FINDING LIST A1VD Rules a n d Regulations O F THE: Galena Public Library, GALENA, ILL. Library founded Oct. 2, 1894 by B. F. FELT. Library opened Jan. 3, 1895. HOW TO USE THE LIBRARY. Read the rules governing its use to be found in this pamphlet. Obtain an application blank at the Library. Every person must have a guarantor or deposit the sum of five dollars with the Librarian. Call slips will be furnished. Fill out the call slip with the number of your card, your name and the call number of the book wanted. . Take great care to copy the call number exactly. As books called for may be out it is well to'put several numbers on the call slip. Hand this call slip to the Librarian, HOW TO USE THE F I N D I N G LIST. This printed Finding List is arranged by subjects, according to the decimal classification of Melvil Dewey, Director of the New York State Library at Albany. Consult the table of contents for the subject you wish. Turn to the page indicated and you will find subdivisions of the subject and the books which the Library has in each. Copy on your call slip the number in the margin of the Finding List opposite the book wanted. T H E CARD CATALOG!)E. A card catalog kept up to date arranged alphabetically by author, subjects and prominent titles can be consulted in the Library. Refer to this just as you would to a dictionary. The cards with headings ia red ink are subject cards. Copy on your call slips the numbers in red ink to be found on the margin of the card. GENERAL WORKS. 016 J72 Jones. 028.8 M42 Matson. 030 qP33 Peck. J031 C35 C h a m p l i n . Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 032 Best reading. 3 vol. References for literary workers. International cyclopaedia. E n c y c l o p a e d i a Britanica 15 vol. 25 vol. qEni 050 K76 Knowledge. 070 Shliman. A weekly magazine 1890. Steps into journalism. Sh9 100. Philosophy. 102 C25 110 F54 Carus. Primer of Philosophy.. Fiske. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2. vol. 170. 170.4 Holland. Ethics. Letters to the Joneses. H71 170.4 S a t u r d a y Review. Sa8 177 Tolstoi. Essays on social sub- jects. The kingdom of God is within you. 4 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 177.7 G61 Goodale. Literature of philanthropy. 179.3 Sa3 Salt. 187 P27m Pater. 192.8 H86 H u d s o n . Introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer Animals' rights. Philosophers. Marius the epicurean. 200. RELIGION. 206 B27 Barrows. vols. World's parliament of religions. 2 211 F54 Fiske. The idea of God. 218 Fiske. The destiny of man. 220. Bible. 220 Holy Bible. 222.11 G23W Gaussen. The world's birthday. 225.92 Conybeare and Howson. The life and P28C 225.92 P28f 226.9 F24 epistles of St. Paul. Farrar. Life and work of St. Paul. Lord's prayer. 530. Doctrinal Theology. 231.3 P88 Pratt. Gospel of the Holy Spirit. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 232 Fisher. 5 The christian religion, F53 232 P29 Paynter. The holy sorrow. 232.3 P29 The holy supper. 232.4 P29 The holy death 232.5 P29 The holy resurrection. 232.9 F24 Farrar. Life of Christ. 232.9 G27 Geiki. 232.9 P29 Paynter. 238 Schafif. Life and words of Christ. The holy life. 2 vol. Creeds of Christendom. 3 vol. Sch1 240. Practical. 240 C99 240 Cuyler. Smith. Christianity in the home. The christian's secret of a happy life. S1115 242 T36 T h o m a s A. K e m p i s . Christ. Of the imitation of 252 H19 Handford. 252.4 H14 Hall. J252.4 Sti S t a l l . Five minute object sermons to children. Lamps of the temple. Power of an endless life. 6 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 263 Ea7s E a r l e . The Sabbath in Puritan New England. 266 qB61 Bliss. 277.3 Ed3 E d h o l m . Traffic in girls Crittenton missions. 277 3 H94 H u r s t . Short history of the church in the U. S. 1492-1890. 285.8 B72 Bradford. 290 C55 Clarke. Ten great religions. 290 M91 Muller. Chips from a German workshop. 292 B87 Bullfinch. 292 F35 Fenelon. Encyclopaedia of missions. 2 vol. and Florence Pilgrim in old England. 290. Non Christian 2 vol. Age of fable. Adventures of Telemachus. SOCIOLOGY. 304 AI7 Altgeld. Live questions. 2 vol. 320. Political science. 320 M33 Marcotte. Governments and politicians. J320 N75 Nordhoff. Politics for young Americans. 321 M72 Moffett. Suggestions on governments. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 321.8 G94 G u i z o t . Representative government rope. 322 St8 Strong. 324.73 On2 O'Neill. 324.94 W63 Wigmore. 7 in Eu- The new era. American electoral system. 325.251 G i b s o n . G35 Australian ballot svstem. Chinese in America. 326 W69 W i l s o n . Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 vol 328 W69 Wilson. Congressional government. 330, Political economy. 330 D44 De Quilicey. 330 L36 Laughlin. 330. W85 Wood. Political economy and politics. The study of political economy. Political economy of natural law. 331 El9 Ely. Labor movement in America. 331.8 R44C Riis. The children of the poor. 331.8 R44h 335 El9 How the other half lives. E l y . French and German socialism in modern times, 8 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 340. Law. 342.73 B84. Bryce. American common wealth. 342.73 F54 Fiske. Civil government in the United States, 342.73 H74 H o i s t . Constitutional history of the States. 8 vol. 350. 350 W69 United Administration. Wilson. The state. 352.0773 C h i c a g o , 111., C o u n c i l . C43 4 vol. 353 6 U . S. G o v t . U.S.G. 353.6 W69 2 vol. Wilson. Annual Army regulations of 1861. The black phalanx. 353-9773 T r o w b r i d g e . T75 370. reports. 2 cop. Illinois and the nation. Education. 371.5 W58 White. 371.94 W29. Waterbury. men. 372 C93e C u r r i e . The principles and practice of and infant school education. 372 aM22 McMurry. 374 7 Vincent. v74 School management. Seven years among the Freedearly Classic stories for the little ones. Chautauqua movement. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 376.6 T42 Thwing. 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Memoirs of the international congress of anthropology. 580. 581 G79S Biology. Gray. Botany. Structural botany. 590. Zoology. 591.16 Geddes a n d T h o m s o n . G26 Evolution of sex. 12 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 591.5 K62 Kipling. 598.2 G76 Grant. them. 598. 2 K52. Keyser. 598.2 M61 Miller. 606 M77 Truman. Jungle book. Our common birds and how to know In bird land. Bird-ways. 600. Useful arts. History of the world's fair. 610. Medicine. 610.4 Holmes. Medical essays 1842-1892. 611.1 H26 Harvey. Prelectiones anatomal universal 613 Shy Shoemaker. beauty. 613.22 K98 Kyger. Infant foods and infant feeding. 613.23 B63 Boland. Handbook of invalid cooking, 618 St6n Storer. 618 Storer. Why not? H73 Heredity, health and personal Nurses and nursing. St6w 620. Engineering. 628 B81 Brown. Drainage channel and waterway. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 13 630. Agriculture. 630.6 B r o w n . Illinois horticultural society transH78 * actions 1871-1886. 16 vol. 650. Commerce. 650 H75 Homans. 654.5 F45 Field. 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Lyrics of the lariat. 811 H25 Harte. 811 H7ib Holland. 811 H73 Holmes. 811 H81 Houghton. H. H. Poetical works. Bitter-sweet. Poetical works, 3*vol. Poems. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. Howells. 811 Poems. H83 Longfellow. Complete poetical wor 811 M13 McCulloch. The quest of Heracles. 811 Riley. 811 L86 Afterwhiles. F45a Neighborly poems. 