I LLINOI S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2010. THEATRES REITri-Nx of all premises iii AND MUSIC the Administrative County of London hicensedl for pu-lblic entertainments (other than those merely. licensed temporarily),showin for each place the borough or city in which sitnated, the approximate accommodatiarn, the ©bjee-ts of licence, and far as any conditions attached to theliCrave, and (sip theatres and m usic halls.a~re concerned) 'the rateable value in foice. Ordered by .the Theatres and Music Halls Committee to be printed, 22nd July, 1908.) ~Ito LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL~, Local Government and Statistical Department, ;County Hall, Spring Gardens, S.W. Janiaary,-1904. THE' LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL BY JAB. TIIUSCOTT AND SON, And may be purchased,, either directly or through any Bookseller, from jS,_ KING AND SON, PRINTEJDron 2 G. PAT AND 4, Agents ,Jtr.the SMITH-STREET, sale (f VICTORIA-STREET, WESTMINSTER, the Publieatians of' the Lendon :Jount 1 S.W., tottici1. LTD., COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010 ~oun THEATRES RETURN iOf AND imdn MUSIC HALLS. of all premises in the Administrative County of London licensed for public entertainments (other than those merely licensed temporarily), showing for each place the borough or city in which situated, the approximate accommodation, the objects of licence, and any conditions attached to the licence, and (so far as theatres and music halls are concerned) the rateable value in force. EDGAR HARPER, Statistical Officer. (Ordered by the Theatres and Music Halls Committee to be printed, 22nd July, 1903.) LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, Local Government and Statistical Department, County Hall, Spring Gardens, S.W. January, 1904. JAB. TRUSCOTT AND sON, And may be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, P. 5. KING AND SON, 2 AND 4, GREAT SMITH-STREET, VICTORIA-STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W., PRINTED FOR THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL BY from LTD.. Agents for the sale of the Publication of the London County, Council. No. 682.-Price 6d., post free 7d. [7985 MEMORANDUM. In London, in common with the rest of the country, all places for public entertainment are regulated and controlled in accordance with certain statutes. In dealing with the subject, Parliament has recognised two distinct classes of premises, and has enacted separate legislation for each class. The classes comprise premises licensed for (a) the performance of stage-plays, and (b) music and dancing, or music only. Stage-play licences. Licences for stage-plays are governed by the Theatres Act, 1843 (6 and 7 Vic., cap. 68). In accordance with this Act the Lord Chamberlain acts as licensing authority for theatres other than patent theatres "within the parliamentary boundaries of the cities of London and Westminster, and of the boroughs of Finsbury and Marylebone, the Tower Hamlets, Lambeth and Southwark, and also within those places where Her Majesty, her heirs and successors shall, in their royal persons, occasionally reside." The rest of the county falls within the jurisdiction of the Council as successors to the justices of the peace. Music and dancing licences. Licences for music and dancing, or for music only, are governed by the Disorderly Houses Act, 1751 (25 Geo. II., cap. 36), and the Public Entertainments Act, 1875 (38 Vict., cap. 21). In this connection the Council is now the licensing authority for the whole of the county, the powers having been transferred from the Court of Quarter Sessions by the Local Government Act, 1888. Protection against fire, The Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 (41 and 42 Vict., cap. 32), imposes certain powers and duties on the Council (as successors to the Metropolitan Board of Works) in connection with the structural defects and protection from fire in all places of public entertainment, whoever may be the licensing authority. Section 11 of this Act applies to those places in existence at the passing of the Act, and section 12 to those places to be provided thereafter. Both sections are so important that it may perhaps be as well to set out the salient words of the actual text as follows11.--" Whenever it appears to the Board that any house or other place of public resort within the metropolis which was at the time of the passing of this Act authorised to be kept open for the public performance of stageplays- . . under the authority of letters patent . . . or of a licence granted by the Lord Chamberlain . . . or by justices of the peace, or that any house, room or other place of public resort containing a superficial area for the accommodation of the public of not less than 500 square feet, which was at the time of the passing of this Act authorised to be kept open and which is kept open for dancing, music or other public entertainment of the like kind, under the authority of a licence granted by any court of quarter sessions, is so defective in its structure that special danger from fire may result to the public frequenting the same . . . the Board may, with the consent of the Lord Cham- berlain in the case of theatres under his jurisdiction, and of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State in all other cases, if in the opinion of the Board such structural dlefects can be remedied at a moderate expenditure S. . require the owner of such house, room, etc. . . . to make such necessary alterations . . . within a reasonable time . . . ." 12.-" The Board may from time to time make . . . regulations S. for the protection from fire of houses or other places of public resort within the metropolis to be kept open for the public performance of stage-plays, and of houses, rooms, or other places of public resort . . containing a superficial area for the accommodation of the public of not less than 500 square feet, to be kept open for public dancing, music, etc., . . . under the authority of letters patent, . . . or of licenses by the Lord Chamberlain . . . or by any justices of the peace, or by any court of quarter sessions, which may be granted for the first time after the passing of this Act. . . . From and after the making of any such regulations, it shall not be lawful . . . to keep open any such house, etc. . . . until the Board grant to such person a certificate in writing under their seal to the effect that such house, etc. . . . was on its completion in accordance with the regulations . . ." Provisional licences. Section 13 provides for the granting of provisional licences in the case of premises about to be constructed or in course of construction, but such licences are not of any force until confirmed by the licensing authority. Means of exit. Further duties are imposed on the Council under section 45 of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Various Powers) Act, 1882 (45 Vict., cap. 66), in connection with the improvement and regulation of means of exit, etc. " Af $L, 'ii - r- By the Baths and Wash-houses Act, 1896 (59 and 60 Vict., cap. 59), provision is made for the grant by the Council of licences for music or dancing, or for both purposes, in respect of public swimming baths. In dealing with the subject in this return it has been found most convenient to separate the various premises licensed for public entertainment into the three following classes(i.) Theatres. (ii.) Music halls and theatres of varieties. (iii.) Concert balls, dancing-rooms and other places of entertainment. Swimming baths. Method of classification. The first class does not comprise all the premises licensed for the performance of stage-plays, for there are several places licensed both for stage-plays and for music and dancing, though they are not theatres in the generally accepted meaning of the term, the stage-play licence being only made use of occasionally. Such cases have been relegated in this return to one of the other two classes. The second class comprises those premises where variety entertainments are regularly given, and the character of which may, perhaps, be further indicated by the fact that smoking is permitted in the auditorium. The third class consists of those places which are not included under either of the first two classes. An asterisk (*) denotes those premises which either possess a licence for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors or are annexed to premises so licensed. Intoxicating liquor licences. I.