DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR UNITED STATES COMMISSION THE TO THE MONOGRAPHS PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 ON E D U C A T I O N IN THE UNITED STATES E D I T E D BY NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER Professor of Philosophy and Education in Columbia University, New York 15 EDUCATION O F DEFECTIVES BY EDWARD ELLIS ALLEN Principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Overbrook, Pennsylvania T H I S M O N O G R A P H I S C O N T R I B U T E D T O T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S E D U C A T I O N A L E X H I B I T BY T H E STATE OF N E W YORK COPYRIGHT BY T. B. LYON COMPANY 1899 o *^ EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES Systematic care of the defective classes began in America in 1815, when a young theological student, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, started for Europe to study methods of teaching the deaf and dumb. A school for this class was opened in 1817, one for the blind in 1831, and one for the feeble-minded in 1845 — practically fifteen years apart. In each case the first schools were in New England, the second in New York, the third in Pennsylvania; and these schools followed one another quickly. All started in the face of more or less distrust as to their feasibility. At first all were experimental, being started through private initiative. A few pupils were taught and exhibited before the amazed public, when in the case of the deaf and the blind private funds in abundance were contributed and the schools quickly established as private corporations. In the case of the feebleminded the first school to be incorporated was a public organization—that is, it was supported by the state. Before 1822 the state had not been educated to the point of supporting schools for the special classes, but by 1848 it was ready to see its duty towards even the idiotic, though wealthy people were by no means prepared to contribute directly to schools for them. T h e three states named having ied the way, the movement spread quickly into Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and Illinois — in almost identical order for each special class. Here, however, the schools for the three classes arose as state institutions. It had become an accepted part of public policy for the state to provide a means of education for all her children. T h e superintendents of the early schools for the deaf and dumb were generally clergymen; those of the blind and the idiotic, generally physicians. T h e institutions were necessarily boarding schools ; and the early ones were 4 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [772 established as a rule in or near the state capitals, chiefly that their achievements might be kept before the members of the legislatures, on whose practical sympathy the continuance of the schools usually depended. T h e large private or semi-public institutions are confined to the eastern states, where the movement began. Their support comes chiefly from private bequests and the interest on invested endowment funds. All, however, receive what is termed state aid, and all make annual report to the state legislatures, to the commissioners of public charities or of public education, as the case may be. All these institutions are governed by honorary boards of trustees or managers, who appoint the superintendent or principal. In the semipublic organization the managers form a self-appointing, close corporation; in the public, they are appointed usually by the state governor, by whom they may also be removed. T h e semi-public institutions are usually well endowed. Their expenditures are, therefore, not limited by legislative g r a n t ; and, moreover, these institutions are free from political interference, an interference which, in the case of several of the state organizations, has seriously affected from time to time the efficiency of the institutions themselves. As a rule, the institution plants are large and well equipped. Even when within the built-up cities the buildings are surrounded with ample lawns and playgrounds. T h e appropriations of money are generous, whether the schools are public or semi-public. T h e earlier institutions were built on the congregate plan ; the later and those that have been rebuilt have generally adopted the segregate or cottage plan. T h e pupils are not committed to these institutions, but are admitted or rejected by the boards of trustees on the recommendation of the superintendents. T h e early institutions for all three classes of defectives began purely as schools. And all those existing to-day, except those for the feeble-minded, discharge or graduate all puoils after these have completed the course of instruc- 773] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 5 tion. W i t h the feeble-minded this plan was found to be inexpedient, for reasons which will be stated later. A very recent movement, started by the instructors of the deaf, is the affiliation of the educators of the defective classes with those of the national education association. It is being more and more recognized that the line between a defective and normal child cannot be drawn hard and fast, and that many a child who appears dull and stupid in school is in some measure defective. Hence, these special schools afford fields of most helpful suggestion to teachers of ordinary children. All persons intending to make teaching a vocation should become acquainted with these schools and their methods. It is interesting to note that systematic work for the deaf and dumb, the blind, and the feeble-minded began in France, and that to France America sent its early teachers to study methods and ascertain results. THE DEAF About the middle of the last century three schools for the deaf and dumb were opened in Europe, one in France, one in Germany, and one in Scotland. T h o u g h they sprang up at about the same time they were yet wholly independent in origin. In Paris the Abbe de l'Ep£e having observed two deaf-mute sisters conversing by means of gestures, seized upon the idea that in gesture language lay the secret of instructing the deaf and dumb. H e therefore elaborated a system of gesture signs and made it the medium of instruction in the school which he started. Heinicke in Dresden and Braidwood in Edinburg simply adopted articulate speech as the language of man and taught their pupils through it, requiring them to speak and read the lips of others. T h u s arose the two important methods of deafmute instruction. Reports of the successes, chiefly in the British school, having reached America, several parents of deaf-mutes sent their children to Scotland to be educated. These deaf 6 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES \_774- children returned no longer as m u t e s ; they were able to converse readily by speaking and lip reading. One of these parents was so delighted with his boy's schooling that he published a book in London and wrote articles for the New England periodicals, with the intention of arousing interest in the new work. This man also took steps to ascertain the number of deaf-mutes in Massachusetts. Another man in Virginia, some of whose relatives had attended Braidwood's school, even opened a little school for deaf and dumb pupils in his state, employing as its teacher one of the Braidwood family, who had come to America for the purpose of continuing in the profession of his family here. This was in 1812. T h e school was the first of its kind started in America. However, it was soon given up, as was a similar effort in New York, where a clergyman undertook to instruct several deaf children whom he found in an almshouse. Though the events above touched upon seemed to result in little, they yet had great effect in directing intelligent attention to this field of work. T h e y constitute its preliminary stages. It happened in Hartford, Conn., that there was a physician, one of whose little daughters had become deaf. W h y could not this child be educated as well as her hearing sisters ? W i t h this thought he spent some eight years in agitating the question of starting a school for deaf children. In 1815 money enough was raised in a single day to defray the expenses of sending a teacher abroad to study methods. A young graduate of Yale college and of a theological seminary was chosen as the teacher to go. T h i s was T h o m a s Hopkins Gallaudet, who was destined to become the founder of deaf-mute instruction in America. Of course he went to Great Britain. H e proposed to study the only method that Americans knew about. But the doors of the British schools were closed to him. H e found the science and art of teaching the deaf regarded as a business monopoly, whereas he had expected to find it conducted from his own motive of philanthropy. After 775] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 7 wandering about there for nine months he gave up hope of acquiring the Braidwood method and accepted an invitation to study methods at the Paris school. A