THE BOGS AND BOG FLORA OF T H E HURON R I V E R V A L L E Y A THESIS S U B M I T T E D TO T H E FACULTY OF T H E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR T H E D E G R E E OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By E D G A R N E L S O N T R A N S E A U Ferry Fellow in Botany PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS [Reprinted from the BOTANICAL GAZETTE 40: 351—375, 418-448. 1905, and 41: 17-42. 1906.] TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol. 40 I. The Huron River valley 351 Physiographic features • • 351 Physiographic history 353 Forests . . • 355 Meteorological conditions 356 II. The bogs: their development and ecological conditions . . . . 360 Physiographic origin of the lake and bog basins 360 Bog and lake vegetation 362 The processes involved in peat formation 367 The physical and chemical properties of peat 372 The bog as a habitat for plants 418 A. 'Physical factors 418 1. Wind 418 2. Temperature . . . . . 419 3. Texture 4 4. Mechanical properties 4 3 5. Diffusion properties 4 3 6. Water capacity 4 4 7. Osmotic.pressure 4 4 B. Chemical factors 4 5 1. Ground water . . . . 4 5 2. Acidity 4 ^ 3. Food material 427 C. Biotic factors 4& III. The bog - plant societies . 4 9 West lake 430 First Sister lake 43 Bog north of Delhi . 436 Bog near Oxford, Oakland county 439 The Delhi muskeags 441 Bog on Carpenter road 441 The Chelsea bog 444 General consideration of the bog flora 447 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 V o l . 41 IV. The ecological characteristics of the bog flora and their causes . Experiments Water cultures V. Summary Bibliography . . 17 22 24 34 40 THE BOGS AND BOG FLORA OF THE HURON RIVER VALLEY, EDGAR NELSON TRANSEAU. (WITH SIXTEEN FIGURES) I. The Huron River valley. PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES. T H E H u r o n R i v e r valley, to the b o t a n i c a l survey of which the present paper forms the sixth contribution, is located in the south­ eastern part of M i c h i g a n . A s indicated in jig. i, the valley e m b r a c e s parts of five counties. T h r o u g h o u t , its surface forms are of glacial origin and, with the exception of the i m m e d i a t e borders of the river, have undergone b u t slight modification since glacial times. P e r h a p s its most striking topographic features are the rough m o r a i n i c hills of its upper and middle courses, and the gently undulating plain of its lower course. The river h a s its source in west-central O a k l a n d County in B i g L a k e , 9 miles ( 1 4 . 5 km (64 ) northwest k m ) southeast of Holly and approximately 40 miles of D e t r o i t . Starting with an elevation of 111 feet (290 ), after a course, extending for 50 miles ( 8 o southwestward and then for another 50 miles ( 8 o k m ) k m 950 ) generally southeastward, m it empties into L a k e E r i e at an altitude of 573 feet ( i 7 S ) above tide. As is c o m m o n i n areas of glacial deposition, the topography of the drainage b a s i n of t h e . H u r o n h a s little of the appearance usually suggested b y the term " v a l l e y . " T h e upper two-thirds of its course is a winding depression a m o n g m o r a i n i c k n o b s , l a k e basins, abandoned glacial drainage channels, and sand plains. H e r e the river is char­ acterized b y long reaches and occasional slight riffles. At intervals it broadens into stretches of lake-like character, as is illustrated b y such bodies of water as C o m m e r c e , T a y l o r , Strawberry, Whitewood, and B a s s L a k e s , each with an a r e a of one-fourth to one-half a square mile (65-130 h e c t a r e s ) . T h e river m a r g i n is usually low and swampy. I t s tributaries enter it at every angle, and bring to it the drainage of hundreds of l a k e s and swamps. 1905] 351 M o s t of these lakes are small, occupying areas of an acre (half a hectare) or more, but there are several of considerable size. 1 P o r t a g e and W h i t m o r e L a k e s occupy one and one-fourth to one and one-half square miles (325-390 hec­ t a r e s ) , while Union, Straits, F o u r - M i l e , O r e , I n d e p e n d e n c e , etc. FIG. I.—Map of the Huron drainage basin. T h e boundaries of the interlobate moraine are shown by the lines — — . T h e boundary between the clay morainic belt and the lake plain is marked by the line . cover a fourth to half a square mile (65-130 h e c t a r e s ) . percentage of the tributaries lie in flat-bottomed A very large depressions whose surface approximates the ground-water level, consequently producing thousands of acres of swamp and m a r s h land. Everywhere occur small undrained depressions, some well above the average ground­ water level, others containing lakes and bogs. 1 I t is also worthy of Not connected with the Huron River by surface drainage. note that a large part of the surface drained b y the H u r o n and its tributaries, before it m a k e s the great b e n d to the southeast below P o r t a g e lake, is m a d e up of sand and gravel, composing and a c c o m ­ panying the S a g i n a w - E r i e interlobate m o r a i n e . I t is a region of steep hills, with occasional dry plains, everywhere penetrated by lakes and swamps. The country which the river next crosses, beyond the great bend, km for a distance of 20 miles ( 3 2 ) is composed of glacial till plains and clay m o r a i n e s — a belt extending N E - S W , approximately parallel to the interlobate moraine. H e r e , although the hills are well m a r k e d , the slopes are m o r e gradual and the basins broader. T h e river is bordered b y b a n k s several feet in height, and seldom attains a width of 150 feet m (So ). T h e last 30 miles ( S o k m ) of the H u r o n R i v e r traverses a meander­ m m ing course sunken from 50 feet ( i 5 ) at Y p s i l a n t i to 25 feet ( 7 . 5 ) at R o c k w o o d below the surface of a glacial l a k e plain sloping gently southeastward from the m o r a i n i c belt j u s t described, to the western shore of L a k e E r i e . T h e soil is here composed of sand, sandy loam, and—-in the vicinity of the l a k e — c l a y ; the only topographic features aside from the sunken water courses being the several b e a c h ridges and dunes m a r k i n g the successive stages in the lowering of the glacial lakes, forerunners of the present L a k e E r i e . T h e r e are, then, three natural divisions of the H u r o n basin: (1) the loose-textured rough interlobate m o r a i n e ; drainage (2) the clay m o r a i n i c belt lying to the southeast of it; (3) and the low-lying plain extending to L a k e E r i e . E a c h implies important differences in the way of bog formation and provides edaphic factors which determine to a large extent the nature of the dominant forest covering. PHYSIOGRAPHIC HISTORY. The history of these topographic features is for the most part b o u n d up with the retreat of the ice at the close of the last ( W i s c o n s i n ) glacial epoch. A topographic m a p of the region lying between L a k e s M i c h i g a n and E r i e shows that the m o r a i n i c hills so characteristic of the H u r o n b a s i n are part of a belt of similar physiography extending from northern I n d i a n a well up into the " t h u m b " of lower M i c h i g a n (fig. 2). T h i s belt of glacial deposits is directly connected with the development of reentrant angles along its crest, as the great con­ tinental ice s h e e t 2 b e c a m e m o r e and m o r e differentiated into lobes during its retreat (52, 13). I n northern I n d i a n a it m a r k s the first areas uncovered, as the m a s s of ice, pushed forward from the basin of L a k e M i c h i g a n , separated from that originating in the L a k e H u r o n and L a k e E r i e basins. W h e n the H u r o n R i v e r b a s i n was reached, the S a g i n a w lobe h a d been developed and lay over the northwestern part, while the HuronE r i e lobe covered all of the territory southeast of the interlobate FIG. 2.—Map of southern Michigan, northern Indiana, and northern Ohio, showing "moraines with strong expression." After LEVERETT, U. S. Geol. Surv. Mon. 41, plate 2. T h e irregular dotted lines mark the 1000-foot (300™) contour. moraine. T h e first portion of our area to b e uncovered is the triangu­ lar gravel outwash apron extending southwestward from Sugarloaf Knob. T h i s was the beginning of the H u r o n R i v e r . Kavanaugh L a k e then lay j u s t under the edge of the E r i e ice, and Crooked L a k e occupied a similar position on the southern border of the Saginaw lobe. A s h a s been recently determined b y M r . F R A N K L E V E R E T T , of the U . S. Geological Survey, the subsequent history of the H u r o n drainage is most r e m a r k a b l e . The waters from the glacial drainage at first flowed generally westward, reaching the K a l a m a z o o R i v e r n e a r Albion, thence to the S t . J o s e p h at T h r e e R i v e r s . 2 A t South B e n d , I n d i a n a , it crossed For general map see no. 55, p. 4 1 1 . (Bibliography at close of this paper.) to the K a n k a k e e R i v e r , and reached the Mississippi b y way of the Illinois. As the reentrant extended itself further to the northeast, another channel was opened for the H u r o n drainage westward past P i n c k n e y into the G r a n d R i v e r , and from there to B a t t l e Creek and the K a l a ­ mazoo R i v e r . B e l o w the city of K a l a m a z o o it cut across to the P a w P a w R i v e r , and reached the Mississippi b y way of L a k e Chicago. W h e n the ice of the E r i e lobe h a d retreated as far eastward as Ann Arbor, and all of the interlobate moraine h a d been uncovered, a third outlet for the waters of the H u r o n was opened b y way of Clinton and the R a i s i n R i v e r , which at that time emptied into glacial L a k e M a u m e e at Adrian (32, pi. 20). T h i s l a k e was drained b y the W a b a s h R i v e r into the Mississippi. As soon as the ice m a r g i n passed the clay morainic belt already described, the H u r o n reached L a k e M a u m e e at Y p s i l a n t i b y way of its present channel. B u t L a k e M a u m e e h a d meanwhile changed its outlet to the northward, its drainage going b y way of I m l a y (53) to the G r a n d R i v e r , L a k e Chicago, and the Mississippi (32, pis. 21, 23, 26). L a t e r the E r i e basin was entirely freed of ice, and its water for the first time flowed eastward into the O n t a r i o basin (glacial L a k e I r o q u o i s ) , and thence b y way of the M o h a w k to the Hudson. With the clearing of the S t . L a w r e n c e channel the present system was inaugurated. Aside from the physiographic interest connected with their early history, these glacial drainage interest. T h e y furnish all directions. channels are of distinct biological continuous lowland h a b i t a t s extending I n so far as they are represented b y broad, valleys, and connect with tributaries of the northern in open O h i o valley, they provide important highways for the dispersal of southern rivervalley species. FORESTS. T h e three topographic divisions already described exhibit m a r k e d differences in their forest aspect. richest and O n the l a k e plain we find the most mesophytic of the forest types. This lowland habitat is a continuation of the northern W a b a s h valley, and it is not surprising that its flora should b e of m u c h the same character. Here we find the greatest variety of tree species, among which are Fagits atropurpureus, Quercus rubra, Ulmus americana, Platanus occidentalis, Acer saccharum, Tilia americana, Acer saccharinum, Fraxinus americana, Gleditsia triacanthos, Liriodendron tulipifera, Gymnocladus dioica, Cercis canadensis, Asimina triloba, and Celtis occidentalis. T h e clay morainic area is dominated b y Quercus rubra, Q. alba, Q. velutina, Hicoria ovata, H. glabra, Acer rubrum, Ulmus americana, and Quercus macrocarpa. In the region of t h e interlobate m o r a i n e the disappearance of the m o r e mesophytic forms is quite m a r k e d . T h e forest is there largely composed of Quercus coccinea, Q. macrocarpa, Q. velutina, Q. alba; a n d as we go northeastward these b e c o m e associated with Pinus strobus. Quercus prinoides forms a characteristic shrubby growth along the roadsides a n d in waste places. S u c h is the forest b a c k g r o u n d in which are set the thousands of acres of b o g a n d swamp, a n d to which the groves of Larix exhibit a m a r k e d contrast. laricina T h e s e t a m a r a c k areas are to b e seen on all sides in the region of the interlobate m o r a i n e ; they are quite c o m m o n in the clay m o r a i n i c belt, b u t are practically wanting on the l a k e plain. As one follows along the morainic country from northern I n d i a n a into t h e " t h u m b " o f M i c h i g a n , h e passes from a region dominated b y a rich mesophytic broad-leaved forest to one of conifer a n d xerophytic broad-leaved ascendency; from a region whose low grounds are characterized b y a swamp flora to one in whose depressions the bog flora reaches a high state of development. I n this connection it is interesting to note that one finds this gradual change epitomized in the H u r o n valley as h e goes from its m o u t h to its source. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS. U n d e r this h e a d we shall consider t h e general meteorological conditions of t h e H u r o n b a s i n , a n d compare t h e m with t h e meteor­ ological conditions found about the center of the distribution of b o g plants (55, p . 406). I n general, this center extends from Lake W i n n i p e g through the upper G r e a t L a k e region down the valley of the S t . L a w r e n c e to the A t l a n t i c coast. 5 I t is in the coast provinces, however, that the bogs reach their highest development, in the form of the ' ' r a i s e d b o g . " Certain temperature phenomena associated with the bog habitat will b e discussed in connection with the analysis of the life conditions obtaining in bogs. Rainfall.—In the following table is given the m e a n monthly and annual precipitation for seven stations located within or near the H u r o n basin. A s their individual variation is b u t small, it is probable that the average for the stations gives a fair estimate of the rainfall and its distribution. Appended are the corresponding records for the maritime region of eastern C a n a d a : MEAN PRECIPITATION I N INCHES. Alt Rec­ feet ord Jan. a.t. for Yis. Station Ann Arbor Ypsilanti. . Jackson.. . Annpere.. BallMt.. Birm 'gham 930 736 927 924 932 860 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept 1.99 1 97 2 06 1.98 i-73 1.91 2.19 2 61 2 21 2.19 1.76 2 00 2 12 2 48 3-14 2 42 2 07 2 32 2.88 3-72 3 39 2.24 3 98 4 02 1 26 3 22 3.02 2 60 3 38 2.44 2.12 3-52 3 . 1 3 2 53 3 36 3 15 2 82 3 09 2 47 2 66 2 47 2.56 2.45 2.24 1 76 2.85 2 59 2 38 2 58 2.82 2 63 2.70 1.74 3 61 1 93 2.04 2 62 2 69 2 33 2 51 2.77 3-29 2.87 2.64 2.71 3-02 2.35 2 32 1.56 1.77 2.30 1.88 i-94 2.16 2.42 2 27 3 53 3-19 2 68 2.38 2 30 2 73 2 88 2 03 ? 5 55 3-93 3 80 2.50 3 66 2.72 3 29 4 64 3.08 4 13 4 7i 5 16 22 5 63 4-94 5 15 4 00 4 43 3 68 3-43 3 96 3 53 5 21 5 26 5-52 23 18 6 11 13 IS Average St. John, N. B , ( i 8 ) Halifax, N. S.(5i) Oct. Nov. Dec. I t will b e noticed from the above data that the precipitation is q u i t e e v e n l y distributed throughout the year. I t reaches its m a x i m u m during the months of M a y and J u n e , when the vegetative processes of the b o g plants are most active. mum during J u l y and August, attains its greatest height. I t approaches its s u m m e r mini­ when the temperature commonly T h e former implies that the water level in the bogs is kept at or above the surface of the substratum for weeks at a time. T h e latter involves strong transpiration on the part of the vegetation, when the water supply must b e drawn for the most part from the substratum. T h e average n u m b e r of rainy days during the past five years is one hundred per annum. T h e average snowfall in this region during the five years, 1898 to 1902, amounts to 38.4 inches (975 m m ). I n t h e case of the bogs this thickness is usually increased b y the drifting of snow from the sur­ rounding hills. Observations during the past two winters show that the bogs are covered b y ice to a thickness of a foot ( 3 0 c m ) or m o r e . Consequently, low shrubs, a n d herbs which pass the winter b y means of underground stems, are well protected from low temperatures and sudden temperature changes. T h e ice further results in lowering the temperature in spring a n d in retarding the beginning of favorable growth conditions. The percentage o f sunshine is not published b y the several sta­ tions, b u t the n u m b e r of clear and partly cloudy days is stated. The n u m b e r s from the various stations show m a r k e d differences, due to different standards established b y the observers; b u t perhaps these are largely eliminated in the average. I f we t a k e the average num­ ber of clear days, add to it one-half the n u m b e r of partly cloudy days, a n d divide b y the n u m b e r of days in a year, we obtain a percentage of forty-six. T h i s probably approximates the percentage of sunshine. I n comparison with the rainfall data for H a l i f a x a n d S t . J o h n , it is notable that in the latter localities the m e a n rainfall, both monthly and annual, is considerably larger. The annual exceeds that of the H u r o n valley b y fully 20 inches (50 40 per cent. precipitation c m ) , or about F i n a l l y , the sunshine percentage is slightly lower, being 39 for H a l i f a x a n d 42 for S t . J o h n . Temperature.—The following table exhibits the monthly and annual m e a n s for the several stations already c i t e d : MEAN TEMPERATURE I N ° F . Jan. . . Average St. John, N. B Halifax, N. S . . . . The Feb. 22 2 25-9 26 1 24.7 22 6 23.1 23 1 30 6 24 2 32.3 20 3 32 7 21 7 31 3 2 1 . 4 27 6 22 8 30 4 45 4 46.7 47 5 50 2 45 3 46 5 24.1 Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Jackson Annpere Ball Mt Birmingham. Mar. April May 22 2 30 8 18 6 22.0 18.7 22.7 26 3 28 7 June July Aug. Nov. 62 5 61.8 64.8 63.0 62 2 61 5 36.4 36.7 37-7 35-9 35-9 36.7 27.1 27.6 26.5 26.7 27.1 27.0 46.6 47-3 48.8 47 4 46. c 47-1 67.1 71.9 69.1 62.6 50.6 36.5 27.0 47-2 56.3 57-6 61.0 64.2 61.3 64.8 55-6 58 2 44-7 48 0 36.1 38.2 23-7 27.0 40 8 43-2 67 3 63.5 69 4 68 4 66 9 69 1 46.9 56 7 38 6 38.2 48.8 48.7 49 9 49 9 54-7 49 8 49-5 49-7 Dec. Ann. Sept. Oct. 72 0 69-3 71 1 69 7 74.8 71 8 67 6 71.8 70 0 68 1 72.2 68 4 53 2 58.1 59-4 56 5 56.0 57 3 table shows that the temperature conditions are compara­ tively uniform throughout the basin. peratures occur in J u l y a n d August. T h e m a x i m u m average tem­ B u t the significance of the data b e c o m e s m o r e apparent, in so far as the b o g vegetation is concerned, when they are compared with those of S t . J o h n a n d H a l i f a x (fig. 3). I t is t o b e noted that, although the average temperature for J u n e , 0 J u l y , and August of the H u r o n b a s i n is 8.6° F . (4.8 C . ) higher, its rainfall during the same period is less b y 2.6 inches (66 m m ). There c a n b e little doubt as to the effect of such differences upon the growth of the bog species, especially the sphagnum whose moisture supply is m o r e directly dependent upon atmospheric water than upon the Indies at-Rain. 1 - 'it* \ \ \ 60 r / SO f / / 40 / / / / / 30 / Hu *°h V / Jan ?eS Tftar Apr 77?ay Juru July Jay Sept Oct Tloir 2>ec FIG. 3.—Curves of rainfall and temperature conditions in' the Huron basin compared with those of the maritime region of Canada. soil solution. Again, the occurrence of high temperature with decreased precipitation m e a n s the production of conditions impos­ sible for the development of the " r a i s e d b o g , " if not unfavorable to the highest development of the " f l a t b o g . " Since bogs attain their m a x i m u m development in a region of great rainfall and comparatively low temperatures, it is reasonable to infer that the extremes of s u m m e r heat b e c o m e peculiarly signifi­ cant in this region. E x a m i n a t i o n of the weather records shows that temperatures 0 0 of 97-100 F . ( 3 6 - 3 8 C . ) are likely to occur every year, and that temperatures approximating these m a y b e prevalent for several days in succession each season, W h e n these extremes coincide with periods of drought, they must act as important checks on the growth of the bog plants, especially the sphagnum. As we pass from northern I n d i a n a along the moraine into M i c h i g a n , the gradual increase of bog development, of the variety of bog species, a n d of the areas covered b y sphagnum is very m a r k e d . Although other factors are involved, this increase m a y b e correlated with a decrease in summer temperature extremes. II. The bogs: their development and ecological conditions. PHYSIOGRAPHIC ORIGIN OF T H E LAKE AND BOG BASINS. I n connection with the special consideration of the bog flora, it is of interest to note the origin of the depressions in which this flora h a s developed and flourished. Indeed, in the morainic belt of the Huron basin it would seem that among the agencies which have produced important topographic changes since glacial times, the bog plants stand near the head of the list. S t r e a m erosion and deposition have been slight, while l a k e basins have been filled and the level of depressions generally raised b y the deposition of plant debris. As no attempt has as yet b e e n m a d e at the mapping of peat deposits and m u c k soils, no reliable estimate of the total amount of aggradation accomplished b y plant agencies can b e made. Y e t the frequency with which in field work one encounters peat soils, in various stages of m a k i n g or decay, suggests that in the aggregate such deposition has been most effective in this region. T h e northwest quarter o f the A n n A r b o r topographic m a p , which e m b r a c e s an area of about 215 square miles (55,700 h e c t a r e s ) , located in the morainic portion of this basin, indicates approximately 43 square miles (11,500 hectares)—20 per cent.