I LLNOI S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2011. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2011 54 I iT i r i: rei 4:3 't 4 :t $ " 4 u ~ i- rIS r I i 1: ;; i; , i i i i I - i i311 I 'd i 5+ f 1 r I ;i,i '1! i i 1I I'F .i i I:,1 i, i i ( i ' I I . A I i IC i R I ) ( i ;i g 1 i ri )H; ; i j i i 1 Cataloyand 97anual OF THE 0 cH-avana Public iibpary " e .re AND - oeadiny .?oom, jteavana, fllinois, 1900. HAVANA, ILLINOIS, MiLES F. BUSH, PRINTER 1900. OFFICERS. i8gg- Igoo. President, H. R. NORTRUP. Vice President, - - F. POLLITZ. Secretary, - A. G. SERVOSS COMMITTEES. BUILDING AND GROUNDS. F. POLLITZ, Chairman, B. F. GANSON, G. W. SCARLET, LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. A. G. SERVOSS, Chairman, H. R. NORTRUP M. BOLLAN, FINANCE AND AUDITING. A, E. WINDSOR, Chairman. H. J. PHELPS, RUFUS LOW, ADMINISTRATION. H. R. NORTRUP, Chairman, F. POLLITZ, A. E. WINDSOR, A, G, SER VOSS. p iF"9h) Librarian, - M. P. WILKIN. Turn Over a New Leaf, Try the New Store. l i Ti l l ll l I IlI:l lI l lll l l l lll III ,Il lllIlil l I You will learn what you want to know about the season's styles and will be prepared to conduct your shopping intelligently and profitably from season to season. We, on the other hand, will embrace the opportunity to prove to you the superiority of our stock as to completeness, quality and style in . . Dry - oods, Notions, (drpets, ient'sfurnislhin.s, Itc. f Ago HISTORICAL STATEMENT. The Havana Public Library is organized under the State Law governing free libraries in cities, towns and townships. In compliance with a petition of the citizens, the City Council passed the ordinance to establish a library at its regular meeting June 6, 1896. August 1, 1896, Mayor I. M. Henninger appointed and the City Council confirined the following Board of Directors: A. E. WINDSOR, A. G. SERVOSS; F. POLLITZ, H. R. NORTRUP, I. R. BROWN, H. J. PHELPS, MATTHEW BOLLAN, H. A. COLLINS, T. W. B. EVERHART, After organization the directors asked the citizens to supplement the two mill tax levy by contributing $1500. Finally, with the funds thus secured in the treasury, the first order for books was placed and M. P. Wilkin was appointed Librarian, May 6, and on June 27, 1898, the Library was inaugurated. At the time of printing this Catalog we have near 2000 hooks on our list. LEGAL FORM OF BEQUEST. I hereby give and bequeath to the Board of Directors of the Havana Public Library and Reading Room, the sum of............... ................................. ........ Dollars. LIBRARY HOURS. OPEN...... 1:30 TQ 5:00 P. M. " ...... 6:30 TO 9:15 P. M. SUNDAY, 1:30 TO 4:00 P. M. CLOSED ON LEGAL HOLIDAYS. McKINNEY & CALDWELL, Publishers. flSVLSSGOD L LS Agent for Butterick Patterns. CS I. BIOGRAPHY. ....... ...... Arnault Napoleon ................... Barrows Henry Ward Beecher... ....... Struggles and Triumphs of P. T. Barnum Benj. Franklin...................Bigelow Boy's who Became Famous ......... Bolton Girls who Became Famous............ " Life of Gen. Sherman ...................... Boyd Life of Johnson, 2 Vol..........Boswell Napoleon The Great, 3 Vol......Bourrienne Gladstone..... .............................. Bryce Martin Luther....... ................ B............ unsen Herman the Magician............ Burlingame Bismark, 2 vol............ ... ...... Busch Memoirs of Emerson, 2 vol.......Cabot Cyclopaedia of Female Biography...Clark Plutarch's Lives ........................... Clough Celebrated Persons .................... Compiled Life and Works of Spurgeon.... Davenport Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ......... Doyle Pokagon .................. ................ . Engline Anecdotes of Public Men, 2 vol......Farney Hancock and English ................. Farney Life of Francis Willard........Anna Gordon Life and Works .................. John B. Gough Personal Memoirs, 2 vol.........U. S. Grant Life and Works of David Page, Greenwood Wm. Lloyd Garrison .................. Grimke Chas. Sumner ........... ...... Grimke Home Life of Great Authors.......Griswold BIOGRAPHY. 8. Life of Lincoln....................Mrs. Hanfoul Life of Lincoln, 2 vol.................Herndon John Brown and His Men..... ..... Hinton Hawthorn and his Wife, Julian Hawthorn Voyages of Columbus, 3 vol...... Irving M ahomet, 2 vol......... ................ Irving Washington and his Country ... Irving Life of Whittier. . ..... ennedy Queens of Scotland................. Strickland Life of Mason Long ................. Long Wendell Phillips.........Carlos Martyn John B. Gough .......................... M artyn Napoleon in Exile.......................O'Meara Daughters of Genius..... ............ arton P Presidents of the United States....Pierson Stephen A. Douglas.....................Sheahan Peter Cartwright ............... Strickland Heroes of Our War with Spain....... Ross Men of Our Time ........................ Stowe Life of Henry Clay, 2 vol............. Schurz Dr. S. G. H ow e ..................... ..... Sanborn Stanley in Africa ..................... Stanley Life of Napoleon-McClure's ......... Tarbell John Q. Adams........................... Sumner Harrison and Morton ............ Wallace Peter the Great.....................Waliszewski Glimpses of Fifty years,Frances E.Willard Horace Greeley .......... ..... Zabriskie Sloan's Life of Napoleon ............ .See Century Magazine, Nov. 94 Nicolay and Hay's Life of Lincoln and History of His Times, Century,Nov. 86 Lewis Carrol.......... ................. odgson D 9. HISTORY. II. HISTORY. Pioneers and Patriots........... Jno. Abbott. Battlefields and Victory......W. J. Abbott Battlefields and. Campfires... W. J. Abbott The Last Quarter of a Century in the U. S .................................... .. Andrew s Arnoult Campaigns of Napoleon, ........ Oriental and Western Siberia.....Atkinson History of United States, 6 vol., Bancroft Analysis of Our Government.......Bancroft Prehistoric Nations ..................... Baldwin Tales of 1812....... .............. .. Barnes Thirty Years in Congress ............. Benton Bristol ........... Providential Epochs......... Biart The Aztecs .................... The First Battle.................... .. Bryan American Common Wealth.....-.........Bryce The United States, Juvenile.. Butterworth French Revolution, 2 vol............C...arlyle Rome in the Days of Cicero......Church The Story of Early Britain...........Church The Crusades................... ............... .Cox The Boys of '76............................. Coffin The Boys of '61........................... Coffin Old Times in the Colonies........ ...... Coffin History of Mason County ......... Cocheran Fifteen Decisive Battles............. Creasv Ten Great Religions, 2 vol............ Clark The Reformation, 5 vol..... ..... D' Aubigne Democracy in America........DeTocqueville . 111o1 mrs. asoss, MILLINE RY I 1 4 AND .1 t :TI F f=NCY GOODS, HAVANA, ILLINOIS Everything New, Bright and Clean. .JO Y C .., W Main Street r.oce. GOOD BUIJITR [VERY DAY. Exclusive Distributor of . Chase and Sanborn's Famous Boston Coffees. If. *HISTORY. Child's History of England .......... Dickens Southern Soldier Stories........ Eggleston The Labor Movement........................Ely ....... Falkenhorst Cortez in Mexico ... .... Falkenhorst Pizarro in Peru. American Political Ideas.............. Fisk The Beginnings of New England........Fisk Civil Government in the U. S...........Fisk Decline and fall of Rome, 6 vol......Gibbon Story of the Great Republic........ Guerber History of Civilization, 3 vol........ Guizot History of France, 8 vol.............. Guizot Middle Ages, 3 vol ....................... Hallam ............... H ale Spain......................... History of England, 6 vol..........Hume Jewish History ............................ Josephus Short History of England... .. Kirkland History of Methodism in Illinois...Leaton Celebrated Adventures..........Compiled Scrap Book of the Revolution......Latimer Debates, 1858..........Lincoln and Douglas Beacon Lights of History, 10 vol..... Lord History of Our Times, 3 vol ... McCartney M..... adison The Federalist................ Constitutional Convention ......... Madison History of Rome, 5 vol............. Mommsen History of United States......Montgomery History of Netherlands, 4 vol ........ Motley The Dutch Republic, 3 vol ............ Motley Napoleon in Exile......................... O'Meara History of England.......................Bill Nye Great War Papers, Century and Harpers' Magazines. sI. 0. III0, -::- DEALER IN IA X11 7Zin ds of... SV3lud)cn ?'atora, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick, Stone and Sewer Pipe. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. 13. HISTORY. History of United States .............. Bill Nye Messages of the Presidents, 10 vol..... State of New York, 3 vol......O' Callaghan Conquest of Mexico, 3 vol........ Prescott History of United States.............Ridpath The Story of Chaldea ............ Ragozin History of the World, 4 vol........ Ridpath My Diary North and South ........... Russell Our Navy in War With Spain ........ Spears Historical Characters, 10 vol......Spofford History of Greece............... ......... Steele Great Reform ................. ................ Shaw History of M. E. Church, 2 vol.....Stevens Ancient History ................... ..... Strickland History of English Literature, 4 vol., Taine Ancient Regime..........................Taine Living Officers of U. S. Army, 2 vol... Living officers of U. S. Navy, 2 vol..... American Histoical Association for 1898 Columbia's War for Cuba............. Tupper ....... Volney ... Ruins of Empires. Wilson ..... Outlines of History....... Three Centuries of Modern Europe.. .Yonge M. M. CLIR ALL Til B[ST GRADES OF HARD AND SOIfT Constantly on Hand. G. T. Meyer.& Co., 65, 67, 69 Main St., ...... HAVANA, ILL., DEALERS IN ...... Notions, Underwear, Hosiery, Cloaks and Shawls, Carpets, Mattings, Linoleum, Trunks and Valises . . . . A full line, best tailor-made in all qualities and sizes. Also a full line of Hats and Caps. We have convinced the most careful as well as money saving people, there is no better place to make their purchases than in this store. We handle reliable goods only, and always carry a full line,. . . . . 15. III. JUVENILE. JUVENILE. The Young Detective ............ osa Abbott " " Tommy Hickup............... Battlefields and Victory...............Abbott Battlefields and Campfires ............. " Common Things ............... Travels .................... .Aesop Fables of Aesop .............. The Frontiersman ..................... G. Aimard ....... Alcott Eight Cousins .... ................. Jack and Jill.................. " Under the Lilacs...................... " Little Men ...................... .. " Little W om en.......................... ..... Rose in Bloom........ ...... ............... Jo's B oys ......................... Hospital Sketches .................. . " ....... Work........... " Old Fashioned Girl ........................ Adventures of Jimmy Brown............Alden " The Cruise of the Canoe Club ......... The Cruise of the "Ghost" ............... " A New Robinson Crusoe ......... The Moral Pirates........... ........... The Story of a. Bad Boy.............Aldrich Allen Navy Blue .................... Stories and Tales.............. Hans Anderson " " Fairy Tales.................. Seven Little Sisters .......... Jane Andrews Bach and All....................... JUVENILE. 16. Ten Boys .......... .. ........... Jane Andrews Saved as by Fire.... ...............T.S. Arthir Air Castle Don..................... ....... Ashley Fairy Tales ......... Harriet B. Audubon Fairy Stories and Tales............... Baldwin Dog Crusoe................. ........Ballantyne Dog Crusoe and His Master ' Danish Fairy and Folk Tales...........Bay .............. Black The Four MacNicols..... Poor Boys Who Became Famous.... Bolten Girls Who Became Famous .............. " Crusoes of Guiana ................ .Boussenard Ilka on the Hilltop....................Boyesen Boyhood in Norway................... " Birds of a Feather...............rs. Bradley Herman the Magician ............ Burlingame Little Lord Fauntleroy............ Burnett Two Little Pilgrims Progress......... " Sara Crewe ............................. W ake Robin .............................. Burroughs " .... Birds and Bees ........... Zigzag Journeys, 3 vol ......... Butterworth " Zigzag Stories..................... . " History of the United States.. Pilot of the Mayflower......... George at the Fort.. ............ Castleman George in Camp............. " Buried Treasure................. The M ail Carrier....................... Frank Before Vicksburg........... Frank on a Gunboat.................. The Story of Tonty .............. Catherwood " Heroes of the Middle West..... l7. JUVENILE. Edith's Burglar ............................ Burnett Frontiersmen and Scouts...... Cathermole Stories From Livy ...................... Church Bow Wow and Mew Mew...............Clark Boys of'61...................................Coffin .. ....... Boys of '76........................... What Katy Did..........Susan Coolidge ............ Just Sixteen.... Boots and Saddles ................. Mrs. Custer George at the W.heel........Castelemon Frank on the Prairie.............. Frank on the Lower Mississippi " Tiger Prince...............................Dalton How to Know Wild Flowers...........Dana Two Years Before the Mast.............. " Cuore....................E. De Amicio D .............. e Foe Robinson Crusoe......... A Dog in Flanders........ ..... De La Rame A Child's Dream of a Star.......... Dickens Donald and Dorothy.........................Dodge Hans Brinker ................ Watch-fires of 1776.........................Drake Dick's Tramps Abroad, 4 vol......... Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ........ Doyle Mystery of Abel Forefinger...... Drysdale The Hoosier School Master.....Eggleston The Circuit Rider ...................... The Graysons .................. .... " The End of the World................ " Hoosier School Boy. ............. " Stories From History...... Geo. C. With Trumpet and Drum....Eugene Field " " A Book of Profitable Tales... BUYERS AND SHIPPERS OF ELEVATOR CAPACITY 500,000. BUSHELS. Havana, Illinois. ....DEALER IN....... GE'N&TS'- FURNiSHI NO GOODS.0 19. JUVENILE. A Year With Birds ........... ..Flagg . " A Year With Trees ................ " Stories From Old Germany ........... .................Ewing Six to Sixteen............. " Jan of the W indmill ..................... Boys' Book of Famous Rulers..... Farmer Girls' Book of Famous Queens...... The Little Colonel..................Fellows .......... " Big Brother, ..................... Gerty and May......Gerty and May Books " " " Adventures of a Toy " " " " Aunt Zelpetha's Baby " " Kitty Barton ..... Our Common Birds....................Grant Jack Hall...............Rob't Grant Grimm German Tales...... .......... Fairy Tales ..... ... .. ....................... " Helen's Babies ....................... Habberton " Who Was Paul Grayson.......... Nights With Uncle Remus........... Harris " Daddy Jake ....................... A Wonder Book................Hawthorne " Tanglewood Tales.................. ...... Henty Both Sides The Border ..... " Under Wellington's Command..... "........... At Aboukir and Acre. With Wolfe in Canada.................. " True to The Old Flag. ............. With Lee in Virginia..... .".......... " Held Fast for England............ St. Bartholemew's Eve.................. Condemned as a Nihilist ....... " In the Heart of the Rockies... ..... HAVANA NATIONA LBANK, HAVANA, ILLINOIS. Only National Bank in Mason County. (dpitdl $50,000. c)F- Surplus $20,000. 1=IC= l ER = . F. Low, Pres. N. (C. KING, Cashier. G. T. MEYER, Vice Pres. 0. D. CovINGTON, Ass't Cash. H. W. McFADDEN, C. E. COPPEL, PRESIDENT. ( ASHIER. ORGANIZED x866. We Solicit Your Business. 21., JUVENILE. A Chapter of Adventures....,..........Henty Pike and Dyke............... With Clive in India .............. " By England's Aid........................ . " The Dolly Dialogues..........Anthony lope The Sisters ........ .............. Hofland Tom Brown's School Days.......... Hughes Tom Brown at Rugby ............... ". The "Ice Queen"...................... Ingersoll Denise and Ned Toodles...... G. E. Jackson Bits of Talk..............Helen H. Jackson Cat Stories............. Alonzo and Melissa........... Daniel Jackson Little Hester Blossoms................... Feathers and Furs ........................ Johnnot Wings and Fins.............. Lion Ben................... ... .... Kellogg The Young Ship Builders .............. " C has. B ell ................................ ..... " " The Sophomores of Radcliffe........ The Ark of Elm Island................ " Forest and Glen ..... .................. " ... Leaves From Nature's Story Book, 3 vol..................... ........ Kellev Madam How and Lady Why.... Kingsley Water Babies. .................. " The Cruise of the "Frolic".........Kingston Under the Deodars. ............. Kipling " Jungle Book, 2 vol..................I Dora's Housekeeping.................. Kirkland Jo's Opportunity, (2)........................Lillie " ......... . Nan, (2) ..... Mildred's Bargain........ ....... UPHOLSTERING and FURNITURE REPAIRING. BEST SELECTION OF PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS IN MASON COUNTY. I 9 :I'$l hll ii ia~ tiotton Ahe Pmtoes i S lllllt I Guaranteed. howrest. I iIII1I1tI 1i5 II 0 I I I I E ,l P[ET LINDER Bos,, Stationery, PPFF ...... DEALERS Pure L IN.... ake . TELEPHONE No- 740 ce IXil lu|HI n11|1 23. JUVENILE. Glen H olly..................... ...... ....... Lillie ..... The Story of Music and Musicians... " Rolf House................. ........... The Colonel's Money. ......... Phil and the Baby............. ....... Birds W ays................... ................. M iller Fur Seals Tooth................Monroe Derrick Sterling.................. .. Snow Shoes and Sledges............... " Canoe Mates .. ..... ......... Camp Mates............................. " D ory M ates................. ............... ......... Raft Mates......... The Flamingo Feather, (2)........... Rick Dale............................... W akulla................... ......... ......... Chrystal Jack............. ......... The Nation's Navy............... .Morris Little Lame Prince ........... ulock .. ....... " Adventures of a Brownie.............. Man of Winthol .... ............. Murray . Adventures ....................... .. ...... The Story of the Keg........... .... The Mystery of the Woods...... Fine Feathers.. ................ Kate J. Neily Narratives of the Sea................. .. Within the Enemies Lines.....Oliver Optic Field and Forest.................... Handsome is as Handsome Does" " The Boat Club .................... The Soldier Boy .................... Up the River ................ ........ Down South ............. ............ JUVENILE. 24. Bear and Forbear... ............. Oliver Optic ........... Lake Breezes .. Going West.................... " Mail Carrier.................. .. " All Taut................................ The Yankee Middy .............. " " " .......... " Little B obtail ......... ..... The Sailor Boy........." " " Square and Compasses............ " Stem to Stern..................... Fighting for the Right. ..... " A Victorious Union............ The Coming Wave.................. The Young Lieutenant ...... Snug Harbor....................... Ready About............. ....... The Boys' Revolt............ .. .James Otis ::Tyler, (2)................. Toby The Treasure Finders ......... The Castaways.... ......... " The Wreck of the Circus . .... Mr. Stubbs' Brother....... Silent Pete.................... Tim and Tip...... ......... " " Raising the Pearl ............. Left Behind.................. Philip.................. ................. T. W . O. Jack of all Trades... ................ Parker ..... Pansy Jimmy Brown.............. .. Grandpa's Darling. . ......... Cunning Workmen............. ...... Household Puzzles........ ........... Getting Ahead..... 25. JUVENILE. Peck's Fun ........................... Peck Gypsy Breynton ........................ Phelps President of the U. S............... Mrs. Pierson Boys and Girls ............................. Pliny King Tom and the Runaways...Pendleton Cherry and Violet, (2)..........Mary Powell Diddle Dumps and Lot ................ Pvrnelle Treasures from Fairy Land..... Greenwocd Joyous Stories of Toto ............ Richards Adrift in the World....................Samuels Fighting the Battle .............. Saved from the Street................ Grandpa Milly's Luck .............. Beautiful Joe, (2) ....... ............ aunders S Book of Fables ..............Scudder " Fables and Folk Stories......... Black Beauty, (2)/ .................... Sewell The Mate of the Mary Ann.......Swett Captain Polly...... .............. .... Flying Hill Farm ....................... " Mother Goose's A. B. C... Treasure Island ................... Stevenson Kidnapped ............................ " Talking Leaves.................... Stoddard " Dab Kinzer, (2).................... The Quartet................. ........ " Two Arrows.......................... " The Red Mustang ................. The Artic Crusoe..................Percy Canoe and Boat Building... ....... Stephens Five Little Peppers, (2) ........... Sidney Five Little Peppers Midway........ " Five Little Peppers Grown up...... " JS DEH M ...... DEALERS "IN. f a goods im ARM Etum f TRE 0i t1i -laZ-4- map- cq Ir n Sh. e s 4s'. .. p 27. JUVENILE. Phronsie Pepper ................... Sidney An Adirondack Cabin ............... Our Town ................. ..... .. ... Bob.. ....... ................. " ... Little Paul............................. Aesop's Fables .............................. Tenniel Jolly Good Times. ........................ Thorne The Boys with Old Hickory.....Tomlinson Boy Soldiers of 1812. ....... Boy Officers of 1812............ ...... " Tecumseh's Braves .......... Guarding the Border ........... . Arabian Nights .......................... ... Townsend Cudjoe's Cave ...................... Trowbridge A Start in Life..................... " Father Brighthopes ....... The History of the Robins ............ Trimmer Wee Dorothy.................. Updegraff Voyage Round the World, 3 vol.......Verne English at the North Pole ...... "..... Mysterious Island ..................... ' Hector Servadac.................... ... Tour of the World. .............. Being a Boy..........................Warner Timothy's Quest...... K...Kate D. Wiggins " The Birds Christmas Carol " " The Story of Patsy........... Every Inch a Soldier.... .................. Winter Four-footed Americans..................Wright Tommie, Aine and Three Hearts.... " Swiss Family Robinson.....................Wyss Book of Golden Deeds.....Charlotte Yonge What a Boy Saw in the Army, J. B. Young T,W, EMERSON LUMBER CO., :* * DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF * * * W DIIILUIIJ 'DID'!l iuomc Respectfully solicit a share of yotr patronage and will take pleasure in quoting_ you prices. Estimates cheerfully furnished. ~TE'EIIE S C HII s~?AI iLt 2g. MISCELLANEOUS IV. MISCELLANEOUS. F.- TRAVELS. Travels..................... Willis J. Abbott Oriental and Western Siberia.....Atkinson Constantinople .................... E. DeAmicis Our Hundred Days in Europe............ Stanley in Africa..................... Stanley Among the Northern Hills...... Prime Views a Foot ........................... ..... Taylor Corona and Coronet.'.......... .. Todd Around the World.......................Seward Music Study in Germany.............. ... Pierce A Tramp Abroad................ark Twain Following the Equator......... " " Roughing It .............. ... " " " " Innocents Abroad ............... Mummies and Moslems............. Warner B. - LITERATURE. Hints for Home Reading............... Abbott Letters to Young Ladies......... 'Dr. Alcott Madame DeSevigne................... Anderson Essays .............. ......... ....... Bacon One Thousand Anecdotes..............Byrn Little Masterpiece, 10 vol............. Stories by American Authors, 10 vol... Stories by English Authors, 10 vol..... Harper's Half Hour Series, 25 vol...... Bartlett's Quotations..............Bartlett F . & C:.Boraelt, .STAPLE AND FANCY OERIES ,. fruits and Vegetables, (rolkery and Glassware. BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS. HAY, STRAW, (ORN, OATS, &c. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LO18, For Sale at Reasonable Prices on Favorable Terms. Choice Loca= tions on Broadway and Plum Streets. Apply to . . . . . ADOLPH KREBAUM or C. G. KREBAUM. 31. MISCELLANEOUS British Essayists "Guardian,'' 3 vol....... British Essayists "'World," 3 vol...... English Literature..................Brooke Wit and Humor.................... .Brown Reading for Schools. ............. Cumnock Stories from Livy .......................... Church The Mistakes We Make ..................... Dole Ciceros' Offices ...... ............. Edmunds M iscellanies .................. ............... Em erson ....Williams Lucian's Dialogues....... The Letters of Junius .... ...Woodfall For 2500 Biographical Sketches See Index Harpers' Magazine......... 1000 Obituary Notices, Same.. ...... 1200 Portraits, Same............... 1000 Sketches of Travel, Same and Index Century Magazine.. 