 23.10 3 7.8 Do. 5% Deb. 97 6.7 95 29.8 2 WaterlowBrothers&Layton 201/4 1 2 . 1 2 1714 30.4 3 i Neuchatel Asphalte, Lim.... 314 21.11 234 19.2 01 ft 9.8 % 18.12 0ft Welford & Sons 3 l Do. Pref.... 614 31.5 534 12.2 Ok\\ Wenham, Limited ... /s 18.5 A 25.2 3 Nevada L a n d and Cattle ... 3 l 4 29.6 * /s 29.8 0ft 2 H 14.10 0ft W h i t e Lead « 18.11 New Explosives | 514 5.2 1% 13.6 3f Wickens, Pease, & Co. ...| 4ft- 24.1 1 2% 10.5 | 1ft H N I°* LM 4 I I 2# \°M 2^ 2* I. j f 'm «J oil 2* Ml 2t* °K\\ 78 FOREIGN & COLONIAL CORPORATIONS and FINANCIAL, LAND, & INVESTMENT for 1889. m NAME OF STOCK. COM. & INDUSTRIAL.—COM. York St.Flax Spinning Ord.-i Do. do. Prf.-il Young's P a r . Lt.,Lt.,£3 paid| FOREIGN I COL. CORPORATIONS Auckland (Cityof)6%of 1872|120*4 Do 6% of 1876' Do 6% of 187 1273/4 Do 5% of 1883 115Auckland H a r . Brd.,6%Deb. Do. do. 5% Deb, 108 Do. 5%Debs 1936110934 Boston City (U.S.) 5%, 1899' 104% Do. do. 1902! 114 Do. do. 1893' 107 Bri&bane(City of) (B.Db,)5% 103% B . Ayres (City of) 6% D e b .106V4 Do. 4 i % B d s . 2 5 % p d . ^ 27% Do. do. 45% pd.icf. 471/4 D o . do. 65% 66V2 Do. do. all paid i 87% Cape Town (City of)5%Deb. 109% Christchurch (Cityof) 6%... 129% Cordoba (City of) 6% 1922.. IO414 D o . 6% Bonds 1923 i\ 96i/2 Dunedin(City of)6%} 1925.. 126 Do. 6%, 1906.. Do. 5 % , 1908.. 111% Fitzroy(City of )5%Dbs.l916| 1153/4 Gisborne H a r b o u r Board 5 % 973/4 Grevmouth H a r . Bd.4%Deb. 10534 HobartTown(City of)5%Db. 120 Invercar.,Boro.of,4|% Deb. 10234 Kimberley, Borough of ... 107 Launceston,Town of ,4%Db. 10434 London(Cityof)(Ontario)5% 10234 D o . 6%Waterw.Deb.| 112 L y t t e l t o n (N.Z.) H a r . Bd.6% H934 Melbourne (City of) 5 % 116 Do. 44% 113i/2 Do. 4% D e b . 1885|10514 Melbourne H a r b . T r u s t 5 % 11734 Do. do. 44% Bonds] 11334 Do. do. 4% 1888^110634 MelbourneTrams.Trust4|% 113% Mex.(Cityof)5% St.L.allp.? 851/2 Do. do. « £ 2 5 p d . ^ | Do. d o . «£ 45% Do. do. <£65 p d , ' - 64% Mon.Vid.(C.)6% B.50% p.idl 50y4 Do. do. 7 5 % p d i d 751/4 Do. do. a l l p d . id\ 1007s Montreal (City of) 5%Sterl.; 109% Do. 5 % , 1904.. 109% Do. 5%, 1909.. 111 D o . Deb.<£40topay'id| 4234 D o , 3% D e b . all pd.-i 85% Do. .£20 pd.-id Napier,Borough of ,6% < Jo IS.Jii'2% Napier H a r b o u r Board 5 % 106 N e w P l y m o u t h H a r . Brd. 6% 101% New York City 6 % |l373/4 Do. 6%GoldCou.Bds.! Oamaru H a r . Bds. (Eeg.) 6% 16334 Do. (Bearer) 6% 103% 118 Oamaru Mun. Cor. 7 %, 19071 Do. do. 1910 OtagoHar.Bd.6%(Deb.Eeg.)l 107 Do. 6% of 1877... Do. 6% of 1881 ...1112% Do. 5% Debentrs. 10334 Do. Consol.Bds. IO434 O t t a w a (City of) 6%, 1903... 110% Do. 6%,1C93 ...108*4 Do. 6 % , 1904 ...120 Do. 6 % , 1895 ... 112 Par.(City)5%Wat.<£ 61 Do. do. all pd. i\ 87 3 4 Do. 6% Bonds i\ 95% ft o fc 3 tid NAME OF STOCK. fc 1 1 FOREIGN & COL.COKS.—con. \ P o r t Elizabeth W a t e r . 6 % . 113 , 108J4 13.6 "234 15.'6 Of P o r t Louis 5 % P r a h r a n (City of) 5% D b . . . Providence (City of) 5 % .., Quebec (City of) 6% Ster... 105 14.9 108% 4.11 12 Do. 6 % of 1873..I 107% Do. 6 % of 1875.. 12234 10.8 122% 7.2 *k\\ Do. 6 % of 1878.. 124% 23.12J 106% 5.3 84 E . d e Jan.(City)4%<£30pd.<£d| 30 11.11 10234 15.1 Do. all paid t 84% 14.8 10214 16.4 5f 5.12| 103% 9.2 64 Eichmond(Cityof) 5%Deb.. 11434 1.4 10314 19.8 H E o m e (City of) 4% Bonds... 96% Do. 2nd,3rd,& 4th issue| 96% 24.5 114 24.5 27.2 104% 5.6 24 Eosario (City of) 6 % Bonds 10634 Do. 6%Sterl.l918i| 107% 10.1 10134 21.11 l* 10734 St. Kilda, Borough of 8.3 9814 20.9 " 110 St. Louis City 6 % ... 8.7 26 27.6 H Santa F e (City of)55% pd.t'd. 571/4 20.7 46 7.8 la Do. do. all p a i d i 100 21.8 64 13.9 24 HI 22.101 82 30.12 H Santos (City of) 6 % Sofia do. 6% Bondsi| 90i/8 30.10 104% 2.2 5 SouthMelbourne(City of)5% 109 24.12 119% 4.1 28.6 9534 1.2 8* Sydney (City of) 5 % Bonds 117% Do. 4% Debs. 1912 108*4 26.10| 95 28.10 1* 119% 3.6 12014 3.1 oi Timaru, Borough of, 7 % T i m a r u H a r b o u r B o a r d 5% 26.8 106 14.1 9* Do. do. 1916 101% 16.7 10634 13.2 5 2 . 4 II21/4 24.1 34 Toronto(Cityof) 6%Ster.Db| 1103/4 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb, 126 19.8 94% 18.2 34 Do. 6% Str.Con.Deb.| 113 28.8 973/8 18.3 *i \\ Do. 5% Gen.Con.Db. 113 9.4 II414 22.2 51 Do. 4% SterlingBds., 108% 23.8 93 19.2 4* • D o . 34%,75%tobep.'id l 14.6 106 21.1 1 D o . d o . all paid 96% 23.5 10034 7.1 4 W a n g a n u i H a r b . Board 6 % 102% 6.8 101 6.7 Wellington(City of)6%Deb, 11734 25.4 108 21.6 4 Do. 6% Improv.Loan 126% 4 . 5 11434 10.1 5 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb.| 12434 26.8 108 11.2 8 Wellington H a r . Bd. 4 | % 10634 11.1 IIO14 20.5 34 Westport HarbourBoard4% IO414 8.3 10314 4.7 2 Winnipeg(City of)6% Bondsj 107 8.6 11234 22.1 5 Do. 6 % Debs. 2314 9.5 IIOV4 31.7 3* Do. 5 % Debs. 112 27.6 102% 31.7 4 7.6 110 2.1 34 FINANCIAL, LAND, & INVESTMENT. % 76% 10.12 9 AfricanGd.Sh.Inv.lOs.pd.'id Do. do. 15s.pd.i'c? 1% 2.5 43 19.6 1 Do. do. . £ l p d . i 15.7 63 25.6 1* Agricultural ofMauritius,L. 15.7 50 19.7 04 Amer. F r e e . L. M.of L. .£1 pd 18.9 75V8 18.9 0k D o . 6%Cum.Pf.<£lp.* 4."7 i 31 W e s t Australian L a n d Co.. Do. 5% Debentures] 103 30.5 100% 19.12 7.*6 2^ Do. 5%Con.Dbs. 99% 2.'8 97 Land&Mt.of Egypt,L.&Red. 1% 17.4 1 15.1 Of 9.8 9 5 . 18.12| 5 Do. I s t M r t . D b s . 100 Do. 5% Mort.Debs. .0iy 4 31.10| 991/4 5. 2 L a n d Securities, Limited ... 2% 25.5 2% 29.6 0 | W e s t e r n Ld.&Cattle,L.,Ord| Do. do. Pref. Lands Allotment 9% 29.5 1 10% 11.2 W e s t e r n Mort. & Invest., L. 1% 8.11| 114 27.2 Lon. & N . York In. ^ 1 pd. Oi 9.12' 4 9.12| 18.10| 5 25.11 1 Bromley Consumers 10 % Do. do. £7-p&M 6 21 Do. do. 7% Do. do. <£10pd.i| 9V6 2 1 - 1 2 81i 31.121 o& 9.12| 4f 25.9 Buenos Ay. (New),L.c£10pd. 17% 27.5 13 Do. do. Def.c£lpd.i 3 ^ 30.101 2 Do. do. <£10pd.cZ], 16% 24.5 1334 9.2 3 6l/8 11.5 Iftl I n t e r n a t . Inv. T s t . 6Jpd. id\ 6tf 8.5 OH illO 15.7 3 4% 2.5 Do. 6 % Deb. 18.6 107 Do. £4> pd. id\ 5 6.3 8to 2.7 Cagliari Gas and W a t e r , L. 26% 26.4 26!4 20.5 Of Do. £\ 8% 10.8 4.101 Ott1 Commercial,Consolidated... 175 10.12137 10 9.4 238 Do. <£10 pd. id\ 11 8.101 26.10| 6 | Do. New Stock ... 218 5.2 195 29.11 23 Do. Pref. i\ 0534 24.121 99 29.11 8i Do. 4£ % Deb. Stk. 127% 9.4 119 Do. Def. 119 22.10 110 10.12J 9 4414 2 . 1 Continental Union, Limited 50 12 Do. 4% D e b i |10434 4.12 102 11.9 2 | Do. N e w , ' 6 9 & ' 7 2 | 34% 21 Investment Corp. Prf. Stk. 10334 23.4 93/2 3.1 1 0 | 31% 8.1 5f 4.1 Do. 7 % Pref. 24 Do. Def. Stk 143 37 40 14.5 127V4 3.1 • 5 * 101 2.1 6 Crystal Palace District 2 2.5 Do. 4 % D e b . S t k . | 107 205 [205 23.121 414 26.8 Do. 7% 10 2.12| Lon.Scot.Am.Tst.,£410/-/2 24,1 22*/> 2.7 1 1 Do. £2\ paid 1& 11.11 British Law Fire ... 2% 9.2 1 A 2 . 1 1 ^ Newp.Aber.Bl.VeinSt.Cl.L 9% 10.12 Church of England... 3 H 7.2 3 J / 4 19.3 ! o& NewSharls.Collier..Lim Prf 12% 9 J 2 City of London Fire, Lim... % 31.1 H 5.11 % H . 2 0^ New Van.Coal & Mining,L.t CityofLon.Mar.In.Corp.,L.cZ N o r t h ' s Navigation Coll. 1 71/2 9.8 Clerical, Medical,&Gen.Life| i s % 21.' 12 17 27.3 .. N o r t h u m b e r l a n d L d . & Coa fA 4 . 3 Commercial Union... 39 30.7 25 10.1 14 Otis Steel ... ... % 11-ft 23.12 County Fire 149 11.7 145 5.4 4 Do. Preferred... 1 10% 20.12 Crown Life (.£50 paid) 81J4. 25.6 80 1.2 Pelsall Coal and Iron, Lim. 5 ^ 5.6 Do. <£48 5a. paid Rhymney Iron, Limited ... 1 2% 3.10 Eagle.. "b^s 23.12 "i% 21.1 Do. do. New | V/2 21.10 i Employers' Liab. Ass.Cor.L.I 2i£ 14.12 1% 2.1 o* Do. 7 % Debentures 10uVt 28.8 1% English & Scottish Law.Life| Do. 5 % Mort. Deb. 97 31.10 Equity and Law Life 24 6.4 23& 27.*3 Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim. Fire Insu. Assoc,L.c£l^ pd. '% 18.4 A 23.1 6'i Do. do. Def. 0-4 General Life and Fire 12V4 14.2 U f a 1.8 "314 6.*3 ou Simonds eSfceel & Iron...Forgei llV/2 21.12 Globe Marine, Limited 1 & 9.9 07/g 4.10 Or* South H t t o n Coal Gresham Life Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&R] Guardian Fire and Life ... 9634 9.'l2 80% 11.' 1 16 Do. do. lstPref.<£6pd. Home & Colonial Marine,L. Do. do. 2ndPrf.allpd. Imperial Fire 17914 23.'l2 160 16.1 in Vancouver Coal, Limited d "i% 5.3 Imperial Life 3 1 ^ 8.3 293^ 6.2 Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim... 10A 4 . 5 Indemnity Marine .£3 paid l l i l 21.10 10 5.3 Do. do. Preference Lancashire 8 4.9 6l/2 4.2 1% 2.3 W.Cumberl.Iron&SteeljL.d Law Fire 16H 28.11 15% 29.1 l t 6 Law Guarantee Trust 2% 3.4 1% 6.7 Of MINES.-BRITISH. Law Life '. 23% 9.12 23 17.1 01 Devon Great Consols ll/2 23.3 Legal and General Life 14 21.2 14 21.2 9% 5.12 Great Laxey, Limited Lion Fire, Limited ... 2% 6.8 i& i2.i Morgan Gold i 3/8 3.5 Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L.I 4 1 % 11.4 36% 12.1 5 7% 8.4 South Condurrow Do. do. (^81 Ann.) I 2014 9.12 25 l / 4 7.5 1 South W h e a l Frances London 58% 30.9 52 11.1 6£ Tincroft«£15 7s. 6d. paid... 28 7.11 London and Lancashire Fire I 16l/2 17.12 1414 12.3 2 i Weardale Lead London and Lancashire Life| W e s t Bassett<£9 2s. 6d.pd.d " l % 17.'7 London & Prov. Mar., Lim. 4 & 80.5 3 % 8.1 Do. .£9 8s. 6d.pd.i Marine, Limited 35 18.4 33 17.1 2 W e s t Wheal Seton Maritime, Limited... "ty8 lO.'lO Wheal Bas sett Merchants' Marine, Lim. 3 21.11 "2% 14."l W h e a l Grenville 17lA 25.9 Mortgage Insurance Corp.^] 2% 29.7 1% 2.7 o* of COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. National Marine Limited % 1.6 % 1.6 North British and Mercan. 503/8 * 1 . 8 44 3 . 1 6* Alamillos, Limited 2 16.2 Northern 70% 17.8 58-% 7.1 l l i Almada & TiritoCon.,Lim... Ocean Marine, L., .£2$ pd 5 26.7 334 29.1 *T ] Anglo-African Diamond, L. "ki 19."3 Pelican 65 22.6 uy2 22.6 0i Asia Minor, Limited Phcenix 283 26.11 266 22.5 17 Australian 1% 25.'2 Provident Life Queen... "6% 10.'8 "iVo 5.2 it! Borax 6% Debentures 102'/2 3.7 Rly, Passengers ^8118s.pd.d| 7-^ 9.2 6»i 1.3 0ft] B r a t s b e r g Copper ... i Do. .£119s. pd. i\ 7'/2 H . 5 &/2 13.11 1 British Broken Hill Propri. "7% 21.111 Rock Life ••••To , 7 T 3 18.5 6 29.10 Burma R u b y ... i 2% 19.10 Royal Exchange ... 382 4 . 4 357 3 . 1 25 Royal Insurance ... 523/8 9.12 451/2 7.2 6* 1 Camarones Cop.M.&Smelt.i 1% 2.12 Sun Fire 455 22.7 449 2.10 6 Canadian Phosphate San Life d\ 117 28.6 109 8.1 8 Cape Copper, Lim. £2 Shs. "Ws 2.1 Do. «£7£paid ... 13% 18.10 13% 10 10 0 i Chontales, Limited Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim. -12% 3.7 1 H H 16.3 0 ^ C olombian Hydraulic 2TV 22"3 Union... d\ 612 28.1 610 2 8 . 1 2 Colorado Silver Mining ... To 9.5 Do. .£40 paid 252 14.11 225 11.7 27 1 Copiapo, Limited, .£2 paid 4l/4 5.1 Union Marine (Liver.) Lim.j $V8 8.11 8 » 8.11 Universal Life 37y8 1.8 36 16.12 D a y D a w n P . C. Gold ... H 18.10 3 Universal Marine,L., <£2pd. 6 ^ 1.2 53^ 4.12 i* Devala Moyar Gold, Lim... ITIJ /8 U . 2 iw ** J n n 9* u l^ COAL, IRON; A D STEEL. N Barrow Haematite Steel, L &A 6.11 4% Do. do. 6 % Pref. 10 8.11 SYo Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L. 22% 19.11 1434 Do. do. ,£12 pd. 13& 18.11 8 & Bowling Iron, Limited ... Brown Bayley's Steel Consett Iron, Limited ...[ 22% Ebbw Vale Steel,Iron &C. L.i m2 i9.'n 53/8 9 ^ 15.10 Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim.l 2% 4.12 2% General Mining Assoc,Lim. John Brown & Co., Limited| 7756 21 i l l 63J£ Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal Marbella Iron Ore, Limited| "3H 11.11J _J3 ii 1 Flnctual tion. 1 5 0 c Lowest. Highest Day. 1 Month. Lowest. Day. 1 Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest. INSURANCF, COAL, IRON, & STEEL, and MINES for 1889. Don Pedro 30.1 10.1 1.2 18.2 i.'l 21.2 4.12 2 H E b e r h a r d t and Monitor E l Callao Empire m c^ ov o ^ ... #> # "2% 6.3 83 17.1 2 8 | 6'i "634 17.1 Of 93/8 10.10 0{% i% 1% 8 1/4 7% 13 2.'3 ... 15.5 0£ 17.4 H 26.11 0^ 14.1 0* 12.4 15" "i% 17" 7 "Ws lo.'ib 9i/2 4.5 V/2 23.12 " 3 ^ io!i 1V2 94 7.'6 n ok 2i Of 4.1 81 3Vs 27.*5 m 6.7 4i 0J6 31.5 0*1 lh\ "214 24.4 j 3 J ' l i % 2.'l2| To 9.5 1 & 24.4 oi m \i 14.2 Oi y8 6.7 Ok 0^2 25.10 11 d\ n\ *mF o r t u n a , Limited 6 " i m 9.2 VA 12.2 61fc 5.3 6.V 0>/> 10.9 Oh C34 2 . K 0T5 7i/2 11.1 \2* 83/8 11.2 H ¥2 2.7 0^ 43/8 8.4 H % 21.1 T 1 1 % 30.1!? ioy 8 30.12 T 4% 27.5 Oi 1A 18.1 Ifo 03/8 26.2 Ik 97 13.5 H 83 14.1 14 F r o n t i n o & Bolivia Gold, L. Gold Fields of South Africa Do. New 5s. pd.i Gympie Golden Crown '4fJ H S.'ll *2% S l . ' l 4.1 Vs 8.8 4,y2 1 6 . 3 TV 10.12 7%-16.10 5 16.10 TV 2 . 5 2^T 0i% 3% 7.10 01 3/8 26.6 0Je\ 2 7.5 H 134 26.9 8± 3 /s 2.4 0M 4.2 14" Ilex Gold Prefd. £1 paid...| Indian Consolidated Gld.,L. 5.4 | u i o l Indian Gold Mines t| S 3*.'l "'% 13.1l| Oft\ MINES continued, SHIPPING, TEA, TELEGRAPHS, Ac, and TRAMWAYS for 1889. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. MINES COL. & FOR.—con. Libiola Copper Linares, Limited Mason & B a r r y , Limited .. Midas Gold Field Montana Mysore Gold, Limited TEA 3.1 18.12| 2 2ft 2.1 1,3 1.2 2.4 2ft 10.8 5i/2. 18.6 534 28.101 4f 0% 17.12 I f l f t 27.12 1* 3% 7.1 3 TEA AND COFFEE. Assam ... ... British Indian, Limited ... Darjeeling, Limited Dooars Tea ... Do. Pref. .£10 paid| Eastern Assam, Limited Jokai Tea J o r e h a u t Tea, Limited 7% I314 16 13Vs 8% 18ft 13% 11 10% 9l/g 4% 5l/8 7% 771/4 31 72% 9% 27 1234 14% 24 l / 4 39% 314 27*4 10% 12^ 15Vi 41 l / 8 COFFEE-COM. 2 Of $ , 0ft TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. African Direct 4 % Deben 10034 15.3 9914 7.10 1* Anglo-American, Limited.. 54 29.6 48 12.1 6 80% 10.1 Do. do. Pref. I 9 1 % 153,4 26.11 Do. do. Def. I 201/4 28.2 12% 27.111 Brazilian Submarine, Lim, 14ft 101 2.2 ' 3 Do. do. 5 % Bonds 104 28.*5 0^ 9.3 2 Do. 2nd Sei\June,1906 109 17.4 107 18.4 Of Compagnie du Tele. Sous d 5 22.6 1 Con.Telephone Con.Main.,L. '"% 6.*5 /8 3.1 6"i 3.1 5.3 Cuba, Limited 15ft 10.8 14 16.8 0ft Do. 10 % Preference! 201/g 3.101 18% 2.1 I f !_£_ 21.5 43/8 19.12 3% 24.1 0 Direct Spanish, Limited . *, 2.1 *16 21.111 8% 27.6 1ft Do. 10% Pref.I 3.5 ni- Direct Un. States Cable, L.| n% 25.4 9 ^ 11.1 1ft U 1 6 E a s t e r n , Limited ... 141/2 3.12| 12ft 4.1 2 Do. 6% Preference 15% 4.9 14% 3.5 I - ! 21.2 I f Do. 5% Debentures 1899] 110i/4 4 . 1 106% 12.3 32 19.7 J-5ft| Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Stock 111 15.101 105 18.12| 6 19.3 4 3.10) 12% 5.1 H E a s t e r n Extension, Limited 14 13.3 5* 21.2 4 i Do. 6% Deben., 1891 1061,4 30.7 102 8.2 5^ Do. 5% do. 19001 106*4 24.6 101 4.5 100% 8.2 Do. 5% do. 18901 102% 3.1 2 East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900 |107 20.6 102 5 10.1 Of German Union, Limited d\ 9."l2| 14H 16.1 13.12 oft Gt. Northern of Copenhagen 25.3 101% 17.1 Do. 5 % Deb.(iss.l880) 13.U o % Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883) 108 26.8 104 7.1 Of 5.3 Indo-European, Limited ... j 433/8 30.9 39% 14.5 19.*12 London Platino-Braz., Lim. Do. 6 % Debentures 109% 17'.10| 109% 17#.10| 29.4 2* National Telephone i\ 6V8 31.10 ~y8 24.12 20.6 31.7 2ft Do. New .£3 p d . i 3 1 30.12 30.12 Do. 1st Pref. ... ... 27.4 H Do. 2nd Pref. .. ... 26.6 0ft Oriental Telephone, Lim.... ft 8.3 0ft % 5.11; Router's, Limited ..." ... 7% 22.3 6ft 7.2 oii X Sth.ofEng. Telephone Ord.i\ ft 19.6 A 3.121 O i l Do. do. FL£3p&.id\ 3 l 4 9.9 3ft 14.6 oft I Do. do. .£3£-paidiJ 3% 3.15 3% 3.12| 7" 20.2 m 11.1 0* 9.1 d 144 % 21.1 137% 21.5 10% 25.11 2f Submarine 5%' 3.10] I f United River Plate Telepho. 6% 3.6 5.4 112% 18.12 51 Do. 7%Deb.ill8 7.'ill 13H 15.2 2.1 21 United Telephone,Limited^? 16% 12.4 14 23.11] 5.1 W e s t African Telegraph ... 103/8 19.11 6I/4 28.2 4*L 30.3 21.11 ** , 98 16.7 8.1 6 Do. do. 5% Debs. 104 18 4 153/8 28.3 15.2 17.121 3ft W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 11% 30.12| 8% 17.1 2f 9 27.12 26.9 117 18.1 10 Do. 8 % Debentures 127 22.8 9% 17.121 4f Western & Brazilian, Lim. 14ft 14.3 22.11 5 U | 11.7 19.11 If Do. do. Preferred 7% 27.5 15.11 13.4 H 18.11 4 i Do. do. Deferred 1% 5.3 4.11 2 3.4 Of 12.12| 2\ Do. Deb., " A , " 1910109% 20.5 107 12.4 12.1 2\ 2% 20.11 6 12.4 Do. Deb., " B , " 1910110 22.1 10* 6/2 24.5 2k 9.121 64l/2 2.4 1 W e s t India & Panama,Lim. 3!/8 13.11 1ft 18.3 l i f l 27.3 IK 12.12 241/4 3.1 12£ Do. do. 1st Pref. 1 2 ^ 11.11 13.11 621/4 4.1 6 ! Do. do. 2nd do. 15-% 13.11 10% 29.3 19.3 10£ W e s t e r n Union 7% 1st Mort. 118% 21.6 11% 11.7 2i 7% 29.10| 22% 2 Do. SterliugBonds|L02i4 5.3 116% 18.4 I f 100% 4.V 26.8 10% 15.6 12% 2k TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. 14.3 241/4 14.3 If Anglo-Argenti ie, Limited ..I 5% 15.2 19.10 Hi Do. 6 % Debenture Stk 127% . 5 . 6 122 16.12 Barcelona, Limited ... 13 1.4 I 2; 1.3 11 25.2 30% 19.8 9 i 4.2 Do. 5% Deb. i 100 4.2 100 16.3 214 21.8 1 Belfast Street 16% 14.6 1I-B 18.11 4 J L I 14.10| 20% 20.7 61 Birkenhead Ordinary d\ 16.11 8 27.4 2\ Do. 6% Pref. d\ l 23.4 113,4 11.1 0 d Bordeaux, Limited ... ..I 8.6 6% 13.12] If Do. 5 % Preference... I 10^| 8.2 9"/> 12.4 2.'l 13 28.*8 2i Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. 13/8 3.7 1% 20.3 lft| l 9.8 9* Bristol, Limited ... d\ ll A 18.1 11 20.3 oi 2.2 32 2.1 N a m a q u a Copper £2 paid 1% New Akankoo ... *• New Chile Gold, .£1 paid d\ NewEberhardt 5 OO O New EmmaSilver,L.l83.pd. To *o.*i ft New Hoover Hill Gold, Lim.j New Zealand Antimony "ift s.'i "6% Old Lont 16s. 6d. paid 1% 2 7.1 Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. 2ft 27.121 l f t Bo. 10% Pref.20s.pd. 2 f t 16.2 1% Pahang Kabang ... i 1ft 31.10| 0% Oft Panulcillo Cop. L.div..£2 pd. 2l/8 7.1 ft Pestarena United Gold,Lim. ft 2.1 3/4 Pinos Altos Bullion i f 7.1 Pohtgibaud Silver-Lead ... P.Phillip & Col.G.,L. 24a.p.d| Richmond Consolidated, L. 2% 4.1 lVs Rio Tinto Limited ... 25% 2.1 9i| 14.8 100 Do. Mort. Bds.| 104 26.1 96% Do. 5 % 2nd do. 102 Ross United Gold £1 paidl Do. 19s. 6d. paid Ruby&Dund.Con.,L.19s.pd. Scottish Australian, Lim. 3*4 25.4 2% l f t 18.5 Do. New VA Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited! i t 27.3 ft Do. Plumas E u r e k a 1*4 3.12| 0ft St. J o h n del Rey, L.M pd.df % 27.*3 South E a s t Mysore Gold ft 4.1 Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim.| 5% 314 Tocopilla Cop.,Lm.«£9fpd.cZ ft 20.6 ft 4 25.10 lft Tolima, Limited 11.3 U n . Mexican, Lim.iJlOpd.d 4 2% 3/8 24.6 Do. JBlpd.-i ft W e n t w o r t h Gold, L i m i t e d . % West B a t . Rf. Gd. M. £ f r . t | "% i'.'n SHIPPING. African Steamship... Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim.| British Shipowners, L i m . . Castle Mail Packets, Lim. CommercialSteamship,Lim.| Cunard Steam., L . .£10 paid Do. do. .£20 paid| General Steam Navigation! Do. 5 % Preference! Do. 5% 1877 Mercantile Steamship, Lim.l National Steamship, Lim .| New Zealand, Limited Orient Steam Navigation ,L.| Penin.&Oriental SteamNav.| Do. do. New, 1867 Royal Mail Steam Packet Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim.l Union Steamship, Limited..| Do. do. New ... Union Steamship of N. Zeal, W e s t India & Pac. Steam,L. AND L a n k a Plantations, Limited | 13% 26.3 11% Lebong, Limited ... 9.8 Luckimpore, Limited 7% 4.2 8 4.2 Do. New, Limited. "434 21.'2 , "4% 28.*9 Ouvah Coffee, Limited Upper Assam Limited 13,4 25.10 l f t 5.6 3.7 2f m ok m n n oi £3 FF a 1 TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS continued, and WATERWORKS for 1889. NAME OF STOCK. <8 W 111i1 +5 NAME OF STOCK. H? j TRAMS. & OMNIBUS—con. Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs. 6fc 11.6 5 H 23.1 Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 12514 11.2 120 29.1 84 Calais, Limited 2% 3.7 134 21.3 Calcutta, Limited 6% 25.1 5% 29.6 oi Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 81/s 17.12 614 14.9 i | Do. 5 % Debentures 9534 18.11 92 1.3 3£ City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 12 20.3 834 26.11 34 Do. 6 % Deb. Stk. 137 16.4 1131 23.7 6 Continental Metropolitan ..i 4 ^ 14.5 j 2% 3.12 1 T 7 C Do. 5% Pref... 5i/8 16.3 j 43/8 21.10 Of 93,4 6.4 Dublin United 93/8 19.2 o* Edinburgh Street 14i£ 18.6 12& 21.3 2 Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L. 14% 8.1 1 2 ^ 23.2 I 2 & Hull Street 3V4 7 . 1 214 8.7 1 Imperial, Limited 134 23.4 1^ 6.2 OH Leicester ^810 paid ... Do. <£7 paid ... d Do. J69 paid ... t Liverpool United 834 iiVs £5 uy 19.1 i at London, Limited 17 6.7 2 i . i »f 8 Do. 6% Pref... 16 13.9 14 30.1 2 Do. Found. S c Certs. 171/6 9.7 111/6 6.11 6 Do. 5 % D e b . . . . U2»^ 9 . 5 1091/6 1.4 3 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 208 29.1 172 19.11 36 6i/6 26.8 London E o a d Car 414 4 . 1 24 1 Do. (5thlss.)£4^ 41/8 28.8 3 12.7 H Do. d o . .£6 paid i 5 A 11.11 434 20.11 OH London Street 141/4 10.5 Mfc H.7 3 | Montreal St. Rail. 5% D e b . IIII/4 5.7 1081/6 4.11 2f W/a 10.7 17% 21.10 2* N o r t h Metropolitan 4 H 23.4 OH N orth Staffordshire, Lim.... 5% 12.1 Nottinghairi&District, Lim. 434 4 . 3 3tf 7.1 OH Provincial Limited 9 6.3 5 24.12 4 Sheffield 614 18.9 51/s 21.1 if | | Southampton 71/4 30.4 i 5i/6 20.9 i£ South London 4 25.2 21/4 27.11 i f J1 Southwark & Deptfd., Lim. 2% 21.1 1 1 17.12 U 1 Sunderland, Limited 4 ^ 23.3 71/6 23.5 Tramways Co. of F r a n c e , L. 3 7.10 214 14.9 Tramway sCo.of Germany,L. 131/4 5.3 1214 28.5 1 Tramways Union, Limited 73/8 10.5 6& 7.1 Do i \ % Debentures 1053,4 8.2 103 11.7 Vienna General Omnibus,L. 1 2% 4.30 0i/6 5.3 11 Wolverhampton, Limited... 6i/6 S I . 5 5 7.1 l * 1 s >; 4 Q m "oft o WATERWORKS. ... od AlexandriaLimited ... Antwerp, n\ Chelsea Ordinary Do. 5% Pref Do. 4$% Pref 151/6 2751/2 1381/6 127 Do. 4£% Deb 1421/6 City of St. Petersburg, Lim 13/8 Colno Valley 11% Do. 4% D e b . 104 EastLondon 219 Do. 4£ Debenture 1 14514 G r a n d Junction (max. 10%) 131 Do. New (max. 7%) 92& Kent 285 Do. New, £6 paid d Do. New, .£7 paid id 14% Do. New, ^68 paid i 151/g Kimberley, Limited 11% Do. 6 % Debentures 107 Lambeth, maximum 10% ... 2631/6 Do. do. 7 j % . . . 205 Do. 4 % Debentures 123 Montevideo ... 1 2214 Do. 5% 1st Debs, i 111$ Do. 5% 2nd Debs, i New .River, New 368 Do. 4 % Debentures I3014 Do. Debentures B Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. "e Do. B Deferrd. 1% Do. 5 % Debentures 96 Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 107 Portlnd. W t e r . C. M.4%G. B . 97 Shanghai, Limited ••• South Staffordshire A & B.. ... Do. 4% Debentures Southwark & Vauxhall ... 185 1 D o . D 7£% maximum 172 Do. 5 % Pref 138JJ Do. 4*% Debs. 138 T a r a p a c a £7 paid ... d 17% Do. £9 paid ... id 1 5 H Do. £8 paid ... id 15% Do. wglOpaid t 11% W e s t Middlesex 271 3 4 Do. 4*% Deb.... 141 8* W * Coupon! payable abroad. i Inserted in Official Daily List during 1889. d Discontinued in Official Daily List during 1889. 1 84 ... 2 l ! 2 133/8 19.8 2571/6 28.3 137 11.10 1241/6 6.12 140 1 21.5 26.1 1034 13.8 104 3.10 2021/6 7.8 135 16.8 122 13.7 861/6 26.8 273 21.8 2* 29.3 18 26.4 17.5 2» 18.10 2* 24.1 0i 3.7 1 13.8 8.1 161 31.1 10i 20.6 9 21.5 6 6.5 12 9.*5 13% 18.11 1434 21.10 91/4 16.4 107 4.10 250 18.6 199 12.9 120 2.5 201/6 1.8 107 8.'2 22.8 Of 7.1 2f 16.4 15.4 13i 8.2 « 8.2 3 6.12 I f 20.11 4 u 6'i * 5.12 348 16.5 20" 24.7 1251/6 25.3 4 | 18.4 *3 034 9.3 11.3 91 26.2 104% 18.1 95 22.6 20.11 22.1 25.9 2.4 3* 1 5 n 2 ... ... 9.'8 1641/6 4.9 160 14.5 136 2.11 135 2 . 1 12 934 30.7 5.3 II34 16.12 1034 26.8 2611/6 22.7 134 t 21.1 20'i 13.3 12 19.9 21 15.7 3 31.1 54 27.11 9.4 6.12 ^ o | 1 12.12 10I 10.1 | 7 " I I 1890. BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1890. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. BRITISH FUNDS. 9S34 29.5 933/8 14, New Consols (Goschens) Do. do. for A/c.| 98% 29.5 9334 14, 10134 14.2 100y4 17, New Three-and-half p . Cts. 13.1 95% 24, Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts, 100 Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 9534 18.4 9156 15. 95% 17.4 9 1 % 18, Do. for Account 103% 18.4 IOOI/4 30, Local Loans Stock .. Metrop.PoHce 3% Deb.Stk.i] 100% 1.9 lOOi/a 27, 17.4 1314 12, E e d Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann 14 Exchequer Bills (March) ... 9/-p. 23.5 15/-d. 21, 8/-p. 22.4 |25/-d. 21, Do. do. (June) ... 18. 99% 7.3 " Exchequer 2f% Bonds Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8l II214 8.1 IO614 2. Do. " R u p e r t ' s Ld."1904| 6. Do. Bonds 1910 114& 11.4 iidy2 Do. Bonds 1913| 117 20.1 11256 14. Egypt. Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan 102y8 3.1 9814 17. Jamaica, Imp.G.,1897| 104% 9.6 io4i/2 9 < 5| Turkish 4 % Guaranteed 107% 8.1 102 29. Bank of England ... 341 25.4 327 18. |14 2 17.4 Bank of Ireland 31256 29.5 131056 24. 4f 1041,2 15. India Stock 3£% 1931| 31 Do. for Account W/8 21.4 105 14 61 15 Do. 3% 1948| 108% 2 . 1 Do. for Account 14.1 9456 20 Bo. Scrip d\ m% 10.4 10056 10 Do. Scp.60% to bepd.ic?| 101 3.9 37% 13 6'i Do. 40% do. id 100J6 12.9 57% 16 01 Do. 20% do. 2.121 75% 11 38^ India Debentures 1839c?| 58 8 Bo. do. 1891, m/2 22.3 9956 22 78 Do. 3i% Aug. 1896 i\ 99 3.12| 98/ 2 26 8 22| Do. Enfaced Paper 4% 903/8 29.8 68 21i Do. do. 4 | % 1893| 92 2.9 , 703/4 17 Isle of Man Debentures 3\% 108J6 15.1 L00 16 32L Do. do. 3% 1929| 9934 21.6 „_ 11 If CORPORATION STOCKS.—, STAMP DUT\ Y FREE 4 14.1 109 15 Met. Bd. of W o r k s 3^ %,1929 13 4 Do. do. 3 %,1941 10234 18.12 9834 Do. do.2£%<£50topy.c?! 41i/2 17.1 411/2 17 Do. do. £25 to pay. id\ 66 20.2 66 20 Do. do. all paid i 91V4 22 A 85 7 Com. of Sewers, Lon., 190. 102 16.4 9956 3 Corp. of Loitdon3|% ,1889-931 101% 28.7 9914 24 Do. do. 3£%, 1894-8 102 27.3 9956 1 Do. do. 3 % 1912] 9934 22.10] 99% 2 Do. 3£% Deb. Scrip allpd 102 18.4 , 9956 22 Birmingham 3£ % 1946| 111% 30.5 1107% 9 Do. 3% 1947 102 j 9934 17 Brighton 3£ % 19461 110% 107% 31 Cardiff 3£% 1935 10934 1106 15 Croydon 3\% Irredeemable U 3 110 23 Derby Corp.3%Deb.l920-50i 983/8 22 Dublin 3f% i Glasgow 3^% 1914] 10534 27.8 1053/4 27, 3 Do. 3£%Irred. S t o c k . . 114 25.6 110 4 5, Hull 3£ % F i r s t issue 1943] 12.5 IO614 2, Leicester 3* % 1934 1083/8 3.6 ".01% 8, Lincoln 3 % Red. 1919] 99% 29.10] 97 9, Liverpool 3£ % 112% 24.2 11056 12 Middlesbrough 3f % 1909110634 10.5 104 3, Do. 3} % 1911-3 10156 22.9 100 29, Newcastle 3£% 1936] 6.6 IO714 4. Do. 3 £ % Irredeem.. 110 25.10| 10656 27. Nottingham 3 % , 99i/8 12.9 96 20, Portsmouth 3£ % 1916-27 10914 28.7 10634 27. Reading 3 ^ % 1101/2 19.7 1083/8 25, South Stafford 4£ % D e b . . . . 3 Swansea 3£ % 1951!10956 27.5 106 4 12 HI Tynemouth3% 1913 96% .3 9456 20 111 1 99 W e s t H a m Corporation 3£%j IOI34 29.12 Weymouth &Melc. Regis 3% 98 24.2 96 3 4 12.6 Windsor 3 % 1918] 9934 9.1 98 17.1l| 11.12| 99L4 21.8 Wisbech Bor. 3 i % . . . 1091/2 2 . 1 IO6I/4 9.8 Wolverhampton 3 t % SUBJECT TO| STAMP DU TY. Birmingham Gas Ann. of £1 Do. W a t e r do. of £1 Blackburn 4 % Do. 3h% . °* SUBJECT TO STAMP! DUTY—con, 112 3.101107V4 3.3 Bristol 3^ % DouglasTn.3£%60%to payidl Do. all paid " Glasgow 3£% ... .. H u l l 3 £ % (2nd issue) 1943 Lee Conservancy 4 % Leeds 4 % 1927 U714 25.11 113l4 25.6 3.4 106 Do. 3\% 1927 109 5.121 Longton 3f % 1932 129 11.1 12556 23.6 Manchester 4 % Middlesbrough 4£ % 19081 Sheffield 3£ % Redeemable! Do. W a t e r Anns. Prog. Do. do. 5% 2 . 1 1C0 25.2 103 Southampton 3^ % South Stafford. 4^ % 9.1 \106V2 Stockton 4 i % 1908]J 07 Swansea H a r b o u r T r u s t 4£ % 10856 9.9 08i/8 9.9 3.9 94 Wigan Corp. 3% Red. i 96lA 14.101 COLONIAL I PROV. SECURITIES. B. Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1894 109% Do. . 6% 19071125 Do. 41- % Deb. 1917113 British Guiana 4% ... -....' 10334 C a n . " I n t c . Rl.L.," 5 %, 190311153 Do. 4 % 1904-5-6-8, ios 4 Do. Reduced 4% 1910 H03/8 Bo. 3| % 1909-34 10556 Do. 4 % 1910-35] 112 Do. 3 % Red. 193S 9634 Cape of G. I t . 6 %, 1890-1900 101i/2 Do. do. 6 % 1891 10434 Do. do. 5 % 1900| 112 Do. 4 | % red. an. dr. i i o » Do. 4£%,1879 do. 109% Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 104.& Do. 4 % 1917-221iio l / 2 Bo. 4£ % W y n b . 1899 106% Do. 5 % 10/40 Ceylon 4£ % Sink. P d . fr. '92|10534 Do.| 106% IO51/4 Fijian Government 4 j % |104 Hong K o n g 4 % Jamaica 4^% Do. 4 % 101 Manitoba 5 % Debs. 1910 11534 Do. do. 1923 1163/4 Mauritius 6 % 1895-96 113 Do. 4£% Do. 4 % Natal 6 % 1896 Do. 5 % 1909 11434 114i/2 Do. \\% Do. 4 % 19261 10934 Do. 5% 10/401894-1925]10756 New Brunswick 6 %, 1886-91 10434 New S.W. 5 % 1888-1894| 10434 Do. 5% 1895-1902 113 Do. 5% 18724898 105i/2 Do. 4%1903-5-S*9-10| 108V4 Do. 4% 1910 110856 New Zealand 6 % 1891 1031/2 Do. 5% 1914| 11914 Do. 5% Consols... 10S% Do. 6%,15Mr.l891 102 Do. 6%,15Ju.l5Dc.l891 103 Do. (Auck.)6%,l896| Do. 5% 10/40,1889-1918d 102 Do. 5 % 1889c? Do. 5%Bondsconr.l892l 115% Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 1904 11456 Do. 5 % 1906|115 Do. 4^ % 19191 Do. 5 % 1912 10856 Do. 4 % Sterlg. Bds. •, 116% Queensland 6 % 1891-6 108 Do. 4% 1913-15 114 St. Lucia 4£% Debentures IO714 108 87 6.2 104 22.1 121 3.2 11014 1.4 106% 20.2 2 . 1 'U56 16.6 1041/4 10.11 103 5.12| 10256 23.4 109 2.5 94 9.4 1011/4 14.1 101 20.1 1031/6 2 . 5 1013/4 17.4 102 9.1 10014 |104 22.*5 .02 26.4 102 20.1 IO21/2 7.1 102 5.2 |ioii/6 26.8 28.4 27.6 13.1 9.7 2.'l2 19.12 16.10] 20.1 5.11] 10056 6.'8 111 5.9 1U56 7.8 110756 10.11 10256 12.6 11.11 1143,4 10.1 109 21.4 105 8.1 IOI34 27.2 10356 22.2 100 19.2 IO31/4 6.2 15.5 1035* 9.5 1023/4 9.1 103i/2 27.5 100 21.5 |H256 i 2 . 6 10434 22.1 10034 1011/2 2 . 1 1011/6 9.'4 8.4 26.4 2.5 10.4 20.5 4.6 19.5 7.2 7.101 14.1 5.12| 25.8 8.101 19.12 15.10] 10.7 18.11] 22.11] 14.6 38.10) 8.10 15.10 22.12 3.12 15.10 107 10434 10456 102 |112 102 11.11 7.101 20.11 9.12] 27.6 18.7 7.8 15.8 21.10] 20.11 20.10| 2.9 20.10| 24.10] 26.6 17.1 21.'10] 3.11 12.11]10* 21.10 6* 7.1 41 12.8 6 iooi/6 2.7 ]13i 10056 18.111 6 i 7.2 10s n COLONIAL & PROVINCIAL continued, and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, &c, for 1890. NAME OF STOCK. COLONIAL & PROV.—con South Austra. 6 %, 1886-1890! Do. 6%, 1891-1900 115i/2 Do. 6%, 1901-1918 1253/4 Do. 5 %, 1889-1920 117 Do. 4 % , 1894-1916 106% Do. 4% 1929 10634 Do. 4% 19161 108 Do. 4 % 1917-18-24| 109 & Straits Settlements 4 | % Tasmania 6 % 1895 110% Do. 6%, 1893-1901 115 Do. 4% ,1908-13-14-20 053/4 Do. 1886 4% red. 191l| 105 105 Trinidad 5 % 102V4 Do. 4% ! 1891 i03V4 Victoria 6 % 18941106% Do. 5 % 1899-1901 1053,4 Do. 4 % 1904 112 Do. 4 | % Do. 4 % , 1881 1907|108i/2 Do. 4 % 1882-3...1908-13 .110% Western Australia 4 | % ... 112 Do. do. 4% ... 105 Do. do. 4% ... 109% NAME OF STOCK. «£ FOREIGN— continued. * Argentine N a t l . Ced. *'B' 50% 20.1 231/4 19.11' 27* 26.3 20.111 2 8 | Do. U % I n t . Gold .. 8434 28.1 56 11.7 HI 10.12 2 8 | Do. 4.| % Sterling 84% 19.2 56 20.3 4 Do. 3.|%Exter. S c r i p . . 653/ 18.6 43% 19.111 22i 6.8 * Austrian Silver Rente3 .. 81%4 9.9 72% 4 . 1 9 29.7 65 4. Do. Paper do. 3 5£ 79% 23.9 74 24.11 Do. Gold do. 1.8 91% 21.4 4* 96 10.101 5 *Belgian 2£% 30.1 80% 30.1 80% 7.8 41 "? Do. 3 %, 1874 22.7 Brazilian 4£ %, 1863 d 13.101 13i Do. 5 %,1865 d .02 10.2 101 7.1 1 7.10 43. Do. 5 %, 1871 d 102 8.1 101% 14.1 0i 7.10 4 d\ Do. 5 %, 1875 8.101 3 Do. 4 i % , 1 8 S 3 92 25.9 79% 2 . 1 13.9 3.2 3* 5 %,1886 6 071/4 Do. 94 9.7 3" 4i%,1879GoldLn 95 Do. 21'.12] 83% 4.1 nit 18.7 31 4|%,1888 Do. 92% 18.9 8OI/4 2 . 1 |12* 17.11 4 | 2.1 2i 9 Do.4'X '89Eng.Sc.20ZpdtZ| 11% 4.1 7.101 6 19.3 3 i <£40 paid id 31% 22.1 28 Do. 7.10 3 | £65 paid id 533/s 28.3 51% 3.4 Do. 31.10! 6 Do. all paid ... 85% 18.9 73V4 2.1 H 20.10| 6 14.101 100% 13.8 14.11 2h Buenos Ayres 6 %, 1824 if Do. 3 % , 1857 1* 9.12 i35*i Do. 6%1882& , 86j 100% l

> c?1 ft 0 • 3 NAME OF STOCK. ^ -a a luctua- 4 ft*4£ NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. RAILWAYS—Contingent Preference, INDIAN, and BRITISH POSSESSIONS for 1893. CO 0 H* a N PREFERENCE STOCKS, con PREFERENCE STOCKS. 2.12 13454 21.5 2f 17.11 N o r t h Staffordsh. 4*% 1873 137 Caledonian 4% No. 1 126V4 10.9 121 126 13.1 11856 14.11 7 i Do. do. 4|%1876 13634 5.9 133% 15.4 2f Do. 4% No. 2 R h o n d d a & Swan. Bay Prf.. Do. 5% 1878 154J6 8.9 11656 30.4 8 Rhymnev 4% Pref.... 1 120% 9.1 li'514 27.'lO Do. 4% 1881. 125^2 17.7 U95fc 5.12 6 Do. 4% 1887 13034 6.9 119 12.11 Somerset & Dorset, 5% lsl 18% 16.9 18 21.4 0 | Do. 5% 2nd Cornwall Mineral's, 4% E a s t . &Mid.(Cromer)gu. 5% 2056 21.7 205^ 21.7 Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 115 1.12 109 22.'3 6* Do. (Lynn Loop) do. South Eastern Cons. 41%... 140 7.1 136 2.7 4 Furness4% 122 6.2 II714 16.12 4 ! Do. do. 5 % ... 156 5.1 153 2.1 3 117 16.1 11354 12.12 3 | Do. Vested Co's. 4% S t k 126J/o 28.4 123 22.10 1 3£ Do. 4% A 116 3.2 II214 11.7 3 | 3.1 114 16.8 7 Taff Vale 4% Act 1889 ... 121 Do. 4%B Glasgow & S. Western 4% 125 4 . 6 120 5.11 6 W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs Do. do. No. 2 4% 12456 5.9 120 3.4 Do. do. 4%,l888i INDIAN RAILWAYS, P* Great Eastern 4% ... 127 13.1 I2S54 2*8 H Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , Lim 10254 21.5 9414 12.2 8 Do. 4%Pref., 1886 125 21.1 120" 11.11 5 8 ^ 23.1 Do. Shares «£9paic 8% 18.7 Do. 4% 1881 124 14.1 11956 6.8 16.5 514 22.12 Of Lm.,,£5pd. 6 Ui Bengal Central, Stock Do. 4^% till 1893 126 17.1 120 15.12 1 6 Bengal-Nagpur 120J& 30.4 115 2.10 5* Do. 4fc% Pref., 1887 . 1253,4 17.1 120 11.12 Do. do. Ui Bombay, Baroda, &.£17pd. d 19134 29.'5 179 3.'10 12f Do. 4% Pref. 1888, all pd 117 14.5 112 1.4 5 Cen.Ind Do. do. .£60 pd.d 79 27.5 7456 20.1 5 7.1 Of Del.Umballa Ivalka .£4 pd.o 5% 4 . 1 2 Do. do. ^ O p d . ? L O 12.7 98 O 6.11 Ui 6% 11.3 Do. do. £6 paid i cl 7 ^ 2 9 . 4 •h Great N. of Scotland 4% A 11514 5.6 115 28.5 M 914 5.5 X Do. do. £8 paid in 9ft 29.5 H Do. Do. do. 4% £ 112 25.7 108 10.12 4 11 16.1 do. all paid .. 12i/8 9#8 Great Northern 4% Perp.Pf. 130*6 10.1 12434 19.8 5f Do. 4% Deb. Stock? 10756 12.9 10434 22.1( 2 ! Great Western 5% 160# 18.1 154 4 . 3 6J E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 24% 11.8 2334 18.3 0% Highland A 4^% 135" 28.8 13156 17.12 8* Do. B do. 1957 2856 15.1 2756 20.10 I f Do. B 5% 139 17.4 135 13.11 4 10.12 5f Do. 4% Gua. Deb. 12434 22.3 119 Lancashire & York. 4% Con. 130 8.1 12334 14.8 6± E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953 24% 21.5 2356 25.11 U Do. do. 4%, 1882 12756 16.1 123 20.3 4^ Do. Annuity B ... 2954 29.12 2756 15.10 i f Do. do. 4%, 1884 128 8.1 123 20.3 5 Do. Def. Ann. Cap. 11556 29.4 10956 14.1 6 ! Do. 4%, 1887 14.11 7 12756 24.1 12156 14.8 6 14.8 131 Do. 4 | % Deb. Stock 138 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 15856 13.1 153 11.3 5* Great Indian Peninsula [178 5.12 [16156 30.9 16i Do. 2nd do. 5% 16634 16.7 152 6.2 4£ 3 . 3 121 8.1 5 Do. do. 4% Deb. 126 Lon.,Chatham,&c.,Arb.4|% 115 6.5 107 20.1 8 7.5 11556 15.10 8* Indian Midland, Limited .. 124 Do. do. Pref. (1892) i 101 29.11 9956 29.11 H Madras 5 % guaranteed ... 15156 20.6 14556 25.1 1 6 Do. do. 4 | % 2nd Pref. 7454 28.5 6I14 22.1 13 1 143 10.12 138 8.1 5 Do. 4f% do. London & NorthWestern4% 132 20.1 1251/4 31.3 6 | ] 4 . 1 5^ 13656 25.6 131 Do. 4£% do. London & South Western4% 12956 2 . 1 12334 28.8 5f Nizam State Railway 126 5.6 117 7.10 9 Do. do. 4%, 1884 12934 24.1 12454 27.2 5£ 13.5 102 11.2 4 Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Sc. 106 Do. do. 3£%Prf.i 10956 6.12 107 20.10 2*\ Oude & Eohilkund 4% Deb. 10556 16.6 103 17.3 2^ London,Til., & Southend4% 121 3.7 118 18.2 3 7.1 7i'\ Rohilkund & Kumaon Stock 11756 21.6 110 Do. do. 4% Pref.,'87 12356 5.6 113 5.11 51 i Sc. P . & Del.Ann. " A " 1958 2434 10.3 2334 8 . U 1 Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 125 22.2 12014 1.2 4* 29 9.1 273/8 3.6 11 Do. do. "B"1058 Do. 5% Perpetual 1862 148% 29.10 1445O 12.2 4f 2.1 128 18.3 5 South Indian 5%guaranteed 133 Do. 5% Convert. 187£ 14856 1.7 144 33.11 4* 12456 10.5 12456 10.5 Do. 4f% do. Do. 5% do. 1874 147^6 25.1 14256 18.4 5 5.1 6*i Do. 4 | % do. Db. 1351/4 22.5 129 Do. 5% do. 1876 148 9.1 J4256 31.7 5* Southern M a h r a t t a 4% gua. 11756 25.4 11254 30.6 54 Do. 5% do. 1879 14434 29.1 141 8.3 31 Do. do. 3^% Deb. Do. 5% do. 1881 14t 2.7 139 10.2 5 16.5 11756 3l*i H Do. do. 4%Db.Stk. 121 Do.4%'89Prv.Cts.40%p.'ic? 5456 20.6 511/6 21.3 3 Do. 4 % Bearer Bds. Do. ,£60 paid... i 7456 14.7 69 14.11 5-H W e s t of Ind. Port., Lim. 5 % 11656 l i . l 10456 16.*12 12* Mersey 5% Perpt. Pref. ... 3456 5.9 25 10.12 30.10 Tt Do. do. 5 % Deb. U956 3.1 112 Metropolitan 4% Perpetual 126 9.1 | 118 18.11 8 Do. 4% do. 18S2 123 21.1 119 10.9 4 BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Do. 4% Irred.,1884 122 20.1 117 22.10 5 A t . & N . W . 5 % Gu. 1 M . B d s . 11714 12.6 11256 6.1 4 ! Do. 4% 1887 ..., 11856 16.1 I 113 18.8 ; 5£ Buffalo and Lake H u r o n ...1 13% 25.2 | 12!/6 3.12 oi Do. New 4% Pref.. 11754 10.10 114 16.8 ; 3 i Do. 1st Mortgage 5% 13456 18.1 13054 23.10 Metropolitan District 5%... 70^4 12.9 1 5756 15.4 18* Do. 2 n d M o r t . 5 | % ... 134 8.8 130 25.10 Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 1313/4 13.1 12456 21.8 Canada C e n t r a l i s t Mort.... 10834 18.6 IO514 14.10 N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 12456 30.8 117 10.11 7 Canadian Pacific 3 % 8656 2.9 66% 19.10| 191 *\ Do. Do. Monkland Pref. 6 % . . 5% St. 1st Mort. 116 23.12 11154 2.1 4f Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow!136% 22.*8 12956 l i V l l ** Do. 3£%50yr. L. G.B. 10054 28.4 9456 19.11 5f Do. 1865 Pref. ... 149& 28.8 142^ 3.11 6f Do. 3£% Inscribed ... 1005^ 26.4 9.53/g 8.11 4f Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ... 15234 29.9 142 17.10 lOf Do. 4% Cons. Deb. ... 10356 18.2 97% 14.10 51 Do. U% Irredeem., 1875... 13534 12.8 L29 24.11] 6 | Do. Algoma 1st Mort. 114% 28.4 11056 21.11 4 i 1 Do. 4 j % Convert., 1875 ... 14356 22.8 :L30 /, 4.12 L8 Caraquet 6% 1st M r t . Bonds Do. 5% do. 1879... L50 5.6 I .42 10.4 8 Chignec. Mar. 7%Pf.<£20 pd. 2614 2 A is i'.'ii 2*i Do. 4% do. after 1889 L48 18.8 JL363/8 1.4 ILI* Do. 5%Mt.Bds.80%p.irf 1 Do. 4% do. Pref.,'88 142 30.7 JL30 31.3 bL2 Do. 5%Mt.Db.Sc.allpda ... N o r t h East.,S.& D., Class D I L7156 18.1 h[64 20.2 Demerara 70 19.11 68 20."l2 2" Do. Blyth & Tyne 4% .. 3L29 13.1 ] 24 18.2 5 Do. 7%Perp. Pref. Stk. 142 26.4 L3S 4.6 4 Do. 1876 4% \lL3054 9.1 J 2456 6.10 51 E m u Bay& Mt.Bischff.<£5 p. 354 23.9 1 3 4 3.6 I f N o r t h London4|%(max. 5%) JL4934 27.1 1 455a 28.8 4* Do. 4 | % I r r e d . D b . L0254 21.2 971/4 28.8 5 Do. do. 4.V%, 1875 Grand Trunk, G.B.lMt.1903 .04% 23.6 LOli/6 11.8 8t 26.'9 i" N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ... h 54 16."7 1 50 Ui m si ou n\ n\ n\\ • 1 £1 BRITISH POSSESSIONS, con. Grand Trunk of Canada ... 12& Do. Guar. 4 % 81 Do. 1st Pref... 81 Do. 2nd do. 60 Do. 3rd do. 32y4 Do. 6%2nd Equip. 133 Do. 5% Perpt.Deb. 129 Do. 4% do. 1003/s Do. G.W.Perp.5%Db. 1271/4 Do. do. 6% 1890 10314 Hamilton&N. W . l s t ftft. 6 % 112% Manito.&N.W.6% l M t . B d s . 117% Manito.S.W.Clzn.lMt.G.B. 114 Melbour. & Hob.Bay5%Bds. 1033,4 Mid. of Can5%lst Mt.(Mid.) 111% Do. 5% I s t M o r t . ... 1 1 1 % Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt. 104% Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st Mt. 15 New Brunswicko% 1st Mort. 11234 Newfound.l Mt. Ld.Gr.Bds. 44 New Zealand Mid. ,£10 pd II Do. 5% I s t M o r t . 92ft i North, of Canada 5% 1 Mrt. 1103/8 Do. 3rdPref.A&B Do. IstNorth.Ex.Prf. 1031/4 Do. North. Ex. Impr. 105 Do. 4 % Debenture... 101 Ontario & Que.6%Cap.Sto ik 139 Do. 5 % P e r . D e b . S t k . 130 Qu'App.&S, 6% 1 M t . all pd. 107 Que.& L.St. John 5%lst Mrt. 963,4 Quebec Central 5 % P d . Lien 10334 Do. 5 % I n c . B d s . 34 St. J o h n and Maine 34 Do. 4 % D e b . S t k . 99% St. Lawrence & Ottawa 4 % 10134 Tasman. Main Line 6% Pref. 43 Do. 4 % Debenture? 107% Do. 5% Pre-Pref.... 101% J Temiscouata 5% 1st Mt.Deb. 99% Do.(S.FrancisBr.)5%lstM. 98 Toron.Grey &Bruce4% l M t . 102% Wel.Grey &*Bruce7% I s t M t . 102 Wellington & Manawatu ... 1& Do. do. 5 % Debent.' 110% Do. do. 2 n d l s s u e . . . 1077/8 Do. do. 3rd Issue... 103% Windsor & A n n a p . 5% Pref. Do. B 4 % Deben. f Atlantic & St. Lawrence ... 153 Chicago & G . T r . l Mt.C.1900 113% Grand T r u n k Junction 5%.. 109 Do. 5 % Mort. 109% MichiganAirLine 5% I s t M t 105 AMERICAN RAILWAYS-SHARES. Alabama Gt. Sth. A6%Pref. 11 ! Do. B O r d . ... 5 Alabm.NewOrl., T.&cAPrf. 2% Do. do. . BDef. OH AtlanticlstLea.Ln.Ren.Trt. 8634 Baltimore& OhioS.W.Pref d 4 Central of New Jersey 129 1 Central Pacific of California 38i/8 Chicago, Milwau.,& St. Paul 81% Do. do. Pref. Stock 12534 Cleveland & P i t t s b u r g 82% Delaware & Bound Brook... ! Delaware & H u d s o n Canal Denver & Eio Grande 22^ Do. do. Preference 633/4 ! E a s t Ten. Virgin. & Georgia 11% Do. 2nd Pref. 28 Illinois Central 124 Do. Leased Line 4 % ... 10434 Lake Shore & Michigan Sth. 117% Louisville & Nashville 953/8 Mexican Central Common... 31% 2.5 834 28.4 69 28.4 5434 6.5 34 6.5 19% 24.4 128 20.5 121% 5.5 9534 4.6 1193/8 18.4 L01 16.5 I07 } 4 14.4 11034 18.2 109 28.11 103 8.4 10514 31.5 106 13.1 10114 21.5 15 2.10 102% 7.3 44 22.2 85 21.6 107 21.10 101 29.9 1011/4 20.1 95 30.12 133 29.4 I2II/4 4 . 3 99% 1.2 89% 30.7 100 2.4 26 8.7 28 15.7 97 2.6 95 21.8 25 26.8 98 3.2 100 81.5 1 951/g 14.10 96 4.6 95 7.1 • 98% 7.3 0% 17.5 103% 23.5 104 9.7 IOO14 ... 28.2 24.6 28.4 1.12i 18.12 148 10834 105 107 101 9% 30.1 334 12 2 10^2 134 23.5 | 03/8 9.7 76 29.8 314 13.6 126 19.5 27 29.5 45 2.5 108 27.1 7834 2.9 14 29.8 46% 20.5 9% 21.5 20 14.1 90% 6.5 95 6.6 106 15.5 | 67 5.6 1 18 m n n *i n o^y n ml m 92 1 Flnctuation. 1 A. AMERTCAN RAILWAYS—COM. 19.11 1 q l130 Missouri 5 Kansas,and Texas 11% ^ 19.11 12 Do. $ 2 | asses.pd/id 1 1 * 19.11 26£ Do. £5 do. id 183/8 19.11 26 Do. $7£ do. id 19% 19.11 Do. $10 paid i 21& 21.10 5 N.Y.Cen.&Hud.R.Lon.Reg. 28.1 7* Do. Div.inLon.4/1! 11334 19.11 4 | New York, LakeErie&West. 3OV4 11.2 Do. 6 % Preferred 71 7.6 2 i N.Y.,Ont.&West.Com Stk. 2314 12.12 51 1 Do. do. L o n . R e g . 6.12 7» N . Y . Susqueh. & W . Pref.... 29.12 5 1 Norfolk &Western Common 25% 21.7 0 i | Do. Preferred 68% 25.11 6k N o r t h Pennsylvania 88 20.11 **\ Northern Pacific Com. Stock 39 24.9 34 j Do. Pref. do. 88%' 21.5 Ohio & Mississippi 28>/> 27.6 16'il Do. Preferred ... 94 7.3 Pennsylvania 5834 Philadelphia & Reading ... 25 17'.10 P i t t s b u r g , F o r t Wayne &Ch. I6I14 6.11 31 St. Louis & SanFrancisco... 36 Do. 2nd Preferred ... 67 19/4 St. Louis Ark. & Texas Com. $% 17.9 3f St. Louis Bridge 1st Prefd. 113% 9.10 6 Do. 2nd do. 56% 27.11 6 St.PaulMinn.&M.Cap.Stk.i 117% 18.11 81 Tunnel Railroad of St .Louis ilOi/4 20.11 7 i Union Pacific Railway 703/8 23.10 7 i Wabash, St. Louis,& Pacific 187s 4.2 3 | Do. Pfd. Assess.pd. 37% 13.12 S Do. 6% B Deb.Certs.i 59% 1.3 6 Wheeling & Lake Erie Pref. 8 1 % 6.2 '2* 11.1 62 CURRENCY BONDS. 11.3 18 16.5 9* Alabama Great S. 1st Mort. 120 8.1 l * Alabama Mid. 1st Mrt.6%* 100 29.7 4 | Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort. 130 28.11 2 Alleg. Val. 7% 1 M r t . Bonds 128% 19.11 Atch.Top.&San.Fe' Sink.F, d 8514 15.8 3£ Do. Re-organ. 86% 22.1 Do. 6 %d 6.12 Do. Re-organ.Cert.n? 101 25.1 3* Do.Coll.Tst.5%Cp.Bds.d 27.1 3 Do. Re-organ, id * Do.Gen.Mt.4%Gd.Bds.i 91 Do. Income Mort. 5%?' 73% ! A t l a n 5 & D a n . l s t M t . 6 % G l d . 104 23.10 5 Baltm.&Ohio 5%GoldBond& 114% 24.11 4^ Do. Cons. M t . Gd. Bds. 116% 25.11 * 4 Do. S.W.lstMort.4£%ij 103% 4 10.7 2f Do. 1st Income 5% i\ 72% 20.11 4 Do. 2nd do. i\ 30 D o . 3rd do. i\ 12% Balt.&Pot. (Main L i n e ) l M t . 130 27.8 i * Do. do. (Tunnel) 1st Mt. 126V4 7.8 1* Burling.CedarRapidslstMt. 1.4 Of Cairo,Vinc.,& Chic.5% M t . d 88 20.11 0 ^ Canada Southern 1st Mort. 109% 23.1 10f Cent.of N . Jer.5% G.Mt.Bd. 116% 24.9 Of Cent. Pacific of Cal. I s t M t J 116% 4.6 3 Do. (Cal.&Or.Dv.)lMt.j 106% 19.11 11* Do. Land G r a n t Bonds 10514 19.11 36£ Chesapeake & Ohio 1st Mrt. 104% 17.11 17f Chicag ? & N . W . 5% Sink.Fd. 115% 22.12 3f Chicago & W . I n d . Gen. M. 115 Chic. Burl. & Quin.Sink.Fd. IO614 Do. N e b r a s k a E x . 4% B d s . 9634 19*11' Ch.,M., ASt.P.l M.(S. W.Dv.) 116 Do. (LaCros.&D.Div.) 106% 26.3 27.1 2 Do. (Hast. & Dak. Div) 128 Do. (Chic.&L.Sup.Div.) 105% 4.11 8 10.11 33£ Do. (Chic.&Pac.W.Div.) 1J1% 6.11 9f Do, (Wisc.&Minso.Div.) 10514 10.11 H I Do. Ter.Mt.5%Gld.Bds. 107 19.11 28f Do.Chic.&M. Riv.lM.5% 20.1 131 | Do. Gen.Mt.4% Gld.Bdsil 99% 1 *^ I +' Day. Month. 1 NAME OF STOCK. Day. 1 Month. J_ Fluctuation. I CO I ' Day. 1 Month. Day. 1 Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest. RAILWAYS—British Possessions, continued, American Shares & Currency Bonds, for 1890. 25.2 4« 14.4 3fk 25.4 7f 19.6 1 2f 22.12 8 & 22.1 10.3 15.5 29.5 16.7 7V4 734 10% 17 12% 4.'6 23.5 20.5 21.5 98 lo'.ii W 16% 19.11 4 51 10.12 20 13 19.11 10* 1 3 6.'5 16% 19.5 47% 5.9 88 20.5 20 23.5 56% 28.8 14% 28.8 78 2.5 48% 19.5 143/8 16.1 157 6.6 28% 6.6 3634 6 10.7 7.1 106% 20.5 52% 17.5 110% 14.10 108% 6.1 41% 19.5 10 15.5 15% 15.5 30y4 21 5 69% 30.'10 i | | 19.11 21 8 5.9 12.11 19*' 19.11 31* 19.11 14 19.11 16 19.11 l°i 19.11 1 0 | 6.12 4 i 2.5 7* 2.4 30i 7.3 2f 12.12 7 21.1 4 12.11 7* 5.9 I f 8.12 6.10 81 19.11 21i 8.12 29* 17.1 H I m 6.5 116% 18.6 13.8 9234 15.10 1.3 128% 2.7 1.2 1 120 17.10 8.1 8514 8.1 8,2 86% 8.2 £ 2 100 13.2 ... 31 7± H 8.1 1 II 15.*5 793/4 15.5 18% 14.2 90 3.1 10934 21.5 110% 7.10 983/4 21.8 61 2 2 . 8 20% 20.8 11 11.1 120 3.1 120% 22.12 27.12 2 4 | 1 . 1 U 14 23.7 4f 22.8 6 29.12 4f 19.11 11£ 23.12 9| 29.9 17.9 10 16.10 5f 20." 2 2.5 9.6 14.4 14.3 4.1 15.1 10.4 14.5 20.5 26.3 18.3 15.1 15.5 3.3 5.5 2.1 7.3 20.'2 2.7 19.12 11.8 8.7 7.10 18.11 31.10 16.12 20.5 27.10 27.11 15.1 6.12 22.9 15.1 2.1 1.7 88 109 no urn 101% 10134 97% 111 111 IO614 91% 112 104 124 104 IO814 104 104% lii 1 u oi 6i II 5£ 5 3 i 7 4 | II 4 II 5-i 4 2* 4" | | H 3| U 2i 12.3 1 8914 29.1210* | | si i'l n n n n\ ei ii o* n 4 si m 93 ! ffl 3 CCJKRENCY BONDS-eo«. Northern Pacific 1st Mort. 122 Do. Gen.2ndMt R.L.G 117% Do. 3rd Mortgage ... 113% N.Pacific&Montana IM.6%1 II41/4 Ohio&Miss.lst Gen.Mt.Bds 1011/4 Oregon & California 1st Mt. 106 P a n a m a Subsidy Bonds .. 105 Penns. Rail. Con. Sink. F d . 125 Do. 4*% Gold Bonds.. 113 Do. Equip.Tst.4%Bds.i 105% Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mort 113 Perkiomen 5% Gd. Bds. .. 103 Phil. & Read.Gen.Mt.4%Gd 90% Do. 5%lPf.Inc.M 83 Do. 2ndPf. do. 59% ' Do. 3rdPf. no o p ; 493/8 Do. 3rdPf.withop 41 Do. Def.Inc.Bds.Stpd 734 Do. C.Mt.Bds.lstSerie. 92% Pitts.Clev.A T.4%Gold Bds. 11534 Richmond&Dan.5%M.G.B.< 94 Rio Grande W e s t . 1 Mt. 4%-, 8I14 S t . J o . & G d l s . l s t M . G . B d s UO34 St L.&S.Fran.lM(M&W .D. 110% Do. 2 M o r t . B & C Series St. L., Ark. & Texas 1st M r t 100% Do. # do. 2nd do. 32% St. Louis Bridge 1st Mort 138 St.Pl.Min.&Man.C.M.6% B 105 Sh.Pacific of Calif. 1st Mort L19% Texas & Pacific 1st Mort... 98V4 Do. 2nd Mort... 47 Union P a c . Rail. 1st Mort. L1534 Do. Ld.GrantlstMt Do. 5%Coll.Tst.Bds 107 Do. Linc.& Col.l Mt 108 Vicksb., Shreve., & P a c . 6 °A 111% Wab.,St.Louis,&P.C.Cert.e 5434 W . Shore 1st Mort. 4% Gua. 108% Do. do. Reg. .. 1 West. Penns. 4 % Gold .. 103% W.Virginia& Pitts.5%lMt/, 106 Wheeling & L. Erie 5% Gld 03 Do. Ext.Imp.M.40-yr. 99 STERLING BONDS. Alab. Gt. Southern 6% Dbs II214 Do. 5 % Gen. M t . Bds. IO414 Alab.,N.Or.,&Tex.6%Debs. 81 Do. 6%2ndDebenture> 55 Allegheny Valley 133 Atlantic &G.West.(W.Ex.)r/ 75 Do. Com. Certs, a ... Do. (Guar .by Erie) 6 84 Do. Com. Certs.d 84 Atlantic 1st Lea.4% Mt.Deb. 95 1 Baltimore and Ohio 6%, 1895109 Do. do. 1905 116 Do. do. I9K 123% Do. 5%, 1925 109 Do. 4*%, 1938 108 Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort 12134 ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt. 123% Cleve.Col.Cin.&Ind.Con.M. 133 East. Rly. of Massachts. 6°A 124 Illinois Central Sink. Fund 108% Do. 6% Gold Bond^ 110 D o . 5% Gold Bonds 112 Do. 3*% Bonds. ... 97% Lehigh Valley 6% Cons. Mo. 109 Louis. & Nashville IstMort. 116 Memphis & Ohio 1st Mort. 12134 New York&CanadaRld.Mrt. 118 NewYorkCent.&Hud.R.Mt. 123 N . Y. P e n n s . & Ohio P . Lien 109% Do. Eqnip.Trs.Bds. 1 99 Do. 5% do. i 97 p 8 ^ 11 Fluctuation, j 0 CURRENCY BONDS—con. . Chicago & Tomah 6 % 116% 10.3 116% 10.3 Chic. Rock Island, &c.,lMt. 109' 12.2 105% 3.9 Chic.,S. P.& K a n . l Mt.Gl.B. 86 19.3 82 24.1 4 8.8 3 i Chicago,St.L.&N.Or.Gl.Bd 135% 1^.7 122 C h i c , S a n t a Fe, & Cal. 1 Mt. Do. Re-organ. Cert, c? 90 14.2 8SV4 15.1 Cincin.,Wash.,& B . l s t M t . d Do. Re-organ. 10556 8.5 103 6.'l 2* Do. do. 2ndMt.o 771/2 30.5 68 1.3 Do. do. 3rdMt.c7 39% 3.6 34% 17.3 5 i Cleve.,C.,C.&St.L.lM.G.B.?' 94% 28.7 92 19.5 2^ Colorado Midland 1st Mort. 111% 24.9 105 21.3 6 | Do. Cn. M. 4%r.50-yG.B.V 20!l 109% 9.'l0 51 Delaware.&Hud7%M.*Bs. , 75 115 Do. 7% Mort. Bonds ... 115 22.1 115 22.1 Do. 7%lstMt.(Pens.Div.)| 144 21.4 144 21.4 Den. & R . Gra. 4% IstC. Mt. SGV4 2.6 7834 8.1 Do. I m p . M t . 5%...j 88% 14.5 80% 17.11 8* Det.G.Hav.&MiJ.6%Eq.Bd.| 116% 21.5 115% 10.4 | H Do. C ons. Mort 11934 6.1 111 20.11 8 f i East Ten. Virg.&Geo.I.Mrt. 96% 30.1 89 11.10] Galv.&Harrisbg. 6% 1st M t 107% 22.5 104 8.11 3* G.Rap.&Ind.lstM.G.L.G.B 121% 3.2 117 28.7 41 Do. Musk.ltsMt.Chi.Sp 102 3.2 i 99 30.6 3 Geor. Car. 5% 1 Mt.40 yr. G. 103% 18.1 | 102% 28.1 l* Illin. Ct. Bds. 1st Mt.(C.&S.) 111 19.2 109% 4.9 Do. 3*% Mt. Bds. 96 12.5 96 12.5 Do. 4 % Gld. Bds 106 33.1 1 9934 27.12 Indianapolis &Vin.lstMort. 130 27.5 1 125 1.9 5 Do. do. 2nd do. 112 1.8 105ft 27.1 6§ Kans.Cy. Wye N . W . I M.Gd 97 10.1 92 14.2 5 Do. Lehigh Valley Mortgage ... 136 22.*5 13434 16.*8 Long Island 5% Coup. Bond? 114 18.4 113ft 17.K l Louis, and Nash.6 % Mort 120 30.4 114 4 20.11 5 ! Do. 6 % Sink.Fd. 114% 22.5 108 20.11 6* Do. 6 % IstMort 126 6.6 120% 3.1 5* Do. 6%10/40Ad]. 109 11.3 104ft 15.12 41 Do. 5% Gld. Bds. 110% 25.3 103 21.11 Memp. & Charl.6% Gld. Bds. 104 20.11 104 20.11 Mex.Cent.Cns.M.4%G.Bds. 8IV4 11-6 683/8 19.11 12* Do. 7% Bonds 97% 28.7 82% 8.2 15 Do. 1st Cns. Inc. Bds. 46V4 10.6 3V/8 19.11 14f Do. 2nd do. 333/8 10.6 21 19.11 12| Do. 5% Priority all pd. 1133,4 9.6 10S 17.1 H Mexican N a t . 1st Mort. 6% 102% 3.1 90 29.9 12* Do. 2ndMt.I.Bds.Ser.A 6134 6.1 41 22.11 30f Do. do. Ser.B 19 2 . 1 13% 30.9 5£ Do. Matheson Ser.A&Bt 53% 25.11 51 11.10 2* Minn.&St.Louis 6%Gd.Bds. 21.'l Minneapolis & Pacific 1 Mrt.j 92% 9.*8 88 12.6 89 29.11 9 Minne. Slt.& At.5%1 M. G.B. 98 Do. 4%Int.Gu.byCan.Pa.i 93 13.9 88 3.12 5 M i n . & N . West 1st Mt. Bds. 86 26.2 J 81 18.12i 5 3 Miss.,Kan.,& Tex.7% I s t M . 116 /4 24.2 114 16.1 i • 2 | Do. do.. 6%Gn.Mt. 8934 12.5 ! 76 4.1 11 3 | Mobile & Birm., 1st M. G. B . 97V4 6.6 91 17.12 6 i N a s h v . F l o . & Sheff.5%M.B. 1063/4 11.1 102 19.11 41 Nw. Orleans & Gulf G. Bds. N w . Y k . C t . & H . R . 7 % M o r t . 13334 £ 4 127% 17" 12 6\ Do. 5 % Deb. ...1 11534 11.1 111 12.9 i 4 | Do. 4% 106% 16.9 103% 18. II 1 3 N.Y.,L.E.,&W.1C.M.B.(E.) 143 6.6 135 22.8 8 Do. I C o n . M t . F d . C p . B . 140 25.7 130 16.12 10 D o . 2 Con. Mort.Bonds 10814 14.5 96 19.11 I2i Do. Fd.Coup.5% Bonds 93 16.6 83 4.12 10 Do. Gold Income B d s . N.Y.,Ontar.,& W.5% C. 1 M . 102% lO.'lO 94 15.12 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt. 4134 19.5 29 11.11 1 Do. do. Def. Int. W . 183/8 15.5 12% 19.11 51 Do. do. 2ndMt. 634 2 3 . 5 . 3% 10.11 H Do. do. 3rdMt. m 2.5 1% 10.10 i f N.Y. Texas &Mx. S t r . l M . B . Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. 125% 25.'3 120 24.10 51 19.11 6* Do. do- Im.&Ex.6%Bd. 118% 3.7 112 Do. do. 7 % A d j . M . B . 116 10.2 110 10.12 6 Do. 5%Gl.Bds.allpd.'i 100% 16.7 96 24.12 4f l Do. Scrip 15% pd. id 17 12.5 j 16 4 25.4 Of 1 NAME OF STOCK. Day. ! Month. a © 1 Fluctua1 tion. ra a> •a Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Day. 1 Month. RAILWAYS—American Currency Bonds, continued, and Sterling Bonds for 1890. 6.6 115ft 7.3 113 4.2 109% 17.5 IO51/4 19.9 96V4 5.6 97 12.3 101 3.1 118 13.1 IO814 20.5 103% 26.3 109% 3.5 96 2 . 1 78 4 . 1 5314 10.6 39 19.5 29% 16.1 28% 17.5 3jf 4.7 92% 11.3 110 30.6 88% 28.7 74 12.4 , 103 4.7 90% 23.12 31.3 12.12 22.12 9 21.11 5 18.12 9 17.10 4 8.10 7 26.11 4 | 25.2 2 25.1 3* 29.11 7 19.11 19.11 18.11 29f 8.12 27.11 12* 19.11 4.7 23.9 12.11 5* 1.4 9.12 7 ? 14.2 2 l6" 5 88% 19.5 15 19.5 130 21.4 102 5.2 II414 89 13>5 21.5 32% 20.5 112 26.'2 12" 18.11 17* 20.11 8 7.10 3 9.12 2.12 11.11 14* 9.8 3f w 3 m m m m\\ n n a 18.2 104% 22.'5 2* 7.3 94 21.13! 14 25.3 j 105 5.11 6 | 28.1 48% 6.3 6£ 8.4 101 15.12 7* /.; ' 18.'3 100 19.5 3* 5.9 101 20. llj * 5.9 9& 31.1 4 17.7 : 94% 3.11 4* 23.7 107 27.5 100% 23.5 65 23.5 54% 12.3 12314 18.3 75 ... 6.6 75 15.7 84 17.7 88 4.7 104 26.2 112 25.3 117 6.5 103% 8.9 103% 16.6 117ft 15.3 120 38.1 132% 22.2 120 4 . 3 103 8.9 10534 17.7 10834 30.5 951/4 21.5 104 9.1 111 16.1 118% 10.4 113 11.6 117 30.7 105% 13.3 9434 28.5 94 22.11 11.1 3 *19.12 16 22.5 0* 24.10 9 * 18.3 H 10.*4 15.7 13.11 30.9 15.9 3.11 3 12 12.11 14.10 22.7 23.1 25.7 9.10 24.11 3.6 7.2 2.12 6.11 30.7 8.11 7.10 9.9 13.1 1.12 9" 7* ^ 4 6 * 5* n\\ 3* °* t 4 5 34 2 5 5 3 5 6 4 i i ^ 3 AMERICAN STERLING BONDS continued, and FOREIGN for 1890. la NAME OF STOCK. bo _ 15 , AMERICAN STER.BDS.—cont. North. Cent. Bail. Con. M t . 11114 P a n a m a General Mortcrage. 107% Pennsylvania G eneral Mort. 130 Do. Con. Sink. Fund 124 Philadel. & Erie Con. Mort. 130 Phil. &Read.Gen.Con.Mort. 12834 Do. Improvem. Mort. I07& P i t t s . & Connsv. 6%Con.Mt. 131 St.Paul, Minn.&M.4% G.B.i 8634 South & NorthAlabama Bd. 115 Union Pacific (Omaha Bdg.) United New J e r . Rl. & Canal 16914 Do. do. Gen.Mort I231/4 hi 4 p 0 a -* * 1 & CO *1 P S J^ luctuation. 1 U |j OQ NAME OF STOCK. A bo 5 03 p § i«^ O 3 0a « 3 1 «J oc m FOREIGN RAILS. - con. B. A. & Valp.7%Pf .£10pd.d Do. do. £ 1 3 pd id "93/4 24.*2 7' l i . ' i Do. do. £ 1 6 p d . v i 13& 10.5 11 26.4 7* 8 18.11 153/8 16. Hi 01 Do. do. £ 2 0 p d . i 16 28.5 99 6.3 15 do. 7% Deb. 114 44 Do. 2-ft 13.8 K B.Ayres & W e s t . £ 2 | pd. id 2>/s 14.8 74 M\ 4* 4 ^ 22.8 Do. do. £ 5 pd. id 5% 15.9 6 Do. do. £ 7 | p d . i d 7& I5.1(i 6% 20.11 ifk 9i% 27.12 Ok Do. do. £ 1 0 paid? 10r« 1 7 . 1 L 41 6 1 .8 4a 14.8 Do. 4% Deb. £:>0 pd. id 48 Do. do. £ 7 5 p d . w 7 673/ 4 9.12 6734 9.12 17" 2 IO414 l6,'l2 Do. do. all paid i 9 2 / 2 22.12 92i/2 22.12 26.8 118% 18.3 5 7.11 1001 Central Argentine, Limited 185»/2 22.1 85 10.1 Do. do. £ 4 paid d m 10.1 Do. £ 5 paid id 9 ^ 21.1 8% 14.1 FOREIGN RAILWAYS Do. N e w £ 2 p d . v J 915. 12.8 11/4 10.7 Wil -10 U4 Alagoas, Lim. (Brazilian)... 16& 26.9 13% 17.3 3* Do. New £ 3 paid i 3 28.10 21/4 7.11 Oi Do. 5% Debentures... 8514 20.6 81 9.1 4i Do. 6% Debenture Stk. 155 29.4 I 146 10. Ill 9 Alcoy & Gandia Pref. Cen.Urug.East.Ex,£2 2 t pd.d m 14.1 1 &ft 10.2 Of 75l/2 30.8 75'/, 30.8 Algeciras (Gib.) Ordinary... , 3 % 15.4 : 2% 19.9 Do. £ 5 paid id 6% 2^.5 534 24.3 i f 6'i Do. Pref. Do. £ 7 4 paid i 7% 18.9 7 23.10 01 Do* 5% Deb. i mV2 13.'5 96 28.'ll 54 C e n . U r u g . N t h . E x . £ 5 p d . d 6 ^ 21.2 6.2 1A 47/8 Antofagasta & Bolivia 126% 21.2 111 21.11 15* Do. £ 7 4 paid id 8% 3.5 7 ^ 10.7 14 Do, 4 % Deb.i 98 28.8 9134' 64 Do. £ 1 0 paid i 9% 6.9 9 29.9 01 Arauco £ 6 Ordinary i 9% 29.12 8 27.12 H Do. 5% Deb. i lCOi/4 17.12 100% 17.12 Do. 5 % Pref. i 14V4 25.11 12 24.11 24 Cent. Uruguayof Mont.,Stk. 160 16.5 104 23.12 56* Argen. Grt. West. Deb. Stk. 88 21.2 66 23.12 22 41s 3.2 0A Do. 5% Shares, £ 2 | pd. a 5/2 11.2 Argen.N.E.6% c. Prf.allpd.i 83 25.3 73% 22.9 9! 7 20.9 j If Do. £ 5 paid id 8% 9.5 l 9»/2 Do. £ 2 0 Shs.all pd.d 15 /2 10.1 15& 10.1 Do. £ 7 ^ paid i 4.101 Ws 20.12 2* Do. 5% Deb. Reg.i 88& 30.5 60 9.12 28"i Do. Permanent 6% Deb. 147 7.7 ; j 136 24.11 11 ] i Do. Cert, t o beareri 85 31.1 61 £ 8.12 23£ Conde d'Eu, Limited 1 1 % 7.5 1 8 /2 26.8 34 Arica and Tacna 4 l 4 20.10 34 Copiapo 7|/2 5.2 ... Bahia & San Francisco,Lim. 19& 19.9 14'* 2.1 5 Cordoba & R o . 6% Pf.allpd. 1 0 2 ^ 29.'l 891/2 l i ' . ' n 13 Do. (Timbo Brch.) 11 10.1 9f 27.9 1 Do. 5% Deb. Stk. i 94 8.12! 90 22.10 4 Bahia&Blanca6%P.£45pd.d 12.8 64 I Cordoba Central £ 2 0 pd.... 23i/, 17.1 17 Do. £ 7 0 paid*' 63% 31 "5 58& 2i.*4 4f ! Do. 5% Deb. So. all pd. 106 29.1 90 22.11 16 Do. all paid i Do. (Cent.N.Sec.)allpd 99 25.2 68 15.12 31 Barranqla.Rl.&P.lstM.6% t 991/2 18'.7 93!>2 12*11 6" Cordova&Nth.W. £ 6 paid d 5% 28.1 5% 2S.1 Bilbao River & C a n . £ 8 pd.d 8% 8.4 8 5.9 Of Do. £ 8 paid id Do. do. £ 7 pd. i S% 17.9 Do. ^ £ 1 0 paid i 9" 17.'6 6" 21.10 3 7% 1.7 0i Brazil Great Southern,Lim. 10 4.1 6V2 2.7 3* Costa Rica ... 7T% 22.8 4% 27.3 2tf Do. do. 6% Per.Deb. 105 7.1 92 24.11 13 Costa Rica Certs, of Shares Brazilian Imp.Cen.Bah.Stk. 90 17.1 75 22.3 15 l Donna Theresa Chr., L., Prf. "5% 12.'5 2 * 27.'ll 3 ^ Do. do. 6%Deb. 105^ 17.6 96 31.3 94 D u n a b u r g and Witepsk ... 21% 1.9 193/4 24.1 Do. do. 5%Deb. 94 3.6 82 2.1 12 Do. Registered ... 21 19.4 19-^3 18.12 1 ^ Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim. 19034 21.3 152 30.12 38f D u t c h Rhenish 23% 30.10 2IV4 18.3 2* Do. Extension, 1890 ... 18A 21.2 15i/2 1 0 . 7 %h1 Do.New of 1867 ... 8.12 S34 27.2 Do. do. 1892, £ 1 0 pd.... 16% 14.2 13& 19.11 3* Do. do. of 1872 ... 3% 29.9 2% 16.7 om\ 1 94^2 24.6 Do. do. 1894 £ 3 pd. d 7& 13.2 6 ^ 2 3 . 1 044 East Argentine 78 7.3 6 10fr 20.2 8{% 25.3 11 Do. 6% Debenture Stk. 114i/ 2 2.1 103i/2 31.12 II Do. do. do. £ 2034 2 1 . 3 ( 2034 21.3 u Do. do. do. £ 8 p d . t d 123/8 8.8 1034 8.7 If 1 Grand Russian Shares Do. do. do. £ 1 0 pd. i 1434 15.9 12& 19.11 34 Great South of Spain 7% Pf. 6% 21.6 6"/8 21.6 j Do. 5%Frf.Sh.£2£pd. 19.11 1 Do. 5% Mer. Exten. 104& 14.1 96/ 2 25.11 8 Do. Perp. Deb... 137^ 7.6 129^ 7.1 3 Buenos Ayres & Ros., Lim. 172i/2 5 # 5 119 30.12 534 Do. 2nd Mort. Deb. 107 7.3 99^2 15.1 74 Do. 7% Preference 17& 3.1 J4 16.12 3^3 Mexican Southern all paid 101 2.5 901/4 19.12 10f I Do. (SunchalesExt.) 1634 13.1 13k 8.12 34 Midland Uruguay £ 7 paidd 6 8.3 53/8 7.3 01 [ Do. Exten. £ 3 paidid 1 6 31.3 5 24.3 1 Do. do. £ 8 p d . i d 6% 11.4 6 31.3 Of Do. do. £ 6 paidtd 93/8 6.5 7i/2 28.7 If Do. do. £ 9 pd. id 19.6 6 4.10 Do. do. £ 1 0 paid i 12% 11.9 10 17.12 Do. do. £ 1 0 pd. i 7% 28.101 3 16.12 4f Do. 4 % Debs. 100 5.6 92 29.12 14 Do. do. 6% Deb. 109^ 15.1 69 31.12 40^ I Do. Tucum. £ 1 0 pd. 15% 3.5 10& 19.11 4f Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 2 1 % 17.1 18 JJ 18.11 3 ; Do.Tuc2ndiss.allpd.d 15 4 . 1 13% 27.1 30.6 10534 3.12 102 21.5 122^ 21.5 116 12.5 125^ 20.3 12iy 4 15.3 103 20.6 125 3.9 82 1.4 109 10.11 18.4 15.10 15.10 23.7 1.12 28.10 7.11 15.12 6.11 54 bi m n °^ k m u u w }H n n °^ m n\ ** 94 m n RAILWAYS—Foreign continued, and Foreign Obligations for 1890. NAME OF STOCK. A NAME OF STOCK, a Q o FOR. OBLIGATIONS—cow. FOREIGN RAILS.—con. Charkow- Krementshug ... 103 19.7 9 9 « 3* N a m u r and Liege 13% 16.6 12% 23.1 14.3 8 i Conde d'Eu 5 | % Debentures 94l/2 18.1 86 1 Do. Preference 27 /2 21.2 26fc 26.9 Costa Rica 6 % I s t M t . Deb 113 20.6 .02 21.11 11 1 4 1 12% 28.3 Nitrate Railways ... ... 22& Do. 2nd Deb. all pd. 1100% 9.6 91 27.11 9 i Do. Def.(Bonus>Z I8V4 21.1 12y, 26.3 C u c u t a 6% Mt. B d s . ... 102*4 29.4 99 22. 3i Do. New7%Cu.Pf..£5pd.V 53/8 19.12| 5% 2.12 D o n n a Theresa Chris.L.,Db. 75& 22.1 6634 2 S| N . E a s t . o f U r u . 7 % P f . ^ l 0 p . 15% 23.5 13% 29.11 Eastern of France ... ... 171/4 14.6 I71/4 Id 20.10! 5.2 N t h . W e s t of Argent. 7% Pf. 9% 15 27.2 89 Espirito, Santo&C.5% Deb. 91*4 2i Do. do. Deferred .. •• Grand Russian 4% Nic. • ••• 6.2 109 f!10| Do. 6 % Debenture ... 115 79 21.101171 Gt. South. Spain 6 % Deb. 96% North West, of Urug. Ordy. 12& 4 . 1 10fc 12.6 2 H a v a n a Railway 1st Mort... 116 19.2 9-r% 12.6 8.1 57 28.11 [31 Do. do. 1st Prf. 88 19.2 IOOV4 27.9 Do. 1886 Bond, 106 11.1 . 46 17.7 *h Do. do. 2nd do. 5 4 ^ 3.9 22.4 15f Imp. Braz. N a t . & NovaCru7 90 Do. 6% Deb. Stk. 122 28.5 11256 7.11 Italian Rail. 3 % Bds. A &I 59% 16.6 74^ 2 18.111 Ottoman (Smyrna t o Aidiri) 2 3 % 3.1 16% 14.8 6i I t u a n a (Brazil) 6% Debs. il-0b% 22.1 7.10 4 i Palermo,Marsala,&Trapani ••• 107 2f 0\ 18.'4 9 1 2 | 10V Kursk Charkow Azow Paraguay Cen.5% Perp.Db. i\ 80% 5 1 2 | 4* ... 54 11.1 29.10| 13.1 2_» Leopoldina «£50 Bonds Piraeus, Athens, Pelopnnes. 7 50 21 Do. 5% Ster., 30.5 1 I 4 & 22.2 2T« Macahe & C. ,5% Deb. all pd. 103 Por.Ale.&N.H.Br.,L.Pf. t hs. 6% 4.9 all pd I02»/2 5.6 93i/, 2 1 [10 21.2 Do. do. Deb. 91} 2 11.9 85 8734 21.3 9^ Do.Canta.5%Bds.all paid 97& 9.6 92}§ Provincial Orel-Vitebsk ... 2 1 % 10.3 20V4 6.8 n Manila Ry. 6% Deb. all pd 106 15.10115 5.6 91 0% 19.2 1.JL Qaebrada R.L.&C.L..£3 paid l i t 1.9 Matanzas and Sabanilla . 104 & 1.9 101 8.8 3.r 12.5 15 Do. 6% Debenture 92 22.9 77 Minas and Rio Debentures.. L07 18.1 99 24.2 2.1 Recife & Sao Francisco, L.J 9 9 ^ 6.6 85 Mogyana (Brazil) Debs. .. 107 17.4 100 2.1 8 Riga and D u n a b u r g ... 17!/2 10.3 17V4 18.2 -04 24.1 102 24.11 7 ; RioClaro SaoPaulo<£10pd. 14% 19.12| 10% 2.1 Si Moscow-Jaroslaw 2 Moscpw-Koursk ... c Do. New ,£1 pd.idl 2%, 5.5 1% 29.5 ok 23.12! 11.6 4 . 6 . 1 . Nassio-Oscarshamn Bonds. 32 3.6 Do. New «£2 pd.itf 3^ , ^ 3 N a t . Pisco toYcaCts. of Dep 7 2 ^ 15.2 62 24.1 Do. New M p d i d 63/8 18.11 4tt 3 ».8 N i t r a t e Rail., L., 1st Mort... 99& 19.5 88 31.3 m Do. £6 paid i\ 9Vj 17.12| 7 % 28.11 Northern of France ... 17% 3.9 16l/2 14.2 Do. 5% Debentures 110& 7.6 100i/ 2 2.1 10 In* Do. (late Charleroi) Royal Sardinian M 4 3 4 5.6 10 l / 2 11.3 H l 6.5 Do. Preference ... 12% 8.8 1 0 % 21.1 14 Northern of Spain Pri. Obi. 16 4 19.6 16 Ottoman (Smyrna to Aidin 114 7.2 1071/4 5.11 it Royal Swedish 0y 20.1 Southern of France South Italian (Series A to G)| 13 11.7 11% 8.4 i'i FOR. OBLIGATIONS. 4.1 8 Taltal 5 % 1st charge Debs. 104 27.6 99 22.3 106 14.7 98 Alagoas 6% Debentures l 99 90 4 1 v 91 /2 23.4 5 4.6 80% 16.7 9 i Tamboff-Kosloff Alcoy and Gandia 5% United Rl.ofHavana5%Bds. 99 7.6 IOI14 13.1 Antof agasta(Chili)5% 1 M.B, 107 6 1 2 | 941/4 27.10 41 ... d\ 25.3 101 Varna 3 % ... Arauco 5 % 1st Mort. Deb. 105«/2 23.5 95 Do. 6% d\ Bay of Havana, Sc. Certs. d\ '.00'/, 11.2 100& H . 2 Western of France.. 173/8 6.8 17 8.4 Beira Alta (Portuguese) d\ 7TV 30.4 7^30.4 West, of Bu. Ayres 6 % Bds. 116^ 3.6 1051/? 1.4 11 Bergslagernas 11.9 8V/> 11.9 8o'/2 Do. do. 6% Cert. 114 2.6 105 Bra. G. Sth. 6% St. Mt.Debs. 98!/2 16.1 9 3 " 27.2 5J 18.3 9 Do. do. 5% Mt.Db. 104 21.2 96 22111 8 Do. 7 % Debentures! l^ l /4 22.8 1011/4 22.8 W e s t . R a i l . o f S a n t a F llpd. 103& 19.2 96 4.11 7* 7.6 95«/2 3.1 Braz. Imp. Central B a h i a X . 105 Western of San Paulo Deb 111 18.3 05 S10| 6 12.6 96VA 2.1 Campos and Carangola ., 103% Z a f r a & H u e l v a 3 % B o n d s . . . | 11% 7.1 Charkof-Azof ... d\ 9% 21.11 m n i" u m 95 1 Day. Month. Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest.' 1 tion. ' Day. Month. j Fluctua- Lowest. Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest. BANKS and BREWERIES & DISTILLERIES for 1890. S3 £'&\\ 3^ BREWERIES & DISTILLERIES, Allsopp(S.)& SonsOrd.Stock 86% 15.1 40 29.12 46i BANKS, Do. 6% Pref. Stk. 116 7.1 9134 31.12 :^ Agra, Limited .„ ' ... W/8 23.9 834 6.1 If Do. Debenture 4 | % 10934 3.1 10034 29.12 9 Alliance, Limited ... 173/8 21.5 1434 31.3 21 Barnsley Ordinary lOrfr 4 . 1 734 30.12 Anglo-Argentine £5 paid... 1 5 14.1 1 3l/2 27.10 If Anglo-Austrian 2 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. ... 105/s 16.1 834 25.3 i f 1 14% 16.10 12% 7.6 B a r r e t t ' s Brewery&Bott. d 4-^ 28.5 4 22.1 Anglo-Californian, Limited 18 16.1 1634 5.5 S¥ Anglo-Egyptian, L.«£10pd.d 10% 28.5 Do. £2\ paid i 2% 17.11 1 1 3 18.10 0-591/s 7.1 I f A T0 1 1 6 18.10 Do. do. ,£5 pd.i 5 /* 24.7 Do. 5% Prf. £2% pd. i 21/s 27.10 i 4% 4.10 01 o-l\\ 2.4 12 31.12 3 Anglo-Foreign, Limited ... 1 1 % 18.9 10% 7.2 Of Bartholomay (of Roch.) O. 15 Anglo-Italian, Limited ... 6% 18.3 634 18.3 Do. ' 8 % Cum. Pref. ,131/4 3 H „ 11% 31.7 I f 7.10 4 Bank of Africa, Limited ... 12 21.1 8 31.10 4* Bass,Eat.,& Grt. 5 % Pref. i 118 20.12 114 Bank of Australasia 106^ 99 8.12 Do. 4£%M.D.S. 120 11.6 115 12.8 5 8.9 Bentley (Henry) & Co% ... 19% 23.6 19% 23.6 Bank of British Columbia.. 42 26.2 35 11.11 7 Bieckert's Brewery, Lim. i 19 21.1 171/2 7.6 Bank of British N . America 81 13.6 75 4.10 6 Do. 5% D e b . i 92i/£ 5.6 90 31.5 2* Bank of Constantinople ... 7fc 7.5 7% 10.4 0 i Bank of E g y p t 7.1 2434 29.12 19% 25.6 171/2 27.2 2f Bristol Brew. Ord. <£10 pd. 32 Bank of New South Wales 76!/2 2.7 70 5.9 6.V Do. Prf. .£10 pd. 14% 19.4 14% 3.2 0 i Do. D e b . fully pd. LIS 4.7 118 4.7 Bank of New Zealand £1 p . 71/4 9.1 4 4.6 si Do. Now .£10 p . 10 534 14.6 4 i Cheltenham Original, Ord. 6'/2 9.5 5*» 9.8 o!f 7.1 Bank of Roumania £8\sd.d 8% 10.1 8 28.2 0 i Do. 6 % Pref. 6% 17.1C 6l/8 17.10 Of V Do. £6 pa,idi 7 * 26.6 6 10.10 IfF Do. 4 % Deb. Chicago £ 10 paid l i % 17.'2 "9% 10.'7 if Bank of South Australia ... 2834 18.1 24% 20.11 4 | Bank of Tarapaca £5 paid 63/4 7.1 4.7 5% 28.11 Of 2 ^ 29.11 4tV Cincinnati Breweries Ord. i 6 Do. Preference i 734 20.10 7% 20.10 Bank of Victoria .£5 paid... 9l/2 17.6 8L4 20.11 H Banque I n t e r n , de Paris ... C. of Baltimore U t d . Ord.-i Capital and Counties Do. Prf. i 42 27.6 391/2 SO.'l 2k Central of London, Limited 12 30.12 1034 8.2 U C. of Chic.Ord.&Pf.<£7ip. New ... Do. do. 10?. pd. i 9% 9.4 83/4 27.12 Queensland National, Lim. 12 20.*6 "Oft 6" 12 0 1 3 Jones (Frank) Ordinary ... 11& 31.3 7% 30.12 3 i "To Standard of South Africa,L. 61% 21.1 493/8 11.11 H f Do. Pref. 1034 20.1 9 31.10 If Union of Australia, Lim.... 72% 30.6 631/2 23.10 H Kenward & Court 5% 28.1 4 ^ 26.6 Do. Ins.Stk.Dpts. 106 28.7 101 9.1 5 Do. 5% Deb... 101 31.1 101 31.1 Union of London, Limited.. 4iV4 7.7 39 20.11 5 i Lascelles, Tickner & Co. O. 6% 4.7 63/8 23.5 | Un.ofSpain&Eng;,L.,10Jpd 1 914 3.2 1 7 14.2 1 2£ Do. 6% Cum. Pref. .1 5 H 26.6 | 5% 10.5 1 0^11 ml u n ii n 3 '"II m is n n 3 s* n j* ml 2* s** m ii n °H\ oi 96 3 Fluccua-| tiou. j -a a. 0Q <- Day. Month. 3 l NAME OF STOCK. 1 Day. 1 (Month. ! -a 1 « * Day. 1 CD Day. Month. 1 "** NAME OF STOCK. Month. 1 Fluctua[ tion. BREWERIES, A c , con., CANALS & DOCKS, and COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL for 1890. CANAL AND DOCKS.—con. BREVVEKIES, &c—con. E a s t a n d W e s t I n d i a Dock 20 31.1 12% 19.11 7^ Lion Brewery, Lim. <£17pd. 3734 7.1 35 18.9 2 | Do. Debenture Stock 1 84 25.2 65 11.11110 II 122% 22.5 119 3.10 3.} Do/ New«£6pd.<2 U t t 29.3 11% 17.5 W Grand Junction Canal Do. all paid i Do. 6% Preference... 1534 10.10 1534 10.10 26 14.1 23 11.8 3* Do. 6%Pref. ... 28 12.5 1 26 29.10 ' 2 HullDock 12 20.9 1034 19.11 l i Manchester Ordinary Do. 4£% Convert. Pref. Do. 7 % Preference. 13% 6.2 11% 3.11 l i Do. 4% Debenture Stk. 93 3 4 20*9 89 2.12 9 29.12 i f 96% 7.5 95% i2110 H Massey's Burnley Ord. ... 10% 12.5 Do. 4|% do. Do. 6% Cum. Prf. 11% 21.11 10% 30.1 i f London & St.Katharine Dk. 37% 30.4 30 ]L5.10 McCracken's C.B.4i%lM.D 923/8 18.3 8634 20.5 fit Do. 4 | % Preferential 112 24.6 10234 25.11 McEwan & Co. 5 % Pref. ... 117/8 2 4 1 101f 19.12 Do. 4 | % N e w Pref.... 105% 7.7 96 12.12 ^ Meux's Brewery 5 % Pref... 1234 14.1 11 4.9 if Do. N e w Pref., 1882 103 18.7 190 23.10 13 Do. 4% Mt. Deb. 109% 20.1 103% 20.11 6 Do. 4% D e b e n t u r e . . . 107% 5.5 100% 23.10 7 Morgan's Brewery 11 18.9 1034 12.6 0? Manchester Ship Can.pd. u p 9 9.1 * 8% iS2.12 Nalder & Collyer's Ord. ... 143,4 23.5 14 1.4 Of Do. do. £5x>d.d ... Do. 6% Cum. Pref., 13 28.7 12 8.5 1 Do. do. Do. 4 | % D e b . ... 106% 11.7 103 18.4 3* Do. £7 paid i '534 3 . 9 *5% 1 7 1 0 New E n g . Brew.j L . , O r d i 93/8 5.7 93/8 5.7 ... Do. do. £8 paid Do. 8% Cum. Prf.-i Do. do. 4 % D e b . 105 27.6 100 21.10 5 2 . 1 73 21.2 24 New W e s t . Brewery,Limited "5% 27.'6 "434 18.'2 Of Milford " A " Deb. Stock...! 97 5 23.1 Of MillwallDock 81 19.5 64 18.12 17 Do. do. 6% Pref.... 53/8 3.7 New York Breweries 1334 20.1 11% 25.8 21 2.6 98 3 4 21.3 41 Do. 4J% Preference) 103 Do. 8 % Cum. Pref. 12% 7.2 11 24.12 I f i Do. 5% Perp. Pref. 121 27.5 110 3.11 U 3.3 6 i Do. do. 1887 112% 23.6 106 Northampton Ordinary ...1 1656 2 . 1 1334 29.8 Do. 7% Preference 14% 21.2 12% 9.10 2 ; Do. 5%Perp.Deb..J 132 8.5 123 11.3 9 Do. 5 % Debenture 11534 19.7 112 22.8 3 ! Neath H a r b o u r 1st Mort.... 8 2 1 . 3 7 21.7 1 Nottingham 7 % Preference 914 20.2 1 8% 4 . 9 | Of Newhaven Harbour 4% ... 12% 5.3 12 2.1 0$ 3.10 58 10.3 13 Do. 1st Mort. Deb. 99% 18.6 99% 18.6 Regent's Can. City & Docks 71 Ohlsson's CapeB.O.«£3f p.ic? 5*£ 17.2 1 5% 15.2 10 * ! | Sharpness New Dk.4|% D b . ... 11 Do. do. ,£5 pd/i 9 - 8.5 7 •• 16.6 j 2 1 Do. dD. 4% D e b . Do. Pref.<£3fp.. do. £ 4 paid l Do. do. 7%Pref.| 15% 11.1 15& 7. OA Fraser&ChalmerSjL. £ 4 p d . i 3% 14.10| 3 / 4 2.1! l 2.1 Brush Electrical E n g . 15.1 12 2.12 General HydraulicPower,L. U / 4 1V4 7.10| 5.6 14.5 01 Glenrock, Limited ... Do. do. Pref. i oy 4 30.10| 056 24.2 25.9 B r y a n t & May, Limited ... 14% 19.6 13'4 10.3 Goldsborough & Co. 1 Mort. 1J/4 24.4 Bryant, Powis, & B r y a n t ... 1 23.1 0 l / 4 8.12| Of Gordon Hotels Ordinary 1 13% 14.101 i i y 4 29.7 8.1: 2 6.6 17.10] 10 16.12| B.AyresW.S.Drng. £ 1 0 p d . 9 7 Do. lh% Pref. 1 12.121 2ii 10.2 Do. 6% Prf. £ 1 0 pd. 7 Do. 4£% D e b . • ion 29.7 101 18.9 < l Burke(E.&J.B.),L., 10% 26.9 10 /8 24.10 0* Greenwich F e r r y 105 9.1 . 5% 17.10 Of Campbell (Robert) & Sons 6 20.1 30 20.1 Do. 6 % Deb... 32 11.1 4* Greenwood & Batley Ord. 1 2 ^ 22.5 11% 21.11 CantareiraWaterSupplyDb. 104J6 17.5 100 8.4 5 Do. do. 2nd Issue| 99 6.8 14 Do. d>. Pref. 12l/8 3.7 1256 3.7 4.1 I f 7% 30.6 Cassell & Co. Hamnd.(G.H.)&Co.£7£| l l ^ r 14.5 18% 5.3 17 13.11| 18* 7l/6 27.6 Catalinas W a r e . Mort. Deb iooy 8 20.2 84 Do. 8% P r e f . £ 7 i pd.#id 8% 21.5 Do. Scrip 50%tobepd.iVZj 4956 3.9 49V8 3.9 3 ^ 23.121 1.9 Do. Ordinary£10paid?1 11 Do. 5 % all paid # " 7.101 903/4 7.K 4% 22.12 Do. Pref. £ 1 0 paid 10& 7.7 Ceara H a r b o u r Corporation| 8 24.121 H a n s a r d P u b . Un., L Ord.? 11 30.9 Central Borneo Co. i" 256 31.12 23/8 30.1? 734 3.11 Do. 8% Cum. Pref. 10% 30.9 Ct.Prod. Mkt.(B.Ay.)lstM 103& 23.4 98 4 ^ 28.101 9.1 31.1 Harrison, Barber, & Co. 6% 9.7 Chicago&N.W.Gra.£ 1 21.4 Harrod'sStores O r d . £ l p d . i\ 1^ Do. do. £ 1 0 p d . • "8% 13.'2 "3l/6 13.'ll Head, Wrightson & Co. D o . 8% Pref. £ Do. 4 $ % 1 Mt.Db.* Do. do. £ 1 0 pd. ' "8% 17.'4 "8 23i4 H e n r y (A. S.) & Co.,£10 pd. 123/8 8.8 12 23.6 Chicago Pack.& 934 27.11 9 1.121 Do. Cum.Pref.£10pd. Do. 8% Cum. Pref. > Do. 4 | % Debenture i City Offices, Limited 12 7.3 10% 18.11 45i 6.12| 17.3 Hildesheimer (S.) & Co. ... Do. 41% Mort. Bds, 100 2.5 98 20.8 8.4 % 8.4 Hobbs, H a r t , & Co. City of Lond. Real Prop., L, 1756 6.9 16V8 12 956 22.12 Hook (C.) Townsend & Co. 103/4 4.2 Do. New £12£ Shs.| 10.4 10% Hop Bitters d\ City of Santos Improv. Pref 10% 18.4 1156 6% 5'.2 Hop craft Furnace ... Clay (Henry) Bock & Co... 12'/2 15.1 0 ^ 29.1 Do. do. Pref. 056 19.15 7 Do. 8% Cam. Pref.| 934 7.1 20.1 4 & 20.9 Hornsby(R.)& Sons £ 7 p d . d\ 7 9»/o Do. Mort. Debs. 16.9 17.3 Do. do. £ 8 pd. i ey 4 Coats(J.&P.) Ord. £4 pd.idl 9 3 " 8.11| 6V8 8.11 9.*9 102 9.9 Do. do. 6% Pref. Do. Cum.Prf.£ 656 6.11 6% 7.1l! 0& Do. do. 5% Deb. 102 e-^r 5.11 55 # 7.11 Of Hotchkiss Ordnance Ord... Do. D b . S. Crts. £ 5 0 p v 18.12] 13.1 "73/4 17.1 Do. Ordinary £ 7 paidio 18.11 8% 19.11 4.1S 5 Do. do. 7 % Pre! Do. Pref. £ 7 paid™ 56 13.11 8 ^ 5.12| ow Do. do.5%Mt.Db.| 8^i 27.1 9256 4.11 9756 27.12J Do. Deb. S t k . £ 7 5 pd.ici 11.11 7856 21.11, 2 27.12 Hotel Victoria 4% 4% 1.9 Do. Ord. all paid ' 956 27.121 12 10.121 0* Howell & James, Limited.. 1% 23.1 Do. Pref. all paid 1 17.121 1 1 % 10.12 Of Howell (J.) & Co., £ 4 pd. < 2 3.7 3.11 6% 5.9 Do. Deb. all paid i soy 2 21.12 10356 9.12 2f Humber & Co 3% K 5 1256 °16 23.6 Colonial, Limited 5 Hunt.(J.)Wilts.&Co.£5pd.i1 Col. Ld. & Loan Corp. Stk. 1^/8 Imp. Russian Cot. & J u t e . . . 5% 2.6 554 Do. do. Shares- L0314 Improved Indus. Dwell., L.j 656 21.5 119 Colorado Nitrate 2V4 27.111 25.2 514 6.1 Improved WoodPavemnt.,L. i22y3 29.9 12^Asp.deFJ 14% 28.10| 12% 8.2 India Rubber, &c.,Works,L. 1434 18.6 i7y 4 18.1 Crompton&Co.7%Pf.£5pd.'?j 556 26.3 556 26.3 Do. 4£% Deb. 1896! 2oy4 9.1 10iy 4 9.1! Crystal Palace A 10.1 2t International Okonite Ord.i| 10356 18.12 1856 5.11 16 9% 18.12 Do. B Redeem.. 1 12.4 3 l / 2 31.7 Do. do. Pref. Do. 6% Deb. 1st ^ 113 15.7 108 18.4 5 3.'2 I n t e r . Sleep.Car Co.5% Bds. 9556 8.'2 95 Do. do. 2nd... 65 9.5 17 5.2 43 Jensen (J.) & Co 56 7.2 56 7.2 Do. do. 3 r d . . . 223/4 5.2 18 9.5 4f J u l i a N i t r a t e £ 5 paid 1% 4.1 0% 23.12| If Dalgety & Co., Limited ... 856 4.3 22.7 H 7 Kynoch (G.) & Co., Pref. .. 19V 16.9 14x^ 1.2 5 ^ Do. 4 | % Debenture... 11434 26.4 11056 13.9 4 i La Guaira H a r . 7% D b . Stk, il2J64 19.6 101 6.12i .11* Do. 4 % do. L04 17.4 100 24.11 4 Do. 7%2ndDb.Bds. 101 19.7 91 17.4 10" Darval Bay (Bor.)Tob. £ 3 p. 33/4 3.2 1.9 Of Lake Copais 6 % Deb. 3 9356 7.1 873/8 17.101 6£ Devas,Routledge &Co.,Lim. 756 7.1 15.5 11.1 4 21.11: 4 L a u t a r o N i t r a t e all paid 8 Dorman Long & Co. £ 5 pd.-i 656 30.101 6 & 24.4 4.3 7 18.9 Lawes'Chem. M a n u r e £ 9 p d J 8 H 4% Eastmans, Ord., £10 paid... Do. do. Pref. 13% 12.5 13% 12.5 1 221/4 13.5 10% 26.111 Do. Pref., £ 1 0 paidl 23.10 21 Leeds Forge Ordinary 3.5 4% 10.12! 8 ^ 11.1 E . C. Powder ... ' i4y 4 17.5 1 1 % 17.10 1.9 Do. 7 % Pref. 6 456 17.12 5*& Wectric Con. £ 1 0 paid 6.11 4-2- 12.12 it 25.4 48 1.3 Do. 1st Mt. Dbs. i 50 756 Elect Supply of Sp.£3£pd %d\ Levy' Do. do. £ 5 paid i] 5% 30.4 5-h 1.12 Liebig's E x t r a c t of Meat, L. 741/4 9.'5 6856 17.3 Eley Brothers, Limited .. 45y2 20.1 40 21.11 o& Linole um Manuf ac turing,L. 29 17.10| 2656 3 . 3 5.V Elmore's P a t e n t Cop. Dpos 8 ^ 9.1 33/s 16.12 Lister & Co. Ordinary 9% 14.111 13% 10.1 Elmore W i r e M a n . £ lipd.idl 256 3.10| 1 & 1.10 10.4 95i 25.10 Do. Pref. 11 1 Do. £ 2 paid i\ 256 2 7 . 1 ; 1% 6.Ill 0:* Liverpool Nitrate ... 29.1 7 28.11 16 "m m n COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL continued for 1890. +3 NAME OF STOCK. CO 434 28.3 2A 7 ^ 1.2 oi San Jorge N i t r a t e ManganeseBro.&Bra.i26p.i 934 15.9 81/4 7.1 1 14 Santa Luisa NitrateJ* lOpd.d 73/4 25.1 4 26.11 31 Mason & Mason Ord.,£5pd.t ioy8 2.10 71/4 14.2 : 21 San Pablo N i t r a t e .£5 paid 5 l / 8 4 . 1 l i t 19.11 3 ^ Do. Pref.<£5pd. 53/8 19.6 4% 22.7 04 San Rita N i t r a t e 3!/8 5.7 3^8 5-7 Maudslay, Sons, & Meld Pf.% IIV4 20.1 10 16.7 H San Sebastian N i t r a t e 3i/2 1.2 ! 1H 7.7 i» 134 19.9 04 ' Do. Mort. D b s i 11214 4.6 109 1.7 3f Santa Elena N i t r a t e i\ 21/4 12.3 Max Greger, Limited, A ... 014 21.8 O14 21.8 S.Fe&Cordov.Gt.S.30Zpd.'id ... ... Maxim-Nordenf elt 3 & 3.1 0% 24. l l ! 2f6 Do. ,£50 paid i d 4934 6.'2 45 23.1 14 | Do. * Deb. .. 84 22.1 55 22.121 29 Do. .£75 paid id 77 7.5 | 61 1.8 16 Metro. Assoc.for Imp .Dwell. 25 1.3 2 Do. all paid i 823,4 29.12 80 16.12 31 20.6 23 Metropo.Elec.Sup. ,£5 pd. d 5%*28.2 i 6 1.4 6 1.4 4*4 25.1 1^6 Savoy Hotel, Limited ,, j Do. .£6 paidd 6 1.3 3% 3.10 24 1.4 6 1.4 Do. 7% Pref. 6 Do. c£8 paid i 734 17.12 51/3 21.10 2* Sequah, Limited, Ordinary^ 1V8 7.11 O H 20.11 0 ^ 1 Midland Rail. Car. &Wag.L. Do. 10 % Cum. Pref. i 01f 2.12 OH 17.11 04 Do. do. 6 % Pref. Seraj gunge j u t e , Limited... . . . 1.. ... ... , 1 Milner's Safe, Limited ..* 'W8 Do. A Pref. 22.'l 10% 20.5 3f Moir (John) & Son 7% Pref.' 4& 7.10 2 & 12.3 24 Simson & Mason "i- 3 - 2 1 "6% 5.'6 0 ^ J Morgan & Co. Spicer (H.) & Co. Ord. i l i e "• - ... ... Morgan Crucible 6%Cu.Pfi ii% ii.'9 i'ii/4 10."7 Of Do. Pref. i ... ... ... Morris (B) & Sons (iu liq.)d '3*4 1.4 2% 28.11 *7*\ Do. Deb. i ... Do. Reconstruct i Spiers & Pond 2 . 4 24 1656 3." 7 14 Nat. Agr.Hall 6%lstM.Db.d Do. 5% I s t M o r t . 116 16.5 H I 26.2 5 National Dwelling Soc.Ord. "i 18.9 "l Spratt's Patent 9 15.1 634 24.11 2i 18.*9 Do. do. Pref. Do. (America)... 114 17.9 1 17.9 Oi National S. Dep., L., £i pd. "434 6."3 "4 15.'8 Do. (Russia) ... 1% 6.2 1 25.7 01 oi i\ Stewart(A.J.&Clydes.)Ord.i Do, li/8 22.2 1 28.4 Ok ... < 6% Pref. ... ... ... Native Guano, Limited ... 23/8 2.4 1 4.12 If Do. 6% Cum. Pref.i Do. .£1 paid... Street's W s t . Stable Car JAA .. ... Nav. Cons. & Arma. <£5 pd. " 5 ^ 27*!l0 3 H 31.12 i i ! Swan United Electric Lt.,L. "&% 31.5 4 & 8.3 i'-ft Nelson Brothers, Limited . 103,4 8.10 9if 17.6 Swedish Match «£5 paid d ... ... ... Do. 5% Deb. 106 4.6 9 6 ^ 5.3 on Tamarugal N i t r a t e d 3& 4 . 1 9* 1H 27.3 ift Neuchatel Asphalte,Lim.... 1 & 15.1 & 7.3 Oi Tambracherry E s t a t e s , L.... y8 5.12 % 5.12 Do. Pref.... 6 6.1 41/2 17.12 14 Tele. Construc.&Maint.Lim. 4 6 ^ 29.1 42 6.8 44 Nevada Land and Cattle ... 2fk 4.1 Do. do. 5% Bds. 104 20.3 100»/6 22.8 34 2& 4.1 New Explosives 2% 16.1 2* Tob. Co. of Brit. N . Borneo 4% 2.6 N. Sth. E t . W y n a a d Es.Ord. ... ... Tramways & Gen.Works, L. ' " % 27.*1 '"% 16.*7 oi New Tamarugal Nit. Ord. i Travers (Joseph) & Sons ... 105 2.7 103 5.11 2 Do. do. Pref. % United Asbestos, L., Ord. A 3 12.9 3 12.9 ... 1 N i t r a t e Provisn.Sup.ii2pd.d " 2 ^ IO.'I "a& ai.'i Do. Def.B ... ... ... ... ... 1 oi ... Do. <£24 pd.a 2% 3.3 I1/2 20.10 ii Uni. Horse Shoe &Nail,Lim. i . . . ... 1 ... Nobel's Dynamite T r u s t ... 17 13.2 14% 23.4 24 Do. do. Pref. Norton Brothers & Co.,Lim United L a n k a t P l a n t . " l ^ 17.*4 "i& 27.'6 Oastler,Pa.&Co.rMt.5%D.i 90 6.6 90 6.'6 Uni.Limmer&Vor.Rck.A.,L. 3l/2 6.10 3 29.1 oi 04 Ogelby (Charles) & Co. % 6l/2 14.6 1 5% 4.11 Of United States Rolling Stock 714 21.1 ! 1 27.11 64 Paccha & Jazpam.Nit.«£5p.i 314 6.5 I 214 23.6 1 Do. 6% Deb. 102 25.2 t 97 3.7 I 5 P a r t a g a s & Co Do. 6 % R e a l E s t . B d s . 102 19.5 97 20.11 5 5*4 4.11 5% 24.10 0^o Do. Pref. 81,4 13.2 6% 8.9 If Do. C o l l a t . T r u s t D b s . 96% H . 2 90 28.10 6 | Pawson & Co., Limited ... 7i/8 11.2 Do. 5% Cons.Mt. B d s . 94 19.7 93 9.5 1 6i/2 10.3 Of Phospho-Guano, Limited ... Val de TraversAsph.Pav.,L. 12% 22.1 9 6.12 34 Pills.Wash.F.MillsO.^lOp.a "9% 27.*5 "8% 19.*12 14 Vivian (H.H.)& Co.Pref.... Do. Pref ..£10 pd.i 9% 19.5 8I/4 16.12 If WalkersParker&Co.6%C.P 1VA 8.'l "9 2."5 Pound(H.)Son & Hutchinsd Do. 44 % Debs. 102% 11.9 97 22.5 Prairie Cattle, L . ,£74 pd.d W a t e r . H s e . Swan & Edgar 3 ^ 1.3 2% 18.11 ... ... Do. .£8 paid i Waterlow & Son,Lim.,Ord.i 20% 29.12 17% 8.12 21 Price's P a t e n t Candle, Lim 27 18.*8 23% 24.'l 31 Do. 6%Cum.Pref.i 1234 14.11 12& 14.11 0i Primitiva Nitrate ,£5 paid 2 3 ^ 3.1 51/4 14.11 1711 WaterlowBrothers&Layton 21% 17.9 1 9 i | 10.2 31 PullmanCarCo.Cp.Stk$100i 214% 16.9 2 0 3 ^ 30.5 Hi Welford & Sons ... 3 % 16.10 2 & 5.11 U Recife Drainage, Lim., Deb ... Wenham, Limited 1 ... Regie Monoply. Cig.&Tob.d W e s t London Dairy 1 "i 19.'6 0^19.6 Rio de Janeiro City Imp., L 1 3114 22.*1 25 2.*1 64 West.Elec.Sup.Cor.«£2pd.'id 2 7.5 1 ^ 2 5 . 9 \%*\ * Do. do. 5% Deb •103^ 1.2 98 28.11 64 Do. do. .£3 paid? 23,4 5.11 2 ^ 29.12 0i ] Do. do. 5% ;. 103 9.5 96 /2 3.1 64 W h i t e Lead .. % 17.9 Vs 3.11 04 1 J a n . Flour Mills.£10pd Wickens, Pease, & Co. 3 30.4 2 A U . 1 25 OH River Plate F r e s h Meat, L.d -"7% 28.*4 "ift li.'n 2 ^ Wilkie & Soames,Lim.,Prf.i 1 1 % 8.11i iiJs 17.11 0i Do. 10% Pref 0I/2 4.12 5 29.12 04 j Windover (Chas. S.) & Co. 1 131/g 13.3 13 10.2 04 Rosario N i t r a t e 41/4 3.1 234 5.5 14 York St. F l a x Spinning Ord ... Do. 6% Debs... 105 10.7 99 2.4 6 Do. do. Pref . 1 ... J Royal Aquarium S o c , Lim 1 3i/8 3.1 1 23/8 8.4 || Young'sPar.Lt.,Lt..£3 paic L| 3 - ^ 11.9 | 2i/2 20.3 °* ml ij \° \ \*M lot U'k G G 2 FOREIGN & COLONIAL CORPORATIONS and FINANCIAL, LAND, & INVESTMENT for 1890. | NAME OF STOCK. •a a s JLLLL to C O O h3 11 FOREIGN & COL, CORPORATIONS, •Auckland (Cityof)6%of 1872 •11714 10.4 105i/2 . Do 6% of 1876 115 29.12 114 Do 6% of 1879 1283,4 8.4 |120 Do 5% of 1883 114% 20.6 11114 A i n l a n d Har.Brd.,6%Deb. 110 7.1 IO414 Do. do. 5%Deb. J1113/4 6.2 103 Do. 5%Debs 1936 112% 21.3 110714 Boston City (US.) 5%, 1899 106 4.10 100% Do. do. 190^ 111% 21.2 IO6I/4 Do. do. 1893 10434 4 . 3 10034 Brisbane(City of) (B.Db.)5% 103 8.3 99% U-B. Ayres (City of) 6% Deb. 102 23.1 65 f Do. 4|% Bonds all paid 8434 11.2 55 Cape Town (City of)5% Deb. j l l l 24.4 107 Christchurch (City of) 6%... 12814 10.6 120% Cordoba (City of) 6% 1922.. 99% 13.1 I 86 Do. 6% Bonds 1923 92% 3.1 ! 10 Dunedin(City of)6%, 1925... 123£ 6.2 I2214 Do. 6%, 1906. 118% 25.4 113 Do. 5 % , 1908... [1111/; 22.3 IO434 Fitzroy(City of)5%Dbs.l916 1153/4 29.1 11434 Gisborne Harbour Board 5% 97% 19.4 90 Grevmouth Har. Bd.4%Deb. 10134 27.2 99% HobartTown(Cityof)5%Db. 11834 10.3 115 21.3 98% • Invercar.,Boro.oi',4«j% Deb lOi 30.10 101 Kimberley, Borough of ... 101 Launeeston,Townof,4%Db 102 7.1 100 London (City oi) (Ontario)5% 101& 21.1 100% Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 108 29.5 108 Lyttelton (N.Z.) H a r . Bd.6% 123 11.3 116 Melbourne (City of) 5 % ... 115% 27.8 IO514 Do. 4f% ... 114% 21.4 11114 Do. 4% Deb. 1885 107 18.4 102% Melbourne H a r b . T r u s t 5 % 117 23.4 111 Do. do. 4£% Bondr 113 1.4 108 Do. do. 4% IS881 105% 17.4 IOI14 Melbourne Trams.Trust4|% 114V4 21.4 108 Mex.(Cityof)5% St.L.allpd. 8414 14.6 73 Monte Video (City) 6% Bds. 100i/2 12.5 94 Montreal (City of) 5?/<>Sterl. 10714 29.4 103 Do. 5 % , 1904... 108 25.4 103% Do. 5%, 1909... 10834 30.4 101 Do. 3% D e b . all pd. 86 1.4 82% Do. do..£40tobepd. 43 2.8 43 Napier,Borough of ,6% Cons. 115 9.4 11034 Napier Harbour Board 5 % 105% 2.5 99% NewPlvmouth Har. Brd. 6% 105 23.4 60 New York City 6 % 132 11.4 132 Do. 6%GoldCou.Bds. Oamaru H a r . Bds. (Eeg.) 6% 107 11.1 102 Do. (Bearer) 6% 106 17.2 97 Oamaru Mun. Cor. 7 %, 1907 11934 8.4 118% Do. do. 1910 120% 8.4 120 OtagoHar.Bd.6% (Deb.Eeg.) 106 18.3 103 Do. 6% of 1877... 106% 23.4 105 Do. 6% of 1881 .. 115% 18.4 HlVs Do. 5% Debentrs. 103i/2 1 5 > 3 1003/g Do. Consol.Bds. 104 25.4 99% Ottawa (City of) 6%, 1903... 112 19.4 10334 Do. 6 % , 1893... 109 2.4 103% Do. 6 % , 1904... 11334 28.5 113% Do. 6 % , 1895... HOi/2 28.4 10634 P a r a n a (C.) 5% W a t . all pd. 83 13.3 83 Do. 6% Bonds 9414 6.2 80 P o r t Elizabeth W a t e r . 6 % .. 115 19.3 108% Port Louis 5 % 108% 12.4 104 Prahran (City of) 5% Db.... llli*, 5.8 110 Do. 4% Debentures i 101% 29.8 101% Providence (City of) 5 % ... 104 4.3 1 102 1 Quebec (City of) 6% Ster....j10434 22.4 10034 Do. 6 % of 1873.. 107% 22.4 102% Do. 6 % of 1875.. 12234 30.4 114 Do. 6 % of 1878.. 12334 18.4 i 115 Richmond(City of) 5%Deb.J 112 12.8 1 112 Bio de Jan.(City) 4% all paid 8414 8.1 77 Borne (City of) 4% Bonds...' 90% 9.6 80 Do. 2nd,3rd,& 4th issue 90% 7.6 i 82 p 2 , NAME OF STOCK. g S^ 23.1 12 31.12 1 31.12 i 8f 30.7 3 i 17.10 5f 20.11 8 | 23.6 1 bk 15.8 5* 1.10 I 5t 10.6 4 3.11 3 | 9.12 37 8.12 \?M 1 1.9 4 ' 31.12 8 12.8 131 15.10 42-i 30.1 16.12 bh 26.11 5£ 19.12 1 22.5 17.11 ^ 2.10 29.12 5f 30.10 29.9 2" 16.9 1 29.5 12.11 7" 30.7 13.2 3 i 3.11 4^ 23.7 6 23.10 5 22.10 4 i 22.10 6£ 25.11 H i 26.8 6h 3.11 4 i 5.11 4 i 20.11 4 | 30.6 3Jr 2.8 22.1 4 i 15.5 61 9.5 45 11.4 u n n To 0 FOREIGN & COL.COES.—con. Rosario (City of) 6 % Bonds 103% Do. 6% Sterl. 1918 104% St. Kilda, Borough of 106 St. Louis City 6 % 109 Santos (City of) 6% 99 Santa F e (City of) all paid... 96 V8 Sofia do. 6% Bds. ... 91% SouthMelbourne(City of)5% 11334 Do. 4 i % D e b . i 108% Sydney (City of) 5 % Bonds 114% Do. 4% Debs. 1912 10634 Timaru, Borough of, 7 % ... 123% Timaru H a r b o u r Board 5% 103% Do. do. 1916 102 Toronto(Cityof) 6%Sfcer.Db 112% Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 125 Do. 6% Str.Con.Deb. 113% Do. 3,V% Bonds i 9 8 " Do. 5% Gen.Con.Db. 115 Do. 4% Sterling Bds. 10634 W a n g a n u i H a r b . Board 6 % 102% Wellington(City of)6%Deb. 120 Do. 6% Improv.Loan 1263/8 Do. 6%Water2 109 Exploration Co. 4s. paid 3 ^ 6.1 1** 21.3 H For.&Col.Db.Corp..£| 3 3.2 m 3.12 1ft Do. £3 paid v 3 ^ 18.12 3 ^ 17.12 o* Do. 4±% 1st Mort. Bds, 103% 17.3 100 1.10 3^ Freehold Trst. of Australia 2 13.9 1% 16.10 cf Do. 4 % P e r p . D b 1.03% 16.1 100 23.4 3* General Assets Pur. £4> pd.d 6& 9.1 0% 20.8 5ft Do. do. ^ 5 p d ' i 23/8 11.10 134 5.12 01 Do. # 5%Cum.Prf. 10% 20.1 7 30.10 3* Gen. Reversionary & Invest. 126 1.9 123% 5.11 2± Home&Col.Asset.&Db.2J p . i Hudson's Bay Company . 22% 2.9 17% 25.'ll 4 | Impl.Col.Fn.&Ag.Crp.£2p, 1% 1.9 0% 20.11 1 Imper. & For. I . A.C.<£8p^c? Do. do. .£10 84 24.'7 6V/2 21.'ll i n Do. do. Pref. 94 18.7 55 28.11 39 Do. do. Def. Imperial PropertyInvest.,L. Inter, of Mexico 6% InternationalFinanc.Soc.,L. *6% 23.1 "534 2.4 i" l Do. 4 % Deb.?* 102 18.4 100 /4 15.8 if Iowa Land, Limited d 5.*3 Irish Light E l s . & Trams 5% 103% 25.11 102 Land Co. of Austral. «£2pd. sy4 10.1 2% 2.1 of Land Corp. of Can.L. 18s.p. Land Mt.Bk.of India,,£2fp. "0% 16.'5 "6% 20.'3 22.12 0* Do. 5% Debenture? 99% 9.12 99 Land&Mt.ofEgypt,L.&Red iy2 21.4 Ws 2.7 0^ Do. 5%Mort.Debs. 10234 3.5 IOO1/4 6.6 2* Land Securities, Limited ... 2y2 17.10 iy 4 27.2 10% 13.3 914 9.5 H Lands Allotment We 30.7 Oil Law Debenture Corp. 4 2 ^ 14.5 Do. 4% Per. D e b . i 104 28.1C IOO14 23.8 3i 134 2.12 H Lon. & Aust. Deb. Corp. i 3 22.5 1 1 5 O l 1 £ 1 Lon. & N.YorkInv.<£lpd. d\ 1** 2.1 Te " Do. do. <£4 pd.?V7 4% 8.1 4y2 11.2 Of 6% 20.3 Of Do. do. £7 pd.-ic 73/8 19.2 l 9% 25.11 1* Do. do. <£10 paid 10 /2 9.5 Do. do. 5% Pref.' 10& 28.10 10 16.12 0ft OH 9.7 0% 19.5 0ft Lon.&Nth.AssetsCor.«£lp/ Do. do. <£2pd.| 3/4 5.8 *4 9.8 oft London&S.AfricanExplo.,L. 26V4 16.1 I21/4 18.11 14 London Fin.Assoc.L.^Sfp.c? 234 8.2 m 9.4 o* Do. £9^ paidi 234 11.10 2& 19.8 0ft Manitoba Mort. &Invest.,L MauritiusLand,Cred.&A.,L "'"if 19.2 '"% 2A 0ft Mexican Exploration 5s.pd 1 i*28.2 & 1 2 . 7 04 Mort.of RiverPlate £2 paid 334 3.2 2% 20.11 1* Do. 4£ % Deb. L0334 16.6 100% 18.8 34 Mort. of S. Australia Ord. i Do. Pref. "9.-I. a lx c "2ft 11.'8 ' -16 - ''NatalLand&CoIoniza. Co., L. 6% 2.1 5 2.9 H Do. 8 % Pref. m 6.3 6% 6.6 0k National Discount, Limited 12% 14.1 11l 20.11 H National Mt. &Ag.of N.Z.,L 0& 19.5 o A 21.7 0ft NewBelg.(Trans.)L.10s.p.di 0 ^ 27.1 0ft 4.3 j Of Do. 12s. Cd. pd.-i 0TV 23.6 0ft 27.3 0± New Sth. Wales Mt.L.&A.,L. 134 5.7 1 * 3.6 0ft N . Zeal.&Riv.Plt.Ld. Mt.,L.| OH 9.4 0V4 18.12 OH New Z.Loan&Merc.As:en.,L. 3% 16.1 2% 1.7 Of Do. 6thIss.riS25paifi 2434 6.5 22% 19.8 1 24 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 97^ 31.7 93 29.11 4 | New Z. Mort.&Inv.Assoc.,L.| NewZ.Tham.Val.Ld.^6p.t/j Do. M% paid id Do. £7 paid i NewZealandTrust&Loan,L. *9i4 2l!2 7% 20.'10 if Do. Preference] 2sy4 3.6 27 27.1 H Newfoundland Land, Lim.d! i'l oi u rt £ FINANCIAL, LAND. &c—cow. North Brit. Australasian, L. 19% 19.5 18 21.4 li 2.4 75% 8.8 2 | Do. 6%Irred.Gua. 78 Do. 5 % Deb. 9.9 3* Noi\ Sydney In. &T.4|%Dbf 9*i 30.'7 91 0& 17.12! 2 North. Trans. Ld. 15s. pd. i 20.1 3 23.1 Peel RiverLand&Mineral,L, 2.7 84% 7.3 5t Peruvian Corp. Lim., Ord. i\ ny4 27.11 ny 27.11 4 Do. Pref. 3iy4 27.11 3114 27. r, D o . 6 % l s t M t . ^ 5 0 p . i a 4934 26.8 44 31.7 Do. £ 6534 15.1C 58 20.11 Do. all paid i 79 20.12| 78 16.12| 1 Queens. In. &Ld.M.,L.^82pd i&" 10.4 0 ^ 11.8 11 Do. do. £1 pd. o-^ 29.5 .i^dis25.11 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 95% 7.1 9134 4.11 o\h\ Reversionary InterestSc.,L. 111 12.2 109% 17.101 Do. do. New 4 10.12 R. Plate Trust, L.& A.,L., A "634 7.6 Do. do. Bi 57s 9.6 Ws 3.12 2 Do. d o . 4 % D b , 99% 5.6 95% 20.1 4 2.9 93 20.8 6 Russian 5 | % Land Mrt., 2nd 99 4.11| 93 22.7 7 Do. do. 3rd 100 18.1 19 15.9 7 Santa Fe & Cord. Gt. S. Land 26 Scottish AmericanInvest.,L. I 4 ^ 25.10| 4-^- 25.10| Scottish Australian Inv., L. 200 24.11 176 28.4 i24" Do. 6 % Pref.I 137 7.1 132 25.7 5 Do. 5% do. 125% 13.5 118 30.7 7* Do. 4 % Perp. Db. i 06% 10.6 102 18.12| 4 | 2 10.4 10.4 S.AfricanLn.Mt.&Me.Ag.,L.I 2 Sth. Amer. &Mex.L.,0.d83p.'ij 23/8 25.101 ALA 1.101 iAl. South Australian 61 21.2 50 24.10 11 S. Australian Ld.Mt.&Ag.,L. 2^- 17.1 0% 3.11 Stock Exchange 3 | % Deb. 101% 27.5 100 23.4 3 % 13.8 0^ Texas Land & Mort., Lim. 3% 4.6 Do. do. 4£% Deb. IOO14 12.11 993/4 21.10| 1* Transvaal Land Shares otk 19.11 l ! 2t% 6.1 Transvaal Mrt. Loan & Fin. 23/8 4 . 1 03/4 7.10| it T r u s t & Agency of Austrl.,L 4% 25.4 3iV 18.11 ifti Do. do. (fully paid)! 14% 11.3 14% 11.3 l Do. do. 5% Pref, 13 / 8 20.6 12& 9.121 13.12 T r u s t & Loan Co. of Canada 53/4 9.1 Do. do. New 314 13.2 2% 13.121 O f ' Tr.&Ln.C.ofChina,Japan,& 3i3r 11.9 1% 3.6 Of , Trust&Mort.ofIowac£2|pd/ Do. do. 4£% Debs.^ 102 22.*7 162 22.7 1 % 20.3 0 ^ 15.4 Tr. L11.& Ag.of Mex.^l^p/ii 22.5 1 % 31.101 oi Do. do. £2 paid 1 15.1 4% 19.111 31 , Trustees'Ex. & Sec. I n s . Cp, 21.11 4.1 UnionDiscountCo.,L. <£5pd. 11.11 Of Un.Mt.& Agn.of Austr.Ord 23/ 4 20.1 Do. do. 6%Pref.Stk. 134 26.6 126 31.12| 8 5.3 0ft| 21.6 2 Do. do. £2 paid 2 ^ 1.8 Do. 4 | % Irr.Db.Stk, 1133/4 7.5 109 7.8 Do. 4% do. allpd. 10334 4 . 3 100 23/ 4 20.11| United States D b . Corp. ,L.i 33/4 29.5 Do.4i%Ir.D.S.£, 503/4 4.7 5oy4 2;5 a Do. " d o . all paidi I 10534 3.6 103 4.101 0^ U.S. Trust & Guar.d83i pd.i' 13 10.4 107s- 5.8 2*. Van Dieman' s Land W e s t Australian L a n d Co... Do. 5%Con.Dbs. Do. IstMrt.Dbs. Western Ld.&Cattle,L.,Orc Do. do. Pref 4.10] Oi 4.2- 1Western Mort. & Invest., L.l 2 28.3 100 25.9 Do. Cum.Prf.Stks. 1023/8 20.3 99 3.1 Do. 4 £ % D e b . ... 103 TRUSTS. n m\ II n Afr.Cy.Prps.Trust5s.pd. d\ Do. do. 10s. paid i\ 0-^Alliance Investmt. Pref. 105% II21/4 Do. Def. Do. 4%Deb.StM 102 101 26.3 13.2 8.1 4.7 014 95 93 99 18,3 0 ^ 25.11 17.121 3.121 3 m m TRUSTS continued, and GAS for 1890. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. #1 TRUSTS—continued. TRUSTS—continued, Amer. Invest. Trust,L.,Pref. 119 12.2 114 63/4 1 3.1 L o n . S c o t . A m . Tst. £7p&.d\ 7 15.121 5 Do. do. D e l 124% 5.9 IIO34 15.12 1 3 | 18.1 ° * • Do. do. .