ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Volume Mrl0-20M'Of lliiVEKtSfTY OF IlLIMISELECTRO-PLATING VAT, AND SMEE BATTERY.ELECTRO-PLATING A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK INCLUDING THE PRACTICE OF ELECTRO-TYPING BY J. W. URQUHART, C.E. nT> r:tif! ^ HP LONDON CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND CO. 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL 1882 [All rights reserved.]?3 7- U. x £ LONDON: PRINTED BY J. S. VIRTUB AND CO., LIMITED, CITY ROAD.PREFACE. When I commenced to write the following little treatise my aim was the production of a hand-book possessing some novel features. They are, briefly, the greatest possible simplicity of language, and the providing of working directions in all respects applicable to the practice of the plating-shop and the wants of amateurs. I have done my best to combine these objects throughout the work. To produce a scientific or theoretical treatise on the art of electro-metallurgy was, of course, quite wide of my aim. My desire rather was to put in small compass, and plain wording, an exposition for which I looked in vain when I commenced the practice of electro-metallurgy without much know- ledge of science. I believe, strange as it may seem, that, without much " rule-of-thumb," any ordinarily intelligent man may become an expert in electro deposition with a very little science indeed. This work has been prepared for the benefit of that numerous portion of the community who have not the advan- 4^7*7 .vi PREFACE. tages of a library of books, and who could with difficulty understand them if they had. It is my hope that the ordinary plater or amateur will find nothing to puzzle him in its pages. The work has been written, in a secondary sense, to give publicity to the newest information concern- ing the ever-progressive arts of electro-plating and typing, and also to include particulars of Dynamo- electric machine working. It is arranged in chapters, a chapter being devoted to each important section of the work. Much care has been taken to render the book as useful as possible, by including all the necessary information concerning materials, the preparation of them, and their prices in commerce. The subject of electrical generators or batteries has received much careful attention, and will, I trust, be found almost complete. I have also been careful to omit questionable or doubtful methods of working. J. W. URQUHART. London, 1879.CONT CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks Explanations of Terms PAGB I CHAPTER II. The Plating Room.—Practical Work Preparation of the Articles * . Chemicals and Materials *5 39 CHAPTER III. Batteries . Workshop Batteries Remarks upon Batteries The Galvanometer . Dynamo-Electric Machines 47 50 69 72 74 CHAPTER IV Deposition of Copper . . . * . 82viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Depo&iifcm of Silver X > * «r' V-; CHAPTER VL Depositt$jrpf Nickel CHAPTER VII. Deposition of Gold . . . CHAPTER VIII. Deposililfi of Aluminium Deposition of Brass . . Deposition of Platinum . Deposition of German Silver . Deposition of Zinc . Deposition of Tin Coloured Coatings for Metals .ELECTRO- CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks. Electro-plating is the art of coating metals with metals by mean& pf electricity. Although the term is only generally applied to the coating of articles with silver, it is nevertheless quite applicable to the covering of metals with gold, nickel, copper, or other metal. Electrotyping is the second great division of the art of electro-metallurgy. It means the pro- duction of copper copies of articles by means of electricity. The whole art of electro-metallurgy is based upon a simple fact—that a current of electricity tends to decompose a metallic solution into water and metal, depositing the metal upon any surface prepared to receive it. Solutions of almost all the useful metals may be thus decomposed, and the metallic portion thrown upon a receiving surface. This is the principle upon which both arts are based—they i b* ELECTRO-PLATING. owe their existence to the same fact. To plate is to perfectly clean a metallic surface, and to deposit the metal thereon, so that it may incorporate itself with the original surface ; the result is that the article looks like silver, copper, nickel, gold, or whatever metal may be deposited upon it. To electro type is to deposit the metal upon a surface prepared so that good adhesion cannot take place. , The result is, that if the depositing is allowed to go on until a good thickness of metal i$ laid, the deposit may be removed. It will now have a separate existence of its own, and its face will faith- fully represent the surface upon which it was laid. Electro-plating is thus applicable to the coating of all kinds of metallic articles, from a needle to a statue, either to protect the real surface from decay, or to beautify and ornament. Electrotyping renders easy the reproduction and multiplication of engraved steel plates, woodcuts, set-up type, printing surfaces generally, objects of art, hollow and solid vessels, coins, and various other thii%s of more or less importance. BotH arts are practised to a very considerable extent in all civilised countries, especially in England—their birthplace—France, and America. There are large factories with every necessary ap- pliance, and unwholesome dens where work is done by makeshifts, for the prosecution of electro- plating. The printer and engraver use electro- - typing, and its applicability is extending daily. Tops of objects—articles of utility and no use—areINTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 3 made which would not be saleable were it not for electro-plating. A watch-case of copper is made to look like gold—for several years—for three shil- lings ; a chain for two; scarf-pins at as much a dozen; hair-pins jber gross. Forks and knives, spoons and liqueur-labels are silvered at threepence to a shilling each; teapots, coffee-pots, and other large things at five shillings each. One woodcut may be copied by thousands in copper. Engraved plates may be similarly repro- duced, and the exceeding accuracy of the copy is such that a practised eye cannot find a difference between the copy and the original. All printing faces so produced may be made to last for ever by thinly coating again with very hard iron (" steel- facing "), and dissolving this off, with further plating, when it is worn. Works of the most complicated design, undercut or plain, hollow or solid,—statues, large or small,—are produced and multiplied to any required extent. By simply immersing articles in, solutions, they are coated thinly with metals; large articles at so much each, and small at so much per dozen or pound. The art of electro-deposition is still further divi- sible into several sections. In electro-plating there is first to be considered the Solution : it must be composed of a salt or com- pound of the required metal dissolved in water or other liquid. It is contained in a vat or pot termed the depositing vessel. Electricity must be made to4 ELECTRO-PLATING. -pass througn this solution, from one plate to another. The plate by which the current enters is called The Anodey which is in most cases of the same metal as the solution. This anode (ana, up, and hodos, a way) not only serves to lead the current into the solution, but it usually dissolves just as fast as the solution is robbed of metal, so that an electro-plating solution is constantly renewed, and made to last for several years. The current passes through the solution, decomposes it, and deposits the metallic part upon the article being plated, which is sometimes called The Cathode—from cata> down, and hodos, a way. The electricity passes out of the liquid by this plate —teapot, bundle of pins, or whatever it may be-*- back by stout wire to the Battery, Fig. i, where the electrical energy required is generated. A battery, or generating cell, is not, as is popularly supposed, a complicated chemical com- bination. A good electrical generator may be made from a pair of plates, zinc and copper for example, plunged in soured or acidulated water. A battery (Depositing Cell.) Fig. i. (Battery Cell.)INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 5 is a combination of two or more cells—the term is not properly applicable to one cell only. A wire stretches from each plate to each end of the depositing vessel, and is then cleanly connected to the anode and cathode, or article. This completes the arrangement, which is applicable either to plating or electrotyping if the solution is a copper one. But before anything can be done, the articles to be plated must be Cleaned, which means absolute freeing from all possible impurities by chemical means. This is spoken of in the following pages under the head of preparation, which means the cleaning of articles, whether mechanical or chemical processes are used. It also includes the preparation of articles to be copied in copper, making moulds from the same, and preparing or rendering conductive the surfaces of such moulds. Under the head of electrotyping will be found all the necessary particulars, mould- ing and preparing, relating to it. Preparationy again, is devoted chiefly to the plating section of electro-deposition.v It will prove a great saving of time to the amateur or would-be plater to make a few experiments with a solution composed of sulphate of copper dissolved in warm water. The " battery " may be a copper and zinc pair, in a teacup full of acidulated water. A knowledge of the fact that such simple-cells must have their plates separated for a little distance by some non-conducting substance, such as wood, paper, or glass, is also necessary. It will, perhaps,6 ELECTRO-PLATING. be unnecessary to state that wood and such things will not conduct electricity, and that all metallic and most liquid substances conduct it very well. Metals—silver, copper, and so on—are good con- ductors ; water not so good, damp wood or wire- covering poor, and dry wood and such non-metallic substances are so poor in conductive power that they are usually called insulators, or substances through which electricity cannot pass. A Daniell or Smee generating cell (see Bat- teries), a pint of silver, gold, or copper solution, with an anode plate of the required metal, will enable the amateur to plate small articles, and also to electrotype in the copper solution. The Daniell or Smee generating cell will supply the electricity, a solution the metal, and all that is wanting is a surface to deposit it upon—permanently if for plating, and for the time being if for typing. Small articles, which it is required to coat only thinly, may be readily plated by simple immersion, or in contact with a, chip of zinc {see under different heads). Solutions are described by means of which simple immersion may be made to give a good thick coating. Those who earn their bread by silvering small articles cheaply, as thousands do in Birmingham and London, will find those simple- immersion mixtures very useful. The hot ones are best suited for rapid and good working. It is of more importance to very perfectly clean the articles to be electro-plated, than those to be silvered, coppered, or gilt, by simple immersion. The onlyEXPLANATIONS OF TERMS. * J ■ * guarantee, however, of good work is the most scru- pulous cleanliness: even tfye finger must hot be allowed to go near a surface cleaned. In typing, on the other hand, the face of the article to be copied need not, and indeed must not, be made clean if it is intended to deposit upon it direct, which is seldom done. It is usual in typing to take an impression of the article in gutta-percha, or some other substance, and to render the resulting surface conducting by applying various substances, more or less valuable in practice. Just as much care is necessary to make a perfect conducting surface upon a mould as to clean an article for perfect plating. Owing to the fact that this treatise is written for those who know nothing of chemistry or electrical science, it is arranged in a somewhat unusual way; and explanations are given, and language used, that may, to a great extent, be considered unneces- sary by the initiated. Explanations of the terms which could not well be avoided are given, and their connection, with the work of every-day life shown. The reader is assured that the practice of electro-deposition may be carried on with only a modicum of scientific knowledge. Explanations of Terms. To " dilute" means in almost every case to add water to, or mix with water. Dilute acid means usually acidulated water. Many mistake the term to indicate acid to which a little water has been added.8 ELECTRO-PLATING. To " dissolve" simply means to place the sub- stance in some liquid by which it will be melted, and disappear, and the liquid is then A "Solution." Solutions are usually liquids, such as water and acids, in which some solid sub- stance or gas has been dissolved. To " Digest93 is to dissolve, but it usually means by heat—that is, the liquid must be heated, to slowly dissolve the substance, and this is called digestion. To " Precipitate" is to throw down any metal or substance in solution by the addition of another substance—thus, to precipitate the silver of a solu- tion as a chloride, add hydrochloric acid or common salt. The precipitate means the substance thrown down. Precipitates are usually heavy enough to fall at once to the bottom; from them the solutions are then "DecantedTo decant may mean pouring off, or it may mean drawing off with a syphon. It is not unusual then to Redissolve the precipitate—this, of course, means dissolving again, but Precipitate and Redissolve generally mean to add such an agent as a solution of potassium cyanide to a solution, and to continue adding it until the precipitate which is formed begins to disappear againy by means of the great strength of the added agent. Evaporate almost always means to boil the solution until all the liquid portion disappears in steam, theEXPLANATIONS OF TERMS. 9 Residue or resulting substance being the metal or substance previously in the solution. This is driving off all Excess of acid. Excess here means more than is sufficient to form the salt or other substance at the bottom. Evaporate nearly to dryness means to get rid of the liquid portion until the liquid left is very thick, and ready to crystallize on cooling. When direc- tions are given to , Wash the resulting salt, it means that the salt is not soluble in water, otherwise it would dissolve in the water. When it is directed to Wash the precipitate, it means that water is to be dashed in, the precipitate stirred in it, allowed to settle, and freed from the water by pouring off or Filtering, which means that the whole, water and precipitate, is to be poured on a filter, usually of calico loosely stretched on a hoop. Saturated solution, or Saturation, means that con- dition of a liquid when it cannot dissolve any more of a substance. Free acid, or Cyanide. This means that amount of the cyanide added after the precipitate or sub- stance is quite dissolved. It me^ns more than enough to effect the immediate purpose. Free acid or cyanide in a solution for plating means that amount necessary to dissolve the anode, or, more correctly, to form into a salt the metal dissolved off the anode by the current. It also assists in keeping the conductivity of the solution good. \10 ELECTRO-PLATING. Salt means any compound of a metal, usually that resulting from its dissolution in an acid and subsequent crystallization. " Common salt" means chloride of sodium, or common house-salt. Parts usually means weights and measures; and where " parts " is used in directing for the make- up of solutions it means that grains, ounces, or pounds may be used, or ounces, quarts, and gallons, according to the volume of solution re- quired. Deposit, " depositing/' " coat," " layer," " cover- ing," mean simply the metal thrown upon any article or surface by the aid of electricity. Plating is used here to indicate not only coating with silver, but with all other metals. Clean. This is a very important word to under- stand. As is said in the section on preparation, it means absolute freedom from all foreign substances, even a layer of air. Chemically clean is perfectly clean. Film means the coating or deposit. In any other sense its meaning will be obvious. Amalgamate means to cover with a closely ad- herent film of mercury. Quick means to coat with mercury in a solution of a mercury salt. Contact: This means electrical contact, or the completion of an electrical circuit. It means the parts touched together to complete a circuit, or, in other words, to complete a metallic path for the passage of electricity.EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS. I I Connection. This means joining a wire or other conductor to complete a circuit. It means also that the parts of the metals touched together must be clean, because electricity will not pass through dirt. " Connect to " means to join to with wires to form a proper conducting Circuit. This means the path or conductor in which electricity passes. A complete circuit of some good conductors is necessary, because electricity must find its way, so to speak, lack to the battery or other generator after doing the work. " Work." This usually means the articles to be plated; again it means the duty performed by the current of electricity. "Pole " means one end of a battery. It is usual to call the copper end the positive pole, while the zinc is called the negative pole; but in this treatise the words are not used. Instead, and to save the possibility of error, I use such terms as " zinc pole," "copper pole," "zinc end" "copper conductor," " zinc conductor." I also call the copper wire (the wire leading from the copper) the anode wire, and the zinc wire the cathode wire or conductor. I also call the latter conductor, the article wire, about which there can be no mistake. In reading other books, the plater will find the zinc plate called the positive platej but the end of this plate, or its wire, the negative pole or wire. He will also find the copper plate called negative, and its end or wire positive. Although those things puzzle a beginner, and are seldom explained clearly, a little considera-12 ELECTRO-PLATING. tion will show that they are perfectly logical. The current of electricity is generated or set free at the zinc plate, and instead of passing off by the zinc conductor, it goes through the solution to the copper plate, which receives it, and is therefore termed negative, while the zinc which gave rise to it is called positive. The current then passes off by the copper conductor, which leads towards the zinc, and is therefore termed the positive pole or wire, while the zinc end, which receives the current from the outside circuit, properly enough gets negative applied to it. " Cell" means a pair of plates in a solution or liquid; a generator of electricity, such as a zinc and silver plate in acidulated water. The plates should be as near together as possible without touching. Element is the same thing, or one cell of a "Battery" which is a combination of cells, al- though the term i$ sometimes, though incorrectly, used for one cell only. Join up, means to connect together, either in series—zinc copper, zinc copper—or in " multiple arc," which is joining all the zincs to one con- ductor, and all the coppers, carbons, or silvers to the other. It also means to connect work so as to put it In the circuit, which means to so join the wires that the electricity must pass through the required part. To solder means to clean, wet with hydrochloric acid saturated with zinc, place tinman's solderEXPLANATIONS OF TERMS. 13 upon, and heat until it runs ajid takes to the metal to form a perfect metallic joint. Soldering is best done with a soldering bolt of copper, heated, and its end cleaned and " tinned " with solder. Stripping means the process of taking valuable or other metals off old or badly-plated'goods. Current means the volume of electrical action, or force passing, with no reference to its force. Force of current is more fully explained in the section on batteries; it means the strength to push through resistance. Resistance> of course,, means the imperfect con- ductivity of the solutions, by reason of which they resist the passage of all electricity of insufficient force. Insulator means that through which electricity cannot pass, or a very imperfect conductor. Insu- lated means covered with a very badly conducting substance—thus an insulated conductor is a copper wire covered with gutta-percha, cotton, silk, or tarred hemp. Conductor means a wire leading the current. These wires should be of stout copper, and covered with gutta-percha or other insulator. Wires are conductors. They should always be insulated. To wire is to join the articles by wire so that the current may pass through them. Anode means any plate in a solution connected to the copper or positive wire. Anodes in solutions are meant both to conduct the current there, and14 ' ELECTRO-PLATING. to dissolve, so as to make up for the metal deposited upon the Cathode, which is the article connected to the zinc wire on being plated. Galvanometer, an instrument consisting of a coil of wire with a freely suspended compass needle therein, for measuring the force of electricity, or indicating by the swing of the needle its direction of motion. (See Galvanometer.)CHAPTER II. the plating-room. Practical Work. The plating shop should be well lighted, and cleanly whitewashed. It should be on the ground floor, and steam power is a great aid to rapid and good working. If there are dynamo-electric machines instead of batteries, they should be raised three feet from the ground to allow satisfactory examination of their commutators. Vats should be placed against the wall, if possible under a window with a white screen, to be used for strong sunlight when necessary. Scratch-brushing arrange- ments, with the cleaning pots, should be at the other end, and nearest to the door. Gilding being a part of the business not so extensively applicable as silvering, nickeling, and coppering, should, on account of the valuable metal, be done in a more private room, fitted with gas or other heating arrangements. Whether for gilding or coppering, the temperature of the shop should never fall below 45° Fahr. in winter, because almost all solutions work badly at a low temperature; and if batteries are kept out of the room, they must not be allowed16 ELECTRO-PLATING. to freeze. Good ventilation is of the greatest importance. There should, be a yard or roofless place in which to do stinking chemical operations, and a plentiful supply of tap and filtered rain water. Heat should be at hand, preferably by means of steam pipes. Over this heat should be kept iron boxes filled with boxwood or mahogany sawdust for drying the articles. An iron boiler, for holding the hot caustic potash cleaning mixture, should be out of doors. No cleaning arrangements should be carried on near to the dynamo-electric machine or engine. Two tubs should contain dipping water, and the cleaning and " pickling" and u quicking " mixtures should be in glazed earthen- ware pots. Chemicals should be kept upon shelves, which should be fitted with a dark cupboard for those things that will not bear exposure to the light. And finally, but of the greatest importance, there should be a supply of acetate of iron as an antidote in case of poisoning by the cyanide liquids so much used. (See Chemicals.) Scratch-brushes.—The operation of scratch-brush- ing is very often spoken of throughout this treatise. Scratch-brushing means rubbing with fine wire brushes and some liquid, to scrape or rub off the impurities on goods before they can be properly cleaned for plating. The term is also applied to a similar action with hard hair-brushes, and indeed a great deal may be done by hard hair and fine sand. The simplest scratch-brush is simply a bundle ofSCRATCH-BRUSHES. 17 fine wires, usually brass, about an inch in diameter and five long. It is bound tightly by much stouter wire, which is wound off as the brush is worn (Fig. 2). Scratch-brushes for large and professional work are always mounted on a lathe-frame, or in such a way that steam power or the foot may be used to give a rotatory motion to them. The brushes are thin circular ones of brass or iron wire (Fig. 3). For power, the brush is simply mounted upon a spindle running in two bearings, a pulley being pro- vided to take the belt from the shaft over- head. The lathe contrivance is always a rough1 framework, with a wheel and treadle. A hood of sheet metal is provided over the brush, to prevent its throwing the dirt in Fig. 2.— Simple showers about the shop. It is usual to feed Scratch- x brush. the brush with a continuous drip of stale beer, supplied from a small barrel overhead. There is also a trough under the brush, and a drain-pipe to take off the used drippings (Fig. 4). Vats for Solutions—Depositing Ves- sels.—The size of the vat will de- pend upon the magnitude of opera- tions. Large vats contain as much as 300 gallons of the solution, others 150 and 200 gallons. Such vats may F; 3_Rotary be from three to six feet long, from Scratch-brush. one to two wide and deep. The actual size, as long ci8 ELECTRO-PLATING. as it will hold the articles to be worked upon, is of little consequence. It is usual to have the long vats filled with a series of anodes, connected to one battery, between which the articles are immersed, so that both sides of them may be equally plated upon. Wooden vats without lining used to be employed, but experience has shown that they absorb much Fig. 4.—Scratch-Brush Lathe. of the liquid, and if it is valuable, as silver, the fault is a great one. For all solutions they ought to be coated within. Gutta-percha will not do for cyanide liquids, as they destroy it. Vats made of wood are best lined with good Portland cement. But no vat is so good as one of rolled iron plate, with a lining of thin wood to prevent contact with the anodes. All the first plating factories have ironDEPOSITING VESSELS. 19 vats, and the best of them are enamelled within, which makes the vessel perfect, if it is properly done. Small tanks for gilding made in this way- are very handy. , For sulphate of copper solutions a wooden vat does very well, and it is much better lined with marine glue or asphaltum cement. Cyanide liquids, except of course gold ones, which require to be heated, may be kept in well-jointed oak tanks, but the wood is gradually destroyed, and the solutions soak through and run off on the outside. A wooden tank lined with slate bedded in cement gives every satisfaction. For the standard nickel solution a tank of wood lined with asphaltum cement gives every satisfaction. Gilding solutions should be in iron enamelled small tanks, fitted with feet, and with gas-burners, lamp, or stove beneath ; and a thermometer ought to be permanently fixed to the tank, below the surface, so that the temperature may be ascer- tained at any time, and regulated. Contact arrangements are best made with stout brass tubing. Every tank of large size, or which is to have over one anode, should be well fitted, to save trouble, with " continuous contact" arrange- ments. Every tank should, for the same reason, have a ledging extending outwards. Upon this ledge the " continuous contacts" are laid. They are simply two rectangles of brass tubing. One rectangle goes all round the outside of the ledge, on the upper surface, and to this the copper or%20 ELECTRO-PLATING. anode wire is fixed by a binding screw. And from side to side of the tank extend the anode rods, rest- ing upon this rectangle of tubing. Inside this goes another rectangle of smaller tubing, to which the zinc or article wire is fastened, and across this rest the three or four article bars used. These bars should have wooden or gutta- percha heads, so that accidental contact with the anode rectangle may be avoided. It will be seen that the arrangements are of a very simple de- scription. The brass rims and rods must be kept clean throughout their lengths, and for this purpose emery-cloth should be at hand and used every morning. It is a great improvement to gild the rods, which will render the cleaning unnecessary, unless extreme carelessness is used. It is a good plan to have a slit made in the wooden rim, be- tween the rectangles of tubing, and the edges sloped off to it, but no iron or other metallic con- tacts may, of course, come between the rods or tubes. This slit will carry off any liquid that may be by accident spilt upon the ledging. Such parts should be kept dry, because a layer of liquid con- necting the tubes or rods will " short circuit" most of the current, and send it back to the battery without passing through the liquid. Arrangements may of Course be, and are, adopted to prevent any- thing of the kind, such as wooden corner supports for the larger rectangle of tubing. For smaller tanks or vessels, such as are usedPREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 21 for gilding, it will be unnecessary to provide con- tinuous contacts, because one anode is usually enough. A pair of rods with wooden ends, for resting upon the tank to quite prevent contact, will be enough. They should have binding screws fitted to them, and from them should hang, by stout hooks, the anode and batch of articles being gilded. Operations on a still smaller scale need not in- volve the providing of rods. The anode may be simply hung from the copper wire, and the articles from the zinc wire. This is applicable to small working in porcelain vessels. A great deal of good gilding is done in such things as large battery pots, heated by being kept in boiling water in an iron pan, glue-pot fashion, and no other arrangements are employed. In all cases where the anodes are over six inches square, they should be provided with two silvered or gilded hooks to hang evenly upon the cross-rod. It is very convenient to have a let-out tap fitted to tanks two inches above the bottom, for letting off liquids; but some platers would prefer to employ a syphon of lead tubing, and draw off from the top. Preparation of the Articles. v I cannot impress too strongly upon the beginner the importance of properly preparing the articles before plating them with any metal. We must have chemically clean surfaces. Ordinary cleanliness is of no use whatever. To sum up the causes of failure in almost every22 ELECTRO-PLATING. instance of bad work in one word, is no difficult matter—that word is dirt. No matter how clean a surface may look, it is in most cases dirty, and if it is not dirty, there exists upon it a film of air, which will effectually prevent good coating from being done. It is to the plater absurd to suppose that, because the amateur cleans his watch-chain with whiting, it will take a coating that will stand heat- ing or burnishing. Common cleanliness causes the work to be a failure, because, if there is not an invisible coating of oxide or dirt, there is one of air, which must be removed effectually before any- thing can be done. It is a very easy matter to obtain a deposit over the surface, but quite a different matter to lay one that will stand burnishing and heating. It is, moreover, important in good work to make the surface smooth. The mode of operation in cleaning will depend upon the nature of the article, and its condition. To " rough clean " the surfaces when they are very dirty, a hard hand-brush, with silver sand and water, will prove useful. After this, as a rule, the, article should be well scratch-brushed to clean and smooth the surface, but small articles of silver may be brushed with a tooth-brush and rouge, whiting, rotten-stone, and other cleaning powders, until the rough and dirty superficial coating is cleared off. Articles that appear perfectly smooth and clean will, in most cases, have a slightly greasy surface, which must be cleaned off by rinsing in boiling caustic potash solution.PREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 23 Rough, and coated with Oxide.—Scrub off with hard brush, sand and water, emery-cloth, scraper, fine file, or wire card, according to the size and condition of the articles—this applies to old articles. After finishing the surface with the scratch-brush and stale ale, burnish if required, and treat as hereafter directed. Burnishing.—This is rubbing in straight lines with a finely polished hard steel tool, long, and of oval section. Burnishers of other materials, such as dogs' teeth and agate, are also employed. Bur- nishers are made for different purposes; for large work, to be fixed in the vice, the burnisher is an oval bar of hard and finely polished steel, about a foot long, and having two handles. For work re- volving in the lathe, the burnisher is a rounded head upon a steel shank; the head being finely polished is pressed upwards upon the work, and moved from end to end of it. With brass this is done dry, but with copper and iron a little soap and water will be found useful to prevent the tool from cutting up the work. For hand work nothing is more suitable than the ordinary watchmakers' or jewellers' long burnishers, costing a few pence. All these tools must be kept brightly polished by rubbing in straight lines upon the finest emery- cloth. The operation of burnishing is not learnt at once, it needs attention and practice. The surface must be previously prepared, by scratch- brushing, or fine draw-filing, or rubbing in straight lines with emery-cloth, and then the burnishing24 ELECTRO -PLATING. may be done* The work must be held firmly, and soapy water used, if the tool begins to grate upon the work. Burnishing is also done to the coatings after they are laid, if a polished appearance is re- quired. But it should be remembered that the best electro-plate, whether nickeled or silvered, is not burnished, except to ornament prominent parts. The work is polished and buffed, that is, scratch- brushed, and then dried and held against a re- volving buff, or softly covered wheel, making use of such powder as fine jewellers' rouge. A first- rate buff may be made by placing a great number of fustian discs, cut circularly and pressed against a flange mounted upon a spindle—a wheel, in short, of discs of cloth. Hand buffing may be done with wood sticks covered tightly with two layers of wash-leather or fustian, employing rouge to polish with. Rough cutting materials must not be em- ployed to clean electro-plated surfaces. Manufactured Goods.—These are the articles as they come from the maker's hands, clean appa- rently, but covered with a greasy film. They must be rinsed in the boiling caustic potash liquid, and then treated like others by dipping in various cleaning mixtures, of which particulars are here given. Scoured, and luffed articles of silver are to be rinsed in diluted nitric acid, dipped for a moment only in strong acid, swilled in water, and at once put in the plating vessel. Great care must be taken not to touch any cleaned surface with even one finger ;PREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 25 if this is done, the deposit will not adhere to the spot. Copper, German-silver, and brass, of which metals the greater number of things are made, are to be prepared for the bath, after scratch-brushing, by immersing in a pickle made by mixing together, half a gallon of each, water and sulphuric acid, a quart of nitric acid of ordinary quality, and two ounces of hydrochloric acid. It is wise to have at hand two vessels of this cleaning mixture ; one quite fresh for the final dip before swilling in water and placing in the vat, and the other in which to first dip and clean the articles. The articles should be kept for a minute or so in the first liquid, and if necessary rubbed with it by a pad of cotton on a stick. The final dip is only momentary. A rinse in water finishes the work, which must be instantly placed in the depositing vessel. If articles are allowed to dry, they must be again dipped, or if the fingers touch them the same treatment will be necessary. All articles must have the suspension wires fixed to them before dipping. Steel and mw articles, after scouring, are to be cleaned in a mixture of a pint of sulphuric acid, an ounce of each nitric and hydrochloric acids, in a gallon of water. The articles are to be left in the solution for some time, and if exclusively for steel, the mixture should be weaker. Tin, lead, pewter, and Britannia metal are to be cleaned by rinsing in the caustic potash solution, swilling in clean water, and at once put to plate.2 6 ELECTRO-PLATING. To make up the caustic potash solution, place in an iron boiler four pounds of caustic lime, add water with stirring until a creamy mixture is pro- duced. Then stir in a solution composed of eight pounds of pearlash in hot water. Boil the mixture. If an exceedingly strong caustic alkali is required for extra dirty work, dissolve stick caustic potash in hot water. Care must, however, be taken to keep the naked skin from this material, because it produces exceedingly bad sores, which are difficult to heal. It will, in fact, dissolve the skin quite readily. (See Chemicals.) Britannia metal, zinc, tin, and pewter should not be dipped in acid mixture, because they dissolve therein very fast. As soon as the "dipping" is done, it is best to have at hand either a stream of water, or watet in two pots, so that the articles may get a washing and a final dip before placing in the depositing vessel. A great many of the articles have, however, to be dipped in a " quicking " solu- tion to get a coating of mercury, to secure adhe- sion. (See Quicking,) Cast iron, with the original " skin," is usually exceedingly hard, owing to a glaze of iron silicate. It is often treated with hydrofluoric acid—usually called " fluoric acid." This will dissolve the silica, but the greatest possible care is necessary in hand- ling it, as it will not only destroy the human skin and make bad sores, but it will dissolve glass ves- sels, and must therefore be kept in a gutta- percha or lead bottle, closed with a stopper ofPREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 2 J gutta-percha. Its fumes should be avoided as much as possible. It is usually employed for glass ornamenting, and lettering upon "flashed" glass. In all the operations it is best to have at hand a strong cleaning solution, a medium one, and a " spent/' or weak one, and then two pans of water for final dipping. The solutions are called " dip- ping liquid " for the strong, and " spent liquid" for the weak. Nitric acid, used chiefly for silver, is called aquafortis when in the strong state, and when ^weakened by repeated dipping, " strong pickle ; " the second quality or strength of this being called " weak pickle." Pickle is also frequently applied to sulphuric acid water, into which things are thrown after heating. Small bulks of the liquids never work well. They should be contained in large earthen- ware pots, well glazed ; the caustic potash liquid in an iron vessel over a fire. Caustic potash is employed to clean off greasy surfaces, and the acid mixtures are usually made up to dissolve films of oxides, and to clean up or expose the real surface. It may be often unnecessary to scour or scratch-brush the work. The acid mixtures may do the cleaning throughout. Copper and German-silver are very often heated to dull redness, and then thrown into sulphuric acid pickle, which will cause the scale to fall cleanly off, when a final dip and wash will render the work ready for plating upon. Articles that are soldered with tin solder must not be so treated, because it would cause them to fall to28 ELECTRO-PLATING. pieces. Silver may also be heated, and thrown into hot dilute sulphuric acid. Zinc may frequently be dipped in strong pickle—dilute sulphuric acid. "Dipping acid/' or nitric acid mixed with sul- phuric, is sold at a cheap rate. For coppering the cleaning itself will be sufficient to insure an adherent coating, but for silvering and gilding it is wise to employ the method of coating with mercury. Quicking Articles.