THE MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS OF MIDDLESEX, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF ARMORIAL BEARINGS. H E R E L Y E T H THEBODYE O F WILLIAM G A L E GENTSOMTJME M R O F A R T S I N O X F O R D -WHO H A D T O "WIFE ANNE GALE T H E DAUGHTER OF R O G E R B R A G G E G E N T A N D H A D ISSVE B Y H E R 52 SONNES W I L L I A M A N D NICHOLAS YSAID NICHOLAS D E C E A S E D BEFORE HIS FATHER Y A B O V E SAYD WILLIAM GALE DYED THE XXX DAYE OF M A R C H A N ° D N I IOI4BEINGE A B O V T T H E A G E O F F O R T Y E Y E A R E S In the chancel of hadley church, Middlesex Presented to this work by Robert Hovenden, Esq. A COLLECTION OF C U R I O U S AND INTERESTING EPITAPHS, COPIED FROM THE EXISTING MONUMENTS OF DISTINGUISHED AND NOTED CHARACTERS IN The Church and Churchyards OF HORNSEY, TOTTENHAM, EDMONTON, ENFIELD, FRIERN BARNET AND HADLEY, MIDDLESEX. BY F R E D E R I C K TEAGUE LONDON: 1875- CANSICK. LONDON : P R I N T E D BY WERTHEIMER, LEA AND CO., CIRCUS PLACE, FINSBURY CIRCUS. Right Honourable THE EARL OF DUFFERIN, K.C.B., P.C., K.P., GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA, THIS VOLUME IS, WITH HIS LORDSHIP'S PERMISSION, Dedicated BY HIS OBLIGED AND HUMBLE SERVANT, FREDERICK TEAGUE 28, JEFFERY CANSICK, STREET, KENTISH TOWN, LONDON. PREFACE. lAVIl^G completed the third volume of *the sSries, I beg to return my grateful thanks to Miss Louisa Ince, J. R. Daniel-Tyssen, Esq., F.S.A., Carington Bowles Bowles, Esq., J.P., J. Meyer, Esq., J.P., and Robert Hovenden, Esq., for kindly presenting Illustrations to this volume. By desire, this and the future volumes will be published by private subscription. The next volume will contain "the Inscriptions from the Churches and important Churchyards in the City of London, It will greatly facilitate the issue of the remaining volumes if those gentlemen who have not already given in their names for the whole series will do so as early as possible. INTRODUCTION. S. Mary's Church, Hornsey T H E Church of S. Mary consists of a nave, chancel, aisles and galleries. T h e old church was built, about the year 1500, from the ruins of the fortress in the Bishops Park. It was a plain structure, with an embattled tower at the west end. It was rebuilt in 1832, except the tower. The earliest date of the parish register is 1653. The churchyard is kept in decent order, many of the tombstones having been unearthed by the present rector, who takes a pride in making the ground a credit to his church,. The following memorial windows are of stained glass :— In piam memoriam ELIZABETHAE FRANCISCAE HARVEY, N a t a. s. MDCCCXXXIV. Ob. a. s. MDCCCXLVII. To the Glory of God and in pious Memory of ANTHONY SOULBY, Decr. 20, 1831. MARY SOULBY, April 15, 1850. X Introduction. To the glory of God and in Saered Memory of EDWARD CHAPMAN, Esquire, He was born at Whitby, January 16, 1803, and fell asleep at his residence, Haringay House, Middlesex, March 22, 1869. " Looking unto Jesus, the-author and finisher of our faith." In Memory of HENRY ST. JOHN WALTON, Sergeant in the 13th Middlesex (Hornsey) Rifle Volunteers, who died on the 26th day of, November, 1866. This window is erected by Members of the Corps. To the glory of-God and in Memory of FREDERICK LEWIS LOSH, died November 21, 1863. In Memoriam CATHARINE BEVAN, Ob* Hid Martii 1862. To the glory of God in dear Memory of WILLIAM EADY, 1865. To their beloved mother from her sorrowing children. EMMA PRICE. Obt*. 12 September, 1869. Introduction. xi Highgate Chapel Burial Ground T H I S chapel, which was dedicated to S. Michael, was founded as a chapel-of-ease to the church at Hornsey, prior to ,1565, when Griridel, Bisnop of London, as lord of the manor of Hornsey and proprietor of the chapel, granted it to Sir Roger Cholmeley, late Lord Chief Justice, with gardens, orchards, and two acres of land. The chapel was taken down in 1833. In 1866 a new chapel was erected, attached .to the grammar school, in the crypt of which the tomb of S. T. Coleridge, the poet, is enclosed. Extracts from the register:— Honble. Dna. Judith Piatt, uxor Hugonis Piatt, militis sepult. Jan. 28, 1635, relict of Sir Hugh Piatt, author of "The Garden of Eden," "The Jewel-house of Art and Nature," and other curious works. William, son of Hester, Lady Manneringe, and Sir William Manneringe, Knt., buried July 29, 1646. Sir Richard Springnell, Bart, buried January 19, 1658. Sir William Springnell, Bart., buried September 8, 1691. Sir John Wollaston, Knt, buried in the chancel, April 20, 1658. He founded, in 1658, by bequest, almshouses for six poor women, and endowed them with a, rent-charge of £iS 10s. Charlotte, daughter of Sir John Pettis, buried May 28, 1678. xii Introduction. Sir Francis Pemberton, buried June 15, 1699, and Dame Ann, his wife, April 15, 1731. Mr. John Shower, of the parish of Stoke Newington, buried July 5, 1715. Sir Jeremy Topp, Bart., of Bremore, Hants, buried in the churchyard, 1733. The Rev. John Doughty, buried July 1, 1768. Edward Pauncefort, Esq., buried in 1723. In 1705 he ordered the communion plate to be double gilt at his own charge. William Bridges, Esq., in 1706 gave a new clock and surplice, and a common prayer book to the chapel. Sir Edward Gould, in June, 1712, gave a velvet pulpit cloth, and a cushion with a gold fringe. Mr. William Thatcher, senior, in 1713, gave a silver plate to collect the sacramental money in, and a surplice. Sir William Ashurst,in 1717, bought the organ, three branches, and two dozen sconces for the pews. Lady Pritchard gave by will 50s. yearly for ever, to be distributed by the minister of the chapel to ten poor old maids of the Hamlet of Highgate, or widows when no old maids are to be ifound. The Lady Moyer, in J 720, gave the velvet cloth to the communion table. The Lady Child gave two common prayer books bound in velvet for the altar. Mr. John Scoppins gave a suite of fine damask linen for the altar. Mr. Edward Stanton paved the altar, with black and white marble at his own cost Introduction, xiii The communion plate were* two silver flagons given by Mrs. Savage, widow, one side chalice and cover, and one silver plate for the bread. The only brass in this chapel was one to the memory of Mrs. Jaques. All Saints Church, Tottenham T H I S church, which is dedicated to All Saints, stands about a quarter of a mile west of the high road, and is in the later style of English architecture, with a square embattled and ivy mantled tower. On the summit was formerly a lofty wooden cross (whence, according to some, the adjunct to the .name of the village), which was destroyed during the civil war. At the east end of the south aisle is a vestry of circular form* surmounted by a dome, erected in 1696 by Lord Henry Colerane, and repaired in 1790. Underneath this is the family vault. The eastern window, divided into eight compartments, and containing representations of the Evangelists and, somq of the Prophets in fine old painted glass, was given to the parish in 1807 by John Eardley Wilmot, Esq. The font is curious and of great antiquity. Many ancie.nt monuments adorn the interior, of which one XIV Introduction. in white marble, to t h e m e m o r y of t h e family of Sir R o b e r t Barkham, is w o r t h y of n o t i c e ; also one to t h e Candler family, which is finely carved. T h e r e are several brasses in this church. O n e to J o h n Burrough, his wife, and three children ; to L a d y I r b y a n d her three children ; to t h e H y m i n g h a m F a m i l y ; to T h o m a s W h e l e r ; to Jefrye W a l k d m e ; a n d one to Dorcas Martin. E x t r a c t s from t h e register ;— Hugh Hare, buried March i, 1706-7. Father of the last Lord Colerane. The Right Hon. Henry Lord Colerane, buried July 15, 1708. The Hon. Dowager Lady Colerane, aged 90 years, buried January 19, 1731-2. The Right Hon. Henry Lord Colerane, August 10th, buried the 24th, 1749. The last Lord Colerane of this family. Sir George Rivers, Bart., buried August 9, 1734. The Rev. Samuel Hardy, buried December 17th, 1793, aged 73 years. William Wimpen, clerk of the parish, buried January 11, 1687. George Thompson, clerk and master of the grammar school, 50 years old, was buried November 21, 1739. Hugh Smithson, Esq., buried in the side chancel, September I3> J74o« The Hon. Constantine Smithson was buried April 28, 1726. Introduction. XV Mr. Anthony Smithson, son of Hugh Smithson, buried April 7, 1722. Mrs. Elizabeth Husbands was buried April, 1754, in the middle chancel, from whose executor was demanded and received £4. 1 os., viz.—-£/\. for the breaking up the ground in my said middle chancel, and 10s. for performing the service on the occasion, and this from a full conviction that the register of this parish gave me an undoubted right to demand and receive the said fees. [This was written by the then Vicar of Tottenham.] Mr. Barkham Coney was buried in Sir Robert BarkhanVs vault, April 16, 1720. Madam Jane Barkham buried November 8, 1724. Madam Letia Beauchamp was buried in the church, March 21, 1719. Thomas Beauchamp, gent., buried June 23, 1724. William, son of Sir William Beauchamp, proctor (by Jane, his wife), buried May 2, 1759. Thomas Desdate, M.D., was buried in the chancel, May 8, 1727. Mrs. Constantia Portman was buried in Lord Colerane's vault, June 2, 1727. Mrs. Anne Morelli was buried August 28, 1720. Mrs. de Lay, a French gentlewoman, buried September 9, 1720. Mrs. Rebecca Mossett was buried November 16, 1720, who had a funeral sermon. Mr. Stephen Jennings, buried August 16, 1722. xvi Introduction. Stephen Jennings, Esq., buried November 13, 1724. Anne Maxwell, wife of the Rev. Francis Kelly Maxwell, buried November 5, 1760. Christ Church, Southgate C HRIST CHURCH is a fine structure, consisting of nave, chancel and aisles. The tower contains a fine peal of bells. There are in the church the following memorial windows:— In memory of Vincent Figgins, who died Dec r . xxi., MDCCCLX., aged LIII. By his affectionate wife Rosanna. Conjugis memoriam A. M. BRADLEY, Sep. 7, il Sacred to the Memory of THOMAS W A R D , F.R.G.S., who died Oct. 18, 1865. Them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. Introduction. xvn In memory of JOHN LUTWYCHE, eldest son of John and Agnes George, died May 7, 1842, aged 7 years. Also Agnes Elfrida, their only daughter, died Feb. 4, 1869, aged 30 years. By their affectionate brother Arthur. Sacred to her Memory. LETITIA CATHARINE HAYES, widow of the Rev. Henry Horace Hayes, who died at Lynton in Devonshire, on the 6th of Nov., 1865. She was a noble and loving woman who throvghovt her life exercised a wonderfvl inflvence on all arovnd her. This window is dedicated to her memory by her Brother, Sir John L. M. Lawrence, Bart., to whom she is endeared by the recollections of a lifetime. In the churchyard formerly stood a chapel which was built, in 1615, at the sole expense of Sir John Weld. It was 42 feet long by 20 feet broad, and was taken down in i860. It was endowed with an estate in Essex, called Orsett. Extracts from the register :— Sir John Weld, of the Chapel Ward, buried February, 1622. Rogessa Draper, daughter of Thomas Draper, was buried in the vavlt at the chappell, October 16, 1652. Sarah Henricus, buried June 16, 1695. Rev. T. Hinton, buried 1755. George Huxley, Esq., buried 16.54. b xviii Introduction* S. James's Church, Friern Barnet T H E Church of S. James was restored and enlarged in 1853. It is in the Norman, Gothic, and early English style, and consists of tower, nave, chancel, and south aisle. The arch of the door is circular, and has a zigzag moulding enclosing some ornaments of quatrefoils. The earliest date of the parish register is 1674. John Dogget, John Prat, William Long and Thomas Tyrrey, gave four kyen to the Church of Barnet for a lamp for ever. The following shield of arms is on a ledger stone at the south-east corner of the churchyard, the tomb being much mutilated :— Arms: Lozenge . . . and . . . a canton ermine. Crest: A portcullis chained. ail %atntg' Cfmrcf), €timonton, T H I S church is a Gothic structure, built of hewn stone, flints and pebbles. It has but few pretensions to architectural beauty, it is a large and Introduction, xix lofty building, consisting of a nave, chancel and north aisle. The aisle is separated from the body of the church by a row of octangular pillars, with pointed arches springing from them, which support the roof. On the north side, and at the west end, are galleries and an organ chamber. A t the west end of the church is a square embattled tower upwards of fifty feet high, containing eight bells, beside the curfew or saints' bell. In the south-east corner of the nave is' a monument with a depressed Gothic arch, richly ornamented with foliage, supposed to have been erected to the memory of John Kirton, the fourth son in descent from Alace Kirton, who died in 1362, In the chancel is a memorial window to the glory of God and in memory of Edward Busk, of Ford's Grove, Esq., the offering of many who knew his worth, A.D. 1868. Extracts from the register :— Nicholas Boone, March 19, 1557. Elizabeth Boone, March 29, 1558* Francis Vere, fil Comitis OxfordiaC sepult. September 12,1587, a child of Edward Earl of Oxford, who married Lord Burleigh's daughter. Sir Philip Matthews, Bart., December j% 16801 Introduction. XX The Hon. Sarah Lady Viscountess Corbett, of Linslade, June io, 1682. Sir Henry Bathurst, Knt., May 5, 1695. Sir Charles Lee, Knt, October 15, 1700. Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke, Bart., January 4, 1705. Sir Jeremy Vanacher Sambrooke, Bart, July 13, 1740. Dr. Thomas Gill, M.D., July 9, 1714. Elizabeth Harley, Countess Dowager of Oxford and Mortimer, June 25, 1737. Sir Thomas Birch, March 22, 1757. Sir Atwell Lake, Bart., April 28, 1760. Charles Molly, July 20, 1767. James Barclay, June 20, 1771. James Vere, September 9, 1779. Sir James Lake, Bart-, May 4, 1807. S. Andrew's Church, Enfield T H I S church is in the centre of the town, built chiefly of flints and rubble stone, but the north wall, with its buttresses, is entirely of brick, the whole being coated over with cement. The style of architecture is mixed. The interior consists of a chancel, nave and two aisles; separated by clustered columns Introduction. xxi and pointed arches. At the west end of the church is a square embattled tower, containing a peal of bells. The church contains many ancient and several splendid monuments, among which are the tombs and effigies of Sir Nicholas Raynton and his lady ; an altar tomb to the memory of Joyce, Lady Tiptoft (1446), mother of the talented Earl of Worcester ; a handsome monument of Italian veined marble to Thomas Stringer, Esq., and various others. In enlarging the arch which separates the chancel from the nave, a rude painting of the Resurrection, in six compartments, was removed; and in opening a vault, in 1829, some coffins in the shape of the human frame were discovered. Extracts from the register:— Sir Robert Wroth, January 28, 1605-6. The Lady Anne, wife of Sir H. Wroth, November 9, 1667. Sir Henry Wroth, September 26, 1671. Anne, daughter of John Wroth, married to her second husband, George Howard, afterwards Earl of Suffolk, buried July 28, 1710. Da. Maria, filia Philipte Herbert, Comitis de, Monte Gomara, fepulta 12 die Julii, 1616. James Herbert, filius Philipti Herbert, Earle of Mount Gomara, fepult. August 29, 1617. Philip Harbert, filius M. William Harbert, sepultus Nov. 25, 1620. XX11 Introduction. Mary Fines, fil. Sir Edward, April 14, 1671. Grissell, filius Sir Arthur Ingram, August 27, 1617. James, son of Sir J. Palmer, Bart., September 21, 1630. The Lady Throgmorton, August 30, 1636. John Blowne, a sawyer, who was pressed into the King's work at Theobalds, was buried November 21, 1636. Mr. John Stringer, January 17, 1676-7. Sir Thomas Stringer, October 9, 1689. Lady Stringer, February 28, 1714-5 William Stringer, Esq., August 18, 1723. Hon. Mary Stringer, who was daughter of the notorious Judge Jefferys, May 11, 1727. John Wolstenholme, February 6, 1708-9. Nicholas, his son, February 28, 1716-7. Sir William Wolstenholme, Bart., February 7, 1723-4. Dame Elizabeth, his wife, May 18, 1739. William, Robert and Margaret Deanes were all three brought down dead from London, and were buried, all three, in one ground, upon May 6, 1677. [The first example of the Coventry Act.] Basil, son of the Earl of Denbigh and Desmond, August 22, 1699. The Right Hon. Viscount Kilmorey, April 20, 1717. Sir Robert Nightingale, Bart., July 24, 1723. . The Hon. Elizabeth Vaughan, May 11, 1755. Theodoria Charlotte Vaughan, daughter of Lord Lisburne, April 3, 1773. Introduction, xxm Sir Samuel Bickley, Bart., July 29, 1775. Sir Thomas Halifax, Knt, February 17, 1789. John Fruss, aged 102, August 27, 1723, Mr. Lay, of Forty Hill, Aged 102, July 14, 1773. The Right Hon. Wilmot Vaughan; Earl of Lisburne, died May 6, 1820, and was buried in the family vault in the church. %. carp's Cfmrcf), ^aWeg* T H I S church is dedicated to S. Mary. It consists of a chancel, nave, two aisles and two transepts, the aisles being separated from the nave by depressed arches and clustered pillars. At the west end is a square tower of flint, with stone quoins, on the front of which is the date, 1494, accompanied by the device of a rose and a wing, the cognisance, it is probable, of either the abbey or one of the abbots of Walden. A t the top of the tower is an iron beacon, which was blown down by the high wind on January 1, 1779, when it was repaired and replaced. It was thoroughly restored, in 1848-9, by Mr. Street, and during the restoration numerous small brasses were brought to light. In 1855 the south porch was rebuilt by the Rev. George Procter, D.D., the rector, in memory of his only son, the Rev. George Henry Proctor, M.A XXIV Introduction, The following memorial windows church :— The east window, by Warrington, to are in the Elizabeth Frances, wife of Joseph Dart, Esq., died December 22, 1845, aged 58. In north aisle :— Martha, Widow of Frederick Cass, Esq., of Little Grove, East Barnet, died June 29, 1870, aged 7$. Elizabeth, widow of Francis Baronneau, Esq., of New Lodge, April 3, 1846, aged 78. The south transept window, by Wailes, contains the following coats of arms : Proctor.—Or three nails sable impaling Collier sable a cross patt6e fitchee argent. Green.—Azure three stags trippant or. Barnes.—Azure two lions passant guardant argent. Quilter.—Argent a bend sable between Cornish choughs ppr. Cotton.—Azure a chevron between three cotton hanks argent in chief an annulet of the last. Cottrell—Argent a bend between three escallops sable. Dart.—Gules a fesse and canton ermine. Hopewood.—Azure a chevron ermine between three anchors argent. Dickens.—Ermine on a cross flory a leopard's face or* CONTENTS. PAGE HORNSEY CHURCH i HIGHGATE BURIAL GROUND -35 TOTTENHAM CHURCH 46 SOUTHGATE CHURCH 88 EDMONTON CHURCH 129 FRIERN BARNET CHURCH 102 ENFIELD CHURCH 213 HADLEY CHURCH ; ,251 INDEX. ABELL . Abernethy , Adam . Adams Allen . Alphyn Andrew Angell. Angier. Appleford Arbouin * Archer. Ardesoif Askew. Aston . Atterbury Atkinson „ . . . 194, 210, 249, . . 232 182 2IO 250 130 130 . 83 . 14 . 249 - 232 72, 73 .. • 49 . 130 . 249 2 102, 103 . 123 . 211 BACON Barclay Barnard Barnes Barnevelt Barronneau Basset. Barrows Barwell Bavine Bayley. Beard . Beatty. Beauchamp Beckett Bedwell Belcher Bellas . Berrow Berkeley Blackburn Blackwood Boddjngton Boone. PAGE 203 . 7o, 95 • 10 • 243 273> 274 PAGE Bolton. . Boswell Bowyer Bowles Bowen Boyce . Boyte . Bown . Br-asbridge Bradshaw Bretton * Bromfield Bromley Brook . Brooke Browne Brudenell . Buckley Burler. Burrough Burwell Burrows Busk . Buxton . 96 CAMPBELL . 250 Candeler Candish Capel . Carew. Carter. Cartwright Carver. Casham Cassell Cass . Cathrow Causton Chadwick Chapone Chatfield Chambers • 54 25, 77, 84 . 181 . 122 . • 53 • 95 . 58 . 44 . . 19 . . • . 76 258 153 in . 226, 227 2 9, . * 218 • 250 . 48 . 240 . 177 . 124 « I36 1 . 212 . 33 . 10 . 121 . 186 . 247 . IO3 I08, 109 4 [, 86, 184 . 285 . 8 . 138 . 46 < 38 . 265 , 266, 267 . 168 . . 18 16 . . 87, 138 . 162, 198 . 47 . 6 . 190, 191 • 255 . 5 • 3 . 242 . . • 75 . 183 84, 274 . 32' . 44 • 5i . 294 • 9 n> 35, 75 Index. xxviii PAGE PAGE 1 Chaplin . . . . Chase . . Cheslyn Child . . Clark . , • IC> 37, Clarke > Cleeve. . . Clifton Close . . Cobb . 43> Cocker . Coke . . Colerane • Coleridge . • Compton , . 152, i55> Congreve . Conoid . . Constable . . Cooper Cooke. . . Cookson . Cordwell . Cotterell Cottin . • 269 , 270, 271, Cottreli . Coward . Crane . . Cranmer Crawshay . . Cresswell . Crewys Crickman . Croft . . , Crofts . . Crouder . . Culliford Curryer . C. DAKINS Dart . Davidson Davies. Decker Deicrowe Delahaire • 153 | 72 69 264 58 211 104 22 40 176 173 287 -5o 37 162 42 68 , 24 169 189 109 127 288 74 272 286 26 186 30 246 121 IOI 71 22 211 187 33 15 . 17 . 269 . 24 67, 254 • 11 . 225 . 68 D e L a Chaumette. Dent \ . ' . Dick . Dickens Dinwoody . Disney Diston. Dixon . Dobbinson . Dove . Down . Draper D u Fres Duffkin Duncon Dury . Durnford Dyer . . . . . . . • . 172, . . 90, 106, . . . . . . . EAMONSON . Eastwick Edridge Edwards Egerton Ellis . Elwin . Elrington Estwicke Evans . Everard Everett Evington Eyre . E. FANSHAWE F ar r ow Fawsit Fayram Fazakerley Feast . Fell . Felton. Field . Filtness Firminger . • • . 62 137 117 291 43 32 70 233 245 116 107 133 7* 152 110 282 190 26 . 20 164, 165 , 294 . 112 . 286 . 197 159, 200 . 65 . 49 19, 43 . 82 .237 . 233 . 15 123, 245 . . 169, • . . . . . . . . . . 287 183 45 87 24 132 70 18 153 127 203 xxix Index. PAGE PA.GR 1 • 39, 155 . 32 . 36 . . . . 149 220 215 269 • . . . . / 252 156 208 112 Il6 27 . 4 . 285 . 242 . 221 . 194 • 7 . 200 . 21 . in . 95 . 122 . 96- • 151 . 120 37, 288 . 28, . 276, 219, 288 206 251 251 . 147 . 34 Harrington . . • Harris. . • Harrison Hart . . . Hassell Hatch . . Hazard • Heath, . Hechstetter . . Henvell . Heyborne . •. . Hinckes * Hinton . Hiens . Hitch , . . Hiorns. Hobby . Hodgson . . Hollah . Holland . Holt . . Horn . : Hounshill . Holmes • • Howell Hunter . * Hurdle Hussey '• Huxley . 139, 140 141, Hynningham • INCE , Irby . Ieve . JACKSON . 91 . 188 James . . 61 1 Jaques. • H . 208 . 172 . 84, 146 • 57, 185 1 . 277, 278 Jeffreys Jelly . Jenmgs Jenkines Jennings Jermyn Johnson 215 93 239 36 183 74 36 156 90 137 47 23 100 238 257 187 56 157 100 19 60 127 20 I45 249 191 I70 195 144 46 . 258, 259 , 260, 26l . . .64 . 104 . l8l I I , 52, 71 . . 35 . 205 . . . . . . 8 55 - 7i . 200 ' . . . 56 76r 114 Index, - XXX PAGE PAGE I Jones . Joyner. KEIR . . Kelk . Kelsall Kennington. Killingby King . Knight LAMB . Langston Lane . Lant . Larken : Lawrence . Leak . Lee Leggatt L e Messuriei Lermitte Lilley . Linzee. Lloyd . Lomas Lendon Lovell. Loxley Lucas . Lyon . ' MADDEN Mapletoft Martin Marsh . Mason. Matthews Matson Maule . Maynard Mellish Melton Mehdall Merry . Meyer • 3, 39, 204, 203 | Middlemore. •" " i - 14 1 Miles . Millborn ; ' . 234 1 Milward . 180 Mocher Molly . • 115 Monger • *74 Monro • 195 26, 31 Moore . Moorison • 72 Mores. . * . 170 Morgan . 128 Morse . 80, 131 Morsse Mulcaster . . 7 Murray . 58 Musters . 173 . 80 Myddleton . «5> 237 • 77 NAPIER - 193 Neale . . 103 Nevile . 202 .Newenbam . 13, 27 Newland 54, 201 Newbon . IOI Nicoles . .123 Nicoll. • 25 Nicolls . 97 Norton . 184 Nowell • 97 • . . . 5 2, 99, . • • • . . . . • * OLDES 67 Oliver . 3 Orme . 235 Ord . 194 Osborne 4i Owen . 4i 73 PAGITT *54 Palmer 157 166 Palmere Parsons 65 Partridge 173 53 j Pasley. 230 i P a t t e n . 28, 268, . . . . . . 217 . 228 . 117 . 192 . 175 . 151 . 150 . 296 280, 281 . 207 , 204 . 97 , 290 . 49 • 83 . 17 • 4, 5 129, 131 . . . . . . . . 4 . . • . . • . . . 248 103 293 25 15 241 218 104 42 28 158 112 121 44 45 IOI 176 . 2 1 , 36, . . . . ., * 59 118 216 11 80 119 191 v Index* PAGE PAGE I Pauncfort . Peacock Peile . Peckett Pemberton . Pennant Phillipes Pinckney Plucknell . Plasket Piatt . Pollard Pooley Porker Porter . Poston Powditch Powell Prickett Priest . Prichard , . Prothero Pugh . . Pyke . QUILTER . RANDELL . Ramsay Rampston Ray . Raynton Redstone Rey . . Reynolds Rich . Richards Richardson . Riddell Riou . Rix . Roberts . Robinson Rock . Rogers . • . • . . 263, . . . , . • . . . . . 39 99 86 21 42 272 94 209 82 289 152 30 289 109 236 267 13 . 7o . 61 • 74 , 249 . 99 . 28 . 224 . 278 , 279, 280 . 283 . 242 . 214 . 136 . 229 . 27 . 14 . 5» 9> 73 . 225 . 150 .• , 177 • 244 . 239 . 281 . 6 3, S3, 153 . 66t 285 . . 69 3 1 , 133, 136, 196 xxxi 1 Rose Ruggenale . Rumball. no • 13 188, 189 . 244 Salter . . 180 Sandon . 202 Salmon • 159 Samuel' . 82 Sandiford . • 143 Salke . . 16 Sawer , • 23 Schoppens . . 40 Secret. , 291 Shaller . 229 Sherrin . 117 Sherwin . 241 Sheppard 8, 108 Sheffard . 217 Shotter 190, 191 Sibley. • 3o Simpson . 49 Silverthorne • 173 Silver . . 81 . 168 Skynner Skinner . 62 Skenington . • 15 Slack . • 95 . 249 Smelt . Smith . 76, 90, 214, 262, 263, 264, 292 Snee 212 . 128 Somervell Soux . . 24 . 289 Sparkes Spicer. . 125 Stanley . 197 Steere. . 120 Sleath. . 109 Stephenson • 75 Stanbridge . 179 Steadirian • 237 Stephens . 72 Stamford • .255 Stringer . 222, 223 1 Stratton • 23 SAUNDERS . Index, XXX11 PAGE PAGE 1 Stafford Stapylton . Suly : Sweetapple . . 151 . 24 . 22 Walkdine . Ward . Wafter 2 Watt . Watson Westwood . TATEM . . i 4 1 , 142, I43 Tate . . 161, i 63, I98, I99 Wetherell Templer Weld . . I76 Teshmaker . . 151, 168 Westbury Thackeray . , 265 j Wheler' Thomas 44, 79, 101 Wilbraham Thomason . Williams . 145 Thompson . . 124 Willis . Thomlinson. . 23 Willott Wilson Tiptoft • 213 Todd . Wills . • • 185 Townsend . Williams . . 64 Towers . 12 Winbolt Treharne . 209 Wilcocks Tumour . 251 Wilkins Twyford Wilmot • 173 Tyson . Wilcox • • 85 Windus UVEDALE . . 167 Wobl,ey Wombwell VAUX . . 1.26 Wood. Vere . Woodroffe . 171 Woolley Vincent • 113 Worsfold Worthingtor 1 WALLIS . 126 Walbancke . . 148 Woodell Washbourne . 189 Wyatt. W a r r e n 8 1 , 98, 134, 137, 145, 160 Walcot Walkeden, . Walker . . .. . . 96 • 252 19, 256, 258 YATES Yardley Yeomans Yorke . . . . 6 0 . 98 . 284 . 224 • 83 . 62 . 36 88, 89 . 28 64, 225 • 253 113, 290 • 33 . 242 9, 184 • 33 • 113 92, 94 • 63 . 150 1 . 60 . 22 . 275 . 4 . 118 . 190 • 29 . 243 . 196 . 21 . 178 . 178 • 155 38, 193 . 29 • 45 @)utii5ctiti0cs to tins math. His Grace the D U K E of NORFOLK, E.M. The Right Hon. EARL D U F F E R I N and CLANDEBOYE, K.F., K.C.B. The Right Hon. the EARL of DARTMOUTH. The Right Hon. the EARL SPENCER, K.G. The Dowager COUNTESS of CARNARYON. LADY BELCHER. Sir BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms. Sir GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart, F.S.A. Sir J O H N MACLEAN, F.S.A. Sir CHARLES J. PALMER, Bart, J.P., D.L., M.R.I. Sir F. SABINE PASLEY, Bart. Sir R. ROBERT WARBURTON, Bart Sir JAMES WALKER, Bart. Sir ALBERT WOODS, Garter King-of-Arms,' The Hon, E. C. W I N T H R O P . The Hon. and Rev. J O H N R. O. BRIDGEMAN. Armytage, George J., F.S.A., Clifton Brighouse large paper. Aubyn, W. J. St., 68th Light Infantry, Akroyd, E., F.S.A. ... , , large paper. Antiquaries of London, The Society of, Somerset House. Armytage, George A., Clifton Brighouse. Austen Godwin, Chilworth Manor, Guildford. Bates, Thomas H., Mayfield, Wplsingham. Balch, Robert, Kentish Town Road large paper. Bath, Charles, Ffynone House, Swansea large paper. Bools, William Edward, 7, Cornhill large paper. Booth, Lieut.-Col. Haworth, Derwent Bank, Malton ..-. large paper. Bowden, Lieut.-Col. John Butler, Pleasington Hall, Blackburn large paper. Bree, The Rev. W.', The Rectory, Allesley, Coventry ... large paper. i Brown',, The Rev. Frederick, F.S.A., Fern Bank, Beckenham, Kent. Bulwer, Captain W. E. G. Lytton> Quebec House, East Dereham. Boyle, Edmund M., Rockwood, Torquay. Beckett & Son, Kentish Town Road. Blunt, H. Shirley, 4, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square. Bishop, Mr., Hornsey. C xxxiv List of Subscribers. Bosworth, Mr., Holborn. Brown, James Robert, F.R.G.S., F.S.N,A., Caversham Road. Bruere, Percy C. S., Middleham, Bed-ale, Yorkshire. Bowles, H. C. Bowles, J. P., Myddle ton House, Herts... large paper. Cass, Colonel, Charles Street, Berkeley Square ... ... large papen Chapman, William, Featherstone Buildings, W.C. Chester, Colonel J. L., 16, Linden Villas, Bermondsey. Chard, Valentine, Rochester Square. Chard, Valentine, Jun., ,, Close, Thomas, F.S.A., Nottingham. Cockayne, J. E., M.A., F.S.A., Heralds' College. Collen, G. W., Heralds' College. Coleman, James, High Street, Bloomsbury. Cole, Sydney, Norwood Court. Cooke, W. H., Q.C., F.S. A., Wimpole Street. Cumming, W. H., Bartholomew Road, N.W. Dames, R. S. Longworth, M.A., 32, Upper Mount Street, " Dublin. Davies, Robert, F.S.A., The Mount, York. Day, Robert, Jun., F.S. A,, M.R.I.A., Rockview, Montenotte, Cork. Ellis, William Smith, Hydecroft, Charlwood, Surrey. Plwes, Dudley G. Carey, F.S. A., 5, The Crescent, Bedford. ,J£lwes, V. Carey, F.S.A., Brigg, Lincolnshire large.paper. Emeris, W. Robert, M. A., F.S.A., Louth, Lincolnshire. Eason, Thomas, Highgate Road. Engall, Benjamin (The late). Engall, Thomas, M.R.C.S., Euston Square. Errington, T., Bedgbury. Falconer, Thomas, Usk, Monmouthshire large paper. Featherstone, John, Jun., F.S. A., High Street, Warwick large paper. Ford, John W., The Cottage, East Barnet large paper. Fuller, J. F., F.S.A., 179, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin large paper. Gardner, Clement S. Best, Eagle's Bush, Neath, Swansea. , Garstin, John Ribton, F.S.A., 29, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin. George, K.C.B., Lieut.-General John St. Gough, Henry, 20, Lome Road, Brixton. Gower, Granville Leveson, F.S. A., Titsey Park, Godstone large paper. Grazebrook, Sydney H., Stourbridge, Worcestershire. Green, Mr., John Street, Adelphi. Greene, Everard, F.S. A. Grice, Rev. William, Sherbourne House, Lillington ... large paper. Gwynne, G.E.A., F.S. A., F.R.G.S., 97, Harley Street' large paper. List of Subscribers. xxxv Grossmith, George, Jun., Haverstock Hill. Goodchild, Dr. N., Kentish Town Road. Grant, Ignatius Johnson, M.A.S.I. Harington, Richard, Heath Lodge, Hanwell. Haring;ton, R. E. T., Army and Navy Club. one large and one small paper. Hall, S. Carter, F.S.A., Kensington two copies. Harrison, G. H. Rogers, Windsor Herald. Heane, W. C , Cinderford, Gloucestershire. Helsby, Thomas, 15, York Chambers, Manchester. Hirst, John, Jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth. Hodge, John, 57, Russell Square large paper. Hodge, Captain W. F., Russell Square large paper. Holbeck, The Ven. Archdeacon, Farnborough, Banbury... large paper. Hope, A. J. B. Beresford, M.P., LL.D., F.S.A. ... large paper. Hovenden, Robert, Croydon... , ... ... ... ... large paper. Howard, J. Jackson, LL.D., F.S.A., Blackheath ... large paper. Hull, Mr. Ince, Miss Louisa,, Cumberland Place, Hyde Park ... large paper. Jackson, William, Fleatham House, S. Bees. Jupp, E. Basil, F.S.A., Carpenters' Hall... large paper. Kenny, J. C. F., J.P., M.R.LA.,. Clough House, Ballyglass. King, Simeon, Hornsey. Lee, The Rev. F. G., D.C.L,,F.S.A.