—as swamp land. I t is probable that at an early time this area was very m u c h larger, but with the settlement of the l a n d m a n y extensive areas have b e e n drained and only the dark humous soil remain's to suggest its past history. T h e most frequent source of l a k e and bog basins is here found in connection with the deposits m a d e by glacial drainage. vicissitudes attending A m o n g the the retreat of a glacier are the occasional detachment of b l o c k s a n d masses of ice through differential melting (19). I f these detached masses happened to b e in the line of the overloaded glacial drainage, they b e c a m e covered to a greater or less extent b y sand a n d gravel. Owing to the poor conduction of h e a t b y such deposits, they melted with extreme slowness. W h e r e this latter process was prolonged until the drainage line h a d been abandoned or the stream h a d ceased depositing, subsequent melting about a settling of t h e deposits a n d t h e production of basins. brought Sister, K a v a n a u g h , a n d Crooked L a k e s are examples o f this type. I n the case of the chain of lakes which form a part of the H u r o n T R i v e r in northwestern W ashtenaw County, a n d such lakes as P o r t a g e , T a m a r a c k , O r e , a n d B a s s , according to L E V E R E T T , there was a n additional settling of t h e fluvio-glacial deposit itself. T h i s latter process h a s been of the greatest importance in the development of extensive b o g areas. I n the P o r t a g e L a k e region this settling h a s m amounted to as m u c h as 40 feet (12 ) in certain places, a n d h a s resulted in reducing m a n y hundreds of acres of land to the ground water level. T h r o u g h o u t t h e belt of till plains occur shallow marshes, some­ times drained, b u t usually b y a sluggish meandering stream, itself impeded b y the growth of swamp plants. natural expression of t h e unequal T h e s e basins are t h e deposition of glacial material. T i l l plains result from a comparatively rapid retreat o f the i c e ; hence the depressions are usually shallow, a n d have been mostly filled with peat to the level of the present drainage. T h e several small lakes lying to the west of D e x t e r are examples of basins not yet obliterated. W h e r e the retreat of the glacier is slow a n d deposits are m a d e to a great thickness about the edge of the ice, k a m e or " k n o b a n d k e t t l e " topography results. T h e basins of such areas are characterized usually b y high margins a n d comparatively steep slopes. West, Silver, North, Island, a n d South L a k e s m a y b e cited as examples. As we know from remains discovered in peat deposits, among t h e animals inhabiting this region in early postglacial times were the mammoth, mastodon, bison, peccary (Platygonus compressus L e C o n t e ) (57), elk, and " b i g b e a v e r " (Castoroides ohioensis F o s t e r ) . The last n a m e d is not a b e a v e r (34, p. 256), b u t is more nearly related to the Coypu rat of South A m e r i c a . T h e c o m m o n beaver (Castor canadensis K u h l ) h a s b e e n an important factor in the creation of b o g areas (37), a n d in t h e extension of areas already existing, b y the building of dams. T h e b e a v e r was found in this section when it was first settled, b u t the last known specimen was killed sixty-nine years ago. T h e occurrence of peat deposits several feet in thickness and covering quite large areas, bordering streams, whose channels lie deeply sunken in the deposits, seems to find its best explanation in this m a n n e r . B u t little field work h a s been done on the relation of beavers to the peat deposits, and examples are still too hypothetical to cite in this connection. BOG AND LAKE VEGETATION. O f the plants which might come into a new land area containing basins, such as was laid b a r e on the retreat of the glaciers, none is better adapted to rapid migration than the group of a q u a t i c plants. W h e t h e r we have in m i n d the smaller submerged varieties or the partially submerged littoral species, their wide geographic distri­ bution a n d uniform associations b e s p e a k their evident solution of the problems of dispersal. T h e fact that deposits of peat and m a r l have been found in northern I n d i a n a a n d lower M i c h i g a n to a thickness m of 40 feet (12 ) would indicate that in these particular basins the vegetation must have obtained an early foothold. Concerning the deposition of marl, it is of interest to us only in so far as it b e c o m e s an agent of aggradation in the basins. I n the reports (5, 42, 21) on the m a r l deposits o f I n d i a n a and M i c h i g a n , m a n y examples are cited where t h e m a r l forms the underlying sub­ stratum of peat deposits. T h a t its deposition to a large extent is due to plant life h a s b e e n shown b y D A V I S (9, 10). T h e plants most concerned with this process are the C h a r a c e a e and Cyanophyceae (Schizothrix, Zonotrichia). T h e y are probably aided mollusks, and perhaps also b y c h e m i c a l precipitation. b y certain A s for the C h a r a c e a e and Cyanophyceae, they have a wide range of habitat in different lakes, and m a y occur in deep or shallow water and on various r o c k substrata. W h e r e they c o m e into competition with shore species, t h e r a n k growth of the latter usually precludes their existence in sufficient amount to b e of importance in m a r l formation. W h e r e wave action is strong, the c h a r a is confined to deeper water, but the blue-green algae m a y b e present up to the water's edge, in such situations frequently forming m a r l pebbles. T h e lower limit of existence is largely determined b y the transparency of the water, m and m a y lie between 20 and 30 feet ( 6 - 9 ) . O f the littoral plant associations there are commonly two quite distinct divisions, the outer m a d e up largely of submerged or floating pondweeds and waterlilies, the inner of half-submerged rushes and sedges. cerned in the process of peat formation. B o t h are con­ U n d e r such conditions there naturally develop, in regions of calcareous underground waters, an outer zone of c h a r a dominance and m a r l deposition, and an inner zone of pondweed-sedge dominance and peat deposition. Varia­ tions in the slope of the bottom, in the amount of wave action, in the presence of shore currents, and in the color of the water, determine whether one or both of these processes shall go on, and to what extent these activities are kept distinct or grade into one another. I n the case of the peat, however, the process is not upon water species alone. dependent T h e y act merely as forerunners of a denser and more luxuriant vegetation which frequently is of greater quantitative importance. Briefly, we m a y note here that in the case of the bogs, unlike that of the swamps, the plants which develop on the margin, especially Car ex filiformis and forms of Eriophorum, are able to secure all of their food materials from the water and air and build their own substratum. T h i s tangle of roots and rhizomes usually attains a thickness of several inches, and on account of its low specific gravity floats on the surface of the water. foundation the sphagnum quota to the debris. the t a m a r a c k . U p o n this and bog shrubs advance, adding their L a t e r , these are followed b y such tree forms as Coincident with this increased weight and augmented rate of deposition, comes the progressive submergence of the floating substratum, and its gradual disintegration and humification. The accompanying fig. 4 will serve to illustrate this process. W i t h i n the last two years m u c h has been promised toward the utilization of the peat deposits in this region for fuel purposes. Com­ panies have been organized, and the machinery necessary for the drying and consolidating of the peat has been m u c h improved. At C a p a c and Chelsea, factories have been erected, and attempts are being m a d e to place the industry on an economic basis. I f these ventures prove successful, we m a y hope for an interesting body o f scientific information to come from the study o f b o g sections. The work o f A N D E R S O N , L A G E R H E I M , SERNANDER, W E B E R , a n d others in Sweden a n d G e r m a n y , gives indication o f the d a t a concerning postglacial migrations of plants a n d animals, a n d climatic changes, which will b e o b t a i n a b l e when our b o g deposits b e c o m e of economic importance. '/// / / 7 / //dwai/Tlrt, / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ///////7/7777/ // / / / / / / r / / / / / A FIG. 4.—Diagrams illustrating three stages in the development of peat and mar deposits in lake basins. In drawing the figures it has been assumed that the rates of marl and peat deposition are approximately equal. The peat accumulates most rapidly on the western side of the basin. O n the east side a common effect of wave action is illustrated. T h e process of peat formation is hindered, while that of marl deposition goes on until the aggradation of the bottom reduces the force of the waves sufficiently to allow the bog plants a foothold. A represents conditions in early postglacial times when these basins acquired their first flora. T h e several plant societies represented are (1) conifer (2) bog shrub, (3) bog sedge, (4) aquatic, the outermost division of which is the chara association. In B the conditions for the growth of plants belonging to the northeastern conifer forest formation have reached their optimum. C repre­ sents present conditions in southern Michigan. T h e plants belonging to the south­ eastern broad-leaved forest formation, being climatically favored, occupy the areas of mineral soils, while the conifers are almost restricted to bog areas. THE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF PEAT DEPOSITS. I n N o r t h A m e r i c a the distribution of recent peat deposits m a y b e conveniently summarized under two heads, genetically unrelated: (1) those of glaciated regions; (2) those of the coastal plain. T h e peat of the glaciated area constitutes the great b u l k of these American deposits. T h e southern boundary of this region is marked by a line passing westward from central N e w J e r s e y through northern Pennsylvania and Ohio, central I n d i a n a and Illinois, thence north­ ward through southern Wisconsin, northwestward to the M i n n e s o t a valley and the R e d R i v e r of the N o r t h in M a n i t o b a , westward through northern Assiniboia and southern Alberta to the R o c k i e s . Here the boundary is deflected southward into M o n t a n a , but in crossing toward the coast it is again carried northward into British Columbia, and finally southward among the Cascades of Washington to the Pacific O c e a n . Along this southern border the peat deposits are exceedingly scattered and m a k e up a small fraction of the total land surface. T h e y have accumulated under water in depressions among recessional moraines. the As we go northward, the relative proportion of peat bogs and peat deposits regularly increases, and there is a notable tendency toward the accumulation of pure humus in situations other than depressions containing water. W h e n the tundra or "barren g r o u n d " is reached, the accumulation of humus is almost universal. T h e contrast with our own region is well brought out in R U S S E L L ' S account of the tundra (43, p. 129). T h e vegetation grows rapidly during the long, hot, summer days, dies below and partially decays, but becomes frozen and has its complete destruction arrested, while the dense mat of roots and stems continues to thrive. In this way an accumulation of partially decayed vegetable matter is formed, which increases in thickness from year to year by additions to its surface. The process is similar to that by which peat bogs are formed in temperate latitudes, except that the partially decom­ posed vegetation becomes solidly frozen. It is in reality an example of cold storage on a grand scale. Under existing climatic conditions there does not seem to be any limit to the depth such deposits may attain. The amount of carbonaceous material already accumulated in the tundras of America and Asia must equal that of the most extensive coal field known. South of the boundary above described, peat deposits of consider- a b l e extent are occasionally m e t with. I n the region of the great plains they are sometimes found b e n e a t h a surface covering of sand and wind-blown deposits. T O D D (54, p. 121) has mentioned the occurrence of such peat deposits in eastern South D a k o t a . BARBOUR also reports such deposits from central and eastern N e b r a s k a (2). O n the basis of their field relations and certain fossils which they contain, they are believed to b e of G l a c i a l and early Pleistocene age. I f the plant materials of these deposits could b e carefully worked over with reference to their successive floras, we might hope for some new light on glacial climate, since a part of the deposits are beyond the margin of the W i s c o n s i n ice sheet. B u t even their location and existence give evidence of climatic change, and plant and migration. Although now widely separated from the animal region of active bog formation, they are historically connected with this division. A m o n g the mountains of b o t h the eastern and western U n i t e d States, bogs and swamps are to b e found in association with mountain lakes. M o r e frequently t h a n otherwise these depressions are con­ nected with former local glaciation, perhaps the most frequent situations being those afforded b y the d a m m i n g b a c k of water b y terminal and lateral moraines. B a s i n s for peat accumulation are also found in solid r o c k m a d e b y glacial erosion. T h e conditions here are quite similar to those of the north, the altitude bringing about the same general effect as the latitude. T h e analogy is still further shown on mountains in moist regions where alpine meadows are strongly developed. N o t only are the plants related to those of the tundra, b u t the deposition of peat or h u m u s is again irrespective of basins. I n m a n y places east of the great plains there is another type of situation not directly connected with glaciation, but in which vegetable debris m a y a c c u m u l a t e to considerable thickness, viz., about debouchure of cold springs. the T o w a r d the north these springs m a y bring about h u m u s accumulation on slopes, but further south peat is usually associated with pools and small lakes. The second group of situations in which peat accumulation takes place on a grand scale, are those associated with coastal plain phe­ n o m e n a , such as the rising and sinking of the land, the irregular deposition of alluvial materials in deltas, and the extension of the land through reef building. T h e s e swamps have b e e n described b y SHALER, K E A R N E Y , JULIEN, and others (46, 26, 24, 7). their greatest development Florida, and the Mississippi in eastern T h e y reach Virginia, N o r t h floodplain. Carolina, T h e y m a y contain either salt or fresh water, and their vegetation is noted for its density and luxuriance. The geographical distribution of peat deposits is of interest in this connection because it points to certain factors which contribute to the preservation of h u m u s materials. Certainly in a r c t i c latitudes the most significant factor is the low temperature, for h u m u s accu­ mulates to great thickness even with a scant vegetation. In the northern states and southern provinces of C a n a d a , peat is associ­ ated with basins containing stagnant water or cold springs. The a n n u a l increment from the vegetation is greatly increased over that of the tundra. M i l d temperatures to preserve the plant debris. and stagnant waters c o m b i n e W h e n we come to the coastal plain swamps of the southern states, this process t a k e s place only where a luxuriant vegetation is c o m b i n e d with areas of stagnant water of considerable depth. T o put it sharply, we m a y say that, in spite of the scant vegetation, the cold of the tundra results in peat accumulation. I n temperate latitudes, mild temperatures and stagnant water combine to prevent the complete disintegration of a vigorous vegetation. I n the south, in spite of the high temperature, the luxuriance of the vegetation and stagnant water unite to m a k e peat formation possible. THE PROCESSES INVOLVED I N PEAT FORMATION. W h e n for any reason the living protoplasm in a plant or any of its organs is brought to the condition of death rigor, the continuance of this state for a prolonged period inaugurates certain chemical and physical processes which result in the b r e a k i n g down of the exceedingly complex structures and compounds m a k i n g up the living plasma. A m o n g the first outward is the loss of water. signs of such disorganization T h e cells of soft tissues lose their n o r m a l form, and in any case the tissue b e c o m e s more or less filled with gases. The protoplasts as such disappear, and in their place carbohydrate and proteid bodies are to b e found. granular Aside from the mineral substances composing the ash of such bodies, the organic compounds are m a d e up for the most part of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. I n the case of the proteids, there are added to these nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. As to the exact nature of the compounds existing in the dead material, aside from the carbohydrates, very little is known. T h e same statement holds as to the nature of the decomposition which goes on without the intervention of saprophytic organisms. that oxidation does occur. B u t it seems probable T h i s action, then, is the beginning of the more comprehensive process known as peat formation. W h e n plants or their organs die, under ordinary circumstances they are at once attacked b y fungi and bacteria. T h e progress of disso­ lution is then greatly hastened, and the final disintegration is more complete. According to the operation of certain external factors, the destruction m a y involve two very different groups of organisms and result in bodies of very different chemical and physical properties. T h e s e two processes are known as eremacausis and putrefaction (61, 39). W h e r e access to oxygen is accompanied b y favorable temperature and moisture conditions, the first of these processes, eremacausis, takes place. T h e formation of ordinary soil humus m a y be cited as an example. T h a t oxygen plays the important role has been demon­ strated both b y experiment, and b y the analysis of the gaseous and solid products. I t has been shown, for example, that soils in which eremacausis is in progress contain C 0 2 and O in inverse proportion to one another. U n d e r constant volume, as the one increases the other decreases. I t has been also shown b y experiment that the process is wholly dependent upon the activities of certain lower plants. A m o n g these m e m b e r s of the genera M u c o r , Aspergillus, Penicillium, Saccharomyces, Micrococcus, Bacterium, Spirillum, Crenothrix, and B e g g i a t o a are most important. T h e carbohydrates are b y this m e a n s broken down to C 0 H 0. 2 2 and T h e albuminoids and amides constitute the principal forms of the nitrogenous materials. U n d e r the influence of these organisms, especially their katabolic processes, the oxygen unites with the carbon to form C 0 , the S is oxidized to H S 0 , the P to H P 0 , and the 2 H to H 0 . 2 2 4 3 4 T h e first form in which the nitrogen reappears is that of a m m o n i a . T h i s is at once attacked b y the nitrifying bacteria, and changed successively to the form of a nitrite and a nitrate. The two latter changes again involve the addition of oxygen. I f we consider only the temperatures occurring in nature, we m a y say that these activities increase regularly with the temperature. As to water conditions, it has been shown that in air-dry soil eremacausis is practically wanting, and that when the soil is filled with water it is reduced to a m i n i m u m . B e t w e e n these two extremes lies an optimum at which there is sufficient moisture for the life of the organisms, and yet not enough to interfere with the diffusion of oxygen. A n acid condition impedes, and a slight alkalinity favors, the production of both the carbon and the nitrogen compounds. E r e m a c a u s i s is then essentially a process of oxidation, brought about b y lower organisms, whose activities are favored b y a high temperature, a slightly alkaline medium, a n d free access to the air. I t s products are simple compounds which m a y furnish food materials for the higher plants living on the substratum in which they are formed. is m e a n t that process of disintegration which occurs when organic m a t t e r decays in the absence of oxygen. B y putrefaction Here again organisms are involved, but they belong for the most part to the anaerobes, and are wholly forms of bacteria. T h e process is essentially one of reduction. Carbon dioxid is again the principal gaseous product, relative amount is greatly reduced. Along with it C H , H, H S , 4 H P , N 0 , and N are produced in small quantities. 