811 . R 4 5n Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury. 811 R 4 5p6 Poems here at home. 811 R45P7 Rhymes of childhood. 811 R45r Smith, J. & J. R. 811 Poems. Sm5 Stanton. 811 Songs of the soil. St2 811 T21 Taylor. 811 Whittier. Poetical works. Complete poetical works. W61 Wilcox. 811 Maurine. W6 4 812. American Drama. 812 B760 Bridges. 812 H833S Howells. Overheard in Arcady. Sleeping-car and other farces. 15 16 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 812 Miller. Father Junipero Serra. M6if 814. American Essays. 814 Bg 4 r 814 Em3C 814 Em3e Burroughs. Emerson. Riverby. Conduct of life. Essays. 2 vol. 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Poetical works. B93 821 Byron. Poems and dramas. B99 821 Dobson. At the sign of the lyre. D65 821 Eliot. Poems. Hood. Poetical works. El 4 821 H76 821 M54 Meredith. Lucile. 20 821 T25 GALENA. P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . Tennyson. Works. 822. English Drama. 822 Shi 822 Shia Skakespeare. All's well that ends w e l . Anthony and Cleopatra. 822 Shias As you like it. 822 Shic Comedy of errors. 822 Shic8 Coriolanus. 822 ShiC9 Cymbeline. 822 Shih Hamlet. 822 ShitH King Henry IV. 822 Shihs Shakespeare. 2 cop. 2 cop. 2 vol. King Henry V. 822 Shih6 King Henry VI. 3 vol. 822 Shih8 King Henry VIII. 822 Shij King John. 822 Shij9 Julius Caesar. 822 Shil. King Lear. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 822 Shakespeare. Love's labor lost. Shilg 822 Shim Macbeth. 822 Shim4 Measure for measure. 822 Shim5. 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GALENA PUBLIC LIBEARY. 824 St4e Stevenson & Osbourne. 23 Ebb tide. 827. Eng. Humor. 827 T32b Thackeray. 827 T32C Burlesques. Contributions to Punch. 828. Eng. Miscellany. 828 T32 Thackeray Four Georges and Sketches. £28 T32m Miscellaneous papers. 828 T 3 2 r. Round-about papers. 830. German Literature. .832 G7I Goethe. 838 Sch3 Schiller. Faust. Werke. 840. French Literature. 840 W65 Wilkinson. lish. Classic French course in E n g ~ Russian Literature. 891.7 D92 Dupuy. Great masters of Russian Literat i r e , 24 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . HISTORY. General History. 900. 902 Y8 Y o u n g . Remarkable events in the World's history. 904 D44 D e Q u i n c e y . Historical searches. 2 vol. 907 G65 Gordy & Twitehell. can history. 909 C86. Creasy. essays and re- Path-finder in Ameri- Fifteen decisive battles of the world, 930. Ancient History. 932 R19 Rawlinson. 933 R29 Renan. 935 Rawlinson. Ancient Egypt. 2 vol. Hist ry of the people of Israel 3 vol. Five great monarchies. 3 vol. 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Poor boys who became famous. the GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 27 920 C35 C h a m p l i n . Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 920 D44V3 De Quineey. fessions of 920 D44V.4&5 London reminiscences and conan opium-eater. Biographies. 920 Em3 JEmerson. Representative men. 920 F24 Farrar. 920 F46 Fields. 920 H13 Hale. 920 OI.3 Oliphant. The makers of Florance. 920 P74 Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 920 qT36 T h o m a s . Lippincott's pronouncing brographical dictionary. 920.7 B63 Bolton. 920.7 Sp6 SpofFord & O t h e r s . Three heroines of Naw England romance. 920.7 St8 Strieklaad. Seekers after God. Yesterdays with authors. Boys' heroes. Girls who became famous. The queens of England. 6 vol. Individual Biography. B Ad 1 B Adi2 Adams Morse. John Adams. John Quincy Adams. 28 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. B A6I17 Hosmer. Samuel Adams. B Agi Agassiz. Louis Agassiz : -life and correspondence. B Ah AlCOtt. B AI2 Alexander. B AI25 Alfred the Great. Great. B An2 Andersen. B B26 Barneveldt. 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Agi A i n s w o r t h , W. H. A l d e n , Mrs. S. G. See Fiction. See Pansy in Fiction. A l d r i c h , T. B. JAI30 See Fiction. A l g e r , Horatio. Only an Irish boy. 102 G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B B A R Y . 914 AI5S A l l e n , E. A. Scenes abroad. 915 AI 5 A l l e n , T. G. Across Asia on a bicycle. 304 AI7 A l t g e l d , J. P. 914.6 An2 A n d e r s e n , H. C. B An2 Live questions. 2 vol. In Spain and Portugal. Story of my life. An8v See also Fiction. A n d r e w s , Jane. See Fiction. A n s t e y . (T. A. Guthrie). Vice versa. 537.8 At5 A t k i n s o n , Philip. power. A r b l a y , Mrs. F . B. See Burney, Frances. Electric t r a n s f o r m a t i o n ^ A u e r b a c h , Berthold. A u s t e n , Jane. See Fictien. See Fiction. A u s t i n , Mrs. J. G. 808.5 Ay7 A y r e s , Alfred. 915.2 Bi3g 915.2 Bi3i B a c o n , Alice M. B17C B a k e r , Sir S. W. 523 B21 B a l l , Sir R. S. See Fiction. Acting and actors. Japanese girls and women. A Japanese interior. Cast up by the sea. Story of the heavens. Ballantyne, R. M. See Fiction. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B B A R Y . B a l z a c , H. de. See Fiction. 973.2 B73 B a n c r o f t , George 971.1 B22 B a n c r o f t , H. H. bia. History of the U. S. History of British Colum- B a r r , Mrs. A. E. 537.8 B27 10& See Fiction. B a r r e t t , J. P. Electricity at the Columbiaa Exposition. B a r r i e , J. M. See Fiction. B B39 206 B27 912 gB28 B31P B a r r o w s , J H. World's parliament of religions. B a r t h o l o m e w , J. G. Graphic atlas and gazetteer ot the world. B a t e s , Arlo. Patty's perversities. B a y l y , Ada E. 820 B39 B41I Henry Ward Baecher. B e e r s , H. A. See Lyall, Edna, in Fiction. From Chaucer ro Tennyson. B e l l a m y , Edward. Looking bakcward. B e s a n t , Walter. B B84 See Fiction. B i g l e l o w , John. William Cullen Bryant. B i s h o p , W. H. See Fiction. B j o r n s o n , Bjoernstjerne. B l a c k , William See Fiction. B l a c k m o r e , R. D. 266 gB6i B l i s s , Rev. E." M. See Fiction. See Fiction. Encyclopedia of missions. 104 GALENA P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . 613.23 B63 B o l a n d , Mary A. ing. Hand book of invalid cook- 920.7 B63 B o l t o n , Sarah K. Girls who became famous. 920 B63 Poor boys who became famous. B BOSWell, James. B Ni6b B o u r r i e n n e , L. A. F. de. leon Bonaparte. B69g B o y e s e n , H. H. 948.1 B69 Life of Samuel Johnson. Mamoirs of Napo- Gunnar. Story of Norway. 2858 B72 B r a d f o r d , A H. Pilgrim in old England. 914.7 B73 B r a n d e s , Dr. Georg. 910 B73a B r a s s e y , Lady Anne. Around the world in the yacht sunbeam. Impressions of Russia. 910 E>73i In the trades, the tropics, and the forties. 910 B73I The last voyage. 914.96 B73 roaring Sunshine and storm in the East. B75P B r e m e r , Fredrika. The president's daughters. 812 B760 B r i d g e s , Robert. Overheard in Arcady. B r o n t e , Charlotte. B783 B r o n t e , Emily. See Fiction. Wuthering Heights. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . JB79P B r o o k s , B. A. masters. 910 B79 B r o o k s , Phillips. 628 B81 B r o w n , G. P. way. B r o w n , Helen D . See Fiction. B8i5r B r o w n , Dr. John. Rab and his friends. 821 B82 B r o w n i n g , Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. cal works. 105 Phil Vernon and his school Letters of travel. Drainage channel and water- B r o w n i n g , Robert. See English poetry. B83C B r u s h , Mrs. Christine. 811 B84 342.73 B84 * B r y a n t , William Cullen. 398 B87 292 B87 B u l f i n c h , Thomas. B88s B u n n e r , Henry house. B883 B u n y a n , John. B883P Colonel's opera cloak. The age of chivalry. The age of fable. C. Story of a New York Complete works. Pilgrim's progress. B u r n e y , Frances. See Fiction. Evelina. B u r n h a m , Clara Louise. 