I LLINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2010. ADJUSTED RATES OF SICKNESS AND EXPECTATION OF SICKNESS MORTALITY, AND BASED THEREON; AND MONETARY TABLES (TOGETHER WITH INTRODUCTORY REPORT) REPRINTED FROM : SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXPERIENCE DEDUCED FROM THE QUINQUENNIAL RETURNS MADE BY REGISTERED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES FOR THE YEARS 1856 TO 1880 INCLUSIVE, TOGETHER WITIH A REPORT TO THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (E. W. BRABROOK, ESQ., F.S.A.), AND CERTAIN MONETARY TABLES BASED THEREON AT RATES OF INTEREST FROM 2 BY PER CENT. TO 4 PER CENT. INCLUSIVE. WILLIAM SUTTON, Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and a former President thereof, and Actuary to the Central Office of the Registry of Friendly Societies, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, LIMITED, FETTER LANE, E.C.; or OLIVER AND BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. PRINTED BY DARLING AND SON, LIMITED, BACON STREET, 1912. Price 10s. E. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010 ADJUSTED RATES OF SICKNESS AND EXPECTATION OF SICKNESS MORTALITY, AND BASED THEREON; AND MONETARY TABLES (TOGETHER WITH INTRODUCTORY REPORT) REPRINTED FROM:- SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXPERIENCE DEDUCED FROM THE QUINQUENNIAL RETURNS MADE BY REGISTERED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES FOR THE YEARS 1856 TO 1880 INCLUSIVE, TOGETHER WITH A REPORT TO THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY S~OJETIES (E. W.,:BRABROOK, ESQ., F.S.A.), AND CERTAIN MONETARY TABLES BASED THEREON AT RATES OF INTEREST FROM 21 PER CENT. TO 4 PER CENT. INCLUSIVE. BY WILLIAM SUTTON, Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and a former President thereof, and Actuary to the Central Office of the Registry of Friendly Societies, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, LIMITED, FETTER LANE, E.C.; or OLIVER AND BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. PRINTED BY LIMITED, BACON STREET, DARLING AND SON, 1912. Price 10s. E. [ ii II INDEX. Page Report to E. W. BRABROOK, Esq., F.S.A., Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, including specimen forms of Return of Sickness and Mortality ... 1 ... Adjusted Rates of Sickness and Mortality for the Five Years 1876-1880, Males. 00 ... Populationsf) . ... . . . Adjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, Wales (Males), 1856-1875, Expectation of Sickness based thereon .. ... ... ... . ... . .. . ... ... ... ... 0 10 " 14 15 ... Adjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, England and Wales (Females), 1856-1875 Expectation of Sickness based thereon (All ..... .. ... 16 17 Expectation of Sickness based upon the Adjusted Rates of Sickness (Males), 1876-1880. 18 00 MONETARY WALES TABLES. (MALES), 1856-1875 Tables at 21 per cent. 23 21 27 These Tables relate mainly to those employed in collieries and iro (see Report, page 8), and occup,,ations of a similar character. nworks 3- 34f, 31 35 39 43 4 47 ENG] LAND AND Tables at 24 per cent... WALES (FEATALES), 1856-187551 *00 24 55 3 59 34 63 r 34 67 ch080 71 4 75 ENGLAND Tables at 24 per cent.... AND 0. WALES (M2 LES), 1876-1880: 79 24 89 3 34 99 109 119 31 129 4 139 REPORT e - TO E. W. BRABROOK, Es., THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY F.S.A. SOCIETIES, CENTRAL OFFICE. INTRODUCTORY. Sir, As nearly as possible some 20 years ago, when the Lords of the Treasury appointed me as Actuary to the Central Office, and after making a preliminary report upon the mass of quinquennial sickness and mortality returns from registered friendly societies which had accumulated since the publication of the late Mr. A. G. Finlaison's report upon the quinquennial returns up to 31st December 1850, their Lordships ultimately agreed to sanction the outlay which would be involved, and after the preliminary examination of the quinquennial returns for the period up to 1880, I was in a position to make a recommendation that the section of the Act of 1875 under which these returns were made might safely be dispensed with. The quinquennial returns now dealt with begin with the year 1856, those for the period from 1850 to 1855 having apparently been lent to an actuary who has long been dead, and I have reason to believe the results of his investigations were, partially at all events, made known some years ago, although in his private capacity. The experience for the quinquennium, 187 1-1875 has been partly incorporated in this present inquiry, but the bulk of the returns was found to be badly made out on the whole, and has not been made use of The returns containing the experience from 1876-1880 have been utilised in this enquiry, and, as already intimated, the requirement of the Act was, upon my recommendation, cancelled. There were a few returns coming from Scotland (mainly) and from Ireland (very few); but those correctly made out were far too scanty to justify making a separate inquiry into their results. The form of return varied slightly from one quinquennium to another; but the following will give a fair indication of the information asked for in the successive periods of five years. (The following are entirely taken from some of the returns; in the last copy the figures are taken from the Model Return issued with the form) (20881-9.) Wt. 13170-296. 500. 412. D & S. 259207 A 2 0 RETURN of Sickness and Mortality required from Friendly Societies, pursuant to 18 & 19 Vict. c. 63. RETURN of Sickness and Mortality from 1st January 1856 to 31st December 1860, experienced by the United Brethren Society, held at the "Mansel's Arms " in the Town of Llanelly, and in the County of Carmarthen, established on the 1st day of September, in the Year 1817, enrolled or certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 4th day of January, in the Year 1832. Objects of the Society: To relieve the Members in Sickness, and to afford Means for decently Interring the Dead. A Member becomes "'Free" or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 24 Months, after entering the Society. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society's Tables ... (if certified by an Actuary) ... ... Amount of Salary to Medical Officer ... S ... Five pounds per annum. Name of the Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other John Lewis, Secretary, and principal Officers of the Society appointed to make Thomas Lewis Hawell, Trustee. 3. 2. 1. The Number to be added up at the Foot.] Trade, or Profession. For what time receiving on account of ebickness. Date of Admission In In In into the In In 1856. 1857.1858.1859.1860. Society. "m1o 7. 8. 9. 10. Date mRelief t ... 6. 5. 4. • Initials. Occupation, ... ... ... ... this Return ... _ Date when Pensioned off on account of Permanent Sickness or when Superannuated on account of Date of Death. Name of Date Date Disease, of or of Exclu- Leav- Cause ing. of sion Death. advanced Place of at of Time ofath. Death. only.' i ca ll -1 0 & N.B.-This Return is to contain the Initials, Occupation, Age at the time of Admission, &c., of the whole of the Members during the Five Years, whether they have received Relief or not. Win. Loyd ... Tidewaiter 32 Owen Rees ... Joiner ... 45 William Bowen Smith ... 34 Sept. 1, 1817 Oct. 5,1817 32 Aug. 4,1819 6 May 6, 1850 16 18 6 June, 1857 Aug. 1856 Feb. 1859 Old Age Old Age Cystir- thcea. rr\ Liverpool. Llanelly. Llanelly. 3 of Sickness and Mortality required from Friendly Societies, pursuant to 18 & 19 Vict. c. 63. RETURN 1865, of Sickness and Mortality from 1st January 1861 to 31st December experienced by the New Friendly Society, held at the "Star" Inn, Cefncribbwr, in the Parish of Tythegston, and in the County of Glamorgan, established on the 25th day of February, in the Year 1832, enrolled or certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 30th day of March, in the Year 1865. RETURN Objects of the Society : For the Mutual Relief and Maintenance of such Members in Sickness and Death, and the Death of Members' Wives. A Member becomes "Free" or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 24 Months, after entering the Society. Benefits receivable by Contributions payable by Members. AgIo Member when Entrance admitted. Death CJontri- Fe.btos Sum payable on the Death o Death of a o Member. until Weekly Allowance in Sickness during On the O the Monthly Members. Member's Weeks. Weeks. Wife. Remainder of Mme' We.r' Member. Sickness.Wie From 50s. 6d. per to 61.1l0s., member. and 6d. from each member. is. 10s. At present, from 17 to 32 years. During 40 weeks, 8s. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society's Tables ,(if certified by an Actuary) .. . . - 4s. 30s. from Society, and 6d. from each member. 6d. per member. ~-J VVeekly Payment per Member, or Amount of Salary to Medical Officer (if any) *0 - .. ... ... .... Name of the Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other) principal Officers of the Society appointed to make Evan Austin and William David. this Return. m 1. ~~ frm c atthoo.]w O off on In nIn In nI n I 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. * 06 H. T... J. W... R. ... Five * Years, whethere i c& they M. &only. Shoemaker 20 25 of Febry.- -- -- -- W hav 3- receved Rlief - - 1832. 19 Labourer 34 ,, , - 4 5--2 3-- 2- - 34 - 12 452- Janry. 29, 1865. 8. r not 9. Date annuated on account of Permanent account of Sickness advanced or Age" Disability. I________ I I-~- I I A during the Date when Pensioned Relief on account of Sickness. Date of msin oh Admsitonte Society. 7. Date when Super- 6. what time receiving 1tis.. 0 m ... 5. .5For Occtaton, OcTrae, [TeNme be adde up Profesion. beat de thePrFoot.]on. >.090dN m 4. 3. 2. * . 06090 0 Date of Death. 10. Disease, Date Name of of of Exclu- Leavlion. ing. or. Oause of Death. Po of Residenc atidn Teo Dieth. Dah 4 of Sickness and Mortality required from Friendly Societies, pursuant to .18 & 19 Vict.' c. 63. RETURN of Sickness and. Mortality from 1st January 1866 to 31st December 18.M experienced by the Buddyg Lodge of True Ivorites Society, held at the Miners' Arms Inn, Beaufort,' in the Parish of Llangatwg, and in the County of Brecon, established on the 14th day of February in the Year 1846, Enrolled or Certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 15th day of March in the Year 1862. RETURN Objects of the Society, to assist Members in Sickness and Accidents and defray the Expenses of Funerals of Members and their Wives. A Member becomes. ".Free " or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 19 Months, alter entering the Society. Contributions payable by Members. Age of Member when Monthly admitted. Entrance Fee. Weekly allowance in Sickness during O h On the O Contri- butions h Death of a Death of a r- membe' Sum payable on the Death of a - Member. is. 6d. ier' b Wf. is. Weeks. is. Weeks. Remainder Sickness. of Member. 3s. Box, 31., is. each and is. each until 2s. 6d. to 10s. 14 to 40 Benefits receivable by Members. member. 8s.for26 6s.for26 Member's Wife. member. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society's Tables (if certified by an Actuary) ... Go ..... ____________ a.tl a .. Payment per Member, or Amount of Salary to Medical Officer (if any) .. ... ... ... ... 'to Name of Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other make ~Ebenezer Morris, Secretary. principal Officers of the, Society appointed 0 too.0. ...... 0 this Return . .. I 4. 3. 1 I Initials. Date of Occupation. 00 0 CO Admission Trade The Number to or into the be added up at Profession. Society. the Foot.) 00o S. 6. 5. For what time receiving Relief on account of Sickness. In .In In In In 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. Cg;1A Date when Pensioned off on account of Permanent Sickness or Disability. Date when Superannuated on account of advanced Age only. Date of Death. 9. 10. IName Place Date Date of of of of Disease, Residence Exclu- Leavor at sion. ing. Cause of Time of~ Death. Death. N.B.-This return is to contain the Initials, Occupation, Age at the time of Admission, &c., of the whole of, the Members Shoema er 32 Feb.1 4 6 out o S184 19 5al~ during the Five Years, whether they have received Relief or not. H. Phillips.. Win. Price.. H. Williams.. 1 Contractor 32 Dec. 9,1848 Contractor 32 Dec. 9, 1848 2 2 25 5 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1875, 38 & 39 Vict. c. 60. Quinquennial Return of Sickness and Mortality. Five Years ending 31st December 1875. Name of Society; Llanerchymedd Druidical Friendly Society; Register No. 3. IAdd Scotland or Ireland, where necessary.] Date of establishment, March 1, 1825. Objects of Society.-That it shall be supported by monthly subscriptions of its members for the purpose of raising a fund for mutual relief and maintenance of members when disabled by sickness. A member becomes " free " or entitled to claim all benefits in 3 years, weeks] after entry. months, [or Full pay of five shillings per week is allowed during the first 26 weeks of sickness; the pay is reduced to 2s. and td. for the next 26 weeks, and to 20 pence afterwards for the remainder of sickness [or as the case may be], 52 weeks. We certify the Returns on the sheets affixed hereto to have been correctly prepared. Signature of Treasurer or one of the Trustees, or of an officer deputed by the Society to verify the Return. Signature of Secretary, Evan W. Davies. Owen Parry, (Druid Tim). Office of Secretary, Llanerchymedd. Date, June 28, 1876. Name of Society: Llanerchymedd Druidical F. S. Register No. 3, Anglesea A. SICKNESS. LIST of all the Members and other Persons who have been assured for Sick Pay during the 5 Years, whether they have been sick or not, and where they have been sick, the duration of Sickness experienced by each. SHEET A. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1875, 38 & 39 Vict. c. 60. FORM of Return of Sickness and Mortality prescribed by the Chief Registrar for the Five Years commencing 1 January 1876, and terminating 31 December 1880. Full name of Society or Branch: Boston District Juvenile Odd Fellows (to include the name of the order in the case of branches). Register No. of Society, or No. (if any) of Registered Office Branch, 601. place of meeting of Date of commencement, October 1st, 1866 Give full postal When first enrolled, certified, or regis- Hotel, High-street, tered, December 31st, 1875. of Lincoln. of Society, or Branch ... S _ address: White Hart Boston, in the County The benefits assured to members are: (Here set out fully the exact nature of the various benefits assured to members). Sick payments to 18 years of age, then drafted free of charge into Parent Lodge, with sums at death. How long after admission does a member become entitled to receive benefit ? months. Nine Where Sick Benefit is assured to members state : (1) When full pay ceases, and reduced pay begins, and what the reduction is reduced ... pa is Full pay is reduced to half pay after six months continuous sick still (2) When such reduced pay is stll further reduced, and by how much ... ... ... Such half pay ceases at the end of 12 months. ... ) (3) Under what circumstances, if any, members become entitled to a permanent reduced sick allowance, and what is its amount ... No. of Year ending Members Members at beginning of Year. N Nil. Amount paid to Members on account of Sick Pay in Year. No. of No. of No. of Members who left during the Year. Members No. of Member_ eceivin.. embers admitted ndofFurther Permanent TOTAL during By Death. By other at n-of Sc in Full.educed. (if any). Year. Causes. Year. £ 8. d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Members Members nil nil 11 19 1( nil nil 23 18 4 nil nil nil nil 85 - 10 4 nil nil nil 9 19 2 3 2 6 nil nil 5518 .1 1877 36 1 23 111 13 1119 10 111 37 nil 28 120 21 20 15 10 ,, 1878 ,, 1879 120 130 39 36 nil nil 29 45 130 121 13 10 810 5 - 4 nil nil ,, 121 26 nil 26 121 18 9 19 ,, 1880 91 9 TOTAL ... A 5516 2 - nil 3 2 6 Signature of Treasurer or of one of the) Trustees, or of an Officer deputed by the Vance Ross, 41, Wormgate, Boston. ... Society or Branch to verify the return Signature of Secretary, John Manning. Address of Secretary, 17, Broadfield-terrace, Boston. Date 1881. NOTE.-Where the number of members in a Society exceeds 1,000 another form of return may be used, to be obtained on application to the Chief Registrar, and which will be made to depend in each case upon the particular circumstances of the Society. SIf the Member is not assured for Sick Pay, put the letters N.A. (Not Assured) under this column. t Sundays have not been included in this example as days for which a Member receives Sick Pay. A glance at these forms, 1856-1875, will serve to show that there was little or no information obtainable as to the duration of the sick pay allowances beyond that of a ver broad classification into "Under two years' duration" and "Over two years' duration,' and bearing in mind the great financial importance of fairly correct information on this point, the form for the years 1876-1880 was so drawn up as, when properly filled up, to give definite information on this point. It should be added that throughout I have been most careful not to include any return which did not indicate that there was an assurance for sick-pay benefit throughout the whole of life, and that every return, whether made use of or not, has undergone a personal examination by myself. At this stage, I should like to say that the secretaries of registered friendly societies in the main responded admirably to the desire for the information asked for in the new form of return for 1876-1880, and on the whole the attempt to give information on the important question of the exact duration of each sickness was most successfully carried out. Indeed, I can but repeat what was said by your predecessor in his Report to Parliament. Exposed to Risk. It is usual with registered friendly societies to insert in their registered rules a provision that members only become " free to benefit," in other words, can only claim sick allowance or death benefit, provided they have been members a certain length of time; the period varies enormously, that is, from the time of joining, or immediate benefit, up to a duration of membership extending even so long as two to three years; and there is in many cases a provision granting "half benefit" after being a member a certain time. Death benefit, moreover, in many cases differs from sick allowance benefit as to the time when a member becomes free to benefit. Under these circumstances, the determination of the exact number exposed to risk either of sickness or death becomes a most difficult and important matter, enhanced greatly from the varying nature of the rules. varying of In the experience of 1856-1860, males, 1856-1875, Wales, and 1856-1875, females, the greatest possible care has been exercised in this matter, and in the experience 18611870, males, and the experience 1876-1880, males, the difficulty has been got over by avoiding it. In other words, by theomission of all experience of years of membership 0, 1, 2. Whether the secretaries of registered friendly societies insuring females were unable or unwilling to fill up the form for the years 1876-1880 I am unable to say with certainty, but I think it should be added here, to prevent misunderstanding, that no information as to female registered friendly societies was available in respect of this period of five years. This second method certainly has an advantage when the particulars are so arranged as to be available; but it has the drawback of not including the entire facts, the particulars being so large as to greatly magnify the work. It should be added that I have invariably considered as regards broken weeks that there are six working days in a week. 20881 B Effect of Density of Population, Occupation, Climate, and Sex, upon Rates of Sickness and Mortality. One of the drawbacks involved in any attempt to analyse the tabular results in these respects is that, generally speaking, the results in many cases are so small that practically speaking they become little more than an indication, with more or less probability, that they will be a guide to the future. Another matter calling for remark is that there is involved an assumption as to the permanence of the nature of the occupation, and the density of the population in which it is carried on. Members of registered friendly societies are, speaking generally, not necessarily permanently located in a particular place, carrying on a given occupation throughout their career. On the other hand, the question of sex involves none of these matters, and I have therefore specially dealt with the experience of females. As regards occupation, I have endeavoured to give effect to it by specially dealing with the males of Wales, 1856-1875. The majority of the members dealt with in Wales, 1856-1875, appeared to be engaged in what are known as unhealthy occupations, being employed mainly in collieries and iron works, and this fact enabled me to give effect to the peculiar features involved in those so-called unhealthy occupations by taking out separately the experience, 1856-1875, Wales (males). In the experience, 1876-1880, nothing of this kind was attempted, because mainly the facts, i.e., the registered friendly societies making good returns, were comparatively few, and it appeared desirable in this respect to make no distinction. It should, however, not be forgotten that neither the male experiences nor the female experiences give any information as to whether the individuals were married or had been married. In connection with this matter it should be pointed out that, as regards the experience, 1876-1880, an attempt has been made to give the facts in years of membership for each group of registered friendly societies coming under the descriptions: Population of place where society is registered is under 2,000 inhabitants ... ... ... ... ... ... No. 1. Population of place where society is registered is between 2,000 and'7,000 inhabitants ... . ... ... ... Population of place where society is registered is between ... ... ... ... 7,000 and 25,000 inhabitants... Population of place where society is registered is between 25,000 and 100,000 inhabitants ... ... ... ... No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Population of place where society is registered is 100,000 inhabitants and upwards ... ... ... ... ... No. 5. (See note to this experience.) I have therefore given in extenso the experience relating to societies coming under the various classes of strictly rural, something somewhat beyond rural, undoubted town, and what may be called the large towns. No doubt this grouping will be ultimately made use of by some person or persons skilled in actuarial work, but on the whole, considering the large amount of work I had already to complete, I was of opinion that it would meet the case to give the facts in extenso without undertaking to construct tables therefrom. I have accordingly in this report grouped the entire facts together, and constructed tables therefrom, leaving for others, if they think fit, to deal with the facts of the five groups of populations above specified. Involved in this matter in a remarkably subtle manner is what I venture to describe as " the personal equation" of a registered friendly society, including herein what is known as its committee of management. It often happens that registered friendly societies apparently as nearly alike as regards the nature of the occipation of the members, the density of population, and other matters tending to produce a sickness experience of much the same character, are found in practice to differ widely in this respect, and it will be found on close inquiry and investigation that the difference arises mainly from the fact that they have a different personal equation; in other words, that the spirit in which the rules are interpreted in practice differs very widely, one registered friendly society interpreting, and acting upon such interpretation, much more rigidly than another. At the same time, to continue thse of this phraseology, it must not be overlooked that there is the " personal equation " of the medical officer employed by the society. On the other hand, from my own personal knowledge there is a proportion of members who, as age advances, become fairly affluent, and would reject with scorn the idea of drawing sick pay from their society, but still appear in the society's records as " exposed to risk "; and this fact of itself would tend to reduce the rate of sick pay at the advanced ages. As regards the three tables from which monetary values have been deduced, I am in great measure indebted to Mr. G. F. Hardy, F.I.A., Actuary of the English and Scottish Law Life Association, for their graduation, and Messrs. T. Wright and W. J. Harding, of the Nautical Almanac Office, have rendered me most valuable assistance throughout the work, particularly in the computation of the monetary tables presented with this Report. I have also to recognise with gratitude the services of one of my clerical assistants, Mr. A. M. Leveaux, as well as of a former clerical assistant, Mr. Oscar Parisot. Herewith is a summary of the total results : Average Rate of Description and Nature Description and Nature of Experience. Exposed to Risk of Sickness. Total TotaRisk Sickness. Exposed to Total of Death. Sof Death. Deaths. Sick Pay per Annum. Mortality. (Both irrespective of Age.) Weeks dys. 1,166,208 1 ... ... 722,338"4 *Males(1861-1870) ... ' (1876-1880) Males ... 167,255'0 357,457 4 ... ... 1,662,561.5 1,789,532.0 3,147,044 3,199,138 1 5 ... ... 4,480,808.9 8,195,461 4 4,565,675.0 Males (1856-1860) *England and Wales, Females (1856-1875). *Wales, Males (1856-1875)1... TOTAL 139,122'0 788,891"0 8,698 1"6145 "01103 177,897.5 2,619 2"1372 1,662,561'5 1,789,532.0 23,048 24,530 1"8929 1"7877 "01472 "01386 "01371 60,937 1"8290 "01335 325,612 5 146,793"0 2,042 2'3405 "01391 * Monetary tables based upon these several experiences have been calculated, and are presented with this Report. I have the honour to subscribe myself, Your obedient Servant, E. W. Brabrook, Esq., F.S.A., Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies (Central Office), 28, Abingdon Street, Westminster, London, S.W. 20881 W. SUTTON. B2 10 of ADJUSTED RATES SICKNESS AND MORTALITY RATE OF SICKNESS Ag. FIRST YEAR Rate - ()of_____ Mortality. _____ _____-__________ Weeks 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 .38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 '01436 '01158 '00994 '00841 '00725 .00640 "00583 00556 " 00549 00563 "00595 "00640 '00697 "00732 '00732 "00702 '00656 00613 '00582 '00570 '00572_ '00590 '00617 '00648 '00678 '00709 '00742 '00778 '00817 '00859 '00902 '00941 "00977 '01008 '01037 '01066 '01101 '01143 '01195 '01257 '01328 '01405 '01487 '040 '01569 '067 '01649 '097 ' 01730 '031 '01822 '01928 '02059 '02214 '02389 '02570 '02758 '02953 '03165 Weeks Weeks 0-4 4-8 8-13. '300 '306 '381 '392 '393 '404 '403 '420 '486 '424 '451 '428 '484 529 '532 '510 '509 '508 '480 '469 '476 '468 466 '472 467 '476 '486 '510 '"515 '520 '521 '531 '539 '548 '563 '569 '573 '604 '606 '623 936 '636 '679 '96 '666 '700 1'06 '718 1'06 '741 '733 1'09 1''740 07 '768 '770 812 ' '794 '.833 '865 '90 '200 '184 '094 '097 '089 '091 '098 '102 '097 '105 '114 '115 '126 '118. '129 '125 '122 '125 '126 '120 '123 '122 '123 '121 '131 '134 '137 '145 '145 '148 '157 '162 '168 '171 '183 '184 '190 ' 201 '204 '213 '226 '232 '239 '244 '263 '275 '281 '287 '310 '311 '341 '347 '368 '389 '40 '020 '044 '045 '030 '030 '041 '042 '028 '053 '061 '066 '068 '"065 '067 '069 '067 '067 '070 '068 '068 '069 '070 '071 '076 '080 '081 '082 '088 '087 '094 '098 '100 '106 ' 107 '113 '121 '121 '127 '130 '142 '142 '152 '158 '166 '174 ' 184 '193 '206 '213 '230 '247 '259 '276 '289 Weeks. 13-17 '006 '006 '013 '014 '017 '017 '008 '017 '028 '027 '026 '029 '024 '029 '031 '029 '030 '031 '031 '032 '033 '034 '036 '038 '037 '036 '041 '041 '045 '047 '049 '050. '052 '056 '057 '060 '063 '066 '071 '069 '079 '080 '086 '085 '093 '101 '106 '113 '120 '132 '137 '142 '159 _____ ____ Weeks Weeks Weeks Age. 17-21 21-26 26-30 (x,) 5 6 7 8 '01 1 '012 '013 '013 '006 '012 '014 '019 '017 '017 '016 '022 '021 '020 '021 '022 '021 '022 '023 '025 '026 '027 '027 '026 '028 '029 '031 '034 '035 A036 '036 '040 '041 '041 '045 '048 '051 '049 '057 '059 '061 '063 '069 '076 '078 '087' '087 '100 '103 "108 '116 '009 '009 '010 '006 ~003 '010 '011 '021 '014 '014 '014 '020' '019 '017 '018 '020 '017 '019 '021 '024 "'024 '024 '025 '024 '05 '027'028 '028 '033 '032 '034 '035 '6C37 '148 '035 '041 '043 : '047 '047 '164 '052 '180 '055 O'196 '057 '214 '058 '246 '066 '259 '071 '074 '086 '080 '093 '095 '103 '121 '137 '006 '006 '003 '003 '003 '008 '007 '012 '009 '008 '008 '012 '011 '009 '010 '012 '010 "011 '"013 '013 '014 '013 '015 '01 2 "014 '017 '017 .1018 "'019 '020 '020 '020 '022 '021 '025 '026. '028 '029 '032 '035 '033 '036 '042 '045 '045 '053 '050 '060 '060 '069 '078 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59a 11 for the Five Years 1876-1880, MALE~S. i = = (All Populations.) - RATE OF SICKNESS. THIRD YEA -FIRST YEAR Age Weeks (xr) 30-34 4 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 34-391 39-43 43-47 47-52 TOTAL Weeks First Sx Months {Weeks 5 6 28 29, 30 31 32 33 34 .35. 36 .37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44, 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 TOTAL Scn Months Year Weeks for all Durations TOTAL Weeks 003 '001 008 "004 "011 '008 "006 '007 '010 "009 "007 '008 '010 008 ' 009 '010 "011 '010 '012 "010 "'011 '014 014 = '015 -015 "017 '016 '07 '017 '08 '018 '10 '018 '10 '12 '020 '13 '022 '15 '022 '16 " 022 -028 -028 '027 '030 '035 "039 '038 '045 '043 '049 '054 '060 '066 '009 "004 013 '008 '007 '009 '009 -'008. '006 "'008 "'009 '007 '009' -0101 "555 '570 "589 '570 '589 '540 '001 '003 '003 '006 '002 '010 '005 '004 '002 '008 '005 '005 '005 '003 '003 '004 '004 '804 '818 '820 '006 '005 '005 '813 '022 '020 '004 '003 '005 '004 '004 '005 '006 ' 005' '799 '785 '026 '026 '015 '013 '779 '005 '777 '024 '022 '022 "014 '017 '017 '016 '018 '021 '021 '024 '023 "007 '005 "017 '016 "010 '017 '019 '011 '013 '018 '012 '021 '023 '022 '025 '030 '029 '029 '031 '015 '016 '015 '064 '073 '649 '688 734 " "782 '827 '006 '009 '014 '016 '014 '014 '004 '006 '010 '011 '011 '059 '631 '017 '777 '007 '007 '009 '010 '046 '055 '011 '017 '017 003. '010 '047 '011 '007 '004 '005 '005 ' 006 '006 '008 '042 '040 '006 '002: '620 '632 '662 '700 '740 '013 '038 '004 '010 '006 '006 '011. '007 '012 '007 '011 '007 '011; '014 015 '015 015 Wek '500 '510 '525 '540 '555 '525 '001 '001 001 '"004 Wek Weeks '500 "510 7 8 9 ""003 10, 003 11 '002 1.2 13. 14 15, 16 17 18 19 220 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Second Sx TOTAL and upwards SECOND YEAR '016 '006 '006 '008 "008 -009-010 '008 '010 '011 '09 '.010 7'118 "013 O'128 '014 '014 '014 ' 005' 006 '006 '007 '007 '007 '007 '009 ' 009. '009 '024 '024 '854 '030 '875 '898 '035 '037 .040 '040 '042 '044 '045 '048 '050 '049 '056 '062 '068 '073 '080 '084 '087 ' 099 '105 '114 ~923 ' 011, 1.029 ' 010 1.055 1.083 '011 '013 1.115 '011 '014 '016 '015 '015 '028 '028 '785 '800 '816 '834 '949 '975 '010: 1. 003 '017 '020 '020 '017 '020 '020 '018 '021 '022 '022 '019 11'112 '026 '027 '023 ~~'116 '030 '027 '031. '028 '026 '031 '033 '030 '035 '032 '028 '033 '"038 '035 '040 '041 '038 '044 '045 '041 '048 '050 '044 '051 '020 '775 '020 '020 '022 '027 1.152 1.194 1'.240 l.289 1.339 1."'392 1.445 l.499 1.556 1'.617 1.682 1'.750 1'.823 1'.902 1.990 2.091 2.210 2'351 '025 '029 '122 '137 '156 '165 '172 '184. '212 '232 '014 '025 '026 '029 '031 '033 '023 '005 008 '012 '016 '020 '029 '034 '038 '041 '042 ' 042 '042 '041 '039 '038 '039 '039 '040 042' ' '046 '050 054 '058 '062 '066 069 '073 '077 '080 ' 082 '084 '088 '094 '102 '112 '123 7; '444 '134. I'49 '144 '035 '034 '034 '039 '038 ' 040 '044 '050 '054 '060 '067 '154 '066 '165 '073 '178 '079 '193 '089 '211 132 '095 11 ' 232 '099 '255 ' 113 '278 '132 '304 '149 '333 '153 '365 '169 '401 '025 '029 '033 '034 '035 '035 '038 '044 '052 '062 '073 '084 '093 '103 '115 '128 '143 '160 "861 '880 '887 '884 '873 '858 "852 '849 '854 '869 '894 '924 ' 957 '992 1"063 1.104 1.146 1.191 1'.240 '176 '189 '201 1.285 1.326 '213 '226 '243 1.416 5'22 1'472 5'78 1.539 6'42 .10618 7'14 1'707 7' 96 '266 '295 '326 '358 '388 '417 '444 '473 '509. '558 '624 '708 '810 '929 1.061 1' .204 1.368 1'799 8'87 1.894. l.987 2.081 2.178 2' 283. 2'402 2'540 2'702 2' 888 3'104 3'353 3'636 3'956 12 ADJUSTED RATES of Sickness and.Mortality RATE OF SICKNESS of () Mortality., ____ ____ Weeks 0-4 68. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 .94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ------------- FIRST YEAR---- Rate Age -06025 -06555 -07233 -0070 -09005 -09968 -10856 -11618 -12209 Weeks 4-8 -637 -669 -685 -758 -716 -748 -736 -727 -767 -751 -701 -730 -642 -584 1.176 1.288 1.201 1.257 1.149 1.183 1-133 12663 1-182 "13079 -13620 -14344 -15325 -16571 -17942 -19268 -20405 -21418 -22332 -23417 -24911 -27103 -30132 1-042 1-089 -888 -789 -878 -738 1.286 1.062 -774 -631 -556 -453 -938 -699 -436 -500 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Ae Ag 317 -527 -572 1-220 ____ Weeks Weeks 8-13 1.177 _____-_____-_____-_____ 264 -275 -306 -278 -292 -322 -319 -193 -196 -222 . -228 "246 "262 *277 "2~75 68 69 70 13-17 -340 361 -591 -622 -375 -402 -399 -441 -419 -447 -446 -635 -639 -684 -664 '709 -702 -652 -305 -332. " 351 -348 -359 -403 S3.74 -364 -396 -386 -367 -396 -379 -386 -399 -390 -424 -409 -429 -383 '351 -345 -245 -357 -331 -301 -393 -159 -122 -267 -191 -228 -187 -237 -235 -441 432 -412 -661 -630 -540 -515 -483 -843 -552 -404 -463 -250 -255 -406 -364 '236 -283 -287 -306 -294 -314 -292 -306 -270 -096 -120 -187 -176 71 .72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85- 8687 89 91 929394 95 96 97 98 99 -34151 " 39224 -45336 -52508 -60678 -69730 -79418 -89584 .100 1.00000 I ____________ _ r L _ _ __ 13 for the Five Years 1876-1880, Males. (All Populations)-continued. RATE OF SICKNESS. THIRD YEAR and upwards SECOND YEAR FIRST YEAR Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 34-39 39-43 43-47 47-52 30-34 Weeks Weeks 68 69 70 202 -174 181 -205 "147 212 -239 71 -205 '232 72 -234 73 74 249 252 75 '257 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 274 285 -295 308 299 -. 02 3 344 312 330 360 292 -328 -103 257 263 294 278 -300 292 272 -270 -096 -120 -149 -187 -234 -176 -204 83 84 85 86 87 88 - 89 90 - - 158 -178 173 136 "178 1-281 4-399 "170 "207 "163 "198 '205 1-739 6-899 '206 .194 '217 "199 225- 218 222 209 224 233 267 252 230 238 248 241 264 282 212 222 -239 -238 -049 -049 -120 -119 -187 -187 -115 -106 - - 91 92 - - - - - -677 -736 -922 -926 -938 1-045 1-069 1-043 1-194 1-272 1-193 23-410 1-755 1-075 2-830 26-740 28-600 30-620 2-595 31-040 34-946 1-482 1-113 28-436 1-436 1-592 1-875 "818 1-986 2-071 2-148 2-233 838 2-361 2-526 2-608 2-820 2-890 2-910 2-890 1-195 1-373 1-357 2-730 1-218 2-435 2-618 1-217 - 5-235 - --- - - - 17-135 18-990 21-100 25-870 33-650 20-899 22.258 23-541 '25072 32-750 37-145 39-325 36-350 41-585 43.935 44-953 44-166 43-121 - 43-121 41-802 - ---- - -- 41-802 40.212 38-348 38-348 36-224 36-224 33-870 33-870 X 1-351 28.708 31-351 - - - ---- 96 - - - - - -- 99. 100 13-120 14-307 15-602 - - - 12-011 16-062 17-266 18-420 19-604 -- - 98 14-792 8-896 9-932 10-961 13-504 - 95 - 7-877 - - 97 11-022 12-238 44-166 - -- 9.895 5-144 5-984 43-935 44-953 - --- - -- *623 2-617 - - - 93 94 - -530 1-695 - - TOTAL Weeks 915 1-003 1-057 1-148' 1-149 1-222 1-295 1-316 1-457 1-565 1-626 1-618 1-717 -141 3-240 -- Year -751 246 5-040 234' 5-180 236 5-263 275 -5-311 249 5-360 -"271 5-418 306 5-425 279 5-331 -297 5-117 324 4-860 249 4-590 -291 4-320 -. 064 4-050 -153 3-780 -242 3.510 "198 Second -813 4-215 4-442 4-662 4-866 "163 149 Six TOTAL Weeks for all Durations TOTAL Months Six Months Second First Age (x) TOTAL - - - --- -- - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - 26-000 40-212 28-708 26-000 14 ADJUSTED SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXPERIENCE. WALES-(MALES). 1856-1875. Sickness Rate (Weeks)' Sickness Rate (Weeks) (x Over Under Two Years'. Two Years' Duration Duration '01436 '01158 '00994 '00841 '00725 '00640 '00583 '00556 '00550 '00550 '00560 '00583 '00618 '00665 '00724 '00794 '00873 '00948 '01006 '01037 '0039 '01021 '00993 '00968 '00952 '00946 '00946 '00946 '00944 '00945 '00954 '00973 '01001 '01031 '01055 '01076 '01097 '01129 '01177 01247 '01334 '01423 '01503 '01561 '01609 '016.57 '01720 '01812 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 r~ AGE Mortality Rate AGE I i '500 S510 "525 S550 '59k '650 " 730 '810 "885 950 1.000 1.040 1.065 1.070 1.071 1.069 1.065 1.059 1.052 1.044 1.038 1.034 1.031 P029 1029 1.028 02.5 1021 P018 .018 P022 P034 1.052 1.075 1P102 1P132 1P163 1P194 1.226 P.262 1P303 1.349 1P404 1.464 1.528 P.589 1'.644 1.693 '001 '003 '006 '010 '016 '023 "031 '040 '050 '060 '071 '085 '101 '122 '147 '174 '199 '223 '244 '266 '292 '321 '353 '383 '407 '424 '436 '448 '466 '493 '526 co I Rate TOTAL '500 '510 S525 550 '590 '650 ' 730 '810 '885 '950 1.000 1.040 1'065 1.070 1.071 1.069 1.065 1.060 1.055 1.050 1.048 1.050 1.054 1.060 1.069 1.078 l'085 1.092 1.103 1.119 1144 1.181 1.226 1.274 1.325 1.376 1.42.9 1.486 1.547 1'615 1.686 1.756 1.828 1.900 1'976 2.055 2.137 -2.219 1 1 n j .CA dQ 1 '' Over Under Two Years' Two Years' Duration Duration 1.739 1.793 1.865 1.970 2.107 -2'270-2'447 20621 2'782 '01941 02096 '02241 '02380 '02507 '02630 '.02751 '02900 '03106 '03357 '03648 '03962 '04307 '04649 '05006 '05386 '05796 '06284 '06875 '07613 '08474 '09469 '10540 '11598 '12591 '13530 '14424 '15318 '16319 17456 '18768 '20216 '21811 '23515 '25322 '27267 '29365 '31602 '34130 '37650 '42220 '47840 '54510 '62180 '70730 '80000 '90000 1'.00000 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61' 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8384 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 tv r\n Mortality (x) 2-931 3.074 3 225 3.384 3'556 3'740 3 927 4.114 "4'300 4'495 4,687 4,855 4,966 .4994 4'902 '563 ' 604 '655 '734 '857 1'.032 1.262 1.551 1'.906 2'.324 2'810 3'.407 4.162 5.092' 6.197 7'478 8.905 10'.438 12'.080 13'.838 TOTAL 2' 302 2 '397 2.520 2'.704 2.964 3 ".302. 3-709 4.172; 4.688 5.255 5'.884 6' 11 "'405.. ]3'019. 14.738, 16-1 575 18-: 525. 20'.551 15.'696 17.'592 19-'465 22.'558 24"'459 26.'128. 21'.226 27.'708, 29'.350, 31"110. 32'.990 34': 93 27.'708 29'.350 31'.110 32-%990 34'.930 36'.810 38'-560 40.150 41'.540 42'.690 43'.580 44'.100 44'.140 43'.783 43'.126 36-1 810 38 'd560, 40'.150 41.540 42-'690- 43 .580 44'.1002 44'.14043'.783 43'.126 42.211 41'.023. 39.562 42.'211 41'.023 39'.562 37'.827 35'.844 33'.618 31'.200 28'.600 37.'827 35'.844 33.'618, 31'.200 28'.600 26.000 26.'000 7 632, 7'-546, 8'648 9'937 I 15, WALES--(MALES). 1856-1875. Expectation of Sickness (Weeks) Expeotation of Sickness (Weeks) AGE l Z~,, o.l Log. eo ' Under Two Years' Duration tion 5 6 7 8 9 100,000 5.00000 50.21 98,564 4.99372 49.93 97,423 4.98866 49.51 96,454 4-98432 49.00 95,642 4.98065 48.41 10 94,949 4.97749 47.77 11 94,341 4-97470 47-07 12 93,791 4.97216 46-34 13 93,270 4-96974 45-60 14 92,756 4-96734 44-85 15 92,244 4-96494 44-09 43.34 16 91,728 17 91,193 4-95996 42-59 18 90,630 4-95727 41-85 19 90,026. 4-95437 41-13 20 89,374 4-95121. 40-43 21 88,665 4.94775 39-75 22 87,890 4-94394 39-09 23 87,056 4-93980 38-46 24 86,181 4-93541 37-85 25 85,286 4-93088 37-24 26 84,400 4-92634 36-63 27 83,537 4-92188 36-00 28 82,708 4-91755 35-35 4-96250 AGE Over Two Years' Dura- x) l Lg Lg)' l Under Two Years' TOTAL. Dura- tion 71.82 90.14 161.96 53 61,153. 72.36 ' 91.45 163.81 54 59,967 72-69 92.53 165.22 55 58,710 72.89 93.45 166-34 56 57,394 72.96 94.25 167-21 57 56,029 72-89 94.94 167-83 58 54,624 72-71 95.55 168-26 59 53,188 72.40 96-11 168-51 60 51,725 71-99 96.65 168-64 61 50,225 71-50 97-18 168-68 62 48,665 70-94 97-72 168.66 63 47,032 70-34 98-27 168-61 64 45,316 69-70 98-85 168-55 65 43,520 69-07 99-46 168-53 66 41,646 68-45 100-13 168-58 67 39,710 67-87 100-86 168-73 68 37,722 67-34 101-66 169-00 66-86 66-43 66-04 65-68 65-32 64-95 64-56 102-56 103-54 104-59 105-68 106-78 107-87 108-92 169-42 169-97 170-63 171.36 69 35,691 70 33,623 71 31,509 72 29.343 73 27,109 172'10 74 24,812 172-82 75 22,463 173-48 76 20,095 Over Two Years' Dura- TOTAL tion 191-53 4.78642 18.08 51.44 140.09 4.77791 17.42 50.68 142.29 192.97 16-79 4993 144.72 194.65 4.76871 196-54 4-75887 16-16 49.17 4-68722 150.21 198-56 15-54 48-35 147-37 200-62 14-93 47-43 153.19 14.32 46-38 156-27 202.65 13-71 45-18 159-39 204.57 13-10 43-83 162055 20638 12-51 42-36 165-80 208-16 4-67239 169-15 209.95 4.74841 4.73738 4-72581 4-71370 4-70092 11-9240-80 4-65625 11-36 39-15 172-64 211.79 4-63869 10-80 37-41 176-21 213-62 4-61957 10-27 35-56 179-80 215-36 4-59890 9-74 33-56 183-22 216-78 4-57660 186-35 217-74 9-23 31-39 8-73 29-03 189-05 218-08 4-55256 4-52663 8-23 26-45 191-23 217-68 4-43312 4-39466 4-35146 7-75 7-29 6-85 6-43 6-06 23-63 192-92 216-55 20.55 194-19 214-74 212-38 17-17 209-59 13-46 206-60 9-38 4-30309 5-71 4-90 198-70 203-60 4-12798 4-06033 5-10 3-98812 3-91075 4-28 4-02 4-49844 4-46751 195-21 196-13 197-22 200-76 29 81,909 4-91333 77 17,764 4-24955 5039 30 81,130 4 -90918 34-02 78 15,528 4.19111 31 80,362 79 13,427 32 79,601 33 34 176-44 81 78,848 4-89679 31-96 62-44 31-26 62-01 115'00 177-'01 82 78,103 35 77,366 4-88855 30-56 61-57 116-00 177-57 83, 6,721-1 3-82744 3-76 175-85 175-85 36 37 29-85 61-13 116-99 178-12 84 76,628 117-99 178-68 85 75,882 41.88014 29-14 5,459-7 4,356-0 3-73717 3-63909 169-01 161.51 161-51 38 75,122 3,406-0 .2,605-1 3-53224 109-96 174-11 63-73 110-97 174-70 4-90505 33 -34 63-30 111.98 175-28 4-90092 32-66 62-87 112-99 175-86 114-00 4-89267 80 4-88439 39 74,348 40 73,563 41 -72,771 42 34-69 64-15 71,973 20881 60-69 4-87577 28-42 60-24 4-87127 27-72 59-78 4-86666 27-01 59-30 4-86196 26-29 58-80 4-85717 25-58 58-28 119-01 179.25 86 120-05 179.83 121-10 180-40 122-18 180-98 87 88 89 181-54 90 123-26 11,490 9,730-2 8,142-4 1,945-4 1,414-9 .999.45 4-82 4.55 3-51 3-28 2-83 3-41582 3-05 3-28901 2-63 3-15074 2-42 2-99976 2-22 197-97 195-00 191-52 200-76 197-97 195-00 191-52 187-20 187-20 181-96 181-96 169-01 153-43 153-43 144-79 144-79 135-53 135-53 125-71,125-71 115-47 115-47 , 16 ADJUSTED SICKNESS ENGLAND AND MORTALITY AND EXPERIENCE. WALES-(FEMALES). 1856-1875. Sickness Rate (Weeks) Sickness Rate (Weeks) AGE Mortality Rate (a) Over Under Two Years' Two Years' Duration Duration AGE (x) TOTAL '500 '510 525 53 54 "545 56 57 58 59 60 61 5 6 7 "01436 "01158 00994 8 "00841 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "00725 "00640 "00583 "00556 00537 '500 510 '525 '545 '569 596 "626 "659 695"695" "00525 "738 "738 62 00520 00534 00572 00631 00702 00772 00831 00873 00892 00889 '00868 00841 00822 00820 '00838 '00860 '00882 '00905 '00928 -00951 '00974 '00997 '01020 '01043 '01066 '01089 '01112 "790 '845 898 "943 978 1.005 1.022 1.032 1.041 1.051 1.065 1.080 1.097 1.113 1.129 1.148 1.171 '790 *845 '898 "943 980 1.010 1.033 1.049 1.063 63 64. 65 66 .67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 . 43 '01135 '01158 44 45 '01204 46 '"01226 42 47 '01181 '01239 48 49 '01235 '01217 50 51 '01199 '01197 1'J95 1".219 1.241 1.262 1"285 1.316 1.360 1.413 1.470 1.520 002 005 011 017 022 026 030 '033 "038 "046 '058 '071 "Q86 '099 '110 '120 '131 '146 80 '230 1.554 1.643 86 87 '325 1.744 88 1.845 89 1.940 90 2.020 91 2.088. 2.146. 92 93 2.199 94 2.254. 95 2.309 2'366 96 97 2.425 2.481 98 99 '194 '274 1.567 '579 '636 '685 '726 '762 '795 '823 1'569 1.583 1.604 1.630 1.658 1.077 1.095 1.113 1.13"% 1.159 i1.187 1.219 1.257 81 82 83 84 1"571 1.572 1.563 "596 626 659 1.329 .1.361; 1.393: 1.431 '385 '449 1''555 "569 55 1.294 '166 '516 I Mortality Rate 1-.482. 85 01293 '01404 '01555 '01739 '01935 '02125 '02305 '02451 '02574 '02700 '02878 '03132 '03468 '03895 '04403 '04973 '05559 '06144 '06732 '07328 '07947 '08612 '09357 '10185 '11112 '12132 '13226 '14393 '15640 '16975 '18384 '19900 '21542 '23275 '25102 '27070 '29190 '31440 '33990 '37530 '42120 '47760 '54450 '62140 '70700 '80000 '90000 Over Under Two Years' Two Years' Duration Duration TOTAL 2.585 2.638 2.699 2.006 2.082 2.164 2.265 2'398 '853 '851 '846 *845. '862 "908 1.016 1.227 1.588 2.564 26131 4.695 2.763 2.963 30134 3.253 3.316 3'342 3.370 3.453, 3.608° 2.867 3.772 4'785 5.829 6.818 7'696 8.418 8.965 9'348 5.630 6.735 7.919 9.082 10'134 11'038 11"788 12 418 12.956 3'844' 4.129 9.602 9.772 9.908 13"446 13'901 .10.100 10.419 15.885 16.710 17.855 14.769 15.272 l5.885 16'710 17.855 1.732 1.787 1.853 1.928 -4.421 4'669 4853 1940 2.773 2.868 2.990 3.180 3.492 3.986 14'329 19.450; 21'505 23.900 26.450 29.010 21.505 23.900 26.450: 29.010. 31:"490 31.490: 33.860 35.940 33.860 35.940 37.720 39.150 37.720" 390150 40.190 40".190 40.720 .40'720 40.730 40.270 40.730 40'270 39.350 39.350 37.843 37'843 35'844 33.618 35.844 33.618 31.200 28.600 31.200 28.600 17 ENGLAND AND WALES (FEMALES). 1856-1875. Expectation of Sickness (Weeks) Expectation of Sickness (Weeks) lx a, ( Log. lx AGE eaxAGE Under Two Years' Dura" tion Log. Ix Over Two Years' ea ndr ve (x,)UdrOe Two Years' TOTAL Dura" tion Two Years' Dura. tion '120-17 TOTAL .Dura- tiou 5 100,000 5.00000 52.01 74.81 83.09 157.90 53 63,973 4.80600 19.49 49.46 i5.39 75.76 75.99 76.08 76.07 7516 75.77 75.53 75.24 74.90 74.49 74.04 73.57 73.08 72962 72.17 71.74 71.34 70.93 70.50 70.05 84.30 159.69 54 63,147 4.80035 18.74 4835 85.29 86415 86.88 87.51 8808 88.60 89.09 89.57 90.01 90.52 91.00 91.52 92411 92.76 93.47 94.25 9,5"05 95.89 96.73 97.51 161.05 162.14 162.96 163.58 164.04 164.37 164.62 164.81 164.94 165.01 165.04 165.09 165419 165.38 165.64 165.99 166.39 166.82 167 23 167.59 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 731 74 4.79421 .18.00 4'78740 17.27 4.77978 16.57 4.77129 15.89 4.76196 15.22 4.75183 14.57 4.74105 13.92 4.72972 13.28 4.71783. 12.63 4.70515 11.99 4.69133. 11.36 4.67600 "10.75 4.65875. 1017 4.63919 9.62 4.61704 9.09 4.59220 8.60 4.56466 8413 4.53439 7.68 4.50134 7.25 4.46538 6.83 47022 46.09 44.94 43.78 4261 41.40 40011 38971 3715 35.41, 33.49 31.45 29-34 27.22 25.13 23.04 2087. 18.51 15.83, 12.71, 9834 99411 167.89 75 26,685 4.42627 6.-3 9.07 76, 24,188 77 21,725 4.38360 4.33695 6.04 99.89 168.13 168.36 100.67 168.58 78 19,310 4'28579 5-67, 5.31 4.85 134.64 139.49 138.30 138.30 101.47 102.29 103.13 103.99 104.86 105.75 10668 168.81 79 169.05 80 169.29 81 169.54 82 16919 .83 170'04 84 170.32 85 16,968 14,723 12,604 10,633 8,828.2 7,205.3 5,771.4 4'2?962i; 416801 4.10052 4902666 3'94587 3.85765 3076128 4.98 4.66 4.36 4.07 3.80 3.55 3.30 6 98,564 4.99372 51.76 7 97,423 4.98866 8 96,454 4.98432 9 95,642 4.98065 10 94,949 4.97749 11 94,341 4.97470 12 93,791 4.97216 13 93,270 4.96974 14 92,768 496740 15 92,281 4.96511 16 91,802 496285 17 91,310 4.96052 143 90,788 4.95803 19 90,215 4.95528 20 89,582 4.95222 21 88,889 4.94885 22 88,152 4.94523 23 "87,382 4.94142 24 86,602 4.93753 25 85,832 4.93365 26 85,086 4.92986 51.36 5087 50.30 49.66 48.98 48.26 47.53 46.79 46.03 45.27 44.51 43.76 43.04 42.34 41.66 '41.01 40.36 39.72 39.07 38.41 27 84,370 4.92619 37.74 28 29 83,678 4.92261 82,991 4.91903 37.01 69.02 3635 68.47 30 82,296 4.91538 35.65 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 81,589 80,869 80,136 79,393 78,638 77,872 77,096 4.91163 4.90778 4.90383 4.89978 4.89563 4.89138 4.88703 34.95 34.26 66.76 33.57 66.16 32.88 65.55 32.19 64.93 31.50 64.29 30.81 6364, 38 76,310 4.88258 30.12 62.97' 107.60 170.57 86 39 40 75,514 4.87803 74,710 4.87338 29.44 28175 62.26 108.54 61.50 10948 170.80 170.98 87 88 28.06 60.69 171210 89 41 42 73,896 486862 73,074" 4 r86376 20881 69-3551 6 7.91 67.34 27w 37-5984 110.41 r111.32 17146AA90 62,260 61,291 "60,225 59,060 57,804 56,472 55,087 53,662 52,219 50,717 49,128 47,424 45,577 43,570 41,401 39,102 36,699 34,229 31,7211 29,200 %4,52841 119.47 16893 121.02 122.07 123.37 124.93 126.72 128.66 130.65 132.46 133.95 134.97 135.44 135.35 168.52 133.84 132.75 131.65 130.71 130.13 130.05 130.67 168.24 168416 168.31 168.71 169.33 170.06 170.76 171.17 171.10 170.38 -168.93 166.80 164.11 161.06 157.88 154.69 151.58 148.64 145.88 14338 132.14 141.21 134-77 137-72' 137.72 138.13 138.64 138.85 138.45 137.23 135410 137.72 137.72 138413 138.64 138-85 138.45 137.23 135.10 3'65592 3.07 132.06 132.06 3,474.2 2,602.1 3054086 3'4153~3 2.85 2.64 127.99 127.99 122.90 122.90 1,897.8 3'27824 2.43 116.80 1,3438 1.16.80 .,.1.....2..23.n09A6n..109A65 18 1876-80.