^6, Lambeth Terrace. Liverpool Free Public Library, The. Library Committee of the Corporation of the City of London, The large paper. Lane, H. Murray, Chester Herald large paper. Low, Captain A. E. Lawson large paper. Marshall, G. W., LL.D., F.S<. A., Hanley Court, Tenbury. Meyer, James, J.P., Forty Hall, Enfield. Matts, Frederick, Healey Street, N.W. Meteyard, Miss, Hampstead, N.W* Mundy, A. J., Temple. McMurray, W., Queen Street, Cheapside.... ... two large,paper. McMurray, James, Wandsworth large paper. Musters, F. Chaworth, Annesley Park, Linby,, Notts ... large paper. Newman, James, Holborn two large and six small paper. Newsome, Major W., R.E.., Gravesend. Ouvry, Frederick, F.S.A., 12, Queen Anne Street, W. ... large paper Page, Mr., King's Road. Parsons, Daniel, Stuarts Lodge, Malvern Wells.. Parfitt, Right Rev. Monsignor, D.D. Pasley, Colonel C , RJE,., Collingjian* Road, S.E* xxxvi List of Subscribers, Peacock, Edward, F,S.A., Rotkesford Manor, Lincoln, one large and two small paper, Peckett, Henry, Carlton Husthwaite, Yorkshire. Perceval, Charles G., Passenham Manor, Stony Stratford... large paper, Plucknett, George, F.S. A., Manor House, Finchley ... large paper, Povey, Henry, Kentish Town Road* Raine, The Rev. Canon, York. Raine, William C. H. Raines, J. R., Burton Pidsea, Hull. Rigby, Samuel, Bruch Hall, Warrington. Robinson, The Rev. J. C. Rule, Frederick, Ashford, Kent. Rylands, J. Paul, F.S. A.,Highfield, Thelwall, Warrington. Salter, Joseph, Kentish Town Road large paper. Seel, F. J. Molyneux, Richmond Herald .., ... ,.. large paper, Shirley, Evelyn Philip, F.S.A., Lower Catington Park one large and two small paper, Shirley, Stephen, West Drayton. Smith, Frank, Highgate Grove , ... targe paper. Smith, George, Chalk FaYm Road. Smallfield, J. S., University Street. Spalding, Samuel, F.R.G.S., F.S.A., Thornleigh, Sydenham ... ... ... ... ... ... ... large paper, Spalding., H. B., Blackheath. Spalding, Samuel, City Road ... large paper, Spalding, John Howard, Bromley, Kent. Spalding, Walter, Bkckheath. Stewart, Charles, R. A., F.S. A , ... ... large paper. Sykes, John, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. Tanner, R. T., Thames Street. Thornton, Thomas ... ... large paper. Thompson, Thomas, M.D. Thorpe, H,, 142, Drury Lane. ... large paper. Tough, Rev. T., M.A., Grove House, N.W. Twells, Philip E., M.P., Chaseside House, Enfield ... large paper, Tyssen, J. R. Daniel, F.S.A., Brighton Vinton, ].; Hampstead Road. Wakefield, Richard, Thames Street. Waller, J., Fleet Street. Warren, Henry, Kentish Tovm Road. Weir, Archibald, M.D., St. Mungho's, Great Malvern. Weldon, W.H., Heralds' College. WThite, Rev. Henry, M.A., Chapel Royal, Savoy. Williams, Rev. A., Icomb Rectory, Stow-on-the-Wold. Williams, Sparkes Henderson, Kensington Crescent. Wilson, Alfred, Great Ormond Street, W.C. large paper. Monumental Inscriptions IN S. MARY'S CHURCH, HORNSEY. H E A R E LYETH INTERRED Y E BODYE OF R O B E R T H A R I N G T O N , SECOND SON O F - S R LOHN H A R I N G T O N , OF E X T O N , I N T H E COVNTYE OF R V T L A N D , K N I G H T , WHO LIVED INCVMBENT OF THIS CHVRCH 5 0 YEARES, AND DIED T H E 2 4 DAY O F OCTOBER, I N T H E YEARE OF* OVR L O R D G O D 1610, BEING OF Y E AGE OF 80 B ( ? ) To the Memory of L E W I S ATTERBURY, L.L.D., Formerly Rector of Sywell in1 the County of Northampton: arid one Of the Six Preachers to her late Sacred Majesty Qv Anne at S* James' and Whitehall He was 36 years preacher of this Chapel 24 years Rector of Shepperton in the County of Middlesex And 11 years Rector of this Parish of Hornsey He married Penelope the Daughter of John Bedingfield Esq r By whom He had 4 children vis Two Sons who died young B E D I N G F I E L D A T T E R B U R Y M.A., who died Soon after he had entered into Holy Orders and PENELOPE who Was married To George Sweetapple of Sfc Andrews Holbourn Brewer By whom she had One Daughter PENELOPE SWEETAPPLE now living. He died at Bath October the 20th A.D. 1731 In the 76th year of his Age And lies Buried near this Place. Abi Te Brevi Spectator Moriturum Et Scito. PENELOPE SWEETAPPLE Grand-daughter to Dr. Lewis Atterbury Died June the 3. 1732 In the'Eleventh year of Her Age. * Dr. Atterbury was the elder brother of the celebrated Bishop of Rochester, who by his defence of Dr. Sacheverel before the Peers, incurred the sentence of banishment, and to whom Dr. Sacheverel, who found him in poverty at Calais, bequeathed a" legacy of ^500. ( 3 ) H. S. E. ROBERTIUS JONES ARMIGER, Unicus Thome ac Iohannse fill us E Comitatu Salopienfi Oriundus Qui Inftitutionem Ruri acceptam In Collegio Divi Iohanriis apud Cantabrigienses Feliciter auxit et excoluit Inde Londinum concedens In Hospitio Grayensi Legum Patriarum Studio totus Incubuit Satis cum progreffu plufquam satis cum modeftia Nuptias inijt cum felicia Gulielmi Nabbs e StafTordia Armigeri • Filia Nee ullae nunquam (nifi quod liberorum exortes) Magis ex voto s'uecefferunt Nuptiae In gratam Mariti pij probi et honesti Memoriam Erga Mseftiffima ejus Vidua. Hoc Monumentum pofuit Obiit 9° Jan 1730. Here lyeth the Body of The Reverend M A T T H E W MAPLETOFT, A.M. who died y e 23 day of December 1751. Aged 28 years. B 2 ( 4 ) The Revd D r T H O M A S CARTWRIGHT,. 17 years Rector of this Parifh An excellent Paftor, A most Sincere Friend, And the beft of Men ; Died the 8. of Nov r 1749 Aged 53-( Here lyeth the Body of M M A R Y WOOLEY, Wife of Richard Wooley Esq r of Highgate who Departed this Life the 21 day of June 1767 Aged 30 years. rs In Memory of FRANCIS MvSTERS, y e onely child of S r Iohn Mvsters, Kn* by his third Wife lane y e eldest Davghter of Sir Francis Bassett, Knt Hee was Born y e first day of May 1664 And departed this life the Sixteenth day of Aprill 1680 And lies Bvried near this Monvment Svch was his poftvre when impartval death Gave him the summons to resigne his breath Bvt now his prayers are Hallelujahs grown Then weep not Reader nor his death bemoan Why mould the living forrow for the dead When everlasting Glory Crowns the Head. ( 5 ) Here lyeth y e Body of Dame lANE MvsTERS, Late Wife of S r Iohn Mvsters, Kn* Daughter of S r Francis Basset, of TEEEDDY in y e Covnty of Cornwall, K* She Departed this Life y e 17th of Sep* Anno Dni 1691 Aged 67 years. Sacred to the Memory of J O H N REYNOLDS, of Highgate, Gent. Surgeon to the Late 92 Regiment of Foot who died Ist of Nov' 1797. Aged 57. In Memory of M JOHN CARTER, Goldsmith, Who died October 23rd 1776 Aged 38 years. ( 6 ) This Epitaph vpon Death of the Worshfvll and accomplished MASTER RICHARD r CANDISH of Sv Esqvre * Promised and Made by Marga; rett Covntis of Coberland 1601. Candish derived from Noble Parentage Adorn'd with Vertvovs and heroicke partes Most learned bovntifvll Devovt and Sage Grac'd with the graces Mvses and the Artes Deer to his/Prince in english Covrt adird Beloved of great & Honorable Peeres of all estemed embraced & desired Till Death Cvt of his well employed yeere. Within this earth his earth entombed lies Whose heavenly part Svrmovnted hath the skies * Robert Candish was chosen one of the Burgesses for Denbigh, in the year 1572, in opposition to the inclination, and even the threats of Queen Elizabeth's great favorite, the Earl of Leicester, ( 7 ) H e a r e lyeth Interred t h e B o d y of M R THOMAS LANT, B.D., who lived I n c v m b e n t of this Church 51 : Yeares and dyed t h e 18. d a y of M a y 1688, being Of the A g e of 86: yeares.* Arms: Per pale argent and gules, a cross engrailed counterchanged, in the dexter chief a cinquefoil of the second. Crest: A dove argent, beaked and legged gules, standing on a serpent nowed ppr. Resurgam M rs LUCRETIA GAZELEY, T h e Wife of J o s e p h Sherwin Gazeley Of Great Queen Street Lincolns I n n Fields, Merchant, died of a n A p o p l e x y , on S u n d a y t h e 2. J a n u a r y 1795. A g e d 40 years. H e r H u s b a n d to c o m m e m o r a t e her virtues which h e happily experienced for T w e n t y two years as a Wife P a r e n t and Friend, Caused this m o n u m e n t to be erected. SARAH MARIA GAZELEY, Died also on t h e same D a y aged T e n Weeks. LUCRETIA. JOSEPH. JOSEPH ELIZA WILLIAM. ELIZA & GAZELEY, Died in their infancy. * .Thomas Lant was cruelly used by the Puritans, who turned him out of doors, with his wife and family, not allowing him time even to procure a place of retirement. ( 8 ) Here lies the Body of lOHN IELLY Who died March. 1721 Also M.. I E L L Y Relict of the above Obiit 1731 iEtat 44 To the Memory of S A M U E L BUCKLEY,* Who having not only difcharged All the Duties of this Life With Ability Induftry and Tendernefs to each Relation But offices likewife of State and Truft [tors With Prudence, Fidelity, and Gratitude to his BenefacConcluded his days in the Study of Letters And y e enjoyment of Honeft & Honorable Friendfhips In the 68 year of his Age 1741. The Reverend L.L.B., Rector of this Parish During a period of 48 years. He died the 26th day of April 1829 Aged 93 years. This Monument was erected Bjy his Parishioners as a token of Their esteem and regard. CHARLES SHEPPARD, * The Editor of Thuanus. ( 9 ) Mrs MARY R E Y N O L D S Wife of Mr James Reynolds of Highgate Who departed this life June I I 1760. Aged 51 years. Near this Place are interred the remains of The Revd GEORGE C H A T F I E L D , Formerly of Ripley, Surrey, Who having eridured a long and most painful ilness With the fortitude arid resignation of a true Christian Departed this life (At his residence in Cork Street London) The 29th of February 1820, In the 79th year of his age. Arms: Or a griffin segreant sable, on a chief purpure three escallops of the field. - Crest: An heraldic antelope's head erased argent, ducally gorged or. Here lyeth the Body of of Liverpol Gent Who departed this Life at London Nov Ist 1759. Aged 46 years. Also S A M U E L W I L S O N , His Son, who departed this life January the 11 : 1775. In the 76th Year of his Age, ROBERT WILSON ( io ) I n M e m o r y of J O S E P H H O A R E BRADSHAW, W h o lived in t h e fear of God A n d died in t h e faith of Christ o n t h e 24 d a y of M a y 1845 A g e d S i x t y one " T h e m e m o r y of t h e j u s t is Blessed." Arms : Argent two bendlets between two martlets sable/impaling, Or a fess chequy azure and argent within a double tressure flory counter-flory of the last. Crest: A stag gules under a vine branch vert. Motto: Deus est mea spes et tutamen. T h e 13 th of M a y 1675 being Afention d a y T h i s good marl h e did d y e I h o p e his m e m o r y will R e m a i n e A l t h o u g h his b o d y here doth l y e H i s n a m e I O H N BARNES, t h e younger, W e l l b y his Neighbours knowne A n d here his b o d y is interr'd N o w life is from it flowne. Arms: A chevron between three mullets of six points... Crest: A bird... T o t h e M e m o r y of WILLIAM CLARKE, Esqre Merchant v Of H o l l o w a y Middlesex ; W h o died 16th F e b r u a r y 1803 A g e d 4 9 years. ( II ) Here lieth the Body of E L I Z A B E T H CHAMBERS Who departed this Life October the 21 st 1750 Aged 33 years. To whofe* Memory this Monument was erected By Eliza Harington her Daughter In the year 1792. Alfo to the Memory of COLONEL E D W A R D J A M E S Brother to the above Elizabeth Chambers Who was fhipwrecked in the Grofvenor Eaft Ihdiaman Auguft the 24th 1782 On the Caffar Shore Erected to the Memory of MARY PARSONS, The diligent faithful and affectionate servant of one Family, during a period of Fifty feven Years. She died 22d of November 1806. Aged 85 years. Also to the Memory of ELIZABETH DECKER, The Friend and Companion of the above who, after an exemplary Service of Forty feven years, in the fame Family, died the 3 d of February 1809, Aged 75 Years. The^r Remains at their mutual Requeft were interred in the fame grave. (.12 ) To the Memory of Mrs H A N N A H T O W E R S , Wife of the Rev d Sam1 Towers, and only child of Edw d Halsey. late of this Parish She died the 18th of Feb y 1753 Aged 39. To her Creator Her piety and devotion were unfeigned and exalted To her fellow creatures Her affection and benevolence were universal Truth, plainness, and sincerity, were ever her delight To her husband, she was most tender and indulgent And to the distressed so compassionate and generous a benefactor That when the ear heard her then it blessed her and when the.eye saw her, it gave witness to her because she delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and such as had none to help The blessing of those that were ready to perish came upon her: and she caused the widdow's heart to sing for joy What ever joys above we wish to know, Those now she feels, who liv'd so well below : Where virtues such as her's attend on thee Fear not to die,,thou'llt be as blest as shee Near her lie buried five of her children And also The said SAMUEL TOWERS, who died the 9th of January 1757. Aged 45. He was a good Christian The best of husbands The best of friends. ( 13 ) MARY POWDITCH Died December . . . Aged 28. ^tc jacent l&tcug Eugpnale it gifab^Ua ac jaiictatooreg zing quor'aTab'0 p'pfcfetur &W0 SLmz\ Erected In affectionate remembrance of EDWARD LINZEE, M.A. Rector of West Tilbury Essex Son of Robert Linzee, Esq re Admiral of the Blue Who departed this life August 4th 1842 Aged 68 years. And CAROLINE LINZEE, His beloved wife, the only daughter of Jacob and Eliza Bowles Warner, Of this Parish ' Who died October 16th 1840 Aged 56 years. Also AUGUSTA LINZEE, Their daughter Who died June 30th 1831 Aged 18 years. Jesus said blessed are those servants whom the Lord, When He cometh, shall find them watching. ( 14 ) Here lieth Bvried G E O R G E REY of Higate Gent who departed this life Who married 2 wifes & by the firste had George Rey, his now fone. Sacred to the Memory of BURRAGE A N G I E R , Late of Woodford in Effex Who died the 20th of November 1792, Aged 87 years. And of ELIZABETH his Wife Daughter of the late Samuel Buckley, Who died the 20th of October 1771 Aged 6j years. Their only furviving Daughter erected this Monument as an affectionate Teftimony of Gratitude to the beft of Parents. Sacred to the Memory of ELIZABETH ANGIER, the above Daughter of Burrage and Elizabeth Angier, who died the 27th of June 1818, Aged 81 years. Under this Stone lieth the Body of MRS E L I Z A B E T H JOYNER, Who departed this life the 26 th . Day of August 1738, And also the Body of MRS K A T H E R I N JOYNER, Who departed this Life the . day Of if . . 1732., ( 15 WILLIAM ) NEWLAND late of W r i t t l e Park ^n t h e C o u n t y of E s s e x E s q D y e d 3 r d J u l y 1755 A g e d 6 1 . Arms: Argent on* a chevron the upper part terminating in a cross pattee fitchee gules three bezants, impaling . . .' three dragons' heads, couped... Crest: A wolf's head couped ppr., collared or. G c Obiit Feb y 29 1820 ^Etatis . . H e r e lyeth the B o d y of CHARLES EYRE Esquire Citizen a n d Haberdafher of L o n d o n who dyed on S a t u r d a y t h e II t h d a y of F e b r u a r y 1748 A g e d 66 years. Arms : On a chevron three quatrefoils. Crest: A leg in armour, bent at the knee and couped ppr. ( 16 ) Here lies the Body of C H A R L E S S A L K E , of this Parish Gentleman formerly Clerk of the Papers in the Court of King's Bench a Person of Great Indulgence and Experience in his Profession as an Attorney and also Clerk of the Patents in which office he continued to the time of his death he had two Wives Elizabeth, y e Daughter of John Luke, Esq. & Eleanor, ye Daughter of William Lewnex, of Eske in y e County of York By whom he had two Daughters both Interred in this Church he died y e 12 day of July Anno Dom 1720 having approved himself a Loving Husband a kind Master & a Sincere Friend. iEtatis Suse 38 ' R.I.P. Here Lyeth the Body of the L A D Y BASSET, the Wife of Sir Francis Basset, of Tehidy in the County of Cornwall KT and the Daughter of S r Ionathan Trelawney of Trelawney in y e said County K7 She Departed this Life the fifteenth day of July the year 1682 And in ye Eighty Second year of her Age. Arms: Three bars wavy, impaling a chevron. Crest: An unicorn's head erased. monumental Jnsctipttons IN S. MARY'S CHURCHYARD, H6RNSEY, Underneath this Stone Lie depofited The Remains of F L E X M O R E D A K I N S Esq. who departed this Life Auguft The 19^ 1734 Aged 44 years Arms: Quarterly, 1 and 4 gules a lion rampant and two mullets in pale or, between as many flaunches argent, each charged with a lion rampant sable; 2 and 3, . . . on a pile . . . three lions' heads erased. . . ." Crest: A dexter arm, embowed ppr. holding an arrow. To the Memory of Mr THOMAS MURRAY, Gentleman Porter to his Royall Highnefs Frederick Prince of Wales, and the Princefs / Dowager of Wales. Who Departed this life Aprill the 14th 1754. Aged 46 Years. C ( 18 ) Interr'd Beneath this Stone Resteth The Body of ROBERT BUXTON, of Tibenham in the County of Norfolk Esq. many Years one of the Cursitors of the High Court of Chancery who departed this mortal life The 6TH of December 175 Aged Sixty three years. Here lyeth the Body of the Wife of John Felton, , Born 2d Dec r 1712 Died 28th Auguft 1747 Reader Inftead of high encpniums on y e Dear Departed . . . . . . . . tho many she deferv'd. These Truths instructive treasure in thy head. Virtue alone is Happiness on Earth In H&v'n Blifs eternal: feraphic mirth : Chrift's vaft Redemption Consecrates y e Just Obey the Gospel in His Mercy trust To die is common to A l l : but to die Gracefully is Peculiar to the Virtous. Ah ! may the Living rightly think and Say God mend us. JANE ( 19 ) In this Vault lieth the Body of re R I C H A R D H O L L A N D , Esq Citizen and Leatherseller of London His Benevolence to Mankind appears by several Donations to S* Barthol lomews Hospital in his Life time and a Thousand Pounds at his Death Besides two Benefactions to the Poor of this Parish He departed this Life the 10th Aug 1760 aged 70 years. Also here lies the Body of WILLIAM EVANS who dyed Sept tember 22nd 1768 Aged 56 years Also J A N E the wife of Charles Walker & Niece of William Evans died August 12th 179 3 Aged 49 years CHARLES W A L K E R Esq late of Highgate Died January 7th 1820 Aged 74. Arms: (Azure) A lion rampant guardant between eight fleurs-de-lis (argent). Crest: Out of a ducal coronet a demi-lion rampant guardant, grasping a fleur-de-lis. In Memory, of SARAH BELLAS, Relict of George Bellas, Esq Who died September 14th 1784 Aged 33 years. C 2 ( 20 ) Here lyeth the Body of MR JOSEPH EAMONSON. Apothecary and Citizen of London Whp departed this Life May the 22 1741 Aged 46 years. and likewise the Body of ME JOSHUA EAMONSON of Crouch End Son of the above Joseph Who departed this life Sept r the 18th 1769 Aged 41 Years. Here lieth the Body of MARTIN HOUNSHILL Late of Lisbon. Who Died August 9th 1783, Aged 65 Years. He was Chaplain to the late Duke of Norfolk. Also the Body of T H O M A S CARNAN, Nephew of the above Martin Hounshill of S : Pauls Church Yard London Bookseller WTho died July the 29th 1788 Aged 55 Years. ( 21 ) Here lieth the Body of Mf J O H N GIBSON, Of this Parish Whip maker Died October the 30th 1766 Aged 44 years Also the body of The Revd J O H N PALMER, late of Islington Died 26 of June 1790 in the 61 st Year of his Age. Also Mrs MARY PALMER Wife of the above Revd Jn Palmer, Who Departed this life 11 Jan? 1802 Aged 81 Years. Here lieth the Body of Mr WILLIAM PECKETT, t of the Parish of S Andrews Holborn Departed this life,the 29th of January 1748. Aged 57 years In Memory of Mrs MARY W O R T H I N G T O N , Who died November 24 1779 in the 46 year of her Age. ( 22 ) THOMAS W I L C O X , Esq Died January 5th 1799 Aged 80 years Here lyes Interred the Bodys of GRACE, ROBERT, and CORNELIUS C L I F T O N , the Wife of and Sons of John Clifton, Gentleman. Here lyes Interred y e Body of I V D E T H . S V L E Y , Who died October the if1 Anno 1712 in y e 18th year of her Age. Near this* Inscription Lyes also her Father and Grand-Father. Here lyes the Body of ANNA CROFTS, daughter of Iohn and loan Crofts, who departed this life the 28th day of February in the year of our Lord 1706 aged . . years. ( 23 ) Here lyeth the Body of Mr RICHARD HINCKES,' late of this Parish, who Departed this life June y e 21 st 1756. Aged 83 years and by him lyeth the Body of his daughter r e J A N E CARTER, who died Dec y 24, 1754 Aged 42 years and by Her Here lies the Body of the Wife of Richard Thomlinson, of S' Andrew's Holborn Gent Who died the 29th of May 17SS Aged 33. CATHERINE Sacred to the Memory of C H A R L E S SAWER, Who died 27 November 1791. Aged 52 years. Mr JAMES STRATON, of S. Martins in the Fields London. Died November the 20th 1750 Aged 45 years. Arms: Argent, four bars embattled,counter-embattled sable; over all an escocheon gules. ( 24 ) Here lies the Body of H E N R Y STAPYLTON S O U X Son of John & Henrietta Soux Gent who departed this life the 29 of April 1756 in his 14 year When form and virtue both combine To make a youth of Genius thine If Death untimely intervine Who can the mournful tear refrain Here lieth the Remains of EDWARD FAZAKERLEY Esq who died the 14th day of August 17 . . . Aged 86 Years. Also the Remains of Mrs MARY CONSTABLE T W ho died the 19th day of December 1779 Aged . . years. Likewise the Remains of Miss E L I Z A B E T H FAZAKERLEY Who died the 28th day of January 1796 Aged 17 years. Here lyeth in silence the Body of Mr W I L L I A M DAVIDSON, Who departed this life the n t h day of June 1779, in the 71 st year of his Age ( 2S ) In Memory of that Worthy and Pious Mrs SAMUEL BAYLEY Wife of Mr John Bayley of the Parish of S1 Alban Wood Street Citizen and Goldsmith of London Who departed this life March 16 1755 Aged 2 years. Equaled by few Excelled by none Here lies y e Body of R O B E R T LOVELL School Master of this Parish who departed this Life December ye 21st 1734 in the 78th year of his Age Also y e Body of J A N E his Wife Who departed this life October y e 7th 1741 in the 74 year of her Age To whofe Memory This Stone is. Erected By their Loving Kinfman I.L Here lyeth Interred y e Body of R I C H A R D N E W E N H A M , Juni r of y e Parish of S' Sepulchers. Who departed this life August y e 17. 1721. Aged 8 years & Short was my time The longer is my Rest. ( 26 ) Here lys y e Body of D A N I E L K I N G , Baker of Highgate who dyed ye io of January 1696 Aged 72 years. Also y e Body of A N N K I N G , his Wife who Dyed y e 16. July 1699 Aged 5 years. In Memory of JOHN CRANE Of this Parish Surveyor Who departed this life March 31. 1778: Aged 56 years Alfo of JOSEPH C R A N E Youngest son-of the above Who Departed this Life Jan 11th 1792. Aged 24 years In Memory of GEORGE D Y E R Esq of this Parish Who died on the 24th of Decr 1869 Aged 83 years. Arms: Or a chief indented gules. Crest: Out of a ducal coronet a goat's head. ( 27 ) Near this Place lies the Remains of Mr THOMAS R E D S T O N E , Father of Mrs Ann Linzee, Who departed this Life the 15th of April 1757 Aged 40 years. , Also WILLIAM LOVING his son who died the 3rd of May 175/ Aged 20 months. Here lies the Body of Mrs P E N E L O P E GARRATT Mother of M's Ann Linzee, Who died the Ist of May 1812. Aged 88 years. ' In Memory of Mrs ANN LlNZEE, Wife of Capn Robert Linzee, Of the Royal Navy who departed this Life the 26th of July 1781 Aged 31 years. Also in Memory of The Revd E D W A R D L I N Z E E , Rector of West Tilbury Essex, Son of Robert Linzee R.N. Who died August 4th 1842 Aged 68 years. Also of CAROLINE L I N Z E E , Wife of the Rev Edward Linzee Who departed this Life October 16th 1840 Aged 56 years. and of A U G U S T A L I N Z E E Daughter of the above Who died June 30th 1831 Aged 18 years. ( 28 ) A N N E JANE BARBARE MOORE Born February the 4th 1812 Died September the 18th 1817 To the Memory of Mrs N A T H A N I E L NORTON, Who died Sep r 30th 1706. Aged 68 years Also Mrs MARY NORTON, Who died Sep 17th 1788. Aged 44 years Also Mrs R A C H A E L NORTON, Who died March 26th 1809, aged 63 years. Also Mrs R. PUGH, Mother of Mrs N. NORTON, Who died May 30th 1807. Aged 82. Also J O H N G R A N T , A.M., Who departed this life June 21 st 1846, Aged 75 years. He was a distinguished Philologist and Critic, As his works pre-eminently testify. Exegit opera quae alteri seculo prosint. In Memory of M r JOHN ( WESTBURY Died 5. August 1784. Aged 58 years. Also LUCRETIA GAZELEY Died 25 January 1798 aged 40 years. ( 29 ) Near this place Lye the Body of THOMAS, A N N , and HESTER SARAH WOODROFFE Son and Daughters of John and Hester Wosodroffe of Chiswell Street London Who departed this Life Jan i. 1744. Here rests the Body of JAMES S H E R G O L D BOONE, M.A., late Student of Christ Church Oxford and incumbent of St Johns Church Paddington Born June 1799 Died March 1859. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Here lyes the Body of Mr SAMUELL YEOMANS, Late of the Poultry London Obiit August the 13 1730 Aged 48 years. Also J A N E his wife Obiit March 1753 Aged : : years Also of their children, who died in their infancy. ( 3P ) ^The Family grave of Mr R O B E R T POLLARD, F.S.A., One of the originators of the Artists Benevolent Fund Died May 1839. Aged 83 years. Universally respected Also Mr JAMES POLLARD, Artist, Son of the above Died 15th March 1867 Beloved by his Family Now wasting years his former strength confound. And added woes have bowed him to the ground ; Yet by the stubble you may guess the grain And mark the ruins of no vulgar man. To the Memory of ALFRED CRAWSHAY of Dany Park Brecknockshire. Late Chaplain 17th Lancers. Who died 26th April 1864 Aged 41 years. Here lyes the Body of J O H N SIBLEY Junior Who died July 20th 1726 in the 10. year of his age. ( 31 ) In this vault lie the remains of H E N R Y ROGERS, Esqr of Highbury Terrace, Died Dec XXV. MDCCCXXXII, Aged 58. also of S A R A H ROGERS, of Regents Park Sister of the above, Died Jan XXIX. MDCCCLV, aged 82. als.o of S A M U E L ROGERS, Author of the Pleasures of Memory. Brother of the above named Henry and Sarah Rogers, Born at Newington Green XXX. July MDCCLXIIL Died at S- James Place Westminster, XVIII. Decr [MDCCCLV. Beneath this Stone are deposited the Remains of HULTON SMYTH KING, ESQ Formerly of Bovis Castle in the Queens County Ireland but late of Fortes Green in this Parish one of His Majesty's Commissioners of Customs of the United Kingdom Who departed this life on the 30 March 1826 In the 50 year of his age ( 32 ) In Memory of The Rev RICHARD FLETCHER, third son of Frances arid Marriott Fletcher, of this Parish Born 27th Feb 1837 Died 15th Nov 1873. " Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer." ELIZABETH A N N E L L I N CATHROW, Wife of James Cathrow, Esq of the College of Arms London Died at Mufwell, Hill in this Parifh the 12th July 1810 Aged 31. Also of E L E A N O R C A T H R O W DISNEY, Second Wife of the above Now JAMES CATHROW D I S N E Y died the 3 : of March 1850 aged 45 years. and also of the above named JAMES C A T H R O W DISNEY, Somerset Herald. died 20th January 1854. Aged 76 years. Esq ( 33 ) \ Here Lie the Mortal Remains of J O S E P H BRASBRIDGE, Who departed this life in the 89 Year of His age. For more than Half a Centuary He had been a Silversmith in the City of London Of Worth and Honor and of Truth possessed, Lo Joseph Brasbridge sleeps within this Tomb : A t Nature's call to taste that Heavenly rest Which Best Befits the good man's happiest Doom. Also Mrs E L I Z A B E T H BRASBRIDGE Wife of the above Who departed this life, December 9th 1839. Aged 82 years. Here lieth Interred ye Body of Mr J O H N WIIIXS, of this Parish Who Dyed 1739 Also his Wife MARY W I L L S , Who died 1749 Also his Son OBADIAH W I L L S Died 1755 And near this Place his Son in Law WILLIAM CURRYER < died 1752 with Severall others of the Family, D ( 34 ) Beneath This stone Lies the Remains of THOMAS GRIMES of this Parish Who after his services to the Parish for 37 Years as Beadle and Parish-Clerk Died on the 4th of March 1826 Aged 66 Years. Here lie the Remains of M rs J A N E HARDING, of Highgate (Late of ST George's Row) Who died January 31. 1819 Aged 74 years. Alfo the Daughter of the above Aged Sixty-two LUCY HARDING, Who being innocent did for that caufe Bestir her in good deeds Through faith in the perfect righteousness Of her Redeemer and trusting in His righteousness alone She pasfed away from the Body of this Death as without Pain so without fear, on Sunday April 29th 1832. " Rejoice, and again I say unto you Rejoice.' monumental inscriptions IN HIGHGATE BURIAL GROUND. Memoriae Sacrvm Here lyeth interred (in assvred hope of a Ioyfvll Resvrrection) E L I Z A B E T H IAQVES widdowe late Wife of lohn Iaqves Esq : she had yssve by him five Sonnes & two davghters & after lived his sorrowfvll Widdowe nineteen yeares, closing vp her Latest day of Life in the 49 yeare of her age the 18 day of Ivne an° DM. 1624. Noe epitaph need make this Ivst one famed The good are praysd when thare only named. , Pietatis ergo Katharina Smith, filia & Thoma Iaqves Filivs natv minimi maeroris posvere matre svaae. Here lyeth the Body of KATHERINE wife of Richard Chambers Esq Arms;, A chevron between three trefoils, impaling two bars cotised in chief a lion passant. D 2 ( 36 ) In Memory of MR E D W A R D H A R T , Who departed this life the 23 rd of Dec' ^791 aged 64. Here lieth the Body of Mrs S U S A N A H M A R I A HAZARD,, who departed this life the 10th day of October 1781 in the 31st year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of WILLIAM ROUNDELL WETHERELL, Esqre Surgeon Late of. this Hamlet Who departed this life On the 8th day of May 1821 Aged 53 years. Also GEORGE R. W. P A L M E R Grandson of the above Died August 3 rd 1833 Aged 7 Months. Also MARY A N N W E T H E R E L L Eldest daughter of the above Named William Roundell Wetherell died October 26th 1846, aged 53 years. Also A N N A M A R I A W E T H E R E L L , , Born 7th August 1796 Died 24th October 1868. MR S A M U E L FOSTER, Vault 1744 ( 37 ) J O H N GRAY, Died 5th September 1797 Aged 61 years. S A M U E L TAYLOR COLERIDGE Born at Ottery St. Mary, Devon Octr XX, MDCCLXXII Died at Highgate July XXV MDCCCXXXIV Also S A R A H , his wife, died at Chester Place, Regents Park Sep T xxiv. MDCCCXLV : aged LXXV. H E N R Y N E L S O N COLERIDGE, son of James Coleridge, Esq. of Heath's Court, Ottery S T Mary, Devon ; Born Octr XXV, MDCCXCVIII died at Chester Place, Jan. x x v i . MDCCCXLIH And SARA his wife, daughter of the above named Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Born at Greta Hall, Keswick, Cumberland Dec r XXIII, MDCCGII Died at (Chester Place, May i n MDCCCLH Also-HERBERT their only son, born at Hampstead Ocf VII. MDCCCX5tx ; died at Chester Place, , April X X I I I MDCCCLXI. MARGARET C L A R K , of Crouch End Hornsey Died the 12 day of June 1799. Aged 79 years. C 3.8 ) In Memory of the Rev d E D W A R D YARDLEY, B.D. Arch Deacon of Cardigan He died Dec r y e 26th 1769 Aged 71. He was Chofen Preacher Of this Chapel No r y e 5th 1731 And continued to Difcharge His duty in that office to God And man, with unremitted Diligence as a faithfull Pallor to the day of his Death. Also in memory of RS M A N N YARDLEY, Relict Of the said Edward Yardley, She Died May the 15th 1773 Aged 66 years. Here lyes Bvryed y e Body of NICHOLAS BVRWELL of Gray's Inne Esq who Departed this life September 28th 1670 He had two wives Susan, the onely Davghter of William Trendle of Norwich Gent, Franeis second Davghter of Sir Charles G . . . . Knt in y e county of (: 39 ) In Memory of Mr T H O M A S J O N E S , Who died Sep. 23, 1792 Aged 31 Here lys Interred MRS REBECKAH PAUNCFORT, Late wife of Edward Pauncfort, of Highgate, in the County of Middlesex E s q : &; Eldeft Daughter Of S. Samuel Moyer, Baronett, who Departed this life the Second day v Of November 1719, in the forty Second year of Her age. Arms: Quarterly, 1 and 4 . . . three lions rampant... 