ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015MAYWOOD Public Library MAYWOOD, COOK CO., ILLINOIS JANUARY, IWMfTHE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY o \ i \A ilBRARV SCHOOLMAYWOOD Public Library FINDING LIST MAYWOOD, COOK CO., ILLINOIS JANUARY, 1903 BLAKELY PRINTING CO., CHICAGORULES AND REGULATIONS OF MAYWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1. The Library and Reading Room shall be opened Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from seven to nine o'clock p. m., and Saturday afternoon, from two to six o'clock p. m. Neither Library nor Reading Room will be open holidays. 2. Any person resident in Maywood may draw books from the library by registering his or her name, vouched for by a responsible householder of the village of Maywood. 3. Said guarantor shall be held responsible for the books drawn, and in case- of failure on the part of the person for whom the voucher is made to comply with the requirements relating to the care and return of books, shall be holden for the fines assessed thereon. 4. Each person entitled to draw books from the library will be supplied with a membership card, which must be presented whenever a book is taken, returned or renewed. In case a card is lost a new one will not be issued till after the lapse of thirty days, except upon the direction of the President of the Library Board. 5. One volume only will be issued at one time upon a card, except in case of one complete work bound in two or more volumes. 6. Books may be retained for two weeks and be once renewed for one week additional, except books stamped "7 Day Book." These may be retained one week and cannot be renewed. 7. Persons retaining a book beyond the time allotted shall be assessed a fine of two cents for each day the book is kept after due. 8. Persons, and their guarantors, borrowing books shall be held responsible for all loss or damage to such books beyond ordinary wear. 9. Persons refusing to pay fines assessed, or for which they have become re- sponsible, forfeit thereby all rights and privileges of the Library and Reading Room. 10. Books cannot be exchanged on the same day they are taken out and must be returned on the same cards on which they are drawn. No book can be trans- ferred from one card to another unless brought to the Library.INFORMATION FOR. R.EADER.S. When applying for books, write carefully on list card the combined figures and letters denoting class and author, which stand at the right of every entry in the Finding Lists. The title may always be omitted. As books are liable to be out, place at least ten numbers on the card. Always present this with membership card at the desk. If the book desired is ABBOTT, CHAS. C., A Colonial Wooing.............................write Ab2 HENTY, G. A., Boy Knight........................................write jH39bc WARNER, G D, As We Go........................................ .write 814 W FOWLER, W. W., Tales of the Birds................................write j 598 f A small "j" before the author or class number indicates that the book is suitable for young people or children.Classes, Divisions and Index. Page ooo general works,.......5 Including Bibliography, Cyclopaedias, Periodicals, etc. ioo PHILOSOPHY, ........ 5 Including Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics, etc. 200 religion,.........5 Including Theology, Mythology, Non-Christian Religions, etc. 300 SOCIOLOGY, - .....7 Including Political Science, Education, Folk Lore, etc. 400 PHILOLOGY,........& Including Dictionaries, Grammar, Minor Languages, etc. 500 natural science, -......s Including Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, etc. 600 useful arts, - - -.....10 Including Medicine, Domestic Economy, Agriculture, etc. 700 fine arts,........10 Including Drawing, Music, Amusements, etc. 800 literature,........11 Including Poetry, Essays, Oratory, Letters, Drama, etc. 900 history, -.......13 Including Geography, Travels, Biography, Ancient and Modern History. BIOGRAPHY (Individual)......16 fiction --------- 23 juvenile -------- 46MAYWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY FINDING LIST GENERAL WORKS ADAMS, W. D. Dictionary of Eng- lish Literature...............803 A A. L. A. Library Catalogue......019 A APPLETON'S Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 7 v.....920 A BARTLETT, JOHN. Concordance to Shakespeare, 2 v...........822 B Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia, 10 v........................031 W CHAMBER'S Encyclopedia, 10 v.032 C CHAMPLIN. J. D. Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common Things ............................031 C Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Per- sons and Places... .......031 Ca CRAM, G. F. Atlas of the World. .912 C CUTTER, C. A. Rules for a Dic- tionary Catalogue ...........025 C DEWEY, MELVl'L. Decimal Clas- sification ..................025 Dd Library School Card Catalogue Rules ......................025 Dc Finding \Lists. Chicago, Kankakee, Streator, Winnetka, 111.; Addi- son, Fulton, N. Y............017 F LEONARD, JOHN W. Who's Who in America ..................920 L MITCHELL'S General Atlas.....912 M Rand, McNally's Indexed Atlas of the World...................912 R Universal Cyclopaedia, ed. by Charles K. Adams, 12 v............. .031 A WEBSTER'S International Diction- ary (Unabridged)...........423 W GENERAL PERIODICALS. American Microscopical Journal, v. 15........................051 A Atlantic Monthly, v. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14-20, • 68, 69............051 A 3 Century Magazine, v. 7, 12, 16, 17, 21, 35-37, 40-42, 47-50.........051 C Chautauquan, v. 7..............051 C 3 Cosmopolitan, v. 6-9............051 C 5 Eclectic Magazine, v. 27-30.......051 E Forum, v. 12.................... .051 F Galaxy, v. 9-12..................051 G Good Roads, v. 1-4.............051 G 3 Harper's Magazine, v. 1-89......051 H Merry's Magazine, v. 43-44......051 M Mother's Magazine, v. 23, 25. .051 M 3 North American Review, v. 146- 154 .........................05i N Our Monthly, 1870-1871..........051 O Our Young Folks, v. 1..........051 O3 Outing, v. 19, 20, 21, 24, 25----051 O 5 Popular Science Monthly, v. 1-37 (Reference)................051 P Putnam's Magazine, v. 1, 2......051 P 5 Review of Reviews, v. 7? 8.......051 R Science, v. 21-23.................051 S Scribners, v. 3-12................051 S 2 PHILOSOPHY—ETHICS. BLUM and ALEXANDER. Who Lies.........................177 B DARWIN, CHARLES. Expression of Emotions in Man and Ani- mals......................... 138 D GREER, J. H. Dictionary of „ Dreams.....................135 G HARRIS, W. T. Psychologic Foundations of Education. ... 150 H HEDGE, LEVI. Elements of Logick ......................160 H HOLLAND, J. G. Titcomb's Let- ters to Young People.........177 H MANDSLEY, HENRY. Responsi- bility in Mental Disease......132 M MET CALF, DAVID. Nature, Foundation and Extent of Moral Obligation............170 M SPENCER, HERBERT. First Principles ...................113 S Principles of Psychology, 3 v. .150 S Principles of Ethics, 2 v......171 S TITCHENER, EDWARD B. An Outline of Phychology.......150 T UPHAM, THOMAS. Elements of Mental Philosophy............150 U RELIGION. ABBOTT, LYMAN. In the Aid of Faith........................238 A ANDREWS, S. J. Life of Our Lord ........................232 AGENERAL WORKS. BARCLAY, ROBERT. Apology for True Christian Divinity.. .289 B Persuasive to Unity..........231 B BAXTER; RICHARD. Call to the Unconverted (ev. fam. lib.) .242 Be Saint's Everlasting Rest (ev. fam. lib.)..................242 Bs IBEAL, S. Buddhism in China____294 B BERRY, T. S. Christianity and Buddhism..................294 B r HOLY BIBLE..................220 B BROWNE, W. H. Bible Heroes. ..........................j 220.9 B BULFINCH, THOMAS. Age of Fable .......................292 B BUNYAN, JOHN. Greatness of the /Soul.....................234 B BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Story of the Hymns......... .245 B CLAIR-TISDALL, W. ST. Relig- ion of the Crescent..........297 C CHRISTLIEB, THEODOR. Mod- ern Infidelity.................211 C Christian Treasury, 1864..........205 C CLARKE, J. F. Ten Great Re- ligions—Comparative Theology. ........ .....................290 C Ten Great Religions—Compari- son of All Religions.........290 Ca CLARKE, W. N. An Outline of Christian Theology..........230 C 1 COX, GEORGE W. Tales of An- cient Greece ................292 C CRANE, FRANK. Religion of To- morrow .....................230 C DAVIDS, T. W. R. Buddhism.. 294 D DICK, THOMAS. Connection of Science and Philosophy with Religion .....................201 D (DODDRIDGE, PHILIP. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul (ev. fam. lib.)...............233 D DRAPER, J. W. Religion and Science .....................215 D DOUGLAS, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism ................299 D CEDERSHEIM, ALFRED. Life and Times of the Messiah, 2 V....232E. EDWARDS, JONATHAN. His- tory of Redemption (ev. fam. lib.) ........................234 E Treatise on Religious Affec- tions (ev. fam. lib.)..........248 Et EERRETT, ISAAC. Talks to Bere- ans .........................252 E (Evangelical Magazine, v. 15, 1837. -2°5 E EVANS, THOMAS. Exposition of Faith of Religious Society of Friends .....................289 E Family Treasure, 1868, 69........205 F IFARRAR, FREDERICK W. Early Days of Christianity.........270 F Life of Christ................232 F Seekers After God............920 F FISH, H. C. Heaven in Song. .. .245 F FISKE, JOHN. Destiny of Man. .218 F Idea of God..................211 F Through Nature to God......215 F GEIKIE, C. Life Of Christ.....232 G I GILBERT^ G. H. Student's Life of Jesus .......................232 G GUERBER, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome...................292 G HAINES, CHARLES R. Islam. .297 H HOWARD, ^ ELIOT. Studies of Non-Christian Religions......290 H INGRAHAM, J. H. Pillar of Fire .........................222 I Prince of the House of David. .232 I JAMESON, MRS. Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 v..........246 J JENYUS and others. Infidelity (ev. fam. lib.)................211J JONES, E. G. Ascent Through Christ .......................234 J KILLEN, J. M. Our Friends in Heaven .....................218 K LE CONTE, JOSEPH. Religion and Science..................215 L MATHEWS, J. M. Bible and Men of Learning.................211 M MERCER, L. P. Swedenb'org's Doctrine of Correspondence. .237 M MORRIS, H. W. Science and the Bible .......................215 M MOULTON, R. G. Literary Study of the Bible............220 M MUIR, SIR WILLIAM. The Coran ......................297 M NEVINS, WILLIAM. Practical Thoughts (ev. fam. lib.).....204 N Oahspe (A New Bible)........2990a 3 OLMSTEAD, D. H. Protestant Faith .......................234 O PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Jesuits in North America...............271 P PETAVEL, JE. Extinction of Evil .........................216 P PHELPS, E. S. Story of Jesus Christ ......................232 P PIKE, J. G. Guide for Young Dis- ciples (ev. fam. lib.).........248 Pg Persuasives to Early Piety (ev. fam. lib.)..................248 Pp Quiver, 1861-62...................205 Q ROYCE, J. Conception of Im- mortality ....................218 R SALE, GEQRGE. Tr. of the Koran .......................297 S SCHWARZ, JOSEPH. Geography and History of Palestine.. .220.9 S SORY, REV. J. L. Individuality. .239 S Spiritualism, Report on...........289 S STALKER, JAMES. Life of Christ .......................232 S STOBART, J. W. H. Islam and Its Founder.................297 S ISOCIOLOGY. 7 STRONG, JpSIAH. New Era— The Corning Kingdom........242 S SWEDENBORG, EMMANUEL. Four Leading Doctrines......231 S Heaven and Hell.............237 S TOLSTOY, LEO. The Kingdom of God is Within You.......233 T VINCENT, J. H. Modern Sunday School ......................268 V WHITE, A. D. History of War- fare of Science with Theology in Christiandom, 2 v.........215 W WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM. Practical View of the Prevail- ing Religious System of Pro- fessed Christians (ev. fam. lib.).......................239 W WILLIAMS, SIR MONIER. Hin- duism ......................294W WISHART, A. W. Monks and Monasteries ................271 W YOUNG, ROBERT. Commentary on Holy Bible..............220.7 Y SOCIOLOGY. BAIN, ALEXANDER. Education as a Science.................370 B BANCROFT, GEORGE. Constitu- tional History of U. S.......342 B BRYCE, JAMES. American Com- monwealth, 2 v............342 B 1 Census, Compendium and Statistics U. S., 8th i860, 9th 1870, 10th 1880, nth 1890, 12th 1900.....317 U Civil Service Commission, U. S. Re- port, 1893-1900...............351 U CLARKE, JAMES F. Self Cul- ture .........................374 C Congressional Record, U. S., v. 2, 6, 9 ... .......................328 U COWLES, J. L. A General Freight and Passenger Post.....! .. .385 C 3 CRAIG, A. Room at the Top.. 374 C 1 •CRAWFORD, E, C. Civil Govern- ment of Illinois and U. S.....353 C COMMONS, J. R. Proportional Representation ...............324 C COOLEY, STOUGHTON. Ed. of Proportional Representation Re- view .......................324 C 2 DAWSpN, HENRY B. The Fed- eralist ......................342 D DRAKE, S. A. N(ew England Leg- ends and Folk Lore..........398 D EARLE, ALICE M. Home Life in Colonial Days ..............390 Eh Margaret Winthrop. ..'.....390 Em Sabbath in Puritaii New Eng- land ....................'.....394 E Education, Report of Commissioner U. S., 1889-1900................379 U jELIOT, CHARLES W. Educa- tional 'Reform................371 E ELY, RICHARD T. Problems of To-day ......................337 E Socialism and Social Reform. .335 E EVERETT, EDWARD. Education and Knowledge............... 370 E Factory Inspectors' Report, Illinois, 1895, 1900.....................331 I FERRI, ENRICO. Criminal Soci- ology ........................343 F FISKE, JOHN. Civil Government of United States..............342 F GARFIELD, J. A. Works. Ed. by B. A. Hinsdale, 2 v..........308 G GEORGE, HENRY. Progress and Poverty ....................33° Gp Science of Political Economy. 330 Gs Social Problems..............335 G GRANGER, MOSES. Washing- ton versus Jefferson..........321 G GREELEY, HORACE. Political Text Book, i860..............329 G Habits of Good Society..........395 H HALLAM, HENRY. Constitu- tional History of England. .. .342 H HAMMERTON, P. G. Human In- tercourse...................374 Hh Intellectual Life.............374 Hi HARRIS, J. C. Uncle Remus., j 398 H HARRISON, BENJAMIN. This Country of Ours.............351 H1 HERRON, GEO. D. Between Caesar and Jesus..........— 335 H HILLIS, N. D. Great Books as Life Teachers...............374 H 1 HINSDALE, B. A. The Art of Study .....................371 H 1 HOWE, J. B. Monometalism and Bimetalism ..................332 HI HUGHES, J. L. Dickens as an Educator....................371 H Insurance Report, Illinois, 1901-02. .368 I Interstate Commerce Commission, Report, U. S., 1887, '96-1901. .381 U KIDD, BENJAMIN. Social Evo- lution .......................335 K KOOPMAN, H. L. Mastery of Books .......................374 K LANIER, SIDNEY. Boys' King Arthur .....................j 398 L LARABEE, WILLIAM. The Rail- road Question................385 L LECKY, W. E. H. Democracy and Liberty, 2 v..................321 L LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Complete Works. Ed. by Nicolay and Hay, 2 v.....................308 L LLOYD, HENRY D. Country Without Strikes..............331 Lc Wealth Against Common- wealth .....................331 Lw LUMMIS, CHARLES F. The Man Who Married the Moon. ... j 398 L 4 McCALL, J. A. Review of Life Insurance ...................368 M 8 GENERAL WORKS. MERIWETHER, LEE. The Tramp at Home..............331 M Metric System, Report of Com. on Weights and Measures, 1879..389 U MILL, J. S. Principles of Political Economy, 2 v...............330 M Subjection of Women........396 M MOSES, BERNARD. Democracy and Social Growth...........320 M MULOCK, MISS (D. M. Craik). Woman's Thoughts About Wo- man ......................396 M 3 NEWCOMB, SIMON. Plain Man's Talk on Labor Question.....331 N1 NORDHOFF, CHARLES. Com- munistic Societies of the U. S.335 N ORCUTT, HIRAM. Hints to Com- mon School Teachers........371 O PACKARD, MRS. E. P. W. In- sane Asylums Unveiled......362 P PAINTER, F. V. N. History of Education ...................370 P PERRY, A. L. Elements of Po- litical Economy..............330 P PORTER, NOAH. Books and Reading .....................374 P QUICK, R. H. Educational Re- formers ....................370 Q RICARDO, DAVID. Political Economy and Taxation.......330 R ROGERS, THOROLD. Work and Wages ......................331 R ROUSSEAU, J. J. fimile or Con- cerning Education............370 R SHAW, ALBERT. Municipal Gov- ernment in Continental Eu- rope.. ......................352 Sc Municipal Government in Great Britain .....................352 Sg SHEARMAN, T. G. Natural Tax- ation ........................336 S SMITH, ADAM. Wealth of Na- tions, 2 v.......•.............330 S SOMBART, WERNER. Social- ism ..........................335 S SPENCER, HERBERT. Educa- tion .........................370 S Principles of Sociology, 5 v. .301 Sp Social Statics. ...............301 Ss STETSON, C. P. Women and Economics ..................396 S Street Railroads of Chicago, Report of Com., 1898................385 C TOWNSEND, GEO. A. New World Compared with the .Old .........................350 T University of Illinois, Report, 1892, 1896 .........................378 I VAN DYKE, HENRY. Counsel upon the Reading of Books. ..374 V War, Report of Com. on Conduct of 1864. (Fort Pillow Massa-.... ere) ........................355 U WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. Future of the American Negro. ............................335 W WELLS, H. G. Anticipations. . .330 W WINGATE, CHARLES. What Shall Our Boys do for a Liv- ing?......................331 W 2 WOOD, HENRY. Political Econ- omy of Natural Law........330 W 2 WOODHULL, V. C. Human Body the Temple of God...........324 W WRIGHT, C. D. Elements of Prac- tical Sociology...............300 W j Industrial Evolution of the United States................331 Wi WYCKOFF, W. A. The Workers— The East....................331 W The Workers—The W^est.. ..331 Wa PHILOLOGY. ADLER, G. J. Dictionary of Ger- man and English Languages. .433 A BARRETT, SOLOMON. Princi- ples of Grammar.............415 B BOLMAR, A. French Grammar. .445 B Century Dictionary, 10 v. Ed. by W. D. Whitney..............423 C WEBSTER, NOAH. International Dictionary (unabridged).....423 W WHITNEY, W. D. Life and Growth of Language.........401 W NATURAL SCIENCE. ABBOTT, JACOB. Light......j 535 A ALLEN, GRANT. Flashlights on Nature ......................500 A AGASSIZ, E. C. and Alexander. Seaside Studies in Natural His- tory ........................593 A APGAR, AUSTIN C. Birds of the U. S.........................598 A ARNOLD, A. F. Sea Beach at Ebb Tide ........................589 A AVEBURY, LORD. Flowers, Fruits and Leaves............580 A BASKETT, JAMES. Story of the Birds ......................598 B2 BENJAMIN, PARK. Age of Elec- tricity .......................537 R BLANCHAN, NELTJE. Bird Neighbors ...................598 Ba Birds that Hunt and are Hunted ....................598 Bb BUCKLEY, ARABELLA. Fairy- land of Science.............j 504 B BURROUGHS, JOHN. Birds and Bees .......................598 B 1 CAITHNESS; Earl of. Lectures on Popular and Scientific Spb- j ects .....................J. . 500 C CAJORI, FLORIAN. History of Elementary Mathematics......510 C CHAPMAN, F. M. Bird Life... 598 C.NATURAL SCIENCE. COMSTOCK, JOHN H. Insect Life ........................595 C COMSTOCK, J. L. Elements of Geology .....................55° C COULTER, J. M. Plant Studies..580 C CORNISH, C. J. Animals at Work and Play..................... 596 C DARWIN, CHARLES. Animals and Plants under Domestica- tion, 2 v....................575 Dv Coral Reefs..................551 D Descent of Man.............575 Dd Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms ......................595 D Forms of Flowers...........581 Dd Geological Observations... .508.3 Dg Insectivorous Plants.........581 Di Journal of Scientific Re- searches ..................508.3 Dj Origin of Species, 2 v......575 Do Power of Movement in Plants ........'..............581 Dp DANA, MRS. W. S. Row to Know Wild Flowers................580 D DONNELLY, IGNATIUS. At- lantis, Antediluvian World. . .571 D DRUMMOND, HENRY. Ascent of Man. ....................575 D 1 FOWLER, W. W. Tales of the Birds ......................j 598 F FURNEAUX, W. Life in Ponds and Streams..................590 F GAGE, A. P. Principles of Phys- ics .........................530 G 1 GANOT. Physics tr. by E. Atkin- son .........................S30 G GIBSON, W. H. Eye Spy........595 G My Studio Neighbors........590 G GRANT, J. B. Our Common Birds and How to Know Them.....598 G GRAY, ASA. Manual of Botany.580 G GROOS, KARL. Play of Ani- mals .......................596 G HADDON, A. C. Study of Man.. 572 H HAECKEL, ERNEST. The Evo- lution of Man, 2 v. .. ........575 H HAYDEN, F. V. Geological Sur- vey, U. S. Report, 1877......557-3 H HOLDER, CHARLES F. Stories of Animal Life.............j 590 H HOLLAND, W. J. The Butterfly Book ........................595 H HOWARD, L. O. The Insect Book ......................595 H 1 HUXLEY, THOMAS H. Man's Place in Nature............573 H 1 INGERSOLL, ERNEST.. .Book of the Ocean ..................j 551 I JORDAN, D. S., and Kellogg. Ani- mal Life ....................S90 J KEARTON, RICHARD. With Nature and a Camera........598 K LE CONTE, JOSEPH. Elements of Geologrv ...................550 L Evolution ...................575 E MEADOWCRAFT, W. H. A.B.C. of Electricity ................537 M. Meat Eaters ...................j 599 M MIVART, ST. GEORGE. Ground Work of Science............500 M Man and Apes...............575 M MORGAN, C. L. Animal Sketches.590 M MORLEY, M. W. The Bee Peo- ple ........................j 595 M NICHOLSON, H. A. Ancient Life History of the Earth.........560 N PARKER and HAS WELL. Man- ual of Zoology...............590 P POWELL, J. W. Lands of the Arid Region ...............557.9 P North American Ethnology, vol. 3........................572 P PRESCOTT, GEORGE B. The Electric Telephone............537 P PROCTER, R. A. Other Worlds Than Ours ..................523 P REMSEN, IRA. Inorganic Chem- istry ........................546 R ROMANES, G. J. Darwin and After Darwin. I. Darwinian Theory .......... _.........•-575 ^ II. Post Darwinian Question, Heredity and Utility.......575 Ra III. Isolation and Physiological Selection ................575 Rb RUSKIN, JOHN. Ethics of the Dust ........................549 R SCHMIDT, OSCAR. Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism.......575 S SMELLIE, WILLIAM. Philosophy of Natural History...........590 S Smithsonian Institution, Report, 1869, '86-'90, '95-1900..........506 S SPENCER, HERBERT. Princi- ples of Biologv, 2 v............570 S THOMPSON, E.~ SETON-. Lives of the Hunted..............j 596 TI Trail of* the Sandhill Stag., j 596 Tt Wild Animals I Have Known ..........................j 596 Tw THOMPSON, MAURICE. By- Ways and Bird Notes..... .598 T THOMPSON, S. P. Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism .............. ........537 T TYNDALL, JOHN. Forms of Water .......................551 T Fragments of Science, 2v....504Tf New Fragments.............504 Tn TYNDALL, JOHN. Sound......534 T WATSON, WILLIAM. Element- ary Practical Physics........530 W Text Book of Physics......530 Wa Wfhat Mr. Darwin Saw........j 508.3 W WILLIAMS, W. M. Science in Short Chapters .............500 W-TO GENERAL WORKS. WINCHELL, ALEXANDER. Walks and Talks in Geological Fields ....................:..5=;oW WOOD, ALPHONSO. Class Book of Botany...................580 W WRIGHT, G. F. Man and the Glacial Period ..............551 W WRIGHT, M. O. Four Footed Americans ................j 599 W YOUNG, C. A. The Sun........523 / Text Book of General Astron- omy .........................520 Y USEFUL ARTS. Agriculture. Report of Department; 1862, '63, '71, '73, '76,-78, '87..630U BARNES, JAMES. Asparagus Cul- ture ........................-$35_B BLOT, PIERRE. What to Eat, and How to Cook It..............643 B "BURN, ROBERT. Outlines of Modern Farming, vol. 3......636 B CARD, F. Wr. Bush Fruits......634 C CHAVASSE, P. H. Counsel to a Mother ......................618 C CHORDAL, Extracts from Chor- dal's Letters..................621 C DAY, J. W., and others. Tomato Culture ....................635 Di DEERING, Harvester Co. Develop- ment of Harvesting Machinery.608 D DREER, HENRY A. Vegetables Under Glass.................635 D DYE, F. Popular Engineering.. .620 D FALCONER, WILLIAM. Mush- rooms; How to Grow Them.. 635 F FARADAY, MICHAEL. Chemical History of a Candle..........665 F FELCH, I. K. Poultry Culture. . .636 F GIBSON, W. H. Camp Life and Tricks of Trapping...........639 G GREELEY, HORACE. What I Know of Farming............630 G GREER, J. H. Marriage, Maternity, Health, Hygiene..............618 G A Physician in the House. .. .610 G GREENER, W. W. The Gun and Its Development .............683 G GREENFIELD, W. S. Alcohol; Its Use and Abuse............613 G GREINER, T. Celery for Profit..635 G LIALL, WM. L. The Hardy Ca- talpa ......................634.8 H HENDERSON, PETER. Garden- ing for Profit................635 H HENDERSON and CROZIER. How the Farm Pays.........630 H HOLMES, G. C. V. The Steam Engine ...................621.1 H The }3ouse and Its Surroundings.613 H Labor, Report of Commissioner, U. S., 1886..................614 U LAMBERT, T. S. Systematic Hu- man Physiology..............612 L LOW and BEVIS. Manual of Ma- chine Drawing and Design... .621 L McCLATCHIE, A. J. Eucalypts cultivated in the U. S......634.8 M PALMER, C. F.. Inebriety; Its Source, Prevention and Cure. .613 P PARLOA, MARIA. Home Eco- nomics ......................640 P Patent Office Report, U. S., 18=53- 1858, 1861...................\608U PITMAN, BENN. Manual of Pho- nography .....................653 P Premature Death, Its Promotion or Prevention ..................614P RALFE, C. H. Exercise and Train- ing .........................613.7 R ROE, EDWARD P. Success with Small Fruits.................634 R ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Ranch Life..................636 R ROSE, JOSHUA. Mechanical Drawing Self Taught........621 R SAVERY, LILLIE. Home Com- forts ........................640 S The Skin and Its Troubles........616 S STRINGFELLOW, H. M. The New Horticulture............630 S SWIFT, R. B. Who Invented the Reaper ?..... .................608 S TRALL, R. T. Hydropathic E11- cyclopoedia ....................6j5 T VOORHEES, E, B. Fertilizers. .631 V WARING, GEO. E. Street Clean- ing .........................628 W WRIGHT, L. Practical Poultry Keeper .....................636 W FINE ARTS. Athletic, Scientific, and Out Door Sports .....................j 796 A BUTLER, H. C. Scotland's Ruined Abbeys ......................726 B CAMP, WALTER. Book of Col- lege Sports ..................797 C CHAPIN, ANNA A. 'Wonder Tales from Wagner.........j 782 C DEPPING GUILLAUME. Won- ders of Bodily Strength......796 D EMERY, M. S. How to Enjoy Pic- tures ........................750 E JARVES, J. J. Art Thoughts... .709 J HAMLIN, A. D. F. History of Architecture ................720 H HILL, L. L. Treatise on Helio- chromy .....................774 H HURLL, ESTELLE M. Michael- Angelo ...................750 Hm Millet .....................750 Hmi Murillo...................750 Hmii Raphael .................... 750 Hr Rembrandt ................750 Hre Reynolds..................750 Hry LAWSON, THOMAS, The His- tory of the America's Cup... .797.1 LLITERATURE. LEE, VERNON. f Renaissance Fan- cies and Studies ............709 Li LILLIE, LUCY C. Story of Music and Musicians..............j 780 L LINDSEY, WILLIAM. Cinder Path Tales .......................796 L LUEBKE, WILHELM. Outlines of the History of Art, 2 v.......709 L MARQUAND & FROTHINGHAM. History of Sculpture.........730 M MATHEWS, W. S. B. Popular History of Musit............780 M PRICE, WILLIAM L. Model Houses for Little Money......728 P ROSE, GEO. B. Renaissance Mas- .. ters.........................750 R RUSKIN, JOHN. Ariadne Floren- tina. Elements of Drawing and Perspective. Deucalion. Pros- erpina. Val D'Arno..........760 R A Joy Forever. Art of England. Our Fathers Have Told Us. Laws of Fesole. Pleasures of England. Fiction Fair and Foul. Construction of Sheepfolds, etc. Inaugural Address at Cambridge School of Art................ 707 R RUSKIN, JOHN. Mornings in Florence. St. Mark's Rest. Shrine of the Slaves. Place of Dragons. Love's Meinie. Ar- rows of the Chace..........704 Rm Seven Lamps of Architecture. .720 R Stones of Venice, 3 v........729 R Two, Paths. Lectures on Art. Aratra Peutelici. Time and Tide. Pre Raphaelitism. The Eagle's Nest. King of the Gold- en River. Relation Between < Michel-Angelo and the Tin- toret ........................704 Rt SINGLETON, ESTHER. Great Pictures by Great Writers.....750 S SMITH, HANNAH. Music; How It Came to Be What It is... .780 S THANET, OCTAVE (A. French). An Adventure in Photography. 