-ADJUSTED RATES.-MALES. (ALL POPULATIONS). EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS). EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) DEDUCED FROM THE ADJUSTED FIRST YEAR ~ AGE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4445 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57, 58' 59 100,000 98,564 97,423 96,454 95,642 94,949 94,341 93,791 93,270 92,758 92,236 91,687 91,100 90,465 89,803 89,146 88,520 87,939 87,400 86,892 86,397 85,903 85,396 84,869 84,320 83,749 83,155 82,539 81,897 81,229 80,530 79,803 79,051 78,280 77,491 76,687 75,870 75,034 74,177 73,291 72,370 71,409 70,404 69,357 68,268 67,143 65,981 64,778 63,530 62,221. 60,844 59,391 57.864 56,268 54,606 I Logx) 5.00000 4. 99372 4.98866 4. 98432 4'.98065 4.97749 4'.97470 4'.97216 4'.96974 4.96735 4.96490 4'.96231 4'.95952 4'.95648 4'.95329 4'.95010 4'.94704 4'.94418 4.94151 4'.93898 4.93650 4'.93401 4'.93144 4'.92875 4.92593 4'.92298 4'.91989 4'.91666 4'.91327 4'.90971 4'.90596 4'.90202 4'.89791. 4'.89365 4'.88925 4'-88472 4'.88007 4.87526 4'.87027 4'.86505 4'.85956 4.85375 4.84760 4'.84109 4'.83422 4.82700 4'.81942 4.81143 4.80298 4.79394 4'.78422 4.77372 4.76241 4.75026 4' 7237d fxLg Weeks 0-4 50.86 50.58 50.18 49.68 49.10 48.45 47.76 47.04 46.29 45.55 44.80 44.07 43.34 42.66 41.96 41.27 40.56 39.82 39.06 38.28 37.50 36.72 35.93 35.15 34.38 33.61 32.84 32.08 31.33 30.59 29.8429.12 28'.39 27.66 26.94 26.22 25.49 24.77 24.05 23.33 22'.63 21'.92 21.23 20.54 19.86 19.19 18.51 17'.85 17.19 16.54 15.90 15.28 14.67 14.07 12"L1 31.41 31.56 31.62 31.55 31.42 31. 25 31.05 30.83 30'57 30.25 30.0 29.73 29.49 29.21 28.89 28.57 28.26 27.94 27.60 27.28 26.96 26.64 26.32 26.02 25.71 25.41 25.12 24.82 24.5 24.18 23'.87 23.56 23.24 22.93 22.61 22.28 21.95 21.'60 21.25 20.89 20.52 20.15 19.76 19.38 18.97 18.56 18.15 17.73 17.32 16.90 16.49 16.07 15.68 15.26 Weeks 4-8 11.80 11.77 11.72 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.73 11.69 11.66 11.63 11.59 11.54 11.50 11.46 11.42 11.39 11.33 11.28 11.23 11.17 11.10 11.05 10.99 10.94 10.89 10.83 10.77 10.70 10.65 10.59 10.52 10.46 10.41 10.34 10.27 10.20 10.12 10.03 9.95 9.87 9.78 9.67 9.58 9.49 9.39 9.28 9.16 9.05 8.93 8.80 8.68 8.55 8.42 8.28 8.13 Weeks 8-13 7.87 7.98 8.06 8.09 8.12 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.19 8.18 8.16 8.15 8.15 8.14 8.12 8.10 8'.08 8'06 8.'05 8.03 8' CO 7'.98 7.96 7.94 .92 7.90 7.88 7.85 7.83 7.80 7.78 7.76 7.73 7.70 7.67 7'64 7.60 7.57 7.53 7.49 7.45 7.41 7.37 7.32 7.27 7.22 7.17 7.11 7.05 6.99 6.92 6.85 6'77 Weeks Weeks 13-17117-21 4.18 3'24 4.25 3.28 4.29 3.32 4.33 3.35 4.36 3.38 4.37 3.40 4.39 3.41 4.40 3.41 4.41 3.42 4.42 3.43 4.42 3.44 4.43 3.45 4.43 3.45 4.43 3.46 4.44 3.46 4.45 3.47 4.45 3.48 4.45 3.48 4.45 3.48 4.44 3.48 4.44 3.48 4.43 3.48 4.43 3.47 4.42 3.47 4.41 3.47 4.41 3.46 4.40 3.46 4.40 3'46 4.39 3.46 4.39 3.46 4.39 3.47 4.38 3.47 4.38 3.46 4.37 3.46 4.36 3.46 4.36 3.46 4.35 3.46 4.34 3.46 4.33 '3.45 4.31 3.45 4.30 3.45 4.29 3.44 4.28 3.44 4.27 3.43 4.25 3.43 4.24 3.42 4.22 3.42 4.21 3.41 4.20 3.40 4.17 3.39 4.15 3.38 4.12 3.37 4.09 3.36 4.07 3.35 4.05R334 Weeks 21-26 3.19 3.24 3.28 3.31 3.34 3.363.37 3.38 3.39 3.41 3.42 3.42 X3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.46 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 348 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.50 3-50 3.50 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.52 3.52 3.52 :3.51 Weeks AGE 26-30 (x) 2'10 2.13 2.16 2.18 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.25 2.26 2.26 2.27 2.27 2'.28 2.29 2.29 2.30 2.30. '2.30 2.30 2.30 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.32 2.32 2.33 2'33 2.34 2.342.34 2.35 2.35 2'36 2.36 2.37 2'37 2.37 2.37 2.38 2.38 2.39 2.39 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.41 2.41 2.42 2.42 2'42 2'43 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3.7 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 19 1876-80.-'ADJUSTED RATES-MALES. (ALL-POPULATIONS). EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS). RATES OF SICKNESS AND MORTALITY FOR THE FIVE YEARS, 1876 4880, MALES (ALL POPULATIONS) - -____ ____ AGE (x) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Weeks Weeks 30-34 34-39 P.85 P.88 P.90 P.92 P.94 P.95 P.96 P.97 1-98 P99 P99 2.00 2-00 2-00 2'01 2-02 2-03 2.03 2-04 2-04 2-04 2.04 2-05 2-05 2-05 2.06 2.06 2-0633 2-07 34 2-08 35 2-08 36 2-09 37 2-09 -38 2-10 .39 2-10 2-2 40 2-11 41. 2-2 2.11 2-2 2-2 42 2-12 43 2-12 44 2-13 45 2-13 46 2-14 47 2-15 48 2-15 49 2-o16 50 2-17 51 2.17 .52 2.18 53 2-18 54 2.19 55 2-20 56 2.20 57 2.21 58 2.22 59 2-22 Weeks Weeks 39-43 43-47 1-48 1-49 1.-so 2-13 1-53 2-15 1-53 2-16 1-55 2-18 1-56 2-19 1-57 2.20 1-57 221 1-58 2-21 1-59 2-22. 1.59 2-22 1-59 2-23 1-60 2-24 1-61 2-25 1-61 2-25 1-62 2-26 1-62 2-27 1-63 2-27 1-64 2-28 1-64 2-28 1-64 2.29 1-65 2-29 1-65 2.30 1-65 2.30 1-66 2.30 1-66 2.31 1-67 2.32 11-88 1.67 2-33 11-89 1-68 1-68 2-33 11-89 1-69 2-34 11-88 2-35 1-70 2-35 1-70 2-36 1-71 2-36 1-72 2-37 1-72 2-38 1-73 2-39 1.73 2.40 1-74 2.41 1-75 2.42 1-76 2.43 1-76 2.43 1-77 2.44 1-78 2.45 1-79 2.46 1-80 2.47 1-80 2.48 1-81 2-49 1-82 2.50 1-83 2-51. 1-84 2-52 1-85 2-53 1.86 2-54 1.87 2.05 2-08 2-11 THIRD YEAR, AND UPWARDS SECOND YEAR FIRST YEAR 1.35 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.-46 1P46 1.47 ]"-48 1.48 1.49. 1.50 1'50 1.51 1.51 1.52 .52 152 P.53 153 P54 P.54 P.55 1.55' 1.56 1.57 1.57 P.58 1.58 1.59 P.60 P61 1.62 .62 P63 1.64 P.65 2P7 1.65 P78 P.66 1.67 P.68 P.69 P.69 P.70 1.71 P.73 1.73 P74 1-77 Weeks 47-52 1-60 1-63 1-65 1-66 1.68 1-69 1-70 1-71 172 1-73. 1-73 1-74 1-74 1-74 1.75 1-76 1-77 1-78 1-78 1-79 1-79 1-80 1-80 1-81 1-81 18 1-83 1-83 1-84 1-85 1-86 1-86 1-87 1-88 1-89 1-90 1-91 1-92 1-93 1-94 1-95 1-96 1-97 1-98 1-99 2-00 2-01 2.02 2-03 2-04 2-05 2-07 2,08 2-10 2-11 -______ ____ - ____ _____ TOTAL Weeks Frt Weeknts Scn SWeekts 72.12 72-67 73-00 73.20 73-28 73-26 73-16 72-99 72-78 72-54 72.29 72-"02 71-73 71.46 71-17 70-88 70-55 70-20 69-83 69-45 69.06 68-68 68-30 67-94 67.57 67-21 66.85 66-4966-13 65-77 65.41 65.05 64.68 64.31 152-8 63-92 152-1 63-53 151-3 63-12 150-4 62-69 62.25 61-80 61-33 60.84 60-36 59.85 59-34 58-81 58-26 57-70 57.12 56-53 55-95 55.37 54.78 54.19 7-51 7-62 7-72 7-79 7-86 7-92 7-97 8-02 8-05 8-07 8-10 5-49 5-57 5-63 5-69 5-74 5-78 5-82 5.85 5-88 5-92 5-95 5-97 6.00 6-02 6-05 6-09 6-12 6-13 6-15 6-18 6-20 6-22 6-24 6-26 6-28 6-30 6-33 6-35 6-38 6-40 6-43 6.46 6-49 6-52 6.56 6-59 6.63 6-66 6-70 l7-5 6-74 7-65 6-78 6.82 l7-7 6-86 r7-8 6.91 6-95 7-00 7-05 7-10 7.15 7-20 7.26 7-32 7.33 7-44 7-1 53q-56 8-13- 8-16 8-20 8-23 8-26 8-29 8-33 8-35 8-37 8.40 8-42 8-45 8-48 8.52 8-55 8-58 8-61 8-64 8-68 8.72 8-75 8-79 8-83 8-88 8-92 8-97 11015 9-02 110-2 9-07 11033 9.11 110-4 9-16 9.22 9-26 9-31 9-37 9-43 9-49 9.55 9.61 9.67 9-73 9.81 9.89 9.98 1006 ( TOTAL -Duration TOTAL Weeks 13.00 13.19 13-35 13.48 13-60 13-70 13.79 13-87 13.93 13-99 14-05 14.10 14-16 14.22 14-28 14-35 14-41 14-46 14-50 14-55 14-60 14-64 14-69 14-74 14-80 14-85 14.91 14.96 15-02 15.08 15-15 15-21 15-28 15-35 15-44 15.51 15-60 317-7 15-68 317-8 15-77 318-0 15-85 f18-2 15-94 16-04 16-1.2 16-22 16-32 16.43 16-54 16.65 16-76 16.87 16-99 17-13 17.27 17-42 17-": TOTAL Weeks 53.92 54.70 55.34 55.90 56.36 56.77 57.14 57.48 57.80 58.13 58.44 58.78 59.16 59.56 59.98 60-.40 60-.80 6153 61-85 62.- 17 62.49 62.83 63.17 63.53 6391 64.28 64.69 65.09 65.53 65.98 66.45 66.94 67.44 67.95 68.47 68.99 69.55 70.13 70.73 7P.35 72.03 72.71 92-3 73.46 74.23 75.05 75.92 76.84 77.84 78.91 80.06 8P.28 82.60 83.98 85-5 Wek 139.04 140.56 14.69 142.58 143-24 143.73 144.09 144.34 144.51 144.66 144-.78 144.90 145-05 145-24 145.43 145-63 145.76 145-84 145.86 145-85 145-8 145-81 145.82 145-85 145-90 145-97 146.01 146-14 146.24 146'38 146-54 146 7]. 157-6 146-90. 158-6 147.10 159-8 147.31 16P0 147.51 147.71 147-92 148-15 148.38 148.62 148-91 149.19 149-53 149.89 150.29 150.72 151.19 151.72 152.31 153-00 153'78 154.65 155.59 15-582 20 1876-80.-ADJUSTED RATES.--MALES. (ALL POPULATIOS)-continued. EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) DEDUCED FROM THE ADJUSTED FIRST YEAR~. 4-8 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks AG 1E 8-13 13-17 .17-21 21-26 26-30 (xt) 7.27 6.26 6.12 597 5.80 5.61 5'41 3.82 3.76 3.68 3.58 3.48 3'36 2.38 2.36 2.33 2.23 2.16 66 67 68 69 4.5070 7 7'89 9.25 5.79 5.18 3;24 2.95 2.86 3.40 3.36 3.30 3.23 3.15 3'06 64 7.06 6.84 6.61 6.35 6.09 3.21 3.16 3.10 3.03 8.81 8.34 12.51 12.00 11.48 10.99 10.45 9.86 2.77 2 2 "11 70 4.47446 8.70 8.07 7.54 6.99 6.56 6.07 3'10 2.96 2.81 2.65 2'84 2.74 2'63 4.26 2.68 2.52 2"'03 1'96 1"'88 1.80 1'71 1'63 1'53 1'42 71 5.0 4.65 4.12 3.76 3.52 3.17 2.96 2.08 1.29 79 1.15 '97 '81 '60 '41 '38 80 81. 82 83 84- 3,249.9 3.51187 3'41 1.27 87 88 2,553.8 1,983.S 3.40719 3'29743 3.20 2'97 '63 5050 5'16 4.91 4'60 4.33 4'08 3.77 3'46 3.17 2.83 2.55 2.33 2.12 2.03 i.36 '83 '50 4.95 4.71 4'47 4.19124 4.13244 4.07156 4.00797 3.94073 3.86849 3.78981 3.70393 3.61098 7.47 7.08 6.73 6.42 6.14 5.88 5.63 5.37 511 4.83 4.56 4.29 ~75 4.04 3.82~55 3.61 89 1,519.0 1,140.6 3.18156 3.05714 2'73 2'47 AGE og . (x) lx 64 65 66 67 68 69 45,208 43,105 40,954 38,783 36,602 34,396 4.65522 4.63453 4.61230 4.58864 4.56350 4.53651. 32,142 29,817 27,411 24,943 22,456 4.39694 4.35134 4.30143 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 90 4.43792 20,018 17,693 15,532 13,566 11,791 10,185 8,724.3 7,3874 6,163.3 5,057.4 4,083.0 fl 4.24779 10.75 10.25 9.76 9.28 91 92 831.48 580.94 2.91985 2.76413 2.20 1094 93 382.54 2.58268 1.68 94 95 96 97 98 232'49 127")09 60.357 23'734 7.1842 2.36641 2.10411 1.78073 1.37537 0.85638 90 1.4787 0.16987 1.45 1.23 1.04 '87 '73 '60 100 "154102 1.18757 Weeks 0-4 LgI '50 5.62 Weeks 4'01 3'79 3.51 3121 2.94 2'64 2'35 2'14 1'95 1'78 1'16 '77 '46 2.37 2.19 2.00 1.79 1.58 1.36 1.15 2'55 2'43 2'32 2'19 2'06 1'91 1;77 1.58 1.36 1'17 '96 "96 '75 '63 '49 '37 '25.'24 45 '96 2.52 2;37 2124 2.10 1'96 1.76 1057 1.33 1.10 '84 "58 '56 '42 '24 2.28 "33 '18 65 72 73 74 75 76 77 78. 85861 87 88, 89- 9GY 91 92 93, 94 95 96 97 98 .99 100 21 1876-80.-ADJUSTED RATES-MALES. (ALL POPULATIONS)--continued, RATES OF SICKNESS AND MORTALITY FOR THE FIVE YEARS, 1876-1880, FIRST YEAR THIRD YEAR AND UPWARDS SECOND YEAR - AGE (r) Weeks 30-34 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 -_________ 2.20 -2.55 1.88 1.78 2.19 2.53 1.87 P.77 2.16 2.50 1.86 1.76 2.12 2.46 1.83 1.73 2.07 2.41 P.79 1.70 2.02 2.35 175 1. 66 1.97 2.28 1.70 1.62 1.90 2.22 1.64 P.57 1.85 2.15 160 P.53 P.77 2-06 153 P.46 1.69 1P98 P.47 1-40 1.61 P.88 P.40 P.35 1.54 P.78 P.33 P.28 P.47 1-68 P127 P.22 P.37 P.58 1.19 1.15 1.25 1.42 1.06 1'03 1.11 1.29 95 -92 "95 1.12 -83 '-80 "77 -89 -64 -63 -60 -72 -50 "50 -40 -48 -32 -32 -38 -46 -34 -33 -33 -39 -28 -27 -18 -20 "11 "11 Weeks Weeks 34--39 39-13 MALES (ALL POPULATIONS) Weeks 434 ____-_______- ____ Weeks 752 ____________________ TOTAL WesaiMonths Sionh Weeks eks 2.15 2.14 2.13 2.10 2.07 2.03 1.98 1.91 P.86 1-78 1.72 P.66 P.56 1-50 1.40 1-26 P.14 -98 -78 -63 -41 -43 -35 -14 49.41 48.32 47.11 45.76 44.26 42.61 40.85 39.01 37.14 35-27 33.43 31.59 29-73 27.77 25.59 23.20 20.68 18.17 15-72 13-34 10-99 8-60 6-06 3-24 10.49 10.55 10.58 10.59 10.53 10'41 10.27 10.09 9.88 9-69 9.49 9-36 9-22 9-02 8.82 8.46 7.99 7.43 6-86 6-16 5.44 4-57 4-03 3-25 2-62 TOA -Duration TOTAL Wek 7.87 18.36 793 1848 7.96 18.54 7.94 18.53 790 18.43 7.84 18.25 7.72 17.99 7.59 17.68 746 17-34 731 17-00. 748 16-67 702 16-38 6-89 1611. 6-78 15-80 6.57 15.39 6-33 14.79 642.14.11 5.76 13-19 5-29 12.15 4-92 11-08 4.5~4 9-98 4-29 8.863 3-67 7.70 3-25 6-50 2-62 5-24 TOTAL Wes 9444 96.59 98.79 100.96 103.01 104.93 106.78 108.65 110-69 112.99 115-61 118-56 12174 124.98 128.08 130.90 133.49 135-82 137-98 140-09 142-20 144-08 145-29 145-39 143-86 140-39 128-46 114.56 100-75 162.21 163.39 16444 165.25 165.70 165.79 165.62 165.34 165-17 165.26 165-71 166-53 16758 168.5 169.06 168.89 168-28 167-18 165-85 .164-51 163-17 161-54 159-05 155-13 149-10 140-39 128-46 114-56 100-75 94I 95 75.21 64-02 75-21 64-02 96i 54.04 54-04. 97.1 98 99 45-32 37-82 31-42 45-32 37-82 31-42 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 ' . 26-00 100 iiI 26-00 22 23 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 22 per Cent. 2j per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. AGE (x;) Log. Dx Log N I t 5 4.94638 6.-36171 6 4.92938 6.34535 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 52 1 -34096 -01262 -34000 -34088 -01257 4-55776 4-.54290 4-.52806 4-.51321 21.680 21.438 21.186 20.923 5-.87269 20.650 5-.85188 20-.369 5-.83077 20.078 5-.80934 19.776 5-.78759 19.465 5-.76547 19- 147 5-74300 18-.825 5-.72013 18.497 5.69685 18.161 4-.42228 5-.67314 17.818 4-.40677 5-.64896 17.466 4.39111 5-.62429 17.107 4-.37525 5-.59910 16.744 4-.35908 5-.57336 16.379 4-.34252 5.54705 16.015 4-.32558 5.52016 15'652 4.30827 5.49263 15.288 4-.29072 5-46446 14-.919 4-.27296 5.43559 14.542 4.25497 5.40594 14.157 4-.23672 5.37548 13-764 4-.49833 4-.48336 4-46826 4-45304 4.43771 r~r\ i rrrrr~lr -34283 -34593 -34985 "35446 -35959 -36505 -37075 -37654 -38249 -38852 -39448 -40037 Log D~ -01262 -01273 -01290 -01312 -01339 -01370 -01402 1 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 -01437 62 -01473 -01510 -01550 -01589 63 64 65 66 Log Nx 1 4-.21806 5-.34416 4-.19882 5-.31190 -62093 r\rrrrr\l r\-r ~r\~ i ax 4-.15833 4-.13715 4-11540 4-09310 5.24448 5-.20914 5-.17266 5-.13491 4.07027. 5.09576 4.04676 5.05515 4-02234 5.01288 3-.99679 4-.96886 3-.96992 4-.92298 3-.94164 4- 875113-.91179 4- 82508 3.88040 4-.77271 Px 1 _ 13-.369 -64953 -04520 12.974 -65917 -66868 -67819. -68773 -69734 -70705 -71695 -72695 -73695 -74690 -75668 -76634 -77585 -78527 -79463 '80392 -81319 -82237 -83134 -83993 -84805- -04717 -04923 -05141 -05372 -05620 -05886 -06178 -06494 -06833 -07198 4-.17890 5'27871 12-584 -01628 67 -40603 -01667 68 3-.84738 4.71780 -41151 -01705 69 3-.81261 4-66012 -41673 -01743 70 3-.77596 4.59935 -42166 -01779 71 3-.73705 4-.53521 -42647 -01814 72 3-.69539 .4-46737 -43120 -01849 73 3-.65028 4-39557 -43610 -01886 74 3-.60109 4-.31958 -44129 -01927 75 3-.54717 4-.23925 -44683 -01970 76 3-.48808 4.15445 -45273 -02017 77 3-.42381 4.06513 -45887 -02069 78 3-.35465 3-.97103 -46530 -02122 79 3-.28079 3.87191 -47195 -02180 80 3.20242 3-.76731 -47880 -02240. 81 3-11949 3-.65662 -48590 -02305 82 3.-03139 3.53913 -49326 -02374 83 2-.93736 3.41409 -50086 -02447 84 2-83637 3.28074 -50861 -02525 85 2-.72756 3-.13818 -51647 02605 86 2.60999 2-.98555 -52446 -02690 87 2-.48284 2-.82170 -53266 -02780 88 2.34531 2-.64525 -54103 -02875 89 2-.19632 2-45434 -54961 -02976 I90 2-03461 2-.24642 -55837 -03084 91 1-.85893 2-01745 -56722. -03197 92 1-.66689 1.76088 -57612 -03315 93 1-.45101 1-46852 -58500 -03438 94 1-.20207 1.12992 -59385 03566 95 0-.90868 0-73106 -60273 -03701 96 0-55588 0-.25212 -61173 -03842 97 0-12288 1-66276 -03995 98 1-57857 2-90902 -63032 -04159 99 2.86888 3-85815 -63990 -04334 100 3-85815 \~\III I l I I il~~L I 20881 IAGE P 26.-021 4-.61728 5.95333 4.602341 5-93353 4.58746 5-.91350 4-.57261 5-.89323 4;6. 47 48 49 50 51 1 26.-060 4-.91359 6.32897 26.024 4.89853 6-.31256 25.944 4.88414 6-.29605 25.817 4.87025 6.27944 25.656 4.85674 6.26271 25.-467 4.84347 6-.24586 25.257 4.83033 6-.22884 25.033 4.81721 6.21165 24 799 4.80408 6-.19435 24.562 4.79092 6.17684 24.318 4.77765 6.15915 24.071 4.76424 6.14129 23.826 4.75062 6.12326 23.585 4.73673 6.10507 23.353 4-.72255 6.08668 23.128 4.70801 6-06811 22.914 4-.69315 6.04941 22-.712 4-.67804 6-03052 22.515 4.66278 6.-01149 22.321 4.64752 5-.99230 22- 120 4.63234 5-.97292 21.907 7 8 9 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Px 12.194 11.803 11.409 11-011 10-.605 10.195 9.785 9.377 8.976 8-580 8.190 7-804 7.420 7-039 6-.659 6.283 5-915 5-563 5-230 4.921 4.638 4.378 4-134 3-901 3-672 3'"445 3.219 -85559 -86249 -86883 -87478 -88047' -88605 -89159 -89709 2.997 2.782 2-574 2-374 -90251. 2-.182 1.995 1.811 1-.629 1.441 1-242 1-041 -92239 -92695 -847 -664 -497 -347 -214 -097 -07585 -07999 -08442 -08920 -09438 -10001 -10618 -11291 -12022 -12798 -13612 -14450 -15298 -16155 17039 17965 -18965 -20058 "-.21264 -22580 -90775 -24002 -91283 -25541 -27200 -91770 -93144 -93587 -94047 -94532 -95022 -95495 -95941 -96348 -96714 -97039 -97324 -97561 -28988 -30950 -33135 -35599 -38528 -42164 -46557 '02a '23 '08 124 24 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 21 per Cent. 6"259 Log tZs AELog x Kx Over Two Under Two Yer'Duration Years' Duration (sr-Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 6.42357 7 8 9 10 6.40917 640192 6.39446 6'.38657 6'.37800 6'.36845 6.35796 6.34655 6'33433 6.32149 6'30814 6.29447 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 641604 6.'28070 6.26694 6'.25319 6'.23952 6.22595 6.21251 6'.19922 6'.18608 6'.17305 6'16013 6'.14729 6'.13452 6'.12182 6'.10923 6.'09675 6.'08437 6.07207 6.'05979 6.'04744 6.03495 6.02226 6.'00932 5'798 5'.99611 5'.98259 5'695 5'.96877 5'661 5'.95463 5'.94013 5'.92521 5'643 5'.90982 5'.89384 5'.87722 5'.85989 5.84188 5'82323 5.'80399 5'.78420 5'.76373 5'A74241 I Values of Sick Pay Allowance of per Week for the Whole of Life = r +1s (Rx=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) AGE Alf uain Over Two Under Two All Durations Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain 7 (s =Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6'.18316 6'.62082 6'.18316 6'.61626 6.61174 6'.60721 6.60257 6' 6'.59770 6.59244 6'.58665 6'.58033 6 57352 6'56632 *6.55884 6 55116 6.'54340 6'.53570 6'.52809 6'.52061 6'.51328 6.50610 6.49908 6.49223 6.48552 6'47893 6'47244 6.46605 6'45973 6'.45348 6.44731 6.44123 6.43521 6.42922 *6'42323 6.'41716 6.'41100 6'.40471 6'.39831 6.'39180 6.38518 6'37843 6.37154 6'36449 6.'35729 6.'34995 6'.34247 6'.33488 6.32714 6'.31929 6'.31132 6'30320 6.29503 6'28672 6o23830 6'.18316 6'.18316 6.18316 6'.18316 6.'18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6'.18316 6.18316 6'.18315 6'.18311 6'.18302 6'.18290 6'.18270 6.18241 6'.18205 6'.18158 6'.18106 6'.18042 6'.17970 6'.17885 6'.17788 6'.17675 6'1215 6'.17542 6'1171 6'.17390 6'1119 6'.17222 6'1059 6'.17039 6 '987 6'.16845 6.16640 6 '0902 6'.16421 6'.16189 6'.15941 6'.15679 6'.15411 6.15140 6'.14871 6'.14604 6'.14335 6'.14060 6.13779 6.13487 6'.13185 6'-12533 30 00 30.67 31.30 31.87 32'.38 32.83 33.21 33'.50 33'.70 33'83 33'90 33.93 33'.92 33.90 4 33'89 33'.90 33'93 34'.00 34'.10 17'.25 17.94 18.60 19.26 19.91 20.56 21.20 21.86 22' 53 23'.22 23'.94 24'.67 25'.44 26'.24 27'.07 27'.95 28'.88 29'.86 30'.90 34'.24 31.99 34'.39 34'.56 34'.31 34.73 34'.90 35.07 35'.24 35' 35'.42 35'.60 35'.80 36'.00 36' 36'.21 36'.43 36'65 36'.87 37'.09 37'29 37'.48 834'7 37.66 37.'82 37'.97 38.11 38.25 :-8.39 38'.51 38.59 38'.63 38.63 38'59 38'.54 38'.49 33'.13 35'.51 36'.74 37.99 a110 39'.28 40.59 (114'59 41'.94 S119 43'.33 al12 44'.75 46'.20 47'69 49'.21 50.77 52'.38 54'.04 55.74 57'.50 59.31 61.18 63.14 65.20 67.38 69.68 72.11 74.66 77.34 80.15 83'.13 86.31 38'.44 38'.38 38'.25 89.73 38'.03 37'"16 101.'42 105.'69 93'.41 97'.32 47'.25 48.61 49'.90 51'.13 52'.29 53'.39 54'.41 55'.36 56'.23 57'.05 57'.84 58'.60 59'.36 60'.14 60'.96 61.85 62.81 63'.86 65'.00 66'.23 67.52 68'.87 70.24 71.64 73.06 74'.52 76.01 77.54 79.13 80.75 82'.41 84.12 85'.86 87'.64 89'.47 91.33 93'22 95'.16 97'.13 99.15 101.'25 103.'45 105.77 108'.19 110'.70 113.29 115'.97 118.'74 121'.67 124.'80 128.'17 131.'79 135.'57 139'.45 143 '3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 25 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 21 per Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week* the Whole of Life = Log +1 vvx x-x +1 +for +lx (l + Logx AGE Cent. 9AGE AlDuain Over Two Under Two Over Two Under Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (8=Rate Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 (sx=U ate of Sickness for all Durations) (sx=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) of Sickness under 5.49857 6. 08044 5.45556 5.40866 5.35713 6.06895 6.05543 6.03945 6.0206 I~ 5'.99854 5.97290 5.94347 5'.30001 5.23613 5. 16388 5.08095 4'.98342 4'.86508 4'.71485 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 6.'03557 5'.99933 5'.95861 4.27427 4.07748 3'.86151 3'.62235 3.35317 3'.04548 2'.68854 2'.26799 1'.76356 1'.14464 0.35681 1.26776 97 98 99 100 13.00 9.16 4'.84 139.' 20 144.'23 170.'60 149.02 177.'38 179'.96 181'.81 153.44 157.'38 174.'20 160.85 163'.92 182.'93 166.'69 169.'32 182.'32 183.33 183.'09 172.03 175.07 178'.69 177.'44 181'.19 179'.91 175.'97 167.'35 162.'65 157.'17 150'.98 144.'13 136.'65 178.'69 177.'44 173'.96 171'.12 167.'35 162.'65 157.'17 150'.98 144'.13 136.'65 110.37 128.47 119'.66 110.37 100.'60 100.'60 90.25 79'83 69'73 60.24 51.54 43.72 36.82 30.76 25.68 90.25 79'83 69'73 60.24 5l'54 43'72 36'82 30.76 25.68 128.47 119 3.04548 2'.68854 2'.26799 1'.76356 1'.14464 0.35681 26776 1. ~~ 162.'76 166'.71 '98 171'.12 3'.35317 .n 128. 134.06 175'.97 173.'96 3'.62235 I1 r 19.41 16.40 5.91294 5'.86190 5.80529 5.'74314 5'.67590 5'.60370 5'.52622 5.44287 5.'35280 5.25501 5'.14862 5.'03275 4'.90648 4.76875 4'.61844 4.45411 4.27427 4.07748 3'.86151 4'.45411 93 94 95 96 31'.40 29.97 28'.36 26.52 24'43 22'.08 6'.12145 6.'09627 6.'06777 5'.67590 5'-60370 5'.52622 5.'44287 5.35 80 5'25501 5.14862 5.'03275 4'.90648 4'.76875 4'.61844 80 S1 82 83 84 32.65 6-.14376 5'.91001 5.87219 5.'82979 5.78277 5.73129 4'.50900 17310 4. 33.78 6'.18146 6'.16363 '66 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 t I D 20S81 D2 26 27 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 21 per Cent. 2j per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. AELog Dx 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4-80239 15 4.78821 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4.77399 4'75967 4.74520 4.73052 4.71557 4.70033 4'68474 4.66882 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4'63633 4.62001 4.60377 4.58766 4.57166 4.55573 4.53981 4.52390 4.50799 4.49209 4.47619 4'46024 4.44421 4.42806 4.41178 4.39539 4.37890 4'36233 4.34562 4.32870 24, 4.65265 45 4,031147 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 4'29386 4.27585 4.25749 4'23888 4.22006 4.20102 4.18170 1 ax 6'.33339 6.'31616 6'"29894 6.28165 6.26430 6.24684 6'.22927 6 21157 6'.19371 6'.17571 6.15755 6'.13922 6'.12071 6'.10199 6'.08314 6.'06408 6.'04489 6.'02551 6.00595 5'.98627 5'.96642 5'.94641 5'.92622 5'.90583 5'.88523 5.86440 5'.84333 5'.82200 5'.80039 5'.77850 5'.75629 5'-73375 5'.71086 5'.68760 5.66396 5.63990 5'.61541. 5'.59046 5'.56501 5'.53905 5'.51254 5.'48547 5.45781 5.42951 5.'40057 5'.37092 5'.34052 5'.30929 4.94109 4.92303 4.90619 4.89007 4.87461 4.85967 4.84510 4.83078 4.81658 14 "Log Nx 24'.677 24'.725 24'.703 24'.637 24'.530 24'.388 24'.220 24'032 23'.830 23'.622 23.407 23'.186 22'.964 22'.740 22'.523 Ax '31278 '01214 '01224 '33545 1 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 '01211 '31209 '31385 '31672 '32051 '32501 '33005 AF '01218 '31150 '34102 '34677 '35269 '35862 '36462 "37043 22.311 '37610 22' 109 '38151 21'.916 '38668 21'.734 '39154 21'.559 '39623 21'.384 '40091 21'.203 '40576 21.011 '41089 20'.805 '41642 20'586 '42227 20' 355 '42846 20'115 '43488, 19'.866 '44154 19'.607 '44847 19.'338. '45567 19.059 '46314 '47083 18.'772 18'.478 '47869 18.'178 '48672 17.872 '49491 17.559 '50329 17'239 '51185 16'909 '52069 16'573 '52968 16.'231 '53883 15.888 '54801 15'546 '55716 15'.204 '56631 14.'860 '57552 14'.511 '58486 14'153 '59445 13'.788 '60421 13.'415 '61420 h. P - ''Y~'Vu -V ( ILV VVV '01241 '01262 '01289 '01319 '01351 '01385 '01421 '01458 '01496 '01536 "01574 '01614 '01651 '01688 '01722 '01756 '01791 '01827 '01867 '01910 '01956 '02006 '02059 '02116 '02177 '02240 '02309 '02381 '02458 '02538 '02622 '02712 '02806 '02907 '03014 '03127 '03245 '03368 '03495 ' 03629 '03771 '03923 '04086 '04260 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 A ogD Log Nx ax 4'.16198 4'.14169 4'.12071 4.09909 4.07685 4'.05403 4.03068 4.00679 3.98223 3'.95675 3'.93013 3'.90221 3'.87287 3-84197 3.80952 3.77544 3' -73961 3'.70190 3'.66193 3.61922 3.57305 3.52280 3.46782 3.40767 3. 34235 3'.27213 3. 19722 3.11778 3'.03379 2'.94464 2'.84955 2'.74750 2'.63763 2' 51900 2'.39080 2'.25221 2'.10216 1'.93940 1'.76265 1'.56956 1'.35262 1' 10262 0'.80818 0'.45431 0.02025 1'47489 2'.76414 3'.75236 527720I 5'.24418 5'.21021 5'.17522 5'.139121 5'.10188 5.06333 5'.023461 4'.98203' 4'.938991 4'.89421 4.84755 4'.79889 4'.74806 4'.69491 4'.63921 4.58072 4'.51915 4.45419 4'.38552 4'.31290. 4.23606 4'.15488 4.06922 3'.97903 3'.88408 3'.78409 3'.67862 3'.56705 3'44869 3'.32278 3'.18853 3'.04509 2'.89156 2'.72683 2'.54947 2'.35767 2'.14888 1'.91902 1'.66156 1'.36829 1.02882 0'.62904 0'.14922 1'.55896 2.80448 3'.75236 13.038 12.662 12.289 - +r+ -. 11. 916 11.542 11. 165 10'.781 10.391 9.995 9'599 9.206 8.817 8'.434 8.056 7.681 7'308 6'936 6'.565 6.198 5.839 5.494 5.167 4'865 4.587 4'332 4'.092 3'.863 3'.638 3'.414 3.192 2.973 2.760 2'"555 2358 2.168 1'.983 1'801 1.620 1.433 1'.236 1.037 '844 '662 '495 '346 '214 '097 Ax '62428 '63435 '64434. '65432 66433 '67442 '68469 '69513 '70573 '71633 '72685 '73726 '74751 '75763 '76766 '77764 '78760 '79753. '80735 '81696 '82619 '83495 '84303 '85047 '85730 '86372 '86985 '87557 '88186 '88781 '89367 '89937 '90486 '91012 '91521 '92016 '92503 '92988 '93488 '94016 '94548 '95064 '95552 '95999 '96397 '96750 '97064 '97324 P S04447 '04643 "04849 05066 "05297 '05544 05812 06102 '06419 '06759 "07122 07510 07924 '08366 '08843 '09360 '09924 '.10543 11216 11945 "12722 '13539 14373 '15223 '16078 '16962 '17887 '18884 '19979 21178 '22494 "23919 -25453. "27104 '28889 '30846 '33025 '35492. "38425 '42046 '46416 28 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 2j per Cent. _ t - Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = AGE (xr) rx Log Kx ~~ HYL V Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duratilon All Durations r = Rate of Sicknessunuder Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 .42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6.38694 6.37920 6.'37149 6.36372 6.35572 6.'34729 6.33814 6.'32797 6.'31679 6.30462 6.29164 6.'27798 6.26378 6.24925 6.23464 6'22003 6'.20545 6'.19095 6.17658 6'.16236 6'.14829 6'.13437 6.12061_ 6'106976-09342 6.'07994 6.'06659 6.05331 6.04021 6.02719 6'.01427 6'00143 5'.98848 5'.97541 5'96215 5'.94865 5'.93486 5'.92079 5'.90641 3'630 5'89173 5'649 5'.87668 5'620 5'86121 5'591 5'84527 5'588 5'82875 5.81158 5'.79371 5'.77515 5'.75595 5'.73617 5'.71584 5.69487 AGE (ax) VIIV = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 10884 6. 6. 10884 6. 10884 6.10884: 6.10884: 6'.10884 6.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6.10884 6'.10884 6.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10884 6'.10877 6'.10870 6'.10853 610833 6'.10802 6'.10762 6'.10711 6'.10650 6'.10582 6'.10500 6'.10408 6'10302 6.10178 6'.10037 6.'09871 6.09688 6'0571 6.'09489 6.09283 6.09061 6.08824 6'0506 6.'08575 6.08311 6'0471 6'08034 6.'07748 6'0270 6.07460 6.'07173 6.'06889 6.06606 6.06318 Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain T n rr r C x= Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6'.57081 6'.56575 6'.56076 6'.55575 6'.55062 6'.54526 6 53948 6 53311 6.'52617 6'.51870 6'.51081 6'.50262 6.49421 6.48572 6'.47731 6.46901 116 6' 46085 6'45286 6'.44504 6'43742 6.42996 6'42269 6.41554 6.'40851 6.40161 6'39477 6'.38803 6'1 6'.38139 6'.37484 6'36837 6'.36195 6'.35553 6'.34904 6'.34244 6'.33576 6.'32893 6'.32201 6.31497 6.30782 6'.30052 6'.29308 ;6' 1348 6'.28548 6.'27774 6 26986 6' 26188 6 25377 6.24555 6'.23720 6 22876 6.22022 6'.21156 6' 1614 27'92 28'.59 29.19 29'.76 30.28 30'.73 31'.12 31'.42 31'.64 31'.79 31.87 31.91 31.92 31'.92 31'.92 31'.95 32'.00 32.08 32.19 32.34 32.51 32'69 32'.87 33.06 33.25 33'.44 33'.63 33'.84 34.06 34'.28 34'.52 036'4 34.77 035'8 35'.02 035'1 35.27 034'2 35'.51 35.75 35.97 36'.18 36.37 36'.56 36.75 36.93 37.10 37.26 37.39 37.47 37.51 37.52 37.51 37.51 37.51 37.49 37'42 37.24 36'94 14.72 15.34 15.93 16.55 17.15 17.75 5 18.35 4 18.97 19.60 20.25 20.92 21.62 22'34 23.10 23.90 24'73 25.62 26.55 27.54 28.58 29'67 30.80 31.96 33.14 34.35 35.59 115' 36.87 120' 3 106 38.19 39.54 110'8 40.93 42.35 43.81 45.31 46.84 48.43 50.06 51.75 53.49 55.29 57.15 59.1.1 61.16 63.33 65.63 68.05 70.60 73.29 76.12 79.11 82.31 85.76 89.45 93.39 97.54 101' 85 ' 42.64 43.93 45'12 46.31 47.43 48'48 49.47 50.39 51.24 52.04 52.79 53.53 54.26 55.02: 55.82 56'68 57,-62 58.63 59.73 60.92 62.18 63.49 64.83 66.20 67.60 69.03 70.50 72.03 73.60 75.21 76'87 78.58 80.33 82.11 83'94 85.81 87'72 89'67 91.66 93.71 95.86 98.09 100.'43 102.'89 105.'44 108.'07 110'.80 113'.64 116.'62 119.'82 123.'27 126.'94 130'.81 134'.78 1.38'79 - 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15- 16. 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23. 242526,, 27 28 29 30a 31 3233, 34 35-36 37 3940, 41 42 43, 44 F45, 46- 47 485'0 51 5253, 54 5556. 57 58 59 ' 29 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 24 per Cent. Log vi (lx vx 8xs-lx+1x (AGE 8 +1+. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = .) = .. P K Kx AELog 1512AG Under Two Over Two Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain ( = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Sicknes3 over Two Years) 6.00078 5.98899 5.97512 5.95876 5.93951 5.91698 5.89085 5'.86089 5.82686 5.78846 5.74544 5.69778 5'.64567 5.58963 5.'51664 5.43838 5.35424 5.26338 5'.16477 5.'05755 4.94085 4.81372 4.67514 4.52395 4.35875 4.17803 3'.98035 3.76350 3.52345 3.25336 2.94479 2'58694 2'.16548 1.66010 1.04025 0.25144 1.'16144 5.42473 5.38113 5.33363 5.28151 5.22381 5'.15933 5.08647 5.00294 4'.90482 4'.78589 4'.63507 4.42864 4.09216 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 - x= Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6 10303 6.08475 6.06443 6.'04164 6.'01595 5'.98692 5'.95415 5'.91730 5'.87595 5 82962 5'.77788 5'.72055 5'.65764 5158963 5.'51664 5'.43838 5'.35424 5.26338 5.16477 5 05755 4'.94085 4'.81372 4'.67514 4'52395 4.35875 4'.17803 3'.98035 3'.76350 3'.52345 3'.25336 2'.94479 2.58694 2.16548 1'.66010 1.04025 0.25144 1'.16144 = I- Rate of A 1 I c kll A 33'.31 32'.23 31'.02 29.65 125.'48 28'.08 26'29 145.'90 130.'65 135.'88 166.'90 141.'01 170'.66 173'.98 150.44 154'.51 158'.11 161.'30 164'.21 24'.24 21'.93 19'.30 16.32 12'.95 9'.14 176.73 178.75 180.04 180.60 166.'97 169.'81172.'98 180.53 179.'92 178'95 177'82 176'.72 176.'72 175.'59 4.84 175'59 174'24 172'37 169.'66 174'.24 172'.37 169.66 166.'01 161.44 156.'08 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 161.44 156.08 150.'00 143.'26 135.'88 143.'26 135.'88 12:"'80 127.'80 119.'09 119.'09 109.'89 109.'89 100.'20 91, 89.93 79.57 69'53 60.08 92 51.'42 43'.64 100.'20 89'.93 79'.57 69'.53 60'.08 51.42 43'.64 36.76 30.71 25.65 ! 81 166.'01 150.'00 I 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 158'.79 162.88 96 97 98 99 100 93 94 95 36'.76 30.71 25.65 I f,~ 30 Nkomo- 31 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. 3 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES,. DEDUCED ,FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES AGE Log D~t Cam) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Log Nx 4 93581 6 30587 4.91670 4.89880 4.88162 4.86512 4.84912 4.83349 4.81811 4.80286 4.78762 4.77238 4.75710 4.74173 4.72620 4.71046 4.69447 A . 23-446 28799 23.500 23.488 23.437 23.344 "28641 *28676 *28825 "29095 23.220 "29456 23.071 "29890 22.903 "30379 22.722 "30907 22.534 '31454 22.338 '32025 22.138 "32608 21.935 '33199 21.734. '33784 21.535 '34364 21.344 '34920 Px 01178 "01169 "01171 "01180 01195 '01216 "01242 "01271 '01303 "01336 "01372 "01409 '01448 '01486 '01525 '01563 '01600 21 4.67817 6.00368 21.160 "35456 22 4.66152 5.98346 20.987 "35961 '01636 23 4'64454 5.96309 20.823 '36438 '01669 24 4'62732 5.94256 20.665 '36898 '01703 25 4.60995 5.92189 20.509 '37353 '01736 26 4.59257 3.90105. 20.346 '37828 '01772 27 4.57528 5.88004 20.173 '38331 '01810 28 4.55811 5.85884 19.986 '38876 '01853 29 4.54105 5.83742 19.787 '39456 '01898 30 4.52406 5.81578 19.576 '40070 '01948 31 4.50710 5."79391 19.356 '40711 '02000 32 4.49013 5.77178 19.127 '41378 '02056 '42071 '02115 33 4.47316 5.74937 18.889 34 4.45620 5.72668 18.641 '42793 '02179 35 4.43925 5.70368 18.384 "43541 '02246 36 4.42225 5.68034 18.117 '44320 '02319 37 4.40516 5.65666 17.844 "45114 '02394 38 4'38796 5.63262 17.565 '45927 '02473 39 4.37062 5.60818 17.281 "46754 '02558 40 4.35317 5.58335 16.989 "47605 '02646 41 4'33563 5.55807 16.689 '48479 '02740 42 4.31801 5.53233 16.380- '49379 '02841 43 4.30024 5.50611 16.065 "50296 '02947 44 4.29226 5.47936 15.743 '51234 '03060 45 4.26397 5.45208 15.421. "52172 '03178 46 4.24531 5.42423 15.098 '53113 '03300 47 4'22625 5.39578 14.775 "54053 '03427 48 4.20683 5'36672 14.451 "54997 '03560 49 4.18717 5.337001 14.120 "55961 '03701 50 4.16729 5.306601 13.782 "56945 '03852 51 4.14719 5.27540 13.434 '57959 "04015 52 4.12682 5.24341 13.079 "58993 '04190 20881 6.28776 6.26965 6.25152 6.23330 6.21498 6.19656 6.17800 6.15930 6.14045 6.12143. 6.10223' 6.08286 6.06333 6.04360 6.02375 ax (MALES) 1856F5175. AGE (x) Log Dr Log Nx ax 53 4-10605 5-21053 12-720 54 55 56 57 58 59 4.08470 4.06266 4.03999 4.01669 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5417676 5.14201 5.10622 5.06937 3.99282 5.03137 3.96841 4.99206 3.94347 4.95138 3.91785 4.90919 3.89131 4.86538 3.86364 4.81981 3.83467 4.77237 3.80427.4.72292 3.77231'4.67131 3.7388114.61737 3.70367;4.56086 12.361 12.005 11.647 1120 10.928 10.560 10.184 9.803 9.420 9.040 8.664 8.292 7.925 7.561 7.198 69 3'6667914-50157 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 3.62802,4.43919 3.58700 4.37341 3.5432314.30393 3.49600 4.23047 3.44471 4.15278 3.38867 4.07074 3'32746 3.98424 3.26108 3.89318 3.18981 3'79736 3.11384 3.69651 3.03335 3.5901.6 6'474 6.115 5'764 5'426 5.106 4.809 4.537 4.287 4.051 3'825 3.604 3.4777i1 3'384 3.35849' 3.23167 3.09656 2.95224 2.79781 2.63218 2.45394 2.26126 2.05158 1.82084 1.56250 1.26834 0.92794 0.52727 0.04650 1.45530 2.69984 3'64682 3.165 2.949 2.740 2.537 2.342 2.154 1.971 1.791 1.611 1.426 1.230 1.033 '840 '660 '494 '345 '213 '096 81 2094830 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2.85810 2.76195 2.65881 2.54793 2'42824 2.29898 2.15933 2.00823 1.84411 1.66661 l1.47247 1.25447 1.00341 0.70791 0.35300 1.91788 1.37146 2.65965 3'64682 6.836 Ax Pr. 60039 04376 "61084 "62121 '63164 "04571 "04777 "04995 "05224 "05471 '05738 '06029 "06344 "06684 '07048 "07435 '07850 '08292 '08769 '09286 '09849 '10467 '11142 '11871 '12650 "13465 '14302 '15148 '16002 "16885 '17812 '18808 '19897 '21097 '22410 '23825 '25360 '27010 '28793 '30746 '32917 '35387 '38308 '41930 '46276 '642041 *65258 "66330 '67425 "68535 "69650 '70757 "71852 '72936 '74004 '75065 .76123 '77177 '78231 '79276 '80299 '81284 '82216 '83081 '83873 '84601 '85288 "85946 "86590 '87231 '87868 '88498 '89107 '89698 '90266 '90813 '91347 '91871 "92395 '92934 '93505 '94078 '94641 '95165 '95648 '96082 '96467 '96808 '.97087 E 32 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. Logy 1 for the (ZXv8x+lx+ lx±Isx+1+}...)_ Log (xc) Over Two Years' Duration Over Two Under Two uratons All All uratonsYears' Duration Years' Duration _______________________ I-_________________________________ (sx =Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 31 43 6.'35143 6.34313 6.33488 32656 6. 6.31804 6.30905 6.29929 6'.28847 27658 6. 6'.26366 6.24986 6'.23537 6.'22032 6'.20491 6. 18942 17394 6. 6. 15850 14316 6. 6. 12795 6'.11289 6.09804 6.08336 6.06882 6.05442 6.04015 6.'02597 6.'01189 5. 99795 5. 98417 5.'97053 5.95699 5.94350 5. 92998 5. 91632 5.90247 5.88839 5.'87402 5. 85937 5'.84443 5'.82918 5'.81357 5'79755 5'.78106 5.'76398 5.'4625 5'.72783 5'.70870 5'.68895 5'.66863 5'.64776 5'.62626 5.'60389 (sx ~=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 6.'03506 6.03506 6'.03506 6'.03506 6.'03506 6'.03506 6.03506 6.'03506 6.03506 6'.03506 6' 03,506 6.03506 6'.03506 6.03506 6.03506 6'.03506 6.03506 6.03506 6'.03505 6.'03499 6'.03489 6.'03573 6'.034:49 6.03415 6.03371 6.03314 6'.03'48 6-03172 6'.03084 6.02983 6.02868 6.02733 6.'02577 6.02395 6.02202 6.'01987 6.'01762 6.01525 6.'01273 6.01006 6.00722 6.00426 6.00120 5'.99815 5'.99513 5'.99213 5'.98913 5.98609 5'.98297 5'-97975 5'.97645 5'97302 I i I Under Two ,Years' Duration 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41, 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 AGE (xt) Dx AGE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Whole of Life = Kx (s I All Durationsj ________________________________ Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6'.52247 6'.51689 6'.51138 6'.50587 6'.50023 6'.49434 6.48800 6'.48102 6.47342 6'.46526 6.45664 6.'44770 6'.43852 6'.42926 6.42010 6.'41106 6.40219 6.39350 6.38500 6.37671 6.36864 6'.36075 6.'35302 6'.3454:3 6'.33797 6.33061 6'32334 6.31619 6.'30916 6'.30222 6'.29534 6.28847 6'.28153 6'.27450 6'.26737 .6'.26012 6.25276 6.24530 6.23771 6.23000 6.2213 6.21412 6.20596 6'.19769 6'.18930 6'.18081 6'.17220 6'.16348 6'.15467 6'.14577 6'.13676 6' .12757lyK 26.04 26.70 27.30 27.86 28.37 28'.84 29'.23 29'.54 29'77 29.93 30'.03 30'.08 30'.10 30.11 30.13 30.16 30'22 30.31 30.44 30.59 30'.77 30.96 31.16 31.36 31.56 31'.76 31.97 32'.20 32'"4 32.68 32'94 33.21 33'.48 33.76 34'.03 34'29 34.55 34.78 35.'01 35'.23 35'.45 35 67 3518 36'.07 36'.23 36.'35 36'.43 36.49 36'.52 36'.57 36.61 36'.64 36.61 36.48 36'.22 12'S7 13.13 13.69 14'24 14'.79 15'.34 15'.91 16'.48 17.07 17.68 18.31 18.97 19'.65 20'.36 21.11 21'.91 22.75 23.63 24.58 25'.57 26'-60 27'68 28'79 29.93 31.09 32.29 33'.53 34'.80 36.11 37'.46 38.85 40.28 41,-75 43.25 44.81 ."46--42 48.08 49'.80 51.58 53.43. 55.37 57.41 59.56 61'.85 64.26 66'.81 69'.49 72'.32 75.32 78.53 82'.00 85. 71 89'67 93.85 98'.20 38.61 39'.83 40.99 42'.10 43'.16 44.18 4514 46' 02 46'.84 47.61 48'34 49.05 49.75 50.47 51.24 52'.07 52'.97 53'.94 55'02 56'.16 57.37 58'.64 59.95 61'.29 62'.65 64.05 65.50 67.00 68.55 70.14 71.79 73'.49 75.23 77.01 78'.84 80.71 82.63 84'58 86.59 88.66 90'.82 93.08 95.44 97.92 100.'49 103.'16 105.'92 108.'81 111'.84 115.10 118.61 122.'35 126-'28 130'.33 134.'42 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37, ~38 39 40 41. 42 43 44'() 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59i 33 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. Values Log1x +1 vx+sx+ i (x v 1#x AGE-'Log (xt) __ _ _ _ _ Two. ~ Years' = Rate Siokness of _ _ _ _ 5.35109 5.30690 5.25881 5.20610 5.14779 5.08270 Over Two Durations ~ _ of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week the Whole of Life 5'.00928 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Under Two Over Two Years' DurationAlDuain Al Years' Duration Years (ue= Rate _ _ _ _ _ AlDuin Duration 5 90632 5.87298 5.'83553 5.79355 5'.74655 5'.69411 5'.63605 32'.84 31'.82 30.66 29' 33 27'.81 26.06 24.06 21.78 19.20 16.25 12.91 9'.12 5 57238 4'.83 5'-93590- 122. 11 132.'68 154'.95 159.'18 163.'34 137.'90 167.'23 142.'89 170'.70 173'.60 127.'36 147.'54 151.'72 155.'45 158.'76 175.'78 177.'23 177.'96 161'.80 164'.68 178.05 167.'64 176.'76 170'.93 174'.79 173'.79 172'.56 170'.81 5.17418 5.07478 4.96673 4.84919 4.72122 4'.72122 164'.69 160'.24 155.'01 149.'04 4.58177 4.42972 4 58177 142.'41 4'.42972 135.'13 174'.79 173.79 172'.56 170'.81 168'.22 164'.69 160'.24 155.'01 149.'04 142.'41 135.'13 4.2.6364 4'.08203 3'.88347 3'.66573 3'.42480 3'.15381 2'.84435 2.48558 2.06322 1 55691 0'.93609 0'.14635 1.05537 127.'15 127 '15 118.'52 109.'41 99'.80 89'.61 79'.31 69'33 59.93 51'.31 43.55 36'.70 30'.67 25'.62 118'.52 109.'41 99'.80 89.61 79.31 69.33 59'.93 51'.31 43'.55 36'.70 30.67 25'.62 4.26364 4'.08203 3.88347 3.66573 342480 3.15381 2.84435 2.48558 2.06322 1.55691 0'.93609 0'.14635 1. 05537 r I s 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73, 74. 676, 75 175.'76 177.'59 5 50360 5.42983 5'.35079 5'26586 5'.17418 5.07478 4'.96673 4.84919 r AGE (x~) of 6.02485 6.00615 5'.98537 5.96210 5'.26586 (I _ Sickness for all Durations) 5.92142 5'.9(931 5.89510 5.87836 5.85868 5' 83569 5.80906 5.77858 5'.74398 5.70498 5.66135 5'-61305 5'.56028 5.50360 5.42983 5'.35079 4.92514 4.82642 4.70690 4.55548 4.34846 4.01140 1 168.'22 77 80 81 82 83 84- 85 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 *97 98 99 100 ri I 20881 _ = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 " " ) =for Kx _ Under (s 1 I E2 E :34 35 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. 34 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. Log D x AGE Log N x 4'.93055 6.27912 4'.910;38 6'.26012 4.89143 6.24112 4.87320 6.'22212 4.85564 6.20301 4'.83859 6.18384 4.82191 6'.16453 4.80548 6'.14510 4.7817 6'.12555 4.77288 6.10582 756j59 6.08593 4. 74026 6.06588 4. 4'.72383 6.04568 4'.70725 6.02526 4'.69046 6.00471. 4'-67341 5'.98396 4'.65606 5'.96305 4'.63836 5'.94199 4'.62033 5 92077 4'-60205 5.89940 4'-58363 5'.87789 4'.56520 5'.85622 4. 54685 5'.83438 52863 5.81235 4. 4'.51052 5'.79012 76766 4.49248 5' 4' 47446 5. 74497 4.45644 5'.72202 4'.43842 5'.69880 4'.42041 5'.67530 4'.40240 5'.65150 4'.38435 5'.62737 4.36621 5'.602881 4.34795 5 '57803 4.32956 5'.55281 4.31106 5.'52718 4.29247 5.50111 4.27379 5.47460 4.25497 5.'44758 4'.23594; 5.42004 4.21660. 5-"39198 4.19688 5.36333 4'-17677 5'.33411 4'.15630 5'.30428 4'.13558 5,'27377 4'.11465 5.24257 4.09350 5.21061 4.07208 5'.17783 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 -34 .35 36 .37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 r r ax A x '26614 2.374 '26425 22. 371 '26435 22.332 '26558 '2.252 '26810 22.'144 '27149 22.'010 '27571 21.858 '28050 21'.696 '28560 21' 525 '29098 21'347 '29658 21'.165 '30231 20.'982 '30808 20'.797 '31389 20'.618 '31953 20.'443 '32504 20'276 '33029 20.120 '33521 33984 19.'973 ' 19'.831 '34430 19.'691 '34871 19.544 '35333 19.'388 '35824 19.'219 '36357 19.'037 "36:Y29 37537 18.'844 ' 18.'643 '38170 18.432 '38834 18.'213 '39524 40244 17.'984 17.'746 '40993 17.'499 '41771 17.'245 '42570 16.986 '43385 16.'721 '44220 16.448 '45079 16.'167 '45963 15.'879 '46870 15.'582 '47805 '48758 15.'279 14'.975 '49715 14'.671 .50673 14.366 '51632 14.'060 '52596 13.'746 '53584 13.'425 '54594 13.'095 '55633 12.'757 '56697 22. 314 r Vc~lc~VI ~L~\/ It IJ r (~L~V L Px AGE '01141 53 '01130 54 '01131 55 '01139 56 '01153 57 '01173 58 '01198 59 '01227 60 '01259 61 '01292 62 '01328 63 '01364 64 '01402 65 '0 0440 66 '01478 67 '01515 68 '01553 69 '01587 70 '01620 71 '01653 72 '01686 73 '01720 74 '01757 75 '01798 76 '01843 77 '01892 78 '01943 79 '01998 80 '02057 81 '02120 82 '02187 83 '02258 84 '02333 85 '02412 86 '02496 87 '02584 88 '02677 89 '02776 90 '02883 91 '02995 92 '03112 93 '03234 94 '03360 95 '03492 96 '03634 97 '03784 98 '03947 99 '01122 100 Log D x 4'.05025 4.02785 4'.00476 3'.98103 3'.95668 3'.93176. 3'.90630 3'-88030 3'.85363 3.82604 3'.79732 3'.76729 3'.73584 3'-70283 3.66827 3'.63208 3'.59415 Log N x ax 5.14420 12.'415 12.073 11.732 11.390 11.047 10'.699 5 10965 5.07412 5.03755 4'.99993 4'.96112 4.92105 10.'345 4'.87959 9.981 4'.83662 9.616 4'.79203 9.247 4'-74568 8.879 4'.69745 8.515 4'.64721 8.154 4'.59481 7.798 4'.54007 7.444 4.48277 7.091 4.42267 6'738 6.385 3'-55433 4.35948 3'.51225 4'29288 6.034 3.46743 4.22259 5.691 3.41915 4'.14829 5.360 3.36680 4.06978 5'.046 3'.30971 3.98687 4.755 3'.24745 3'89950 4.488 3'.18002 3'.80758 4.242 3'.10769 3'.71090 4.011 3.03067. 3'.60917 3.789 2'.94913' 3'.50195 3.571 2.86303 3'.38863 3.354 2'.77177; 3'.26851 3.139 2'.67457; 3'.14082 2.926 2'.57040 3.00484 2.719 2'.45843' 2"$5962 2.519 2'33769 2'.70431 2'326 2'.20738 2.53779 2.140 2.06668 2'.35866 1.959 1. 91452 2'.16507 1.781 95450 1.603 1. 74965 1. 1. 57080 1.'72289 1.419 46365 1.225 1. 37560 1. 16862 1.028 1. 15655 1. '837 0'.9044 0'.82733 '657 0'.60789 0'.42575 '492 0'.25192 1'.94406 35195 '344 1.81575 1. '212 1. 26828 '097 2'.55542 x"'51153 3'.54153, A x "57773 58851 '59924 '61000 '62079 '63175 '64289 '65425 '66584 '67745 68904 '70049 "71186 '72306 '73420 '74532 75643 '76754 '77859 '78939 ' 79981 80969 '81885 '82725 ' 83500 '84227 '84926 "85612 '8624.5 '86972 '87643 '88294 '88923 '89531 '90116 '90686 '91246 '91807 '92386 '92996 '93616 '94217 '94783 ' 953503 '95768 '96185 '96546. '96852 '04306 '04501 '04707 '04923 ' 05153 '05400 '05667 '05956 '06272 '06611 '06975 "073632 '07776 '08219 '08695 '09211 '09775 '10393 '11069 "11798 '12576 '13392 '14228 '15074 "15929 '16808 '17733 '18729 '19820 '21013 '22324 '23741 '25269 '26918 '28699 '30647 '32811 '35270 '38192 '41796 "46162 2"'59561 36. WALES. (MALES) 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. Lo v.lxv 8 AGE (xr) l 2x+ 1sx+...=for LogKa.AGE ________________________ (.r) Under Two Over Two AlDrtosY Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (s = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 6.31700 6'30814 6.29933 6.'29046 6'.28137 6.27182 6'.26145 6'.24996 6'23732 6.22363 42 6'.20901 6.19365 6.17774 6.16143 6.14504 6'.12866 6.11234 6.09611 6.08005 6.'06416 6.04848 6'.03302 6.'01770 6.00251 5.98750 5'.97258 5.95778 5.94315 5.92868 5' 91437 5'.90019 5'.88608. 5.87193 5.85767 5'.84323 5.82855 5.81359 5.79836 .43 78284 5. 44 5. 76701 5' 75083 5'.73425 5.71719 5.69954 5.68125 5.66225 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. 38 39 40 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week the Whole of Life= 5'.64256 5. 62225 5.60136 5.57996 5.'55790 ( = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.96186 5'.96186 5.'96186 5'.96186 5'.96186 5.96186 5'.96186 5.96186 5'.96186 5.'96186 5'.96186 5.96186 5.96186 5.96186 5. 96186 5'.96186 5'.96186 5.96186 5'.96184 5.96178 5.96167 5'.96149 5.96122 5'.96084 5.9.6035 5'.95974 5'.95901 5'.95817 5'.95721 5'.95611 5. 95485 5'.95339 5'.95169 5'.94976. 5'.94762 5.94532 5'.94289 5'.94034 5'.93764 5'.93479 5'.93176 5'.92859 5'.92535 5'.92211 5'.91890 5'.91574 5'.91257 5'.90937 5'.90608 5'.90272 5.89926 5' 89568 (s Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain =Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6.'47580 6.'46966 6.46361 6.'45756 6.45139 6.44495 6.43802 6.43040 6.42211. 6.41321 6.40381 6'.39408 6'.38410 6'.37403 6'.36406 6'.35425 6.34462 6.'33519 6'.32599 6'.31702 6'.30828 6'.29975 6.'29140 ,6.28321 X6.27516 6'.26724 6'.25943 6'.25175 6'.24420 6'.23677 6'.22941 6.'22207 6.21467 26.14 10.75 11.26 11.76 12.27 35'-10 36.25 37.34 38.41 26.65 2712 12.77 13.28 39.42 27'.51 27'.83 28.06 13'80 14.33 14.88 15'.45 16'04 16.66 17.30 17.97 18.68 19.43 24.35 24.99 25.58 28.23 28.34 28'.40 28.44 28'.46 28.48 28.53 28.59 28.69 28'.82 28.98 29.16 20.22 29.36 24.91 29.57 25.96 27-.05 29.78 29.99 30.21 30.43 30.67 30.92 31.19 31.46 31'75 32.'04 6'.20718 6'.19958 6'.19187 6'.18407 6.17616 6'.16813 6'.15998 6'.15168 6'.14322 6'.13466 6'.12596 6.11716 6'.10826 32.34 32.63 32.92 33.20 33.46 33.72 33.97 6.'09925 35.40 35.50 35.57 35.65 35.74 35.81 6.'09014 6.08095 6.'07168 6.06232 6 '05278 34.22 34.46 34'71 34'.93 35'.13 35.29 35.74 21.06 21.95 22.89 23'88 28'17 29.33 30.52 31.75 33.02 34.33 35'68 37.07 38.50 39.98 41.50 43.08 44.71 46.40 48.16 49.99 51.90 53.92 56.05 58'32 60.72 63'25 65.93 68.75 71.75 74.97 78.43 82.16 86.13 90.33 94- 70 40.40 41'31 42'16 42.94 43'68 44'38 45.06 45.74 46.43 47.16 47.96 48.81 49.75 50.77 51.87 53'.04 54.27 55.53 56.83 58.16 59.54 60.95 62.42 63.94 65.52 67.14 68'82 70.54 72.32 74.13 76'.00 77'91 79.86 81.88 83.96 86.12 88.38 90.76 93.25 95.85 98'54 101'.33 104.'25 107.'32 110'.62 114.17 117.'97 121'.95 126.'07 130 '23 ( 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32' 33 34 35, 36. 