5000 Literary Notices, Same. . 1000 Miscellaneous Essays, Same..... Fine Arts, Anecdotes, Maps, etc., Same Stories by English Authors, 10 vol....... The English Language .............. .. Fowler Goethe's Works, 5 vol ....................... Green English Language.................... Hanford ...... Letter Writer ......... The Sketch Book .............. Irving owell My Study Window............L..... Essays, 3 vol...................... Macaulay Album of Authors ..................... McAlpine The Great Conversers... ... Matthews " Oratory and Orators ............. Getting on in the World. ......... Golden Deeds, (2) .................... Redcliffe MISCELLANEOUS. 32. .... Ruskin Queen of the Air.......................... " .......... Sesame and Lilies .... St. Mark's Rest....................... Crown of Wild Olives ............ " Taine History of English Literature 4vol, ... Friendship the Master Passion, Trumbell Colonial Days and Dames ......... Wharton The World Beautiful, 3 vol .......... Whiting C.- GENIERAL. ........ Bigelow Bench and Bar ........... Health and Beauty........................ Bouton What is Worth While ..................... Brown Extemporaneous Oratory............Buckley The World and Its People..................Coe Social Etiquette .......................... Cooke The Congress of Women. ................ Eagles Miscellaneous Writing......................Eddy Great Books .............................. Farrar .......... .Fletcher Happiness............... Anecdotes of Public Men...............Forney Poor Richard's Almanac.......... Franklin Souvenirs of Time ........................ Fremont A Strange Manuscript.....................Gaul Odd Fellows Manual...................... Grosh ........Jennings Cattle Diseases ................ Lessons on Success ........................... King Nasby Letters..................................Locke Discourses of Epictetus ..................... Long Beauties of Nature ...................... Lubbock Composition and Rhetoric .... Quackenbos Leaves from Diary of a Lawyer, Richmond With Fly, Rod and Camera.........Samuels 33. MISCELLANEOUS Great Temperance Reform......... ...... Shaw American Highways............. Shaler An Adventure in Photograph y-...... Thanet Artistic Lightning..................... Ingliss W oman in M usic............................ Upton Chautauqua Movement ........ Vincent Children's Rights ...................... Wiggins Bedott Papers........................ W hitcher Woman in the Pulpit .................... Willard The Complete Home................ Wright Proceedings of Women's Clubs, 1896... Manufacturer and Builder, 5 vol....... Scribner's, and Century Magzine, 60 vol, 1870-1900.................. Harper's Magazine, 100 vol, 1850--1900.. Index to Harper's Magazine vol 1-70 Index to Century Magazine, vol. 1-30.... North American Review................. American Review of Reviews, 20 vol... D.-F R T. Great Artists.. History of Modern Painting.......Munther History of French Painting, Stranahan Modern French Masters............Van Dyke Ruben's Life and Work................Jameson Sketches of Art............................. Hand Book of Italian Painting.....Kugler Old Masters of Belgium and Holland Fromentin ........................ Wilson Picture Studies in School ........ o. ccmAuke6, fohn WHOLESALE DEALER IN .j7sA, Sam e, I 0:B B I H B 1B HIB O.)ffice Hours: 2 to 4 P. R_. Li -6 8II B 81 i & ,. ierraph l : 'B l I li I 1B 1 rin i i: l u8 I B .e I B 8 B i B B 1 Telephoneffice 30 2. Residence 30' . M. SEREOSS, Vi, .1, HAVANA, - ILLINOIS, Does a general practice in Medicine and Surgery in Mason and Fulton Counties. Blee Front Shoe Store For Up=to=date Footwear At Reasonable Prices. UNGLAUB & COO POETRY. 35. V. POETRY. Light of Asia... ............ Edw. Arnold P oem s.................. ........................... B urns Poems...... ..............Browning Poems ...... ............... Bryant Homer's Iliad ........... .. ........ .. " " Homer's Odyssey................... . Poems, 5 vol.. ............................Byron H udibras... ....... ......... Butler Poems, 2 vol.......Coleridge and Keats ........ .. .... .Cowper Poem s ....... .... .. . New King Arthur, Opera Without Music Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered...... airfax With Trumpet and Drum.... Eugene Field Poems.. ............. Goldsmith Reineke Fox, etc....................... Goethe P oem s.................................. ...... .. H olm es .. Poems, Plays and Essays............... Lamb Beautiful Gate.... ....... Lucy Larcom Poems, (3). .................... ongfellow Dante's Divine Comedy.......... ' M.................Moo Lalla Rooka, (2) ..... Poems.. .............. Macaulay Lucile ................. . ..... ............ M eredith Milton . ..... Poems, (2) .............. .. ... " ......... .... Ossian " . ............... ........ .... .... Pope ........ " 6 vol... " ". ........ Riley ............ ...... Schiller .. .............. ..... ..... Shelley G .. F oh, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in - - - - Bakery and Confectionery WEDDING CAKES AND FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. S1 Simply buying bread because it is bread is one thing, but buying the kind of bread that is going to give the same satisfaction seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, has a far different meaning. The popularity of our bread is due entirely to its simple ex- 2 f cellence. It is simplicity in the making of bread that counts. 211 WEST MARKET STREET. GERMA N. 37- Poems............................Spencer Tragedy of Cymbeline-A Study...Hudson Comedies and Tragedies 6 vol,Shakespeare Shakespearean Drama ............. Snider ........... Tales From Shakespeare.. Lady of the Lake.... ........... Scott Poems... Snider Agamemnon's Daughter .......... Songs, Hymns and Lyrics, vol. 28, Warner Maurine and Other Poems............Wilcox Poems ............... ......... ...... ordsworth " .......... ." .................. Sidney Lanier ............... ....... Tennysonl GERMAN BOOKS. Porstmeister Reichardt... Marie Bernhart Complete Works, 9 vol... .... George Ebers Works of Wm. Hauss, 5 vol................... Primative South America .......... Griewe Pictures of Germany in 16th Century ... Freytag d. .............. Romance of a Court Dame..... Paul Hesse ........ Works of Fritz Reuter, 7 vol. Nibelungenlied.......................... ... Simrock J. M. HENNLNGER. W. w. HITCHCOCK. fI(f(0(K Itf[NNING6[R , Steaml and Hot Water Heating, Snitadry Pluibing and L _ Axetylene Gs... Estimates Furnished. HAVANA, ILL. W. E. BOWMAN. W. O. ANNO, owman c. Xnno, Contractors and S sj'/\ Builders., . O 81 I 3 8Rd ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. OFFICE: Plum St., South of Square. 39. VI. REFERENCE. REFERENCE. (TO BE USED IN LIBRARY ONLY.) Atlas ................. Rand McNally Age of Fable and Mythology...... Bulfinch Cyclopaedia, Amer. Biog.,6 vol., Appleton Cyclopaedia of Female Biography, Adams Cyclopaedia, 24 vol and Index, Britannica Supplement, 4 vol............... . " Americanized, 5 vol...... ............ Cyclopaedia of Law............... The Peoples Dictionary, International .......... Webster " and Cyclopaedia 10vol,Century " of Ameriean Authors......Adams " of United States Hist., Jameson " of Phrase and Fable.... .Brewer " of American Politics......Brown Facts about the War, 1 vol.......... Gazetts of the World..............Lippincott Parliamentary Rules of Order... :.Roberts Index to Harper's Magazine, vol 1-100 World's Best Literature, 30 vol, Warner Manual of Mythology ................. Murray Prime ...... Model Farm ......... Questions.....Craig Pros and Cons of Live References for Literary Workers, Matson Report of Adjt. Gen. Ill., 1861-66, 7 vol. Report Smithsonion Institution,'21 vol. Report Commissioner ofEducation, 11 vol RELIGIOUS. Vll. 40- RELIGIOU5. H oly Bible, (2)....... ........... .............. The Virtues ...................... B.... ierbower Darkest England ................ Gen. Booth Sermons................................Beecher Great Iron Wheel .................... Brownlow Pilgrims Progress ...................Bunyan Ten Great Religions, 2 vol .............. Clark Life of Christ ................................ Apostles Greatest Thing in the World, Drummond " The Ideal Life ......................... . Ascent of M an ........................... Natural Law in the Spiritual World " Key to the Scriptuers.......................Eddy Miscellaneous Writings .............. Hist. of the Reformation 5 vol, D'Aubigne Destiny of Man................................. isk Idea of God............ .......................... " Gladden Applied Christianity....................... Kept for the Master's Use. .... ... Havergal What the World Believes ............. Hagar Sermons ......................... Harshman Princein the House of David....... Ingraham Sermons ............................ Sam P. Jones Methodism in Illinois.....................Leaton Joys and Sorrows of Home......... Leland Save the Girls........... ..................... Long The Book Opened............................ Nevin Notes on Genesis................. C. H. M. New Testament................Revised Version 41. :RELIGIOUS. Story of Jesus......Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ....... Sheldon In His Steps........ .......... His Brother's Keeper. Richard Bruce........ .......... Christianity, Science of Manhood, Savage Open Secret......Hannah Whitehall Smith How to Bring Men to Christ.......Torrey Christians and Moors of Spain.... ..Youge History of M. E. Church, 2 vol..... Stevens Sowing and Reaping................... .Moody Josephus. .................. History of Religion to A. D. 200 ..... Waite M illennial Dawn, vol 1.................. A--- E. Sweney, SOUWTI BIDE GROCER. With a store at all seasons well filled wvith the best known merchandise, in styles and qualities that fashion sanctions and judgment commends-with prices based upon the fairest of margins, we feel that we are in an excellent position to meet the public's wants satisfactorily and economically. We respectufully solicit frequent calls. DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. Established 1.874. H. BREIDERT & CO.,.+ ...... Dealers in All Kinds of ...... Best Material, Lowest Prices. (orner Market and Orange Streets. 43. VIII. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. Report of Chief of Ordinance, 11 vol....... Geological Survey of Montana and Idaho Finance Report, 10 vol......... ....... ...... Report Interstate Commerce 2 vol. '89 '98 " of the Secretary Navy, 2 vol. 1898 " of Secretary of Treasury, 8 vol. 1885, 1889 to 1893, 1895, 1898 " of Adjutant General of Ill., 8 vol, " of Department of Interior, 10 vol. " of Agriculture, 9 vol........... " Commercial Relations of U. S. 6 vol " of Department of Public Works, Chicago, 2 vol................ Illinois Constitutional Con. of 1870, 2 vol Joint Committee of Reconstruction, 1866 Magnetism of Ships, 2 vol.............. Report of Illinois State Board of Health " of Bureau of Annual Industry, 1897 " of Postmaster General, 1898..... of Civil Service Commission, 3 vol. " of Commissioner of Labor, '92, -'98 "of the 10th Census, 9 vol., 1880..... " of the 8th and 9th Census, 3 vol.... " of Mint, 1899... War of the Rebellion, 13 vol................... Report of the Commissioner of Education, 11 vol., '80, '83 to '90, '96 to'98 Miscellaneous Gov. Reports, 37 vol........ Report of Smithsonian Inst., 21 vol.......... FRANK E. LACEY. LYMAN LACEY, Sr. LYMAN LACEY, SR. & SON, ATTORNEYS- AT- LAW. Office over Gordon's Drug Store, West of Court Square. * 8 G I AMill I lig l ll 8 l llll gll ill III l l:illllI HAVANA, ILLINOIS. llilIlltllllll l I lil i illll3 ullllllll fll i lll'u iii i I l . COLLINS, . Exocutor and Administralor. THOROUGH EXPERIENCE AND ATTENTION IN SETTLING ESTATES. .5!!.!5!'DillN iilllll Sill!llllllill'll llllSi IlllllIl T STll illlll ll ,llllS 51 ,'1 II , Chas. 2. ,A'knson, a DENTIST, OFPIC MCKNY OPPOSITE MCKINLY HOTUSE. a HA VANA, ILL. 45. IX. SCIENTIFIC. SCIENTIFIC, POLITICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL. A Naturalist About Home...Chas. Abbot Days out of Doors ........... Agassiz Geological Sketches, 2 vol............ Natural History.............. Live Questions, Political, (2)....... Altgeld Reign of Law........ ................. Duke Argyll Pre Historic Nations...................Baldwin ........ ..... Bayne Pith of Astronomy.... Looking Backward ................. Bellamy Equality....................... Bloxam Chemistry ................... Suggestive Therapeutics ............ Bernheim Theory of the State ........ ........ Bluntschli Physiology and Hygiene........ Brooks Women as Wage Earners, Hellen Campbell ........ Cazin Wonders of Heat ........ Theory of Wealth ................... Cournot Orbus Pictus................... ...... Comenius How to Know Wild Flowers ........... Dana Geological Observations........... Darwin ............. Descent of Man........... ..... " Origine of Species .......... Wonders of the Water .................... DeVere Science of Health..... ................. Eddy Labor Movement . ............. ...... Ely Monopolies and Trusts ....... ..... " Philosophical Works of Ferrier......... Destiny of M an ............. ...............Fiske Te avana Press. IT :IS NTN'RPRIRiSIN.-H.as all tke news. 1.00 Per Year IIT I I§ CLEAN.-Discriminates in its choice of selections. IT IS POPULAR.-Because it is "in touch" with the people. IT IS A WEEKLY PAPER.-Delivered at a time when people have leisure to read. IT IS THE FAMILY PAPER.-IS read in the home by those who can discriminate b)etween trash and value. J .. All the A b (o News. nt t ITS "MAKE UP" ISATTRACTIVE -Thereby enhansing the value of its advertisements. ITS CIRCULATION. - Possess- ing both quality and quantity -produces results. J. M. DALEY, Publisher. Ioll ,fiehaIIJlilI 11111 11l lll l SI IIi llil a!liSe I IS "S411I ll il l S0S :Vlllllll lie 1 IBOAT BUILDER. -: PROPRIETOR OF avana Boat Iouse, FOOT OF MARKET ST. Family, Hunting and Fishing Boats, Decoys and House Boats to let-. 47. SCIENTIFIC. Idea of God ........................................ Fiske " American Political Ideas ................. Civil Government in the U. S ............ Beginning of New England ............... " Dutch and Quaker Colonies................ Wonders of the Heavens........Plammarion A Year With the Birds................Plagg Progress and Poverty ............... George Gillemin Wonders of the Sun ... ............ Goode American Fishes ......... .Grant .............. Our Common Birds... Applied Christianity. .............. Gladden Ruling Ideas of the Age ............... How Plants Behave.....................Gray The Earth and Man.......................Guyot Story of Child Nature ................ Harrison Heweis Music and Morals...... .......... Book of the Black Bass.. ........... Henshall The Christian State................. Herron Taxidermity.............................. Hornady Physic Phenomena ............... ... Hudson Hutchinson ........... Laws of Health..... Methods and Results..................... Huxley " ... . Darwiniana. ........ ....... " Science of Education ............. " Science aud Hebrew Tradition...... Science and Christian Tradition.... M an's Place in Nature .................... Biological and Geographical Essays " Evolution and Ethics................. Hume and a Study of Berkeley...... Artistic Lighting in Photography... Inglis Peasant Rents ...... ........................... Jones SCIENTIFIC. 48. Manual of Chess...................... Kenny Natural Philosophy........................Kelvin Wonders of Meteors ........................... Lackland Political Ethics, 2 vol..................Lieber Wealth Against Commonwealth..... Lloyd Debates of Lincoln and Douglas....... The Human Body, (2)...................Martin Principles of Population........... Matthus Wonders of the Moon.................... Mead iller Bird Ways .............................. Political Economy.......................Mills Juvenile Offenders....... ........... Morrison .. England and Foreign Trade, 1664 .... Mun Nation .............................. Mulford The Popular Astronomy....... .. Newcomb Developement of the Child ...... Oppenheim Theory and Practice of Teaching......Page Home Economics............. ........ Parloa History of the Flag........................ Prebel Illustration of Books .................. .Penniel .......... Pepper Boy's Book of Science.. Human Intellect ....... ....................... Porter Mental Developement of the Child, Preyer Model Farm .............................. Prime roctor Other W orlds....... ................... P.. .... ...... ................ Playfair Euclid.... ........ uackenbos, Q... .... Rhetoric. .............. Wonders of Sound..........................Radan Smithsonian Institute, 20 vol. ....Reports Political Economy and Taxation, Ricards Roberts Modern Geology ............. Roscoe Elementary Astronomy..... ............. The True and the Beautiful...... Ruskin 49. SCIENTIFIC. Mercantile System..... ..... Schmoller Fermentation... ............... Schutzenberger Animal Life.. .... Semper Astronomy with an Opera Glass .... erviss S Industrial Democracy, Sidney and Beatrice Nature in a City Yard.. ................ Skinner Wealth of Nations, (2) ............... Smith Synthetic Philosophy, 10 vol .. Spencer Education .................... Study of the Child.......... .Taylor Adventure in Photography ......... Thanet Formation of Riches, ect..........Turgot Lessons in Electricity..............Tyndall Forms of Water..... ........ History of Philosophy 2 vol....Uuberweg Outlines of Sociology ......... Ward Silver and Gold ... ...... ...... White Warfare of Science with Theology..... Nature of the State..... ....... Willoughby Natural History, 5 vol., Illustrated,Wood Homes Under Ground...................... " Object Lessons in Botany............ Wood Youman New Chemistry ................ Turretts, Towers and Temples...Singleton Western Land Waters..........Gesslacker Patrons of the Havana Public Library are advised that at the store of GEO. A.DEH.M, CAN BE HAD NEARLY EVERYTHING IN FINE AND STYLISH * JILL WER V Ribbons, Laces,Veilings, Flowers, Velvets, Silks, Ornaments, Chil= dren's Headwear and Infants' Caps, Etc. - = The oldest millinery firm in Havana and the largest trade without exception, b ut with quiet and comfort to the customer in the busiest season SThere are no other millinery stores where money goes so far. Pattern Hlats which are Always Gems of dashlion, from $2.50 up. Anything that We do not have inStock We will Order for You. A coyrdial and hearty welcome to every woman in and about Havana interested in truly artistic headwear. 5I. X. FICTION. FICTION. Walter Aimwell Jerry .. ............. Her Dearest Foe............. Mrs. Alexander The Exeeutor .............. Ralph Wilton's Weird ...... " " At Saratoga .............. Josiah Allen's Wife Kentucky Cardinal ....................... Allen . .. Aftermath ............... For Mamie's Sake........................G. Allen Home Influence.............................Aguilar " Mother's Recompense............... Days of Bruce .......................... The Vale of Cedars ................ .............. Arthur Cast Adrift.......... ..... .... Orange Blossoms.. ............ Danger . ......................... On the Heights, 2 vol................Auerbach ... Edelweiss................... The Villa: on the Rhine, 2 vol... " A Nameless Nobleman ............... Austen Pride and Prejudice ................... Paste Jewels ............................... Bangs Ghosts I Have Met.......... ... Bow of Orange Ribbon.......... Amelia Barr " " A Daughter of Fife............... The Mutable Many..............Robt. Barr The Great Hesper ................. F. Barrett " By Misadventure ................... " The Sign of the Cross ........ Wilson Barrett The Little Minister.................... .... Barrie Sentimental Tommy ...................... A Widow in Thrums....................... PIIOPRIETOTIS OF I STANDARD RtlL[IR MILLS6. BRANDS: "6ROYAL"1 AND sSILVER -LEAF." .... DEALER IN ....... Pamous Ridgely Coal A Spec ialty... A Share of your Patronage Solicited. REAL~ ESTATE. Established rcrk 1.87 7. 6 29Vil 1LONNS. // b]fe "I]V43 JLC40IbB3t NorARY PUBIAC. NOTARY IBLIC.SEC Y HAVANA B3. & L. ASS'N. 53. FICTION. A Tillyloss Scandal ........................ Barrie Rose and Thorn ........................... Bates The Oklahoma Scout...............Baughman Endymion......................... Beaconsfield Lothair ................. ............ " From a Girl's Point of View, (2). ..... Bell Underside of Things ...... ........... ... " Looking Backward ................. Bellamy E quality ...... ...... ...................... .. All Sorts and Conditions of Men...Besant Fonntain Sealed .................. For Faith and Freedom ............ The City of Refuge... ................ The World went very well Then.... The Aztecs ....................................... Biart Geneva's Shield...... Rev. W. M. Blackburn Shandon Bells........................ ....... Black W hite W ings .... .......................... " Macleod of Dare... ................. Big Front Door....... ............ Bluntschli Health and Beauty ........................ Bouton My Brother Harold......... Miss Brightwell Dora Thorne .............................. Braeme Tempest and Sunshine............. Jenny.......................... ......... Wuthering Heights ..................... Bronte Jane Eyre .............. . ...... .... " Shirley ................................... The Master of the Strong Hearts, Brooks Spare Hours..................................Brown Wit and Humor ................ ......... " What is Worth While.................... Geraldine Hawthorne.... Beatrice M. Butt Dealermi A General Line of ALSO 'iLASS, QUEENS AND' WOODENWAIR[S. CAILLS ANSWERED AT ALL, HlOURS OFFTIE HOURS: f o 4 P. MI. 2Aysicla~n and Yza'un -m -W OFFICE NEAR (4OR1DON'S MUG STORE. HAVANA, ILL, HL IIn Hnvigoofsat, Keen Kutter Kutlery., Sporting Goods A Specialty. 55. FICTION. Broughton Belinda............................... Bulwer ........... Alice, 2 vol.. Chimes from Jester's Bell............ Burdett Herman the Magician............. Burlin game Fair Barbarian, (2) ............... Burnett That Loss O'Lowries................ Lady of Quality..................... " Pretty Sister of Jose ................... Burnham Sane Lunatic......... ...... " Miss Archer Archer................. Persimmons................ ........ Butler Old Creole Days............... ...........Cable Bonaventure .................. Grandissimes ....................... The Silent South .............. Dr. Sevier ..................... .... John March Southerner............... Memoirs of Emerson, 6 vol:......Cabot ............ Hall Caine The Bondsman..... The Deemster, (2) ............. " " " " ....... The Christian ....... " " She's all the World to Me ....... The Shadow of a Crime ........... Women as Wage Earners, Helen Campbell Cousin M ona...................................Carey Esther .............................. .... Aunt Diana.......................... ............ ... Mary St. John.. . .. Lover or Friend............... Robert Ord's Atonement ........ " ..... ...... ..... Merle's Crusade. .... .. ..... Cervantes Don Quixote Roman Life in Days of Cicero........ Church FICTION. 56. Story of Tonty................ .Catherwood Old Kaskakia...................... " Lady of Ft. St.John ........ " Spirit of an Illinois Town..... " Heroes of the Middlewest..... Richard Carvel....................... Churchill The Celeberity............................ A Woman's Temptation ................... Clay Down Durley Lane......... ............. Cloud ... Cooper Pioneers ............................... " The M ohicans........................... . .". The Deerslaver ..................... ... The Prairies.................. .... " .. " The Path Finder.............. " .. The Spy................................ Cobban A Nemesis.................... Woman in White............................Collins Connor Sky Pilot ............................. .................. Corelli . Thelma ................ ............... Wormwood ... Romance of two Worlds ...... Saracinesca ... ......................... Crawford Saint Ilario .................. " Casa Braccio, 2 vol ................. Roman Singer ......... ........ The Leeward................ ..... Prophet of Smoke Mountains...Craddock Where the Battle was Fought..... " " In the Tennessee Mountains.,.. Strange People's Country ..... Phantoms of the Foot Bridge..... The Men of the Moss Hags........ Crockett The Deserted Ship ................. Cupples -. e l. 1. leu, COMPLETE STOCK OF Pure Drugs. SODA WATER, Large assortment of Staple, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Manufactures and guarantees the following remedies: Reliable Sarsapariilla, For purifyinig and enriching the blood and building up the system. A L Rock Candy Cough Syrup, For all affections -of the throat. and lungs-a most valuable remedy. Wlite Liniment, For man and beast-gu aranteed to give satisfaction E N S Cream of.Roses For chapped hands and face---valuable after shliving. Sure Corn Cure, Never fails to remove the corn-only loc. Headache Capsules, Guaranteed to relieve the worst headache or money refunded-LOc. Cholera Cure, A guaranteed remedy for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and all Diseases of the bowels. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. Correct and latest styles of Stationery on hand. Satisfaction always guaranteed. J, PFETZINC ASON, Dealers in .. ALL KINDS OF Furnitupe. We carry a Complete Line and Prices Very Low. Special Attention Given to Undertaking and Emrnbalming... The Only Licensed Embalmer in the City. a~Il l~a~ - l il - llllll . 1li l - I:O. 5I 5 S lllillltslIii Ii a Pllitl,' all I' fl:l:m eltatiii;('IIa a Commercial Prinotr. NOT g-_ J T .. r1-_1CD MARKET STREET HAVANA, ILL. e're very busy. The above maxim tells why - - - - 59. FICTION. Prue and I.................. ................. Curtis The Cuban Heiress .................. Dollars Veiled Doctors............Varina Davis Soldier of Fortune .................. R. H. Davis " " The King's Jackal................. Gallegher and other Stories.... " " Van Biffer and Others ........... " " The Exiles.... ................ Corinne............ ....... .............. De Stael Oakleigh ................... ...................Deland Pickwick Papers .......................... Dickens " Bleak House............................. " Old Curiosity Shop................... . Dombey and Son........................ A Tale of Two Cities.. ........ " David Copperfield........................ Child's History of England ....... Barnaby Rudge.............. Oliver Twist ................. .. " Pictures from Italy ........... Temptation of Katherine Gray, Dickenson ".... " Among the Thorns ........... The Sign of the Four ........................ Doyle A Study in Scarlet, (2)................. " A Desert Drama ........................ Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes... ....... The Queen's Necklace...... ..........Dumas The Hero of the People................ Royal Life Guard .... ..... "...... The Count of Monte Christo.......... " Twenty Years After .................... " The Son of Porthos..... ...... Joaquin ....... ....... ...... ... ... EO. GORDON & CO. Are Headquarters for Anything Found in a First-Class Drug Store. BOOKS, STATIONERY and PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. II sgn aisuanu lt|lalell ilmll malmlllll ,|inmlmm mialls emmes m a a su mgomn isn' ms leusli:si an ei essI FRED. SHERMEYER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness Saddlery And a General Line of Collars, Whips, Blankets, Bridles, Robes, Etc. 61. FICTION. Monte Christo's Daughter.........Dumas The Mesmerist's Victim..................'" Taking the Bastile. ........... Balsamo, the Magician............ . Love and Liberty ....... ....... The Uncalled..... .... ...... Dunbar . Mrs. C. E.K.Davis Two Books...... W. D. Captain Waltham..... .... .:....J. U arda ...... ................... ......... .......... Ebers " A Thorny Path, (2)................. " Cleopatra, 2 vol., (German). ......... " Milbrant, 3 vol., .............. Der Kaiser, 3 vol., Serapsis, (German).................... The Circuit Rider .... .............. Eggleston The Hoosier.'School Master ...... The Hoosier School Boy...... " The Mystery of Metropolisville The Graysons..... . . ... " " The Faith Docto .................. The End of.the World .............. Adam Bede, (3) .................... Geo. Eliot The Mill on the Floss ............ Felix Holt.... ................. Clerical Life, (2)..... ........... Romola ........................ ....... " " " " " " " " Middlem arch..................... " " Infelice, 2 vol.............. .................. Evans " St. Elmo, 2 vol...... ..... . .... .. .. ... " Vashti,. 2 vol... . .................. " At the Mercy of Tiberius ............... ... ................... " Beulah.... Inez, (Paper) ............................ " A " $45.00 SEWING MACHINE FOR With Drop Head, High Arm and ball bearings like a bicycle We also have the EXPERT Ma= chine for $19 and the SEAM= STER for $23. Call and see them before you buy one not so good for $45. HARDWARE. 63. FICTION. Darkness and Dawn ................. ..Farrar Great Books................... The Youngest Miss Lorton......... Ferry The Last Assembly Ball ................ Foote The Led-Horse Claim .................. " The First Violin........................ Fothergill Hell-Fer-Sartan .................... ... .Fox The Kentuckians...... ...... ...... The Cliff Dwellers ........................ Fuller Gloria Mundi........... .............. Fredrick Souvenirs of my Time......... Mrs. Fremont A Literary Courtship .... ............... Fuller Leslie's Loyalty........................ Garvice Cranford.. ................ Gaskell Progress and Poverty....................George Eve's Ransom ...... ..................... Gissing Vicar of Wakefield.................... Goldsmith The Queen's Story Book.. ....... Gomme Heavenly Twins....................... Grand An Average Man... ............. Grant The Confessions of a Frivolous Girl " The Batchelor's Xmas............... Golden Age................ ......Graham Auretta's Husband.....................Greville King Sham.. ................ Greenlief All he Knew... ....... ..... Hobberton Allan Quartermain................ Haggard A Man Without a Country .............. Hale Alone................................. Harland From Youth Up.... ................. Mayor of Casterbridge................... Hardy Husbands and Homes........... " Far From the Maddening Crowd... Office Hours. P.L 9 to 12 A. M. '2to 5 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. II[[[BA(HIiR, M. ., WILL DO A GlENERAL PRAMI(e. Surgery and Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat a Specialty. THE NE W Is the place to get your Ice Cream Soda. Ice Cream in all Shapes and Styles, Fruits, Nuts and PURE HOMU-MAD[ (ANDY, ALWAYS fRE[S Masoni Building 'Main Street 2. ru. 9 J J fo HEPWORTH. $4rand, tano and Organ nstruclor. - Agent forSOHMER PIANOS. 65. FICTION. Marriage for Love................. .. Halevy Ships that Pass in the Night ...... Harraden The Sutherlands................... Harris Harrison Sweet Bells out of Tune.......... .... " Good Americans................. The Luck of Roaring Camp....Bret Harte Kept for the Master's Use........Havergale Julian Fortune's Fools ........... Hawthorne " Hawthorne and His Wife, 2 vol Seven Gables.......................Hawthorne The Marble Faun......... , Mosses From an Old Manse.. Scarlet Letter, (2)............ Grandfather's Chair........... " Little M asterpieces............... " Fanshawe, Dolliver Romance " Twice Told Tales............... A Penniless Girl ..................... :.Heimburg Bits of Talk About Home Matters...H. H. In His Own Way................... Holding ........ Terrors at Sea........ Tales of the Enchanted Island, Higginson Mistress of the Manse ................. Holland B itter Sw eet................................. Titcomb's Letters................. ...... Katherine............. " Arthur Bonnicastle. ............. Mary E. Holmes For a Woman's Sake...... " " English Orphans............ " Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Holmes " Our Hundred Days in Europe...... " Guardian Angel................. " Elsie Venner................. .......... i. A. WEABER, .------ DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH ING, CARPETS, FURNITURE, CLOAKS, MILLINERY. HAVANA, ILLINOS. Best Meal in City, 25e. Best Lunch Counter. WALTER SEAY, TESTA111HN AN HOII ELI RATES $1.00 PER DAY. Give us a Call. No. 55 South Side Main St. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 67. FICTION. Prisoner of Zenda.............................Hope Rupert of Hentzau......................... Phroso .................. ......... . A M an of W ork .................. .......... The God in the Car....................... " The Heart of Princess Osra............. Simon Dale.. ........... .............. ....... The Midnight Warning.............House Guenn.................. .................... H ow ard The Open Door ........................... The Rise of Silas Lapham........Howells Their Wedding Journey............... " The Quality of Mercy................. A Boy's Town ........................ Les Miserables..................... Victor Hugo The History of a Crime....... Ninety-Three. ........................ " " Notre Dame De Paris.......... Toilers of the Sea................. Couldn't be Bought ............. Huntington Prince of the House of David....Ingraham Ramona ....................... Helen H. Jackson The Europeans ................................ James The Americans ...................... .. The Awkward Age ........................ " Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow...Jerome Three Men in a Boat ................ A Country Doctor.................. Deephaven ....................... To Have and to Hold ..................... Johns Rasselas ......................... Sam'l Johnson Into Unknown Seas ........................ Ker " The Lost City. ........... .......... oes Ti nxWe. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. a am iii RATES $1.00 lste n ia l na a PER DAY. a aisim a iiiu a ia i i naia lilI iIms agg iym m a BEST ACOCOMMODATIONS. 0. EIlnjnjett, P. PROPRIETOR OF House. FIRST-CLASS MEALS 250. FIRST-CLASS BED 250. NORTH-WEST OOURT HOUSE SQUARE. FICTION. 6a. Romance of Stiffledame.......... ......... Keyfe Laramie ........... ........ ..... ........... King ......... Caiptain Blake..... ....... The Colonel's Daughter .............. Marion's Faith. .............. " Kittie-s Conquest .................. Florida Alexander ..................... Kinkhead Hypatia ................ ....... ... Kingsley Westward Ho. ............... Hereward ............. .......... .. Afternoons with Grandma ......... Kinmont The Light that Failed...............Kipling ........ The Dav's Work...... Captain Courageous .......... " " Departmental Ditties.............. ' Dorothy Dean ................. ........... ..... Kirk Jungle Book, 2 vol................... ............. Krauth Hans Sachs....... Mrs. Leicester's School...................Lamb Chas. O'Mally, 2 vol ....................... ever Tom Burke, 2 vol .................. " Wo0ld You Kill Him ?................. Lathrop Joy.sand Sorrows of Home.......... Leland My Uncle and my Cure .............. La Brete The Big Front Door ................. Leonard M. Long, the Converted Gambler, Long .... Save the Girls ................... Rory O'Moore.............................. Lover .. Lyall To Right the Wrong.. Won by Waiting, (2)................. ................. Knight Errant. A Hardy Horseman ............. .. In the Golden Days................" 0. D. COVINGToN, E. T. MUNGER, PRES. & MGR. C. P. KING, SECRETARY. TREASURER, iav'&a na Ieo/epAhone Co., MISS LULU WIENER, (hie Operator. MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Assistant Operator. JBusiness Houses $24 Per Year. RALS 1Private Houses $18 Per Year. O. D. COVINGTON, PRESIDENT. C. P. KING, SEC. AND TREAS. t/ectric Co., jNAavana 6 T.& I. AR( AND IN(AND[S(ENT SYSTIM, E. T. MUNGER, E. E. 7I. FICTION. Last Days of Pompeii ................ Lytton ........... ................... H a rold ..... ....................... Janoni. A Strange Story.................... Princess Sonia......................Magruder When Knighthood was in Flower, Major Through the Turf Smoke......... MacManns Success.................................Marden .............. M arford Over Sea................... The Disaster...................... Marguerite My Lady Nobody.................... Maartens Hopes of Hope Castle................Martyn .......... Marvel Reveries of a Bachelor ... " Dream Life.................................. A Titled Maiden........ Caroline Mason Getting on in the World...... Matthews In Kedar's Tents.................. .Merriman Huge Wynne, 2 vol ................. Mitchell " The Adventures of Francois......... Gloria Victis....................... Courtship and Matrimony........... Morris John Halifax, Gentleman.....Miss Mulock A Noble Life. ............. Christian's Mistake ............. The Moon Prince ................ M...unkittrick Adventures-of Kwei .................... Myra Donald Grant..................... Mac Donald ". " .. ... Cumbermede....... " " ....... Sir Gibbie...... ... ..... " The Back of the N6rth Wind " " Annals ofa Quiet Neighborhood " The Vicar's Daughter......... Lily Lass... .............................. M cCarthy C. X 0SO, if e DEALERS IN * *~ staple and Fancu Groceries ~lildlllgalthPi U^a1; .101 'ngiVg 018lhlarigs guna l mi d ugi g Ug tig lllBn ig IKE & SAM HENNINGER, . * DEALERS IN * - IS KILJIS OF FRSSA ALL 11mas I 0i3(L IE0 .w fAl ... M MA IN, 8, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. o inslullel nlllllgia ,lles olllll e llllleneis mi' le a ll ello al l atli11 g1il GENERAL REPAIR SHOP, FINE GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ell e 1nallO 73. FICTION. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, MacLaren Kate Carnegie ........................ A Doctor of the Old School...... ............... Afterw ards........ The Mystery ofBlencarrow, Mrs. Oliphant ..........................Ouida Toxin..... Page ......... Red Rock ................................. The Battle of the Strong ............... Parker ................ Palmer John-Jack.. ........ One Day's Weaving............... ' The Seats of the Mighty .............. Pauton ......... Dear Life ............ The Shape of Fear........................Peattie Uncle Peter's Trust..... .................. Perry .... Phelps The Gates Ajar ........ ............. The Golden Crescent .................... " The Silent Partner ........................ ........... ......... Come Forth Old Maids and Burglars ................ " A Dateless Bargain.......... .... Pirkis Porter Scottish Chiefs............................ " .............. of Warsaw, (2) Thaddeus Queen of the Woods......... Chief Pokagon Prentiss Stepping Heavenward ......... Old Ledger ............ Prosser Quality Fogg's How they Kept the Faith.........Raymond A Kentucky Colonel..................Opie Reed " " The Jucklins ................... ... " of Caney Fork....... " The Waters " Judge................. " A Tennessee " Old Ebenezer........................... " " West....... A Yankee from the Joyous Stories of Tonto.......Richards OU11R LADD)ER1 TJO SUCCESS. Progressive Methods (ourtesy. Cleanliness. Complete Stock. Accurate (ompoundinig. Pure Drugs. Experience. Skill. Study. Your Patronage is Solicited when in need of DRUos, PATENT MEDICINES ETC. (ARL J. PFf ZING, Daulgist. Squar. 18111,,b~l l lO0lltl n~ul 011 111111 mll sll l!l lb f nillllall i1i 11 f 0o 11 118, 1 1 41 llb ll tll l iL tlll iniA, DEALER IN - piaos, Orgas, lstiunjets, S uslila l I SHEET MUSIC, SEWING MACHINES AND JEWELRY. Repairs and supplies for the above Instruments. B ORANGE STREET.e ~ HAVANA, ILLINOIS. FICTION. 75. Hard Cash...... ..................... Chas. Reade " Put Yourself in His Place ....." " Christie Johnson.................. Peg Woffington .................. " " A Simpleton.. ........... Pipes of Pan at Zekesburg,James W. Riley A Child's World.. ............ Arm azindy.................... .. " " " " " " " " Sketches inProse ............. Green Fields and Running Brooks Prince and Musician............... Ring Barriers Burned Away .................... Roe The Earth Trembled.. .................... " A Knight of the XIX Century........... " Brought to Bay ................ ..... A Trooper of the Empress............ Ross Sesame and Lilies...................... Ruskin St. Mark's Rest................... "........... Crown of Wild Olives The True and the Beautiful.......... " ... Russel A Marriage at Sea .... The Flying Dutchman ............ A Strange Elopement ..................... A Little Colonial Dame ................. Sage The Haunted Pool .......................... Sand Consuelo .............................. ......... Scott Anne of Grierstein, (2) .......... ........ ....... Ivanhoe, (2) ................. ................. W avereley ...................... Tales of a Grandfather, 3 vol ........ ....... The Talisman................. Frankenstein ............................... Shelley David Hunt .......................... Stephens L. R. Haack & Son, : * DEALERS IN & ~ - .Wll Paper, Paints, - - Oils, Varnishes, Prepared Paints, and Wood Moulding. Painting and Papering Done on Reasonable Terms, Estimates Furnished. ORANGE STREET.__. lnslslslll *l i ui sIIi I Dl lesa l seilsl is l 1 I liasl i l lIl:III tI HUGO OSWALD, CityBak ry aBd C nfBclion ry. 118 NORTH ORANGE STREET. I1194il 1i44 1111111!14111 41h4 1i4 § 1g!] i: | §| ! Ill0Sltc 1ll lllll ll 0Bll ll J. D. GRAY, 1ATT ORNEY-AT-LAW, JIS~~4p~~TfaILAZ rell i 77. FICTION. In His Steps........ ......... Sheldon Richard Bruce................ His Brother's Keeper ................... " Quo Vadis.......... ............... Sienkiewicz " With Fire and Sword ............... An Island Heroine........................Sleight M arse Chan.................................Sm edley Col. Carter of Cartersville ............. Smith i Tom Grogan ............ ......... The Scottish Orphans......Lady Stoddard My Wife and I, (2). .............. Stowe '" We and Our Neighbors. ................ " Uncle Tom's Cabin, (2): ............... Palmetto Leaves............... Old Town Talk............................. D red ............ ................. ....... The Minister's Wooing.............. The Lady or the Tigar.............Stockton " The. Hundredth Man...... .......... Jolly Fellowship .............. Associate Hermits. ........... " The Girl at Cobhurst.............. " The Late M rs. Null.................... Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Stevenson .............. Hyde ..... K ing Noanett........ ..................... StensonEugene Sue The Wandering Jew. ......... Ursula Vivian.............:.............. ...Swan Swazey A Boston Girl....................... Gulliver's Travels .............................. Swift How They Went to Europe...........Sydney The Present of a Mistress ............ Taylor D isplay .......................................... o 8o - 7 Clcuser - For All Kinds of - - INSURANCE, - - OFFICE AT - CLAUSEFR BROS.. THE LEADING PSotogI aplos. Life Size Crayon, Pastel and India Ink Portraits a Specialty. CABINETS $I.oo A DOZEN. 79. FICTION. Quits-A Story..........................Taulphens Beauty and the Beasts................ Taylor " Joseph and His Friend.............. Views a Foot ........................... " Ruth Prentice............ ...... ......... Thorne The Virginians, (2).................Thackery The New com bs ........................... Vanity Fair.......... ........ Esmond ........... .......... Pendennis... ................ W ar and Peace...........................Tolstoi Childhood, Boyhood and Youth... " Bricks Without Straw.............Tourgee A Fool's Errand, (2) ......... An Appeal to Caesar.......... ... Hot Plowshares .............. Murvale Eastman ................... " Pactolus Prime ...................... " ................ Black Ice. " Button's Inn ................ Chinmmie Fadden............. ....... Townsend Chimmie Fadden Explains...... The Prince and the Pauper, Mark Twain A Tramp Abroad ............... Pudd'n Head Wilson.......... Life on the Mississippi......... Innocents Abroad ............... " " One Man who was Content, Vanhensselaer Michael Strogoff..................Jules Verne Giant Raft, (2)............... " " '' " Wreck of the Chancellor ....... The Gadfly ... ... Voynich The Wide Wide World . ........ .... Wetherell DR L.G. PULL EN, DE NTIST. ICity Lots • In Windsor's New Addition to theCity of Havana. These are fine lots east of Promenade St., with Electric Lights, City Water and Sewer, and will make good homes or investment. Ai. E1S 9l St11il . I 1 O .i GEORGE COLEMfAN, IN[ 6 OMNIBUS,BAiGGG IRS[R LIM51 To and From All Hotels, Depots and All Parts of the City. 8-r. FICTIO N. The Fair God ........... ........ Wallace The Prince of India, 2 vol...... " ................. Ben Hur, (3) The Story of Bessie Costrell............Ward .... Rob't Elsnere ............. Deldee............................ Warden Doris' Fortune....... ........ Scheherazade....... ....... Melbourne House ........................ Warner* A Round About Journey............ In the Wilderness, (2).............. " Mummies and Moslems .............. .. Wescott David Harum, (2) ............ A Gentleman of France............... Weyman " . Under the Red Robe .......... The House of the Wolf ............... The Man In Black ............ Colonial Days and Dames......... Wharton ............... ....... Wheeler Maurine ....... No. 5 John St ........................... W hiting The Awakening of Mary Fenwick, Whitby Mary Fenwick's Daughter............Whitby The Monk and Hangman's Daughter.. The World Beautiful, (3) .......... Whiting .Whitney A Golden Gossip. Ascutney Street....... ....... " Faith Gartney's Girlhood ............ ....... Wiggin Marm Lisa., ........... " Penelope's Progress................ The Story Hour................. Prince of Good Fellows...............Wilmer Gray Days and Gold.................... Winter The Canoe and the Saddle ....... Winthrop 8' a DEALER IN ,: Staple andfancy roceries, Glass, Queens, Wooden and Willowwares. Fine Fruits and Confections a Specialty. Paid for Prod-uce. Highest Prices COR. PLUM AND MARKET STS. lltal u~ lUenanoneanelloteII i 1111111 l al h ol' o :OI , S e HAVANA, ILL. I9 efi: 1011 e u I1 l Ili I Iot1 tu' u n SUBSCRIBE FOR MASON COUNTY DEMOCRAI Largest Circulation of Any Paper in Mason County. Subscription $x.oo Per Year In Advance. I. A.M[HLOP, Publisher. a* 83. FICTION. Young Lucretia, (2)..................... Wilkins Jerome....... ... " Pembroke... ............. ....... A Pot of Gold ........................ Silence ............. .................... A Humble Romance ................ Old Mam Selles' Secret.................... Wister The Little Moorland Princess......... A Penniless Girl.............. .... . .. " .Wright The Complete Home. " A Plain Woman's Story............... The House on the Beach ............... " A Superfluous Woman....... .Yonge Two Sides of the Shield........... The Dove in the Eagle's Nest......... Unknown to History..................... " The Master.......................... Zangwill Without Prejudice..................... Children of Ghetto' ........... ......... Zola Doctor Pascal............................ Dan Drummond.........................Zollinger d.B.10l igIt, . ., o OSTEOPATH.Y, DISEASES PECULIAR TO THE FEMININE SEX A SPECIALTY. OFFICE OVER BODECKER S GROCERY STORE. CORNER MARKET AND PLUM. 85. usand REGULATIONS. egu/lahons OF THE c averna fb'ui4 i 7brary. The Library year as follows: and from :30 p. 1:30p. m. to 4:) ARTICLE I. and Reading Room shall be open on each day of the Every day except Sunday from T:30 p. m. to 5:00 p. inm. in. to 9:15 p. mn. On Sundays it shall be open from p. m. ARTICLE II. Any person of good deportment and habits may use the Library, and Reading Room during open hours subject to the following restrictions: Loud conversation and other conduct not consistent with the quiet, orderly and cleanly use of the Reading Room is prohibited, ARTICLE IIL Any resident or tax payer in the city of Havana over 12 years of age may obtain books from the Library by complying with either of the following rules: Sec. 1. He shall sign an application statifig)is name in full, place of residence and occupation, and sign an conform the fules of the Library; to pay any fines he agreement tounder the torules may incur and to notify the Librarian immediately of any change of residence. He shall secure the name of some responsible citizen as his indorser, said endorser agreeing to make good any loss which may accrue from, failure of said applicant to fulfill his agreement. The Librarian shall then enter applicant's name on a ledger opposite the proper number, together with his residence and the name and residence of his indorser, and furnish him with a printed card having a number corresponding to the ledger number. Upon this card shall be entered the date upon which every book is drawn and it must always be presented when a book is to be drawn, renewed or returned. Such card shall not betransferrable but may be used temporarily by another person upon the written order of the holder. Sec. 2.. By depositing with, tlhe Librarian a sum sufficient to make good the loss which would accrue to the Association from tlhe non-return of such books. This clause shall be extend 'to residents an'd tiansients within Havana alike. Sec. 3, Teachers in the Havana Schools may have issued to them a teachers card, on which they may draw five books, at one time for class work. Such books however, being subject to recall at any time by the Librarian. ARTICLE IV. The Librarian shall institute a registration list for those desiring the use of a book, that may at any time be out. Such persons by the payment of a fee of,three cents, may have the volume retained when it comes in and a notice, sent that the book will be held 24 REGULATIONS. 