770 T TOLSTOY, LEO. What is Art? 701 T URBINO, S. R. Princes of Art..709 U VAN DYKE, J. C. Art for Art's Sake ...................... .75oVa History of Painting.........750 Vh WALLACE, E, Amateur Photog- rapher .....................771 W LITERATURE. ' ADAMS, W. D. Dictionary of En- t . glish Literature ..............803 A ADDISON, JOSEPH and Others. The Spectator, v. 1-8........824 A2 ALISON, ARCHIBALD. . Miscel- laneous Essays..............824 A ARNOLD, EDWIN. Poems.....821 A Light of Asia...............821 Aa II ARNOLD, 'GEORGE. Poems. .811 A r ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Culture and Anarchy...............824 A r ARRINGTON, A. W. Poems...811 A BAKER, G. M. The Social Stage.812 B BARTLETT, JOHN. Concord- ance to Shakespeare, 2 v.....822 B BELFORD, R. J. Ed. American Authors of the East.........810 B American Authors of the West .......................810 Ba American Authors of the South .......................810 Bl> BROWNELL, W. C. French Traits ......................814 B BROWNING, E. B. Poetical Works ......................821 B Browning, Robert. Complete Poet- ical Works................. .821 B 1 BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND. History of French Literature tr. by Ralph Derechef..........840 B BRYANT, W. C. Poetical Works......................811 B BURNS, ROBERT. Complete Works .....................821 B 2 BURROUGHS, JOHN. Wake Robin .....................814 B 2 BURTON, RICHARD. Forces in Fiction and Other Essays. . .814 B r BYRON, LORD. Poetical Works....................821 B 3 CARLETON, WILL. City Bal- lads .....................811 C 1 cb City Festivals............811 C 1 cf City Legends.............811 C 1 cl Farm Ballads..............811 C 1 f Carlyle, Thomas. Heroes and Hero Worship ....................824 ch Sartor Resartus .............824 Cs CARY, ALICE and PHOEBE. Poems ......................811 C CHAMBERLAIN, MELLEN. John Adams, with other essays.....814 C CHAUCER, GEOFFREY... Com- plete Works ................821 C2 CHESTERFIELD, Earl of. Letters written to his son........... .826 C CHURCH, A. J. Stories of Ihe Qld World ....................j 873 Cs Stories from Virgil........j 873 Cst COLERIDGE, S. T. Poetical Works ......................821 C COOK, ELIZA. Poems.........821 C3 COWPER, WILLIAM. Poetical Works .....................821 Cl D'ANNUNZIO, G. Francesca Da Rimini (Symons) ............852 D DANTE. Divine Comedy (Long- fellow) .....................851 D DAVENPORT, BENJAMIN. Best Fifty Books of Greatest Au- thors ........................801 D DAVIES, THOMAS. Poems.. .821 Di12 GENERAL WORKS. DE QUINCEY, THOMAS. Con- fessions of English Opium Eater .....................824D DOWDEN, EDWARD. Shake- speare; His Mind and Art----822 D DRYDEN, JOHN. Poetical Works ......................821 D ELIOT, GEORGE. Essays..... .824 E Poems and Scenes of Clerical Life .........................821 E EMERSON, R. W. Complete Poems ......................811 E Essays .....................814 Eb Miscellanies ...............814 Em Representative Men; Nature, Addresses and Lectures......814 Er FIELD, EUGENE and ROSWELL. Echoes from the Sabine Farm . .874 F FIELD, EUGENE. Little Book of Western Verse ..............811 F1 Love Songs of Childhood... .811 Flo Second Book of Verse.......811 Fs With Trumpet and Drum... .811 Fw FOSS, SAM. W. Songs of War and Peace ..................811 Fi FLEMING, W. H. How to Study Shakespeare................. .822 F Foster-Barham, A. G. tr. of Nibel- ungen Lied ..................831 F FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Poor Richard's Almanac, I733"'58. • .818 F GARNETT, RICHARD. History of Italian Literature..........850 G GOETHE. Faust tr. bv Anna Swanwick ..................832 G Wilhelm Meister, tr. by Thomas * Carlyle, 2 v..................831 G GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Poetical Works .......................821 G HARTE, BRET. Two Men of Sandy Bar .................812 Hi HOLDEN, FLORENCE. Audi- ences .......................814 H HOLLAND, J. G. Bitter Sweet.811 Ha Complete Poems ............811 H Gold-Foil ..................814 H3 HOLMES, OLIVER W. Autocrat of. the Breakfast Table..... .817 Ha Complete Poems ...........811 Hi Poet at the Breakfast Table. .817 Hp Professor at the Breakfast Table .....................817 Hpr HOLMES, OLIVER W. Over the Teacups ...................817 Ho Pages from an Old Volume of Life .......................814 Hi HOMER. Iliad tr. by W. C. Bry- ant .......................883 Hib Iliad tr. by A. Pope........883 Hip Odyssey tr. by W. C. Bry- ant ......................883 Hob Odyssey tr. by A. Pope----883 Hop HOOD, THOMAS. Poetical Works, 2 v..................821 H HORACE. Odes tr. by T. Mar- tin .........................874 H HOWELLS, W. D. Mouse Trap and Other Farces........... .812H Literary Friends and Acquaint- ances .......................928 H HUXLEY, THOMAS H. Darwini- ana ........................824 Hd Discourses, Biological and Geo- logical ...................824 Hdi Evolution and Ethics........824 He Method and Results........824 Hm Science and Christian Tradi- tion ......................824 Hsc Science and Education......824 Hse Science and Hebrew Tradi- tion .....................824 Hsh INGELOW, JEAN. Poems......8211 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Brace- bridge Hall .................8171b Knickerbocker's History of New York .......................817 Ih The Sketch Book............817 Is Tales of the Traveler........817 It KEATS, JOHN. Poetical Works.821 K KIPLING, RUDYARD. The Seven Seas .......................821 K 1 LAMB, CHARLES. Assays of Elia ........................824 L LONGFELLOW, H. W. Complete Poetical Works [Cambridge Edition] ...................811 Li Same [Household Edition]. .811 Lia LOWELL, JAMES R. Biglow Papers, 2.v.................817 Lb Poetical Works...............81 il MABIE, H. W. Under the Trees and Elsewhere ..............814 M MACAULAY, T. B. Miscellane- ous Essays, Jv..............824 M MAHAFFY, JOHN P. Greek Classical Literature. I. Dramatic Poets .......880 Md II. Epic and Lyric Poets.. .880 Me III. Prose Writers, 2v.....880 Mp MARTIN, BENJ. Choice Speci- mens of American Literature.810 M MARVEL, IK (D. G. Mitchell). Dream Life ...............818 Md Reveries of a Bachelor.....818 Mr MATHEWS, William. The Great Converters and Other Essays.814 Ml Hours with Men and Books. ..........................814 M 1 h MILTON, JOHN. Poetical Works. , ............................821 M "Nation." Critical and Social Es- says .......................814 N OS SI AN, Poems tr. by James Macpherson ...............*. ..821 o PAGET, R. L. Ed. of Poems of American Patriotism..........811 P PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. Ulysses. .............................822 PHISTORY. 13 1 POE, EDGAR A. Tales.........818 P POLLOK, ROBERT. Course of Time .......................821 Pi POPE, ALEXANDER. Poetical Works ......................821 P POTTER, H. C. The Scholar and the State........... .........815 P RANDOLPH, A. M. F. Trial 01 Sir John Falstaff............822 R REPPLIER, AGNES. Books and Men .......................814 Rb Essays in Idleness...........814 Re Essays in Miniature........814 Res In the Dozy Hours.........814 Ri Points of View..............814 Rp Varia ......................814 Rv RILEY, JAMES W. After- whiles .....................811 Ra Child Rhymes with Hoosier Pic- tures .......................8nRc Green Fields and Running Brooks ....................811 Rg Old Fashioned Roses........811 Ro Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury... .811 Rp Rhymes of Childhood.......811 Rr ROLFE, W. J. Shakespeare the Boy .......................822 R 1 ROSTAND, EDMOND. Cyrano De Bergerac ................842 R RUSKIN, JOHN. Fors Clavigera 2 V!..........................826 R SAXE, J. G. Poems.............811 S SCHILLER. Poems tr. by E. A. Bo wring.....................831 S SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Poetical Works ......................821 S SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Complete Works..............822 S Rolfe Edition. Complete Works, 39 v.........................822 Sa SHELLEY, PERCY B. Poetical Works, 2 v................821 S I SMALLEY, GEO. W. Studies of Men ........................814 S STEVENSON, R. L. Across the Plains .......................824 S SWIFT, LINDSAY. Brook Farm ........................818 S TALMAGE, T. DE WITT. Around the Tea-Table.......817 T TENNYSON, ALFRED. Poetical Works (Macmillan Edition)..821 T Same ( (Harper's Edition) . .821 Ta THACKERAY, W. M. Miscel- lanies ....................827 Tm Paris Sketch Book and East- ern Sketches.................828 T Roundabout Papers.........827 Tr THOREAU, H. D. Autumn... .818 Ta Early Spring in Massachu- setts ........................818 Ts Familiar Letters . . *.........816 T Summer ..................818 Tsu Walden .....................814 T Winter ....................818 Tw COFFIN, C. C. Seat of Em- pire .......................j 917.3 c; CURTIS, W. E. Between the Andes and the Ocean.......918 C 1 CUSTER, E. A. Boots and Sad- dles ........................917.8 C DICKENS, CHARLES. American Notes, see ..................D 55 g FIELD, H. M. Bright Skies and Dark Shadows'.............917.5 F Our Western Archipelago.. .917.8 F FINCK, H. T. Pacific Coast Scenic Tour ...............917.9 F GARCES, FRANCISCO. On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer, 2 v........................917.9 Q GLAZIER, WILLARD. Down the Great River................917.7 Gi6 GENERAL WORKS. GOODWIN, MAUD W. The Colonial Cavalier ...........917-5 G HALE, E. E. How They Lived in Hampton .................917-55 H HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL American Note Books......917.4 H HEARN, LAFCADIO. Two Years in the West Indies.......917.29 H 1 HENDERSON, A. P. The Rain- bow's End ................917.98 H INMAN & CODY. The Great Salt Lake Trail............917.92 I INMAN, HENRY. The Old Santa Fe Trail ...................917.89 I IRVING, WASHINGTON. As- toria .....................917.81a Captain Bonneville ........917.81b JACKSON, H. H. Bits of Travel at Home ...................917-3 J JAMES, G. W. In and Around the Grand Canyon . ..........917.88 J JANVIER, T. A. In Old New York ..................917.47J 1 KING, GRACE. New Orleans.917.63 K LUMMIS, C. F. Awakening of a Nation ....................917.2L Some Strange Corners of Our Country ..................917.3 L Tramp Across the Continent.917.8L MUIR, JOHN. Mountains of Cali- fornia ...................917.94 M O'RELL, MAX. A Frenchman in America ...................917-3 O PARKMAN FRANCIS. The Ore- gon Trail ..................917.8 P PIERREPONT, EDWARD. From Fifth Avenue to Alaska.....917-3 P SHELDON, H. I. Notes of "the Nicaragua Canal ........917.28 S 2 STEEVENS, G. W. Land of the Dollar ....................917.3 S STEPHENS, C. A. Knockabout Club in the Tropics.......j 917.2 S STEVENSON, R. L. Across the Plains .......................824 S TAYLOR, BAYARD.. Wonders of the Yellowstone .........917.87T1 THOREAU, H. D. Cape Cod..9x7.44 Tc Early Spring in Massachu- setts ........................818 Ts The Maine Woods.........917.41 T Walden .....................814 T Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers .......917.44TCO TORREY, BRADFORD. A Florida Sketch Book.....917.59 T 1 A Rambler's Lease........917.4 Ti A World of Green Hills... .917.5 T 1 WARNER, C. D. In the Wilder- ness .......................814 Wi WHITNEY, CASPAR. On Snow- shoes to Barren Grounds.. .917.1 W TRAVEL IN OCEANICA. FROUDE, J. A. Oceana, England and Her Colonies............919 F LACHAMBRE & MACHURON. Andrei's Balloon Expedition.919.8L PEARY, R. E. Northward over the "Great Ice," 2v.............919.8 P SCIDMORE, E. R. Java......919.2 S STEPHENS, C. A. Knockabout Club Along Shore.........j 919.8 S STEVENS, J. E. Yesterdays in the Philippines .............919.1 S INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ADAMS, JOHN. Morses J. T., Jr. ,John Adams (Am. States- men)....................92 Ad 1 ADAMS, J. Q. Seward, W. H. J. Q. Adams ..............92 Ad 11 ADAMS, SAMUEL. Hosmer, J. K. Samuel Adams (Am. Statesmen) .... .........92 Ad 14 ADDISON, JOSEPH Courthope, W. J. Joseph Addison (Eng. Men of Letters)..........92 Ad 2 ALCOTT, L. M. Cheney, E. D. Life and Letters of L. M. Al- cott ......................92 A1 1 ANTOINETTE, MARIE, Cam-, pau, J. H. L. Marie An- toinette ..................92 An 8 ARNOLD, BENEDICT. Arnold, Isaac N. Benedict Ar- nold .....................92 Ar 6 BACON, FRANCIS. Church, R. W. Francis Bacon (Eng. Men of Letters)..........92 B 13 BARNUM, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs ..............j 92 B 26 BEETHOVEN. Nohl, Louis. Bee- thoven (Biog. of Mus.) ... .92 B 39 BENTLEY, RICHARD. Jebb, R. C. Richard Bentley (Eng. Men of Letters).........92 B 43 BLAINE, J. G. Conwell, R. H. Life and Public Services of J. G. Blaine..............92 B 57 BRAINERD, DAVID. Edwards, Jonathan. Life of Rev. David Brainerd (ev. fam. lib.) . .92 B 73 BUNYAN, JOHN. Froude, J. A. John Bunyan (Eng. Men of Letters).................92 B 88 BURKE, EDMUND. Morley, John. Edmund Burke. (Eng. Men of Letters)..........92 B 91 BURNS, ROBERT. Carlyle, Thomas. Robert Burns. .92 B 93 c BURNS, ROBERT. Shairp, Prin- cipal. Robert Burns. (Eng. Men of Letters)........92 B93S BURR, AARON. Parton, James. Aaron Burr ................92 B94INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 17 BYRON, LORD. Nichol, John. Lord Byron {Eng. Men of Let- ters) ......................92 B99 CALHOUN, J. C. Jenkins, J. S. John Calhoun ...,.........92 Ci2j Von Hoist, H. J. C. Calhoun (Am. Statesmen)..........92 Ci2v CARLYLE, THOMAS. Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle, 2V...92C19 CASS, LEWIS. Smith, W. L. G. Life and Times of Lewis Cass.92 C27 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Ward, A. W. Geoffrey Chaucer (Eng. Men of Letters)............92C39 CLAY, HENRY. Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay, 2 v. (Am. States- men) ......................92 C57 COLERIDGE, S. T. Traill, H. D. S. T. Coleridge (Eng. Men of Letters) ____r..............92 C67 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. Winsor, Justine. Christopher Columbus ..................92 C72 COOPER, J. F. Lounsbury, Thomas. J. F. Cooper (Am. Men of Letters).............92 C78 COWPER, WILLIAM. Smith, G. William Cowper (Eng. Men of Letters) ...................92 C83 CROMWELL, OLIVER. Morley, John. Oliver Cromwell. .. .92 C88m Roosevelt, Theodore. Oliver Cromwell .................92 C88r Smith, Horace. Oliver Crom- well, 3v....................92 C88s CUSTER, GEORGE, Whittaker, F. Gen. George Custer..........92 C96 DARWIN, CHARLES. Darwin, Francis. Charles Darwin, 2 v. ............................92D25 DECOURTOT, BARONESS. Kaisenberg, Moritz von. Me- moirs of Baroness Cecile De Courtot....................92 D35 DEFOE, DANIEL. Minto, Will- iam. Daniel DeFoe (Eng. Men of Letters) .................92 D36 DE QUINCEY, THOMAS, Mas- son, David. Thomas DeQuincey (Eng. Men of Letters)......92 D44 DICKENS, CHARLES. Ward, A. W. Charles Dickens (Eng. Men of Letters)............92 D55 DRUMMOND, HENRY. Smith, G. A. Henry Drummond.. .92 D842 DRYDEN, JOHN. Saintsbury, G. John Dryden (Eng. Men of Let- ters) .....................92D845 ELIOT, GEORGE. Cross, J. W. .George Eliot, 3 V...........92, EI4 FIELDING, HENRY, Dobson, A. Henry Fielding (Eng. Men of Letters) .................92 F46 FRAI'. CIS, ST. Sabatier, Paul. Life of St. Francis of As- sisi ......................92 F84 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. May- hew, Henry. Young Benja- min Franklin .......... j 92 F85m Morse, J. T., Jr. Benjamin Franklin (Am. Statesmen). .......................92 F85M0 GALLATIN, ALBERT. Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin (Am. Statesmen)......•........92 G 13 GARFIELD, J. A. Ridpath, J. C. Life and Work of J. A. Gar- field .....................92 G18 GEORGE, HENRY. George, Henry, Jr. Henry George.92 G29 GIBBON, EDWARD. Morison, J. C. Edward Gibbon (Eng. 'Men of Letters)...........92 G35 GLADSTONE, W. E. McCarthy, Justin. W. E. Gladstone. .92 G45 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Black, William. Oliver Goldsmith (Eng. Men of Letters) . .92 G57 GRANT, U. S. Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Grant.........92 G76g McClure, J. B. Stories, Sketch- es and Speeches of Gen. Grant ..................92 G 76m GRAY, THOMAS. Gosse, E. W. Thomas Gray (Eng. Men of Letters) ................92G79 GREEN, J. R. Stephen, Leslie. Letters of J. R. Green.....92G82 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. Lodge, H. C. Alexander Hamilton (Am. Statesmen). ..........................92 H 18 HAVELOCK, GEN. Brock, Will- iam. Life of Gen. Havelock. ........................92 H 29 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. James, Henry. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Eng. Men of Letters) ................92 H 31 HAYDEN.- Nohl, Louis. Hayden -(Biog. of Mus.)..........92 H 32 HENRY, PATRICK. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry (Am. States- men) ...................92 H 39 HOLMES, O. W. Morse, J. T., Jr. Life and Letters of O. W. Holmes, 2v...............92 H 73 HUME, DAVID. Huxley, Thomas. David Hume (Eng. Men of Letters) .................92 H 88 HUXLEY, THOMAS. Huxley, Leonard. Life and Letters of Thomas Huxley, 2 v......92 H 98 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Irving, Pierre. Washington Irving, 3 y .......................92 Iv8ii8 GENERAL WORKS. WARNER, C. D. Washington Irving (Am. Men of Letters) .........................92 Iv8w JACKSON,- Andrew. Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a Public Man (Am. Statesmen) ..........................92 J 12 JAY, JOHN. Pellew, George. John Jay (Am. Statesmen)......92 J 33 JEFFERSON, JOSEPH. Autobi- ography ..................92 J 35 JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Morse, J. T., Jr. Thomas Jefferson (Am. Statesmen) ........92 J 353 JOAN OF ARC. Michelet, J.Joan of Arc ...................92 J 57 JOHN OF BARNEVELD. Mot- ley, J. L., 2 v..............92 J 61 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. B'oswell, James. Samuel Johnson, 3 v. .......................92 J 63 b JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Stephen, Leslie. Samuel Johnson (Eng. Men of Letters) .. .92 J 63s KROPOTKIN, P. Memoirs of a Revolutionist ............92 K 92 LAMB, CHARLES. Ainger, Al- fred. Charles Lamb (Eng. Men of Letters)..........92 L 16 LANDOR, W. S. Colvin, Sydney. W. S. Landor (Eng. Men of, Letters) ..................92L23 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Arnold, Isaac N. Abraham Lincoln.. ........................92 L 63a Gilmore, J. R. Personal Recol- lections of Lincoln.......92L63g Morse, J. T., Jr. Abraham Lin- coln, 2 v. (Am. Statesmen). .......................92 L 63 m LISZT. Nohl, Louis. Liszt (Biog. of Mus.).................92L69 LOCKE, JOHN. Fowler, Thos. John Locke (Eng. Men of Letters) .................92L79 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Longfel- low, Samuel. H. W. Long- fellow, 3v................92L86 LUDWIG. Gerard, Francis. Ro- mance of King Ludwig of Bavaria .................92 L 96 LUTHER, MARTIN. Mayhew, Henry. Boyhood of Martin Luther .................j 92 L 97 MACAULAY, T. B. Mori son, J. C. T. B. Macaulay (Eng. Men of Letters)...........92 M 11 m Trevelyan, G. O. Life and Let- ters of T. B. Macaulay.. .92 M lit MADISON, JAMES, Gay, S. H. James Madison (Am. States- men) .................... 92 M 26 MARSHALL, JOHN. Magruder, A. B. John Marshall (Am. Statesmen) ..............92 M 35 M A R T Y N, HENRY. Sargent, John. Memoirs of Rev. Henry Martyn (ev. fam. lib.)____92 M 36 MILTON, JOHN. Pattison, Mark. John Milton (Eng. Men of Letters) .................92 M 64 MONROE, JAMES. Gilman, D. C. James Monroe (Am. States- men) ....................92M75 MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Roosevelt. Gouverneur Mor- ris. (Am. Statesmen) .. .92 M 83 MOZART, Nohl, Louis. Mozart .. (Biog. of Mus.)...........92 M 87 MULLER, F. MAX. Auld Lang Syne, 2 v................92M91 NAPOLEON. Headley, J. T. Na- poleon and His Marshals. 2 v.....................92 N 16 h Rose, John H, Napoleon, 2 v.....................92 N 16 r Watson, Thomas E. Na- poleon Bonaparte.......92 N 16 wi OSSOLI, M. F. Higginson, T. W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Am. Men of Letters)..........92 Os 7 PAYSON, EDWARD. Oimmings, Rev. Asa. Memoir of Rev. Edward Payson (ev. fam. lib.).....................92 P 29 PETER THE GREAT; Wight, O. W. Peter the Great, 2 v...................... .92 P 44 PEPYS, SAMUEL. Diary and Correspondence, 10 v......92 P 39 PHILLIPS, WENDELL. Austin, G. L. Wendell Phillips.. .92 P 54 POE, E. A. Woodbury, Geo. E. E. A. Poe (Am. Men of Letters).................92 P 75 POPE, ALEXANDER. Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope. (Eng. Men of Letters) ... .92 P 81 RANDOLPH, JOHN. Adams, Henry. John Randolph. (Am. Statesmen) .........92 R 15 RIPLEY, GEORGE. Frothing- ham, O. B. George Ripley. (Am. Men of Letters) ... .92 R 48 ROBESPIERRE. Belloc, Hilaire. Robespierre. A Study. .. .92 R 54 ROOSEVELT, T. Clemens, W. M. Theodore Roosevelt ......92 R 67 ROSETTI, D. G. Caine, Hall. Recollections of Dante. Ga- briel Rosetti .............92 R 72 RUBENSTEIN, ANTON. Auto- biography ................92R82 RUSKIN, JOHN. Collingwood, W. G. John Ruskin, 2 v. .92 R 89 SAVONAROLA. Villari, Pasquale. Life and Times of Savon- arola ....................92 Sa 8COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. !9 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Button, R. H. Sir Walter Scott {Eng. Men of Letters).. 92 Sco 8 SHAKESPEARE, . WILLIAM. Lee, Sidney. William Shake- speare ..................92 Sh 11 SHELLEY, P. B. Symonds, J. A. Percy B. Shelley. {Eng. Men of Letters)..........92 Sh 4 SHERIDAN, R. B. Oliphant, Mrs. R. B. Sheridan. {Eng. Men of Letters)...............92 Sh 5 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Dowden, Edward. Robert Southey. {Eng. Men of Letters) ... .92 So 8 SPENSER, EDMUND. Church, R. W. Edmund Spenser. {Eng. Men of Letters) ... .92 Sp 3 STERNE, LAWRENCE. Traill, H. D. Lawrence Sterne. {Eng. Men of Letters)----92 St 3 STOWE, H. B. Fields, Annie. Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe ...........92 St 6 SWIFT, JONATHAN. Stephen, Leslie. Jonathan Swift. {Eng. Men of Letters) ... .92 Sw 5 TAYLOR, J. B. Rice, John H. Memoir of James B. Taylor. {ev. fam. lib.)............92 T 21 TENNYSON, ALFRED. Tenny- son, Jr. Memoir of Lord Tennyson, 2 v............92 T 25 THACKERAY, W. M. Trollope Anthony. W. M. Thackeray. {Eng. Men of Letters) ... .92 T 32 WAGNER. Nohl, Louis. Wag- ner. {Biog. of Mus.) ... .92 W 12 WASHINGTON, BOOKER. Up from Slavery............92 W 27 Washington, George. Irving, Wash- ington. George Washington. 5 v....................92 W 273 i Lodge, H. C. George Wash- ington, 2 v. {Am. States- men).................92 W 273 1 WEBSTER, DANIEL. Lodge, * H. C. Daniel Webster. {Am. Statesmen)..............92 W 39 WEBSTER, NOAH. Scudder, H. E. Noah Webster. {Am. Men of Letters)........92 W 391 WHITTIER, J. G. Pickard, S. T. Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier, 2 v.. .92 W 61 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Myers, F. W. H. William Wordsworth. {Eng. Men of Letters)................92 W 89 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. APPLETON'S Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Ed. by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske, 7 v........................920 A BOLTON, SARAH K. Girls who Became Famous ........j 920.7 B BROOKS, E. S. Historic Boys, j 920 B Historic Girls............j 920.7 B 1 CLEMENT, J. Noble Deeds of American Women.........920.7 C CORNILL, C. H. The Prophets of Israel ....................920 C I CRAFTS^ WILBUR R Success- ful Men of To-day.........920 C EDGAR, JOHN G. Sea Kings and Naval Heroes ............j 920 E Famous Boys................... .920 F FARRAR, F. W. Seekers After God .....................920 F 1 GREENE, G. W. Biographical Studies ....................920 G HALE, E. E. Stories of Inven- tion ........... .........j 926H HANAFORD, P. A. Daughters of America .................Q20.7 H HOWELLS, W. O. Literary Friends and Acquaintances..928 HP HUBERT, P. G. Inventors....926Hi LEONARD, J. W. Who's Who in America (1901-1902).......920 L LORD, JOHN. Beacon Lights of History, 10 v.................904 L LOSSING, B. J. Our Country- men .....................920 L 1 MAYHEW, HENRY. Boyhood of Great Men .............j 920 M 1 Men Who Have Risen.........j 920 M 2 MOORE, J. B. Governors of Ply- mouth and Massachusetts Bay .....................920 M 4 PAGE, H. A. Famous Men......920 P PLUTARCH. Lives of Illustrious Men .....................920 P I STRICKLAND, AGNES. Queens of England, 6 v...........920 S 1 THACKERAY, W. M. Thej Four Georges .................827 Tm ANCIENT HISTORY. ABBOTT, LYMAN. Life and Lit- erature of Ancient Hebrews.933 A BUTTERWORTH, 1HEZEKIAH. Little Arthur's History of Rome ...............\..j 937Bi CHURCH, A. J. The Burning of Rome ....................937 C1 Roman Life in the Days of Cic- ero ..................j 937 C 1 r Stories from Herodotus____j 930 Ci Story of the Persian War... j 935 C COX, G. W. General History of Greece ....................938 C CRAWFORD, F. M. Ave Roma Immortalis, 2v.............937 C Rulers of the South, 2 v......930 C20 GENERAL WORKS. GIBBON, EDWARD. Roman Em- pire, ed. by H. H. Milman, 5 v ........................937 G GROTE, GEORGE. History of Greece, 12 v................938 G JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. Works tr. by William Whiston......933 J KENT, CHARLES F. History of the Hebrew People.......... The United Kingdom.........933 K The Divided Kingdom.......933 Ka History of the Jewish People: Babylonian, Persian and Greek Periods ...........933 Kb LANCIANI, RUDOLFO. Destruc- tion of Ancient Rome......937 L LATIMER, E W. Judea from Cy- rus to Titus...............933 L MERIVALE, CHARLES. General History of Rome..........937 M MOMMSEN, THEODOR. His- tory of Rome, tr. by W. P. Dickson, 4 v............. .937 Mi OLIPHANT, MRS. Jerusalem, the Holy City ...................9330 RAGOZIN, ZENAIDE Assyria.939 R Media, Babylon and Persia. .935 Ri RAWLINSON, GEORGE. Ancient Egypt .....................932 R Five Great Monarchies, 3v..935Rb Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy. ..........................935 Rc Seventh Great Oriental Mon- archy ....................935 Rd RIGGS, J. S. History of the Jew- ish People, Maccabean and Roman Periods ............933 r WHITE, J. S. Herodotus for Boys and Girls ..............j93oWh Plutarch for Boys and Girls.] 930 Wt YONGE, C. M. Young Folks' His- tory of Greece............j 938 Y Young Folks' History of Rome ....................J 937Y HISTORY OF EUROPE ANDREWS, C. M. Historical De- velopment of Modern Eu- rope, 2 v..................940 Ai ARCHER, T. A. and KINGS- FORD. The Crusades.....940 A BICKWELL, A. L. Life in the Tuileries Under the Second Empire ...................944 Bi BIGELOW, POULTNEY. His- tory of German Struggle for Liberty, 2v.................943 B BODLEY, J. E. C. France, 2 v.. .944 B BRYCE, JAMES. Holy Roman Empire ...................943 B3 CARLYLE, THOMAS. The French Revolution, 2v......944 C CHOISEUL, MADAME DE. Al- exander I. and the Court of 1 Russia ....................947 C COFFIN, C. C. The Story of Lib- erty ....................j94oCi COX, G. W. The Crusades......940 C DENNIE, JOHN. Rome of To- day and Yesterday.........945 D! DICKENS, CHARLES. Child's History of England.......j 942 I> DUROY, VICTOR. History of France ....................944 D! ELLIOT, FRANCES. Old Court Life in France, a v..........944 E France, History of...............944 F FROISSART'S Chronicles ......940 F GARDNER, S. R. Student's His- tory of England..........942 GI GIFFORD, Augusta. Germany.943 G 1 GINDELY, A. History of the Thirty Years' War, 2v.....943 G GRAHAM, H. G. Social Life in Scotland, 2v ..............941 G GREEN, J. R. History of the Eng- lish People, 2 v.............942 G GUIZOT, F. P. G. History of France ................... .944 G HALE, E. E. and SUSAN. Spain. ..........................946 H HALLAM, HENRY. Middle Ages .....................940 H HESDIN, RAOUL, Journal of a Spy in Paris...............944 H HUME, DAVID. History of England, 6 v...............942 H IRVING, WASHINGTON. Con- quest of Granada...........946 I JACKSON, LADY. French Court and Society, 2v............944 J LANIER, SIDNEY. Boy's Frois- sart .....................j 940 L LATIMER, E. W. England in the Nineteenth Century......942.08 L France in the Nineteenth Cen- tury ......................944 L Last Years of the Nineteenth Century ..................940L2 Russia and Turkey in the Nine- teenth Century ............947 L LEWIS, CHARLTON. History of Germany ..................943 L McCarthy, JUSTIN. History of Our Own Times, v. 1, 2, 3................... .942M 2 a History of the Four Georges, 4 v...................942.07 M 2 MACAULAY, T. B. History of England, 5 v..............942 M McCRACKAN, W. D. Rise of the Swiss Republic ..........949.4 M MACKENZIE, JAMES. History of Scotland ...............941 M MARTIN, B. E. & C. M. Stones of Paris, 2 v.................944 M MARVIN, CHARLES. Russians at the Gates of the Herat.. .947 MHISTORY OF ASIA AND AFRICA. 