37. 38 39, 4& 41 42 43, 44 45' 46 47. 48 49. 50 51 52 53 54 5& 56# 57 58 37 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. Log vi (lx vxs.+ t f+ vx + ax + Log Kx AGE (x,) +) .... Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week, for the Whole of Life = ifx AGE I Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations I _ (8 = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5'.84235 5.'82992 5'.81535 5'.79822 5.77813 5'.75467 5.-72754 5'.69652 5'.66136 5.62176 5.57750 5'.52856 5.'47515 5.'41782 5.34327 5.26345 5.17771 5.'08522 4'.98500 4'.87614 4'.75776 4'.62894 4.48864 4'.33572 4'.16876 3'.98628 3'.78684 3.56821 3.32640 3.'05454 2'.74415 2'.38448 1'.96118 1.45394 0.83290 0'.04147 5'.94700 592784 5'90660 5.88284 5.85600 5.82600 5'.79208 5'.75403 5'.71140 5'.66374 5.61060 5.55179 5.48738 5.'41782 5.34327 5'.26345 5'.17771 5.'08522 4'.98500 4.87614 4'.75776 4'.62894 4'48864 4.33572 4'.16876 3'.98628 3'.78684 3'.56821 3-326403-05454 2'.74415 2'.38448 1'.96118 1.45394 0'-83220 0.04147 2'.94956 -CT t (sa,= Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5.'27768 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations I (3x = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) (x,) _ 5.'23289 518421 5.13088 5.'07199 5.00629 4.93227 4'.84754 4.74823 4'.62811 4.47611 4.26851 3.93088 2'"94956 '__ 118' 86 124'19 I 159.'87 163.'89 155.'60 134.88 139. 97 167.'51 170.55 1728 174.49 175.'38 144.'72 149.'01 152.'85 156.'29 159.'45 162.44 165.'52 168'.93 175.'63 175.'30 174'.62 173'.75 172'.90 172.02 170'.91 169.'27 166.'80 163.'39 159.'06 172.'90 172.'02 170'91 169.'27 166.'80 163.'39 159.'06 153.'94 153.'94 148.'08 148.08 141'.56 141'.56 134.'38 134.'38 126.'50 126.'50 117.'97 108.'94 117.'97 108'.94 99.41 89'29 79.07 69'.14 59.79 51.20 43'.47 36'.64 30'.62 25.59 99.41 89'29 79.07 69.14 59.79 51.20 43'.47 36'.64 30'.62 25.59 __ I 151'.25 129.'57 32.39 31'.41 30.30 29.01 27.54 25.83 23'.87 21'.64 19.09 16.18 12'.86 9'.10 4'.82 I I 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 .81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 39 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875, 3j per Cent. 3j per Cent. TABL]t OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. AGE; og Log Nx x 4."92530 6.25310 4 90408 6'.23320 4.88408 6'.21331 4. 86480 6.19340 4.846~19 6'.17342 4.82809 6'.15336 4. 81036 6'.13316 4.79288 6'.11287 4.77552 6.'09244 4. 75818 6.'07185 4. 74083 6.05108 4'.72345 6.'03015 4.70597 6.00907 4'.68834 5'.98780 4'.67Q50 5'.96637 4'.65240 5'.94476 4'.63400 5'.92299 4.61525 5' 90107 4.596~17 5'.87899 4.57684 5'.85677 4. 55737 5'.83441 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19. 20,. 21, 2223 24 25 26 4.531?89 5.81190 27 4-51$49 5'.78921 28 4.49922 5'.76635 48006 5.74328 29 4. 30 4.46097 5'.71999 0 414. 31. 4.44190 5'.69648 32 4.4283 5',67272 33. '4.40376 5'.64868 5'.62436 34 5'-59974 3536 4.34654 5'.57480 37 4'.32735 5.54951 38, 4.30$04 5'.52386 39. 4.-28$60 5.49783 40 4.26905 5.47139 41 4.2441 5.44453 42 4-22068 5.41720 4-20981 5.38940 44, 4.18072 5.36107 45. 4.16033 5'.33220 14$56 '5.30279 46 4. 47 4.12740 5'.27277 48. 4.10$88 5'.24214 -4 6 1 ' ax '24684 21'.342 '24447 '24553 '24778 21.311 21'.244 21'.148 21'.028 20.892 20.'745 20.'591 20. 429 20.263 20.096 '19.'928 19 ,18' '764 19. 605 19 453 19. 312 '19.'179 19 '052 18.'924 18-'794. :18.'498 18.'332 18. 156 17.'971 17.778 17.'576 17.'364 17. 144 16. 915 16.'679 16.'437 16.'189 15.'935 652 15.'672 15.400 15.'121 14.'837 14.'550 14.'264 13'.976 13.'685 5'.21085 13.'389 50, 4.03$93 5'.17886 13.'084 5'.14613 12.'770 51- 52 4'-01746 5'.11257 "12.'448 ; Px 21'.272 21'.336 49: i Ax '24468 '25104 '25509 '25969 '26466 '26987 '27534 '28096 '28661 '29229 '29783 '30321 '30835 '31312 '31761 '32191 '32624 '33063 "3344 '34065 '34626 '35222 '35847 '36500 '37183 '37899 '38643 '39418 '40216 "'41Q34 '41873 "427~32 '43621 "44541 '45485 '46445 '47415 '48382 '49357 '50340 '"51341 '52372 '53435 '54524 rr '01109 .53 '01096 54 '01095 55 '01101 56 '01114 57 '01133 58 '01158 59 '01187 60 '01217 61 '01250 '01285 '01321 '01359 '01396 '01434 '01471 '01507 '01542 '01574 '01605 '01637 '01670 '01707 '01747 '01791 '01839 '01890 '01944 '02001 '02064 '02130 02200 '02274 '02353 '02436 '02523 '02616 '02716 ' 02822 '02932 '03049 '03169 '03296 '03428 "03568 '03719 '03881 '04054 o x o 3'.99458 a ax, S'07813 12.121 97113 5.04277 11. 793 A '55630 '56739 3. 94699 5'00647 .11468 '57838 3'.92221 4'96915 11' 141 '58944' 3'.89681 4'.93074 10-'813 60053 3'.87084 4'.89115 10.479 '61182 3'.84433 4'.85030 10" 138 '62336 3'.81728 4'.80806 9'790 '63512 9.435 '64712 3'.78956 4'.76431 62 3'.76092 4'.71893 9.078 '65920 63 3'-73115- 4'.67179 8.723 '67120 64 3'-70007 4'.62277 8.370 '68314 65 3'#66757 4'.57174 8.020 '69498 66 3'.63351 4'.51854 7'674 '70667 67 3'.59790 4'.46300 7.330 '71831 68 3'.56066 4'40490 6'986 '72994 69 3'.52168 4.34400 6.642 '74157 70 3.48081 4'.27999 6'298 '75321 '71 3.43768 4.21259 5.955 '76481 72 3.39180 4'.14145 5.619 '77617 73 3'34247 4.06633 5,295 '78712 74 3.28907 3'.98694 4"'987 ' 79754 75 3'.23093 3'.90319 4-702 '80718 .76 3'.16762 3'-81497 4.440 '81604 77 3.09914 3'.72218 4":198 '82422 78 3.'02576 3.62463 3.971 '83190 79 2',94769 3'.52204 3.753 '83927 80 2.86510 3.'41395 3."539 '84650 81 2'.77795 3'.29977 3.325 '85374 82 2-68564 3'.17878 3.113 '86091 .83 2'.58739 3.05023 2.903 '86802 84 2.48218 2'.91332 2'699 '87491 85 2'.36916 2'.76723 2.501 '88161 86 2'.24737 2'.61103 2.310 '88807 87 2'.11601 2'.44362 2.126 '89429 97426 2.26361 1.947 "90034 '88 1. 89 1.82105 2.'06915 1'"771 '90630 90 1'.65513 1'.85768 1.594 '91228 91 1'.47523 1'.62519 1.412 '91843 92 1'.27898 1.36508 1.219 '92496 93 1'.05888 1.06915 1.024 '93155 '834 ' 93798 94 0.80572 0'.72696 '655 '94403 95 0'.50812 0' 32447 '491 ' 94958 84186 96 0'.15110 1. .343 '95459 71388 1.24871. 97 1i' '212 '95901 98 1' 16536 2.49136 '095 '96297 99 2'.45145 3.43651 ' 96618 100 3.43651 1 a 20881 a') '04239_. '04435 '04639 '04855 '05084 ' 05330, '05597 '05886 '06201 '06541 "06903 '07291 "07705 '08147 '08623 '09140 09704 ' '10321 '10997 "1172& '12504 '13321 '14156 '15001 '15856 "16735 '17658 '18650 '19740 20931 ' '22239 '23652, '25182 26830 '28608 '30551 ' 32706 '35169 ' 3807& "41683 "46025 1 _ F 40 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 3j per Cent. Ibg Vt (lx, VX a, + lx + sx 1 +i+..) Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life= = Log Ka, (x~) G D AGE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(xt) Under Two Over TwroLUnder Two Over Two AlDuain Yer'Duration Years' Duration All Durations years' Duration jYears' DurationAlDuain (sa,=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6'.28362 6.'27416 6'.26477 6'.25534 6.24569 19 6'.10144 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6.23553 6.22453 6.21235 6'.19899 6'.18449 6'.16903 6'.15281 6'.13596 6'.11873 6.'08416 6-'06693 6.'04982 6.03287 6.'01613 5'.99961 S'663 5'.98330 5'416 5'.96718 5'.95123 5'.93543 5'.91975 5'.90422 5'12 5'.88886 5'86 5'.87369 5'355 5.85871 5 329 5'.84387 1'255 5.82912 5'244 5'.81434 5'.79945 5'.78440 5'.76910 5'.75355 5'.73772 5'.72160 5'.70519 5'.68843 5'.67126 5'.65362 5'.63540 5'.61653 5'.59696 5'.57669 5.'55581 5'.53,436 5'.51239 5.48980 (,=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) (sa=Rate of Sickness for all Durations 5.88921 5'.88921 6.43076 5.88921 6.41742 6'.41080 6'.40407' 6'.39704 6.38949 6.38120 6.'37218 5"'88921 5.88921 5.88921 5. 88921 5-'88921 5.88921 5.88921 5.88921 88921 5' 5.'88921 5.'88921 5.88921 5.88921 5.'88921 5.88921 5.88919 5.'88912 5.88900 6'.42404 6'36251 6'35231 6.34174 6.33091 6.31999 6.30919 6'.29856 6.28813 6'.27793 6.26797 6'.25828 22' 82 23'.45 2403 24.58 25.09 25.55 25'.95 26'.27 26.51 26'69 26'.80 26'.88 26.92 26.94 26'97 27.03 27'10 27'20 27.33 27'50 6.24885 27'69 5.88880 6'23964 5.88849 5.88807 5'.88753 5.'88686 5'.88606 5.'88514 5.88409 5.88289 5'8186 5.88152 5 '87993 5.87809 5.'87599 5' 8102 5'.87369 5.87121 5.86860 5'8051 5.'86586 5' 7991 5'.86297 5' 7922 5'.8599.1 5' 840 5.'85668 5' 7745 5.8533:1 5'.84987 5'.84642 5'.84303 5.83968 5'.83635 5.83297 5.82952 5'.82600 5'82238 6.23064 6'.22183 6'2]1317 27.89 28'10 28.32 28'53 28.76 29.00 29'24 29.51 29'79 30'08 30'38 30.69 31'00 31'32 31'.63 31'93 6.20465 6'.19627 6'18803 6'.17995 6'.17200 6.16413 6.15630 6'.14841 6'.14044 6.13236 6.12418 6.11590 6'10753 6.09904 6.09043 6.08168 6.07278 6'06376 6.'05463 6.04541 6.03609 6 '02668 6'01716 6'00758 5'.99794 5'.98821 32.21 32.49 32.77 33'05 33'32 33.59 33'.85 34.07 34'.26 34'.42 34'.54 34.66 34.77 34.90 35'.01 35'.06 35'.03 34'1 869 9.20 9'66 10.12 10'.58 11.04 11.51 11.99 12'.48 12'.99 13-52 14.07 14.65 15.25 15-8 16'.55 17.25 18.'00 18.79 19'-64 20'-53 21.46 22'-43 23'.44 24'.48 25.56 26-66 27'.81 28'99 30'-22 95' 9 31'-49 100'6 32'-80 34'.15 105'4 35'.54 110 5 36'-98 38'-47 40'.01 41'-61 43'.27 45'.00 46.79 48'.68 50.67 52'-78 55-02 57-40 59.92 62-58 65-39 68'-38 71.59 75.06 78'-78 82-76 86'-97 91'37 32'02 33.11 34'.15 35.16 36'.13 37.06 37.94 38'75 39.50 40.21 40.87 41'.53 42.17 42'.82 43.52 44'.28 45'.10 45.99 46.97 48'.03 49'.15 50'.32 51'.54 52'.80 54'.09 130'4 55.42 56'.81 58.23 59.73 61'.28 143'2 62.88 64'.53 66'23 67.98 69'79 71'.64 73.54 75.48 77.49 79.56 81'.73 83.99 86-37 88.87 91'.47 94'.18 97'.00 99.93 103.'04 106.'36 109.'96 113.'79 117.82 122.'00 126.'23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 41 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 317per Cent. + 1 _Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week 1+... .)-= for the Whole of Life= Log v (lx z v~sx + lx + ivs AGE LoDK (a,) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Under Twoj _ _ _ AGE _ Over Two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Years' Duration JYears' Duration (sx=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 All Durations (.s=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5'.76354 5'.75079 5'.73587 5'.71834 5'.69782 5'.67390 5'.64626 5'.61470 5'.57896 5'.53876 5.49389 5.44429 5'.39025 5'.33226 5.25693 5'.17631 5.'08979 4'99650 4'.89546 4.78578 4'.66656 4.53690 4.39575 4.24197 4'.07414 3.89077 3.69044 3'.47092 3'.22822 2'.95548 2'.64421 2'.28363 1'85941 1.35126 0'.72857 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (x,) Under TwoI Over Two AlDraon Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (sx=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5.20445 5'.15907 5.10978 5.'05588 4'.99636 4'.93008 4.85545 4.77012 4'.67021 4.54949 4.39690 4.18871 3'.85052 _ 28.71 27'.27 25.61 23.69 21'.50 18'.99 16'.11 12.82 9'.07 4'.82 147.'68 146.'37 150.'32 170.'06 153'.87 157.'14 160'.27 163.'44 166.'97 170.'28 169.'29 167.'76 165.41 162.'11 152.13 156.'52 160'.67 164.41 167.'59 171.82 172.'86 173.'25 173.'09 172.'51 171.'79 171.05 170.'28 169.'29 167.76 165.'41 162.'11 157.'90 157.'90 152.'89 152.'89 147.'14 147.'14 140'.73 140.'73 133.'65 125.'86 117.'41 -39284401 I t-~o n~n 115.74 121' 12 126.'58 131'.96 137.'14 141'.98 171.05 5.17631 5.08979 4'.99650 4.89546 4.78578 4.66656 4.53690 4.39575 4.24197 4.07414 3'.89077 3.69044 3.47092 3'.22822 2.95548 2.64421 2.28363 1'.85941 1.35126 0'.72857 2'.84401 I 29'94. 5. 33226 5. 25693 93692 1. I 31'.94 31'.01 5.86940 5.'84979 5.82808 5'.80383 5'.77659 5'.74592 5.71142 5.67275 5.62949 5.58114 5.52731 546777 5.40259 I 108.'47 99.01 88.97 78.81 68'.94 59'.64 51.09 43'.39 36'.58 30'.58 25'.56 133.'65 125.'86 117.'41 108.'47 99.01 88.97 78.81 68.94 59.64 51.09 43.39 36'.58 30.58 25.56 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 i r ~ilur i 20881 F £2 42 4~3 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 31 per Cent. 31 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875 AG 19Log; Dx -Log Na; ax 5.4'.92006 6.'22778 20310 6 4.89779 6.20696 20.378 .7 4.87674 6.18619 20-392 8 4'.85642 6'.16536 20.36 9 4.83676 6 .14448 20'.310 10 4'.81761' 6'.12353 20.'226. 11 4.79883 6'.10247 20.121 12 4'.78030 6.08128 19. 998 13 4'.76189 6.05994 19' 863 14 4'.74351 6'03846 19.' 22 15 4'.72512 6.01682 19'.575 16 4'.70669 5'.99503 19.424 17 4'.6$816 5'.97305 19.270 18 4.66~948 5'.95091 19.'117 19: 4'.6060 5'.92860 18'.968 20 4.63%145 5'.90611 18.822 21. 4.61200 5'.88347 18'684 22 4.59220 5.86067 18.'555 23. 4'.57207 5.83773 18.'436 24 4.55170 5'.81465 18.'321 25 4.53118 5'.79143 18'207 26 4.51065 5'.76806 18.089 27 4'.49020 5'.74454 17.'961 28 4.46988 5'.72082 17'.821 29 4.44967 5'.69692 17.'671 30 4.42954 5.67279 17.'509 31 4'.40942 5'.64844 17'.339 -32. 4.3$930 5'.62385 17.'161 33 4.36918 5.5:9899 16'.975 .34 4.'34907 5P57385 16.780 35. 4.3$897 5'.54840 16'.574 36 . 4'.39882 5'.52264 16.'361 .37. 4'-2.858 5.'49653: 16'.145 38, 4.24;822 5'.47007' 15,--917 2773 5 44323 15'.686 39- 4'2 40 4.2714 5.4.1599. 15447 2Q645 5'.38831 15.'201 41 4' 42 4'-11567 5',36020; 14'.946. -43. 4.1 475 5.'33157; 14' 683 44 4'.14362 5.30244. 14'.415 45 4.1 219 5.'27279: 14'.145 -46 4.'1937 5.'24257; 13'.874 47 4.07816 5.21173' 13-'601 48 4-01559 5-180331 13 49 4.0$277 5.'14823 13'.045 50 4.00974 5'11548'i 12'.757 51 3.98650 5.08192 12.457 .52 3.90~298 5.'04759 12'-151 '327 _________ Ax '22976 '22730 '22680 '22766 '22976 '23279 '23659 '24103 '24591 '25101 '25633 '26179 "26735 '27288 '27826 '28354 '28853 '29319 '29749 '30165 '30577 '31004 '31466 '31972 "32514 '33100 '33715 '34357 '35030 '35735 '36480 '37249 '38030 '38854 '39689 '40553 '41442 '42363 '43314 '44283 '45259 '46239 '47225 S4216, '49235 '50276, ' 51360 "54466, - - ~ ~~ - -~C--. I Px A ELog Dx Log Nx ax Ax 53 3.93905 5.01237 11 839 '53594 54 3.91455 4.97624 11-526 '54725 55 3'88936 4.93914: 11 215 '55849 56 3.86354 4.90102 10' 901 '56984 57 3.83709 4.86182 10 586 '58123' 58 3'.81007.4'-82145 10'266 "59279 59 3.78251; 4.77981 9938 '60465 60 3754411 4'73679 9'.602 '61680 61 3.72565' 469225 9'-260 '62916 62 3-.69596 464608 81915 '64163 "01246 63 3.66514 4.59816 8 571 65406 '01282 64 3.63301; 454834 8'229 '66643 S01319 65 3.59946 4.49651 7890 67867 "01357 66 3.56435 4.44253 7F554 '69082 '01394 67 3.52770. 438618 7 219 S70293 '01430 68 3.48941; 432728 6x885 "'71500: 01466 69 3'44938' 426557 61549 '727151 01499 70 3.40746 4.20074 6'213 '73929: '01531 71 3.36328 4,13252 51875 '75151: '01562. 72 3.31637 4.06055 51-549 '76329 "01592 73 3'26599 5 231 '77478 '016241 74 3.21154 3'90437 4 930 -785661 01660 75 3.15235, 3.81977 410650 ' 79578' '01699 76 3.08799 4.392 '80511 '01742: 77 3.01847' 3.63703 4155 '81368' "01788 78 2.94404 3453861 3'932 '82174 "01838 79 2.86492 3-43516- 3,-717 '82951 "01892 80 2-78128 3-32619 3'507 ' 83710, "01948 81 2.69308 3.211151 3'297 "84469~ '02010. 82 2'59972 3.08927 3' 087 85228: '02076 83 2.50043 2.95984 2'1880 ' 85976; '02146 84 2.39417; 2.82205. 2.678 ' 86706: "02218 85 2.28010 267507 2i-483 '87411: '02297 86 2 -15726 2.51799 2 "295 "02379. 87 2.02485; 2'~ 34970 2'"113 " 88748: '02466 88 1.88200 2.16879 1'.935 '893921 '02558 89 1.72780 1'761. "90020 02657 90 1.56083E 1.76.109 1.'586 '90653. '02762 91 1'3798$ 1.52772 1'.406 91303; '02873 92 1.18258 1.26673 1'.214 ' 91998, '02988 93 0.96144 0.96991 1'"020 92699; '03108 94 0.70723 0762682 '831. " 93382, '03234 95 0.40858 0.22342: '653 "94026; 96 0.05051; 1.73992. '489 "94619; 97 1.61224 1.14597 '342 " 95150} "03655 98 1.06268 2.38775 '211 '95623, 99 2.34772 3-33173,31796030; '097 " [00 "96386v 3f3317 '01078 '010631 '01060 "01065; '01078; "01097 01120 "01148 i"01178 "04175.4 '04369 '04572 '04788 '05017 '05262 '05528 '05818 '06132 '06471 '06834 '07221 '07634 '08076 '08552 '09068 '09633 10249 '10931 '11655 '12434 '13249 "14085 '14931 '15784 '16662 '17585 '18573 '19657 ' 20853 '22159 '23574 '25096 '26735 '28509 '30457 '32604 '35056 '37948 '41553 '45890 .1-98458 3"73069 2"0381 1"97343 "03989 '* 10_~11 ~ ~r) 44 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 31 per Cent. for the Whole of Life = Log Kx AtE (al) Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration t (: =mtate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 -11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 AGE ijx (as) 6.25125 6.24120 6.23121 6.22121 6'.210966.20019 6.18856 6.17569 6'.16158 6'-14625 6.12995 6.11281 6.09506 6.'07690 6.'05865 6'.04044 6.'02226 6.'00428 5'.98641 5'.96879 5'.95141 5'.93425 S '3727 5'.91730 5'.90054 5'.88395 5'.86750 5.'85121 5'47 5'.83511 5 316 5.81923 5 289 5'.80355 5'.78803 5'.77262 5'.75720 5'237 5'.74168 5'.72599 5'170 5'.71008 5'.69391 5'.67746 5.66074 5.64373 5'.62637 5.60861 5-59040 5'.57158 5'.55213 5.53196 5'.51112 5.'48965 5.46764 5.'44511 5.'42197 5 '39799 (:x=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.81714 5.817145.81714 5.81714 5.81714 5'.81714 5.81714 5'.81714 5.81714 5'.81714 5'.81714 5.81714 5.81714 5'.81714 5'.81714 5.81714" 5.81714 5.'81714 5.81712 5.81705 5.81691 5.81669 5'.81635 5'.81588 5.81529 5.81455 5.81367 5'.81267 5.81152 5.81021 5.80872 5.80699 5'.80500 5'7145 5.80275 5'7061 5.80025 5'6963 5'.79757 5'.79477 5.79183 5'.78874 5'.78547 5'.78203 5'.77843 5'.77478 5'.77113 5'.76753 5'.76400 5'.76049 5'.75694 5'.75331 5.74962 5'-74584 5'73316 Under Two All uratons All uratonsYears' Duration l 1 ver DrTonAll Durations 1 t rn~ (sx=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6.38735 6'.38003 6.37280 6.36560 6.35828 6'.35064 6.34244 6'.33345 6.32366 6.'31319 6.'30214 6'.29070 6'.27898 6.26717 6.25550 6'.24401 6.23274 6'.22173 6.21100 6'.20055 6'19033 6.18047 6'.17079 6'.16131 6.15201 6'.14287 6.13389 6'12507 6'.11643 6'10793 6.'09953 6.09118 6.08279 6'.07430 6.06574 6.05706 6.'04830 6.03943 6'03047 6.02140 6.01216 6'00280 5'.99333 5'.98375 5'.97408 5'.96433 5'.95449 5'.94457 5'.93458 5'.92455 5'.91445 5' 041 21'.43 22 05 22'.62 23'.16 23'67 24.13 24'.53 24'85 25'.10 25'.28 25'.40 25'.48 25.52 25'.55 25.59 25'.64 25'.72 25'.83 25'.96 26'.13 26'.32 26'.52 26'.74 26'.96 27.'18 ~u33,93 27'.41 27.66 Sa33'50 27.91 !832 28.19 Pe32'2& 28'.48 28'.78 29.09 29.42. 29.75 30'.08 30'.40 30.72 31.03 31'.33 31'.63 31'.93 32'.23 32'"53 32.81 33.06 33'.28 33'.47 33'.63 33.77 33'.93 34'.09 34.23 34,33 34'.33 34.21 7'.89, 8'31 8'.72 9'.14 9'56 9.99 10'.43 10.89 11.36 11.85 12'.36 12.90 13'.46 14'.05 14.67 15'.34 16.04 16.79 17.58 18"'42 19.31 20'.23 21.19 22.18 23.21 24'.27 25'.37 26'.51 27.69 28.92 30'.18 31.49 32.84 34'.24 35'69 692'7 37.19 697,4 38.75 40'.38 42'.07 43'.84 45.69 47'.65 49.73 5l.94 54.30 56.79 59.43 62.22. 65.20 68.40 71'.86 75.58 79.56 83.77 88'18 5'873 958 102' 29.32 30.36 31'.34 32.30 33'23 34'.12 34.96 35,74 36'.46 37'.13 37.76 38.38 38'.98 39.60 40.26 40'.98 41.76 42'62 43'.54 44'.55 45'.63 46.75 47'.93 49'.14 50.39 51.68 53.03 54'.42 55'.88 57.40 58'96 60.58 62.26 63'.99 65'.77 67.59 69'47 71.41 73.40 75.47 77.62 79'.88 82.26 84'75 87'.36 90'.07 92'.90 95'.85 98'.97 102.'33 105.'95 109.'81 113.'89 118.10 1229.93 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16, 17 18. 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25. 26. 27 293031 32 33- 34. 3637 3839 41. 42 43 44 4546j 47 48 49 50 51 52' 53. 54 55 56. 57 58, 59 45 WALES (MALES) 1856-4875. 31 per Cent. Log v (lxv 5 *Sx+ l 9+l1Z ,x + 1Values """ )=for -- K Kx AELog (xe)AOn Under Two Over Two AlI uain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (*x_=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) (ax=Rate of Sickness over 5.-13146 5'-08547 5.03559 4-.98107 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 5.68503 5-.67195 5-.65667 5-.63875 5-.61780 5.59340 5-.56525 5-.53315 5-49683 5.45603 5-41052 5-36029 5-30557 Two 4-.92095 4.85407 4-77883 4-.69290 4-59240 .4.47109 4-.31790 4.10914 3.77037 Years) 5.24695 5-.17085. 5.-08943 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 5.00212 4.90802 4-.80617 4-.69566 4-.57562 4-.44511 4.30309 4-.14845 3-.97975 3-.79550 3-.59428 3-.37389 3-.13030 2-.85666 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2-.54449 2.18301 1.75789 1.24881 0-62519 1-.83258 2.73870 t of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week the Whole of Life= I Under Two Over Two All Durations Years' Duration Years' Duration (8x=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 31.51 30-62 29.60 28-40 27.01 25.39 23.52 21.36 18.88 16-04, 12.78 9-05 4.81 5-.79208 5-.77202 5-.74984 5.72509 5-.69733 5-.66611 5-.63103 5-.59174 5-54784 5.49882 5.-44427 5-38399 5-31806 5.24695 5-.17085 5-08943 5.-00212 4-90802 4-.80617 4-69566 4-.57562 4-44511 4-.30309 4.14845 3-.97975 3-.79550 3 59428 151-.52 154.90 158.12 16.1.41 165.-03 169.23 166-28 164-04 160-86 156-76 151-.86 146-22 139-90 132-92 125-22 116-87 108-01 98-63 88-66' 78-56 68-75 59.49 50-94 43-31 36.52 30.54 25.53 3.37389 2-.18301 1-.75789 1-24881 0-.62519 1-.83258 2-.73870 ILL I ILL~iLn 147.87 168.58 167.70 3-.13030 2-85666 2-.54449 ~,n~~in I 112.72 118.16 123.69 129.14 134.40 139.32 143.81 L 144.-23 148.78 153-29 157-54 161-.41 164.71 167.33 169-23 170.40 170.94 170-.90 170.46 169.84 169-23 168.58 167.70 166.28 164.-04 160.86 156.76 151-.86 146.22 139.90 132-92 125-22 116.87 108-01 98-63 88-66 78-56 68.75 59.49 50.94 43-31 36.52 30-54 25-53 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 46 Y a 1 .. 47 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 4 per Cent. 4 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY, EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. Lo At oN a A Ar x x LgDx (ax) .5 4'.91483 6.20314 19.423 18141 19.494 6 4.89152 6. 7 4'.86943 6'.15969 19.510. 13799 19.496 8 4'.84805 6. 11621 19.'447 9 4.82735 6. 10 4.80716 6.09433 19.372 "11 4'.78733 6.'07236 19.'277 12 4'.76776 6'.05030 19.'166 13 .4.74831 6.'02804 19.043 14 4'.72887 6.'00570 18'.916 70944 5'-98316 18'.781 15 4' 96046 18'.642 16 4'.68997 5. 93760 18.'502 17 4'.67039 5. 91457 :18.'361 18 4'.65067 5. 19 4'.63074 5'.89137 18.'223 20 4'.61054 5'.86800 18.091 21 4'.59005 5-84448 17.'965 22 4.56921 5'.82080 17. 848 79698 17.'740 23 4'.54803 5. 24 4.52661 5'.77303 17- 637 74895 17.'535 25 4'.50505 5. 26 4'.48347 5.72472 17. 428 70033 17. 27 4.46198 5. 67576 17.'185 28 4'.44062 5. 65101 17.'047 29 4.41936 5. 62604 16.899 30. 4'.39818a 5. 60084 16.'742 31 4.37702 5. 57541 16.'579 32 4'.35585 5. 33 4.33469 5'.54971 16. 407 52373 16.'225 34 4'.31354 5. 35 4'.29238 5.49747 16. 036 36 4.27119 5.47088 15.838 37 4.24991 5.44395 15.633 38 4'.22850 5. 41666 15 '423. 39 4.20697 5.'38901 15.'207 36095 14.984 40 4'.18533 5' 41 4'.16359 5'A33246 14.753 42 4'.14177 5'.30352 14.'513 43 4'.11981 5.27409 14.'265 44 4'.09763 5'.24415 14.'013 45 4.07515 5.21368 13.'757 46 4'.05229 5'.18264. 13.501 47 4'.02903. 5'.15103 .13.'243 48 4'.00542 5'.11883 12.'984 49, 3'.98156 5.08593 12'.717 50 3'.95748 5.05239 12.443. 51 3'.93319 5.01803 12.'157 52 3'.90863 4'.98290 11. 865 '312 h 20881 - . - . '21450 '21177 '21115'-21169 '21358 '21646 '22011 '22439 '22911 '23400 '23919 '24454 24992 '25534 '26065 '26573 '27058 27507 '27923 '28319 '28712 '29123 '29569 '30058 '30588 '31158 '31761 '32389 ' 33050 33750 '34477 '35239 '36026 "36834 '37665 '38523 '39411 '40334 '41289 '42257 "43942 '44227. '45219 '46216 '47242 ' 48296 '49396 '50519 ,' P x '01050 '01033 ' 01030 '01033 '01045 '01063 '01086 '01113 '01143 '01175 '01209 '01245 '01281 '01319 '01356 '01392 '01426 '01460 '01490 '01520 '01549 ' 01581 '01614 '01652 '01695 '01740 '01790 '01842 '01899 '01959 '02024. '02093 '02166 '02243 '02324 '02410 .02502 '02600 '02705 '02815 '02930 '03050 '03174 '03305 '03444 '03592 '03754 '03927 AG~E (xr) Log D Log N x x a 53 3.88365 4 94689 11'.568 54 3'.85811 4.90996 11. 268 55 3'.83188 4.87207 10 970 56 3'.80500 4.83317 10.670 57 3.77751' 4,79318 10.367 58 3.74945 4'.75202 10.059 59 3'.72084' 4'.70959 9.744 66578 9.421 60 369170 4' 61 3'.66189 4'.62045 9.090 62 3'.63115 4.57349 8.757 63 3' 59929 4.52477 8'423. 8092 64 3'.56612 4.47416 65 3.53152 4.42154 7-763 66 3.49537; 4.36674 7-437 67 3.45767 4.30961 7'111 68 3'.41833 4' 24988 6.785 69' 3'.37726. 4.18738 6'458 70 3'.334301 4'.12176 6.130 71 3'.28907 4.05269 5'803 72 3'.24111. 3'.97990 5.480 73 3'.18969 3'.90309. 51169 74 3'.13419: 3'.82204 4'874 75 3'07396 3'73658 4.599 76 3.'00856 3'.64664 4.346 77 2'.937981 3'.55211 4'113 78 2'.86251 3'.45283 3.893 79 2'.78235 3'.34850 3'.683 80 2'.69766 3.23867 3'475 81 2'.60842 3.12274 3.268 82 2'.51402 3.00000 3x062 83 2.41367 2'.86968 2.858 84 2'30637- 2' 73102 2.65985 2'-19126. 2'058316 2'.466 86 2'06737 2.42519 2'279' 87 1'.93392 2.25600 2.099 88 1'.79008 2.07419. 1'924. 89 1'.63477 1'.87797 1.751 90 1.46676 1'.66475 1-578 91 1'.28477. 1'.43049 1.399 08642' 1'.16862 1'.208 92 1' 93 0'.86423, 0.87092 1.016, '828 94 0'.60898= 0'.52695 '651 95 0'.30928 0'.12264 '488 96 1'.95017; 1'.63819 '341 97 1'.51086. 1'.04336 98 2'.96024 2'.28330! '210. '097 99 2'.244241 3'.22721 100 3'.22721; * ____________________________ AP X,, '51662 '52816 "53962 '55115, ' 56281 ' 57466 '58677 "59919 61192 62473 '63757 '65030 66296 '67550 68804 '70058 '71316 '72577 '73834 '75077 '76273 ' 77408 '78466 '79439 '80334 '81180' '81988 '82789 '83585 '84377 '85162 ' 85927 '86669 '87389 '88081 '88754 '89419 '90085 ',90773 '91508 '92246 '92970 '93650 '94277 '94842 '95346, '95781 :96154 _____________ '04110 '04305 '04508 04723 '04951 05196 '05461 "05750 '06065 '06403 '06766 '07153 '07565, '08006 '08482 '08999 '09563 '10179, '10853 11586 '-12364 '13178 .14014 '14859 ' 15712 '16591 '17507 "18500 '19584 '20772 '22074 '23484 '25006 '26651 28422 '30354 '32504 '34944 '37838 '41444: -45757 48 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 4 per Cent, Log vi (lx vx ax + l +1 vX +sx ++ AGE . " .) - Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = i;AGE x Lg Under Two Over Two Under Two Over Two All Durations Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years' Duration (sx=LRate of (8x-Rate of Sickness under Sickness over Two Years) Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 1r 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 6'.21986 6'.20918 6. 19860 6'.18800 6'.17715 6'.16578 6. 15349 6'.13993 12500 6. 6.10887 6.09167 6.07365 6.'05494 6'.03581 6.01663 5.99745 5. 97836 5'.95940 5'.94064 5.92211 5''90384 5.88583 5.86803 5.85044 5.83305 5'.81580 5 79874 5,78188 5. 76527 5'.74888 5' 73268 71659 5' 5' 70050 5'-68433 5'.66800 5'65145 5.63465 5' 61758 5'.60024 5'300 5'.58262 5'274 5.56465 5'247 5'.54630 5'.52748 5'215 550807 5.48803 5.46727 5.44582 5'42377 5.40117 5'.37807 5.35438 5'32985 5'.74566 5'.74566 5.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5'.74566 5.74566 5'.74566 5.74566 5'.74566 5.74566 5'.74566 5'.74563 74555 5. 5'.74539 5'.74515 5'.74478 5.74427 5.74361 5'.74280 5.74184 5.74073 5'.73949 5'.73806 5'.73644 5.73457 5'.73240 5'.72996 5'.72728 5.72441 5.72139 5.71824 5'.71493 5'.71144 5' 612 5'707'7 5' 6564 5.70395 5' 509 5'.70007 5'.69621 5.69241 5.68868 5'.68497 5.68124 5'.67744 5'.67357 5'.66962 5'/66554 (sx-Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6.34553 6.33756 6.32972 6.32189 6.'31395 6.30569 6.'29681 6.28708 511 6.27653 6'.26521 6'.25328 6.24094 6'.22830 6.'21556 6'.20297 6.19058 6.17845 6'.16658 5'893 6.15502 6'.14377 6'.13284 6'.12219 6'.11180 5' 6'.10162 6.'09166 6.08187 6.07225 6.06283 6.'05360 6'.04453 6.03559 6.02670 6 '01777 6.00877 5'.99968 5'99049 5'.98122 5'.97186 5'.96239 5'.95282 5'738 5'.94311 5'93327 5'.92333 5'.91328 5'.90316 5'.89296 5.88269 5.87234 5.86195 5.85152 5'.84103 20'.19 20.78 21'.34 21'.88 22' 38 22'.84 23'.24 23.56 23.81 23.99 24.11 24.19 24'.24 3 24.27 24.32 24.37 24'.45 24.56 24' 70 24'.86 25'.05 25.26 25'.47 25' 69 25' 92 26.16 26'.41 26'.67 33' 26'.95 27'.25 27.56 27.89 32' 9 28'.22 432'4 28'.57 431'8 28'.91 29'.25 29'.58 29.'91 30.23 30'.55 30.87 31.19 31.51 31'.82 32'.10 32'.34 32.56 32'.75 32'.93 33.11 33'.30 33'-49 33'.62 33.65 33'57 6'.77 7'.15 7 7.52 7.'90 3 8'.29 5 8'.68 9'.09 9'.50 9'.94 10.39 10'.87 1.37 11.89 12'.45 13'.03 13'.65 14.31 15.01 89' 15.76 99' 16.56 17.39 18'.27 19.18 20.12 21'10 1.0' 22.11 23.16 24.26 25.40 26.58 27.80 29'.07 30.37 31.73 694,4 33' 14 34'.60 36.12 37.71 39'.37 41'.10 42.92 44'.84 46.89 49'.07 51'.39 53'.85 56.47 59'.24 62.20 65.38 68'.82 72.53 76'.51 80'.72 8.513 26'.96 27'.93 2$ 86 29'.78 30.67 3152 32'.33 33'.06 33'.75 34'.38 34'.98 35.56 36'.13 36.'72 37'.35 3802 38.76 39.57 40'46 41'42 42'.44 43'53 44'.65 45'81 47'02 48.27 49'57 50.93 52.35 53'83 55.36 56'.96 58'.59 60'30 62'.05 63'85 65'70 67'62 69.60 71.65 73.79 76.03 78.40 80'.89 83'.49 86'.19 89.03 91'99 95'.13 98'.49 102.'12 106.'02 110'.13 114.'37 118 '70 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 49 WALES (MALES) 1856-1875. 4 per Cent. Lo l xs AGE (a,) x+1Z Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = x++"""" ff LgK AGE (z) x Under Two Over Two AlDuain Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years'DuitAl Duration s Years' Duration Years' Duration (a=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5".05865 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 5.01206 4.96158 4'.90646 4.84574 4.77825 4'.70240 4.61588 4.51477 4'.39286 4'.23907 4.02973 3.69041 0 (x=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5. 60680 5.59339 5.'57773 5. 55942 5.53802 5.51314 5.48448 5.45183 5.41494 5.37354 5.32740 5.27652 5.22114 5.16187 5.08497 5.00277 4.91467 4'.81977 4'.71710 4.60577 4'.48488 4'.35352 4'.21066 4.05515 3.88558 3'.70044 3'.49834 3'.27706 3.03260 2'.75808 2'.44503 2.08264 1'.65661 1'.14659 0'.52203 1'.72844 2'.63366 ~ All Durations = Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 31 08 30.24 AnA C 109 82 115. 31 29.26 5'.71504 5'.69453 5'.67186 5'.64661 5'.61832 5.58654 5 55088 5 51097 5'46642 5.41672 5.36146 5.30045 5'.23375 5'.16187 5.'08497 5'.00277 4'.91467 4'.81977 4'.71710 4'.60577 4'.48488 4'.35352 4.210f6 4.05515 3'.88558 3'.70044 3'.49834 3'.27706 3'.03260 2.75808 2.44503 2.'08264 1'.65661 1'.14659 0'.52203 1.72844 2.63366 120.88 126.'40 131'.73 28.11 26.76 25'.18 23'34 21.22 18.78 15'.97 12.73 9.03 4.81 136.'74 141.'31 145.'47 149.'22 152.'70 156.'03 159.'43 163.'15 167.'45 166.'90 166.12 164.'82 162.'69 159.'62 155'63 150.'84 145.30 139.'09 154'.51 158.'49 161'.92 164.65 166.'69 168.'00 168.'67 168.'76 168.'46 167.'96 167.'45 166.'90 166.'12 164.'82 162'.69 159.'62 155.'63 150.'84 145.'30 139.'09 107-'54 132.'20 124.'59 116.'32 107.'54 98'24 88'.35 78'32 68.56 59.34 50.87 43.23 36.46 30.49 25.50 98'24 88'35 78'32 68.56 59.34 50.87 43.23 36'46 30.49 25.50 132.'20 124.59 116.'32 . 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 140.'90 145.'55 150.'14 1nA II~l~~r~lr~ I 20881 G2 G 51 ENGLAND AND WALES. FEMALES, 1856-1875. 22 per Cent. 24 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-1875. AG Lg ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 "28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Log Nx 4'.94638 6'36948 4'.92938 6'.35342 4'.91359 6.33734 4'89853 6.32125 4'.88414 6'.30507 4'.87025 6'.28881 4'.85674 6.'27245 4'.84347 6 '25597 '4'.83033 6.23935 4.81727 6.22261 4'.80425 6.20572 4'.79127 6'.18865 4'.77821 6.17143 4'.76500 6.15406 4.75153 6'.13653 4'.73774 6'.11883 4'.72365 6'.10099 4'.70930 6'.08300 4'69477 6.'06483 4.68016 6.04657 4'.66555 6 02812 4'.65104 6'.00949 4'.63665 5'.99069 4'.62234 4'.60804 4'59366 5'.93302 4'.57919 5'.91335 4.56462 5'.89345 4'.54994 5'.87330 4.53517 5'.85289 4'.52029 5'.83221 4'.50532 5'.81125 4'.49025 5'.79000 4.47507 5.76845 4.45980 5'.74656 4'.44443 5'.72435 4.42894 5'.70178 4'.41336 5'.67882 4'39767 5'.65547 4'.38189 5'.63171 4.36601 5'.60749 4'.35002 5'.58279 4'.33394 5.'55759 4.31780 5'.53184 4.30168 5'.50549 4'.28564 5.47849 4'26967 5.45077 4'.25372 5 42226 ax '32949 '32807 26. '32852 26.468 '33005 26.'359 '33270 26.'216 '33619 26.'044 '34039 25'.852 '34507 25'646 '35009 25' 430 '35537 25' 204 " 3608 24' 968 '36664 24' 730 '37244 24.494 '37819 24.266 '38375 24'.049 "38$04 23'.842 '39410 23'.643 '39895 23'.446 '40375 23'.249 '40856 23'.045 '41354 22'.827 '41885 22'596 '42448 22'.353 '43042 22'.101 '43657 21'.845 '44281 21'.585 '44915 21'.322 '45556 21.055 '46208 20'.784 '46868 20'.508 '47542 20'.227 '48227 48925 19'.941 19'.651 '49632 19.354 '50356 19.'051 '51096 18'.743 '51847 18'.427 '52617 18.'105 '53403 17'.775 '54208 17.'437. '55031 17.'091 '55876 16.'736 '56741 16'.370 '57634 15'.989 '58563 15'.590 '59537 15'.174 '60551 14'.741 '61608 26.491 26'.549 '531 'I nr %~I - u l I r\ ur\-ll ~ LL I\M ) IV-~II~\~YI;) r7 ~LYI)I ~ Ax x AG ogD '01199 53 '01191 54 '01193 55 '01201 56 '01216 57 '01235 58 '01259 59 '01285 60 01314 61 '01345 62 '01377 63 '01412 64 '01448 65 '01484 66 '01519 67 '01553 68 '01587 69 '01619 70 '01652 71 '01685 72 '01720 73 '01758 74 '01799 75 '01843 76 ' 01890 77 '01938 78 '01989 79 '02041 80 '02095 81 '02151 82 '02210 83 '02272 84 '02337 85 '02404 86 '02474 87 '02549 88 '02626 89 '02709 90 '02795 91 '02887 92 '02985 93 ' 03089 94 '03199 95 '03318 96 '03447 97 '03589 98 '03744 99 '03914 100 I I _' ax I~ . _ ! Ax 14'.298 13'.847 13'.396 12'.948 4.23764 5.39291 4'.22126 5' 36263 4'.20440 5.33137 4'.18686 5'.29905 4'.16852 5.'26564 4'.14931 5'.23106 4'.12925 5'.19529 4'.10840 5'.15818 4.08689 5.11968 4'.06484 5.'07962 4'.04223 5.03782 4.01882 4'.99412 3'699428 4.94834 3'.96822. 4'.90032 3'.94025 4.84989 3'.90997 4'.79691 3.87709 4'.74125 3'.84153 4.68279 3.80327 4.62131 3' 76227 4.55665 3'.71850 4'.48854 3'.67181 4.41667 3'.62198 4.34072 3'.56859 4.26031 3'51121 4.17511 3'.44933 4.08165 3'.38243 3'.98854 3.31010 3'88634 323189 3'.77755 3'.14730 3'.66161 3.05579 3'.53792 2'.95685 3.40576 2'.849.75 3'.26432 2'-73367 3'.11271 2'.60788 2'.94981 2.47163 2'.77425 2'.32382 2'.58416 2'.16318 2'.37703 1'.98853 2.14879 1'.79741 1'.89284 1'.58236 1'.60106 1'.33417 1'.26297 1'.04144 0'.86459 0'.68921 0.38605 0'.25667 1. 79706 1'71281 1'.04336 1.00312 3'.99239 3'.99239 111~ 7111 11 17;)1.1 . og Nx '62688 '63787 '64887 '65981 67058 '68120 '69166 '70208 '71258 '72326 '73417 '74519 '75619 '76700 '77751 '78761 '79722 '80639 '81519 '82368 '83197 '84007 '84798 '85568 '86312 '87029 '87712 '88368 '88993 ' 89590 '90159 '90705 '91225 '91722 '92200 '92666 '93120 '93570 '94034 '94522 '95014 '95490 '95937 '96346 '96714 '97039 '97324 "97561 12.'506 12.071 11.642 1.215 10'.784 10'.346 9'899 9'447 8'996 8.553 8.122 7'.708 7'314 6'938 6'577 6.229 5'889 5'557 5'233 4.917 4.612 4"318 4'038 3.769 3.513 3'268 3'.035 2.811 2.598 2'.394 2.198 2'.007 1'.821 1'.636 1'.446 1'.246 1'.044 '849 '666 '498 '347 '214 '097 ' P " 04098 '04297 '04507 '04731. "04965 '05211 *05471. "05747 '06047 '06375 '06736 07133 "07565 "08029 '08524 " 09045 "09589 "10159 "10759 '11394 '12077 12812 '13605 ' 14462. " 15380 '16365 '17410 '18529 '19719 '20991 '22345 '23801 "25354 '27025 '28831 '30817 '33009 '35498 '38444 '42085 '46485 1I 52 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 2l per Cent. LValues 4 Logi (1av',r+Ztx+i AGE)D AELog of vx+ Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (sx = Rate of 14 6.43401 6.'42698 641997 6'41290 6.'40567 6. 39827 6.39062 6.38270 6'.37446 6.36584 15 6.35681 16 17 18 6.34721 6.33700 6.32623 6.31498 6.30337 6'.29148 6.27946 6.'26738 6.25527 6.24311 6. 23086 6'21848 6'.20599 6'19335 6'.18058 6'.16764 6'.15448 6'.14110 6'.12749 6'.11364 6.'09961 6.08536 6.07078 6.'05572 6'.04009 6.02379 6'.00685 5'.98952 5'713 5'.97192 5'95424 5'693 5'.93653 5'660 5'.91880 5'.90093 5.88283 5.86439 5'.84554 5.82624 5'.80638 5'.78584 5'.76443 5'74197 6'.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6.16835 6.16835 6.16835 6.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6'.16835 6.16835 6'.16835 6. 16832 6'.16826 6'.16808 6'.16782 6'.16749 6'.16714 6.16673 6.16631 6.16584 6'.16527 6'.16456 6.'16376 6'.16280 6'.16173 6'.16056 6.15936 6'.15806 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59a Sickness over Two Years) 6'.62222 6'.61767 6.61317 6'.60864 6'.60406 6'.59938 6.59459 6.58965 6'.58455 6'.57927 6'.57375 6'.56796 6.56185 6'.55547 6.54886 6'.5421.0 6'.53526 6'.52836 6. 52148 6'.51463 6'.5078? 6'.50100 6.'49421 6.'48739 o6 23515 te 6.'48057 6.47368 6.46673 6'45969 6.'45255 6.44537 6.'43813 6' 163 6.43085 6.42349 6'.15512 6 '0574 6'.15339 66'0501 6'.15137 6 '0405 6'.14907 6'.14641 6.14333 6.13985 6'.13596 6'.13175 6.12720 6'.12245 6.41602 6.40831 6.40031 6.'39194 6'.38324 6'37424 6.36498 6.35557 6.34604 6'.33642 6.32668 6.31687 6.'30696 6.29695 6.28684 6.27665 6'.26640 6'.25607 6' 24566 6'.11250 6.10741 6.10223 6.09708 6.09198 6.08707 6 06333 1 per Week AGE Under Two Over Two All Durations Years' Duration. Years' Duration ( = Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6.15664 6.11754 of Kx K. (sx = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) Sick Pay Allowance oteW1oefie 8x1..) 30'.74 31'.45 32.09 32.69 33'.23 33'.73 34.19 34.61 35'.01 35'.37 35.69 35.97 36'.21 36'.41 36'.60 36.78 36'97 37.17 37.38 37.59 37.81 38.00 38.18 38'.34 38'.49 38'.63 38.77 38'.89 39.01 39.11 39'.21 633'9 39'.29 39'.37 33' 3 39'.42 39.44 39'.42 39'.34 632'5 39'22 39.07 38.91 38'75 38.59 38'.45 38.29 38.12 31' 37.91 37'.66 37.37 37.'05 36'.69 36.31 35'90 35'46 35.00 34' 50 16.67 17.34 17.98 18.61 19.24 19.87 20'.49 21'.13 21'.78 2?'.44 23'.13 23'.83 24'.56 25'.31 26.1 26'.95 27'.84 28'76 29'72 30.71 31'.74 32.79 33'.86 34'.95 36'.08 37'.23 38'.42 D90'14 39'.64 40'.91 93' 4 42'.21 99' 6 43.56 44'.95 46.39 47.87 49'.38 50'.93 52'.50 54'.08 55'.68 57'.27 58.88 60.50 62.12 63'77 65'.44 67.12 68.82 70'.55 72.35 74.25 96' 76.33 78- 60 81'.12 83'.90 86' 9 6 6 47'.41 48.79 50'.07 51'.30 52'.47 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 53'.60 54'.68 55.74 56.79 57'.81 58.82 59.80 60.77 61.72 62.71 63'73 64.81 65.93 67.10 68.30 69.55 70.79 72'.04 73'.29 74.57 75.86 77.19 78.53 79'92 81.32 82'77 84'24 85.76 87'29 88'82 90.35 91.84 93.30 94.75 96.18 97'63 99.09 100.'57 102.'06 103.'56 105.'03 106.'48 107'.92 109.'40 110'.94 112.64 114'.50 116.'58 118.'90 1114 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 27 28 5 29 31 321 33, 34 35 36 ,39 37 38 40. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 59 53 FEMALES, 18564-875. 2- per Cent. Log vi (Lvslx+1 vX* AGE Lo Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = x++"""" K AGE x(X) x) Under Two Over Two Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (sx = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) (ac= Bate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 8 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 0~ 5'.50329 5.45950 6.'02804 6.'01191 5.41081 5.35729 5'.29909 = Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5'.99172 5'.96736 5'.93897 5'.90694 5'.87185 5'.83441 5'.79539 5'.75544 5'.71513 5'.67485 5'.63469 5.59450 5.'53425 5.47091 5.40346 5'.33033 5.'24976 5.16014 5'.06028 4'.94911 4.82565 4'.68862 4'.53695 4.36910 4'.18307 3'.97604 3'.74398 3'.48040 3'.17676 2.82170 2.'40150 1'89745 1'.27887 0.49103 1.'40200 5'23623 5'.16791 5.09174 5.00376 4.89710 4'.76023 4.56896 4'.24925 I ~-A~~A~ 30'.51 29.19 27.71 26'.12 24'.50 22.86 21'.20 19'.43 17'.44 15.09 12.26 8'.85 4'.79 6'.14154 6'.11919 6'09293 6.'06269 6.'02857 5'99096 5'.95021 5'.90662 5.86043 5'.81180 5'.76082 5'.70761 5'.65221 5'.59450 5.53425 5.47091 5.40346 5.33033 5.24976 5'.16014 5.'06028 4'.94911 4.82565 4'.68862 4'.53695 4.36910 4'.18307 3'.97604 3'.74398 3'.48040 3'.17676 2'.82170 2.40150 1.89745 1'.27887 0.49103 1'.40200 1 rl~nA~ I -VVVV~ I 102.'15 132'.66 104'.14 133.'33 133.'27 132.'56 105.'56 106.'44 106. 91 107.'11 131.41 107.'23 107.'43 107.'92 128.'43 108.'88 110.'49 112.95 116.'44 121'.14 121'.60 122'.60 123'.98 129.97 126.'86 125'36 123'97 122'.75 121.'80 121.'23 121.'14 121'.60 122.'60 123.98 125.'44 126.'61 125.'44 126.'61 127.'16 127.'16 126.'89 125.'71 123.'59 120.'43 116.'23 126.'89 125.'71 123.'59 120.43 116.'23 110'.99 104'.69 9717 88'.42 79'.09 69.60 60.29 51.56 43.73 36'.82 30.76 25.68 I 110'.99 10-1'.69 97-17 88.'42 79.09 69.60 60.29 51.56 43.73 36'-82 30.76 25.68 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 54 4L 545 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 24 per Cent. 24 TABLE OF ELEMENTARY AGE Log Dx MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-1875. ax Log Nx Ax P AGE Dx ____I(v)Log 4'.94109 4'.92303 4'.90619 4.89007 4'.87461 10 4'.85967 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4'.84510 4'.83078 4'.81658 4'.80245 4'.78838 4'.77434 4'.76023 4'.74596 4'.73143 4'.71658 4'.70143 4'.68603 4'.67014 4'.65477 4'.63910 4'.62353 4'.60808 4.59272 4'.57736 4'.56193 4'.54639 4'.53076 6.34062 25.'092 6'.32371 25 158 6.'30677 25.'152 6.28981 25. 104 8'.27277 25. 013 6.25566 24.888 6'.23845 24.737 6.22113 24.567 6'.20369 24.384 6.18608 24' 190 6.16835 23.987 6'.15045 23.774 6'.13239 23.'559 6'.11418 23.'346 6.09580 23. 140 6.'07730 22. 947 6.'05862 6.03981 6.02082 6.00173 22.761 22.583 22' 407 22.231 5'.98246 22.'048 5'.96302 21'.852 5'.94341 21'.644 5'.92359 21.422 5'.90357 21'.194 5'.88333 20. 960 5'86286 20'.724 5.'84216 20.483 4'.51503 5.82122 20.'239 4.49920 5'.80002 19.'990 37 38 4'.48327 4'46723 4.45110 4.43487 4.41854 4.40211 4.38556 4.36892 4'.35218 4'.33534 4'.31840 5'77855 5'.75681 5'.73478 5.71245 5'68979 5'66680 5'.64345 19'.737 19.480 19.'217 18 '949 '30168 '29990 '30007 '30135 '30379 '30715 '31117 '31572 '32062 '32582 '33125 '33695 '34271 '34840 '35392 '35908 '36406 '36883 '37353 '37824 '38314 '38839 '39395 -39990 '40600 '41226 '41858 '42503 '43156 '43822 '44499 '45187 59 '46609 39 40 41 5'.61974 42 5,59563 43 5'.57110 44 5.'54612 45 46 4'.30136 5' 52067 47 4.28421 5.49471 18'.675 '47342 18.'395 '48092 '48857 '49641 '50441 5'.44111 15.'534 18'.109 17.'816 17.'517 17.'209 16.'893 16 570 16.237 48 4'26702 5.46821 15'.892 49 50 51 52 4'.24984 4'.23274 4.21572 4'.19870 cr~ I A,~~'lnr, 20881H per Cent. 5.41337 15 '158 5'38491 14.764 5'.35566 14.'354 '51266 '52111 '52976. '53867 '54791 '55748 ' 56754 '57809 ' 58906. '01156 '01146 '01148 '01155 '01168 '01186 '01209 '01235 '01263 '01293 '01326 '01360 '01395 '01431 '01466 '01500 '01532 '01564 '01596 '01628 '01662 '01700 '01740 '01784 '01829 '01877 '01927 '01978 '02032 '02088 '02146 '02206 '02270 '02336 '02406 '02479 '02556 '02638 '02724 '02815 '02912 '03015 '03125 '03243 '03372 '03513 '03667 '03836 Log _Nx 53 4'.18156 5.32556 54 4'.16413 5.29453 55 4'.14621 5.26250 56 4'.12762 5.22945 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 4'.10822 4.08794 4.06683 4.04492 4'.02236 3'.99925 3'.97557 3'.95111 3'.92551 3'.89840 3'.86937 3.'83803 3'.80409 3'.76747 3'.72815 3'.68610 3'.64127 3'.59352 3'.54263 3.'48818 3.42975 3'.36681 3'.29886 ax Ax 13'.932 13'.502 13.'070 '60036 '61187 12'.642 5'.19529 12.'220 5'.15996. 11.804 5'.12343 11.392 5.'08558 10'.981 5.04630 10'.567 5.00548 10'.144 4'.96292 9.713 4'.91846 9.276 4'.87191 8.839 4'.82310 8'408 4'.77188 7.989 4'.71811 7'.587 4'.66166 7'204 4.60239 6'.83&' 4.54010 6'486 4'.47462 6'145 4.40570 5'813 4'.33300 5'489 4-2569!4 5'171 4'.17502 4'862 4.08895 4.563 3'.99763 4.274 3'.90067 3'998 3.734 3'.79761 3'.22546 3.14619 3.68796 3.06055 3.57115 2'.96798 3.44658 2'.86798 3.31353 3'482 3'240 3'010 2'.790 2'.75982 3.17120 2.579 2'.64268 3.01870 2.377 2'.51584 2.85493 2'.183 2.37853 2'.67847 1.995 2'.22966 2.48751 1.811 2.'06797 2'27948' 1'.628 1. 89225 2'.05034 1.439 1. 70008 1'.79353 1'.240 1. 48397 1'.50085 1'.040 1.23472 1.16188 '846 0. 94094 0.76257 '663 0'.58761 0'.28310 '496. 0'.15404 1.69321 '346 1.60913 2'.93872 '214 2'.89838 3'.88660 '097 3'.88660 '62343 '63489 '64618 '65731 '66834 '67934 '69042 '70174 '71328 '72497 '73667 '74820 '75942 '77018 "78043k '79022 '79965 '80878 '81766 '82633 '83484 '84311 '85111 '04021 '04219 '04431 '04654 '"04888 '05134 '05394 '05670 '05969 '06297 '06658 '07055 '07487 '07953 '08448 '08969 '09513 '10082'10682, '12002 '12734 "13528 '14382 '15299 '85884 '86623 '87330 '88005 '88652 '89268 '89856 '16285 '90421 '25265 '90962 '91481 '91985 '92476 '92966 '26936 '28740 '30713 '32898 '93473 '94005 '94540 '17332 "18447 '19635 '20909 '22261 '23709 '35375 '38324 '41966 '46343, '95059 '95549 '95996 '96397 '96750 '97064 "97324 I ecoorrr, r n~_ n~~ I _Aln0~ I ,~~ onn I .nH 56 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 21 per Cent. x+ 8 Log vi (lx vr r + 1 v + 1sx ) ,. for the Whole of Life = Kr Log K AGE (xs) Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week ++ 3 AGE D _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _x__ _ _ _ _)_____ Under Two Over Two Under Two Over Two AlDuain s Al Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years'Drt Duration (s = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6.39629 6 6.38872 6.38117 6.'37357 6365846-35790 6'.34970 6.34124 6'.33244 6.32325 6.31361 6'.30341 6'.29257 6'.28112 6.26916 6. 25686 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43. -44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 "53 54 '55 56 57 58 59 6.24425 23152 6. 6.21875 6.'20593 6'.19310 618018 6'.16714 6'.15397 6.14067 6'.12723 6'11364 6.'09985 6.08579 6.'07155 6.05706 6.'04238 6.'02751 6.01229 5'.99659 5' 227 5'.98029 5'559 5'.96333 5'.94575 5' 676 5'.92773 5'534 5'.90947 5' 048 5.'89114 5 461 5.87280 5'.85445 5'.83598 5'.81728 5'.79826 5'.77885 5'.75897 5.'73856 5'71748 5'.69552 (sr=Rate of over Two Years) Siokneas 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.'09653 6.09653 6.'09653 6.09653 6.'09653 6.09649 6 '09642 6.'09621 6.09594 6.'09559 6.'09517 6.09472 6.09426 6.09374 6.'09311 6'.09233 6'09146 6.'09040 6.'08920 6.'08796 6.08664 6.08522 6.08372 6.'08207 6.08019 6.07802 6' 050 6.'07555 6' 002 6.'07269 5'9954 6'06941 5' 906 6.06573 5' 854 6.06160 5'9793 6.'057105' 717 6-'05227 5' 619 6.04724 6'.04206 6.03675 6.03137 6.02592 6'02053 6.'01519 6.01005 (sr = ate of Sickness for all Durations) 6'57281 6.56778 6'.56280 6'.55781 6'.55277 6'.54761 6'.54235 6'.53692 6.'53134 6'.52556 6'.51954 830 6'.51320 6'.50655 6.'49959 6.49241 6.48507 6.'47763 6.47016 6.46270 6.45529 6.'44793 6'44058 6.43326 6'42591 6.41857 6'41117 6' 6.40372 6.39616 6-38855 6.38086 6.'37313 6.36538 6.35755 6'.34961 6'.34141 6'.33294 6'.32408 6.31488 6.30537 6'.29561 6.'28569 6'.27568 6'.26555 6.25537 6'.24507 6'23469 6'.22425 6.21368 6'.20306 6'.19240 6.18167 6'12594 28'-52 29'.22 29.85 30'.44 30.99 31' 49 31'96 32'39 32'.80 33'17 33.51 33'81 34'07 34'29 34'49 34.70 34'90 35'1 35'34 35'58 35'81 36.03 36'.23 36'41 36.59 36.75 36.92 37'08 37.22 37'35 37'48 37'60 37.71 37'79 37.85 37' 86 37'.82 37'.74 37.'63 37.51 37.39 37.28 37.17 37.07 36.94 36.77 36.57 36.33 36.06 35.76 35.43 35.07 34.68 34.26 33"81 14.30 14.91 15'50 16.09 16.67 17.25 17.84 18.44 19'05 19.68 20.33 21.00 21.69 22.42 23.18 23'98 42.82 44.13 45.35 46.53 47.66 48.74 49.80 50.83 51.85 12'5 52'.85 123' 125'9 53.84 54.81 128'0 55.76 56.71 57.67 58.68 24'83 59.73 25.72 26.64 27.59 28.58 60.83 29.59 30.63 31.70 32.79 8187'19 33'92 35.08 C90'57 36'28 Sick93'86 37.51 Du96'90 38.79 40.12 41.49 42'92 44'38 45.88 47.41 48.98 50.56 52.15 53.75 55.36 56.98 58.62 60.29 61.98 63'68 65.41 67.18 69.02 70.97 73.09 61.98 63.17 64'39 65'62 66'86 68.11 69'38 70.67 72'00 73'.36 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 94.26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 95.79 47 74.73 76-14 77.60 79.09 80.63 82.17 83'73 85.27 86.80 88.30 89.78 91.26 92'75 97.36 98'92 100'.45 101'.98 103.'51 105.'08 106.'73 108.'52 77.98 110.48 112'.66 80.82 83'91 115.'08 117.'72 75.41 5 6 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 594 57 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 2j per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week Log vi ('t9v + srx+ "..l 1+ lx + 1'x *s+ AGE ______ Under Two _ _ _ _ AGE _ _ Over TwoI Years' Duration Years' Duration (sx = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 5.42940 5.38500 5.33569 5.28153 5.22273 5.15927 5.09034 5.'01360 4'.92504 4.81783 4.68040 4.48856 4.16829 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 (sx = Rate of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ______ (xs) Two' Under Over Two AlDuain All Durations Years' Duration Years' Duration AlDrtos (sx = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) Sickness for all Durations 5.94904 5'.93249 5'.91184 5.88692 5.85792 5.82522 5.78944 5.75129 5.71156 5.67092 5.62994 5.58903 5.54830 5.50757 5.'44660 5.38252 5'.31433 5.24050 5.15918 5.'06878 4.96813 4.85617 4.73190 4.59403 4'.44150 4.27279 4.08590 3'.87800 3'.64507 3'.38061 3.07606 2'.72010 2'.29898 1.79400 1'.17450 0.38570 1.29568 6 '06375 II 30'.08 28.81 27.37 25'.83 24'.25 22'.66 6.'04088 6.01406 5'.98317 5'.94840 5 91009 5'.86860 5.82426 5.77732 5 72792 5.'67617 5'.62219 5 56604 5 50757 5.'44660 5'.38252 5.31433 5.24050 5'.15918 5.'06878 4'.96813 4.85617 4'.73190 4.59403 4.44150 4'.27279 4.08590 3.87800 3'.64507 3.38061 3.07606 2.72010 2'.29898 1'.79400 1'.17450 0.38570 1.29568 'R I ----- I 20881 Life= Lo K (ax) - the Whole of = -for 21'.03 19.30 17.34 15.02 12'.22 8'.83 4'.79 99.53 101.62 129.'61 103.'14 130.'51 129.'95 104'.12 104'.69 104'.99 105.'19 126.'22 124'.77 106-'04 107.'07 123.'38 122.'09 108.'75 120'.97 120'.11 111. 