86. hours, after which time if uncalled for it shall be placed in circulation The Board of Directors may for special reasons admit to the use of the Library persons not actual residents of the city of Havana. Any non-resident of Havana and not a tax payer therein, may become en'titled to the privileges of the Library by paying a membership fee of fifty cents per quarter, or one dollar and fifty cents a year. ARTICLE V. No person shall have for home use more than one volume on any oneday, and no book shall be retained by one person borrowing it more than ten (10) days; provided always, that any book, exeept books of reference and seven day books, may be renewed once by the same person, but may not be renewed a second time until it shall have been returned to the Library and remained on the shelves a full library day, and provided further, that should a book be taken out by deposit of fee and not returned until thirty (30) days the deposit shall be declared forfeited and become the property of the Association. ARTICLE VI. When a book has been over due one week the Librarian shall send a written notice to the person to whom it is charged through the mail, and at the end of two weeks if the book is not returned a messenger shall be sent to secure the book together with the card by which it was drawn ; and the expense of such notice and messenger shall be charged to the delinquent; nor shall he be admitted to the privileges of the Library until all accounts and penalties have been paid. ARTICLE VII. When a book comes in over due and the fines are unpaid, the card shall be retained by the Librarian and no other book issued on such card until all fines have been paid. ARTICLE VIII. When a card comes in which is wrongfully held by the party presenting it the Librarian shall take it up. ARTICLE IX. A person who has drawn a book from.the Library shall not loan it to any one not a member of the same household. ARTICLE X. All injury to books, beyond reasonable wear, and all losses shall be made good to the satisfaction of the President of the Board by the parties liable. Each book detained beyond a period of thirty (30) days shall be deemed lost and the endorser notified. ARTICLE XI. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library by violation of the rules and regulations or by intentional defacement of a book by writing in it, or in any other manner, shall be reported to the directors and may by them be excluded from the Library for a time or permanently, according to the nature and degree of the offense. ARTICLE XII. The Librarian shall keep a list of all books not belonging to the Library, but which are called for, and report the same to the Chairman of the Committee on Library and Reading Room on the Ist of each month. ARTICLE XIII. The Librarian shall keep a list of all books which may be with drawn from circulation from any reason whatever and report the same to the Board on the 1st of each month. 87. REGULATIONS. ARTICLE XIV. Reference books, costly works and volumes of sets which cannot be readily replaced, shall not be loaned out for home use, except in special cases by permission of.the Committe on Library and Reading Room. ARTICLE XV. Any book being returned shallbe detained until it can be carefully examined by the Librarian, before being again let out. The Librarian shall make a note of all defacements found on books. ARTICLE XVI. Books of recent purchase'labelled "seven day books" shall not be retained more than one week and cannot be renewed. ARTICLE XVII. These rules and regulations are subjectto alteration and amendment or revision at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE I. The. regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p. m., the regular meeting in July to be the annual meeting, and the fiscal year shall begin June Ist, of each year. ARTICLE II. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary upon .the written request of the President or any two members of the Board.. The notice of any special meeting shall state the business of the meeting and shall be given at least one day before the date of such meeting, axcept, in the case of emergency, the President may call a meeting at any time. ARTICItE III. Five Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board, but no appropriation shall be made and no indebtedness incurred to an amount exceeding $100, without the concurrent votes of a majority of all the members of the Board. BY-LAWS. 88. ARTICLE IV. The orderof business of the Board, except at special meetings shall be as follows: 1. Roll Call. . Reading minutes of previons meeting and special mneeings following it. 3. Reading Communications. 4. Report of Librarian. 5. Report of Committee on Finance. 6. Report of Committee on Library. 7. Report of Committee on Building and Groun(ds. 8. Report of Committee on Administration. 9. Report of Special Commitiees. 10. Unfinished business. 11. Election of Officers. 12. New Business. ARTICLE V. The Board shall at the regular meeting in July organize by electing a President, a Vice President and a Secretary whose term of office shall be one year, or until their successors shall have been elected. ARTICLE VI. It shall be the duty of the President to be present at all meetings of the Board, to sign warrants for all vouchers approved by the Board or the Library Committee, to appoint all standing Committees, and to prepare for the consideration of the Board the annual report of the Board of Directors required by the 7th Section of the "Free Public Library Act" ARTICLE VII. In the absence or inability of the President to act, his duties shall be performed by the Vice President, except that in the absence of the President and Vice President, a quorum of the Board may elect a temporary chairman. ARTICLE VIII. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to be present at all meetings of the Board and to keep accurate minutes of all transactions, to attest all drafts drawn on the Library fund in accordance with their rules, and to keep a list of tall subjects referred to the Committee of the Board, with dates of reference. ARTICLE IX. The Librarian under control of the Board of Directors shall have general charge and superintendence of the Library in all its departments and of all employes thereof; he shall enforce the ru es of the Library impartially towards all persons; he shall keep a list of the number of books and periodicals on hand, the number added by purchase, gift or otherwise, and the general character and kind of such books, which he shall submit monthly to the Board with such other statistics, information or suggestions as he may deem (-)f interest, and he shall also report on the general conduct and efficiency of the employees of the Lib 'ary; he shall have the power to suspend any employee on account of absence, want of attention to business, want of courtesy or improper behavior and shall report the fact to the Board; hle shall appoint substitutes to fill vacancies in the force of employees, reporting his action to the Board at the next meeting. He shall ex- 89. BY-LAWS. amine all bills and certify such as he finds to be correct; he shall pre-. pare for the use of the Committee on Library, lists of books to be purchased, and shall have executive superintendence of all matters under supervision of the Board and its Committees; he shall notify members of the meetings of the Board and thfe Committees, unless excused, and he shall perform such duties as may be required by the Board or Committee on Library. ARTICLE X. COMMITTEES. The standing Committees of the Board shall be four, as follows: 1. Committee on Finance and Auditing, consisting of 3 members. 2. Committee on Library and Reading Room, consisting of 3 members. 3. Committee on Buildings and Grounds, consisting of 3members. 4. Committee on Administration consistug of the President, Vice President, and the chairman of each of the other standing Committees; the President of the Board to be Chairman. ARTICLE XI. The Committee on Finance and Auditing shall have supervision of all matters relating to the accounts of the Library and the revenues arising from the Library fund and from all other sources. It shall examine all vouchers and accounts other than those for books, periodicals and binding, and shall report to the Board on the c(rrectness of all bills submitted to this Committee. All bills submitted to this Committee shall be certified by the Librarian, or some member of the Board having a knowledge of their correctness, and shall be examined and endorsed by atleast two members of the Committee before they are presented to the Board for payment. Itshall be the duty of this c(ommittee to devise ways and means to meet the financial wants of the' Library, and to suggest to the Board of Directors such measures as in their judgment may seem advisable. The Committee is authorized to pay salary and blls that have been fixed as to time and amount by the Board, as they become due and report the same to the Board of Directors at i s next meeting. The Board may place in the hands of the Librarian a contingent fund out of which he may pay any account against the Board not exceeding ten dollars. ARTICLE XII. The Committee on Library shall have supervision of all matters relating to the selection, purchase, exchange and binding of books and periodicals; the disposition of duplicates or other superfluous books the preparation of books for use, their use and circulation and the needful examination of the Library. All purchases made by this Committee shall be reported by them to the Board at its next regular meeting for approval, and the President and Secretary are authorized to sign warrants for all vouchers approved by a majority of the Library Committee. ARTICLE XIII. The Committee on Building and Grounds shall have supervision in all matters relating to leasing, construction, alteration, repair, furnishing, heating, lighting, order and cleanliness of the rooms or building used for the purpose of the Library and in relation to insurance of all Library property. ARTICLE XIV. The Committee of Administration shall have charge of-all proposed changes in the By-Laws and Regulations of the Library. ARTICLE XV. These regulations may be changed or amended by a majority of the full Board of Directors upon a month's notice at a regular meeting. fndex to Pdvertisemens. Albright, J. B., Osteopath .......... ............................ 84 Allen W. H., Druggist............ ................ 57 Ames C. S., Harness Shop.... ............. ........... 26 Atkinson Chas. M,, Dentist... ....................... 44 Bodecker O. H., Grocer...................... ..... 82 Borgelt F. & C ., Grocers..................................... ............... 30 Bowman & Anno, Contractors and Builders...................... 38 Brandt R. Aug., Piano M usician ............ ....................... (4 'Breidert H , Marble Works.. . ......................... 42 Bruning H. G., Lumber..... ....... ............... 12 Bush Miles F., Commercial Printer............................... 58 Chow Richard, Picture Frames and Upholstering............ 22 Clauser Bros., Photographer....................... .................. 78 Clauser D. N., Insurance....................... 78 ........ ........ Clark M. M., Coal.......................... ................ 14 Coat H. G., Coal................... ................... 52 Coleman George, 'Bus Line .................................... 80 Collins H. A., Executor and Administrator ................... 44 D ehm G . A ., M illinery.................................... 50 Dehm Jos. & Son, Grocers................ ............ 26 Dieffenbacher P. L., Physician........... ....................... 64 Dreier Fred, Gents Furnisher .................................. 18 Duing Wm., Merchant Taylor...................................... 72 Electric Light Co.,................... .... . 70 Emerson T. W., Lumber Co................. ................. 28 Friye W. D., Livery Stable............. ........... 106 Gordon Geo. & Co., Druggists..... ................. 60 Goss Mrs. Winona, Millinery .............. ............... 10 Gray John D., Attorney............... ................. 76 Haack L. R. & Son, Painters ............... ........... 76 Hackman & (Co.,DryGoods and Clothing..... ..................... 92 H avana. N ational Bank................................................... ........ 20 Havana Press ....................................... 46 Havana Republican ............. Havighorst H. H., Hardware............................... 54 Harpham O. H., Hardware..................................... 62 Heater Perry, Meats................... .......... ........... 66 Heinrich J. W., Musical Instruments ............................ 74 Henninger Ike & Sam, Meats............. ... ........ 72 Hepworth J. A., Candy Kitchen............................. 64 Hitchcock & Henninger, Plumbers........................... 38 Holzgrafe G. B., Hardware .................... ....... ... ..... 68 Hopping O. P., Physician........ ................ 54 Joyce E. M ., G rocer......... ...... ................. 10 ........ ....... Krampff & Kyle, Ice........... ..... 22 ......... 30 Krebaum Adolph, City Lots................. Lacey L, Sr. & Son, Attorneys........................ ...... 44 Lindberg P., Book Store......................... 