21 MONTGOMERY, D. H. Leading Facts of English History.942 M 1 MOTLEY, J. Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 v.............949.2 M Oliphant, Mrs. Royal Edinburgh.941 O PAINE, THOMAS. Rights of Man ......................944 P RAMBAUD, ALFRED. History of Russia, 3 v..............947 R ROGERS, J." E. T. Holland... .949.2 R SMITH, GOLDWIN. United Kingdom, 2 v.............949 S 2 STORY, ALFRED T. British Em- pire, 2 v...................942 S THAYER, W. R. Dawn of Italian Independence, 2 v..........945 T YONGE, C. M. Christians and Moofs of Spain............946Y Young Folks' History of France ..................j 944 Y Young Folks' History of Ger- many ....................J 943 Y HISTORY OF ASIA AND AFRICA. BRYCE, JAMES and Others. Briton and Boer............968 B CHURCHILL, WINSTON. The River War, 2 v............966 C DAVIS, R. H. With Both Armies in South Africa............968 D GRIFFIS, W. E. Japan in His- tory .......................952 G LANE-POOLE, STANLEY Story of the Barbary Corsairs... .961 L PASHA, R. S. Fire and Sword in the Sudan...,,...........966 P STEEVENS, G. W. With Kitch- ener to Khartoum..........962 S WILDMAN, R. China's Open Door .....................951 W HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA AND UNITED STATES. ABBOTT, W. J. Blue Jackets of '61 .....................j 973-7 A American History. Tales of, 3 v.......................973-1 A American Revolution, Tales of.. .973-3 A ANDERSON, EDWARD. Camp Fire Stories ............973.7 A 1 BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the United States, 6 v......973 B BLAINE, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress, 2 v...........973-8 B 3 BONNER, JOHN. Child's History of the United States, 2 v. j 973 B 2 BOURINOT, JOHN. Canada. .. .971 B BUELL, AUGUSTUS C. Paul Jones, Founder of Am. Navy, 2 v......................973-5 B BUTTERWORTH, 'HEZEKIAH. Young Folks' History of America ................j 973 B 1 CABLE, GEO. C. The Creoles of Louisiana ................970-3 C COBB, S. H. The Story of the Palatines..................973.2 C COFFIN, C. C. (Carleton). The Boys of '61.............j 973.7 Cb The Boys of '76..........j 973.3 Cb Building of the Nation, .j 973.3 Cbu Drumbeat of the Nation, .j 973.7 Cd Following the Flag.......j 973.7 Cf Freedom Triumphant.....j 973.7 Cfr Marching to Victory.....j 973.7 Cm My Days and Nights on the Battle Field..........j 973.7 Crny Old Times in the Colonies.j 973.2 C I Redeeming the Republic. ..j 973.7 Cr DAVIS, R. H. Cuba in War Time..................972.9 D I DELLENBAUGH, F. S. North Americans of Yesterday.. .970.1 D DRAPER, A. S. Rescue of Cuba....................972.9 D Eighty Years of Progress........973 E FISHER, G. P. The Colonial Era ....................973.2 F 2 FISKE, A. K. The West Indies.972.9 F FlSKE, JOHN. American Revolu- tion, 2 v.................973-3 Fa Beginnings of New England..974 Fb Critical Period of American History.................973-3 Fc Discovery of America, 2 v...973.1 F Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, 2 v..............974 Fd Mississippi Valley in the Civil War ......................976F Old Virginia and Her Neigh- bors, 2 v..................975-5 F FLINT, GROVER. Marching with Gomez .................973-9 F 3 FORD, PAUL L. Great Words of . Great Americans .........973 F I FORSYTH, GEORGE A. The Story of the Soldier........973 F GLAZIER, W. Three Years in the Federal Cavalry ........973-7 G 2 GREELEY, HORACE. American Conflict, 2 v.............973-7 G X GRIFFIS, W. E. Romance of American Conquest ........973 G HALE, E. E. Stories of War ..................j 973.7 Hi Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War ..............973-7 H 3 HART, A. B. American History Told by Contemporaries, 4 v........................973 HILL, R. T. Cuba, Porto Rico and Islands of West Indies____972.9 H HEMMENT, JOHN. .Cannon and Camera ................973.9H2 HIGGINSON, T. W. Young Folks' History of United States.j 973 H 122 GENERAL WORKS. HOWE, D. W. The Puritan Re- public of Massachusetts Bay. ...................... 973-2 H JACKSON, H. H. A Century of Dishonor .................970.3 J JENKINS, J. S. History of War Between United States and Mexico ..................973-6 J JOHNSON,. ROSS ITER. History of the French War____... .973.2 J War of 1812-15 ............973-5 J KIDD, BENJAMIN. Control of the Tropics ..............973-9 K KINZIE, MRS. J. H. The Early Days in the Northwest____977.3 K LESTER, C. E. Light and Dark of the Rebellion ...........973-7 L 3 LOCKE, E. W. Three Years in Camp and Hospital......973.7 L 2 LODGE, H. C. History of the En- glish Colonies in America.973.2 L Story of the Revolution, 2 v.973.3 L 1 The War with Spain......973.9Li LOGAN, J. A. The Great Con- spiracy ................973.7 L 4 LOSSING, B. J. Our Country, 2 v........................973 Lo Story of the United. States Navy .....................973 Ls McMASTER, J. B. Tlistory of the People of the United States, 5 v........................973 M MARKHAM, R. King Philip's War..................973-2 M 1 MASON, E. G. Chapters from Illi- nois History ............977-3 M MOORE, CHARLES. Northwest Under Three Flags.......973.2 M MOSBY, JOHN. War Reminis- cences of Stuart's Cavalry Campaign ................973-7 M MOSES, and SELBY. Historical Sketches of Illinois and World's Columbian Exposi- tion ....................977.3 M 1 OBER, F. A. Young Folks' History of Mexico ...............j 972 O Old South Leaflets, 4 v., Nos. 1- 100 ....................973 O S PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Conspir- acy of Pontiac, 2 v.......973.2 Pc Count Frontenac and New France ...................971 Pc Half a Century of Conflict, 2 v.....................973.2 Ph La Salle and Discovery of Great West ....................973.2 PI Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 v. .971 Pm Old Regime in Canada......971 Po Pioneers of France in the New World ..................973.1 P PARTON, JAMES. General But- ler in New Orleans......973.7Pi PORTER, D. D. Naval History of Civil War ..............973-7 P 2 PRESCOTT, W. H. Conquest of Mexico, 3 v................972 P PRINCE, L. B. Historical Sketches of New Mexico...........978-9 P RHODES, J. F. History of the United States, 4 v........973 R 2 RICHARDSON, A. D. Field, Dun- geon and Escape..........973-7 R RIDPATH, J. C. The United States ...................973 R I ROBINSON, A. G. Porto Rico of Today ................972.9 R I ROBINSON, R. E. Vermont.. .974-3 R ROOSEVELT, THEODORE Winning the West, 4 v... .977 R 3 ROSS, CLINTON. Heroes of Our War with Spain........973.9 R 2 ROWAN and RAMEY. The Is- land of Cuba.............972.9 R SIMMONS, W. E. The Nicaragua Canal ...................972.8 S SMITH, G. B. Romance of Colon- ization .................973-1 S I SMITH, H. E. Colonial Days and Whys...................973-2 S SPARKS, E, E. Expansion of American People.........973 S 4 SPEARS, J. R. History of Our Navy, 1775-1897, 4 v......973 S 1 STARR, FREDERICK. American Indians ............ .... j>97°-3 S STEELE, J. D. & E. B. Barnes' Popular History of United ' States .....................973 S THAYER, W. M. Youths' History of the Civil War, 4 V----j 973-7 T THOMAS, CYRUS. American Archaeology .............970.1 T HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA AND OCEANICA. BELCHER, LADY. Mutineers of the Bounty ................993 B BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. South America ............987 B COLQUHOUN, A. R. The Mas- tery of the Pacific..........996 C PRESCOTT, W. H. Conquest of Peru, 2 v..................985 P YOUNG, LUCIEN. The Real Hawaii ....................996 YFICTION. Abandoning an Adopted Farm. San- born ......................Sa 5 a The Abbot. Scott..........see Sco 8 m ABBOTT, CHAS. C. A Colonial Wooing ....................Ab 2 Adam Bede. Eliot..............El 4 a ADAMS, F. U. The Kidnapped Millionaires ................Ad I Adams, Mary. Confessions of a Wife .....................Ad 12 Adopting an Abandoned Farm. San- born .....................Sa 5 ad Adventurer of the North. Parker. P 22 a Adventures of a Younger Son. Tre- lawny ......................T 71 Adventures of Captain Horn. Stock- ton .......................St 6 a Adventures of Francois. S. W. Mitchell ..................M 69 a Adventures of Gil Bias. Le Sage.. L 56 Adventures of Harry Richmond. Meredith ................M 54 a Adventures of Philip. Thackeray.T 32 a Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle ...................D77a After the Storm. Arthur....----Ar 7 a Aftermath. J. S. Allen..........A1 5 a Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe.......St 7 a AGUILAR, G. Home Influence, 2 v........................Aggh The Vale of Cedars..........Agp v AINSLIE, H. Pilgrim and the Shrine ..................... Ai 6 ALCOTT, L. M. (See juvenile). ALDEN, G. R. (See juvenile). ALDRICH, T. B. Marjorie Daw and Other Stories...........Al 2 ALEXANDER, MRS. (pseud, of Mrs. A. F. Hector). A Win- ning Hazard ............ Al 24 w The Wooing O't..........Al 24 wo Alice of Old Vincennes. M. Thomp- son .......................T 373 All He Knew. Habberton.......H 11 a All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Besant and Rice...........B 46 al ALLEN, J. L. Aftermath.......Al 5 a The Choir Invisible..........Al 5 c A Kentucky Cardinal........Al5k< The Reign of Law............Al 5 r ALLEN, G. Under Sealed Orders. Al 51 Allworth Abbey. Southworth----So 8 a Alton Locke. Kingsley..........K6ia The Amazing Marriage. Mere- dith ....................M 54 am The American. James, Jr.........J 23 a American Senator. Trollope... .T 74 a Amos Judd. J. A. Mitchell.....M 691 a Amy Herbert. Sewell...........Se 9 a Andreas Hofer. Miihlbach......M 89 a ANDREWS, C. A Parfit Gentil Knight .....................An 2 Angel. Croker...................C 872 The Anglomaniacs. Harrison. .H 246 a Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. Macdonald ...............M 14 a Anne. Wbolson................. W 88 a Anne of Geierstein. Scott... See Sco 8 q ANSTEY, F. Lyre and Lancet. ..An 8 Antiquary. Scott..........See Sco 8 w ANTROBUS, C. L. Wilders- moore ....................An 82 ANTROBUS, S. The King's Mes- senger ....................An 84 Armageddon. Waterloo..........W 29 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant. . .B 46 ar The Armourer's Prentices. Yonge ....................Y 8 a ARMSTRONG, J. Mark Marksen's Secret .....................Ar 5 An Army Wife. King...........K 58 a ARNOLD, E. L. Wonderful Ad- ventures of Phra the Phoe- nician ........ ..............Ar 6 ARTHUR, T. S. After the Storm -....................Ar7a Ten Nights in a Barroom.....Ar 71 Arthur Bonnicastle. J. Holland..H 71 a The Associate Hermits. Stockton .........................St 6 a s At Large. Hornung.............H 78 a At the Councillor's. Marlitt----M 34 a At the North Pole. Verne......v59a At You-All's House. Baskett......B 29 ATHERTON, G. The Autocrats ..........................At 4 a The Conqueror. •.............At 4 c Audrey. Johnston...............J 65 a AUERBACH, B. On the Heights.Au 3 Aunt Rachel. Murray............M 96 AUSTEN, JANE. Pride and Prejudice ..................Au 7 AUSTIN, JANE G. Betty Al- den .....................Au 71 b Desmond Hundred ........Au 71 d Dr. Le Baron and His Daugh- ters .....................Au 711 A Nameless Nobleman......Au 71 n Standisfy of Standish.......Au 71 s The Autocrats. Atherton........At 4 a The Aztec Treasure House. Jan- vier .......................J 26 a BABCOCK, W. H. The Tower of Wye .......................B 11 The Babe. B. A. Benson........B 441 BACHELLER, I. D'ri and I...Bi2d Eben Holden ...............B 12 e A Bachelor Maid. Harrison----H246 b BAGBY, A. M. Miss Traumerei. .B 15 BAILEY, A. W. Mark Heffron. .B153 2324 FICTION. BAKER, W. M. His Majesty My- self ........................B 171 BALDWIN, MRS. A. The Story of a Marriage...............B 19 BALDWIN, J. The Story of Sieg- fried .......................B 191 BALZAC, H. DE. The Country Doctor ...................B 21 c Don Juan and Shorter Stories.B 21 d Sons of the Soil............B 21 s BANGS, J. K. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica ..................B 22 b Coffee and Repartee..........B 22 c Ghosts I Have Met..........B 22 g The Idiot ...................B 22 i Mr. Munchausen ..........B 22 m A House-Boat on the Styx... B 22 n The Pursuit of the House- Boat .....................B 22 p Barabbas. Corelli ..............C 81 b BARBOUR, A. M. That Mainwar- ing Affair ..................B 23 BARING-GOULD, S. Bladys Stewponey ...............B 231 b The Queen of Love........B23iq BARLOW, J. Maureens Fairing.. B 24 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens.......D 55 b BARR, A. E. Bow of Orange Rib- bon .....................B27ib Friend Olivia-..............B 271 f The Lion's Whelp..........B 271 1 Master of His Fate.......B 271 m Prisoners of Conscience... .B 271 p Souls of Passage...........B271S BARR, ROBERT. In a Steamer Chair ....................B 274 i A Prince of Goodfellows. .. .B 274 p The Strong Arm...........B 274 s Tekla ......................B 274 t The Victors................B 274 v A Woman Intervenes.......B 274 w BARRETT, F. John Ford and His Helpmate ................B 272 f The Justification-of Andrew Le- brun .....................B 272 j BARRIE, J. M. The Little Minis- ter .......................B 273 1 The Little White Bird.....B273IW Sentimental Tommy ........B 273 s Tommy and Grizel..........B 273 t When a Man's Single......B 273 w A Window in Thrums. .. .B 273 wi Barriers Burned Away. Roe....R62b BARTLETT, G. H. Water Tramps ....................B 28 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray.. .See T 32 h BASKETT, J. N. At You-All's House ......................B 29 BATES, A. The Puritans........B 31 BATES, MRS. L. W. Bunch-Grass Stories ....................B 312 The Bath Comedy. Castle.......C 27 b Battle of the Strong. Parker,,. .P 22 b The Battleground. Glasgow.....G46b Battlement and Tower. Rhoscomyl.R 34 BAYLY, A. E. See Edna Lyall.. BEACONSFIELD, LORD. See Benjamin Disraeli........... Beatrice of Bayou Teche. Jones....J 71 Beauchamp's Career. Meredith. .M 54 b The Beau's Comedy. Dix and Harper ....................D 64 A Beautiful Alien. Magruder. .M 271 b BELDEN, J. V. Fate at the Door.B 399 Bell, Lilian. Love Affairs of an Old Maid......................B 411 Under Side of Things......B 41 u Bell Ringers of Angels. Harte..H25b BELLAMY, E. Looking Back- ward ......................B4H Ben Hur. Wallace.............W 15 b The Benefactress.............. .El 44 b BENNETT, E. The Border Rover ........... ...........B 43; BENSON, B. K. Who Goes There ?.....................B 44 BENSON, E. F. The Babe. B. A. B 441 Berlin and Sans-Souci. Miihl- bach .................. ... M 89 b BESANT and RICE, All Sorts and Conditions of Men........B 46 al BESANT, W. Armorel of Lyon- esse .....................B 46 ar For Faith and Freedom......B 46 £ In Deacon's Orders..........B 46 d The Master Craftsman......B 46111 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. Maclaren .................M 22 b BETHAM-EDWARDS, M. Ro- mance of Dij on............B 46 1 Bethrothed. Scott..........See Sco 8 c Betty Alden. Austin...........Au 71 b Between the Lines. King........K58b Beulah. Evans .................Ev 1 b Big Bow Mystery. Zangwill......Z 1 b BIGELOW, E. Diplomatic Disen- chantments .................B 4& Billy Bellew. W. E. Norris.. .N 793 b BJORNSON, B. The Heritage of the Kurts ..................B 55 BLACK, W. Briseis... 'B 56 b A Daughter of Heth........B 56 da Donald Ross of Heimra... .B 56 do In Far Lochaber.............B 56 £ Judith Shakespeare ..........B56) Macleod of Dare............B 56 m Prince Fortunatus .........B 56 pf A Princess of Thule........B 56 pt Stand Fast, Craig Royston. .B 56 sf Strange Adventures of a House- Boat ....................B 56 sh Strange Adventures of a Phae- ton ...............^.........B 56 sp Black Diamonds. Jokai............J 67 Black Dwarf. Scott.......See Sco 8 £ Black Rock. Connor....----....C 76 bFICTION. 25 BLACKMORE, R. D. Cripps the Carrier ..................B 561 c Lorna Doone ..............B 561 1 Perlycross .................B 561 p Bladys Stewponey. Baring-Gould. .........................B 231 b BLANCHARD, A. E. An Inde- pendent Daughter ..........B 59 Bleak House. Dickens..........D 55 bl Blennerhassett. Pidgin..........P 59 b BLOSSOM, H. M., JR. Checkers.B 62 Bob, Son of Battle. Ollivant.......01 5 Bog—Myrtle and Peat. Crockett. C 87 b BOISGILBERT, E. (/. Donnelly.) Caesar's Column ............B 63 Bonnyborough. Whitney .....W 61 bo BOOTHBY, G. A Cabinet Secret.B 64 The Border Rover. Bennett......B 43 The Borderers, 3 v. Cooper...... C78b BORROW. Lavengro............B 65 The Bostonians. James, Jr......J 23 b BOURGET, P. A Tragic Idyl... .B 66 BOUVET, M. My Lady.........B 662 Bow of Orange Ribbon. A. Barr. .........................B 271 b Boys at Chequasset. Whitney... W 61 b BRADDON, M. E. Lady Audley's Spprpf "R *io BRADY, C. T."' For Love of Coun- try ......................B 724 1 Hohenzollern ..............B 724 h When Blades Are Out and Love's Afield ............B 724 w BRAEME, C. M. Dora Thorne...B73 A Brave Lady. Muloek.........M 91 b The Bread Winners...............B 74 Bricks without Straw. Tourgee. .T 64 b Bride of Lammermoor: Woodstock. . Scott ....................Sco 8 b Briseis. Black..................B 56 b The Broken Ring. Tompkins. .. .T 59 b BRONTE. C. Jane Eyre........B 78 j Shirley .....................B 78 s BROOKS, S. W. My Fire Opal and Other Stories...........B 79 BROWN, A. King's End.........B 81 Brueton's Bayou. Habberton. ...Hub BUCHAN, J. John Burnet of Barns......................B 85 Buell Hampton. W. Emerson.. .Em 31 Bug-Jargal. Hugo..............H 87 b BULWER-LYTTON, BARON (See Lytton, E. Bulwer)..... Bunch-Grass Stories. Bates......B 312 BUNNER, H. C.\ Jersey Street and Jersey Lane .............B 881 j "Short Sixes"..............B 881 s Zadoc Pine ................B 881 z BUNYAN, J. Pilgrim's Progress. B 883 Burlesques. Thackeray .........T 32 b BURNETT, F. H. In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim ....................B 93 c The Fair Barbarian..........B 93 f Kathleen ....................B 93 k A Lady of Quality..........B 93 la Lindsay's Luck. ............B 93 H The Making of a Marchioness.B 93 m Methods of Lady Walderhurst. . B 93 me Miss De Farge..........See Hub Pretty Polly Pemberton.... B 93 p]> Pretty Sister of Jose.......B 93 ps That Lass O'Lowrie's........B 93 t Theo ......................B 93 th Through One Administration.B 93 to- Vagabondia .................B 93 v BURNHAM, C. L. Miss Bagg's Secretary ................6931b ,Dr. Latimer ...............B 931 d Miss Pritchard's Wedding Trip.. • ••••...... ...............B931P The Right Princess.........B 931 r A Sane Lunatic..........B 931 Sa Sweet Clover ........... .B 931 sw The Wise Woman..........B 931 w' But Yet a Woman. A. Hardy...H 224 Bylow Hill. Cable .............C 11 B- By Order of the King. Hugo.. H 87 by By the Waters of Babylon. De Koven ....................D 366 BYNNER, E. L. Damen's Ghost..B 99 A Cabinet Secret. Boothby........B 64 CABLE, G. Bylow Hill.........Cub The Cavalier................Cue The Grandissimes ...........C 11 g John March, Southerner.....C 11 j Old Creole Days............C 110 Dr. Sevier ..................C 11 s Caesar's Column. Boisgilbert......B 63 CAINE, HALL. The Christian.. C 12 c The Eternal City............C 12 e The Manxman .............C 12 m Caleb the Irrepressible. Paynter. .P 291 Caleb West. F. Smith..........Sm 5 c Calumet "K" Webster..........W 39 Cameos, Corelli................C 81 C CAMERON, H. L. A Hard Les- son.........................C 14 Campaigning with Crook. King. K 58 Ca CANDEE, H. C. An Oklahoma Romance .................Ci6o> The Canoe and the Saddle. Win- throp ...................W 731 c CANTON, WM. The Invisible Playmate ..................C 164 Cape Cod Folks, McLean.......M 223 Captain Blake. King...........K 58 cb< Captain Dreams. King. ...... .K 58 cd Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop. Garland ...................G 18 c Captain Macklin. Davis.........D 29 c Captain Molly. Denison..........D 41 Captain Ravenshaw. R. Stephens f..........................St 42 c Captain Shays. Rivers...........R 52 c Captain Spike, 3 v. Cooper......C 78 c Cardigan. Chambers.............C 35 e26 FICTION. The Cardinal's Daughter. War- field .....................W23C The Cardinal's Rose. Sutphens... .Su 8 The Cardinal's Snuff-Box. H. Har- land ......................H221 The Career of a Beauty. Winter. W 73 c CAREY, R. N. Herb of Grace.. C 18 h Lover or Friend..............C 181 Mary St John..............C 18 m Nellie's Memories ..........C 18 ne Not Like Other Girls......C 18 no Only the Governess.........C 18 o Queenie's Whim............ .C 18 q Rue with a Difference........C 18 r Uncle Max ..................C 18 u Wee Wifie ................C 18 we Wooed and Married........C 18 wo CARLETON, WILL. The Old In- fant ........................C 19 CARLETON, WILLIAM. Willy Reilly .....................C 191 Carlotta's Intended. R. Stuart... St 9 c A Carolina Cavalier. G. Eggles- ton ......................Eg 33 c Casa Braecio, 2 v. Crawford... .C 85 ca CASKODEN, EDWARD. (See Chas. Major.)............... Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton----St 6 c CASTLE, A. and E. The Bath Comedy ..................C 27 b Consequences ...............C 27 c The House of Romance......C27I1 Pride of Jennico............C27P The Secret Orchard..........C 27 s Castle Craneycrow. McCutcheon. .......... ...............M 132 c Castle Daly. Keary...............K 21 Castle Dangerous. Scott... .See Sco 8 h Castle Inn. Weyman...........W 54 c Catherine. Thackeray.......See T32a CATHERWOOD, M. H. Lazarre. ..........................C28I The Romance of Dollard____C28r The Story of Tonty..........C 28 s The White Islander........C28W Cause and Effect. Meirion.......M 47 The Cavalier. Cable.............Cue The Cavaliers. Keightley.......K26C The Caxtons. Lytton............L99C Cecil Draerne. Winthrop.....W 731 Ce Cecilia. Crawford..............C 85 ce The Celebrity. Churchill........C 47 ce CERVANTES, S. Don Quixote de la Mancha ....................C 33 CHAMBERS, R. Cardigan.....C35C The Conspirators ..........C 35 co A King and a Few Dukes... C 35 k A Change of Air. Hope........H 77 c Characteristics. S. W. Mitchell. ........ ................M 69 c CHARLES, MRS. The Draytons and the Davenants..........C 38 Charles O'Malley. Lever........L 57 c CHATFIELD-TAYLOR, H. C. The Crimson Wing........C 39 c Two Women and a Fool.....C39t Checkers. Blossom, Jr............B 62' CHESNUTT, C. W. The House Behind the Cedars..........C 42 Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Du- mas ......................D89C The Chezzles. Morse............M 833 Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill.. Z 1 c The Children of the King. Craw- ford .....................C85ch Children of the Mist. Phillpotts...P 54 CHOLMONDELEY, M. Moth and Rust .......................C45 The Choir Invisible. J. L. Allen.. A1 5 c The Christian. Caine............C 12 c Christian's Mistake. Mulock... .M 91 c Christie Johnstone. Reade......R22p The Christmas Books. Thackeray. ..........................T 32 c Chronicles of Martin Hewitt. Mor- rison ......................M 83 CHURCHILL, W. The Celebrity. ............ .............C 47 ce The Crisis .................C 47 cr Richard Carvel .............C 47 r A Cigarette-Maker's Romance. Crawford .................C85ci Cinderella. Crockett............ C 87 c The Circuit Rider. E. Eggleston.Eg 3 c The Circular Study. Green.....G82C Circumstance. S. W. Mitchell.. M 69 ci Claudius Bombarnac. Verne.... V 59 c CLAY, B. M. Love Works Won- ders ...................... ..Cj>7 Cleg Kelly. Crockett...........C87CI CLEMENS, S. L. (See Mark Twain Juvenile.)............. Cleopatra, 2 v. Ebers...........Eb 3 c CI eve Hall. Sewell..............Se9c A Clever Wife. Ridge............R43 The Cliff-Dwellers. H. Fuller.. .F95 c Cloister and the Hearth. Reade..R22c The Cobbler of Nimes. Taylor... .T 21 CdCKTON, H. Valentine Vox. (Ventriloquist).............C 64 Coeur D'Alene. Foote...........F 73 c Coffee and Repartee. Bangs____B 22 c College Girls. Goodloe..........G6ic COLLINS, W. The Dead Secret. C 69 d The Law and the Lady......C 69 1 Man and Wife............C 69 ma The Moonstone............C 69 mo No Name...................C69n The Woman in White......C69W Col. Carter of Cartersville. F. Smith...................Sm 5 co The Colonel's Daughter. King..K58co A Colonial Wooing. Abbott......Ab2 The Colonials. French.„......... .F88 The Commodore's Daughters. Lie.L 62 Confessions of a Frivolous Girl. Grant ....................G 765 cFICTION. 27 Confessions of a Wife. Adams.. .Ad 12 A Confident Tomorrow. Matthews. ..........................M43C CONNELL, S. The Little Ladies of Ellenwood ..............C 761 CONNOR, RALPH. Black Rock. ..........................C 76 b The Man from Glengarry. .. .C 76 m The Sky Pilot..............C 76 S The Conqueror. Atherton........At 4 c The Conscript. Dumas........D 89 co Consequences. Castle ...........C 27 c The Conspirators. Chambers... C 35 co Consuelo. Sand ...............Sa 51 c The Convent. McCrindell........M 13 COOKE, j. E. Fanchette........C 77 COOPER, J. F. The Borderers, 3 v. ..........................C 78 b Captain Spike, 3 v............C 78 c The Deerslayer, 3 v.........C 78 d The Headsman, 3 v..........C 78 h The Heidenmauer, 3 v.... ..C 78 he Jack O' Lantern, 3 v..........C 78 j The Last of the Mohicans, 3 v. ..........................C78I Ned Meyers, 2 v............C 78 n The Pathfinder, 3 v..........C 78 p The Pilot, 3 v........... ...C78pi The Pioneers .............C78pn The Red Rover, 3 v..........C 78 r Satanstoe...................C 78 s The Spy, 3 v...............C 78 sp The Water Witch, 3 v......C 78 w CORELLI, MARIE. Barabbas. .C 81 b Camoes .....................C 81 c The Master Christian.......C8im The Mighty Atom..........C 81 mi A Romance of Two Worlds..C81 r Temporal Power ...........C 81 te Thelma .....................C 811 Corinne or Italy. De Stael........D 47 Corleone, 2 v. Crawford......C 85 co CORYELL, J. R. Diego Pinzon. .C811 COTES, MRS. E. His Honour and a Lady.................C 82 Count Hannibal. Weyman.....W 54 co The Count of Monte-Cristo. Du- mas .....................D8gcr Count Robert of Paris. Scott.. Sco 8 c Count Silvius. Horn............H779 The Countess Bettina.............C83 Countess Gisela. Marlitt........M 34 c The Countess of Rudolstadt. Sand. ........................Sa 51 cr The Country Doctor. Balzac.....B 21 c Country Luck. Habberton......Hue The Count's Snuff Box. Rivers.R 52 co CRADDOCK, C. E, {pseud, of M. N. Murfree). In the Stranger People's Country ..........C 84 i In the Tennessee Mountains. .C84it Phantoms of the Foot Bridge. C 84 p Prophet of the. Great Smoky Mountain ................ C 84 pr Where the Battle Was Fought. ..........................C 84 w CRAIGIE, C. An Old Man's Ro- mance ....................C842 CRAIK, MRS. D. M. (See Miss Mulock.). ............... CRANE, S. George's Mother. .C 843 g Red Badge of Courage______C843r Cranford. Gaskell................G21 'JRAWFORD, F. M. Casa Braccio, 2 v.......................€85 ca Cecilia .....................C 85 ce The Children of the King...C85ch A Cigarette-Makers' Romance. ..........................C 85 ci Corleone, 2 v...............C 85 ca Dr. Claudius................C 85 d Don Orsino ...............C 85 do Greifenstein ................C 85 g- In the Palace of the King____C 85 i Khaled .....................C 85 k Katharine Lauderdale, 2 v..C8ska To Leeward................C 85 le Marietta ...................C 85 m Marzio's Crucifix ..........C 85 ma Mr. Isaacs .......*.........C 85 mr Paul Patoff ................C 85 p The Witch of Prague.......C 85 pr The Ralstons, 2 v............C 85 r A Roman Singer............C 85 ro Saracinesca................C8sSa Sant' Ilario ................C 85 st A Tale of a Lonely Parish.. .C 85 t The Three Fates............C 85 th Via Crucis .................C 85 v With the Immortals........C 85 w Zoroaster ...................C 85 z The Crimson Sign. Keightley. .K 26 cr The Crimson Wing. Chatfield-Tay- lor .....^..................C39C Cripps the Carrier.- Blackmore. .B 561 c The Crisis. Churchill..........C 47 cr CROCKETT, S. R. Bog-Myrtle and Peat .................C 87 b Cinderella..................C 87 c Cleg Kelly .................C 87 cl The Dark O'the M^on....... C 87 d The Firebrand ..............C 87 f The Lilac Sunbonnet.........C 87 1 Play Actress ...............C 87 p The Silver Skull............C 87 s The Standard Bearer........C 87 sb The Stickit Minister.......C87sm CROKER, B. M. Angel........C872 CROLY, REV. G. Tarry Thou, Till I Come ...................C 876 CROWLEY, M. C. Daughter of New France................C 88 CROSS, MRS. M. A. (See George Eliot.)..................... CUMMINS, M. S. The Lamp- lighter .....................C 91 CURTIS, G. W. Prue and I......C94 Damen's Ghost. Bynner..........B 9928 FICTION. The Damnation of Theron Ware. Frederic ..................F 87 d A Damsel or Two. Moore......M 78 d Daniel Deronda, 2 v. Eliot......El 4 d The Dark O'the Moon. Crockett. C 87 d The Darlingtons. Peake..........P 31 DAUDET, A. The Head of the Family ....................D 27 Daughter of an Empress. Miihlbach. .........................M 89 d A Daughter of Heth. Black. .. .B 56 da Daughter of New France. Crowley. ...........................C 88 David Balfour. R. L. Stevenson. .........................St 47 d David Copperfield. Dickons.....D 55 d David Harum. Westcott........W 524 DAVIS, R. H. Captain Macklin.D29c The Exiles ................. D 29 e In the Fog..................D 29 i The Princess Aline.........D 29 p Soldiers of Fortune..........D 29 s Van Bibber and Others......D 29 v DAVIS, V. A. J. The Veiled Doc- tor .......................D 291 The Day of Their Wedding. Howells .................H 833 d Days Like These. Townsend......T 66 The Day's Work. Kipling......K 62 d Deacon Bradbury. E. A. Dix. .. .D 641 The Dead Secret. Collins......C69d Deborah. Ludlow ................L 96 The Deerslayer, 3 v. Cooper. .. .C 78 d DE FOE, DANIEL. Duncan Campbell .................D 36 d History of the Devil........D36I1 Mrs. Christian Davies.......D 36 m New Voyage Round the World. ....................See D 36 d DE KOVEN, MRS. R. By the Waters of Babylon........D 366 DELAND, E. D. Katrina.........D 37 DELAND, M. John Ward, Preacher ..................D 371 The beluge, 2 v. Sienkiewicz. .. .Si 1 d DE MILLE, J. The Dodge Club. .D 39 Denis Duval. Thackeray. .. .See T 32 h DENISON, M. A. Captain Molly..D 41 The Desert of Ice. Verne......V 59 d The Deserter. King............K 58 d Desmond Hundred. Austin.....Au 71 d DE STAEL, MADAME. Corinne or Italy ................... .D 47 The Destroyer. Swift............Sw 5 DEVEREUX, M. Up and Down the Sands of Gold...........D 49 Diana, S. Warner..............W 24 d Diary of Anna Green Winslow. Earle ......................Ea 7 DICKENS, CHAS. American Notes ................See D 55 g Barnaby Rudge ............D 55 b Bleak House ..............D 55 bl David Copperfield ..........D 55 d Dombey and Son..........D 55 do Great Expectations .........D 55 g Hard Times ................D 55 h Little Dorrit ................D 55 1 Martin Chuzzlewit .........D 55 m New Christmas Stories.. See D 55 u Nicholas Nickleby ...........D 55 n Old Curiosity Shop.........D 55 o Oliver Twist ..............D 55 ol Our Mutual Friend........D 55 ou Pickwick Papers ...........D 55 p Pictures from Italy......See D 55 g Reprinted Pieces ......See D 55 o Seven Poor Travellers..See D 55 h Tales of Two Cities.........D 55 t The Uncommercial Traveller.D 55 u DICKSON, H. The Seige of Lady Resolute ................ ...D56 Diego Pinzon. Coryell...........C811 Diplomatic Disenchantments. Bige- low ........................B 48 The Disowned. Lytton.....See L 99 pe DISRAELI, B. (Lord Beacons- Held. ) Endymion. .........D 63 e Lothair .....................D 63 1 Venetia ....................D 63 v DIX, B. M. and HARPER, C. A. The Beau's Comedy...........D 64 DIX, E. A. Deacon Bradbury. .. .D 641 DIX, G. The Girl from the Farm.D 642 DIXON, T. The Leopard's Spots. ..........................D646 Dr. Claudius. Crawford.........C 85 d Dr. Izard. Green...............G 82 d Dr. Latimer. Burnham. ...... .B 931 d Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters. Austin ...................Au 711 Dr. Sevier. Cable................C 11 s The Dodge Club. De Mille.......D 39 DOLE, N. H. On the Point.....D 68 Dombey and Son. Dickens.....D 55 do Don Juan. Balzac..............B 21 d Don Orsino. Crawford.........C85do Don Quixote de la Mancha. Cer- vantes......................C 33 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black.B56do Donovan Pasha. Parker.........P 22 d DONNELLY, I. (See E. Boisgil- bert)...................... Donovan. E. Lyall..............L98d Dora Thorne. Braemc............B 73 Dorothea. L. Stockton..........St 63 Dorothy Deane. Kirk...........K63d Dorothy South. Geo. Eggleston. ^ ,........................Eg 33 d Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. Major ...................M28d The Double Coronet, 2 v.........D 739 A Double Thread. Fowler.......F825 DOUGLAS, A. M. Sherburne House .....................D 74 DOUGLAS, GEO. The House with the Green Shutters.........D 742FICTION. 29 DOUGLAS, ROBERT. A French Volunteer, etc.............'. D 744 The Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Yonge ....................Y8d DOYLE, A. CO NAN. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.......D 77 a Exploits of Brigadier Gerard, t) 77 e Hound of the Baskervilles.. .D 77 h Memoirs of Shqrlock Holmes. ........................D 77 me Micah Clarke..............D 77 mi The Refugees ..............D 77 r The Stark Munro Letters. .. .D 77 s The Draytons and the Davenants. Charles ....................C 38 Dream Days. K. Grahame.....0763 d Dreamers of the Ghetto. Zangwill. ...........................Z 1 d Dred. Stowe ...................St 7 d D'ri and I. Bacheller.............B 12 d DRUMMOND, HAMILTON. A King's Pawn ...............D 84 "DUCHESS, THE." (pseud, of Mrs. M. A. Hungerford.) Molly Bawn..............D 85 m Portia ......................D 85 p The Three Graces...........D 85 t DUDEVANT, A. L. A. (See Geo. 1 Sand.)..................... DUMAS, A. Chevalier de Maison- Rouge ....................D89C The Conscript .............D 89 co The Count of Monte-Cristo. .D 89 cr The Forty-five Guardsmen.. .D 89 f Louise de la Valliere........D 89 1 Love and Liberty...........D 89 lo Man in the Iron Ma^rc......D 89 m Marguerite de Valois.....D 89 ma The Queen's Necklace......D 89 q The Son of Porthos..........D 89 s Taking the Bastile..........D 89 t The Three Musketeers......D 89 th Twenty Years After........D 89 tw The Vicomte de Bragelonne.D 89 v DU MAURIER, G. Trilby......D 891 DUNBAR, P. L. The Uncalled.. .D 91 Duncan Campbell. De Foe......D 36 d DUNNE, F. P. Mr. Dooley in Peace and War.............D 92 Dynevor Terrace, 2 v. Yonge...Y8dy EARLE, A. M. Diary of Anna Green Winslow ............Ea 7 The Earl's Daughter. Sewell... .Se 9 e An Earnest Trifler. Sprague......Sp 7 East Angels. Woolson..........W 88 e East Lynne. Mrs. H. Wood. ...W 856 Eben Holden. Bacheller........rB 12 e EBERS, G. Cleopatra, 2 v......Eb 3 c An Egyptian Princess, 2 v..Eb3e In the Fire of the Forge, 2 v.Eb3 f Uarda, 2 v...................Eb 3 u EDWARDS, H. S. The Marbeau Cousins ..................Ed 9 m . Sons and Fathers............Ed 9 s EDWARDS, M. BETHAM. See Betham-Edwards M.......... Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop. .W 731 e EGGLESTON, EDWARD. The Circuit Rider .............Eg 3 c The End of the World......Eg 3 e The Hoosier Schoolmaster. .Eg 3 h Mystery of Metropolisville.. .Eg 3 m EGGLESTON, GEORGE. A Caro- lina Cavalier ............Eg 33 c Dorothy South ............Eg 33 d The Egoist. Meredith..........M 54 e An Egyptian Princess, 2 v. Ebers. ......,....................E b' 3 e Eleanor. Ward ................W 21 e ELIOT, GEORGE, (pseud, of Mrs. Mary A. (Evans) Cross). Adam Bede ...............El 4 a Daniel Deronda, 2 v........El 4 d Felix Holt ..................El 4 f Middlemarch, 2 v...........El 4 m Mill on the Floss..........El 4 mi Romola .....................El 4 f Silas Marner ................El 4 s Elizabeth and Her German Garden. .........................El 44 e By the same author. The Bene- factress ..................El 44 b Elsie Venner. Holmes..........H 731 e EMBREE, C. F. A Heart of Flame.....................Em 1 EMERSON, E. Sylvia..........Em 3 EMERSON, W. G. Buell Hamp- ton ......................Em 31 Empress losephine. Mtihlbach. .M 89 e The End of the World. E. Eggles- ton .......................Eg 3 e Endymion. Disraeli ............D 63 e Eoline. Hentz .................H 39 e The Eternal City. Caine........C 12 e Eugene Aram-Zanoni. Lytton. .. L 99 e Evan Harrington. Meredith. .. M 54 ev EVANS, A. (pseud, of Mrs. A. J. Wilson). Beulah..........Ev 1 b St. Elmo ...................Ev 1 s A Speckled Bird............Ev 1 sp Every Inch a King. Sawyer......Sa 9 Eve's Ransom. Gissing.........G44e The Evolution of Dodd. W. Smith. ........................... Sm 6 The Exiles. Davis..............D 29 e The Experience of Life. Sewell. Se 9 ex Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. Doyle ....................D 77 e The Fair Barbarian. Burnett... .B 93 f The Fair God. Wallace........W 15 f Fair Maid of Perth. Scott. .See Sco8k Fair Play. Southworth..........So 8 f Faith Gartney's Girlhood. Whitney. .........................W61 f Famous Travels and Travelers. Verne ...................V 59 f Fanchette. Cooke ................C 77 • Fanchon and the Cricket. Sand.Sa5if30 FICTION. FARMER, J. E. The Grenadier. .F 23 FARRAR, F. Gathering Clouds..F24 The Fatal Feud. Hill............H 55 Fate at the Door. Belden.......B 399 FAWCETT, E. Gentleman of Leis- ure .........................F 28 FAY, T. S. Norman Leslie, 3 v.. F 29 Felix Holt. Eliot............... .El 4 f Feme Fleming. Warfield.......W 23 f FEZANDIE, C. Through the Earth......................F 43 Field Clover and Beach Grass. Swett .....................Sw 4 The Fifth String. Sousa.........So 82 The Fighting Bishop. Hopkins.. .H 772 Figs and Thistles. Tourgee.....T 64 f The Firebrand. Crockett........C 87 f The First Men in the Moon. Wells. ...........................W46 Thet First Violin. Fothergill.....F 82 f FISHER, GEO. JR. Out of the Woods .....................F 53 FLETCHER, J. S. When Charles the First Was King.........F 63 FLOWER, E. Policeman Flynn. .F 66 A Fool of Nature. J. Hawthorne.H 31 f A Fool's Errand. Tourgee.....T 64 fo FOOTE, M. H. Coeur D'Alene. .F 73 c John Bodewin's Testimony.. .F 73 j The Led-Horse Claim.......F 73 1 The Footsteps of a Throne. Pem- berton ....................P 36 f For Faith and Freedom. Besant.B46f For Love of Country. Brady.. .B 724 1 FORD, P. L._ Hon. Peter Stirling.F 75 h Wanted: A Chaperon......F 75 w A Foregone Conclusion. Howells. .........................H 833 f FORESTIER, A. The Struggle for p 7n FORRESTER, E. t! ' My Hero.F 77 m T001 Late Repented..........F 77 t Fort Frayne. King..............K 58 f The Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas. .......... ................ D 89 f Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Smith. ..........................Sm 5 f Fortunes of Nigel. Scott.......Sco 8 f FOTHERGILL, JESSIE. The First Violin ...............F 82 f Probation .................F 82 p Found in the Philippines. King. .K58fo The Fourth Estate. Valdes._______ V 23 FOWLER, E. T. A Double Thread ....................F 825 FRASER, JESSIE. See Tasma. FRASER, W. A. Mooswa........F86 FREDERIC, HAROLD. The Dam- nation of Theron Ware.. .F 87 d In the Valley................F87i March Hares ..............F 87 m Frederick the Great and His Court. Muhlbach .............:.. M 89 fc Frederick the Great and His Family. Muhlbach ...............M 89 f f FRENCH, ALICE. See Octave Thanet..................... FRENCH, ALLEN. The Colonials. ............................ F 88 A French Volunteer, etc. R. Doug- las ...... ..................D 744 Friend Olivia. A. Barr........B27if From Jest to Earnest. Roe......R62f The Front Yard and Other Stories. Woolson .................W88 f FULLER, H. B. The Cliff-Dwell- ers .......................F95C The Puppet Booth...........F95P With the Procession.........F 95 w FULLER, ANNA. Katharine Day. ............................F95I Gabriel Conroy. Harte..........H25g GALDOS, B. P. Marianela......G 13 The Garden of a Commuter's Wife. ..............................G16 GARLAND, HAMLIN. The Cap- tain of the Gray-Horse Troop. ........ >..................G 18 c A Member of the Third House. .........................G 18 m The Spirit of Sweetwater... .G 18 s GASKELL, E. G. Cranford____. .G21 Gathering Clouds. Farrar........F 24 The Gayworthys. Whitney.....W 61 g The General Manager's Story. Hamblen..................H 17 Gentleman of France. Weyman..W 54 g Gentleman of Leisure. Fawcett.. .F28 Geoffrey Strong. Richards......R 39 g George's Mother. Crane.......C 843 g The Georgians., Hammond......H 181 Gertrude. Sewell................Se9g Ghosts I Have Met. Bangs......B 22 g GIBBS, GEORGE. In Search of Mademoiselle ...............G 35 GILSON, R. R. In the Morning Glow ....................G421 The Girl from the Farm. G. Dix.D642 GISSING, GEORGE. Eve's Ran- som ......................G 44 e In the Year of Jubilee.......G44i GLASGOW, ELLEN. The Battle- ground ...................G46b The Voice of the People... .G 46 v The God of Things. Whitehouse.W 582 God's Fool. Maartens..........M 11 g Goethe and Schiller. Muhlbach . M 89 g The Gold Brick. Stephens.....St4ig Gold Elsie. Marlitt............M 34 g The Golden Age. K. Grahame. .G 763 g The Golden House. C. D. Warner. ........................W 239 g A Golden Sorrow. Pool.........P78g A Golden Wedding. R. Stuart.. St 9 g GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Vicar of Wakefield........G57V GOODLOE, A. C. College Girls.G61 cFICTION. 3* GOODWIN, M. W. The Head of a Hundred .................G63I1 Sir Christopher .............G 63 s The Gospel of Freedom. Herrick..H43 GOSS, C. F. The Redemption of David Corson ...............G 69 GOULD, S. BARING. See Baring- Gould, S..................... GRAHAM, M. C. Stories of the Foot-Hills ..................G761 GRAHAM, JOHN. The Great God Success ....................G 762 GRAHAME, KENNETH. Dream Days ....................G 763 d . The Golden Age...........G 763 g GRAND, MADAME S. The Heavenly Twins ...........G 764 The Grandissimes. Cable........C 11 g GRANT, ROBERT. Confessions of a Frivolous Girl.......G 765 c Mrs. Harold Stagg.........G765111 Unleavened Bread .........G 765 u The Grapes of Wrath.. M. H. Norris ....................N 792 GRAS, FELIX. The Reds of the Midi ......................G 766 Graustark. McCutcheon .......M 132 g GRAY, MAXWELL. In the Heart of the Storms...............G 79 i The Reproach of Annesley. .G 79 r The Silence of Dean Maitland. ............................G79S Graziella. Lamartine .............L 18 Great Expectations. Dickens... .D 55 g The Great God Success. J. Gra- ham.......................G 762 GREEN, Af K. The Circular Study. ..........................G 82 c Dr. Izard ...................G82d The Leavenworth Case......G 82 1 One of My Sons.............G 82 o GREEN, S. P. M. Vesty of the Basins .....................G 83 Green Mountain Boys. D. P. Thompson .................T 37 GREENWOOD, GRACE, (pseud, of S. J. Lippincott.) Green- wood Leaves ...............G85 Greenwood Leaves. Greenwood... G 85 Greifenstein. Crawford .........C 85 g The Grenadier. Farmer...........F 23 The Grey Lady. Merriman.....M 55 g Griffith Gaunt. Reade...........R22g Guardian Angel. Holmes......H 731 g Guenn. Howard ...............H 83 g GUNSAULUS, F. W. Monk and Knight ....................G 96 Guy Mannering. Scott..........Sco 8 g HABBERTON, JOHN. All He Knew ....................Hua Brueton's Bayou............Hub Country Luck ..............Hue Helen's Babies .............Huh Mrs. Mayburn's Twins.....Hum HAGGARD, H. R. Jess........Hi2j King Solomon's Mines._____H 12 k Lysbeth ....................H12I HALE, E. E. The Man without a Country .................H13111 Mr. Tangiers' Vacation......H 13 i HAMBLEN, H. E. The General Manager's Story............H 17 HAMILTON, K. W. Rachel's Share of the Road..........H 18 HAMMOND, H. The Georgians.H 181 Handy Andy. Lover............L92I1 Hans of Iceland. Hugo.........H 87 h Hard Cash. Reade..............R22I1 A Hard Lesson. Cameron........C 14 Hard Times and Other Stories. Dickens..................D 55 h HARDY, A. S. But Yet a Woman. ..........................H 224 HARDY, THOMAS. A Laodicean. .........................H226I A Pair of Blue Eyes.......H226P Tess of the D'Urbervilles. .H 2261 A Hardy Norseman. E. Lyall..L98ha HARLAND, HENRY. The Cardi- nal's Snuff-Box ...........H228 HARLAND, MARION, (pseud, of Mrs. M. V. Terhune). Mr. Wayt's Wife's Sister......H229 HARRIS, FRANK B. The Road - to Ridgebys ..............H 243 HARRIS, JOEL C. Tales of the Home Folks ............. .H 244 HARRISON, MRS. B. The Anglo- maniacs .................H 246 a A Bachelor Maid....,.....\H246b A Princess of the Hills____H246P Sweet Bells out of Tune.. . .H246 s HARRISON, MRS. MARY. .SV*? Lucas Malet................. HARTE, F. B. Bell Ringers of Angels ...................H25b The Luck of Roaring Camp.. H 25 1 Gabriel Conroy .............H 25 g HATTON, JOSEPH. The Old House at Sandwich.........H 28 HAWKINS, A. H. See Anthony Hope....................... HAWTHORNE, JULIAN. A Fool of Nature ............. .. .H3if Love Is a Spirit........... ..H31I HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. House of the Seven Gables . H 311 h The Marble Faun......... .H 311 m Mosses from an Old Manse, 2 v....................H 311 mo The Scarlet Letter......... .H 311 s Twice-Told Tales.......... .H 3111 He Fell in Love with His Wife. Roe ..................... R 62 h The Head of the Fapiily. Daudet.D27 The Head of the Hundred. Good- win ......................G63I1 The Headsman, 3 v. Cooper... .C 78 h32 FICTION. Heart and Soul. Skinner.........Sk3 A Heart of Flame. Embree..... .Em i Heart of Midlothian. Scott... .Sco 8 h Hearts Courageous. Rives.......R521 Heather from the Brae. D. Lyall.L.979 The Heavenly Twins. Grand----G764 HECTOR, A. F. See Mrs. Alexan- der......................... HEGAN, A. C. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch .............H 36 The Heidenmauer, 3 v. Cooper.C78he Heights and Depths. Scanland... Sea 6 The Heir of Redelyffe. Yonge.... Y 8 h The Heiress of the Forest. Price. .P 93 Helen's Babies. Habberton......Huh Helmet of Navarre. Runkle......R87 Henry Esmond. Thackeray----T 32 h Henry the Eighth and His Court. Muhlbach ................M 89 h HENTZ, MRS. C. L. Eoline.. .H 39 e Linda ......................H39I Marcus Warland ..........H39tn Robert Graham.............H 39 r Her Faithful Knight. G. Warden. .......................... W 213 Her Majesty. Tompkins........T59I1 Her Sailor. Saunders.............Sa8 Herb of Grace. Carey...........Ci8h Hereward. Kingsley.......... . .K6ih The Heritage of the Kurts. Bjorn- son ........................B 55 The Heritage of Unrest. Overton. Ov 2 HERRICK, ROBERT. The Gospel of Freedom .............'. ..H43 Highland Widow. Scott... .See Sco 8c HILL, G. C. The Fatal Feud.... H 55 HINKSON, H. A. The King's Deputy ...................H 59 k His Honour, and a Lady. Cotes... C 82 His Majesty Myself. Baker......B 171 His Second Campaign. M. Thomp- son .......................T 371 History of a Crime. Hugo-------H 87 hi History of Sir Richard Calmady. Malet ......•••••*..........M 29 History of the Devil. De Foe----D 36 h HOLLAND, CLIVE. The Lure of Fame .................... .H699 HOLLAND, J. G. Arthur Bonni- castle ....................H 71 a Nicholas Minturn ..........H7in Sevenoaks ..................H71S HOLLEY; MARIETTA. Sweet Cicely .....................H 72 HOLMES, M. J. West Lawn----H 73 HOLMES, O. W. Elsie Venner.H 731 e Guardian Angel ..........H 731 g A Mortal Antipathy....... .H 731 m Home Influence, 2 v. Aguilar.. Ag 9 h Homoselle. Tiernan .,...........T 44 Honor Ormthwaite ..............H 75 Hon. Peter Stirling. Ford......F 75 h The Honour of Savelli. Yeats.....Y 3 The Hoosier School-Master. E. Eggleston ............... .Eg 3 h HOPE, ANTHONY, {pseud, of A. H. Hawkins). A Change of Air ......................H 77 c The Indiscretion of the Duchess. \ ..........................H 77 i The Intrusions of Peggy----H 77 in A Man of Mark............H77m Phroso ....................H 77 p The Prisoner of Zenda.....H77pr Quisante ...................H77q Rupert of Hentzau.........H 77 r Tristam of Blent............H77t Hope the Hermit. E. Lyall----L98I10 Hohenzollern. Brady ..........B724I1 HOPKINS, H. M. The Fighting Bishop ....................H 772 Horace Chase. Woolson........W88h HORN, GEORG. Count Silvius. ..........................H779 HORNUNG, E. W. At Large. .H 78 a Raffles .....................H 78 r HORTON. GEORGE. Like An- other Helen .............H 7841 The Long Straight Road.. H 784 lo The Tempting of Father An- thony ....................H 784 t The Hosts of the Lord. Steel... St 3 h HOUGH, EMERSON. The Mis- sissippi Bubble .............H81 Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle. .........................D 77 h The House Behind the Cedars. Chesnutt ...................C 42 A House-Boat on the Styx. Bangs. ..........................B 22 n A House of Cards. Wolf........W 84 The House of de Mailly. Potter. P 85 h The House of Egremont. Seawell. ..........................Se 1 h The House of Romance. Castle..C27h House of Seven Gables. N. Haw- thorne ..................H311I1 House of the Wolf. Weyman..W54h The House with the Green Shutters. G. Douglas ............... D 742 How He Won Her. Southworth. So 8 h HOWARD, B. W. Mrs. Teuffel. Guenn ...................H 83 g One Summer...............H 83 o HOWE, E. W. Story of a Country Town ....................H 831 HOWELLS, W. D. The Day of Their Wedding..........H 833 d A Foregone Conclusion----H 833 f Indian Summer ............H8331 The Kentons ..............H 833 k Lady of the Aroostook... .H 8331 The Minister's Charge----H 833 m A Modern Instance......H 833 mo Ragged Lady .............H 833 r The Rise of Silas Lapham. .H 833 riFICTION. 33 Their Wedding Journey... .H 833 t Their Silver Wedding Journey. ....................... H 833 ts A Woman's Reason........H 833 w Hugh Wynne, 2 v. S. W. Mitchell. .........................M 69 h HUGO, VICTOR. Bug-Jargal.. H 87 b By Order of the King......H 87 by Hans of Iceland............H87I1 History of a Crime........ .H87hi The Hunchback of Notre Dame. ........................H 87 hu Les Miserables .............H 87 1 Ninety-Three ...............H 87 n The Toilers of the Sea......H87t -A Humble Romance. Wilkins. .W 65 h HUMPHREYS. Master Wilber- force .......................H88 The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo ...................H 87 hu HUNGERFORD, MRS. M. A. See "The Duchess............. HYNE, CUTCLIFFEc Prince Ru- pert the Buccaneer..........H 99 Hypatia. Kingsley ............K6ihy An Iceland Fisherman. Loti.......L91 "The Idiot. Bangs...............B 22 i If I Were King. McCarthy----M 128 i The Impregnable City. Pemberton. ........... .............. .P 36 i' In a Steamer Chair. R. Barr... .B 274 i In Connection with the De Will- oughby Claim. Burnett----B93C In Deacon's Orders. Besant... .B 46 d In Far Lochaber. Black.........B 56 f In Kedar's Tents. Merriman... .M 55 i In Die Virginia. Page..........P 14 i In Search of Mademoiselle. Gibbs. .G35 In Spite of Foes, King........K581 In the Fire of the Forge, 2 v. Ebers. .......... ................ .Eb 3 fi; In the Fog. Davis...............D 29 i In the Golden Days. E. Lyall... L 98 i In the Heart of the Storm. Gray.G 79 i In the King's OByway. Weyman.W54i In the Morning Glow. Gilson____G421 In the Palace of the King. Craw- ford ......................C 85 i; In the Schillingscourt. Marlitt. .M 34 i In the Stranger People's Country. Craddock .................C841 In the Tennessee Mountains. Crad- dock ..................... C 84 it In the Valley. Frederic......... F 87 i In the Year of Jubilee. Gissing.. G 44 i An Independent Daughter. Blanch- ard ........................B 59 Indian 'Summer. Howells..... .H 833 i The Indiscretion of the Duchess. Hope ...................:. H 77 i The Inn of the Silver Moon. Viele. . ... .;...... ... . V 67 i The Intrusions of Peggy. Hope.H 77 in The Invisible Playmate. Canton..C 164 IRON, RALPH, {pseud, of Olive Schreiner). Story of an Afri- can Farm...................Ir6 The Ironmaster. Ohnet...........Oh 5 Ivanhoe. Scott ................Sco 8 i Jack Hinton. Lever............. L 57 j Jack O'Lantern, 3 v. Cooper... .C78 j Jack Racer. Somerville........... So 5 JACKSON, H. H. Romona......J 13 JAMES, HENRY, JR. The Ameri- can .......................J 23 a The Bostonians............. .J 23 b The Portrait of a Lady......J23P The Real Thing..............J 23 r Roderick Hudson ..........J 23 ro Tales of Three Cities........J ^3t The Tragic Muse, 2 v.......J 23 tr Jane Eyre. Bronte.............B78J' JANVIER, THOMAS. The Aztic Treasure-House ...........J26a The Uncle of an Angel......J26U A Japanese Nightingale. Watanna.' ........................W 291 j JEROME, JEROME K. Three Men in a Boat............. .J 481 Three Men on Wheels_____ .J 48 th Jerry the Dreamer. Payne........P29 Jersey Street and Jersey Lane. Bun- ner ......................B 881 j Jess. Haggard .................H 12 j The Jessamy Bride. Moore... .M 78 j Jewel Mysteries I Have Known. Pemberton ................ P 36 j JOHN, E. See Elsie Marlitt....... John Bodewin's Testimony. Foote. ..........................F 73 j John Brent. Winthrop......... W 731 j John Burnet of Barns. Buchan...B85 John Ford and His Helpmate. Bar- rett .....................B 272 f John Halifax, Gentleman. Mulock. .........................M 91 j John March, Southerner. Cable.C 11 j John Ward, Preacher. M. Deland.D 371 JOHNSTON, MARY. Audrey. .J 65 a Prisoners of Hope............J 65 p To Have and to Hold........J 65 t JOKAI, MAURUS. Black Dia- monds ...... ................j 67 A Jolly Fellowship. Stockton____St 6 j JONES, A. I. Beatrice of Bayou Teche ...................... .J 71 Joost Avelingh. Maartens.......Mi 1 j Joscelyn Cheshire. Kennedy..... .K38 Joseph II and His Court. Muhl- bach ..................... M 89 j The Jucklins. Opie Read....... .R 219 The Judge's Cave. Sidney....... . Si 13 Judith Shakespeare. Black. . . .. .B 56 j The Jungle Book. Kipling..... .K 62 j The Justification of Andrew Lebtun. ! Barrett ................. .B 272 j Kate Bonnet. Stockton ."Cv:....... St 6 k Katharine Ashton. Sewell.......Se9k34 FICTION. Katharine Day. A. Fuller........F 951 Katharine Lauderdale, 2 v. Craw- ford .....................C 85 ka Kathleen. Burnett .............B 93 k Katrina. E. D. Deland............D 37 KEARY, ANNIE. Castle Daly. .K 21 KEIGHTLEY, S. R. The Cava- liers .....................K26 c The Crimson Sign..........K26cr The Silver Cross............K26S Kenilworth. Scott ............Sco 8 k KENNEDY, S. B. Joscelyn Ches- hire ........................K 38 The Kentons. Howells........H 833 k A Kentucky Cardinal. J. L. Allen. ..........................A1 5 k KESTER, VAUGHN. The Man- ager of the B. and A........K48 Khaled. Crawford .............C 85 k Kidnapped. R. L. Stevenson____St 47 k The Kidnapped Millionaires. Adams..... ................Ad 1 Kim. Kipling ..................K62k KING, CHARLES. An Army Wife .....................K 58 a Between the Lines..........K 58 b Campaigning with Crook... .K 58 ca Captain Blake .............K 58 cb Captain Dreams ...........K 58 cd The Colonel's Daughter... .K 58 co The Deserter ...............K58d Fort Frayne ................K 58 f Found in the Philippines. .. .K 58 fo In Spite of Foes............K 58 i Kitty's Conquest............K 58 k Laramie ....................K 58 1 Marion's Faith ............K 58 m Norman Holt ..............K 58 n Starlight Ranch ............K 58 st Sunset Pass ...............K 58 su A Trooper Galahad.......,.. K 58 t Two Soldiers .............K 58 tw A War-Time Wooing.......K 58 w A Wounded Name........K 58 wo A King and a Few Dukes. Cham- bers ......................C 35 k King Solomon's Mines. Haggard. .........................H 12k The King's Deputy. Hinkson.. .H 59 k King's End. Brown..............B 81 The King's Messenger. S. Antro- bus .......................An 84 A King's Pawn. Drummond.....D 84 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Alton Locke ....................K 61 a Hereward ..................K 61 h Hypatia ...................K 61 hy Westward Ho!.............K 61 w Yeast (A Problem).........K6iy KIPLING, RUDYARD. The Day's Wo rk ....................K 62 d The Jungle Book............K62j Kim .......................K62k The Light that Failed........K 62I The Phantom Rickshaw. .... K 62 j> Plain Tales from, the Hills..K 62 pi The Second Jungle Book____K62S Soldiers Three ............K62so KIRK, E. O. Dorothy Djeane. .K 63 d Story of Lawrence Garthe... K 63 I A Lesson in Love...........K63le Our Lady Vanity............K630 Kitty's Conquest. King.........K5§k Knight-Errant. E. 'Lyall........L98k A Knight of the Nineteenth Century. Roe ......................R 62 k Knights of the Cross. Sienkiewicz. ..........................Silk Knitters in the Sun. Thanet... .T 321 k Lady Audley's Secret. Braddon.. .B 72 The Lady of Aroostook. Howells. .........................H833I A Lady of Quality. Burnett... .B 93 la The Lady or the Tiger. Stockton. ...... ..................... St 61 The Lady with the Rubies. Marlitt. .........................M 34 la LAMARTINE, A. DE. Graziella..L 18 The Lamplighter. Cummins....... C 91 Laneton Parsonage. Sewell......Se 9 1 LANG, ANDREW. A Monk of Fife ........................L25 A Laodicean. T. Hardy........H226I Laramie. King..................K 58 I Last Days of Pompeii. Lytton... .L99 1 Last of the Barons. Lytton.....L99la The Last of the Knickerbockers. Viele ...............................V 67 I The Last of the Mohicans, 3 v. Cooper ....................C 781 Last Signal. Russell..............R91 LATIMER, E. W. The Prince In- cognito ....................L 34 Lavengro. Borrow .. ......... B 65 The Law and the Lady. Collins. .C 69 I Lazarre. Catherwood ...........C 28 I The Leavenworth Case. Green.. G 82 1 The Led-Horse Claim. Foote...F73l LEE, JENNETTE, A Pillar of Salt ......................L51P The Son of a Fiddler........L 51 s LEE, M. C. A Soulless Singer.. .L 511 Legend of the Montrose. Scott. .............,........See Sco8 f Leone. Monte ...................M 76 'The Leopard's Spots. Dixon.....D 646 Les Miserables. Hugo..........H 87 1 LE SAGE, A. R. Adventures of Gil Bias ....................L 56 A Lesson in Love. Kirk......, .K63le Letters of Peregrine Pickle. Ujkon. ...........................Up 8 LEVER, CHARLES. Charles O'Mai ley .................L 57 c Jack Hinton ................L 57 j Maurice Tiernay ...........L 57 m LEWES, M. E. See George Eliot. LEWIS, A. H. Wolfville Days... L 58FICTION. 35 LIE, JONAS. The Commodore's Daughters ..................L 62 A Life for a Life. Mulock.....M 911 Life in the Open Air. Winthrop. ........................W731I The Light that Failed. Kipling. .K 62 1 Like Another Helen. Horton. . H 784 1 The Lilac Sunbonnet. Crockett. .C 87 1 LILIENCRANTZ, O. A. The Thrail of Leif the Lucky...L623 A Lily of France. Mason.........M 38 Linda. Hentz ..................H 39 1 Lindsay's Luck. Burnett.......B 93 li The Lion's Brood. Osborne.......Os 1 The Lion's Whelp. A. Barr----B 271 1 LIPPINCOTT, S. J. See Grace Greenwood................. Little Dorrit. Dickens...........D 55 1 The Little Ladies of Ellenwood. Connell ...................C 761 The Little Minister. Barrie----B 273 1 Little Moorland Princess. Marlitt. .........................M34H Little White Bird. Barrie.....B 273 lw LLOYD, J. U. Stringtown on the Pike .......................L77 LONG, J. L. Naughty Nan.......L 85 The Long Straight Road. Horton. ........ ...............H784I0 Looking Backward. Bellamy.....B 41 x Lord Ormont and His Aminta. Meredith .................M 54 1 Lorna Doone. Blackmore.......B 561 1 Lost Heir of Linlithgow. South- worth ....................s08i The Lost Heiress. Southworth. So 8 lh Lothair. Disraeli ..............D 63 1 LOTHROP, MRS. (See Margaret Sidney) ..... .............. LOT I, PIERRE.'" An Iceland Fish- erman .....................L 91 Louisa of Prussia. Miihlb'ach. .M 89 1 Louise de la Valliere. Dumas. . .D 891 Lourdes, 2 v. Zola...............Z7I Love Affairs of an Old Maid. Bell. ........................ ...B41I Love and Liberty. Dumas......D 89 lo Love Is a Spirit. J. Hawthorne. .H 31 1 "The Love of Parson Lord. Wil- kin s .....................W 65 1 Love the Harvester. Pemberton. .P 36 1 Love Works Wonders. Clay......C 57 LOVER, SAMUEL. Handy Andy. ..........................L 92 h Rory O'More ................L92r Lover or Friend. Carey..........C 18 1 "The Loves of Lady Arabella. Sea- well ......................Sell LOW, A. M. The Supreme Sur- render .....................L95 The Luck of Roaring Camp. Harte. ...........................H25I LUDLOW, J. M. Deborah........L96 The Lure of Fame. C. Holland. .H 699 LYALL, DAVID. Heather from the Brae...................L-979 lyall, edna, (pseud, of A. E. Bayly). Donovan.........L 98 d A Hardy Norseman........L 98 ha Hope the Hermit...........L98I10 In the Golden Days......... .L 98 i Knight-Errant ..............L 98 k We Two ..................L98we Won by Waiting..........L98WO Lyre and Lancet. Anstty.........An 8 Lysb'eth. Haggard ..............H 12 1 LYTTON, BULWER. The Cax- tons ......................L 99 c The Disowned .........See L99pe Eugene Aram ...............L99e Last Days of Pompeii........L99I Last of the Barons..........L99U The Parisians ...............L99P Pelham ....................L99pe Rienzi ......................L 99 r Zanoni .................See L 99 e MAARTENS, MAARTEN. (pseud, of J. M. W. Schwartz). God's Fool .....................Mug Joost Avelingh .............M 11 j My Lady Nobody..........Mum McCALL, SIDNEY. Truth Dex- ter .......................M 127 McCarthy, justin h. if i Were King ..............M 128 i Red Diamonds ............M 128 r McCRINDLE, R. The Convent..M 13 McCUTCHEON, GEO. B. Castle Craneycrow .............M 132 c Graustark .................M 132 g Macdermots of Ballycloran. Trol- lop e .....................T 74 m MACDONALD, GEORGE. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. .M 14 a Robert Falconer ............M 14 r St. George and St. Michael. .M 14 s Warlock O'Glenwarlock ... .M 14 w Wilfrid Cumbermede ......M 14 wi MACGRATH, HAROLD. The Puppet Crown ............M 172 MclNTYRE, ROBERT. A Mod- ern Apollos ................M 18 MACKIE, P. B. The Washington- ians .......................M21 MACLAREN, IAN. (pseud, of John Watson). Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush........M 22 b McLAWS, LAFAYETTE. When the Land was Young.......M 222 McLEAN, S. P. Cape Cod Folks.M223 MACLEOD, FIONA. The Moun- tain Lovers ...............M 224 Macleod of Dare. Black.......B56111 McMANUS, L. The Silk of the Kine .....................M 225 Madame Lucas ^..................M 26 Madelon. Wilkins ............W 65 m36 FICTION. MAGEE, KNOX. Mark Everard. ...........................M 2 7 The Magic Wheel. Winter....W 73 m A Magnificent Young Man. Win- ter ....................W 73 ma MAGRUDER, JULIA. A Beauti- ful Alien.................M 271 b Struan ....................M 271 s MAJOR, CHARLES. {Edwin Caskoden.) Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall...........M 28 d When Knighthood Was in Flower ..................M 28 w The Making of a Country Home. Mowbray ..................M 87 The Making of a Marchioness. Burnett ..................B 93 m MALET, LUCAS, (pseud, of Mrs. M. Harrison). History of Sir Richard Calmady ..........M 29 Man and Wife. Collins........ C 69 ma A Man at Arms. Scollard........Sco 4 The Man from Glengarry. Connor. .........................C 76 m Man in the Iron Mask. Dumas. .D89m A Man of Mark. Hope........H 77 m The Man without a Country. Hale. .........................H 13 m The Manager of the B. and A. Kes- ter ........................K 48 MANN, MARY E. Susannah... .M 31 The Manxman. Caine......... .C 12 m The Marbeau Cousins. Edwards. .........................Ed 9 m The Marble Faun. N. Hawthorne. ........................H 311 m Marcella, 2 v. Ward.:........W 21 m March Hares. Frederic........F 87 m Marcus Warland. Hentz.......H 39 m Margaret Maitland. Oliphant... 01 3 m Margaret Percival. Sewell.....Se 9 m Marguerite De Valois. Dumas.D89ma Maria Felicia. Svetla.............Sv 2 Marianela. Galdos ...............G 13 Marie. Pushkin .................P 97 Marie Antoinette. Miihlbach... .M 89 m Marietta. Crawford ............C 85 m Marion's Faith. King..........K 58 m Marjorie Dow and Others. Aid- rich ........................A1 2 Mark Everard. Magee...........M 27 Mark Heffron. Bailey............B 153 Mark Marksen's Secret. Arm- strong .....................Ar 5 MARLITT ELSIE. (E. John). At the Councillors ...........M 34 a Countess Gisela ............M 34 c Gold Elsie .................M 34 g In the Schillingscourt.......M 34 i The Lady with the Rubies.. M 34 la Little Moorland Princess----M 34 li Old Mam'selle's Secret......M340 The Second Wife..........M 34 s Marm Lisa. Wiggin...........W 63 m MARRYATT, FLORENCE. Open! Sesame! ..................M 348 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens... .D 55 m MARVEL, IK. (pseud, of D. G. Mitchell). Seven Stories. .M! 36 s Mary St. John. Carey..........C 18 m MASON, C. A. A Lily of France.M 38 Marzio's Crucifix. Crawford. .C85 ma The Master. 'Zangwill..........Zim Master and Man. Tolstoy.....T 58 m The Master-Christian. Corelli. .C81 m The Master Craftsman. Besant. B 46 m Master of His Fate. A. Barr..B27im Master Wilberforce. Humphreys.. H 88 MATHEWS, F. A. My Lady Peggy Goes to Town----... M 42 MATTHEWS, BRANDER. A Confident To-morrow . ...M43c Tales of Fantasy and Fact.. M 431 Vignettes of Manhattan.....M 43 v Maureens Fairing. Barlow........B 24 Maurice Tiernay. Lever........L 57 m MAY, SOPHIE. Pauline Wyman. M 45 MEADE, L. T. A Soldier of For- tune .......................M 46 MEIRION, ELLINOR. Cause and Effect .....................M 47 A Member of the Third House. Garland ..................G 18 m Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle...................D 77 me The Merchant of Berlin. Miihl- bach ...................M89me MEREDITH, GEORGE. Adven- tures of Harry Richmond. .M 54 a The Amazing Marriage... .M 54 am Beauchamp's Career ........M 54 b The Egoist .................M 54 e Evan Harrington ..........M 54 ev Lord Ormont and His Aminta. ..........................M54I One of Our Conquerors.....M 54 o Tale of Chloe and Others... .M 541 MERRIMAN, HENRY S. The Grey Lady ...............M 55 g In Kedar's Tents............M 55 i Roden's Corner ............M55r The Slave of the Lamp......M 55 s The Sowers ... *..........M 55 so With Edged Tools......... .M 55 w Young Mistley .............M 55 y Methods of Lady Walderhurst. Burnett .................B 93 me Micah Clarke. Doyle..........D 77 mi Michael Strogoff. Verne.......V 59 m Middlemarch, 2 v. Eliot........El 4 m The Mighty Atom. Corelli..... .C 81 mi Mill on the Floss. Eliot........El 4 mi A Minister of France. Weyman.W 54 m The Minister's Charge. Howells. ........................H 833 m Miss Bagg's Secretary. Burnham. .........................B931 b Miss De Farge. Burnett........HubFICTION. 37 Miss Pritchard's Wedding Trip. Burnham ................B 931 p "Miss Traumerei." Bagby........B 15 The Mississippi Bubble. Hough. . H 81 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. Bangs. ............................B 22 b Mr. Dooley in Peace and War. Dunne .....................D 92 Mr. Isaacs. Crawford.........C 85 mr Mr. Munchausen. Bangs.......B 22 m Mr. Tangier's Vacation. Hale...H 13 t Mr. Wayt's Wife's Sister. M. Har- land ......................H 222 Mrs. Christian Davies. De Foe. .D 36 m Mrs. Falchion. Parker.........P 22 m Mrs. Gerald. Pool...........P 78 mg Mrs. Harold Stagg. Grant----G 765 m Mrs. Keats Bradford. Pool...P78mk Mrs. Mayburn's Twins. Habber- ton ......................Hum Mrs. Tree. Richards...........R39m Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Hegan .....................H 36 Mistress and Maid. Mulock... .M 91 m MITCHELL, J. A. Amos Judd.M 691 a The Pines of Lory.........M 691 p MITCHELL, S. WEIR. Adven- tures of Francois..........M 69 a Characteristics .............M 69 c Circumstance ..............M 69 ci Hugh Wynne, 2 v..........M 69 h A Modern Apollos. Mclntyre... .M 18 A Modern Instance. Howells, H 833 mo Mohammed Ali and His House. Muhlbach.. ............M 89 mo Molly Bawn. "The Duchess".. .D 85 m Monastery. Scott ............Sco 8 m Monk and Knight. Gunsaulus.... G 96 A Monk of Fife. Lang...........L25 Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington. .T 17 MONTI, L. Leone..............M 76 The Moonstone. Collins.......C 69 mo MOORE, F. FRANKFORT. A Damsel or Two..........M 78 d The Jessamy Bride..........M 78 j Nell Gwyn—Comedian......M 78 n A Nest of Linnets..........M 78 ne Mooswa. Fraser .................F 86 MORGAN, LADY. The Wild Irish Girl ..................M 82 MORRISON, ARTHUR. Chroni- cles of Martin Hewitt......M 83 MORSE, L. G. The Chezzles. .M 833 A Mortal Antipathy. O. W. Holmes ................H 731 m Mosses from an Old Manse, 2 v. N. Hawthorne ........H311 mo Moth and Rust. Cholmondeley.. .C45 The Mountain Lovers. MacLeod.M 224 A Mountain Woman. Peattie. .P 32 m Mowbray, J. P. The Making of a Country Home.............M 87 MUHLBACH, LOUISA, (pseud, of Mrs. C. M. Mundt). An- dreas Hofer .............M 89 a Berlin and Sans-Souci......M89b Daughter of an Empress----M 89 d Empress Josephine .........M 89 e Frederick the Great and His Court ........,.........M 89 fc Frederick the Great and His Family ..................M 89 ff Goethe and Schiller.........M89g Henry the Eighth and His Court ....................M 89 h Joseph XI and His Court... M 89 j Louisa of Prussia............M 891 Marie Antoinette ..........M 89 m The Merchant of Berlin... .M 89 me Mohammed Ali and His House. ........ ...............M 89 m o Napoleon and Bliicher......M 89 nb Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia.................M89nq Old Fritz...................M890 Prince Eugene .............M 89 p Queen Hortense ...........M 89 q MUIR, O. B. With Malice Toward None .....................M 892 MULOCK MISS, (pseud, of Mrs. D. M. Craik) A Brave Lady. ..........................M 91 b Christian's Mistake .........M 91 c John Halifax, Gentleman.....M91 j A Life for a Life............M 911 Mistress and Maid..........M 91 m A Noble Life.............. .M 9111 The Woman's Kingdom.. .M 91 wk Young Mrs. Jardine........M 91 y MUNDT, MRS. C. M. See L. Muhlbach.................... MUNN, CHARLES C. Rockhaven. ...........................M 92 MURFREE, M. N. See C. E. Crad- dock....................... MURRAY, J. D. C. Aunt Rachel. M 96 My Fire Opal and Other Stories. Brooks ..................... B 79 My Hero. Forrester............F 77 m My Kalulu. Stanley............ St 2 m My Lady. Bouvet...............B 662 My Lady Nobody. Maartens. ...Mum My Lady Peggy Goes to Town. Mathews ...................M 42 My Lady Rotha. Weyman----W 54 mY My Young Alcides. Yonge.......Y 8 m Mysterious Island. Verne. . .V 59 my Mystery of Metropolisvii2e. E. Eg- gleston ..................Eg3m A Nameless Nobleman. Austin.Au 71 n Napoleon and Bliicher. Muhlbach. ........................M 8911b Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. Muhlbach ..............M 89 nq Naughty Nan. Long..............L 85 Near to Nature's Heart. Roe... .R 62 n Ned Myers, 2 v. Cooper ........C78n38 FICTION. NEEDELL, MRS. J. H. Vengeance of James Vansittart.........N 28 Nell Gwyii—Comedian. Moore.. M 7811 Nellie's Memories. Carey......Ci8ne A Nest of Linnets. Moore... .M 78 ne New Arabian Nights. R. L. Steven- son .......................St 47 n New Christmas Stories. Dickens. .....................See D 55 u New England Nun and Other Stories. Wilkins.........W 63 n The New Moon. Raimond.......R 13 The New Rector. Weyman.... W 54 n New Voyage Round the World. ......................See D 36 d The Newcomes. Thackeray......T 32 n NEWELL, R. H. Orpheus C. Kerr Papers .....................N 44 Nicholas Minturn. J. Holland. .H 71 n Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens*... .D 55 n Ninety-Three. Hugo...........H 87 n No Name. Collins..............C69n A Noble Life. Mulock.........M 91 n A Noble Lord. Southworth......So8n Norman Holt. King.............K 58 n Norman Leslie, 3 v. Fay..........F 29 NORRIS, FRANK. The Octopus. ..........................N 791 NORRIS, MARY H. The Grapes of Wrath .................N 792 NORRIS, W. E. Billy Bellew. .N 793 b St. Ann's .................N 793 s Norston's Rest. A. Stephens----St4in Not Counting the Cost. Tasma...T 18 Not Like Other Girls. Carey... .C 18 no No. 5 John Street. Whiteing.... W 584 The Octopus. F. Norris.........N 791 OHNET, GEORGES. The Iron- master .....................Oh 5 An Oklahoma Romance. Candee.Ci6o Old Creole Days. Cable....... ..Clio Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens... .D 55 o Old Fritz. Miihlbach...........M 89 o Old Gentleman of tlie Black Stock. Page .....................P 14 o The Old Homestead. A. Stephens. .........................St 41 o The Old House at Sandwich. Hat- ton ._.......................H 28 The Old Infant. Will Carleton. .. C 19 Old Mam'selle's Secret. Marlitt.M34o An Old Man's Romance. Craigie.C842 Old Mortality. Scott......See Sco 8 r Old Town Folks. Stowe........St 7 o OLIPHANT, MRS. Margaret Maitland .................01 3 m Oliver Twist. Dickens.........D 55 ol OLLIVANT, ALFRED. Bob, Son of Battle ...................01 5 On Peter's Island. Ropes.........R68 On the Bright Shore. Sienkiewicz. ..........................Si 1 o On the Face of the Waters. Steel. ..........................St 3 o On the Heights. Auerbach........Au 3 On the Point. Dole..............D 68 One of My Sons. Green........G820 One of Our Conquerors. Meredith. .........................M 540 One Summer. Howard ........H 83 o Only the Governess. Carey......Ci8o% Open! Sesame! Marryatt......M348' An Original Belle. Roe.........R 62 o Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. Newell. .N 44 OSBORNE, DUFFIELD. The Lion's Brood ...............Os 1 The Other Girls. Whitney......W 61 o The Other Man's Wife. Winter..W 73 o Otto the Knight and Others. Thanet ..................T 321 o OUIDA. {pseud, of Louise de la Rame). Under Two Flags..Ou4 Our Lady Vanity. Kirk.........K630 Our Mutual Friend. Dickens. .D 55 ou Out of Step. Pool..............P 78 o Out of the Woods. Fisher, Jr.....F 53 OVERTON, GWENDOLEN. The Heritage of Unrest.........Ov 2 Pagan of the Alleghanies. Ryan.R 95 p PAGE, T. N. In Ole Virginia...P 14 i Old Gentleman of the Black Stock.....................P140 Red Rock ..................P 14 r A Pair of Blue Eyes. T. Hardy. ........................H 226 p Palaces and Prisons. A. Stephens. .........................St 41 p Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz........Si 1 p A Parfit Gentil Knight. Andrews.. An 2 Paris, 2 v. Zola.............5.....Z7P The Parisians. Lytton. .........L 99 p PARKER, GILBERT. Adventurer of the North..............P 22 a The Battle of the Strong.....P22b Donovan Pasha .............P 22 d Mrs. Falchion ..............P 22 m Pierre and His People.....,P22p The Pomp of the Lavilettes. P 22 po The Right of Way..........P 22 r Seats of the Mighty.........P 22 s Trail of the Sword..........P22t Translation of a Savage... .P 22 tr When Valmond Came to Pon- tiac ......................P 22 w The Pathfinder, 3 v. Cooper... .C 78 p Paul Patoff. Crawford..........C 85 p Pauline Wyman. May.....-.......M 45 PAYNE, WILL. Jerry the Dreamer ...................P 29 PAYNTER, MARY M. Caleb the Irrepressible ...............P 291 PEAKE, E. E. The Darlingtons. .....................;.....P3I PEATTIE, E. W. A Mountain Woman ..................P 32 m Pippins and Cheese..........P32P Peg Woffington. Reade.........R22p Pelham. Lytton................L99peFICTION. 39 PEMBERTON, MAX. The Foot- steps of a Throne..........P 36 f The Impregnable City........P 36 i Jewel Mysteries I Have Known. ..........................P 36 j« Love, the Harvester..........P36I Phantom Army..............P 36'p Pembroke. Wilkins ............W 65 p Pendennis. Thackeray .........T 32 p Penelope's Progress. Wiggin... W 63 p Perlycross. Blackmore ........B 561 p PERRY, BLISS. The Plated City. ............................P 42 PETERSON, M. H. The Potter and the Clay................P44 Peveril of the Peak. Scott......Sco 8 p Phantom Army. Pemberton.....P 36 p The Phantom Rickshaw. Kipling. ..........................K 62 p Phantoms of the Foot Bridge. Craddock .................C 84 p PHELPS, E. S. A Singular Life.P 51 s Successors of Mary the First. ........ .................P51 su Philip Winwood. R. Stephens.. St 42 p PHILLPOTTS, EDEN. Children of the Mists.................P 54 Phroso. Hope .................H 77 p Pickwick Papers. Dickens......D 55 p PIDGIN, CHAS. F. Blennerhas- sett ......................P 59 b Quincy Adams Sawyer......P 59 q PIER, ARTHUR S. The Senti- mentalists ..................P 61 Pierre and His People. Parker.. P 22 p Pilgrim and the Shrine. Ainslie..Ai6 Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan......B 883 A Pillar of Salt. J. Lee..........L51 p The Pilot, 3 v. Cooper........C 78 pi The Pines of Lory. J. A. Mitchell. ........ ................M 691 p The Pioneers. Cooper..........C7§pn Pippins and Cheese. Peattie... .P 32 p The Pirate. Scott ............Sco 8 pi Plain Tales from the Hills. Kip- ling .....................K62pl The Plated City. Perry...........P 42 Play Actress. Crockett..........C 87 p Policeman Flynn. Flower.........F 66 The Pomp of the Lavilettes. Parker. .........................P 22 po POOL, MARIA L. A Golden Sor- row ......................P 78 g Mrs. Gerald ..............P 78 mg Mrs. Keats Bradford......P 78 mk Out of Step ................P 78 o Roweny in Boston..........P 78 r The Two Salomes..........P78t PORTER, JANE. Scottish Chiefs. r ..........................P83S Thaddeus of Warsaw........P 83 t Portia. *'The Duchess"..........D 85 p The Portion of Labor. Wilkins.W.65 po The Portrait of a Lady. James, Jr. ...........................J23P POTTER, M. H. House of de Mailly ...................P 85 h Uncanonized ................P 85 u The Potter and the Clay. Peterson. ...........................P44 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett. .........................B93PP Pretty Sister of Jose. Burnett. .B 93 ps PRICE, ELEANOR C. The Heiress of the Forest.......P 93 The Price of a Wife. Winter.. .W 73 p Pride and Prejudice. Austen.....Au 7 Pride of Jennico. Castle........C 27 p The Prime Minister. Trollope.. .T 74 p PRINCE, HELEN C. Story of Christine Rochefort .......P 933 The Prince and the Page. Yonge.Y 8p Prince Eugene. Miihlbach......M 89 p Prince Fortunatus. Black......B 56 pf The Prince Incognito. Latimer... .L 34 A Prince of Goodfellows. R. Barr. . .....................B274P Prince of India, 2 v. Wallace.. .W 15 p Prince Otto. R. L. Stevenson... St 47 p Prince Rupert the Buccaneer. Hyne....................... H 99 The Princess Aline. Davis......D 29 p A Princess of the Hills. Harrison. ........................H 246 p A Princess of Thule. Black... .B 56 pt The Prisoner of Zenda. Hope..H77pr Prisoners of Conscience. A. Barr. .........................B271P Prisoners of Hope. Johnston. ... J 65 p Probation. Fothergill ..........F 82 p Prophet of the Great Smoky Moun- tain. Craddock ..........C84pr Prue and I. Curtis................C 94 PUGH, EDWIN W. A Street in Suburbia ...................P 96 The Puppet Booth. H. B. Fuller.F 95 p The Puppet Crown. MacGrath. .M 172 The Puritans. Bates..............B 31 The Pursuit of the House-Boat. Bangs ....................B 22 p PUSHKIN, ALEXANDER, Marie ......................P 97 Put Yourself in His Place. Reade. .........................R 22 pu Quaint Crippin. Thurber..........T 42 Queechy. Warner .............W 24 q Oueen Hortense. Miihlbach... .M 89 q The Queen of Love. Baring-Gould. ;........ .................B231 q Queenie's Whim. Carey........Ci8q The Queen's Necklace. Dumas.. D 89 q Quentin Durward. Scott.......Sco 8 q Quincy Adams Sawyer. Pidgin. P 59 q Quisante. Hope ...............H 77 q Quo Vadis. Sienkiewicz......... .Si 1 q Rachel's Share of the Road. Hamil- ton ........................H 1840 FICTION. Raffles. Hornung ..............H 78 r Ragged Lady. Howells....... .H 833 r RAIMOND, C. E. The New Moon.R 13 Ralph the Heir. Trollope.......T 74 r The Ralstons, 2 v. Crawford... .C 85 r RAME, LOUISE DE LA. See Ouida.................... Ramona. Jackson ................J 13 READ, OPIE. The Jucklins.....R219 READE, CHARLES. Christie Johnstone ............See R22p The Cloister and the Hearth . .R22 c Griffith Gaunt ..............R 22 g Hard Cash .................R 22 h Peg Woffington ............R22p Put Yourself in His Place. .R 22 pu A Terrible Temptation.......R 22 t Wandering Heir............R 22 w A Woman-Hater...........R 22 wo Real Folks. Whitney...........W 61 r The Real Thing. James, Jr......J 23 r Red Badge of Courage. Crane.. C 843 r The Red Cockade. Weyman.... W 54 r Red Diamonds. McCarthy......M 128 r Red Gauntlets. Scott.......See Sco8g Red Rock. Page................5P 14 r The Red Rover, 3 v. Cooper.... C 78 r The Redemption of David Corson. Gosa ....................... .G69 The Reds of the Midi. Gras......G 766 The Refugees. Doyle ..........D 77 r REID, CAPT. MAYNE. See ju- venile ...................... The Reign of Law. J. L. Allen.. .A1 5 r The Reproach of Annesley. Gray.G 79 r A Reputed Changeling. Yonge...Y8r The Rescue. Sedgwick............Se 4 Resurrection, ,Tolstoy ..........T 58 r RHOSCOMYL, OWEN. Battle- ment and Tower............R 34 Richard Carvel. Churchill.......C47r RICHARDS, LAURA E. Geof- frey Strong ..............R 39 g Mrs. Tree .................R 39 m RIDGE, W. PETT. A Clever Wife ......................R43 Rienzi. Lytton.................L 99 r Right of Way. Parker..........P 22 r The Right Princess. Burnham. .B 931 r The Rise of Silas Lapham. How- ells ....................H 833 ri RIVERS, G. R. R. Captain Shays .........................R52C The Count's Snuff-Box......R52C0 RIVES, HALLIE E. Hearts Courageous ...............R521 The Road to Ridgebys. F. Har- ris .......................H243 Rob Roy. Scott...............Sco8r Robert Falconer. Macdonald.. .M 14 r Robert Graham. Hentz .........H 39 r Rockhaven. Munn ..............M 92 Roden's Corner. Merriman.....M 55 r Roderick Hudson. James, Jr.... .J 23 ro ROE, E. P. Barriers Burned Away. ...........................R 62b From Jest to Earnest.......R62£ He Fell in Love with His Wife. .................... .......R 62 b A Knight of the Nii^teenth Century..................R62k Near to Nature's Heart......R62H An Original Belle...........R62 0* Without a Home...........R 62 w A Roman Singer. Crawford____C85ro* Romance of Abelard and Heloise. Wight .....................W 632 Romance of Dijon. Betham-Ed- wards ................ ....B 461 The Romance of Dollard. Cath- erwood ..................C 28 r A Romance of Two Worlds. Co- relli........ ..............C81 r Rome, 2v. Zola.................Zyr Romola. Eliot ...................El4r ROPES, A. R. and M. E. On Pe- ter's Island .................R68 Rory O'More. Lover ...........L92r Roweny in Boston. Pool........P 78 r ROWLANDS, E. A. The Spell of Ursula ....................p. 79 Rudder Grange. Stockton .......St6r Rue with a Difference. Carey. ..C 18 r The Ruling Passion. Van Dyke...V28 Rumour, 2 v. Sheppard ...........Sh 4 RUNKLE, BERTHA. Helmet -of Navarre ..................R87 Rupert of Hentzau. Hope......H 77 r RUSSELL, DORA. The Last Sig- nal ........................R91 RYAN, MARAH E. A Pagan of the Alleghanies ...........R95p- Told in the Hills..........,.R95t St. Ann's. W. E. Norris.......N 793 s St. Elmo. Evans................Evis St. George and St. Michael. Mac- donald ...................M 14 s St. Ronan's Well. Scott...see Sco8pi Saliethel. Croly .................C 876 SANBORN, KATE. Abandoning an Adopted Farm.........Sa 5 a Adopting an Abandoned Farm. ..........................Sa 5 adl SAND, GEORGE {pseud, of A. L. A. Dudevmt). Consuelo.Sa 51 c The Countess of Rudolstadt.Sa 51 cr Fanchon. the Cricket........Sa5if A Sane Lunatic. Burnham____B 931 Sa Sant' Ilario. Crawford ........C85st Saracinesca. Crawford ........C85sa Satanstoe. Cooper ..............C 78 s SAUNDERS, MARSHALL. Her Sailor ......................Sa 8: SAWYER, J. C. Every Inch a King ......................Sag Saxe Holm's Stories..............Sa94i Say and Seal, 2 v. Warner.....W 24 sFICTION. 