A. L. A. ANNOTATED LISTS BOOKS FOR BOYS AND G I R L S A SELECTED LIST COMPILED BY CAROLINE M. HEWINS L I B R A R I A N OF H A R T F O R D P U B L I C L I B R A R Y 1897 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE A. L. A. PUBLISHING SECTION LARGE SERIES a. Reading for the Young; a classified and annotated catalog compiled by John F . Sargent. New edition, including Supplement and subject-index. 1890-95. 225 p. Cloth, $1.50. *b. A. L. A. Index to General Literature. 1893. 329 p. Cloth, $5.00; half morocco, $6.50. c. List of Subject Headings for use in Dictionary Catalogs. 1895. 188 p. Cloth, $2.00. Out of print. d. List of Books for Girls and Women and their Clubs; edited by Augusta H . Leypoldt and George Iles. Paper, 50 cents ; cloth, $1.00. Also issued in the small series in separate sections. e. Supplement to "Reading for the Young," with subject-index to the complete work; compiled by Mary E. and Abby L. Sargent. 1896. 104 p. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.00. f. Annotated Bibliography of Fine Art. Painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illustration, by Russell Sturgis ; Music, by Henry Edward Krehbiel; edited by George Iles. 5 + 89 p. Paper, 50 cents ; cloth, $1.00. SMALL SERIES I. Catalog of Historical Fiction for Young Readers. By John F. Sargent. 1890. 36 p. Paper, 10 cents. Separately printed from "Reading for the Young," above. * Not subject to regular discounts. A. L. A. ANNOTATED LISTS BOOKS FOR BOYS AND G I R L S A SELECTED LIST COMPILED BY CAROLINE M. HEWINS L I B R A R I A N OF HARTFORD P U B L I C L I B R A R Y "A boy's heart craves a hero; and he believes in his hero with all the beautiful literalness and seriousness of early childhood. . . . If, to divert him after his arithmetic and grammar are over, you offer him a story of children with a low standard, he, too, will adopt a low standard. He will rest satisfied with his pertness, his slipshod good-nature, his bad breeding; he will not care a fig for such superfluities as discipline, endurance, modesty, or reverence." — LUCY M C K I M GARRISON, The Nation, December 4, 1873. PUBLISHED FOR THE A. L. A. PUBLISHING SECTION BY T H E LIBRARY 1897 No. 9 BUREAU The object of the Publishing Section is to secure the preparation and publication of catalogs, indexes, and other bibliographic and library aids. COPYRIGHT, 1897 B Y T H E AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PRESS OF Rockwell and Churchill BOSTON 026.11 H599h Children's Books This list has been prepared as a help in buying books for the smaller public libraries, and also for the home use of fathers, mothers, and teachers, but not for children themselves, who do not like explanatory notes. It includes stories which broaden the horizon of children, cultivate their imagination and love of nature, and add to their stock of general knowledge. It contains also the historical tales and traditions that are the common property of the world, without which it is impossible to understand a sermon or the editorial page of a great daily newspaper. Text-books, histories for older readers, and many books revised for supplementary reading in schools are omitted. A few stories of modern life that have become general favorites, even though they have faults of style like "Little Women," or a sensational plot like "Little Lord Fauntleroy," are in the list, for the sake of the happy, useful home-life of the one and the sunshiny friendliness of the other. Most of the tales of home and school are those in which children lead simple, sheltered lives. Stories of the present day in which children die, are cruelly treated, or offer advice to their fathers and mothers, 4 and take charge of the finances and love affairs of their elders are not good reading for boys and girls in happy homes, and the favorite books of less fortunate children are fairy-tales or histories rather than stories of life like their own. It must be remembered that the same books do not appeal to all tastes, and that many boys and girls enjoy no history except that of the United States. Stories of countries where the conditions of life are different and class-distinctions greater are difficult for them to understand and do not interest them. The very small amount of general knowledge or talk about the outside world in the homes of many children must always be considered in choosing or recommending books for them. Ninety children out of one hundred in the public schools below the high school read nothing for pleasure beyond stories written in a simple style with no involved sentences. Nine out of the other ten enjoy novels and sometimes poetry and history written for older readers, and can be taught to appreciate other books, but not more than one in the hundred has a natural love of the best literature and desires without urging to read the great books of the world. Books marked c are for children under eight or ten. Children's taste and capacity differ so much that it is hard to fix an age for which any book is fit. Illustrated Books for the Youngest Children. c Caldecott, Randolph. Picture-books, 4 v. each, $2.50 Include John Gilpin, The Grand Panjandrum, and many Mother Goose rhymes, each of which may be had separately at 50c. c Crane, Walter. Baby's bouquet. Baby's opera. Baby's own AEsop. Flora's feast. Routledge, Routledge, Routledge, Cassell, $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 The first and second are nursery rhymes and ballads set to music. c Greenaway, Kate. A, apple pie. Routledge, $2.00 Marigold garden. Routledge, $2.00 Under the window. Routledge, 75c c Mother Goose's Melodies. A good edition is published by Houghton, $2.00 *** One of the best investments in illustrated books for children that can be made is a collection of good prints from great artists, with letter-press descriptions. A book of Shakespeare pictures is also an unfailing pleasure and resource in a family. Magazines. Harper's Round Table. Harper, $2.00 Observer. E.F.Bigelow, Portland, Conn. $1.50 A scientific magazine, and the organ of the Agassiz Association. 6 St. Nicholas. Century Company, $3.00 Youth's Companion. Perry Mason & Co. $1.75 Religion. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress. Various editions. Church, Alfred J. Stories from the Bible, 2 v. Macmillan, $2.50 Gatty, Mrs. Alfred. Parables from nature, 2 v. Macmillan, $1.50 Life, Education, and Manners. iEsop. Fables. The best edition is published by Macmillan, $2.00 Chester, Eliza. Girls and women. Houghton, 75c. Full of suggestions to girls on making the most of life. Hale, Edward Everett. How to do it. Roberts, Hamlen, G. Chats. Lee & Shepard, Jackson, Helen. Bits of talk for young folks. Roberts, Kirkland, Elizabeth S. Speech and manners. McClurg, Ruskin, John. Ethics of the dust. Wiley, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 75c. $1.00 7 Science, Out=of=door Books, and Stories of Animals. Abbott, Charles C. Birds about us. Lippincott, Descriptions of birds, illustrated. $2.00 c Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Lee & Shepard, $1.00 Short stories of the growth of plants and animals. Ballard, Julia P. Among the moths and butterflies. Putnam, $1.50 Burroughs, John. Wake-robin. Houghton, $1.25 The habits of birds. Dana, Mrs. W . S. How to know the wild flowers. Scribner, $1.75 Illustrated, and not too technical. Giberne, Agnes. Sun, moon, and stars. Carter, $1.50 The simplest facts of astronomy told in an agreeable style. c Grant, J. B. Our common birds and how to know them. Scribner, $1.50 Has photogravures of nearly life-size. Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe. Earth in past ages. Harper, 60c. 8 Kingsley, Charles. Madam How and Lady Why. Macmillan, $1.00 An interesting introduction to geology. Teaches children to look for the causes of geological changes by observing mud-puddles and brooks. Meadowcroft, W . H. A B C of electricity. Empire Publishing Co. 50c. Merriam, Florence A. Birds through an opera-glass. Houghton, 75c. Shows how to " name all the birds without a gun." Morley, Margaret Warner. Song of life. McClurg, $1.25 The beginnings of life in all living things. Noel, Maurice. Buz, the life and adventures of a honey-bee. Holt, $1.00 Proctor, R. A. Easy star-lessons. Putnam, $1.75 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. Randolph, 75c. Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. Rand, McNally & Co. 75c. These two books are always great favorites with children of all sorts and conditions. One boy in a Hartford school wrote that the two characters he liked best in his reading were Beautiful Joe, a dog, and Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States. *** Children with scientific tastes will soon be ready for books written for older readers, but the above list may be read with pleasure by any mother, however untrained in science. 9 Stories of Home and School Life, Travel, and Adventure. Abbott, Jacob. Franconia stories, 10 v. in 5. Lucy books. 3 v. Rollo books. 7 v. Harper, $5.00 Crowell, $3.75 Crowell, $8.75 Wholesome, simple, and full of practical hints on the art of living with others. Alcott, Louisa May. Little women. Little men. (Sequel.) Roberts, $1.50 Roberts, $1.50 Teach the gospel of work. Alden, W . L. Cruise of the Canoe Club. Moral pirates. Harper, $1.00 Harper, $1.00 The harmless and amusing vacation adventures of some boys. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy. Houghton, $1.25 The author's own boy-life in a New England seaport town. Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Lee & Shepard, $1,00 Shows that all children of whatever race or color are brothers and sisters, and are helping each other without knowing it. Each and all. (Sequel.) Lee & Shepard, $1.00 Baylor, Frances Courtenay. Juan and Juanita. Houghton, $1.5 The adventures of a brother and sister lost on the Texas plains. 10 Black, William. F o u r MacNicols. H a r p e r , $ 1 00 A story of boy-life on the coast of Scotland. Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Boy settlers. Scribner, $1.25 Scribner, $1.25 Adventures on the plains in the early California days. Burnett, Prances Hodgson. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner, $2.00 Teaches friendliness to all sorts and conditions of men. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. Rocky Fork. Lothrop, $1.50 The life of a little country girl in Indiana, and her small trials and difficulties when she first lives in a town. "Coolidge, Susan." What Katy did. What Katy did at school. Roberts, $1.25 $1.25 The life of a family of brothers and sisters at home, and a year at boarding-school. Davis, Richard Harding. Stories for boys. Scribner, $1.00 Interesting, well-told, and manly in tone. Diaz, A b b y Morton. William Henry letters. Lothrop, $1.00 The life of a country boy at home and in boardingschool. William Henry and his friends. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker. (Sequel.) Lothrop, $1.00 Scribner, $1.50 A carefully studied story of Dutch life and customs, a little improbable in plot. 11 Dodge, Mary Mapes, ed. Baby world. Edgeworth, Maria. Frank. Century, $1.00 Routledge, 75c. (The Sequel to Frank is out of print, but may be sometimes picked up at second-hand.) Moral tales. Parent's assistant. Popular tales. Rosamond. Routledge, $1.00 Rout-ledge, $1.00 Routledge, $1.00 Routledge, 75c. These have become classics and are so often alluded to that children should know the characters in them, and, besides, absorb their old-fashioned good sense. Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier schoolboy. Scribner, $1.00 Life in Indiana fifty years ago. Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Daddy Darwin's dovecot. Jan of the windmill. Mary's meadow. Six to sixteen. Roberts, Roberts, Young, Roberts, 35c. 50c. 35c. 50c. Stories of English life. Mary's meadow is of especial interest to flower-loving children, and Six to sixteen a thoroughly good story of the home-life of two girl-friends. Fletcher, Robert H o w e . Marjorie and her papa. Century Co $1.00 A favorite book with little children. Hale, Lucretia P. Peterkin papers. Last of the Peterkins. Houghton, $1.50 (Sequel.) Roberts, $1.25 Amusing and good for dreamy and unpractical children. 12 Hartner, E. Pythia's pupils. Grirl-life in a German city. R o u t l e d g e , $1.00 Hoppin, Augustus. Recollections of Auton House. Houghton, $1.25 Two Cpmpton boys. Houghton, $1.50 Amusing chronicles of family and boy-life fifty years ago. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's School-days at Rugby. Houghton, $1.00 The best school story ever written. Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. Macmillan, $2.00 Old Christmas. Macmillan, $2.00 Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow. $2.00 The first and second are illustrated by Caldecott, the third by Boughton. Jackson, Helen, "H. H." Cat stories. Roberts, $2.00 Includes Letters from a cat, Mammy Tittleback and The hunter cats of Connorloa. Nelly's silver mine. Roberts, $1.50 A story of Colorado life, simple and probable. "Jak." Fitch Club. Birchwood. Riverside museum. Professor Johnny. Crowell, Crowell, Crowell, Crowell, $ 1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 Stories of a children's club, museum, etc. Jamison, C. V. Lady Jane. Century Co. $1.50 13 Toinette's Philip. Century Co. $1.50 Both of these stories are a little overdrawn in plot, but they are well told and the characters and descriptions of life in New Orleans are good. Janvier, Thomas A . Aztec treasure-house. H a r p e r , $1.50 The plot of this story of adventure is wild enough to satisfy the most dime-novel-loving boy. J e w e t t , Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester. Play-days. Johnson, Rossiter. End of a rainbow. Phaeton Rogers. Houghton, $1.25 Houghton, $1.50 Scribner, $1.50 Scribner, $1.50 Story of an inventive boy. Keary, Annie. York and Lancaster Rose. Macmillan, $1.00 The story of two English girls, both named Rose, one pale and one rosy. It gives a good idea of English girls' school-life. King, Charles. Cadet days. Harper, $1.25 Life at West Point; thoroughly manly in tone. Loughead, Flora Haines. Abandoned claim. Houghton, $1.25 Although the wisdom and prudence of the Californian children in the story are often beyond their years, it is a good one for Eastern children living under entirely different conditions. Martineau, Harriet. Crofton boys. Feats on the fiord. M a t t h e w s , Brander. Tom Paulding. Routledge, 75c. Routledge, 75c. Century Co. $1.50 A search for hidden treasure in New York by a boy who bears disappointment bravely. 14 Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Grandmother dear (also) Two little waifs. Macmillan, $1.00 "Us " (also) The rectory children. Macmillan, $1.00 "Two little waifs" is a touching story of two children left in Paris by friends who expect their father to meet them, and " U s " tells the adventures of a twin brother and sister who run away from home. Mulock-Craik, Dinah M. Little Sunshine's holiday. Harper, 50c. An English child's journey with her mother. Munroe, Kirk. Campmates. Canoemates. Derrick Sterling. Dorymates. Fur-seal's tooth. liaftmates. Snow-shoes and sledges. Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, $1.25 $1.25 $1.00 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 Munroe's stories are full of adventure, and great favorites with children. "The fur-seal's tooth" gives a better idea of the cruelties of the seal-fisheries than any story except Rudyard Kipling's "White seal " in the Jungle book. Otis, James. Toby Tyler, or Ten weeks with a circus. Harper, $1.00 A circus-boy and his pet monkeys. Teaches kindness to animals. Mr. Stubbs's brother. (Sequel.) Harper, $1.00 Pendleton, Louis. King Tom and the runaways, Appletpn, $1.50 Life in the South before the war. 15 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Gypsy at the Golden Crescent. Gypsy Breynton. Gypsy's Cousin Joy. Gypsy's sowing and reaping. c Richards, Laura E. Dodd, Dodd, Dodd, Dodd, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 F i v e m i n u t e stories. Estes & Lauriat, $1.25 Short stories and poems for little children. Scudder, Horace E. Bodley books, 8 v. Houghton, $12.00 Excursions in this country and Europe, mingled with ballads, songs, and stories by different authors, that give children much general information. Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair. Roberts, $1.00 Ruskin commends the character-drawing of a noble child and a noble dog in this. Hector. Roberts, $1.00 Boy-and-girl life in the country in France. love of nature. Teaches c Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. Copeland & Day, $2.00 The happy every-day life of twin sisters, told with many repetitions of words such as children love to listen to or read for themselves. Smith, Jolly Jolly Jolly Mary P. W e l l s . good times. Roberts, $1.25 good times at school. Roberts, $1.25 good times at Hackmatack. Roberts, $1.25 Country life in New England fifty or sixty years ago. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. De Wolfe, Fiske & Co. $1.50 Translation. German peasant-life. 16 Stockton, Frank R. J o l l y fellowship. S c r i b n e r , $ 1.50 Boy-and-girl comradeship in Florida. Stoddard, William O. Dab Kinzer. Quartet. (Sequel.) Red mustang. Talking leaves. Two arrows. White cave. Scribner, Scribner, Harper, Harper, Harper, Century Co. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 The first and second are stories of boy-life at school, the others of Indians. S t o w e , Harriet Beecher. Little Pussy Willow. Thanet, Octave. We all. Houghton, $1.25 Appleton, $1.50 Boy-and-girl life in Arkansas. Trowbridge, John. Electrical boy. Roberts, $1.50 Three boys on an electrical boat. Houghton, $1.00 The possibilities of electricity. Trustworthy from a scientific point, although full of startling adventures. Trowbridge, John T o w n s e n d . Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Chance for himself. Doing his best. East friends. Young surveyor. Coates, Coates, Coates, Coates, Coates, $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 The adventures of an energetic boy left to make his own way among plain country people. Vandegrift, Margaret. Little helpers. A pleasant story of home life. Houghton, $1.50 17 c White, Eliza Orne. When Molly was six. Little girl of long ago. W h i t n e y , Adeline D. T. Boys at Chequasset. Houghton, $1.00 Houghton, $1.00 Houghton, $1.00 A boy learns to be neat and orderly by making a collection of birds' eggs. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. Houghton, $1.25 c Wiggin, K a t e Douglas, and Smith, Nora A. Story hour. Houghton, $1.00 Adaptations of stories by other authors. Wilkins, Mary E. Young Lucretia and other stories. Harper, $1.25 Stories of New England country life. Yonge, Charlotte M. Daisy chain. Trial. Pillars of the house, 2 v. Macmillan, $1.00 Macmillan, $1.00 Macmillan, $2.00 All connected. Some of the best stories of family life ever written for girls. Poetry. Garrison, W e n d e l l P., Good-night poetry. compiler. Ginn, 60c. Short poems and selections teaching high ideals of life. Henley, W . E., compiler. Lyra heroica. Our children's songs. Scribner, $1.25 Harper, $1.00 The best general collection of poetry for children. 18 Repplier, Agnes, compiler. Book of famous verse. Houghton, 75c. and c Rossetti, Christina G. Sing-song. Macmillan, Stevenson, Robert Louis. Child's garden of verses. Scribner, Whittier, John G., compiler. Child-life in verse. Houghton, $1.25 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 Mythology, Fairy Tales, etc. Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy tales. Various editions. 50c. to Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. Scribner, Story of Siegfried. Scribner, Story of the golden age. Scribner, Carroll, Lewis. Alice's adventures in wonderland. Macmillan, Through the looking-glass. Macmillan, $4.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 Have become classics for children. Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes. Ginn, 60c. Better than Hawthorne for children who do not read easily. Frere, Mary. Old Deccan days. Murray, London, $1.87 Folk-stories from Hindostan. Grimm, Jacob and Ludwig. German household stories. Various editions. 19 Harris, Joel Chandler. Nights with Uncle Remus. $1.50 Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Houghton, $1.50 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales. Houghton, $ 1.00 Wonder-book. Houghton, $1.00 The best adaptation of myths for children who read easily and have a large vocabulary. H o w e l l s , William D. Christmas every day. Harper, $1.25 Keary, Annie and Eliza. Heroes of Asgard. Macmillan, $1.00 Kingsley, Charles. Water-babies. Macmillan, $1.00 There is a simplified edition. Ginn, 50c. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Century, $1.50 Second jungle book. Century, $1.50 Will probably become classics for children. Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. Ginn, 35c. Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakspeare. Various editions. Lang, Andrew. Blue fairy book. Longmans, $2.00 Green fairy book. Longmans, $2.00 Red fairy book. Longmans, $2.00 Yellow fairy book. Longmans, $2.00 Lanier, Sidney. Boy's King Arthur. Scribner, $2.00 Boy's Mabinogion. Scribner, $2.00 The Welsh stories of King Arthur. 20 c Longmans' supplementary readers. Fairy tale books. 7 v. each, 20c. Adapted and simplified from Lang's fairy books. MacDonald, George. At the back of the north wind. Routledge, $1.25 Dealings with the fairies. Routledge, $1.25 Some of the best modern fairy-tales. c Mulock-Craik, D. M. Adventures of a brownie. Little lame prince. Harper, 90c. Harper, $1.00 A story with a moral. Pyle, Howard. Wonder-clock. Harper, $3.00 Adaptations of German folk-tales. Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. Ginn, 25c. Told in a charming style. Stockton, Frank R. Clocks of Rondaine. Thackeray, William M. Rose and the ring. Scribner, $1.50 Putnam, 50c. One of the most amusing of fairy-tales. Valentine, Mrs. Old, old fairy tales. Warne, $1.25 The old favorites from French and other sources. Voyages, Travels, and Stories of Shipwreck and Desert Islands. Brassey, Lady. Voyage in the Sunbeam. (Condensed.) Longmans, 75c. The voyage of a family around the world. 21 Cook, James (Captain.) Three voyages around the world. Routledge, $2.00 A modern edition of interest to adventurous boys. Dana, Richard H. T w o y e a r s b e f o r e t h e m a s t . H o u g h t o n , $1.00 A voyage around Cape Horn and to California sixty years ago. Darwin, Charles. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. Harper, $3.00 Observations on animals and plants in a scientific voyage. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Various editions from 25c. to $3.00 A good abridged one is published by Houghton in the Riverside Literature series at sixty cents. Hale, Edward Everett, compiler. Stories of adventure. Roberts, $1.00 Stories of discovery. Roberts, $1.00 Stories of the sea. Roberts, $1.00 Voyages of early discoverers and explorers, with later stories of shipwreck and peril. Hall, Basil. Voyages and travels. Nelson, $2.00 Told in a lively style, with amusing accounts of a midshipman's pranks at sea and adventures in the Peninsular War after his promotion. Knox, Thomas W . Travels of Marco Polo. Putnam, $2.50 Condensed from the best edition of the Travels, and well illustrated. Marryat, Frederick. Masterman Ready. Routledge, $1.00 One of the best desert-island stories. 22 Nordhoff, Charles. Man-of-war life. Merchant vessel. Whaling and fishing. Dodd, $1.00 Dodd, $1.00 Dodd, $1.00 The author's own adventures. All bound together as Sailor life, $2.00. Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. Little, Brown, $1.50 Pyle, H o w a r d . Buccaneers and marooners of America. Macmillan, $1.50 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. Roberts, $1.00 and $1.25 W y s s , J. R. von, and Montolieu, baronne de. Swiss family Robinson. Various editions. Child=life in Various Countries, and Children's Travels. Ambrosi, Marietta. Italian child-life. Lothrop, 75c. The author's own child-life in Italy. Amicis, Edmondo de. Cuore. Crowell, $1.00 Ayrton, M. Chaplin. Child-life in Japan. Lond. Griffith, $1.50 Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. Lothrop, 60c. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Cassell, $1.25 Life among the Eskimos. Stockton, Frank R. Personally conducted. Scribner, $2.00 23 History and Historical Stories and Biographies. General. Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived upon the road from long ago to now. Lee & Shepard, 01.00 Has been criticised as presupposing too much knowledge on the part of the children who read it, but it is a very good bird's-eye view of the progress of civilization, told in an interesting way. Lang, A n d r e w . Red true story book. True story book. Longmans, $2.00 Longmans, $2.00 Stories from the biographies of great and famous men and women. Yonge, Charlotte M. Book of golden deeds. Macmillan, 01.00 Short stories of noble and heroic acts. White, Boys' Yonge, Book Ancient. John S. and girls' Plutarch. Charlotte M. of worthies. Putnam, 01.75 Macmillan, 01.00 Sketches of Hebrew, Greek, and Roman heroes. Greece. Church, A. J. Pictures from Greek life and story. Putnam, $1.25 Stories from Homer. Dodd, $1.00 Three Greek children. Putnam, $1.25 24 Young Macedonian. P u t n a m , $1.25 Better for children under fifteen than any history of Greece. Rome. Church, A. J. Pictures from Roman life and story. Appleton, $1.50 Stories from Livy. Dodd, $1.00 Henty, G. A. Beric the Briton (Julius Caesar.) Scribner, $1.50 Yonge, Charlotte M . Cook and the captive (Romans in Gaul.) Whittaker, $1.25 All these books make the Romans real living people. The last is a remarkably good picture of the contrast between Roman civilization and Gaulish barbarism. England. Church, A. J. Stories from English history. Macmillan, $1.00 Freeman, Edward A. Old English history for children. Macmillan, $1.50 Early history, to the Norman conquest. Creighton, Louise. Stories from English history. Rivington, $1.25 Henty, G. A. Dragon and the raven (King Alfred.) Scribner, $1.50 Wulf the Saxon (Norman Conquest.) Scribner, $1.50 25 Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe (Richard I . ) , various editions. Talisman (Richard I . ) , various editions. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, $3.00 Gilliat, E. Forest outlaws (13th century.) Scribner, $1.50 John Standish (14th century.) Scribner, $1.50 Besant, Walter, and Rice, James. Whittington (14th century.) Putnam, $1.00 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron (14th century.) Harper, $2.00 Yonge, Charlotte M. Caged lion (15th century.) Macmillan, $1.00 Armourer's prentices (16th century.) Macmillan, $1.00 Clemens, S. L. Prince and the pauper (16th century.) Webster, $2.00 Manning, Anne. Household of Sir Thomas More (16th century.) Scribner, $1.50 Bourne, H. R. F. Sir Philip Sidney (16th century.) Putnam, $1.50 Yonge, Charlotte M. Unknown to history (Mary, Queen of Scots.) Macmillan, $1.00 Kingsley, Charles. Westward h o ! (16th century.) Macmillan, $1.00 26 Church, A. J . With the king at Oxford (17th century.) Dodd, $1.00 Doyle, A. Conan. Micah Clarke (17th century.) Harper, $1.75 Henty, G. A. With Clive in India. Scribner, $1.50 Marshall, Emma. In four reigns (from George I I I . to Victoria.) Dutton, $1.50 France, G e r m a n y , e t c . Lanier, Sidney. Boy's Froissart (14th century.) Scribner, $2.00 Doyle, A. Conan. White company (14th century.) Harper, $1.25 Pyle, Howard. Otto of the silver hand. Scribner, $2.00 The right hand of the little hero is cut off by an enemy of his house. This incident makes the book too sad for many children, but it is a beautiful and touching story. Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc (15th century.) Putnam, $1.00 Yonge, Charlotte M. Dove in the eagle's nest (15th century.) Macmillan, $1.00 Stockton, Frank R. Story of Viteau (15th century.) Scribner, $1.50 Charles, Elizabeth. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family (Germany : Luther and the Reformation.) Dodd, $1.00 27 Weyman, Stanley J. House of the wolf (Massacre of St. Bartholomew.) Longmans, $1.25 Gentleman of France (17th century.) .§1.25 Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and the prince (French Revolution.) Ginn,50c. Henty, G. A. In the reign of terror (French Revolution.) Scribner, $1.50 Tytler, Sarah. Marie Antoinette. Putnam, $ 1.00 United States. General. Drake, Francis S. Indian history for young folks. Harper, $3.00 Eggleston, Edward. Household history of the United States. American Book Co. $1.00 The best condensed history for general reading and reference. Grinnell, George Bird. Story of the Indian. Appleton, $1.50 Lodge, Henry Cabot, and Roosevelt, Theodore. G-ives prominence to the treatment of Indians in our own time. Hero-tales from American history. Century Co. $1.50 From early times through the Civil War. 28 Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in American history. Scribner, $1.25 D i s c o v e r y and C o l o n i e s . Austin, Jane G. Standish of Standish. Houghton, $1.25 A chronicle of the life of the Plymouth Pilgrims. Bynner, E d w i n Lasseter. Begum's daughter. Houghton, $1.25 New York under the English and Dutch. Coffin, Charles Carleton. Old times in the colonies. Harper, $3.00 Has much information on customs and social life. Cooper, James Fenimore. Leather-stocking tales. 