It is with the deepest regret that the death of the author of this thesis must be announced with its issue. Before the completion of this publication, D R . LOOS accepted the appointment as Chemist for the Copper Corporation of Chili, and sailed for Chanaral in the latter part of June. While enroute he was stricken with yellow fever and died on the seventeenth of July, nineteen hundred, in his twenty-fifth year. A Study on Colophony Resin. A DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science of Columbia University Hermann A. Loos, B.S., A.M. EASTON, FA.: THE CHEMICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1900. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Acknowledgment Introduction 4 5 * P A R T I.—Colophony Resin. Sources of Colophony Anhydride Structure of Colophony Production of Anhydride by Melting Abietic Acid Oxidation Products of Turpentine Test for the Presence of Abietic Acid 6 6 10 11 11 P A R T II.—Preparation and Composition of Abietic Acid. Historical Review of the Literature on Abietic Acid Properties of Abietic Acid Preparation of Pure Abietic Acid Method of Trommsdorff, Maly, etc " White Rosin " " B l a c k Rosin " " Gum Thus " Fliickiger Method " White Rosin " " Black Rosiii " '' Window Glass Rosin " Direct Addition of Hydrochloric Acid " White Rosin " 1 ' Window Glass Rosin " " Gum Thus " Table of Analytical Results and Molecular Weight Determinations Conclusion—Formula for Abietic Acid 12 18 20 21 21 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 P A R T III.—Salts of Abietic Acid. Historical Potassium Salt (Neutral) Potassium Salt (Acid) Sodium Salt (Neutral) Sodium Salt (Acid; Ammonium Salt Other Salts Effect of Hydrolization Effect of Light Resinate Colors Conclusion Biographical 33 34 36 40 40 41 42 42 42 43 45 46 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The author wishes to acknowledge his obligations to the officers of the chemical department who have aided him by friendly advice and counsel, and more especially to Prof. C. E. Pellew for the securing of samples and other necessary material, and to Mr. S. A. Tucker and Mr. M. T. Bogert for much valuable assistance during the pursuit of this work. H. A. I,. INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, COLUMBIA HAVKMKYER H A U , , UNIVERSITY. INTRODUCTION. In spite of the industrial importance of colophony resin, the nature of its constituents is not thoroughly understood and even the composition of its principal acid has long been a subject of controversy. Most of the work of a purely chemical nature has been directed toward the determination of a formula for abietic acid. The literature of the subject is full of contradictions and disparities of all sorts, and the following work has been undertaken with the hope of throwing some light on the disputed points and of determining the true composition of abietic acid by means of products of the greatest attainable purity. Much work has already been done with rosin, of an analytical and a technical nature ; but this has been largely empirical, and it is probable that a better knowledge of the chemistry of this substance, and of the character of the salts it forms, will lead to many improvements in these directions. The first part of this work is devoted to a discussion of the sources and constituents of crude colophony, together with some experimental work on the presence and formation of abietic anhydride, and the relation of the acid to the ordinary oxidation products of turpentine. An historical review is then given of the literature on abietic and other acids supposed pressent in colophony, and this is followed by a description of the experimental work done in preparing pure abeitic acid and determining its formula. The last part of the thesis is devoted to a description of the preparation and properties of some salts of this acid and of the changes they were noticed to undergo as the result of hydrolysis and the effect of sunlight. PART L COLOPHONY RESIN. The resins form a physiological class of solid and semifluid bodies, which result from constructive and destructive processes of plant life, and which show a great diversity in their physical and chemical properties. The most important resin, from an industrial point of view, is common rosin of colophony. This is obtained as a