£10 pd.o. 6 % do. 168% 20.3 160 18.11 5£ Do. H o n g Kong and China,LimJ ~ ' 8.3 19% 13.8 8£ 227 18.4 213 22.2 2* Imperial Continental 5 Malta & Mediterranean, L. 5% 22.9 5.121 14 0| Mauritius, Limited Metrop.of Melbour.5% Deb. 114% l i " 3 109 a i " i o si M o n t e Video, Limited 22 7.6 18% 2.12I 2.1 31 Oriental, Limited 9% 12.9 1 28.3 H Do. New 83,4 11.9 2.1 oi Do. do. 1879 134 28.3 8.10) Ottoman, Limited 5 8.10] P a r a , Limited 14.1 4% 8.7 People'sGs.&Ck.Chic.lst M.I Do. do. 2ndMort.| San Paulo, Limited 17 25.11 14% 4.9 , 2^ South Metropolitan A 1.10] 22 |0 3 5 2.1 283 Do. B 7.2 16J 239% 7.7 224 Do. C .. I250 10.1 238 3.10]|12 Do. 5%Deb.l 46 16.1 7 13.9 139 Tottenh.& E d m G.Light&C. Do. do. New] 1034 22.7 1 0 * 4 . 3 01 1 West Ham 16 n m 8* m a INSURANCE. Alliance Alliance Marine, Limited .. Atlas British & For. Marine. L i m British Law Eire Church of England City of London Fire, Lim... Clerical, Medical,&Gen.Life| Commercial Union... County Fire Crown Life (Js50 paid) Do. .£48 5s. paid d\ Do. .£50 paid Eagle Employers' Liab. Ass.Cor.L.| English & Scottish Law.Life) Equity and Law Life Fire Insu. Assoc,Jj.£\% pd. 11 453/8 25% 23% 214 3* 1/4 18j$ 36% 14.1 8.1 1.9 22,2 12.5 17.4 12.5 5.9 16.4 371/4 17.11 24 22.4 4,12] 22 28.111 3 * 8.2 25.6 I8I/2 5.9 31% 20.121 82% 18.11] 82 19.3 8.12 8134 8"l2| 4.12| 4% 7.3 2% 29.1 3fo" 4.9 73/4 16.12] 7ii 23> 8214 " % 30.10] '"% 30.1 INS U RANCE—continued. General Life and F i r e 14.4 12% 24.1 11 Globe Marine, Limited 1 30.7 34 12.4 Gresham Life Guardian Fire and Life 31.12] 96 t 21.*5 92 Home&Colonial Marine,| % 14.1 % 14.1 Imperial Fire 192% 16.1 r , | 72 14.3 0* Imperial Life 31% 24.12| 30 2 ' . 8 H Indemnity Marine £3 paid] 113/ 13.1 > 3 /4 C0.12| 2 4 2.10J 7-Hr 9.1 1*1 Lancashire 91/4 17.1 Law F i r e 153/4 2.7 1 163/4 11.2 Law Guarantee T r u s t 15.11 0k 1% 15.7 23 27.3 Of , Law Life 5 Law Un.Fire & Life 12s.pd.i 2334 15.4 7.3 o**| 5H Legal and General Life Lion Fire, Limited ... 1% 4.1 6 * 1 1 & 4.'6 Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L.I 50y4 2.10| 41 17.1 9 i 1 Do. do. (.81 Ann.) 1 27i/8 12.2 2614 4.6 0* London 27.11 7* 573/4 20.2 50 London and Lancashire Fire' 20 30.9 163/4 5.3 London and Lancashire Life 3% 26.11 3% 26.11 3 i London & Prov. Mar., Lim. 4% 17.1 314 12.3 34i/4 20.5 29 2.121 Marine, Limited Maritime, Limited... 5i Merchants' Marine, L i m . . . "2% 2 12.9 Mortgage I n s u r a n c e Corp.I - 1 6 22 7.11 1% National Marine Limited 5.2 % 5 % 25.2 Oi North British and Mercan. 571/4 17 461/4 13.2 Northern 27 67% 27.3 11 Ocean Marine, L., «£2f pd, 751/4 14 33/4 12.6 7* Pelican 15.8 1 1 Phoenix 4.11 282 10.1 59 Provident Life 291/4 5.9 1260% 5.9 Queen 6.12| 291/4 30.1 6% 3.1 Bly. Passengers«£l 19s.pd.d 12.3 0* 634 « 1G Do. £2 paid i\ 6.6 6% 23.4 Of 24.9 0 * Rock Life 14.3 VA 5H Royal Exchange 6% 4.6 343 22.10] 2 Royal Insurance 23.10| 5014 27.1 81 385 Sun F i r e 25.11 452 24.7 5 7 58% 27.10| 18.2 2TO San Life <£7£ paid Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim, 457 4.10] J-ie 9.1 16% 5.121, 1 1 * 28.2 13 Union .£40 paid [253 Union Marine (Liver.) Lim.| 12% 6.10| 6.10] 266 15.8 2* Universal Life 20.2 12.8 H Universal Marine,L., <£2pd. 37 4.2 6 ii i*| n vi COAL, IRON, AND STEEL, Barrow Haematite Steel, L.l Do. do. 6 % Pref. Bengal Iron & Steel Ord. i Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L, Do. do. <£12 pd.] Bowling Iron, Limited .., Brown Bayley's Steel W k s Brown(John)&Co.,L.«£75p.d| Do. do. ^ 1 5 pd Consett Iron, Limited Ebbw Vale Steel,Iron &C. L.l Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim. General Mining Assoc,Lim. 8£ Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal] I t Marbella Iron Ore, Limited Mid.Cl.,Cke.,& Irn.<£6 Ord.i| H Do. 6% 1st M o r t . ' 01 0 i Muntz's Metal, Limited .. Ok Nantyglo & Blaina, L i m . . . paid] o$ Nerbudda C. & I . £2$ C1.L. Newp.Aber.Bl.Vein St. NewSharls.Collier..Lim Prf .j 5 New Van. Coal & Mining,L. 6*i N o r t h ' s Navigation Coll.... NorthumberlandLd. & Coal' 6'i Otis Steel Preferred... Do. o * ParcochaIr.Ore&R.7% C.P. Do. do. 6%Deb.i| 1* 0* u 103 43/8 18.6 8 * 3.6 0% 19.6 I6I4 8.8 9 6.11 1* li-o, 74 15.9 4i 11.3 3114 17.11 25 &A 14.4 93/8 7.1 * 7.2 * 7.2 43/8 30.1 3% 24.6 ei 5% 9% Oif 22% 13% 7.3 18.3 25.8 10.1 14.1 78% 19.2 "4 9734 30.*8 8.'l0| 6i 4| 3| 6'i "3% r.'s oi 97% 17.10] oi ei 20.'ll 60% 20.'l 54 %.25.4 % 12.2 8% 28.8 Of 1 0 * 20.1 9.4 1*1 13% 3.11 11% 6% 3.1 "3% 27.'3 at , % 25.2 * 2.7 0 * 11% 13.1 7 28.11 4« ' 10% 14.1 734 31.10] 2f 99 5.11 97 22.12 2 98 5.11; 9734 6.11] 0i COAL, IRON, & STEEL continued, MINl£8, and SHIPPING for 1890. •i w NAME OF STOCK. 1 •a s COAL, IRON, & STEEL~cow. Pelsall Coal and Iron, Lim. 4% Rhymney Iron, Limited ... m Do. do. New 1% Do. 7 %Debenturesd Do. 5% Mort. Deb. 95* SheltonIr.St.&Cl.C.Pf..£7i* 7 » Do. do, l s t 5 % D b / i 97% Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim. y4 Do. do. Def. Vs Simonds Steel & Iron Forge 1% South H e t t p n Coal ... i 137 Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&Rl Do. do. lstPref.«£6pd. Do. do. 2ndPrf.allpd. Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim... 1034 Do. do. Preference 1043,4 7.11 17.1 17.1 4? 8 7.11 ... 1% 24.11 lft 07/8 23.6 Of 13." 6 91 3.10 7% 4.12 96 l A 24.i H 24.1 0% 18.3 14.10 106 25.4 4" 3.10 15.8 i'i 24.1 24.1 30.4 i" 25.3 31 6.2 "93/8 23.*6 6.2 104- 17.5 MINES.-BRITISH. Devon Great Consols VA 8.1 Great Laxey, Limited 934 18.9 11 Morgan Gold 1- South Condurrow "7% 26.'7 j South W h e a l Frances 1 Tincroft .£15 7s. 6d. paid... 41 29.'9 Weardale Lead WestBassett«£9 8s. 6d.pd.d Do. .£19 18s. 2d.pd.c? We*tBassett«£10 10s. 10d^ W e s t Wheal Seton Wheal Bassett Wheal Grenville 19% 18.2 COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. Alamillos, Limited 2 Almada & TiritoCon.,Lim... ft Anglo-AfricanDiamond,L.$ 4% Asia Minor, Limited Australian "i% Avala Quicksilver ... i Borax 6% Debentures 102 Bratsberg Copper British Broken Hill Propri. "6% Burma R u b y m Do. 15/- paid i U Camarones Cop.M.& Smelt itk Canadian Phosphate ft Cape Copper, Lim. £2 Shs 5^ Caylloma Silver .£14; paid i Chontales, Limite d : Colombian Hydraulic 1% Colorado Silver Mining ... 14 Copiapo, Limited, «£2 paid 3% Day Dawn P . C. Gold ... . % De Beers Cons., L., ,£5 pd.-i 2034 Devala Moyar Gold, Lim... ft Don Pedro 1 if ElCallao | 3 Empire d ... \ Fortuna, Limited 43/g r F r o n t i n o & Bolivia Gold, L. 1 * Gold Fields of South Africa 63/8 Do. New 5s. pd.cZ 43/8 Do. 10s. p a i d d . 3 % Do. 15s. paid id 43/g !; Do. .£1 paid id 41/2 Gympie Golden Crown I Ilex Gold Prefd. ,£1 paid... Imnris Mines 10s. paid id "iy4 Do. £1 paid i 1% I n d i a n Consolidated Gld.,L. % Indian Gold Mines 19/6pd.d Do. .£1 paid 'i iLibiola Copper "i Linares, Limited S% NAME OF STOCK. 24.9 4.3 27.1 if Of 0% 23.4 8% 24.7 oi "714 16\6 '6i 32 9" 26.*2 n • ... 22.9 4f 1% H . 8 ft 4.3 -13/8 16.4 Of Ws 6'i 28.'ll 99% 25.'l & l e . ' i "2% 30.'5 6.1 0ft 25.7 21.10 y2 14.10 Off 11.7 9.6 l 2.4 A 2.4 9.9 3ft 12.2 4f 1* 31.1 4.7 6.1 6,1 1.3 2.6 9.9 "3% 03/8 2% 3ft 2% 27.11 29.12 8.9 'lft 134 ft 7.1 *2ft 7 29.3 0~YQ 2% Q 0 — \\ MINE S—continued. 6 8.3 4ft Mason & Barry, Limited ... 10ft 15.9 % 8,1 3/8 13.6 0i Midas Gold Field Oil 1.8 O-S1% 26.2 Montana 6% 26.2 4^r 17.7 2ft Mysore Gold, Limited 3% 9.6 134 28.3 If' N a m a q u a Copper <£2 paid. New Akankoo New E b e r h a r d t New Emma Silv.,L.18s.pd.cZ Do. 18s. 6d.pd.-» '*'i4 30.7 '"y817*.'2 01 26.6 2ft 19.11 oi3 New Guston, Limited i 6 New Hoover Hill Gold, Lim. New Zealand Antimony ... Old Lout 16s. 6d. paid d Do. 18s. 6d. paid %d Do. 19s. 6d. paid id '"34 23.'6 •'•% 23.'6 Do. ,£1 paid i 16 Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. ... "23/8 11 ."3 ' l i t 19"8 Do. 10% Pref.20s.pd. 2% 24.12 iy 4 8.7 H P a h a n g Kabang 1% 10.2 03/8 8,8 PahangSem..£10O.15/-pd.* Panulcillo Copper, L.,£2 pd. ' l i j 29.'5 "oy8 i9.'n 9 » Pestarena United Gold,Lim. Pinos Altos Bullion '•'% 7.'l "'% 7'.'7 oi Pontgibaud Silver-Lead ... Richmond Consolidated, L. "i% s.'i "034 is.',8 Rio Tinto Limited 27ft 15.9 1434 12.2 XOT Do. M o r t . B d s . 104% 19.5 100 16.10 4^ 103 14.6 99% 22.10 3g Do. 5 % 2nd do. Ross United Gold <£1 paid Do. 19s. 6d. paid Ruby&Dun.Con.,L.19s.pd.d St. JohndelRey,L.15/6p. id Do. <£16 6/- paid id Do. «£17 6/- paid % 'V4 i"l2 ' " f t 27.'10 214 5.12 Oh Scottish Australian, Lim.... 3V8 17.1 Do. New 1% 4.6 1 13.10 0 | 3/8 22.1 Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited y 4 4.2 0 i Do. Plumas Eureka 1 18.2 03/g 25.9 01 Oft 4.10 0i§ Silati River Gd. Mt.l7s.6d.i 1% 19.5 S o u t h e a s t Mysore Gold ... ft 21.10 ft 21.10 Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim. 63/8 15.9 4% 14.3 i'i TocopillaCop., Lim.JBl pd.i Tolima, Limited 10.'2 "&A 11.12 "4 Un. Mexican, Lim. c£l pd. ft 10.2 ft 5.2 o^ Wentworth Gold, Limited.. West B a t . R f . G d . M . ^ I p d . d "it 8.'l « 8.*1 ... Do. e£lpaid^ Yankee Girl Silver Mine i "2% 6.'ll "i% i9.'n i* 0ft Of oft M U 2f SHIPPING, African Steamship ' 10% Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim. 12% British Shipowners, Lim.... 8.11 Ok Castle Mail Packets, Lim... 16 3 4 27.3 51 Commercial Steamship,Lim. 27.2 «£10 paid ' 9 oft Cunard Steam., L . .£20 paid 19 9.7 01 Do. do. 24.12 I f General Steam Navigation 97s Do. 5 % Preference 10% 29.'3 6'i Do. % 5% 1877 .... 10 15.3 on Mercantile Steamship, Lim. 9 7.8 3^ National Steamship, Lim . m 25.2 lft New Zealand, Lim.<£8 pd. d 514 5.3 l f Do. <£6paid? 4% £0•0 Iftj Orient Steam Navigation,L. 7& Penin.&Oriental SteamNa.d 20.10 2 Do. do. New, lS67d Do. do. Pref. 134% Do. do. Def.i 220% 2.*8 Oft 27.11 Royal Mail Steam Packet... 76 31.5 0ft Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim. 1034 Union Steamship, Limited.. 27 Do. do. New ... 1SY8 24.4 iM Union Steamship of N . Zeal. 13% 12.4 11 W e s t India & Pac. Steam,L. 12.6 •8* I •a a $K\ 18.'10 "134 IS.'IO 17.3 "i% 30.4 ft 9.9 214 8.8 y2 3.2 1 15 4.2 tt ft 10.4 30.1 1% | 1 b'i 7.10 Oft 31.3 It 23.8 13.6 10 10 16.10 °i 7.2 2 i 26.3 13% 15." 11 3 i 13.3 "7 22 2 16 734 21.1 18.6 93/8 24.1 9 4.2 8% 434 7.1 2.10 334 13.12 4% 13.3 614 24.'ll 3.12 11.12 3.1 16.4 17.3 15.1 25.2 13.12 19.11 2.'5 125 16.1 188% 5.5 59% 27.2 : 9% 13.1 1934 11.1 10 6.3 II14 ! 2' 3 2 27.'l 9'i 10.7 32 24.11 1 6 | 17.4 27.2 H 7a 12.5 34 29.12 2f * n 1 0i H if —_--i 1 104 1 TEA, TELEGRAPHS, &c, TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS, and WATERWORKS for 1890. <8 N A M E O F STOCK. S Q o oa 1 NAME OF STOCK. Assam 37^ 2& 26 12% 1314 % 151,4 37 1 •6 O 1-3 10#2 24.1 19.3 27.5 27.8 29.9 5.8 14.1 12% 23.*9 7% 25.3 32% W8 20 9% 12% % 13% 29% 17.12 5.12 27.8 22.3 6.2 17.1 22.2 1.12 1614 22.*4 6Y8 29.12 "314 i i . ' i 2 "2% 11.'4 1% 19.5 034 24.10 TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. African Direct 4 % Deben. 101 26.9 98 Anglo-American, Limited... 53% 6.1 48% Do. do. Pref. 88% 3.1 82i/8 Do. do. # D e l 17& 3.1 12% Brazilian Submarine, Lim. 12if 4 . 3 10% Do. do. 5 % Bonds 103 11.1 100 Do. 2nd Ser.June,1906 108 10.11 IO314 Commercial Cable ... i 105% 20.12 102 Con.Telephone Con.Main.jL. H26A % U% 16.1 11 Cuba, Limited Do. 10 % Preference 18!/8 21.4 16% 3 Direct Spanish, Limited ... 4 ^ 9.1 Do. 10 % Pref. 934 21.7 - 8% Direct Un. States Cable, L. 105/8 12.9 9if Eastern, Limited 14% 29.4 1 3 ^ Do. 6% Preference 15% 26.6 1334 Do. 5% Debentures 1899 109% 20.1 106% Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Stock 110 24.4 103 E a s t e r n Extension, Limited 1434 24.4 12if Do. 6% Deben., 1891 IO314 11.1 100% Do. 5% do.Reg.,1900 106 22.4 101% Do. 5% Bearer 19001; 106 7.5 IO21/4 Do. 5% 1890 d 101 21.3 101 East.&S.Afriean.L.Deb.l900 104% 2.5 100% Do. do. B e a r e n 104 29.5 100% Gt. Northern of Copenhagen 163/8 31.12 15% Do. 5%Deb.(iss.l881) 104% 21.6 100 Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883) 108 9 . 1 104 Indo-European, Limited ... 4234 14.4 35% London Platino-Braz., Lim. Do. 6 % Debentures 109% 27'.1 108 National Telephone 61/8 29.4 4 Do. N e w ^ S p d . d 3fk 3.1 3 Do. do. £4 m 6.3 3% Do. do. £ 5*f 9.6 5V8 Do. 1st Pref. ... 13 27.6 Hi/4 Do. 2ndPref.<£8p. 10% 9% 3.5 Oriental Telephone, Lim. .. % 29.8 14 Router's, Limited 834 9.12 7 * S t h . o f E n g . Telephone Ord. 1/4 •&14.3 Do. do. Pf. , £ 3 | paid 2 H 5.11 2\% United River Plate Telepho. 514 10.3 3% Do. 5 %Deb. 22.7 5 1 Belfast Street 16" 7.8 14% 28.2 H 7 A 19.12 6 " 23.4 1A Ok Bordeaux, Limited Do. 5 % Preference... 10% 10.1 83/4 6.5 H Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. 1% 2.4 l l / 8 8.12 of Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs. 6% 14.3 5 22.9 i t Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 124 28.2 117 7.1 7 11 Buenos Ayr. New Tram Pf A 43/s 28.3 43/8 28.3 Do. 5 % Deb. i Calais, Limited ' 1 % 27.*2 "134 27.'2 Calcutta, Limited 7.5 of 1 Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 53/4 19.2 51/4 23.5 9% 7% 1-2 if l Do. 5% Debentures 96 /2 3.4 93 30.5 3f City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 8% 10.1 614 20.12 21 3 Do. iss.@3pm.d82pd.'i 33,4 21.6 234 16.9 1 Do. 6 % Deb. Stk. 132 11.2 122 24.9 10 5 61 Continental Metropolitan .. 3\4 3 . 1 134 7.11 H 4-ia Do. 6% Pref... 5i/8 16.6 4 19.12 1L5 Dublin United 10& 21.11 9 i t 19.2 Of J-10 Edinburgh Street ... I31/4 22.7 10 3 8.11 3i 4| Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L. 133/4 16.1 9 23.10 4 ! 31 Hull S t r e e t . . . ... d iy 4 28.2 034 10.3 o* 0 ^ Imperial, Limited 1% U . l 11/4 17.4 Of 31 Leicester <£10 paid Do. £9 paid ... i If United 32 11.11 *9% 12.2 2i } F LiverpoolLimited London, 17% 26.6 14% 16.1 3f 1 Do. 6% Pref... 16 16.6 14 23,1 2 i 0H\ Do. Found. Sc. Certs. 15% 21.6 13% 21.5 If 1A Do. 5 % D e b . . . . 111 18.2 106 20.6 5 if 3 1 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 200 7.2 177 20.3 23 7 London Road Car 7 & 22.7 5i/8 1.3 2 ^ Do. do. «£6paidd 5% 22.1 5i/8 10.3 01 iff London Street 13% 9.7 1034 27.11 3* U Montreal St. Rail. 5% Deb. 110% 6.2 105% 29.10 61 19% 29.7 1714 18.11 2i 3i N o r t h Metropolitan North Staffordshire,Lim.... 5 ^ 31.1 5 15.3 4" Nottingham&District, Lim. 4% 15.5 3 30.6 H 6 ^ 3.11 434 21.2 x * 31 Provincial Limited 1 Do. Cum. Pref.i 10% 27.10 10 20.8 oj Seville 5 3.11 H SheffieldTramwavs ... % 6 ^ 11.1 5 3.11 4 ... * 514 30.4 6% 26.11 5% 20.1 14 71 Southampton South London 3 10.2 1% 5.8 Southwark & Deptfd.,Lm.cI 134 15.1 l A 4.1 Do. do. Pref. i 2 & 15.7 u 1% 8.12 24 0^ Do. do. Def. i V% 8.12 % 8.12 714 20.1 0 ^ Sunderland, Limited 63/8 9.8 o'l OM Tramways Co. of France, L. 2^0 13.10 1 26.2 ^ 1^ Tramway sCo.of Germany,L. 12% 4.7 11% 13.8 i t Tramways Union, Limited 7 ^ 15.1 514 25.11 Do 4* % Debentures 102 17.2 101% 14.8 tm 0* 0* Vienna General Omnibus,L. 3 22.7 1-H 2TV 31.3 OiV Wolverhampton, Limited... 63/8 24.1 5% 9.12 Of n n u n si 6i " 6i * n u n °^ ok n i'i °M\ ° \\ °A if l.'l2 if 8.3 4* 11.12 9 5.9 23* 13.1 2T^J ! WATERWORKS, Alexandria Antwerp, Limited 14% 275 24.1 H Chelsea Ordinary 6.6 I f Do. 5% Pref 143 3.12 5 Do. 41% Pref 130 7.3 3* Do. 4£% Deb 142 6.5 1^1 City of St. Petersburg, Lim 114 19.5 Colno Yalley 10 A 18.12 4f j Do. 4% Deb. 103 2.7 1* E a s t L o n d o n 218% 24.11 Do. 4* Debenture... 148 Grand Junction (max. 10%)127 Do. New (max. 7%) 9 1 % i| u 20.'l i'i 27.11 261 17.9 135 6.6 125 5.1 140 1 23.5 1.2 9% 5.2 103 7.6 207 19.5 141 10.1 120 10.12 89% i*4 3 | 3.7 14 22.8 8 8.12 5 30.9 2 20.5 0i 1.4 5.2 18.4 li'i9.9 7 3.12 7 26.11 2k om\ -— 1 105. WATERWORKS continued for 1890. -M NAME OF STOCK. Si . A k, -e * *& H3 C5 2 l 5 f _: NAME OF STOCK. ft WATERWORKS—continued. WATERWORKS—continued. Kent 282 24.7 272 Do. New, ^88 paid d\ 15*4 15.5 15 Do. .£9 paid... i\ 16 26.9 1534 Kimberley, Limited ... 1034 16.1 634 Do. 6 % Debentures 103 25.8 102 Lambeth, maximum 10 % ... 258*^ 4.6 2471/2 Do. do. n% ... 203 8.5 196 Do. 4% Debentures 126 4.6 123& Montevideo ... ... 22 10.2 1834 Do. 5% 1st Debs.... 108 1.7 106 Do. 5% 2nd Debs. New .River, New 371 5.6 360 Do. 4 % Debentures 129 5.2 127 Do. Debentures B130 l 28.2 125 Odessa,Limited, A6% Prfd. S /2 30.4 iy2 Do. B Deferrd. 1% 2.9 0% Do. 5 % Debentures 90 5.2 78l/2 25.2 10 3.5 Oi 6.10 04 23.12 4 26.11 1 31.12 11 31.12 7 19.5 2* 28.11 3i 8.7 2 2.12 ii 12.3 2 30.9 5 25.11 2 20.5 °i 8.11 11* Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 107 Portlnd. Wter. C. M.4%G; B , Shanghai, Limited ... South Staffordshire A Do. B Do. 4% Debentures] Southwark & Vauxhall 180 Do. D 7|% maximum 170 Do. 5%Pref.... 138fc Do. 4|% Debs. 139 Tarapaca JZIQ paid 11% West Middlesex ... 270 Do. 4J% Deb. 144 * Coupons payable abroad. i Inserted in Official Daily List during 1890. d Discontinued in Official Daily List during 1890. 106 8.2 IO214 6.10 4f 3.12 162'/2 23.3 17* 3.12 156 27.11 14 20.10 134& 16.9 4 3.11 135 1.12 4 7.1 6V4 27.3 6 29.7 260 10.1 , * 26.11 138 18.12 [10 6 1891 NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. 111 Lowest. I Day. Month. OJ Highest. Lowest. Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest 1 BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 189i. j CORPORATION STKS.—eon. STAMP DU TY FREE. W e s t Ham 3£% 1021/4 2 . 3 99 3.9 Weymouth &Melc. Regis 3% 97% 16.3 97 7.9 Windsor 3 % 1918 99% 28.2 97 19.11 2 34 Wisbech Borough 3$ % .. 100% 5.1 97% 12.6 31 Wolverhampton 34 % 109% 4 . 4 107% 5.1 SUBJECT TO STAMP DU TY. 24 Belfast W a t e r Oom.34% 1938/ 5 2i\ Birmingham Gas Ann. of £1 Do. W a t e r do. of .£1 W 11/- Blackburn 4 % Do. 34% 17/1 Bristol 34% ii'6% s.'i 1C6 28 .'5 3f Douglas Town 34% Glasgow 3 i % 3.*9 108% 25.'ll & Hull 34% (2nd issue) 1943 1041/4 25.11 16414 25.'11 30.1 1093/8 19.6 51 Lee Conservancy 4 % 1927 117 16\4 114 5.1 29.1 98y8 16.5 34 Leeds 4 % Do. Sh% 1927 108 24.3 105 21.7 Longton 3 | % 1932 24.'7 107% 4.'3 Manchester 4 % 126 30 .'l0 122 27.4 15.12 323 14.5 20 2.2 9 Middlesbrough 4£ % 1908 31.3 315 1898-1916 103% 18*3 102 7'l0 10.2 10334 2.6 6f Sheffield 34 % Do. 34% 1925-361 104 7.10 104 7.K 9.2 105*6 8.6 4 | Do. 3 % ... i 31.1 931/4 4.6 64 Do. W a t e r Anns.Prog. 4.2 93/ 8 4.6 6 i Do. do. 5% 103 14 .*3 1C0 14.7 Southampton 34% ... South Stafford. 44 % 1908 107% 9.11 105 19*3 22.'l 97% 23.*3 2f 1 Stockton 4£ % Swansea H a r b o u r T r u s t 44% i 96% 18.*8 93 12.'l 72% 24.'2 l 6 " i 1 Wigan Corp. 3% Red. £'A 12.1 72 21.12 12* COLONIAL I PROV, SECURITIES. 21.4 B.Columbia(Pro.of)6%,1907 124 24.2 12314 8.5 21.4 100 D o . t 44% Deb. 1917 110% 4.12 1083,4 7.1 23.7 95% 12.12 if British Guiana 4% 105% 18.4 105% 18.4 C a n . " I n t c . Rl.L.," 5 %,1903 112% 5.3 107/4 1.10 STAMP DUT Y FREE CORPORATION STOCKS.— •Metrop. Cons.Stk. 34 %,1929 111/2 17.8 107% 15.6 41 Do. 4 % 1904-5-6-8 108% 27.1 10234 3.6 Do. do. 3 %,1941 103% 16.3 99% 2.7 4 Do. Reduced 4% 1910 110 30.1 105V4 6.7 Do. 34% 1909-34 1041/4 2.9 1003,4 7.12 Do. do. 24%,1949 89% 28.1 86% 3.12 34 Com. of Sewers 34% 1905 101% 20.10 1003/8 16.5 If Do. 4 % 1910-35 1103/4 3.2 106% 2.7 Corp. of London34% ,1891-94 101/ 2 25.5 99% 29.5 2 Do. 3 % Red. 1938 953,4 21.8 92 27.4 Do. do. 34%, 1895-8 1013/4 6.4 99 13.11 21 Do.B.Colum.(Pro.of)6%'94 1073/4 26.3 103% 8.5 Do. do. 3 % 1912 9934 21.2 98% 25.8 Cape of G. H . 6%, 1891-1900 113 25.6 109 27.5 Do. 34% Deb. Scrip all pd. 1021/2 6.3 100 4.5 24 Do. do. 6% 1891 d 102% 13.3 102% 18.2 Birmingham 34 % 1946 112% 23.3 107% 2.1 5 Do. do. 5 % 1900 112 20.4 109 21.7 Do. 3% 1947 IOI/2 15.4 98 14.8 3 4 , Do. 44 % red. an. dr. 106% 3.9 102 6.11 1.6 3 Do. 44%, 1879 do. 105% 7.2 101 1.0 Brighton 34 % 1946 109 3.4 106 Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 1033,4 7.8 99/4 2.6 Cardiff 34%. > 1935 J 09/2 14.3 104% 16.6 4 ! Cheltenham 3% ... i 96% 6.11 96/4 6.11 Of Do. 4 % 1917-22 108% 21.1 102 6.6 Croydon 3h % Irredeemable 111 Do. 44 % W y n b . 1899 105 30.4 100 26.10 4.2 10734 4.12 3* Derby 3% Deben. 1920-50 98 Do. 5 % 10/40 104% 6.4 101 9.6 28.7 95% 16.2 24 Dublin 3f% Ceylon 44 % Sink. Ed. fr. '92 106% 6.4 103 9.1 Glasgow 34% 1914 107% 19.2 106 7.'l 14 Do. 4% Skg. Ed. fr. 1886-90 10334 28.2 102% 19.2 Do. 34% Irred. S t o c k . . 112% 20.3 109% 6.1 3 Fijian Government 4 | % ... 104 16.2 101 12.6 Hudders'ld3%45?pay.l934id 52% 8.5 52 8.5 01 Hong Kong 4 % 103% 10.2 101 5.5 Do. .£20 t o pay 1934*d 773/8 22.5 1 77 3.6 Of Jamaica 44% Do. all paid i 9634 20.10 1 94% 30.12 2 i Do. 4 % 102% 9.'9 99% 19.10 H u l l 34 % F i r s t issue 1943 IO914 13.4 IO41/4 17.2 5 Manitoba 5 % Debs. 1910 11434 21.3 110 24.7 Leicester U % 1934 108% 16.12 IIO314 13.1 5 i Do. do. 1923 115 25.6 112 13.11 Lincoln 3% 1919 983/8 12.3 i 96% 9.11 H Mauritius 6 % 1895-96 1083,4 25.6 106 20.3 Liverpool 34 % 106 24.3 106 24.3 Do. 44% II2/2 1.12 108% 2.6 Manchester 3% 1941 i 973/4 29.12 | 96 7.10 Do. 4 % 10314 5.8 ioci/4 9.6 Do. ^840 to p a y id Natal 6 % 1896 105 24.4 105 24.4 Do. «£20 to p a y id Do. 5 % 1909 ... Do. all paid i li'214 16*2 106% 25.*9 Do. 44% Middlesbrough 3 | % 1909 105 22.'5 16234 4.'7 Do. 4 % 1926 107% 14.1 103 26.11 Do. 34% 1911-3 102 17.8 99y4 30.1 21 Do. 5%10/401894-1925 105% 13.4 101% 18.11 Newcastle 34 % 1936 108% 18.3 105% 13.1 3 New Brunswick 6 % 1891d 101 24.4 101 24.4 Do. 34 % Irredeem... 110% 28.11 107% 10.7 3 New S.W. 5 % 1891-1894 104 5.12 100/4 5.1 Nottingham 3 % Do. 5% 1895-1902 111% 7.7 1023/8 15.12 98% 2.3 95% 12.5 21 ) Oxford 3% 40% t o p a y i d f Do. 5% 1872-1898 106 18.9 102 19.10 Do. 3% " 1951a 98 Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 107 29.1 101% 20.10 23.4 95% 23.6 24 Portsmouth 34 % 1916-27 110 18.4 105% 23.7 4 4 , 1 Do. 4% 1910 107% 14.1 103% 4.6 Reading 34% 1891 d 102% 5.3 1003^ 21.3 109% 15.9 307% 16.3 2 i New Zealand 6 % South Stafford 4f % Deb. ... Do. 5% 1914 115% 10.2 109 30.5 Swansea 34 % 1951 109 10.'4 106% 5.1 24 Do. 5% Consols... 107% 14.1 103 4.5 Tunbridge Wells 3%45%p.-id Do. 6%,15Mr.l891<2 102% 30.1 102% 30.1 | Do. .£20 t o pay id Do. 6%,15Ju.l5Dc.l891 101% 10.11 10134 10.11 Do. all paid 193li 95% 23.*7 93J6 20.'l0 2f Do. (Auck.)6%,1896 106 9 . 3 106 9.3 Tynemouth3% 1913 98% 2.9 96% 3.11 HI Do. 5%Bondscon7.1892 113 11.2 106% 3.6 BRITISH FUNDS. New Consols (Goschens) ... 97% Do. do. forA/c. 97/ 2 New Three-and-half p . Cts. 102 Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts. 993/8 Two-and-a-half per Cents.... 9534 Do. for Account 9514 Local Loans Stock 105 Metrop. Police 3% Deb. Sfck. 102 Red Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann. 13/s Exchequer Bills (Mar. Sep.) 8/-p. Do. do. (JuneDec.) 12/-p. Exchequer. 2f % Bonds 100 Can.Gov."Intercl.R.,"1903-8 107% Do. " R u p e r t ' s Ld."1904 Do. Bonds 1910 112% Do. Bonds 1913 115 Egypt. Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan 102y8 ) Jamaica, Imp.G., 1897 Turkish 4 % Guaranteed ... iio% Bank of England ... ;.. 343 B a n k of Ireland 324 India Stock 34% 19J1 110 Do. for Account ... 109% Do. 3% 1948 993/8 Do. for Account .., 993/8 Do. Scrip d Do. do. 50% t o p a y id D o . do. 25% t o pay i India Debentures 1891d 106V4 Do. 3i% Aug. 1896 Do. Enfaced Paper 4% ... 82% Do. do. 44% 1893 84/2 Isle of Man Debentures 34% 100 Do. do. 3% 1929 97 15.1 94% 2.6 15.1 94% 29.9 19.5 23.7 100 10.1 95% 10.6 9.2 02"4 2.1 2.2 93% 9.1 3.6 26.1 100 4.2 99-/4 3.12 23.4 1 2 ^ 24.8 4.2 3/-d 2.1 13.8 5/-d 2.1 28.4 13.1 99 5.1 104% 4.7 3* 3 n u 17 3* 04 ! 24 1 3 21 44 3" 3 4* 14 3" 24 3f Of 1^ ±4 5" 51 4f 34 4£ 3f 4i 4 Oi 3 44 44 44 64 5 34 34 li 3 24 31 4f 3 21 ft 3" tii 5f 44 3f 109 ... 3f n 4 54 4 13 -*-4 6f 44 ... 64 COLONIAL & PROVINCIAL continued, and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Ac, for 1891. NAME OF STOCK. COLONIAL & PROY.—con. Quebec (Prov. of) 5 %, 190411073,4 Do. 5 % 1906 IO8I/2 Do. 4! % 1919! 104% Do. 5 % 1912]113 Do. 4 % Sterlg. E d s . 101% Queensland 6 % 1891-61|H0i/4 Do. 4% 1913-15 106 St. Lucia 4|-% Debentures 107 Sth. Austra. 6 %, 1886-1890d| Do. 6%, 1891-1900] 115 Do. 6%, 1901-1918 125% Do. 5 %, 1911-1920 1053/4 Do, 4 % , 1894-1916 105 Do. 4% 1929 1051/2 Do. 4% 1916 107i/2 Do. 4%1917-18-24| 108% Straits Settlements 4 ! % Tasmania 6 % 1895|1083,4 Do. 6%, 1893-1901 117% Do. 4 % ,1908-13-14-20 "05 Do. 4% red. 1911 104/* Trinidad 5 %.. 105 Do. 4%. Victoria 6 % 1891d Do. 5% 1894| |105% Do. 4 % 1899-1901 1051/2 Do. 4|% 190411091/2 Do. 4% 1907]|1077/8 Do. 4% 1908-13 108% Western Australia 4 ! % 106% Do. do. 4% 106V4 102i/2 Do. do. 4% R E G I S T E R E D & I N S . STKS, B ritish Columbia 3% 1941 i\ B r i t i s h Guiana 4% lns.l935|109% C anada 4 % Reg., 1904-5-6-8 10834 Do. 4 % Reduced... 1910[ HOI/4 Do. 3 ! % Reg., 1909-34 104% Do. 4% 1910-3? 1103^ Do. 3% 1938 953/4 Cape of Good H.4%Reg.,1923J 10914 Do. 4% Ins. 1923;109% Do. 4% Cons. 1936 110 Do. 3 ! % I n s . 1929-49 100% Do. Scrip^SStobepd.-id Do. do. «£30tobepd.^i Do. do. all paidd 99 Ceylon 4% Ins. 19;" 1093/4 95 Do. 3 % J a m a i c a 4% Ins. 1934) 10734 J 06^ Mauritius 4 % Ins. 1937 N a t a l 4% I n s . , 1927 107% Do. 4% do. 1937, Do. 3 ! % Ins. 1939) Do. Scrip -675 to bepd.t£| Do. do. .£50 to be pd/«V Do. do. «£25to be pd.idl 70% Do. do. all paid id\ 951/g 105% Newfoundland 4% I n s . NewSth.Wales4% Ins.,1933| 1141^ 3!% Ins.,1924 103% Do. 3!% Stock 1918|103i/8 Do. .£50 to be paidicf, Do. £25 to be p a i d ^ | Do. Do. all paid New Zealand 4 % Ins., 192911071/2 Do.3t% Stock 1940' Queensland 4% Ins., 1915-24i 109% Do. 3 ^ % Ins. 19241 983/4 Do. 45% t o be pd. 47i/8 30% to be pd. id\ MVs Do. 15% to be pd. id\ 751/g Do. all paid id\ 91 Do. Sth. Austra. 4%Reg. 1916-36 •10914 Do. 3!%Ins.l939 [1001/2 Do. Scrip 25&to be paid-id Do. all paid id\ Tasmanian 3 ! % I n s . 1920-401 NAME OF STOCK. 5.1 27.1 2.1 7.2 20.1 13.4 29.1 4.2 99 991/4 99 102 95 IOO14 IOO14 102 23.5 8 | 28.5 94 22.5 51 6.6 ill 23.4 6 | 2 . 1 10 9.10| 51 7.5 5 REG. & INS. aS STKS.-COM. Victoria 4 % I n s . 19071 IO814 Do. 4% Ins. 1908-13-19 109 Do. 4 % , 1885 1920 1091/8 Do. 3 ! % Ins. 1921-3-6 West. Australia 4 % 1934 L08% Do. 4 % 1911-3H] 102 Do. <£40 to be paidic? 7.3 16.1 29.1 2.4 28.2 17.9 1C1% 100% 102% 9314 IO334 9914 FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, fcc. 9.*5 103 2.'e 12" Argentine 6%, 1881 8.1 37 90 9.11| 10734 2.7 17f Do. 5%, 1884 6.1 29 20.2 102 3.3 31 Do. 5 % , 1386-7 771/4 26.2 52% 27.1 99 17.10| 6 Do. N.Ct.Ry.Ex.5%G.B.| 68 5.1 28 7.3 103 4.6 2f Do. 5% Trea. Conver.] 67 26 30.1 100 19.111 * Do. N a t l . Ced. " B " 30% 3.1 14 26.2 I021/2 20. l l | Do. 4J % I n t . Gold 59 28.2 25% Do. 4 ! % Sterling 59% 7.1 27i/4 11.'4 1IO5I/4 3.7 6f Do. 3 ! % E x t e r . Scrip 45 12.1 21 5.1 110134 12.10 si Do. 6% F u n d i n g Loan i 71% 5.5 47 26.1 100 3.6 5 j*Austrian Silver Rentes 81% 31.3 76% 4.2 99i/8 9.6 5f * D o . Paper do. 82% 25.3 77 10.3 103 23.3 2 Do. Gold dp. 98% 20.3 903/4 [^Belgian 2 ! % 87i/4 30.11| 87*4 * Do. 3 %, 1874 99% 12.3 971/4 23.6 IO214 16.7 Brazilian 4 ! % , 1883 84% 8.1 531/4 IOO1/2 16.101 5.2 Do. 4!%,1879GoldLn. 2.1 92% 3.1 60 30.1 105 23.10] Do. 4 | %, 1888 52% 19.2 10034 23.11 Do. 4% 1889| 85% 2.1 49 24.2 101 16.11| 79% Buenos Ayres 6 %, 1824 1 6.3 102i/4 4.12 Do. 3 % , 1857 d\ 19.6 21.4 105 Do. 6%1882& J 86 70% 11.1 27 20.10 IOI1/2 21.8 Do. 6%, 1883 75 ' 18.3 30 Bulgarian 6 % Loan 95 27.1 82% Chilian 3 %, 1842 ... 31.10! Do. 1.10] %,1867 ... Do. 16.9 ^ 3 1885 ... 6.7 100 2.1 75 Do. 4-i- %, 1886 ... 31.1 102 1.6 9934 2.1 74% l D o . 4~!%", 1887 ... 9.2 105% 21.12] 99 /2 6.1 73 Do. 4 | %, Gold 1889 22.1 100 3.1 73 16.11 100 13.2 10534 19.6 Chinese 7 %, Series A O 21.1 L O 109 Do. 7%, Series B 31.1 91% 4 13.2 00 109 Do. 6%, March, 1895 |106 7.3 103 6 27.1 98 Do. 6%, J u n e , 1895 6.2 103 5 105 30.4 97% Colombian 4 | % , 1873 9.2 103 5.6 25% 15.1 163/4 Cordova Prov. 6 % ... 1919] 38 2.1 9634 16.12] 19.2 20 Do. 6% Bonds 9 . 1 171/4 39 Costa Rica Bonds A 5 % 6.1 64 6.4 68% 6.4 81 Do. Bonds B 5 % 7.5 97% 23.4 5.1 60 77 Danish 4 % , 1850 & 1861 6.4 105% 21.7 Do. 4 % , 1862 ... 16.9 5.10| 7.*1 * Do. Internal 3i"% Bonds 1 21.4 25.7 [* Do.3^ % Red. by purchased 6.4 105 8.12! *Dutch Certificates 2 ! % ... 8O14 27.6 76% 28.2 103 5.,Hi " Do. do. 3£% ... 103% 18.8 9914 10.2 103% 13.6 I* Do. do. 3f%Bds, IO21/4 14.8 9934 12.1 901/4 13.11 Ecuador New Cons. ~.8% 16.9 IOI/4 Do. Prov. Land Warrants] E g y p t i a n , Unified Debt 4% 13"2 91% 13.4 701/2 13.4 Do. Government Pf. 5%d 16.4 94% 21.4 0 ! 17.2 85V4 Do. Gov. Pref. Red. 3!% w •a &4 1 "S Q 0 0 RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. 25.5 9 Barry 223% 20.3 211% 30.7 fit Caledonian 12314 28.12 112 6.8 4 Do. Pref. Conv. Ord 7814 13.7 74% 18.11 6 | Do. Def. Conv. Ord. 4714 28.12 35 18.11 8 | Do. Deferred No. 1 5% 16.2 3fc 4.9 4 Do. do. No. 2 14.11 7 | City of Lon.& South London "7% 9*1 "314 11% 28.11 814 7.11 8± Cornwall Minerals 3.7 E a s t London 11% 29.1 8% 18.11 1 4 | Furness 104% 6.1 85 23.12 13 ! Glasgow and South Western 105% 8.1 9534 13.3 3 i , Great E a s t e r n 97% 25.3 87 15.7 68 18.11 l 2 i . Great N o r t h of Scotland .. 70 Great N o r t h e r n Prf .Con.Od. 113 27.2 10634 15.9 18 29.10 54 Do. Def.Con. Ord. 86V2 7 . 1 67% 8.12 7£ Do. A 90% 5.1 70% 22.10 7 Do. B 171% 3.1 164% 14.10 Great N o r t h r 128 5.2 o* Great South.e&nW(Ireland). 11734 19.6 128 7.8 19 . (Ireland) 117% 14.11 26* Great W e s t e r n 166 20.2 1523/8 Do. Scrip, .£30 paid ia 49 5.12 45% 3.7 3" Do. do. .£50 paid 1 78% 7.12 77 19.8 21 H i g h l a n d 100% 26.10 91% 19.11 Hull & Barnsley 413/8 15.12 3 1 % 25.7 2* Isle of W i g h t Prf. Con.Ord/, 10434 7.2 102 25.3 Do. Def.Con.Ord.2 70% 15.12 52 Lancashire and Yorkshire.. 118 6.2 IO51/4 17.11 1 4 | Lon.,Brghtn. & South Coast |l65% . 8 . 4 150% Do. do. Preferred 165 28.4 I5714 Do. do. Deferred 163% 13.1 137% 19.'11 14f 6.1 1Do. Contin. E i g h t s 24 8.4 20 20.11 12! London, Chat., &Dov. Arb. 1 2 0 ^ 18.9 15& 18.11 131 London and N o r t h Western 1803/8 20.2 168 9.2 15414 18.11 131 London and South Western 163% Do. 4%Pf.Con.Od.i 117% 1 7 . 9 109 24.11 10* Do. Def.Con.Ord.a : 5014 31.12 423/8 9.9 2 4 | London, Til., and Southend IIO34 17.12 95 13.1 6534 4.'7 6* Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 81 Do. do. Preferred 124% 16.1 102 13.11 14.8 41f Do. do. Deferred. i 38% 27.4 3214 Mersey 3% 21.9 3 27.7 25 19.12 51 Metropolitan Consolidated. 92% 7.12 76% 16.11 33 Metropolitan Surplus Lands 74% 23.12 62% 333/8 4.5 283/8 14.5 ; U Metropolitan D istrict 4 . 2 4* Midland 1633/8 12.12 147% 18.11 16* N o r t h British Ord. Pref. ... 76% 12.1 63% Do. Ordinary ... 53 17.1 3614 29.12 5 6.10 5£ North Eastern 168% 15.1 153% 13.10 6 i Do. New .£35 paid i 46% 12.12 43 N o r t h London 201 14.4 195 13.8 29 N o r t h Staffordshire 12614 8.8 I201/4 19.5 4 | E h o n d d a & Swansea Bay .. 9% 24.1 8 18.11 2.1 3 Bhymney 170 28.12 14134 31.10 9 Scarborough, B.,& W, R. J.i Shropshire Union 8534 3*7 8534 17.11 7f 16.11 61 Somerset and Dorset 14% 2.2 IO14 3 128 12.1 115 2^.11 i South E a s t e r n Do. do. Preferred ... 160 23.1 150% 16.11 3^6 Do. do. Deferred ... 97^4 2.1 79% 20.11 1H Do. do. I n t . Certs. 115% 14.1 109 16.11 9f 14.5 I f Taff Vale " Stock " Act 1889 79% 17.9 1 69% Do. do. .£10 paid 1914 19.5 1734 13.7 0 i W e s t Lancashire 20.3 LINES LEASED. 27.*8 2" Birkenhead ... 131 14.12 126 2.1 Do. 4£ % Preference 138% 7.1 138% 11.2 Colchester, Stour Valley,&c. 102% 23.12 99% 8.7 2" E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % 180 2.1 175 27.7 4 | Ely and Newmarket ... ... H a m m e r s m i t h & City 5£ % i'.'lO H London a n d Blackwall ... 139% 24.'l 13234 14.11 Do. £10Shs.o86pcUri 14.11 2 9 | Do. do. £8 lift 15.'4 l i 20.11 8 Do. do. all paid-id 13% 21.12 13% 23.7 Do. 4 | % Preference 13734 6.3 135 23.7 3* London and Greenwich ... 85 22.1 82% 17.8 151 20.1 15034 Do. Pref. 5% 155 28.8 5 Mid K e n t (Cray Line) 108 13.5 108 e ± m m m n . . . m 1 111 11.2 12 1 7.3 6.3 n* 31 14.8 H.9 mt li 23.*10 6.1 it 3f 9.7 2f 2.9 19£ e.o 9f 2.10 101 14.8 2 10.6 6* 1 9.10 19 15.6 20 13.8 7 5.2 10.12 19.5 13* 16.11 3 i 9.12 25.6 9 18.6 10 15.1 21 15.1 1 8 | 12.10 12! 28.5 1 5 29.8 7f 17.6 26* 26.10 4 29.6 4f 19.5 12f 20.7 9* 26.5 8f 20.7 71 16.6 15f 24.9 15* 17.9 5.3 61 8.7 01 3.1 16 2.1 12 14.8 5 5.3 16* 7.3 1 2 | 14.9 16! 13.10 15 26.10 3* 21.9 6 9.1 6 9.9 H 19.2 28* 6'i u m 3 "7 3.1 4* 19.8 13 6.11 9£ 4.8 171 2.9 6* 6.8 10* 20.2 H 6.8 7.1 7.7 16.4 5 3" 5 • • • 14.'8 51 18.2 2.6 9.6 14.8 7.11 13.5 Oft 0i 2! 2£ 4i RAILWAYS—Leased Lines continued, Debenture, and Guaranteed Stocks for 1891. 1 *i4 tot NAME OF STOCK. Q o W LINES LEASED—co*.tinu d Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... I 751^ Do. do. 6%... 90 North & South Western J n c . 21 Vfc Nottingham and Grantham 12934 Nottingham Suburban3i%d 1034 Do. do. Stock-il07 Portpatrick & Wigtonshire 108^ Eoyston, Hitch. & Shepreth 179U Shrews.&Heref.6% Eent-ch. 182 Victoria Station & Pimlico 272 Do. 4 | % ...134 Waterford,Dun.,&Lis.Pref.[ W e s t London, Class C Weymouth and Portland ... 1131 DEBENTURE STOCKS. Banbury & Cheltenham 5 % 129% Do. 5 %,'73 red. to 4% ... 77 Do. 5 % , 1881 15 Do. 5 % / 7 7 r e d . t o 4 % , ... 3 Barry 4 % 1 120 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % ... 10334 Do. do. B 4 % ... 100/2 Caledonian 4 % 129% Cambrian 4% A ... ... 119 Do. B 111% Do. C 105 Do. D 94i/2 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % ... 119 Do. do. B 3 i % . . . 91^2 Devon & Somerset " A " . . . S4% Do. " B " . . . 23i/ Do. "C»... 5 2 Eastern & Midlands 4% %... 58 E a s t London2ndCharge"A" 1141,2 Do. 2nd Charge " B " 41 Do. 3rd Charge 20l Do. 4th Charge 13 / 2 Do. Guaranteed 3 | % 103 Do. Whitech.Ex.2f% 741/2 F o r t h Bridge 4% 128 Furness 4 % 112656 Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4 % 127 Great E a s t e r n 4 % 130 Do. A 5% 157 Do. B 5% 1867... 145 Do. 4|% Do. E a s t Anglian 4 % 251/2 Great N . of Scotland4 % ... 1233/4 Great N o r t h e r n 4 % d 133 Do. 3% i 102 13434 Great Western 4 % Do. 4&% 13714 Do. U% 147i/2 Do. 5 % 164 Highland 4 i % Do. 4 % -25y2 Hull & Barns. 1 Deb. allpd.i 9l3/ 4 Do. 2nd D b . all pd. 94 Isle of W i g h t 4 % ... i\ 1211/ 2 I. of W i g h t Cent. " B " 4*% Do. do. " C " 4 % 79 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 13034 London & Blackwall 4^ %... 135!/2 London & Greenwich 4 % ... 126 London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 131% Do. Perpetual 4£ % 14434 Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 4 | % '36/2 Do. B 4 ^ % ... 134V4 Do. 1879 4 % 1201/2 Do. 1883 4%i 119 London & N o r t h W e s t . 4 % 13534 London & South West. A 4% 134 Do. do. B 4% 134 Do. do. 3%%d\ 111 Do. do. 3% 1021,2 London, T i l b u r y , & c , 4% ... 1243,4 Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 % 154 Do. do. 4 | % ... 141 Mersey Perpetual 5 % .-•... 871/2 Do. do. 4 | % .v.- 81 28.5 72/ 2 16.6 87 23.10! 206 3.12] 126 16.3 10 23.12| 1043/8 6.1 105 16.4 171 10.4 178 29.5 260 14.10! 134 14.12] 131 6.10! 126 5.6 70 4.2 10 24.4 3 21.11! H91/2 6.101 1 0 3 | 24.1 89/ 2 16.4 124 20.2 113 22.1 104% 4 . 3 99 20.1 89 26.2 1173/4 16.1 91i/2 30.7 81 28.4 21 20.1 3 23.10| 33 19.3 111 7.5 30 4.2 12 30.1 8 22.4 '1001/2 28.5 71 28.1 1241/2 10.12| 1221/2 20.1 123 30.12) 125 25.9 152 22.10' 135 22.'l0| 1251/2 20.2 121 18.4 129 21.12] 98 23.12, 128% 19.8 13Sy2 11.121 14iy 4 17.12] 156 4 NAME OF STOCK. •3 5 s [ DEBENTURE STOCKS Metropolitan 4 % 12634 Do. 4i% 138 3.1 5* Do. 3i% 108% 14.5 3f 6 %... 169% 4.6 Of Metropolitan District 4%...116i/2 Do. 6.11 2* 103% 1.10 3* M i d l a n d 3 % 117fc 27.4 8* Mid-Wales A 4 | % N o r t h British 4 % 127& 1.10 4 Do. E.P. &D.B. 5%154i/ 2 5.1 12 Do. 4|% 137 14.10 Do. 4|% 131 N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 1323,4 Do. 4|% 1441/2 14.'l2 North London 4£% 14434 N o r t h Staffordshire 4£ % ... 137 1.7 31 1 Rhymney Perpetual 4 % ...124 24.4 7 S e v . & W y e & S e v . B d g e . 4 % 1011/2 29.6 5 Do. gua.byM.E.,&.,4%117 24.4 South E a s t e r n P e r p . 4 % ... 129& 17.11 04 Do. do. 5 % ...160 6.10 Do. do. 3£ % 4113 , 14.8 Taff Vale 3 % Act 1889 ... 95 3 4 27.5 5 W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % ± 21.7 6 Wrex. Mold& Con. Q. A4% 112 5.11 7* Do. do. B 4% IO6I/2 2.9 6 Do.. do. C4%?;j97% 21.7 H\\ 29.5 U 16.1 26.10 3i 12.11 a GUARANTEED STOCKS. * Caledonian4% Guatd. Ann. . 128 22.10 2 Do. 4% Cons. Gua. 12634 16.7 25 16.7 3i City of Glasgow Union C ... .. Do. do. F ..148% 29.8 11 30.11 3 F o r t h Bridge 4 % 124% 30.11 5* Furness 4% 122 21.8 2* Glasgow & South W e s t . 4% 126& Do. St. Enoch Eent-ch. 12434 6.1 3* 1.4 H Great E a s t . 4% Bent-charge 126 Do. 5% Metro. Stk. 157% 4.7 4 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem. 12734 10.8 4 23.6 ^ Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 116 3.7 5 Great Northern 4 % Perp.... 131 Do. Leeds,B.&H.6%|181 8.8 10 Great South.&West.Irld.4%, Great Westn.—Eent-ch. 5% 161 22*10 Do. Consolidated 5% I6OI/2 19.8 2* Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 129% 2.1 4 Do. do. 6% 1861,2 6.7 4 Do. 6%(E. Lancashire) 183 5.1 6 16.7 3f London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 158 5.1 6* Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.E.-ch.4|% 134% London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 132 28.7 8 London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4% 130 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6% 1793,4 6 ' 2f .5 do. 1st P r e f . 4 i % 13834 3.7 H\\ Do. Do. do. 3 | % do. .. 9834 28.1 19 Do. do. 5%S.Y.Et-ch. 14734 20.7 3 Do. do. 4i% do. 1291/2 26.2 I Met. Dist., Ealing Eent-ch. 122 . 6.5 X Do. F u l h a m E e n t - c h a r g e m ^ 23.6 5i Do. Midland 4%Eent-ch. 1203/4 6.1 6* Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar. 111% 18 8 3 8.7 6i Midland 4 % Eent-charge... 131 Do. 4% Guaranteed ... 131& 1.7 3* 23.7 4* N o r t h British Consol. Lien\123Y2 Do. 4% No. 1 "... 12434 23.11 4 9.9 4* N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4% 130 Do. G.N.E.4% 31.7 3* Do. S t o c k t . & D a r l . A 5 % 1 5 9 3 4 19.1 6* Do. do. B.&C.6%185 5.1 5* Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 12934 6.1 ' 5 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % ... 313/8 23.1 26.6 3f South E a s t e r n E e a d . Ann. 31i/2 Do. 4|% 140. 18.7 3* 5.9 4f W e s t Cornwall E n t . Chge..1139"^ 27.6 5i 8.10 3 14.10 3 i i 17.'2 12234 23.12| 87/2 15.12 75 5.2 1181/2 26.2 1 0 3 ^ 13.2 ! 78 3.121 12514 4.121 130 8.6 123 23.121'1251/2 11.12 141 21.12 132 16.12 I13014 15.12| [116' 4.2 31.121 115/2 23.12, !129 23.12 1 128^ 23.1 ! 129 19.12| 111 12.11 98% 22.1 121 18.121 14914 12.10] 1351/4 9.9 2f 22.1 85 21.2 1 3 I I 112 3.12122& 22.1 134 28.2 1051/2 13.3 164 16.121103,4 8.12"" 3.4 117% 2.2 122% 10.2 150 1.4 13314 22.4 128 9.12126% 22.5 1411/2 2.4 141 16.12130 18.12121 22.9 97% 8.7 117 22.12125] 17.1215534 11.1211034 17.1 | 92& 3 6.8 4t 8.7 7.1 4 1.7 4t 17.11 2* 31.7 3i 19.3 108 3.3 103 1.12 97% 8.10 3^ 1.12 22.7 4 28.11 2f 8.8 5* 6.7 5* | 5 0i 26.2 23.2 21.5 17.9 9.11 15.8 23.6 27.2 10.10 6h 3 3f 6.1 ^ 15.7 H 4i 3* 3 7.9 4* 22.12124 16.3 |l23 27.8 12.1 148% 15.12121 5.1118& 17.3 122& 2.9 121% 18.2 124 18.3 152& 19.12124 1.4 116 11.12126 13.3 J178 12.1 4 8.6 3f 2.7 9.7 3.4 1.7 3£ 3* 4 3 16.1 2 15.10 4f 10.2 3f 1.4 9.3 5 30.9 3 21.12155% 18.2 \1ISV4 23.12124 22.10180 20.3 178 30.11154^ 17.2 134% 5.2 127% 8.12125% 24.1 175 12.1 132 19.3 9 5 ^ 5.3 144& 2 . 1 125 ~ 20,4 120 31.8 118 13.7 \IWV2 29.12104 22.1212634 7.2 12634 2.1 118 3.3 118 7.2 126 17.2 23.5 4> 19.3 4f 31.7 4f 17.10 6^ 19.12 3* 30.7 3? 29.9 | 4^ 16.11 ^ 12.5 3i 31.7 4| 17.9 Ik 13.8 4| 13.8 4 f 18.8 5^ 6.10 6f 21.10 4 17.12ll54 9.2 180# 11.12125% 4.2 4.2 I 305/& 4.12135 20.2 134^ 5.*6 20.6 21.8 24.7 ! 29.12 26.6 8.10 5f 5t 5i 6^ 7.3 5 28.8 3* 30.'7 24.10 21.8 21.8 5| 4^ 4^ 1 0 5£ 5 PREFERENCE STOCKS. 139% Barry 5 % Do. 5 %, 1888 ... i Do. 5 % , 1889 ... % 125% Caledonian 4% No. 1 Do. 4% No. 2 123% Do. 5% 1878 152 120 Do. 4% 1884 1243/8 Do. 4% 1887 Cornwall Minerals, 4% ... 24 E a s t . &Mid.(Cronier)gu.5% 50 Do. (Lynn Loop) do. 119^ F u r n e s s 4 % ... II434 Do. 4% A 114% Do. 4%B Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4% 122% Do. do. No. 2 4% 121% Do. do. 4 %, 1888 121% 127 Great E a s t e r n 4% Do. 4%Pref., 1886 ... 124 122% Do. 4% 1881 Do. 4^% 1884 till 1893 122% Do. 4^% Pref., 1887 ... 12234 D o . 4% Pref. 1888, all pd. 1203,4 Do. do. accru. int.d 122 Do. 3 | % , 40% paid id 37 Do. do. 60% paid i 60 Great N . of Scotland 4% A 112 Do. do. 4 % B 105% Great Northern 4% Perp.Pf. 130 Great Western 5% 160 Highland A 4 | % 133% Do. B 5% 144 Isle of W i g h t 4% ..; i 118 Lancashire & York. 4% Con. 128 Do. do. 4%, 1882 12614 . Do. do. 4%, 1884 126% Do. 4%, 1887 127 Do. 3 | % 1888 i 109l4 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 157% Do. 2nd do. 5% 156 Lon., Chatham,&o., Arb.4|% 11034 Do. do. Pref.(1892) 105 Do. do. 4 | % 2nd Pref. 61 London & NorthWestern4% 131% London & South Western4% 129 Do. do. 4%, 1884 129 Do. do. 3£% Prf. 1123,4 London,Til., & Southend 4% 118% Do. do. 4%Pref.,'87 II934 Do. do. 4% 1891 i 113% Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 122% Do. 5% Perpetual 1862 147% Do. 5% Convert. 1872 14634 Do. 5% do. 1874 147% Do. 5% do. 1876 147 Do. 5% do. 1879 144 Do. 5% do. 1881 142 Do. 4%Prf .'89^880pdid 90% Do, do. all paid* 10834 Mersey 5% P e r p t . Pref. ... 25 Metropolitan 4 % Perpetual 122% Do. 4% do. 1882 120 Do. 4% Irred.,1884 11834 Do. 4% 1887 ... 117% Do. New 4%. Pref.. 116 Metropolitan District 5%... 8134 Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 131 N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 122% Do. Monkland Pref. 6 % . . Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow 133% Do. 1865 Pref 14034 Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ... 146 Do. 4 | % Irredeem., 1875... 133 Do. 4 | % Convert., 1875... 131% Do. 5% do. 1879.,, 146% Do. 4% do. 1884... 125/2 Do. 4% do. Pref.,'88 115 Do. 4% do. 1890 i 108% 11.12 132% 10.3 121 20.2 11834 16.2 146 8.8 117 20.2 118 15.12 20 4.12 50 3.2 115 7.1 III14 15.1 110% 23.3 119% 25.2 117% 11.2 118% 15.12 121% 23.1 120 8.6 119% 7.12 119fc 26.1 119 14.12 114 6.7 118% 8.6 37 23.10 58 9.2 107 12.10 105% 22.12 125 12.12 155 10.4 129 24.4 140 21.6 114 29.12 122 l 4 17.1 122 21.12i 122 22.12 121V£ 29.12 104% 10.2 153% 27.1 153 3.1 100% 28.9 1 98 7.1 47% 27.1 126 3.12 125 24.12 124 6.7 1 108% 28.7 ! 115V4 15.1 114% 14.12 110% 17.1 118% 19.1 ! 143V4 11.2 142% 23.1 141% 5.1 141 15.1 140 6.1 134 27.1 83 31.12 102% 19.2 23 17.1 117 8.1 116% 6.5 115 19.1 112% 9.1 114 8.12 65 10.12 125 27.2 114% 24"2 127% 18.5 1371/4 5.2 140 2.4 126% 4.5 128 6.2 138% 9.1 107 29.10 H I 29.12 103% lj 1* Day. 1 Month, j CD NAME OF STOCK. Day. 1 Month. Flnctuation. j 1 | 1 -a Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Day. 1 Month. RAILWAYS—Contingent Preference, INDIAN, and BRITISH POSSESSIONS for 1891. 1c •i 1 •ft PREFERENCE STOCKS, con. N o r t h East.,S.& D., Class D 168% 7.4 163 26.9 5* Do. B l y t h & Tyne 4% .. 127 23.1 123 26.8 4 Do. 1876 4% 130 30.12 125 17.2 5 26.*5 N o r t h London4|%(max. 5%) 149 30.1 146 23.4 3 6.6 5 Do. do. 4*%, 1875 134 27.1 131% 21.9 2* 27.5 6 N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ... 154 14.5 150 10.11 4 5.10 3 Do. do. U% 1873 137 6.2 133 13.8 4 7.8 6 | Do. do. 4|%1876 135% 7.1 133 19.12 % 16.1 4 R h o n d d a & Swan. Bay Prf.. 4.12 Rhymnev 4% Pref 117 7"l 1141/4 14.10 » Somerset & Dorset, 5% 1st ... 30.*9 Do. 5% 2nd ... ... ... 21.8 3f 1 Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... 3.9 4 | South E a s t e r n Cons. 4 | % . . . 140 9.'l2 135% 30.6 4* 26.5 3f Do. do. 5 % ... 155% 24.4 1511/4 31.7 4i 1.10 4 ! Do. Vested Co's. 4% Stk. 124 31.3 121 24.10 3 7.11 3 TaffVale4% Act 1889 ... 118 16.3 114 7.8 4 13.1 i H W e s t Lane. 5% 1st Prf. Shs. ••• ... • «• 11 9.9 1 4 INDIAN RAILWAYS. 29.9 3 Bengal & Nth. W s t n . , Lim- 117 7.11 101 2 . 1 16 19.8 i Do. Shares .£9paid<2 ... ... ... 16.3 3 | Do. do. <£10pd.<£d 28.1 ! 6f Bengal Central, Lm.,^85pd. 6 26.'ll "6% 15.1 6.1 H Bengal Dooars £2 paid i 2 19.10 I H 20.10 o& 8.6 ... Bengal-Nagpur Stock 120 6.1 109% 18.11 1 0 i 14.8 2 Bombay, Baroda, & Cen.Ind. 189% 7.3 179% 10.10 10 30.10 5 Delhi, Umballa, & Kalka... 115% 25.3 99 26.9 16£ 12.10, Do. do. all paid d 113/4 9.2 113/8 20.1 of 5 3.3 16.2 103% 8.12 41 Do. 4% D e b . Stock 108 29.5 5 Do. Scrip £66 paidirt 19.9 4f 11.9 84 11^9 ... I I Do. do.' <£S6paid 16.5 12.1 19.5 20.3 7.7 5f L* Ut Ui \n Lz* \n \m m n 5 n n n n *i\ I 1 J H H 2 j 1c NAME OF STOCK. M STERLING BONDS. Alab. Gt. Southern 6% Dbs. 109% Do. 5 % Gen. M t . BdsA 100 j Alab.,N.Or.,&Tex 6%Dbs.d 77 Do. 6%2ndDebenturesd Do. " A " 5% i\ 9414 Do. " B " i\ 433,4 Do. " C " i\ 31 Allegheny Valley 128 Atlantic 1st Lea.4% Mt.Deb. 93 Baltimore and Ohio 6%, 1895 109 Do. do. 1902 11614 Do. do. 1910 1203/4 Do. 5%, 1927 107% Do. 4£%, 1933 107% Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort 121 ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt.l 128 Cleve.Col.Cin.&Ind.Con.M. 129 East. Rly. of Massachts.6% 123 Illinois Central Sink. F u n d 108 Do. 6% Gold Bonds 108 Do. 5% Gold Bonds 111 Do. 3i% Bonds. ... 94 Lehigh Valley 6% Cons. Mo. 107 Louis. & Nashville IstMort. 