t this school he spent the three remaining months of the year, a time far too short in which to acquire the special language of gesture signs. Hence, he induced a deaf-mute, who was teaching in the school, to accompany him to America. This man was the brilliant and accomplished Laurent Clerk, who became an engine of power for establishing schools for deaf-mutes in our country. T h u s was the French method or the signlanguage method brought to America. It was improved and further systematized by our early teachers and in this form was the basis of instruction in all our schools for half a century. During the absence of Dr. Gallaudet, influential men of Hartford had secured from the state legislature the incorporation 1 of the Connecticut asylum for the education and instruction of deaf and dumb persons. Upon his return he and Mr. Clerk traveled for eight months among prominent cities in behalf of the cause of the deaf. T h e exhibition of Laurent Clerk alone helped the cause as nothing else could have done. On April 15, 1817, school work began at Hartford with seven pupils. During the year 33 pupils came. This was the first permanent school in the country. While in other countries similar schools had no reliable basis of support, the founders of our schools immediately established theirs on a permanent basis. Private aid was necessary at first, but no sooner had the feasibility of the ,work been shown than public moneys were granted. In this year the Connecticut asylum changed its name to the American asylum at Hartford for the education and instruction of the deaf and d u m b ; for it was then supposed that one school could accommodate for many years all the pupils of the country who would attend school. But interest in the schooling of deaf-mutes had been aroused in other places. In 1818 a school was opened in New York under a teacher from Hartford; and in Philadelphia, where Dr. Gal- 8 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [776 laudet and Mr. Clerk had gone to obtain aid for the Hartford school, an humble storekeeper by the name of Seixas began to teach, in 1819, a little class of deaf pupils, and he was so successful that an institution was organized in 1820 with Seixas as first teacher and principal. In a very few months he was succeeded by a permanent principal from Hartford. Back in 1819 Massachusetts had provided an appropriation for the education of 20 indigent pupils at Hartford, and in 1825 New Hampshire and Vermont adopted the same policy. " Other states soon followed this good example. Thus, through the efforts of the founders of this [the Hartford] school, the humane, just and wise policy of educating deaf-mutes at the public expense was firmly estab-, lished in this country, and has been adopted by almost every state in the union. In some of the western states means for the education of deaf-mutes are secured by constitutional provision. This has put the schools for deaf-mutes in the United States on a better basis, financially, than those in any other part of the world." 1 Only two years after the founding of the Pennsylvania school, Kentucky followed with its institution, being t h e first to be supported by a state. T h e act establishing it limited the pupils at any one time to 25, and their term of instruction to three years. In fact limits of this kind are usually prescribed in all the early institutions. ( T h e Illinois school now has 612 pupils, and the New York schools allow a term of 17 years.) T h e first principal of the Kentucky school went to Hartford for a year to study methods. Ohio and Virginia soon followed in the good work. Both received their first superintendents from Hartford. Thereafter institutions sprang up rapidly in the south and west, taking their early superintendents or teachers either from the parent school at Hartford or from one or another of the older schools. In 1857 there was incorporated by the national congress the Columbia institution at Washington, D. C , which requires 1 Histories American schools for the Deaf.— American asylum, i: 13. 777] EDUCATION OF D E F E C T I V E S 9 special mention. Though originally intended as a school where the deaf children of government beneficiaries could be educated, circumstances of which not the least influential was the energy of its principal, Dr. Edward M. Gallaudet, son of the pioneer, soon brought about a change enabling the institution to confer collegiate degrees. T h e institution was then divided into two departments, the advanced department taking the name of the National deaf-mute college. Thus, in 1864, America had taken a step " unprecedented in the history of deaf-mute instruction." Most of the deaf and dumb are either born deaf or became so before acquiring language. T h e y are dumb because they are deaf, and without special instruction can never know any but a gestural language. T h e pioneer educators of the deaf in this country were all " broad-minded men of liberal education," and they set a high standard at the outset for the work. A language of signs they saw was the key to the instruction of their pupils, who, indeed, were allowed so few years of schooling, that no time was to be lost in laboring over the extraordinary difficulties of teaching them speech. Moreover, these teachers saw with great satisfaction the development of their pupils through the language of signs. This language is ideographic — " being readily expressive of ideas and emotions," rather than of phraseology. Put into words their order is entirely different from the natural order, thus, " Let it be supposed that a girl has been seen by a deaf-mute child to drop a cup of milk which she was carrying home. H e would relate the incident in the following order of sign words: Saw-I-girl-walk-cup-milk-carry-homedrop." x T h e late superintendent of the Illinois institution, Dr. Gillett, writes : " W h e n reduced to a system they [signs] form a convenient means of conveying to one mind the ideas conceived by another, though not clothed in the language in which a cultured mind expresses them. One addressed in the sign language receives the idea and translates it into Encyclop. Brit. (9th ed.) Am. reprint—Art. Deaf and dumb. IO EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [778 English without any intimation of the phraseology in the mind of the speaker, so that a dozen persons familiar with the sign language, observing the gesticulations of a speaker, would each translate correctly the thoughts given forth, but no two of them would be in exactly the same phraseology. It is a concrete language, in which the expression of abstract ideas is exceedingly difficult." x As the ideas are given out chiefly by means of hand gestures, schools using the sign language as a means of instruction are said to follow or use the manual method. 2 Among the manually-taught deaf this language early becomes the vernacular. As it is a language of living pictures, such deaf people think in pictures and dream in them. T h e sign language is said to be to the deaf what spoken language is to the hearing; and yet its use in the school room is deemed by many teachers extremely detrimental to the acquisition of the English language, and, therefore, unwise. All our educators of the deaf agree that giving to their pupils the ability to use the English language is their chief end and aim. T h e y differ widely, however, over the use of signs. T h e greater number believe a moderate use of them to be economical of time and extremely useful to the deaf in the acquisition of knowledge. T h e r e is a small but growing number who dispense with signs in toto just as soon as possible. These latter teach by the intuitive, direct or " English language method." T h e y teach English by and through English, spoken, read and written. It is extraordinarily difficult to get started by the oral or English language method. But teachers of this method claim that once well started their pupils advance more 1 Gillett. Some notable benefactors of the deaf. Pp. 14-15. The simple sign for cat well illustrates the graphic nature of the language. I n order to teach this sign, a sign teacher " w o u l d show the child a cat, if possible, or a picture of a cat, which would be recognized by the child. The next step would be to direct attention to the cat's whiskers, drawing the thumb and finger of each hand lightly over them. A similar motion with the thumb and finger of each hand above the teacher's upper lip at once becomes the sign for cat. The instructed deaf child will be expected to recall the object, cat, on seeing this conventional sign." Gordon. The difference between the two systems of teaching deaf-mute children the English language. Pp. 1-2. 