821 B93 Poetical works. B r y c e , James. American commonwealth. B u r n e t t , Mrs. F. H. B93ie Poeti- B u r n s , Robert. See Fiction. Poetical works. 106 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. B u r s t e n b i n d e r , Elizabeth. Ernst in Fiction. 814 Bg 4 r B u r r o u g h s . John. B98P B a t t e r W OV fch, H^zekiah. master. 821 B99 B y r o n , Lord. C a b l e , G. W. 942.89 C12 C12S C a i n e , Hall. See Werner, Riverby. Patriot Poems and dramas. See Fiction. Little Manx nation. The scapegoat. Cigt C a r l e t o n , William. Irish peasantry. 914.2 C21 C a r n e g i e , Andrew. An American hand in England. 917.3 C21 102 C25 811 C25 Traits and stories of the four-in- Triumphant democracy. C a m s , Paul. Primer of philosophy. C a r y , Alice & Phoebe. Poetical works. C a t h e r w o o d , M. H. J031 C35 school- See Fiction. C h a m p l i n , J. D. Young folks'cyclopaedia of common things. J790 C35 Young folks' cyclopaedia sports. J920 C35 Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. C h a m p n e y , E. W. of games and See Fiction. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B B A B Y . JC41I1 C h e l l i s , M. D. B C h e n e y , Mrs. E. D. 107 Harold Dorsey's fortune. Louisa May Alcott. Ah C47C C h u r c h , A. J. The chantry priest of Barnet. C54D Clark, Beneath the dome. B C55 290 C55 C l a r k e , J. F. C57d C l a y , B. M. A. A. James Freeman Clarke. Ten great religions. Dora Thorne. C l e m e n s , S. L. 910 C65 970.5 C69 See Twain, Mark. Coffin, C, C. Oar new way round the world. C o l l i e r , Price. Mr. Picket-Pin and his friends. C o l l i n s , Wilkie. See Fiction. jC73g C o m f o r t , E. M. Grizzley's little pard. 225.92 P28C C o n g b e a r e , Rev. W. J. St. Paul. C o o k e , Mrs. R. T. C o o p e r , J. F. JC83D C o x , Palmar. Life and epistles of See Fiction. See Fiction. Brownies around the world. C r a d d o c k , (Mary N. Murfree). JC85C C r a i g i n , Mrs. L. T. Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. in Fiction. C r a w f o r d , F. M. See Fiction. The cedars. See Mulock, DinahM. See Fiction. 108 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRABY. 909 C86 C r e a s y , Sir E. S. the world. Fifteen decisive battles of B El4 C r o s s , J. W. George Eliot's life. C r o s s , Mrs. M. A. E. L. See Eliot, George. 372 C93 C u r r i e , James. Principles and practice of early and infant school education. C94P B * C 9 6b C u r t i s , G. W. Prue & I. C u s t e r , Mrs. E. Boots and saddles. B Cg6i B CI6t Following the guidon. Tenting on the plains. 240 C99 C u y l e r , T. L. 550 Di9g D a n a , J. D. 550 Digg 910 D19 508.3 D25 Christianity in the home. Geological story briefly told. Manual of geology. D a n a , R. H. Two years before the mast. D a r w i n , Charles. the world. D a u d e t , Alphonse. Naturalist's voyage round See Fiction. 385 D29 D a v i s , J. P. Union Pacific railway. 914.2 D29 917.8 L D29 D a v i s , R. H . Our*English cousins. The West from a car window. See also Fiction. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . JD36 D e f o e , Daniel. D37d D e l i t z s c h , Franz. B D44 109 Robinson Crusoe. Day in Capernaum. D e Q u i n c e y , Thomas. 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Stories of the gorilla coun- Honorable Mrs. Vereker. D u d e v a n t , Mme. A. L. A. D. George in Fiction. D u m a s , Alexandre. D a M a u r i e r , Gaorge. 914.21 D91 Duncan,Sara}. 915 4 D91 Sand. See Fiction. D893t 910 D91 See Trilby. An American girl in London. A social departure. Tha simple adventures of a mamsahib. 891.7 D92 D u p u y , Ernest. erature. 913.37 D98 D y e r , T. H. quities. 263 Ea7s E a r l e , Mrs. A M. England. Great masters of Russian lit- Pompeii, its buildings and antiSibbath in Puritan New G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . E b e r s , George. Ill See Fiction. 277.3 Ed3 E d h o l m , Charlton. Traffic in girls and Fiorence Crittenton missions. 913.32 Edg E d w a r d s , A. B. plorers. 916.2 Edg Thousand miles up the Nile. Eggleston. 824 EI4 821 Pharaohs, fellahs, and ex• See Fiction. E l i o t , George. (Mrs. Cross). from a note-book. Essays, leaves Poems. El4 See also Fiction. Elsg E l l i s , E. S. Great cattle trail. 335 EI9 331 EI9 E l y , R. T. French and German socialism in modern times. Labor movement in America. 914.2 Em3 E m e r s o n , Ralph Waldo, 811 Em3 Poems. 2 cop. 920 Engilsh traits. Representative men, Em3 See also American essays. E r c k m a n n , Emile. 1541 F22 See Fiction. E w i n g i Mrs. J. H. See Fiction. F a r a d a y , Michael. Chemical history candle. of a 112 0 A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. F22f F a r j e o n , B. L. Fair Jewess. jF24e F a r * * * , F. W. Eric. 225.92 P28f Life and work of St. Paul. 232:9 F24 Life of Christ. 226.9 F24 Lord's prayer. 920 F24 Seekers after God. 292 F35 F e n e l o n , Francois. hus. F43r F e u i l l e t , Octave. man. 811 F45I F i e l d , Eugene. Adventures of TelemacRomance of a poor young Little book of western verse. 811 F45s Second book of verse. 811 F45W With trumpet and drum. 916.1 F45 F i e l d , H. M. Barbary coast. 914 F45 From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. 914.6 F45 Gibraltar. 914.96 F45 Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 654.5 F45 Story of the Altantic telegraph. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 920 F46 F i e l d s , J. T. 533.6 F47 F i j n j e , Van Salverda J. W. 232 F53 F i s h e r , G. T. Christian religion. 973.3 F54a F i s k e , John. 11$ Yesterdays with authors. American revolution. F i n l e y , Mrs Martha. Aerial navigation. See Fiction. 974 F54 342.73 F46 Beginnings of New England. 973.3 F54c Critical period of American hbtorv 1783-89- 218 F54 Destiny of man. 973.1 F54 Discovery of America. B Y8 Edward Livingston Youmans. 211 F54 Idea of God. 398 F54 Myth and myth makers. no F54 Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 973 3 F54W War of independence. Civil governmenit in U. S, F l e m i n g , M. A, See Fiction. 114 917.73 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . F l i n n , ]. J. Standard guide to Chicago. F64 F o o t e , Mary H. See Fiction. B D55 F o r s t e r , John, Life of Charles Dickens. F82f F o t h e r g i l l , Jessie. 757 F o w l e r , Frank. First violin. Portrait and figure painting. F82 F86p F r a z a r , Douglas Perseverance island. F r e y t a g , Gustav. See Fiction. F93t F r o u d e , J. A. F95C F u l l e r , Edward. Complaining millions of men. Two chiefs of Danboy. Gi6r G a r b e , Richard. Redemptioa of the Brahman. Gi7q G a r d n e r . Sarah M. H. Gi8m B Gig G a r l a n d , Himlin. M dn-trivelled roads. G a r r i s o n , W. P. & F. J. William Lloyd Garrison. 4 vol. Quaker idyls. G21C G a s k e l l , Mrs. E. C. 222.11 G23W G a u s s e n , L. 591.16 G26 G e d d e s , Patrick. 232.9 G27 G e i k e , Cunningham, Life and words of Christ. Cranford. The world's birthday. Evolution of sex. 325 251 G i b s o n , O Chinese in America. G35 811 G i l d e r , R. W. Five books of song. G 3 8f G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. 115 G52n G l u m e r , Claire von. G57V G o l d s m i t h , Oliver 177.7 G61 GoOdale, F. A. 907 G65 G o r d a y , W. history. B G71 G o t h e , j . W. Von. Autobiography. 2 vol. 832 A noble name. Vicar of Wakefield. Literature of philanthropy,. F. Pathfinder in American Faust. G7I G71W Welhelm Meister. 