aS?G?vT NO. 235. COUNTS 0? MILK IN HIM YOjK STjxTJj Data Gut hear ed g. \ *2-flu by tte :,v BUnCUJ 0? IJUNICIBML INFOS n*TI ON. *u. kr • Of the L\, „■ . , * York State Conference rx Mayors and Other tff facials. Deny K. Y. Jan, 18, 1917. . Ci V ' C5i J. Capes, Direct. 1 £ * *?** Do-, you have Hex? By whom* Do' you publish bacteriological ‘often. \ information, and if so i \ hOY;? m town counts? Yes about 75 l.ilk bact- Yos, in daily pres anplbs v/eok orielcgigflb and twice monthly > \ • in reports. Henusulu«r No. . Yva\:' • ‘a’., a-I-'. ' >~4 . ITevburgh Yos Ocoasiohally City bact- eriologist. No. C%d ensburg Yos 4 tiroes year agricultural Yos in public Port J.-rvis « Department. press and mcntly reports. ; IB. Amsterdam Yes iiP.prox: . 5 os from City hooter- lologist. - Only number of violations are each deal or per week, rath num- erous samples from producers. " y:\j ' • published. Troy Yes 6 times a year and oft on or in some cases. C-ity bact- oriologist. In monthly reports. Hudson No. •m mmmmm «M» mm mm lo ckp or t Yes Once a year Dr. 17. G. Bicscll, Buffalo, No. Yonkers Yes 1.1 a. t hi y City laborat Three or four ■ '.tines a..year from, ^producers, once \a month from city ’dealers. City bacterio- logist. O £3 i Tonawanda Yes .Twice yearly Dr. Bissell Buffalo.■ in monthly reports rAuburh- Yes 3 tines a year. only.- v City bact eric- In ft on t hi - legist reports only.' v.:? - ■ ” j - ■■■"', . 1 1 .Bhme ■ of • City Do you make Hew often, by whom Do you publish bacteriological information, and o;.,o ■ V c-cunts ? if so,’ how? ■' ■ Albany Yes Daily Bender In monthly repor laboratory only. Batavia Y.e-s Quarterly City bacterio- To be publish .lo;;i st. in press'. 0 an and a i run, Yes AnnuaI1y and / County No s oftener If bacteri ni- . i suspaclous» cy 1st , ■Fulton Yes - Konthly Syracuse Usually in ■ " ' . ! or bi-iponthly, city lahorty . daily press • ;\ and occasion- ally in month- ly reports. -Cortland No-, all mi Ik and eream- sc Id is B * Corninv Yes Her.eaf to r Steuben C. . Yes in public non thly. laboratory. press. Binyhamt on ■Yes Bvery 2 wks. Bacterioloyi st Yes in public press. G1 oversville He. / ■ / Little Falls. Ho, Kingston Yes 6 . times a year Ulster Co. Yes in b.acter a'ioyist public pres; . a nd monthly - reports. Ithaca Yes At least once Cornell . Avery 6 * ■. a month. University. months in bulletin. Lac kawanna- Yes Once a month S. P. Babcc< 3 k Ho durin& sunder > U. I’onawanda Yes n.... ■ Once a year . Buffalo Ho. lab oratory. ■lita Vernon 'leg , Y: i dd 1 e t c -*m ' Yes ■ -"V"" , Ov - Bach roonth Vernon hospital In Bear of Health report only „ ninthly " City chemist In city half bulletin.. - . The press : n won11 do oi l. At least once a City baeter- an monthlyp .; months iolofist, bulletin' / ; ■ ■ only. " ■/ -4- . .Name of City ' Dojyou-have How often By whom Do you ' 'bacteriological ■ publish in- counts. format ion if so how* Oswego Ho i. , & Hornell Yes ixnnucJlly Go Doctori~ i'10* ologist. Poughkeepsie Yes Prom cnee a, City bact- Ho. day to once every erielogist : ■ ' two or three months depending on quality ' * ' of milk .and outdoor . temperature. , ■ « . , ' Hvochester Yes livery other month Sacterio- Yes in logist. press ano 5. ^ monthly , / : reports. ; ■ ) Schenectaqy Yes About 600 Oity bact- Yes in a year. eriologist press y and mohth ly report,t Syracuse Yes Two or three tines Dr, 0. ’7. In month a'month, II. hit chell reports ■ only, Watertown 'Yes luc.nthly Chemist Hot as yet.-6~ .Hake of City counts hre'.