-THEATRES. There are in all 53 premises where the public performance of stageplays takes place regularly. Of these, two (Drury-lane and Covent-garden) enjoy letters patent direct from the Crown, 41 are situated within the licensing jurisdiction of the Lord Chamberlain, and the remaining 10 are licensed by the Council. The total rateable value of these theatres amounts to £115,837, and they provide seating accommodation for about 64,151 persons. Adopting another basis of classification, the total may be divided into 27 central theatres with seating accommodation for about 27,967 persons, and 26 suburban theatres with accommodation for about 36,184 persons. No justices' licence is required for the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors in theatres, an excise licence (which is granted as a matter of course) being all sufficient for the purpose. It will be noticed, however, that in the case of one theatre licensed by the Council the prohibition of the sale or consumptio' intoxicating liquors on the premises is made a condition of the licence, and in another case a similar restriction is confined to the auditorium only. Statistics. Intoxicating liquors. VARIETIES. There are in all 4,3 premises where entertainments of a variety character are Statistics. regularly given. They are all licensed by the Council, 41 being licensed for music and dancing and the remaining two for music only; two are also licensed for stage-plays in addition to music and dancing. Their total rateable value stands at £68,794, but this figure includes the rateable value for the whole of the Agricultural Hall, as it is not possible to show the Islington Empire separately; the total approximate seating accommodation amounts to 49,165. In addition to these 48 premises, there is one music-hall, viz,, the Charing-cross, for which only a provisional licence for music is held, certain requirements of the Council not having yet been carried out; another place, the London Coliseum, provisionally licensed for music and dancing, is in course of erection. A justices' licence must be obtained for the sale and consumption of Intoxicating liquors. intoxicating liquors on the premises, and of the 43 premises, 31 possess such The policy hitherto followed by licences or are annexed to premises so licensed. the Council in the granting of any new music and dancing licence has been to impose as a necessary condition that no intoxicating liquors be sold or consumed on the premises. It will also be noticed on reference to the return that sundry other conditions have been imposed in certain cases. II.-M USIC-HALLS AND THEATRES OF ILL- Sj 0 0 'if 0 III.-CONCERT-HALLS, 0 DANCING-ROOMS, AND OTHER PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Under this head are comprised 245 premises licensed for public entertainment not coming under either of the foregoing heads. They include places so widely divergent as the London Exhibition Buildings at Earl's-court and a mission hall. There are also included in this section 10 premises which as yet are only provisionally licensed, 3 of these being in course of erection, and in the case of the other 7 the requirements of the Council not having yet been complied with. Of the 245 premises, 146 are licensed for music and dancing and 99 have music licences only; 10 of the places licensed for music and dancing also possess stage-play licences. All these premises are licensed by the Council, but two of the stage-play licences are granted by the Lord Chamberlain, as for that purpose Statistics. iii the premises are situated within his area of jurisdiction. The total approximate accommodation is 195,774, but this figure does not include any estimate for Madame Tussaud's or for a few other places where no reliable figures of accommodation are available. It should be remembered, too (and this remark would equally apply to both theatres and music-halls), that, in the case of some premises, the seating accommodation is a variable quantity, owing to the practice of rearranging the seats for different kinds of entertainments. Intoxicating liquors. With regard to the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors, 83 of these premises either possess licences for that purpose or are annexed to premises so licensed. Summary. It will thus be seen that there are in all 341 premises in London licensed for public entertainments, with an approximate capacity of 309,090, not including any estimate for Madame Tussaud's or for a few other places as mentioned above. The actual number of licences held in respect of these 841 places is f60. In the following table an attempt has been made to classify the various premises under different headsTotal Licensed for stage Licensed number of premises plas byby letters atentlicensed for Total Numberof Chamber patentpublicenternumber of licences remises. lain. tainment. Licensed by the Council. Class of premises, Music. Art galleries Music and dancin dancing - 1 1 4 1 Church & mission Municipal ... 25 1 Other Stage plays. Drill halls ... Exhibitions - 1 1 1 4 3 4 2 15 19 1 1 41 21 40 20 15 ... ... 59 5 79 72 - 24 14 19 14 45 43 - 1 - - 4 2 1 (a) - 40 20 - 72 - - 1 a) - 19 14 - - 43 - - 5 10 30 - - Halls... Hotels ... Institutes ..; ... ... 14 8 10 6 Music hall ... 3 40 Polytechnics Public baths I ubicho3jes_ ... 3 ...-.. 2 10 - 5 10 18 13 ' 31 5 10 30 Restaurants Skating rinks ... ... 18 1 7 2 - 25 3 25 3 Theatres ... - - 10 10 10 41 188 20 315 298 43 ... Totals ... ... 107 - - 2 - 2 25 3 53 2 341 - (a) Also licensed for music and dancing by the Council. The totals given in this table to cols. 3 and 5 are each one short of the arithmetical additions, owing to the fact of there being only one music and dancing licence for both the Islington Empire and the Royal Agricultural Hall. In addition to these 341 premises, there are 12 provisionally licensed (9 for music and 3 for music and dancing). Of these, 4 are in course of erection, and the other 8 are not yet in complete accord with the Council's requirements. The total approximate seating accommodation of the latter is 3,092. The figures given in the return relating to accommodation have been supplied by the superintending architect of the Council; the notes as to legislation on the subject have been revised by the solicitor of the Council. 