ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAM PAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library- Brittle Books Project, 2014.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Reproduced according to U.S. copyright law USC 17 section 107. Published 1923-1963 with printed copyright notice but no evidence of copyright renewal found in the Stanford University Copyright Renewal Database. Contact for more information. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Preservation Department, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014EFFICIENT!R Jr.. OTlL <-s 1 OrL' v'wi THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 643 C43*- 19E5 \THE EFFICIENT KITCHENTHE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISA well arranged and well equipped kitchen. New Rochelle, N. Y.The Efficient Kitchen DEFINITE DIRECTIONS FOR THE PLANNING. ARRANGING AND EQUIPPING OF THE MODERN LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN—A PRACTICAL BOOK FOR THE HOME-MAKER.\ .. BY GEORGIE BOYNTON CHILD FORMERLY OF THE HOUSEKEEPING EXPERIMENT STATION DARIEN, CONN. EDITED AND ARRANGED BY LOUISE BOYNTON NEW YORK ROBERT M. McBRIDE COMPANY 1925Copyright, 1914, by Georgie Boynton Child Revised Edition Copyright, 1 925, by Georgie Boynton Child All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scan- dinavian. Published March 1914 Second printing, August, 1914 Third printing, August, 1915 Fourth printing, December, 1916 Revised edition. May, 1925DEDICATED TO MY THREE SISTERS WHOSE LOVING COOPERATION HAS MADE POSSIBLE THE WRITING OF THIS BOOK 586492Introduction years ago my husband and I started me-making in a Western city. We ____[ youth, ideals and a college education apiece; and while, like many other young people, we had no experience of married life, our early training as members of large families had given us a respect for practical work and a great love of home. After graduating from college I had kept house for two years for my father and mother, and for seven years had been business manager of a daily newspaper which my sister and I owned and ran. My husband was a technical chemist for a large Trust which had plants in different parts of the country. Our income at the time was scarcely $1,300. But with a generous trousseau to solve the problem of clothes, and wedding presents to make our little home artistic and attractive, we were able to live very comfortably during the first year on less than $1,000. We started our married life in one of the charm- ing five-room cottages which have been so largely developed in Colorado and California, and which ease the physical burden of the care of the house in such a wonderful way. We had, even in those viiviii INTRODUCTION days, a washing machine, an electric iron, one of the labor-saving roasting pans, and several other effi- cient labor-saving devices. Therefore our house- keeping problems were reduced to the simplest pos- sible proportions. In the four years during which babies one, two and three arrived, we were fortunate in securing excellent help, and doubly fortunate in having our income increase to meet the extra expense involved. From that time on, however, with three babies to claim the lion's share of all my work and care, our living expenses jumped from less than $1,000 to $2,000 a year, without any change in our standard of living. During those years the cost of living began also to steadily advance, so that the purchas- ing power of the fixed income must be increased by constant study in buying more wisely and work- ing more effectively. College and business training had taught me the advantage of systematic meth- ods, of effective ways of arranging work and of diplomatic and considerate treatment of help. So our little home always ran smoothly. And when hard pulls came, as they often did, I had al- ways the loving cooperation of my husband in over- coming them. We would take " shifts " with the night care of the babies, or he would run the wash- ing machine for an hour before he went to work if the laundress failed me. Thus, like the noble Gareth, we were forced to win our knighthood through apprenticeship in " villain kitchen vassal-INTRODUCTION ix age "; nor did we find it any undue hardship. In- deed had it lasted only for " a twelve-month and a day " this little book would never have been writ- ten. But as the years went on and we moved East and lived in awkward, badly arranged Eastern houses, and tried to do efficient work in kitchens diabolically contrived to waste every human effort; as we found ourselves unable to get gas for cook- ing in country houses, and did not know of any resource to take its place; as help of the right sort became almost impossible to secure; and as the " high cost of living " made constantly heavier de- mands upon us, we decided at last that we would have a Fourth of July, that we would make a great and final effort to free ourselves from the power of a tyrant that only seemed to tighten his hold the more sacrifices we made to his inordinate demands. In this spirit we started on a determined quest for information and new resources. We took les- sons in cooking to see whether the Domestic Sci- ence schools had any wonderful wisdom to impart in the direction of "better food for less money/' We studied courses in Home Economics. We read books. We visited cooking laboratories and prac- tise houses. Finally we came to the Housekeeping Experiment Station at Darien, Conn. Here at last we found what we had been seek- ing: an inexpensive but charming home which had been so transformed by engineering skill that itX INTRODUCTION could be cared for with the minimum expense, and so equipped that it could be operated with the small- est possible amount of effort. Here we learned of two wonderful resources for preparing' food, adapted to the income of the average home. Here we heard of Taylor's wonderful book on Scientific Management, which has been revolutionizing the business world. And here we saw two old people living happily an ideal life in which labor and cul- ture each had its rightful place. At last science and high ideals had transformed " villain kitchen vassalage " into the noble profession of home-mak- ing. The resources which Mr. and Mrs. Barnard had developed were suited to the needs of two people living simply in the country, free from the demands of city life, and free from all the subtle complica- tions which constantly arise in larger households, particularly in homes where there are little children. But back of their work was a great idea, and this idea was applicable to any home and to any income. " Do not try to do efficient work in an inefficient house. First transform your conditions."' This is one of the first principles of engineering; and, strange as it may seem, the very last principle ap- plied in the average home. By good fortune the opportunity came to us to join Mr. Barnard in his work and to spend a year in further study of equipment. We must know the best equipment for each kind of fuel, the equip-INTRODUCTION xi ment which was best suited to the needs of the aver- age home. We must work out better ideas in kitchen planning. And all this information must be catalogued and arranged so that it would be available to other home-makers. While we were doing this work together we were constantly trying out new ideas, first at the Housekeeping Experiment Station, and then in other people's homes. At last we arrived at a simple system of coordination which we found could be adapted to every home and every condition. An interesting test of its efficiency was made when we were asked to plan a model kitchen for a Domestic Science Exhibition given in a large city. All details were arranged in our office, and a list was sent covering directions for decoration and equipment. With this carefully grouped list in hand one of us went to the exhibition and in two hours had everything in place. Had the stove and sink been actually connected up a cook could have stepped in and served a very satisfactory dinner without loss of energy or time. In the spring of 1911 Mr. Barnard retired from active participation in the Housekeeping Experi- ment Station.* His mantle fell on our younger shoulders. Through consultations and by means of lectures and pamphlets we have striven to make current his ideas on household economics, and those * The Housekeeping Experiment Station is no longer open to visitors. The author has discontinued consultation. The results of the research work of the station will be published in book form.xii INTRODUCTION worked out by ourselves in association with him. But we have found that the help that the home- maker needed covered so wide a field that it was desirable to put the information, first into book form, so that each subject could be studied in its relation to the whole problem. " The Efficient Kitchen " is intended as a book of practical directions showing how to so build new kitchens or transform old ones that the work of the home may be accomplished with a sense of mas- tery, instead of remaining the hopeless problem it has become. While it records only the beginning of a new sci- ence, and while it deals with only the practical mat- ters, still we believe it will serve as a starting point from which every man and woman may gain the broad survey of resources through which alone a satisfactory solution of the home-making problem is possible. The rest of the problem consists of work and patient study, line upon line and precept upon precept, till the subject is mastered and suc- cess is attained. Does the task seem toilsome and weary? It is no more so than mastering the technique of any art, or the rudiments of any profession. Let us give up the delusion that there is any higher work in life for man or woman than really mastering the prob- lems of the home to which in common they owe al- legiance. Let us face facts as they are. If ninety per cent of the home-makers in this country mustINTRODUCTION xiii live on incomes that make domestic service prohib- itory, let us hasten to transform our manner of living so that we will not be carrying needless financial burdens. The apprenticeship to " villain kitchen vassalage" will not last forever. Intelli- gence will develop new resources, new methods of doing work, better planned houses and better equip- ment. The home-maker will then have time to de- vote to the other side of life, to the things that bring inspiration and joy and peace into- this little circle of love which we are proud to call " our home." Georgie Boynton Child. March, 1914.Preface to the Fifth Edition TEN years have gone since " The Efficient Kitchen " was first offered to the public— momentous years, in which old things have become new and many of the former things have passed away. In a changing world one thing re- mains fixed and changeless: the housekeeper's daily round; the problem of home-making, with its po- tential happiness and its ever-pressing practical needs. The principles upon which this little book is based remain the same, since they are fundamental; likewise the elementary difficulties of the house- keeper, due to scarcity of help and the high cost of all the necessities of life. The revision therefore has involved few changes. A new chapter has been written reviewing the progress since 1914 in housekeeping efficiency ideas, and in the perfecting of labor-saving equipment. Improvements in equipment, or improved methods to simplify the housekeepers' task, have been de- scribed under appropriate headings throughout the book. All prices have been carefully revised in the text; a good deal of new material added, several new illustrations furnished and a new index compiled. XVxvi PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION This new edition of " The Efficient Kitchen " goes forth as a real guide and text book to all who wish to lighten the burden of preparing " three meals a day " by making the room in which the work is performed a convenient and well-equipped work- room. Georgie Boynton Child. March, 1925.CONTENTS PAGE Introduction........vii I The Fundamental Principle ... i II Planning the Kitchen.....12 III Scientific Grouping......37 IV Built-In Conveniences . . . . .46 V Heating the Kitchen and Keeping Dishes Warm.......64 VI Hot Water Heating Systems ... 70 VII Choice of Fuel for Cooking ... 88 VIII Selecting the Fixed Equipment . . 99 IX Lists of Necessary Equipment . . . 127 X Time and Labor-Saving Equipment . 145 XI Light Housekeeping Equipment . . 163 XII Disposal of Kitchen Waste .... 170 XIII Dish-Washing and Daily Care of the Kitchen........175 XIV The Laundry Problem ..... 190 XV The Business Side of the Kitchen . 199 XVI The Home-Maker's Quiet Corner . .219 XVII Progress Since 1914......228 Glossary..........247 Index...........251THE ILLUSTRATIONS Well arranged and well equipped kitchen........Frontispiece FACING PAGE Butler's pantry and dining-room.....22 Scientific grouping of equipment.....44 Convenient country kitchenette.....94 Kitchenette cabinet, unit design . . . . .116 Well planned farm kitchenette . . . # . . .130 Remodeled kitchen, notable for concentration of working processes........156 Built-in kitchen cabinet........214THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN4 Prince, thou shalt go disguised to Arthur's hall, And hire thyself to serve for meats and drinks Among the scullions and the kitchen knaves, And those that hand the dish across the bar. Nor shalt thou tell thy name to anyone. And thou shalt serve a twelve month and a day.' For so the Queen believed that when her son Beheld his only way to glory lead Low down thro' villain kitchen-vassalage, Her own true Gareth was too princely-proud To pass thereby; so should he rest with her, Closed in her castle from the sound of arms. Silent awhile was Gareth, then replied: 6 The thrall in person may be free in soul, And I shall see the jousts. Thy son am I, And, since thou art my mother, must obey. I therefore yield me freely to thy will ; For hence will I, disguised, and hire myself To serve with scullions and with kitchen-knaves; Nor tell my name to any, no, not the King.' Tennyson's " Idylls of the King "THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN " Quality Street." For many of us who aspire to be successful home- makers, some such dim aura of mystification clings round the wonderful new word Efficiency. How lightly it is bandied from mouth to mouth! What magical things it is said to do! Now it is offered us as a tempting bait. Again it is brandished over our heads as a club. We are to be Efficient, and to make our kitchens Efficient. And then, of course, our troubles will be at an end. But what has efficiency actually to do with us? How do we get it? What do we do with it? After all, ex- actly . . . what ^ Efficiency? Mr. Charles Barnard has given the clearest defi- nition of the term that we have seen. He says, " Efficiency has meant in the past the power to produce results. It now properly means much more. It means power to produce the best results at the lowest cost of time, labor and materials." I The Fundamental Principle HAT is Algebra, Phoebe . . . ex- actly ? " asks worried Miss Susan, in i2 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN It has often seemed to us that Efficiency, like Boston, was " a state of mind." At any rate, it is the result of a certain flexibility of mind that com- monly comes with culture and expert training, but that may also be gained by a right mental attitude toward the humble and arduous daily tasks that are ours. It is the very antithesis of the selfish and narrow individualism that insists upon considering every problem of-the home as a " personal matter." Women are not to be blamed for this. The con- servatism, the somewhat petty insistence on indi- vidual preferences and prejudices that often seem reared like a solid wall in the way o>f progress in this important field, are but natural results of age-long repression. In general women have given the world what the world required of them — dumb acquiescence in things as they are. Now that something higher is required they will still re- spond. And they and the world will be the gainers. For the new gospel of Housekeeping Efficiency means that there is a demand for Housekeeping Efficiency; that the efficiency of women, their initia- tive and intelligence, are vitally needed if home life is to continue. A preliminary, then, to planning our efficient kitchen, is the acquiring of an efficient attitude of mind. This implies liberation from bondage to outworn or merely personal habits and methods; a firm mental grasp of the objects of all our work; a firm faith that these right and necessary objectsTHE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE 3 can be achieved; above all a disposition to use merely as tools the equipment, the circumstances and condi- tions that surround us. These circumstances and conditions, this income, be it large or small; this wall-space, stove or egg-beater are just tools, to be shifted about, changed, replaced or eliminated alto- gether, according as they serve or do not serve the purpose for which they were intended. This is what is meant by saying that efficiency consists in standardizing work. It is the difference between what one individual can do, and the com- posite result of the experience of many. There is one best way to solve any given problem of work. We have seen the truth of this in play- ing duplicate whist. It is no longer the problem of making the most of " my hand," but of making the most of a hand that may come to any one, and that will come to every one in turn in the game. Whist players of unusual intelligence have studied out certain best ways of proceeding when certain given combinations of cards appear in a hand. The amateur whist player profits by their study and adopts the rules that have been found to bring re- sults in the greatest number of cases. The same holds true of the kitchen processes. No matter how wide the difference between one family and another in scale and manner of living, by far the greater number of kitchen problems are common to all kitchens, and there is one best zvay of solving them. To create an efficient kitchen isTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN therefore to standardize it; to work out, by a scien- tific study of the needs and conditions of the kitchen, the one best way of meeting each need; to work out certain standard principles O'f construction and grouping which shall best conform to universal re- quirements ; to then show how this " standard type " may be adapted to meet the special requirements of those who have less than the normal amount of money to spend, or more than the normal amount of work to be done for the same amount of money. To sum up, then: The problem that confronts us in the building and equipping of our kitchens is the developing of a standard type that will be adapted to the universal needs of the present day, and that can be modified to meet special needs with- out vital changes in the essential principles of con- struction and arrangement. The title we have chosen for our book, " The Efficient Kitchen," expresses both the universal needs to be met, and the conditions governing the problem. The word kitchen suggests to each of us very much the same general round of tasks to be performed; and the word efficient expresses the need for getting results without wasted effort. This, too, is a universal requirement, because the pressure of life is now bearing very heavily upon us all. It is not only the tired little mother, striving to do all her work and care for two or three children on an insufficient income, who needs help; but the home-maker of abundant means, who hasTHE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE 5' larger responsibilities and larger social and profes- sional demands upon her income and her time. In the former case, the pressure to be lightened is physical strain; in the latter, an equally excessive and sometimes overwhelming mental strain. There is one guiding principle which will enable us to solve a problem of this kind, and that is the principle of Conservation. Conservation is really the science o-f making the most of things. And to make the most of things we must have a very complete and exact knowledge of values. If we do not have a clear knowledge of values, we shall be continually sacrificing important things to unim- portant or less important things, and shall not be conserving at all, but wasting. Now, the housekeeping methods which have come down to us from our Colonial ancestors were all based on this same idea of conservation. Only our grandmothers had very different ideas as to what was worth while conserving. The values that loomed large in their eyes, were values that, at that time, cost the greatest amount of money. Food products that they could not produce themselves; manufactured articles of apparel which could not be woven or knitted at home, cost actual money; and money was not at all plentiful. Therefore they economized these costly values at the expense of time and human energy, which, then, were rela- tively cheap. They did not take into consideration fuel values, either, or consider large houses extrav-6 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN agant. Wood was plentiful; while the work neces- sary to prepare it for use, either for fuel or for building purposes, was done in the winter, when there was no market value for a man's time. To-day conditions have entirely changed. La- bor is dear, while manufactured articles are cheaper than ever before in the world's history. Commer- cial foods of certain kinds are comparatively cheap. In fact nearly everything that can be produced by machinery is cheap, and everything that must be done by hand is very high priced. Certain com- modities that used to be abundant, and that conse- quently were of small money value, are now either growing scarce, or have been curtailed in production to artificially raise the price. Wood is much less abundant and is also subject to trust control. The coal supply is governed by a monopoly. Thus fuel which formerly was not even considered as an item of expense, is a very large expense to us to-day. We find the same change in the status of farm products. Eggs, butter, milk, chickens, pigs and fruit were all formerly produced by every house- holder, and were abundant and low-priced. All these commodities now have new values, and pre- sent new problems in relation to their use for food. But the greatest of all shifting of values has come about in the new estimate of the value of a woman's work in the home. Fifty years ago the output of vitality and energy of even the most intelligent and highly organized women was a thing absolutely dis-THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE 7 regarded. The general attitude of mind on this subject can only be compared to that of the Southern farmer in whom an agricultural enthusiast tried to awaken an interest in the scientific feeding of his stock. " You ought to give your pigs a warm mash in- stead of cold at this time of year," observed the ex- pert. "Why?" asked the farmer. " Well," began the apostle of progress, " for one thing, a cold mash takes twice as much time to digest as food that is properly warmed." " Does it?" The proprietor of the pigs leisurely eyed his would-be benefactor, transferred his quid of tobacco from the right cheek to the left cheek, calmly spat, and finally remarked, " Say, Stranger, what do you reckon a hog's time is worth?" Fifty years ago it seemed profitable and praise- worthy for the mother of a family to spend a whole winter making a rug of old " pants." It seemed worth while to spend hours each week mending stockings that required one or two hours patching a pair. Dishes that took an hour to prepare were concocted, merely to use up food materials that now would be thought of trifling value in comparison with the time taken to save them. To-day all that has changed. For both men and women there are new standards of the worth of life and the value of human striving. But, in addition,8 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN woman's labor in the home has an actual market value, as those who are obliged to hire it have found out to their cost. It is worth, at a minimum, thirty cents an hour for physical labor alone; and from that up to fifty cents, a dollar or even four dollars an hour for skilled or professional work. We find that the kind of mental energy that can coordinate, analyze and direct — that can " handle a situation/' as it is termed in the world of achievement, is worth thousands of dollars a year in business and profes- sional undertakings. Consequently we see that the problem of conserving this very expensive value in the home, outweighs in importance all the other factors in the home-making problem combined. In business enterprises there has been an increas- ing tendency, during the last decade, toward con- servation of the more valuable kinds of human en- ergy by eliminating the causes of fatigue or waste of time. We know of one great concern which pays good salaries and requires efficient service of its clerks, both men and women. These clerks are expected to avail themselves, to the fullest extent, of the services of the office boy and stenographer, as well as of the labor-saving equipment of the of- fice, so that their entire energies will be freed for the work of most value to the company. If a woman is employed at, say, $100 a month to keep certain records, she is supposed to spend her time on this work which is worth $100 a month, and for which she is trained. If she does errands or tele-THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE 9 phoning which could be as well done by an office boy worth $30 a month; or if she writes letters which she could dictate to a stenographer in half the time, she is considered as making a wasteful use of time which belongs to the company. While such a specialization of labor is impossible in the average home, it is possible to conserve the energy and time of the home-maker in an equally effective way. This is accomplished by careful planning and construction of the kitchen; by select- ing labor-and-time-saving1 equipment; by grouping the equipment in the way that will best promote ef- fective, rapid work; and last of all by adopting an efficient system which will help to reduce all the mechanical parts of the work to automatic processes. In this way the fresh thought and energy of the housekeeper is saved for the most important part of home-making, the exercise of loving care that watches over every essential affecting the welfare of the home circle. This is more a problem of wise administration than of routine housekeeping. It calls for love, intelligence and expert training. Very often women who are abundantly endowed with the right thought and intelligence to make the most perfect kind of homes have not had the train- ing to master the technique and are discouraged by its complexity. There are so many homely facts to be reckoned with, so much apparently unimpor- tant detail to be covered, that the task seems hope- less. So they drift along and let their lives andIO THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN their home-making be controlled by circumstance. All that is needed to transform such homes is a will- ingness to look at the problem from a different point of view; to see that mastery of the work we have chosen is the first step to a self-mastery that vitally affects our character, that will do much to- ward creating right ideals in our children, and that will do more for the world at large than any work outside the home, however brilliant, if undertaken at the expense of the responsibilities we assumed when we started out in married life. This little book has been written for home-mak- ers, men as well as women. Its theme is mastery of the practical difficulties that are summed up in the phrase " the technique of housekeeping." Its object is to awaken interest in a constructive solu- tion of such problems, which will result, directly,, in freedom and independence; and indirectly in a new spirit of joy and peace. Such men and women understand that housekeeping processes are merely means to an end. They know that efficiency is not gained simply by making the work-room efficient* but that it is a way of thinking, an attitude of mind, that involves mental mastery. They are ready to see work in its proper relation to life, to learn to subordinate the unessential to the essential, to think clearly and logically and to get results. Very few home-makers can go to school again to get the mental training so essential to success. But we must remember that the greatest teachers andTHE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE n thinkers of the world got their own education in the school of experience. Rightly viewed and rightly used the kitchen is not a bad training school. It presents problems in organization and administra- tion as complex as any to be found in business. It gives a field for as great skill in chemical combina- tions as is to be met with in many a scientific labo- ratory. Its opportunities for scientific investiga- tion are as varied as those of the Rockefeller or Pasteur Institutes. Only the titles and emoluments seem lacking. To-day most of us are content to feel that we are doing a difficult and important task well. But there will undoubtedly come a time when the more ambitious home-maker will be able to write after her name titles as imposing as Master of Science or Doctor of Laws. Perhaps by that time some such title will be more highly regarded than those show- ing scientific attainments only. For the day is com- ing when the test of the value of scientific attain- ments will be their power to enhance the value of practical living. One thing is sure. She who shall have solved the problem of successful home- making, will have been obliged to bring to her work as much intelligence and training as is required by any other science or profession.II Planning the Kitchen MUCH of the modern housekeeper's dis- tress is due to the fact that our kitchens express the needs and customs of our grandmothers' time, and not those of to-day. Less than a hundred years ago the home itself produced what the family consumed, and sheltered many workers. The kitchen was then the work- room of the house and was necessarily large, as it was the scene of many and varied industries. Sew- ing, knitting, quilting; candle-making, and prepar- ing food on a large scale for winter consumption, were all carried on in one big room. Living was very simple, social demands very few. And large houses and open country expressed the restful sense of " room to breathe in." Weariness then came more from physical work than from any pressure on nerves and brain due to the character of the work or its conditions. To-day nearly all the old-time industries have been banished from the home and put on a com- mercial footing, in many cases to the detriment of the home-maker. We buy our clothing and our canned fruit. Instead of making candles we switch on the electric light. The kitchen is a place where 12PLANNING THE KITCHEN 13 food is prepared, and where practically nothing else is done. The physical strain of the old days has been succeeded by an even greater mental strain, due to the great expensiveness of everything we use in our homes, and to the continual necessity of deal- ing with conditions outside the home which we can- not control. There is no margin left for mistakes or extravagance, whether of time, of strength or of money. Efficient kitchens, such as insure to the wrorker proper rest, economy of the vital forces, have become an absolute necessity. It is this need for economy of nerve force, this new need peculiar to an age of high pressure and rapid mental readjustment, that our kitchen must be equipped to meet. Efficiency must be the key- note. Efficient work. Efficient rest. Elimina- tion of all unnecessary work. The doing of neces- sary work in the easiest and most economical way. These are the problems of every home-maker,- whether rich or poor; whether she have one servant, or none, or several. Even if she performs no part of the work of the kitchen herself she must, in these days of untrained help and shifting economic condi- tions, give her kitchen constant supervision, if she is to realize her dream of creating the ideal home. . In meeting the new conditions no single change has proved so helpful as the passing of the old-fash- ioned " roomy " kitchen of fond memory, and the adoption of the very modern and utilitarian small kitchen.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Where space is restricted a most careful study is, of course, necessary in order to make the most of the space at one's command. But when such a study has been made, when the kitchen is a compact and truly efficient work-room, the saving in time, strength and labor due to the simple elimination of useless space, is almost incalculable. In the small kitchen there is less wall and floor space to be gone over in the daily care and cleaning. The concen- tration of all the working processes near together and in convenient relation to one another, saves hours of time by preventing useless steps and awk- ward, unnecessary motions. Moreover, the small kitchen means great economy in construction — a very important matter in these days when building is so costly. Every square foot of flooring and parti- tion cut out of the kitchen where it is not needed may be added with advantage to some other part of the house where extra space means added health, comfort and opportunity for the entire family. We assume, therefore, that the housekeeper will have a small kitchen if she can; or will limit her re- modeled kitchen to the smallest possible dimen- sions. We will proceed to consider how this lim- ited space may be used to the best advantage. USES THE KITCHEN MUST SERVE The final plans for the kitchen must be drawn by an architect. It is not the purpose of this book to give any information that comes under the headPLANNING THE KITCHEN 15 of technical construction. Its object is, rather, to call attention to the various uses which the kitchen must serve, and of which many good architects are woefully ignorant. It is a very interesting thing to notice the work- ing out of thought. If we begin by holding stead- fastly in mind the object to be gained, some way will be found of overcoming difficulties and achieving the desired result. If, on the other hand, we allow ourselves, too early in the planning process, to be diverted by a consideration of ways and means, we are apt to land in discouragement and hopeless con- fusion. Therefore, first of all, before we begin to think of details, or even picture to ourselves the general out- line of the room, we must think of the work to be done in the room. We remember the four main requisites of all kitchens: storage place for sup- plies; sufficient table surface for the preparation and service of food; proper arrangements for cook- ing; the water supply, including facilities for dish- washing and cleaning up. These are fundamental needs, and must be met in any kind of kitchen for a family of any size. The next consideration is that the kitchen con- veniences be in compact relation to one another, so as to economize the workers' time and strength. Most of us know that kitchen work is not a series of isolated tasks, but that one task must be fitted in with another most ingeniously if we are to do any-16 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN thing like an effective day's work. Therefore our supplies, our work table, our stove and our sink must be near enough together so that we can " keep an eye" on one thing while we are doing other things. We wash the breakfast dishes while we watch the cake baking. We cook the cereal for next morning's breakfast while we wash the supper dishes. We realize that we can work easily and effectively just in proportion as we use skill in planning and arranging our work. Having coordinated our working processes, we picture to ourselves the right conditions in which to work. We must have plenty of light, both day- times and evenings. The light must fall on our work and not shine in our eyes. The kitchen must be well ventilated, comfortably warmed in winter and cool in summer. All possible provision must be made for doing the work in reasonable comfort and without useless expenditure of the workers' time and strength. We next remember that, besides the immediate needs of the work itself, there are other require- ments to be met in the kitchen. A place for wraps and rainy-day things. Some safe depository for in- coming supplies. We decide to make a list of all the kitchen needs we can think of, jotting them down roughly, like this: 1. Work table and its accessories, including containers for groceries used in mixing. 2. Sink and its outfit. 3. Stove and its accessories.PLANNING THE KITCHEN 17 4. Kitchen cabinet, including complete outfit for prepara- tion of food. 5. Provision for keeping food cold. Refrigerator. Cold closet. 6. Provision for keeping food warm and drying dishes. 7. Arrangements for heating the water supply. 8. Arrangements for heating the kitchen. 9. Drawers for cutlery, kitchen linen, aprons, etc. 10. Place for cleaning preparations, and cleaning cloths. 11. Shelf or closet for incoming supplies. 12. Place for broom, mops, etc. 13. Closet for wraps. 14. Laundry arrangements, if no provision can be made for these in a separate room. Up to this point the planning has been quite a simple matter, because we have been thinking of the kitchen as a work-room by itself and not in its rela- tion to other parts of the house. The complexities begin just here. Not only must the kitchen be rightly placed in relation to the dining-room and rear entrance; but its plumbing and heating and flue connections must be planned with reference to the house systems and must conform to these to a cer- tain degree, in order not to cause unnecessary ex- pense. Then we begin to find things conflicting and interfering with one another. Our simple, con- venient arrangement of sink and stove and work ta- ble may prove impracticable. Flues go here, where we wanted to put our sink. Pipes go there in that excellent place for a work table. Doors and win- dows, apparently, must fill all the wall spaces so de- sirable for open-shelf cupboards. Our kitchen seems verging on a mere conglomeration of exits and entrances; of wires and pipes and flues.18 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN It is just at this point that the woman who is de- termined to have a convenient kitchen is apt to find herself in conflict with the architect. Just here she will realize the wisdom of having thought out the ends the kitchen must serve, rather than the means by which those ends may be attained. The start- ing point of all successful architecture is use; that which a room or a building or a bridge or a factory is for. The reason why so many gifted architects fail in kitchen construction is simply be- cause they have only the most rudimentary ideas, or none at all, of the actual requirements of a mod- ern kitchen. These the home-maker knows. And this knowledge she must be able to impart to the architect if he needs it. She must be prepared to stand her ground very firmly when told that this or that structural necessity interferes with the vital convenience of arrangement. She cannot stub- bornly insist that the sink shall go here and the work table there. But she can explain clearly that this, that and the other need is imperative in the kitchen; that such and such kitchen processes must be co- ordinated. Once he clearly understands the end in view a competent architect will find means to bring this about. If we plan our kitchen before we plan any other room in the house almost all these difficulties can be mastered very easily. If we leave it until the last it will require just that much more ingenuity to accomplish our purpose. But one thing we mustPLANNING THE KITCHEN 19 keep steadfastly in mind. The legitimate needs of kitchen construction can and will be met, provided the home-maker herself knows clearly what they are. On her realization of this, and her patient de- termination to make others realize it, depends much of the future success of her kitchen. CHOICE OF METHODS AND MATERIALS After having, in conference with the architect, worked out the structural plan of an efficient kitchen, the home-maker will find herself at every stage of the work, required to make choices between this or that method or material; this or that alternative in working out some detail of construction. On her wise decision of all these points depends the con- venience of the kitchen as a work-room; the cost of building and equipping the kitchen; and above all the cost of maintenance after it has been built and equipped. She must therefore know what the pos- sibilities are, and what the result of her choice in each case is going to be. Two general principles will guide her safely. The first applies to choice of materials. Get only what is good of its kind. If you cannot afford the best, do not get a cheap substitute, but choose some- thing less expensive, which is still the best of its kind. In kitchen wall finish, for example, a good grade of rough plaster, tinted, is better than a poor grade of hard-trowel finished plaster, painted. A reliable mason will estimate on either. But poor20 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN work of the more expensive grade should not be accepted. The second general principle applies to the choice of contractors to carry out the work planned. Get only men of known reputation to estimate on your contract. If you find you cannot afford to get the house well built as planned, do not accept a cheaper estimate from a less reliable man. Eliminate ev- ery unnecessary thing and have good work as far as you go. There are too many ways of being cheated in materials and workmanship to make it wise to take any chances. DETAILS OF KITCHEN CONSTRUCTION Size of the Kitchen. The convenience and economy of the small kitchen have been referred to at the beginning of this chap- ter. We are realizing the need of many things in the home which are more to be desired than un- necessary space in the kitchen. Sun parlors, out- door dining-rooms and maids' sitting-rooms are be- ginning to seem necessities, and in very many cases could be afforded if no space were wasted on rooms where space is not required. A small upstairs laun- dry and pressing-room is another need that must often be met in the housekeeping of to-day. A very convenient kitchenette can be made of a room seven feet by eleven. We recommend this size for a fam- ily without a maid, or where only one house-worker is employed. Convenient dimensions for the .aver-PLANNING THE KITCHEN age family are ten by twelve feet, or eleven by thir- teen. The kitchen ought to be oblong rather than squares to get the best result of wall space. •Relation of Kitchen to Dining-Room and Outside Porch. Very often, in order to save expense in const ruc- 3ack ICE SINK case Down KITCHEtf COAT L Open Shelve* Bwiler'a Paniry Open Shelves DIKING Room Fig. i.