ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015[Serie* F ] ^ University Extension Lectures UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE EXTENSION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHING SYLLABUS OF A COURSE OF SIX LECTURES ON 1 THE CRUSADES ■ ... ; •• • ¥ BY HI LAI RE BELLOC Late Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford Staff Lecturer in History for the American Society ]fe.l3 Price, 10 cent* Copyright, 1896, by The American Society for the Extension of University Teaching in South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ''fList of Books. Archer : '' The Crusades." (" Story of the Nations " Series.) Archer : 4'The Crusade of Richard I." Michaud : " Bibliotheque des Croisades.1' (Especially volume iv.) KiTCHIN : " History of France." Michei 10 12. The University Extension Lecturer. By E. J. James, President of the American ' Society, (pp. 18),.............................. 15 13. The Function and Organization of a Local Centre. By Michael E. Sadler. (PP. 8),................................... 10 14. The Y. M. C. A. and University Extension. By Walter C. Douglas, General Secretary of the Philadelphia Y. M. C. A. (pp. 7).............. 10 15. The Church and University Extension. By J. S. Macintosh, (pp.7),..... 10 16. The Class in University Extension. By Edward T. Devine, Staff Lecturer of the American Society, (pp. 6),....................... 10 17. The Place of University Extension in American Education. By William T. Harris, (pp. 14), .......................................................15 18. The Place of University Extension. By Simon N. Patten, Ph. D. (pp.36), . . 10 19. The First Annual Report of the American Society,..............................15 20. The Ideal Syllabus. By Henry W. Rolfe, Staff Lecturer of the American So- ciety. (pp. 3),............................... 10 21. Some General Considerations on University Extension. By E. J. James, Presi- dent of the American Society,....................... 10 22. Oxford Reformers; Colet, Erasmus, and More. By W. Hudson Shaw, M. A. (pp. 83),..................................... 23. Greek Life and Thought. Outlines of Lectures in Summer Meeting, 1895. (pp.32), © 10 34. Statement of the Board of Directors, 1894, American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, ............................ 10 •Brief circulars explanatory of University Extension will be sent free on application.SYLLABI. SERIES 1890-91. Mo. 4. Milton's Poetic Art. Richard G. Moulton, Ph. D.,.... ........* " 6. Story of Faust. Richard G. Moulton, Ph. D.,..............10 44 1. Shakespeare's Tempest with Companion Studies. Richard G. Moulton, Ph.D.,............................................................*• 1" 9. Stories as a Mode of Thfftking. Richard G. Moulton, Ph. D., u 11. Electricity. Henry Crew,................................................*• " 12. Four Studies in Shakespeare. Richard G. Moulton, Ph. D.,............xo " 15. Animal Life. Considered as a part of Universal Energy. Spencer Trot* ter, M. D.,..........................................*• <£ 16. Modern Essayists. F. E. Schelling, M. A.,. . . .........................XO " 20. Algebra. George E. Fisher, M. A.t.................. • 15 " 21. Botany; Structural. JosephT. Rothrock, M. D.,..................10 " 22. Geology and Palaeontology. Part I. (Illustrated.) E. D. Cope, Ph. D.,. • ao SERIES A. 1891-92. A. No. 1. Political History of Europe since 1815,............... Parti. 1815-1848. lC. M. Andrews, Ph. D., 1848-1881. •» Part II. 1848-1881. 2. Constitution of the United States. F. N. Thorpe, Ph. D........ 3. English Literature—Chaucer to Tennyson. R. E. Thompson, S. T. D., 4. Epochs in American History. 1620-1892. F. N. Thorpe, Ph. D., . . . 