3 but its 2 2 I n the manu­ facture of the carbon dioxid the oxygen is not only derived from the organic matter, but also from nitrous oxid, nitrites and nitrates which m a y b e present. I n the decomposition of cellulose, carbon dioxid and m e t h a n e result from the hydrolysis of the cellulose molecule. Albumins at first b r e a k up into amido-acids, nitrogenous compounds of the aromatic series, and other little-known bodies. position continues, the compounds amido-acids in turn form of the fatty-acid series. I f the decom­ ammonia and T h e latter substances may still further disintegrate to carbon dioxid, hydrogen, and methane. Depending upon the stage in the progress of decomposition, we m a y find complex organic compounds, organic acids, and their salts, or comparatively simple substances. A s to the influence of external factors, high temperatures increase the rate of disintegration, while the presence of acids prevents its continuance, due to the killing of the b a c t e r i a involved. I t is to b e noted that the products of putrefaction, both intermediate and final, can b e of little use in furnishing food materials for the higher plants. W i t h these two processes in mind, we m a y now consider the m a t t e r of peat formation as it occurs in this region. W e have already seen how the substratum is being extended at the edge and renewed at the surface b y the plants forming the outer zone of the bog vege­ tation. phorum. I t consists of sedges, especially forms of C a r e x and E r i o E a c h year these plants send up stems and leaves from the m a t t e d rhizomes. A t the approach of winter these are killed, and the snow later on aids in bringing them down to the water level. In the spring the water covers almost the whole of this zone to the depth of several inches. W i t h the gradual lowering of the water level and t h e coming of warmer temperatures, the conditions for eremacausis are m a d e favorable. I f the water is approximately neutral in its chemical reaction, the fungi and b a c t e r i a begin the work of disintegra­ tion, which if continued would result in the complete destruction of the vegetable debris. However, on account of the great demand for oxygen, the process can b e carried on only near the surface of the water. E v e n at a depth of a few centimeters the rate of oxygen diffusion is so small, as compared with the demand for it, that practi­ cally all aerobic bacterial action is prevented. All of the surface waters which I have examined have been found to b e teeming with bacteria. Close upon the sphagnum-heath extension of the zone. bog-sedge zone comes the H e r e the surface is characterized b y hol­ lows and elevations, the latter frequently due to the upward growth of the sphagnum beneath the shade of the heath plants, but in some cases due to the building of mounds b y ants. I n the hollows the water stands above the substratum throughout a large part of the year and even during dry periods lies j u s t at the surface. sedges, the principal plants of this zone are U n l i k e the evergreen. The sphagnum forms a continuous m a t of living plants several centi­ meters in thickness, through which all of the oxygen must diffuse before it can b e available for the eremacausis of the dead plantmaterial beneath. T h e cassandra, cranberry, and andromeda which compose the b u l k of the shrubby vegetation add to the debris largely by their leaves a n d underground stems. T h e former fall to t h e substratum as they die, b u t not at t h e close of each vegetative period. Consequently they a r e soon lost among the sphagnum, a n d there is no distinct annual layer added. B u t b e n e a t h this layer of possible aerobic activity, the material would seem to b e subject to putrefactive agencies. A n d there c a n b e no doubt that such destructive processes are carried on in those situ­ ations in which t h e acidity of the soil solution does not preclude the existence of the anaerobic bacteria. A m o n g t h e taller shrubs a n d trees, such as Vaccinium corymbosum y Aronia nigra, and Larix laricina, the defoliation takes place each autumn. A s these plants are of relatively large size, the b u l k o f the material forms a noteworthy annual addition to the substratum. W h e n - t o this is added the twigs a n d small branches which fall each season, we c a n understand the fact that the substratum is almost entirely free of surface water. 5-10 c m below. Usually the ground-water level lies B u t the substratum h a s a high water-capacity a n d is kept constantly moist. W h e r e the sphagnum covering is wanting for one reason or another, the dark color of the surface peat shows how m u c h more complete is its disintegration as compared with that of the other zones. T h i s condition is m a d e possible b y its position relative to t h e ground water. O n t h e other hand, as will b e shown later, the temperature conditions are more favorable in the zones of herbaceous and shrubby vegetation. M o s t of the basins in which peat formation is going on actively, are subject to considerable variation in water level, b o t h seasonal and annual. During t h e last two years the rainfall h a s been con­ siderably above the normal in lower M i c h i g a n , a n d m a n y o f these b o g areas were flooded. A t W e s t L a k e , for example, a large part o f t h e t a m a r a c k area was covered with water to a height of several inches above the level of t h e roots. M o s t o f the basins are also subject to higher water level in the spring and during prolonged rainy periods. Accompanying such changes there are great differences in the rate and m a n n e r of decay. H i g h water, in so far as it excludes oxygen, favors putrefaction; if it comes as a result of heavy rains, it decreases the acidity of the soil solution, increases its oxygen content, and a t least for a short time favors the growth of the saprophytes causing eremacausis. L o w water level exposes a m u c h greater b u l k of the substratum to disintegration, and favors the carrying away of the products of decomposition; in general, it favors eremacausis. In the samples of water which I have examined at various times from the same depressions, there have been m a r k e d variations within short periods of time in the color of the water and in the presence of such animals as D a p h n i a and Cyclops. N o attempt has been m a d e to count or even separate the b a c t e r i a present, but it is probable that they too vary with the color of the water and the animal life. W h e n the bog land has been cleared and ditched, the m a r k e d increase in the rate of decay is apparent. Eremacausis becomes exceedingly active, and in the course of a few years the substratum is reduced to a brownish-black, pulp-like mass. I f continued, this goes to form " m u c k , " a substance which when dry is powdery and somewhat resembles soot. During these processes o f . decay there occurs a succession among the organisms present. T h e accumulation of disintegration products m a k e s the medium unfavorable for the con­ tinued existence of the organism involved in their production. At the same time it m a y furnish optimum conditions for the development of other forms. An acid medium favors the growth of the Phycomycetes, while alkalinity favors the bacteria. I n such regions as this, where the underground waters are alkaline, the latter fact, together with fluctuations in the ground-water level, m a y have an important bearing upon the presence of more thoroughly decayed peat and of a distinct depression about the margins of m a n y of the bogs. I f to the factors of relative scarcity of oxygen and the acidity of the soil solution is added the occurrence of temperatures considerably lower t h a n those of the surrounding uplands, it is not difficult to understand why a large part of each year's vegetative products should escape complete destruction. I n our estimate of the bog substratum as a habitat for higher plants, the strong competition with the micro­ scopic plants to which the former are subject in the acquisition of oxygen for their underground parts, must b e emphasized. THE PHYSICAL A N D CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PEAT. T h e peat formed through the agency of the bog sedges and their attendant plants has a fibrous and m a t t e d appearance. T h e structures of the various dead stems, roots, and leaves have suffered but slight alteration. T h e y were originally strongly cuticularized, and this has aided in their preservation. brown. T h e color is commonly a pale yellowish- During life these plant materials b e c o m e strongly matted and interwoven, and this structure frequently persists. I t is this structure that gives to the C a r e x - E r i o p h o r u m zone in m a n y lakes its strength to support heavy bodies. A m a n ' s weight will carry the substratum a foot beneath the surface of the water, but it seldom b r e a k s under the strain. I n the case of lakes where this zone is unusually developed, it m a y cover a large part of the lake surface and b e of great importance in the filling in of peat. I n such cases the deposition takes place largely b y the gradual falling of material from the under side of the floating substratum. O n account of the slight weight of the material, it does not descend and produce a compact deposit on the bottom, but forms a sort of thick liquid peat. T h e sphagnum-shrub zone, where well developed, usually shows a brown peat beneath it. I t is composed largely of sphagnum and the semi-decayed twigs, rhizomes, and leaves of the other plants. I t is distinctly fibrous, but of a type different from that of the sedge zone; the fibers are short, and the material is not nearly so tenacious. U n d e r the t a m a r a c k s a large part of the annual peat increment is m a d e up of the t a m a r a c k needles, though mosses (Hypnum, Sphag­ num, and Polytrichum) usually are of importance in this connection. T h e color is reddish-brown and darker than that of the shrubby zone. T h e fibrous structure is still less apparent, though present. W h e n these bogs have been burned over and partially drained, there frequently comes in a dense ground covering of moss (Poly­ trichum). I n such cases the peat continues to accumulate, largely through the agency of this plant. I n such situations the peat is a reddish-brown, and the plant structures have practically disappeared through decay. B e l o w the upper layer, the peat when moist has the sticky, clayey properties of well-decomposed peat. O n e other well-marked stage is shown in the areas of muck land now under cultivation to onions and celery. Under the influence of drainage and tillage, the disintegration is nearly complete. All plant structures have disappeared, the humous acids have been largely neutralized or washed out, and there is left only a fine, powdery, brownish-black " m u c k . " T h e following table shows some other physical properties of these several varieties of peat. Eriophorum Zone Peat H 0-capacity % by volume H 0-capacity % by weight Air dry H 0-con­ tent % Fresh Sphagnum CassandraSphagnum Zone Peat Tamarack Zone Peat Chelsea Bog Peat Onion Marsh Muck 2 78.0* 87.0 91.0 84.0 82 6 75-o 2 892.0 I550 0 960. 0 530-0 477.0 283.0 8.5 10 6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 2 *Low volume percentage due to air present in tissues. T h e s e measurements were m a d e b y placing the peat samples in a zinc cylinder of 600 c c capacity. closed with a wire gauze cap. T h e b o t t o m of the cylinder was T h e moist peat was tamped into the cylinders with as nearly uniform a stroke as possible. T h e cylinders were then set in a dish of water for eighteen hours, after which the cylinder was removed and allowed to drip. ceased, the cylinder was weighed. W h e n all dripping h a d T h e peat was then removed and allowed to dry at room temperature, and again weighed. F i n a l l y it was dried a t n o ° C , and the absolute weight determined. A s usual in such measurements, considerable irregularity was shown b y the different samples, owing to the difficulty of removing the air, and of p a c k i n g to the same degree. However, the figures bring out clearly t h e fact that sphagnum m o r e t h a n any other plant influences the water-capacity of a peat containing it. T h e eriophorum peat h a s a lower capacity, owing to its coarse fibrous structure. O f the series examined, the highest water-capacity was found in the cassandra zone. T h e effect of further decay and destruction of the plant tissue is shown b y the reduction in water-capacity of the last three m e m b e r s of the series. T h e percentages are of interest in connection with the utilization of such lands for agricultural purposes, in showing the difficulty of proper drainage. I t is the experience of the m e n who ditch these bogs that until the peat has reached the condition termed " m u c k " the ditches act only with extreme slowness. Chemically, peat or h u m u s is m a d e up of varying quantities of several substances of a rather indefinite character, which are com­ monly classified among the dehydration products of the carbo- hydrates. ficially T h e s e bodies not only occur in nature, but m a y b e arti­ produced b y the action of strong acids on starch, sugar, and cellulose. T h e relation of nitrogen to these bodies is still unknown. Principally on the basis of color and solubility in alkalies and acids, there are several substances distinguished. U l m i n and ulmic acid are brown, and are early products of decomposition. Humin and h u m i c acid are b l a c k , and occur m o r e abundantly where eremacausis has been active for a long time. C r e n i c and apocrenic acids appear to b e further oxidation products; latter varies from yellow to brown. the former is colorless, and the M A Y E R believes these bodies to b e organic nitrogen compounds (36), and on this basis STOCKBRIDGE (50, p. 135) explains the insolubility of peat soils and the presence of the unavailable nitrogen in peat. B e s i d e these substances saccharic, and glucinic acids have been recognized. xylic, Although great advances have been m a d e in soil chemics, it seems strange that the only suggestion of formulae for these substances was m a d e b y M U L D E R 1861 (38). in H u m i c acid forms water-soluble compounds with the alkalies, and to these are due largely the brown colors of the bog waters. T h e color m a y b e produced b y the presence of free h u m i c acid. W i t h the alkaline earths h u m i c acid forms insoluble or difficultly soluble com­ pounds. H e n c e there is slight c h a n c e of lime and magnesia pene­ trating from the surrounding soil into the peat deposits. D u r i n g the changes which the plant material undergoes in the process of peat-making there are alterations in the relative amounts of volatile hydrocarbons, fixed carbon, and ash—using these terms as in ordinary coal analyses. Eriophorum Stems and Leaves Volatile combustible Fixed carbon Ash. H O a 68.2 21.0 3-8 7.0 Sphagnum 67.0 17.9 4-5 10.6 Eriophorum Zone Peat 62 .0 21.8 7-4 8.8 Cassandra . Zone Peat 54-0 22 .9 13.8 9-3 Tamarack Zone Peat 53-o 23.4 13.6 10.0 Onion Marsh Muck 45-7 21.8 22.5 10.0 T h e proportion of volatile combustible m a t t e r decreases regularly as the humification proceeds. T h e ash regularly increases, while the air-dry water content shows b u t slight modification. (To be continued.) THE BOGS AND B O G F L O R A OF THE HURON RIVER VALLEY. EDGAR NELSON TRANSEATJ. (WITH SIXTEEN FIGURES) [Continued from p. 375.] THE BOG AS A HABITAT FOR PLANTS. W H E N we consider the b o g as a h a b i t a t for plants, there is at once brought to m i n d the m a r k e d contrast between its characteristics and those of the other plant habitats of its vicinity. pheric and edaphic conditions it is unique. I n both its atmos­ T h e various factors entering into the plant environment will b e discussed as physical, chemical, and biotic agents. A. PHYSICAL F A C T O R S . — 1 . Wind.—Because of the fact that so large a n u m b e r of our bogs lie in depressions surrounded b y hills, the influence of the wind is somewhat lessened. I t is only in the case of the larger basins that its effects b e c o m e m a r k e d . I t has been noted b y several students of bogs (41, 5, p. 3 7 ; 59, 47) that in the region of prevailing westerly winds the greatest development of bog areas and peat deposits occurs on the western sides of l a k e basins. W h e r e the deposition has taken place in a large l a k e basin, which is now only partially filled, we c o m m o n l y find open water occurring toward the eastern side. T h e peat deposits at Portage, P a r k s , and W e s t L a k e s in the vicinity of Ann A r b o r are massed on the western shores, while the eastern margins exhibit an ordinary l a k e b e a c h . At the bogs north of D e l h i , although nine-tenths of the original ba,sin has been filled, the two small lakes are near the eastern margin. The facts noted in this region all favor the idea of the bog plants being unable to gain a foothold on the eastern side in the presence of wave action. T h e shoreward thrust of the ice is of importance at times in this connection. F a r t h e r north in M i c h i g a n the wind frequently shows its extreme effect in these bog areas in the presence of " w i n d f a l l s . " Owing to the c h a r a c t e r of the substratum, such areas are more readily affected 418 [DECEMBER than the forests o f mineral soils. T h e s e p h e n o m e n a have not been observed in a n y o f the bogs in this vicinity. T h e s a m e statement holds for t h e presence of loose floating bogs which are driven about on lakes b y winds (35). 2. Temperature.—In its temperature relations both the topography and the c h a r a c t e r o f the substratum c o m b i n e to influence the b o g habitat. I t h a s long been noted b y agricultural writers that reclaimed b o g areas are particularly subject to late frosts in the spring. One of the causes of this peculiarity lies in the fact that on clear a n d quiet nights t h e cooled air overlying elevations drains into the depressions (11). S o m e recent observations m a d e b y S E E L E Y (45) near C h i c a g o show how effective such atmospheric drainage m a y b e even in dis­ 111 tricts whose range of elevations amounts to b u t 15 feet (4.5 ). He found that the hilltop averaged, on the night of the observations, 2.5 0 0 F . ( 1 . 4 C . ) higher t h a n that of t h e depression while a ther­ m o m e t e r placed 30 feet (9™) above the hilltop averaged (5 0 C . ) above that of the " s w a l e . " 8.8° F , O n comparing the temperatures of atmospherically undrained a n d drained depressions with that o f 0 the hilltop, h e found that the hilltop temperature was 3 6 . 3 F . when 0 that of the drained depression was 3 6 F . a n d that of undrained 31.8° F . H e r e is a particular instance in which frost occurred in the undrained depression, b u t not in the other situations. nights low grounds in general are subject to lower O n quiet temperatures than the adjoining highlands, a n d it is p r o b a b l e that these effects are m o r e pronounced in the case of undrained depressions. A second factor in t h e production of low temperatures in bogs is found in the nature of the substratum. I n the spring the ice which h a s formed b e n e a t h the cassandra a n d t a m a r a c k areas melts with extreme slowness, when once the surface of t h e soil h a s been reached. T h i s is explained b y the low conductivity of the loose, partially decayed, vegetable covering, a n d b y the shading of the plants above. F o r example, at F i r s t Sister L a k e , in 1904, the ice h a d disappeared from the water surface on April 10. O n April 17, with a n air tem­ perature o f i o ° C , the temperature of the substratum in t h e bog sedge zone averaged i o ° t a m a r a c k zone 3 0 in the C a s s a n d r a zone 6° C , in the C , a n d the area of willows a n d sedges 8° C. Ice was found at several points a m o n g the t a m a r a c k s , an inch below the surface. mm T h e sedge zone was covered with i to 3 inches ( 2 5 ~ 7 5 ) of dark colored water. T h e other soils were wet, but their loose texture was effective in preventing a rise of temperature. I t follows that of the various situations in bog areas those most liable to extreme low temperatures in the spring are in the cassandra and t a m a r a c k zone. Since their m a x i m u m temperatures are con­ siderably below those of neighboring areas, on quiet nights the plants there are but little protected b y radiation from the soil as compared with plants of other situations. I n the following table it is shown that the soil temperatures of the several plant societies formed about a bog are different, and that each society has a characteristic temperature range. were m a d e at F i r s t Sister L a k e . are averages of readings m a d e in the second inch (2 5 surface. T h e records T h e temperatures, given in ° C , m m ) below the T h e " w i l l o w - s e d g e " conditions correspond to those of the ordinary swamp. T h e " m a p l e - p o p l a r " is an area of these trees on the peat substratum. T h e " u p l a n d " is a sandy, sod-covered area 111 3 feet (0.9 ) above the surface of the bog. T h e temperatures for the most p a r t were taken on clear afternoons about 3 P. M. when the differences are at their m a x i m a . Date-^ Air temperature Upland Willow-sedge Cassandra Tamarack Bog-sedge Maple-poplar April April April April April May May Mav May May June June 4 10.5 11.0 7.0 1 5 0 0 9 0 7 0 12 2.0 7 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 17 25 29 10 0 10 0 8.0 6 0 3 0 10 0 8 0 8-5 10 0 9.0 7 5 4 5 9.0 8.0 18.0 17.0 14.5 11.0 9 9 18 0 i5-o 3 24 0 20 0 17.7 14.7 11.7 19.0 18 0 6 16 27.0 23.0 iQ-5 15 5 15 0 22.0 19 0 21 27 15.0 16.0 15.0 13-0 10.6 16.0 15-0 26 0 20 5 20 0 16 5 15-0 20 0 16 0 21 0 21.5 22.0 19.0 17.0 23.0 15.0 6 26 0 25 5 22 0 20 0 18.0 24 0 17.0 15 26.0 26 0 20 5 19.5 18.0 23.0 16 5 I n the accompanying diagram (fig. 5 ) it will b e seen that the upland, bog-sedge, and willow-sedge soil temperatures do not deviate widely from those of the air, while the temperatures of the cassandra and t a m a r a c k areas range considerably lower. T h e high temper­ ature of the bog-sedge zone finds its explanation in that the brown bog water overlying its surface absorbs heat. I have tested this point m a n y times in various bogs and have always found such bog water to have a higher temperature than that of the saturated adjoining it. drained sand. substratum I n its ability to absorb heat rays it approaches that of I t s range, however, is m u c h less and it retains its heat for a longer time. Consequently on cloudy days and following a sudden lowering of the air temperature, the surface bog-water temperature stands above that of the drained and undrained soil. W h e n we compare the effects of loss of heat from a free water surface and a saturated h u m u s soil surface due to evaporation, there 30 Temp. T&mp ?A Air 26 //' il // \ 21 \ J ' ' / ? 