2 779] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES II logically, more surely, more precisely, and finally more swiftly than the pupils of those permitting the intervention of signs. Advocates of using the signs together with other means claim that the minds of most of their new pupils are sluggish from want of language to think in, and that they need to be aroused by the quickest method ; that their pupils have already lost too many years of youth, and that to cause them to lose more because of a theory is wrong and wicked. This school asserts that " A large percentage of the deaf under proper methods can obtain a very useful amount of speech and lip-reading, but [that] there is also a large percentage of them that would be greatly restricted in their mental development, if allowed no other means of instruction," and continues: " W e are striving to take the golden mean, placing first in importance mental development and a knowledge of written language, and adding thereto in the case of every child speech and lip-reading to the degree that his capacity and adaptability allow him to acquire them." x And again, " For rapid and clear explanation, for testing the comprehension of the pupil, for lectures and religious instruction before large numbers of pupils, there is no other means equal in efficiency to the sign language. Its proper and conservative use always tends to mental development, saves time, and is the most efficient aid known in the acquisition of written and spoken language." 2 T h e other school affirms that the two methods or systems are mutually exclusive, saying: " Of course no pupil can be taught under the intuitive and the sign method at the same time, and it is impossible to combine into one system a method which is dependent upon the ' sign' language at every stage of instruction with a method which dispenses absolutely with the ' s i g n ' language at every stage in teaching the English language. In the 4 sign-language' method instructors aim to teach the vernacular language through 1 2 Third Biennial Report American school, p. 12. First Biennial Report American asylum, p. 17. 12 EDUCATION OF D E F E C T I V E S [780 the intervention of signs, but their deaf-mute pupils acquire a mixture of natural signs, pantomime, conventional signs and finger spelling which becomes the habitual vehicle of thought and expression, wherever it is possible to use a gestural language, to the exclusion of the English language. T h e intuitive method dispenses entirely with the crutch of the ' sign-language' in the mastery of English." x A form of the English language method, taught at the Rochester ( N . Y.) institution, substitutes finger spelling for signs as these are used in manual schools, and is called the " manual alphabet method." Superintendent Westervelt says of it, " It is the principle of our method of instruction that the child has a right to receive instruction through that form of our language which he can understand most readily, with the least strain of attention, and the least diversion from the thought to the organ of its expression." 2 So much for the rival methods, which, however, it is absolutely necessary to understand if we would comprehend the history of deaf-mute education in America. T h e history of the rise of the oral method is interesting. As has been said, the manual method reigned supreme for the first fifty years of the work. In 1843, Horace Mann, secretary of the Massachusetts state board of education, and Dr. Howe, director of the Perkins institution for the blind in Boston, made a tour of Europe. In his next annual report Horace Mann praised the oral method as taught in Germany, stating that it was superior to the method employed in America. T h e report was widely read, and caused no little commotion among our teachers of the deaf, several of whom went abroad to see for themselves. These gentlemen did not agree with Horace Mann, and little change was then made in American methods. Still as a result of their recommendations, classes in articulation were introduced into several schools. Later, in 1864, the father of a little deaf girl in Massachusetts began to agitate for the incorporation of ati 1 2 Gordon. The Difference between the two systems of teaching, etc., p. 3. Histories of American schools for the deaf, West. New York inst., 2: 11. 781] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES IJ oral school in that state. A small private school of the kind was soon opened near Boston. In the nick of time — for t h e opponents of opening an oral school were active — a Mr. Clarke of Northampton offered to endow a school for the deaf in Massachusetts. T h e project being favored by the governor of the commonwealth, and by Dr. Howe, who was then secretary of the state board of charities, the legislature incorporated in 1867 the Clarke institution at Northampton, which was opened as an oral school. In the same year a former teacher of an Austrian school opened in New York w h a t soon became the New York institution for the improved instruction of deaf-mutes. This invasion of the field so long occupied by the silent method of signs occasioned much controversy. Dr. Edward M. Gallaudet, president of the Columbia institution, at once went abroad to examine schools and their methods. Upon his return he reported that if the whole body of the deaf were to be restricted to one kind of instruction, he favored results to be obtained by the manual methods of America; but he maintained " the practicability of teaching a large proportion of the deaf to speak and to read from the lips," x and advocated the introduction of articulation into all the schools of the country. As a result a conference of principals of American institutions met at Washington, which adopted resolutions in the line of President Gallaudet's recommendations. Classes in articulation were then very generally introduced. During the next few years a gradual movement abroad towards the abolition of signs was evident; and at the second international conference at Milan, in 1880, an overwhelming majority of the delegates present voted in favor of the oral method. Even the French delegates were found to have abandoned the method that originated with them in favor of the oral method. A t the various conventions of the American instructors of the deaf, more and more atten1 Quoted in Gordon's notes and observations upon t^>* education of the deaf, p. xxix. 14 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [782 tion came to be paid to the question of methods. Then, conventions of articulation teachers were held. In the meantime Dr. Alexander Graham Bell had introduced to teachers his father's system of visible speech, a system of written characters devised to show the position taken and the movement made by the tongue, teeth, lips, glottis, and other vocal organs in articulation. A similar but simpler system of visible speech symbols had been independently worked out by a Mr. Zera Whipple, of Mystic, Connecticut; and more recently the Lyon phonetic manual has been devised, which is founded on the principle of visible speech and may be written in the air by the fingers. In 1888 the royal commission of the United Kingdom voted u t h a t every child who is deaf should have full opportunity of being educated on the pure oral system," but that those found physically or mentally disqualified " should be either removed from the oral department of the school or taught elsewhere on the sign and manual system." 1 In 1890 the American association to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf was incorporated, with Dr. Alexander Graham Bell as president. Dr. Bell immediately endowed the association handsomely. Ever since Horace Mann stirred up the waters in 1843, they have remained in more or less agitation. A n d this fact has had a grand effect upon the work. It cannot be denied that at times the controversy over methods has been bitter; to-day, however, it has been reduced to a generous rivalry, in which the champions of the various methods and systems are striving with might and main to find out the best means of instructing the deaf and to pursue it. T h e majority of our schools do not limit their teaching to any one method, but are eclectic, calling themselves " combined system " schools. Satisfaction with the original uniformity of method would not have meant progress; and certainly the work for the deaf in this land of opportunity has progressed remarkably. No other country has so many deaf pupils under instruction as this has, none has provided so Quoted in Gordon's notes and observations, p . xlii. 783] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 15 generously for them, and there is none in which their educators are more alert to test new inventions' and appliances that may bear upon the methods of instruction. And yet, unquestionably, the education of the deaf is still in its youth. T h e early principals saw the need of exchanging ideas, and soon after the beginning of the work started an organ of communication. This organ, " T h e Annals of the deaf," is now in its 44th volume. It is a quarterly magazine, 1 conducted under the direction of a committee of the conference of superintendents and principals of American schools for the deaf. It is a high-class, much-prized periodical, and is said to be the leading publication of its kind in the world. In the pages of the Annals have been published articles on all manner of questions relating to the deaf. Its editor, Dr. Edward A. Fay, has made a most thorough investigation into the results of marriages of the deaf. His data and conclusions have appeared in a volume published by the Volta bureau. T h e Volta bureau is a unique institution. T h e Volta prize of 25,000 francs awarded by the French government to Dr. Bell for his invention of the telephone, he applied to the founding of a bureau for the purpose of collecting and diffusing knowledge concerning the deaf. This is the Volta bureau of Washington, D. C. It has already published a large number of papers, studies, and books. T h e influence of Dr. Bell upon the work for the deaf has been deep and lasting. T h e invention of the telephone itself resulted from his experiments upon a device which he hoped would enable the deaf to read the vibrations of the human voice. Though a Scotchman by birth, he is practically an American, and has devoted his best energies and his means to furthering the work which he has made his profession. His great efforts have been towards the promotion of speech-teaching to the deaf. " T h e instruction of the deaf is one of the most difficult It now appears six times a year. i6 EDUCATION OF D E F E C T I V E S [784 fields in the entire department of education for achievement at once successful and satisfactory to the teacher." x For many years the parent school at Hartford was parent in the sense of providing principals and teachers for other schools. T h e New York institution has also furnished schools with many officers and teachers. It is only within comparatively recent years that normal classes, as such, have come to exist in a few of the schools. Among others, the Clarke institution, the Wisconsin phonological institute, the school at Bala, Pa., and Gallaudet college have them — the latter announcing that it has opened to a limited number of college graduates annually, normal fellowships of $500, tenable for one year. T h u s has the standard of deaf-mute teaching come to be in line with modern university methods of training teachers. Public day schools for the deaf have sprung up in various places. T h e Horace Mann school of Boston is a notable example. T h e y fill an unquestioned need, as many parents refuse to send their deaf children off to an institution. A still further movement towards decentralization has come to pass in Wisconsin. Wherever in this state a few deaf children can be gathered near their homes, state aid will be given to pay teachers sent there to teach them. And this movement is tending to become more and more general. All these day schools spread the oral method. An important effect of the rise of this method has been the lowering of the age when deaf children are received, and of lengthening their term of instruction ; also of largely increasing the number of women teachers employed. T h e H o m e for the training in speech of little deaf children before they are of school age, at Bala, takes children at the age when normal children learn to talk and teaches speech by talking to them and having them talk back as if they heard. There are several private oral schools for the deaf in this country where the pupils pay tuition. One of the best is the WrightHumason school in New York. Gillett. Some notable benefactors of the deaf, p. 3. 785] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES IJ With the lowering of the age of pupils, kindergarten methods have been made use of more and more; though no true kindergarten can be conducted in schools where language comes so hard and so late, where even natural signs are arbitrarily interdicted, and where there can be no music. But the occupations and the games are widely applicable and are now universally used. From the above discussion it is seen that the deaf child comes to school with almost no language to think in, his only means of expressing his wants being crude natural signs. Such being the case, the first duty of the teacher is to establish communication with him and thereafter, during his whole course at school, more than in any other kind of educational work, to make language the end of training and other subjects the means of varying language teaching. This statement is strictly true only of elementary education, but then the majority of deaf pupils do not advance far beyond the elementary stage; not because they cannot, for they can, but because so very much time is absorbed in language work that their progress in other things is slow; then, too, parents are prone to call their boys away from school as soon as they believe these can help sustain the family. A few of the brighter and more ambitious pupils from the schools take the course at the National deaf-mute college, now called Gallaudet college, where they have "an opportunity to secure the advantages of a rigid and thorough course of intellectual training in the higher walks of literature and the liberal arts." Occasionally we hear of deaf pupils taking high school work in schools with hearing pupils, and even of being graduated from colleges of the hearing. The course of training at American schools for the deaf has always been practical. Indeed, industrial training is almost essential for those young people who would form industrious habits and facility in the use of tools that will put them on their feet when they enter the world of labor; for most deaf pupils will have to work for their living. Their educators have a magnificent incentive in the knowl- 18 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [786 edge that the trained deaf are not at all disqualified from earning a living by simple inability to hear. In their schools general manual training is followed with a pupil until, for one reason or another, he chooses his trade or it is chosen for him. The general equipment for trade teaching is excellent. Printing is an extremely useful occupation for the deaf, especially in the acquisition of idiomatic language ; and every institution for their instruction publishes one or more papers. Our educated deaf people form a quiet, well-behaved, selfsupporting part of the community. They have formed local and national societies for mutual benefit. The convention of the deaf that met in 1893 at the Columbian exposition at Chicago was the largest meeting of the kind ever held. Their speeches and deliberations and social gatherings occupied several days. That a convention so great and so remarkable could have been held was a source of great pride and satisfaction to those engaged in educating the deaf. Within the grounds of Gallaudet college at Washington stands a beautiful memorial statue of Gallaudet teaching a little deaf and dumb girl. It was presented to the college by the deaf of the whole country. In this memorial the deaf have made fitting recognition of their indebtedness to ^education. THE BLIND When it is stated that prior to 1830 the blind of America were to be found " moping in hidden corners or degraded by the wayside, or vegetating in almshouses," it is the adult blind that is meant. Still blind children were occasionally found in these places, though it could scarcely be said that they were vegetating, as could be said of the untrained deaf children. Their ability to hear and speak does not cut off the blind from the education of communion with friends and .associates. The needs of the blind, then, were not so evident or so early forced upon people's attention as were those of the deaf and dumb children. Blind children were less 787] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 19 often seen than deaf children, for the simple reason that there were and always are fewer of them. This fact was not then realized. The British census of 1851 first showed the world that over 80 per cent of the blind are adults. Our schools for the blind were started, first, because of the widespread interest in the results of educating the young deaf and dumb, which furnished inspiration for new fields of educational endeavor; secondly, because the country was coming to the conviction that all the children of the state should receive education both as a matter of public policy and as a private right; and thirdly, because reports of what had been accomplished abroad in schools for the blind were being promulgated in our land. By 1830 the more progressive states of the east were ready to give their blind children school training. In that year the government first included in the national census the deaf and dumb and the blind. The work of the blind was to begin with scientific foreknowledge as to their number. Private ardor to begin the work had been smouldering for several years, when in 1829 certain gentlemen in Boston obtained the incorporation of the " New England asylum for the blind." This was before they had selected either the pupils or a teacher for them. By a most fortunate circumstance, the interest and services were obtained of a graduate of Brown university, Dr. Samuel G. Howe, who after finishing his medical studies had chivalrously gone