BOOKS FOR NEW AMERICANS Published by the MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY FEBRUARY, 1917 Books for New Americans P FOR BEGINNERS I N ENGLISH. Lfi Adkins, F. J. English course for evening students. Arbib-Costa, Alfonso. lese. Austin, Ruth. 2Mb236al Lezioni graduate di lingua ing2Mb664al Lessons in English for foreign women. 2Mb937al Barnes, M. C. Early stories and songs for new students of English 2Mb260bl Berger, Hugo. L a t w a metoda gruntownego nauczenia sie w krotkim czasie jezyka angielskiego, z kluezem. Ypm496bl Beshgeturian, Azniv. Foreigner's guide to English Blount, Ch. Right way to learn English. per imparare Finglese). 2Mb554bl (La vera via 2Mb657bl Boeri, G. B. Corso graduato e completo di lingua inglese. v. 1: etimologia. 2Mb672bl Chancellor, W. E. Reading and language lessons for evening schools. 2Mb454cl Standard short" course for evening schools. 2Mb454c2 Elfstrand, Daniel. English grammar for the use of Swedish schools. 2Mb39el Faustine, Madeline, and Wagner, M. E. New reader for evening schools. 2Mb268fl Field, W. S. and Coveney, M. E. Americans. English for new 2Mb457fl Harkavy, Alexander. The English teacher (English and Yiddish t e x t ) . Ymy282h8 Harrington, W. L., and Cunningham, 0. J. F i r s t book for non-English-speaking people. 2Mb311hl Language lessons to accompany the first book for non-English speaking people. 2Mb311h3 Harrington, W. L., and Moore, A. C. Second book for non-English-speaking people. 2Mb311h2 Houghton, Fred. F i r s t lessons in English for foreigners in evening schools. 2Mb838hl Htilshof, J. L. Beading made easy for foreigners. 3v. BMr8874hl Jimperieff, Mary. Progressive lessons in English for foreigners: Jonas, Charles. First year. 2Mb61jl American interpreter (Bohemian). 2Mb76jl Levi, Giuseppe, Maestro di lingua inglese. Primo corso. 2Mb664Ll.l M. M. Do you speak English? Czy m6wisz po angielsku? 2Mblllml Mintz, F. S. First reader for new American citizens. 2Mb667ml New American citizen; a reader for foreigners. Mr6678ml Moore, S. W. Libro illustrato di lingua inglese. O'Brien, S. R. English for foreigners. Books 1-2. 2Mb824ml 2Mbl3ol-2 Price, Isaac. Direct method of teaching English to foreigners. 2Mb945pl Prior, Anna, and Ryan, A. I. How to learn English. 2Mb958pl Ritter, Herman. Maestro de la conversacion inglesa yuna coleccion de frases familiares. 2Mb614rl Roberts, Peter. English for coming Americans. 2Mb646rl English for coming Americans: first reader. 2Mb646r2 English for coming Americans: second reader. 2Mb646r4 Sharpe, M. F. First reader for foreigners. Shearer, J. W. Pronouncing speller for foreigners: English. Bohemian. Hungarian. Italian. 2Mb532sl 2Mb539sl 2Mb539s2 2Mb539s3 2Mb539s4 Thorley, W. O. dents. Vitali, Angelo. foreigners. Primer of English for foreign stu2Mb494tl Easy practical courses in English for 2Mb836vl WaUach, Mrs. I. R. F i r s t book in English for foreigners. 2Mbl95wl Second book in English for foreigners. 2Mbl95w2 Waller, Edith. English for Italians. lese per g P I t a l i a n i ) . (Lezioni &' ing2Mbl98wl CITIZENSHIP. Beard, C. A. American citizenship. Bloomfield, Meyer. 353.0 B36.1 Civic reader for new Americans. 323.0 B65 Cabrini, A. Emigrazione ed emigranti. 325.1 O i l Carr, J. F . Guide to the United States for the Jewish immigrant. 325.1 C31 Guida degli S t a t i Uniti per l'immigrante italiano. 325.1 C31.2 Przewodnik po St'anach Zjednoczonych do uzytku polskich imigrantow. 325.1 C31.1 Civic League of North America. Leaflets. Dawes, A. L. How we are governed. Dixon, Royal. Dole, C. F . Dunn, A. W. Americanization. American citizen. Pamphlets B353.0 D26 323.0 D62 323.0 D66 Community and the citizen. Forman, S. E. American republic. F i r s t lessons in civics. B323.0 D92 350.0 F72.1 B323.0 F72 Fowler, N . C. How to obtain citizenship. Come ottenere la citt'adinanza. 325.1 F78 How to obtain citizenship. Wie man das Biirgesrecht erwirbt. 325.1 F78.2 How to obtain citizenship. English and Yiddish 325.1 F78.1 Fradenburgh, A. G. American civics. 