22 ................ List E. J., Veterinary and Livery.. .................. 92 Lux C. H. & Son, Grocers.... ....... ................ 72 Mason County Bank............ .................. 20 Mason County Democrat.................. ............... 82 M cFadden & Co., G rain ...................... .................................. 18 McHose Geo. E., Boat Builder.............. ......... .......... 46 McKinley House, Hotel....... .... 68 Meyer Bros., Dry Goods.. .. ............ 4 Meyer G. T., Dry Goods and Clothing ................ .. 14 Mitchell F. I., Real Estate and Insurance .................. 52 Mohr G. C., Baker and Confectioner ............ ....... 36 Morphew E. A., Repair Shop...... ...... 72 Nortrup H. R., Attorney at Law............ 18 O sw ald H dgo, B akery............................76 ................................ Pfetzing Carl J., D ruggist.. ......... ............................. ........... 74 Pfetzing Justus & Son, Furniture and Undertaki ng ........ 58 P ollitz F ., Dry G oods ... ..... ........................... ........................ 42 Pullen L . G ,,Dentist .......... .. :.. .. . ............ ...... 80 Reichel & Wynn, Millers.................... 52 Seay Walter, Restaurant................................ ................. 66 Servoss A. G., Physician.................... .......... 34 Schilling J. M., Grocer ........ .. ...... 4..........54 Schill Chas., Stoves and Tinware .... ..... ................. 92 Schulte John A., Fish and Game....... .................. 34 Shermeyer Fred, Harness Shop................................... 60 Sweeney E., Grocer....... ... . .................. 42 Telephone Com pany ....................................... 70 Unglaub & Co., Boots and Shoes .................................. 34 Weaber J. A., Dry Goods and Clothing .............................. 66 Windsor A. E., City Lots......................................80 Zelle B., Dry Goods and Shoes........................... .............. 6 DR . . J. LIST, E Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. PROPRIETOR OF NEW [IYLRY AND f[D BARNE Everything New and infirst-(lass Shape. Main St., South of Court House. l 1 1140l "l I Is l,, 1 l I, . 14A A l .l I I I .1 ll :'II ,4I i i ,i1 | I I Being fair with the people, makes the people fair with us. We seek to give you under all circumstances . . . SUPERIOR QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. . . Therefore we invite you to give us one trial, that's sufficient for us to do, you'll invite yourself to . . give us many others. . Hackman & Co. OUR MOTTO: "HIGHEST QUALITY FOR LOWEST PRICE." II;A lli 11111 21B,l l 'ollllo0l'lillllllll14i8i I111; I81411 IH i:I'I III 11 ll l 11611111 IP Illlllllll 8)! 1 111 CHAS, SCHILL, * STOVES TINWARE. NEW BOOKS. - *DEALER o, IN<+ ons, All Kinds of Fine Watch and Clock Repairing. WE MAKE ASPIALTY Of lasses. NO (AR6E FOR EXAMINATION. Zt-REMEMBER, We guarantee all our work and firstclass workmanship in every respect. Cornet Main and Orange. Twelve Havana Children Have been sent to The Christian Home, ARON1-S (IARIAN ORPIIANA6[, - LOCATED AT ,- COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Only one city, town or county in the United States has sent more than Havana. Eight of these children are now being fed, clothed and educated in this institution at an expense to this Home of about $850.00 per year. This Orphanage was organized 17 years ago. It will receive children from any part of the world, without money and without price. IT NEVER SEPARATES FAMILIES. It has rescued 1500 children. The average num- ber of inmates is 250 per year. The Home has no endowment fund. It is supported entirely by free will offerings. Contributions for the support of this Home are respectfully solicited. For further information apply to Mrs. H. F. Jencks or Mr. H. A. Collins. pp/ement Javana 9ub/oi .cirary Cataloyus .aVn u, fuiinois. FIRST SUPPLEMENT .. TOTHE... HAVANA PUBLIC LIBRARY. NOVEMBER, 1903. I. BIOGRAPHY. Life of President Garfield...................... W. R. Balch Life of R. L. Stevenson, 2 vol .......... ...... ......... Balfour Bourne Life of John Locke............................... Life of McKinley....... :.........................Bishop Fallows Blaine and Logaai.....................................Houghton Riis . Making of an American........................... Boy's Life of McKinley...........................Stratemeyer II. HISTORY. History of Italy................................... Abbott " ... History of Austria .................... History of China ........................................ Boulger History of the Civil War........................ ........ Cheney ............ Clark History of Turkey.................... ... Dickens History of England............................... .................. Dickson History of Japan................. History of United States, 8 vol.............................Ellis History of Rome, 6 vol........................Gibbon .................... Grattan History of Holland... ..... . History of England, 4 vol.... ......................... Green 'Short History of the English People ................ History of Greece, 12 vol...........................Grote Story of Cuba........................... ............. Halstead d- History of U. S. of America, 3 vol... ......... Hawthorne " History of Spanish America................... American Government............................Hinsdale Hand Book of United States History,..............King ................ Kitto History of Palestine ..................... .............. Mather Making of Illinois............................ - History of Egypt...........................................McCoan History. of Germany, 4 vol.............................Menzel ............. Nilsson ......... History of Sweden....... Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vol........................Parkman " Wolfe and Montcalm, 2 vol.......................... " Frontenac and New France..................... " Old Regime in Canada........................... ....................... Jesuits in North Ameri hA I 2 Supplementry Catalogue to PublicLibrary. Pioneers of France in New World................Parkman Pioneer History of Illinois ....................Reynolds History of Mexico, 2 vol.......... ....... Prescott History of Peru, 2 vol........................... " History of Russia, 2 vol.. ................... Rambaud Hero Tales from American History Roosevelt & Lodge Ancient History.............................. ........ Rollin Early Pioneers of Illinois ..................... .... Ross History of Scotland, 2 vol.. ..... .....Scott Story of our Continent....... ................ Shaler History of Norway................................Sorensen Ancient Empires........................................ Stevens Expansion of Am. People..... ..................... Sparks History of Ireland ............................. Thebaud History of Ancient Geography.......................Tozer History of India.................. ............. Wheeler History of Spain........................ ......... .Wilberftorce Great Battles of the War ............................. oung II. JUVENILE. Marco Polo's Voyages and Travels.................Abbott Stories of Rainbow and Lucky.................... " Adventures in Boston.................................... Adventures in New York............................ Adventures in Vermont..... .............. . Stuyvesant .............................. Little Men...................................................Alcott Garland for Girls ................................... Old Fashioned Girl..................................... Adventures of JimmyBrown........................... Alden Moral Pirates.................... ................... Fame and Fortune .............................. Alger Jr The Match Boy.................................. Strong and Steady......... ........ .... Tom Temple's Career.... ............................. Tom Thatcher's Fortune ...................... . " Train Boy ............ ............................. " Fairy Stories .... ............. ......... Baldwin I. BIOGRAPHY. Life of President Garfield.......................W. R. Balch Life of R. L. Stevenson, 2 vol........................Balfour ............. Bourne Life of John Locke......................... Life of McKinley.............................. .Bishop Fallows Blaine and Logan..................................... Houghton Making of an American ..................................... Riis Boy's Life of McKinley.............................Stratemeyer II. HISTORY. History of Italy.............................................Abbott ......... " History of Austria........................ History of China........................................Boulger History of the Civil War........... .................Cheney C.....Clark History of Turkey............................ ........... History of England.............................................Dickens History of Japan........................................Dickson History of United States, 8 vol..........................Ellis History of Rome, 6 vol .................................. Gibbon ...................... Grattan History of Holland.......... History of England, 4 vol............................. Green Short History of the English People ............ History of Greece, 12 vol....................................Grote Story of Cuba...............................alstead History of U. S. of America, 3 vol:...........Hawthorne " 'History of Spanish America..................... American Government ....................................... Hinsdale Hand Book of United States History...............King Kitto History of Palestine..... ...................... ................................ Mather Making of Illinois ...... McCoan History of Egypt........................... History of Germany, 4 vol.......... ................. .Menzel Nilsson ... ..... History of Sweden ............... ..... Parkman Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vol ........... " Wolfe and Montcalm, 2 vol .......................... " Frontenac and New France................. Old Regime in Canada................... " Jesuits in North America ............................... 2 Supplementry Catalogue to Public Library. Pioneers of France in New World .............. Parkman Pioneer History of Illinois.........................Reynolds History of Mexico, 2 vol..................................Prescott History of Peru, 2 vol................................. " History of Russia, 2 vol................................Rambaud Hero Tales from American History Roosevelt & Lodge Ancient History ............ .......................... Rollin Early Pioneers of Illinois...,....... ....................... Ross History of Scotland, 2 vol..............................Scott Story of our Continent....................................Shaler History of Norway. .................. .......Sorensen Ancient Empires............. .............. ..................... Stevens Expansion of Am. People.......... .................. Sparks History of Ireland......................................... Thebaud History of Ancient Geography..........................Tozer History of India......................... ............... Wheeler History of Spain.................................. .Wilberlorce Great Battles of the War ................................. Young III. JUVENILE. Marco Polo's Voyages and Travels.............Abbott Stories of Rainbow and Lucky ..... .......... " Adventures in Boston...................................... Adventures in New York ............................ Adventures in Vermont................................... Stuyvesant.. ................ .............. "... Little M en...... ............. ........................... Alcott Garland for Girls......................................... Old Fashioned Girl.................... .................. Adventures of Jinmy Brown......................... Alden Moral Pirates ............................. " Fame and Fortune ......................................... Alger Jr The Match Boy................................. Strong and Steady............................ Tom Temple's Career..................................... Tom Thatcher's Fortune .......................... Train Boy.................................. ...... Fairy Stor'.s................. ..................... Baldwin Supplementry Catalogue to Public Library. 3 Who Goes There..............................................Benson Milly Darrell ............................................. Braddon A Jolly Cat Tail.......................................... Browne ........ Bugle Echoes............................... 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