DOC. WS /■S'3: NR-2M>-//-/35-(fSfiC WITH U n Guidance, Nav i, g a Control Cent ‘ & Hardware Systems Branch depositor WAR 15 2001 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGNCOMPonents & — Sensors, actuators... and the things that connect them HARDware Systems With a potent mix of experience, energy and imagination, Code 573 — Goddard's Guidance, Navigation & Control Center's Component and Hardware Systems Branch — is poised to become a world leader in full generation-cycle GN&C hardware development and futuristic component technologies. Ground Support Equipment Test Facilities Actuator Technologies Sensor Technologies Attitude Control System HardwareCODE F i ve-S e ve n-Th re e: ... a new number, a new code ... the same quality products and customer service that the aerospace community has trusted for 25 years — Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) system hardware and ground support equipment that performs. And there's a new twist — 573 now offers advanced component technologies, like space-capable GPS, and miniaturized integrated GN&C systems, in addition to many component and system test facilities. We're NASA's GN&C system hardware experts. We design and build sensors and actuators and the control electronics that let them communicate to flight computers. We don't stop there. We also build the ground support equipment that expertly tests the GN&C hardware. 573 is immersed in new sensor technologies like GPS for space and miniaturized Sun and Earth sensors. In addition to developing space-qualified GPS receivers, we've invested in a GPS test facility for satellite GPS receivers. Goddard projects and NASA partners can bring their receivers to our lab so we can make sure they'll work correctly... before launch. Leading our actuator product line is the new Integrated Reaction Wheel, a non-traditional idea that spawned an exceptional new product. We're branching out too — forging partnerships with industry and academia to strengthen our products and transfer our knowledge throughout the country. Our work speaks for itself. Let's talk. Attitude control electronics • Inertial measurement unit • Reaction wheels 3-axis magnetometer Ground support equipment Hardware dynamic simulator • Attitude control electronics Engine valve drivers for propulsion system Ground support equipment • Mission unique electronics - Attitude control electronics - Command and data handler Air coils (magnetic torquers) • 3-axis magnetometer Ground support equipment Hardware dynamic simulator JCIE Attitude control electronics Ground support equipment Hybrid-dynamic simulator SAMPEX Attitude control electronics 3-axis magnetometer Ground support equipment Hardware dynamic simulator COBE • Attitude control electronics • Momentum wheel electronics Ground support equipment Analog/digital hybrid-dynamic simulator SPARTAN Attitude control system electronics Cold-gas pneumatic system • 3-axis magnetometer Ground support equipment Some things we haveChuck Clagett, Head NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301.286.2934 Lamar Dougherty, Associate Head NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301.286.2934 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center http://gncc.gsfc.nasa.govN P-2000-11-135-GSFCDOC. AflS/.»: ^P-Tccc-l^"(T* ' iff teg rated R E ACTIO N WHEELassembly Actuators Contact: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Chuck Clagett 301.286.2934 Enter the Integrated Reaction Wheel Assembly (IRWA). True plug-and-play hardware. Maximum performance. Minimum vibration... in a box. Code 573's Integrated Reaction Wheel Assembly efficiently combines electronics, power converter, commutation, speed monitoring, current control, and telemetry collection into one box — with a footprint smaller than a sheet of paper. It's rectangular too, so you can use rectangular printed circuit boards. The profile also makes it easier to bolt to your satellite. And the IRWA more than purrs. We cantilever the flywheel from the motor shaft, precisely balancing the entire rotating assembly. We also include hybrid ceramic bearings. Result? Minimum cyclic disturbances, long product life and low noise — features we know you want. With modular interface electronics, the IRWA can communicate to your bus over MIL-STD-1553 protocol. Through projects like the IRWA, we're striving to stimulate the use of NASA-developed technologies in the commercial space markets. Let's talk about it. qncc code 573 the wheel, reinvented. We put our newest reaction wheel inside a box so you can design your smallsat mission "outside the box." on TO a> n 00 o ±0.20 N-m torque ±10 N-m-s momentum 40-80 watts peak 8-12 watts steady 6.6 kg 216 x 216 x 102 mm 0 to 40°C operating -10 to to 70°C survival 5-year lifetime DEPOSITORY MAR 1 5 2001 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGNocc, flP-2DC'i> 7/'/2 S-&SFC PiVOTgps Sensors ■ Contact: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Chuck Clagett 301.286.2934 % * » ......