residue, from the natural resin as exhuded from the tree, by removing the turpentine with a steam distillation, and then keeping the product heated until all water has been removed, which is indicated by a clarification of the melt. This process influences greatly the color and general properties of the resulting rosin. Colophony is a vitreous, brittle substance, breaking with a conchoidal fracture ; it is insoluble in water, but soluble in most organic solvents. It is almost odorless, and practically tasteless, and varies in color from a pale yellow to a dark brown. The various grades melt from 8o°-ioo° and the specific gravity varies from 1.045 to 1.085. In the United States the principal rosin-producing trees1 are Pinuspalustris (long-leaf pine), P. taeda (loblolly pine), and P. cubensis (Cuban pine). The principal European sources2 are P. laricio, P. pinaster, P. australis, P. taeda, sometimes also P. maritima. In addition to these, other species sometimes furnish the commercial products sold as common rosin. Colophony probably consists essentially of the anhydride of abietic acid, although many authorities have denied this. Fliickiger showed that masses of freshly exhuded rosin which were clear and amorphous throughout gained in weight and assumed a crystalline structure when exposed to water or moist air. Other specimens, which were kept sealed and absolutely dry for two years, underwent no change in weight or structure. Maly obtained almost the calculated quantity of crystallizable acid from amorphous rosin by the action of dilute alcohol. In the following experiments by the author, the gain in weight 1 2 Report U. S. Dept. of Agric, Div. of Forestry, 1891 and 1892. K. Dieterich : Anal. d. Harze, Balsame u. Gummiharze, p. n o . 7 approximates closely that the hydrolysis of abietic anhydride (C 88 H 65 0 ? ) to the free acid (C 19 H 28 O a ). Some '' White Rosin'' was pulverized and dried over sulphuric acid in vacuum. Two portions were weighed in small weighing bottles, covered with 60 per cent, alcohol, and allowed to stand one week with frequent agitation. On carefully evaporating down, breaking up the mass, and drying alternately at ioo°, and over sulphuric acid, the following changes in weight were noticed : A. Final weight Original " Gained " Gained per cent. 1*4919 1.4512 0.0407 2.8 B. 1-9063 1-8475 0.0588 3.18 Abietic anhydride (molecular weight = 558) requires an increase of 3.226 per cent, in weight to convert it to the free acid. Assuming 90 per cent, of abietic anhydride in this rosin, would require an increase in weight of 2.90 per cent. Lewkowitsch, 1 on the other hand, says: " T h e high acid values, and especially the definite ether values, prove conclusively that colophony is not, as Maly maintains, an anhydride ; viz., abietic anhydride, but consists chiefly of free acids and small quantities of an anhydride.'' In the fourteen results he refers to, the difference between acid value and saponification2 value,/. £., the ether value, varies from 16.4 to 36.11. Amsel3 finds the ether values in three determinations to be respectively 8, 7, and 7. Williams4 also finds results which are, in general, lower than those mentioned by Iyewkowitsch. This difference, it would seem, merely shows the presence of a small quantity of free acid in colophony, and this is amply accounted for by the partial hydrolysis the anhydride has undergone during the process of manufacture, or by the incomplete reversion to anhydride during the melting down process. Moreover, in 1 " Com'l Anal, of Oils, Fats and Waxes,'* 2nd. ed., p. 235. According to K. Dieterich, it is erroneous to speak of " saponification " values in connection with rosin, since no ethers are present. 3Ztschr. angew Chem., 1896, p. 430. 4 C. N., 58, p. 224. 8 8 the better grades of rosin in which the melting temperature has been kept lower, the acid figures are found to be higher, showing a greater proportion of free acid. Perrenond, 1 V. Dietrich, 2 and Ducummun 3 hold that rosin contains the free acid, with no anhydride whatever. They base this view on the fact that crude rosin contains a smaller percentage of carbon than abietic acid does, while, as anhydride, it should contain a larger percentage. Abietic acid (C 19 H 28 0 2 ) contains 79.16 per cent, carbon, and the anhydride 81.7 per cent. Dietrich found 74 per cent, carbon in rosin, and 77.5 per cent, in the product obtained on melting abietic acid. An analysis of " White Rosin,'' made by the author, resulted as follows: 0.2185 gram substance gave 0.6070 gram C0 2 and 0.1848 gram water, which corresponds to Per cent. c H 75.75 9.40 It must not be forgotten, however, that other substances, such as terpenes and their oxidation products, 4 are always present in rosin, and these might tend to reduce the carbon content of the whole. The first crystallizations of abietic acid will, moreover, contain a smaller percentage of carbon than than the pure product, and even a small quantity of impurity will reduce the percentage of this constituent. A sample of abietic acid, prepared by Maly's method, gave, after the second crystallization, the following result on combustion: 0.2990 gram substance gave 0.5908 gram C0 2 and 0.1887 gram water, which equals Per cent. C 77-n H 10.03 As to molten abietic acid, it is well known that volatile *C. Z., 1885 ( I X ) , 1556, 1590. Inaugural Dissertation, Bern, 1883. 3Inaugural Dissertation, Bern, 1885. 4 Terephthalic acid (C 8 H 6 0 4 ), an oxidation product of turpentine, contains 57.1 per cent carbon. 2 9 vapors are produced by its decomposition, consisting of terpenes, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene hydrides, etc. The mere fact that less carbon is present shows that a decomposition has taken place, and this renders useless any comparison of carbon content. Perrenond and his co-workers assume that colophony consists of crystals of abietic acid, imbedded in a resinous body. Crystals of this acid are very readily identified with the microscope ; polarized light will always detect them, even in the presence of much amorphous matter. Wiesner 1 has shown that most natural resins (7. e., such as are employed as removed from the tree, without melting or removing the turpentine by distillation) show crystals when examined in this way. He covered the particles of rosin with turpentine, or some solvent which dissolved the matrix to a greater extent than the crystals. This same treatment was applied by the author to all obtainable grades of commercial colophony, but in no case could any crystals be found ; the smallest particles always presented merely the chonchoidal fracture, which is characteristic of most resins. Only in the case of " Gum T h u s , " which is a natural resin, could any crystals be detected. According to Wiesner, the clarification of the crude rosin on melting during the preparation of colophony is due to a reversion of the crystalline acid to anhydride. Lewkowitsch and Perrenond state that the anhydride does not form on melting abietic acid, and, in fact, the only definite anhydride that has been prepared artifically was made by Emmerling, 2 by heating the crystalline acid with hydriodic acid to 145. ° Some experiments were made with the object of determining, if possible, the changes produced in the crystalline acid by heating at various temperatures above its melting-point. Some pure acid was gently heated just above its melting-point. On cooling slowly, large crystals were seen to form in the melt, and when quite cold, a yellowish, opaque mass was left, which was crystalline throughout, as shown by a microscopical ex1 Die technisch verwendeten Gummiarten Harze und Balsame, p. 114. 2 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 12, 1441. IO animation. As the temperature of the melt increases, more amorphous matter will be found on cooling. A product which has been cooled from i75°-i8o° will leave a perfectly amorphous vitreous mass, which has all the appearance of the original rosin, excepting that it is more brittle. 1 But it was found that that this mass could be crystallized directly from strong alcohol, which can not be done with colophony. The latter will leave an amorphous mass on evaporating a strong alcoholic solution, and will only .crystallize after having been subjected to the hydrolyzing action of dilute alcohol, or strong alcohol with the addition of a mineral acid. As already pointed out, analysis will give no indication of the presence of the anhydride, but the product obtained, as described, was decidedly different from the original colophony. Its transparent appearance was probably due to a solution of the free acid in some of the terpenes produced by the decomposition. Kraemer and Spilke 2 have shown that on heating rosin under pressure, the terpene C18H38 is formed according to the equation — C 19 H 28 0 2 = C18H28 + C0 2 . Some pure, dry abietic acid was heated for two hours at 180V 1 95° ; water and other vapors were given off. On cooling, a brown vitreous mass was left. A saturated solution of this product in alcohol did not crystallize, even on standing several days. On the other hand, portions treated with dilute alcohol or hydrochloric acid gave crystals of abietic acid in a few hours. This product resembled, in all respects, the colophony from which the abietic acid had been originally made. This would indicate that some anhydride is formed by a continued heating at this temperature. Abietic acid has often been considered an oxidation-product of turpentine. Terpenes contain no oxygen ; all resins do ; hence it has been thought that the resins are oxidation-products of the terpenes. But in no case has it been possible to 1 When a shallow layer of melted abietic acid is allowed to cool, it will contract and suddenly crack up into small pieces, with a distinctly audible decrepitation. 2 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1899, pp. 2952 and 3614. II produce any of the known resins by oxidation of a balsam or essential oil, nor has the reverse process been possible ; z. e., the reduction of a resin to a knowTn terpene. Resinous bodies of some kind do, however, form by oxidation of essential oils and there seems to be a loss of hydrogen in this process. Heldt 1 claimed that resins are formed by a simple oxidation of ethereal oils, there being a direct addition of oxygen and loss of hydrogen in the form of water. Perrenond and Ducummun deny the identity of abietic acid with the resin produced by oxidizing terpentine. They examined turpentine that had been treated with ozone and some that had resinified on standing several years, but in no case could any color reaction be obtained for abietic acid. The only product that could be identified was terephthalic acid. Some experiments made by the author gave no better results. An old sample of turpentine, which was known to have stood for five or six years, was distilled with steam ; the residue was washed with alkali and these washings were precipitated with acid. No indication of abietic acid could be obtained. Samples of terpentine were oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and sodium peroxide. Especially with the latter reagent, the oxidation was very violent. The excess of turpentine was now distilled off with steam and the residue examined. No crystalline product could be prepared from it, nor did any of the tests for abietic acid indicate its presence. One of the tes/cs employed was based on the fact that abietic acid will give colored lakes with an aniline dye ; i. e., a double salt of metal and a basic color seems to form (see p. 43 of this thesis). The solubility of this substance in benzol serves as an indication of its presence. The above oxidation-products were treated with dilute alkali; methyl violet was added and then zinc sulphate. A small precipitate formed, but this, when dried and treated with benzol, gave no colored solution. In the preparation of abietic acid from rosin a yield of 80-95 percent, of crude acid is obtained. 1 More of the acid will 1 Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 63, 18. In one case Mach obtained 98 per cent, of crude acid from a sample of French colophony. 2 12 slowly crystallize out from the mother-liquor, during several months' standing. ! No other acids, crystalline or amorphous, have been separated from the mother-liquors. The amorphous acids which are often described in colophony consist mainly of abietic acid which is held back in the mother-liquors. A small quantity of turpentine and its oxidation-products, some of which are acid in character, are also present. Colophony also contains terpenes and other decomposition-products produced by the breaking up of the abietic acid at the temperature required to drive off the last traces of water in the process of its manufacture. PART II. ABIETIC ACID : HISTORY, PREPARATION, AND COMPOSITION. Previous to 1825, Ries, 2 in Vienna, obtained some crystalline bodies by acting on white pitch with acids. No analyses nor attempts at identification were made. In 1826 Baup3 separated a crystalline body from the resin of P. adzes a id named it '' acide abietique'' ; a similar body from Bordeaux resin (probably P. maritima) he named " acide pinique" (apparently identical with pimaric acid of Laurent). Unverdorben 4 showed the acid character of colophony and described several of its salts. On precipitating an alkali salt with acid he observed an increase in weight which he ascribed to the formation of a hydrate. 