114 Memphis & Ohio 1st Mort. 118% NewYork&CanadaRld.Mrt. 117 NewYorkCent.&Hud.R.Mt. 121 N. Y. Penns. & Ohio P . Lien 1061/4 Do. Equip.Trs.Bds. 99 Do. 5% do. 1003/4 North. Cent. Rail. C o n . M t . 1093/4 P a n a m a General Mortgage. 107 Pennsylvania G eneral Mort. 127% Do. Con. Sink. Fund 121% Philadel. & Erie Con. Mort. 131 Phil. & Read.Gen.Con.Mort. 124% Do. Improvem. Mort. 109l/4 P i t t s . & Connsv. 6%Con.Mt. 180% St.Paul, Minn.&M.4% G.B.i 86% Do. Scrip all paid i 85 l / 8 Do. .£15 paid id Do. .£30 paid id Do. .£55 paid id South & NorthAlabama Bd. 111% Union Pacific (Omaha Bdg.} 115 United New Jer. E l . & Canal 108 Do. do. Gen.Mort 121% s .il +3 OQ CD A fcfl * I a ft 1 19.1 104% 24.8 5 1.4 94 2.12 6 29.9 60 4 . 2 17 28." 10 90 21.12 39% 1.10 31 18.2 123 17.1 85 30.1 104 5.2 110% 8.10 116 28.11 102% 17.12 102 31.12 115V4 31.12 118 31.3 125% 24.2 118% 30.1 103% 2.2 104% 24.11 108% 16.2 903/8 8.10 102% 26.1 108% 24.10 1133/4 16.4 112 25.6 117% 104 21.10 95 25.11 94% 14.3 105% 4 . 3 102V4 15.12 124 11.12 116% 24.12 124% 31.3 1203/4 2.9 1104 9.12 12414 30.12 7834 21.12 793/4 J-L 2.'l2 44 22.10 44 1.10 6.10 5" 4.8 8 8,9 5 18.9 of 11.5 4f 6 6 5 4.6 5 t 17.7 51 5.1 10 23.1 3 | 13.3 n 8.10 *k 8.10 3 i 11.12 24 21.7 3f 25.6 4§ 14.10 54 13.7 5 23.5 5 3.7 3 | 8.12 24 15.1 4 7.1 64 9.1 4 * 6.5 41 13.1 3f 2.7 5 5.1 6* 6.7 31 11.5 54 6.7 64 8.8 26.9 5 | n 16.2 4.5 12.2 17,1 107% 10.*6 44 115 4.5 10314 2.10 4f 114% 23.9 7 9.4 5.1 26.6 11.2 13% 6.11 44 80 10.1 1 74% 26.6 0^ 23/4 11.2 26 .'l 26.9 21.9 10.9 11.9 8.1 16.10 5.1 27.1 80 97% 86I/4 3% 8% 42V4 18 24% 23 FOREIGN RAILWAYS 1 Alagoas, Lim. (Brazilian)... 173/4 j Do. 5% Debentures... 81 Alcoy & Gandia Pref. 75 Algeciras (Gib.) Ordinary... 23/4 Do. Pref. Do. 5% Deb. ... 96 1 Antofagas, c Bolivia ... 120 Do™.& «.vDeb. 97 Arauco 0 ^ , n a r y 10% Do. 5 /o Pref. 16l/4 Argen. Grt» W e s t . Deb. Stk. 69 Argen. N . E . 6% c. Prf .allpd. 18 Do. 5% Deb. Keg. 57 Do. Cert, t o bearer 1 50% Arica and Tacna Bahia & SanFrancisco,Lim. isy4 Do. (Timbo Brch.) 107/8 Bahia&Blanca6%P.,£70pd.d Do. all paid Barranqla.Rl.& P . l s t M. 6% ' 95 Bilbao River & Can. £7 paid 8 ^ 1 Brazil Great Southern,Lim. 8% ( Do. do. 6%Per.Deb. 97 f Brazilian Imp.Cen.Bah.Stk. 77% Do. do. 6%Deb. 102 Do. do. 5%Deb. 82 Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim. 169 [ D o . Extension, 1890 & Do. do. 1892, .£10 pd.... 15 Do. do. 1894 ,£10 pd. 14% 9.'i 21.2 16.'7 16" 7.8 2 2 | 20.8 101 31.7 6f 29.7 7 | 30.7 2 6 | 16.10 3.11 21.11 sa* 27t i i % 12.11 6 | 9i/4 9.7 If 8.'l l " 22.*5 94 63/8 28.12 18.3 30.1 6 27.1 27.1 1 76% 21.11 2 0 | 15.1 51% 7.12 26 15.1 ! S3 6.11 19 18.6 77% 24.9 4* 19.3 112% 24.12 56f \lt 19.*3 18.3 103,4 28.' 12 10% 1.6 44 IL •+3 w NAME OF STOCK. _0 3 O hi FOREIGN RAILS.-con. 2% B.A.G.S.5% Frf.Sh.<£2|p.d 3% 25.3 Do. do, .£5 -pdAdl 534 31.8 4*i Do. do. . £ 7 | p d . i\ 734 31.12 73/8 17.1 98 Do. 4% Debenture Stock 106 12.1 62% Buenos Ayres & E n . P . Stk.! 122 Do. do. 7% Prf. 146% 14.1 100% Do. do. 5%Db. 109% 10.1 105% 16.1 100 Do. 5%BMrt.Db. 109 2 Do. New .£3 paid d 33/g 9 . 1 Do. do. «£4 paid id m 5.5 1-& 31.12 2f§ Do. do. ,£5 paid i\ 3 27.1 145 Buenos Ayres Northern ... 179 19.3 210 Do. do. 8% Pref.... 233 4.2 103 Do. do.5%Mrt.Deb. 111 Buenos Ayr. & P a c . 7% Prf. 78% 25.5 50 Do. 7% Debenture 116% 3.1 55% 2.1 55 Do. 5% Mer. Exten. 90 31.1 61 Buenos Ayres & Ros., Lim. 138 Do.' 7% Preference 14% 10.1 10% Do. (SunchalesExt.) 13% 19.1 l" 8.12 192- 7.'if H 24.1 lib 30.1 9 19.8 4 | 10.8 1A 20.1 -3* 25.1 11 21.8 If 11.'5 27.2 ! ° F 17.10 2 ^ | oi RAILWAYS—Foreign continued, and Foreign Obligations for 1891. NAME OF STOCK. Si NAME OF STOCK. & o FOREIGN RAILS.—con. I 26.11] Mexican, Limited 52 12.1 Do. I s t P r e f . ...125% 12.2 102% 16.11 23 Do. 2nd do. ... 85% 12.1 46% 25.1 ,38f 20.11 15* Do. Perp. Deb... 137% 31.1 12° Do. 2ndMort.Deb.dlOO 17.1 99% 3.3 Of 27.7 H f Mexican Southern all paid 91% 9.1 80 5.12|, 2 ^ l Midland Uruguay .£10 paid 3% 20.3 8.8 27| Do. do. 6% Deb. 68% 9.5 41 16.11 64 Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 21% 24.4 15 22.1 1*1 N a m u r and Liege 14tk 6.2 1234 Do. Preference 28 2.2 26% 28.10] 14 12.11 2 N a t a l & Nova Cruz ... 7 5.1 5 30.7 Nitrate Railways 193/8 30.12] Do. 7 18.3 n% 19.2 6% 17.1 Do. do. M paid id\ &A 9 . 1 4% 4.4 04 Do. do. £9 paid id\ 9 8.5 Do. do. .£10 paid d 14 31.12] s% 4.8 04 8% 8.10] 04 Do. Pref Conv.-i 9 * 29.8 Do. Def. Conv.-i 11% 4.12] 7 31.8 51- , 5 N o r t h E a s t of U r u g u a y i 12 1.4 «V4 13.101 2 16 Do. 7%Pf. <£10pd. 14V4 17.3 10 21.12] 5£ N t h . W e s t of Argent. 7% Pf. 6% 13.2 1 1 % 12.5 2 Do. do. Deferred ... 24 Do. 6 % Debenture ... 4A Do. 6% 2 n d D e d . p d . i\ , ... N o r t h West, of Urug.Ordy. 4 7.9 1% 14.12] Do. do. I s t P r f . 57 21.3 25 30.11 32 11.12| 14 Do. do. 2nd do. 30 2.2 16 Do. 6% Deb. Stk. 104 3.4 753^ 19.8 11.3 Ottoman (Smyrna to Aidin) 22if 24.12] 19 Palermo,Marsala,&Trapani ... Paraguay Cen. 5% Perp.Db. 60 28.1 I 30 6."7 |30 Pireeus, Athens, Pelopnnes. 8 ^ 4.4 6Vg 6.111 Por.Ale.&N.H.Br.,L.Pf.Shs. 6 5.1 4 20.3 Do. do. Deb. 90 12.1 70% 29.9 194 Provincial Orel-Vitebsk ... 22 23.2 19% 20.11! 24 P u e r t o Cabello & Valencia.. 5% 16.12 i% 23.12 Of QuebradaR.L.&C.L.,£3paid 23/8 31.12 13/8 9.1 1 5.3 9 Do. 6% Debenture 96 11.6 87 Recife & Sao Francisco, L.J 9334 14.1 76% 30.11 .74 Riga and D u n a b u r g ... 18% 5.3 16% 22 1 i f RioClaro SaoPaulo^eiOpd. 19lA 15.10 11% ~5.6 71 Do. New £6 paid d\ 9% 3 . 1 , "*.'_ 3.2 Do. £\ 11 23.3 10V4 20.2 Do. cglOpd. id 15 26.6 113^ 1.6 Of Do. New«£5pd. & Co.) Pref. 11% 20.1 20.1 24 Do. 4% Mort Deb. i 101% W a t n e y & Co. 6% Cum. Prf, 144 18.6 •9% i s . ' e Do. 5% D e b . 120 Do. 4 | % D e b . B i 113 29.4 "53/8 21.4 Whitbread 4£% Preference 113% 2.3 108 21.5 Do. 4 % Mort, Deb. 109 714 23.1 0 i Wolverhampton & Dudley i 8% 23.1 23.1 8934 23.1 0£ Do. Pref. i 93/8 6.1 81 14.12 104 4% 28.10 7 \ Worthington & Co. 5 | % Pf. 1234 6.1 Do. 4 | % D e b . 113 6% 19.8 .9.2 7% 8.12 1*1 Younger (W.) Co. 5 % Pref. 111 21.9 23.1 8 16.7 2* 24 Hancock (Wm.) & Co. Do. 6% Cum. Pref. "9% J H a r d y Crown BreweryDo. 4|%lstMt.Deb. II Hodgson's Kingston Brew.. "6% Do. 5% Debs.. 1113,4 , Holland & Co., L., 7% Pref.. 7% Do. 5% Mort. 90 I n d Coope& Co. 4£% M.Db. 112% Indianapolis 11% Do. Preference 91/2 Jones (Frank) Ordinary ... 93/8 Do. Pref, 10% Kenward & Court Do. 5% Deb... Lascelles, Tickner & Co. 0 . "6% 27.'8 " 6 ^ Do. 6% Cum. Pref. . 6 18.8 5% Lion Brewery, Lim. d817pd. 37 27.1 3334 Do. New £6 paid 12 17.2 10% Do. 6% Pref. ... 2734 9.5 26% 14 21.9 llVg Manchester Ordinary I Do. 7 % Preference. m% 12.11 11% 8 J Massey's Burnley Ord. ... 93/8 20.1 9ft Do. 6% Cum. Prf. 10% 20.1 17.3 85 McCracken's C.B.4£%1M.D 90 McEwan & Co. 5 % Pref. ... 1 1 % 19.12 10H Meux's Brewery 5 % Pref... 12% 23.9 l i f e Do. 4 % M t . D e b . 10734 23.3 104% Morgan's Brewery 1034 12.1 10% Nalder & Collyer's Ord. ... 1414 19.3 12 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. I21/2 14.1 11 Do. 4 | % D e b . ... 105% 27.11 103 Newcastle i 10 14.12 10: Do. 6% Cum. Pref. i 97/8 16.11 9% Do. 5% 1st Mt. Dbs. i 100 19.11 9914 7*5 New E n g . Brew., L., Ord. ty8 12.3 834 Do. 8% Cum. Pref. 9% 16.2 NewWest.Brewery,Limited 6% 10.12 5^ 4% Do. do. 6% Pref.... 5% 21.7 93/4 1234 16.2 | New York Breweries IO14 Do. 8% Cum. Pref, 11% 5.2 Northampton Ordinary .., 15 16.1 121/4 Do. 7% Preference 14% 18.2 1234 Do. 5 % Debenture 112% 8.1 103 734 Nottingham 7 % Preference m 23.2 Do. 1st Mort. Deb. Ohlsson's Cape B . 0 . £h pd, "8% 22.'6 "7 Do. Pref. £5 pd. 6% 30.11 534 1.7 102% Do. Deb. 5% ... 105 U% 14.7 11% Parker's Burslem Ord. Do. 6% Cum. Prf. 12 30.9 10 Reid's Brewery 5 % Pref... 1183/4 30.12 113% Do, 4 % Deb... 108 14.12 103% Eoyal, Brentford, Ordy. i ... Do. 6% Cum. Pref. i St. Louis Brew. «£10 paid i ' i * i7.'i "7% 8% Do. Pref .o810 paid 10% 19.1 103/8 20.11 8% St. Pauli Brews. Ord. 9% Do. do. 7% Cum Pref. 11% 20.3 3 S. Francisco Brew. <£10 Ord. 73/8 30.1 5% 30.1 Do. 8% Pref. 9 9% Showell (W. & S.) Ord. ... 11% 2.2 Do. 7 % Pref. 1234 19.1 11% Do. 5 % Deb. 108% 16.1 103% 5% 15.8 Smith, Garrett & Co..«£5 pd. 6 Do. do. .£20 paid Do. do. 5% Pref. i.7 16" 10 17 7% Stretton's Derby ... i 9% 13.6 1 Do. Pref. i ... j Stroud 5% Debenture Tamplin & Sons, Bright., 0 . 14% 5.9 11% Do. 6% Cum. Prf. 12% 26.1 12 16% 30.1 13% Thr elf all's Ordinary Do. Preference 13% 10.8 11% Do. 5% 1st Mort. ... 117 12.6 111 Truman,Han.&Bux.4% Db. 107 27.8 10214 United States Co. Ord. .. 11% 10.3 93/4 9% Do. 8% Cum. Prf. 11-& 24.4 s. P 0 S 4 £1 a 0 27.2 ioy 8 31.8 9734 18.12 136% 21,2 117 18.12 108% 22.10 104 26.9 103 24.7 8& 8-& 24.7 29.8 11% 17.2 108% 4 . 8 1063/4 n u m m a lO.'lO 31.10 2* 23.'l 19.1 6.4 2.4 22.1 2.7. 5.8 28.7 22.7 3.7 7.1 7.1 20.7 7.7 6.1 24.7 1.8 29.5 8.1 19.1 3| n 3 4| 6 0^a on u 4| 4i 2.7 26.10 21.8 22.9 5.2 13.7 14.7 11.6 21.1 19.9 0i 2i 1 3| ?2 7i 23^ 4f iU\ 6.10 8,7 ^ 28.10 2 2.7 13^ 11.3 10 20.4 13 18.2 10i 9.7 81 13.8 x * 16.2 l f u 2.4 3* 27.7 43 18.12 10f 7.11 3 i 3.3 4 15.9 5 2.3 7 , 28.8 10.1 14 °* 27.4 23.10 15.4 19.2 5.1 2i m 16 101 20| ... ... ... 6.*5 18."ll 23.7 3.7 6.7 16.5 5.9 m H\\ ot 2.1 3.6 ltt 01 2 61 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. Aerated Bread, Limited ... Aluminium A Shares Do. 6 % Debs. ... Anglo-C.N.&R.7%P.«£10pd. Do. 6% 1st Mort. B o n d s . . Angus (George) & Co. Do. Pref.... Appleton French and Sera. Argent. M e a t P r e s . 7% Pref. Arg. Refinery 5% Mo. Deb. Sri & 0 —i CANALS A D DOCKS, N On | Alexandra Docks & Railway 15% 3.4 15% 0* Do. Con.Pref.Stk.A 102 6.3 9934 7.8 100 H i D o . Perp.Deb.Stock... 101 Birmingham Canal 127 27.2 123% B u t e Docks 4 % Debenture 115 8.12 107% 21 E a s t and W e s t I n d i a Dock 16% 31.10 9 j Do. Debenture Stock 78 21.12 54% 1* 1203,4 16.3 116 i t 1 Grand Junction Canal Do. 6% Preference... 16 8.1 1534 Ite 1 5 [HullDock 43 18.11 2134 Do. 4i% Convert. Pref. Do. 4% Debenture Stk. 98 20.'ll 84 1* 31 Do. 41% do. 98 20.3 93 Leeds a n d Liverpool CanaK 93% 15.12 91% 9± London & St.Katharine Dk. 38% 28.10 25 Do. 4£% Preferential 108% 30.12 98% 4£% New Pref.... 107 30.12 94 St 1 Do. Do. New Pref., 1882 101% 3.11 91 Do. 4% D e b e n t u r e . . . 106% 21.12 98 0 ! Manchester Ship Can. Pref. 6 H 17.2 5% Do. do. <£8pd.d 6 5.1 4% 1*. Do. do.« 0* j Do. do. 4 % Deb. IO234 l.*9 . 9934 1^ Of 1 Milford " A " Deb. Stock... 83 5.3 40 3 MillwallDock 67% 24.7 57 Do. 4^% Preference 101% 9 . 1 98 If ( Do. 5% Perp. Pref. 113 16.1 109 21 Do. do. 1887 108 20.8 103 HI Do. 5% Perp. Deb.... 127 24.10 120 4* Neath Harbour 1st Mort.... ( 0*1 Newhaven Harbour 4% ... 12% 2.2 5.'2 Regent's Can. City & Docks 72 15.4 58 24.4 1* Sharpness NewDk.4£%Db.d 14.4 % Do. do. 4% Deb. 98%.13.'l 96%. 40 16.12 23% 22.4 2f Southampton Dock 2 24.4 Do. 4% Con. Pref. 70 25.6 54 Do. 4 i % D e b . Stk. 1173,4 17.10 107 29.1 5 i 9.9 4 * I Suez Canal Shares 115% 6.10 95 Do. Arrear Obligations ... ... Do. Delegations,1894... ... ... Do. Jouiss.. 16.'7 3TF, 19.8 2 Do. Thirty year B d s . . ... Do' Founders' Shares . 45 6.5 45 24.3 l i 22.6 2£ Do. Societe Civile, Cts. 4.11 4f Surrey Commercial Dock... 121% 9.*3 109 Do. 4% A Preference 118% 11.2 115% 18.11 3 i 1 Do. 5 % B do. 125 2 . 3 124% 21.12 2 1 29.6 l i Do. 5% C do. 122% 6.7 122 Do. 5%D do. 117 12.1 115 28.4 4 | Do. 4 | % Debenture.. 124% 23.11 118 3.9 0* 24."3 8.12 23.10 10.2 5.11 6.1 29.5 24.7 5.12 2.12 12.2 4.2 6.1 12.1 9.7 9.12 14.3 14.12 16.11 7.11 24.10 27.11 8.1 4.2 10.12 15.12 7.8 4.5 6.11 3.1 1 at; 01 3i li| 6 41 2* 1A| 119 7^ T& 7.9 3.6 5% 3 ia •• i "e 7.1 *6 7.'l 803,4 5.2 60% 19.10 201 , 12 17.11 11& 23.11 o& ' "5% ... 4.'9 10.'1 OH TO NAME OF STOCK. J "COM. & INDUSTRIAL—cow. COM. & INDUSTRIAL—con. 19.6 6* Crystal Palace 6 %Deb. 3rd 20 Artizans'Lab. & Gen. Dwell. 113i/2 i 3 . i 107 Do. 4£% Pref .Stk.1879 115ft 22.5 10914 30.1 6 i Dalgety & Co., Limited ... 714 Do. 4i% Pref .Stk.1884 115 5.8 110 10.9 5 Do. 42 4 Liebig's Extract of Meat, L. 72 5.2 60% 13.10 1 1 * | Rio de Janeiro City Imp., L. 28 /2 14.1 19% 21.12 8f LinoleumManufacturing,L. 30 J4 4.12 30 4.12 0* Do. New ,£5 paidtd 47s 27.5 434 27.5 Lister & Co. Ordinary 10 5.5 8% 7.12 If Do. do. ,£15 pd. i. 14H 7.10 14|f 7.10 Do. Pref. IO14 8.5 8% 10.3 U Do. do. 5% Deb 102 10.1 89 12.11 13" 1 Liverpool Nitrate 8% 9.10 7 /2 19.8 If Do. do. 5% ... 100 23.1 92Y2 13.6 71 London & Glasgow Eng., L. Jan. Flour Mills.£10pd. 63,4 7.3 3i/2 18.9 34 ,,, ,,, ,,, London and Tilbury Light River riate Fresh Meat, L. 5 21.4 1 5 21.4 ... London Borneo Tobacco ... WA 2.*3 "6 21.'9 ii Do. 10% Pref. IV2 30.10 London Nitrate Ord.<£5 pd. lfc 30.10 Rosario Nitrate "3A 80.'l "2 16.'7 i'A 1% 31.12 'ii Do. Prf. .£5 pd. 3V4 10.9 Do. 6% Debs.... 105 16.12! 9QV4 16.7 8 Lon.Prod. Clear.Hs.<£2| pd. 5A 31.3 3 6.10 Royal Aquarium Soc, Lim. 2A 9.2 2l/8 25.3 London Stereoscopic, Lim.. 3 26.3 2 15.12 1 Do. L. 6 % Prf. 5l/8 3.3 5 14.3 °k\\ Mac Ivor's Patents... i 314 9.10 1% 4.12 11 Royal Niger Co. Ch. &L. ,£2 l t t 4,2 j 1% 21.8 0A MacLellan, L.6% Cum.Pref. 9*/2 22.7 9Y2 22.7 Do. do. .£10 pd. 934 29.7 834 10.9 1 14A 9.2 j 9% 25.9 4 Do. 5%lstMort.Deb. 106 9.1 1043/4 5.8 ii Rudge Cycle .£5 paid 10% 24.8 McEwan (James) & Co. ... 1314 12.3 l H f 27.11 i A Ruston, Proctor & Co. 9if 20.1 Do. 6%Mrt.Dbs. 112& 9.2 109 24.7 3i Do. 5% Mt. Deb. 103l/2 16.10 10154 10.6 2 McNamara & Co. Ordinary 3l/2 28.7 3V2 28.7 , Sadler & Co., " B " & "C" Sh. 3% 18.11 SYs 18.11 Do. 8% Cum. Pref. ... Salt Union Ordinary 10% 5.2 3H 28.9 6H .. ManganeseBro. &Bra.«£6p. 93/4 11.5 "m 7.'i Do. Pref* 13l/8 23.1 7% 19.11 5^ Mason & Mason Ord. .£5 pd. 10 23.1 8A 20.7 I A Do. 4|% Debs. ... 107^ 24.2 9654 20.11 io| Do. Pref.<£5pd. 5% 27.1 3 A 23.10 OA Samiida Bros., Limited ... 2V8 6.5 1% 22.4 Of Maudslay,Sons, & Field Pf. 103/8 8.1 8& 12.11 if San Donato Nitrate 3 18.9 1% 14.1 14 Do. Mort. Dbs. 109 9.1 107 21.2 2 San Jorge Nitrate 6H 10.9 4 9.7 Max Greger, Limited, A ... Vs 20.5 % 20.5 San Pablo Nitrate .£5 paid 3{-t 10.9 \Y2 16.7 2A Maxim-Nordenfelt 1A 6.2 03/s 15.12 Ois. 1 San^ Sebastian Nitrate 13/s 31.8 0% 20.11 Of Do. Deb. ... 64 13.3 50J6 21.8 13f Sanitas 1A 6.8 1A 24.7 n i I f Metro. Assocforlmp.Dwell. 24 14.1 20 7.7 4 1 Santa Elena Nitrate 3% 31.12 1% 17.6 2f ... j S.Fe&Cordov.Gt.S. 5% Deb. 80% 19.1 76 24.8 4* Midland Rail. Car. &Wag.L. ... ••• ... ... Do. do. 6 % Pref. ,,. Santa Luisa Nitrate ,£10 pd. 57a 16.3 3 31.12 Milner's Safe, Limited ... 14% 5.11 m2 2.1 2f Santa Rita Nitrate... 2l4 30.10 1 18.9 Moir (John) & Son 7% Pref. 514 3.12 4 22.1 U Savoy Hotel, Limited 4A 10.9 ' 33/4 5.12 O A Morgan & Co. 23/8 19.6 17/s 15.100i Do. 7% Pref. 714 13. II1 7V4 13.11 Morgan Crucible 6% Cu.Pf. 123/a 26.10 11 9.6 If Sequah, Limited, Ordinary % 5.1 % 5.2 oi I Do. 10 % Cum. Pref. Morris (B) & Sons .£3ipaid 3 7.9 & 10.9 % 9.4 o| K 214 17.1 Of National Dwelling Soc.Ord. V& 20.1 1 * 6.5 0A Serajgunge Jute, Limited... Do. do. Pref. Do. A Pref. ,,, ... ... National S. Dep., L., £i pd. "414 4.'2 "334 2&\7 6'i Simson & Mason i i 6.1 '"'A si.'i Of Do. 6% Pref. iy 4 24.2 1 7.3 Oi Spicer (H.) & Co. Ord. 91/8 3.2 854 20.2 Of Native Guano, Limited ... tt 16.7 14 30.6 o*l Do. Pref. 9% 27.6 7 18.9 2f Do. «£lpaid... Do. Deb. 101% 7.2 73 5.11 28i Nav. Cons. & Arma. .£5 pd. *5 2 J "iV4 &4 oil Spiers & Pond ms 21.9 13*J 16.12 3A 3 Nelson Brothers, Limited . 10% 10.6 8 4 10.10 If Do. 5%lstMort. 116 24.3 110 6.1 6 l Do. 5% Deb. 1033/2 14.4 98^4 3.9 4f Do. 5% "A" Db. i 10854 22.9 1005s 19.10 8 Neuchatel Asphalte, Lim.... /8 15.8 A 27.1 OA Spratt's Patent 7% 23.3 | 6if 16.9 2A Do. Pref.... 5l/8 14.8 4 10.3 1* Do. (America)... ... ... ... Nevada Land and Cattle ... 2Y2 14.7 2fc 14.7 Do. (Russia) ... 33/s 13.2 ! New Explosives 1A H.12 i « Stewart (A. J.&Clydes.) Ora. i l % 9.*3 "9% 15.*9 2" N. Sth. Et. Wynaad Es.Ord. Do. 6 % Cum. Pref. 117s 8.1 1ll J / 2 9.2 Of ...% 28.1 New Tamarugal Nit. Ord. '"** 17.9 Street's Wst. Stable Car ... 6'A Sweetmeat Autom. Dely.Li. "lA 30.12 "iy 29." 12 0^ Do. do. Pref. ¥e 14.9 y2 21.7 OA i 8 6 Do. 6% Mrt.Deb. i 77 18.9 55ft 30.6 21J Tambracherry Estates, L.... Nitrate Provisn.Sup.<£2|pd. 13/8 30.10 Ofi 4.6 OA Tele. Construc.&Maint.Lim. <£& 16.*2 42 26.'8 61 Nobel's Dynamite Trust ... 15 5,6 15 5.6 Do. do. 5% Bds.104V4 16.6 1021/2 19.2 11 ! Norton Brothers & Co.,Lim. 4 2.3 4 2.3 Tob.ofB.N.Borneo<£3pd.8 19.'l0 28.'l 1% '"* 17.7 6'A i-z IA IIV4 7.2 l i 2o.i 3.10 10.2 NAME OF STOCK. Q ° 7.'2 30.4 Ofk 18.12 51 23.12 17* 21.5 Of 16.6 2* 14.5 1 21.1 2i 10.12| *>1 1 ft _B FOREIGN & OOL.COES.—con.\ Oamaru Mun. Cor. 7 %, 1907 117 Do. do. 1910 1151/4 OtagoHar.Bd.6% (Deb.Reg.) 102 Do. 6% of 1877 ... 101% Do. 6% of 1881... 110 Do. 5% Debentrs. 101% Do. Consol.Bds. 100% Ottawa (City of) 6%, 1903... 105 Do. 6 % , 1893... 104% Do. 6 % , 1904... 115 Do. 6 % , 1895... 106% P a r a n a (C.) 5% Waterworks 54 Do. 6% Municip.Ln. P o r t Elizabeth W a t e r . 6 % .. 16914 P o r t Louis 5 % 104% P r a h r a n (City of) 5% D b . . J 111 Do. 4% Debentures 101 Providence (City of) 5 % ... 101% Quebec (City of) 6% Ster.... 1023/4 Do. 6 % of 1873.. 102% Do. 6 % of 1875.. 113% Do. 6 % of 1878.. 115 Do. 4 | % Deb. i\ 103% Richmond(City of) 5%Deb.J Rio de Jan.(City) 4% all paid 8114 Rome (City of) 4% Bonds... 87% Do. 2nd to 8th issue 853,4 Rosario (City of) 6 % Bonds 71% Do. 6% Sterl. 1918 58% St. Kilda, Borough of 105% St. Louis City 6 % 107 Santos (City of) 6 % 97 1 Santa F e (City of) all paid... 52% Sofia (City of) 6% Bds. ... 91% SouthMelbourne(City of) 5% 108% Do. 4 i % D e b . 105% Sydney (City of) 5 % Bonds 113% Do. 4% Debs. 1912 105% Timaru, Borough of, 7 % ... 115% Timaru H a r b o u r Board 5% 97% Do. do. 1916 95% Toronto(Cityof) 6%Ster.Db 108% Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 1213^ Do. 6% Str.Con.Deb. 10534 Do. 5% Gen.Con.Db. 109% Do. 4% Sterling Bds. 1023/4 Do. 4% Local Imp.-i 102% Do. 3f % Bonds 9334 W a n g a n u i H a r b . Board 6 % 92% Wellington(City of)6%Deb. 115 Do. 6% Improv.Loan 121% Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 122% Wellington H a r . Bd. 4* % 104% Westport HarbourBoard4% 104% Winnipeg(City of)6% Bonds 104% Do. 6 % Debs. 1141/4 Do. 5 % Debs.j 110 om om 6'A 12A 10.2 ... ••• ... 2.2 105% 6.5 144 ii".'2 113% 6." 11 9" 4.12 3 i 6.4 103 12.2 102 9.11 3* 9.4 99 19.11 7 13.4 98 17.11 10^ 2.7 4f 9.4 101 21.7 106 3.12 4 20.2 102% 3.7 • < 13.3 101 21.2 11.3 110 16.1 21 22.1 34 5.8 42 21.1 21 30.11 5.1 H 18.6 105 27.4 120 31.12 41 16.2 64% 10.3 21 21.2 25 18.2 12 14.4 117% 14.4 12.2 110 15.1 A 4 1.9 105 5.5 6 6.6 112% 19.8 2 4.2 90 7.11 5 i 16.7 99 4.11 41 10.6 5* 29.8 110 20.2 101 30.7 2f 2.2 95% 19.12 4 | 2.4 991,4 2.4 10.1 98% 29.12 16.2 102% 16.2 24.1 107% 24.1 5.3 112% 26.10 4f 16.7 103 3.9 9* FINANCIAL, LAND, & INVESTMENT, 8.12 « 4 9.3 104% 6.2 993/4 4.12 4 | j African Gld. Sh. Inv. £ 1 pd. A 11.4 IIO14 22.7 44 Agency & Ex. of A u s . 5s. pd. Vs 18.8 104 11.11 Agency Lnd.& Fin. of A u s t . i li/ 8 12.3 95 24.11 9 Agricultural of MauritiuSjL. 1 20.3 108 16.1 5 American Association 16% 20.1 62 30.7 17 Amer.Free.L.M.ofL.<£lpd. 1% 9.1 42 24.11 34* Do. 6% Pref. Stock 121 19.3 102% 9.11 3* Anglo-Am.Db.Cor. £2$d.d 1 A 10.1 101% 3.11 4 Do. £3 p d i 2% 3.3 103% 7.12 3 i Do. 4£%Debs.,1900i 8.1 78% 28.5 51 Ang.-Am.Ld.Mt.Ag. £2 pd. *2A 9.2 108 27.7 4 A n g . - A u s . I n v . F . & L . ^ l p d . i 1% 6.4 98% 2.12 4 1 Do. £5 pd.-i 20.10 70 23.1 9 Do. 5%Debentures'i 98 6.4 1123% 12.8 Anglo-Paraguayan L a n d 1A 17.3 112% 17.3 Argentine Col. & L . ,£10 pd. 3.11 104% 12.8 Argentine Land & Inv.Ord. 24.8 8934 24.10 9 t Do. do. Prf. *2% 28.1 1 50 " 9.11'52i 1 Argentine Southern L a n d i! i m ai n n |u 122 P 3 1 23.1 4.2 17.2 15.1 3.2 7.1 7.3 22.4 28.2 7.1 29.9 8.1 97 96 100 100% 106 9634 93% 103% 100% 113% 102 53 $ 3 <£ d Q 0 ~ 30.101 20 3.11 194 5.11 2 9.7 1 13.10 4 10.10 4 | 9.12 7 4 . 8 If 16.11 4 2.1 H 20.3 4 | 8.1 1 «• 11 26.1 109 28.1 1 101% 28.8 10834 15.7 973/4 7.7 101% 13.3 ! 9834 16.3 98 13.2 109 6.1 108 7.5 100% 26 .'l 29.7 7.7 26.11 7.7 2.1 17.7 15.8 17.7 15.8 e.'i 64% 12.3 75 29.1 77 5.3 70% 4.3 25 16.7 103% 17.2 103% 9.7 94 2 . 3 20 16.2 82% 19.5 106 26.5 105 24.6 109 22.1 102% 1.10 115 13.5 92 23.12 94% 16.2 102 21.1 103 29.9 104% 20.5 108% 18.6 99% 28.10 100 26.3 91% 11.4 90% 23.6 112 8.1 114% 13.2 115 13.5 101 19.2 99 12.3 102 11.5 11134 6.2 104% 31.12 1 6 | 23.11 5.10 8* 5.3 1 7.12 3 3 1 , 19.6 2 5.1 3* 12.10 3 29.12 3 2 | 20.11 94 23.7 24 26.5 Of 30.10 44 23.10 34 1.10 0? 6.11 5f 21.12 1 14.11 6f 14.11 1 8 | 5.10 14 4.12 14 30.1 34 25.5 2f 7.1 24 7.8 2 20.11 3 7.9 ? 12.10 71 21.5 3 t 1.12 5 t 9.5 21 8.9 2 | 20.11 51 % 10.1 i/s H.6 9.10 % 17.1 0% 7.1 1% 1 11.3 5.6 116 0% 14.1 23.9 1H 25.5 0 A 11.6 1.4 04 25.9 Of 17.32 1 4 | 24.6 01 13.2 ^ 23.6 20.7 Ott 04 34 24 34 4* 4| 4f 7 8* m 8.'9 18.8 ' l % 25.*4 1% 18.8 11.8 26.9 om 98 11.8 1 A 26.9 2.*4 1% 11.11 6'ii ii FINANCIAL, LAND, &c—con. Assets Founders' Share i\ sy8 Assets Realisation £4< pd. d\ 12*/o Do. £5 paid i 11^4 Do. 5% Cum. Prf A 5ft Do. 4|% Deb.d AustralasianMrt.&Agen. ,L. *2V4 Australian Agricultural ... 98 Australian &NewZ.Mort.,L. 1 Do. 4|% Deb.Stk. 10334 Australian Cities Invest, i Australian Mrt.Ld.&Fin.,L. 18fc Do. New Shs. 10ft Do. 4%Deb.Stk. 108% Do. 3%Deb.Stk. 82% Bank of China, J . & S. ... 3 f t Bk.N.Z.Es. 54% D b ^ 5 0 pd.d 55% Do. <£7o paid id 8314 Do. all paid i 1081/4 Bengal P r e s (B. Raj) 1st Mt. 108i/2 British Amer.Landd827pd.<2 28 Do. £26 paid i 2934 British & AmericanMort.,L. 314 Do. 5%Pref.^810pd. 103,4 Do. 4% Red. D e b . C British&American Trusteed ' l Do. Gen.Founders' SA li/ 8 Brit.&AustralasianT.&L.,L. 4ft Do. 44% Perm.Dbs. 107i/2 British Nth.Borneo <£12pd. 14V8 Do. do. .£20pd. 26 Buenos Ayr. H r . W k . Tr.Cts. 9 0 ^ Cale. & A u s . Mt. & Ag. Ord. m Do. do. A 10% Canada Company 50 Can. Nth. Wst.Lnd.^84fpd.d 3ft Do. <£47 .-J 28.1 , 014 15.6 l£ l f t 27.8 31.1 2ft 15.8 ^ 1 6 Do. do. 4% D b . 94 29.1 8 8 22.7 6 13.10 123 25.6 H Russian 54% Land Mrt., 2nd 9934 21.8 90 9.11 91 % 18.12 0ft Do. do. 3rd 100 15.9 881/2 4.12 114 17.7 21.1 14ft 4.8 5 * Santa F e & Cord. Gt. S. Land i 1514 2.4 10 30.11 5 4 03/8 24.7 ScottishAmericanInvest.,L. 434 10.1 13.1 4i/4 16.10 0 4 15.4 59 7.12 22 Scottish Australian Inv., L. 210 25.5 181 1.12 29 7.3 20 12.12 4 4 Do. 6 % Pref. 134 6.3 131 20.4 3 4.4 Do. 5% do. 122 14.4 118 17.7 4 2J/2 1 2 . 3 o* 19.1 2% 25.7 2* Do. 4 % Perp. Db. 101 22.1 woy 22.1 04 2 19.8 4 4 S.AfricanLn.Mt.&Me.Ag.,L. 13.1 96 5.10 1102 5.10 Sth.Amer.& Mex. L.,0.<£3p. "2% 31 .'3 " 0 % 30.'l2 South Australian 59 3.4 5 1 1.9 i* 8 0 % 5.1 22.9 Of lO.'ll "'14 10.11 0 4 S.Australian Ld.Mt.&Ag.,L 101 3 4 30.10 i 0 | Stock Exchange 34 % Deb IO21/4 1 0 . 2 SO.'ll '"% 30.'11 Texas Land & Mort., Lim. Do. do. 44% Deb 10114 io"4 98*' '6.6 3.2 2%cL3.10 Oft 1 si 26.9 97 26.8 4 | Transvaal Land 12s. 6d. pd % 18.9 - 24.6 " ... 0...* 1 29.4 1 23.1 0 1 Do. £1 paid 1 16.12 3 | 10.4 1 9 9 3i/8 21.1 10% 12.6 10 16.11 5 7.10 7.10 2.1 31.10 5.9 If n J* °* "i^ 6! " oi m °* n v i* * • & 1 123 FINANCIAL, LAND, and INVESTMENT continued, and TRUSTS for 1 8 9 1 . NAME OF STOCK. N A M E O F STOCK. P ° FINANCIAL, LAND, &c—con.\ Transvaal Mrt. Loan & Fin. T r u s t & Agency of Austrl.,L.| 4 * Do. do. (fully paid) 15** Do. do. 5% Pref.] T r u s t & Loan Co. of Canada Do. New £2 pd. d\ Do. £3v&.i\ 3L/g Trust& Mort.of Iowa<£2£pd. Do. do. 4*% Debs. 10014 Tr. Ln. & Ag. of Mex. £2 pd.j 1% Trustees'Ex. & Sec. I n s . Cp UnionDiscountCo.,L. <£5pd. 87s Un.Mt.& Agn.of Austr.Ord. Do. do. 6%Pref .Stk. 1331/2 Do. do. £2 paid! Do. 4* % Irr.Db.Stk, 1133/4 10314 Do. 4% do. United States D b . Corp., L. 3% Do. 4£%Ir.D.S.all pd. 10334 U.S. Trust & Guar. £o pd. d Do. 5% Pref. ' Do. Deferred i\ Van Dieman's Land W e s t Australian Land Co.. Do. 5%Con.Dbs. 91 Do. I s t M r t . D b s . 91 Western Ld.&Cattle,L.,Ord| Do. do. Pref. Western Mort. & Invest., L. VA Do. Cum.Prf.Stks.) 100 Do. 4* % Deb, 10214 m TRUSTS, Afr. Cy. P r p s . T r u s t 10s. pd Alliance Investmt. Pref. .. 1001/2 Do. Def. .., 81% Do. 4% D e b . S t k 1 103 Amer. Invest. Trust,L.,Pref. 122 Do. do. Def. 124 Do. 4 % Deb. 105 Army &NavyI.Trs.Prf. Stk 111% Do. do. Deferred. 100% Do. do.4% Deb. Stk. 103% Atlas I n . Tr., Lm., Prf. Stk. IOOI/4 Do. do. Def. 95 Bankers' Invest. T s t . Pref. 106% Do. Def. 93 Do. 4 % Deb. 107 Brewery & Com. I n v . ,£5 p.i 4% British Invest. T r u s t Pref. 101% Do. Deferred! 122 Do. 4% Deb. 103% Do. New Shs.<£8pd.^ Do. do. «£10pd.^ British Steam. Invest. Pref. 110% Do. do. Def. 99 Car Trust Invest.Co.<£2*pd. 2 ^ Do. do. 5% Prf. 103% Colonial Sec. Co. Pref. ... 79% Do. Def. ... 77 Com. U n . Brw.In.Cp.c£3pd. Do. do. Pref. Consolidated T r u s t Pref.... 83 Do. Def. ... 85% Do. 44% Deb. 102 Edinburgh I n v e s t m t . Do. Def. i\ Do. 4% Deb. i\ Eng.& Scot. Mer.Inv.Tr. Pf. Do. do. Def. 4% F o , A m e , & Gn.In.T.,L.Pref. 120 Do. do. do. Def. 113 Do. 4% Per. Deb.Stk. 105% For. & Col.Gov. Tst.,L.,Pref .127 Do. do. Def. 139% TRUSTS—continued. 7.1 12.8 Of Founders Sk.& S.Tr.^lOpd 434 10.8 12.10! 101 1.9 Gas, Wat.& Gn.Inv.Tst.Prf .1 3% 6.8 Do. Deferred!II934 10.2 102% 12.8 1174 14/2 31.101 IA: 5.8 Do. 4%Pr.Db. 104% 2.12| 99 >* 12% 13.11 o+* 18.2 82 29.8 29 Gen. & Com.In.Tst.Prf .Stk, 111 7.12 18.2 33 4.8 43 Do. do. Def. Stk, 81 21.4 8 * Do. 4%Deb.Stk. 103% 28.1 95 10.10 2% 16.2 31.12| 83/4 8.1 I * . Globe Telegraph and Trust! 26.1 97i/2 31.8 2f 25.11! Do. do. 6% Pref.f : o ^ 27.2 25.2 4.5 2 1 23.10 0* Government& General Prf. 15V4 21.2 87 89 [ 20.1 13.1 103 13.1 Do. Def.i S /2 19.11 2* 17.2 12.8 4 4 " 7.1 60 26.8 I f Governments Stk. Inv. Pref.] 03 7% 10.3 19.1 4 0 % 19.8 5 9 * 12.121 0U Do. do. Def 104 1% 29.5 21.1 7 16.2 100 31.12 Do. do. 4*% Debs.| 100 107 3.3 123 11.11 1 8.4 9 0 Do. do. 4% Per. Deb. 4.11| 8 * 2fa 21.4 1083^ 18.2 51 Guardianlnvest.Trust Pref. 98% 9.2 75 17.11 24* 25.6 100 7.1 34 Do. Deferred 99% 5.2 40 17.11 5 1 13.2 16.2 8 8 20.8 1 1 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 91 2y4 30.7 I f 22.1 19.8 51 Indian & Gn. I n v . Tst. Pref. 99 11.4 971/4 3.7 44 98 Do. do. Def. 01% 26.1 8434 29.6 94 2 . 1 1 0 i y 4 30.4 20.'6 89% 20.6 Do. 4 | % Debenture] 94 Indus. &Gn. T s t . Pf ..£10 pd. 1043 16.1 7V4 22.121 21 8 Do. do. Def.^eipd. Q 4, 14.4 24A i'61/2 18>2 1% 22.12| 1 * 5 17.1 1A| Do. do. 3*% Deb. i 8 9 % 9.2 82 17.11 7* 11.2 95 28.'9 90 12.9 I n t e r n a t . Invest. T s t . Pref. 107 23.11 12 30.9 91 30.9 Do. Def. .08% 12.2 29.6 [39* 12.5 Do. 4% Deb. 103 Investment Corp. Prf. Stk. 9 9 % 23.1 88% 5.8 5 11.6 1 1 17.3 Do. Def. Stk. 127% 11.2 |109 He 7.12 0f 0 11.8 28.10| 99% 28.10 Do. 4*% Deb. Stk. 104% 28.9 98 10.2 21.4 13.2 96 8.12 64 Lands T r u s t £2 paid l Lon. Scot.Am. T s t . Pref.... ~ A 14.101 1.7 84 Do. do. Def. ... 100% 16.1 921/4 25.6 84 931/4 1.12 85 10.2 14 Do. do. 4% D e b . 14.8 • 6 * London T r u s t Preferred ... |1011/4 28.9 100 Do. Deferred ...j 96 • 14.1 79% 11.8 25 Do. 4% Deben.... 104% 25.4 79% 22.12J 94 6.8 20 16.3 69 6.8 31* Mercantile Invest. Ld. Pref. 1 0 4 % 9.2 95 17.121|4H 13.2 99 Do. do. Def. 119 23.7 125* 17.1 56 Do. New Shs. <£7paidc£ 1 1 9 % 13.1 78 13.1 16.7 6 9.3 97 Do. .£10 paidid| 8 % 16.2 14.9 115% 26.6 6 * 8% 16.2 Do. 4% Deb. 111/4 6.5 11% 4.12J 9* 19.1 16 23.4 108 107 23.10| 97% 18.12 154 Merchants T r u s t Pref. 7.5 993/4 11.8 87% 1.4 721/4 11.8 25 Do. Def 4.2 85 4.8 2 6 * 3.4 60 Do. Perp. 4% D e b . 8 5 3.11 2f 21.1 51 20.8 4 9 * Mines T r u s t Ord.<£2* pd. 10014 22.9 5.8 04 3.4 92 2.9 1 H 7.3 100 8.8 , 4 27.10| 4 4 Municipal T r u s t Preferred Ifc 30.1 96 10.9 93 Do. Defd. 104 2.3 94 2.7 1 17.12 Do. 4*% Debs. 103% 17.2 30.1 84 21.121 2 2 * 14.1 Do. do. B 100% 16.121 100 2.2 39 18.111 5 4 10.1 New Municipal 1 101% 3.3 99% 4 . 8 97% 1.12 97 Do. 5 % Pref. 5.5 3i/4 15.9 1 i'.ii 0* 8.1 93 Do. Deferrred 28.8 8 * Omnium Investment Pref. 99% 3.1 81 28.7 16 21.1 106 7.'9 [18* Do. Def. 103 22.1 17.8 !48* 15.121 6.1 4.1Do. 4 % P e r p D e b . 103% 17.2 13.5 13.3 5 Pref. S e c u r . T r u s t 4 * % Prf, Do. do. Def., 58 14.7 41% 11.12 1 6 * 28.1 101 23.11 91 Railway Deben tureTrust,L. 11% 9.2 5.1 70 10.12| 29 8% 29.12 21 Do. 5 % Debentures! 1121/4 4.3 109% 4.2 21 4.5 04 9,-1- 17.2 Do. 4* % D e b . Stk, 108% 18.11 103 24.7 5 * 8.5 100 21.121 3* Do. 4% Debnt. Stk. 103% 26.1 99 22.6 4 * 21.3 65 31.12| 14* Railway Investment Pref.... 1033/4 11.2 98 28.5 51 28.8 32 45 Do. do. Def. 2334 2.1 19% 6.8 44 Rail. Share T r u s t & Ag. " A " l 73/4 14.4 6 25.11 I f Do do. " B " I251/4 8.1 112 17.8 134 4.5 62 2 0 . 1 1 21 R. Plate &G. I n . T s t . Pref ' 82% 4.2 60 19.8 2 2 * 2.2 29% 16.12s 56 Do. do. Def.J 80% 26.1 40 16.4 8834 27.8 134 19.8 4 0 * Scottish Inves. & T r s t . Pref. 107 2.1 85 25.8 22 Do. do. Def. 1 98 30.1 74 25.8 24 Do. do. 4% Deb. 103% 11.3 ! 99 30.10 4 | 14.12| 21 Second Scot. I n v . Trst. Prf. 92 10.1 2 24.9 | 90 13.6 2 Do. do. Def. 10.1 2% 25.11 2* 6.6 89 6.6 Do. do. 4%Deb 91 6.5 .7 14.7 103 14.8 ! 90 11.8 26.3 87% 25.6 25* S.Afric.Gld.Tst.&c,10/-pd.| 2.2 ! % 25.7 01 Do. 10/- paid i\ 25.11 102 11.9 , 3* 5.2 16.1 OS Sth. Afr. T r s t . & F i n . * p d . 12.6 !19 % 5.2 2S.1J 3.4 103 20.111 Do. do. 7s. 6d. pd. i] A 28,11 9.2 14.7 4.3 25.2 2.4 m m n i" 124 TRUSTS continued, GAS & ELECTRIC, a n d INSURANCE for 1 8 9 1 . CO N A M E O F STOCK. 1 ±4 NAME OF STOCK. fl 3 M TRUSTS—continued. 1 "^ 3• CD O 9 i'i im m 125 CO CD CD •a GAS & ELECTRIC—continued. 1 B N o t t i n g Hill Elec.L..£8' 5 Do. all paid i 6% Oriental, Limited 91/4 Do. New | 834 Do. do. 1879 lit Ottoman, Limited 514 P a r a , Limited 334 People'sGs.&Ck.Chic.lstM. Do. do. 2nd Mort. 9634 St. James's&Pall M a l l E l e c i 914 Do. 7%Pref. ri 334 Do. do. <£3pd.^ 5 * Do. do. 4>5pd. i m San Paulo, Limited 17 South Metropolitan A 289 Do. B ... 246 Do. C ... 248 Do. 5% Deb. I4514 5% Swan United Electric Tottenh.& Edmon.Gas " A " 210 Do. do. " B " 150 Tuscan i Do. 5 % Debs. ... i lii4 West Ham Westminster Elec. £4> pd. d 4^ 8 Do. £o pd. i 6% 0- - 31.7 0ft Stock Conv. & Inv. .£1 paid 1% 23.1 Do.Cal.3|%lstPf.Ch.Stk. Do. Def. do. 12.*3 4*i Do. L.&N.W.3I%10h.P. 100% 31.1 96 12.3 51 Bo. do. 4%2Ch.Pf. 1043,4 21.11 99 30% 9.2 i 24% 30.11 6* Do. do. Def. Ch. 13.7 77% 20.11 4* Do. N . E . 3 i % l C h . P f . 82 19.2 38 7.5 9 Do. do. Def. Ch. 47 Submarine Cables Trust ... 122% 9.9 112% 8.1 91 7.4 87 27.2 15 U.S.& S.Am Jnvest.Tr.Pref 102 10.4 57 14.9 24 Do. do. Deferred 81 17.1 81% 7.8 Do. do. 4 % Deb, 99 GAS & ELECTRIC, Alliance &Dublin(max.lO%) 1 17% 1.7 ! i<% 19.2 it Do. do. (do. 7%) Aust. G-as Light (Sydney)... 107% 17.'2 105% 12.1 2* 10.4 4 17 16.7 13 Bahia, Limited 5.3 2* Do. 10%Pref.... 22i/2 17.2 20 8.9 5 23.1 88 Bay State of New J e r s e y . . 93 73/8 11.9 3f Belgrano (Buenos Ayres)... 1034 5.1 16.3 16.3 98 Do. 5% Deb. Stock 98 6% 26.6 Of 71/4 10.2 Bombay, Limited 4% 10.12 Do. New ... 5 * 8.4 16 18.2 214 23.11 8 Brentford, Consolidated ... 222 160 5.12 159% 5.12 0* Do, New Stock 4.5 4.5 116 Do. 5% Preference... 116 7.7 a* INSURANCE, Do. 4 % Debenture... L0934 13.11 107 13.2 40 17.10 2 Alliance Brighton and Hove General 42 11* Bristol United 10 % .... Alliance Marine, Limited .. 38V4 ... Do. 5 % do. i Atlas 25L/4 British Gas Light, Limited 46% 26."9 42 18.'ll British & For. Marine, Lim. 223/4 British Water-Gas Syndi. i 1% 3.3 2Af o* 23.7 0H British Law F i r e ... Bromley Consumers 10 % ... Church of England 33/4 Do. do. 7 % . . . 13l4 19.'l 19.'l City of London Fire, Lim... 3/8 Brush Electrical E n g . 3% 21.9 1% 5.1 2* Clerical, Medical,&Gen.Life 19 Do. 6% Pref. 23/8 4.11 1% 21.1 O Commercial Union 3514 f Buenos Ay. (New),L.<£10pd. H1/2 2.1 6% 9.11 ,4« County Fire Do. 6 % Deb. 101% 11.5 91 31.7 1 0 | Crown Life (^850 paid) 84 Cagliari Gas and Water, L. 26% 9.6 26 22.9 Of Do.^850 pd.afterMar.'90i Cape Town and District i 10i/8 1.9 10 27.10 0k Eagle "514 Do. 6 % 1st Mort. i 54% 6.11 541/4 6.11 ok Employers' Liab. Ass.Cor.L. 4 & City of Lon.Electric«£4pd.^ 4 * 25.11 4 25.11 0 * English & Scottish Law.Lif e Do. do. £Q pd. i 6 * 14.12 4% 3.12 l-£- Equity and Law Life 22 6.4 239 17.10 25 Fire Insu. A s s o c , l i . £ l h pd. 34 Commercial,Consolidated... 264 Do. New Stock ... 201 10.2 187 24.11 14 General Life and F i r e 12% 2.4 119 6.10 0 1 Globe Marine, Limited Do. 4§ % Deb. Stk. 125 Continental Union, Lim. d 50% 4 . 5 47 26.6 84: Gresham Life ... Do. New,'69&'72df 42 11.5 3234 19.2 Ok Guardian Fire and Life ... 103 31.3 37 16.1 2 Imperial Fire 193% Do. 7 % Pre;. d 39 3314 Do. Stock i 2371/2 29.7 215% 19.11 22 1 Imperial Life 13.8 187 31.12 13 1 Indemnity Marine £3 paid 10J6 Do. Pref. Stock i 200 14 10 189% 17.10 Lancashire 9% Crystal Palace District ... 201 T>o. 7% 150 25.5 139% 22.10 10i Law F i r e 15tf 1% 7.4 135 22.5 10 Law Guarantee T r u s t Do. 6 % Pref. 145 26.1 5 2G.1 Law Life 23% Electricity Supply of Spaim 5 2 1 % 30.6 18% 4.2 21 Law Un. Fire & Life 12s. pd. 6% European, Limited.., * Legal and General Life ... 14% Do. do. ^eiOpaidc? 1ft Do. do. £7h paid 151/2 y.'s i*3% 9.1 1 if Lion Fire, Limited 14.1 206 17.10 46 Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L. 5134 Gas L i g h t & Coke A Ordy.... 252 Do. B 4 % m a x . 99 22.5 94 22.10 5 Do. do. (dglAnn.) 27% 2 . 3 14 56 4.8 248 London Do. C D & E 1 0 % P r f . 262 9.3 8* London and Lancashire Fire 2214 Do. F 5% Pref. 122% 4.6 120 Do. G 7 i % d o . 179% 12.5 173 14.Ill Oh London and Lancashire Life 2.1 155 11.11 12 London & Prov. Mar., Lim. " i Do. H 7% max. 167 Marine, Limited 31 7.12 U 22.6 246 Do. J 1 0 % P r f . 1:57 19.101 13^ Maritime, L i m i t e d . . . # 4* Do. K Cons. % 159% 9.7 146 25.3 112% 18.9 4* Merchants' Marine,Lim.... 13/4 Do. 4 % D b . S t . 117 24.2 121 17.11 4 Mortgage Insurance Corp. 2 * Do. 4 | % do. 125 Do. 6 % do. 169 3.4 159 6.1 10 National Marine Limited ... l 1 ^ 6.3 1 North British and Mercan. 593/8 15.1 19 H o n g Kong and China,Lim. 20 Imperial Continental 237 23.4 214 21.11 23 | Northern j 77 Do. Deb. i\ 102% 29.4 101 80.11 I f Norwich Union F i r e i\ 43/ 8 2 9 . 7 | Of Ocean Marine, L., £2% p d . . "Ws M a l t a & Mediterranean, L. 5% 30.1 Mauritius, Limited... d\ Pelican d\ 751/4 5.2 O Do. ^ l O S h s . ^ I p a i d - i 2% Metrop. Electric S, .£8 pd.d "814 20.'l '7% f Do. £\ 9i/2 12,5 291% 8% 21.3 0 | Phoenix Do. .£10 p d i 10% 6.11 934 22.6 Of Provident Life 28V4 8% Metrop.of Melbour.5% Deb. H434 5.3 109 24.10 H Queen Do. 4£ % Debs. i\ 108 22.9 10514 23.10 2f Railway Passengers £2 pdJ 7% 1 M o n t e Video, Limited ...1 19% 22.4 | 15 ~ 4.8 1 4 | 1 Book Life 1 6* m | C3 2 « •Sri 43 15.6 28.11 18.2 19.1 27.10 23.6 27.2 4 6* 8I/4 73/8 1% *% 2% 10 J 2 95 16.11 1 6 H 10.7 3% 18.9 43/4 3.11 1 67/8 9.2 ! 11 5.8 255 14.7 219 4.7 227 22.9 140 18.9 414 14.10 210 14.10 150 17.9 26.10 24.7 3.12 19.1 8.4 3.12 1 om 1 1% 9™\ ?« 1 6.'3 if 4.8 2f6 28.7 6i 21.8 0 * 8.10 ow\ 18.12 6 19.10 34 10.11 27 6.10 21 1 15.1 3.12 If 14.10 14.10 22.5 "95/8 14.'l0 i'i 334 20.2 01 17.2 30.11 4£f 24.4 1-H 5.2 IO14 6.1 17.11 35 14.9 21.9 223/4 19.3 15,1 1 19% 5.8 14.3 1*21.8 5.3 3 * 30.4 26.2 A 10.1 4.2 18% 13.10 8.5 31 9.6 lfit.'ll 82% , 17.12 15.10 "434 25.'3 21.4 | 3 * 21.11 \ o« 3i 2* 3 O f 0* 0* 0h 44 i'i oi u 23.'ll 22 23.11 15.4 % 12.6 3.7 1 1 * 22.4 1 * oi ... ,,, ... 26.11 92% 16.4 170 17.6 81% 7% 29.1 20.2 7 20.2 15 11.4 l]/8 9.7 22% 23.11 5% 12.11 14^4 22.1 1 8.5 47% 3.9 26 23.2 52 31.12 20 12.1 10^ 6.11 23^ 21.1 If 30.11 2h 23.7 2h 17.6 9.10 Oh 3.1 H 23.1 i£ 12.11 0i 25.7 0 * 9.11 4i 5.6 it 27.11 4 17.6 21 24^2 23.2 25.6 13.3 24.1 20.2 7.1 1.6 "&% 27* 3% iy 4 0% 0/4 49-& 71 % 20." 11 30.12 13.4 0 * 20.4 1.12, ^ 17.11 14.8 28.11 6 i 9.2 , "3y4 24.2 62% 23.11 21/4 16.4 1 254 13.7 2814 19.2 8 4.5 6% 16 1 [ 5% 16.3 12f 3.12 04 5.12 37^ 13.7 13.5 26.1 O f 30.7 1 0 * 1 ow\ oi m\l °* °l ol 8.'io i'i oi « 8 tt !§ INSURANCE—continued. 379% Royal Exchange Royal Insurance Sun F i r e San Life £1% paid 16% Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim. 256 Union <£40 paid Union Marine (Liver.; Lim. • 16 Universal Life 34J6 Universal Marine,L., £2pd. 28.10| 352 22.5 553,4 2.10] 157 21.1 15% 19.5 9 19.6 250 25.2 iy2 21.1 31% 7.2 4^j *=§ c3 a iFluc 1 tio N A M E O F STOCK. Low est. INSURANCE con., GOAL, IRON, & STEEL, & MINES—British, Co'onial & Foreign for 1891. m N A M E O F STOCK. eg a C O L O N I A L & FOR.—eont. 2.1 Asia Minor, Limited 14.12 on Australian , «4 | 27.1 26 Avala Quicksilver , 4.8 14 Borax 6% Debentures 15.8 2* 1 Bratsberg Copper ... 17.3 6 British Broken Hill Propri, 17.6 0M Do. Privileged Shs.i 15.7 ; 2i B u r m a R u b y 15/- paid 26.1 2 j 6 Camarones Cop.M,& Smelt. 95i/2 "31/2 15.*4 23/ 4 iy 4 Canadian Phosphate COAL, IRON, A D STEEL, N Cape Copper, Lim. £2 Shs, 43/4 20.2 4% 28.1 Of Caylloma Silver £1% paid d\ 1% Barrow Haematite Steel, L J 20.2 Do. £ If paid Do. do. 6 % Pref.j 6% 30.6 2* 5 13.2 Chontales, Limited d\ BengalIm.&Stl.l2s.6d.pdid /8 13.1 Colombian Hydraulic Do. do. 15s. paid id\ Colorado Silver Mining Do. do. n s . G d . p d . i 16 13.2 13fc 8*12 Copiapo, Limited, £2 paidl Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L. 17 16.3 Do. do. <£12 pd. 7V6 9.6 11 Day D a w n P . C. Gold De Beers Cons.,L., £5 paid! Bowling Iron, Limited Do. 5£ % 1st Mort. Debs. *| % Brown Bayley's Steel Wks.| 1W8 Brown(John)&Co.,L.o815pd, 6.7 14& 21.'7 *M Do. 5 | %2ndMort.Debs, 1011/2 3034 5.5 273/4 15.1 3 Devala Moyar Gold, Lim.d| Consett Iron, Limited 90% Ebbw Vale Steel,Iron &0. L.l 5% 16.3 33^ 23.10 1* Don Pedro 18.11! 03,4 20.4 0i E l C a l l a o # Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim. 1 4.9 Fortuna, Limited General Mining Assoc,Lim. 23/4 4.8 3XB Frontino & Bolivia Gold, L Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal 4xV 43/8 15.9 OM Gold Fields of South Africa' 33/4 17.'2 Marbella Iron Ore, Limited Gympie Golden Crown Mid. C1.5 Cke.,& I r n . ^ 6 Ord. 93/4 13.1 4% 23.10 5 Ilex Gold Prefd. £1 paid 29.1 93 19.11 4 Do. 6% 1st Mort. 97 Imuris Mines £1 paid Muntz's Metal, Limited 2xtr Indian Consol.Gld.,L.9s.pd<7 57 Nantyglo & Blaina, Lim. IS.'I 52& 4." 11 y4 Do. 9s. 6d. paid Nerbudda C. & I . £2\ paid! 10.2 V 10.2 2 28.4 Indian Gold Mines £1 pd.<£| Newp.Aber.Bl.Vein St. Cl.L.] 8 ^ 14.10 NewSharls.Collier..Lim Prf, 143/4 28.2 1334 14.1 1 Libiola Copper New Van. Coal & Mining,L. % 4.6 0^ Linares, Limited % 1.9 North's Navigation Coll.. !>% 19.1 2V8 15.12 3i Mason & Barry, Limited .. V/2 Noi thumb erlandLd. & Coalj Vs 15.5 Midas Gold Field Vs 15.5 2% 9.10 5t \, Montana Otis Steel sy8 5.1 4 Mysore Gold, Limited Do. Preferred... 7.1 5 10.8 Parcochalr.Ore & R.7%C.P. N a m a q u a Copper £2 paid. Do. do. G^oDeb., New Akankoo ... d\ Pelsall Coal and Iron, Lim. NewEberhardt "A 10.1 " l * 26.'5 O^T NewEmmaSil.,L.18s6d.p.i Rhymney Iron, Limited 1% 31.1 Do. do. New| Do. 18/- paidid] 0% 30.7 0T 9.2 90 10.10 7± New Guston, Limited Do. 5% Mort. Deb.J 3if SheltonIr.St.&01.C.Pf. t £7 L New Hoover Hill Gold, Lim.| 6.*2 91& 21.'l0 4 | Do. do. lst5%Db.i'! New Zealand Antimony Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim Old Lout <£lpaid ... Do. do. Def.j 29.*9 '"l/s 27.*8 Of Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. 3!/4 Simonds Steel & Iron ForgeJ Do. 10% Pref.20s.pd.| 150 18*2 125 28." 8 25* South H e t t o n Coal Pahang Kabang 9.101 Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&Rll V 9.10 4 PahangSem.^lOO. 15/-pd.d| 9.10 4 Do. do. lstPref.«£6pd. 9.10 Panulcillo Copper,L.<£2 pd. Do. do. 2ndPrf.allpd, Pestarena United Gold,Lim.| i*5 Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim...! 10A 29.'lo] "9% 29.'4 •••16 Pinos Altos Bullion Do. do. Preference] 103 25.5 103 25.5 Pontgibaud Silver-Lead ... 11 Richmond Consolidated, L, MINES.-BRITISH. Rio Tinto Limited 23M Devon Great Consols 21.12] 14 23.10 Of Do. Mort. Bds.| 1043,4 Great Laxey, Limited Do. 5 % 2nd do. IO31/4 8Y2 4.11 Of 9% 31.7 Morgan Gold Ross United Gold £1 paidl South Condurrow ... Do. 19s. 6d. paid South Wheal Frances St. J o h n d e l R e y , L. 17/6 p.d\ Tincroft <£15 7s. 6d. paid 23 25.9 23 25."9 Do. 18s. 6d. paid i\ */8 Weardale Lead Scottish Australian, Lim. WestBassettd89 8s. 6d.pd.d| Do. New 10/- pd. d\ 1% Do. «£1010s. lOd, Do. 15/- paid ' IxV West W h e a l S e t o n . . . d Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited! y4 Wheal Bassett <£11 paid d\ Do. Plumas E u r e k a % Do. <£11 7s. pd.> £ & R O 3 tf a "S 0? 9 M in • +s NAME OF STOCK. I* TELEGRAPHS &». SHIPPING, 1 1034 5.1 i 956 H . 4 African Steamship Sth. of Eng.TelephoneOrd.d| 3 Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim. 18% 3.4 ll /8 3 . 1 Do. do. Pf.<£3^paidd British Shipowners, Lim.... United Eiver Plate Telepho. 2.2 156 27.10 Mi Castle Mail Packets, Lim... 1456 27.'4 ! i356 20.'10 Do. 5 % Deb. Commercial Steamship,Lim.| Do. 7%Deb.d| Cunard Steam., L. <£10 paid "3 4.'2 1 "552 24.'7 W e s t African Telegraph ... 83/ 4 2 7 15.12 if Do. do. <£20 paid| 18% 9.2 i 12% 15.8 H Do. do. 5% Debs. 10134 20.:2 95 6.7 6 | 19.1 General Steam Navigation 8 656 7.8 1* W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 414 30. 12 254 3.3 2 Do. 5 % Preference! IO14 27.5 1 956 4 . 3 ! ui Do. 8 % Debentures 10134 30.,5 93 26.3 8 ! Do. 5% 1877 9% 17.4 9% 21A I 1 * Western & Brazilian, Lim. 13 27.-4 9% 20.11 31 Mercantile Steam»*iip, Lim.l Do. do. Preferred 7 * 24.-4 6 * 21.12 0 | National Steamship, Lim ,| "2i/2 6.'3 256 6.3 Do. do. Deferred 5tf 28..4 3 ^ 21.11 2* New Zealand, Lim.£>6 paid: 4% 10.1 356 19.11 Do. Deb., " A , " 1910 106 19. 3 10356 17.8 2* Orient Steam Navigation,L.| 6lA 3.2 1 4% 22.7 Do. Deb., " B , " 1910 107 7 10356 H . 3 3* 3. Penin.& Oriental Steam Prf. 139 8.4 12756 22.8 11* W e s t India & Panama,Lim. 1% 14.10 10 SH 2 7 ,4 Do. do. DefJ 209J6 21.4 189 15.12 Do. do. 1st Pref.| 1 2 * 26. 5 834 19.10 3 * 6556 6.4 5656 13.11 \ 9 Royal Mail Steam Packet Do. do. 2nd do. 113,4 23. 5 756 26.11 4i 9% 16.10 Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim.| 10% 23.2 W e s t e r n Union 7% 1st Mort, 1211/6 23. 11 117 26.5 4 | Union Steamship, Limited., 2456 24.3 1856 19-9 6 Do. Sterling Bondsl 10456 22. 7 103 10.1 1* 7% 19.9 3$ Do. do. New ... ! 11 17.2 9% 20.11 3* Union Steamship of N . Zeal, 1214 23.2 W e s t India & Pac. Steam.L, | 2214 7.5 2254 7.5 TEA A D COFFEE, N 3456 19.2 293^ 15.9 4f TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. 1 British Indian, Limited ! 2 * 9.5 1% 27.1 A Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. 14 1 * 12.12| 1 1 5 6 Darjeeling, Limited 2256 25.2 1956 4.12 Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 104 10 94 10.3 10 Dooars Tea ... 1 3 * 14.5 10% 15.1 3 |* Barcelona, Limited 3 21.12) 54 854 22 Do. Pref. £ 1 0 paid] 14 7.10 12 29.6 2 Do. , 5 % Deb. 98 7 93& 21.4 E a s t e r n Assam, Limited Belfast Street 10 1334 6.11| 4^ 16 16" 3.*6 14% 19*12 1* Bordeaux, Limited J o k a i Tea 5 3 0 . l l | 2} 8% 10 34 30.6 31 27.8 3 Jorehaut Tea, Limited Do. 5 % Preference... 10% 17.2 9% 12.1 3f 4 2.4 0* Brazilian Street Rail., Lim.| L a n k a Plantations, Limited' 4% 8.8 13.1 0% 1.101 1 11.9 1* Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs. 1V4 15.9 1 10% 13.7 9 Lebong, Limited ... 3 % 18.11 Of 6% 2.2 5% 5.11 U Luckimpore, Limited Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 99 25.5 99 25.5 0 * % 3.3 % 3.3 Do. New, Limited.) Buenos Ayr. New Tram Pf. 3l/4 31.10| 3V4 31.101 ! Ouvah Coffee, Limited Ws 21.11 33/8 22.4 Do. 5 % Deb.j Ojf 30.9 Upper Assam Tea, Limited! 1% 5.5 Calais, Limited "V2 5.*9 V2 5.9 TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES, Calcutta, Limited 5% 7.2 4 * 29.121 African Direct 4 % Deben 102J6 14.12 98 13.2 5.8 4 | Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 5.12 31 5 27.1 90 Anglo-American, Limited.. 51 30.12 423/4 6.8 8i Do. 5% Debentures 10.3 4 13.4 Do. do. Pref.| 88% 5.10 82% 5.8 6f City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 6 3 10 °16 D o . iss.@3pm..£2pd. •a luctuarion. +3 NAME OF STOCK. Day. 1 Month. RAILWAYS—Contingent Preference, INDIAN, and BRITISH POSSESSIONS for 1892. & I ft E fr PREFERENCE STOCKS, con\ PREFERENCE STOCKST" Jg 2.3 6i N . British 4% Con. 1890 ... 113 16.6 1 107 Do. 4% Con.'92,£50 pd. id\ 563/4 28.11 55% 4.11 1 144 21.12 137% Barry 5 % 4.3 6 | Do. do. .£75 paid ... 82% 8.12 81 7.12 H Do. 5 % , 1888 N o r t h East.,S.&D., Class D 169 14.5 163% 10.3 51 Do. 5 % , 1889 130% 26.'9 123% 19.'4 7* Do. B l y t h & Tyne 4% .. 130 5.8 124 27.2 6 Caledonian 4% No. 1 Do. 1876 4% 132% 12.12 127 16.2 5* Do. 4% No. 2 129% 26.9 I2214 27.1 71 21.1 8£ N o r t h L o n d o n 4 | %(max. 5%) 156 22.9 145 15.3 11 Do. 5% 1878 156% 17.9 148 4.2 9 Do. do. 41%, 1875 140% 25.10 131 29.2 91 127 4.8 118' Do. 4% 1881 27.12 148% 4 . 3 6* 23.4 6± N o r t h Staffordshire 5% ... ?55 Do. 4% 1887 12814 20.12 122 Do. do. 41% 1873 14214 28.11 134 27.1 8 i 28.1 2 Cornwall Minerals, 4% 23 26.7 21 19.2 6 Do. do. 4 | % 1876 141 26.9 134% 26.3 6* 23.2 54 E a s t . & Mid.(Cromer)gu. 5% 60 E h o n d d a & Swan. Bay Prf.. uy8 2 8 . t 10% 19.4 Of Do. (Lynn Loop) do.dl Furness4% I2*i^ 17.