28 114'.85 120'.17 121'.24 122.'71 124.'25 125.'50 126.'12 125.'94 124.'84 122.'81 119.'73 l15.60 110.44 104.'21 96'77 88'.10 78'.82 ,69.40 60'.14 51.45 43'.65 36'76 30.71 25.65 - 128'.94 127.'65 105.'47 119.'62 - 130.'43 119.'64 119.'62 120'.17 121'.24 122.'71 124'.25 125.'50 126.'12 125.'94 124.'84 122.'81 119.'73 115.'60 110.44 104.21 96'77 88'.10 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 78.82 69'.40 60.14 51.45 43.65 36'.76 30.71 25'.65 94 95 96 97 98 99, 100' -- ,, 59 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. 3 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-75. AGE Log Dx 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 .49 50 51 52 4'.93581 4.91670 4'.89880 4.88162 4.86512 4.84912 4.83349 4.81811 4.80286 4.78768 4.77255 4. 75745 4.74229 4'.72696 4.71137 4'.69548 4.67927 4.66281 4.64616 4.62944 4'.61272 4'.59609 4.57959 4'.56317 4'-54675 4'.53026 4'51368 4.49699 4'.48020 4.46:331 4'.44633 4.42924 4'.41205 4'.39477 4'.37738 4'35989 4-34229 4'.32460 4'.30680 4'.28890 4'.27090 4.25281 4.23461 4' "21636 4 '19813 4,17997 4«16189 414382 -(II I LL n~llh Log Nx x 6.31262 6'.29480 6.27669 6'.25916 6.24127 6'22329 6.20523 6.'18704 6.'16873 6'.15027 6'.13168 6-11294 6.09405 6.'07496 6.'05576 6.03639 6.'01687 5'.99721 5'.97741 5'.95747 5'.93738 5'.91712 5.89668 5'.87605 5'.85521 5.83415 5'.81288 5'.79137 5'.76962 5'74762 5'.72536 5'.70283 5'.68000 5'.65687 5'.63344 5'.60967 5.58554 5'.56105 5'.53617 5'.51087 5.48514 5.'45891 5.43220 5.40494 5.'37709 5-'34860 5'.31938 5'.28937 23.813 23. 884 23. 889 Ax '27729 '27522 '27507 '27612 '27834 '28151 '28536 '28975 '29456 '29964 '30496 '31052 '31618 '32182 '32718 '33231 '33718 '34184 '34638 '35098 '35579 '36088 '36641 '37224 '37830 '38450 '39080 '39721 '40373 " 41034r '41712 '42402 '43108 '43830 '44564 '45318 '46090 '46883 '47695 23'.853 23.777 23'.668 23. 536 23. 385 23.'220 23'.046 22'863 22.672 22'478 22'.284 22. 100 21'.924 21'.757 21'.597 21'.441 21'.283 21' 118 20'.943 20'.753 20'.553 20.'345 20'132 19. 916 19' 696 19.472 19.'245 19.'012 18.'775 18'.533 18.'285 18.'033 17.'774 17'509 17.'237 16.958 16.'671 16.'377 '48531 '49388 '50273 '51181 '52123 '53110 '54140 '55230 '56366 16.'073 15'.761 15.'438 15.'099 14'.745 14.371 13.'981 In ~~LLII1I %II I ~% 1 P AG E '01117 53 '01106 54 '01105 55 '01111 56 '01124 57 '01141 58 "01163 59 '01188 60 '01216 61 '01246 62 '01278 63 '01312 64 01346 65 ' 01382 66 ' '01416 67. '01450 68 '01482 69 '01513 70 '01544 71 '01575 72 '01608 73 '01644 74 '01684 75 '01727 76 '01772 77 '01820 78 '01869 79 '01919 80 '01972 81 '02027 82 '02084 83 '02144 84 '02207 85 '02272 86 '02341 87 '02414 88 ' 02490 89 ' 02571 90 '02656 91 '02747 92 '02842 93 '02945 94 '03054 95 '03171 96 '03299 97 '03439 98 '03593 99 '03763 100 Log Dx Log Nx ax Ax 4'.12563 4'.10714 4.08816 4.06852 4'.04806 4.02673 4.00456 3'.98160 3'.95798 3'.93381 3'.90908 3'.88357 3'.85691 3'.82874 3'.79866 3'.76626 3.73127 3'.69359 3'.65322 3'.61011 3.'56422 3.51543 3'46348 3.40797 3'.34848 3'.28449 3'.21548 3'.14103 3.06070 2'.97401 2'.88038 2'.77932 2'.67012 2'.55192 2.42402 2'.28565 2'.13573 1'.97298 1'.79621 1'.60299 1.38582 1'.13551 0.84067 0.48633 0.05167 1'.50570 2'.79389 3'.78106 5'.25852 5.22673 5'.19396 5'.16014 5.12522 5.'08916 5.'05185 5.'01322 4.97321 4'.93161 4'.88829, 4'.84305 4'.79573 4'.74614 4'.69413 4'.63957 4.58231 4.52224 4.45915 4'.39286 4.32311 4.24959 4.17199 4.08994 4'.00303 3.91086 3.81305 3'.70913 3.59860 3.48093 3.35549 3'.22154 3.07835 2'.92494 2'.76028 2'.58294 2'.39108 2'.18219 1'.95215 1'.69445 1'.40088 1'.06100 0.66079 0'.18038 1.5i8950 2.83378 3'.78106 13' 580 '57534 '58728 "59925 '61120 '62299 '63459 '64612 "65762 '66922 '68107 '69321 '70556 '71789 '73006 '74191 '75330 '76420 '77456 '78459 '79425 '80369 '81295 '82201 '83084 '83939 '84767 '85556 "86314 '87036 -87729 '88391 '89025 '89631 '90211 '90770 '91311 '91845 '92372 '92916 '93493 '94072 ';94635 '95162 '95648 '96082 '96467 968,08 '97087 ~r(LL'111 1 1~1~~1) 1 I~ I ~%XV. CVVV LI1 I -LV ~~-) VICI 13'.170 12.'759 12.'349 11.944 11'546 11.150 10'.755 10'.357 9'950 9'533 9'109 8.686 8.268 7.861 7.'470 7.096 6'.740 6'396 6.064 5'.740 5.422 5.111 4'808 4.514 4'230 3.959 3'699 3.451 3.213 2.986 2.768 2'560 2.361 2.169 1.983 1.800 1'.619 1'.432 1'.234 1'.035 '842 '661 '494 '345 '213 '096 P '03946 '04145 '04356 S04579 '04813 '05058 "05318 "05594 '05892 '06220 '06581 '06980 '07411 '07877 '08373 '08894 '09439 '10007 '10608 '11244 '11924 '12659 '13451 '14305 '15223 '16208 '17253 '18369 '19554 '20823 '22175 '23627 '25177 '26840 '28643 '30611 '32802 '35270 '38206 '41851 '46228 60 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. 1 Logsv(l, AGE vx a ,+ 1 vx +1 1+ .'. . , _ .) = for the Whole of Life = AGE K .Lo AlDuain Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (sa, = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 .39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Values ofdI Pay Allowance of _1 per Week Sick 6.'35965 6.35151 6.34341 6.33526 6.32697 6.31848 6. 30975 6'.30070 6.'29132 6.28156 6.27131 6. 26045 6.24895 6.23681 6.22415 6.21111 6.19779 6'.18433 6. 17083 6. 15732 6. 14376 6.13014 6. 11641 6.10256 6.'08858 6.'07451 6.'06021 6.'04573 6.'03103 6.'01611 6'.00098 5. 98566 5. 97011 5'.95424 5. 93789 5'.92093 5'.90329 5.88504 5.'86633 5.84739 5.82839 5'.80940 5'.79043 5'.77135 5'.75206 5'.73245 5'.71245 5'.69200 5'.67102 5'.64938 5'.62686 5' 60331A Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain ( = Rate of (sa,=Rate of Sickness over Sickness for all Two Years) Durations) 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.'02535 6.'02531 6.02520 6.'02499 6.'02467 6.'02428 6'.02383 6.'02333 6.02280 6.'02222 6.'02153 6.02069 6.01972 6.01857 6.'01728 6.'01592 6.01448 6.01296 6.01133 6.00954 6-007516-00520 6'.00254 5'.99949 5'.99599 5'.99205 5.98765 5'.98287 5.9777 5.9!7244 5'.96696 5'.96137 5'.95571 5'.95001 5'.94434 5'.93876 5'.93336 6'.52493 6.'51938 6.51390 6.50841 6.50286 6.49722 6.'49145 6.'48552 6.'47942 6.47311 6.'46654 6.'45965 6.'45242 6.'44486 6.43705 6.'42911 6.'42104 6.41296 6.40490 6.39690 6'38895 6'.38104 6,"37315 6" '36526 6'35738 6.34945 6.34147 6'33339 6.32525 6.31704 6130882 6.30055 6'.29223 6'.28380 6'.27513 6.26614 6'.25679 6'.24706 6'.23702 6'.22675 6.21632 6.'20577 6'.19515 6'.18446 6'.17371 6'.16286 6.15192 6'.14092 6'.12985 6'.11876 6'.10765 26.54 27.'22 27.84 28'42 28'.96 29'47 29'94 30'.38 30.79 31'18 31'-53 31.84 32'.11 32'.35 32.57 32.78 33.00 33'23 33'.47 33.72 33'.97 34.20 34.42 34'63 34'.82 35'.02 35.20 35'38 35.55 35.71 35.86 36.01 36.15 36'26 36.35 36.40 36.39 36.35 36.27 36.18 36.10 36.02 35.96 35.89 35.80 35.69 35.53 35.33 35.11 34.85 34.57 _34 , ... 33'92 ~3'55 33'1 12.29 12.84 13.38 13.92 14.46 15.01 15.56 16.12 16.69 17.29 17.90 18.53 19.19 19.88 20.61 21.37 22.18 23.02 23.91 24'82 25.77 26.75 27.75 28'78 29'84 30.93 32.07 33'23 34.44 35.70 37.00 38.35 39.75 41.19 42.67 44.19 45.74 47.30 48.89 50.48 52.09 53.71 55.36 57.03 58.73 60.45 62.20 64.00 65.87 67'86 70.02 7-2W-38 75.00 77.89 91180 38.83 40.06 41.22 4T," 34 43.42 44.48 45.50 46.50 47.48 48.47 49.43 50.37 51.30 52.23 53.18 54-15 55.18 56.25 57.38 58.54 59.74 60.95 62.17 63.41 64.66 65.95 67.27 68.61 69.99 71.41 72.86 74.36 75.90 77.45 79.02 80.59 82.13 83.65 85.16 86.66 88.19 89.73 91.32 92.92 94.53 96.14 97.73 99.33 100.'98 102.'71 104.'59 106.'64 108.'92 111.44 114'.17 5 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12 13, 14 15 16, 17' 18 19 2021 22, 23, 24 25, 26 27 28. 29 30, 31 32 33, 34 35,. 36 37 38 39 4041 42' 43 4445 46 47 4849, Sc 51 52, 53., 54 551 56 57 58 60 61 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. Log v1 (Qx svx+ 1 lx Lo AGE +1 ~x + 1Values sx + 1+....)K AGE Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations (sa, = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 66 67 68 69 .70 71 72 73 74 75 76 5' 98623 5.96285 5.93546 5'.90394 5.86850 5'.82948 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 '92 93 94 '95 96 '97 98 99 100 20.86 19'.16 17.24 14.95 12.17 8.81 4.78 100.'81 101. 89 102 54 127.'85 127.'44 126.'55 22.45 102.'92 103'.21 103'.57 104.'20 125.'37 124.'07 105.'30 120.'25 73 107.'05 109.'64 113.28 118.15 118.'76 119.'92 121.'46 123.'08 124.40 119.'22 118.'45 118.06 118'.15 118.'76 74 119.'92 79 121'.46 123.'08 124.'40 125.'11 125.'00 123.'98 122.'03 119.'03 114'.98 80 81 5 15087 5.06882 4 97767 4'.87623 4'.76347 4'.63837 4.49966 125.00 123.'98 122'03 119.'03" 114'.98 109'.90 103'.75 96.38 87.78 78.56 69.20 59.99 51.33 43'.56 36.70 30.67 25.62 4.34629 4'.17674 3'.98898 3.78019 3'.54638 3'.28103 4'17674 3'.98898 3'78019 3'.54638 3.28103 2'.97560 2'.61875 2'.97560 2'.61875 2.19673 2'.19673 1.69080 1.'07033 0.28056 1.18961 1.69080 1'.07033 0.28056 1.18961 t -r -r-r-r 122.'73 121.44 125 '11 4'.34629 64 65 66 127 '63 5'.29436 5.22545 4.49966 126.'67 99.20 24'.01 5'.59178 5 53703 5.'48011 5.42090 5. 35917 4'.63837 t 97.01 25'.55 5.64429 5'.58664 5.54500 5'.50346 5.46214 5.42090 5'.35917 5.29436 5'.22545 5.15087 5'.06882 4'.97767 4.87623 4'.76347 79 All Durations 28.43 27.04 5.74217 5.69446 5'.62799 '77 78 29.'66 5'.78726 5.87037 5'.85340 5'.83225 5.'80678 5'.77715 5'.74378 5'.70730 5'.66844 5.31072 5.26079 5.'20600 5.14656 5.'08249 5.'01297 4.93566 4'.84654 4.73876 4.60078 4.40839 4.08757 Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration S = Rate of Sickness for all Durations) (sx= Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.35572 of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week the Whole of Life = =for ~,~tA r 109.'90 103'-75 96'38 87'78 78.56 69.20 59.99 51.33 43.56 36'.70 30.67 25'.62 i 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 76 77 78 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 62 637 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. 34 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856--1875. W AGE ,A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 LoD doN D. a ~ 22 4.93055 6.28540 22-.639 4.91038 6'26670 22.715 4-.89143 6.24800 22.728 4.87320 6-22927 22-.702 4.85564 6-21051 22-.640 4.83859 6-.19165 22-.546 4.82191 6-.17272 22.-429 4.80548 6-.15366 22-.294 4.78917 6-.13446 22-146 4.77294 6-.11518 21-.991 4.75676 6-09569 21-.824 4.74061 6.07609 21-.651 4.72439 6.05633 21-.475 4.70801 6.03639 21-.300 4.69137 6-.01632 21-132 4.67442 5-.99610 20-.974 4.65716 5-.97573 20-.824 4-63965 5-.95522 20-.681 4-62195 5.93457 20-541 4-60417 5-.91379 20-.400 4-.58640 5.89286 20-.252 4-56872 5.87177 20.093 4-.55116 5.85049 19-.922 4-.53369 5.82903 19-.740 4-51622 5-.80737 19-.550 4-.49868 5-.78549 19-.356 4-48104 5-.76339 19-158 4-.46330 5.74106 18-957 4-.44546 5.71850 18-752 4.42752 5-.69569 18- 543 4-.40948 5.67262 18-329 4-.39134 5-.64929 18-111 4-.37310 5-.62566 17-888 4-.35476 5.60173 17.659 4-.33632 5-.57750 17-425 4-.31778 5-.55294 17-.185 4-.29913 5-.52803 16-939 4-.28038 5-.50275 16-687 4-.26153 5.47709 16.427 4-.24258 5.45102 16-160 4-22353 5-42449 15.884 4-.20438 5-39751 15-.600 4-.18513 5-37003 15.307 4.16583 5.34201 15.003 4-.14654 5-31340 14-.685 4-12733 5-28414 14-349 4.10820 5-.25416 13.995 4-.08908 5-22339 13.624 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 " 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 IrT i 20881 CAIAC Log N . o L (AGEx -01082 -01069 -01066 -01072 -01082 -01099 -01120 -01145 -01173 -01202 -01234 -01267 -01302 -01337 -01371 -01403 -01434 -01465 -01495 -01525 -01558 "01593 -01632 -01674 -01718 -01765 -01813 -25591 -25352 -25311 -25394 -25588 -25884 -26252 -26677 -27143 -27631 -28156 -28702 -29255 -29806 -30335 -30832 -31304 -31755 -32196 -32639 -33105 -33606 -34144 -34717 -35315 -35925 -36548 -37181 -37827 -38485 -39158 -39844 -40546 -41267 -42003 -42759 -43533 -44326 -45145 -45985 -46854 -47748 -48670 -49628 -50628 -51686 -52800 -53968 I AE ()og -01863 -01915 -01969 -02026 -02085 -02147 "-02211 -02279 02351 -02426' -02506 -02591 -02680 -02775 -02876 -02985 " -03101 -03228 -03367 -03521 "03690 ~ ) ~ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 "A~S aLg 5-19179 13.242 5-15924 12-.851 5-.12571 12-458 5.09114 12.066 5.05545 11. 679 5.-01862 11-.297 4-98054 10-917 4.94117 10-538 4.90037 10.153 9.761 4-.85801 4.81392. 9-358 8-948 4-76791 4-.71980 8-537 4-.66943 8-132 4-.61663 7-736 4-.56128 7-356 6-992 4-.50322 4.44232 6-644 4 37843 6.309 4 31133 5.984 5-667 4-.24075 4-.16643 5.357 5-052 4.08799 4.755 4-.00509 4-466 3-.91733 3.82433 4.188 3.72566 3-921 3.62087 3-665 2.97543 3-.50948 3-420 2-.88768 3.39094 3-186 2-.79300 3.26461 2-.962 2-.69088 3-.12979 2-747 2-.58062 2-.98570 2.541 2.46137 2.83142 2.345 2-.33242 2.66587 2.155 2-.19300 2-.48763 1-.971 2-.04202 2-.29488 1-790 1-.87822 2-08511' 1.610 1-.70040 1-.85420 1-425 1-.50612 1-.59561 1-.229 1-.28790 1-.30116 1-031 1-.03654 0-.96039 -839 0-.74065 0 55926 659 0-.38525 0.077951 -493 1.94954 1-.48619 -344 140252, 2.72981 -2122-68966 x"67577 -097 3.67577 4-.06983 4-.05029 4.03026 4-00956 3-.98805 3-96567 3.94245 3-.91843 3-.89376 3-86854 3-.84276 3-.81619 3-.78848 3-.75926 3-.72812 3-.69467 3-.65863 3-.61990 3-.57847 3-.53431 3-48737 3.43752 3-.38452 3-32796 3-.26742 3-.20237 3-13231 3-.05681 ( ~ I !r1 A P -55171 " 03874-56401 S04072 04283 -57638 -58872 -04505 -60090 -04740 -61292 -04984 -62488 -05244 -63682 -05519 -64894 -05819 -66128 -06145 -67396 -06507 -68686 -06905 -69980 -07337 -71256 -07803 -72502 -08299 -73698 -08820 -74844 -09365 -75939 -09934 -76993 -10534 -78016 -11171 -79014 -11852 -79990 -12583 -80950 -13376 -81885 -14228 -82795 -15147 -83669 -16128 -84510 -17174 -85316 -18289 -86087 -19477 -86824 -20741 -87529 -22092 -88205 -23540 -88854 -25093 -89471 -26747 -90069 -28548 -90648 -30511 -91218 -32695 -91785 -35166 -92367 -38090 -92954 "41715 -93607 -46089 -94211 -94777 -95300 -95768 "96185 -96546 -96852 64 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 31 per Cent. ( 2s Log -lx 1x Log Kx x 1 .. ) AGE (0l) 117 ~ 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 .54, 55 56 .57 58 59 Al (s,,=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 7. 8. 9 AGE (xt) 1 Over Two Under Two Years' Duration Years' Duration 5. 6. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = IBx Lx. Over Two Under Two Years' Duration Years' Duration (s=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 6.32404 6.31532 6-.30666 6'.29794 6.28910 6-.28003 6'.27073 6.26110 6'.25110 6'.24075 6-.22986 6'.21835 6 20615 6'.19332 6-17993 6.16613 6.15207 6'.13786 6'12362 6-10938 6.-09510 6.-08077 6.'06633 6-05177 6'.03711 6-02230 6-00736 5-.99219 5'.97681 5-.96120 5.94540 5:92940 5.91319 5-89667 5-87965 5'.86201 5.'84368 5-82474 5-80533 5'78570 5-76602 5.74638 5-.72676 5'.70705 5.'68715 5' 66694 5-64634 5-62532 5-.60377 5.58156 5-55848 5-53436 C 11 (sx-Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.95480 5-.95480 5.95480 5.95480 5.95480 5'.95480 5'.95480 5'.95480 5'.95480 5. 95480 5.95480 5.95480 5.95480 5.95480 5.95480 5'.95475 5.95464 5.95441 5'.95405 5'.95361 5.95312 5.95256 5. 95198 5'.95134 5'.95058 5.94967 5.94860 5'.94734 5'.94595 5-94446 5-8412 5-.94290 518360 5'.94126 5'.93950 5-8240 5.93757 5-8159 5'.93540 5-8055 5.93291 5.93006 5'.92680 5.92307 5'.91887 5.91420 5-.90912 5 90372 5.'89809 5'.89230 5'.88642 5'.88046 5.87447 5.'86853 5'.86269' 5'.85705 uain 6.47857 6.47248 6.46645 6.46045 6-45437 611 6-44821 6-44190 6-.43543 6.-42878 6-42192 6.41477 6-40729 6-.39945 6-39125 6-38281 6-37422 6.-36551 6-35677 6-.34809 6-.33947 5' 6-33092 6'32241 6-31393 6-.30548 6-29702 6-.28854 6.27999 6-27138 6.26269 6.25394 6-.24519 6-.23641 5- 869 6'.22758 5- 744 6-.21864 6'.20943 5-963 6'.19995 5' 292 6-19005 6'.17978 6'.16920 6'.15839 6-14743 6-13637 6'.12522 6.11401 6.10274 6-09142 6-08001 6-06856 6.-05706 6.'04552 6-03395 600 All Durations A N 24-75 25-41 26.02 26.59 27.13 27-63 28-11 28-55 28-97 29-36 29-72 30-04 30-32 30-57 30-80 31-03 31-25 31-49 31-75 32-00 32-26 32-51 32-75 32-97 33-18 10.57 11.08 11.57 12.07 12.57 13-07 13-58 14-10 14.64 15-20 34-94 15-78 16-38 17-00 17-65 18-34 19-07 19-84 20-64 21-48 22-36 23-27 24-20 25-17 26-16 27-19 28-25 29-35 30-48 81-6 31-66 85-1 32.-88 88-6 34-15 91-7 35-48 36-85 38-27 39.73 35.01 35-04 35-02 41-22 42'75 44-30 34-98 34-92 34-87 34-83 34-80 34.77 34.72 45.87 47-46 33.39 33-60 33-80 33.99 34.17 34.35 34.52 34.68 34-83 34-64 34-53 34.38 34.19 33-98 33.75 33-48 33.19 32.86 32-51 49.'05 50.67 52.31 53-98 55.69 57.42 59-19 61.01 62.91 64.92 67-11 69.51 72.17 75.09 78-27 5 6 7 35-32 36-49 37.59 38.66 39-70 40.70 41.69 42.65 43-61 44.56 45.50 46.42 47-32 48-22 49-14 50-10 51.09 52-13 53.23 54-36 55.53 56.71 57.92 59-13 60.37 61.64 62-95 64-28 65-65 67.05 68-50 70-00 71.53 73.10 74.67 76.23 77-79 79-32 80.85 82-38 83-92 85-50 87-11 88.75 90-41 92-06 93.72 95.39 97.10 98.90 10.-86 102.99 105.36 107-95 113A-78 2S 9 S 10 11 .12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ,~4 48 60 49 50 51 52 53 54 55. 56 -57 58 59 a 65 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 31 per Cent. Log v Q Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week s x+ 2 Laog K AGE (Xc) ______ the Whole of )for sx1+.. Life= Kr Pr x ______ AGE ) ______(a Under Two Over Two Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (,i=Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5.79201 5.77462 5.75298 5.72694 5.69669 5.66264 5.62545 5.58587 5'.54470 5.50266 5.46034 5.41817 5.37627 5 .33447 5.27200 5.90902 5.88513 5'.85715 5'.82501 5'.78890 5' 74916 5.70620 5.66035 5'.61188 5'.56093 5.50764 5"'45212 5.39443 5.33447 5.27200 5.20645 5.13682 5.06153 4-97871 4.88681 4'.78457 4-.67101 4'.54510 4.40555 4.25135 4.08092 3'.89230 3'.68264 3-44796 3 18173 2'.87540 2'.51763 2 09468 1'.58785 0-.96644 0-17574 1.-08380 5.23666 5.18611 5.13066 5.07059 5.00591 4.93580 4.85791 4.76822 4.65990 4.52135 4.32840 4.00702 5.20645 5.13682 5.'06153 "4'.97871 4'.88681 4-.78457 4'.67101 4'.54510 4.40555 4'.25135 4.08092 3'.89230 3'.68264 3'.44796 3'.18173 2.87540 2.51763 2.09468 1.58785 0'.96644 0'.17574 ]1.08380 100 n~ (s.=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5.28226 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 (sx-Rate of Sickness over Two Years) I I r ,,,.,, 1I £0881 r ~cr/rn~ I 29.25 28-07 26-72 25-27 23 -76 22.25 20-70 19.03 17-14 14-88 12-13 8-79 4-78 94.59 96-86 98.56 99-73 100-47 100.93 101-.29 101-.72 102.42, 103.58 105.40 108.06 111. 77 116.69 117.39 118.62 120-.23 121-.93 123.32 124'.11 124.08 123.14 121.26 118.34 114.38 109.37 103.30 95-99 87-47 78.31 69.00 59.84 51.22 43-48 36-64 30-63 25-59 123.84 124-.93 125.26 125.0 124.23 123.18 121'.99 120'.75 119.56 118.46 117.53 116.85 116.55 116.69 117.39 118.62 120.23 121'.93 123.32 124.11 124-.08 123.14 121-.26 118-.34 114.38 109.37 103.30 95-99 87.47 78.31 69.00 59.84 51.22 43-48 36-64 30-63 25.59 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 66 67 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 31 per Cent. 3j per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-1875. 1C~ 1 ~~ - L~ IV\~~ AGE Log Dx Log Nx AGE ax Px Log Dx Log Nx 4.01416 3'.99357 3'°97249 3'.95074 3'.92818 3'.90475 3'88048 3.85541 3'.82969 3'.80342 3'77659 3'.74897 3'.72021 3'.68994 3'.65775 3'.62325 3'.58616 3'.54638 3'.50390 3.45868 3'41069 3.35979 3'.30574 3'.24813 3'.18654 3.12044 3'.04933 2-.97278 2.89035 2'.80155 2.70582 2'.60266 2.49135 2.37105 2.24105 2.10058 1'.94855 1'.78370 1.60483 1.40950 1.19023 0'.93782 0'.64088 0.28443 1'.84767 1.29960 2.58569 3'.57075 5 12535 5.'09205 5.'05774 5.02239 4'.98595 4'.94834; 4'.90951 4'.86936 4'.82780 4'.78467 4'.73980 4.69301 4'.64413 4'.59296 4'.53938 4'48322 4'.42436 4.36265 4.29794 4.23001 4.15863 4.08347 4.00419 3'.92046 3'.83186 3'.73801 3.63849 3'.53286 34 42060 3'.30118 3'.17397 3.03830 2'.89331 2'.73815 2'.57171 2.39259 2.19896 1'.98828 1'.75649 1'.49703 1'.20170 0'.86002 0.45799 1'.97575 1'.38292 2'.62531 Px ( i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 .51 52 4'.92530 6 25897 4'.90408 6'.23935 4'.88408 6.21974 4'.86480 6'.20011 4'.84619 6'.18047 4.82809 6'.16074 4.81036 6 14089 4'.79288 6 12097 4'.77552 6.10089 4'.75824 6.'08070 4'.74100 6.06036 4'.72380 6.'03989 4'.70653 6.01924 4'.68910 5'.99845 4'.67141 5'.97750 4'.65341 5'.95641 4'.63510 5'.93517 4'.61654 5'.91380 4.59779 5-89230 4'.57896 5'.87067 4'.56014 5'.84888 4'.54141 5.82694 4'052280 5.80483 4'.50428 5'.78253 4.48576 5.76002 4'.46717 5'.73731 4'.44848 5 71439 4.42969 5 69123 4'.41080 5'.66785 4'.39181 5'.64421 4.37272 5'.62032 4'.35353 5.59617 4'.33424 5'.57173 4'.31485 5'.54701 4'.29536 5' 52196 4'.27577 5.49660 4.25607 5.47090 4'.23627 5 44483 4'.21637 5.41837 4'.19636 5.'39152 4'.17626 5.36421 4.15606. 5.33646 4'.13576 5'.30820 4.11541. 5.'27939 4.09507 5.25003 4'.07481 5.22000 4'.05463 5 18927 4.03446 5 15773 1.561 21'.641 21'.660 21'.643 21.591 21'.510 21'.406 21'.286 21' 153 21'.012 20'.862 '23707 '23437 '23372 '23430 '23606 '23879 '24231 '24637 '25087 '25563 '26070 '26598 '27142 '27677 '28194 '28678 '29135 '29570 '29993 '30423 '30872 '31356 '31880 '32442 '33029 '33628 '34241 -34863 '35498 '36152 '36814 '37493 '38191 '38904 '39638 '40389 '41162 '41957 '42776 '43618 '44490 '45386 '46319 '47290 '48302 '49377 '50510 "51703 20. 706 20. 545 20'.387 20.234 20.091 19.'956 19.'827 19.'702 19.'575 19.442 19 ' 299 19. 144 18'.978 18. 804 18. 627 18.446 18.'262 18.'074 17.'881 17'.685 17.'484 17'.278 17.'067 16.'850 16'.628 16.'399 16.'164 15.'922 15.'673 15.'415 15'.150 14'.874 14'.587 14 ' 288 13'.970 13. 635 13 ' 282 I r '01051 53 '01035 54 '01032 55 '01034 56 '01045 57 58 '01061 '01082 59 '01106 60 '01132 61 '01162 62 '01193 63 '01226 64 '01260 65 '01295 66 '01328 67 '01360 68 '01390 69 '01420 70 '01449 71 '01479 72 '01510 73 '01545 74 '01583 75 '01624 76 '01667 77 '01714 78 '01761 79 '01810 80 '01861 81 82 '01915 '01970 83 '02029 84 '02090 85 '02153 86 '02221 87 '02292 88 '02366 89 '02445 90 '02528 91 '02616 92 '02710 93 '02810 94 '02918 95 '03034 96 '03160 97 '03298 98 '03451 99 '03620 100 3.57075 12.'918 12- '545 12.'169 11'.794 11.423 11.056 10'691 10'326 9.957 9.578 9.188 8.791 8.393 7.999 7.614 7.244 6.890 6.550 6'224 5.907 5.597 5.293 4.994 4.703 4.419 4.145 3'883 3-631 3.390 3.160 2'939 2'.727 2.523 2.329 2.141 1.959 1.780 1.602 1.418 1.223 1.027 '836 '656 '491 '343 '212 '096 '52935 '54196 '55467 '56735 '57990 '59231 '.60466 '61700 '62947 "64229 '65548 '66891 '68236 '69568 '70870 '72121 '73319 '74469 '75571 '76643 '77691 '78719 '79730 '80715 '81674 '82601 '83488 '84340 '85155 '85932 '86679 '87396 '88087 '88742 "89379 '89993 '90599 '91201 '91823 '92483 '93145 '93792 '94400 .94958 '95459 '"95901 '96294 '96618 '03803 '04001 '04212 '04435 '04668 '04913 '05172 '05448 '05745 '06073 '06434 '06832 '07265 '07731 '08227 '08748 '09293 '09863 '10461 '11096 '11777 '12509 '13302 '14153 '15072 '16055 '17097 '18212 '19397 '20657 '22006 '23450 '25004 '26657 '28456 '30414 '32590 '35051 ' 37975 '41603 '45953 68 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. LValues +( ,xs AGE (a) l+1q'x Le + 1 of Sick Pay Allowance sx + K AGE x(x) Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration (s = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 .50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 of 1 per Week the Whole of Life = +-}- ." ")==for 1 6.28943 6.283012 6'.27087 6.'26157 6.'25212 6'24249 6.'23256 6.22235 6'.21176 6'.20074 6.18921 6.17705 6.16414 6'.15057 6'.13644 6.12189 6'.10704 6.'09205 6.'07708 6-'06209 6'04708 6'.03201 5 '397 6.'01682 6.00156 5'.98617 5'.97067 5'.95502 5'15 5'.93916 5'80 5'.92308 5'350 5'.90678 5 322 5.89029 5 289 5.87361 5 255 5.'85672 5.83952 5.82182 5.80349 5'-78446 5.'76480 5'.74468 5'.72435 5.70398 5'.68367 5'.66341 5'.64306 5'.62254 5'.60171 5.58053 5.'55891 5'.53677 5.'51399 5'.49035 5'46565 =Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.'88489 5'88489 5.88489 5.'88489 5'88489. 5.88489 5'.88489 5.88489 5.88489 5'88489 5.88489 5'.88489 5'.88489 5'88489 5'.89489 5'.88484 5.88471 5'.88444 5'.88405 5'.88356 5'.88302 5'88241 5'.88177 5.88105 5.88023 5.87923 5.87806 5.'87669 5'87517 5.87356 5.87186 5.87009 5.'86819 5'.86611 5'.86378 5'7699 5.'86112 5'7646 5'.85807 5'7592 5.85459 5'7535 5.85061 5'7468 5'.84614 5'7385 5.'84118 5'7278 5'-83580 5'.83008 5'82413 5.81803 5'-81183 5'.80556 5'.79929 5'.79306 5'.78696 5.78107 5'n77542 All Durations (s= Rate Under Two Over Two AlDuain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain of Sickness for all Durations) 6.43369 6.'42702 6.42043 6.41387 6. 40724 6.'40053 6.39366 6.'38663 6.'37940 6.'37195 6.'36421 6'35611 6.'34761 6.'33877 6.'32965 6.32036 6.'31098 6.30157 6.'29223 6.'28296 6.'27378 6.26464 6.25556 6.24650 6.23745 6'22838 6'21927 6-21008- 6 '20082 6.19152 6.18220 6'.17288 6'.16353 6.15405 6'14434 6'.13429 6.12385 6.11304 6'.10190 6'09052 6 '07900 6.06739 6.'05572 6.'04399 6'.03222 6'.02038 6.00849 5'.99655 5'.98458 5'.97261 5'946 5'802 5'966 23.13 23'77 24'.37 24' 93 25.46 25'.97 26.44 26.88 27.31 27.70 28.07 28'.40 28.68 28'.94 29.18 29.41 29.64 29.89 30.15 30.42 30.69 30'95 31.19 31'43 31'65 31.88 32'10 32'32 32'53 32.73 32'93 33' 12 33'.30 33'.47 3311 33.71 33.76 33.77 33.75 33.73 33.71 33.'70 33'.70 33.70 33.69 33'.64 33.57 33'.45 33.31 33'.15 32.95 32.73 32.48 32.20 .31'08 9.11 9'.57 10.02 10.47 10'.93 11.40 11.87 12.36 12.86 13.39 13.93 14'.49 15.08 15.70 16.35 17.04 17'.77 18'53 19.33 20.17 21'.03 21.93 22.85 23'.81 24'.80 25'.83 26.'89 27.99 29.13 30'.32 31.56 32.85 79'0 34.19 82' 35'.58 86'1 37.02 89'3 38.49 39.99 41.53 43-08 44.65 46'.23 47'.83 49'.47 51.14 52'.84 54'.58 56.36 58.19 6 60.10 62'.14 64'.36 66.'79 69'47 72.43 75 .95 32'.24 33' 34 34.39 35'.40 36'.39 37'.37 38.31 39.24 40.17 41.09 42.00 42.89 43.76 44'.64 45.53 46.45 47.41 48.42 49.48 50'.59 51'.72 52.88 54'.04 55.24 56.45 57.'71 58.99 60.31 61.66 63.05 64'49 65.97 67.49 69.05 70.63 72.20 73'.75 75.30 76'83 78.38 79.94 81.53 83.17 84'.84 86.53 88.22 89'93 91.64 93.41 95.29 97.31 99'52 101'.95 104.'63 113'7 107.53 116' 119 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23, 24 25 26. 27 282930 31 32, 33, 343~5 36 37 38. 39 40, 41 42 43 44 45 46 474849 50, 51 52 53 5455, 56 57 58 59 69 FEMALES, 1856-1875. per Cent. +1 Log vI(lx vx sx Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week ti+ sx ++ = "....) for the Whole of AGE (tr) ____________ _ _ _ _ _ tinder Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations (s Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 .85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 5'.20901 5'.16278 5.11159 5.'05553 4'.99484 4'.92953 4.85882 4'.78035 4.69009 4'.58120 4'.44210 4'.24860 3.92667 h (s =Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5'.71394 5'.69612 5'.67398 5' 64736 5.61648 5.58176 5.54384 5'.50355 5.46164 5.'41895 5.37590 5.33310 5.29061 5'24828 5.18507 5.11878 5'.04842 4'.97238 4.88883 4'.79616 4.69315 4'.57878 4'.45205 4.31166 4'.15660 3'.98533 3.79585 3'.58530 3.34975 3.08266 2'.77544 2'41678 1.99292 1.48515 0'.86281 0'.07115 2.97825 Life= K Dx Log Kx (s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGE _ _____(x) Under Two Over Two All Durations years' Duration Years' Duration = Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5 83209 5.80768 5.77911 5'.74634 5'.70954 5.66908 5'.62538 5.57878 5.52954 5'47782 5.42375 5.36746 5.30900 5.24828 5'.18507 5'.11878 5.04842 4'.97238 4.88883 4'.79616 4'.69315 4'.57878 4.45205 4'.31166 4'.15660 3'.98533 3'.79585 3.58530 3.34975 3.08266 2.77544 2'41678 1'.99292 1.48515 0.86281 0.07115 2'.97825 28'.84 27'.71 26.40 24.99 23'.53 22.05 20.53 18.90 17.04 14'.81 12.09 8'.77 4.77 121.'09 ]22.31 92.25 94.60 96.39 97.64 98.45 98'99 99'42 99'92 122.'79 122.'63 121'.98 121.01 100.'68 119.'95 118.'82 117.'72 101' 92 116.73 103.'78 106.'50 115.'87 115.'27. 110.28 115.'05 115.'28 115.'28 116.'04 117.'34 119.'03 120'-79- 116.'04 122-'26 123.'12 122.'26 123.'12 123.'17 122.'30 117.'34 119.'03 120'.79 123.17 122.'30 120.'50 117.'65 120'.50 108.'84 102.'84 117.'65 113.'77 108.'84 102.'81 95.60 87.15 78.06 68.81 59'69 51.11 43.40 36.58 30.58 25.56 95.60 87.15 78.06 68.81 59'69 51.'11 43.40 36.58 30.58 25.56 113.77 , 641 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 70 71 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 34 per Cent. 34 per Cent. MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-1875. 1 11 ~ 1~1L7 ~~- I~ TABLE OF ELEMENTARY AGE~ Log Dr Log Nx Px 1 1 '5 4'.92006 6.23325 6 4'.89779 6'.21272 7 4'.87674 6.'19220 8 4.85642 6.17167 9 4'.83676 6'.15112 10 4'.81761 6'.13049 11 4'.79883 6'.10975 [2 4'.78030 6.08892 13 4'.76189 6.'06796 14 4'.74357 6.'04689 15 4'.72529 6.'02567 16 4'.70704 6.00432 17 4' 68872 5'.98279 18 4'67024 5'.96111 19 4'65151 5'.93927 20 4'.63246 5'.91730 21 4'61310 5.89519 22 4'.59349 5'.87295 23 4'.57369 5'.85058 24 4'.55382 5'82808 25 4'.53395 5.80544 26 4'.51417 5'.78264 27 4'49451 5'.75968 28 4'47494 5'.73652 29 4'.45537 5'.71317 30 4.43574 5'.68962 31 4'41600 5'.66585 32 4'.39616 5'.64186 33 4'.37622 5.61764 34 4'.35618 5'59318 35 4'.33605 5'.56846 36 4'.31581 5'.54348 37 4'.29547 5.51822 38 4'.27503 5.'49269 39 4'.25449 5'46684 40 4'.23386 5.'44066 41 4'.21311 5.41415 42 4'.19226 5.38728 43 4'.17131 5.36003 44 4'.15026 5.33238 45 4'.12912 5'.30430 46 4'10787 5'.27575 47 4.08652 5.24670 48 4'.06512 5'.21714 49 4.04373 5'.18698 50 4.02242 5'.15619 51 4.00120 5'.12467 52 3'.97998 5.09237 1 4\ 1' C AGEI (xl) 1AA 20'.568 20.'650 20'.676 20.'666 20'.623 20.'553 20.'461 20.'353 20.'233 20.'106 19.'970 19.'828 19'.682 19.'538 19. 398 19'.268 19. 147 19. 031 18. 919 18. 804 18.'685 18.'555 18.'415 18.'263 18.105 17.'942 17.'777 17.'608 17.'435 17.'258 17.077 16.'892 16.'701 .507 16.306 16.'099 15.'887 15.'668 15'.443 15.'210 14'.969 14'.719 14.'460 14'.191 13.'908 13.'607 13.'288 12.'954 ~ I Ar '22040 '21747 '21653 '21689 '21844 '22097 '22430 '22820 '23254 '23713 '24205 '24718 '25246 '25766 '26272 '26742 '27180 '27598 '28004 '28420 '28849 '29319 '29825 '30375 '30946 '31535 '32131 '32742 '33368 '34007 '34662 '35330 '36020 "36~722 '37448 '38197 "38063 '39754 '40567 '41410 '42281 '43185 '44120 '45092 '46115 '47204 '48356 '49564 - Log Nx Log Dx Pg a,,, 1 "010~2 '01004 '00999 .01001 '01010 '01025 '01045 '01068 '01095 '01124 '01154 '01187 '01221 '01254 '01288 '01319 '01349 '01378 '01406 '01435 '01465 '01499 '01536 '01577 ' 01619 '01665 '01711 '01760 '01810 '01863 '01918 '01974 '02035 '02098 '02164 '02233 '02307 '02385 '02467 '02555 '02647 '02747 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 '02854 '02969 '03093 '03231 98 '03384 99 '03552 100 3'.95863 S'05922 3'.93699 5.02514 3'.91486 4'.99007 3'.89207 4.95395 3'.86846 4'.91673 3'.84398 4.87836 3'.81866 4'.83875 3'.79254 4.79784 3.76578 4.75549 3'.73846 4'.71159 3'.71058 4'.66595 3'.68191 4'.61837 3'65210 4'.56871 3'.62078 4'.51676 3'.58755 4.46237 3'.55200 4.40541 3'.51386 4.34575 3.47303 4'.28323 3.42950 4'.21772 3'.38325 4'.14897 3.33421 4'07675 3'28226 4'.00074 3.22716 3'.92066 3'.16850 3'.83608 3'.10587 3.74664 3.03872 3'.65194 2'.96656 3'.55156 2'.88896 3'.44506 2'.80548 3.33195 2'.71563 3'.21165 2'.61886 3.08357 2'.51465 2'"94702 2.40229 2'.80115 2'.28094, 2'.64510 2'.14989 2.'47777 2.00838 2.29776 1'.855301 2'.10326 1'.68940 1'.891691 1'.50948 1'.65903 1'.31310 1'.39869 1.09279' 1'.10247 0.83933 0'.75989 0'.54134 0.35696 0'.18384 1'.87381 1'.74603 1.28019 1'.19692 2'.52192 2.48196 3.'46597 3.'46597. 12.'606 12'.250 11.891 11. 531 11.176 10'.824 10'473 10'.123 9.766 9.400 9'023 8'639 8'253 7.870 7.496 7'132 6.790 6'460 6.141 5'831 5.528 5'.230 4'.937 4.651 4.373 4.104 3'.846 3'.598 3.361 3.133 2.916 2.706 2'.505 2'313 2'.128 1'.947 1.770 1.593 1.411 1.218 1.023 '833 '654 '490 '342 '211 '096 '5082.1 52108 53406 '54707 '55990 *57263 '58531 *59796 S61086 62410 *63772 65161 '66555 '67940 69291 70607 '71843 "73036 74189 "75309 "76405 "77482 '78541 '79574 '80579 '81552 '82484 '83380 '84237 '85061 '85845 '86604 '87331 '88025 '88694 '89348 '89988 '90628 ' 91285 '91983 '92688 '93375 '94023 '94615 '95150 '95623 '96039 '96386 .03735 03933 04142 04365'04598 "04843 05102 '05376 05674 '06001 " 06363 '06760, S07193 "07659 '08156 '08683 "09223 "09790 '10389-11025, '11704 "12437 -1322914082 14997 "15978 '17021 "18135 19316 20581 21922*23369 24916 "26574 "28355 "30318 *32487 34951 "37862 '41472 '45817 e\ .~A~~OI .r)~OOT l/rOn0 I 20881 S 72 FEMALES, 1856--1875. 31 per Cent. Lo 33 per Cent. '(xv g AGE x+lvX +1 sx + 1+ .. .. ) LoxK () AGE X(x) Under Two Over Two Years' Duration rYears' Duration All Durations ( = Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 .51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 I Values of Sick Pay Allowance of per Week for the Whole of Life = 6'.25585 6.24588 6.23603 6.22611 6'.21609 6'.20583 6'.19532 6'.18446 6'.17324 6'.16161 6'.14940 6'.13653 6'.12294 6.10860 6'09370 6.'07835 6.06273 6.'04696 6.03121 6.'01544 5'.99969 5'.98387 5'377 5'.96796 5'.95195 5'.93583 5'.91961 5'.90324 5'349 5'.88667 5'318 5'.86988 5'283 5'.85287 5'59 5.83567 5'211 5.'81830 5'171 5'.80072 5'.78282 5'.76443 5'.74540 5'.72566 5'.70527 5'.68444 5'.66338 5'.64232 5'.62132 5'.60040 5.57941 5'55824. 5'.53681 5'S]1500 5'.49279 5.47007 5.44671 5'42247 5_39721 (sx = Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 6.39031 6.38303 6.37585 6.36870 6.'36150 6'.35419 6.'34674 6.33911 6.'3;129 6.32322 6.31486 6'30610 6'.29694 6'.28740 6.27758 6'.26758 6.25749 6.24738 6.23734 6'.22740 6.21755 6'.20777 6'.19805 6'.18837 6.17870 6'.16902. 6'.15931 6'.14952 6.13967 6'.12980 6'.11991 6'.11003 6'.10011 6.'09009 6.'07982 5' 752 6.'06922 6.05822 6'.04684 6'03512 6.'02317 6.'01107 5' 242 5'.99890 5'.98668 5' 945 5'.97442 5' 765 5.96211 5'.94976 5'.93736 5'.92494 5'.91249 Over Two Years',Drin AlDrain AlDration s (x=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5'.81564 5.81564 5'.81564 5.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5'.81564 5'.81558 5.81544 5'.81515 5.81471 5'.81417 5'.81357 5'.81289 5'81218 5.81141 5.81050 5'-80941 5'.80813, 5'.80664 5'.80500 5'.80325 5.80141 5.79949 5'.79745 5'.79521 5'.79271 5'.78986 5'.78660 5'.78288 5'.77865 5'.77390 5'.76863 5'6614 5'.76293. 5'6504 5'.75689 5.75060 5'.74417 5'.73765 5.73106 5 72448 5'71795 5'.71158 5'.70544 5'66996 Under Two Years' Duration 5.900 5'88764 21 '67 22.29 22.87 23.43 23'.95 24' 45 24'.92 25'.36 25.78 26.18 26'.55 26'.88 27.18 27'44 27.68 27.92 28.16 28.41 28'.68 28' 95 29'22 29'.49 29.75 29'99 30.23 30'.17 30.71 30'94. 31'.16 130'5 31.'38 31.'60 129'3 31-81 32-01 32.20 30' 31'36 32'.47 32'55S 32 '58 32'.59 32'.59 32-'60 32'.62 32.65 32 '68 32' 70, 32'69 32'64 32.57 32'47 0 32.34 32.18 32'.00 31.79 31'55 1'2 5'801 7'.86 8'.28 8.69 9'10 9'.53 9.95 10.39 10.85 1l.32 1.81 12'.31 12.84 13'.39 13'98 14.59 15'.24 15.94 16'.66 17.42 18.21 19.04 19.89 20.78 21'.70 22.65 2364 24'-67 25.73 26'.84 27'.99 29'.20 30'.46 31.77 33'.13 76'6 34.53 35.98 83'7 37.45 38.96 40.49 87 '0 42.04 80' 43.60 45.19 46.81 48'47 50.17 51'.91 53.69 5.53 57.45 59.51 61.74 64.19 66.90 69.89 73'14 2 29.53 30.57 31.56 32.53 33'48 34.40 35.31 36.21 37.10 37.99 38.86 39.72 40.57 41.42 42'27 43.16 44.10 45.07 46.10 47.16 48.26 49.38 50.53 51.69 52.88 54.1l 55.38 56.67 58.00 59.37 60.80 62'27 63'78 65.33 66'89 68.45 70'.00 71.54 73.08 74'63. 76.20 77.81 79'46 81.15 82'87 84.60 86.33 88.10 89'92 91.85 93.92 96.19 98'69 101'.44 1 0. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55. 56 57 58 59U 73 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Log ,v4(lx vx 8x + lx+l + 1 Log Kx AGE AGE Dx (xr) ') ______________________0______________1______ Under TwoI Over Two Years' Duration JYears' Duration All Durations (s =Rate of Sickness under Two Years) (sx=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) 5.13599 5.08913 5.03731 4'.98060 4'.91928 4'.85335 4'.78204 4'.70299 4.61217 4'.50271 4'.36305 4.16900 3'.84652 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 5'.63617 5.'61792 5'.59528 5.56808 5'.53656 5.50116 5.'46253 5.42149 5.37887 5'.33540 5.29172 5.24829 5.20520 5'.16231 5.'09837 5.'03137 4.96027 4'.88349 4.79920 4.70576 4.60196 4.48678 4'.35925 4.21804 4.06213 3.88999 3.69965 3.48825 3.25183 2'.98384 2.67573 2.31616 1.89140 1. 38270 0'.75943 1.96680 2.87295 l Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' Duration All Durations. (sx=Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5'.75546 5'.73051 5'.70137 5'.66795 5'.63047 5'.58929 5'.54185 5.'49748 5.44747 5.'39497 5.34012 5'"28304 5'.22382 5'.16234 5.'09837 5.'03137 4'.96027 4'.88349 4 79920 4.70576 4'.60196 4'48678 4'.35925 4'.21804 4.06213 3'.88999 3'.69965 3.48825 3'.25183 2'.98384 2'.67573 2'.31616 1'.89140 1.38270 0'.75943 1'.96680 2'.87295 t 28.45 27'36 26.09 24.72 23.30 21'.85 20.37 18.77 16'.94 14'.74 12.05 8'.75 4'.76 118'.45 119.79 120.39 120.'34 119.'81 118'.97 90'.00 92'43 94.30 95'62 96.51 97.12 97'.61 98.17 99.00 117.'98 116.'94 102.'20 115'.94 115.'01 114.25 104.'99 113.'74 108.'82 113.'88 114'.72 116.'09 117.84 113.'58 119.'68 119.'68 121'.22 122-15 122.'27 121.48 121'.22 119.'76 119.'76 116.'99 113.'17 100.'27 113.'88 114'.72 116.'09 117.'84 122.'15 122.'27 121'.48 116.'99 113'.17 108.'32 102.'39 95.23 108.'32 102.'39 95'.23 86'84 77'.81 68.61 59.54 51.00 43'.32 36'.52 30'.54 25.53 t ( 1AC\~ ~ IO~ n 20881 Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = x + 8x + lsx .... ) = 77.81 68.61 59.54 51'.00 43'.32 36'.52 30'.54 25'.53 1~ 64 65 66 67 68. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ji00 74 75 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 4 per Cent. 4 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, 1856-1875. AG~E Log Dx _ Log N , are -Ax _ _ix_)_ 5 4.91483 6.'20825 19.'653 4.89152 6'.18679; 19.'736 7 4.86943 6.16533' 19.'765 8 4.84805 6'.14389 19.'762 9 4.82735 6.12241 19.'727 10 4.80716 6 10089 19.'667 11 4'.78733 6.'07925. 19.'585 12 4.76776 6.'05751 19. 487 13 4.74831 6.'03567 19. 380 14 4.72893; 6'01372 19. 266 70961 5.99158 19.'141 15' 4. 16 4'.690321 5'.96932 19.'011 17 4.67095 5'.94690 18.'878 18 4.65143 5'.92434 18.'746 19 4'.63165 5'.90162 18.'620 20 4'.61155 5.87875 18.'501 21 4.59115 5'.85576 18.'391 22 4'.57050 5.83264 18.'287 23 4.54965 5.80939 18.'186 24 4'.52873 5'.78601 18.'083 25 4.50782 5. 76250 17.'975 26 4.48699 5'.73884 17.'859 27 4.46629 5'.71501 17.'730 28 4.44568 5.69100 17.'592 29 4'.42506- 5'.66680 17.'448 30 4'.40438 5'.64239 17.299 .31 4.38360 5'.61778 17.'147 32 4.36271 5'.59293 16.991 33 4'.34173 5'.56787 16.'832 34 4.32065 5'.54256 16.'669 35 4.29946 5'.51702 16.'503 36 4.27818 5'.49121 16' 332 37 4.25680 5'46513 16. 156 38 4.23531 5.'43876 15.'975 39 4.21373 5.'41210 15.'790 40 4.19205 5.'38511 15.'598 41 4.17025 5'.35778 15.'400 42 4.14836 5.33011 15.'197 43 4.12637 5.30205 14.'986 44' 4'.10427 5.27360 14'.768 45 4'.08208 5.24472 14.'543 46 4.05979 5'21537 14.'308 47 4.03739 5'.18554 14.'065 48 4.01495 5'.15518 13.'811 49 3. 99252 5'.12424 13.'543 50 3'.97016 5.09269 13. 260 51 3.94789 5.06040 12.957 52 3.92563 5.'02731 12'.638 GELog Dx -Px 53 '20565 '00995 '20246 '00976 54 55 '20135 '00969 '20146 '00970 56 '20281 '00979 57 '20512 '00993 58 '20827 '01012. 59 '21204 '01035 60 '21615 '01061 61 '22053 '01088 62 '22534 '01119 63 '23034 '01151- 64 '23546 '01185 65 '24054 '01218 66 '24538 '01251 67 '24996 '01282 68 '25419 '01311 69 '25820 '01339 70 '26208 '01366 71 '26603 '01394 72 '27019 '01424 73 '27466 '01456 74 '27962 '01493 75 '28492 '01532 76 '29046 '01575 77 '29619 '01618 78 '30204 '01664 79 '30804 '01712 80 '31415 '01761 81 '32042 '01813 82 '32680 '01867 83 '33338 '01923 84 '34015 '01983 85 '34712 '02045 86 '35423 '02110 87 '36162 '02179 88 '36923 '02251 89 '37704 '02328 90 '38515 '02410' 91 '39354 '02496 92 '40219 '02588 93 '41123 '02687 94 '42058 '02792 95 '43034 '02905 96 '44065 '03030 97 '45154 '03166 98 '46320 '03319 99 '47546 '03486 100 I I_,,,, Log Nx a-Ax P _ Wes_)_ 3'.90323 4'.99338 3'.88055 4'.95853 3'.85738 4'.92268 3'.83353 4'.88579 3'.80888 4'84779 3'.78336 4'.80864 3'.75699 4'.76825 3'.72983 4'.72656 3.70202 4'.68345 3'.67365 4'.63877 3'.64473 4'.59234 3'.61502 4.54399 3'.58416 4'49353 3'.55180 4.44078 3'.51752 4'.38561 3.48092 4.32783 3.44174 4'.26736 3.'39987 4.20404 3.'35529 4'.13770 3.30799 4.06811 3.'25791 3'-99508 3.20491 3'.91827 3'.14877 3'.83734 3-08907 3'.75193 3'-025381 3'.66164 3'.56610 88399 3'.46486 2'.80534 3'.35752 2'.72082 3.24353 2'.62993 3'.12235' 2'.53210 2.99341 2.'42685; 2'.85597 2'.31345, 2'.70922 2'.19105 2'.55228 2.'05896 2'.38407 1'.91640 2'.20317 1'.76227 2'.00779 1'.59533 1'-795341'.41437 1'-56179 1'.21694 1'.30057 0'.99558 1'.00346 0'.74108 0'.66000 0.44204 0'.25616 0.08350 1'.77210 1'.64465 1'17754 1.09448 2'.41830 2.37848 3.36145 3'36145 2' 12'.307 11.967 11'.623 11.279 10'.937 10'599 10.263 9.925 9.581 9'228 8'864 8.491 8.117 7.744 " 7.381 7.029 6.693 6.370 6.059 5.756 5.460 5.168 4'882 4.601 4.328 4.064 3.810 3.566 3'332 3.108 2'893 2'686 2'488 2.297 2.114 1.935 1.760 1.585 1.404 1.212 1.018 '830 '652 '488 '341 '211 '096 '48820 '50127 '51450 '52773 '54089 '55389 '56680 '57981 '59304 '60662 '62062 '63496 '64935 '66370 '67765 '69119 '70411 '71654 '72850 '74015 '75154 '76277 '77377 '78458 '79508 '80523 '81500 '82439 '83338 '84200 '85026 '85823 '86585 '87320 '88923 '88712 '89385 '90058 '90754 '91492 '92239 '92962 '93646 '94277 '.94842 '95342 '95784 '96154 '03669 "0386 '04076 '04298 '04531 '04776 '05033 '05307 '05605 '05931 '06292 '06690 '07123 '07590 '08086 '08609 '09153 '09722 '10320 '10956 '11634 '12366 '13155 '14009 '14923 '15901 '16944 '18055 '19238 '20497 '21841 '-23284 '24823 '26485 '28267 '30225 '32386 '34839 '37752 '41362 '45708 76 FEMALES, 1856-1875. 4 per Oent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week Log 2=i(tl11, sx+ l t± 1 vx+ sx .... )=_ LoDK AGE AGE Under Two Over Two Al .uain Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain (s, =Rate of Sickness under Two Years) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47'48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 for the Whole of Life = 6.'22318 6.21259 6'.20209 6.19157 6.18092 6.17005 6.15890 6'.14742 6.13555 6.12324 6.11037 6-'09680 6.08245 6.'06736 6.'05167 6.03554 6.'01912 6.00255 5'.98599 5.96945 5.95291 5.93632 5.91966 5.90290 5.88603 5.86907 5.85197 5.'83467 5.81716 5. 79943 5.78152 5'227 5.76343 5.74515 5'144 5.72656 5'108 5'-70745 5.68771 5.66723 5.64612 5'.62454 5.60275 5'58097 5'.55928 5'.53768 55105 5.'49424 5.'47217 5.44976 5.42693 5.'40;62 5'.37967 5'.35486 (8x=R ate of Sickiess over Two Years) ($x =Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 5.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5.7.4705 5'.74705 5.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74705 5'.74698 5'.74683 5.74650 5'.74602 5.74543 5'.74475 5'.74401 5'.74324 5.'74238 5'.74139 5.74019 5'.73880 5.73718 5'.73539 5'.73349 5.73150 5.72945 5'.72724 5.72484 5'.72216 5'.71911 5'.71563 5'.71167 5'.70716 5' 933 5'.70211 5' 846 5.69653 5.5733 5'-690505-68411 5'.67748 5'-6;070 5'.66384 5'.65693 5'.65004 5.'64321 5.63655 5.63014 6.34836 6.34045 6.33265 6.32489 6.31708 6'30916 6.'30110 6.29285 6.28440 6.27569 6.26668 6.25725 6.24738 6.23712 6.22656 6'.21583 6.20500 6'.19416 6.18340 6.17275 6'.16222 6'.15176 6'.14138' 6.13104 6.12073 6.11042 6'.10009 6.'08968 6.'07923 6.'06874 6.'05826 6.'04780 6.'03732 6.'02673 6.01589 6.'00472 5.99313 5'.98116 5'.96884 5' 021 5'.95630 5'.94361 5'792 5'.93086 5' 762 5.91807 5'90525 5'.89240 5'.87953 5.86661 5'.85368 5.84076 5.82785 5'.81498 Under Two Over Two AlDrtos Years' Duration Years' Duration AlDrtos 20.34 20.95 21.51 22.06 22.57 23.06 23.53 23'97 24'39 24'79 25.16 25.50 25'79 26.06 26.30 26.55 26'79 27.04 27.31 27.59 27'87 28.14 28.40 28'66 30' 4 28.91 29.15 29.40 29.65 '30'05 29'88 '29'57 30.11 '28'92 30.34 30.57 30.79 30.99 31.17 31.31 31.40 31.46 31.49 31-151 31-54 31.59 31,'64 31.70 31.75. 31.77 31'.76 31.72 31'.65 31.56 31.44 31.29 31.12 30.92 30'69 6'.80 7.17 7.54 7.92 8.31 8'.71 9.11 9'53 9.97 10.43 10'.90 11.40 11.92 12.46 13.04 13.66 14.31 15.00 15.72 16.47 17.26 18.07 18.92 19.80 20.72 21'.67 22'66 23'69 24.76 25.87 27.04 67P2 28'27 77'8 29'54 81'4 30.87 84'8 32'24 33'66 35.11 36'59 38.09 39.61 41.16 42'.73 44.33 45'98 47.66 49.40 51.17 53.02 54.95 57.02 59'26 61.73 64'46 67.46 70' 74 27 '14 28.12 29.05 29.98 30.88 31.77 32'64 33.50 34.36 35.22 3606 36.90 37.71 38.52 39.34 40.21 41.10 42.04 43.03 44.06 45.13 46.21 47.32 48'46 49'63 50.82 52.06 53.34 54.64 55.98 57.38. 58.84 60.33 61.86 63.41 64'97 66.51 68.05 69.58 71.12 72.70 74.32 75.97 77.68 79.41 81.17 82'93 84'74 86.60 88.58 90'.70 93.02 95.58 98'38 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30, 31 32. 33 34 35, 36 37 38 39 40y 41 42 4445 46, 47 49 50t 51 52 53. 5455 56 57 58 101'"43 63. 77 FEMALES, 18-6-1875. 4 per LogvAx ( 1 vx S + lx±lVX+l8x+1 + for the Whole of Life = .... Log Kx AGE ( x) AGE (W, D, Over Two Under Two All Durations Years' Duration Years' Duration = Rate of (x= Rate of Sickness under Sickness over Two Years) Two Years) 5.-06314 5.'01567 4-.96322 4'.90587 4'.84391 4'.77735 4'.70545 4'.62583 4.53443 4.42442 4'.28420 4.08958 3'.76656 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 5'.38148 5.33969 5.29634 5.25216 5'.20780 5'.16373 5'.12005 5.'07662 5.'01192 4'.94417 4'.87234 4'.79483 4.70979 4'.61558 4.51100 4'.39503 4.26666 4'.12460 3'.96785 3'.79486 3'.60366' 3'.39141 3'.15411 2'.88526 2.57627 2'.21582 1-.79012 1'.28051 0'.65628 1'.86273 2'.76790 85 I ,, Rate of 5'67910 5.65362 5'.62388 5.58983 5'.55166 5'.50975 5.'46456 5.41642 5.36564 5.'31236 5-.25672 5'.19888 5'.13887 5.07662 5.01192 4.94417 4'87234 4'79483 4' 70979 4' 61558 4.51 [00 4'.39503 4'26666 4.12460 3'96785 3'79486 3'.60366 3'.39141 3' 15411 2'.88526 2'.57627 2.21582 1'.79012 1'.28051 0'.65628 1. 86273 276790 542081 82 83 I (,= Under Two Over Two Years' Duration Years' DurationAlDuain Sickness for all Durations; 5.55870 5.54002 5.51685 5'.48907 5.45691 81 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 (Cent. I 1~C I I~~fV~/ A~T)rrl-rCI1I 28.06 27.01 25.79 24.45 23'.07 21.66 20'.21 18.64 16.84 14.67 12.00 8'.73 4.76 87-84 90' 34 92.27 93.66 94.62 95.30 95.85 96'47 97.35 98.69 100' 67 103.'50 107.'39 112.'52 113.'43 114.'86 116.'68 118.'58 120'.19 121.19 121'.38 120.'66 119.02 116.32 112.'58 107.'79 101'.94 94.85 86.53 77.57 68'.42 59.40 50.89 43'24 36.'46 30.50 25.50 115.90 117.'35 118.'06 64 65 66 118.11 67 117.'69 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 116.96 116.'06 115.'11 114'.19 113.36 112-67 112.'23 112'.15 112'.52 113 '43 114'.86 116'.68 118'.58 120'.19. 121'.19 121'.38 120'.66 119.'02 116.32 112.58 107.79 101.94 94.85 86-53 77.57 68.42 .59-40 50-89 43-24 36.46 30-50 25'.50 78 79 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. 2 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMIENTARY MORTALITY VALUES,. DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF " ~MALES, 18768-1880. AELog Dx Log Nx ax 5 4' 94638 6.36717 6 4.92938 6!'35104 7 4'-913591 6'.33488 8 4.89853 6.'31867 .9 4'.88414 6'.30240 10 4'.870251 6.'28605 11 4'.85674 6.26958 12 4'.84347 6.25297 13 4'.83033 6.23626 14 4 .81722 6.21937 15 4'.80404 6'.20235 16 4'.79073 6'.18520 17 4.71721 6'.16788 .18 4'.76345 6'-15042. 