5 v. Appleton, $5.00 Period of the French and Indian War. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. (Abridged.) Houghton, 40c. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. True stories. Houghton, $1.25 Also published as Grandfather's chair. Stories of colonial days in Massachusetts. Henty, G. A. With Wolfe in Canada. Munroe, Kirk. Flamingo feather. Scribner, $1.50 Harper, $1.00 Huguenots and Spaniards in Florida. Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston. Story of Columbus. Appleton, $1.25 29 Revolution. Coffin, Charles Carleton. Boys of '76. Cooper, James Fenimore. Harper, $3.00 Lionel Lincoln. A p p l e t o n , $1.00 Battle of Bunker Hill and siege of Boston. Pilot. Appleton, $1.00 Adventures of Paul Jones. Spy. (Scene near the Hudson.) Appleton, $1.00 Fiske, John. War of Independence. Houghton, 75c. A short, but not dry history. Hale, Edward Everett. Life of George Washington studied anew. Putnam, $1.75 Has more of Washington's social and domestic life and the progress of the nation in his time than details of his battles. Henty, G. A. True to the old flag. Scribner, $1.50 Shows that a man's sense of right sometimes kept him on the king's side in the Revolution. Stoddard, William O. Guert Ten Eyck. Lothrop, $1.50 New York in the Revolution. R e v o l u t i o n t o Civil W a r . Coffin, Charles Carleton. Building the nation. Harper, $3.00 Gives information on improvements, inventions, and social changes. 80 Bynner, Edwin Lasseter. Zachary Phips. H o u g h t o n , $1.25 A good resume of Burr's treason, the war of 1812, and the Seminole war. Hale, Edward Everett. Man without a country. Roberts, 3 0 c ; Illus. $1.50 The effect of Burr's treason on a young naval officer. Harris, Joel Chandler. On the plantation. Appleton, $1.50 Life in South before Civil war. S t o w e , Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's cabin. Houghton, 25c. to $4.00 Is always interesting to children, but is sometimes too exciting for those of sensitive nerves. Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories of American progress. Scribner, $1.25 Civil W a r . Champlin, John D . Young folks' history of the war for the Union. Holt, $2.50 Davis, M. E. M. In war times at La Rose Blanche. Lothrop, $1.25 Famous adventures and prison escapes. Century Co. $1.50 Goss, Warren Lee. Jack Alden. Crowell, $1.50 Jed. Crowell, $1.50 Tom Clifton. Crowell, $1.50 Stories of army-life, not overdrawn. 31 Kieffer, Harry M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. Houghton, $1.50 A true account, not a story. Page, Thomas Nelson. Two little confederates. Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil. Scribner, $1.50 Holt, $1.50 A good story of a boy's adventures in the army. 2. Paper and Ink. By R. T. Swan, Commissioner of Public Records, Massachusetts. 1895. 20 p. Paper, 10 cents ($1.10 per 100 copies). 3. Handbook of the Publishing Section. 1895. 12 p. Free. 4-8. List of Books for Girls and W o m e n and their Clubs. 5 parts. 1895. Each 10 cents. Contents: P a r t i . Fiction. Part II. Biography ; History ; Travel ; Literature ; Folklore. Part I I I . Fine Art ; Music. Part IV". Education ; Self Culture ; Science. Part V. Useful Arts, .Livelihoods, Country Occupations, Domestic Economy, Recreations and Sports, together with lists of works of reference and of periodicals, and hints on forming and managing girls' and women's clubs. 9. Books for Boys and Girls; compiled by Caroline M. Hewins. 1897. 31 p. 10 cents. DISCOUNTS 5 copies 20 % 10 " 25% 20 " 331/3% The above discounts are made on all publications except such as are specially excepted. The A. L. A. Index is handled for the Section by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., in connection with Poole's Index, and should be ordered of them or through the trade. All other publications of the Publishing Section are to be ordered of The Library Bureau, Boston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, St. Louis, London.