1 RETURN of all premises in the Administrative County of London licensed for public entertainments (other than those merely licensed temporarily), showing for each place the borough or city in which situated, the approximate accommodation, the objects of licence, and any attached to the licence, and (so far as theatres and music halls are concerned) the rateable value in force. conditions [An asterisk (*) denotes those premises either possessing an on-licence for intoxicating liquors or annexed to premises so licensed.] 1.-THEATRES. ApproxiName and address of Theatre. Borough or city in which situated. 'Adelphi Theatre, Westminster 5,000 1,297 Lord Chamberlain. Stoke Newington 1,250 1, 710 do. Westminster 3,334 940 do. 2,500 811 do. 842 1,818 do. do. 410, Strand *Alexandra Theatre, Stoke Newington *Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury-avenue *Avenue Theatre, Northumberland-avenue 'Britannia Theatre, High-street, Hoxton 'Brixton Theatre, Coldharbour-lane, Brixton *Broadway Theatre, Broadway, Deptford 'Camden Theatre, High-street, Camden-town Carlton Theatre, (a) 75, London-street *Comedy Theatre, Panton-street *Coronet Theatre, Notting-hill-gate 'Covent-garden Theatre, Bow-street 'Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly Rateable value. Westminster . Shoreditch mateLiesn seating accommodation. Licensing. atoiy Lambeth ... 700 1,125 Deptford .. 790 1,372 London County Council. St. Pancras .. 1,042 1,665 Lord Chamberlain. 359 730 London Countyn 708 Lord Chamberlain. Greenwich Westminster Kensington .. 875 Westminster.. Westminster.. 1,143 London County Council. 4,800 .. 1,952 Licensed by letters patent. 575 Camberwell 7,917 (including restaurant) .. 739 1,231 do. 'Dalston Theatre, Hackney .. . 1,167 1,511 do. *Daly's Theatre, Westminster.. 4,734 1,255 do. Westminster.. 5,500 2,516 Licensed by letters patent. Westminster.. 'Duke of York's Theatre, St. Martin's-lane 'Elephant and Castle Theatre. Southwark 2,917 1,008 Lord Chamberlain. 500 1,551 do. Westminster.. 5,834 1,264 do. Westminster.. 3,834 1,013 do. 979 982 1,834 1,589 Lord Chamberlain. 500 1,680 London County 500 581 3,417 1,020 'Crown Theatre, High-street, Peckhami Lord Chamberlain. Dalston-lane Cranbourn-street 'Drury-lane Theatre, Catherine-street New *Gaiety Theatre, Strand 'Garrick . Kent-road Theatre, 2, Charing-cross-road Fulham.. 'Grand Theatre, High-street Islington 'Grand Theatre, High-street Woolwich 'Grand Theatre, (b) London County Council. Council. Wellington- street 'Great Queen-street Theatre, Holborn... .. Lord Chamberlain. Great Queen-street Westminster.: 'Haymarket Theatre, Haymarket do. (a) Calton Theatre-No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on the premises. (b) Grand Theatre, Woolwich-No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed in the auditorium. 2 1.-THEATRES--continued. Name and address of Theatre. Approxi-J Borough or city Rateable value in which situated. vlu mateLiesn seatingaLicens Jaccommo-I dation. atoiy P£ *His Majesty's Theatre, Westminster.. 5,688 1,354 Lord Chamberlain. *Imperial Theatre, Westminster.. 1,834 1,064 do. 792 1, 786 542 915 Westminster 4,167 1,300 Lord Chamberlain. Islington 1,750 1,886 do. 460 1,044 do. 2,500 1,039 do. 920 1,710 do. 4,167 789 do. 625 1,339 do. 1,167 642 London County Council. 917 554 Lord Chamberlain. 3,750 1,158 ~do. "2,917 997 do. 3,334 1,227 do. 750 1,205 London County Council. 1,242 1,845 Lord Chamberlain. . 2,084 740 do. .. 1,569 1,700 do. .. 825 1,484 do. 2,600 668 do. 559 1,450 183 867 Lord Chamberlain. 1,922 702 do. 459 846 do. 2,500 793 do. Haymarket Tothill-street Hammersmith Hammersmith-road Hammersmith *Lyric Opera House, Bradmore-grove *King's Theatre, *Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury-avenue *Xarlborough Theatre, 395, Holloway-road *Xetropole Theatre, Lambeth *New Theatre Westminster.. *Pavilion Theatre, Stepney... *Prince of Wales's Theatre, ... Westminster .. Denmark-hill St. Martin's-lane 193, Whitechapel-road Coventry-street *Princess of Wales's Theatre, Southiwark Kennington-park-road *Royal Court Theatre, Chelsea. Sloane-square *Royalty Theatre, Dean-street *St. James's Theatre, Westminster Shaftesbury-avenue *Shakespeare Theatre, (a)Laedrhl Battersea *Standard Theatre, to .,. Shoreditch *Strand Theatre, Strand Westminster *Surrey Theatre, Southiwark Blackfriars-road, *Terriss' Theatre, Bermondsey Rotherhithe *Terry 's Theatre, Strand Beresford-street Pitfield-street, *Vaudeville Theatre, . Westminster00 8Shaftesbury Theatre, *Variety Theatre, . Westminster.. King-street 8ao-Tatre, S Westminster *Theatre Royal, .. Hoxton Strand Westminster.. Woolwich .. Shoreditch Westminster., *West London Theatre, St. Marylebone.. . *Wyndham's Theatre, Westminster.. Church -street,Edgware-road Chring-cross-road (a) Shakespeare Theatre-Not private gain or by way of trade. -I I London County Council. do. London County Council. . to be open on Sundays or other days prohibited by licence for 3 II.-MUSIC Name and address of Music Hall, etc. HALLS AND THEATRES OF VARIETIES. Approxi'Rtal mate Rsteabne value, which city Borough or in siutd j Westminster 'Alhambra Palace, Leicester-square Balham Empire, atingmo Wandsworth Special conditions attached to licence, licence. dation. 4,750 1,980 393 766 and Music dancing and stage-plays 563 ... 75, High-road 543 Music Baiham Battersea *Battersea Empire, 32, York-road Camberwell *CambereUl Palace of Denmark-hill Varieties, Objects of Music and dancing Not to be open on Sundays or other days prohibited by licence for" private gain or by way of trade. No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises, and building not to be open on Sundays or other days prohibited by licence for private gain or by way of trade. and dancing ... 458 1,240 *Canterbury Music Hall, Lambeth Westminster-bridge-road Westminster 'Charing-cross Music Hall, Villiers-street, Strand .. 1,788 1,616 do. Muisi [C... Chelsea Palace of Varieties, King's-road Collins' Music Hall, Islington-green Duchess Palace, High-road, Balham 'Empire (late Montpelier) Music Hal, 18, Montpelier-street, Walwortb *Empire Theatre of Varieties, Leicester-square Empress Theatre of Varieties, Carlton-grove, Brixton Euston Theatre of Varieties, Euston-road *Gatti's Palace of Varieties, 214 and 216, Westminsterbridge-road 'Granville Theatre of Varieties, Broadway, Walb am-green Hackney Empire,Maetrt .. 1,000 700 (including restaurant) 1,478 1,250 Dancing to be confined to stage, and no intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. do. Chelsea., ... Islington Wandsworth and Music dancing .. [Provisional licence only, requirements of Council not yet complied witb.] No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. 1,500 .. Southwark do. Dancing 584 .. 945 ~~1,394 1,268 do. No 209 312 to be confined to stage. intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. do. wh901 . T73,000 5,834 Westminster Lambeth ... ua1,041 1,239 do. 1,260 i1,396 do. 1,134 do. No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. do. do. 774 do. Dancing to be confined to stage. 859 La1,918 770 do. P~ea667 1,800 2,116 do. 'Hammersmith Palace of Hammersmith.. Varieties, t~Shoreditch 82, King-street No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. 1,688 1,014 do. Dancing to be Holloway Empire, 1,375 1,210 do. opr Danin to4 belmtd No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. 