*9 li*4 5.1 Ehymnev 4% Pref 125 23.12 117 30.5 8 Somerset & Dorset, 5% lstcq 22.12 5 Do. 4% A 118 8.6 113 Do. 4%B 1 11834 19.5 112 Do. 5% 2ndd! 6.1 6 | 30.3 7* Do. B a t h Ex. 5% Con... Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4% 12814 5.12 121 30.12 118 22.4 H South E a s t e r n Cons. 41%... 143% 27.'l2 136% 8.'l 6f Do. do. No. 2 4% 129 Do. do. 5 % ... 161% 12.10 153% 15.1 8'. Do. do. 4 %, 1888 12734 19.12 117 6.4 10! Do. Vested Co's. 4% Stk. 12734 15.12 121 15.1 61 131 3.10 12534 10.2 H Great Eastern 4% 128 20.12 I221/4 9.1 51 TaffVale4% Act 1889 ... 125 28.12 116 30.1 9 Do. 4% Pref., 1886 128 12.12 12034 19.2 7* W e s t Lane. 5%lstPrf.Sh& d\ Do. 4% 1881 INDIAN RAILWAYS. 21.1 4 ? Do. 41% 1884 till 1893 12656 18.10 122 10.3 4* Assam-Bengal, all paid 9 « 4.10 Do. 4^/o Pref., 1887 ... 1253/4 5.10 121 * 10% 2.8 Do. 4% Pref. 1888 1253,4 16.12 118 1.2 7 | Do. .£2 paid * 2 11.5 134 17.8 0 ? Do. 31%, 60% paid id 60 22.1 5934 11.1 0k Bengal & N t h . W s t n . , Lim. U534 11.3 I 109% 29.4 6i Do. do. 80% paid id 85% 18.7 79% 13.2 6 Bengal Central, Lm.,«fe>pd. 5U 5.1 5 ^ 12.10 OSDo. do. all paid 4 107% 16.12 104% 4.8 3 Bengal Dooars £2 paid id\ Do.21%toJan.'^3then31%^ 10934 9.12 107% 12.10 2 i Do. £4< paid id\ ... Great N . of Scotland 4% A U934 12.11 112 28.4 Do. £6 paid i\ Do. do. 4% B U734 19.9 111% 27.4 6£ Bengal-Nagpur Stock 119 13.6 114 5.1 S' Great Northern 4% Perp.Pf. 133 30.12 1271/4 26.4 5f Bombay, Baroda, & Cen.Ind. 192% 13.6 181 11.1 U * Great Western 5% 165% 3.8 157 23.2 81 Delhi, Umballa, & Kalka...| 106 21.1 85 15.10 21 Highland A 41% 137% 28.9 129% 23.9 103 8.2 5 9.7 8* Do. 4% D e b . Shock 108 Do. B 5% 148 23.12 139% 11.3 81 Do. Scrip all paid d 3 Isle of W i g h t 4% 116 18.5 116 18.5 E a s t e r n Bengal A Ann.,1957 2514 21.'l 23 4 5.*3 Lancashire & York. 4% Con. 132 31.12 126 1.3 Do. B do. 1957 28% 30.7 26 3 4 12.3 i f Do. do. 4%, 1882<£ 127% 21.1 12634 14.1 6 Of 28.1 122 21.1 1 Do. 4% Gua. Deb. 123 Do. do. 4%, 1884d 129 25.1 12614 20.2 E a s t Indian Annuity A,1953 2634 3.8 24% 14.3 11 Do. 4%, 1887 d 12714 12.1 125% 8.1 i s Do. Annuity B 29% 29.8 27 10.2 2* Do. 3 | % 1888 114 1.12 108 2.3 64 Do. Annuity C i 27 30.12 26 7.10 1 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 163 9.12 154 2.1 9 Do. Def. Ann. Cap. 134% 22.12 122% 17.2 12 Do. 2nd do. 5% 162 23.12 I0214 25.2 9 | Do. Annuity " D " . , 134% 29.12 134% 29.12 Lon.,Chatham,&c.,Arb.41% 109% Do. 41% Deb. Stock 141% 1.9 132 9.3 9.2 104% 12.12 J±| Do. do. Pref. (1892) d 106% 7.1 1? i 177% 10.6 167 13.7 101 9.2 105% Do. do. 4 | % 2nd Pref. 57% 9.1 51 4.8 9f ' Do. m do. 4% Deb. 1281/4 27.12 122% 2 . 1 48 London & NorthWestern4% 1333/4 19.10 129% 2.3 4± ! Indian Midland, Limited ... 119 30.11 113 26.7 6 London & South Western4% 133 11.11 127 30.3 6 Madras 5 % guaranteed ... 151 20.6 142% 18.2 81 Do. do. 4%, 1884 132 28.7 127% 15.3 # Do. 4 | % do. 141% 13.4 133 20.2 8* Do. do. 31% Prf. 115% 30.12 1111/4 1.3 4* 134 13.4 128 16.2 6 Do. 41% do. l London,Til., & Southend 4% il9 A 120% 29.11 U514 11.8 5 i 2.8 114% 27.2 41 1 Nizam State Railway Do. do. 4% Pref.,'87 119 16.5 114 4.3 5 Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Sc. 10734 29.6 101% 7.1 6 * Do. do. 4% 1891 ... US% 10.12 112% 11.1 51 Do. 2 n d i s s . all paid aMan.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 125% 29.10 11834 5.2 61 Oude & Eohilkund 4% Deb. 105% 4.*2 100% lO.'lO 5* Do. 5% Perpetual 1862 150 9.6 143% 13.2 6£ Eohilkund &Kumaon Stock 115% 2.11 112% 19.1 3 Do. 5% Convert. 1872 151 2.12 143 Sc. P . & Del. Ann. " A " 1958 2514 11.11 233/4 10.6 I t 23.2 8 Do. 5% do. 1874 151 Do. do. " B " 1 9 5 8 28% 1.12 26% 23.2 2$ 17.10 14314 7.3 Do. 5% do. 1876 150 5.1 7 South Indian 41% Deb. ... 135% 31.5 131 7.1 41 24.10 143 Do. 5% do. 1879 l48l/4 20.12 140 23.2 8 i Do. Limited 102 4.6 98 18.3 4 Do. 5% do. 1881 145^4 30.12 135 Southern M a h r a t t a 4% gua. 116% 11.5 110 20.7 Qh 23.2 Do, 4% Pref. 1889 117V4 19.12 10814 2.19 9 Do. do. 3 1 % D e b . d D o . 4 % P r f . ' 9 1 < £ 4 0 p d . i d 413,4 13.4 40% 13.5 Do. do. 4 % D b S t k . 120 5*.5 117 l'.'i 3" Do. 4% Prf.'91 .£60 pd. i 67y4 9.12 603/4 20.7 6* Do. 4 % Bearer Bds.cZ ... II Mersey 5% Perpt. Pref. .. 24'% 12.2 15 5"3 64 2 is 8 8.12 9* W e s t of Ind. Port., Lim. 5 % 72 Metropolitan 4 % Perpetua] 127 1.2 1 7f Do. do. 5 % Deb. 99% 11.1 80 23.8 191 21.11 119% Do. 4% do. 1882 118% 14.1 115% 8.3 3 BRITISH POSSESSIONS, Do. 4% Irred.,1884 122 11.6 7 8.11 115 Alberta E l . & Coal 6% D b s . Do. 4% 1887 122 10.10 11214 23.2 9 | A t . &N.W.5% G u . l M . Bds. 118% 9.*8 li'414 1&2 Do. New 4% Pref. 122 3.10 120 21.9 2 Buffalo and Lake H u r o n ... 13% 30.7 12& 18.3 0h\\ Do. Aylesbury Ex.4% i 120 26.11 111% 11.5 81 Do. 1st Mortgage 5 % 13534 23.12 131% 7.5 ± Metropolitan District 5%... 9514 30.8 78 17.2 Do. 2nd Mort. 5 1 % ... 136 20.12 131% 17.3 M 4 Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 133% 30.12 128 29.2 5f Calgary &Edmonton6% 1 M 102% 19.5 98% 29.11 Ml N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 125 10.10 11634 19.1 8 i Canada C e n t r a l i s t Mort.... 108% 5.2 105% 1.7 3 Do. Monkland Pref. 6 % d Canadian Pacific 3 % Gua. 97% 14.1 87% 10.10 • Do. E d i n b u r g h ^ Glasgow 13834 13.'l0 128% 5.5 1 Do. 5% St. 1st Mort. 11834 28.5 113 6.1 51 ioi Do. 1865 Pref 146% 20.7 13834 5.1 1 * Do. 3 ! % 5 0 y r . L . G . B . 10214 22.12 96% 10.2 5 | Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ... 15034 3.10 140y4 19.5 101 Do. 31% Inscribed ... IOI14 24.11 96y4 15 1 . 2 5 Do. 41% Irredeem., 1875.. 13634 30.12 128% 3.5 8* | Do. 4% Cons. Deb. ... 106 16.3 1003/4 20.6 Do. 4 | % Convert., 1875... 137 23.9 12814 13.4 8£ | Do. Con.Deb.Sc£50pd.'£d 50 19.7 49% 14.7 Ui PI Do. 5% do. 1879... 149 26.9 1381/8 18.3 1 0 | Do. do. 75% 11.8 75% 27.7 0 | | Do. do. all paid % 10434 9.12 IO314 28.11 11 Do. 4% do. 1884... 119 4.8 115 26.1 4 Do. 4% do. 1888... 11734 9.9 1115 '14.10 1 2 ||| D o . Algoma 1st Mort. |117J8 11.111112% 15.7 I 4 | 1-3 Hi vi °& n ii n & i n m u \u\\ \m N- 135 RAILWAYS—British Possessions, cont., American Shares, & Currency Bonds for 1892. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF Q ° STOCK. « £ o o ft AMERICAN RAILWAYS-SHARES. Alabama Gt. Sth, A 6%Pref. 8V4 28.7 1* Do. B O r d . ... 3& 2'/2 16.6 Alabm.NewOrl., T.&c.APrf. 1% 0% 14.9 ok Do. do. BDef. 2.11 19.4 10 % ft 26.5 0* Atchison, Topeka & S. F e i 43 331/4 20.5 91 10.2 AtlanticlstLea.Ln.Ren Trt. 93% 87 24.2 52 31.3 Baltimore & Ohio ... 95% 20.12' 4» IOOI/4 19.8 Baltimore & Ohio S. W.Pref .j, 6fc 19.8 137 3 % 2.4 [ 2* Central of New Jersey 3.3 136/ 2 13.2 I 6 ? 4ft 3.3 14234 4.2 Central Pacific of California] 4.2 100 28ft 23.12' Chesapeake & Ohio 22% 14.9 I! 6 8.7 lOlfc 12.2 8.2 33i 78 8i/4 15.9 3—« Chic. J u n e . & Union S. Yds, 111/4 4.1 19.10 l i 98 Do. do. Preference^] 991/4 14.4 673/4 26.9 10i 77% 2.4 9^ 563/8 3.1: 16f Chicago, Milwau.,& St. Paul 86% 4.1 122 19.121 9iDo. do. Pref. Stock j 131/4 4.1 36% 3.11 17f 77% 29.2 j 41 ... ] 82% 15.9 1104 Cleveland & P i t t s b u r g 4 . 1 20 641/2 10.111 n 1.6 122/s 11.1 H Cleveland, Cin., Chic.& S.L. 72/4 Do. do. Pref.! 16.6 122% 5.1 Qk 31.5 95i/4 8.11 3* Delaware & Bound Brook d\ 31.12| 120 l/o 4.5 4 i Delaware & Hudson CanaW 19% 13/s 13.9 3 i Denver & Rio Grande 24.3 103% 4.7 Do. do. Preference! 503/8 461/4 9.1 10i 18.3 13.15 100% 22.1 East Ten. Virgin. & Georgia 7 7 Do. 2nd Pref. 18/ 4 16% 8.1 i'i 113% 17.6 94 12.2 Illinois Central 981/2 15.9 15* 14.5 041/4 2 6 Do. Leased Line 4 % ... | 98 93% 18.8 4 i 13.2 14 15.12] 98ft 12.7 ! Lake Shore & Michigan Sth 139 125 1 23.9 20* 873/g Louisville & Nashville 8.1 60 19.12 10% 7.12] 13 23% Mexican Central Common.. 14.101 11 1.6 13% 20.12| 7f Missouri, K a n s a s , & Texas] 21 12.12 9914 l l . l i ; 29/2 27.5 1 30/2 Do. Preferred 29.10 106£ 27.5 N . Y. Cen. & Hudson River 29.121106ft 15.7 I lii 16.9 | i i | , 122% Do. Div.inLon.4/lj| 5.5 72 7.3 I New York, LakeErie&West. 35/ 8 25.11 104 27.2 23tf 20.12, Do. 6% Preferred 7844 30.9 12 30.9 5434 19.12 24 N.Y.,Ont.& West.Com. Stk, 23ft 13.121 112 3.2 I 18 16.9 Do. do. Lon.Reg.l 10.12| 9714 27.1 N.Y. Susqueh. & W . Pref. d\ 19 431/4 19.2 ! Norfolk & Western Common' 24. 4ft 24.2 24.9 19* Do. Preferred 57i/2 5.1 1. 72 25.11 12* North Pennsylvania 11. 142/2 22.7 4 I6/2 6.12| Northern Pacific Com. Stock] 25/4 3. 126/ 2 2.1 4 48/ 8 29.12] 27| Do. Pref. do. 74% 25, 14.11 Mi 87 19.10||13| Ohio & Mississippi 2 1 * 26.8 1)3,1 23V4 1. 65 19/2 29.9 4 | Do. Brown Shipley's Certs. 24ft 7. 101 29.8 3 87 5.2 7 12.2 24 28.4 31 Do. Preferred 94 24.9 Do. Brown Shipley's Certs 97 1.12| H Pennsylvania 4.1 93/2 4.'l 59ft 20 19.1 Philadelphia & Reading .. 32i/2 16.11| 97% 23.6 156ft 21.9 Pittsburg,Fort W a y n e & Ch. L61 9.2 94 31.3 St. Louis & SanFrancisco... 30.6 59 29.7 4f Do. 2nd Preferred ... 25.8 61 16.12| 3 31.12| 98% 7.7 41 St. Louis and S. Western... 14 16.5 6 Do. do. 5% Pref, 20 7.10] 96% 22.2 4t 105 26.1 51 20.9 0 ^ St. Louis Bridge 1st Prefd. 11034 11.4 52% 49/2 24.11 3* Do. 2nd do. 9.11 105/2 19.2 4f 115 11.4 4f St.PaulMinn.& M.Cap.Stk. 119% 10.11| 103 16.2 5 107 21.7 Ok 9.5 102 22.2 3f Tunnel Railroad of St.Louis IO71/2 37ft 2.12| 51% 7. 29.6 4* Union Pacific Railway 5.9 10ft 8.6 16.121 92% 16.12] Ok Wabash, St. Louis,& Pacific, 1534 23% 13.9 5 | Do. Pfd. Assess.pd, 34ft 35% 16.9 |10| Do. 6% B Deb.Certs. 5 1 % Wheeling & Lake Erie Pref, 15f CURRENCY BONDS. Albany&Susq.Con.lst Mort. Atlantic & St. Lawrence Alleg. Val. 7% 1 Mrt. Bondsl 12334 6.7 !120ft 18.1 1551/4 23.8 1491/2 14.3 Chicago & G. T r . l Mt.C.1900| 112 28.11 1081,2 21.1 Burling. CedarRapidslstMt.' IO334 IO334 8.4 Canada Southern 1st Mort. 108 Grand Trunk Junction 5%. 10612 27.5 1041/2 26.2 105/2 9.8 Chicago & N . W . 5%Sink.Fd.j 112 Do. 5 % Mort. HO/2 9.5 IO8I/2 21.7 107 28.4 120 Chicago & Tomah 6 % MichiganAirLine 5% IstMt. 107 17.6 104/ 2 17.2 115 26.9 31.121 89/ 8 10.8 Min. St. Paul & S. Ste Marie] Chic. Burl. & Quin.Sink.Fd.j 1041/2 1021/2 12.11 Do. Nebraska Ex. 4% Bds, 92/ 8 91 20.6 Ch.,M.,&St.P.lM.(S.W.Dv.)| 117 H5/2 22.9 Do. (La Cros. & D. Div.) [105 104 17.2 Do. (Hast. & Dak. Div) 127 124% 5.1 Do.(Ch.&M.Riv.)lM.5% Chic. Rock Island, &c.,l Mt. 105^ 25.11 ,1031/2' 25.7 C h i c , Santa Fe,&Cal.l Mt.dl Dela.&Uud7%M.Bs'Lon.iss. Do. . 7%' Mor-t:-Bdnds .. BRITISH POSSESSIONS, con. Can. Pacific Souris Branch d\ Do. Columbia & K. o Caraquet 6% 1st Mrt. Bonds 16 Chignec.Mar. 7%Pf.<£20 pd Do. 5% Mort. Dbs. 1929 53 Demerara Do. 7%Perp. Pref. Sfck. 137 EmuBay&Mt.Biscliff.«£5p. 4ft Do. 4£%Irred.Db J 00 Grand Trunk, G.B.I Mt.l903| my2 Grand Trunk of Canada Guar. 4 % 78 Do. 1st Pref... 73ft Do. 54% 2nd do. Do. 30y4 3rd do. Do. 1 6% 2nd Equip. 1273/4 Do. 5% Perpt.Deb. 129 Do. 4% do. Do. , 98% Do. G.W.Perp,5%Db |125 Do. N.of C a n . 5 % l M t . 106/ 2 Do. 3rd Pref. A & B d Do. IstNorth.Ex Prf. 1021/4 Do North. Ex. Impr. Do 4 % Debenture... 9 7 ^ Hamilton&N. W . l s t Mt. 6 % H)8 Jamaica 4 % 1st Mortgage! 102% Manito &N.W.6% l M t . B d s . 110 Manito.S.W.Clzn.lMt.G.B. 116 Melbour. & Hob.Bay5%Bds. 10214 Mid. of Can 5% 1st Mt.(Mid.) 110 110 Do. 5% 1st Mort, Mid of "West Australia 1 Mt. 741/2 Montreal & Champ. 5%lMt. 1051/2 Montreal & Sorel 6% 1st Mt. 12 New Brunswick5%lst Mort.j117i/2 Do. 4% Cons. Deb. i\ i03y 8 Newfound.l Mt. Ld.Gr.Bds. 431/4 New Zealand Mid. .£10 pd. Do. 5% 1st Mort. .„ Ontario & Que.6%Cap.Stock 147ft Do. 5% Per. Deb.Sfck. 131 Qu'App.&S. 6% 1 Mt. all pd. 10iy4 Q u e . & L . S t . J o h n 5 % l s t M r t . 78/ 2 Quebec Central 5 % P d . Lien 104 Do. 5 % I n c . B d s . 27% St. J o h n and Maine d\ Do. 4 % D e b . S t k . d 93& St. Lawrence & Ottawa 4 %|l01% Shuswap & Okanagon 4 % ~ '/ Temiscouata5%lstMt.Deb. 72V2 Do.(S.FrancisBr.)5%lstM. 64 Toron.Grey &Bruce4% l M t . 103& Wel.Grey &Bruce7% IstMt. 101 Wellington & Manawatu ... 1 Do. do. 5 % D e b e n t . l l 0 f t Do. do. 2nd Issue... 108 Do. ' do. 3rd Issue... 1053^ W i n d s o r & A n n a p . 5% Pref. 11& Do. B 4 % D e b e n . | 93ft m m m j OT I +3 CD p ft CURRENCY BONDS—con. Del.&Hud.7%lMt.(Pns.r>v) 141% Det.G.Hav.&Mil.6% Eq.Bd 118 Do. Cons. Mort 119 niin.Ct.I3ds.lstMt.(C.&S.) 111 Indianapolis &Vin.lstMort. 129 Do, do. 2nd do. 111 Lehigh Valley Mortgage ... 131 ! Mexican Central 7% Bonds j Do. 2 n d C n s . I n c . B d s . 2314 Minneapolis & Pacific 1 Mrt. 9 1 % N w . Y k . C t . & H . R . 7 % M o r t . Ii30% j Do. 5 % Deb. ... i l l j N.Y.Texas&Mx. Str.lM.B.cZ Ohio&Miss.lst Gen.Mt.Bds. 103% Penns. Bail. Con. Sink. F d . 121 Phil. & Read. Def. Inc. Bds. 10% W . Shore 1st Mort. 4% Gua. 107 Do. do. Reg. d E O ^ I) 1 i 1 1 " i ! \ GOLD BONDS. Alabama Great S. 1st Mort. 116% Alabama Mid. 1st Mrt. 6% 94 Atc.T.,&San.Fe Gen.Mt.4% 88 Do. Income Mort. 5% 69% Do. Union Tr. Certs, i 62% A t l a n , & D a n . l s t M t . 6%Gld. Baltm.&Ohio 5%GoldBonds II6V4 Do. Cons. Mt. Gd. Bds. 120 Balt.&O.S.W.lstMort.44% 112% Do. 1st Income 5% 783/8 Do. 2nd do. 34% Do. 3rd do. 10% Balt.&Pot.(MainLine)lMt. 126% Do. do. (Tunnel) 1st Mt. 126$ Cent.of N. Jer.5% G. Mt.Bd. 116% Cent. Pacific of Cal. I s t M t . 113% Do. (Cal.&Or.Dv.)lMt.d 10414 Do. Land Grant Bonds 107 Chat., Rome, & Colum. 1 Mt. 88 Chesapeake & Ohio 1st Mrt. 108% Do. lstMt.(WarmSpgs.>' 102% D o . do. (CraigValley)? Chicago & N o r . P a c . I s t M t . i 83% Chicago & W . Ind. Gen. M. 115% Ch.M.&S.P.(Ch.&L.Sup.D.) 106*4 Do. (Chic.&Pac.W.Div.) 113% Do. (Wise. & Minn.Div.) 108 Do. Ter.Mt.5%Gld.Bds. 11134 Do. Gen.Mt 4% Gld.Rds. 953/4 Chicago,St.L.&N.Or.Gl.Bd. 123 C h i c S . P . & K a n . l M t . G l . B ' 77% Cleve.,C.,C.&St.L.l M.G.B. 98% Do. (Cin.Wab.&Mic.Dv.)i 9534 Cleveland & P i t t s . Gen.Mt.-i 116% Colorado Midland 1st Mort. 114% Do. Con. M. 4% 50-yG.B. 7634 Den. & R . Gra. 4% IstC. Mt. 891/4 Do. I m p . Mt. 5%... 883/8 E a s t Ten.Virg.& Geo.I.Mrt. 77 Galv.&Harrisbg 6% I s t M t . 108 Geor. Car. 5% l M t . 4 0 y r . G. 105 G.Rap.&Ind.lstM.G.L.G.B. 121 Do. Musk.ltsMt.Chi.Sp. 97% Illinois" Cent. 34% Mt. Bds. 98% Do. 4 % Gld. Bds 106% Do. CairoBr.4%Gd.Bs.-i 102% Kans.Cy.WyeN.W.lM.Gd.l Do. London Com.Cert. Lehigh Valley 1st Mrt. 44 % 108% Do. Terminal 1st M t i 11534 Long Island 57o Coup. Bonds 115V4 Louis, and Nash.6 % Mort. 123V4 Do. 6%Sink.Fd. 115% Do. 6 % l s t M o r t . 127% Do. 6%10/40Adj. 108 Do. 5% Gld. Bds. 108% Do. 4% 1940 ... 8 5 4 M a n h a t t a n Con. Mort. 4% i\ 97 3 4 12.5 2.3 9.3 30.9 10.6 21.3 17.3 140% 1114% 113% 107% 125 107% 131 5.'l ii% 14.5 91 21.11 125 30.3 106% 9." 11 97 29.4 117 5 18.7 7.4 103 14.10 113 16.8 89 13.6 83% 4.1 5-1$ 2.8 5434 8."7 IO934 8.11 111 25.11 105% 17.10 70 5.1 26 5.1 8 1.3 123 22.4 124% 13.6 111% 25.5 105 " 25.1 104% 8.12 101% 13.5 88 1.3 105 26.8 102 !5.'8 7914 17.9 115% 9.6 102% 6.10 109 19.10 106% 9.11 107% 7.10 90% 28.9 117$ 5.1 CO 8.12 94 9.12 93l4 9.5 112% 15.10 109% 14.1 6 9 4 17.10 81 12.11 78 18.11 72 6.7 102% 12.7 103% 4.5 118 17.9 96 13.12 9434 10.9 100% 11.11 99% 31.'5 104 10.8 111 27.10 115 26.10 118% 11.8 109 1.12 120 30.9 104% 26.9 104 24.5 81 19.11 97 5 E J« = NAME OF STOCK. 1 * •a 3 1 to S 0 H) . d 1 luctuation. NAME OF STOCK. luctuation. RAILWAYS—American Currency Bonds, continued, and Gold Bonds for 1892. fl5 ^ m GOLD BONDS—eon. 22.4 U Memp. & Charl.6% Gld. Bds 1973410.11 93% 25.8 7.12 94 7.6 1 3f Mex.Cent.Cns.M.4%G.Bds 75% 4.1 66 Do. 1st Cns. Inc. Bds 3834 2.1 i 2234 14.12 16 19.10 54 3 13.4 31.10 97% 2.1 5 | 4 1 Mexican N a t . 1st Mort. 6% 103 18.3 4 Do. 2ndMt.I.Bds.Ser.A 48% 26.10 33 27.2 104 25.4 34 Do. do. Ser.E 12% 11.1 8% 14.6 1 4 Do. Matheson Ser. A&B 1 5 8 " 11.1 51% 4.10 84 17.3 ! Minn.&St.Louis6%Gd.Bds. i Minn.Slt.&At.4%lstM.Bds 9734 20.'l2 923/4 5.*i 5" 8 .'12li'i 19.7 16 9.5 Of Min. &N. West 1st Mt. Bds. 76 28.1 60 25.1 i bh Miss.,Kan. 5 &Tex.lstMt.4% 8434 14.1 | 81 17.6 3 | j 19.8 44 Do. do. 2ndMt.4% 55% 21.1 i 46 12.9 9§ I Mobile & Birm., 1st M. G. B. 81% 11.2 78 6.1 34 4/2 6'i N a s h v . F l o . & Sheff.5%M.B. IO534 7.7 101% 10.3 44 Nw. Orleans & GulfG.Bds.d 21.3 4 14.1 Nw.Yk.Ct.&H.R.4%Gl.Db. 106% 10.'5 162% 10.'12 1 34 5.1 1 H N.Y.,L.E.,&W.1C.M.B.(E,) 143% 15.7 136 6.1 1 74 4 I Do. ICon.Mt.Fd.Cp.B. 142% 17.6 135 8.9 74 Do. 2 Con. Mort.Bonds 112% 11.5 103% 7.12 94 Do. Fd.Coup.5% Bonds 95 22.3 88% 2.12 64 25.1 3^ Do. Gold Income Bds. 89 2.3 82 19.2 7 5.1 5^ i N.Y.,Ontar.,& W.5% C. 1 M . 10934 8.11 102% 16.1 7 i D o . Refundg. 4 '0 Mort. i 87% 23.11 86% 4.11 oi 19.12 4f 20.5 N.Y. Penns. & Ohio 1st Mt. 40% 4.1 28% 2.12 16.12 Do. do. Def. Int. W. 20% I S . 3 15% 2.12 M Do. do. 2 n d M t . 5% 16.2 234 2.12 24 28.'l 64 Do. do. 3 r d M t . 2% 6.1 1 30.12 14 4.2 9 Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. 128% 23.8 12234 14.4 5 | 21.1 7 Do. do. Im.&Ex.6%Bd. 120 5.1 115 20.9 5 2.4 8 | Do. do. 7%Adj.M. B. 116 26.10 112% 19.3 3f Do. 5%Gl.Bds.allpd. 9734 18.5 92% 10.9 54 14.9 84 7.5 2 | | Do. (Clinch Val. Div.) 100% 25.1 94% 12.8 6 16.3 34 ; ; Do. Maryland&W.Dv.'i 97 16.5 92% 6.10 4f 13.7 i f N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. 12134 10.5 118% 9.7 31 17.12 5* 1 Do. Gen.2ndMt.R.L.G. 118% 4.2 114% 3.10 44 25.1 84 1 Do. 3rd Mortgage ... 112% 13.2 103 15.12 44 25.1 Do. Land Grant 8134 17.3 73 17.12 74 17.3 5* | N.Pacific& Montana 1M. 6% 10634 9.1 93 21.9 13* 13.5 Oregon & California 1st Mt. 103 13.6 9634 4 . 3 64 20.4 3*4 Oregon Short Line & Utah 26.8 0 4 ! P a n a m a Subsidy Bonds ,. 101% 22.'l 96 8.'ll 54 Penns. Rail. 44% Gold Bds. 117 25.10 111% 7.1 5 | 24.'l0 44 Do. Equip.Tst.4%Bds.A 106% 1.6 10334 17.9 21 17.9 Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mort. 111% 27.5 108% 2.8 8.1 31 Perkiomen 5% Gd. B d s . ... 101% 22.8 93 16.1 84 29.1 4f Phil, & Read.Gen.Mt.4%Gd. 93 30.5 864 1.2 6f 28.9 14 1 Do. 5%lPf.Inc.M. 81% 2.8 70% 5.2 114 26.2 4* 1 Do. 2ndPf. do. 74% IS.7 55 5.2 194 18.1 54 Do. 3rdPf. no op. 67 4 . 8 38% 19.1 284 Do. 3rdPf.with.op.' 65% 30.5 39% 27.1 25* 19.1 5! 24.8 174 D o . C.Mt.Bds.lstSeries 104% 5.8 98% 24.6 6 | 10.2 44 Pitts.Cin. Chic.& St.L.44% i 108 20.8 105 17.9 3 11.8 112 21.3 4 23.12 24 Pitts.Clev.& T.4%GoldBds. 116 10.3 44 Richmond & Dan.5%M.G.B. 82 29.9 82 29.9 15.2 51 16.5 5* Rio Grande J u n e . 1st Mort. 9534 14.12 90 9.12 74 Rio Grande W e s t . 1 Mt. 4% S4ys 18.5 79% 29.12 44 11.1 84 S U o . & Gd I s . l s t M.G. Bds. 100% 24.3 9334 21.12 64 22.1 10f St.L.&S.Fran.lM(M&W.D.) 110 13.4 1!0 13.4 21.9 5 Do. 2 M o r t . B & C Seriesi 108% 6.2 108% 6.2 20.5 54 St.Lou,&S.West.4%lstMrt 75% 14.1 1 67 23.11 84 21.11 14 Do. do. 2nd Mrt. 37 9.1 30 20.8 7 19.7 1 3 St. Louis Bridge 1st Mort. 133% 15.8 125% 17.3 8 16.7 1 14 St.Pl.Min.&Man.C.M.6% B. 1064 23.11 101 22.1 ! 54 23.12 31 Shamokin, Sunbury,& Lew.i 110% 3.6 108 12.4 ' 24 2.1 6 Sh.Pacific of Calif. 1st Mort. 1183/8 2.9 ! 11434 11.3 3f 21.7 34 TerminalR. R. of St. Louis i\ 10134 23.12: 98% 21.4 | 34 Texas & Pacific 1st M o r t . . J 86% 19.3 77 6.7 9* Do. 2nd Mort... 341/4 15.3 25 2.7 94 1.6 102% 15.3 44 21.'l 44 Toledo Wal. Val. & Ohio44% i\ 107 15.3 4f Union P a c . Rail. 1st Mort.. 108 10.2 108 10.2 Do. 5%Coll.Tst.Bds 7.11 04 16.5 41 Union Pac.Linc.& Col.l Mt. 83 18.1 75 lO.'lO 8 3.3 $k Vieksb., Shreve'., & Pac. 6 % 106 22.12 lu2% 8.3 3^11.I 74 W e s t . Penns. 4 % Gold .. 105 12.4 102 21.11 3 4 11.1 34 W.Virginia & Pitts.5%1 Mt. 110% 20.12 104 2.1 64 3 20.4 4 102% 99% « Wheeling & L. Erie 5% Gld. 100 17.11 97 16.12 3 3.2 44 Do. Ext.Imp.M.40-yr. 19.12 21.9 19.12 of 1 Ut m n m n 137 1 STERLING BONDS. Alab. Gt. Southern 6% D b s . 105 9.7 10152 Do. 5 % G e n . M t . B d s . 9734 11.4 93 Alab., N . Or.,& T e x . " A " 5 % 95 19.4 901/4 Do. " B " ' 46% 7.1 38 Ci Do. O,: 133 22.*9 125 Allegheny Valley ... Atlantic 1st Lea.4% Mt.Deb.l 96 12.9 893,4 8.8 10334 Baltimore a n d Ohio 6%, 1895 107 Do. do. 1902 115 16.2 111% Do. do. 1910 124 15.101 118% Do. 5%, 1927 111 30.1l| 10514 Do. 4}%, 1933 ii56 29.6 1061/4 27.5 1161,4 Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort. 120 ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt. Chic.St.Panl&Kan.City5°/a'i IO8I/2 19.'l2| 10156 Cleve.Col.Cin.& Ind.Con.M. 133 19.9 125 East. R l y . of Massachts.6% 124 31.8 1201/2 Illinois Central Sink. Fund!108i/2 30.8 105 Do. 6% Gold Bonds 107% 19.1 10456 11.3 110 D o . 5% Gold Bonds]111 98 12.12] 9254 Do. 3£% Bonds, Lehigh Valley 6% Cons. Mo. 1071/2 13.5 104% 14.12| 107 Louis. & Nashville IstMort. 112 Memphis & Ohio 1st Mort. 1211/2 28.11 116 NewYork&CanadaRld.Mrt, 11856 28.10] 113 NewYorkCent.&Hud.R.Mt. 1231/2 10.12] 118 N . Y. P e n n s . & Ohio P . Lien 107 16.5 103 Do. Equip.Trs.Bds, 103 16.9 98 D o . 5% do. 1*0856 2.11 98 North. Cent. Rail. Con. Mt, nifc 23.6 108 4 . 3 10356 P a n a m a General Mortgage Pennsylvania G eneral Mort. I1071/2 21.6 1231/2 1291/2 31.101 D o . Con. Sink. Fund L 118 Philadel. & E r i e Con. Mort. 23 23.11] 126V2 .3334 31.5 Phil. &Read.Gen.Con.Mort. 1127 122 Do. Improvem. Mort. 31054 27.9 10554 P i t t s . & Connsv. 6%Con.Mt. 32 19.12] 12656 St.Paul, Minn.& M. 4% G.B. 901/2 14.11 84 Do. Scrip all paiddl, 851/2 25.4 8334 South&North Alabama Bd .d\ 1121/2 28.4 109 21.1 116 Union Pacific (Omaha Bdg. 117 United New J e r . B l . & Canal | 10656 31.8 103% Do. do. Gen.Mort. 1211/2 1.2 II8I/2 FOREIGN RAILWAYS Alagoas, Lim. (Brazilian). 143/8 Do. 5% Debentures. 73 Alcoy & Gandia Pref. Algeciras (Gib.) Ordinary, Do. Pref. 6 Do. 5% D e b . 70 Antof agasta & Bolivia H91/2 Bo. 4% D e b . 9 6 ^ Arauco Ordinary 10 Do. 10% Pref.... 14% Argen. G r t W e s t . Deb. Stk.l 58 Argen. N . E . 6% c. Prf.allpd, 0 1 Do. 5% Deb. Reg. 2 6 3 / 4 Do. Cert, t o bearer| 261/2 Arica a n d Tacna 31/2 B a h i a & San Francisco,Lim. Do. (TimboBrch.) 2& Bahia & Blanca 6 % Pref.. Barranqla.Rl.& P . l s t M. 6% Bilbao River & Can. £7 paid 634 Brazil Great Southern,Lim.| Do. do. 6%Per.Deb. 82i/2 Brazilian Imp.Cen.Bah.Stk. 53 Do. do. 6%Deb. Do. do. 5%Deb. 61)6 Fluctuation. NAME OF STOCK. Sterling Bonds, and FOREIGN for 1892. Day. Month RAILWAYS—American NAME OF STOCK. s A 3 FOREIGN RAILS.-con. Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim.| 1*454 26.5 IOIV4 6.2 33 8.2 3ft| do. 1892, ,£10 pd. d\ 13i/8 23.5 Do. 12.2 2* do. 1894 .£10 pd 12% 13.10| 10 Do. 15.2 U , do.5%Prf.<£7ipd.<2| 8% 31.5 73/8 Do. 27.12| 9% 1.2 oft do. ri88| paidi Do. 17.2 9 1.4 8* Do. 4% Debenture Stock 2** 1.6 98 30.4 61 Buenos Ayres &I£n. P . Stk. 107 15.3 5356 21.12] 12\ 76 27.4 19 16.3 96 19,4 3 i Do. ho. 7% Prf. Do. do. 5%Db. 115 23.6 9956 29.2 8f H . 4 8* 10854 31.5 9934 1 5* 8.1 5t Do. 5%BMrt.Db.l 5 li Do. New <£5 pS.#|10554 16.3 2 . 1 5f 256 I 5.4 5 i Buenos Ayres Northern ... 334 17.10] 136 2 32 3.8 3* Do. do. 8% Pref.... 168 24.3 19356 8* |202 1 7* 8.10] 102 Do. do.5%Mrt.Deb. 2(h9 7* Buenos Ayr. & P a c . 7% Prf J 0956 12.1 21 31.12||20 4.6 531/6 4.2 32£ 17.3 3 Do. 7% Debenturel 41 26.10 3* Do. 5% Mer. Exten, 86 16.5 4156 29.4 12£ 5454 13.10! 56 6.2 28 5.10 3* Buenos Ayres & Ros., Lim. I 11.4 3* Do.' 7% Preference 84 11.11 12V4 6.5 1H| 19.10 1 Do. (SunchalesExt.) 14ft 22.11 10l/8 4.2 3 Do. Exten.<£10 paid 1356 17.11 656 6.2 2f 16.7 • 6 * 5.12 2* 1 Do. 4 % Debs. 956 2 . 1 ! 801/6 13.2 1 5 | 1 29.2 I 5 I Do. Tucum. .£10 pd. 95% 18.11| 5ft 5.2 19.1 5"? 28 .1 Do. Sunchales] 83/s 18.11 10 17.5 5* B . A . & V a l . 7 % P f . < £ 2 0 p d . 13ft 17.10 6ft 24 ,8 6 23.11 49 3 ,5 3ft 3.2 do. 7% Deb. 8 * B Do. .2 ift 8.10 4 . Ayres W e s t . .£10 paid.. 63 27.12 63/8 15.2 5 10% 29.12 78 30.1 14 Do. 4% D e b . all paid] 28.1 6.1 5 t Central Argentine, Limited 9734 15.10 40 28.1 4 25.1 3* Do. New £5 paida 751/4 9.5 2 28.1 9 | 4.11 4 Do. 6% Debenture Stk.| 3V4 27.10] 100 5.2 35i 6.1 6 Cen.Urug.East.Ex.,.£10 pd. 13656 8.4 356 16.11 . H 6.1 5 Do. 5% Debenture! 6- 17.5 29.2 ]36} 6.1 Cen.Urug.Nth. E x . .£10 pd. 9234 7.4 2| 23.1 5 Do. 5% Deb, 356 8.2 873/4 28.7 31 30.12| 55V4 16.9 3 21.4 5 Cent. Uruguayof Mont.,Stk, 91 U 7.3 \H Do. 5% Shares, .£10 pd. 8056 18.3 556 15.9 25i 4.10 6.1 6 i Do. Permanent 6 % Deb. 83/ 8 25.6 114 15.7 34 6.1 I f Conde d'Eu, Limited 12954 23.3 7 L5£ 3.5 3* Copiapo d\ 956 21.1 1 13.4 40 17.'l0 3* Cordoba & Ro.6% Pf.allpd, 48 3 1.9 Do. 5% Deb. Stk, 711/6 23.3 5856 8.12 8" * 5.12 3 25.4 Cordoba Central .£20 pd.... 3ft 22.6 13 4.4 2ft| Do. 5% Deb. Sc. all pd. 556 14.10] 66 11.2 36f Do. (Cent.N.Sec.)allpd.l 9234 17.11 33 13 12.4 103/4 30.7 \H\ Cordova&Nth. W . <£10 paid! 46 5.1 Costa Rica 13/8 31.12 a'i 25.1 61 30.8 18 Do. Certs, of Shares d\ 17.2 ... Donna uTheresa Chr., L., Prf. 514 21.11 ! 3 11.2 2 17.5 D u n a b r g and Witepsk 6 VJ'.h 19% 7.6 i 17% 31.5 55 16.IS 15 Bo. Registered 1 9 f t : 10.10 173/4 11.3 28.6 110 25.2 9* E a s t Argentine 3934 24.6 281/4 6.5 t i t 17.6 9256 21.1 4 Bo. 6% Debenture Stk. 8354 13.10 ! 78 22.4 H 5.1 4>& 4.1C 5* E n t r e Rios 05* 29.S OS 1% 15.3 7.1 Do. 5 % Cum. Pref. 1 19% London and River Plate, L.j 29% 23.11 19% London and San F r a n c , L.| 7% 30.5 634 Lon.& S. West.,Lm.^20 pd. 421/2 29.7 383/4 London and Westminster,L. 72 2.1 60 London Bk.of Mex.& S.A.,L. 5 ^ 11.1 3% London Chartered of Aust. 25% 7.1 20i/8 London Joint Stock, Lim... 38i/ 32% 7.1 4 Lon.,Paris,&America.Bk,L. 233A 20.101 23% Mercantile Bk. of Australia! 23/ 23.1 ' 1% Merchant, Limited, £5 pd.d 2 ^8 9.6 1% ,£4pd.?| 214 20.6 8 Do. t 1* Metropolitan,Birming.,&c .i 16 National, Limited 201/2 7.5 20% National of Australasia ... 10 29.10] 8 Nation.of Mexico $100,$40p, 103/4 6.2 9M l Nat.of N. Zealand, L.<£3pd.d A % 4,1 Do. .£3^ paid id\ 1 4.3 1 Do. £2\ paid ' 8.6 l^ Nat. Prov. of Eng.,L..£10ip.| 47 24.11 42 Do. do. do. <£12pd. 54 2.12| 50ft Do. N e w S h s . <£6pd.••> 1 1 29.12 203,4 14.9 isy2 16.12 19% 2.1 1% 17.'5 11.4 13.5 7.9 22.3 *"% '"ft 23/8 1134 "i% 8.2 10334 3.'l2 II334 22.11 106 21.12 101% 20.12 98 9.12 98i/4 25.4 98% 5.8 106% 15.2 IOO14 13.*5 107% 17.11 36% 5.11 30 25.10 106% 28.11 1201/4 13.5 26 10.11 25 29.12 118 20.9 108% 29.11 105% 5.'l2 66 14.7 98 19.11 110% 23.6 101 " 18.1 94% 21.10 100% 17.5 97 1.6 100 13.2 1063,4 30.6 II214 21.12 9534 3.2 j 104 19.4 ! 103% 30.6 97 27.5 105% 16.6 101% 1 ^ 0> ' NAME OF STOCK. ft •a.. s FOREIGN & OOL.COES.—con. 14.9 Melbourne Har.Tst.4%1888 9714 11.1 Melbourne Trams.Trust4£% 110V4 20.4 Met.EireBrig-.Bd.(Melb'ne) 10514 27.10 dk Mexico (City of) 5% St.L. ... 7034 12.1 Of Monte Video (City) 6% Bds. 5934 23.5 04 Montreal (City of) 5%Sterl. 106 9.3 04 Do. 5% ,1904 10614 6.12 Do. 5%, 1909 106% Do. 3% D e b . 82 Napier,Boroug-h of,6% Cons. 109% 21.*3 Napier Harbour Board 5 % 101 28.10 NewPlvmouth Har. Brd. 6% 77 120 New York City 6 % Do. 6%GoldCou.Bds. N o r t h Melbourne 44%Dbs.. 103% Oamaru H a r . Bds. (Reg.) 6% 85 23.'l2 Do. (Bearer) 6% 50 7.1 " 1 ( 3 Oamaru Mun. Cor. 7 %, 1907 80% Do. do. 1910 80 29.'9 24 OtagoHar.Bd. 6% (Deb.Reg.) 10414 20.5 14 Do. 6% of 1877... 105% 28.7 Do. 6% of 1881 ... II214 8.8 1 Do. 5% Debentrs. 9514 2.8 OH Do. Consol.Bds. 97 12.1 21 Ottawa (City of) 6%, 1903... 105 27.2 2 Do. 6 % , 1893... w.y2 1.2 2 Do. 6%, 1904... 113% 30.7 Do. 6 % , 1895... 10634 P a r a n a (C.) 5% Waterworks 39 7.6 oit Do. 6% Municip.Ln. 39 Port Elizabeth W a t e r . 6 % .. Port Louis 5 % 102 n"4 Prahran (City of) 5% Db..,. 108 19.2 W Do. 4% Debentures 98 29.1 01 Providence (City of) 5 % ... 1021/s Quebec (City of) 6% Ster. d 100 Do. 6 % of 1873.. 102 9.6 1^0 Do. 6 % of 1875.. 111% Do. 6 % of 1878.. 11234 Do. 4 * % Deb.... 101% 3.0 H i Richmond(City of) 5%Deb.. 11034 Rio de Janeiro (City) 4% ... 73% 7*1 3i Rome (City of) 4% Bonds... 86 5.2 44 Do. 2nd to 8th issue 82% 26.1 8f Rosario (City of) 6 % Bonds 43 7.1 84 Do. 6% Sterl. 1918 38 10314 15.1 7f St. Kilda, Borough of 16.1 5f St. Louis City 6 % 108% 10.6 2 St. Louis (Missouri) 4% % 102% 31.10 2 Santos (City of) 6% 91% Santa F e (City of) 32% 12.'2 21 Sofia (City of) 6% Bds. ... 81% 26.1 13f SouthMelbourne(Oity of)5% 105% : 22.1 31 Do. 44% Deb. 17.9 2 Sydney (City of) 5 % Bonds l i b 29.1 5* Do. 4% Debs. 1912 10534 10.5 14 Timaru, Borough of, 7% ... 115/2 13.4 4 * 1 Timaru H a r b o u r Board 5% IOOI/4 22.1 6 | Do. do. 1916 94 2.1 6 Toronto(Cityof) 6%Sfcer.Db 106% 12.5 44 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 116 j Do. 6% Str.Con.Deb. 10634 28.*4 24* ! Do. 5% Gen.Con.Db. 113 4 . 3 44 i Do. 4% Sterling Bds. 103% 21.4 64 Do. 4% Local I m p . J IOO14 27.1 • • • 2 Do. 3 * % "Bonds ... 94 26.4 2 Vancouver (City of) 4% i\ 97% 13.6 44 W a n g a n u i Harb. Board 6 % 81% 24.2 64 Wellington(City of)6%Deb. 114% 26.1 24 Do. 6% Improv.Loan 118 18.2 04 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. II614 3.2 ok Wellington H a r . Bd. 4 | % 101 30.11 04 Westport Ha rbourBoard4% 10334 22.1 64 Winnipeg(Cityof)6% Bonds 105% 2.11 4 Do. 6 % Debs. 11834 7.5 4f Do. 5 % Debs. 108% 25.3 4 8 9.4 n ou m n 1 144 0 h3 Day. Month. 02 Day. 1 Month. += w •a Day. Month. i NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. COM. & INDUSTRIAL cont, FOR. & COL CORPS., and FIN., LAND, & INVESTMENT for 1892. So B\ ft 21.6 94 23.12 104% 4.8 1013/4 18.3 63i/4 10.5 45i/8 8.12 103% 17.12 IO31/4 29.10 104% 15.2 79 28.5 107 19.12 94 21.1 73 9.6 120 9.2 9.4 22.4 14.12 1.3 18.1 13.6 23.1 14.12 9.3 13.5 5.5 9.6 16.*5 16214 21.4 85 8.1 50 7.3 75 26.1 80 12.12 IOII/4 20.12 98% 8.12 103 2.12 85 14.12 85 1.3 101% 24.3 101% 30.12 107 14.11 103% 27.10 39 17.10 2C/2 8.'ll 21.4 8.1 7.4 26.1 7.7 10.2 16.1 29.2 23.2 13.6 13.1' 5.7 9.12 27.10 12.1C 3." 5 101 5.9 108 21.7 96% 4 . 3 102 19.1 100 7.11 98% 1.12 105 7.12 105 23.8 101 20.12 109% 13.12 64 4.5 78% 28.12 77 27.5 36 25.5 25 13.2 102 5.4 101% 15.8 L01% 27.1 90 16.6 I91/4 4.7 69% 10.3 105% 22.'3 5.9 3.12 13.4 19.1 7.3 11.2 21.7 9.6 14.9 14.4 22.3 21.4 24.5 18.2 1.3 17.5 12.5 16.2 10.3 15.3 10.3 30.'11 106 • 25.11 99 y8 27.2 111 20.12 90 11.11 8914 24.11 104 27.2 104ft 3.5 104 16.5 10334 29.6 101 15.2 10014 27.12 90 21.5 93 4.2 81% 9.6 110% 8.12 110 26.7 112% 8.3 99 28.7 99ft 17.8 103 12.12 111 24.2 105% 7*7 19.4 13.9 8.7 22.3 22.3 30.4 13.9 5.4 13.1 15.2 28.3 3.10 4.2 15.1 5.1 19.3 22.9 19.2 12.1 23.4 10.5 34 51 3^ 7f 14f 2f 3 21 3 2} 7 4 i*i U 3" 6& 94 104 12 H 2 6| 34 12'i i" if 0£ 3'i 6| n Ok 14 91 n 5* 7 13 It 7 n n 134 12 4* 64 44 '3 *4 24 iu 21 44 2* 4" 4f 4* 3 3f 2 4f 2| 7f 3 FINANCIAL, LAND, & INVESTMENT continued, for 1892. NAME OF STOCK. *i 3, NAME OF STOCK. na FINANCIAL, LAND.&c—eon.\ FINANCIAL. LAHD. & INVESTMENT, 2.2 13* African Gld. Sh. Inv. ,£1 pd. % 14.11, V4 24.2 0* Imper. & For. I. A. C. Pref. 75& 20.5 62 2.2 6 Do. do. Def. ... 21 Agency & Ex. of Aus.5s. pd.] 20.5 15 '"% 12.10J "% 12.'l0| Imperial PropertyInvest.,L. Agency Lnd.& Fin.of Aust. J 8.4 InternationalFinanc.Sdc.jL.] "2% 29.'l ift Agricultural ofMauritros,L. "ift 25.1 3ft 6.'l 0 | Do. 4% Deb.f 98 American Association 9^/2 5.9 6^ VA ~~ Otf 11.4 oft Irish Light Els. & Trams 5%j108% 2.12 101& 30.9 6f 2.1 Amer. Free. L. M.of L. .£1 pd.119 7.12 17.6 |U2 11.10| 7 LandCo.of Austral.23s. pd.d Do. 6% Pref. Stock Do. 26s. pd. i\ Anglo-Am.Db.Cor. J63paid 2ft 26.4 1% 19.9 9l/4 4.8 Land Corp. of Can.L. ^61 pd.i « 19.11 17.11 0i\\ Do. 4£%Debs.,1900i 99V4 4.8 31.3 1 30.9 LandMt. Bk.of India,.£2fpJ 25.3 Ang.-Am.Ld.Mt.Ag. ,£2pd. * 25.3 ' Do. 5% Debentures 100& 16.6 27.5 Ang.-Aus.Inv.F.& L. £1 pd. ol Land&Mt.ofEgypt,L.&Eed. 7.3 5ft Do. £S pd.l 1 1A 3.2 9.8 92 9.8 17.2 3 Bo. 5% Mort.Debs.i !102 27.4 Do. 5% Debentures! 92 % 13.5 54 9.5 Do. 4^%" B "Debs. i\ 94& 24.10] 9854 7.12] x Anglo-Paraguayan Land *, ft 13.9 Land Securities, Limited ...j Argentine Col. & L. JslOpd % 25.5 Argentine Land & Inv.OrdJ " f t 17*10] 0 16.3 Lands Allotment S'/g 26.2 IV4 20.12 Oft 0% 18.1 0 ^ ! Do. do. Prf. 8ft 15.10| lft 12.2 Law Debenture Corp. .. j 1ft 26.2 Argentine Southern Land i\ Do. 4% Per. Deb.j 102 10.11! '" 17.12| 3 Assets Founders'Share ... 3 16.2 3* 16.2 Lon. & Aust. Deb. Corp.... 1% 3.2 0% 12.9 0} Assets Realisation <£5 paid ll1/* 12.1 8ft 22.11] Lon. & N.York Inv. .£10 pd. 8l 12.1 5fc 13.12] 2k 9o 3.5 H Do. 5% Cum.Prf. 5ft 23.1 5 Do. do. 5% Pref.j 10 /8 25.5 1% 24^3 % 11.3 25.1 0ft , AustralasianMrt.&Agen.,L. 1% 24.3 Lon.&Nth.AssetsCor.«£l£pJ 5.5 0i Australian Agricultural ... 95 28.1 86 19.111 Lon.&Nth.Deb.Corp..£2 pd.] '.i 25. K Australian &NewZ.Mort.,L.I % 12.3 London&S.AfricanExplo.,L. 12% 54 15.11 3f Do. 4$%Deb.Stk.| 10056 6.8 97 London Fin. Assoc.L.«£9£pd. 2V4 .1 ^/4 8.1 5.1 Australian Cities Invest.... ManitobaMrt.&Inv.,wB2pd.d| Australian Mrt.Ld.&Fin.,L, 16% 12.3 14^ 27.12] Marine Securities Cor. JBlp. MauritiusLand,Cred.&A. ,L. Do. New Shs.| 10% 11.4 8% 16.2 ' Mexican Exploration 5s. pd Do. 4%Deb.Stk, 10634 11.11](10256 27.6 Mort.of EiverPlate .£2 paid Do. 3%Deb.Stk.| 81 9.6 " 4.3 0% 22 7 U Do. 4 | % Deb. Bk. N. Zealand. Es. 5*% Deb.10914 22.11!102J6 31.3 9 21 .*6 90 Do. Registered! 107% 16.12 102% 4.4 5 Mort. of S. Australia Ord.d Bengal Pres (B. Raj) 1st Mt. 107 29.4 ' 103 25.10] 4 Do. Pref. 9.9 4* NatalLand&Coloniza.Co.,L.| 6ft 19.3 411 29.2 If British Amer.LandJ226paidj 30ft 12.3 British & AmericanMort.,L, 2% 23.5 214 6.5 Do. 8 % Pref 1 6& 24.8 2* Do. 5%Pref.«£10pd.| l i f t 7.7 1056 7.1 OH National Discount, Limited 1156 2.1 10 10.12] 1* 31.12] 2 Do. 4% Bed. Deb. 100 25.7 National Mt. &Ag.of N.Z.,L. #26.5 British & American Trustee] ft 26.5 New Belg. (Trans.) 15s. pd. * 20 'L "'ft 20"6 Do. Gen.Founders' S. Do. 16s. paid i\ ft 13.10 ft 13.10] Brit.&AustralasianT.&L.,L. 3ft 4.1 Oft 28.8 2\4 8.11| oil New Sth.WalesMt.L.&A.,L.I 1ft 14.1 Do. 4*% Perm.Dbs. ft 16.2 0ft N . Zeal.&Riv.Plt,Ld. Mt.,L.| 25.1 lOlfc 15.7 2 Vs 16.2 British Nth.Borneo -£12pd.| 7% 12.2 4 12.9 31 New Z.Loan&Merc.Agen.,L. 25/c 17.9 1% 25.4 0i Do. do. ,£20pd.| 6.9 Do. 6th I s s . ^ 2 5 paid 23 14.11 183/4 27.4 13.2 10 British South Africa i TS 30.11[ 4.1 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 16.12 91 !" 14.12] 0ft Buenos Ayr. Hr. Wk.Tr.Cts. 81 13.10] 53 14.3 28 29.12 94 7. Ill Do. 4% Deb* %\ 3 15.10 3956 17. K- Of Cale. & Aus. Mt. & Ag. Ord. 3/4 10.6 Do. 39% paid id\ 6V°/4 JLO.-i /4 10.6 Do. do. A 5.5 Of Do, 69% paid i 69% 17.1 693,4 17.11] lO^s 13.1 10 Canada Company ... 21.10] 6i New Z. Mort.&Inv.AssocML. 36 42% 9.3 Can. Nth. Wst.Lnd.^4fpaid] 4y8 17.11] 356 8.3 U NewZ.Tham.Val.Ld.^7pdd| Canada Perm.Loan4% Deb. 9956 5.10I 97 4.4 2* NewZealandTrust&Loan,L. &A 9.1 43/8 29.3 l ! Canada Set. Tst.& Ln. £2 p.] 29.10| Do. Preference] 9.3 2456 13.7 CanadianAg.Co.&Col.7%Pf. North Brit. Australasian, L.| !4'^ 21.7 14 22.12 10 Do. 5| % Debs. 5.12] Do. 6%Irred.Gua i5 21.7 49 ColoradoMt.&Inv.L..£2£ pd.| 1.3 1.3 Do. 5 % Deb. ... •2 8.1 90 29.1 Credit Foncier Egyptien ... Nor.Sydneyln. &T.4*%Db.| > 2.3 0 2.3 50 Do. Land Mt. Deb. North. Trans. Ld. 16s. paid| K 21.11] y 4 26.11, ok Credit Fono. of Mauritius.L. 3% 9.2 Oceana Transvaal Land ... 4ft 29.6 3% 9.2 254 3.12 2ft Curamalan Ld. 1 Mt. 7% Bd.l93|4 11.10] 90 28.1 3* Oriental Bank Estates ... 6.5 0ft ft 5.2 Debent, Corporation i34 pd. 5*£ 2.1 Do. do. Prf. 5ft 19.1 5.9 3 % 21.9 SJsr 4 Do. Pref.1 11% 20.6 10 7.3 Do. 4£%Mt.Dbs.d| Do. 4£%lstMt. 109 27.7 103 11.4 Otago&SouthlandInvest.,L 1/4 1.6 "% i"6 Debent. Corp.Founders Sh.! 3 1 2 5.4 6 Pahan^ Explor. Develop... 1.7 East. Mrt. & Agency,«£l pd. Peel RiverLand&Mineral,L.| 95 15.1 8756 20.12] 7i 1 12.3 1 Do. do. A ^eiOpdJ 10% 7.5 10 12.10| 0ft| Peruvian Corp. Lim., Ord, 143/4 29.2 t 91/4 15.9 /4 Eng. & Scot. Am.Inv. J>2 pd.l T* 14.3 Do. Pref.] 4256 13.101 341/4 30.12 v4 9 8 22.7 10856' 13*5 01 Equit. Beversion.Int.Soc.,L.| Do. 8856 14.3 79% 23.12 oft Queens. In. 6%lstMt.allpd.| lftdis25.8 Ilft(fls25.8 ' 9i Exploration Co. 4s. paid 2 17.11 0ft 17.9 4 &L.M.,L.^l^pd. Exploring 55/8 31.12] 4 14.12 * Do. do. 2s.6d.paid| For.&Col.Db.Corp.^84 paid] 33/8 10.2 2ft 22.12 lft Do. 4%Perp.Deb.| 81 21.11 77 19.2 4 x Bo. 4|%lstMort.Bds. 101% 22.2 97 26.10] * Eeversionary InterestSc.,L.j 110 23.5 1C6 8.3 4 Freehold Trst. of Australia! 156 17.1c] 'H 12.3 lft Do. do. Newt? I Do. 4%Perp.Db, ioiy 4 23.1 97-3/4 H . l l R. Plate Trust, L. & A.,L., A] 3 15.101 156 H.2 ' ofti General Assets Pur..£5pd.d| Do. do. B| 2% 7.6 13/4 23.2 01 Do. £6 paid i\ 7dis20.'8 7disll.l0| 3*: Do. do.4%Db 9334 25.10 78 23.2 151 Do. 5%Cum.Prf. 5 12.1 456 10.3 Russian h\% Land Mrt., 2nd! 85 21.1 85 21.1 Gen. Reversionary & Invest,|120 11.6 1119 10.10! Do. do. 3rd 9456 17.8 90 21.7 Home &Col.Asset.&Db.2J.p.| 14 10.6 2ftdisll.l0 0 SantaFe & Cord. Gt. S. Land] 754 30.5 4% 15.3 21 Hudson's Bay Company ... 16% 26.1 1356 27.7 ScottishAmericanlnvest.jL. Impl.Col.Fn.&Ag.Crp. ^2p.l H 12.12| 3/s 19.2 0ft Do. Debenture 1 m °* , H, i? t 145 ii FINANCIAL, LAND, and INVESTMENT continued, and TRUSTS for 1892. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK.. FINANCIAL, LAND, &c.—con. Scottish Australian Inv., L, 194 - : 4 . 167 2.9 [27 Do. 6 % Pref. 138& 6. 134^ 12.2 4 Do. 5 % do. 125 25. 120& 23.1 4* . Do. 4 % P e r p . Db. 104*4 29. 100 IS.7 4 i Sivag.Zemin.5%lM.TeasB.i 993,4 10. 1 6.8 1 1 S.AfricanLn.Mt.&Me.Ag.,L.| Sth.Amer.& Mex. L.,0.c£3p. "634 17; 3i4dis24.'i.l South Australian ... 54% 8. 4 2 ^ 27.10!121 S.AustralianL.Mt.&Ag.,L.d Do. £21 paid id Do. £3 paid '" 4dis23.9 |4i4dis23.9 Do. .£3* paid Stock Exchange 3* % Deb. lOSl/2 13.4 102 6.1 1* Texas L a n d & Mort., Lim, 334 11.5 3 % 18.13 0£ 9, 11 18 11.3 6 Do. do. 4*% Deb, 1104 Transvaal Land 12s.6d.pd.d % 17, to «*«3 0A Do. 13s. 6d. pd.i T5 30, ^29.9 Do. £1 paid % 29, A 3.3 o * Transvaal Mrt. Loan & Fin.l V2 17. 16.2 0 ^ T r u s t & Agency ofAustrl.,L. 3% 20, sy2 14.3 of Do. do. (fully paid) 15A 18, uy2 14.3 o*a Do. do. 5% Pref J 12% 19, 12 27.1 01 T r u s t & Loan Co. of Canadal 534 14 5 23.2 01 Do. New .£3 paid] 31/4 28, 2M 5.4 Trust& Mort. of Iowa.£2*pd. , 2V4 25, 2.4 o* Do. do. 4£% Debs. !l02fc 29, 23.8 4* T r . L n . &Ag. of Mex. . £ 2 p d ^18, 25.1 0i Trustees'Ex. & Sec. I n s . Cp. , 4V4 15, 03/4 10.121 3* Do. 4% 1 Mrt. D b s . <1013/4 6 , 98V4 3.10| 3* , UnionDiscountCo.jL. «£5pd, 27.6 itM Un.Mt.& Agn.of Austr.Ord. 4.6 of6 Do. do. 6%Pref .Stk. , Ira 18- |H7K 4.8 6 Do. do. £2 paid] 123i/2 27. 1% 2.12] O^r Do. 4£ % Irr.Db.Stk, 2tk U . |104 11.4 51 109& 28. 95 26.7 6* Do. 4% do. United States D b . Corp., L. 101& 2. 03/4 8.12 1^2fc 18. Do. 4*%Ir.D.S.all pd, 82fe 28.9 7. U.S. Trust & Guar.5% Pref., 100 Do. Deferred! 13& 19.: 11 8.2 2* Van Dieman's Land W e s t Australian L a n d Co.. Do. 5%Con.Dbs. 90^ i 5 # 9 Do.. I s t M r t . D b s . aa& 5J WesternL.&Cattle,L.,Ord.< Do. do. Pref.d] W e s t e r n Mort. & Invest., L. l l 4 11. on 1.3 Do. Cum.Prf.Stks. 97V4 5, 94i£ 3.6 Do. 4 * % Deb. ... 96 22, 92 17.5 4 ai o TRUSTS—con^Mugd, j Consolidated T r u s t Pref;... 76V4 14.10.| 67% 27.4 8 | Do. Def. ... 40/2 20.5 33 5.1 1* Do. 4t%Deb. IOO/2 6.1 95 4.4 5* E d i n b u r g h Investmt. Prof.l 102fc 15.12) 991/2 19.10] 3 Do. Def. Do. 4 % D e b J IOO14 20.' 7 100 20.'7 6"i Eng.& Scot. Mer.Inv.Tr. Pf. 15.10( 1% 9.3 H Do. do. Def. 29.4 1021/2 26.9 |131 Fo.,Ame.,& Gn.In.T.,L.Pref .1 116 Do. do. do. Def. 94 26.3 70/ 2 4.10| 23i Do. 4%Per.Deb.Stk.| 1041/2 5.4 10034 21.9 , 3 | For. & Col.Gov. Tst.,L.,Pref. 125/ 2 28.4 HO/2 12.2 [15 Do. do. Def.j[1153,4 14.5 981/2 12.2 17* Q1P. 20.9 29.1 Founders Sk.& S.Tr.«£10pd. If ° i e 3.8 6 Gas,Wat.& Gn.Inv.Tst.Prf, 105 23.2 5.11] 15 Do. Deferred 112^2 23.2 99 Do. 4%Pr.Db. 103 22.1 97i/2 12.7 4 13.1 |29 Gen. &Com.In.Tst.Prf.Stk. 107/2 3.6 99 78/ Do. do. Def. Stk. 63 l / 2 8.6 33 2 5.1 |25| Do. 4%Deb.Stk 1 0 3 ^ 13.6 90 16.2 13* Globe Telegraph and Trust 10% 20.10] 93/4 15.2 0* Do. do. 6% Pref. 15% 20.5 25.1 8.11 Government & General Prf. 65 8.11 8.11 Do. Def.l 65 8.11| Governments Stk. Inv. Pref. 793/4 24.11 65 10.2 19f 65 24.5 ; Do. do. Def.| 39 10.2 9 8.3 4 Do. do. 4*% Debs. 1021/2 18.1 I 60 16.1 30 5.3 Do. do. 4% Per. Deb. 99 Guardianlnvest.Trust Pref. 90 2.1! 9 8 ^ 19.2 23* 90/ 2 17.10| 5 Do. Deferred] 50 23.11 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 9934 2 1 . i l 6634 15.6 8 Indian & Gn. I n v . Tst. Pref, 1043,4 21.11 45 25.4 > ! 91 Do. do. Def.] 87 19.7 99 % 19.12|U * 23.3 Do. 45% Debenture] 105% 21.9 Indus. & Gn.Tst. Pf .,£10 pd. • 10 29.8 75/2 9.12] 1 10.12| Do. do. D e f . ^ l p d . 11.1 I /* Do. do. 3*% Deb.l 15.11 76i/ 12.5 10* I n t e r n a t . Invest. T s t . Pref.] 25.1 85 8 9.3 113^ Do. Def. 75 26.1 61 22.12| 14 10.3 6 Do. 4% Deb. 103 29.6 97 26.2 10i Investment Corp. Prf. Stk. 98y4 23.5 88 Do. Def. Stk. II614 17.6 100J6 20.2 15* 7.4 7 - D o . 4*% D e b . Stk.!107 23.7 100 1.4 Of Lands T r u s t .£2 paid, 2 ^ 20.6 9.2 8 * Lon. Scot. Am. T s t . Pref... 1051/4 10.8 99 13.1 6* Do. do. Def. .. 931/2 23.7 87 Do. do. 4% Deb 103/2- 24.11' 991/4 8.1 , 4 * 4.2 j20| London T r u s t Preferred .. 971/2 13.7 77 21.3 78 2.2 12 Do. Deferred .. 90 4.1 ' 9 * Do. 4% Deben... 10414 24.9 95 TRUSTS. l Mercantile Invest. Ld. Pref.| 108 20.10] 99/2 12.3 6.5 Afr. Cy. P r p s . T r u s t 10s. pd. A 6.5 15.1 67 8034 31.5 65 10.5 2 ^ Do. do. Def. Alliance Investmt. Pref. 15.9 15*. 16.3 99 11.1 45*/2 23.5 Do. 4% Deb. Do. Def. 20% 15.9 25 Merchants T r u s t Pref. "1.12] 5.1 90. 4.6 79 Do. 4% D e b . Stk. 100 903,4 2 . 3 9* Do. Def. 11.1 14* Amer. Invest. Trust,L.,Pref. my 25.3 111 . 6.2 76i/2 4.4 62 2 Do. Perp. 4% Deb.j 10434 21.12] 98 2.1 6f Do. do. Def. 8.4 108 11.2 Hi Mines T r u s t Ord.«£2| pd. d\ 1 * 19.2 Do. 4 % Deb. 124 13.5 1021/2 16.1 16 1ft 19.2 Do. 20/- paid i\ 15.8 Army &NavyI.Trs.Prf.Stk. 1073^ 22.4 84 11.1 5 i y2 15.8 93 Municipal T r u s t Preferred 100 18.5 92 19.4 8 Do. do. . Deferred. 5.3 341/2 5.10| 9 19.4 21 Do. Defd.l 91 6.1 70 Do. do.4% Deb. S t k 41 12.11] 95 4 . 5 64 Do. 4*% Debs. 10554 7.9 991/2 14.7 6 Atlas I n . Tr., Lm., Prf. Stk. my2 e.s 91 26.9 5* 92 4.11 2* Do. do. B| "U6 22.4 96 Do. do. Def. 833/4 20.2 65 27.9 1 2.2 1 3 | New Municipal 5 % Pref.. Bankers' Invest. T s t . Pref. 92V4 25.11 68 Do. Deferrred. 15.9 2 4 | Do. Def.j 45 4 . 3 27 30.11] 65 24.9 13 10.2 18 I Omnium Investment Pref. Do. 4 % Deb.! 1023,4 4.11| Do. Def. 431/2 18.5 301/4 16.3 118* 4.4 1 3 | j Brewery & Com. I n v . ^ 5 pd. « r 29.8 893 3 /8 11.3 9 31.3 Do. 4%Perp.Deb. 951/2 4.11 British Invest. T r u s t Pref. 101 1° 7 15.3 In* 15.10] 17.3 1 4 | Pref. Secur. T r u s t 4* % Prf. 90 Do. Deferred! 1211/4 l5!7 92 11.1 15 Do. do. Def.j 38 9.5 Do. 4% D e b . 106 6.12]110654 28.1 5 101 21.12] 12.2 4 Bailway DebentureTrust,L.| 22.3 British Steam. Invest. Pref. 113 3.5 9Si/2 13.10] 14* Do. 5 % Debentures] 112/2 21.11 1 0 7 " 11.1 lftl Do. do. Def. 81 9.2 5* ;20* Do. 4* % Deb. Stk.j 110 27.10| 1031/2 30.6 6 | Car Trust Invest.Co..£2*pd. 2% 13.5 60% 13.5 3* 4.2 6 Do. 4 % D e b . Stk 104 2% 6.4 9.6 — Do. do. 5% Prf, 103 12.1 13.7 2 16.111 100 Do. do. 5% Deb.i]!ioi 28.2 141 i Colonial Sec. Co. Pref. 79/ 2 2 2 . l l | 29.2 Do. Def. 38y2 29.11 23 Com.TJn. Brw.In.Cp..£3pd. 1 A 18.10 1 30.7 Do. do. Pref.! i" °* , m e. m s* m 1*' 1? 146 03 NAME OF STOCK. 1 bo a TRUSTS—continued. Railway Investment Pref.... 106 Do. do. Def.j 23ft Rail. Share T r u s t & A g . " A " | 6% Do do. " B " | 117 E . Plate & a . I n . T s t . Pref. 82 Do. do. Def.l 41 Scottish Inves. & T r s t . Pref, 99 Do. do. Def. Do. do. 4% Deb, 101ft Second Scot. Inv. Trst. Prf. 931/4 Do. do. Def. 693/4 Do. do. 4%Deb. 100 S.Afric.Gld.Tst.&c.,10/-pd. 13/8 Do. 10/- paid d\ Sth.Afr.Trst.& Fi.7s. 6d.pd, '"ft Stock Conv. & Inv. £1 paid & Do.Cal.3i%lstPf.Ch.Stk.| 88 24 Do. Def. do. Do. L.&N.W.3f%lCh.P.| 101 Do. do. 4%2Ch.Pf.| 105 283,4 Do. do. Def. Ch. Do. N.E.3£%lCh.Pf.l 81 Do. do. Def. Ch. 383,4 Submarine Cables T r u s t ... 120ft U.S.& S.Am Jnvest.Tr.Pref 89 Do. do. Deferred 48 Do. do. 4 % Deb. 99 GAS & ELECTRIC. Alliance &Dublin(max.lO%) 17 Do. do. (do. 7%) l i f t Aust. Gas Light (Sydney). 13 Bahia, Limited Do. 10% Pref.. I434 Bay State of New Jersey., 95 Belgrano (Buenos Ayres). 7% Do. Q% Deb. Stock 91ft Bombay, Limited 7 Do. New ... W8 Brentford, Consolidated ... 2161/2 167 Do. New Stock Do. 5% Preference... Do. 4 % Debenture... 110ft Brighton and Hove General | 42 107^ Bristol United 5 % Max. B r i t i s h Gas Light, Limited! 45 British Water-Gas Syndi.... Bromley Consumers 10 % d Do. do. 7% ... 15 3^ B r u s h Electrical E n g . Do. 6% Pref. 2^r Do. 4$ % Deb. paid i| 27.4 20 Indemnity Marine £3 paid 11.6 13 Lancashire 4.2 7 Law F i r e 20.6 12 15 Law Guarantee T r u s t 23.4 10 2 Law Life 26.7 0* LawUn.&Crn.F.&L.12s.pd. 233/8 16.5 3* Do. 4 % D e b . i 6ft 25.8 Legal and General Life ... [107 143/4 Lion Fire, Limited 12.4 if Liverp., Lon.,& Globe F.&L. 47i/2 25.4 Of Do. do. (^81 Ann.)| 3.5 24* London 29.3 5 London and Lancashire Firel 21% 15.3 19 London and Lancashire Life 13.6 01 London & Prov. Mar., Lim.] 8.9 24 Marine, Limited 17.2 17 Maritime, Limited 43/8 24.2 20 Merchants' Marine, Lim.... 21.3 Mortgage I n s . Corp. £2 pd. Do. «£3paid| o^ u n i'i S 4 m 8?* m n 147 10.101112 25.10 l-'Sft 5.11| 161 22.9 13ft 25.101 210 25.1 100% 3.llj 4 l / 8 2.1 6/2 20.10| 103 25.1 106ft 1 103ft 5.1 12 25.1 3% 7.1 8 5.1 63/4 16.2 1ft 6.4 4% 19.1 1ft 25.4 3.11) 100 15.1 101ft 20.12J 8.2 3.111 5.12||214 29.8 |230 10.5 140ft 8.3 , 3yo 24.9 206ft 24.9 154 29.9 13 9.1 100 13.6 7ft 26.1 5ft 23.1 30.6 6 8.1 8 15.3 01 13.6 20 24.8 II 17.3 0i 16.9 3j 13.12! 3" 1.10 41 3.5 3 15.9 31 1.4 2£ 23.4 1 28.5 1 16.2 25.llj 9.9 16.1 7 16.7 4.8 I f 19.1 2i.9 4 17.6 '27 22.6 23^ 31.5 [18 13.4 41 14.12| 24.9 24.9 30.9 0k 9.1 0k 6.9 17.2 iftl 14.101 10 8.4 26.111 36 21.3 15.7 23 4.101 30.1 201/4 25.4 23.111 1/a 30.3 1.4 20.5 29 >£ 28.6 149 25.2 81 8J2| 17.2 2S.4 43/8 24.3 31/4 2.6 3}£ 8.2 a u n, f H 2i 01 . OA 01 3i 2 0* m\ IA 0* i'i 3.5 21ft 5.'l0| 1.2 ft 26.8 0 * 13.121 1 1 ^ 15.2 3.5 4.10| 21.1 177ft 23.1 9.2 31ft 21.9 4 18.8 30ft 12.7 0^ 14**9 "714- 9*. 2 5% 21.4 24.6 7.9 16.3 " " 1 14.11 I 3 / 3.11 6.1 25.1 , 5ft 14.6 4.8 14.10] 104 26.5 141/g 25.8 1 5.11 14.4 6.1 41ft 3.12] 13.1 22.12| 27 22.2 493A 23.4 9.1 173/4 17.11 8.7 m 5.5 2.4 27/8 10.3 20.12| 28% 11.1 13.1 3ft 8.4 15.1 , 1 * 16.6 15.2 4i4dis24.11 K K 2 if U H of , 3 01 . 2io74 oM of 3| Of Of 3* INSURANCE con., COAL, IRON, & STEEL, & M I N t S — B r i t i s h , Colonial & Foreign for 1 8 9 2 . * 1 "to CD NAME OF STOCK. WSTJRA'NC'E—continued. National Marine Limited North British and Mercan. 5 1 « Northern 73y4 Norwich Union F i r e 102 Ocean Marine, L., ,£2$ pd, Palatine Pelican .£10 Shares <£1 paid| 2l/2 Phoenix 1275 Provident Life Queen d\ "Railway Passengers £2 p d 7J4 Rock Life Royal Exchange (384 Royal Insurance 55fc Sun 10s. paid i\ ioy 4 San Life c£7^- paid 16 Thames& Mersey Mar.,Lim. 10% Union .£40 paidj 251 Union Marine (Liver.; Lim. 8 Universal Life 35 Universal Marine,L., <£2p.d| 1 £$ & 3 NAME OF STOCK. 5. COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. Alamillos, Limited 134 8.3 Almada&TiritoCon.,Lim... •&19.1 American Bellel7s.6d.pd.d| Do. do. 18s.6d.pd.? '"14 16.r2 Do. do. ^ £1 paidi Asia Minor, Limited Australian Avala Quicksilver ... 30.121 Bechuanaland Explor. 23.6 Borax 6% Debentures 12.2 "63/4 21.5 971/4 2.1 B r a t s b e r g Copper ... "16 6.9 5% 15.2 HA\British Broken Hill Propri. I- 3 - 5.1 29.1 345 5.7 39 Do. Privileged Shs. 5.10| 9.6 50 4.10 5 13.2 * Burma R u b y 15/- paid d\ % 31.121 10.9 W4 15.3 1 Do. 16s. paid ' 25.3 15fc 23.8 Camarones Cop.M.& Smelt. 20.5 9*f 12.3 Canadian Phosphate 24.10] 249 13.9 2 14.1 2 Cape Copper, Lim. £2 Shs 24.5 7 ^ 31.8 Caylloma Silver <£lf paid d] ift 13.2 29.6 333,4 16.2 4i Do. £2 paid "' 7"3 Colombian Hydraulic 5.2 Colorado Silver Mining 7.1 Copiapo, Limited, ,£2 paidl 2 314 9.5 o-l\\ Day D a w n P . C. Gold 13.1 .. 16 0T De Beers Cons.,L., <£5paid 8.11 614 20.6 Do. 5^ % 1st Mort. Debs 18V4 16.6 % IV.5 Do. 5 | % 2 n d M o r t . D e b s . 1051/2 27.121 10& 11.11 3 H Do. Bultfontein Obs. i 104 30.12! 6% 4.4 H 98 21.4 Don Pedro D u r b a n Roodepoort i 1 * 15.11| 43/8 1.3 20.7 16 12.*4 ElCallao 23/8 11.1 6.5 19% 5.12 7^ F o r t u n a , Limited 2V2 9.1 2% 8.3 1* Frontino & Bolivia Gold, L. 1 * 23.6 17.8 ^ 1.9 * Gold Fields of South Af rica| 3U 14.11 12.12| 3% 22.9 01 Gympie Golden Crown Ilex Gold Prefd. «£1 paid d 24." 2 "3V2 18.*8 1* Imuris Mines <£1 paid 4.2 7.1 Indian Con.Gd.,L.9s.6d.pd.d| m 7.1 31.10| 90 31.10 20.'6 Do. 10s. paid i 14.1 1 0 * 14.1 Libiola Copper 3 * 11.3 20.12 59& 8.1 91r Linares, Limited 5% 7.1 19.101 A 12.8 Mason & Barry, Limited d\ 5V4 7.1 8.3 Do. £5 paidi, ®A 1.12| 8 5.1 29.2 13% 18.7 Midas Gold Field 1.2 V2 13.7 OH Montana '"V2 12.1 18.1 13/8 11.11 I* My sore Gold, Limited 5 * 5.1 16.3 5 10.9 0 | N a m a q u a Copper .£2 paid. 1 * 25.1 New E b e r h a r d t 2s. 6d.pd.c?l l6"3 m £7 Do. 2s. 9d. paid-idl 6.1 43/4 5.4 Do. 3s. paid i\ 11.2 New Guston, Limited New Hoover Hill Gold, Lim New Zealand Antimony d\ 1.2 "6% 4." 11 6* Old Lout 11.2 A 11.4 0 * Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. ... 4 * 30.12 27.6 85 14.10 7i Do. 10 % Pref, 4% 29.12! Do. 1 Pahang Kabang M (51 PanulcilloCopper,L.,£2 pd.! Pestarena United Gold, L. d\ Pinos Altos Bullion y4 15.'l 14.11 132 23"4 Pontgibaud Silver-Lead d\ 9.3 Richmond Consolidated, L.| '"# 10.11 V4 9 . 3 9.3 Rio Tinto Limited 4 9.3 19V2 5.1 9.3 1 9.3 Do. Mort. Bds. 104 28.9 26.5 2.9 734 17.5 Do. 5 % 2nd do. 103 15.8 102 13.4 H Ross United Gold <£! paidd] Do. 19s. 6d. paidd 31.3 % 29.2 Of St. J o h n del Rey, L . 18/6 pd. 1.2 f 15.2 Scottish Australian, Lim.... 1% 2.1 4% 20.10 4tf 29.4 Do. New 15/- pd. d\ ^29.4 Do. ,£1 paid id 7*!5 3/ 8 Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limitedl 4.3 28.6 1234 19.'5 Do. Plumas Eureka 21.3 Silati River Gold 17s. 6d. d\ 26.2 Do. 19s. paid id\ 19.4 Do. all paid 5.8 6.1 A 22.1 393,4 28.1 64 V 2 11.10] 98% 15.1 33/4 29.10| 3% 5.1 2l/s 22.3 252 COAL, IRON, A D S E L N TE Barrow Haematite Steel, L. 3J4 Do. do. 6 % Pref.| 7 Bengal Iron & Steel £1 paid % Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L. 14 Do. do. <£12 pd. 7 Bowling Iron, Limited d\ BrownBayley's SteelWks.d Brown (John)&Co.,L.«£15pd 18V8 Consett Iron, Limited 263/4 Ebbw Vale Steel,Iron &C. L.I Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim.| General Mining Assoc.,Lim. 4V4 Lehigh & WilkesBarre CI. d| Marbella I r o n Ore,*Lim. .. Mid. CI., Cke.,& Irn.<£6 Ord. Do. 6% 1st Mort. 90 Muntz' s Metal, Limited d | 1 0 * Nantyglo & Blaina, L i m . . . 69 Nerbudda C. & I . £2% paid % Newp.Aber.Bl.Vein St.Cl.L.| 8V2 NewSharls.Collier.,Lim Prf. I43/4 New Van. Coal & Mining,L. % N o r t h ' s Navigation Coll.... 2 % Do. 10% Cum. Pref. i 5% N o i t h u m b e r l a n d L d . & Coal Otis Steel "2V2 Do. Preferred Parcochalr.Ore & R.7% C.P. Do. do. 6%Deb Pelsall Coal & Iron, Lim. d\ Rhymney Iron, Limited Do. do. New] Do. 5% Mort. Deb. 92i/2 Shelton Ir. St. & 01. C. Pref. Do. do, 1st 5% Db Shenango Railway,&c.,Lim. Do. do. Def. Simonds Steel & Iron Forge| South H e t t o n Coal I44y2 Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&Rll Do. do. lstPref.,£6pd. Do. do. 2ndPrf.allpd. 1 Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim... sy4 Do. do. Preferencel 103J6 MINES-BRITISH. Devon Great Consols Great Laxey, Limited New Morgan Gld.4a.6d.p.'id * Do. do. all paidi| South Condurrow ... Tincroft .£15 7s. 6d. paid 203/8 Weardale Lead ... d\ WestBassett«£10 lOs.lOd.d Wheal Bassett .£11 7s. pd.c? Do. .£11 13s.pd.-id W h l . Grenville SIS 2s. pd, 20 6.12 8.11 0k\ 28.11 12 [ 5.8 B± 2.4 3£ 23.2 o* 27.10 Oi 27.5 o* 29.11 23 *J m °* od °M\ f si °M\ °* u 30.12| 19.1 12.5 Ore 1 14.12 Of 91% 19.2 5f & 2.1 O1/2 26.7 14 5.101 ^ 9.12| 1/0 19.12 0^ 1-& 17.5 iy 2 13.2 2* 13tV 99i/2 89 803/4 0V8 2% 0% 0*f ^0 23,4 2% 3^ 23/8 0^ 01M 24.10| 5.2 13.9 OA 9.8 6.4 11.2 5^1 5.1 6 4.5 15 8.7 171/4 I 15.7 OA 6.2 l ! 7.6 U 13.2 Of 25.1 2 °*, 4.2 5.5 13.2 0 ^ 30.12' 21 25.8 19.9 01 '"Vs l.'l? 33/4 8.7 1" •iA • 1C 0 ^ 26.9 1 ok\ 1*1 m °* nl i4% 9.*5 51 1 148 0 ^ 22.11 2i(j 3i/8 15.1 3 ^ 24.2 1A, 1ft 14 16.9 0^ "y4 15.'l li*.'2 14378 13.9 .00/o 13.4 993^ 14.5 3i y2 27.1 1 20.6 0| "itk n.'i , y4 * A Vs A 5£ 30.12 o* 30.12| 26.2 11.4 0^0 16.5 o^J SHIPPING, TEA & COFFEE, TELEGRAPHS & TELEPHONES, TRAMS & OMNIBUS for 1892, NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. Sa TELEGRAPHS & TELEP.cow. Gt. Northern of Copenhagen] 20 Do. 5 % do. (ias.l883)| 1083,4 15.8 4% 23.3 1 9% 31.121 5 | l Indo-European, Limited ... 45% 5.4 London Platino-Braz., Lim, 6.12 6.1V Do. 6 % Debenture?] 109 National Telephone 5TV Do. 1st Pref. 14% 22.1 0i 2.1 Do. 2nd Pref. 14& 11.7 30.3 Do. 5%3rdPf.«£| 3 % 1.121 1.121 D o . £4< paid i] 4 & 114 Do. 4 | % D e b . Do. do. .£25 paidti] 25.10| 25.10| 13 Do. do. «£50pd. id\ 5.1 1 1 % 15.8 Do. do. « £ 7 5 p d . ^ ! Do. do. a l l p d . id 108% 17.3 IO14 14.9 N. Telephone,Lim.<£2pd.<&ti[ 2^r Do. d£4 pd. i\ 4% 29.2 13% 26.10 Oriental Telephone, Lim V4 4.Ill 14 1 R e u t e r ' s , Limited ... 17.2 4% 20.10! United River Plate Telepho.l 8% 9.121 30.4 Do. 5 % Deb.f 8 13.6 W e s t African Telegraph ... 90 7% 11.10 Bo. do. 5% Debs.) 22*12] "i% 22.121 W e s t Coast of Amer., Lim. 104 23.12| 9.1 Do. 8 % Debentures! 0M Ws 9.1 12.9 21 W e s t e r n & Brazilian, Lim 2 % 20.6 9 2.3 Do. do. Preferred] 105 128 29.1 25.7 |19* Do. do. Deferred 10% 21.1 ISO 11.10! 1 9 | Do. D e b . , " A , " 1910 6% 42 8.1 1.10 Do. Deb., " B , " 1910| 4fo 6% 24.10 f 107% 5.1 15% 26.10| 3f W e s t India & Panama,Lim. 109 5.1 Do. do. 1st Pref.] 5% 26.9 2 | 4.2 Do. do. 2nd do. 7% W e s t I n d i a & P a c . Steam,L. Do. do. 5% Debs, -il 9% W e s t e r n Union 7% 1st Mort. Do. Sterling Bonds 105% TA A D C FE. E N OFE 123% 7.4 7f 30% 21.12! Assam TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS, 101 British Indian, Limited ... 1% 29.9 Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. 1% 13.10) 30.5 20% 9.1 17 Darjeeling, Limited Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 3% 30.3 2f Barcelona, Limited 111% 13% 30.12 11 Dooars Tea ... Do. 5% Deb.| 4% Do. Pref. .£10 paid 13% 13.5 12& 29.8 IT 7 90% E a s t e r n Assam, Limited ... 3 * H . l l l 2% 2.3 0 k Belfast Street 1456 J o k a i Tea 15*£ 3.12 13% 1.7 2TO" Bordeaux, Limited l 3oy4 19.10| Jorehaut Tea, Limited Do. 5% Preference.. 5% 33 / 8 12.12] L a n k a Plantations, Limited Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. 9% 22.*3 3" Bue. Ayr. & Belg. Pref. Shs. l ^ r 11 19.121 Lebong, Limited Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% , 4% Luckimpore, Limited 3% 24.10) 3% 24.10! Buenos Ayr. N e w T r a m Pf. Do. New, Limited.) 41/4 13.9 l * Do. 5 % X)eb.d\'100% Ouvah Coffee, Limited "5& 25.4 Calais, Limited 1 2.6 Upper Assam Tea, Limited M 4.11 A Calcutta, Limited ! 5% Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 4 % TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. Do. 5 % Debentures) 103 16.8 100% 7.9 2 i African Direct 4 % Deben. Anglo-American, Limited... 51% 22.1 1 46% 24.8 51 City of Buenos Ayres, Lim. 5% D o . iss.@3pm.c£2pd. 2^ Do. do. Pref.] 92% 30.12! 87% 4.5 4f Do. 6% D e b . Stk.|107 Do. do. Def. 14V4 5.1 9% 26.9 4f If Continental Metropolitan.. 11% 8.9 10% 2i.6 Brazilian Submarine, Lim.| Do. 6% Pref...I il/s 12.2 21 Do. do. 5 % Bonds 1-03% 6.7 101 11% D o . 2nd Ser.June,1906i 110 2 C . i l 10434 17.8 5 i Dublin United j 10^3% 18.10 , 0 i Edinburgh Street Chili Telephone 3 % 18.3 5.1 !31f Glasgow Trm.& Omnibus,L.j 8% 19.12! 151 Commercial Cable ... 182% 3 Hawaiian 8.12 14.1 Con.TelephoneCon.Main.,L.j % 21.12! 10% 7.1 2 Imperial, Limited .., Cuba, Limited it 12% 26-8 16% 23.5 If Leicester =£10 paid... til Do. 10% Preference 18% i.6 Do. £9 paid ... d\ .. 25.4 Of Direct Spanish, Limited 3% 10% 9 8.2 Of Liverpool United Do. 10 % Pref.! 3 % 14.9 9% 13.101 10% 15.1 London, Limited 11% Direct Un. States Cable, L 1 2 ^ 27.10 14 Do. 6% Pref... 12 16.1 E a s t e r n , Limited ... 15% 3 0 . l l | 15 Do. Pound. Sc. Certs. 8% 21.1 Do. 6% Preference Do. 5% Deb. ...110 3.2 Do. 5% Debentures 1899 16% 16.1 106 Do. 4£% " B " D e b s . 102 20.10) 107% 23.1 Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Stock 110 11434 13.101 14% 16.12 Do.5%"C"Mort.Db.ii04 E a s t e r n Extension, Limited] Lon. D e p t . & Greenw. Prf. Do. 5% do.Reg.,1900 15% 11.8 103 7.3 Do. do. Def. 24.2 Do. 5% Bearer 1900] 105% 7.11 102 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 142 106% 19.10) 106% 4.2 Do. 4% D e b . London Road Car 7% 1-11% 6.12| 101 East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900 4 . 1 2* 8% 13.6 101 23.2 4i London Street Do. do. Bearer 106 Do. 4% Mort. D e b 104% 7.11 100% 21.4 °4 Montreal St. Rail. 5% D e b . L05% 5 3* 6* MINES, COL. & FOR.—COM. South E a s t Mysore Gold til Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim.| ° 1 6 Tolima, Limited 14% Un. Mexican, Lim. SI pd W e n t w o r t h Gold, L.18s.p.< Do. 19s. paid it W e s t B a t . Rf. Gd.M. £1 p.ti! Yankee Girl S i l . M . 17/6 p.ti Do. 19s. 6d. paidi'ti Do. £1 paidil SHIPPING, African Steamship c£16paid] 13 Do. do. all paid Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim.| 13% British Shipowners, Lim. ti| Castle Mail Packets, L i m . . . 12% Commercial Steamship,L. d\ Cunard Steam., L . £20 paid; 15% Do. do. .£10 paid 6% General Steam Navigation 8 Do. 5 % Preference 10% 10% Do. 5% 1877 Mercantile Steamship, Lim.| National Steamship, Lim "i% New Zealand, L i m . £ 6 paid.] Orient Steam Navigation,L. 5y4 Penin.& Oriental Steam Prf. 137 Do. do. Def. 199% Royal Mail Steam Packet... 6156 Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim.] 9 & Union Steamship, Limited..] 21% Do. do. New ... Union Steamship of N . Zeal 914 8*1 m im I* i* ? 149 22.12] 18% 13.7 30.5 103% 24.9 15.12) n% 3.5 II 5461 29.*6 107% 27.7 4^ l . ! 2 | 12% 8.12 12 30.11 3 ^ 15.12 4% 19.12 105 13.'l i'i 30.1 6.1 11.1 2 12.12] \ 19.12 0T3A 6.1 9 7.7 108% 24.10 l l /s 11 10.12) 3Tg 22.1 % 17.11 51/9 19.11] 16 18.10] 90 30.7 7% 8.2 99% 19.2 2% 22.4 100 8.2 7l/8 4.2 5% 19.2 7.5 103 31.12| 103% 1JL 6.1 •*-16 7.11 5.4 8 2.11) 101% 3.1l! 120% 19.8 100% 7.7 19.9 3.11| 22 1 29A 11.2 18.10] 30.7 4.5 21.111 8.1 19.12) 17.12 9.12] 16.8 16.8 11.6 5.1 9.7 1.9 21.11] 4.5 X n on i& 2* if 5 3f If "16 4£ 5f m m 3| 3f 0| 16.11| 6.1 1 « 25.11 16.5 15* 7.12| 17.2 " 1 * A 15.2 5* 8.9 o . l If 17.11 17.2 123/4 15.11| I I 10.3 9.6 1* 4 11.4 24.3 0 & 8 14.10| 0% 25.6 8.9 7.12 29.12! 29.12 •S* i a? 16.2 28.3 3% 22.10) If 3 % 25.11! I f 21.11 " 3 ^ 17.'2 19.11 0 ^ 1.4 9.6 107 . 9 . 6 3.5 % 21.7 15.1 3 % 11.11 14.9 10% 12.11 16.1 8% 3 0 . 5 7.1 6% 23.9 6.8 22.1 13.5 22.2 20.2 25.4 8.7 11.13 Up i» Of of 2? '*'% 21.4 9% 7% 10 * * 7% 104 101 101% 12.8 15.10) 10,8 29.2 8.1 5.1 17.8 7.1 105% 16.11 |36i 24.11! 5% 5.2 Hi 6 10.S 20.6 2i NAME OF STOCK. TEAMS & OMNIBUS.—con, N o r t h Metropolitan 14% North Staffordshire,Lim.. 4I/2 Nottingham&District, Lim Provincial Limited 4% Do. Cum. Pref. 10fc Seville Tramwavs ... Sheffield ... * ... *5i/2 Southampton 8i/4 South London Sunderland, Limited Tramways Co. of France, L. Tramway sCo.of Germany,L. Tramways Union, Limitedl 5% Do 4£ % Debentures' Vienna General Omnibus,L. Q 7 °16 W o l v e r h a m p t o n , Limited... 5 ^ WATERWORKS, Alexandria ... Antwerp, Limited 15% Chelsea Ordinary |259i^ Do. 5% Pref. 146 Do. 4 | % Pref. 133 Do. 4£% Deb. 145 City of St. Petersburg, Lim ?3/s Colno Valley 10% Do. New (Max. 7%). 101 Do. 4% Deb. 209 E a s t London Do. 4£ Debenture... 144 107i/2 Grand Junction " A " Do. " B " i 50% Do. " 0 " i 48 Do. New (max. *7%)i\ 86 Do. Debenture i 126 • !*J B a\ 1 4.2 7.6 11.11 22.1 23.2 27." 121 5.12| 1.3 3.8 19.4 21.6 22.6 3.3 23.9 9.121 9% 234 5 3H 9% NAME OF STOCK. WATERWORKS—continued. 7.10 ^ K e n t 279 Do. do. Stock.. 175 17.12 If 6 29.1 U Kimberley, Limited 27.4 A T 6 Do. 6 % Debentures! 981/2 Do. 6% Deb. Stock. 96 2.2 o£ *4i/2 4.5 634 21.4 03,4 19.3 6V4 1.4 % 15.1 10^ 14.5 4% 20.9 99^ 3 3 2 30.6 4 13.1 15.12| iiy2 1.2 227 21.121 137 21.12 124 21.12 131 8.12| 4% 17.6 10 s 1 Flue tio est. TRAMWAYS and OMNIBUS, continued, and WATERWORKS, for 1892. Lambeth, maximum 10 % ... 229 Do. do. 7^% ... 195 Do. 4 % Debentures!!126# Monte Video 17i/5 Do. 5% 1st Debs.... 10034 Do. 5% 2nd Debs. 94 New Biver, New , 338 Do. 4 % Debentures 135 Do. Debentures B 129 Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. 1% l Do. B Deferrd. /2 Do. 5 % Debentures] 74 Pernambuco, 1st Deb. Bds.. 951/2 Portlnd. W t r . C.M.4% G. B . 961/2 Shanghai, Limited ... d\ Seville 1414 South Staffordshire A d\ Do. B Do. 4 % Debentures d\ Southwark & Vauxhall ... 153 Do. D 74% maximum 1423/4 Do. 5 % Pref 145 Do. 4f% Debs. ... 142 T a r a p a c a ,£10paid ...\ 12Y8 W e s t Middlesex 251 Do. 4i%Deb....l42^ i" 1* 0* Of 0ft Of Of l£ 2Q'.S 3* 23.3 32* 23.7 9 23.7 9 31.10 14 4.4 4* 19.2 Of 25.*2 101 25.'2 11.1 193 15.3 16 24.11 137 30.1 7 1.12| 90 18.3 17* 21.7 503,4 21.7 13.10| 47 29.9 i 27.6 83 25.8 3 21.10 122# 14.6 3* 1 i Inserted during 1892. d Discontinued during 1892. * Coupons payable abroad. 150 11.12 j242 7.4 160 14.3 4 . 1 94 30.1 93 27.1 |205 21.6 181 14.12]1120)4 8.7 15 2.8 941/2 13.12| 90 25.1 |323 3.12| 1241/2 10.8 1241/2 20.4 Its 13.6 y2 3.3 19.2 68 23.6 95 96i/2 22.6 1414 25.3 37 15.3 | 1 5 r 2.9 7.5 4 | 28.3 3 23.3 24 28.3 14 26.5 6 11.5 24 11.5 12.5 18.101 6.2 15 8.3 Hi 8.2 4* 13.6 27.101 19.2 23.6 6* 0* 22.6 11.6 133 25.2 130 16.9 I 138 15.9 1371-2 2 . 1 ioy 4 19.1 28.11 235 136 24.3 20 14.4 12f 2.1 7 20.12| 44 27.9 1* 9.8 16 7.1 ? , m\ 1893 BRITISH FUNDS, CORPORATION STOCKS, and COLONIAL & PROV. SECURITIES for 1893, NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. 6KITI6H FUNDS. 97 2. 99% 1 New Consols (Goschens) 97% 26. Do. do. forA/c.|, 99% 22 100 20. 1 New Three-and-half p . Cts 101 19 9. 1 Two-and-Three-Quart.p.Cts.| 102V4 2 95% 6. 9 Two-and-a-half per Cents... 98l/4 22 9 • 97% 7 96i/s Do. for Account 105% 10 1023/8 2.9 Local Loans Stock 10034 17 Metrop. Police 3% Deb. Stk. 11102% 13 12 28. Bed Sea and Ind. Tel. Ann, 12% 23 2/-dis 2, Exchequer Bills (Mar. Sep.)J 7/-P. 8 |4/-dis 12. Do. do. (JuneDec.)j 5/-p. 21 Exchequer 2f % Bonds 14.11 106% 22. Can. Gov. "Intercl. K,.," 19031 111 Do. do. 1908 l l l ^ 13.12 I H 1 4 13. Do. Bonds 1910 114-% 2.12 114 18. 6. Do. Bonds 1913 116% 2.12, 113 Egypt. Gov. 3 % Gua. Loan) 1043/g 28.2 101% 6. Jamaica, Imp.G.,1897| Mauritius 3% j&O to be pd.-icf 8.4 104 20.1: Do. all paid i\ 106 2.2 110 18.7 106 Turkish 4 % Guaranteed 343 1.2 325 16. i: Bank of England ... 7.3 320% 22.12] 292 B a n k of Ireland India Stock S\% 1931| 110% 23.4 106% 16.9 110 22.4 .073/s 25.9 Do. for Account Do. 3% 1948]110014 27.2 96% 6.9 l Do. for Account 100 25.2 973/8 10.1 Do. Sep. all paid d\ India Deben. 3t% Aug. 1"" " 6314 3.' 7 6314 3.'7 Do. Enfaced Paper 4% 71% 27.6 6 1 % 21.3 15.4 Do. do. 4£% 1893d| 64 21.7 59 Isle of Man Debentures 3^%i |102% 16.12]|101% 8.8 Do. do. 3% 1929 CORPORATION SIOCKS — STAMP DVT] Y'FREE" Metrop. Cons.Stk. 3 | %,1929 115% 1.12 112 11.9 Do. do. 3 %,1941 106% 4.4 102% 5.9 1.2 " 1 4 21.8 Do. do. 2|%, 19491 " % Do. do. £S0 to-psbjidl Com. of Sewers 3£% 1905 104% 28"3 102 26" 6 28.8 100 28.8 Corp. of London3£% ,1891-94 100 15.2 10034 11, Do. do. 3i%, 1895-8 103 1021,4 9.5 99^/2 11. Do. do. 3 % 19121 Do. 3£% Deb. Scrip allpd, 104% 10.4 103 11. Birmingham 3£ % . 19461 116% 4.5 II234 4. Do. 3% 1947 104% 27.4 100% 29. 12.7 99 19. Bournemouth 3 % 1913-33 i\ 101 Brighton 3f % 1946] 116% 26.4 II314 6. 8.12] " " ' 7. Burton-on-Trent3 % 1913-43ij ~ " Do. Scrip <£30 to pay id\ 100% 2.12| 99% 4 Cambridge 3 % 1913-43 i\ Cardiff 31 % 1935 115% 26.4 m i / 8 5, Cheltenham 3% ... 19711 1013/g 26.4 983/8 18 Croydon 3 | % Irredeemable! 118% 23.4 114 12, Derby 3% 1920-50 1023/8 6.5 99 27, Dorset County, 3 % 1922 102% 19.7 1100 7, Dublin 3f% 1944] Glasgow 3 | % 1914| 22.4 119 22.4 Do. 3f % Irredeemable 119 Grimsby 3 % 1913 i\ Huddersfield 3% 1934 102% 2.5 99i/8 6, Hull 3 | % F i r s t issue 1943| 115% 1.6 11134 10, Ipswich 3 % 1952 102% 26.4 9934 4, Leicester Sh % 1934 114% 8.5 IIO14 6, Lincoln 3% 1919| 10134 16.5 99% 30. 119 4.5 1115% 12. Liverpool 3^ % Manchester 3% 1891-1941 1023/4 30.12! 98% 24. Do. Sep. c£50 t o pay id\ Do. do. ,£25 to pav id\ 74% 10."l0 74% lO.lOj Do. do. all paid i\ Middlesbrough 3f % 1909 103 2 104% 27. Do. 3| % 1911-13 10534 5 103 9. Newcastle S\% 1036| 114 2 1103/4 6. Do. 3 | % Irredeem |1I6 26 113% 25. Norwich 3 % 1952 102% 6 99% 5. Nottingham 3 % 10314 18 99% 6. Oxford 3% 4 1951 IIOOI4 19. Plymouth 3 % 102%" 21 99% 12. Portsmouth 3 | % "1916-27 II41/4 5 110% 19. Do. 3% 1913 33 101 15 99% 14. Reading 3 | % 116% 23 112% 23. Do. 3% ... 103 13 99 5, [CORPORATION STKS.—con. STAMP I UTY FREE.I 15.9 Rhyl3£% 1953i 105% 8.8 104 Richmond 3 % 1942[ 10034 19.5 98i/8 3.1 Somerset County3% 1923-33i 302i/8 1.8 IOOI/4 1.6 Stockton 3% 1932 1003/8 23.4 973/8 5.1 Surrey County 3 % 1922-321102% 22.7 1011/4 9.1 Swansea 3 i % 1951 II534 20.5 111% 4.1 Taunton 3 % 1919-39 10014 10.5 96% 20.1 TunbridgeWells3% 1931! 101% 28.2 963/4 6.1 Tynemouth3% 19131 100 12.9 973/4 26.10] W e s t Bromwich 3% 1930 1013/g 11.7 , 97% 15.11, W e s t Ham 3^% 1929 107% 29.6 104 3 Weymouth &M.Beg. 3%1918 100 28.4 963/8 23.1 Wigan3% 1921 100% 21.4 97% 3.1 Do. Scp.^865tobepaidi'^ Do. <£30 to be paidic? Windsor 3 % 1918 10134 27.4 9734 20.1 Wisbech Borough 3 | % 1947 1083/8 16.2 106 12.1 Wolverhampton 3f % 1932 114% 23.6 111% 14.3 York 3% ,£70 to be paid id\ Do. ^635 to be paid id\ Do. all paid 1914-16 i\ 101% 25.5] 99% 8.8 SUBJECT TO STAMP DU TY." Belfast W a t e r Com.3^%1938 102% 7.9 100% 22.7 3.2 Birmingham Gas Ann. of £1\ 32% 9.5 32 Blackburn 4 % Do. 3|% 115% 17.3 '111% 6.1 Bristol 3 i % Douglas Town 3£%... 1921]|102% 9.6 1003/4 4 . 8 Hull 3 ^ % (2nd issue) 1943 Leeds 4 % 1927 120 4.'5 115 28.'8 Do. 3i% 1927] II414 4.7 108 5.1 Manchester 4 % 13234 27.10 128i/s 3.2 Do. 3% ... 1928^1 10034 25.4 100 26.6 ~~ • Middlesbrough 4£ % 1908*1 25.2 .08 9.12] Sheffield Si % 1898-1916103 24.5 101% 7.4 Do. Si % 1925-3610714 7.4 IO71/4 7.4 Do. 3 % 99 15.3 97% 7.4 Southampton Sh% ... 1945109 25.4 104% 5.1 Stockton 4 | % " 1908|10834 11.3 IO6I/4 28.11 Swansea H a r bourTr st .4^% d COLONIAL I PROV. SECURITIES. B. Columbia(Pro.of)6%, 1907129 12.1 124% 7.7 4^ % Deb. 1917|117 27.4 113% 27.9 # Do. British Guiana 4% ... C a n . " I n t c . B l . L . , " 5 %,1903 11334 10.2 111 16.12 Do. 4% 1904-5-6-81 IO914 23.101 101% 18.5 Do. Reduced 4% 1910 1093/g 15.4 105 16.5 Do. 3|% 1909-34 105% 5.5 102% 27.7 Do. 4 % 1910-35] 109% 22.12] 108 3.8 Do. 3 % Red. 1938 ""' 21.6 92% 28.8 Do.B.Colum.(Pro.of)6%'94| IOO14 1.12] 1001/i 1.12 Cape of G. H. 6 %, 1892-1900 102% 30.12 102% 30.12 Do. do. 5 % 1900\ 108% 11.101 IOI14 29.8 Do. 4£ % red. an. dr, 108% 23.3 104 20.10] 9.2 104 25.10] Do. 4*%, 1879 do. 107 Do. 4 %, 1881 do. 105% 31.5 102 21.7 Do. 4 % 1917-2311121/8 7 [107^6 11.12] Do. 5 % 10/40 df 104% 29.4 10014 10.7 Ceylon 4£ % Sink. Ed. fr. '82l106" 14.2 105 17.1 Do. 4% 1886-90] 0434 23.4 (103 16.2 Fijian Government 4 j % 10334 4.1 100% 9.10] Hong Kong 4 % 105 26.6 101% 24.11 10334 29.3 101% Jamaica 4 % Manitoba 5 % Debs. 19101 11634 20.3 109 Do. do. 1923] 117% 2.6 HOI/4 |101% 12.12] 10034 Do. 4 % Ster. Dbs, Do. do. 25% & 50% pd.i] Mauritius 6 % 1895-96! 16534 5\8 102 28.8 Do. 10434 24.3 !ie434 24.3 4i % 4 % Do. 102% 21.1 101 21.7 6 % Natal 1896 110% 7.4 105 23.8 Do. 5 % 1909 Do. ii% 1920 li'634 24.1 106% 22.9 I Do. 4 % 1926!10934 27.2 106 16.5 Do. 5% 10/401894-1925!103% 19.4 100% 15.11 Newfoundland 3h% 1941 9214 24.10] 91% 20.12] N.S.Wales 5 % * 1893-1894]IOI34 11.12 IOOI/4 11.7 Do. 5% 1895-1902 108 16.1 100 17.5 Do. 5% 1872-1898 103 5.8 27.7 Do. 4%1903-5-S-9-10 1033/4 28.12] 92 " 17.5 lilt Do. 4% 19101104 29.12 9534 16.5 8i 153 COLONIAL & PROVINCIAL continued, and FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, 10%, 1870 17.5 Queensland 4% Ins., 1915-24 103% 22.111 89 4/4 13.7 Do. 3 * % I n s . 1924-30 921/4 22.11J 75 16.5 14i Hungarian 4% G.Eentes,'8l| 963/4 20.2 9^% 3.11 15 102 3.1 97% 1.12] 3 16.5 17* Italian 5% (Sard.), 1851 ... Sth. Austra. 4%Eog. 1916-36| 105% 2.8 93 113 6.3 95% 29.12 34 Do. Irrigation 6 % 3.6 85% 17.5 112* Do. 3*%Ins.l939 96 22.3 79 D 0. 5 %, Maremmana E y . 93 5.12] 64 16.5 10* 5.1 84 Tasmanian 3 | % I n s . 1920-401 96 HO 14.6 104 J a p a n 7%, 1873 4.1 4 * . Trinidad 4% I n s . 1917-42] 105 27.12| 104 14.12] 12 85'/2 16.2 52 74 Mexican 6% 1888 35.5 1 Victoria 4% I n s . 1907 103% 1.6 94 14 Do. 5%TehuantepecEl, 71% 21.2 41 11.3 93 16.5 9* Do. 4% Ins.1908-13-191 103 17.7 6 Do. 6% Silver Cur. Ln 47% 8.4 28 17.5 10 Do. 4 % , 1885 1920] 1031,4 9.6 95 851/4 18.2 54 8.8 133* Do. External 6 % 16.5 84 Do. 3£ % I n s . 1921-3-6 93i/8 14.121 79 89% 9.2 18.10| 30^ Do. 4% I n s . 1911-26 il102% 14.12 98i/4 8.11 14| Nicaragua 6 %, 1886 104% 24.2 991/4 2.6 Norwegian 4 %, 1880 Do. Scrip 40%to pay id\ 61% 11.12 59% 15.11 4 | Do. 3*% 1886 101% 13.2 94 25.8 Do. all paid id\ 102 13.12] 102 13.12 5.7 Do. 3 % 1888 91% 24.1 84% 13.11] 23 West. Australia 4 % 1934 107% 27.3 102 54 I Do. 4% 1911-31' 1033/4 21.3 95% 18.5 vt m n ti m m m m lm n m m 71 n 54 -a •i % 0 Hi Fluctuation. 1 MS 43 ID O J I NAME OF STOCK. Day. ! Month. _s FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, &C.—continued. Orange Free State 6 % 104 P a r a g u a y Bonds, 1886 19 Portuguese 3 %, 1853-84 . J 24 Russian 5 %, 1822 1211/2 Do. 3 % , 1859 84 Do.(Nic.Eail.),1867-69... 9&i/. Do. 3%,Transcau.Eail. 8 2 " Do. 4% Conv. Series I. 10114 Do. 4% do. Series I I . 101 Do. 4 % do. Series I I I . 99 Salvador 6 % Bonds, 1914 68 San D omingo 6 %, 1869 ... San Tni^ Potosi6% Str. Bds. 73 San Paulo Prov. 5 % 88 2714 Santa F e 6%, 1883-84 Do. Eng. Assoc. Certs. 27i/2 Do. Bonds ... 1923 26% Do. Eng. Assoc. Certs. 211/2 Do. W.Cen.Col.Ey.5 % 26 SantaFe&Eec.B1.5%Mt.Bs.: 2814 Spanish Quicksilver M o r t . . 10634 Do. 4% ' 671/2 Swedish 4 % , 1878 1 107 Do. 4 % , 1880 1073/8 91i/2 Do. 3 % , 1888 Transvaal 5% ^ ... 1942 IO8I/2 Tucuman, Province of, 6% 52i/2 Turkish 5%, 1854 IO6I/2 Do. 44%, 1871 10134 Do. Priority 4%, 1890..' 91% D o . Converted, Series A 573/8 . Do. do. B 351/2 Do. do. C 24l/2 Do. do. D 22H Do. 5% Customs L. 1886 99 Do. (New) 4% 1891 ... 9 9 ^ Louisiana 4% Stamped Bds. U.S. (Masschstts.) 5%, 1894 1031/2 Do. do. 5%, 1900 108 Do. do. 5%, 1895 1041/2 Uruguay,Unified 5% ,1883... Do. 6 % Ster. Loan Do. 3f % Bonds ... 38% Venezuela 3 % Cons., 1881 38 m Day. Month. ft +3 Day. 1 Month. NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Ac, continued, and RAILWAYS—Ordinary* Leased Lines for 1893. | Hi 22.11 104 4 . 1 1314 27.4 191/6 16.10 1151/2 7.3 803/8 8.9 94i/2 8.11 751/2 11.12 95% 23.11 96 20.10 931/2 29.9 641/2 22.11 30.12 8.11 4.3 31.1 27.*4 57 23.3 71i/2 4 . 5 15 2.5 14& 29.4 17 13.4 17 31.1 16 14.1 17 2.3 102 6.4 58% 28.4 IO214 25.2 1011/2 30.1 86 30.12 98% 18.12 33i/2 30.3 IOI14 5.4 95% 14.12 86I/2 20.12 53 14.12 293/8 7.12 20% 20.12 203/8 16.6 9114 8.121 931/2 ll.*9 16" i 3 # 1 1 16i 23.8 12i 18.11 13 4.10 9 ! 20.10 4* 30.9 10 21.12 3.1 4 | 8.11 8 | 3.1 4 | 6 # i 0 5* 11.8 6* 10.1 9f 27.1 19 19.5 5i25.5 61 22.3 51 25.7 4 | 9.1 1 6* 9.1 3f 9.1 2 ^ 19.1 1 74 23.1 6 3 t l 14.1 6.1 4.1 11.1 11.3 51 4f 6 31 5 6i 1 5* 5 6i 3* m\ RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. Barry 207 Caledonian 12134 1 Do. Fref. Conv. Ord. 83% Do. Def. Conv. Old- 3914 Do. Deferred N o . 1 3ft City and South London ... 381/2 Cornwall Minerals Hi/2 E a s t London 9 75% Furness Glasgow and S o u t h w e s t e r n 1121/2 Great E a s t e r n 863/8 Great North of Scotland ... 851/2 Great Northern Prf .Con.Od. 1171/2 Do. Def. Con. Ord. 6814 Do. A 68 Do. B 180^ Great Northern (Ireland)... 1413/s Great South. & W . (Ireland) 1171/2 Great Western 1683/s Do. ell paid d\ Highland 117 33% Hull & Barnsley Isle of W i g h t Prf. Con. Ord. 110 Do. Def. Con. Ord. 72 Lancashire and Yorkshire... 109% L., Brighton, & South Coast 169% Do. do. all paidd 162 Do. do. Preferred 176% Do. do. Deferred 159% Do. Contin. E i g h t s 26 London, Chat., & Dov. Arb. 18 London a n d N o r t h Western 176% London and South Western 195 Do. 4%Pf. Con. Od. 1241/2 Do. Def. Con. Ord. 76i/2 London, Til., and Southend 11434 16.11 187*4 14.2 III34 14.2 i 79% 21.1 J 303/8 23.4 2 13.3 30 6.2 H « 23.1 6^ 16.1 6514 4.2 10534 20.1 733/s 21.11 743/g 14.2 1091/2 28.1 491/2 30.1 50 28.7 171 17.11 138 26.10 114& 27.1 150% 20.2 30.11 10 3.1 4 26.7 81 1.8 1 * 29.9 Sk 27.1 Of 1.9 0 . 5 , "1 4.9 1016 18.3 6 | 29.12 13 6.1 1H 14.11 8 22.8 6.11 18 6.3 91 14.7 3 i 6.5 3 26.10 17.10 111 31.1 20 25.2 25.7 21.7 1051/2' 5.1 70 9.2 102!/2 20.6 1581/2 3.2 153 27.12 1701/s 16.6 142 4 . 5 20 28.4 1234 27.1 162 4 . 4 175% 11.8 118 4.4 59 9.1 104 4.2 4f 21.7 2 16.8 6! 3 . 1 101 3.1 9 5.1 6 | 25.10 17 22.3 61 19.7 51 4.9 14i 4.1 13.2 6 i 16.1 22.12 10f m m m 6* m m m Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. QQ% 14.1 481/2 14.11 18f i " 3 1031-2 4*3 2.2 103 4 . 1 5" 1 Do. do. Preferred 107 3 . 1 1 70 14.111 37 Do. do. Deferred. 33% 6.1 22% 29.8 10^ 25,10 1041/2 25.10 Mersey ^ 2% 23.2 ! 1 20.12 H Metropolitan Consolidated. 89% 27.3 81% 9.10, 8 i Metropolitan Surplus Lands 7734 8.2 72% 10.10 5* 16\2 2934 12.'8 7.6 30 2.10 8 Metropolitan District 3434 17.4 22^- 22.8 1 2 ^ Midland 162% 9.2 146% 26.10 16 FOREIGN, STKS., BDS. &c. N o r t h B r i t i s h Ord. Pref. ... 73% 14.9 65i/2 18.5 71 COUPONS PAYABLE ABROAD. Do. Ordinary ... 403/8 20.1 30 18.7 101 161% 6.2 151l/2 7.3 9 | Argentine N a t l . Ced. " B " 3 2 ^ 29.4 24 26.7 8f North E a s t e r n Do. New Scrip d 161% 27.1 154 10.1 AustrianSilverEentesJa J y 823/8 16.3 753/g 22.8 7 , Do. Apr. Oct. i N o r t h London 213 3 19.6 185 14.10 28 N o r t h Staffordshire 128 4 20.6 120 9.9 8 | Do. Paper BentesFb Am Do. " May Nov.... 1 8134 1.2 7714 2S."lO 4'i Do. Gold E e n t e s E h o n d d a & Swansea Bay .. 7 6.9 7 6.9 991/2 18.2 93i/2 13.11 6 Ehymney 252 9.6 193 23.1 59" Belgian 2£% Do. 3 %, 1874 Scarborough, B . , & W . R. J . 20 22.6 19 13.10 1 102 2*.*3 16614 12.1 i f Danish Internal 3$% Bonds 96 Somerset and Dorset 6.4 96 * 6.4 South E a s t e r n 126 23.'4 l i i 16 i n 15* Do. 3 | % Eed. by pur. 1900 3 Do. do. Preferred ... 1164% 4.5 156% 6.1 7D u t c h Certificates 2^ % ... 1 85 4 28 i 4 81% 6\2 4* Do. do. 3£% ... 10334 9.1 99^2 5.10 4 f Do. do. Deferred ... ! 89 27.4 683/8 25.10 20f 1 Do. do. I n t . Certs. ;122 26.4 110 16.11 12 ! Do. do. 3|%Bds. !.!03i/2 4 . 1 10214 10.6 H French E e n t e s 4 | % [107% 14.2 102 28.8 5f Sth. York. J u n c t i o n ^ pdici ... Do 3 % 98% 28.11 9334 4 . 1 5 Do.. do. £4> paid id Do. do. £6 paidid Do. 3 %Eed. ... 971/2 16.2 941/2 10.1 3 German Imperial 3 % 873/4 2.3 8414 22.11 3f Do. do. .£8 paid i " 8 ^ 22 .'8 "s& 22i8 Italian 5% Eentes Taff Vale " Stock " Act 1889 88 9.6 751/2 6.9 12J 92% 7.4 77% 2.11 15 Portuguese Inter. 1850-69 d LINES LEASED. P r u s s i a n Consols 4 % 1671/217*;6 104 i'.'l 3* Birkenhead 136% 17.5 1301/2 5.10 5 | Do. 3% 87& 18.2 8414 19.10 ! 3* Do. 4^% Preference Eoumanian 4%, 1890 i 843/4 28.4 8134 21.10 3 Colchester, Stour Valley,&c. 105 14.*2 102% 10.10 2 | Do. 1891 % 85 10.4 841/2 5.4 0£ E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % 1891/2 19.5 II8OI/2 3.1 9 United States 2%, 1891 Ely a n d Newmarket 151/4 25.1 1 151/4 25.1 Do. do. 4 % 1907 117% Hammersmith & City 5 | % 2.2 11234 10.'8 j 4 | i Virginian 5 %, 1854 London a n d Blackwall ... I4734 4 ' 8 1411/2 22'! 2 ... ei Do. 6 % , 1872 Do. 4£ % Preference l463/4 30.6 140l/2 10.2 64 Do. Con. & Br.Ship.Ct.d 4234 16.*3 341/2 27.*7 \'si London a n d Greenwich ... 93 3.5 8734 25.1 H Do. 10/40 do. a 37 8.8 37 8.8 Do. Pref. 5% 1621/2 21.11 1521/2 6.2 10 Do. 2 % F u n d e d Debt i 57% 13.12 531/4 13.11 4f Mid K e n t (Cray Line) ... n! n 155 RAILWAYS—Leased Lines continued, Debenture, and Guaranteed Stocks for 1893. NAME OF STOCK. I LINES LEASED—continued. Northern and E a s t e r n 5%.., 803/4 Do. do. 6%... 94 N o r t h & South Western J n c . Nottingham and Grantham 135% Nottingham Suburban 34% 113% Portpatrick & Wigtonshire 114% Royston, H i t c h . & Shepreth 190 Shrews.&Heref .6% Rent-ch. 192% Victoria Station & Pimlico 282 Do. 44% ... 147 W e s t London, Class C 12-f3 Weymouth and P o r t l a n d ... 11 10.7 26.7 13.'6 13.4 27.1 19.12 22.9 4.8 9.8 13.4 CO j si & NAME OF STOCK. 0 773/4 27.3 86 10.2 131% 109 IHV2 179% 184 268 142% 12 += cb 1 1 • 1 •a | 1 <0 O Q 0 Hi DEBENTURE STOCKS—«m. Metropolitan 4 % 135 Do. U% .., 149 Do. 3|% 117 Do.3f % (subj .to Act of'85) 115% Metropolitan District 6 %... 189 " Do. 4 % . . . 124 Midland 3 % ... 107 Mid-Wales A 44% 122 3 8 28.'9 4" 5.10 4f 3.6 3 16.2 4.2 8-1 12.7 14 | 103% 31.8 4* N o r t h British 3 % 138% 13.4 1 0?o N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 152 Do. 4£% N o r t h London 44 % 152 N o r t h Staffordshire 44 % ... 14434 m DEBENTURE STOCKS. Banbury & Cheltenham 5 % ... Rhondda& Swansea Bay4%'i 111 ••• Do. 5 % , ' 7 3 r e d . t o 4 % ... Rhymney Perpetual 4 % ... 130 Do. 5 % , 1881 Sev. & Wye & Sev. Edge. 4% 83 Do. 5 % , , 7 7 r e d . t o 4 % ... *3 10.'3 "3 10.'3 ! Do. gua.byM.R.,&c.,4% Barry 4 % 128% 20.4 1 124 12.1 1 4>r South E a s t e r n Perp. 4 % ... 138 Do. 3 | % 111% 9.121 110 23.3 I f Do. do. 5 % ... 168 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % ... 106y4 30.10 103 14.9 34 Do. do. 3 4 % . . . 115% Do. do. B 4 % . . . 87 29.11 653/4 9.1 I 214 ! Caledonian 4 % 138% 8.8 1323/4 3.1 51 Taff Vale 3 % Act 1889 ... L023/4 Cambrian 4% A 123% 25.7 117 6.2 6 | | T o t t e n h a m & F o r e s t Gate i 1323/4 Do. B 116 20.12 109% 2 . 3 64 W . Lancashire Permnt. 5 % DO. C •. J 110 30.12| 104 12.4 6 Wrex. Mold & Con. Q. A 4% 111 Do. D 96% 20.12 82 11.5 I4f Do. do. B 4% 103 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % ...j 127% 4 . 1 1 125 21.1 24 Do. do. C 4% 97 Do. do. B 3 i % . . , 100 9.2 ! 99 7.10 1 1 Devon & Somerset " A " . . . S9 7.4 3 19.10 86 Do. " B " . . . 23 13.6 20 7.3 3 1 GUARANTEED STOCKS. Do. " C " . . . 3V4 24.7 3 27.1 04 Eastern & Midlands 44 %... 72 28.1 10 Caledonian 4% Guatd. Ann. 135% 28.6 62 E a s t London2ndCharge" A " 121 7.12 115 18.1 6 Do. 4% Cons. Gua. 136 Do. 2nd Charge " B " 31 9.3 31 9.3 City of Glasgow Union F .. Do. 3rd Charge 10 10.3 10 10.3 F o r t h Bridge 4 % 134 Do. 4th Charge 4 21.4 54 Furness 4% 125% 914 5.7 Do. Guaranteed 34 % 103% 4.11 102% 13.2 1 Glasgow & South West. 4% 132" Do. Whitech.Ex.24% 79% 12.6 75 6.1 4 | Do. St. Enoch Rent-ch. 13134 F o r t h Bridge 4% 135 21.6 129% 8.2 5* Great East. 4% Rent-charge 133% Furness 4 % 133 13.4 127V4 5.10 51 Do. 5% Metro. Stk. 162% Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4 % 138 22.7 133 8.2 5 Do. Consol. 4% Irredeem. 134 Great E a s t e r n 4 % Great N o r t h of Scotland4% 126 137 29.4 131% 28.8 i 5 i Do. A 5% Great Northern 4 % Perp.... 137 Do. B 5% 1867... 153 23.'5 1513/4 17.'lO Do. Leeds,B.&H.6% 190 Do. E a s t Anglian 4%c7 Great Westn.—Rent-ch. 5% 169 Great N . of Scotland4 % ... 134% 31.'7 128 Do. Consolidated 5% 169 6/2 , ei Great Northern 3 % 1.9 i 6\ 110634 3.5 100% Great W e s t e r n 4 % 14034 4.5 136% 3.1 44 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4% 136 Do. 44% 114534 30.11 1411/4 3.1 4 | Do. 6%(E. Lancashire) 185 Do. 44% 1154% 5.6 149 3.1 ! 5 t London, B., & Sth. Coast 5% 167% Do. 5 % ;170 20.11 165 9.1 1 5 Lon. C.&D.,Sheer.R.-ch.44% 143% Highland 4 % 134% 28.7 131 17.1 34 London & N o r t h Westn., 4% 1373/4 Hull & Barnsley 1 D e b . 3 % 92 16.6 88% 9.8 34 London & S o u t h w e s t e r n 4% 137 Do. 2nd Deb. 3 % 87% 29.3 S4 19.7 1 31 Isle of W i g h t 4 % 1293/i 28.4 125% 20.7 44 Man., Sheffield, & Lin. 6 % 18534 I. of Wight Cent. " A " 3%i 92% 25.11 92% 25.11 Do. do. lstPref.4^-% 1443/4 Do. do. " B " 44% do. 34% do. .. 103% • • Do. Do. do. "C" 4 % Do. do. 5%S.Y.Rt-ch. 15734 Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 138 136 6.'5 I3234 18." 12 54 Do. do. 44% do. London & Blackwall44 %... 145 10.4 137% 3.1 74 Met. Dist., Ealing Rent-ch 13314 London & Greenwich 4 % ... 1323/4 20.2 1303,4 6.2 2 Do. F u l h a m Rent-charge 135% London, Brighton, &c, 4 % 137% 23.4 132% 30.1 54 Do. Midland 4%Rent-ch 125 Do. Perpetual 44 % 15234 4 . 5 146% 3.1 6 | Do. 4 % Perpetual Guar 120 Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 44 % 145% 23.6 [140 9.1 54 Midland 4 % Rent-charge... 13714 Do. B 4 4 % ... 14S14 20.12 139% 28.1 4 Do. 4% Guaranteed ... 137 Do. 1879 4 % 125% 17.6 123% 30.1 24 i M i d . & G . N . J o i n t A R e n t C h . 1 98 Do. 1883 4 % 126 17.6 123% 30.8 N o r t h British Consol. Lien (13334 London & N o r t h West.4%d 141 19.6 136% 26.1 4 * Do. 4% No. 1 ... 133% Do. 3%i 105% 14.12 [103 25.10 24 N o r t h E a s t e r n Consol. 4 % 136% London & South West. A 4% 1141 20.6 136% 3.1 44 Do. G.N.E.4% 0! Do. do. B 4 % 140 14.4 136 Do. Stockt. & Darl. A 5% il63 3.1 4 Do. do. 3% 1063/4 3.5 102 6.1 4f i Do. do. B.&C.6% 193% London, T i l b u r y , & c , 4% ... 1323,4 10.8 128% 27.1 4 | Do. W e s t Hartlepool 4% 136% Manchester, Sheff., & c , 5 % 157y2 20.2 157% 20.2 N o r t h Staffordshire 5 % .. 33% Do. do. 44% ... 1501/2 20.6 141% 29.12 9* South Eastern Read. Ann 33l/> Mersey Perpetual 5 % 147% 1 Do. 44% ... Do. do. 4|% .. 61 13.3 5*6 li'.'lC li" W e s t Cornwall R n t . Chge. 147 i'i n 156 15.6 128% 7.9 139% 23.3 108% 24.3 113% 16.11 180 20.5 119% 8.6 102 29.11 115% 3.1 9.1 26.1 31.10 9.1 30.1 28.8 8.5 28.10 99 20.5 3.5 133 23.9 17.5 146% 4.1 23.4 146 13.3 27.6 138% 3.1 64 94 84 2 9 ! 41 ( 5 6| 41 5| 5| 0 64 13.12 0 3.8 109 16.2 125% 31.1 12.6 77% 2.8 6 : U i * 26.'4 131% 13.1 19.4 | 164 9.1 11.9 112% 25.5 ei 4 12.6 1 98% 7.1 19.4 129 10.2 4 3 1 * 3| 31.5 107% 13.10 23.8 101 1.8 2 22.6 ; 22.6 97 si 27.11 13134 31.1 5.8 131% 5.4 4f 4f 6*5 1283/4 12.6 122 25.5 130% 16.1 128 24.3 130 17.11 159% 27.4 129 3.5 12434 25.4 131% 16.3 188% 4.5 163 4 . 5 1621/4 6.1 9.2 3.11 20.3 20.9 7.7 16.10 23.1 11.9 16.3 4.10 4.9 5'i 8.5 29.8 13.7 29.3 3.5 10.6 131% 185 162 141 132% 132 23.9 29.8 28.11 28.8 6.9 13.1 4i 23.4 180% 25.5 141 25.4 98& 23.4 152 8.3 131 12.6 131 1.3.2 131% 23.4 |122% 2.5 1116' 12.7 1132% 22.2 |132 29.12 98 30.6 127% 9.8 128 8.5 131 3.10 2.2 7.2 18.12 1.9 8.8 31.10 12.9 6.4 30.8 29.8 29.12 3.1 7.1 24.8 54 31 30.'ll 162% 22.11 182 ^2.7 129% 30.6 3134 30.JO 31 h 18.12 141% 8.8 141% 21.'8 5f 22.3 11* 12.9 7 28.1 H 11.1 2 17.1 1 6^ 30.5 bi n H 31 31 2f 5 H 5f If 6 6| 51 2* 5f 5 5 51 5 24 4 2* 4' 4f 5 64 5£ 5f \ PREFERENCE STOCKS. Barry 5 % Wl/2 Do. 5 %, 188S 150 Do. 5 %, 1889 150& 135 Caledonian 4% No. 1 Do. 4% No. 2 133i/2 Do. 5% 1878 162 Do. 4% 1881 130 Do. 4% 1887 132 City & S.London 5% JBlOshs.-j 11 Cornwall Minerals, 4% ... 23 East. & Mid.(Cromer)gu. 5% Furness 4% 123 Do. 4% A 11834 Do. 4% B 116 Glasgow & S. Western 4% 134 Do. do. No. 2 4% 132i/2 Do. do. 4 %, 1888 130 Great E a s t e r n 4% 1334 Do. 4%Pref., 1S86 ... 130% Do. 4% 1881 128^ Do. 41% 1884 till 1893 1291/4 Do. 41% Pref., 1887 ... 129% Do. 4% Pref. 1888 '129 Do. 3 1 % Convertible ... 1113 Do.21%toJan.'93then31%d IIO34 Do. 31% Pref., 1893 i 101 Do. do. 20%pd.<£ 21 Great N . of Scotland 4% A 126 Do. do. 4% B Great Northern 4% Perp.Pf. 135% Great Western 5% 1681/; Highland A 41% 141% Do. B 5% 157 Isle of W i g h t 4% 123 Lancashire & York. 4% Con. 135i/> Do. 3 1 % 1888 116 London, Brighton, Cons. 5% 167^ Do. 2nd do. 5% 166i/2 Lon.,Chatham,&c.,Arb.41% 1083,4 Do. do. 41% 2nd Pref. 504 London & NorthWestern4% 136% London & South Western4% 1363,4 Do. do. 4%, 1884 1351/2 Do. do. 31% Prf. 117 London,Til., & Southend 4% 1243/4 Do. do. 4% Pref.,'87 1231/2 Do. do. 4% 1891 ... 124 Man.,Sheffield & Lincoln.4% 1255/g Do. 5% Perpetual 1862 1551/2 Do. 5% Convert. 1872 155 Do. 5% do. 1874 154 Do. 5% do. 1876 15414 Do. 5% do. 1879 151 Do. 5% do. 1881 151& Do. 4% Pref. 1889 118 Do. 4%Prf.'91<£80pd. d 871/2 Do. do. all pd. i 108 Mersey 5%Perpt. Pref. .. 15 Metropolitan 4% Perpetual 132 Do. 4% do. 1882 12256 Do. 4% Irred.,1884 1251/2 Do. 4% 1887 125i/2 Do. New 4% Pref.. 118i/2 Do. 4i% 132 Metropolitan District 5%... 9714 Midland Consol. 4% Per. ... 1361/4 N o r t h British 4% No. 2 ... 128i/4 Do. Edinburgh& Glasgow i141 Do. 1865 Pref | 152% Do. Convert. 5%, 1874 ... 1523^ Do. 41% Irredeem., 1875... 139 1 Do. 4 1 * Convert., 1875... 13834 Do. 5% do. 1879... 15134 Do. 4% do. 1884... 1213/4 Do. 4% do. 1888... 121% Do. 4% do. 1890... 117% Do. 4% Con.'92, £ 7 5 pd. d\ 87 Do. do. all paid i\ 113i/4 0 8.7 5.8 9.8 15.7 15.7 24.7 15.2 3.5 5.8 3.11 I 0 146J6 143j^ 147 1283,4 12734 15514 1271/2 1261/. 10% 20 10.'5 'll8y 4 30.11 II314 23.4 Uli/2 14.7 I27/9 9.9 1271/2 26.6 12734 18.7 1273/4 19.7 125 26.6 124 6.Q 124 27.6 124 20.6 124 28.4 10614 13.1 1083^ 19.12 IOO14 21.12 2014 14.2 126 8.'5 129 12.7 161 22.2 136 17.10 154& 16.12 118 3.5 1283/8 20.7 111 19.7 161 . 13.7 1594 29.4 93/ 2 19.1 35 10.5 1304 3.5 130 4.4 1291,6 8.6 II31/4 25.10 119i/} 12.5 II814 19.12 117 4 . 1 121 27.4 151 10.7 14914 26.4 146 24.6 1451/6 19.7 144 25.7 142 6.1 106 4 . 1 82 5.7 95% 11.1 14 14.7 125/2 21.12 1221/2 4.7 121i/2 16.5 1211/6 18.10 1181/6 17.7 119 18.4 7856 2.5 129 21.12 1231/4 10.3 136 21.6 148 20.6 148V4 21.11 135 21.11 13634 8.8 i47i/> 15.7 117 13.9 II6/2 2.5 U214 14.2 82 7.12 108 1 13 NAME OF STOCK. 0> •a C D Flnctuation. j OQ p • •a Day. 1 Month. 1 2 108 16.5 105 19.7 7 j ! Do. do. 3 r d M t . 1% 26.1 0% 9.12 Cent. Pacific of Cal. I s t M t . 112 Nor.&West. Gn.Mt.Gl. Bds. 128i/2 6.2 118 10.11 16.2 97% 26.10 Do. Land Grant Bonds 108 Do. do. Im.&Ex.6%Bd 118 10.1 IOI14 30.8 1 6 | Chat., Rome, & Colum. 1 Mt. 80% 13.2 8O1/2 13.2 Chesapeake & Ohio 1st Mrt. 109 % 8.4 94% 23.8 15 ! D o . do. 7%Adj.M. B. 114^ 1.2 104 5.8 1 0 2 Do. 5%GoldBond^ 9414 5.1 76% 14.7 17f Do. 4^% 1992 i 86% 28.3 7014 4.9 Do. (Clinch Val.Div.) 961/2 9.1 80% 6.9 16 Do. l s t M t . ( W a r m S p g s . ) Do. do. (CraigValley) 96% 29.8 96% 29.8 Do. Maryland&W.Dv. 92% 18.2 79 8.11 13f Chicago & Nor. P a c . I s t M t . 79 12.4 4214 26.9 3 6 | N o r t h e r n Pacific 1st Mort. 12l3/4 10.4 100% 18.8 21f 9.10 8* Do. Gen.2ndMt.R.L.G. II714 24.2 87 14.10 304 Chicago & W . Ind. Gen, M. 117% 21.4 109 D 0. 3rd Mortgage ... 1093/g 25.1 ml/2 23.10 4 2 | Ch.M.&S.P.(Ch.&L.Sup.D.) 108% 4 . 3 10334 14.1 4 ! 18.3 108 31.7 6 Do. Land Grant 761/4 9.2 27 21.8 Do. (Chic.&Pac.W.Div.) 114 6.9 102 6.9 N.Pacific& Montana 1M. 6% 9134 24.1 89 21.1 2 | 1 Do. (Wisc.&Minn.Div.) 102 Oregon & California 1st M!t. 1013/8 16.2 SO 11.10 31* j Do. Ter.Mt.5%Gld.Bds. 111% 24.3 106% 20.10 5" Do. Gen.Mt4%Gld.Bds. 98 21.4 92% 29.8 5# Oreg.Rl.&Nav.5% Col.Trt.? 817/s 30.3 81% 28.3 Of : Chicago,St.L.&N.Or.Gl.Bd. 12234 18.3 116 22.9 6 ! Oregon Short Line & Utah 81% 20.2 45 17.11 36f I Do. 4 % 1st Movt.i 103' 10.4 100% 4.8 2 | P a n a m a Subsidy Bonds ... 99 12.4 94 16.12 5 C h i c . , S . P . & K a n s a s l M t . d 6414 4 . 1 63 4.2 H\ Penns. Rail. 4 | % Gold Bds. 115& 24.3 . 112% 15.11 3k Do. Equip.Tst.4%Bds.A 106% 3.2 101% 27.10 51 9.5 94% 20.9 4H Cleve.,C.,C.&St.L.l M.G.B. 99 7.12, 21 Do. ConsT M r t . 4% 1943 i 108l/2 28.12 103% 20.10 4f Do. (Cin.Wab.&Mic.Dv.) 96% 26.4 93% 3 Cleveland & P i t t s . Gen. M t . 115 8.3 112 17.6 Pennsylvania Co. 1st Mort. IW/2 29.4 J107 22.8 7f Do. Series " B " i 115 10.3 U214 7.12! 2f Perkiomen 5% Gd. B d s 96 5.1 95% 5.1 ! 27.10 3 H Phil. & Read.Gen.Mt.4%Gd, 8734 30.1 63 21.8 7.2 90 Colorado Midland 1st Mort. 111% 24.8 271 Do. 5 % l P f . I n c . M . 79 3.1 | 23 27.7 1 56 Do. Con. M.4%50-yG.B. 673/8 31.1 , 40 19.10, 18* Do. 2ndPf. do. 1 6 0 ^ 6.2 1 15% 14.8 4 4 | Den. &R. Gra. 4% IstC. Mt. 91% 28.4 . 73 26.1 60% 29.8 29^ Do. 3rdPf. no opJ 63 3 4 9.1 13% 26.6 5 0 | Do. I m p . Mt. 5%... 90 East Ten. Virg.&Geo.I.Mrt. 75 10.2 1 68V4 22.3 6f Do. 3rdPf.withop.j Galv.&Harrisbg 6% I s t M t . III34 22.4 991/2 19 j o Do. O.Mt.Bds.lstSerieei 98% 10.'5 1 98% lO.'o Geor. Car. 5% l M t . 4 0 y r . G. IO334 15.2 87 6.11 Pitts.Cin. Chic.& St.L.4|- % 107 yd 6.2 101% 28.9 G.Rap.&Ind.lstM.G.L.G.B.I 116% 12.1 1131/2 21.12 3 Pitts.Clev.& T.4%GoldBds. 11834 13.2 114 19.7 41 Do. Musk.lstMt.Chi.Sp.l 3.11 3 i ... 1 Richmond &Dan.5%M.G.B. 8I14 13.9 78 Illinois Cent.3£% Mt. Bds. 98 2.5 94% 17.'7 3 i Rio Grande J u n e . 1st Mort. 97% 19.4 93 1.9 4 | Do. 4 % Gld. Bds, 10714 15.3 101 26.10 6 i Rio Grande W e s t . 1 Mt. 4% SO 9.1 60 24.8 20 1 Do. CairoBr.4%Gd.Bs. 104% 8.5 98% 20.11 6 St. Joseph & G d . I s . I s t M t . 99 6.2 65% 8.11 3 3 | Do. 4% 1953 i\ 9834 29.12 97% 9.12 I t St.L.&S.Fran.lM(M&W.D.) ... ... 1 ..1 1 Do. do. 20% p a i d ^ d Do. 2 M o r t . B & C Series Do. do. 45 % paid i\ 46% 8.12 46 29.12 St.Lou,&S.West.4%lstMrt. 65 l e . ' i 56% 22.'7 K a n . C y . W y e N . W . l M . G d d\ Do. do. 2nd Mrt. 27 28.1 25' 21.2 2 Do. London Com.Gert.dl St. Louis Bridge 1st Mort. 132% 2.2 126 3.10 6 Lehigh Valley 1st Mrt. 4£ % 10834 15.*2 94 25.'8 :L4f S.Pl.Min.&Man.C.M.4i% B . 106% 9.3 99% 31.8 Do. Terminal 1st Mt. 11634 14.2 L08% 30.10 8 i Do. t 6% Bonds 1933 i\ 12334 13.12 117% 7.9 6 | Long Island 5 % Coup. Bonds 117 31.8 117 31.8 Shamokin, Sunbury, & Lew. 110% 2.2 2.2 110% Louis, and Nash.6 % Mort. 123 2.3 114% 29.12 si 1 S.& N.Alabama 5% C o n . M U 103% 23.3 98 22.12 j Do. 6 % Sink.Fd.lll5 l 4 5.5 | 103^ 21.10 6f 1 1 | fa n m k 3 m 6i m m H m si « lot ,°* m ml m °* m m m\ ... ... ... ek oil si > n 5'i 159 RAILWAYS—American Sterling Bonds, and FOREIGN for 1893. NAME OF STOCK. NAME OF STOCK. GOLD BONDS.—COM, Sh.Paeific of Calif. 1st Mort. 119% 17.2 103% Terminal R. R . of St. Louis 105 13.3 100 8334 24.1 713/4 Texas & Pacific 1st Mort. 27% 13.1 22 Do. 2nd Mort 8.8 106% Toledo&OhioCent. 1st Mrfc.i 107 Toledo Wal.Val.& Ohio 4 | % 105 12.1 10134 Union P a c . Rail. 1st Mort.. 105V4 27.10| 102/ 2 Do. 5%Coll.Tst.Bds. 92% 20.4 92/ 2 Union Pac.Linc.& Col.l Mt. 14.3 103 Vicksb., Shreve., & P a c . 6 % lib West. Penns. 4 % Gold .. 104% 31.1 104 W.Virginia & Pitts.5%1 Mt. 11414 27.2 109% Wheeling & L. Erie 5% Gld. 102% 18.3 98% 11.4 97 Do. Ext.Imp.M.40-yr. 100 25.9 78 Do. do. 1992 i 78 14.4 104 Wilmar and Sioux Falls i 110 STERLING BONDS. Alab. Gt. Southern 6% Dbs. 104 Do. 5% G e n . M t . B d s . 92% Alab., N . Or.,& T e x . " A " 5 % 95 Do. " B " ... 39 Do. "C"... Allegheny Valley j 133 Atlantic 1st Lea.4% Mt.Deb.] Baltimore and Ohio 6%, 18951 10556 Do. do. 1902| 116% Do. do. 191C 1231/4 Do. 5%, 1927 111 Do. 4^%, 1933: U 4 % Chicago & Alton Cons.Mort. 119 ChicagoMil.