to the aid of the Greeks. This gentleman became the American father and Cadmus of the blind. He went at once to Europe to study methods of instruction. Upon his return, in 1832, the school was opened with six pupils. In New York the act of incorporation of the New York institution for the blind was passed in 1831 ; but funds were needed and no one went abroad to study methods. This school opened in March, 1832, antedating by a few months the school at Boston. In the very same year a German teacher of the blind, a Mr. Friedlander, most opportunely came to 20 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [788 Philadelphia, in the hope of starting a school for the blind there. The way the enterprise was put through is typical of many other beginnings of special schools, in America. Having trained certain blind children he exhibited their accomplishments, first, to a few influential people, secondly, before a large audience among whom he distributed a leaflet, " Observations on the instruction of blind persons." A meeting of public-spirited citizens followed, funds were liberally contributed, fairs held, and the success of the cause was assured. The Pennsylvania institution for the instruction of the blind was opened in 1833, fully ten months before an act of incorporation was obtained. The three schools at Boston, New York and Philadelphia are called the pioneer schools. All sprang from private effort and private funds. All were incorporated as private institutions, and remain so to this day. Two similar institutions for the blind have arisen in this country, that at Baltimore and that at Pittsburg. The origin of the state schools differs from that of the type above given only in that classes of trained pupils from the earlier schools were exhibited before the state legislatures, as well as before the people. State appropriations followed and the institutions were inaugurated as state institutions. The new schools sprang into being with astonishing rapidity. There are now in 1899 40 schools for the blind in the United States, and every state in the union makes provision for its blind of school age either in its own school or in that of a neighboring state. In our sparsely-settled country, especially west of the Alleghenies and south of Maryland, great efforts had to be made to find the children and still greater efforts to persuade the parents to send them to school; and in many regions, similar conditions of parental ignorance exist to-day. In certain states where the amount of the public fund seemed to preclude a special grant for the blind, pupils of this class were brought together in connection with a school for the deaf and dumb, forming " dual schools," as they are called. 789] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 21 These institutions could not help being unfair to their blind contingent; for in nearly every such case the blind came to a school already established as a school for the deaf, and under t h e superintendence of a man especially interested in the education of the deaf; moreover, the number of the deaf pupils usually far exceeded that of the blind. T h e r e are still a few of these dual schools, but wherever possible they have been divided into two distinct institutions. In northern schools the colored blind are educated with the white; in southern schools it is best for the colored to have schools of their own. Both the whites and they prefer this arrangement. T h e first school for the colored blind was opened in North Carolina in 1869. All the institutions for the blind were in their very inception schools. T h e pioneer schools imported literary teachers from Paris and handicraft teachers from Edinburg. At first only the brighter class of pupils came under instruction. Teaching them was easy. T h e y progressed with amazing strides ; all was enthusiasm ; exhibitions were called for and widely given (Dr. Howe's pupils gave exhibitions in 17 states) ; large editions of the various annual reports were exhausted. Soon, however, less bright pupils came to be admitted; then the curriculum of studies began to sober down to the practical and comprehensive one prevailing to-day. Whatever occupation the boy or girl expects to follow after leaving school, it is assumed he will follow it better and thus live more happily and worthily if he has a general education. When, as was formerly the case, the period or term of schooling allowed pupils was shorter than it is now, they were not admitted before the age of eight or nine. Now that kindergarten departments have been universally added to the schools, the pupils are urged to enter at an early age ; because experience has shown that at home these little blind folks are coddled rather than trained, so much so in fact that by the time many of them come to school their natural growth of body and mind has been so interfered with by inaction, that all the efforts of the schools 22 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES \_79° cannot make up for lost time and opportunity. T h e principle of periodicity of growth has now come to be understood and the importance of applying the proper stimulus at the period most sensitive to it, comprehended. Children with good sight and hearing have got along without kindergarten training, and so have blind children, but of all the useful means of reaching and developing the average blind child none is so effective as the properly-conducted kindergarten. It is not easy to overestimate the importance of hearing as giving the child language and all that this means, song and the joy it brings and the deep feeling it inspires. T h e practical knowledge of things comes to the blind through the hand, their fingers being veritable projections of their brains. T h u s must their hands not only be trained to sensitiveness of touch but to be strong and supple, so that they may, indeed, be dexterous; for as their hands are so are their brains. T h e kindergarten cultivates ear and heart and hand and brain as nothing else does. Even color is not wholly omitted in kindergartens for the blind. Many see colors, and those who do not love to talk about them and certainly derive some indirect value from considering them. Kindergartens for the blind may be true kindergartens in every sense of the word. A kindergartner of fully-sensed children would miss here only the brightness coming from the untrammeled ability to run and play and observe all that sight brings into view, the quick response of " I know/' " I have seen this," and " I have been there." But, then, kindergartens for the blind have as their end and aim this very arousing of the children and the putting of them in touch with their surroundings. Blind children with kindergarten training are more susceptible to instruction than those without it. Above this department the course of studies in American schools requires from seven 'to eight years, which means a primary, a grammar and a high school education, or instruction in object lessons, reading, writing, spelling, grammar, composition, arithmetic, history, physiology, botany, zoology, geol- 791] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 23 ogy, physics, algebra, geometry, civics, English literature, typewriting and sometimes Latin and modern languages. Not a few pupils have fitted for college where they took the regular course with the seeing students, and from which they were graduated usually with distinction. Formerly much of the teaching was oral, which, in many cases, was apt to be more pleasant than profitable to the pupil. Since the general introduction of the embossed text book and tangible writing, the pupil has been forced to depend more and more upon himself, obviously with better results. In fact, the work has been growing more and more practical. The methods of teaching the blind correspond in general to those of teaching other hearing children. The common appliances have but to be raised and enlarged as in maps and diagrams, or simply made tangible, which may be done, for example, by notching an ordinary ruler so that the graduations can be felt. A successful teacher of the seeing readily adapts herself to the instruction of the blind. She learns to write their punctographic systems and to read them with the eye. Industrial training has been an integral part of the school course from the beginning. Recently educational manual training has been generally introduced as preliminary to the trades. Sloyd has been found especially adapted to the blind. The handicrafts — chair-caning, hammock-making, broom-making, carpet-weaving, and a few others, alone remain of all the many trades taught at one time or another in our schools. Manual occupations of some kind will always be taught, even were it evident that none of them would be followed by the blind as trades ; for it is by doing and making that the blind especially learn best. Then, it is essential that they be kept occupied. They are happier so and far better off. In the past, before the introduction of such varieties of labor-saving machinery as the last half