4 * ft / II It I $ Y M y / w\ C\\ // \ > // / f.. / A 17 / ' / / \ \ / / It A ffl / / y J <• / e / / l z 0 ^ April / 17 w *9 arruu/ « / e «*' *? oJcm & FIG. 5.—Diagram showing temperatures of the air and the substrata in the several plant societies. is a m a r k e d difference due to their specific heat. T h e h u m u s will b e cooled m o r e rapidly b y the evaporation of a given amount of water. W h e r e so large an evaporating surface is exposed to the air as in the case of a sphagnum-covered area the loss of heat b y this process is most effective in preventing the penetration of heat below the surface. I n the case of drained soils, the most effective agent in raising the temperature of the subsoil is that of percolating water which has been warmed at the surface of the soil. B e c a u s e of the high water- table and the stagnant condition of the underground water in bog areas, this source of heat is relatively unimportant. T h e effects of these factors, resulting in low soil temperatures, are far-reaching. As compared with well-drained soils, chemical action is retarded, the rate of diffusion, solution, and osmosis is greatly reduced, and the conditions for the existence of soil bacteria m a d e unfavorable. P l a n t s which can successfully compete for the occupancy of such areas must b e able to withstand low temperatures and late frosts. T h e difference between the temperature of the air and that of the substratum favors plants having a low transpiration ratio. However, in so far as the region of southern M i c h i g a n is concerned, the temperatures prevailing in bog areas do not seem to b e adequate to account for the presence of the bog plants or their xerophilous structures. I t is to b e noted that with the leafmg-out of the trees, about M a y 27, the temperature of the maple-poplar substratum falls below that of the t a m a r a c k . B u t that the soil temperature is one of the factors entering into the problem of competition between species there can b e little doubt. I t is probable also that in the region of optimum conditions for bog plants the conditions which occur here only in the spring are prolonged through the summer. That is, the difference between air and substratum temperatures is more m a r k e d , and is a powerful factor in the selection of plants for bog areas and in the production of xerophilous structures. 3. Texture.—This property of the substratum has already been referred to in connection with the genetic changes in peat. T h e sedge zone is developed upon a raft of interwoven rhizomes and roots. It is a coarse m e s h w o r k ; but since it lies at or below the surface of the water, its texture is of slight importance except as a means of mechan­ ical support. As the bog develops, the admixture of moss and shrub debris brings about the formation of a rather compact peat, overlaid b y a stratum of loose material. I n some cases, as at D e l h i and km Oxford, 45 miles ( 7 2 ) northeast of A n n Arbor, the living sphagnum m a k e s up the b u l k of this loose covering. lies j u s t beneath it. Usually the water level As a consequence, this covering b e c o m e s the principal seat of root activity. T h e small, fibrous roots of cassandra, andromeda, and the cranberry penetrate it in all directions, and it is from the water which is held among this moss a n d debris that they derive their water and mineral salts. T h e substratum beneath the t a m a r a c k s is also covered b y a loose litter of leaves and twigs, with more or less moss. Depending upon the height above the ground water level, this surface layer is of greater or less thickness. rack. I n it occur the wide-spreading roots of the t a m a ­ D u r i n g summer a n d autumn it furnishes admirable conditions for the growth of fungi, a n d it is penetrated everywhere b y their mycelia. W h e n bog land is cleared, the decomposition of the surface layers is very rapid, owing to exposure to sunlight and higher temperatures. I f the water-table is maintained near the surface, sedges and willows develop as the covering. T h e annual increment of plant material is often decreased, and in place of the fibrous and porous substratum there is produced a b l a c k , close-textured, and plastic m u c k . I f ditching and draining are added to clearing, the summer drought dries the surface layer so thoroughly that it often becomes the habitat for m a n y dry-ground weeds. D e c a y progresses in moist weather under the influences of the higher temperatures resulting from increased absorption of the sun's energy b y the dark colored soil. 4. Mechanical properties.—Bog soils in general do not afford as good a foothold for the development of tree species as do the mineral soils. O n account of the high water-table, the roots of the plants are not able to penetrate to a depth of more t h a n a few inches. The roots of the t a m a r a c k s spread out in all directions from a flat trunk base, and upon the size a n d strength of these horizontal roots depends the tree's ability to withstand m e c h a n i c a l strains tending to displace it. T h e r e c a n b e no doubt b u t that, in the t h i c k groves in which the t a m a r a c k occurs, the interweaving of the roots from adjacent trees becomes of mutual advantage, in so far as the roots function as hold­ fast organs. 5. Diffusion properties.—A most important soil property relates to the diffusion of mineral salts. T h i s becomes of especial signifi­ cance in saturated stagnant substrata. T h e mineral salts must b e distributed to the roots mainly b y diffusion, for lateral drainage and percolation are at a m i n i m u m . I t is well known that when salt solutions are passed through soil, m u c h of the salt is retained b y absorption. T h e relative amount is greatly increased in the case of humous bodies. B L A N C K (4) has further found that the diffusion of water in h u m u s soils is decreased b y the presence of acid h u m u s compounds, and that this m a y b e corrected b y the addition o f a neutralizing agent, such as lime. All analyses of peat show how little of this mineral m a t t e r h a s been derived from the adjacent soils. It is only in the case of samples taken from the b o t t o m or edge qf a bog that the mineral salts cannot b e accounted for b y the amount derived from the decay of the plant material, and that obtained from the atmosphere. 6. Water-capacity.—The been noted. high water-capacity of peat has already I n relation to plant growth, it is detrimental in that it prevents proper aeration of the substratum (39, p. 346). S o far as the diffusion of gases is concerned, such substrata are less favorable t h a n a free water surface. K i n g (29, p. 161), in speaking of sand and clay soils whose water-capacity is only 1 7 . 5 to 32.2 by weight, says that 30 to 40 per cent, of their saturation per cent, amounts must drain away before the soil can contain air enough to m a i n t a i n the respiration of roots and germinating seeds. As compared with a free water surface, saturated h u m u s cannot admit oxygen as freely, owing to the large part of the surface actually occupied b y the h u m u s (29, p. 239). I n a chemical way it is still more effective, as will b e noted later. 7. Osmotic pressure.—The osmotic pressure of bog waters has been found to b e about the same as that of ordinary lakes and rivers. 3 T h e y are approximately equivalent to a o . 1 to o . 5 per cent, normal K n o p ' s solution. T h e y indicate quite certainly that bog plants do not owe their distribution and their peculiar structures to a high osmotic pressure of the bog water. 3 Four samples of bog water from this vicinity were tested by Dr. B . E . LIVING­ STON, of the University of Chicago, and found to have the following pressures in milli 0 meters of mercury at 2 5 C : First First West West Lake See 33. Sister Lake, Sample A Sister Lake, Sample B Lake, Sample A Lake, Sample B Michigan water 50 0742 40 0593 100.1484 150..2226 100.1484 B. CHEMICAL Ground water.—The ground water FACTORS.—i. of the H u r o n basin derives its m i n e r a l constituents from the glacial drift. T h e following analyses show the c h a r a c t e r of t h e solution. Quantities a r e expressed in parts per million (31). * CaC0 Ann Arbor, University well Ann Arbor, spring Ypsilanti, water works Ypsilanti, well Ann Arbor, creek *. 3 CaS0 4 178 00 Fe 0 3 3 MgC0 K S0 3 4 Si0 3 NaCl' N a , C 0 N a S 0 2 3 7 30 4 48 1 52 5.31 9.20 4 88 0 42 100 00 14.00 6 43 21 00 Organic Total and mineral volatile matter 5 07 3-85 267.72 9.71 25 00 353-31 498 00 35 00 60.58 89 36 4 71.00 6.78 3 99 228.00 2 289.00 39 00 156.00 223.00 Tr. 109 00 18.00 62.00 17 00 14.00 585.00 128 00 99 00 Tr. 83 00 25 00 15.00 (NaK) 25.00 (NaK) 14.00 375-00 I t is to b e noted that they are all high in calcium and magnesium content, a n d under favorable drainage conditions contain sufficient minerals for plant growth. T h e ground water is of especial impor­ t a n c e in the early stages of b o g development, when t h e sedge a n d a q u a t i c vegetation is dominant. W i t h the further development of the sedge zone a n d t h e formation of a thick peat deposit, its relation to t h e vegetation b e c o m e s of less m o m e n t . T h e r e is a notable difference between t h e total mineral content of b o g water a n d that of the soil waters adjoining. I n the above table the total mineral content of t h e ground water varies from 267.7 to 5^5 parts per million. I n three analyses of the b o g water at t h e F i r s t Sister L a k e I found the total mineral content to vary from 89.9 to 219 parts p e r million, t h e highest figure being that for t h e sample obtained n e a r the margin of the t a m a r a c k s , i. e., nearest the mineral soil. T h e absence of sphagnum from certain bogs h a s b e e n explained by t h e presence of calcium salts ( 1 5 , p. 23, 16). I n order to test this point, I have cultivated the species found in this vicinity in tap water and in a saturated solution of C a C 0 , a n d have found no 3 detrimental effects due to calcium. cussed later. T h e experiments will b e dis­ I further found that the ash of sphagnum growing at F i r s t Sister L a k e contained 18 p e r cent, of C a O . I t would seem,, therefore, that, in so far as this vicinity is concerned, the presence of calcareous waters will not explain the absence of species of sphagnum. 2. Acidity.—Much stress h a s been laid b y various authors, following SCHIMPER (44, p p . 6, 18, 124), upon the acidity of the bog water as a factor in the b o g habitat. I n order to get a quantita­ tive statement of the acidity for the bogs of this vicinity, a num­ ber of 5 o c c samples have been titrated with a n n/100 solution of potassium hydrate Phenolphthalein was used as a n indicator. The results show a n acidity varying from .00015 to .00258 n o r m a l a c i d . The lowest values are found in the areas occupied b y b o g sedges and b y swamp plants, a n d they are practically the same. occupied b y cassandra a n d sphagnum acidity. The 4 T h e areas have a somewhat greater T h e highest percentages are found b e n e a t h t h e t a m a r a c k s . explanation of these variations in acidity is suggested b y the tests, m a d e cultures. from time to time, of t h e water in m y experimental I found that the acidity of t h e water increased slowly in the undrained peat substratum cultures (see experiments). The increase was small in the case of the w a r m cultures, b u t quite notable in the case of t h e cold undrained substratum. O n exposure to a i r in t h e water cultures, a n d in bottles, t h e acidity very slowly decreased, the decrease being greatest in the case of t h e water which was kept warm. T h i s is probably due to increased oxidation. T h e s e relative amounts of acid, it will b e seen, m a y b e correlated with the tempera­ tures in t h e several plant societies of t h e bog, t h e lowest temperatures corresponding to the highest percentages of acid. T h i s suggests the probability that t h e acidity of the b o g substratum increases farther north. O n allowing open dishes of b o g water to stand for some time, I found that the evaporation was not sufficient to raise the acidity of the water, oxidation apparently being more rapid than concentration of t h e solution. T h e r e is n o apparent relation between color a n d acidity, although the lightest colored solutions usually show b u t slight acidity. This seems to indicate t h a t , o n l y a part of t h e color is produced b y free h u m u s acids, the remainder b y humates of the alkalies. 4 Following are the determinations expressed in fractions of a normal acid solution: First Sister Lake: sedge zone, .00066, .00094; cassandra zone, .00152, .00119; tamarack area, .00165, .00179, -00227, -00258; willow-sedge area, .00089, -00072. Chelsea: ditches, .00086, .00015, • 4 3 J -00019, d .00029. Delhi: tamarack area, .00146, cassandra zone, .00117. Oxford: cassandra zone, .00094. 0 0 0 a n T h e effect of acidity upon cultivated plants h a s been investigated in this country especially at t h e R h o d e I s l a n d Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station, under t h e direction of Professor H . J . W H E E L E R . The experiments have been conducted upon " a c i d upland s o i l s ' ' (60), and numerous reports have been published. T h e s e experiments involved a great variety of plants a n d were carried on under natural field conditions. T h e areas planted for comparison h a d their acidity neutralized b y the addition of C a C 0 . 3 T h e plants which were favored b y the liming include the orange quince, b l a c k T a r t a r i a n cherry, J a p a n plum, Tilia americana, Ulmus americana, rhubarb, Australian salt-bush, hemp, barley, oats, onions, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Poa pratensis, Festuca ovina, Holcus lanatus, Festuca elatior, Alopecurus pratensis, etc. Plants which*appear to b e adapted to t h e acid soil conditions include cranberry, b l a c k b e r r y , raspberry, sheep sorrel, cow-pea, flax, corn, lupine, a n d soja b e a n . I t would appear, then, that the acidity of the soil solution is unfavorable for the growth of some plants, a n d that it is a factor in the selection o f species for acid soil conditions. 3. Food material.—As to t h e presence of plant food materials in the b o g soil there is a n agreement among all the analyses that have been m a d e . 5 T h e soils are unusually rich in nitrogenous materials, some analyses showing three times as m u c h as good upland soils. B u t in the slow decay of t h e vegetable m a t t e r the nitrogen remains b o u n d up in organic compounds a n d is unavailable for the growing plants. T h i s is confirmed b y experimental tests in which nitrogen was directly applied, a n d b y tests in which the conditions were modified so as to permit the action of nitrifying b a c t e r i a . cases crops were produced when t h e untreated h u m u s I n such produced none. U n d e r natural conditions the growth of the nitrifying b a c t e r i a in b o g soils is almost impossible. activity: T h r e e factors work against their (1) the acidity of the soil solution; due to high water content; (2) the l a c k of oxygen (3) the lower temperature. I t h a s been 0 found that t h e optimum temperature for these b a c t e r i a is 9 8 F . 0 (36.6° C ) , a n d that their activity is very slight at 50 F . ( i o ° C . ) s Analyses of Wisconsin soils. Ann. Rept. Wis. Agric. Exper. Sta. 1 3 : 304. 1896. See also 27, p. 12; 23; 22, p. 276; 30; 48, p. 234; 12, p. 39; 1 4 , (3). F u r t h e r m o r e , it has been shown that when soil rich in nitrogen is saturated with water so as to exclude free oxygen, denitrification t a k e s place and nitrogen gas is set free (29, p . 115). T h e phosphoric acid content is c o m p a r a b l e with that of the best soils, and it is at least partially in a condition for plant use. The potassium content is very low. Analyses and the results of agricultural experiments show that in order to produce crops this substance must b e added, and preferably in an alkaline form. Inquiry a m o n g the owners of onion marshes in this vicinity confirms the need for potassium in local bog soils. The amount of calcium present is reported as equal to that of the best upland soils. B u t -it is p r o b a b l e that as it exists under natural conditions in bogs it is bound up largely in insoluble h u m a t e s . U n d e r the influence of oxidizing processes it would b e c o m e available to the plants at the surface. W h e n we consider the conditions under which the various plant societies in our bogs exist and their competition with one another, there can b e little doubt b u t that the substratum varies in each case as to its c h e m i c a l composition. T h a t the societies m a y b e classified on a physiographic basis is certain, but how to determine the chemical factors a c c o m p a n y i n g each physiographic problem. change is an unsolved T h e ordinary methods of analysis give us the minerals present, b u t tell us little about their form and availability for plant assimilation. T h e colorimetric methods for determining the quantity of m i n e r a l salts present in bog water are mostly open to objection. T h e ease with which the humous bodies of the bog water are decom­ posed render their quantitative estimation b y present methods of little value. Y e t it seems p r o b a b l e that work upon the chemistry of h u m u s and humous compounds must result in data valuable alike to the ecologist, the forester, and the agriculturist. C. be BIOTIC F A C T O R S . — T h e interrelations of the b o g species will discussed in connection with their other ecological characters. I t will b e sufficient to mention here that they are with a few excep­ tions light-demanding forms. Consequently, size and ability to produce shade are the important factors in their competition with one another. A second element enters into this problem of the struggle between species near the borders of the area of geographic distribution of the bog plants, viz., climate. T h e bog plants of this vicinity come into conflict with species whose range is either more nearly continental or more southern. T h a t the climatic and edaphic conditions of this region are at present unfavorable to the successful competition of the bog species with swamp species is evidenced wherever the bog conditions have been disturbed. T h a t the reverse is the rule in eastern C a n a d a has been shown b y GANONG (18, p. 178). tenacity with which species, whose multiplication is The principally accomplished b y vegetative m e a n s , hold an area under complete control is apparent to any who have studied the vegetation of l a k e shores. I t is j u s t as strongly m a r k e d in the case of the herbaceous and shrubby bog vegetation. W h e n we examine the chemical and physical data, now at hand, concerning the soils occupied b y bog and swamp plants respectively, the conclusion must b e that they are wholly inadequate to account for the difference in vegetation. The forester lays stress upon the fact that trees cannot gain a foothold on areas now covered with a grass turf because of the difficulty of the seedlings getting started. T h e bog societies form an equally compact plant growth, and their preservation in this region would seem to b e dependent upon analogous factors. III. The bog-plant societies. T h e following descriptions of local bog areas occurring in the H u r o n valley aim not only to present lists of plants found in this vicinity, but to show their natural associations. T h e order in which the areas are described corresponds to the relative amount of filling which has occurred in the several basins. T o a certain extent this order is genetic, yet there can b e little doubt but that m a n y arctic plants which were concerned in the pioneer stages of our mature bogs are now extinct. I f we accept the areas at W e s t and F i r s t Sister L a k e s as representing bogs in youth, maturity m a y b e illustrated b y the original vegetation of the b o g on Carpenter's road. area defines that inaugurated stage beyond the climax, when b y cutting, firing, and T h e Chelsea the conditions ditching have destroyed the original t a m a r a c k forest, and in its place has come a rude mixture of bog relicts and arborescent weeds. WEST L A K E . T h i s lake, situated three miles north of Chelsea ( S e c . 30, D e x t e r T p . ) , is also known locally as J o h n s o n ' s L a k e . I n area it is slightly m o r e than a fourth of a square mile (65 h e c t a r e s ) . the lake originally extended a half mile ( o . 8 southwest. k m T h e margin of ) farther west a n d T h i s part is n o w occupied b y a partially floating bog. T h e north, south, a n d east shores are sandy a n d low. Patches of bulrushes a n d water-lilies occur here a n d there over t h e l a k e a n d show its generally shallow character. T o w a r d the east there is a narrow swampy outlet b y which its water after a long a n d circuitous route reaches the H u r o n R i v e r . lake. T h e r e are n o streams tributary to the T h e basin lies near the southeastern margin of the interlobate moraine, a n d is bounded on the north a n d south b y hills 60 to 80 feet (18-24™) in height. N o t all of the original extension to the southwest has been filled b y p e a t ; two small areas o f open water still remain. T h e shores, with the exception o f the western side, support a vegetation similar to that of m a n y lakes in this region. Three societies of plants m a y b e distinguished. Aquatics.