4r SCANLAND, AGNES L. Heights and Depths ................Sea 6 The Scarlet Letter. N. Hawthorne. ..........................H311 s SCHREINER, OLIVE. See Ralph Iron. SCHWARTZ, J. M. W. See M. Maartens. SCOLLARD, CLINTON. A Man at Arms ..................Sco 4 SCOTT, MICHAEL. Tom Crin- gle's Log .................Sco 79 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. The Ab- bott ................See Sco 8 m Anne of Geierstein.....See Sco8q The Antiquary ........See Sco 8 w Bethrothed ............See Sco 8 c Black Dwarf ...........See Sco 8 f Pride of Lammermoor......Sco 8 b Castle Dangerous .....See Sco8h Count Robert of Paris......Sco 8 c Fair Maid of Perth____See Sco 8 k Fortunes of Nigel..........Sco 8 f Guy Mannering ............Sco 8 g Heart of Midlothian ......Sco 8 h Highland Widow ......See Sco 8 c Ivanhoe ...................Sco 8 i Kenilworth ................Sco 8 k Legend of Montrose... .See Sco 8 f Monastery ................Sco 8 m Old Mortality ..........See Sco 8 r Peveril of the Peak____. .. .Sco8p Pirate ...................Sco 8 pi Quentin Durward ..........Sco 8 q Red Gauntlet ..........See Sco 8 g Rob Roy ..................Sco 8 r St. Ronan's Well......See Sco 8 pi The Surgeon's Daughter. See Sco8p The Talisman .............. Sco 81 Waverly..................Sco 8 w Woodstock............See Sco 8 b Scottish Chiefs. Porter.........P 83 s Seats of the Mighty. Parker... .P 22 s SEA WELL, MOLLY E. The House of Egremont.......Se 1 h The Loves of Lady Arabella. .Se 11 A Strange, Sad Comedy.....Se 1 s The Second Jungle Book. Kipling. ...........................K62 s The Second Wife. ~ Marlitt......M 34 s The Secret Orchard. Castle.....C 27 s SEDGWICK, ANNE D. The Rescue ......................Se 4 A Self Made Countess. Winter. W 73 s Sentimental Tommy. Barrie ... .B 273 s The vSentimentalists. Pier........P 61 Seven Poor Travellers. Dickens. * .......; ................See D 55 h Seven Stories. Marvel .........M 36 s Sevenoaks. J. Holland .........H 71 s SEWELL, E. M. Amy Herbert.. Se 9 a Cleve Hall ..................Se9c The Earl's Daughter.........Se9 e The Experience of Life...... Se9ex Gertrude...................Se9g: Katharine Ashton ...........Se 9 k Laneton Parsonage ..........Se9l Margaret Percival .......... Se 9 m SHAW, G. B. An Unsocial Social- ist . .. .. Sh 2' SHEPPARD,'" ELfZABETH.'' Ru- mour, 2 v...................SI14. Sherburne House. Amanda Doug- las ........................D 74 Shirley. Bronte ...............B 78 s "Short Sixes." Bunner ........B 881 s SIDNEY, MARGARET (pseud, of Mrs. Lothrop). The Judge's Cave ........ ..............Si 13 The Siege of Lady Resolute. Dick- son .......................D56 SIENKIEWICZ, HENRYK. The> Deluge, 2 v.................Si 1 d The Knights of the White Cross, 2 v .......................Si 1 k On the Bright Shores........Si 1 o Pan Michael ................Si 1 p Quo Vadis .................Si 1 q With Fire and Sword.......Si 1 w Sights and Insights, 2 v. Whitney. ...........................W6is. Silas Marner. Eliot ............El 4 s The Silence of Dean Maitland. Gray ......................G79s The Silk of the Kine. McManus. .M 225 The Silver Cross. Keightley... .K 26 s The Silver Skull. Crockett..... .C 87 s A Singular Life. Phelps ........P51S Sir Christopher. Goodwin.......G 63 s. Sir George Tressadv, 2 v. Ward.W 21 s- SKINNER, HENRIETTA. Heart and Soul ..................Sk^ The Sky Pilot. Connor..........C76S The Slave of the Lamp. Merriman. ...........................M55 s. A Slave to Duty. Thanet......T 321 s SMITH, F. HOPKINSON. Caleb West....................Sm 5 c Col. Carter of Cartersville. .Sm 5 co Fortunes of Oliver Horn____Sm 5 f Tom Grogan ...............Sm 51 SMITH, W. H. The Evolution of Dodd ......................Sm6 A Soldier of Fortune. Meade.... M 46 A Soldier of Virginia. B. Steven- son ........................St 4& Soldiers of Fortune. Davis......D 29 s Soldiers Three. Kipling ......K 62 so SOMERVILLE, HENRY. Jack Racer ......................So 5' The Son of a Fiddler. Lee..... .L 51 s. The Son of Porthos. Dumas... .D 89 s Sonny. Stuart .................St 9 s; Sons and Fathers. Edwards.....Ed 9 s Sons of Belial. Westall..........W 52- Sons of the Soil. Balzac.......'.B21S- A Soulless Singer. M. Lee____..L511 Souls of Passage. A. Barr... ,B 271 s42 FICTION. SOUSA, JOHN P. The Fifth String....................So 82 SOUTHWORTH, MRS. Allworth Abbey ...................... So 8 a Fair Play ...................So 8 f How He Won Her...........So 8 h Last Heir of Linlithgow.....So 8 1 The Lost Heiress ..........So81h A Noble Lord .............So8n The Sowers. Merriman........M 55 so A Speckled Bird. Evans.......Ev 1 sp, The Spell of Ursula. Rowlands.. .R 79 The Spenders. Wilson...........W 69 The Spirit of Sweetwater. Gar- land .......................G 18 s A Spoilt Girl. F. A. Warden... .W 211 SPRAGUE, M. A. An Earnest Trifler.....................Sp 7 The Spy, 3 v. Cooper..........C 78 sp Stand Fast, Craig Royston. Black. ...........................B 56 sf The Standard Bearer. Crockett..C 87 sb Standish of Standish. Austin. . .Au 71 s STANLEY, HENRY M. My Ka- lulu .....................St 2 m STANNARD, MRS. H. E. V. See John Strange Winter. The Stark Munro Letters. Doyle. ...........................D 77 s Starlight Ranch. Kirig ........Ks8St STEEL, FLORA ANNIE. The Hosts of the Lord.........St 3 h On the Face of the Waters.. .St 3 o STEPHENS, MRS. A. S. The Gold Brick ...............St 41 g Norston's Rest ............St 41 n The Old Homestead........St 410 Palaces and Prisons........St 41 p STEPHENS, ROBERT N. Cap- tain Ravenshaw ..........St 42 c Philip Winwood ...........St42p STEPHENSON, NATHANIEL. They that Took the Sword..St44 STEVENSON, B. E, A Soldier of Virginia ..................St 46 STEVENSON, ROBERT L. David Balfour .................St47d Kidnapped ................St 47 k New Arabian Nights ......St 47 n Prince Otto ...............St 47 p Treasure Island ............St47t Weir of Hermiston........St47w The Wrecker ............St 47 we The Wrong Box..........St 47 wr The" Stickit Minister. Crockett. .........................C87 sm STOCKTON, F. R Adventures of Captain Horn ............St 6 a The Associate Hermits......St 6 as Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine.St 6 c A Jolly Fellowship ..........St 6 j Kate Bonnet ................St 6 k Lady or the Tiger...........St 61 Rudder Grange ..............St6r Vizier of the Two-Horned Al- exander .................St6v STOCKTON, L. Dorothea ......St 63 Stories of the Foot-Hills. M. Gra- ham .....................G 761 Story of a Country Town. Howe. ...........................H831 The Story of a Marriage. Mrs. A. Baldwin...................B 19 Story of an African Farm. Iron...Ir6 The Story of Bessie Costrell. Ward ...................W 21 b Story of Christine Rochefort. Prince....................P 933 Story of Lawrence Garthe. Kirk..K63l Story of Siegfried. J. Baldwin. .B 191 The Story of Tonty. Catherwood. ............................C 28 s STOWE, H. B'. Agnes of Sorrento ..........................St 7 a Dred .......................St 7 d Old Town Folks.............St 70 Uncle Tom's Cabin..........St 7 u Strange Adventures of a House- Boat. Black............B 56 sh Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. Black...................B 56 sp A Strange, Sad Comedy. Seawell. ............................Se1s Street in Suburbia. Pugh........P96 The Strength of the Hills. Wilkin- son ......................W 651 Stringtown on the Pike. Lloyd... L 77 The Strong Arm. R. Barr......B 274 s Struan. Magruder............M271S The Struggle for Existence. For- estier......................F 76 STUART, RUTH M. Carlotta's Intended .................St 9 c A Golden Wedding..........St9g Sonny ......................St 9 s Successors of Mary the First. Phelps ...................P 51 su SUE, EUGENE. The Wandering Jew ........................Su 2 Sunset Pass. King.............K 58 su The Supreme Surrender. Low....L95 The Surgeon's Daughter. Scott. .....................See Sco 8 p Susannah. Mann ................M 31 SUTPHENS, VAN TASSEL. The Cardinal's Rose .............Su 8 SVETLA. _ CAROLINE. Maria Felicia .....................Sv2 Sweet Bells out of Tune. Harri- son ........ ..............H246S Sweet Cicely. Holley.............H 72 Sweet Clover. Burnham......B931sw SWETT, S. H. Field Clover and Beach Grass................Sw 4 SWIFT, BENJ. The Destroyer. .Sw 5FICTION. 43 Sylvia. Evalyn Emerson......... .Em 3 Taking the Bastile. Dumas..... .D 89 t Tale of a Lonely Parish. Craw- ford ......................C 85 t Tale of Chloe and Other Stories. Meredith .................M 54 t Tale of Two Cities. Dickens.....D 55 t Tales of Fantasy and Fact. Mat- thews .....................M 43 t Tales of the Home Folks. J. Har- ris ........................H244 Tales of Three Cities. James, Jr..J 23 t Talisman. Scott ...............Sco 8 t TARKINGTON, BOOTH. Mon- sieur Beaucaire .............T 17 The Two Vanrevels .........T 171 Tarry Thou, Till I Come. Croly.C876 TASMA. (pseud. of Jessie Fraser). Not Counting the Cost......T 18 TAYLOR, H. C. CHATFIELD. (See ChatHeld-Taylor, H. C.) TAYLOR, M. I. The Cobbler of Nimes ......................T 21 Tekla. R. Barr.................B274t Temporal Power. Corelli ......C 81 te The Tempting of Father Anthony. Horton ..................H 784 t Ten Nights in a Barroom. Arthur. ..........................Ar 7 t TERHUNE, MRS. M. V. See Marion Harland.............. A Terrible Temptation. Reade..R22t Tess of the D'Urbervilles. T. Hardy ..................H 226 t TEUFFEL, MRS. See B. W. How- ard ......................... THACKERAY, WM. M. Adven- tures of Philip.............T32a Barry Lyndon ..........See T 32 h Burlesques . ................T 32 b Catherine ..............See T 32 a The Christmas Books.......T 32 c Denis Duval............See T 32 h Henry -Esmond .............T 32 h The Newcomes .............T 32 n Pendennis ..................T 32 p Vanity Fair ................T 32 v The Virginians ............T 32 vi Yellow Plush Papers... .See T 32 b Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter... .P 83 t THANET, OCTAVE, (pseud, of Alice French). Knitters in the Sun..................T 321 k Otto the Knight and Others.T 321 o A Slave to Duty............T 321 s That Lass O'Lowrie's. Burnett. .B 93 t That Mainwaring Affair. Barbour.B 23 Their Silver Wedding Journey. Howells ................H 833 ts Their Wedding Journey. Howells. .........................H 8331 Thelma. Corelli ................C 811 Theo. Burnett ................B 93 th They That Took the Sword. N. Stephenson .................St 44. THOMPSON, D. P. Green Moun- tain Boys ..................T 37 THOMPSON, M. His Second Campaign .................T 371 THOMPSON, MAURICE. Alice of Old Vincennes..........T 373 The Thrail of Leif the Lucky. Liliencrantz ...............L623 The Three Fates. Crawford... .C 85 th. The Three Graces. "The Duchess." ..........................D 85 t Three Men in a Boat. Jerome... .J 481 Three Men on Wheels. Jerome. .J 48 th The Three Musketeers. Dumas. .D 89 th Through One Administration. Bur- nett ........................B93to Through the Earth. Fezandie......F 43 THURBER, A. M. Quaint Crip- pin ...^......................T 42 TJERMAN, M. S. Homoselle____T 44 Times of Alchemy. Topelius... .T 62 ta Times of Battle and Rest. Topelius. ...........................T 62 tb Times of Charles XII. Topelius. .........................T 62 tc Times of Frederick I. Topelius. .T 62 tf Times of Gustaf Adolf. Topelius.T 62 tg Times of Linnaeus. Topelius... .T 62 tl To Have and to Hold. Johnston. J 65 t To Leeward. Crawford.........C 85 le The Toilers of the Sea. Hugo.. H 871 Told in the Hills. Ryan.........R 95 t Told in the Verandah............T 57 TOLSTOY, LEO. Master and Man .....................T 58 m Resurrection ................T 58 r Tom Cringle's Log. M. Scott... Sco 79 Tom Grogan. F. H. Smith.... Sm 5 t Tommy and Grizel. Barrie.....B273t TOMPKINS, E. K. The Broken Ring .......................T 59 b Her Majesty................T 59 h Too Late Repented. Forrester.. .F 77 t TOPELIUS, J. Times of Alchemy. .........................T 62 ta Times of Battle and Rest... .T 62 tb Times of Charles XII......T 62 tc Times of Frederick I........T 62 tf Times of Gustaf Adolf......T$2tg Times of Linnaeus...........T 62 tl The Touch of Sorrow............T 641 The Touchstone. Wharton......W 55 t The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Verne .............V 59 t TOURGEE, ALBION. Bricks without Straw ............T64b Figs and Thistles............T 64 f A Fool's Errand............T 64 fo The Two Vanrevels. Tarkington.T 171 The Tower of Wye. Babcock.....B 11 TOWNSEND, E. W. Days Like These ......................T 66 A Tragic Idyl. Bourget...........B 66FICTION. 44 The , Tragic Muse, 2 v. James, Jr. ..........................J 23 tr Trail of the Sword. Parker......P 22 t Translation of a Savage. Parker. .........................P 22 tr Treasure Island. Stevenson.....St 471 TRELAWNY, E. J. Adventures of a Younger Son..............T 71 Trilby. Du Maurier.............D 891 Tristam of Blent. Hope........H 77 t TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. Ameri- can Senator...............T?4a M^Lcdermots of Ballycloran. .T 74 m The Prime Minister..........T 74 p Ralph the Heir..............T 74 r A Trooper Galahad. King......K 581 Truth Dexter. McCall..........M 127 TWAIN, MARK (pseud, of S. L. Clemens. See Juvenile). Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Verne ........Vsgtw Twenty Years After. Dumas.. D 89 tw Twice Told Tales. N. Hawthorne. ..........................H 3111 The Two Salomes. Pool........P78t Two Soldiers. King............Ks8tw Two Women and a Fool. Chat- field-Taylor .............. C 391 Uarda, 2 v. Ebers ..............Eb 3 u The Uncalled. Dunbar ...........D91 Uncanonized. Potter ............P 85 u Uncle Max. Carey ............ .C 18 u The Uncle of an Angel. Janvier. J 26 u Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe......St' 7u The Uncommercial Traveller. Dick- ens ......................D 55 u Under Sealed Orders. G, Allen..A1 51 Under the Red Robe. Weyman.. W 54 u Under Two Flags. Ouida........Ou 4 Underground City. Verne ......V 59 u Underside of Things. Bell......B 41 u Unknown to History. Yonge.... Y 8 u Unleavened Bread. Grant......G765U An Unsocial Socialist. Shaw......Sh 2 Up and Down the Sands of Gold. Devereaux ................. D 49 UPTON, GEORGE. Letters ( of , Peregrine Pickle ...........Up 8 Vagabondia. Burnett .......... .B 93 v VALDES, A. P. The Fourth Es- tate .........................V23 The Vale of Cedars. Aguilar----Ag9v Valentine Box (ventriloquist). Cockton ...................C 64 The Valley of Decision, 2 v, Whar- ton ............ .......... W55 v Van Bibber and Others. Davis... D 29 v VAN DYKE, HENRY. The Rul- ing Passion _____________.... .V28 Vanity Fair. Thackeray ....... .T 32 v The Veiled Doctor. V. A. J. Da- - vis ................ ...... .D 291 Venetia. Disraeli ..............D 63 v Vengeance of James Vansittart. Needell....................N 28 VERNE, JULES. At the North Pole .....................V 59 a Claudius Bombarnac ........V59C The Desert of Ice............V59<1 Famous Travels and Travellers. ...........................V 59 f Michael Strogoff............V59m Mysterious Island ........V 59 my The Tour of the World in Eighty Days ..............V59t Twenty Thousand Leagues Un- der the Sea.............V 59 tw Underground City ......... .V 59 u Wreck of the Chancellor_____V59W Vesty of the Basins. S. Greene...G83 Via Crucis. Crawford..........C85V The Vicar of Wakefield. Gold- smith .................... G 57 v The Vicomte de Bragelonne. Du- mas .....................D89V Victor Serenus. Henry Wood... W 854 The Victors. R. Barr......... . B 274 v VIELE, HERMAN K The Inn of the Silver Moon ..........V67i The Last of the Knickerbockers. ............................V67I Vignettes of Manhattan. Matthews. .............. .............M43V The Virginian. Wister ..........W 76 The Virginians. Thackeray .... .T 32 v Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexan- der. Stockton ............. St 6 v The Voice of the People. Glasgow. ...........................G 46 v WALLACE, LEW. Ben Hur...W 15 b The Fair God ..............W 15 f Prince of India, 2 v........W 15 p Wandering Heir. Reade ....... R 22 w The Wandering Jew. Sue.........Su2 Wanted: A Chaperon. Ford..F 75 w A War-Time Wooing. King... .K 58 w .WARD, MRS. E. S. (See Elisa- beth Stuart Phelps.) WARD, MRS. HUMPHREY. The Story of Bessie CostrelL.W 21 b Eleanor...................W 21 e Marcella, 2 v...............W 21 m Sir George Tressady, 2 v.....W 21 s WARDEN, F. A. A Spoilt Girl. .W 211 WARD E N, GERTRUDE. Her Faithful Knight ......... .W 213 WARFIELD, MRS. C. A. The Cardinal's Daughter ......W 23 c Feme Fleming .............W 23 f Warlock O'Glenwarlock. Macdon- ald........................ .M 14 w WARNER, CHARLES D. The Golden House ..........W 239 g WARNER, SAND A. B. (E. \ Wether ell). Diana ......W 24 d Queechy ..................W24qFICTION. 45 Say and Seal, 2v..........W24s Wide, Wide World.........W 24 w Wych Hazel ..............W 24 wy The Washingtonians. Mackie.....M21 WATANNA, ONOTO. A Japanese Nightingale ............W 291 j The Wooing of Wistaria. .W 291 w Water Tramps. Bartlett .........B 28 The Water Witch, 3 v. Cooper. .C 78 w WATERLOO, STANLEY. Arma- geddon ...................W 29 WATSON, JOHN. See Ian Mac- laren. Waverly. Scott ..............Sco8w We Girls. Whitney............W 61 w We Two. E. Lyall............L98we WEBSTER, MERWIN. Calumet "K" ......................W39 Wee Wifie. Carey ............C 18 we Weir of Hermiston. R. L. Steven- son .....................St 47 w WELLS, H. G. The First Men in the Moon .................W 46 West Lawn. M. J. Holmes......H 73 WESTALL, WILLIAM. Sons of Belial ....................W 52 WESTCOTT, E. N. David Ha- rum ....................W 524 Westward Ho! Kingsley ......It61 w WETHERELL, E. See S. and A. B. Warner. WEYMAN, STANLEY. ' Castle Inn .....................W54C Count Hannibal ...........W54CO Gentleman of France.......W 54 g House of the Wolf........\V54h In the King's Byway........W 54 i A Minister of France.......W 54 m My Lady Rotha ..........W 54 my The New Rector...........W54n The Red Cockade..........W54r Under the Red Robe........W 54 u WHARTON, EDITH. The Touch- stone .............. ......W 551 The Valley of Decision, 2 v. .W 55 v When a Man's Single. Barrie. .B 273 w When Blades are Out and Love's Afield. Brady ..........B 724 w When Knighthood was in Flowert Major ..................M28W When Charles the First was King. Fletcher ...................F 63 When the Land was Young. Mc- Laws .................... M 222 When Valmond Came to Pontiac. Parker ..................P 22 w Where the Battle was Fought. Crad- dock ............ ........C 84 w The White Islander. Catherwood.C 28 w WHITEHOUSE, FLORENCE B. The God of Things.......W 582 WHITING, RICHARD. No. 5 John Street ..............W 584 WHITNEY, MRS. A. D. T. Boys at Chequasset ............W 61 b Bonnyborough ............W 61 bo Fajth Cartney's Girlhood____W 61 f The Gayworthys ..........W 61 g The Other Girls............W 61 o Real Folks ................W 61 r Sights and Insights, 2 v____W 61 s We Girls..................W 61 w Who Goes There? B. K. Benson.B 44 Wide, Wide World. Warner..W21 w WIGGIN, K. D. Marm Lisa... W 63 m Penelope's Progress .......W 63 p WIGHT, O. W. Romance of Abe- lard and Heloise..........W 632 The Wild Irish Girl. Morgan____M 82 Wildersmoor. C. L. Antrobus____An 82 Wilfrid Cumbermede. Macdonald. ........................M 14 wi WILKINS, MARY E. A Humble Romance ................W 65 h The Love of Parson Lord... W 65 1 Madelon ........„..........W 65 m New England Nun and Other Stories ...................W 65 n Pembroke..................W 65 p The Portion of Labor._____W 65 po Young Lucretia, etc........W 65 y WILKINSON, FLORENCE. The Strength of the Hills......W 651 Willy Reilly. William Carleton... C 191 WILSON, A. J. See Augusta J. Evans WILSON, HARRY l! ' The Spend- ers ........................W 69 A Window in Thrums. Barrie.B 273 wi A Winning Hazard. Alexander. A1 24 w WINTER, JOHN STRANGE. {pseud, of Mrs. H. E. V. Stan- nard). The Career of a Beauty ...................W73C The Magic Wheel......... .W73m A Magnificent Young Man. W 73 ma The Other Man's Wife......W730 The Price of a Wife........W 73 p A Self Made Countess......W 73 s WINTHROP, THEODORE. Canoe and Saddle..........W 731 c Cecil Draeme.............W 731 ce Edwin Brothertoft ......V.W'73ie John Brent .......________W 731 j Life in the Open Air......'. .W 7311 The Wise Woman. Burnham . .B 931 w WISTER, OWEN. The Virginian. ...........................W76 The Witch of Prague. Crawford. ........................■. C 85 pr With Edged Tools. Merriman. .M 55 w With Fire and Sword. Sienkiewicz. ... .......................Si 1 w With Malice Toward None. Muir. ......................... .M 892 With the Immortals. Crawford. C 85 w46 JUVENILE. With the Procession. H. B. Fuller. .........................F 95 w Without a Home. Roe..........R62W WOLF, ALICE S. A House of Cards .....................W 84 Wolfville Days. Lewis........... .L 58 A Woman Hater. Reade......R 22 wo The Woman in White. Collins.C 69 w A Woman Intervenes. R. Barr.B274w The Woman's Kingdom. Mulock. ........................M 91 wk A Woman's Reason. Howells. .H 833 w Won by Waiting. E. Lyall. .... .L 98 wo Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician. Arnold ........Ar 6 WOOD, HENRY. Victor Serenus. ...........................W854 WOOD, MRS. HENRY. East Lynne ....................W 856 Woodstock. Scott ........See Sco 8 b Wooed and Married. Carey... .C 18 wo The Wooing O't. Alexander. .A1 24 wo The Wooing of Wistaria. Watanna. ........................W 291 w WOOLSON, C. F. Anne ......W 88 a East Angels ................W 88 e The Front Yard and Other stories ....................W 88 f Horace Chase.............. W 88 h A Wounded Name. King......K58WO Wreck of the Chancellor. Verne. V 59 w The Wrecker. R. L. Stevenson. ........................St 47 we The Wrong Box. R. L. Stevenson. ........................St 47 wr Wych Hazel. Warner........W 24 wy • Yeast (A Problem). Kingsley. .K 61 y YEATS, S. L. The Honour of Savelli.....................Y3 Yellow Plush Papers. Thackeray. .....................See T 32 b YONGE, CHARLOTTE M. The Armourer's Prentices ......Y8a The Dove in the Eagle's Nest.Y8d Dynevor Terrace, 2 v........Y 8 dy The Heir of Redelyffe......Y8h My Young Alcides..........Y8m The Prince and the Page... .Y8p ' A Reputed Changeling........Y8r Unknown to History..........Y8u Young Lucretia. Wilkins.......W 65 y Young Mistley. Merriman......M 55 y Young Mrs. Jar dine. Mulock... .M 91 y Zadoc Pine. Bunner............B 881 z ZANGWILL, I. The Big Bow Mystery ...................Z 1 b Children of the Ghetto........Z 1 c Dreamers of the Ghetto........Z 1 d The Master...................Zim Zanoni. Lytton.............See L 99 e ZOLA, EMILE. Lourdes, 2 V....Z7I Paris, 2 v....................Z7p Rome, 2 v................... .Z 7 r Zoroaster. Crawford............C85Z JUVENILE. ABBOTT, JACOB. John Gay..j Ab 2 j Light .....................-j 535 A Mary, Queen of Scots......j Ab 2 m Rollo on the Atlantic......j Ab2 ra Rollo in Geneva..........j Ab2rg Rollo in Naples..........jAb2rn Rollo in Switzerland......jAb2rs ABBOTT, W. J. Blue Jackets of '61.....................j 973-7 A Across India. Adams.........j Ad 1 a ADAMS, W. T. (Oliver Optic.) All Over the World Library, First Series. A Missing Million.........j Ad 1 mi A Millionaire at Sixteen. ..j Ad 1 m A Young Knight-Errant..j Ad 1 yk Strange Sights Abroad... .j Ad 1 st All Over the World Library, Second Series. American Boys Afloat....j Ad 1 am The Young Navigators... .j Ad 1 yn Up and Down the Nile... .j Ad 1 u Asiatic Breezes ..........j Ad 1 as All Over the World Library, Third Series. Four Young Explorers... .j Ad 1 fo Half Around the World. ..j Ad 1 h Across India ..............j Ad 1 a Army and Navy Series. The Soldier Boy..........j Ad 1 so The Sailor Boy...........j Ad 1 sa The Young Lieutenant.....j Ad 1 yl The Yankee Middy........j Ad 1 y Fighting Joe ..............j Ad 1 f Brave Old Salt............j Ad 1 b Young America Abroad, First Series. Outward Bound ..........j Ad 1 o Shamrock and Thistle... .j Ad 1 sh Red Cross ................j Ad 1 r Dikes and Ditches..........j Ad 1 d Palace and Cottage........j Ad 1 p Down the Rhine..........j Ad 1 do Young America Abroad, Second Series. Up the Baltic ............j Ad 1 ub Northern Lands ..........j Ad 1 n Cross and Crescent.........j Ad 1 c Sunny Shores ...........j Ad 1 su Vine and Olive............j Ad 1 v Isles of the Sea...........j Ad 1 is Miscellaneous. In Doors and Out.^.........j Ad 1 i Living too Fast............j Ad 11 Poor and Proud...........j Ad 1 po Way of the World........j Ad 1 wJUVENILE. 47 Adrift in the City. Alger......j A1 3 a Adventures of a Brownie. Mulock. .........................j M 91 a Adventures of a Country Boy. Otis. .........................j Ot 4 a Adventures of a Young Naturalist. Biart ......................j B 47 Adventures of Joel Pepper. Sidney. .........................j Si 2 f Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain. ...........................j T 911 Afloat and Ashore. Kingston, j K613 a Afloat with the Flag. Henderson. .........................j H 38 a ALCOTT, LOUISA M. Eight Cousins ..................j A1 1 e Garland for Girls..........31 A1 1 g Hospital Sketches..........j A1 1 h Jack and Jill...............j A1 1 j Jo's Boys . v...............j A1 1 jo Little Men .................j A1 1 1 Little Women .............j A1 1 li Lulu's Library, 3 v........j A1 1 lu Old Fashioned Girl........j A1 1 o Proverb Stories............j A1 1 p Rose in Bloom.............j A1 1 r Silver Pitchers ............j A1 1 s Spinning Wheel Stories. .. .j A1 1 sp Under the Lilacs...........j A1 1 u ALDEN, MRS. G. R. (Pansy.) Getting Ahead ..........j A1 2 g Pansy's Scrap Book........j A1 2 p The Pocket Measure.......j A1 2 po Randolphs .................j A1 2 r Reuben's Hindrances ......j A1 2 re Ruth Erskine's Crosses... .j A1 2 ru Side by Side...............j A1 2 s Sidney Martin's Christmas, .j A1 2 si Six Little Girls............j A1 2 sm Six O'clock in the Evening, j A1 2 sn Some Young Heroines. .. .j A1 2 so Spun from Facts..........j A1 2 sp Tip Lewis . ...^............j A1 2 ti Two Boys................j A1 2 tw Wanted ...................j A1 2 w) What They Couldn't......j A1 2 wh ALDEN, W. L. Cruise of the Canoe Club ............j A1 21 c The Cruise of the "Ghost".j A1 21 cr Jimmy Brown ............j A1 21 j A New Robinson Crusoe.. j A1 21 n ALDRICH, T. B. The Story of a Bad Boy .................j A1 24 ALGER, H., JR. (Lieut. R. H. Jayne.) Adrift in the City. .........................j A1 3 a The Errand Boy............j A1 3 e The Five Hundred Dollar Check ...................j A1 3 fi Frank Fowler .............j A1 3 fs . Joe's Luck .................j A1 3 j Lost in the Wilderness......j A1 3 1 Tom Temple's Career......j A1 3 to The Train Boy...........