19 4'.74954 6 1150420 4.73562 21 4'.72184 6-'09712, 22 4'.70825 6.'07900 . 23 4'.69486 6'.06070 24 4'.68161 6.'04218 25 4'.66840 6'.02342 26 4'.65519 6'.00441 27 4'.64190 5'.98512 28 4'.62848 5.96558 29 4.61494 5'.94577 30 4'.60126 5'.92566 31 4.58745 .590526 32 4.57350 5'.88454 33 4.55938. 5.86350 34 4'.54510 5'.84212 35 4'.53062 5.82039 36 4'.51596' 5.'79828 37 4.50113 5'.77581 38 4.48614 5'.75292 39 4'.47102 5'.72962 40 4.45577 5'.70586 41 4'.44039 5.68163 42 4.'42486 5.65689 43 4'.40914 5'.63163 44 4'.39320 5.60579 45 4.37699 5'.57935 46 4'.36045 5.'55229 47 4'.34358 5'.52450 48 4'.32634 5.'49614 49 430875j 5.'46697 5'.43702 50 51 4.27250 5'.40622 131 Ax Px AGE 26'.351 26x'403 "33291 '33164 '33218 '01217 '01210 53 54 55 56 26 381 ' 26' 311 '33664 '34024 '"34456 26. 198 26.'050 25' 873 '01237 '01258 '01282 '01310 '01340 '35990 '01371 '36535 '01404 '37071 '01437 '37598 '01469 '38107. '01502 25. 674 25 464 25'.244 25. 021 24'.801 24'.585 24.376 24.169 23'.956 23. 729 23'483 23.219 22'.939 22'.647 22'.347 22' 040 '34941 '35453 '38612 '39131 '01534 '01568 '01605 '01645 '01690 '01738 '"01790 '43056 '01844 '43805 '"01901 '44556 '01960 '45315 '02021 '46083 '02085 '46859' '02150 '47644 '02220 '48432 '02290 '49229 '02365 '50029 ' 02442 '50836 '02522 '51652 '02605 '52481 '02693 '53322 '02786 '"54180 '02884 '55054 ' 02988 '55946 '03097 '56852 '03214 '57768 '03336 '58695 '03466 '59624 '03602 '60566 ' 03746 '61502 '03896 '39685 '40286 '40929 '41612 '42324 21'.732 21.421 21' 106 20.788 20'.466 20'.143 19'.816 19'.488 19'.157 18.'823 18.483 18.'138 17.'786 17.'428 17.'062 16.'691 16.'315 15'.935 15.'554 15'.168 14'.784 14.'395 '62451 14'.003 13'.606 52 4.25379 5.37451 13'.204 '63408 I t r I N '04056 '04226 '64375 '65356 r I~ CJC- ' 04408 '04601. r ~ ICrl Log Nx ax, 4'.23462 5.34185 12.801 4'.21485 5.30816 12'397 4.19441 5.27337 11.994 4.17318 5.23744 11. 595 57 4' 15115 5'.20030 11.198' '01213 '01223 '33388 Log Dx I 58 4'.12828 59 4'.10453 60 4.07984 61 4'.05408 62 4.02711 63 3'.99876 64 3'.96889 65 3'.93748 66 3'.90452 67 3'.87014 68 3'.83428 69 3'.79656 70 3'.75640 71 3'.71307 72 3'.66580 73 3'.61410 74 3'.55777 75 3.49714 76 3.43278 77 3.36550 78 3'.29598 79 3'.22437 80 3'.15006 81 3.'07210 82 2'.98913 83 2'.89973 84 2.80313 85 2'.69945 86 2.'58962 87 2.47421 88 2'.35373 89 2.'22714 90 2.09199 91 1'.94398 92 1'.77753 93 1'.58536 94 1.35837 95 1'.08534 96 0'.75124 97 0.33515 98 1'.80544 99 1.10821 100 2.11518 II . I CV 5.16185 10 5'.12202 10.'411 5.'08070 10.'020 5.'03782 9.633 4.99324 9.250 4'.94686 8.874 4'89858 8.505 4'.84828 8.143 7.785 4'.79580 4'.74094 7.427 4'.68345 7.066 4'.62310 6.707 4'.55966 6.357 4'49296 6.024 4.42293 5'717 4.34965 5.439 4.27316 5.193 4.19354 4.971 4.11083 4.765 4.563 '804, 0433'.93498 4.355 4.136 3'.84093 3.74198 3'.63748 3'.52693 3'.41007 3.'28673 3.15676 3.908 3.676 3.450 3.239 3.045 2'866 3.01953 2.691 2.87389 2.510 2'.71782 2313 2'.54835 2.095 2.36150 1.860 2'.15223 1.315 1'91417' 1370 1'.63926 1.132 '909 1.31710 '705 0'.93365 "522 0'.46889 "361 1'.89223 '221 1. 15026 '102 2. 11518 Ax P "66339 '04806 '05025 '05257 .05500'70249 '05759 '71210 '06032 '72169 '06324 "73122 '06635 '67324 '68307 "69281 '74066 75000 '75917 '76817 "77700 '78573 ' 79446 '80326 '81202 '82056 82868 '83617 '84295 '84895 '85437 '85939 '86432 '86939 '87473 '88029 '88595 '89146 '89661 '90134 '90570 '90998 '91439 '91920 '92451 '93024 '93622 '94220 '94800 '95343 '95842 '96288 '96681 '97022 '97315 '97561 '06965 '07317 '07689 '08081 '08498 '"08944 '09427 '09959 '10536 '11153 '11798 '12449 '13091 '13708 '14308 '14907 '15537 '16236 '17031 '17936 '18946 '20033 '21152 '22283 '23428 '24654 '26051 ' 27745 '29871 "'32526 '35802 '39755 '44465 ,~~ UC~~\~(1I ~(I~~LIIL)( AUU I cL 20881L 80 AIALES, 1876-1880. 2 per. Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =-x DURATIONS AGE (as) ONE YEAR _ _ _ _ Weeks 0-4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 32_ 33 34 35 36 .37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59q 14.20 14.46 14.68 14.81 14.91 14.99 15.05 15'.it 15.13 15.1 15.15 15.16 15.20 15.20 15.16 15.11 15.07 15.03 14.99 14.96 14.95 14.92 14.91 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.89 14'.88 14.85 14'.82 14.80 14"'77. 14.74 14.71 14.67 14.62 14.56 14.51 14.42 14.34 14.25 14.15 14.01 13.89 13.75 13.59 13.41 13.24 13'.08 12.89 12.73 12.51 12.34. 12.14 11.9 _ _ _ Weeks 4-8 4.70 4.68 4.66 4.73 4.79 4.86 4.92 4.97 5.02 5.07 5.12 5.17 5.22 5.30 5.'35 5.39 5.44 5.48 5.52 5.57 5.62 5.67 5.72 5'78 5.83 5.88 5.93 5.98 6'.03 6.09 6.14 6.18 6'.23 6.27 6.31 6'.35 6-39 6.42 6.45 6.47 6'.49 6.52 6.53 6.55 6'56 6'55 6.56 6.55 6.54 6.53 6.51 6.48 6.45 6'41 _ _ _ Wee~ks 8-13 2.70 2-'81 2.89 2.95 3.01 3-07 3.14 3.19 3.25 3.31 3.36 3.41 3.45 3.9 3.54 3.59 3.63 3.67 3'72 3.77 3-81 3)86 3.91 3.97 4.02 4.07 4.12 4.17 4.22 4.28 4.34 4.39 4.44 4.49 4.54 4.60 4.65 4.69 4.74 4.79 4.84 4.88 4.93 4.97 5.01 5.05 5.09 5.12 5.16 5.18 5.20 5.23 5.25 *5.26 5.27 _ _ _ Weeks 13-17 1.32 1.38 1.43 1.47 1.51 1'.55 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.69 1.73 1.75 1.78 l.81 1.84 l.88 1.91 1.94 1.97 2.00 2.03 2.06 2.09 2.12 2.16 2019 2022 2.25 2'29 2'33 2.36 2.40 2.43 2.47 2.50 2.54 2.57 2.61 2'64 2.68 2071 2.75 2.78 2.81 2.85 2.88 2'92 2.95 2.98 3.00 3.03 3.06 3'08 314 _ _ _ _ Weeks 17-21 .99 1.02 P.06 1.10 1.14 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.24 P.27 P.29 P.32 1.34 1.37 P.40 P.42 1.45 P.47 1.50 P.52 1.55 P.57 1.60 P.63 P.65 1.68 1.70 P.73 1"77 1.80 P.83 P.86 1.89 1"92 1.95 P.98 2.01 2.042.08 2.11 2.14 2.17 2.21 2.24 2'27 2.30 2.34 2'.37 2.40 2.43 2.46 2.49 2.51 2".54 _ _ _ Weeks 21-26 .94 .97 P.01 P.05 1.'08 P.13 P.16 P.19 P.22 P.25 P.28 P.29 P.32 P.35 P.38 P.40 1.43 P.46 P.48 P.51 P.54 P.57 1 .59 P.62 P.65 P.68 P"71 P.74 P.77 P.80 P.84 P.87 P.90 P.94 P.97 2.01 2.04' 2.08 2.12 2.15 2.19 2'23 2'27 2.30 2.34 2'38 2.45 2.49 2.52 2.57 2.60 2.65 2.68 _ _ _ _ Weeks 26-30 _ _ Weeks 30-34: '60 *62 *64 *67 *69 71 -72 "74 *76 -78 "80 '81 *83 '85 '86 *88 '90 '92 "94 *96 "97 "99 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.'07 1.'09 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.23 1.25 l.28 1.30 1.331.36 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.46 1.49 1.52 1.55 1.58 1.61 1.63 1.66 1.70 1.72 1.76 1.79 1.82 1 _ .8A5 "51 "53 '55 .57 "59 "60 '62 '64 '"66 '68 '69 '71 '72 .73 '75 .77 '78 "80 '81 ' 83 '85 '87 '88 '90 '92 .94 '96 '98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.13 1'.16 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.36 1'.39 1'.42 1.45 1.47 1'.50 1.53 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.66 1'69 Weeks 34-39 '58 '60 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '75 '77 '78 '80 '82 '83 '85 ' 87. '89 '91 '93 '95 '97 ' 99 1.01 1.03 1.'06 1.08 1.12 1.15 1.17 1.20 1.23 1'-25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1'.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.56 1'59 1.63 1.66' 1.70 1'74. 1.77 1.81 1.85 1.88 1'.92 81 MALES, 1876-1880. 22- per Cent. Values of Sick ray Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life-= X DURATIONS ONE YEAR Two YEARS THREE YEARS -..------- Weeks. 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 TOTAL First Six Months Second Six Months and upwards TOTAL AGE I - v 1 r .39 '40 '42 43 .45 *46 *48 .49 "50 -52 "53 .54 .55 *56 .57 "59 *61 '62 *63 165 -66 -68 *69 -70 *72 .73 "75 "77 .79 '81 '82 *84 *86 "88 '90 '92 .94 "96 .99 1.01 1.03 1"'06 1.'08 1-11 1.13 1.16 1.18 1'.21 1.23 1.26 1-29 1-32 1.35 1.38 11 .34 *36 *38 .39 '40 "41 "42 .44 .45 '47 "48 .49 '50 '51 '52 .53 '55 '56 '58 '59 ,60 d62 '63 '65 '66 '67 '69 '71 '72 '74 '76 '77 '79 '81 '83 '85 '87 '89 '91 .93 '96 -98 1'00 1'02 1'05 1 '08 1.'10 1'13 1'15 1'18 1'20 1'23 1'26 1'29 1'329 '41 "43 "44 "45 '47 "49 '50 '52 .53 '55 '56 .57 '58 .59 '61 '62 '64 '65 '67 '69 '70 '72 '74 '76 .77 '.79 '81 '83 85 '87 '89 '91 .94 '96 '99 1'01 1'04 1'06 1'09 i'll 1'13 1'16 1'19 1'22 1'25 1'28 1'32 1'35 1'38 1'41 1'44 1'48 l'52 1'55 1'59 27.65 28'24 28.76 29.24 29.68 30.07 30.44 30.79 31.10 31.41 31.71 31.98 32.24 32'48 32'72 32'95 33.18 33.40 33'64 33'88 34'13 34'40 34'67 34'96 35'26 35.55 35'85 36'1.5 36'45 36'75 37'06 37 '36 37' 6 38' 25 38'54 38'82 39'09 39.35 39'60 39'83 40'06 40'27 40'47 40'66 40'83 40'98 41'11 41'24 41'35 41'45 41'56 41'65 41'73 4'77 1.88 1.96 2.03 2.10 2'17 2.25 2'32 2'39 2.45 2.51 2.57 2'63 2.69 2.75 2.82 2.88 2'94 3.02 3.08 3.15 3'23 3.30 3.38 3'46 3.55 3'64 3.73 3'82 3.91 4.00 4.09 4.19 4.30 4'40 4.51 4'63 4.74 4.86 4.98 5.11 5.23 5.36 5.49 5'63 5.77 5.91 6.06 6.20 6.36. 6'52 6'67 1P34 1.39 P'44 1.50 P55 1.60 1.65 1P70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1P90 1.95 1.99 2.04 2.10 2.15 2'20 2 ' 25 2.31 2.36 2 42 2'48 2'54 2.60 2'.66 2.73 2.79 2.86 2'.93 3.00 3.08 3.15 3'23 3.31 3.39 3.48 3.57 3.66 3.75 3.85 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.26 4'37 4.48 4150 4'7.1 4.83 3'22 3.35 3.47 3.60 3'72 3.85 3.97 4.09 4.20 4.31 4'42 4.53 4'64 4.74 4'86 4'98 5.09 5.22 5.33 5'46 5.59 5.72 5.86 6+00 6.15 6.30 6'46 6.61 6;.77 6'93 7.09 7'27 7.45 7.63 7.82 8.02 8.22 8.43 8'64 8'86 9.08 9.31 9.54 9'78 10.03 10.28 10.54 10.80 .11"07 11.35 11.63 11-9 (xr)' ALL DURATIONS 10.95 11.39 11-81 12-22 12.63 13.04 13.45 13.87 14.30 14.74 15.19 15.66 16.14 16.65 17-18 17.72 18-26 18.81 19.37 19.95 20.52 21.11 21.73 22'37 23.02 23.70 24'38 25.10 26.59 27.38 28.18 29.01 29.87 30.75 31.65 32.59 33.56 34.57 35.61 '670 37.81 .38.97 40.18 41-44 42.76 44.15 45.61 47.14 48.75 50-46 52'.26 54.13 56.09 58'-13 41.82 42'98 44.04 45.06 46.03 46.96 47'86 48.75 49.60 50.46 51.32 52.17 53.02 53.87 54.76 55.65 56.53 57.43 58-34 59-29 60.24 61.23 62-26 63-33 64.43 65.55 66'69 67.86 69.05 70.27 71-53 72.81 74.12 75.46 76-82 78.21 79'63 81.08 82'56 84.07. 85.'61 87.18 88-78 90.43 92-13 93.87 95.67 97.52 99.45 101.'45 103-54 105-74 108.'01 110-36 112.'77 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20b. 21' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 .59 L2 ; 82 MALES, X1876-1880. 24 per -Cent. Values of Sik Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for.the Whole. of Life =x DURATIONS ONE YEAR AGE 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 S79 80 81 -82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 0-4 10.53 10.19 9'82 9.47 9.08 8'64 8.16. 7.73 7.20 6.77 6.30 5.94 5.53 5.15 4'67 4.30 3'82 3.52 3'32 3.02 2'86 2.01 1.24 '62 5.17 5.11 5.03 4.94 4'83 4.70 4.53 4'36 4.18 4.00 3'83 3'63 3.45 3.21 2.96 2'72 2.46 2.20 2.02 1.85 1.72 1.13 .75 "46 6.04 5.93 5.80 5.65 5'48 5.29 5.o8 4'87 4.59 4.37 4.14 3'92 3'72 3'46 3.18 2'93 2'63 2'39 2.19 2.02 1.97 1.32 '81 "49 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 - U - -UI Weeks 13-17 3.15 3.13 3.10 3.05 2.99 2'92 2'83 2'73 2.64 2.52 2'42 2.29 2.17 2.02 1.85 1.67 1.48 1.28 1.'09 '92 '72 '61 .44 "25 Weeks 17-21 2'63 2.63 2.61 2.57 2.53 2'48 2.42 2'34 2'27 2.19 2.10 1.99 1.89 1.76 1.65 1.48 1.31 1.11 '91 '72 .53 "47 .37 '23 Weeks 21-26 2.78 2.78 2.77 2'74 2'69 2'63 2.58 2.50 2'43 2.35 2'27 2.16 2.05 1.93 1'82 1.65 1.47 1.26 1.05 "80 .55 "54 '41 '23 Weeks 26-30 1'.95 1'.95 1.95 1.93 1.90 1.87 1.84 1,'79 1"-74 1'69 1.63 1.55 1.49 1.41 1.32 1.20 1.08 '92 "75 .57 " 38 .37 *32 "18 Weeks 30-34 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.79 1.77 ,174 1.71 1.67 1.64 1.58 1.52 1.46 1.40 1.34 1.27 1-161.05 '90 -74 -57 '38 "37 '32 '18 Weeks 34-39 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.07 2.05 2.02 1-99 1.93 1.90 1'.84 1.77 1.70 1.62 1.55 P.46 1. 33 P.21 1.06 85 69 "45 "45 .39 "20 83 MALES,. 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life= DURATIONS Two YEAR&S ONEx YEAR 39-43 1.53 1-54 1'551-54 1.53 1.51 1.48 1.44 1.42 K1.37 1.33 1.28 1.22 1.17 loll .99 '90 "78 '62 '48 '31 .33 "26 '11 Wek 43-47 ek WesFrt 47-52- 1.75 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.76 1.74 1.71 1.67 1.65 1.58 1.54 1.49 1.43 1.37 1.30 1.18 1.07 '92 '75 '60 '39 '41 .35 '15 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.45 1.43 1.41 1.37 1-34 1.30 1.26 1.23 1.17 1.13 1.06 '96 "87 '76 '60 '48 '30 '32 '26 '10 Second TOTAL Six Months Six Months 40.84 40.36 39.75 38.98 38.06 36.97 35.74 34.40 33.00 31.56 30.11 28'64 27.14 25.50 23.65 21.57 19.35 17.10 14.89 12.72 10.56 8.33 5.92 3.20 8'32 8.48 8'.62 8.75 8.80 8.79 8'76 8'68 8'.58 8'48 8"37 8'32 8.25 8.13 8.02 7'76 7'38 6.91 6'43 5.81 5.17 4.36 3'89 3.16 2.59 6.23 6.38 6.48 6.54 6.59 6.62 6.58 6.53 6.47 6.38 6'32 6.22 6.16 6.11 5.96 5.78 5.63 5.33 4.93 4.61 4.29 4.09 3.53 3.16 2.59 TREAGE TOA upad TOTA upard 14.55 70'.15 72".92 75 '78 78.61 81.34 83.98 86.56 89.11 91.75 94.59 97.68 101'.04 104.61 108. 30 111'.95 125 '54 128.'14 130.'63 132.'88 115.'28 150.39 150. 86 14-',86 15.10 15.29 15.39 15.41 15.34 15.21 15.05 14.86 14.69 14.54 14.41 14.24 13.98 13.54 13.01 12.24 11.36 10'.42 9.46 8'45 7.42 6.32 5.18 118.50 12155 124.43 127.'27 130.'09 132. 73 134.79 136.'36 137.'64 138." 72 139.'80 141. 01 142.'48 144'-22 146.'16 148.'04 149.'58 150.'89 150.'68 150.'41 150'.11 149.51 134.'74 135.'78 135.'31 133.'07 148.'08 145.'30 122.41 122.41. 109.'68 109.'68 96.91 84. 55 72.97 62.35 52.83 44.44 37.18 30.97 25.68 - L.1 .. 140.'49 133.'07 96.91 84'.55 72.97 62.35 52.83 44.44 37.18 30.97 25.68 64* 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 84 MALES,' 1876-1880. 2~ per Cent. Log I v (lx 2x. sy +lZx+"x + 1 sx +j I-+... .) =Log K, Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE ONE YEAR I I Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 34-39 Weeks 3~0-34 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41. 42 ~'43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6.'09864 6.08947 6.08030 6.'06902 6.'05751 6.'04605 6.03434 6.'02270 6.01061 5'.99661 5'.98441 5'.97145 5.95917 5'.94529 5'.93010 5'91477 5'.90004 5.88531 5.87057 5.85661 5'.84295 5'.82907 5'81541 5.80179 5'.78798 5'.77432 5'.76039 5'.74616 5'73121 5'.71607 5'.70076 5.68538 5'.66969 5'.65371 5'.63743 5'.62065 5'.60362 5.58640 5.56815 5'170 5.54975 5'112 5'.53070 5 079 5.51112 5 033 5'.49003 5.'46914. 5.'44697 5'42397 5'39992 5.37581 5 '35116 5.32521 5.'29881 5.27052 5'24240 5.'21243 5'1807 5.61823 5.59957 5'.58236 5.'57363 5.'56475 5-55671 5'.54860 5.53997 5.53107 5.52271 5'.51374 5.50409 5.49445 5.'48396 5.47422 5.46365 5.45350. 5.'44369 5.'43371 5.42374 5.41432 5'.40473 5.39533 5.38591 5.37674 5.36691 5.35692 5.34682. 5'.33622 5.'32568 5.'31503 5.30382 5.29234 5.28053 5.26860 5.'25590 5.'24321 5.'23019 4' 535 5.21646 4'8220 5.20260 4'7877 5.18820 5'.17298 5.15737 5.14132 5.12499 5.10741 5.08906 5'.07026 5.'05113 5.'03028 5'00937 5.'37785 5.'37785 5.37479 5.36821 5.'36161 5.'35731 5'.35309 5.34745 5'34177 5.33806 5'.33114 5.'32329 5'31492 5.30638 5.29831 5.29010 5.'28178 5'.27379 5.26590 5'25775 5.24996 5'.24224 5.23449 5'22675 5.21901 5.21083 5.20231 5'.19379 5'.18528 5.17625 5'.16744 5'.15803 5'.14833 5'.13856 5'.12830 5'.11810 5'.10741 5.'09610 5.08488 5.07324 5'06141 5.'04864 4' 761 5.'03597 5'.02252 4'7479 t4' 7166 5.'00867 4'.99422 4.97918 4'.96339 4'.94692 4'.92944 4.91144 5.'06797 5.'06797 5.06797 5.06616 5.'06441 5.'06072 5'05682 5.05219 5'04766 5.04558 5.04124 5.03424 5'02757 5.'02126 5.01434 5'00871 5.00202 4'.99499 4'98851 4'.98191 4'.97520 4.96859 4'.96187 4.95504 4.94810 4.94087 4.93335 4'.92613 4.91922 4.91147 4.90384 4'.89559 4.88709 4'87836 4'86958 4.86058 4.85101 4.84141 4.83143 4.82109 4'.81039 4'.79901 4'.78809 4'.77574 4'76338 4.75023 4'.73738 4'.72349 4'.70854 4'.69300 4'.67657 4'.94000 4'.94000 4'.94000 4.94o0 4'.94000 4.93583 4'.93139 4'.92667 4'-92204 4'.91995 4.91587 4'.91120 4'.90498 4'.89951 4'.89415 4'.88920 4'.88252 4'.87626 4'.87039 4'.86434 4.85810 4.85224 4'.84620 4.83999 4'.83335 4'560 4'.82655 4' 514 4'.81960 4.5334 4.81277 4'5148 4.80629 4'4950 4.79943 4'4722 4.79245 4'4472 4'.78511 4'-777194'4196 4'-76916 4'.76104 4'.75305 4'.74431 4'.73549 4'.72680 4'.71741. 4'.70754 4'.69720 4'.68741 4'.67619 4'.66474 4'.65305 4'.64115 4'.62830 4.61431 4'.60012 4'.58448 4.91782 4'.91782 4 91782 4 91782 4 91782 4.91423 4 91073 4 90692 4'.90469 4.90361 4'.90008 4'89628 4'.88916 4'.88450 4'.87993 4.87545 4.86919 4 86335 4'.85821 4'.85288 4'.84705 4-84:219 4 83686 4 83108 4.82457 4'.81817 4.81188 4'.80543 4'.79935 4'.79314 4 78655 4'.77983 4 77325 4'.76562 4'.75834 4 75076 4 74308 4'.73510 4'.72769 4'.71916 4'.71036 4'.70090 4'.69159 4'.68147 4'.67092 4'.66017 4'.64941 4 63736 4 62458 4'.61145 4' 59639 ,r 4.72248 4'.72248 4'-72248 4'.72248 4'.72248 4'.71873 4'.71506 4.71327 4.71153 4.70984 4.70542 4.70164 4'.69527 4.69059 4 .68651 4 .68252 4 .67667 4'.67140 4'.66717 4 .66258 4 .65717 4 .65275 4'.64798 4'.64244 4'.63701 4 .63126 4'-62602 4'.62009 4'.61545 4.61014 4'.60382 4'.59761 4.59116 4'58449 4.57760. 4'.57083 4.56420 4.55705 4.55035 4'54254 4.53456 4'.52612 4.51754 4.50825 4'.49826 4'.48900 4.47910 4'46776 4.45580 4'.44404 4'.43041 4.'41777 4'.40286 4.38821 4'33279 4.65544 4 .65544 4'.65544 4'.65544 4'.65544 4'.65325 4'.65112 4.64974 4'.64773 4'.64707 4'.64196 4.63946 4'.63272 4'.62791 4'.62437 4'.62035 4'.61473 4.60975 4'.60597 4'.60175 4'.59655 4'.59249 4'.58800 4'.58312 4'.57833 4.57316 4'.56857 4.56316 4'.55874 4'3142 4.55399 4' 956 4'.54807 4' 731 4'.54227 4' 481 4'.53617 4'53019 4.52355 4.51743 4'.51105 4'.50444 4.49797 4.49091 4'.48332 4.47586 4.46857 4.45947 4.45054 4.44210 4.43292 4'42243 4'.41093 4'.39993 4'.38714 4.37513 4'.36173 4.34723 4' 3141 4.68920 4'-689204'-68920 4'.68920 4'.68920 4'.68853 4'.68788 4.68724 4'.68477 4'68477 4'"67950 4'67721 4'66990 4 66549 4 66171 4'.65696 4'.65230 4.64826 4.64529 4'.64143 4.63718 4'.63394 4'62987 4'.62544 4.62066 4'.6155 4.61096 4'.60564 4.60164 4.59733 4.59198 4'.58635 4.58085 4.57545 4.56948 4.56398 4.55825 4'.55200 4'-54620 4-53958 4'.53247 4.52582. 4.51844 4.50974 4.50151 4'.49346 4'.48504 4'.47493 4'46397 4'.45370 4'.44192 4.43061 4.41737 4'.40345 5 ,8 MALES, 1876-1880. 24 per Cent. Log vg ( 1 vxs. + l ; lv + 1 8s+1 + . .)=Log K~ Where sc denotes the Rate ofSickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YEAR I - Weeks- 5314 4'5 4.53514 4'.53514 4.53514 4.53514 4.53514 4'.53514 4'.53424 4.53161. 4';53161 4'.52661 4'.52498. 4.51700 4.51307 4'.50924 4'.50550 4.50258 4'.49830 4'.49550 4'.49209 4-48742 4.48416 4'.48032 4.47657 4.47229 4'.46810 4.46400 4.45941 4'.45548 4'45165 4'44683 4'.44160 4'.43648 4.43098 4'.42558 4'.42080 4.41566 4'.40971 4'.40435 4.39780 4'.39095 4'.38468 4'.37814 4.37014 4'.36231 4.35467 4'.34645 4.33658 4'.32580 4.31595 4'.30458 4'29378 4.28126 4'.26802 4'.25380 -- Two YEARS ______ Weeks T 39 4 4-4 4-5 TTA 4.33738 4.33021 4.32280 4.31515 4.30612 4.29574 4.28594 4.27487 4.26477 4.25244 4.23932 ALL ____________-YEARS A Weeks- 4.48766 4.48766 4.4&766 4.48766 4.48766 448766 4.48766 4.48766 4.48473 4.48743 4.48101 4.47920 4.47211 4'46776 4.46520 4.46273 4.45950 4.45556 4.45326 4.45025 4.44658 4'44372 4.44022 4.43678 4'43276 4.42883 4'42434 4.42058 4.41691 4.41332 4.40865 4.40408 4.39962 4.39471 4'38938 4.38521 4.38014 4'37468 4.36.983 4'36369 4'35721 4.35089 4.34471 TREAGE 4.56022 6.38808 4.56022 6.38025 4.56022 6.37243 4.56022 6.36453 4.56022 6.35654 4.56022 6.34844 4 56022 6.34024 4.56022 6.33185 4.55691 6.32313 4.55691 6'-31432 4.55219 6.30519 4.55066 6.'29561 4.54314 6.28557 4.53796 6.27510 4.53579 6.26436 4.53297 6'.25350 4.52885 6.24269 4.52550 6.23205 4.52287 6.22167 4.51967 6.21154 4.51591 6'.20156 4.51286 6.19171 4.50987 6'.18191 4.50695 6'.17209 4.50353 6.16216 4.50020 6'.15211 4.49639 6'.14193 4'49268 6.13160 4.48904 6'.12109 4.48549 6'.11039 4.48104 6'09947 4.47669 6.08835 4.47243 6.'07700 4.46783 6.'06543 4.46288 6.'05364 4.45849 6.'04164 4.45378 6.'02941 4.44834 6.'01692 4.44384 6.'00409 4.43826 5'.99088 4.43202 5.97723 4.42632 5.96312 4.42075 5'.94854 4--41350 5.93345 591786 4.40642 4.39917 5.90175 4.39176 5.88508 4.38320 5.86782 4.37322 5.84990 4.36344 5.83131 4.35265 5.81197 4.34270 5'.79183 4.33094 5'.77079 4.31827 5'.74870 5'72536 TTA Second First ix MonthsSi MonthsTOA 5'.22151 5- 22151 5.22151 5.22151 5.22151 5' 22151 5.'22151 5.22151 5.21953 5 '21655 5.21362 5'21027 5.'20699 5.20347 5'.19924 5'.19496 5'.19077 5'.18755 5'.18383 5.18020 5'.17692 5'.17398 5.17.112 5'.16807 5'.16509 5.16205. 5'.15861 5'.15514 5'.15120 5.14711 5'.14281 5'.13859 5'.13427 5'.12986 5.12545 5'.12087 5.11620 5'.11175 5'.10678 5'.10141 5.'09566 5.'08963 5.08318 5.07657 5.'06989 5.'06246 5.'05478 5.04662 5.'03810 5.'02876 5.01837 5.00762 4'.99668 4'.98527 4'.97244 5.98570 5.98570 5.98570 5.98570 5.98570 5.98570 5'98570 5.98570 5.98570 5.98570 5.98561 5.98547 5.98525 5.98493 5.98452 5.98402 5.98341 5.98273 5.98198 5.98123 5.98047 5.97974 5.97897 5.97810 5.97710 5.97594 5.97462 5.97314 5.97154 5'96983 5.96797 5.96596 5"96378 5.96141 5.95887 5.95623 5.95350 5.95069 5.94779 5.94476 5.94155 5.93808 5.93437 5.93041 5'92624 5.92191 5.91743 (v DURATIONS and upwards. 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45464 5.07311 5.45349 5.07311 5.45174 5.07168 5.44945 5.06959 5.44662 11-06642 5.44339 5.06288 5.05986 5.05690 5.05403 5.43986 5.43614 5.43242 5.42878 5-05002 5.42523 5.04708 5.04460 5.04198 5.03889 5.03587 5.03308 5.03003 5.02655 5.02316 5.01937 5.01582 5.01206 5.00823 5.42184 5.41869 5.41570 5.41270 5.40976 5.40682 5.40381 5.40059 5.39718 5.39357 5.38979 5.38584 5.38173 5-00407 5.37754 4.99972 5.37321 4.99521 5.36875 4.99053 .5.36423 4.98610 5.35971 4.98178 5.35519 4.97695 5.35058 4.97235 5.34577 4'96764 5.34067 4.96258 5.33522 4.95697 5.32937 4.95107 5.32315 4'94467 5.31663 4.93769 5.30982 4.93098 5.30270 4.92375 5.29521 4.91612 5.28728 4.90773 5.27881 4'89899 5 26973. 4.89011 5.25999 4.88023 5.24960 4.86897 5.23853 4.85655 5.22669 6'56777 6.56261 6.55748 6.55235 6.54717 6.54198 6.53674 6.53143 5.52583 6.52019 6.51430 6.50812 6.50164 6.49490 6'48799 6.48104 6.47414 6'46739 6.46082 6.45446 6.44825 6.44216 6.43614 6.43011 6.42401 6.41781 6.41150. 6.40508 6'39854 6.39189 6.38510 6.37817 6.37109 6'36386 6'35649 6.34902 6.34145 6'33376 6.32590 6.31782 6.30949 6.30086 6.29191 6'28266 6.27313 6'26333 6'25327 5-91281 6.24290 5.90800 6-232215-90289 6.22111 5'89736 5.89130 5.88460 5.87718 6.20953 6.19740 6.18462 6.17110 5'869 9-615673 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59q 86. MALES, 1876-1880. 2~ per Cent. Log v4 (Lxvx ax +lx +i1vx +1 X.+1+ .. )-=Log Kx Where sa,denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YEAR AGE (x,) ____ ________________ ____ ___ Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 349 0-4 4- Weeks 8--13 13-17 17-21 21-26 26-30 30-34 4'.99136 4'.94548 4.89668 4';84704 4'.79253 4.73313 4'.66791 4.60119 4'-52308 4'44489 4.35694 4.27066 4.17545 4.07722 3'.96553 3.8574~ 3'.73231 3.61909 3.51055 3.37912 3'.25888 3'.00346 2'.68395 2'.26888 4.75014 4.71040 4. 66770 62267 4. 4.57315 4'.52020 4. 46228 4 ' 40021 4.32765 4. 25498 4.17464 4.09075 4.00294 3. 90396 3'.79900 3'.69249 3.57019 3'.45040 3.33041 20520 3. 3.09656 2'.8195.4 2.49693 2'.16782 4'.68207 4'.64617 4'.60612 4.56350 4.51782 4.46824 4.41256 4'.35266 4'.28673 4.21609 4'.14151 4.'05732 3'.97081 3'.87233 3.76671 3'.66001 3'.54120 3'.41464 3.29403 16791 3' 3.03862 2'.75128 2'.46389 2'.13354 4'.46699 4'.43358 4'.39561 4.35372 4.30974 4. 26167 4.20858 4'.15014 4.08696 4.01607 3'.94231 3.85625 3'.76953 3'.67080 3'.56396 3.44762 3'31973 3.17984 3.02776 2'.86213 2'.65992 2.48144 2'.23300 1'.87506 4.38915 4.35719 4'.32060 4.27992 4.23749 4.19028 4.13982 4.08182 4.02189 3'.95415 3.87990 3'.79588 3'670935 3' 61151 3 51148 39340 3' 3 26623 3.11628 2'.94988 2'.75740 2'.52634 2'.37291 2'.15229 1'.84360 4.41298 4.38164 4'.34731 4'.30747 4'.26487 4'.21819 4'.16797 4'.11083 4.05231 3'.98561 3'.91466 3.83110 3'.74421 3'.65137 3'.55473 3.44075 3.31848 3.17114 3.01072 2.80209 2'.54283 2'.43457 2'.20140 1' 84176 4'.25821 4.22763 4'.19379 4'.15509 4',22326 4.19363 4.16053 4'.12330 4.08185 4.03747 3.99043 3'.93581 3.'87967 3'.81351 3.74020 3'.66266 3'.58001 3'49332 3.'39985 3'.28713 3'.16938 3'.02449 2'.85552 65801 2. 2.'38561 2'.26245 2'.09342 1'.71436 Weeks 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Weeks i 4 '11354 4.06767 4.02011 3'.96487 3'.90634 3.84098 3'.76864 3'.68860 3'.60520 3'.51481 3.41731 3'.30449 3' 18441 3.03782 2.87506 2'.65801 2.38561 2'26245 2'.09342 1'.71436 4.28576 4'25580 4.22373 4. 18682 4.14653 4,10212 4.05461 3-,99970 3.94493 87823 3'" 3.80598 3.72787 3.64227 3.~55485 3.46180 3'.34713 3'.23223 3.09587 2'.91751 2.73719 2.'46090 2'.35025 2'.17609 1. 77848 87 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 Log 2 1(x v Where ax denotes the Rate jx + lx+lvx+l8x+1 + . ... )=Log Kx Two YEARS THREE YEARS - 39-43 4'.15452 4.12470 4'.09409 4.05767 4.01770 3.97428 3'.92675 3.87186 3.81704 3'.75005 3.68006 3.60347 3.52048 3.43473 3.33985 3'.22167 3'.10449 2'.96661 2'.77597 2.58320 2.29226 2.21748 2"'02531 1'.52955 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 4.12921 4'W009 4.07019 4'.03419 3'.99480 3'.95250 3'90542 3'.85034 3'.79609 3'.72811 3'.65887 3'.58535 3.50147 3'41731 3.32243 3.20656 3.08920 2.95036' 2'.76641 2.'57978 2.28556 2.20952 2.'01284 1.49416 4'.21112 4'.18270 4'.15345 4'11793 4.07943 4.03775 3'99154 3'.93651 3'.88252 3'.81318 3'.74453 3.67311 3.58636 3.504)6 3.41010 3'.29513 3'.17926 3.04021 2'.85673 2.68034 2'39967 2'32428 2.13033 1'.62325 I CI_~AJI~ I C~ ~~r\r\r\ TOTAL 5.58002 5.'54340 5.'50380 5.46103 5.'41474 5 36442 5.30957 5.24966 5'.18431 5'11329 5.'03649 4.95417 4'86632 4.77206 4'.66977 4'.55818 41'43662 4.30511 4'.16203 4'.00432 3'.82692 3'.62024 3.36211 2'.97940 i rr ~rrr\~r~ 1 1 /1L;'/;~~lh n I I I 20881 Cent. of' Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YEAR Weeks per Second First Six Months Six Months TOTAL 4.88911 4'.86576 4.84012 4.81202 4'.77885 4'.74062 4'.69901 4'.65173 4.59912 4.54275-4'.48047 4.41717 4.34908 4'.27589 4'.20028 4'.11441 4.01799 3'.91137 3'.79706 3'66398 3'.51640 3.33885 3'.17926 2'.97405 2'.76617 4'.76359 4'.74200 4'.71630 4'.68580 4'.65306 4'.61711 4.57470 4.52817 4'47693 4.41903 4.35870 4'.29117 4.22214 4'.15131 4.07089 3'.98614 3'.90086 3'.79886 3'.68215 3'.56360 3.'43521 3.'31154 3'.13672 2'.97451 2'.76634 5'.13190 5'10931 5.'08364 5.05452 5.'02153 4'.98427 4.94233 4'89537 4'.84334 4'.78632 4.72487 4'.65975 4'.59127 4'.51909 4.44144 4.35605 4.26442 4'.15978 4'.04442 3'.91772 3'.77873 3 62644 3.45954 3'.27531 3'06729 and upwards 5.'81485 5.'80037 5.78405 5'.76559 5.74461 5.72077 5.69367 5.66296 5'.62840 5.58992 5.54757 5.50161 5.45238 5.'40011 5.'34476 5.28611 5.22379 5'.15686 5'.08407 5.'00446 4'.91738 4'.82241 4'.71915 4'.60704 4.48510 4'.35121 4'.17979 3'.98410 3'.76391 3'.51247 3'.22153 2.88021 2'.47410 1'.98290 1'.37580 0'.59909 1'.52479 AGE ALL DURATIONS 6 '06767 6.04515 6.'02055 5'.99359 5.96395 5.93126 5.89513 5.85521 5.81131 5'.76336 5.71153 5'.65617 5.59760 5.53588 5.'47066 5 40158 5.'32863 5.25076 5'.16719 5.'07702 4'.97953 4'.87412 4'.76012 4'.63648 4'.50139 4.35121 4.17979 3'.98410 3'.76391 3'.51247 3'.22153 2.88021, 2 47410 1 98290 1.37580 0'.59909 1. 52479 (xz) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 88 89 MALES, 1876-1880. 24 per Cent. 24 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF MALES, 1876-1880. AELog D , 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Log Nx 4'94109 6.33876 4'.92303 6.'32174 4-90619 6.'30473 4'.89007 6.28769 4.87461 6.27059 4.'85967 6.25339 4.84510 6.23608 4.83078 6.'21867 4.81658 6.'20110 4' "80240 6.18341 4'78817 6'.16557 4.77380' 6.14758 4'.75923 6.12943 4'.74441 6.11116 4'.72944 6.'09276 4'71446 6.'07419 4'69962 6.'05545 4'.68498 6.'03655 4'.67053 6.'01741 4'65622 5.99810 4'.64195 5.97854 4'62768 5.95874 4.61333 5.93867 4'.59886 5.91834 4.58426 5.89774 4'.56953 5.87685 4.55465 5.85566 4'.53964 5.83415 4.52447 5.81233 4'.50913 5.79017 4.49360 5'76765 4.47787 5'.74478 4.46198 5.72152 4.44594 5.69787 4'42976 5.67379 4'.41345 5.64926 4.39701 5.62425 4'.38042 5.59875 4'.36365 5.57271 4'.34665 5.54610 4.32938 5.'51890 4'.31179 5.'49107 4.29385 5.'46258 4.27556 5.43339' 4'.25691 5.40345 4'.23791 5.37271 4.21855 5.34114 4.19877 5.30867 ax , x Px 24 984 '30456 '30296 '30320 '30462 '30716 '31061 "31476 '31944 '32451 '32972 '33505 '34035 '34554 '35049 '35541 '36050 '36596 '01172 '01163 '01164 '01173 '01187 "01206 '01229 '01256 '01286 '01317 25'.044 25'.035 24'.982 24.'887 24'.758 24' 603 24.'428 24.'239 24.'044 23' 845 23' 647 23.453 23.'268 23'.084 22.894 22'.690 22' 468 22.227 21' 973 21' 707 21' 432 21' 151 20'.868. 20. 582 20' 292 19.9 19.'702 19.404 19' 100 18. 795 18.'489 18' 178 17. 862 17.'540 17.'211 16.'875 16.'532 16.'183 15.'829 15. 471 15.'111 14' 748 14.'382 14.013 13.'640 13.'261 12.880 ZY 14-~OY;I;nl~-0rllfl kV~i)Ok 20881 '37835 '38515 '39227 '39963 '40715 '41472 '42238 '43014 '43799 '44594 '45390 '46204 '47021 '47840 '48672 '49518 '50380 '51260 '52160 '53078 '54011 '54959 '55917 '56880 '57852 '58832 '59819 '60818 '61832 '62852 I -~Ykki)V I " C1348 '01381 '01413 '01444 '01476 '01509 '01545 '01584 '01629 '01676 '01728 '01782 '01838 '01896 '01957 '02020 '02086 '02154 '02225 '02299 '02375 '02454 "02538 '02625 '02717 '02815 '02918 '03027 '03143 '03265 '03395 '03531 '03674 '03825 '03984 '04154 '04335 '04528 AGE Log Dx Log 53 4.17854 5.'27522 54 4.15772 5.'24075 55 4.13622 5.20520 56 4.11394 5.16850 57 40908515!13056 58 4.06691 5'09135 59 4.04211 5.'05073 60 4.01636 5.'00864 61 3'.98955 4'.96493 62 3'.96152 4'.91955 63 3'.93210 4'.87238 64 3.90118 4'.82331 65 3'.86871 4'.77220 66 3'.83470 4'.71890 67 3'.79926 4.66322 68 3.76234 4'.60491 69 3'.72356 4.54373 70 3'.68234 4'.47943, 71 3'.63795 4.41189 72 3'.58963 4.34102 73 3'.53687 4.26684 74 3'.47948 4'.18949 75 3.'41779 4'.10900 76 3'.35237 4.02539 77 3'.28404 3'.93845 78 3'.21346 3'.84781 79 3'.14080 3'.75289 80 3.06542 3'.65306 81 2'.98640 3.54769 82 2'.90238 3'43626 83 2'.81192 3'.31850 84 2'.71426 3'.19426 85 2'.60952! 3.'06341 86 2.49863 2'.92531 87 2.38217. 2'.778811 8t8 2.26()63 2.62188 89 2'.13298 2.45156 90 1'.99678 2'.26385 91 1'.84770 2'05373 92 1'.68020 1.81480' 93 1.48697 1. 53901 94 1'.25892 1.21598 95 0'.98484 0.83160 96 0.64968 0.36595 97 0'.23254 1.78834 98 1.70176 1'04542 99 1.'00348 9-00940 100 2.'00940 VIJc~l I II a 12.'493 12.'107 11.721 11.339 10.'957 10'.579 10'200 9.824 9.449 9.079 8.715 8.359 8'.007 7.660 7.311 6'959 6.610 6.267 5'942 5.641 5.370 5.129 4.912 4.710 4.512 4.309 4.094 3'869 3'642 3.419 3.211 3.020 2.844 2.671 2'493 2.298 2.083 1.850 1.607 1.363 1.127 '906 '703 '520 '360 '221 '101 Ax '63887 '64920 '65953 '66976 '67998 '69010 '70024 '71030 '72035 '73025 '73999 '74952 '75894 '76822 '77756 '78699 '79633 '80551 '81421 '82226 '82951 '83597 '84177 '84718 '85248 '85791 '86366 '86969 '87577 '88173 '88729 '89241 '89712 '90175 '90651 '91173 '91749 '92372 '93023 '93676 '94307 '94898 '95442 '95931 '96360 '96731 '97053 '97324 P '04734 '04953 '05184 '05428 '05687 '05960 '06252 '06563 '06894 '07245 '07617 '08008 "08426 '08871 "09356 '09888 '10464 "11085 '11729 '12382 '13022 "13640 '14238 '14837 '15466 16160 '16954 '17861 "18866 19953 '21071 '22199 '23338 "24565 '25952 '27645 '29759, '32411 '35682 '39643 '44338 Ji) kVlr M M2 90 18176-1880. MALES, 2 per C ent.x Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life Kx - DURATIONS AGE ONE (X3) Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 I 13.32 13.56 13.78 13.91 14.02 14.10 14.18 14.24 14.28 14.26 14.29 14.33 14.38 14.38 14'.35 14.31 14.28 14.25 14.22 14.21 14.20 14.20 14.19 14.19 14.20 14.22 14.22 14.23 14.21 14'.19 14'.18 14.17 14'.16 14.14 14.11 14'.08 14.04 13.99 13.93 13.86 13.78 13.70 13.58 13.48 13.35 13.21 13.04 12.89 12.74 12-5812-42 12.24 12.07 11.88 4'36 4'.34 4.32 4.39 4'.45 4.51 4.57 4.62 4'.67 4.73 4'78 4'83 4'.87 4.91 4'96 5.01i 5.05 5.10 5.14 5'.19 5.24 5.29 5.35 5'.40 5'46 5'.52 5°'57 5.63 5.68 5.74 5.80 5.85 5.90 5.95 6'.04 6.09 6'.13 6.17 6°20 6.24 6.26 6'.29 6'.31 6.34 6'.35 6'36 6'36 6'37 6'36 6'.36 6'35 6'33 6'.30 6.27 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 i 2.46 2'.56 2'.65 2'.71 2-76 2'.82 2.89 2'94 3.00 3.07 3.12 3'.16 3'.20 3.24 3'°29 3'.34 3'38 3.43 3'48 3.52 3.57 3.62 3.67 3.73 3.78 3'84 3.90 3.95 4.00 4.05 4.16 4.22 4.28 4.33 4.39 4'.44 4'.49 4.54 4'.59 4'64 4.69 4.74 4.79 4'84 4.88 4.93 4'96 5.00 5.03 5-065.10 5.12 5.14 5.15 5' 16 1'.20 1.24 1.30 1.34, 1.38 1.42 1' 45 1.48 1.51 1.56 1.59 1.62 1'.64 1'.67 1'.70 1.74 1.77 1'.80 1.83 1.86 1.89 1-92 1.95 1.99 2'.02 2.06 2.09 2.12 2.16 2.20 2.23 2'.27 2°31' 2'°34 2.38 2.42 2'45 2.49 2.53 2.56 2.60 2.63 2'.67 2.71 2.75 2.78 2'.82 2.85 2.89 2.92 2.95 2°98 3.00 3.03 3.06 A3n08 1.13 1'.16 1.19 1'.21 1.24 1.26 1'.29 1.32 1.' 34 1.36 1'.39 1.42 1.44 1.47 1.49 1.52 1.55 1.57 1'°60 1.63 1.66 1.69 1.72 1.76 1.79 1.82 1.85 1.88 1.92 1.95 1.98 2-02 2.05 2.08 2.-12 2.15 2.18 2.22 2.26 2.29 2'.32 2.35 2'.38 2.42 2"45 2.48 2.51 Weeks 30-34 i 1 '88 '93 '96 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 Weeks 26-30 1 1 '84 '88 '91 "94 "985 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.22 1'.24 1'.27 l.30 1.32 1.35 1'°37 1.40 1'.43 1046 1.49 1.51 1.54 1'.57 1'.60 1.63 1.66 1°70 1.73 176 1'.80 1.84 1.87 191 1°94 1.98 2.02 2.06 2'.10 2.14 2.17 2.21 2.25 2'.29 2.34 2.37 2.41 2.45 2-49.2.532-58 2.62 Weeks 34-39 I f I 7 f 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .32 33 34 35 36 37 38 v39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 YEAR 1 .53 '56 '58 '60 '62 64 '65 '67 '69 "71 '73 .74 '76 '77 '79 '83 '85 '87 '88 '90 '92 .94 '96 '98 1.00 1.02 1'.04 1.07 1.09 1.14 1.16 1.18 1'.21 1'.23 1.26 1.29 132 1434 1.37 1.40 1.'43 1.46 1.49 '46 '48 "51 '53 .55 '56 '58 "6() '61 '63 '64 '65 '67 '69 '70 '72 '73 ' 75 '77 '78 '80 '82 '84 '85 '87 '89 '91 '93 '96 '98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.09 '48 "5 55 .57 .59 '61 '63 '65 '67 '68 '70 '71 '73 '75 '76 '78 '80 "'82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 10 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.13 J'16 1.18{ 1.21 i'l 1.24 1.14 1.27 l.17 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.40 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.431 1.46 1.50 1.52 1.36 1'.54 1.'55 1.58 1.61 1.64 1'°67 1.71 1.74 1.77 1.80 1."39 1.42 1.45 1.48 1.51 1.57 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.71 91 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. -values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life - DURATIONS Two YEARS ONE YEAR ____________ ______ Weeks Wks 39-es3-4 "34 '36 "37 .39 40 '42 .43 "44 "45 .47 '48 .49 '50 '51 '52 .54 .55 '56 '58 .59 '61 *62 '64 "65 '67 '68 '70 '72 .74 75 "77 .79 '81 '83 '895 '88 '90 '92 .94. '96 .99 1.'01 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.22 I"25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1"37 '31 '32 "33 "34 '36 .37 '38 '40 '41 '42 .43 =44 "45 '46 .47 '48 '50 "51 '52 ."54 "55 '57 '58 .59 '61 '62 '64 '65 '67 '69 -71 "72 "74 *76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '87 '89 "91 .93 '96 -98 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1'14 1.16 1.17 1.23 1'25 ______ ee-5 '36 '37 '40 '41 '42 ' 44 '45 '47 '48 '50 '51 '52 '53 .55 '56 '57 '59 '61 '62 '64 '65 '66 '68 '70 '72 '73 '75 .77 '79 '81 '83 .86 '88 '90 '92 '95 '97 1.00 1.02 1'05 1.08 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.32 1'-36 1.39 1.43 1.47 1"' 165 1 68 -YEARS First Wks TOTAL 25.54 26'].1 26.62 27.09 27'52 27.92 28.29 28.64 28.95 29.27 29.57 29.85 30.12 30.37 30.61 30.85 31.09 31.32 31.57 31.83 32.09 32'.38 32'6732'98 33'29 33.61 33.93 34:25 34.57 34.89 35'22 35.55 35.88 36.20 36.52 36'84 37.15 37.45 37.75 38.02 38.30 38.56 38.81 39.04 39'27 39'48 39'67 39.85 40.01 40.17 40.31 40.46 40.61 40.72 40 -81 Six Months and Second Six Months 1.66 1.73 1.80 1.87 1.94 2.00 2.07 2.13 2.20 2.26 2.31 2.37 2.43 2.50 2'56 2'62 2.68 2'.75 2.81 2.88 2.96 3.03 3.11 3.19 3.28 3'36 3.45 3.54 3.63 3.72 3.82 3.92 4.02 4.13 4.24 4.35 4.47 4.59 4.72 4.84 4.97 5.10 5.23 5.37 5.51 5.66 5.81 5.96 6'.12 6.28 6.44 6.60 6.78 6.98 7'17 1.18 1.23 1.28 1.32 1.37 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.57 1'.62 1.67 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.85 1.90 1 95 2.00 2.05 2.11 2.16 2.22 2'28 2.34 2.40 2'.46 2.52 2.59 2'66 2.73 2'.80 2.87 2.95 3.03 3.10 3.19 3.28 3'36 3'46 3.55 3'65 3.75 3.86 3.96 4.07 4.18 4'29 4.41 4.53 4.66 4.79 4'92 5.05 5.19 5.33 AGE THREE _____ TOTAL 2'84 2'96 3.08 3.19 3.31 3.42 3.54 3.65 3.77 3.88 3'98 4.09 4.19 4.30 4.41 4.52 4'63 4.75 4.86 4.99 5.12 5.25 5.39 5.53 5'68 5.82 5.97 6.13 6.29 6.45 6.62 6.79 6.97 7.16 7.34 7.54 7.75 7.95 8.18 8'39 $8"62 8'85 9.09 9.33 9.58, 9.84 10.10 10.37 10.65 10.94 11.23 11.52 11.83 12.17 12.50 upwards 9.41 9.81 10.20 10.59 10.97 11.35 11.74 12.14 12.54 12.95 13.39 13.83 14.29 14'.77 15.28 15.80 16.32 16'85 17.39 17.93 18.50 19.08 19.68 20.30 20.94 21.60 22'28 22.97 23.70 24.45 25.22 26.02 26'84 27.68 28.56 29'46 30.39 31'.36 32.35 33.41 34'48 35.60 36'76 37'98 39'25 40.58 41.97 43.45 44.99 46.61 48.33 50.15 52.04 54.01 ALL () DURATIONS 37.79 38.88 39.90 40.87 41.80 42.69 43.57 44.43 45.26 46.10 46'94 47.77 48.60 49.44 50.30 51.17 52.04 52'92 53'82 54.75 55.71 56.71 57.74 58.81' 59.91 61.03 62.18 63.35 64.56 65'79 67.06 68'36 69.69 71.04 72.42 73.84 75.29 76'76 78.28 79.82 81.40 83.01 84'66 86.35 88.10 89.90 91.74 93.67 95'65 97'72 99'87 102.'13 104.'48 106.'90 10 ' 39q 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 150 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 594 92 " MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life X - DURATIONS AGE (x) ONE YEAR _____ _____ Week 0-4 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 10'36. 10.03 9.68 9.37 8'96 8.54 8.06 7.64 7'12 6.69 6'24 5'88 5.48 5'11 4'63 4.26 3.79 3.50 3'30 2.85 2'01 1.24 '62 Weeksj 4-8 5.94 5.83 5.71 5.57 5.41 5.22 5.02 4.81 4.54 4.32 4.10 3.89 3.68 3.43 3.17 2.92 2.61 2.37 2.18 2.00 1.95 1.32 "80 "50 _____ _____ _____ _____ Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 5.08 5.03 4.95 4.86 4.76 4.63 4.47 4.31 4.13 3.96 3.80 3.60 3.10 3.08 3.05 3.00 2.95 2'88 2.80 2.58 2.58 3.42 3.19 2.93 2.71 2.45 2.19 2.01 1.85 1.72 1.13 .75 "47 2.70 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.27 2.15 2.00 1P84 1.65 1.47 1.27 1.09 "91 '72 '60 .44 '25 2.56 2.52 2.49 2.44 2.39 2.31 2.25 2.17 2.08 1.97 1.87 1.75 1.63 1.47 1.30 1.10 '91 72 "53 .47 '36 '23 _____ ___ _ Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34-39 2.73 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.90 1.87 1.84 1.81 1.76 1.72 1.67 1.61 1.54 1.47 1'40 1.31 1.19 1.08 '96 .77 .57 '38 '36 1.76 1.77 1.77 1.76 1.74 1.72 1.69 1.65 1.62 1.57 1.51 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.26 1.15 1.04 '89 '73 .57 '38 '36 2.03 2.'04 2.05 2.04 2.73 2.73 2.69 2.66 2.60 2.55 2'47 2.41 2.33 2.25 2.14 2.03 1.92 1.80 1.64 1.47 1.25 1.05 '80 .55 .54 '41 '23 '32 "17 '32 '17 2.02 1.99 1.96 1.92 1.88 1.82 1.75 1.69 1.61 1.53 1.45 1.32. 1.20 1.04 '85 *69 '45 .45 .39 93 MALES, 1876-1880. 24 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K DURATIONS ONEz YEAR Two YEARS - Weeks Weeks 39-43 43-47 1-50 1-51 1.52 1.51 1-50 1.49 1.46 1.42 1.40 1.35 1-30 1-27 1-21 1-16 1.10 -99 -89 -78 -61 -48 X31 -33 1.42 1-43 1.44 1.44 1.43 1-41 1-38 1.36 1.33 1.29 1-25 1-20 1-17 1.12 1.05 -95 -86 -74 -"59 -47 -30 -32 "26 -10 -27 "11 I I ______- _____ Weeks ______- ____________ TOTAL -72 -60 -38 -42 -35 -15 Second Six Months Six Months 47-52 1-71 1-73 1.74 1-74 1-73 1-72 1.70 1.65 1.63 1-56 1.52 1-48 1-42 1.35 1.30 1-17 1-06 -91 First TREAGE 40.12 39-67 39-11 38-40 37-52 36-48 35.29 34-00 32.63 31.23 29.81 28.38 26.90 25.29 23.47 21-42 19-22 17.00 14.81 12.66 10.52 8-31 5.91 3.20 8.14 8-31 8-46 8-59 8-65 8-65 8-63 8-56 8-46 8-38 8-27 8-22 8-16 8-06 7-95 7-70 7-32 6.86 6-38 5-78 5.14 4-34 3-87 3-15 2-58 ALL -YEARS 6-10 6.25 6-36 6-42 6.48 6-51 6-48 6.44 6-39 6-30 6-25 6-15 6.09 6-05 5-90 5-73 5.59 5-29 4.90 4-58 4-26 4-07 3-51 3-16 2.58 I r rr~ I r~ rr~ I rr EIl ) ~ ~A ( r) TOTDRTIN upad TOAL 14.24 14.56 14-82 15.01 15".13 15.16 15.11 15-00 14.85 14.68 14.52 14-37 14.25 14-11 13.85 13.43 12.91 12.15 11.28 10-36 9-40 8-41 7-38 6-31 5.16 68-22 71-04 73-92 76.79 79.57 82-26 84.87 87-46 90-15 93-02 96-14 99-53 103.13 106.83 110-.45 113-88 117.17 120-.27 123.22 126.11 128.99 131-.69 133.78 134-.88 134.53 132.38 121-84 109-23 96-55 84-28 72-76 62-19 52-71 44.35 37.12 30.92 25.65 122.58 125.27 127.85 130.20 132.22 133.90 135.27 136.46 137.63 138.93 140.47 142.28 144.28 146.23 147.77 148.73 149.30 149.42 149.31 149.13 148.91 148.41 147.-07 144.39 139-69 132-38 121-.84 109.23 96.55 84.28 72.76 62.19 52.71 44-35 37.12 30-92 25.65 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 4 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Log vi (lxvx x +lx+i9+ Where denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4. 56 57 58 5i9 ... )=Log *J. AGE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 lsx+1+ Weeks 4-8 6.'06600 6.'05525 6.'04547 6.'03346 6.'02121 6'00903 5.99658 5.'98423 5'.97140 5'.95657 5'.94364 5.92992 5'.91693 5'.90226 5.88621 5.87002 5.85448 5.83894 5.82339 5.80868 5.79Y430 5'.77970 76533 5.75103 5'.73655 5'.72222 5'.70764 5'69274 5.67710 5-'-66129. 5.64530 5'.62928 5'.61292 5 071 5'.59629 5 036 5.'57936 5 006 5.56191 4'963 5.54424 5'.52639 5.50749 5.'48844 5.46874 5.'44851 5.'42673 5.40519 5'.38235 5.35868 5-333945-30917 5.28387 5.25725 5.'23019 5.20122 5.17247 5.14184 5.10947 5.58023 5.'56010 5.54153 5.'53210 5.52252 5.'51386 5.'50513 5.' 49584 5.'48629 5.'47731 5.'46769 5 .45735 5.'44702 5'43580 5.42538 5.41411 5.40328' 5.39281 5.38219. 5.'37157: 5.'36156 5.'35139 5.34140 5.'33143 5.'32172 5.31133 4'890 4'815 5'.30080 5.29014 4' 803 5.27896 4' 481 5.'26788 4' 131 5'.2566.9 5.24493 5.23289 5.'22052 5.20803 5'.19477 5'.18153 5'.16795 5.15366 5.13926 5'.12429 5'.10848 5.09231 5.'07571 5.05882 5.04067 5.02171 5.00234 4'.98257 4'.96119 4'.93972 4'.91612 4'.89202 4.86636 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 5.33280 5.'01891 4.88923 5.3328(0 5.'01891 4'88923 5.'32945 5.'01891 4.88923 5.32228 5.01692 4'.88923 5-31509- 5.0l500 4.88923 '31041, 5'01095 4.88465 5.30583 5'00669 4'.87977 5.29971 5.'00164 4.87460 5.29355 4'.99670 4.86953 5.28953 4'.99443 4'.86725 5.28207 4'.98973 4'.86280 5.27361 4.98212 4'.85772 5.26457 4.97490 4.85095 5.25537 4'.96807 4'.84502 5.24670 4'96058 4.83920 5.23789 4.95450 4'.83384 5.22894 4.94729 4.82662 5.22037 4'.93972 4'.81985. 5'.21192 4'.93275 4.81352 5.20321 4.92567 4'.80700 5'.19486 4.91847 4.80029 293 5'.18663 4.91139 4'.79400 5'.17839 4.90419 4'.78752 5'.17015 4.89690 4'.78088 5280 737 5'.16191 4.88950 4'.77378 5.15321 4'.88179 4.7665~ 5.14417 4'87379 4'.75910 5'.13515 4'.86612 4'.75182 45420 5'.12614 4.85878 4'.74493 5.11660 4.85057 4'.73765 5.10730 4'.84250 4'.73024 5.'09739 4.83378 4'.72247 5.'08718 4'.82482 4'.71409 5'07691 4.81561 4'.70562 5.'06615 4.80637 4'.69705 4' 5.05543 4'.79691 4'.68864 4'3981 4' 5.'04425 4'.78687 4'.67946 4'.67019 5.'03241 4'.77680 14'42149 5.'02070 4'.76636 4'.66108 4.75555 4'.65125 4'326 4' 4'99624 4'.74438 4'.64093 4.344 4' 025 ~4' 4'.73252 4'.63013 4'.98294 34'5051 4.72115 4'.61993 4'.96977 54'4807 4'.95581 4.70831 4'.60825 4'6417 4'.94144 4.69546 4.59633 4'92648 4'.68183 4.58421 4.91093 4'.66853 4'.57187 4'89463 4'.65415 4.55856 4.87764 4'.63871 4'.54411 4.85962 4'62268 4.52946 4.84111 4'.60576 4 51332 4.82122 4'.58796 4.49739 4.79994 4.56854 4'47929 4'.77770 4'.54855 4'.46085 4'4417 4'.75405 5 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 4'66840 4.59999 4'.66840 4'.59999 4.66840 4'.59999 4.66840 4.59999 4166840 459999 4'.66426 4.59756 4'.66021 4.59521 4'65824 4.59368 4'.65633 4'.59147 4'.65447 4.59074 4'.64962 4.58512 4'.64547 4.58238 4'.63851 4'.57499 4'.63339 4'.56972 4'62894 4.56586 4.62460 4'.56147 4.61824 4.55534 4'61252 4.54992 4.60794 4 54581 4+ 80022 17249 4'.79446 4.60296 4'.54122 4'.78818 4.59711 4.53560 932 478295: 4.59233 4.53120 4.77722 4.58718 4.5i2635 4'.77101 4.58122 4.52109 4'.76403 4'57538 4'.51593 4'.75718 4.56922 4'.51037 4.75045 4'56361 4'.50543 4'.74357 4.55727 4'49963 25880 4.73710 4.55230 4"'49491 4' 4.54664 4.48983 4'.73048 4'.72348 4.53990 4.48352 4.71635 4'.53330 4.47734 4'70937 4'52646. 4'.47085 4' 24015 4'.46450 4'.70130 4.51938 Z4 2210 4'69361 4.51208 4.45747 4'19808 4'.68561 4'.50493 4.45099 4.67752 4.49794 4'.44425 4' 4'.66912 4.49041 4.43727 4.66134 4.48337 4'.43046 42305 4'.65240 4.47516 4' 4'.64320 4'46679 4 41507 4'.63331. 4.45796 4.40727 4'4176 4.62359 44'2791 4'.44898 4.39964 4'43929 4.39014 4'.61304 d4' 4'3664 4.60207 4'.42888 4.38083 4.59090 4.41926 4.37205 4.57973 4.40899 4'.36250 4.56724 4'39723 4.35160 4'.55402 4'.38484. 4'33969 4'.54045 4'37267 4'.32830 4.52492 4.35860 4'.31509 4'.51068 4.34557 4.30270 4.49439 4.33021 4.28890 4'47802 4.31513 4'.27397 4.46055 4.29811 4.25770 4'.86522 4.86522 4.86522 4.86522 4.86522 4'.86126 4.85740 4.85321 4.85076 4.84957 4.84571 4.84157 4.83380 4'82872 4.82375 4'.81889 4.81210 4.80577 j Weeks 34-39 4'.63250 4'.63250 4'.63250 4'.63250 4.63250 4'.63175 4.63103 4'.63033 4'.62760 4'.62760 4.62180 4.61928 4'.61126 4'.60641 4'.60228 4'.59708 4.59200 4'.58759 334 4'.58435 4.58015 4.5x7553 4.57202 4'.56761 4'56283 4'.55768 4'.55217 4'54723 4.54153 4.53724 4.53264 4.52692 4'.52093 4.51507 4' 4'.50934 4'.50300 4.49716 4'2579 4.49111 4'.48450 4'.47839 4.47142 4'46397 4.45700 4.44926 4.44018 4.43159 4'.42320 4'.41444 4.40394 4'39257 4.38195 4.36975 4'35809 4'.34445 4.33011 4'.31488 95 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Where 'sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YEAR Two YEARS and YEARS Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43--47 4.47734 4.47734 4'47734 4.47734 4.47734 4.47734 4.47734 4.47634 4.47343 4.47343 4.46790 4.46611 4.45732 4.45301 4'.44880 4.44468 4'.44148 4.43680 4.43375 4.43004 4.42496 4.42:142 4.41727 4.41322 4'.40860 4'.40408 4'.39967 4.39475 4.39055 4.38645 4.38130 4.37572 4.37025 4'.36440 4'.35868 4.35361 4.34817 4.34189 4'.33624 4132934 4'.32214 4.31555 4.30869 4'.30033 4.29217 4.28418 4.27563 4'.26536 4.25419 4'.24398 4'.23223 4.22110 4'.20820 4.19457 4'.17995 4.42857 4'.42857 4.42857 4.42857 4.42857 4.42857 442857 4.42857 4'.42532 4.42532 4.42123 4.41923 4'.41140 4.40661 4.40381 4'.40107 4.39752 4.39321 4.39069 4.38741 4'.38340 4.38028 4.37649J 4'.37276 4'.36842 4.36418 4'.359341 4.35530 4'.35135 4.34751 4'.34250 4'07478 4'33762 4'33286 4.32765 4'.32199 4.31758 4.31220 4'-3064 3 4.30131 4.29484 4'.28803 4.28137 4.27490 4.26722 4'.25974 4.25200 4'.24405 4.23467 4'.22389 4.21373 4'.20227 4.19184 4'.17912 4'.16563 4'.15140 20881 Weeks 47-52 TO TAL 4.50098 6.34834 4.50098 6.33987 4.50098 6.33142 4'.50098 6.32288 4.50098 6.31426 4.50098 6 30553 4.50098 6.29669 4.50098 6'28768 4.49730 6.27830 4 49730 6.'26885 449208 6.25905 4.49038 6'24879 4 48207 6.23804 447635 6'.22684 4.47397 6.21595 4 47087 6.20375 4.46633 6.19220 4-46265 6.18085 4 45978 6.16979 4.45629 6.15900 4 45220 6'.14838 4.44888 6':13791 4.44564 6'-127531 4 44246 6.11709 4.43876 610657 4 43516 6'09594 4.43106 6.08517 4 42705 6.'07425 4.42315 6'06316 4.41934 6.'05189 4.'41457 6.04040 4.40992 6'02871 4 40538 6'01679 4 40047 6.00464 4'.39520 5'.99229 4'.39055 5'.97974 4.38555 5'.96696 4 7979 5.95390 4.37504 5.94052 4'.36916 5.92675 4'.36260 5.91255 4'15634 4.35660 5.'89788 4'.35077 5.'88274 4.34319 5.'86710 4'.33580 5.85094 4'.32824 5'.83427 4'.32052 5'.81705 4'.31163 5'.79922 4'.30127 5'.78075 4'.29115 5.'76160 4. 