— Floor plan showing indirect connection between- kitchen and back door and kitchen and dining room. tion the kitchen opens directly from the dining-room by means of a swinging door. It is better, how- ever, to have a small pantry between. (See sim- plest type butler's pantry, Fig. i.) This pantry gives wonderful storage facilities, prevents odors from passing from the kitchen to the dining-room, and deadens the noise between the two rooms. It may be small or large, but if rightly planned every22 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN inch of wall space may be made available. A work- ing shelf twenty to twenty-eight inches wide and thirty-two inches from the floor may be built around two or three sides of the pantry. Under this, shallow drawers may be built in to hold dining- room supplies, or kitchen supplies that cannot be kept in the kitchen. This wide shelf may be stained and varnished, or it may be covered with zinc. It ought to be left free as a place for keeping salads, desserts, etc., that are ready for the table, or to pro- vide a working-place for making salads and sand- wiches, or cutting bread and cake. Above it should be narrow open shelves for dishes. This arrange- ment is far less expensive than the wide-shelf cup- boards with glass doors, will hold more and be more accessible. A pantry of this kind is the ideal location for the refrigerator, making it equally ac- cessible to dining-room and kitchen. The kitchen should have, wherever possible, an indirect connection with the outer door. This pre- vents much tracking in of dirt, and saves the worker from needless interruption. The advantages of this plan are illustrated in Fig. I. Whatever arrangement is made, care should be taken to have the outer door so placed that the kitchen will be protected from the cold winter winds. The north opening found in many homes makes the kitchen a bleak place in cold weather. If the door itself faces north the entrance porch should be partly enclosed and given a more favorable exposure.Butler's pantry and dining-room, New Rochelle, N. Y. Refrigerator in pantry has outside icing door. Ornamental slide above sideboard opens into butler's pantryTHt LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISPLANNING THE KITCHEN 23 Arrangement of Windows. Good light and good ventilation are secured by having enough windows and having them rightly placed. They ought to be so placed as to make a v w- ->-e 1 " KITCHEN 1 DINING room HALL sitting rook ""t 1 1 1 ' KITCHEN Pantry dining f room L Sitting- HALL room street Fig. 2. Fig. 3. cross draft possible. In most kitchens two windows are enough. If they are built in opposite or ad- joining walls, good ventilation will also be assured. Suppose a house of the simplest possible con- struction. (See Fig. 2.) In this the kitchen is the northwest room. The rear door opens toward the24 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN north. There is no place for windows except in the west wall. By building the kitchen with a slight jog or L, as shown in Fig. 3, and enclosing the rear door with a vestibule or storm door open- ing east, the following advantages are secured: The kitchen is given cross draft west and south. Its two windows in adjoining walls give better light than if both were placed in the same wall. The few feet of extra width render possible a narrow pantry between the kitchen and dining-room. The vesti- bule or storm door at the back protects the kitchen from the North wind.* The additional expense will be more than repaid by the extra comfort and efficiency of the kitchen. In case of a very narrow margin for expense it would be worth while to slightly reduce the scale of the entire house to allow for this important ad- vantage in construction. If both windows must be in the same wall, as sometimes happens, then there should be a ventilat- ing register in the opposite wall or a transom over the kitchen door leading to the porch or vestibule. Windows and doors should never be so located as to badly break up the wall space. It requires care in planning to avoid this; but the extra trouble is well worth while. It is also a good plan to have the windows placed higher in the kitchen than in the other rooms, so * The great comfort in summer of a direct draft through the kitchen from North to South would be secured by hav- ing a window in the vestibule on the North side.PLANNING THE KITCHEN 25 that if necessary, a table or sink may be placed underneath. A good height for the lower sill is 3 y2 feet from the floor. Sometimes cross ventila- tion can be accomplished by extending the kitchen wall beyond the outline of the rest of the house. Ventilation. Under ordinary conditions good ventilation will be secured by the proper location of the windows and outer door. In addition to this there must be the right flue connection for gas or coal stove. Gas stoves are often installed without flue connection, but it is a bad practice. The best arrangement is to have the gas range connected with a flue and a hood above. A ventilating register placed under the hood will carry off all unpleasant odors. The cost of such an outfit is about twenty dollars. Chimney Flues, Gas Pipes and Water Pipes. Where a coal range is to be used a separate flue must be provided for it in building the chimney. Very often the same flue is used for both the kitchen range and the dining-room fireplace, with very dis- appointing results. Improper draft makes it im- possible to get good service from a coal range. And where the flue is shared with the kitchen range, the fireplace is very apt to smoke. Each flue compart- ment should be at least eight by eight inches. The location of chimney flues, gas pipes and water pipes in the kitchen must be worked out in connec-26 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN tion with the general plan of the house systems. If the housekeeper explains to the architect the spe- cial needs that must be met in the kitchen he can make these systems conform to meet her needs. But it is a difficult matter to do this if the general house plans have been worked out before the de- signing of the kitchen is begun. The needs of the kitchen are of such vital importance that it is well worth while to make these the starting point. Artificial Lighting. In the lighting of the kitchen the matter of chief importance is to provide for enough light. Where electricity is used one kitchen bulb centrally located and equipped with a Tungsten globe of sixty Watts, will give ample light for a small kitchen. For a larger room two will be needed, and ought to be so placed that the stove and sink are both well lighted. If gas is used, the gas jets should be equipped with mantles and chimneys, and the mantles renewed when necessary. For country kitchens in remote districts, where electricity is not available, one must depend on kero- sene bracket lamps for illumination. Excellent lamps with reflectors are on the market. If the bracket is located at the left of the worker and at the right height, these lamps are very satisfactory. Ten years ago alcohol lamps were also available, but the rapid development of electricity has made the manufacture of alcohol appliance unprofitable.PLANNING THE KITCHEN 27 Kerosene is much less expensive than alcohol if the cost in money alone is considered. Kerosene lamps may now be purchased with mantles. Great improvement has been made in their manufacture. The smell of kerosene on the hands, however, makes the care of these lamps an unpleasant task. And the care necessary is no small item. Daily cleaning and washing of chimneys is required, with frequent renewing of wicks in order to get good results and prevent the lamps from giving off an unpleasant odor while burning. Finish of Walls and Ceiling. There are almost as many grades of plaster finish on the market in these days as there are kinds of eggs. In olden times an egg not absolutely above suspicion was a bad egg. To-day we have all grades from " strictly fresh" to " boxed eggs." Every grade, in fact, except downright bad eggs. These are sold without labels. In the same way plaster of all grades is now offered the credulous customer. It is a difficult matter to get the permanent, hard- finished plaster which is the only kind worth having on the walls. It is particularly important to have this grade of plaster in the kitchen. The only way to secure it is by having the work done by the most reliable mason you know and paying the price. There are two finishes which can be recom- mended, each having its advantages. The first is the smooth, hard-trowel finish, which is best if the28 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN walls are to be painted. Such a finish is very clean and sanitary. It needs wiping over occasionally with a damp flannel cloth fastened around a broom; and should have a thorough washing once a year to remove the more permanent stains. This is hard work, especially for the upper part of the walls and the ceiling. For this reason many prefer the rough tinted finish which can be kept clean by wiping off once a month, and be freshened once a year by a new coat of tint. When this finish is selected the tinting is done in the first instance by mixing the tint with the final coat of plaster. The yearly tinting is no more expensive than the paint-washing. Treatment of Old Kitchen Walls. In the case of old kitchens, one must be guided by the condition of the walls. For a kitchenette a dura- ble painted surface is the most satisfactory. A painter who does the best grade of work should be consulted. In many cases the old walls can be patched and sized so that they will look well after painting. If they are in bad shape it will pay to have them replastered, and then painted. A new method of starching painted walls, described on page 239, greatly simplifies the cleaning problem. Cost of Wall Finish. It is impossible to give more than a rough esti- mate of the cost of wall finishes. Decorators of experience tell us that the difference in plaster finishPLANNING THE KITCHEN 29 makes it impossible to give general estimates. One wall will absorb three times as much kalsomine or paint as another will require. There are also dif- ferent grades of workmanship. One contractor gave the range of prices for kalsomining, including labor and material, at from ten cents to a dollar and a half per square yard! The difference was largely due to difference in workmanship. The same dif- ference prevails in painting, prices ranging from twenty cents per square yard to a dollar and twenty cents. In the case of kalsomine the expense for material is very little, and for ordinary work does not require skilled labor. Often it can be done by a member of the household. The cost of materials is, approximately, as fol- lows : Kalsomine, one coat glue or varnish sizing and one coat kalsomine, twenty cents per square yard. Paint, one or two coats, cost twenty to sixty cents per square yard. Special paper for kitchen walls, " varnished tile " or wash- able oilcloth. Sold by the roll. Thirty-five to sixty cents per yard. The number of coats of kalsomine needed de- pends upon the kind of plaster and the condition of the walls. At least two are usually necessary. If the wall is cracked the cracks should be filled with plaster of Paris and touched up with shellac before putting on the kalsomine. New surfaces require at least two coats of paint. Two are usually enough unless the grain of the wood is pronounced and it is to be painted white.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Two coats are necessary where paint is put on over a darker color. If there is little change in color one coat will be enough. Flat paints that are washable cover more surface than the oil paints, and are much used for that rea- son. The cost of labor in different localities and for different grades of work varies greatly. The ordi- nary price is one dollar and thirty-five cents per hour. Wall paper is not recommended for kitchen walls. The only exception to this is the washable oil-cloth paper, which is recommended where the walls are in bad condition and need strengthening. This paper comes in various colors for the side walls, with ceiling paper to correspond. The gloss finish is the best for kitchen use, although the choice of colors and patterns is more limited than in the tinted " and " mercerized" finish. As stains often get on the kitchen walls which require more than wiping off these more attractive finishes cannot be recommended. This paper comes a yard and a half wide and costs 60 cents a yard. An ideal finish for the side walls of the kitchen is glazed tile. The cost, however, is prohibitive for the average home, being $1.25 to $1.75 per square foot, including baseboard and installation. A good substitute for tiling is a hard-finished plaster, blocked in tile design and treated to two or more coats of durable paint.PLANNING THE KITCHEN The Kitchen Floor. For the average home a well-laid kitchen floor covered with inlaid linoleum will give the most satis- factory result for the amount of money spent. The best grade of linoleum costs from $3.00 to $3.50 per square yard, and if properly laid and cared for will last twenty years. The flooring beneath need not be hard wood, but it must be evenly laid. If it is not even it should be made so before laying the linoleum. To lay a linoleum well is the work of an expect and should never be attempted by the amateur. Whenever it is possible, have the firm that furnishes and lays the linoleum, take the measurements also. Very accurate measurements are required. And if a mistake is made it is well to be in a position to hold the dealers responsible. The price for laying the linoleum covers taking the measurements, cutting and laying, and a third trip a month later, after the linoleum has had time to " stretch " to tack it in position. In the city the charge for this work is usually one dollar per hour. Out of town cus- tomers must pay travelling expenses in addition to time. Two trips are necessary, in order to give the linoleum time to stretch before it is tacked into posi- tion. A superior method of laying linoleum over lining felt with cemented edges is described on pages 239- 240. This method is more expensive but preventsTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN any danger of "buckling." As all seams and edges are cemented, water cannot get under the surface. If linoleum is laid in the ordinary way, one must be careful in mopping to wring all excess water from the mop. And water spilled on it should not be allowed to remain. An excellent precaution is to cement the edges together, where piecing is necessary. It may also be cemented round the edges. The best plan is to have a half inch, quarter-round molding tacked to the side wall just above the edge of the linoleum. Never nail the molding through the linoleum. This covers the open space allowed for stretching and makes a neat finish. It is not necessary that the flooring underneath the linoleum be of hard wood. It will save ex- pense to use a good grade of cheap, strong North Carolina pine. The best width for flooring is two or two and a half inch. The cost of such wood when purchased of a reliable firm which thoroughly kiln-dries its flooring is about 43/2 cents per square foot. This is for the seven-eighths-inch flooring, which wears better than the half-inch. For a cost of 43^ cents more per square foot one may secure the best grade of edge-grained North Carolina pine or clear maple flooring. These two latter floorings may be used without linoleum. They should be stained and treated to two coats of special floor varnish, and then be kept waxed. This makes an excellent floor, but is not as comfortable to standPLANNING THE KITCHEN on or as easily cared for as the linoleum. In esti- mating the cost of flooring, as the material is tongued and grooved, it will be necessary to allow twenty-five per cent more than the actual area to be covered by the North Carolina pine; and thirty- five per cent more for the maple. For 100 square feet of floor space, for example, one would need 125 square feet of North Carolina pine; or 135 square feet of maple. The cost of laying and scraping such a floor will ordinarily be about twenty- five cents per square foot, but may be much higher in certain localities. Oiling kitchen floors is not to be recommended. For other parts of the house an oiled floor, when properly done, is very satisfactory. But in the kitchen it is difficult to care for because stains are so hard to remove. It is very important to have the kitchen floor comfortable to stand on, easy to keep clean, and durable. For all these reasons hard- wood floors are not as desirable for the kitchen as linoleum. Under certain conditions other floor coverings are preferred to linoleum. Where great economy must be exercised in building and outfitting, the painted floor may be selected. Two coats of good floor paint in tan or gray are attractive in appearance and wear fairly well. When worn spots appear they should be touched up at once. If the floor is not hard-wood it should be given two coats of shellac before the paint is applied, and all cracks should first of all be34 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN filled with crack filler. For laying such a floor the cost of lumber and labor will be about twenty-five cents per square foot; the cost of paint and labor about twenty cents per square foot. The painting may be done at home. Some home-makers get very expert with the use of the paint brush. Many kitchens in newly built homes have cement floors. The different cement preparations are called by various names, but are very much alike in their general properties. It is a matter of considerable skill to lay them; and unless well laid they crack and are easily disfigured. These floors have base- boards continuous with the flooring and are ideal for purposes of keeping clean. If porches, halls, and entrances have this flooring, as well as the kitchen, the cost is not prohibitive. These composition floorings cost from fifty to sixty cents per square foot. This price includes the baseboard and cost of laying. The initial expense of sending out experts and special appliance to do the work costs as much for one room as for several rooms, so the cost is proportionately less for larger areas. Composition flooring makes a satisfactory covering for kitchens, bathrooms, breakfast rooms, and porches. The foundations under the flooring must meet certain requirements in order to have this price apply. These floorings come in tan, deep red, mottled and green. The mottled is a very good kitchen color. The tans and reds are recommended because the colors run evenly.PLANNING THE KITCHEN 35 The green is by far the prettiest for porches. The only serious objection to the cement flooring for kitchen use is that it is not restful to stand on. This may be obviated by having rubber or washable rugs in front of the sink and work table. The natural cement floors are not attractive in appearance and crack unless carefully laid. The colored preparations are therefore to be preferred. Tile flooring of the vitrified kind makes a very attractive looking floor. But it is hard on the feet, " death to china " and costs from $1.25 to $1.75 per square foot, with a baseboard of any desired width from two to eight inches. Treatment of Wood-work in Kitchens. Hard wood is more important for the wood-work of the kitchen than in any other room in the house. The kitchen wood-work gets such hard* wear, and needs so much cleaning, that a permanent and sani- tary finish is the ideal one. An inexpensive hard- wood that can be treated with a turpentine stain and then waxed, makes an excellent finish. Equally durable is the varnish finish, but the effect is not so good. By far the most attractive finish for wood-work is white enamel paint. For a new kitchen, if this is to be the finish, the wood must be selected with great care. Some kinds of wood have such a de- cided grain that four or five coats of white are necessary to cover them up. The best wood for36 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN this purpose is white wood, which will require but two coats of paint, and one coat of enamel. This finish must have daily care, and will need renewing in two or three years. It is therefore not to be recommended for households where labor must be economized, or where the expense of renewing would be a serious matter. Kifchen wood-work that has become shabby may be treated with two coats of tan or gray paint. This helps wonderfully in giving a fresh and clean appearance to an old kitchen. But it must be treated with care, frequently touched up and re- newed when necessary. For this reason a hard wax or varnish finish is to be preferred wherever it is possible to have it.Ill Scientific Grouping MOST efficient means of conserving the worker's time and strength is found in the new scientific method of grouping the various utensils and materials, not according to kind, but according to the uses they serve. In most kitchens groceries are kept together in one closet; agate-ware utensils in another; cooked food in still another; service dishes which are part of a set, in the dining-room. This is a logical ar- rangement, and we do not see that it is wasteful of labor until we begin to work. Then we find that the waste of steps involved in getting equipment and material together for any one process becomes a very serious loss indeed, not only of the time but of the energy of the worker. We see that if we are to conserve labor and energy we must adopt a plan of grouping that will coordinate utensils and ma- terials as they are needed for the actual work to be done. Before discussing the new theory, let us analyze two simple processes repeated every day in the kitchen, and see how laborious is the old way of getting them accomplished, as a result of the wrong38 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN method of grouping. The first is the very simple task of making tea. As freshly boiled water is a necessity for good tea, our first step is to empty and partly refill the tea-kettle, or get a small stew- pan and cover and boil water enough for our tea on the stove. This will mean two trips if the tea- kettle is used; and four if we must get a stew-pan from a closet, a cover from the rack, and go to the sink to fill our utensil, and then to the stove to boil the water. Next, while the water is boiling, we go to the china closet and get the teapot, to the shelf where groceries are kept for the tea, to* the dining- room for cups, saucers, spoons and sugar bowl. Then we make the tea. We have made in the first case, five trips about the room in order to get our materials together; in the second case, where a small saucepan and cover are used, seven trips. Compare the great waste of labor in this simple process, with the ease of making tea by the new method. In this latter case we have the entire tea- making outfit grouped near the sink. We stand at the sink and reach for the stew-pan or tea-kettle, and fill it with water, take two steps to the stove and put the water on to boil. The pot-covers are just back of the stove. The teapot and tea canister are on a shelf above the sink, and cups, saucers and spoons are placed beside them. In making our tea this second time we have moved perhaps five feet in all, and cut in two the labor and effort required to do the work. In the former case we had to makeSCIENTIFIC GROUPING five or seven trips to different parts of the kitchen and dining-room, and probably walk at least twenty- five feet, in order to accomplish the self-same task. Another very simple task performed at least three times a day is the cutting of bread. With the bread box on the table in the pantry, the bread knife in the cutlery drawer, the bread board hanging up against an opposite kitchen wall, we must make three separate trips in order to get our materials to- gether and prepare to do the work. Every separate task or process that we analyze shows the same wastefulness of labor and time, due to the fact that our kitchen outfit and supplies are wrongly coordinated. We begin to realize how serious is this waste when we remember that very many of the kitchen tasks are performed three times a day; and that the number of separate processes carried on each day in even the simplest kitchen is between twenty-five and a hundred. It is no ex- aggeration to say that at least two hours a day are lost in the average kitchen by improper group- ing of supplies and utensils. Where servants are kept and the living is elaborate it often requires the services of an extra maid to make up for the lack of efficient arrangement. It is therefore clear that the new idea must be applied to every detail from the original laying out of the kitchen, the locating of the sink, stove and work table, to prop- erly sub-dividing the most insignificant of the kitchen tools. On this basis we proceed to group40 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN the utensils around the fixed equipment to which they belong, which gives a grouping like the fol- lowing : Articles to be grouped near the range: Salt Box., Match Box. Flour Dredger. Empty Box for Matches. Pepper Dredger. Stove Cloths. Pot Covers. Asbestos Mats Frying Pans. Griddle (in Winter time). Dripping Pans. Rack for Dish Towels. Articles to be grouped near the sink: Dish Pan. Dish Drainer. Rubber Sink Stopper. Three-foot Rubber Tubing with thread connection. Cleaning outfit to be grouped near sink: Sink Solutions. Scouring Soap. Corn Meal for Care of Hands. ^ Bay-Rum Lotion for Hands. ^ Y Group on shelf above sink: Teapot and Tea Canister. Pitchers, Assorted Sizes. Percolator and Coffee Can- Stew Pans (either ott shelf ister. or suspended from wall Double Boiler. below). Suspend from edge of shelf or wall back of sink the following small implements: Soap Shaker. Vegetable Brush. Soap Dish. Bottle-Cleaning Brush. Dish Mop. Small Funnel. Sink Shovel. Small Wire Strainers. Wire Whisk Sink Brush. Plate Scrapers. Pot Scraper. Place in open-shelf cupboard near sink:SCIENTIFIC GROUPING 41 Outfit of Dishes for Left-Over Food 6 Small Agate Pans. 4 Agate Pans, 2 to 3 quart Capacity. 6 Agate Plates. 4 Larger Agate Plates. Kitchen China as Required by Size of Family. At right of sink have nickel towel-bar for hand towel, or a roll of paper toweling. If possible have a drawer near sink where may be kept a supply of kitchen towels, wash cloths and cheese-cloth for straining. We then plan to group the supplies and utensils used in preparing food so that no extra steps will have to be taken to assemble them for each cooking operation. This gives us a grouping like the fol- lowing near the work-table: Articles to be grouped near work table: 2 Measuring Cups. 4 Small White Yellow Bowls. Yellow Mixing Bowls. 2 Baking Dishes, 2-pint and 3-pint sizes. Rolling Pin. Pastry Board. Pie Plates. Cake Mixer. Cake Tins, Various Kinds. J/tuffin Tins. Cutters for Cookies, Dough- nuts, etc. Bread Mixer. Flour Sifter. Liquid Shortening. Bread Pans. Meat Grinder. Crank Beater. Puree Strainer. Containers for Spices. Jars for Grocery Supplies. Containers for Flour, Sugar, Rice, and Cereals. Cutlery Outfit 1 dozen teaspoons. 4 to 6 kitchen knives. 4 to 6 kitchen forks. 4 to 6 table-spoons. A good meat knife. Spatula. Apple Corer. 2 Vegetable Knives. Outfit of Measuring Spoons. Scissors. Mixing Spoons. Wooden Spoons. Egg Beater.42 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN We shall find certain other utensils that require special shelves or closets, on account of their size; and certain outfits that are used constantly in some kitchens and not at all in others. We group these in the following: Special list: Steamers. Outfit for Deep-fat Frying Portable Oven. Frying Basket. Waffle Iron. Scotch Kettle. Toaster. Pail for Frying-fat. A salad outfit in the average family would in- clude: Salt shaker, pepper shaker, paprica, gar- lic cloves, vinegar bottle, oil bottle. In every kitchen where there is no pantry between kitchen and dining-room, a special place must be provided for the bread box, bread board and bread knife. Also a cake box and a container for crackers, etc. The fireless cooker should be near the kitchen stove; and convenient storage place near at hand should be provided for the fireless cooker utensils when not in use. We have outlined above a grouping that is based on the principle of conserving labor and energy, and that may be adapted to> the needs of any kitchen no matter how faulty its construction. It requires comparatively small expense to make a kitchen con- venient, in so far as convenience depends upon the proper arrangement and coordination of its portable equipment and supplies.SCIENTIFIC GROUPING 43 The processes analyzed thus far have been those that are carried on and completed in the kitchen. There are others which have to do with both kitchen and dining-room. Take for example those involv- ing the use of supplies common to both kitchen and dining-room needs, like butter, milk, bread, crackers and drinking water. The best place for these is clearly the little pantry between the kitchen and dining-room, where they are equally accessible to both rooms. This end will be gained by placing the refrigerator, bread box, etc., in the pantry; and having near at hand the special utensils required for serving or handling these supplies. After the cooking is done and the meal is ready to be served, we find that the table dishes divide themselves into three groups: First, those used to hold the cooked food; second, the dishes that must be warmed before they are ready for table use; and third, those that are used just as they are. While these groups are handled in three separate and dis- tinct ways, they all belong to the same set of china. By the old method of grouping they would all be kept together in the dining-room closet. We shall now divide them so that they will be rightly grouped for their work. We take the platters, vegetable dishes and gravy boat to the kitchen closet; the plates, cups and saucers to a closet warmed by a coil from the furnace, so that they will be kept at the right temperature and ready for use at any time. We leave the third division in the dining-44 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN room closet, as near as possible to the linen supply and other table furnishings. This scientific grouping has been tried out in a great number of cases and has been found wonder- fully successful. By concentrating the working processes in one corner of the room, large kitchens have been made almost as convenient as small ones. Tiny rooms that did not seem large enough to be utilized for kitchen purposes have been made into most convenient kitchenettes. And awkward, badly planned kitchens have been transformed into effi- cient work rooms at small expense, just because working materials and utensils were grouped in a way that helped the work along instead of hinder- ing and setting it back. PRINCIPLES OF KITCHEN EFFICIENCY As a means of putting into effect the principles of scientific grouping, it will be found very helpful to bear in mind the following general rules. They are based on the same idea of conserving time and strength, and thus enabling the worker to concen- trate on constructive work all her best energy. 1. Keep nothing in the kitchen that is not used every day. 2. Things used oftenest should be most con- veniently near at hand. 3. Grouping of utensils and supplies should be governed by the principle of Coordination of Processes.Reprinted courtesy of "The Outlook" Scientific grouping of equipment. Note service dishes in cupboard, bread-making outfit above refrigerator. Fireless-cooker on home-made stand beside wheel tray. Pastry tableTHE LIBRARY OF THE WJWERBTY OF ILLINOISSCIENTIFIC GROUPING 45 4. Have narrow shelves with one row of things on each. 5. Use open shelves rather than cupboards and closed closets. (An exception to this rule must be made where a coal range is used, and the kitchen is necessarily dusty.) 6. Shelves should be at a convenient height, none lower than 12 inches nor higher than can be easily reached. 7. Nothing should be permitted to rest on the floor. This saves bending over, and facilitates cleaning the kitchen floor. 8. Have nothing in the kitchen that is not easy to keep clean. 9. Fixed equipment should be placed where the light is good. 10. Floor covering should be easy to keep clean and pleasant for the feet to rest on. 11. Small utensils should be suspended from hooks and cup-hooks fastened to the wall or the edge of shelves. 12. Sink and work table should be at a convenient height for the worker. 13. There should be a special place for each thing used in the kitchen.IV Built-in Conveniences EVERY kitchen ought to be so equipped with built-in conveniences that the porta- ble equipment needed to make it a perfect work-room can be reduced to a minimum. In this book the term " Built-in Conveniences" means shelf-room and such other home-made contrivances as a carpenter can install. While this problem has been well worked out in city apartments, and in country houses too, in cer- tain sections of the country, as, for example, the perfectly equipped California bungalow, it is still unsolved in a large majority of cases. There are millions of kitchens in this country which could be transformed from awkward, inefficient work-rooms into convenient and well arranged work-rooms at comparatively small expense, by making a few vital alterations. A family, on moving into a rented house, usually finds a stove, a sink and a china closet, nothing more. And the last is a purely accidental affair, con- tingent on the exigencies of architecture. Of a long list of built-in conveniences and fixed equipment which every home requires, these are the only needs 46BUILT-IN CONVENIENCES 47 universally met, even in a primitive way. Yet these needs, one and all, are absolutely essential to com- fort and efficiency, and could, with very slight ex- pense, be made part of the original plan and struc- ture of even the most modestly equipped kitchen. Let us consider certain of these elementary needs which are common to all households, whether rich or poor, and see how they may be met, first in the building of new houses, second in transforming old ones. NEEDS TO BE MET IN EVERY KITCHEN 1. Stove, sink, work table and kitchen cabinet. 2. Storage place for groceries. 3. Shelves, closet room or hooks for all kitchen utensils. 4. Refrigeration and cold storage for vegetables, fruit, etc. 5. Provision for keeping food warm. 6. Temporary receiving place for incoming sup- plies. 7. Place for cleaning outfit and cleaning prepara- tions. 8. Closet for wraps near back entrance. 9. Box for coal or wood; shelf for kerosene or al- cohol can. 10. Provision for disposing of kitchen, waste. Problems presented by the stove, sink, work- table and refrigerator will be considered elsewhere in this book, as will the very important subject of48 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN the disposing of kitchen waste. This chapter is concerned mainly with the storage problem, with finding a place for things. And this place must al- ways be the most convenient and best possible, for the purpose of efficiency, of conserving the time and strength of the worker. STORAGE PLACE FOR GROCERIES In the old, haphazard kitchen planning, this need has usually been met by having one or more closets with end-shelves for the groceries. Sometimes this single closet or pantry must also hold many of the kitchen utensils. The shelves were usually wide, so that articles must be placed on them several layers deep. And the floor was used as a reserve shelf. In other cases separate cupboards with wooden or glass doors were fastened to the kitchen wall, and designed to hold the cooking dishes, the larger closet being left entirely for supplies. In our trips about the country we find numbers of kitchens without any closet facilities whatever; many with only one closet; others with several. The location and num- ber of closets, or the absence of them altogether has depended largely on how the outline of the kitchen lent itself to these requirements. Approaching the matter from the new stand- point, that of creating an efficient work room, we realize at once that proper shelf-room, conveniently located, is one of the primary needs of the kitchen. We make that our starting-point and proceed toBUILT-IN CONVENIENCES 49 consider the resources and possibilities of the par- ticular kitchen we are to build or reconstruct. We find first of all that the wall space can be used to best advantage by having a system of nar- row open shelves, rather than the deep-shelf closet or the cupboard with closed-in shelves and doors. We might have learned this long ago by noticing how much can be neatly and conveniently stored on open shelves in the grocery stores. Narrow shelves offer immense advantages over the deep-shelf plan. There is room for but one row of articles. Not having to reach behind the first row to get some- thing at the back which, perhaps, we cannot see without standing on a chair, we are saved loss of time and energy due to awkward motions, and also the danger of knocking things off the shelf and breaking them. We find a further gain in doing away with doors and protecting the articles from dust by keeping them in carefully labeled glass or tin containers. Finally, by the open-shelf system, we can have just the amount of shelf-room we require, no more and no less. And we can put the shelves where they are needed. This is the essential advantage of the open-shelf scheme, and is quite impossible in the case of closed-in cupboards, which must be put where there is room for them, and where the doors will not be in the way. The most important supply shelves in the kitchen are those directly above the work table. The ob-5o THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN ject is to have all needed supplies easily within reach of the worker's hand as she sits or stands at the work table. Here we see the importance of so locating doors and windows as to avoid breaking up the wall space. For the proper relation of work table to shelves is vital to our scheme of efficiency, and should be worked out in the original planning of the kitchen. Sometimes it is possible, instead of a portable work-table to have a broad work-shelf built-in, across the entire width of the kitchen. Such a work-shelf is an ideal convenience. The dimensions should be 22 inches wide, and a height to suit the worker. A good average height is 32 inches, over all, from the floor. It may be covered with zinc for a small additional cost. ($3.00 for the zinc, about six feet long.) For the supply shelves the following dimensions will be found convenient. Have the lowest one 6 inches wide to hold supplies kept in glass fruit jars or tutti-frutti jars. This shelf should be 15J4 inches above the work table, or 47^2 inches above the floor. Two four-inch wide shelves may be placed above this, making them 9 inches apart. In some cases it is possible to have the shelves ex- tend around one or both ends of the work table, as well as across the width of it. The space under the work-table or work-shelf may be utilized partly for drawers, and partly for broad shelves to hold some of the bulkier parts ofBUILT-IN CONVENIENCES 51 the kitchen equipment. The drawers may be used, one for cutlery, the other for kitchen towels. Ad- ditional space, when there is plenty, as in the case of a long, built-in work-shelf, may be closed in and converted into flour bins and additional drawers. This gives immense storage capacity to even a little kitchenette 7 feet by 11. The shelves above such a work-table will hold the full list of groceries enumerated on pages 209 and 210, which represents the normal and well-chosen supply that a family of five needs to carry in stock. The draw- ers below, if adapted in size to the requirements of the rest of the kitchen will make a butler's pan- try unnecessary. PLACES FOR KITCHEN UTENSILS The open-shelf system has the same advantages for storing the kitchen utensils as it has for the storage of groceries. It enables us to keep the equipment within easy reach of the place where it is to be used. Shelves above the sink provide a convenient place for pitchers, measuring cups, cof- fee and tea outfits, egg beater and strainers; also for the sink solutions used in cleaning. Stew pans and various small utensils may be suspended by means of cup-hooks from the wall back of the sink, from the edge of the shelf, or under the shelf. The best width for the shelf to hold sink solu- tions is 4 inches. A good height is 56 inches from the floor. The shelf for pitchers should be 6 inches wide.