>.jAl3tr Campaign Series. ......... Frank's Campaign ........j A1 3 fr Paul Prescott's Charge. .. .j A1 3 p Charlie Codman's Cruise. .j A1 3 c Luck and Pluck Series. Luck and Pluck............j A1 3 lu Sink or Swim..............j A1 3 s Strong and Steady. ........j A1 3 si Strive and Succeed........j A1 3 so Try and Trust.............j A1 3 ty Bound to Rise.............j A1 3 bo Risen from the Ranks......j A1 3 ri Herbert Carter's Legacy. .. .] A1 3 h Ragged Dick Series. Ragged Dick ..............j A1 3 r Fame and Fortune.........j A1 3 fa Mark the Match Boy......j A1 3 m Rough and Ready..........j A1 3 ro Ben the Luggage Boy......j A1 3 b Rufus and Rose..........j A1 3 ru Alice's Adventures Underground. Carroll ..................j C 23 al Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll ..................j C 23 a All Among the Lighthouses. Crown- inshield ...................j C 88 An Amateur Fireman. Otis. .. j Ot 4 am American Boys Afloat. Adams. ......................j Ad 1 am American Indians. Starr......F970.3 S Among Malay Pirates. Henty.jH39a Among the Esquimaux. Ellis... j El 6 a ANDERSON, HANS C. Stories and Tales ..............j An 2 s Wonder Stories Told for Chil- dren ...................j An 2 w ANDREWS, JANE. Ten Boys. ...... ..................j An 22 t Andy's Ward. Otis........... j Ot 4 an Arabian Nights .............. .. . j Ar 1 Ark of El mi Island. Kellogg...j K29a Art and Artlessness. Leslie.... j L 56 a ARTHUR, T. S. Idle Hands.. .j Ar 7 i Arthur Brown. Kellogg......j K 29 ar Asbury Twins. May..........j M 45 a Asiatic Breezes. Adams......j Ad 1 as At Aboukir and Acre. Henty.j H 39 ab At Agincourt. Henty.........j H 39 ac At the Back of the North Wind. Macdonald ..............j M 14 a ATHERTON, GERTRUDE. The Valiant Runaways .........j At 4 Aunt Madge's Story. May.....j M 45 q BAKER, SIR SAMUEL. Cast Up by the Sea.................j B 17 BARNES, JAMES. Hero of Erie. ..........................j B 26 h Yankee Ships and Yankee Sail- ors .....................j B 26 y BARNES, JOSIAH. Wonderful Adventures..............j B 261 BARNUM, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs ...............j 92 B 2648 JUVENILE. BARROWS, W. Twelve Nights in a Hunter's Camp...........j B 27 Battle and a Boy. Howard......j H 83 Bed Time Stories. Moulton.....j M 86 The Bee People. Morley........j 595 M Belle and the Boys. Corbin. .. .j C 81 b Ben, the Luggage Boy. Alger..j A1 3b Beric, the Briton. Henty......j H 39 b Betty Leicester. Jewett...........j J 55 BlART, L. Adventures of a Young Naturalist................j B 47 Bible Heroes. W. H. Browne.j 220.9 B Bird's Christmas Carol. Wiggin. .........................j \V63b BISHOP, N. H. Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America. ...........................j 918 B BLACK, W. The Fouj Macnicols. .......... ..................j B 5.6 f The Blue Fairy Book. Lang. .. .j L25 b Blue Jackets of '61. Abbott. . .j 973.7 A The Bodleys Afoot. Scudder.j Scu 3 b'a The Bodleys on Wheels. Scudder. . .. .....................j Scu 3 bo The Bodleys Telling Stories. Scud- der ...................j Scu 3 bt BOLTON, S. K. Girls Who Be- came Famous ..........j 920.7 B BONNER, JOHN. Child's History of the United States, 2VJ973B2 Bonnie Prince Charlie. Henty. jH 39 ba Book of Romance. Lang......jL25bo Book of the Ocean. Ingersoll. .. j 551 I Both Sides the Border. Henty. j H 39 bb Bound in Honor. Trowbridge, .j T 75 b Bound to Rise. Alger........ .jAl3bo BOUVET, MARGUERITE. A Child of Tuscany...... .. .j B 66 c Prince Tip-Top ............jB66p Sweet William .............j B 66 s Boy Duck Hunters. F. E. Kellogg. ..........................j K 291 The Boy Emigrants. N. Brooks. .........................j B 791 b Boy Farmers of Elm Island. Kel- logg ...................j K 29 b Boy Knight. Henty..........j H 39 be Boy of the First Empire. E. Brooks. ..........................j B79b Boy Soldier of 1812. Tomlinson..j T 59 The Boy Traders. Castlemon. .j C 27 b Boy Trappers. Castlemon.....j C 27 bo BOYESEN, H. H. Boyhood in Norway ................j B 69 b The Modern Vikings......j B 69 m Norseland Tales ...........iB69n Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen.. j B 69 b Boyhood of Great Men. Mayhew. ........."................j 920 Mi Boyhood of Martin Luther. May- hew ...................j 92 L 97 Boys' Froissart. Lanier.........j 940 L Boys' King Arthur. Lanier.....j 398 L Boys of Greenway Court. Butter- worth .................j B 98 bo- Boys of 1745. Otis............jOt4b Boys < of '61. Coffin..........j 973.7 Cb Boys of '76. Coffin..........j 973-3 Cb Boys' Own Book................j 796 A A Boy's Town. Howells.......j H 833 Brave Old Salt. Adams.......j Ad 1 b Bravest of the Brave. Henty. .j H 39 bd BROOKS, E. S. A Boy of the e First Empire ............j B 79 b Historic Boys ..............j92oB Historic Girls ..........j 920.7 B I Master of the Strong Hearts. ............ /............j B 79 m True Story of Abraham Lin- coln. . .. !................j B 79 I True Story of Benjamin Frank- lin ......................j B 79 f True Story of George Wash- ington .................j B 79 w BROOKS, NOAH. The Boy Emi- grants .................j B 791 b The Fairport Nine.........j B 791 f Our Base Ball Club......j B 791 o BROWN, DR. JOHN. Rab and His Friends ...............j B 81 BROWN, W. H. Bible Heroes.j 220.9 B Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast. Stockton .......j St 59 b BUCKLEY, ARABELLA B. Fairy- land of Science .........j 504 B Buckskin Mose. Rosenberg . .... j R 72 Budd Boyd's Triumph. Chipman.j C 44 b Building the Nation. Coffin, .j 973 3 C bu B U N Y A N, JOHN. Pilgrim's Progress .. ............j B 883 Buried Treasure. Castlemon ,.jC27bu BURNETT, F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy ..............j B 93 1 Little Saint Elizabeth......j B 93 li Sara Crewe ................j B 93 s BUTTERWORTH, H. In the Boy- hood of Lincoln..........j B 98 b Boys of Greenway Court, .j B 98 bo I11 Old New England.......j B 98 i The Knight of Liberty......j B 98 k Little Arthur's History of Rome .................j 937 B 1 Lost ip Nicaragua.........JB98I Over tht >^des............j B 98 o The Parson's Miracle.......jB98p The Patriot Schoolmaster, .j B 98 pa The Wampun Belt........jB98 w Young Folk's History of Amer- ica ....................j 973 B 1 Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands ........ ..........j 914 B 1 Zigzag Journeys in Europe, j 914 B ie Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands............ .....j 914 B 1 n Zigzag Journeys in the Occi- dent .................j 917.3 B 2JUVENILE. Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. ......................j 914 Bio By England's Aid. Henty. .. . j H 39 be By Pike and Dyke.^ Henty. ...j H 39 bp By Right of Conquest. Henty. j H 39 br By Sheer Pluck. Henty......j H 39 bs Cabin on the Prairie. Pearson., j P 31 c Campmates. Munroe ......... j M 92 c Canoemates Munroe ........j M 92 ca Captain Bayley's Heir. Henty.. jH 39 c Captain Horace. May.........j M 45 e Captain January. L. Richards.. .j R 39 c Captain Polly. Swett..........j Sw 4 c Captured by Apes. Prentice.....j P 91 CARLETON. (See C. C. COFFIN.) CARROLL, LEWIS (pseud, of c. L. Dodgson). Alice's Adven- tures in Wonderland ... . j C 23 a Alice's Adventures Under- ground .................j'C23al Sylvie and Bruno-..........j C 23 s Sylvie and Bruno, concluded. .........................j C 23 sy Through the Looking Glass..j C 23 t Cast Up by the Sea. Baker......j B 17 CAST-LEMON, HARRY (pseud, of C. A. Fosdick). Guy Har- ris ......................j C27 gu Julian Mortimer ..........jC27ju Missing Pocket Book.....j C 27 mx A Sailor in Spite of Himself, j C 27 s Boy Trapper Series. Buried Treasure..........j C 27 bu Boy Trapper .............j C 27 bo The Mail Carrier..........jC27m Forest and Stream Series. Joe Wayring at Home......j C 27 j Snagged and Sunk........i C 27 sn The Steel Horse ..........j C 27 st Frank Nelson Series. Snowed Up..............j C 27 so Frank Nelson in the Forecastle. ................. ......j C 27 ff The Boy'Traders...........j C 27 b Go Ahead Series. Tom Newcombe ...........jC27t Go Ahead ...............j C 27 gx No Moss ..................j C 27 n Gunboat Series. Frank the Young Naturalist. ........ ................j C 27 fy Frank in the Woods......j C 27 fw Frank on the Lower Mississippi. C 27 fl Frank on a Gunboat.......j C 27 ig Frank Before Vicksburg. .. j C 27 fv Frank on the Prairie......j C 27 fp Rocky Mountain Series. Frank Among the Rancheros. ........................j C 27 fr Frank in the Mountains.. .j C27 fm Frank at Don Carlo's Ranch. ........................j C 27 fd ^ 1 Rod and Gun Series. 49 Don Gordon's Shooting Box. .........................j C 27 d Young Wild Fowlers ......j C2jy Rod and Gun Club.........j C 27 r Roughing It Series. George in Camp..........j C 27 gc George at the Wheel......j C 27 gw George at the Fort........j C 27 gf Elam Storm ..............j C 27 e War Series. True to His Colors........j C 27 tr Rodney the Overseer......j C 27 ro Marcy the Refugee .......j C 27 mr Rodney the Partisan ......j C 27 rp Marcy the Blockade Runner. .......................j C 27 mb Sailor Jack, the Trader. .. . j C 27 sj Cat of Bubastes. Henty......j H 39 ca CHAMPNEY, E. W. Rosemary and Rue ................. j C 35 r Six Boys ..................j C 35 s Three Vassar Girls Abroad, j C 35 ta Three Vassar Girls in Italy.j C 35 ti Three Vassar Girls in South America ................j C 35 ts Witch Winnie in Holland, j C 35 wh Witch Winnie's Mystery. .j C 35 wm Witch Winnie in Paris. .. .j C 35 wp Witch Winnie in Spain.. .j C 35 ws Witch Winnie's Studio. .. .j C 35 wt Witch Winnie in Venice. ..j C 35 wv Witch Winnie in Versailles. .............,...........j C 35 ww A Chance for Himself. Trow- bridge ...................j T 75 c CHAPIN, ANNA A. Wonder Tales From Wagner......:j 782 C Charlie Codman's Cruise. Alger. ...............'..........j A1 3 c Chasing a Yacht. Otis. ....... .j Ot 4 c Child of the Island Glen. Kellogg. ........................j K 29 c A Child of Tuscany. Bouvet. .. j B 66 c The Children of the Cold. Schwatka ................j Sch 9 Children's Week. Raymond. .. .j R 213 Child's History of England. Dickens ..................j 942 D Child's History of the United States, 2 v. Bonner.....j 973 B 2 CHIPMAN, W. P. Budd Boyd's Triumph ...............j C 44 b Roy Gilbert's Search.......j C 44 r Chris the Model Maker. Stoddard. ........ .................j St 6 c Christie Elmwood and Her Friends. . .. ....... ................j C 46 Christmas with Grandma Elsie. Finley ...................j'F 49 11 Chrystal, Jack and Co. Munroe. .......................i M 92 ch CHURCH, A. J. Roman Life in the Days of Cicero.........j 937 C 1 r Stories from Herodotus... .j 930 C 15° JUVENILE. "Stories from Virgil........j 873 C st Stories of the Old World.j 873 Cs Story of the Persian War. . .j 935 C CLARKE, R. S. (See Sophie May.) CLEMENS, S. L. (See Mark T wain.).................... CLEMENT, J. Noble Deeds# of American Women .......j 920.7 C The Cliff Climbers. Reid......jR27c COFFIN, C. C. (Carleton.) The Boys of '61............j 973.7 Cb The Boys of '76..........j 973.3 Cb Building the Nation.....j 973.3 Cbu Dan of the Millbrook......j C 65 d Daughters of the Revolution. ........................j C 65 da Drumbeat of the Nation, .j 973.7 Cd Following the Flag.......j 973.7 Cf Freedom Triumphant.....j 973.7 Cfr Marching to Victory.....j 973.7 Cm My Days and Nights on the Battlefield ..........j 973.7 Cmy Old Times in the Colonies.j 973.2 C 1 Redeeming the Republic, .j 973.7 Cr The Seat of Empire.......j 917.3 C The Story of Liberty......j 940 C 1 Winning His Way.........j\C65w The Colonel's Money. Lillie... j L 62 c Comrades True. Ellis..........j El 6 c Condemned as a Nihilist. Henty. .......................j H 39 co CONVERSE, F. H. The Island Treasure................ j C 76 i The Coral Ship. Munroe ... .j M 92 co CORBIN, MRS. C. F. Belle and the Boys ....................j C 81 b The Cornet of Horse. Henty. .j H 39 cr Country of the Dwarfs. Du Chaillu. ......................j 916.6 Dc Cousin Grace. May............j M 45 f CRAIK, D. M. (See Miss Mulock.) Cross and Crescent. Adams... .j Ad 1 c CROWINSHIELD, M. B. All Among the Lighthouses. .. .j C 88 Cruise of the Canoe Club. W. L. Alden ..................j A1 21 c Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg..j K29cr The Cruise of the "Ghost." W. L. Alden .......... ......j A1 21 cr Cruise of the Montauk. McQuade. .........................j M 24 Cudjo's Cave. Trowbridge. .. .j T 75 cu Dab Kinzer. Stoddard.........j St 6 d Dan of the Millbrook. Coffin.. jC 65 d The Dash for Khartoum. Henty. .........................j H 39 d Daughters of the Revolution. Cof- fin .....................j C 65 da DAVIS, R. H. Stories for Boys.j D 29 Decatur and Somers. Seawell. .. j Se 1 DE FOE, DANIEL Robinson Crusoe .................j D 36 r DENISON, MARY A. An Every Day Heroine .............j D 41 Derrick Sterling. Munroe.....j M 92 d DIAZ, ABBY M. The William Henry Letters ............j D 54 Dick and Joe. Etheridge........jEt3 DICKENS, CHARLES. Child's History of England......j 942 D Diddie Dumps and Tot. Pyrnelle. .........................J P 993 Dikes and Ditches. Adams.. .j Ad 1 d Doctor Papa. May............j M 45 v DODGE, MARY MAPES. Donald and Dorothy ............j D 66 d Hans Brinker ............jD66h DODGSON, C. L. (See Lewis Car- roll) ...................... Doing His Best. Trowbridge, .j T 75 d Don Gordon's Shooting Box. Cas- tlemon .................j C 27 d Donald and Dorothy. Dodge.. jD 66 d Dorymates. Munroe ........j M 92 do Dotty Dimple. May..........j M 45 h Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmoth- ers. May ..............j M 45 i Dotty Dimple at Home. May. .j M 45 1 Dotty Dimple at Play. May. ..j M 45 m Dotty Dimple at School. May.j M 45 k Dotty Dimple Out West. May. .j M 45 j Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. May.j M 45 n DOUGLAS, AMANDA M. A Lit- tle Girl in Old Boston....j D 74 1 Down the Rhine. Adams.....j Ad 1 do The Dragon and the Raven. Henty. .......................j H39dr Drumbeat of the Nation. Coffin. ......................j 9737 Cd DRYSDALE, WILLIAM. Mys- tery of Abel Forefinger... .j D 84 DU CHAILLU, PAUL. Country of the Dwarfs..........j 916.6 Dc Lost in the Jungle........j 916.6 D1 My Apingi Kingdom. .. . j 916.6 Dm Wild Life Under the Equator. .....................j 916.6 Dw Stories of the Gorilla Country. ......................j 916.7 Ds EDGAR, J. G. • Sea Kings and Naval Heroes ............j 920 E EDGEWORTH, MARIA. Harry ^and Lucy ............. .j Ed 31 EGGLESTON, EDWARD. The Hoosier School-Boy......j Eg 3 h Queer Stories .. .. %........j Eg 3 q EGGLESTON, G. C Signal Boys. .......................j Eg 31 s Southern Soldier Stories, j Eg 31 so Strange Stories from History. • •• •*..................j Eg 31 st Eight Cousins. Alcott.........j A1 1 e Elam Storm. Castlemon......j C 27 e Eleanor ........................y.jEl2 ELLIS, EDWARD S. Among the Esquimaux ..............j El 6 a Comrades True ...........j El 6 c The Great Cattle Trail.....jE16gJUVENILE. 5i A Jaunt Through Java.....j El 6 j Path in the Ravine.........j El 6 p A Young Hero.............j El 6 y The Young Rancher.......j El 6 yo Elsie and the Raymonds. Finley. .........................JF490 Elsie at Home. Finley....... .j F 49 v Elsie at Ion. Finley..........j F 49 s Elsie at Nantucket. Finley... .j F 49 j Elsie at the World's Fair. Finley. ........................j F 49 t Elsie at Vjamede. Finley......j F 49 r Elsie Dinsmore. Finley........j F 49 a Elsie in the South. Finley. .. . j F 49 x Elsie on the Hudson. Finley . .j F 49 w Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds. Finley . ..,...............j F 49 p Elsie's Children. Finley........j F 49 f Elsie's Friends at Woodburn. Fin- ley .....................j F 49 m Elsie's Girlhood'. Finley........j F 49 c Elsie's Holidays at Roselands. Fin- ley ......................j F 49 b Elsie's journey on Inland Waters. Finley ..................jF49u Elsie's Kith ancl Kin. finley. . . j F 49 1 Elsie's Motherhood. Finley... .j F 49 e Elsie's New Relations. Finley. .j F 49 i Elsie's Vacation. Finley.,.......j F 49 q Elsie's Widowhood. Finley. .. .j F 49 g Elsie's Womanhood. Finley. .j F 49 d English Bodley Family. Scudder. .............. .........j 914.2 S Enoch Roden's Training........j En 6 The Errand Boy. Alger........j A1 3 e ETHERIDGE, MARY L. Dick and Joe ...................j Et 3 An Every Day Heroine. Denison.j D 41 EWING, J. H. Jackanapes.. . .j Ew 5 j Jan of the Windmill......j Ew 5 ja Six to Sixteen............j Ew 5 s The Story of a Short Life. j Ew 5 st Expressman and Detective. Pinker- - ton .......................j P 65 Ezra Jordan's Escape. Otis.....j Ot 4 e Facing Death. Henty..........j H 39 f The Fairport Nine. N. Brooks.j B 791 f Fairy .Book. May.............j M 45 g Fairy Tales. Grimm.............j G 88 Fairyland of Science. Buckley, .j 504^ Fame and Fortune. Alger.....j A1 3 fa Famous Boys ..............f .. .j 920 F FARQUHARSON, M. (See Mar- tha Finley).................. Fast Friends. Trowbridge.....j T 75 f The Ferry-Boy and the Financier, j F 41 FIELD, EUGENE. A Little Book 1 of Profitable Tales.........j F 45 Fighting Joe. Adams..........j Ad 1 f Final Reckoning. Henty......j H 39 fi FINLEY, MARTHA, {pseud, of M. Farquharson.) Elsie Dins- more ....................jF49a Elsie's Holidays at Roselands. .........................j F49b Elsie's Girlhood............j F 49 c Elsie's Womanhood........j F 49 d Elsie's Motherhood ........j F 49 e Elsie's Children ...........jF49f Elsie's Widowhood ........j F 49 g Grandmother Elsie ........jF49h Elsie's New Relations......j F 49 i Elsie at Nantucket ........jF49j The Two< Elsies ...........j F 49 k Elsie's Kith and Kin........j F 49 1 Elsie's Friends at Woodburn.- ........................j F 49 m , Christmas with Granama Elsie. •;.......................j F49II Elsie and the Raymonds. . .j F 49 o Elsie Yachting with the Ray- monds ..................jF49p Elsie's Vacation ...........j F 49 q Elsie at Viamede...........j F 49 r Elsie at Ion................j F 49 s Elsie at the World's Fair...j F49t Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters ..................j F 49 u Elsie at Home.............j F 49 v Elsie on the Hudson......j F 49 w Elsie in the South..........j Fv49 x Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove. Kel- logg ...................j K 29 f FISKE, STEPHEN. Holiday Stories...................j F 54 The Five Hundred Dollar Check. Alger ...................j A1 3 fi Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Sidney ...........j Si 2 a Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Sid- ney ......................j Si 2 c Five Little Peppers Midway. Sid- ney ......................j Si 2 b The Flamingo Feather. Munroe.j M 92 f Flaxie Frizzle. May..........j M 45 u Flaxie Growing Up. May.....j M 45 z Flying Hill Farm. Swett......j Sw 4 f Following the Flag. Coffin. .. . j 973.7 Cf For Name and Fame. Henty. .j H 39 fn For the Temple. Henty......j H 39 fo Forest Glen. Kellogg.........jK29fo FOSDICK, C. A. $See H. Castle- mon) ..................... Four and Five. E. E, Hale. .. .j H 13 f Four Footed Americans. Wright. .........................j 599 W The Four Macnicols. Black... .j B 56 f Four Young Explorers. Adams.j Ad 1 fo FOWLER, E. H. The Young Pre- tenders ...................j F 82 FOWLER, W. W. Tales of the Birds ...................-J 598F Frank Among the Rancheros. Cas- tlemon ..................j C 27 fr Frank at Don Carlo's Ranch. Cas- tlemon .................j C 27 fd52 JUVENILE. Frank Before Vicksburg. Castle- mon ....................j C 27 fv Frank Fowler. Alger..........j A1 3 fs Frank in the Mountains. Castlemon. .......................j C 27 fm Frank in the Woods. Castlemon. .......................j C 27 f w Frank Nelson in the Forecastle. Castlemon ..............j C 27 ff Frank on a Gunboat. Castlemon. ...................; •• - .j C 27 fg Frank 011 the Lower Mississippi. Castlemon ..............j C 27 fl Frank 011 the Prairie. Castlemon. .........................j C27fp Frank the Young Naturalist. Cas- tlemon ..................C 27 fy Frank's Campaign. Alger. .. .. .j A1 3 fr Freedom Triumphant. Coffin .j 973.7 Cfr FRENCH, H. W. Our Boys in China ...................j F 88 c Our Boys in India.........j F 88 i Friends Though Divided. Henty. ........................j H39fr From Powder Monkey to Admiral. Kingston ...............j K 61 3 f The Fur Seal's Tooth. Munroe.j M 92 fu Garland for Girls. Alcott......j A1 1 g George at the Fort. Castlemon. j C 27 gf George at the Wheel. Castlemon. .......................j C 27 gw George in Camp. Castlemon. .j C 27 gc Getting Ahead. Mrs. G. R. Alden. .........................j A1 2 g Girls who became Famous. Bolton. .........................j 920.7 B Go Ahead. Castlemon........j C 27 gx Golden Days of '49. Munroe. . j M 92 g GORDEN, COL. H. R. Tecumseh. ..........................j G 65 GOSS, WARREN L. Jed......j G 69 j Grandmother Elsie. Finley... .j F 49 h The Great Cattle Trail. Ellis.. .j El 6 g Green Fairy Book. Lang......j L2^g GRIMM, W. C. Fairy Tales... .j G88 Guy Harris. Castlemon......j C 27 gu Gypsy's Cousin Joy. Phelps. .. .j P 51 g HABBERTON, JOHN. Who Was Paul Grayson?..........j H 11 w HALE, E. E. Four and Five. .. j H 13 f Stories of Adventure......;j9ioH Stories of Discovery.......j 910 Hs Stories of Invention........j 926 H Stories of the Sea.........j 910 Hst Stories of War..........j 973.7 H 1 HALE, L. P. The Peterkin Papers. ........................ -j H 131 Half Round the World. Adams. ........................j Ad 1 h Hans Brinker. Dodge.........j D 66 h Hard Scrabble of Elm Island. Kel- logg ....................j K 29 h HARRIS, J. C. Uncle Remus. ..j 398 H HARRIS, M. C. Louie's Last Term at St. Mary's..............j H 245 Harry and Lucy. Edgeworth. .. j Ed 31 Harry's Vacation. W. C. Rich- ards .....................j R 391 HAUFF, WM. Tales of Caravan, Inn and Palace............j H 29 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Tanglewood Tales ......jH3iit Wonder Book............j H 311 w HAYS, MRS. W. J. The Princess Idleways ................j H 33 p Prince Lazybones ........j H 33 pr The Headless Horseman. Reid.j R27I1 Held Fast for England. Henty.j JT 39 h HENDERSON, W. J. Afloat wijih The Flag ...............j H 38 a Sea Yarns for Boys........j H 38 s Hendricks the Hunter. Kingston. ...... .................j K6i3k HENTY, G. A. Among Malay Pirates ..................j H 39 a At Aboukir and Acre......j H 39 ab At Agincourt ............j H 39 ac Beric, the Briton...........j H 39 b Bonnie Prince Charlie. .. . j H 39 ba Both Sides the Border. .. .j H 39 bb Boy Knight ..............j H 39 be The Bravest of the Brave, j H 39 bd By England's Aid........j H 39 be By Pike and Dyke........j H 39 bp By Right of Conquest.....j H^pbr By "Sheer Pluck...........j H 39 bs Captain Bayley's Heir ... .. JH39C Cat of Bubastes.......... .j H 39 ca Condemned as a Nihilist, .j H 39 co The Cornet of Horse......j H 39 cr The Dash for Khartoum.. .j H 39 d The Dragon and the Raven.j H 39 dr Facing Death .............j H 39 f Final Reckoning...........j H 39 fi For Name and Fame......j H 39 fn For the Temple ..........j H 39 fo Friends, Though Divided, .j H 39 fr Held Fast for England.....j H 39 ti In Freedom's Cause.......jH39 jf » In Greek Waters .........ji H 39 ig \ In the Heart of the Rockies.j H 39 ih In the Reign of Terror. .. . j H 39 ir In Times of Peril.........j H 39 it Jack Archer ...............j H 39 j Jacobite Exile ............j H 39 ja Knight of the White Cross.j H39k The Lion of the North.....j H 39 1 The Lion of St. Mark.....j H 39 li Maori and Settler ........j H 39 m March on London...... . j H 39 ma No Surrender.............j H 39 n On the Irrawaddy. . . ....JH390 One of the 28th...........j H 39 on Orange and Green........j H 39 or Out on the Pampas......j H 39 ou Redskin and Cowboy ...... j H 39 r Roving Commission .....j H 39 ro St. Bartholomew's Eve. .. .j H 39 sbJUVENILE. St. George for England. .. .j H 39 sg Sturdy and Strong........j H 39 st Through Russian Snows... j H 39 ta< Through the Fray........j H 39 tb Through the Sikh War. .. .j H 39 tc Tiger of Mysore..........j H 39 ti True to the Old Flag......j H 39 tr Under Drake's Flag......j H 39 ud Under Wellington's Command. . .......................j H 39 uw When London Burned... .j H 39 w With Clive in London.....j H 39 wc With Cochran the Dauntless... •......................j H 39 wd With Frederick the Great, j H 39 wf With Lee in Virginia......j H 39 wl With Moore at Corunna. .j H 39 wm With Wolfe in Canada... .j H 39 wn Won by the Sword.....JH39WO Wulf the Saxon.........j H 39 wu Young Buglers ..........jH39yb Young Carthaginian.......j H 39 yc Young Colonists ........j H 39 yd Young Franctireurs ......jH39yf Young Midshipman . .jH39ym Herbert Carter's Legacy. Alger.j A1 3 h Herodotus for Boys and Girls. White .................j 930 Wh Hero of Erie. Jas. Barnes. .. .j B 26 h HIGGINSON, T. W. Young Folks' History of United States, .j 973 H 1 Hildegarde's Holiday. L. Richards .......................j R39I1 HILL, A. F. Our Boys.........j H 55 HILL, RANDOLPH. Tom the Ready .....................j H 551 His Own Master. Trowbridge.j T 75 h Historic Boys. E. S. Brooks... .j 920 B Historic Girls. E. S. Brooks.j 920.7 B 1 HOLDER, CHARLES F...Stories of Animal Life...........j 590 H Holiday Stories. Fiske ..........j F 54 The Hoosier School-Boy. E. Eg- gleston .................jEg3h Hope Benham. N. Perry......j P 421 h Hospital Sketches. Alcott......j A1 1 h HOUSE, E. H. The Midnight Warning ..................j H 81 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie.j L 62 h HOWARD, BLANCHE W. (Mrs. Teuffel). Battle and a Boy..j H 83 HOWELLS, W. D. A Boy's Town*....................j H833 Huckleberry Finn. Twain .....j T 91 h HUGHES, T. Tom Brown's School Days .....................j H 87 t Tom Brown at Oxford.. .j H 87 to The Hunter's Feast. Reid.....j R 27 hu Ice Queen. Ingersoll ...........j In 41 Idle Hands. Arthur ...........j Ar 7 i In Doors and Out. Adams.....j Ad 1 i In Freedom's Cause. Henty. .j H 39 if In Greek Waters. Henty.....j H 39 ig 53 In Old New England . Butterworth .........................j B 98 i In the Boyhood of Lincoln. But- terworth ............... .jB98b In the Heart of the Rockies. Henty • .......................jH 391*1 In the Reign of Terror. Henty.j H 39 ir In Times of Peril. Henty. .. . j H 39 it INGELOW, JEAN. Mopsa the Fairy ...................j In 4 m Sister's Bye Hours.......*.. .j In 4 s Stories Told to a Child.... j In 4 ss Stories Told to a Child (Second Series) ................j In 4 st Studies for Stories .......j In 4 su INGERSOLL, ERNEST. A Book of the Ocean .............j 551 I The Ice Queen ...7.........j In 41 Into Unknown Seas. Ker .....j K 45 i IRVING, F. B. Six Girls. .......j Ir 8 An Island Refuge. Otis ......j Ot 4 ar The Island Treasure. Converse, j C 76 i Isles of the Sea. Adams.......j Ad 1 is Jack and Jill. Alcott...........j A1 1 j Jack Archer. Henty .. ..:......j H 39 j Jack Hazard. Trowbridge......j T 75 j Jack the Hunchback. Otis.....j Ot 4 j Jackanapes. Ewing ...........j Ew 5 j JAQKSON, H. H. Nellie's Silver- Mine .....................j J 13 Jacobite Exile. Henty .......jH39ja JAMISON, MRS. C. V. Lady Jane .........................j J 24 1 Toinette's Philip .......... . j J 24 t Jan of the Windmill. Ewing. .j Ew 5 jV A Jaunt Through Java. Ellis... i El 6 j JAYNE, LIEUT. R. H. (See H. A Iger, Jr.) Jed. Goss ....................j G 69 j JEWETT, SARAH O. Betty Lei- cester .....................j J 55 Jim of Hellas. L. Richards. .. .j R 39 j Jimmy Brown. W. L. Alden. .j A1 21 j Joe Nichols. Oldfellow..........j Ol r Joe Wayring at Home. Castlemon .......................j C27 j Joe's Luck. Alger ............j A1 3 j John Gay. Abbott ...........j Ab 2 j JOHNSON, ROSSITER. Phaeton Rogers ....................j J 63 JOHNSTON, A. FELLOWS. The Little Colonel .............j J 64 The Jolly Rover. Trowbridge, .j T 75 jo Jo's Boys. Alcott ............j A1 1 jo Jo's Opportunity. Lillie .......j L 62 j Julian Mortimer. Castlemon. .j C 27 ju Just About a Boy. Phillips......j P 54 KELLOGG, ELIJAH. Ark of Elm Island .................j K 29 a Arthur Brown ...........j K 29 ar Boy Farmers of Elm Island.j K 29 b Thild of the Island Glen... jK 29 c Cruise of the Casco ......jK29cr54 JUVENILE. Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove .......................J Kagf Forest Glen ..............j K 29 fo Hard Scrabble of Elm Island .... ..................j K 29 h Lion Ben.................j K 29 1 Mission of Black Rifle. .. .j K 29 m Sowed by the Wind ......j K 29 s A Stout Heart ...........j K 29 so A Strong Arm ...........j K29sr Turning of the Tide.......jK29t The Unseen Hand ........j K 29 u Whispering Pine..........j K29W Wolf Run ...............j K 29 wo Young Deliverers .........jK29y Young Ship Builders . ...jK29yo KELLOGG, FRANK E, Boy Duck Hunters ..................j K 291 KERj DAVID. Into Unknown Seas ......................jK45i Lost City .................J.K45I KING, E. Under the Red Flag. ..j K 58 King of the Golden River. Ruskin.j R 89 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Water Babies ........ ...........j K61 KINGSTON, W. H. G. Afloat and Ashore ................j K 613 a From powder Monkey to Ad- miral ................. .jK6i3f Hendricks the Hunter . .. . j K613 h Mark Seaworth..........j K6i3m Peter Trawl .............jK6i3p Salt Water ..............jK6i3s Swiss Family Robinson, .j K613 sw Kittyleen. May ..............j M 45 y The Knights of Liberty. Butter- worth .................j B 98 k Knights of the White Cross. Henty ........................j H 39 lc Knockabout Club Along Shore. Stephens...............j 919.8 S Knockabout Club in the Tropics. Stephens...............j 9I7-2 S KNOX, T. W. The Lost Army..j K 77 Lady Jane. Jamison............j J 24 1 LAMB, CHARLES and MARY. Tales from Shakespeare. . .j L 16 LANG, ANDREW. - The Blue Fairy Book ...................jL25b The Book of Romance. .. .j L 25 bo The Green Fairy Book......j L25g The Red Fairy Book.......j L 25 r LANIER, SIDNEY. Boy's Frois- sart .....................j 94° L Boy's King Arthur..........j 398 L Lassie, Paull ..................JP28I LAURIE, A. Schoolboy Days in Russia .................. 