2 vol. 598.2 G76 G r a n t , J. B. Oar common birds and how to know them. • B G 7 6g G r a n t , U. S. 581 G79S G r a y , Asa. 919.8 G81 G r e B l e y , A W. Three yaars of Arctic service. Personal memoirs. 2 vol. Structural botany. G r e y , M. (M. G. Tuttiett). See Fiction. 949.2 G87 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland and what she taught us. 811 G87 G r i g g s , N. K. 537 qG94 G u i l l e m i n , A. V. Electricity and magnetism. 321.8 G94 G u i z o t , F. P. G. in Europe. Representative government G u t h r i e , T. A. Lyrics of the lariat. See Anstey. F. 116 GALENA PUBLIC Huh H a b b e r t o n , John. Hi2k H a g g a r d , Rider. 920 H13 H a l e . E. E. 914.6 LIBRARY. Helen's babies. King Solomon's mines. Boy's heroes. Seven Spanish cities. See also Fiction. H133 H a l e v y , Ludovic. JH14 H a l l , Charles W. Adrift in the ice fields. 252.4 H14 H a l l , Thomas C. Power of an endless life. 942 H15 H a l l a m , Henry. England. Constitutional }Hi7h H a m e r t o n , P. G. 914 H18 H a m i l t o n , P. J. Hi8d H a m m o n d , W. A. 252 H19 H a n d f o r d , T. W. H22p H a r d y , A. S. B N29 9145 H22 Abbe Constantin. history of Harry Blount. Rambles in historic lands. Doctor Grattan. Lamps of the temple. Passe Rose. Life and letters of Joseph Neesima. H a r e , A J. C. Sicily. Cities of Southern 914.436 H22d Days near Paris. 914.55 H22 Florence. Italy and G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 914.8 117 Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. H22 914.53 H22 Venice. 914.21 Walks in London. H22 914 436 Walks in Paris. H22W 914.56 Walks in Rome. H22 H a r r i s o n , Mrs. Burton. 811 H25 Harte, Brete. Poetical 611.1 H26 H a r v e y , William. universalis. B H31 H a w t h o r n e , Nathaniel. thorne and his wife. See Fiction. works. See also Fiction. Prelectiones anatomiae Nathaniel Haw- 917.44 H31 Passages from the American note books. 914.5 H31 Passages from the French and Italian n o t e books. 914.2 H31 Our old home and English note books. 818 H31 Tales, sketches and other paper. See also Fiction. B H34 504 H e a l y , G. P. A. Reminiscences of a portrait painter. H e l m h o l t z . H. Popular scientific lectures. 118 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. H e n d e r s o n , Isaac. H e n t y , G. A. See Fiction. Sae Fiction. 918. i H43 H e r n d o n , W. L. Valley of the Amazon. H53D ' H i g g i n s o n . Mrs. S. J. H532111 H i g g i s o n , T. W. mance. Bedonin girl. Malbone an Old port ro- 820 H55 H i l l , A. S. H550 H i l l e m , Wilhelmine von. jH67k H o f f m a n , Franz. Knight and peasant. 793 H67 H o f f m a n , Louis. Puzzles new and old. '- 811 H710 H o l l a n d , J. G. 170.4 H71 Our English. Only a girl. Bitter-sweet. Letters to the Joneses See also Fiction. H72S H o l l e y , Marietta. fair. Samantha at the H o l m e s , Mrs. M. J. 817 H73a 610.4 H73 914.2 H73 817 H730 H o l m e s , O. W. table. See Fiction. Autocrat of the Medical essays. Our hundred days in Europe,. Over the teacups. world's breakfast G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 817 H73P "Pages from an old volume of life. 817 H73P7 The poet at the breakfast table. 811 H73 Poetical works. 817 H73P9 119 The professor at the breakfast table. See also Fiction. 342.73 H74 B C12 H o i s t , H. von. Constitutional history of the United States. 8 vol, J o n n C. Calhoun. 650 H75 H o m a n s , J. S. Cyclopaedia of commerce. 821 H76 H o o d , Thomas. Poetical works. H77P H o p e , Anthony. Prisoner of Zenda. B Adi7 H o s m e r , J. K. Samuel Adams. 811 H81 H o u g h t o n , H. H. 914.3 H83 H o w a r d , Blanche VV. One year abroad. 507 H83 H o w e , E. G. Systematic science teaching. H832S H o w e , E. W. Story of a country town. 914.5 H833 H o w e l l s , W D. Poems. See also Fiction. Italian journeys. 120 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 811 H83 Poems. 812 H833S Sleeping-car and other farces. 914.53 H833 Venetian life. See also Fiction. 192 8 H86 H u d s o n , W. H. Introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer. B AI25 H u g h e s , Thomas. Alfred the Great. H87t2 Tom Brown at Oxford, H87t4 Tom Brown's school days. 2 cop. H u g o , Victor. See Fiction. H88g H u m p h r e y s , Jeannette. 277.3 H u r s t , J. F. Growing up. Short history of the church in H49 the U. S. B C72 B G57 B Ir8i I r v i n g , Washington. I n g e l o w , Jean. See Fiction. Columbus. Goldsmith. Irving. B M72 Mahomet and his successors. B W27i Washington. See also American humor. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 396.5 Jackson, Edna C. 914.5 J a c k s o n , Helen Hunt. 121 Women wealth-winners. Bits of travel. J» 917.3 J12 . Bits of travel at horns. 910 Glimpses of three coasts. J12 See also Fiction. 914.4 J23 J a m e s , Henry Jr., A little tour in France. See also Fiction. J48J J e r o m e , J. K. John Ingerfield. J e w e t t , Sarah O. See Fiction. 973.7 J63 J o h n , Eugene. See Marlitt, E. in Fiction, J o h n s o n , Rossiter. Short history of the war of secesssion. See also Fiction. J65P J o h n s t o n , R. M. The Primes and their neighbors. 016 J72 J o n e s , L. E. 942 J o y , J. R. Best reading. Outline history of England. J8 4 J88m J u d d , Sylvester. K21C K e a r y , Annie. J799 K25 K e e n e , J. H. Margaret. Castle Daly. Boys own guide to fishing. 122 915.7 K36 915.7 K 3 6t 598.2 K52 GALENA P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . K e n n a n , George. Siberia and the exile system. Tent life in Siberia. K e y s e r , L. S. In bird land. K i n g , Capt. Charles. 591.5 K62 K i n g s l e y , Charles. K i p l i n g , Rudyard. See Fiction. See Fiction. The jungle book. See also Fiction. 977.3 K63 K i r k l a n d , Joseph. Chicago massacre of 1812. 796 K72 KnaufF, T. C. B D28 K n o x , Rev. C. E. J916.2 K77 Knox*, T. W. Boy travellers in Egypt and the Holy Land. J914.2 K77 Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland. J915.2 Boy travellers in Japan and China. Athletics for physical culture. David the king. K77. J917.2 K77 J914.7 K77 J918 K77 910.2 K77 Boy travellers in Mexico. Boy travellers in Russian Empire, Boy travellers in South America. How to travel. G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. 123 553.8 K96 K u n z , G. F. Gems and precious stones of North America. 613.22 K98 K y g e r , J. W. LIQV La Motte-Fouque, other stories. L22p L a n c e w o o d , Lawrence. 914.6 L34 L a t h r o p , G. P. 330 L36 L a u g h l i n , J. L. jL56t L e s l i e , Mrs. Madeline. L e e , Mary C, L e v e r , Charles. Infant foods and infant feeding. F. H. K. Undine and Peter Clinton. Spanish vistas. Study of political economy. See Fiction. Two homes. See Fiction. Lyik L i t c h f i e l d , Grace D. forest. jL8ic L o c k y e r , Lisa. B H18 L o d g e , H. C. Knight of the black Child's influence. Alexander Hamilton. B W27I George Washington. 2 vol. B W39 Daniel Webster. L85a L o n g , Lily A. 811 L86 L o n g f e l l o w , H. W. Complete poetical works. 914 L86 Apprentices to destiny. Outre-mer. See also Fiction. 124 914 L87 B Hi3 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. L o o m i s , L. C. Index guide to travel art study in Europe. L o s s i n g , B. J. Two spies, Nathan Hale and John Andre. L o t h r o p , Mrs. H. M. in Ficticn. See Sidney, Margaret Lgii L o t i , Pierre. JL92 L o u g h e a d , Mrs. F. H. An Iceland Fisherman. L o v e r , Samuel. 