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN For bread and cake mixers and other equipment of an awkward size special shelves must be provided wherever there is space enough, or where nooks and corners of the room can be utilized to advantage. These should be the proper size to hold the equip- ment which is designed to rest on them. They should not be lower than the knee or inconveniently high, as we must avoid the awkward motions of bending over and reaching up. Some housekeepers like to keep nearly all the equipment on shelves, while others prefer to hang everything from the wall that can be hung, leav- ing the shelf-room for supplies and equipment with- out handles. The latter is really the best arrange- ment for most kitchens, although very convenient kitchenettes are planned in the former way. (See illustration facing page 94.) In old kitchens where ample closet room has been provided for groceries and supplies, it is still con- venient to have at least two shelves put up in the kitchen; one 6 inches wide above the sink, and one 4 inches wide above the work table. This will pro- vide a place for the small supplies most constantly used in mixing and baking. The closet will then have to be studied most care- fully, and its wall space arranged to the best ad- vantage. By experiment we found that 4 feet square was a most convenient size for a provision closet. In a closet of this size one could stand in the center and reach without stretching everythingBUILT-IN CONVENIENCES 53 that was at the end or sides. The top shelf should be 5 feet from the floor and 6 inches wide, and should extend around all three sides. Below this on the right hand side should be three shelves, the lowest 14 inches from the floor and 12 inches wide, to hold the week's supply of potatoes, apples, etc. This shelf will need at least 18 inches " head-room," so that a peach basket containing vegetables may stand on it. The other two shelves should be 6 inches wide and about one foot apart. At the end of such a closet it is convenient to have a small table with an under shelf and a drawer. Just back of the table should be three shelves against the wall, the lowest 12 inches wide to hold the larger kitchen utensils; the other two, each 6 inches wide. Most of the wall space on the left hand side of the closet is left free for hooks. On these may be hung the griddle, muffin tins, meat grinder, chopping bowl, etc., things not in constant use, and which, therefore, need not take up valuable kitchen wall space. The best hooks to use for suspending articles from the wall, we found to be the square cup-hooks with shank an inch long. The three-quarter inch round cub-hooks are the best for the smaller articles. COLD STORAGE FACILITIES Very many housekeepers do not realize that they could get along without ice for eight or nine months of the year if they had a good cold closet, built intCK,82 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN of brass, the loss due to rapid cooling is a very im- portant item. This difficulty can be partially over- come by jacketing the boiler. COMBINATION BOILER AND HEATER Special kitchen boilers are now constructed hav- ing the burners enclosed in the lower end of the boiler itself. (See Fig. 10.) The heating pipe passes up through a cylindrical air chamber in the center of the boiler. There is no loss of heat by radiation, either from the heating compartment or the hot water pipe, as these are in contact with the inner walls of the boiler, and not with the outer air. Within a few moments of the time when the burner is lighted hot water is ready to be drawn off. The best makes are of heavy galvanized iron or copper, with wooden insulating walls. If not made with an insulating covering of some kind, it is wise to encase the outer walls of the boiler with an as- bestos jacket. These are made to fit any size of boiler, and cost $3.50. Boilers of this type cost from $30.00 to $65.00, according to size and make. They may be connected to the water back of the ordinary coal range, or to the heating coils of the furnace. They are therefore available in every home. I. AUTOMATIC STORAGE SYSTEMS The automatic or thermostatically controlled water heaters of either gas or electric type give an abun- dant and constant supply of hot water. In operationHOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 83 the entire tank full of water is heated to the desired temperature, say 130° F. The thermostat is set at this temperature and as soon as it is reached, the gas or electric current is at once automatically shut off. When hot water is drawn off and cold water enters, Fig. 11.— Illustrates a popular and efficient type of Insulated Automatic Storage Gas Water Heater. The scientific design of burner, the simplicity of parts and the durability of con- struction make the operation and upkeep charges very rea- sonable. the heat automatically starts again and continues until the desired temperature is again reached. This insures a tank full of hot water at very small con- sumption of gas or electric current, and without any attention or handling of fuel. Fig. 11 illus- trates this type of gas heater.84 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN " INSTANTANEOUS " WATER HEATERS Two well known and well developed systems of " instantaneous" water heating are on the market and are generally recommended by architects for large and small houses where economy is not a seri- ously important consideration. The " instantane- ous " heater, which is somewhat like a stove in ap- pearance, is equipped with five sections of copper heating coils. As soon as a hot water faucet is turned on, an automatic valve lights the powerful gas burners in the heater and the hot water is forced to the open faucet. When the faucet is turned off the valve closes and the flame is extinguished. These heaters are equipped with temperature thermometers which automatically maintain a safe and desirable water temperature. They are often installed for summer in houses where the water is heated in winter by coils in the furnace. These are very convenient and desirable, but must, for the present at least, be regarded as luxuries within the reach of only prosperous families. They are ex- pensive in operating cost, and expensive in repairs. This, added to the first cost of $155 to $215, includ- ing installation, makes them prohibitive for families having an income of less than $5,000. This conclusion has not been arrived at from tests at the Experiment Station, but from a careful consideration of the principles of construction and of the facts presented by housekeepers who have had practical experience with this type of heater.HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 85 As regards the reliability of the manufacturers and the matter of good construction, we have no hesitation in stating that these systems do the work they are said to do. The facts not explained by the manufacturers or by agents are: the wasteful- ness of the principle in places where a constant supply of hot water is not needed, as in a private home. To produce quick results an extravagant degree of heat is required for a few moments only. Furthermore, in case of needed repairs, the com- plexity of construction makes it an expensive mat- ter to renew the parts. KEROSENE WATER HEATERS A convenient little heater made on the principle of the blue-flame kerosene stove is now on the mar- ket, and does very satisfactory work. It is con- structed with copper coils outside the boiler. As we have already explained, the defect of this sys- tem is loss of heat through radiation. By jacket- ing the boiler the heat of the water can be con- served. In a two-months' test at the author's sum- mer home, we found that it took two hours to heat a forty-gallon boiler, and that the cost, with kero- sene at fifteen cents a gallon, was a little over two cents an hour. When it comes to quoting the cost of any plumb- ing fixtures or apparatus and giving the cost of in- stallation, only approximate figures can be given. The manufacturers sell only to their agents and allow a very wide margin between the quoted price86 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN and the price at which the fixtures may actually be sold. Then again plumbers have to supply fittings and time that vary widely according to the location of each appliance. So it is always necessary to get accurate quotations of a local plumber of just what it will cost in a given case. SUMMARY OF HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS The following summary will be helpful in re- viewing the resources at the command of the house- keeper. The cost of installing these different sys- tems is given on pages 243-244. Group I. Abundant and constant supply of hot water. a. Automatic storage systems. Both gas and elec- tric. Insulated storage tank. b. Instantaneous, using gas as a fuel. Group II. Constant but limited supply of hot water. The amount depending on the size of storage tank and the size and efficiency of the heater. May be used the year round or to supplement water heated during winter by furnace coils. a. Water back in kitchen range run with coal. (Not satisfactory for wood stoves.) b. Water heated by laundry and tank heaters. (See pages 74-79-) c. Water heated by gas-coils inside the tank or boiler. (See pages 81-82.) Coils outside the boiler. (See page 80, Fig. 9.) d. Water heated by one or two burner kerosene heaters. (See pages 85-86.) Group III. Water heated by means of coils in fur- nace or attached to furnace.HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 87 CHOOSE THE TYPE BEST ADAPTED TO YOUR NEED AND INCOME From the wide range of excellent appliances on the market, there is a type that is best fitted to each individual need. Often the matter must be decided on the basis of initial expense; sometimes the de- cision will turn upon the choice of the most labor- saving type. In many other cases the cost of upkeep will far outweigh other considerations. Then again, it may seem necessary to have abundant hot water at short notice. It must be remembered in decid- ing upon either system of coal-fired type, that they are still the lowest in operating cost for the service they render. Both the coal range and the tank heat- ers also help to heat the house during the cool days preceding the need of a furnace fire and thus they serve two purposes. The success of any system de- pends upon its meeting the need of the individual home, as well as on its being correctly installed. It is an important matter to the comfort of the family and one should get estimates only from reliable plumbers. While all systems are high in cost, it pays more than ever to get the best of its kind. Any one of the systems in Group I and Group II can be used to supplement Group III. To get the best results from the types of heaters in Group II, one should heat a full tank of water early in the day and then reduce the heat or turn it off entirely. In localities where water is hard or corrosive, brass piping should be used.VII Choice of Fuel for Cooking THERE are six safe fuels for kitchen use: wood, coal, gas, kerosene, denatured al- cohol and electricity. Cooking appliances have been so perfected that any one of these may be used to meet the needs of the household. The choice is largely a matter of expediency and cost. WOOD Wood was the first fuel to be used, and is still in general use in farming communities where each family has a wood lot, and can obtain its supply at small expense. It is a very satisfactory fuel under right conditions, and does not require the skill and forethought necessary to successfully man- age a coal range. It cannot furnish sustained heat and is therefore practicable only in kitchens where there is no modern plumbing or where a separate heater is installed to heat the water supply. The chief annoyance connected with its use is that it blackens the bottom of the cooking utensils. The most serious disadvantage of cooking with wood has been overcome by the perfecting of the fireless cooker. Any long process like baking or steam- ing used to be very troublesome because the wood 88CHOICE OF FUEL FOR COOKING 89 fire had to be constantly watched and renewed. Now the wood stove may be used for heating the kitchen and for quick results, and all slow-cooking processes completed in the fireless cooker. COAL In 1850 coal stoves for cooking began to be gen- erally manufactured, and forty years later we find the modern coal range with water-back connection in almost every prosperous home except in the country districts. As long as coal was reasonable in price and domestic labor available for the aver- age home, the coal range held its own. Its final displacement is due to the same influences that have brought automobiles into use instead of horses — the demands of an age that must get the max- imum quick results from the minimum effort. The coal range is undoubtedly still a valuable re- source under right conditions. But in the hands of ignorant " help" or untrained housekeepers it is ruinously wasteful of both fuel and time. Unless it has expert management it does not do its work ef- fectively; and it fills the kitchen with dust and dirt. The most perfect types of coal range have now overcome some of the disadvantages that cling to the general class. Used in combination with a gas stove the coal range can be run economically and without waste of time, as the fire can be main- tained at an even heat and the gas sfove used for emergency cooking, or when a very hot tempera- ture is required for a short time. Baking can beTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN done when a fresh fire is made, or can be concen- trated in one or two days a week when the fire is kchute WAnPifth Fig. 12.—Shows lower portion of a coal range equipped with ash damper and chute to ash can in cellar. run at a baking heat. At other times the small gas oven can be used to better advantage. The best types of coal range are now equipped with oven thermometers, which are found accurate enough for practical purposes. Even housekeepers who have learned to cook by old-fashioned methods find these a great help. A few ranges are so constructed that the ashes are emptied directly into* a shaft beneath the grate leading to an ash can in the cellar. (See Fig. 12.) Both shaft and ash can are so enclosed as to confineCHOICE OF FUEL FOR COOKING 91 all the dust. In this way the dirt of the coal range is taken out of the kitchen, and one of its worst dis- advantages is overcome. Ranges not so constructed may be altered over by an ingenious mechanic. Di- rections for doing this are given in a bulletin of the Cornell Reading Course. Coal stoves without water backs cost from $30 to $60 installed. For a superior range with water back one must pay at least $90. It will cost about $30 more to purchase and install a hot water boiler. By this means one has made adequate provision for the cooking needs of the family and at the same time solved the hot water heating problem at a total in- vestment of $120. One may use an electric fireless cooker for small cooking operations that can be done more conveniently by electricity; or one may have a kerosene range for summer use and all quick cooking operations. It is a decided advan- tage not to use the coal range in summer. With a kerosene stove one can run the coal range more economically, as it can be banked for the day after a noon dinner or the heavy cooking is finished. The supplementary appliance enables one to run the range with much economy of fuel and time. It stands ready for all emergency needs. GAS It is not more than thirty years since gas began to be used extensively as a kitchen fuel. Its advan- tages were first evident in those localities where92 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN natural gas was found, and could be piped direct to houses. Then it was discovered that gas could be manufactured from coal and used generally as a fuel throughout the United States. At first the process of manufacture was very expensive. Sev- enty years ago gas was sold in New York City for $7.00 per thousand feet. To-day the average price is $1.00 a thousand. In many places it is as low as eighty cents; and a St. Louis firm re- cently advertised it for fifty cents! Where the cost is one dollar a thousand or less it is more economical than coal for the kitchen, because its use can be more easily regulated from the point of view of economy. Even after gas had been proved to be an economi- cal and efficient fuel, and excellent stoves had been put on the market, it made its way but slowly in private homes, because of the conservatism and prejudice against an innovation. Then gas stoves began to be used in Western kitchens without the coal range. Finally vigorous campaigns of educa- tion were conducted by gas companies in the East, until the old prejudice was replaced by an active interest in the new fuel. The development of the fireless cook stove and steam cooker has also added greatly to the natural advantages of gas for cook- ing. To sum up the various points in which gas has been helpful in solving the home-maker's problem of efficiency:CHOICE OF FUEL FOR COOKING 93 1. It is a clean fuel, being wholly free from dust and ashes, and requires the minimum care to keep the stove in good condition. 2. It can be used as needed, the expense stopping instantly when the burner is turned off. 3. It conserves the time of the worker, being alwa} s ready for quick results. 4. It is easy to handle and gives good results, even when used with only mediocre intelligence. 5. With study and intelligent use it gives uniform results, and develops a high degree of efficiency. The choice of a gas stove is determined the size of the family and the amount of income. A great number of very good stoves are on the market, and in such variety that every need can be met. For a home where only a minimum ex- pense can be incurred $12.50 will buy a three-burner Junior gas stove with oven. (See Figs. 17 and 18.) A family able to afford a more lavish kitchen can spend $100 for the latest type of gas range with insulated oven. A moderate priced range selling for around $50 comes in a number of splendid makes. Gas stoves are discussed in detail, pages 105 to in. ELECTRICITY Electricity has very many of the advantages of gas, and in addition does not exhaust the oxygen in the air. It can also be installed in smaller space than the gas stove requires. Its chief drawbacks at present are the high price of the electric current and the costliness of electric equipment. The former problem is being solved in some communi- ties. In certain parts of England electricity for94 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN cooking purposes has been offered at a rate of one cent per kilo-watt hour. This is unheard of in the United States, where seven cents is an average rate, and ten or twelve not at all unusual. In only a few favored localities is as low a rate as five cents offered. The high price of electric appliances for cooking is partly due to the necessity for using only the best materials, such as nickel and copper in their manu- facture; partly also to the fact that they must be well and skilfully made. Electric ranges at present cost from $60 to $225; and small appliances are proportionately expensive. The excellent quality of these utensils will, however, be a great advan- tage in the long run, once the problem of the rate of current has been solved. A very perfect elec- tric fireless cooker has been lately put on the market. The first cost is high compared with the price of other fireless cookers. But it enables the house- keeper who employs no maid to do her cooking with the maximum economy of time and fuel. This cooker can be operated with great advantage wherever the rate does not exceed seven cents per kilo-watt hour. KEROSENE The cheapness of kerosene and the development of good types of blue-flame kerosene stoves have made this fuel a great resource in communities where it is not possible to obtain gas. When used in connection with a fireless cooker and a steamer,MBm Convenient country kitchenette, Wilton, Conn. Laundry tub at left. Storage space for utensils well planned. Fireless-cooker at right. Blue flame kero- sene range opposite sinktht library of the university of illinoisCHOICE OF FUEL FOR COOKING 95 a good three-burner kerosene stove with a two- burner portable oven (Fig. 17) is sufficient to meet the needs of a family of five or six people. There are two types of stove, those having wicks and those without; and a great many makes of each type. Some are good and some are not worth buying. Indeed there is no part of the kitchen equipment more important to choose with care than the kerosene stove and oven. The best manufacturers carry a very complete repair stock, so that worn-out parts may be renewed. These stoves need intelligent care, and those with wicks must have the wicks frequently renewed. Otherwise they burn with a disagreeable odor. The inside of the enameled drum protecting the flarne should be wiped out weekly and left thor- oughly dry. The burner parts must be taken off and brushed with a stiff brush to prevent clogging. Especial care should be taken not to let liquids boil over and run down into the burners. A highly perfected cooking device which may be run by kerosene is the Aladdin oven. In this the cooking is done inside an insulated oven, sixteen by fourteen by seventeen inches. The oven is heated by means of a large kerosene lamp or a Bunsen burner. This oven has not been used as exten- sively as it deserved on account of the cost, which is in the neighborhood of $25.00. This often seems to housekeepers prohibitive when so many kerosene utensils are offered for very much less.96 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN It should be remembered, however, that first cost is only one of many considerations in deciding whether one article is really cheaper than another. Efficiency, operating cost, satisfactory service in the long run are factors infinitely more important. And this is particularly true of the more permanent utensils and equipment of the kitchen. When home-makers realize this they will be willing to economize on unessential things, and will gladly pay higher prices for honest tools which are really efficient for the work they are supposed to do. Kerosene of the right specific gravity is a safe fuel when used with ordinary precautions. The law in the several states regulates the specific gravity; and the housekeeper herself must exercise the necessary precautions. The stove should never be filled when it is lighted; nor should it be left lighted when the housekeeper goes out. Food that needs long cooking may be finished in the fireless cooker and the kerosene flame turned out. It is also important to keep the kerosene in a safe place outside the house and beyond the reach of the chil- dren. ELECTRICITY REPLACES DENATURED ALCOHOL Denatured alcohol, which in 1914 was considered a promising and desirable fuel for country homes, is now practically relegated to oblivion. Electricity is so much more convenient that it no longer pays to manufacture alcohol appliance.CHOICE OF FUEL FOR COOKING 97 WIRING FOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE While one can connect small electric appliance to the regular house lighting system, it is much better to have two separate circuits for the electric appli- ance. Heavier wires are used for this purpose. The electric iron, which is in constant use, consuming about 570 watts, should be placed on a circuit by itself. The second appliance circuit may carry eight floor plug outlets or base receptacles, to which any of the other pieces of electric appliance can be con- nected. These floor plug receptacles come with sin- gle or double outlets, so that one can use two pieces of appliance from the same socket. It costs $5 to $10 more to instal these separate service wires, but it protects one from having any part of the house lighting put out of commission when a fuse is blown. There is always some one in every home to do the unexpected, so it is wise to guard against conditions that cause annoyance and inconvenience. With the extensive use of electricity in the home, all adult members should be instructed in replacing fuses and a supply should be kept on hand. If the house has not been specially wired for appliance, the different members should be cautioned about overloading a house-lighting circuit when using a double plug. An ordinary circuit will carry 660 watts. Each piece of appliance is distinctly marked with the amount of wattage it will consume. Thus one could connect two pieces of appliance that did98 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN not together require more than 660 watts, but if the combined wattage exceeds that amount the circuit would be overloaded and a fuse would be blown. Part of the house lighting would be shut off and one would be deprived of the use of the appliance until a new fuse was put in. Special wiring is necessary if an electric range is to be installed. Wiring for an electric range may cost $20 or more, so this expense must be added to the initial expense of the range. The expense would have to be repeated every time one moved, as few houses are equipped with power wires. The range is connected to a special metre and lower rates are given for cooking. There is a plug on the side of the range to which one can attach the electric iron, toaster, electric fireless cooker, etc., and thus get the benefit of the lower power rate. It will readily be seen that one ought to know what electric appliance one expects to use before planning the wiring of the house. The outlets can then be located much more conveniently and one has the advantage of having all appliance on separate circuits, as above described. In preparing a list of appliance, consult the list given on pages 236, 244- 245.VIII Selecting the Fixed Equipment IN Chapters I and III we have shown how to so locate the fixed equipment of the kitchen that it will best conserve the energy and time of the worker. Now we come to an equally important consideration, the selection of the equipment itself. The four kitchen accessories which cost the most money and on which, more than any others, the comfort of the worker depends, are the sink, stove, work-table and refrigerator. Two of these, the sink and the stove, are usually supplied by the land- lord in the rented house. But as they are often defective and need attention and replacing, it is highly important for the home-maker, whether she rents or owns her own home, to thoroughly under- stand the principles which make for efficiency in these two important adjuncts to the modern kitchen. The sink ought to be of a material that is easily kept clean. It should have open plumbing, and should be set at a convenient height for the worker. The best height for a woman 5 feet 2 inches tall is to have the working surface of the sink set 28^2 inches from the floor. A sink which rests on legs 99ioo THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN is almost always too low; so it is best to get the type which is attached to the wall by concealed hangers. (See Fig. 13.) To properly strengthen the wall for this purpose have a board of the proper size and thickness nailed to the studs from which to suspend the hangers. Fig. 13.— White enameled wall-type of sink, size 20x30, at- tached to wall by concealed hangers. Another very popular model is illustrated on page 168. The most popular type of sink is the model with back, drain-board and sink all moulded in one piece. Such a sink is absolutely sanitary, as there are no crevices in which dirt or grease can gather. This is often called the Kitchenette Model, because it is very popular for the small kitchen. If made of a good grade of enamel on iron it is very serviceable. It comes with three different styles of rims, straight, roll rim and apron. The straight rim is the least expensive and costs about $20.00 for a sink of aver-SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 101 age size. The roll rim costs $27.00 and the apron front $34.00. The average cost of installing such a sink is about $8.00 and faucets, trap and fittings will cost at least $6.00 more. If equipped with the popular swinging faucet, the cost would be at least $3,00 more. While the Kitchenette Sink comes with either right or left drain-board, it is more con- venient for dish-washing to have the drain-board on the left side. This model with drain-boards on both sides is much more expensive and is too large for a kitchenette. Porcelain and crockery sinks come in the same designs as enamelled iron sinks, but are a great deal more expensive. Certain mail order houses now have plumbing de- partments and furnish sinks of many types suitable for inexpensive camps as well as expensive homes. They have a reliable staff of experts to work out careful directions for installation which they furnish without charge. With this aid " the handy man of the house " can instal the sink and save the plumb- ing charge. If a plumber is to instal the sink, it is better to let him order it. For country homes or farm houses a large sink is very useful. A very practical model is the soap- stone sink with splasher back. This comes in a large enough size to place dishpan and drainer in the sink. Such a sink will cost about $35.00 in- stalled. While the cost of an iron sink, when properly102 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN encased in a frame and protected at back and on drain-boards with zinc, will not be far from the cost of the inexpensive grade of enameled-ware, they will stand harder service and would be better for the farm house than the enameled-ware. How- ever the soap-stone meets that need so well that other types are hardly worth while considering. In some farm houses the sinks are made of copper and there are two set side by side. One is used for washing the dirty dishes and the other for scalding or rinsing dishes. This is an excellent plan where there are many dishes to be washed and proves a great advantage also in boarding- houses. The second sink has many uses besides that of scalding the dishes. It is invaluable for cleaning and preparing vegetables. Many things like spinach, which require abundant rinsing, could be handled with great facility with such an arrange- ment. Such sinks are found in the kitchenettes of dining-cars on the Pullman system and are made of German silver. An immense amount of dish- washing is done by one person in a very short time. In these kitchenettes there is no room for storing dirty dishes. Everything must be washed up immediately and put away. It is a great convenience in a kitchen to have ample drain-boards, preferably at both left hand and right. But if only one is possible it should be placed on the left hand side. Sometimes there is room for a small one on the right and a longSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 103 one on the left. With this arrangement the dishes can be piled up on the right hand end ready to wash. Where there is not room for even a small drain-board on the right side, a table on castors or a wheel cart may be used instead. It is best to avoid handling anything more than once, so the wheel cart should hold its load until all the dishes have been transferred to the dish-pan. Wooden drain-boards are usually made of ash, and oiled. They are not very attractive in appear- ance; so many housekeepers prefer the enameled- ware ones to match the sink. Some housekeepers have the ash drain-boards painted white and enameled. This is possible in kitchens where the work is done deftly but would not be practical for the average kitchen where the boards get hard wear. Zinc-covered drain-boards are the most satisfactory where durability is an essential. A cheaper grade of wood may be se- lected where they are to be covered with zinc. The sink should have open plumbing so that it is always possible to get at the pipes and so that the light and air can keep everything clean. The connection with the waste pipe is made by means of a trap (a bend in the pipe devised to retain enough water to act as a seal and prevent the pas- sage of foul air back into the room). Figures 14 and 15 show two types of trap in com- mon use. Figure 16 shows a trap not properly constructed. If the water does not stand at leastio4 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN one inch in the bend it is likely to evaporate and fall below the bend and thus break the seal. Plumbers tell us that very few housekeepers realize the importance of flushing the pipes with Figs. 14 and 15 are known as S-trap and bottle-trap. The water standing above bend is called the water seal. Fig. 16 represents a defective S-trap. The water does not rise above the bend and permits foul gases to get out into the room. Note.— Reprinted by courtesy of Whitcomb & Barrows from "House Sanitation," by Marion Talbot. plenty of hot water every day. If this were done, and if proper precautions were taken to prevent an excessive amount of grease from getting into the dish water, there would be very few cases of stopped-up sinks and no unpleasant odors. For various reasons fully explained in Chap-SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 105 ters VI and VII, new kitchens are being fitted up with gas stoves and separate water-heating systems instead of the customary coal range with water-back connection. This is because the gas stove is free from dust and ashes and requires less skill to handle, and because its heat, is availa- ble the instant it is needed. In country kitchens where gas is not available kerosene or electric stoves are practical for small families, used in connection with a good fireless cook-stove and steamer. For large families where it is desira- ble to retain the coal range it will be found an economy of time and fuel to purchase a gas or kerosene stove for supplementary use in cooking. It is often necessary to heat something up quickly when the coal range is banked for the afternoon; instead of starting up the range or going without what one wants, the small stove can be lighted and used instead. It is not to be recommended to re- place the coal stove with gas, unless both the heat- ing and hot-water problems are properly solved. In houses where the heating system is adequate it is not a vital matter to have the kitchen heated, but in a large majority of cases, the houses are poorly built and equipped with inadequate furnaces and would be very uncomfortable without the extra heat from the coal stove. It should also be re- membered that provision must be made for heating the house in the late spring and early fall when furnace heat is only needed part of the day. Theseio6 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN provisions having been made, the next question to decide is what make of gas stove to select. Gas stoves of such excellent make are on the market, and in such great variety, that it is possible to find something especially suitable for each kitchen and at a price that any one can afford. To give some idea of the range of choice we have divided the different types into groups, giving with each group the approximate price and the outfit that should be purchased in order to use the gas most economically. The gas kitchen is never complete without the fireless cooker, and while this is not included in each group it is understood to be a necessary part of the outfit. Gas stoves have been long enough on the market to furnish the home-maker with one of the surest of all tests for reliability, " the test of time." Un- less you can secure reliable information about new makes it will be best to select a stove made by a well known and reliable firm. And they manufacture among them almost every known type of stove, fitted to every need and condition. Certain special features may be found in one make and not in an- other, so it is a good plan to look the field over before you make your choice. Your local dealer can get any type that you prefer, but he will generally try to get you to buy something that he has in stock, irrespective of whether or not it is for your best interest. It is not wise as a rule to send too far away forSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 107 your stove, because long distance negotiations are inconvenient in case of defects or necessary repairs. In general the features of a gas stove to be especially noted are the following: 1. Good burners that can be adjusted to varying pressure of gas permit economical use. 2. Good construction. Best stoves are made of steel and have ovens insulated with two lay- ers of asbestos with dead air space between. 3. Simplicity of design. No elaborate ornamenta- tion which requires time and labor for polish- ing. 4. Good-sized oven. An 18-inch oven is very su- perior to a 16-inch, promoting economy in baking. 5. Elevated oven and broiler, to prevent awkward and trying bending over. 6. Provision for carrying off fumes of gas, either by connection with flue or by means of small register and hood for ventilation. 7. Facilities for warming dishes. In some types of range this need is provided for. In smaller stoves special supplementary arrange- ments may be made. See pages 68 and 69, Chapter V. 8. Proper location to insure good light. 9. Proper height. 10. Proper fire protection for wall back of stove. 11. Fire protection under stove. The following conveniences add to the attrac-io8 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN tiveness and price of gas stoves, but do not increase their efficiency: 1. Glass doors, convenient for watching the prog- ress of baking, but easily broken by draughts of cold air on over-heated glass. 2. White enameled lining to oven, drip-pan and broiler. 3. Additional oven. Ranges having a small and a large oven, convenient and desirable in small families doing much entertaining and for large families. 4. Special reflector arrangement which acts as an index if oven light goes out. (Does not add to expense, only found in one make.) 5. Special arrangement of burners, differing in different makes. THE COST OF VARIOUS TYPES OF GAS STOVES I. The least expensive form of gas stove is known as the gas plate. It comes in one, two, or three- burner size. It must be placed on a cabinet or low table to make it a convenient working height. This type is in great demand because it is efficient, inex- pensive, portable, and adapted to many needs. (See Fig. 18.) Combined with a well constructed porta- ble oven it makes a complete cooking unit for about $12.50. II. The gas range having the largest sale is the cabinet type, illustrated figure 19. This model has all the features which make up a perfect gas range.SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 109 It has the elevated oven; is equipped with heat con- trol; and is of durable construction and beautiful Fig. 17.