5 353.0 F79 Giambalvo, J. G. How to become a citizen of United States. GiU, W. L. the 325.1 G43 City problems. 352.0 G47 Guitteau, W. B. Preparing for citizenship. B353.0 G96.1 Harrison, Benjamin. This country of ours. 353.0 H31 Hill, Mabel, and Davis, Philip. Civics for new Americans. 325.1 H64 Hoxie, C. DeF. How the people rule. B353.0 H87 Judson, H. P. B353.0 J93 Young American. KaUmeyer, Charles. How to become a citizen of the United States of America. 325.1 K14 Wie werde ich Burger cler Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika? 325.1 K14 Langah, David. Citizen ; s manual in Italian. Manuale del cittadino sulla costituzione degli S t a t i Uniti. 325.1 L27 Lapp, J. A. Our America. 353.0 L31 McCarthy, Charles, and others. Elementary civics. B353.0 M117 Marriott, Crittenden. How Americans are governed in nation, state, and city. 353.0 M35 Uncle S a m ' s business. B353.0 M35.1 Mowry, W. A. Elements of civil government; Minnesota edition. B353.0 M93.1 National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Information concerning the United States. Nida, W. L. City, state, and nation. North American Civic League for Immigrants. sages for new comers. Plass, A. A. Reinsch, P. S. B353.0 N66 MesPamphlets Civics for Americans in the making. . 353.0 P71 Civil government. Richman, Julia, and Wallach, I. R. Severance, M. F. B353.0 E37 Good citizenship. B352.0 E53 Guide to American citizenship. 325.1 S49 6 Sharpe, M. F. Plain facts for future citizens. Ship of state, b y those a t the helm. 325.1 S53 B353.0 S55 Voigt, Frank & Barto, W. E. How to become a naturalized citizen. 325.1 V89 Y. M. C. A. Immigration Department. citizen of the United States. How to become a 325.1 Y78 OUR COUNTRY AND SOME OF ITS GREAT MEN. Baldwin, James. Four great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. BL182bl Bass, Florence. Stories of pioneer life. BFg317bl BlaisdeU, A. F. Story of American history. BFn635b3 Stories of t h e red children. BFba872bl Brooks, E. S. Story of the United States. True story of Abraham Lincoln. True story of Benjamin Franklin. True story of U. S. Grant. True story of George Washington. Brooks, Noah. How the republic is governed. Brooks, Dorothy. BFn872bl BLL736b4 BLf831bl BLg763b3 BLw318b3 353.0 B87 Burton, A. H. Lafayette, the friend of American liberty. BLL161bl Story of our country. BFn974bl Carpenter, F . G. Channing, E. North America. BG296c2 First lessons in United States history. BFn458c5 Dana, E. I*. Makers of America: ton, Jefferson, Lincoln Franklin, WashingL167dl Davis, A. C. Stories of the United States for youngest readers. BFn260dl Day, F. A., and Knappen, T. M. Life of John Albert Johnson, Governor of Minnesota. Lj675dl Denslow, Van Buren, and Parker, J. M Edison and Samuel F . B. Morse. Thomas A. L414dl Eggleston, Edward. F i r s t book in American history. BFn302e2 BFn302e3 BIi302el Stories of American life and adventure. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. EUis, E. S. Makers of our country. Elson, H. W., and MacMullan, C. E. country. Book 2. Foote, A. E., and Skinner, A. W. v ers of America. Franklin, Benjamin. BL47el Story of our BFn49e6.2 Makers and defendBFn688fl Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. BLf831f4 Gilman, Arthur. Making of the American nation. BFn487g3 Gordy, W. F . American leaders and heroes. Elementary history of the United States. History of the United States. Guerber, H. A. Story of the great republic. Story of t h e thirteen colonies. Higginson, T. W. States. Holden, E. S. countries. Young folks' history of the United BFn637h2 Our country's flag and flags of foreign BFnf726hl Howard, Daniel. institutions. American history, government and Fn848hl Husted, M. H. Stories of Indian chieftains. Stories of Indian children. Lawler, T. B. BFn665g3 BFn665g5 BFn665g2 BFn929gl BFc929gl BFba972h2 BFba972hl P r i m a r y history of the United States. Montgomery, D. H. Moores, C. W. Morgan, James. Beginner>s American, history. Story of Christopher Columbus. Abraham Lincoln, the boy and man. Morris, Charles. BFn418Ll BFn787m3 BLc726ml the LL736m3 Heroes of discovery in America. 