—The mercury solutions are easily made up and kept in order. For copper, brass, and German-silver make a solution as fol- » lows :—Prepare about a pound of nitric acid diluted with three times its volume of water. Pour this upon an ounce of mercury, a little at a time, with stirring, until all the metal is dissolved. The action will be somewhat slow, but no more acid than is necessary is to be added. Dilute the whole with a gallon of water. Zinc articles are best coated in a solution made up in this way Dissolve an ounce of nitrate of mercury in two gallons of water mixed with four ounces of sulphuric acid. To make aquick- ing solution of cyanide of mercury in potassium cyanide:—Dis,solve the mercury in dilute nitric acid; make up a solution of cyanide of potassium one ounce to the pint, and add it to the mercury solu- tion, with stirring, until the metal is precipitated as cyanide. Allow to settle, and pour off the liquid portion; wash with clean water, pour off, and add to the precipitate with stirring enough cyanide solu- tion to dissolve it. Dilute the whole to the ex-PREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 29 tent of one ounce of mercury to a gallon and a half. It is important that these solutions contain only- enough mercury to give to the article the thinnest possible coating; a thick coating will cause the metal to strip after the plating is done, which is an exceedingly vexatious result. Too little, so long as the surface is perfectly covered, cannot possibly be put on, but too much is easily laid. A good test of a quicking liquid is to immerse in it a piece of clean copper plate. If the plate becomes white very soon, with a thin, closely adherent coating, the liquid is right. If the coating is black, or bad in colour, the liquid is not properly made, or is exhausted. It is important that all the articles look uniformly white on removal from the quicking vessel. If they are patched, the surface is either greasy, or the solution badly made. A good coat- ing will insure that a perfectly reliable molecular contact will take place between the plating and the article, which will stand burnishing or other usage. Preparing Iron for Silvering and Gilding.—It would appear quite impossible to lay either gold or silver in good molecular contact with an iron surface, no matter how perfect the cleaning may be. A good deal of plating with silver has, how- ever, been done upon iron direct, but the work is a botch at the best, because the metal will strip off very easily, and will not stand burnishing. On cutting under such a film, the metal may be scaled30 ELECTRO-PLATING. off with the knifey disclosing an iron surface far from good in colour. However it happens, the surface is of a bluish oxidized tint, although on placing in the bath it was perfectly clean. This tint seems to take some time to develop, because it is seldom found directly after plating. The only remedy as yet practically applied is to deposit a thin coat of copper upon the iron previously to gilding or silvering. Iron " takes" copper per- fectly in a cyanide of copper solution. (See Copper.) The copper should not have any appreciable thick- ness, but must perfectly cover the iron. Stopping off.—This is the prevention of a deposit from spreading all over an article when only half of it is to be plated. Melted solid paraffin is very useful in cold liquids, acid or alkaline, because it is not affected. Sealing-wax varnish may be used in liquids not too hot. Copal varnish is, however, more suitable for hot liquids. The best copal varnish, with an admixture of fine jewellers' rouge, will prove useful in extra hot liquids. (See Gold.) Various cheap substances may be used for large surfaces, but they must be fairly thick, and should be capable of being easily dissolved or melted off after the work is done. Engravers' wax may be used, also tallow, bees'-wax, shellac varnish, and such substances' easily got rid of. Pitch or tar is not fit for the purpose. Surfaces not to be deposited upon should, if possible, be kept turned away from the anode, or exposed to its influence as little as possible, because deposits actually do take placePREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 31 upon thin varnishes if the current is strong. This is a waste of metal. Dipping, for "Bright" and"Dead" Gilding.—This appearance is chiefly applicable to copper, brass, and German-silver. Dip in weak nitric acid until the surface shows a black scaly appearance, then immerse in " strong pickle "—very weak nitric acid. Then plunge into strong nitric acid and quickly wash, and put in the plating vessel. It is more convenient, when there are many things to do, to provide for " bright dipping " a mixture of exhausted nitric acid, half a pound; water, one pint; hydrochloric acid, three pounds. It is suited to the general run of metals, copper, brass, and German-silver. They are to be soaked for a few minutes in it, after which they should lo.ok bright on cleaning off the black slime covering them. Such articles may be again prepared for the bath by rapid and effectual washing. " Dead" dipping is usually done in a mixture of one pound of sulphuric acid, and two pounds of ordinary commercial ("yellow ") nitric acid, with the addition of two ounces of common salt. Soak the articles in the mixture until "dead," remove and pass through the pickles, then through two waters to the plating vessel. In all the processes of dipping to impart chemical cleanliness of surface, small articles, or such as are fitted for it, should be strung upon a wire in bunches, or in stone vessels (Fig. 5), so that they may be shaken about in the vessels. The same32 ELECTRO-PLATING. wire should hold them in the gilding or silvering vessel, and such wires should be already gilt or silvered to prevent loss of contact. Batches of spoons and forks should be done at once, strung upon a suitable wire by hooks made to slip over their stems. " Wiring" the Articles.—Small articles for gild- ing are to be strung upon a tliin gilt wire if they admit of this being done, and if not, they should be placed in a stoneware basket, and shaken about constantly while in the gilding liquid. The contact is got by wiring only one of the articles to the article-rod of the vessel, but almost all kinds of small goods may be wired in batches : if this is done they must be arranged loosely, and constantly shaken while being gilt, otherwise they may only be partially gilt, and the colour may be bad. (See Gold.) Larger articles should be hung by stouter wires separately, and in order that such wires do not receive a deposit also, they are bent into suitable hooks at their lower ends, and covered with a tube of good india-rubber. Varnish will not do for the reason stated before—that metal will be thrown upon thin coatings, attracted by the metallic conductor within. These tubes should fit the wires tightly, and bundles of such wires should be at hand, with ends turned into all kinds of hooks Fig. 5.—Dipping Ladle and Basket, of Stone- ware.PREPARATION OF THE ARTICLES. 33 and loops, to suit the standard work doing. All such hooks ought to be gilt top and bottom, to insure good contact with the article-rod and articles. For silver-plating, the same hooks covered upon their stems, should be at hand, especially those with right-angle loops at their lower end to take in spoons and forks. Those loops should again be made in different sizes, to suit from salt-spoons to tea-spoons through dessert size to dinner spoons and forks, the stems of which may be reckoned alike. Small articles must not be immersed in close bunches as in gilding, because the opera- tion of silvering is much slower, and it is difficult to give motion to them so often. They should be strung upon a wire—a thin one, apart, and if possible between two anodes. Various arrangements are in use called " slings,"'' loops," " sockets," and "swivels," and no difficulty is usually experienced in the operation of wiring in silvering solutions (Fig. 6). For nickel- Kg. 6—sung- . . . Loop. mg the wiring is the same as for silvering. Wiring for copper deposition is in great part described in the section upon electrotyping. For ordinary plating with copper, the "slings" and "loops" need not be coated with gutta-percha, because the metal is not so valuable, but the slings may become too stout in time with deposited copper. Motion in Solutions.—In gilding, silvering, and nickeling solutions, having the articles in motion D34 ELECTRO-PLATING. is a very great advantage. A very slight motion will suffice, and it is best to have it up and down, or parallel to the anode face, across the vat. In establishments with steam power the vats are usually fitted with a frame, carrying the rods from which to suspend articles. This frame is upon four wheels, moving for a short space upon rails fixed upon the vat edges, and motion is given from an eccentric upon the shaft. But a simpler plan is to make use of a roasting-jack, which may be employed if the articles are between two anodes, or even opposite to one another. A frame, hung upon cords and moved by mechanical means, is also in use, as are heavy pendulums and other obviously appli- cable pieces of apparatus. Motion at intervals may be given by the hand. Position in the Solutions.—Vertically tinder the anode surface is the scientifically correct position for articles being plated. This would hold good could we procure and work anodes and solutions perfectly pure, but the common impurities of all the metals and solutions, accidental or intrinsic, prevent any such position from being applicable in practice. If we arrange a flat surface to be deposited upon horizontally below the surface of the liquid, and also arrange the anode horizontally over it, a few inches off, the deposition will go on very steadily, but on examination the deposit will be found rough, dirty, and mixed with large spots of impurities fallen from the anode. All metals are alike, except, perhaps, pure gold ; and in gold-plating the work isPOSITION OF THE ARTICLES. 35 done so fast that the positions indicated would not do in practice, while the work must be examined now and again. A good plan, however, is to plunge the articles deeper in the solution than the anodes, and the plates may be inclined ; but, speaking plainly, and as a worker looks at the question, it is a case where " the game is not worth the candle." Even although the scientifically correct method could be employed, which is doubtful, supposing the non-existence of impurities, only a very little less battery power would be needed, and although the deposit would be, perhaps, mathematically correct in thickness all over the surface, very little would be gained, and it is fairly clear that any advantage would be more than outweighed by the loss of time in securing it. Suppose, for example, that there is only one anode, and that both sides of the article—a salver —are to be equally plated, it is clear that the plate must be turned occasionally in the course of silver- ing, otherwise the deposit must be uneven—more upon one side than upon the other. The metal ahvays goes fastest upon that point or side next or nearest to the anode. Therefore, knowing this, an intelligent plater will so arrange his anode surface that the work may be done equally upon all parts of the article. Anodes may sometimes have to be bent—convex to suit a concave article, and con- cave to suit a convex one. This is especially so in electrotyping, where all shapes of anodes must be used upon uneven surfaces to secure uniformity of36 ELECTRO-PLATING. deposition. Large anodes, bulks of liquid, and cur- rents deposit more evenly than small ones, where more care is necessary to produce good work. Faults and Failures.—The operator should always learn first to deposit copper properly, because the metal is easily worked, and because it is cheap enough, and affords a guide to the best methods in dealing with silver, nickel, and gold. Dirt is, after all, the chief cause of failure. It is a compara- tively easy matter to deposit a metal simply, but to lay it in molecular contact is quite another. There is such a thing as lad quality of deposit, and the directions that are here given aim at placing in the operator's hands such rules as may prevent the deposition of brittle or porous metals. With regard to brittleness it may be remarked that, as a general rule, the result of battery power inade- quate to the work doing is a brittle deposit, accom- panied, in the case of silver and nickel, by a peculiar brightness of surface, and in gold work by a very pale yellow. Too much current, on the other hand, will usually produce a porous deposit, and if the current is very much too great, the metal may be thrown down in grains. Scratch-brushing is to be resorted to in the best nickeling, silvering, and gilding after the first coat is laid. This * tests its adherent qualities, and re- veals defects otherwise scarcely discoverable. It is only true economy of time and material to at once proceed to strip and re-prepare an article upon which the first coating is bad. It is seldomFAULTS AND FAILURES. 37 that good nickeling or silvering can be done with- out at least one scratch-brushing and rewashing after the first film is on, and before the main deposit is laid. The same process is resorted to if the work in electro-gilding is to be well done. Care is necessary that the metal may go upon all parts of the surface with the same thickness. Any irre- gularity of this kind cannot be detected by weigh- ing, but it may be quite prevented by care in arranging the anode surface to the work being done. Although the text-books speak of the exact equivalent of metal being practicable in electro- deposition, it is nevertheless almost an impossi- bility in batteries to dissolve a pound of zinc and get a pound of copper in the vessel. Trials for absolute work in this way will fail, because the zinc is never pure, and the arrangements are imperfect. To work scientifically in the art is scarcely in the power of every plater, although a knowledge of the subject of electrolysis would prevent a great many failures. Preparing " Old Work"—Old work is plate which is very much worn, exposing the real surface largely. To make a satisfactory finish on such work without completely removing the old plating is impossible. A great deal of such old plate is scoured clear with the scratch-brush and rotten- stone, the " scratchings " being kept for subsequent reduction and recovery of the metal; but as a rule it is both quicker and cleaner to remove old metal by acids and other means. Scratch-brushing is38 ELECTRO-PLATING. only applicable to smooth surfaces, cut work being defaced by having its edges removed. To remove Silver from Copper, Brass, and German- Silver,—Prepare a sufficient volume of strong sul- phuric acid to cover the article, stir in a little nitrate of soda (half an ounce to the quart of acid), and heat. Immerse the article, and if the action becomes weak before the silver is removed, apply more heat and saltpetre. Copper works best in this mixture, and it ought not to be exposed to the acid longer than is necessary. To remove Gold from Silver it is usual to heat to redness, and to then throw into dilute sulphuric acid, when the gold will peel or fall off easily. To remove Copper from Silver.—Immerse the article in a hot solution of perchloride of iron, to make which dissolve jewellers' rouge in warm hydrochloric acid to saturation; or simply immerse for a sufficient time in boiling dilute hydrochloric acid. Perhaps the best way to remove copper from silver and gold is to make the article the anode in a sulphate of copper solution. To remove Tin and Lead from silver or gold, employ the hot solution of perchloride of iron, which will also dissolve copper. Recovery from such solutions is generally effected by evaporating to dryness and fusing the deposit with soda (for gold). It is best to dilute silver solutions, and to precipitate the metal by stirring in hydrochloric acid. Some platers practise the replating of old workCHEMICALS AND MATERIALS. 39 without taking off all the old coating, but the work is poorly done. It is often required to plate evenly over soldered seams. To prepare such seams, tie a pair of thin wires to a camel-hair pencil; let their ends dip down and follow the hair at a short dis- tance over the work; the brush should be dipped in strong solution of copper sulphate. Copper will be deposited upon the seam, or if the solder contains much tin, it will plate by simple immersion. Chemicals and Materials. (.Alphabetically Arranged.) Accidents.—Cyanide of potassium is a deadly poison. If any of its solutions or any of the cyanide plating liquids are swallowed, there is little hope of recovery for the sufferer; death usually follows immediately, especially if the mixture is a strong one. For cyanide of potassium, or any of its solutions or mixtures, give a dilute solution of acetate of iron in large draughts, and allow the coldest procurable water to pour upon the head and spine. For any of the ordinary acids swallowed, the sufferer should be given tepid water, to induce vomiting, and for the same reason the throat should be irritated inside with a feather. Milk, chalk and water, and the whites of eggs are also useful in such cases. If any of the powerful alkalies have been swallowed, such as soda or potash, give vinegar, the juice of lemons, or very dilute sulphuric acid (1 to 100). The greatest care should be taken in plating factories. It is noteworthy that very40 ELECTRO-PLATING. few serious accidents are on record, although a vast quantity of plate is turned out daily. The naked hands should not by any pretence be put into cyanide liquids, because the skin absorbs the poison. If there is a break on the skin, this is especially to be observed. A pair of long tongs should be at hand for recovering articles that have fallen to the bottom of the vat. Carbonate of Sodium,—This substance is the com- mon washing soda in every-day use. It should be kept in a closed vessel, because on exposure to the air the crystals lose their water and fall to a white powder. Best quality is. 6d. per lb. Carbonate of Potassium.—A very common sub- stance, and often used. It is also called "pearl- ash." To be kept in closed vessels, iod. per lb. Caustic Lime.—This is the common "lime," or " stone lime." It should be kept in closed vessels in a dry place, as it is apt to absorb moisture and swell. A good quality is of a clear white colour, turning creamy on mixture with water. The hands must not be put into the slacked lime. Cyanide of Potassium.—A most important sub- stance, and used in large quantities in making up the chief solutions, and in numerous other opera- tions. I shall, therefore, speak of it at some length. The most important particular to become ac- quainted with is that its quality varies to a wonder- ful extent. The common varieties contain only a small percentage of the actual cyanide, the rest being salt of potash, quite foreign to pure cyanide{ CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS. 41 of potassium. The poorest quality is known in the trade as " black" cyanide ; it is pure rubbish, and should not be used in any process whatever. Then comes the usual white cyanide. The quality of this substance varies from fifteen to ninety-eight per cent, of the pure cyanide. It is not uncommon for chemists to call their cyanide "pure," when it scarcely contains 50 per cent, of the article in ques- tion. The price is no criterion of its quality, because cyanide of 50 per cent, is sold at prices ranging from 2s. to 8s. per lb., and sometimes the material is procurable as good as 96 per cent, at 5s. per lb. The salt crystallized costs much more; but crystal- lized cyanide of potassium has no special advantage over the usual cake or stick varieties. On account of the variable quality, cyanide of potassium should always be tested before purchasing in quantity. To test a sample, the method recom- mended by Glassford and Napier is very useful:— Prepare two solutions, one of cyanide and the other of nitrate of silver. Dissolve 1 oz. of cyanide so as to measure in a graduated vessel 6 oz. Dissolve 175 grains of the pure silver nitrate in oz. of water. Stir the cyanide solution slowly into the silver one until a precipitate is thrown down and then redissolved. The amount of the sample re- quired to do this will at once show its quality, for it takes just 130 grains of pure cyanide to produce the effect. From the quantity used it is easy to calculate the quality of the cyanide. There is no better test than this when the water is distilled4 2 ELECTRO-PLATING. and pure, and the nitrate of silver the pure crystal- lized variety. Never purchase cyanide of potassium of a lower quality than 50 per cent. Solutions made from poorer salts are not to be recommended. Throughout this little work the salt is often spoken of, and the impracticability of giving exact figures as to its quantity pointed out: most of the directions, however, indicate the quality as nothing under 50 per cent. If it is better less may be added; if poorer, more—but so much the worse for the solution. It is but fair to mention that I experience much difficulty in obtaining in any quantity, at a reason- able figure, a cyanide of 96 per cent, purity in Paris or London, and that I have had no difficulty in obtaining almost quite pure (98 per cent.) cyanide from the firm of Mawson and Swan, manufacturing chemists, Newcastle-on-Tyne, at 7s. per lb. To produce such a quality requires the exercise of the best skill, experience, and attention. The very best cyanide procurable is icpure llack cyanide" (not the rubbish spoken of before). It is not easily obtained, and care must be taken to mention its purity, with the particular that the black colour is imparted by an admixture of carbon in the manu- facture. Cyanide of potassium is also called prus- siate of potash. It is easily made, and I therefore give particulars for this purpose. The common ingredients are ferro-cyanide of potassium ("yellow prussiate of potash") and carbonate of potash. Crush the ferro-cyanide, and expose it to heat upon an iron plate until it is dried,CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS. ' 43 and a white powder is the result. Take also car- bonate of potash and dry similarly. Weigh out eight parts of the ferro-cyanide and three of the carbonate, mix, and add one-and-a-half parts of powdered charcoal. Bring a clean iron pot or crucible to a red heat, and slowly put in the materials until they are all fused perfectly to- gether. Stir with a rod of iron, and keep the pot covered as much as possible during the twenty minutes required for fusing properly. As soon as all gas appears to have been given off by the liquid mass, take the pot off, allow to stand a minute, and pour its contents slowly upon a plate of iron or a slab of stone. Break up when cold, and bottle at once. Hydrochloric Acid.—This is the common " spirit of salt" or " muriatic acid." It is easily obtained nearly quite pure. It should be clear,„ unless the colour arises from dissolved dust. Its price is usually about 4d. per lb. The specific gravity of a good kind will be 1 • 16. It may be had of extremest purity at is. per lb. * Hydrocyanic Acid.—This is water in which is dissolved a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid gas. It is usually very weak. " Scheele's " is the strongest, and contains as much as 6 per cent. Jt must be kept in an opaque bottle. The gas is also called " prussic acid/' and is well known in medicine under that name. Care must be taken never to inhale it, whether arising from the liquid, or from vats of liquid being evaporated. It is usually44 ELECTRO-PLATING. better to make use of good cyanide of potassium in strong solution. Mercury.—Much of the common mercury contains lead. Obtain of good quality, and if it is sus- pected, keep it in a bottle for an hour or two, with occasional shaking and dilute nitric acid over it. Bad mercury does a great deal of harm in batteries. There* should be no drossy appearance in a vessel containing mercury. It may be cleansed of superficial impurities by passing through wash- leather. Its price varies exceedingly. It is also called " quicksilver." Moulding Materials.—(See Deposition of Copper.) Nitric Acid.—This is the "aquafortis" of com- merce. It is somewhat difficult to obtain it quite pure. For dissolving silver it should be colourless, and have a specific gravity of 1*420. For Bun- sen's cells it should be strong. Its price in small quantities is about is. per pound; in Worcester quarts, at 25 per cent. less. Sulphuretted Hydrogen.—This gas is prepared by placing some sulphide of iron (" sulphuret of iron ") with diluted sulphuric acid in a flask. The gas comes off, and should be washed by passing through water. A small quantity of water should be used, and if a solution of the gas is required it is obtained by again passing into water. Sulphuric Acid.—This is in constant requisition by the electro-plater. It is also called u oil of vitriol/' It is, when pure, much heavier than water, having a specific gravity of 1*84, and an oily ap-CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS. 45 pearance. It should be clean, because, although bad colour may simply be dissolved straw or other matter of no consequence, the acid may be of poor quality. To test for arsenic, pass through it a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen, when a yellow pre- cipitate will indicate the presence of arsenic. " Dilute sulphuric acid" usually means acidulated water only—that is, one part acid to twenty of water. Stronger mixtures than this are particu- larised as to quantity. Its price is about is. per pound, pure, in small quantities, and in Worcester quarts 25 per cent. less. The commercial acid, in carboys, can be had at 2d. per pound, or 3d. in smaller quantities. Syphons.—These are usually made from a piece of lead piping. They may also be of gutta-percha or glass. Before use, they should be filled with the liquid to be drawn off, the ends closed with the fingers, and the shortest end plunged in the liquid. Thermometers.—Those with japanned tin scale, made for baths, are very useful. Their price is about is. 6d. The "Milk scale" ones are better when it is required to have the instrument per- manently in the vat. Their price is about 3s. 6d. Those graduated on the stem are higher in price —5* Twaddel's Hydrometers.—These are very useful; their price is from is. 6d. to 2s. 6d. They should be in a set of three, and suitable for testing the specific gravity of light liquids, such as aqueous am- monia, and heavy liquids, such as sulphuric acid.46 ELECTRO-PLATING. Besides these there should be at hand a supply of test papers—neutral tint litmus, or red and blue litmus. Filtering papers : these are discs of paper, put up in hundreds and of different sizes. They are used in funnels by doubling them twice at right angles, opening one of the folds and placing on the funnel. This is usually too slow for the filtering of large bulks of liquids. Larger ones may be made of good dlose calico, fastened on a ring of wood or iron. To filter alkalies or strong acids plugs of asbestos are usually employed to stop the necks of funnels. A Galvanometer is very useful ; get one with two circuits. Purchase of Articles and Chemicals.—Never pur- chase such things as earthenware wash-pots of in- strument dealers if they can be had from the makers. (See the " London Directory/') Do not purchase batteries if they can be made properly at home. Always deal with some well-established house for chemicals, and unless you know good and bad, leave the qualities to your dealer—except in the case of potassium cyanide. Buy valuable metals from the refiners, and do not use gold coins. Pur- chase, acids especially, in large quantities at a time, and thus save money. It will be found best to purchase the distilled water required, but it will seldom be used if there is a supply of filtered rain- water. Compare prices before paying away money, and compare goods before buying in any quantity, or to any considerable extent.CHAPTER III. Batteries. Electric Generators for Amateurs.—I devote a portion of my space to descriptions of galvanic generators specially suited to the wants of ama- teur electrotypists and platers. It is not without a certain conviction that such information is much sought for, and put to use when obtained, that I approach the matter at all. It will also be fairly well known that I should be well acquainted with the general amateur and his wants in this particu- lar direction, when for three years I have answered his almost numberless questions in the pages of Design and Work. For Nickel Plating employ the Bunsen cell, with instructions given under Workshop Batteries. For Silver Plating one Bunsen cell will usually be enough, except where the need for a high tension current is indicated. (See Deposition of Silver,) For Gilding.—A cell composed of a plate of carbon and another of zinc, clamped to a cross- piece of wood and dipped in a solution of bichro- mate of potash, acidulated slightly with sulphuric acid, will do very well for gilding. If the work48 ELECTRO-PLATING. takes over a few minutes to do, the plates should be moved up and down in the liquid to give it some circulation. The same pair of plates will serve if dipped in a solution of sal-ammoniac, or if the articles are very small, in common salt solution. No binding screws are necessary. The wires may be soldered to the zinc and twisted in a hole through the carbon plate. The whole may be put together in a few minutes. Carbon (graphite) is procurable free at the gas works. It is difficult to cut, and it is generally cheaper to purchase it ready qu,t. The zinc may be thin roofing metal, and if used in acid solutions should be amalgamated by rubbing with mercury after dipping in the solu- tion. If attention is given to moving the pair in the liquid occasionally, gilding may be done with a plate of copper and one of amalgamated zinc in a weak mixture of sulphuric acid and water (Fig- i)- I have gilded without the use of any special battery, by employing the earth current generated by the gas and water-pipes of a house. In damp places this may often be done, simply calling the gas and water-pipes the "poles" of the galvanic cell. It will, of course, be necessary to find the direction in which the current moves. It may very readily be ascertained by plunging two plates of copper, con- nected by wires with gas and water-pipes or fit- tings, in a solution of copper sulphate; whichever plate receives a deposit of copper—this will show if the current is of use—is connected to the " zincAMATEURS' BATTERIES. 49 pole " of the cell, and the other connection may be called the " copper pole." Such weak generators may be used wherever they are admissible, owing to the small current required. The plates of a simple cell should have a surface fully as large as that to be deposited upon. Their shape is a matter of no conse- quence. It is only necessary to mount them in a bar of wood, by their upper ends, as near to each other as practicable, without th^efea^g^jgsfj^eir touching each other. The b&Fcov^d with cotton or gutta-percl apart. For Coppering and Ele\ nothing is better than ^vpair of Ddnielk^yj^of simple construction. and cheap outer pots. Within this pot goes one of porous earthenware. (See Porous Cells.) The outer pot contains a strong solution of the sulphate of copper in water, and the porous pot very dilute sulphuric acid (ten to one). In the outer pot goes a roll of sheet copper, and in the porous cell a slip or rod of amalgamated zinc. Solder the wire to the zinc, or cast the zinc around it. Sol- der also the copper wire, or at least twist it in a clean hole through the sheet. This cell, so charged, will work without alteration for nearly a week. To join the cells, fix the zinc wire of one to the copper of the other, and take the remaining wires to the depositing vessel. If one cell of double the size is wanted, join both E5° ELECTRO-PLATING. coppers to one wire, and . both zincs to the other. When a powerful current of short duration is re- quired, make a solution of bichromate of potash, and strongly acidulate with sulphuric acid—three ounces to the pint. In this plunge the zinc-carbon cell. The current may be kept up for some time by moving the plates up and down at intervals of one minute each. Workshop Batteries. Doubtless the best galvanic generator for ordinary use in the plating-room is a large Smee or Daniell. The Smee is the most easily managed of any. (See Frontispiece.) Smee Cell. For Coppering, Silver ingy Electro- typing, and all purposes requiring a good current of large volume.—The containing trough should be of oak, well jointed, and coated with lead or asphalt. Its size will depend upon the work to be done. For a vat to contain as much as 100 gallons of solution to be worked with six anodes and deposit- ing bars, the battery trough should be about three feet long, by one foot deep, and the same wide., The solution is simply acidulated water, about one to twenty, which may be renewed every week, or oftener, if required. At such times it should be drawn off with a piece of lead pipe, bent into the form of a syphon. The electrical arrangement consists of alternate plates of zinc and silver, orWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 51 zinc and carbon. Silver is the best, and may in the end be as cheap as carbon. (See Carbon.) The silver is platinised (see Platinum), and each plate costs about 15s. They may be very th'in. Six plates, that is, three zincs and three silvers, should be used. To preserve the silver plates, their edges and bottom should have a strip of lead doubled over them and hammered flat; this lead should be Eig. 7.—Daniell or Bunsen " Battery " Dissected. well varnished. The zinc plates should be amalga- mated. (See Amalgamation.) They may be mounted in any convenient way: a series of cuts or slots may be made in a wooden cover for the cell, and the plates put down through them. The plate tops should be fitted with projecting wood bars to pre- vent their falling through. Very stout wire should be used to connect the plates. All the silvers may be connected together by soldered wires, but it is52 ELECTRO-PLATING. much better to have upon each plate top a common binding screw, so that the whole may be taken apart when required: a wire may then connect the binding posts. The zincs should be treated similarly, when a wire from each combination will form the two conductors—silver wire going to the anode, and zinc conductor to the article being plated. A stout cord should hook into the battery cover, go over a pulley, and have a weight on its other end, by which the plates may be conveniently lifted out of the trough altogether when not in action, and partly when a less current is required. In this way the current may be regulated with the greatest nicety (Fig. 9). Copper and Zinc batteries have been used ex- tensively, but they are wretched generators, and wasteful in the extreme; this is the old Wollaston form, and is now out of use. Platinised silver will last for many years, and then may be sold for old silver, so that the cost of a good Smee, although more at first, comes to less than that of the Wollaston in a short time. Bunsen Cell.—This, next to the dynamo-electric machine, is the best source of strong, steady currents. It consists of an earthenware pot, hold- ing about half a gallon (for large currents), inside of which stands a pot, of the same height, and narrow, of porous earthenware. These are the two containing vessels: the outer one contains sulphuric acid much diluted, and the inner one strong nitric acid. The " metals " used are, for the outer pot, aWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 53 roll or cylinder of amalgamated zinc, and for the inner one a block of gas-carbon. A wire from the carbon and another from the zinc form the con- ductors as usual. The battery is seldom used for silver, gold, copper, or nickel deposition, and when plating, such as brassing, is carried on which necessitates the use of large or strong currents, the dvnamo-electric machine ought to be used, as it is Fig. 8.—Bunsen or Daniell Cell. Fig. 9.—Smee Cell—Plates drawn up. much less expensive, even with a special engine to drive it. The action of Bunsen's cell goes on, when strongly charged, with great vigour for four or five hours, and weaker after. The nitric acid gives off bad fumes, so that the cells should be placed out of doors, or on a window-ledge. To join the wire to carbon is no easy matter, as the carbon is porous, and allows the acid to rise in it, to destroy any54 ELECTRO-PLATING. connection made. A heading of lead may be moulded upon it, and this may then be well soaked in hot melted paraffin, the wire being soldered to the lead. A brass clump, with contact parts plated with platinum, makes a fairly good connection, but the best possible heading is spoken of under Carbons. These remarks apply to- all carbons, although those used in Bunsen cells are more liable than the others to bad contact. (See Figs. 7 and 8.) Grove's Battery is sometimes employed in electro- plating. Its construction is similar to the Bunsen, the only difference being the substitution of pla- tinum foil for carbon. The acids are the same, and the time in action at full force about four hours. To save expense the platinum foil is sometimes too thin, and is very troublesome. The only real advantage in the Grove cell is the flat shape of porous cell often used. This renders the space occupied very small; but the whole arrangement cannot be recommended, and it is time that its use was a thing of the past in practical electro-metal- lurgy. DanielVs Battery has been much used, but it gives rather too much trouble for rough work, such as brassing or even silvering. It is well fitted for continuous gilding; for example, for the gilding of wires, drawn regularly through the solution. It is also very serviceable in shops where a great deal of gilding is done, and for slow and fine electron- typing. The containing-pots are the same as those for Bunsen and Grove cells—an outer and aWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 55 porous cell. The liquids are solution of copper sulphate in the outer cell, and acidulated water in the porous pot. Copper goes into the outer pot, a roll of" the sheet being used, and zinc, in the form of a rod or cylinder, goes into the porous cell (Fig. 8). It would appear to be necessary for me to here warn the plater against a form of the cell recommended in the text-books. It is simply the old plan of making the copper cylinder into a com- plete pot, and dispensing with the outer containing cell. Such an arrangement is Very common, and troublesome also, because the bottom joint usually leaks after a little use ; and the first cost is greater than that of the containing-pot. The construction may be varied to almost any extent, as long as a porous partition divides the two liquids. In action the cell is very steady, furnishing a good current at a constant strength for days together. If the acidu- lated water is weak the cell may work regularly for weeks together. Owing to this constancy, the Daniell is well fitted for all purposes where a very strong current is not needed. In practice the con- taining cells should be earthenware jars holding about a gallon ; the copper cylinders rolls of clean sheet, with a binding screw soldered on to each; the porous cells should be large, and the same height as the outer pots ; the zincs should be thick rods of the smoothly cast metal, and well amalga- mated, and with a binding screw soldered to the top. Four of such cells will be found strong enough for almost all silvering operations employing56 ELECTRO-PLATING. anodes twelve inches square. If the plater is ex- perienced in his art, he will always use the Daniell in gilding if there is much of it to produce. Fuller's Battery.—This excellent generator of electricity, lately introduced, is well fitted also for gilding, and it gives even less trouble than the Daniell, while its strength is greater. It is not, however, suited to the plating of large surfaces. The containing-pots are the same as before. The zinc is in the form of a rod, flattened out at the lower end, and coated with sealing-wax varnish except at this end. A layer of mercury covers the lower end at the porous cell bottom, and the cell is then filled up with water only. The outer cell con- tains only a carbon plate, with a solution of potash bichromate strongly mixed with sulphuric acid— one to eight. The circuit should be closed after setting up for about six hours, when the action will be much stronger than at first. Amalgamation of Zinc Plates.—This simply means the coating of zinc with mercury, to protect the naked surface from what is called " local action." This wasteful action is simply the result of hard or soft, good or bad, spots in the zinc, and the waste is caused by little local currents being set up between them. A surface of mercury connects all those objectionable spots together, and prevents local currents from forming. It is only necessary to dip the zinc in its solution until its surface is clean, and then to rub the mer- cury on from a soup-plate, with a pad of cottonWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 57 wool or rag. Rub until a perfect surface is obtained, dip the plate in water, and set up to drain. There is much more trouble with cast than with rolled zinc, therefore care should be taken to cast rods in a smooth casing, such as a roll of oiled copper sheet, or an oiled taper brass tube. Sand should never be used to produce good zinc. The neces- sity for re-amalgamating is indicated when the sur- face shows black patches which will not rub off. Zinc for batteries should be of good quality. Much of that sold is very impure. Rolled sheet should always be used, because the surface is good, and a tough zinc gives more force than cast plates ; besides, it is almost impossible to properly amal- gamate the latter. Its thickness should be nearly I of an inch, and its price should not exceed four- pence per pound. To bend into cylinders, it is only necessary to warm or heat the sheet, when it is easily curved. To easily cut, scratch deeply with a steel point, run mercury therein, repeat on the opposite side, and bend. Belgian zinc is generally supposed to be the best for batteries. If the new sheet is greasy, dip in caustic potash solu- tion before proceeding to amalgamate. Carbons for Batteries.—This substance is the graphite of the gas retorts. It is not coke. It is easily procurable in lump at any price, but costs much more when cut into plates, as its working, when the material is good, is exceedingly difficult. It is generally cut with a thin strip of iron and watered silver sand. Blocks for the Bunsen cost5§ ELECTRO-PLATING. less because they are more easily produced. Blocks may be had at tenpence per foot long, but plates cost much more, dependent upon their breadth. Rods for Bunsen cells should be a few inches longer than the pots, to protect the top contact from the acid. A good carbon is of a clear grey appearance, has a finely granulated surface, and is very hard. They will last any length of time. Connection with the top for the wire is a more difficult thing to obtain than would be imagined, especially with Bunsen carbons. The best possible plan is to electrotype a head of copper upon them in a sulphate of copper bath. Proceed as follows:— With a hot iron spread a quantity of solid paraffin upon the rod from the point the liquid reaches to, upwards to within half an inch of the top. See that the paraffin penetrates the substance. Then cut a few notches in the unparaffined head, drill a hole right through, and fasten a wire to project a little at each side. Tie a wire around the opposite end, and immerse in the copper solution of the Daniell cell, or treat the head in a proper vessel like any ordinary work. When the copper is thick enough to stand hard usage, remove the rod, and drill a few holes right through the new head; soak in water, and dry well in a hot place. Tin the copper at the top, and if required solder on the wire or binding screw, and then well soak the whole head in melted paraffin. This will make an almost per- fect and permanent connection, which the acid cannot affect. Cells that are only to be used forWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 59 short periods need not be treated in this way, because a fairly good connection may be made with the ordinary brass clamp. But where Bunsen cells are used for brassing, or such work, the carbons should always be so headed. It is necessary to keep Bunsen clamps very clean. Binding Screws and Clamps.—These are turned blocks of brass, with a hole run through to hold the wire, and a screw to fasten it securely, and assist in making a connection. Clamps are brass castings fitted for clamping the heads of carbon rods, pairs of Smee plates, zincs, and other purposes. They are made in all shapes and §izes to suit the different purposes. The price of binding screws ranges from 3s. to 6s. per dozen. They also are to be had in all required sizes, fitted with screws for wood-work, or tails for soldering on to the plates. The usual wood binding screw is a wretched affair, the " screw " being merely metal-thread, and not wood-worm thread. The French have introduced a useful screw, having tails made from wood screws. These should be asked for, as the others are troublesome. They have also brought out a good many new and useful patterns of large screws and clamps. The contact holes of clamps and screws must be kept clean. A rimer or a small file will be found useful for this purpose. Contact parts of clamps must also be kept bright, as electricity will not pass through dirt. The soldering on of screws may be done with a copper bolt, resin, and soft solder; or spirit of salt,' saturated6o ELECTRO-PLATING. with zinc, may be used instead of resin, which is very troublesome. Emery-cloth should always be at hand and made use of every morning, not only for battery screws which may be dirty at contact parts, but for vat-rods, hooks, and the numerous necessary connections about a large vat and battery. Wherever soldering may be done, instead of simply connecting, it is wisdom to employ it— well-soldered connections never give any trouble. Containing Cells for Batteries.—A battery " ele- ment " or cell being composed of a pair or more of zinc and copper, carbon or silver plates, immersed in a liquid, a vessel of some kind is required to hold both the " element" and the liquid—this is the containing, or outer pot. Stoneware is the best material in use. Pots of any required size are obtainable. They should be in shape like common jam-pots, and have no taper. Glass, ebonite, and gutta-percha are entirely out of place in a plating factory for containing-pots. Porous Cells for Batteries.—These are procurable in all required sizes. The price is something like a penny per inch in height. Wedgwood & Co. make the best pots. For the Bunsen cell the material should be very porous, but not so much so as to allow water to run off the sides when filled and stood up for test. A dew should appear outside in a few minutes if the pots are soft enough for the Bunsen. Red material is better for soft pots than white. For the Daniell cell the pots must be harder, and of closer grain, and white earthenwareWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 6l is the best suited. Porous cells after use should never be set aside to dry, as they will crack. They should be kept soaking in water until required. The best cells are glazed at the top, but they may be difficult of procural. Daniell cells are very apt to deposit copper upon their porous partitions; some of the nodules may be knocked off, and others had better be covered with a chip of soft gutta- percha. The tops of Daniell porous pots should be soaked in melted sealing-wax, or in hot melted paraffin, and it is wisdom to soak the bottom also. Unglazed pots are to be had either round or flat. The round ones are, of course, the more useful. Cells for Grove batteries are usually made narrow and flat, to contain a little acid and a thin plate. The form is a matter of little consequence. Sub- stitutes for porous cells may be tubes , of brown paper, stopped at the bottom, or wooden pots ; but they are no economy, except as experimental ap- paratus. Porous cells for all batteries except the Daniell will last for many years if care is taken of them. Porous earthenware partitions for trough batteries are also procurable cheaply. They are useful for making up Daniell cells in troughs coated with marine glue. Comparative Strengths of Batteries.—A great deal of misconception exists amongst platers as tq the value of the term electro-motive force. It is not my duty to here explain its meaning, but a word or two upon its significance in the workroom may be6 2 ELECTRO-PLATING. acceptable. It means, then, power to overcome resist- ance. Thus, we may have a current of vast volume, but its force might be so low that a few inches of liquid between the anode and article might by its resistance entirely render the volume of no practical use—that is, no metal would be deposited unless we reduced the distance between, or rendered the conduction of the solution better. Now a current of very small volume, but of higher pushing power or electro-motive force, might do a great deal of work when one of low force would be useless. It should be distinctly understood that the force, pure and simple, is entirely independent of the size of cell; a small cell has just as great power to carry its modicum of current through a given resistance as a cell infinitely larger. I wish it to be under- stood that the word current is the expression used to indicate the amount of electricity given off, with no reference to its force or pushing power. Strong current of course means a good volume of electricity moving with much force—that is, electro-motive force and volume combined. Speaking as I do to the worker himself, who cannot be expected to be a trained chemist or electrician, and give, as he does, his services for a small wage weekly, I am anxious to impress upon his understanding the importance of these remarks as bearing upon the practice laid down in this work. He should understand that small volumes of liquid may be worked with large currents if the work is to be done quickly, but the currents mustWORKSHOP BATTERIES. 63 have force to overcome the resistance presented by the small area of liquid. To understand that liquids and solutions present an enormous resistance to the passage of electricity when compared to metals, will greatly aid the plater to an intelligent conception of the laws of electricity and resistance, as applicable to the purposes of electro-metallurgy. Rules to work by are, of course, given here also, but no specific directions can entirely grasp the whole needs of a practical plater. The electro- motive force, then, of the batteries spoken of is, comparatively, as follows :— Cell. v Comparative force. IOO 98 IOO 99 30 24 50 35 25 30 The statement of " force " must be accepted with much caution. Thus :—It does not necessarily follow that, although the force of a Daniell is tabulated as half that of the Grove, it is equal to half the work a Grove cell can do; two Daniells, or even four, are not equal in working power to one Grove cell, even although the surfaces are equal. This discrepancy is due to the high conductivity of the strong acids in the Grove, and to the low con- ductivity, or enormous resistance, offered by the Grove's, with purest nitric acid in porous pot ,, with nitric acid, specific gravity 1-33 Bunsen, with purest nitric acid . with acid of specific gravity I *33 Smee, dilute sulphuric acid 1 to 12 „ 1 to 20 . Daniell, with dilute acid 1 to 10 >» »> a 1 to 20 „ with half-saturated solution zinc sulphate Fuller ,, ,, ,, ,,64 , ELECTRO-PLATING. liquids of the Daniell. This resistance is called the internal resistance of a cell, and it is only by knowing the internal resistance that ihe resistance it can overcome is known. A cell of high internal resistance, such as the Daniell or the Fuller, is always fitted for working small bulks of liquids, or where the anodes and objects must be kept far apart. They are only fitted for small, or slow work, unless their plates are made very large, which diminishes the internal resistance. It will be seen that the Bunsen has the highest electro- motive force, but it has higher internal resistance than the Grove, and would not do the work so fast as the latter, although it would do it, at a greater distance from the anode, in less time than the Grove current could. Hence it is that, because in gilding the resistance is low, and owing to the small current required and other conditions, the Daniell and Fuller cells are suited to the purposes of the electro-gilder. Further remarks follow, which may be of use in the more clearly comprehending these statements, but it must be upon clear general directions only that the beginner can make a commencement in the actual plating of metals by electricity. Management of Batteries.—To work the large and generally applicable Smee cell, observe that the zinc plates are properly amalgamated at the com- mencement of operations. The usual amount of sulphuric acid mixed with the water is one part to fifty. If a weaker current will serve, employ halfMANAGEMENT OF BATTERIES. 65 that amount. If a stronger current is required, make the mixture a little stronger. The3e large cells only require " refreshing" about every five days. The acid should be mixed with water, and stirred in. As soon as the liquid begins to feel or look oily, through a strong admixture of zinc sul- phate, draw it off, and make up a fresh mixture. The plates must be watched from time to time, and if the amalgamation shows black patches, it must be repeated. The stronger the mixture the more need is there for frequent watching. As soon as the bath is done working, always lift the plates clear of the liquid to save the zinc. MftisLcom- municating any mercury to thg^^^^Yat^^^t apt To work the Bunsen sudcessfuHy\at full power, dJf constant watch should bet^ept upon the amalga- mation. In working with fuft^rrqi^\^eTC|^charge the battery until the work is rraSyTo be done. Happily, so powerful a current is not required in silvering, gilding, or nickeling, so that a Bunsen cell with the strongest charge is not often needed. The nitric acid should be used over and over again. Work the acid until it turns red, then green, and until it becomes colourless again,, by which time it is useless. Bunsen cells with a good current can be kept in action about ten hours. When the nitric acid is by accident spilt upon the zincs, it sets up local action and great waste. If the nitric acid is weak, and the acid mixture in the outer cell about F spoils them for good work^?^mNmey. are apt to break. ff J66 ELECTRO-PLATING. one to fifty instead of one to ten, the action may be prolonged for many days at a time. In this condition the cell may be used for silvering, or other work usually done by the large plating-room Smee. The Bunsen has also been used for gilding, but it is a wretched waste of zinc to work in this way. In using the Bunsen with concentrated nitric acid, fumes are given off, which are very strong as the pots are being emptied: they must be avoided, as they are exceedingly unwholesome, nor should they be allowed to spread in a room wThere they can do harm. It will be useful to have two sets of porous cells for the Bunsen, so that one set can be soaking out the nitric acid in water, wThile the fresh ones are in use. All the brass parts, plates, and any connections of the Bunsen battery should be washed in water after pulling to pieces, and emery-cloth must be made good use of for the contact points. To work the Daniell Battery.—This cell gives very little trouble when properly attended to. The amount of management required will depend in great degree upon the charge in the zinc compart- ment. If the cell is worked by strongly acidulated water, the attention required will be at a maximum, and in this " short period " condition, the battery cannot be expected to work without attention over seven days. If, on the other hand, gilding only has to be done, or a weak current only is required, we charge the zinc pot with water only. The result is that, after a few hours' work, zinc sulphate will be formed, which will serve in the water to workMANAGEMENT OF BATTERIES. 67 the cell without any attention for months at a time; in this state the attention required is at a minimum. So little attention as this will not serve the Smee battery, no matter how weak the acidu- lated water may be made. Hence the advantages of the Daniell in electro-gilding, or when a small current is required. No sooner is the circuit of the Daniell closed, than the copper solution is decomposed into its constituent parts—copper and sulphuric acid. The metal is deposited upon the copper cylinder, and the sulphuric acid finds itself drawn into the porous cell, where it maintains the zinc solution in a con- stant condition. The whole cell is, in fact, nothing less than a depositing vessel, ^and it may be worthy of remark that the Daniell cell afforded the first opportunity for observing electro-deposition ; it was the ab initio of electro-metallurgy and all it has grown into. The copper is thus by deposition kept perfectly clean, and from accumulating a film of gas, which in many cells puts a stop to the action, and the zinc cell is constantly supplied with sulphuric acid. The chief trouble is the liability of the copper to find its way into the porous pot by that troublesome creeping action called endosmos. If copper is allowed to get into the porous pot, it will be deposited upon the zinc, act with that metal as a small local cell, and waste the zinc without adding to the outside circuit cur- rent. The tops of porous pots should for this rea- son be well steeped in hot melted paraffin, and as68 ELECTRO-PLATING. the bottom is also very apt to accumulate nodules of copper outside, it should be treated in the same way. The copper solution should be strong, and as soon as the liquid shows a pale colour, instead of a deep blue, more copper sulphate should be added. A great many methods exist by which the copper solution is kept up, by crystals hung in it and otherwise suspended. I simply consider this an excuse for laziness, and it will result in the cell being forgotten at times when it ought to have attention. It works well enough for telegraph batteries, but it is a much better plan for the plater to throw in some crushed copper sulphate—a small quantity—every few days, according to the work doing. If the sulphate is crushed finely enough it will melt before it reaches the bottom, and give no trouble. As to the zinc cell, if it is worked by zinc sulphate, as before suggested, no amalgamation of the rod is required; but if the usual acidulated water is employed, the amalgamation must be attended to about every month or less. The solution, in the first case, should be one half saturated with the zinc salt, and when the mixture is seen to deposit crystals about the zinc, half of it should be poured out, and water added. A watch should be kept upon the porous pot for nodules of copper. If they can be knocked off, do so, and cover the spots, if not quite free of copper, with soft gutta-percha or marine glue, or even shellac varnish. Npdules will grow with astonishing rapidity if they are not covered or removed regularly. It is wise to haveREMARKS UPON BATTERIES. 69 two sets of porous pots for the Daniell—one set being left soaking out its salt while the other is working. Connections may be wires simply sol- dered on, but it is much better to have binding screws' upon the metals. To work the Grove cell, the directions given for the Bunsen will answer perfectly. To work the Fuller cell, attend to the bichromate salt solution. When it shows pale, add more salt, and some sulphuric acid ; also give attention to the zinc sulphate solution, and treat otherwise as a Daniell—there will be no trouble with deposited copper, and the salt does not creep much. Remarks upon Batteries. For all real large work in the direction of copper- ing, electrotyping, silvering, and nickeling, it is wisdom to use the large Smee only. This is a good advice, the result of long experience. (See Dynamo- Electric Machines.) For gilding, or work requiring only a small current, use may be made of the Daniell in prefer- ence to the Smee or Fuller; but the Smee will do the work well, and the Fuller will do for small work. For brassing, depositing iron, and all work re- quiring a powerful current, make use of the Bunsen. (See also Dynamo-Electric Machines.) Except for coppering alone, it is wise to have the Smee trough divided, by wood welj. pitched, in70 ELECTRO-PLATING. the middle, so that two Smee cells may be at hand when required. Have, say, two silvers and two zincs in each cell, and when higher electro-motive force is required, join the silvers of one cell to the zincs of the next, and wires from the remaining zincs and silvers will give the force of two cells and the current of one only. In ordinary work, when high force is not required, and great volume is of more use, join all the zincs to one wire, and all the silvers to the other. These junction wires should be of copper, and stout, and should be insulated, covered with gutta-percha or tarred hemp. Cost of Batteries.—A large pair of Smee cells, with plates a foot square, four plates in each compart- ment, and well made, can be purchased, or made to order, for less than Or the same may be made in the plating-room, using large jars instead of a trough, not reckoning labour, for £$. Such batteries last for many years, but of course care must be taken to renew the zinc plates when worn. The DanielL—A pair of these cells, holding when empty about a gallon of liquid in the outer pot, should not cost more than^i ios., and they may be made for half that sum, not reckoning labour. A pair will usually be enough. The Bunsen.—Six of these should be at hand. A battery of this number of half-gallon Bunsens should not cost over £2 ios. It is not better to make than to buy these, because ziuc and carbon are so hard to work without the proper tools. The Fuller.—This being at present (1879) quite aREMARKS UPON BATTERIES. 71 new cell, it will be better to make than to pay- fancy prices for it. A pair, of half-gallon size, will usually be enough. For very large cells, it will be best to mount three blocks of carbon around a circular cover of lead, instead of one plate only. Regulating the Force and Current of Electricity.— The limits within which good work may be pro- duced in silvering, coppering, and gilding are for- tunately pretty far apart, but a great many of the solutions require careful regulation of the current to get a good deposit. Throughout my remarks upon solutions are scattered directions as to the use of the power with which we are dealing, but they simply point to the fact that higher force is needed here, less force there, more volume, and so on. To gain electro-motive force, or a stronger current, immerse the plates so that the surface of each plate will correspond to that of the anode, and add more cells, by joining their zincs to the already used carbons or silvers as the case may be—this is called adding in series, and each cell so added augments the force or power to drive a deposit over a surface, or to work through high resistance. To gain greater, larger, or more voluminous cur- rent, use more surface in the battery. That is, im- merse the Smee plates farther, or if the battery is a Daniell or Bunsen, join other cells, copper to copper and zinc to zinc; or, which comes to the same thing, join, all the coppers to one wire, and all the zincs to the other. It is very seldom indeed72 ELECTRO-PLATING. that the plater need be at fault. (See also Dynamo- Electric Machines.) If the force from one cell is too high> which is a rare occurrence, interpose a few yards of fine copper or iron wire in the circuit. The ordinary terms "intensity " and " quantity " of current have not been employed in this treatise, simply because the term intensity is not rightly applied, and leads to erroneous notions of electric force, and both terms would be somewhat puzzling to the every-day worker. I have discarded them, and expressed myself in the words " force," "strength/' "current," "volume of current;" in short, those expressions which, although not used much in the text-books, convey the fact to an average mind intelligibly. The Galvanometer. Some platers, especially those with little or no scientific knowledge, who work by " rule of thumb," get through the best of work without any instru- ment for detecting the presence of electricity, or measuring its strength. It is not unusual in the plating-room to test the strength of the current by placing the wire ends on the tongue; others test by the spark which will pass between the ends on separating them, and by running one end upon a file to which the other is tied. These latter methods are of the most delusive kind possible, and will only be a rough guide with one particular length ofTHE GALVANOMETER. 73 wire, for long wires give much longer and larger sparks than short ones. It is far better to possess even a five-shilling gal- vanometer. The construction is easy enough, as a galvanometer for detecting currents, and to a cer- tain extent indicating their strength, is only a suspended magnetized needle, having around it a< few turns of insulated wire. The law is, of course, that a freely suspended magnetic needle will tend to place itself at right angles to a wire through which a current is passing. Galvanometers should have two circuits—-one of fine wire and a good number of turns for weak currents, and another of a few turns of stout wire, or one turn only, for very strong currents. With all such common galvanometers comparisons only can be made, and not absolute measurements of electricity. They are very useful for various pur- poses in the plating-room, especially in testing the strength of new cells; or, being placed in the circuit, indicating whether or not the battery gains or loses power during any plating or typing opera- tion. The stout circuit is usually suitable as an indicator of the state of the current before com- mencing work every morning, or after cleaning out and refreshing the battery. Tests taken during the working and at other times will show when the solution of zinc sulphate is getting so strong as to weaken the current, and when it is time to renew the acidulated water. Good galvanometers, with two circuits and needle on agate centre over74 electro-plating. graduated card, can be procured at prices varying from i os. to £2. Sprague, electrician, Green Lane, Birmingham, patented, in 1876, a measuring galvanometer of very great value to the educated electro-plater. Dynamo-Electric Machines. Within the last ten years the dynamo-electric machine has to a very great extent superseded the battery in factories, especially where strong currents are required. Electricity is cheaper by magneto-electric machine than by battery. It will be unnecessary to tell the reader what a dynamo-electric machine is. Every one knows the medical " shocking" machine of Clark's design: a dynamo-electric machine is upon the same principle, but vastly improved. It is driven by steam or other continuous power at high speeds, and the currents generated by the revolution of coils of wire having iron cores in front of electro- magnets, are usually passed into the electro- magnets to further strengthen them. The aug- mentation of force reacts by magnetic strain upon the revolving coils, and thus a current is raised trom only a little magnetism by the parts reacting upon each other as the coils revolve. Suppose a simple Clark's " shocking" machine to be fitted with a wire-coiled soft iron electro- magnet, instead of a steel permanent one, and suppose that the currents generated by revolvingDYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. 75 the usual pair of coils in front of its poles are sent through its wires instead of direct to the hands, it will be clear that if there is but a trace of magnet- ism ("residuary magnetism") in the soft iron, motion of the coils must augment it by sending through weak currents. The electro-magnet repays by exerting increased magnetic force upon the Fig. 10.—Weston Dynamo-Electric Machine. coils, which in turn give increased currents to the magnet, and thus the action goes on until the magnet is magnetized to saturation, when the cur- rent will have attained its maximum strength. The same thing takes place in almost all the dynamo-electric machines lately brought into use— electro-magnets react upon electro-magnets until the resistance is very great, and needs consider- able power to overcome it. The currents given off76 ELECTRO-PLATING. will depend for their electro-motive force upon the number of turns the insulated wire takes around the electro-magnets, and for its working power, or volume, upon the size of the wire used. Thus machines can easily be produced which will supply- electricity of any required volume or tension, and some machines are supplied with two revolving armatures or coils, interchangeable to obtain cur- rent of high or low tension. The speed required to produce maximum effects will depend upon the softness or bulk of the armatures and magnets. Names of Machines.—The machine first in use in England for the purposes of copper deposition was, I believe, the old form of Holmes, which is now very much improved. Wild's machine was also used, and after this the machine of Gramme be- came known. Also Siemens', and several very good American machines, the best of which are the Weston and Wallace Farmer. A technical description of the machines would not only be out of place here, but would involve the occupation of a great number of pages. The plater need not concern himself as to the exact construction, so long as he understands the work- ing of the machine, and how to adjust its current to the work doing. In vols. 5 and 6 of Design and Work will be found my own technical and illus- trated descriptions of the various machines in use, and to these, and English Mechanic, I must refer the reader for special information concerning them. Dynamo-electric machines are especially suitableDYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. 77 for the deposition of nickel, silver, and copper, and in continuous brassing they are almost indispen- sable. Gramme, Weston, Siemens, and the other firms produce several sizes suited to the different purposes. Thus a small machine, requiring about two horse-power to drive it, will usually be enough for silver, nickel, and gold, and also for fairly large operations in copper deposition. Dynamo-electric machines are spoken of as being capable of deposit- ing so much silver per hour per horse-power used; this is a fairly reliable guide to platers, who know quite well how expensive a battery to do like work must be. A good dynamo-electric machine should be capable of depositing something about 30 ounces of silver per hour for each horse-power used. I must, however, warn the plater not to accept at once the figures of makers as to power necessary, for it is conspicuous that machines usually require much more power than that stated to be sufficient. Gramme's large machine, for depositing large bulks of copper, is run at about 300 revolutions, the small ones at 600, and- others as high as 800 per minute. The speed necessary is always high. The machines should be mounted upon a stand, fixed steadily, and in a dry place. It is necessary to frequently adjust the commutator, which carries the current from the revolving axis. When the current is too strong, interpose a length of fine wire (preferably iron) in the circuit. The Weston Dynamo-Electric Machine.—Other writers have spoken of the Holmes, Wil$, and78 Electro-plating. Gramme machines, and in their works will be found some particulars of their application to electro-metallurgic purposes. I shall give such particulars as I may deem useful concerning a beautiful development of magneto-electric prin- ciples—the new Weston machine. Of its working I have had personal experience, and for the purposes of electro-plating and typing, feel in- clined to recommend its use in preference to the types above mentioned (Fig. i o). The engraving, Fig. n, represents this machine with the driving band and copper conducting-straps, a a, leading the current to the plating or typing vat. The interior consists of six electro-magnets, fixed rigidly to the iron drum, within which, and closely approaching their poles, revolve other six magnets, wojind with finer' wire, and fixed, of course, to the revolving axis. The mechanical details are very compactly arranged, and the electrical parts are laid out with considerable skill. Upon the end of the shaft is fixed the commutating arrangement, f, consisting of brass contact-pieces, separated by wood. 11 are a pair of bushes or pads made of thin brass or copper slips, which take up the im- pulses from the contact-pieces. Six alternate currents are given off at each revolution, and they are converted into three direct impulses by the commutator. These impulses are, of course, sent by a a to the deposition vat. The driving-band, j, works an ingenious contri- vance for preventing the magnetic polarity of theDYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. 79 machine from being reversed. It will be well to explain what this means, as it is due to the plating- vat, and not to any fault in the machine. When electro-deposition is being effected, there is a tendency to store up in the vat, at the plates, an electric force opposed to the real current, and when the machine is stopped this reverse current must at once make its way through the circuit. The result Fig. 11.—Weston Dynamo-Electric Machine. is that it first destroys, and then reverses the polarity of a common machine, like that of Gramme. What takes place when the machine is next started will be obvious enough—the currents will flow in the reverse direction to that required, and metal will be dissolved off the goods and go upon the anode instead of the reverse. The arrangement B is intended to prevent anything of this kind happen-8o ELECTRO-PLATING. ing, by cutting the circuit open as soon as the machine is stopped. Attention should be given to the commutator at least daily. The pads of copper slips should be easily adjusted, but they must not press very heavily upon the commutator; if they do the ends will pro- bably seize the commutator, and begin to cut it up. This part should not be oiled, and the same may be said of the commutator of every machine. Care must be taken that the oil-cups do not get empty, because the speed is very high. The whole front end of the machine is movable around the axis, and with it the commutator pads. The object is to render the machine capable of being controlled as to its volume or quantity of current, by altering the period of closure of circuit by the pads—thus the impulses may be made long or short at will. Resistance-coils for moderating the currents are supplied. Gramme's, Weston's, and Siemens' machines are made in three or four different sizes. Weston's smallest machine may be driven by hand, but hand machines are of little use except for short operations and laboratory practice. A hand machine, giving a current equal to that from five Bunsen cells, is procurable of M. Breguet, Boulevard Mont Par- nasse, Paris, but the price is very high. As to prices the usual rate for a small Gramme, Weston, or Siemens is about ^50, without counter-shaft. Some machines require less power than others for equal currents. Siemens' type is probably the bestDYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. 