5 He described three acid bodies in ordinary resins which he named respectively a-, /?-, and ^-resin. In colophony he describes seven constituents, the principal ones being ' * Sylvinsaure'' (ar-resin), a crystalline body which he declares is identical with that obtained by Ries. An amorphous 1 If the mother-liquor is stirred with a glass rod and then allowed to stand several weeks the crystals will separate on the sides where touched by the rod, very much like a precipitate of magnesium phosphate will. 2 Jahrbuch d. Polytech. Inst, zu Wien, I., p. 435 ; Repert. d. organ. Chem. v. Fechner, p. 1291. 3 Ann. chim. phys., 31, 108. 4 P o g g . Ann., 7» 3*i '> 8, 405. 5 Ibid., 11, 27, 230,393. 13 body (/?-resin) which he named " Pininsaure" and a deeplycolored substance, *' colopholsaure'', which is the result of superheating pininsaure.'' He describes other constituents of rosin and salts of the acids but gives no analyses. Trommsdorff* prepared the crystalline acid by treating rosin with 60 per cent, alcohol, and on the strength of his analysis concludes that it is an oxidation-product, not of temperature but of a radical C10H1B, having one hydrogen atom less. He gives this acid the formula C40H60O4,2 based on the composition of the copper salt. Rose"' agrees with this formula but adds that colophony is an oxidation-product of turpentine. Caillot4 found an acid in Strasburg turpentine which he called ' * abiesinsaure'' and which was subsequently believed to be a mixture of sylvinic acid and pimaric acid. Laurent 5 believed this acid to be different from sylvic and to be identical with the one he obtained from Colophonium du Bordeaux (P. maritimd)and he accordingly gave it the name " Pimarsaure." This body had, however, the same composition as sylvic and pinic acid ; on distillation it formed pyromaric acid. Strecker 6 subsequently suggests the identity of pyromaric, pimaric, sylvic and, in fact, all the acids obtained from American colophony. Caillot7 again took up the work and agrees with Laurent on a melting-point of 1250 for pimaric acid. He found it to be laevo-rotatory and when heated to ioo° it changed to a dextro-rotatory acid, which melted at 208°. Siewert8 declares that abietic acid is isomeric with pimaric but differs from it in being slightly more soluble in alcohol. He succeeded in obtaining a crystalline potassium salt of the composition C80H29KO2, 3CaoH30Oa. 1 A n n . Chetn. (Liebig), 13, 169. 2 In t h i s case and wherever necessary, formulas and analyses based on t h e old carbon equivalent have been changed and recalculated. 3 Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 13, 174. 4 J. de P h . et. de Ch., 16, 436 ; Bull. Soc. Chim. (Paris), 21 2 , 387 ; and Ber. d. chem. Ges., 7,484. 5 Ann. Chem. (Ltebig), 34, 272; Ann. chim. p h y s . , 72, 383. 6 Ann. Chem. P h a r m . , 68, 338; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 150, 131. 7 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 7, 484. 8 J s b . d. Chem., I, p. 572; and X I I , p. 508. H Maly1 prepared an acid from American colophony by the method of Trommsdorff and Unverdorben. He could get no crystalline potassium salt and hence claimed that Siewert's acid was different from his, which he called abietic acid. He retains the name '' sylvinsaure'' for the acid produced from colophony by the action of hydrochloric or other mineral acids and shows that no ether is formed when dry hydrochloric acid gas acts on a solution of abietic acid in strong alcohol. Maly considers abietic acid to be dibasic and gives it a new formula ; viz., C44H640B. He prepared an ethyl and a glyceryl ester and made a series of interesting hydrocarbons by the action of phosphorus pentachloride. By the action of sodium amalgam he obtained a body which he called hydro-abietic acid but which shows no definite