century has seen, many of the discharged pupils followed some manual trade and succeeded in subsisting by it. Today this is less and less possible. The mind itself of the blind is least trammeled by the lack of sight; hence some 24 EDUCATION OF PEFECTIVES • [792 pursuit where intelligence is the chief factor would seem to be best adapted to his condition. Music, of course, opens up his most delightful field. It is said that all the force of the superintendents of the early schools was required to prevent the institutions from becoming mere conservatories of music. To-day only those pupils pursue music in regular course who have talent for i t ; but even those are not allowed to neglect other studies for it. It is the experience of the American schools as of the European, that the profession of music offers to the educated and trained musician who is blind, a field in which he can work his way with least hindrance from his lack of sight, and many are they who have found in it a means of livelihood for themselves and their families. A few in nearly every school fit themselves to be tuners of pianos. T h e importance of physical training was early recognized ; for the blind have less vitality and more feeble constitutions than the seeing; besides, those of our pupils who most need exercise, are least apt to seek it of their own accord. A t first the schools had no gymnasiums ; of late years such have been pretty generally added, and systematic physical exercise is carried out. T h e American schools for the blind were founded upon embossed books. Dr. Howe states somewhere that the simple reading from embossed print did more to establish the schools in the country than any other one thing. Extraordinary pains were taken by Dr. Howe and his assistants to perfect a system which should be at once readily tangible to the fingers of the blind and legible to the eyes of their friends. T h e result was the small lower case letter of Dr. Howe, the Boston line print, as it is often called. T o this the jury gave preference before all other embossed systems exhibited at the great exhibition of the industry of all nations, in London, in 1852. Backed by such indorsement and all the authority of Dr. Howe the system was rapidly adopted into the American schools. It was then the theory that the blind would be further isolated from their friends 793] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 25 if their alphabets were dissimilar. T h e blind of themselves had devised a writable system — arbitrary and composed of dots or points — one which they could both read and write. But the early superintendents would not countenance it. However, many of the blind failed to read the line letter system ; because to read it requires extreme nicety of touch, which all the blind by no means have. Characters composed of points not of lines are scientifically adapted to touch reading. In the 33rd report of the New York institution, Supt. W m . B. W a i t wrote : " Now, which is the more important, that all the young blind should be able to read, thus being made, in fact, like the seeing, or that they should be taught an alphabet which in some sort resembles that used by the seeing, but by doing which only 34 per cent of them will ever be able to read with any pleasure or profit ? " This attitude of the New York school was the outcome of statistics gathered from seven institutions, in which 664 pupils were involved, and of experiments made by Mr. W a i t with his own pupils, using a system scientifically devised by him, composed of points in arbitrary combination. T h i s was in 1868. At t h e next convention of the American instructors of the blind, it was resolved " T h a t the New York horizontal point alphabet as arranged by Mr. Wait, should be taught in all institutions for the education of the blind." Not long afterwards a national printing house was subsidized, from which the schools obtained free books, both in the point and in the line systems. In a very few years the point books were in increasing demand, and to-day most of the schools prefer them to those in the line print. T h e acceptance of the point was due to several things,— first of all, to its writability and superior tangibility, and secondly, to the extraordinary energy of a few of its advocates. T h e old world was a long time accepting a writable point system. T h a t of Louis Braille, devised in 1829, though much used by individuals, was not officially adopted into the Paris school where it originated until 1854. In contrast, America devised, printed, spread, and resolved to 26 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [794 accept its writable system in less than one-half the time. T h e benefits of a tangible writable system are vast. I t puts the blind more nearly on a par with the seeing, particularly as pupils in school. Its adoption here, next to that of tangible printing, makes obtainable the ideal of American schools for the blind. Every tangible system has its defects. French " b r a i l l e " as adopted into England has antiquated abbreviations and contractions for the use of adults; and is involved with rules allowing much bad use, like the omission of all capitals. T h e New York point as printed also laid itself open to much criticism as to " good use." T h e American braille, the latest system, combining the best features of French braille and of New York point, was devised by a blind teacher of the Perkins institution. It takes full account of " good use," and those who use the system deem it very satisfactory. In 1892, when the American braille system was adopted into several schools, a typewriter for writing braille was invented, and this was followed by the invention of another machine for embossing braille directly on plates of thin brass from which any number of duplicates could be struck off on paper. 1 H e r e was a means of creating a new library at once. But the chief value of the invention lay in the fact that as the machine was simple and inexpensive and could be operated if necessary by a blind man, any institution could have a printing office of its own. And several schools immediately established such offices, from which they issued at once whatever their school classes demanded. By co-operating in the selection of the books to be embossed these schools have created in the space of seven years a library of books in American braille than which there is no superior in any system in any country, and they have added an immense amount of music in the braille music notation, which is the same all over the world. A typewriter, and a machine for embossing brass plates in the New York point system, have also appeared. 1 For these inventions, which have been of the greatest recent service to the education of the blind, the work is indebted to Mr. Frank H. Hall, sup't of the Illinois school. 795] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 2J T h e production of books in both point systems is going on parallelly. W h e t h e r this is wise or not it is certainly wasteful. A n d yet the antagonism of the advocates of the rival systems is so great that the race may continue for some years yet. T h e matter is, however, not so " stupid " as it would seem to be. There is nothing like competition to eliminate defects and bring out excellences. Moreover, there has been evolution in systems of ink print as there has been in systems of embossed print. In either case that which eventually survives will be the fittest and will be worth all the trouble it caused to make it survive. Excellent embossed libraries exist in all three of the systems. Books in all three may be obtained from the National printing house for the blind at Louisville, Ky., where many of the plates have been made and where most of them are kept. This printing house was subsidized by congress in 1873, and since that time has spent $10,000 annually in the production of books in the various systems, music scores in the New York point notation, and tangible apparatus, each school ordering from the published list, books, etc., to the value of its quota or part proportional to the number of its pupils. T h e printing office of the Perkins institution at Boston is the largest private enterprise of its kind in the world. It has been running almost continuously since 1834, and has put forth a splendid list of books in the Boston line print. American generosity to its defectives has not only provided institutions unsurpassed in their general appointments elsewhere, but the proverbial American ingenuity has supplied the classrooms with appliances and mechanical aids to instruction unequaled in any land. T h e interest in the work for the blind taken by those actually engaged in it may be seen by a reading of the annual reports of the superintendents, which have served as a means of communication among the schools and between these and the public. France, Germany and Italy have been publishing for many years, magazines or periodicals in the interest of the blind. 