2 and 3, (argent) on" a- bend (sable) between two lions rampant of the second a wivern of the first (Pembroke), on an escocheon of pretence . . . two chevrons... Crest: A lion rampant.. ducally crowned.... PI ere lieth the Body of* Wife to John Fish, Esq & Davghter of S r Plenry Hobart, K* and Baronet Lord Chief Jvstice Of thd Common Pleas who was Born March 17th 1609 Died March 15th 1635 and was bvried the same day Twenty Six years was born. ELIZABETH FISH, ( 40 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mrs J A N E CRESSWELL, Obitt 12th September 1799 ^Etatis 25. Beneath this Stone lies the Body of J O H N SCHOPPENS; Esq In a Cemetery built by himself where he had depofited, a few years before the Remains of his Parents, whose Memory he has preferred in a Monument on the South-Wall of this Chapel, Of which he was a Governour He died the Ist of July M.DCCXX.VIIL In the 41 st year of his age : And being much affected with the shortnefs and 'Uncertainty of Humane Life left Orders for the Following Memento to be engrav'd on his tomb stone Reader Pafs on walk freely o'er my Bones ; I lately trod fuch Monumental Stones A few Days hence Shall others tread on thine So Smalfs the difference in thy lote or mine. Arms: Quarterly, 1 and 4 (gules) three weasels (azure). 2 and 3 . . . three battle axes... Crest: An arm embowed holding a battle axe..» In Memory of JOHN CLOSE, Esq. of Reeth in Yorkshire Who Departed this life the 15th day of June 1799 Aged 29 years. ( 4i ) Here lies Interred the Body of M* R O B E R T M A T H E W S , Who died July 8. 1736 in the 55 year of his age M S J O H A N N I S BROWNE, A.M. Que. In Cafello Bolfover inter Darbienfes Natus V. id : Septembus A.C. 1686 Denatus id : Julii A.C. 1728 iEtatis 42 Harum ^Eduim Sacellani et Scholarchae Per annos Septendecim Munera Ororavie; Et Hie Tandem a Laboribus Requiefcit Felicem expectams refurreetionem. 23 feet from the Front of this Stone lies the Body of Mr J O H N MASON, Df Musgrave in the County of Westmorland Who departed this life Nov 2nd 1795 in the 34 year of his Age (' 42 ) This Marble Stone Preserves y e Memory of BASILL N I C O L L S , late Inhabitant of this Parish & one of y e Govenors Of this Chappele FreeSchoole Who departed this life y e 11 Oct° Ann° Do 1648 Aged 72.^ T H O M A S NICOLLS, Merchant Son of Basill, Buried 26th Nov 1706 K A T H E R I N E NICOLLS, Widow of Thomas. Buried 9th August 1734 . , . . N I C O L L S , Spinster Daughter of Thomas & Katherine Buried 13 September 1756 Major T H O M A S CONGREVE, Grandson of Thomas & Catherine Nicolls, Buried 20th Aprill 1777 Arms: Three shields. I. A pheon, impaling . . . 2. A pheon, impaling a chevron between three bears. 3. Quarterly, I and 4 a chevron between three battle axes, 2 and 3 a pheon. Here lieth the Body of Sir FRANCIS PEMBERTON,* Knt. Who departed this life June 10th 1699 Aged 72 ® Sir Francis Pemberton was a native of S. Albany and received his education at Emanuel College, Cambridge; he was afterwards called to the Bar, and became very eminent in his profession; in 1679 he was made a Justice of the King's Bench, and Chief Justice in 1681. There, is a portrait of him among the Council of the Seven Bishops. ( 43 ) Here lyes the Body of MR T H O M A S EVANS, Citizen and Leather Seller of London who died March 7th 1745. Aged 56 years. Here lyeth Interred The Body of J O H N COBB, Esq Who departed this life August 25 th 1778 in the 63 year of his age. Likewise the remains of Mrs MARY DINWOODY, Relict of the late Willm Dinwoody; Esq of Tuy Dee Monmouthihire and formerly Widow of the above John Cobb, Esq She Died at Abergavenny the 31 st of Dec. 1815 in the 78th year of her age Respected by all who knew her And was by her own desire here inter'd For benevolence and universal charity Few,have seen her equal This small tribute to her excellent qualities Is paid by one who lived with her many years. And who will revere her memory . As Jong as she retains her own. Arms; Per chevron gules and sable in chief two swans and in base a fish or, impaling.. on a chevron between three mullets . . . an estoile . . between two roundels . . . . Crest: A swan's head holding in the beak a fish or. ( 44 ; GEOFFREY THOMAS, | ROBERT WHITE, OB A,D. l68l JE 75 OB A.D. 1704 JE 69. MARY SHETTERDEN, MARTHA SHETTERDEN, His wife OB A.D. 1693 ^E6O.| His wife OB A.D. 1701 JE68. DANIEL son of Geoffrey and Mary Thomas, OB A.D 1703 JE&$ D E B O R A H DASHWOOD his wife OB. A.D 1686 JE 27 G E O F F R E Y their fourth son OB A.D 1695 S H E T T E R D E N their eight son 1700 JE 26 R O B E R T only son of Geoffrey, OB 1776 ^ 8 5 S U S A N N A H CAMPION his wife 1722 JE IJ SP S U S A N N A H , his second wife 1749 JE 44 SUSSANAH CAUSTON, Eldest daughter of Robert Thomas, O.B. A.D. 1773 m 29 C H A R L E S CAUSTON, O.B. A.D. 181 I JE 80 THEODOSIA sister of Charles Causton O.B. 1824, 81 MARY BELCHER, daughter of Charles and Susannah Causton, O.B. A.D. 1830 JE 64 Also to the Memory of Rev T H O M A S H E N R Y CAUSTON, M.A. 14 years Rector of ST Botolphs Aldersgate and 16 years Incumbent Minister of S T Michaels Church Highgate Died May 15. 1854. Aged 54 years. T H O M A S CAUSTON, Esq Died 1763 aged 71 years Also MARY CAUSTON his wife Died 1772 aged 70 years Also C H A R L E S CAUSTON, Esq Son of the above and one of the Governors of Sir Roger Cholomey's Grammar Schopl Died 1811 Aged 80 years. Also S U S A N N A CAUSTON, Wife of the above, died 1773 aged 29 years AGNES SUSANNAH And M A R I A iEt m 10 2 Daughters of David Orme, M.D By Elizabeth, youngest Daughter of Robert Thomas, O.B. A.D 1777 ( 45 ) Here Lyeth Interred ye Body of W I L L I A M O R D , Esq who Departed this life y e 20th of March 17if in the 7 : year of his Age Here lieth the Dust of > Mrs E L I Z A B E T H Y O R K E late Pious Wife of Mr Robert Yorke In Hope of a glorious Resurrection December 1724 In Memory of Mr. ROBERT FAWSIT, late of Boston Lincolnshire. Who died February 12th 1836 Aged 28 years. The only Son of his Mother, and She was a Widow. monumental Inscriptions IN A L L SAINTS' CHURCH, TOTTENHAM. tyk facet C&omajS i^nningfrm, qui otott in* lite men(t«s aprilt0 anno 2Domtnt a^iilfmo tcct l ^ w i r * Cujugf antme propfefetur 2Deu& #men* $ rap for t|»e fottie of l&atljerpe ^pnpngfi'm f HDUffijter of C|oma0 ^pnpffD'm f Dimertoljfcj)iieceffetitfjeftrtt bap of l a n d e r f pet of o* ILorti rntufi otojofefoule 3|lju iiaue m" cp. Hie jacet ELIZABETHA BVRROVGH vxor Iohis" Bvrrovgh de Tottenham Highg Crosse in Com Midd generosi QV^E obijt. 240 die Decembr Anno Dni 1616 reliqvit Q3 post se dvosfilios& vna filiam ex eorvm Corporib legitime procreatos. ( 47 > e Heere Resteth in Peace y Bodye of RICHARD CANDELER Esq : Ivstice of Peace wIT.Hin ye Cov: tve of Middel: Borne at Walsingam in y e Cov: tie of Norf: H e Married to Wife Eliza: Lock, y e Davghter & Sole Heire of Mathew Lock Sea cond son to S r Will Lock Knig: they lived togeather in Hol ie Wedlock 26 yeares, they had yssve one son, & one Davg ter Edw: Died in His infantcie, & Ann yq first Wife of Sr Ferdinando Heybovrne Knig; he ended this Life ye 24 of October, A° Do ni 1602, Aged 61 yeares : & the said Eliza Deceased ye Second day of Ianuary 1622 Heer vnder Bvried. Here also Resteth in peace ye Bodye of Sr FERDINANDO HEYBO R>IE Knig: Ivstice of Peace & coram in ye C o v ^ : of Midd, H e wayted at y e feete of Q : Elizabeth of famovs memorye & ovr Soverainge Lo. King lames in .ther privie Chamber; H e was a carefvl maies trate WTHovt respect of psons, & a trve Friend to ye cavse of ye poore He maried Dame Anne ye Davghter & Heire of Richard Candeler Esq they lived together in Holy Wedlock 23 yeares, H e ended this life ye 4 of Ivne A0 D ni 1618, aged 60 yeares, & Dame Anne, ended this Life ye 24 Ivne, A°Dnii6ig aged 44 yeares Elizabeth Candeler, In testimonye of Her love, erected this monvment at her on charge 16 . . ( 48 ) To God and Posteritie Herevnder lieth bvried B R I D G E T T BOWYER Davghter of Anthony Bowyer Citizen & Draper of Coventry & of B&IDGETT his wife, Davghter of Robert Fitche of Aysley neere Coventry Esq B First maried to John Moyse Citizen & Grocer of London, who died in the Parish of S T Marie Wolchvrch in London the 17th of Jvne 1618 by whom She had yssve three Sonnes Iohn Erasmvs and Anthony: Dvringe hir Widoehood she did purchase The farm called Stoneleyes in this Parishe and Assvred it to her Children and after maried to James Pagitt Esqvier Controller of the Pipe in His Maties Covrt of Excheqver, with whom she lived Eight yeares, a godly vertvovs lovinge and comfortable Wife to Him, & a kinde mother in Lawe to his children Being Plentifvlly endved with Vertves and Qvalities meet for the Helpe guide comfort and happines of a Hvsband,children and family. She died 12th of October 1626 in assvred hope of a better life with mvch Comfort patience & constancie in the faith Of Christ being of the age of 48 yeares JOHN Hir eldest sonne Died in the Parish of Little St Bartholomewes London the 29th of October 1623 Erasmvs and Anthony are yet liveinge. ( 49 ) In the underneath Vault Lieth, the Body of Mrs MARY MORSSE, Wife of Richard Morsse. She Departed this Life Oct 21 1740 Aged 63. M R I C H A R D MORSSE, Of this Parifh died 5. Feb. 1757 M 66 Near this Place lyes Mrs H A N A H ESTWICKE, the Daughter of Stephen Estwicke. Alderman of London who lived in Cselibacy & , dyed an Ornament to our Religion the 10th of Jan 1705, in the 64th year of Her age. M.S. JOHN ARDESOIF, Esq late of this Parifh, died 4 April 1789, aged 31 years. Here lyeth the Body of ROBERT SIMPSON, Of this Parifh who departed This life May the . . 1739 Aged 55. E ( So ) Under this Marble is inhum'd the Right Honble The Lady LUCY COLERANE, Daughter of Henry Earl of Manchester & the Noble Lady Catherine Spencer his Wife Who was married to y e Right honorable Hugh Hare Baron of Colerane, with whom Ihe liv'd comfortable & exemplary Forty five years and had 8 Sons & 5 Daughters She was A Vertuous Wife A Tender Mother, A Generous Houfekeeper A kind Neighbour, A True Friend A Pious Woman Surviveing Her Dear Lord 14 years She liv'd fole Lady of the Manors of Tottenham Penbrooks, Bruces, Daubenys, and Mockins Bestowing daily & weekly charity upon the poor, to whom fhe gave iool. at Her death This excellent & Incomparable Lady Depart'd y 29th of January 1681 Vade, vale fac tu similiter. ( 5 i The Reverend DANIELL ) CHADWICK 2d Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Chadwick, of good extract in the County of Nottingham. A person who by his eminent Piety and Learning, his admirable Charity and Humilitie, his mofl exempler holy Conversation, became an Ornament to the Sacred Miniftry. His Soul was endued with the moft ardent and seraphick Love of God, his delight on Earth was to be Ufeful and Beneficial to a l l ; his excellent Vertues cannot be exprefs'd in this narrow fpace : the hearts of the Poor whom he cordially loved, of his friendly Neighbours and dear Relations, are the beft Memorials to perpetuate his Worth : by them he liv'd Belov'd, & dyed no lefs lamented, the 28th of February, 1697, aged 39 yeares. To whofe piou^ memory, Martha, his difconsolate Widow, daughter of Isaac King, in the County of Hertford, Gent, as a Testimony of her intier Affection, dedicates this humble Monument, and d%fires in her time to be gathered to his duft. Arms: Gules an escocheon within an orle of martlets argent, impaling azure a chevron argent, in chief a lion rampant and in base a twig of myrtle fructed or. ( 52 ) Here lyeth interred the body of Dame DORCAS r M A R T I N The late Wife of S Richard Martin, Knight twise Lord Mayor of the Cittie of Lon * don The Davghter of lohn Ecclestone of y e fcoyn * tie of Lancastar gent who had Issve by the said S r Rich Martin V sones, & one davght: and deceased Ovt of this mortall life y e first day of Septemb : 1599 Neere unto this place lyeth buried the body t of R I C H A R D JAMES, Merchant, who departed this life the 30th of March, and was buried the 8th day of Aprill 1658 ( S3 ) Near this place lies interred the body of E P H R A I M BEAUCHAMP, Citizen and Mason of London, And many years one of the Govenors of Christ Church, Bethlehem, and Bridewell Hospitals ; Which Offices he discharged with Honour and Integ; He was a loving Hufband, a tender Father, and a kind Mafter. Pious and charitable without Ostentation, And in all his Dealings without Reproach. H e departed this Life the 16th day of September, 1728, in the 68th year of his age. And here also lye interred his Three children, THOMAS, MARY, and LJETITIA. „This Monument is erected to his Memory By his mournful Widow Lsetitia, Daughter of Joh Coppin, Of Pullox-Hill, in the County of Bedford, Esq. Who after a Life of exemplary Piety And Charity, went, to receive her Eternal Reward the 16th day of March, 1739, In the 72d year of her Age. Arm's: Gules a fess between six billets or a canton ermine, impaling or a chief vair. MR T H O M A S M E R R Y , Citizen of London & Gold-smith O b : 29 December 1749 iEtat 70. ( 54 ) To the Memory of GEORGE the Son of John and Susanna Lloyd, Of the Parifh of S T Mary's Islington Who died August the 18th 1781 Aged 16. Reader If Innocence and Virtue are Worthy Of Rememberance drop an affectionate Tear Over the Grave of a Youth who was moft Tenderly beloved & is fincerely lamented Alfo of M SUSANNA L L O Y D , Above mentioned Who died January 9th 1799 Aged 68 years. Also of C H A R L E S LLOYD, Esq of Islington Son of John & Susanna Lloyd, Who died February 5th 1832 In the 68 year of his Age. Here lyeth interred the Body of Mr lOHN BAVINE, Citizen & Loriner of London Who Departed this Life the XXIst of September MDCCXL Aged LXH years. ( 55 ) Spe Refurgendi Here lyeth Interr'd y e body of Mrs A N N E I E N I N G S , Who dyed May the 10th Ano Dom 1691 Eldeft Daughter of S r Edmond Iennings of Ripon in y e Countie of York Kn.4 by Margaret his Lady & was (by her one of the Grand Children of S r Edward Barkham Knt and Baronet, who lived many years in this Parifh) y e sd Anne was buried in this Place by y e direo tion of Lady William (her Aunt) Who defires to be buried Under y e next Stone Joyning to this on y{ South fide. ( S6 ) Here Lyeth the Body Of Wa MARY HOBBY Widow The Daughter of Stephen Beales Esq of this Parish deceas'd She departed this life The 26th of February Anno Domini 1707 in y e 79th year of her age. Here lyes the Body of M rs MARGARETTO M A R I A J E R M Y N , Relict of Stephen Jermyn Esq & Daughter of M r John Hobby, Of London Merchant Who dyed Ap. 24th 1735 Aged 6& Alfo the Body of S T E P H E N JERMYN, Esq Above mentioned Who died February 18th 1796 Aged 83 years. ( 57 ) HUGO HARE de docking in comitatu Norfolcise Armiger, praenobiHs Hugonis D'ni ac Baroriis de Colerane. et dominae Luciae uxoris ejus filius natu Fertius; Probitate, manfuetudine, prudentia Vir plufquam nobolis. Huic foli moribundus frater Carolus Rem omnem fuam (Matris exemplo obfecutus) Adminiftrandem commifit, Quod munus postquam Londini praeftitiffet, Variolarum Agmine obfeffus Et intra Triduum expugnatus Carolo frati vix bimeftri fpatio fuperftes Occubuit. Juxta matrem fuam chariffimam (In finu matris omnium communis Ecclefise fellicit Terrae) Sepultus eft die Junii io°. Anno Salutis MDCLXXXV. iEtatfs fuae XLVIII. Relinquens tres filios el Filiam unicam Una cum maeftiffima conjuge Quae Marmor hoc lachrymis fuis madidum Prophetae et viduae planctum Eloqui voluit. Adhceret Pavimento anima mea. ( 58 ) Here lies interred y e body of MARGARET CLARK, the Wife of lohn Clark, Clerk B.D. they lived in wedlock 37 years, aged 63 dyed December 20th, 1663. Here lies likewife interred in this Chancel, the body of M r W M . BEDWELL her father, fometimes Vicar of this Church, and one of King James' tranflators of y e Bible, and for y e Eafterne tongves, as learned a man as moft lived in thefe Moderne times. Aged 70 Dyed May the 5th 1632 Near this Spot lie the remains of ANN, Relict of Edmund Larken, Esq re of Bedford Square London and formerly of this Parish _ who died the 8th June 1841. Aged 61 years. " The Righteous hath hope in his death." This tribute to the memory of an excellent mother is raised by her afflicted children. Arms: . . . . three leopards''heads . . . on a chief . . . . a lion passant guardant . . . impaling quarterly 1 and 4 . . an eagle displayed . . . 2 and 3 . . three birds' heads erased . . . ( 59 ) Sacred To the Honored Memory of J A M E S PAGITT, Esq. ' whome His owne worth and Prince's favour, lighted to the dignity of a Baron of His Majesty's Exchequer; In whome Birth, merit, place, made the body of unblemished honour. H e was the prudent huf band of three Wives. By the firft the provident Father of foure Children; a fecure Mafter of himfelfe, a fincere Servant of his God; lived confcionable, charitable toward his Prince, himfelf, his neighbour. in his religion Catholique, constant, orthodoxe: honoring goodnefs in all places, times, perfons, his Life was a well acted Story of himfelfe. His death a willing paffage from himfelfe to Glorie. He died in the years of Nature 57 ; Grace 1638. ( 60 ) Here lieth buried the body of lEFRYE WALKDINE Esqvire sometime Cittizen and Skinner of London & free of the Marchant Adventvr ers and Mvscovia, who deceased the 17. of Aprill in the yeare of ovr Lord God 1599. Sacred to the Memory of JOHN HOLT, Esq. of this Parish Obiit October 17th 1838 iEtat 51 and of his wife JEMIMA ARABELLA third daughter of the late John Eardly Wilmot, Esq re of Bruce Castle Tottenham Obiit November 27th 1865. Also to the memory of JOHN WILMOT, Eldest son of the above Obiit September 18th 1831 ^Etat 17 " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord " This Tablet is erected by their children In affectionate remembrance of their beloved parents and brother Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 . . . on a bend . . three fleurs-delis . . . 2 and 3 . . . three lions passant guardant turned towards the sinister . . . impaling Wilmot of 16 quarterings. Motto: Quae vult valde vult. ( 61 ) Sacred to the Memory of The Rev d W I L L I A M H A L L , M.A., Minor Canon of S Pauls Cathedral Priest in Ordinary to H e r Majesty the Queen and Ten Years Vicar of this Parish. Who died December 16th 1861 Aged 68 years. In thee o Lord have I put my trust Let me never be confounded Sacred to the Memory of re R O B E R T P R I C K E T T , Esq of Harley Street London and Octon Lodge Yorkshire ; Who died 17th March 1844 Aged 76 years. Also of A N N , his wife daughter of the late Samuel Salte, Esqre., of Tottenham and London. She died 7 December 1839. Aged 72. Arms: [Or] on a cross [azure] quarter pierced [of the field] four mascles [of the first]. Crest: An antelope. Motto: Auxilium ab alto. ( 62 ) Sacred to the Memory of Esq re F.R.S., Many years an inhabitant of this Parish And a Contributor to its Charities. Obiit January Ist 1836 iEtat 73 In grateful rememberance of the above This Tablet was erected By those who in his declining years Were near and dear to him " His body is buried in Peace ; but his name liveth for evermore." Handel's Funeral Anthem. LEWIS-ANDREW D E L A CHAUMETTE, Here lyeth the boddyes of HUMPHREY WESTWOOD Citizen and Goldfmith of London and A N N E His Wife who left behinde them five children ; Two Sonnes, Hvmphrey and Jvlius, and three davghters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Sarai; He dyed the 6 th of March 1662, aetatis fuse 62. Underneath lies Interr'd the Body of J A N E the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Skinner, of Gshilby in the County of York : Who died the 12th of March 1787 Aged 16 years. ( 63 ) P. M. S. D. M A R I A Primogenita R i : Wilcocks De Tottenhaa In Com : Mid : Ar : Conivx Rob : Barkham Esqv : A v r : De Wainfleet . in Com : Line: Mater 12 liberorvm 4 mascvlorvm 8 Faemin Decessit 7 Decern : 1644 ^Etat: 36. Reliqvit 2 Filios 7 Filias a chariss: Patre Tvendos. Arms: Paly of six argent and gules a chevron or, impaling argent a lion rampant between three crescents sable a chief vair. Crest; Two arms embowed in armour proper garnished or, holding a sheaf of four arrows or feathered argent and tied with a ribbon. Sacred to the Memory of the Rev d T H O M A S ROBERTS, A.M. Rector of S* Peters Cornhill and during 26 years Vicar of this Parish In testimony of their veneration for whose character 'this Tablet has been erected by the inhabitants of Tottenham As a memorial of the gratitude with which they cherish The rememberance of the christian virtues which adorned his life and endeared him to those who were the more immediate objects of his Paternal solicitude and affectionate regard Obiit the 5 th Oct A D 1824 Anno iEtatis 73 ( 64 ) Heare vnder lieth the body of the Lady MARGARET'IRBY, y e Davghter Of S r Edward Barkhara sometime Lord Mayor of y e Citty of London & late y e wife of S r Anthony I rby of Boston in Co Lincolne K"^ by whome shee had Issve 3 D a v : lane Margarett & lane al wch died beefore there mother & lye interred heare Obijt 24 of Novembris A° D° 1640. Arms: Argent fretty sable on a canton gules a chaplet or, impaling paly of six argent and gules a chevron or. Here lyeth the body of THOMAS W H E L E R of Woodgreene. in y e parishe of Tottenham Esq And also his Daught: M A R T H A W H E L E R wch said>Tho£ Dyed y e 29 th Ivne 1611 and his Davght y e 3 d May 1611. To the Memory of H E N R Y H A R E TOWNSEND, Esq. Obiit 2. Aprilis 1827 ^Etatis 61. Here lies a man, who acted well his part On life's great stage, and own'd a noble heart Prompt was his hand the indigent to bless,/ The passport to his bounty was distress, Clear to the last his mental vigours shone, And all he loved were loved 'till life was flown. Move then, with reverence near this mouldering earth And think on Townsend, when you think of Worth ( 6s ; Also in the Vault are Deposited the remains of his daughter CHARLOTTE ELRINGTON, r Obiit 3. Nov . 1824 iEtatis 24. M.S. Depofitum JOHANNIS MELTON, Civitatis Eboraci, Equitis aurati, ibidemqu Fereniffimse Regise Majeftati a fecretis conciliis Participis, et figilli quod Septentrionalem Anglian Tractum fpectat custodis necnon lectiffimae dominae Elizabethae, quae et Ferdinando Heborne militis vidua Huic fecundo quatuor peperit liberos, quorum Superftites Francifcus et Elizabetha optimos Parentes orbi moerent: Deinceps Catharinam, Alanf> Currance armigeri filiam in uxorem duxit, ex qua Edovardum, Johannem, Richardum, et Annam Genuit, quibus uterque itidem parens fumme Defideratur . Reliquit vero Margaretam, Samuelis Al~derfey armigeri, olim conjugem, quae meeftiffima Hoc quantum cunqtie eft marito chariffima nee Viduato pectore excifuro pofuit. Obiit xvimo Decembris, MDCXL. Arms: Azure a cross patonce voided argent in the centre a bezant, impaling argent on a fess between three bells gules as many crosses crosslet of the field. F ( 66 ) To the Memory of Mr. W I L L I A M ROBINSON, Who departed this life on the 3 I st of August A.D. 1827. at Prince of Wales Island in the East Indies on Board H.M.S. Java, the Flag Ship of the Station of which he was mate, aged 22 years He was the eldest son of William Robinson, LL.D., Barrister at Law and of Mary his wife of this Parish A son beloved lamented ever dear, Claims from the Parent's heart a pious sigh, A Brothers urn demands the kindred tear, ' And gentle sorrow gush from friendship's eye, To-day we frolic in the^rosy bloom Of Youth—the morrow knells us to the Tomb. In Memory of W I L L I A M ROBINSON, LL.D., of this Parish Barrister at Law, of the Middle Temple Who died 1 June 1848, aged 71 Years. and lies buried in the vault beneath, Also A G N E S CAROLINE Who died 4 t h July 1821 aged 4 years. HARRIET LAURA Who died 3 rd May 1822 aged 2 years. and A L F R E D DARLINGTON, Who died 27 August 1824 aged 6 months. Children of the above ( 6; ) Also C H A R L E S JAMES M A D D E N , Who died 2 December 1845, aged 2 years And HENRY YOUNG B. MADDEN, Who died 14 July 1846 aged 7 months Children of Sir F. Madden, K.H., and Grandsons of the above Also MARY, wife, of the above W. Robinson, Who died 20th April 1856 aged 74 years. And C H A R L O T T E A N N daughter of the above William and Mary Robinson, Who died at her house in Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park the 27 th February 1867. Aged 48 years.. Superior Abilities and extensive Knowledge; :; Generofity and Humanity of Soul; Constancy in Friendfhip; Truth and Probity in Word and Action ; Charity proceeding from Goodnefs of H e a r t ; Modefty from an humble Disposition ; Eminence in every Chriftian grace and Virtue ; diftinguifhed the Life of The Rev. JAMES DAVIES, A.M. Late Curate of this Parilh : Who died refigned to his Fate, but inexpreffibly lamented by his Friends, the 26th of August 1748 in the 29 Year of his Age. monumental inscriptions IN ALL SAINTS CHURCHYARD, TOTTENHAM. In Memory of PHILIP DELAHAIZE, Esq Who died Nov r 20th 1769 Aged 51 years. Arms: Or, a saltire engrailed gules between four ermine spots on a chief. . three escallops .. . Crest: A wolfs head erased charged with an escallop. Here lyeth the body of H E L L E N CONOLD, Daughter of Richard Stanley of Harland in the Parish of Chesterfield & County of Derby borne there in December 16 . . and died in this Parifh in October 1681 After she had lived about seven years the Widdow of Edmund, Gent her third Husband. ( 69 ) Here Lieth interred RICHARD CHESLYN late of Doctor's Commons London one of the procurators General of the Arches Court of Canterbury Who departed this Life the 29 th of April 1761 in the 60 year of his Age Much esteemed for his honesty Friendly disposition. M rs MARY CHESLYN who died Eleven Days before him is also here interred And near this Place are interred THOMAS ROCK formerly one of the procurators General of the Arches Court of Canterbury Grand Father of the above Richard Cheslyn Likewise ELIZABETH CHESLYN his Mother and CHARLOTTE CHESLYN his Daughter. ( 7o ) Here lyeth y e Body of H E N R Y FELL, of this Parish Gent late of Her Majesty's Treasury Died May y e 2 nd 1732 Aged 37 years. Here lyeth the Body of late Wife of Richard Powell, Butcher in Spittle Fields who departed this life October 1733 in the 29 th year of her Age. SARAH POWELL Here lyeth the Body of SUSSANAH BARNARD late Wife of James Barnard, of this Parish who dyed 31 st August 1736 Aged 33 years. And also 5 children. Here Lyeth the Bodys Of SARAH & ELIZABETH D I S T O N Daughters of M r William and Grace Diston of London SARAH Dyed 14th 1733 Aged . . years ELIZABETH ( n ) Sacred To the Memory of Mr THOMAS CROFT Who departed this Life May 25 th 1796 In the 25 th year of his age. The Lord has took my love from me And left me to lament Dear God above preserve my love And bless him with content He was taken from me quickly And cannot come again I hope in heaven we shall meet And ever to remain. ' Here lies y e Body of RYLAND JENKINES, ye Son of Thomas and Margaret Jenkines, of this Parish Who departed this life November . . 1712 Aged 7 years. Neere unto this Place lyeth Bvried the Body of RJCHARD JAMES, Merchant who departed this life ye 30 th of. , , day of April 165 ( 72 ) In Memory of M rs GRACE A R C H E R late Wife of M r Thomas Archer Who died 29 th November 1794 Aged 72. Mr THOMAS K N I G H T late Churchwarden of this Parish Who departed this life Feb. 19th 1724 Aged 44 years. M™ E L I Z A B E T H C H A S E Died May the 3 rd 1788 Aged 50 years. CLARA Here lies the Body of Mr JOHN STEPHENS, of this Parish Died 16 Dec 1770 jEtat 63. s Also M* MARY S T E P H E N S , his Wife who departed this life 21 December 1779 Aged 68* ( M 73 ) LA In Memory of Mr THOMAS MATSON, late Citizen' and Haberdasher of London Who departed this life 8. October 1799 Aged 74 years. MARY ELIZABETH, Daughter of Thomas & Hannah Archer, Died 19. February 1814 Aged 17 years Also GRACE. MATSON Widow of the above Died 19 July 1848 in her 93 year Here Lyeth interred the Body of M rs MARY REYNOLDS, Late Wife of M r John Reynolds, of London Merchant who died Sep the 14 1741- Aged 49 years 5 months & 19 days By whom he had 7 children Also y e Body of r M J Q H N REYNOLDS, beforementioned Who died June 4 t h 1758. Aged 72 years. Arms: A chevron between three foxes' heads erased, impaling a fess wavy between three escallops. Crest: A fox's head erased. ( 74 ) ' In Memory of M rs ANN PRIEST, late Wife of Mr. James Priest, of this Parish Who departed this life December 28 th 1789 Aged 62 years. Thine Arms human Power Arreftst To fave O Death the choiceft Mortal from the Grave; Yet grieve we not for her Whofe well known Worth survives Here the fall of Earth to Earth A Tender Wife a Kind Friend and Good Companion Excelled by none & Equalled by few Also SAMVEIL H A T C H . . . Husband to the above Said who died Oct x 743 Aged 85 Years. In Memory of JOSIAH COTTIN, E s q Who departed this life April 6. 1776 aged 60 years Also D A N I E L COTTIN, his son, June 2, 1757, aged 16 Arms: [Azure] two chevrons between 3 boars* heads erased [or] impaling . . . a shakefork . . . . Crest: A boar's head erased . .' ( 75 ) Here lyeth the Body of Mr CASHAM, Herdsman. Who Departed this Life August the 21 st 1756 In this Parish Aged 60 years. He was Born In Martock in Sumerset Shere In Memory of THOMAS CHAMBERS, Son of Thomas Chambers, of this Parish Who died June 28. 1799 Aged 19 years. The youth alas is gone Oh deadly found Whofe fpotlefs life with Vertue Crowned Cold Breathlefs and Entom'd he lies But long his better part will yet furviye Which may our Lord Take to his Care And place with Angels in Celestial fphere. In mem R O W L A N D I STEPHENSON, arm 1 Defunct Nov '. 30. 1807 Hoc moumentum filius ejas Norens posuit Arms: Gules on a bend or three leopards' faces azure, impaling argent a squirrel ppr., on a chief gules three mullets of the field. ( 76 ) Memorise Sacrum Here lieth Interr'd the Body of M r lOHN JOHNSON who departed this Life March y e 14th 1706 Aged 63 Years. And Also the Body of M rs M A R Y r J O H N S O N wife of the above M John Johnson who departed this Life Oct r Y e 12th 1793 Aged 75 Years. Here Also Lyeth Interr'd the Body of M r SAMUEL S M I T H Citizen & Grocer Of London Many Years Common-Council Man of y e Ward of ST Botolphs Aldersgate Govenor of Bride-well & Bethelhem & ST Bartholomews Hospitails, who departed this Life May y e 11. 1777 Aged 44 Years. He was a Loveing Hufband a tender Father A fincere Friend At the sole Expense of Whofe Moft affectionate Inconsolable wife this Monument was erected, ANNE Relict of the above Mr. Samuel Smith, Departed this life April 23 rd 1756 Aged 60. Here also lieth Interred the Body of M r SAMUEL S M I T H who departed this life On the 2 nd day of April 1756 in the6o fch Year of his age.