distinction from abietic acid itself. Duvernoy 2 and Strecker 3 take exception to Maly's formula for abietic acid and declare Siewert's formula, C20HS0Oa, to be the correct one. Strecker declares abietic and silvic acids to be identical. Duvernoy obtained a crystalline lead salt from this acid which removed a supposed distinction between it and pimaric acid. He also obtained a crystalline sodium salt, and an acid, and a neutral salt of potassium, but could get no crystalline salt of ammonium with abietic acid, and considered this a distinction from pimaric acid. Maly4 maintains the identity of pimaric and abietic acids, and finally admits that while the latter has the formula C44H6406 there is also a small quantity of the C20H30O2 acid present in colophony. Fliickiger 5 led dry hydrochloric acid gas into an alcoholic solution of rosin and obtained a body which was shown to be identical with abietic acid, although Maly had claimed that this would give an entirely different acid. Emmerling 0 pre1 M a l y : Jsb. d Chem., 1861, p. 389; J. p r a k t . Chem., 86, i n ; Ibid., 92, 1 ; Ibid., 96, 145 ; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 149, 244; Ibid., 161, 115 ; Chem. Centrbl., 3, 59 ; Sitzungsber. d. Wien. Acad., 44 ( I I ) , 128; 48 ( I I ) , 355; 5 0 ( H ) . 2 I n a u g u r a l Diss., Tubingen, 1865 ; Ann. Chem. ( L i e b i g ) , 148,143. 3 Ibid., 150, 131. 4 Ibid., 149, 244. 5 J. p r a k t . Chem., 131, 235. 6 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 12, 1441. 15 pared the acid by various methods and concluded that Fliickiger's acid is identical with abietic ; his analytical results on the free acid and the salt agree with Maly's'formula, C 44 H 64 0 5 . Emmerling prepared a bromine derivative and an impure acetyl derivative, studied the action of hydriodic acid, of oxidizing agents, of fused caustic potash and prepared a series of hydrocarbons by a zinc chloride distillation. Kelbe, 1 while at work on a process of purifying rosin oil, succeeded in preparing abietic acid from this substance ; he also retains Maly's formula. Liebermann 5 admits the identity of abietic and sylvic acids and declares them to have the same composition as pimaric acid, C,0H,0Oa. He obtained a series of hydrocarbons by acting on these acids with hydriodic acid and red phosphorus and found that they rotated the plane of polarization in opposite directions. Haller* confirmed this work, gave some analyses of abietic acid, and determined its rotation to be [«]D = - 5 3 ° . Valente 4 separated a crystalline body from colophony, which, while still in a crude condition, gave a melting-point of 165 0 and turned the plane of polarization to the right. He made it from Bordeaux resin and although he calls it sylvic acid he evidently had in hand the pimaric acid of Laurent. His analyses agree with the formula C20H30O2 and he concludes that Maly's acid does not exist and that Liebermann based his examination on a mixture and not a pure substance. Perrenond5 and his co-workers, V. Dietrich6 and Ducummun, 7 next took up this work. Dietrich examined American and European resins and found abietic acid in the former and pimaric acid in the latter. These acids he found to agree in composition but to differ in melting-point and rotatory power (see table, 1 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 11, 2174; Ibid., 13, 888. • Ibid., 171 1885. 3 Ibid., 18, 2165. 4 Atti della Reale Ace. dei Iyincei, I, 13, 1884 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 18 (3)> 190. 5 Chem. Ztg., 9> 159°6 Etude compared sur l'acide abietique et l'acide pimarique(i883), Bern. 7 fitude sur les acides crystallisables des Abitin£es (1885), Bern. i6 p. 19) ; both are said to have the composition of anoxy-cymol, C10H14O, although the analyses given differ considerably from the theoretical requirements (see table, p. 18). Based on the composition of the ammonium salt the formula of pimaric acid is given as 4(C 10 H 14 O). Abietic acid, according to these authors, gives no crystalline ammonium salt but merely a gelatinous soap. Ducummun found abietic acid in the root resin of P. sylvestris and pimaric acid in the trunk resin of the same tree. Vesterberg 1 finally showed pimaric acid to be distinctly different from abietic acid. He obtained from French galipot resin, three isomeric