-dealers Lothods employed IL available for -no.tifi.ed of changing grate of. public inspection? bacteriolo- milk, of dealer whose , gical'counts? count does not' confer to •grade he is using 'at er town • Yes, but no Yes pub 1 icity ai ven. he tii o d under e - nsi d ez: ation. he- think favorably of Kansas City plan outlined in II. S. iublic Health report Jan 7, 1916, •.pages 59 Sc 40. Syracuse Yes. Yes wheijL' Grades determined by, above limit’ - scoring. • Herd scored allowed by by veterinarian,. Dairy sanitary code scored by inspector . Lethodof distributing • quality scored in lab- oratory, each on basis of 100p. . If average score is 78$ or above the dealer is ranked in grade A, If below : , 78$ in grade B. Schenect- ady Yes Yes. i ", In the raw milk only two grades are handled, certified and.grade B raw. In pasteurized, only two grades ^ & B. Tie have no trouble with ab o v e f o ur g r ad e s. he ch ester. Yes" Yes Moral suasion. Pi ret use all means to •c oneil fat e, failing in this all means to crush. Viol. I’oliee court, etc. B- ughkeensie Yes Yes .Endeavoring first to show where the high counts originate. If no improvement is made he is uasderefl. to cease using the present grade letter and sub- stitute a lower one or cease selling that particular milk. Horn ell Yes 6 Yes Mot:so far been necess- ary. Oswego gfeter-vliet Hh No Hone ■ Hone Hew I:ochell.8 Yes Jos By notification to dealer and revocation of his permit if , necessary. , - Liddlet own Yes ■ Ye's Sell only B raw and pasteurized, no other grades allowed/to be IM^LOld. the of City tire c ounts Are deal ers '' available for notified of public, inspection counts? lit. Vernon little Falls G-l overs vi lie Binghamton Corning Yes Yes Yes Yes ho. Tonawanda Yes Yes Lackawanna Yes Yes Itha ca Yes Yes Kingston. . Yes Yes if grade* Yhat method employed in changing, grade of milk of dealer whose count does not conform to grade he is using; Hoti fied to disc ontinue sale cf gyade of milk until he conforms to count etc. Such condition has not ar is en. Had^ no occasion to change grade. .advertise than in bullet! - Inspe c tor g o es•after deale r. 1c not change grade but advise with, him and r eme dy t r ou b le as s o on as p o sei bl e . Lo cal c cd e says if three samples do not conform to grade, then it shall be changed, but it has never been necessary to do so. ho, exc ep t - wh en running under grade® Yes None. -« ' h on o Have had no occasion to change. Make.him change to grad he should be in. Oortl an d Fulton ■‘anandaigu! 'batavi a : t Yes Yes Fr cm n cm: on. Yes Yes hone lie quire change in mark- ing of capf If cannot conform to grade B, compel dealer to change cag to grade "C% of oar milk has a bacterial count of less than' If, 000 p er c . c. TJe have no grade n. hav ing di sc arded the . tuberculin test for the physical examination # of all cows. Make him clean up and improive conditions. Where count Jucl lls belc dealer is given a chanc e tc clean up and results so far' have been good.7- nre counts available for publ ic insp ect— ion. ' jure dealers Methods employee] notified of in changing grade bacteria counts of millf of+ dealer wnose counts do no?. confbrra to partic- ular grade hs is using. Salamanca Yes Yes It ke repeated counts until he makes good. Dunkirk Yos Yes Do not change then. Henedy the cause. Oneida Yes Yes Make him use lower grade label. Glens Eel Is .Yes Yes Stop him sending milk to city Elmira;,*. Yes \ Yes Grade changed when it is found a dealer c ami o t c on si st e nt 1 y keep -.within limits of grade. Norwich *•«* Utica Yes Yes Dealers using certain grade are notified when a producer is not supplying satis- factory ; ilk, and are instructed not to purchase it. lie chanicville »>•.« w-t Here Yes Yes Have not had to change to a lower grade. Beacon Yos Yes Gi”e him second chance and then if he does not conform to rules give him a lower grade. Yonkers Yos' ' Only in violations, ■ Ho:vc had no occasion to change grading. Leckport Hudson Gan-be by order of board. Ye s Give him’instructions how to come up. There have been no fund s or provision made by board for making bacteriolog- ical counts. Troy I 7/hen in excess . of standard k Gnlv when .1 = ‘excessive o He is notified to appear at office of health officer for" instructions and to notify health bureau if possible why milk is not kept up to standard. .ia s ter darn » ■ Yes Yes Have had no occasion to change grade. Jervis ■i;k :*’**«-* . —• • file cf City Are. 