8l converter yet devised. The second size Gramme (Fig. 12) will deposit something like twenty ounces of silver per hour for tabulated at ten ounces ral Platers Outfit Fig. 12.—Gramme's Electro-plating Dealer, 41, Queen Vic- Machine. , toria Street, E.C.; Siemens Brothers, Electricians, London, for Siemens. Several of the chief printers now use the dynamo- electric machines for their typing work instead of batteries—W. & R. Chambers, of Edinburgh; McCorquodale & Co., London—and their use in the deposition of all the metals, especially nickel, is extending rapidly. The engraving of Gramme's machine represents the largest type, with vertical magnets. GCHAPTER IV. Deposition of Copper. Its Salts.—The most common salts of copper are the sulphate, acetate, nitrate, cyanide, chloride, protoxide, and suboxide. Sulphate of Copper.—It is always better to pur- chase this than to attempt its production at home or in the plating factory. It may be obtained nearly pure at about 6d. per pound. A good test of its quality is in its appearance. The crystals should be as large as hazel-nuts, and of a clear deep blue colour. The poorer qualities always con- tain an admixture of green substances. These are iron, and samples showing it should be discarded. This salt is also commonly called " blue vitriol," " blue-stone," and " Roman vitriol." Acetate of Copper.—This is very generally called " crystallized verdigris." The crystals are dark green. It is distinguished from common verdigris by its finer quality. Acetate of copper is more cheaply obtained by purchase than by making at home. It is somewhat expensive, as its price varies from 4s. to 6s. per pound, but a smallSALTS OF COPPER. 83 quantity is usually sufficient for the purposes of the electro-plater. Nitrate of Copper.—It is usually made by dis- solving clean copper sheet in nitric acid, afterwards evaporating the solution nearly to dryness by boil- ing and setting aside to crystallize. It may be obtained commercially, pure, at about 2s. per pound. Cyanide of Copper.—This salt is much used. It should be made at home. To make it, prepare a solution of cyanide of potassium, four ounces; water, one quart. Prepare also a solution of like bulk, using, instead of cyanide, sulphate of cop- per. Pour the cyanide solution into the copper one, slowly and with stirring, just as long as a precipitate is thrown down. Pour off the liquid portion, and wash the powder, which is copper cyanide, by filtering with more water. The powder should be of a good green colour. Care is necessary to avoid the fumes of cyanogen given off during the precipitation, especially if the potassium cyanide is of fine quality. Chloride of Copper.—" Aqua-regia"—one measure of nitric acid and two of hydrochloric acid—is em- ployed to dissolve the copper, the solution being afterwards evaporated nearly to dryness and set aside to cool and crystallize. Commercial price, 5s. per pound. Protoxide of Copper {Black).—The nitrate is usually employed to form this. It may readily be converted into the black oxide by heating to red-84 ELECTRO-PLATING. ness in a covered crucible. The mass is set aside to cool, when it is washed and dried. Commercial price, 3s. per pound. Suboxide of Copper (Red).—It is always better to purchase than to make this salt, as it is seldom used. Its price varies with that of copper, but it may be taken at about 6d. per ounce. Simple Immersion Coppering.—This process is applicable to the coating of articles of iron or steel, so as to give them the appearance of being made of copper, or to protect them from rust. A solution of copper sulphate is made (saturated), and to this is added one-half its bulk of acidulated water. The articles must be cleaned Well, and immersed for a minute until a coating is obtained, when they are taken out and well washed, and afterwards quickly dried by plunging in boiling water and steaming off, or placing in hot sawdust. If the articles do not get well coated in this solution, dilute it still further, and try again. ^ I have seen the coating of small iron articles carried on by shaking them about in sawdust well wetted with acidulated sulphate of copper solution. Another process, suited to the coating ol cast-iron articles, is carried on with a solution composed of ten parts of nitric acid, ten of chloride of copper, and eighty of hydrochloric acid. The articles are immersed several times, and rubbed with a woollen cloth between each immersion. In the coating of iron wire, it is recommended that drawing the wire be resorted to so as to con-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. 85 solidate the coating and give it better adhe- sion. The simple-immersion process employed for the coating of such large objects as statues and lamp- posts is carried on in a solution composed of water, five gallons; fifteen pounds of sodio-potassic tar- trate ; five of soda lime, and two of copper sulphate. These substances are im,mersed in the water and well stirred, and if there is any difficulty in dissolv- ing them the water should be warmed or plenty of time given. The articles should be immersed in the liquid by means of zinc wires, or a piece of zinc should be tied to and immersed with them. The work is done slowly, and at least five hours are required to effect a good coating of the metal. The articles must be well washed in water after coating, and dried. Coppering by the Battery Process.—This is by far the best method for copper-plating, as any required thickness of copper can be laid upon the article quickly. The connection between the real and false surfaces is of a much more permanent and satisfactory character. A good coppering solution may be made by dis- solving four pounds of crushed copper sulphate in twenty pounds of water, adding, after the sulphate has dissolved, one pound of sulphuric acid of good quality. This solution should be filtered and kept clean. It will not do for depositing upon zinc, steel, or iron. For deposition upon steel, iron, and zinc, a86 ELECTRO-PLATING. cyanide of copper solution is required; throw down the cyanide with a solution of potassium cyanide, wash, collect, and dissolve in a solution of cyanide of potassium. A simple way to make the solution is to dissolve two pounds of cyanide of potassium (50 per cent.) in a gallon of ^yater, add cyanide of copper as much as the liquid will dissolve, and then add free cyanide of potassium, of which about four ounces will suffice. When in use this solution should be heated, although it will work cold, but in the latter case the deposits will not be so smooth, or adhere so well, and more battery current will be required. The first solution will be found suitable for all ; purposes of copper deposition upon moulds for electrotypingy or upon ordinary articles for plating them with copper. Articles to be coppered are cleaned in the usual way (see Preparation:), and hung in the solution a few inches from the anode by means of a copper or brass wire. If the deposi- tion goes on too fast, the coating will be of a dark colour, and the metal will not stand. This is generally caused by too strong a current, and may be remedied without altering the current by with- drawing the object from the anode, so as to inter- pose greater resistance to the current. If the work is done too slowly, the deposit will be of an exceed- ingly fine and crystalline nature, and very liable to crack. This is caused by too weak a current, or by tfie anode and article being too far apart. The remedy in either case is obvious.WORKING COPPER SOLUTIONS. 87 Anodes for Copper-plating.—These are simply sheets of clean copper. They are connected to the copper pole of the battery, and are hung in the solution so as to enable the plater to expose more or less anode surface to the solution at will. If a galvanic cell is joined to a pair of copper sheets, one on each side of a vessel containing sulphate of copper solution, one of the sheets will begin slowly to dissolve, and the other to acquire a deposit of copper upon its surface. This will go on until all the copper of the anode will be thrown upon the re- ceiving plate, while the solution remains sub- stantially the same—that is, its original copper is upon the plate, but a fresh supply has been ob- tained from the anode. This is the fundamental peculiarity of the plating process. Working Copper Solutions.—The battery power should be two cells for general work, and where the resistance is very low, one cell may be em- ployed, but greater satisfaction will be secured with two. Their plates should have an area at least equal to that of the anode or anodes employed. They must be of the constant kind, and Daniell's or Smee's will be found the most satisfactory cells in work. It is a good plan, where Daniell cells are employed, the plates of which acquire great deposits of copper, to use such plates for anodes, so that some immediate return for the expended copper may be secured. As in all other plating operations, a bar should be laid across the edges of the vessel containing the solution; this bar88 ELECTRO-PLATING. should be connected to the zinc pole of the battery, and the articles to be deposited upon hung upon it into the solution. It is usual and handy to provide another bar, carrying the .copper anode connected to the copper pole of the battery. This bar may be in two halves, held together by strong india- rubber bands, so that the anodes may be clipped by it and pushed into, or withdrawn from, the solu- tion at will without any other arrangement. In this way one anode plate will usually be sufficient. But many other arrangements may be adopted suitable to special kinds of work, most of which are touched upon in my remarks upon Vats (p. 17). Copper is very easily deposited, and it is upon this metal that I should recommend the would-be plater to serve his apprenticeship. It is cheap, and little loss can occur in its use. These remarks apply only, however, to the copper sulphate solu- tion, cyanide solutions being more difficult of management. Care must be taken that the solution does not become too dense. This defect will be indicated by streaks upon the articles, and a thicker deposit upon the lower than upon the upper parts. Water should, in such cases, be added, and the solution stirred. It is wise to stir up the liquid every evening after stopping work. A little diluted sulphuric acid should be stirred in every evening if the anode does not look bright and clean. But care is necessary that too much free acid is not added, because in some cases the anode will be dis- solved while the current is not passing; and whenDEPOSITION OF COPPER. 89 the current is passing, the anode will be caused to dissolve faster than is required to supply the metal being deposited upon the article. This would cause the solution to become very dense, and to deposit unevenly, and in streaks. Impure anodes are exceedingly troublesome, as they become black with a kind of dirt which is usually insoluble in the solution. The remedy is to employ either the copper cylinders of the Daniell battery, or to em- ploy a more expensive kind of copper sheet. With care, by brushing and other treatment, the anodes may be kept clean, but this rubbish, which consists really of a wonderful variety of common and rare metals, chiefly tin, collects at the bottom of the vessel, and must not be disturbed, as it settles upon the'articles being plated, causing dirty work. In working the solution of cyanide of copper in cyanide of potassium, great care is necessary to look after the amount of free cyanide. If there is too much free cyanide, the anode will dissolve too fast, and a great deal of dirt will fall to the bottom. If there is too little, the anode fails to dissolve, and the conductivity of the solution is impaired, so that the current cannot do work, and is wasted upon resistance. To obtain thick deposits from cyanide solutions, greater care is necessary than in working sulphate ones. There is a greater tendency to stop depositing, owing to a dirty surface and other con- ditions. The surface obtained from sulphate solu- tions is exceedingly beautiful, but those deposited by the cyanide liquids are usually very bad in9° ELECTRO-PLATING. colour, and need extra scratch-brushing to bring them up. When very thick deposits are required upon iron or zinc, it will be found almost necessary to first secure a very thin coat in a cyanide solution, remove and wash rapidly, dipping at once in the sulphate solution, from which any required thick- ness may be secured. Distance between Anodes and Articles.—This varies greatly with the size of the objects, their shape, and the current passing. Small surfaces or electro- types upon which a rapid good deposit is required, may be kept as near as possible to the anode—that is, about one or two inches from it—if the surface is flat, but if there are protruding parts and inden- tations, the distance must be greater on account of the tendency of the deposit to go on fastest upon the nearest points. Much more equal deposits are to be obtained when the distance is six inches than could be secured at three inches, unless the surface is really flat and parallel to the anode plate. To a great extent the rapidity of deposition is depend- ent upon the nature of the surface, and upon the distance apart, because both these conditions affect the strength of the current passing. The nearer the article is to the anode the faster will the work go on. But attention must be paid to the condi- tion of the metal. If the work is done too quickly, or with too strong a current, the metal cannot be depended upon, and if it is done too slowly, or with too little current, the metal will be crystal- line. From the cyanide solution the deposit ob-ELECTROTYPES. 91 tained with ordinary battery power is of a dull colour; but when the current is added to, the coat- ing is nearly bright. Time necessary in depositing Copper.—In sulphate solutions there should be no difficulty, with a suit- able current and the object and anode properly arranged, in laying a thickness of one-eighth of an inch in two days, and when the work is forced, with the utmost applicable current, a good electrotype should be obtained in ten or twelve hours—and this of good tough copper. Copper-plating should be done to a good thickness in one hour or less. Electrotypes of Copper.—In the foregoing remarks are given the necessary directions for depositing the copper upon goods direct, securing a plating of copper. Electrotypes, on the other hand, axe copies of objects in copper, and have, therefore, a separate existence of their own. They are removable de- posits. If an ordinary coin is deposited upon as in simple plating, but with the precaution not to chemically clean it so that the deposit may not permanently adhere, the plating will go all over it. If a thickness of writing-paper is allowed to go on, it may be cut off, upon removal from the solu- tion, with a knife. It will be observed that, as the deposit is easily removable, it has upon its inner face the finest possible lines and markings of the original. It is, in fact, a complete facsimile, in reverse, of the coin's surface. The copper deposited upon the Daniell cell cylinders will be found upon removal to have taken an exceedingly faithful92 ELECTRO-PLATING. copy of the surface upon which it has been thrown. In this work no notice has been taken of the historical facts relating to the discovery of this curious property of electro-deposition. They are to be found in pages devoted to complete theo-v retical and historical dissertations upon this art, and therefore do not concern us in a purely prac- tical book like this. It was soon found that the remarkable property spoken of could be turned to good account for every-day purposes. Copies of solid objects could be obtained; rare coins could be copied without the possibility of error; objects could, in fact, be multiplied to any extent without injury to the original. Woodcuts may be repro- duced with the greatest accuracy in any quantity. Set-up type may be copied, and the copy printed from. Birds, fishes, leaves, insects, busts, and all imaginable kinds of solid objects are copied with the greatest fidelity. The art is known as electrotyping. To obtain a copy of one face of a coin or medal- lion, it is only necessary to apply to its centre a ball of softened gutta-percha; this is passed out- wards, so as to exclude all air, until the surface is covered, when the two are firmly pressed together in a vice, or beneath a weight. As the gutta- percha cools, a greater pressure should be applied, and when the moulding material is quite firm, the two may be separated. This faithful mould must now have fixed in it the end of a heated wire, near to the face edge : this will form the necessary con-ELECTROTYPES. 93 ductor. Blacklead is now brushed on until the surface is uniformly coated, and appears brightly polished, the wire and adjacent parts receiving a good share of attention. This mould may now be deposited upon in the usual wTay. The deposit will begin to form upon the wire, and will gradually creep all over the surface. The back being plain gutta-percha, no deposit can form upon it. When the deposition has attained a reasonable thickness, or that of brown paper, it may be removed from the mould, and its face will present a faithful copy of the original coin. It will be found more difficult to deposit upon gutta-percha articles coated with blacklead than upon plain metal direct. In such cases a greater tension of current will be necessary, and as many as three cells will be found to supply the required force. These short directions cbntain the fundamental principle adopted in the production of the greater number of electrotypes. Different substances are used upon which to take an impression of the object. Wax is very frequently made use of, fusible alloy, an elastic glue and treacle compound, and plaster of Paris. Gutta-percha for Moulding.—Perhaps this is the most generally useful material. The greatest care must be taken in copying woodcuts to make sure that the substance is perfectly free from grit or foreign .substances of a hard nature, as the pressure is apt to destroy the cut. Gutta-percha cannot be used to surround any object, because it shrinks on94 ELECTRO-PLATING. cooling. It is well adapted for flat surfaces. The softening should be done in boiling water, and the gutta-percha worked into a ball, which is then applied soft to the middle of the article and worked carefully out to the edges ; this will expel all air. The pressure should be light at first, but as the sub- stance cools it must be increased, and as the gutta- percha gets hard, great pressure ought to be applied to make up for the peculiar shrinking qualities of the material. A vice is very useful, and a screw- press may be used, or a heavy weight will serve the purpose. A compound of gutta-percha and marine glue is in some respects superior to gutta- percha. The gutta-percha is melted and the glue stirred in. Marine glue is made from caoutchouc and shellac, but it is best bought. When large surfaces of woodcuts are to be done, sheets of softened gutta-percha are generally used. A flat plate is put on the top, and the whole is well com- pressed. (See also p. 108.) Fusible Metal " Clichee "—This is made by melt- ing in a ladle five parts lead, then stir in three of tin, follow with eight of bismuth. Well mix, and granulate by pouring into water. This granulation should be continued for several times until the mixture is thoroughly made. This alloy will melt at the heat of boiling water, and may be used to copy wood articles without injury to them. The coin or article to be copied is surrounded by an edging of pasteboard, slightly oiled on the face, and the fusible alloy poured in, pressure being resortedELECTROTYPES. 95 to as the alloy gets pasty. Care must be taken by this method that the alloy is cleared of scum before pouring. A better plan is to pour out the alloy in a pill-box cover, or such-like receptacle, to clear off the surface with a card, and when it gets pasty suddenly press on the coin to be copied. A holder should be attached by pitch to the coin. Plaster of Paris.—This must be fresh, otherwise it will fail to set. To insure the best work, it is well to warm the plaster before commencing. A flat dish of water should be prepared, and the plaster sprinkled into it, then quickly pour off the water, and work the plaster into a thin paste. Pour it upon the oiled object, which should be surrounded by a rim of pasteboard; air-bubbles should be excluded. Allow it to set firmly, and when removed bake it to expel all moisture. The cast must be saturated with tallow or solid paraffin. In doing this, prepare a shallow dish of the melted substance, place the cast in it back downwards, until the face shows that the soaking has reached the face, when the cast should be removed. Too much must not be allowed to soak in; if this does happen, gently warm again until the excess is re- moved. Allow to cool, and polish with blacklead as usual. Elastic Composition for Solid Objects.—This sub- stance is made by soaking glue in water until soft, melting in a glue-pot, and adding to it one-fourth its weight of treacle. This composition will be elastic when cool, and will be found suitable for96 ELECTRO-PLATING. objects having much under-cutting. It may be used also to completely surround the object, which may be removed when the composition is set, by cutting the latter, which will spring back to its original position. It will be understood that this substance is unfitted for use in liquids direct. Prepare a vessel of sufficient capacity to hold the article to be copied—say a bronze bust. Let the latter be oiled to prevent adhesion ; if it is hollow it should be filled with sand, and the opening closed with pasted stout paper. Oil the containing vessel within, and pour the hot mixture over the object until it is covered; allow to cool overnight. Shake out of the holder, and with a thin, sharp knife cut open the mould from top to bottom. An assistant can then withdraw the object while the operator gently holds the cut sides apart. This elastic mould is to be filled wTith a composition made up of bees'- wax 5 lbs., deer fat 5 lbs.; melt slowly together, add 8 oz. of a solution composed of bisulphide of carbon 7 oz., phosphorus ^ oz. This is to be poured in while as cool as. possible consistent with its pouring well. When this duplicate of the original bust is removed from the elastic composi- tion, it may be stood in a taper vessel, and covered with plaster of Paris; this is allowed to set, and the wax model run out by heat. The interior of the plaster cast is then washed out by The Preparatory Solution.—Add to the above phosphorus solution J oz. of wax, 1 oz. spirit of turpentine, and a few grains of caoutchouc dis-ELECTROTYPES. 97 solved with an ounce of asphaltum in bisulphide of carbon. The Conducting Solution.—Dissolve i dwt. of silver nitrate in a pint of water. To render more sure, also wash out with a solution of 4 grains , gold chloride in a pint of water. In depositing upon such work, an anode should be hung within the object, and a hole should be made at the lower end to allow of the solution escaping as it is poured in at the top. It is also common to fix a series of guiding wires to serve as anodes, but the best arrangement of these will be suggested by the shape of the interior. In all cases the guiding wires must be distributed about the surface, and lead to the main wire from the zinc plate. The somewhat troublesome process avoids seams in the electrotype, but solid objects may be moulded from it in two portions by means of wax or plaster of Paris. Bed the article to half its depth in fine sand, and fix a few wires or wood pegs around the object so as to project. Then pour on the moulding substance, which may be wax, allow to set, reverse the sand-box, and shake out the sand ; trim the wax surface, leaving in the pegs, and pour on the other side. When set, separate the halves, polish up, after fixing wires, and deposit; finally trim, and join the two halves with solder. Wax composition for such work may be made thus:—Melt together three parts of yellow bees'-wax H$6 ELECTRO-PLATING. aad one part of stearine. Some electrotypers add a little flake-white, but powdered blacklead is better, as it assists in the conducting operation. A great many small articles may be copied or moulded from in this composition. When coins are copied it is usual to do both faces, but not to join them to form a real duplicate. New Method for Producing Facsimiles of Coins and Medals.—This method, the result of experi- ments made by the author, aims at the production of duplicate coins and medals in mixtures of tin and lead, or, better still, fusible alloy, or alloys containing bismuth. The coin is brushed over on both sides with turpentine in which a little bees'- wax has been dissolved. This is allowed to dry. A piece of good writing-paper is steeped in melted paraffin or in thin shellac varnish, and with a pair of compasses a circle of the same size as the coin is marked out. This disc is to be carefully and cleanly cut out with a sharp penknife, and the coin is to be fitted into the aperture thus made. If care is taken, the paper divider may be got upon its edge, and may be so fixed at the middle of this as to divide the coin into two parts or discs. There is no other preparation; the coin is simply sup- ported in a square-bottomed stirrup of wTire and deposited upon from an anode placed underneath. When one side has received a deposit, the other is to be turned, and this deposited upon. In this way two heavy and strong deposits may be laid in twenty-four hours or less. They will be separatedELECTROTYPES. 99 by the paper at the middle of the coin's periphery, and if they do join a little underneath the paper, they are easily separated with a sharp knife. By heating the coatings rapidly, little difficulty will be experienced in shaking the coin out, and in secur- ing the two coatings in perfection. Their edges are next filed round and even, and one of them is placed in a pill-box cover just large enough to hold it. A quantity of fusible alloy, well skimmed and clean, is to be poured on the mould face, skimmed quickly, and before it cools past a pasty condition the other coating is quickly and firmly pressed upon the alloy, so as to enclose a quantity thick enough to fill the cavity. The excess will be pressed out at the top, and may easily be separated from the copy by cutting. This method gives a very accurate copy with very little trouble. No blackleading or other preparation is necessary in the case of metallic coins or medals. Coating, of Ferns, Grass, Flowers, and Insects.— Dried grasses, ferns, lace, and such things may be beautifully coated with copper. They are first dipped for a few minutes in the preparatory solution before spoken of, and then in the silver and gold conducting solutions following it. The connection with the conducting wire should be made before dipping in the solutions. Silver and gold, as well as copper, may be deposited upon these objects. Electrotypes from engraved Steel Plates.—This work requires considerable care, and the success- ful results are of great value. The steel plate hasIOO ELECTRO-PLATING. its lines perfectly freed from ink. This is most quickly done by boiling in solution of caustic potash. Rinse out in boiling water, allow to cool, and spread over the surface turpentine in which a little bees'-wax has been dissolved; clear off, and allow to dry free from all dust. Place upon a flat surface (preferably stone or iron), and surround with an edging of strip iron half an inch high. The moulding composition is made of gutta-percha 2 parts, white wax i part, and lard i part; it will require some time to properly mix, and for this purpose a gentle and constant heat should be kept up, with much stirring. Pour upon the plate, allowing it to set for twelve hours. The mould may be removed with care by cutting away any overhanging parts. A little springing upwards will release the surfaces. Great care is necessary not to injure the mould. It is rendered conductive by pouring over its surface a mixture of i ounce phosphorus and i ounce of benzine in 2 quarts of methylated spirit. The solution should be fil- tered in case of sediment, and care is necessary to observe that the plate is covered in every line by gentle agitation ; pour off, and apply a solution of nitrate of silver \ ounce, and glacial acetic acid 1 drachm, in a pint of pure alcohol. Gently agitate over the surface of the mould until the silver is seen to deposit all over; then pour off and wash in distilled water. Four connecting rims (or a greater number according to the size of plate) should have been previously fixed in the edges of" STEEL " FACING OF PLATES. IOI the gutta-percha. Their ends should finish in round rings or loops. All these loops are to be connected by hooks to the main conducting wife. As many as three cells should be employed to force the deposit. A substantial layer of copper will be deposited in a week, all over the plate, if the solu- tion is properly supplied and worked with suffi- cient battery power. A flat anode plate should be employed for such surfaces, and its distance from the mould may be from 2 to 6 inches. Care is necessary to use only a filtered depositing solu- tion, as any specks of dirt getting upon the mould will destroy its use in printing. The necessary separation may be easily made by warming the copper plate. Any of the gutta-percha that may remain (if too much heat has been applied), may be removed with bisulphide of carbon. A little rubbing with a soft brush or a piece of cotton wool with the same liquid will separate any of the con- ducting silver that may remain upon the electro- type. " Steel"-facing Electrotypes.—This is a valuable process, by which an exceedingly hard film of electro-deposited iron is thrown upon the face of an electrotype. The advantage is that the plate will last much longer, by reason of its extreme hardness of surface. It has also the advantage of printing from better than copper itself, and will easily take vermilion, while copper prints it only indifferently. This process, properly conducted, renders the wearing out of a plate a difficult102 ELECTRO-PLATING. matter, while the iron may be dissolved off and redeposited without in any way wearing the lines. The deposit must be very thin, otherwise it will spoil the fine lines, but there is little fear of overdoing the " steel face " if the work is watched. Before proceeding to deposit the iron, it is neces- sary to perfectly clean out the lines of the plate, and then to chemically clean the surface before placing in the bath. Caustic potash will be found useful for this, and only a' very rapid dip of the plate must be allowed to be given in the cleaning mixture for copper; then well wash with water only. (Sw Preparation.) « Steel-facing Engraved Plates,—The deposition of iron being employed but rarely for any other pur- pose than this, and because the facing of electro- types is a matter of much practical import, I shall confine my remarks upon the deposition of iron to the instructions here given. The double chloride of iron and ammonia has been found to be the salt best fitted for the deposi- tion of iron from a solution electrically. The author adds, however, to this process particulars of a solution resulting from some researches of his, and from a modification of the process of Prof. Bottger. To make the usual solution, dissolve clean iron wire, in coils, in hydrochloric acid until the acid is satisfied; use a gentle heat at the close of operations, because the acid will be weak. For every 58 grains of iron dissolved, add 53 grains of ammonium chloride to the solution. I have found"steel" facing of plates. 103 that the addition of a proportion of glycerine to the solution diminishes its tendency to spoil. (Sprague.) Another way is to dissolve 25 pounds of car- bonate of ammonium in 17 gallons of water. The iron is to be dissolved into the solution by im- mersing in it a clean anode of charcoal iron, connected to the copper pole of a battery of three or four Bunsen cells. To the zinc pole attach another iron plate, and test for deposit by occasionally substituting a copper plate for the cathode. To work the solution, let the anode be of char- coal iron, the current about three Bunsen cells. A deposit is not secured at once. It is necessary to immerse the engraved plate for a few minutes, take out, and brush well with fine whiting and water. Immerse again, scrub at the end of five minutes, and in four or five immersions a sufficient deposit will be secured. Keep the solution up by the addition of about half a pound of carbonate of ammonium every few days. The best results seem to be secured when the battery power is about three cells, and the surface of plates in the cells much larger than the anode or engraved plate. I have worked a solution (referred to above) which' keeps better than the foregoing. Dissolve 5 pounds of ferro-cyanide of potassium, and 10 of the double tartrate of soda and potash in 20 gallons of water. Add now ij pounds of persulphate of iron, dis- solved in a little water. Prussian blue is precipi- tated copiously. Now gently add, drop by drop, with stirring, a saturated solution of caustic scda until104 ELECTRO-PLATING. the precipitate is redissolved and disappears. The liquid is now clear, and of a yellow tint, and may- be used immediately. "Steel-faced" plates should be very carefully washed in boiling water after removal from the plating solution. Then wash in cold water with brushing, dry off, rub with benzine, oil it, and rub again. If not at once required, set aside with a film of wax melted upon its surface. Conducting Surfaces.—For general gutta-percha moulds, the best and cheapest conducting surface is the finest blacklead. That known as Nixey's is, perhaps, the best of common kinds. Ordinary house blacklead is almost useless, because it is so impure. Perhaps the best possible composition is fine gas carbon (battery carbon) pounded in a mortar to an impalpable powder. If this can be obtained fine enough, it answers better than most blackleads, and is cheap enough. The instrument makers generally keep a very fine quality of plumbago, which is, of course, more expensive than the com- mercial article. A good conducting surface being of the greatest importance, care should be taken to' well polish it at every point, and to give par- ticular attention to the conducting wire, so that the film of blacklead may commence upon the wire> and extend unbrokenly over the mould. The brush used should be of the softest kind. The blacklead should not be wetted, but brushed on dry, and the substance breathed upon while working up the surface. Exposing the coating to the evaporationCONDUCTING SURFACES. of spirit of wine will generally facilitate the formation of a good surface. ' If there is under- cutting, which cannot be well touched by the brush, it will be be°>t to do the whole surface over with the preparatory phosphorus solution and silver and gold solutions (or silver alone, according to the value of the mould) mentioned before. In work of importance, and of a large size, the process of black- leading is greatly improved by gilding the black- lead. To gild, dissolve i part of gold chloride in 100 parts of sulphuric ether, and shake into the bottle, mixing well, 50 parts of the best plumbago ; expose the mixture to the sunlight, with frequent stirring and shaking, until the ether has perfectly evaporated. It is applied in the same manner as blacklead. Plumbago may also be used with ad- vantage in several moulding materials, to increase their conductivity. It may also be mixed with the finest white bronze powder. This has the property (being tin, &c.) of coating itself by simple immersion in the solution, and greatly aiding the formation of a first deposit—it should be used chiefly upon large moulds. Wires must be carefully fixed in mould- ing materials ; in gutta-percha by warming and pressing into the surface, and in plaster by arrang- ing for fixing before the plaster is poured, or while it is yet soft. Guiding wires should be led from the main wire upon all surfaces larger than two inches in diameter. They should lead into the margin of the mould, and should beblackleaded over; such wires should be finer than the main ones for con-io6 ELECTRO-PLATING. venience of twisting, and the ends of some of them should touch deeply cut parts of the mould, until a deposit is there formed; always selecting such points as are not likely to be defaced by the wire until a coating is secured. In working with plates, such as copper plates, to be faced, the wire is to be soldered to the back. A non-conducting surface is also required in electrotyping, for " stopping" off the deposit where it is not required. Copal varnish will be found to answer all purposes in the sulphate solution, and in the hot cyanide one the best quality of the same, with the addition of rouge, allowing to dry well. Solid paraffin is useful in cold solutions, and shellac varnish may be employed. Accidental finger-marks of blacklead should be varnished over, as they are very troublesome if in contact with the main coat or the wire. Electrotyping Set-up Type'.—This process is some- what similar to the reproduction of woodcuts. The type is blackleaded, and the impression taken as usual. Care should be taken that the mould and anode are not nearer together than about 3 inches, because the deposit finds difficulty in spreading to a strong deposit in deep lines. American printers employ this method of reproduction very ex- tensively, and even in England stereotyping is to a certain extent giving way to it. The repro- duction lasts longer than one in " stereo" metal, and the copper delivers the ink more readily. Hints on depositing Copper.