5. Europe Finds America. F. N. Thorpe, Ph. D.,..... •••••« 6. Civil Development of the United States. F. N. Thorpe, Ph. D..... 7. Mathematics as Applied to Mechanics. E. S. Crawley, B. S., . . • • 8. Representative American Authors. Josiah H. Pbnniman, B. A., . • . 9. Earlier Plays of Shakespeare. James O. Murray, LL. D........ 10. English Literature. Albert H. Smyth, M. A.,............ 11. Political Economy. R. E. Thompson, S. T. D.,............ 12. Modern Novelists. Felix E. Schelling, M. A., ........... 13. Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century. E. P. Cheyney, M. A.,. • 14. Typical English Poets. Henry S. Pancoast,............. 15. Modern Industrial History. E. P. Cheyney, M. A., 16. Poets of America. Willis Boughton, M. A.,............ 17. Dynamical Geology,.......................... Part I. \ w B ScoTT> Ph. D.,................ Part II. i ................ 18. Economic Condition of the People of the United States, between 1789 and 1816. J. B. McMaster, Ph, D., . 19. American Literature. A. H. Smyth, M. A., 20. English Literature in the Nineteenth Century. Henry W. Rolfb, M. A. 21. Structural Botany. (With an Outline Course of Study.) Joseph T Rothrock, M. D.,............... 22. The Brook Farm Community. Willis Boughton, M. A, 23. Electricity. A. W. Goodspeed, Ph. D.,......... 24. Prose Fiction in America. George F. James, M. A., . . 25. The Strength of Materials. Henry W. Spangler, . . . 26. Political Economy. (With an outline of reading.) Edward T. Dbvinb Ph. D., 27. American History—Administration of Government. Francis N. Thorpe, Ph. D.,............................ 28. Robert Browning. Henry S. Pancoast,............... 29. Studies in English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Paul SfiORHY,. 30. The Modern View of Energy. George F. Barker, M. D.,...... 31. English Poets of the Revolution Age. W. Clarke Robinson, Ph. D.„ 32. A Bird's-eye View of European History, from the Battle of Marathon the Fall of the Eastern Empire. Ida M. Gardner, .... 33. Literature of the Queen Anne Period. C. T. Winchester, L. H. D, 34. History and Theory of Money. (With an outline Course of Study.) Sid- ney Sherwood, Ph. D.,.................... 35. Plant Forms and Plant Functions. (With an outline Course of Study.) John M. MacFarlane, F. R. S. E.,............ 36. Renaissance, Historically Considered. C. M. Andrews, Ph. D., . . 37. Light. A. W. Goodspeed, Ph. D„................. 38. Shakspere: The Man and His Mind. W. Clarke Robinson, Ph. D., 39. Revolutions in Conynerce. H. D. Mackinder, M. A.,....... 40. Socialism: Past, Present, and Future. (With an outline Course of Study.) Michael E. Sadler, M. A.,................. . 41. The Change in Political Economy. (With an outline Course of Study.) Michael E. Sadler, M. A,,............. 42. The Literary Study of the Bible. Richard G. Moulton, Ph. D, xo 10 XO XO XO XO XO m XO I* XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO xo XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO 90 is *5 15 XOSYLLABI. SERIES B. 1892-93. &No. 1. American Statesmen. f. n. Thorpe, Ph. D., . . . . . . . • ...... $0 so •* " 2. Astronomy. C. A. Young, Ph. D., LL. D., . . ..... . . . . .... JO m " 3. The Making of a Federal Republic. w. c. Webster, M. A.,..... . 10 ** " 4. English History as Illustrated by Shakespeare's Plays. Beverley E. Warner, m. a., . . . ** •' 5. The Development of the United States.'* e. D. Warfield, LL. D., . . . 10 .j11 6. American Authors. j. h. Penniman, b. a., . .....................10 M " 7V Florentine History. W. Hudson Shaw, M. A., . ...................20 44 ** 8. Art of Music. Hugh A. Clarke, Mus. D., ...................10 44 41 9., Prose Writers of the Nineteenth Century. H. W. Rolfe, M. a., .... 