—The most abundant plants are Scirpus lacustris, Castalia tuberosa, a n d Sagittaria rigida. T h e s e occur not only along shore, b u t in shallow water throughout the lake. Associated with these are N a i a s flexilis, B r a s e n i a purpurea, Potamogeton heterophyllus, C h a r a (sp.), Spirodela polyrhiza, Vallisneria spiralis, Scirpus americanus, a n d D e c o d o n verticillatus. Sedge-grass society.—Very n e a r the north, south, a n d east shores occur a great n u m b e r of species of grass-like plants. vary greatly at different parts of the shore line. T h e i r associations T h e dominant forms are C a r e x filiformis, P a n i c u l a r i a nervata, E l e o c h a r i s palustris, C a r e x teretiuscula, C. Muskingumensis, D u l i c h i u m arundinaceum, Panicu­ laria Canadensis, Dryopteris Thelypteris, and Scutellaria galericulata. A m o n g t h e species of secondary importance are O n o c l e a sensibilis, C a r e x riparia, C. stipata, C. hystricina, C. interior, Spartina cynosuroides, T y p h a latifolia, I r i s versicolor, L o b e l i a K a l m i i , palustre, L y c o p u s americanus, a n d E u p a t o r i u m m a c u l a t u m . Comarum Closely associated with these plants are the seedlings of the shrubs a n d trees which m a k e up the next society. Willow-maple society.—The shrub a n d tree border is composed, for the most part, of Salix B e b b i a n a , S. discolor, S. sericea, Cornus candidissima, A c e r rubrum, and Ulmus americana. B e s i d e the m a n y plants of the sedge-grass society which remain as relicts, the accessory species include R o s a Carolina, I m p a t i e n s biflora, S a m b u c u s pubens, Spiraea velutina, and salicifolia, Opulaster Prunus opulifolius. serotina, Quercus alba, Q. into T h e s e trees grade the forests of the upland and establish a natural order of succession. A n interesting comparison is afforded when we note the species dominant along the western or bog margin. H e r e the outer zone of aquatics is m a d e up of the s a m e species, but this substratum is a floating raft constructed b y the plants themselves. W i t h o u t again enumerating the species, we pass to the society which closely follows their development. Bog-sedge and shrub society.—This society forms a very complex m growth, averaging 50 feet (15 ) in width. O n the lake ward side are the a q u a t i c s ; on the other, the growth of t a m a r a c k s . T h e sedges and shrubs are not separable, as in m a n y other localities. formis is b y far the most important plant in the society. C a r e x filiI t s vigorous production of rhizomes and roots especially fit it for the position which it occupies. consequence. Certain other plants are locally abundant and of great T h e s e include Dryopteris thelypteris, Menyanthes trifoliata, E l e o c h a r i s palustris, C o m a r u m palustre, Sagittaria latifolia, E r i o p h o r u m polystachyon, C a r e x teretiuscula, T y p h a latifolia, Salix myrtilloides, S. Candida, B e t u l a glandulosa, pus, a n d A n d r o m e d a polifolia. tioned 6 Oxycoccus macrocar- A s accessory species m a y b e men­ Salix discolor, S. B e b b i a n a , C i c u t a bulbifera, Cardamine pratensis, C h a m a e d a p h n e calyculata, C a m p a n u l a aparinoides, R u m e x B r i t a n n i c a , E p i l o b i u m adenocaulon, Asclepias incarnata, Pogonia ophioglossoides, Blephariglottis blephariglottis, L i m o d o r u m tuber­ osum, M a r c h a n t i a polymorpha, A u l a c o m n i u m palustre, S a r r a c e n i a purpurea, D r o s e r a rotundifolia, B o e h m e r i a cylindrica, C a r e x comosa, C. hystricina, Cornus stolonifera, P a r n a s s i a caroliniana, Viola blanda, and P e n t h o r u m sedoides. H e r e and there occur young t a m a r a c k s which b y their growth inaugurate the next society. Tamarack society.—As development proceeds, the shrubs and 6 The form found here and at Delhi corresponds more closely to this species than to B. pumila, but its characters are intermediate. herbs gradually are superseded b y a growth of L a r i x . T h i s society h a s b e e n m u c h disturbed b y lumbering, and a large part of the original area has been cleared. B u t there is good evidence to show that the part of the basin filled with peat formerly supported a dense covering of t a m a r a c k s . W h e r e best developed and least disturbed, it shows an undergrowth of V a c c i n i u m corymbosum, Aronia nigra, etc. A s the other species are practically the same as at the lake to b e described next, they need not b e enumerated here. with most of the areas studied, sphagnum is worthy of note. I n contrast the almost complete absence of I t is also important that the absence of any gradation between the forest societies of the upland and of the bog b e kept in mind. O n this lake, then, there are two divergent series of plant societies. Starting with practically the same species, the one series leads us on mineral soil through willows, maples, and elms to the oaks of the surrounding forests; the other, owing to the development of a floating substratum, involves a very different set of shrubs and ends with the tamarack. T h e former series therefore more closely approximates the climatic type, while the latter is dependent upon edaphic factors. FIRST SISTER L A K E . T h i s lake and its accompanying bog are located three miles west of A n n A r b o r in a glacial drainage valley. I t s origin is probably connected with the melting of a m a s s of stagnant a b a n d o n m e n t of the valley b y glacial drainage. and underlying soil is a sandy gravel. ice after the T h e surrounding At least a part of the western side presents an original t a m a r a c k bog vegetation, and it is particu­ larly interesting in showing the results of competition between bog plants and those of other habitats (fig. 6). T h e vegetation in general presents a different phase of the bog societies, as compared with W e s t L a k e . . Especially to b e noted are the dominance of cassandra and sphagnum in the shrub zone, the absence of cattails and swamp loosestrife as important m e m b e r s of the outer margin. T h e tamarack zone is also raised somewhat more above the water level. Aquatics.—With the exception of the shallow-water forms, lake is almost free of higher vegetation. P. zosteraefolius occur sparingly. About the P o t a m o g e t o n lucens and the margin, however, N y m p h a e a advena is o f great importance. tinuous zone 10 to 25 feet (3-7.5 m I t forms an almost con­ ) in width. tuberosa a n d B r a s e n i a purpurea occur. P a t c h e s of Castalia T h i s arrangement in groups seems to b e connected with their rapid multiplication b y rhizomes. T y p h a latifolia occurs in a small area at the north end of the l a k e . Ceratophyllum Naias flexilis demersum and ^ ^ occur as secondary species. Bog-sedge society.—Carex fili- formis, C. oligosperma, E l e o c h a r i s palustris glaucescens, a n d Erio­ phorum polystachyon are the pri­ m a r y factors in t h e formation of this zone. C a r e x riparia has gained a foothold at the north end o f the lake, where muskrats have been active in destroying the original sedge zone. Dryopteris thelypteris, O n o c l e a sensibilis, J u n c u s effusus, J . canadensis, C o m a r u m palustre, Salix myrtilloides, D u l i c h i u m arundinaceum, Bidens Equisetum trichosperma fluviatile, tenuiloba, Scale. Menyanthes t r i f o l i a t a , V i o l a blanda, a n d E r i o p h o r u m FIG. 6.—-First Sister Lake. virgini- cum occur as accessory plants. T h e great majority of these plants aid in t h e construction o f t h e substratum b y their roots and rootstocks. H e r e a n d there among t h e sedges occur the forerunners of t h e shrub society. sphagnums. A m o n g t h e very first to gain a foothold are t h e T h e s e build small tufts gradually overcome the sedges. of great compactness, a n d T h e rootstocks of the cassandra also send up shoots a n d prepare the way for another vegetation form. O x y c o c c u s m a c r o c a r p u s a n d O . O x y c o c c u s b o t h occur at intervals in this zone., Cassandra-sphagnum society.—Beyond tion is no longer arranged zonally. the sedge zone t h e vegeta­ Conditions have been so m u c h disturbed that on the western side the area of cassandra-sphagnum dominance is very irregular. O n the eastern side this plant society is in the last stage of its existence. Chamaedaphne T h e intimate association of calyculata, S p h a g n u m cymbifolium, dum, and S. recurvum is well illustrated here. the whole of the territory where they are decidedly secondary. S. subsecun- T h e plants occupy flourish. T h e other species I t is to b e further noted that in the com­ petition with the sedge species these plants actually override them, and only an occasional E r i o p h o r u m virginicum survives. The water-conserving properties of the sphagnum are too well known to need description here. B u t the mutual advantage of the cassandra- sphagnum combination is worthy especial note. T h e former b y its numerous b r a n c h e s furnishes a framework which aids in the upbuild­ ing of the moss and in shading. T h e sphagnum, on the other hand, furnishes a moist cover in which the conditions for the shrub are most favorable. T h e accessory species include the moss, Aulacomnium palustre; the herbs, D r o s e r a rotundifolia, Arethusa bulbosa, H a b e n a r i a lacera, S a r r a c e n i a purpurea, P o g o n i a ophioglossoides, L i m o d o r u m tubero­ sum, Viola Scutellaria Betula blanda, Osmunda galericulata; pumila, and regalis, the Campanula shrubs, O x y c o c c u s macrocarpus, aparinoides, Andromeda O. polifolia, Oxycoccus, Aronia occur m a n y young nigra, and Ilicioides mucronata. Tamarack society.—Among the cassandra t a m a r a c k s , and these b y their development come to overshade the shrubs and form the tree society of the bog. T h e dead remnants of the cassandra mounds m a k e up a large part of the floor beneath them. The species of secondary importance Aronia nigra, Chamaedaphne are Ilicioides calyculata, O s m u n d a mucronata, cinnamomea, O . regalis, Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia, D . cristata, Polytrichum juniperinum, Plagiothecium denticulatum, Thuidium recognitum, A u l a c o m n i u m palustre, M a r c h a n t i a polymorpha, Sphagnum cymbi­ folium, Boletinus porosus, and T h e l e p h o r a intybacea. T h e t a m a r a c k zone has been m u c h disturbed b y clearing and burning. At the present time a large part of the area on the south­ west side is dominated b y other tree species. S o m e of the plants of the clearing have spread into the pure t a m a r a c k growth. Poplar-willow-maple society.—Where the original conditions have been disturbed a n d a second growth allowed to come in, Populus tremuloides, Salix sericea, Salix discolor, a n d A c e r rubrum have obtained dominance. W h e r e groups of the more mature occur there is scarcely any undergrowth. plants occur: Ilicioides mucronata, poplars Elsewhere the following Salix Bebbiana, Sambucus pubens, A m e l a n c h i e r oligocarpa, A r o n i a nigra, R u b u s nigrobaccus, Cornus stolonifera, a n d R u b u s strigosus. T h e s e form a dense mixed association, with b u t slight reference to substratum conditions. smaller species present are Adicea pumila, O s m u n d a The cinnamomea, R o s a Carolina, O n o c l e a sensibilis, E p i l o b i u m adenocaulon, Spiraea salicifolia, Dryopteris thelypteris, V e r b e n a hastata, c a m a r a , Polygonum sagittatum, S o l a n u m dul­ Spiraea tomentosa, G e u m rivale, Polygonum hydropiperoides, R i b e s floridum, R i b e s oxyacanthoides, Rumex Britannica, Impatiens biflora, Viola blanda, Osmunda regalis. O n t h e southeast side of the lake a n d on the north, conditions have b e e n still more interfered with, a n d there is now a mixed growth of b o g a n d low-ground plants, which represent stages in the decline of the b o g flora a n d the advent of swamp plants. are willows and clumps of mountain holly. T h e tallest forms F o r convenience only, the plants m a y b e enumerated together under the following title: Mixed low-ground society.—The dominant plants are Salix sericea, S. discolor, S p i r a e a salicifolia, P o a flava, Solidago serotina, Chamaedaphne calyculata, O x y c o c c u s macrocarpus, Aster Novae- Angliae, a n d R o s a Carolina, E p i l o b i u m adenocaulon, Aronia nigra, Andromeda polifolia, Rubus strigosus, Dryopteris thelypteris, Scutellaria galericulata, J u n c u s effusus, K o e l l i a virginiana, S a m b u c u s canadensis, Geum rivale, Osmunda regalis, Scirpus cyperinus, G a l i u m aparine, H o m a l o c e n c h r u s oryzoides, J u n c u s tenuis, Asclepias incarnata, Salix Bebbiana, Andrewsii, Lycopus stolonifera, Carex Eupatorium virginicus, riparia, Viola Osmunda blanda, perfoliatum, Gentiana cinnamomea, Sarracenia Cornus purpurea, Dryopteris cristata, D . spinulosa intermedia, and T r i a d e n u m vir­ gin icum also occur. T h e last two societies are found upon a b l a c k peat substratum which is more thoroughly decayed than in other parts of the b o g . Acidity tests show that the relative acidity is less t h a n in the case of the cassandra-sphagnum and t a m a r a c k societies. T h e soil tempera­ ture also runs somewhat higher as noted elsewhere. T h e F i r s t Sister L a k e m a y b e said to b e dominated b y three wellm a r k e d bog and two mixed societies in which bog and swamp species are brought into competition. T h e result can b e foretold with considerable certainty. tation will sooner or later T h e bog vege­ b e replaced by the swamp species. BOG NORTH OF D E L H I . Two miles north of D e l h i occurs an extensive bog which was formerly a mile and a quarter (2 long b y a half mile wide (0.8 FIG. 7. —Delhi bog and .adjacenttopography. Scale 1:95,000 (f inch = 1 mile). (fig- 7)' k m k m ) ) at its broadest part T h e southwestern third has been cleared and is in part under cultivation. T h e eastern and northern parts have been somewhat interfered with by the cutting of timber, but areas occur which have been but little disturbed b y these influences. Near the eastern margin are two small lakes, the last remnants of the larger lake which must have occupied this territory in early postglacial times. T h e basin is located in a clay moraine of the E r i e ice-lobe, and probably owes its origin to unequal deposition b y the glacier. T h e plant societies found about the southeastern l a k e will give an idea of the whole vegetation (fig. 8). Aquatic society.—The a q u a t i c vegetation is represented wholly b y the yellow water-lily, N y m p h a e a advena. forms a broader zone completely encircling the l a k e and m from 5 to 10 feet (1.5-3 ) senia purpurea, m width. Ceratophyllum almost This plant varying Accompanying it occur B r a - demersum, Lemna minor, and Spirodela polyrhiza. Typha-cassandra-sphagnum society.—On the floating margin of the bog substratum occurs a zone which partially encircles the lake. N e a r its outer edge T y p h a latifolia is the characteristic plant, but in certain places it is wanting or extends the full width of the zone. C h a m a e d a p h n e calyculata, S p h a g n u m cymbifolium, S. subsecundum, S. recurvum, C a r e x filiformis, E r i o p h o r u m polystachyon, and Salix myrtilloides are t h e most frequent plants. T h e accessory species include C a r e x oligosperma, M e n y a n t h e s trifoliata, C o m a r u m palustre, T r i a d e n u m virginicum, O s m u n d a regalis, O n o c l e a sensibilis, R u m e x B r i t a n n i c a , Asclepias incarnata, Viola blanda, Cicuta bulbifera, G a l i u m Aparine, Scutellaria galericulata, R h u s V e r n i x , D u l i c h i u m arundinaceum, Oxycoccus macrocarpus, H ypnu m cordifolium, Schreberi, Hypnum Aulacomnium palustre, a n d M n i u m . Vaccinium-aronia society. — F o r m i n g a narrow tran­ sition society between t h e low shrub zone j u s t de­ scribed a n d the tree society, occurs a dense line of tall shrubs. The d o m i n a n t species are V a c c i n i u m corymbosum, Gaylussacia resinosa, A r o n i a nigra, Ilici­ oides mucronata, glandulosa, serotina. present and Betula Prunus T h e other species are A c e r rubrum, Sc&le ut ftel ° Y 'f FIG. 8—Portion of Delhi bog. Sambucus p u b e n s , O s ­ m u n d a c i n n a m o m e a , Salix discolor, S. B e b b i a n a , Spiraea salicifolia, I l e x verticillata, R o s a Carolina, S a r r a c e n i a purpurea, Andromeda polifolia, Calamagrostis canadensis, a n d E l e o c h a r i s palustris glaucescens. T h e s e shrubs border t h e t a m a r a c k s a n d to varying distances extend b a c k among them. Tamarack-birch society.—Larix laricina a n d B e t u l a lutea must have m a d e up the great b u l k of the original forest which occupied this area. T h e relative abundance of t h e latter h a s probably been increased b y t h e cutting of the t a m a r a c k . T h e next most important tree is A c e r rubrum, which occurs scattered throughout, b u t is espe­ cially a b u n d a n t near the northeast side. W h e r e isolated trees have b e e n removed, t h e shrubs which occur among t h e undergrowth have m a d e a rapid growth. T h r o u g h o u t the forest area are patches in which Aronia nigra, V a c c i n i u m corymbosum, and Ilicioides m u c r o n a t a stand so thickly as to b e almost impenetrable. been but slightly disturbed W h e r e the forest has and the t a m a r a c k s are more or less scattered, one finds a deep carpet of sphagnum with slender stems of cassandra, andromeda, and E r i o p h o r u m virginicum rising through it. Clusters of S a r r a c e n i a purpurea are common. T h e other plants found in this society are T r i e n t a l i s americana, Unifolium canadense, Coptis trifolia, Rumex Acetosella, R u b u s strigosus, Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia, O s m u n d a cinnamomea, V i o l a blanda, I m p a tiens biflora, trichum Solanum dulcamara, Thelephora intybacea, Poly- juniperinum, S a m b u c u s pubens, Agrostis alba, B l e p h a r i glottis lacera, Cornus candidissima, and Cicuta m a c u l a t a . Clearing society.—Surrounding the forest on the east, south, and west sides is a large area, in part dominated b y sedges and grasses, and in part b y a typical " s l a s h i n g . " I t is impossible to characterize this plant association b y any p a r t i c u l a r species. All that have been thus f a r mentioned occur in scattered clusters, the proportions and dominant plants varying from one locality to another. T h e notable facts are that on the east side C a r e x teretiuscula, C. vulpinoidea, C. riparia, C. filiformis, Scirpus cyperinus, Calamagrostis canadensis, Aster Novae-Angliae, Eupiatorium perfoliatum, and Aster junceus have b e c o m e the most a b u n d a n t forms. T o the west of the l a k e these plants are present, b u t the taller shrubs are in control. Salix discolor, Cornus stolonifera, Salix B e b b i a n a , S. sericea, a n d m a n y others already mentioned as occurring among the t a m a r a c k s are present. T h e second l a k e and the more northerly one is bordered b y an exceedingly narrow zone of low-growing species are Decodon verticillatus and daphne calyculata, Carex riparia, The dominant T y p h a latifolia. Chamae­ Panicularia B r o m u s K a l m i i are of secondary importance. to the water's edge. plants. T h e proportion canadensis, and T h e trees come almost of red maples among the t a m a r a c k s and birches is considerably greater than in the vicinity of the other lake. Otherwise the tree society is essentially the same. W e have illustrated, then, in the bogs at W e s t L a k e , F i r s t Sister L a k e , and Delhi, three stages in the filling of old lake basins. We have seen that, although there are minor variations in the species present, all of the bogs show a series of bog-sedge, shrub, and conifer societies which are genetically related. is almost completed. I n the D e l h i bog the filling I n the bog about to b e described w e find this process finished, and what was formerly a ring of bog-sedges sur­ rounding an open lake has b e c o m e an irregular disk forming the central plant society of the area. FIG. 9.—Bog near Oxford, Oakland county. BOG NEAR OXFORD, OAKLAND COUNTY. N e a r the northeast corner of S e c . 31, Oxford T p . bog (fig. 9) covering about 4.5 acres (1.8 h e c t a r e s ) . ? > there is a Although it lies a few miles beyond the real boundary of the H u r o n R i v e r basin, it is included because it exhibits a flora somewhat different from the other areas, and m a y b e considered as a near approach to the type of bogs occurring farther north. T h e basin is a depression in out wash sands and gravels of the interlobate moraine. the I t is sur- m rounded b y hills 25 to 30 feet (7.5—9 ) in height above the bog level. D u r i n g wet weather it has a shallow outlet to the southwest. The land surrounding it has all been cleared and is now under cultiva­ tion. As shown b y other timber areas in the vicinity, it is probable that the original upland t i m b e r was m a d e up in part of Pinus strobus, Quercus coccinea, and B e t u l a papyrifera. Bog-sedge society.—Toward the center of the bog is a considerable area in which the water level lies j u s t at the surface. T h e sphagnum is for the most part submerged, and the dominant plants are C a r e x oligosperma and Scheuchzeria palustris. following society are scattered Bog-shrub society.—While O c c a s i o n a l plants of the throughout. this zone is characterized b y C h a m a e ­ daphne calyculata, S p h a g n u m cymbifolium, S. recurvum, and S. subsecundum, young and dwarfed specimens of the spruce, t a m a r a c k , and pine are present in large numbers. T h e surface formed b y the sphagnum is exceedingly rough and m a r k e d b y h u m m o c k s . the depressions E r i o p h o r u m virginicum, E . vaginatum, polifolia, S a r r a c e n i a purpurea, and Among Andromeda O x y c o c c u s macrocarpus are abundant. Tamarack-spruce society.