27996 5'.74170 4.26968 5'.72100 4'.25753 5.'69940 4'-24450 5'.67676 6286 5' SixFirst Months 5'.16158 5'.16158 5'.16158 5'.16158 5'.16158 5.16158 5.16158 5'.16158 5'.15936 5'.15603 5'.15281 5'.14910 5.14548 5'.14158 5'.13691 5'.13220 5'.12759 5.12405 5'.11998 5'.11601 5.11244 5'.10921 5'.10609 5'.10278 5.09954 5.'09624 5.'09255 5.08881 5.08454 5'08016 5.07555 5.'071 03 4' 5.'06640 4' 5.'06172 4' 5.'05702 5.'05212 5.'04720 5.04246 5.'03719 5.03153 5.'02547 5.'01912 8680 5.01237 8511 5'00544 8327 4'.99842 4'.99065 4'.98263 4'.97414 4'.96529 4'.95559 4'.94481 4'.93368 4'.92238 4'.91060 4'8R9738 Second Six Months TOTAL 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'01153 5.'00992 5.'00762 5.'00411 5.'00017 4'.99684 4'.99358 4'.99041 4'.98601 4'.98278 4'.98006 4'.97720 4 97382 4'97053 4'.96751 4'.96419 4'.96043 4'.95675 4'.95266 4'.94884 4'.94477 4'.94067 4'.93620 4'.93155 4'.92673 4'.92175 4' 4'.91703 4' 4'.91244 4' 4'.90731 5.39400 5.39400 5.39400 5.39400 5.39400 5.'39400 5.'39400 5.'39400 5.'39271 5.39078 5.38823 5.38509 5.'38151 5.'37762 5.37350 5'36940 5'36539 5'36150 5.'35778 5.35434 5.35106 5.34778 5.34459 5.34140 5.33814 5.33463 5.'33094 532705 5.'32298 5'31873 5.31433 5.30984 5.30522 5'.30047 5'.29563 5.29084 5.28603 5.28112 5.27605 5.27066 5.'26491 5.'25876 5.25222 5'.24539 5.23825 5.23081 5.22300 5'.21474 5.'20593 5.19648 5.18639 5.17563 5'16420 5.15198 4'.90244 4' 4'.89746 4.'89212 4'88622 4'.88001 4.87330 4.86599 4'.85897 7403 4'.85142 7244 4'.84347 7062 4'.83474 4'.82566 4.81645 4.80623 4'.79459 4'.78177 4'784 7551 AGE THREE 5 .1.393 x ALL DURATIONS upwards" 5'.91490 5'.91490 5.91490 5'.91490 5.91490 5'.91490 5'.91490 5'.91490 5'.91490 5'.91490 5'.91480 5'.91463 5'.91439 5'.91403 5'.91356 5'.91300 5.91233 5'.91156 5'.91073 5'.90989 5'.90905 5.90824 5.90738 5'.90642 5'.90533 5'.90406 5'.90260 5'.90098 5.'89925 55'7816 5.89739 5.89536 5'.89318 5.89082 5.88826 5'.88553 5'88268 5.87975 5' 5'.87674 5' 5.87364 5.87041 5' 5.86698 5.86331 5.85936 5.85517 5.85077 5.84619 5.84148 5.83663 7715 5.83158 7605 5.'82623 7484 5.82046 5.81413 5.80716 5.79944 5'.79095 6 51851 6.51280 6 '50715 6.'50147 6.'49578 6'49004 6.'48429 6.47847 6.'47233 6.'46614 6.'45971 6.45295 6.44588 6.43853 6.'43101 6.42344 6.'41596 6.40861 6.40149 6.39461 6'38789 6.38130 6.'37480 6.36831 6.36175 6.35509 6.34830 6.34141 6'33443 i6'0653 6.32732 6.32006 6'.31269 6'.30516 6'29745 6.28963 6'.28174 6.27372 6.26557 6 6.25729 6.'24878 6.24000 6.23093 6.'22154 6.'21184 6.20189 '0107 6'.19165 6'.18113 6'.17035 6.15921 6.14768 6'.13567 6.12310 6'.10988 6.09590 6.'08110 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 96 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Log vi Where s; (lx rx sx +l + Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 4.67493 4.63451 4P59112 4.54541 449518 4.44151 4.38285 4-32002 4.24662 P17316 4.09198 4.00728 3.91866 3-81882 3-71299 3-60563 3-48244 3-36192 4.60659 4.57005 4.52934 4P48606 4P43970 4.38943 81 4.91664 4.87002 4P82048 4.77013 4.71495 4.65472 P.58870 4-52120 4.44223 4-36320 4.27437 4-18724 4.09117 3-99211 3-87950 3.77056 3-64444 3-53046 82 3.42127 3-24130V 3-20520 83 3-28914 3-11561 3-07846 84 3-16850 3-00647 2-94890 2-56937 85 2-91222 2-72916 2-66087 86 87 2-59218 2-17631 2-07525 2-37291 2-04186 2-40654 4.33302 4.27238 4.20566 4-13424 4-05888 3.97391 3.88666 3.78739 3-68097 3.57345 3-45378 IWeeks Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks Weeks Weeks 26-30 30-34 34-39 4.33714 P30522 P27031 4281 P18653 P13919 4.18219 P15103 4.11661 4.07726 P03507 4.14712 4.11691 P08322 4.04536 4.00329 P20968 P17915 4.14650 P10897 P06804 P02296 P.39136 P.35736 4P31886 4.27621 4P23155 P.18281 4-12901 4-06985 4.00595 3.93430 3.85980 3-77298 3.68547 3.58591 3-47828 3.36116 3-23249 3-09167 4P31338 4.28085 4.24363 4.20230 4P15924 4.06021 4-00147 3.94087 3.87239 3.79741 3'71257 3.62521 3.52660 3-42586 3-30685 3-17898 3-02816 4.08828 3.94032 3.95823 3.91052 P03040 3.97118 3-88434 3.82510 3.85522 3-79837 3-91913 3-86374 3-90374 3.75906 3-73151 3.79630 3-83206 3-74772 3.66011 3-56656 3-46923 3.35449 3-23147 3-08350 3.68592 3.60509 3.52088 3.42975 3-33143 3-21775 3-09691 2.94939 3-65734 3.57898 3.49554 3-40807 3-31387 3.20030 3-08171 -2-93601 3.72329 3-64444 3-55811 3-46997 3-37621 3.26079 3.14520 3-00817 2'93902 2-86094 2-92221 2-78604 2-76641 2-82930 2.77232 2-66745 2-43457 2-71265 2-56820 2-56820 2-64836 2-45179 2-29447 2-29447 2-37107 2-39094 2-28103 2-34439 2-17026 2-17026 2.26007 2-14301 1-78282 2-05690 2-11059 2-00000 1-74919. 1-62179 2-00000 1-62179 2-08636 1-68591 411133 13-32634 88 89 191 92 KT ONE YEAR 0-4 80 1+...)=Log -Z+X denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 f 9 94 t95' '96 07 08 1O.l\rlhL1,C i IOI\A~V/ 1-75103 3-98851 3-97479 97 MALES, 1876-1880. 21 per Cent. Logvz (lxvX t x +l1x+l'vx+lax+l ± ... .)=Log Kx Where vx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Two YEARSTHEAG ONE YEAR THREE__ YEARS Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 4.07838 4.04801 4.01687 3.97982 3.93927 3.89520 3'.84702 3.'79141 3'.73592 3.66820 3'.59748 3.52009 3.43632 3.'34986 3.'25431 3'.13513 3.01703 2.'87852 2'.68664 2.'49276 2'.19866 2'.12385 1'.92942 1.43698 4.05296 4.02329 3'.99282 3'.95617 3'.91619 3'.87326 3'.82549 3'.76967 3.71475 3'.64601 3.57600 3.50174 3'41697 3'.33203 3'.23629 3'.11959 3.'00130 2'.86153 2'.67669 2.48855 2.19312 2'.11727 1'.91908 1.40159 4'.13485 4'.10588 4'.07609 4.03997 4.00082 3'.95852 3'.91169 3.85594 3.80127 3.73119 3'.66181 3'.58973 3'.50215 3.41913 3.'32449 3'.20871 3.09202 2'.95182 2'.76716 2.58995 2.'30750 2.23045 2.03743 1.52550 47-52,. j ~ ~~LIT\L\I C~AA~~~AI L~r~~r~AT\ I 20881 T Second Months OA First Six Months Six 5' "50454 5.'46727 5.'42703 5.38358 5.33660 5.28559 5.23001 5'.16937 5 10326 5.'03146 4'.95386 4'.87075 4.78211 4'.68705 4'.58395 4'.47154 4'.34916 4.21683 4.'07291 3'.91450 3'.73632 3'.52892 3.27021 2.88683 4'"S1194 4'78810 4.76194 4'.73331 4'.69956 4'.66069 4'.61845 4'.57047 4'.51713 4'.46003 4.39695 4'.33292 4'.26409 4'.19014 4'.11381 4.02719 3'.92998 3.82256 3'.70749 3'.57357 3'.42521 3'.24674 3.08636 2.88024 2'.67210 4 68637 4'-664324'-63810 4'.60704 4 57371 4 53715 4'.49409 4'44686 4'39492 4'.33626 4 27517 4'.20685 4'.13704 4.06547 3'.98426 3.89873 3'.81271 3'.70995 3.59240 3.47305 3.34380 3'.21958 3.04415 2.88138 2'.67302 A TOTAL 5'05469 5'03161 5'00544 4.97577 4'.94220 4'.90433 4'.86173 4'.81408 4'.76134 4'.70357 4'.64135 4'.57547 4'.50622 4.43329 4'.35488 4'.26872 4'.17632 4.07092 3'.95477 3'.82724 3'.68744 3'.53441 3.36680 3'.18184 2'.97359 and upwards 5'.73508 5.72019 5'.70345 5'.68454 5.66309 5'63873 5'61108 5'.57976 5.54458 5.50543 5.'46238 5'41571 5.36575 5.31275 5.25667 5.19728 5'.13424 5.'06655 4'.99303 4'.91266 4'.82482 4'.72907 4'.62502 4.51214 4'.38945 4'.25481 4.'08257 3.88602 3'.66495 3'41268 3'.12080 2'.77859 2.37157 1.87943 1'.27140 0.49372 1'.41847 ALL AGE___-_____-__________-____ DURATIONS 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7475 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 5.98960 5.96655 5.94140 5'.91387 5.88364 5.85033 5.81355 5'.77294 5'.72833 5'.67966 5.62706 5'.57092 5.51158 5.'44908 5.'38306 5.31321 5.23947 5'10080 5.'07646 4'.98549 4.88719 4'.78097 4'.66616 4.54170 4.40581 4'.25481 4.08257 3.'88602 3'.66495 3.41268 3'.12080 2'.77859 2.'37157 1'.87943 1.27140 0.49372 1'.41847 C\ ~~A I ~\ AT\A~AI ~ ~~A~l~ N N 2 98 05358 99 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. 3 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF MALES, 1876-1880. A Log Dx.Log Nx Ax ax Px AGELoD Lo D 5 4'.93581 6 4'.91670 7 4'.89880 8 4.88162 9 4.86512 10 4.84912 11 4'.83349 12 4'81811 13 4'" 80286 14 4'.78763 15 4'.77234 16 4' 75691 17 4.74129 18 4'.72541 19 4'.70938 20 4'.69336 21 4'.67746 22 4'.66176 23 4'.64625 24 4'.63089. 25 4'61557 26 4'.60024 27 4,58484 28 4'.56931 29 4'.55365 30 4'.53786 31 4'52194 32 4'.50587 33 4.48964 34 4'47324 35 4'45666 36 4.43988 37 4'42293 38 4.40584 39 4'.38860 .40 4.37123 41 4'.35374 42 4'.33610 43 4.31827 44 4'30021 45 4'.28188 46 4.26324 .47 4'.24425 48 4'.22490 49 4'.20520 50 4.18514 51 4.16472 52 4'.14389 6'.31112 6.29323 6'.27536 6'25746 6.'23950 6.'22144 6.20330 6.18503 6'.16664 6'14811 6.12943 6.'11059 6.'09163' 6.'07254 6.'05327 6'03391 6.'01435 5.'99463 5.97471 5.95457 5.93421 5.91360 5.89273 5.87159 5.85019 5.82851 5.80652 5'.78422 5'.76160 5.73865 5.71535 5.'69168 5'.66764 5'.64320 5'61834 5.59303 5.'56725 5'54095 5'.51414 5.'48676 5'45877 5.43017 5'.40090 5.37094 5.34023 5.'30871 5.'27637 5.24311 '27968 '27776 '27770 '27883 '28117 '28443 '28839 "29291 '29780 '30289 '30808 '31326 '31830 22.'405 22'.240 '32311 '32794 22.'074 21'.905 '33286 21'.722 '33819 21'.521 "34405 21'304 '35037 21071 '35715 20'.828 '36423 '37158 20.'576 20"318 '37909 20'-058. '38666 '39435 19.'794 19"528 '40210 '40999 19.'257 '41800 18.'982 '42606 18.'705 18'.425 '43422 '44246 18-'142 '45077 17.'857 '45919 17.1.568 '46777 17.'273 16.972 '47654 16' 665 '48548 '49466 16.'350 16.'027 '50407 15.699 '51362 15.'366 '52333 15.'028 '53317 14'.687 '54310 14'.343 '55311 13. 997 '56320 13'.647 '57339 13.291 '58376 12.932 '59421 12'.567 '60485 23.'731 23.7'97 23'.799 23'.760 23'.680 23.'568 23'.432 23'.277 23'.109 22'.934 22'.756 22'.578 '01131 '01120 '01120 '01126 '01139 '01157 '01181 '01207 '01235 '01265 '01297 '01328 .01360 '01390 '01421 '01453 '01489 '01528 '01571 '01618 '01668 '01722 '01778 '01836 '01896 '01959 '02024 '02092 '02162 '02235 '02311 '02391 '02473 '02560 '02651 '02748 '02851 '02960 '03075 '03198 '03327 '03463 '03605 '03755 '03915 '04084 '04265'04459 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 LoNA 1Lo 4.12261 410073 4.'07817 4.05484 4.03069 4.00570 3.97984 3'.95304 3'.92517 3'.89608 3'.86561 3'.83364 3'.80011 3'.76504 3'.72855 3'.69057 3'.65074 3.60846 3'.56302 3'.51364 3 45982 5.20890 5'.17365 5.13732 5.'09982 5.'06111 5.'02111 4.97969 4.93680 4'.89231 4.84614 4.79816 4.74827 4'.69636 4'.64226 4'.58575 4'.52662 4.46459 4'.39947 4.33106 4.25933 4'.18429 4'.10605 4.02469 3'.27216 3'.94020 3.20277 3'.85240 3'.13114 3'.76089 3.05742 ~3.66509 2'.98099 3'.56439 2'.90091 3.'45814 2.81584 3.34582 2.72432 3.'22717 2.62560 3.10206 2'.51982 2'.97032 2.40787 2.83133 2.29035 2.'68397 2'.16775 2'.52617 2.'03905 2'.35499. 1'.90179 2.'16643 1'.75166 1'.95545 1'.58311 1'.71566 1'.38882 1.43900 1.15971 1'.11508 0'.88457 0'.72982 0.54836! Q.26324 0'.13016 1'.68471 1.59833 2. 94084 2'.89900 3'.90385 3'.90385 /J~ I~L: VVVVVIV VVVlr/l I~ Ir/'I I C~~~IVV I II IV~LVh I ~IIVCIV II x 12.198 11.828 11 -459 11.091 10'726 10'.361 9.997 9'633 9.271 8.914 8.562 8.215 7.87v 7.537 7.198 6'856 6.514 6'180 5'862 5.568 5.'302 .5066 4'853 4'656 4.463 4.263 4.052 3'.832 3'.608 3'.388 3'"183 2.995 2'.822 2.651 2.475 2'.283 2'.070 1.839 1.599 1.357 1.123 '902 '700 '519 '359 '220 '101 1' Ax '61559 '62637 '63706 '64783 '65847 '66910 '67970 '69030 '70084 '71124 '72149 '73160 '74150 '75135 '76123 '77119 '78114 '79087 '80013 '80870 '81644 '82333 '82952 '83527 '84088 '84671 '85285 '85926 '86579 '87220 '87816 '88364 '88868 '89366 '89878 '90438 '91058 '91731 '92430 '93135 '93816 '94460 '95049 '95576 '96042 '96447 '96793 '97087 '04664 -04883 L"05114 4" ' 05616 '05889 '06181 '06492 '06823 '07174 '07546 '07939 '08355 '08801 '09286 '09816 '10396 '11015 '11661 '12313 '12955 '13573 '14172 '14767 '15392 '16088 '16881 '17783 '18789 '19876 '20994 "'22118 '23251 '"24477 -25864 '27547 '29661 '32311 '35564 '39514 '44191 100 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life DURATIONS ONE AGE Weeks 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 12.49 12.74 12.97 13-10 13.21 13.30 13-37 13.44 13.50 1348 13.53 13.59 13.61 13.63 13.61 13.57 13.56 13-54, 13-51 13.51 13.Si 13.Si 13.52 13.54 13.5 13.58 13.60 13.61 13.61 13.61 13.60 13.61 13.60 13-GO 13.59 13.56 13.54 13.51 13.46 13-41 13.34 13-27 13.17 13.08 12-97 12-84 12.69 12.56 12.42 12.27 12.13 11.95 11.81 11.64 11-45-7 We~eks 4-8 4-05 4.03 4.01 4.07 4.13 4.20 4.26 4.31 4-36 4-42 4.47 4-Si 4.56 4-60 4.65 4.70 4-75 4.80 4-84 4.89 4.94 4.99 S-OS 5-1 5.1 5.23 5-29 5-35 5.40 5-46 5-52 5.58 5-64 5.69 5.75 5-79 5-84 6-1 5.89 5.93 6-1 5-97 6-0 6-01 6-04 6-07 6-10 6-13 6-15 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-19 6-20 6-19 6.18 6-16 1 10-7i 6-01 10.52 5.93 Weeks 8-13 2-25 2-36 2-44 2-49 2-55 2-60 2-67 2-72 2-78 2-85 2-90 2-94 2-98 3-02 3-06 3-11 .317 3-21 3-25 3-30 3-35 3-40 3-45 3-Si 3-56 3-62 3-67 3-73 3-78 3-84 3-90 3-96 4-01 4-07 4-13 4-19 4-24 4-30 4-35 4-41 4-46 5-0 4-51 4-57 5-0 4-62 4-67 5-O 4-72 4-77 4-81 4-85 4-89 4-93 4-96 4-99 3-02* Weeks 13-17 1-08 1-13 1-18 1-22 1-26 1-30 1-33 1-36 1-39{ 1-43 1-47 1-49 1-52 1-55 1-58 1-61 1-64 1-67 1-70 1-74 1-77 1-80 1-83 1-86 1-90 1-93 .1-96 2-00 2-04 2-08 42-11 3-01 2-15 43-03 2-19 43-OS 2-23 43-OS 2-27 2-30 2-34 2-38 2-42 2-46 2-49 2-53 2-57 2-61 2-65 2-68 2-72 2-76 2-80 2-83 2-86 2-90 2-93 2-96 2-.99. YEAR Weeks 17-21 -80 -84 -87 -91 -94 -97 -99 1-01 1-04 1-07 1-09 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-19 1-22 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-32 1-34 1-37 1-40 1-42 1-45 1-48 1-50 1-53 1-56 1-60 1-63 1-66 1-69 1-72 1-75 1-79 1-83 1-86 1-89 1-93 1-97 2-00 203 2-07 2-10 2-14 2-18 2.21 2-25 2.28 2-31 2-35 2-38 2-41 2-45 Weeks 21-26 -75 -79 -82 -86 -89 -91 -94 -98 -99 1-02 1-04 1-07 1-09 1-12 1-15 1-17 1-20 1-22 1-25 1-28 1-30 1-33 1-36 1-39 1-41 1-44 1-47 1-SO 1-53 1.57 1-61 1-64 1-67 1-70 1-74 1-78 1-81 1-85 1-90 1-93 1-97 2-01 2-O5 2-09 2-13 2-17 2-22_ 2-26 2-30 2-34 2-37 2-42 2-46 2-51 2-56 Weeks 26-30 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -59 -61 -63 -65 -66 -67 -69 -71 -73 -75 -76 -78 -80 -82 -84 .-86 -88 -89 -91 -93 -96 -98 1.00 1-02 1.05 1-07 1-09 1-12 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-28 1-31 1-34 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-49 1-52 1-55 1-59 1-62 1.-66 1-69 1-72 1-79 Weeks 30-34 -41 -42 -44 -46 -48 -49 -51 -53 -54 -56 -57 -58 -60 -61 -63 -65 -66 -67 -69 -70 -72 -74 -76 -78 -80 -81 -83 -85 -88 -90 -92 -94 -97 99 1-01 1-04 1-06 1-08 1-11 1-14 1-16 1-19 1-22 1.25 1-28 1-31 1-34 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-50 1-53 1-57 1-60i Weeks 34-39 -44 -46 -48 -49 -51 -53 -55 -57' -59 -61 -62 -64 -65 -66 -68 -70 -71 -73 -75 -77 -79 -81 -83 -85 -87 -89 -91 -93 -96 -99 1-01 1-03 1-06 1-09 1-11 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-30 1-33 1-37 1-40 1-43 1-47 1-51 1-55 1-58 1-62 1-66 1-70 1-74 1-78 1-82. 101 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = D DURATIONS Two YEARS ONE YEAR _______-______ -______ ______ _____ First Weeks Weeks Weeks ToL 39-43 43-47 47-52 TOA .33 .34 "35 "37 '38 '40 '41 '42 .43 .44 '46 .47 '48 '50 .'51 '52 .53 .55 .57 "58 '60 '62 '63 '65 '67 '69 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '83 '85 '87 '90 '92 '94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.46' 1' 501 23.66 24.21 24.71 25.17 25.59 25.98 26'.35 26.70 27.02 27'34 27'64 27'93 28.19 28.45 28.70 28.94 29.18 29.43 29.68 29.95 30.23 30.52 30.84 31.15 31.48 31.81 32.14 32.48 32.82 33.17 33.51 33.86 34.21 34.56 34.90 35-25 35.58 35.'91 36.23 36.55 36.85 37.14 37.42 37.69 37.95' 38.19 38.43 38,61 1.47 1.54 1.60 1.66 1.73 l'79 1.86 1.93 1.98 2.04 2'.09 2'.15 2'.21 2.27 2'.32 2'.38 2.45 2'51 2' 57 2.64 2.71 2'.79 2'.86 2.94 3.03 3.11 3.20 3.29 39.01 39'-23 39.41 39.59 39.76 6.05 6.21 6.39 6.57 6'.77 31 *32 '33 .35 '36 '37 '39 '40 '41 "43 "44 "45 '46 "47 '48 "49 '52 "54 "55 '56 57 .59 '60 '62 63 '65 '67 69 '70 "72 "74~ '76 '78 '80 '83 '85 "87 '.89 '91 .94 .97 .99 1.01 1-04. 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.31 1'342 '27 '-28 '30 '31 '32 "33 .34 35 '36 '38 "39 '40 '41 '42 .43 .45 '46 .47 '48 .49 '51 '52 .54 -55 .57 '58 '60 '61 '63 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 .74 '76 '78 '80 82 '85 '87 '89 '92 .94 .97 .99 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.22 1'29p - 3.47 .57 3.67 3.77 3.87 3.99 4.10 4.22 4.34 4.47 4.59 4'72 4.85 4.99 5.13 5.27 5.42 5.57 5.73 5.89 1.04 1.08 1.13 1,17 1-22 1-26 1.31 1.36 1-41 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.59 1'"C3 1-68 1.73 1-78 1-82 1-88 1.93 1.98 2'.04 2.09 2'.15 2'22 2-28 2.34 2-40 2'.47 2.54 2.61 2-69 2-76 2'.84 2.92 3-00 3'09 3.18 3-27 3.37 3.47 3.57 3-67 3.78 3 89 4.'00 4-12 4'24 4-36 4.49 4"'52 4.76 4.90 5. ALL and Second Six Months Six Months 03 ;"18 A THREE -YEARS _____ TOTA4L upwards 2.51 2'62 2.73 2'.83 2.95 3.05 3.17 3'29 3.39 3.49 3.59 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.11 4'23 4.33 4.45 4.57 4.69 4.83 4.95 5.09 5.25 5.39 5.54 5.69 5.5 6.01 6.18 6'36 6.53 6.71 6.91 7.10 7.31 7.52 7.74 7.96 8.19 8.42 8.66 8.91 9'16 9.42 9-69 9.97 10.25 10.54 10'.83 11.15 it'.47 11.80 12'14 8.11 8.48 8.83 9.19 9.54 9.90 10.26 10.63 11.01 "1.4' 11.82 12.23 12.68 13.13 13'61 14-1114-60 15.11 15.63. 16.15 16.70 17.26 17'.85 18.46 19.07 19.72 20.38 21.07 21.78 22'51 23.26 24.05 24'.86 25.69 26 55 27'44 28.36 29'32 .30.32 31 36 32.43 33 55 34.71 35-,93 37'20 38 53 39.92 41.40 42.95 459 46.32 48.14 50'.05 52.04 54'137 DURATIONS 34.28 35.31 36.27 37.19 38.08 38'.93 39'78 40.62 41'42 42.24 43.05 43'86 44.67 45.48 46.31 '47.16 48".01 48.87 49.76 50.67 51.62 52.61 53.64 54.70 55.80 56.92 58.06 59.24 60.45 61.69 62'95 64.27 65-60 66.96 68'36 69.79 71.25 72.75 74.29 75.87 77.47 79."1 80.79 82.53 84.31 86.14 88.04 90.0l 92.04 94.17 :6.38 98.70 101-11 103.'60 10 no 15~l (e 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 r59r 102 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =x DURATIONS AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 10.20 9.88 9.54 9.22 8.85 4.43 7.97 7'56 7.05 6'64 6.17 5.83 5.43 .77 5.06 78 79 80 81 82 83 4.60 4.23 3.77 3.48 3.28 2.99 2-83, 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2.00 1.24 '62 1 Weeks 4-8 5"(s4 5.74 5.62 5.50 5.33 5.16 4.96 4.75 4.49 4.29 4.06 3.85 3.66 3.40 3.13 2.89 2.59 2.36 2.17 2.00 1.95 P.31 '81 "49 Weeks 8-13 4.99 4.94 4.87 4.79. 4.0 4.57 4.42 4.26 4.08 3.91 3.76 3.56 3.39 3.16 2.91 2.69 2.43 2.17 2.00 1.84 1.71 1.12 "75 "47 Weeks 13-17 3.04 3.'03. 3.'00 2.95 2.90 2.84 2.76 2.67 2.58 2.47 2.38 2.24 2.13 ].0 99 1.83 1.65 1.46 1.27. 1.08 '91 "71 60 .44 25 .Weeks 17-21 2.54 2.54 2.52 2.49 2.46 2.41 2.36 2.28 2.22 2.14 2.06 1.95 1.86 1.73 1.62 1.46 1.29 1.09 '90 '71 '52 "47 '36 '24 Weeks 21-26 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.62 2.57 2.51 2.44 2.38 2.'30 2.23 2.12 2.01 1.90 1.79. 1132 1.46 1.24 1.04 "79 '54 "54 '41 '23 Weeks 26-30 1.87 1.88 1.88 1.87 1.85 1.82 1.79 1.74 1.'70 1.65 1.59 1.53 1.46 1.39 k" 30 1.19 1.07 '91 '76 "57 '38 '36 '32 '17 Weeks 30-34 1.73 1.74 1.74 1.73 1.'72 1.70 1.67 1.63 1.60 1.55 1-49 1.44 1.38 1.32 l.25 1.14 1.03 '89 '73 .57 '38 '36 '32 '17 Weeks 34-39 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.01 1.99 1.96 1.93 P.89 P.86 P.80 P.73 P.67 1'.59 1'.52 P.44 P.31 P.19 1.04 '84 *68 .45 .45 '38 '20 103 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week. for the Whole of Life K. DURATIONS TREAGE Two YEARS ONE YEAR THREEfix) Weeks 39-43 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.49 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.41 1.38 1.34 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.09 '98 '.89 '78 '61 '48 '30 .33 '27 "11 Weeks 43-47 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.41 1.40 1.39 1.37 1.34 1.32 1.27 1.24 1.20 1.16 1.11 1.05 '95 '86 '75 '59 '47 '30 '32 '26 "10 Weeks 47-52 1'.68 1'.70 1'.71 1'.71 1.71 1'.69 1'.67 1.63 1'.61 1'.55 1.51 1.47 1.40 1.36 1'.28 1.16 1.'06 '92 '73 '60 '41 '42. '34 '14 TOA TOA 39.42 39.02 38.49 37.'83 37.00 36.00 34'.85 33'.60 32.27 30.91 29'.52 28.11 26.67 25.09 23.29 21.27 19.10 16'.90 14.73 12.61 10'.48 8'.28 5'.90 3.19 TOA Second First Six Months Six MonthsTOA 7.97 8.14 8.30 8'.44 8'.51 8'.52 8.50 8.44 8'.35 8'.27 8.17 8.14 8.08 7.98 7.'88 7.64 7.'26 6.81 6.34 5.74 4.32 3.86 3.14 2 .58 5.97 6.12 6.23 6.31 6.37 6.41 6.39 6.35 6.30 6.17 6.08 6.03 5.98 5.84 5.68 5.54 5.25 4.86 4.55 1394 14.26 14.53 14.75 14.88 14.93 14.89 14.79 14'.65 14.49 14.34 14.22 14.11 13.96 13.72 13.32 12.80 12.'06 11.20 10.29 4.24 9.35 4.06 3.50 3.15 2.58 8-38 6.22 7.36 6.'29 5.16 ALL YEARS DURATIONS and upwards 6,6'36 119.'72 69.22 122.'50 125.'14 127.'61 129.'73 72.12 75.03 77.85 80.57 83.24 85.87 88.59 91.49 94.64 98.05 101. 66 105.'41 109.'07 112.'53 115.'85 119.'02 122.'02 124.'96 127-'90 130'.65 131'.50 132.'98 70' 134.26 71 72 135.'51 136.'89 138.'50 140.38 142.'44 144.'46 146.'08 147.'12 147.'75 147.'98 147.'95 147.'86 147.'73 147.31 146.'06 143.'48 138.'89 131'.69 121'.26 131'.69 121'.26 108'.75 96.18 83.98 96.18 83.98 72.55 62.04 52.59 44.26 72.55 62.04 52.59 37.06 30.88 20881 _______ 44.26 37.06 30:88 25.62 J _______ 25.62 _______ 66, 67 68 69 132.'80 134.'00 133.'73 108.'75 64 65. ______ 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9? 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 104 MALES, 1876-4880. 3 per Cent. Log vi(lx vX sx + 'x+ 1vx + 14x+1+ --. .)=Log Kx Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE (ax) ONE YEAR Weeks 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 .51" 52 53 Weeks Weeks 0-4 4-8 8-13 Weeks 13-17 5-28896 5.28896 5.28532 5-27752 5.26971 5.26462 5.25967 5.25304 5-.24639 5-24205 5-23401 5-22490 5-21518 5-20530 5-.19598 5-18652 5-17876 5-.16776 5-.15872 5-14942 4.97105 4-97105 4-.97105 4-.96888 4-.96677 4.96235 4-.95770 4-95220 4-194683 4-.94436 4.93926 4-.93103 4-92322 4-91584 4-90776 4-90121 4-89345 4-.88531 4-.87783 4-.87023 6-.03242 5.54353 6-.02202- 5.52188 6-01162 5.50188 5-99886 5-49174 5-98586 5.48143 5-.97294 5-47211 5-.95974 5-46274 5-.94665 5.45278 5-93307 5-44253 5-.91738 5-43291 5-.90371 5-42262 5-.88921 5.41157 5-87548 5-40054 5-86000 5-38855 5-84308 5.37743 5-82601 5-36542 5-80963 5.35389 5-.79325 5.34275 5-.77689 5-33145 5-.76142 5-32018 5-.74629 5.30955 5-.73095 5-29877 5.71587 5-28818 5-70087 5-.27764' 5-68569 5-26738 5-67068 5-25641 5-65542 5-24530 5-63984 5-23407 5-.62351 4- 382 5-22231 5-04 5-60700 4- 073 5-21067 4-962 5-59034 4- 745 5-19892 4-26 5.57364 4- 389 5-.18659 4-876 5-.55660 5-.17398 5-53931 -5-.16104 5-.52171 5.14799 5.50361 5.13414 5.48528 5-.12033 5.46678 5-10619 5.44722 5-09134 5.42750 5.-07636 5-40715 5.06082 5-38625 5-04442 5.36379 5-02768 5.34159 5-01049 5.31807 4-99304 5-29371 4-97430 5-26828 4-95474 5.24284 4-93479 5-21686 4-.91444 5-18957 4-.89247 5-16185 4-.87043 5-.13220 4-.84622 5-.10280 4-.82153 5.-07150 4-.79525 5-0846 4-76736 5.14052 5.13174 5-.12297. 5-.11420 5.10545 5-09623 5-08666 5-07711 5-06759 5.05752 5-04771 5-03728 5.02654 5-01576 5-00447 4- 24 '993 4-.98153 4.96916 4-.95694 4-.94427 4.93145 4.91762 4-.90394 4-.88946 4-87457 4-85908 4-.84301 4-.82618 4-.80866 4-.7901 4.77106 4-.75062 4-.72879 4.70599 4.68178 4-.65650 4-62914 4-.59974 4-.56713 1486252 4-.85494 4-.84726 4-.83947 4-.83159 4-.82339 4-.81488 4-.80674 4-.79896 4-.79027 4.78173 4.77253 4.76308 4-.75338 4-.74367 4-.73373 4.72320 4-.71266 4-.70173 4-.69044 4-.67878 4-.66642 4-.65460 464126 4-.62793 4-.61380 4.60002 4-.58517 4-.56923 4.55270 4-.53528 4-.51697 4.-49703 4-.47651 4-.45545 4.43207 4.-40708 4.38001 4-.35007 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 17-21 21-26 26-3v 30-34 4-.83958 4-.83958 4-.83958 4-.83958 4-.83958 4-.83457 4-.82923 4-.82357 4 81804 4-.81556 4-.81072 4-.80519 4-.79786 4.79142 4-.78513 4-.77934 4.77155 4.76425 4-75744 4-.75043 4-.74322 4-.73647 4-.72954 4-.72243 4-'71484 4-.70709 4-.69920 4-.69144 4-.68413 4-.67640 4-.66855 4-.66033 4-.65149 4-.64255 4-.63353 4-.62467 4.61501 4-.60529 44 59575 44-.58546 4-3242 4-.57468 44-.56341 44-55278 4-.54062 4 52824 4 51565 4 50286 4-.48910 3689 4-47416 4 3481 45905 4-44242 4-42602 2982 4-.40742 2695 4-.38851 4.81374 4-.81374 4-.81374 4-.81374 4.81374 4-.80938 4-.80514 4-.80055 4.79786 4.79656 4-.79235 4-.78783 4-.77938 4.77386 4-.76847 4.76321 4-.75586 4-.74902 4-.74302 4-.73682 4-73006 4-.72444 4.71829 4.71162 4.70416 4.69684 4-.68966 4-.68233 4-.67543 4-.66840 4-66096 4.65341 4-.64601 4.63748 4-.62937 4.62093 4.61241 4-60360 4-.59543 4-58606 4-.57642 4-.56610 4"55596 4-.54497 4.-53356 44-.52195 4-51037 4-49744 44.48377 4.46976 4.45373 4.43906 4.42231 4.40548 3436 2913 4-61552 4-.61552 4-.61552 4-.61552 4-.61552 4.61094 4.60647 4.60430 4-60220 4.60016 4-59486 4-59033 4.58272 4.57714 4.57229 4.56757 4.56065 4-55444 4.54948 4.54411 4-.53779 4-.53264. 4-.52710 4-.52071 4-51444 4-50783 4-50183 4-49504 4-48975 4-48372 4.-47656 4.-46956 4-.46231 4-45481 4-.44710 4.43955 4-.43218 4-.42426 4-.41686 4.40824 4-.39948 4-.39025 4.38088 4-.37077 4-.35993 4.34992 4-.33925 4-.32705 4-31423 4-.30166 4-.28713 4-.27370 4-.25789 4-24239 4-.22492 4- 54564 4-.54564 4-.54564 4-.54564 4-.54564 4-.54295 4.54034 4-.53866 4-.53622 4-.53542 4-.52926 4-.52626 4-.51818 4.51243 4-.50822 4-.50344 4-49676 4.-49089 4-.48642 4-48144 4- 47537 4-.47062 4-.46540 4-.45972 4-.45417 4-.44821 4-.44292 4-.43672 4-.43167 4-.42625 4-163 4-1467 4.-41953 4 41295 f4-0971 4-1233 4 40606 4-.39934 4-.39191 4-.38505 4.37794 4-.37061 4-.36342 4-.35564 4-.34727 4-.33909 4-.33112 4-.32120 4-.31150 4-.30235 4-.29243 4-.28112 4-26879 4-.25701 4-.24336 4-.23060 4-.21 638 4.20104 4-.18435 Weeks 34-3:f 4.57555 4.57555 4.57555 4.57555 4-.57555 4-57471 4.57390 4.57313 4 57011 4.57011 4.56371 4'56093 4.55211 4.54679 4 54224 4.53655 4 53098 4-.52616 4-.52264 .4.51807 4.51304 4-.50923 4.50446 4 49927 4 49371 4 48777 4-48246 4 47632 4 -47172 4-46678 4-.46066 4-.45425 4-44799 4.44190 4-.43516 4-.42896 4.42254 4-41554 4-.40907 4-.40173 4-.39387 4.-38653 4-.37840 4-.37085 4-.36188 4-.35315 4.34404 4- 33314 105 MALES. 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. +l1x~+ Log vi (1 vx x+lx+lvr± .. .. )=LogK~ Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations I I Two YEARS ONE YEAR 1 ______--__1_____1 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 39-43 I 4.42141 4.42141 4.42141 4.42141 4.42141 4.42141 4.42141 4.42030 4.41709 4.41709 4.41101 4.40904 4.39940 4'39466 4.39005 4.38557 4.38207 4'37698 4.37367 4'36964 4.36414 4.35930. 4.35482 4.35044 4.34545 4.34058 4.33584 4-33056 4.3260 5 4.32166 4-31616 4.31020 4.30440 4.29818 4.29210 4'28673 4.28097 4.27434 4'26839 4.26114 4.25358 4'24667 4.23950 4.23076 4.22222 4.21392 4.20501 4.19435 4.18276 4.17219 4.16005 4.14857 4.13526 4.12123 4.10622 __ Weeks 47-52 I -- __ 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.4,1365 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.44365 4.37062 4.44365 4.36702 4.'43959 4'*36702 4.43959. 4.36250 4.43382 4.36029 4.43194 4.35168 4.42280 4'34639 4.41652 4.34331 4.41390 4.34033 4.41051 4'33644 4.40555 4.33173 4'.40154 4'32897 4'.39841 4.32539 4'.39461 4.32104 4'.39016 4.31765 4'.38561 4.31353 4.38209 4.30952 4'.37867 4.30484 4'.37468 4.30025 4.'37077 4.29504 4.36635 4.29068 4'.36205 4'28646 4'.35786 4'28233 4.35378 4'27699 4'.34867 4.27177 4.34370 .4.26670 4'33887 .4.26114 4.33365 4.25513 4.32805 4.25044 4'.32311 4.24475 4.31781 4.23865 4.31173 4.23325 4.30673 4'22642 4'.30053 4.21927 4'.29363 4.21229 4'28733 4.20550 4.28122 4.19747 4'27328 4.18966 4'.26555 4.18162 4.25765 4.17333 4.24961 4.16358 4.24037 4.15238 4'.22963 4.14186 4.21914 4.13001 4'.20758 4.11926 4'.19698 4.10616 4'.18446 4.09226 4'.17105 4.07766 4.15679 I Second Six Months' Months SixFirst TOTAL I _- 6.'30984 6.30070 6.29160 6.'28241 6'.27313 6.'26374 6.25425 6.'24458 6.23453 6.22440 6.21392 6.20294 6.19145 6.17949 6'.16723 6.15486 6'.14256 6'.13047 6'.11869 6.10722 6.'09595 6.08484 6.'07380 6.'06276 6.'05163 6.04039 6.'02903 6.'01750 6.'00582 5'.99396 5.98188 5.96959 5.95709 5'.94436 5.93143 5'.91830 5.90494 5'.89132 5.87737 5'.86304 5.84827 5.83304 5.81733 5.'80111 5.78438 5.76714 5.74935 5'.73096 5'.71192 5'.69220 5.67174 5.65048 5.62832 5.60511 I 5.10275 5'.10275 5'.10275 5.10275 5'.10275 5'.10275 5'.10275 5'.10275 5.10029 5.'09661 5.09303 5.'08892 5.08491 5.'08062 5.'07549 5.'07030 S5'06524 5.06137 5.'05691 5.'05257 5.'04866 5'0.4518 5.'04179 5.'03819 5.'03468 5.'03114 5.'02713 5.'02310 5.'01853 5.01382 5.'00886 5.00403 4'.99910 4.99408 4.98908 4'.98390 4'.97865 4'.97365 4'96809 4'.96211 4'-95572 4'.94905 4'.94193 4'"93467 4.92734 4'.91923 4'.91086 4'.90202 4.89281 4.8827-5 4'.87158 4.86007 4'84839 4'83624 AGE THREE ____ TOTAL and upwards I 4.95093 4'.95093 4.95093 4.95093 4'.95093 4'.95093 4.95093 4'.95093 4'.95093 4'.95093 4.94916 4'.94659 4'.94270 4'.93837 4'.93469 4'.93111 4'.92763 4'.92279 4'.91926 4'.91628 4'.91316 4'.90948 4'.90590 4'.90262 4.89903 4.89495 4.89099 4.88657 4'.88246 4.87810 4.87370) 4'.86892 4.86395 4'.85881 4.85350 4.84848 4'.84360 4.89?816 4.83301 4'.82775 4.82213 4.81592 4'.80940 4.80235 4'.79470 4'.78737 4'.77949 4'.77121 4'.76212 4'.75270 4'.74316 4'.73257 4.72054 DURATIONS 1 I 5.33447 5'.84484 5.'33447 5.84484 5.33447 5.84484 5.33447 5'.84484 5.33447 5.'84484 5.33447 5'.84484 5.33447 5'84484 5-33447 5'84484 5.33304 5'84484 5.33089 5'84484 5.32806 5.84473 5.'32459 5'84454 5.32064 5'.84426 5'.31633 5.84386 5.'31181 5.84334 5.'30730 5.'84271 5.'30290 5.84195 5.29862 5'.84110 5.29456 5.84016 5'.29079 5.'83923 5.28721 5.83830 5'.28364 5.83741 5.28017 5.83646 5'.27670 5.83541 5'27317 5.83420 5.26939 5.83281 5.26541 5'83122 5.26121 5.82945 5.'25683 5.82756 5.25227 5.82553 5.24755 5.82334 5.'24274 5.82098 5.23780 5.81842 5.23272 5.81566 5.'22759 5.81272 5..22247 5.80966 5.21738 5.80652 5'.21220 5.80329 5.20681 5.79998 5.20113 5.79654 5.19507 5'79289 5.18859 5.78898 5.18173 5.78481 5.17455 5.78037 5'.16709 5.77573 5.15931 5'77090 5'.76594 5'.14255 5.76084 5'.13340 5'.75555 5.12360 5'.74995 5.11312 5'.74392 5.10201 5.73733 5.09018 5'.73007 5.07757 5'.72206 5 '7124 4'.70731 4'"694 1 5.06413 (x,) ALL YEARS I 6.'47079 6.'46451 6.'45828 6.'45203 6.'44578 6'43949 6.'43319 6.42680 6-'42011 6.'41335 6.40632 6.'39897 6.39126 6.'38327 6.'37509 6.'36689 6.'35876 6.'35081 6.34309 6'33566 6.32840 6'32130 6.'31430 6.30731 6.30026 6.'29312 6'.28586 6'27849 6.'27101 6'.26342 6.'25569 6'24784 6'23983 6 2316? 6.22338 6.'21499 6.20652 6'.19793 6'.18919 6.'18023 6.17101 6'.16148 6'15163 6'.14148 6'.13106 6'.12036 6'.10941 6.'09817 6.'08659 6.'07462 6.'06217 6.'04915 6'.03548 6.'02105 5 6 7 9 10 11 12, 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54, 55 56 57 58 594 02 106 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Log v3 (Xvx s + lx + X +1sx + .. )=LogK Where sx, denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4' 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Weeks 4-8 4.84215 4.79481 P.74453 P.69345 P.63753 P.57653 P.50970 4.44143 4-36160 4-28174 4.19201 4-10404 4.00711 3.90720 3-79365 3-68386 3.55678 3.44201 3-33203 3-19921 3-07809 2.82086 2.49969 2-08396 4.60006 4P55897 4.51491 446851 4.41759 P.36322 4-30382 4.24027 4-16607 4.09188 4.00992 3.92449 3.83518 3.73384 3.62716 3.51904 3.39498 3-27346 3.15198 3-02572 2-91593 2-63749 2-331387 1-98290 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 4.53133 4.31595 4.23785 4.26148 4.9415 4 28135 420472 422896 4.45277 4.24219 4.16687 4.19343 P.40882 4-19888 4.124864P15229 P136177 4.15357 4.08117 4-10836 4.31080 P.10415 4.03262 P06036 4"';5365 P.04964 3.98082 P00877 P.19226 3.98976 3.92137 3.95017 4412477 3.92511 3.86004 3.89025 4.05254 3.85266 3.79085 3.82210 3-97640 3.77743 3.71508 3.74966 3.89059 3-68975 3.62941 3-66455 3-80250 3.60152 3.54133 3.57611 3.70234 3.50120 3.44185 3-48173 3.59506 3.39270 3-34025 3.48671 3.27462 3.22037 3.26811 3.36624 3.14489 3.09167 3.14426 3-23805 3-00303 2-99520 3-11594 2-84942 2-77159 2-83315 2-98856 2-68215 2-57749 2-62221 2-85854 2-47857 2-34439 2-35984. 2-56937 2-29885 2-19033 2-25042 2-28103 2.04922 1-96848 2-01703 1-94951 1-69047 1-66276 1-65684 Weeks 26-30 410646 P07474 4.03973 3.99974 3.95684 3.90966 3.86082 3.80414 3.74421 3.67742 3.60358 3.52192 3.43696 3.34498 Weeks 30-31 4.07129 4.13373 4.04052 P10264 P00625 P06941 3.96778 4.03125 3.92505 3.98967 3.87933 3.94394 3.83097 3.89509 3.77495'383872 3.71750 3.78262 3.64992 3.71441 3.57507 3640583 3.49596 3.56098 3.41162 3.47378 3.32346 3.38489 3-38364'3.246013.22866 3.13162.3.11428 2-94002 1L; I (ln(lhl I ~1Uc)~ll~ I I 3-00988 2-86153 2-69723 2-47857 2-20412 2-07918 1-90849 1-52944 Weeks 34-39 2.99476 2-84819 2-67761 2-47857 2-20412 2-07918 1-90849 1-52944 3.29026 3-17406 3.05767 2-91960 2-73957 2-55751 2.27875 2-16732 1.99123 1-59356 107 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Two ONE YEAR ______ ______ 4' ______- _____ 1 Weeks 47-52 4.05881 4.'02930 3'.99900 3'.96227 3'.92252 3'.87955 3.83206 3'.77561 3.72032 3'.64943 3'.57933 3.50651 3.'41814 3.33445 3'.23905 3.12254 3.00518 2'.86451 2'.67943 2'.50106 2'.21748 2'.13988 1'.94448 1.43315 Second First Six Months Six Months TO TAL 3.97695 3.94670 3.91572 3'.87846 3'.83784 3'.79428 3'.74586 3.68931 3'.63377 3'.56426 3'49346 3.41847 3.33304 3'.24748 3'.15106 3.03342 2.9 1434 2'.77379 2.58771 2'39794 2'.10037 2.02531 1'82607 1.30924 00243 3.97146 3'.93977 3.90211 3,-86088. 3.81618 3'.76730 3'.71096 3'.65485 3'.58636 3.51495 3'.43680 3.'35218 3'.26505 3'.16879 3.04883 2'.92993 2'.79029 2'.59770 2.40312 2'.10721 2'.03342 1'.83885' 1. 34463 SI _ -______ Weeks 43-47 Weeks 39-43 5.42932 5.39140 5.35050 5.30638 5.25871 5.20700 5.15070 5.'08931 5'.02244 4'.94987 4.87148 4.78757 4'.69813 4'.60228 4'.49838 4.38516 4.26198 4'.12885 3'.98417 3'.82491 3'.64601 3.'43791 3.17840 2.79448 ,'T I 1 I V_ 1-11 1 l-(~C ~1 11T\ 1 ~1 4'6009#43 4 58692 4 56018 4.52853 4.49461 4.45746 4.41372 4'.36581 4'.31313 4.25370 4'.19187 4'.12274 4.05216 3'.97987 3'.89790 3.81158 3'.72485 3'.62128 3 50284 3:38274 3.25285 3'.12808 2'.95182 '2.'78817 2.57930 4 73505 4'.71069 4.68402 4'.65485 4.62052 4.58102 4'.53812 4'.48945 4'.43538 4'.37752 4.31368 4.24890 4'.17932 4.10462 4.02759 3.94022 3'.84223 3'.73400 3'.61815 3'48344 3.33425 3'.15503 2'.99388 2.78746 2.57913 ' f TREAGE YEARS ALL -YEARS TOTAL 4'.97780 4'.95423 4'.92753 4'.89730 4'.86315 4'.82465 4'78140 4'73305 4'.67958 4.62106 4.55807 4'49142 4.42141 4.34774 4'-26858 4'.18164 4.08849 3'.98232 3'.86534 3." 73703 3'.59649 3'44264 3'27439 .3.'08884 2'.88025 and upwards 5'.65561 5.64032 5'.62316 5'.60378 5.'58184 5.55697 5'.52875 5.'49684 5.'46102 5.42120 5.'37746 5.33006 5'27937 5.22563 5'.16881 5.10870 5'04490 4'.97650 4'.90222 4.82108 4'73246 4'63593 4'53111 4.41744 4'.29398 4'.15860 3'.98551 3'-78809 3'56619 3-31300 3.'02032 2'.67721 2'26929 1'.77622 1'.16726 DURATIONS 5'91182 5.88824 5.86253 5'.83443 5.80360 5'.76967 5'.73223 5.69095 5'.64562 5.59621 5'.54285 5.48593 5.'42580 5.'36251 5.29572 5.22507 5'.15055 5.'07110 4'.98595 4'.89418 4'.79507 4.68804 4'.57240 4 44712 4'.31041 4'.15860 3'.98551 3'.78809 3'.56619 3.31300 3'-02032 2'.67721 2'.26929 1'.77622 1-16726 0.38862 0'.38862 1'.31240 1.31240 ~-_"v " I "" 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 100 109 MALES, 1876-1880. 34 per Cent. 31 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM MALES, 1876-1880. AELog Dx () Log Nx 4'.93055 6'.28423 4'.91038 6.'26548 4.89143 6.24672 4.87320 6'.22794 4.85564 6.'20911 4.83859. 6.19022 4'.82191 6'.17120 4'.80548 6.15207 4'.78917 6'.13280 4'.77289 6'.11344 4'175655 6.09391 4'.74007 6.'07423 4'.72339 6.'05442 4',70646 6 03451 4'.68938 6.'01444 4'.67230 5'.99420 21 4'.65535 5'.97382 22. 4'.63860 5'.95328 23 4'.62204 5'.93253 24 4'.60562 5.91158 25 4'.58925 5'.89039 26 4'.57287 5'.86987 27 4'.55641 5.84729 28 4'.53983 5.82535 29 4'.52312 5.80314 30 4'.50628 5.78064 31 4'.48930 5'.75785 32 4.47218 5'.73475 33 4'.45490 5.71133 34 4'.43745 5'68757 35 4.41981 5'.66347 36' 4.40198 5'.63902 61418 37' 4'38398 5' 38 4'36583 5'.58894 39 4.34754 5.'56329 40 4.32912 5'.53719 41 4'.31058 5.'51063 42 4'.29188 5 48354 43 427300 5 45594 44 4'.25389 5.'42778 -45 4.23451, 5 39902 46 4'.21481 5.'36962 47 4'19477 5'.33957 48 4.17437 5'.30882 49 4'.15361 5.'27733 50 4'.13250 5'.24504 51 4.11103. 5'.21192 52 4.08915 5.17788 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IVLItr vNvrNlv a px Ax 22 578 22.'652 '25783 '25551 22'662 '25519 22'.633 '25611 '25818 22'.567 22.'471 '26120 22.'351. '26498 22'.212 '26936 22.'061 '27411 21'.905 '27902 21'.745 '28405 21'.585 '28909 21' 430 '29397 21.284 '29856 21' 138 '30316 20.984 '30801 20'.820 .31317 20'.639 '31887 20'.440 '32513 20'.228 '33180 20' 005 '33882 19. 774 '34609 19. 538 '35352 19. 298 '36108 19. 055 '36873 18'.809 '37647 '38434 18.'559 18'.305 '39233 18.'048 '40042 17.788 '40861 '41689 17.'525 '42523 17. 260 ' 43373 16.90.715, '44238 16.'434 '45123 '46029 16' 146 15.'851 '46958 15'.548 '47912 15'238 '48887 14'.924 '49876 14'605; "50880 14,283. '51894 13.'957. '52919 13.629 '53952 13'-296. '55000 12'.958 '56064 12'.615 '57144 12'"267 '58239 vvurrl rr, vvv I I uvviu ( _ AGE (.) "01093 53 '01081 54 '01079 55 01083 56 01096 57 "01 113 58 '01135 59 01161 60 01189 61 '01218 62 '01249 63 '01280 64 '01311 65 "01340 66 '01369 67 '01401 68 '01435 69 '01473 70 '01516 71 '01563 72 '01613 73 '01666 74 '01721 75 '01779 76 '01838 77 '01900 78 '01965 79 '02032 80 '02102 81 '02175 82 '02250 83 '02329 84 '02411 85 '02497 86 '02588 87 '02685 88 '02787 89 "02896 90 '03011 91 '03132 92 '03260 93 '03396 94 95 '03538 '03688 96 '03847 97 '04017 98 '04197 99 '04390 100 vivuv THE, MORTALITY Log Dx Log Nx 4.06681 4.04388 4'.02027 3'.99588 3'.97068 3'.94464 3'.91773 3'88987 3'.86095 3'.83081 3'.79929 3'.76626 3'73168 3'.69556 3'.65801 3'.61898 3'.57810 3'.53477 3'.48827 3'43784 3'.38297 3.32348 3.25968 3'.19215 3'.12171 3.'04902 2'.97425 2'.89677 2'.81564 2'-72951 2'.63694 2.53716' 2'.43032 2'.31732 2.'19875 2.07510 1'.94534 1'80703 1'.65585 1'.48624 1'129090 1.'06074 0'.78455 0.44728 0'.02804 1'.49515 2'.79476 3'-79858 5.14289 5'.10684 5.'06971 5.03145 4.99194 4'.95113 4'.90894 4'.86525 4.81996 4.77298 4'.72420 4'.67351 4'.62078 4'.56586 4'.50854 4.44858 4'.38573 4'.31975 4'.25049 4'.17788 4'.10199 4.02288 3'94063 3.85526 3'.76658 3.'67420 3.57754 3'.47595 3.36883 3'.25561 3.13609 3.01009 2'.87745 2'.73759 2'.58936 2.43070 2'.25866 2.'06926 1'.85742 1.61677 1'.33923 1.01444 0'.62828 0'.16078 1'.58132 2.83651 3'.79858 I r ( Ic~ Ihr. I ax EXPERIENCE OF Ax '59347 '60465 '61579 '62687 '63795 '64900 '66005 '67110 9.099 '68211 8.753 '69301 8'412 '70374 8.077 '71428 7'746 '72470 7'418 '73502 7.088 '74541 6.755 '75589 6.421 '76641 6'.095 '77667 5'.784 '78646 5'.496 '79552 5'236 '80371 5'005 '81098 4.797 ' 81752 4'.604 '82360 4.414 '82958 4'.219 83572 4'011 84227 3.795 '84907 3.574 '85602 3.358 '86282 3.156 '86918 2.971. '87501 2'-800- '88039 2'-632 '88568 2.458 '89115 2'.268 '89713 2.057 '90377 1.829 '91095 1.591 '91844 1.351: '92600 1'118 '93333 '899 '94022 '698 '94654 '517 '95224 ' 358 '95724 '219 '96.162 '101 '96534 '9685.2 11'915 11.560 11'.206 10'854 10'502 10'.151 9.'800 9'.449 P '04595 '04814 '05045. '05288 '05546 '05820 '06112 '06423 '06754 "07106 '07477 '07870 '08286 '08732 '09216 '09748 '10327 '10947 '11593 '12247 12888 ' 13505 '14103 '14697 '15323 '16013 '16808 '17707 '18715 '19799 '20914 '22035 '23168 '24386 '25771 '27452 ' 29563 '32201 '35447 '39387 '44067 110 MALES, 1876-1880. 34 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life -' DURATIONS AGE (xo) ONE YEAR _____ Weeks 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 C 11.76 12.01 12.23 12.36 12.47 12.56 12.64 12.72 12.78 12.77 12.82 12.86 12.93. 12.94 12.92 12.90 12.89 12.87 12.85 12.86 12.87 12.88 12.90 12.93 12.95 12.98 13.01 13.04 13.05 13.05 13.06 13.08 13.08 13.09 13.09 1 3.08 13.07 13.05 13.01 12.97 12.92 12.86 12.78 12.70 12.60 12.49 12.36 12.24 12.11 11.98 11.84 11.68 11.55 11.40 11.22 _____ Weeks 4-8 3.78 3.75 3.73 3.80 3.85 3.92 3.98 4-,03 4.08 4.14 4.19 4.23 4.28 4.32 4.37 4.42 4.47 4.52 4.56 4.61 4.67 4.72 4.78 4.84 4.90 4.96 5.02 5.09 5.14 5.21 5.27 5.33 5.39 5.45 5.51 5.56 5.61 5.66 5.71 5.75 5.8 5.83 5.87 5.90 5.94 5.97 5.98 6.02 6'04 6.03 6.'03 6.0 6'00 _ _ _ _ Weeks 8-13 2.07 2'.17 2.24 2.30 2.34 2'.41 2-47 2'.52 2'.58 2.65 2.69 2'.74 2'78 2.82 2-86 2'.91 2.95. 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.'20 3.25 3.30 3.36 3.42 3.47 3.53 3.59 3.64 3.71. 3.76 3'.82 3.88 3.94 4.00 4.06 4.11 4.17 4.23 4.29 4.34 4.40 4.46 4.51 4.57 4.63 4.66 4.71 4.75 4.80 4.84 4.87 4.94 4'96 ____ Weeks 13-17 " "99 1.04 1'08 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.56 1'59 1'62 1.65 1.68 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.82 1'85 1.89 1.93 1'97 2'00 2.04 2-08 2.12 2.16 2.20 2.24 2'28 2.32 2.36 2.39 2.43 2.48 2'51 2.55 2.59 2'64 2'69 2'71 2,75 2'79 2.82 2.'85 2.88 2'92O ____ Weeks 17-21 '72 '76 '79 '82 '86 '89 '91 -93 '95 '98 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.30 l'33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.44 1.48 l.51 1.54 1.57 1.60 1.63 1.67 1.'70 1.74 1.77 l'81 l'85 1'.88 1.92 1.96 1.99 2.032.07 2.11 2.15 2.18 2.21 2.25 2.29 2.32 2.35 ____ Weeks 21-26 '68 '71 '74 '77 '81 '83 '86 '88 '91 '94 '96 '99 1.01 1.03 1.'06 1.09 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1'27 1.30 1.32 1.35' 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.48 1.51 1.55 1.58 1.61 1.65 1.69 1.72 1.76. 1.81 1.85 1.89 1.93 1.97 2.01 2.05 2.09 2.13 2.18 2.23 2'27 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2' -50 Weeks 26-30 '43 '45 '47 '49 '51 '52 '54 "56 '57 '59 '61 '62 '64 '65 '67 '69 '71 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '83 '85 '87 '89 '91 '93 '96 '99 1.01 1.04 1'.06 i.08 1.17 1.20 1'22 1.25 1:.28 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1'.53 1.57 1.61 1.64 1.68 1.72 ____ Weeksj 30-34 '36 '38 '40 '42 "43 .45 '46 '48 .49 "51 '52 "54 .55 "56 '58 .59 '61 '62 '64 '66 '67 '69 '70 '72 .74 '76 '78 '80 '82, '84 '86 '89 '91 '93 '95 '98 1'.00 1.03 1'.05 1.08 1.14 1.17 l.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1'.39 1.42 1.'46 1.49 1.53 1'5 ___ Weeks 34-39 .39 '41 '43 .45 '46 "48 '50 '52 '53 '55 '57 '58 '59 '61 '63 '64 '66 '68 '70 '71 '73 '75 '77 '79 '81 '83 '86 '88 '90 '93 '95 '98 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1'.12 1.15 1'.18 1.21 1'.25. 1.28 1.31 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.49. 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1'-73 111 MALES, 1876-1880. 34 per Cent. K Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = DURATIONS Two YEARS ONE YEAR THREE - Weeks 39-43 '27 * 28 "30 "31 32 .34 .35 36 .37 .39 '40 '41 '41 "43 '44 .45 '46 48 "49 "50) '52 53 "55 '56 '58 .59 '61 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 "74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '85 '87 '89 '92 '94 '97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.l1 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.24 1'.27 Weeks 43-47 '24 '25 '26 '27 '29 '30 '31 '32 '33 '34 '35 '37 '37 '38 "39 '41 '42 '43 '44 '46 '47 '48 '50 '51 '52 '54 '55 '57 '59 '60 '62. '64 '66 '68 '69 '71 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '85 '87 '.90 -93 '95 '98 1'.01 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1 ')2 Weeks 47-52 '29 '30 '32 '33 '34 '35 '37 '38 '39 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 '47 '49 '50 '52 '53 '55 '56 '58 '60 '62 '63 '65 '67 '69 '71 '73 '75 '77 '80 '82 '85 '87 '90 '92 '95 '98 1'.01 1.04 1.07 1.10 1'.14 1.17 1'.20 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.'35 1.38 1.42 1'46g T A 21.98 22.51 22'.99 23'44 23'84 24'24 24.61 24.95 25.27 25.60 25.90 26'.18 26.46 26.71 26.95 27.20 27.45 27'69 27.94 28'22 28'52 28.81 29.13 29.46. 29.80 30.14 30.49 30.85 31.'20 31'.56 31.92 32.30 32.65 33.02 33'38 33.75 34.11 34'46 34.81 35.14 35.47 35.79 36.l0 36'.40 36'69 36'98 37.24 37.49 37.72 37.95 38.18 38.40 38.62 38.82 38'99 A Six First Months 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.48 1.55 1.61 1.67 1.74 1.79 1.84 1'89 1.95 2.00 2.06 2.12 2.18 2'23 2.29 2.36 2'42 2'49 2.56 2'.64 2.72 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.06 3.15 3.24 3.33 3.43 3.53 3.64 3.75 3.86 3.98 4.11 4'23 4.36 4.49 4.62 4.75 4.90 5.05 5.20 5.35 5.51 5.67 5.84 6.00 6.18 6.37 6.57 9.77 _____-YEARS SecondL Six Months '91 '96 1.00 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.27 l.31 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.53 1.57 1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 1.88 1.94 1.99 2.05 2.11 2.17 2'23 2.30 2.37 2'44 2.51 2.59 2'66 2'74 2'83 2.91 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.'50 3.61 3.72 3.83 3.95 4.08 4.20 4.33 4.47 4'.61 4.75 4.88 and TT pad 2.21 2'32 2'42 2.52 2.64 2.74 2.84 2.96 3.06 3.15 3.25 3.35 3.44 3.54 3.65 3.75 3.85 3.96 4.08 4.19 4.31 4.44 4.58 4.71 4.85 5.00 5.14 5'29 5.45 5.11 5.77 5.94 6.12 6.30 6'49 6.69 6.89 7.11 7.33 7.56 7.79 8.02 8.25 8.51 8'77 9.03 9."30 9.59 9.87 10.17 10.47 10.79 11.12 11.45 1 80 7.00 7.33 7.66 7.99 8.32 8.64 8.99 9.33 9.69 10.06 10.44 l0.84 11.26 11.69 12.15 12.61 13.09 13.58 14.07 14.58 15.10 15.65 16.21 16.80 17.40 18.03 18.68 19.34 20.'03 20.74 21.48 22.25 23.05 23'87 24'72 25.59 26.50 27'45 28'43 29'46 30.53 31.65 32.81 34.02 35'27 36.60 38'.00 39.47 41.04 42'68 44.41 46'24 48.16 50.17 ALL DURATIONS AGE fx (, 52.26 31.19 32.16 33.07 33.95 34.80 35.62 36'44 37.24 38'.02 38.81 39.59 40.37 41.16 41.94 42.75 43.56 44.39 45.23 46'.09 46'99 47.93 48.90 49.92 50.97 52.05 53.17 54.31 55.48 56.68 57.91 59.17 60.49 61.82 63.19 64.59 66.03 67.50 69.02 70.57 72.16. 73.79 75.46 77.16 78'93 80.73 82.61 84.54 86.55 88.63 90.80 93.06 95.43 97.90 100.'44 103.'05 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41, 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 594 112 MALES, 1876-1880. 3I per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =D DURATIONS ONE YEAR AGE (x~) Weeks 0-4 99 100 10.04 9.73 9.41 9.10 8.74 8.33 7-87 7-48 6.97 6.57 6.12 5.78 5.39 5.02 4.56 4-20 3.74 3.46 3.27 2-97 2.82 2.00 1-23 -62 5-74 5-65 5-53 5.40 5.26 5.09' 4-90 4-70 4-44 4-24 4-02 3.81 3.62 3-37 3-11 2-87 2-58 2-34 2.16 1.99 1.95 1-31 -80 -49 4.90 4.86 4.81 4.72 4.63 4.51 4.36 4-21. 4.05 3.87 3-72 3-53 3.36 3.13 2.89 2.67 2-"41 2.16 1.99 1.83 1.70 1.12 -75 '46 2-98 2.98 2-95 2.91 2.86 2-80 2-73 2.64 2.55 2.45 2.36 2.23 2.12 1.97 1.81 1.64 1P45 P.26 1.08 -90 -71 -60 "44 '25 2.49 2.50 2.48 2.45 2-42 2-38 2.33 2-26 2-20 2-12 2.04 1.94 1.84 P.72 P.61 P.45 P29 1.09 -90 -71 -52 "47 -36 "23 Weeks 34-39 Weeks 30-34 1 ( " / Weeks 26-30 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 17-21 i t 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 .95 96, 97 98 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 4-8 7 " 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.61 2.58 2-54 2.41 2.35 2-28 2-21 2.10 2.00 1.89 1'78 1.61 1.45 "1-24 1.03 "79 "54 -54 '42 '23 1.84 1.85 1.85 1'.84 1.82 1.79 1.76 1.72 1.68 1.63 1.57 1.51 1.45 1.38 1.29 1.18 1-06 '91 '76 "57 "39 -36 -31 '17 1.70 1"70 1".71 1.71 1.69 1.67 1.65 1.61 1-58 1-53 1.48 1-42 1-37 1.31 1.25 1-13 1-02 -88 -. 3 7 -56 -38 -36 -31 -17 1"-96 1-97 1-98 1.9 1.96 1-94 1-91 1-86 1.84 1-78 1-72 1-65 1-58 1.51 1-43 1-30 1-19 1-04 -83 -68 -45 -44 -39 -20 113 MALES, 1876-1880. 31f per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =x DURATIONS ______ TREAGE Two YEARS ONE YEAR ____________ _____ -YEARS First Weeks Weeks Weeks 39-43 43-47 47-52 TOTAL Six Months 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.39 1.37 1.33 1.28 1.24 1.19 1.15 1.08 '97 '89 '77 '60 '48 '29 '33 '27 '12 1.36 l.38 1.39 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.36 1.32 1.30 1.26 1.22 1.19 1.14 1.10 1.04 '94 '85 '74 '59 '47 '30 '32 '26 "11 l.64 1.66 1.68 l.69 1.68 1.67 1.65 1.61 1.59 1.53 1.49 1.46 1.39 1.34 1.27 1.16 1.05 '92 '73 '60 '39 '42 '34 '14 38.73 38.38 37.90 37.27 36.48 35.53 34.42 33.21 31.92 30.59 29.23 27.86 26.45 24.89 23.12 21.12 18.98 16.81 14.67 12.55 10'44 8.27 5.88 3.19 7.80 7.98 8.14 8'29 8.37 8.38 8.38 8.33 8.24 8.17 8'.07 8.04 7.99 7.90 7.81 7.57 7.21 6'76 6.30 5.71 5.09 4.30 3.85 3.14 2.58 and Second Six Months 5.84 5.99 6.12 6.20 6.26 6.31 6.29 6.26 6.22 6.14 6.10 6.01 5.96 5'925.79 5'63 5.50 5.21 4.83 4.52 4.21 4.03 3.48 3.14 2.57 TOTAL upwards 13.64 13.97 14.26 14.49 14.63 14.69 14.67 14.59 14'-46 14.31 14.17 14.05 13.95 13.82 13.60 13'.20 12.71 11.97 .11.13 10.23 9.30 8.33 7.33 6.28 5.15 64.60 67.47 70.41 73.34 76.20 78.96 81.65 84'32 87-0890-02 93.19 96.61 100.'26 104.'02 107.70 111. 21 114'.57 117.'78 120.'83 123.'84 126.'84 129.'64 13187 133.'13 1:32.'96 131.02 120'.71 108.'31 95'83 83.72 72.34 61.88 52.48 44.18 37.00 30.83 25.59 20881 (t ALL DURATIONS 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71, 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94: 95 96 97 98 99 116.'97 119.'82 122.'57 125.'10 127.'31 129.'18 130'.74 132.'12 133.'46 134.'92 136.'59 138.'52 140'.66 142.'73 144.'42 145.'53 146.'26 146.'56 146.'63 146.'62 146.'58 146.'24 145.'08 142.'60 138.'11 131.02 120'.71 108.'31 95.83 83.72 72.34 61.88 52'48 44.18 37.00 30.83 25 100 .59 P P2 114 MALES, 1876-1880. 34 per Cent. . Log vi (l , rXsx 4 1 .