6,500(a) 2,060 do. St. Pancras Lambeth 459 1,100 .. Ba1,167 500 ~1,46 C4,584 Fulham..... Westminter Hackney cesfeWestminster Islington Holloway-road 'Islington Empire, (a) Islington Royal Agricultural Hall EnPaddington Upper-street F~arHolborn London Coliseum, Westminster St. Martin's-lane .. 99. ... ... 999 do. confined to in course ofercio. stage. No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. [Provisional licence only, premises do. do. do. do. do. (a) Islington Empire-These premises form part of the Agricultural Hall, there being building. Likewise the rateable value of £6,500 refers to the whole building. only one licence for the whole 4 II.---USIC I ALLS, Etc.-continued. ApproxiName and address of Music Hall, ete. Borough or city in which situated, *New Bedford Palace of Rateable value. Objects of licence. mate seating accommodation. Special conditions attached to licence. 667 1,168 Music and dancing 780 1,650 do. No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on premises. 1,250 1, 202 do. No intoxicating drinks to be sold 3,459 1,047 do. ... 400 904 do. Greenwich 550 750 do. 5,000 1,157 do. 1,042 1,676 do. Poplar 550 1,026 do. Stepney 884 926 do. do. do. Bethnal-green 830 1,040 do. do. do. 1,418 966 do. 1,459 656 do. 304 1,114 do. Bethnal-green.. 278' 554 do. Hammersmith.. 1,209. 1,812 do. do. St. Pancras Varieties, High-street, Camden-town Now-cross Empire Theatre of Deptford Varieties, New-cross-road New Grand Hall, Batterea St. John's-hill St. Marylebone... Oxford Music Hall, 14, Oxford-street Poplar 'Palace, or Dancing to be confined to stage. 15F6, Bow-road 'Palace, Stockwell-street *Palace Theatre of Varieties, Westminster Cambridge-circus and 95, No promenade to be in premises, and no intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed in auditorium. Stepney *Paragon Theatre of Varieties, 95, Mile-end-road 'Queen's Palace of Varieties, 277, High-street 'Royal Cambridge.Theatre of Varieties, 136, Commercial-street 'Royal Foresters Music Hall, 93 consumed on premises. Dancing to be confined to stage. Cambride-road 'Royal Music Hall, Holborn... 'loyal Sta lard Music Hall, Westminster.. Sadler's Wells Theatre, Finsbury 'Sebright Arms Music Hall, Hill-street, Hackney-road Shepherd's-bush Empire, Shepherd's-bush-green 'South London Music Hall, 92, London-road *StarMusic Hall, Abbey-street *Thealr3 Royal, 256, Belsize-road, Kilburn .. .. c~ --- --! or consumed on the premises. The dancing to be confined to stage. No intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed on the premises. Southiwark .. 1,167 1,303 Bermondsey .. 484 891 Music Hampstead .. 500 514 and As regards the music and dancing Music dancing, and licence no intoxicating drinks to be sold or consumed in audistage-plays torium. 3,617 883 *Tivoli Music Hall, Westminster.. 65-702, Strand I No intoxicating drinks to be sold I I Music... I .. Drinking bars not to be placed in auditorium. 5 III.-CONOERT-HALLS, DANCING-ROOMS, eApproxiBoroughinor city Patofpreises mate whichtoatwhich slicence refersrin.licence. Name ad addrss of Concert-hall, etc. Kensington Addison Hall, 101, Addison-road Aeolian Hall, Westminster 135, 136, and Bond-street 137, AND OTHER PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Large hail on 314 first floor New Albert Rooms, 600 Concert .,. on St. Pancras room first floor .. 250 40, Whitfield-street Objects Seilcniin Music and dancing Music as Music and The premises not to be used music-hall or casino, and no dancing licences for sale of intoxicating drinks to be applied for other than Carter-street, 400 210 do. 100 Oldridge-road, Baiham Athrenaeum, m, Goldhawk-road 380 .- 440 Hammersmith ... ' 400 The hail to be used for parochial purposes only. The premises to be used for parochial purposes only. do. 720 *do. Baiham Assembly Rooms, 38, High-road, Balhamn Wandsworth Battersea Polytechnic, Battersea-park-road Battersea Battersea Public Baths, Battersea Battersea-park-road Battersea Town-hall-road 'Baxendale Arms, Columbia-road, Hackney "occa- Music and No intoxicating drinks to be sold on premises. dancing The hall to be used for parochial Music.. purposes only. Music and Dancing Islington Lambeth 'Avondale Hall, 72, Landor-road, Stockwell Batteasea Town Hall, as do. 280 Camden-road Atheaum, .. known licences. do. 432 All Saints' Church Room, hen Music Walworth Woolwich Southwood-road, Eltham Lambeth All Saints' Institute, 52, Priory-road Shoreditch 'Alma Music Hall, 29, Alma-street Deptford Amersham Hall, Amersham-vale, New Cross Wandsworth Ascension Parochial Hall, those sional " Southwark Alexander Institute, tahdt Bethna]-green Ground floor The premises not to be used for purposes of music hall, and intoxiatng-Wdinks----oto--bsold in auditorium. and basement ... Large 1 hall 610 Music and dancing, attale and stagesmkn ocrscu upss plays Minor hall 226 Music and The hall not to be used as a (190 in casino or priead music-L all, and ui dancing no prvte hall, 36 intoxicating drinks to be sold in duig or consumedel. hail. Poisoa in gallery) lieceoly euieenso g-o-t Large hall, 962 Music.. NewConi otytcmlidwt. road -... Men's first-class 1,928 Music and The lieceolyt b se o swimming dancing pupsscnetdwt etu bath .. Large hall and 1,464 do. small hall in basement Music room on 180 basrant. of dancing the music room do. In case ground floor to be used only for private parties, and no money to be fronting taken at doors for admission *Beale's Restaurant, 370,372 and 374, Holloway- Islington 220 do. road Bechstein Hall, St. Marylebone... Large hall on 36 and 38, Wigmore-street ground floor *Bedford Head Hotel, Holborn... Room on 235 and 236, Tottenhamground floor 560 - 120 Bee-hive Assembly Rooms, Wandsworth High-road, Streatham *Berkeley Hotel and Restau- Westminster rant, 7 7, Piccadilly .,. 280 . of public. The premises only to be used for private or club parties or entertainments of similar nature, and no money to be taken at doors. 170 at tables The licncnly to benused.for court-road Bermondsey Town Hall, Bermondsey Spa-road .- Hall on floor first 1,060 Music and dancng 6 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued Borough or city Concert-hall, etc. situated. Part of premises Approxilicence refers accommo(ifspecifie dation. Bishopsgate Institute, City of London Large hall Bishopsgate-street Without Greenwich Blackheath Concert Hall, ... Lee-road .. 515 1,104 licence, Music licence. ... Music and The licence only to be used in connection with concerts and dancing private balls, and no licences for sale of intoxicating drinks to be applied for other than those known as "occasional "licences. Music ... Hampstead .. 230 Holborn ... 300 Southwark 650 Poplar ... ... Large hall on ground floor ... Music and dancing do. 720 Music Lambeth ... 300 Lambeth ... 945 Poplar ... first Hampstead ... Hall on floor ... Grounds Westminster ... Basement ... 100 at tables do. The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals, and the music to cease at 9.30 Westminster 220 ... Tea rooms in basement and at tables ground floor do. The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. [Provisional licence only, certain alterations required by Westminster Blind School, . 10, Upper Avenue-road Bloomsbury Hall, 24 and 25, Hart-street, Borough PolytechnicInstitute, 103, Borough-road Bow and Bromley Branch of -the People's Palace, Bow-road British Workman, Ostade-road, Upper Tulse-hill Brixton Hall, Acre-lane, Brixton Bromley Public Hall, Bow-road *Bull and Bush Hotel, North-end *Bush Hotel, 2, Goldhawk-road, :Shepherd's-bush ... 