—Double portable oven to be used with the gas stove shown below. appearance. It comes in many sizes adapted to kitchenettes or large kitchens. It has a warming closet at the top, a baking oven on either right or left side, and a broiling oven underneath. It comes in either semi-enamel or full enamel finish. The Fig. 18.—The simplest and least expensive type of gas stove. cost of this range is from $135.00 to $150.00. Much less expensive ranges of similar appearance sell for $75.00 to $85.00. It must be remembered that superior construction and design are responsibleTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN for the higher price and are worth the difference in cost. There seems to be a very general misconception ,/,//; Z=^=^z_///fa Wr Fig. 19.—Most popular model of gas range. All white enamel with automatic heat control. about the heat control device. Two questions are often asked. Can any range be equipped with the heat control and is the device practical if the pressure of the gas is not uniform? It cannot be added to any range, because there is a difference in construc-SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT hi tion of burners of the ranges equipped with auto- matic heat control. It is practical irrespective of the gas pressure because the regulator depends on the heat generated, not on the pressure of the gas. This regulator not only maintains a uniform baking temperature but is a decided economy. It is stated that in five years it will save sufficient gas to pay for the range. III. Besides the two general types of gas stoves referred to above one finds a great many models meeting special conditions. These vary from $20.00 to $60.00 in price and include what are called Cook- ers, Box-type ranges, etc. In general, under this head, one might group all the types of gas stoves which in the past were popular models but which have lost favor today because of the more perfect construction and appearance of the Cabinet model described in Group II. They still are manufactured and still meet special needs. They are less ex- pensive in cost and perfectly satisfactory for those who feel they cannot afford a high-priced range. IV. Gas Ranges with Hoods and Insulated Ovens. A gas stove having a special insulated oven and equipped with hoods which can be lowered over the burners on the top of the stove to make them serve as heat-retaining compartments, is also on the mar- ket. It is a very superior range and endorsed by every housekeeper who has purchased it. The fire- less cooking feature reduces the amount of time required for actual cooking, so it proves very eco-THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN nomical in the use of gas. The cook book accom- panying it has an accurate time table for cooking operations by this method. The cost of different sized ranges is from $55.00 to $200.00. V. Combination gas and fireless cook-stove. Two kinds: 1. Consists of wooden cabinet containing com- partments for fireless cooker and its utensils with a four-burner gas stove above. The elevated baking oven with warming oven above and broiling oven below is located at the right-hand side and the four top burners are on the left-hand side. The cabinet on which the stove rests is made of weathered oak instead of iron or steel, and contains a compartment for storing the utensils to the fireless cooker and two open compartments in which the fireless cookers re- main when not in use. VI. Combination Coal and Gas Ranges. These ranges have been perfected to meet the needs of homes where the coal range has been used and there is no provision for heating the kitchen if the coal range is replaced by a gas range. In the eight- burner type—four coal holes and four gas burners— they are extensively used and give great satisfaction. They are fully discussed on pages 113 and 114. KEROSENE STOVES AND RANGES The desirability of kerosene as a cooking fuel has been discussed in Chapter VII. While a num- ber of cheap stoves of each kind are on the marketSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 113 they cannot be recommended as being economical to purchase where length of service is required. They may do for a season's use or two, but for a permanent investment we recommend only stoves of the best make. Blue-flame kerosene stoves come in two, three and four-burner type, and in either the portable form or on cabinet bases. The cost of a reliable make with oven will be from $30.00 to $40.00. A well perfected wickless type of kerosene stove and range is designed to burn gas generated from kerosene in the burner bowl. In efficiency they nearly equal gas stoves. These efficient kerosene stoves come in a number of different models, of from one to five burners. It is an advantage to purchase a type with mantel or shelf above. Such a range in four or five-burner size is recommended for a family of average size. If a smaller stove is purchased it may be supplemented by an electric fireless cooker, or by one requiring pre-heated radiators. COAL RANGES AND COMBINATION RANGES The advantages of the Coal Range have been fully stated on page 91, together with the approximate cost of different types. Most of us today are more familiar with gas stoves and prefer them, because there is no handling of fuel and because they give such instant response to cooking needs. There are many homes, however, which need the kind ofii4 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN service which the coal range offers as well as the quick, adaptable qualities of the gas range. To meet this need, manufacturers have perfected the Com- bination Coal and Gas Range. The best makes of these have four coal holes and four gas burners, giving ample capacity for cooking. These ranges are found very satisfactory. They are especially pop- ular in districts where soft coal is available. An- other model has only two burners and four coal holes. This type has not been found adequate. It is much better to purchase a range with ample gas capacity and of the best design, although it will cost from $100.00 to $115.00 installed. Where hard coal is used for a fuel it is necessary to make convenient arrangements in the cellar for its storage and for the work of sifting ashes. For this purpose no piece of appliance is so useful as a rotary ash sifter fitting over a barrel or ash-can. While this costs in the neighborhood of five dollars, it pays for itself in a short time. Even with careful man- agement a certain amount of unburned coal passes through with the ashes. With careless management the loss is very high. Nowr that anthracite costs so much, the saving by this care amounts to a consid- erable item. ELECTRIC RANGES Electric ranges of superior construction and de- sign now come in sizes adapted to every need. They make a strong appeal to the home-maker living inSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 115 sections where the gas range is not available as well as to city residents who have tiny kitchenettes. Since electricity does not exhaust the oxygen of the air and is the cleanest of all fuels, it is especially desirable for small kitchens and light housekeeping. Electric ranges have been perfected only after years of careful research work and experimentation, They are necessarily the most expensive of all ranges, and should last a life time. It is very im- portant that one purchase the best type available. Special wiring is necessary to carry the current re- quired by an electric range, and this expense must be considered as well as the cost of the range. These ranges come in three different models suited to the needs of apartments, kitchenettes and large houses. They cost from $60.00 to $225.00. Cooking by electricity is fairly economical where one can secure a rate of three cents per kilo-watt hour or lower. But even where such a rate cannot be secured, the electric fireless cooker can be op- erated economically. The advantage of the electric fireless cooker over the type having pre-heated radiators is found in not having to pre-heat the radiators. The amount of work involved is slight, but unless one heats the radiators over a gas stove, there is difficulty in getting them hot enough, as in the case of a coal range, or danger of getting them sooty on a kerosene stove if the flame is not care- fully adjusted. Therefore the electric fireless cooker would be chosen wherever electricity is available. See Fig. 30, page 162.n6 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN THE WORK-TABLE AND ITS ACCESSORIES The advantages of having the work-table so ar- ranged that the wall space back of it may be available for shelves was spoken of in the chapter on " Built-in Conveniences" (pages 48 to 51). The convenience and desirability of this arrangement cannot be over-emphasized. In fact, the type of ta- ble selected is of far less importance than the proper placing of it so that the worker has her supplies conveniently at hand and a good light to work by' The cheapest kitchen table is one measuring 36 inches and selling for about $4.00. Such a table has a single drawer for cutlery. The top may be covered with a good grade of table oil-cloth, but it is advisable to have it covered with zinc. This adds about $3.00 to the cost, but it will be found worth the difference in price because the various labor- saving utensils may be clamped to the edge without disfiguring the table. Kitchen tables with porcelain tops and white enamel finish cost around $13.00. They are finer in appearance but no more convenient. A specialized type of kitchen table with con- veniently arranged drawers and bins is now obtain- able in many different models. They are a form of low kitchen cabinet without a top. Some manu- facturers call them " less than cabinet height units." They may be purchased as part of a unit system■Mi Narrow type of kitchen cabinet adapted to small kitchenettes. Other units of uniform design can be purchased in which to store kitchen equipment, dishes, cleaning outfit, etc.THt LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 117 (described on pages 232-234) or as individual equip- ment. They replace the old-fashioned pastry table, but cost a good deal more. A cabinet base like this, with two narrow shelves above it, can be used in almost any kitchen. It is a good investment for the home-maker who must live in rented houses, because both the table and shelves can be easily carried about and adapted to different conditions. KITCHEN CABINETS These are especially desirable for families who do not own their own homes. They should, in fact, be considered a necessity in families who are unable to have permanent home centers. A well designed kitchen cabinet will make almost any kitchen con- venient. A number of excellent designs are on the market, and equipped with every kind of convenience imaginable. As there is such great variety to choose from, and as some of the appointments especially appeal to certain housekeepers and do not appeal to others, it is important to get the particular type you will like to use for a lifetime, and cost is a secondary consideration. Very expensive types have the inside of the cabinet painted with white enamel and a white porcelain enamel pastry board or " bake board," as it is sometimes called. These cost in the neighborhood of $75.00. A very desirable type can be bought for $57-50- A well made kitchen cabinet must be made ofii8 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN good wood, well-seasoned. The finish also adds to its cost, but the most important consideration is the wood. Poorly seasoned wood warps and swells and is a constant annoyance in opening and closing drawers. Another point to remember in selecting a cabinet is the outfit of utensils that go with the different types. For a housekeeper fitting out with everything new a cabinet containing a complete list of containers will save her at least $10.00 in the utensils she will have to purchase. If one already has this outfit a type of cabinet may be selected that does not include them, or one can buy the base alone and depend on having narrow shelves fastened to the wall above it to hold the supplies. A home-made kitchen cabinet can be contrived with moderate expense, in families where the hus- band or brother is handy with tools, and where out- side labor need not be called in. If both lumber and labor must be purchased, the cost will equal that of the ready-made cabinet. With a home- made cabinet the wall space can be used to the best possible advantage. The cost of building a cabinet of this kind will be approximately $31. THE REFRIGERATOR " There are two questions which almost every woman asks when she buys a refrigerator," said a representative of one of the best refrigerator com- panies the other day, " and neither of these has any- thing to do with the problem of refrigeration. One question relates to the outside finish, and the otherSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 119 to the appearance of the inside/' The first essen- tial in a good refrigerator, the most important con- sideration, is its construction, insuring perfect insu- lation and circulation of air-currents. The outside casing is only important as regards durable, seasoned wood or metal, with tight fitting joints. As the whole value of the refrigerator lies in its maintaining a low and uniform temperature, this matter of insulation is of the first importance. To thoroughly protect the inside of the refrigerator from atmospheric conditions it is necessary that the outer wooden or metal case be lined with several layers of non-conducting material with a dead air space between. The best refrigerators have from eight to twelve such layers. Refrigerators so con- structed can maintain a temperature of 40 to 42 de- grees, whereas inferior makes maintain only 50 degrees and very poor ones 60 degrees. The second essential is good circulation of air currents. Low temperature in a refrigerator is a result of the melting of ice. The air in the ice com- partment becomes chilled and passes downward to the compartment below, its place being taken by warm air from the adjoining food compartment. This process takes place in any refrigerator, but it can be greatly improved by a type of construction designed to accelerate and direct the air currents. Certain types produce such perfect circulation that the air is not only chilled but freed from moisture in passing from one compartment to another. ATHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN dry, cold air is the ideal condition for preserving food. Fig. 20 shows the natural passage of air currents in a refrigerator. This natural action is Fig. 20.— Sketch showing movement of air currents in a re- frigerator. The compartment directly below ice chamber is the coolest; the air here has been purified by passing over the ice. (Reprinted by courtesy of the House furnishing Review.) facilitated in some refrigerators by the use of in- numerable syphons in the wall between the ice com- partment and adjoining food compartment. Third essential. To insure the maximum effi- ciency, the refrigerator must be kept well filled with ice. Therefore a refrigerator with large ice capacity results in a heavy ice-bill, whether it is used for a large or a small family. This ice consumption can- not wisely be checked by wrapping the ice in paper or heavy cloth, as this defeats the fundamental prin- ciple of refrigeration. The only way to run the re- frigerator economically is to keep it full of ice. If the air in the ice chamber is kept at the lowest pos- I foodvhpf § mmmight tare § odor,she*e imutfcbut' should 4 co her.eSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 121 sible temperature, it will maintain its level of 40° in the other compartments and there will be no warm air to melt the ice. If, however, the ice supply gets greatly reduced, the temperature in the food Fig. 21.— This type of refrigerator permits the best circula- tion of air and affords the best storage facilities. Dimen- sions: width 33 inches, depth inches, height 48^ inches; ice capacity 75 pounds. compartments will rise and the melting will be more rapid than if a low temperature throughout had been maintained. The best policy therefore is to select a refriger- ator of such a size that you can afford to keep it full of ice. For the average family who must consider care- fully the cost of ice and secure the maximum effi- ciency for the least daily outlay, a refrigerator of122 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN 65 lbs. ice capacity will give good results. In order to insure perfect circulation of air, choose the type having the ice chamber on one side (see Fig. 21 )„ one food chamber below it, and two food chambers Fig. 22.— Type of refrigerator needed in kitchenettes and apartment houses. on the other side. In small kitchens and apart- ments it is often necessary, for economy of space, to get the type that has the ice chamber above and one food compartment below. (See Fig. 22.) A refrigerator of this type, about twenty-five inches wide and a little over four feet high, of a reliable make and zinc lined, costs about $24.00. The same type with porcelain-enamel lining, will be at least ten dollars more. The double type, which gives the best circulation and larger storage facili- ties, in the porcelain enamel lining will cost aboutSELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 123 $56.00. Five dollars additional must be allowed if you want to have the rear or end outside icing door. This is a great convenience, as it makes it unnecessary for the ice-man to come into the kitchen to deliver the ice. It also enables one to use the refrigerator six months of the year without ice, the cold air from the outside producing the refrigera- tion. The improper location of the refrigerator causes more wasted effort than any other defect of the kitchen arrangement. Tradition says the refriger- ator must not be in the kitchen, but in some cooler place. In these days, however, tradition is giving way to the necessity of conserving human energy. Moreover, several new factors are affecting the sit- uation, the most important of which is the great improvement in the construction of refrigerators with perfect insulation. The temperature within is not affected by outside conditions, unless through carelessness the refrigerator door is left opeu. This is well illustrated in the tiny kitchenettes of the Pullman system, where the refrigerators are placed within a few feet of the kitchen range. The best grades of refrigerators are made with rear or end doors to allow icing from the outside. Not only does this save the kitchen from the track- ing in of dirt by the ice-man but it makes the re- frigerator available six months of the year without ice. Where the circulation system is good, the air keeps as sweet and fresh without ice in coldTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN weather as when ice is used. It is necessary to protect the opening outside with a fine screen. An electrical ice-making appliance, which can be installed in any well-made refrigerator of the right size, has been perfected in the last few years. In speaking of this invention an enthusiastic purchaser said: " It is about the only thing we ever bought that surpasses our expectation. It not only main- tains the proper temperature to preserve food but furnishes a supply of ice in convenient form for table use, and saves us the constant annoyance of visits from the ice-man. It is a truly wonderful service." The drain pipe of the refrigerator should be connected with a separate pipe, emptying into a dry well in the grounds. It should never be con- nected with the sewer pipe. Where it is not pos- sible to make a separate pipe connection, an in- genious little device can be made under the refrigerator to insure the drip pan always remain- ing in the right location under the outlet. Mark on the floor the right location of the pan and then tack two strips to the floor on either side of the pan. When the pan is pushed in and out it will always be under the outlet and the floor will never get wet from the overflow. Every manufacturer or salesman of high-grade refrigerators should be able to guarantee the fol- lowing requirements: i. That a low and uniform temperature can be maintained, preferably 40 to 42 degrees F.SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT 125 2. Perfect circulation, producing a pure atmos- phere, freedom from odors and freedom from moisture. 3. Ease in keeping every part in absolutely sani- tary condition, insured by seamless porcelain- enamel lining or nickel. 4. Perfect drainage. 5. Economy in the consumption of ice. To* run the refrigerator economically the fol- lowing points should be borne in mind: 1. Food should be cooled before putting on ice. A screened shelf or closet above refrigerator, makes a good temporary place for hot foods, while cooling. 2. Keep the ice chamber full of ice. 3. Every time the box is filled, take out the piece of ice remaining, wipe out compartment with a clean cloth wet in hot soapy water. Wipe off box. Have the new supply in one block of ice as large as the box will carry. 4. The ice chamber should not be used for food. 5. Examine contents of refrigerator daily and dispose of anything not likely to be used in a day or two. 6. Be careful to wipe up at once anything that is spilled in food compartment. 7. Butter, milk and eggs, which readily absorb odors, should be placed in the compartment directly below ice chamber. This compart- ment, besides receiving air purified from126 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN passage over the ice, is also the coolest compartment. Cantaloupes, onions or other supplies giving off odors can be placed in the other compartments with- out contaminating the milk. We have described, on pages 53-56, various ways of securing cold storage during part of the year, without ice, by building window boxes or cold closets in the cellar. There is another form of cold closet which can be built in one end of a porch or pantry. It takes up very little space. Convenient widths for the closet are from 30 to 40 inches. It may be 15 to 18 inches deep and the height of the porch or pantry. A constant circulation of fresh air is secured in this closet by having a register set in the floor, connecting it by means of a curved air duct to the outside. A small opening, ten inches square, is cut out at the top of the closet and equipped with a hinged door, which when open permits a good volume of circulation. The air passing in through the register passes out at the top, maintaining in the closet the temperature of the outside air. The door of the closet may be equipped with a key, making it a safe storage place for food. Shelves are arranged at convenient distances apart in this closet. The lowest shelf is about knee high, to give room under it for tall fruit baskets. Four narrow shelves are placed ten inches apart. It will cost $20.00 to $30.00 to build and equip such a closet, but it will pay for its cost in short time, since it will save purchasing ice for several months during the year.IX Lists of Necessary Equipment ANY one who has seen the beautiful kitchen in Washington's home at Mount Vernon must have been impressed by the great change that has come to the home in the last hun- dred years in the matter of cooking utensils. The heavy polished copper vessels suggested a great hotel rather than a home; yet they were the kind and shape that were then in common use. In sim- pler homes they were made of iron instead of cop- per, because of the saving in expense. To-day we have the light, attractive aluminum and agate ware, and block tin where aluminum cannot be afforded. The size of utensils is greatly reduced, the variety and number greatly multiplied. In Colonial days the outfit was suited to large families and many servants. Fireplace cooking was the rule until the first very primitive coal stove was invented. Now we have far more com- plex and perfect stoves, of many types and varie- ties, finally reaching the most complex of all, the electrical apparatus. Hired service in the majority of homes is reduced to one person, and time has become a vital consideration. Under these new 127128 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN conditions rapid and skilful work and labor-saving equipment are the chief necessities. So inventions are being constantly brought out to save loss of time, energy and fuel. The idea of conservation was first brought into prominence by the manufac- ture of the fireless cooker. This is an adaptation of the old Norwegian hay box. The idea of con- servation of time, of energy and fuel, of all costly commodities, is now the keynote of perfect kitchen equipment. There are two chief things to remember in de- ciding upon our equipment. The first is to keep the equipment as simple as possible and not to get anything that we do not really need. The second seems the opposite of this. Namely, to make our equipment save our time and have it ample enough so that no time is wasted through lack of efficient tools. Families differ very much in the scale and manner of living. Therefore any list that will meet the average need inevitably includes many things that are necessary to some housekeepers and superfluous to others. The lists given therefore are intended to be suggestive, and not to give hard and fast rules. They are so grouped that it will be easy to omit the equipment that is not needed in a given case. If, for instance, bread is bought at the bakery, all the bread-making outfit may be omitted. The same if pie-making, cake-making or any sort of fancy cooking is cut off the list. So many of these things are now being made very sat-LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 129 isfactorily outside the home, that it is often better policy to buy than to make them. The prices given for equipment also cannot be completely accurate, as they vary somewhat in dif- ferent parts of the country and there are many grades and makes of certain articles. We have therefore included in one list an outfit which may Fig. 23—Standard measur- Fig. 24.—Accurate house- ing cup used in all recipes. hold scales should be found in every kitchen. be purchased for the minimum price, in the other the outfit which we recommend where economy does not have to be considered. We advise every housekeeper to have the full list of labor-saving equipment of a good grade bought of a reliable firm. The housekeeper of small income needs this even more than the one with ample means. Where the amount of money that can be spent on equipment is limited, we advise buying most of the smaller things at the 5 and 10 cent stores, reserving enough money to buy the best grade of expensive articles. A well insulated fire- less cooker with aluminum utensils ought to last ai3o THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN life time, a wheel-cart will pay for itself in a short time in the energy it saves. In some homes a good mayonnaise mixer may be more important than any- thing else on the list, and so it goes. Whenever any household task seems a burden, look about and see if there is not some article on the market that will reduce the labor or make the work more per- fect. Even poorly cut bread may be a cause of daily friction. How much easier to purchase a bread slicer for 75 cents than to daily chide a care- less maid. Remember that labor-saving equipment is disposi- tion-saving as well, and try to so equip your kitchen that accurate, skilful work can be done with the minimum strain and weariness. Too much cannot be said in favor of equipment promoting accuracy in measurement. Insist upon careful measurements in all recipes. (The standard measuring cup for all recipes is illustrated in Fig. 23.) Have weigh- ing scales (see Fig. 24) and cultivate the habit of using them. Weigh the flour used in bread-making, the ingredients of cakes and puddings. Learn to use an oven thermometer. Excellent thermometers suited to five different cooking processes are sold for $2.00 each. For $5.00 one may purchase a set of three,- called the " Home Set." Such a set promotes accuracy in baking cake and pastry; in making candy; plain and fancy boiled icings and in fireless cooking. The " thermometer habit " saves wasting both time and materials.LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 131 SIMPLEST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT FOR A FAMILY OF FIVE Articles to group near stove: Tea-kettle ......................................$ .75 Salt box.........................................25 Pepper shaker ...................................10 Flour dredger ...................................10 Pot covers, three.................................30 Large cast iron frying pan....................... 1.25 Small wrought iron frying pan....................60 Match box.......................................10 Box for burnt matches ...........................10 Stove cloths .....................................20 Dripping pans, two ..............................80 Griddle ......................................... 1.00 $5-55 Sink outfit: Scrubbing pail ..................................$ .50 Scrubbing brush..................................25 Sink shovel......................................10 Sink strainer ....................................10 Sink brush ......................................10 Soap dish .......................................15 Dish mop........................................10 Soap shaker .....................................18 Glass holder.....................................10 Plate scraper ....................................10 Dish pan ........................................75 Agate hand basin.................................35 Wire dish mop...................................15 Dish drainer.....................................75 Bottle cleaning brush ............................ .50 Funnel ..........................................10 $4.28 Articles to group near sink: Stew pans, 1 i-qt., 1 2-qt., 1 3-qt., 1 4-qt...........$2.00 Large 8-qt. preserving kettle......................2.50132 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Articles to group near sink (continued) : Pitchers, i 2-qt., I ii-qt., I i-qt., 3 small ones...... 1.45 Tea-pot .........................................50 Tea canister .....................................25 Coffee pot, or stew-pan specially reserved for coffee making ......................................50 Coffee canister ...................................25 2 strainers.......................................40 Double boiler ....................................75 Colander ........................................50 2 meas. cups.....................................20 $9.30 Work-table, 36-inch with one drawer..............$4-5° Stool or chair................................... 2.00 Pastry board .....................................5° $7.00 Cooking dishes to group near work table: 2 meas. cups (duplicate set) .....................$ .20 2 small white bowls..............................30 2 larger bowls ................................... -5° Wooden spoons (2) .............................20 Perforated cake spoon............................25 Tin sugar box....................................20 Tin flour box . ....................................20 Wire egg whip...................................15 Crank egg beater.................................35 Grater ..........................................15 Potato masher ...................................15 Biscuit cutters, 2 sizes............................20 Pie tins (2) .....................................24 Layer cake tins (3) ..............................45 Gem pans, 2 of 12 holes each......................30 Bread pans (3) ..................................60 Lemon squeezer ..................................10 Rolling pin ......................................35 Chopping bowl and knife..........................60 $5-49LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 133 Knife box outfit to go in cutlery drawer of table: Knife box ......................................$ .25 Can opener ......................................25 Cork screw ......................................25 3 kitchen forks ..................................50 3 kitchen knives ................................ .50 1 doz. aluminum teaspoons........................60 6 table-spoons .................................. 1.00 Cake turner......................................10 Apple-corer......................................10 Vegetable knife ..................................25 Knife sharpener..................................50 $4.30 Dishes to put food away in: 3 small agate dishes .............................$ .45 4 larger agate dishes ranging from 1 qt. capacity to 3 qts....................................... 1.00 2 kitchen platters ................................60 £ doz. kitchen plates............................. 1.00 Empty lard pails for grease, etc. $3.05 Containers for cooked food and supplies: Bread box with knife and board .................$1.60 Cake box........................................75 Cracker box .....................................50 Butter jar .......................................30 1 doz. pint jars...................................75 1 doz. quart jars.................................80 $4.70 Miscellaneous: Clock ..........................................$3.00 Scissors .........................................75 Ice pick .........................................25 Garbage can .................................... 1.00 Coffee mill ......................................75 Scales, 24 lbs.................................... 2.50134 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Cleaning outfit: Floor mop ......................................$ -75 Broom ..........................................75 Whisk broom ....................................50 Dust pan ........... .............................25 Large scrubbing brush ............................25 Small scrubbing brush ............................20 2 broom covers made of canton flannel............20 2 cheese cloth dusters ............................20 Cleaning cloths made from old linen or 3 yds. muslin .45 Floor cloths (2), use old shirts or buy 2 yds. outing flannel .......................................20 Crash oven-cloths or holders......................25 $4.00 Kitchen linen outfit: Dish towels, 12 at 10 cents each, made of cotton tow- eling at 10 cent9 a yd., or buy 1 doz. empty 100 lb. flour sacks at 30 cents ....................$1.80 i doz. linen towels .............................. 2.10 4 dish cloths, made of loose unbleached muslin.......20 4 roller towels, 2 yds. long, cheapest grade........ 1.44 Better grade advisable, cost $3.20. Heavy cloth bag for paper........................30 $5.84 Chest refrigerator to hold about 70 lbs. ice.......$19-50 Fireless cooker, 1 8-qt. and one 4-qt. well, terne- plate lining, vent valve....................... 20.00 Wheel cart..................................... 8.50 $48.00 The following conveniences may be added to a kitchen outfit without expense. Useful molds for steaming brown-bread and pud- dings.LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 135 3 one-lb. empty baking powder tins, and 1 or 2 pound coffee cans. 3 and 5-lb. lard pails make splendid containers for dried bread crumbs, grease, etc. Tin boxes with hinged covers are useful for cleaning preparations, and lunch boxes. Good sized empty cracker boxes may be pur- chased for 50 cents apiece, and make excellent con- tainers for cake and crackers. Newspapers, brown paper, paper bags, wrapping paper twine, and oiled paper have many uses in the kitchen and should all be saved. Salt and flour bags, ripped and washed, make good dish cloths, and lettuce bags. Narrow strips of white muslin stitched together end for end, make convenient bands to wrap around the edge of berry pies to prevent juice from overflowing. Glass bacon jars may have covers preserved by inserting edge of knife under cover to let air in. The cover can then be removed easily. These jars are useful to hold mayonnaise, white of egg, sour cream, etc. They also make excellent jelly and con- serve glasses. The total cost of least expensive outfit where stove, sink and hot-water heating systems are fur- nished by the landlord is therefore seen to be $61.76 for necessities (groups 1 to 11) and $48.00 for articles like the ice-chest, fireless cooker, etc., which some housekeepers do not consider necessi- ties, a total of $109.76.136 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Least Expensive Equipment where stove, sink and hot-water heating apparatus must be included in cost. Least expensive gas stove......................$ 12.50 Hot water heating system—small laundry heater in basement to heat water supply and furnish heat to kitchen, see method described on pages 74-79 ..........................................................................55.50 Sink, moderate-priced white enamel, installed________30.00 Equipment, Groups 1 to 11 inclusive..........................61.76 Refrigerator, fireless cooker, etc.-, Group 12............48.00 $207.76 We recommend buying this least expensive type of gas stove where economy must be considered, and for the same reason recommend the laundry- stove equipment, although the first cost of the latter is more than the cheapest form of gas heater. This is because the laundry stove may be utilized to heat the cellar, because it enables one to do supplemen- tary cooking in the cellar and because it keeps not only the cellar dry in summer, but indirectly keeps the whole house free from dampness. It -may be operated at a cost of from $2.00 to $3.00 a month. This equipment is right in all its essentials, and includes two of the most important labor-savers. It may be added to as time goes on. The inexpensive gas stove may be replaced by a better one and the one replaced may be then used for a warming closet for dishes. Where a kerosene or electric stove is used instead of gas, the equipment recommended would be theLISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 137 same. Simply add the difference between the cost of stove in each case. It will be approximately $15.00 more for the kerosene stove. Where a coal range is to be used instead the equip- ment will differ in two other essentials, as may be seen from the following estimate: Inexpensive coal range and outfit ..............$ 55.00 Water back, 30 gallon galvanized iron boiler and installation ..............................................................26.00 Sink, moderate-priced white enamel, installed..........30.00 Equipment, Groups 1 to 11 inclusive ........................61.76 Refrigerator, fireless cooker, etc.....................48.00 $220.76 SUMMARY It will be seen from figures given that a kitchen already equipped with a stove, sink and hot-water heating system may be fitted out with necessities for $61.76, and with a moderate-priced refrigerator, fireless cooker and wheel cart, for $48.00 additional, a total of $109.76. It will further be seen that it will cost from $98.00 to $111.00 (see pages 136-137) more than this to add a stove, sink and hot-water heating system. Housekeepers who have not studied the question of kitchen equipment in all its bearings may think that even this amount is excessive. It is true thousands of women get along with much less equipment than this, but we are introducing a new requirement in our standard when we insist on the efficiency of the worker. To enable women to meet this new re- quirement we must have better sink arrangements138 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN and ample hot water for kitchen use as well as good equipment. With the equipment as given here the kitchen is fitted out to meet the average needs of a family of five, and with an additional laundry equipment, costing $25.25, to do the laundry work also. LIBERAL EQUIPMENT FOR FAMILY OF FIVE We shall now consider the cost of equipping a kitchen where the home-maker is not limited in ex- penditure, and where she may choose the equipment that is attractive in appearance as well as service- able in the long run. This list includes many articles that save labor and time, and which will therefore prove an economy in operating expense. The equipment is the one used at the House- keeping Experiment Station, and is therefore thor- oughly tested and does not contain any superfluous items. Articles grouped near stove: 1 patent gas lighter .............................$ .25 3 handi-hook pot covers, 9", and 10"...........66 1 9-inch cast iron frying pan .................... 1.00 1 5-inch aluminum frying pan.....................75 2 dripping pans 9^4 by 14........................80 2 stove cloths....................................20 Aluminum griddle, inch.......................75 Waffle iron ..................................... 2.25 Best make of cake turner.........................25 $6.91 Cleaning outfit, grouped near sink: Ammonia, sal soda solution, etc. Scouring soap. Corn-meal and glycerine and alcohol lotion for hands.LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 139 Grouped near sink: Wooden rack or rubber mat to protect sink.......