* And likewise here lieth Interred the Body of the Mrs. ELIZABETH BERROW, Daughter of the Above faid Mr. Samuel and Anne Smith, And wife of the Rev d Capel Berrow, Rector of Rofihgton Nottinghamshire. Who departed this Life on the 28 tu Day of November 1766 in the 44 th Year of her Age. * Arms: A cross between four peacocks, on an escocheon of iretence a cheVron ermine between three hedgehogs. Crest: A peacocks' head erased holding ears of wheat. (77 ) Here lyeth the Remains of M r V I N C E N T LEGGATT, of this Parish who died June 6. 1763 Aged 52 SARAH LEGGATT, Wife of Vincent Leggatt, died 9. January 1799 aged j6. And ^Iso the Body of THOMAS LEGGATT BAYLEY, the son of Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Esq of Hope in Lancafhire who married The only Daughter of the above Mr. Vincent Leggatt, who died the 6 th of Sept r 1768 Aged 11 Months. A L S O of MARY A N N E BAYLEY, their Daughter who died Dec r 29* 1789 Aged 16 years. - In Memory of GEORGE T H O R N T O N BAYLEY, Esq. Who departed this Life May 31 s t 1835 Aged 46 years. " Blessed are^the pure in heart for they shall see God." In Memory of Sir D A N I E L BAYLEY, Knfc Who departed this Life June 21 s t 1834 Aged 68 years " Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him." Arms: Ermine a lion rampant . . impaling . . . a lion rampant . . . ducally gorged . . . within a bordure engrailed . . . charged with roundels. Crest: Two lions gambs erect . . . . supporting a mitre . . < 78 > t Here lie the remains of NICOLAS FRANCOIS D U F R E S N.E Baron ,De Renac Born at ST Malo December 6 th 1723 Departed this Life June 17th 1814 This Stone the tribute of filial affection was erected By order of his beloved daughter Angelique Francoise Countess de Clermont Crevecceur Requiescat in pace. LOUISA ALICE Beneath Are deposited the Remains of M rs E L I Z A B E T H C L A R K E Who departed this Life the 25 th of June 1788 In the 75 year of her age Here Reader pause—and think as you pass by Though now alive, yet shortly you must die : As I am now, so you ere long will be. Oh then prepare for death to follow m e : In spite of death, the Actions of the just Will still smell sweet and blossom in the Dust Praises on Tombs are Trifles vainly* spent T i s Virtue rears the noblest Monument. ( '79 ) Sacred To the Memory of H E R B E R T THOMAS Esq. A Lieutenant in the Royal Navy A Brave and Deserving officer Who fpent the bloom of his youth In the Naval Service of his Country in East Indies Was prefent at the taking of Angria the Pirate Chandernagare Pondicherry & x Was particularly noticed by his commanding officer Sir Samuel Cornish, For his Bravery and Gallant conduct at the taking Of Manilla. A Chronic diforder brought on by his long and hard Service in that Country rendered him Incapable Of following his Profeffion at Sea And after much painful and fevere fuffering Which he bore with great Chriftian fortitude; It pleafed the Almighty to releafe him on The 25 th day of July 1793 In the 48 Year of his age This Tomb was Erected by M rs Sarah Boyer his only Surviving Sister In Testimony of J , Her Regard for the Memory of a Beloved Brother. ( 86 ) Sacred to the Memory of WILLIAM LEAK, Esq Late of Gannon Street London. Who departed this Life Oet r 3 rd 1797. Aged 63 years. In Memory of SARAH LANE, Who- departed this Life On the 5 th of May 1855 Aged 80 years. She was a faithful and valued Servant for Fifty Five Years. In the Family of the late James Holbrook, Of this Parish. Sacred To the Memory of M r J Q H N PARTRIDGE Gent, Many years of the Bank of England And late of Stone Bridge Tottenham Who departed this life Auguat 26 th 1817 Aged 50 years. Of whom it is difficult to speak With justice : for his true Character Would appear flattery and the least Abatement of it an injury to his Memory ( WILLIAM 8i ) Sacred To the Mortal remains of H E N R Y W A R R E N , who departed this July 20 th 1828. Aged 33 years. Tread lightly on his ashes. Ye men of genius. For he was your Kinsman Weed his grave clean, Ye men of goodness, For he was your brother. Beneath are deposited The remains of MR D A N I E L SILVER, Late of this Parish Who died June 26 th 1833 Aged 67 years. Also M rs J A N E SILVER, Widow of the above Who died 24 th Oct 1850 Aged 51 years. Likewise of MR D A N I E L SILVER, Son of the above Who died March 27 th 1832, In the 44 th year of his age. After the Burial of M rs Silver, No other Person or Persons shall at any Time hereafter be interred or Buried In this Vault Never G ( 82 ) In Memory of MARGARET LYDIA Wife of James Samuel, C.E., & Daughter of the Ettrick Shepherd Who died 28 th of February 1847 Aged 22 Years. Sacred To the Memory of MARY Wife of Henry Plucknell Who departed this Life August 23 rd 1833 Aged 54 years. The Stone is erected By Voluntary Subscriptions As a mark of Respect For her services, she having been Mistress of the Poor House of this Parish During a Period of 13 years. Here lyeth y e Body Of E D W A R D EVERARD, Who departed this Life December The 9 th 1755 aged twenty seven You was to good to Live on Earth with me And I not good Enough to Dye with thee Farewell Dear Husband God would have thee Youl near return but I to you must go. ( 83 ) Here lieth the Body of REBECKAH A N G E L L , Late Wife to John Angell, Who Departed this life the 20 th of December 1682. Here lieth the Body Of H E N R Y MULCASTER, Gent late of this Parish who Departed this life October y e nd 22 1725 in y e 71 st year of his Age ELIZABETH Relict of Henry Mulcaster, Of this Pafifh Gent, Who Departed this life February the 13 th 173! Aged 84 years. Alfo;MTS SUSANNAH WATSON, Died Dec r 15 th 1813 Aged 82 years. th P E T E R MULCASTER, Gent Obitt March 20 1774 -fitatS3. SUSSANAH (his wife) March 9 t h 1772 ^Etat 70. JAMES ROBERTS, Gent Obitt Sep r ELIZABETH (his wife) Obitt Dec 8th 1783 iEtat 60. 29 1795 JEtat 65. Arms : [Argent] four bars [gules] over all a bend [azure] impaling . . a chevron . . between three text T's. Crest: A lion rampant [azure] holding a sword erect [argent]. ( 34 ) Here lyes the Body of Mr EDWARD BAYLEY, late of S. Stephens Coleman Street London Plumber Obitt August 18 th .1763 Aged 43. Arms: [Argent] on a fess between three martlets gules as many annulets, impaling barry of six a crescent for difference Barry. Crest: A griffiri sejant ermine wings and forelegs, or. The Ground below is Sacred to the Remains of The Rev d SAMUEL HARDY, and of GRACE his Wife. Family Vault of RICHARD CASS, Esquire of Little Grove, East Barnet Hertfordshire 1786. Arms : Per chevron or and ermine on a chevron- sable between two* eagles' heads erased gules in chief* and a garb of the first in base, a harrow gold between two fountains, impaling sable a fess ermine between three cinquefoils . . . . Crest: An eagles' head erased gules charged on the neck with a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat on ( 85 ) Here lyeth the Body of ED WARD' TYSON, Gent Who died 9 October 1723 Aged 3.8 years. Also M A R T H A TYSON Relict of the above Edward Tyson r Who died January 1729 Aged 41 years. Likewise EDWARD TYSON, Esq ' son of the above mentioned Who departed this life 29 August 1784 Aged 70 years. And of A N N his Wife who died 17th January 1794 Aged 68. Arms: [Vert] three lions rampant reguardant [argent] impaling a chevron [gules] between three cocks ppr.1 ( 86 ) Here lie the remains of JANE Wife of Salomon Peile, Esq Of Tottenham Green; Who departed this life May 6 th 1833, Aged 71 years, " When the ear heard her, then it blessed her: and when the eye saw her, it gave witness to her ; because she delivered the poor that cried, The fatherless, and him that had none to help him." Sacred To the Memory of M rs E L I Z A B E T H BROWNE, Wife of James Browne. Of the Swan Inn. in this Parish She instantly lost her life by the Overturning of the Coach on her way to Norwich, the 22 of October 1818, In the 58 th year of her age. Leaving a husband and six children To lament their loss O look on this Monument ye gay and careless Attend to this date and boast no more of tomorrow. Arms: Gules a chevron between three lions gambs erect and erased . . . on a chief . . an eagle displayed . . . Crest: An eagle wings expanded . . . holding in the beak a branch . . . ( 87 ) Here lyeth interred the Body of MARGARET BOONE, Wedowe & Wife of Samuell Boone, Who departed this life the 27th of October Anno Domini 1678 And also the Body of SAMUEL Son of the above Margaret Boone Who departed this life August 13 1708 Aged 62 years. MARY BOONE the Wife of Samuell Boone, Who dyed August 26 1714 Aged 60 Likewise the Bodys of SAMUEL and MARY their children. Here Lieth the Body of M r JAMES FAYRAM, Citizen & Stationer of London Who departed this life June y e 5 th 1732 Aged 60 years ' Also the Body of M rs A N N FAYRAM, his WifeWho departed this life Oct1' y e 6 th 177 monumental inscriptions IN CHRIST CHURCH, SOUTHGATE. M.S. Here sleepes in hope of the resvrrection y e body of S r lOHN WELD, K n t : who fovnded this chappell A 0 1615 : and gave 55oL to pvrchase lands to ( 89 ) The yearelie valve of 30L : which being pformed Was according to his last will & testament conveyed Vnto five feoffees in trvst, to these vses, vis That 20 Marks shovld bee annvally paid among • Svch poore p"sons of his kin~red, as were lineally Descended of his Grandmother Ioane Walley, Of whose Avncesters were svrnamed Weld, that Another 26 marks shovld be given yearely to the Cvrate of this Chappell, & 10s to y e Clarke and that I2 d in breade shovld bee weekely disposed* among 12 poore p~sons of Sovth streete for ever the rest of the 30L : p'anvm is (as y e said feoffees shall see cavse) to bee kept in stocke for repairing of the Chappell, or els bestowed vpon the said Cvrate who is to receive also toward his better maintenance the 20 marks allowed to the fovnders poore kin"red in all those yeares, werein none of the said poore kin'red shall'make svite for y e same. Having left these and many other Testimonies both of his pietie toward God and his charitie towards men hee deceased, the 6 th of Febr A 0 1622 The wicked like a wafted Candle fincke Within the focket, and there, dye and ftincke. Bvt righteovs men difsolved yield A fent Like preciovs odovrs when their box is rent. And fo did hee at his departure giving A lafting fweetenes to refrefh y e living. ( 90 ) In Memory of Sr D A V I D H E C H S T E T T E R K nt , Who died June the 14th A.D. 1721. In the 63 year of his Age And lyeth buried in the Vault Under the Alter. Also to the Memory of Dame HECHSTETTER, his Relict Who died aged And lyeth in the same Vault, To the Memory of SARAH DOWN, Wife of Captain Timothy Smith of the Hon East India Company's Maratime service and fourth daughter of William Hammond Esq, of Southgate Who died on the 23 day of May 1837 in the 41 year of her age Also to the Memory of Captain T I M O T H Y S M I T H H.E.C.S. London, husband of the above Who died May 23 rd 1861 Aged 68. ( 9i ) Here vnder lyeth Burred y e Body of GEORGE H A D L E Y Esq, Who tooke to wife Sarah the davghter of Edmond White Esq, By whome he had two Sons Vis Edmond one of his execvtors the other sonne dyed as soone as Borne and two daughters Eliza beth & Sarah Elizabeth married to Isaac Lyte of London, Mer chant the other execvtor Here also lieth Bvried ANN His Second,wife davghter of Cuthbert Harison, Alderman and Chamberlaine of the Citte of London by whome He had issve six sonnes and five dav^hters He dyed in ye Sixtie-eight yeare of his Age on the eight of August Anno D"ne 1654 to whose pious memory his Executors cavsed This Monument to be Erected. Vivit POST FVNERA VIRTVS. ( 92 ) Underneath rest the remains of JOHN H I L L WINBOLT, Late of New Basinghall Street Vintner Gentleman Obitt 4 May 1790 Aged 39 years These little, rites a Verse, a stone I givG, On Memory's Tablet, thou wilt ever live. Also the remains of REBECCA WlNBOLT, his Relict. Who died 26 day of July, 1797 Aged 45 years. monumental inscriptions IN CHRIST , CHURCHYARD, SOUTHGATE. Here lieth the Body of Sr T H O M A S H A R R I S , Late of Finchley K nt Who died June 14th 1782 Aged 73 years. Also the Body of Lady HARRIS, his wife Daughter of S r Thomas Hare, Of Stow Hall Norfolk Bar*, Who died March '24th 1791 Aged 27 years. ( "94 ) Here lyeth interred y e Body of A N N P H I L L I P P E S The Davghter of Iohn Phillippes & Wife of Larrance Cranaway, Who departed this Life 29 day of Ivne — 1678 Aged 24 years. Sacred to the Memory of SARAH Wife of the Rev* Thomas Winbolt, M.A., Minifter of this Chapel: Who departed this life The 4 t h of August 1810, aged 43 years. Also R O B E R T t L A X , eldest son And FRANCES, youngest Daughter Of the above Thomas and Sarah Winbolt, Who departed this Life The former on the 6 th of July 1812, Age 21 years. The latter on the 7 th of September Aged 3 years. Also of The Rev d T H O M A S W I N B O L T , M.A., Husband of the above mentioned Sarah Who departed this life On the 25 th of January 1813 Aged 51 years.^ ( 95 ) Sacred to the Memory Of the Rev d W I L L I A M B E C K E T T , Who departed this Life, July 27th 1813. Aged 44 years. Also ANN BARNARD, Who departed this Life November the 22 nd 1829 Aged 62 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mr GEORGE GILDERSON, Who departed this life on the 10th December 1796 Aged 60 years. Also of M rs FRANCES GILDERSON, Relict of the above Who departed this life on the 30 th October 1819. In Memory of MARY SLACK, Wife of George Slack of the City of London Who died the 21st of July 1798 in the 25th year of her Age. Our days on the earth are as a Shadow. ( FREDERICK 96 ) GOULBOURN, A Lieutenant Colonel In His Majestys Service ; Born 7 th May 1788. Died 10th February 1837. To the Memory of Mr M A T T H E W BARROWS, Who departed this life the 2$ih Day of February 1755 Aged 79 years. Also the Body of M rs MARGARET BARROWS, Wife of the above M r Matthew Barrows. Who In Memory of CHARLES WALCOT, Esq of Southgate. Who died 7S July 1805 In the 51 st year of his age, He was the third son of the Rev d Humphrey Walcot Of Bitterley Court Shropshire. ( 97 ) Here lieth interred the Body of M rs FRANCES LYON, who departed this life the 11 day of December 1769 Aged 58 years. In hope of a joyful resurrection. Also M r S T E P H E N LYON, Who departed this life 2 March 1777 in the GEORGE CADOGAN MORGAN, \ Died November 17th 1798. Aged 44 years. Also S E P T I M U S MORGAN, Son of the above who died December the 22nd 1816 Aged 19 years. In Sacred remembrance of the Virtues of M rs ANN LOXLEY, With an uniform integrity of conduct lived 17 years As Housekeeper in the Family of the present Marquiss of Buckingham And who having fulfilled her visit obeyed Heavens mandate and returned on high leaving an only daughter by whom this stone is dedicated Obitt 7 November 1819 iEtat 64. H ( 98 ) In Memory of M rs FRANCES W A R D Who departed this life January 5 th 1819 Aged 59 years. A Servant in the Dutchess of Chandos and Marquis of Buckingham's Family 37 years. This Stone is erected to the Memory of JOHN WARREN, by the Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos as a tribute of Gratitude, # • for his long and-Faithful Service in her Family He died at Minchendon House on the 18 October 1823 Aged 63 years ; Having lived in the Families of James Duke of Chandos and Richard Duke of Buckingham Forty-two years an excellent Servant an attached Friend and an honest Man ( 99 ) In grateful Rememberance of forty-one years of zealous service, As a lasting record of Inflexible Honesty, and Fidelity, And as a mark of respect and attachment, Sir William Curtis, Baronet, Has caused this stone to be placed Over the Grave of THOMAS PEACOCK Who died on the 23 rd of Feb 1827 •In the 68 t h year of His age Near this Place Are also deposited the remains of MARY P R O T H E R O , Who died on the I st of June, 1826 In the y6th year of her age Haying been forty-six years An Honest, Diligent and faithful Servant This Stone is erected To the Memory of ELIZABETH MARTIN As a token of respect For her faithful Services Of Forty-two years in the Family of The late John Walker Esq Of Arno's Grove; She departed this Life On the 14th of October 1836 Aged 72 years. H 2 ( ioo ) To the Memory of AMELIA HOLAH, Late of Grovelands, in this Parish , Who departed this life After a long and painful illness On the 7 th day of May 1845, In the 40 th year of her age. She was the kind and affectionate friend Of the children at Grovelands ; With the remains of three of whom her remains are hereunder deposited And with feelings of the deepest gratitude For her unchangeing affection toward them, This monument is by John D. Taylor of Grovelands, Placed over all " In death as in life, together." Here lieth theBodys 01 THOMAS H I N T O N Citizen and Salter Who departed this life the 29 day of August 1742. Aged 66 years. Also L U C Y H I N T O N wife of the above Thomas Hinton Who departed this life . . of January 17 . . Aged 70 years Also the Body of SARAH H I N T ON, Wife of Thomas Harris and daughter of the above Thomas and Lucy Hinton Who departed this life . • . ( 101 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mr. SAMUEL CRICKMAN, Born at Broom in Norfolk the iofcli of August 1786 Died in this Parish the I I t h November 1816 In Memory of' Mr R O G E R THOMAS, Who died 5 th Novr. 1787 Aged 51 years. Think on Eternity. Here lyeth Inter'd the Body of W I L L I A M QSBORNE Son of William and Ann Osborne of this Parish who Departed this life The 10 of Dec 1770 aged 19 years. Here lyeth y e Body of EDWARD LOMAS, Who departed this life September y e 20 th 1718 aged 47 y1 Also here lieth the Body of E L I Z A B E T H his Wife monumental Inscriptions IN ST. JAMES'S CHURCH, FRlfeRN BARNET. . . . . Pious Memorie of R O S E . . . . A T K I N S O N , Marchant, . . . . She had oftenfore Spirit Returning laid up in the hope . . . . of November 162S. ( 103 ) Sacred to the Memory of Esq late of Colney Hatch, who departed this life 24 th February 1820, Aged 80 years. also of T H O M A S L E R M I T T E , Esq re late of Colney Hatch who departed this life 24 th March 1826, Aged 78 years. also of SARAH, wife of the above Thomas Lermitte, who departed this life 19th November 1829, Aged 66 years. STEPHEN ATKINSON, Arms: Azure a cross voided between four lions rampant or. Crest: A lion's head erased or. H. S. E. SAMUEL, BROOK. A-M, Hujusce ecclesiae per XXII ANNOS pastor pius, Fidelis, Pileetus Natus 3 0 Maii 1732. Mortuus 16° Oct us 1794. Sacred to the Memory of M™ MARY N E A L E , Spinster, who lived an example of Christian Piety and Benevolence. She died the 16^ of June i8l6f in the 74 th Year of her Age. < 104 ) Near this place lyeth the Body of T H O M A S IEVE, Citizen and Fishmonger of London who dyed the 7th of October 1699 i*1 ^ e 74 th Yeareof his Age. Here alfo lyeth the body of ALICE, Second wife of the said Thomas I eve, who dyed y e •8th of October 1698 in the §8 Yeare of her Age* Here lyeth y e Body of SARAH y e Wife of John Nicoll, Esq re of this Parish who Departed this life y& 5 th November in y e year of our Lord 1689, Here also lyeth the Body of J O H N N I C O L L , Esq Who departed this life y e 9 & of May 1703 * Aged 70 Years. ( io5 ) To the Memory of re J O H N CLEEVE, Esq late of this Parish who departed this life Alfo the N o v 20 t h 1725. Body of SARAH INGRAM, Sifter of the above lohn Cleeve Esq re Died February the 3 rd 1770 ^Etatis 79. Also of A N N E CLEEVE, Relict to the abovefaid, who departed this Life Jan 6 th 1739. Likewise the Bodies of T H O 8 and MARY CLEEVE their Son and Daughter ; Whofe Remains all lye near this Monument under a Black-Marble Grave-Stone. Near this Place lieth Intend the Body of I O H N CLEEVE, Esq re Son of John Cldeve, Esq late of this Parish who died the 12th of November 1748 iEtatis 61 Arms: Argent on a fess between three foxes' heads erased sable as many mullets or. Crest: A fox's head erased sable. ( io6 ) " H e was a good man and a just."—Luke xxiii. So. To the Memory of re R I C H A R D D O W N , Esq Banker in the City of London A Man of vigorous and well cultivated Mind, of mild and ingenious Disposition, of sober, yet discriminating Judgment, of unwearied application, and of, inflexible Integrity : Who, surmounting with Fortitude in the Dawn of his career, Difficulties and Trials of no ordinary Magnitude rose to Eminence in his Profession, and gathered in Due Season the fair Fruits of Probity and Industry. As he was firm and unshaken in Adversity, so was he humble and unassuming in Prosperity. Amongst the many Christian Virtues which distinguished and adorned his Character Charity was most conspicuous. As a Father, as a Husband, his Tenderness and Affection, if ever equalled were never excelled. He died July 26 th 1814. Aged 80 years. Arms: Gules a stag's headfcaboshedargent attired or, ini paling per pale azure and gules a lion passant reguardant or^ ( .107 ) Sacred to the Memory of four fons and two Daughters of Richard Down, Esq*6 of this Parifh, and Rose, his Wife, RICHARD ELIZABETH r 17 departed this Life, aged < 17 years. LAVINA VII HENRY, WILLIAM, and WILLIAM in their infancy Reader Contemplate and adore the ways of Providence ! WTiile thou beholdeft A youthful Ardour rifing into Action : & female Virtue haftning to Maturity : and blooming, Innocence with fairest Promifes: & tender Infancy's unfullied purity: all prematurely fummon'd to the Grave, thence to be carried to the Realms of Blifs. They are dead, and their Life is hid with Christ in God: " But when Christ, our Life, fhall appear, then fhall they alfo appear with him in glory."—Col. Hi. 4, 5. Alfo in the fame Vault are deposited the remains of ROSE, Relict of Richard Down, Esq re of Bartholomew Lane, Banker thro' faith in her Redeemer She departed in Peace Feb 24 th 1832 In her 7$ year. ( io8 ) Sacred to the Memory of* SARAH, the Beloved wife of Thomas Sheppard, of Folkington Place in the County of, Sussex, Esq re she departed this life in the 70 th year of her age. April 24 th 1845. Her remains repose in this Church Yard. 1 with those of her parents Richard and Rose Down, and her Memory is embalmed in the hearts of all who knew her by a long course of years in which as the most affectionate of wives and mothers she formed the comfort of a numerous circle of relatives and friends, " T h e Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away * Blessed be the name of the Lord."—Job i. 21. A-rms: Quarterly 1 and 4 azure on a chevron or three mullets gules between as many fleurs de lis of the 2nd ; 2 and 3 . . . a bend ermine between six estoiles. . . impaling gules a stag's head caboshed argent attired or, Down. ROBERT BROOKE OB July 11 th 1803 JEt 54. ( log ) To the Memory of re J O H N PORKER, Esq . th who died 18 December 1808 Aged 76 Years And of S A R A H P O R K E R his wife, Who died 31 st December 1808: Aged 65 years. Also of S O P H I A PORKER, Daughter of the above-named, who died 24 July 1793 ; Aged 17 years And of SARAH MARY A N N COOKSON, grand-Daughter of the said John and Sarah Porker, who died 26 th July 18O1 aged 9 years Also of J O H N PORKER, Esq only son of the above John and Sarah Porker, he departed triis life at Tunbridge Wells, Kent 3 rd of Feb? 1834 Aged 60. JOHN SLEATH, OB Oct^id*11 1774 iEtat 64. JAMES BROOKE^ OB Sep r 1781. JE 17. ROBERT OB BROOKE Nov 17— monumental inscriptions IN ST. JAMES'S CHURCHYARD, FRIERN BARNET. IN M. S. E D M DUNCON non ita pridem Huius Parochise Rector qui unimam Suam inspitanti reddidit An iEtat Suae septuagessimo secundo sal nostras ~ MDCLXXIII quarto oct Dormit in hoc tumulo fidelis Pallor Iesus Cuius Mors docuit Vivere Vita Mori Pofuit I.D Stand back I pray oh! doe not tread upon A tender Budd cropt off before well blowne ; Religion Beauty Works Peace Prudence, thofe And all thats good ; yea loue euen. unto Foes Hath florifht. in this late fweet wife of Rose Dec d 22, May 1668 : M* 27. Her Junior Brother as God would haue, Took place before her in this Graue 7 Feb. 1638 ; ^Ets 12. ( GEORGE III ) Earl of Gifford eldest son of the 8 th Marquis of Tweeddale, Born 26 th April 1822, Died 22 December 1862. this Stone is placed here By his wife Helen* in loving rememberance "Though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion, according to the multitude of His mercies."-—Lam. Jer. ch. 3 rd . v. 32 nd . " Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies, and the God of all comfort."—Cor, ch. i st . v. 3 rd . Baroness Dufiferin and Clandeboye, Countess of Gififord, Died 13th of June, 1867. This Stone is placed here by her Son, Frederick Temple, Earl of Dufferin. HELEN, T?js fiev yap qvbev akyos afyerai irore 7ioW(av be fi6)(6cov evKkerjs iirdvcreTO. a %& To the Memory of the HonBLE S Y D N E Y TEMPLE BLACKWOOD Born 20th May 1867 Died the same day. I 112 ) Here lyes y e Body of S r W I L L I A M OLDES, K T Gent , . . . . of y e Black Rod to her . . een Anne & to his . . . . Arms: Quarterly i and 4 . . . a lion sejant guardant . . . on a mount . . . 2 and 3 lozengy . . . and . . . Crest: A lion sejant guardant ppr supporting an antique shield . . charged with a fess . . . Here Lie the Remains of MR. THO S . GAMULL, Late of this Parifh, and of London, Citizen and Stationer, who departed this Life the 12th of January 1772. Aged 63. His executors in Gratitude to his Memory have caufed this Stone to be laid down , Here Lyes the Remains of M rs E L E A N O R EDWARDS, a .Relation of the above. Mr Tho s Gamull, who died Nov r 17th 1774 Aged 74. Here Also Refts the Body of her son r W I L L M EDWARDS, Who Died Nov 29, 1775 Aged 41. ( "3 ) To the Memory of GEORGE VINCENT, Esq late of this Parish who departed this life May 3 r d 1757, iEtat 67. Alfo A N N V I N C E N T , Wife of the above who Died Sep 21 1752, JEm 56. Alfo of E L I Z A B E T H , their Daughter who Died Here lies Interred the Body of Mr EDWARD WILLIAMS, late of Fleet Market Citizen and Tallow Chandler of London, who Departed this life the 6 th day of October 1769, aged 56 years. Who by his laft will and teftament Left and Bequeathed, the Residue ,of His Estate to the Govenours and, Directors of the British Charity School on Clerkenwell Green, to be appropriated to the benefit and use thereof as a grateful Testimony of his having Received his education in the said school. I ( IH ) Here lyeth Interred the Body of KATHARIN JOHNSON, late Daughter of Rich d Johnson, Esq of Whitftone, who Departed This life the 9 th of October 1727 Aged 34 years. Alfo the Body of the Above faid RICHARD JOHNSON, who Departed this life the 22 d of December 1730 Aged 69 years. And also the Body of JOHN JOHNSON Esq: son of the Above Richard, who Departed This life the 8 th of June 1739. Aged 43 years. ( "5 ) Here lyes Interr'd the Body of HANNAH KELSALL, the Wife of Richard Kelsall, of the Society of Cliffords Inn. London Gen* : She Died the 17th day of May 1780 in the 58 Year of her Age. Alfo the Body of the above named T RICHARD K E L S A L L , Gen . th Who died 15 October 1787 Aged 69 Years. To the Memory of L E E , Gent late of Furnivals Inn, died June 7 th 1787 Aged 24 Years. To the Memory of GEORGE M rs S A R A H L E E , late of Hampstead in the County of Middlesex Mother of George Lee, herein intered who died the 25 th of May 1803, in the 68 year of her age. T o the Memory of Mrs SUSSANNA L E E , Wife of George Lee, Died 30 Nov 1808 aged 42. ( n6 ) To the Memory of M r WILLIAM GARDNER, who departed this life the i8 t b of April 1743 aged 76 years Also here lies the body of M rs A N N GARDNER, his Wife, who departed this life y e 7th of October 1744, Aged 46 years. All you that now do here Pafs by, As you are now fo once was I, And as I am, fo muft you be, Therefore Prepare, to Follow me. Here Lyeth Interred the Body of ; Yeoman, late of this Parifh, who Departed this life Sept r the 25 th 1722 : Aged 64; years. Here Alfo was Interred the Body of S A R A H D O V E : Wife of the above-mentioned John Dove : She departed , this Life Novr. 12. 1727, Aged 72 Years. IOHN DOVE ( "7 ) Here lies the Body of Mr JONATHAN DICK, late of Brooks Market in the Parifh of ST Andrews Holborn, Butcher who Departed this Life the 16th day of January 1747 Aged 45 Years. Alfo JONATHAN MILLBORN, Nephew of the above Jonathan Dick, Died July 8 th 1757 Aged 15 years' Mr. J O H N MILLBORN, Late of the Parifh of ST Pancras. Died Sep1* 28 th 1766 Aged 57. Daughter of the abdve John Millborn, Died.Sep r 9 th 1775 Aged 38. ELIZABETH S H E R R I N , also E L I Z A B E T H MARY S H E R R I N , Daughter of the above Elizabeth Sherrin, died May 13 179 . Aged 22 Years. Alfo of Mrs Elizabeth Millborn who died December the 3, 1793 Aged 80 years. Alfo M r T H O M A S S H E R R I N , Husband of the above Elizabeth Sherrin, of ST Andrews Holborn died Jan^ 5fch 1801, Aged j6 Years. Mrs SUSSAN MILLBORN, died May 1807 Aged 70 Years, ( "8 ) Here Lyeth Interred the Body of A N N WOMBWELL, Wife of George Wombwell, Esq r6 of London and Daughter of John Nottingham, Esq re of Fryern Barnet who died May 2, 1758 Aged 34 Years and alfo the Body of the aforsaid J O H N N O T T I N G H A M , who died April 24, 1763 Aged 78 Years and alfo the Body of the aforsaid GEORGE W O M B W E L L who died Oct1' 8 th 1763 Aged 61 years Armsi [Gules] a bend between six unicorns' heads erased [argent] on an escocheon of pretence . . . a fess . . . between three pheons. Here lyeth the Body of S T E P H E N PALMER, son of Thomas Palmer, of the Fleet Market London Butcher, wlio departed this Life the 30th* of January 1758 Aged 22 Years. Alfo the Body of T H O M A S PALMER, of the above Named Stephen Palmer, late of the said Market Butcher who departed this life the 30 t h January 1758 aged 22 Years, also ,( ii 9 ) , Sacred to the Memory of r J O H N PASLEY, Esq late of Colney Hatch in this Parish, who died 18 th October 1804 Aged 75 Years. In Memory of J O H N PASLEY, ES(* Formerly Captain in Her Majestys Army, Nephew of the late John Pasley, Esq. of Colney Hatch, Obiit April 15th 1858, MT Sua? 62. ( 120 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mr WILLIAM STEERE, of Kingfield in the County of B , . . Late Steward to the Hon M r Boscawen, who Departed this Life July 23 rd 1779 Aged 44. Here lyeth the Body of Mr T H O M A S PARR, many Years a Goldsmith of Cheapfide London!, * He died the 29 th of June 1780, Aged 70 Years. Alfo the Body of th MARY his Wife, who died the 9 of r Dec 1774 Aged 70 Years. In Memory of the Rev d . Mr J O H N GRAHAM, 47 years Rector of y s Parifh who departed this Life April 2d 1772 Aged 74. Alfo E L I Z A B E T H Wife of the faid Rev d . M r John Graham, who died May the 29 th 1769 Aged 57 years. ( 121 ) Here lies ye Body of M r THO* B R E T T O N , Wine Cooper & Citizen , of London who died'July y e Stl1 1714 Aged 63 Years. also FRANCES BRETTON, his Widow who died the 22. December 1742 Aged 68 Years Also SUSANNA CREWYS, Widow of Samuel Crewys, E sq Councellor at Law, who was Buried near this Tomb the 22 of March 17^46 Aged 62 Years, daughter of the faid Thomas & , Frances, who died the 14th June 1756. Aged 59 years. also several Children Arms /Quarterly [argent] and [gules] in first quarter a mullet [sable], impaling . . . a chevron engrailed between three lions' gambs erased and erect . . , Crest: A demi talbot [gules] eared, collared, and lined [or], holding in his feet the line coiled up. In Memory of wife of John Oliver, who died Feb y . 7. 1791 Aged 66 years. In Memory of MARY JOHN OLIVER, Who died January 7 1806 . Aged 76 years. ( 122 ) Here lyeth the Body of M r W I L L I A M GOAD, late of this Parish Who departed this Life the 14th of July 1793, Aged 62 Years. Alfo M rs D A R L I N G GOAD, Wife of the abovesaid Who departed this Life the 27 th of February 1811, Aged 60 Years. Alfo Miss MARY GOAD, Daughter of the above Who departed this Life the 2 nd of May 1814, Aged 37 Years. Here Lyeth the Body of Wife of William Beatty, she Departed this Life October the 11. 1725 aged 46 years Here Alfo Lyeth the Body of the above named WILLIAM BEATTY, Who Dyed y e 20. of O c t 1752 Aged 82 Years Also the Body of M r WM BEATTY, Son of the above William and Mary Beatty who Departed this life March 30 th 1778 Aged 61. MARY ( 123 ) Esq re of Friern House; Departed this Life Feb* 26 th 1816, Aged 78. , in Memory of Major FRANCIS D ' A R C Y BACON, second son of the above John Bacon, Esq re $nd of Mary his wife daughter of John Linnell, Esq. who departed this life Dec r 2 nd 1842 Aged 64. and whose remains are interred at ST Mary's Lambeth. J O H N BACON, •J* Here rests the body of the Reverend ABEL LENDON, M.A for Seven years Curate And thirty one years the Rector of this Parish ffe died on the 4 t h day of August 1846, Aged seventy five years Also of Sibylla, his wife She died on the 27 th day of November 1847. M. E Thanks be to God. 1 Cor. 15. 37. ( 124 ) In Memory of the Revd GEORGE HODGSON T H O M P S O N , Rector of this Parish Died May 8 th 1850, in the 56 year of his Age In Memory of GEORGE HODGSON, eldest son of the late Rev d George Hodgson Thompson Rector of Friern Barnet, Died 1 Sep r 1853, Aged 24. . The Grave of SOPHY BOYCE. Davghter of The Rev d Thomas Boyce Rector of Waldingfield Svffolk Born there May XV MDCCXCII Died at Finchley, Febrvary 1. MDCCCXXIV M.A. ( 125 ) Sacred to the Memory of M A R I A SPICER, Wife of M Thomas Spicer, of this Parish who died February 24 th 1820 Aged 27 years r How blessed the place of that abode, -Where Saints and Angels dwell with God; Where God the great Redeemer's grace, Creates a Heav'n thro all the place. Dear Lord vouchsafe to me to know, A little of that Heav'n below, For joys resembling them above. On earth are tasted in thy love O how delightful then the place Where thou art seen and face to face; No other Heav'n we wish or own For thou art Heav'n and thou alone. Mr THOMAS SPICER Hufband of the above Departed this life April 15 th 1822 Aged 32 years. ( 126 ) In Memory of JOHN VAUX, who died November 2 nd 1823, in the 70 th year of his Age. He was 39 years Parish Clerk of this Parish. Also MABELLA V A U X , wife of the above, who died October 29 th 1786 Aged 23 years. Affliction sore long time I bore, Doctors skill was all in vain ; Till God did please to give me ease, And rid me of my pain also of MARGARET VAUX, Daughter of the above who departed this life 8 th June 1855, Aged 73. Here lies the Body of JAMES W A L L I S , Forty years the faithful Servant as groom and coachman to T. Longman, Esq of Hampstead and buried near his Masters family vault at his own particular request Died November 15 th 1838 Aged 66 years. ( 127 ) Sacred to the Memory of Rev HENRY FILTNESS, M.A. Obiit 19th January 1835. iEtat 34 years Also H E S T E R F R A N C I S PRICE, niece of the above Obiit 22 January 1835, y£tat 8 months Also M rs H E S T E R H O R N , Relict of the above, and wife of Mr Thomas Horn, of Curson Street, May-Fair London and Formerly of this Parish Obiit 20 th October 1847 iEtat 42 years Through her long but patiently endured sufferings she prayed to her Redeemer for a pafsport1 to a better world!« Twas given—and Her rejoiceing Soul left those she loved on earth to enter into the peace and glory prepared for Her in the Mansions of Her Heavenly Father. Here Lyeth the Body of JOHN CORDWELL, Late of this Parifh who Departed this. Life April 10th 17s5 Aged 64. He was Carpenter to the Hon1 City of London 35 Years. C 128 ) »>acreti to tlje Si^emorp of WILLIAM DERMER, M.D., th Born 12 December 1802 Died 5 th August 1870 " Looking unto Jesus." 3|n iotitng: Remembrance of C A T H A R I N E DERMER, Wife of WILLIAM DERMER, M.D. Born 29 th June 1793 Died 20th February 1866 In Hope of Eternal life. In Memory of Mifs SUSANNAH LANGSTON, Who died July 30 th 1771 In the 22 nd Year of her Age 7 Days after her Sifter M rs HANNAH CHAMBERS, The Soul of our Sifter is gone To heighten the Triumph above Exalted to Jesus's Throne And clafped in trie Arms of his Love. Here lyeth ye Body of J A N E SOMERVELL, Sp? who Departed this Life the 11 t h of Feb y 1730. Monumental 3[nscrtption0 IN ALL SAINTS CHURCH, EDMONTON. Here Lyeth REBECKA MYDDLETON Grand-child Of S r Hugh Myddleton, laTS of Lond: K T & Baronett Being youngest Davghter of Symon Myddleton, of Lond : Esq wdh He had by His wife Mary : who de parted this Life y e 6 th of FBR 1650, being aged Eayght monethes. MARY the VIth Davghter and XII Childe of Hugh Middleton, Citizen and Goldsmith of London Resteth underneath this Stone waiting the Resvr rection of the lust She Died . . Avguste Beinge . . . . 16 . . K ( 130 ) Here lye Interred the Body of SARAH ANDREW the only Daughter of Richard Andrew and Ann his Wife Late of London Who Departed this life on the 2 nd Day of Aprill in the fifteenth year of her Age and was Buried on the 10th of the Same month Anno Dom 1691. Here also lyes the Body of A N N the Wife of Richard Andrew, whoe Departed this Life y e 27 th of November 1704 in y e 74 year of her Age. l&rap for tlje ssotoltyg of 3|ofm #lpl)£tt & (BMvtv agkrtoe attli Clfjatatf) tie Mitt of tfjem bot$e for t|je 0otollg0 arm ail mtyn a pat nott & at* ( i3i ) Here lyes interred y e Bodys of E L I Z A B E T H IANE, late wife of John Lane, Marchant in London,,who departed this life y e 16 day of Jvne 1696, and Also of H E Z £ K I A H M Y D D L E T O N , late of London March*who departed this life y e 5 th Day of May 1688, being both Davghter and Son To Simon Myddleton, Esq1* late of Hackney in the County of Myddlesex She leaving Issue one Son. Arms: Argentina pile vert three wolves' heads erased of the field Crest: A dexter hand pp. issuing from a ducal coronet or. Under the hope of the Resurection, Here lieth the body of MARY MlDDLETON, the second Wife of Simon Middleton, of Pavis Yard,, Lon Draper, whoe had eight Children by her the said Mary, who was the Davghter of John Soames, of Burnham Market, in the County of Norfolke, Esq. she departed this life vppon y e 25 th of Novem. 1656. ( Sir 132 ) F E L I X FEAST, Knt one of the Govenours of the hospitals of Bethlem . Bridwell . and ST JBartholomeus, and Sheriff of the City of London and County of Middlesex, departed this life February y e XXIV. MDCCXXIII in the 58 Year of his age Arms: Azure a dexter hand couped at the wrist and clenched in pale argent, on an escutcheon of pretence ; on a fess between three griffins' heads erased as many mullets. Crest: Out of a ducal coronet an eagle displayed crowned. M A R Y CARTER Died June 27 th 1771 Aged 71 Here let me ly in sleep profound, Till the last Trumpet's awful Sound. Awake ye dead & come to judgment. JOHN CARTER, Husband of the above Mary Carter, Died March 28 th 1781 Aged 77. Now my allies are with thee join'd Oh! let me converse with thy Mind. ( 133 ) Hie Juxta Siti JASPERvs DRAPER Armiger, Civitatis Londiniensis quonda Aidermannus ex antiqua Familia in Middlesexia oriundus vir eximia Pietate Charitateq ornatus. Et A N N A vnica Coniux Filia Richardi Rogers Edelmetonise, Armi Quae post Felix Connubin Vltra Quinguage nos annos XXIX. Septembris, anno iEtatis LXXI. Et humanse salutis reparatse CIOIDCLII pie Decessit. Superstite Marito Qui aetate fere LXXXV. Annoru prdnectus XXIII. Novembris, Anno Dni. MDCLVII. Morti occubuit Resurectionem felicem Expectans ( 134 ) In hope of a Blessed Resurection Near this Place are deposited the Mortal Remains of MBS ELIZABETH W A R R E N , Second daughter of D. W. Steers of Nightingale Hall in this Parish Who exchanged this Life for a Better The 14 day of July in the year of our Lord 1771, Aged 26 years. During which fhort space fhe had discharged In a exemplary manner The feveral important duties Of an obedient child, an affectionate Wife and Most tender Mother And having attain'd the highest Degree Of earthly Perfection, By the Constant Practise of every Virtue Which adorns a Christian. Heaven! To Reward fuch Excellence Spared her the Severe Tryal of a Tedious parting From those fhe dearly loved And fnatched her in a moment To Eternity! Call round her Tomb each Object of Desire Each purer Frame, inform'd with purer Fire. Bid her be all that cheers or foftens Life, The tender Sifter, Daughter, Friend and Wife. Bid her be all that makes Mankind adore, Then view this Marble and be vain no more. POPE. ( 135 ) Hie Alma capit Terra Mater In Tumulo juxta suppofito Sibi suifque proprio. Cineres nondum Coelo debitos Tandem autem revicturos, FRANCISCI C H A P L I N Gen. Qui vitse plenus morti lubens occubuh: Anno setatis LXXIV Salutis Humanse MDCCXX. Si Terra negatur, Infonti Ccelum patet Quaerite Pofteri. Hoc pietatis opus, in qua nihil fecit novi Largitur imo etiam reditibus Annuis Huic Parochise, in nunc ufum primo datis In Secula ventura reficiendum curavit, Filius Unicus Francifcus Chaplin Gen 1726 ELIZABETHAM C H A P L I N Uxorem Franciseum Chaplain Filium Post Annos triginta Ejusdem Tumuli Consortes Pater habet ( 136 ) Here lye Inter'd The Body of MR JAMES BOYTE, Citizen and Pinmaker, Of London, Who departed this life the 28 th of March 1749 Aged 34 Years. Here also lyeth the Body of Mr R O B E R T RAY, late of S* Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London, Nephew of the above, Who died Feb y 3, 1776, Aged 17 Years. Here Vnder this Place are interred the Bodyes of E D W A R D ROGERS, of Edmonton Esq & LYDIA his Wife and also the body of R I C H A R D ROGERS, Esq. their Eldeft Sonne, The said Richard surviveing his Father about Six monthes Departed this life the 13 day of November 1661 Arms; Or a less wavy between three bucks trippant sable. ( 137 ), Neare to this Place Lyeth interred y e body of J O H N DENT of Thornebery in the County of Glocester, Esq sonne of John Dent and Katherine y e 5 th Daugh*. of George Huxley, of Edmonton, Esq deceased. He married Sarah y e daughter of Richard ELochdale, Citizen & Brewer of London, Esq by whom hee had one only daught r Sarah. He died y e 14 day of May, 1659, *n y e 2%th y e a r °f his age. , Arms: Sable a fesse dancett6e argent in chief three escallops or, impaling sable three lozenges between two bars gemelles argent, Rochdale. Here lyeth the Body of JOHN W A R R E N , Son of Richard Warren, of this Parish, Butcher, Who departed this life Feb y . y e 13 th A D 1728. Aged 22 years. only Daughter of William and Margaret Henvell, Who departed this Life the 2Ild of July 1694 Aged . i . Years and 3 Months. MARGARET H E N V E L L , ( 138 ) #Ucolag ISoone* (Kltjaftetfj :Z5oone+ flDf aettjc toe Sate tagtpii tlje mortall rage, jjJoto Ipftiff hotfje to p&ore oniw tljpg sstone* Cfjat gomtgme Mm fenptt ftp bona of mariage, for terme of Ipfe ttoo botipeg trt one* 'iXfiecefore poti peple to 506 fn throne, $rap ftome tlje one bofcp rtoo foutyg procetie, C&etoljfcljem one copanp to fietigne map gone, C&at tepotall martage etierlatfyng Cuccetie* Here lyeth the Body of S r NICHOLAS BURLER, K nt of this Parish e Dyed June y 8 th 1700, In the 71 year of His age. And also y e Body of Dame JANE, His wife who Departed this Life 27 day of April 1707 aged 67. Arms: A chevron between three covered cups, impaling . on a cross . . . five pheons . . . a chief . . . Crest: A covered cup . . . ( GEORGIVS H V X L E Y , 139 ) de Wyre-Hall in Agro Middlsx Armig : pie decessit XXX die April: A 0 Salvtis MDCXXVII i E t a t : LXVI, svperstite Conivge Catharina (Dno Roberto Nedham Vicecomiti Kilmorrey Denvo nvpta) qvae Biennio post Diem svum Obijt: O p t t : parentib : Hie Conditis Iohannes Hvxley, Fil. Et Hseres, Memorise ergo. p. Arms: i. Ermine on a bend cotised gules three crescents or, a mullet for difference. 2. The same arms impaling vert on a chevron between three stags trippant or, as many trefoils slipped gules, Robinson. Here lyeth Bvried MARYE H V X L E Y Davghter to George and Katheren Hvxley, who departed this life the XXI of October 1613 Here lyeth Inter'd M rs HONE HUXLEY who died June 15 th 1762 ( 140 ) M. S. lOHANNES HVXLEY De Wyer Hall, in Agro Midd*. Armiger, Illibatae Fidei et singvlaris Modestise Titvlis Meritissime Insignis Annorvm Satur et Ccelo Maturus Candidissimam Animam Deo Reddidet Septembris 29, Anno 1661, ^Etatis 65. Elizabetha Conivx Mosis Tryon in Com : North : Armig Filia Quae pridem Dilectissim'i Mariti nomen Nvmerosa Sobole Posteritati Commendaverat Illi hoc insvper Marmore (Cvi et Ipsa olim Subjiciendam se gestit) Consvltum Volvit. Here lyeth interred the Body,of A N N E HUXLEY, 3 rd daughter of George Huxley, of Edmonton* in the County of Midd. Esquire. who departed this mortal life Seavententh day of March, in the year of our Lord God, 1653- ( 141 ) In a Vault under this Inscription lies inter'd ELIZABETH, The eldest daughter of John Huxley, late of Wyer Hall, Esq. and wife of Samuel Tatem, of London, Merchant, by whom she had issue eleven children, three of which are deposited in the same Vault, and eight survived her. She constantly Practized the Virtues of a well-spent Life, in her Duty to God, her affection to her husband and a tender care to her Children This life she exchanged for a better, the 4 t h day of April, Anno Domini 1730, in the 47 th year of her ageTo the Memory of her so dear to him when living, her Husband has caus'd this Monument to be erected. Also In the same Vault are Interred the Remains of the above SAMUEL TATEM, Esquire, who died the 29 th day of December, Anno Domini 1756 in the 82 nd year of his Age. ( i42 ; In a vault near this spot are interred the remains of THOMAS T A T E M , Esq r who died x x m January, MDCCXLVIIL aged xXXlll years. J O S E P H TATEM, Esq r . who died x x i x . of Dec1' MDCCLXIX aged LXI years. ELIZABETH TATEM, who died vni. of April, MDCCLXXXV. aged LXIX. years. and MARY T A T E M , who died n . of April MDCCXCII. aged LXXIV years To whose Memory and that of J O H N TATEM, the Esq who died at Chester, aged years and SAMUEL TATEM, the aged Esq. who died years This Monument is erected as a tribute of fraternal affection ( 143 ) By the desire of George Tatem, Esq., late of St. George's, Bloomsbury, who at an early age was appointed, and for many years resided His Majesty's consul general in the Island of Sicily. Whence returning to his native Country, He was elected a director of the Honourable united East India Company, the duties of which station He fulfiird with ability, diligence and fidelity, upwards of XXX. years. He died the XXV. July, MDCCCVII. in the LXXXVI. year of his age. Here lyes the Body of Coll: T H O M A S SANDIFORD, of the Island of Barbadoes who Dyed y e 7 of June 1712 Aged 36 years. ( 144 To the Memory of MES ) SARAH HVXLEY, the last surviving Daughter of Thomas Hvxley, Esq r of Wyer Hall, Who departed this life on the 6 th of May 1801, Aged 73. Whilst living she was a Benefactress to the poor and at her decease bequeathed the following Charitable Legacies. Viz: To the Charity Schools, in the Parish of ST Sepulchre, Commonly call'd the Ladies Charity School 50 O o To the poor of the Parish of Edmonton ... 1000 o To the Fifteen Aims-Houses, called Styles & Latimer 1,000 o o To the Girls Charity Schools, in the Parish of Edmonton ... ... ... 200 o o Also lies interred the Body of the aforsaid THOMAS H U X L E Y , who died the 18 th of June 1743. Also MELIORA SHAW eldest daughter of the aforsaid Thomas Huxley, Who died on the 12th of April 1788, ( 145 ) Here lieth the remains of M rs MARY HOLMES, Wife of M r Joseph Holmes, of Bury Street, Edmonton, who departed this life the 11 th of December 1787, Aged 42 Years. also of the above named M r J O S E P H HOLMES, who died August the I st 1813, aged 72 years. Esqr late of Haughton Hall near Shiffnell, Shropshire Died April I st 1778, Aged 20 years. H E N R Y THOMASON, MARTHA WARREN, entered Immortality June 6 th 1798 in her 56 year. Arms: Sable a, fess chequy or and gules between three talbots ppr., impaling azure a chevron ermine between three arrows-$r on a chief of the last three birds sable on a canton gules' a mullet or.—Dawson, L ( H6 ) Under this Marble lies interr'd the Remains of M rs HARDY, SUSANNA MARGARET wife of John Oakes Hardy, Esq r Captain in the Royal Navy ; and Daughter of Peter Middleton, Esq r M.D., of New York Who departed this life the 20 th day of December, 1791 Aged 22 years and five months Here lies entombed a dear lamented wife, Early in bloom of youth depriv'd of Life, Whose mind of every Virtue was possessed, That fondest wish could frame to make him bless'd ( 147 ) Who was her husband thus essays To give departed worth deserved praise. Taught with each charm to captivate the heart Or soothe life's sorrows or its joys impart; By deep decline consumed, alas !. she fell, Her friends' and husband's grief these faintly tell In silence left to mourn and vent their woe, As deepest streams' least murmur when they flow. Calm she resign'd to Him that soul He gave, Whose dread command shall raise her from the grave To life we humbly hope on that blest shore, Where sickness, pain, or death afflict no more. Here lyeth the Body of M rs DAMARIS G R I N L Y late Wife r of M William Grinly, Citizen of London who departed this life y e 2 nd of October 1726 Aged 40 Years. A loving Faithful Wife .... Unto her Hufband Dear She also good to all about her. L 2 ( i4«. ) In the family Vault the north aisle under the organ gallery, is interred the body of S A R A H the beloved Wife v of Edward Walbancke, she died September 27th 1778, in the 42 nd year of her age after bearing with great fortitude and resignation a long indisposition. She followed virtue as her truest guide, lived like a Christian, like a Christian died. This monument was erected by her affectionate hiisband, To commemorate the virtues of a loving wife, a tender mother a faithful friend. In the same vault are deposited the remains of Mr EDWARD WALBANCKE Who departed this life the 25 th of February 1784 Aged 51 years. Also, of W I L L I A M WALBANCKE, son of Edward and Sarah Who died 31 of March 1791, aged 19 years, and six other children of the said Edward and Sarah who died in infancy. st Arms: Gules a fesse embattled argent, in chief two saltires, and in base a garb or, impaling argent a cross engrailed gtftes over all a bend or. ( 149 ) Here lieth Interred the Body of M r T H O M A S FOSSICK, Who Departed this life Feb* 14th 1767, Aged 50 years. Also the Body of rs M MARY FOSSICK, Relict of the r above M . Thbmas Fossick, Who Departed this Life the 7 t h January 1780. ( ISO ) Here lieth y e Body of Mr 6 th R O B E R T W I L K I N S, Late of Brackley in Northampton Shire who departed this Life Feb y e 1712 In the 45 t h Year of his Age, Here lyeth the Body of T R I P H E N A daughter of Peter & Triphena Monger, who Deceased August 26 th 1707 Aged 3 years & 7 Months. Mr R I C H A R D WASHBOURNE, Died y e 27 th of October 1731. Aged 65 years. Mr GOODWIN WASHBOURNE, Died y e 15 th of December 1741 Aged 63 years. DOROTHY RICHARDS only Daughter of , John Richards, Esq. late of this Parish Deceafed and Dorothy his Wife Departed this life y e 17 of May 1748 in the ,13th year of her Age. ( i5i ) W I L L I A M GOULD, Esq Citizen & Merchant of London Died the 12th of*April 1733 Aged 65 years. ELIZABETH GOULD daughter of y e abovefaid W m Gould, Esq Ob* April 20 th 1766 iEtat 67 JAS GOULD, Esq son of W m Gould, Esq of Fords Grove, In this Parish, Died the 8 th of February 1767 Aged 67. Also T H O S TESHMAKER, Esq of Fords Grove, Nephew and Heir of James Gould, Esq. Died 9 t h of November 1771* .. Aged 34. Arms: changed boshed. Crest: Per saltire [azure] and [or] a lion rampant counterimpaling three coats, viz :—1. Three bulls' heads ca2. An eagle displayed. 3. Three bars and a canton. * A demi-lion rampant bezantee. the Wife of Jarles Molly, Esq Departed this life Jan y . 3rd 1758, in y e 57 th year of her age. SARAH Here lyeth the Body of JOHN STAFFORD, Esq late of this Parish who departed this life, March 14th, 1721. in the 59 th Year of his Age. Arms: [Or] a chevron [gules], impaling a chevron between three stag's heads caboshed. Crest: On a ducal coronet [per pale sable and gules] a swan rising [argent] beaked [sable]. ( 152 ) Here Lyeth the Body of Mr JEREMIAH DUFFKIN, late of this Parish, Yeoman who departed this life Aug. y e 8 th 1751, Aged 56 Years. Also the Body of his wife Who departed this life July 9 t h 1772, Aged T2 Years. ELIZABETH Also the Remains of M rs ELIZABETH P L A T T , late Wife of Mr Samuel Platt of this Parish, Yeoman, who departed this Life the 16th day of February, 1791, in the 48 t h year. of her age also the Body of M r SAMUEL PLATT, husband to the above said Elizabeth , Platt departed this life Nov r 30 th 1791, aged 54 years Also the Remains of Miss C H A R L O T T E COBBETT, Eldest Daughter of M r . William and Sarah Cobbett, of this Parish who departed this Life the 18 th day of August, 1803, Aged 13 years. ( iS3 ) Underneath this stone are deposited the Remains of P E T E R ROBERTS, Esq. and SUSANNA his Wife both of this Parish. He died y e 4*h of Dec r , 1773, Aged 79 She died y e 19th of Dee r 1772 Aged 72 Also of Mrs SUSANNA ROBINSON, Relict of Tho s Robinson, and Daughter of the above She died Nov r 17th, 1798, Aged 66 years. A N N the Wife of John Blackburn, Escj Died June 26 th 1786, aged 44 years. J O H N BLACKBURN, Esq th Died October 12 1798, aged 6y years. Here lyeth y e body of M rs MARY FIELD, Wife of M r John Field, late of this Parish, Butcher Who died y e 28 th of January 175 Aged 62 years. ( 154 ) Near this Place lies buried the Body of THOMAS MAULE, Esq Who was born at- Dublin, in the year 1645 And was the fifth Son of Thomas Maule, Esq Surveyor General of His Majesty's Customs in the Kingdom of Ireland. He passed through many Stations of Note which he discharged with Credit and Fidelity and had the general esteem of all that knew him Some Years before his death he retired from Court to this Place to spend the Remainder of his days in the constant and devout exercise of Religious Duties His Piety to God was ever accompanied with a very extensive Charity to the poor while he lived besides what he gave to pious and Charitable uses when he died To all his Relations he was most kind and bountiful and being never married distributed his whole fortune among them at his Death, he died February 8 th 1714. In the 70 th year of his age, The Righteous shall be had in everlasting Rememberance.—Psalm 112th 6 Verse. ( iS5 ) In a Brick Grave underneath this stone Lieth the Body of WILLIAM YATES, Esq Who Died December the 25 th 1787 Aged 58 Years: also The Body of Mifs S A R A H Y A T E S Daughter of the above W. Yates, Esq Who departed this life Feb 6 th 1788 in the 17th year of her Age. Alfo M rs E L I Z Y A T E S Wife of the Above Will Yates, Esq died Sep I st 1796, Aged 59 Years. (Alfo) the Body of Mrs E L I Z F I S H , Daughter of the above M r William and Eliz h Yates, died August 25 th 1797 Aged 34 Years. In this Vault , Are deposited the Remains of P E T E R A L F R E D COMPTON, Esquire Late of His Majesty's Treasury He was born at Thackelstone Hall in the County of Norfolk on the 22 nd July 1789 And late of Clifton Gloucestershire He departed this life on the 15 th of January 1827 A t His residence Alderbury House, Cheshunt Hertfordshire, ( ±56 ) Here lyes Interr'd y e Body of JOSHUA GALLIARD Late of this Parish Esq re Who departed this Life the 22 nd of November 1700 In y e 72 Year of his Age He married Anna one of y e Daughters of William Wakefield Late of this Parish,- Esq By whom He had Ifsue, Anna Who Married Sir Peirce Butler of Garyhundon in y e County of Carlow In y e Kingdom of Ireland Bart. & Alfo JoSHtrA that married Elizabeth one of y e Daughters of Iohn Bradshaw, Esq of Brampton in y e County of York, Esq Who dyed y e 10th of October, 1716, Jn y e 36 th year of her age And also lyes here Interred. Sacred to the Memory of MTS CHARLOTTE SARAH HEATH, of Clapham Surrey, Who died April 3 rd 1823 Aged 56 years. ( J57 ) Near this Place lie the Remains of M r T H O M A S MAYNARD, late Citizen of London, who departed this life February 13 th 1,770, in the 48 th year of his age., He was a good Christian A Tender Husband A Kind Father, and A Sincere Friend His disconsolate WidowOrdered this Monument to be erected to The Memory of the best of Husbands. Also the Body of FRANCES the Wife of the above Thomas Maynard, Who died Jan 1793 Aged 70 years. Sacred to the Memory of SUSANNA HODGSON, Wife of William Hodgson, Esq who departed this life * -6n the 24 th of August, 1810 In the 47 th year of her age. ( 158 ) Cvrsvm consvm . . . . Die . . . . vtvam Illvd bonv certamen eertaminvs Reliqva reposita est nobis vos, Lectoris illvd idem agite Sacite Here lyeth bvried the bodies of E D W A R D NOWELL, the sonne of Henry the sonne of Charles the fovrth sonne of Roger Nowell, of Little Merley in the Covnty of Lane : Esqvire and MARY his wife the davghter of William Isham of Ilbrvers In the Covnty of Somersett Esqvire they had issve three sonnes and one davghter viz Henrye Isham Edward and Katherine svrvive this 1616 and EDWARD MARY HENRY dyed, the rest dyed the 18 daye of November dyed the 25. of Febrvary 1600 ( iS9 ) In Memory of Esq re Who departed this life on the . 16th day of April 1790 And of A N N his Widow Who died on the 31 st of March 1796 In humble hope of a blessed ressurection through the mediation and atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ This Tablet is erected by their Daughter ' Sarah Salmon In grateful and affectionate renremberance Bury Farm 1825. Edmonton. J O S E P H SALMON Arms: Three salmons haurient ppr. impaling a chevron between three trees eradicated. In Memory of FOUNTAIN ELWIN, Formerly of this Parish and late of Dulwich, in the County of Surrey ; Who died January 25 th 1833 Aged 95 years. and of ANNE MARIA, His Wife Who died November 12th 1810 aged S3 years This Tablet is here placed by Their Five " surviving children. ( i6p ) To the Memory of DAWSON W A R R E N , M.A. Forty three years Vicar of this Parish who after faithfully preaching the Gospel and adorning it by a devout and holy life by a paternal attention to the wants of his flock Especially the charitable instruction of the Young and by kindness, meekness and courteousness toward all entered into his rest on the 17th day of February, 1838, In the Sixty ninth year of his age This Monument was erected by his grateful Parishioners as a token of affectionate regard Remember them who have the rule over you who have spoken to you the words of God, whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation Jesus Christ The same yesterday to day and for ever. Arms: Ermine a fess chequy or and azure between three talbots passant sable. Crest: A demi-greyhound rampant ermine gorged with a collar chequy or and azure. Motto: Curre ut vincas. ( i6i ) In Memory of The Rev T H O M A S T A T E , M.A. Fdur years curate and nearly Twenty years Vicar of this Parish Having succeeded his father the Rev d Canon Tate, He sincerely loved and zealously preached The Gospel of Christ This Tablet is erected By his Parishioners as an affectionate token of their sincere esteem and regard and in remembrance of his warm hearted benevolence and the many other excellent qualities, of heart and mind by which he was distinguished. He departed this life on the 21 st of Jaunary 1863 in the Sixtieth year of his age. His remains are interred in the family vault in the Church Yard. Arms; Ermine three roses gules. Crest: A demi-lion rampant holding in dexter paw a sword erect. Motto : Non nobis nascimur. M ( 162 ) To the beloved Memory of DAWSON CAMPBELL, Who fell asleep in Jesus March the 4 th 1844, Aged 37 years. Called to the Knowledge of God exercised in his Holy Word rich in simple faith Adorned with love to God and man and rejoicing in the justifying righteousness of Christ at a sudden summons he entered into rest. Arms: Gyronny of eight or and sable, on an escocheon of pretence argent a civic crown or wreath of oak acorned ppr. on a chief azure a serpent nowed or and a dove of the field respecting ' each other.—Sutton. Motto: Ne obliviscaris. Sacred to the beloved memory of E L I Z A B E T H MARY, the affectionate wife of M r William Cobbett, who departed this life on the 12th of February 1848 ^Etat 58 years She opened her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue was the law of kindness her husband and her children arise and call her blessed.—Proverbs ch xxxi ver 26 for Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.—Rev. chap xiv ver 13. ( 163 ) In memory of the Rev JAMES T A T E , M.A. Formerly Fellow of Sidney Sussex College Cambridge and for XXXVI years of preeminent success, the learned master of Richmond School, Yorkshire, H e was appointed A.D. MDCCCXXXUI canon residentiary of the.Cathedral Church of S* Pauls, London, and became Vicar of this Parish A.D> MDCCCXXXVIII. His mind was vigorous, discriminating, and ingenioiis his discourse eloquent, his knowledge rich and exact, with simplicity, cheerfulness, and winning courtesy, and with a temper naturally generous and humane, in him were combined the higher graces of christian faith, he was humble, patient, and charitable towards all men. after long and well merited distinction as a scholar, his later years were devoted, amid congenial friendships with a Godly Jealousy alike of profaneness and superstition to the Illustration and defence of Gospel truth. Born at Richmond June XI. A.D. MDCCLXXI he died at Clifton, near Bristol, Sep II. A.D. MDCCCXLIII. and was interred in the Vaults of S* Pauls Cathedral, this monument was erected by his sons James and Thomas his successors respectively at Richmond and Edmonton. M 2 • ( 164 ) Sacred to the Memory of R O B E R T W I L L I A M EASTWICK, Esq. of 39 Thurloe Square London. Whose remains are interred opposite the South Door of this Church. H e was born on the 25 th of June 1772, And Died on the 31 st of December 1^65. Aged 93 Years 6 Months and 6 Days He was masters mate in the " Inconstant Frigate " in 1788, was 5 th officer of the " Bafwell " East Indiaman in January 1792 Was one of Seven who escaped from the wreck of an American Ship in August 1793 at Cape Negrais on the Coast of Burmah: Was Captain of the " Endeavour " when taken in Balasore Roads ( .165 ) By the " La Forte " Frigate and was re-captured By the " La Sybille " in the celebrated action of the 28fch February 1799 Went up with Sir John Malcoms Mission to Persia in 1800 Was with General Whitelocks expedition to Buenos Ay res in 1807. Commanded the " Ganges" which brought to England Lord Minto's dispatches Announcing the suppression of the Madras Mutiny in 1809. Was one of Twenty survivors who escaped from The Wreck of the " Elizabeth " at Dunkirk, in 1810, when 360 persons Perished. After being imprisoned for some months he was liberated By the Emperor Napolean Was captured after a severe action in which he was wounded By the American Privateer "Anaconda" in 1812 Commanded the " Asia " when wrecked on the Coast of Holland in 1825. He.was a skilful and fearless Sailor Aji 'honest, energetic, self denying Man, And a sincere Christian. This Tablet has been erected in token of Love by his widow and children. " The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord." Job i. 21. ( i66 ) Sacred to the Memory of WILLIAM MELLISH, Esq. of Bush Hill Park in this Parish Who died the 8 th of June 1838 in the 75 th Year of his Age He was the third son of William Mellish, Esq. of Blyth in the County of Nottingham By his second marriage with Anne, Daughter and co-heiress of John Gore, Esq. of Bush Hill Park ; He was a Director of the Bank of England For nearly Half a Centuary and Member for the Borough of Grimsby from 1796 to, 1807 When he was chosen for the County of Middlesex which he represented in four successive Parliaments. Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, azure two swans in pale argent between as many flaunches ermine ; 2 and 3, gules a fess between three crosses crpsslet fitchee or. Crest: A swan's head and neck erased argent ducally gorged or. ( i67 ) The sum of Three Hundred Pounds (Bank Stock) Was bequeathed by MRS MARGARET UVEDALE, Widow of Rear Admiral Samuel Uvedale, and Daughter of the late Rev. Francis Cooke, formerly Vicar of this Parish, To the Vicar and churchwardens for the time being of the same upon trust to apply a sufficient part of the interest and Dividends thereof to Keep in good repair the Vault with the Tomb and Railing over it, and the Flat Stone that covers part of the Vault, in the Church Yard of this Parish, belonging to the family of the Reverend William Washbourne, the late Vicar of it and to cause the Railing to be Painted with Two good coats of Paint once in every three years, and to apply the Residue of such Interest & Dividends for the Relief of Poor persons residing in the Ward of Church Street, in this Parish, who shall be of the age of Sixty Years and upwards, and who shall have resided one full Year in the said Ward, at the discretion of the said Vicar and Churchwardens. MRS Uvedale died on the 16th day of December 1814, Aged 69 Years, And was interred in the Church of Creeting All Saints in Suffolk. Arms : Argent a cross moline gules, impaling vert an unicorn passant or on a chief of the last a human heart between two crosses potent gules.—Cooke, ( 168 ) In Memory of THOMAS TESHMAKER, of Ford's-grove in this Parish Esquire Who died ght November 1771 Aged 34 Years. Also SARAH T H O M A S I N younger daughter of the above and wife of Edward Busk, Of-Ford's-grove Esquire Who died 8 th June 1824 Aged 52 Years. Also of S A R A Widow of the Above Who died 16th June 1832 Aged 81 Years. Arms in lozenge: Quarterly 1 and 4 three trees 2 three bells 3 three unicorns' heads on an escocheon of pretence argent three bars wavy in chief two estoiles azure. Arms: Argent three bars wavy azure, impaling ermine 3. chevron . . . . . Crest: An eagle's head between two wings expanded or. The Family Vault of L A U N C E L O T SKYNNER. Monumental 3fnscriptions IN ALL SAINTS' CHURCHYARD, EDMONTON. Here lieth the Body of A N N , the Wife of Elias Farrow, Who departed this life the first day of October Anno Dni 1667. Here lyeth interred y e body of Miss A N N COOPER, late daughter of M r John and M rs Susanna Cooper of this Parish who departed this life the 12th of January 1764 Aged 11 Years. Death came into the garden and could see But one fine flower and snatched it greedily, Greedily indeed. O most unkind To take the only flower which was mine But since by Gods decree it should be so I hope prepared unto my flower to go. ( J70 ) To the Memory of C H A R L E S LAMB, Died 27 th Dec r 1834, aged 59. Farewell dear friend, that smile, that harmless mirth No more shall gladden our domestic hearth ; That rising tear, with pain forbid to flow, Better than words no more assuage our woe; That hand outstretched, from small but well earned store, Yield succour to the destitute no more. Yet art thou not all lost; thro' many an age With sterling sense and humour shall thy page Win many an English bosom, pleased to see That old and happier vein, revived in Thee. This for our earth, and if with friends we share Our joys in Heaven, we hope to meet thee there. Also MARY A N N E LAMB, , sister of the above, Born 3 rd Dec r . 1767, died 20 th May 1847. In Memory of M rs URSELLER HURDLE, of Palmers Green, who died May 2 nd 1764 Aged 48 Years. ( i7i ) In this Vault lie interred the remains of JAMES V E R E Esq r . merchant of London Son of John Vere Esq r . of Cester over the Parish of Monkskirby in the county of Warwick, who departed this life the 29 th Aug 1779 in the 79 th year of his age. whose Benevolence his friends universally experienced and whose charity the poor can never forget. Also M rs R A C U E L V E R E . wife of James Vere Esq r . Banker, London, who died April 4th 1807, aged 64 years. Also of JAMES VERE Esqr. -, of Brompton Park House in the County of Middlesex, who died March 23 rd 1822 in the 84 th year of his age. and likewise of ELIZABETH SUSANNAH VERE, Eldest daughter of Peter Vere Esq r . of Grosvenor Place, who died Jan 4 t h 1823 in the 29 th year of her age. Here also lie the remains of r P E T E R V E R E Esq of Grosvenor Place and of Lombard Street Banker Who died April 6 th 1831 in the 62 nd year of his Age. M rs E L I Z A B E T H V E R E , Relict of the late Peter Vere, Esq of Grosvenor Place Died 7 th January 1848. Aged 82 Years. Arms: Quarterly, gules and or in the first quarter a mullet argent. Crest; On a chapeau gules turned up ermine a boar azure bristled and armed or. ( 172 ) In Memory of REBECCA H A N C O C K Daughter of Francis & Eliz tk Waldron Born Nov r . x x . A.D. MDCCXXII D i e d F e b I. A.D. MDCCLXI Enough !—Virtue Fill'd the Space between. Also the remains of Five of their Children Viz W A L D R O N E L I Z A B E T H REBECCA S A R A H J O S E P H I N A and HENRY ; also HENRY HANCOCK Hufband of the above Rebecca who departed this life Sep 23 1766 Aged 54 Years also FRANCES HANCOCK Daughter of the above who departed this life March 16 th 1770 aged 18 years. Here lieth the Body of JOHN DIXON, son of Peter and Hannah Dixon, of this parish, who departed this life on the 15 th day of Oct 1769. in the 4 t h year of his Age. Fragrant the rose is but it fades in time The Violet sweet but quickly past the prime While lilies hang their heads and soon decay And whiter snow in minutes melts away Such and so withering are our only Joys Which time or Sickness speedily destroys ( 173 ) LAT SI.37.32 N LON O.3 51 W From Greenwich Here lyeth the Body of Mr. J A M E S M E N D A L L , Citizen and Vintner of London. Who departed this Life August 14 1736 in the 50 year of his age. Also E L I Z A B E T H M E N D A L L , his Wife who departed this life *Septr. 2. 175. in the 70 th Year of her Age. J O H N T W Y F O R D , of London Citizen and Vintner died the 5 th of August 1787 Aged 74. M rs E L I Z A B E T H L A W R E N C E , Widow of Charles Lawrence, Esq of Whitehall, who died Dec 12 1787 Aged 6y Years. Sacred to the Memory of M rs S A R A H S I L V E R T H O R N E , late, wife of M r Edward Silverthorne^ of this Parish Who died Dec r . 4 t h 1735 Aged 50 years. Here lieth the Body of JOHN COCKER, Yeoman. ( 174 ) To the Memory of M rs ELENOR KENNINGTON wife of M r John Kennington, of this parish who departed this life the 13 th of November 1799 aged 44 years. Also of Mary Ann Kennington daughter of M r . John and Mary Kennington, who departed this life the 23 rd of June 1805, aged 1 year and 5 months and the above Mrs. Mary Kennington, who departed this life the 26* of November 1806, aged 35 years. JOHN BURTON KENNINGTON Son of Mr. John and Sarah Kennington, departed this life the 31 st of January 1817 in the 6 t h year of his age. Sacrum Sepulchrum Violatum. A Minute pause ! if Parents dear, Our parent pains attentive hear : The Child in-earth'd beneath this sod, Was call'd from hence to meet his God. Sweet Infant Gherub, Dearest Boy, Thy Parents' hope, their care and joy Could we have wav'd the firm Decree We still should have been blest with thee Our minds from heaven drew relief That sooth'd the pangs of ardent grief; " Till some vile, hired, cruel slave Our Infant stole from out its grave. ( 175 ) Oh ! then what sorrow fill'd each mind, To know the Child, that was consign'd To earth, should thus be torn away A sacrilegious Ruffian's prey. By friendly aid, in searching round Our Infant for Dissection found. 'Twas rescued from remorseless skill, Then Gratitude our minds did fill. Entomb'd again in sacred ground, To wait the heav'nly Trumpet's sound Then may he wake with sweet surprise, And in his Saviour's Image rise. Also to the memory of Mrs SARAH KENNINGTON, wife of Mr. John Kennington who departed this life on the 9 th of November 1833, aged 61 years. Also of the above named Mr. JOHN KENNINGTON, who departed this life on the 5 th of July 1835, aged 76 years. In a vault underneath Lieth the Body of M rs MARY MOCHER, Relict of Captain Daniel Mocher, Who Died the 21 of November' 1759 Aged 54 Years ( 176 ) Here lieth the Body of W I L L I A M COBB Junior Who departed this life y e 18 July 1727. Aged 18 Years. In hope of a Joyful Resurrection here Lyes deposited in this Vault the Body of M r . T E M P L E R , Late of this Parifh who departed this life February y e 27 th 1730 in the Year of his Age H e left Iffue Seven Children Two Sons and five Daughters. On the 15 th of October 1795, In the 80 th Year of his Age, Ceafed to be Mortal^ D* H E N R Y OWEN, Many Years Vicar of this Parish. Mane'poft funera virtus. Henry Owen, M.D., F.R.S., a learned Divine of the Church of England, was born in Monmouthshire, 1716, and educated, first at Ruthin School, and next at Jesus College, Oxford, where he took his decree of M.D., but afterwards he entered into holyorders and became rector of S. Olave, Hart Street, E.C., and in 1776 to the Vicarage of Edmonton. His chief works are "Sermons on the Miracles," "Observations on the Four Gospels/1 and "Critica Sacra; or, an Introduction to Hebrew Criticism." ( W ) In Memory of M I C H A E L BOWEN, Who departed this Life Feb^ 12th 1806 Aged 36 Years. In love he lived with all whom he did know. With cheerfulness did he resign, and pay the debt we owe. With faith most pure and actions just he anxious paved the way In hope to enjoy the reward promised the last judgment day. Also M rs BOWEN, Wife of the above Who departed this life Oct r 30 th 1819 Aged 64 Years. How lov'd ! how valu'd now avails thee not To whom related, or by whom begot A Heap of Dust alone remains of thee Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be. To the Memory of Esq re late of Rolls Buildings, An eminent conveyancer. And a man of the strictest honour in his profession and private life Ob* 23 Sep*. 1802. iEtat 72. Also A L I C I A RICHARDSON his relict Ob 1 4 t h April 1805 iEtat 74. DANIEL RICHARDSON, N ( 178 ) Here lieth the Body of Mr STEPHEN WOODELL, Who died the 28 th of Oct r 1763 Aged 57 Years. Happy is he the only Happy Man Who out of Choice does all the good he can Who Bufiinefs loves and others better makes By prudent Industry and pains he take God's blessing here he'll have and Mans Esteem And when he dies his Works will follow him. Alfo the Body of MARY W O O D E L L , Wife of the above said Stephen Woodell who Departed this Life In Memory of M rs M A R Y W Y A T T , Formerly Wife of M r Daniel Willis, who lies Buried adjoining herto. Who died August 25. j 8 n Aged 75. She bequeathed Seven Hundred Pounds to the Two Charity Schools of this Parish. A. P. 1811. ( 179 ) Here lieth the Body of Mr GEORGE STANBRIDGE, of this Parish. Who departed this life October 19th 1782 in the 70 th Year of his Age. He was Founder of The Girls Charity School of This Parish Established Anno Domini 1778. Also here lieth the Body of Mrs MARY STANBRIDGE, Wife of the above mentioned Mr George Stanbridge, Who departed this Life March 5 th 1778 in the 86th Year of her Age. Tranfgreffion and unrightepusnefs This Stone is graven to exprefs Tho in our Life the Law we eyed Deep in its Debt we both have died Not Peru's Golden Mines can pay Nor Rome diffolve one Debt that Day Nor fallen Man before the Throne Plead any merit of his own Free grace fhall then, our Nlips confefs And triumph in Christ's Righteousnefs This Tomb was repaired A.D. 1806 * by the Trustees of the School. N 2 ( i8o ) Here lies intered the body of A L I C E SALTER, Wife of Robert Salter, Citizen and Founder of London. Who departed this life the 20 th of April 1726 Aged 47 Years. Here also lyeth the body of the said R O B E R T SALTER, Who departed this Life the 6 th day of February 1729, aged 47. Also here lyeth the body of MARY SALTER, youngest daughter of y e said Rob T Salter, who died Nov r 29* 1730. Aged 26 years And here also lieth the body of E D M U N D SALTER, only son of the said Robert Salter, who died January y e 10 th 1739 aged 20 years. A N N E , eldest and sole surviving daughter of the said Robert Salter, and relict of Peter Kelk, Citizen and Clothworker of London died 7 January 1761 aged 58 years, arid was buried at Manningford in Wiltshire leaving only one daughter ( i8i ) In this Vault are deposited the Remains of E L I Z A B E T H BEARD, Wife of John Beard, Esq of Forty-Hill in the Parish of Enfield Who departed this life the I I t h day of April 1807 Aged 74 years Also the abovenamed JOHN BEARD, Fifty three years a Proctor in Doctors Commons He departed this life th the 5 day of January 1830 aged 73 Years In Memory of M rs SUSANNA JACKSON, late Wife of M r W Jackson, of this Parish Carpenter. Who died April 10 th 1747, Aged 44 years. After a careful and Indiisftrious Life. Here lies a virtuous and Indulgent Wife A Tender Parent and a Friend Sincere, The Needy often did her Bounty Share. She liv'd to die, in Christ she put her trust, Hoping to rise in Glory with the Just. ( 182 ) BENJAMIN ADAM, Culrossii, Natus 2d0 Julii 1768 Obiit 24T aged 54 years; likewise of Mrs. MIRIAM GARRARD his wife, who died the 7 th of Dec r . 1801, Aged 72 years. In memory of M r . J O H N STANLEY, late of this Parish, who died June 2 nd 1799 Aged 44 years. Also of Mrs. P A T T . STANLEY, relict of the above, who died September 9 t h 1802 Aged 48 years. ( 198 ) Beneath this stone lie the remains of T R Y P H O S A J A N E CAMPBELL, widow of James Elijah Campbell late a Captain of the Royal Navy. She died Dec r . 29 th 1848, Aged 74 years, with humble confidence in the meritorious death of her Redeemer for pardon and acceptance she gently fell asleep in faith resigning her spirit to him who gave it. This tomb was erected by her son. Here also lie the remains of her sister MARGARET TATE widow of James Tate, M. A., late Canon Residentiary of S*. Pauls, and Vicar of Edmonton. She died March 6 th 1851, at the close of her 76 year. In the same Vault is interred the body of SARAH OTTLEY T A T E third daughter of the above named James and Margaret Tate, who died Oct r . 12th 1853, Aged 47 years. ( 199 ) Here also lie the remains of FRANCES DISNEY TATE, fourth daughter of the above named James and Margaret Tate, who died March 29 th 1858, Aged 48 years. Also here are interred the remains of the Revd. THOMAS T A T E Vicar of this Parish, and second son of the late Rev d . Canon Tate, who died on the 2i 8t of January 1863 in the 60 th year of his age. Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. And of FIELDING WALLIS TATE, Youngest son of the said James and Margaret Tate, who died in London Sept r . 30 th 1864 Aged 46 years. Also of ANTHONY TEMPLE TATE of Llanelly, Solicitor, third son of the said James and Margaret Tate, Aged 60 years. ( 200 ) Beneath this stone are deposited the mortal remains of A N N E MARIA wife of Fountain Elwin of Enfield and formerly of this parish, who died November 12th 1810, aged 53 years. Also of the above FOUNTAIN ELWIN, who died at Dulwich^ in the county of Surrey, January 25 th 1833, aged 95 years. Also the remains of IA Col. F O U N T A I N E L W I N , 44 K.C., th Regt*., son of the above, who died suddenly December 8 th 1846, Aged 67 years. In Memory of The Revd. JOSEPH GELLIBRAND, Who died March 29 th 1806, aged 74 years. H e was 18 years Pastor to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters of this Parish. Also E L I Z A B E T H Relict of the above Who died August 24 th 1824, Aged 81 years. Also Mr. W I L L I A M J E N N I N G S , Died 4 t h May 1831. Aged 76 years. ( 201 ) In Memory of the Rev d I R W I N LLOYD, Minister of S*. Peter's, De-Beauvoir Sqr., and late Incumbent of Southgate, who departed this life April 6 th 1858, in the 42 nd year of his age. His attachment to the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel was enlightened ardent and stedfast; the cross of Christ was his hope, his life, his Glory, and the sincerity and power of his faith were evinced by a; life of cheerful obedience to his God a,nd Saviour ; his character was distinguished by sound practical wisdom, combined with Christian simplicity and he secureid the esteem of a numerous circle of Frijends, both in Public and Private. The summons for his removal from Earth came suddenly, but it found him waiting for the coming of his Lord, and he died looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Nature sees the body dead ; Faith beholds the spirit fled : Nature never sees thee more ; Faith but sees thee gone before. ( 202 ) Sacred to the memory of Captain J O H N LILLEY, who departed this life March 25 1865, in the 69 th year of his age. H e served 48 years in the Grenadier Guards, was with the 3 rd Battalion, and endured severe hardships during the late Crimean war, and was present at the Battles of the Alma, Inkerman, and Balacklava. May he rest in peace. This stone was erected by his affectionate wife and children. Sacred to the memory of KlDGELL SANDON, Esquire, of this Parish, who died 19^ of Dec r . 1815, in the 84 th year of his age. Also MARY, the wife of the above Kidgell Sandon, Esquire, and daughter of William Huxley, Esquire, of Edlesborough, in the County of Bucks, who died 9 t h of June 1822, in the 88 th year of her age. ( 203 ) In memory of ELIZABETH, wife of Thomas Firminger, LL.D., of this Parish, who died on the 28th- of July 1855, Aged 73 years. Also of THOMAS F I R M I N G E R , LL.D., Husband of the above named Elizabeth Firminger, who died on the 24 th of November 1861, in the 87 th year of his age. He was the only assistant astronomer in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich with Nevil Maskelyne LL.D., Astronomer Royal from the year "799 untill the year 1808. In this Tomb are deposited the remains of Mr. BARTHOLOMEW A B E L L , late of this Parish, Surgeon and Apothecary, who departed this life 14 th January 1784, in the 54 th year of his age. He lived respected and died lamented by all who had the happiness of his acquaintance. Praises on Tombs are Trifles vainly spent, A man's good name's a lasting monument. ( 204 ) S. M. SARAH MORES, wife of Edward Rowe Mores, Esq r ., who tranquilly resigned this life 23 rd Dec r . 1826, aged 63. Requiescat in pace. Also the above named E D W A R D R O W E MORES, Esq1*., of this Parish, who died 15 th April, 1846, in his 90 th year. For above 50 years an active magistrate, and deputy Lieutenant for the counties of Middlesex and Essex. To the memory of r W I L L I A M J O N E S , Esq ., Solicitor, of S*. Mary le bone and Edmonton, who died 4 t h March 1842, Aged 71 years; also of S A R A H A N N J O N E S widow of the above who died at Edmonton, 9 th December, 1867, aged 84 years. ( 205 ) In Memory of JONAS JEFFREYS, who died March 5th 174®, aged 65 years. A N N JEFFREYS, died the 11th December 1760 aged 71 years. In Memory of HENRY JEFFREYS, late of the Hudson's Bay House, London, Gent., Ob 7 th Nov 1777 JEX63. Beneath rest the remains of Mr. JOSEPH JEFFREYS, late of the Million 'Bank, London, Gent, Who departed this life the 12th of June 1790 Aged 73 years. ( 206 ) In memory of - A N N E GRAVATT, the beloved wife of Colonel Gravatt, of the corps of Royal Engineers, and daughter of the late General Hartcup, she departed this life on the 20 th day of July 1841, in the 6&th year of her age. Also in memory of THOMAS, Son of Colonel and Anne Gravatt, Lieutenant in the second or Queen's Royal Regiment of Infantry he fell at the storming and capture of Khelat, in the East Indies, on the 13 th of November, 1839, Aged 33 years. And of G E O R G E GRAVATT, Lieutenant in the 28 th Reg*, of Infantry, Brother of Thomas, who died at Kurachee, Scinde, on the 29 th of December 1842, Aged 25 years. ( 2o; ) Also of ELIZABETH, daughter of the above Col and Anne Gravatt, who departed this life the 29 th of November, 1843, aged 31 years. In memory of Colonel W I L L I A M GRAVATT, R.E., Inspector of Royal Military Academy Woolwich, , born January 29 th 1771, died June 13 th 1851. The Vault of Cap n . R I C H A R D MOORISON, Who departed this life The 25 th of May 1780, Aged 63 years. R E W L E Y MOORISON son of Captain Richard Moorison, Obiit June 6 th 1837, iEtat 75. Also Mrs. A N N E MOORISON, Wife of the above Rewley Moorison, Who departed this Life November 2isfc 1841, In her 80 th Year. ( 208 ) To the Memory of Miss S A R A H HAMMOND, Obiit the 17 th of October 1785, ^Etat 23 years. Also M r . J O H N HAMMOND, Father of the above, Obiit the 2 nd of May 1790, iEtat 57 years. Also M rs . ANN GAMEN, daughter of the above Obiit the 28 th of March 1795, iEtat 37 years. Also M A S T E R J O H N W A L E HAMMOND, Son of William Hammond, and grandson of the above, Obiit the 30 th of September 1796, iEtat 7 years. Also to the memory of M r . T H O M A S HAMMOND, late of this parish, Surgeon, Obiit the 14th of February, 1817, in the 53 rd year of his age. Also Mrs. S U S A N N A H H A M M O N D , wife of the above Mr. Thomas Hammond, Obiit the 22 nd of June 1817, in the 47 th year of her age, Also O L I V E R GAMEN, Esq r ., Obiit the 6 th of November 1821, iEtat 70 years. Also FRANCES, relict of the above John Hammond, who died March 15 th 1823, in the 90 th year of her age, Also of W I L L I A M HAMMOND, Esq r ., of Southgate, Surgeon, who died on the 23 rd of June 1837, aged 74 years. Also of MARY C A T H E R I N E H A M M O N D , his wife, who died on the 19 th of Dec r . 1844, aged 85 years. 209 ) Beneath lies interred the Remains of the Rev. W I L L I A M PINCKNEY, A.M., a Sub Dean of the Cathedral Church of S*. Pauls, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal at S*. James', Vicar of this Parish, A most dutiful Son and Kind Relation. 13 e was endowed with a large Philanthropic and Candour of Heart a clear and difcerning1 Understanding an engageing Chearfulness and Sweetnefs of Temper lively and brilliant parts a cultivated tafte of the elegant arts and; a liberal Urbanity of Manners. Thefe Eftimable qualities confpired in an eminent and peculiar degree to form the Character of The Gentleman the Christian and the Divine. He bore a long and tedious illriefs with an admirable and truly Chriftian Fortitude and * Patience, and died univerfaly lamented ' December 29, 1775. Here also are depofited the Remains of M rs . FRANCES T R E H E A R N E , Widow, Relict of the late William Trehearne, of the Parish of S*. Thomas Southwark, and Sister of the above mentioned Rev. William Pinckney, AMh Who departed tliis life July 4 th 1793, in the 86 th year of her age. P ( 2IO ) Here lyes depofited (Waiting a joyfull Refurrection) the Remains of Jane Allen, Wife of Benjamin, Citizen and Vintner of London, Ihe departed this Life the 29 th Of July anno domini 1726 & ^Etatis fuse 32. J O H N ADAMS, Many years Vestry Clerk, And Master of Latymers School In this Parish, Departed this Life 14th April 1828, Aged 62 years. Also wife of the above John Adams, Who died December 21 st 1839, Aged 74 years. ELIZABETH, Also C H A R L E S H E N R Y ADAMS, Son of the above John Adams, Born 1803, died 1871. Arms: Sable a cross potent or, impaling . . . a saltire . between four mullets . . . Crest: A demi-lion rampant or supporting a rudder . . . ( 211 ) Rev. J A M E S BARCLAY, A.B., Optimse spei juvenis Coll. Ball. Oxon, haud idudum alumni, filliique delectissimi M. S. noc monumentum dicarunt maestissimi parentes. Dum vixit ille, boharum literarum scientia, morum elegantia, rerum nominunque super annos cognitione veraeque religionis amore maxime eminuit, easque ol causas optimis doctissimisque viris semper in deliciis fuit. Acerrimo phthisi morbo novem mensibus conflictum, tanden divinae voluntati pi& moente parens, vitam que hanc molestam relinquens in Christo obdormivit 130 Junii, A. D. 1771, Annos 24 Natus. Sacred To the Memory of M r . JAMES CROUDER, Who departed this life 4 t h of May 1799, Aged 60 years. Also three of their Children, Who died in infancy. Life every Man holds dear, but the brave Man Holds honor more precious than Life. This Vault is the Burial Place for the Family of JAMES CLARKE, Esq., of London. Arms: A saltire between four griffins' heads erased . a crescent for difference impaling P 2 ' ( 212 ) Here lies Interred the Body of e J U D I T H . BOWN, y Wife of William Bown. She Died December y e 29 th 1773, Aged 36 years. Her breaft with Candour, Love, & Truth Replete, Within her Soul each Virtue held its S e a t ; Her mind the Graces, with their favour fed, A Model She for Mother Wife or Friend. Also the Bodies of E D W A R D , and J U D I T H P E T E R S , Was here interred. Also M r . W I L L I A M BOWN, Who died August I st 1790, Aged 60. In this Vault Lyes the Body of Mrs. S A R A H S N E E , Late Wife of Mr. John Snee, Citizen and Girdler of London. She died Decem br the 301H : 1732, Aged 42 Years. Alfo W I L L I A M their Son aged 5 Days. Her e alfo lies the Body of J O H N S N E E , Esq., Who died January the 19th 1763, Aged 70 Years Ljkewife the Body of J O H N S N E E , Junr., Esq r ., Who died Auguft the 9 th 1750, Aged 33 Years, Monumental inscriptions IN S. ANDREWS CHURCH, ENFIKLD. "2D'na 3loco0a, guonDam filta tt una $mV Catoli Wni pototg, at ttiam fflta tt una IzvzW ^onoratu* lignum Wnz a^arc^te, et uror famogftggffmo 'xniliti (loMnnt CjptDft, que obttt w ) titefeeptCM-,J3 2D'm mceccsitit cujug amme,et omntu'fitieluj' toftinc; fiir/ftgf/ pro 0ua gacratiggfma pagsstone, mfamat" Arms: Six shields of arms are ranged three on each side of Lady Tiptoft's effigy. On the dexter side : i. A lion rampant 2. Three coats in pale, ist, a saltire engrailed ; 2nd, three lions passant, within a bordure ; 3rd, a lion rampant. 3. A saltire engrailed. On the sinister side : 1. A saltire engrailed, impaling a lion rampant. 2. Quarterly, 1 and 4 a lion rampant; 2 and 3,. three lions passant in pale within a bordure. 3. A lion rampant. ( 214 ) Bobert l&gston, of C^tnffforU in tfje County of €&$tx p n t , iieceageli; ag % toag careful! fit W life tpme to releitue tije poore, goe att l)t0 enlie bp j&jgs C^stament Ije gate yyiP #erety, for eiier, to tlje poore of &ti>'0 p'ttye0 anli pr#0on0,toljereofto t|>e poore of tljfe p'i0^e of Cnfetlti Ije Ijatl) gftitn perelp, for etier, #1*, Ca 6e patU in tljt monetj) of #lotiem&er, fte Departed tfu'0 mortall tyfe tlje tljfrlie liape of 8up0k. 1585. % r e untier tyetl) afllilltam »>mttl) anU 3]one f)t0 tSMz tofio m tit?s life Certieti lung %nrte tfjc ttit, J&in$ (Etitoarli tl)e W, jSEitueertje 9£arte, tije ftrtt, anti noto £Elueene (Elf jaSrtjj, fje of i)t0 fcebotton Jatf) gtiien tttj1 pearl? out o£ ljt0 lanli* tn (Enfielli to tije p<e poore thereof to 6e paid £#* guarterlte for evermore* lie DeceafeD #e %%ix Day of feeptemb* 1-592. ( 2I5 ) Heere right before this place do lye interred ye Bodies of B R I D G E T H A R R I N G T O N , the wife of John Harrington, e of Wytham in y covnty of Lineolne Esqvire, who de^ ceased the XXIst day of Ivne 1601 ; And of A N N E F O W K E S , The wife of William Fowkes, of Endfeild Esqvire and Davghter of the Sayd Iohn and Bridget Harrington, Who having Borne to the Sayde William Fowkes, 9 Children—Viz 4 Sonnes, and 5 Davghters Departed in Childbed of y e nynthe on the Xth day of Decemb: 1608 ch To the Memorye of w two Gentlewomen and of theire Most godlye Religiovs, and Christian Vertves expresed in y e whole covrse of Both their lyves the Sayd Willia" Fowkes, Hath Heere placed this-certaen pledge & Testimony of his dearest affectio y e 31. Day of Ivly 1609. Blessed are those eternallye, Who in the fayth of Christ do dye, Thvs dyed they that Heere do rest, Their faytn was stronge, their Sovles are blest And Christ in whome their Sovles did trvst, Will raise these Bodies from the dust. ( 216 ) Sacred To the Revivinge Memorye of y e Virtovs M rs M A R T H A PALMERE, Davghter of S r William Garrard, of Dorney Knighte & Wife to James Pal": Esq Sonne to S r Thomas Palmere, of Wingham Knight, whom God Blessed with as many Children as he did w th yeares of Happie Mariadge at her 4 th & last child Birth in bringinge forth a Sonne for Heaven, she went herselfe a saint to Heaven, she departed this life to her . Owne gaine & the world's Losse, A t Enfield Place, the 1 of Jvly in the yeare of Her Saviour 1617. Theyse children were, I Vere. 2 Philipp. ) living. 3Elizab l h . 4 Hen. J Ded. Ejpitaph. Cann man be silent and not praifes finde, For her that liv'd the praife of woman kinde, Whbfe outward Frame, was lent the world to gueffe, What shapes o' Soules fhale were in Happines Whofe vertew did all ill so overfwaye That her whole life was a communion day. , Arms : Two bars gules on each three trefoils argent in chief a greyhound courant sable, impaling argent on a fess sable a lion passant of the field. ( 217 ) Heare vnder lieth the Bodie of DOROTHIE MlDDLEMORE, late wife two Robert Middlemore, of Enfeeld Esqvire, being One of the Davghters and Heyres of Richard Fvlstone, of Keale in the Covntie of Lincoln Esqvire she departed this Life XXIX th of M a y 1610 and left behinde Her tow children a sonne and a davghter A wife mvch lovd mvch famde she livd And died exextrix of that worth Her vertvovs Bodie Heare lies Hid Wfch expectation to come forth When the redemer of the worlds great day Shall raise all bodies from tiere Bedes of Clay. Arms: A chevron between, three moorcocks. Crest; A moorcock among grass flags and reeds. Here lieth in hope of a joy full Resvrection, the Body of M r W I L L I A M S H E F F A R D , Professor of Phisicke in The Famovs Citty of London who Departed this life in y e feare of God, and love of men, the 20 th of December 1646, being Aged 44 yeares. Non Moritur, qui fideliter Expectat resurrectionem. ( 218 ) Nere Here lyes y e Bodyes of M W I L L I A M BOLTON, of London r Marchant, and ELIZABETH His Wife who was the only Daughter of Iohn Byde, of S* Leonards Shoreditch in this County, Esq They left Issue 3 Davghters the two youngest Ms DOROTHY and Ms MARY BOLTON, dyed Both in the flow'er of their Virginenity Anno Dom 1665. Elizabeth the Eldest Marryed Edward Bullock, of Faulkbourn Hall in y e County of Essex Esq, and Hath erected this Marble Anno. Dom 1674 Resurgemus. lESPER NiCOLES, of S* Sepvlcre's Londo, Yeoman> Deceased, who by his Teastament gave to y e poore of this Fish of Endfeild, 5011. Starling, w th wch mone y e Pishoners w th y e consent of his Execvtors, have Pvrchased an Anvitie of, 31. P annv, whereof Their is to be bestowed in bread on y e poore of this Pish. 52s. yearely, & the residve to Be bestowed by y e discretion of y e Minister & Chvrchwardes. 