814 L95I3 814 L95I7 L95n L o w e l l , J. R. Abandoned claim. See Fiction. Latest literary essays. Prose works. 6 vol. L o w e l l , Robert. Bay. New priest in Conception L y a l l , Edna (A. E. Bayly.) L y t t o n , E. G. E . Bulwer. 942 Mn M a c a u l a y , T. B. 910.7 Mi 3 M c C o r m i c k , Henry. Geography. 811 M13 M c C u l l o c h , Hugh. 372 ^aM22 M24a See Fiction. See Fiction. History of England. 5 vol. Practical The quest of M a c D o n a l d , George. M22q and in Heracles. See Fiction. M c L e a n , Alison. Quiet stories from woman's garden. M c M u r r a y , Mrs. L, B. the little ones. M a c Q u o i d , Mrs. K. S. work an old Classic stories for At the red glove, G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . B F24 125 M a h a n , A. T. Admiral Farragut (Great coramanders.) M29D M a l o t , Hector. 320 M33 M a r c o t t e , Charles. ticians. Boy wanderer. B F92 M a r e n h o l z - B u l o w , B. Friedrich Froebel. Governments and poli- Reminicences of M a r l i t t , E (Eugenie John ) See Fiction. M a r r y a t , Capt. Frederick. M36I M a r t y n , Mrs. George. 028.8 M42 M a t s o n , Henry. workers. M43W See Fiction. A liberal References M a t t h e w s , Brander. education. for literary With my friends. M e a d e , Lillie T. (Mrs. Smith.) See Fiction. 537 M52 M e n d e n h a l l , T. C. A century of electricity. M54I M e r e d i t h , George. Lord Aminta. 821 M54 M e r e d i t h , Owen Lucile. 421.5 aM56 M e t c a l f , Thomas. A system of dictionary work for common schools. B J57 M i c h e l e t , Jules. 812 M6if M i l l e r , C. G. 598.2 M61 M i l l e r , Olive. T. 530 M62 M i l l s , Simeon. nature. Ormont and (Robert, Lord his Lytton.) Joan of Arc. Father Junipero Serra. Bird ways. Readings from the book of 126 M6gd 818 M6 9 d 818 M6gr GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . M i t c h e l l , D. G. Doctor Johns. Dream life. Reveries of a bachelor. M694W M i t c h e l l , S. W. green. 321 M72 Mofifett, S. E. When all the woods are Suggestions on government. M o l e s w o r t h , Mrs. Mary L. 799 M76 M o n t a g u e , Charles. B Ad 1 M o r s e , J. T. See Fiction. Tales of a nomad. John Adams B Adi2 Joh Q Quincy Adams. B F85 Benjamin Franklin. B J35 Thomas Jefferson, 396.8 M84 M o r t o n , F. W. Woman in epigram. 9^7.3 M85 M o s e s , John. B qM85 M o t l e y , J. L. Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley. 2 vol. The white city. Illinois. B B26 Life and death of John of Barneveld. 2 vol. 949.203 M85 Rise of the Dutch republic. 2'vol. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 949.2 M85 United Netherlands. 127 4 vol. 290 M91 M u l l e r , Max. Chips from a German workshop. 914.4 M u l o c h , D. M. (Mrs. Craik). Fair France. See also Fiction. M95f M u n r o e , Kirk. Fur-seal's tooth. M u r f r e e , Mary N. in Fiction. See Craddock, Charles E . N e e d l e , Mrs. J. H. See Fiction. NieritZ, Gustav. See Fiction. N66u N o b l e , Annette L. 910.4 N75111 NordhoflF, Charles. J320 N75 Uncle Jack's executors. Man-of-war-life. Politics for young Americans. 973 N81 N o r t h r o p , H. D. Fortschritts. 920 OI3 O l i p h a n t , Mrs. Florence. 324.73 On2 O ' N e i l l , C. A. American electoral system. Oa2e O ' N e i l , Moira, An Eastern vacation. 915 Optic, Op7 s Oliver. Vier Jjahrhunderte des O, W. The makers of (W. T. Adams). breezes. jOp7b Brother against brother. 916.2 Up and down the Nile. Asiatic 128 GALENA P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . Or3w O ' R e i l l y , Mrs. When we were young. 918 O r t o n , James. Andes and the Amazon. Or8 P a g e , T. N. Pansy, See Fiction. Mrs. Alden. See Fiction. P22t 973.2 P23C P a r k e r , Gilbert. Trail of the sword. P a r k m a n , Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 971 P23C Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 973.2 P23h Half century of conflict. 973.2 P23J Jesuits in North America. 973.2 P23I La Salle and the discovery of the Great West. 973.2 P23m Montcalm & Wolfe. 971 P230 Old regime in Canada. 917.8 P23 Oregon trail 973.2 Pioneers of France in the New World. P23P B P a r t o n , James.' Life of Aaron Burr. B94 187 * P a t e r , Walter. Marius the epicurean. • P27111 J279.924 P a t o n , J. C P27 Story of his life. G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBKARY. 232.4 P29 232.9 P a y n t e r , H. M. 129 Holy death. Holy life. P29 232.5 P29 Holy resurrection. 232 P29 Holy sorrow. 232.3 P29 Holy supper. jP3im P e a r s e , M. G. 919.8 P31 P e a r y , Mrs. J. D. Mr. Horn and his friends. O30 qP33 P e e k , H. T.ed. International cyclopaedia. B J33 P e l l e w , W. G. John Jay. P5ib P h e l p s , C. E. D. P512S P h e l p s , E. S. (Mrs. Ward.) B P i c k a r d , S. T. My Arctic journal. Bailiff of Tewkesbury. Silent partner. John Greenleaf Whittier. W6ip D555 P i e r c e , G A Dickens dictionary. 920 P74 231.3 P88 P l u t a r c h . Lives of illustrious men. P r a t t , S. W. Gospel of the Holy Spirit. P r e n t i s s , Mrs. Elizabeth. 932 R19 B - a w l i n s o n , George. See Fiction. Ancient Egypt. 2 vol. 130 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 935 Rioi F i v e great m o n a r c h i e s . 935 Rigse T h e seventh great oriental monarchy. 935 Ri9si T h e sixth g r e a t o r i e n t a l m o n a r c h y . R e a d e , Charles. See Fiction. •933 R29 R e n a i l , Ernest. History I s r a e l . 3 Vol. 814. R2gi Repplier, Agnes. R39I1. Richter, J. P. F. pieces. 331.8 R44C Riis, Jicob A. 331.8 • R44h* 811 R45a of t h e p e o p l e of In the dozy hours. Richards, W. C. R4if 3 vol. Harry's vacation. Flower, fruit and The children of the poor. How the other half lives. R i l e y , J. W. Afterwhiles. 811 R45n Neighborly poems. 811 R45P6 Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury. 811 R45P7 Poems here at home. S11 R45r Rhymes of childhood. 634 R62 Roe, E. P. Success with small fruit. See also Fiction. thorn GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. B B44 B M83 553 R74 R o o s e v e l t , Theodore. 131 Thomas Hart Benton. Gouverneur Morris. R o t h w e l l , R. P ed. The mineral industry. R83d Ruffini, G. D. Doctor Antonio. 824 R8gc R u s k i n , John. Crown of wild olive. 750 R89 Modern painters. 5 vol. 824 R8gs Sesame and lillies. S123P Saintine, X. B. Picciola. 179.3 Sa3 817 S a l t , H. S. Animals' rights. S a n b o r n , Kate. Abandoning an adopted farm. Sa5 S a n d , George. (Mrs. Dudevant). See Fiction. B Sa5 Sa7p S a n d o w , Eugene. System of physical training. S a r g e n t , Epes. Peculiar; a hero of the Southern rebellion. 238 Schi SchafF, Philip. Creeds of Christendom. 3 vol. Sch2e SchefFel, J. V. von. 535.84 Sch2 S c h e l l e n , Dr. H. 838 Sch3 S c h i l l e r , Friederich von. Ekkehard. Spectrum analysis. Werke. 132 GALENA P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . Schyd S e h r e i n e r , Olive. B L63S S c h u r z , Carl. B C57 917.2 Seng Dreams. Abraham Lincoln. Henry Clay. 2 vol. S c h w a t k a , Frederick. In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. 915.2 Sci2 S c i d m o r e , Eliza R. Jinrikisha days in Japan. 799 SC03 S c o t t , G. C. Fishing in American waters. S c o t t , Sir Walter. * See Fiction. jqScu S c u d d e r , H. E. B Ni6s S e e l e y , J R. The children's book. Se8h S e v e r a n c e , M. S. vard days. Se8ib S e w e l l , Anna. B B93 S h a i r p , J. C Napoleon the first. Hammersmith; his Har- Black Beauty. Robert Burns. S h a k e s p e a r e , William. Sh4C Sheldon, C M . B V27 S h e p a r d , E. M. See English drama. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. Martin Van Buren. S h e p p a r d , Elizabeth. See Fiction. 613 SI17 S h o e m a k e r . J. V. Heredity, personal beauty. Sh8j S h o r t h o u s e , T- H. 070 Shg S h u m a n , E . L. health John Inglesant. Steps into journalism. a*d G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . S i d n e y , Margaret. Fiction. (Mrs. SienkiewiGZ, Henryk. Sm5c 917.2 Sm5w 378.42 Sm5 S m i t h , F. H. 133 Lothrop.) Sse See Fiction. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. A white umbrella in Mexico. S m i t h , Goldwin. Oxford and her colleges. 240 Sm5 S m i t h , Hannah W. of a happy life. 810.8 Sm5 S m i t h , Huntington. literature. The Christian's secret A century of American S m i t h , Mrs. L. T. M. Fiction. 811 Sms S m i t h , James and J. R. 914.95 Sn3 S n i d e r , D. J. See Meaie, L. T. in Poems. A walk in Hellas. S p i e l h a g e n , Friedrich. See Fiction, 920.7 Sp6 Spoflford, Mrs. H. P. England romance. Three heroines of New Stic S t a e l , Mme. de. 797 Sti S t a g g , A. A. B S t a l k e r , James. Life of St. Paul. J252.4 Sti S t a l l , Sylvanus. to children. Five minute objeet 916.7 St2c S t a n l e y , H. M. The Congo and the founding of its free state. 2 vols. Corinne. Treatise on American football. P28S sermons 134 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 916.7 St2h How I found Livingston. 916.7 St2i In darkest Africa. 2 vol. 811 St2 S t a n t o n , F. L. Songs of the soil. B G13 S t e v e n s , J. A. Albert Gallatin. 824 St4e S t e v e n s o n , R. L. The ebb tide. See also Fiction. S t o c k t o n , F. R. B Ni6st See Fiction. S t o d d a r d , J. L. St. Helena. Napoleon from jSt62C S t o d d a r d , W. O. 618 St6n S t o r e r , H. R. 618 St6w Corsica to Why not? B St 7 S t o w e , C. E. Chris the model maker. On nurses and nursing. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe. S t o w e , Mrs. H. B. See Fiction. St8c S t r e c k f u s s , Adolph. 920.7 St8 S t r i c k l a n d , Agnes. 6 vol. 322 St8 S t r o n g , Josiah. S t r e t t o n , Hesba. 917.3 St8 Our country. Castle Hohenwald. See Fiction. The queens of The new era. England. GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 815 Su6 S u m n e r , Charles. Sw5g S w i f t , Jonathan. 973.74 Sw6 S w i n t o i l , William. of the Potomac. 915-5 Sy6 S y m o n d s , J. A . True grandeur of nations. Gulliver's travels. Campaigns of the army Italian byways. T a u t p h o e u s , J. M. Baroness von. 811 T a y l o r , Bayard. 185 See Fiction. Poetical works. T21 B T21 917.94 See also Fiction. T a y l o r , Mrs. M. Life and letters of Taylor. T a y l o r , B. F. Between the gates. Bayard T21 • 821 T25 T e n n y s o n , Alfred. Works. 827 T32D 827 T32C 828 T 3 2f T h a c k e r a y , W. M. Burlesques. 914.15 Contributions to Punch. Four Georges and sketches. Irish sketch-book and character sketches* T32 828 T32m' 914 T32 828 T32r Miscellaneous papers. Paris sketch boDk and eastern sketckes Roundabout papers. See also Fiction. 136 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 917.42 T33 T h a x t e r , Mrs. Celia. Shoals. 242 T36 T h o m a s , A. Kempis. Christ, 920 qT36 T h o m a s , Joseph ed. Lippincott's pronouncing biographical dictionary. B L6 3 t T h o m p s o n , D. D. Abraham Lincoln. T37g T h o m p s o n , D. P. Green Mountain boys. T37I Locke Amsden. T373t T h o m p s o n , Maurice. 917.44 T39 917.4 T39 917.41 T39 376.6 T42 378.1 T h o r e a u , H. D. Among the isles of Of the imitation of Tallahassee. Cape Cod. Concord and Meirimac livers. Maine woods. T h w i n g , C. F . College woman. Within college walls. T42 B D64 177 T58 Tiffany, Francis. Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. T o l s t o i , L. M. Count. Kingdom of God is within you. 818 T64 T o u r g e e , A. W. Outing with the queen of hearts. T r o l l o p e , Anthony. See Fiction. See also Fiction. 353-9773 T r o w b r i d g e , Oliver, Illinois and the nation. T75 G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 137 JT15W T r o w b r i d g e , J. T. Woodie Thorpe's pilgrimage. 6o5 T77 T f a m i n , B. C. HTistory of the world's fair. T u t t i e t t , M. G. See Grey, Maxwell in Fiction. 817 T91I 817 Tgir T w a i n , Mark (Samuel Clemens.) Mississippi. Life on the Roughing it. B F22 T y n d a l l , John. cop. B W6iu U n d e r w o o d , F. H. tier. B Ur3 U r g 0 3 , Francesco. Thrilling incidents in the life of of an Italian. JV28U V a n d 3 g i \ i 8 t , Margaret. 917.8 V36 V a n T r a m p , J. C. ures. V e r n e , Jules. V i a u d , Julien. 374,7 V i n c e n t , J. H. Faraday as a discoverer. John Greenleaf Under the 2 Whit- dog-star. Ro^ky mountain advent- See Fiction. Sse Loti, Pierre in Fiction. Chautauqua movement. v74 572 W13 W a k e , C. S. ed. Memoirs of the international congress of anthropology. W a l l a c e , Lew. See Fiction. W a r d , Mrs. E. S. See Phelps, Mrs. E. S. \V21m W a r d . Mrs. Humphrey. 817 W24D W a r n e r , C. D. Marcella. Backlog studies. 2 vol. 138 G A L E N A PTJBLICMilBK A R Y . W241 A little journey* in the world. 817 W241T1 My summer in a garden. 916.2 W24 My winter on the Nile, 91794 W24 Our Italy. 914 W24r A rouadabout journey. 914 W24S Saunterings. W24t Their pilgrimage. B Ir8w Washington Irving. W a r n e i , Susan.^. See Wetherell, in Fiction. Elizabeth W25t W a r r e n , Samuel.~ Ten thousand a year. 371.94 W29 W a t e r b u r y , M. Freedmen. W33d W a t s o n , Augusta C. 423 qW39 W e b s t e r , Noah. International dictionary of the Eng. language. W49S W e r n e r , Ernst. Seven years among the Dorothy the Puritan. Saint Michael. Wetherell. Elizabeth. See Fiction. W54I1 Weyman, S.J. W56f W h e e l e r , Preserved. boulevards. 371.5 W58 W h i t e , E . E. (Susan 0Warner.) The house of the wolf. From side streets and School management. G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. W h i t n e y , Mrs. A. D. T. 811 W6i W h i t t i e r , J. G. 916.64 W61 W h i t o n , S. J. 189 See Fiction. Complete works. Glimpses of West Africa. W i g g i n , Mrs. K D. See Fiction. 324.94 W63 W i g m o r e , J. H. Australian ballot system. WilCOX, Mrs. E. W. Maurine. W64 W i l k i n s , Mary E. 840 W65 B W66 W i l l a r d , Frances. See Fiction. W i l k i n s o n , W. C. English. Classic French course in A great mother. W i l s o n , Mrs. A. J. (Evans). See Fiction. 326 W69 W i l s o n , Henry. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 vol. 3536 W69 W i l s o n . J. T. 328 W69 W i l s o n , Woodrow. ment. 350 W69 550 W72W The black phalanx. Congressional 2 cop. govern- The State. W i n c h e l l , Alexander. Walks and talks in the geological field. jW83a W o l f , Joseph. Anecdotes of animals. 330 W85 W o o d , Henry. Political economy of natural law. W o o l s o n , C. F. See Fiction. 140 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 551.31 W93 W r i g h t , G. F . ica. 504 W93 W r i g h t , Mabel. O Friendship of nature. JW99 W y s s , J. D. The ice age in North Amer- Swiss Family Robinson. Y o n g e , C. M. See Fiction. 520 Y8 523.7 Y8 Y o u n g , C. A. General astronomy. 