—This society forms a zone completely surrounding the shrub society, and is dominated b y trees of L a r i x laricina and P i c e a M a r i a n a . O c c a s i o n a l specimens of Pinus Strobus are found, especially toward the southwest corner, where the sub­ stratum is somewhat higher than elsewhere. B e n e a t h the trees is an especially V a c c i n i u m almost corymbosum impenetrable * tangle and of shrubs, Ilicioides mucronata. tically b a r e of lower vegetation. T h e substratum is prac­ A n occasional m a t of Aulacomnium palustre m a y b e found at the tree bases. T h a t this society will come into possession of the central bog area is certainly indicated b y the great numbers of young trees among the bog shrubs. Willow-sedge society.—As usual in the clearing of the adjacent land, the larger trees of the bog margin were also removed, and in their stead has come up a growth of willows. T h e dominant plants of this zone are Salix sericea, Cornus stolonifera, Spiraea salicifolia, Salix discolor, C a r e x riparia, and C. stipata. Associated with these plants are S a m b u c u s pubens, Salix nigra, I r i s versicolor, Populus monilifera, Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia, O s m u n d a cinnamomea, Equisetum limosum, Cornus candidissima, Aronia nigra, Rosa Carolina, J u n c u s effusus, Calamagrostis canadensis, R u b u s strigosus, Ilicioides m u c r o n a t a , C o m a r u m palustre, C a r e x laria canadensis, and P o a F o r m i n g a high border about the t a m a r a c k s and flava. spruces are numerous filiformis, large plants Panicu- of V a c c i n i u m corymbosum and Ilicioides m u c r o n a t a . T h e very m a r k e d difference between the vegetation of the central a n d marginal parts of the bog are worthy of especial note. former represents the original vegetation of the bog. The T h e latter illustrates most forcibly that under present conditions a very different set of plants springs up and b e c o m e s dominant, in spite of the fact that the true bog plants were near at h a n d occurred. when the clearing T h i s bog also illustrates that stage in the filling of a depression immediately following the disappearance of the lake. I n other bogs near Oxford, D a s y p h o r a fruticosa and Chiogenes hispidula occur among the shrubby growth. THE DELHI MUSKEAGS. I n the bog north of D e l h i which h a s already been described occur two areas, somewhat to the west of the lakes, which seem to represent a later stage in the history of a bog than that shown b y the lakes. T h e s e areas, if they were found in northern M i c h i g a n , would be termed " m u s k e a g s . " T h e y are surrounded b y large t a m a r a c k s , and small t a m a r a c k s occur throughout, the smallest specimens toward the center. I f the bog at Oxford were to continue its work of filling until the central society disappeared, we should have a bog a r e a of m u c h the s a m e appearance. T h e small t a m a r a c k s stand far apart, and between them is a most luxuriant growth of cassandra sphagnum. and T h e h u m m o c k s rise between 3 and 4 feet (0.9-1.2™) above the substratum. A s one attempts to traverse these areas, he sinks knee-deep in the long, fibrous, peat moss. The total n u m b e r of species is very small, and includes, besides those already mentioned, A n d r o m e d a polifolia, S a r r a c e n i a purpurea, O x y c o c c u s macrocarpus, and a few specimens of V a c c i n i u m corym­ bosum. BOG ON CARPENTER ROAD T h i s bog is situated in the S W . % S e c . 36, A n n A r b o r T p . Its basin is a small depression in the glacial moraine occupying about one-tenth of an acre (fig. id). O n the south, west, and north sides m it is bordered by clay hills which rise 25 to 40 feet ( 7 . 5 - 1 2 ) above the bog level. T h e vegetation of the hills is dominated by Q u e r c u s velutina, Q . alba, and Q . rubra. W i t h these trees occur H i c o r i a ovata, H a m a m e l i s virginiana, etc. O n the north side the upland h a s been cleared, and the land is now under tion. cultiva­ F r o m time to time t a m a r a c k s have been removed from the bog, until at the present time only the central area remains to indicate the origi­ nal covering. A c c o m ­ panying the there has clearing grown up about the t a m a r a c k s ^ FIG. 10.—Bog on Carpenter road. u s u ^l shrubs trees. thicket of and young As elsewhere, the peat is more thoroughly decayed and the substratum level somewhat lower about the margin than toward the center. T h i s fact is of importance in differentiating the willow-sedge society. Tamarack society.—This society is dominated b y the group of rather m a t u r e t a m a r a c k s . T h e substratum has the characteristic h u m m o c k y surface, m a r k e d b y large exposed roots, common to such areas. I t is overlaid b y a loose covering of vegetable matter, m a d e up principally of t a m a r a c k needles. T h e undergrowth is sparse, b u t most of the bog shrubs and herbs are represented. T h e more important species are C h a m a e d a p h n e calyculata, S p h a g n u m cymbifolium, S. recurvum, S. subsecundum, and L y c o p u s virginicus. Eriophorum virginianum, A very noticeable growth about the bases of most of the shrubs is produced by the fungus, T h e l e p h o r a intybacea. T h e mycelium in developing its sporophores rises about cm the stems, frequently to a height of a foot ( 2 5 ) . F r o m the cylinder thus formed, irregular fan-shaped pilei are developed, which gives the appearance of an elongated brown rosette about the stem bases. Clitocybe l a c c a t a and Boletinus porosus are also abundant in the autumn. The partially decayed stumps bear Peltigera canina. O t h e r species occur in this area, but reach their dominance in the next society. Poplar-maple society.—Here are brought together the remnant of the bog species, and those more characteristic of swamps and clearings. T h e trees are mainly Populus tremuloides, with a scat­ tering of A c e r rubrum. E l m seedlings occur. however, m a k e up the bulk of the vegetation. T h e shrubby plants, Ilicioides mucronata, I l e x verticillata, Aronia nigra, and V a c c i n i u m corymbosum have almost complete possession, and are struggling with one another for space. All these forms send up stems from the underground parts, so that among them the struggle is largely a m e c h a n i c a l one. How­ ever, where the red maple overtops them, the factor of shade enters, and the b l a c k choke-cherry and high-bush blueberry are the most tolerant. T h e mountain holly and b l a c k alder prevail elsewhere. T h e next most important plants are the willows, Salix sericea and S. discolor. M i x e d with these are Cornus candidissima, Rubus nigrobaccus, R o s a Carolina, Cornus stolonifera, Spiraea salicifolia, and R u b u s strigosus. Willow-sedge society.—The area dominated b y these plants is covered with water in the spring and during moist weather. Although this society is fast being crowded out b y the next preceding, it is probable that only a small part of that area was ever occupied b y these plants. T h e s e plants require a more moist substratum. T h e domi­ nant species are Salix sericea, C a r e x riparia, C. stipata, stolonifera, and O s m u n d a c i n n a m o m e a . Cornus I n the case of the cinna­ m o n fern found in this bog there is a r e m a r k a b l e development of aerial roots. T h e y are about an inch long and extend outward from the thick rootstock in all directions, forming a dense covering. The roots are thickly covered with root-hairs which have been persistent at least through one winter. in color. T h e root-hairs are large and brown T h e appearance of these rootstocks, as a whole, is very suggestive of certain tropical tree ferns. T h e other species present are R a n u n c u l u s abortivus, Polygonum sagittatum, Cicuta bulbifera, Prunella vulgaris, R u b u s americanus, R h u s V e r n i x , S o l a n u m dulca- mara, I m p a t i e n s biflora, E u p a t o r i u m perfoliatum, Calamagrostis canadensis, Dryopteris thelypteris, D . spinulosa intermedia, Doel- lingeria umbellata, L a c t u c a spicata, Coptis trifolia, B o e h m e r i a cylindrica, O n o c l e a sensibilis, M a r c h a n t i a polymorpha, a n d R o s a Carolina. T h e further development of these societies under present condi­ tions will bring about a complete change. T h e r e c a n b e no doubt that t h e poplars and red maples are the coming trees, with elm a close third. W h e n these have b e c o m e sufficiently large a n d numer­ ous to overshade t h e shrubs, t h e latter will b e killed out, a n d we shall have in their place the maple-elm forest c o m m o n to t h e low grounds. T h e shrubs, however, are c a p a b l e of persisting for a great length of time, because of t h e difficulty of tree seedlings obtaining a start b e n e a t h them. THE CHELSEA BOG. O f the bogs which have been subjected to clearing, burning, a n d ditching, b y far t h e most interesting in this region is located j u s t to the southeast of the town of Chelsea. I t covers a n area of about m 50 acres (20 h e c t a r e s ) , a n d t h e peat is reported to b e 40 feet ( i 2 ) thick at the deepest places. T h e divisions into societies, as indicated on the m a p (fig. 1 1 ) , are b a s e d on t h e most general characters of t h e vegetation. T h e r e are gradations between all of t h e societies, a n d these a r e so gradual that it is difficult to determine' definitely t h e boundaries. F u r t h e r , owing to t h e tendency of m a n y of t h e shrub species to form dense local growths b y the development of stems from underground shoots, t h e smaller associations are very diverse in different parts of the same society. Birch-vaccinium society.—This mixed society of bog shrubs occupies about one-fourth the area of t h e bog. I t s substratum consists of peat standing about a foot above the average water level. The dominant plants are B e t u l a pumila, V a c c i n i u m corymbosum, R u b u s frondosus, aquilinum. Aronia nigra, Vaccinium J u s t as c o m m o n perhaps, canadense, and Pteridium b u t of lower growth, a r e R u b u s hispidus, S p i r a e a salicifolia, S. tomentosa, Aralia hispida, Chamaedaphne calyculata, a n d R u m e x Acetosella. T h e ground covering, except beneath the dense shade o f the shrubs, is m a d e up of P o l y t r i c h u m juniperinum. T h e r e are m a n y small areas of which this plant n o w holds exclusive control, a n d forms a rich carpet of green, yellow, and red, depending upon the season of the year. W h e r e the moss is disturbed b y the uprooting of plants, the substra­ t u m b e c o m e s exceedingly dry. T h e moss dies out, and in place of it there springs up a growth of Cladonia rangiferina, C. pyxidata, FIG. 11.—Chelsea bog. C. gracilis, C. verticillata, C . cristatella, and frequently admixture of R u m e x Acetosella. a small T h e s e plants gradually close over the surface a n d aid in the conservation of the moisture. As the conditions b e c o m e m o r e favorable, the Polytrichum again closes over the area, driving out the lichens. About the borders of the shrubs the Polytrichum is killed out b y the shade. R u m e x Acetosella is better fitted to withstand such conditions, and consequently forms an inner border about each group of shrubs. W h e r e depressions occur and are flooded for any length of time, the Polytrichum is replaced b y E r i o p h o r u m virginicum and Scirpus cyperinus. Along the northwestern border R u b u s nigrobaccus is m a k i n g inroads upon this society. T o the north of the railroad, however, the most impor­ tant changes are being wrought b y the development of Populus tremuloides and Q u e r c u s velutina. Y o u n g trees of the former are now scattered throughout, while the latter is present in small number. T h e plants of m i n o r importance are I l e x verticillata, V i b u r n u m lentago, Ilicioides mucronata, Amelanchier Botryapium, Euthamia graminifolia, Doellingeria umbellata, B i d e n s trichosperma tenuiloba, Dulichium arundinaceum, P o a flava, and S p h a g n u m cymbifolium. Chokeberry society.—Aronia nigra forms the most dense exclusive growth that occurs on the bog. and Usually the substratum is somewhat lower and more subject to overflow than in the last society. I t would seem from observation that this condition is in part due to the chokeberry itself. Owing to its dense growth, it protects the surface of the peat from drought and favors the processes of decay. At the same time it adds very little to the substratum in the way of debris. W h e r e it attains its best development it is prac­ tically without undergrowth. About the borders it is mixed with V a c c i n i u m corymbosum, B e t u l a pumila, and I l e x verticillata. Of the smaller plants, Pteridium aquilinum penetrates to the greatest distance. O t h e r species occurring about the borders are mentioned among the other societies. Poplar-willow society.—About the borders of the bog, and extend­ ing to a greater or less extent into its interior, is a dense zone composed of Populus tremuloides, Salix discolor, Quercus velutina, grandidentata, and S a l i x nigra. the trembling aspen. Populus B y far the most abundant form is T h e substratum varies from areas well above the water level to areas which are constantly submerged. T h e aspen is also the most important of the plants which are invading the shrub societies. I n the relative proportion of the individual species there is the greatest variation at different places in this border zone. Of the more enduring species, Q u e r c u s velutina is the most a b u n d a n t . T h e other species present are S a l i x B e b b i a n a , S. sericea, S. lucida, P r u n u s serotina, Q u e r c u s a l b a , Q . m a c r o c a r p a , A c e r rubrum, B e t u l a lutea, Amelanchier salicifolia, Botryapium, S. tomentosa, Viburnum Corylus pubescens, Spiraea Sambucus americana, pubens, Cornus candidissima, C. stolonifera, C i c u t a m a c u l a t a , Aster lateriflorus, Carduus altissimus, G a l i u m asprellum, O s m u n d a c i n n a m o m e a , O. regalis, R a n u n c u l u s pennsylvanicus, Calamagrostis canadensis, V i o l a blanda, E u t h a m i a graminifolia, B i d e n s frondosa, and Aster Novae-Angliae. Sedge society.—On the northeast side of the bog is an area domi­ nated b y sedges. I n the fall of the year it appears to b e a uniform a r e a of Scirpus cyperinus, but there are m a n y other species mixed with it. T h e substratum is low and is m a i n l y characterized b y tussocks formed b y the sedges. T h r o u g h o u t , occur small clumps of the willows already mentioned. species are teretiuscula, Isnardia C. palustris, stipata, C. T h e most a b u n d a n t accessory Calamagrostis filiformis, canadensis, C. fusca, C. Carex oligosperma, C. riparia, and A u l a c o m n i u m palustris. The growth future flora of this bog appears to be indicated by the rapid of the poplars, willows, and oaks. T h e few tamaracks remaining are approaching maturity and are not being reproduced. The m e a n s by which these tree species c o m b a t the shrubs is mainly by shading, while the latter in the same way interfere with the develop­ m e n t of the tree-seedlings. T h e time involved in this struggle must be very great, b u t the ultimate outcome will b e an o a k forest, the intervening stages being filled in by poplar and willow growths. If, however, the decay of the peat b e n e a t h these trees brings the surface to the water level, the poplar-willow stage will be indefinitely pro­ longed. GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF T H E BOG FLORA. Beside the trees mentioned in the preceding descriptions, note should be m a d e of the occasional occurrence of the b l a c k ash, F r a x i n u s nigra, and swamp white oak, Quercus platanoides, in bog areas. It frequently happens, when the t a m a r a c k s are cut, that the b l a c k ash becomes a b u n d a n t , as in the area one-half mile southeast of K a v a naugh L a k e , where it is now associated with U l m u s a m e r i c a n a and A c e r rubrum. A n o t h e r example occurs about a mile north of Chelsea in the N E . % S e c . 1, Sylvan T p . H e r e in a small area from which the t a m a r a c k s were removed, F r a x i n u s nigra, Q u e r c u s platanoides, Fraxinus a m e r i c a n a , F . pennsylvanica, A c e r rubrum, O s t r y a vir- giniana, T i l i a a m e r i c a n a , and Liriodendron tulipifera are associated. The undergrowth consists of Solidago p a t u l a , S. neglecta, Aster lateriflorus, M i t e l l a diphylla, E u o n y m u s obovatus, Viola pubescens, Agrimonia hirsuta, Cornus florida, C. candidissima, Eupatorium perfoliatum, R o s a C a r o l i n a , V i b u r n u m L e n t a g o , J u n i p e r u s communis, a n d S p i r a e a salicifolia. T h e substratum is almost entirely occupied by mosses, including H y p n u m fluitans, H . Schreberi, H . Blandovii, H . roseum, T h u i d i u m recognitum, and C l i m a c i u m a m e r i c a n u m . O n the farm of J a m e s B a r t o n ( S W . % S e c . 2, L y n d o n T p . ) the b l a c k ash, red m a p l e , and A m e r i c a n elm have replaced a former growth of t a m a r a c k s a n d b l a c k a s h . ' I n a previous publication (55: p. 403) the writer called attention to the absence of a genetic relationship between the bog and the surrounding vegetation in southern M i c h i g a n . plants T h i s was explained on the b a s i s that the bog vegetation is a relict of former climatic conditions; that it h a s a genetic relationship with the conifer forest formation of northeastern N o r t h A m e r i c a , as shown b y studies in northern M i c h i g a n and Pennsylvania, and that in this region it h a s been surrounded by a more southern flora whose center of distribution is the southeastern U n i t e d S t a t e s . Consequently no order of succession between the t a m a r a c k and the o a k floras is to be expected. W h e n , however, bog areas are cleared or their n o r m a l development disturbed, such trees as the b l a c k ash, white ash, red maple, and elm replace the t a m a r a c k , and a definite order of succession is established. I t was also m a i n t a i n e d that present bog habitats are continuations of similar h a b i t a t s which c a m e into existence when a colder climate prevailed than at present. M o r e recent observations tend to confirm a n d strengthen this statement. T h e dominance of bog and swamp plants respectively in adjoining areas is to b e explained largely by the time when the areas c a m e to support their present ground vegetation. I f the h a b i t a t h a s existed undisturbed since the time when a colder climate prevailed, the bog plants will b e dominant. I f it c a m e into existence in recent times, or h a s been disturbed, it will b e dominated b y swamp species. (To be concluded.) THE BOGS AND B O G FLORA OF T H E HURON RIVER VALLEY. EDGAR NELSON TRANSEAU. (WITH SIXTEEN FIGURES) [Concluded IV. from p. 448.] The ecological characteristics of the bog flora and their causes. T h e plants occurring in the b o g h a b i t a t a r e almost all perennials. I n the case o f the herbaceous vegetation, the winter is passed b y m e a n s of subterranean rootstocks. a n d in p a r t deciduous. T h e shrubs a r e in p a r t evergreen T h e t a m a r a c k s a n d the two birches a r e deciduous, a n d the b l a c k spruce a n d pine a r e evergreen. M o s t o f the herbaceous a n d shrubby forms multiply abundantly by vegetative shoots of one form or another. T h e length of the underground stems of the shrubs is proverbial, b u t is best appreciated by one who h a s attempted to dig up one of t h e m entire. I n con­ nection with the competition between species for s p a c e in the habitat, this is of the greatest importance. A luxuriant growth of cassandra furnishes the most :favorable situation for the development of sphag­ n u m in this vicinity. I t s profuse b r a n c h i n g affords a framework for the upbuilding of the sphagnous layer, its shade properties do not interfere with the photosynthetic work of the moss, and it protects it from the drying effects of wind a n d direct insolation. W h e r e such associations occur, the difficulties presented for the germination for most seeds, a n d the efficiency with which competition is combated, are evidenced b y the fact thal^among the tree species only the t a m a ­ r a c k , spruce, a n d pine a r e successful invaders. AH o f these plants send out adventitious roots from the stems a n d branches, a n d so keep p a c e with the upward development of the moss. T h e absence of poplars, willows, red maples, a n d elms in such undisturbed situations must b e in p a r t attributed to the completeness with which such terri­ tory is controlled by the cassandra-sphagnum association. ECOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Aside from the purely a q u a t i c forms which have received m u c h Botanical Gazette, vol. 41.] [17 ecological attention, it is of interest to look at the a n a t o m i c a l char­ acteristics of certain of these plants. Eriophorum virginicum m a y b e taken as a type of this group, a n d also of t h e sedge zone vegetation in general. T h e culm is very slender a n d erect, leaves flat, a n d very narrow, perennial b y root stocks. Stem: epidermis very thick-walled a n d cuticularized. development proceeds, certain radial rows of the primary As cortex cells have their walls thickened, a n d served to connect the tissues of the central cylinder with those of the three or four outer layers o f hypodermal cells which also become thick-walled. Between these radial groups of cells lysigenic a i r cavities are formed. Root: epi­ dermal cells in part thin-walled a n d in p a r t secondarily thickened, no definite arrangement of the thick-walled cells apparent; internal structures closely resemble those of t h e stem; n o mycorhiza present. Leaf: outer epidermal cell walls strongly thickened a n d cuticularized, radial a n d inner walls less s o ; lysigenic a i r spaces traverse t h e leaf longitudinally; a very thick layer of stereome adjoins the leptome, decreasing to o n e or two cell layers on the hadrome side of the bundle; chloroplasts massed among the outer layers of the cortex, b u t occur throughout. Sarracenia pitchers. purpurea.