&St.PaullstMt.] 128 Chic.St.Paul & Kan.Cityo°/c 107 Cleve.Col.Cin.&Ind.Con.M 1271/2 East. E l y . of Massachts.6% 121 Illinois Central Sink. Fund 108% Do. 6% Gold Bonds 105% D o . 5% Gold Bonds; IIO/2 Do. 34% Bonds. 98/ 2 Lehigh Valley 6% Cons. Mo.] 107/ 2 Louis. & Nashville I s t M o r t . 1131/2 Memphis & Ohio 1st Mort.l H8/2 New York&CanadaRld.Mrt. 1 1 % NewYorkCent.&Hud.R.Mt. I2O/2 N . Y. P e n n s . & Ohio P . Lien 107/2 Do. Equip.Trs.Bds. 100% Do. 5% do. 100% North. Cent. Rail. Con. Mt.j 108% P a n a m a General Mortgage. Pennsylvania G eneral Mort.| 129 D o . Con. Sink. Fund 121 Philadel. & Erie Con. Mort, 132 Phil. &Read.Gen.Con.Mort. 12534 Do. Improvem. Mort. IO9/2 P i t t s . & Connsv. 6%Con.Mt.| 131 St.Paul, Minn.A M.4% G.B. 9434 South & North Alabama Bd H31/2 Union Pacific (OmahaBdg.) 104/ United New J e r . Rl. & Canal '>. 2 Do. do. Gen.Mort 11534 FOREIGN RAILWAYS Alagoas, Lim. (Brazilian)... 13 Do. 5% Debentures... 70% Alcoy & Gandia Pref. 37 Algeciras (Gib.) Ordinary... Do. Pref. "in Do. 5% D e b . ... 114 Antofagasta & Bolivia Do. 4% Deb.j 6% Arauco Ordinary 10/4 Do. 10% Pref Argen. Grt W e s t . Deb. Stk 50 Argen. N . E . 6% c. Prf .allpd. 71/4 Do. 5% Deb. Reg.j 21% Do. Cert, t o bearer 22 3% Arica a n d Tacna 18.1 18.1 28.4 12.1 22.8 151 17.8 5 22.9 (12 13.11 8.8 6t 29.12J 0^ 16.10 34 20.4 15.'5 10.4 26.5 16.3 26.1 25.9 15.11 18.7 84 29.8 14 26,9 3f 4,9 5f 10,111 7 12 12 64 24.10] 8f 21.8 44 24.1 64 16.12| 7 10.11 1 9.8 6 3.10] 5 10. 21 21.6 21 17.7 44 20.7 44 6.9 6J 4.9 44 2.11 6* 4.7 4 30.10| 21 6.11 54 3.7 3| 22.7 4.V 15.12] 44 17.7 44 22.8 5 3.7 4 29.9 8f 19.10]i l l 19.7 4 2.8 Si 15.11 64 14.*2 100% 18.9 9.6 112% 5.9 8.4 12.6 13.3 44 34 63/8 25.11 , 6« 60 14.4 104 35 9.1 8.4 "l% 3.1 30. Hi 21.2 2.5 4.1 22.12 22.4 21.4 29.6 97 91% 144 4% 30 7Y8 14% 17 2 8A 3& m\ 9934 23.11 44 S5 21.121 85% 12.12 91 30 7.10] 9 28.'2 124% 30.1 8134 31.1 0134 10.2 10% 17.4 116% 23.2 105% 18.2 % 4.5 114% 6.3 121% 28.4 100 ~ 21.12! 126% 28.2 I 115 3.3 03% 1.2 103 20.111 10734 19.12| 94 27.3 103 18.1 107 14.1 114% 20.4 112 28.2 116% 23.1 105% 28.4 95 28.4 9634 2 . 3 104 20.1 1003/g 17.6 124% 25.4 116 13.4 128 21.2 117 8.2 98% 17.6 127 10.4 86% 22.4 1071/4 FOREIGN RAILS, -con.^ Bahia & San Fiancisco,Lim 15% 4 . 4 11*6 19.7 44 Do. (TimboBrch.) 73/4 21.8 5% 15.8 If Bahia & Blanca 6 % Pref.... 32 28.4 26 13.12] 6 Barranqla.R].& P . l s t M . 6% 85 2.3 85 2.3 Bilbao River & Can. £6 pd.d] 7% 20.3 6fk 6.6 Do. £,0 paid i 20.7 53/8 4.10| 0 ^ Brazil Great Southern,Lim.| 19.8 19.8 D o . t do. 6%Per.Deb 77 15.2 70% 25.4 0* Brazilian Imp.Cen.Bah.Stk.l 47% 3.5 37 17.1: e* Do. do. 6%Deb, 84% 12.1 7514 13.10] 10* 9 Do. do. 5%Deb. 53 10.11 52 11.9 1 Buenos Ayres Great S.,Lim. 122 3.1 97% 29.8 Do. do. 1894 .£10 pd. 12 5.4 9% 24.8 2f Do. 5% Pref.«£8| paid d 10% 14.6 9if 3.1 Do. do. a l l p d . id\ 11% 18.101 0% 21.7 Ok Do. do. Stock 5.12] 14 112% 9.12f 111 Do, 4% Debenture Stock 108% 22.3 101% 3.1 7 Buenos Ayres & E n . P . Stk. 58 22.4 35 11.8 !3 Do. do. 7% Prf. 117 25.4 95 29.11 22 Do. do. 5%Db. . 1 5.10 10 1 0 11.5 100 Do. 5%BMrt.Db. 108 10.5 9934 17.11 84 Buenos Ayres N o r t h e r n 185% 16.2 166 28.1 19j Do. do. 8% Pref. 228 16.2 220 18.3 8 Do. do.5%Mrt.Deb. 110% 22 107% 1.2 34 Buenos Ayr. & P a c . 7% Prf.] 27% 2 19 18.1 84 Do. 7% Debenture) 79 20.1 19 18.12] Do. 5% Mer. Exten, 60 25.1 [20 14.12] Buenos Ayres & Ros., Lim, 80 28.9 134 4.4 4.11 H Do. 7% Preference] 14% 31.1 Do. (SunchalesExt.) 12% 3.5 11% 31.8 i f Do. Extension Shs. 22.4 5 26.9 3f Do. 4 % Debs. 97% 14.6 86 l 4 25.9 Uf 14.3 Do. Tueum.£10pd.<2 8 6% 10.1 Do. Sunchalesj 12% 6.5 10% 28.9 2 B. A. & Val. 7% Pf. <£20 pd. 63/8 6.1 61/4 11.2 Oh do. 7% Deb, 54% 15.2 47% 25.7 7 1 Do. 23.10] 9% 1.8 I f B . Ayres W e s t . .£10 paid.. Do. Deferred sy8 15.12I 434 29.8 3| I Do. 5% Pref..£5 paid ^dl 5 H 30.3 53/8 13.2 0^ Do. do. ,£74 paid id] 8% 2.5 8% 9.5 Do. do. all paid i Hi/4 21.10| 10 31.7 Do. 4% Debenture 31.7 102% 20.12 Central Argentine, Limited 723/8 2.5 31.7 Do. 6% Debenture Stk. |141 9.1 10 23.6 .31 Cen.Urug.East.Ex.,^810 pd. 7% 4o5 5% 16.8 24 Do. 5% Debenture^ 9834 19.6 89% 4 . 1 94 Cen.Urug.Nth. E x . .£10 pd. 53/ 334 11.4 11 2.5 8 Bo. 5% Deb.| 92 4 . 5 84 30.1 8 Cent. Uruguayof Mont.,Stk. 803/4 3.1 60 30.3 20f Do. 5% Shares, <£10 pd. 3.1 24.8 Do. Permanent 6% Deb.I •30% 13.6 119% 13.11] u « * l Conde d'Eu, Limited 9i/s 9.6 7% 9.12 14 Cordoba & Ro.6% P f . a l l p d . 19 15.12] 18 7.12 1 Do. 5% Deb. Stk, 6 1 % 2.5 47% 24.8 134 Cordoba Central .£20 pd.... 33/8 22.6 2 $ 20.121 Do. 5% Debenture 86 24.4 75% 6.12] i o | " Do. (Cent.N.Sec.) 44 1.8 17 4 . 4 27 Cordova&Nth.W.d810paidd| Costa Rica " i % 24.10! 0% 3.8 14 Donna Theresa Chr., L., Prf .| 4 2 . 2 ' 3% 26.6 04 Dvinsk and Vitebsk 20.10] 34 22% 9.12] 19 Do. Registered .. 20% 14.4 18% 11.1 East Argentine 41 11.3 2934 18.9 ,** Do. 6% Debenture Stk, 85 3.5 70 2.3 l i t EntreRios 29.3 1 03/8 9.8 15 Do. 5 % Cum. Pref., 2% 4 . 4 1% 25.8 Of Grand Russian Shares 27.11] 2434 i e . 8 If GreatSouthof Spain7%Pf.d| Great W e stern of Braz., L...' 14V4 24.4 10 7.10 4 . * 21.3 89 Do. 6% Debenture; 106 5.101 Do. 6 % E x t . Deb. 83% 14.4 83 14.4 17 04 I n t . Ocean Mex. Debenture] 71 27.1 30 21.8 [41 L a Guaira& Caracas, Lim 834 25.1 7% 3.7 14 Do. 5%Deb.Stk.| 100 8.8 95 8.12] 5 Lemberg-Czernowitz-Jassy. 22% 25.4 193/4 14.11 Lima, Limited 334 16.11] 2f 5% 24.1 24 Manila Ordinary .£10 paidd] Do. 1% Pref. .£10 paid "314 13.'2 2% 25.3 0£s\ 24.' 7 |17 5.7 5 21.121 4*t| 10.8 51 17.8 20 22.12] 0 | 20.7 74 20.1 28.9 160 8 Q 0 1 H FOREIGN KAILS.—cow. I Mexican, Limited 24% 27.1 10% Do. I s t P r e f . ... 8734 24.2 54% Do. 2nd do. ... 50 10.10 36% Do. Perp. Deb... 128 24.2 103 Mexican Southern all paid 85% 24.3 48 Midland Uruguay .£10 paid m 6.12 03,4 Do. do. 6% Deb. 60 5.4 43 Minas & Rio, Lim., Gua. 7% 16% 13.4 1034 N a m u r and Liege 1 3 * 29.9 1234 Do. Preference 28 18.3 2714 N a t a l & Nova Cruz 8% 20.7 6M Nitrate Railways 17% 27.4 H H Do. 7 % Cum. Pref. 15% 30.11 H A Do. Pref Conv. 8% 28.4 6* Do. Def. Conv. 8i/i 27.4 4% North E a s t of Uruguay ... 11% 2.5 10& Do. 7% P I <£10pd. 13% 16.3 1 2 * N t h . W e s t of Argent. 7% Pf. 5V4 10.1 3% Do. do. Deferred .., Do. 6 % Debenture ... 90 l 4 19.'l 85% N o r t h West, of Urug. Ordy. Do. do. I s t P r f . 28% 24.'l i'914 2.3 10 Do. do. 2nd do. 18 Do. 6% Deb. Stk. 8OV2 24.2 7014 Ottoman (Smyrna to Aidin) 1834 9.1 lOifr Paraguay Cen. 5%Perp.Db. 23 17.1 10 PirsBus, Athens, Pelopnnes. 4% 29.3 1* Do. 5% Cum. Pref. Por.Ale.&N.H.Br.,L.Pf.Shs. "334 7.*7 "214 Do. do. Deb. 70% 9.3 47 Provincial Orel-Vitebsk ... 22 7.7 20% P u e r t o Cabello & Valencia.. 4 * 16.2 3% Quebrada R.L.&C.L.<£3 paid 1% 0* 7.1 Do. 6% Debenture 83 21.2 70 Recife & Sao Francisco, L.. 92 18.2 73 Riga and Dunaburg 193/8 9.12 16% RioClaro SaoPaulo=£10pd. 18% 5.4 15 Do. New .£10 paid IC.34 10.4 14% Do. 5% Debentures II51/9 4.12 107 Royal Sardinian 9 11% 21.6 Do. Preference ... 12% 20.4 914 Royal Swedish A 11.7 y4 Do. Preference... 53/8 22.8 53/8 Do.(Asso. Pro.) D b . Stk. HO14 12.9 108 14% 4.12 1 3 * Sambre and Meuse Do. 5*% Pref.... 1 4 * 27.12 1334 4.2 I934 San Paulo (Braz.)L.,Gua.7% 35 Do. 5*% Debent. Stk. 120% 20.3 108% Do. 5% Debenture^ 105% 9.12 103% Santa F e & Cordova G. S t h i Do. 5 % Perp. Deb A 7934 6.12 66 Smyrna and Cassaba, Lim. 15% 30.12 10% Do. 7% Preference 2 1 % 10.2 17 South Austrian 83/8 10% 29.3 South. Braz. Rio Grande,&c. 113/8 21.4 6Y2 Do. Irre. Deb. Stk.. 87 10.1 60 I Swedish Central Deb. Stk. 95% 23.2 89 Do. do. Pref. Stk. Taltal Ordinary Shares ... " 4 * 23.'l "2*» Uruguay Nth.7% Pf.«£20pd. 3 13.12 2% Do. 5% P e r p . Deb. 34% 11.12 27 Villa M. & Ruf. 6%Pref. ... Do. 5 % Deb. W e s t Flanders ii& 10.'7 13 Do. 5 | % Preference 14% 29.7 14% W e s t e r n of H a v a n a i 514 7.12 5 * FOREIGN OBLIGATIONS. 20.4 11.1 21.3 18.1 9.3 85% 57 91 8414 23/4 94 ll.'l 87% 9.6 84 14.2 Conde d'Eu 5 | % Debentures 8334 20.3 80 8I14 80% 73 Alagoas 6% Debentures ... Alcoy and Gandia 5% Deb. Arauco 5 % 1st Mort. Deb. Do. 6% Genrl.Mortgage Beira Alta (Portuguese) ... Bergslagernas Bra. G. Sth. 6% St. Mt.Debs. I Braz. Imp. Central Bahia,L. 94% 60 98 95% 234 *4 <+3 03 NAME OF STOCK. •a FOR. OBLIGATIONS-cow. Costa Rica 6 % I s t M t . Deb. 89% Do. 2nd Deb. all pd. 53% Cucuta 6% Mt. B d s . 104" Donna Theresa Chris.L.,Db. 74 Eastern of France 18* Espirito, Santo &C. 5% Deb. 62% Grand Russian 4% Nic. ... 92 Gt. South. Spain 6% Deh.d Inter-Oceanic of Mexico ... 102 Italian Rail. 3 % Bds. A &B 5714 I t u a n a (Brazil) 6% Debs.... 87% ; LeoDoldina <£50 Bonds 46 1 Do. 5% Ster., a l l p d . 59 1 Do. Nos. 1 to 1150 4134 M a c a h e & C. 5% Debs. ... 61% Do. Canta. 5 % Bonds.. 4414 Manila Railway 6% Debs.. 68 Do. 6%PriorLien i 106% Do. Series"B"o861*pd. paid d\ 2 ^ Do. 6% Pref. Stk. 114i/3 1% 13.1 Do. J25paid i\ 23,4 2 . 3 iy 4 13.9 1? Do. Debenture 4 | % 114% Anglo-Austrian 13% 27.2 12 20.5 i t Arnold, P e r r e t t , & Co. 1134 Anglo-Calif ornian, Limited 14% Do. Pref. ... 10% 1.3 111/2 J 4 . l l s * Anglo-Egyptian £5 paid ... 4% 28.3 334 4.1 1* Anglo-Foreign, Limited ... 7% 19.1 6 f t 24.8 ift Backus & Johnstone 6% Anglo-Italian, Limited ... 73/8 2.8 7 2.2 01 Do. 6% Deb. 74 Bank of Africa, Limited ... 8% 26.1 6% 19.4 21 Barnsley Ordinary 3ft B a n k of Australasia 90^4 24.1 51 17.5 394 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. ... 6% B a n k of British Columbia.. 35% 18.3 27% 25.7 84 B a r r e t t ' s Brewery 1% Bank of British N . America 78 17.3 65% 17.8 12* Do. 5% Pref. in Bartholomay (of Eoch.) O. IO14 Bank of China, J a p a n , &o. l % d i s . 2 3 . 1 l % d i a . 2 3 . l ! B a n k of Constantinople ... 414 11.3 ! 414 11.3 Do. 8% Cum. Pref.| 12% B a n k of E g y p t 15% 31.1 12 26.7 Bass, E a t . , & Grt. 5 % Pref. 130% Bank of New South Wales 67 2.3 32 26.10 35 Do. 4£%M.D.S. 125% Bank of New Zealand«£5ip. 6 12.1 3i/8 20.7 2 Bentley (Henry) & Co. # d Do. New <£7i p . 814 H . l 5 16.5 34 Bieckert's Brewery, Lim... 5% Bank of Eoumania £Q pd... 7% 9.10 6i/2 2.5 0 | Do. 5% D e b . ... 65l/o Bank of South Australia d Bristol Brewery Ordinary.. 2514 Bank of Tarapaca .£5 paid " 3 % 2i'.*2 " i % 26"7 2* Do. Pref. ... I51/4 Bank of Victoria <£5 paid... 83/8 20.1 6i/2 14.4 H Do. D e b . ... 121 British of South America... 13% 16.2 1034 16.11 3 1 Capital and Counties 34 7.1 30i/2 2.8 3 i Cheltenham Original, Ord. 5 f t Chart, of India, Aus.&China 23% 4.4 18 17.5 51 Do. 6 % Pref. 5% Chart.Mer.ofInd.,Lon.& Ch. 8 10.1 7 6.1 1 I Do. 4 % Deb. 94% City, Limited 22% 24.1 1734 28.7 41 Chicago 83/8 Colonial 39 6.10 3234 27.7 64 Cincinnati Breweries Ord... I14 Com. Bk. of Australia, Lim. 83/8 25.1 434 28.3 3f Do. Preference 314 5 8 & 3.1 Consolidated, Limited 6% 4.8 i•*-16 City of Baltimore U t d . Ord. 3 Delhi and London, Limited 14% 20.12 14 20.12 ok Do. Pref. 634 English Bk. of E . Plate, L. d City of Chicago B . & Malt. 8% Eng., Scottish, &Aust. Char. 1 19% 5.1 6 11.4 , 1 3 ' i Do. Pref. 9H German Bank of Lond.,Lim. 1114 10.1 1<% H . 7 !* Colchester Brewery Ord. d Hong-K. & Shang. Bk. Corp. 37 17.1 255s 4.7 I l l * Do. do. Pref.... Imperial, Limited ... d 22% 7.1 22% 5.1 0 i Combe & Co. Preference ... 12% Imperial of Persia <£10 paid 5% 4.2 334 21.12 2* Do. 4% Debs. .. 112 Imperial Ottoman Hi/4 7.4 12V4 9.1 2 Commercial 5 % Deb. 104 International of London, L. 12 1.3 10 25.10 2 Courage & Co. 5% Cum.Prf. 127% Ionian 1634 17.3 1114 6.10 5* Do. 4 % I r r e d . M t . D e b . 114 Lloyds 28V4 20.2 ! 24% 25.5 3 | London & Brazilian, Lim.... 1 17% 15.4 14 15.5 3f Daniell & Sons' Brew., Ord. 3 London and County, L i m . . . 94 30.1 ! 84 12.9 10 Do. 7% Cum. Prf. 714 London and Hanseatic, L.... 1014 10.11 9% 27.11 H Do. 4 | % Deb. ... I 89 London and Midland 37 16.1 3434 9.8 24 Denver United Ordinary... i 7ft London and Provincial,Lim. 2034 6.1 18 3 4 19.5 2 Do. Preference... 9 f t London and Eiver Plate, L. 29% 3.1 23 3.8 6* Distillers, Limited.. I514 London and San F r a n c , L 7% 30.3 5i/2 3.7 2 Do. Mort. Deb. II214 Lon.& S. West.,Lm.,£20 pd. 42% 30.1 40% 30.9 2 Dominion London and Westminster,L 64 25.1 52 28.11 12 Do. Pref *134 London Bk.ofMex.& S.A.,L 5 22.2 23/4 30.12 2s Dortmund Ordinary d London Chartered of Aust. 23 17.1 5% 18.4 Do. Preference d 1 London J o i n t Stock, Lim... 3934 25.1 30J6 23.9 94 Do. 1st Mort. Deb... 1 Lon.,Paris,& America.BkjL. ... Dublin Distillers Ordinary 3 % Mercantile Bk. of Australia D o . 6% Cum. Pref.. 5 ... 11 Merchant, Limited, ^84paid 1 '2ft 7.4 1% 29.7 1 Do. 4£% Irred. Deb. j 99% ok Metropolitan of England... 17% 28.2 15 l 4 29.8 i t 1 National, Limited 20% 16.2 19% 14.4 H Eadie (J.) 4*% M r t . Debs, i 1 National of Australasia ... 1 814 11.1 ! 41/2 26.4 3f Edinburgh United Ord. d 3 Nation.of Mexico $100,$40p. 8 4 23.3 i 814 30.11 0* Do. Pref. d N a t .of N. Zealand, L . ^ p d . 13/8 19.1 - 0% 8.5 Of Do. 5% 1 Mt.Db. 64% N a t . Prov. of Eng.,L.«£10£p. 46% 18.2 40 17.7 6i Emerald & Phoenix Brew... 3% Do. do. do. .£12 pd. 54 13.2 47 29.12 1 Do. do. 8% Pref.. 7% Do. NewShrs.<£9pd.d 45 20.2 41% 17.5 3f Do. do. «£12pd. 6.3 if 30.11 % 22.4 6*i 30.1 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. 12& 24.4 13.4 0A| % 1.9 Of 30.1 8f| Street's W s t . Stable Car L.d % 28.7 Swan Electric Light ..: 33/8 6.1 12^8 4"7 if 27.1 64 7.9 1.12, Sweetmeat Autom. 2! 24.3 oft 12.8 oft Tambracherry E s t a tDely.... ... /2 3.1 "i% 18.7 of e s , L . d| 2 1 . li 12i/2 1% 5 6i * m °m °* H u °M °^ , u\\ n\\ 6*1 °M n i n n °M m\\ 164 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL continued for 1893. •43 M NAME OF STOCK. II s?1 bC Q 3 B a 3 £l £ . 2 R S MM s |S_^ 1 •£ NAME OF STOCK. bo B hi d *3 P 3 L § ^ 1 ^ 1 & Q 5 L5'^ a r* OOM.& INDUSTRIAL—COM. COM. & INDUSTRIAL—cow. Artizans'Lab. & Gen. Dwell. L14Va 3.2 101 28.12 13* Compagnie Gen.desAsp.deF 1134 23.1 10 1.6 If Do. 4|%Pref.Stk.l879 117 2.11 112 10.4 5 Do. 5%Pf. 53/8 23.1 5 13.1 Of 0 Do. 4£% Pref .Stk.1884 116% 27.11 111 11.1 5i Crompton&Co.7%Pf ..£5 pd. 5% 19.5 4 ^ 21.12 A s h . R l Car. & Iron <£56pd. Do. 5% 1st Mort. Debs.i Do. do. <£6fpd. '*3A 16\2 "3 16*2 0A Crossley (J.) & Sons t "$V8 28*12 "m 14.3 Assam Rlwys.&Trad.L.,Prf. 14 6.5 10 26.6 4 Do. do. Pref. i 614 25.10 5% 16.3 Of Do. do. Deferred 2% 18.5 1 25.7 H Crystal Palace A 11% 10.1 8 24.11 3^ Do. do. Pre-prf. A 153/8 9.5 13% 17.2 if Do. B Redeem... 21/6 13.2 1 24.11 H - Do. 5%Mt.Dbs. 110 19.12 1061/4 27.7 3f Do. 6% Deb. 1st'87 115% 19.1 106 19.10 \9k Do. 5% E e d . Debs, i 110 15.9 1071/4 6.12 2 | Do. do. 2nd... 43 17.1 25 24.11 18 Australian Gold Eeeovery.. 7.3 i f 28.4 Do. % 2.5 OA Dalgety & Co.,do.m i t e3rd... 16% 20.1 1 12 6.9 4£ Australian Pastoral Ord.... Li d ... 6 ^ 2% 29.7 3A Do. do. Pref.... "8A 7."l "QVs 5*9 2A Do. 4^% Debenture... 114% 24.4 104 4.7 Aylesbury D a i r y Com. Lim. i f 27.12 103% 14.4 90 Do. 4 % do. 26.7 13^ V2 18.2 OA Babcock&WilcocksLd. Or. 10% 28.4 9% 18.1 H Daniel (T.) & Co. Deben.... ... 1 Do. 6 % Cum. Pref. 10% 4 . 1 ioy2 2.5 of Darvel B a y (Bor.) T o b . ... ... I 2 • 113,4 . , 1 Bahia Central Sugar F a c L . 3 A 13.12 3% 23.6 Denny (H.) & Sons 6% Prf. 9.9 Baker (Chas.) & Co. Prf. shs. 6% 2.8 6% 11.10 Of 5% 20.11 Of Devas,Routledge &Co.,Lim. 7% 31.5 Do. " B " Pref., BY8 30.12 5y8 30.12 Dorman Long & Co. £5 pd. 4 16.3 2*$ 10.7 .1A 6 E a s t m a n s , Ord., .£10 paid... #* i'o 2y8 6.12 Belgravia Dairy 1% 15.6 0 H 30.1 5% 6.12 3f Bell (BO & Co 3% 20.2 2 10.1 If Do. Pref., ,£10 paid 9 3.3 Bell's Asbestos 6% 1 3 . 1 E . C. Powder 6% 17.2 534 10.10 i t 3% I S . 7 3f Do. 5% D e b . ... 95 8.3 90 6.1 5 Electric Con. «£10 paid d 3% 15.2 m 6.12 3A 3 Bergvik 6% Cum. Prefd.... 10A 2.6 7.12 Do. £2 paidr i f 14.12 /4 22.12 0A 7% Do. Deferred 83/8 15.2 6 30.9 21 Do. 7% Pref.-i ... Do. 5 % l s t D b s . . . . 106 18.4 10334 17.1 2*1 Eley Brothers, Limited ... 373/8 3.2 27 24.*10 lbf 3 Bland, J o h n & Co. £1 pd. Elmore's French P . C. D.... /s 5.1 Ys 10.1 Ok Bliss (E. W.) & Co. 8% Prf .d Elmore's P a t e n t Cop. Dep. * 3.5 Oi i t 3.1 Bodega, Limited 'll/8 24.'5 27.'ll Of 1 Elmore W i r e M a n . £2 paid Vs 4 . 4 y8 4 . 4 Bottomley, S. & Sons 8 ^ 29.5 y8 5.4 7% 29.12 OH E n g . & Austra.Cop.,L.lf pd. t k 18.9 Do. do. 6% Pref. 8 A 29.5 10% 27.1 10Ys 9 . 8 7% 29.12 OA Evered & Co. £7 paid Bovril«£3£ paid 5 26.1 Do. all paid 1634 7.2 16A 7.2 0A 3% 15.7 1*1 Brazilian E x t r a c t of Meat.. Fairfield S. & E . 6 % Pref ... 8 ^ 24.4 8A 24.4 Brewers' Invest. Corp. 4% 18.12 4% 18.* 12 15.2 Field (J. C. & J.) Ordinary 11 5% 4.11 51 Brighton Grand Hotel 23/8 4 . 3 2 28.10 Do. 7 % Cum. Pref. 13% 7.2 9% 26.5 4i Bristol Hotel & P . 5% 101 Fordham ( W . B . ) & Sons ... V/s 13.1 1 * 30.9 0A 8.5 85 25.11 16 914 24.8 B r i t i s h Borneo Trading F o r e St. W a r e . Lim. ,£11 p d 8% 27.4 Of B.Deli & L a n g k a t Tob. L. d\ Do. do. 4% Debs. ... 101% 14.12 99 25.4 *k Do. do. Pref. Foster, M. B . & Sons 11% 11.1 5% 18.9 6 I Brooke, Bond, & Co., Lim. "m 7.11 5.'l & Do. 6% Pref. 13 9.1 9 & 30.12 3tt 6A Brooke, Sim.,&Spil. A Shrs. 13/s 5.5 Foster, Porter, & Co., Lim., 17% 23.1 16 28.3 I t 1% 5.5 Brunner, Mond & Co., Lim. 853,4 11.8 52 20.12 331 | Fowler B r o t h e r s ... i Do. do. £6 paid d\ 49% 17.1 49% 17.1 Do. 7 % Cum. Pref. t Do. do. ,£7paidi 60% 20.1 41% 7.12 1 8 | Fowler W a r i n g Cable .£5 pd. "i% i.'6 "6% 22.*12 Of Do. do. 7%Pref.l 18 30.8 16^8 27.10 If Fraser&Chalmers,L. J64£p.d B r y a n t & May, Limited ... 15% 20.7 I414 4.2 H Do. £ealEst.Bds.dl Do. Committee's Certs D o . Collat.TruscDb3.dl Do. Committee's Certs. Do. 5%Cons.Mt.Bds.d] Do., Committee's Certs. Val de TraversAsph.Pav.,L.| 13% 2.5 12 27.1 H Vivian (H.H.)& Co.Pref.../ "WalkersParker&Co.6%C.P. 4% 2.8 20.2 i f Do. 44 % Debs. 91 18.8 72 13.2 19 Wallis ,(T.) & Co., Ord, 26.6 31.1 I * 1 6 Do. Cum. Pref.j 10.6 30.1 01 6 W a t e r . H s e . Swan & Edgar I 17.2 0% 16.10] 253/8 19.5 2 1 % 14.8 o^« Waterlow& Sons,Lim.,Ord. Do. 6%Cum.Pref.| 16 21.6 4.10| 3* Waterlow Bros. & Layton d\ 23ft 23.6 20i/£ 25.2 I f Do. <£5 paid i\ W8 18.11! 11 15.11 3f Do. 5% Pref/ 11% 17.Hi 101/2 i 5 . i l I I Welf ord & Sons 1V4 23.1 H 1% 8.7 01 W e s t London Dairy ft 7.1 j 1.12] White(J.B.W.)&Brs. 4%D.d 26."8 ""ft 22.'3 6i W h i t e Lead .. 2% 23.2 Wickens, Pease, & Co. lft 22.11 Wilkie & Soames,Lim., Prf, 12ft 4.3 1 1 % 1.9 , Windover (Chas. S.) & Co. O 5 7.11! 2V4 7.11] 0 ^ Young'sParfn., Lt. £3 pd.tfj Do. .£4 paid i\ 1A " l f t 7"4 FOREIGN X, COL CORPORATIONS Auckland (Cityof)6% of 18721 123l/4 Do 6% of 1879 125% Do 5%ofl883i 112i/2 Auckland H a r . Brd.,6%Deb. 109ft Do. do. 5% Deb. |108ft Do. 5%Debs 1936|110834 Boston City (U.S.) 5%, 1899 104^ Do. do. 1902 111 Do. do. 1893^1 Brunswick (Town of) 5 % B. Ayres (City of) 6% Deb. 41ft Do. 44% Bonds 64 Cape Town (City of)5%Deb. 108 Do. 4 % Debs. 1943 8 30.'l Do. <£5 pd.d L a n d M t . Bk.of India,<£2pd. 0 11.12 , 0 A r 1 •h 25.5 ... 1 ... .t. Do. 5% Debs,d Do. 5% Debentures 95 18.1 18.1 95 ... Anglo-Paraguayan L a n d Land&Mt.of Egypt,L.&Red. 134 11.3 11/4 11.2 04 ... ... Argentine Col. & L. d Do. 5% Mort.Debs. 102 22.2 100 29.5 2 ( Argentine Land & Inv.Ord. "js 18."l ! 0 24.'2 s ' & L a n d Do. 44%" B " D e b.... 97% 12.4 9434 4 . 1 2J Do. do. Prf. 3 3.5 214 8.9 t 0 | Securities, Limited Argen.South.Land «£8|pd.c? Lands Allotment ... 12.1 "i 12.1 "i 1 ... Do. £9% paidW Law Debenture Corp.<£2pd. ; l « 25.4 Oif 26.10 Assets Founders'' Share .. "2% li'.'i 1 "i% 5.4 Of Do. 44%Cum.Pref.i> ! IO14 8.12 10 9.11 04 1 Assets Realisation £5 paid 9 12.1 4% 5.12 44 Do. 4% Per. D e b . 1063/4 22.3 100 20.12 6 i i Do. 5% Cum.Prf. 51/4 14.2 | 4% 28.11 Of Lon.&Aust.Db.Corp..£3pd. % 19.1 | TV 15.11 11 AustralasianMrt.&Agen.,L. London & New York Inv.... ! 6% 28.1 2 ^ 20.12 4 ^ 1 , 1 Australian Agricultural ... 9614 1.2 60 12.' 10 304 Do. . do. 5% Pref. 1 9Vs 6.1 1 6 21.11 H ( Australian &NewZ.Mort.,L. % 17.3 0 22.8 04 Lon.&Nth.AssetsCor.riBlip. | % 28.9 % 28.9 Do. 4|%Deb.Stk. 99% 25.1 86 23.8 13f London & North. Deb.Corp. Australian Cities Invest, a London&S.AfricanExplo.,L. 133/4 19"4 "8^3 16." 10 5M Australian Mrt.Ld.&Fin.,L. 14% 6".l l6" 17*.5 4i London Fin. Assoc.L.<£94pd. 2i/8 13.2 1% 13.10 o|° Do. NewShs. m 4.1 j 6 23.5 Manitoba & N . W . Land i 1 ... ... Do. 4%Deb.Stk. 105% 8-3 9914 15.7 64 Marine Securities Cor.<£lp. ... ... Do. 3%Deb.Stk. 80% 25.3 1 80 25.3 04 Mauritius Ld.,Cred.&A.,L.4 6.3 95 16.10! 4 81.1 3V4 15.3 2 2.2 220 26.1 0-S5.9 «w 4.9 61 11.4 1 9.5 Of 24.7 13.11 u 14.12 51 31.1 "634 25.8 5% 23.3 318 11 2 4234 10 2 8 5 5 13/ 2 17.10] IO14 3.2 23l/2 7.6 73/4 21.10| 814 17.3 34i/2 13.*9 24.5 °* 6.9 47 30.8 8* 11.8 2 i 3.8 6.3 17.6 H 5.1 l i 21.10 3 13#7 COAL, IRON, AND STEEL Barrow Haematite Steel, L. 21/2 Do. do. 6 % Pref. 5% Bengal Iron & Steel ,£1 paid 1 Bolckow, Vaughan. & Co.,L, 11 Do. do. ,£12 pd. 53/4 Brown(John)&Co.,L.<£15pd, 17 17.2 26.1 5.4 29.6 18.101 4.1 2^2 5^3 1 10 5 14% 203/8 15.6 Consett Iron, Limited Do. 8% Cum. 91/4 11.9 Ebbw Yale Steeljron &C. L.| 8l/8 4.10| Engl. Crown Spelt.Co., Lim, General Mining Assoc.,Lim.| " 7 ^ 3.3 19i/> 914 434 m& "63/8 Marbella Iron Ore, Lim. Mid. Coal, Cke., & Irn. Ord. Do. 6% 1st Mort. Nantyglo & Blaina, Lim. Nerbudda C. & I . £2h. pd.d Do. do. ,£2.11 pd.-il Newp.Aber.Bl. Vein St. Cl.L. NewSharls.Collier..Lim Prf. New Vancouver C. Min., L. N o r t h ' s Navigation Coll Do. 10% Cum. Pref .1 Noi thumberlandLd. &Coald| 69fc 8.5 14 24.3 Otis Steel Do. Preferred... ParcochaI.Ore& E.7%C.P.d Do. do. 6%Deb.<2 13.6 3.3 65 1/4 I414 22.3 1234 l 3/8 /2 1.3 23/4 5.101 114 5^r 29.12 5 MINES. COLONIAL AND FOREIGN. +*16.8 Alamillos, Limited Almada&TiritoCon.,Lim... American Belle "'* £3 Asia Minor, Limited d\ Australian d\ " ' % 28.'l Avala Quicksilver °¥\\ « °i B e chuan alan d E xploration Borax 6% Debentures 1B r a t s b e r g Copper 1-3 "V4 7 . 2 1-fa 2.5 i e 29.8 7.3 95 20.10| 90 u n °M i o* n on m u a m 0k\ Ehymney Iron, Limited 13/8 14.11 0% 14.3 Do. do. New| !/2 9.101 3/8 28.9 Do. 5% Mort. Deb 85 14.12, 7"% 30.9 Of 0£ 7* 2T6"I 8.121 83/8 21.3 5.6 IO414 21.3 od Devon Great Consols«£2 pd. 29.111 034 4 . 1 Great Laxey, Limited 6.1 2 ^ 20.7 New Morgan Gold ... South Condurrow ... d 14 16.3 14 16.'3 Tincroft <£15 7s. 6d. paid 7.6 W h l . Grenville .£18 2s. pd. 193/i 21.2 L od MINES-BRITISH. m 0i/2 24.6 N a m a q u a Copper <£2 paid, iy 4 3.2 New Eberhardt 3s. paid d Do. 3s. 6d. paid 28.4 +£20.1 New Guston, Limited New Hoover Hill Gold, Lim. New Jagersfontein, Lim. 27*. 7 17& li'.'lO 14 North E a s t e r n BultfonteinI 2% 18.4 0l/8 2.9 Old Lout d\ Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. ... 5V4 Do. 10 % Pref 6 Do. 10 % Pref. 5s.pd| Oriental & Sheba Valley Do. Preferred] Pahang Kabang Panulcillo C o p p e r , L . £ 2 pd.j Pinos Altos Bullion Eichmond Consolidated, L.| % Eio Tinto Limited ... 16^6 Do. Mort. Bds.| 104 Do. 5 % 2nd do. 102f 2± Do. 3rd Mort Bds.aj St. John del E e y , L.18/6pd.dl Do. 19/6 pd. id\ Do. all paid i Scottish Australian, Lim. 2fe Sheba Gold Mining Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited! 78 Do. Plumas Eureka) Silati Eiver Gold ... 4 1 Shelton Ir. St.&Cl. C. Pref .d\ Do. do. l s t 5 % D b . Shenango Eailway,&c.,Lim. Do. do. Def. Simonds Steel & Iron Forge| 148 16.2 12?i South H e t t o n Coal 6.6 20* 11/2 18.2 Sydney & Louisb'g Coal&El iy2 18.2 Do. do. lstPref.«£6pd. 534 18.2 534 18.2 Do. do. 2ndPrf.allpcl m "'& British Broken Hill Propri. '"% 23.'2 '"Vs Do. Privileged Shs. 25.10 Burma E u b y 16s. paid d '"l/2 7.'2 Do. 17s. paid i CamaronesCop.M.&Smelt. d Canadian Phosphate d 1 14.8 Cape Copper, Lim. <£2 Shs. 1% 3.1 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. i l i t 13.3 -1-16 2.9 1% 10.1 10.1 Caylloma Silver Colombian Hydraulic % 3.1 % 17.2 Colorado Silver Mining d\ S 18.10 0-2- Consol.GoldF. of S. Africa^ "i% 28.'ll| 16.11 Copiapo, Limited, ,£2 paid 214 16.1 5.4 7.10| 2.6 29.5 5.1 !/2 13.2 Day Dawn P . C. Gold ... 28.7 De Beers Cons.,L.,,£5paid 21& 21.4 133/4 19.7 18.5 107 28.1 101 Do. 5£ % 1st Mort. Debs. I 24.8 22.12| 99!/2 18.5 Do, 5£ %2ndMort. Debs. 106 11.9 103 20.3 9 5 % 24.10| Do. Bultfontein Obs. 10.1 3* Don Pedro 25.8 1 & 10.3 0 * 21.2 5 ^ 28.4 Durban Eoodepoort 5.'5 !/2 21.101 3 % 27.11 ElCallao Fortuna, Limited % 1.12I V4 9.3 % 16.8 Frontino&Bolivia 18/6pd.d| 1 * 4 . 1 Do. do. 19/6 pd. i Gold Fields of SouthAf ricac? Gympie Golden Crown d\ 22.9 24.3 Imuris Mines ... "ci .1-4 4 -L 4 4, Indian Con. Gold, L. 16 * » ^ 31/2 16.2 Libiola Copper 2% 6.9 19."l2 3T% 8 . 1 1 Linares, Limited 1% 30.6 26.5 Ok Mason & Barry, Limited .. 2*f 3 . 1 1% 11.7 25.5 1* Midas Gold Field ... a 5.1 '"% 5."l 1.6 Montana 3 ^ 13.11 9.3 Mysore Gold, Limited 034 24.7 4 6.6 Vickers, Sons, & Co., Lim...| Q_3_ Do. do. Preference!106% !/2 16.10| 170 3.5 3.5 29.5 3.1 21.1 43/4 28.3 A1A 2.2 3.1 1 2 ^ 6.3 100% 5.6 99i/ 8 4.5 95 034 11.2 034 15.5 12.12| 14.6 0% 10.11 3 20.4 /8 ,9 19.1 8.3 °F 16.1 26.8 23.101 23.10| 1.9 5.1 25.7 16.11 18.7 10.11 20.4 19.1 24.3 NAME OF STOCK. < s W 1 "^ * *£ & 0 0 Hi MINES, COL. & FOR.—cow. Tharsis Sulphur &Cop.,Lim.| oV8 18.4 4A Tolima, Limited 10 9.1 6% Un. Mexican, Lim. £1 pd.| Vs Q.Q Yankee Girl Silver... * ft 22.3 SHIPPING. African Steamship <£16paid| 11 26.10 11 Do. do. all paid 13% 25.1 13% Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim.| 13i/o 23.5 11% 914 Castle Mail Packets, L i m . . 10 22.2 9tf Cunard Steam., L. <£20 paid 14V4 22.2 334 Do. do. £1Q paid 5% 27.2 5 25.1 4 General Steam Navigation 5 Do. 5 % Preference 8% 18.1 8 4.2 4% Do. 5% 1877 5% 20.12 4% Leyland(F.)&Co.... Do. 7% 9 15.12 734 Do. 1st Mt. D b s . i\ 101% 25.11 101% 6 Mercantile Steamship, Lim.| ey8 18.8 National Steamship, Lim 0% New Zealand,Lim.<£6paidd| lVs 28.1 1% Do. £1 paidid 2 ^ 27.2 2% Do. £8 paidi 3% 29.6 3% 11.1 2% Orient Steam Navigation,L.| Penin.& Oriental Steam Prf. 138 12.4 129 Do. do. Def.| 194 13.12 ISO Royal Mail Steam Packet... 50% 22.9 42% 5}f Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim, 6% 9.2 Union Steamship, Limited., 17 13.1 12y4 Do. do. New ... 6% 21.11 3% l Union Steamship of N . Zeal, 9 A 19.10 734 West India & Pac. Steam,L.| TEA AND COFFEE. 31 20.2 27% Assam P4 1% 21.6 British Indian, Limited 20% 13.1 18 Darjeeling, Limited 15% 13.5 1234 Dooars Tea ... Do. Pref. .£10 paid| 14% 19.5 13 Doom Dooma Tea ... 2% W4 16.1 Eastern Assam, Limited 15f6 12.4 13% Jokai Tea 34% 20.1 31 Jorehaut Tea, Limited 15.8 2% Lanka Plantations, Limited 3 Lebong, Limited, i>10 paidcfl 11% 23.9 10*4 9% 7.10 9 Do. .£8 paid 41/4 7.4 Luckimpore, Limited 4*4 Do. New, £2 paid| 4H Ouvah Coffee, Limited "sVs B"6 Upper Assam Tea, Limited % 29.3 3/4 TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. African Direct 4 % Deben. 103% Anglo-American, Limited... 5514 Do. do. Pref, 9734 Do. do. Def. 13% Brazilian Submarine, Lim, 12% Do. do. 5 % Bonds L01% D o . 2nd Ser. June,1906| K.914 2^ Chili Telephone 179 Commercial Cable ... 14 Con.Telephone,L.,14s.paidc?| H Do. 12s. paid id\ Do. 10s. paid 12% Cuba, Limited Do. 10% Preference! 19% Direct Spanish, Limited ... sy8 Do. 10 % Pref. 9% Direct U n . States Cable, L. 12-^ Eastern, Limited 15« 17 Do. 6% Preference Do. 5% Debentures 1899] 109% Do. 4% Mort.Deb.Stock 117 Eastern Extension, Limited 1 l&/8 Do. 5% do.Reg.,1900| 105t/2 Do. 5% Bearer 1900| 107 117 Do. 4% Deb. East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900| 104% Do. do. Bearer 104% Do. 4% Mort. Deb 104% Do. 4%(Mauritius) i 107 20.6 100 27.1 4334 21.1 80& 1.3 7% 28.2 , ll l /s 12.6 1.00% 9.12 10914 3.8 2% 5.1 123 16.2 V 4 % 28.8 24.'l H-7 H 17% 4.4 2% 9.1 8% 20.6 10H 11.5 14% 7.6 15& 12.10 108 20.10 110 13.5 1 4 » 10.4 102 21.6 102% 8.12 110 6.1 101% 15.6 101 3.7 100 21.12 10334 -• d 1£ *r . X! NAME OF STOCK. 5 TELEGRAPHS & TELEP.con. Gt. Northern of Copenhagen) 20% Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883) 107% 31.8 Indo-European, Limited ...j 46 London Platino-Braz., Lim, 22.3 Do. 6 % Debentures Montevideo Telephone 1 26.10 Do. 6 % Preference 25.1 ...I 5% 16.11 2£ National Telephone 15.4 1 0* Do. 1st Pref. ... 1$% 11.9 4-5. Do. 2ndPref. ... 15 12.9 2 16 ~ Do. 5%3rdPf.d84pd.d 4^ 28.2 1 Do. all paid 2 5 3 4 22.6 3f Do. 4 | % Deb. .. [116% 13.7 3* N. Telephone, Lim. <£4 paid, 7.11 14 Oriental Telephone, Lim.... I *4 26.9 Pacific & European 4% Dbs.fl 10334 25.11 Reuter's, Limited 7^ 18.8 of United River Plate Telepho. 2 3 4 Do. 5 % Deb. ... 3.1 0k West African Telegraph ... 7*4 22.4 9 21.8 100% 24.2 101% 21.9 10234 18.9 9534 21.9 99% 13.9 85 12.9 93 15.12 71i/8 13.4 10234 15.9 85% 28.12 81% 3.7 80% 7 M\ ^ 1 04 64 19.'l 7f 29.10 0i 16.1 81 21.4 34 8.12 31 25.1 5* 1.2 25.6 31 24.1 HI 16.10 2 | 18.1 1 5 | 2.7 41 11.1 1 0 8 31.1 6 31.1 3 | n l.'lO 114% 18.'l2 34 16\4 5(% RAILWAYS-ORDINARY. 19.1 7 Barry 1240 14.12 208V4 10.4 7f Caledonian 131% 3.9 11234 2 . 1 44 Do. Pref. Conv. Ord. 87% 3.9 (80 19.1 5 | Do. Def. Conv. Ord, 46% 16.5 323/8 19.10 64 Do. Deferred N o . 1 4% 12.2 ; 2 % 18.10 i 5f Cambrian (Inland Sec.) 1 Do. (Coast do. ) i "5 19.*7 "5 19.10 5 | 29.12 1* City and South London ... 44% 31.12 28 3.8 Cornwall Minerals 11% 28.11 10 734 1.2 l 6ft ... E a s t London 3.*8 !l4f Furness 85 14.2 65 Glasgow and South Western Ill0% 4.9 10334 12.3 23 3 30.1 14 Great E a s t e r n 83 4 21.8 I 7034 21.2 10 Great N o r t h of Scotland ... 1 95% 17.8 1 84V4 5.2 18 Great Northern Prf.Con.Od. 116% 14.3 109% 30.5 1 4 i Do. Def. Con. Ord. i 65% 28.5 48 1 3.2 10 Do. A 65% 7.6 49 6.1 10 Do. B I8I14 31.12 172 19.4 4* Great Northern (Ireland)... 155 18.12 140% 2 . 1 11* Great South. & W . (Ireland) 126% 20.6 126% 20.6 5 | Great Western 169 14.8 15034 22.5 i 5 * Highland 120% 11.10 1111/4 9.2 9f Hull & Barnsley 3434 3.9 26 7.11 2* Isleof W i g h t P r f . C o n . O r d . 111 16.1 108 4.1 Do. # Def. Con. Ord. 71 19.12 67 22.10 23 Lancashire and Yorkshire... H534 28.11 102% 12.4 6 | L., Brighton, & South Coast 173% 17.8 163 4.1 5 | Do. do. Preferred 184 28.12 173 3.1 64 Do. do. Deferred 161 24.8 14734 19.101 3 | I Do. Contin. E i g h t s [ 22 1.9 ' 1 8 " m \n \n 717 * 10.1 7i 30.1 1 91 22.1 l i t 4 . 1 64 5.1 31 17.1 4^ COTJPONS PAYABLE ABROAD. Argentine N a t l . Ced. " B " 29% AustrianSilverEentes J a J y S2 Do. Apr. Oct.... 8O14 Do. Paper E e n t e s F b . A u . 78% Do. " May Nov.... 78% Do. Gold E e n t e s 10234 Belgian 24% 95% Do. 3 %, 1874 Danish Internal 34% Bonds 102 Do. 34 % E e d . by pur. 1900 100% D u t c h Certificates 24 % ... 93i/8 Do. do. 34% ... 104 Do. do. 34%Bds. 104% FrenchEentes44% ,now34% 108 Do 3 % 103% Do. 3 %Eed. ... 103 German Imperial 3% 1891-3 963/8 Do. 3 % , 1890-4* 95% Italian 5% E e n t e s 86% P r u s s i a n Consols 4% 107% Do. 3% 95% Eoumanian 4%, 1890 87% Do. 1891 83% United States 2%, 1891 d Do. do. 4 % 1907 118 Virginian 5 % , 1854 i ... Do. 6 % , 1872 D o . 2 % F u n d e d D e b t ... 62 0 MM S\l rM 31.1 31f 2.1 18f 20.1 71 3.1 144 10.1 2 • •• 19.*7 27.2 16*t 23.4 17.8 ** ** 10.11 20 9.5 6f 13.1 13 12.1 15.1 1 7 15.1 |174 15.1 |164 15.2 1 9418.1 144 20.6 6.1 161 9.1 9* 13.1 8 | 15.3 3 15.3 4 12.1 13i 1.2 |1°2 19.2 11 5.1 13i 4.5 ! 4 J m RAILWAYS—Ordinary & Leased Lines continued, Debenture, & Guaranteed Stocks, for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. ! RAILWAYS-OBDINABT-COn. London, Chat., & D o v . Arb. London and N o r t h Western .79% London and South Western!196 Do. 4%Pf.Con.Od.[ 128 Do. Def.Con.Ord. 733/4 London, Til., and Southendl 117 Man., Sheffield, & Lincoln. 65)6 Do. do. Preferred 99% Do. do. Deferred. 32)6 Do. L o n . E x . ^ 2 0 p d i 17)6 Metropolitan Consolidated ,| 9334 Metropolitan Surplus Lands; Metropolitan District 11623/g Midland N o r t h B r i t i s h Ord. Pref. Do. Ordinary North Eastern N o r t h London [212 1363/4 N o r t h Staffordshire Rhondda & Swansea B a y ,.| 9)4 JRhymney 210 Scarborough,B., & W . R. J.I 2014 Shortlands & Nunhead " A " i Somerset and Dorset d\ 13134 South E a s t e r n Do. do. Preferred ^751/4 Do. d o . Deferred 911/4 Do. do. I n t . Certs. d\ 113 Jfe Sth. York. Junction .£10 pd. H 3 /s Taff Vale " Stock " Act 1889i •6Y4 Waterloo & City £2 paid i\ 2 & LINES LEASED. Birkenhead 142 Do. 4 1 % Preference] 149 Colchester, Stour Valley,&c. 110^4 E a s t Lincolnshire 6 % 198 Ely and Newmarket Hammersmith & City 51 % 180)6 London a n d Blackwall 15234 Do. 41 % Preferencej 152 London and Greenwich ... 94)6 Do. Pref. 5% 167 Mid K e n t (Cray Line) Northern and E a s t e r n 5%... 85)6 Do. do. 6%... North & South Western J n c . |226 N.Cornwall(L.&D.)31%Stk.*| 121)4 Nottingham and Grantham 141 Nottingham Suburban 31 % 119 Portpatrick & Wigtonshire| 11834 Royston, H i t c h . & Shepreth |193 Shrews.&Heref .6% Rent-ch.l 205 Victoria Station & Pimlico'|300 Do. 4 1 % .., 150 W e s t London, Class C .. ; 1 3 % Weymouth and Portland .. 145)6 DEBENTURE STOCKS. Banbury & Cheltenham 5 °A 135 Do. 5 % , ' 7 3 red. t o 4% .., 73)6 Do. 5 % , 1881 5 D o . 5 % , ' 7 7 r e d . t o 4 % .., 3 Barry 4 % , 138 Do. 3 1 % , 118)6 Brecon & Merthyr A 4 % .. 118 Do. do. B 4 % .., 106J4 Caledonian 4 % ,W s Cambrian 4% A 131 112634 Do. B Do. C 119)6 Do. D [112)6 City and South London 4 % 12434 Cornwall Minerals A 4 % .., 137)6 Do. do. B 3 i % . . , 101 Devon & Somerset " A " . . , 99)6 Do. " B " . . . 26 Do. "C'\. 554 n NAME OF STOCK. & o 28.12] 17.9 iieifc" 17.9 14.8 181 17.9 119)6 7.9 6034 12.6 1104)6 30.5 481/4 28.5 7534 15.9 20 18.5 MS4 31.121 80 22.12 73)6 30.5 2 6 ^ 14.8 I4534 27.3 703/s 10.4 321/s 11.6 I5414 17.12|[187 11.8 122 11.12] 27.9 188 20.1 2014 20.121 201/4 3 l i l 2 113 22.12 156 28.12 6534 25.1 112 7.11| 10 14.9 75)6 29.121 2 24.11] 13134 23.1 139 18.12] 102 15.9 184 o\9 [180)6 5.121 14434 6.12 146)6 29.12] 90V4 9.8 158 27.'ll| 80)6 24.11 , 911/6 25.10 |220 21.12 12114 28.12 132)6 19.121 11234 30.7 110)6 2.111 186 12.12 190)6 7.12 [284 2.11 150 30.10 i s * 26.4 143 2 . 3 [135 23.11 50 19.7 t 4 21.11 2 20.11 126 8.12 109)6 19.11 108 7.12 90 28.12 13534 6.12 122 14.12 114 11.12 111 20.12 96 11.12 105 27.12 130 23.6 101 19.121 88i/8 24.8 191/4 23.8 4 DEBENTURE STOCKS—eo». E a s t e r n & Midlands 4* % d E a s t London2ndCharge' ' A " 1273/8 Do. 2 n d C h a r g e « B " 29)6 Do. 3rd Charge 11)6 Do. 4th Charge | 9 Do. Guaranteed 3$ % 110 Do. Whitech.Ex.21% 82 F o r t h Bridge 4% I 13634 Furness 4 % |136)6 Glasgow & S. W e s t e r n 4 % Great E a s t e r n 4 % 143)6 Do. A 5% d\ ... Do. B 5% 1867 ...13634 Great N . of Scotland4 % ... 139 Great N o r t h e r n 3 % .. 113)6 Great W e s t e r n 4 % ...147)6 Do. 4*% ...154 Do. 4$% ...163 Do. 5 % ... 181 Highland 4 % 142)6 H u l l & Barnsley 1 D e b . 3 % 101)6 Do. 2nd Deb. 3 % 98 Isle of W i g h t 4 % 133 L of W i g h t Cent. " A " 3% 92)6 Do. do. " B " 41% 109)6 Do. do. " 0 " 4 % 82 23.'l |l8f 5.2 |19i Lancashire & Yorkshire 4 % 145% 11.1 |25* London & Blackwall4£ %... 147 London & Greenwich 4 % ...141 17.1 H London, Brighton, &c. 4 % 145)6 8.1 I f Do. Perpetual 4$ % 161 16.1 7f 10.8 0 A Lon., Chat., & c , Arb. 4 * % 154 Do. B 4 * % ...150)6 Do. 1879 4 % 130 31.1 [ioi Do. 1883 4 % 132)6 18.1 10 London & N o r t h West. 3 % 114)6 28.9 8 West. 20.4 , * London & Southdo. A4%dd13614 Do. B4% l37 114 Do. do. 3%dl04)6 6\9 Do. do. A3%-i 111)6 17.2 8 Do. 3 % Cons, i 113)4 9.1 5* 4% 31.1 4* London, Tilbury, & c , c , 5 ...[139 Manchester, ShefF., & % " "n 16.2 9 Do. do. 4$% ... ...I Wl/2 5.1 5" Mersey Perpetual 5 % Do. do. 41% ... ... 18.5 5 Metropolitan 4 % 14034 21.2 6 Do. 41% 156 21.12 0i Do. 31% 118 31.1 8* Do.31%(subj.toActof85) ... 8.1 6* %... 194)6 19.4 8i Metropolitan District 6 % . . . 1 3 1 % Do. 4 14.2 7 Midland 3 % 114)4 22.2 Mid-Wales A 4l% 132 19.7 N o r t h British 3 % 107% 2.11| N o r t h Cornwall 31 % i 121 30.4 N o r t h E a s t e r n 4% 14634 17.11) Do. 41% 159)6 N o r t h London 41% 157)6 N o r t h Staffordshire 4 i % ...150 2.3 19.7 23$ E h o n d d a & Swansea Bay 4% 123 Bhymney Perpetual 4 % .. .134)4 5.10 1 Sev.&Wye&Sev.Bdge.4%d 97 19.7 1 Do. gua.byM.R.,&c.,4% 10.3 3f Bergslagernas 16.1 2 * Bra. G. Sth. 6% St. Mt.Debs. 88 28.2 1* Do. do. ? 77 28.8 1 Braz. I m p . Central Bahia,L. 9914 93 13.1 7f 5.12 22| Conde d ' E u 5*% Debentures 81ft 13.12 16ft Costa R i c a 6 % I s t M t . Deb. m% Do. 2nd Deb. all pd. 42ft 13.1 19* 2.8 13 Do. 5% Prior D e b s . i 103 C u c u t a 6% M t . B d s . 10314 2 . 1 2* 3.1 24* D o n n a Theresa Chris.L.,Db. 75 6.1 7£ Eastern of F r a n c e 18.9 0 * Espirito, Santo & C. 5% Deb. 47 30.3 3 Grand Russian 4% Nic. ... 9614 29.1 2f Inter-Oceanic of Mexico ... IOI14 9.2 6 * Italian Rail. 3 % B d s . A &B 51ft I t u a n a (Brazil) 6% Debs.... 7634 29.'l 2* 1 Leopoldina «£50 Bonds 52 8.2 3 * l)o. 5% Ster., all pd. 563/8 12.1 3 * I Do. Nos. 1 to 11500 4014 30.1 2 * Macahe & C. 5 % Debs. ... 5S& 29.11 1 * Do. Canta. 5 % Bonds.. 4434 Manila Railway 6% Debs.. 50ft 13.9 12* Do. 6%Prior Lien ... IO514 Do. d o . " B " a l l paid . 9334 6.3 24.2 16* Matanzas a n d Sabanilla ... ?0334 21.2 5 Minas and Rio Debentures.. 10434 Mogyana (Brazil) Debs. .. 105 5.1 32^ 17.8 3 * Moscow-Jaroslaw 107 10.1 61 Nassjo-Oscarshamn Bonds. 25ft n ... * V m ... ... ^ 183 ... [1 i ... 10.5 8 22.9 2ft 22.9 56. 28.6 ( 22 4.4 4ft 18.4 Oi/g 23.2 40 15.10 50 9.4 18% 28.12 151/s 17.4 141/s 20.12 108 20.12 12.12 7ft 3.8 0* 28.8 5% 17.9 1073/4 19.3 14% 3.12 14% 24.9 17% 8.11 110ft 25.9 102 10.5 26 13.9 74 9.7 1 3 * 2 . 3 171/4 19.9 8ft 13.11 .61/4 13.12 54 31.10 91ft 20.12 59ft 13.11 234 21.11 2 f t 6.12 29% 17.9 20 26.10 42 13.8 1 5 * 26.11 16ft 27.12 514 1% 5.12 23.2 17.12 5.4 ••• ... III ft ... il 14.*6 21 8.1 23.4 24 2.1 1* 4.4 15.8 Of 28.11 38* 16.1 44 26.1 15.1 4* 27.1 2f 25.1 154 12.2 2* 20.1 3* 9.7 7.4 1 6.6 5.1 1 11 7.2 24.1 13f 23.2 5.1 11 13.3 2* 7.2 20* 17.2 5ft 11.1 8.6 OT 2.1 3 | 16.1 38* 10.1 10* 20.12 11.1 7.3 3 * 16.1 30 S.5 2 22.10 4 22.2 6.9 12.1 21 a * oft ?* J* il ? * ?*, M\ ** °M\ 861/4 21.4 14f 25 19.9 17* 89 19.1 10* 79 3.9 8 ... ... i « . ,,, ••• 1 ••* 1 19.19 75 27.9 77 1.10 78 21.11 70 5.10 69 27.9 75ft 20.1 2514 30.8 95 5.10 101ft 19.12 55 26.4 13 27.9 ••• I 9.4 21* 10.1 23 26.1 12* 21,3 11 17.12 17* 17.2 8 30.8 If 19.4 20 13.12 46 9.7 92ft 20.9 92ft 24.9 46 e.e 67ft 21.9 38 4 . 5 34ft 19.9 30ft 20.9 34ft 19.9 34 22.1 48 18.12 95ft 27.2 86ft 14.4 10114 20.12 88i/8 17.10 94ft 16.11 10314 28.6 19 13.12 1 29.10 3 ! 23.2 81 7.3 5* 25.4 9* 15.1 14 6.1 2 1 f 30.1 9f 10.1 23f 16.1 10* 3.2 2* 5.1 9 ! 22.1 7* 13.9 2* 20.1 161 30.1 10* 19.1 3£ 16.1 6* FOREIGN RAILWAYS-Obligations, BANKS, and BREWERIES & DISTILLERIES, for 1894. 1 *s NAME OF STOCK. 1 "* * -a fi & NAME OF IMS STOCK. F FOR. OBLIGATIONS—con. N a t a l & Nova Cruz 5_% ... 9 1 % S . l l 65 N i t r a t e Bail., L., 1st Mort... 105% 26.6 94% 19% 20.7 18 Northern of France N.Rail.of S.African R e p . ... 1013,4 20.12 85% J Northern of Spain P r i . Obi. 10% 19.5 10% Ottoman (Smyrna t o Aidin) 110 23.4 103 Do. (Seraikeuy) Ass.... IO8I/2 16.10 103 Do. do. Non-Assnt. 107 11.7 103 Do. Debentures 106% 13.2 10234 Do. (Seriak.Exten.)Db. 1043/4 15.9 102 Do. (Tireh Ex.) Deb.... 1 97% 16.8 94 D o . 5% Debentures, 1886 9734 29.3 93 Do. do. 1888 10134 15.6 9114 Do. S o k i a E x t s . 5 % D b . ' 97 25.4 93 Ottoman (Anatolia) 5% D b . 96% 13.12 90 Ott.,Sm.,&Cas.4%B.j855pid 61 18.10 58% 1 Do. all paid i 8934 2.11 87 Paris,Lyons& Med.(Fu.An.) 18ft 18.10 18 Do. (Fusion Nouvelle) 18% 29.10 I814 Piraras A.&Pelop.6% 1 M.B. 102 13.2 65 Do. do. 5% M. B . 102 2 . 1 49% Provincial Orel Vitebsk ... 106 28.9 100 PuertoCabell o& Va. 7% Deb. 102% 16.2 95 QuebradaEail&Cop.6%P.M 95 2.10 ! 95 Rio de J a n . & N . 6 % Deb. 45 4.4 88 Do. (GraoParaD.)5%lM.D. 42% 2.10 26% Royal Sardinian A 11 8.11 934 Do. B 10% 27.9 914 Roy.Trans-Af ricn.l M. Bds. 67 6.11 , 47% Sagua L a Grande 100% 26.2 100% Santa F e &Cord.G.S. P r . Ln. 106% 24.2 104 Do. 5% 2nd Debs. 40 2.10 37 Sicilian Rail.6%lstMt.Db.<£ ,,, ,,, Smyrna&Casab.5%l Mort.d 102% 21.6 95% Do. 5% red. Mort.d 10134 30.7 91 South Austrian 1334 9.11 11% Do. 1871 (X) ... 133/4 21.9 11 3 4 1 Southern of France ... ... South Italian (Series A to G) 11*4 25.9 93/4 S.W. of Venezuela Barqis.. 45% 31.12 3834 Taltal 5 % 1st charge Debs. 103% 16.11 98 Tamboff-Kosloff 10334 27.4 IOO14 United Rl.ofHavana5%Bds. 104% 29.12 89 Western of France 18% 6.1 1734 West, of Bu. Ayres6% Dbs. 116% 15.9 110% Do. do. 6% Cert. II414 22.8 110% Do. 5% Mort. Debs.d 103 11.1 IOO14 Do. do. 5%Mt.Db. 117% 4.12 111 W e s t . o f H a v . 6 % D e b s . ... 109% 14.9 1023/8 W e s t e r n of San Paulo Deb 106V4 23.2 102 W e s t . Rail, of Santa Fe* 7% 6O14 2.10 40% 214 Zafra & Huelva 3% Bonds,.. 3% 29.1 BANKS. Agra, Limited 334 Anglo-Argentine 4*5 paid... 2 & Anglo-Austrian 14% Anglo-Californian, Limited 11% Anglo-Egyptian ^85 paid ... 4 f t Anglo-Foreign, Limited ... 7% Anglo-Italian, Limited ... ... Bank of Africa, Limited ... 8*4 75% B a n k of Australasia Bank or British Columbia.. 333/8 Bank of British N . America 7414 Bk.ofChina, J a p a n , i & l p d . d Do. ^ l f p d . id\ ,,, Do. £2 pd. id\ ,,, Do. <£2fpd. * ... Bank of Constantinople ... 33/8 Bank of Egypt «£12_ paid . 15V4 Bank of New South Wales 47% Do. New id\ 46% ! B a n k of New Zealand«£5ip. *h Do. New £1\ p . 6% Do. 4% Gua. i\ 103 1 Do. 3234 Do. all paid i\ 102% 1^ 1 H 26.9 5.12 5.12 18.9 20.11 13.2 .... 1 22.8 17.2 10.2 28.7 BANKS.—continued. 22.1 2 6 | 18.1 11 23.1 2.1 22.2 8.11 7 24.11 5 . 24.11 4 1.3 3 | 28.5 a* 26.1 3£ 27.1 4 | 22.1 10_ 17.1 4 23.4 6_ 3.10 2_ 31.12 3_ 20.2 24.10 Of 8.9 37 30.10 52. 18.10 6 12.11 7_2.10 6.11 7* 15.1 16# 5.3 H 6.2 I f 22.3 19. 26.2 > • 30.1 2_ 17.12 3 l( I 1 IS - 7 19.5 6% 22.2 o_ Bank of Roumania £6 pd.. Bank of Tarapaca _65 paic 2% 11.9 1ft 13.4 1 0ft Bank of Victoria £5 paid.. ... ... j ... Do. Pref. all paid 1 Banque I n t e r n a t . de Paris 1 i'9% 5.1c i'914 5.'lC British of South America... 13% 10.1C IO14 19.1 3 | 3414 5.12 32 22.8 «i Capital and Counties Chart, of India, Aus.&China 24% 28.8 1914 24.2 5f Chart.Mer.ofInd.,Lon.& Ch ... City, Limited i>10 paid ... 20% 6.1 16% 23.'ll 3f 41 29.6 3614 19.1 4 | Colonial .£30 paid Com. Bk. of Australia, Lim. ... .... 1 ... 20.2 7% 2 7 Consolidated, Limited Delhi and London, Limited 1 4 % 3 . 1 12% 4.7 % Eng., Scottish, & Aust. Char. ... ... German Bank of Lond.,Lim. 1 0 % 2 1 . 6 10J 16.3 7 . 1 1 26 4 9.3 6 i Hong-K. & Shang. Bk. Corp. 3 2 % l7 234 11.6 Imperial of Persia i*10 paid Imperial Ottoman 17 2.10 13ft 2.1 International of London, L. 10% 13.11 834 7.3 I f I514 12.10 11 3 4 13.1 3_ Ionian „ Lloyds ... «£8paid 263/8 23.1 23% 7.8 2 | London & Brazilian, Lim.... 19% 24.9 14i/8 6 # i 5 , London and County, L i m . . . 94% 1.2 87% 24.2 7 83/8 11.9 2 | London and Hanseatic, L.... 10% 3.1 3814 5.12 351/4 8:2 3 London and Midland London and Provincial,Lim. 203/8 24.12 1834 26.2 I f London and River Plate, L. 3234 1.12 251/4 17.1 7 London and San F r a n c , L. 6 f t 13.11 5% 2.8 Oft 30.11 4 1 % 3.1 5f Lon.& S. West.,Lm._e20 pd. 47 29.1 51% 9.7 6_ London and Westminster,L. 58 2% 9.1 H London Bk.ofMex.& S.A.,L. I 43/8 17.9 London Chartered of Aust. ... London J o i n t Stock, Lim... 34% 7.'l2 30 27.'6 8.'3 7 14.2 1 0 | Lon.,Paris,&America.Bk,L. 24% 5.3 24% 5.3 2.2 3* MereantileBk.of Australia^ ... ... 24.1 0£ ... 26.1 2 Merchant, Limited, J>4paid 2% 24.11 2 Metrop.of Engld.and Wales I614 25.1 15 6.11 U ... 28.2 1* National, Limited 19% 8.5 17% 15.8 7.8 6f National of Australasia ... ... ... 10.4 5_ Nation.ofMexico $100,$40p. "914 i " l 2 7% 5.6 if 26.2 3_ Nat.of N. Zealand,L.£2_pd. 1% 1.8 Oft 21.12 0 ^ 28.2 1 5 | N a t . Prov. of Eng.,L.^10_p. 44 19.9 40% 2.1 3^ 27.1 o_ Do. do. do. =£12 pd. 51i/8 3.12 46% 11.7 4f 6.4 6 Do. do. £12 pAM 4634 12.1 4634 12.1 29.1 3 ! New English Bk. Riv. Plate ... ... ... <•• ... 16.8 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. ... ... ..'. 16.1 6_ 1 N o r t h Eastern, Limited ... 12ft 13.'11 1114 16.3 i'-A 78% 13.9 73 12.1 6.2 5_ P a r r ' s and Alliance, Lim. 7.4 4 . Provincial of Ireland, Lim. 243/8 11.6 2314 10.4 11.3 Queensland National, Lim. 3.8 i f Standard of South Africa,L. 56V4 3.'12 50% 17*1 j 6f Union of Australia, Lim.... 4634 16.2 3114 19.7 16i Do. Ins.Stk.Dpts. 10434 14.11; 96 3.1 81 Union of London, Limited.. 3414 19.9 30% 28.7 3* 23/8 15.8 i f 1% 5.5 1 1 ^ 1 2 . 6 1* Un.of Spaiu&Eng.,L.,10J pd. 2% 1.2 13% 3.9 1 BREWERIES & DISTILLERIES. 10 17.11 H 4% 23.1 oft Allsopp(S.)& SonsOrd.Stock 135% 20.6 5314 5.1 Bl* 6% 24.7 i f Do. 6% Pref. Stk. 14234 20.6 112 2.1 3 0 | 18.12 11034 2.1 Do. Debenture 4_% 121 ... Arnold, P e r r e t t , & Co. ... 11& 15.10 634 1.12 4 f s $H 11.1 54 14.12 31_ Do. Pref. ... 11 31.10 8% 11.12 2f 26% 21.12 6 | 26.7 Oi Do. 4J%Db.o630pdid 3614 31.7 36 66% 22.8 7f 19.9 6534 3.8 l i Do. -860 paid id 67 30.11 3f Do. fully paid i\ 10734 7.11 104 ,,, ,,, u \m o _ 6'i o £ on ,£* 't •M \*M i 4 m n\ n; *?! n m ft ,,, ,,, 1 ,,, ,,, ,,, 24.9 \oi \l\\ tIII M ••• II 1 ... oil "2& 13.'l 24.7 133/4 _ . l 1* 20.2 33% 29.12"L4 22.2 34% 10.1 12 1% 13.11 16.3 18.1 8 d i s l 3 . 1 2 7 24.11 101% 5.11 it 20.9 31V4 4.10 24.11 101% 2.11 H Backus & Johnstone ... Do. 6% Deb. 55 Barnsley Ordinary 2ft Do. 6% Cum. Pref. ... 63/8 B a r r e t t ' s Brewery 1» Dp. 5% Pref. 2% Bartholomay (of Roch.) O. 10^4 Do. 8% Cum. Pref. 1 2 * Bass, Rat., & Grt. 5 % Pref. ] 39 Do. 4_%M.D.S.lL31 Benskin's Watf.4_%1M.D.'£ ]L08 m\\ n 184 ... 27.'4 52 17.10 1 & 22.10 4 ^ 0% 14.2 28.7 1% 8% 29.3 27.10 11 4.12PL25% 12.12'L20 1.12]L05 [ ... 11 9.6 3 30.1 It 1.3 2M\ 10.1 1 * 9.1 Of 10.11 I f 4.1 1 * 9.1 1L3_ 13.1 1LI 4.12 3 1 'I BREWERIES, &c, continued, for 1894. cJ ^ NAME Off STOCK. Q BREWERIES, &c—co«. Bieckert's Brewery, Lim.., 5% Do. 5% Deb. ... 68 Bristol Brewery Ordinary,, 25i/2 Do. Pref. .., 15/a Do. D e b . ... 12iy 4 Cheltenham Original, Ord, 6% Do. 6% Pref. 6 Do. 4 % Deb. 102% Chicago ... , 6 Cincinnati Breweries Ord.. Do. Preference '3 City of Baltimore U t d . Ord.j Do. Pref. | City of Chicago B . & Malt. 6% Do. Pref. 8% Colchester Brewery Pref.... 4% Combe & Co. Preference ... 13% Do. 4% Debs. ... 115% Commercial 5 % Deb. 1110 Courage & Co. 5% Cum.Prf. 133 Do. 4% Irred. Mt. Deb. 122 Daniell & Sons' Brew., Ord. 4% Do. 7% C u m . P r f 10% Do. 4 | % D e b . .. 100 Denver United O r d i n a r y . . 51/^ Do. Preference... 73/ Deuchar(J.Deuch.)4£%Db.i| 103% 4 Distillers, Limited.. . 17 Do. Mort. Deb. 1116 Dominion Do. Pref. Dortmund 1st Mort. Deb d\ Dublin Distillers Ordinary 2 * Do. 6% Cum. Pref..! 5% Do. 4 i % J r r e d . D e b . 1063,4 Eadie (J.) 4£% M r t . Debs. 109 Edinburgh Untd.5%lM.Db. IOOV2 Emerald & Phoenix Brew... 015, Do. do. 8% Pref. .| 6% F a r n h a m United ... 13* Do. Preference) 131/s Gillman & Spencer... 3% Do. Preference!, 4% Guinness & Co. Ord. Stock. 364 Do. 6% Pref.Stk.l 175 Do. 5% Deb. Stk. 128 Hancock (Wm.) & Co. 181,4 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. 13tt H a r d y Crown Brewery Hoare & Co. 5% Cum. Pf. i\ Do. 4% D e b . Hodgson's Kingston Brew.. 114 Do. 5% Debs..I 7V4 Holland & Co., L., 7% Prf..d 120% Do. 5% Mort. Huggins&Co.5% C.P.^85 p. id\ Do. 4i%Dbs.<£50p.'icZ 573/4 Do. 5%Cm.Pf.<£10p.'£1 I21/2 Do. 4£%Db .fully pd.f II41/2 I n d Coope& Co. 4£% M.Db.| 123 Indianapolis Do. 8% Preferencel J o n e s (Frank) Ordinary '16 Do. Pref. 6% Kenward & Court ... 5 Lacon(E.&Co.L.)4%M.D.S.;| Lascelles, Tickiier & Co. .., 1101/2 Do. 6% Cum. Pref., 65/s Lion Brewery, Lim. <£17pd, 6% Do. New £6 paid 405/8 Do. 6 % Pref, 13% Manchester Ordinary 26% Do. 7 % Preference. 14 Massey's Burnley Ord. ... i5y 4 Do. 6% Cum. Prf, 9% McCracken's C.B.4|%1M.D 12 McEwan & Co. 5 % Pref. 793/4 Meux's Brewery 5 % Pref 13% Do. 4% Mt. D e b . 1 3 * 116 t\ c? ri O 15.3 1.10] 7.8 20.6 30.11! 9.10 4.10| 28.5 16.4 Q o 3* 60 213/8 131/2 19 51/* 53/8 99% ll"6 23/8 13 2.4 3To 19.10| 53,4 30.3 2% 2.4 31.121 63/8 1* 21.12 12fc 5.12 111 6.12 89 30.11 124 21.8 II21/4 20.11 5.11 26.10| 5.3 85 2y4 2.4 31.12] 534 100% 7.7 24.9 14% 28.3 1 1 ^ 8» 10.9 15.10] 4% 15.10 98 12.12 100 3.121 91 3.1 5.1 19.1: 27.10] 9 5.2 1034 21/4 25.6 14.121 3i/4 24.121|341 3.3 162 3.12| 122 26.11 12 f , m 28.*12J 12% 13.12 1 fl 19.10 in ! 8.11 6 113 19.'l 68 26.7 6-^27.7 573/1 27.12| 11% 21.11 1073/4 22.10| 115 30.3 ,2 10.12] 6 29.5 4y 4 11.8 7* 3.9 4.12] 41/4 6.10 106% 3.11 53/4 5% 22.9 3434 15.10] 12% 1.3 26 21.9 11 11.10] 12 31.10 7 * 25.10| 9% 23.2 22.llj 72 I21/4 20.7 27.12| 12 108% 31.7 4.1 8.1 8.1 17.11 20.2 10.1 2.5 23.11 [1 U#\\ 22 r *1 NAME OF STOCK. BREWERIES, &c—continued. & ... m\\ Milwaukee 8%ChicagoPref... Do. Cum. 5% 21/s 19.12 8 614 31.12 4 Morgan's Brewery Pref. .. 11% U * 3.12] 2* Nalder & Collyer's Ord. ...\ l&A 12% 9.1 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. 13H 1 2 * 10.1 i t 2i IO71/4 15.5 01 Do. 4 i % D e b . ...108 1* Do. 4£% Debs. 189l[ 3 1.2 Newcastle 10% 26.6 Do. 6% Cum. Pref. ... 101 25.1 10 Do. 5% 1st M t . Dbs.. 5.'7 New City of Lond.Ord.Stk.l 145 16.2 21 8.1 12i Do. 5% Cum. Pref... 120% 1.9 i Do. 4% Mort. Debs.. 5.2 4 i 110 8.2 2 4 4.5 U New E n g . Brew., L., Ord, 5V4 15.12 * Do. 8% Cum. Pref.J 13.12 ** 7y4 17.2 2t New West.Brewery,Limited 63/8 22.1 Of 31.3 5i/4 8.11] 0 | Do. do. 6% Pref.... 4.1 1* New York Breweries 13.8 29.1 4* Do. 8 % Cum. Pref. 5.5 21 4% 1.8 Northampton Ordinary 9.1 9 5% 5.9 H Do. 7% Preference! 14.9 I f 2.1 Wt\\ Do. 6 % Preference 6% 8.9 I f 31.7 Do. 5 % Debenture] 3.8 4 * I 94i/4 4 . 5 6* , 5.4 15 1 Nottingham 7 % Preference! 51/4 9.8 0 * | Do. 1st Mort. Deb. 18.7 3* Ohlsson's Cape 6% 11.1 18.7 2 Do. Pref. , 6% 20.4 5.11 2* Do. D e b . 5% ... 107 17.2 9f 9.2 2* 1 2 * 31.1 3^ 18.9 0* ! Parker's Burslem Ord. Do. 6% Cum. Prf, , 11% 22.1 2f 20.3 E e i d ' s Brewery 5 % Pref... 124 7.2 10 Do, 4 % Deb. J93/8 5-2 7 | 6.12 Eoyal, Brentford, Ordy. . 8% 11.4 3^ Do. 6% Cum. Pref.. , 9*19.4 3* 24.5 of Do. 4£% Debs. Stk... 23.2 8f 100 19.6 7 i St. Louis Brewery ... 9.1 9 1% 20.7 2 Do. Pref.... 21.5 9* 41/4 12.3 3.10 1 * St. Pauli Brews. Ord. 10.4 i i Do. do. 7% Cum Pref. i'.'3 1 17.5 If 15.12] 108 24.7 6 ! 2.2 4 * Salt(Thos.)4i%lstMrt.Db.-i| 30.3 S. Francisco Brewery 03/8 5.7 01 6.2 2f 31.3 Do. 8% Pref. 13/8 6.9 l i 17.12 1* 1 21.6 IO814 11.4 3.1 U Savill Bros.4i%M.Db.Stk.<£| • 28.12] 914 12.5 5£ , Showell (W. & S.) Ord. 6.1 23 2.101 30% Do. 7 % Pref. 2.1 13.1 13 13.9 110 10.3 a* Do. 5 % Deb, 31.10 6 i Smith,Garrett & Co..<£5pd.dl 8.8 7 l i " 4 "7% 14.'4 Do. do. £6 paid id\ 20.7 1 « Do. do. £7 paid'i 19.7 8% 21.7 o * | 26" 10 Do. do. <£20paid Do. do. 5% Pref. 233/8 2614 20.'l 26.10 2* Do. 4|%Mrt.Deb. 1103/i 1073,4 6.2 2.1 1* ...|105% 100 27.1 13.1 7* Smith's, Tadcaster Stretton' s D erby 19.'l Do. Pref. otfl Stroud 5% Debenture 8.12 26.7 Tadcaster Tower 1st Mort.' 10234 30.10] 27.7 Do. .£50 paid i\ 52 18.9 1 17.8 153/4 14.4 2i 10.8 6f ! Tamplin & Sons, Brighton. Do. 6% Cum. Prf. 16.7 1 * 13* 20.1 8 ... 123/8 4.5 l i Thorne (E.) 6% Pref. 11% 26.1 0 | ,.. 23 & : 1 6 * 2.2 13.4 "V-J- Threlfall's Ordinary Do. Preference ... 15% 133/4 2 . 1 61 7.2 2f Do. 5% 1st Mort. ...124 116V4 9.1 a*-24.2 2f 1071/4 9.1 7f 22.1 Of Truman,Han.& Bux.4% D b . 115 6i/4 8.1 7f 4.9 4 ! United States Co. Ord. .. 9% Do. 8% Cum. Prf. 1 2 * 23.1 12.7 0* Walker (P. W . & Co.) Pref. 12% 22.6 1 10% 21.7 ^ , Do. 4% Mort Deb. 110% 22.1 51 10434 11.1 3 * 12.4 2s 149 24.2 If W a t n e y & Co.6% Cum.Prf. 155 Do. 5% D e b . 12334 4.4 5f 1.3 o* Do. 4^/oDeb.B. 115 5.1 6 3.1 8 3.1 6 10.1 3* Whitbread 4£% Preference 120 109 Do. 4 % Mort. Deb.|115 15.1 4 9.1 2 * 108% 17.9 i l l Wolverhampton & Dudley 15.3 2f 4 Do. Pref. I 9% 10. .2 6* 3.7 7f 6% 21. .9 1 2 Do. 4 | % Deb. 91 23.2 1* 90 9.1 I f 10.1 1 * Worthington & Co. 5£% Pf. 14|4 12% Do. 4£%Deb.ll7% 8.1 1.2 7* 113 Younger (W.) Co. 5 % Pref Jl27" 18.1 12 115% 8 wl °* ft m\\ 6'i m\ m\ m\\ m, o* 6* m\ oi f i IS* 185 CANALS & DOCKS, and COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. 61 & o CANALS AND DOCKS, Alexandra Docks & E l . " B " 90% Do. Con.Pref.Stk.A 101 Do. Perp.Deb.Stock... 139% Birmingham Canal Bute Docks 4 % Debenture] 121 E a s t and West I n d i a Dock 2214 Do. Debenture Stock| 107% Do. Deferred D e b . . 93 Grand Junction Canal 129 Do. 6% Preference.. 18 Leeds and Liverpool CanalI 70 Do. 3 ^ % Deb. London & St.Katharine Dk. 49 & Do. 4^% Preferential] 128 Do. 4^% New Pref. 126 Do. New Pref., 1882] Do. 4% Debenture... 129 Manchester Ship Can. Pref. 5% Do. do. 4 % Deb. 102 Milford " A " Deb. Stock... 27 MillwallDock 60 Do. 5% Perp. Pref. 134 Do. 4£% Preference] 108% Do. do. 1887] 114 Do. 5% Perp. Deb.... |141 Neath Harbour 1st Mort.... 5 Newhaven Etarbour 4% ... 13 NorthMetrop.Rail. & Canal 06% Sharpness NewDk.4% Deb.] 113 Suez Canal Shares ... 124 Do. Founders' Shares Surrey Commercial Dock.. 131 Do. 4% A Preference| 128 Do. 5%B do. 136 Do. 5%C do. D o . 5%D do. 121% Do. 4£% Debenture..] 145 NAME OF STOCK. &8 COM. & INDUSTRIAL—con. Bergvik 6% Cum. Prefd.... 9% 27.2 S% 13.7 I f 8% 19.2 6% 4.7 1* Do. Deferred 4.4 103 29.1 3 Do. 5 % l s t D b s . . . . 106 3 20.8 27.*3 H i Bland, J o h n & Co. £ 1 pd. A 14.12| k 20.8 6.3 2 : 4.5 1 » | Bodega, Limited 5^ 25 8£ Bottomley, S. & Sons 7% 30.3 73/4 30. 19 Do. 6 % Pref. |17* 25 6 * 13.10 14 .'4 2*1 3 9 | Bovril £ 3 £ paid 11 71 Brazilian E x t r a c t of Meat.. 30 5% 29.9 6.3 6'i If Brewers' Invest. Corp. 30 2% 22.6 1% 17.2 01 3f Brighton Grand Hotel Bristol Hotel & P . 5% Deb.. 18.1 Britisli Borneo Trading d\ 14.3 9 3.5 Ok , B.Deli & L a n g k a t Tob.Pref .| f/s 13.10 2.1 101 Brooke, Bond, & Co., Lim. 12% 28.12| °T6 18.5 3ft 5.3 11 Brooke, Sim.,&Spil. A Shrs, 12.1 Brunner, Mond & Co., Lim.I 52% 31.'l 43 8.6 H Do. do. £8£ pdi d\ 41 14.6 333,4 27.4 7 i 6.7 3 ! Do. do. £ 2 £ p a i d " 1934 2.11 13ft 30.4 6TO 5.10| 7 4.10] Of Do. do. fully p a i d i 4434 3.10] 44 14.7 U * Do. do. 7% Pref. 17% 10.11 1 6 * 5.1 1 A | 11.1 11 B r y a n t & May, Limited ... 15% 31.101 13% 7.2 ^ 11.6 7^ Bucknall (H.) & Sons 22.5 1 * 7% 20.121 6.4 10 Do. do. Pref. 7% 14.12] 6% 22.1 0 | 29.1 7 14.2 6.6 0 * 1 Burke (Ed. & John) Prefs... 6 K 5 3.5 1 6.6 Do. 6 % Cum. Pref. °16 6.6 11.1 Of Do. 6 % I r r e d . Deb. 127% 15.2 125 6.6 2*i 20.1 9 ! Campbell (Robert) & Sons 2% 8.5 1% 14.6 Of 15.11] 20.12] 98 CantareiraWaterSupplyDb. 105% 6.3 12.1 Do. do. 2nd Issue 86% 20.11 74 12.3 Cartavio Sugar 6% Debs... 11.'l isi Cassell & Co. 17fc 24.*2 13% 9.*7 16.4 15.3 35 Catalinas W a r e . Mort. D e b 50 13.1 15 30.1 ut Ceara Harbour Corporation] 3.9 3.9 1 10.8 8 C t . P r o d . M k t . ( B . A y . ) l s t M . 67% 2.5 59% 30.11 71 23.5 H Chicago & N . W . Granaries] 33/4 12.11! 16.3 2 21.5 15 Do. do. 8% Pref.| 7% 19.10] 5.1 3* Chicago P a c k . & P r o v . Ord. 10% 25.4 25.8 I f 8.11| Do. 8% Cum. Pref. 11 17.2 H City Offices, Limited 9.8 Oh 11% 3.1 24.4 2* City of Lond. Real Prop., L. 181* 2.111 10% 6.1 1 * 1 Do. New £12* Shs. , 12% 30.3 31.7 7.7 0| Do. 8 f % D e b . Stk. 106% 7.7 17% 2.11 0i 10.1 , 1 1 % 20.6 17.11 4.6 1*1 City of Santos Improv. Pref. 31.12 104% Clay (Henry) Bock & Co.... 22.5 Do. 8% Cum. Pref.] ioy8 10.12 5| 27.9 Do. M o r t . Debs.... 104 12.12 9.5 ***, 22H 13.11 8 Coats (J. & P . ) O r d . 85% 01 Do. Pref. 16ft 12.12] 6.'7 18.1 I64 6.6 1 5 * Do. Deb. 143/4 3.1 |45 Colorado N i t r a t e 3TB 29.3 1* 3.1 Compagnie Gen.desAsp.deF. 11 20.4 113% 11.12 i t 2% 14.11 0 * 1 25.1 Do. 5%Pf. 5% 6.3 26.1 15.11 9% 13.11, Cook(T.Cook&Sons)EgyD 8 16.4 95% 18.8 Crompton&Co.7%Pf.£5 pd. 2 Do. 5% 1st Mort. Debs. 31.12 oii 1*1 5.2 31 Crossley (J.) & Sons 24.'7 25.'l 24.1 1 * Do. do. Pref. 14.4 30.4 22.3 12 22.10] 7 Crystal Palace A 18.4 5 17.7 Do. B Redeem 1 24.7 01 1% 19.2 11.6 Do. 6% Deb. 1st '81 118 7.12| 103 10.1 [15 Do. do. 2nd... 32 10.2 30 11.8 2 1^Do. do. 3rd... 11 7.5 11 7.5 3.2 Dalgety & Co., Limited ... 5 * 2.10] 4 15.6 1*1 27,121 o * Do. U% Debenture... 113% 6.11 108 16.8 6* 21.2 013 103% 17.10 97 24.1 Do. 4 % do. "Ten 21.5 Daniel (T.) & Co. Deben.... Darvel Bay (Bor.) Tob. ... 16.'4 Denny (H.) & Sons 6% Prf. 13% 28.11 12% 13.1 I f 28.5 1*1 Devas,Routledge &Co.,Lim. 7% 20.12| 25.9 30.8 01 Dorman Long & Co. £ 5 pd. 4 2.3 16.8 ?^ 10.9 01 E a s t m a n s , Ord., £ 1 0 paid... 4.-2- 30.5 2*1 7.9 7i Do. Pref., £ 1 0 paid QJZ_ 14.3 3re 22.2 Of E . C. Powder 5* 63/4 7.11 1* 29.5 Of Electric Construct. £ 2 paid % % 3.1 Of 17.7 Do. 7% Pref. 2% 17.9 1% 6.4 1 4 5.7 Eley Brothers. Limited .. 31% 2.1 24% 4.4 4i 7f 23.11] 68 26.4 32* 1.2 98% 28.4 19.'l2] 128% 14.7 119 27.121 1334 18.12 89% 13.12 53% 22.11 121% 9.10| 16% 15.1 66% 29.'l2| 37 5.9 119 4.121 115% 2.11 111% 21.121 114% 9.2 8.1 9Sy4 30.5 20 15.11 48% 6.12! 123 20.12 101% 21.12 104 11.10 134 26.2 4 28.2 12% 19.6 47 15.11 113 18.121 106% 28"8 115% 17.7 122% 1.121 127 6.12| 128 24.4 120 28.11] 130 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Aerated Bread, Limited ...| 7% 9.1 5% African Gold Eecovery ... 2 25.10] 1% Aluminium A Shares d l j f 17.1 1* Do. £lpaid i\ l^f 19.2 03,4 Anglo-C. N . & E . 7% Pref.. 1% 10.12] 4% Do. 6% 1st Mort. Bonds ..103 31.12 97% Angus (George) & Co. ... 11% 9.5 Hi/4 Appleton French and Sera. ... Argent. Meat Pres. 7% Pref. 2% 12.'l * 1 % Arg. Refinery 5% Mo. Deb. 90% 10.101 75 Armstrong (Sir W.G.) & Co. 192 12.12 147 Artizans'Lab. & Gen. Dwell. 113 25.10 00% Do. 4£% Pref.Stk.1879 121% 14.12 114 Do. 4£% Pref.Stk.1884 120 24.11112 Ash. E l . Car. & Iron .£56 pd. Do. ' do. £ 6 £ p d . 17s 31.12 l i f Assam Elwys.&Trad.L.,Prf. 133/4 24.12 10 Do. do. Deferred 2f^ 27.12 034 Do. do. Pre-prf. A 15 14.11 12 j f Do. 5%Mt.Dbs. 110% 17.12] 106% Do. 5% Eed. Debs. 11034 21.2 109 Australian Gold Eecovery.. ... Australian Pastoral Ord.... ... Do. do; Pref..., 8% 4.9 7 Aylesbury Dairy Com. Lim. | f 28.2 % Babcock &WilcocksLd. Or. 133^ 22.11] 9 H Do. 6 % Cum. Pref. 10% 28.5 10% Bahia Central Sugar F a c . L . ... 3.*11| "534 Baker (Chas.) & Co. Prf. shs. 7 4% Do. "B"Pref. 5if 15.2 Barker (J. & Co.) Ord. i\ 2 2.101 13/8 Do. 5|% Cum Pref.i 6 ^ 12.11 5*£ Do. 4£%lstDeb. i\m 18.12110834 li/ 8 Belgravia Dairy ll/> 27.3 ; 2% Bell(E.)&Co 3% 15.1 Bell's Asbestos 7% 31.121 3% Do. 5% Deb, ... 93% 7.121 9 m m m i* fi a a m\ n u "P IP 186 COM. & INDUSTRIAL.—con Elmore's French P . C. D..., Elmore's P a t e n t Cop. Dep.l I l l 18.5 0i/o 20.3 1 * Elmore W i r e Man. £2 paid 1% 18.5 03/4 20.121 Eng.&Austra.Cop.,L.lfpd.d "Do. do. £1\ paidi E v a n s , D . H . & Co. Ord. * 1% 19.12| 1ft 19.7 0M Do. 6% Cum. Pref. i\ 1V4 23.7 13.8 0ft Evered & Co. £1 paid 20.101 Of 18.5 Do. all paid! FairfieldS. & E . 6 % Pref... 73/i 23.'ll "7V4 15.'l2 Si t Field (J. C. & J.) Ordinary 3 f t 4.12| 2% 22.10) 0H Do. 7 % Cum. Pref. 101/4 13.8 5.9 21 Fordham (W.B.) & Sons ... 4.7 1% 17.8 0i F o r e St. W a r e . Lim. .£11 pd, 8^2 5.2 24.101 1 7ft Do. do. 4% Debs. ... 10234 23.4 99 4.12 3f 15.12 4i Foster, M. B . & Sons 21.3 2 6ft 26.4 19.12 51 5 Do. 6% Pref. Foster, Porter, & Co., Lim. 10% 27.3 5.9 2j 16% Fowler Broth ers 3 Do. 7% Cum. Pref. ... io /4 3.'2 ioft 4*6 Oftl Fowler W a r i n g Cable ,£5 pd. ft 21.6 ft 21.6 Oft Fraser & Chalmers, £ 5 paid 1% 9.4 oif 27.10) OH General HydraulicPower,L. 10 4.4 9.1 2 Goldsborough, Mort &Co. Do. 4%Debs.| Gordon Hotels Ordinary . iw8 26.7 14% 16.1 2 i Do. 5£% Pref. . 13.8 I21/4 8.2 I f Do. 5£% Pref. id\ 13% 21.6 12% 14.3 1* Do. 4i% Deb, 131 19.12! 119 21.2 112 Do. 4% Deb. 117 18.12] 1033/4 19.1 Greenwood & Batley Ord.dl Do. do. Pref. "<3ft 20.'3 "&ft 20.'3 H a m m o n d (G. H.) & Co. ... 3ft 16.6 10.11| i f t Do. do. 8% Pref. ..! 22.9 8.11 31 Harrison, Barber, & Co. ... 51/4 13.1 16.6 5 f t 2.1 2£ H a r r o d ' s Stores Ordinary... 3 H 31.121 If Head, Wrightson & Co. ...1 Henleys Teleg. W k s . Ord. i •91/4 19.12! 8."5 H e n r y ( A . S . ) & C o . , ^ 1 0 p d . 11% 7.3 ioy 4 19.12] Do. Cum.Pref.,£10 pd. 1 1 % 19.2 11% 25.1 Do. 4^% Debenture . ! 53ft 11.1 50ft 1.8 Hepworth, J . & Son 6% Prf. 23,4 31.8 3% 8.2 Herrmann (H.) Hildesheimer (S.) & Co. ... Hobbs, H a r t , & Co. <£f pd. Hook (C.) Townsend & Co. 6 25.8 6 25.8 H o p c r a f t F u r n a c e ... d\ Do. do. Pref. d\ Hornsby(R.)& Sons £8 paid 414 3.10 Iftl Do. do. 6% Pref. Hotchkiss Oidnance Ord.... 1 2.4 0% 16.7 61 Do. d c . 7 % Prefl 4i/2 18.12] 21/4 4.7 2 i . Do. do.5%Mt.Db. J105 22.12 87 10.1 18 Hotel Victoria ... d\ Howard & B u l l . , 0 . <£ *9 6.*10 7* 14.*9 2* Do. all paid i 12% 17.12| I21/4 21.11S 01 22.9 1ft Do. Pf.o86pd.-id 8 9 8.11 Do. all paid i 12% 23.11 12% 13.11 Oi 6.11 76ft 14.9 Do. 78 Do. all paid i 103 17.11 103 17.11 Howell (J.) & Co.,^84pd.... 8^8 30.5 7ft 13.1 6ft 3 Howell & James, Limited... 2.6 /8 8.6 y 4 24.2 o j H u m b e r & Co 7% 12.11 2* H u n t e r (J.) Wiltshire & Co. 7y4 29.10| 6% 5.4 5% 41/4 25.9 I m p . Russian Cot. & J u t e 30.1 Improved Indus. Dwell., L.i 130 13.9 123ft 10.8 6* Do. Deferred ImprovedWoodPavemnt.jL.j 14 24.'l 14.*6 Of India Rubber, &c.,Works,L, 26I/4 14.12| 9.1 4* 22y8 22.2 2 Do. t 4 i % Deb. 18961 105 6.7 103 International OkoniteOr d. d\ I n t e r . Sleep.Car C.5%Bds.d Jensen (J.) & Co. ... d\ Julia Nitrate ... d\ 19.3 19.3 14.11 J u l i a Taltal Nitratel9/»p.i<2 10.101 0i 31.12! Do. 20/- fully paidi 19.111 0ft Kensington Co-op. Stores d Kinloch (Chas.) & Co. 8.'l "V/2 13.'12! Do. Pref. 6H 10.12 10.1 7.12! 14ft 18.4 2ft Kynoch (G.) & Co., Pref. 171/4 I- m m m m m m I i aI Day. Month. '•• Lowest. NAME OF STOCK. Day. Month. NAME OF STOCK. Highest. COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL continued for 1894. 1A . Igfl 0 0 COM. & INDUSTRIAL—cow, La Guaira H a r . 7% D b . Stk.j 97^ 15.1 81 28.11lie* Do. 7%2ndDb.Bds.| 68 3.3 30ft 23.11 L a g u n a s N i t r a t e ... 6% 11.12 5ft 20.11 ift Lagunas Syndicate 24 15.10 15% 20.11 8* Lake Copais 6 % Deb. 1 36ft 19.11 28 25.4 8i L a u t a r o N i t r a t e £5 paid 8ft 20.12 2 ^ 1 8 1 6H Lawes'Chem. Manure<£9pd, 7% 20.8 614 12.5 H Do. do. Pref.j 12ft 16.3 11% 13.4 ot Leeds Forge *1% 18 J 2 'lYs 15.2 0* Do. 7 % Pref. Do. I s t M t . D b s . . . . 253/8 15.2 25 15.2 0* LeverBr s.5 % CumPf. <£4pdicZ| 434 29.8 4ft 25.8 Oft Do. do. .£7 paidid\ 8ft 13.11 1% 5.9 Oft Do. do. <£10 paidi] 113/fe 19.12 11 6.12 0$ Liebig's E x t r a c t of Meat, L, 63 23.11; 54ft 18.7 8 + LinoleumManufacturing,L.| 323 13.4 2914 25.1 2f 6 /4 24.9 43/8 3.7 2* Lister & Co. 93/8 18.10 7 9.7 2# Do. Pref. Liverpool N i t r a t e ... 10ft 17.7 S% 18.1 21 London a n d Tilbury Light] London N i t r a t e O r d . £ h pd "3H 14.*9 "VA 29.*3 2ft Do. Prf.<£5pd, 4% 21.12 4 17.8 0^ London Pavilion 634 6.2 43/8 18.7 1 2» Lon. Prod. Clear.Hs.<£2| pd.| 4 24.1 3 20.8 London Stereoscopic, Lim. 1% 27.1 0% 6.6 0J MacLellan,!L.6% Cum.Pref, Do. 5%lstMort.Deb, ... McEwan (James) & Co. .., *3 14.*9 "3 14.'9 Do. 6 % M r t . D b s , 90 21.12 87ft 8.5 McNamara & Co. Ordinary] Do. 8% Cum. Pref.] '5% 19.'l2 "4% 30.*1 Of ManganeseBro. &Bra.«£6p. 97s 14.2 7ft 10.8 2^ Mason & Mason Ord. £5 p&.| 83/8 13.1 4% 31.7 3f Do. Pref.<£5pd. 7ft 12.7 53/8 11.12 lit Maudslay, Sons, & Field Pf. Do. Mort. Dbs.J ... Max Greger, Limited, A '"% 6.'4 " \ 6.'4 Maxim-Nordenfelt... l3/8 28.12 014 9.7 1* Do. Deb. 86 28.12 49 2.7 37 Metro. Assoc.f orlmp.Dwell.l 23% 16.11 20y4 16.8 3f Do. Ordinary Stock i Do. Milner's Safe, Limited 13% 9.*2 i i i3.*8 2f Moir (John) & Son 7% Pref. 43^ 22.1 3ft 25.5 i t Morgan & Co. Morgan Crucible 6% Cu.Pf 12% 26.'ll 12 16.'l 6* Morris (B) & Sons «£3£paid 2% 22.12 2ft 5.3 0H National Dwelling Soc.Ord. V 15.1 4 14 15.1 / Do. do. Pref, iy 8 24.12 1 3.3 oh National S. Dep., L., <£4 pd 41/4 9.1 334 4.4 0* Do. 6% Pref, 1ft 23.7 1 27.1 Oft Native Guano, Limited .., % 4.4 ft 2.3 0£ Naval Cons. & Arma. 4% 9.2 3 21.8 l i Nelson Brothers, .£10 paid] 9ft 4.1 1 7 3.8 2^r Do. 5% Deb.| 100 28. II 1 98 27.2 2 Neuchatel Asphalte, Lim.... 43/8 13.12 234 5.2 i If Nevada Land and Cattle d\ New Cent. Borneo Tobacco] '"ft i.'io ft 25.10 0* 1 New Explosives 2H 23.11 1ft 8.1 If N e w L o n d . Born. Tob. 16/-p.: 1% 12.9 iy 8 18.61 0i New Tamarugal Nit, Ord. % 30.11 ft 10.2 0ft Do. do. Pref. 1ft 1.9 034 18.1 Oft 6 % M r t . D e b . 90 18.12 69ft 21.2 20^ # Do. N i t r a t e Provisn.Sup.«£2|pd. ft 16.7 Oft ft 31.1 Nobel's Dynamite T r u s t ... 151/4 8.12 123,4 16.6 2* Northfleet W h i t e Lead d\ Norton Brothers & Co.,Lim. Oakey (J.) & Sons, .£10 paid 17ft 13.'11 13% 26.'l Do. Pref. <£10pd. 14 28.8 lift 12.1 2ft Ogelby (Charles) & Co, Olympia "8ft 30.*3 "6 31*7 2ft Paccha& Jazpam.Nit. ^85 p.j 5ft 19.9 2 2.1 " 1 0 Palmer & Co. 1ft 23.10 1ft 14.9 0^ Do. 6 % Cum. Pref. 4% 5.1 3ft 22.10 Of P a r t a g a s & Co Do. Pref. Pawson & Leafs, Limited ..! "5 10.'i "m 12.'HI iftl Pears' (A. & F.) Ordinary 0% 29.8 4 3.12 1* Do. 6% Cum.Pref. 10ft 5.9 9ft 5.4 1ift Do. 5 % Deb. Stock 1083/4 17.101102 22.1 | ^ 187 m *i S COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL cont., FOREIGN & COLONIAL CORPORATIONS for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. 1 " S 1 0 s Q © I hi JL COM. & TNDUSTRIAL-cow. Phospho-Guano, Limited ... 4 & Pills. W a s h . Flour Mills... 3 Do. Pref. 71,4 Prairie Cattle, L . £3% pd.d ••• Do. £ 3 | paidi Price's P a t e n t Candle, Lim. 27% Primitiva N i t r a t e 5% Pryce Jones 6% Cum. Prf.. 534 Do. 5% P e r p . D e b . 103ft Recife Drainage, Lim., Deb. 67 E e d f e r n 6 % Pref lift E i o de Janeiro City Imp., L. 111/8 Do. do. 5% Deb. 8514 Do. do. 5% I n t . 85% Eio de Janeiro F l o u r Mills 4% Eiver r late F r e s h Meat, L. 1ft Do. 10% Pref. Eoberts(J.E.Eoberts)0.f.pi " l * Eosario N i t r a t e 5*f Do. 6% Debs.... 105 Eoyal Aquarium S o c , Lim. 3ft Do. L. 6 % Prf. 53/8 Eoyal Niger Co.Ch,&L.«£2p. I14 Do. do. cfilOpd. 9ft E u d g e Cycle 4i/8 13ft E u s t o n , Proctor & Co. Do. 5% Mt. Deb. 110 Sadler & Co Salt Union Ordinary "514 Do. Pref. 11A Do. 4£% Debs. ... 112ft Samuda Bros., Limited d San Donato N i t r a t e "234 San Jorge N i t r a t e 6% 4i% San Pablo N i t r a t e 2*f San_ Sebastian N i t r a t e Sanitas 2ft Santa Elena N i t r a t e 2ft 4ft Santa E i t a N i t r a t e Savoy Hotel, Limited II14 Do. 7% Prer. 12% Do. 4 % Deb. i 107ft Do. 5 % Deb. i 103% Sequah, Limited, Ordinary d ... Do. 10 % Cum. Pref. Spencer, Turner &BolderoOi '*5% Do. 5% Cum. Pref A 5 f t Spicer (H.) & Co. Ord. ... m Do. Pref. ... 534 Do. Deb. ... 66 Spiers & Pond 17ft Do. 5% I s t M o r t . 128 Do. 5% " A " Deb. 118ft Do. 5 % " B " M o r t . 117ft Do. 4 % " C " M o r t . < i 108 Spratt's P a t e n t 10ft Do. (America)... ... Stewart (A.J.) & Clydesdale Do. 6% Cum. Pref. 123/8 Swan Electric Light 2ft Sweetmeat Autom. Dely.... 2% Tele. Construc.&Maint.Lim. 43 Do. do. 5% Bds. 108 Tramways & Gen.Works, L. Travers (J.) & Sons 1st Mt. 105 United Alkali, Limited ... 63,4 Do. 7% Pref. ... l i f t Do. 5%Debs.... 112ft United Asbestos, L., Ord. A 2ft Do. Def.B ... Uni. Horse Shoe &Nail,Lim. Do. do. 8% Pref. ' " % 3 United L a n k a t Plant. 4 Uni.Limmer&Vor.Eck.A.,L. 4ft U.S. Eoll. Stk. Com.'s Crts.ti Do. 6% Deb. do. * Do. 6%E1.Es.Bds. do. i\ 89 Do. Coll.Tst.Dbs. do. i\ 1 t• 1 •§ 25.10 7.12 10.12 g.8 Uf .. • •> ... * 15.*9 1 24ft 20.3 214 21.9 4ft 19.10 97 7.3 66% 9% 18.7 28.9 i 7% 29.9 70 27.9 69 1.10 3ft 27.2 1 2.1 31 2.11 3f 8.2 ** 26.2 ! 6* 7.3 o* 26.2 I f 21.2 3 i 8.6 15* 4.7 1 6 | 6.2 H 17.2 0* 21.12 \ ' l f t 18.9 » 3 % 2.3 101ft 22.1 23/8 11.12 5ft 1 14.6 7.7 8% 6.1 3 11.9 ' H « 7.6 110 7.*12 18.1 8.1 16.2 23.11 2.3 7.3 16.8 "-I 7.6 14.'4 ' 3 f t 3.10 914 28.9 10034 i.'io "i-ti 4.5 4% 21.3 2** 27.11 0% 31.1 13,4 4.5 034 21.4 m 31.12 814 18.12 934 21.12 102 29.6 99ft 27.12 "434 16.11 4 H 17.1 ml 4i A 27.7 4.5 60 15.6 1534 24.5 121% 19.6 113 6.6 11214 6.12 103ft 83/8 26.7 9.'5 i l % 18.1 ; 2 13.2 2 8.2 1 36 18.10 104ft 3"4 IO334 6.1 2% 734 5.3 22.3 9934 19.6 2 ... 16.2 9,6 8.1l| ... ...14 ft 3ft 22.11 89 1 oi 2* 3* 1* OQ © i COM. & INDUSTPJAL—con. U.S.Eoll. S. 5% Con. Mt. CU Val de TraversAsph.Pav.,L 141/4 Vivian (H.H.) & Co. Pref. d WalkersParker&Co.6%C.P. 5 Do. 4£ % Debs. 90 Wallis (T.) & Co., Ord. ... 8ft Do. Cum. Pref. 7ft W a t e r . H s e . Swan & Edgar % Waterlow&Sons,Lim.,Ord. 1 24 Do. 6%Cum.Pref. 1 16ft Waterlow Bros. & L.^lOpd. 11% Do. 5% Pref. 12ft Welford & Sons 1% W e s t London Dairy « White (R.) 5% 1 M t . Dbs.-i W h i t e Lead .. '"14 Wickens, Pease, & Co. 2ft Wilkie & Soames,Lim., Prf. 13 Windover (Chas. S.) & Co. Young's Parfn., Lt. £4 paid 3 f t 23.4 1 19.6 2 434 8.11 2 1 + > 1 «' NAME OF STOCK. H 3 I ° — 2.'lCJ 12ft 26.'l 2| 30.'lC 18.1 31.12 25.1C 7.8 12.3 26.10 4.1 10.9 26.7 5.2 3ft 82ft 6^ 6 % 21ft 1434 7ft 103/8 1ft * 19.1 '"ft 29.5 2 8.11 l i f t m i'i ii m oi 188 ... 13.'4 3.7 22.2 2.2 2.6 23.5 25.1 9.10 13.2 3.9 25.7 ^ 2* 2 it °* 2 2 ^ J * 0| 4| 0± 6.'ll $ 12.5 16.1 1* °M\ ... FOREIGN I COL CORPORATIONS. Auckland (Cityof)6%of 1872 120% 24.8 117 Of Do 6% of 1879 128ft 29.10 12314 Do 5% of 1883 11534 5.10 IO914 1* Auckland H a r . Brd.,6% Deb. 1083,4 8.6 10534 li* 5.10 105ft Do. do. 5% Deb. 110ft Do. 5%Debs,1936 11034 12.10 104 13.'l i 1113/4 13.12 108 it* Balmain 5$ % Bonds 9.1 ^ Boston City (U.S.) 5%, 1899 103ft 25.8 101 17.1 H i Do. do. 1902 107ft 8.3 105ft Brunswick (Town of) 5 % . . . 103 2.11 103 B. Ayres (City of) 6% Deb. 41 3.4 32 5.'2 12.1 i& Do. 4£% Bonds 6634 3.11 55 21 2.1 i f Cape Town (City of)5%Deb. 110ft 7.6 105ft 12.1 Do. 4 % Debs. 1943t 113 28.11 10034 2.5 A3 Christchurch (Cityof) 6%... 128ft 29.10 121ft v 17.12 l 3 t Cordoba (City of) 6% 1922... 19ft 29.3 13ft f Do. 6% Bonds 1923 20ft 30.3 14 15.1 2 | 23.1 3 30.8 121 Dunedin (City of)6%, 1925... 125 2.1 2 | Do. 6%, 1906... 118ft 30.5 113ft 5.2 51 Do. 5 % , 1908... 112 20.8 10734 27.4 4f Durban4% Ins c £50tobepd.'£ d 53% 27.7 5334 Do. all paid i 106ft 27.11 103% Fitzroy(City of)5%Dbs.l916 107 27.6 103 17.'10 Gisborne Harbour Board 5% 9534 7.12 88ft 30.10 01 Greymouth Har. Bd.4%Deb. 106 27.8 105 Hamilton(C.of)4% Db.1934^ 107 18.9 101ft 17.1 30.4 HobartTown(City of)5%Db. 116 21.8 110ft 3.10 6 Do. 4% Deb... 103ft 27.9 100ft 30.1 I f Invercar.,Boro.of,4|% Deb. 10234 13.3 100ft 11.1 6f Kimberley, Borough of ... ... 2.1 5* Launceston,Townof,4%Db. 105ft 27.11 98ft 23.1 5 i LondonCityof (Ontario)5% d\ 10.5 4* i Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. ! 103ft 20.'2 103ft 25.4 Lyttelton (N.Z.) H a r . Bd.6% 124ft 29.6 ; 11734 Melb.&Met.Bd.of W k s . 4 % 1053/s 30.11 9Sft Melbourne (City of) 5 % ... 107% 22.12 103ft 22.'9 Do. 4£% ... IO614 5.10, 102 25.5 Do. 4% Deb. 1885 1053/4 15.10 97 oft 3.1 Of Melbourne H a r b . T r u s t 5 % 108ft 24.11 10314 10.1 7 Do. do. 4J% Bonds 10534 7.9 IOI14 17.8 3 i 10.12 94 Do. do. 4% 1918-21 102 Melbourne Trams.Trust4£% 111% 21.11 105ft 30."5 Met.FireBrig.Bd.(Melb'ne) 105 27.3 10134 ii 27.11 31 Mexico (City of) 5% St.L. ... 62ft 28.12 47ft 26.11 3f Montevideo vCity) 6%Bonds 633/g 27.11 47ft 26.11 121 Montreal (City of) 5%Sterl. 10634 25.9 103 25.9 Oft Do. 5%, 1904 10634 25.4 103 Do. 5%, 1909 10734 27.1 10334 Do. 3£% Bds.1933 94ft 1.10 90% 19.9 Do. 3% D e b . 8634 27.12 77% o* Do. 4% Debs. 1932 106% 18.7 103ft 6.4 04 29.3 paid oft Montreal 4% Scrip, all Cons.i 105ft 21.9 10414 Napier,Borough of,6% 115 19.2 108ft Napier Harbour Board 5 % 110 16.6 102ft 22."ll| Do. 1928 106ft 26.5 102 New Plymouth H a r . Brd. 6% ] 105 25.10 -84& oft 0i fr-s ... 20.6 31 4.5 5 i 20.7 6i 18.1 3 11.4 5 10.5 «* 2.10 31 8.3 2i 18.4 2 2.11 14.7 9" 12.1 H f 23.1 5 2.1 12.| 10.1 7 6.3 6 5.3 6* 2.1 4 5.4 ^ 6.4 4 i 13.7 18.8 H 30.1 4 8.5 7t 24.10 1 19.4 5* 31.5 5 j 13.1 3 7.11 2* 1 °* 1(U 7" ... 20.'2 31.1 61 * 9.1 25.5 %\\ 29.1 41 2.7 8f 8.1 5 i 23.1 4 i 5.1 3 3.1 6^ 7.5 3 i 24.2 15 8.1 1^1 19.7 3f 2.11 3* 2.11 4 15.6 31 17.2 3f 2 . 1 31 5.11 l i 3.1 V* 23.1 7f 12.1 1 4 t 6.1 m FOREIGN and COLONIAL CORPORNS. con., & FINANCIAL, L A N D , * INVESTMENT for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. FOREIGN & COL. COBS.—con. New York City 6 % 119 Do. 6%GoldCou.Bds. N o r t h Melbourne 4 | % D b s 102 Oamaru(Boro')5%Bds. 1920i| 98 Oamaru H a r . Bds. (Reg.) 6% 87 Do. (Bearer) 6%i 45 Oamaru Mn. Cor. 7 %, 1901 d\ 90 Do. do. 1910d 100 OtagoHar.Bd.6% (Deb.Eeg.) 10634 Do. 6% of 1877,., Do. 6% of 1881 ... 117 Do. 5% Debentrs, 921/2 Do. ConsoLBds. 93 Ottawa (City of) 6%, 1903... 106 Do. 6 % , 1893 d\ Do. 6 % , 1904... 115 Do. 6 % , 1895... 104% Do. 4£ % 20 y r . D b s . 1103/8 P a r a n a (C.) 5% Waterworks 25 Do. 6% Municip.Ln. Port Elizabeth W a t e r . 6 % .. 109% P o r t Louis 5 % I,1053/4 Prahran (City of) 5% Db.... Do. 4% Debentures] Providence (City of) 5 % ... 10214 Quebec (City of) 6% of 1875.. 114 Do. 6 % of 1878.. 117 Do. 4£%Deb.... D o . 4 % Ster. Debs. 99 Eichmond(Cityof) 5%Deb.. 107% Rio de Janeiro (City) 4% ... 75% Rome (City of) 4% Bonds... 75% Do. 2nd t o 8th issue] 82 Rosario (City of) 6 % Bonds 30 Do. 6% Sterl. 1918 1934 St. John(Cityof)4%Db.l934 1043,4 St. Kilda (City of) 104 St. Louis (Missouri) 6 % .. 10434 St. Louis (Missouri) 4% .. 106 Do. 4% 20-yr. 1913 < 106 Santa F6 (City of) 23% Santos (City of) 6 % 1027s Sofia (City of) 6% Bds. .. 903/4 SouthMelbourne(City of)5°/< 103 Do. 4^"% Deb.] Sydney (City of) 5 % Bonds 103 Do. 4 % Debs. 1912-13 1103^ Do.4% D.1919^80topay id\ 107 Do. do. .£50 do. id\ 543/4 Do. do. allpd.19194, 10634 Timaru, Borough of, 7% ... 120 Timaru H a r b o u r Board 5% 10134 Do. do. 19161 101 Toronto(Cityof) 6%Ster.Db! 105 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 113 Do. 6% Str.Con.Deb, 106 Do. 5% Gen.Con.Db, 113 Do. 4% SterlingBds, 105% Do. 4% Local I m p . , |104% Do. 3 ^ % Bonds ... 9434 Valparaiso City, 5£% Bds.-il1106 Vancouver (City of)4% 1931 IO534 Do. 4%1932<£| 107 W a n g a n u i H a r b . Board 6 % 101 Wellington(City of)6%Deb.l 11934 Do. 6% Improv.Loan 124 Do. 6%Waterw.Deb. 12334 Do. 4^% Debs. 1893]112 Wellington H a r . Bd. 4£ % Westport HarbourBoard4% 10634 Winnipeg(Cityof)6% Bds.dl 103 l /4 Do. 6 % Debs. 12034 Do. 5 % Debs.]1112 FINANCIAL, LAND, INVESTMENT, Agency & Ex. of Aus.5s. p.d Agency,Lnd.&Fin.of Aust.. Agri. of Mauritiu s, L. £ 3 p . d\ NAME OF STOCK. II £ o FINANCIAL, LAND. &c—con. American Association * 20.8 Amer.Free.L.M.ofL.^lpd. 31.1 Do. 6% Pref. Stock 14.3 8 13.7 10 7.9 102 7.9 ^ 20.3 Oftl Anglo-Am.Db.Cor. £3 paid 20.8 26.10| 95 30.8 Do. £2 paidi * H.1 6.4 87 6.4 % 26.111 9% 27.22 | Do. 4*% Debs.,1900 10234 22.12 8i 27.1 40 6.9 Ang.-Am.Ld.Mt.Ag.<£2pd.d 31.3 87 24.5 Do. do. £3 paid-i] 27.6 85 Anglo-Paraguayan Land 28.6 102 0 5. 5.9 Argentine L a n d & Inv.Ord, 0 19.3 103 2i/8 2 0 . 12 OH .. Do. do, Prf, 2H 17.4 20.6 111% l Assets Founders' Share ... A 21.7 of 23.1 85 % 16.1 1.3 Assets Realisation <£5.paid] 3.1 84 22.111 334 17.1 if Do. 5% Cum.Prf. 22.11 414 21.7 of 20.2 104% 29.6 AustralasiaMrt.&Agen.jL.dl Do. £3 paidicif 13.'l liii 29.'l0] Do. £4* paid i 13.4 10314 16.3 Australian Agricultural ... 8 2 ^ 20.2 1 63 24.1 ,19* 22.8 10714 2.1 J Australian &NewZ.Mort.,L. 9.4 25 "fa 16.8 l 1 gdis28.11 01 9.4 Do. 4|% Deb.Stk. 91% 28.2 16% 24.8 5 914 24.12, 21 18*12] IO614 18.*5 3f Australian Mrt.Ld.&Fin.,L.j 12 14.4 Do. New ShsJ VV4 6.4 , 5 ^ 24.12 8.1 5f 24.10 100 Do. 4% Deb.Stk. 10914 8.111 IOI14 9.1 ltt 26.1 8 Do. 3%Deb.Stk. 79% 11.10 76 3.11 97% 27.'l0| Of 14.11 100% 7.4 If Bk. N . Zealand. Es. 5*% Deb. 109 27.4 10034 4.9 3* 3 Do. Eegistered 107 18.121102% 17.7 84 30.8 H /4 8.1 % 23.5 112% 27.1 4i Bengal P r e s (B. Eaj) 1st Mt.f 110 12.12J 103% 8.1 4f British Amer.LandJ625paid! 26 28.6 24 15.2 6* 29.11 10034 28.5 6 British &AmericanMort.,L. 2 10.3 1% 20.11, 2 31.12] 93 14.7 6 9% 13.12 0 | Do. 5%Pref.«£10pd. 1 0 ^ 3.2 1.3 10514 3.10| 3i Do. 4% E e d . Deb.... 99% 12.6 9714 6.7 ' Ott 21.9 63 29.3 18* i/o 22.8 22.8 11.4 6k British & American Trustee| 5.6 69 12.2 2i Do. Gen.Founders' S. 12.2 4.12| 65 22.1 .7 Brit.&AustralasianT.&L.,L, 18.5 03/ 8 14.12 27.4 19% 12.6 10* Do. 4i% Perm.Dbs. 10.11 97% 30.7 11.7 19 23.8 Of 13.1 2 British Nth.Borneo<£12pd.d| 2.1 20.11 10334 16.10| 1 Do. <£13 psddil 27.12] 3 7.5 23.101 102 1.8 2 Do. do. «£20pd. 11 17.2 9% 25.7 23.2 102 7.5 2f 2.1 British South Africa 101 16.1 5 2 ^ 29.12] 18.12 2 Do. 6 % Debs. i 101 20.12] 99 1103% 3.llj 2£ Buenos Ayr. H r . Wk.Tr.Cts.l 65% 31.5 18 18.9 18.9 4* 19 7.11| 953/4 7.6 7* Cale. & A u s . Mt. & Ag. Ord. Do. do. A 8.5 77 13.1 13f 28.12] 29.3 24 7.2 10134 1.2 ' U Canada Company Can.Nth.Wst.Lnd.«£4fpd . 2 * 2 . 1 2 * 2.1 6.10] 100% 27.4 2 23.2 Do. do. i.d.\ 2 3 4 20.2 0*1 1.6 108 13.7 Do. Com. $25shs. i 4% 5.7 2% 7.5 3.12| 103 10.1 2f 31 Do. Pref. $100 s h s i 4 0 22.6 35 7.8 5 Canada Perm.Loan4% Deb.| 1001/s 12.11] 96 15.2 6'.e 5414 7.5 0* 23.11 (104 19.7 21 Canada Set. Tst.& Ln. £2 p . Colorado Mrt.& Inv.Limited 12.9 11B34 17.S Credit Fon.Egp.Ld.Mt.Db.d 8.6 99 18.8 Cr.Fonc.MauritiusL.<£10 pd 25.5 10014 29.3 Do. ^ 1 0 S h s . , « £ 2 p d . i\ 2.5 IO214 8.12] 2f J Curamalan Ld. 1 Mt. 7% Bd. 11.1 75 20.9 7 3.9 05 17.4 13 Debent, Corporation £4> pd, 7.12 2f 5.2 1 20.9 101% 6.7 4* Do. Pref. 93/s 12.2 24.4 10934 21.3 3 i 7% 24.4 6 Do. 4 £ % l s t M t . | 105 16.2 14.9 10034 29.1 4 | 6.1 25.9 6 Do. 4% P e r p . Deb. 99 11.121IOO14 17.1 4£ Debent. Corp .Founders Sh. 1 6.1 014 7.12] Of , 24.12 90 5.1 E a s t . M r t . & Agency,<£l pd, 7.3 Vs 13.6 0^1 4.12 951/4 10.7 Do. do. A «£10 pd. 2.4 6% 14.11 17.12 99 11.4 E n g . & Scot. Am.Inv.<£2 pd, 12.121 99% 13.2 Equit.Eeversion.Int.Soc.,L.j 111 l.'l2j 109 18.*5 2" 29.9 93% 24.2 Exploration Co. 4s. paid 28.12 13.10]114 2.1 Itt 31.12| 1 * 2 . 1 3 S Exploring 33/8 10.7 6.10 117 3.3 16 5 For.&Col.Db.Corp.,£4 pd.dl l /8 5.1 29.101118 17.3 1 * 2 . 1 Ofa Do. 4 * % l s t M o r t . B d s . d 100 8.1 100 3.9 |107% 11.1 8.1 Freehold T r s t . of Australia , 1 * 8.6 27.8 10334 1 24.2 Do. 4 % P e r p . D b . ;io2 19.121 98 21.5 103% 15.2 4 General Assets Pur.^£8* pdJ 18.4 10134 Do. m 5% Cum.Prf. , 3i/8 20.'lOI 2 & 15.1 1 Ottl 13.10| 116% Gen. Eeversionary & Invest. |120 26.2 11834 16.4 li 29.12 108% Home&Col.Asset.&D.2*Z.pdi H u d s o n ' s B a y Company 13.*9 12% 21.12 151/s 18.12 Oif 14.2 0 ^ Impl.CoLFn.&Ag.Cp.lHpd] Imperial P r o p . In.«£2| paidd Do. £h paidi 13.11 119 13.11 I 8*1 m 189 FINANCIAL, LAND, and INVESTMENT continued, and TRUSTS for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. *1 'IS feS r FINANCIAL, LAND, &c—con. 1 1 Ol O 19.1 o * Tnternatnl. Financ. Soc.,L.d| 1(3 -J-.-J Do. do. 50s. pd. l i i 25.10 on 5.3 8.11 92ft 6.3 01 Do. 4 % Deb. 94 15.5 15.1 l i I r i s h L i g h t R l s . & Trams 5% 126 ic5ft 20* Land Co. ofAustralasia d\ 14 23.2 Land Corp. of Canada. L. ... ' " % 23.'2 2 26.9 ]14 23.1 Land&Mt.ofEgypt,L.&Red. Do. 5% Mort.Debs.|103% 20.10] 99ft 29.5 Do. 4 £ % " B " D e b s . 100ft 27.111 93ft 16.2 5.11 0 L a n d M t . Bk.of India,<£2pd .1 11.12! 95 11.12| Do. 5% Debentures) 95 Land Securities, Limited 12.1 1 12.1 Lands Allotment ... d\ 1 L a w Debenture Corp.«£2pd. 1 * 14.111 OH 23.4 Do. 4£%Cum.Pref.| 1 0 n 20.12 " " 31 " 2, 1 Do. 4% Per. D e b . 108% 24.ll] 101 30 1 % 12.3 Lon.&Aust.Db.Corp..£3pd.| London & New York Inv.... 2 * 13.1 1 * 3 .8 Do. do. 5% Pref. 7V4 3.10] 13 2 % 24.2 Lon.&Nth.AssetsCor.«£l£p. 31 1 London & North. Deb.Corp. 1% 20.2 OS 21. 5 London&S.AfricanExplo.,L. 12,14 27.2 9ft 30. 1 London Fin.Ass.L.<£9fpd. d\ 1V4 14.2 1% 19 2 18.10] Do. <£9ipd. •a 5 '&1 1 1^ fjf M1N P^S.—con. — Copiapo, Limited, £2 paid 1 2% 20.8 TEA AND COFFEE. 1% 5.5 'Of 3 T^-21.9 Assam 3.1 D a y D a w n P . C. Gold 1412 /s 1.12 o& British Indian, Limited ... 43% 20.11 2734 20.3 I6i De Beers Cons.,L., .£5paid 193/8 31.12 1 4 * 7.8 5 * 214 VA l D o . 5% 1st Mort. Deb. i 1085a 31.12 10134 3.8 6f Chargola Tea Assoc. Ord. 1 104 14.3 4 . D o . 7% Cum. Pref. 1 "iy4 1812 114 1 8 1 2 Do. 5£% 1st Mort. Dbs.d 108 4.6 201/2 2 0 . 4 18 26.5 1 1.6 10314 2.1 4f Darjeeling, Limited Do, 5i%2ndMort.Debs.d 108 15if. 712 1 2 ^ 2.7 Do. Bultfontein Obs. 105% 18.9 '.-98JB 26.1 6 | Dooars Tea ... 3 1 153/g 30.11 13& 16.6 ?F" Do. Pref. £ 1 0 paid 1 23.2 iOf ' Devon Great Oonsols<£2 pd. 1 /| ,30.5 If Doom Dooma Tea , I51/4 7 1 2 12% 5.2 % 23.1 Don Pedro T6 8.1> ^ 714- 31.12 4ft 3.1 2 * E a s t e r n Assam, Limited ... 3 ^ 2 4 1 11 2\o 28.8 0 * D u r b a n Eoodepoort j 15% 3.12 131/2 21.3 2f ElCallao 1 * . 7.5 1 .0% 19.7 I 0 * J o k a i Tea 11.12 33i/o 5 1 10f % 11.9 Ok J o r e h a u t Tea, Limited % 16.10 ... ! 44 F o r t u n a , Limited Frontino&Bolivia 19/6 pd.d 1 * 31.10 • 1 20.1 o* L a n k a Plantations, Limited 33/4 1 2 1 2 3 ^ 28.6 0-^Do. fully paid i 1 * 27.12 1 * 12.12 oi Leb'ong, Limited, £8paid... I21/4 27.11 1 91/4 8.2 3 d Great Laxey, Limited 2Y2 28.9 ' 134 28.6 0 | Luckimpore, Limited Indian Con. Gold, L. d Do. New, £2 paid d Ouvah Coffee, Limited "81/2 8*9 "&/2 16.*4 3" 1 Libiola Copper "35/s 23.*8 "hi 9:5 !/4 2.8 i/8 14.8 0i 10.5 oi Upper Assam Tea, Limited Linares, Limited 3% 24.9 • 3 Mason & Barry, Limited d 3 * 18.9 l i t 2,1 Do. J64 paid i l i t 10.10 lfc 4.12 On Montana ... 19/0 paid 3/4 30V8 * 6.2 o* TELEGRAPHS I TELEPHONES. 23.6 lOOi^ 15.3 4 Mysore Gold, Limited 3 * 3 1 . 1 2i/8 29.11 1 * African Direct 4 % Deben. my2 N a m a q u a Copper £2 paid. ltV 17.8 , 034 20.4 0 o* Anglo-American, Limited... uy2 22.1 351/2 15.11 14 New E b e r h a r d t 3/6 paidd Do. do. Pref. 83 13.6 69 2.11 New Guston, Limited "34 5.11 "*4 21.4 : O A Do. do. Def. 8% 30.3 6V4 27.6 2f New Hooyer Hill Gd,'Lim.d Brazilian Submarine, Lim. I31/4 2 3 1 0 IO/2 2 7 1 2 2f New Jagersfontein, Lim. i 1 7 * 2 9 1 1 i ii& Do. do. 5 % Bonds<2 7.8 6 A Do. 2nd Ser. June,1906 li'4i/ 2 7 . 1 2 108 221 New Morgan Gold . d N o r t h E a s t e r n Bultfontein Chili Telephone 2y2 2 0 1 2 VA 12.3 1 Ooregum Gold Def. Ord. ... *5 150 1.12 138 17.2 12 4.*4 "2% 5 1 2 21 Commercial Cable ... Do. 10 % Pref. 5 H 1.2 314 16.11 i 2 * Con. Telephone, L.,10s. paid Y8 9 . 7 Ys 9.7 Do. 10 % Pref. 5s.pd 5 19.4 1 41/4 21.5 i Of Cuba, Limited I31/2 13.12 12 9.4 Oriental & Sheba Valley d 10 % Preference 2 3/8 24.8 18 4 . 1 ii 2| # Do. Do. Pref. d Direct Spanish, Limited d 4 ^ 21.9 214 10.2 2 * Pahang Kabang Do. Fully £5 paid i 45/8 29.10 4i/2 20.8 Of '* 9.5 " " * 9.'5 ... Panulcillo Copper, li.£2 p d . Do. 10% Pref. 9 n 21.9 83/4 15.3 1 A . Pinos Altos Bullion d Do. 4i% Deb. i Richmond Consolidated, L. ' " * 31*10 ' " * 16.4 Direct Un. States Cable, L. m 2 1 *8i/8 2 1 1 31 Rio Tinto Limited 1634 17.9 125/8 24.7 4 | E a s t e r n , Limited 16Ys 18.12 1434 12.3 If Do. Mort. Bds. 105& 29.9 1011,4 4 . 1 44 Do. 6% Preference 17 20.8 15% 23.2 14 Do. 5 % 2nd do. 103% 31.12 100i/2 3.1 Do. 5% Debentures 1899 109i/2 30.11 107 22.3 2i Do. 3rd Mort. Bds. 1023/4 7.8 97 Do. 4% Mort.Deb. Stock 122 2 7 1 2 113 5.1 •sit ; 17.3 9 1 fi St. John del Rey, Limited ... IY2 13.6 1 7.2 0 ? ; E a s t e r n Extension, Limited 1 6 * 2 9 . 1 2 1 5 * 29.6 I f < Scottish Australian, Lim.... % 5.3 Do. 5% do.Reg.,1900 1071/2 26.6 1011/4 2 7 1 6 if 19.6 o* Do. Sheba Gold Mining 7.3 1 0 1 ^ 5% Bearer 1900 105 8.1 3i iy2 2.6 Oft 4.1 0 ^ 1 Sierra B u t t e s Gold, Limited * .Do. 4% Deb. 122 2 4 1 2 113 10.3 0 A 24.1 Of « 16.11 Do. Plumas Eureka U 16.11 * 3.1 Of East.&S.African.L.Deb.l900 106% 31.5 1023,4 8.2 4i Silati River Gold ... d Do. do. Bearer IO414 22.5 1021/4 24.1 2 Thar sis Sulphur &Cop., Lim. "514 18.9 "iy4 25.'6 1% Mort. D e b . IO6I/4 15.6 103 10.2 34 i" 1 Do.. Tincroft £15 7s. 6d. paid ... Do 4% (Mauritius) 111 8.10 106 18.5 5 Tolima, Limited " A " Shs... 10 3.1 «i 23.1 '71/4 7."3 2} Gt. N o r t h e r n of Copenhagen 221/g 20.1 20 Un. Mexican, Lim. £1 pd. Do. 5 % do. (iss.1883) 107% 10.7 104 1.10 3 W h l . Grenville .£18 2s. pd. i i Indo-European, Limited ... 481,2 15.12 41% 31.1 6t | 311 i i 3.11 Yankee Girl Silver... d London Platino-Braz., Lim. SHIPPING. Do. 6 % Debentures li'6% 9.*9 105 1 0 1 5! African Steamship «£16paid Montevideo Telephone ... 1 Do. do. all paid 13 14*11 13 1411 Do. 6 % Preference j Amazon Steam Navig.,Lim. 13% 30.10; 10 4 . 1 3 H National Telephone 5% 1 2 1 2 "4}i 26.2 o'i Castle Mail Packets, L i m . . . U & 7.6 9 ^ 19.3 1JL3 Do. 1st Pref. ...j 16A 1 9 1 2 141/4 27.7 Cunard Steam., L . ,£20 paid 1 1 * 25.9 10 20.6 1 * Do. 2ndPref. ... 15% 3.12 14^8 2 . 1 !» If Do. do. ,£10 paid 4V4 22 9 33/8 2 1 1 2 0 | Do. 5%3rdPf~e4pd. 5 H 14.12 5i/8 26.2 Furness,Wit.&C.,L.5%lM^ Do. 4 | % Deb 117 28.3 1081/4 20.S 8i General Steam Navigation 1 "e 9 1 0 2" N. Telephone, Lim. £4< paid. 7.5 i *4 Do. 5 % Preference 1 6 * 11.6 1 4& 22.8 Oriental Tlphone.,L.lIs.p.cZ Do. 5% 1877 53,4 8.3 4* 512 Do. fully paid '"Y2 27.*7 "'y2 27*7 Leyland (F.) & Co 7if 4.9 6f6 5.3 i i Pacific & European 4% Dbs.J 106 10.9 l O l ^ 18.7 Do. 7% Cum. Pref/ 10% 25.5 9 * 14.4 ' 1 * R e u t e r ' s , Limited 614 2 . 5 1 3 19.11 34 Do. I s t M o r t . D b s . 1G5& 7.5 j 1003,4 6.2 4f United River P l a t e Telepho. 2V2 8.101 114 17.8 14 Mercantile Steamship, Lim. Do. 5 % D e b . 91 17.11 90 7.9 1 N a t i o n a l Steamship, Lim . '"lk W e s t African Telegraph ... 9.11 *>2 9 1 1 New Zealand, Lim. £8 paid 4fc 29.9 2 * 2.5 Do. do. 5% Debs. 1045/g 19*."7 99 14.*3 fit Orient Steam Navigation ,L. 8 A 3.4 2% 2.6 of 2% iy2 3 1 1 oil W e s t Coast 8 % Amer., Lim. 107 26.4 97& 26.22 If Penin.& Oriental Steam Prf. 145 28.12 135 11.1 10 Do. Debentures] 23.5 ^i Do. do. Def. 193& 12.1a 168 3.4 25* W e s t e r n & Brazilian, Lim. 11% 13.12 53/4 29.1 6i Royal Mail Steam Packet... 50 27.2 uy2 30.1 54 Do. do. Preferred 7l/4 19.9 5% 1 1 1 If Shaw, Savill,& Albion, Lim. 6% 14.9 6 * 10.4 0 £ Do. do. Deferred 53/8 18.12 13/8 26.1 4 1 Union Steamship, Limited.. 15 17.1 13 512 2 Do. Deb., " A , " 1910] 110 23.7 1 0 1 ^ 2 3 1 1 8 i Do. do. New ... 5i/8 9.2 2% 17.9 24 Do. D e b . , " B , " 1910 108 19.5 1031/4 6.2 4 | 1 Union Steamship of N . Zeal. $ 4 22.3 63/4 6 1 2 i i | W e s t I n d i a & P a c . Steam,L.| ... ... | ' - ii H l°f 2t* u e'i oi om\ m m si 193 ii TELEGRAPHS con., TRAMWAYS and OMNIBUS, and WATERWORKS for 1894. NAME OF STOCK. TELEGRAPHS &TELEP. eon, W e s t India & Panama,Lim.| lfc Do. do. 1st PrefJ 113/8 Do. do. 2nd do. 9% Do. do. 5% Debs. 111 W e s t e r n Union 7% 1st Mort.l 117% Do. Sterling Bonds 105 *% £1 1 12.11 9 ^ 7.9 ' 8i/, 15.12 106 16.3 113% 18.1 1011/4 20. 13.7 16.2 29.1 24.1 2.7 22.5 NAME OF STOCK. 0* 14* It 5 4| 3* TRAMWAYS & OMNIBUS. TRAMS & OMNIBUS. Southampton 9% South London 2*f Sunderland, Limited 7% Tramways Co. of France, L.| 1 * Tramway sCo.of Germany,L. I 12% Tramways Union, Limited 514 Do 4 | % Debentures] 104 Vienna General Omnibus,L. 5 ^ Wolverhampton, Limited... 6% 73/4 6.3 13.3 1% 8.1 6% 19.12 0 ^ 15.10 101/2 456 23.1 6.10110056 31.12 31/4 17.10 Anglo-Argentine, Limited.. 3 ^ 13.9 1% 13.8 WATERWORKS. 18.1 Do. 6 % Debenture Stk. 117 22.11| 107 31/4 3.2 Barcelona, Limited ... 4 % 12.4 A n t w e r p , Limited ... 1756 22.11 13% 27.3 Do. 5% D e b . 97 30.3 Belfast Street 1 5 ^ 20.4 1456 21.2 1-5- Capetown District ... 2963,4 18.121 269 18.8 2 - Chelsea Ordinary ... Bordeaux, Limited 7 31.12| 160 13.8 145 10.1 If Do. 5% Pref. ... Do. 5% Preference... 103/8 26.11 Do. 4 | % Pref.... 19.12 Of Brazilian Street Rail., Lim. % 6.6 152 8.*ll| 147 Do. 4|% Deb.... 24.8 Bue. Ayr. &Belg. Pref. Shs. 3% 19.9 9.1 63/4 City of St. Petersburg, Lim 8 Do. 1st Deb. Stk. 6% 10356 10.10| 96i/4 22.8 n 12 \\ Colno Yalley... 23.4 11% Buenos Ayr. N e w T r a m P f . ... |113 14.9 112 Do. 4% D e b . ' 11.5 Calais, Limited % 11.5 2361/2 5.101|212J6 2.1 C r E a s t London Calcutta, Limited 2>% G.10| > H 23.11 144 Do. 4jj D e b e n t u r e 156 23.10 1* Carthagena & Herrerias, L. 2% 6 . 3 Do. 5% Debentures 73 20.3 6856 16.10 14* Grand Junction " A " 12356 7.9 H056 Do. " B " City of Bueiios Ayres, Lim. 4 % 15.9 3i /2 10.8 If 5.12| 4934 53 Do. "C" Do. iss.@3pm.<£2pd. 1% 10.10| 0% 23.6 Of 10.11 8456 Do. "D"New(max.7%) 95 Do. 6 % Deb. Stk. 123 10.5 116 18.1 7 1 9.11 134 Do. Debenture, 135 Continental Metropolitan.. l ^ 11.6 054 9 . 3 Of 3.12 288 1309 Do. 6% Pref... 5 24.8 3% 5.1 1* K e n t f 1 6 . l l | 190 204 Do. New (max. 7%) Stockj Dublin United 12% 12.11 11% 26.6 0 | 8.1 1 Edinburgh Street 5 ^ 28.2 33/4 1.8 1-M Kimberley, Limited 14.6 Do. 6 % Debentures 102 Glasgow Tm.&0.,L.<£ 7% 21.2 556 6.12 2* 19.3 Do. 6% D e b . S t o c k . 96 22.12 £8va.i\ 4 % 22.12| # Do. Lambeth, maximum 10 % ... |2"75 28.11 237 Hawaiian 1.12 201 Do. do. 7 | % . . . [213 Imperial, Limited 2% 28.8 ill Do. 4 % Debentures!134,56 8.11 132 9.2 Liverpool United 10% 20.111 24.1 Monte Video Lon. Dept. & Greenw. Prf. 1% 3.10| , 1S% 24.101 1 5 % Do. 5% 1st Debs.... H256 20.12| 94}6 30.10 0M Do. do. Def. -ft 2.5 26.11 90 Do. 5% 2nd Debs. 105 3.4 25 Lon. General Omnibus, Lim. 162 10. S 137 14.12|[365 6 1'388 1.6 11 New River, New London Road Car 7% 30.1 J-4 Do. 4 % Debentures 113756 18.7 13356 London Street 10 21.1 4 H 10.9 °16\\ 17.5 13356 Do. Debentures B 136 London, Limited 12xf 2.4 8V4 7.8 4fk 3 Do. 6% Pref... 12% 17.2 9% 28,11 * Odessa, Limited, A 6% Prfd. 3% 19.4 256 Do. B Deferrd. 1 * 22.3 23.1 2f Do.Found.Sc.Certs.d 9 27.2 6V4 19.4 851/6 30.8 1* Do. 5 % Debentures 95 Do.Ord.Sh.Sc.Certsi 5& 23.7 4 Pernambuco, 1st D b . Bds. d\ Do. 5% D e b . . . . 10956 24.1 1021/2 15.10 7 Do. 4*%"B"Debs 103J4 4.12 IOO1/4 28.8 3* Portlnd. W t r . C.M.4% G. B . 12 15.2 ir/ 8 Seville 24.1 1 Do. 5 % " C " M o r t . D b . 102 2.5 101 South Staffordshire B ...| Montreal St. Rail. 5% Deb. 106% 6.3 10656 6.3 172& 24.111 156 Do. 4i% Deb. i 109% 18.12 IO41/2 9.1 41 Southwark & Vauxhall ... J Do. D 7i% maximum 51i/ 2 23.2 147 9 N o r t h Metropolitan ... 13& 24.1 26.6 4* 15656 1.8 144 Do. 5 % Pref.... 5.2 N o r t h Staffordshire, Lim.... 3% 23.8 Do. 4 | % Debs. ...|114956 17.5 146 31.8 Nottingham&DistrictjLim. 956 21.2 Provincial Limited 4% 16.101 1.2 1* T a r a p a c a 11% 21.9 W e s t Middlesex 8.121 265 Do. Cum. Pref. IIV4 3.12| ioy 8 :21.5 283 Do. 4£% D e b . 153 8.11 143 18.6 I Seville Tramways 2^18.6 :31.8 Sheffield 6*4 27.8 556 1n 6* u °* o n n\\ oi * Inserted during 1894. d Discontinued during 1894. * Coupons payable abroad. 194 18.10 23.11I 22.4 27.8 3.3 3.2 21.8 31.1 10.2 23.5 10.1 31.3 i'.'s 1* 1* 1 Of 21 Of 3* 2^ If 3f m 15 4.6 5* 22.2 10.9 8.1 01 20.1 1 3.1 124 12 29.1 13 10.2 3 i 27.10| 10i 3.1 1 26.4 21 7.11] 14 23.4 3 i 23.4 8 3.1 38 29.1 12 5.10| 2 i 1.3 3f 22.1 18 2.1 15 12.1 23 30.4 4 3.2 2 | 12.3 12.3 & 13.3 °16 u 13.2 01 16| 14.2 4* 25.1 12* 16.5 3 i 11.1 21 12.1 18 4 . 1 10