'counts .are dealers bethcd employed in ''available for ’ notified of .changin'- grade of public inspect— bacteria milk of dealer chose ion. - counts? count does not conO - for if to grade that he i s' using. Albany Yes Yes If a number of erara- ' ‘ - inations show count y '■ . . , ■ to be below standard dealer is notified and if necessary hearing is held. xiUburn ■ g Yds Y s Gall dealer to hear- ing and reduce his grade until he can conform to sanitary . c od e. Tonawanda Yes Yes' Efotify dealer. Buffalo Yes Yes Have, endeava ed to adhere to strict in- terpretation at ate S nitary code, the enforcement of which, he'never is fr ought with much difficulty. (3ee fofct note) Sherrill lo Yes hone Plattsburgh — .< Yes kefused to take milk ./ t into city if J\ a . producer does not . ' / conform to rules. 77e have one' dealer . . in grade i,Au raw. "'/•,* ‘ Other dealers have • ’ \ grade B. There is n grade 0. Any one who fail’s in B is shut out. Oleah Yes© Yes ' If three high counts in succession shov/in no attempt to me&t . g reanirements. City milk rarely over £4 hrs old and kept • . iced per local board id , ordinance. i _ ' ■ ■ '■ Niagara Palls Yes ' Yes . Vo would not change : grade of dealer if . he shewed .one cr two counts below standar ' *r' " Binding his count g g > . ' below standard we : - would look him up -an if his count,were persistently below .7. ■ . standard his grade ’would be changed. * Johnstown-8- Njtbe of City Are counts available for ' public insp ect- ion* Are dealers notified of bacteria . counts ? liethod employed in c ha nging g rad e of milk'wf,dealer whose count does not c onforrn t c the particular grade he is using* Ogdensburg No Yes hither exclude milk or drep the grade. Newburgh Yos T71$en requested lower grande Hennsalaer ... U-a Jamestown- Yos. If counts are off grade following•is rule of Board:'In determining grade, of any dealers milk at least five tests be mde for a period not less than one week cr more than one month If four' out of five samples are with- in grade dealer is entitled to.license If three out, of five or less rue ™ithin grade and two are not, deal- er is to ’r ecei ve warn 1 n g a nd anc, th- en f eat is to be made in near futu- re. If on succ- eeding test he still fails to show fo ur out. of fi ve within grade the milk is then B graded. Buffalo Hea lth Doartment reports as follows: thorough investig- ation discloses the fast that there can be no assurance that such conditions constantly prevail. ( as required by State code) especially, as to bacterial content of the raw supply* Hence upon discovery of deviation dealers have been notified to regrade acc ord ingly. , The re' i s sue h a wide variation and flub tuati ons in bacterial content of the milk supplies of the same producers from -Hrime- t o tine and even in the same milk that it has been found impossible to maintain any grade from day to day and pur attempts vtp regrade especially the pa steurized milk haveHmet with a iot of Udpposition, as the frequent changing of grades iq conform to the fcaeteriological findings are demoralizing to the It milk dealers; fear all: hough his bilk' supply npy 'be just as wholesome ahd safe- tfye ■■ increase of a few thousands of bacteria per cubic centimeter lowers the grade, whi ch i s seriously objected to by customers, who becoming alarmed purchase from another dealer only to find in a short time pthat he is subjected to like changes, so that the housewife never knows w%s.t> pftma she is actually obtaindnfig. noffis it possible for anyone to’know that milk supplies of any gi.vehu dealer ,are. in strict technical cbhfproity to legal grading requirements from day to day* *■ 1 few