902 Y8 Y o u n g , L. H. Remarkable world's history. The sun. events in the G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 141 RULES KND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE GHLENH PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1. The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Galena Public Library for the election of officers shall be held on the last Monday in July. Regular meetings shall be held on the last Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November. Five directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary upon the written request of the President or any two Directors, and a notice thereof shall be given to each Director,- in which shall be stated the object of the meeting, and no business shall be transacted at such meeting except such as is stated in the notice. 3. The officers of the Board of Directors shall consist of a President, a Vice-President and a Financial Secretary who shall hold their offices respectively until the next annual election and until their successors shall have been elected and have qualified. 4. The President shall appoint such committees as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. 142 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 5. The President shall be ex-officio a member of each committee, without power to vote It shall be his duty to preside at all the meetings of the board, and to prepare for the consideration of the Board, the annual report of the Board of Directors required by the seventh section of the Illinois state law governing Public Libraries. 6. In the absence or inability of the President all the duties of that office shall devolve upon the Vice President. 7. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a permanent record of the meetings of the Board of Directors, and to send notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall also under the supervision of the Committee on Finance, be the financial officer of the Library, and keep its accounts and receive, and safely deposit all moneys which may come in his custody from gifts bequests, fines security deposits, sale of .finding lists, books lost and paid for, and all other moneys which under the rules and practice of the Library may be placed in-his custody as Secretary. He shall make to the Board at each regular meeting a statement of all moneys received and disbursed by him in the preceding two months. 8. 411 expenditures shall be made by vote of the Board of Directors and orders in payment thereof shall be signed by the pres- G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. 143 ident and countersigned by the Secretary. 9. The rules governing the Board of Directors or the use of the Library and Reading Room can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors provided notice of such change be made at a previous meeting. 144 GALENA PUBLIC L I B B A R Y . RULES HND REGULATIONS G0M6RNING THE GHLENK PUBLIC LIBRARY AND R6KDING ROOM- 1. The name of this library shall be the Galena Public Library and Reading Room. 2. No anarchistic, atheistic, or immoral book shall be tolerated in the library. 3. All well behaved persons over ten years of age shall be entitled to the free use of the Reading Room and may consult any book in the library under the direction of the librarian. 4. Any resident of Galena over twelve years of age shall be entitled to draw books from the library upon signing and delivering to the Librarian the application, agreement and guarantee prescribed by the Board of Directors. 5. Persons residing outside of the city of Galena and in this state shall be entitled to the full privileges of the Library by paying an annual fee of one dollar and signing and delivering to the librarian the application, agreement and guarantee prescribed by the Board of Directors. 6. Temporary residents of Galena may use the Library under the direction of the Lib- G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 145 rarian by paying at the rate of twenty-five cents a month, and may draw any book upon depositing its value in money with the Librarian. • 7. The membership card given to all persons entitled to draw books from the Library must be presented whenever a book is taken returned or renewed. AlLmembership cards must be renewed every three years. 8. The registered holder of a card is in all cases responsible for books drawn by means of the card by whomsoever presented, and for all lines accrued on same. 9. Membership cards must be left with the librarian when not in use. 10. When cards are lost a duplicate card will be given on payment of ten cents or without fee at expiration of. twenty days. In order to prevent the use of a card by irresponsible, persons notice of its loss must be given immediately to the Librarian, ifter such notice has been given the owner of the card is no longer responsible for it, but is held for any book that may be out on the card. 11. Books may be retained two weeks, and may be once renewed for same period. Books of recent purchase cannot be renewed. 12. A fine of two cents a day shall be paid on each volume which is not returned according to the rules of this library. 13. When a book has been retained beyond 146 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. the prescribed time and a notice sent by postal card has bien disregarded a messenger shall be sent to secure the book and a messengers fee of ten cents and expenses besides the fine shall becharged the borrower. 14. When fines and messenger are disregarded application shall he made to the person guaranteeing member for adjustment of fines and losses. 15. No books shall be delivered on a card when fines remain unpaid. 16. If any borrower lose or materially inj u r e a book, paper or magazine belonging to the Library or Reading room, he shall furnish another copy of the same or later edition or pay the Librarians appraisement at his option. If any book so lost or injured be a part of a set he shall replace, in case single copies cannot be obtained, or pay for the entire set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his own property. 17. Writing or marking in bo >ks or the turning down of leaves is strictly prohibited. All injuries to books, beyond reasonable wear and all losses shall be promptly adjusted to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors. 18. No persons having any form of contagious disease in their residences or families shall be permitted to receive books. Any person in possession of books belonging to the library and on whose premises contagious G A L E N A PUBLIC LIBRARY. 147 diseases exist must report same to the librarian before returning the books and abide instruction as to their disposal. 19. Perfect quiet must be maintained in the Reading Rooms. The use of Tobacco is prohibited in the Library Rooms. 20. No church or society book, paper, magazine or pamphlet will be purchased with Library funds, but donations of such literature will be gladly received. 21. Ignorance of any of the Library rules will not be accepted as an excase for the violation of such rules. 22. Failure to comply writh the rules governing the Galena Public Library and Reading Room will forfeit all privileges of the rooms, untill reinstatement is made by the Library Board of Directors. 148 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . STKTB LIBRARY LSM, As Amended and in force March 16, i8gi. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly: SEC. 1. Establishment by City—Tax—Funds. That the city council of each incorporated city, whether organized under general law or special charter, shall have power to establish and maintain a public library and reading room, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of such city, and may levy a tax of not to exceed two mills on the dollar annually on all the taxable property in the city ; Provided, that in cities of over one hundred thousand inhabitants after the year 1895, such tax shall not exceed one half of a mill on the dollor annually; such'tax to be levied and collected in like manner with the general taxes of said city, and to be known as the library fund; Provided, that the said annual library tax in cities of over ten thousand inhabitants, shall not be included in the aggregate amount of taxes as limited by Section one (1) of article eight (8) of "An act for the Incorporation of Cities and Villages," approved April 10, 1872, and the amendatory acts thereto, or by any provision of any special charter under which any city in this State is now organized. G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 149 SEC. 2. Directors.—When any city council shall have decided to establish a n d maintain a public library and reading room under this Act the mayor of such city shall, with the approval of the city council, proceed to appoint a board of nine directors for the same, chosen from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office; and not more than one member of the city council shall be at any one time a member of said board. SEC. 3. Term of office—Removal.—Said directors shall hold office one-third for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years, from the first of July following their appointment, and at their first regular meeting shall cast lots for the respective terms; and annually thereafter the mayor shall, before the first of July of each year, appoint as before three directors, to take the place of the retiring directors, wTho shall hold office for three years, and until their successors are appointed. The mayor may, by and with the consent of the city council, remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty. SEC. 4. Vacancies—Compensation.—Vacancies in the board of directors, occasioned by removals, resignation, or otherwise, shall be reported to the city council, and be filled in like manner as original appointments, and 150 GALENA PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . no director shall receive compensatioii as such. SEC. 5. Organization—Powers of Directors— Funds.—Said directors shall, immediately after appointment, meet and organize by the election of one of their number president, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. They shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of library and reading room as may be expedient, not inconsistent, with this Act. They shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit of the library fund, and of the construction of any library building, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased or set apart for that purpose; Provided, that all moneys received for such library shall be deposited in the treasury of said city to the credit of the library fund, and shall be kept separate and apart from other moneys of such city, and drawn upon by the proper officers of said city, upon the properly authenticated vouchers of the library board. Said board shall have power to purchase or lease grounds to occupy, lease or erect an approriate building or buildings for the use of said library; shall have power to appoitit a suitable librarian and necessary assistants, and fix their compensation, and shall also have power to G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . 151 remove such appointees; and shall in general, carry out the spirit and intent of this Act, in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading room. SEC. 6. Who may use library.-—Every library and reading-room, established under this Act, shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of-the city where located, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library board may adopt, in order to render the use of said library and reading room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said library and reading room any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules. And said board may extend the privileges and use of such library and reading room to persons residing out side of such city in this State, upon such terms and conditions as said board may from time to time by its regulations prescribe SEC. 7. Report of Directors.—The said board of directors shall make, on or before the second Monday in June, an annual report to the city council, stating the condition of their trust on the first day of June of that year, the various sums of money received from the library fund and from other sources, and how such moneys have been expended, and for what purposes; the number of books and periodicals on hand, the number added by purchase, gift, or otherwise, during the year; the 152 GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. number lost or mtesing ; the number of visitors attending ; the number of books loaned out. and the general character and kind of such books; with such other statistics, information and suggestions as they may deem of general interest, All such portions of said report as relate to the receipt and expenditure of money, as well as the number of books on hand, books lost or missing, and books purchased, shall be verified by affidavit. SEC. 8. Penalties.—The city council of said city shall have power to pasg ordinances imposing suitable penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury upon such library or the grounds or other property thereof, and for injury to or failure to return any book belonging to such library. SEC. 9. Donations.—Any person desiring to make donations of money, personsal property or real estate for the benefit of such library, shall have the right to vest the title to the money or real estate so donated in the board of directors created under this Act, to be held and controlled by such board, when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest of such property; and as to such property, the said board shall be held and considered to be special trustees. GALENA PUBLIC LIBRARY. 153 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Administration . . . . Agriculture Amusements Astronomy Author List , 8 13 13 10 101-140 This includes the names of all authors whose books are in the library. The names are arranged alphabetically. Bible... Biography— Collected Individual Biology Botany . . . . Chemistry Commerce Customs Description & Travel Africa Arctic regions Asia Europe England France Germany Holland Italy Russia Spain Southeast Europe North America New England 4 9 ; 26-27 27-31 11 11 11 & 13 9 31-32 36 38 35-36 32 33 33 33 35 34 34-35 34 35 37 37 154 GALENA P U B L I C L I B R A R Y . The West South America Dictionaries 37-38 38 9 Drama— American English 15-16 20 22 t Education Engineering 8-9 12 Essays— American English Ethics Fiction '. . 16 22—23 3-4 39-101 This includes both author and title entries in one alphabetical list. Fine arts General Works Geology History American Ancient European 13 3 11 24 25-26 24 24-25 Humor— American English Law Literature English French German Russian Medicine T . . : 17-18 23 8 14 18-19 23 23 23 12 G A L E N A PUBLIC L I B R A R Y . Miscellany— American , English Natural Science Oratory, American Philosophers Philosophy Physics Poetry— American English Political Economy Political Science Religion Doctrinal Theology Non Christian Practical Rules and Regulations Sociology Travel, Sae Dascription & Travel. Useful Arts Zoology 155 18 23 9-10 16 4 3 10 14-15 19-20 7 6-7 4 4-5 6 5-6 141-152 6 12 11-12