250 ... do. Music and The ball not to be used as a casino. dancing do. acre Not com- Music ... puted Music and In case of dancing the rooms to 80 Hammersmith ... at tables dancing be used only for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. St. Marylebone... Basement and 192 Music ... The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. ground 198, Oxford-street and at tables Cabin, 214, Piccadilly p.m. Cabin, 89, Regent-street Council.] Cabin, 352 and 353, Strand *Cafe Monico, Westminster 46, Regent-street *Cafe Royal, Westminster 68, Regent-street *Cafe Vaudeville, Westminster 399 and 400, Strand The licence only to be used for do. 380 purpose of music during meals. at tables .. Music and In the case of dancing the rooms 500 to be used only for private dancing parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. Music . Room on first ... The licence only to be used for 637 purpose of music during meals. floor, and cafe at tables ... rooms on ground floor ... 100 at tables F i rs t-c 1 as s Islington Caledonian-road Baths, Caledonian-road 630 swimming The licence only to be used for purposes connected with resMusic and taurant. do. dancing bath Camberwell ... Cambridge House Hall, . 1, Addington-square *Cannon-street Hotel, City of London ... Great hall on first floor and Cannon-street 288 do. 1,109 do. 340 at tables do. pillar hall on Westminster Carlton Hotel, Haymarket ... second The music, except in case of a dance, to be confined to salle A manger, palm court, lounge, and entresol, and that dancing to be limited to private dances given by persons hotel to friends. steying at III--CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. Partof remsesApproxi. Name and address Coicruated. tc.licence Booghofct to which refers mt Cavendish Rooms, St. Marylebone... 51, Mortimer-street 250 bet licence. Music and dancing Special conditions attached to The premises not to be used as music hall or casino, and no licences for sale of intoxicating drinks to be applied for other thanthosekuown as "occasional" licences. Caxton Hall, Public hall on Westminster Caxton-street Chariton Assembly Rooms, Greenwich The Village, Old Charlton Chelsea . Chelsea Town Hall, 700 do. 300 do. council 1,390 Stageplays ground floor . . Hall, .. King's-road chamber andj large room on ground floor Do. and lower Camberwell 260 Music.. Wandsworth.. 500 do. The premises to be used for parochial purposes only. Music and 320 do. dancing Music.. 170 The licence only be used for at tables purpose of music during meals. 204 do. Wandsworth.. Holborn Lambeth to' Dining room .. .. Hampstead Greenwich 600 ,. City of London... Large hall on first floor Westminster. 221, Piccadilly Cromwell Hall (Putney Baths), Wandsworth Putney-bridge-road Drovers' Benevolent Institu- Islington tion, do. s2,70 970 . *Criterion Restaurant, do. 481 1,340 Swimmingbath .. e620 1,000 1,09 205 Metropolitan Cattle Market Westmnste Dulwich Constitutional Hall, Camberwell 33, East Dulwich-grove Egyptian Hall, limited Music and dancing hall in basement Cheltenham College Mission Hall, Nunhead-grove Church Institute, Wiseton-road, Upper Tooting Church-lane Hall, Church-lane, Tooting *City of New York, 2 , Hand-cout Claylands Sunday School, Ashmole-place, Clapham-road College Hall (International College) 329, Finchley-road Concert Hall and Rink, Blackheath-village Cripplegate Institute, Golden-lane The number of performances during current licensing year to be to 12, and the Council to be furnished with dates on which such performances are to be held. .. 300 Westminster 170, Piccadilly Eton Mission Hall, Hackney Gainsborough-road 370 ... Hall on first floor 950 Large hall and large room Institute-The and dancing and stage plays (a) Music and The licence only to e usedfor purdancing poses connected with restaurant. The premises not to be used for do. purposes of a music hall. Musi In the case of dancing the hall to do. be used only for private parties, ,do. and no money to be taken at Muican doors for admission of public. No money to be taken at doors do. for admission for dancing. Music.. do. danin [Provisional licence only, require- ments plied Excelsior Hall and Swimming Bethnal-green Baths, (a) Cripplegate 550 Music of Council not yet comi- with.] Music and No licences for the sale of intoxidan cating drinks to be applied for other than those known as " occasional " licences. The hall and large room not to be let separately for entertainments to take place at same time, and the board room not to be used in connection with licence. stage-play licence is granted by the Lord Chamberlain. 8S 111.-CONCERT HALLS,- Etc.--continued. Nam ndo ddres Cocr-al etc.situated. t.in Concer-hall or ity which Part of premises Approxilicence refers accommoseating (if specified). dotion. 56, Davies-st., Berkeley-sq. IFirst floor *Florence Hotel and Restau- Westminster *Frascati Restaurant, The licence only to be used for at tables Music and 975 dancing quarters, 53 to 58, Rupert-st. Seilcninsatchdt lcne Music.. 150 *First Avenue Hotel, Holborn... High Holborn First Middlesex R.V.C. Head- Westminster rant, of licence. Music 210 at tables St. Marylebone... 1,625 Music and [1,325. at dancing 32, Oxford-street purpose of music during meals. tables] to be limited to the York room and banquetting hall, and to be used only for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. Freemasons' Hall, Woolwich Large hall oni ground floor do. do. 200 and 835 1,075 .. Mount Pleasant do. dining first room on floor *Freemasons' Tavern, Holborn... Great Queen-street Fulham Catholic Club, Fulham. 36, Kelvedon-road Fulhamn Town Hall, Fulham Waiham-green *Gambrinus Restaurant, .. . Large and small 1,040 do. halls on floor 234 Music and Ground at tables basement first . Westminster.. 7 and 8, Rupert-street .. The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. floors do. Large hall on 1,986 New-cross ground floor eGrand Hotel, Westminster.. Principal' 300 do. Northumberland-avenue dining room at tables and lounge Great Eastern Hotel, City of London... Hamilton hall Music and Liverpool-street and reception dancing Goldsmiths' Institute, Deptford .. 7820k II room Grill room *Green Nan Hotel, Lewisham Blackheath Greenwich Borough Hall, Greenwich Royal-hill Hammrsmih Gresbam .. .. first do. fido. do. In the case of dancing the room to be used only for private do. The hall not to be opened on Sundays hibited days pio- or other by license for private gain or by way of trade. The premises not to be used for purposes of a music hail, and intoxicating drinks not to be sold in auditorium. Westminster.. 500 Buckingham-palace-road * rosvenor Restaurant, 13A and 15, Wilton-road., 20*0 parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. on 180 sf750 floor Large hall and 847 concert room on first floor sf650 Hall 7, Gresham-road, Brixton Grosvenor Hall, do. 460 .- Lambeth Hall, I Westminster Dining 100 Music room on ground at tables floor Pimlico Hackney do. . Men's ist-class swimming bath Public hall on first floor, and use of council chamber and c omm ittecc room in connection with there- .. The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals, and the music only to be performed between 6.30 and 10.30 p.m. The number of persons to be admitted to performances not to' exceed 750. 9 III.-CONCERT HAILLS, Et.