+ ++ .. _LgK Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned JDurations AGE ONE YEAR (al) r Weeks 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1ar 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 K3 6'00080 5.98976 5.97872 5.96520 5.95142 5.93774 5.92377 5.90993 5.89558 5.87901 5.86458 5.84928 5.83482 5.81851 5.80068 5.78272 5.76548 5'"74826 5.73106 5.71479 5.69892 5'68282 5.66700 5.65128 5.63539 5'.61970 5.60374 5.58748 5.'57043 5.55322 5'.53586 5.51846 5.50075 5.48278 5.'46451 5.44573 5.'42672 5 '40756 5.'38732 5'.36694 5.34592 5.32436 5'.30120 5.27833 5'.25411 5.22906 5.'20293 5.17681 5'.15016 5'.12218 5f '09379~f Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 5.50806 5.24635 5.48483 5.24635 5.46336 5.24239 5.45246 5.23393' 5.44140 5.22546 5.43141 5.21995 5.42136 5.21459 5.41069 5.20744 -5.39974 5.20027 5.38945 5.19560 5.37847 .5.18695 5.36667 5.17716 5.35490 5.16673 5.34213 5.15613 5.33031 5.14616 5.31752 .5.13603 5.30525 5.12577 5.29341 5.11597 5.28142 5.10632 5.26946 5.09640 5.25819 5.08691 5.24677 5.07757 5.23558 5.06825 5.22443 5.05894 5.21361 5.04966 5.20204 5.03988 5.19034 5.02975 5.17852 5.01966 5.16616 5.00961 5.15395 4.99900 5.14162 4'98867 5.12869 4.97770 5.11551 4.96642 5.10197 4.95510 5.08834 4'94328 5.-07389 5.05950 5.04478 5.02934 5.01378 4.99766 4.98067 4.96332 4094556 4.92752 4.90818 4.88802 4.86747 4.84654 4.82396 4,'80133 Weeks 13-17 4'.92437 4'.92437 4'.92437 4'.92198 4'.91968 4'.91486 4'.90981 4'.90384 4'.89801 4'.89533 4'.88982 4'.88092 4'.87250 4.86455 4'.85585 4'.84880 4'.84046 4'.83172 4'.82370 4'.81556 4'.80732 4'.79922 4'.79102 4'.78273 4.77434 4'.76562 4'.75659 4'.74796 4'.73972 4'.73053 4.72151 4'.71181 4'.70185 4'.69166 4'.68145 4.93152 4'.67102 4.91928 4'.65999 4.90636 4'.64895 4.89361 4'.63754 4.88041 4'.62574 4.86707 4'.61360 4.85269 4'.60073 4.83849 4'.58843 4'82347 4'.57456 4.80806 4'.56074 4.79204 4'.54610 4.77544 4'.53185 4.75807 4.51650 4.74002 4'.50006 4.72093 4.48302 4'701.,.34m 4.46509 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 4.79114 4.79114 4.79114 4.79114 4.79114 4.78565 4.77982 4.77365 4.76764 4.76494 4.75968 4.75370 4.74575 4.73880 4.73200 4.72576 4.71736 4.70951 4.70219 4.69466 4'68693 4.67970 4.67228 4.66469 4.65660 4.64835 4'63994 4.63171 4.62394 4.61576 4.60747 4.59878 4.58945 4.58002 4.57052 4'.56121 4'.55107 4'.54088 4'.53089 4'.52014 4'.50888 4.49714 4.48606 4'.47343 4'.46057 4.44751 4'.43428 4'.42004 4'.40461 4'.38902 4'.37190 4.35503 4'.33592 4'.31652 4'.29645 4'.27520 4'.25076 4'.22417 4'.19487 4'76342 4'76342 4.76342 4.76342 4'76342 4.75864 4.75399 4.74896 4.74603 4.74461 4.74003 4.73512 4.72594 4.71995 4.71411 4.70842 4.70048 4.69309 4'68664 4.67995 4.67269 4.66665 4.66006 4.65293 4.64495 4.63713 4.62947 4.62166 4.61433 4.60686 4.59898 4.59099 4.58318 4.57417 4.56562 4'.55674 4'.54779 4.53852 4'.52996 4'.52014 4'.51008 4'.49929 4.48872 4'.47728 4-46(;541 4.45336 4.44135 4'.42796 4.41382 4'.39936 4.38285 4'.36775 4.35052 4.33325 4.31488 4'.29365 4'.26991 4'.24450 4'.21659 4' 56383 Weeks 30-34 4.49255 4.49255 4' 56383 4'.49255 4' 56383 4.40255 4'.56383 4.49255 4'55878 4.48958 4'.55387 4'.48670 4' 55149 4'.48484 4'.54918 4.48214 4' 54694 4.48127 4'.54114 4.47452 4' 53620 4'.47123 4'.52793 4.46241 4' 52184 4'.45614 4' 51658 4.45156 4'51146 4.44635 4'50397 4.43910 4.49725 4.43271 4'.49189 4.42788 4.48609 4.42249 4'47929 4.41592 4' 47375 4'.41079 4.46780 4'.40518 4.46093 4'.39909 4.45422 4.39314 4'.44714 4'.38675 4.44072 4'.38108 4'.43348 4.37446 4'.42784 4'.36907 4.42142 4.~6329 4'41382 4'.35614 4.40639 4.34916 4.39870 4.34185 4'.39078 4.33474 4'.38263 4'.32687 4.37468 4'.31963 4' 36691 4'.31214 4'35856 4'.30440 4'.35079 4'.29686 4'.34177 4'.28870 4' 33260 4'.27992 4.32294 4'.27135 4'31317 4'.26302 4.30263 4'.25266 4'.29135 4'.24254 4'28094 4'.23305 4' 26986 4'.22274 4' 25722 4'.21101 4'.24396 4.19824 4' 23096 4'.18608 4'.[7199 4'.15884 4'.14420 4'.12843 4' 11130 4' 56383 Weeks 34-39 4'.52227 4'.52227 4' 52227 4'.52227 4' 52227 4'52135 4'.52046 4'51960 4'.51628 4.51628 4'.50928 4'.50625 4.49663 4.49083 4.48589 4.47970 4'.47366 4.46x44 4'.46462 4.45968 4.454.7 4.45016 4'.44503 4.43947 4.43351 4'.42716 4'.42149 4'.41494 4.41003 4.40478 4'.39829 4.39150 4.38487 4'.37843 4' 37133 4'136479 4' 35805 4'35071 4'.34394 4'.33624 4'.32803 4'.32037 4.31190 4'.30201 4.29268 4.28357 4'.27411 4.26281 4'.25059 4'.23922 4'.22621 4'.21381 4'.19934 4'.18418 4'1681 I115 MALES, 1876-1880. 34 per Cent. Log v l xS l+v~~~ + . .. .) =Log K Where sx denotes the Bate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations TREAGE Two YEARS ONE YEAR - ____________ - ______- Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 TOA TOA 4'.36493 4'.36493 4.36493 4'.36493 4.36493 4'.36493 4.36493 4.36371 4.36014 4.36014 4.35345 4.35129 4.34070 4.33552 4.33047 4.32556 4.'32174 4.31618 4.31258 4.30820 4.30222 4.29807 4.29321 4.28847 4.28310 4.27786 4.27277 4.26710 4.26228 4.25761 4.25174 4.24539 4.23922 4.23262 4.22619 4.22050 4.21442 4.20742 4'.20115 4.19351 4.18557 4.17834 4.17085 4.16173 4.15284 4'.14420 4.13494 4'.12388 4. 11187 4'.10096 4.08842 4.07657 4.06288 4'.04848 4.'31374 4'.31374 4.31374 4.31374 4.31374 4.31374 4'.31374 4.31374 4.30974 4.30974 4.30475 4'.30233 4'.29285 4.28706 4.28369 4'.28042 4'.27619 4'.27103 4'.26802 4'26413 4'.25940 4'.25573 4'.25127 4'.24694 4.241l87 4'23694 4.23134 4'.22668 4.22214 4'.21775 4.21203 4.20648 4'.20107 4'.19518 4'.18878 4.18384 3'9713 4'.17783 4'.17140 4'.16572 3' 9241 4'.15854 4'.15103 4'.14373 4.13663 4.12824 4'.12008 4'.11170 4'.10309 4-092974'-08138 4.07052 4.05827 4.04716 4.03367 4.01937 4'.004369 4'.38577 4'38577 4'38577 4'38577 4'.38577 4'385'7 4'.38577 4'.38577 4'.38124 4.'38124 4'.37488 4.'37282 4'.36275 4'.35583 4'.35295 4'.34922 4.34378 4 33937 4'.33596 4'.33181 4.'32697 4'32305 4'.31923 4'31553 4'.31120 4'.30700 4'.30224 4'.29761 4 29312 4'.28876 4'.28330 4'27800 4'0831 4.'27284 4'0680 4'.26729 4'0512 4.26136 4'0300 4'.25612 4'0053 4.25052 4'.24408 4'.23880 4'23228 4'22502 4.'21843 4'.21203 4'.20374 4'.19568 4'.18746 4'.17909 4'.16950 4'.15833 4'.14746 4'.13551 4'.12457 4 11167 4 09785 6.'27259 6.26276 6.25296 6.24309 6'23313 6.'22307 6.'21290 6.20254 6'.19179 6'.18097 6'.16977 6.15806 6'.14580 6.13307 6.12000 6'.10683 6'09375 6.08090 6.'06839 6.'05622 6.'04425 6'.03248 6'.02080 6.'00912 5'.99736 5'.98550 5'.97351 5.96137 5'.94908 5'.93660 5'.92392 5.91102 5'89792 5'.88459 5.87106 5'.85734 5.84340 5.82919 5.81467 5'.79975 5'.78440 5.76859 5'.75230 i5 '4537 5'73550 5 5'.71819 5.70037 5'.68200 5.'66303 5'.64341 5.62312 5'.60209 '4821 5.58025 5.55752 5'.53374 5.50871 ALL -YEARS Second First Six Months Six Months 5.04506 5.04506 5'.04506 5.'04506 5.04506 5.'04506 5.'04506 5.'04506 5.'04234 5.03827 5'03431 5.02978 5.02536 5.'02065 5.01501 5.'00932 5'00377 4'.99954 4'.99467 4'.98993 4'.98568 4.98189 4'.97820 4'.97430 4'.97051 4'.96668 4.96236 4'.95802 4'.95311 4'.94806 4'.94275 4.'93759 4.93233 4.92697 4'.92166 4.91616 4'.91059 4'.90530 4'.89943 4.89312 4'.88640 4'7332 4'.87939 4'7171 4'.87192 4.86431 4'6994 4'.85664 4.84818 4'.83946 4.83024 4'.82069 4'81024 4.79866 4.78676 4.77469 4.76217 4' .74815 4' 89131 4.89131 4'.89131 4'.89131 4'.89131 4'.89131 4'.89131 4.89131 4'.89131 4.89131 4'.88936 4.88651 4'.88222 4 87745 4'.87340 4.86946 4'.86564 4'.86034 4'.85648 4'.85323 4'.84983 4'84582 4.84193 4'.83837 4.83448 4'.83008 4'.82580 4'.82105 4'.81663 4'.81196 4'.80724 4'.80213 4'.79682 4'.79134 4'.78569 4'6049 4'.78035 4 77518 4'5725 4'.76942 4'55354 4' 4'.76398 4'.75843 4'.75250 4'.74597 4'.73913 4 73174 4'72373 4'.71608 4'.70786 4 69925 4 68981 5893 4'.68004 4 67014 4 65919 4 64677 4 63312 4 61951 TO TOAL 5'.27599 5.'27599 5.27599 5.27599 5.27599 5'.27599 5.27599 5.27599 5.'27439 5.'27201 5.26888 5.26506 5'.26070 5.25596 5.25098 5.'24603 5.24121 5'23653 5.23208 5.22797 5'.22108 5'.22019 5.21642 5.21267 5'20884 5'.20477 5'.20047 5'.19596 5.19125 5.18636 5'.18130 5.17617 5'.17088 5.16547 5'16002 5.15459 5'.14919 5'.14370 5.13801 5.13202 5.12563 4'9748 5.11882 5'.11162 944' 946 5.10411 5'09630 5'08817 5.07967 5.07071 5'06120 5.05103 5'04017 5.'02867 5.'01646 5'00346 4.98961 and upwards 5'.77555 x"77555 5'.77555 5'.77555 5'.77555 5'.77555 5'.77555 5'.77555 5.77555 5.77555 5'77543 5'.77522 5.77491 5.77445 5'.77387 5'.77316 5'.77231 5'.77137 5'.77033 5'.76929 5'.76826 5'.76727 5'.76623 5'.76507 5'.76374 5'.76222 5.76048 5'.75856 5'.75650 5'.75429 5'.75192 5'.74937 5'.74661 S' 6034 5'.74364 55'5906 5.74047 5'.73718 5'.73382 5'.73037 5.72683 5'.72317 5.71929 5'.71514 5'.71072 5'.70603 5'.70113 5.69604 5'.69082 5'.68547 5'.67993 5'.67408 5'.66778 5.66091 5'65336 5.64504 5.63591 6'42462 6 41772 6 41090 6 40405 6.39721 6 39033 6 38344 6 37647 6 36916 6.36180 6.35417 6.'34618 6.'33782 6.'32913 6 32027 6.31139 6'.30259 6.'29400 6'.28567 6'27763 6'26982 6.26219 6 25464 6.'24714 6.'23957 6 23193 6.22417 6'.21630 6'.20831 6'.20022 6'.19198 6.18364 6.17513 6.16649 6'.15770 6'.14885 6.13988 6'.13082 6.12163 6'.11220 6.10250 6.'09251 6.'08217 6.'07159 6.'06066 6.04953 6.'03810 6 02641 6 01439 6.00195 5'.98904 5'.97557 5:96144 5.94655 5'93079 () DURATIONS 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 .56 57 58 116 MALES, 1876-1880. 31 per Cent. og vi (lx x s -f- l3i'vi +1sx3 i -- .... )=Log K Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE ONE YEAR Weeks Weeks Weeks 0-4 4-8 8-13 64 65 4'.76791 4'.71983 4.45635 4.41853 66 67 68 4.66881 4.61702 4.56036 4.49860 4.43098 4.36194 4'.28124 4.20058 4.10998 4.02119 3. 92340 3'.82269 3'.70825 3.59770 3.46982 3.35430 3.24378 3.11025 2.98856 2'.73078 2.40824 1'.99184 4.52521 4'.48343 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 4.43865 4.37649 4.39155 4.33185 4.33989 4.28411 4.28477 4.23246 4.22461 4.17458 4.16029 4.11244 4.08522 4.04419 4.01017 3.97118 3'.92732 3'89426 3'.84098 3.'80760 3'.75074 3'.71875 3'.64914 3.61773 3.54158 3.50961 3'.43265 3'.40054 27921 3.30771 3. 3'.18554 3'.15014 3'.06333 3.02735 2'.93601 2.89927 2.82607 2.'76864 2.54654 2.'47857 2.'22272 2.19033 1'.89078 1. 85733 Weeks 1.3-17 4.24085 4.20561 4.16584 4.12186 4.07588 4.02580 3'.97063 3'.91004 3'.84466 3'.77151 3'.69557 3'.60713 3'.51812 3.'41697 3.30771 3'.18893 3.05843 2.91593 2'.76118 2.59329 2.'38917 2.20952 1'.95904 1'.59835I Weeks Weeks Weeks 17-21 21-26 26-30 30-34 4.03104 3' 99874 3'.96313 3'.92252 3'.87904 3' 99577 3'.96445 3'.92957 3'.89048 3'.84708 4 16257 4.12888 4'.09040 4.04774 4'.00337 3'.95415 3'.90168 3'.84148 3'.77945 3'.70952 3'.63306 3.'54667 3 45788 3 35774 3.'25551 3.13513 3.'00561 2.85309 2.68395 2.58855 2.25527 2'.10037 1'.87506 1. 56656 4'.186114'.15302 4.11691 4.07511 4.03052 3'.98182 3'.92952 3. 87017 3.80956 3'.74060 3'.66745 3'.58149 3.49220 3.39707 3'.29820 3'18184 3.'05729 2.90741 2.74429 2.53275 2.26951 2'.16137 1'.92942 1. 56472 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 I CIC~~~CI~ I C~A~OICI 1 C~AAr~~ I ( .__. I I --- o3.83117 3'.78168 Weeks 3'.80072 3.75174 3'72436 3'.69504 3'.66370. 3'.63689 3'59616 3.56855 3'52153 3.49290 3.'43917 3.41313 3.35353 3.32818 32607.9 3.'23930 3'.16107 3'.14364 3.04610 3.02857 2'.92376 2.'90849 2'.77452 2.76118 2'.60959 2.'58995 2.'38917 2.'38917 2':11394 2'.11394 1'.98677 1'.98677 1'.81291 1.81291 1. 43732 1.43732 Weeks 34-39 4.05816 4.02649 3'99269 3'.95390 3'.91169 3.86528 3.81578 3'75868 3'.70191 3'.63296 "55847 3'.47799 3.39005. 3'.30038 3.20520 3.'08814 2'.97128 2'.83251 2.65128 2.'46835 2'.18752 2.'07555 1'.90309 150144 117 MALES, 1876-1880. 31 per Cent. Logv + (Qxvxsx +lx+lvx+lsx+i .. )=Log K7 Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Two ONE YEAR First AGE YEARS THREE YEARS and Second Weeks 43-47 Weeks 3.92691 3.90140 3.98299 5.35435. 465840 3.89537 3.86314 3.87058 3.83904 3.95294 3.92205 5.31578 4.63355 3.82491 3.78305 3.73767 3.68815 3.63114 3.57438 3.50515 3.43297 3.35411 3.26881 3.18099 3.08386 2.96332 2.84386 2.70415 3.80120 3.75997 3.71575 3.66671 3.60949 3.55328 3.48302 3.41162 3.33586 3.24969 3.16346 3.06633 2.94792 2.82866 2.68753 3.88474 3.84435 3.80079 3.75266 3.69548 3.63949 3.56785 3.49707 3.42357 3.33445 3.25018 3415412 3.03703 2.91908 2.77743 5.27421 5.22942 5.18106 5.12864 5.07161 5.00948 4.94185 4.86850 4.78931 4.70461 4.61436 4.51771 4.41300 4.29896 4417496 4.04100 4.60636 4.57665 4.54173 4.50158 4.45803 4.40866 4.35386 4.29528 4.23065 4416516 4.09482 4.01937 3.94161 3.85352 3.75481 3.64582 4.48247 4.84986 4.45023 4.81907 4.41572 4.78432 4.37796 4.74520 4.33355 4.70128 4.28495 4.65225 4.23157 4.59806 4417138 4.53877 4.10877 4.47502 4.03882 4.40761 3.96745 4.33684 3.89437 4.26240 3.81158 4418250 3.72444 4.09482 3.63699 4.00091 3.53263 .389393 Weeks 3-3 2-51055 47-52 TOA (xr) ALL DURATIONS TAL upwards 4.53273 4.90113 5.57647 5.83434 64 4.50974 4.87708 5.56077 5.81023 65 Six Months Six Months 5.54317 5.78396 5.52334 5.75528 5.50091 5.72385 5.47551 5.68929 5.44672 5.65120 .541422 5.60923 5.37776 5.56318 .533726 5.51303 5.29283 5.45891 5.24470 5.40121 5419329 5.34031 5413881 5.27623 5.08124 5.20866 5.02040 54137204.95586 5.06190 4.88672 4.98166 66 67 6869 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 2.50106 2.59106 3.89553 3.52917 3.41330 3.77619 4.81168 4.89572 82 2.31597 2-02119 2.31175 2.01284 2.41162 2.12710 3.73552 3.55582 3.39375 3.24378 3.29226 3.16137 3.64709 3.50569 4.72979 4.64039 4.80314 4.70322 83 84 1.94448 .193450 2.04922 '3.34694 3.06371 3.03583' 335122 1.74819 1.25251 1.73239 P"21712 2.90200 2.69461 248596 2.85854 2.69461 2.48572 1.85126 .308672 1.34103 2.70236 4-54307 4.59538 85 4.43748 4.32303 4419882 4.06269 388878 4.47893 4.35286 4.21532 4.06269 3:88878 86 369.053 369053 91 3.46774 3418213 2.99607 2.78675 3.46774 3.21373 92 93 2-92009 94 2-9209929009 2.57608 2416723 2.57608 2416723 f3.21373 87 88 89 90 95 96 118 119 MALES, 1876--1880. per Cent. 3p Cent. per TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FRLOM THE MORTALITY EXPERIE~NCE OP3 MALES, 1876-1880. AGE. Log Dx Log Nx 4'.92530 6'.25809 6 4'.90408 6 23842 4'-88408 6.21880 8 4'.86480 6.19912 9 4.84619 6.17941 10 4'.82809 6.15963 11 4'.81036 6.13975 12 4.79288' 6 11975 13 4'.77552 6.'09965 14 4'.75819 6.'07910 15 4'.74079 6.'05900 16 4'.72326 6.03850 17 4'.70553 6.'01783 18 4'.68755 5.99703 19 4'.66942 5.'97611 20 4.65129 5.95505 21 4'.63329 5.93384 22 4.61549 5.91246 23 4.59788 5.89088 24 4.58041 5.86910 25. 4'.56299 5'.84709 26 4.54556 5.82484 27 4'.52805 5.80233 28 4.51042 5'.77957 29 4.'49266 5.75654 30 4'.47477 5'.73322 31 4.45674 5'.70962 32 4'.43857 5.68571 33 4'.42024 5'.66147 34 4.40174 5'.63691 35 4'.38305 5'.61200 36 4.36417 5.'58673 37 4.34512 5.56110, 38 4.32592 5.'53507 39 4.30658 5'.50861 40 4.28711 5.'48171 41 4.'26752 5.45434 42 4.24777 5'42648 43 4'.22784 5.39808 44'14.20767 5.36912 45. 4'.18724 5.33957 46 4'.16649 5'.30940 47 4'14540 5.'27855 48 4'.12395 5'.24702 49 4'.10214 5.21474 50, 4.07998 5.18167 51 4'.05746 5'.14774 52 4.03453 5'.11294 5 a,,, 21.517 21'.594 21.613 21'.593 21' 539 21.456 21' 350 21.226 21.093 20. 951 20. 807 20' 665 20.'526 20'.393 20.'262 20.126 19.'978 19.'814 19. 634 19. 440 19.235 19. 023 18'.805 18' 584 18' 360 18. 132 17.'901 17.'666 17 427 17.'186 16'.941' 16.'694 16.'443 16'.186 15.'923 15'.653 15.'375 15.091 14'.799 14'.503 14'.201 13'.897 13.'588 13'.276 12.'960 12'.638 12.'311 11. 979 ~IU I ii ~I~ ~ I -1 ~ I A kJ 12 -iTrl~VVI~ IrlVr/'flI 10 clVV Ax '23855 '23595 '23531 '23599 '23781 '24062 '24420 '24840 '25290 '25770 '26256 '26737 '27207 '27657 '28099 '28560 '29060 '29614 '30223 '30879 '31572 '32290 '33026 '33773 '34531 '35302 '36084. '36879 '37686 '38502 '39330 '40165 '41014 '41883 '42773 '43686 '44626 '45586 '46573 '47575 '48596 '49624 '50669 '51724 '52792 '53881 '54987 '56109 1 crrc/c)l I hllllll 1 ~1~11 Ih ~ILLI 20881 Px AE-Log '01060 53 '01044 54 '01040 55 01044 56 '01055 57 '01072 58 '01093 59 '01118 60 '01144 61 '01174 62 '01204 63 '01234 64 '01264 65 '01292 66 '01322 67 '01352 68 69 '01385 '01423 70 '01465 71 '01511 72 '01560 73 '01612 74 '01667 75 01725 76 '01784 77 '01845 78 '01909 79 '01976 80 '02045 81 '02117 82 '02192 83 '02270 84 '02351 85 '02437 86 '02528 87 '02623 88 '02725 89 '02833 90 '02947 91 '03069 92 '03197 93 '03331 94 '03473 95 '03623 96 '03782 97 '03951 98 '04131 99 '04324 100 Dx 4.'01114 3'.98716 3'.96250 3'.93706 3'.91081 3'.88372 3'.85576 3.82685 3'.79688 3'.76569 3'.73312 3'.69904 3'.66341 3'.62624 3.58764 3'.54756 3'.50563 3.'46125 3.41370 3'.36221 3'.30629 3'.24575 3'.18090 3'11232 3'.04083 2'.96709 2'.89127 2'.81274 2'.73056 2'.64338 2'.54976 2'.44894 2'.34105 2'.22700 2'.10738 1'.98268 1'.85187 1'.71251 1.56028 1.38962 1'19323 0.96202 0'.68478 0' "34645 1 92616 1'.39222 2.69079 3'.69354 11- II L~ VIIC~r I II ~lII IAl Ic~- VrVI Log Nx ax Ax Pa S'07715 5'.04033 5.00238. 4'.96333 4'.92303 4'.88143 4'.83843 4 79394 4'.74786 4'.700071 4'.65048 4'.59899 4'.54544 4.48971 4.43156. 4.37077 4'.30709 4.24025 4.17014 4.09667 4.01991 3'.93991 3'.85680 3'.77055 3 68100 3'.58774 3 49021 3 38775 3'.27974 3'16566 3.'04524 2'.91836 2'.78484 2'.64409 2.'49499 2'.33548 2'.16259 1'.97233 1'.75965 1'.51813 1'.23972 0'.91404 0.52697 0.'05857 1.47819 273243 3'.69354 11'.642 11.302 "57249 '58399 '59549 '60691 '61835 '62981 '64124 "65271 '66410 "67543 '68662 '69761 '70847 '71922 '73011 '74110 "75210 '76288 '77319 78270 ' '79128 '79896 -80586 "81225 '81844 '82500 '83190 '83906 '84644 "85360 '86034 '04529 '04747 '04979. '05221 '05479 '05753 '06044 '06355 '06686 '07037 '07409 '07802 '08218 '08662 '09148 '09680 '10259 '10880 '11527 '12180 '12821 '13439 '14037 '14630 '15250 '15942 '16735 '17631 '18640 '19718 '20831 S21954 '23087 '24296 '25680 '27359 '29459'32092 '35333 '39281 '43945 10.962 10'.624 10.286 9'947 9'609 9.270 8.933 8'598 8.267 7'942 7.621 7'.303 6'981 6.656 6'331 6'012 5.707 5'426 5.172 4'.945 4'.741 4'.552 4'367 4.175 3.971 3.759 3'.541 3.329 3.130 2'.947 "86653' 2.778 '87224 2'.613 '87782 2'.441 '88364 2'.253 '89000 2'.045 '89703 1'.819 '90467 1'.583 "91265 1'.344 '92073 1.113 "92855 '895 '93592 '695 '94268 '515 '94877 '356 "95415 '95877 '219 '101 S96280 '96618 120 MALES, '1876--1880. 31 per Cent. Valaes of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =gx DURATIONS AGE ONE~ YEAR Weeks 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 K33 34 .35i 36 317 38 39 40 41 42 45 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 .57 58 11.09 11.33 11.55 11.68 11.79 11.89 1l.98 12.05 12.11 12.11 12.17 12.21 12.28 12'31 12.29 12.27 12.27 12.26 12.25 12.26 12.29 12-2812.32 12.35 12.39 12.43 12.47 12.50 12.52 12.54 12.55 12.57 12.59 12.61 12.62 12.62 12.62 12.61 112.59 12.56 12.53 12.48 12'*40 12.34 12.26 12.15 12.03 11.93 11.82 11.69 11.57 11.43 11.31 11.17 Weeks 4-8 3.54 3.51 3.48 3.54 3"'60 3.66 3.72 3.77 3.82 3.88 3.93 3.98 4.02 4.07 4.12 4.16 4.21 4.26 4.31 4.36 4.41 4.47 4.53 4.59 4.65 4.71 4.78 4.84 4.90 4.97 5.03 5.10 5.16 5.22 5.'28 5.33 5.39 5.44 5.50 5.55 5.59 5.63 5.68 5.72 5.76 5.79 5.81 5.84 5.86 5.87 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.88 5 '7 Weeks 8-13 1.90 2.00 2.07 2'.12 2'.17 2-29 2.35 2'.40 2.47 2.51 2.55 2.59 2.68 2.72 2.77 2.82 2.86 2.91 2.96 3.01 3.06 3.12 3-18 3.23 3.28 3.34 3.40 3.46 3.53 3.59 3.71 3.77 3.83 3.89 3.95 4.01 4.07 4.13 4.1.9 4.24 4.30 4.36 4.42 4.47 4.53 4.58 4.62 4.67 4.71 4.75 4'78 Weeks 13-17 '90 .94 "99 1.03 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.52 1.55 1.58 1.'61 1.65 1.68 1.71 1.75 1.79 1'83 1.86 1.90 1.94 1.98 2'02 2.06 2.10 2.14 2.18 2.22 2.26 2.30 2.34 2.38 2'-43 2.47 2.51 2.55 2.59 2.63 Weeks 17-21 '65 "68 .72 .75 '79 "81 '83 '85 '88 '90 .93 .95 '98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.36 1-39 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.62- 1.66 1.70 1.73 1.77 1.80 1'.84 1.88 1.92 1.96 1.99 2.04 2.07 2.11 2-'67 2.71 2.75 2.78 2'.81 2.18 2.22 2.26 2.30 Weeks 21-26 '62 '65 '68 '71 "74 '76 '78 '81 '83 '86, '89 '91 .93 "95 '98 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.13 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.43 1'46 1.49 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.65 1.68 1.72 1.77 1.81 1.85 1.89 1.93 l.97 2.02 2.07 2'.11 2.15 2.20 2'24 2.29 2.34 2.39 2.44 Weeks 2f-30 .39 '41 .43 .45 '46 '48 .49 '51 .53 '55 '56 '58 .59 '60 '62 '64 '65 '67 '69 '70 '72 .74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '91 "93 .95 '98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1'll 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 l'32 1'.36 1.42 1.45 1.49 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.63 1.67 Weeks 30-34 '32 '34 '36 '38 '39 '41 .43 .44 "45 '47 '48 '49 '50 '51 .53 55 '56 '57 "59 '60 '62 '64 '65 '67 '69 '71 '73 .75 .77 .79 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 93 '95 '98 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.28 1.31 1'.34 1.38 1.42 1.45 1.49 Weeks 34-39 "35 .37 "38 '40 *42 "43 "45 "47 "49 "51 "52 .54 .54 '56 .57 "59 "61 "62 *64 '66 '68 "70 72 .74 -76 '80 "85 '87 '#89 '-91 .94 .97 10 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.18 1.22 1.25 1.29 1-32 1-36 1'40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.65 1.69 121 MALES, 1876-1880. 32 per Cent. Values of Sick Pa Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = x DURATIONS ONE YEAR Two YEARS THEEE~ ALL ____-YEARS Weeks 39-43 24 ' "25 "27 "28 '29 '30 '32 '33 .34 35 " '36 .37 38 "39 '40 '41 43 "4 .45 "'47 48 .49 '51 '52 53 "55 '57 '58 60 '62 '64 '66 "68 '69 '71 "74 '76 '78 '81 '83 '85 '88 ' 91. 93 96 99 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.17 1 '20 1.24 1-927 Weeks 43-47 '22 '23 24 '26 '27 '28 '29 '30 '31 '32 .33 "34 .35 '36 .37 '38 "39 '40 '42 .43 .45 '46 ".47 '48 '50 '51 .53 "55 '56 58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 .74 '76 '79 '81 '84 '86 '89 '92 '95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.16 l'.19 Weeks 47-52 '25 '27 '28 '29 '30 '32 '3 '34 .35 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 .45 '46 '48 .49 '50 '52 '54 .55 "57 '59 '61 '62 -64 '66 68 '71 .73 '75 "77 '80 '82 '85 '88 '90 '93 '96 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.09 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.34 1.38 1'43; To~ TOA 20.47 20.98 21.45 21.88 22.28 22.66 23.03 23.37 23.69 24.01 24.31 24.59 24'86 25.12 25'36 25.60 25'86 26.10 26'36 26'64 26'"94 27'24 27.57 27.91 28'25 28.60 28.97 29 " 2 29.69 30.06 30.44 30.82 31'.20 31.58 31-96 32'34 32'72 33.09 33'46 33'82 34.17 34.52 34.85 35.18 35.50 35.81 36.10 36.38 36.65 36.91 37.17 37.43 37.69 37.92 3131 SecondL First Six Months Six Months 1.16 l.22 1.27 l'33 1.39 1.51 1.57 1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.'82 1'.87 1.93 1"99 2.04 2'.10 2.16 2.22 2'29 2'36 2'.44 2.52 2'.60 2.68 2.76 2'.85 2.94 3.03 3.12 3.22 3.32 3.43 :j-53 3.65 3.76 3.89 4.01 4.14 4.27 4.40 4.54 4.68 4.83 4.98 5.14 5.30 5.47 5.64 5.80 .98 6.17 6.38 6'.58 '81 '85 89 '93 '97 1.01 l.05 1.10 1.14 l.18 l.23 1.27 l'31 l.35 1.39 1'.44 1.48 1.53 1.57 1.62 1.68 1.73 1.78 1.84 1.90 1.96 2.02 2.08 2.15 TOTAL 1.97 2.07 2.16 2'26 2'36 2'46 2.56 2.67 2.76 2.85 2.95 3.04 3.13 3.22 3.32 3.43 3.52 3.63 3.73 3.84 3.97 4.09 4'22 4.36 4 50 4.64 4.78 4.93 5.09 2.21 2.35 2.42 2.50 2.58 2.66 2.75 2'84 2.93 3.03 3'.13 3'.23 3.34 3.45 3.56 3'68 3.80 3.92 4.04 4.17 4.32 4'46 4.60 4.75 4'89 5-40 5.57 5.74 5.93 6.11 6.31 6.51 6.73 6.94 7.17 7.40 7'63 7'88 8.13 8'39 8'66 8'94 9.22 9.51 9.81 10.12 10.44 l0.77 11.13 11.47 DURATIONS and upwards 6'.05 6.35 6.65 6.95 7.26 7.'57 7.88 8.20 8.54 8.'89 9.25 9.63 l0.02 10.43 10.86 11.30 11.75 12.21 12.68 13.18 13.67 14.20 14.74 15.30 15.90 16.50 17.12 17-'77 18.44 19.14 19.86 20.61 21.39 22.19 23.03 23'88 24'7825-71 26'69 27.71 28.77 29'87 31'.02 32'22 33.48 34.80 36.19 37'67 39'22 40.87 42.61 44.44 46.36 48.37 50'48 28'49 29.40 3026 31.09 31.'90 32'69 33'.47 34.24 34.99 35.75 36.51 37.26 38'.01. 38.77 39.54 40.33 41.13 41.94 42.77 43.66 44.58 45.53 46.'58 47.57 48.65 49.74 50.87 52.02 53.22 54.44 55.70 57.00 58.33 59.70 61.10 62.53 64.01 65.53 67.'09 68.70 70.34 72--02 73.75 75.53 77.37 79.27 81.23 83.27 85.38 87.59 89.90 92.31 94.82 97-'42 100.'08 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 49 49 50 51 53 5456 57 581 59 122 MALES, 1876-1880.. 3j per Cent. Values of. Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = Fx. a, DURATIONS ONE YEAR (X) Weeks Weeks 0--4 4-8 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 17-21 r 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 '73 74 75 76 77 78 '79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Weeks 21-26 r 9.88 9.59 9.27 8.98 8.63 8'.23 7.78 7.39 6.90 6.50 6.06 5.72 5.34 4'98 4.53 4.17 3.71 3.43 3.25 2'.96 2.81 1.99 1.23 '62 5.65 5.56 5.45 5.33 5.19 5.03 4.84 4.65 4.39 4.20 3.98 3.78 3.59 3.34 3.'09 2'.85 2'.56. 2.33 4.81 4.78 4.72 4.65 4.56 4.45 4.31 4.16 4.01 3.83 3.69 3.50. 3.33 3.11 2.86 2.64 2.39 2.14 1.97 1.82 1.70 1.12 "74 "46 2.14 1.98 1.94 1.30 '80 .49 2.93 2.93 2.91 2.87 2.82 2.77 2.70 2.61 2.52 2.42 2.33 2.21 2.10 1.96 1.80 1.63 1.45 1.25 1.07 "90 '71 '60 "43 '25 2.45 2.45 2.44 2.42 2.39 2.35 2.30 2.23 2.17 2.10 2.02 1.92 1.83 1.71 1.60 1.44 1P28 1.08 '90 *71 '52 .47 *36 '23 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34-39 1 1.80 1.82 1.82 1.81 1.79 1.76 1.74 1.70 1.66 1.62 1.56 1.50 1.44 1.37 1.28 1.17 1.06 "91 .75 .57 -38 '36 '31 '17 2.58 2.59 2.60 2-57 2.54 2.50 2.45 2.38 2'33 2'26 2.19 2.08 1.98 1.87 1.77 1"61. 1.44 1.24 1.03 "79 .54 .54 "42 "23 1.92 1.94 1.94 1.95 1.93 1.91 1.89 1.84 1.82 1.76 1.70 1-,64 1.56 1.50 1.42 1.2 1.18 1.03 '83 '67 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.68 1.67 1.65 1.63 1.59 1.56 1.51 1.46 1.41 1.36 1.30 1.24 1.13. 1.02 *88 .73 '56 *38-36 '32 017 "44 "44 "39 '20 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 r , i s i 1 123 *MALE~S, 1876-1880. 3~ per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = D DURATIONS Two YEARS ON~E YEAR - Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 1.42 1.34 1.36 1P37 1.37 1.36 P.35 1.34 1.31 1.43 1.45 1.44 1.44 1-42 1.40 1-37 1.35 1.31 1.27 1.23 1.18 P.13 1.07 .97 88 .77 60 .47 30 P.29 32 1.25 1.21 P.17 1.13 1.09 1P03.94 " 85 .74 "59 .47 30 32 27 26 -12 "10 Weeks 47-52 ALL() _____YEARS TOTAL Second First Six Months Six Months 1.62 1.63 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.59 P.57 P.51 P.48 1.44 P.38 P.33 38.07 37.76 37.32 36.73 35.98 35.07 34.01 7.63 7.82 7.99 8.15 8.24 8.26 5.72 8.26 6.20 32.82 P.26 22.95 8.21 8-14 8.07 7.98 7.95 7.91 7.83 7.74 1.15 P.04 "91 20.99 7.51 18.86 16.71 14.58 7.16 6.72 12.49 5-69 5.06 4.28 3.83 3.13 2.58 6-18 6-14 6-07 6.03 5.95 5.90 5.87 5.74 5.58 5.46 5-18 4-80 4-50 4-19 4-02 3.47 3.13 2.58 '72 .59 "39 "41 "34 "14 THEEAGE 31.57 30.~27 28.95 27.60. 26.22 24.69 10.41 8.23 5.87 3.18 6.28 5.88 6-01 6-09 6-16 6-20 TOTAL 13-35 13-70 1400 14-24 14-40 14.46 14-46 14-39 14-28 14-14 14'01 13-90 13-81 13-70 13.48 13'.09 12-62 DURBATIORS and upwards 62.89 65.78 68.74 71-70 74.59 77.39 80-11 82.82 85-61 88.57 91-76 95-21 98-87 102-65 106-36 109-90 113-31 11.90 11-08 10.19 9-25 8.30 7-30 116.'56 6-26 132.'26 132-17 130.35 120-15 107-87 95.49 83.44 5-16 119-66 122.'72 125. 77 128-64 130.93 72-12 61-72 52.36 44.10 114.31 117.24 120.06 122.'67 124.97 126.92 128.58 130. 03 131.46 132.98 134.72 136.71 138'90 141.04 142.79 143.98 144.79 145.17 145.32 145. 40 145.43 145.17 144. 10 141.70 137.33 130.35 120.15. 107.87 95.49 83.44 72.12 61.72 52.36 .36.94 30-79 44.10 36.94 30.79 25-.56 25-.56 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94; 95 96 97 98 9 100 124 MALES, 1876-1880. 3j per Cent. Where sx, denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations .AGE -ONE Weeks 0-4 5 E6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5'.97012 5'.95842 5.94674 5.93242 5'.91786 5.90340 5.88865 5.87404 5.85890 5.84143 5'82623 5.81012 5-.79490 5.77775 5.75900 5.71012 5'.72200 5'.70391 5.68585 5'.66879 5'.65214 5'.63526 5'.61871 5.60226 5.58563 5'.56923 5'.55256 5.53560 5'.51783 5.'49991 5.48183 5.46373 5.'44532 5.'42666 5.'40771 5.38824 5.36855 5.'34871 4'781 5.32779 4'748 5.'30673 5.28504 5.26280 5.23893 5'.21538 549047 5'.16471 5'13788 5.11106 5.'08374 5.05507 5.02601 4'.99498 4'.96425 4'93162 4'82420 Weeks 4-8 5.47380 5.44895 5.'42596 5.41428 5.40243 5'39175 5'.38101 5.36962 5.'35792 5.34695 5.33524 5.'32268 5.31015 5'.29658 5'.28400 5.27041 5.25739 5.24484 5.23213 5.21946 5.20754 5'.19547 5.18364 5.17188 5'.16047 5.14828 5.13598 5.12357 5'.11059 5.'09777 5.'08486 4'541 5.'07133 4' 620 5.'05754 4' 280 5.04341 4' 910 5'02919 5.01413 4'.99915 4'.98384 4'.96779 4'.95165 4'.93494 4'.91734 4'.89939 4'.88104 4'.86242 4'.84247 4'.82169 4'.80054 4'.77901 4'.75582 4'.73259 4'.70714 4.68123 4'165372 4'-62456 Weeks 8-13 5'.20491 5.20491 5.20061 5'.19145 5'.18230 5'.17635 5'.17057 5'.16287 5'.15515 5 15014 5.14087 5.13038 5'.11920 5'.10785 5 '09718 5'08636 5.'07541 5.06495 5.'05467 5.'04411 5.03401 5'02408 5.01418 5.00432 4'.99448 4'.98414 4'.97344 4.96279 4'.95219 4.94101 4'.93015 4'.91861 4'.90678 4.89491 4'.88252 4.87022 4'.85744 4'84396 4.83067 4'.81692 4.80306 4-.78813 4.77339 4'4186 4'.75784 4'.74188 4.72532 4'.70818 4.69027 4'.67167 4.65202 4.63189 4-4525 4-61034 4'58737 4'.56345 4-4313 Weeks 13-17 4'.87879 4'87879 4'.87879 4-87619 4'.87369 4-86844 4'.86297 4-85649 4.85017 4'84729 4.84133 4.83175 4'82268 4.81412 4.80477 4'.79721 4.78827 4.77890 4.77032 4.76163 4.75282 4'.74418 4'.73545 4'.72662 4'.71770 4.70845 4.69887 4'.68974 4'.68103 4.67132 4.66181 4.65158 4.64110 4.63039 4.61967 4.60874 4'.59719 4'.58565 4'.57373 4.56144 4'.54877 4.53538 4.52260 ,F4' 4'.50822 4-.49389 4'47874 4'.46401 4.'44817 4.43120 4.41365 4.39520 4'.37586 4.35486 4-33329 4' 3]120 28675 YEAR Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 4'74386 4.71421 4.51312 4'74386 4.71421 4.51312 4'74386 4.71421 4.51312 4'74386 4-71421 4.51312 4'74386 4.71421 4.51312 4'73788 4.70897 4.50757 4-73152 4.70389 4.50218 4.72482 4.69841 4.49956 4.71828 4.69521 4.49704 4.71534 4-69367 4.49460 4.70965 4'68869 4.48828 4.70318 4'68336 4.48290 4.69460 4'67343 4.47390 4-68709 4'66694 4.46730 4'67976 4.66063 4.46159 4-67304 4.65448 4.45605 4-66401 4'64592 4.44795 4-65558 4'63796 4.44069 4'64773 4.63103 4.43490 4'63966 4'62385 4.42865 4-63138 4-61606 4.42132 4.62365 4-60958 4.41537 4.61574 4.60253 4.40900 4.60764 4-59491 4.40162 4-59902 4.58640 4.39443 4.59024 4.57805 4938687 4.58131 4.56990 4.38003 4-57257 4-56160 4'37232 4'56433 4-55381 4.36631 4.55567 4.54589 4.35949 4-54690 4-53754 4.35143 4.53773 4.52908 4.34355 4.52789 4-52082 4'33542 4.51796 4.51132 4.32705 4.50798 4.50232 4.31846 4.49820 4-49297 4.31008 4.48756 4-48357 4.30190 4'47689 4-47387 4.29314 4-46644 4'46489 4'28499 4.45521 4'45463 4'27544 4-44347 4-44411 4'26595 4-53 4'17053. 4-43122 4-43286. 4.25585 4'24 4-42185 4'24566 4-41969 4-14205 4-40656 4-40995 4'23467 4-39321 4'39763 4'22292 4'37967 4.38512 4.21213 4-36597'- 4.37269 4.20066 4-35126 4-35883 4.18758 4-33532 4-34422 4.17386 4-31923 4.32930 4.16044 4-30159 4-31226 4.14498 4.28425 4'29673 4.13072 4-26463 4.27903 4.11401 4-24472 4.26131 4.09767 4.224 7424207 Weeks 30-34 4.44047 4.44047 4.44047 4.44047 4.44047 4.43720 4.43404 4.43201 4.42906. 4.42810 4.42073 4.41716 4.40754 4.40071 4.39573 439009 4'38223 4.37533 4.37011 4.369.9 4.35721 4.35170 4.34565 4.33909 4'33272 4.32586 4.31983 4.31275 4.30700 4.30086 4'29325 4.28585 4027811 4.27059 4.26225 4.25462 4'24672 4.23857 4.23068 4.22209 4.21291 4.20396 4.19526 4.18446 4.17394 4.16406 4.15336 4.14120 4.12798 4.11541 .4.10089 4.08732 4.07225 4.05607 Weeks 1 34-39 4' 46882 4-.46882 4'.46882 4.46882 4 46882 4.46780 4-46682 4.46587 446223 4-46223 4.45457 4.45126 4.44075 4.43443 4 42904 4 42231 4.41576 4-41009 4 40596 4 40061 4.39475 4 39032 4'-38478 4'.37880 4.37240 4.36558 4.35949 4.35249 4.34725 4.34165 4 33474 4.32752 4'.32050 4'.31 368 4.30615 4-29925 4'.29212 4'.28439 4-.27727 4-.26919 4'26057 4.25256 4.24373 4'.23340 4-.22368 4'.21421: 4'.20439 4.19268 4'.18004 4'.16829 4'.15485 4-14205 4'.12714 4'.11156 4.09510 1253 MALES, 1876-1880. 3-l Log ?-I-(li. r x+ Where s~j. denotes the Rate of Sickness ONE Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 ~ +1 lx+1 Two YEARS f 4'.05350 4'.04108 4.02979 4'-01682 4'.32985 4.32985 4'.32985 4'.32985 4'.32985 4' 985 4'.32985 4'-32985 4'32486 4'.32486 4'.31785 4'31559 4.30453 4'29695 4'.29378 4'.28970 4'.28378 4'.27898 4'.27527 4'.27075 4'.26550 4'.26124 4'.25710 4.25310 4'.24344 4'.24393 4'.23882 4'.23386 4.22904 4'.22438 4'.21856 4'.21291 4'.20742 3'9943 4'20151 3'9771 4'.19521 3'9555 4'.18966 3'9302 4'-18375 4'.17696 4'.17140 416453 4'.15691 4'.14999 4'.14330 4'.13462 4'.12620 4'.11764 4'.10894 4.09896 4'.01047 4.08739 3'.99922 4.'07613 3'.98659 4.06378 3 96123 4.05246 4.03918 4.02502 4.00992 4'.25782 4'.25782 4'.25782 4'.25782 4'.5782 4'.25782 4'"25782 4'.25782 4'.25341 4'25341 4'.24792 4'.24527 4'.23487 4'.22853 4'.22482 4'.2"123 4'.21661 4'.21101 4'.20774 4.20352 4'.19841 4'19443 4'.18960 4'.18492 4'.17947 4'.17418 4'.1681' 4.16316 4'.15830 4'.15360 4.14752 4'.14161 4'.13586 4'.12959 4'.12284 4'.11760 3'9465 4'.11126 4'10449 4'.09851 4.09096 3'9150 4.08307 3'8973 4.07540 3 '8750 4.06796 4.05918 3' 8490 4.05069 4.04195 4.03298 4.02247 TOTAL ) 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98852 4'.98102 4'.97665 4'.97167 4'.96682 4'.96164 4'.95547 4'.94924 4'.94318 4'.93355 4'.93325 4'.92809 4'.92346 4'.91934 4'.91535 4'.91113 41 0704 4'.90291 4'.89826 4'.89361 4.88834 4.88293 4'.87725 4'.87174 4'.86613 4'.86044 4'.85179 4'84895 4.84306 483746 4.83127 4'82462 4'-81755 4'-81019 4'6043 4.80236 4'.79439 4.78638 4'.77755 4'.76846 4.75889 4' 4'.74896 4.73812 4.72614 4'.71383 4'.70137 4'68846 4'.83281 4'.83281 4.83281 4'.83281 4'.83281 4'.83281 4'.83281 4'.83281 4'.83281 4.83281 4.83065 4'.82751 4'.82278 4.'81754 4'.81309 4'.80877 .4-80459 4'-79880 4'.79458 4'.79104 4'.78734 4'.78299 4'.77877 4'.77491 4.77071 4'.76596 4 76135 4'.75624 4'.75149 4'.74648 4'.74143 4 73597 4'73031 4 72446 4'.71845 4'.71279 4'.70731 4'.70122 4'.69547 4'5302 4'.68962 4'.68338 4'.67652 4'.66934 4'.66160 4'4776 4 65323 ~4'49704 4 64524 4 63667 4' 4 62769 4 61789 4.60774 4.59750 4 58617 4 57334 4 55927 4'.67403 4 54526 f r i 5'.21861 5.21861 5-21861 5' 861 21 5.21861 5'.21861 5'.21861 5.'21[861 5.21685 5.'21421 5.21076 5.20657 5'.20175 5.19655 5.19109 5.18567 5'.18040 5.17528 5'.17043 5'.16595 5'.16172 5'.15750 5.15341 5.14935 5.14521 5'.14082 5'13619 5'13134 5.12629 5.12105 5.11564 5'11015 5'.10452 5'09876 5.09297 5.'08720 5.08148 5.'07568 5.06968 5.06336 5.'05665 4'9002 5.04949 5'04194 5.'03407 5'02591 5.'01743 5.'00857 4'.99924 4'.98937 4' 4'.97882 4.96759 4' 4.95569 4.94307 4'.92967 4'91542 5142 6240 (xv) ALL DURATIONS and upwards 1 i 6'23651 6.22597 6.21546 6'.20488 6'.19422 6'.18346 6'.17258 6'.16153 6.15005 6'13851 6'.12657 6.11410 6'.10107 6'08752 6.07363 6.05964 6.04571 6.'03212 6.01885 6.00594 5'99328 5'.98082 5'.96847 5'95614 5'.94373 5'.93122 5'.91859 5.90582 5'.89289 5'.87978 5'.86648 5'85296 5'.83924 5.82529 5.81115 5'.79682 5.78229 5'.76749 5 '4098 5'.75237 5'.73687 5.72092 5'.70451 5.68763 5'67024 S 5.65233 5'3159 5.63392 5'.61497 5.59541 5'.57521 5.'55433 5.'53272 '3496 5.51030 5.48700 5.'46264 '4703 AER THREE YEARS First Second Six Months Six Months TOTAL r 4.31031 4'31031 4.31031 4'31031 4.31031 4.31031 4'31031 4.30895 4.30503 4.30503 4.29769 4.29533 4" -8373 4'.27807 44 27256 4' 26720 4.26304 4'.25701 4'.25310 4'.24834 4'.24187 4'.23737 4'.23213 4.22704 4.22126 4'.21564. 4.21018 4'.20412 4'.19896 4'.19396 4'.18772 4'.18099 4'.17444 4'.16744 4'.16062 4'.15461 4'.14820 4'.14082 4'.13421 4.12943 4'.11787 4'.11029 4'.10243 4'.09290 4.08361 4'-07460 = Lcg Kx +l+.... for the undermentioned Durations YEAR Weeks 47-52 per Cent. 8839 8661 5'.70701 5'.70701 5.70701 5.70701 5'.70701 5.70701 5.70701 5'.70701 5.70701 5.70701 5'.70687 5'.70664 5.7062S 5'.70577 5'.70512 5'.70433 5.70338 5.70233 5'.70117 5-7003 5.69889 5'.69780 5.69665 5'.69538 5'.69393 5'.69226 5-69037 5.68827 5.68603 5'.68364 5'.68106 5.67830) 5'.67533 5'5485 5'.67213 5'5374 5'.66873 d5'5253 5'.66521 45-5121 5'.66160 5.65792 5.65415 5'.65024 5.64613 5'.64173 5'.63704 5'.63209 5'.62692 5.62157 5.61609 5.61047 5'.60466 5.59855 5.59198 5.58483 5.57697 5'.56834 5 5587 6-37997 6.37241. 6.36495 6.'35748 6.35000 6.34250 6.33500 6.32742 6.31948 6.31149 6-30320 6.'29453 6'-28548 6.27609 6'.26650 6'.25690 6-24741 6-23813 6.22915 6-22051 6.21210 6-20389 6'.19581 6.18776 6-.17967 6.17148 6'.16:19 6-15478 i5-8561 6-.14628 ;25-83891 6-.13767 6-.12893 5-8009 6.12005 ;5' 77990 6'.11104 6'.10187 6.09258 6.08322 6.'07377 5' 6.'06423 6.05453 6.'04463 6.03446 6.'02397 6.'01317 6.'00207 5-.99070 5'.97906 5-.96717 5'.95500 5'.9425.1 5'.92962 5'.91625 5'.90231 205 5.88771 5-.87235 ;"' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ~~59 44 )761 45 i962 46 47 L363 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 126 MALES, 1876-1880. 3- per Cent. Log ri (lx ti a ,'+ lx + 12 + 1 *x 1 -} .. )= o Where 8x denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations, AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4 64 65 66; 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87, Weeks 4-8 4.69389 4'64506 4.59329 4.54078 4.48336 4.42081 4.35238 4.45077 4.40831 4'.36284 4.31505 Weeks 8-]13 4.38157 4.34311 4'.30038 4'25506 4.26266 4.20664. 4. 20683 4'.15427 4.14591 4.09566 4.28255 4. 08084 4.03278 4.20099 4.00492 3'.96374 4.11949 3. .88997 92906 3' 4.62800 3.84541 3'.81224 3.93837 3.75823 3'.72477 3.83967 3.66717 3'.63508 3.73807 3.56478 3.53314 3. 62273 3.'45637 3'.42406 3.51121 3'.34655 3'.31408 3.38238 3.22063 3'.19173 3.26600 3.09760 3.06183 3.15473 2'97451 2'.93852 3.'02036 2.84696 2.'80956 2-89818 2'.73640 2'.67852 2. 63949 2.'45637 2'38739 2.'31597 2.'13033 2.'09691 1. 89994 1'.79888 1'.76549 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34-39- 4'.16599 4'.13017 4.08973. 4.04509 3.99843 3'94768 3.'89176 3.83046 3.76433 3'.69037 3'.61363 3'.52440 3.43457 3.33264 3'22246 3.10278 2'.97128 4.08757 4.05327 4.01414 3'.97081 3'.92583 3'.87587 3.82269 3'.76178 3'.69906 3'.62839 3'.55121 3 46404 3'.37438 3'27346 3 .17056 3 04922 '2.91908 2'.76567 2.59550 2'.39967 2'.16435 2.00860 1'.78533 1.47466 4.11099 4'.07733 4'.04060 3'.99813 3'.95289 3.90352 3.85059 3'.79057 3'.72925 3'.65963 3'.58580 3'.49900 3'.40909 3.31323 3'.21378 3.'09691 2'.97174 2'.82151 2'.65801 2'44560 2'.18184 2.'07188 1'.83885 1'.47282 3'95564 3.92273 3'.88649 3'.84522 3.80106 3'75251 3'.70234 3'.64424 3.58286 3.51445 3-439173-35603 3'.26951 3.17609 3.07555 2'.95952 2'.83632 2'.68664 2.52114 2'.30103 3'.92049 3'.88857 3'-85309 3'.81331 3'98272 3.95046' 3'.91609 3'.72222 3'.67256 3'.61511 3'.55630 3'.78675 3'.73656 3.67879 3.62138 3'.55169 3.47640 3.39515 3'.30643 3.21590 3.11992 3.00217 2'.88423 2'.74429 2.56229 2'.82802 2.67302 2.50379 2.29885 2.'11727 1'.86332 1.50645 88 89 90 91 9293 94 95 96 97 98, 99. 100 V I v v-r~yri I y V-LVVVI V V-LIVV / V ~LV~JIV V VIVNfJ j ) 2'.02531 1'.89763 1'.72428 1'.34542 3.87668 3=76923. 3.83385 3.48714 3.41078 3'.33021 3'.24452 3'15503 3.05881 2'.94300 2'.82217 2'.67394 2'.50243 2'.30103 2.02531 1.89763 1'.72428 1'.34542 2.37840 2.09691 1. 98677 1.81291 1. 40954 127 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Two ONE YEAR Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 TOA 3'.85138 3.'81928 3'.78647 3'.74757 3'.70509 3'.65906 3'.60885 3.55.108 3.49360 3.42357 3'.35064 3.27091 3'.18498 3.09621 3.82588 3.90741 3.87680 3'.84541 3'.80747 3'.76649 5.27961 3'.79449 3'.76238 3'.72387 368196 3'.63709 3'.58737 3'52943 3.47261 3.40157 3'.32940 3.25310 3'.16613 3.'07918 2'.74194 2'.59988 2.42160 2.22531 2.41162 2.22011 1'.91908 1.84510 1'.64345 1.12522 1. 92942 1.'85126 1'.65321 1.16061 5.19815 5'.15269 5 10363 5.'05051 3. 72230 3.67348 4'.99275 3'.61563 4'92988 3.55895 3.48643 3'.41481 3.'34064 3.25066 3.16554 2'.98137, 3.'06856 2.'86213 2.95036 2'.99826 2.'87679 2'.75664 2'.61595 5'.24039 2'.83187 2'.68931 2'.50243 2.32222 2.'03743 1.95904 1.76343 1.24913 4.86149 4'78735 4'70738 4'62188 4.53084 4.43339 4.32787 4.21304 4.08821 3'.95347 3'.80720 3'.64640 3.46598 3.25648 2'.99564 2'.61046 YEARS ~First JOA i Second Months Six Months 4:58207 4.55670 4'.52898 4.49874 4.46322 4'.45634 4'.43287 4'.40507 4 37225 4 33716 4.42244 4'.29879 4.37823 4'.25370 4.32818 4'.20439 4.27263 4.15030 4'21331 4.08934 4'.14789 4.02596 4.08164 3'.95521 4'.01055 3.88309 3'.93435. 3.'80929 3.85588 3'.72575 3'.76701 3 63789 3'.66745 3'.54974 3'.55775 3' 44451 3'.44044 3'.32449 3.30428 3.20276 3'.15351 3.'07115 2'.97267 2'.94498 2.81023 2'.76716 2'.60206 2'.60206 2.39301 2.39318 YEARS and upad ALL DURATIONS 474110 4.70577 5.49760 5.48149 5.46346 5.44315 5.42023 4.66602 5.39429 4.62144 4.57170 4.51677 4.45675 5'36495 5033183 5.29473 5.25356 5.20841 5.15956 5.10740 5.05217 4.99387 5'75714 5'.73248 5'.70565 5'.67638 5'.64435 5.60916 5.57041 5.52775 5.'48099 5.43008 5.37519 5'31671 5'.25502 5.190.6 5'.12179 5.04956 4'.97348 TOA TOA 4.82476 4.80021 4.77245 4.39222 4.32404 4.25249 4.17733 4.09667 4.00822 3.91355 3.80577 4.93227 4986701 4.79712 3.55727 3.41514 3.25983 3.09026 2.90363 2.69413 4'63867 4.54851 4.45042 4.34402 4.22878 4.10380 3' 79225 3'.59317 3'.36959 3'.11461 2'.82010 2.'47520 2.'06546 1'.57056 0'.95972 0'.17921 1'.10104 I, L;,,, 1,,~,,, I , ,,,;, ~tOR0,~~~ I _RAnlr) 1 I 2(1881 I ,,,,,, I , ,,,;, 4.89244 3-68717,14.72133 4 80570 3. 396699 i,,,,,, AGE THREE() 4' 71233 4'-61160 4'.50294 4'.38568 4'.25878 4'.12044 3'.96699 3'.79225 3.59317 3.'36959 3.11461 2'.82010 2-'47520 2.'06546 1.57056 0'.95972 0'.17921 1.10104 () 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 .88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 128 129 MALES; 1876-1880. 31 per Cent. TABLE OF EL1MENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF MALES, 1876-1880. JLog N. AELog Dx - - ax _____-_____-_____ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 3f per Cent. 48 49 50 51 52 Ax, _ __ _Ej__ Px _ AG _ _ 01028 4'.92006 6.23264 20' 539 '22149 4'.89779 6.21205 20'.619 '21859 '01011 4'87674 6.'19153 20'.644 '21769 01006 4'.85642 6'.17097 20.'632 '21812 '01009 4'83676- 6'.15036 20.587 '21975 '01018 4-81761 6.'12969 20.515 '22235 '01033 22567 '01053 4'79883 6'.10894 20' 423 ' 4'.78030 6'.08807 20' 313 '22965 '01077 4'.76189 6.'06707 .20.192 .'23403 '01105 4'.74352 6.'04595 20.065 '23862 '01133 4'.72508 6.02469 19. 935 '24331 01162 4'.70650 6.'00329 19.806 '24797 01]92 4'68772 5.98178 19.'682 '25246 '01221 4.66869 5.96013 19' 563 '25676 '01248 4'.64952 5'.93835 19.'446 '26098 01277 4'63034 5'.91644 19.324 '26540 01306 4.61129 5'89438 19. 191 '27020 '01338 4.59244 5.87215 19.042 '27559 '01375 4.57378 5.84973 18' 878 '28152 .'01416 4'.55527 5.'82711 18' 700 '28795 01462 4. 53680 5'.80426 18'512 '29475 '01510 4'.51832 5'.78118 18. 317 '30180 01563 4.49976 5'.75784 18' 117 '30903 '01617 4.48108 5'.73426 17.'913 '31640 '01673 4'46227 5'.71039 17'.706 '32387 '01731 4'.44334 5'.68625 17.'495 '33151 '01792 4'.42426 5'.66182 17'.281 '33924 '01856 4'.40504 5'.63709 17.'063 '34712 '01922 4.38566 5.61203 16.'841 '35514 '01991 4.36611 5.58665 16'.617 '36324 '02062 4'.34638 5.56093 16.'389 '37149 '02136 4.32645 5.53485' 16'.158 '37983 '02214 4'.30635 5'.50841 15.'924 '38829 '02294 02379 4'.28610 5.'48156 15'.684 '39697 4.26571 5'.45430 15.438 '40585 '02469 '41500 '02564 4'.24520 5.42661 15.1 '42444 '02665 4'.22456 5'.39844 '43412 '02773 4.20376. 5.'36977 14'65 4'.18278 5'.34058 14'.38] '44406 '02887 4'.16157 5.'31082 14'.10] '45418 '03008 4'.14010 5'.28046, 13.'815 '46452 '03136 4'.11830! 5.'24949 13'.52' '47493 '03270 4.09616 5'21785 13'234 "48552 '03411 4.07366 5'.18551 12'.93' "49625 '03561 4.05080 5'.15244 12'.63' "50710 03719 '51815 '03886 4.02759 5'.11860 "52947 '04067 4'.00403 5.08386 "54096 '04260 3'.98005 5.'04825 I I i I II ~LVVVI ) VI VI I I V~VV ~LI VV ,r~hnc) ,~~1 IA(1 I1~,~)0rl 20881 Log Dx __ _ _ Log Nx _ 53 3'.95561 54 3'.93058 55 3'.90487 56 3.87839 57 3.85109 58 3.82295 59 3'.79394 60 3'.76398 61 3'.73297 62 3'.70073 63 3.66711 64 3.63198 65 3.59530 66 3.55708 67 3'.51744 68 3.47631 69 3.43333 70 3.38790 71 3'.33930 72 3.28678 73 3.22981 74 3.16822 75 3.10232 76 3.03269 77 2'.96016 78 2.'8853.7 79 2'.80850 80 2'.72892 81 2.64569 82 2'.55746 83 2.46280 84 2.36093 85 2'.25199 86 2'.13689 87 2.01622 89048 88 1. 75862 89 1. 61821 90, 1. 46493 91 1. 29322 92 1. 93 1.'09579 94 0'.86353 58524 95 0. 96 0'.24587 82453 97 1. 28954 98 1. 99 2.58706 100 9.58877 ( - VVV _ _ 10'402 10'077 9.751 9'425 9'098 8'771 8.447 8'127 7.811 7.500 7'190 6.877 6'.560 6.242 5'931 5.633 5'357 5'108 4.886 4.688 4'.502 4'.320 4'.132 3'.932 3'723 3'.509 3'.300 3'.103 2'.924 2.757 2.594 2'.425 2'.239 2'.033 1'.809 1.575 1'.338 1' 108 '892 '693 '514 '355 '218 '100 I -l '04464 '04682 '04913 '05156 '05413 '05687 '05978 '06288 '06620 '06971 '07342 '07735 '08150 '08596 '09081 '09613 '10194 '10814 '11461 '12117 '12757 '13375 '13966 '14560 '15183 '15871 '16662 '17558 '18563 '19641 '20758 '21870 '23002 '24210 '25583 '27260 '29356 '31986 '35221 "39157 '43824 '55257 ' 56435 '57613 '58788 '59963 '61141 '62319 '63501 '64683 '65854 '67011 '68153 '69277 '70398 '71529 '72675 '73824 '74948 '76025 '77023 '77923 '78725 '79441 '80113 '80771 '81451 '82174 '82929 '83703 '84458 '85170 '85817 '86421 '87010 '87621 '88293 '89037 '89847 '90693 '91549 '92380 "93161 '93880 '94528 '95102 '95597 '96024 '96386 10.727 f I P _ 11.379 11.053 5.01170 4'.97406 4' 93536 4'.89549 4'.85440 4.81200 4'.76820 4'.72291 4 67602 4 62743 4'.57702 4.52471 4'.47035 4.41378 4'.35482 4.29321 4'.22868 4.16101 4.09005 4.01570 3'.93806 3.85719 3 77320 3'.68608 3.59565 3'.50152 3.40312 3.29979 3'.19089 3.07591 2 95461 2'.82685 2'.69245 2'.55084 2'.40087 2.24050 2.06674 1 87564 1.66210 1.41972 1'.14045 0.81387 0.42591 1'.95661 1.37530 2'.62860 3.58877! I Ax , _____)_ 1 ir 130 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = Dx DURATIONS AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 .34 35 .36' 37 38 .39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 !w9f Weeks Weeks 0-4 4-8 8-13 3.31 3-28 3-26 3-32 3-37 3.43 3-49 3-54 3-59 3-65 3-70 3-74 3-79 3-83 3-88 3.92 3-97 4-02 4-07 1-76 1-85 1-92 1-97 2-01 2-07 2-13 2-18 2-24 2-30 2-35 2-39 2-43 2-47 2-51 2-55 2-60 2-65 j-69 2-74 2-79 2-84 2-89 2-95 3-09 3-06 3-12 3-17 3-23 3-29 3-35 3-42 3-48 3-54 3-60 3-67 3-73 3-79 3-85 10-47 10-72 10-93 11-07 11-18 11.27 11-36 11.45 11-51 11-51 11-58 11-62 11-69 11-72 11-71 11-69 11-69 11-69 11-68 11-70 11-73 11-75 -11-78 11-82 11-86 11-91 11-96 12-00 12-03 12-05 12.08 12-11 12-13 -15 12-16 12-18 12-19 12-20 122 12-19 12.17 12-11 12-02 12-00 11-92 11-83 11-72 11-63 11-53 11-42 11-31 11-18 11-07 10-94 10-79 4.12 4-18 4-23 4-29 4-35 4-42 4-48 4-54 4-61 4-68 4-74 4.81 4-88 4-94 5"0 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-29 5-35 5-40 5-45 5-49 5-53 5.58 5-61 5-64 5-67 5-70 5-72 5-74 5-75 5-76 5-76 5i- (;3 3-91 3-98 ,4-7 4-03 4-7 4-10 4-7 4-16 4-22 4-28 4-34 4-39 4-45 4-50 4-54 4.59 4-63 4-67 -71 Weeks 13-17 -82 -86 -90 -94 -98 1-01 1-04 1-07 1-10 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-22 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-34 1-36 1-39 1-42 1-45 1-49 1-52 1-55 1-58 1-62 1-65 1-69 1-73 1-76 1-80 1-84 1-88 1-92 1-96 2.00 2.04 2.09 2.13 221 2.25 2.30 2.34 2.38 2.42 2.47 2.51 2.55 2.59 2.64 2.68 2071 2-75 2-.79 Weeks 17-21 -60 -63 -66 -69 -73 -75 -77 -79 -81 -84 -86 -89 -91 -93 -95 -98 1-00 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-10 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-35 1-38 1-41 1-45 1-48 1-51 2-2 1-55 2-3 1-59 1-62 1-66 2-3 1-70 2-3 1-73 2-3 1-77 1-81 1-85 1-89 1-93 1-97 2-01 2-05 2-09 2-12 2-16 2-20 2-24 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 21-26 26-30 30-34 34-39 -56 -59 -62 -65 -68" -70 -72 -74 -76 -79 -82 -84 86 -88 -91 -94 -96 -98 1.00 1-03 1.05 1-08 1-11 1-14 1-17 1-19 1-22 1-25 1.28 1-32 1-35 1-38 1-42 1-46 1-49 1.53 1-57 1.61 1.65 1.69 1-73 1.77 1.82 1.86 1.90 1-95 2-00 2-04 2-09 2.13 2.17 2.22 2-27 2-32 9237 -35 -37 -39 -41 -42 -44 -45 -47 -48 -50. -51 -53 -54 -56 -57 -59 -60 -62 -64 -66 -67 -69 -71 -73 -75 -77 -79 -81 -83 -86 -88 -90 -92 -95 -98 1-00 1-03 1-06 1-09 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-21 1.24 1-27 1-30 1-34 1-38 1-41 1-44 1-48 1-52 1-56 1-60 1-63 -30 -31 -33 -34 -36 -37 -39 -40 -41 -43 -44 -45 -46 -48 -49 -51 -52 -53 -55 -56 -58 -60 61 -63 -65 -66 -68 -70 -72 -75 -77 -79 -81 -83 -86 -88 -90 -93 -96 -99 1-01 1-04 1-08 1-6 1-10 1-13 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-30 1-34 1-37 1-41 1-45 1-5 -31 -33 S35 "36 S38 40 -41 -43 S45 -46 .48 .49 .50 "51 "53 "55 -56 -58 -60 -61 -63 -65 -67 -69 -71 -73 -75 -77 -80 -82 -85 -87 -90 -92 -95 -98 1-01 1-04 1-07 1-10 1-14 1-17 1-21 1-24 1-28 1-32 1-36 1-40 1-43 1-48 1-52 1-57 1-61 131 MALES, 1876-1880 34, per Cent. Values of. Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the .Whole of Life = ~ Dx DURATIONS ONE YEAR Two YEARS _ Weeks 39-43 THREE YEARS i Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 TOTAL i st SxMonths Six econd Months TOTAL and upwards ALL DURATIEONS AGE (xt) i *22 '23 '24 '25 '26 '28 '29 '30 '31 '32 .33 '34 '35 '36 .37 '38 '39 '40 '42 .43 "44 '46 .47 '48 '50 '51 '53 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 72 '74 '76 '78 '81 '84 '87 '89 '92 .95 '98 1.01 1.04 1'.07 1.10 1.13 1.17 .1.'20 1.24 '19 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 '26 '27 '28 '29 '30 '31 "32 '33 '34 '35 '36 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '44 '45 '47 '48 '50 '51 '53 '55 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '71 '73 '75 '78 '81 '83 '85 '88 '91 '94 '96 '99 1.03 1'.06 1.09 1.13 1' .16, "23 '24 '25 '26 '27 '29 '30 '31 '32 '34 '34 '36 '36 .37 '39 '40 '41 '42 .44 .45 .47 '48 50 '51 .53 '55 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '69 "71 '73 '76 '78 '81 '83 '86 '89 '92 '95 '98 1.'02 1.05 1.08 1.12 1.15 1.19 1'.22 1.27 1.31 1'.35 S139 19'.12 19'.61 20'.06 20.48 20.87 21.25 21.60 21.94 22.25 22'56 22.87 23'.15 23'42 23'67' 23.91 24.15 24'39 24.64 24.91 25-18 25.49 25.80 26'12 2647 26'.82 27.18 27.54 27.91 28-'29 28.67 29.06 29'44 29'84 30.23 30.62 31.02 31.41 31.81 32.19 32'57 32'95 33.31 33'67 34'.02 34'.36 34.69 35.01 35.33 35.62 35'.92 36.21 36.50 36.79 37.06 1.03 1.08 1'.14 1.19 1'.25 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.57 1.61 1.66 1.72 1.77 1.82 1.87 1.93 1.99 2.05 2'.11 2.18 2'026 2'34 2.41 2'49 2.57 2'66 2'.74 2.83, 2'92 3.02 3.12 3'.22 3.33 3.45 3.57 3.68 3.81 3.93 4.06 4.19 4.33 4.48 4.63 4.78 4.94 5.10 5.27 5.44 5.61 5.79 5.98 6.20 6'40 '72 '76 '79 '83 '87 '91 '95 '99 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.49 1.54 1.60 1.65 1070 1'76 l.82 1'.88 1.'94 2.01 2.07 2.14 2.21 2.28 2.35 2.43 2.51 2.60 2.69 2.78 2.88 2.98 3.08 3.19 3.30 3.41 3.53 3.65 3.77 3.90 4'03 4.17 4.32 4.46 4.60 4.76 1.75 1'84 1.93 2.02 2.12 2.21 2'31 2.41 2.51 2.60 2.69 2'.77 2.85 2.95 3.04 3.13 3.23 3.33 3.43 3.54 3.65 3'78 3.91 4.04 4.17 4.31 4.45 4.60 4.75 4.90 5.06 5.23 5.40 5.57 5.76 5.96 6.17 6'37 6.59 7.04 7.27 7.52 7.78 8."04 8.31. 8.59 8.87 9.17 9.47 10 5.24 5.52 5.79 6.07 6'.35 6.63 6.93 7.2:3 7.54 7.87 8.20 8.56 8.93 9.31 9.72 10.14 10 ':7 11.01 11.45 11.92 12 '40 12.90 13.43 13.97 14'54 15.12 15.73 16.35 17.00 17.68 18.38 19.11 19.87 20.66 21.47 22.'31 23.19 24.11 25.07 26.08 27.12 28.22 29.'35 30.54 31.79 33.11 34.49 35.96 26.11 26.97 27.78 28.57 29'34 30.09 30.84 31.58 32.30 33 03 33.76 34'48 35.20 35.93 36.67 37'42 38".19 38.98 39.79 40'.6'4 41.54 42'.48 43.46 44'48 45.53 46'61 47.72 48.86 50.04 51.25 52.50 53.78. 55.11 56.46 57.85 59.29 60'77 62'29 63.85 65.46 67.11 68.80 70.54 72'34 74.19 76.11 78.09 80.16 82.30 84.55 86.89 89.33 91.89 94 .53, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 132 MALES, 1876-1880. If 'per Oent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life =---DURATIONS AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Weeks Weeks Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 8-13 13-17 17-21 9.73 9.45 9.14 8.85 8'.52 8.12 7.70 7.30 6.83 6.43 5.55 5.46 5-36 5.25 5.11 4.96 4-78 4.59 4.35 4.14 3.93 3.74 3.55 3-31 3.06 2.83 2.54 2.32 2-13 1.97 1.93 1.30 80 "49 4.73 4.70 4.65 4.58 4.49 4.40 4.26 4.11 3.95 3.79 3-64 3.46 3.30 3.07 2.84 2.62 2.38 2.14 1.96 1.81 1.69 1.11 .74 "45 2.88 2.88 2.86 2.83 2.78 2.73 2.66 2.58 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.18 2.07 1-93 1.79 1.62 1P43 1.24 1.06 "90 "71 -60 .44 "25 jI 2.40 2.40 2-40 2-38 2-35 2-32 2-27 2-20 2.14 2-08 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.59 1-43 1-27 1-08 -89 -771 -52 -46 -36 -23 5.67 5.29 4.94 4.49 4.14 3.69 3.41 2.94 2.81 1.98 1.23 62 7 : _. .. Weeks 26-30 2-54 2.55 2.55 2-53 2-51 2.47 2-41 2-35 2-30 2.23 2.16 2-06 1-95 1-85 1-75. 1-60 1-44 1-23 1-03 -78 -54 -54 -41 -23 l Weeks 30-34 Weeks 21-26 1.77 1-79 1-79 1-78 1-77 1-74 1.71 1-68 1.64 1.59 1-54 1-48 1-42 1.35 1-28 1-16 1-04 -90 -75 -56 -37 -36 -31 -17 1 Weeks 349 1-63 1.65 1.66 1-66 1-64 1.62 1-60 1.57 1-54 1-50 1-45 1-40 1-34 1-28 1-23 1-12 1-02 -87 -72 "56 "37' -36 -31 -17 7 1-89 1-92 1.94 1.94 1-93 1.91 1-88* 1-85 1.82 1.78 1.73 1.67 1.62 1.55 1.41 1-28 1.17 1-02 83 .67 044 .44 -38 20 't 133 rMALE8, .1876-1880. 34 per Oent. VleofSick PyAlowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life - K DURATIONS Two ONE YEAR ____________-I. Weeks 39-43 1.39 1.41 1.42 1.42 1.'42 1.40 1.39 1.36 1.33 1.30 1.26 1.21 1.17 1.12 1.07 '96. "87 '76 '60 '47 '30 '32 "27 "12 Weeks 43-4? 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.35 1.34 1-33 1.32 1.29 1.27 1!23 1.20 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.03 "93 '85 '74 '58 .47 '30 '32 '26 "11 YA1BS AGEa . Weeks 47-52 1.59 1.61 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.57 1.56 1.50 1.46 1.42 1.36 1.32 1.25 1.14 1.04 90 "72 '59 38 '41 .34 14 TOTAL 37.42 37.15 36.75 36-20 35.49 34-62 33.59 32'45 31.23 29.97 28.67 27.35 25.99 24.50 22.79 20.83 18.74 16.61 14'.50 12.43 10'36 8.20 5.85 3.18 Second First Six Months Six Months 7'48 7.67 7.85 8.01 8.10 8.13 8.14 8.10 8.03 7.97 7.89 7.87 7.83 7.75 7.67 7.45 7.10 6.67 6.23 5.65 5.03 4.27 3.82 3.12 2.57 5.60 5.76 5.90 5.99 6.06 6.12 6.11 6.09 6.06 5.99 5.96 5.89 5.84 5.81 5.68 5.'53 5.42 5.14 4.77 4.47 4.17 4'00 3'46 3.12 2.57 TOTAL 13'.08 13.43 13.75 14'.00 _14'.16 14.25 14.25 14.19 14.09 13'96 13.85 13,"76 13.67 13.56 13.35 12'98 12.52 11.81 11.00 10.12 9.20 8.27 7.28 6.24 5.14 and upwards 61.25 64.16 67.14 70.12 73.04 75.87 78"'63 81.37 84.18 87.17 90.38 93'84 97.53 101'.32 105.'06 108.64 112.08 115 '38 118.'53 121'.64 124'.74 127.'66 130.'02 ALL DURATIONS 111'.75 114.74 117T'64 120.'32 122 '69 124.'74 126.'47 128.'01 129.'50 131'.10 132.'90 134'.95 137.'19 139.'38 141'.20 142.'45 143.'34 143.'80 144.'03 144.'19 144.'30 144'.13 143.'15 140.'84 136.'56 129.'70 119.'61 129'.7Q 119'.61 107.'42 95.12 83.17 71.92 61.56 52.25 44.01 36'88 30.75 25'.53 .............. . .I............ . ........ 131'.42 131'.42 107.'42 95.12 83.17 71.92 61.56 52.'25 44.01 36.'88 30'7 25.53 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93. 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 134 MALES, 1876--i880. 34 per Cent. Log i zj lx , -- lx+ +. -{.". ".)= Log a ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4 5.94037 5.92799 5.91565 5.90053 5'88516 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 Where sx denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE fix) 5 b 1+ 5.86991 5-85436 5.83897 5.82304 5.80465 5.77172 5.75573 5.73771 5.71803 5.69821 5.67921 5-64130 5.62342 5.60598 5.58832 5.57099 5.55379 5.53643 5.51931 5.50193 5.48424 5146573 5.44608 5'42828 5-40948 5.39036 5.37100 5.35134 5.33117 5.31080 5.29029 5.26866 5.24692 5.22453 5.20161 5.17603 5.15280 5.12718 5.07216 5.04566 5.01764 4.98828 Weeks 4-8 3 Weeks 8-13 5'.16467 5.16467 5.16003 5.15015 5'.14028 5.13387 5.3416,4 5.12766 5.3295 3 5'.11938 5.3170' 5'.11109 7 5'.10572 5299 5.30545786 4 5.'09579 5.2795'9 5.'08457 5.'07262 5.2662 5'2518'7 5.06051 I5.2385;3 5.'04911 5.2241; 5.'03758 .3 5.9; 3 5.02590 5.21035602 3 5.'01476 18 5"00383 5.18354 5.1701' 4'.99259 7 8$ 5.15754 4'.98187 5.1448; 4'.971.34 >3 5.1323 6 4.96084 5.1199'7 4'.95039 5.1079,'15 4'.93999 5.09511 4'.92907 .3 '0 5.0822( 4'.91778 .6 5.0691! 4'.90655 5.0555'6 4.89538 5.042?1 .3 4'88362 2 5.02864 1 4.87221 5.0144 :8 4'.86010 5.0000'17 4'.84770 4'.83520 4.9853 4.9705( 0 4'.82231 4.9548E 4'.80945 4.93921+3, 4'.79819 2 4.92334 4.78204 4.906616 4'.76820 ii' 4.8599' 4.75390 4.8725. 4'.73950 4.8543' 4'.72400 4.8358. 4'.70872 4.8168 16 4'.69261 4'.67610 4.79765101 .70 7 4'.65899 8 4.75564 4.64130 1 4.7339. 4.62283 9 4.7117' 4.60:367 7 4.6879' 4'.58346 4 4'.56278 )7 4'.54067 i4 4'"51712 11 4.49261 5.4407 3 .3 5.4142, 5.3896 ;6 5.3771 8 5.3645 3 5.3531; 2 19 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 4'.83443 4"83443 4'.83443 4.83160 4.82889 4.82321 4'.81727 4.81027 4'.80346 4'.80033 4.79392 4'.78361 4'.77386 4'.76467 4.75462 4'.74653 4'.73696 4.72695 4.71778 4'.70850 4.69898 4.68991 4'-68063 4'.67125 4'.66178 4'.65198 4'.64184 4'.63217 4'.62298 4'.61274 4'.60272 4'.59195 4.58094 4'.56969 4'.55844 4'.54700 4.53491 4.52286 4.51041 4.49759 4'.48441 4'.47050 4.45722 4.44229 4.42744 4.41175 4'.39653 4.38016 4.36267 4.34459 4'.32560 4.30574 4.28418 4.26207 4'169773 4'69773 4'69773 4'69773 4'.69773 4'.69122 4'.68432 4'.67705 4'.66996 4'.66679 4'.66064 4'.65366 4'.64441 4'.63633 4'.62845 4'.62123 4'.61154 4'.60250 4.59409 4.58546 4'.57662 4'.56837 4'.55993 4'.55132 4'.54215 4'.53283 4'.52336 4'.51410 4'.50538 4'.49622 4.48695 4.47728 4.46691 4.45647 4.44598 4.43572 4'.42457 4.41340 4'.40247 4.39070 4.37849 4.36575 4.35376 4.34013 4'.32629 4.31228 4.29811 4'.28289 4.26644 4.24988. 4'.23172 4'.21389 4'.19374 4.17330 4'15226 4'.66621 4'.66621 4'.66621 4'.66621 4'.66621 4.66049 4'.65494 4'.64895 4'.64548 4'.64381 4'63841 4'.63265 4'.62190 4'061490 4'.60809 4'.60147 4'59227 4'.58372 4'.57626 4.56857 4.56022 4'.55330 4.54576 4'.53763 4 52856 4'.51968 4.51101 4.5021[9 4.49393 4.48554 4.47670 4.46777 4.45906 4'.44905 4.43957 4.42974 4.41987 4.40970 4.40031 4.38959 4'.37862 4.36689 4'.35543 4.34305 4.33025 4.31729 4'.30440 4.29008 4'.27499 4.25959 4'.24204 4'.22606 4.20788 4'.18969 4.46376 4.46376 4.46376 4.46376 4.46376 4.45767 4.45177 4'.44892 4.44616 4.44351 4'43666 4.43082 4.42106 4'.41392 4.40775 4.40176 4.39301 4.38520 4'37896 4.37223 4.36436 4.35797 4.35114 4'34327 4.33560 4'32752 4'.32023 4'.31203 4.30565 4'29842 4'28986 4.28151 4'27291 4.26406 4'.25501 4.24618 4.23759 4'.22840 4.21985 4.20994 4'.19992 4'.18938 4'.17875 4'.16732 4'.15512 4'.14392 4'.13200 4'.11846 4'.10428 4'.09043 4.07452 4.05987 4.04269 4'38968 4.38968 4'38968 4.38968. 4'38968 4'.38609 4.38261 4'.38037 4.37714 4'3761.0 4-36808 4.36418 4'.35374 4'.34631 4'.3409(0 4.33478 4.32627 4.31881 4.31317 4'.30692 4.29929 4.29336 4'28686 4'.27985 4.27302 "4.26571 4.25924 4.25169 4'.24556 4'.23905 4'.23099 4.22313 4.21495 4.20699 4'.19819 4'.19014 4'.18182 4.17327 4.16495 4.15597 4'.14638 4.13704 4'.12795 4'.11671 4.10575 4'.09548 4.'08440 4.07181 4.05812 4.04513 4'.02592 .4I00l76 Weeks . 34-39 4.41777 4.41777 4'.41777 4.41777 4.41777 4-41666 4.41557 4'.41454 4.41056 4'.41056 4.40221 4.39860 4.38719 4'.38032 4.37447 4.36719 4'.36010 4.'35397 4.34951 4.34376 4'.33748 4.33272 4.32681 4'.32042 4.31357' 4'.30630 4'.29981 4.29237 4.28679. 4'.28087 4.27356 4.26593 4'.25852 4'.25132 4'.24339 4.23613 4.22866 4'.22055 4'.21309 4.20466 4.19568 4'.18735 4'.17817 4'.167444'.15737 4.14758 4'.13745 4'.12535 4'.11234 4'10027 13 5 MALES, 1876-1880. 3 Log 2.3(lx v~ x+ -- +l1VX +1 x+ ' per Cent. +-.. .. )=Log Kx Where a1. denotes the Rate of Sickness for. the undermientioned Durations ONE YEAR TWO YEARS - 39-43 4.25689 4'25689 4.25689 4.25689 4.25689 4.25689 4.25689 4.25539 4.25108 4.25108 4.24306 4.24047 4.22781 4.22162 4.21561 4.20978 4.20526 4.19868 4.19443 4.18929 4.18230 4.17745 4,17181 4.16634 P.16014 4.15412 4.14826 4.14176 4.13624 4.13091 P.12428 P.11711 4.11015 4.10271 P.09548 4.08913 4.08235 P.07460 P.06767 4.05926 4.05053 4.04261 4.03443 4.02449 4.01481 4-00544 3.99546 3.98354 3.97067 3.95899 3-94562 3.93303 3.91850 474-52 -- ______ Week 43-47 WeksFirst Weks 4-20325 4-20325 4-.20325 4-20325 4-.20325 4-20325 4-20325 4.20325 4-.19838 4-.19838 4.19234 4-.18943 4-17806 4-.17111 4-.16708 4-.16319 4-.15815 4-.15104 4-.14851 4-.14395 4-.13843 4-.13415 4-.12895 4-.12392 4-11807 4-11237 4-.10592 4-10054 4-09534 4-.09033 3-8419 4-.08383 3- 237 4-07755 3-8009 4-07144 37744 4-06479 4-05763 4-05208 4.04536 4-.03822 4-03193 4-02403 4-01578 4-00775 3-.99996 3-.99083 3-.98195 3-.97285 3-.96355 3-.95265 3-.94022 3.92855 3-.91551 3-.90369 3.88936 3.87425 3-85842 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 4.27506 P.26956 4.26956 4.26188 4.25940 P.24729 4.23897 P.23553 4.23109 4.22461 4.21937 4.21532 4.21043 4-20472 4.20011 4.19565 4.19134 4.18633 4.18147 4.17598 4.17064 4.16548 4.16050 4.15430 4.14829 4.14248 4.13621 4.12953 4P12366 4.11740 3 9034 4.11025 3-8812 4.10438 38554 P.09719 4.08920 4.08196 4.07496 4.06592 4.05713 4.04821 4.03918 4.02882 4.01682 4.00518 3-.99242 3 98078 3 96708 3.95245 TOTAL 6.-20161 6-19031 6-.17908 6-16778 6.15638 6-14489 6-13331 6-12152 6-.10930 6.-09702 6-08433 6-07108 6-05723 6.-04285 6-02812 6-01328 5-.99856 5-98412 5-97006 5-95641 5-94302 5-.92985 5-.91681 5.90381 5-89073 5-87756 5-86427 5.85085 5-83727 5-82352 5-80957 5-.79542 5-78106 5.76648 5-.75172 5-.73678 5-.72163 5-.70622 5-69050 5.67438 5-65784 5-64083 5-62334 5-60534 55-.58684 5-3082 5-.56783 5-.54827 5.52812 5.50733 5-48586 5-46366 5-44066 5-41677 5.39183 3378 _____ ______ Second Six Months Six Months 4.93309 4.93309 4-.93309 4-.93309 4-93309 4-93309 4.93309 4-93309 4-.92978 4-92483 4-.92002 4-.91454 4.90923 4-.90356 4-.89681 4.89000 4-.88338 4-.87833 4.-87255 4-.86694 4-.86192 4-85747 4-.85315 4-84859 4-.84418 4-.83974 4-.83474 4-82975 4.82410 4-81831 4-.81225 4-.80638 4.80041 4-.79435 4-.78835 4-.78216 4-.77593 4-77002 44-6001 4-.76349 44-5844 4.75649 4-74906 4-.74133 4-73313 4-72479 4-.71643 4-70722 4-69776 4-.68781 44-.67749 44'66627 4.65387 4-.64115 4-62830 4-.61499 5488 5287 477527 4-.77527 4-77527 4-77527 4-.77527 4-.77527 4-77527 4-77527 4-.77527 4-.77527 4-77289 4-.76944 4-76424 4-.75849 4-75361 4-74889 4-74432 4-73800 4-.73340 4-.72955 4-.72553 4-.72081 4-.71625 4.71209 4-70755 4.70243 4-69747 4 69198 4-.68689 4-.68152 4-.67613 4-67030 44-66428 4-434 4-.65806 4-.65168 4-.64567 44-.63986 44-63343 4-.62737 4-.62120 4 61463 4.60742 4559 4-.59989 4-.59180 4-.58305 4-.57471 4-56579 4218 4-.55645 4019 4-.54627 4-.53575 4-.52515 4-.51344 4-.50021 4-48572 4-.47131 ______ TREAGE THEERS ALL() adTOTTIN TOAL 5-.16236 5-.16236 5-16236 5-.16236 5-16236 5-.16236 5-.16236 5-'16236 5.16041 5-.15749 5-.15369 5-14907 5-14380 5.13808 5-.13213 5-.12620 5.12044 5-.11484 5-.10958 5-.10469 5-10009 5-09552 5-09110 5-08672, 5-08225 5-07751 5-07254 5-06733 5.06190 5-05633 5-05053 5-04470 5-03870 5-03258 5-02641 5.02028 5-01423 5-00813 5-00178 4.99513 4-98807 4.98056 4-97265 4-.96441 4-.95588 4-.94704 4-7709 4-93781 4.92812 4-.91786 4-.90694 4-.89530 4-.88301 4-87000 4-85619 4-.84153 upadsDRTIN 5-63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63929 5-.63912 5-.63886 5-.63846 5-.63789 5-.63716 5-63628 5-.63522 5-63405 5-.63277 5-.63150 5-63025 5-62904 5-.62779 5-62639 5-62480 5-.62298 5.62092 5-61863 5.61620 5.61361 5.61083 45-4339 5-60785 5-.60465 5-60120 5-.59755 5-59378 5-.58993 5-.58599 5-.58197 5-.57782 5-.57345 5-56879 5-56384 5-.55861 5-.55315 5-.54753 5-.54178 5.53589 5-.52982 5-.52342 5-.51658 5-50914 5-50098 5-49201 5-48220 6-.33684 6-.32860 6-.32046 631233 6-30419 6-29605 6-28789 6-27967 6-27107 6-26240 6-.25343 6-24408 6-23429 6-22414 6-.21381 6-.20347 6-.19324 6-.18324 6-.17359 6-.16429 6-.15528 6-.14647 6-13780 6-.12921 6-.12054 6-.11180 610295 6-09402 6-08497 6-07580 6.-06651 56.-05710 5-74:52 6.-04755 6-03786 56-02804 56-01816 6-00822 5-.99816 5-.98797 5-.97757 5-.96690 5-.95591 7640 5-94462 5-93302 7251 5-.92115 7035 5.90902 5-89664 5-.88400 5-.87103 5-.85766 5-84382 5-82941 5-81434 5-.79849 5-R 7178 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30, 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. 45 46, 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5455 56, 57 58 59 136 MALES, 1876-1880. 31 per Cent. Logvi(xvs+ xlxI+ +..)Lgc Where vxk denotes the Rate of Sickness for the uzndermentioned Durations ONE YEAR (x) Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 4'.62014 4'57057 4.51805 4'.46482 4.40666 4.34335 4'.27411 4'.20352 4'.12110 4.03878 3'.94640 3.85594 3'.75641 3'.65398 3'.53769 3.42537 3.29557 3.17840 3.06633 2'.93146 2'.80889 2' ,54900 2'.22531 1.80618 4.37658 4.33343 4'.28626 4'.23880 4'.18571 4'.12914 4'.06748 4.00165 3'.92490 3'.84825 3.76373 3'.67578 3.58399 3.48073 3'.37144 3'.26079 3'.13418 3'.01030 2.88649 2'.75815 2'.64738 2.'36736 2.04139 1. 70757 ~~..... 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 I , _____ 1 _ Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 4'.30707 4.09139 4.26797 4.05496 4'.22456 4.e01385 4'.17857 3'.96853 4'.12946 3'.92122 4.07642 3.86976 4.01708 3.81318 3'.95347 3'75113 3.88366 3.68431 3'80909 3.60959 3'.73062 3.53212 3'.64237 3.44201 3.55194 3.35141 3.44932 3.24871 3.33945 3'.13767 3.22866 3.01703 3'.10551 2'.88480 2'.97497 2'.74036 2'.85065 2'.58433 2'.72099 2.41497 2.58883 2.20952 2'29667 2.02938 77815 2.00432 1. 1. 67210 1.41497 __~_~ I - -. ~~-- Weeks 17-21 4.01284 3' 97795 3'.93822 3.89421 3'84856 3'.79796 3'.74414 3'.68251 3'.61909 3.54765 3'.46967 3'.38166 3'.29137 3'.18949 3.08565 2'.96332 2'.83251 2'.67852 2.50786 2.'31175 2.07555 1'.91908 1'.69020 1'38021 I _ -- __~ I Weeks 21-26- Weeks 26-30 4.03619 3'.88087 4.00191 3'.84739 3.96459 3.81057 3'.92148 3.76864 3.87558 3.72387 3.82556 3'.67468 3'.77188 3'.62387 3'.71113 3'.56502 3'.64914 3.50297 3'57875 3.43409 3'.50420 3.35793 3' 41664 3'.27393 3.32593 3'.18667 3.22943 3.09237 3.12937 2'.99123 3.01157 2.87448 2'.88593 2'.75051 2'.73480 2'.59988 2.57054 2.43297 2.35793 2'.21219 2.09342 1'.93450 1'.98227 1. 80618 1. 74819 1'.63347 1. 38021 1'.25527 Weeks 30-34 Week 34-39 3''91153 3'.81298 3.87898 3.77692 3.84435 3'.73656 380475 3--69188 3.76178 3'.64414 3. 71466 3'.59384 3.66455 60703 3.53567 3. 3.47611 3'.54998 3'.40620 3.48101 3'32899 3'40688 3.24773 3.32736 3 16137 3'.24105 3.07115 3'.15381 2'.97405 3.03503 2.85733 2'.91645 79796. 2'.73560 2. 2'.58659 2.65706 2.41330 2'.47422 2.'21219 2.28780 1'.93450 2.'00432 89209 1. 80618 1. 1'.63347 1.71600 32222 1'.25527 1. 3. 84547 137 MALES, 1876--.1880. 31 per Whore 8x~ denotes the Rate of Sickness fir ONE YEAR.j Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 4752 3.77619 3'.74351 3'.71012 3' 67062 3'.62747 3'.58081 3'.52994 3.47144 3'.41330 3.'34242 3'.26881 3'.18837 3'.10140 3.01199 2'.91328 2'.79099 2.67025 2.52892 2.33445 2.13672 1'.83885 1.76343 1'.56820 1.07918 3'.75082 3'.71883 3'.68619 3.64719 3.60455 3.55907 3'.50866 3.44994 3.39235 3.'32056 3.24773 3.17056 3.08279 2.99520 2.89653 2.77670 2'.65610 2'.51322 2.32428 2'.13354 1'.83251 1'.75587 1. 55630 1. 04139 3.83219 3.80099 3'76901 3'.73046 3. 68886 3'.64404 3'.59461 3.53593 3'47857 3 40535 3 33304 3.25816 3.16732 3.'08135 2'.98363 2.86451 2'.74507 2'.60206 2.41330 2'.23300 1'.94448 1'.86923 1. 67210 1.14613 r L~ ~~~CIC 1 r\ ~C~~~ I r\ ~ ~~I I the undermentioned 'Durations Two YEARS T A TTL 5'.20512 5' 16525 5'.12234 5.07619 5.02644 4.97260 4'.91412 4.85051 4'.78134 4'.70643 4' 62565 4'.53935 4.44751 4'.34926 4.24294 4.12727 4'.00165 3.86605 3.71900 3.55739 3.37621 3.16584 2.90417 2.51851 Second First Six Months Six Months 4.50596 4.48008 4.45183 4.42104 4'.38493 4'.34349 4'.29861 4.24785 4'.19156 4'.13146 4.06528 3.99830 3.92650 3'.84954 3'.77034 3.68079 3'.58047 3.46997 3'.35180 3'.21484 3.06333 2'88138 2'.71850 2.51055 2.30029 Cent. THEE(0 YEARS TOTARAIOA upwards TAL 4' 38023 4'.74866 5.41908 4'.35629 4.72360 5.40254 4.32797 4'.69532 5.38407 4'.29455 4.66341 5.36329 4'.25885 4.62748 5'.33987 4'.21987 4'.58709 5'.31338 4'.17412 4'.54184 5'.28348 4'.12411 4.49140 5.24976 4.06930 4.43573 5.21200 4'.00758 .4.37493 5'.17014 3.94345 4'.30963 5'.12431 3.87192 4'.24067 5.07471 3'.79900 4'.16838 5.02181 3'.72444 4'.09244 4'.96586 3'.64008 4.01106 4.90680 3.55145 3.92184 4'.84447 3'.46255 3'.82646 4.77847 3.35660 3'.71792 4'.70784 3'.23578 3'.59857 4.63130 3'.11327 3.46790 4'.54789 2'.98091 3'-32490 445693 2'.85431 3'.16879 4'.35805 2' 67578 2'.99826 4'.25088 2.51055 2.81090 4.13488 2'.30046 2'.60097 4.00915 3'.87156 3'.69596 3'.49600 3.27149 3.01574 2'.72036 2.37457 1. 96392 1. 46810 0.85633 0'.07485 2.99574 ALL 5. 68024 5. 65502 5. 62763 5.59777 5'.56513 5'.52930 5.48989 5.44654 5.'39907 5.34741 5'.29175 5'23249 5'.17000 5'.10435 5.03519 4'.96217 4'.88529 4'.80346 4'.71592 4'.62175 4'.52021 4 41073 4.29265 4'.164954'.02580 3.87156 3.69596 3' 49600 3.27149 3.01574 2.72036 2.37457 1-963921 46810 0'.85633 0.07485 2'.99574 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 h~~~~ I CIrr\hlr / ~ r~rrrr 20&S1 82 8 138 139 MALES, 1876-1880. 4 per Cent. 4 per'Cent. THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM MALES, 1876-1880. AGE Log _ x DXLog Nx _ _ 151 19 635 19'.717 '20635 '20320 19.'746 '20208 19'.742 '20223 6'.12195 19.'706 '20362 6'.10041 19 645 '20596 6.07875 19'-562. '20915 6.05698 19.463 '21296 6.'03511 19.355 '21712 6.'01309 19' 240 '22154 5'.99096 19.123 '22603 5'.96869 19 '007 '23050 5'.94630 18' 895 '23481 5'.92377 18'788 '23893 5'.90113 18.684 '24293 5.87836 18'575 '24712 5085544 18'454 '25177 5'83236 18.'319 '25696 5.80909 18.170 '26269 5'.78561 18.007 '26897 5'.76192 17.'834 '27562 5'.73800 17'.655 '28250 5'.71382 17.'469 '28966 5'.68939 17'.281 '29688 5'.66469 17.'090 '30423 5'.63972 16'.894 '31177 5'.61445 16'.695 '31943 5'.58889 16.'493 '32719 5-,56301 16'.287 "33512 5.53681 16.'078 '34316 5'.51026 15'.866 '35131 5 48336 15'.651 '35958 5.45609 15'.432 '36800 5.'42843 15'.207 '37666 5.40037 14'.977 '38550 5.'37186 14'.739 '39466 5'.34288 14'.494 '40408' 5'.31340 14'.241 '41381 5'.28341 13'.982 '42377 5'.25285 13'.717 '43397 5.22170) 13'.447 '44435 5'.18991 13'.173 '45488 5'.15749 12.'896 '46554 5'.12434 12'.614 '47639 5'.09047 12.328 '48739 5.'05580 12.'036 '49862 5'.02032 1.738 '51008 4'.98389 11.434 '52177 6.20785 6'.18636 6'.16492 6'.14345 W AGE x Log ' '01000 '00981 '00974 '00975 '00983 '00997 '01017 '01040 '01066 '01095 '01123 '01152 '01180 '01207 '01234 '01262 '01294 '01330 '01370 '01415 '01464 '01514 '01568 '01624 '01682 '01742 '01805 '01870 '01939 '02010 '02083 '02160 '02239 '02324 '02413 '02507 -02608 '02715 '02828 '02949 '03076 '03209 '03350 '03499 '03657 '03825 '04004 04196 _ Px ax I t 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 3'.90021 3'.87414 3'.84739 3'.81985 3'.79151 3'.76233 3'.73227 3'.70127 3'.66921 3'.63592 3.60126 3.56509 3'.52736 3.48810 3'.44741 3'.40523 3.36121 3'.31474 3'.26509 3'.21152 3'.15351 3'.09087 3.02393 2'.95326 2'.87967 2'.80384 2'.72593 2'.64530 2'.56103 2.'47176 2.37604 2'.27313 2.16315 2'.04700 192529 1'.79850 1'.66559 1.52414 1'.36982 1'.19706 0'.99858 0'.76528 0.48595 0'.14553 1.72314 1.18711 2.48358 3'.48424 ~ I- _ Log Nx, Dx _ a 1 1 5 4'.91483 6 4.89152 7 4.86943 8 4'.84805 9 4'.82735 10 4'.80716 11 4'.78733 12 4'.76776 13 4'.74831 14 4'.72888 15 4'.70940 16 4'68978 17 4'.66995 18 4'.64988 19 4'.62966 20 4'.60943 21 4'.58934 22 4.56945 23 4.54974 24 4' 53018 25 4.51067 26 4.49114 27 4.47154 28 4.45182 29 4.43196 30- 4.41198 31 4.39186 .32 4.37159 33 4'.35117 34 4'.33058 35 4.30979 36 4'.28882 37 4'26768 38 4'.24638 :39 4'.22495 40 4'.20339 41 4'.18170 42 4'.15986 43 4'.13784 44- 4.11558 45 4.09306 46 4.07022 47 4.04703 48 4'.02349 49 3'.99959 50 3'.97533 3'.95072 52 3'.92570 Ax _A__x a 4 94651 4.90809 4'.86859 4'.82792 4'.78603 4'.74282 4'.69822 4'.65212 4'.60442 4'.55502 4'.50382 4.45068 4.39550 4.33812 4.27834 4'.21588 4.15051 4'.08200 4.01017 3.93496 3.85644 3.77470 3.68983 3'.60184 3'.51055 3.41554 3.'31626 3'.21205 3'.10230 2'.98644 2'.86424 2'.73558 2'.60030 2.45781 2.'30696 2'.14572 1'.97115 1'.77919 1'.56478 1'.32156 1.'04139 0'.71395 0.32511 1. 85489 1'.27266 2.52503 3.'48424 11'.125 10.813 10'500 IL~1I 11 I~I1)~L~ 10.188 9'.875 9'.561 9'.246 8'.930 8.614 8'.301 7.990 7'.684 7'.381 7'.080 6.775 6'466 6'.156 5'.851 5'.560 5'.290 5'.046 4.829 4'.633 4'.452 4'274 4'.090 3'.893 3'.688 3.478 3.271 3.078 2'.900 2'736 2.575 2'.408 2.224 2-0211'-799 1.567 1332 1'.104 '889 '691 '512 '354 '218 -100 '53366 '54565 '5576. '56970 58173 '59381 '60592 '61808 '63023 '64227 '65423 '66600 '67765 '68923 '70096 71285 '72477 '73650 '74769 '75808 76746 '77581 '78334 '79030 '79716 '80423 '81180 '81970 '82777 '83573 '84316 '85000 '85631 '86250 '86893 '87600 '88381 '89235 '90127 '91030 '91908 '92735 '93496 '94184 '94793 '95320 '95773 '96154 " 04402 04619 '04849 " 05092 05349 " "05623 05914 "06224 '06556 06906 '07277 '07669 '08086 08530 09016 09548 "10128 "10750 "11398 12052 '12694 '13310 " 13906 "14495 '15115 "15800 '16591 17485 " 18485 '19567 '20676 21795 22920 '24126 "25496 "27172 29255 '31881 '35110 '"39035 "43683 140 MALES, 1876-1880. 41 per Cent. Valuees of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Iafe =-g' DURATIONS AGE ONE YEAR (0t) Weeks 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33" 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 9.92 10.16 10.37 10.51 10.62 10.72 10.80 10.89 10.96 10.97 11.02 11.07 11.15 11.18 11.17 11.16 11.16 11P16 11.16 11.18 11P21 11.25 .11.28 11.33 11.37 11.43 11.48 11.53 11.56 11-59 11.62 11.66 11.70 11.73 11.76 11.78 11' 80 11.81 11.81 11.80 11.78 11.76 11.71 11.67' 11.61 11.53 11.43 11.35 11.26 11.16 11.06 10.94 10.85 10'7?. Weeks Weeks 4-8 8-13 13-17 1.62 1.71 1.78 1.83 1.87 )"93 1.99 2.04 2.09 2.15 2.20 2.24 2'27 2.31 2.36 2.40 2.44 2.49 2953 2'.58 2.63 2.68 2.73 2.79 2.85 2.90 2'96 3.01 3.08 3.13 3.20 3.26 3.32 3.39 3.45 3.51 3.58 3.64 3.70 3.76. 3.83 3.89 3.96 4'02 4.07 4.14 4.21 4.26 4.33 4.38 4.43 4.48 4.5 4--K-7 "75 .79 '84. "87 "91 "94 .97 "99 1.02 1.06 1.'09 3.12 3.09 3.05 3.11 3.16 3.'22 3.28 3.33 3.38 3.43 3.48 3.53 3.58 3.61 3.67 3.71 3.75 3.81 3.85 3.90 3.96 4.02 4.08 4.14 4.21 4.27 4.34 4.41 4.47 4.53 4.60 4-67 4.74 4.80 4.87 4.93 4.99 5'05 5.11 5.16 5.22 5.27 5.32 5.36 5.42 5.45 5.49 5.52 5.55 5.57 5.60 5.62 5.63" Weeks 1.12 1.14 1. 16 P.19 1.22 1.25 1-28 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.40. 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.60 1P64 1.68 1P72 1.75 1.79 1P83 1.87 1P91 1.96 2.00 2.04 2.08 2.12 2.17 2-21 2.26 21 2.34 2.39 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.56 2.61 2.64 297.1 Weeks' I 17-21 "55 '58 '61 "64 '67 '69 "71 "73 .75 "78 '80 '82 '84 '87 *89 "91 "94 "96 '98 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.'08 1.13 1.16 1.19 1P21 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.35 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.47 1.51 1.55 1.59 1.62 1.66 1.70 1'74 1.78 1.82 1P86 1.90 1P95 1.98 2.03 2.07 2.11 2.15 -..1. 2.2 Weeks 21-26 "51 .53 '56 "59 *62 "64 66 .68 '70 "73 '76 '78 '80 ';82 "84 '87 '89 '91 "94 "96 .99 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.50 1.53 1.58 1.62' 1.66 1.70 1.75 1.:79 1.831 1.88 1.93 1198 2.03 2.07 2.12 2.17 .2-22 2'27 293 Weeks 26-30 IWeeks I30-34 .32 "33 "35 .37 '38 '40 -41 "43 "44 '46 "48 "49 -50 "51 .53 '55 '27 '29 '30 '31 '32 "33 '35 '36 '38 '39 '40 '42 '43 '44 '45 '47 '58 .59 '61 '63 064 '66 '68 '70 '72. .74 '76 '78 '81 '83 '.86 '88 '90 '93 '95 '98 1.01 1.'04 1.'07 1'10 1.13 1.16 '49 '51 '52 '53 '55 '57 '59 '61 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 .74 '77 '79 '81 56 1'-22 1 t26' 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.47 1.51 1.56 1'-59 '86 '89 '92 '95 '.97 1.00 1.03 1.'06 1.09 1 '13 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.37 1.41 1'4 ( Weeks 134-39 '28 '30 '32 '33 '35 '36 '38 '40 '41 '42 '44. "45 '46 '48 '49 '50 '52 '53. '55, '57 '58 ' 60 '62 '64 '66. '68 '70 '72 '74 '77 '82 '84. 87 '89 '93 '95 '98 1.0I 1.05 1.08 1-12 1.15, 1' 19 11.22 1.26f 1. 30 1.34 1.38 1.'42 1.46 1.56 1.60 141 MALES, 1876-1880. 4 per Cent. Values of Siak Pay Allowance of"1 pe Week for the Whole of Li-X X DURATIONS _______YEARS Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47-52 TOTAL First Six Second MonthsI Six Months *92 *64 "97 '67 923 025 '30 '31 '32 '19 '20 *21 '22 '23 ;24 '25 '26 '28 '28 '28 17'91 18.38 18.81 19.22 19.60 19.96 20.31 20.64 20.95 21'26 .21.56 21'84 22.10 1.02 1.07 1.12 1.18 1.24 1.29 1.34 1.38 1.43 1.47 1.52 '98 1.O1 1.05 1.09 '33 '29 22.34 1.57 1.13 '34 '35 '36 '37 "39 '40 '41 '42 '44 '45 '47 '48 '50 '51 '53 '55 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '30 '31 '32 "33 '35 '36 '37 '38 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '46 '48 "50 '52 '53 '55 '57 '58 '6"1 22.58 22.82 23.05 23.30 23.56 1.62. 1.67 1.72 1.78 1.83 I.16 1.20 1.25 1.29 1.33 23'84 1.89 1.38 24.14 24.46 24'79 25.14 25.49 25.85 26.22 26.59 26'98 27'37 27.76 28.15 28'56 28.96 29'36 1.95 2.02 2.09 2.16 2'24 2.32 2.40 2'48 2.57 2.65 2.74 2'84 2.94 3.04 3.14 3262 1.43 1.47 1.52 1.58 1.63 1.69 1.75 1.81 1.87 1.94 2.00 2'07 2'14 2.21 2.29 '39 .7 5.26 3'89 '20 '21 22 '23 *24 *25 '26 '27 '28 -30 "17 *20 "18 .. 21 '22 '26 '27 '28 '29 '31 '31 '33 '33 :34 '35 '37 '38 '39 '40 '42 '43 '44 '46 '47 '49 '.51 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '67 '70 '72 1.06 1.10 1.13 1.17 '96 '99 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.19 x."23 1'27 1.31 1.21 1.25 1'13 1.17 1 35 1' 1.28 1.20 1.45 1-25 1.48 1.51 1.03 1.31 1.34 1-23 AGE Two YEARSTHE ONE YEAR 1'15 40 029'77 24'95 35.27 '70 "74 *78 '82 '85 '89 ALL an TOTAL 24.01 24.81 25.58 26.33 27.06 27'78 28049 29.20 29'89 30660 31.29 31.99 32.68 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 33.37 18 34.08 34.80 35.54 36.30 37.09 19 20 21 22 23 10.80 37991 24 4.15 4'29 4.44 4.59 4.74 4.91 5.08 5.25 5.43 11.26 11.74 12'25 12.77 13.32 13.88 14.46 15.07 15.70 16.35 17.04 17.75 18.48 19'25 20.05 38078 39.69 40.65 41'65 42.68 43.74 44'83 45.95 47.12 48.31 49.54 50.81 52912 53.46 54.84 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3 34 35 36 37 c5'63 90'87 N56'27 39 4 9.15 37.54 81.64 54 9.469.79 10.13 10.49 39.25 41-11 43:03 45.04 84.01 86.50 89.08 91.75 55 56 57 58 47.16 49.39 94.51 X7.34 59 60 100.23 61 103919 62 106.22 63 4.54 4.79 5.05 5.30 5.56 5'82 6.09 6.38 6.67 6.98 7'29 7.63 7.97 2'78 2'87 2.97 3.07 3.16 8'72 9.11 9.52 9.93 10.37 2-70 3'27 3.38 3.49 3.61 3.74 3'87 .4.01 35.60 35.92 36.22 5.43 5.61 5.81 6.02 36-49 36-87 36-.93 6.23 6.44 4.63 4.79 10-86 11-23 6.66 4.96 11.62 6.89 5.14 12-03 36.93 7.11 5.31 12.42 54.6.72 upwards 1'56 1.64 1.72 1.81 1.90 2.00 2'09 2.18 2.27 2'36 2'44 2.52 2.61 093 4"03 4.18 4.32 4.47 DxrIoNs 8-33 51*74 54-23 56-87 .38 142 M4ALES, 187643804. 4 per Cent. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of .1 per Week for e "Whole o .Life = x DURATIONS AGE (ar) ON _____ Weeks 0-4 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ,92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 9.58 9.31 9.02 8.74 8.41 8.03 7.61 7.24 6.76 6.38 5.95 5.62 5.25 4.90 4.46 4.11 3.67 3.39 3.22 2.94 2.80 1.98 1.23 62 __________ Weeks 4-8 5.46 5.39 5.29 5.19 5.05 4.90 4.72 4.54 4.30 4.11 3-90 3.71 3.53 3.28 3.03 2"81 2.52 2.30 2.12 1.96 1.92 1.30 -P80 049 _____ Weeks 8-13 4'65 4.63 4.58 4.52 4.44 4.34 4.21 4.07 3.91 3.76 3.62 3.44 3.28 3.06 2.82 2.61 2.36 2.12 1.95 1.80 1.69 1.11 .74 045 Weeks 13-17j 2.84 2.84 2.82 2.78 2.75 2.70 2.63 2.55 2.47 2.37 2.29 2.17 2.07 1'97 1.77 1.61 1.42 1.24 1.06 "89 "71 "59 "43 "25 YEAR __________ Weeks 17-21 2.36 2.37 2.37 2.35 2.32 2.28 2.24 2.18 2.12 2.06 1.98 1.88 1.80 1.68 1.56 1.42 1.26 1.07 *88 "70 "52 "46 "36 "24 _____ Weeksf 21-26f 2.49 2.51 2.52 2.50 2.47 2.43 2.39 2.33 2.28 2.21 2.15 2.04 1.95 1.84 1.74 1.58 1.42 1.22 1.02 "78 .53 .54 "40 "22 Weeks 26-30 1 74 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.74 1.72 1-70 1.66 1.63 1.58 1.53 1.47 1.41 1.34 126 1.16 1.05 "90 .75 56 .37 "36 "31 18 _____ Weeks 30-34 1.60 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.55 1.53 1.49 1.43 1.38 1.33 1.28 1.25 1.11 1.01 87 71 "56 "37 "36 "31" "18 ____ _ Weeks 34-39 1.85 1.87 1.89 1.89 1.88 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.78 1.72 1.67 1.61 1.54 1.47 1.40 1.27 1.17 1.02 "82 '67 -44 .44 .39 "20 143 .43 MALES, 1876-1880. 4 Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life per Cent.: -- s DURATIONS Two YEARS OE YEAR Weeks 47-52 36.56 1.61 1-60 35.02 1-59 1.55 1-54 33.19 34-18 32-0830-90 29.66 28.40 1-48 1.45 1-42 1-07 1-02 -93 1-25 1.13 176 -84 -59 "47 58 "46 '29 27.11 25-78 24.31 22-62 20-69 18-62 16-52 14-43 12-38 10-32 8-18 5-84 3-19 1-35 1-31 1-03 90 -73 .59 -38 -40 *95 -"87 -73 30 32 27 12 -32 -26 -11 7-32 7-52 7-71 7-87 7-97 8-01 8-03 7-99 7-93 7-88 7-80 7-78 7-75 7-68 7-61 7.39 7-05 6-62 6-19 5-62 36-20 35-70 1-61. 1.27 1-26 1-22 1-19 1.16 1.11 First Second Six Months Six Months 36.79 1.58 1-60 1-29 1-30 1-32 1-33 1-33 1-32 1+37 1.38 1-40 1-40 1-40 1-391-37 1-34 1-32 1-28 1*24 1.21 1.16 1.11 1-06 TOTAL 1.56 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 39-43 -34 -13 5-01 4-24 5-49 5-66 5-79 5.88 5-96 6-02 6-02 6-01 5-97 5-92 5-89 5-82: 5-78 5.76 5-63 5-49 5-37 5-10 4-74 4-45 4-15 THREE YEARS TOTAL 12.81 13.18 13.50 13-75 13-93 14-03 14.05. 14-00 13.90 13.80 13.69 13.60 13.53 13.44 13.24 12.88 12.42 11.72 .10.93 10-07 9-16 3-98 8-22 3.80 3.45 3-10 2.56 3-11 7-25 6-21 5.12 2.56 and upwards 59.68 62.59 65.58 68-59 71.54 74.39 77.18 79.95 82..80 85.80 89 -03 92.51 96.20 100.02 103.78 107.39 110.88 114.22 117.41 120.56 123.72 126.70 129.11 130.59 130.69 129.06 119.08 106.98 AGE ALL DURATIONS 109-28 64 112-33 115.28 118 120.49 122.60 124.42 12603 127.60 129-26, 131-12 13322 135.51 1:3577 139-64 140.96 141.92. 142.46 142-77 143.01 143-20 143.10 14.-20 139-99 135.81 129.06 .65 119-08 90 91 .92 75, 76 71 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 94.77 82-90 71.71 61.41 61.41 52.13 43.93 36.82 30-70 25.49 52-13 43.93 36.82 30.70 25.49, ) 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 106.98 94.77 82.90 71.71 1 (x,) 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 , II I IIu ~- 20881 . j, 144 MALES, 1876-1880. 4 per Cent. Log 'r (1x vx sx 1+ ~1+ ... ) =Log K,, Where 8x denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermantioned Durations AGE ONE YEAR (x,) Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 i Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 5.12551 5.12551 5.12054 5.10988 5-09827 5-09249 5-08572 5.07682 5.06796 5.06221 5.05162 5.03965 5.02690 5.01397 5.00182 4-98956 .97713 4-96529 P.95367 4-94174 P.93037 P.91921 4-90811 P.89706 P.88608 P87455 P.86264 P.85082 P.83908 4'82672 P.81473 P.80203 4.78904 .77603 P 76248 P.74906 4.73514 P.72049 .70609 .69122 P.67626 4'.66018 4.64435 P.62767 P.61061 P.59294 P.57469 P.55565 4'.79114 4-.79114 4-79114 4.78807 4.78512 4.77898 4-77256 4-.76501 4-75765 4.75431 4-74743 4-.73636 4.72591 4.71607 4.70533 4-69666 4-68644 4-67575, 4-66597 4-65609 4-64610 4.63633 4'.62646 4-.61652 4-60649 4.59611 4-.58539 4-.57519 4-56548 4-.55468 4-.54413 4-.53282 4-.52126 4'.50946 4-49768 4-48569 4-47306 4.46048 4-.44750 4.43414) 4-.65258 4''61933 4'61933 4-61933 4-61933 4'.61933 4-.61310 4-.60704 4-60054 4-.59676 4-.41556 4-.33979 Weeks 34-39 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5.91148 5.40880 5.89841 5.38059 5.88540 5.35440 5.86947 5-34110 5.85328 5-32760 5.83722 5-31547 5.82086 5.30328 5.80468 5.29037 5.78793,5-27713 5.76861 5-26472 5.75181 5.25152 5.73403 5.23734 5.71725 5.22324 5-69836 5-20796 5.67773 5.19385 5.65696 5-17857 5.63705 5.16400 5.61718 5.14993 5.59734 5.13571 5.57863 5.12156 5.56040 5.10826 5.54193 5-09482 5.52382 5-08171 5.50587 5-06863 5.48775 5.05603 5.46990 5.04254 5.45177 5-02898 5.43337 5-01532 5-41410 5-00104 5-39470 4-98700 5-37517 4-97286 5-35564 4-95809 5-33582 4-94306 5-31574 4.92765 5-29537 4-91221 5-27450 4'89589 5-25341 4-87969 5'23223 486316 5-20989 4P84587 5-18746 4.82851 P8931P559 5-16435 4P81058 5.14076 4P79173 5-11544 4P77255 5-09050 4P75296 5-06420 4P73314 5-03699 4P71194 5-00873 4P68991 P.98051 4-66753 P.95180 4P64479 P92174 4:62034 4.53594 4.51516 4.42042 4-.40594 4.-39217 4-37670 4.36133 4-.34510 4-.32938 4-.31249 4-.29447 4.27586 4.25636 4-.23596 4.21384 4-.19120 4-.160 4-.65258 4-.65258 4-.65258 4.65258 4-64552 4.63804 4-.63016 4-62249 4-.61906 4-61243 4-60492 4-.59497 4-.58627 4-57781 4-.57006 4-.55968 4.55000 4-.54099 4-.53177 4-.52234 4-.51355 4 50457 4-.49539 4.-48565 4-.47576 4-46571 4-.45590 4.44668 4-.43701 4-.42723 4.41704 4-077 4-.40613 ~4-03165 4.39515 4-033 4-.38412 3- 723 4-.37335 4-.36167 4-34998 4-.33856 4 32632 4.31355 4-30060 4-.28814 4-.27397 4-.25962 4.24509 4-23042 4-.21471 4-.19775 4-18067 4-.16200 4-14367 4'.12297 4-10202 4-08045 4-.41556 4-.41556 4-.41556 4.41556 4-.40892 4-.40248 4-.39938 4-.39639 4-.59494 4-.39351 4-.58911 4-.38607 4-.58289 4-37974 4.57130 4.36918 4-.56375 4-36144 4-55642 4-35478 4 54931 4.34832 4.53941. 4-33889 4.53024 4.33047 4-.52224 4-32379 4-.51399 4-.31656 4-50506 4-30812. 4-49766 4.30127 4-48962 4-29396 4-48096 4-.28553 4.47129- 4-.27733 4-46186 4-26874 4-45265 4.26098 4-.44329 4.25225 4-43454. 4.24546 4-42566 4-.23780 4-41632 4-40690 4-39771 4-.38718 4'37722 4-36689 4-.35654 4-.34588 4.33606 4-.32486 4.31340 4,30118 4.28925 4-.27639 4-.26312 4-24969 4-.23636 4-.22154 4-20696 4-19008 4-17202 4-.15558 4-.13691 4.11826 4-09851 4-.22873 4-.21992 4-.21085 4-20153 4.19198 4-.18270 4-.17368 4-16403 4-15506 4-14470 4.13421 4-.12323 4.11217 4-10027 4-08760 4-07598 4-.06363 4.04961 4-03495 4.02065 4-00424 3-.98914 3-.97146 3'.95424 3-"9349 4-.36530 4-.36530 4.36530 4-.33979 4'.36530 4-.33979 4-.36530 4.33584- 4-.36406 4.33203 4.36288 4-.32960 4-36175 4-.32609 4-35738 4-32496 4-35738 4-.31624 4-'34827 4-.31201 4-34433 4-.30068 4-.33189 4.29263 4.32441 4-.28677 4-31804 4-.28015 4-31012 4'.27096 4.30242 4-.26290 4-.29577 25681 4-29095 4-.25008 4-28472 4-.24190 4-27793 4-.23553 4-27282 4-.22858 4-26642 4-.22108 4.25955 4-21376. 4-.25220 4.20593 4.14440 4.19904 4-23744 4-.19100 4-22948 13-8737 4-.18449 4-22352 3' 523 4-17757 4-.21719 4-.16900 4.20968 4-.16068 4-20126 4-.15201 4'.19338 4.'14361 418574 3'8267 4'.13434 4'.17733 4-12587 4-.16967 3' 4'.11714 4-.16179 4'.10816 4-15324 4-09944 4-14538 4.09005 4.13650 4-0131 4-.08001 4'.12707 4-11833{ 4-07026 I~3-98385 4-06077 4-.10870 4-04906 4-.09747 4.-03767 4-08693 4-02698 4-07671 7984 4-01549 4-06614 4.00247 4.05354 3-.98834 4-04001 3' 3.97493 4.02747 4.33979 4.33979 3-.95947 3-94507 3'.92916 3-.91206 3-8960 9996 145 MALES, Lug l ( x lx + Where 18764-880. vX denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ______ 39-43 4.20453 4. 20453 4. 20453 4'20453 20453 4. 4, 20453 4. 20453 4 '20290 4'19819 419819 4'18943 4.18662 4.17284 4'.16610 4' 15957 4.15324 4'14833 4.14120 4.13659, 4.13104 4'.12349 4'-11826 4'"11220 10633 4' 4.09968 4.09321 408696408005 4'.07416 4. 06848 4.06141 4. 05381 04642 4. 4. 03854 4. 03092 4. 02420 4. 01708 4.00.890 4.00160 3.99277 3.98363 3.97534 3.96680 3'695641 3'.94635 3.93661 3'.92624 3'.91392 3'.90039 3'.88852 3.87471 3.86171 3.84677 3.83110 3' 81445 Weeks 43-4 7f 4'414922 4'.14922 4' 14922 4' 14922 4.14922 4'.14922 4' 14922 4.14922 4'.14389 4' 14389 4.13729 4.13411 4'12169 4'.11411 4.10971 4' 10548 4.09999 4'.09339 4.08955 4.08461 4-078644'-07401 4'.06841 4'.06300 4.05671 4.05061 4'704372 4.03798 4.03246 4'.02710 4'.02020 4.01351 4'.00702 4'.00000 3'.992421 3'.98655 3'.97946 3'.97192 3.96530 3'.95698 3',94832 3.93992 3.93181 3.92226 3'.91302 3'.90358 3.89393 3.88264 3.86976 3.85769. 3'84423 3'.83206 3.81730 3.80175 p..r) =Logt. sx ONE YEAR Weeks ox + 14 a Two YEARS TREAGE ALL -___________________-YEARSs 47-52 TOA SixFs Months Six Months Tnd TOTAL 4+22115 4.22115 4.22115 4.22115 4' 22115 4 22115 4.22115 4.22115 4.21511 4.21511 4.20669 4'.20398 4.19075 4.18167 4.17791 4.17307 4'.16605 4'.16038 4'.15600 4'.15070 4'.14454 4.13956 4'.13475 4.13011 4.12473 4.11952. 4'.11364 4'.10792 4'.10240 4.09708 4'.09047 4'.08408 4.07788 4.07122 4'.06416 4.05793 4.05135 4'.04379 4'.03763 4'.03003 4.02164 4.'01406 4'00672 3.99730 3.98816 3.97886 3'.96946 3.95871 3'.94630 3'.93425 3.92106 3'.90902 3'.89492 3.87990 3' 404 86 6'.16782 6.15576 6.'14376 6'.13171 6.'11959 6.'10735 6.'09503 6'.08250 6.06952 6.'05649 6.04301 6'.02894 6.'01427 5'.99903 5'.98343 5'.96773 5'.95215 5.93687 5'.92201 5'90759 5'.89345 5.87956 5.'86582 5.85212 5.83835 5'.82450 5.81053 5.7964 5.78220 5'.76779 5'.75318 5'.73838 5.72337 5'.70815 5'.69275 5'.67717 5.66140 5'.64537 5'.62902 5.61230 5.59514 5.57751 5'.55940 5'.54079 5.52169 5'.50206 5.48190 5.'46114 5.43974 5.41767 5'.39487 5.37129 5.34680 5.32129 5'29449 4,87885 4.87885. 4'.87885 4.87885 4.87885. 4'487885 4.87885 4.87885 4.87521 4.86977 4.86151 4'.85851 4.85269 4'.84650' 4.'83913 4.83170 4.82450. 4.81901 4.81273 4'.80665 4.80120 4'79638 4.79172 4' 78680 4.78205 4'.77727 4.77191 4'.76655 4'.76051 4'.75433 4'.74786 4'.74161. 4.73526 4.72882 4.72247 4'.71592 4'.70933 4'.70:309 4'.69622 4'.68886 4'.68105 4.67295 4'.66436 4.65564 4'.64691 4'63731 4'.62746 4'.61712 4'.60641 4.'5947$8 4.58195 4'.56880 4'.55554 4.54184 4'.52657 4.71886 4'.71886 4' 71886 4'.71886 4'.71886 4.71886 4' 71886 4.71886 4'.71886 4'.71886 4.71624 4.71245 4.70675 4'.70044 4.69511 4.68995 4'.68496 4'67807 4'.67307 4.66888 4'.66453 4.65942 4'.65448 4'64999 4'.64510 4'.63959 4.63426 4' 62837 4'.62291 4'.61718 4'.61142 4'.60521 4'.59879 4'.59219 4'.58542 4.57905 4.57291 4.56611 4'.55972 4'.55322 4.54632 4.53876 4:53088 4.52241 4.51327 4.50457 4.49528 4.48557 4'.47500 4.46410 4.45312 4.441.02 4'42736 4.41243 4-39759 5'10724 510724 5'.10724 5' 10724 5'.10724 5' 10724 5'.10724 5'.10724 5'.10510 5.'10188. *5.09771 5.09265 5.'08689 5.08063 5.07412 5.06763 5.06138 5.05530 5.'04957 5.'04427 5'.03930 5.'03435 5.02955 5.02481 5.02003 5.01494 5.00958 5.'00402 4'.99820 4'.99221 4.98604 4'.97980 4'.9734 4'.96692 4.96039 4'.95392 4'.94752 4'.94104 4'.93437 4'.92737 4.91995 4.91208 4'.90378 4.89517 4.~8627 Weeks Scod TOAairt 4.8771)5 4.86744 4.85736 4.84671 4'.83539 4'.82335 4.81066 4' 79723 4.78300 4'.76792 (~ DURATIONS upwards 5'.57234 5.57234 5'.57234 5.57234 5.57234 5'57234 5'.57234 5.57234 5'657234 5'.57234, 5'.57215 5.'57186 5.57142 5.'57078 5'56996 5.56898 5.56780 5.56651 5'.56509 5.56369 5.56230 5'.56098 .5.55961 5.55807 5'.55633 5.55434 5'.55210 5.54962 5.54699 5'.54418. 5'.54118 5.53796 5'.53452 5'.53081 5.52691 5.52287 5.51875 5.51456 5.51028 5'.50587 5.50124 6.29517 6'.28621 6'27738 6.26855 6.'25971 6.25091 6.'24207 6'.23317 6.22389 6.21453 "'20485 6'.19474 6'.18421 6.1733() 6'.16218 6'.15103 6'.14004 6.12930 6-'11896 6'.10897 6.09930 6-089876-'08063 6.07140 6.06217 6.05285 6.04344 6.03391 6.02432 6.01460 6.00475 5'.99478 5.9i8468 5.97443 5.96407 5.95365 5'.94317 5'.93260 5.92189 5'.91098 5.89980 5-88831 5.49107 5.'87650 5'.48554 5.86439 5.47981 5.'85201 5:47388 5.83938 5-46784. 5.82650 5'46168 5'.81337 5.45532 5'.79991 5.44864 5'.78606 5.44152 5'.77173 5.43377 5'.75685 5.42529 5.74129 5.'41601 5'.72496 5.40586 5.70774 I5.49629 5 6 7 8. 9' l0., 1112 13. 14: 15, 16 17 18. 1920" 21 22' 23 2425, 26, 27 2930 31 32: 33, 34= 35 36 37 3g" 39 40, 41 42 43. 4446 47 49, 50. 51. 52. 53' 54: 55 57 58& 59 146 MALES, 1876--1,880. 4 ;per Cent. Log t 4 1x vx sx i( x 1v+sx 1-' .= -h-~ U o 1- -- Where ss, denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE ONE YEAR Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 I 1 64 65 66 67 68 v69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 .96 97 98 99 100 i - 4'-54663 4.49632 4'.44304 4.38910 4.33019 4 26611 4.19609 4'.12473 4.04147 3.95832 3.86510 3.77386 3.67348 3'.57019 3.'45301 3'.34005 3.20952 3.09167 2.97909 2'.84386 2'.72099 2.'46090 2.13672 1.71600 I , , , 4.30250 4'.25866 4.21179 4.16259 4'-10877. 4'-051463'-98905 3'.92247 3.'84491 3'.76745 3'.6845 3'.59329 3.50065 3'.39655 3'.28646 3'-17493 3.04727 2'.92273 2'.79865 2'.66932 2.55751 2.27646 1.949J39 1.61278 , . - Weeks 21-26 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 26-30 / ( 1 f 1 S372835 3.64914 3'.56003 3.46879 3.36530 3'.25455 3'.14301 3.01912 2'.88762 2'.76268 2'.63246 2.'49969 2.20683 1'.91381 1'.57978 3.93822 3'.90271_ 3'.86231 3'.81763 3'.77]129 3.7 1999 3'.66549 3.60314 3.53895 3'46672 3.38792 3'.29907 3'.20790 3'.10517 3'.00043 2'.87737 2'.74507 2'.58995 2.'41830 2"2O11 1'.98227 1'.82607 1'.60206 1'.30103 '68124 ) ~~ I-""" I -'-"'V I Weeks 34-39 1 4.01695 3'.97991 3.93817 3.89215 38447 3'.79204 3'.73472 3.67191 3'.60433 3'.52879 3.45056 3'.35965 3'.26834 3'.16465 3.'05269 2.93146 2.79865 2'.65321 2.'49554 2.'32428 2'.11727 1.93450 1. 1.32222 4'23282 4.19307 4.14897 4'.10230 4.05250 3'.99874 3'.93862 3'.87425 3.80366 I t ! ( f - Weeks 17-21 Weeks 13-17 1 I - .- , 3 80611 3'.77203 3'.73456 3.69197 3'.64650 3.59660 3'.54506 3.48558 3.42275 3'.35295 3.27600 3.19117 3.10312 3.00817 2.90634 2'.78888 2'.66464 2'.51322 2.34635 2'.12385 1.84510 1'.71600 3.96152 3'.92665 3'.88868 3'.84491 3'.79831 3'.74757 3.69320 3'.63165 3.56891 3.'49776 3.42243 3'.33405 3'.24254 314520 3.04415 2'.92531 2'79865 2.64640 2.48144 2.26717 2'.00000 1'.89209 1.65321 1'.27875 1 3'.83283 3'-799413-7638 3'.72321 3'.679063'.63063 3.57910 3.51983 3.46105 3.'38987 3'.31302 3'.23019 3'.13988. 3'.04805 2.95085 2'.83123 2'.71181 2'.57054 2.38739 2.20140 1'.91908 1'.80618 1'.63347 1'.23045 3.77056 3'.73751 3'.70079 3'.65973 3'.61437 3'.56597 3'.51495 3.45606 3.39585 3'.32531 3.24724 3'.16495 3.07773 2'.98677 2.88930 2'.77159 2'.64933 2'49969 2.32634 2'.12385 1.84510 1'.71600 1'.54407 1'.17609 1.'54407 1.17609 1 1 1 ), 147 MALES, 1876-1880. 4per Cent. Log vi (lx x 1vx+1 x x Kx 1+..)=Log Where 8x denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Two YEARS ONE YEAR 1 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 39-43 Weeks 47-52 { I ALL DURATIONS and upwards TOTAL (xt) t I 1 f 3'.70105 3'.66773 3'.63377 3'.59362 3'.54986 3.50256 3'45102 3.39182 3.33304 3'.26150 3'.18696 3'.10585 3'.01828 2'.92840 2'.82930 2'.70586 2'.58433 2.44248 2.24551 2.04922 1.74819 1.67210 1.47712 1'.00000 Second First Six Months Six Months TOTAL AGE THREE YEARS 3.67560 3'.64306 3'.60981 3'.57008 3'.52686 3.48073 3.42959 3.37014 3.31197 3.23930 3'.16554 3.08743 2'.99870 2'.91009 2.81090 2.69020 2.'56820 2'42488 2'.23553 2.04159 1'.74036 1'.66276 1'.46240 0'.95424 3.75702 3'.72526 3'.69276 3'.65360 3.61140 3'.56597 3'.51587 3.45652 3'39863 3 32449 3'.25139 3'.17580 3'.08422 2'.99782 2'.89982 2'.78032 2'.65992 2'.51587 2.32634 2.14613 1'.85733 1'.77815 1'.57978 1.07918 I ~ ' VV 5'.13088 5.09036 504677 4.99993 4.94949 4.89494 4.83573 4.77137 4'.70145 4'.62575 4.54419 4.45709 4'.36446 4.26541 4.15830 4'.04187 3.91545 3'.77916 3.63144 3.46879 28691 3. 3.07591 2'.81358 2.42651 L IV 4.43012 4'.40370 4.37491 4'.34359 4'.30685 4.26477 4.21924 4.16776 4'11072 4'.04988 3.98290 3'.91514 3'.84255 3'.76485 3'.68494 3'59461 3'.49360 338220 3'.26340 3'.12548 2'97313 2'79029 2'.62634 2.41664 2.20683 I V V IV 4' 30428 4.27985 4'.25098 4'.21698 4'.18070 4' 14110 4'09468 4.04399 3'.98843 3'.92593 3 86106 3'.78873 3'.71508 3'.63979 3.55461 3.46523 3'.37566 3.26902 3'.14737 3'.02408 2'.89098 2'.76343 2'.58433 2.41830 2'.20683 V -L VI 5'.34082 5.32387 5'.30494 5'.28369 5.25976 5'.23274 5'.20224 5'.16791 5'.12953 5.08700 5.04040 4'.99011 4.93647 4'.87976 4'-819964'-75689 4.69013 4'.61877 4'.54148 4.45729 4.36558 4.26593 4'.15797 4'.04120 3'.91471 3'.77640 3'.59998 3.39914 3'.17374 2'.91711 2'.62084 2.27416 1.86262 1.36590 0'.75317 1. 97072 x"89069 4'.67283 4'.64727 4.61845 4'.58597 4'.54943 4.50841 4.46250 4.41135 4'.35495 4.29341 4'.22735 4'.15764 4'.08461 4'.00796 3'.92583 3'.83588 3'.73973 3'.63043 3.51041 3.37894 3'.23528 3'07846 2'.90741 2'.71933 2'.50920 + 1 r r r r 1 5. 60362 5'.57785 54987 5. 5'.51943 5.48618 5.44971 5. 40963 5.36558 5.'31737 5.26498 5 20855 5 14851 5.'08522 5.'01878 4'.94884 4.87502 4.79735 4'.71473 4. 62639 4'.53142 4.42907 4.31879 4'.19992 4.07140 3'.93145 3'.77640 3.59998 3.39914 3.17374 2'.91711 2'.62084 2.27416 1'.86262 1. 36590 0'.73517 1'.97072 2".89069 lVvr 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81, 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 -98 99 100 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010