$ .75 Dish drainer and pan — 20 inches square.......... 2.75 Dish pan, oval, 19 inches long................... 1.50 1 agate hand basin, suspended at right of sink.......50 1 agate soap dish................................15 Agate sink strainer ..............................25 Soap shaker ....................................18 Dish mop ......................................10 Wire dish mop..................................25 2 vegetable brushes with handle, screw eye fastened in each handle...............................30 1 milk bottle brush..............................75 Aluminum funnel................................15 Heart scraper for agate and iron pots and pans.....10 Rubber plate scraper ............................10 1 crank egg beater...............................50 Turbine egg beater..............................39 1 small agate stew-pan, capacity 1% cups.........50 1 small aluminum stew-pan, capacity 1 pt........ . .35 1 2-qt. aluminum shallow stew-pan ............. . .80 1 3-qt. aluminum shallow stew-pan .............. i!i5 1 4-qt. aluminum shallow stew-pan .............. 1.30 1 5-qt. aluminum shallow stew-pan .............. 1.50 $14.32 Usually grouped on shelf above sink: Pitchers, 1 2-qt., 1 ij^-qt., 1 i-qt., 3 small ones.....$ 3.00 3 meas. cups....................................3° Coffee percolator, 2 or 3 pt. size ................ 4.75 Coffee canister (part of stove outfit) Tea pot ........................................60 Tea canister (part of stove outfit) 2 strainers, 15 and 25 cents, total.................40 Steamer, special type for vegetables and cereal.... 2.25 Steamer, special type of larger size.............. 3.25 $14-55140 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Articles to put food away in (also serve as bak- ing dishes) : 3 small agate dishes, capacity iy2 pts. ............$ .45 2 agate dishes, capacity 1^2 qts....................75 3 agate dishes, capacity 2 qts.................... 1.50 2 white enamelled refrigerator boxes.............. 2.00 5 agate ware kitchen plates .....................2.10 4 small oval dishes at .10.........................40 $7.20 Built-in, open-shelf kitchen cabinet and equipment, or manufactured one selling at..............$57-50 Cutlery drawer and contents : Knife box ......................................$ .25 2 stainless steel veg. knives........................50 2 wooden spoons ................................20 1 spatula ....................................... 1.00 1 chemists' spatula ...............................20 1 cork screw.....................:...............35 1 can opener ....................................35 3 kitchen forks at 25 cents........................75 3 kitchen knives .................................75 6 German silver table-spoons..................... 1.50 1 doz. teaspoons ................................ 1.20 1 perforated cake spoon ..........................35 I egg whip ......................................15 Apple corer .....................................10 Carving knife................................... 1.50 Sharpening steel .................................25 $9.40 Small articles hanging from shelves : Set aluminum measuring spoons..................$ .25 Crank egg beater.................................70 2 meas. cups ....................................20 Assorted biscuit and doughnut cutters...............40 1 grater .........................................25 1 rack for baking potatoes........................15 1 nutmeg grater..................................10 Grease brush ....................................25 $2.30LISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 141 Cooking dishes group near cabinet: 4 small white bowls ............................$ 1.00 2 large yellow mixing bowls..................... 1.50 Bread mixer .................................... 3.00 Scales ......................................... 2.50 Qt. can liquid shortening.........................35 Cake mixer .................................... 400 3 layer cake tins, patent kind.....................45 1 round cake tin with funnel.....................60 2 muffin tins — 12 holes each — at 20 cents each.....80 1 loaf tin.......................................25 Pastry board....................................50 Magic cover when rolling out pastry.............65 Rolling pin .....................................39 3 pie plates, 9 in. diam......................... 1.00 3 pie plates, shallow 9^2 ........................ 1.00 Lemon squeezer.................................15 $18.14 Salad outfit: Salad basket containing Garlic cloves, paprika. Salt and pepper shakers. Small bottle tarragon vinegar. Cost of outfitting ...........................$1.50 Miscellaneous: Coffee mill.....................................$ 4.00 Porcelain salt box .............................. 1.00 Clock, octagonal 8-day.......................... 5.00 Scrap basket ................................... 1.00 Scissors ........................................75 Kitchen stool................................... 2.50 1 meat saw, 11-inch.............................. 2.75 Vegetable slicer.................................75 Thermometers, home set of three kinds........... 5.00 2 Russia iron biscuit sheets, 17 inches square..... 2.00 Puree strainer ................................. 1.50 1 strawberry huller...............................15 Iron kettle for deep fat frying.................. 2.35 Frying basket with handle.......................90 $29.65142 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Special place provided for: 2 shelf steamer.................................$4.50 Meat grinder .................................. 3.50 Chopping bowl and knife.........................90 Egg poacher....................................80 Large tea-pot for company use.................. 1.35 2 small crocks for eggs, etc., at 25 cents each......50 2 small jelly moulds at 25 cents each.............50 $12.05 Ice cream freezer, 2-qt...........................$4.50 Ice pick .........................................35 Ice mallet ...................................... 1.25 Canvas bag for cracking ice ..................... 1.75 $7.85 Refrigerator, best make porcelain enamel lined, rear or end icing door, ice capacity 75 lbs.........$56.00 Kitchen linen outfit: 1 doz. kitchen towels, loose mesh crash ...........$2.16 1 doz. linen tea-towels........................... 4.20 6 dish cloths ...................................50 1 roll of paper toweling, put up near sink......... 1.50 2 lettuce bags of cheese cloth.....................20 1 doz. hemmed cheese cloth squares for straining jelly and fat .................................50 $9.06 Kitchen cleaning outfit: 1 floor pail with mop wringer ...................$2.50 1 broom, dust-pan and radiator brush.............. 2.45 2 outing flannel floor cloths.......................40 1 flannel stove-cloth — old underwear or of new ma- terial ........................................25 Yz doz. old soft cloths for cleaning, hemmed and marked ......................................50 $6.10 The total cost of a liberal outfit for kitchen whereLISTS OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 143; stove, sink and hot water heating systems are fur- nished by the landlord is therefore seen to be $252.53. (Groups 1 to 15 inclusive.) Where the cost of stove, sink and hot water heating systems must also be included in the estimate and the kitchen must be heated by an extra radiator from the fur- nace they will cost as follows : Stove and fireless cooker, good make of each, com- bined or separate..........................$100.00 Wheel cart ................................... 18.00 Hot water heating system with jacket to boiler... * 55-5° Sink, wall-type white enameled with one drain- board .................................... 50.00 Equipment, groups 1 to 15 inclusive ............ 252.53 $476.03 SUMMARY Cost of furnishing a rented kitchen, where stove, sink, etc., are furnished by landlord : Least expensive outfit — see page 137, from $61.76 to ........................................$109.76 Liberal outfit.................................. 252-53 Cost of furnishing kitchen where stove, sink, etc., must also be included in estimate : Least expensive outfit, see page 137.............$220.76 Liberal outfit.................................. 476.03 OUTFIT FOR FAMILY OF TWO The great difference in selecting equipment for a family of two instead of for a family of five or six is found to be in the choice of smaller sizes of stew-pans, baking-dishes, coffee percolator, tea-pot,144 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN etc. If a family of two expect to keep up the vari- ety and standard of living of a larger family and to entertain frequently, very much the same outfit should be purchased as for the larger family, sub- stituting1 a small size of these special dishes for the larger size given on the list. It is possible, how- ever, for young people to get along in great com- fort with the " light housekeeping equipment" and postpone for some time the more serious responsi- bility of keeping house. It is almost play with the right equipment and carefully chosen menus to set a table for two people, whereas a more formal living is nearly as much work for two as it is for six or ten. We therefore refer young house- keepers to the chapter on " Light Housekeeping," and advise them to begin with this outfit, adding to it the other things later on.X Time and Labor-Saving Equipment THE fireless cooker should be named first among the modern inventions calculated to economize the time and energy of the home-maker. While it has been heralded chiefly as a fuel-saver, its possibilities are even greater in the direction of conservation of woman's labor. This type of cooking is, indeed, the most satisfactory, economical, efficient method of cooking known. It is amazing that there should be so little accurate information on the subject, and that so few accurate recipes should have been given out. No thoroughly satisfactory book on fireless cooking has yet been published. The housekeeper is advised to select the best make of fireless cook stove that she can get, and devote as much time as she can to- the study of its possibilities. Most housekeepers are now aware that fireless cooking is based on the principle of utilizing con- served heat. The viands to be prepared, ragouts, for instance, or casserole dishes, are brought to the boiling point on the gas stove in a specially con- structed fireless cooker utensil. The utensil fits into a corresponding well in an air-tight, insulated i45146 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN box where the cooling is so prolonged as to amount, virtually, to a cooking process. The process may be intensified to any degree by means of heated iron or soap-stone discs called radiators, which are enclosed in the well with the utensil, and serve to maintain as high a temperature as any given proc- ess may require. So much of the success of fireless cooking is de- pendent upon having exact temperature records for heating the radiators, that it is advisable to pur- chase a special thermometer for this use. Exact temperatures can then be added to recipes, and the time of cooking noted. This data will serve as a reliable guide the next time the same dish is pre- pared. When the radiators are heated on a gas stove, waste of gas may be prevented by placing an agate plate above the radiating disc while it is being heated, thus covering in and conserving the heat. Radiators not in use should be kept warm on the steam radiator grill or the back of the kitchen stove. In summer they will store up a high de- gree of heat by merely being placed in the sun. Keeping them partially warm will markedly lessen the length of time required to heat them. All slow-cooking processes can be carried on in the fireless cooker at a minimum of expense. The initial expense is only the fuel necessary to heat the radiators, and the ten or fifteen minutes' cook- ing required to bring the food to the boiling point.LABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 147 As a time-saver the method has advantages even more important. Every woman knows that there are two things that make cooking tedious and confining. First the waiting around for things to cook after the actual work of preparation has been done, as in " watching up" the cooking of pot-roasts, stews, etc. Second the necessity of cooking at an incon- venient time in order to economize fuel. This is Fig. 25.—The large utensil is an aluminum double boiler to be used in the fireless cooker. The stew pans represented are the most efficient type for conserving fuel. always a problem with a coal range, and must be carefully considered in the use of a gas oven. From the point of view of conserving the house- keeper's time, the most economical way of working is to do things of the same general kind at the same time. With the fireless cooker this is made possi- ble. After the breakfast dishes are washed, the noon meal can be prepared, put in the fireless cooker, and so timed that it will be ready to put on the table without further attention. The house-148 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN keeper is then free until luncheon to use her time advantageously in some other part of the house except the kitchen. In the same way dinner can be prepared while lunch is being cleared away, and the afternoon is left free for errands, calls or a walk in the open air. The breakfast cereal can be cooked while one is doing up the supper dishes, and may be left in the cooker to cook itself over-night. (Double boiler inset for cereal cooking, Fig. 25.) Foods, whether hot or cold, can be kept for hours at an even temperature in the well of the fireless cooker. In the case of hot viands there is no dan- ger of food drying up as long as there is enough moisture in the food compartment to preserve the atmosphere of steam. The radiators should not be too hot. In fact, unless the food is to be left for three or four hours or more, the radiators need not be used at all. One hole of the fireless cooker may be used for hot dishes, another for ice-cream or frozen pudding. Iced dishes will keep quite as well in the fireless cooker as in a freezer if properly packed in ice. The fireless cooker may also be used for raising bread. The well is brought to a temperature of 70 degrees F. by means of a radiator of the proper temperature. The dough is then placed in the alu- minum utensil and is covered and left for the neces- sary time in the well. A small bread-mixer will fit into an eight-quart well. In most families it is found to be convenientLABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 149 to can only a few jars of fruit or vegetables at a time, and in such cases the fireless cooker may be used advantageously in the work of canning and preserving. Often two or three jars may be fitted into a busy morning when a larger quantity would be impossible. Sometimes extra fruit that will not keep nfey be prepared in the evening and cooked Fig. 26.—An efficient layer-cake pan which prevents cake over night in the fireless cooker. To can fruit in this way prepare as for other method and pack it in jars. Adjust the rubber and cover, fill the jar completely with hot syrup, and seal at once. Have the fireless cooker utensil heated before jars are placed in it, and cover completely with boiling water. Cover the utensil and set away in cooker over night or until cold. When food cooked in the fireless cooker is found to have a stale, unpleasant taste, it is because the cooker has not been properly aired. The lids should never be tightly closed when the cooker is not in use, and should be kept open for several hours after each cooking operation. from sticking.ISO THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN In purchasing a fireless cooker the following points should be carefully considered: 1. Durable construction. The cooker should have a well-made hardwood or metal cabinet. 2. Perfect insulation, of cork, magnesia, mineral wool or asbestos. 3. The interior lining of food compartments should be durable and easily cleaned. Alumi- num or nickeled copper is best for this reason. 4. There should be a vent-valve to let off excess steam while viands are cooking. This makes roasting and browning possible. 5. Cooker utensils should be of pure, seamless aluminum. 6. The best radiators are of soap-stone, as this retains heat longest. 7. Lever lock should be absolutely tight to pre- vent loss of steam. 8. There should be stop-hinges to prevent lids from going too far backward. A good size for the average family is a cooker having one eight-quart and one four-quart well. This size, in the best makes, costs about $35.00. The equipment of utensils, heating-stones or ra- diators, racks and covers that go with the fireless cooker should all be kept near the place where the cooker stands. The best way to provide for this is to have a stand on which the cooker may rest, which is at the same time a cabinet to hold the uten- sils. The manufactured cabinets have a lowerLABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 151 compartment with two doors, a sliding shelf and a lower drawer. These cabinets are equipped with good castors so that the whole cooker outfit may be moved about easily. The best makes of fireless cookers are now mounted on cabinets. A very serviceable cabinet may be made at home by using ordinary wood and staining it to match the cooker. Such a home-made stand is shown in the illustration facing page 44. A smaller one can be made of lumber found in the house and at a cost, with the castors, of $5.00. The open shelves are quite as convenient as those closed in with doors. There are many advantages of the fireless cooker outside of the most obvious function, the saving of fuel, time and energy. Among these may be noted the following: 1. The cooking of food in a tightly sealed ves- sel, from which no odors or steam can escape, pre- serves as nothing else can, the flavor of meats and vegetables. 2. Food which absorbs water easily, and there- fore scorches unless carefully watched, can be cooked in the fireless cooker without any danger. 3. Fireless cooking, when thoroughly mastered, gives more uniform results than any other method. COOKING BY STEAM Great economy of time and strength can be ef- fected by means of steam cooking. We are so used to baking, boiling and frying our food that it seemsTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN almost revolutionary to suggest a simpler method. There is, it is true, a limited amount of steam cook- ing done in almost every home. We all have steamed brown bread, and once in a while a steamed pudding. But the use of steam as a resource for preparing all kinds of food is almost unknown. The greatest advantage of cooking by steam lies in the fact that it conserves in the food all the del- icate flavors and mineral salts which are lost in boiling, and gives us a wholesome, delicious fare with a minimum of effort, expense and work. The possibilities of steam for this use were first brought to the attention of the public in the writings of Mr. Charles Barnard, the founder of the Housekeeping Experiment Station. While steam cooking has been practised in some form or other for unknown years, it still remained a practically undeveloped resource until he convinced progressive housekeep- ers of its value. All kinds of vegetables and fruits are delicious when prepared in this way. One may have steamed potatoes, rice, apples, cabbage, to- matoes, corn, etc. Vegetables with a strong taste should first be parboiled for ten minutes in boiling water, and then put in the steamer to finish. Sev- eral dishes may be prepared at one time in the steamer and the flavors will not mingle. Food may be placed directly in the dishes in which it is to appear on the table, thus saving dish-washing. A whole meal may be prepared over one burner, thus reducing the cost of fuel to a minimum.LABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 153 Steamed food requires no watching while it is cooking if the proper amount of water is placed in the water pan. The water pan must of course be kept from getting dry, and a little experience is needed to know just how long each type of steamer can be safely left without attention. In homes where meals cannot be served at regular times Fig. 27—Simplest type of steamer. Illustrations intended to show perforations in upper pan. One of the most val- uable kitchen utensils. steaming and fireless cooking are the only methods that can be employed without spoiling the food and ruining the disposition of the cook. Two types of steamer are illustrated. The sim- plest form (see Fig. 27) is suited to any family be- cause it may be used for a variety of purposes. It will be the only steamer needed for a family of two, where a fireless cooker is also used. But if there is no fireless cooker it will be best to buy the small steamer and a two-shelf one also. The two-or-three-shelf steamer with copper bottom is ideal for a family of four or less, as it will hold enough for an entire meal. For larger families either a four-compartment cooker of this type is recommended, or the round154 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN type (see Fig. 28) of separate sections. This type has some advantages over the square type, because its parts are removable and one can use one section, or two, or three. Care must be taken to wipe out the cookers after Fig. 28.—Compartment steamers made of aluminum. use. No water should be allowed to stand in them. If it is poured out immediately and the cooker is dried over a waftn radiator it will keep in good con- dition for several years. The awkward business of filling a steam cooker can be accomplished with ease if a small piece of rubber tubing is kept near the sink. Connect one end with the faucet and let the water run into the bottom of the steamer. Certain vegetables, such as potatoes, are better if allowed to rest on a perforated plate while steam-LABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 155 ing, so that they do not rest in the water of con- densation, which collects on the bottom of the ves- sel. Potatoes are more delicious cooked in this than in any other way. WHEEL CARTS AND WHEELED SERVING TABLES Some form of serving table on wheels is an in- dispensable adjunct to the efficient home. As a means of conserving time and energy it almost ranks with the business man's automobile. Its greatest usefulness is found in homes where there are no servants, or in large families where only one maid is kept. Its office at meal-time is practically that of a substitute for the labors of a second girl. It is first moved to the china closet and buffet and receives its load of dishes, cutlery and linen for setting the table. It is then wheeled to a convenient position, and the things for the ta- ble are unloaded and put in their proper places. Those that need to be warmed are taken to the kitchen or the hot grill in pantry or dining-room. The serving dishes go out to the warming-oven in the kitchen. The table is now empty and in con- venient position to receive the food from pantry and kitchen. Bread and butter, milk, water, etc., are first placed on the lower shelf of the wheel cart, together with a reserve of uncut bread, the crumbing outfit and a plate scraper. Next the des- sert and dessert plates are placed on this shelf. If the dessert needs to be kept hot It may either be156 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN placed over a water pan of boiling water, or kept warm on a little table stove which stands on "the cart. Thermos bottles are very useful for hot or cold sauces or for hot or cold drinks. There should be two of these for comfort. Last of all the food is dished up and placed on the top of the table. The cart is then wheeled to the dining-room or out-door breakfast room, and the first course is served. If soup or some relish precedes the meat and vegetable course, these must be kept warm in the meantime. Nickel meat platters with covers are indispensable for this need. After each course is finished the dishes are passed to the hostess, who places them on the wheel cart, which is always at her left. Before the dessert, crumbs are removed by passing the crumb tray to each per- son in turn. After dessert coffee is made at the table or on a little table stove. When the meal is over the dishes are piled on the wheel cart. Table linen, condiment sets, etc., are put where they belong. The dishes, carefully scraped, are wheeled out on the cart to the sink, where they remain ready for washing. This procedure, with such variation as circum- stances require, may be worked out to satisfactorily meet the needs of the average family. But special thought and some additional equipment are neces- sary if the family is large, or if elaborate meals are served. The general tendency is toward sim- plified living; and for such conditions the servingReprinted courtesy of "The Outlook' Remodelled kitchen, Stamford, Conn. Note concentration of working processes by group- ing of sink, range and pastry table. Wheel tray near sinkTHfc LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLINOISLABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 157 table is fully adequate, and the greatest possible comfort. LABOR-SAVING AND FUEL-SAVING UTENSILS The following list of labor-saving and fuel-saving utensils should be included in every kitchen outfit. The housekeeper with the least money to spend needs the help and saving in strength even more than the one with ample income. If there is very little baking of bread, cake or muffins, the bread and cake mixers may be omitted: Labor-Saving Equipment. Coffee Percolator____$4.50 Bread Mixer........ 3.00 Cake Mixer.........4.00 Potato Ricer .........85 Meat Grinder .......3.50 Slaw Cutter, metal ... .50 Puree Strainer...... 2.00 Dish Drying Rack ... 2.75 Plate Scraper........20 Fuel-Saving Equipment. There is a wide range from which to choose. This equipment includes gas and electric ranges with insulated ovens, fireless cookers and electric fire- less cookers; pressure cookers and Dutch Ovens. Steamers. Included in this group are Aluminum compartment steam cook- ers (Fig. 28) and simplest type of steamer (Fig. 27). The following labor savers are extremely con- venient, but are not necessities in all families: Mayonnaise mixer .. .$2.00 Bread slicer......... 2.50 Pastry bag.......... 2.25 Rosette irons.........75 Cream whip ........ 1.00 Apple corer..........20 Apple parer.........$1.25 Cherry stoner ....... 1.50 4 vegetable cutters.... 1.00 Meat saw, 11"....... 2.75 Saratoga slicer.......30 1 onion chopper..... 1.12158 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Grape Fruit Knife ... .75 Butter Ball Pats......44 Pineapple Snips......25 Aluminum egg slicer.. .35 DESIRABLE DINING-ROOM EQUIPMENT The new housekeeping has transformed dining- room as well as kitchen equipment. Housekeepers doing their own work spend less on expensive china, cut glass and table linen, and in its place buy the attractive outfit of dining-room equipment enu- merated below: Fig. 29 When cooking is done in the dining-room the equipment must be dainty as well as efficient. The electric toaster (Fig. 29) illustrates a desirable piece.LABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 159 Wheel Cart from $8.50 to.....$35-00 Turn Table or Lazy Susan ........... 18.00 Beverage Shaker ... 3.50 Casserole nickel frame...... 5.25 Casserole, glass lining 6.75 Pie Dish, nickel plated 3.00 Sandwich Tray, 10 inch ............. 3.25 Bread Tray nickel plated .....$ 2.75 Serving Trays, 2 nick- el plated..................8.00 Electric Toaster .... 9.00 Electric Percolator .. 18.00 Thermos Bottle, quart size............................4.50 Thermos Bottle, pint size............................3-50 Thermos Food Jar... 7.00 TIME-SAVING EQUIPMENT EVERY KITCHEN SHOULD HAVE Clock. Scrap Basket. Supply of Pins in tin box or cushion. Steel Skewers. Refined Cotton Seed Oil in Quart Can. (This liquid shortening saves time and dish-washing in all reci- pes which require melted shortening.) Absorbent Cotton in Cov- ered Jar. (Should be kept on hand, as a thin layer is useful under coffee in Percolator when coffee is ground too fine.) Soft-Haired Paint Brush, i-in. wide. (For use in greasing Pans, top of bread, rolls, etc.) Pad and Pencil for Jotting down Kitchen needs. (Best size called Tele- phone Pads.) SMALL KITCHEN NECESSITIES Bag for brown paper made of denim or ticking, size 16 by 26 inches or larger, made with a loop in upper left-hand corner and hung on a hook in closet or pantry to hold empty paper bags, brown paper, newspapers, etc. Small bag or box for twine. Handy jar, containing cup-hooks, screw-eyes, etc., so that each new addition to kitchen equip- ment may be hung at once in place.160 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Two nails hung together by wire and suspended from hook. Useful to punch holes in sifting top cans, olive oil cans, etc. Small hammer. Labels, convenient size for kitchen use. Darning needle and strong twine for sewing up stuffed fish, fowl, shoulder of lamb, etc. Non-rustable pot-covers, either aluminum or agate-ware, or handi-hook type. If the former, a rack near stove to keep them in, to save steps in getting them and returning them to their place. If paper roll is near they can be wiped at once after use and returned to their place. SMALL KITCHEN CONVENIENCES Heart scraper of aluminum for scraping agate or iron ware dishes. Funnel. Dish-protector to go on faucet and prevent break- age of china. Corks, assorted sizes, for use as stoppers. Also a supply of large corks for cleaning kitchen knives. Sterilized baking testers. Scissors. As necessary to a complete kitchen as a frying pan. Among the uses they serve are the following: Cutting raisins or figs. Cutting center from grape-fruit. Cutting lettuce, parsley, etc., for garnishing. Cutting thin sandwiches in fancy shapes, oblongs, squares, rounds, etc.LABOR-SAVING EQUIPMENT 161 Cutting the joint of a chicken. Cutting angelica to decorate fancy cakes. Cutting twine and paper. Cutting clams for chowder. Dicing bacon and salt pork. OUTFIT OF PAPER FOR KITCHEN Flat package of tissue paper for greasing pans, etc. Should be kept in a handy place near work- table. Newspaper cut in quarters and kept in bag or drawer in kitchen to be used to protect kitchen table whenever dirty work has to be done. Paper towelling or absorbent paper to replace roller towel. Also valuable to absorb superfluous grease from croquettes, fried mush, doughnuts, etc. Oiled paper saved from bread or bought in rolls at 5 and 10 cent store to wrap up sandwiches, cheese, meat, etc. Paper Bags. Either regular cooking bags, or bags saved from groceries. Useful for warming up muffins, rolls or biscuits. Place muffins, etc., in bag. Sprinkle lightly with water, tie up end and put in oven for 5 to 10 minutes. The enclosed steam makes them like new. UTENSILS THAT SERVE A DOUBLE PURPOSE One of the greatest benefits that is coming to the kitchen from an intelligent study on the part of the manufacturer, of the housekeeper's needs is the development of utensils that save unnecessary162 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN equipment. These may serve double purposes and at the same time conserve fuel. Such a develop- ment is the tea-kettle of aluminum with double boiler inset; the double boiler inset (see Fig. 25) to the aluminum tireless cooker utensils; the triple nest- ing compartments fitting into one hole of the fireless cooker; and a food strainer which may serve in turn as a steamer or a colander. All of these utensils are very valuable additions to1 the kitchen outfit. There are also on the market a number that are said to serve many purposes but that do not serve any one really well. The housekeeper must be on her guard to buy only articles of known merit. Fig. 30.—One of the new and highly specialized electric cook- ers. This piece of equipment illustrates the kind of appliance that meets many needs. It may be the main cooking unit for light housekeeping, or it may supplement a wood, coal or gas range.XI Light Housekeeping Equipment THE great improvement in kitchen and din- ing-room conveniences has made it possi- ble for any small sized family to keep house comfortably with a very simple outfit. When we eliminate from the regular work of the kitchen the cake and bread making, the making of pies, deep-fat frying and all canning and preserving, we find that the number of utensils needed is cut in half. We find that with a few well chosen, effi- cient tools we can get up very attractive meals, that we can enjoy almost as much freedom as in board- ing and far more home comfort. The three essentials of light housekeeping are the fireless cooker, steamer and chafing dish. Therefore these three articles must head the list of any light housekeeping equipment. If you want to do a little muffin making or cake baking, you must learn to bake in the fireless cooker. An occasional roast, also, may come from the fireless cooker. If you want to save time and avoid unnecessary dish- washing, you must learn serving-dish cookery, plac- ing your food in the dishes in which they are to appear on the table, and doing the cooking in the 163164 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN steamer. Not only will you be delighted with the ease of work done in this way, but you will won- der at the delicious flavors that are brought out in the food. If you want to have jolly little informal suppers and invite in four or five friends, you will find your little outfit adequate for delightful chafing dish spreads. A very tiny kitchenette is all that is needed for light housekeeping. Sometimes a big closet or pantry in old fashioned city houses can be utilized in this way. It ought to have good tight and good ventilation. There are ingenious ways of securing ventilation; but at least one window opening out- doors is an essential. If your alcove or closet does not afford that, you had better have your stove and work table in the living-room. They can be en- closed in sightly wooden cabinets that close up to look like a desk or other article of sitting-room furniture, when the contents are not in use. The closet can then be utilized for storage of supplies and for dish-washing. With the addition of a good zinc-covered table an ordinary stationary lavatory will answer this purpose very well. Noth- ing is needed except that it be sanitary and that it enable you to get rid of the waste water. However arranged, the light housekeeping equip- ment should include a drawer for cutlery; a drawer for table-linen (together with outfits of paper nap- kins, table-cloths and doilies). There should be a convenient place for minute supplies of flour, salt,LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING EQUIPMENT 165 pepper, sugar, etc., so that everything you need for your play housekeeping is right at hand, just as it is in the more formal kitchen. Your tiny ice chest must keep fresh milk, butter, cream and salad ma- terials always ready for use. Any one carrying out this plan in the city has the choice, in most houses or apartments, of three fuels, gas, kerosene or electricity. Electricity would be preferable because it is the most convenient, and because it does not exhaust the oxygen in the air. But except for light housekeeping, and where a low rate prevails, it would be found more expensive. Gas, if it can be had, is at present prices the most practical and kerosene next. The equipment for either gas or electricity is practically the same. In making out a list of utensils and table furnish- ings for light housekeeping the information given on pages 131 to 143 will prove most helpful. Just what will be needed is determined by the group to be served and the standard of living to be main- tained. The utensils to be used for daily cooking should be adapted to the quantity of food to be pre- pared. There should be a few articles of larger capacity and general utility. In selecting dishes and table silver one may safely buy at least a dozen and a half tea-cups and saucers, dinner plates, tea-spoons and forks. The dinner size of plates are useful when serving refreshments for afternoon or evening par- ties, as they are large enough to hold the cup as well as the food to be served.166 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ADAPTED TO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. Electricity is the fuel best adapted to light house- keeping. It is so clean and convenient. Then, too, there is such a wide range of special electric equip- Fig. 31.—Popular type of electric table stove. ment, adapted to every need and to every scale of living. Selecting the equipment is, however, no easy mat- ter for the inexperienced. To do it wisely, one ought to know the scale of living to be maintained and how much storage space the tiny apartment will afford. The very term light housekeeping seems to suggest that there is very little work connected with this form of home-making. There is a tendency to start out on a plane that will involve more work than a business or professional woman can keep up with. Therefore it is very helpful to make a brief survey of the resources that are adapted to the three scales of light housekeeping, viz., the very simple, the average and the expert. In the very simple scale there is no effort made to get more thanLIGHT HOUSEKEEPING EQUIPMENT 167 two meals a day. One counts on going out for the principal meal, or having it sent in from a cook shop. The family group is limited to not more than three and is usually two. For this need there is nothing more desirable than one of the wonderful little electric table stoves (Fig. 31) with which one can perform three different cooking proc- esses at one time. These stoves come equipped to make toast, broil bacon or chops and fry eggs, inde- pendently or simultaneously. A separate attach- ment to be used with the stove enables one to make waffles also. With only this one appliance and an electric percolator, it is easy to prepare delicious breakfasts, suppers or luncheons. The next scale of light housekeeping involves more cooking and serves a larger group. It would be the normal scale for three or four adults. To the equipment already named, one would add one or two thermos bottles or food jars and an electric fireless cooker with an equipment of fifteen utensils adapted to use with the cooker. See Fig. 30, page 162. This would enable one to cook vegetables and meats, to make cereal, and to do baking in small quantities. This type of fireless cooker is equally adapted to regular housekeeping needs, as its operat- ing cost is low and all trouble of heating radiators is eliminated. It is space-saving, economical and fills a wide range of needs. It is a wonderful asset for light housekeeping. The third scale of light housekeeping more nearly168 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN approaches that of regular housekeeping. As car- ried on by business and professional women who are very capable and systematic a great deal can be ac- complished in a short time in tiny kitchenettes. Many of these women have been successful home- makers before taking up business occupations and are used to getting results. With specialized equip- Fig. 32.—Popular kitchenette model. Made with either right or left drain-board or with two drain-boards. ment and wonderful space-saving cabinets and storage units to choose from, the fitting up of the kitchenette becomes a delightful task. A kitchen cabinet designed for this need is illustrated opposite page 116. Units to go with it are provided for every storage need. The type of sink recommended is the one-piece seamless model, illustrated above, and is known as the kitchenette type. In purchasing the small equipment one selects assorted sizes which fitLIGHT HOUSEKEEPING EQUIPMENT 169 into each other, nested, and take up very little space. As far as possible utensils are purchased that meet several needs. Most of the makers of the best aluminum ware now make their appliance in this way. The lists as given (pages 131 to 143) will be found suggestive and helpful. We see from this brief survey that one must plan the light housekeeping equipment to fit the apart- ment and to meet the special requirements of time, space and skill at one's command. Also it must be adapted to the number of persons in the group. It is a wise plan " to go slow " in making purchases. If one starts on the simplest scale and with the equip- ment recommended for it, it is very easy to add to the outfit as needs develop. A careful study of the " Efficient Kitchen " will be found helpful in mak- ing out the lists. The more thinking one does be- forehand, the easier will be the adjustment and the fewer the mistakes.XII Disposal of Kitchen Waste ONE of the most troublesome problems of housekeeping is the proper disposal of garbage. Where the income is liberal and gas is available, a recent invention has com- pletely solved this difficulty. The garbage is burned in a gas-fired destroyer of excellent design. The destroyer is usually placed beside the kitchen range, and connected with the same flue. It is so well designed that no unpleas- ant odors escape and the gas burners are so power- ful that even green vegetable garbage is reduced to ashes in a short time. The ashes can then be removed from the receiver in the lower part of the destroyer and thrown into the usual garbage can. Ordinarily it takes an hour to an hour and a half to burn up the amount the destroyer will contain. In a small family garbage can be put into the de- stroyer for several days till it is full, and then burned. No unpleasant odors will escape into the kitchen. The price of the household size is $100. The high price makes is prohibitory for the average family, unless several families near together own and use it cooperatively. The garbage can be col- lected and burned each evening. 170DISPOSAL OF KITCHEN WAS*TE 171 In some communities where garbage is collected by the city, one is not allowed to wrap it in paper. One is also cautioned against putting into the waste- can coffee or tea grounds or anything else that cannot be fed to animals. City garbage is usually sold for this purpose. The collection of garbage is a problem that ought to be worked out cooperatively in every small town or city, where the work is not undertaken by the public authorities. Even where garbage is collected twice a week, there will be some annoyance from decaying food. In the vicinity of Boston special garbage bags have been made which fit the ordinary garbage can. The bag is placed in the empty can and the garbage put into it. When the can is ready to empty the bag is removed with the garbage and the can is left clean. For those who have coal stoves or furnaces the simplest plan of garbage disposal is to burn it up. This must be done while the fire is hot in order to prevent clogging the chimney with soot from partly consumed fats. CARE OF GARBAGE IN THE COUNTRY Every householder ought to have a strong gal- vanized garbage can. The best have wooden sup- ports on the sides to prevent the sides of the can from becoming bent in handling. Such a can costs $5.50. Where the city authorities do not require separate cans for the ashes and garbage, one canTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN will suffice for most families. An agate-ware pail can be used instead of the can. The pail should be kept in a box having a hinged cover. It is not necessary for the box to have a bottom; it is even a very good plan to sink the box in the ground. Sometimes the box is placed against the back wall of the house and painted the same color. This makes it neat and inconspicuous. The cover is a Fig. 33.— Illustrates two views of under-ground garbage can, The figure at the right shows it before placed in position. The one at the left after it has been buried in the ground. necessity, both for sanitary reasons and also to prevent cats and dogs from getting into the pail and tipping it over. Another excellent plan is to install one of the garbage receivers designed to be sunk in the ground. (See Fig 33.) The receiver is made of cast iron, the size of the usual garbage can, with a hinged top. The iron receiver with its cover is sunk in the earth near the back door. The regular garbage can isDISPOSAL OF KITCHEN WASTE 173 placed inside the receiver. One container of this type has the cover so made that it can be opened with the foot when the garbage is dumped in. This saves the necessity of setting the garbage down in order to open the cover. Other types are built into the wall. It is a good plan to discourage keeping a gar- bage pail in the kitchen. This plan is often far from sanitary, and the garbage itself draws flies. It is better to make an iron-clad rule that no gar- bage be kept in the kitchen, and that it be taken out after each meal. Drain the scrapings from the plates and other waste food in the sink drainer, then wrap it up in a newspaper and place it in the covered pail at the back entrance. Paper bags in w7hich groceries come may be saved for this purpose. See that the garbage pail is rinsed out with hot soda solution once a week in winter and two or three times a week in summer. In country homes, where all kinds of waste must be disposed of by the householder, it is a good plan to keep two extra waste barrels in the cellar. One is used for empty cans, bottles, etc., the other is for waste paper, dust and other dry refuse. All empty cans should be rinsed under the hot water faucet and dried out on the radiator or back of the range before being put in the barrel to prevent unpleasant odors. Arrangements can be made several times a year to have someone call and take the contents of this barrel to the public dump. The contents174 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN of the waste paper barrel should be burned in the furnace at convenient times during the week, so as not to affect its running. In summer it may be burned in a wire refuse burner especially sold for the purpose. In the winter, garbage may be burned in the furnace. Often it is buried in the garden or placed in a trench made for the purpose and cov- ered each time with a layer of earth. Where there is an ample garden this is the best method in the long run, though it requires a few more steps. If garbage is properly drained and wrapped in paper it can be kept in the covered agate pail at the back of the house. Once a day the pail can be emptied in the garden. Scald out the pail often with a strong solution of sal-soda. Where there are coal or wood ranges, much of the light waste can be burned up in the range. The chief cause of unsightly back yards is failure to plan intelligently for the care and disposal of these various kinds of waste. If families would cooperate in this matter the individual housekeeper would be saved much annoying work.XIII Dish-washing and Daily Care of: Kitchen NY operation that has to be repeated three times a day is an important one to reduce to its simplest elements so that it can be done in the least time, without haste or sense of weariness in its accomplishment. By most women dish-washing is considered by far the most dis- agreeable of all the home duties. They will there- fore welcome suggestions whereby its irksomeness may be mitigated and the time required for its per- formance cut short. Excellent dish-washing machines have been per- fected and have proven a great resource to those who can afford them. They cannot be installed in tiny kitchenettes because of the question of space. It is undesirable to use them unless they can be in- stalled with permanent plumbing connections. The labor of operating the hand-power model is slight and the time gained in performing the work in this way amounts to a saving of a half hour or more a day. But even without the dish-washing machine the process can be lightened by having the right equipment and by scalding the dishes and allowing them to dry in the rack.176 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Labor-saving Dish-washing Outfit: Dish drying rack ............... White enamelled oval dish pan. Plate scraper .................. Dish mop, with handle ......... Dish cloth ...................... ^4 doz. heavy towels............. >4 doz. tea towels ............... Soap shaker .................... Steel wool ..................... Soap powder.................... $ 2:75 2.88 1.50 .20 .10 .20 $11.31 In addition to the above equipment, the Wheel Cart, already enumerated in the chapter on Labor Saving Devices, has a most important use in con- nection with the perennial task of washing dishes, since it saves practically all the laborious work of carrying utensils to and fro. No part of the household work is done to better advantage by two people working together than is dish-washing. Not only is there a gain in time through cooperation, but all sense of drudgery and weariness is removed. It is a process that need not at all disturb conversation as it becomes almost automatic after it has been performed a number of times. It begins in the dining-room with clearing the table. Two people remain after the meal is over. One stands on one side of the table and passes the dishes to the other who has the wheel cart on her right. All the dishes being placed within her reach, the housekeeper scrapes each dish with theDAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 177 plate scraper, and piles each size by itself on the cart. The silver is all placed on one empty dish. The assistant meanwhile gathers up the salt and pepper, napkins, bibs, doilies and any miscellaneous articles that do not go to the kitchen, and puts them away in their proper places. As the housemother wheels the cart out to the kitchen the assistant folds up the table-cloth, runners or doilies and puts them away. If the table-cloth is a long one, the house- mother assists in folding it before going out to the kitchen. The sink has a drain-board at the left, if there is room for but one drain-board. On it is the dish drainer which is twenty inches square, and has wire supports to hold the dishes. (See frontispiece.) In our kitchenette at the Housekeeping Experi- ment Station we are working out the Minimum Space problem, and therefore the single left-hand drain-board is all that is possible. We find it in some ways an advantage. The dishes are handled directly from the wheel cart, instead of being trans- ferred from it to the right-hand drain-board; and thus an extra handling is saved. The housemother then stands at the sink with the wheel cart at her left. She fills her pan with very hot water, without soap, puts the silver in one end to soak, dips the tumblers in one by one and transfers them to a dish on the wheel cart to be wiped at once. She has just about time to wash and wipe the glasses while the assistant is brushing178 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN up crumbs in the dining-room and putting away the food. Next she places the piles of dishes in her dish-pan, being careful not to rest them on the silver which has been left in the pan to soak. Each piece of china is taken up in the left hand, washed with the handle mop held in the right, and placed in the rack on the left-hand drain-board to dry. By this time the china is washed and water is cool enough to plunge the hands in and wash the silver without any discomfort. Next all left-over pots and pans are washed, though these should be few, as cook- ing dishes ought, as far as possible, to be washed and put away while the preparation of the meal is in progress. Any that have not been so done, or any that needed soaking, are attended to last of all when the dining-room dishes are out of the way. Finally the water is poured out, the dish-pan wiped and hung up, the sink-rack wiped and placed near the radiator to dry. The sink should be wiped out with a mild cleansing solution, and flushed thoroughly with very hot water. The dish-cloth and towels should be rinsed in clean water and hung up to dry. In the meantime the assistant has finished her duties, and has taken the dishes from the rack and given them the necessary wiping, piled them up and put them away. If very hot water is used for wash- ing and rinsing, as is usually the case, most of the dishes dry without any wiping. For a family ofDAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 179 five, the entire process does not take more than twenty minutes to half an hour. The advantage of this method is that it offers an opportunity to the children to work with their mother, giving them valuable training while they are greatly lightening a rather dreary task. Where there are no children it cultivates in grown-ups the habit of burden-sharing and comradeship in the daily tasks, thus transforming the whole atmos- phere of the home from one of drudgery to happy cooperation and companionship in work for the com- mon benefit. CARE OF THE HANDS After dish-washing or any other kitchen task which is hard on the hands, wash them carefully in Ivory soap suds and corn meal until all the dirt is removed. Then wipe dry and rub a little glycerine lotion on the hands. This keeps the hands soft and white.* At the Housekeeping Experiment Station we have a white enameled sink, a zinc-covered work- table and aluminum utensils for cooking. This equipment greatly simplifies the dish-washing proc- ess. The best aluminum cleanser is Steel Wool, o and 00. Dip it in water, soap well and rub it over the discolored surface, keeping the utensils bright by a daily rub. * Glycerine lotion consists of equal parts of glycerine and bay rum or glycerine and alcohol. A bottle of this, as well as a small jar of corn meal, should be kept on the shelf above the kitchen sink.180 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN In the daily care of the kitchen and its equipment the following cleaning materials will be found ex- tremely valuable. They take up but little space and are convenient in numberless emergencies that con- tinually arise in every household. They are the basis for most of the cleaning preparations widely adver- tised and selling at high prices: Denatured alcohol. Alum. Ammonia. Bath-Brick. Black lead (for coal stove only). Kerosene. Olive oil. Rotten-stone. Salt. Separator oil. Soap. Vinegar. Washing soda. Floor wax. Whiting. The housekeeper will also need: An apron of heavy denim or oil-cloth. A piece of Brussels carpet. A chamois skin. A few yards of cheese cloth. A scrub cloth. A soft cloth. Some Canton flannel. Some heavy flannel. Flannel for waxing. Flannelette for dusters. Rubber gloves. A 10 cent mitt for kerosene. A supply of cotton waste (sold at hardware stores). The following is a list plements and tools: Bottle brush........$ .56 Milk bottle brush ... .80 Scrub brush........$ .56 Granite ware floor pail............................1.00 of necessary cleaning im- Refrigerator brush .35 Radiator brush..........1.00 Vegetable brushes, 2. .30 Broom..........................1.00 Whisk broom..............1.00DAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 181 Dust-pan ...........63 Long-handled window Hand basin.........50 brush........................1.50 Floor cloths.........50 Outfit for cleaning 18 oz. string mop.... 1.50 stove ........................1.00 Silver polish and pol- Knife sharpener .... 1.00 ishing cloths......75 Step ladder . .$3.00 to 6.00 Window polish......50 For dining-room use: Carpet sweeper.....$ 7.50 Vacuum cleaner----$45.00 Dustless dust cloths, 6 1.80 Waxing brush, 15 lbs. 4.00 HOUSEKEEPERS' TOOLS A handy box of housekeepers' tools and imple- ments can be purchased for $6.75. Or a home- made wooden box with sliding cover can be fitted up at a cost of about $4.00. Seven by 13 inches is a convenient size. It should contain the following outfit: Long narrow hammer. Screw driver. Tack puller. Awl. Assorted tacks of the following sizes: one package of each: 12 oz., 8 oz., 6 oz., 4 oz., 3 oz., 2 oz. Also matting tacks, double pointed, japanned and steel, 8 oz. size; as- sorted i-in. wire brads, i-in. wire nails, etc.; box of up- holstery tacks; box of assorted screws in sizes from i-in. down; screw-eyes, 1 doz., each medium and larger size; round and square cup-hooks, 1 doz. each. CARE OF THE SINK The care of an enamel or porcelain sink is a very simple matter. The bottom should be protected with a wooden rack or rubber mat to protect the surface from scratches. Enamel, if once scratched,182 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN cannot be repaired, so it is important to prevent this. After each dish-washing the rack should be re- moved. The sink should be washed with hot, soapy water, flushed thoroughly with hot water, rinsed and dried. This will remove all odors of strong vegetables, and will keep grease from adhering to the pipes. Where dishes are scraped before wash- ing and all grease is removed from frying pans very little care of the sink drain will be necessary. In the ordinary home, however, grease finds its way in quantities down the sink drain, and a daily appli- cation of strong soda is necessary to prevent grease from adhering to the sides of the pipes. Where daily care is exercised this need be done only once a week. Whether daily or weekly, the process of flushing the pipes is as follows: Make a strong solution of soda, in the proportion of one-third cup of sal soda to one quart of water. Bring to a boil in an old saucepan which may be kept for this work. Stir with a wooden stick which can be burned up afterward. Place a tin funnel in sink plug hole and pour down the quart of boiling soda solution. Be careful not to let the soda get on the hands or drain boards. In half an hour plug the sink, fill with hot water, remove the plug and let the rush of water finish cleaning the trap. To clean an iron sink daily, pour a small amount of kerosene in the sink and wipe thoroughly with newspaper, which should afterward be burned. The kerosene cuts the grease as nothing else will.DAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 183 CARE OF FRYING PANS If grease has not been allowed to burn in the fry- ing pan it may be strained through a cloth or fine wire strainer and used again. If burnt pour in the garbage can. Under no circumstances allow it to go down the sink drain. Wipe the utensil with soft newspaper to remove all grease; then wash, using plenty of soapy water, rinse thoroughly and dry. If the frying pan is of aluminum ware it needs no drying. Iron or tin ware should be dried in the warming oven of a coal range or on the radi- ator grill in a gas kitchen before being put away. It is a bad practice to dry out wet articles in the oven of a gas stove, as it makes it rust. Soda solution should never be used on aluminum ware, but is a very good thing for iron. Scouring the inside of iron or steel utensils with any kind of sand-soap or mineral soap makes the surface smooth and bright. CARE OF ALUMINUM If aluminum is not used for vegetables with strong acid or when boiling eggs, it will not dis- color and needs very little care. Before using any polish fill the utensil with water and bring to a boil on the stove. For bad discolorations add oxalic acid to the water in the proportion of one teaspoonful of acid to two quarts of water. If the stain still remains rub the surface with steel wool impregnated with soap. Black spots made by allowing food to " burn on " can be removed by184 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN subjecting the utensil for a minute or two to in- tense heat in a gas oven. This must be carefully watched, as aluminum will melt if heat is applied too long. CARE OF BRASS, COPPER OR TIN Rub the surface first with a cloth dipped in vine- gar or lemon juice. Then rub thoroughly with a paste made of rotton-stone and oil. Polish with a dry cloth. Greasy brass must first be scrubbed with soapsuds or sal soda solution before using special brass polish. The acid application is used to re- move the tarnish. Rotten-stone takes up the super- fluous acid and completes the polishing process. If this second process is not thorough the brass soon tarnishes again. CARE OF GRANITE WARE Granite ware utensils should be placed in a cold solution of soda in the proportion of one-half cup soda to one quart of water. They should be brought to a boil and boiled for an hour, or until the dirt rinses off readily, and then rinsed in the sink with clear water. If the stain is not removed scour utensils with bath-brick or sapolio. In emptying the strong soda water from the kettle in which uten- sils were boiled, be careful to pour through a funnel directly into the sink drain. Otherwise the soda will act on the metal of which the sink-plug is made.DAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 185 CLEANING NICKEL WARE Nickel can be kept bright by washing with hot soapsuds and wiping dry. If it needs polishing use a paste made by mixing whiting with ammonia. The paste should be about the consistency of milk, and should be applied with a flannel cloth and rubbed well into the crevices. Let it dry, then rub off the whiting and polish with a dry woolen cloth'. There is an excellent prepared nickel polish on the market. Badly stained nickel can be cleaned by boiling it in vinegar and alum mixture until stains begin to disappear, then polishing it again. The directions for making vinegar and alum mixture are as fol- lows : Vinegar and alum mixture: 2 oz. powdered alum. 1 qt. strong vinegar. Boil the vinegar. Add the alum and stir until dissolved. Apply hot. If the nickel has become badly stained, it may be boiled in the mixture before it is polished. Boil until the stains begin to disap- pear. Mixture should be kept in a tightly corked bottle. CLEANING SILVER These directions apply only to the bright sil- ver finish. Burnished silver should not be cleaned with any chemical. There are several methods. 1. Place the articles to be cleaned in a large alu- minum kettle. Cover with boiling water in186 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN which is dissolved one heaping tablespoonfu! of baking soda and one tablespoonful of salt to every quart of water. Let it come to a boil and boil five minutes. Rinse and wipe dry. Forty pieces of silver may be cleaned in this way in twenty minutes. 2. Use scrap zinc in an agate ware dish, the same solution and the same method. 3. In small families there need be no weekly clean- ing of silver if a small bottle of whiting be kept on the sink shelf and each piece rubbed up as needed, in connection with the dish-wash- ing process. The method of cleaning silver with whiting is to dampen a cloth and dip it in* the whiting, rubbing the silver over with it. When the whiting has dried, rub it off with another soft cloth and polish with chamois skin. For ornamental work use an old tooth-brush. Egg-stained or badly tarnished silver should be rubbed over with salt before applying the whiting. CLEANING ZINC Rub with a flannel cloth moistened with a little kerosene or use scourine or Dutch Cleanser to take off the spots. Then polish with a mixture of vine- gar and alum. CLEANING STEEL KNIVES AND FORKS Scour with powdered bath-brick, using a cork dipped in oil or water, and then into the powderedDAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 187 bath-brick. Steel knives that are to be packed away for some time ought to be very carefully dried before putting away. DAILY CARE OF THE KITCHEN STOVE The gas stove should be brushed clean with a small brush and wiped over with a cloth dipped in linseed oil. The oil should be used very sparingly. Use a few drops only on a flannel cloth. This small amount will penetrate the cloth thoroughly if left over night. And a cloth so prepared remains in good service for two weeks, at the end of which time it should be washed out in strong suds, dried and given a new application of oil. Being inflammable it should be kept in a tin box when not in use. The drip pan under the gas burners should be washed when necessary. With careful management this need not be done more than once a week. The coal range must not be cleaned while it is hot. Let it cool down while you are at breakfast or dinner. After the dishes are washed brush the stove clean of crumbs, dust, ashes, etc. Dampen the stove-cloth slightly with kerosene and rub up the top of the stove and all nickel parts with this. Great caution must be employed in using kerosene near the stove. Only experienced housekeepers should try this method. DAILY CARE OF THE KITCHEN FLOOR If the floor is covered with linoleum the daily care in most cases is just brushing up with a long-188 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN handled mop. Where there are creeping children who occasionally find their way into the kitchen it is better to mop up the linoleum daily, using a damp- ened floor-cloth only, just to remove the dust. The cold closet and refrigerator ought to be gone over every day and all left-over food disposed of, either included in the menus of the next few days or thrown away. If care is taken in the marketing and adapting each day's recipes to the size of the family, there will be very little left-over food to trouble one. It is a good rule to cook just enough to go round of certain things that are not good warmed over, to cook double quantities of foods that are just as good the second day, and always to have an abun- dant supply of the essentials, such as bread, milk, eggs and fruit. If a family is fond of cake and cookies, always keep plenty of these on hand. Where there is an abundance of the essentials it is not noticed if there is only one baked potato to go around, or one serving of any special delicacy. The whole secret of wise kitchen management is to keep your kitchen and utensils so clean all the time that there will not need to be any grand "clarin' up spells"; to cook the more permanent supplies in quantity, and to carefully adjust the menus to the daily consumption, so as not to be bothered with " left-overs " in amounts that are only a nuisance. The sanitary care of the kitchen includes special attention to the containers of food. They should beDAILY CARE OF KITCHEN 189 scalded out and sunned once a week in ordinary weather, and two or three times a week in hot weather. The refrigerator, cold closet, bread and cake boxes should all receive daily care. The san- itary care of garbage is discussed in Chapter XII. Fig. 34.—Beautifully designed kitchen table. There are many different types and sizes. All have superior and durable white enamel finish.XIV The Laundry Problem HE consideration of the laundry problem does not properly belong to a study of the kitchen and its equipment. We strongly recommend taking all such work out of the kitchen and making provision for it in some other way. The kitchen is no place for laundry work. Had housekeepers realized this long ago, cooperative laundries would have flourished. Or at least we should have had wash-houses for neighborhood work, where each family might have, once a week, the use of a room and suitable laundry equipment. In many homes where the stationary laundry tubs have been located in the kitchen, it is possible to have them taken out and placed in the basement or to have a small laundry built at the rear of the kitchen. This plan is recommended wherever it is possible to make the change. In every case where it has been done, the housekeeper is enthusiastic over the added convenience. In building a new house it is desirable to make the kitchen small and to build the laundry next to it on the same floor. The room need not be large, but it ought to have good light and a place for station-THE LAUNDRY PROBLEM 191 ary or portable tubs and for an ironing board that is always in position for work. (See Fig. 35.) A small closet to hold the laundry equipment is also a necessity. The chemicals for removing stains should be kept on the top shelf of this closet. Javelle water, borax, ammonia, oxalic acid and common table salt are the ones most frequently used. The wash-boiler may be heated on a small laundry stove which also heats the supply of hot water for the kitchen, or on a two-burner gas plate stove which can be located in the laundry. Such a room is valuable even if wash- ing is never done at home, as it is a place where clothing may be brushed and cleaned and where clothes may be pressed whenever necessary. It is a great advantage to have a 6-inch shelf fastened to the wall, on which the tan and white shoes of the family may be left when drying, and where the blacking and shoe-cleaning materials may be kept. When one lives in a rented house and cannot assume the expense of changing the location of the laundry tubs, it is the part of wisdom to reduce as much as possible the amount of washing to be done in the kitchen. This is done by sending to the laundry all the " flat work." Fine table linen and bed linen cannot safely be sent out, but the ordi- nary grades are done very satisfactorily and at mod- erate price. The gain in reducing the volume of washing is also felt on rainy days when it is a prob- lem to dry the clothes. The invention of the electric iron has made it192 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN possible to have the ironing done outside the kitchen even if the washing must still be carried on there. Housekeepers who cannot change the tubs will often be able to fit up a little upstairs room for the ironing. In this room all the equipment for iron- ing should be kept, the ironing board, the sleeve board, wax, iron, clothes-horse, cheese-cloth or paper toweling for pressing, a heavy Turkish towel for ironing embroidered pieces and a hamper to hold the clean clothes before they are dampened and folded for ironing. Such a room will have many of the advantages of the specially built laun- dry. Wise housekeepers are able greatly to reduce the amount of ironing to be done by purchasing the kind of underclothing and shirt-waists that do not require ironing. There is abundant selection of such things now to choose from, including knitted underwear, crinkled seersucker garments and crepe waists and dresses. Small Turkish towels may be substituted for linen and huck towels, and paper tow- eling for kitchen and bathroom use reduces both the amount of washing and ironing. The idea in this case, as in so many others, is to study out the special conditions that affect the washing and ironing prob- lem differently in each individual family and make such a solution of them that you will secure the best results with the minimum of care and anxiety. Buy the right kind of things and make arrangements to have an abundance of clean clothing, even if itTHE LAUNDRY PROBLEM 193 is not ironed, and then have everything that needs careful ironing given the expert attention that it needs. To secure these results with peace of mind you will need the following outfit of labor-saving equipment. LABOR-SAVING LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Of the three chief labor-savers for the laundry, the most important is the electric iron. A good electric iron for family use weighs six pounds, and should be connected with undetachable cord at its base. It takes an electrician to deter- mine whether an electric iron is well made. There- fore this implement should not be bought on the ad- vice of some irresponsible agent, or because it looks all right. It should be of a reliable make. A poorly constructed iron that is always getting out of order may cost so much in repairs that it would pay to throw it away and buy a good one. Further- more, it always gives out just when you need it most, and cannot be repaired except by sending for an electrician. For all these reasons it is important to have a serviceable implement or none at all. An electric iron of the best type costs $6.75. The using of an electric iron has many advan- tages : 1. If used in the kitchen it does not interfere with the use of the cook-stove. 2. It saves the time and energy spent in walking to and from the stove to re-heat the ordinary iron.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN 3. It acts as a sort of pace-maker to maintain a rapid rate of work. As it is easier to keep up to the pace of the iron than to constantly turn the current on or off, the natural tendency is to accelerate one's rate of work. 4. It makes it possible to do the ironing whenever it is most convenient, instead of selecting the time when the fire in the range is at its best, or when the exigencies of cooking permit. 5. It enables the worker to- choose a cool location for her work, since the electricity does not af- fect the temperature of the room. 6. Ironing may be done sitting down if a stool of the right height is kept on hand. 7. It is very convenient for pressing the garments • of the family, especially summer dresses. 8. The cost is negligible, since an electric iron soon pays for itself in the time it saves. THE VACUUM WASHER While electric washing machines are a great com- fort in any home where they can be afforded, and a necessity and economy in large families, they are, generally speaking, beyond the average means. No one, however, need be without some form of serv- iceable washing machine, since excellent small vacuum washers are now on the market, at prices ranging from $1.50 up to $6.00. The advantage of these small machines is that they can be used with any outfit. They are equally adaptable to set tubsTHE LAUNDRY PROBLEM 195 or portable tubs. Most of them give best results when used in connection with a boiler placed on a laundry stove of the right height. The washer is used while the clothes are in the boiler on the stove, and the temperature is thus maintained at a higher degree than would be possible in the tubs. After the first boilerful of clothes is finished, the clothes are put through the rinse water, and the washer is used also in the rinsing. These washers are inval- uable in emergencies and for washing blankets, which one dare not send out unless one knows of exceptional laundries or cleaning establishments. In well-appointed laundries the ironing-board rests on an iron foot which supports it firmly, ex- tending part way under the board so that it is kept firm and immovable. Such ironing-boards cost about $15. The same result can be secured in the private home by an ingenious method of fastening the board at one end to the side wall of the room by hinges. When in use it is firmly supported. At other times it is folded back against the wall. Figure 35 shows how such an arrangement looks both in posi- tion for use and when folded back. If desirable it may be enclosed in a wall cupboard when not in use. With this and an electric iron it is possible to do the ironing in any room that may be conveniently used for this purpose, and the outfit is always ready for immediate use. It is made by fastening a strip of wood one inch thick and three inches wide to the196 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN under side of the ironing board by means of a hinge. A strap hinge fastens the ironing-board itself to a brace on the wall. When in position the leg rests against the wall. When folded up the board is fastened to the side-wall by means of a hook and eye. A Clothes Boiler of copper, or at least with cop- per bottom and of the best grade of block tin, is another desirable addition to the light laundry out- fit. Used in connection with the vacuum washer, or even where clothes are washed by the paraffine method, it is indispensable. A very instructive government bulletin gives directions for fitting a |ii Fig. 35.—Ironing board, which, when not in use, can be folded back into a shal- low cupboard built in for it.THE LAUNDRY PROBLEM 197 bottom to this boiler, making it a valuable utensil for canning fruit and vegetables. While it cannot be considered a necessity for light laundry work, as can the three appliances already described, it is a most valuable and useful addition to the laundry equipment, and a necessity when clothes are washed by the ordinary method. Three portable, galvanized iron tubs (where sta- tionary tubs are not installed) ...............$ 3.75 Bench wringer ................................. 13-S° Three dozen clothes-pins and clothes-pin bag or basket ......................................75 Clothes line. The best kind is rope. Keep in a bag when not in use. Cost per 100 feet........... 1.00 Six-foot piece of rubber hose, % inch size, fitted at one end with screw threads to attach to faucet. Saves all trouble in filling portable tubs....... 1.75 Enamelled-ware dish pan for washing out small pieces, or for use in starching, or carrying clothes back and forth from the boiler........ 1.00 Clothes horse .................................. 2.25 Clothes basket .................................. 1.25 $25-25 In addition to the above special laundry equipment, cer- tain kitchen utensils are necessary, and may be borrowed from the regular kitchen outfit for occasional use. If wash- ing is done regularly at home, it will be better to buy a separate set of the following articles: Enameled saucepan, capacity 5 to 6 qts., for making starch ......................................$ -75 Tea-kettle, enamel ware ......................... 