28 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [796 For four years this country produced " The Mentor," a monthly which was so excellent and timely that it ought to have been kept up. However, it was supported but poorly and was stopped for that reason. America, then, has no organ of communication among workers for the blind. The superintendents and teachers engaged in this work first met in convention in 1853. The Association of American instructors of the blind was formed in 1871, and has met biennially ever since, usually as the guest of one or another of the institutions. The proceedings of each convention have been published. The principles underlying the scheme for educating the blind being to make them as little as possible a class apart from the rest of the community, it has not been deemed wise to attempt to establish a national college for the higher education of those capable of taking it, but efforts are making towards enabling the brighter and worthier pupils to attend one of the colleges for the seeing, at the expense of the states or the schools from which they come. The school instruction of the blind is comparatively an easy matter. The work is less of a science than the more difficult task of instructing the deaf and dumb. But if we consider the results, it must be admitted that it is far easier to fit the intelligent deaf to be self-supporting than it is to fit the blind to be so. The world of practical affairs is the world of light; and if the blind succeed in that world it is certainly to their credit. And yet we expect them to succeed in it; and having given them the best preparation we can devise, we find that many do succeed, some brilliantly. Just what proportion " succeed" is not known ; for in the vast areas of our large states the majority go out and are lost to view. Many — especially the girls — go home to become helpful in the family, and these live on there as centers of light and culture, and so what was once deemed a calamity, may become to the family a blessing in disguise. In 1878 an exhaustive census of the graduates from all over the country was compiled. It revealed the following* 797] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 29 encouraging facts: 16 became superintendents of other institutions ; 214 became teachers or were otherwise employed in institutions; 34 became ministers of the gospel; 84 authors, publishers or lecturers; 310 were engaged as teachers of music or were vocalists outside of institutions; 69 had been organists in churches; 125 piano tuners; 937 had been engaged as teachers, employees, and workers in handicraft \ 277 were storekeepers, etc.; 45 became owners and managers of real estate; 760 (mostly women) were employed at housework at home or in families, or at sewing with machines, or by hand,^and 78 were in homes of employment. 1 Further, according to the 10th census of the United Stales, (1880) when there were 48,928 blind in the land, but 2,560 were found in almshouses. 2 W h a t proportion of these ever attended our schools, will never be known, but it m u s t be remembered that blindness is an affliction of old age. According to statistics printed in the report for 1879 °f the New York institution, " M o r e than 1,200 persons have been instructed, and have gone out from the institutions for the blind in this state [New York], only 21 of whom were found to be in almshouses on the 30th of October, 1879. Such facts give great force to a statement made by the board of state commissioners of public charities upon this subject. T h e y s a y : " As observation shows that educated blind persons seldom become a public charge, it would seem important, not only in its social bearings, but as a question of political economy, to bring as many of the blind as practicable under proper educational training."3 THE DEAF-BLIND " Obstacles are things to be overcome" is the motto given by Dr. Howe to the Perkins institution for t h e blind. W h e n this remarkable man learned in 1837 that up in the mountains of New Hampshire there was a little girl not only 1 Proceedings fifth bien. conv. of the American association of instructors of ther blind, p. 21. 8 Compendium loth census, 2, 1702. 3 Pp. 32-33. 3 ' 1898. Growth of the oral method of instructing the deaf. Boston, 1896. Bell, A M. English visible speech. Volta bureau, 1899. Clarke institution. Addresses at the 25th anniversary of. Northampton, 1893. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Art. deaf and dumb. 1 N O T E : A very radical experiment is being tried, particularly at the Kansas institution. The operation of castration has been performed on several boys, after which they have been found to be so improved that some were transferred from the custodial to the school department, some sent home. 8 The bibliographies here printed constitute but a small part of what might b e given. 44 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [81 2 Fay, E . A. Index to American annals of the deaf. Vols. 31-40 (1886-1895), and previous indexes. Marriages of the deaf in America. Volta bureau, 1898. Gallaudet, E . M. The combined system of educating the deaf. Volta bureau, 1891. The deaf and their possibilities. Chicago, 1898. < Values in the education of the deaf. Colorado Springs, Col., 1893. Gillett, P. G. Some notable benefactors of the deaf. Rochester, N. Y., 1896. Gordon, J. C. T h e education of the deaf, being evidence of Drs. Gallaudet and Bell, presented to the royal commission of Great Britain. Volta bureau, 1892. Notes and observations on the education of the deaf. Volta bureau, 1892. T h e difference Detween the two systems of teaching deaf-mute children the English language. Volta bureau, 1898. Green, Francis. Vox oculis subjecta, part 1. Boston, 1897. Histories of American schools for the deaf. 3 vols. Volta bureau, 1893. Hubbard, G. G. T h e story of the rise of the oral method in America. Washington, 1898. Johns, Rev. B. G. T h e land of silence and the land of darkness. London, 1857. Kitto, John. T h e lost senses. New York, 1852. Mann, Horace. Life and works of. 3 : 244. Boston, 1891. Proceedings of American association to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf. Proceedings of conferences of principals and superintendents of the deaf. Proceedings o* conventions of American instructors of the deaf. Reports of American institutions for the deaf. Seguin, E . Education of the deaf and mute, in report on education. Milwaukee, 1880. The blind Anagnos, M. Education of the blind. Armitage, T . R. London, 1886. Boston, 1882. Education and employment of the blind. 813] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 4$ Cary, T. G. Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins. Boston, 1856. Diderot. An essay on blindness. London reprints, 1895. Education of the blind, from " The North American Review," vol. 37. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Art. The blind. Hauy, V. An essay on the education of the blind. Lonaon reprints, 1894. Howe, Julia Ward. Memoir of Dr. S. G. Howe, Boston, 1877. Howe, S. G. 43 annual reports of the Perkins institution. 18331875. Jubilee celebration, Yorkshire school for the blind. London,, 1884. Kitto, John. The lost senses. New York, 1852. Mell, A. Encyclopadisches handbuch des blinden-wesens. Wien und Leipzig, 1899. Prescott, W. H. The blind, in " biographical and critical essays." Boston, 1846. Report of the conference of the blind and their friends. Royal normal college, July, 1890. Reports of the biennial conventions of American instructors of the blind. Reports of American institutions for the instruction of the blind. Robinson, E. B. F. The true sphere of the blind. Toronto, 1896. Rutherford, John. William Moon and his work for the blind. London, 1898. Sizeranne, M. de la. Les Aveugles par un Aveugle. Paris, 1891. Sturgis, Dinah. The kindergarten for the blind. New England magazine, December, 1895, p. 433. The Mentor. Boston, 1891-94. Wickersham, J. P. History of education in Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa., 1886. The deaf-blind Anagnos, M. Helen Keller; a second Laura Bridgman. Boston, 1888. . Reports of the Perkins institution. 1887-98. 46 EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES [814 Chamberlain, J. E. Helen Keller, as she really is. Annals of the deaf, June, 1899, pp. 286-301. Chappell, Jennie. Always happy, or the story of Helen Keller. London. Fuller, Sarah. How Helen Keller learned to speak. Annals of the deaf, Jan. 1892, p. 23. Dickens, C. An account of the Institution for the blind at Boston. "American Notes," vol. 1. London, 1842, Oilman, A. Miss Helen Adams Keller's first year of college preparatory work. Volta bureau, 1897. Hall, G. S. Laura Bridgman, from "Aspects of German culture." Boston, 1891. Howe, S. G. Education of Laura Bridgman; extracts from reports of. Boston, 1890. Lamson, Mary S. Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman. Boston, 1878. Sullivan, Annie M. How Helen Keller acquired language. Annals of the deaf, April, 1892, p. 127. The language of the deaf-blind. Annals of the deaf, April, 1899, p. 218. The feeble-minded Association of medical officers of American institutions for idiotic and feeble-minded persons. Proceedings, 1876-98. Barr, M. W. Children of a day. Phila., 1896. . Mental defectives and the social welfare. Popular science monthly, April, 1899. Doren, G. A. Our defective classes. Columbus, O., 1897. Fernald, W. E. Feeble-minded children. Boston, 1897. . The history of the treatment of the feeble-minded. Boston, 1893. Henderson, C. R. Dependent, defective and delinquent children. Boston, 1893. Howe, S. G. Report on idiocy. Boston, 1850. Indiana bulletin of charities and correction. Indianapolis, 1898. Johnson, Alexander. Concerning a form of degeneracy. American journal of sociology, November, 1898. . The mother-state and her weaker children. Boston, 1897. 815], EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES 47 Johnson, G. E. Contribution to the psychology and pedagogy of feeble-minded children. Pedagogical seminary, 3 : 246. Kerlin, Isaac N. Feeble-minded children. West Chester, Pa., 1879. . The mind unveiled. Philadelphia, 1858. Powell, F . M. Care of the feeble-minded. Boston, 1898. Psycho-Asthenics, journal of. Faribault, Minn. Report of ioth anniversary and annual meeting of the association of the New Jersey training school for feeble-minded children. Vineland, 1898. Reports of commissioner of education. Washington, D. C. Reports of institutions for the feeble-minded throughout the country. Seguin, E. Education of idiots and feeble-minded children from report on education. Milwaukee, 1880. . Idiocy and its treatment by the physiological method. New York, 1870. Shuttleworth, G. E. Mentally deficient children. London, 1895. Sollier, Paul. Psychologie de Fidiot et de Timbecile. Paris, 1891. Tuke, D. Hack. Modes of providing for the insane and idiots in the United States and Great Britain. Medical rec, 1887. Warner, A. G. American charities. A study in philanthropy and economics. Crowell & Co., pub. Wilbur, W. B. Suggestions on principles and methods of elementary instruction. Albany, 1862. Statistics of schools for defective classes Compiled from report commissioner of education 1896-77, 2; 2335-60 DEAF Blind Institutions 36 Volumes in library 95 870. Value of scientific apparatus! $13300 Instructors 387 Pupils . 3630 $920 224 Expenditures Value of grounds and buildings $ 6 183 538 FEEBLE-MWDED State Public day Private dayPublic public schools schools institutions! institutions 54 QO 184 $21 394 877 9 391 $ 2 461 402 $ 1 1 373 873 Private 18 60 506 $42 827 83 532 190 8177 $ 1 362 7 9 1 $ 4 631 9 1 7 St 357 48 E D U C A T I O N OF D E F E C T I V E S [816 Public schools for the deaf From report of commissioner of education, 1896-97, 2 :2346-9 STATE Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D. C D. C. Kendall school. Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri ; Montana.. Nebraska New Jersey New M e x i c o . . . . . . . . . New York New York New York New York... New York New York New York North Carolina . North Carolina . North D a k o t a . . . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . , Pennsylvania . . . Pennsylvania . . Pennsylvania . . Rhode I s l a n d . . , South Carolina. South D a k o t a . . Tennessee Texas. Texas Utah Virginia Washington . . . West Virginia.. Wisconsin. . . . . City Value No. of pupils of lands and buildings Talladega $125 000 143 Little Rock 100 000 228 Berkeley 450 000 171 Colorado Springs 220 894 78 Hartford 250 000 157 Washington 700 000 132 Washington 65 St. Augustine. 25 000 45 Cavesprings 80 000 139 Jacksonville 455 000 534 Indianapolis 526 000 312 Council Bluffs 500 000 316 Olathe 250000 250 Danville 200 000 323 Baton Rouge 300000 93 Portland 30 000 69 Baltimore 35 000 40 Frederick 255 000 96 Northampton 135 149 155 Flint 426 255 417 Faribault.., 271 625 Jackson 227 75 000 Fulton 310000 114 Boulder ! 345 30 000 18 Omaha 120 000 143 Trenton 100 000 149 6 000 Santa Fe 14 154 560 Buffalo.................. 152 509 236 Fordham 355 89586 Malone. 87 904 Lexington ave., New 211 360 000 York 506 000 Washington Heights 465 199 130 000 Rochester 125 000 Rome 137 160 000 Morganton 186 30 000 Raleigh 70 22 500 Devil's Lake ... 47 650000 Columbus 484 Salem 25 000 5i Edgewood Park 257 137 209 Bala, Philadelphia 48431 42 Mt. Airy, P h i l a d e l p h i a . . . 509 1 000 000 Scranton 160 000 7i Providence 60 000 60 Cedar Springs 55 000 96 Sioux Falls 60000 43 Knoxville 150 000 259 Austin 225 000 Austin, colored d. and b.. 262 37 500 36 Ogden 200000 67 Staunton 80000 105 Vancouver 100 000 66 Romney 85 000 128 Delavan 118 000 221 Includes the blind. 29 000 1 25 73739 800 8i7] EDUCATION OF D E F E C T I V E S 49 Public day schools for the deaf From report of the commissioner of education, 1896-97, 2 : 2350^ STATE. Illinois.. Indiana Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Ohio Ohio Ohio Wisconsin.... Wisconsin.. . Wisconsin.... Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin.. . Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin.... City Chicago (six schools) Evansville Boston Detroit St. Louis Cincinnati Cincinnati •.... Cleveland Eau Claire Fond du Lac La Crosse Manitowoc Marinette Milwaukee Oshkosh Sheboygan Wausau No. of pupils Value of land and buildings 120 10 123 15 35 36 6 38 6 7 9 9 6 ' . 54 . $98 000 Expenditures for support $1 OOO 21 509 65O 20000 3 600 800 2 500 585 630 525 12 000 13 7 12 1 019 522 6 291 1 000 875 1 261 Private schools for the deaf From report of the commissioner of education, 1896-97, 2 : 2351. No. of pupils STATE California Connecticut.. Illinois Iowa Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Nebraska New Mexico.. New Y o r k . . . . New Y o r k . . . . Ohio W i s c o n s i n . . .'• North Tamescal Mystic Chicago (three schools) Dubuque Chincuba. Baltimore Beverly West Medford North Detroit St. Louis (two schools) . Omaha Santa Fe Albany New York Cincinnati St. Francis 27 29 146 5 56 26 24 10 36 80 9 8 15 18 12 31 5& E D U C A T I O N OF D E F E C T I V E S [818 Schools fw the blind Ftf&ifc report «f commissioner of education, jSgfr-o^, 2 : 2340-1* STATE Alabama . . . . . . . . . «... Arkansas.. ......... California . *... Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa . * .... Kansas Kentucky Louisiana, Maryland.. Maryland colored b. and d. Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri M o n t a n a . . . .• Nebraska *., New York New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania., Pennsylvania South Carolina. Tennessee Texas* Texas colored b . and d Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin ,...,. a ttt c« a City Talladega Little Rock Berkeley Colorado Springs. St. A u g u s t i n e . . . t Macon Jacksonville Indianapolis Vinton Kansas City Louisville Baton Rouge Baltimore Baltimore South Boston. Lansing Faribault Jackson..,. St. Louis Boulder Nebraska City. .. Batavia New York Raleigh , Columbus Salem Philadelphia Pittsburg , Cedar Spring. Nashville... Austin Austin Staunton Vancouver....... Romney Janesville 1 State grant. 70 $55 000 50 450 000 220 894 55 7 126 220 137 186 137 127 33 99 25 251 106 70 30 H7 6 77 130 227 157 301 24 192 68 48 102 169 40 48 14 56 I2S 20 OOO 125 000 225 OOO 548 87O 300 OOO 100 OOO 100 OOO ; 40 000 35OOOO 35 000 517 027 165 484 50 000 60 000 150 000 45 000 375 000 384 957 tgo 000 550000 17 000 157 306 260 000 55 000 100 000 75 000 37 000 80 000 ; IOO OOO 85 OOO 200 OOO 8ig] EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES Public institutions for the 51 feeble-minded From Powell: Proceedings of the 24th national conference of charities correction, 1897, p. 290 "o City T3 w 1 O. V Eldridge.... Lincoln Fort Wayne Glenwood .. Winfield... Frankfort ., Waltham... Lapeer Faribault .. Beatrice 6 . 5 fc 470 642 1 1 554 690 118 123 423 200 r* 0 O 256 Syracuse ... Newark Rome New York. Vineland... Vineland... Columbus •< 532 1028 225 41 98 38 4 310 60 138 60 200 000 178 26 60 i35 6 133 45 386 386 327 327 -op, a 3 | >« $400 000 300 500 375000 350000 60.^20 80 000 250 000 75000 124 195 400 Elwyn..... Polk . . . . . . . Vancouver. 13 a 359 36 63 "5 220 0 fc 154 137 233 171 320 331 1 *o J °3 * V fc .g'O ° £' California Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts . . . . Michigan Minnesota Nebraska New York: Children Women . . . . . . . . . Custodial Randall's Island New Jersey: Children Women Ohio e Pennsylvania : East West Washington < / ) ial STATE • **. * * £ 16 11 359 720 421 330 179 o n 271 733 $75000 101 139 79 560 102 080 17988 25 000 63 377 35000 98767 36500 90 112 51876 364 217 100 000 94 973 46 609 20000 33 698 582 402 516 | 55 197 30 41 143 231 560 639 163 137 500000 20 O O Q 1 From report of the commissioner of education, 1896-97, a : 2353-4. Private schools for the feeble-minded From report of the commissioner of education, 1896-97, 2 : 2355. No. of pupils STATE Connecticut.. Illinois Maryland Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Michigan.... New Jersey... New Jersey... New Jersey... Lakeville .... Godfrey Ellicott City Amherst Barre , Fayville.... Kalamazoo. Cranbury... Haddonfield Orange I6& 3 32 10 49 4 30 17 19 25