—Well known for its insect-capturing Stem: epidermis a n d first hypodermal layer thick-walled; lysigenic a i r cavities throughout pith a n d cortex; resin deposits confined to the epidermis a n d one or two hypodermal cell layers, b u t where wounded heavy deposits of resin take place in the exposed a n d underlying cells. Root: cell walls firm, resinous bodies present throughout, b u t especially prominent in the two outer cortical layers, in which t h e cell walls a r e also strongly thickened. Leaf: epidermis thick-walled a n d slightly cuticularized; stomata on both sides of the l a m i n a , with cuticularized protuberant; guard cells strongly resinous deposits throughout; a n d slightly inner face of l a m i n a with strong downward pointing bristles. Oxycoccus macrocarpus.—Stem: pith thick-walled, with resinous bodies; a thick layer of broad-celled b a s t forms a complete cylinder within without the epidermis. Leaf: margins revolute, upper epidermis stomata, heavily cuticularized, radial walls thick, wavy; hypodermal collenchyma of two or three cell layers on leptome side of midvein, one or two cell layers on t h e side o f the hadrome, develop­ ment of the stereome cells also smaller on hadrome side; palisade of two cell layers; lower epidermis covered with wax, especially at the stomata, guard cells slightly elevated. M y c o r h i z a present in the larger roots, wanting in t h e hairlike branches, no root hairs. Andromeda polifolia.—Leaf: margins revolute, upper epidermal cells thick-walled, radial walls undulate, n o s t o m a t a ; lower epidermis supplied with unicellular short stiff hairs, a n d covered with w a x , stomata slightly protuberant, strongly cuticularized beneath m i d- vein; palisade of three layers of long narrow cells; stereome strongly developed above a n d below vascular b u n d l e ; on the ventral side this adjoining three layers of large thin-walled a i r cells and a onelayered hypoderma. Root: resinous deposits throughout, no mycor- hizal fungi found. Chamaedaphne calyculata.—Lea}: margin slightly revolute, epi­ dermis thick-walled, heavily cuticularized, cuticle rough, n o s t o m a t a on upper surface; ventral epidermis covered b y shield-shaped multi­ cellular hairs, a n d a deposit o f w a x ; cuticle unusually thickened beneath the midvein, guard cells sunken, subsidiary cells protuberantr dalisade tissue o f four or five layers. Root: inner a n d radial walls thickened, cortical tissues thick-walled; resin deposits in vascular bundle a n d cortex; no mycorhizal fungi found. Chiogenes hispidula.—Leaf: margin revolute, epidermal walls very thick, cuticle present, papillate, palisade not strongly developed; mesophyll cells in part thick-walled a n d in part thin-walled; bodies in the epidermis; s t o m a t a slightly protuberant. resinous Stem: resin present in cortex; mycorhizal fungi in t h e epidermis o f t h e s m a l l e ; roots a n d throughout the cortex of t h e larger. Vaccinium corymbosum.—Leaf: cuticle present, epidermal walls not thickened, palisade of one layer, mesophyll tissues with resinous bodies, cuticle o f ventral surface papillate; hairs on lower epidermis few on upper; a b u n d a n t unicellular leptome side of mid-vein adjoined b y three layers of stereome a n d two or three layers o f hypo­ dermal collenchyma, on the hadrome side reduced to two of stereome a n d two of collenchyma, cuticular papilli usually developed beneath the midvein a n d at edge o f leaf. mycorhiza present. Root: cortical tissue with resin, N o resin deposits found in stem. Salix 1 sericea. —Lea): cuticularized; upper epidermal cells small, strongly mesophyll compact, palisade of two layers o f long narrow cells; stomata on under surface, guard cells sunken beneath the slightly protuberant companion cells; hypoderma o f five- or six-cell layers on h a d r o m e side, a n d eight layers on leptome side o f midvein. Root: resinous bodies present in medullary rays a n d cortex, the latter consisting o f thick-walled cells; no mycorhiza. Ledum groenlandicum.—Leaf: upper epidermis rugose, with scattered unicellular hairs, margins strongly revolute, cuticle present, cell walls thickened, the radial walls being broadly undulate; lower epidermis covered with a thick cuticle a n d a felt of long multicellular a n d short unicellular hairs, glandular hairs usually present near the small veins, stomata protuberant; of broadly oblong cells; palisade of three or four layers beneath vascular tissue of midvein a n d between the mestome bundles occur large a i r cells which m a y form lysigenic a i r cavities in the older leaves. Larix laricina.—Leaf: bifacial, Root: mycorhizal. deciduous; epidermis thick- walled, slightly cuticularized, guard cells sunken beneath the com­ panion cells; palisade tissue developed toward the dorsal surface, two layers thick showing a radial tendency, stereome reduced to a few cells beneath the leptome; two resin ducts near edges of leaf. Root: composed o f mycorhiza, resinous deposits throughout, cortical tissues early destroyed b y fungus. W h e n grown in culture solutions a n d well aerated, n o r m a l roots with root hairs a r e produced. Picea Mariana.—Plants in bogs a r e stunted. cells thick-walled, cuticle present, Leaf: epidermal guard cells sunk beneath the companion cells; mesophyll cells compact, of a more or less radial palisade type. Root: mycorhizal, resin deposits throughout, cortical tissues destroyed b y fungus. N o r m a l roots a r e developed under culture conditions. Pinus Strobus.—Plants shorter and thicker. very m u c h stunted in the bogs, leaves Leaf, epidermal walls so greatly thickened that scarcely a lumen remains, beneath this a hypodermal layer of thick-walled cells; mesophyll cells compact a n d of t h e usual lobate type. Root: hyphae; mycorhizal, cortical tissues traversed b y the fungus resinous deposits throughout. Stem: annual rings narrow dan distorted, resin bodies throughout cortex and meristematic tissues of the wood. T o summarize these characteristics, it is evident ( i ) that epidermal and hypodermal tissues are thick-walled; (2) that for the conserva­ tion of water these are reinforced outwardly b y a heavy cuticle, by coverings of wax and air containing hairs; (3) that resinous bodies are found in the roots and leaves of m a n y of the plants; (4) that there is a general reduction in the size of the leaves, and that these are frequently revolute-margined; formly developed; (5) that palisade tissue is quite uni­ (6) that mycorhizal fungi are present in the roots of most of the plants; (7) that, when compared with the xerophytes of dry sand plains (25, 6), they show a similarity in respect to the reduction in size of the foliage, in the development of external protective coverings of the sub-aerial parts, and in the presence of palisade tissues, but are very different in the matter of root develop­ ment and character of root structures. To account for the peculiarities of the bog vegetation various theories have been brought forward. K I H L M A N (28), in accounting for the xerophilous character of the plants of arctic swamps, which include several species c o m m o n to American bogs, lays stress upon two factors: (1) the low temperature of the moist substratum, and (2) the presence of drying winds. T h e former influences the plants by decreasing the power of absorption, the latter increases the rate of transpiration. T h e plants of such habitats must therefore b e protected against the loss of water by the subaerial parts. SCHIMPER (44, p. n ) in classifying the natural habitats in which xerophytes occur mentions among others " p e a t bogs, because of the humous acids in the soil." O n page 18 he says: The xerophilous character of the vegetation of peat moors has hitherto been considered an incomprehensible anomaly, and yet the rich supply of humous acids in the soil furnishes a condition for its occurrence as comprehensible as it is necessary. The presence of Scotch pine and heather on both dry sand and on wet peat is thus not more remarkable than is that of Ledum palustre, Vaccinium uliginosum, and other peat-plants on the cold dry soil in the polar zones. F u r t h e r (p. 124) the statement occurs that " o n the very acid h u m u s of moors the vegetation assumes a decidedly xerophilous character, because the humous acids impede the absorption of water b y the roots." However, in describing the arctic vegetation (44, pp. 1 1 , 715), he follows the suggestion of K I H L M A N , a conclusion to which he h a d come independently. G A N O N G (16) also accepts K I H L M A N ' S explanation for the xerophilous nature of the raised-bog flora of New Brunswick. I n the study of the structural adaptations of these plants and the causes of their occurrence in bog areas, several questions arise. these two factors, cold substratum xerophily ? Are and acidity, efficient causes of D o they act, in the case of the bogs of this region, with sufficient strength to cause xerophilous modifications in the plants there found, or to permit the growth of only such forms as are xero­ philous ? The last question may b e answered from field observations. T h e y indicate that most low-ground plants grow quite as well on the bog substratum as on the ordinary swamp soils, and that the swamp species of this vicinity m a y all b e found at one place or another grow­ ing on bog soils. I t would seem that here the bog substratum is no more efficient as a selective agent than are the swamp soils. T h e only cases which have c o m e under m y observation in south­ ern M i c h i g a n which will throw light upon the question of the effecttiveness of the temperatures and acidity in the production of xero­ 7 philous adaptations is in the case of Picea Mariana Strobus. and Pinus T h e s e two plants both show reduced size of stem and leaf, in the Oxford bog, when compared with plants growing on the margin. B u t to what extent this m a y b e due to sterility of the bog substratum rather than to temperature and acidity is indeter­ m i n a b l e at this time. EXPERIMENTS. To and answer the question of the efficiency of a cold soil acidity to produce substratum xerophily, experiments have been progress for approximately two years. in T h e difficulties in the way of experimentation along these lines are numerous. T h e m e a n s for controlling soil temperatures in bodies of soil sufficiently large for experimentation with the larger bog plants are practically beyond the possibility of a university laboratory. W h e n it is further realized 7 T h e so-called P. brevifolia Pk. This form is certainly no more deserving of a distinctive name^than is the bog form of the white pine. that the experiments should extend over a series of years in the case of the shrubby forms, the problem b e c o m e s still more com­ plicated. Cold bog water W a r m nutrient solution Cold nutrient solution W a r m bog water FIG. 12.—Average plants from the several cultures of Indian corn. graphs. From photo­ I n order to test the relative effects of humous acids (of the con­ centration found in the bogs of this vicinity) and low substratum temperatures, experiments were made in the form of water cultures and with a peat substratum. All of t h e bog water used was brought to t h e plant house from t h e F i r s t Sister L a k e . T h e acidity of t h e water varied from .0005 t o .0023 n o r m a l acid, as measured b y n /100 KOH solution. W A T E R C U L T U R E S . — ( I ) T h e plants were grown in four-liter battery j a r s covered with a plaster of P a r i s plate, having five one-inch open­ ings for the passage of the' plants a n d one of smaller size for a ther­ mometer. F o u r such j a r s were employed in each experiment, two containing a 0.2 p e r cent. K n o p ' s solution, a n d the others bog water. One of each was further maintained at a lower temperature. The cooling was accomplished b y passing t a p water through 15 feet of quarter-inch m (4.5 X7 m m ) glass tubing, arranged in a coil within the j a r , somewhat below the surface of t h e liquid. T h e sides a n d b o t t o m s of t h e j a r s were covered with b l a c k paper, a n d those which were to b e cooled were further sphagnum. surrounded b y white paper a n d D a i l y readings of the temperatures of the air, warm-water solutions a n d cold-water solutions during t h e warmest period of t h e day were recorded. I n this way t h e m a x i m u m differences between substrata a n d a i r were obtained. A s these temperatures were n o t constant they exaggerate, to a slight degree, t h e average differences in temperature. comparable: T h u s , four conditions were obtained which a r e (1) warm nutrient solution (temperature approximat­ ing that o f t h e a i r o f t h e plant-house), (2) warm b o g solution, (3) cold nutrient solution, a n d (4) cold b o g solution. Fig. The 12 shows t h e results of one of these experiments with corn. photograph was taken eighteen days after t h e experiment w a s started. W h e n t h e cultures were set up, t h e plumule h a d developed c m to a length of 2 inches ( 5 ) . T h e air temperatures during the period 0 of experimentation averaged 18.8 C , that of the warm cultures 1 8 . 7 C, 0 0 a n d of t h e cold cultures 10.8 C . I t is to b e noted that under these conditions t h e best growth of the leaves a n d roots occurred in t h e b o g water. B u t a reduction of 8° in t h e substratum temperatures caused a diminution in t h e devel­ opment of b o t h leaves a n d roots; t h e plants in t h e nutrient solution and t h e b o g water being equally affected. W h e n all of t h e plants h a d developed five leaves, it was noted that in t h e case of t h e cold cultures t h e two lower leaves h a d withered. T h i s experiment was repeated with corn, white lupine, a n d b e a n under similar conditions, with similar results. T h e greater development of roots in the case of t h e warm bog water m a y b e due to t h e presence of a poison in very minute quantities; b u t this I have been unable to prove. (2) A third culture was then m a d e in which five plants of corn were grown in each of t h e four water culture conditions, a n d in addition in four similar conditions, using a mixture of sphagnum and peat for t h e substratum. W o o d e n boxes 2 feet long, 1 foot c m wide a n d a half foot deep ( 6 o X 3 o X i 5 ) were constructed, a n d two were lined with galvanized iron. T h e bottoms of t h e unlined•ones were perforated so as to allow of easy drainage. served for t h e undrained conditions. T h e lined boxes F u r t h e r , in one of t h e drained m a n d in one of t h e undrained boxes, 40 feet ( i 2 ) of glass tubing, bent into coils, t h e j o i n t s being connected b y rubber tubing,were arranged so that a constant flow o f cold water, for lowering t h e temperature, could b e maintained. T h e water level in t h e undrained bog substratum was kept j u s t below t h e surface. T h e water was obtained from t h e bog at F i r s t Sister L a k e , b u t occasionally all were watered with distilled water. practically t h e s a m e . , T h e amount added to each b o x was I n order to keep t h e solutions in t h e water culture j a r s a t t h e same acidity a s in t h e undrained boxes, t h e water was siphoned off and transferred once a week. C a r e was taken in this transfer to aerate t h e water in t h e boxes as little as possible, while that of t h e j a r s was aerated at irregular intervals b y m e a n s of a bulb. T h e r e were thus produced eight conditions, in which it was possible to test t h e effect o f t h e acidity o f t h e b o g water, of aeration (drainage) o f t h e substratum, a n d of low temperatures. A s a result, it was found that t h e growth of roots a n d leaves was best in t h e w a r m b o g water, in t h e w a r m nutrient solution, a n d in t h e drained warm peat substratum. R e d u c t i o n in size of both roots a n d leaves occurred in t h e cold b o g a n d nutrient solutions, a n d in t h e drained cold a n d undrained w a r m a n d cold peat substrata. B u t the plants in t h e undrained cold peat showed t h e most m a r k e d reduction in size. T h e conclusion was reached (1) that humous acids (acidity varying from .0005 to .0023 n o r m a l acid) have n o effect upon corn in t h e m a t t e r of leaf a n d root development; (2) that low temperature a n d l a c k of aeration of t h e substratum both cause reduction in size; and (3) that when low temperature is combined with poor aeration the effect is very marked. T h i s experiment was repeated with peas, and the same result was obtained, although the effects were not so m a r k e d (fig. 1 3 ) . T h e roots in the undrained substrata were killed when they attained a depth of a half inch ( i 2 m m ) below the surface. (3) I n order to test the effects of drainage and of low temperature on bog species, another set of cultures in peat-sphagnum was m a d e . substrata T h e apparatus used consisted of two flower-pots and two glass dishes aproximately a foot in diameter and three inches FIG. 13.—Effect of the several conditions upon the development of pea seedlings. All are average specimens. From photographs. cm deep ( 3 o X 7 . 5 ) . A flower-pot and a glass dish were kept cool by passing cold water through fifteen feet of glass tubing arranged in coils, a s in previous experiments. T h r e e species were tested in these conditions: laricina, two-year-old Prunella vulgaris. Larix acetosella, and T h e first cultures were made in the spring of 1903 with the R u m e x and Prunella. about eighteen degrees. ten degrees lower. Rumex T h e air temperature averaged T h e cold substratum was maintained about I n the case of R u m e x it was found that the largest leaves were produced in the drained peat-sphagnum substra­ tum. L a c k of drainage and low temperature both caused a reduction in leaf area, and when combined produced leaves which were less than half as large as those of the drained warm substratum. T h e Prunella under the s a m e conditions showed the same results. C. Undrained w a r m bog substratum E . D r y sand D. Undrained cold bog substratum F. FIG. 14.—A, B, C, D, E, camera drawings of leaf sections resulting from cultures in the five conditions named. X 1 3 5 . F, diagrams showing average length and breadth of leaves. Fifteen plants were grown in each condition. experiment each h a d produced At the end of the six to eight mature leaves. leaves were measured as to length and breadth. The A n index was obtained b y multiplying these two numbers together and averaging for each culture. Following are the indexes of leaf area thus derived: drained warm substratum 1268.3, drained cold 682.6, undrained warm 518.5, undrained cold 421.8. I n the spring of 1904 the experiment with R u m e x was repeated. The results correspond with those of the preceding year. The structure of the leaves, resulting in the several cultures, was investi­ gated, and found to show m a r k e d variations (s6). the cross-sections and average leaf Fig. 14 represents areas produced leaves being measured in each case). (seventy-five W h e n grown on a warm drained substratum, the leaves are large, and the cells are exceedingly loose and turgid. T h e epidermis is composed of large thin-walled cells, having a thin cuticle outside. T h e mesophyll consists of a single layer of palisade and three layers of spongy tissue. bodies are present. T h e plants grown in the undrained N o resin substratum, whose temperature was reduced about 8° C. below that of the air, show m a r k e d xerophilous characters. T h e leaf is reduced in area, increased in relative thickness, and the margins b e c o m e revolute; the epidermal cells are smaller and outwardly thick-walled; a wellm a r k e d cuticle is present; the mesophyll is very compact and m a d e up of two or three layers of well-developed palisade cells and three layers of spongy tissue; and in the epidermal cells and those adja­ cent to the bundles there are m a r k e d accumulations of resinous bodies. F o r the purpose of comparison, a corresponding set of plants were grown on sand kept just sufficiently moist to allow the plants to live. As will be seen in fig. 14, the xerophily is not more m a r k e d than that of the undrained cold bog substratum. Fig. 1 5 shows the relative appearance of the plants produced b y the different con­ ditions. I n the case of the plants grown in the undrained warm and the drained cold substrata, these same effects were noticeable, but to a less m a r k e d degree. T h a t , in the case of the undrained cultures, these effects are not due to the acidity of the bog water is shown by the fact that plants grown in bog-water cultures develop normally. T h e light conditions in the several cultures were the same, direct sunlight being avoided b y a cloth screen. I t is evident that in this case there is no response to strong light in the development of the palisade tissue (49). I t would seem rather to b e a response called forth b y a reduced transpiration current (44, p. 7 ) . As to function, it m a y aid in the transfer of food materials as suggested b y H A B E R LANDT (20, p . 260). FIG. 15.—Average plants showing effect of surrounding photographs. conditions. From T h i s plant proved t o b e t h e most plastic of all o f the species used in the experimentation, and was the only one which showed marked variation in the internal structures. Ecologically the results indicate (1) that an undrained peat substratum m a y cause xerophilous struc­ tures, but that the effect is to b e correlated with l a c k of aeration of the substratum rather t h a n with the acidity; (2) that the same effect m a y b e induced b y lowering the substratum temperature (the air temperature r e m a i n i n g the s a m e ) , and thus impeding the rate of root growth and absorption; (3) that a cold undrained bog sub­ stratum is analogous to a dry warm soil in that both produce physio­ logical drought; (4) that resin bodies, which are characteristic of \he bog plants, m a y b e produced by this environment in a plant which under favorable conditions is without them. Drained w a r m bog substratum Drained cold Undrained cold Undrained w a r m FIG. 16.