1.25 1 tablespoon (for measuring and stirring) .........50 1 teaspoon (for measuring and stirring) ...........10 1 agate or tin measuring cup......................20 1 quart measure..................................25 $3-05198 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN ELECTRIC LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT The electric washing machine and the electric ironer' are wise investments for the woman who wishes to be independent of the laundress. This ma- chinery is too expensive to be turned over to any but intelligent workers, and is of doubtful value ex- cept to those who are able to do' or to superintend their own laundry work. Many intelligent house- keepers prefer to do their washing and ironing with the aid of this wonderful equipment than to be harassed by the laundress problem. Others would rather turn the work over to an old-fashioned laun- dress and let her work in her own way. The instal- lation of machinery means that one must be capable and willing to train the laundress. There are pro- gressive and unprogressive laundresses. Thus the personal equation as well as the returns from the money invested must be considered when purchasing laundry equipment. With such an outfit it is possible to be quite inde- pendent of the laundry question. One can send the entire washing out, or part of it out, or have it all done at home. It is perfectly possible to do one thing one week and try another the next without serious adjustment. The expense of the outfit is not large, and in these transition days, when the old resources are failing and the new ones have not become fully established, it is the part of wisdom to be fully prepared for any emergency.XV The Business Side of the Kitchen EVEN more important than the work of the kitchen is the business side of the kitchen. This involves such an orderly- record of costs, of work done and experience gained, as will serve as a guide in administering the family budget, and finally in achieving the results which are the object and goal of all effort toward real home-making. The business management of the kitchen falls logically into three main divisions: The keeping of accounts; the purchasing and care of supplies; and the keeping of kitchen records. The last includes favorite recipes and useful memoranda, more especially the sort of information that cannot be found in books or libraries. Of such are data relating to new and untried equipment; addresses and exact names of reliable tradesmen, valuable equipment or desirable brands of supplies; memo- randa of the particular needs in your special cir- cumstances, which perhaps, as they may not apply to any other conditions, will never find their way into* print. Account-keeping for the home is made exceed- 199THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN ingly simple nowadays because the whole business world is organized on one of two systems, either that of cash payments or monthly settlements. Ac- counts cannot be allowed to run on and on indefi- nitely as they did a few years ago. Frequent settlements at regular intervals make it easy for the housekeeper to form the habit of paying bills at a certain time each month, and making out a monthly statement of the various ways in which the money has been spent. In learning to live wisely on a given income, the first step is to make in advance a theoretical budget apportioning one's income as seems best to the various departments of living expense. Then keep track of the actual expenses, and compare the amounts spent with the theoretical budget decided upon. It often happens that what seems best in theory does not work out well in practice. After a few months' experience it is possible to make a division that is much better suited to the individual need. For instance, economists have worked out an ap- portionment of income which is a safe guide for most housekeepers as a starting-point: So much for rent; so much for operating expense; so much for food, for clothing, for the "higher life," etc. But when one attempts to* actually make this ap- portionment, it is often found to be impossible to maintain the standard of living and keep within the prescribed limits. Original thinking is thereforeBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 201 necessary in applying these standard percentages to individual and special conditions. In working out a wise apportionment of income, no one thing is so valuable as a careful record of what the daily living actually costs. Therefore a simple system of monthly account-keeping must be adopted by every family. The system should not require too much work. But, to be effective it should keep track of every important detail. The best and simplest system that we know has been used at the Housekeeping Experiment Station for nine years. It never takes more than ten minutes to jot down in a small cash-book the daily cash expenses; or more than two' hours a month to check up the totals of the monthly statements of the tradesmen with the order slips, make out the checks and balance the check-book. Although in several instances bills have been presented that have already been paid, it has always been possible to locate without delay the necessary receipt. In one case it was necessary to find a receipt for china purchased three years before the duplicate bill came in. The labor of hunting up the envelope contain- ing the record of this purchase required exactly ten minutes. The system has one inflexible requirement which, like the laws of the Medes and Persians, " changeth not." That is to deposit in the bank all the money that comes into the family till, whether it is salary or dividends, an unlooked-for windfall or merely202 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN a birthday present. The amount of the deposit is entered in the left-hand column of the ruled page of the check book opposite the checks. Together with the entry a memorandum is also made stating the source, or any necessary information relating to the deposit. Each deposit, added to the amount of money already in the bank, shows the total amount that has been deposited. The right-hand column of this blank page in the check-book shows a corresponding record of all money paid out. Each check stub should give the name of the person or firm to whom the check is made payable, and a memorandum of what it is for, as clothing, coal, etc. At the foot of the page a total is taken of the income column and the expense column. The difference between the two represents the amount of cash actually on hand. This balance is carried for- ward to the top of the income column of the next page. We keep our record with the bank just as care- fully as if it depended upon us alone to know whether or not the balance is correct, and we check up our balance with the bank every month or two. Usually the bank balance is larger than ours, be- cause several checks which we have drawn have not yet been presented for payment. To make a list of the checks which have not been returned we place a blue pencil check mark opposite each check stub that has come back. Then we take the num- ber and amount of the stubs which have no markBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 203 after them and deduct the total of these from the balance shown by the bank book. This gives us the " true balance " and should be exactly the same amount as our check book balance shows at that date. It is exceedingly easy, however, to make a mis- take in addition, to forget to put down a deposit, or even to make out a check and forget to fill in the stub. So it sometimes happens that we have to go over our entries very carefully and check up each with the bank record, and then go over the totals to see whether we have made an error in addition or subtraction. It usually happens that the mistake has been made by the housekeeper and not by the bank. The bank must be accurate and balance up its cash to a cent each day in order to transact its business. If the bank makes mistakes, it is a pretty reliable sign that its business is not being well done, and that it is not a safe institution to have dealings with. Reasoning of this kind once caused us to withdraw our account from a bank which had a high reputation for stability, but which had made a mistake of several dollars in its bal- ance. The bank failed a few months later. It was discovered that its funds had been used for speculation for several years and its methods had become lax. One cannot be too careful nowadays in the matter of accurately keeping accounts. In addition to the check-book, which is our com- plete record of all family expenses, we have only204 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN to keep a small cash-book for certain items that are too small to pay by check. The cash account is made part of the check-book system by simply drawing a weekly cash check to cover the amount we think we shall need. The total of this check is entered on the left hand side of the cash-book. Every item of expense paid out is entered on the right. We try to group the expenses as we go along because the record is of value to us just in proportion to the training it gives us. For instance, suppose we spend $5 on a trip to the city. Our entries may read like this as we jot them down at the end of the day: June 15. Carfare ........................$ .05 Ticket ..........................60 Lunch ..........................40 Telephone ......................10 Ribbons ....................... 1.25 Hat ........................... 2.00 Ticket ..........................60 $5.00 Or it may read: June 15. Trip to the city.................$x-75 Clothing ....................... 3.25 Total ............$5.00 In the former case we have not taken pains to separate the expense of the trip itself, which would always be practically the same, from the amount spent for clothing. The record is over-loaded with detail and gives no information of value. In theBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 205 latter, we have analyzed the account. This analyz- ing of items soon becomes a habit; and it is the most helpful habit that we can cultivate now-a-days wThen conserving the income is only possible through an exact knowledge of values. The old idea of economy in everything is being replaced by definite knowledge of what not to do. Certain expenses inevitably follow certain decisions and cannot be controlled. Therefore our account-keeping rescues us from many difficult positions, and enables us to know with certainty what we can do and what we ought to avoid. The cash account, then, is kept exactly as is the check account. At the bottom of each page a total is taken of the amount of cash drawn out; and of the expenses on the opposite page. The dif- ference between the two* represents the cash on hand and is brought forward to the next page. At the end of the month the expenses are grouped under the proper heads, such as clothing, wages, food, etc., and added to the amount spent for these items through checks. This gives us a complete record of the various ways in which money has been spent, and is one of the chief objects for which accounts have been kept. The totals are filed on a card and can be compared at any time with the ex- penses of a previous month. In this way we learn to spend our income to the best advantage, to pro- tect ourselves from other people's carelessness, and always to discriminate intelligently between what206 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN " it were good to do " and what we are financially ;able to do. PURCHASING SUPPLIES Each department of household expense has its 'Own problems and must be dealt with, in the light of experience, in such a manner as to get the best results. In this book we shall consider one de- partment only, that relating to the needs and re- quirements of the kitchen. In order to get the best value for the money ex- pended for food supplies, the housekeeper may pursue one of two general policies, either of which, intelligently followed up, gives good results. The French system consists of buying in very small quantities as food is needed. By this plan we pay a slightly higher price, but avoid the care of storage, the risk of deterioration and all tempta- tion to careless or wasteful use that comes with having abundant reserve supplies on hand. Very many housekeepers have no choice in the matter, since those who must move often or live in apart- ments cannot store anything not absolutely neces- sary to be kept on hand. For this very large class of home-makers we recommend our Standard List, which is given on pages 209 and 210, and which amply provides for both the daily needs and for emergencies. The other plan is to buy in quantity and thus obtain a substantial reduction in price. For house- keepers who live in the country and can have a goodBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 207 cold storage cellar, it will pay to make a practice of buying not only groceries and canned foods in quantity, but the winter supply of vegetables, apples,, oranges and grape-fruit. It may even be an ad- vantage to put down eggs in water glass if one lives in a community where eggs ever get as low as 20 to 25 cents a dozen. It is important, however, to know both how to select and how to care for food in storage. The cold cellar must be properly ventilated, and also protected from excessive cold. One must know how to choose a satisfactory grade of supplies that will keep. Fruit and vegetables must be frequently gone over and all decayed articles removed. At least an hour a week should be given to this work by the householder in person, since one cannot en- trust it to an ordinary maid or leave reserve supplies open to careless use. If this plan is carried out in connection with a home garden it will prove a great economy. With good management a moderate-sized garden plot will yield a great part of all the vegetables a family needs for winter use, and many of the fruits and vegetables for canning. The labor of caring for such a garden is not great, and is better worth while than any other department of home work that we have, since it keeps the whole family out of doors and happily occupied. KEEPING TRACK OF SUPPLIES Whatever purchasing system may be adopted,208 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN whether supplies are bought in quantity or in small amounts as needed, it is important that the renew- ing be done in a methodical way. In the entire realm of home economics there is no more prolific source of wasted time and energy than that caused by a hand-to-mouth habit of buying. Let us suppose that the cook or housekeeper is all ready to make a batch of apple pies. At the last moment she discovers that there is no lard in the house or no nutmeg. Then ensues a hurried trip to the corner grocery. Or perhaps a telephone order must be sent and the cooking delayed until the goods arrive. Probably it is a late hour of the morning when everybody is telephoning, and the line is busy. As a result of this lack of foresight twice as much time is consumed as the actual cook- ing operation requires. The work is done in an atmosphere of worry and confusion and the whole morning's schedule is thrown out of focus. At the Housekeeping Experiment Station we avoid all this by merely keeping a pad and pencil hung up in the kitchen on which orders are made out in advance. We plan to keep a certain amount of supplies on hand to cover daily needs and emer- gency needs. Whenever a can is used a memo at once goes on the pad to replace it. When the tea canister or coffee canister gets down to two-thirds a new supply is purchased. We never wait for anything to be actually gone before replacing it. We telephone orders once, twice or three times aBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 209 week as the need requires, trying to consider the convenience of the grocer as well as our own and not to ask unnecessary deliveries. No great amount of storage space is needed for a supply such as we recommend. At the Experi- ment Station the supply is kept in the kitchenette itself, a room 6 ft. 6 by 11. There is no regular storage pantry, but the east wall of the kitchenette is fitted up with open shelves above the work table on which we keep all articles needed for daily use and emergencies. The amount of money needed to purchase the given list is also small; and the added efficiency through time saved in the planning and preparation of meals is very great. This, therefore, is one of the wise investments for house- keepers of small means as well as those of abun- dant income. STANDARD LIST OF KITCHEN SUPPLIES Granulated sugar .. 5 lbs. Molasses .......... 1 qt. Lump sugar ....... 1 " Flour: Powdered sugar ... 1 " Bread...........25 lbs. Brown sugar ...... 1 " Pastry ..........10 Coffee ............ 1 " Graham ......... 5 " Tea .............. 1 " Rye ............ 1 " Baking powder..... 1 " Cereals: Corn starch ....... 1 pkg. Oatmeal ........ 3 " Cream tartar Hominy ......... 1 Baking soda....... 1 lb. Unpolished rice .. 3 " Tapioca ........... ipkg. Yellow corn meal 1 " Eggs ............. 1 doz. 2 kinds of un- Butter ............ 2 lbs. cooked cereals. Lard ............. 3 " Macaroni......... 1 pkg., Lemons ........... 3 to 62io THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Canned Goods: Corn........... 2 cans Bacon .......3 lb. strip Peas ........... 2 " 6 Beef tablets. Shrimp ........ 2 " Currants ....... 1 pkg. Tomatoes ......2 " Small can pimentoes. Salmon ........ 2 " Evaporated cream 2 cans Peaches ........ 2 " Sardines.........2 " Cherries .......2 " Stuffed olives.. .2 bottles Plum pudding ... 2 " Seeded raisins .. 1 pkg. Chicken ........2 " Grated pineapple. 1 can Shredded codfish 1 lb. Hawaiian pineapple. Dried beef. .2 glass jars Salt. White pepper Pepper corns Bay leaves Clove ..... Thyme ____ Soup Flavorings: Marjoram .... 5c. worth ... 1 can Celery........" " . 5c. worth Onion extract. . " " Evaporated carrots. 1 lb. . " " Celery salt. . " " Evaporated turnips. 1 lb. Condiments and Seasonings: Extract of Vanilla. " " Lemon. " " Almond. Salad materials: Paprika ..........1 can Garlic cloves.. .5c. worth Tarragon 'vinegar... .......,........1 bottle Olive oil .........1 gal. Cider vinegar......1 qt. Mustard ..........1 can Spices: Cinnamon. Ginger. Mace. All-spice. Nut-meg. Red pepper. Miscellaneous: Poultry seasoning. Imitation maple syrup extract. Currie powder. Gelatin .........2 pkgs. Refined cotton seed oil. Dried apricots......1 lb. " prunes ......" " " mushrooms . ." " 3 lbs. Milk crackers. 1 lb. Saltines.BUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 211 The housekeeper who arranges to keep on hand a Standard List like the foregoing can avoid the most prolific sources of worry, delay and wasted energy. An orderly method of keeping track of supplies soon becomes a habit. Mechanically, al- most without thought, needs are jotted down in advance. The day's orders are telephoned at a convenient hour before the line gets busy. Best of all her day can be planned to the best advantage, and she is never at the mercy of fate when emer- gencies arise. ORDERING SUPPLIES A strong prejudice against ordering by telephone has developed in the past few years, some authori- ties even going so far as to charge up against the telephone the entire responsibility for the high cost of living! It is true that serious abuses are possible in homes where supplies are carelessly telephoned for by any- body and everybody, without any subsequent check- ing up. Nevertheless, in spite of sensational warn- ings against the practice, there is much to be said in its favor. The evils of the system have crept in through ignorance or lack of training on the part of the housekeeper and dishonesty on the part of the merchant. As neither the one nor the other defect is inevitable, there is no reason why either should be permitted to discredit a convenience that, properly used, may be quite as valuable to the housekeeper as to the business man.212 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Housekeepers are realizing that they must learn how to purchase wisely, and that a knowledge of the reliable brands of food is part of the educa- tion necessary to successful home-making. Every- where courses in marketing and food values are being given to women's clubs. Merchants are be- ing called to account for dishonest dealing and are suffering loss of trade if they persist in taking ad- vantage of ignorance. On the other hand those who can be trusted to properly fill orders are meet- ing deserved success. Where the housekeeper knows her end of the business and the merchant can be relied on, the use of the telephone means a great saving of time and energy at both ends of the wire. Competent market men, for example, know more about meats than the average house- keeper can learn in a lifetime. If this knowledge can be enlisted in the interest of the home, and if the housekeeper is willing to pay the slightly higher price such honest and intelligent service is worth, the use of the telephone will be the greatest possible benefit. When all is said and done, it is simply a problem in mathematics. Conditions vary in different com- munities, and the only way to test them is by experiment. Let the housekeeper first try going to market for a month, keeping a careful record of the time and car fare consumed by this method. Then, when she knows the market conditions, and the best places to purchase to advantage, let herBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 213 select a reliable butcher and grocer and a good place to buy fruit and vegetables. Let her give her orders by telephone at a certain regular time each day, and carry out this plan also' for a month, care- fully comparing the results of the two systems one with the other. She can then readily judge which is the better plan in her particular case. She may find that marketing once a week and paying cash prices, combined with the telephone system for other days, will be more effective than either plan for her needs. If the family is large and the chil- dren grown up, the money saved by cash marketing may far out-weigh every other consideration. The question may be decided by each individual on its merits, since able housekeepers have proved it is possible to get the right kind of supplies by either method. CHECKING UP SUPPLIES In Chapter IV on Built-in Conveniences we have spoken of the importance of having a shelf or closet at the back entrance to receive daily supplies as they are left by the tradesmen. Near this closet should be hung a bill clip, so that the slips ac- companying each order may be checked up before the goods are put away, and the slips placed in the clip until the end of the month. The total amount on the slips should then be checked up with the total of the monthly statement. If any mistake has been made in the order, any wrong charge or any short- age of goods, or if the goods themselves were un-214 the efficient kitchen satisfactory, the dealer has been called up at the time of delivery, and the matter corrected. A note of the correction has been made on the slip. Credit slips are kept with the charge slips, so that every- thing can be quickly checked and verified before making out the check. Tradesmen who do- not have telephones are given instructions to leave a certain order of bread, eggs, or what not, daily or weekly. If any change is made, a note is left near where the goods are de- livered, giving the necessary instructions to increase or reduce the order. If slips are not left with the orders, a card is nailed up against the wall, on which each delivery is marked. At the end of the week or the end of the month the amounts are totaled up and paid. We have a general under- standing with all dealers that as long as they leave us first-class goods we make no change in the order, but that any inferior or imperfect goods will be returned. We pay promptly and make a point of giving a certain definite amount of trade that can be counted on. In this way we get the best service with the least expenditure of our own time and effort. THE KITCHEN RECORDS In order that the best methods may be carried out in the kitchen, and that the one who does the work may have in available form the recipes, menus and directions relating to the various details of her business, it is necessary to have some place in theBuilt-in kitchen cabinet, utilizing wall space to advantage for storage of supplies. Bread box with board and knife above itTHE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISBUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 215 kitchen in which may be kept a complete set of reference cards for kitchen records. Very few home-makers realize how much time is lost through failure to keep accurate, tested recipes adapted to the size of the family, in a con- venient place and ready for constant reference. Somewhere in most houses this information is stored, but it is not available when needed. Very much of the cooking, for example, is done by guess- work. More food is prepared than is needed, and is then either wasted or requires special thought and care to warm over. There is a very simple way of controlling the situation. Make out for kitchen use a set of card recipes of all foods used contantly, even including cereals. Adapt these rules to the number of per- sons in the family. Keep the cards alphabetically indexed in a small oak box which sells for $1.50. Such a box is technically known as a " jogger." A 4 by 6 card is the best size for the purpose, and it should be of a good grade of card-board. Each recipe card ought to contain the following informa- tion : 1. List of necessary ingredients. 2. Directions for mixing. 3. Directions for baking, with exact baking tem- peratures and exact time required for baking. 4. Number of persons rule will serve. 5. Exact time required for mixing. 6. Cost of materials.216 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN The following shows a tested recipe card with full directions: RYE MUFFINS 1. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add gradually the milk, egg well beaten and melted butter. 2. Heat oven to a temperature of 420 degrees F.* by turning on both burners for about seven minutes, using thermometer to test. Turn both burners as low as pos- sible to maintain this temperature. Place muffins on lower shelf and bake for 20 minutes. They should be well raised by this time and commence to brown. Turn on heat full for 5 to 7 minutes, when muffins will be well browned and ready to take out. 3. Rule makes 12 muffins. 4. 6 minutes are required for mixing. 5. Material costs 10 cents. Such a record is valuable for the following rea- sons : 1. It enables one to perform the work in the shortest possible time. 2. It is possible to see at a glance the special con- ditions governing each single operation, so that a person of intelligence may be able to group to best advantage a number of tasks that may need to be watched up at the same time. 3. It prevents wasting time in looking up details that cannot safely be trusted to the memory. 4. It assures perfectly cooked food and therefore prevents waste of valuable materials. * Where thermometers are not used directions for paper tests may be substituted. I cup rye flour; 1 cup white flour; % cup sugar; 1 teaspoonful salt; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup milk; 1 egg;BUSINESS SIDE OF KITCHEN 217 5. The baking temperatures worked out for one kind of food as a rule apply to all recipes of the same class. Thus the directions for rye muffins apply to all other kinds of muffins, and need not be repeated. 6. It prevents small amounts of different kinds of food being left over, to either be wasted or take time and thought to serve again in some palatable form. 7. It is a valuable record that can be used by any one as a guide for the same kind of work. Details slip from the memory, and a careful habit of mak- ing and preserving records is the greatest asset that any home-maker can have. Another serious loss of time, resulting also in much damage to valuable property, is caused by failure to keep careful directions for the care of equipment. The cleaning of metals, care of hard- wood, etc., are important tasks. Yet either no di- rections at all are given for their performance, or it must be given verbally to each new maid or out- side houseworker who comes in. Such directions should be recorded on cards and kept in a con- venient place in the kitchen for constant reference. Any housekeeper can make a set of these cards for herself by purchasing strong bond letter paper 7 by 11. Or the directions may be written on heavy cards 5 by 8 in size.XVI The Home-maker's Quiet Corner THIS little book has been written in vain if it has not been made abundantly clear that the business of real home-making is a problem for heart and brain rather than one de- manding mere physical toil for its solution. However necessary it may be for the mother of a family to master the practical details of her busi- ness, it is, in the final analysis, an administrative problem. Therefore the Efficient Kitchen will fall far short of its purpose unless the home-maker can have somewhere in the house a quiet corner where she can be free to do the thinking and planning necessary to coordinate the household machinery and make it run effectively. The Quiet Corner corresponds to the business man's office. It should if possible be a separate little room away from noise and interruptions, and should be conveniently fitted up with writing table, book-shelves and files. Here the day's work is planned, accounts are kept and the indispensable housekeeping records are made and filed away in convenient form for handy reference. The cost of fitting up such an adjunct to the 218THE QUIET CORNER 219 Efficient Kitchen may be anywhere from about $15.00 to $150.00. But whether the expense be much or little, the equipment should be of the right kind. The " jigglely " little " ladies' desks " that look so ornamental are the wrong kind. Much to be pre- ferred is a plain kitchen table with two drawers, which may be purchased unstained for $4.50. $16.00 will buy a very complete outfit including a paw h iiiul' Fig. 36.—Least expensive equipment for the Homemaker's Quiet Corner. kitchen table and chair to match, a scrap basket, scissors, two letter files and a good supply of paper, pencils, memorandum pads, etc. (See Fig. 36.) The table and chair may be painted or stained oak, green or cherry to match their surroundings. We have already spoken of the advantage of a card system for the kitchen records in constant use. These kitchen records will be merely part of a general card and filing system covering all de- partments of the household needs, to be made out,22o THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN consulted and filed in the Home-maker's Quiet Corner. The family account-keeping, for example, is very simple and consists of comparatively few items. Nevertheless it covers an immense amount of detail. To tax the memory with a multitude of facts that, in themselves are unimportant, is a great mistake and has been a main cause of the terrible waste of energy seen in many homes. " Mother " is expected to be constantly at everybody's beck and call, and to be an encyclopedia of useful in- formation for the entire family. She must not only remember the details that properly fall to her own work, but she must make good the short- comings caused by carelessness of other members of the family. If she does not in self-defense adopt a simple and accurate system of keeping track of things she becomes a hopeless burden bearer. We all know homes where the mother is con- stantly interrupting important work to hunt up some missing article for one member or another of the family; where hours are lost hunting for things that are needed but have been tucked away somewhere. No one can find them but " Mother " if she has put them away, and if she trusts to an over-burdened memory which fails her at the most critical times. If she has a system, however, she can say: "Your winter flannels are in the cedar chest in a package labeled ' T's Winter Flannels,' " or "The gloves are in the right-hand upper corner of my bureau drawer." Many women are naturallyTHE QUIET CORNER systematic and have worked out for themselves simple and effective ways of conserving their time. Many others have good memories and can always remember. These two classes of women need very little help; but there is a still larger class who are neither systematic nor gifted with good memories, but who would become the best kind of home- makers if they would carry out a systematic plan of keeping records of all information by means of a card system. We have spoken of the need of having accurate recipes and direction cards in the kitchen. This is the first step toward starting a valuable system which may be applied to other departments of the house-work. The next step is to get the " card habit" and free one's thought from all unnecessary detail. The two sizes of cards best adapted to the use of the home are 3 by 5 and 4 by 6. Card index trays, such as librarians use, come to fit in ordinary drawers. These index trays are about fifteen inches long. You start the system by writing out on an index card the subject you want to keep track of. These subjects may be: Household Accounts; Addresses, Personal and Business; Linen Supply; Miscellaneous Information. Then every fact that needs to be remembered may be written down on a card under its proper grouping. In a short time it becomes a habit to jot things down, and finally it becomes almost mechanical to keep track of every- thing by means of the cards.222 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN When one or another needs to know where things are, or what kind and size of stockings to buy for John, or where you can get the best grade and size of bedding, you simply consult your card record, and save the time of looking up all these details. Until you begin to think about it you will not realize how much time you formerly wasted just because you failed to make unimportant matters automatic. Duplicates of all recipe cards should be kept in the Quiet Corner; for it is here that you plan your meals, and here that it will be of most service to have recipes grouped in a suggestive way. For instance: you have under one grouping Supper Dishes, giving a list of the supper dishes that have been found best adapted to the tastes and need of the family. Another grouping is devoted to Quickly Prepared Meals. Another to Emergency Dinners, etc. These groupings come to you in the form of suggestions from friends or magazine arti- cles. You jot them down, try them out, and add them, if found worthy, to your " tried and true " card recipe index. Often they cannot be dupli- cated because they have never been written down by any one before. For that reason one ought not to keep the original card in the kitchen, but should have a set of duplicates for kitchen use. It is also not necessary to have on the kitchen card all the detail that may be desirable for the permanent file. The cost of food and the time required to prepareTHE QUIET CORNER 223 it are needed when one plans the day's work. In the actual doing of it one has more need of baking directions, exact amounts of ingredients, etc. The most important feature of the card system is to have a small oak " jogger " to be kept on one's desk to hold memoranda that will serve as a guide to the immediate day's work. Any special work for a certain day is written, say, on a card marked Tuesday. Perhaps Tuesday is the regular wash day; but bread must be set at night and peas soaked for Wednesday's pea soup. A glance at the card will serve as a reminder to maid or housekeeper. There are duties that change every day even though certain days are set apart for special tasks. These directions are written out as they are thought of, and each morning a card of special directions is given to the maid, together with the menus for the day. Perhaps the laundress' comes once a week and you must remember to tell her to take special pains ironing the fine white dress, to set the color in E's new gingham dresses, not to starch the cur- tains too much. So as these ideas occur to you they are written down on the Laundress' card. An- other card is kept for the man who comes once a week to mow the lawn and do odd jobs about the house. You jot down on Brown's card: Fix screens to cellar window. Loosen library windows that stick. Mow lawn. Transplant iris. New pane of glass in vestibule.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Suppose you happen to be out when Brown comes, or an unexpected caller arrives. It is not necessary to see him, or to tax your mind with the list of little things that will help in making the next week go smoothly. All you have to do about Brown is to leave the card for him. In the same way a card keeps track of the er- rands that must be done next time we go to' the city to shop. On it sizes, addresses, etc., are written down, so that these do not have to be specially re- membered. All these cards are filed alphabetically so we can take them out of the " jogger " when we need them. As soon as a list is done with it is destroyed, and a new card started. If one or two items still remain to be attended to they are trans- ferred to the new card. The cost of card trays and joggers for both kitchen and Quiet Corner will be about $5.00. There will be two joggers, one holding 4 by 6 cards, and a smaller one for the desk holding 3 by 5 cards. There will be two< card trays or oak drawers filled with index cards, one 4 by 6, for the original recipes kept in the office, and one tray fitted out with 3 by 5 cards for miscellaneous information. The following memorandum shows the complete cost of fitting up the Quiet Corner (or Office as it is more prosaically called in many households) with the necessary furniture, filing arrangements, etc., required for making and keeping such house- hold records as we recommend:THE QUIET CORNER 225 1. Least expensive outfit for the Quiet Corner : Kitchen table, stained oak, cherry or green .......$ 4.50 Scrap basket................................... 1.25 Ordinary chair to match table................... 2.00 Scissors ............................ ........... 1.00 Two letter files..................................7° Pencils, paper, pads, etc......................... 1.50 Joggers and card trays as itemized above......... 5.00 Total.....................................$1595 Instead of the inexpensive letter files in the above list one may purchase two inexpensive vertical files resting on a base. It consists of two sections and the base, and sells for about $6.00. It is similar to the one illustrated on page 226. It is a great convenience in any home, as it keeps important papers and letters in the most compact and con- venient shape. At the Housekeeping Experiment Station we have a more elaborate equipment because our needs are both private and professional. The outfit is wonderfully complete and satisfactory, and is espe- cially adapted to the needs of professional women, club women and teachers doing research work. It is illustrated on page 226. (See Fig. 37.) The filing cabinet contains hundreds of topics bearing on kitchen equipment, schools and their relation to the home, municipal problems, etc., etc. All this information has been gathered through personal ex- perience and observation, or from newspapers and periodicals, and therefore cannot be found in any library! It is carefully indexed by means of the226 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN card system, and can be referred to at a moment's notice. Our equipment, including a type-writer and type- writer desk, a revolving desk chair and the files, D Fig. 37.