-continued. BPart Name and address of Concert-hall, etc. in whc to w situated. of premises Approitorouwhichitymate Objects hlcechefrsseating of dlicccmmo-rlcencelicence. Hampstead Hampstead Conservatoire, Eton-avenue Hampstea4 Drill Hall, Hampstead Holly-bush-vale Hampstead Town Hall, Hampstead Haverstock-hill Hanley Hall, 2A, Sparsholt-road *Hans..crescent Hotel, Chelsea fans-crescent Islington iene aton.- (if specifie), 638 Seilcniin tahdt tahdt Music.. 720 Seilcniin Music and dancing Public hall on first floor and committee room on second floor see do. 650 Music 450 . Palmery do. 200 at tables The music to be confined to palmery, the band to be a string band of not more than six per-. formers, and the music to be played only between the hours *Hsltchett's Restaurant, 67A, Westminster ... Islington ,, 1,310 .. 300 . 200 Piccadilly Highbury Athenaum, of 7 and 10 p.m. The licence only to be used for purposes connected with the restaurant. Music and The premises only to be used for private parties, or entertaindancing ments of a similar character. Music.. 80 at tables do. Highbury-new-park Highbury-vale Mission Hall, Islington Myrtle-street, Blackstock-road Wandsworth High School Hall, Music and (ifdo. dancing 2,800 The dancing to be strictly condo. fined to portion of premises [800 at ,do. -mnown as Kings Hall rooms, tables] Pinfold-road, Streatham Holborn... *Holborn Restaurant, 218, High Holborn ,. the licence to be used only for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. Holborn Town Hall, Holborn... *Holborn-viaduct Hotel, 1,420 ,. do. r~do. Gray's-inn-road 200 sMusi Music.. Coffee-room, at tables and two Masonic rooms City of London Holborn-viaduct Islington Holloway Hall, 445, Holloway-road Lambeth *Horns Assembly Rooms, 409, Kennington-park-road ., 1W n n m r 4 1,000 ,r170 920 The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. Music and dancing 9*09 The premises not to be opened do. on Sundays or other days prohibited by licence for private gain or by way of trade. Music.. Strand Music and The premises to be used for private parties in the case of dancdancing Westminster ... ing, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public.. aWestminster ... TDining room _.Idrawing room *Hotel de l'Europe, The licence only to be used for 450 Music.. Ws tmntry purpose of music during meals. 10-15, Leicester-square on first floor at tables .boHolborn... and cafes on attale *Hotel Cecil, Dining room .HLonge ban-. Reception 11,236{ lon790 room and supperroom, coffe room .. ground and The licence only to be used for purposes connected with hotel. The licence only to be used for purpose. of music during meals. The licence only to be used for purposes connected with hotel. do. winter garden *Hotel Victoria, Northumberland-avenue Westminster ... 320 at tables do. 10 III.--CONCERT HALLS, Etc,--continued, Naean ddesofi nertanladdessfc.nhih Cocr-al t.situated. *Hyde-park Hotel, Knightsbridge wih Westminster Camberwell Imperial Hall, Grove-vale, East Dulwich *Imperial Restaurant, 60 and 62, Regent-street, Westminster Holborn... *Inns of Court Hotel, 269 and 270, High Holbo Kensington Town Hall Kensington Kensington High-street inA's Arms, Chelsea. 114, Cheyne-walk King's Hall, Fulham New King's-road King's Hall, 83, Commercial-road East Ladywell Lewisham Music.. 300 at tables first ... *La4broke Hall, Kensington 124, Ladbroke-grove oj The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. Music and No licence for sale of intoxicating 916 drinks to be applied for other dancing than those known as "occasional " licences ; no money to be taken at doors for admission for dancing ; the premises not to be used as a music-hall, and when an "occasional" licence is obtained, the public not to be admitted to hall. . Basement, 550 Music .. The licence only to be used for ground floors at tables purpose of music during meals. and Gambrinus room do. .. Dining room on 84 do. floor at tables .. Large and 1,014 Music and small halls dancing ... 140 Music Entire ground floor (upper) Stepney Ladywell Public Baths, ct Special conditions attached to flicence. licence. orcityPart of premises ApproxiBorouh to which meateng licence refers sain (if specified). accom~mo- 390 . Large hall at rear of premises 229 370 . ... Music and dancing No intoxicating drinks to be sold or Music consumed on premises. Music and dancing and stage plays 600 'Music and dancing First class swimming bath, excluding gallery First class swimming bath Lambeth Public Baths, Lambeth Kennington-road Lava Skating Rink, Camberwell Grove-lane Lawrence Hall, Wandsworth 1,602 .. nuan do. ~fdo. Ldo. 1,800 ... do. SMusic do. 200 -... Standen-road, Southfields. Limehouse Town Hall, Stepney. ..on first do. ...- Hall 460 Commercial-road floor .. *London Exhibition Buildings, Fulham and Ken- Exhibition do. 36,000 redo. dancing Muican Earl's-court sington buildings and grounds (234 rMusi acres) London Scottish Drill Hall, 59, Buckingham-gate, Longfield Hall. Westminster Cambrwell Empress Theatre attbe 3,678 1,200 Large hall one ground floor Stageplays dancing Music and No intoxicating drinks to be sold on premises. The premises to be used fortpre chial purposes only. paThe dancing to be confined to stage of building or buildings in which entertainments are held; no entertainments to be given which will involve alterations to buildings without sanction of Council being first obtained. " purpose con e wh r 210 400 Members' lun250 cheon room at tables 300 680 30 taurant. 11 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. Borough or city inowichhigcof Name and address of Concert-hall, etc. Part of hc t licence refers situated. (if specified). Approximate co seatin m- acom- Objectsoilcntosatchdo Speci lcence.nsatchdt ieclcne o iene Poplar.. .. 120 Music Hackney *Etford Castle, .. 1,076 do. 350 do. 110 do. 659 do. 129, Cadogan-terrace, Victoria-park Morley Hall, Triangle,-Mare-street Mottinghiam Parish Room, Woolwich The room to be used for parochial purposes only. Mottinghiam *Xulberry Tree, Stepney... .. 133, Stepney-green Xurphy Memorial Hall .. Southwark New Kent-road Myddelton Hail. Islington Almeida-street National Skating Palace, Music and The premises not to be used as a casino, and no drinking bars to dancing Not combe erected in auditorium. The dancing to be confined to do. dancing on skates. puted . 600 Westminster.. 7. ArgylI-street Neckinger Drill Hall, .. Bermondsey Neckinger-road ... Deptford New Cross Hall, Lewisham-high-road Westminster.. New Gallery, 121A, Regent-street Newington Public Baths, Southwark Manor-place, 650 *Northampton Arms, Bethnal-green 11, Northampton-street Northampton House, 59, Compton-road Islington ... Finsbury .. Northern Polytechnic Islington Institute, Holloway-road Old Crown Public House, Islington .. Northampton Institute, St. John-street-road Large hall on ground floor' Large hall on ground floor do. 1,250 do. Music.. 300 Walworth do. 100 Ground floor of firstmen's swimclass ming bath .. 780 920 Large hall do. Music and 1,400 1,246 108 .. Highgate-hill *Olympia.. .. do. Music aund No money to be taken at doors dancing .. I Hammersmith Paddington Baths, Paddington Queen's-road , Great ball . First-class swimming bath 6,424 Not corputed Music and The dancing to be confined to sold orcnsmdinromwe dancing, stage, or if hall be turned into uroeso itisuedfr and stage. a rink, the hall only to be used for inking purposes, i.e., dancing plays to on se sa aio noti no hall skates ; tobentertainments The be given which will involve alterations to building without sanction of Council being first obtained. Music and No entertainments to be given which will involve alterations dancing to building without sanction of Council being first obtained. 