10 ** " 10. Puritan Revolution. W.Hudson Shaw, M. A./ ...................10 44 44 11. Electricity. Geo. S. Hull, Ph. d.,.....................10 44 44 12. Age of Elizabeth. W. Hudson Shaw, M. A.,. . . ................xo 44 " 13. Causes of National Prosperity. Edward t. Devine, Ph. d.,............xo 44 44 14. Development of American Nationality. J. L. Stewart, Ph. B., .... 15 •' " 15. History of American Literature. R. e. Thompson, S. t. D.,............10 44 " 16. History of Venice. W. Hudson Shaw, m. a., ....................25 " •« vj. English Social Reformers. W. Hudson Shaw, M. A., ......... 10 44 44 18. Birth of American Institutions. Edwin e. Sparks, M. A.,.......* 1$ " " 19. American Political History. L. p. Powell, B. A.,...........• 15 " " 20. United States History. c. F. A. Currier,.............. . xo SERIES C. 1893-94. C. No. 1. The Protestant Reformation. J. H. Dubbs, d. d., ........... 15 44 44 2. Shakespeare. Homer b. Sprague, Ph. d.,......................xo 44 44 3. Electricity. William l. Puffer, . . ..............• . . xo 44 44 4. Topics in Algebra. Edwin s. Crawley, B. s................35 44 " 5. Milton, Paradise Lost and Goldsmith. Homer b. Sprague, Ph. D., . . 15 44 M 6. Life in Ancient Cities. Edmund m. Hyde, Ph. d., ............xo 44 44 7. Reformation, Historically Considered. C. m. Andrews, Ph. D., .... 15 44 44 8. Some Formative Influences in the History of the American Union. John Fiske, m. a., . ..............................xo 44 ** 9. English Novelists. Josiah H. Penniman, B. A.,....................15 44 44 10. Literary Study of Homer. Wm. C. Lawton, b. a*, . . . . .............xo 44 44 11. Egypt and Israel. Robt. W. Rogers, Ph. D.,............................J$ 44 44 12. Comparative Religion. R. E. Thompson, s. T. D., . . . ....... . tJ •*"' 44 13. The Problem of Money. H. H. Powers, M. A., •4 " 14. Experimental Psychology. Lightner Witmer, Ph. D., ........ xo 44 " 15. Citizenship and Government. Edward T. Devine, Ph. D...........xo SERIES D. 1894*95* D. No. x. Early English Literature. W. Clarke Robinson, Ph. D., ....... 15 44 " 2. Browning and Tennyson. Stockton Axson, M. A., .......... xo 44 44 3. Money and Banking. Robert Ellis Thompson, s. t. D.,...... . xo 44 " 4. Poetry and Romance in New England. William Cranston Lawton, B. 15 44 44 5. Development of Classical Music from Palestrina to Beethoven. Thomas Whitney Surette,..........................xo " " 6. Bayard Taylor and his Friends. Albert h. Smyth, B. a., . . . . , . xo •• 44 7. First Quarter of the Nineteenth Century in the United States. John Bach McMaster, Ph. d.,........ . . .................xo w 44 8. Representative English Authors of the Nineteenth Century. Henry W. Rolfe,M. A.,.......................................15 44 44 9. The Poetry of the Nineteenth Century—Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, ■4.. Browning, Tennyson. Stockton Axson, . . . . - . . . . . . 10 44 44 10. The Making of England, 449-1215. W. Hudson Shaw, M. A., ...... 70 " 44 11. Mediaeval England, 1215-1514. w. Hudson Shaw, m. a., ....... 25 •* 41 12. English History. Edward P. Cheyney, M. A.,....................i® 44 44 13. The American Railway. Emory R. Johnson, Ph. D.,...... . , . xo «• 44 14. The American Citizen. Albert A. Bird, Ph. dm................xo 44 44 15. Special Studies in English Literature. Alfred Cope Garrett, Ph. D., Xo 14 44 16. Certain Poets and Prose Writers of New England. Henry W. Rolfe, M. A., ........................................15 it# •« Puritan Revolution. Frederick w. Nicolls,..................15 •* " 18 Current Topics. linuhley Miller keasbey, Ph. D., . ............10 m " 19. The Life of Plants. wrpjam P. Wilson, Sc. D.,. .1 ..............xo • M 20 Between the Two Wars—1812-1860. Henry W. Elson, M. A., . . . . . V*This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015