—A more elaborate "office" equipment for the home- maker, thoroughly practical and desirable. costs about $150. This will be found to be an in- vestment that well pays for busy people. We have spoken of the importance of having a separate room for the Home-maker's Quiet Cor- ner. This may seem an impossible luxury to the unselfish housemother, who is apt to allow all needs to take precedence of her own. Yet peace and quiet at times are all-essential to the success of her work, and must by some means be secured. We knew of one harassed mother of nine who now and again achieved a quiet hour in the midst of most wearisome toil, by donning a certain well- known sun-bonnet as a signal to the members of her household that she wished to be let alone!THE QUIET CORNER 227 Absurd and pathetic as this incident is, it never- theless suggests a solution of the difficulty that is within the reach of all. For the Home-maker's Quiet Corner, like much else that the new housekeeping stands for, is in reality a way of looking at things — an attitude of mind. If it is once clearly recognized that thinking and planning is the main business of home- making, and if all the household is taught to recog- nize this fact, it will not be difficult for the mother, whether or not she has a separate " office," to be as free from interruptions in her special corner of a bed-room or living-room, as if barricaded behind locked doors. The main thing is to make definite provision for the mental aspect and mental require- ments of her work. Only through a right attitude, through recognizing the high importance of thought and intelligence in working out the household prob- lems, is it possible to win through " villain kitchen vassalage " to glory.XVII Progress Since 1914 THE first edition of " The Efficient Kitchen " was issued in 1914, the year of the World War. Soon after it appeared tremendous economic changes took place. The price of build- ing materials, household equipment and skilled labor rose to unheard-of heights. The wages of skilled labor became higher than ever, yet the ef- ficiency of the average worker became markedly less. Everything contributed to make the cost of building and remodelling homes almost prohibitive. It was thought, after the war was over and peace was won, that prices would gradually decline, become normal, reasonable and stable. But year by year has passed since Armistice Day without any reduction in the high cost of building. Prices not only remain high but fluctuate. Contractors dare not give close estimates for doing work, as strikes and shortage of material arise unexpectedly and often wipe out all profit. They are unwilling to undertake altera- tion work except on a time and material basis. While it is possible to secure a contract price for building a new home, one should have very careful 228PROGRESS SINCE 1914 229 specifications drawn up by an architect in order to prevent the substitution of inferior work and ma- terial. If the homemaker desires a convenient, well- planned kitchen it is more important now than it was ten years ago to study carefully the resources avail- able in up-to-date equipment and the proper ar- rangement of the working centers in order to reduce labor and secure the greatest return for the money invested. In this new edition of " The Efficient Kitchen " a careful survey of the latest equipment has been made and all changes in price noted. We find marked progress in the perfecting of much of the labor-saving appliance which in 1914 was still in the experimental stage. The New Housekeeping ideas called for a changed point of view regarding work in the home. The logical result of a new way of thinking is the development of new resources con- forming to the new needs. America is never slow in responding to ideas that appeal to thought and invention. It is not surprising, therefore, that won- derful progress has been made in ten years in the design and perfection of appliance and in the storage equipment for the service room. Ten years ago the average kitchen was the most neglected and most poorly equipped room in the house. Today it rivals the business office in the beauty and convenience of its furnishings. There is a bewildering array of labor-saving equipment to choose from. Architects, contractors and manufacturers are responding to the230 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN new idea of making the work-room of the house convenient and beautiful. THE KITCHEN GROWS SMALLER The roomy kitchen is rapidly giving place to the specialized kitchenette. This has come about partly from choice and partly from necessity. High rentals and lack of domestic workers have made this change practical and desirable. A more careful study of the storage facilities is necessary; for every bit of space must be used to the best advantage. Ten years ago, if one wanted cupboards and cabinets conveniently planned, it. was necessary to have them made to order. Today there is a wonderful array of ready-made cabinets to choose from, of wood or of enamelled steel. THE DINING-ROOM DISAPPEARS IN MANY HOMES Not only have kitchens become smaller, but the tiny space allotted to the kitchen must often serve for dining-room as well. In many cases an alcove at the end or side of the kitchen is equipped with a built-in table and benches in the Pullman style. . This is called " the breakfast alcove," or " Pullman- nook." We find this frequently in city kitchenettes and also in country kitchens. This idea, too, was born of conserving space. It has been welcomed by the woman doing her own work, because of its con- venience. In many homes each member of thePROGRESS SINCE 1914 231 household has a separate breakfast and luncheon hour. It therefore saves many trips, in serving " meals at all hours," to eliminate the dining-room. If, indeed, the landlord has not already eliminated it! Even in larger houses and in families employing help, we find " the breakfast alcove " equally prac- tical, since it can be reserved for the use of house- hold workers. Such a comfortable rest corner is needed whether one employs resident or non-resident help. If it is not advisable to instal built-in equip- ment, one can use a drop-leaf table, and two or more chairs. Breakfast sets, as they are called, come in painted, unpainted and hard wood finish for a rea- sonable price. One cannot, however, feel that the tendency to conform to space-saving ideas is altogether good. While it is possible to eliminate the dining-room, the " breakfast alcove idea " ought to be carried out in conjunction with an out-of-door breakfast porch or specialized sitting-room. At least one meal a day should be served in restful and beautiful sur- roundings. It is quite possible to furnish the living- room so that it may meet this need and be available the year round for meals in which the family join. There are many kinds of furniture to choose from in furnishing a combined sitting-room-dining-room. These include gate-leg tables, nested tables, and ad- justable table tops, as well as wicker and mission furniture. The kind of furniture would, of course,232 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN depend on the size of the family as well as on per- sonal preferences. In a great many homes it would be possible to have really delightful out-of-door dining-rooms with growing plants to add beauty. Back yards could be so developed as to furnish lovely vistas of trees and green lawn. The rest and joy that beautiful surroundings bring is quite as real a need as con- serving time or money. As we realize this we will find that it is possible to bring it about. THE UNIT STORAGE IDEA One of the great difficulties ten years ago in recommending new ideas and adequate storage fa- cilities for the kitchen was the fact that everything of this kind had practically to be made to order. This involved a good deal of time and thought in planning and made it necessary to hire skilled cabinet makers to carry out the ideas. There is now a large variety of well-made storage equipment on the mar- ket of fine appearance and good workmanship. Moreover, the idea that has made it possible to satis- factorily meet this need is one that has long been in use in business offices and stores, the Unit Storage idea. In its simplest form, the home has for a long time made use of such units in the form of sectional book- cases. Those who have tried the sectional book-case prefer it to any other portable kind; because one can buy just what one needs and add to it as one'sPROGRESS SINCE 1914 233 library increases. When one moves, it can be taken apart, packed in strong cartons and carried to the new home. Since it may be installed in long lines across the entire width of the room or set up as single units to fit smaller spaces, the sectional book- case adapts itself to the new home as well as it did to the old. The only difference being that it is now assembled in a new way to fit the new space require- ments. The business man has for a long time been able to avail himself of the Unit Storage plan in equipping his office with filing cabinets. Home-makers may be very grateful that this new idea has been devel- oped in cupboards and cabinets to meet every storage need of the kitchen. While these cabinets are ex- pensive in first cost, they are very well made and will last many years. Those who cannot afford to purchase this beau- tiful and convenient equipment can carry out the idea in home-made cabinets on the same plan. The possi- bilities of home-made furniture have been brought to the attention of the home-maker through Miss Brigham's book on " Box Furniture." In planning units for camps and inexpensive homes one can use ordinary packing boxes of the right size; or the units may be made of lumber to match the trim of the kitchen. The open shelf system, described on pages 49-53 " The Efficient Kitchen " is also an inex- pensive method of obtaining Unit Storage. The shelf may be a long one or may be made up of severalTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN shorter lengths to give the needed capacity and to utilize the wall space to best advantage. Thus we see that convenience is not dependent upon the price of material used, but upon the idea itself. HOW TO USE THE UNIT IDEA TO BEST ADVANTAGE One must decide, at the start, upon the make of cabinet one is to instal; for they should all be pur- chased from the same manufacturer so that they will match in design, height, etc. One usually begins with the kitchen cabinet. To this one adds units in which to store china, utensils, brooms and cleaning outfit, a cupboard above the sink, a cereal and plate warmer (Fig. 6) and ironing board cabinet. These may be grouped near the kitchen cabinet, or as sep- arate units, conforming to the idea of scientific grouping described in Chapter III. ELECTRICITY REPLACES DOMESTIC SERVICE While labor-saving electric appliance for the home has been on the market for at least twenty-five years, it is only within the past ten years that it has come to be regarded as a substitute for domestic service. The rapid development along this line dated perhaps from the shortage of help during war time. Women who had never done their own work before were then forced to do it, and began to welcome equipment that lightened the burden. The money formerly spent for household workers was now spent in instal-PROGRESS SINCE 1914 235 ling this wonderful new equipment. It proved to be an investment that paid. Electricity has enabled the housekeeper to overcome the drudgery and bur- den of housework; to shorten her working hours and to devote more time to outside interests. By securing and using the ballot, women have now a means of actively co-operating with men in freeing the home from trust control. We therefore find a very different attitude regarding the purchase of labor-saving equipment. It is now considered in the light of a paying investment and not as a luxury that only the rich can afford. In a recent report by the Smithsonian Institute a strong plea is made for the extension of electric power service to country districts, so that farm women may universally avail themselves of elec- tricity. This report advocates the installation of electric equipment costing over $1,400, because it would enable the farm woman to do her work with half the labor and thus be a paying investment. Predictions are made by competent authorities that electric power consumption will, in 1937, be six times what it is today. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT IS TODAY WELL PERFECTED The following equipment has reached an almost perfect development in the last ten years and can now be selected on a record of service. Just how much of it one instals should be decided by the236 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN amount of work to be performed and the value of the home-maker's time. Under right conditions each appliance will be found a profitable investment. The operating cost of these items of equipment is not high, except for ranges and hot water heaters. In giving the list we have placed at the top those which are most needed in every home. Electric iron. Small electric appliance—percolator, toaster, etc. Electric washing machine. Electric vacuum cleaner. Electric waffle iron. Electric fireless cooker. Electric fan.' Electric radiator. Electric dish-washing machine. Electric range. Electric ironing machine. Electric refrigeration. FURNISHING THE HOT WATER SUPPLY The improvement in equipment for heating the water supply of the house, during the past ten years, has been chiefly in three types of appliance. I. In the simple type of laundry and tank heaters illustrated on page 75, Fig. 7. There has been a new kind of section invented which can be installed in such heaters and which is not affected by the chem- ical action of any kind of water. The result is clean hot water, free from any discoloration or deposit. II. A great improvement has been made in the type of heater illustrated on page 81, Fig. 10. This type has now been perfected, as illustrated on pagePROGRESS SINCE 1914 237 83, Fig. 11, into what is called Automatic Storage Systems, which come both in gas and electric ap- pliance. As we stated in describing this type of heater, it is constructed on a better principle than the type of heaters outside the boiler, because it con- serves heat better. Realizing this, manufacturers have spent a good deal of money perfecting the burner and automatic attachment. By this auto- matic device the heat of the. water is maintained at any desired temperature. The gas is lighted, the thermostat set, and when the cold water reaches the degree of heat desired, the gas is automatically shut off. When the temperature falls below the given point the gas lights again automatically, always maintaining the given temperature. The tanks should be insulated. A heater is on the market which has an insulated tank with beautiful gray enamel finish, attractive enough so that the tank may be located in the kitchen. III. Great improvement has been made in kero- sene hot water heaters, increasing their efficiency by using two burners instead of one. This kind of heater is used especially in country districts where gas is not available and by those who cannot afford the extra operating cost of electric heating. They give very good results if the directions for care and cleaning are followed.238 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN HEATING THE WATER IN WINTER BY MEANS OF FURNACE COILS On page 73 attention is called to the loss of heat- ing efficiency if the furnace is used to heat the water supply of the house by means of coils located in the furnace or attached to the furnace. Still the prac- tice is very general of making the furnace perform this extra service. Some heating contractors esti- mate that it requires 20 per cent more coal to run a furnace so equipped. Nevertheless, it is true that in many parts of the country the period of intensely cold weather lasts but a short time. During the rest of the year the furnace does not need this extra capacity for house heating, and can perform both tasks. It will, of course, cost more in fuel, but no more in time and labor. We therefore find that the practice has many advantages for climates where the temperature is variable throughout the winter. Fur- naces now come equipped with two-cored openings for the installation of coils. The plumber charges from $12.00 to $15.00 to furnish and instal coils. In some localities where there are lime deposits from the water, the coils must be renewed every three to six years. The renewal costs usually five to seven dollars. For steam and vapor furnaces a special type of casting, with coils inside, is attached to the furnace. This costs, installed, approximately twenty-five dol- lars.PROGRESS SINCE 1914 239 CHANGES IN WALL TREATMENT AND FLOOR SURFACE The small kitchen needs superior paint and more constant renewing of paint than large kitchens; for the cooking vapours are concentrated in smaller space. When mixed with dirt, and especially with soft coal dust, this greasy film is very hard to re- move without damaging the appearance of the paint. A new method of starching the kitchen wall has been developed, which enables one to clean the paint semi- annually with little effort and without marring its appearance. After the paint is dry, a thin solution of starch is applied to the walls, using a very wide brush, like a whitewash brush. During the year the dirt settles in this starch and may be removed by washing off the starch with warm water in wrhich a solvent is dissolved. The paint is now fresh and clean. The starch treatment is again applied and protects the walls until the next cleaning time. This work may be done by a painter or can be done by a member of the family. A superior method of laying linoleum has also been perfected in the last few years, by which lino- leum is laid over lining-felt. The felt is pasted to the floor and the linoleum pasted to the felt. The edges and seams are sealed by cement, so that no water can get under the edges through careless mop- ping. By this method, a softer, warmer floor is secured and the wearing quality is greatly increased.THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN It is also possible, by using this method, to lay linoleum over concrete floors, using it as a rug, and leaving a uniform border of concrete around the edge. The cost of laying linoleum in this way is ninety cents per square yard, which covers the cost of lining-felt, paste, cement and labor. This addi- tional cost is justified for rooms which receive very hard wear, and can be considered a permanent in- vestment. The practice of using rubber mats for the kitchen is now quite general. Small rugs may be purchased for $1.50 each; or one may buy rubber matting by the yard and cut it in suitable sizes to protect the floor in front of the different centres. Separate rubber stair treads, costing twenty-five cents each, are useful to use in the sink to protect the surface. APPEARANCE AND HIGH COST OF EQUIPMENT The new equipment is beautiful, easily kept clean, well designed and very expensive. There seems to be a universal demand for equipment that is attrac- tively finished. Plain but equally serviceable models of stoves, cabinets, etc., do not sell well. For those who can afford the beautiful finish and the details that add to the appearance but not to the intrinsic usefulness of an article there is every reason to pur- chase it. But there are many who select equipment judging by appearance alone. Instead of looking up the record of the manufacturer, or making any studyPROGRESS SINCE 1914 241 of the construction of a given piece of equipment, they are carried away by external appearance and a slightly lower cost. A special caution for the inex- perienced is therefore necessary. Do not be be- guiled by a plausible salesman into purchasing any- thing bat the best of its kind. There is usually not much difference in price between the best and an imitation of the same thing. Either buy the best or purchase sensible, well made, plain apparatus that carries a guarantee for honest construction. Let no home-maker be discouraged who cannot afford the beautifully designed storage cabinet, one unit of which is illustrated on page 116. We have time and again fitted up kitchens conveniently and inexpensively by converting an old piece of furniture into a well-planned storage cabinet. When painted or varnished to match the trim of the kitchen it was attractive in appearance as well as convenient. THE KITCHEN OF THE FUTURE All women look forward to the day when modern invention will free them from the multiplicity of details summed up by the word " housekeeping." It is especially desirable that home-making cares be simplified for mothers and professional women. Neighborhood co-operation could do much to bring this about. Groups of families could unite in solv- ing problems of laundry work, cooking and market- ing. Kitchenettes would not need, then, to beTHE EFFICIENT KITCHEN equipped for carrying on so many tasks. In some localities it has already been demonstrated that soup- making, baking of roasts, bread, pastry and cakes can be done as well in central kitchens and just as economically. In other localities well-cooked meals are prepared and delivered hot to individual fami- lies by using the wonderful thermos containers. When co-operation thus simplifies the work of the individual home, kitchenettes can be planned to carry on only the lighter tasks of assembling, storing and serving food. More time could then be spent in serving food in an attractive way. The home would not lose by having some of its burdens removed. SOFT WATER FOR KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY USE An adequate supply of soft water is very advan- tageous for many home processes. When soap is used with hard water it leaves a deposit which sticks to the enamelled surfaces of the lavatory, bath tub, kitchen sink, and laundry tubs. This deposit greatly increases the labor of keeping this equipment clean. Hard water also considerably increases the danger from lime scale in the coils of the hot-water heater, ultimately causing the replacement of expensive plumbing equipment. In laundry work, this lime sediment settles in the fiber of the fabric, and unless removed by careful rinsing weakens the fiber and ultimately destroys the clothing. It is therefore both a convenience and an economy to have an adequatePROGRESS SINCE 1914 243 supply of soft water. There are three ways of se- curing this. The first is the old-fashioned method of building a cistern to collect the rain water from the roof. A simple pitcher pump connected with the cistern will furnish soft water for kitchen and laundry. This method is comparatively inexpensive. The second system requires the installation of a pressure pump which forces the cistern water through the hot-water system and to the faucets at the kitchen sink, lavatories, and laundry tubs. This equipment costs around $200.00. It is very impor- tant that the cistern be well constructed and equipped with an efficient filter. The third method of secur- ing an adequate supply of soft water involves the installation of a water softener of the zeolite type. The city water supply passes through the softener and is thereby freed from the destructive salts of lime and magnesia. This type of softener is rather expensive but extremely satisfactory except for ex- cessively hard waters. It costs in the neighborhood of $250.00. Prices for Convenient Reference HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Group I: 1. Automatic Storage Systems: Gas, installed ..................$100.00 to $150.00 Electric, installed—if price of tank is included $110.00 to 125.00 b. Instantaneous-gas .................$155.00 to 215.00244 THE EFFICIENT KITCHEN Group II: i. Water back in kitchen range, 30-gallon boiler. .$ 27.50 2. Coal-burning heater, 30-gallon boiler....................55-5° With improved water section............................61.50 3. Circulating water heater—indirect or outside boiler ....................................................50.00 Direct, with gas burner inside boiler....................40.00 4. Circulating water heater—kerosene with boiler: One burner ............................................................60.00 Two burner............................................................70.00 Group III: Water heated by means of furnace coils for fur- naces equipped with core openings, $10 to.. 26.00 The figures given above include average cost, installed. Accurate estimates should be secured from local plumbers, as there are many makes of appliance and installation costs vary. In localities where hard water causes corrosion insist on estimates which specify brass pipe in connecting appliance to boiler. AVERAGE COST OF RELIABLE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Dish-washing machine, household size ..........$145.00 Fan, for ventilation as well as cooling air....... I7-5° Fireless cooker, with equipment................. 35-00 Hot-water heating system, electric, installed (price of tank not included)...............$95-00 to 105.00 Iron, 6-lb. size ................................ 6.75 Electric Ironing Machines: 44" roll, electric driven, gas heated roll......$160.00 44" roll, electric driven, gasoline heated roll.. 190.00 44" roll, electric driven, electric heated roll. .. 215.00 The installation will cost from $10.00 to..... 15.00. Percolator .................................... 18.00 Radiator, for supplementary heating, 10" size..... Range, different sizes...................$60.00 to 225.00 Refrigeration or ice-making appliance........... 195-00 Table stove with special attachments............ 12.50PROGRESS SINCE 1914 245 Toaster..................... Vacuum cleaner, bag-stick type Waffle iron .................. Washing machines ........... ..........$ 9.00 ......... 40.00 .......... 15-00 $110.00 to 165.00 To some of these appliances the cost of installation must be added. 1924 PRICE OF BUILDING MATERIALS Cement and composition flooring, includes base-board and laying per sq. foot, 50 to 60 cts. Flooring, 6-inch No. 2 flooring, if floor is to be covered with linoleum, $4.50 per 100 feet. Flooring, hard-wood, 2^-inch % N. C. pine, flat-grained, kiln-dried, $8.50 per 100 feet. Glazed tile (price includes baseboard and laying), $1.25 to $I-75 Per square foot. Kalsomine, one coat glue or varnish sizing and one coat kalsomine, 20 cts. per square yard. Linoleum, best grade inlaid, new patterns, $3.00 to $3.50 per square yard. Linoleum, best grade inlaid, discontinued patters, consid- erable reductions. Linoleum, printed, D grade, 85 cts. to $1.25 per sq. yard. North Carolina pine flooring—see Flooring. Paint for walls, floor, etc., per sq. yard, 20 to 80 cts. Rubber mats, $1.50, or cut in strips, $1.25 per yard. Rubber mat for sink, stair treads at 25 cts. each. Washable oil cloth paper, sold by roll, average price per sq. yard, 40 cts. Zinc, sold in sheets, strip 30 inches wide by 6 ft. costs $3.00. AVERAGE PRICE OF SKILLED LABOR Carpenters .......... Electricians.......... Expert to lay linoleum Expert to hang shades Painters............. Plasterers ........... Plumbers............ Tinners ............. $1.00 per hour and up. 1.65 per hour. 1.00 per hour. 1.00 per hour. 1.35 per hour. J-35 Per hour. 1.50 per hour. 1.50 per hour.GLOSSARY The vocabulary of the new housekeeping is often a source of confusion to housekeepers. Unfamiliar words are used, or perfectly familiar words are used in a new sense. Certain technical or trade words are also necessary in describing processes or giving direc- tions for construction. Built-in-Conveniences.— As used in the Efficient Kitchen refers to shelf room, closets built into the wall, etc, and such other home-made contrivances as a carpenter can instal. Cleat.— " A strip nailed or otherwise secured across a board, post, etc., for any purpose, as for supporting the end of a shelf" (Century Dictionary). In this book cleat means a narrow strip of wood nailed to the wall, from which brooms, mops, etc., may be sus- pended. Fixed-Equipment.— Refers to the kind of equip- ment that must be permanently located, such as sink stove, etc. Grill.— A flat perforated metal shelf to fit over the top of a steam or hot water radiator in kitchen or dining-room. Used for drying kitchen ware and keep- ing dishes warm in kitchen where there is no kitchen range. Insulation.—" That state in which the communica- 247248 GLOSSARY tion of heat to other bodies is prevented by the inter- position of a non-conductor: also the material or sub- stance which insulates." Pantry.— Technically " an apartment or closet in which provisions are kept or where plates and knives are cleaned." In this book the term refers to the smaii intervening room between kitchen and dining-room, often called " Butler's Pantry." Radiator.— Defined in the Century Dictionary as " Anything which radiates: anything from which rays of heat emanate or radiate. Also a part of a heating apparatus designed to communicate heat to a room chiefly by convection but partly in some cases by radiation." The term is used in The Efficient Kitchen to apply to the soap stone or iron discs which are used as the heating agents in fireless cook stoves. Also used to designate the steam or hot water coils used to heat a room. Stove.— Defined in the Century Dictionary as "A closed or partly closed vessel or receiver in which fuel is burned, the radiated heat being used to warm a room or for cooking." In common usage the word " stove " and " range " are used interchangeably, but manufacturers of coal stoves and ranges make a tech- nical distinction. A " stove" has the collar for the smoke-pipe in the top at the end opposite the firebox and has two oven doors on opposite sides. A " range " has the collar for the smoke-pipe at right angles to the firebox, in the middle of the top at the back, and has but one oven door.GLOSSARY 249 Thermos Bottle.— A bottle having a double wall so insulated as to retain the heat or cold in the liquid placed in it. Vent Valve.— A safety or poppet valve placed in the cover of a fireless cook stove to allow steam to escape when the pressure inside is sufficient to lift the valve. The valve makes roasting and baking possible, without the necessity of opening the cooker to release the surplus steam.INDEXINDEX Account Keeping, 199, 206, 220, 221 Administration, 9, 11 Agate ware, 127, 133, 140, 160, 184 Alcohol, denatured, 96 Alcove, breakfast, 230-231 Aluminum, care of, 179, 183- 184 double boiler of, 147 lining to fireless cooker, 150 steamer, 154 tea-kettle of, 162 Analysis, of expenses, 205 of processes, 37-39 Asbestos, 75, 76, 82 Architect, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26, 229 Ash can, 90 Ash sifter, 114 Automatic, 82, 83, 84, 86, no, 222, 237, 243 Bags, 135, 142, 159, 173 for cracking ice, 142 Barrel, 173, 174 Boiler, clothes, 191, 195, 196, 197 hot water, 72, 74, 75-82, 85, 86, 237 Brass, care of, 184 Bread, box, 42, 43 cutting of, 39, 130 slicer, 157 Breakfast, alcove, 230 sets, 231 Cabinet, 233 for fireless cooker outfits, 150-151 251 Cabinet, Cont. for ironing board, 234 kitchen, 116-118, 230, 234 built-in, oppos. page 214 space saving, 168 Card system, 215, 218, 221- 226 cost of outfit for, 225 Care of aluminum ware, 179, 183-184 Cellar, cold closet in, 56, 207 Cement, cost of, 245 Chemicals, for cleaning, 58, 60, 180, 185, 191 Children, 10, 60, 61, 62, 188 Cistern, for soft water, 243 Cleaning, cloths, 17, 59, 60, 61 implements and tools, 59, 60, 180-181 materials, 180 Cleaning outfit, 17, 60, 134, 234 cost of inexpensive, 134, 142 special place for, 47 Cleat, 60-62 Closet, 58, 59, 126 cold, 54-56, 126, 188, 189 for children's wraps, 61, 62 for cleaning outfit, 17, 58, 60 for groceries, 48, 213 for incoming supplies, 57, 213 for keeping dishes warm, 68 . for light housekeeping, 164 for provisions, 52-53 for wraps, 17, 47, 61-62 Cloths, for cleaning, 17, 59, 60, 61252 INDEX Coal, for cooking, 63, 65, 89- 91 for heating water supply, 70-79 provision for storage, 62-63, 114 supply governed by monop- oly, 6 Coal box, 47 Coal range, 64-66, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 113-114, 137 separate flue needed for, 25 Coal stove (see Range), 91, 171, 187 Coat-bar, 61-62 Cold storage facilities, 53-56, 126 for vegetables, 47, 56, 126 Concentration of working processes, 14, 44 illust., page 156 a Conserving energy, 9, 15, 37, 42-44 heat, 77, 237 Containers, 42 for cooking supplies, 118 for cooked food, 133 sanitary care of, 188-189 Copper, care of, 184 Dining-room, 230 Dishes, for cooked food, 41, 132, 133, 140, 141 grouping of, 43 Dish-washing, 15, 16, 175-179, 182 care of hands after, 179 facilities for, 15 getting dishes ready for, 176-177, 182 outfit to lighten, 176 simplification of, 175-179 Dish-washing machine, 175 electric, 236 Electric Appliances, 94, 97, 98, 235, 236 current, 83 Electric Appliances, Cont. dish-washing machine, 236, 244 fan for ventilation, 244 fireless cooker, 94, 115, 143, 145, 157, 162, 167, 236 hot water heating system, 86, 244 ice-making equipment, 124 iron, 97, 191, 193, 194, 195, 236, 244 ironing machine, 197, 236, 244 laundry equipment, 198, 236 percolator, 236, 244 radiator, 236, 244 range, 94, 98, 114-115, 157, 236, 244 refrigeration, 124, 236, 244 stove, 65, 66, 105 toaster, 158 waffle iron, 245 washing machine, 194, 198 Electricity, 26, 96, 115, 165 displaces domestic service, 234-235 for cooking, 93-94, 127, 166 for light housekeeping, 166 to light kitchen, 12, 26 wiring for, 97-98 Equipment, price lists of, 131- 143, 157-159 considerations in choosing, f6. coordination of, 37-43 cost of inexpensive outfit of, 136 cost of liberal outfit of, 143 for dining-room, 158-159 for light housekeeping, 144, 163-169 for small family, 143-144 labor-saving, 9, 129, 130, 145-159, 229 miscellaneous, 134-135 of Colonial kitchens, 127-128 perfected, 235-236 principles governing selec-INDEX 253 tion of, 96, 128-129, 161- 162 promoting accuracy, 130 scientific grouping of, 40-42 Fireless Cooker, 96, 106, 112, * 129, 134, 137, 145-149, 153, 167 advantages of, 151 advantageous use of, 145- 148 as a fuel saver, 128, 146 care of, 149 combination gas stove and, 112 cost of, 134, 143 development of, 92 essentials of good makes of, 150-151 location of, 42 stand for, 150-151 used with gas stoves, 106 used with kerosene stoves, 94, 105 Floor, 31-35, 239, 245 cement, 34-35, 245 cost of, 32-33 hardwood, 33, 246 treatment of, 33 Floor covering, 31-33, * 239- 240 Flue, 17, 25 Food warming, 66, 68 Frying pans, care of, 183 Fuel, 16, 62, 65 choice of, 88-98 Furnace, heating water sup- ply, 73-74, 84, 238 Garbage, 47, 170-174 box to conceal, 172 collection of, 171, 174 daily care of, 173-174 Gas, advantages of, ix, 91-93, 105 for burning garbage, 170 for heating hot water sup- ply, 80-86 Gas, Cont. for light housekeeping, 165 for lighting kitchen, 26 Gas heaters, 80-85, 237 cost of, 243-244 different types of, 80-85, 237 Gas kitchen, 67 Gas oven, 67, 107-108, 109 Gas ranges and stoves, 67, 91- 93, 106 choice of, 107-112 cost of, 108, 109, IIO, III construction of, 107 Gas and coal combination ranges, 112-114 Granite ware, care of, 184 Grill, 67 Hands, care of, 179 Heat• control, iio-in Heating systems, 57 the home, 105 Heating water supply, 70-87, 243-244 by means of coal range, 64- 65, 105 by means of coils in fur- nace, 73-74, 84, 86, 238, 244 by means of gas heaters, 80- 85 by means of kerosene heat- ers, 85 by means of laundry stoves, 74-79, 236 cost of, 243-244 Home-maker, x, xiii, 1, 4, 10, 11, 18, 19 Home-making, author's ex- perience in, vi-xii controlled by circumstance, 10 successful, 11 Hot water heater, location and care of, 79 Hot water heating (see Heat- ing water supply)254 INDEX Hot water supply, 70, 76, 79, 82, 84, 86 Housekeeping Experiment Station, ix, xi, 76, 77, 152, 179, 201, 208, 225 Ice-making Appliance, 124, 236 Insulated ovens, 111 Insulation, 82, 119, 123, 238 Iron, electric, 191, 236, 244 Ironing (see Laundry work), 192 board, 195 illustration of, 195-196 labor-saving equipment for, 193-194, 195-196 reducing amount of, 191, 192 upstairs room for, 192 Jacket for hot water boiler, 72-73, 75. 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 85 Jogger, 224, 225 Kalsomine, cost of, 29, 245 Kerosene, 86, 112, 113, 187, 237 advantages as a fuel, 94, 96, 165 for cleaning, 182, 187 heaters, portable, 66, 85-86, 237, 244 law regulating specific grav- ity of, 96 safety of, 96 to heat kitchen, 66 to light kitchen, 26, 27 Kerosene ranges, 105, 112-. 113, 136 repair parts to, 95 Kitchen, advantages of small, 13-14, 190, 230 artificial lighting of, 26-27 as a training school, 11 awkwardly arranged, ix business side of, 199-217 Kitchen, Cont. care in planning, 9, 17-19, 229-230 choice of methods and ma- terials for, 19, 20 concentration of processes, in, 16, 44 (illustration," page 156) cost of building materials for, 228, 243 cost of furnishing, 135-138, 142-143 cost of skilled labor in building, 243 cost of wall finish, 28-30 flue connection of, 17, 25 finish of walls and ceiling of, 27-30 grouping of equipment in, 9, 37-44 heating of, 16, 64-66 in Colonial days, 12 large, 12, 13 needs of modern, 4, 13, 14- 19, 26 of the future, 229, 241-242 outfit of paper for, 161 places for utensils in, 51-53 plumbing, 17, 103-104 lists of equipment for, 127- 144 records, 214-217 relation to flues, etc., 25-26 relation to other rooms, 21- 23 . selection of fixed equipment for, 99-126 selection of labor-saving equipment for, 145-162 size of, 13, 14, 20-21, 230 small conveniences for, 160- 161 small necessities for, 159- 160 table, 116 remodelled, illustration fac- ing pages 44, 130, 156 with butler's pantry, 21-22INDEX 255 Kitchen, Cont. without closet facilities, 48- 49 Kitchen cabinet, 17, 47, 116- 118, 140, 214 Kitchen floor, 31-35 cement preparation for, 34- 35 daily care of, 187-188 linoleum for, 31-35, 239- 240 tile for, 35 treatment of, 33-34 Kitchen walls and ceilings, 27- 3° cost of wall finish, 28-30 tile for, 30 treatment of old, 29, 239 Kitchen windows, arrange- ment of, 17, 23-25, 164 Kitchen woodwork, 35-36 Kitchenette, 20, 28, 51, 52, 102, 123, 142, 164, 168, 230 illustration of, 94, 130 of Pullman system, 123 refrigerator, 122 sink, 100, 168 Labor-saving, viii equipment, 9, 129, 145-162, 176 laundry equipment, 193-197 Laundry (see Ironing and Washing), 190-198 arrangement for, 17 cost of outfit for, 138, 194- 197 problem solved, 198 soft water for, 242-243 small upstairs, 20, 191 Laundry heater, 75-77, 86, 136 advantages of, 75, 76, 136 best location for, 79 care of, 79 cost of installing, 76, 136, 143, 244 cost of maintenance, 77, 136 Laundry tubs, portable, 191, 197 stationary, 190 Laundry work, not adapted to kitchen, 190 reduced in amount, 192- 193 solved by cooperation, 190 Lighting, 23 artificial, 26-27 Light housekeeping, equipment for, 163-169 Linen, dining-room, 44, 158 kitchen, 134, 142 Linoleum, accuracy in meas- uring, 31 advantages as a floor cover- ing, 31-33 cost of, 245 superior method of laying, 239-240 Lists, of articles to group near range, 40 of articles to group near sink, 40 of articles to group near table, 41 of articles requiring special storage, 42 of advantages of electric iron, 194 of advantages of gas as a fuel, 93 of advantages of gas stove, 108 of cleaning chemicals, 180 of cleaning cloths, 180 of cleaning implements and tools, 180-181 of desirable dining-room equipment, 157-159 of electric equipment, 236, 244-245 ^ of groceries, 209-210 of housekeeper's tools, 181 of hot water heating sys- tems, 86, 243-244256 INDEX Lists, Cont. of labor-saving equipment, 157-158 of laundry equipment, 197 of necessary kitchen equip- ment, 131-143 of paper outfit for kitchen, 161 of requirements of fireless cookers, 150 of requirements of refrig- erators, 124-125 of small kitchen con- veniences, 160 Maid's Sitting Room, 20, 66 Mats, rubber, 240, 245 Newspaper, kitchen uses for, 135, 159. l6l> J73, 183 nickel ware, care of, 185 Operating Cost, 84, 87, 96 Ovens, elevated, 109, 112 enamelled lining to, 108 gas, 107, 108, 109 portable, 69, 95, 108, 109 Oven thermometer, 90 Plate and Cereal Warming Closets, 68, 69, 234 illustrated, 68 Paint, for kitchen floor, 33-34, 245 for walls, 29, 245 for woodwork, 35-36 Paper, washable oil-cloth, 30, 245 Pantry, butler's, 21-22, 42, 43 storage, 209 Percolator, 166 Place, for coal bin, 63 for kitchen fuels, 62 for kitchen utensils, 51 Planning the kitchen, 12-36, 229 Plaster, 19, 27-28 Plumbing, 85, 99, 101, 103 Pot covers, 160 Price lists, of building ma- terials, 245 of cost of electric appliance, 159, 244-245 of hot water heating sys- tems, 243-244 of labor-saving equipment, . 157-158, 159. 244-245 . of necessary kitchen equip- ment, 131-143 of skilled labor, 245 Principle, in choice of con- tractor, 20 in choice of equipment, 96, 128 in choice of materials and methods, 19 in grouping equipment, 4 of banking, 203 of conservation, 5 of scientific grouping, 44 of engineering, x of kitchen construction, 14 of kitchen efficiency, 44-55 of kitchen management, 188 Processes, automatic, 9 analysis of kitchen, 37-40 analysis of dining-room, 43- concentration of working, 44 coordination of, 16, 44 housekeeping, 10 Provision for keeping food cold, 17, 47 for keeping food warm, 17, 47, 57, 66-69 for kitchen waste, 47 Pullman, kitchenette, 123 style, 230 work, 230 • Pump, pressure, 243 Quiet Corner, cost of equip- ment for, 225-226 need of a, 219-228 Radiator, for keeping food warm, 69INDEX 257 Radiator, Cont. to heat kitchen, 66, 143 of fireless cooker, 115, 146, 148, 150, 167 pantry, 68 Radiation, prevention of loss by, 75, 81, 82, 85 Range (coal), advantages of, 89-91, 105 connected with flue, 25 cost of, 91, 114, 137, 143 cost of installing, 91 daily care of, 187 description and uses of, 89- .91 displacement of, 89 economical management of, 72, 89, 90, 9i, 105 equipped with chute, 90 equipped with thermometer, 90 kitchen heated by, 64-66 wastefulness of, 65, 72 water supply heated by, 71- 73, 137 Range, coal and gas, 114 electric, 98, 114-115, 236, 244 kerosene, 95, 96, 105, 112- ii3 gas (see Stoves) Records, advantages of care- ful, 204, 214-217, 219 complete, 205 for care of equipment, 217 kitchen, 199, 214-217 of cooking, 216 of cooking temperatures, 146 of fuel expense, 74, 77, 78 of heating cost, 74 topics included in, 199, 215 Refrigerator, 17, 43, 47, 118- 126, 137, 142 chest, 134, 165 circulation of air in, 119- 120, 122, 125 daily care of, 125-126, 188 different types of, 121-123 Refrigerator, Cont. drain pipe of, 124 equipped with ice-making appliance, 124 equipped with rear icing door, 123-124 essential requirements of, 119-121, 124-126 for light housekeeping, 165 how to use economically, 120, 125 location of, 22, 44, 123 Refrigeration, 47 electric, 236, 244 Rest corner, 231 Salad Outfit, 141 Sal soda, 182, 183 Scientific grouping, 37-45 Scissors, 141, 160-161 Serving dish cookery, 163 Shelf, 22, 47, 50-53, 54-62, 117, 233 advantages of open, 49, 51, 233 advantages of narrow, 22, 45 above sink, 51 above work table, 49-51 best height for, 45 for kitchen utensils, 51-52 for sink solutions, 51 in coat closet, 61-62 in cold closet, 54-55, 126 in provision closet, 52-53 . special, 42 suspended from edge of, 45 warming, 67, 69 Sink, 16, 18, 47, 99-105, 136- 137, 143 articles to group near, 40, 131-132, 138-139 care of, 104, 178, 181-182 convenient height for, 99- 100 drain-boards of, 101-103, 168, 182 , group near, 40258 INDEX Sink, Cont. illustration of, 100, 168 kinds of, 100-103, 167 location of, 39, 99 outfit, 131 protecting metal parts of, 182 sanitary installation of, 99, 103-104 trap to, 103, 104 weekly care of, 182 Silver, cleaning of, 185-186 Standard type of kitchen, 4 Standardizing work, 3 Standard list of groceries, 209- 210 Starching walls, 28, 239 Steam cooking, 151-155 advantages of, 152 economy of, 152 Steamers, care of, 154 different types of, 42, 92, 153-154,164 illustration of, 153, 154 Steel knives and forks, care of, 186-187 Steel wool, 179 Storage conveniences, for fuel, 47 for groceries, 48-51 Stove, 16, 38, 47, 64, 65 coal (see Range), 89-91, 105 * daily care of, 187 electric, 105, 166 gas, 92, 93, 105-108, 108- 112, 136, 191 heating by means of, 64-66 kerosene, 65, 94, 95, 112-113, j36 supplementary, 76 wood, 88 Supplies, care of perishable, 207 cash purchasing of, 213 checking up, 213-214 closet for incoming, 57 Supplies, Cont. keeping track of, 207-209, 211-214 purchasing of supplies in small quantities, 206 purchasing of supplies in large quantities, 56, 206- 207 standard list of, 209-210 storage of, 164, 207 returning imperfect, 214 Supplementary appliance, 91, 105 arrangements, 107 cooking, 136 System, card, 223, 226 efficient, 9 of account keeping, 200- 201 of keeping track of things, 221 of purchasing supplies, 206, 207 of telephone ordering, 211 Table, gate leg, 231 nested, 231 surface, 15 tops, 231 work, 16, 47, 50, 116, 132, 189 Tank (see Boiler), 83, 86, 87 Tea making, process analyzed, 38-39 Temperature, of a refrigera- tor, 119, 121, 123, 124 of fireless radiators, 146, 148 of ovens, in of water in automatic heat- ers, 83 Thermometers, 130, 146 Thermos bottle, 156, 159, 167 Thermostat, 82, 83, 84 Tile, for kitchen floor, 35, 245 for kitchen walls, 30 Time, loss of, 217 Tin, care of, 184INDEX 259 Tools, for housekeeper, 61, 181 Trap, 103-104 Unit Storage, equipment, 38, 58, 69, 116 idea, 232-234 Utensils, care of, 183-187 choice of, 96, 128-129 serving double purpose, 161- 162, 197 Vacuum Cleaner, 236, 245 washer, 194-195, 196 Valve, 150 (see Glossary) Ventilation, 16, 207 of cold closet, 55, 126 of fireless cooker, 149 of kitchen, 23-25, 164 Wall, arrangement of space, 49, 234 avoid breaking up wall space, 50 economical use of wall space, 116, 118 in closet, 53 treatment of, 27-28, 239 utilized to best advantage, 49 washable paper for, 30 Wash boiler, 191 Washer, vacuum, 1q4-195 Washing (see Laundry work), Washing, Cont. cost of outfit for, 138, 197 Washing machine, viii, 198- 236, 245 Water, soft, 242-243 Water box, 70 Water back, 71-72, 86, 91, 244 Water softener, 243-244 Wheel cart, 103, 130, 159 cost of, 159 use in kitchen, 176-177 use in serving meals, 156 use in setting table, 155, 156 Windows, 17, 23-25, 50 Wood, advantages as a fuel, 88-89 Wood work, 35-36 Work shelf, 22 dimensions of, 22, 50 Work table, 45, 50, 116-117, 132 articles to group near, 41 best dimensions for, 50 cost of, 116 with supply shelves above, 49 Zinc, care of, 186 cost of, 186 for drainboards, 101, 103 for kitchen table, 115 for work shelf or table, 22, so, 69 in silver cleaning, 186 lining of, 57 THE ENDThis book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 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