1,006 do. Lewisham .. 400 do. Wandsworth .,.. 400 Music St. Pancras ... 445 Music and .. dancing Hamnmersmith 164, Rye-lane, Peckliam for admission of public to entertainments covered by Council's licence. ... Minor hall Peckham Public Hall, The pretnises not to be used- as a oe drinking bars to casino, and -dancing- In0 th aeono anign be erected in auiditorium. o ams tob tknatdor Music.. 250 do. Camberwell 662 do. The premises to be used for parochial purposes only. The premises to be used for parochial purposes only. 12 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. Part of premises Approxipis mate to which at refers seating (if specified). accomamo- NamePittof Name and address of Concert-hall, etc. Borough or city in which situated. licence ~dation. People's Palace, Queen's Hall... .. Stepney... Mile-end-road *Piccadilly Art Galleries and Westminster... Prince's Restaurant, 190-196, Piccadilly Piccadilly Restaurant, ... Grill room in Westminster 201 and 202, Piccadilly basement, restauimant and balcony on ground and first floors, and dining room on second floor Pimlico Rooms, Westminster ... Hall on first Warwick-street, Pimlico floor Men's St. Marylebone... Marlborough Young Polytechnic hall Christian Institute 309, Regent-street Poplar ... ... Hall on first Poplar Town Hall, Newby-place floor Portman Rooms, St. M arylebone... 58, Baker-street Prince of Wales-road Baths, St. Pancras ... Men'sfirst -class Kentish-town swimmingbath Prince's Skating Club, Westminster ... South-place, Knightsbridge 1,540 750 The licence only to be used for purposes connected with the restaurant, and in the case of dancing the rooms to be used only for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. [Provisional licence only. premises in course of erection.] do. 460 1,000 Music and dancing do. 1,041 do. 3,000 Music Wandsworth ... 300 St. Marylebone... 3,676 Queen's-park Hall, First-avenue, Harrow-road *Railway Tavern, 131, Plumstead-road Robert Browning Hall, York-street, Walworth *Robin Hood Tavern, High-hill-ferry, Upper Clapton Paddington ... ... The hall to be used for five months of year for club purposes, during remainder of year only entertainments of a high-class character to be permitted, no intoxicating drinks to be sold on premises, and the premises to be closed at 11.30 p.m. The hall to be used for parochial do. purposes only. Music and dancing do. The licence only to be used for ... Grill room in Music ... 300 purposes connected with the basement and at tables restaurant. table d'hote room on ground floor ... Music and 400 dancing do. ... 150 ... Hall, exclusive of gallery ... Hall on ground floor 400 Music 120 Hackney *Royal Adelaide Galleries, Westminster 436, Strand *Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington Upper-street Music and dancing 580 300 Rotherhithe Town Hall, Bermondsey Lower-road ... Music ... Southwark cence. 500 Southwark Woolwich Music Special conditions attached to do. Prior Memorial Hall, Barlow-street Putney Assembly Rooms, 113, High-street, Putney *Queen's Hall, Langham-place *Queen's Hotel, 7, 8 and 9, Leicester-square Westminster Objects O of licence. do. 836 ... Music and dancing, The music only to be played between the hours of 9 and 12 p.m., the hall only to be used for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. andstageplays (a) ... Ground floor... Music ... The licence only to be used for 653 purpose of music during meals. at tables Music and ... Large, Minor, 8,000 dancing King Edward's, and Berner's halls onground and first floors (a) Rotherhithe Town Hall--The stage-plays licence is granted by the Lord Chamberlain. 13 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. Part of premises ApproxiName and address of Concert-hall, etc. Boroghorhcity to which licence refers (ifspecified). situated. Royal Assembly Rooms, Woolwich 33, New-road Royal Horticultural Society, Westminster Vincent-square Woolwich *Royal Hotel, Eltham mate i at Special conditions attached to e licences dation. 750 ... Objects o f Music and dancing do. [Provisional licence only, premises in course of erection.] No intoxicating drinks to be sold do. 150 ... in the room licensed for music and dancing. Music ... No money to be taken at doors 100 Hammersmith ... *Royal Oak Public-house, for admission of public. 62, Glenthorne-road 860 Music and In the case of dancing the rooms to ... IAnnexe Kensington *Royal Palace Hotel, be used only for private parties, dancing High-street and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. Not Dining-room... Music ... The licence only to be used for purposes connected with the availabl e restaurant. do. 250 Bethnal-green ... Hall on first *Royal Victor Music Hall, floor 234, Old Ford-road 1,312 Music and Lambeth ... Royal Victoria Hall and dancing Coffee Tavern, 131, Waterloo-bridge-road 342 Music and The hall to be used for parochial ... Fulham ... St. Andrew's Hall, dancing, purposes only. May-street and stageplays do 224 Music ... ... Wandsworth St. Anne's Hall, Venn-street, Clapham do. 400 Music and ... Bermondsey St. Anne's Mission Hall, dancing Thorburn-square The premises to be used only for 200 do. St. Bride Foundation Insti- City of London ... nny_ private parties, and no tute, to be taken at doors for admis. Bride-lane sion of public. The hall to be used only for 250 do. ... Kensington Hall, St. Clement's Mission private parties, and no money .. a 39, Mary-place to be taken at doors for admission of public. The hall to be used for parochial 456 do. ... Lewisham St. Cyprian's Hall, purposes only. Brockley-road The licence only to be used for Westminster ... Entrance 1,200 Music *St. Ermin's Hotel, lounge, dining purpose of music during meals. Caxton-street, and banqueting rooms BanquetingMusic and The room to be used only for room dancing semi-private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. do. 320 Westminster ... St Gabriel's Parish House, Glasgow - terrace, Lupus street The hall only to be used for 300 Music *St. George's Hall, Champion City of London... private parties, and no money Hotel, to be taken at doors for admis15, Aldersgate-street sion of public. ... Hall on ground Southwark 370 Music and St. George's Hall, floor dancing 21, Westminster - bridge road Westminster ... Hall on first 300 I Music St. George (Hanover-square) floor Hall, Mount-street do. ... The room to be used for parochial 300 ... Lewisham St. George's Parish Hall, purposes only. Carholme-road 1,072 do. ... [Provisional licence only, work Bethnal-green ... St. James's Hall, required by Council not yet comSewardstone-road pleted.] 350 The premises to be used for do ... ... Lewisham St. James's Hall, parochial purposes only. Stanstead-road, Forest-hill 2,966 Music and The dancing notto be permitted on Westminster . Whole of preSt. James's Hall, mises ground floor of restaurant and dancing and 850 Piccadilly musiconground floor to cease at 11 at tables p.m., and to be confined to Regentstreet saloon, otherwise known as Silver Grill, to 6 p.m., and to Piccadilly saloon from 6 p.m. ... Exhibition Hall Room on ground floor 14 III.,-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. Name Part of premises Approxi- Borughor ity and address of Concrb-hll, te.situated. inrowh o ich -~I St. James's Parish Room, to which mate licsecie d).accommo(if peciie, dation. -- Hackney --- Objects ---- . 