acids; the first is dextro-pimaric, which melts at 2 i o ° - 2 i i ° and hasarotation of [ « ] D = + 5 9 ° - 2 ; the second, laevo-pimaric, melts at i4o°-i5o°, and has a rotation of [/*]D — —272 0 . His analyses agree well with the formula C20H30O3 (see table, p. 18). Mach, a pupil of Maly, gives a new formula for abietic acid ; viz., C19H2eOa. He obtained a product of great purity from several species of American colophony and his analyses average 78.97 per cent, carbon and 9.84 percent, hydrogen; the formula he proposes calls for 79.16 per cent, carbon and 9.73 per cent, hydrogen. The distinctive feature of Mach's work, however, is the rational step he took in making a series of molecular weight determinations by Beckmann's method. His results vary from 269 to 344. This at once excludes Maly's formula, which requires a molecular weight of 672. Mach's formula calls for a molecular weight of 288, and seven determinations made with dilute solutions (which, as is well known, give more accurate results in this method) vary from 269 to 298, and average at 285.5. I* is clearly seen that theseresults, as well as the analytical data, agree very closely with the formula he proposes. Mach's formula has, however, not been universally accepted. In view of the great disparity in the work done on this substance, as pointed out in the preceding pages, the following work was undertaken with the hope of throwing some light on these much disputed points. 1 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 18, 3331; Ibid., 19, 2167; Ibid., 20, 3248. 17 TABLK OF PUBLISHED ANALYSES OF ABIOTIC AND PIMARIC A C I D S . Abietic c. Acid, Per cent. Trommsdorff Iyiebig Rose Siewert Maly Kraut 1 Emmerling Kelbe Haller V. Dietrich Ducummun Mach 78.21 78.54 78.65 77.12 75.19 76.81 76.63 76.21 76.93 78.19 78.92 79.12 79.50 79.00 79-93 78.69 78.66 78.53 78.54 78.37 78.74 78.62 78.42 78.64 78.85 78.65 79.32 79.28 79-47 79.15 79.26 79.34 79.36 78.89 78.94 78.88 78.92 H. Per cent. 9.86 9-79 9.82 9.42 9.46 9-36 9.27 943 9.64 9.95 9-97 9.68 9.85 9.63 9.63 10.00 9.97 9.75 9.72 9.68 9.68 9.59 9.64 10.00 9.78 9.62 9.63 9.72 9.56 9.58 9.62 9.64 9-65 9.81 9.86 9.81 9.84 i8 Abietic Acid c. {continued). H. Per cent. Per cent. 9.85 9.82 9.86 9.84 9.84 9.89 9.92 9.84 9-83 9-74 78-93 78.90 78.95 79.07 79.02 78.91 78.78 78.83 78.99 78.62 T h e o r y for C „ H , s O , 79.16 Pimaric c. L,aurent Haller Duvernoy V. Dietrich Ducummun Per cent. 78.18 78.47 78.62 79.23 79.12 79.46 9-73 Acid. H. Per cent. 9.74 9.4I 9.62 9.95 IO.OO 9.63 9.68 9.60 952 9.96 IO.64 79.45 79.60 79.02 79.28 79.29 79.26 79.33 IO.I6 IO.OO T h e o r y for C, 0 H S0 O, 79-47 994 Vesterberg Mach CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAI, PROPERTIES OF ABIETIC ACID. Pure abietic acid is a white crystalline body insoluble in water and soluble in most organic solvents. A table of solubilities is given on p. 22. The crystalline structure has been studied by Siewert,1 Lang,2 Wulf,3 Fock,4 and Graber.5 x 3". 2 Zeit. fur die gesam. naturwissenschaften, Giebel u, Heintz, 14* J. prakt. Chem., 96» 164. 3 Ber. d. chem. Ges., i3» 888. 4 Groth's Zeit. fur Krystallographie, 1883, VII, p. 58. 5 Monatsh. Chem., 15, 628. 19 Abietic acid is optically active both in the crystalline form and in solution. Some of the observed rotations for abietic acid are : V a l e n t e : [ « ] D = ±37.87 Haller = —53 0 Mach = —56.97 (Abietic of a m. p. = i53°-i54°. = —67.34 1 (After an additional = —66.94 j crystallization.) = —66.66 (After three additional crystallizations.) = —69.96 (French colophony, 14th crystallization.) The melting-point of abietic acid was found in the following work to be i 5 9 ° - i 6 i ° , but was never sharp. Mach found that all his products melted sharply at i53°-i54°. The meltingpoints recorded by different observers vary greatly, as is seen in the table here given ; those of pimaric acid are also given for comparison : Abietic Acid. [Sylvic acid.] Siewert Maly Fliickig Duvernoy Kelbe Bmmerling Haller Dietrich Mach L,aurent Caillot Siewert Maly Duvernoy Haller Dietrich Vesterberg 1620 165° f I20° (Soft) j 135 0 (Melted) 1290 165° 139° ( 145° (Soft) ( I 6 I ° - 2 ° (Melted) 165 0 i53°-i54° Pimaric Acid. "5° {125 0 ( 208 0 (Dextropimaric) 155° 165° 149° ( I20° (Soft) 0 \ 1490 (Melted) 148 f 2 i o ° - 2 i i ° (Dextropimaric) \ i4o°-i50° (I