—Relative effects of drainage and reduced substratum temperature, on Larix. From photographs. T h e seedling t a m a r a c k s , ten o f which were cultivated in each of the four conditions j u s t described for the R u m e x , also showed con­ siderable variation. T h e i r relative development at the end of forty- four days is shown in fig. 16. T h e leaves of the drained warm sub­ stratum have an average length of 12.6 of the undrained warm n . 4 m m m m , of the drained cold 10 , and of the undrained cold 6.3 m m m m , . Internally, the leaves show a reduction in the intercellular spaces and in the size of the cells in the case of the plants grown on the undrained cold substratum, when compared with those of the warm drained condition. (4) I n another series of experiments with plants of L a r i x four to five years old practically the s a m e results were obtained. There were the greatest n u m b e r and length of leaves and b r a n c h e s produced in the case of the drained w a r m substratum. T h e smallest and shortest leaves and b r a n c h e s were produced b y the undrained cold substratum. Experiments with Ledum Groenlandicum, Chamaedaphne caly­ culata, Andromeda Polifolia, Betula pumila, and Oxycoccus macrocarpus have failed to produce satisfactory results. T h i s is believed to b e due to the shortness of t h e . t i m e under which they were under cultivation. T h e plants were brought from the bogs in the late autumn and placed in cold frames over the winter. About the beginning of M a r c h they were brought into the greenhouse, and after a few days planted in the warm and cold, drained and undrained boxes, previously described. T h e y have grown vigorously, but the differences noticeable m a y not b e correlated with the four conditions. The cranberry has shown the greatest amount of plasticity, but this could not in all cases b e correlated with the environment. I f these plants can b e kept under known conditions for two or more years, it is probable that they will yield valuable results. (5) I n order to test the effect of mineral soils, and the ability to withstand the presence of large quantities of calcium and magnesium, specimens of andromeda, cassandra, and cranberry were grown in sandy l o a m and sand. The T h e y were watered daily with tap water. cultures were started in the autumn of 1902, and vigorous vegetative shoots during the s u m m e r of 1903. produced T h e y failed to bloom, however, and although they are growing well at this time ( J u n e 1904), they have again failed to bloom. due to the w a r m plant-house conditions. T h i s m a y b e in part The experiment was originally started to observe the changes in the roots, and in so far have been of value. I n a sphagnum substratum all three of the plants produced hairlike roots which attain a length of 5 - 7 c m . The roots are commonly several times branched, very little difference in thickness being shown b y t h e several branches. W h e n grown in sand the roots are still slender, b u t t h e frequency of branching is enormously increased. the growing tip. develops. Usually the branching occurs j u s t b a c k of T h e older root ceases growth as the lateral root T h e b r a n c h continues for 2-3 m m , and it also stops growth with the formation of a second lateral root. T h e result of this pro­ cess is a zigzag root showing root branches which have been succes­ sively the m a i n root tip. Occasionally several lateral roots develop and the m a i n axis is divided. (6) T h e statement that waters containing lime and other mineral salts are unfavorable to the growth of sphagnum h a s gained wide circulation in ecological literature. B e c a u s e of the great abundance of lime and magnesia in the waters of this vicinity, I was led to test this fact b y growing the sphagnum in tap water a n d solutions of CaC0 . I n one experiment t h e water in a battery j a r was saturated 3 with C O , C a C 0 2 3 was added in excess, and the C 0 allowed to pass through the water for thirty minutes. 2 was again I n this solu­ tion sphagnum was placed, and it h a s been growing vigorously for three months, although watered daily with water containing over 100 parts of C a C 0 3 to the million. S o m e of the sphagnum cultures have been running for ten months, and show no signs of deterioration. W h e t h e r the sphagnum of this vicinity h a s b e c o m e accustomed to the presence of lime, owing to the nature of the soil waters, or whether sphagnum is generally able to withstand such conditions, remains to b e proved. Since the above experiments were performed, I have found a n account of somewhat similar experiments b y W E B E R (58), the results of which are the same. I t would seem, therefore, that the presence or absence of sphagnum is not to b e correlated with the presence or absence of lime. (7) Among the plants growing in the bogs of this vicinity the fol­ lowing have been found to possess mycorhiza: Larix laricina, Pinus Strobus, Picea Mariana, Betula lutea, Betula pumila, Oxycoccus macrocarpus, O. Oxycoccus, Chiogenes hispidula, Vaccinium corymbosum, Ledum Groenlandicum, Populus tremuloides. I n order to get at the conditions which favor or cause the develop­ m e n t of mycorhiza, cultures of L a r i x were m a d e in loose sphagnum, sand, undrained sphagnum, etc. T h e roots in the m a n y other cul­ tures previously noted were also carefully watched. I t has been found without exception that where the plants were grown under properly aerated soil conditions, n o r m a l roots developed in place of the mycorhiza. T h a t the acidity of the bog water has nothing to do with the production of mycorhiza is shown by the fact that in water cultures of the s a m e acidity as the solution in the undrained peat, the plants develop n o r m a l roots. I n the case of roots developed in loose sphagnum, sand, and moist air, an a b u n d a n c e of root hairs were pro­ duced. T h e n o r m a l roots in L a r i x have a diameter about three times that of the mycorhiza, so that when they begin to develop they appear like white pendants from the dark brown mycorhiza. That m y c h o r i z a will not develop in a well-aerated substratum was further tested b y the following experiment: T w o 3 0 upright, and 8 each. c m c m test tubes were set of glass beads were poured into the b o t t o m of I n t o one a glass tube, at whose end were several small open­ ings, was passed to the b o t t o m . connected with a gasometer. T h e upper part of the tube was U p o n this foundation of beads, three plants of L a r i x were planted in a j c m layer of peat in each tube. T h e water level in the two tubes was kept j u s t at the surface, bog water being used throughout. A i r was then forced from the gas­ ometer to the bottom of the one tube and allowed to pass slowly through the beads and peat. W h e n the experiment was started, all of the plants possessed only mycorhiza. I n the course of a week the aerated plants b e g a n to develop n o r m a l roots. continued for six weeks. T h e unaerated T h e experiment was plants developed only mycorhiza, while those which were aerated developed normal r o o t s . 8 T h e growth of mycorhiza is exceedingly slow, and the fungus grows with the root. T h e development of the above ground parts cor­ responds to the root development. T h e plants which produce normal roots have longer shoots, and longer, thicker leaves. I t seems evident, in the case of L a r i x at least, that ( i ) the mycorhizas develop only in poorly aerated substrata; 8 (2) their growth is In the case of a number of the plants of Larix grown in the undrained peat in previous experiments, one or two normal roots were developed just at the surface of the substratum. exceedingly slow, the fungus developing along with the root; (3) the acidity of the substratum is not a factor in their development; (4) in a naturally well-aerated soil or in an artifically aerated substratum normal roots develop; (5) when the roots are not surrounded b y water, root hairs develop abundantly. to b e an a b n o r m a l root condition. M y c o r h i z a therefore appears W h e t h e r the fungus is of advan­ tage to the root under these poorly aerated conditions cannot as yet be stated. (8) I n order to determine whether the zone of t a m a r a c k s follows the shrub zone because of the occasional submergence of the sedge zone, the following test was m a d e : 7 c m T e n L a r i x seedlings averaging in height were placed in a crystallizing dish with the imbedded in 2 c m of sphagnum. roots O v e r this a layer of bog water 4 in depth was maintained for six weeks. well as those in a peat substratum. c m T h e plants grew quite as S t e m and root submergence is therefore not a factor in preventing the growth of seedlings t a m a r a c k in the sedge zone. T h e liability to submergence in the bogs I have studied would not extend over nearly so long a period of time. V. Summary. T h e H u r o n R i v e r basin shows three well-marked physiographic divisions which differ in forest covering and the possibilities for bog development. T h e s e are (1) the region of the S a g i n a w - E r i e inter­ lobate m o r a i n e ; (2) the E r i e morainic b e l t ; and (3) the lake plain. I n discussing the meteorological conditions of a region as affecting the flora, attention is called to the fact that the significance of the data is not apparent unless the temperature and rainfall phenomena are compared with those of the optimum region of dispersal of the plant societies involved. I n the case of the b o g plant societies the temperature of the region under discussion averages several degrees higher during the summer months t h a n the eastern maritime prov­ inces of C a n a d a (the optimum region of dispersal for the bog p l a n t s ) , while the rainfall during the same period averages about threefourths as m u c h . T h i s is believed to account for the general differ­ ence in character and development of bog societies in the two regions. B o g and lake basins are here associated with deposits of glacial drift. T h e most frequent causes of these basins are (1) the melt- ing of stagnant bodies of ice in old glacial drainage channels after their a b a n d o n m e n t ; (2) the differential settling of fluvio-glacial deposits; and (3) unequal deposition of glacial material in moraines and till plains. M a r l and peat deposits are commonly associated. T h e former are of interest in so far as they aid in the filling of the lake basins. B o t h are formed through plant agencies. P e a t deposits m a y b e classified under two general h e a d s : (1) those connected with glaciation, and (2) those associated with coastal plain phenomena. the first head. I n N o r t h A m e r i c a the b u l k of the deposits come under T h e i r geographic distribution approximates that of the Pleistocene glaciers. N e a r the southern border the peat areas are scattered, but they b e c o m e more nearly continuous and more inde­ pendent of depressions as we go northward. T h e same effect is brought about in mountainous regions b y increased altitude. In the tundra, peat accumulates because of the low temperature and in spite of the scant vegetation. I n temperate regions a vigorous vege­ tation and areas of stagnant water render peat accumulation possible. I n the southern coastal plain swamps, peat is formed in stagnant water because of the luxuriant vegetation and in spite of the high temperature. D u r i n g peat formation two processes are involved: causis and (2) putrefaction. (1) erema­ T h e former is essentially an oxidizing process, brought about in the presence of air b y certain fungi and bacteria. plants. I t s products are of direct value as food materials for Putrefaction is carried on in the absence of oxygen and is essentially reduction; the organisms involved are anaerobic bacteria, and the products are of no value to the higher plants as food materials. T h e accumulation of peat depends upon the scarcity of oxygen below the water level, the acidity of the ground water, and the occurrence of low temperatures. P e a t varies in color b e n e a t h the various plant societies, being light brown in the youngest (bog sedge) and dark brown in the oldest, the darkest and most thoroughly decayed form being known as " m u c k . " As disintregration proceeds it brings about a decrease in water capac­ ity, a decrease in volatile combustible matter, and an increase in the amount of ash. T h e bog as a habitat for plants differs widely from the other plant habitats of the region in that its substratum h a s been built b y fore­ runners of the present vegetation. Owing to the influence of the wind in the production of waves, the bogs are largely wanting on the eastern shores of lakes, and in the case of basins which have been almost completely filled with peat, the open water lies toward the eastern margin. I t is well known that bog areas are more liable to late spring frosts than adjoining uplands. T h i s is due to the topography as it affects air drainage, and to the low conductivity of the substratum covering. U n d e r natural conditions it has been found that the areas of cassandra and t a m a r a c k dominance are more exposed to late frosts t h a n other societies. , Observations in bog areas show that the soil temperatures beneath the several plant societies differ markedly in range. T h e records indicate that the areas of bog sedges have temperatures correspond­ ing closely with those of the upland and approximating those of the atmosphere. T h e willow-sedge (swamp) and maple-poplar have slightly lower temperatures during early spring. areas W h e n the trees leaf out, however, the shade produced causes the maple-poplar area to have the lowest temperatures recorded. T h e bog shrub and t a m a r a c k societies show the lowest average temperature throughout the spring months. L o w soil temperatures retard chemical action, diffusion, solution, a n d osmosis, and render the substratum unsuited to soil bacteria. W h e n coincident with higher air temperatures, plants having a low transpiration ratio are favored in the competition between species. I n so far as southern M i c h i g a n is concerned, the substratum temperatures prevailing in bog areas do not seem to b e adequate to account for the presence or absence of bog plants or their xerophilous structures. E x p e r i m e n t s suggest, however, that farther north this factor is of prime importance. I n texture the bog substratum shows every gradation from the coarse fibrous peat of the bog-sedge zone to the b l a c k powdery m u c k of cleared land. B o g soils in general do not afford as good a foothold for trees as do the mineral soils. P e a t i s very resistant to the diffusion of mineral salts, hence bog areas have a very different soil solution from that of the mineral soils adjoining. T h e high water capacity of peat is detrimental to plants, in so far as it prevents proper aeration of t h e substratum. B o g waters have n o higher osmotic pressure t h a n ordinary soil waters. T h e absence of sphagnum from local bogs cannot b e explained by t h e presence o f calcium salts, as shown b y observation, chemical analyses, a n d experiments. T h e acidity o f local b o g water varies from normal acid. .00015 to .00258 T h e lowest values are found in areas covered b y b o g sedges a n d swamp plants, a n d they are approximately t h e s a m e . T h e highest occur under t h e t a m a r a c k s . T h e variations in acidity are related inversely to t h e temperature. A s shown b y experiment, this is because o f increased oxidation at the higher temperatures. I t is suggested that we should find increased acidity as we go north. T h e r e is n o apparent relation between color a n d acidity, except that light colored waters usually show slight acidity. T h e acid nature of t h e soil solution is a factor in the competition between different species for t h e occupancy of b o g areas. B o g soils are notably deficient in potassium and available nitrogen. Nitrifying b a c t e r i a a r e prevented from carrying on their n o r m a l activ­ ities b y the acidity o f the soil solution, b y the l a c k of oxygen, and b y the lower temperature of the substratum. W i t h few exceptions b o g plants are light-demanding forms; hence, in their competition with one another, size and shading ability are prime factors. T h a t the conditions in the H u r o n valley are at present n o t as favor­ able to t h e b o g plants as to t h e swamp plants, is shown wherever the two societies c o m e into competition. T h i s fact must b e contrasted with the situation in t h e optimum region of the distribution o f b o g plants, where the opposite relation h a s been shown to exist. An examination of all the physical and chemical data n o w avail­ able fails to account for the differences in flora of b o g a n d swamp areas in this region. T h e most important factor is believed to b e their physiographic history. W h e r e the habitat dates b a c k to Pleis­ tocene times a n d h a s remained undisturbed, we find today the b o g flora. W h e r e the h a b i t a t is o f recent origin or h a s been recently dis- turbed, we find the swamp flora, or mixtures of swamp and bog species. T h e nature of the bog plant societies of the H u r o n basin is shown b y the description of several local bogs, selected to show both the local bog flora and the variation in societies, and arranged to present the genetic changes in a bog flora as a basin filled b y peat accumu­ lation. I t is shown that during the early stages of bog development, bog sedge, bog shrub, and conifer societies follow each other in the invasion of the basin. T h e s e several societies m a y vary considerably in composition, but they are closely related and show every gradation in a definite order of succession. T h e bog conifers, however, show no relationship to the surrounding broad-leaved forests of the upland. O n the other hand, where clearing has occurred, swamp sedges, swamp shrubs, and swamp trees gain the ascendency, and these not only show an order of succession among themselves, but are genetically related to the broad-leaved trees of the region. T h e bog societies are part of the northeastern conifer forest formation, while the swamp societies are related to the southeastern broad-leaved forests. A n a n a t o m i c a l study of the bog plants shows that epidermal and hypodermal tissues are thick-walled, that a heavy cuticle is present, frequently supplemented b y w a x and hairs. R e s i n o u s bodies are to b e found in the roots and leaves of m a n y of the plants. are usually small and revolute-margined. up a large part of the mesophyll. of the plants. T h e leaves Palisade tissue m a k e s M y c o r h i z a s are present in most B o g plants resemble the plants of dry sand plains in reduction of foliage area, in development of protective coverings for above-ground parts, and in palisade tissues, but differ from the latter in the m a t t e r of root development and root structures. E x p e r i m e n t s indicate that the local bog water itself has no tendency toward the production of xerophilous modifications. L o w soil temperatures and l a c k of soil aeration, however, cause a reduction in the development of the several plant organs. W h e n these two factors are combined, the effect is very m a r k e d . E x p e r i m e n t s with Rumex acetosella are of especial interest in that nearly all of the characteristics of bog plants m a y b e developed either b y lowering the soil temperature, as compared with the air temperature, b y preventing proper soil aeration, or b y growing in dry sand. Palisade tissue was developed in the leaves of these plants in diffuse light, and it is shown that palisade tissue is to b e correlated with physiological drought. A n analogy between the bog h a b i t a t and the dry sand h a b i t a t is established. E x p e r i m e n t s with L a r i x indicate that mycorhizas develop only in poorly aerated substrata; their growth is exceedingly slow; the acidity of the substratum is not a factor in their development; a naturally or artificially aerated substratum favors the development of normal roots, and these roots when not surrounded b y water develop root prolonged hairs abundantly. submergence. Larix seedlings can withstand W h e n exposed to low substratum tem­ peratures and poorly aerated soil conditions, L a r i x produces m o r e xerophilous leaves. F u r t h e r field work on the bog plant societies needs to b e carried on in the region extending from W i n n i p e g to N e w B r u n s w i c k . Data on the soil and air temperatures, the acidity, the chemical composition of the soil solution, and the plants associated in bog areas throughout this region will go far toward solving the problems of the distribution of bog plants. E x p e r i m e n t a t i o n on the production of xerophilous structures b y bog conditions should b e continued on a larger scale t h a n is possible in the ordinary university plant-house. T o Professor V . M . SPALDING and Professor F . C . NEWCOMBE, of the University of M i c h i g a n , under whose direction this work was planned and carried out, I desire to express m y sincere thanks both for helpful suggestions and the facilities of the institution which were freely placed at m y disposal. M a n y thanks are also due Professor I . C . R U S S E L L for criticism of the physiographic part of this paper. I wish to acknowledge the kindness of M r . F R A N K L E V E R E T T , of the U . S. Geological Survey, whose intimate knowledge of the glacial geology of this region has been most helpful to m e in the prosecution of m y own field work. T o M r s . N . L . B R I T T O N I a m indebted for the determination of the mosses. 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