—The battery powerHINTS AND SUGGESTIONS. 107 required will depend in great degree upon the nature of conducting surface. A plate of copper or other metal to be deposited upon, can be coated in a few minutes, and there is no trouble in making the deposit spread. But blackleaded surfaces, espe- cially of gutta-percha, plaster of Paris, and wax, are sometimes troublesome, and are always somewhat difficult to drive a deposit over. Tension in the battery current is what is necessary in spreading deposits upon refractory surfaces. This means the joining up of a number of cells in series. The size of thin plates is not of so much importance in forcing the deposit. In laying copper upon metallic objects three cells will be ample, but in dealing with gutta-percha coated with blacklead, as many as five or six may be found necessary if the con- ducting-wire and branches from it are not very carefully fixed, and the plumbago coating well done. The anode in such cases should even have a smaller surface than the article. As soon, how- ever, as a complete coating, however thin, is obtained, there is no use in wasting battery power, unless the work is needed immediately ; but in laying the main deposit, ordinary conditions should be adhered to—the battery plates should be as large as the anode, the anode as large as the article, and the distance between the anode and article made as small as possible. Rapid working is never at- tained to in baths where the anode and mould are far separated. The distances must, however, be greater in the case of undercut moulds, or those108 ELECTRO-PLATING. with pits, than in coppering flat plates or ordinary woodcut work. Battery power should be regulated to the work, but current may be regulated very easily by the distance apart. Rapid Practical Electrotyping.—I add to the fore- going remarks some useful information which will serve as a guide to, or explanation of, the way by which the rapid and successful electrotypes from set-up type and woodcuts are produced for such high-class newspapers as the Illustrated London News, Graphic, and other papers, where the illus- trations are prepared, cut in wood, electrotyped, and steel-faced, in the shortest possible time to meet the exigencies of the public wants. In different shops, different (slightly) processes are adopted, but the result is not materially influenced. To commence work, the type or the wood block is thoroughly cleaned by means of turpentine and a stiff brush. It is then dried, spontaneously if there is time, or by means of boxwood or mahogany sawdust if not. It is now dusted with the finest - powdered and sifted plumbago. To prepare the moulding material, which is simply bees'-wax and finely sifted plumbago, melt good bees'-wax in a thick copper pan, and stir in the plumbago very slowly, to insure a very intimate mixture. The best guide to the quantity will be the thickness of the mass: it must not get quite pasty, and by allowing a little more heat, it must be quite fluid. Keep the mixture at a good temperature under boiling, and stir well—this is to insure the gettingRAPID ELECTROTYPY. ' 109 rid of all moisture and air-bubbles. For pouring the wax in, " chases " as they are called, or shallow dishes of pewter or stereo metal are used. They are of the required size to hold the work, and about a fourth of an inch deep; they should have end projections, with holes for hooks to hang in the vat. The wax-moulding mixture, still very hot, is poured into the chase, and allowed to spread of itself from one corner. The chase is then placed on a level sur- face, and allowed to become partly cool. As soon as the wax is seen to have upon its surface a skin, and begins to make cracks therein, gently skim the surface. Allow the wax to become partly set, and carefully lift on to it the prepared block or type. Place in the press, and give a gentle squeeze. Lift off again, and see if the block face has taken up any wax; if not, dust very thinly again with plumbago, and replace. Care must be taken, if no proper gauge- marks are made beforehand, to so guide the sense of touch that the block may " fall fair," or into its proper position. Now apply a very heavy pressure in the press ; the impression is now technically (in some shops) called a " squeeze/' Remove and examine the wax. It should be a beautifully perfect copy in intaglio of the block or type. Dust the " squeeze " with fine plumbago, and polish up with a soft brush ; see that all loose or large particles are blown off by the breath, and observe that a good connection of plumbago is made to the " chase " side. The mould is now ready to be " hooked " and hungno ELECTRO-PLATING. in the solution to a rod connected to the zinc end of the battery. The depositing trough employed is of oak, well jointed, and lined with lead, or asphalt, or marine glue. Its size is usually about four feet long, with depth and breadth of two feet and eighteen inches respectively. The usual copper solution is made, per gallon, of one pound good copper sulphate, and one pound of sulphuric acid— dissolve the salt first; gelatine may be added to make the mixture keep better. The batteries employed are usually of the Smee type—zinc and platinised silver plates. As many as twelve zinc and silver plates are used—each a foot square, placed close together, and the trough filled with weak sulphuric acid—i acid to 100 of water. All the zinc plates go to one wire, and all the silvers to the other. This battery usually serves with one charge for about a week, and is recharged by drawing off the old liquid with a syphon. It acts simply as one cell of large surface, as all the plates go into the common oak trough— lined with lead or marine glue. The anodes are of thick sheet copper, a little larger than the chases to be coppered. The mould is hung in the solution a few inches from the anode face. In about ten minutes the deposit is observed to slowly spread towards the centre. When this is seen, a look-out should be made for pinholes, which are caused by air-bubbles, and may be prevented from forming by brushing off. If all is in good order, the copper will be thick enough in fromRAPID ELECTROTYPY. 111 seven to ten hours. If time is short, keep the anode nearest to the chase as soon as a complete deposit is formed. This will press matters on quickly. The deposit will be thick enough if a little stouter than brown paper. As a matter of fact the deposits may even be thrown on in much less than ten hours, if two cells in series are used, and if the surface of their plates is as great as that of the " squeeze," and even greater, it is surprising what may be done in six hours. As soon as the complete coating is laid, there should be no further trouble with the deposition until it is thick enough. In warm weather the work will be done in less time than in cold. When all is ready, remove the chase, wash with water, cut away any copper round the edges which may prevent the ready removal of the deposit, and heat the chase over the gas, to loosen the wax, when the electrotype may be lifted carefully off. Place it face downwards on an iron tray with handles, and brush over with soldering spirit (hydrochloric acid saturated with zinc), and sprinkle with cuttings of solder. Place the . tray in a flat vessel of melted stereotype metal, until the solder melts, when it may be spread with a soft rag and spirit. This is called " tinning " the electro. Re- move the tray, and arrange a kind of framework or edging of iron bars around the copy to hold in the stereotype metal wThich is to form a backing. Pour on the clean metal to a depth dependent upon the size of electrotype. For deposits a foot square112 ELECTRO-PLATING. the backing should be half an inch or more thick, and the smallest electrotype should have a fourth of an inch of backing. Allow to set, and cut off with the circular saw the edge-metal. Place in the planing machine, and plane down to gauge. An examination should now be made to find if there are any depressions on the plate, or other defects that might prevent the printing being good. Depressions are brought up on the face by taps from behind. The edges are filed bevel to " clear," and the plate is finally mounted on a block of mahogany, or oak, if its size is considerable. This block is, of course, gauged to the height of the type. A little practice will enable an ordinary intelligent man to turn out first-rate electrotypes by this method.CHAPTER V. Deposition of Silver. Its Salts.—Of the many salts of silver, the nitrate, oxide, chloride, and sulphide are the most common. The nitrate is the most generally useful of these salts, and it is important that the electro-plater should be conversant with its manufacture from the metal itself, as it is very usual to find it prepared altogether in the factory, although it may be pur- chased for very little more than the value of the metal it contains. The text-books often direct thus:—Dissolve grain or sheet silver in nitric acid and evaporate; but this is widely different from what is necessary to be done in practice. The nitric acid must be pure, and must have a specific gravity of at least 1*420, otherwise it will not dissolve silver with sufficient rapidity to insure success. It should be diluted with one volume of filtered rain-water to four volumes of the acid. This mixture must be warmed to about ioo° F., and the silver, in sheet or grain, added to it slowly and with care, not to cause violent boil- ing, The operation should be conducted in a rather tall vessel, so that the froth may not be lost. Care Iii4 ELECTRO-PLATING. should be taken to have the neighbourhood well ventilated, or to conduct the operation in the open air, and standing over the vessel should be care- fully avoided by the operator, the fumes of nitric acid being very injurious. The silver should be cut into thin slips in case of sheet being used. Should the mixture become unmanageable by boil- ing over, cool it down by the addition of a little cold water, and add the silver more slowly. As soon as the acid is satisfied, and will dissolve no more of the metal, evaporate it by placing the vessel in boiling water, or applying heat to it directly. Carry this on until the bulk is insig- nificant, and set aside to cool and crystallize. It is best to do this in the dark, or in an opaque vessel. The resulting colourless crystals are nitrate of silver, or u lunar caustic/' They should be free from the odour of nitric acid, should contain as much as 63 \ per cent, of silver, and should be perfectly soluble in distilled wTater. In purchasing nitrate of silver, care should be taken to test its value before buying largely. This is best done by fusing at red heat with borax in a common crucible, washing and weighing the metal, when the above value should be ex- hibited; or it may, of course, be done by pre- cipitating a solution of it by dilute hydrochloric acid, washing and drying the precipitate. Nitrate of silver should be kept in an opaque bottle, or in a dark place, and care must be taken not to handle it too freely with the naked hands. Its price varies as that of silver, but it may generally be obtainedSALTS OF SILVER. ' 115 at 4s. per oz. It is a by-product in various large operations at chemical works. Oxide of silver is generally prepared by adding a solution of caustic soda to one of the silver nitrate, until all the metal is precipitated as oxide. This brown powder is washed and filtered. It is similarly obtained by precipitation, with clear lime-water and caustic potash. The wash-waters should be preserved, as they contain a little of the oxide. Care must be taken in the use of caustic potash, as severe sores result from touching it with the naked hands. Chloride of silver may be readily obtained from a solution of the nitrate by precipitating with com- mon salt, or dilute hydrochloric acid. This should be done with stirring, and the precipitate allowed to settle slowly. It is silver chloride, a white, flocculent powder, and must be kept in the dark. The presence of impurities in the silver, especially copper, is very quickly detected by a pink appear- ance of the precipitate. Cyanide of'silver may be readily prepared by adding a solution of cyanide of potassium to one of the silver nitrate. The solution of potassium cyanide may be of strength about 2 oz. to the pint. It should be added to the silver solution slowly, with stirring, until no further precipitate is observed. The resulting salt should be white, and is cyanide of silver. It is quite insoluble in water, but will freely dissolve in most of the cyanide solutions, and in hyposulphite of soda solution, sal-ammoniac,ELECTRO-PLATING. and ferro-cyanide of potassium. The same salt may be obtained from the oxide or chloride of silver, but the nitrate produces the purest cyanide. Double Cyanide of Silver and Potassium.—This is by far the most generally useful of the salts in silver-plating solutions; and it is only necessary to dissolve it in water to at any time obtain a plating solution for the battery process. Sixty-five parts of potassium cyanide in solution will be required to convert into the double salt 134 parts of the silver salt. This is really the plating solution, and only needs a slight excess of the potas- sium cyanide to render it suited for work. But of this solution further information is given in this chapter. Simple, or Immersion Silvering.—This art is daily becoming of more importance, especially to ama- teurs. The methods here given are selected from those I have myself used, and may generally be relied upon to produce good coatings if the direc- tions , are rigidly adhered to. The solutions are peculiarly applicable to such articles as brooches, buttons, hooks and eyes, watch-chains, and articles even as large as forks, tea-spoons, toast-racks, and liquor labels. Strict cleanliness must, of course, be observed with the articles, otherwise the coatings cannot be depended upon. The simplest possible solution is that of the chloride of silver in water, with the addition of common salt. This is well suited to the silveringSIMPLE SOLUTIONS OF SILVER. 117 of dial-plates, and such goods as may be varnished. Brass goods, when properly cleaned, take a good coating, and may be exposed to considerable fric- tion without injury. The mixture should not be made thinner than cream, and should be applied by rubbing upon the previously wetted article with a piece of cork, or a rubber made of rag upon a wooden handle. The rubbing must be continued until the surface is uniformly silvered, when the article should be washed, dried in sawdust, and if possible varnished. Another solution, yielding a better coating more readily, is made up of chloride of silver, 1 part; washing soda (common), 3 parts; common salt, parts, mixed together with a little warm water until as thin as cream. It will improve as it is used, and may be replenished, as it gets exhausted, with a little chloride of silver in solution. Another solution is composed of silver chloride, 1 part; common salt, 8 parts; alum, 2 parts; cream of tartar, 8 parts. These are mixed together with warm water. When the surface of the article will admit of it, rubbing should be resorted to, and in the case of goods exhibiting much intricacy of pattern the solution should be thinner, and the motion more vigorous. In no case should the fingers be used to apply such compounds. Soft tooth-brushes are useful, as are also pads of cotton or sponge. A simple immersion solution, the particulars of which are due to M. Roseleur, is well known to118 ELECTRO-PLATING. produce the best possible simple immersion coat- ings. Its preparation is, however, somewhat trouble- some, although the labour is well repaid. Dissolve 4 parts of washing soda in 5 parts of water in a deep vessel. Place in the bottom also a layer of mercury about J inch deep, and into this let the end of a glass tube dip, through which pass sul- phuretted hydrogen gas (see Chemicals, until the solution is found to redden blue litmus-paper, when the passage of gas must be stopped. The mercury is simply to prevent the tube end from getting chocked up with crystals, and with care might be dispensed with. Set the solution aside for twenty-four hours, pour off the liquid portion, stir, and test again with the litmus-paper. If decided acidity is observed still, by the paper becoming quite red, add more crystals until the paper is only made violet. If no sign of acidity is observed, it is too alkaline, and more gas must be passed through it. All that now remains to be done is to add the necessary silver, and this is best done by putting in a solution (saturated) of silver nitrate, watching the result. A precipitate will be formed, which will almost at once dissolve again, and as long as the solution redissolves the silver, it should be added, until the redissolution becomes slug- gish, when the mixture is ready for working. This solution, if properly made, will be found to produce a thick coating of silver, and will work for many months. But its only slightly acid condition must be preserved by the addition ofSIMPLE SOLUTIONS OF SILVER. 119 either gas or soda; with silver when this is re- quired. There is no necessity to rub this mixture upon the articles. They must be left in it, moving about occasionally, until the required coating is secured. The coating is well suited to brass, copper, bronze, and other goods of the cheap description. A solution for simple immersion, to be used at a boiling temperature, is, perhaps, better suited to the general run of small goods than any of the foregoing. It is composed of water, 1 gallon; cyanide of potassium, 1 pound ; and 3 ounces of nitrate of silver. It is usual to immerse the articles in a basket, and to shake about until completely silvered. Or any of the foregoing solutions may be used with advantage at a boiling temperature. An enamelled iron vessel should, if possible, be em- ployed. Care should be taken that metals differing so much in their nature as coppejr and zinc are not immersed in such solutions, because a voltaic tend- ency is at once set up, and zinc will probably be deposited upon the other goods. It is found that a solution in which much copper has been silvered, and is green in consequence, works better than a new one. It should be noted that the greater the volume of solution, the better and quicker the re- sults. For practical or professional purposes the solution should never, if possible, contain less than a gallon of water, and two gallons is a better work- ing volume. The cost of this class of silvering is very small, because the labour is small, and thei 2\J ELECTRO-PLATING. coatings cannot easily be made thicker than tissue- paper, except in the solution of M. Roseleur, w,hich, when properly made and attended to, may yield plating of a very durable nature, and which might bear favourable comparison with electro- plating itself. A satisfactory explanation of the increasing thickness of deposit in M. Roseleur's solution was not at first easy to find. The plating goes on without any apparent electrical action until the desired thickness is laid, and the same law wThich causes the metal to act thus also causes the introduction of a little drawback in the work- ing—for the silver is in part deposited upon the sides of the vessel. Of course there is no waste here, but attention must be paid to the amount of silver so abstracted, so that the solution may not be allowed to get poor in metal and unfit for work. The obvious explanation is a chemical property of the liquid foreign to common solutions. In common simple solutions the action of plating is undoubtedly electrical, by which a portion of the immersed surface is dissolved, which, setting up electrical disturbance, causes its equivalent of silver to be deposited. This goes on until the article is quite protected from further dissolution, when the plating must and does stop, leaving only a thin coat. But in the peculiar solution of which we have spoken the action is chemical. Sulphur and then add to it 4 oz. of solution b— call this mixture A. Into a second measure—or see that the first is clean—pour first 4 oz. of solution c, and then add to it 4 oz. of solution d—call this mixture B. When actually required, pour solution A into the silvering vessel, and then stir in solution B with a glass rod, so that the mixture may be good. The effect will indicate whether or not the solu- tions are properly made. The mixture should not at first lose transparency, but should begin to change colour in about thirty seconds, first to a pinkish yellow, then brownish, and finally to a fine black. Just prior to the solution turning pink, the surface to be silvered is to be lowered into it. This is Martin's process, and with care will be found to afford more certain results than that of Ackland, Draper, or the Sugar of Milk, particulars of which it will be unnecessary to give here. The vessel in which it is intended to silver the speculum should be sufficiently deep to allow about half an inch depth of liquid between the face of the mirror and the bottom of the dish. In diameter the vessel should be at least 1 inch larger than the speculum—it is needless to say that this vessel must be chemically clean. To prepare the work, all extraneous dirt must be removed carefully,SILVERING GLASS SPECULA. 123 if possible by warm water. As the mirror is to be supported face downwards in the silvering vessel, a cross-piece of wood should be made to go across the top of the latter. It is best to cement this to the back of the speculum with pitch. Let the glass be moistened with turpentine, and evaporate this nearly off before applying the pitch, to insure the adhesion of the latter. If the silvering vessel is too deep, place a block of wood between the speculum back and the wood strip, so that about half an inch of space may be between the mirror and the flat bottom. This will permit of the volume of liquid required to be known, by filling with water and measuring. To chemically clean the mirror directions are here given, because they could not be conveniently* classed with those relating to metals. A test-tube is convenient as a holder for the rubbing-pad. Its diameter should be about half an inch or over for large specula. Fill it with cotton wool, allowing a pad to project. Pour strong nitric acid upon the mirror face, and rapidly rub it well over the surface with the cotton wool. Now dilute the acid by the addition of a little distilled water, and again rub well all over the surface. Run water upon the speculum for a few minutes until the acid is well washed off, and finally well rinse with distilled water. If the cleaning has been perfectly done, the water will appear to cleave to the entire surface. If purity of surface cannot be secured by the use of nitric acid, dry up the surface with a perfectly clean linen cloth, and apply a mixture of potash in water124 ELECTRO-PLATAN Gr. (i oz. in 10) with an equal volume of alcohol. Spread as before with a new pad, dilute the mix- ture as before, and well rub. Finally rinse the surface with a liberal quantity of distilled water, and keep the speculum face downwards in distilled water until the silvering bath is ready. As soon as the solution is observed to begin changing colour, let the speculum be immersed. It is necessary to exercise care in doing this. It must be slipped into the watery solution edge first. Care is likewise necessary in removing any water that may remain upon the speculum back, as it is liable by falling down to give rise to streaks in the silvering. Well note that no spots of dust get between the speculum face and the solution, and that all air- bubbles are broken. Keep the solution in gentle motion for the first few minutes, until the film begins to assume a definite thickness. The mirror may also be gently rotated. It is of the utmost importance that the surface should not be separated from the liquid by any accident during the forma- tion of the film, as the almost certain consequence is a streak, or break of continuity in the silvering. It will be unnecessary to continue the agitation constantly after the film is laid. For purposes of observation the silvering vessel should be of glass. Allow the deposition to go on until all the silver in solution has been deposited. This may be ascertained by the solution being clean, and it will be necessary to break through the silver film at the edge to observe this. In warm weather the de-SILVERING GLASS SPECULA. 125 position is much more rapid than in cold. See that the mirror is not allowed to remain longer in the liquid than is absolutely necessary, as there is a tendency to lay a whitish film upon the silver after the solution is exhausted of its metal. Well wash the surface after removal by allowing distilled water to run over it. After washing, let the surface dry, by resting the speculum with blot- ting-paper beneath to absorb all water running off. It is best to get this drying done quickly, by means of a draught of air, but see that heating to attain this object is carefully avoided. The drying may be assisted by absorbing with blotting-paper the water around the edges. In a damp atmosphere it is advisable, as suggested by Messrs. Home and Thornthwaite, to drive off remaining moisture by exposing the mirror to a slight warmth at some distance from a fire. This should be done just before polishing. Finishing the film requires some care, above all to avoid grit getting into the polishing pads. Make a pair of these by filling two pieces of extra soft wash-leather about six inches square loosely with cotton wool, and tying them into balls with twine. Carefully dust the film with camel-hair brush or cotton wool, and then rub over it with one of the pads in short circular strokes four or five times. This treatment will give strength to the film. Spread and examine some rouge upon clean paper, dust the other pad with it, and go over the surface as before until the polishing is perfect.126 ELECTRO-PLATING. This pad should be kept for future use in a bottle or other place, free from dust. All glass surfaces may be silvered in this way, but the directions just given are peculiarly-appli- cable to specula. Silver-Plating by the Battery Process.—Numerous patents were taken out many years ago for new solutions for silver deposition. They are all more or less valueless, as experience has shown, and time has also conclusively proved to practical men, that the double cyanide of silver and potassium, dis- solved in water, afforded the best working solution. Cyanide of silver dissolved in cyanide of potas- sium is, howevef, a very wide definition of the working solution. For the benefit of those who require the plainest possible instructions in making up silver solutions, my remarks are divested of all chemical formulae, so that the merest amateur may produce and work silvering baths almost as suc- cessfully as the every-day plater. It is common to suppose that the silver to be used must necessarily be pure. This is not so, as ordinary commercial silver, having copper in alloy, works very well. I shall suppose that the nitrate is made from the raw metal by the operator himself. Particulars as to actual working quantities would be out of place here, when one reader may require a quart, and another a hundred gallons of solution. The weight of silver in each gallon of really good plating solution should be two and a half ounces. This will serve as a guide to the weight of metalSILVER SOLUTIONS. 127 required for any given volume of solution. It will be seen further on that this weight to a gallon may- be deviated from considerably under certain con- ditions, but there is no kind of plating that cannot be successfully accomplished with this metal to the gallon. I have placed well with one ounce to the gallon, and also with five ounces, but in such cases ordinary current and size of anode had to be de- parted from ; and little satisfaction results from working so widely of the composition which lengthy experience has taught the plater to be the best. For poor kinds of work, of the large class, less metal may be used, and more for baths required to be worked richly and quickly. In dissolving the silver to form nitrate it ought to be cut into very narrow slips. If sheet is em- ployed, this may be conveniently done with a pair of scissors; but if what is known as grain silver is used, further division is unnecessary. Take two parts of silver, add it gradually to a warm mixture of four parts of strong nitric acid and one part of water. Let this be done in a large stoneware or glass vessel. The brown fumes of nitrous anhydride are given ,off in great quantity, and as they are very injurious, they should be carried off by a vent, or the whole operation should be conducted in the open air. It may be useful to state that the weights of silver and nitric acid above given are good for good silver and the best nitric acid, but of a poorer quality of acid more must be used to completely dissolve the silver, and the heat128 ELECTRO-PLATING. must be greater. The action must be regulated by- more or less silver, or a little water if it becomes too violent so as to boil over. If too little acid is employed, the fact will be indicated by its ceasing to act upon the silver. When the metal is com- pletely dissolved, evaporate the liquid portion nearly to dryness by boiling, and set aside the residue to cool and crystallize. Dissolve the result- ing salt, nitrate of silver, in distilled or filtered rain- water, allowing nearly a gallon to each ounce of salt. Prepare also a solution, of equal bulk, or less, of cyanide of potassium in distilled or filtered rain- water. If the potassium salt is very good (over 60 per cent.: see Chemicals), half an ounce to the pint will be strong enough, and if weaker one ounce. Add this solution, with constant stirring, until a precipitate of cyanide of silver ceases to fall as a white powder. Waste must be avoided in doing this, for if too much is added hastily, some of the silver cyanide will redissolve, and will be difficult to find again. To totally steer clear of the possi- bility of waste, add the potassium cyanide solution very slowly, and cease instantly the white precipi- tate ceases to fall. If it is suspected that too much of the cyanide solution had been stirred in, add a little more silver nitrate, which will descend as a white powder as before, as long as any excess of potassium cyanide is present. Allow the liquid to settle well down until quite clear. Pour off the clear liquid, and dash in more distilled or filtered rain-water, briskly stirring and allowing to settle,SOLUTIONS OF SILVER. 129 after which pour off again. Repeat this washing a few times, with care not to lose silver in so doing. Prepare next another solution of cyanide of potassium (from three-fourths to one and a half ounces to the pint), of bulk half a gallon to each ounce of the silver cyanide, and add it to the latter with constant stirring, allowing time for dissolution, until all the salt is dissolved; then dilute the whole to about half a gallon to the ounce of cyanide, with distilled water, and add about one ounce to the gallon of potassium cyanide to form free cyanide, otherwise the solution would fail to dissolve its anode with sufficient freedom. It is well after- wards to filter the solution, through calico, into the silvering vessel. These are all the necessary directions for the preparation of a solution by the chemical process direct from the metal. It will be found best to work from the metal in large operations, but for small volumes it will prove more advantageous to purchase the silver as nitrate, testing for quality, if accuracy is desired, as before directed (see Nitrate of Silver). All the wash-waters or residuary liquids should be preserved when the operations are large, because they generally contain some of the silver in solution, and, if any insoluble substances appear in making the solution, they should be pre- served. Several writers mention a method of preparing the cyanide of silver from a solution of the nitrate bypassing into it hydrocyanic acid gas. Although K130 ELECTRO-PL ATINGr. this may yield a silver cyanide of remarkable purity, it is exceedingly dangerous, especially in the hands of unskilled operators; the gas being diffusive, is liable to be inhaled, with fatal results. Moreover, the trouble is very much greater, and the same result in purity may be attained to by using cyanide of potassium of 85 per cent, purity and upwards without danger. It may, however, be employed, and perhaps with advantage, by very careful platers who have by them a stock of otherwise useless ferro-cyanide of potassium (" yellow prussiate of potash" of the shops) and sulphuric acid. The ferro-cyanide is* coarsely pounded, passed into a glass flask, mixed with slightly dilute sulphuric acid, and heated, the gas being led off by a tube into the nitrate of silver solution, which must be stirred until all the silver is down as cyanide. All this should be done in the open air or where a good draught can be secured, and the greatest possible care should be taken not to inhale any of the gas. This same process is very useful in recovering from spent solutions some of their metals, but the mani- pulation is slightly different. Hyposulphite of silver in solution of hyposul- phite of soda will deposit silver fairly well, but the solution is only fitted for short experiments, as it spoils by being exposed to light. Many writers recommend it, but I cannot do so, as its silver, although laid easily with the smallest battery power, is so soon precipitated to the bottom of the vessel on exposure to light. For short experiments orSOLUTIONS OF SILVER. 131 small pieces of work in the hands of amateurs, it may be made up by dissolving the chloride of silver in a solution of hyposulphite of sodium. Ferro-cyanide of potassium is used to a limited extent by some platers instead of the cyanide. Its use cannot be recommended, as it loads the solution with a foreign salt, and it would appear that the silver deposited from such a solution is very liable to strip. It is, therefore, false economy to employ the yellow prussiate of potash. It is not uncommon to find cyanide solutions made up chemically, and differently from that de- scribed. It is not uncommon, for example, to simply make the solution by stirring the oxide or carbonate of silver into a solution of potassium cyanide ; and although this will enable the operator to dispense with the use of cyanide of potassium in precipitat- ing the silver from its solution, and to employ in its stead caustic potash, carbonate of potash, and even common salt, it has nothing "to recommend it, and is, again, an example of false economy. It is still necessary to use the same amount of potassium cyanide as by the ordinary cyanide process. When oxide of silver, for example, is placed in a solution of cyanide of potassium, it needs one equivalent of cyanide to convert it into cyanide of silver, and another to dissolve this cyanide of silver as before. And it is, moreover, working in the dark, although the plan maybe useful to those who do not wish much handling of potassium cyanide. But such solutions never work satisfactorily for a great length13 2 ELECTRO-PLATING. of time, and have many obstructions in the shape of useless potassium salts, which may or may not do harm according to the condition in which the solution is to be worked. Such a salt as oxide of silver going into a solution of potassium cyanide must lose its oxygen, which simply goes to form with the potash salt caustic potash, which is at least of no use, while the potassium chloride result- ing from so foolish a mixture as chloride of silver with the cyanide solution, almost stops successful working and dissolution of the anode. These bad effects are not apparent at once, but increase as the work goes on. The standard cyanide solution may also be made by the battery process; that is, instead of the silver being prepared chemically first, it may be dissolved into the solution by the current from a cell or two of any type of battery. This process is exceedingly handy to amateurs and others requiring only a small volume of the solution, and is certainly preferable in such cases to special chemical prepa- ration ; also where all operative skill is wanting, because no loss of metal can result, and there are no wash-waters to preserve. It is only necessary to prepare a solution of potassium cyanide, of strength about four ounces (quality at least 50 per cent.) to the gallon. Then suspend a large sheet of silver to dissolve, and connect it to the copper or carbon pole of the cells. Suspend likewise a bright silver strip a few inches off, connect to the zinc pole, and thus pass current until about 1 \ oz. of silver toSOLUTIONS OF SILVER. 133 the gallon has disappeared. If it is required to have more metal than this, add more cyanide in solution, or less if a poorer solution is required. The best guide is to pass the current until the cathode receives a good coating of silver in a few minutes. This solution may be worked with the dissolving sheet as an anode, in the same way as large volumes are worked. Unless the actual percentage of actual cyanide be known, it is difficult to state the quantity of free cyanide necessary. A good test is to work the solution with the anode for a little time, and if the anode is not bright and clean, too little free cyanide may be suspected, and more should be added. As a matter of course a strong current should be employed in making such solutions. It is objected to this method that it sets free caustic potash in the liquid. This is true, and it eventually, by absorption of carbonic acid from the air, becomes carbonate of potash. It does no harm as far as experience has shown, but it does no good. It is certainly more objectionable in large volumes of liquid than in small ones. Notwithstanding this, many electro-platers make up their solution by the battery process. It proves to be exceedingly useful to those who take the trouble to test the cyanide employed. There is also an advantage in this way of making up a solution, as very little trouble is appreciated in giving to it just as much metal as may be wanted. The equivalent of cyanide of potassium is 65, so that 65 parts of the pure cyanide ought to be in the solution with 134 parts (the134 ELECTRO-PLATING. equivalent of cyanide of silver) of silver salt. Over and above this there should be present about 50 parts more of potassium to form free cyanide, with- out which it would be impossible to work. It is not uncommon to employ two solutions in silver-plating, especially in treating the cheapest kind of goods. Where the standard work is really composed of inferior articles, it is probably more economical to first " whiten," as it is terrtied, and then finish in another liquid. The process is well suited for cheap and rapid working. To make a " whitening " solution, dissolve about two pounds of cyanide of potassium (over 50 per cent.) in one gallon of rain-water; add afterwards half a pound of carbonate of soda, with stirring; and add last, four ounces of cyanide of silver. Whiten the articles in this with a current of high tension— five to eight Smee cells, six Bunsens, allowing the anode to be quite near to the goods. As a rule, when the current is strong, they will whiten instantly, and are to be removed for finish- ing in the other solution, which is made up by dissolving four ounces of cyanide of potassium and two of cyanide of silver in a gallon of distilled or filtered rain-water. Employ a current of lower tension to finish, and let the cell be large, so that the work may not go on so rapidly, but let the anode be near to the articles. The poorer kinds of articles may thus be silvered without the neces- sity to amalgamate or " quick" in a mercury solution. (See Preparation.)QUALITY OF SILVER SOLUTIONS. 135 It will be unnecessary to extend this portion of the work by quoting the solutions of the various patentees. Theyare all, curiously enough, inferior to the standard cyanide solution in working, and the greater part of them were devised before platers had become sufficiently acquainted with the good properties of the double cyanide of potassium and silver. I leave the particulars I have given of this solution in the plater's hands with every confidence in his working of it; the results are always good, and the trouble small compared with other solutions. Quality of the Solution.—As I have before stated, different platers employ solutions differing widely in the composition. This arises in great part from their work being of different kinds, or from their manipulatory skill being good or bad. Some platers employ a solution as poor in silver as half an ounce per gallon, while others use one as rich as four or five ounces to a like volume of solution. Different factories employ different modes of work- ing, and such great discrepancies would lead even amateurs to infer that the limits within which successful work can be turned out are very far apart. This is true to a certain extent, for by altering the battery power and anode surface to the liquid, it is possible to plate such a metal as copper with either of the above strengths of solution. For ordinary work, however, the proportion I have laid down (two and a half ounces to the gallon) should be adhered to as nearly as possible. The amount will probably vary as the work is carried on, but136 ELECTRO-PLATING. every care is necessary to employ such proportion of free cyanide as will assist the anode plate to throw off just as much silver as is laid upon the articles. This is really the secret of good working and keeping a solution, when once made, in good order for years. Free cyanide is a point to be looked to constantly. The proportion of free cyanide in a good solution should be as nearly as possible equal to half the weight of the silver. If less than this is employed the anode will not dissolve with sufficient rapidity to supply the metal laid upon the goods. If more is present, the anode will dissolve too quickly, and there is a risk of the silver being dissolved off the goods nearly as quickly as laid. (See Management of Solutions,) " Bright" Silver Plating,—This is a process em- ployed in the plating factory by which a brilliant appearance or finish is given to the goods after they have been plated in the ordinary way. It saves a great deal of trouble, because the surface is finished as if it had been burnished. It is questionable whether the solution is of use to the amateur, as it does not appear to work well in very small volumes. To make this solution, place a quart of ordinary plating solution in a special bottle, add' to it four ounces of liquor ammonia, two of ether, and four of bisulphide of carbon. Shake well, and stir in an ounce or two of this mixture to every twenty gallons of plating liquid it is required to " brighten,"BRIGHT SILVER PLATING. 137 about twice a day. This is done as the bath is work- ing. All the bisulphide of carbon mixture must not be added at once—this would spoil the whole solution. As the plating goes on, a little should be stirred in after the day's work, as mentioned. It is of the greatest importance to use as little as possible of this destructive bisulphide of carbon, as it is very apt to ruin the solution altogether. And no solution should be thus " brightened" that it is required to plate ordinarily with again, as it will be unfit for that purpose. If the articles become spotted or streaked with a bad brown colour, it indicates that too much brighten- ing liquid has been used, and the best plan probably in this case is to work upon a silver cathode until the excess is worked off. Bisulphide of carbon by itself will produce the effect, but the mixture given will be found more satisfactory. A stronger current than usual must be passed in a brightening solution. The action is slower than in ordinary solutions. As a rule the effect is first apparent at the lower end of the article, and sometimes as long as twenty minutes passes before the whole surface is bright, but the time greatly depends upon the battery power. If a valuable article is being spoiled by becoming brown instead of bright, remove it and dip for a few seconds in nitric acid, and try again. But as a rule too much bisulphide of carbon spoils the solution for several days. It is, in fact, an exceedingly risky process in the hands of the inexperienced, and this is the138 ELECTRO-PLATING. chief reason why amateurs seldom succeed with it. For small volumes, such as a gallon of solution, a few drops of the brightening mixture will be enough every evening, with stirring. It is always necessary to remove all traces of the brightening liquid after removal from the solution by rinsing in boiling water. If this is not done the surface will discolour. The skin thus given to plated goods is very hard, because the rate of deposition is slow. M. Planters method of brightening is to add sulphide of silver to the solution instead of bisulphide of carbon. Management of Solutions.—The standard cyanide splutions are liable to continual change. They are apt to change in strength, through an insufficiency of cyanide or unsuitable battery power, and the free cyanide is liable to change in quantity from the latter cause. Experience shows that a new solution does not deposit silver so freely as one in constant use. Indeed, difficulty is often experienced in working a new solution, which objection vanishes gradually as the work goes on. If care is taken the solution will improve until it has been at work daily for a year or two, when contamination with base metals and other impurities generally spoil it. The anode should be pure silver sheet, with an area as great as that of the articles to be plated, and connected to the copper pole of the battery. It should show when working a grey surface, and when the current is stopped a white surface. If the anode is white while the work is going on, thereMANAGEMENT OF SILVER SOLUTIONS. 139 is too little free cyanide. Should the anode show a brown or discoloured surface, there is too little cyanide in the free state, and more should be stirred in. If the anode is too large in proportion to the articles being plated, too much silver will be dis- solved into the solution, which evil will be aggra- vated by too large a proportion of free cyanide; and if, on the other hand, the anode is much smaller, too little metal will be dissolved, and the solution robbed of its stock. This will be aggravated by too little cyanide. Impurities are usually dust, acci- dental dirt, impurities from the anode, metals corroded while being plated—this latter is usually caused by too weak a current, and the work being done too slowly. These impurities rise in the solution as soon as any disturbance is caused, settle upon the surfaces being plated, and spoil the work. They produce vertical streaks, ending in a round mark. Filtra- tion should be resorted to when the solution gathers impurities. To continuously produce good plating, the solution should be well stirred up at the close of the day's work, and motion should be given to the articles while being deposited upon. Indeed, the latter precaution is imperative in most solutions for a reason which I shall explain. At the anode surface there is being continually formed the double cyanide of silver and potassium. This salt going into solution, is heavier than the liquid, and descends; while the cyanide of potassium set free at the surface of the articles by the silver leaving it, is140 ELECTRO-PLATING. light, and tends to ascend. The result is, that, if mixing is neglected, the articles are apt to be well plated only at their lower extremities, while the anode will probably be cut nearly through at the surface of the liquid, through the excess of free cyanide near the surface. It will thus be obvious that strong solutions require more frequent attention than those poor in silver, because the heavy silver salt has a constant tendency to descend. The solution should have added to it water to make up for loss by evaporation and other causes, and it is best to add any necessary free cyanide with this water. Never stir up the solution before commenc- ing to work, because the impurities always present rise and take a long time to settle. If the deposi- tion goes on very slowly, it will generally be caused by too small a proportion of silver. This may be added in the form of cyanide, but it is much better to give more anode surface, and dissolve the required metal in by these means. Poverty of metal is often indicated by the deposited silver having a grey or dead appearance, and the work going on sluggishly—that is, if the anode indicates that there is a sufficiency of free cyanide. Free cyanide is lost slowly by the carbonic acid of the air acting upon it and converting it into carbonate of potash. If the articles being plated are bad in colour, of a dirty grey or brown, it indicates, in all proba- bility, that the current is too strong. This is best remedied by simply placing the anode farther awayMANAGEMENT OF SILVER SOLUTIONS. 141 from the articles. It is also well to note that this may be caused by an excessively weak current, and a deficiency of free cyanide. This appearance, however, is generally found upon such metals as tin, lead, Britannia metal, and white alloys gene- rally, and seldom upon copper or brass. A test for the free cyanide will be useful. I select one of many practised. Put in a tall glass vessel twelve ounces of the solution to be tested; make a solution of half an ounce of crystallized silver nitrate in five ounces of water, and add it to the solution in the glass with stirring. Add very slowly the latter half. A precipitate will form ; if it dissolves quickly, there is a deficiency of silver or too much free cyanide. If it will not all dissolve after stir- ring, there is too much silver or too little free cyanide. As a matter of course there must be too much cyanide when there is a deficiency of silver, for it is in reference to the silver that the free cyanide must be viewed. Strong solutions are always more difficult to manage in hot weather than weak ones, especially if they contain much free cyanide. Such solutions, and at such temperatures, must be kept in almost constant motion, by the goods being moved to and fro. This is generally done in factories by a mechanical contrivance, variously made, by which motion is given to the articles from the machinery. Sometimes the frame which suspends the plating- rods is mounted upon four small wheels, which ride upon rails fastened to the top edge of the vat,142 ELECTRO-PLATING-. and other more simple contrivances are in use, but they are to a great extent unnecessary if attention is paid to stirring up and well mixing the solution every evening after the day's work is done. If this is regularly done, and the solution is still found to act more upon some parts of the articles than upon others, the fault must be in the solution, which is too strong. Solutions that are too dense may be quickly brought down by the addition of water only. Test for Density of Solution.—The operator should be provided with a hydrometer, by which the specific gravity of any solution may be quickly ascertained. The specific gravity of the solution may vary. It should not, however, get below 1*042, or above 1*114. It is convenient to take a reading of the specific gravity when the solution is found to be working well, and to keep it as near to this as possible; or a little over, on account of the accu- mulation of foreign matter. Such tests should always be taken in the evening, after stirring up. These directions all point to one conclusion, which is that when we have obtained a good work- ing solution, every endeavour should be made to keep it so, and to carefully avoid anything which might chance to alter its constitution; to avoid the accidental contamination of it by foreign or base metals, or by accident, or by efforts to improve it, which are not indicated plainly in the preceding remarks ; above all, avoid the use of bisulphide of carbon if possible, and never attempt to " Irighten " a solution intended thereafter for standard silvering.MANAGEMENT OF SILVER SOLUTIONS. 143 If the anode rapidly disappears, a test should be taken of the amount of silver being laid. Thus, by weighing the anode and the goods before plating, and again after plating, it is easy to ascer- tain whether or not too much or too little has been dissolved off the anode. The diminution of weight from the anode should correspond closely with the increase of weight in the goods. If the anode has lost much more metal than the goods have gained, there is too large a percentage of free cyanide, and if the reverse, there is a deficiency of free cyanide. To a certain extent the solution will right itself, or correct its own fault, in the first case, if some water is added to keep the specific gravity down as the metal is being dissolved. This, of course, results in the solution being augmented in volume. Strong solutions require more stirring and general care than weak ones, and a strong solution will be made weaker by exposing to it less anode surface. Some platers* £.dd liquid ammonia to the solution when the silver is of a bad colour, or too yellow, but it should be sparingly employed, and never used unless the solution is in good order otherwise. Always correct ordinary faults before trying the addition of foreign substances to the solution. Time required in Electro-plating.—The time re- quired to plate ordinary goods varies considerably in different solutions and with great or small battery power. It is also dependent upon the thickness of deposit required. A coating as thick as thin writing-paper (one ounce per square foot) is144 ELECTRO-PLATING. considered excellent work, and this can generally be laid in about ten hours, half this thickness in half the time, and so on—this is with one large cell. Battery Power required.—As a rule, one cell will be sufficient in ordinary plating, and of whatever form it is, its plates must have an area about equal to that of the immersed anode. The area of zinc in solution may be regulated to the work doing. If the articles present much irregularity of surface, especially indentations or deep under-cutting, the distance between the anode and cathode must be greater than usual, and in such cases it is generally wise to employ two cells, so that the extra resist- ance may be overcome. (See Batteries.) Cost of Silver-plating.—This will depend in a great degree upon the amount of work done—or the scale of operations. Including silver and work- ing expenses, silver can be laid upon all ordinary goods at about 8s. per ounce—or foot of surface. This is for really good work, and the figure will vary considerably in different places. If the work- ing expenses are low, they may be laid down as a fourth of the cost of silver deposited. Inferior goods can be silvered at an exceedingly cheap rate. By the simple-immersion process, which is peculiarly applicable to small articles, buttons, nails, hooks and eyes, and suspension chains can be silvered at about 3d. a pound. But the silver is a mere covering. By the battery process such goods as teapots, sugar-basins, and silvered flagons can be properly plated, labour included, at aboutORNAMENTATION OF SILVER. 145 6s., while a dozen of dinner forks can be properly plated for 4s. But it is always a difficult matter to give exact figures, as different platers require different profits. These figures refer to the work as done by the plater to the " trade"—the u trade" being the manufacturer of the goods, who generally sends them to the professional plater for treatment. There is unfortunately no check upon the English plater, nor do the public know what they get in purchasing electro-plated goods. Such a state of things is not allowed in France, where every article is stamped to indicate the quality of the plating. This is done by an officer appointed by the govern- ment, the articles being weighed, before and after plating, in his presence. u Oxidized" Silver.—This effect is produced by laying upon the silver a film of sulphide of silver, or it may be done by a film of platinum, which is not the cheapest but the best way. The appear- ance may be as light as a steel grey, and from this, through all the shades, down to nearly black. Make a solution of perchloride of platinum, and brush on while hot. It is also better to heat the article. If the solution is weak, and the tempera- ture low, a steel grey will be given, and according to the strength of solution and its temperature will the colour vary to nearly black. The deepest effect is produced with a saturated solution at a temperature of boiling water. It may be necessary to remove a white appearance outside the coating L146 ELECTRO-PLATING. by dipping in weak liquid ammonia. The appear- ance of frosted silver may be given to silver articles by depositing upon them a mere blush of copper from a sulphate of copper solution, and over this an exceedingly thin layer of silver. The articles, as they come from the solution in ordinary plating, have a very pleasing dead white or " mat" appear- ance, which may or may not be left upon them. A Blue-black Effect.—This is produced by treat- ing with a solution of potassium sulphide (liver ot sulphur of the shops). The solution must be hot, and should be freshly prepared. A Pink Effect.—A solution (saturated and hot) of chloride of copper will produce this. The article should be afterwards well washed and dried in saw- dust. (Fearn.) " Stopping-off" Composition.—When it is required to protect any portion of an article from the plating, or upon which any of the above effects are pro- duced, good quick-drying copal varnish may be used in plating, and in hot solutions the same with the addition of various substances, such as peroxide of iron (jewellers' rouge) or peroxide of manganese. The best varnish, however, for use in hot solutions is composed of plumbers' resin, 10 parts; yellow bees'-wax, 6 parts; fine sealing-wax, 4 parts; polish- ing rouge, 3 parts. (Gore.) " Finishing" Plated Goods.—If the colour is not good, dip in a weak solution of cyanide of potas- sium, rinse in boiling water, and dry in boxwood sawdust. If the general dead-white or " mat" ap-ANALYSIS OF SILVER SOLUTIONS. 147 pearance is to be left upon the goods, dip at once in boiling water, and dry in boxwood sawdust. If the articles have been plated in the ordinary solu- tion, and it is intended to have them bright, polished, or burnished, dip in boiling water, dry and scratch-brush them with the ordinary brush. Hard hair-brushes may be used for this purpose in the hand. Bath-brick may be used with water, whiting, rotten-stone, and finishing with rouge. The burnishing is done with steel or agate bur- nishers, generally of an oval shape, and the strokes must all be in one direction. Stale beer, or even soap and water, may be used to make the burnisher work well. It will spoil the work to cross the strokes, and all ribs must be burnished down. Finishing is, in fact, almost^^SaSalp^a^^and in electro-plating works nothing\felse. (See Preparation^) // "9^ 1- Analysis of Solutions.—I add ioregoin|f the following particulars of newmetfei^Js bycwjdfch the composition of a solution rp^y^b^.^kown. A known measure of the ^largely diluted with water and raised to boiling. Sulphuretted hydrogen (see Chemicals) is then passed into it, or sulphide of ammonium gradually added. The silver goes down as a black sulphide, which filters and washes well, and, according to the books, is free from copper and zinc. This, however, is not the case in every instance, as any zinc which may be present is sure to be thrown down. On this account I never weigh the precipitate, but treat it148 ELECTRO-PLATING. further. The washed sulphide of silver is rinsed off the filter into a flask or beaker, and treated with excess of bromine water, which converts it rapidly and completely into silver bromide. If any sulphur appear to have separated, a drop of bromine should be added to the residue, so as to insure complete oxidation. Now add boiling water and wash the silver bromide, dry, fuse, and weigh it. This will indicate the percentage of silver, the most impor- tant point. The cyanide may be tound as before directed for free cyanide. Recovery of Silver from Spoilt or Old Solutions.— The wet way is generally to precipitate the silver as chloride by the addition of hydrochloric acid, washing and drying the precipitate, and fusing with carbonate of potassium and saltpetre. Great care is necessary in precipitating thus. Hydro- cyanic acid gas is given off, which must be strictly avoided, and for this reason the operation should be performed out of doors. It is better to evaporate the solution to dryness and to fuse the residue, washing the fused mass free of the potassium cyanide. The first operation must be conducted in a very tall vessel, because very violent action re- sults from the addition of hydrochloric acid. The process recommended by Mr. Sprague is as fol- lows —Place the solution in a large flask fitted with a safety funnel and delivery tube, and connect to this by an india-rubber pipe a wide glass tube, which place in another vessel, so that its end dips half an inch or so under a solution of nitrate ofRECOVERY FROM SILVER SOLUTIONS. 149 silver. Now add sulphuric acid gradually by the safety funnel, allowing the effervescence to subside, and shake the flask occasionally; continue adding acid as long as it produces any fresh precipitate. Then, by means of a sand-bath, heat the flask and keep the solution boiling as long as a precipitate continues to form in the other vessel. This pre- cipitate is pure cyanide of silver, and only needs dissolving in cyanide of potassium to form a fresh solution. The precipitate in the flask is also cyanide of silver, but not pure, though sufficiently so for use in most cases; if it is preferred it can be reduced by zinc and hydrochloric acid, or dried and fused. This process saves the cyanide of potassium otherwise required to precipitate the silver. The author suggests, as advanced by Mr. Sprague, that this process might also be useful in preparing solutions from the beginning, as in- cluded in the directions before given, by placing a solution of cyanide of potassium in the flask, and distilling over the hydrocyanic acid into a solution of nitrate of silver. It will be observed that, as cyanide of potassium plays so important a part in practical silver-plating, a great many of the directions I have given are subject to modification as to the weight of this salt used. Although the subject scarcely belongs to this section of my little work, but to that devoted to necessary remarks upon the required chemicals, a caution not to accept the chemist's computation of the percentage of actual cyanide in the salt is150 ELECTRO-PLATING. quite necessary. This salt is commonly sold of as poor a quality as 25 per cent., and unless precau- tion is taken mere rubbish is easily mistaken for good cyanide. It should never be under 45 or 50 per cent. (See Chemicals.)CHAPTER VI. Deposition of Nickel. Its Salts.—The generally used salts of nickel are its sulphate, nitrate, chloride, oxide, and carbonate. Commercial salts, the oxalate and sulphate. Sulphate of Nickel.—This salt is most commonly prepared by slowly heating oxide or nitrate of nickel in plenty of diluted sulphuric acid until it is dissolved, and then evaporating the acid by heat nearly to dryness, and setting aside to cool and crystallize. Sulphate of nickel is easily soluble • in water. Its price varies with that of nickel, but it may be stated at about 2 s. per oz. in small quan- tities. Nitrate of Nickel.—Dissolve metallic nickel or its oxide in diluted jiitric acid, gently heating. When completely dissolved, evaporate off the acid and set aside to crystallize. It is a green salt. Chloride of Nickel.— Make a solution of nickel nitrate, add a large percentage of hydrochloric acid, and evaporate, or simply dissolve the metallic nickel in the acid and evaporate. Chloride of nickel is also a green salt.152 ELECTRO-PLATING. Oxide of Nickel.—This may be produced by making a solution of the sulphate or nitrate, and stirring in a strong solution of caustic potash or soda. A precipitate will fall, which is the oxide, a black substance. Or the same salt may be made by heating to redness in a crucible the nitrate of nickel. Carbonate of Nickel.—Carbonate of soda is gene- rally used to produce this; by adding its solution to one of any salt of nickel a precipitate is thrown down, which is carbonate of nickel, a greenish powder. Metallic Nickel is generally very impure. It contains a large percentage of silicon and some carbon, so that on dissolving it in acids a black sediment is thrown down, from which the liquid portion must be filtered if clean salts of nickel are required. It also contains a little copper. Nickel is readily obtainable commercially, but it is usually in the form of grains, as reduced by the common process. Its price in this state will be about ios. per lb., and in smaller quantities it would probably be 15s. Much difficulty is frequently experienced by depositors of nickel in the small way on account of the anode required. A nickel anode is abso- lutely necessary in working the best solutions; they will not work steadily with a platinum plate, as is frequently supposed, even although the lost metal should be replaced regularly. A contrivance for utilising grain nickel as an anode, consisting of a flat case of carbon plates pierced with holes, hasSOLUTIONS OF NICKEL. 153 been patented in New York, but a flat case of platinum wire gauze in the front, and carbon or slate at back and sides, will be found better, and more easily used. Nickel in thick plate for anodes is procurable on the large scale; it should be as pure as possible. Nickel is not very easily deposited, especially by the simple-immersion process. M&ne employs the method of depositing it upon iron, steel, copper, brass, and lead by contact with another metal in the solution. The metal employed is usually zinc, of which a strip is tied loosely to the article on immersion in the solution. Chloride of zinc, in boiling neutral solution with fragments of nickel present, is the mixture employed. If the solution is allowed to become acid, the deposited metal will have a bad and dull appearance, which is not readily worked off by the scratch-brush. Another solution for the deposition of nickel by contact with zinc is made by making a saturated solution of zinc chloride in a copper pan, adding to this twice its bulk of water, boiling for a few minutes, and redissolving any precipitate which may form by stirring in a few drops of hydrochloric acid. Some fragments of zinc are then thrown into the pan, which cause zinc to be thrown upon the vessel as an adhesive deposit. Sulphate or chloride of nickel is then stirred in until the mixture is quite green, when the solution is ready for use. It is used boiling, and the coating will take about twenty minutes. If a thick coating is required the articles154 ELECTRO-PLATING. are taken out, scratch-brushed, cleaned (see Pre- paration), and re-immersed for twenty minutes. All the common metals are coated, but they must have tied to them strips of zinc as before. A great objection to the use of simple-immersion solutions for nickeling lies in the fact that as soon as the metal is withdrawn in part, a quantity of acid is set free, which renders the working of the solution nearly impossible, except with great skill. Change is continually occurring in a solution being robbed of its metal. For small operations it is even better to work the last given solution with the battery, employing a platinum anode, than to use the zinc-contact method, because the work is done more quickly, and the adhesion has every chance to be better. Solutions for Nickel Deposition by the Battery Process.—It would appear from extensive experi- ence that the most easily managed solutions are those made up from a double salt of nickel and some alkali. The double sulphate or chloride of nickel and ammonium or potassium may be so used with every prospect of good wTork. More than one patent has been taken out for the commercial working of these salts. The first appears to have been that of Dr. Adams (1869), and very lately Mr. Unwin, of Sheffield, has secured letters patent for a solution of his, modified and improved from the original mixture of Dr. Adams. The use of the salts had been known to scientific men as early as 1855, when Mr. Gore, F.R.S., deposited the metalSOLUTIONS OF NICKEL. 155 from them, but the experiments were upon a small scale, I understand, and only received their prac- tically useful development at the hands of every- day workers in the art. Particulars of the best prac- tical methods follow. Where cheapness is not a consideration, cyanide of nickel dissolved in cyanide of potassium solution affords the best liquid from which to deposit nickel, but its working has not received much attention. The most useful solution would appear to be that of the double sulphate of nickel and ammonia, dissolved in water to saturation, and then diluted with water to reduce the density sufficiently for working. The double salt is procurable commer- cially at prices varying with the price of nickel itself. Half a pound of the double salt to the gallon will form a good solution, and f lb. will be found even better, with less battery power. Particulars for the manufacture of the double salt will be found useful. Put in a deep earthenware vessel three pints of strong nitric, acid, one part of strong sulphuric acid, and four parts of water— by measure. The mixture must be made slowly and with care. To each gallon add two pounds of grain nickel, and heat the vessel by placing in another of boiling water; avoid the fumes, and check any violent action by the addition of a little cold water. When it is observed that all the nickel is dissolved, add more until the acid is satisfied. As soon as the solution gives over fuming, or is found to be heavy and thick, add a fourth of its15 6 ELECTRO-PLATING. bulk of hot water, then boil the whole, and filter out clearly. This is a strong solution of the nickel sulphate. Prepare next a saturated solution of sulphate of ammonia, by dissolving in hot water— nearly four pounds to the gallon. Allow it to cool. To obtain the double sulphate, add the ammonia solution to the nickel one, with constant stirring, until the latter loses all its colour. By this time the ammonia sulphate will have combined with the nickel salt, and the result will be a copious precipi- tate of the pure double salt required. Pour off the liquid portion, and wash the salt by the addition of more sulphate of ammonia solution (cold). To prepare the depositing solution, dissolve the double salt in hot water, stirring while the water is added until all the salt is dissolved. Then simply dilute with water until the Twaddle hydrometer marks nearly 70 density. Test the solution with blue litmus-paper, and if the paper turns red, add a little solution of ammonia sulphate, and then test with red litmus-paper; if the colour turns to blue add a very little sulphuric acid with much stirring. It is somewhat important tfiat the solution should be kept slightly alkaline, although it will work fairly well a little either way, or quite neutral, a condition almost impossible in practical working. Some of these items form the subject of a patent recently secured by Mr. Unwin, of Sheffield. The solution is undoubtedly a good one for general work. Some particulars of others follow, exhibit-SOLUTIONS OF NICKEL. 157 ing the fact that nickel may be deposited from a variety of solutions. Thus sulphate of nickel dissolved in water, with its free acid neutralized by liquid ammonia, can be deposited from successfully. This is Becquerel's solution. If the liquid is worked by the zinc-con- tact method the nickel will disappear slowly, and to refresh the liquid it is best to stir in oxide of nickel in sufficient quantity. If the solution is worked by the battery current, while the anode is properly dissolving there will be no need of fresh metal, but the free acid must be neutralized by adding ammonia, and it is better to have the bath slightly alkaline than acid. Becquerel states that the deposits from this solution are brilliantly white. Much has been said about the advisability of excluding from nickel solutions the salts of potas- sium and sodium. It is clear that such solutions will not work well if soda is present, but the same cannot be said of potash, as it is known that Becquerel deposited good nickel from the double sulphate of potassium and nickel. There can be no doubt, also, that a very good solution might be worked composed of cyanide of nickel in solution of potassium cyanide. A very easily made solution, and one from which good nickel may be obtained by the battery process, is made by dissolving dry crystals of protosulphate of nickel in liquid ammonia of good quality. Place the crystals—say for three quarts of solution—in the depositing vessel, andELECTRO-PLATING. stir in the ammonia until the whole is dissolved. Half a pound of nickel sulphate will be sufficient; the liquid will be of a dark blue colour. Another solution is made up by stirring half a pint of liquid ammonia with a gallon of water, then adding, with more stirring, £ lb. of nickel sulphate, and finally adding three pints more of liquid ammonia. This solution when used should be heated, but not to a boiling temperature. It is useful for the purposes of amateurs, as it works well with a platinum anode; but nickel sulphate must, of course, be added as the work goes on, and if the liquid becomes acid it must be rendered neutral or slightly alkaline by adding ammonia. Roseleur mentions a solution which I am in- clined to regard with distrust. It is made by dissolving the nitrate of nickel in its own weight of liquid ammonia, and then stirring into the liquid as much as twenty times its volume of bisulphite of soda in saturated solution (water). It is stated that the deposit is of a dull grey colour. I have not tried the mixture, but should imagine it to be difficult to manage. Another solution of a better kind is made by making a saturated solution of chloride of nickel, and precipitating the metal by stirring in, a strong solution of ferro-cyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash). Wash the precipitate, and dissolve it by stirring into it a solution of cyanide of potassium. It may be diluted, but will work in the condition described. Several solutions employing caustic potash have been tried.ANODES OF NICKEL. 159 Their distinguishing characteristic would appear to be the ability to deposit the metal in a white and brilliant coating, which is very liable to strip, and apt to contain gas. Such a solution may be made by dissolving a pound of nickel sulphate in two gallons of water containing half a pound of tartaric acid, and then stirring in an ounce of caustic potash. Anodes and Anode Surfaces.—Nickel anodes are usually made very thick, as cast from a large mass of metal. Such plates are only suited to the purposes of professional platers. The amateur may work a small bulk of solution with a pla- tinum anode, made of thin platinum foil; but in this case the solution must be kept in metal by adding the sulphate as it is withdrawn, and a con- stant watch must be kept upon the state of the solution. The plan may be good enough for occasional plating with nickel, but is quite unsuited for regular work. The anode surface in a nickel bath must be larger than that of the article being plated, and it is usual in plating factories to expose as much as six to nine square inches per gallon. To cast nickel into plates or ingots for making into anodes, place the grain or cube nickel in a steel melting-pot, add a little borax as flux, and fire the mass as is usual with other metals. Nickel being somewhat difficult to melt, a good plan is to add to the mass in the pot a little grain tin, which renders its liquefaction comparatively easy, and is no disadvantage in the plating-vat. Anodes are always better after working for some time. It isi6o ELECTRO-PLATING. difficult to obtain nickel anodes in a reasonable state of purity. I observe that important improve- ments are being made in the working of the metal, which may result in the elimination of common impurities. As now used it is very much like cast iron, and therefore cannot be easily worked. It is usually cast into plates nearly an inch thick, and about twelve inches square. In the process of casting, a pair of hooks should be fixed into one edge for convenience of support in the liquid. When the grain nickel, in a platinum or porcelain basket with a platinum or carbon back, is used, a great deal of impurity is separated in the action, so that the lower layers are excluded from the action altogether. Such makeshifts should be shaken up often, and the dirt allowed to fall down. (See p. 81.) Working the Solution.