1614. ( 2I9 ) In the Vault Beneath Lyes the Body of The vertous, and piously Charitable ELIZABETH, wife of Mr John Grene, Who dyed in Travell the Ninth day of December 1673, and left two Sons and two Davghters, Giles, William, Elizabeth and Katherine. She was the eldest Daughter of S r William Myddelton, Son and heir of that Renowed S r Hugh Myddelton, Baronet, who brought the New River, From Ware through this Parish to the Cittyes of London, and Westminster, God in Mercy giue us his grace soe to follow Her good Examples, that as we come to dye, Our Soules may meet her In a Joyful Resurrection Anno iEtatis fuae 43. Arms: Azure three stags trippant or, impaling or on a ert three wolves' heads erased of the first. ( 220 ) Here Lye Interr'd the Body of RICHARD FOUNTAINE, And ELIZABETH Esq r ., his Wife, Both of this Parish. Elizabeth died July the 26th, 1720, Aged 73 years. And Richard died January 26th, 1721, Aged 85 years. ( 221 ) In Dormitorio infra hanc Epigraphen, In fpem beatae Resurectionis, requiescit in Domino, Depositum Reverendi JOSEPHI GASCOIGN, S.T.P., Coll: S S : Trin : Cantab : olim Socii. Qui in Dei Gloriam, Curam Animarum in hoc Pago 40 Annos Fideliter exercuit; Vir Orthodoxus Literatus Pius, Nulla non Laude dignus Sui-ipsius Monumentum JEre perennius Obiit Julii Xlmo Anno Christi MDCCXXI. /Etatis fuse LXXX. Qui legis haec pii Viri Exemplum imitare et Memento Mori. Multis ille Bonis flebilis occidit Nulli flebilior quam mihi R : U. I X . D . ( 222 ) Sacred to the Memory of Esq re ., Second son of S r Thomas Stringer, Of Durants in the County of Middlesex Knight, Heretofore one of the Judges of the King's Bench, who Having matured by his travels in Foreign Parts Those Latent talents which had before been cultivated By a liberal Education here at home, Distinguished himself by many uncommon Qualities, Particularly by an undaunted Courage and Intrepidity, Which recommended him to the Favour and Esteem Of that true Judge and Patron of all Military Virtues, William the Third, Our great Deliverer, From whom in Person he received his Commifsions of Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel, And having raifed his own Regiment Served Him in the Field in that Quality, As he did his Country in Parliament In that of Representative ; And behaved in Both with all the Abilities That are to Both effential; This the World knew of him, and let those Persons Who were most intimately Acquainted with him Be faithful Witnefses of his great Candour and Humanity, Steady friendship and Generosity, THOMAS STRINGER, ( 223 ) With all the other social Virtues Which truly adorn and are most Conspicuous in private Life. In Honour to the Memory of fo great a Man, And that others may be incited To Copy after fo bright—an Original; The Right Honorable Katherine Countess of Westmoreland, Sole Daughter and Heirefs To Thomas Stringer, of Sharlfton, In the County of York, Esq., First marryed to Richard Beaumont, of the same County, And afterwards To the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Westmoreland, As a Testimony of her great Value and Respect For his Memory Did by her last will appoint this Monument to be Erected. He dyed at Bruges in Flanders, In the year 1706, of his age 47, And lies Interred near this Place In the Vault of the Durants. Arms: Three eagles displayed erminois. Crest; An eagle's head erased or. ( 224 ) Neare this place lyes the Body of M r I O H N W A T T , of London Marchant Whoe gave a very Great and Bountifull Legacy to y e Hospitall Of S* Bartholomew's London, of which He Was a Governor. Hee Dyed the 18 th of October 1701, aged 62. Here lyeth Buried the remains of H I N D E PYKE, Who departed this life June the 18 th 1767, aged 39. Also the Remains of M rs MARY P Y K E , his Mother, Who departed this life August 12 th 1778, in the 76 year of her Age. Here also lyes the Remains of Mr T H O M A S P Y K E , Son of y® above Mary Pyke, Who died the 31 day of March MDCCLXXXIV in the LX year of his Age ( 225 ) In a vawte Here Vnder lyeth Buryed y e Bodye of ROBERT DEICROWE, Citizen and Grocer of London, together w th y e Body of lOANE DEICROWE, his Mother, & R O B E R T T W H E L E R his Mailer wch Robert Deicrowe, Hathe given, by his iaft Will & Testament, for y e fpace of XXI yeares, to XII of y e pooreft folkes Of this Parifh, to be diftributed in bread, XII pence every Sabothe daye throughe y e yeare, att y e difcretion of the Parifhioners & Churche Wardens of the faide Parifhe ; Who Deceafed the XXlft of Maye An 0 Domini 1586, in the XXVIIIth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Ladye Queene Elizabethe. Arms: Those of the City of London, and Grocers' Company. Here lyeth the Body of S r CHARLES R I C H Barronett, Fovrth Son of S r Edwin Rich Knight Bannerett and Nephew to Robert Lord Rich, of Lees First Earle of Warwicke, of That name who Dyed the 16 Day of May in the 59 yeare of His J Age and in the yeare of ovr Lord MDCLXXVII. Arms; Gules a chevron between three crosses crosslet or a crescent for difference, with Ulster badge. Q ( 226 ) To the Memory of the Family of Thomas Boddington, Esquire. MARIA, daughter of the above, and Maria Catharina his wife, died 30 th March 1772, aged 5 years 12 days. LOUISA, daughter of the above, died 5 th October 1779, aged 2 months 26 days. M A R I A CATHARINA, wife of the above, died 1$ January 1814, aged 69 years, Deeply lamented by her afflicted Husband, his son and her eight surviving daughters, to whom she had performed, in the most exemplary manner, the duties of a wife and a parent. T H O M A S BODDINGTON, Esq., Died 8th June 1821 Aged 85 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL BODDINGTON, Esquire, of Upper Brook Street, London, Who died 19th of April 1863, and was buried in the family vault in this church. Through a long' period of political changes he was a steady supporter of civil and religious liberty to refined taste in literature and the arts he united great activity of mind with a benevolence and cheerfulness of disposition that caused him to be universally beloved. ( 22/ ) This Tablet was erected to the Memory of an affectionate and lamented father by his only daughter Grace, Lady Webster. To the Memory of the Family of Benjamin Boddington, Esquire. SARAH, wife of the above, died 30th January 1770, aged 32 years. BENJAMIN, son of the above, died I st February 1770, aged 5 years 22 days. AMELIA, second wife of the above, died 7 April 1776, aged 28 years. MARY, daughter of the above and Amelia his wife, died 7 July 1777, aged 5 years 6 months 19 days. J O H N , son of the above and Amelia, Died 14th March 1778, aged 4 years 6 months and 19 days. BENJAMIN BODDINGTON, Esq., Died 15 th August 1791, aged 61 years. Also MARY, third wife of the above, Who died 6 th May 1822, aged 81 years. Also SAMUEL, Grandson of the above, Who died 14 of March 1793, aged 3 months. Also S A M U E L SIDNEY, Grandson of the above Who died 21 of April 1828, aged 32 years. Q 2 ( 228 ) Hie Requiescit In spe Beatse Resvrrectionis, Vir pivs et Honorabilis Dominvs, NICOLAVS RAYNTON, M I L E S , Olim Reipvblicae Londinensis, Vice-Comes per 24 Annos, Senator, Praetor, Iystitiarivs paeis, Prseses Hospitalis Bartholomaeani, pater patriae Dignissimvs, Anno Christo 1646, iEtatis Sve 78 Die ig Augusti Mortvvs Et 15 Septembris Sepvltvs, vna cvm pia et charissima vxore Sva Domina REBECCA RAYNTON, Anno Christi 1640 in Caelvm prsemissa. Epitaphivm Concilivm Regni sextvm Dvrabat in annvm Terminvs et Belli iam qvadriennis erat Occvbvit Celebri RAYNTONVS in vrbe Senator, Praetor Eqves Patriae pro meritisq Pater : Ivstitiae cvstos constans et Pacis amator Praesidivm miseris, avxilivmq bonis Cvm consorte thori clavsvs iacet hoece Sepvlchro Donee eos Christi vox Revocabit Hvmo. ( 229 ) H e a r e lyes t h e Boddyes of NICHOLAS R A Y N T O N , E s q r e and R E B E C C A H i s wife whoe d y e d in t h e yeares 1641 & 1642 a n d H a d Issve three Sonnes & three D a u g h t e r s viz. Nicholas now liveing ( T h o m a s Deceased) T h o m a s , Rebecca, A n n , and ^Elizabeth, also now liveing. Arms: Sable a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils or, Raynton. Crest: A griffin's head couped sable beaked or charged on the neck with a cinquefoil of the last. Above this shield another with the following:— Arms: Azure a lion pafsant guard1, between three pheons or, .< Wolstenholme. On either side of centre shield are two smaller ones. On the dexter shield are the arms of Raynton, impaling gules a chevron argent fretty sable between three mullets pierced or (Moulton) and on the sinister the arms of Moulton only. H e r e lyes Interred t h e Body of E D W A R D SHALLER, of this Parish G e n t who D e p a r t e d T h i s life y e 13 t h d a y of A u g u s t in t h e y e a r Of our L o r d 1708, A g e d 52 years. A l s o t h e Body of SUSANNA, his wife who D y e d y e 19 t h d a y of October 1709, aged 51 years. Arms: Paly of seven on a chief three roundels, Shaller, impaling a lion rampant debruised by a bend charged with three fleurs-de-lis. Crest: A stag's head erased. ( 230 ) To the Memory of MARY, Wife of Christian Paul Meyer, And Daughter of William Walton, Esquire, Who died Feb. 26 A.D. 1829, JE& 39. Also C H R I S T I A N P A U L MEYER, Esquire, Of Little Laver Hall in the County of Essex, Who died March 23 rd 1857, JE> 66 years. Sacred to the Memory of C H R I S T I A N P A U L MEYER, of London, Merchant, Who departed this life the 26 of April 1790, of H E R M A N M E Y E R of Forty Hall, his twin brother who died on the 20 th of June 1832 Aged 74, ( 231 ) and of C H R I S T I A N P A U L M E Y E R (grandson of the above named Christian Paul Meyer ; Who died the 25 th May 1832, aged 18, and who are all interred in a family vault in the Dutch Church, Austin Friars. JAMES M E Y E R , of Forty Hall in the Parish of Enfield Esquire Died Feb 1 1 : A.D. 1826 : ^Et 71 Mild and unaffected in his manners ; sincere and stedfast in his friendships, • courteous and charitable towards all men. To the poor not a benefactor only, but a friend and a father, with a liberality which had its sources in true compassion and religious principles. He employed the talent intrusted to him to the glory of God and the good of mankind. As a testimony of affectionate regret, and with the hope that so excellent an example here recorded may not be unfruitful, His afflicted family have erected this imperfect memorial of his many Christian virtues. ( 232 H. S. E. R.S.S., Regii chirurgorum collegii quondam prseses Qui, ingenio, probitate, benignitate, Eximie praeditus, Artem medicam, per annos plurimos, Summa cum diligentia, solertia, felicitate Coluit, exercuit, docuit, auxit, Et scriptis hoc marmore perennioribus Posteritate tradidit Morbo deum gravissimo confectus Cujus angores haud aliter domandos Pio et constanti animo subegit Conjugi, liberis, amicis, discipulis, Humano generic, cui tantopere succurrerat, Flebilis. Aprilis Die 20. A.D. 1831, JEt. suae 67. Placide in Christo obdormivit In the same vault are interred re A N N E , relict of the above John Abernethy* Esq th Who died July 14 1854, aged 75 years. JOHANNES ABERNETHY, ELIZABETH, wife of Samuel Arbouin, Esq., Second*daughter of John and Anne Abernethy, Who died June 26 th 1834, aged 30 years. second son of John and Anne Abernethy, Who died Dec r 21 s t 1840, aged 32 years. JAMES, FRANCES JANE, Fifth daughter of John and Anne Abernethy, Who Died March 31 s t 1853, aged 41 years. I 233 ) Here lyeth^nterred y e Body of FRAVNCIS EVINGTON, Sometime Alderman of London who Departed this Life the XXII Daye of July in the Year of Our Lord God 1614 being of y e Age of 66 yeares. Arms: Argent a fess azure between three burganetts (or steel caps) of the second garnished and nailed or. Crest: Out of a mural crown azure a horse's head argent armed and bridled or crested with a plume of three feathers one argent the other two azure. The feathers are broken off. The dexter shield Evington—impaling Napper gules a saltire engrailed between four cinquefoils argent. The sinister shield—Napper (single). Neare this Marble Stone Lyes the Body of M r HENRY " D I X O N , late Inhabitant of this Parish, Who departed this life the 18th day of June 1696, Aged 91 years ; & BARBARA his Wife, Who died at 71 yeares of Age ; they had 3 Sons & one Daughter, & lived in wedlock 43 Yeares. He was a considerable Benefactor to this and other Parishes. ( 234 ) 31 n affectionate Remembrance of MARY A N N E K E I R , Daughter of William Burgess, Esqre., of Enfield, in the County of Middlefex, And of Tiverton in the County of Devon, Wife of John Keir, youngest and fole furviving Son of the late James Francis Edward Keir, Of Kinmonth and Weft Rhynd, in the County of Perth; They had two children: the firft a daughter, was born A t Waltham Crofs, Chefunt, in the county of Hertford, On Tuesday the 16th of December 1817; the fecond a fon was born in Green Street, Enfield, on the 20 th day of May And died on the 30 th of August 1820. His Blessed Mother after her confinement fell into a decline which fhe Bore with the mod pious refignation and expired on the 30 th of August, 1820, in the 36 year of,her age, mod affectionately beloved and fincerely lamented Her remains with those of her infant Were entombed in her father's vault at Enfield. Her afflicted Husband, bowing with submission to the Divine Will, gratefully cherishes the furviving pledge Of their union fpared to him as a folace for her lofs. Grac'd with each virtue, cherifh'd and admir'd, Not to the World's vain praifes fhe afpir'd ; ( 235 ) Like the meek faint who heard the Lord's beheft, She chofe the good part and her choice was blefL Let refignation then reprefs the figh, That worth and lovlinefs fo foon fhould die; In Heaven's own time her fpirit took its flight, With kindred angels to the realms of light. Arms; A cross engrailed sable between'four roses a crescent for difference, impaling argent a fess lozengy or and azure between three mascles azure within a bordure of the last cnarged with eight bezants. Crest: A sinister arm in armour embowed couped at the' shoulder holding a dagger proper. Motto; Alteram non laedere. In the Family vault near this Church Are deposited the mortal remains of Major General J O H N M A R T I N , Eldest son of Thomas Martin, Esq., of Enfield, Middlesex. He was born the 25 th of November 1788, And entered the Army the 30 th of July 18(^7. He served with the 23 rd Light Dragoons at the Battle of Talavera, on the 22*d 27^ and 28^ of July 1809, Also in the Campaign of 1815, Including the Battle of Quatre-Bras, retreat on the following day, And the Battle of Waterloo. He died unmarried the 27 th May 1852. This unpretending tablet, as a small tribute of affection and gratitude, Is erected by his Godson and Heir, Alfred Plantagenet Frederick Charles Somerset ( 236 ) In Memory of the d Rev . H A R R Y PORTER, M.A., Formerly fellow and tutor of Trinity Coll: Cambridge, Rector of Springfield, Essex, And Vicar of this Parish. In the discharge of his sacred functions He was regular zealous and unremitting, In his addresses from the pulpit, Grave simple and impressive. He closed his mortal career on the XXIInd Oct r . MDCCCXXII In the LXVith year of his age And the XXHd of his Ministry in this Parish, And was buried at Lyme Regis, Dorset This memorial of their veneration For the virtues which adorned his character As a husband, a friend, and a pastor, And their condolence with his afflicted widow, was raised by the esteem and affection of his friends. Crest: A portcullis argent nailed and chained or. ( 237 ) Sacred to the Memory of JAMES F A R R E R STEADMAN, Esquire, of Chase Side House, Enfield, Who departed this life on the 18 th day of Oct. A.D. 1834, in the 59 year of his age. Also to the Memory of ANNE his wife, who afterwards married William Everett, Esq re ., and died on the 13 day of May 1865, in the 81 st year of her age. Also to the Memory of their attached friend, CAROLINE L E E , who died November 3 r d 1872, and is buried in Mrs Everett's vault in the Church yard. Arms; Argent a chevron gules between three boars' heads couped sable, on an escocheon of pretence quarterly 1 and 4 .. . a cross engrailed . . . 2 . . . a chevron . . . between three rovses . . . 3 . . . three horses' heads erased . . . a chief . . Crest; A boar's head couped sable. ( 238 ) Here lieth interred the Body of rs M . ELIZABETH H I E N S , the wife of r M . John Hiens, Daughter of Thomas Jenkinson, Esqre., and Sarah his wife, of Elm, near Wisbeach in Cambridgeshire, who died the 16 of December, 1765, aged 38 years. She has left two Daughters by her first Husband, M r . John Peacock, Sarah and Jane Peacock. ( 239 ) Near this Place lieth Interred The Body of S T E P H E N R I O U , Merchant of the Gity of London, In grateful remembrance of Whose Uncommon Probity, Exemplary Piety, and Parental Affection, Stephen Riou, his only Son, Has caused this Monument to be erected. He died in London ye 4 th October, MDCCXL, aged 64 years. Here also resteth widow of Step. Riou, Senr., She died 30 th March MDCCXXI, Aged LXXXI years. MAGDALEN, Anns: Azure in base a swan naiant proper in chief two bars or, Riou, impaling sable a bend between eight billets argent. Sacred to the Memory of Esq r . of Chase Hill, Enfield, for many years a Resident in this Parish, and a Magistrate for the County of Middlesex. Born Sept r . 16th, 1800. Died April 29 th , 1873. DANIEL HARRISON, ( 240 ) To perpetuate the Memory of BOWLES, F.S.A., Of Myddelton House in this Parish, A man of benign disposition, , Of orthodox faith, of exemplary life, Who died June XXX. A.D. MDCCCXXX. A. JEt LXVII. And of ANN his beloved and regretted wife, The only daughter of Daniel Garnault, of Bull's Cross, Esq. Who died July XXVII. A.D. MDCCCXII. A. JEt. XLI. This Monument was erected by their eldest son HENRY CARINGTON A.D. MDCCCXXX1I. monumental 3[nsmpttqng IN ST. ANDREWS CHURCHYARD,, ENFIELD. Here lie the Remains of The Rev; S. R I C H A R D N E W B O N , B.D. Senior Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge And 34 years the efteemed and Refpected Vicar of this Parish. Who departed this life March the 8 th 1801 Aged 79. Sacred to the Memory of Niece of the late Rev d Richard Newbon, Who departed this Life 21 s t of February 1834 Aged 80 years. ELIZABETH W I L L O T T , In Memory of JOHN SHERWEN, M.D., Who departed this life on the 3 r d day of October 1826 Aged 78 years. R ( 242 ) In a vault Beneath this Tomb Are deposited the remains of ' S A M U E L GARNAULT, Esquire, Whose family have long resided at Bull's Cross:, in this Parish, for more than Twenty-two years. He was Treasurer of the New River Company And departed this life March n A.D. 1827, Aged j6 years. Here also are interred the mortal remains of SAMUEL CARVER, Esquire who departed this Life at Myddelton House; in this Parish ; Esteemed beloved and regretted by its inmates, with whose family he had been connected from his early youth He died on the viii th day of October, A.D. MDCCCXLI. Aged LXXXV. Arms ; Quarterly 1 and 4 three boars' heads couped and erect, 2. and 3 Garnault. Crest': Aderrii-bbar or pierced through the breast with an arrow. Sacred to he Memory of Major RAMSAY, K.H. of Hill Lodge in this Parish. Who died on the iofcl1 day of Dec1* 1852 in the 60 th year of. his age. GEORGE A N T O I N E ( 243 ) Sacred L To the memory of R O B E R T BARNEVELT, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London Fifty years Reprefentative of Billingsgate Ward in Common Council And Senior of that Court. By His Activity and extenfive Trade, He was enabled to fulfill his Contracts With the Commifioners for Victualling The Navy of Great Britain With Honour to himself and advantage to his country. His Bounty to the poor Was not confined to his life, But continued by his liberal Bequests As well as to several Charity Schools In London and at Edmonton. And to the aged poor and distressed of this Parish, Where he resided many years He Died XXVII January MDCCLXXXVI Aged LXXIX years. Near this Place lies interred R E B E C A his Wife Who died in October MDCCLVI. Also in this vault their Daughter J A N E REBECA WQOKLEY, Wife of Richard Woolley Of London She died 14^ of April MD6CLXXXVL R 2 ( 244 ) GEORGE RIDDELL, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, died July 5 th 1774, Aged 29 years. HENRY VERNON MOODY, died 6 th February 1791. G E O R G E R I D D E L L MOODY, February 1791 each aged two months. In Memory of Lieutenant Colonel J O H N R I D D E L L , Born 19 th Feb y 1759. Died 16 Nov r 1825 General F L O W E R MOCHER, Died i8fch July 1801. Aged 72 years. J A N E M O C H E R , his Widow Died 20 th April 1811 Aged 78 years. M.S. GULIELMI SAUNDERS, M.D. Coll. Regal, Med ; Lond ; et R e g ; Societ; Soc ; Viri probi, benefici, Rerum sagacis ; Artisqu suae (ut testantur Scripta) periti, In hac illustranda felicissimi, Ejusq ultoribus strenue, & constanter faventis, quevixit Annos LXXIH. ob. Maii XXIX. MDCCCXVII. HocM. Patri optimo liberi posuerunt. ( 245 ) In a Vault underneath lies interred the Body of J O S E P H DOBBINSON, of Clayhiil in this Parish, an eminent Solicitor, 24 March 1753. Aged 49. This gentleman's knowledge and abilities would have adorned a more exalted station, and were only equalled by his integrity, and that amiable and lively disposition which distinguished him in all his actions, and gave his character a finishing lustre. The love and esteem due to such merit which can no longer, alas! be paid to his person, This monument expresses to his memory Reader live and imitate. Arms : Gules flv^ mullets in pale or between two flaunches chequy argent and sable, impaling a lion rampant and a chief indented. Crest; An oak branch acorned ppr. W. E. 1856. A. E. 1865. Arms; A chevron between three mullets. Crest; A griffin's head erased. ( 246 ) Hoc sepulchrum. sua ossa recepturum . condi voluit D A N I E L CRESSWELL, S.T.P. Coll. s. s. Trin. apud Cant, olim socius , - ecclesise de Enfield iride vicarius , Qui quanquam ad bonas literas incubuerat , ad bonos mores animum intenderat, ad sapientise christianae fontem accesserat , optatum tamen ac propositum . (tantum interest inter velle et posse, scire et facere,) longe abfuit ut assequeretur . nee, nisi in dei dementia , Jesu Christi mofte conciliate spem ullam salutis habuit . laudes ergo immeritas, quas haeres, aut amicus , nimia facilitate mortuis largiri solet, detrectans , ipse sibi hunc lapidem inscripsit, tu vero, lector , nam quae de alio hie narrantur , ad te fortasse spectant, Nosce teipsum , sancti spiritus ope tui victor evade ; Christo te committe; pectore et vita triunum deum venerare , Obiit XXI Martii die, A.D. MDCCCXLIV , , iEtatis suae LXIX. ( 247 O Apart from kith and kin Here lies the Remains of LOUISA WOJITHINGTON BROMLEY, The only child of Henry Bromley, Gent n and Anna Maria his wife; She died 18 th August 1862. Aged 87 years. But as her Family Vault in London where; her Ancestors had lain above one Hundred and Twenty years was closed/ by Act of Parliament some time before her own death she here at Enfield takes up her rest Among her former neighbours In hopes of a glorious resurrection. Crest: A demi-lion rampant sable issuing out of a ducal crown or, holding a standard vert staff ppr. headed argent. Motto : Non inferiora secutus. ( 248 ) To the Memory of The Right Honourable MARIA MARGARET LADY NAPIER, Who died A t Dacre Lodge in this Parish The 29 th December 1821, In the 65 th year of her Age. Her Ladyship was the eldest daughter of Lieut. Gen1 Sir John Clavering, K.B. • By the Lady Diana West, And wife of Francis, the Seventh Lord Napier, In this Tomb Are also contained the mortal remains Of the Right Honourable FRANCIS LORD NAPIER, Of Merchistoun North Britain Who departed this Life A t Dacre Lodge in this Parish On the I st day of August 1823 Aged 65 years. Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 or a saltire engrailed between four roses gules (Napier) 2 and 3 or on a bend azure a mullet between two crescents of the field (Scot), impaling quarterly... and ... abend sable. Supporters: Dexter an eagle ppr. sinister a chevalier in complete armour supporting with the exterior hand a lance ppr. thereon a pennon gules. Motto: Ready aye ready. ( 249 ) In a Vault under this Stone Mra ELIZABETH APPLEFORD Was Buried the 13 th of June 1765 Alfo the Rev. W I L L I A M S M E L T , Vicar of this Parish Was Buried the 14th of April 1767 Alfo M rs E L I Z A B E T H P R I C H A R D , Was Buried the 27 th of February 1762 Alfo M r T H O M A S P R I C H A R D , Surgeon of this Parish Hufband of the Above Was Buried the : 2 : of February 1^84 M rs E L I Z A B E T H A L L E N , Was Buried 28 th of July 1802. Arms: Ermine, a lion rampant... Here lyeth y e Body of I O H N A S T O N late of London and of this Parish Merchant Who died y e 24 th of July 1739 Aged 45 years. Also the Body of E L I Z A B E T H his wife afterwards the beloved Wife of John Howell, Esq. 4 for thirty yeares and fo Dyed Jan* 6 th 1771. Much lamented. Arms : A lion rampant debruised by a bend vair ; impaling the same. ( 2SO ) To the Memory of WILLIAM BARWELL, late of London Merchant Who departed this life the 26 th day of June 174 Mourned Lamented Esteemed valued. Such was the Husband Parent Acquaintance & Trader Aged 75. Likewise the Remains of The Rev. JOHN ALLEN, Who died Jan 8 th 1761 Alfo the Remains of Mary Allen, Relict of the Rev. John Allen, She died August 23 rd 1775. Arms: Four barrulets over all a griffin segreant, impaling on dexter side three mullets in chief a label of three points ; and on sinister side a chevron between three roundels; on an escocheon of pretence three mullets and in chief a label of three points. To the Memory of THOMAS BOSWELL, for 23 years Parish Clerk of Enfield He died 21 s t of Oct r 1858, Aged 61 years. This monument was erected by his Friends and Neighbours as a mark of esteem. Also S A R A H daughter of the above who died 18 th August 1858 aged 18 years. Also F A N N Y M A N T youngest daughter Who was accidentally drowned on the 29 June ,i8.6i aged 16 years. 1^ M aupft^ Wft*M$W**^. 3n tlje nortlj trangept of ^atilep Cljuitlj* monumental 31nscriptions IN ST. MARY'S CHUUCH, HADLEY. fete facet Mlaltemg Cornot et & p e # ti^or ctu0 qui quitml (Lfllalterug oimt £ ufoWemengfei 3 anuarit anno 3DomtntmtiliD ccccto^iiti0 Quorum ammabug p'ptctetur 2Deu^ ante. fete latent Mlillmis humour et 3|ofma ti^or ^fu0 qui quftiem afiitirmg obttt til* Ule mengtg liotiembrtg a* tint 9£° Wic tt prefctcta 3oMa obitt—tite &° lim fl^—quDfii atab'g ppicitt' tie' mt facet fIjtltppujS (0rertefilms*afllaltert dfene armtprt et Cltjabetlj' u^fg et' et Margarita 0oror etug&m Wltppt acS^arprtta a>omercote0 q' obterut jrtifa tite mengi' »>eptem= Jjrtgf &* D'mfl^«,ccccs jltt* quor' animal ppfctet' tie' ante. ( 2 2 $ ) Hoo Ijere tlje $txz of toomenfepnti, & perfitt patterne #ou ma? tietoe, flDf one tfjat toa0 (to])tl0t tljat 0ije toa0) ^ matrone mi% a mtrrour tretoe: A N N E W A L K E D E N , a fa^t^fui toife* &t0centi of <0oo&ere'0 auncpent race, atfltjo t>at|) 00 ronne tier eartljtye cour0e, ^ a t 0lje fjatb toonne tyv^ goole of pace. £Dne loifce of all, but loiiet) be0t flDf d5o&, tolh toljom Ijer 0oulefco0tre0t* 25urte& tlje £ of December nucccciwiu Blessed are they y* concedereth y e poore & needie Here lyeth the bodye of W I L L I A M G A L E , Citizen & Barber Chyrvrgion of London, who dyed the XIX daye of November, 1610, then being y e second tyme Master of his Company. He had 2 wives, Elizabeth & Svzan, 3: had Issve by Elizabeth, v sones and 8 davghters, and was LX. and X. yeares of age or thereabovt at y e time of his death. ( 253 This is y c monument of Sir ) ROGER WILBRAHAM, c knt. e descended of y auncient familie of y Wilbrahams Of Woodhey in y e countye of Chester, who after he had served Queene Elizabeth as her . Soll.icitor Generall in Irelande yQ space of xiiij yeares was in y e yearei6oo sworne MR of Reqvestes To Her Majestyein Ordinarie, & afterwardes Svrveyor of y e Liveries to Kinge James in his Majesties Covrte of Wardes & Liveries, & Chavncellor vnto Qveene Ann. He had to wife Marye y e davghter of Edward Baber, esquier, serjeant at lawe. He slept in Christ Jesvs y 9 xxix t h of Ivlie in y e yeare of ovr Lord 1616, attendinge y e joyfvll. day of his resvrrection. His welbeloved wife, by whom he had three davghters, Marye, Elizabeth, and Katherine, in memory of his vertves and testimonye of her love erected this monvment. Arms: Argent two bars azure on a canton sable a wolfs head erased ,of the field. Crest: A wolfs head erased argent. Motto: Comminvs qvo minvs. There are two other shields. 1. Baber. Argent on a fesse gules three hawks7 heads erased of the first. 