380 .. 250 Clapton St. John's National Schools, Fuiham.. Dawes-road St. John's Bowyer Schools, Wandsworth.. Special conditions attached to licence.liei. 520 Music and The room to be used for parochial dancing purposes only. The schools to be used for parochial do. purposes only. do. Gaskell-street, Clapham St. John's Parochial Hall, Frederick-crescent, Vassallroad, Brixton St. John's Schools, Lambeth .. 596 425 Bethnal-green Peel-grove, Bethnal-grove St. Jude's Parochial Hall, Lambeth . 213, Railton-road, Herne-hill St. Lawrence Parish*-Hall, Lewisham Holbeach-road, Catford St. Luke's Mission Hall, Hammersmith.. The hall to be used for parochial purposes only, and no intoxicating drinks to be sold on premises. do. do. 350 Music The premises to be used parochial purposes only. do. .. 220 do. 430 do. .. 360 do. .. .. 330 do. .. 200 do. .. ... 413 for Haydn-park-road St. Luke's Parochial Hall, Battersea Ramsden-road, Clapham St. Mark's Lecture Hall, Hackney Colvestone-crescent St. Mary-le-Park Parish Hall, Battersea Park-road St. Mildred's Hall, Lewisham Burnt Ash, Lee St. Olave and St. John's In- Bermondsey.. stitute, Concert hall on Wellield-road St. Peter's Institute, Buckinglam-palace-road do. do. 350 Music and dancing do. 440 Music The hall to be used for parochial purposes only. do. [ Provisional licence only, the work first floor Fair-street, Tooley-street St. Peter's Hall, Deptford _9yifleld-road, Brockley St. Peter's Mission Hall, .. The hall to be used for parochial purposes only. do. .Large hall Wandsworth.. 230 required by the Council being still in progress.] 9.55 Music and In case of dancing no money to be taken at doors for admission of dancing public, and no intoxicating drinks to be sold on portion of premises licensed. 300 Music .. 280 do. .. 200 do. 80 at tables do. Westminster ~Wandsworth St. Silas's Mission Hall, Camberwell Inverton-road, Peckham St. Stephen's National Schools, Lewisham Jerrard-street Salle Erard, Westminster 18, Great Marlborough-street Saloon, Camberwell.. 168, Rye-lane Gymnasium in basement and concert room on first floor .. . .. The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. [Provisional *Savoy Hotel. Victoria-embankment licence only, work required by Council not yet completed.] 300 Westminster.. Shoreditch Public Baths, Shoreditch Pit-field-street Clsearn d4ol, .. First - class swimming bath Large hall on at tables 1,700 Music and The licence to be used for purposes connected with hotel only. dancing do. 1,200 do 350 do. 880 Music 180 do. 323 Music and dancing first floor Gymnasium on ground floor First floor and basement Assembly rooms .. The hall not to be opened on Sundays or other days prohibited by licence for private gain or by way of trade. [Provisional licence only, the premises not yet completed.] The licence to be used only for purpose of music during meals. 15 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.--continued. Name and address of Concert-hall, etc.stued *Stanley Hall, Part of premisesIApproxito which mate licence refers seating situated. (if specified). acdtion. Borough or city aIon! Islington ... 600 Junction-road Wandsworth *Star and Garter Hotel, Lower Richmond-road, Putney Steinway Hall, 17, Lower Seymour-street Stepney Town Hall, 240 and 241, Cable-street Stoke Newington Assembly Rooms, Defoe-road Streatham Hall, High-road, Streatham *Sun Music Hall, Green-street Surrey Masonic Hall, 295, Camberwell-new-road *Surrey Tavern and Oval, Kennington-oval ... Large room on 250 first floor St. Marylebone.. 500 Stepney ... ... 495 Stoke Newington 550 Wandsworth ... 1,265 Bethnal-green ... 60 Camberwell ... Lambeth 869 Dining-roomon ground floor 300 Objects of Special conditions attached to licence. licence. Music and The premises not to be used as a music hall or casino, and no dancing licences for the sale of intoxicating drinks to be applied for other than those known as " occasional" licences. do. The premises not to be used for purposes of a music hall or casino, no drinking bars to be allowed in room, and no intoxicating drinks to be served or consumed in room except at dinners and private balls. Music ... Music and dancing do. do. Music ... Music and dancing Music ... 300. Hackney *'ssex Arms, 107, Culford-road "Swallow, Westminster 6, Swallow-street, Piccadilly *Swan Tavern, Islington 125, Caledonian-road Sydenham Public Hall, Lewisham 55 and 57, Kirkdale, Sydenham *Three Crowns Tavern, Woolwich High-street, North Woolwich Tooting Vestry Hall, Wandsworth Tooting-broadway Trinity College Mission Hall, Camberwell 95, New Church-road *Trocadero Restaurant, Shaftesbury-avenue *Tudor Hotel, 87, Oxford-street *Tufnell Arms, 162, Tufnell-park-road Tussaud (Madame) and Sons' Exhibition, Marylebone-road Upper Norwood Public Hall Ranger-road, Upper Norwood *Vale of Health Hotel, Hampstead ... 140 do. .. 180 do. ... Club-room on first floor 120 do. sionallicence only, certain alterations required by Council.] Music and No intoxicating drinks to be sold dancing on premises. andstage plays Music and ... dancing ... 540 .. 220 ... 150 do. 1,186 do. The hall and rooms to be used for parochial purposes only. 1,011 do. The licence only to be used for purposes connected with restaurant, and in the case of dancing the rooms be used only for private parties, and no money to be taken at doors for admission of public. ... The licence only to be used for purpose of music during meals. ... Large hall and two rooms behind Westminster... ... 1 9 Westminster ... I Grill-room Islington ... St. Marylebone... Lambeth No intoxicating drinks to be consumed in club-room. [Provi- ... Music do. puted do. 600 Music and dancing Hampstead ... Large room on ground floor Portion of grounds Music ... 100 tables Music and dancing 16 III.-CONCERT HALLS, Etc.-continued. t Borughor ityPart of premises Approxi- Name and address of Bruoin whichct to which Cocet-al, tc stute. Concrt-all et. stuaed. matesetn Object icnc rfesaccommo(if specified). dation. Special conditions attached to oflicence, licence. r Vicarage Room, 220 Music 400 Battersea Music and dancing and stageplays Music and dancing. The premises not to be used as a do. casino, and no drinking bars to be erected in auditorium. do. Battersea-square Kensington Victoria Hall, 21, Archer-street Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High-street Wellington Hall, .. Hall on floor first 500 Islington 400 Southwark 336 Lambeth Knight's-hill-road, West Norwood Stepney... Whitchapel Public Baths, Goulston-street 530 do. floor of 1,000 The room to be used for parochial purposes only. do. Almeida-street Wellington Hall, Etherdon-street, Walworth West Norwood Public Hall, ."Ground men's class swim- ming bath Westminster *Willis' Restaurant, first 250 26, King-street, St. James Woolwich Polytechnic, Woolwich .. Gymnasium, . 638 William-street *Ye Olde Green Hall, Dragon Music at tables The licence only to be used for purposes connected with the restaurant. Music and dancing 200 Music.. Battersea 160 Stepney.. 230 Music and No tickets to be sold at doors, and the place not to be used as a dancing casino or music hall, but only for clubs and private purposes. Music.. Music Stepney... .. Hall on ground floor Grosvenor-street, Limehouse, * -Plough, 89, St. John's-hill *York Minster Music Hall, 44, Philpot-street I I ----- -- - --r I This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010