—It is important that the articles should be well cleaned, and it is found that nickel will deposit on well-cleaned iron and steel as quickly as upon copper. Nickel depositing is somewhat difficult to beginners, and the obstacles met with are not in the choice of the solution, but in the working of it. The solution must be kept either neutral or slightly alkaline, otherwise it will cause a great deal of trouble. The battery power to employ will depend upon the scale of operations. For large volumes of solution one cell is usually enough, but for any volume under five gallons two should be employed. The size of the cell should be proportionate to the surface of the articles exposed. For the purposes of the general amateur,NICKEL-PLATING. l6l with a gallon or so of solution, a pair of ordinary quart Bunsen cells will be enough for the main deposit, and three cells to lay the first coating. The acids in those cells may be somewhat weak. For larger operations two cells will be sufficient in starting the coating, and one to finish. The factory cell is usually composed of about eight zinc and carbon plates, fixed to a frame after the Smee model, and fitted so that the whole maybe dropped into or raised from the exciting liquid to any extent required by the work being done. The exciting liquid is generally very dilute sulphuric acid, and the zinc plates are, of course, amalga- mated to prevent waste. Further particulars con- cerning the factory arrangements as now used follow, and of batteries more has been said under that head. Nickel is different from most of the metals in electro-deposition. A great deal of power has to be used—so much that gas must be given off copiously in the process, particularly at the beginning of operations. To prevent the absorp- tion of gas by the deposit, the solution should be strong, and as little gas as possible should be evolved on account of this tendency. When the work may be done very slowly, one cell only will be sufficient, even in small operations. Nickel that has been deposited slowly is more likely to be tough and good, with a good surface, but too much time must not be allowed at the commencement, otherwise the coating may quite fail to come, or it M162 ELECTRO-PLATING. may be very apt to split from the surface; Thick deposits are more difficult to lay than thin ones, owing to their tendency to absorb gas. The articles should be kept in motion to insure regularity of deposit, and prevent the formation of blotches and streaks on the surface. If the anode is so impure as to show upon its surface a coating of blackish matter which will not fall off as the greater part of such impurities do, it must be brushed away in the liquid, but not while the current is passing. It is most convenient to stir up the solution and shake or clean the anode every evening. A good deposit of nickel is of a dull colour, and not of a white or brilliant surface. Deposits of nickel having a brilliant appearance on leaving the solution will seldom stand. They are very apt to strip. The proper colour is a dull yellow, which must be worked up, after washing, by a steel or iron scratch-brush or other usual means. Brass scratch-brushes make nickel yellow. To insure the deposition of a good coat of nickel, the battery power must be uniform after the first coat- ing is laid. The anode should be left in the solution overnight; this will tend to keep the bath in order. Regular and smooth deposits are only obtained upon smooth and very clean surfaces. There is no real difficulty in the regular and suc- cessful deposition of nickel after the operator has had a little practice. When a nickel solution has been in use for some time, it will stand in need of purification. ThisA NICKEL-PLATING ROOM. may be done in two or three ways. I have found the use of ammonia alum to be beneficial. Dissolve an ounce of the alum (for each gallon of solution) in a little hot water. Stir in this to the bath, until a perfect admixture is obtained. Test the liquid with red litmus-paper. If it turns the paper blue, make no addition, but if it fails to do so, stir in a quantity of ammonia until the desired effect is obtained, ex- hibiting a slightly alkaline tendency. Allow any precipitate to settle slowly, and strain or syphon off the clear liquid, returning it to the vat when the latter has been properly cleaned out. A Modern Nickel-plating Room contains, as the source of electricity, either a dynamo - electric machine, driven by steam (see Dynamic Electricity), or a pair of large stoneware jars as cells, con- taining as much as ten gallons of liquid each, fitted each with twelve zinc and carbon plates arranged alternately in frames. The nickeling vat is a well- bolted wooden tank, of such a size as will suit the articles to be done, and containing, usually, sixty gallons of the nickel solution. It is lined through- out with best asphalt, and is nearly filled with the solution. Around its outer edge is a raised rail of brass, resting on which, and extending over the solution, is a brass rod from which hang the articles to be nickeled. Another brass rail is fixed lower down on the inner edge, and from a rod placed upon this is supported the nickel anode. These two rails are joined by wire to the battery the anode one to the carbon, and the article one to164 ELECTRO-PLATING. the zinc. There are also a pair of vessels contain- ing alkali cleaning solution, and acid vessel, soft water, scratch-brush lathe, and a polishing or buffing lathe. With such arrangements the nickel may be de- posited cheaply, and at a considerable profit. The bath will give little trouble, and will work continu- ously as long as proper attention is given to it. Cost of Nickel Plating.—Although nickel is so much less in price than silver, its cost as deposited is not correspondingly less. It may with profit be electrically deposited at ios. and over per pound. It would appear that the Americans deposit it more cheaply than can be competed with in England. Table-spoons are electro-nickeled in America at about is. a dozen, but the regular price will probably be much higher. Peculiarities of Nickel.—Electro-deposited nickel is very hard, so that it is very lasting. It has a blue tint, and takes a very brilliant polish, which, unlike silver, it does not readily lose. It is not affected to any great extent by the sulphuretted hydrogen given off by burning coal gas, and is therefore well suited for use as a covering to all kinds of shop fittings, particularly bar pumps, scales and weights, door plates, fire-irons, polished fenders, carriage fittings, surgical instruments, and innumerable other purposes. It must not, however, be used as a lining for cooking vessels, because it is very readily affected by acid substances. Care must even be taken when nickeled spoons andRECOVERY OF NICKEL.. 165 forks are in use—even ham fat will cause nickel to dissolve on these, and the poisonous green salts to appear after a few hours. Servants should be instructed not to mistake this green substance, and I question the wisdom of coating dessert-spoons with it, considering the numerous acid fruit dishes now used. I am not acquainted, however, with any cases of actual poisoning by nickel salts through careless- ness in the use of the metal for such purposes. Recovery of Nickel from Old Solutions.—I am not aware of any particulars similar to the following having appeared in any previous work concerning the recovery of nickel from an old solution. I give a method which I have employed myself, and which I have reason to believe might be improved upon. I take advantage of the curious property of sulphate of ammonia in precipitating the double sulphate of nickel and ammonia from the solution. Make up a saturated solution of ammonia sulphate in warm water, and add to the old solution with constant stirring. No effect will at first be observed, but in a few minutes a deposit of the double sulphate will begin to fall. The precipitated salt is beautifully pure, and may be used direct in making a new solution. The precipitation should be continued until the liquid is colourless.CHAPTER VII. Deposition of Gold. Its Salts.—The useful salts of gold are its oxide, iodide, bromide, sulphite, hyposulphite, single and double cyanides, and terchloride, which is by far the most generally useful for the preparation of the others as applicable to the purposes of gold-plating. Terchloride of Gold.—This salt is, like the nitrate of silver, the most common, and that which results from the ordinary dissolution of gold. The usual acids will not dissolve gold. For this purpose there is employed a mixture called aqua-regia— one part of nitric acid, and three of hydrochloric acid. To dissolve gold, for one ounce, place about four ounces of the mixture in a suitable vessel; place this in turn in hot water, so that the solution within may be warmed. Use, if possible, fine gold, as alloys are troublesome in the after-processes. Cut the sheet into strips, and add gradually to the mixture as it dissolves. When saturation is at- tained to, evaporate the solution, stirring occa- sionally until the bulk is small. Allow to cool slowly. If too much heat is given to the mixture while dissolution is going on, a yellow powder isSALTS OF GOLD. apt to be formed, which must be dissolved by- adding a drop or two extra of acid. If the gold is pure, the resulting salt, gold chloride, will entirely dissolve in water. If alloyed with silver a dense chloride of that metal will form, which will probably refuse to dissolve. This chloride is, of course, white. If any of the yellow or brown powder before spoken of appears now, it will not dissolve in water, but must be separated and again dissolved in aqua-regia, which solution must again be evapo- rated. It will be the best, if the salt is required for almost immediate use, to dissolve it in distilled water, of which a small quantity only will be neces- sary. One ounce of metallic gold will produce as much as i oz. 164 grs. of the yellow chloride. It will always be found less troublesome to dissolve the fine gold. Cyanide of Gold.-—To prepare the simple cyanide, let the solution of chloride be diluted largely, and the cyanide thrown down by a solution of cyanide of potassium. The strength of this solution may be about one ounce to the pint. It should be added carefully, with plenty of stirring. The pre- cipitate is a lemon-yellow powder, and is readily soluble in cyanide of potassium. In large opera- tions, before finishing the precipitating of cyanide, it is best to add a little more cyanide of potassium than at first appears to be necessary, to avoid the risk of any of the chloride remaining in the solution. This may redissolve a little of the cyanide, but it may be recovered by decanting the liquid portioni68 ELECTRO-PLATING. from the cyanide, and rendering it strongly acid by the addition of sulphuric acid. A better way than the above, when large quantities are to be operated upon, is to neutralize the solution of gold chloride by adding a little strong solution of caustic potash or caustic soda, but this must not be used too liberally. Oxide of Gold.—This salt is obtained by treating a solution of the chloride with calcined magnesia. The precipitate is the oxide; it should be washed with diluted nitric acid, and then with water only. Plenty of the magnesia must be used, and if it is desired, an excess of caustic potash or soda may be employed in its stead, but the risk of loss is greater. With the magnesia the heat must be regular and not rise to boiling. Sulphide of Gold.—This salt is generally prepared by passing a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen gas (see Chemicals) through a solution of the chloride as long as any precipitate occurs. It is not often used in electro-metallurgy. It is a dark brown substance, in the form of powder. Bromide of Gold.—This is seldom used. It is usually prepared by heating the oxide in hydrobro- mic acid, and afterwards evaporating very slowly. Fulminate of Gold.-^K dangerous substancef It should never be prepared until it is just wanted, as it is violently explosive, and on this account must not be dried, or touched while it is dry. By adding liquid ammonia to the oxide of gold fulminate of gold is formed. It is more conveniently preparedSIMPLE GILDING. 169 by using the chloride of gold in solution, and pre- cipitating the fulminate from this by addition of an ammonia salt in solution (or common liquid am- monia). It may also be formed by adding to the oxide solutions of ammonia, such as the chloride, sulphate, or carbonate. This dangerous substance is also called aurate of ammonia and ammoniuret of gold. It is a brownish powder. After the ful- minate is formed by ammonia, it must be washed several times to rid it of the smell of ammonia. The greatest care is necessary not to allow any particles of it to dry upon the sides or edges of the vessel. In filtering still greater care is necessary, as particles of it are apt to dry upon the filters. If any particles dry, they should be washed off— not scraped—with a little cyanide of potassium liquid. Double Cyanide of Gold and Potassium.—This salt, when required, may be prepared by dissolving the simple cyanide of gold in a solution of cyanide of potassium, and evaporating the solution almost to dryness. The salt will crystallize out on cooling, and only needs to be dissolved in water to form the cyanide plating solution. Gilding by Simple Immersion.—A solution suited for cheap gilding, and applicable to large surfaces generally, is made as followsDissolve 2\ lbs. of caustic potash, 5 oz. of pearlash (carbonate of potassium), 2 oz. of cyanide of potassium in 5 quarts of water, in which must previously have been dissolved \ oz. of gold chloride. Before using,ELECTRO-PLATING. this solution must be heated nearly to boiling, and it is upon the temperature that the colour will depend. It is suited for the gilding of clocks, bronze figures, and gas-fittings. It may be neces- sary to work up the surface obtained with a brush and whiting, finishing with rouge and burnisher. Another solution, the particulars of which are due to M. Roseleur, is composed of pyrophos- phate of soda 800 parts, in, 10,000 parts of water, adding eight parts of strong hydrocyanic acid. Convert ten parts by weight of gold into dry soluble chloride, dissolve it in a reserved portion of the water to which nothing has been added, and mix both solutions together, cold. When cold the solu- tion is yellowish, but becomes dark upon heating. It is used hot. Poor cyanide, or hydrocyanic acid, will make it appear red, and more must be added until the colour disappears. It is necessary to " quick" all the goods to be gilded in this solution in nitrate of mercury solu- tion in the usual way. (See Preparation.) Motion must be given to the articles whilst being gilded. It is recommended to gild first in a nearly ex- hausted solution of the same kind, to lay a kind of preparatory skin; then in a slightly richer solu- tion, and to finish in a freshly prepared one to give a good colour. A few seconds in each solution are sufficient. If it is desired to lay " green" or " white " gold, add to the last solution a solution of nitrate of mercury, drop by drop, with stirring, until the desired colour is apparent.SIMPLE GILDING. 171 It is not uncommon in factories to do a great deal of the gilding by the simple-immersion process alone. It is possible to do this by very often " quicking" the surface in the mercury solution. First the cleaned article is " quicked," then rapidly gilded, quicked again and gilded, and so on for five or six dips. The work may be got through more rapidly than might be expected. A very good solution for simple immersion is made by dissolving one part of gold chloride in water, and adding to it, gradually, thirty-one parts of acid carbonate of potassium. Then mix the so- lution with one composed of thirty parts of acid car- bonate of potassium in two hundred parts of water. The whole must be boiled for two hours. As soon as the solution turns green, it is ready for use. It is not necessary to " quick" the surfa^ces^f-a^jqles to be gilded in this solution, bu^^^i; advisable tp do so for the best work. To^&' the proportion may vary con- siderably. Weigh the gold, and convert it into174 ELECTRO-PLATING. solid chloride, dissolve in water, and prepare a solution of cyanide of potassium (i ounce to the pint) of half the bulk. Add the cyanide to the chloride solution with stirring. Do this slowly, and give time to the precipitate to subside. Pre- serve the liquid, which is to be poured off; wash the precipitate several times with fresh water, pre- serving these washes. Put all the washes into one vessel, and add sulphuric acid to throw down any stray gold. The precipitated cyanide of gold is now to be stirred into a small bulk of a strong solution of potassium cyanide. There should not be enough of this to dissolve all the precipitate, and more is added, with stirring, until the pre- cipitate is all dissolved. It will be found even more convenient to leave the precipitated cyanide in its vessel after washing, and to add to it slowly, with stirring, a solution of potassium cyanide until it is all dissolved. But in either case the free cyanide must be added after this is done. The amount of free cyanide should be about one- fourth of the whole used, and after this is added, the solution should be diluted with distilled water so as to give about one ounce of gold to the gallon. If the quality of the cyanide is over 50 per cent, the proportion given will be sufficient; but if the quality is poor, a greater quantity will be required. The proportions of gold and potassium cyanide to the gallon of solution vary according to the class, quality, or kind of work to be done in it. A fourth of an ounce of gold will be found toSOLUTIONS OF GOLD. }7 5 work; half an ounce will afford a better deposit in less time ; and one ounce is sufficient for all ordinary work. The current needed for the richer solutions is small. Rich solutions admit of the complete art/of electro-gilding being practised, and the various shades of colour to be given to the articles; while the weak solutions are only fitted for prac- tically one colour of gilding. It is useless giving proportions for cyanide, or the quantity of it neces- sary to redissolve the gold salt. It is not uncommon for lazy people to simply add the gold chloride, without conversion into the cyanide, to the potassium1 cyanide liquid. If the latter is strong enough, the chloride will be con- verted into cyanide, but the practice is decidedly bad. If the gold chloride is used, a chloride of potassium is formed in the liquid, and the presence of this salt often prevents successful working, al- though everything else may be perfect. The oxide is not quite so objectionable, and the same may be said of the gold fulminate. But working in this way is expensive, and the use of the fulminate positively dangerous. Another solution, the advantage of which is that it may be used cold, is also in use. Place \ oz. of the oxide of gold in 3 quarts of water; add 1 oz. of the ferro-cyanide of potassium, and J oz. of caustic potash. Stir, and boil the solution twenty minutes. When cool filter off, to get rid of the iron precipitate from the ferro-cyanide. The solution should have a fine yellow colour. Greater176 ELECTRO-PLATING. power of current will be required if it is used cold, and the colour will not be so dark. Another solution is made by dissolving 1 oz. of chloride of gold and 10 oz. of ferro-cyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash) in 1 gallon of water (filtered rain or distilled). -Filter the solu- tion to rid it of the precipitated iron, and add to it a gallon of a saturated solution of prussiate of potash, then dilute the whole with 1 gallon of water. If this large proportion of water is not added, the colour of the deposit will be bad. It will stand even more water than this, and then give a beautiful deposit. All precautions should be taken to get rid of the iron in the solution. It will gild cold, but a richer colour is yielded when the temperature is raised. If the gilding appears to be covered with a skin of a bad colour, rub it with a smooth brush and some acidulated water. Brass and copper are beautifully gilded in this liquid. Another one, based on the use of ferro-cyanide of potassium, is made by dissolving 1 oz. of dry chloride of gold and 10 oz. of ferro-cyanide of potassium in a gallon of water. The iron from the potash salt will be precipitated, and filter the solu- tion from it. Boil the solution for an hour or two in a porcelain or glass vessel until a precipitate appears at the bottom. Filter again, and dilute with 2 gals, of water. The solution, before being diluted, should be of a fine yellow colour. A solution in which carbonate of potash is used is made up thus :—Dissolve 1 oz. of gold chlorideDEPOSITION OF GOLD. 177 in i\ gals, of distilled water. Then stir in, slowly, a saturated solution of carbonate of potash ("pearl- ash ") in distilled water until the mixture begins to be cloudy. Making Solutions by the Battery Process.—This way is by far the most convenient when small volumes of the electro-gilding liquid only are re- quired. It is peculiarly applicable to the wants of amateurs. Almost any of the simple-immersion solutions may be made in this way with little trouble. A current from two Smee or Daniell cells is usually sufficient to dissolve in the gold. A great advantage in this process is the certainty that there is no loss of gold, which by carelessness may result from many of the processes in the chemical section. To make a quart of gilding solution by this means, dissolve 4 oz. of cyanide of potassium (50 per cent.) in a quart of water kept hot by a lamp or gas, or by being placed within another vessel of boiling water. Connect a piece of sheet gold to the copper of the battery, and to the zinc connect either a platinum or gold plate. Immerse both in the solution, and pass the current for an hour or two. Test occasionally, to find if sufficient gold has been dissolved in. This is done by disconnecting the plate connected to the zinc, and substituting one of clean German-silver for a minute. As soon as a suitable deposit appears upon the German-silver the solution is ready. It may be used instantly, with the same battery power and anode, by simply N17 8 ELECTRO-PLATING. connecting the articles to the zinc wire. If the colour is too dark, and the treatment with whiting will not improve it, simply lower the temperature until the desired shade is secured. If it is wished to have the colour red, add a very little chloride of copper to the solution, and if green or white gold is wanted, add a little of the solution of silver nitrate. In such work it is not of much consequence how much gold may be dissolved in the solution if the deposits obtained are good. A large percentage of gold will work faster than a weak solution, and the work will probabl/ be done too fast for con- venience. In large operations, however, it is well to weigh the anode before and after the opera- tion, so that the gold may not be allowed to exceed i oz. per gallon—unless for especially rapid work. In simple-immersion solutions a low percentage of gold will give a thicker deposit than a solution rich in metal. But in all simple-immersion solu- tions the deposit is of the most superficial cha- racter. In the^ preparation of such solutions as the above, the anode should be suspended by gold wires covered with strong varnish, or, which is better, a support of platinum wire, which will not be dis- solved by the liquid. If the anode is large enough to allow its end to lie above the surface, such sup- ports will be unnecessary, but care must be taken to shift the anode occasionally up and down, because it is liable to be corroded and cut through at the surface of the liquid. In such solutions the processCOLD-GILDING SOLUTIONS. 179 of gilding is rapid and simple. Care must be taken to keep the solution at about the same specific gravity—that is, to prevent its becoming too dense, by adding water every evening, to make up for that evaporated off in the process. With simple-im- mersion solutions care must be taken to both add water and gold—chloride in solution will generally be found to fulfil both conditions. Cold-Gilding Solutions .—Most of the foregoing solutions are used hot, and are suited to the better class of work. But a great deal of gilding is done on a large scale in cold solutions. It is usual, how- ever, to deposit a mere film of copper upon the goods just before gilding, both to insure good con- tact, and to improve or darken the colour of the gold deposit. The articles usually treated are large, such as clock cases, " fine " goods in fenders and fire-irons, bronzes, and large chandeliers. Having fixed upon the volume of liquid likely to be required, it is well to make up nearly twice as much, because such solutions work much better in large volumes than in small quantities. Dissolve 2 lbs. cyanide of potassium (50 per cent.) in 4 gals, of water. Dissolve 5 oz. of solid gol.d chloride in 1 gal. of water. Mix the solutions, and filter if any sediment is seen. Boil the liquid for fifteen minutes before using. When it gets ex- hausted, add solid chloride of gold and a little cyanide of potassium in water. But the directions applicable to other solutions may be made use of in working this. It will, however, be unnecessary180 ELECTRO-PLATING. to allow a daily addition of water, the evaporation being so insignificant. Another cold-gilding solution is made thus :— Dissolve 2 lbs. of cyanide of potassium (50 per cent.) in 5 gals, of water. Convert 4 oz. of gold into the solid chloride, dissolve it in water, and stir in 2 quarts of liquid ammonia. The usual precipitate of fulminate of gold will be thrown down. Wash the fulminate by filtration, using every precaution not to use any hard sub- stance or article to remove it from filters or vessels. Wash the fulminate into the vessel in which it is intended the solution is to be, and add the potassium cyanide solution. The fulminate of gold will dis- solve quickly, and when completely invisible stir the liquid, and boil for nearly an hour to get rid of the excess of ammonia. To refresh this solution in gold, the chloride must be converted into the ful- minate. Dissolve this with a solution of potassium cyanide, and add the liquid occasionally, little by little, as it is required—too much care cannot be exercised in the use of this highly explosive sub- stance. So long as it is kept wet, and quite free from violent friction, it is safe enough. The colour of the deposit from both these solu- tions will serve as a guide to the quantity of gold necessary. If the colour is too pale, a little more gold will probably darken it. But a stronger current will often do the same, so that adding to the current should be tried before adding gold. If there is too much gold, and the current strong, theCOLOUR OF THE GOLD. l8l deposit will be too dark; it may be red, or even brown. Too much cyanide of potassium will cause the work to go on very slowly, and the colour will be very poor, because an excess of cyanide will dissolve off the gold as fast as it goes on. If the bottom of the article receives a good deposit, and the top a poor one, it indicates that there is a slight excess of cyanide, but that the fault may be reme- died by stirring, and keeping the articles in motion. A stronger current will generally counteract the effects of too much cyanide, but the addition of gold may be necessary—chloride to the first and fulminate to the latter solution. " Colour " in Electro-Gilding.—It is of the greatest importance to possess a knowledge of the art of regulating the current and general working of hot electro-gilding liquids, so as to make the process useful in producing not only deposits of gold, but those of any desired colour. As a general rule, it will be found best to obtain any excessive colour by additions to the bath, and not by attempting to work it up to this by the current or temperature. Thus, to obtain red or green gold of decided colour, it will be necessary to make additions in the shape of acetate of copper and nitrate of silver. Now, if it is not required to perpetually gild in this colour, or at least until all the added metal is worked off, the bath will be spoilt. It is always wiser, when excessive colour is required, to either make up a separate solution for that particular colour, or to make the main182 ELECTRO-PLATING. bath up if the work is always to be carried on. To make up a bath for red gilding, grind a little of the acetate of copper (crystallized) to powder, dissolve in water, and add to the bath, with stirring, every evening as much as may be required. In a new bath, where there will be no troublesome sedi- ment to disturb, the addition may be made at any time, and the quantity augmented if the colour is not sufficiently deep. It must not be forgotten, however, that gold so coloured is not so fine as a yellow gold. Attention should be given to some of the directions which follow, so that the battery power and temperature may be regulated to assist in the production of deep colour, it being important that too many of the foreign substances are avoided in a good bath. To obtain green and white gildings the addition is a solution of the crystallized nitrate of silver. This is added in the same way as the copper. A very little (a few drops) will generally produce green gliding, and a little more white. To deposit a gold of pink appearance is a more troublesome matter. The surface is first coated yellow, then thinly red, and over this is produced an exceedingly thin coat of silver in a silvering solution. Such surfaces are very lasting, and ought to be burnished. A good cyanide-gilding solution should be of sufficient strength to allow of its producing from a pale and poor-looking deposit to a deep andCOLOUR OF THE GOLD. nearly red rich gold. For such purposes the solu- tion may even contain as much as i \ oz. of gold per gallon, but over this it is not advisable to go, for the reason that the paler tints are not readily obtainable. The poorer solutions will produce fairly pleasing tints when the current is strong and the temperature high, but the darker shades are very apt to have a dingy appearance, instead of that mellow and clear surface which is the chief aim of the practised gilder. A dead gilding will be produced by the addition of a little of the fulminate of gold in solution to the bath immediately before gilding, or dip the articles (brass and copper) before gilding in a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids. Speaking of the solution recommended by me, as holding i oz. of gold per gallon, it will pro- duce its darkest effect when the temperature is at boiling point, the battery power two cells of the Smee or Daniell type, and the anode only a few inches from the articles. Almost any desired shade may be obtained by lowering the temperature, the battery power, and keeping the anode and articles further apart. The colour will, as a general rule, be too dark on removal from the solution, but the process of scratch-brushing will clear off the super- ficial covering and expose a pleasing effect. It is necessary to producer darker gilding than is finally required. If there is a difficulty in obtaining a gold of yellow tint, the addition of some caustic soda in solution will produce it, but of this salt very littleELECTRO-PLATING. must be used, and then only when absolutely- required. A great deal may be done by allowing more or less anode to dip into the solution. If a solution is poor in metal, and it is required to bring it up to i oz. per gallon, let the anode be much larger than the articles, and the deposition, with adding of gold, will go on at once. If the solu- tion is too rich to produce, with any working of current, anode, or temperature, the gold required, its fault may easily be corrected by allowing less anode surface than the articles expose until the desired effect is produced. These changes will be found to work best when the free cyanide is above one-fourth of the whole in solution. If there is a greater percentage of free cyanide, less anode sur- face will be found to work the solution, and if a less quantity is present, a larger anode will be neces- sary, and it must be nearer to the articles, or a strong current must be used. If the colour of articles after being gilt is acci- dentally bad, it may generally be improved by treating with alum, one part; sulphate of zinc, one part; common salt, one part; and saltpetre, two parts. This is to be made into a paste with water, smeared over the articles, and the latter then heated upon an iron plate and thrown into water. The surface is then to be scratch-brushed or other- wise cleaned to bring up the surface. This cannot be done with articles which are soft-soldered to- gether. Jewellers generally remedy a bad colour by applying a paste of borax and water, heatingANODES OF GOLD. 185 very highly, and plunging suddenly in water strongly acidulated with sulphuric acid. But it will generally be found better, if it can be afforded, to regild the articles under different conditions of bath and current. Bearing upon the colour of gilding is a practice which is carried on in plating factories by which copper and silver are dissolved into the solution from anodes of these metals. But it must be dis- tinctly understood that solutions so treated are always kept for such special purposes as render the introduction of foreign metals necessary. Common plating solutions would be spoilt by the treatment. It is not uncommon, for instance, to work a gilding solution with a copper anode until a rather red deposit is obtained, when it is replaced by a gold one of small surface. The temperature in such cases ought to be high, and the battery power as much as two cells, as before directed. When a green gold is required as a standard colour, work with an anode alloyed with silver. The green in all gold colour is produced by silver, and the red of English gold coins by an admixture of copper. Anodes.—It is of the highest importance in all common gilding in cyanide solutions to employ a gold anode only. The object is, of course, to dis- solve gold into the solution as fast as it is with- drawn. Anodes should be sheets of gold for common work, and they should present as near as possible a surface as great as that being gilt. IfELECTRO-PLATING. less surface must be exposed, it may to a certain extent be compensated for by stronger current, or by having the anode and articles nearer together. For special work, such as the gilding of wires, which are required to be drawn through the liquid regularly, gold strip or wire may be employed as anode surface. The anodes should be of pure gold, especially in the best class of work. A solution is often spoilt by working it with impure anodes. If the anodes are not sufficiently large to have part of their surface above the liquid, they must be hung therein by platinum hooks, or gold wires protected by gutta-percha tubing, or coated with some heat- resisting varnish—otherwise they will be dissolved off and severed at the surface of the liquid, where the free cyanide is present in greatest quantity. Distance to be Maintained.—It is impossible to give useful figures, so much do the necessary sepa- rations vary with the current and solution. The distance is readily ascertained. When the solution is good, temperature high, and current strong, 9 inches may not be too much; if the deposit looks pale at that, decrease the distance.# Time Necessary in Electro-Gilding.—Two or three minutes will usually fee sufficient to deposit a very good coating. This also will depend upon the various conditions. The work is usually done too fast. It should be, remembered, moreover, that a very little gold will properly protect a large sur- face, and that the better covering properties ofGILDING INFERIOR WORK. 187 • gold will render unnecessary the laying of such thicknesses as are produced in silver-plating. Inferior Work, such as the plating of zinc or tin, should always be kept out of the standard bath until these metals have received a deposit of copper in a cyanide of copper solution. (See De- position of Copper.) Steel and Iron may be gilt in a solution slightly weaker than the standard one. Very little free cyanide of potassium should be present. A weak current will be sufficient. German-silver should be gilt in a solution having very little free cyanide. "Quicking" should be employed wherever possible before gilding all articles except silver and well-cleaned copper; it insures a good connection between the gilding and the real surface. (See Preparation.) Vessels which require only the inside to be gilt, such as cream-jugs, are filled with the gilding solution, with an anode of gold hung in the middle, the other wire from the battery being connected to the vessel itself. When the liquid cannot be held so high in the vessel as to gild its upper edges and the lip, a pad of cotton, thoroughly wetted with the solution and dipping in it, should be led up to the point. If this fails, the anode should be placed upon the pad and the current passed as usual. It is, perhaps, a better way to protect the adjacent parts with a varnish, and to gild in the usual way in the bath. Free Cyanide in the Solution.—This varies from188 ELECTRO-PLATING. causes before mentioned. If the colour of the deposit is " foxy," too much free cyanide may be suspected. If, however, the colour is pale and weak, and the usual battery power used, too little free cyanide may be suspected. If the anode is dirty, and shows little sign of having been dis- solved from, too little cyanide is present. If the anode is very pale, and gas appears to rise from it, too much free cyanide is probably present. The remedy for too little is to supply more, and for too much the solution may be worked with too large an anode, which will give metal to take the excess up, or a little chloride of gold and water maybe added to the liquid. (See Cyanide, under Chemicals.) Battery Power required.—As a general rule, em- ploy one cell of the Smee or Daniell type, and let its plates be as large as the anodes used in the plating solution. In special cases, which have been indicated before, two cells may be necessary. Care of Electro-Gilding Solutions.