0 L37 Lawrence's Adventures. Trowbridge .........................JT75I Left Behind. Otis. ............jOt4l LESLIE, MADELINE. Art and Artlessness .............j L 56 a Trying to be Useful........j L 56 t Up the Ladder^............j1 L 56 u Life on the Mississippi. Twain.j T91 e Light. Abbott ................. j 535 A LILLIE, LUCY C. The Colonel's Money .................j L62 c Household^of Glen Holly... j L 62 h Jo's Opportunity ...........jL62j Mildred's Bargain ........j L 62 m Nan ......................jL62n Phil and the Baby........j L 62 p Rolf House ...............jL62r Story of Music and Musicians ........ ................j 780 L Lion Ben. Kellogg ...........JK29I The Lion of St. Mark. Henty. .j H 39 li The Lion of the North. Henty. . j H 39 I Little Arthur's History . of Rome. Butterworth ............j 937 B 1 Little Book of Profitable Tales. Field ....................j F 45- The Little Colonel. Johnston----j J 64 A Little Colonial Dame. Sage. , .j Sa 1 Little Folks Astray. May.....j M 45 o A Little Girl in Old Boston. Doug- las ....................J D 74 1 Little Grandfather. May ......j M 45 s Little Grandmother. May.....j M 45 r Little Lady Valentine. Paull. .-j P 28 li Little Lame Prince. Mulock. .. j M 91 1 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett.j B 93 I Little Men. Alcott ........... . j A111 Little Pitchers. May .........j M 45 w Little Prudy. May ...........j M 45 c Little Pussy Willow. Stowe.....j St 7 Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett, j B 93 li; Little Women. Alcott ........j A1 I li Lives of the Hunted. Thompson .......................j 596 Tt Living Too Fast. Adams......j Ad 11 The Lost Army. Knox .........j K 77 1 Lost City. Ker ...............j K 45 1 Lost in Nicaragua. Butterworth.j B 98 1 Lost in the Jungle. Du Chaillu .....................j, 916.6 DI Lost in the Wilderness. Alger.. j A1 3 1 Lost Lenore. Reid ............j R 27 I LOTHROP, MRS. (See Margaret Sidney.) Louie's Last Term at St. Mary's. Harris ....... ........j H 245 A Loyal Little Maid. Robinson, .j R 56 - Luck and Pluck. Alger .......j A1 3 lu Lulu's Library (3 v.). Alcott.j A1 1 In LUMMIS, CHARLES F. The Man Who Married the Moon .......................j 398 L 4- McCABE, JAMES D., JR. Plant- ing the Wilderness......j M 12 p MACDONALD, GEORGE. At the Back of the North Wind.j M 14 a Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood .......................j M 14 r | McMURRY, L. B. Robinson Cru- 1 soe for Boys and Girls.....j M 22;JUVENILE. ■ 55 McQUADE, J. The Cruise of the Montauk ................j M 24 The Mail Carrier. Castlemon. .j C 27 m Man of War Life. Nordhoff. .j N 75 m The Man Who Married the Moon. Lufcimis ................J398L4 Maori and Settler. Henty.... j H 39 m March on London. Henty . . j H 39 ma Marching to Victory. Coffin, j 973.7 C m Marcy, the Blockade Runner. Cas- tlemon ................j C 27 mb Marcy, the Refugee. Castlemon ......................j C 27 mr Mark Seaworth. Kingston . .. j K 613 m Mark, the^Match Boy. Alger.. .j AI3 m The Maroon. Reid ..........j R 27 m Mary and Florence. Tytler......j T 99 Mary, Queen of Scots. Abbott.j Ab 2 m Master of the Strong Hearts. E. Brooks ................j B 79 m MAY, SOPHIE (Pseud, of R. S. Clarke). The Asbury Twins •......................j M45a Our Helen ...............j M 45 b Little Prudy Stories. Little Prudy ..............j M 45 c Sister Susy ...............j M 45 d Captain Horace ...........j M 45 e Cousin Grace .............j M 45 f Fairy Book ..............j M 45 g Dotty Dimple ............j M 45 h Dotty Dimple Series. Dotty Dimple at H£r Grand- mother's .......... . ....jM45i Dotty Dimple Out West... .j M 45 j Dotty Dimple at School.. .j M 45 k Dotty Dimple at< Home.....j M 45 1 Dotty Dimple at Play .... j M 45 m Dotty Dimple's Flyaway...j M 45 n Little "Prudy Flyaway Series. Little Folks Astray........j M 45 o Prudy Keeping House. ... j M 45 p Aunt Madge's Story......j M 45 q Little Grandmother ........j M 45 r Little Grandfather ........j M 45 s Miss Thistledown ........j M 45 t Flaxie Frizzle Stories. Flaxie Frizzle ............j M 45 u Doctor Papa .............j M 45 v Little Pitchers ...........j M 45 w The Twin Cousins.........j M 45 x Kittyleen ................j M 45 y Flaxie Growing Up .......j M 45 z MAYHEW, HENRY. Boyhood of Great Men ............j 920 M 1 Boyhood of Martin Luther, j 92 L 97 Story of Peasant Boy Philoso- pher ........ .........j M 454 p Wonders of Science......j M 454 w Young Benjamin Franklin..... ....................j 92 F85 m MEADE, L. T. A World of Girls .........................j M 46 Meat Eaters ...................j 599 M Melody. L. Richards ........jR39t» Men Who Have Risen .......j 920 M 2 The Midnight Warning House, .j H 81 Mildred's Bargain. Lillie......j L 62 m A Millionaire at Sixteen. Adams .......................j Ad 1 m Miss Thistledown. May ......j M 45 t A Missing Million. Adams, .j Ad 1 mi Missing Pocketbook. Castlemon.. ..................... j C 27 mx Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg.j K 29 m Mr. Stubb's Brother. Otis....j Ot>4 ro The Modern Vikings. Boyesen. J B 69 m Moon Prince. Munkittrick. .j M 923 m Mopsa, the Fairy. Ingelow. ... j In 4 m MORLEY, MARGARET. The Bee People ..................j 595 M MORRISON, H. S. A Yankee Boy's Success .......... j M 83 y MOULTON, L. C. Bed-Time Stories ...................j M 86 MULOCK, MISS (pseud, of D. M. Craik). Adventures of a Brownie ................j M 91 a The Little Lame Prince.... j M 911 Plucky Boys .............j M 91 p MUNKITTRICK, R. K. The Moon Prince ................j M 923 m MUNROE, KIRK. Campmates. .j M 92 c Canoemates ...............j M 92 ca Chrystal, Jack & Co.......j M 92 ch The Coral Ship ..........j M 92 co Derrick Sterling .........j M 92 d Dorymates ..............j M 92 do The Flamingo Feather.....j M 92 f The Fur Seal's Tooth... .j M 92 fu Golden Days of '49........j M 92 g Prince Dusty .............j M 92 p Raftmates ...............j M 92 r . Wakulla ................ .j M 92 w TVIy Apingi Kingdom. Du Chaillu. ( .....................j 916.6 Dm My Days and Nights on the Battle- field. Coffin ........j 937.7 C my My Strange Rescue. Oxley.....j 0x4 Mystery of Abel Forefinger. Drys- dale ...................., j D 84 Nan. Lillie ...................j L 62 n Narcissa. L. Richards .........jR39n Neal the Miller. Otis..........j Ot4n Nellie's Silver Mine. Jackson... .j J 13 A New Robinson Crusoe. W. L. Alden ................j A1 21 n No Moss. Castlemon .........j C 27 n No Surrender. Henty ........j H 39 n Noble Deeds of American Women. Clement ...............j 920.7 C NORDHOFF, CHAS. Man of War Life ...................j N 75 m Sailor Life ...............j N 75 s Norseland Tales. Boyesen.... .j B 69n Northern Lands. Adams .....j Ad 1 it Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. jN 8456 JUVENILE. OBER, F. A. Young Folks' His- tory of Mexico ..........j 972 O Old-Fashioned Girl. Alcott... .j A1 1 o Old Time in the Colonies. Coffin ......................j 973-2 C 1 OLDFELLOW, ALFRED. Joe Nichols ..................j 01 1 On the Irrawaddy. Henty.....j H 39 o One of the Twenty-eighth. Henty • ...................j H39on OPTIC OLIVER. See W. T. Adams. Orange and Green. Henty. .. .j H 39 or OTIS, JAMES. Adventures of a Country Boy ............j Ot 4 a An Amateur Fireman .... j Ot 4 am Andy's Ward ...........j Ot 4 an The Boys of 1745 .........j Ot 4 b Chasing a Yacht ..........j Ot 4 c Ezra Jordan's Escape ......j Ot 4 e An Island Refuge ........j Ot 4 ar Jack the Hunchback........j Ot 4 j Left Behind ...............j Ot 4 1 Mr. Stubb's Brother ......j Ot 4 m Neal the Miller ...........j Ot 4 n Raising the Pearl..........j Ot 4 r Sarah Dillard's Ride ......j Ot 4 s Signal Boys of '75........j Ot 4 sc Silent Pete ...............j Ot 4 si Tim and Tip ..............j Ot 4 t Toby Tyler ..............j Ot 4 to The Treasure Finders......j Ot 4 tr Under the Liberty Tree.. .. j Ot 4 u When Israel Putnam Served the King ...................j Ot 4 w With Washington at Monmouth ......................j Ot 4 wi Our Base Ball Club. N. Brooks.. ......................j B 791 o Our Boys. A. F. Hill.......j H 55 Our Boys' and Girls' Tour Around the World. Anon ....... j 910 O Our Boys in China. French.....j F 88 c Our Boys in India. * French. .. .j F88 i Our Helen. May .............jM45b Out on the Pampas. Henty. . .j H 39 ou Outward Bound. Adams.......j Ad 1 o Over the Andes, Butterworth.. j B 98 o OXLEY, J. M. My Strange Rescue ........................ .j 0x4 Palace and Cottage. Adams. .. .j Ad 1 p PANSY. (See Mrs. G. R. Alden.) Pansy's Scrap Book. Mrs. G. R. Alden ...................j A1 2 p The Parson's Miracle. Butterworth ........:...............j B 98 p Path in the Ravine. Ellis.......j El 6 p The Patriot School-Master. But- terworth ...............jB98pa Paul Prescott's Charge. Alger, .j A1 3 p PAULL, MRS. G. A. Lassie. . j P 28 1 Little Lady Valentine .....j P 28 li PEARSON, C. H. Cabin on the Prairie .................. j P 31 c The Young Pioneers ......j P3iy A Peep at Number Five. Phelps .....................*..j P51P PERRY, G. B. Uncle Peter's Trust ........................j P 42 u PERRY, N. Hope Benham. .. j P 421 h Peter Trawl. Kingston ......jK6i3p The Peterkin Papers. L. P. Hale. ........................j H 131 Phaeton Rogers. Johnson........j J 63 PHELPS, E. S. Gypsy's Cousin Joy .....................j P 51 g A Peep at Number Five... .j P 51 p Phil and the Baby. Lillie.....j L 62 p PHILLIPS, W. S. Just About a Boy ......................j P 54 Phronsie Pepper. Sidney ......jSi2d Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan ...jB883 PINKERTON, ALLAN. The Ex- pressman and Detective. .. . j P 65 The Plant Hunters. Reid . ...jR 27 p Planting the Wilderness. McCabe .......................j M 12 p Plucky Boys. Mulock ........j M 91 p Plutarch, for Boys and Girls. White .....................j 930 Wp The Pocket Measure. Mrs. G. R. Alden ..................j A1 2 po The Pocket Rifle. Trowbridge, j T 75 p Polly Oliver's Problem. Wiggin. . ......................j W 63 po Poor and Proud. Adams ... .j Ad 1 po Poor Boy and Merchant Prince. Thayer ...................j T 33 PRATT, MRS. M. E. Rhoda Thorn- ton's Girlhood ............j P 88 PRENTICE, HARRY. Captured by Apes ..................j P91 Prince and Pauper. Twain. . .j T 91 pr Prince Dusty. Munroe . ......j M 92 p Prince Lazybones. Hays .....j H 33 pr Prince Tip-Top. Bouvet ......jB66p The Princess Idleways. Hays, .j H 33 p Proverb Stories. Alcott ........j A1 tp Prudy Keeping House. May..jM45p Puddin'head Wilson. Twain, .j T91 pu PYLE, HOWARD. Robin Hood • .........................j P99 PYRNELLE, L. C. Diddie, Dumps and Tot ...........P 993 The Quadroon. Reid .........j R 27 q The Quartet. Stoddard .......j St 6 q Queen Hildegarde. L. Richards, j R 39 q Queer Stories. E. Eggleston. .. j Eg 3 q*, Rab and His Friends. Dr. J. Brown ........................ .j B81 Raftmates. Munroe ..........j M 92 r Ragged Dick. Alger ..........j A1 3 r Raising the Pearl. Otis........jOt4r Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood. Mac- donald .................jMi4r The Randolphs. Mrs. G. R. Alden ........................j A1 2 r Rangers and Regulators. Reid.jR27rJUVENILE. 57 RASPE. Travels of Baron Mun- chausen ...................j R 18 RAY, A. C. Teddy; Her Book.. .j R21 RAYMOND, R. W. Children's Week ....................j R 213 Real Boys and Girls.............j R 23 Red Cross. Adams ...........j Ad 1 r Red Fairy Book. Lang........j L 25 r The Red Mustang. Stoddard, .j St 6 r Redeeming the Republic. Coffin. . .......................j 973-7 cr Redskin and Cowboy. Henty. .j H 39 r REID, MAYNE. The Cliff-Climb- ers ......................j R 27 c The Headless Horseman. .. . j R 27 h The Hunter's Feast........j R 27 hu Lost Lenore ...............j R 27 1 The Maroon .............j R 27 m The Plant Hunters ........j R 27 p The Quadroon ............j R 27 q Rangers and Regulators. .. .j R 27 r The Scalp-Hunters ........j R 27 s The War-Trail ..........j R 27 w The Wood-Rangers ......j R 27 wo Reuben's Hindrances. Mrs. G. R. Alden .................j A1 2 re Rhoda Thornton's Girlhood. Pratt .........................j P88 RICHARDS, LAURA E. Captain January .................j R 39 c Hildegarde's Holidays . ... j R 39 h Jim of Hellas .............j R 39 j Melody ..................j R 39 m Narcissa ..................j R 39 n Queen Hildegarde ........j R 39 q RICHARDS, W. C. Harry's Vaca- tion ....................j R 391 Risen from the Ranks. Alger, .j A1 3 ri Robin Hood. Pyle..............j P 99 ROBINSON, EDITH. A Loyal Little Maid ...............j R 56 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe......j D 36 r Robinson Crusoe for Boys and Girls. McMurry..........j M 22 Rod and Gun Club. Castlemon. .j C 27 r Rodney the Overseer. Castlemon. ........................j C 27 ro Rodney the Partisan. Castlemon.. ........................j C 27 rp Rolf House. Lillie ...........j L 62 r Rollo in Geneva. Abbott......j Ab 2 rg Rollo in Naples. Abbott......jAb2rn Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott, j Ab 2 rs Rollo on the Atlantic. Abbott, .j Ab'2 ra Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Church ................j 937 C ir Rose in Bloom. Alcott ........j A11 r Rosemary and Rue. Champney.j C 35 r ROSENBERG, C. G. Buckskin Mose .....................j R 72 Rough and Ready. Alger . .. .j A1 3 ro Round the World. Smiles . .. . j Sm 4 r Roving Commission. Henty. .j H 39 ro Roy Gilbert's Search. Chipman.j C 44 r Rufus and Rose. Alger.......j A1 3 ru RUSKIN, JOHN. King of the Gulden River...............j R 89 Ruth Erskine's Crosses. Mrs. G. R. Alden ..............j A1 2 ru SAGE. A. C. A Little Colonial Dame .....................j Sa 1 The Sailor Boy. Adams......j Ad 1 sa A Sailor in Spite of Himself. Cas- tlemon ......>............j C 27 s Sailor Jack, the Trader. Castle- mon ....................j C 27 sj Sailor Life. Nordhoff.........j N 75 s St. Bartholomew's Eve. Henty.jH39sb St. George for England. Henty. . ........ ...............j H 39 sg Salt Water. Kingston........jK6i3s Sara Crewe. Burnett ..........j B 93 s Sarah Dillard's Ride. Otis . ...jOt4S The Scalp-Hunters. Reid.....j R 27 s Schoolboy Days in Russia. Laurie .........................j L 37 SCHWATKA, FREDERICK. The Children of the Cold......j Sell 9 SCUDDER, H. E. The Bodleys Afoot ................j Scu 3 ba The Bodleys on Wheels, .j Scu 3 bo The Bodleys Telling Stories .....................j Scu 3 bt The English Bodley Family... ...............j 914.2 S The Viking Bodleys ......j Scu 3 v Sea-Kings and Naval Heroes. Ed- gar ..................... .j 920 E Sea Yarns for Boys and Girls. Hen- derson ........... .....j H 38 s The Seat of Empire. Coffin. . .j 917.3 C SEA WELL, M. E. Decatur and Somers ...................j Se 1 Shamrock and Thistle. Adams... .......................j Ad 1 sh Side by Side. Mrs. G. R. Alden.j A1 2 s SIDNEY, MARGARET {pseud, of Mrs. Lothrop). Five Little Peppers and How They Grew .........................j Si 2 a Five Little Peppers Midway.j Si 2 b Five Little Peppers Grown Up .........................j Si 2 c 1 Phronsie Pepper ...........j Si 2 d Stories Polly Pepper Told., j Si 2 e Adventures of Joel Pepper..j Si 2 f Sidney Martin's Christmas. G. R. Alden ...................jAl2si Signal Boys. G. C. Eggleston. j Eg 31 s Signal Boys of '75. Otis......j Ot 4 sc Silent Pete. Otis..............j Ot 4 si The Silver Medal. Trowbridge, j T 75 s Silver Pitchers. Alcott ........j A1 1 s Sink or Swim. Alger..........j A1 3 s Sister Susy. May ............j M 45 d Sister's Bye Hours. Ingelow.. .j In 4 s Six Boys. Champney .........j C 35 s Six Girls. Irving ................j Ir 858 JUVENILE. Six Little Girls. G. R. Alden. .j A1 2 sm Six O'Clock in the Evening. G. R. Alden ..................j A1 2 sn Six to Sixteen. Ewing........j Ew 5 s SMILES, SAMUEL. Round the World ..................j Sm 4 r Snagged and Sunk. Castlemon. j C 27 sn Snowed Up. Castlemon ......j C 27 so The Soldier Boy. Adams......j Ad 1 so Some Young Heroines. G. R. Al- den ....................j A1 2 so Southern Soldier Stories. G. C. Eg- gleston ................j Eg 31 so Sowed by the Wind. Kellogg. . .j K 29 s Spinning Wheel Stories. Alcott.j A1 1 sp Spun from Facts. G. R. Alden. .j A1 2 sp STARR, FREDERICK. American Indians .................j 97^-3 S The Steel Horse. Castlemon.1. j C 27 st STEPHENS, C. A. Knockabout Club Alongshore........j 919.8 S Knockabout Club in the Trop- ics ......................j 917.2 S STOCKTON, F. R. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast. . ■ .....................j St 59 b Stories of the Three Burglars. ........................j St 59 s STODDARD, W. O. Chris, the Model Maker ............j St 6 c Dab Kinzer................j St 6 d The Quartet ...............j St 6 q The Red Mustang..........j St 6 r The Talking Leaves ........j St 6 t Tom and the Money King, .j St 6 to Two Arrows . ...«.........j St 6 tw Winter Fun ...............j St 6 w Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor es and Tales. Anderson. . ..j An 2 s es for Boys. Davis........j D 29 es. from Herodotus. Church. ........ . • ......••......j 930 C I es from Virgil. Church, .j 873 C st es of Adventure. E. E. Hale. .........................j 910 H es of Animal Life. Holder, .j 590 H es of Discovery. E. E. Hale.. .......................j 910 H s es of Invention. E. E. Hale.. ........................j 926 H es of War. E. E. Hale, .j 973.7 H 1 es of the Gorilla Country. Du Chaillu ...............j 916.7 D s es of the Old World. Church ......................-j 873 C s es of the Sea. E, E. Hale.j 910 H st es of the Three Burglars. Stock- ton .....................j St 59 s es Polly Pepper Told. Sidney ...............'...........j Si 2 e es Told to a Child. Ingelow. ........................j In 4 ss es Told to a Child (Second Series) ............•.....j In 4 st The Story Hour. Wiggin and Smith ............... .. . j W 63 s Story of a Bad Boy. Aldrich... . j A1 24 Story of a Peasant Boy Philosopher. Mayhew ...............j M 454 p Story of a Short Life. Swing, j Ew 5 st The Story of Liberty. Coffin, .j 940 C 1 Story of Music and Musicians. Lil- lie .....*.................j 780 L Story of the Persian War. Church ......................: • j 935 C A Stout Heart. Kellogg......j K 29 so STOWE, H. B. Little Pussy Wil- low .......................j St 7 Strange Sights Abroad. Adams.j Ad 1 st Strange Stories from History. G. C. Eggleston .............j Eg 31 st Strive and Succeed. Alger . ...j A1 3 so Strong and Steady. Alger.....j A1 3 si A Strong Arm. Kellogg......jK29sr Struggles and Triumphs. P. T. Barnum, ................j 92 B 26 Studies for Stories. Ingelow. .j In 4 su Sturdy and Strong. Henty. .. .j H 39 st A Summer in a Canon. Wiggin. . .......................j W 63 su Sunny Shores. Adams .......j Ad I su Sweet William. Bouvet........j B 66 s SWETT, SOPHIE. Captain Polly .........................j Sw 4 c Flying Hill Farm..........j Sw 4 f Swiss Family Robinson. Kingston ......................j K 613 sw Swiss Family Robinson. Anon. .jSw6 Sylvia and Bruno. Carroll......j C 23 s Sylvia and Bruno Concluded. Car- roll ....................j C 23 sy Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb, .j L 16 Tales of the Birds. Fowler... .j 598 F Tales of the Caravan, Inn and Pal- ace. tTauff ...............j H 29 The Talking Leaves. Stoddard, j St 6 t Tanglewood Tales. N. Hawthorne .......................j H 3111 Tecumseh. Gordon .............j G 65 Teddy, Her Book. Ray........ .jR2i Ten Boys. Andrews ........jAn22t TEUFFEL, MRS. {See Blanche W. Howard.) THAYER, W. M. Poor Boy and Merchant Prince ..........j T 33 Youths' History of the Rebel- lion. 4 v...............j 973-7 T THOMPSON, ERNEST SETON. Lives of the Hunted. ... j 596 TI Trail of the Sandhill Stag.j 596 T t Wild Animals I Have Known ......................j 596 T w Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America. N. H. bishop, .j 918 B Three Vassar Girls Abroad. Champ- ney ....................j C 35 ta Three Vassar Girls in Italy. Champ- ney ......................j C 35 tiJUVENILE. 59, Three Vassar Girls in South Amer- ica. Champney .........j C 35 ts Through Russian ' Snows. Henty. •.......................j H 39 ta Through the Fray. Henty....j H 39 tb Through the Looking Glass. Car- roll* ......................j C 23 t Through the Sikh War. Henty. .........................j H 39 tc Tiger of Mysore. Henty......j H 39 ti Tim and Tip. Otis.............j Ot 41 Timothy's Quest. Wiggin.....j W 63 t Tinkham Brothers' Tidemill. Trow- bridge ...................j T 75 t Tip Lewis. G. R. Alden ......j A1 2 ti Toby Tyler. Otis ............jOt4to Toinette's Philip. Jamison ... .j J 24 t Tom and the Money-King. Stod- dard ....................j St 6 to Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes.. ........................j H 87 to Tom Brown's School Days. Hughes ..................j H 87 t Tom Newcombe. Castlemon.... j C 27 t Tom Temple's Career. Alger, .j A1 3 to Tom the Ready. R. Hill.......j H 551 TOMLINSON, E. T. Boy Sol- diers of 1812 ..............j T 59 Trail of the Sandhill Stag. Thomp- son .....................j 596Tt The Train Boy. Alger. ... .. .j A1 3 tr Travels of Baron Munchausen. Raspe ....................j R 18 The Treasure Finders. Otis.. . j Ot 4 tr Treasury of Fairy Tales.........j F 16 TROWBRIDGE, J. T. Cudjo's Cave ...................j T 75 cu Tinkham Brothers' Tidemill.j T 75 t Jack Hazard Series. A Chance for Himself.....j T 75 c Lawrence's Adventures......j T 75 1 Jack Hazard...............j T 75 j Doing His Best ...........j T 75 d Fast Friends ..............j T 75 f The Young Surveyor.....j T 75 yo Silver Medal Series. Bound in Honor ..........j T 75 b His Own Master . .........j T 75 h The Jolly Rover ..........j T 75 jo The Pocket Rifle..........j T 75 p The Silver Medal .........j T 75 s Young Joe ..............».jT75y True Story of Abraham Lincoln. E. Brooks ...............j B 79 1 True Story of Benjamin Franklin. E. Brooks ..............j B 79 f True Story of George Washington. E. Brooks ..............j B 79 w True to His Colors. Castlemon.j C 27 tr True to the Old Flag. Henty. j H 39 tr Try and Trust. Alger........j A1 3 ty Trying to be Useful. Leslie____j L 56 t Turning of the Tide. Kellogg, .j K29t TWAIN, MARK (pseud. S. L. Clemens.) The Adventures of Tom Saw- yer ......................j T 911 Huckleberry Finn .........j T 91 h Life on the Mississippi. .. .. .j T 91 1 Prince and the Pauper . .. . j T 91 pr Puddin'head Wilson......j T 91 pu Twelve Nights in a Hunters' Camp. Barrows .................j B 27 The Twin Cousins. May .... j M 45 x Two Arrows. Stoddard ......j St 6 tw Two Boys. G. R. Alden......j A1 2 tw The Two Elsies. Finley......j F 49 k TYTLER, A. F. Mary and Flor- ence .....................j T 99 Uncle Peter's Trust. G. B. Perry .........................j P 42 u Uncle Remus. Harris .........j 398 H Under Drake's Flag. Henty. ..j H 39 ud Under the Liberty Tree. Otis, .j Ot 4 u Under the Lilacs. Alcott......j A1 1 u Under the Red Flag. King......j K 58 Under ^ Wellington's Command. Henty .................jH39uw The Unseen Hand. Kellogg, .j K 29 u Up and Down the Nile. Adams, .j Ad 1 u Up the Baltic. Adams....... .j Ad 1 ub Up the Ladder. Leslie ........j L 56 u The Valiant Runaways. Atherton v........................jAt4 The Viking Bodleys. Scudder.j Scu 3 v Vine and Olive. Adams ......j Ad 1 v Wakulla. Munroe ..........j M92 w The Wampum Belt. Butterworth ..................... .. j B 98 w Wanted. G. R. Alden.........j A1 2 w The War-Trail. Reid.........j R 27 w Water Babies . Kingsley .......jK6i Way of the World. Adams, .j Ad 1 w What Mr. Darwin Saw. Anon.j 508.3 W What They Couldn't. G. R. Alden ......................j A1 2 wh When Israel Putnam Served the King. Otis .............j Ot 4 w When London Burned. Henty. j H 39 w Whispering Pine. Kellogg. .. . j K 29 w WHITE, J. S. Herodotus for Boys and Girls ..............j 930 W h Plutarch for Boys and Girls. .....................j 930 W p Who Was Paul Grayson? Habber- ton ......................j H ir WIGGIN, K. D. Bird's Christmas Carol . ..................j W63b Polly Oliver's Problem, .j W 63 po The Story Hour ..........j W 63 s A Summer in a Canon, .j W 63 su Timothy's Quest ..........j W 63 t Wild Animals 1 Have Known. Thompson .............j 596 T w Wild Life Under the Equator. Du Chaillu..............j 916.6 Dw6o JUVENILE. The William Henry Letters. Diaz , . .........................j D 54 Winning His Way. Coffin.....j C 65 w Winter Fun. Stoddard .......j St 6 w Witch Winnie in Holland. Champ- ney ...................j C 35 wh Witch Winnie in Paris. Champ- ney ....................j C 35 wp Witch Winnie in Spain. Champ- ney ....................j C 35 ws Witch WJinnie in Venice. Champ- ney ............ .......j C 35 wv Witch Winnie in Versailles. Champ- ney ...................j C 35 ww Witch Winnie's Mystery. Champney .....................j C 35 wm Witch Winnie's Studio. Champ- ney . .................-j C 35 wt With Clive in India. Kenty. .j H 39 wc With Cochran the Dauntless. Henty .....................j H 39 wd With Frederick the Great. Henty ----•. .........j H 39 wf With Lee in Virginia. Henty.j H 39 wl With Moore at Corunna. Henty.. . .. .................j H 39 wm With Washington at Monmouth. Otis ...................j Ot 4 wi With Wolfe in Canada. Henty... • ...................j H 39 wn Wolf ,Run. Kellogg. ........j K 29 wo Won by the Sword. Henty.j H 39 wo Wonder Book. N. Hawthorne.... ........ ..............j H 311 w Wonder Stories Told for Children. Anderson .............j A11 2 w Wonder Tales from Wagner. Cha- pin . ..................... .j 782 C Wonderful Adventures. josiah Barnes ...................j B 261 Wonders of Science. Mayhew... ................... • • J M 454 w The Wood Rangers. Reid.. .j R 27 wo A World of Girls. Meade .....j M 46 WRIGHT, M. O. Four-Footed Americans ...............j 599 W Wulf the Saxon. Henty.....j H 39 wu A Yankee Boy's Success. Morri- son .................... . j M 83 y The Yankee Middy. Adams, .j Ad 1 y Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors. J. Barnes ...............j B 26 y YONGE, C. M. Young Folks' His- tory of France ...........j 944 Y Young Folks' History of Ger- many ...................j 943 Y Young Folks' History of Greece. ..........................j 938 Y x oung Folks' History of Rome ........................J 937 Y \oung Benjamin Franklin. May- hew .................j 92 F 85 m Young Buglers. Henty ..... .j H 39 yb Young Carthaginian. Henty. .j H 39 yc Young Colonists. Henty. .. .j H 39 yd Young Deliverers. Kellogg. .. . j K 29 y Young Folks' History of America. Butterworth ...........j 973 B 1 Young Folks' History of , France. Yonge . ..................j 944 Y Young Folks' History of Germany. Yonge ...................j 943 Y Young Folks' History of Greece. Yonge ...................j 938Y Young Folks' History of Mexico. Ober .....................j 972 O Young Folks' History of Rome. Yonge ...................j 937 Y Young Folks' History of the Civil War, 4 v. Thayer.......j 973.7 T Young Folks' History of the United States. Higginson .....j 973 II 1 Young Franctireurs. Henty. .. j H 39 yf A Young Hero. Ellis .........j El 6 y Young Joe. Trowbridge.......j T 75 y A Young Knight-Errant. Adams.. ..... .................j Ad 1 yk The Young Lieutenant. Adams. . ........................j Ad 1 yl Young Midshipman. Henty . .j H 39 ym The Young Navigators. Adams.. ......................j Ad 1 yn Young Pioneers. Pearson.....j P 31 y The Young Pretenders. Fowler, .j F 82 The Young Rancher. Ellis . .. .j El 6yo Young Ship Builders. Kellogg.j K 29 yo The Young Surveyor. Trowbridge ............ ...........j T 75 yo Young Wild Fowlers. Castlen^on ..........................}C27y Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands. Butterworth ............j 914 B 1 Zigzag Journeys in Europe. Butter- worth ................j 914 B 1 e Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. Butterworth ...........j 914 Bin Zigzag Journeys in the Occident. Butterworth..........j 917.3 B 2 Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. But- terworth ..............j 914 B t oThis book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015