8 Fb875ml Morse, E. W. Causes and effects in American history. Fn884ml Mowry, W. A., and A. M. F i r s t steps in the history of our country. Nicolay, Helen. BFn936m2 B o y ' s life of Abraham Lincoln. BLL736n3 Pierson, H. W. Lives of the presidents of the United States. BL624pl Pratt, M. I*. America's story for American children. 5v. BFn916p5.1-5 Legends of the red children. BXtn916pl Story of Columbus. BLc726p2 Richmond, Celia. Mexico and Peru, America and Canada. BK532rl Ross, G-. A. Old glory: the story of our c o u n t r y ' s flag. BFnf824rl Seawell, M. E. Paul Jones. Smith, H. A. B442s6 One hundred famous Americans. Southworth, Gertrude. Builders of our country. BL649sl 2v. BL728sl Starr, Frederick. American Indians. Stimpson, M. S. Child's book of American biography. Tappan, E. M. BFba796sl BL859sl BFnl75t2 American hero stories. Our country's story. Tarbell, I. M. BFnl75tl He knew Lincoln. Tomlinson, E. T. Places young Americans w a n t LL736t4 to know. Towle, G. M. BKn659tl Nation in a nutshell. Turpin, E. H. I*. BFn742tl Brief biographies from American history. Youth's Companion. BL957tl Our country: west. 9 BKn83y2 MINNESOTA. Emery, M. Gr., and Emery, R. J. Folwell, W. W. Story of Minnesota. Minnesota, the north star state. BFg53el Fg6715fl Forster, G-. F . Stories of Minnesota. BFg733fl Kirk, T. H . Elements of civil government of the state of Minnesota. B353.0 M93.1 McVey, F. L. Government of Minnesota: its history and administration. Fgl76m2 Parsons, E. D. Story of Minneapolis. BFg267pl Virtue, G-. O. Government of Minnesota. 353.9 V82 INDUSTRIES AND DAILY LIFE. AUen, N. B. Industrial studies: Baxter, L. A. M. Bowen, L. H. d e K and at play. United States. Housekeeper's handy book. B609.73 A42 Sr355bl Safeguards for city youth a t work 362.8 B778 Burkett, C. W., and Stevens, F . L. ginners. Agriculture for be630.1 B95 Carpenter F . G-. Foods: or how the world is fed. How the world is clothed. How the world is housed. BG296c7 BG296c8 BG296c9 Cassel, Hjalmar. Ykf344cl Amerikkalaisia liiketapoja. Chamberlain, J. F. How we are clothed. How we are fed. How we are sheltered. Chase, A., and Clow, E. Ford, Mrs. J a n e . Stories of industry. Home dressmaking. Lane, M. A. Industries of today. Triumphs of science. Marden, O. S. BG443c4 BG443c2 BG443c3 B609.0 C48 Sr71fl B604.0 L26.1 B604.0 L26 Exceptional employee. 10 659.0 M32.1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. The child. L 'enf ant. Das kind. II bambino. The child. (Yiddish) O'Shea, M. V., and Kellogg, J. H. ness. Bh594ml Yfr594ml Ydr594ml Ygr594ml Yyr594ml Health and cleanliBRc82ol Rocheleau, W. F. Great American industries: 4vols. 1—Minerals. 2—Products of the soil. 3—Manufactures. 4—Transportation. B609.73 R67.1-4 Stoddard, J. S., and Yendes, L. A. F i f t y profitable occupations. W h a t shall I do? Ygb867sl Teller, W. P., and Brown, H. E. F i r s t book in business methods. 659.0 T27 Tolman, W. H., and Guthrie, A. W. worker. Weeks, A. D. Hygiene for the Rc652tl B693.8 W39 Avoidance of fires. SOME INTERESTING BOOKS I N ENGLISH. Aesop. Fables. B254a8 Arabian nights entertainment, ed. by F . J. Olcott. B658al Baldwin, James. F i f t y famous stories retold. Thirty more famous stories retold. B182b4 B182bl0 Carpenter, F. G. Asia. Europe. BG296c6 BG296cl BG296c4 Clemens, S. L. Geographical readers. Prince and the pauper. Creighton, Louise. Defoe, Daniel. Dutton, M. B. Guerber, H. A. Keller, Helen. Africa. Heroes of European history. Eobinson Crusoe. Little stories of France. Story of the chosen people. Story of my life. 11 B625c4 BE914cl B314dl BEf981dl BXf929gl Lk287kl Kupfer, G. H. Lives and stories worth remembering. BMr96kl Marshall, H. E. Story of Oliver Cromwell. Story of Napoleon. Sadlier, Agnes. Shaw, E. E. Heroes of history. Discoverers and explorers. Trevelyan, G. M. English songs of Italian freedom. Wade, M. H. Wonder workers. Washington, Booker. BLc946m2 BLn216m8 Up from slavery. 12 BL126sl BG534s2 Nf812tl BL121wl Lw317wl