2. Wilbraham impaling Baber. ( 254 ) In fpem beatse refurrectionis, E L I Z A B E T H A DAVIES, Thomse Wilbraham de Woodhey in Com. Cestriae Bar11. Filia unica; Muttoni Dayies de Gwiffaney in Com. Flint Armigeri Coniux leetiffima; Prolis numerofae, filiorum quinq filiarumq totide, Quibus omibus singulari pietatis exeplo prabebatubera, Quosqoptimismoribus, hoc est suis, diligenter imbuebat; Indulgentiffima mater: Offieiiserga Deum opt.Max.Maritum,fobolem,amkos, Mortales deniq. univerfos, Inter paucos spectabilis : Lbndini, Quo non ad luxum, prodigafq. impensas, Sed Ob liberorum curam, maritum comitabatur, Aprilis i mo An. M.DC.LXXVIIF 0 ^Etatis fuae XXXVI' E x Variolis mortua; Hadleiam, quod, supremis verbis mandaverat, delata, Iuxta Avi D Rogeri Wilbraham exuvias componitur Coniugi optime meritse ; Hoc qualecunque Mnemosynon, Vir fnceftiffimus P. Arms: Gules on a bend argent a lion passant sable impaling Vilbraham, argent three bends wavy azure. ( 255 ) In this parish I was borne, And a single race did run, Neare to y e age of 66, And then I did returne. Let all men learn by me The thinge they are sure to knowe; As I in to my mother's grave, So all to earth shall goe. Heer vnder within the bricks lyeth bvryed The bodye of Dame Alice Stamford whoes Fyrste husband was Sir W m Stamford, knight, One of the justices of the Commqh Pleas, And her second hvsband was Roger Carew of Thi's parish esquire. She was bvryed the 3 d November 1573. And upon her lyeth buryed Henrye Carew gent her onlye sonne by the Said Roger Carew, esquire, wh h said Henrye, Beinge neare 66 yeares of age, directed by His will a remembraunc 6 to be heare set upp, Declaringe his mother and himselfe bvryed heare And gave by his will X1 to the poore of this parish; V1 to Barnet V1 to Shenlye& V t o Sowth Myme8. He departed this mortal lyfe y e XIIth Decemb r 1626, & was buried heare y e XXIth of the same. Arms; Or three lioncels passant in pale sable armed and langued gules. Crest: A mainmast the round top set off with palisadoes or a lion issuing thereout sable. • ( 356 ) Under this Marble stone lyeth the Body of JOHN WALKER, Esq: Hereditary Ufher of the Exchequer: who dyed the I st of March MDCCIII. Aged sixty three years. He married Cecil Daughter of S r Michael Heneage, Knt. And had by her At the time of his Death Two Sons Heneage and Iohn. ( 257 ) H. S. E. ANNA HENRICI HITCH D E LEATHLEY, In agro Eboracensi A r : Filia, Richardi Wynne Mil: Servientis ad Legem Uxor prsechariffima Quae Pietatis 1 ( Deum Amoris / \ Maritum Indulgentiae > Erga < Liberos Fidelitatis \ J Amicos Charitatis ] I Pauperes Optimum Exemplar Vivens propofuit Moriens reliquit Exiguum hoc Monumentum ,. ( v Amoris ) T Ingentis j ^ ^ J racmpw Conjux fuperftes fi quis alius maeftiffimus s ( 258 ) At the foot of this Monument Lyeth the Body of M rs CECILL W A L K E R , Relict of John Walker, Esq who departed this life May the 10th 1736 Aged Seventy Two. Near this Place are deposited the Remains of PlGGOTT INCE, ESQR Ob* 5 th November 1765 JE 45 Also Wife of the above Piggott Ince ESQR Ob 1 28th February 1768 JEt 47 MARY Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 arg. three torteaux in bend between two cotises sable, 2 and 3 azure 3 bows in pale ; on an escocheon of pretence quarterly 1 on a pile three ounces' heads erased 2 a crescent surmounted by an estoile 3 a leopard's head gessant-de-lis 4 three bars. Crest: A rabbit sejant. Near this Place are depofited the Remains of IAMES BERKELEY, Ob* 6. Ianuary 1767 Mt 61. E80 anD #nna Sparta fjfg toifo Hp&ta 3|nce tifeti in Pontoon on fyz 13th ot Sfyafa 1863* Catherine Sinm tifeti in HonDon ontlje 14 of apart!) 1865. anna Sparta titeti at 25rig1)ton on tf)* 24*1* offlDctober1869 %\)tiv l&emaing are ^nterrrt in t$e family flllault on tlje nortlj &ihz of tje Cfjurck ( 261 ) Sacred to the Memory of Esquire of Marrick Abbey Yorkshire Eldest son of James Piggott Ince, Esq re of that place And of Anna Maria his wife Died in London on the 10th of May 1845 aged 68. Also to the Memory of JAMES B E R K E L E Y INCE, WILLIAM INCE, Esqvire their fourth son late Captain in the 38 th Regiment who died at Broadwater Herts On the 19^ of March 1818 aged 37. . Heserved through the greater part of the Peninsula War from the commencement of the operations in Portugal in 1808, until the termination of hostilities in the South of France in 1814. He served also in the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. ( 262 ) MDCCCV. In testimony of his affectionate remembrance and veneration, of the piety and virtues of his Family, Sir Culling Smith, Baronet, has caused this Tablet to be erected ; near which lie interred the Remains of MARY, the wife of Sir Culling Smith ; M A R I A S M I T H , their eldest daughter; his paternal Grandfather, and Grandmother, T H O M A S and A N N S M I T H ; his Father and Mother, T H O M A S and CULLING SMITH ; his Brothers, T H O M A S ; J O H N ; and CHARLES, Governor of Madras; His sister A N N S M I T H ; His maternal Grandmother ANN HORNE ; and his uncle, J O H N H O R N E , Governor of Bombay. Arms: Quarterly i and 4 vert three acorns slipped or ; 2 and 3 argent on a chevron engrailed gules between three bugles stringed sable as many mullets of the field. Crest: A falcon wings elevated ppr. belled or in the beak an acorn or slipped and leaved ppr. Motto : Spes decus et robur. ( 263 ) Fuit corpus est mens erit salus In the centre aisle rest the mortal remains of Sir C U L L I N G SMITH, Baronet, Deceased October the 19th 1812 ; and of his affectionate children, Sir CULLING S M I T H , Baronet, Deceased June 30 th 1829; and CHARLOTTE E L I Z A B E T H his wife, Second daughter of Sampson, Lord Eardley, Deceased September the 15 th 1826; whose son Sir Culling Eardley Smith, in pious and sorrowing gratitude, caused this tablet to be erected. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead, for as in Adam all die, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 azure three acorns slipped or 2 and 3 argent on a chevron engrailed gules between three bugles stringed sable as many mullets pierced of the field, t Crest: A falcon wings endorsed ppr. belled or in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved also ppr. Motto : Spes decus et robur. Near this Place are Interrd the Remains of M rs S A R A H P E N N A N T , Daughter of David Pennant, Esq. of Downing in Flintshire She departed this life 11 th Nov r 1780. ( 264 ) Sacred to the Memory of HUGH, third son of William Wyke Smith, Esq re and Catherine his wife, of this Place; Died I st December 1854, aged 6 years. Also to the Memory of FRANCIS, their youngest son, Died 3 r d December, 1854, in his 4 th year. The remains of these children were laid the same day in one grave, and their parents have the blessed assurance, that these dear ones, so tenderly attached while on earth, will rise together to the realms of perfect peace and j o y ; and there be united in love and glory for eternity. Sacred to the memory of J O H N BONUS CHILD, Esq. Late Lord of the Manor of Hadley, Whose remains are interred in a vault nearly under this tablet Obiit 10 July 1832 iEtat 68. Also in the same vault are interred the remains of his wife FRANCES CHILD, Obiit I s t February 1855 ^Etat 73. Arms: Azure a fess embattled ermine between three eagles close or. , Crest: An eagle with wings expanded ermine, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert. ( 26s ) In a vault under the south transept of this church, are deposited the mortal remains of* J O H N R I C H A R D THACKERAY, Clerk, M.A. 27 years Rector of this Parish ; He died August 19th 1846, Aged 74 years. Also MARIANNE, his wife, who died 17 th March 1855, Aged 72 years. JOHANNES BURROWS, L.L.B. Sancti Clementis Dani in urbe < Londinenfi, Ecclefiae Chrifti in Suthria, necnon hujus Ecclefiae Rector, Obiit K a l : J u l : MDCCLXXXVI JEtat: LIV. Probus, manfuetus, doctus, eloquens Hoc marmor mcerens familia pofuit In eodem Sepulchro requiefcit Jacobus filius ejus natu minimus Quern intra, dies quinquaginta Poft patris obitum, vix sex emenfum Annos, morbus parum notus abftulit MDCCLXXXVI. Here also lie the remains of M A R I A BURROWS, Wife to the above said I O H N BURROWS, Died iri Nov 1791. ( 266 ) Sacred To M rs A M Y BURROWS, Who died unmarried May ill. A.D MDCCCXI. She was endowed with brilliant talents, which she matured by assiduous cultivation. These she zealously employed in improving the morals, and fixing the principles of the rising generation. The influence of religion was remarkable in all her actions, producing that unaffected humility which distinguished her thro' life. It was this that enlarged ' the sphere of her charities, and directed them to the relief of every species of suffering. She lived to the advanced age of eighty years, a bright example of human excellence. She was the sister of the Rev d John Burrows, many years Rector of this Parish, whose five children have united in erecting this tablet, as a tribute of affectionate gratitude, due to her respected memory. ( In Memory of 267 ) FRANCES BURROWS, only daughter of the Rev d John Burrows, Rector of Hadley, who was born April 16. 1773, and died May 11, i860, having in this parish served her generation, blessing and blessed. To God be glory through Jesus Christ for ever, Amen. The five sons of her brother Lieut-General Montagu Burrows, join together in gratefully recording her self denying, life and noble character Arms: Azure three fleurs de lis ermine. Within the Palizadoes on the other side of this Wall, lyeth the Body of MARY POSTON, late Wife of M r Rich d Poston, of this Parish. She dyed the 21 st of Feb An 0 1723. Aged 63. Likewise the Huf band of the Above MARY POSTON, . who Dyed May 6 th 1742 Aged 82 years. ( 268 ) Sacred to the Memory of RICHMOND, Eldest Son of Peter Moore, Esq, Lord of this Mdnor, and of Sarah, Daughter of Colonel Richmond Webb, Who, by the indulgence of nature, united such excellence of Difpofition and such powers of Intellect As while they exhibited Him to his own family, in the valuable Characters of a dutiful and endearing Son, a tended and affectionate Brother, Obtained for Him alfo by this bell pledge of future and more diffufed utility the refpect and efteem of all who knew him. Thus regarded while living he died much lamented. October 14^ 1796 in the 21 s t Year of his Age. While Grief by Patience is withftood, Nature must pour her tear, Even Virtue weeps when fall the Good, And heaves a Sigh fincere. Arms : A chevron engrailed between three moor cocks sable. Crest: A Moor's head. ( 269 ) Sacred to the Memory of the Wife of Joseph Dart, Esq of this Parish, who died the 22 nd Dece r . 1845. Aged 58. The above Illuminated Window was raised by her Husband as a Memorial of his Gratitude to Almighty God for having •conferred her upon him and preserved her To him for upwards of Thirty Years The Lord gave And the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the Name of the Lord. E L I Z A B E T H FRANCES, Arms: Gules a fess and canton ermine, impaling azure a cross between four fleurs de lis argent. Crest: A fire ppr. This tablet is erected to the memory of the Rev d C H A R L E S J E F F R E Y S COTTRELL, 30 years Rector of this Parish, who departed this life the 25 th day of January 1819. Aged 80 years. Also of F A N N Y his wife, who departed this life the 5 th day of May 181 T, Aged 62 years. In testimony of the affection of their four surviving daughters. Arms: Argent a bend between three escallops sable impaling Smith, vert, three acorns slipped or. Crest: A talbot's head sable, collared and lined or, the collar charged with three escallops. ( 270 ) Sacred to the Memory of Esquire; Captain of His Majesty's Ship Nyaden of XXXVI guns, Fifth son of the Rev d C. I. Cottrell, ' Rector of .this Parish. He was born in August MDCCLXXX made Lieutenant in MDCCC, Commander in MDCCCII and Post Captain in MDCCCIII. After having distinguished himself as an officer, And bled in the service of his Country, He fell a victim to a rapid consumption When cruising off the Island of Barbadoes April the XIX. MDCCCXI In the XXXI year of his age. Deeply regretted by his family and friends. FREDERICK COTTRELL, Arms: Argent on a bend between three escallops sable an annulet or, for difference. Crest: A talbot's head erased argent gorged with a collar charged with three escallops sable. Near this spot are deposited the mortal remains, of A N N A FREDERICA COTTRELL, fourth daughter of the Rev d Charles' Jeffryes Cottrell, Rector of this parish. She departed this life on the I I t h July 1818, in the 37 th year of her age. Her willing Spirit left this world of Strife, In hope, thro' Christ alone, of endless life. ( 271 ) Sacred to the Memory of J O H N COTTRELL, Esq. second son of the Reverend Charles Cottrell, Rector of this Parish. He departed this Life at Bombay in the East Indies, on the 13 th day of January, 1796 ; in the 28 th year of his Age. Lamented by All that knew him. Arms of Cottrell. Sacred to the Memory of C H A R L E S COTTRELL, Esq. (eldest son of the late Rev d Charles Jeffryes Cottrell, Rector of this Parish) M. A. and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, Barrister at law, King's Advocate in the Court of Vice Admiralty at Martinico, and afterwards Judge of the said Court, Secretary to the Governor of that Island for nearly eight years, and subsequently a magistrate for the Liberty of St. Alban : He died the 2'5th day of February 1829 in the 63rd year of his age. Arms of Cottrell. ( ^2 ) Sacred to the Memory of the Rev d C L E M E N T C O T T R E L L , Rector of North Waltham in Hampfhire. who died in London after a few days Illnefs on the 26 th of July 1814, in the 42 nd year of his Age. Active benevolence and Christian charity have embalmed him in the hearts of many, whofe welfare he anxiously promoted,tho' his chief folicitude on Earth * was the happinefs of his Family, and of her, who now offers this tribute of affection to his Memory. May the God of all comfort, who has feen fit to diffolve that union, in which her every Earthly hope was centered, vouchfafe to his afflicted Widow refignation and heavenly hope, till they fhall be reunited thro* the merits of that Saviour, in whose prefence fhe trusts he now for ever rejoices. H e left Ifsue 5 Sons and a Daughter born after his Deceafe. In a Vault within this Church are deposited the remains of C A T H A R I N E P E N N A N T , Youngest daughter of David Pennant, Efq Of Downing in Flintshire, Who after a life distinguished by unfeigned Piety, by the most active Benevolence, and by deeds of Charity truly munificent resigned her Soul into the hands of her Creator, on the 10th of February 1797. ( 273 ) Near this place are depofited the Remains of M rs MARGARET BARONNEAU, Wife of Francis Baronneau, Esq. who died the 24 th June 1793. Aged 45 years. Near to this spot are deposited the Remains of F R A N C I S BARONNEAU, Esq. of New Lodge, in this County, who died on the 13 th of December, A.D. 1812, Aged 70 years. His remembrance is deeply engraved on the hearts of all who were in any degree connected with him. Every Christian and every social duty, he felt warmly, and zealously endeavoured to perform. His life was beneficent and useful, and though his death might by his fellow mortals. be accounted sudden, it had long been to him the subject of daily contemplation. This simple and unadorned tribute of affection to his memory is dedicated by a thorough knowledge of his heart, and the sincerest love and veneration for his virtues, T ( 274 ) »>acreti to the Memory of ELIZABETH, Widow of Francis Baronneau, Esq re of New Lodge, who died April 3 r d 1846, Aged 78. Deeply and deservedly lamented. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13. Clje memory of tlje 3lu0t 10 ble00e&—Prov. x. 7. *fc Co tlje lotieli anli Ijonoureti memory of > « $ if re&ericfc Ca00, of JLittk (Brobe, Ca«st Barnet, €0q* patron of tl)i0 Cfmrcl), a a£ag;i0trate ana 2Deputy Lieutenant for %rtfor&0l)ire ^igf) fe^ertff in 1844, one of ttje be0t of jFatl)er0 anD mo0t upright of 9pen, %W Cablet t0 affectionately in0cribefc by $10 00m 23orn »>ep* 19 1787 SDieU Sl£ay 17 1861 31?0U0 0a(ti 31 am tlje B,e0urrection anfi tlje %itz. S. John xi. 25. Arms: Per chevron or and ermine on a chevron sable between two eagles' heads erased gules in chief and a garb of the first in base a harrow of the first between two fountains. Impaling sable a fesse ermine between three cinquefoils argent. Crest: An eagle's head erased gules charged on the neck with a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto : Ubique patriam reminisci. ( 2/5 ) Sacred to the Memory of re THOMAS W I N D U S , Esq F.S.A., of Gothic Hall, Stamford Hill, Middlesex. of an ancient and respected family of the County of Hertfordshire. His mortal remains lie interred in this Churchyard, in accordance with his latest wishes to be laid to rest amid the scenes of his early years, passed principally under the auspices of his uncle Peter Moore, M.P. for Tewkesbury and Coventry and Lord of this Manor of Hadley. This tablet is devoted as a last tribute of affection & respect to his memory by his family, who whilst sorrowing, mourn not as without hope, in sure and certain confidence of a blissful reunion in a future state of existence, where sin and sorrow are not—and the inscrutable decrees of an all wise providence shall be explained. ' Now we see as thro' a glass—darkly.' ' H e walked uprightly in his generation & is removed from the evil to come;' Requiescat in pace. Arms: Quarterly i and 4 argent a fess indented sable in chief three crescents, 2 and 3 argent a chevron gules between three moorrcocks. Crest: A griffin. M»tto : Sola virtus invicta. ( 276 ) Sacred to the Beloved and revered Memory of JOSEPH H E N R Y G R E E N , F.R.S., D.G.L. President of the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom, and twice President of the Royal College of Surgeons England, who for the last twenty-eight years of his life dwelt in this Village, and worshipped in this Church. He was born in London, the 1 st of November, 1791, and died at the Mount, Hadley, the 13 th of December, 1863 His remains rest with those of others of his family, In the Cemetery at Highgate " The Lord ordereth a good manV going, and maketh his way acceptable to himself." Ps. xxxvii. 23. Arms: Azure three stags trippant or, impaling azure a lion rampant argent. Crest: A stag's head. Motto: Quid et quomodo. ( 277 ) In Memory of ANN HARMAN, Widow of the late Samuel Harman Esq re of Jermyn Street, S% James and of Hadley Midd*. Who died at Hadley the 13 th of June 1848, in the 9 0 ^ year of her age. Dearest of mothers best of friends farewell! May this plain stone a daughter's affection tell, Through life thy virtues were her joy and pride, In death her best example and her guide. Sacred also to the Memory of ANN, Eldest daughter of the above S and Ann Harman, who died the 24 th of November 1861, in the 79 th year of her age. Tho* I have seen thy form depart, For ever from thy sister's eye, I hold thee in mine inmost heart; There, there, at least thou cans't not die. Also in memory of GEORGE, Third son of the above S and Ann Harman, late Lieu* in the 82 nd Foot ; Who died in Paris the 18 th of November 1826, in his 34 th year. As those we love decay, we die in part, String after string is sever'd from the heart, 'Til loosened life at last, but; breathing clay, Without one pang is glad to fall away. ( 278 ) Also to the Memory of ST. JOHN HARMAN, Fourth son of the late S and Ann Harman, Lieu11 in the 14th Reg* of Foot, Who was killed by lightening at Fort Richlieu'in Genoa the 18 th of February 1814 in the 19th year of his age. The chastening hand of one above Falls heavy, but I'll kiss the rod, He gives the wound and I must trust Its healing to the self same God. This tablet is erected by Mary Harman, youngest daughter of S Harman, Esq r and Ann Harman his wife, and Sister to Ann, George, and St. John Harman. E M M A CECILIA Q U I L T E R , youngest daughter of James Quilter Esq re and Mary Anne his wife, formerly of this parish, Died 17th May 1864, aged 69. Also JEMIMA Q U I L T E R , tiieir fourth daughter, Died 3 Ist; October 1870, aged 84. 'Them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." I Thess* IV. 14. ( 279 ) Esq re eldest son of James Quilter, Esq re and Mary Anne his Wife, formerly of this parish. Died the 12 th December 1864 aged 80. JAMES Q U I L T E R , " The just shall live by his faith.";—Habak. e. 11. ver.4. "The memory of the just is blessed "—Prov. c. x. v. 7. Esq re of this parish, departed this life on the 27 th of October 1818, in the 64 th year of his age, having survived his beloved wife Mary Anne Quilter, (to whom he had been united nearly forty years) little more than four months, she having died on the 8th of the preceding month of June in the 5 7^ year of her age. Their bodies are interred in a vault on the outside of the east wall of this church. This tablet is erected by their ten children as an humble tribute of affectionate regard to their memoriesJAMES Q U I L T E R , ( 280 ) In memory of H E N R Y SAMPSON Q U I L T E R , Esq re late of this parish (second son of James Quilter, Esq n and Mary Anne his wife late also of this parish deceased) He died on the 13 th January 1823 in the 33 rd year of his age; Regretted by an extensive circle of friends and acquaintances, to whom the uniform urbanity of his manners, and benevolence of his disposition, had justly endeared him. Sacred to the Memory of re MACARTNEY M O O R E , Esq who departed this life after a long illness, occasioned by many years' residence in India, on the 15 th of June 1831, aged 43 yeanL Having only been in England 11 months. This monument is erected by his widow, by whom his memory will ever be revered. ( 281 ) To the Memory of widow of Macartney Moore, Esq : and youngest daughter of the late John Halhed Esq re she died at her mother's house at Yately in the county of Hampshire, on the 25 of August 1837, in the 36 year of her age, and is interred in Yately Churchyard. This tablet is erected as a token of affection by her four children. HENRIETTA, Sacred to the Memory of M A R I A S A R A H MOORE, who departed this life on the 26 th of January 1842 aged 61 years, and is interred in a vault on the south side of this church. In Memory of Esq re T of S Neot's, in the county of Huntingdon but late of this parish. Obiit January 16 th 1841 iEtat 62. FRANCIS RIX, ( 282 ) This tablet was erected to consecrate the memory of L U C Y MARIA, wife of Alexander Dury, of this parish, who died on the second of January MDCCCV. aged XLI years. Also of T H O M A S D U R Y , their second son, who died of yellow fever in his XVI year, September MDCCCIH ; serving as a midshipman on board His Majesty's ship ^Eolus, on the Jamaica Station. And of F R A N C I S D U R Y , their youngest son, A lieutenant in the XLIX Regiment, who died in his eighteenth year at York in Upper Canada June the IX. MDCCCXIII. of a wound he received in his head on the VI of the same month, in the night attack upon the American Camp near Burlington heights. Also of A L E X A N D E R D U R Y , who entered into rest the 4 th of January MDCCCXLIII, Aged LXXXVI. Also in loving memory of ISABELLA, elder-daughter of Alexander and Lucy Maria Dury, who lived for many years in this parish, and entered into rest at Cambridge, July 21 s t 1855. " The dead shall be raised incorruptible." 1 Cor. xv. chap. Hi. verse + ( 283 ) Sacred to the memory of re J O H N R A N D E L L , Esq . of this parish ; who died January 21 st 1856, Aged "51. " The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin."—I st S*. John ch. I st , v. 7 th . " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them." —Rev. ch. 14th, v. 13th. Monumental Inscriptions IN ST. MARY'S CHURCHYARD, HADLEY. In a Vault underneath lyes interred the Body of ELIZABETH Widow and Relict of Valentine Warter, Formerly of the Parish of S* Dunstans in the West in the City of London Gen* She departed this life The 21 of Jauuary 1723 in the 78 th Year of her A w ; ( 28S ) Here lyeth WILLIAM BRUDENELL, of this Parish Gent Late one of the Sworn Clerks of his Majesty's Higjh Court of Chancery Aged, Si years Dyed" y* 2 October 1734 Here lyeth ELIZABETPI wife of William Brudenell, of this Parish Gent She Dyed y e Aprill Here lyeth THOMAS ROBINSON, Gent Nephew to Elizabeth now Wife of William Brudenell, of this •Parifli Gent Obijt 26 Nov. 1727 Hee was Innocent in Life A Paitern of Chaftity Stedfaft in Faith Joyful through hope & Rooted in Charity. Mr. died 20 DAVID GARROW th September 1784 aged 19 years. Miss A N N E GARROW died 20 th February 1787 aged 18 years. J O S E P H GARROW Esq. died 18 th August 1792 ; aged 36 years. The Rev. D A V I D GARROW, died 20 th March 1805 aged 90 years. SARAH the wife of the above named D A V I D GARROW, Died *II January 1789 aged 66 years. Miss E L E O N O R A 1 GARROW died 30 th June 1805 aged 51 years. ( 286 ) Here lyeth the Body of SARAH Late Wife of Charles Egerton Citizen & Habberdafher of London Dyed the 14th May 1730 Aged : 41 : Here also lyeth the Body of E L I Z A B E T H his second wife fhe Dyed the : 8 : June 1738 Aged : 52 : Alfo the Body of the above-faid C H A R L E S E G E R T O N Esq : Who Dyed April the 6 th 1747 Aged 60 Years. Arms: A fesse ermine between three pheons; impaling quarterly . . . on a bend . . . five roundles. Crest: A plume of feathers. Underneath this Stone Lies the Remains of J O H N E G E R T O N Esq re ., who died March 26 th 1789, Aged 66 years. Alfo of his Wife A N N ABIGAL EGERTON, who died Auguft 11 th 1803, JEtat 66 years. Here lye the Remains of M rs , C A T H A R I N E COWARD, of Chipping Barnet, Who died Jan n 1762 Aged 60 Years. ( 28 7 ) Underneath this Monument Lyeth the Body of ELIZABETH COKE, Second Daughter of Iohn Coke/ Esq. of Melbourn in the County of Derby, and Mary his Wife only Daughter of S r Thomas Leventhorp, of Shingle Hall in the County of Hertford. She died on the 5 th day of September 1739, Aged 63 years, and was by her own Orders Intered here. To the Memory of SUSANNA F A N S H A W E only Daughter of John Fanshawe, Esq re of Parflows in the County of Essex, and Mary his Wife eldest Daughter of John Coke Esq : of Melbourn in the County of Derby. She died Sep : 13 A.D. 1759. Aged 60 Years. and rSy her own order was interred here. ( 288 ) Here lyeth the Body of M r W I L L I A M GRAY, Bricklayer who departed this Life December the 9 t h 1741 in the 42 d year of his Age Vain are the Tombs and Monuments to Fame When Rais'd to Flatter an Ignoble Name And Vain the Trophies and the Sculptor's Arts For Sceptered Kings who've Acted Tyrants Parts No Worthless Laurels on this Urn we Place Nor Boasting of a long descent and Race Here we but tell the Moaldring Ashes lie of one who lived to be content to die Humane Generous Affable and Kind A Plain Free open Morall Honest Mind These Happiest Titles to his Fame we Bost And those who knew him Best did love him Most Underneath this Stone are deposited the Remains of ROBERT SMITH BIRD, Esq. Who departed this Life 9 t h March 1793 Aged 49 Years. NICHOLAS C O T T E R E L L , of Furnival's Inn London Gent, Departed this Life Auguft the 19 th 1742 In the 59 th year of his Age. ( 28 9 ) In Memory of WINIFRED POOLEY, Wife of Edward Pooley, Who Departed this life January the 23 rd 1799 Aged 56 years. O long endear'd by Social Acts thro' Life Dear Friend Kind Relative and Virtuous Wife Thofe Mercies crav'd by thee when Tears Diftreft Thy Saviour richly gave in Endlefs Reft Alfo to the Memory of Hufband of the above Who Departed this Life the 21 s t of Feby 1830 In the 80 th Year of his Age. E D W A R D POOLEY, In Memory of CHARLES SPARKES M.A. Clerk in Holy Orders. Who Departed this Life April 20 th 1864 Aged 51. In Memory of ANNE PLASKET, Widow of the late Sir Richard Plasket, K.C.M.G., Who died on Easter Sunday April 17th 1870 aged 60. U ( 290 ) Sacred To the Memory of GEORGE W I L L I A M W I L L I A M S , Only Child of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, Of this Parish who Departed this Life May 2 nd 1827, aged 18 years. Here lies a youth most lov'd a son most dear, So early call'd from hence the loss severe. Efteem'd by friends, and by the just approv'd ; In death lamented as in life belov'd ; Still shall affection count his virtues o'er, View scenes endear'd by him and grieve the more, Allow our tears Mortality's relief And till we share his joys forgive our grief. Here lieth' the Body of Wife of Ius1* Morse, of Chipin Barnet Surgeon. Who Departed this Life The 18 th of March 1751 Aged 72. SARAH, Also the Body of Mr Ius N MORSE, who died October y e 20 th 1752 in the 62 Year of his Age. ( 291 ) Sacred To the Memory of ANN SECRET, Who Departed this Life May 3 rd 1827, In the 23 rd year of her age Delusive life adieu ! with all thy train Of folly, labour, care, regret and pain Existence—but an animated clod ? Death sinks the frame and mounts to God. Sacred To the Memory of Commy. Gen1. JAMES D I C K E N S , Of this Parish Who Departed this life 31 st March 1854 In the 76th- year of his age after a period of 60 years In the Public Service. Beneath this Tomb are deposited the remains of R I C H A R D BRISTOWE B U R N E L L , Esq re . late one of the Sixty Clerks of the High Court of Chancery Who died December 11. 1789. Aged 58 Years. U 2 292 ) Sacred to the Memory of Wife of William Makepeace Thackeray, Esq re . of this Parifh. Who Departed this, Life April the 29 th 1810 In the 5 3 rd year of her Age. Alfo of the faid WILLIAM r M A K E P E A C E THACKERAY, Efq ., th Who departed the 11 day of March 1813 In the 64 th Year of his Age. AMELIA, In Memory of Esq r Formerly Commander of the H E I C Company's Ship Charlton. Who departed this Life June 12th 1833, Aged 52 years. GEORGE W O O D , Here lieth the Body of ANN SMITH, Who departed this life 10th September 1782 aged 55 years. Mr EDWARD WADESON,* Died 11 Aug. 1738 Aged 54 Arms: Gules a chevron . . . between three eagles displayed . . . Crest: Out of a ducal coronet a demi eagle displayed , , , * In the register the name is Robert Wadeson, ( 293 ) In Memory of Esq* late one of the Procurators General of the Arches Court of Canterbury, And Procurator General to the Earl Marshall of England, In his High Court of Chivalry, Who died on the 3 d December 1748 Aged 63 y rs . He was the Son and 16th Child of Gervas Nevile, late of Holbeck In the Parish of Leeds In the County of York Esq By Dorothy his Wife. SANDFOORD N E V I L E , ( 294 ) Sacred To the Memory of DANIEL FREDERICK EDRIDGE, of this Parish, Who died 25 th February 1816 Aged 29 years. Kind pity sooth the unhappy lovers fate Who turtle like has lost her loving mate Oh may we meet again in heavenly bliss Great God of Mercy grant me,all in this. Here lyeth the Body of HESTER CHAPONE, Who died December 25 th 1801 Aged 75 Years. Here lies Dr. W I L L I A M GARROW, of Barnet, Who died Dec r . 10 th 1795. * Mrs. Chapone was the authoress of " Letters on the Improvement of the Mind," addressed to a young lady, and " Miscellanies in Prose and Verse," &c., &c. ( 295 ) Here lieth the Body of CHARLOTTE MONRO, Who departed this life the 25 th of January 1783, in the 22 year of her Age. Here also lieth the Body of JOHtt MONRO, M.D., Father of the above Charlotte Monro, Who departed this life the 27 th day of December 1791, in the JJ®1 Year of his Age. Also the Body of JOHN CULLING MONRO, Second Son of James and Elizabeth Julianna Monro, and Grandson of the above, Who died the 24 th of May, 1800 Aged 11 Years. Here lieth the Body of E L I Z A B E T H , Relict of the before mentioned John Monro, M.D., Who died November 7, 1802, in the 75 Year of her Age. Here lieth the Body of K E N N E T H M O N R O , Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, who died at Hadley, the 8 t k day of April 1862 Aged 24 Years. Thine eyes shall behold the King in his beauty. Isaiah xxxiii. 17. ( 296 ) Here lieth the Body of JAMES MONRO, Esq. of this Parish, Who died i8fch Nov*. 1806 Aged 50 Years. " The spirit of those that fear the Lord shall live, for their hope is in him that saveth them."—Eccles. chap. 34, ver. 15. Also the Body of ELIZABETH JULIANA, Wife of the above James Monro, Who having suffered 10 years afflictive illness, which she bore with Piety Fortitude and Resignation departed this life January 18 th 1804 in the 36th year of her age. Also the Body*©f CAROLINE MONRO, Second Wife of the above James Monro, Who died May 30 th 1848 in the 75 Year of her Age. " God is not the God of the dead but of the living for all live in him."—Matt, xxii., 32. ; Luke xx. 38. Here lieth the Body of C H A R L E S MONRO, Esq., . of Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, Who died September 25 th 1821. Aged 64 years. Here also lieth the Body of JANE, Widow of the above named Charles Monro, Who died May i s t 1839. FINIS,