—It is very important that when the plater obtains a good solution he should exert himself to keep it so. Contamination direct with such metals as Bri- tannia metal, tin, lead, or zinc, should particularly be avoided. The Recolouring of Gilt Work.—I am induced to insert here some particulars relating to the re- covery of colour in gilded watch-chains, ear-rings, and other jewellery of small bulk. Two or three methods are given in some other books which in- volve the violent heating of the article, and myRECOLOURING. 189 own direct experience has been that such treat- ment is ruin to a thin coating* although it works on good gold-plating. I treated some gilt chains by the composition and method given by myself (p. 184) with regard to improving a bad colour, and found the thinner ones spoilt, rendering necessary the overdoing of the gilding. What is given here may be used for bad colour when it is too pale, but it is more generally appli- cable to ordinary gold chains—not gilded work, although it may be used for both. The first thing to be done is dipping in dilute nitric acid, then in strong nitric acid for an instant only, then in water just before treating as hereafter directed. To pro- duce a Red Gold, mix together equal parts of copper sulphate, sal-ammoniac, borax, and common alum. Powder "together, and moisten with water. This and all the other compositions here given are to be placed in a plumbago crucible when required for use. A little water is to be added, and the com- position must be made to boil by gentle heat. Tie a horsehair to the work to suspend it with, and dip into the mixture immediately after cleaning, leav- ing it in for several minutes. Take out, and rinse in a pan of boiling water. At this stage the work should look black, or nearly so; dip in the crucible again until the work is of the desired colour—ex- cept for scratch-brushing. Finish by rubbing in the hands with whiting—if a chain—or by scratch- brushing.190 ELECTRO-PLATING. For Yellow Goldy use a well-pounded mixture of saltpetre, 6 parts; copperas, 2 ; white vitriol, 1 ; alum, 1. For Green Gold, a well-mixed composition of saltpetre, 5 parts ; sal-ammoniac, 5 ; Roman aloes, 6; verdigris, 5. In no case is it safe to subject any valuable article to experiments to improve its colour if they involve strong heating or plunging in strong acids. Care should always be taken by the experimenter to note whether the article is soft or hard-soldered. Soft-soldered articles should not, for safety, be heated above the point of boiling water, and greater care generally should be taken with them. It is not usual to keep gold-plating solutions in the kind of vats used for silver. It is usual to gild in an iron-enamelled tank or pot, and small opera- tions may with every satisfaction be carried on in any convenient glass or porcelain jar or basin of sufficient depth. It is usual in small operations to place the vessel, glue-pot fashion, in another con- taining water as hot as may be required. Larger vessels of iron are heated direct by gas, lamp, or stove. A constant motion should be given to the articles while gilding. Small articles should be hung together upon a wire, or placed in a platinum basket and kept shaking about in the solution. If the anodes are not pure, but contain silver, they will slowly but surely spoil the solution, which at length will fail to give any but poor and pale, or green, deposits. For this reason the anodes shouldRECOVERY OF GOLD. 191 be quite pure, to keep the solution in good order. Water should be added every evening to make up for that lost by evaporation, and with this water should be given a little of the potassium cyanide, to make up for that converted into carbonate of potassium by exposure to the air. Liquids con- taining free cyanide are constantly absorbing car- bonic acid from the air to make the useless car- bonate of potash. Dust should be kept out of the solutions, and every evening, or when the work is done, the whole should be well stirred—the stronger the solution the greater the necessity for this pre- caution. Recovery of Gold from Spoilt Solutions, Residues, or Washes.—When, by accident or constant working for a long time, a gilding solution becomes deterio- rated in working value, it may become necessary to recover the gold from it and make a fresh solution. The operation for cyanide solutions must be per- formed for safety in the open air, or where there is a good draught. The best way is to precipitate as much as possible ofthegold by adding hydrochloric acid, with stirring, then heating nearly to boiling. Allow to cool, pour the liquid portion off, and dry the precipitate, fusing it afterwards with its weight of litharge to get rid of contaminating base metals. The remainder of the solution will probably contain some gold, which may be thrown down by a few scraps of zinc.—The dry way is to evaporate off all the solution by boiling, and drying the residue,192 ELECTRO-PLATING. fusing as before to obtain the gold. After the fusing, in both cases, it is best to get rid of the lead and other rubbish by placing the fused mass in nitric acid. The greatest care is necessary in all such cases—fusing and precipitating-^to avoid the cyanogen gas given off. The button of gold obtained by fusing may be rolled or hammered out to thin sheet to form the new gold.chloride. Waters that have been used in the various opera- tions of making a solution by the chemical process should be preserved, and if there is any gold in them it may be recovered by hanging in them scraps of zinc, adding a very little sulphuric acid. In a day or two every vestige of gold will be thrown down. Analysis of Gold-plating Solutions.—To ascertain the quality at any time of a gilding solution, many methods are adopted by the consulting chemists to whom such work is usually intrusted. There is no necessity that the work should go beyond the plating-room, or from the hands of the plater. I here give a method which is recommended to platers in general, the results being certain. A quantity of the solution is measured and placed in a porcelain crucible, and slowly evapo- rated. When the remainder assumes a thick appear- ance, add a few grammes of litharge, and evaporate to dryness. Cover the crucible, and raise it to a red heat for about five minutes. Allow to cool, and place the fused mass in warm nitric acid to dissolve out the lead.DEPOSITION OF GOLD, 193 . Cost of Gold Plating.—Gold may be deposited in the large way, including all working expenses, interest upon capital and losses, at about 5s. an ounce. This will vary very considerably in different shops. Gold needs less battery power and time than silver, but an ounce of it covers a much larger surface. Gold-plating, metal in- cluded, will be at least six times as expensive as silver-plating, even although the deposit should be as thin as that usually given by simple-immersion solutions. Such articles as watch cases may be properly gold-plated at a cost of about 5s. OCHAPTER VIII. Deposition of Aluminium. Its Manufacture from Bauxite.—Aluminium would form a plating of the greatest value in arts and manufactures were it practicable to deposit it like silver or nickel. For many years electro- platers have expected that something would be done with it by those who devote their time to original investigation—true scientific men. In- formation is, therefore, eagerly sought for. I attach to my remarks upon what has been done by others some results obtained by myself in this direction—not that I wish them to be accepted as solving the problem, but as a slight advance upon what had previously been done. At Salindres, near Alais, is situated a small factory for the production of aluminium. Bauxite is heated with soda in an ordinary reverberatory furnace. The result is aluminate of soda, which is formed into balls, with an admixture of salt and coal, and heated to a white heat in vertical retorts into which chlorine gas is introduced. A double chloride of soda and alumina distils over, whichDEPOSITION OF ALUMINIUM. 195 is fused with the addition of 35 per cent, of sodium, and 40 per cent, of cryalite as a flux. The metal which gathers at the bottom of the crucible is poured into moulds, and is ready for the market. Its production would appear to cost 80 f. per kig, (2*6803 lbs. troy), while it is said that the metal is pro- curable at 100 f. per kig. However this may be, it is certain that the metal costs a great deal more in Eng- land, where as much as 10s. per ounce is frequently asked for the sheet and wire. The chloride is pro- curable at 9d. per ounce, and cheaper for large quan- tities. Should a large demand arise, the price of aluminium would undoubtedly be very much lower. A great many of the researches of Bunsen, Sainte- Claire Deville, Duvivier, and others, are in print, but they have little practical value, except as indications that aluminium is exceedingly diffi- cult to deposit as a reguline film. The patents of Thomas and Tilley were for pro- cesses of no value as far as the deposition of aluminium was concerned, although it was claimed that the metal might be deposited from a solution composed of freshly precipitated alumina dissolved in boiling water containing cyanide of potassium ; and also from a solution of calcined alum in solution of potassium cyanide. The result is not a deposit of aluminium, but the liberation of hydrogen. It is also stated that aluminium is deposited from " certain preparations " at a temperature of 500° Fahr., but no particulars are to be had, which renders such statements worse than useless. (See196 ELECTRO-PLATING. Chemical News, vol. xxiv. p. 194.) Sprague elec- trolyzed the solutions spoken of as patented by Thomas and Tilley, and his observation is that " they do decompose, only, unfortunately, they do not deposit aluminium, but simply give off hydro- gen"—this is with six Bunsen cells. He further states his inability to deposit the metal from any of the solutions. Mr. A. Bertrand gives some particulars of a process by which aluminium may be deposited, from the solution of a double chloride of aluminium and ammonium. It is stated that a clear white deposit is given to a plate of copper, and that it is capable of receiving a very high polish. I have tried the same solution, with more or less salt, and battery power from one Daniell to ten Bunsens, and the best X can obtain is a highly granular and useless deposit, the half of which is not aluminium —gas is given off in abundance, and the process is very wasteful. The deposit is improved by concen- trating the solution, and keeping it at a boiling tem- perature during the operation. The process would appear to be worth experimenting further upon. I obtained white deposits of aluminium from its sulphate in saturated solution, concentrated and acidulated with a little sulphuric acid. The tem- perature may be 150° Fahr., or over. The battery power was from two to six Bunsens. It should be remarked that, through some unaccountable defect, the deposit is by no means a certain result of elec- trolyzing the solution- It would appear that muchDEPOSITION OF BRASS. 197 power is needed to decompose this solution quickly- enough to deposit aluminium. Other salts may be used as well as the sulphate. In all cases the anode should be aluminium, and the battery not less than four Bunsen cells. In some cases a dirty deposit takes place, with no appearance of alu- minium in any other condition, and in others there appeared under the slimy deposit a thin white coating of the metal, which had good adhesion. It has been suggested that aluminium might be easily deposited with other metals, such as silver and nickel. Deposition of Brass. This process is called brassing. It means the coating of metals with an alloy of copper and zinc. Solutions for Brassing.—Various solutions are in use and have been patented. They all need a current of great strength to decompose them com- pletely. A good solution, used by De Salzede, is made as follows :—Take 25 gals, of water; dissolve a pound of cyanide of potassium (50 per cent.) in a gallon of it; then add 50 lbs. of potassium car- bonate, 4 lbs. of sulphate of zinc, and 2 of chloride of copper, to the larger bulk of liquid. Now heat the solution, but not to boiling, until the salts are dissolved, and then stir, adding 25 lbs. of nitrate of ammonium. Allow the liquid to settle for twenty- four hours, and then stir in the cyanide of potassium solution. Allow again to settle, and then draw off the clear portion, which is ready for use. A largeELECTRO-PLATING. anode of brass must be used, and a powerful cur- rent is necessary. Two anodes may likewise be used, one of zinc, and another of copper. Another solution is made by dissolving 2\ lbs. of American potash in 6 gals, of hot water, and filtering the solution. Also dissplve ozs. of acetate of copper in half a pint of strong liquid ammonia, and stir it into the first liquid. Then add 5 oz. of sulphate of zinc, stirring until dissolved, and finally add 2 oz. of potassium cyanide. Filter the solution, and when working raise its tempera- ture to ioo° Fahr. The anode must be of brass, and the current strong. Another:—Dissolve 10 lbs. of acetate of potas- sium, the same of acetate of copper, 1 of acetate of zinc, in 5 gals, of hot water. Prepare a strong solution of cyanide of potassium, stir it into the liquid as long as it precipitates and redissolves the mixture. When all the precipitate has dissolved, add about < one-tenth more of cyanide solution to form free cyanide. The anode must be brass. Mr. Wood gives the composition of a good solution Dissolve 1 lb. of potassium cyanide, 2 oz. of cyanide of copper, and 1 of cyanide of zinc, in 1 gallon of distilled water, and add 2 oz. of sal- ammoniac. The working temperature is 150° Fahr., the anode brass and the battery power about six Grove's or Bunsen cells. Mr. Watt's formula is as follows :—Acetate of copper five parts, cyanide of potassium eight, sulphate of zinc ten, liquid am- monia forty, and caustic potash seventy-two parts.DEPOSITION OF BRASS. 199 Reduce the copper salt to powder, and dissolve it in eighty parts of water, then add twenty of the liquid ammonia. Dissolve the zinc salt in 160 parts of water, at 180° Fahr., and add the remaining twenty of ammonia to it, and stir the mixture strongly. Dissolve the potash in 160 parts of water, and the cyanide in 160 of hot water. Add the solution of copper to that of zinc, then add the caustic potash, and then the cyanide. Dilute the mixture to 8 gals, by adding water, and thoroughly stir the solution. Use a strong battery, add a little ammonia occasionally, and when it works slowly add cyanide of potassium in solution. A good solution may be made by dissolving, in 1,000 parts of water, twenty-five of copper sulphate, or twelve and a half of copper acetate, and fifteen of fused chloride of zinc. Precipitate the mixture by a solution of 100 parts of carbonate of sodium, and stir the solution. Pour off, and wash the precipi- tate several times, allowing it to settle each time. Add to the precipitate a solution of fifty parts ot bisulphite of sodium, and 100 of carbonate of sodium dissolved in 1,000 of water, and whilst stir- ring with a wooden rod, add a strong solution of potassium cyanide until the precipitate is just all dissolved, then add three parts more as free cyanide. This is worked by a brass anode, and a current from about six Bunsen cells. Working Brassing Solutions.—It will be unneces- sary to give further examples. Good brass may be deposited from most of the mixtures. Those200 ELECTRO-PLATING. with the largest percentage of zinc yield, with a full current, the poorest brass, and of a pale colour. The same solutions may, however, be made to give a deeper-coloured metal by using less battery power. It is an easy matter to regulate to a nicety the proportions of zinc and copper in a solution. If the mixture contains too much zinc, use a copper anode only until the brass begins to look too red, when the usual brass anode may be replaced. If too much copper, and working wTith a full current, employ an anode of zinc only until the deposit begins to look poor and pale. If the current is too strong, the solution will yield too large a propor- tion of zinc, and the work will look whitish. But this will depend greatly upon the proportions of zinc and copper in solution. If the deposit is too pale, and the solution with battery power about right, give motion to the articles, which will cause the colour to deepen considerably. It would appear that those solutions containing ammonia are really the least troublesome, because they dissolve the zinc from the anode with greater freedom than the others. In these solutions the want of ammonia is indicated by there being a white surface of zinc upon the anode. The plate should look like brass while working, or a little paler. Too much ammonia will make it red or dirty. Anodes should be yellow brass of good quality, or gun metal will work with slightly less battery power. The surface must be greater than that being coated. By employing a current of goodBATTERIES FOR BRASSING. 201 strength, no difficulty need be experienced in work- ing these brassing mixtures. They may be kept in order by dissolving more or less of the metal into them by anodes. When this is done along with the other work greater battery power is needed. Batteries for Brassing.—The currents necessary for working a large bath are so great, that it is doubtful economy to employ the galvanic generator at all. When as many as ten gallon Bunsens are needed in series for the larger operations, and coating of very large work, the expense of nitric acid and zinc, along with the cost of maintenance, would appear to point to the wisdom of using only dynamo-electric machines driven by steam. The first cost would, of course, be much greater, but a remarkable saving would at once be instituted. For baths containing as much as 100 gallons of solution, the battery will frequently need to be as strong as eight or ten Bunsens or Groves. For smaller vats from three to six cells will generally be found enough, but there should be no difficulty in fixing the necessary strength of current for a given surface of anode. The battery plates need not be quite as large as the anode. By a careful system of varying the current, any quality of brass may with the greatest facility be deposited upon the common metals. The ordinary asphaltum vats are in use. Those lined with best Portland cement are probably better, and enamelled iron tanks the best. Wooden tanks are, however, very useful. They must be carefully jointed and bolted.202 ELECTRO-PLATING. To Preserve the Colour of the Deposits, let the articles be well washed in water, then in water to which some caustic lime has been added, and finally- dry in a stove or hot sawdust. Deposition of Platinum. Chloride of Platinum is the most common salt, and from this most of the tried solutions have been made. Its price in small quantities is about 24s. per ounce. It is most economically made by dis- solving platinum scraps in a mixture of one part nitric acid and two and a half of hydrochloric acid. The mixture must be kept hot, but must not be made to boil. As soon as dissolution is complete, evaporate the mixture slowly, and when nearly- dry set aside to cool and crystallize. If the heat has been too great, the salt will be of an olive colour instead of a full rich yellow. It will be nearly red if iridium is present. It is usual to make all the other salts of platinum from this. It should be crystallized if it is to be kept. Sodio-Platinic Chloride is obtainable commer- cially at about 24s. per ounce. It is usually pre- pared by adding common salt to a solution of the platinic chloride. It is a yellow salt. Simple-Immersion Deposition of Platinum.—To obtain a reguline white deposit of platinum is no easy matter. The simple-immersion process may be useful for platinising such things as Smee battery plates, Bunsen carbons, and 50 on; but there isDEPOSITION OF PLATINUM. 203 very little certainty in obtaining good metal by the simple-immersion process. The deposits required upon Smee plates and carbons are highly granular, and are very often black. A solution which may be used for depositing platinum by simple immersion on small articles is made thus :—Dissolve chloride of platinum in water to saturation; add to this carbonate of soda, powdered finely, until the mix- ture effervesces and ceases to effervesce. Then stir in a little glucose, and finally add as much common salt as will produce a white precipitate. The articles must be immersed in a basket of zinc wire, or any vessel of zinc well perforated. A few seconds are usually enough to produce a deposit. If everything is not right the plating will be of a bad colour, or black. Use hot. To platinise Smee plates or carbons, prepare a vessel of dilute sulphuric acid 20 per cent. Tie to the plate a slip of zinc, and place the latter in a porous pot filled with liquid within the outer vessel, and let the plate occupy the latter. Drop in a little strong solution of platinic chloride, and stir. # As soon as a good coating is seen to form, strengthen the solution by adding a little more platinic chloride. On removal dip in water, and dry spontaneously. Platinum Solution for Battery Process.—Prepare a solution of the sodio-chloride of platinum, stir in a little oxalic acid, and then enough caustic soda to make the mixture alkaline. This is not the easiest solution to work. Another, recommended by Roseleur, is made by dissolving twelve parts of204 Electro-plating. dry chloride in 500 parts of water, and filtering; dissolve also 100 parts of crystalline phosphate of ammonia in 500 parts of distilled water, and stir it into the platinum solution. This addition will pro- duce a large amount of precipitate. Add to the mixture at once a previously prepared solution of 500 parts of phosphate of soda in 1,000 parts of distilled water, well stir, and boil the solution until there is no odour of ammonia, and its alkaline con- stituent is neutralized, which will be indicated by the liquid reddening blue litmus-paper. , It becomes colourless, and is ready for use—hot. A current from three or four Bunsens will be necessary to work it. The anode should be platinum, but it will not, as in most other solutions, dissolve to make up for loss of metal, so that it is necessary to occasionally refresh the mixture with some chloride of platinum. As yet, no really successful solution for the electro-deposition of platinum has been devised—platinum appears to be too difficultly soluble, and, unlike gold, will not dissolve in cyanide of potassium. Deposition of German Silver. German-silver is usually an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel, which form a very good quality of the metal. Depositing Solution.—Dissolve good German- silver in nitric acid. Prepare a solution of cyanide of potassium, and stir into the German-silver mix-DEPOSITION OF GERMAN SILVER. 205 ture slowly, until the whale of the metal is pre- cipitated. Then pour off the exhausted liquid, wash the precipitate, and stir into it a strong solu- tion of cyanide of potassium until it is quite dis- solved ; then a very little more cyanide, and dilute the mixture with twice its bulk of water. Another solution may be used. Dissolve a pound of each cyanide of potassium and carbonate of am- monium in a gallon of water. Heat the mixture to 1600 Fahr., and dissolve German-silver into it by means of an anode of German-silver and a receiv- ing plate of brass or copper. Pass a powerful current, such as that from six or eight Bunsens, until a good deal of metal is dissolved in—a bright cathode plate should be introduced occasionally as a test, and when it receives a good deposit the solution is ready to work with a strong current. Its constitution may be varied by adding copper or zinc from copper or zinc anodes. If the deposit is too red, stir in some carbonate of ammonia; if too white, the want of cyanide is indicated. All solutions made from alloys of this kind require strong currents to decompose them effectually. Simple-Immersion Nickel Alloy.—I add here a method of plating published in the scientific jour- nals some time ago. Not having tried it myself, I am unable to speak with confidence of the results, but should imagine them to be agreeable to the description. The alloy is one resembling German-silver, and it is said that the coating is more durable than one206 ELECTRO-PLATING. of silver. First melt one part of copper and five of pure tin—preferably Australian tin. The alloy is granulated as usual, but not too finely, and then mixed with water and cream of tartar—as free from lime as possible—into a paste. To each 200 parts of the granulated alloy is added 1 part of oxide of nickel, and the articles to be plated are laid in it. After boiling for a short time they become " beau- tifully plated." Some fresh oxide of nickel must, of course, be added from time to time. It is said that the brass and copper articles require little or no previous preparation. Articles of iron will not coat in it; they must, therefore, be coatetf in the usual way, with copper first—in the cyanide of copper solution, or, cheaper, by the simple-im- mersion processes before spoken of. (See Deposition of Copper.) By adding some carbonate of nickel to the nickel bath, or to a common tin bath, and boil- ing, a coating richer in nickel is obtained, and darker, varying in colour from that of platinum to a blue black, according to the amount of nickel salt added. Deposition of Zinc. It does not pay now to deposit zinc by electricity. The so-called process of "galvanizing " has nothing to do with electricity. It is simply a coating of zinc obtained by immersing the previously cleaned iron articles in a bath of melted zinc—rthis is better than the galvanic process as a protection, but it is more detrimental to the quality of the iron treated.DEPOSITION OF TIN. 20J To Deposit Zinc.—Make up a solution by dis- solving 2 oz. of zinc oxide in a gallon of water in 1 which have previously been dissolved 20 oz. of alum. It is used warm or hot. One cell will be sufficient to deposit from it. The anode is zinc, and the whole matter is exceedingly simple. All metals take the coating. Deposition of Tin. Tin may easily be deposited by the simple-im- mersion process :—Dissolve 1 oz. of chloride of tin and 2 lbs. of ammonium alum in 5 gals, of water. Heat the solution to boiling, clean the articles, and immerse, moving about until they are perfectly coated with tin. As the solution becomes ex- hausted, add a little chloride of tin. Also:—Dissolve the double chloride of tin and sodium in water to saturation, and then dilute the solution with twice its bulk of water. Articles to be tinned in this solution must be immersed in a zinc basket, or have tied to them chips of zinc. Small articles are rapidly coated with tin by placing them in a solution of cream of tartar at boiling temperature, and throwing in a quantity of grain tin. The cream of tartar mixture must be strong. It is better to arrange the grain tin in layers upon copper or brass gauze, to place the articles upon such surfaces, and to boil the liquid —it is suited for coating brass and copper articles.20 8 ELECTRO-PLATING. To make the chloride of tin, which should be freshly prepared, heat some strong hydrochloric acid, and add to it plenty of grain tin. As soon as the action entirely ceases, the liquid is a saturated solution of tin chloride—it may be crystallized, but it is more convenient to use it as it is. Tin chloride is also called stannous chloride. Coloured Coatings for Metals. Solution.—In a quart of pure water dissolve one ounce of hyposulphite of soda. Stir into this another solution made by dissolving an ounce of acetate of lead in a pint of water. For use, heat the solution in a glass or earthen- ware pan to about 1950 Fahr., and immerse the metal required to be coloured. The coating is one of lead sulphide, and its depth of colour will depend upon the time the metal is immersed. In a few minutes brass articles qf small size may be coated with any colour, varying from golden yellow to the tint of clean copper or red gold, to carmine, down to dark red; from light aniline blue to bluish white, then to reddish white or brown. It is not a good plan to plunge the articles into the solution without previous preparation; it is by far best to chemically clean them as for plat- ing (see Preparation), and, before dipping in the colouring liquid, to keep for a few minutes in hot water, unless, indeed, the coating is to be a very slight one. Steel and iron articles may also beCOLOURED COATINGS FOR METALS. 20q treated, and given a fine blue colour1 without the aid of such great heat as is necessary in u bluing " or oxidizing. Copper articles do not, of course, show the lighter tints. If the cleaning is well done, the adhesion will be perfect, so perfect indeed that the burnisher maybe used with impunity; but it is not wise to use the scratch-brush. Instead of burnishing, however, the surface may be finished by a soft and smooth buff, which will impart a lasting polish. The solution will not keep long in the heated state, as it deposits its sulphide upon the vessel's bottom if no metals are present. It is stated that an exceedingly beautiful red and green colouring can be given to brass articles by omitting the lead, and putting in its stead an equal weight of sulphuric acid. If the immersion continues, the red changes to a fine brilliant green, and then to green and brown, with a splendid iris glitter. The coating is very durable, unlike the others, which are best lacquered over with pale lacquer. Clean brass or copper may be covered with a firmly adherent pure black coating by placing very near to the flames of burning straw—it will not rub off, and may be polished with a soft cloth. PINDEX. y^CTD, hydrochloric, 43 hydrocyanic, 43 hydrofluoric, 26 nitric, 44 sulphuric, 44 Aluminium, deposition of, 194— 197 solution of, 196 battery power for depositing, 196 Amalgamation of zincs, 56 Analysis of solutions (gold), 192 (silver), 147 Anodes, 4 of copper, 87 of silver, 138 of nickel, 159 of gold, 185 of brass, 200 of German-silver, 205 Articles, preparation of, 21—39 gATTERY, copper-zinc, 52 Bunsen, 52 Daniell, 54—56 Faller, 56 workshop — Smee, Daniell, Bunsen, 50—72 Battery, for amateurs, 47—50 carbons for, 58 clamp-screws, 59 cells, 60 zincs, 57 strengths, 6s—64 management of, 64—69 remarks upon working, 69—7 cost of different kinds of, 70 power for silver-plating, 144 power for copper deposition, 10 for nickel-plating, 160—163 for gold-plating, 188 for aluminium. 197 for brass, 201 Binding screws, 59 Brass, deposition of, 197—202 anodes, 200 solutions of, 197—202 vats for solutions of, 201 batteries for plating with, 201 Bright silver-plating, 136 Britannia metal, preparation of, 25 Bunsen battery, 52 management of, 65 carbons for, 57 cost of, 70 Burnishing, 22, 23212 INDEX. £ARBONS for batteries, 58 Care of gold solutions, 188 Casting nickel anodes, 159 Cells for batteries, 60, 61 Cell, depositing, 17—21 Smee, 50 copper-zinc, 52 Bunsen, 52 Grove, 54 ( Daniell, 54—50 Fuller, 56 porous, 61 Chemicals and materials, 39—46 Clamps for batteries, 59 Coating of ferns, 99 grass, 99 flowers, 99 insects, 99 Colour of the gold, 181 • Coloured coatings for metals, 208 Composition, stopping off, 146 elastic, for moulding, 95 Conducting solutions, 97 surfaces, 104 Copies of coins, 98 Copper, preparation of, 24 removal of, 38 zinc cell, 52 deposition of, 82—112 zinc necessary in depositing, -91 hints on depositing, 106—108 Current, regulation of, 71 Cost of batteries, 70, 71 silver-plating, 144 nickel-plating, 164 gilding, 193 Cyanide of potassium, 40—43 free, in silver-plating, 136— Hi £)ANIELL battery, 54—56 working of, 66—69 Dead dipping, 31 Density of silver solution, 142 Depositing vessels and vats, 17—21 Deposition of silver, 113—150 stopping off, 30 vessels, 17—21 cells, 17—21 of copper, 82—112 simple immersion, 84 time necessary in, 91 * of iron, 101—104 of copper, hints in, 106—in# of nickel, 151—165 of aluminium, 195 of platinum, 202—204 of German-silver, 204—206 of zinc, 206 of tin, 207 of gold, 166—193 Dictionary of terms, 7—14 Dipping for bright gilding, 31 for dead gilding, 31 Distance to be maintained in gold- plating, 186 Dynamo-electric machines, 74—81 work of, 77 cost of, 81 JTLASTIC composition, 95 Electric, dynamo, machines, 74—81 work of, 77 cost of, 81 Electro-plating, applications of, 2 motive force, 61—64 Electrotypes, 91—101 from engraved plates, 99—101 from set-up type, 106—112 rapid, production of, 108 — 112 Engraved plates, electrotypes from, 99—101 steel-facing, 101—104 JT AC-SIMILES of coins, 98 Failures and faults, 36, 37INDEX. 213 Ferns, coating of, 99 Finishing plated goods, 146 Force, electro-motive, 61—64 regulation of, and current, 71, 72 Free cyanide in gold solutions, 187 silver solutions, test for, 139— 141 Fuller battery, 56 Fulminate of gold, 180 Fusible alloy, 94 GALVANOMETER, the, 72 German-silver, deposition of, 204—206 preparation of, 24 Gilding, cost of, 193 by simple dipping and battery, 166—193 by simple dipping, 169 by battery, 173 solutions for, 169—181 anodes for, 185 battery power for, 188 time necessary in, 186 steel and iron, 187 German-silver, 187 bright, dipping for, 31 dead, dipping for, 31 dead, 183 colours in electro, 181—185 Glass specula, silvering of, 121—126 Gold, to remove, 38 Gold-plating, 169—191 solution, analysis of, 192 solutions, 169—181 colour of the, 181—185 anodes, 185 solutions, free cyanide in, 187 care of, 188 recolouring of, 188 Goods, finishing plated, 146 preparation of manufactured* 24 Gramme machine, 77—81 Grove battery, 54 working of, 69 JOINTS and suggestions in copper depositing, 106—108 Hydrochloric acid, 43 Hydrocyanic acid, 43 Hydrofluoric acid, 26 Hydrogen, sulphuretted, 44 Hydrometers, 45 JNFERIOR work, gilding of, 187 Insects, coating of, 99 Intensity, 72 Internal resistance of batteries, 64 Iron and steel, gilding of, 187 preparation of, 25, 29 cast, preparation of, 26 Iron, deposition of, 101—104 J^ATHE, scratch-brush, 28 Lead, preparation of, 25 removal of, 38 Liquids, dipping, 25—27 j^JACHINES, dynamo-electric, 74 —81 Management of silver solutions, 138 batteries, 64—69 copper solutions, 87 nickel solutions, 160 gold solutions, 187 iron solution, 101—104 brassing solution, 199 Manufactured goods, preparation of, 24 Materials and chemicals, particulars of, 39—46 Mercury, 44 solutions for quicking, 27 Metallic nickel, 152 Metals, coloured coatings for, 208 Moulding composition, gutta-per- cha, 93214 INDEX. Moulding composition, elastic, 95 Motion in solutions, 33 JN^ICKEL, deposition of, 151—165 plating, 153—165 plating, simple, 153 salts of, 151 metallic, 152 grain, 152 plating by battery, 154—164 solutions, 154—159 anodes, 159 casting, 159 anodes, casting of, 159 solutions, management of, 160 plating-room, 163 plating, cost of, 164 peculiarities of electro-depo- sited, 164 recovery of, from old solutions, 165 alloy, plating with, 205 Nitric acid, 44 Non-conducting surfaces, 106 QLD work, preparation of, 37 silver solutions, recovery from, 148 nickel solutions, recovery from, 165 gold solutions, recovery from, 191 Ornamentation of silver, 145 metals, 208 Oxidized silver, 145 PECULIARITY of electro-de- posited nickel, 164 Pink gold, 182 Plaster of Paris, 95 Plated goods, finishing of, 146 Plating, silver, simple, 116—120 silver, 126—138 silver, bright, 137 silver, time required in, 143 Plating, silver, battery power for,'144 silver, cost of, 144 nickel, 151—165 nickel, simple, 153 nickel, by battery, 154—159 nickel, room, 163 nickel, cost of, 164 gold, 166—193 distance to be maintained in, 186 gold, battery power for, 188 gold, cost of, 193 gold, solutions, analysis of, 192 with zinc, 207 German-silver, 204—206 nickel alloy, 205 tin, 207 room, the, 15 copper, 85—90 Platinising plates, 203 Platinum, solutions for depositing, 203 deposition of, 202—204 salts of, 202 Plumbago, 104 Porous cells, 61 Position in solutions, 34, 35 Potassium, cyanide of, 40—43 carbonate of, 40 Power, battery, for gilding, 188 depositing aluminium, 196 Preparation of manufactured goods, 24 copper, 24 German-silver, 24 brass, 24 steel and iron, 25—29 tin, 25 lead, 25 pewter/ 25 Britannia metal, 25 cast iron, 26 old work, 37 Preparatory solution, 96 Prussic acid (hydrocyanic acid), 43 Purchase of materials, 46INDEX. 215 QUALITY of silver solutions, 135 Quantity, definition of, 72 Quicking articles, 27 solutions, 27 Quicksilver (mercury), 44 J^APID electrotyping, 108—112 Recovery of nickel from old solutions, 165 gold, 191 silver, 148—150 Recolouring of gjlt^id gold goods, 188 Regulation of force and current, 71, 72 Remarks upon batteries, 69—72 Removal of silver, 38 gold, 38 copper, 38 zinc, 38 lead, 38 gALTS of copper, 82—84 silver, 113—116 nickel, 151, 152 gold, 166—169 Scratch-brushes, i6> 17 ' Screws, battery, 59 Set-up type, electrotypes of, 106— 112 Silver, removal of, 38 deposition of, 113—150 salts of, 113—116 plating, simple, 116—120 glass specula, 121—126 solutions, making of, 126—137 solutions, management of, 138 plating, 126—138 solutions, analysis of, 147 plating, bright, 137 solutions, free cyanide in, 136 solutions, density of, 142 plating, time required in, 143 ^ battery power for, 144 cost of, 144 Silver, ornamentation of, 145, 146 oxidized, 145 plated goods, finishing, 146 solutions, recovery from, 148— 150 Simple copper-plating, 84 nickel-plating, 153 gold-plating, 169 batteries, 47 Smee battery, 50 working of, 64 Steel-facing electrotypes, 101—104 Steel and iron, preparation of, 25—29 Suggestions and hints in depositing copper, 106—108 Sulphuric acid, 44 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 44 Surfaces, conducting, 104—106 non-conducting, 106 Syphons, 45 'pELESCOPE specula, to silver, 121—126 Terms, explanation of, 7—14 Thermometers, 45 Time required in depositing copper, 9i silver, 143 gold, 186 Tin, deposition of, 207 Treatment of spoilt solutions, 148, 165, 191 Type, set-up, to copy, 106—112 Typing, electro-, 91—101 yARNISH, stopping off, 146 "Viats and depositing vessels, 17 —21 for brassing, 201 Vessels, depositing, 17—21, 201 "^TAX moulds, 97 Weston dynamo-electric ma- chine, 78—80 Wiring the articles, 32, 33216 INDEX. Wood engravings copied, 108 Work of dynamo-electric machines, 77 Working of Bunsen cell, 65, 66 Daniell, 66—69 Fuller, 69 Grove, 69 Working of Smee cell, 64 Workshop batteries, 50—72 2INC, deposition of, 206 for batteries, 57 amalgamating, 56 / o THE END. PRINTED liY J. S. VIRTUE AND CO., LIMITED, CITY ROAD, LONDON.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015