-Vt r-* •V'L*' Sigl Five years ago, GNCC realized that NASA needed a new GN&C sensor, one that captured the immense capability of CPS technology and did it cheaply. The commercial market was surveyed for an affordable space-qualified CPS receiver. Couldn't find one. Then CNCC decided to pay someone to build one. No one came. So GNCC's Code 573 formed a team and started to build its own. This future product, the 24-channel PiVoT space GPS, will provide position, velocity, time and attitude solutions for future orbital missions. And it does this using only two cards, a processor card and a custom-designed GPS card with a PLESSEY Mitel chipset. The PiVoT is designed to endure the rigors of space flight. The design uses radiation-tolerant parts. Additionally, the PiVoT team incorporated a micro controller on the GPS card to off load GPS signal processing. This gives users the option of using multiple GPS cards in their customized systems. The PiVoT space GPS was created with modularity in mind so that future customers could incorporate their own processors. Software modifications — changing the unit's output rate or experimenting with attitude algorithms — are made easy by the software suite included with the PLESSEY Mitel chipset. In addition, with four front-ends on the GPS card, the PiVoT is wired for attitude work. The PiVoT space GPS — Developed for our needs, available to meet your needs. Call us. qncc code 573 a pivotal moment. Sometimes, getting the right product means building it yourself. to O O Position: 100 m along-track, 150 m altitude Velocity: <0.6 meters/second Attitude (goal): +/- 0.5° with 1 m baseline Time: <1|i second Power: <10 watts Size: 19 x 14 x 12 cm Weight: 1.4 kg Life: >1 year at Shuttle orbit Featuring PLESSEY Mitel chipset with a processor card and compact PCI bus 24 channels and 4 front-ends Interfaces: RS422/232/485/1553 ^ DEPOSITORY MAR 1 5 2001 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS aturbana-champaignancc code 573 a stellar idea. We're cashing in on leaping Earth-bound digital camera technology to fuel a new breed of miniature high-performance star sensors for space. 1 arcsecond pointing accuracy 1/2 arcsecond noise equivalent angle 40 Hz update rate 2 watts 1 pound ■e DOC. /MS/.£3.- tiP-lOoo-lHit- STARsensor Light, captured. A digital camera recreates a scene — a picture — by trapping photons in "buckets" or pixels, converting the light to current, or charge, then processing the data to make the picture. Traditional CCD cameras, and star sensors for that matter, transfer each pixel's current out of the array cell by cell, column by column, until the entire array is purged...a time-consuming and power-intensive procedure that must be completed before the camera is ready to shoot another picture. Enter the Active Pixel Sensor Detector. Developed by the Photobit Corporation, Active Pixel Sensor Detectors (APSD) are revolutionizing the digital camera industry by exploiting the benefits of CMOS technology. CMOS allows, among other things, direct access to photon data right at the pixel, eliminating the need for time-consuming current transfer. APSDs can also randomly access pixels and vary pixel integration times and readout/reset times so that bright and dim objects can be viewed in the same sensor field-of-view without the blooming and washout that happens with CCD systems. Even better, since the APSD doesn't shift the charge across multiple pixels during readout, an APSD-based camera system will be less susceptible to radiation effects in space. Contact: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Bob Spagnuolo 301.286.3122 Robert.) Thanks to revolutionary technologies like the APSD, we envision a new breed of star sensor, one that will support the future of NASA's space and Earth science enterprises. By combining APS features with advanced lenses from Santa Barbara Sensor Technologies and customized microprocessors and software from selected partners, we're on our way to building the future of star sensors. Our goal? A one-pound, two-watt, one arcsecond star sensor that works in a stars-in, quaternion-out stellar compass mode. Call us. DEPOSITORY MAR 1 5 2001 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN