CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS BY REV. H. N. HUTCHINSON, B.A.,F.G.S., AUTHOR OF " E X T I N C T MONSTERS." WITH NUMEROUS BY J. SMIT ILLUSTRATIONS AND OTHERS. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LD. 1894. All rights reserved. " I t is undoubtedly the greatest triumph of geological science to have demonstrated that the present animals and plants of the globe were not the first inhabitants of the globe, but that they have appeared as descendants of a vast ancestry. The latest comers in a majestic procession, we ourselves stand heirs of all the ages of the past, and moving forward into the future wherein progress towards something higher must still be for us, as it has been for all creation, the guiding law."—SIR ARCHIBALD G E I K I E . PREFACE BY SIR W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., F.R.S., DIRECTOR O F T H E NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. ONE of the most important results of the recent progress of science, and one which it is very desirable that we should have fully impressed upon us, is that the living world which we see around us bears an exceedingly small proportion to the whole series of animal and vegetable forms which have inhabited our planet in past ages. The whole of the knowledge contained in this book is practically the outcome of the scientific work of the present century; by far the greater part of it belongs to the second half of the century. It is difficult now to realize that at its commencement, although it is true that "fossils" had for some time aroused the attention of a few curious persons, and given rise to various and singular speculations about their origin and signification, the only creatures really known, not only to the mass of educated mankind, but even to most naturalists, were those of our own days. The creation of the genus Palceotherium (the "ancient wild beast" par excellence) by Cuvier in the year 1804, when, by a comparison of its bones, found in the celebrated gypsum quarries of Montmartre, near Paris, with those of all known species of recent animals, he demonstrated for the first time to the satisfaction of the whole scientific world, that vertebrated PREFACE BY SIR W. H. FLOWER. animals inhabited the earth other than those now found upon its surface, was a great epoch in science. By this demonstration he laid the foundation of the study of the past history of this great group of animals—a study which has developed in this comparatively short period of time to such a marvellous extent, and which has still before it a future of unbounded promise. The most striking illustration of this fact is shown in the wonderful revelations of former animal life, consequent upon very recent explorations carried on in what we commonly call the New World. Numbers of strange forms, entirely unknown or undreamt of before, have been brought to light within the last thirty years, and made known to us by the indefatigable labours of the distinguished palaeontologists of the United States, whose names occur so frequently in the following pages. The Old World has also continued to yield up its treasures. Asia, and especially South Africa, are contributing marvellous forms of ancient life, while the most recently explored portion of the earth's surface, Australia, is found to be teeming with evidence that creatures lived there in other days, far more gigantic in proportion and grotesque in figure than any of their modern representatives. It is well that these results should be collected and placed in an accessible and popular form, as has been done by Mr. Hutchinson in this book. In the restoration of the external appearance of extinct animals, known only by bones and teeth, there is much of imagination, much indeed of mere guesswork, and I should therefore be sorry to guarantee the accuracy of any of the representations of animals in this book, the majority of which were never seen in the flesh by the eyes of mortal man. I think, however, I may safely say that Mr. Hutchinson and his accomplished artist, Mr. Smit, have done their work carefully and conscientiously, and given us in most cases a fair idea of the appearance of the creatures they have endeavoured to depict, according to the best evidence at present PREFACE BY SIR W. H. FLOWER. available. Of most of these we shall never know more, although it is possible that a different interpretation placed upon some still obscure indications may cause us to modify our views as to their appearance. The disjointed and often fragmentary bones by which these animals are usually represented in museums convey no ideas whatever to the majority of those who see them. It is quite otherwise with such representations as the figures of this work; and if in some cases the idea conveyed may not be strictly correct, it offers a fair approximation, and at all events gives a vivid conception of some remarkable creature, which in its main outlines cannot be far from the actual reality. It has been a great satisfaction to me to see, throughout the work, the frequent references to the great collection of remains of extinct animals contained in the Natural History branch of the British Museum, now so admirably arranged by Dr. Henry Woodward and his able assistants, and I trust that a perusal of it will lead to a greater appreciation and closer study of the treasures contained in our national collection. March, 1894. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. FOR thousands of years men have dwelt upon the earth without even suspecting that it was a mighty tomb of animated races that once flourished upon it as the living tribes do now. Only in very recent times, which men still remember, was the discovery made that the earth has had a vast antiquity; that it has teemed with life for countless ages; and that generations of the most gigantic and extraordinary creatures lived through long geological periods, and were succeeded by other kinds of creatures equally colossal and equally strange. Huge fishes, enormous birds, monstrous reptiles, and ponderous uncouth mammals had possession of a world which as yet knew not man. The vestiges of these creatures are still found in the rocks, their fossil skeletons have been exhumed, and in the light of modern Science their structures and probable habits have been determined. So numerous and so teeming with interest are the tribes of extinct animals, that the writer found it impossible, within the limits of his previous book, Extinct Monsters, to do more than make a somewhat arbitrary selection. Whole orders—and even classes—were entirely left out. From the first we had no intention of dealing with those lower forms of life, so frequently met with by the geologist, which are destitute of any backbone (invertebrates); but, even when confining our attention to the backboned, or vertebrate classes, we found more orders than could be dealt with within the limits of a single volume. b X AUTHOR'S PREFACE. In the present work the writer has attempted to fill up, to some extent at least, the gaps in the last one, and so to present to the reader a simple account (shorn, as far as possible, of the long names and technical terms which repel the general reader) of a certain number of the world's " lost creations." Some of these, if not quite so huge as the " monsters " already introduced to our readers, are yet as wonderful—in some cases, we venture to think, even more so. It may well be doubted if any more strange and interesting forms of ancient life have ever been brought to light than those very ancient reptiles of the Anomodont Order, described in chap, iv.; which, though reptiles, yet exhibit in their anatomy a strange foreshadowing of features that belong properly to the Mammals —or, perhaps we should say, were once thought to belong only to that class. We begin with an account of fossil footmarks, a subject which has not been dealt with at any length in the text-books, much less in popular works. There is a fascination in the contemplation of these " footprints on the sands of Time " which appeals strongly to one's imagination; and it is satisfactory to note how more recent discoveries have led to the interpretation of certain facts which were a great puzzle to earlier writers, such as Professor Hitchcock and Dr. Deane, whose beautiful figures of the famous Connecticut Sandstone footprints are of great value. Part of chap. x. is given to the horse and its ancestors— a subject of universal interest, not only on account of man's fondness for horses, but because of the wonderful series of fossil horses brought to light by geologists, and so clearly interpreted by Huxley, Marsh, and other authorities. These remains constitute the most complete chain of Evolution yet known to the palaeontologist. When people say, "Where are those missing links you so often speak of? " he can point with satisfaction to the bones of ancient horses, and show the gradual steps by which the little five-toed ancestor of the Eocene period gradually lost some AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xi of its toes, and took on other features until its descendants evolved into the noble animal of the present day. One cannot help sometimes wishing that a larger number of the many strange and old-fashioned types of life revealed by the Science of Geology in these latter days had continued their existence into the human period, and been added to the number of man's contemporaries on earth. But, judging from the ruthless manner in which so many flowers of creation, whether animal or vegetable, are now being, or have already been, ruthlessly exterminated by the hand of man, one is inclined to think that such a wish ought not to be encouraged. And here two reflections may be allowed : in the first place, there are doubtless very good reasons why some branches of the tree of life have withered and dropped off—although the-causes at work seem at present only partly known to geologists and naturalists; and, secondly, supposing that some tribes of Dinosaurs, or uncouth Mammals, had lived on to the present day, what would probably be their fate ? Would they be more highly appreciated than those now around us ? We may call to mind Mr. Ruskin's remark about grouse-moors and angels; and the sad certainty forces itself upon us that if a modern sportsman were by chance to meet with a Pterodactyl on his moor, his first impulse would be to " shoot i t " ! Indeed, this foreboding is as it were put into our mouth by the words of a reviewer of our previous work, who, speaking of the creatures therein described, and thinking what big game they might have furnished, remarked, " We only wish we had had the shooting of them ! " It is, perhaps, some consolation to the geologist to reflect that Nature has denied to the nineteenth-century sportsman, with his deadly rifle, the grim satisfaction of shooting her children of old times. Their mortal remains repose safely in the rocks beneath our feet—precious spoil for the geologist's hammer and pick-axe, not for the sportsman's gun ! Some of our former readers have humorously remarked that xii AUTHOR'S PREFACE, a few Dinosaurs and such-like creatures might have constituted a valuable and highly interesting addition to a modern wild-beast show. But here, again, we find it difficult to sympathise, and prefer to think of Dinosaurs as restored by the hand of Mr. Smit and living in the eye of imagination rather than in a common menagerie, to be teased and prodded by the vulgar crowd. They have lived their day, and played their part; let them rest in peace. Doubtless some enterprising showman, catering for the amusement of an idle public, might have been tempted to advertise in big posters " A Jumping Dinosaur," to follow after "The Boxing Kangaroo "or the "Fighting Lion;" but we are glad to think that the Dinosaur has been spared a fate so ignoble, and, instead of this, affords to the biologist a splendid subject on which to exercise his imagination. As a nation, we spend millions a year in pursuing live foxes; could we not spare a few thousands for hunting up extinct Monsters ? It is to be hoped that the time is not far distant when the Government of this country will no longer trust in its present careless way to private enterprise and liberality for the furthering of scientific discovery, but will give generous grants for the purpose. A good many years ago Mr. Ruskin made some forcible remarks on this subject, which deserve to be widely read.1 These are his words : " I say we have despised science. i What!' you exclaim, ' are we not foremost in all discovery ? and is not the whole world giddy by reason, or unreason, of our inventions ?' Yes; but do you suppose that is national work ? That work is all done in spite of the nation, by private people's zeal and money. We are glad enough, indeed, to make our profit of science; we snap up anything in the way of a scientific bone that has meat on it, eagerly enough; but if the scientific man comes for a bone or crust to us, that is another story. What have we publicly done for science? We are obliged to know 1 Sesame and Lilies, p. 48, large edit. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xiii what o'clock it is, for the safety of our ships, and therefore we pay for an observatory; and we allow ourselves, in the person of our Parliament, to be annually tormented into doing something, in a slovenly way, for the British Museum, sullenly apprehending that to be a place for keeping stuffed birds in, to amuse our children. If anybody will pay for their own telescope, and resolve another nebula, we cackle over the discernment as if it were our own; if one in ten thousand of our hunting squires suddenly perceives that the earth was indeed made to be something else than a portion for foxes, and burrows in it himself, and tells us where the gold is and where the coals, we understand that there is some use in that, and very properly knight him; but is the accident of his having found out how to employ himself usefully any credit to us? (The negation of such discovery among his brother squires may perhaps be some discredit to us, if we would consider it.) But if you doubt these generalities, here is one fact for us all to meditate upon, illustrative of our love for science. Two years ago there was a collection of the fossils of Solenhofen to be sold in Bavaria, the best in existence, containing many specimens unique for perfectness, and one unique as an example of a species (a whole kingdom of unknown living creatures being announced by that fossil). This collection, of which the mere market worth, among private buyers, would probably have been some thousand or or twelve hundred pounds, was offered to the English nation for seven hundred; but we would not give seven hundred, and the whole series would have been in the Munich Museum at this moment, if Professor Owen had not, with loss of his own time, and patient tormenting of the British public in the person of its representatives, got leave to give four hundred pounds at once, and himself become answerable for the other three! which the said public will doubtless pay him eventually, but sulkily, and caring nothing about the matter all the while, only always ready to cackle if any credit comes of it." XIV AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Since these forcible words were written Professor Owen and the leading scientific men of the day have succeeded in inducing a Government to build the Natural History Museum, for which we ought to be very grateful. But although the Museum has been finished for more than ten years, the Treasury still are mean enough to refuse to light up the galleries, either by gas or electricity! The result is, that those who go there to study on foggy days are obliged to turn back, as we have found to our cost. The central hall, however, is lighted; but what is that? Now that the British Museum reading-room is beautifully lighted up by some hundreds of incandescent lamps, let us hope that the Treasury will see to it that our beautiful Natural History collection is not left in darkness whenever London fog prevails, and numbers of citizens turned away in disgust. Another inconvenience, due to the same cause, is that during the winter months (or part of them) the Museum is closed at four o'clock, so that a good day's work becomes impossible. The author gratefully acknowledges the kind help he has received from palaeontologists, both at home and abroad,—help which has lightened his somewhat arduous task, making it easier and pleasanter. He has also received encouraging letters with regard to his previous book, both from palaeontologists and general readers, and it is gratifying to find that many who were only acquainted with living animals have been interested in hearing of the results of modern palaeontology. Professor O. C. Marsh, of Yale University, Conn., U.S., has very kindly read many of the proof-sheets, and made valuable suggestions and corrections, especially in the chapters dealing with the more recently discovered Dinosaurs, which he himself has so carefully studied and described. The author's thanks are also due to Professor Marsh for sending a large number of his valuable papers, published in the American Journal of Science, and elsewhere. To Professor E. D. Cope, of Philadelphia, the author is also AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xv greatly indebted for advice and help, as well as for many valuable books and scientific papers. Sir William H. Flower, K.C.B., F.R.S., Director of the Natural History Museum, besides writing a preface, has very kindly read the book before it went to press; for all of which the author is truly grateful. Again we have to thank Dr. Henry Woodward, F.R.S., Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum, for the kind interest he has taken in our work, and for various valuable suggestions. Mr. A. Smith Woodward, of the Natural History Museum, has again been kind enough to read our proof-sheets and offer valuable advice, especially with regard to fossil fishes (and the restorations of them in Plate II.)—a subject on which his opinion is of great value.1 Among other gentlemen connected with the Natural History Museum, to whom the author is grateful for help in various ways, are Mr. C. W. Andrews, Mr. B. B. Woodward, and Mr. F. A. Bather. The attendants and officials of the various galleries and libraries have also always been most courteous and obliging. The author's thanks are also due to other gentlemen not connected with the Museum, such as Professor H. G. Seeley; Mr. E. T. Newton, palaeontologist to the Geological Survey; and Mr. C. Davies Sherborn. Our good friend, Mr. J. Smit, has once more thrown himself heartily into the task of making more H restorations," and we feel sure that the beautiful drawings he has made for this book will be appreciated by all. 1 Readers who are acquainted with geological text-books will probably notice that the representations of Old Red Sandstone fishes in Plate I I . do not entirely agree with the drawings they have been accustomed to. This is due to the fact that we have derived from Mr. Smith Woodward the latest information with regard to these fishes, and that, in some details, the figures in even the best books are often wrong. always truly PLATE I. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE BY S I R W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., F.R.S AUTHOR'S PREFACE v ix CHAPTER I. FOOTPRINTS ON T H E SANDS OF T I M E i CHAPTER II. FISHES OF BY-GONE DAYS 23 CHAPTER III. SOME ANCIENT SALAMANDERS . . . 49 CHAPTER IV. ANOMALOUS R E P T I L E S 73 CHAPTER V. T H E CROCODILE FAMILY AND ITS HISTORY 97 CHAPTER VI. SOME RECENTLY DISCOVERED DINOSAURS . 117 CHAPTER VII. DINOSAURS—CONTINUED 136 CHAPTER VIII. ANCIENT BIRDS 151 xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS AND ELEPHANTINE MONSTERS 174 CHAPTER X. HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS 198 CHAPTER XI. EXTINCT WHALES AND WOMBATS 219 CHAPTER XII. RELICS OF THE PLEISTOCENE AGE 235 APPENDICES. I. TABLE OF STRATIFIED ROCKS II. CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, 255 AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, AND MAMMALS III. 257 LITERATURE 263 INDEX 26 7 LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE XIII. T O F A C E PAGE T H E OLDEST KNOWN BIRD (ARCHEOPTERYX), AND A SMALL DINOSAUR (COMPSOGNATHUS), JURASSIC PERIOD Frontispiece I. II. S I R RICHARD OWEN, K.C.B., F.R.S xvii F I S H E S OF T H E O L D R E D SANDSTONE PERIOD . . 47 III. AMPHIBIANS OF T H E COAL-FOREST PERIOD 65 IV. REPTILES AND AN AMPHIBIAN OF T H E N E W R E D SANDSTONE PERIOD V. A N ANOMODONT 71 REPTILE (PAREIASAURUS), FROM T H E KAROO FORMATION, SOUTH AFRICA VI. T H E OLDEST KNOWN SANDSTONE VII. VIII. 85 CROCODILE (BELODON), N E W R E D PERIOD. ALSO T H E L I T T L E AETOSAURUS ANCIENT CROCODILIANS, JURASSIC PERIOD T H E OLDEST KNOWN DINOSAUR (ANCHISAURUS), NORTH AMERICA, N E W R E D SANDSTONE PERIOD IX. A LARGE HORNED DINOSAUR . . (CERATOSAURUS), . . 125 A LARGE HERBIVOROUS DINOSAUR (CLAOSAURUS), FROM N O R T H AMERICA, CRETACEOUS PERIOD XI. A SMALL DINOSAUR 129 (HYPSILOPHODON), OF T H E CHALK PERIOD XII. XIV. 135 A GROUP OF PORTRAITS OF PALAEONTOLOGISTS . . . XVI. 159 T H E DODO ( D I D U S INEPTUS) TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS (PAL^OTHERIUM 165 AND ANOPLO- THERIUM), EOCENE PERIOD XVII. 149 A GIGANTIC D I V E R (HESPERORNIS), FROM N O R T H AMERICA, CRETACEOUS PERIOD XV. 121 FROM N O R T H AMERICA, JURASSIC PERIOD X. 103 105 181 TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS (PAL^EOSYOPS AND ANTHRACOTHERIUM), EOCENE PERIOD 185 xx LIST OF FULL-PAGE LLLUSTRATLONS. PLATE XVIII. XIX. T O FACE PAGE A N ANCIENT MAMMAL (CORYPHODON), EOCENE PERIOD . A N ANCIENT ELEPHANTINE MONSTER 189 (DINOTHERIUM), MIOCENE PERIOD XX. XXI. 193 A N ELEPHANT WITH FOUR TUSKS (MASTODON ANGUSTIANCESTORS OF T H E H O R S E (PHENACODUS AND HYRACO- DENS), MIOCENE PERIOD THERIUM) XXII. T H E HIPPARION AND T H E W I L D HORSE XXIII. T H E U R U S OF CAESAR (BOS PRIMIGENIUS) 203 213 MACRAUCHENIA AND SABRE-TOOTHED T I G E R (MACHAIRO- XXIV. 197 DUS), FROM T H E PAMPAS FORMATION 247 251 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT. BIG, PAGE i. PROTICHNITES—TRACKS PROBABLY MADE BY SOME CRUSTACEAN, FROM T H E POTSDAM SANDSTONE, N O R T H AMERICA . . 2. TRACKS OF T H E LABYRINTHODON, OR CHEIROTHERIUM 3. FOOTPRINTS FROM T H E CONNECTICUT SANDSTONE 4. FOOTPRINTS OF DINOSAURUS . . . . 12 . 19 . 20 5. PORT JACKSON SHARK, CESTRACEON P H I L I P P I , AUSTRALIA 6. SPINES AND T E E T H 8 . . 35 OF SHARK-LIKE F I S H E S , FROM T H E CAR- BONIFEROUS LIMESTONE, GREAT BRITAIN 36 7. PTERICHTHYS MILLERI (PARTLY MODIFIED, AFTER TRAQUAIR). 39 8. PTERICHTHYS, U P P E R SURFACE (AFTER PANDER) 40 . . . . 9. COCCOSTEUS, RESTORED 41 IO. PTERASPIS—RESTORED AFTER RAY LANKESTER 42 11. CEPHALASPIS MURCHISONI 43 12. LEPIDOTUS MAXIMUS, A GANOID F I S H , SOLENHOFEN STONE . 13. SECTION OF TOOTH OF A LABYRINTHODONT (AFTER O W E N ) . 14. SKULL OF MASTODONSAURUS 48 53 55 15. PART OF SKELETON OF ARCH^EGOSAURIS DECHENI (AFTER VON MEYER), FROM THE PERMIAN, SAARBRUCH . . . . . 16. H E A D OF ARCH^EGOSAURUS 17. H E A D AND VENTRAL SCALES 59 60 OF C R I C O T U S ; AND HEAD OF ERYOPS, PERMIAN, TEXAS (AFTER COPE),, 18. H E A D OF ERYOPS MACROCEPHALUS, PERMIAN, TEXAS 64 (AFTER COPE)^ 19. SKELETON OF ACTINODON, PERMIAN, BOHEMIA (AFTER GAUDRY) 65 66 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT FIG. 20. PAGE KERATERPETON, RESTORED AFTER FRITSCH, PERMIAN, BOHEMIA 21. SKELETON OF DOLICHOSOMA, PERMIAN, BOHEMIA 67 (AFTER FRITSCH) 22. SKELETON 68 OF PTYONIUS, CARBONIFEROUS, (AFTER COPE) 23. NORTH AMERICA , 69 RESTORED SKELETON OF LABYRINTHODON (AFTER WIEDERSHEIM) 24. LOWER J A W OF CAPITOSAURUS 25. H E A D OF DICYNODON 70 71 LACERTICEPS—HEAD OF OUDENODON B A I N I , KAROO FORMATION (AFTER O W E N ) 76 26. HUMERUS OF DICYNODON 77 27. FORE-LIMB OF DICYNODON 77 28. H E A D OF GAL/ESAURUS PLANICEPS (OWEN), KAROO FORMATION 29. H E A D AND VERTEBRA OF DIMETRODON INCISIVUS PERMIAN, TEXAS 30. 82 SKELETON OF PAREIASAURUS BAINI (SEELEY), KAROO FORMATION, SOUTH AFRICA 31. SKELETON OF 83 TELERPETON ELGINENSE, ELGIN SANDSTONE (AFTER MANTELL) 90 32. H E A D OF RHYNCHOSAURUS 92 33. SKULL OF ELGINIA MIRABILIS ( F R O N T V I E W ) , AFTER NEWTON 34. 80 (COPE), SKULL OF ELGINIA MIRABILIS ( S I D E V I E W ) , AFTER NEWTON 95 . 96 35. BELODON, RESTORED AFTER FRAAS 101 36. TELEOSAURUS, RESTORED 106 37. SKELETON OF PELAGOSAURUS, FROM A MODEL IN T H E NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON 38. FOSSIL REMAINS OF A CROCODILIAN REPTILE, 10S FROM THE W E A L D E N FORMATION (AFTER MANTELL) no 39 AND 40. MOUNTED SKELETONS OF BERNISSARTIA (DOLLO) AND GONIOPHIS, FROM T H E WEALDEN 41. SKELETON OF ANCHISAURUS COLURUS, N E W R E D II3 SANDSTONE (AFTER MARSH) 42. 43. SKELETON OF CERATOSAURUS, JURASSIC (AFTER MARSH) 44. 119 SKULL OF CERATOSAURUS (AFTER MARSH) SKULL OF CLAOSAURUS (AFTER MARSH) 124 . .125 127 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT xxiii FIG. PAGE 45. SKELETON OF CLAOSAURUS ANNECTENS, CRETACEOUS (AFTER MARSH) 128 46. LIMB-BONES, ETC., OF CROCODILE, DINOSAUR, AND B I R D (AFTER OWEN) 132 47. SKELETON OF COMPSOGNATHUS LONGIPES, SOLENHOFEN STONE 133 48. RESTORED SKELETON OF HYPSILOPHODON FOXII (AFTER H U L K E ) 134 49. FOSSIL EGGS OF SAURIANS 135 50. T H E PAL^EONTOLOGICAL STUDIO OF M R . WATERHOUSE H A W K I N S AT T H E CENTRAL PARK, N E W YORK 137 51. MODELS BY WATERHOUSE H A W K I N S , IN CENTRAL PARK, N E W YORK 140 52. A S K E T C H I N T H E G R O U N D S O F T H E C R Y S T A L P A L A C E , SYDEN- H A M , SHOWING THE MODELS OF EXTINCT ANIMALS, MADE BY M R . WATERHOUSE H A W K I N S 53. SKELETON OF ARCH^EOPTERYX 144 MACRURA, IN THE BERLIN CRETACEOUS (AFTER MUSEUM, FROM T H E SOLENHOFEN STONE 54. SKELETON OF HESPERORNIS REGALIS, 153 MARSH) 157 55. SKELETON OF ICHTHYORNIS VICTOR, CRETACEOUS (AFTER MARSH) 56. RESTORED SKELETON OF GASTORNIS PARISIENCIS, (AFTER H E B E R T ) 57. SKELETON OF PAL^OTHERIUM 160 EOCENE 161 MAGNUM, EOCENE (AFTER GAUDRY) 181 58. SKELETON OF ANOPLOTHERIUM 182 59. SKELETON OF ANTHRACOTHERIUM, LOWER MIOCENE (RESTORED AFTER KOWALEVSKY) 184 60. SKELETON OF PAL^OSYOPS, RESTORED (AFTER EARLE) . . . 61. SKELETON OF CORYPHODON HAMATUS (AFTER MARSH) . 62. MAP OF N O R T H AMERICA IN TERTIARY TIMES . . . . . . 188 191 63. SKULL OF TITANOTHERIUM (AFTER MARSH) 64. SKULL OF DINOTHERIUM GIGANTEUM, FROM EPPELSHEIM 186 192 . . 65. SKELETON OF MASTODON ANGUSTIDENS 194 196 66. SKULL OF ELEPHAS GANESA 197 67. SKELETON OF PHENACODUS PRIM^EVUS, EOCENE (AFTER COPE) 201 xxiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT. FIG. PAGE 68. LIMB-BONES AND T E E T H OF FQSSIL HORSES (AFTER MARSH) 69. SKELETON OF HYRACOTHERIUM 70. EIGHT-TOED CUBAN HORSE (AFTER MARSH) VENTICOLUM, EOCENE 208 (AFTER COPE) 210 217 71. SKULL OF SQUALODON 224 72. 225 SKULL OF PSEUDORCA 73. SKULL OF DIPROTODON 74. SKELETON OF DIPROTODON AUSTRALIS (AFTER OWEN) 226 . . . 75. RESTORATION OF DIPROTODON 76. SKULL 77. SKELETON OF TOXODON 78. SKELETON OF MACRAUCHENIA, STRATA (AFTER 79. SKELETON OF MACHAIRODUS (SMILODON) PLEISTOCENE 228 (AFTER OF TOXODON, 231 PLEISTOCENE STRATA (AFTER BUR- MEISTER) 237 238 PLEISTOCENE BURMEISTER) BURMEISTER) 243 245 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. CHAPTER I. FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. " They are fraught with strange meanings, these footprints of Connecticut." — H U G H MILLER. THERE is a great deal of truth in the saying of Emerson, that " everything in Nature is engaged in writing its own history." The more one studies the changes taking place every day on the surface of the earth, in order to read the riddle of the rocks beneath our feet, which contain Mother Earth's records of her past history, the more one is impressed with the truth of this saying. In fact, it is not too much to say that the whole science of Geology is founded on this idea. The geologist is he who interprets to his fellows the stony documents contained in Nature's " Record Office," and he finds the key to the interpretation of her hieroglyphics in watching her daily actions at the present time. One branch of this science, viz. Physical Geology, deals with the earth's physical features, interpreting in the light of this leading principle their history, and telling us how the river carved out its valley; how the volcano was built u p ; how the mighty mountains were raised up from the beds of ancient seas, to be carved out by the agents of denudation into all their varied and wonderful features. Another branch of geology, namely Palaeontology, with which we are about to deal in the present work, tells us of the longB 2 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. lost tribes of plants and animals which, ages and ages ago, found a home on the earth. To many minds this branch of geology, which is simply the natural history of the past, is the most fascinating, with which view we fully sympathise. Putting aside the study of fossil plants (which is a small branch of the subject), we may say of Palaeontology, that it interprets to us the world's " lost creations." In this branch of geology the records are not so much the rocks themselves as the fossil bones they so often contain. In some cases, as we shall presently show, the rocks contain additional evidences of very considerable value, as throwing light on the habits of the creatures, or on their natural surroundings; but bones, shells, and other hard parts of animals, are the foundation on which the science of Palaeontology is founded. And here, again, we find the same principle at work—viz, that the past must be read in the light of the present. However many ages ago it was, whether millions or billions of years ago, that these primaeval inhabitants of the world enjoyed their existence, the same unbroken laws of nature—the visible expressions of a Divine and All-powerful Will—were at work, fulfilling His purposes, as now. Flesh and blood were then what they are now, and fulfilled the same functions. Bones grew then as they grow nowadays. To those bones were attached muscles which expanded and contracted just as muscles do now. Wings were used for flying, fins and paddles for swimming, legs for walking, teeth for masticating food, just as they are now. In fact these primitive inhabitants of the antique world, however different in bodily shape from those we see around us now, lived under the same universal laws of Physiology as we ourselves do. Palaeontology, then, is the science which, in the light of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, rehabilitates the world's ancient inhabitants, clothing their dry bones with flesh, and enabling us in imagination to see them as they were when they walked this earth. It will be our endeavour in the present work to present FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 3 to our readers a certain number of these antique animals—birds, beasts, and fishes, whose mortal remains have been buried up and preserved, often with singular completeness, in the rocks of the earth's crust. But, although fossil bones and skeletons are the chief material at our command for this purpose, yet the series of stratified rocks contains here and there other kinds of evidence, valuable in their way, such as foot-marks, tracks, burrows, coprolites, or droppings, and even ripple-marks and the impressions of rain-drops. It is with these evidences that we propose to deal in the present chapter. Let us see what can be learned from such humble and apparently insignificant records, of some of the creatures that once trod this earth. The intelligent observer who has strolled along the strand of the seashore at low water, must have often seen the surface of the exposed sands deeply rippled by the waves of the ebbing tide, and have noticed the trails of molluscs, and the meandering furrows and ridges produced by worms, or annelides, and the tracks of crabs, and sometimes the footprints of birds and of dogs or other quadrupeds, that have walked over sand or mud while it was yet plastic and sufficiently firm to retain the markings impressed upon it. Under certain conditions these apparently evanescent characters are indelibly fixed on the stratum, and in rocks of immense antiquity successive layers of sandstone and shale, through a thickness of many hundred feet, are found deeply furrowed with the ripples of the waves that flowed over them, pitted by the rain that has fallen upon them, and impressed with the footmarks of bipeds and quadrupeds that traversed the sands whilst the surface was in a moist and yielding state. Even on some of the most ancient of rocks, such as those of the Cambrian system, jelly-fish have left indelible impressions of their soft round bodies ! Speaking of the wonderfully enduring nature of certain impressions known to geologists, the sagacious Dean Buckland said, 4 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. in an address to the Geological Society: "The historian or the antiquary may have traversed the fields of ancient or of modern battles, and may have pursued the line of march of triumphant conquerors, whose armies trampled down the most mighty kingdoms of the world. The winds and storms have utterly obliterated the ephemeral impressions in their course. Not a track remains of a single foot or a single hoof of all the countless millions of men and beasts whose progress spread desolation over the earth. But the reptiles that crawled upon the half-finished* surface of our infant planet have left memorials of their passage, enduring and indelible. Centuries and thousands of years have rolled away, between the time in which these footsteps were impressed by tortoises upon the sands of their native Scotland and the hour when they were again laid bare and exposed to our curious and admiring eyes. Yet we behold them stamped upon the rock, distinct as the track of the passing animal upon the recent snow; as if to show that thousands of years are but as nothing amidst eternity, and, as it were, in mockery of the fleeting perishable course of the mightiest potentates among mankind." 2 Every form of animal life that, writhing, crawling, walking, running, hopping, or leaping, could leave a track, depression, or footprint behind it, might thereby leave similar lasting evidence of its existence and also, to some extent, of its nature. The interpretation of such evidences of ancient life has exercised the sagacity of naturalists since Dr. Duncan, in 1828, first inferred the existence of tortoises in certain sandstones in Dumfriesshire from the impressions left on them. The vast number and variety of such impressions has raised up a distinct branch of Palaeontology,, to which the name Ichnology3 has been given. 1 This expression is a survival from the teaching in vogue fifty years ago. The world was not in an unfinished state during the period of the New Red Sandstone. 2 Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i. p. 251. 8 Greek—ichnos, footstep ; logos, discourse. FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 5 We will now give a brief account of the results which have been arrived at in this branch of inquiry. To begin with one of the lowest forms of animal life—the worms. The class Annelida comprises the so-called ringed worms, including the leeches and earth-worms, and the sea-worms. As might have been expected, earth-worms are unknown in the geological record ; for their soft bodies were not likely to be preserved even in the most favourable kinds of deposits. But, in some cases, the hard jaws of marine worms have escaped destruction. Fossil worm-jaws are abundantly found in some parts of the Cambrian, Silurian, and Carboniferous systems (see Appendix I.). The so-called " Conodonts" are believed by many authorities to be the jaws of worms; and such remains are also found in strata of the Mesozoic and Tertiary eras. Besides these rather mysterious little bodies, which some have taken to be the teeth of primitive fishes—such as our modern Hag-fish,—a good many worm-like markings are found in muddy and sandy sediments all through the stratified series. In many cases the true nature of these remains is still a matter of doubt. The visitor to the Natural History Museum at South Kensington will find in Gallery No. 11 a very fine and large collection of fossil tracks and footmarks of all kinds (Wall-case No. 7). Some of these are probably vegetable remains; but others are certainly the tracks of molluscs or of crustaceans. Long burrows of marine worms occur plentifully in some rocks of Cambrian and Silurian age, and have been figured under the names Scolithus, Histioderma, and Arenicolites. They are nearly straight, and descend vertically through the rock. Such are abundant in that ancient formation the Potsdam Sandstone of North America; in the Clinton formation, also of that country; and in the Stiperstones of Shropshire. Even in the Pre-Cambrian rocks of the west of Sutherlandshire there have been discovered of late years some long dark lines which are believed to be the burrows of marine worms pulled out to great lengths by the " shearing," or pulling-out process to which these rocks have been long ago CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. subjected. For the full and complete interpretation of many of the curious markings known to geologists, a more accurate knowledge of the markings made by living animals will doubtless be necessary. Various worms of the present day, such as the common lugworm, are known to form long, wandering, tortuous channels in the sand of the seashore, a little distance below the surface. These worms feed on particles of organic matter scattered through the sand or mud, through which it eats its way. Such burrows cross and intersect each other in various ways, and as the worm proceeds on its course, they become filled up in the rear by the sand which has passed through its body. This is how worm-casts seen on the seashore at the present day are made. It appears, in the light of more recent researches, that many markings found in some of the more ancient (Palaeozoic) rocks, and which have been formerly described as " fucoids," i.e. seaweeds, under such names as Palceochorda, are in reality the filledup burrows of marine worms. These have now been re-christened Planolites. But there are some who consider them to be tracks made on the surface, not burrows. A great many true trails, or tracks of worms, etc., that is markings made by the animal dragging its soft body over the surface of wet sand or mud, are found in the stratified rocks. But, in the present state of knowledge, it is very difficult to distinguish between those formed by worms and others made by molluscs or even crustaceans. The fossil known as Nereites, from Silurian slates at Wurtzbach, is probably the track of a worm. On the other hand, some of the tracks attributed to worms may have been really made by gastropod molluscs, such as whelks. One fossil track, known as Crossopodia, resembles the track made by a living Purpura lapillus^ a well-known sea-shell. It is only in those strata which are very favourable to the preservation of organic remains that we can expect to find any trace or impression of the actual body of such a frail and perishable thing FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 7 as a worm; but, incredible as it may seem, fossils of this nature occur in that most wonderful formation—the famous Solenhofen limestone, in which so many valuable treasures have been found; also in the Eocene slates of Monte Bolca (Italy). In these rare cases the form of the worm's body is actually seen, and the fossilised jaws occur in their natural position. Examples of these interesting specimens are beautifully rendered by chromolithography in Professor Zittel's monumental work Palceontographica. Several geologists, such as Poulett-Scrope, Strickland, Buckland, Salter, and others, have published the results of careful comparisons of tracks made by living animals on the sands of the seashore, or on flat surfaces of mud left exposed by the drying up of a pond, or by other causes, but have not given drawings of the recent markings on which their conclusions are based. Professor Emmonds and Professor T. McKenny Hughes, however, have figured some recent tracks in illustration of fossil ones. The former geologist came to the conclusion that certain imprints upon some very old rocks—the Taconic Shales of Maine and New York States—were made by the soft fragile larvae of insects which existed at an early period in the world's history. We now pass on to the consideration of certain impressions in the old Potsdam Sandstone of North America, which -have been most carefully studied by the late Sir E.. Owen. In the year 1851, Logan exhibited before the Geological Society of London a small slab of sandstone showing some footprints, and a plaster cast from a longer surface of similar description. The original, weighing upwards of a ton, is in the Museum at Montreal connected with the Geological Survey of Canada. The locality where it was found is on the left bank of the River St. Louis, at the village of Beauharnois, on the south side of the St. Lawrence, about twenty miles above the city of Montreal. Owen, in his first paper, came to the conclusion that the tracks were those of a tortoise. But further research caused him to alter this opinion. We only mention this to show much care is required even on the 8 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. part of the best naturalists to read the meanings of fossil tracks. A portion of the impressions now under consideration is shown in Fig. i. They consist of a series of well-defined impressions continued in regular succession for four feet, and more; but only clearly for four feet. In this four feet there are thirty successive groups of footprints on each side of a furrow. The number of prints is not the same in each group. Where they are best marked, Sandstone, North America. (After Owen.) as in ourfigure^we see three prints in one group, two in the next and two in the third, followed by a repetition of the three prints (in our illustration each of the three groups is enclosed in an oval). These three groups (of 3-2-2 impressions) are distinctly repeated in succession along the whole series of tracks on both sides of the furrow. It will be noticed that in each pair of impressions the innermost pair are of equal size, but of the outer ones each is a FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 9 little bigger than the last. An important point is that there are no mark of toes or nails. Their edges are not sharply defined, but are rounded off, and there is a slight variation in the form and depth of the corresponding impressions on each side of the furrow. But the reader will see from the figure that they do correspond with each other. Thus, take the three tracks at the bottom of the lower group on the right side of the furrow; the innermost of this group of three may easily be identified with the innermost track of the group of three on the left side of the furrow. And so with the two groups of three belonging to the two upper sets of impressions, each of which is enclosed in an oval. These very ancient tracks are known to geologists under the name Protichnites, and the creature that produced them must have made no less than fourteen impressions, seven on the right and seven on the left, each time its legs were set to work. There seems to be doubt of this, because the groups of tracks, as marked out in our illustration, occur again and again in successive series so similarly and so regularly as to admit of no doubt that they were made by repeated applications of the legs, and these must have been capable of being moved so far in advance as to keep clear of the previous group of impressions. Sir Richard Owen concludes his account of the tracks by saying that the creature which made them was probably a crustacean genus, and that it may have had three pairs of limbs employed in locomotion, each •of which was split up into two or more parts so as to make in walking either two or three tracks. The shape of the pits so clearly seen on these slabs of the old Potsdam Sandstone (although they have been rubbed and polished by the action of glacier-ice) suggests that they were made by the hard and partly pointed, partly blunt, terminations of the limb of a crustacean, such as a crab or lobster. But this creature moved directly forwards, not like a crab, but like a lobster or a king-crab. The furrow that runs between the tracks was probably made by a tail. io CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. The question then arises—what sort of a crustacean was it that made these tracks ? Great caution is required in dealing with a problem of this kind, as will be seen from the following words of Sir R. Owen: " In all probability no living form of animal bears such a resemblance to that which the Potsdam footprints indicate as to afford an exact illustration of the shape and number of the instruments, and the mode of locomotion of the Protichnites" The imagination is baffled in the attempt to realize the extent of time past since the period when the creature was in existence which moved upon the sandy shores of the ancient Cambrian period, to which the " Potsdam Sandstone " belongs. In about the year 1830, much interest was excited by the discovery of footmarks, resembling those of land tortoises, on the exposed surfaces of slabs of sandstone of Triassic age, in a quarry at Corncockle Muir in Dumfriesshire, of which an interesting account was published by the Rev. Dr. Duncan. Regular tracks, indicating the slow progression of a small four-footed animal over the surface while the stone was in the state of moist sand, were traced on the blocks of sandstone, when separated by the quarry-men, along the lines of their stratification. In one instance there were found twenty-four consecutive impressions, forming a track with six distinct repetitions of the marks of each foot, the front feet differing from the hind feet. The appearance of five claws was discernible on the impressions of each fore paw. In 1853, Sir William Jardine published a splendid folio work in which he fully described these footprints ; it was illustrated by full-sized lithographs coloured after Nature.1 The footprints occur in the Dumfriesshire Sandstones, in different patches, in several localities, but are best seen either where naturally exposed in the valleys of the Esk, the Nith, and the Annan, or in the quarries in those districts where they are worked for building material. One of those areas, of considerable extent, fills up the bottom of nearly all the upper basin of the 1 Ichnology of Annandale (Edinburgh, 1853 ; folio). FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. n Annan Valley above the ridge at Dormont Rocks. The beds are about two hundred feet thick, and present even surfaces. It is a curious fact, observed by the author of the above-mentioned book, that all the footprints are impressed as if the animal had walked from west to east. As a rule the creature seems to have walked in a straight line, but sometimes the tracks turn and wind in different directions. The paces are generally even and uninterrupted, seldom diverging much aside, showing little stoppage for food, or for a scuffle with a neighbour, which sometimes accompanied them. They appear more as the tracks of animals passing at once across some tide-receded estuary, in pursuit of some well-known and favourite grounds which were periodically sought after for some particular purpose. But it must be borne in mind that the impressions figured in this important work are not all similar in shape, and were probably due to different animals. They often show the effects of a peculiar pushing-back motion, which may be noticed in living tortoises. Dean Buckland, who was interested in these impressions, caused a living tortoise to walk on soft sand, clay, and paste, and found a fairly close correspondence between the tracks thus made and those of Corncockle Muir. In 1831, Mr. Poulett-Scrope, an English geologist, described some small tracks made by a crustacean on a rock of the Jurassic period, known as the Forest Marble. Some years previous to 1856, a series of strange impressions was found in a quarry in the lowest part of the Millstone Grit formation at Rhodes Wood, near Tintwhistle, Cheshire. The proprietor, Mr. Rhodes, was much struck with them, from the fact that they bore a resemblance to the marks of a human foot. The workmen also were struck with the resemblance, and, when they first showed them the impressions, remarked, " Master, some one has been here before us !" For several weeks the quarry was visited by many hundreds of people from Glossop and the surrounding neighbourhood. The common opinion was 12 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. that the tracks were the footprints of some of Noah's family! This strange idea seems to have been founded on another equally strange, viz. that the Ark had rested on some neighbouring hills. But to return to the tracks ; the distance between the impressions was two feet ten inches, and several of the impressions were thirteen inches long. Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins saw them, and thought that they resembled the supposed chelonian track figured by Jardine. Mr. Binney's conclusion (who read a paper on these tracks before the Geological Society) was that they were made on wet sand by a heavy slowmoving animal, like a tortoise, with irregular gait. Soon after the discovery of footprints at Corncockle Muir, another discovery was made in strata of the same geological age at Hessberg, near Hildburghausen, in Saxony. These footprints, however, were evidently made by somewhat large creatures, in which the fore paws were much smaller than the hind ones (see Fig: 2). Subsequently, similar tracks were obF I G . 2.—Footprints of Cheiroserved on slabs of Triassic Sandtherium, in the Bunter Sandstone, stone in the quarries at Storton, Hessberg, near Hildburghausen. near Liverpool. Others, again, have been found in Cheshire. The Museums at Warwick, FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 13 Warrington, and Liverpool, are rich in impressed slabs from the New Red Sandstone. Numerous fine specimens may be seen in the Museum of the Geological Society, the Museum of Practical Geology, in Jermyn Street, and in the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, which is a part of the British Museum,. Gallery No. 11. Some of the slabs from Storton are covered with small round pits, or depressions, produced by rain-drops that fell while the surface was soft and impressible. The footprints from Storton are seen on the face of each successive stratum of sandstone, the corresponding surface of the overlying stone presenting, in relief, casts of the imprints and other markings. The hollow impressions of the feet are always on the upper surfaces of the slabs, and the convex casts on the under side of each layer or stratum, the latter fitting closely into the former. In our illustration of tracks from Saxony only one pair of tracks is given; there would, of course, be another pair parallel with them. The double lines in between are casts of sun-cracks formed as the mud dried in the sun. These " footprints on the sands of time" follow one another in pairs—one small, the other large, each pair being in the same line, and some fourteen inches in advance of the other. Each footmark has five toes, and the first, or great toe, is bent inward like a thumb, and is alternately on the right and left side of both the large and small footprints, which, except in size, resemble each other. The German geologist who first described them in 1834, Dr* Kaup, proposed the name of Cheirotherium 1 for the great unknown animal that left the footprints, in consequence of the resemblance, both of the fore and hind feet, to the impression of a human hand. No certain remains of the creatures whose tracks we are now considering have yet been discovered in the same strata. But in these rocks and others of the same geological age in England and Germany there have been obtained skulls, teeth, and bones of amphibians,. 1 Greek—cheir, hand; therion, beast. i4 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. known as Labyrinthodonts, of which we shall have more to say in Chapter III. Some of the salamander-like amphibians of the Triassic period, we now know from later discoveries, attained to a considerable size. As Sir R. Owen points out, the impressions of the Cheirotherium resemble the footprints of a modern salamander in having the short outer toe of the hind foot projecting at right angles to the line of the middle toe, but yet are not identical with those of any known batrachian or reptile. Still it has been conjectured by the same great authority, as well as by others, that these footprints were the work of the creatures now known as Labyrinthodonts, which have left their remains in rocks of the Carboniferous, the Triassic, and the Permian ages. He argued as follows : (i) There is proof from the skeleton that the Lahyrinthodon had hind limbs larger than its fore limbs. (2) That the size of the known species of Lahyrinthodon corresponds with the size of the footprints of the Cheirotherium. (3) The Lahyrinthodon occurs in the Triassic strata, in which the CheirotheHum impressions are found. (4) That no remains of animals likely to have produced such impressions are found in these strata except the Lahyrinthodon. Our friend, Professor W. J. Sollas, has described some interesting footprints from South Wales, which probably were made by a Dinosaur of the Triassic age.1 A friend of his was, in 1878, passing through the village of Newton Nottage, in Glamorganshire, when his attention was arrested by some three-toed footprints on a slab of rock, deeply impressed and rendered particularly visible by the slanting rays of the setting sun. Casts of them were afterwards made by the curator of the Cardiff Museum (Mr. J. Storrie). To show how valuable geological finds are often neglected through ignorance of their real worth, it may be mentioned here that this slab is even now lying in a corner of the village green^ in 1 Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, xxxv. (1879), p. 510. FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 15 front of the church; formerly it lay in front of the steps of the inn, where it consequently suffered more or less wear. The impressions remind one of some of those described by Professor Hitchcock (see p. 19), and resemble more especially those belonging to his genus Brontozoum. Other specimens were afterwards found in the same locality. Professor Sollas had casts made of impressions of the feet of a living emu in the Clifton Zoological Gardens, for the sake of comparison, and found a good deal of agreement between the two. Nevertheless, from what we now know of Dinosaurs, it would be unwise to say that the impressions were made by birds (see p. 21). Professor W. C. Williamson has described some very interesting impressions from Cheshire. They were found, by a former pupil of his (Mr. J. W. Kirkham), near Weston Point. They are unlike those of the Cheirotherium, previously described, and differ from all others yet found in showing very distinctly what are probably the marks of scales. The form of the foot also differs in being more quadrate. Professor Williamson says it reminds him of certain footprints found by Dr. King in the Carboniferous rocks of Pennsylvania (see p. 63). The arrangement of the scales corresponds closely with that seen on the foot of a modern alligator. The impressions suggest a saurian much more than an amphibian. These impressions figured by Professor Williamson remind one a good deal of some tracks described by Professor Huxley, in his paper on a " New Red Sandstone Crocodile from the Triassic Strata of Elgin,"1 which may have been made by that ancient leviathan. We now pass on to give some account of those famous footprints in the Connecticut Valley, of which probably all geologists have heard. The River Connecticut, in part of its course through the country which bears its name, and in the northern district of 1 Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, xv. (1859), p. 440. 16 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. the adjoining State of Massachusetts, flows through a valley of sandstone of the Triassic age. Successive layers of this rock are exposed all along considerable tracts of country. From this circumstance, and from the facility of transport afforded by the river, numerous quarries have, for many years, been worked in various parts of the valley, near the water's edge. The many footprints contained in these rocks were observed much earlier than the date (1828) in which the Rev. Dr. Duncan first described the tracks at Corncockle Muir (see p. 10). They have been very fully described and figured by Professor Ed. Hitchcock1 and Dr. J. Deane.2 As far as Dr. Deane could learn, the first specimen was ploughed up in South Hadley, in 1802, by a boy. This specimen is now in the Appleton Ichnological Cabinet.3 So strikingly did the tracks resemble those of birds, that they were familiarly spoken of as the tracks of poultry,'or of" Noah's raven." It was not until the year 1836 that any attempt was made to describe the tracks scientifically. The year previous some flagging stones were obtained in Montague for the streets of Greenfield, by a Mr. Wilson, who observed impressions upon them, which he regarded as tracks of " the turkey tribe." These were observed by Dr. Deane, who sent casts of them to Professor Hitchcock. Professor Hitchcock gave his first account of them in The American Journal of Science, in 1836. He propounded the idea that they were the tracks of birds—a view which was not adopted by scientific men at the time, though afterwards many came 1 Professor Ed. Hitchcock, Ichnology of New England. (Boston, 1858.) Dr. J. Deane, Ichnografihs from the Sandstone of Connecticut River. (Boston, 1861.) 3 The late Honourable Samuel Appleton, of Boston, left by his will a large sum of money to be appropriated by the trustees under his will to benevolent and scientific purposes. Those trustees accordingly appropriated ten thousand dollars to the erection of the Appleton Cabinet at Amherst, a museum, of which the lower story is entirely devoted to fossil footmarks. A still larger collection is now in the Museum of Yale University, but only a part is on view. 2 FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 17 round to his opinion. We have perused his work with great interest, and cannot but admire the care with which he studied the tracks and endeavoured to interpret their meaning, although his conclusions now require a good deal of modification. Professor Hitchcock chose to give fanciful names to the creatures that made the tracks, such as Bronfozoum giganteum, " the huge animal giant;" Polemarchus gigas, " the huge leader in war," and so on. He concludes a description of some of these creatures in the following words : " Such was the fauna of the sandstone days in the Connecticut Valley. What a wonderful menagerie ! Who would believe that such a register lay buried in the strata ? To open the leaves, to unroll the papyrus, has been an intensely interesting though difficult task, having all the excitement and marvellous developments of romance. And yet the volume is only partly read. Many a new page, I fancy, will yet be opened, and many a new key obtained to the hieroglyphic record. I am thankful that I have been allowed to see so much by prying between the folded leaves. At first, men supposed that the strange and gigantic races which I described were mere creatures of imagination, like the Gorgons and Chimaeras of the ancient poets. But now that hundreds of their footprints, as fresh and distinct as of yesterday, impressed upon the mud, arrest the attention of the sceptic on the ample slabs of our cabinets, he might as reasonably doubt his own corporeal existence as that of these enormous and peculiar races." Professor Hitchcock's work on this subject was much appreciated by his countrymen, as the following facts will show. It was resolved by the; Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in the year 1857, that his Geological Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley1 be printed, and one copy furnished to each member of the executive and legislative departments of the Government of that year, and one copy to each town and city in the Commonwealth. Not content with this, it was resolved in the following year 1 Ichnology of New England, C 18 CREATURES OE OTHER DAYS. that more copies be printed, that one hundred be given to the author, and others for the purpose of international exchange. Englishmen cannot but admire this good example, and would doubtless be glad if it could be followed at home, where so little is done for the cause of Science by our rulers. But, in justice to Dr. Deane, we must not omit to mention his part in the description and figuring of these interesting records. Unfortunately he died before the completion of his beautifully illustrated work on the subject. He drew with his own hand a large number of lithographs from the actual slabs; and these drawings will always be of the greatest use to students of Ichnology. He worked at the subject in his spare moments, during an active professional career, and with great enthusiasm, as the following extract from his unfinished work will show. " An indescribable interest is imparted by opening the longsealed volume that contains the records of these extinct animals. The slabs were uncovered and raised under my supervision, and page after page, with their inscriptions, revealed living truths. There were the characters, fresh as upon the morning when they were impressed, reminding the spectator of the brevity of human antiquity, and of the frail tenure of human works! On that morning, how long ago no one can tell, or ever will know, gentle showers watered the earth, an ocean was unruffled, and upon its borders primaeval beings enjoyed their existence and inscribed their eventful history." And now to sum up the results of their work. Most of, the tracks so fully described and figured by these two authors were probably made by amphibians and reptiles, and it is doubtful if any of them were made, as they supposed, by birds. They vary extremely, both in size and character. While some are only half an inch long; others, like the huge Otozouni, of Hitchcock (see Fig. 3, left hand corner), are twenty inches long, and show a stride of three feet! Some of the creatures that made the tracks had five toes, FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 19 some four, and many of them only three. Again, some had hind feet and fore feet of nearly equal size, and evidently walked or crawled on all-fours. We have here reproduced, from Professor Hitchcock's work, a highly interesting plate (Fig. 4), which shows that some of the animals had large hind feet and small fore feet, and that they sometimes put down the latter, as kangaroos do, for there are the impres- FIG. 3.-—Footprints from Connecticut Sandstone. The three tracks in the middle show the mark left by the tail, probably of a Dinosaur. (After Hitchcock.) sions of them. However, such impressions are rare, and, as a rule, the creatures, many of which were probably Dinosaurs, walked on their hind limbs, thus producing those three-toed bird-like impressions which are shown on the slabs represented in our figure. It is hardly likely that they hopped on their hind legs as kangaroos '^M% • ' < . & & • > & > . ^^WgJI^^r^^pgy FIG. 4.—Footprints of Dinosaurs, from Connecticut Sandstone, showing] impressions of the small fore feet (1 and 3). (After Hitchcock.) FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. 21 do; they were probably too heavy for that; but they may have made something like a hop in bringing up their hind feet, as we have seen the kangaroos do in the Zoological Gardens. Another very interesting point brought to light by the researches of Hitchcock and Deane is, that on some slabs may be seen what is believed to be the impression of the tail of a Dinosaur as it dragged along over the moist sand of the seashore or estuary where these antediluvian creatures of old disported themselves (see Fig. 3). Those impressions which Hitchcock believed to have been made by birds show a regular increase in the number of joints of the toes ; the inner toe having two, the middle one three, and the outer one four joints. Now, it happens, by a remarkable coincidence, that in the case of birds the inner toes have three, the middle toes four, and the outer toes five joints, but the last two joints in each case make but one division of the track, so that their tracks correspond with those we are considering. The discovery that some Dinosaurs have but three toes that were used (functional toes), and that they had the same number of joints in their toes as birds, has naturally led scientific men to the opinion that probably all the tracks above described were made, not by birds, but by Dinosaurs. It may be pointed out in defence of this opinion, that, although the two classes of Birds and Reptiles are now widely separated, yet in certain former geological periods there was no such gulf as now divides them. At the time when the Connecticut Sandstone tracks were made on the shores of a narrow inland sea, there must have been in existence animals which, if we saw them now, might sorely puzzle us to decide whether to call them reptilian birds, or bird-like reptiles. During the Jura-Trias period there was in the region of the Connecticut Valley a shallow sea, connected by a narrow outlet with the ocean. Into this the tides flowed and again ebbed, leaving extensive flats of mud or sand, ribbed with ripple-marks. A passing shower pitted the soft mud, and the sun, coming out again from the breaking clouds, dried and cracked it. Our Dinosaurs and other 22 CREATURES OE OTHER DAYS. creatures sauntered or ran near the margin of the shore. The tide came in again, carrymg with it fine sediments, gently covered the tracks, and preserved them for ever. This occurred constantly for many ages, about the time when the Triassic period came to a close. In the year 1882, reports were published of the discovery of large footprints—supposed to be human—in a certain sandstone, near Carson, Nevada, U.S., of which a brief account was given in our former work.1 These are probably the tracks made by a big extinct sloth of the Pleistocene period. The wonderful series of footprints of reptiles, birds, and mammals discovered by M. Desnoyers, in certain Eocene strata near Paris, are reserved for description on p. 184. 1 Extinct Monsters^ p. 185 (2nd edit.). CHAPTER II. FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. " In the endeavour to complete the natural history of any class of animals, the mind seeks to penetrate the mystery of its origin, and, by tracing its mutations in time past, to comprehend more clearly its actual condition, and gain an insight into its probable destiny in time to come."—SIR RICHARD OWEN. SWEDENBORG, in his writings, describes how the angels examined a dead man in order to read the story of his life. One might have supposed that they asked him questions; but no, they simply examined his body, and from that read out to him all the things that he had done. They unrolled his fingers, for whatever acts these performed had left their record on them. So with his brain; whatever thoughts had been his were found to have left a record. There is much truth in this striking idea; and Mr. Ruskin has said the same of human faces. But leaving the realm of psychology, and turning to the solid earth, we find countless numbers of dead bodies of animals sealed up in the rocks beneath our feet, which may be looked upon as a great graveyard. The flesh, of course, is gone; but the bones which supported that flesh are there, and the work of the palaeontologist is to take up these bones, and, as far as is possible to finite human intelligence, read therefrom the histories of the countless tribes of creatures that flourished on the earth long ages ago. The method is precisely similar in the two cases. Every bone has its meaning, and every skeleton can be made (in the hands of competent anatomists) to tell its story. CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Since the majority of strata deposited in times past on the earth's surface were formed in seas, lakes, and estuaries of rivers, it might naturally be expected that the fossilized remains of fishes would be frequently met with ; and such is the case. This class of backboned creatures is well represented in most of the geological museums. Even within the last twenty years or so, palaeontologists have learned a great deal more about fossil fishes; but knowledge in this department has only kept pace with the general progress of palaeontology, which has been wonderfully rapid, as the following facts serve to show. In the year 1830, Dr. Samuel Woodward published a Table of British Organic Remains^ and in this book (the first of its kind) two pages sufficed for all the British fossil vertebrates I Then came Professor J. Morris's well-known Catalogue of British Fossils with thirty pages for vertebrates; and now our friends, Messrs. Smith Woodward and C. D. Sherborne, have published a most valuable Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrates, of 396 pages, with nearly 200 pages devoted to fishes only. Every fossil-collector is delighted when he comes across a fossil fish; one gets rather tired of everlasting mollusca, and a fish cropping up now and then is a great encouragement to a geologist. The finest collection of fossil fishes in the world is that in our Natural History Museum, under the care of Mr. Smith Woodward. The large room devoted to this purpose contains 450 genera, and 1250 species, the results of years of labour on the part of many celebrated collectors. Of living species there are about 10,000. The collection has of late been enriched by the purchase of two splendid collections—one that of the Earl of Enniskillen, F.R.S., from Florence Court, Enniskillen, Ireland; the other that of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton, F.R.S. (Trustee of the British Museum). Here also are to be found the collections of Dr. Gideon Mantell and Mr. Frederick Dixon. With these, and many other valuable donations and purchases, the national FISHES OF BYGONE BAYS. 2 5 collection now contains most of the British types figured by Agassiz in his famous works, Researches on Fossil Fishes and Monograph of the Fossil Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. Any one visiting this collection will be much struck with the wonderfully perfect state of preservation of many of the specimens, such as those from the famous Solenhofen Limestone, and others obtained from the Limestone of Hakel and Sahel-el-Alma in the Lebanon,, through the energetic labours of the Rev. Prof. E. R. Lewis, F.G.S., late of the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut (see p. 47). As we intend, in this chapter, to deal chiefly with Old Red Sandstone fishes, it may not be out of place to mention at least some of the collectors from these rocks whose labours have been of great service. The place of honour must certainly be given to the late Hugh Miller. The well-known researches of this distinguished geologist brought to light an abundant fish fauna in the Old Red Sandstone, a formation which was previously thought to be barren ground for the geologist in search of fossils. " Half my closet walls," he says, " are covered with the peculiar fossils of the Lower Old Red Sandstone; and certainly a stranger assemblage of forms has rarely been grouped together—creatures whose very type is lost, fantastic and uncouth, and which puzzle the naturalist to assign them even their class; boat-like animals, furnished with oars and a rudder; fish, plated over, like the tortoise above and below, with a strong armour of bone; other fish less equivocal in their form, but with the membranes of their fins covered with scales; creatures bristling over with thorns; others glistening in an enamelled coat, as if beautifully japanned;, the tail, in every instance, among the less equivocal shapes, formed not equally, as in (most) existing fish, on each side the central vertebral column, but chiefly on its lower side—the column sending out its diminished vertebrae to the extreme terminatioa of the fin. All the forms testify of a remote antiquity—of a period ' whose fashions have passed away.' The figures on a Chinese vase or an Egyptian obelisk are scarce more unlike what now 26 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. exists in nature than are the fossils of the Lower Old Red Sandstone." Robert Dick of Thurso was also a worker in the Old Red Sandstone ; and the combined collections of these two geologists are now in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. The late Lady Gordon Cumming, of Altyre, made extensive excavations at Lethen Bar, Nairnshire, providing many specimens for description by Agassiz, and forming the collection now in the Forres Museum. " Her object in making this collection," says Hugh Miller, " was the illustration of the geology of the district, and all she sought on her own behalf was congenial employment for a singularly elegant and comprehensive mind." The Lower Cornstones of Hereford, Worcester, and Monmouthshire have long been noted for specimens of certain peculiar forms of fish {to be presently described), such as Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. Numerous specimens may be seen in the Museums of Hereford, Ludlow, Worcester, and Oxford. Many of these were collected by the Rev. T. T. Lewis, of Aymestry, and Dr. Lloyd, of Ludlow, who submitted them to Agassiz through Sir R. Murchison. The late Rev. W. S. Symonds, of Pendock, was also an enthusiastic collector, and by his numerous writings * set others to work in the same direction. Monmouthshire was also vigorously explored by the late J. E. Lee, F.G.S., who left all his specimens to the national collection. The late Dr. D. M. McCullough, of Abergavenny, obtained a large series of the shields of Pteraspis (see p. 42). The Rev. John Anderson, D.D. (author of Dura Den), has explored the fish-bearing strata of Dura Den, Fifeshire. As the reader is probably aware, fishes form the lowest class of backboned or vertebrate creatures. Their skin is covered with numerous scales, composed of a dense durable substance, which, in some families,, is strengthened by the addition of bony plates, like those we see on the body of a sturgeon. But in whatever way their bodies are covered, they are thus provided with a strong 1 Records of the Rocks, etc. FISHES OF BYGONE BAYS. 27 yet flexible coat of armour, affording suitable protection to beings peculiarly exposed to external injuries, from the nature of the regions they inhabit, and perhaps also the state of warfare with each other in which they are constantly engaged. In dealing with the more ancient and now extinct genera of fishes, geologists have often to be satisfied with very1 imperfect evidence; sometimes only a few scales, or a spine from the back, or a few teeth. The teeth of certain ancient sharks, on account of their hard enamelled surface, are met with in great abundance in some strata; in the Silurian and Carboniferous rocks the large and formidable spines of these ferocious fishes are also abundant (see Fig. 6), while others of the Ganoid order are well preserved on account of their coat of armour, consisting of hard bony plates with a surface of enamel, like that of the Bony Pike of North America. In chalk strata the cup-like vertebrae, or joints of the backbone, are frequently met with, as well as sharp-pointed teeth. Deposits of fine mud or of calcareous ooze (such as afterwards became consolidated into limestone) seem to have been very favourable for the preservation of ancient fishes, especially ganoids with their hard coats of mail. Hence we often find in the soft clays and marls of the Tertiary rocks, in the chalk of England, in the fine lithographic limestone of Bavaria, or in the limestones of the Lebanon, fishes very perfectly preserved; and not only individuals, but groups, with the scales, fins, head, teeth, and even the capsule of the eye, all undisturbed from their original position. And, better still, there are formations in which, as we shall show presently, the palaeontologist comes across not only the bones, scales, and teeth, but, to his great delight, finds a perfect outline marked on the stone, showing the true shape of the creature; in these exceptional cases it may indeed be said that Nature has left us lithographs of ancient fishes. Some of the specimens from the Jura limestone show a wonderful state of preservation. Sir R. Murchison had in his 28 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. own collection a small slab of marl from Aix, in Provence, containing scores of small fishes as perfect as if recently embedded in soft mud. In the chalk, many of the fishes have not been squeezed flat by pressure from overlying strata, the body being almost as perfect in form as if the original had been surrounded by soft plaster of Paris before sinking into its grave of grey ooze on the floor of the old chalk sea. A curious discovery was made by a late Lord Greenock, who found between the laminse of a block of coal, from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, a mass of petrified intestines, distended with coprolite (fossil excrement), and surrounded with the scales of a fish which Professor Agassiz referred to the great Megalichthys (see p. 45). Some of the wormlike bodies so abundant in the Solenhofen limestone (see p. 7) would appear to be either the petrified intestines of fishes or the contents of the same, still retaining the form of the twisting tube in which they were lodged. To these remarkable fossils the name Cololithes has been given. Naturalists and palaeontologists have been, and still are, much in doubt as to the best and most natural way in which to classify or arrange fishes, both fossil and recent forms. What characters should be taken as a basis for classification ? At one time it was the fashion to take for this purpose the nature of the skeleton (whether "bony" or "cartilaginous"), as well as the number and position of the fins. The first point is an important one, and is still used for this purpose; but the fins do not form so important a character. Later on, Agassiz, one of the greatest authorities on fishes, unfortunately proposed a classification based entirely on the nature of the scales; and for a long time his scheme was accepted by both geologists and naturalists. But this plan has been abandoned, because it was found to be misleading, and separated groups which should come near to each other. By his scheme fishes were arranged in four groups, or orders, as follows :— (1) Placoid. Ex. : the shark. (2) Ganoid (from the brilliant FISHES OF BYGONE DA YS. 29 surface of the enamel). Ex.: gar-pike (Lepidosteus). (3) Ctenoid. Ex.: the common perch. (4) Cycloid. Ex.: the salmon. The term "Ganoid" is still in use, and the order retained, but not the others. Taking the skeleton alone, we find that fishes fall into two great divisions, viz. bony fishes and cartilaginous fishes. The essential difference in the skeleton of these two groups consists in the presence or absence of earthy matter (phosphate and carbonate of lime) in the materials of which they are constituted. A herring, or a salmon, is an example of a " bony" fish. In the second group the skeleton is transparent, being composed chiefly of cartilage or gristle, as in the sharks. But some fishes are intermediate in this respect, and their skeletons contain a certain proportion of lime, though a small one. In some genera, certain portions of the skeleton, as the bodies or centra of the vertebrae, are cartilaginous, while other parts, such as the spines and the ribs, are osseous. The best authorities of the present day, Dr. Traquair, Dr. Giinther, Mr. Smith Woodward, Professor Cope and others, are not agreed as to the precise way in which fossil and living fishes should be classified; but the following scheme is one of the most useful that have been put forward. Leaving out altogether the Lancelet {Amphioxus)^ which has long been considered to be the lowest form of fish, but which differs from them in so many respects that it is better to refer it to a separate class altogether, we have six orders, thus— Order I. Cyclostomata (Lampreys and Hags). Their skeleton is cartilaginous, and the skull is not separated from the vertebral column. There are no fins, and the body is eel-like. They have a round mouth, with teeth arranged in a circular manner; hence the name Cyclostomata, or " circle-mouthed." Order II. Plagiostomi (Sharks and Rays). So called because the mouth is placed transversely on the under side of the body. In these fishes the skeleton remains cartilaginous throughout life. 3° CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. The skull is well developed, but consists of a single cartilaginous box, there being no distinct bones. The back bone, or vertebral column, is sometimes composed of distinct vertebrae (of which the bodies, or centra, may be partly turned to bone), but it may be quite simple (notochordal). In most fishes of this order the extremity of the tail is slightly turned upwards, and the lower lobe of the tail-fin is much larger than the upper, producing what is known as a " heterocercal" tail (see next page). They belong to the " Placoid " order of Agassiz, because the scales take the form of more or less numerous detached, grains (or sometimes plates), tubercles, or spines, scattered here and there in the skin. When very small and close set, as in the " dog-fish," such a skin is called "shagreen." But in the case of the rays these ossifications take ' a singular shape, viz. a disk from the upper surface of which springs a sharp curved spine. Order III. Chimcerot'dez (Chimaeras). These fishes resemble the sharks in many important features. Their skeleton is wholly cartilaginous, and they have a notochord instead of a true backbone ; the vertebrae being merely represented by slender rings. Ex. : Edaphodon (Cretaceous). Order IV. Dipnoi (or Mud-fishes). The skeleton in this order is notochordal. They breathe by means of air-sacks answering to lungs, as well as by gills, like other fishes. In consequence, they are able to quit the water at times, and live in a torpid condition in the mud. The forelimb is very different to the pectoral fin of other fishes, and seems to foreshadow the forelimb of amphibia and reptiles. Ex. : Lepidosiren from the Amazons, and Ceratodus from Queensland. Order V. Ganoidei. These fishes are remarkable for their highly enamelled scales and head-shields, and are represented by hosts of extinct forms, but at the present time they are confined to a few lakes and rivers. Ex. : Polypterus of the Nile, and Lepidosteus, or Gar-pike, of North America. Their skeletons may be either cartilaginous, or ossified, or both. FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 3* Dr. Giinther, of the Natural History Museum, is in favour of bringing together the second, third, fourth, and fifth orders, and making one sub-class of them, viz. the Palczichthyes, or Ancient Fishes; but these differ so much among themselves that his proposal has not been accepted by Traquair and others. The tails of fishes, living and extinct, present a feature of considerable interest. In the greater number of existing species the backbone terminates in a triangular plate of bone, to which the tail-fin is attached symmetrically; and its figure is either rounded or divided into two equal lobes, or branches. These tails are termed " homocercal," i.e. " even-tailed," as in the case of a salmon. But in the ganoid and placoid fishes we find the vertebral column rising up into the upper lobe of the tail; the caudal fin appearing like a rudder, and the lower lobe being feeble in proportion, as in the shark. This form is called " heterocercal," i.e. " unequal-tailed." Order VI. Teleostei (or Bony Fishes). These are believed torepresent the highest stage of development to which fishes as a class have attained. Now, it appears to be established that, to* some extent at least, the development of an individual animal is, as it were, an epitome of that of the race from which it springs.. Here we have an example illustrating this highly interesting law; for, if a bony fish be examined before its development has been completed, i.e. while it is yet an embryo, the tail may be seen to> be first pointed (as in some more primitive forms of the present day), then turned up, as in the heterocercal type, and lastly it becomes symmetrical as in the highest types (Teleostean). Perhaps no fact is more clearly recorded on those stony tabletswe call strata than that from time to time in the world's history (as read by geologists from Nature's record) higher types of animals have appeared on the scene. In other words, we find plainly written in the rocks a Law of Progress. This important conclusion may safely be accepted; but, having accepted it, let us see what follows therefrom. The fish, with its backbone, is,, 32 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. of course, a higher type than the mollusc or the insect. It seems to follow of necessity, then, that there must have been a time in the world's history when this type did not exist. It may be difficult for us to conceive of a world tenanted only by coral polyps, medusae, crabs and lobsters, worms, insects, and suchlike humble creatures, with no fish in the sea, no reptiles, birds, or mammals; and not only does the doctrine of Evolution plainly teach this, but such a conclusion is distinctly favoured- by the evidence derived from a study of fossils and their distribution in time. The earliest fossil-bearing strata, known as the Cambrian series, although they have been carefully explored, have at present yielded no evidence of the existence of fishes at that time. The advent of back-boned animals was a great event in the world's history. Endless possibilities loomed in the future for these children of life, in which, as Mrs. Fisher (Miss Buckley) says, " t h e solid skeleton should be—not a burden for the soft body to carry, as in the sea-urchins, snails, insects, and crabs— but an actual support to the whole creature, growing with it and forming a framework for all its different parts." * And not only so, but the skeleton of a vertebrate animal is no mere mass of hardened dead matter; it is a living and growing framework which goes on increasing in size and strength as fast as its possessor grows. Again, the spinal chord, or vital thread of the animal, which in other creatures has no special protection against shocks or jars, is here protected by being encased in the hard bony joints, or vertebrae, of the backbone. Little need we wonder, then, that creatures so favourably endowed for the daily struggle should have been able to strike out in so many directions, producing such various and successful types of organization as the fish, the reptile, the bird, and the mammal,—all, as it were, new branches of the great tree of life. 1 Winners in Lifers Race, p. 7. One of the best popular books on Natural History ever written. FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 33 No one can yet say what was the primitive form from which all the vertebrates were derived; this is a very interesting problem, and one on which anatomists have been much exercised; but, at present, the question must be regarded as still sub judice. Whether it was some form of worm, or whether a primaeval relative of the arachnid "king crab" (such as the Pterygotus, described in our former work)* turned itself upside down, rearranging limbs and head; these are questions still admitting of endless discussion, and probably beside the mark, although no doubt suggestive. It is just possible that future geologists may be fortunate enough to find, buried up in some very early stratified rock, the remains of a forerunner of the backboned race; but, unless it possessed some hard parts, the probability is against such a lucky find turning up. Still the problem need not be given up as hopeless; for there is important aid to be derived from two other sources—(i) the study of embryos of living animals; (2) from certain very primitive types, such as the Lancelet, and the Ascidian, or " Sea-squirt," which may be either survivals from very ancient types, or degraded forms which have so far degenerated as to form a kind of borderland between vertebrates and invertebrates, and which cannot be said to possess a true backbone in the ordinary sense of the word. But we must leave all these interesting questions, and pass on to consider fish life as it was in some of the early geological ages. It must always be borne in mind that at best the geological record is an incomplete one, depending as it does on rather accidental circumstances. For example, the lowest order of fishes, represented by Lampreys and Hag-fishes (^Cyclostomatd) at the present day possess no hard parts beyond minute horny teeth, and therefore we can hardly expect to find in the stratified rocks any evidence of their former existence. We cannot hope to get a complete history of any class, even of fishes, preserved in the rocks, although no doubt fishes are better represented than 1 Extinct Monsters, p. 26 (new edit.). D 34 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. any other vertebrate fossils. Yet there are certain little fossils known as " conodonts," found in Cambrian, Silurian, and Devonian rocks in Russia, which are very suggestive of the tiny teeth of Lampreys and Hag-fishes, although they consist of phosphate of lime instead of horny matter. This interpretation, however, is open to doubt, and some authorities think that the bodies in question really represent the jaws of marine worms, or even of Trilobites ! (see p. 5). Putting aside this somewhat doubtful evidence, the earliest true fossil vertebrate yet known is a single head-shield of Scaphaspis ludensis, from Lower Ludlow strata in Shropshire. This fossil belongs to a group presently to be described under the Ganoid order. But a little above this is the famous Ludlow Bone-bed, celebrated for its numerous remains of ancient fishes allied to our Sharks, and belonging to the order Plagiostomi. This highly interesting stratum, first discovered by Sir Roderick Murchison near the town of Ludlow, usually consists of one or two thin layers of brown bony fragments near the junction of the Old Red Sandstone and the Ludlow rocks, and is only a few inches thick. Here we have abundant evidence that shark-like fishes were flourishing vigorously during the Silurian period; but it is impossible to say exactly what they were like, because, from the perishable nature of their framework, they have only left behind them spines, granules of their shagreen, teeth, etc.1 However, there is every probability that they resembled the Port Jackson 1 " The fish-bed of the Upper Ludlow rock," says Hugh Miller, " abounds more in osseous remains than an ancient burying-ground. The stratum, over wide areas, seems an almost continuous layer of matted bones, jaws, teeth, spines, scales, palatal plates, and shagreen-like prickles, all massed together, and converted into a substance of so deep and shining a jet colour, that the bed, when first discovered, conveyed the impression, says Mr. Murchison, that it enclosed a triturated heap of black beetles." Coprolites, or lumps of fossil excrement, have also been found containing small but recognisable portions of shell-fish that lived at the same time, thus confirming the idea that the sharks of the period (of which little but dorsal spines, such as Onchus, are now left) lived upon shell-fish. FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 35 Shark now living in Australian waters, viz. Cestracion PMZipfii, shown in Fig. 5. Although a shark, this genus is a harmless one, and its fortunate survival through long ages of the past to present times throws much light upon the detached teeth so frequently met with in strata of the Carboniferous, Jurassic, and Cretaceous ages. It is provided with a large number of teeth of various shapes and sizes. Those in front are sharp-pointed and well adapted for seizing their prey, while those further back are arranged in oblique rows, and, from their flat surfaces, suitable for crushing the shell-fish on which they feed. Were it not for the useful lesson in Palaeontology conveyed by this living fish, there can be little doubt that a good many species would have been founded on P I G . 5.—The Port Jackson Shark {Cestracion Philifipi). sfl', sfi", spines. Australia. •different kinds of teeth belonging really to the same fish. As it is, several species founded on detached teeth may eventually be included in a single one. The spines of this kind of fish are generally capable of being ^ elevated and depressed, and not only serve the purpose of defence, but, in many instances, afford support and protection to the soft rays of the fin; forming, as it were, a movable mast by which the sail can be spread out or lowered at pleasure. Such spines are very frequently met with, not only in the Ludlow bone-bed but in strata of various ages; they have received the name of " Ichthyodorulites " (fish-spine stones). Fig. 6 shows some spines .and teeth of plagiostomous fishes from rocks of the Carboniferous $6 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. age. Visitors to the Natural History Museum at South Kensington will find in the gallery devoted to fossil fish (No. VI. on plan) a splendid collection of such spines (Wall-case No. i). Of all the organisms of the Old Red Sandstone, the Pterichthys^ or " winged fish," is the most peculiar. It was first introduced to geologists by Mr. Hugh Miller, who, in his delightful work, The Old Sandstone, says, " I fain wish I could communicate to the reader the feeling with which I contemplated my first-found FIG. 6—Spines and teeth of shark-like fossil fishes. i. Fin-spine of Pleuracanthus. 2. Of Gyracanthus. 3. Of Ctenacanthus. 4. Tooth of Petalodus. 5. Of Psammodus. 6. Of Ctenoptychius. All from the carboniferous rocks. specimen. It opened with a single blow of the hammer; and there, on a ground of light-coloured limestone, lay the effigy of a creature fashioned apparently out of jet, with a body covered with plates, two powerful-looking arms articulated at the shoulders,, a head as nearly lost in the trunk as that of the ray or sun-fish, and a long angular tail. My first-formed idea regarding it was,, that I had discovered a connecting link between the tortoise and the fish. The body much resembles that of a small turtle; and FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 37 why, I asked, if one formation gives us sauroid fishes, may not another give us chelonian ones ? Or if in the Lias we find the body of the lizard mounted on the paddles of the whale, why not find in the Old Red Sandstone the body of the tortoise mounted in a somewhat similar manner ? " Hugh Miller- submitted some of his specimens to Sir R. Murchison (then engaged in his famous researches on the Silurian System), who was much interested, and sent them on to the great naturalist Agassiz. Though broken, the specimens were declared by him to represent an ancient fish—a conclusion which was anticipated by Murchison. The latter authority told Hugh Miller he could not conceive of their belonging to a reptile \ and if notfishes,they seemed to show more approach to crustaceans than to any other class. Mr. Miller found in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Scotland a great number of fish remains, in consequence of which he was •convinced that the sea of that period was amazingly fertile in fish life, and as thoroughly occupied with fishes as our friths and estuaries when the herrings congregate most abundantly on our coasts. " There are evidences too sure to be disputed that such must have been the case. I have seen the ichthyolite beds, where washed bare in the line of the strata, as thickly covered with oblong spindle-shaped nodules as I have ever seen a fishingbank covered with herrings; and have ascertained that every individual nodule had its nucleus of animal matter,—that it was a stone coffin in miniature, holding enclosed its organic mass of bitumen or bone, its winged, or enamelled, or thorn-covered ichthyolite." He was also much impressed with certain evidences which seemed to him to point to the conclusion that over a wide area in the North of Scotland the fish of this period were somehow involved in sudden destruction. These are his words : "The :same platform in Orkney, as at Cromarty, is strewed thick with remains which exhibit unequivocally the marks of violent death, ihe figures are contorted, contracted, curved; the tail in many 38 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. instances is bent round to the head ; the spines stick out; the fins* are spread to the full, as in fishes that die in convulsions. The Pterichthys shows its arms extended at their stiffest angle, as if prepared for an enemy. The attitudes of all the ichthyolites on this platform are attitudes of fear, anger, and pain. The remains,, too, appear to have suffered nothing from the after attacks of predaceous fishes ; none such seem to have survived." It is difficult to assign a cause to such wholesale destruction^ but there are ways in which fishes of the present time are sometimes killed in very large numbers. The poisonous gases emitted from submarine volcanoes have often wrought great destruction -T again, violent floods from mountain streams coming into the sea laden with mud and fresh water suggest a possible explanation. The carcases of dead fishes have even helped to consolidate the strata of the Old Red Sandstone. For, just as a plaster cast boiled in oil becomes thereby denser and more durable, so the oily and other matter coming from decomposing fish operated on the surrounding sand or mud so as to make it more compact The well-known flagstones of Caithness are an instance. They owe their peculiar tenacity and durability to the dead fishes that rotted in their midst while yet they were only soft mud. In no other part of the world, perhaps, can the builder set a large flagstone on its edge with the assurance of it holding together in that position. A large portion of the county of Caithness formed, before its upheaval, what may truly be termed a piscina mirabilzs. \ But, to return to our Pterichthys, it was a wonderful little creature, quite different to any living fish. The head and anterior 'or forward part of the trunk were defended by overlapping ganoid plates, those of the trunk forming a buckler; but the head is sharply separated from the trunk—probably by a movable joint (see Fig. 7). It is also remarkable for the pair of limbs or appendages, near the head, which are hollow, movably articulatedy FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 39 and once jointed. Fig. 8 is a restoration after Pander, but in some respects not correct. Nothing is yet known of the precise nature of the nose, mouth, and jaws. Fig. 7 gives a more correct idea, and is after Dr. Traquair, but partly modified by Mr. Smith Woodward (to whom we are indebted for much kind help and advice in writing this chapter3). In the latter figure the two eyes are marked by two circles, and between these is a FIG. 7.—Pterichthys Milleri. (Partly modified after Traquair.) 1. From above, 2. From below. 3. Side view. small loose plate which appears to have lodged a small third but rudimentary eye (some of the Lahyrinthodonts seem to have also possessed a third rudimentary eye, see p. 56). The middle drawing shows the probable nature of the jaw-plates. Behind the armour-plated box of the body comes a tapering, scaly tail, which 1 See a valuable paper by Mr. Smith Woodward in Natural Science^ vol. i. p. 596. " The Forerunners of the Backboned Animals." 4Q CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. is often fairly preserved. With regard to the two powerful and jointed limbs, Sir R. Owen thought that they served to aid the fish in shuffling along the muddy or sandy bottom if left dry at low water. The two fins, one on the back and the other on the tail, indicate a certain amount of swimming power, though not any great rapidity. No doubt the swimming was chiefly accom- F I G . 8.—Pterichthys Milleri, upper surface. (After Pander.) plished by means of the two broad arms—we can scarcely call them fins—which remind us so much of the two large appendages of the Euryfiterus, a huge crustacean that lived in the same Old Red Sandstone sea.1 These extinct Crustacea of the order Merostomata were then both numerous and powerful; it has 1 Extinct Monsters', p. 30 (new edit.). FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS 41 therefore been suggested that perhaps the Pterichthys and its allies took to mimicking them. " Imitation," they say, " is the sincerest flattery," but in this case it may have been a wise precaution ! When first discovered, our Pterichthys, being so strangely unlike -other fossil fishes, was the occasion of some curious blunders. Thus the Rev. Dr. Anderson, of Newburgh, figured and described it as a beetle, in the pages of a Glasgow topographical publication—Fife Illustrated, Although Pterichthys was small, other members of the same group were much larger, while some attained to great dimensions. It is a question not yet decided whether they should be included under the ganoid order, though for present purposes they may be placed there. The group we are now considering is known by the name Placodermata, on account of the strong and large plates protecting their bodies and heads. A splendid collection of such fishes may be seen in the fossil-fish gallery at South Kensington (Wall-case No. 4). Coccostens 1 (see Fig. 9), another genus, varies in length from FIG. 9.—Coccostetis restored. a few inches to two feet in length. Its tail was destitute of scales, and its back-bone was only partly ossified, no vertebrae having been observed. Homosteus (allied to the above genus) was a gigantic form, of which the remains were first found in Russia. Specimens have also been obtained from Scotland and the Eifel. 1 Greek—kokkos, berry; osteon, bone, from the tubercles on its bony plates. 42 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. 1 Dinichthys is another huge placoderm from Devonian strata in North America, described by Professor Newberry, with a probable length of from fifteen to eighteen feet. Its teeth resemble those of the living African Mud-fish (Protopterus). A specimen of Titanichthys recently found was six feet across, the head, with orbits on the eyes three inches in diameter. Dr. Traquair is of opinion that these fishes may turn out to be a curiously modified group of Dipnoi or Mud-fishes, while Professor Cope has suggested that some of them (the Pterichthys and others) are not fishes at all, but an ancient order of " Sea-Squirts '* (Tunicata) ! Another group is represented by certain contemporaries of Pterichthys, such as Scaphaspis Pteraspis (see Fig. 10) and others. The second of these, as already mentioned (p. 34), comes from F I G . 10.—An Old Red Sandstone fish, Pteraspis. Lankester.) (Restored after Ray the Lower Ludlow rocks of the Silurian system. Its head iscovered with a large buckler, composed of one or more plates ; the tail is covered with scales, but no internal skeleton of any kind has been met with. This is the oldest fish at present known to geologists. Fig. 11 shows the most recent interpretation of Cefihalaspis? a member of the same group, which was found and graphically described by Hugh Miller. It was not a large fish, most of the specimens in the Natural History Museum (Table-case No. 35) being 1 Greek—deinos, terrible ; icthys, fish. This figure also appears in the paper in Natural Science, by A. Smith Woodward, already quoted. 2 FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 43 not more than seven or eight inches long. The genus was established by Agassiz. In 1847 Dr. Rudolph Kner published a memoir FlG. 11.—Restoration of an Old Red Sandstone fish, Cephalaspis Murchisoni? from specimens discovered by G. H . Piper, Esq. (From British Museum Catalogue of Fossil Fishes.) to prove that certain species were the internal shells of Cuttlefishes allied to the Sepia. Roemer thought that they were Crustacea; and, like Pterichthys, they certainly do bear some resemblance to Pterygotus and its allies. Later on, in 1856, Professor Huxley published a most detailed and careful account of the structure of the fossil head-shields of the genus (or family), and proved conclusively that Cephalaspis was * neither a cuttlefish nor a crustacean, but a fish; pointing out, at the same time, a certain resemblance to the living Loricaria, a siluroid fish. Hugh Miller's graphic description of the state of things during the deposition of the Cornstone formation and of its fauna is asfollows: " The curtain rises and the scene is new. The myriads of the lower formation have disappeared. We are surrounded, on an upper platform, by the existences of a later creation. There is sea all round, as before; and we find beneath a dark-coloured bottom, thickly covered by a dwarf vegetation. The circumstances differ little from those in which the Ichthyolite beds of the preceding period were deposited; but forms of life essentially different career through the green depths, or creep over the ooze* Shoals of Cephalaspides> with their broad arrowlike heads, and their slender angular bodies, feathered with fins, sweep past like clouds of crossbow bolts in the ancient battle. We see the distant gleam of scales, but the forms are indistinct and dim ; we can merely ascertain that fins are elevated by spines 44 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. of various shape and pattern ; that of some the coats glitter with enamel; and that others—the sharks of this ancient period— bristle over with minute thorny points. A huge crustacean {Pterygotus ) of uncouth proportions, stalks over the weedy bottom, or borrows in the hollows of the bank." Passing on now to the true Ganoid fishes of Old Red Sandstone times, we come to the remarkable genus Holoptychius, distinguished by the peculiar structure of its scales, the enamelled surfaces of which are marked with undulated furrows. The whole body is covered by thick scales of this kind. It was first introduced to the notice of geologists by Professor Flemming, in a paper read, before the Wernerian Society, and published by him in 1831 in Cheefts Edinburgh Journal. But at that time only detached scales and the fragment of a tooth had been found. These enigmatical remains were afterwards submitted to Agassiz, who referred them to the fish Gyrolefiis, though not without consider-' able doubt. Not long after, however, an almost entire specimen of the creature was discovered in the sandstones of Clashbennie, by the Rev. James Noble, of St. Madoes, a gentleman who, by devoting his leisure hours to Geology, did, in his time, much to extend a knowledge of the upper part of the Old Red Sandstone. Agassiz therefore attached his name to the fossil, calling it Holofitychius Nobilissimus. This important discovery proved that the scales in question did not belong to Gyrolepis, but to the genus just mentioned. The body of this specimen measures a foot across by two feet and a half in length, exclusive of the tail, which is wanting. It is now in the Natural History Museum. Those who examine the specimen for themselves will see that the scales are deeply sculptured, as the name implies. There is a remarkable family of Ganoid fishes termed " Sauroid " by Agassiz, in consequence of certain peculiarities in their organization which are found in no other animals of this class, but exist in reptiles. Of this family there are but two genera living; namely the Lefiidosteus, or " Gar-pike," of which there are several FISHES OF BYGONE DA YS. 45 species inhabiting the rivers of America; and the Folypterusy with two species, one inhabiting the Nile, the other the rivers of Senegal. Their teeth are large, and conical, and striated, as in the crocodile and the extinct F/es/osaurus, etc. The skeleton is osseous all through. Even in their soft parts many analogies to reptilian structures are seen. These two African and American fishes are, for some unaccountable reasons, the only surviving representatives of a tribe of ancient fishes which must have abounded in the seas of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic times. Their relics have often been mistaken for those of amphibians; particularly the teeth, which, from their large size, and conical shape, etc., might easily be taken for those of Labyrinthodonts (see p. 52). Rhizodus (which partly corresponds to Megalichthys, and attained a length of nine feet), isfound in Carboniferous rocks. The Osteolepis1 may be regarded as a good example of the old Ganoid fishes. It was one of the first discovered of the Caithness fishes, and received its name, in the days of Cuvier, from the bony character of its scales, ere it was ascertained that it had numerous contemporaries, and that to all and each of these the same description applied. The scales of the fishes of the Lower Old Red Sandstone were all coated externally with enamel. It requires skill such as that possessed by Agassiz to determine that the uncouth Coccosteus, or the equally uncouth Fterichthys, with their long tails and tortoise-like plates, were bonfa fide fishes; but there is no possibility of mistaking the Osteolepis: it is obvious to the least practised eye that it must have been a fish, and a handsome one. Dipt ems? another Ganoid of the period, is so named from its two dorsal fins, but in this respect it is not peculiar. Another genus, Diplopterus? also* owes its name to the order and arrangement of its fins, which 1 2 3 Greek—osteon, bone ; lepzs, scale. Greek—dis9 twice ; pteron, wing. Greek—diploos, double ; pteron, wing. 46 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. were placed fronting each other and in pairs. It had a large head a n d a wide jaw. " In their most striking characteristics, however, the three genera •seem to have agreed. In all alike, scales of bone glisten with enamel; their jaws, enamel without and bone within, bristle thick with sharp-pointed teeth; closely jointed plates, burnished like ancient helmets, cover their heads, and seem to have formed a kind of outer table to skulls, externally of bone and internally of cartilage; their gill-covers consist each of a single piece, like the gill-cover of a sturgeon; their tails were formed chiefly on the iower side of their bodies ; and the rays of their fins, enamelled like their plates and their scales, stand up over the connecting membrane, like the steel or brass in that peculiar armour of the Middle Ages whose multitudinous pieces of metal were fastened together on a groundwork of cloth or of leather. All their scales, plates, and rays present a similar style of ornament. The shining and polished enamel is mottled with thickly set punctures, or rather punctulated markings; so that a scale or plate, when viewed through a microscope, reminds one of the cover of a saddle." 1 In Plate II., author and artist have endeavoured to give a glimpse of fish life as it was in one of the inland seas, or lakes, of the Old Red Sandstone period. To the right [is seen the Holoptychius, with its sculptured scales; Pterichthys is in the right-hand top corner; Cefihalaspis in the left-hand bottom corner (with a distant one just above Holofitychius); in the left-hand top corner is Pterasfiis, with Glyptolepis just below it, and the head of Coccosteus peeping out further down. Osteolepis is seen in the middle of the picture. It is not known whether all these different forms lived together at exactly the same time, but at least they all belong to the Old Red Sandstone, and for all we know may have been contemporaries. At the present day both ganoid and plagiostomous fishes are in the minority, especially the former order, while the teleosteans 1 The Old Red Sandstone, p. ioo. F I S H E S OF T H E OLD RED SANDSTONE Pteraspis. Glyptolcemus. Coccosteus ( H e a d of). Cephalaspis. PL. •» Osteohpis. PERIOD. Holoptyckius, Pterichthys. FISHES OF BYGONE DAYS. 47 abound in our seas, as they did during the Tertiary era. Although the palaeozoic types are by no means low down in the scale, yet it is clear that the "Law of Progress" holds good for fishes too, and that, as time went on., a higher order largely replaced the lower ones. In Cretaceous times fishes abounded. Mount Lebanon is a famous locality for fossil fishes of the latter period, both Selachians (of the order Elasmobranchii) and bony fishes (of the order Teleostei). The Rev. Professor Lewis had for years collected most valuable specimens from Sahel Alma and Hakel. His specimens are far more perfect than those /figured by Pictet and other authorities. The first mention of fossil fish in the Lebanon is to be found in Joinville's Histoire de St. Louis. During the sojourn of the king at Sidon, in the year 1253, just before his return home from the Crusades, a stone was brought him, says Joinville, " which was the most marvellous in the world, for when a layer of it was lifted, there was found between the two pieces the form of a fish. The fish was of stone, but lacked nothing in form, eyes, bone, colour, or anything necessary to a living fish. The king demanded a stone, and found a tench within." Professor Lewis says of Hazhula, one of the Mount Lebanon localities, " I was able to be in the place only about two hours, and was sufficiently annoyed in that time by the clamour for 'backsheesh/ and by the demand, made by twenty at a time, to buy whatever was offered. But in the short time I was there, and notwithstanding the unfavourable circumstances in which I was placed while there, I obtained about fifty good specimens, picked up from road and hillside. The exact place from which the stone came was very near by, but I did not see and examine it, so excited and clamorous did the ignorant fanatical people become, threatening to break all I had collected, frightening my muleteer, etc., led on by a few who pretended that I was seeking treasures. It required considerable tact, and a great waste of Arabic, to get off with my donkey-load of specimens, and, as it was, I had to send the 48 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. muleteer ahead, and bring up the rear myself with a faithful attendant."x At the end of the fossil-fish gallery at South Kensington is a plaster cast (in a frame over the door) of a large and very perfectly preserved ganoid fish, from the lithographic stone of Solenhofen, in Bavaria, viz. the Lepidotus maximus (see Fig. 12). The artist has drawn this fish in Plate VII., representing it FIG. 12.—A ganoid fish, Lepidotus maximus. From the Solenhofen Limestone. , 1. A scale. 2. Teeth. in company with two interesting extinct gavials that lived in Jurassic times. The Sturgeon (Acipenser) is another example of a living ganoid fish, often seen in fishmongers' shops. Considering itslong pedigree, we ought to look upon this fish with great veneration! To the palaeontologist, such survivals are not only very interesting, but most helpful in throwing light upon the organization of those ancient types whose remains are but imperfectly preserved in the record of the rocks. 1 GeoL Mag., Dec. 2, vol. v. p. 217. CHAPTER III. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. " Slowly moves the march of ages, Slowly grows the forest-king, Slowly to perfection cometh Every great and glorious thing." ANON. IN our last chapter we spoke of some of the fishes of bygone days. Now the next great step in the upward progress of the animal kingdom was the transition from the fish to the reptile. These two classes are at the present time well marked and clearly separated from each other; but an idea of how the change took place, in the course of Evolution, may be gathered from a study of the important group, or subclass^ which comes in between the two, viz. the amphibians, or batrachia of some naturalists. This important and interesting group form, as it were, a series of " missing links " between fishes and reptiles. They derive the latter name from the Greek word batrachos, signifying a frog. But we will speak of them as amphibia,1 because they live both in water and on land; and during the early part of their lives swim in water like fishes, and moreover breathe as fishes do by means of gills. Afterwards they put away such childish things as gills, and, developing lungs, become air-breathers, and behave like ordinary reptiles. Modern naturalists who accept the theory of Evolution, as most 1 Greek—amphi, both ; and bios, life. E 50 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. do, regard the metamorphosis of the tadpole into a frog as a kind of object-lesson on the part of Dame Nature, given with a view to show us, in a general way and in a short space of time, how the wonderful change from the fish to the reptile took place. We have seen that, by the time the great coal-forests of the Carboniferous period were flourishing, the fish class had attained a high state of development, and were to some extent foreshadowing the amphibian type of creation. Now, we know that when the New Red Sandstone was being laid down, the next great class, viz. the reptiles, had not only made a start, but had struck out in several lines, and were specialised in certain directions, as shown by their bird-like footprints on the Triassic sandstones. Would it not therefore be expected that we should find, in rocks of greater age than the New Red Sandstone, the remains of animals in some respects intermediate between fishes and reptiles? This expectation is fully realised by the presence in such strata {i.e. the coal-measures and Permian rocks) of the remains of quite a large number of amphibia. They also crop up again in the Trias, but after that period are not much in evidence until we come to Tertiary times. The amphibian class, at the present day, is represented by the frogs, toads, and newts of our own country, and by the salamanders of Japan and the United States. But these are only a meagre remnant of a large, number of families that lived ages ago. Let us endeavour now to take a general view of the amphibian class as it was in the days of long ago, before the creation of man,—to look at their family tree and see what their ancestors were like. When this is done we shall perhaps have a little more respect for the frogs and newts that inhabit our ponds; for they come of a very ancient stock, and one which played an important part in primaeval times, branching out here and there into strange and varied forms, as if they could not help themselves. In order to do this we must go a long way back ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 5i into the world's history; and even then we shall still be some way off the roots of the family tree; or, in other words, we shall be in the dark about the first forms of amphibian life which appeared on the earth's surface. To find the oldest known amphibian we must go back as far as those " dark ages " when a large portion of the surface of what is now Europe was overgrown with vast areas of dismal coalforests, something like the mangrove swamps of which we read in books of African travel; they must have been dark compared to an English meadow on a summer day, and therefore the expression " dark ages " is all the more appropriate. Our knowledge of the earliest air-breathing creatures is no doubt small, but of late years it has been considerably extended, thanks to the labours of several English, American, and Continental workers, such as Owen, Huxley, Miall, Seeley, Gaudry, Fritsch, Cope, and others, who have all carefully studied and described the fossil remains submitted to them, to say nothing of the numerous eager collectors who have brought away from the bowels of the earth numerous specimens of great value. Their services, although of a more humble order, are quite indispensable; and it should be borne in mind that it is in the power of all of us, however ignorant we may be of comparative anatomy, and therefore unable to write learned papers for the Geological Society, to. render valuable service to the cause of Science simply by using our eyes and not neglecting opportunities of collecting specimens wherever we may go. But before proceeding it will be necessary to introduce a new name for our old amphibians. It is rather a long one, we admit, but useful, because it partly serves to describe them. Scientific men are said to be very fond of long Latin and Greek names, but such can hardly be avoided; and there is this to be said for them—that the names they use are much more exact than the popular ones by which plants and animals are commonly known, and, moreover, they often convey a great deal of 52 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. information in a brief manner. Now, the name given to the creatures we are about to describe is Labyrinthodonts. It was Sir Richard Owen who first accurately described the fossil amphibians, and they received this name from him. Let us see what the name means and how it applies. Sir Richard Owen's acquaintance with these remarkable forms of ancient life began in the year 1840, when he first examined certain teeth from the New Red Sandstone of Coton End quarry, Warwickshire. In external character these fragmentary teeth corresponded with those which had been previously discovered in Germany (at Wiirtemberg) by Professor Jager, and which had been called by him Mastodonsaurus. This name was not a happy one, because it suggested an association with an extinct elephant, the Mastodon,1 with which this amphibian, it is hardly necessary to say, had no connection, real or imaginary. Owen examined the teeth of the fossils from Germany, as well as those from Warwickshire, and found that, when cut across into transverse sections for the microscope, they revealed a very remarkable and complicated structure; the whole of the internal portion was seen to be made up of a complex series of foldings, forming a peculiar structure, suggesting a labyrinth—the external layer of cement belonging to the tooth converging in numerous folds towards the pulp-cavity. And so the name Labyrinthodonts reminds us that all, or nearly all, the fossil animals included under the above general term possess teeth having this peculiarity. They are the Labyrinthtoothed amphibians (see Fig. 13). At first sight it might perhaps seem to the uninitiated as if the internal and minute structure of a tooth were a matter of comparative unimportance; but it is recognised by all anatomists that teeth are highly important as indicating the place of an animal in the scale of being. In the present case, for instance, the possession of teeth with the labyrinthine structure indicates an affinity with certain ganoid fishes, which also possess 1 Extinct Monsters, p. 217, new edit. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 53 similarly infolded teeth. Again, there is a peculiarly low type of reptiles, known as the Ichthyosaurus, or "fish-lizard,"1 of which the teeth show an approach to the same kind of structure. Some of the Labyrinthodonts retained the gills of their youth through life, instead of changing them for lungs, as frogs do. But, if these facts tend to connect the Labyrinthodonts with fishes, there are others which tend to connect them with the reptiles above. Sir Richard Owen, by a bold piece of reasoning, arrived at the conclusion that certain huge and somewhat frog-like skulls, p I G i ^—Section of tooth of Labyrinthodon. (After Owen.) previously discovered in German Triassic rocks, belonged to Labyrinthodonts. This was an important step; but then the question arose, What kind of creature made the tracks found in these strata, both in Germany and England ? This, as we have shown in chap, i., was decided in favour of the Labyrinthodon (previously known as the Cheirotherium, or " hand-beast"). Unlike the reptiles of to-day, modern amphibians have no fixed type of external form. Some, like frogs, suggest a likeness 1 Extinct Monsters-, p. 35, new edit. 54 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. to turtles and tortoises; others suggest in shape the true snakes ; another group, represented by newts and salamanders, suggests a resemblance to the lizards; and lastly, those which keep their gills through life suggest certain finless fishes, such as the conger-eels and the lampreys. It was just the same in the old days, when amphibians flourished more abundantly than now; they struck out in many 'directions—some taking on a long snakelike form (see Plate III. and Fig. 22), others being short and with larger limbs, while in the matter of size there were great differences. As far as present knowledge goes, it seems to indicate that the reptilian class in early days was less advanced than in the later phases of the Secondary era (i.e. during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods); and so we can understand that amphibians to some extent played the part of reptiles in those remote ages of the coal-forests and the New Red Sandstone. Their very diversity shows that they were in a flourishing condition, and probably had a pretty wide field to themselves, without too many enemies. A certain amount of competition with other creatures, no doubt, they had to submit to ; but with fishes they could hold their own. Later on came a much more severe form of competition from highly developed reptiles, such as Dinosaurs, and that was too much for them. As the reptile class rose in the scale of creation, amphibians, of course, came off second best, and the geological record tells us that, ever since, they have remained in the background of the' theatre of life. It will be well, before proceeding to describe some of the better-known types of Labyrinthodonts, to say a word about the general characters by which they may be distinguished. Of the internal structure of the teeth we have already spoken; but although the same complexity of folding does not apply to some of the smaller forms, the name by which they are known is very appropriate to the group as a whole. Another feature, revealed by their footmarks, is the marked difference in size between the ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 5$ hind limbs and the fore limbs, the latter being much smaller, as may be seen both in the figures of their skeletons and in those representing their tracks (see Figs. 2 and 23). There are five digits to each limb, and no claws. Turning to their skulls, there is one feature that is quite peculiar to the group and unknown in any reptile, living or extinct, viz. that the whole of the upper surface of the skull FIG. 14.—Skull of a Labyrinthodont, Mastodonsaurus Jcegeriy from New Red Sandstone, Germany. behind the eye-holes is covered in by a complete roof of bone. Hence some authorities call them Stegocephali]* or "roofskulled." This is clearly shown in Fig. 14, representing the huge skull of Mastodonsaurus. Some fishes have skulls thus roofed over. But the skull of a lizard or a crocodile is very different, showing a long open channel behind each orbit, and 1 Greek-—stegos, roof; cephalos^ head. 56 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. another one lower down at the side of the head. Another important character in the labyrinthodont skull is the presence of two condyles, instead of only one, as in all true reptiles and birds. The word condyle1 signifies a knuckle, and is applied chiefly to the surface or surfaces by which the skull joins on to, or articulates with, the first vertebra of the neck. All the mammalia have skulls articulating by two condyles—-a fact which would seem to imply that mammals branch off from the amphibia, and not from reptiles. Again, the bones of which the skull is composed are nearly always covered with a network of grooves, or " canals," doubtless intended for ' the attachment of hard, horny, and bony scales or scutes. Before we leave the skull there is one other very interesting point that should not be omitted. If the reader will refer to the skull of Mastodonsaurus (Fig. 14), he will see, just on the middle line and near the base, a small round hole. It lies over the brain-cavity, and most probably represents the site of a small third eye. Whether this little extra eye was capable of receiving impressions of light, and so of communicating them to the brain as an ordinary eye does, is a matter of doubt; but in a certain very primitive little lizard now living in New Zealand, and known as the Tuatara (Sphenodon), there is a similar, though smaller aperture, overlying the rudiment of an eye now quite useless and lying deep down in the brain. This little eye in the Tuatara must at one time have been made use of, and the question arises whether the third eye of the Labyrinthodonts was similarly useless; but the chances are rather against the notion. All the lizards have this pineal eye. It is probable that we have here a relic from some much older and now lost form of life— possibly a fish, but possibly also a still lower type. Th6se rudimentary structures, of which Darwin speaks in his great work, The Origin of Species, always possess a high degree of interest for the palaeontologist, as being survivals from very early days in.the 1 Gxeek—condulos. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 57 world's history. To the latter they are as interesting in their way as are ancient customs and old superstitions to a student of folk-lore or of ancient history. We must also notice the forward position of the creature's nostrils as indicated by the two small openings at the apex of the skull (see Fig. 14). If we were to examine the under side of a skull such as that of the Mastodonsaurus, we should see that the bony palate is formed chiefly of two broad and flat bones, called the " vomerine," which generally support teeth. Now, this is a character not exhibited by the skull of any true reptile, and we must go to modern amphibia, such as our frogs and toads, to find a parallel. There is also a corresponding series of small teeth on the mandible of the lower jaw (see Fig, 24). The eyes often show the peculiar sclerotic plates seen so well in the "fishlizards." In studying an extinct vertebrate, or backboned animal, one of the first points to be considered is the nature of the vertebrae, or joints of the backbone. Now, in all fishes, and also in their distant cousin the Ichthyosaurus (fish-lizard), these bones have their articulating surfaces (centra) hollow, hence the popular term " cup bones " applied to the vertebrae of the latter. Need we be surprised, then, to learn that the Labyrinthodonts possessed similarly cup-shaped vertebrae? This is one more link to connect them with fishes. In some of the more primitive and ancient forms, the body of the vertebra was composed of three separate pieces, an arrangement peculiar to certain primitive fishes. Ever since an unfortunate restoration of a Labyrinthodon by Mr. W. Hawkins, it has been the custom—in popular works at least— to represent the creature with a frog-like aspect. This restoration was based on the imperfect material of a good many years ago, and is therefore out of date,. In our illustration, representing some of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins's models in the grounds of the Crystal Palace (Fig. 52), the reader will see, far away to the right, a squat and toad-like creature; this will serve to give an idea of 58 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. what that now historic restoration was like. But later discoveries have shown that, instead of being frog-like, most of the Labyrinthodonts, if we could have seen them in the flesh, would have reminded us more of our modern little newts, or of the salamanders of hot countries. The tail was generally well developed, and the limbs were adapted quite as much for walking as for swimming. Their chests were defended by three bony plates (see Fig. 15), which had grooves similar to those on the skull. But besides this, all the under side of the body was protected by a large number of scales, running in two directions, as shown in Figs. 15 and 22. In one or two instances the whole body was covered with a coat of mail, consisting of small bony scales. An example of this kind of skin is the Seeleya, from the Permian rocks of Bohemia, restored by Fritsch, and named by him after Professor H. G. Seeley, F.R.S. In size the Labyrinthodonts varied greatly, some being only an inch or two in length, others seven or eight feet, and perhaps more. Most of them had limbs, but in one or two cases these had apparently been dispensed with. It might naturally be asked, Did they undergo a series of changes similar to the metamorphoses of a common frog ? One could hardly, perhaps, have expected an answer to this question; but, strange to say, some of the smaller forms from the petroleum shales (Gaskohle) of Bohemia, so carefully studied and described by Dr. Fritsch, have been very well preserved in those deposits of the Carboniferous age, so that he was able to recognise in some cases the signs of the gills, by means of which, in early life, they breathed in water, like fishes. And so it is manifest that they did go through a series of metamorphoses. One of the most primitive, and at the same time one of the earliest known Labyrinthodonts, is the Archcegosaurus, of which we must now give a short account. The remains of this lowly amphibian—the humblest of all the Labyrinthodonts—were first discovered in certain clay-ironstones of the Lower Permian age, and also in the coal-field of Saarbruch, ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 59 near Treves. At first they were supposed to represent fishes, but another specimen was recognised by Dr. Gergens as belonging FIG. 15.—Part of skeleton of a Labyrinthodon, Archcegosaurus (Decheni), from the Permian, Saarbruch. (After H. von Meyer.) The snout is incomplete. The three ventral plates are seen near the head. to a salamander-like amphibian. This was sent to the cele- 6o CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. brated H. von Meyer for description, who said, "Its head might be that of a fish as well as that of a lizard, or of a batrachian frog." He proposed to call it Afiateon? on account of its deceitful appearance, and sent a drawing of it to Professor Agassiz, the great authority on fossil fishes. But after three years, better preserved and more instructive specimens of this perplexing fossil were obtained by Professor von Dechen, from the Bavarian coal-fields. These were submitted to another FIG. 16.—Head of Archcegosaurus. (Permian.) authority, Professor Goldfuss, of Bonn, who published a memoir thereon, with good figures. His opinion was that the remains belonged to a saurian genus, which he called Archcegosaurus? or 1 2 Greek—apateon, cheat. Greek—arcAJgos, leader; sauros, lizard. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 61 "primaeval lizard," deeming it to be a kind of "missing link" between the fish-like batrachia and the lizards and crocodiles. Excellent casts of the specimens, figured and described, were sent by Goldfuss to Sir R. Owen, who placed them in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. One of these appeared to the latter to show evidence of having possessed permanent gills,, while the vertebrae and numerous very short ribs, with indications of stunted limbs adapted for swimming, all impressed him with the conviction that Archcegosaurus was nearly allied to the modern Proteus and other amphibians that retain their lungs throughout life. Some of the specimens acquired since Sir R. Owen published these conclusions are now in the Natural History Museum. There are certain fishes of the present day that have their backbones in an incomplete or unfinished state; that is to say, the bones consist partly of cartilage, like an unfinished house which is only built up to a certain level, the upper stories being merely indicated by scaffolding. An example of this kind of fish isfurnished by the existing mud-eel, or Lepidosiren, a highly interesting form of life to the geologist, because it tends to fill up the gap between the two distinct classes of Fishes and Reptiles. Now, in this respect, the old Carboniferous amphibian we are now considering resembles the mud-fish. The latter leads a partly amphibious life, burying itself in the mud during the hot season, and breathing air by means of its air-sack. It is believed by evolutionists that, in the course of ages, lungs were developed from the air-sacks of "ganoid" fishes.1 After detailing certain other characters, in which Archcegosaurus resembles the higher ganoid fishes, Sir Richard Owen says, "All these characters point to one great natural group, peculiar for the extensive grada^ tions of development, linking and blending together fishes and reptiles within the limits of such group." The salamander-like ganoids, Lepidosteus of North America (see p. 30) and Polyfiterus 2 See p. 45. CREATURES 62 OF OTHER DAYS. of the Nile, are the most fish-like; the true Labyrinthodonts are the most reptilian or saurian of the group; Archagosaurus conducts the march of development from the fish proper to the labyrinthodon type; Lepidosiren conducts it to the batrachian type with permanent gills. Both tend to show the artificial nature of the arrangement by which, under most systems of classification, fishes are separated by a wide gap from reptiles. In describing the amphibians of past ages it will be advisable to keep to our usual plan of taking them in chronological order, according to the accepted divisions of geological time, so that we may be able to compare those of one period with their descendants of another.1 The Labyrinthodonts ranged through three geological periods—the Carboniferous, the Permian, and the Triassic. At the time when the coal-forests of Europe and America were flourishing, they were tenanted by a large number of Labyrinthodonts. These, and others of the succeeding Permian period, which may conveniently be taken together, have been specially studied by such authorities as Professors Huxley andf Cope, Dr. Fritsch, Professor Miall, and others. The limits of space will only allow us to make a small selection from the numerous forms described by them. In the year 1852 Sir Charles Lyell and Mr. (now Sir William) Dawson, who were investigating the coal strata of Nova Scotia, discovered an interesting little Labyrinthodont known as Dendrerpeton? Its remains were found in the hollow of the trunk of a big fossil tree, the StgilZaria, which was completely converted into coal. The bones were considered by Professor Wyman, of Boston, to represent an amphibian, and on his advice they were brought to England and submitted to Sir R, Owen, who gave the above name to the creature to commemorate its discovery in a tree.2 Another genus from the coal-measures of North America is Raniceps (frog-headed),8 named by Professor Wyman. Its skull, fore 1 See Appendix I. 3 2 Greek—dendron, tree; erpeton, reptile. Latin—rana, frog; caput, head. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 63 limbs, and part of the backbone were found in a seam of coal in the great coal-field of Ohio, at the mouth of the Yellow Creek. Some interesting footprints have been discovered in American coal-measures. In the year 1844, Dr. King, of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, discovered some tracks which he considered to be those of a reptile, in coal strata near that town. The impressions were stated by him to be nearly eight hundred feet beneath the topmost stratum of the coal formation. Sir Charles Lyell, on visiting Greensburg, examined the footmarks and confirmed Dr. King's view of them. He considered that they resembled the Cheirotherium footprints described in chap. i. "They consist/' he says, " of the tracks of a large reptilian quadruped1 in the sandstone in the middle of the Carboniferous series—a fact full of novelty and interest; for here in Pennsylvania, for the first time, we meet with evidence of the existence of air-breathing quadrupeds, capable of roaming in those forests where the Sigiiiaria, Lepidodendron, Cautopteris, Catamites, ferns, and other plants flourished." No less than twenty-three footsteps were observed, and those made by the hind limbs were larger; but these tracks only showed four toes, instead of the five of Cheirotherium. Very similar footprints were discovered and described by Mr. Isaac Lea, in some red shales at the base of the coal-measures at Pottsville, north-east of Philadelphia. They are of older date, being seventeen hundred feet lower down. The name Sauropus has been given to the unknown animal that made them. Sun-cracks and the impressions of rain-drops were associated with them, showing clearly that the creature was an air-breather. Cricotus is an American genus described by Professor Cope, from the Permian strata of Texas. The head and some of the scales belonging to the under surface of the body are shown in Fig. 17. The Eryops, of which the skull is shown in the same figure, is considered by Professor Seeley to belong to a higher, 1 Such an expression as " reptilian quadruped" is not a happy one, and the term quadruped, as usually employed, may be replaced by the word mammal. 64 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. though related group, the Anomodonts (chap. iv.). The one group is much connected with the other, and the question of the F I G . 17.—Labyrinthodonts. 1, a, b, Cricotus. 2. Head of Eryops. Permian strata, Texas. (After Cope.) From classification of their various members is a difficult one, which only time and further discoveries can settle. Loxomma is another genus of the Coal period, but only the head is known (see Plate III.). It was named by Professor Huxley, who, during a visit to Edinburgh in 1862, made a study of the large collection of vertebrate fossils from Burdie House and Gilmerton in the Museum of Edinburgh University. While looking through the collection for fossil fishes, he came upon some specimens which were of quite a different character, and -J>1 AMPHIBIANS OF T H E COAL-FOREST P E R I O D . Actinodon. Loxomma Ceraterpeton. Dolickoso7na. ( H e a d of). ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 65 among these found part of the skull of a Labyrinthodont, which he named Loxomma. A very beautifully preserved specimen of FIG. 18.—Head of Eryops macrocephalus, from Permian strata, Texas. (After Cope.) the skull of this creature, from the coal-measures of Shropshire, is to be seen at the Natural History Museum (Gallery No. 5 of the Geological Department, Wall-case 11). It is fortunately uncrushed, and shows the natural contour of the skull and lower jaw. The specimen was presented by George Maw, Esq., F.G.S. Sir Philip Egerton and the Earl of Enniskillen obtained from the Edinburgh district a remarkable skeleton, which looked very much like that of a fish; but after mature consideration they lianded it over to the British Museum. Later on, Professor Huxley's attention was drawn to this specimen by Mr. Davies, of the Museum, who justly remarked upon a certain resemblance in the arrangement of its scales to the Archcegosaurus. A careful study of the fossil by Professor Huxley bore out the suspicions of F 66 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Mr. Davies, and convinced him of the amphibian nature of the fossil. It differed from Archcegosaurtis in the form of its heady as well as in the nature of its bony plates and scales. This fine specimen, known as Pholidogaster^ is to be seen in the same wallcase with Loxomma, and is forty-three inches in length. In Actinodon the skull is short and wide, the nostrils are large, and the muzzle is broad. Fig. 19 is a drawing of the com- FlG. 19.—Skeleton of a Labyrinthodont, Actinodon, from Permian strata, (Partly after Gaudry.) plete skeleton, and in the wall-case above mentioned will be found a skull preserved on a slab of shale from Permian strata in France. A restoration of the creature when alive is shown in Plate III. A number of small Labyrinthodonts, somewhat like salamanders, have been found in Ireland and in Bohemia. Those from the latter country are very exhaustively described by Dr, Fritsch, in a valuable monograph,1 with many excellent illustrations. We have reproduced two of these, the Ceraterpeton and the snake-like Dolichosoma2,—both restored in Plate III., and their skeletons shown in Figs. 20, 21. Speaking of snake-like forms, it may be mentioned that one of them—the Palceosiren ("ancient siren ")—is estimated to have attained a length of forty-five feet. Professor Cope has written an account of a number of Labyrinthodonts from the coal-measures of Ohio, where both Professor 1 2 Fauna der Gaskohle, Dr. A. Fritsch. Greek—dolichos, long; soma, body. ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. 67 Newberry and Professor Wyman have obtained specimens. These show great variety of form. Some resemble long-limbed lizards; FIG. 20.—A small Labyrinthodont, Ceraterfieton, restored after Fritsch, from Permian strata, Bohemia. some have short limbs. Others, like Ptyonius (see Fig. 22), were very elongate. The members of the Labyrinthodont order flourished over a large part of the earth's surface, from the time of 68 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. the coal-forests to that of the Triassic sandstones. Their remains are found in all the great continents, except South America. FIG. 21,—A snake-like Labyrinthodont, Dolichosoma^ from Carboniferous strata, Bohemia. (After Fritsch.) Professor Seeley considers them to have been the ancestors of the crocodiles. Large skulls of Labyrinthodonts, such as Mastodonsaurus and Capitosaurus^ have for a long time past been found in the Upper Triassic (Keuper) strata of Germany. A restoration of the Labyrinthodon skeleton is shown in Fig. 23, and we must now say a few words about the specimen on which this valuable restoration has been made.1 In the year 1877, M. Riitimeyer wrote to Professor Wiedersheim to say that the Museum at Basle possessed a specimen of 1 A complete account is given by Professor Wiedersheim in Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen Palaontologischen Gesellschaft, vol. v. (1878). ANCIENT FIG. 22.—Ptyonius (two species). SALAMANDERS. :er Cope.) From coal-measures, Ohio. 69 70 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Labyrinthodon in good condition. It was found in 1864, in a sandstone quarry in Riehn, Switzerland (Riehn is the first station FIG. 23.—Restoration of skeleton of Labyrinthodon (after Wiedersheim), under side. on the railway from Basle to Schopfeim), and was placed in the collection of the University of Basle. The finder was a M. Frey, an architect, who, in spite of a good offer from Stuttgart, refused to allow his fossil to leave the country. Later on, a photograph of the specimen was sent to Von Meyer, but for some reason he did not describe it. The task was therefore undertaken by Professor Wiedersheim. Riehn, the place of discovery, lies on a minor range of the Vosges Mountains bordering the Black Forest on the south. Detached plates of Labyrinthodonts are found in the Bunter Sandstone quarries of Riehn, and it is likely that other skeletons will yet be discovered. Previously to this find, only fragments R E P T I L E S AND AN AMPHIBIAN OF T H E N E W RED SANDSTONE P E R I O D . Rkytichosaurus. HyPerodapedon. Affjttn In—vaunts- TelerPeion, ANCIENT SALAMANDERS. n of Mastodonsaurus and Cafiitosaurus were known. As is usual with skeletons in sandstone, the bones, having been dissolved away, are mostly represented by casts in the rock. When first found, the slab of rock containing this fossil only revealed a part of the skull of the creature, so that much labour and care were required to udevelop" the specimen. The reader should be careful to note that Fig. 23 represents the under side of FIG. 24.—Lower jaws of a Labyrinthodont, Cyclotosaurus. the skull, and so what looks, at first sight, like an eye, is only a feature of the under side of the skull. Professor Wiedersheim was able to make a study of the brain, and found it to be remarkable for occupying so large a space in the skull; but it is of a low type. It is curious to find in this Labyrinthodon an entire absence of bony plates and scales—even the usual three plates on the chest being absent. The tail, also, is unusually short; and it would seem that this creature was less aquatic in its habits than some of the other forms we have been considering. It was not a large animal, the length of the skeleton on the slab being under two feet. 72 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Leaving now the Labyrinthodonts—which we have called " Primaeval Salamanders," for want of a better name, as there is nothing like them alive now,—we pass on to say a word or two, in conclusion, on the remains of a true salamander, discovered in Tertiary strata on the Continent. Few fossils have awakened more curiosity than the skeleton of Scheuchzer, who was rash enough to call his specimen Homo Diluvii Testis (or, "the man that witnessed the Deluge"). Scheuchzer was an enthusiast, never tired of collecting organic remains, which he considered to be unmistakable evidences of the general Deluge. At length he obtained from certain strata of Miocene age, at Oeningen, a fossil which he viewed with great delight as the unequivocal remains of man himself. The Royal Society (tell it not in Gath !) even published a short description in their Philosophical Transactions. In his rapture, Scheuchzer saw not only one, but many parts of the human skeleton in his specimen. When we look at the figure (in his Physica Sacra), it is difficult to conceive how such remains could have appeared to a physician, who ought to know something of the bones of the human body, to be those of a man. But Scheuchzer was so in love with his theory, and so enthusiastic about it, that many naturalists adopted his opinion. The first man who dared to doubt was Gesner (1758), who had a specimen of his own. A third specimen of this fossil came into the possession of Dr. Anman, of Zurich, and is now in the Natural History Museum (Gallery No. 5, Wall-case 11). Cuvier well observed that a comparison of the skeleton with that of man would at once have dispelled Scheuchzer's idea, which was consequently abandoned. The head and large orbits for the eyes struck Cuvier as strongly suggesting the head of a frog, or of a salamander. When staying at Haarlem in 1811, he obtained permission to work at the stone, and thus found more of the bones; in this way he settled the question, and proved that the supposed man who saw the Deluge was only a salamander after all! C H A P T E R IV. ANOMALOUS REPTILES. " In the endeavour to complete the Natural History of any class of animals, the mind seeks to penetrate the mystery of its origin, and, by tracing its mutations in time past, to comprehend more clearly its actual condition, and gain an insight into its probable destiny in time to come."—SIR R. OWEN. HAVING, in our previous chapter, discussed the Labyrinthodonts, we now pass on to consider some of their descendants in the shape of a very peculiar group of reptiles hailing from South Africa and elsewhere. Perhaps the chief peculiarity, among many others, presented by these very antique and old-fashioned inhabitants of the world, is to be found in their teeth. In fact, so irregular and anomalous are they in regard to these organs, and so at variance with all our preconceived ideas with regard to what proper, well-behaved reptiles, whether living or extinct, ought to be like, that their vagaries in this respect have led to their being christened by the name of Anomodonts, or "anomalously toothed " reptiles. 1 Needless to say, they occupy a distinct order in the classifications adopted by palaeontologists. The moral of all this is, as we shall better understand later on, that it would be well for students of extinct forms of life to enter this domain ot Science without any preconceived ideas at all! It would save a great deal of confusion and trouble in the e n d ; and, moreover, would be far more truly scientific. For what right has any one, however great his knowledge or his ability, to dictate to Nature, 1 Greek—anomos, without law; odous, odontos, tooth. 74 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. and to say this or that is impossible—that no reptile, for instance, could possibly have flown; or that such and such teeth were impossible for a reptile ? We now know that there was a time when certain reptiles did fly (although many people with some pretensions to knowledge doubted the evidence). And so with regard to reptilian teeth; fossil evidence shows that some old reptiles had teeth more like those of modern mammals! Facts such as these should teach caution, and every student of palaeontology will do well to remember the saying of Agassiz : " The possibilities of existence run so deeply into the extravagant that there is scarcely any conception too extraordinary for Nature to realise." The chief characters of the Anomodonts may be briefly stated as follows : In this order the body is lizard-like, and the limbs are adapted for walking. The skull is comparatively short, and the nasal openings are large. The teeth are generally placed in distinct sockets (thecodont). The bodies of the vertebrae are hollow at both ends (amphiccelous), and in some cases are only partly converted into bone—a character which is common to the Labyrinthodonts. The whole structure of the foot is distinctly on the mammalian plan. Recent researches show that these animals are descended from Labyrinthodonts, and more especially the family of which Archczgosaurus is a member (see p. 59). Certain important characters show (strange as it may seem) affinity with mammals; and it is probable that they are related to the lowest group of them, as represented at the present day by that remarkable creature the Spiny Ant-eater of Australia (Echidna), and the wonderful Duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus\ which lays eggs like a reptile. These two creatures belong to the Monotreme order. We shall have more to say presently about the points of resemblance between Monotremes and Anomodonts (see p. 86). Now the Anomodont reptiles are divided into several groups sub-orders, and families, of which we will take first those known ANOMALOUS REPTILES. 75 as Dicynodonts,1 because they illustrate the anomalous nature of the teeth, to which we referred just now. The singular genus Dicynodon was discovered by Mr. Andrew G. Bain, in South Africa. In the year 1844 this enthusiastic collector, who had been engaged in the construction of military roads in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, discovered, in the tract of country extending northwards from the county of Albany, about four hundred and fifty miles east of Cape Town, several nodules, or lumps of a kind of sandstone, which, when broken, displayed, in most instances, evidences of fossil bones, and usually of a skull with two large projecting teeth. These fossils were first made known to English geologists under the name of " Bidentals," by Mr. Bain, on account of their two teeth, or tusks, and were sent to Sir R. Owen for examination and description. The specimens were exhumed by Mr. Bain from the intensely hard nodules of the sandstone strata which range over an immense tract of country beyond the mountains north of Cape Town, and may now be seen in the Fossil Reptile Gallery of the Natural History Museum. Sir R. Owen, after a careful study of these interesting remains, concluded2 that there had formerly existed in South Africa— probably in a great lake or inland sea—a race of reptiles presenting, in the construction of their skulls, characters presented by the crocodile, the tortoise, and the lizard, but possessing a pair of long tusks implanted in distinct sockets, like those of the walrus. No other kind of teeth had they; and, as in the case of a tortoise, the lower jaw appears to have been armed by a trenchant sheath of horny matter. The tusks are of a finer texture than that of the crocodile's teeth, and almost as dense as in the hyaena. We have here, then, a singular order of ancient reptiles, presenting 1 The genus Dicynodon is so called from two Greek words: dis, twice; and kunodos, dog-toothed, on account of the two tusk-like canine teeth in the upper jaw. 2 Professor Owen's Memoir on the Dicynodon, Geol. Trans•., second series, vol. vi., with plates. 76 CREATURES OF OTHER BAYS. in a most striking manner that blending of the peculiarities of several existing orders which is continually presented to the palaeontologist. The head is shown in Fig. 25, and the fore limb in Figs. 26, 27. As it is, at present, hardly possible to restore the skeleton with any degree of certainty, we have not ventured to show the Dicynodon in our Plate of New Red Sandstone Reptiles (see Plate IV.). Some of the arguments used by Owen in his Memoir, above F I G . 25.—Anomodont skulls. A, head of Dicynodon ; B, head of Oudenodon, from Karoo strata, South Africa. (After Owen.) referred to, may be briefly condensed as follows: The creatures to which these skulls belonged were not mammals (although to an evolutionist they are a foreshadowing of that class), both on account of the double nasal apertures, one of which is seen in Fig. 25 ; and also because no mammal has a brain-cavity so relatively small. They were not crocodiles, as indicated by certain other features of the skull. They were not turtles or tortoises, for all such reptiles have a single nasal opening placed ANOMALOUS REPTILES. 77 in the middle of the fore part of the skull. They could not be fishes, for fishes breathe in quite a different way. Neither could they be batrachians (frogs, etc.), nor yet snakes, as is also proved by the structure of their skulls. Certain other features of the skull show a relationship with the Lacertilians, or true lizards. The skulls are mostly of small size; but that of Dicynodon tigriceps is as much as twenty inches in length. That of ZK lacerticeps ("lizard-headed"), Fig. 2$, is only six inches long. FIG. 26.—Fore limb of Dicynodon. (After Owen.) FIG. 27.—Arm-bone (humerus) of Dicynodon. \ natural size. (After Owen.) Dicynodonts have since been found in the Gondwana series in Central India, and in the Elgin Sandstone, Scotland. The vertebrae, or joints of the backbone, are hollow on both sides (biconcave)—a feature common to fishes and Labyrinthodonts. Probably they were good swimmers, and spent much of their time in the water; but it is quite clear that they were airbreathers, and so must have come up to the surface to breathe. It is not every palaeontologist who can claim the co-opera- 78 CREATURES OE OTHER BAYS. tion of Royalty in obtaining fossils—at least since the days of Alexander the Great, who collected all kinds of natural history specimens for his teacher, Aristotle, in the many lands he visited during his campaigns,—but in this respect Professor Owen was highly favoured, as the following note from H.R.H. Prince Alfred (Duke of Saxe-Coburg), written in i860, will show :— " D E A R PROFESSOR OWEN, " In the course of my journey in South Africa I met with two very interesting fossil remains, one (the larger one) being the head of a Dicynodon; and I hope you will accept them from me as being the best specimens I obtained, upon the Prince Consort's suggestion, on the occasion of your last lecture, of which I retain the most agreeable recollection. " Yours truly, " ALFRED. " Windsor Castle, November 15." Englishmen need hardly be reminded that the late Prince Consort showed a keen interest in all the sciences, and Professor Owen was frequently commanded to lecture before the Royal Family. The smaller of the two fossils above alluded to proved to be one of the most perfect specimens of a Dicynodont skull known to the Professor. The genus Oudenodon,1 although it has no teeth, so closely resembles the Dicynodon that it must be included in the same family. The skull is shown in Fig. 25. Professor Owen even suggested that the absence of teeth might merely denote a difference of sex; but this view is not accepted by others. The general shape of the skull is very similar to that oiDicynodonr and the jaws ended in a kind of beak. There are several species, and some attained very large dimensions. In Oudenodon Bainii the skull is six inches long. Mr. Bain, in 1 Greek—ouden, nothing ; odous, odontos, tooth. ANOMALOUS REPTILES. 79 a letter announcing the discovery of the fossils in South Africa, mentions that other bones were found in association with the skulls, which give additional evidence of the saurian nature of the toothless reptiles. He writes,1 "There were many skulls entirely without teeth, which we at first thought had belonged to chelonians or turtles; afterwards, finding that the animals had distinct narrow ribs, which chelonians have not, we put them down also for something new, and named them ' Oudenodons/ or toothless animals." Platyfiodosaurus2 is the name given to a considerable portion of the skeleton of a Dicynodont reptile from the Karoo strata of South Africa; but, unfortunately, the skull is unknown, and it may prove to be identical with Oudenodon. The structure of the pelvis, or region of the thighs, is remarkably mammalian. The name indicates that it had broad feet. The genus Endothiodon represents a remarkable family of large reptiles from the same strata, distinguished by the presence of teeth on the palate. The skull resembles that of Oudenodon, but the muzzle is longer. Two genera, Placodus3 and Cycwiodus, from Triassic strata in Germany, represent another order, the Placodonts, which are very remarkable, but unfortunately at present are only known by their skulls. These, however, are sufficiently peculiar to deserve notice (Table-case 18). The teeth represent a curious modification previously unknown in the reptile class, but of which the class of fishes affords numerous examples. In the latter genus the skull is as broad as it is long, and the jaws were very strong. This powerful action of the jaws relates to the form and size of the teeth, which are broad and flat, like paving stones, and evidently adapted to crack and bruise shells of molluscs and Crustacea. Although now admitted to be a reptile, this remarkable genus was once con1 The Eastern Province Monthly Magazine; Graham's Town, September^ 1856. 2 Greek—flatus, broad ; pous, fiodos, foot; and sauros, lizard. 3 Greek—-plax, pla&os, any flat thing ; odous, tooth. 8o CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. sidered by Agassiz, Owen, and others to be a fish; but where fossil remains are so imperfect, mistakes may easily be made at first. Tapinocephalusx and Titafiosuchus2 are the names given to two huge Anomodonts from South Africa, both belonging to the same family, the teeth of which indicate carnivorous habits. An imperfect skull, several entire limb-bones, and vertebrae are preserved in the national collection at South Kensington. Galczsaurus? of which the head is shown in Fig. 28, belongs to a remarkable group of Anomodonts, first described by Sir R. Owen, and called by him Theriodontsf because the form and order of arrangement of their teeth bear a striking resemblance to those of carnivorous mammals; for the incisors are separated from the molars by well-developed canines, and the canines of the lower F I G . 28.—Head of an Anomodont, Galcesaurus planiceps. Length 6 inches. Karoo strata, South Africa. (After Owen.) jaw crossed those of the upper in front. In some of the members of this family the upper canine teeth are long and trenchant, and the incisors large and close together. Visitors to the Natural History Museum will find a most valuable set of specimens of the skulls, etc., in Gallery No. 4, Table-case 19. In most reptiles, living and extinct, the teeth that are worn away by use, or otherwise lost, are replaced by others that are constantly forming in the jaws; but in the case of Theriodonts 1 Greek—tapeinos, low ; cephalos, head. Greek—titan^ a titan ; souchos, a crocodile. 3 Greek—gatt, weasel; sauros, lizard. 4 Greek—therion, wild beast; and odous, odontos, tooth : because the teeth resemble those of savage carnivorous creatures, such as lions or wolves. 2 ANOMALOUS REPTILES. 81 there is no evidence of preceding teeth, like the milk-teeth in mammals, nor of succeeding teeth, like the crocodile's. Sir R. Owen therefore concluded that these creatures had but one set of teeth, which lasted through life. He has described eleven genera, varying in the size and form of the skull and teeth ; they are all from South Africa, and are figured in his Catalogue of the Fossil Reptiles of South Africa. The work of describing and classifying Anomodont reptiles has since been carried on by Professor H. G. Seeley, F.R.S., who has contributed a series of elaborate papers to the Royal Society.1 In America and France the subject has been studied by Professors Cope 2 and Gaudry. The former palaeontologist has described, amongst others, such remarkable forms as Eryops (Fig. 18), Empedias, and Dimetrodon. As these are not completely known, we have refrained from attempting to restore them. Perhaps the most remarkable is the Dimetrodon^ (see Fig. 29). Not only was the skull provided with formidable tusks, but the vertebrae of the back present a new feature in having very long neural spines. In one species the height of the spine is actually more than twenty times the length of the centrum ! According to Professor Cope, these spines formed a kind of elevated fin on the back, of which it is difficult to imagine the use; but then there are many living animals with bony structures which, if only known in a fossil state, would greatly puzzle every one. So far we have only spoken of Anomodonts that are imperfectly known; it therefore now remains, before we part company with this wonderful extinct order, to describe one of which the skeleton is practically complete. This is the remarkable Pareiasaurusf for 1 Philosophical Transactions; vols. 179, 183, etc. History of the Vertebrata of the Permian Formation of Texas ^ by Professor E. D. Cope, Pal. Bull, No. 32. 3 Greek—dis9 double; metron, measure ; odous, tooth. 4 Greek—pareia, the cheek-piece of a helmet; and saziros, lizard. So 2 G 82 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. the discovery and description of which palaeontologists are indebted to a distinguished English geologist, Professor H. G. Seeley, F.R.S.1 Visitors to the Natural History Museum will see the unique specimen brought home by Professor Seeley at the end of the fossil reptile gallery, in a glass case by itself (see Fig. 30). The F I G . 29.—Parts of skeleton of Dimetrodon incisivus, from Permian strata, Texas. About J natural size. (After Cope.) story of its discovery, as given in the journals above quoted, may be briefly condensed as follows:—In the year 1889 Professor Seeley visited Cape Colony, and examined the Museums of Cape Town and Graham's Town, with a view to studying such remains named because the cheek-bones descend so as partly to cover the back of the lower jaw. 1 Philosophical Transactions, vol. 183 B (1892),; and Journal of South African Philosophical Society, vol. vi. p. 5 (1889-90). ANOMALOUS REPTILES. 83 of the creature as were then known ; but almost every specimen "73 a » „ ^ £ rg O Cfl r Q "£ u O O P n S k 8 £ "a S Len <3 Q * u _o WJ s 0 T 3 ' "tf i-t O Pi s ^£ 0 "o3 O rQ pj ^3 *0J en 1 £ O PI i3 1 B 0 cJ CO T 3 *X| PLATE XV. THE DODO (DIDUS INEPTUS). Exterminated in the seventeenth century. ANCIENT BIRDS. 165 aimed only at correct representation. All, except one, closely resemble each other. Five of these are now known to exist, three of which bear the name of Roland Savery, an eminent Dutch animal-painter in the beginning of the seventeenth century; and one is by John Savery, his nephew. The best known of these pictures is the one, now in the beautiful Bird Gallery of the Natural History Museum, from which all the figures of Dodo in natural history books are taken. It was once the property of the artist George Edwards, who, in his work on Birds) tells us, "The original picture was drawn in Holland from the living bird, brought from St. Maurice's Island, in the East Indies, in the early times of the discovery of the Indies by way of the Cape of Good Hope. It was the property of the late Sir H. Sloane to the time of his death, and afterwards, becoming my property, I deposited it in the British Museum, as a great curiosity." Portions of probably three distinct individuals are now extant in as many public museums; and it is remarkable, as proving the interest which the discovery of the Dodo excited in Europe, that .each of these three specimens is specially referred to in the museum catalogues printed in the seventeenth century. One of these valuable fragments is the foot now preserved in the Natural History Museum. The Oxford Museum once possessed a complete stuffed specimen, bequeathed with the rest of his curiosities, by Tradescant, to Elias Ashmole, the munificent founder of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. Here it remained till 1755. This unhappy specimen, the last of the Dodos(!), then at least a -century old, had become decayed by time and neglect, and its destruction was decreed by the trustees, who were, of course, ignorant of its priceless value. But the head and one of the feet were saved from the flames, and are still preserved in the museum. The third specimen is a skull in the Gottorf Museum at Copenhagen. Yet it cannot be doubted that if careful search were made in the caves and superficial deposits of Mauritius, i66 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. many more bones might be discovered. Entire skeletons of the Dodo and the Solitaire are exhibited in the Bird Gallery of the Natural History Museum, among the Pigeons. There is no reason why a pigeon should not become so modified, as the result of a change in external circumstances, as to be incapable of flight. Now, we are told that Mauritius, an island forty miles in length, and about a hundred miles from the nearest land, was, when discovered, clothed with dense forests of palms and various other trees. A bird adapted to feed on the fruits produced by these forests would, in that equable climate, have no occasion to migrate to distant lands; it might revel in the perpetual luxuriance of tropical vegetation and could have but little need of locomotion. Why, then, should it trouble to use its wings ? Such a bird might wander from tree to tree, tearing with its powerful beak the fruits which strewed the ground, and digesting their stony kernels with its powerful gizzard, enjoying tranquillity and abundance, until the arrival of man destroyed the balance of animal life, and put an end to its existence. In a second island forming one of the Mascarene group, viz, that known as Rodriguez, situated about three hundred miles east of Mauritius, early explorers found another bird living. This was the Solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria), a near relative of the Dodo. It differed from the latter in having longer legs and neck? and its bill not so much curved. The last recorded appearance was in 1693. Rodriguez seems to have remained in a desert and uninhabited condition until 1691, when a party of French Protestant refugees settled upon the island, and remained there for two years. Their commander, Francois Leguat, a man of intelligence and education, has left a highly interesting account of their adventures, and of the various productions of the island.1 " Of all the Birds in the Island," he says, " the most remarkable is that which goes by the name of the Solitary, because it is very 1 A New Voyage to the East Indies by Francis Leguat and his Companions* i2mo. London, 1708. ANCIENT BIRDS. 167 seldom seen in Company, tho' there are abundance of them. The Feathers of the Males are of a brown grey colour, the Feet and Beak are like a Turkey's, but a little more crooked. They have scarce any Tail. . . . Their Neck is straight, and a little longer in proportion than a Turkey's when it lifts up its head. . . . They never fly, their Wings are too little to support the weight of their bodies; they only serve to beat themselves, and flutter when they call one another. . . . From March to September they are extremely fat, and taste admirably well, especially while they are young : some of the Males weigh forty-five pounds." The females he describes as being wonderfully beautiful, and walking with much stateliness and grace : after which he proceeds as follows: " Tho' these Birds will sometimes very familiarly come up near enough to one, when we do not run after them, yet they will never grow tame. As soon as they are caught they shed Tears without Crying, and refuse all manner of Sustenance till they die." The figure given by Leguat shows that it was a very different bird from the Dodo. Its nest was a heap of palm-leaves, and it laid but one egg, three times a year. In conclusion, we will quote Leguat once more : " Our WoodHens," he says, " are fat all the year round, and of a most delicate taste. Their colour is always of a bright grey, and there's very little difference in the plumage between the two Sexes. They hide their nests so well that we cou'd not find 'em out, and consequently did not taste their eggs. They have a red list about their eyes, their beaks are straight and pointed, near two inches long, and red also. They cannot fly, their fat makes 'em too heavy for it. If you offer them anything that's red, they are so angry that they will fly at you to catch it out of your hand, and in the heat of the combat we had an opportunity to take them with ease." The volcanic island of Bourbon, lying about a hundred milessouth-west of Mauritius, was certainly inhabited by two species 168 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. of birds, whose inability to fly, and consequent rapid extinction, brings them into the same category with the Dodo of Mauritius and the Solitaire of Rodriguez. Bourbon was discovered between the years 1502 and 1545, by Mascaregnas a Portuguese, who called the island by his own name, but seems to have left no other record of his visit. In the seventeenth century, travellers such as Bontekoe and Carre' speak of a big short-winged bird which they saw here, and wThich from their descriptions appears to be the Solitaire, for they said its colour was white. But in 1669, the year after Carre's visit, a French colony was sent from Madagascar to Bourbon under M. de la Haye. One of the party, who calls himself the Sieur D.B., has left an interesting account of the expedition. He distinctly alludes to a second species of short-winged bird, in the following words :— Oiseaux bleus, the size of Solitaires, have the plumage wholly blue, the beak and feet red, resembling the feet of a hen. They do not fly, but they run extremely fast, so that a dog can hardly overtake them ; they are very good eating." We must suppose it escaped the notice of the earlier voyagers. On reviewing the various historical and other evidences, which have been carefully brought together by Mr. H. E. Strickland, it seems clear that the three oceanic islands, Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon, which, though somewhat remote from each other, may be considered as forming one geographical group, were inhabited, until the time of their colonization, by three, or perhaps four, distinct but allied flightless birds. These constitute a distinct family, the Dididcz, of naturalists, allied to the pigeons, but very isolated. Before men came thither they flourished abundantly; but when cats, dogs, and pigs were introduced by human agency, and man also himself sought them for food, their fate was sealed, and they rapidly became exterminated. The fact that these perfectly defenceless creatures survived in great abundance to a recent period in these three islands only, while as far as we know they never existed in any ANCIENT BIRDS. 169 other countries whatever, certainly confirms other evidence which might be brought forward, did space permit, to show that they are very ancient but truly "oceanic" islands—Le. they never formed part of any continent and subsequently became separated, as Madagascar did from Africa, or the British Isles from Europe. From what is already known of bird life in the Miocene period, it seems probable that the origin of this peculiar * group of the Dodo and its allies dates back to early Tertiary times. " I f we suppose," says Mr. Alfred Russell Wallace,1 "some ancestral ground-feeding pigeon of large size to have reached the group by means of intervening islands afterwards submerged, and to have henceforth remained to increase and multiply unchecked by the attacks, of any more powerful animals, we can well understand that the wings, being useless, would in time become almost aborted. It is also not improbable that this process would be aided by natural selection, because the use of wings might be absolutely prejudicial to the birds in their new home. Those that flew up into trees to roost, or tried to cross over the mouths of rivers, might be blown out to sea and destroyed, especially during the hurricanes which have probably always more or less devastated the islands; while, on the other hand, the more bulky and short-winged, who took to sleeping on the ground in the forest, would be preserved from such dangers, and perhaps also from the attacks of birds of prey, which may always have visited the island." Whether this is a complete account of how the change took place or not, we may take it for certain that their abnormal development could not have taken place except under complete isolation and freedom from the attacks of enemies. In other countries, like Europe, Africa, or Asia (but not in Australia or New Zealand), there was, during Tertiary times, an abundance of carnivora to keep down the rest of the animal creation, and prevent any ambitious attempts on the part of pigeons 1 Alfred Russell Wallace, Island Life, p. 407. (1880.) 170 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. to increase in size; so that Dodoism, if we may be allowed to use the expression, would be impossible. The Samoa Isles in the Pacific recently possessed a large and handsome kind of pigeon, of richly coloured plumage, which the natives called Manu~meay but to which modern naturalists have given the name of Didunculus strigirostris. It was, both by structure and habit, essentially a ground pigeon, not, however, so exclusively but that it fed and roosted too, according to Lieutenant Walpole; among the branches of tall trees. Mr. T. Peale, the naturalist of the United States Exploring Expedition, who first described it, informs us that, according to the tradition of the natives, it once abounded; but after the introduction of cats, dogs, and rats, this bird was soon quite exterminated. So rare had the bird become during the stay of the expedition, that only three specimens could be procured, and, of these, two were lost by shipwreck. When Norfolk Island, in the Southern Ocean, was first discovered, its tall forests were inhabited by a remarkable parrot with a very long and slender hooked beak, which lived upon the honey of flowers. Mr. Gould, the ornithologist, on visiting Australia, found this bird—known as Nestor productus— entirely limited to Philip Island, a little island not far off. The war of extermination had been so successfully carried on through the agency of man that, in the larger island, only a few specimens in cages were to be seen. Mr. J. H. Gurney has given us a description of it. He says : * " I have seen the man who exterminated the Nestor productus from Philip Island, he having shot the last of that species left on the island. He informs me that they rarely made use of their wings, except when closely pressed; their mode of progression was by the upper mandible; and whenever he used to go to the island to shoot, he would invariably find them on the ground, except one, which used to be sentry on one of the 1 Zoologist^ p. 4298. ANCIENT BIRDS. 171 lower branches of the Araucaria excelsa; and the instant any person landed, they would run to those trees and haul themselves up by the bill, and, as a matter of course, they would there remain till they were shot, or the intruder had left the island. He likewise informed me that there was a large species of hawk that used to commit great havoc amongst them, but what species it was he could not tell me." That fine bird the Great Auk is believed now to be quite extinct. But it was once abundant in Northern Europe. The natives in the Orkney Island informed Mr. Bullock, on his tour through these islands some years ago, that only one male had been seen for a long time since, which had regularly visited Papa Westra for several seasons. The female, which the natives call the queen of the Auks, was killed just before Mr. Bullock's arrival. The king, or male, was chased by him for several hours, but without success, so rapid was its course under water. It was afterwards caught and sent to him, and is now in the national collection. In size it was rather larger than a goose. Mr. Bullock's specimen was taken in 1812; another was captured at St. Kilda in 1822; another was picked up dead near Lundy Island in 1829; and yet another was taken in 1834, off the coast of Waterford. On the north coast of Europe the bird was equally rare, not more than two or three having been procured during the present century. Two hundred years ago it was by no means rare on the shores of New England; and off the great fishing-hanks of Newfoundland it was very abundant. " During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries," says Dr. Charlton, " these waters, as well as the Iceland and Faroe coasts, were annually visited by hundreds of ships from England, France, Spain, Holland, and Portugal; and these ships were actually accustomed to provision themselves with the bodies and eggs of these birds, which they found breeding in myriads on the low islands off the coast of Newfoundland. . . . It was only necessary to go on shore armed with sticks, to kill as many 172 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. as they choose. The birds were so stupid that they allowed themselves to be taken up, on their own proper element, by boats under sail. . . . " I n 1841, a distinguished Norwegian naturalist (too early, alas ! lost to science), Peter Stuwitz, visited Funk Island, or Penguin Island, lying to the east of Newfoundland. Here, on the north-west shore of the island, he found enormous heaps of bones and skeletons of the Great Auk, lying either in exposed masses, or slightly covered by the earth. On this side of the island, the rocks slope gradually down to the shore, and here were still standing the stone fences and enclosures into which the birds were driven for slaughter."1 It is often remarked that men and women who are specially gifted in certain directions are found to be wanting in some other ways; for there is compensation in all things, and no one individual can excel in all the gifts and graces at once. In order to achieve great results in one field, we must leave others untouched. The artist or musician is not expected to excel in physical strength; nor is the athlete expected to show any great gift for painting or for music. Each must be " specialised " in his own way, and should be content if he can bring to perfection his one gift. So it is in the animal kingdom; some are gifted in one direction, some in another. Fishes excel in swimming, mammals in walking or running, and birds in flying. Each has conquered in his own realm. Now the bird class has conquered the air; but, in order to do this, and to fly from place to place with ease and rapidity, they have had to make no small sacrifice; for they have turned their fore limbs, which the reptile uses for crawling, into wings for flying. It is true they have much to compensate them for this sacrifice in the vigour and happiness of their lives ; in the marvellous gift of song, and in the social qualities they display—to say nothing of their wisdom, which is proverbial. Still the greatest triumphs are 1 Transactions of the Tyneside Natural History Society. ANCIENT BIRDS. *73 reserved for those creatures which have remained on the ground, and continued to use their fore limbs in the ordinary way. Miss Buckley (Mrs. Fisher) has, in one of her best books,1 expressed this idea very happily. We will therefore quote the passage, as we find ourselves unable to put it in better words: " Thus the birds," she says, " with their feathery covering and powerful wings, have left their early friends, the reptiles, far behind. Taught by their many dangers, many experiences, and many joys, they have become warm-hearted, quick-witted, timid or* bold, ferocious or cunning, deliberate as the rook or passionate as the falcon, according to the life they have led; or, in the sweet, tender emotions of the little song-birds, have learned to fill the world with love and brightness and song. . . . " Yet we cannot but feel that, happy as a bird's life may be, it still leaves something to be desired; and that, with their small brain, and their front limbs entirely employed in flying, they cannot make the highest use of the world. The air they have conquered; and among the woods and forests, over the wide sea, and above the lofty mountains, they lead a busy and happy existence, bringing flying creatures to their highest development, and showing how life has left no space unfilled with her children. Yet, after all, it is upon the ground, where difficulties are many, conditions varied, and where there is so much to call for contrivance, adaptation, and intelligence, that we must look for the highest types of life; and while we leave the joyous birds with regret, we must go back to the lower forms among the four-footed animals, in order to travel along the lines of those that have conquered the earth and prepared the way for man* himself." 1 Winners in Life's Race, p. 179. CHAPTER IX. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS AND ELEPHANTINE MONSTERS. " T o lead the mind of man towards its noble destination—a knowledge of truth ; to spread sound and wholesome ideas among the lower classes of the people ; to draw human beings from the empire of prejudices and passions ; to make reason the sole arbitrator and supreme guide of public opinion."— CUVIER, on the object of Science, in his Report to the Emperor Napoleon on the Progress of the Natural Sciences since the Year 1789. IT has often been said that the Primary era was an " Age of Fishes," the Secondary era an "Age of Reptiles," and the Tertiary an " Age of Mammals." There is, however, a danger lest beginners should be deceived by broad statements of this kind, which must not be pressed too far. All that is meant in this case is, that, first of all, fishes were the dominant type; then reptiles, and then mammals. We have shown in earlier chapters of this book, as well as in our previous work, that fishes abounded in the waters of the Primary or Palaeozoic era, while air-breathing amphibians appeared towards its close; that reptiles flourished vigorously all through Secondary or Mesozoic times : and now we are about to show that a marvellous outburst of mammalian life appears to have taken place very early in the Tertiary or Cainozoic era. All this is in accordance with the " Law of Progress " throughout past times, and strongly confirms the theory of Evolution. The student of geological history soon discovers that mammals of some kind, or kinds, did exist throughout the Secondary era— TAPIR-LIKE AJSTIMALSy ETC. 175 although, judging from their imperfect remains, they must have been of a low type.3 But the great advance in our knowledge of the world's extinct races which has taken place during the last quarter of a century ought to make us careful with regard to broad statements of the above kind, which may require to be modified by future discoveries. Now, the tendency of all the later results of Palaeontology is to show that some of the higher types of life appeared on the earth a good deal earlier than was formerly supposed. Thus the discovery of the jaw-bones of small mammals (possibly marsupials) in the Purbeck strata, in 1854, and afterwards in the Stonesfield slate (both of Jurassic age), came as a surprise to most geologists. Again, it is not long since birds were believed to have come into existence only in Tertiary times: now we have the Jurassic bird Arehaopteryx (see p. 152), and Professor Huxley has recorded his opinion that some of us may live to see a fossil mammal of the remote Silurian age ! It is, therefore, only prudent for geologists to be on their guard against assuming that all the Secondary mammals were of low types and few in numbers, as might be inferred from the phrase " Age of Mammals." That mammals, however, developed vigorously in many directions during the Tertiary era cannot be doubted. So far, then, the expression conveys important truth; but in science, as in other things, the " unexpected" often happens, so it is better to be prepared for surprises. And here an interesting question naturally suggests itself, viz. What cause, or causes, operated to bring about such rapid and vigorous expansion of certain classes, such as the reptile and the mammal ? Now, although this question cannot be fully answered, there are nevertheless certain highly suggestive known facts which seem partly to solve the mystery. We may suppose that, for long 1 Perhaps some of the jaw-bones from Triassic and Jurassic strata represent creatures as low down in the scale as the Monotremes, represented at the present day by the Duck-bill Platypus and the Echidna of Australia. 176 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. ages before the Tertiary era, mammals had remained in a stationary and sluggish condition ; then some change, or changes, took place, which, as it were, gave them a fresh start. What was the nature of such change ? Let us look at the living world, for a moment, as it is now; for in Geology the past must be interpreted by the present. Naturalists know well that any change in climate {i.e. in temperature or-atmospheric conditions), or in the configuration of land and sea, is sure to effect the balance, or equilibrium, of life. Some creatures will gain thereby, others will lose, and may in consequence become extinct. Here we have evidently a potent cause at work, which may be summed up under the phrase geographical changes. That such have been constantly occurring in the past is beyond doubt, and it is equally certain that they have brought about vast changes in the organic world ; for plants and animals are highly sensitive to the conditions around them. Take away the Gulf Stream from the North Atlantic, and in time many highly important changes in the fauna of that sea would inevitably follow; flood the desert of Sahara, or a part of it, and you would bring life and fertility to the surrounding districts, making the very desert to blossom as the rose; remove a natural barrier, such as a channel or sea between two masses of land, or a mountain chain separating two countries, and you would at once start a series of migrations and other changes the consequences of which would be almost endless; cut down a forest, and you diminish rainfall, thereby altering the whole climate of the region. It is not surprising to learn, in view of these facts, that the periods of greatest geological disturbance—affecting the distribution of land and water, and perhaps lifting up whole mountain ranges—have always been followed by great changes in the organic world, and the rapid evolution of new types of life. The geologist can easily call to mind examples of this principle. Thus, the Coal-measure period was followed by great geographical changes, and, consequently, we find very different faunas in the TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 177 rocks subsequently deposited together, with the coming in of higher types. Again, at the close of the Cretaceous period such changes took place on a large scale, sea becoming dry land and the land becoming sea, and consequently we are at once introduced, in the Tertiary deposits, to an amazing number of newer and higher types, which had, as it were, been waiting for a chance to " improve themselves," and rise in the scale of being. It would be easy to illustrate this truth from human affairs; for instance, in the history of the growth of the Anglo-Saxon race in America and the colonies, where the old stock has flourished vigorously in new fields. Whether they will develop a " higher type " remains to be seen; but in America, we see the production of a somewhat novel one. The discovery of the New World and the building of huge ships, making, as it were, a ferry across the Atlantic, has led to "migration" on a large scale. Nature, however, brings about migrations by changing the geography of the globe. For example, Australia was once united to Asia, and creatures living ages ago in Asia found their way into Australia; them came elevation, and consequent separation. Europe and America were once united towards the North ; Africa and India formerly had a belt of land connecting them, as proved by the Gondwana beds and their fossils. Now, when by any such means a group of animals migrates into a new territory and finds there a fresh field, with less powerful competitors and an abundance of food, it is obvious that they will enjoy a "good time ; " the result of which seems to be that they flourish vigorously and expand in many directions, thus producing new branches of the Tree of Life. We all know how the rabbits took to Australia and throve only too vigorously; and we have been informed that already they have begun to alter their habits and to climb trees, for which purpose they are developing longer claws ! Perhaps we shall in time see a new race of these little rodents " evolved " in that country. N 178 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. There is, however, another cause which may be of even greater importance, although it cannot be so easily understood,—and that is, internal changes in the animal itself. All the creatures we see around us are constantly varying, and have done so in the past—-now in one direction, now in another. The cause of " variation " is one of the unsolved problems of modern Biology, or the study of life ; but we do know that a variation occasionally happens to be of such a kind as to make a radical change in the organism, and to fit it for new conditions of life better than its comrades of the same species. As an example of such a change, whether acquired at once by some individual, or only slowly brought about after many generations, we may take the case of those mammals of the higher orders, which have the power of retaining their young for a longer time within their bodies than either the monotremes or the marsupials.1 This character, together with others that necessarily go with it, made the creature thus favoured more powerful, i.e. more safe and better able to take care of itself and its young ones, so that it had a better chance in the " struggle for existence.'' Certain it is that those mammals which have this habit have triumphed over the marsupials and reptiles. Hence it came about that, as soon as this important variation occurred in the main stock, an immediate impulse was given to its development. They became more active, more numerous, and more powerful. This was probably one of the ways in which mammals ascended in the scale of life and branched out into various orders, such as insectivora, ungulates, rodents, carnivora, etc. On the other hand, the same reasoning would lead us to infer that the reptile class flourished well during the Mesozoic era because they were the first air-breathing vertebrates (besides having this new habit of breathing air directly instead of from water as the fishes do) and therefore had the land all to them1 So called because they carry their young ones in a pouch (marsupium); for example, the Kangaroo. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 179 selves. Hence it is not surprising to find that throughout that long era they developed many branches, the majority of which, however, are now extinct. Similarly, the class of birds probably underwent great expansion at the same time, because they were conquering a new province, the great ocean of air, and, in order to do this, had acquired new structures and new habits, giving them advantages over their old ancestors the reptiles. Numerous orders of insects appear in the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits ; and it has been suggested that their evolution may have been due to the appearance, for the first time in the world's history, of flowers on the land, and the habit of certain insects of feeding from them. Lastly, some geologists have lately attributed the great expansion of mammalian life in Tertiary times to the probable fact that grassy pastures only began to grow on the earth in the early days of that era. A few students of the evolution of plant life have lately arrived at the conclusion that the grasses (graminece) did not exist in the previous geological periods. Here, then, we seem to have a powerful cause suggested; and, if it is a true one, " pastures new," in a literal sense, were opened out for the budding mammalian line to feed on. What endless possibilities were thus within, their reach ! Here was better and more nourishing food for them than the ferns, reeds, or cycads, to which they had previously been limited. So far, these suggestions help us better to understand how it was that the mammals in Tertiary days struck out so many new lines; but we must bear in mind that our knowledge of these mysterious operations is at present very limited, and doubtless new causes will be discovered as time goes on. It would be impossible within the limits of a single chapter to give an account of all the leading orders of Tertiary mammals. We' must therefore limit our present remarks to two or three, reserving others for future chapters. i8o CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Beginning with certain Tapir-like animals that flourished during Eocene times, we will then pass on to consider some curious creatures of larger size, some of which are true elephants, while others seem to be related to that order (the proboscidians) as well as to the rhinoceros. The discovery, in the early part of the present century, of the rich treasures imbedded in the Tertiary strata of the Paris basin, and the consummate skill with which they were interpreted and restored by the immortal Cuvier, gave a very great impulse to the study of Geology. His restorations became patterns for others, like Owen, Huxley, Marsh, Cope, Gaudy, and many more, who have worked on the lines he laid down. The mammalian remains brought to Cuvier by numerous collectors were very imperfect and fragmentary—detached bones and teeth, with occasionally some portion of a skeleton. The success with which he put them into order, and built up therefrom the long-lost types of Eocene days, was due largely to his wonderful knowledge of living animals, but partly also to his Law of Con-elation. One of Cuvier's triumphs was the restoration of the Palceotheriumf- a tapir-like animal, from fragmentary remains found in the strata of the Paris basin, chiefly at Montmartre; his conclusions being afterwards verified by the discovery of a nearly complete skeleton (see Fig. 57). The molar teeth of this animal somewhat resembled those of the rhinoceros. The skull shows that it had a short proboscis. The toes, of which there were three on each foot, ended in small hoofs, the middle toes being the largest. Its eye was small, and the head rather large. Several species have been determined, varying from the size of a sheep (P. curtum) to that of a horse (P. magnum), and it had much in common with both the horse and the rhinoceros. P. medium was rather smaller than an American Tapir : P. minus was a small andv elegant species, of which the fresh-water Eocene beds of the Isle of Wight have yielded remains. 1 Greek—palaios, ancient; therion, wild beast. LL: TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS. Xiphodon. PLATE XVI. EOCENE PERIOD. Palteotkerium. Anoplotherium. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 181 A complete specimen, discovered in 1874, with the outline of the body indicated in the rock, was of a slenderer build, and with a longer neck than in Cuvier's restoration, on which our artist's drawing in Plate XVI. is based ; but the earlier discoveries do not agree with this, and the reader can easily see for himself that the skeleton shown in Fig. 57 could not have had a longer neck without at the same having longer legs, and probably thinner bones. We have therefore adhered to the now familiar outline of the Palseothere as restored by Cuvier and since copied into almost every book on Geology. Doubtless there were many species FIG. 57.—Skeleton of a tapir-like animal, Palceotherhmi magnum, from Eocene strata, near Paris. (After Gaudry.) existing at the time, and this later discovery probably represents one of the slenderer sort. Such then, in all probability, was the Palseothere, a creature which lived in herds in the valleys of the plateau surrounding the ancient lake-basins of Orleans and Argenton; in the department of Gironde; in the Isle of Wight; and in various parts of Europe. Its contemporary, the Anoplotherium? so called from its apparently defenceless state, is represented in the same plate. This animal was of a lighter and more elegant form, and its limbs 1 Greek—alpha, privative; hopla, arms; therion, beast. 182 CREATURES OF OTHER BAYS. ended each in two digits, only terminating in hoofs. As in the Palseothere, the jaws contained forty-four teeth, but there was no interval in the series. There are suggestions in its framework of the modern ruminant type; * thus it resembled the ox in having an equally divided hoof, or rather two hoofs. Fig. 58, in which the skeleton is seen, shows that it possessed a long tail. In size it was about equal to a fallow deer, and the long tail has been supposed, perhaps erroneously, to indicate aquatic habits. Small FIG. 58.—Skeleton of a tapir-like animal, with restored outline, Anoplotherium commune^ from Eocene strata. (After Cuvier.) and more delicate species have been taken to represent distinct genera. " Judging from its habits of swimming and diving," said Cuvier, " the Anoplotherium would have the hair smooth like the otter ; perhaps its skin was even half naked. It is not likely, either, that it had long ears, which would be inconvenient in its aquatic kind of life ; and I am inclined to think that, in this respect, it resembled 1 Cuvier divided all the hoofed animals (ungulates) into two orders, pachyderms and ruminants. ' The former is a heterogeneous order, and has since been abandoned; but the ruminants have been regarded as one of the most distinct of mammalian orders, for they are separated from all other animals by having horns and hoofs in pairs, the absence of upper front teeth, complex stomachs, and the habit of ruminating or "chewing the cud." Professor Owen showed that ungulates should be classified by the structure of their feet. He therefore divided them into odd-toed (perissodactylate) and even-toed (artiodactylate), and he placed elephants in a separate order—the Proboscidia. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 183 the hippopotamus and other quadrupeds which frequent the water t much." But was it really aquatic ? Xiphodon^ so named by Cuvier on account of the shape of its teeth, was a small and delicate animal, long, with slenderer limbs than the Anoplotherium; its feet were provided with two toes, and the tail was short (see restoration in Plate XVL). X. gracilis was obtained from the lignites of Debruge, near Apt. It was some three feet high, and of about the size of a chamois, but lighter in form, and with a smaller head. Cuvier says of this creature, " Its course was not embarrassed by a long tail; but, like all active herbivorous animals, it was probably timid, and with large and very mobile ears, like those of the stag, announcing the slightest approach of danger. Neither is there any doubt that its body was covered with smooth hair, and consequently we only require to know its colour in order to paint it as it formerly existed in this country, where it has been dug up after so many ages." Instead of resorting to rivers and lakes, this graceful little creature probably kept to the dry land and fed upon aromatic herbs. Discoveries, chiefly made since Cuvier's day, have shown that these ancient herbivorous mammals had carnivorous enemies, which doubtless kept down their numbers—not lions and tigers, but certain lower and less " specialised " creatures, from some of which the latter are descended. Chceropotamus? the Water-hog, was another contemporary, having a good deal of analogy with the living Peccari, though much larger; its feet have not yet been found, but they probably had four toes. Anthracotherium2, (see Fig. 59), so named from having been found in a bed of anthracite, or lignite, near Savone in France, doubtless dwelt in swamps and marshes, and belongs to the same 1 2 3 Greek—xiphos, sword ; odous, odontos, tooth. Greek—'cAozros, a young pig ; potamos, river. Greek— anthrax, coal; therion, beast. i84 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. family as Chczropotamus. It appears to have resembled both a pig and a hippopotamus (see restoration, Plate XVL). In the strata of the Paris basin there are three masses of gypsum separated by intervening deposits of fine marl, which breaks up into fine layers, or laminae. In the top deposit, in the valley of Montmorency, M. Desnoyers discovered, in 1859, many footprints of animals, occurring at no less than six different levels. The gypsum to which these marls belong varies from thirty to fifty feet in thickness. Sir Charles Lyell visited the quarries soon after the discovery was made known, with M. Desnoyers, who showed him large slabs in the museum at Paris, where, on the FIG. 59.—Skeleton of Anthracotherium, from Lower Miocene strata. (After Kowalevsky.) upper planes of stratification, the indented footmarks were seen,, while corresponding casts in relief appeared on the lower surfacesof the gypsum beds immediately above. Each of these thin filmsof marl, before being hardened by pressure of overlying rocks, was in the state of mud; on this mud the animals of this Eocene period once walked or " made tracks," as Americans say, and the impressions penetrated to the gypsum below, which must then have been in a soft condition. Here, then, we have an old haunt of early Tertiary forms of life; and this haunt, the geological record tells us, was probably near a lake, or several small lakes, rjf / h H^^ , .# - <• J*!i7_ T A P I R - L I K E ANIMALS. Palceosyops. PLATE XVII. /,* r EOCENE PERIOD. Anthracotherhim. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 185 communicating with each other, on the shores of which numerous herbivorous creatures wandered, together with beasts of prey which occasionally devoured them. This is clearly proved by the tooth-marks detected by palaeontologists on the bones and skulls of Palaeotheres entombed in the gypsum. The nearest living ally of our Palseothere, that once inhabited Europe in great numbers, must be sought for a long way from horrie; and it is highly instructive to observe that the further we wander away from the present down "the corridors of time/7 the further we must travel, geographically, to find creatures at all matching those that lived in early ages of the world's history. Thus, the Tapir from Sumatra, or Central and South America, is the nearest living relative of the Palaothere; while, if we go back still further—into Jurassic times,—we must fetch marsupials from Australia to match some of the little mammals whose jawbones are found in some of the deposits of that age. To the geologist and naturalist, South America and Australia are countries which have, as it were, lagged behind ; for their faunas are not " up to date," as the saying is; and thereby hangs a long story—into which we must not be led now,—and one which shows how closely the sciences of Geology, Natural History, and" Geography are interwoven. As already stated, Cuvier's great results in restoring Eocene animals were due, in a large measure, to the use he made of his principle of " correlation ;" of which he writes : " I doubt whether I should ever have divined, if observation had not taught me, that the ruminant hoofed beasts should all have the cloven foot, and be the only beasts with horns on the frontal bone." 1 Again, it is found—though no one knows why—that only those hoofed animals which have their hoofs in one or two pairs, have horns in one or two pairs on the frontal bones : whilst those with three hoofs, if they have horns at all, have either one or two placed one behind the other (example, the Indian rhinoceros with one 1 Ossemens Fossiles, torn. i. p. 184. (1834.) 186 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. horn and the African two-horned rhinoceros). There must be secret reasons for these curious facts—who shall win immortality by discovering them ? Other relationships, such as that between teeth and hoofs, might be given ; but the above example is sufficient for our present purpose. In dealing with this subject, however, it should be mentioned that Cuvier's law is not infallible, and does not always apply to some of the ancient and generalised types discovered since his day. FIG. 60.—Skeleton of a tapir-like animal, Palceosyops. (Restored, after C. Earle.) Our account of Eocene Tapir-like animals would not be complete without some mention of an interesting animal allied to the Palaeothere, discovered in Tertiary strata in North America, viz. the Palceosyops? so named from its pig-like face. In general features it strongly resembled the Tapir, had a stout body, with •slender tail, and short neck, compensated by a proboscis of considerable length. Our restoration, seen in Plate XVII., is based upon a complete 1 Greek—palaios, ancient; sits, pig; ops, face. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 187 restoration of the skeleton, lately published in America, by Mr. C. Earle* (see Fig. 60). That drawing represents a great amount of labour and is the result of much collecting on the part of several workers for a good many years. It is founded on specimens, by no means complete, in the museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; in the museum of Princeton College; in the collection of Professor Cope ; and some of Professor Marsh's specimens in the museum of Yale College. The name of the late Dr. Leidy, a pioneer in American palaeontology, is associated with this genus, and the collection in the museum of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, contains many of the original specimens from which Leidy first gave to the scientific world the knowledge of the existence of this creature. Since he, in 1870, described the genus from a few fragments of teeth found in Wyoming, a great advance has been made in the knowledge of its anatomy. Of late years Professors Scott and Osborne have made large collections of its bones in their well-known western exploring expeditions. P. horealis2 comes from the Wind River beds, and P. major from the Bridger beds of the American Eocene.8 We pass on now to give a brief account of a strange elephantine creature that lived in Eocene times, both in America and Europe, the Coryphodon4 (so named from its teeth), a restoration of which is seen in Plate XVIII. The complete skeleton, as restored quite recently by Professor Marsh, is shown in Fig. 61.5 The history 1 Journ. Ac. Sciences; Philadelphia, 2nd series, vol. ix., part iii., p. 314. To save space we have allowed the Palceotherium and Anthracotherium to appear together on the same plate, although one is an American form, the other European. 3 The divisions of the American Eocene strata are as follows, in descending order :— Uinta. Bridger. Wasatch. Puerco. 4 Greek—korufe, a ridge ; odous, odontos, tooth. Vide p. 189. 5 From Professor Marsh's paper, Amer. Journ. Science, xlvi. (1893), p. 325, a copy of which he kindly sent to the author. 2 188 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. of this remarkable animal, so long shrouded in obscurity, is worth recording here. The specimen on which the genus was founded by Sir R. Owen, in 1846, is unique, and was dredged up from the bottom of the sea, between St. Osyth and Harwich, on the Essex coast. It appears to have been washed out of the London Clay formation, as many other fossils have been; and consists of the right branch of the lower jaw. It may interest the reader to know that this' distinguished naturalist confessed that he had seldom felt more misgiving in regard to a conclusion based on a single tooth or bone than that which he arrived at after a careful study of this specimen. Its smaller and less obvious features- FIG. 61.—Coryphodon hamalus. (Restored, after Marsh.) Length about six feet. carried conviction to him against the showing of the larger and more catching ones. But although some naturalists for a time thought he had mistaken the fore for the back part of the jaw,, yet his conclusion proved to be correct. His experience taught him that the less obvious points, which require searching out, frequently, when their full meaning has been grasped, guide to a right interpretation of the whole. " I t is as if truth were whispered," he says, "rather than outspoken by Nature." The first additional evidence which Sir R. Owen obtained of the true nature of this ancient mammal was furnished by a fossil ; rMh B—19 s**1-., " j*»*Mft»w; AN A N C I E N T MAMMAL (CORYPHODON H A M A T U S ) . L e n g t h 6 feet. EOCENE PERIOD. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC 189 canine tooth brought up from a depth of a hundred and sixty feet out of the Plastic Clay during the operation of sinking a well in the neighbourhood of Camberwell, near London. This circumstance caused Sir R. Owen to remind his readers of the old proverb, " Truth lies at the bottom of a well." It was nearly three inches long, and evidently belonged to a large hoofed mammal. With regard to the teeth, he remarks that their b.road-ridged and pointed grinding surfaces indicate that they were intended to be applied to the coarser kinds of vegetable substances. According to Owen, certain fossils from the lignite deposits of Soisson, Laon, and Meudon, in France, belong to Coryphodon. Speaking of a tooth from Soisson, Cuvier said that the entire skeleton was found indicating an animal almost as large as a bull, but that the workmen employed in the sand-pit {sablmtere) unfortunately preserved only that one tooth. The first specimen of Coryphodon discovered in America was found in 1871, near Evanston, Wyoming, by Mr. William Cleburne, while engaged as surveyor for the Union Pacific Railroad, who secured chiefly its teeth and vertebrae. More or less perfect specimens were afterwards obtained by Cope during his explorations in New Mexico, under the survey of Captain Wheeler. Regarded merely as a fossil, it is characteristic of the Lower Eocene of Europe and America; in North America it is confined to the Wasatch and Wind River epochs, and is absent from the Upper Eocene of both countries. Coryphodon is particularly interesting on account of the primitive features of its skeleton; the brain was very small and of a low type. Professor Cope places it, with its allied forms, in a separate order, to which he gives the name Amblypoda, on account of their elephantine limbs and probable ambling gait.1 1 Mr. Charles Earle, after a careful revision of this family, has suggested that Cope's species should be greatly reduced in number, many of them in his opinion being only due to differences of age and sex. Bathmodon, Metalofihodon, Ectodon, Manteodon, may all be included in the genus Coryphodon. igo CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. C. hamatus was about six feet long; while some species were no larger than a tapir, others were as big as an ox (see Plate XVIIL). Professor Cope thinks that in general appearance the Coryphodons resembled the bear more than any other living animal, with the important exception that in their feet they were like elephants^ The artist and author, however, in making the accompanying restoration, have been guided by the evident relationship between Coryphodon and the Dinoceras (described in our former work 1 ). "The movements of the Cofyphodons," says Professor Cope, " doubtless resembled those of the elephant in its shuffling and ambling gait, and may have been even more awkward from the inflexibility of the ankle. But in compensation for the probable lack of speed, these animals were most formidably armed with tusks. These weapons, particularly those of the upper jaw, were more robust than those of the carnivora, and generally more elongate." There is no evidence that they had a proboscis—in fact, it is practically impossible. We may suppose from the nature of the teeth, and from other evidence, that they were vegetable, feeders, but not restricted to any particular class of food; to a large extent they were omnivorous, like the hogs of to-day. It is a little difficult to follow the curious interpretation arrived at by Professor Osborne and Dr. Wortman that " the positions of the fore and hind feet were absolutely different," the former being like those of the elephant (where only the tips of the toes touch the ground); the latter, in their opinion, like those of a bear and spreading out to rest on the ground (plantigrade).2 This is not borne out by Professor Marsh's recent figure. Much valuable material for the study of the anatomy of this primitive mammal was collected by these two gentlemen, in spite of the 1 2 Extinct Monsters•, p. 151 (new edit.). Bulletin of the American Museutn of Natural History, vol. iv. (1872), p. 121. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 191 many difficulties with which they had to contend, during their expedition, in the summer of 1891, into the Big Horn and Wind River regions, where the Wasatch strata are found. The sketch-map shown in Fig. 62, will give the reader a general idea of the positions of the different geological " basins" 3 in Western North America, where their strata have been found to yield so many valuable relics of ancient Tertiary life. F I G . 62.—Map of North America in Tertiary times, showing roughly the outline of the coast, and sites of the principal fresh-water lakes. The skull shown in Fig. 63, belongs to a huge American quadruped of Miocene age, the Titanotherium, which was one of the Dinocerata of Marsh. Probably Brontops, A/fops, and Menops all really belong to this genus. During the Miocene period there lived a very strange and primitive kind of elephant, known as the Dinotheriwn. Its head (four feet long, and three feet broad) was found at Eppelsheim, in 1 When strata have been bent downwards into a kind of trough going far below the surface, they are said to lie in a " basin." Examples : the London basin7 the Paris basin. 192 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Hesse-Darmstadt, and is to be seen in the geological collection of the Natural History Museum, in a separate case (Glazed Case B, on plan). Some of the limb-bones may be seen not far off (Wall-case No. 39), together with a drawing intended to give an idea of the creature, as it looked when alive. The proportions of the head in this drawing do not agree with the actual specimen F I G . 63.—Skull of Titanotherium^ from Eocene strata, North America. (After Marsh.) close by: our artist's restoration in Plate XIX., which has been made after a careful examination of the head, will, we hope, give a more correct idea. Remains of this remarkable genus, which so puzzled palaeontologists years ago, have been met with in various strata in South Germany, France, Greece (Pikermi), and * * %$!41i&tS&:i$£$£$S$gM Si's wmmmKBKm AN A N C I E N T E L E P H A N T I N E MONSTER ( D I N O T H E R I U M ) . PLATE XIX. MIOCENE PERIOD. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. *93 Asia Minor. Closely allied forms occur in India, but none have yet been found in America. The history of the discovery of this genus may be briefly given as follows. Isolated teeth were described in 1715 by Reaumer, in 1775 by .Rozier, in 1785 by Kennedy. Cuvier ascribed a molar tooth to a gigantic Tapir (Tapir giantesque). Kaup, in 1829, established the genus from specimens found at Eppelsheim ; at first, having only a lower jaw, he could not understand it, and not unnaturally put it upside down. But in 1835, Kaup and Klipstein found a complete skull at Eppelsheim (the one shown in Fig. 64). This head, when first exhibited in Paris, excited great interest among zoologists in that city. M. de Blainville read a paper on the subject before the French Academy of Sciences, pointing out what he considered to be its most remarkable points: he was wrong, however, in concluding that it was related (except, perhaps, in a very distant way) to the Manatees and Dugongs of the present day. Palaeontologists can now form a very fair idea of the creature, because its bones have at different times been discovered. Kaup placed it between the tapir and rhinoceros. Dean Buckland compared the tusks to those of a walrus. In order to show how even the greatest anatomists may be deceived by mere fragmentary remains, like this skull and the few teeth at first known, it may be mentioned here that Owen at one time ascribed to this genus a jaw, with teeth, from Australia, which turned out afterwards to belong to the great extinct marsupial Difirotodon! (described in Chapter XL). Several species of Dinotherium have been found, of various sizes. The skull shows that it possessed a fairly large proboscis. Unlike all other elephants, the two tusks are in the lower jaw, and curve downwards in the fashion of those of a walrus. The thigh-bone or femur (seen in Wall-case No. 39) is enough to show that the limbs were decidedly elephantine* Dean Buckland, in his Bridgwater Treatise, states the conclusions he had arrived at with regard to the probable nature o CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. and habits of this remarkable animal; but we are not sure that he was right in supposing it to be of aquatic habits. He pointed out that it was mechanically impossible for a lower jaw nearly four feet long, and loaded with such heavy tusks, to have been otherwise than cumbrous and inconvenient to a quadruped living on dry land. For an animal destined to live in the water, such would, in his opinion, have been highly suitable and appropriate. The aquatic habits of the Tapirs, to which family the Dinotherium was more or less allied, seem to point to the conclusion that it FIG. 64.—Skull of Dinotherium giganteum, from Eppelsheim. The lower jaw is a cast. An examination of the actual skull at the top will show it is considerably crushed in. inhabited fresh-water lakes and rivers. To an animal of such habits the weight of the tusks, when sustained in the water, would not have been inconvenient. If we suppose them to have been employed as instruments for raking and grubbing up by the roots large aquatic plants from the bottom, they would, under such service, combine the mechanical powers of the pickaxe with those of the horse-harrow. The tusks may also have been applied with advantage to hook on the head of the animal to the bank, and perhaps, as in the case of the walrus, to assist TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 195 in dragging the body out of the water. Some of these conclusions seem hardly justifiable, and we can see no difficulty in believing that the tusks were used to grub up the ground, or pull down branches of trees, as in the case of modern elephants. A length of eighteen feet has been attributed to the creature ; but this is only a probable estimate awaiting confirmation, or contradiction, as soon as a complete skeleton shall have been discovered. Its supposed aquatic habits seem to be in harmony with the geographical conditions of Europe during the Miocene period, for at that time there were many fresh-water lakes. Other extinct elephantine monsters flourished in Europe in the same geological period with the Dinotherium, and continued to exist down to a later geological date; these were the Mastodonsx—so named from the mammilated surfaces of their teeth. Fig. 65 represents a restored skeleton of the Mastodon angustidens, from Miocene strata at Sansan, in France; and a restoration of the animal is shown in Plate XX. On comparing it with any modern elephant, one notices certain differences: to begin with, it possessed four tusks, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower; the legs are shorter, especially the hind pair. That it was provided with a proboscis admits of no doubt, and can be proved by several considerations. In the first place, the short neck shows that the mouth could not have reached the ground, and therefore such an organ was necessary in order to bring food to the mouth ; secondly, the long tusks would equally make it impossible for the mouth to touch the ground; and thirdly, by the configuration of the skull, with its large surface for the attachment of the trunk. The teeth present certain differences when compared with those of an elephant. The office of the trunk, doubtless, was to seize and break off the boughs of trees for food, as in the modern elephant. It has been conjectured—though not with much reason—that the Mastodons 1 Greek—mastos, teat; odous, odontos, tooth. 196 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. AN E L E P H A N T W I T H FOUR TUSKS (MASTODON A N G U S T I D E N S ) . PLATE XX. MIOCENE PERIOD. TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS, ETC. 197 were partly aquatic, and haunted the swamps of the Miocene period; but if so, it is not easy to understand the use of their tusks. A somewhat similar animal to the one above described, was the Mastodon longirostris, of which a skull was discovered at Eppelsheim in Hesse-Darmstadt. That the genus Mastodon lived on to a very recent period (possibly into the human period) is proved by the complete skeleton of M. americanus from Missouri, described in our former work.1 The Sivalik hills of Northern India have yielded a magnificent skull of one of the largest of the extinct elephants, the E. ganesa (see Fig. 66), the tusks of which measure ten feet six inches ! This fine specimen was presented to the National Museum by General Sir William Erskine Baker. The power of these huge implements must have been truly enormous ! The total length of the cranium and tusks is fourteen feet. 1 Extinct Monsters, p. 220 (new edit.). CHAPTER X. HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. " O u r acquaintance with the living creation of given periods of the past must depend in a great measure on what we commonly term chance; and the casual discovery of new localities, rich in peculiar fossils, may modify or entirely overthrow all our generalisations which are based on the supposed non-existence at former epochs of the fossil representatives of large families or classes of plants and animals."—SIR CHARLES LYELL. THE great theory of Evolution was first dimly suggested by Greek philosophers, such as Anaximander (B.C. 6IO), who may have derived the idea from Egyptian, Babylonian, or Hindu sources; then revived, in a more scientific form, by Lamarck last century. In recent years it has been placed on a truly scientific basis by the illustrious Charles Darwin, and is now generally accepted by naturalists and palaeontologists. Indeed, it is hard to be a palaeontologist in these days without being also an evolutionist—so abundant is the evidence derived from a study of extinct animals. Year by year the evidence is accumulating, and many workers in various parts of the world are discovering longlost types which appear to link together some of the branches of the great Tree of Life. Marsh and Cope in America; Owen, Huxley, and others in England ; have all been directing our ideas in the same course. At Pikermi in Attica; in the far Western States in America; at Sansans, Allier, Leberon and other localities in France, such great and important additions have been made of late to our knowledge, that it is now possible to HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 199 make out certain lines of evolution in the Mammalia since their first important outburst at the beginning of the Tertiary period. We propose in the present chapter to trace, in the light of recent discoveries, the history of one important living group, as represented by the horse. The history of the horse and its various ancestors in Europe and America, as worked out by Huxley and Marsh, is undoubtedly one of the greatest triumphs of modern palaeontology. The series of fossil horses now known is so complete, that not a single important gap is left between the original five-toed ancestor, and the horse of to-day, with only one toe to each foot! Here, then, we have the most perfect evidence of the evolution of an animal from distant ages in the earth's history that has ever been presented to the world I Professor Cope's researches on the history of camels as illustrated from fossil remains have brought to light another line of evolution equally interesting if not quite so complete. According to the latter palaeontologist, the very earliest ancestor of all the hoofed animals (and therefore of the horse) was the Eocene Phenacodus. We must therefore begin with this interesting and primitive little mammal, and some of its relatives, before we speak of the true horses. Only thus will the story be complete. Professor Cope divides his suborder, the Condylarthra, into three groups or families, which take their names from three important genera, viz. Periptychus, Phenacodus, and Meniscotherium. Each of these strange types will now be briefly considered. The first of them, Periptychus, was evidently very abundant during the earliest part of the Eocene period, when the famous Puerco beds were in the course of formation; for Professor Cope says that portions of fifty separate individuals (chiefly fragments of jaws) have come into his possession. It was apparently the largest and most specialised form of the family named after it. Three species were known when Professor 200 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. Cope wrote his papers on the above families (1884). He obtained a cast of a good part of the brain-case^ and found that the part of its brain devoted to the sense of smell (olfactory lobes) was enormous, while the hemispheres of the higher brain (cerebrum) were small and flat. The cast disclosed quite the lowest type of a mammal's brain that has ever been brought to light. The discovery of this creature was an important event in the history of palaeontology. The following description will perhaps serve to give the reader some slight idea of this remarkably primitive mammal, as pictured by Professor Cope. It had long legs and walked on the sole of its foot, as a bear does. Certain of the limb-bones suggest those of the elephant; but a fact like this does not necessarily imply any external resemblance to' an elephant; elephants are a later branch from the same stem. The neck was remarkably short—another curious point of contact with the above order. Periptychus was a smaller animal than the Phenacodus, with a head of nearly the same size, and a long tail, stout at the base. There were no weapons of offence or defence, as far as one can see, and yet there is no saying what means it may have devised for those purposes. It is generally unsafe to hazard any speculations on that subject. Look, for instance, at the kangaroo : if it were an extinct animal, only known by its skeleton, the palaeontologist might safely say it could excel in jumping and running; but he probably would never have guessed how effectively the creature can use its hind legs to kick or rip open a man. So with horses; they might seem at first rather helpless (except for their running powers), but see how a horse can kick when driven to bay ! Still, the Periptychus had pretty large front teeth, and these, Professor Cope suggests, may have been capable of inflicting a severe bite. With regard to diet, we may suppose, from the nature of the teeth, that food was derived from both animal and vegetable sources. All the known specimens of Periptychus were discovered by HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 201 Mr. David Baldwin, Professor Cope's assistant, in New Mexico; and not only these, but an immense number of fossil vertebrates of the Puerco age, are the results of his untiring and sometimes dangerous explorations. Few collectors can show such a record as his. Leaving out certain other genera which are less well known, we pass on to the next family, of which Phenacodus1 is the representative. The first specimen of this interesting animal— the most generalised mammal that has yet been discovered— FIG. 6y.—Skeleton of Phenacodus primcevus, the oldest known ungulate. From Eocene strata, Wasatch, U.S. (After Cope.) was dug out by Professor Cope himself from a bank of Eocene marl, on Bear River, Wyoming, and was found associated with Coryphodon and Hyracotherium. Other specimens were obtained, in less abundance, in strata of similar age in New Mexico. But the locality where the bones have chiefly been found is the Big Horn Basin of Northern Wyoming. Here Mr. Wortman has met with a great many specimens, and, amongst others, two almost entire skeletons of P. prtmcevus (Fig. 67) and P. vortmanu 1 Greek—phenax^ a cheat; odous, tooth, because its teeth are deceptive. 202 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. These two species are somewhat different in size and build. Altogether nine species are more or less known. The reader may obtain a very good idea of the skeleton of P.firimcevusfrom the beautiful cast exhibited in the Natural History Museum (Gallery of Fossil Mammals, Pier-case No. 9). Mr. Wortman brought two specimens from the Wind River Valley and two from the Big Horn Basin. It is, of course, quite impossible to describe the skeleton of any animal in popular language, much more that of an ancient creature belonging to an extinct order; for this purpose naturalists have a language of their own, which only repels the general reader, and is out of place in a book like the present. But, for those of our readers who may be interested in the subject, we recommend the following plan : first have a good look at the cast at the museum, of which a large figure is given in the Guide to the Galleries of Geology and Paleontology (part i. p. 28) j then go straight to the highest gallery on the lefthand side of the building, where mammalian skeletons only are exhibited, and compare it with all the different types you can find —carnivorous mammals, rodents, insectivores, ungulates (hoofed mammals), and so on. It is rather puzzling at first; and you will see some decided resemblances to such different types as cats, or wolves, capybara among the rodents, and tapirs among the ungulates. This is a little bewildering ; but when you have had a good look round you will almost certainly come to the conclusion that the nearest thing you can find is the skeleton of the American Tapir (Tapirus terrestris). Such was our own experience, and on reading Professor Cope's paper afterwards, we found that he points out several features in common between the skeletons of the little Eocene type and its modern relation, the common American tapir. Of course it was not so large or so heavily built, and the skull is different in several ways; but there is a striking resemblance. In size, our Phenacodus primcevus was something between a sheep and a tapir. It will readily be perceived that in the specimen above ™3\ 1 '•-.jf,- i v 1 1 ml TAPIR-LIKE ANIMALS. Pal&osyops. PLATE XVII. EOCENE PERIOD. A nthracotheriitm. HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. referred to the fore limbs have been somewhat displaced after the death of the animal, so that one shoulder blade appears much too high ; but this can be allowed for. Beginning with the skull, we find that it is long, narrow, and rather pointed in front, where the nose was. The teeth are very peculiar, the molars or back teeth having several low rather conical protuberances, thus presenting a different appearance to those of a rhinoceros on the one hand, or of a deer on the other; but more like those of a pig, which comes of a very old race, and shows a good deal in common with the odd-toed ungulates—the rhinoceros, horse, and tapir. The feet are also of a primitive type in possessing five toes instead of one, as in the horse, or three, as in the tapir, or two, as in the deer. Evidently we have revealed here the primitive foot from which all the hoofed mammals are descended, as well as elephants, and probably even the carnivores and rodents! A cast of the brain-cavity showed Professor Cope that the brain was decidedly primitive too, the hemispheres being very smallj though they exhibited traces of convolutions. But Coryphodon had a brain still more primitive. One species, the Phenacodus nuniensis, was considerably larger than the others, being about the same size as a Malayan tapir. The others were small Phenacodus primcevus. Professor Cope thinks, had much the same proportions as the American tapir, and this has to some extent determined our restoration shown in Plate XXI.; but we must think of a young tapir, not a full-grown one. The middle three toes of both feet reached the ground, while the other two —one on each side—hung down without reaching the ground, like those of a pig. The tail was longer and heavier than that of any living hoofed animal, and reminds one more of the tail of a cat or a lion. The eyes were small, and the muzzle long, but very soft above* Whether there was a small proboscis it is hard to say, but there are some suggestions of such an appendage in the nasal bones. With regard to diet, it is pretty safe to conclude 2o 4 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS, that the animal was not particular in its choice of food, and, like a pig, would eat almost anything that might come in its way. We know that life is a struggle for all creatures—man not excepted; and so it must have been even in the dim and distant past .of the Wasatch Eocene period. How, then, did Phenacodus maintain the struggle ? It must have had enemies, though there were no lions or tigers then. It was not endowed with as much strength as a tapir; and, as far as the skeleton shows, it possessed no weapons, either of offence or defence. Professor Cope concludes that the creature, when danger was near, sought refuge in flight. It may have been capable, he thinks, of running at considerable speed. Such a conclusion is suggested by the limbbones, which show rather well-marked places for the attachment of muscles. Turning to the other species, Phe?iacodus vortmani, we find the limbs rather long and slender for an Eocene mammal. Professor Cope believes that we have in this genus the primitive ancestor of a great many mammals, and among others, of the horse. It may be, then, that we see here the first beginning of the development of that remarkable increase in running power exhibited in the ancestral horses (to be presently described), accompanied by a gradual decrease in the number of bones in the limbs, and other changes which made for speed. In size, our Phenacodus vortmani was about equal to a bull-dog; but the head is smaller and the neck rather shorter, and not nearly so robust. The limbs show about the same proportions to the body as those of a bull-dog, but the fore limbs are shorter. The feet are a little longer than in the last species; indeed, Professor Cope has some doubts as to whether this animal is even of the same genus as the last. Here is his description of it: " We can thus imagine the Phenacodus vortmani 2& an animal with the comparatively slender build of the bull-dog, with a neck and head proportioned more as in the racoon, and with the rump more elevated than the withers, as in the peccary. The feet resembled those of a tapir or rhinoceros, HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. but had a pair of short toes on each side which did not reach the ground. To this add a tail much like a cat's in proportions, and the picture is complete. The diet of this animal was omnivorous, with a smaller proportion of animal food than the hogs, for instance, use. The food is more likely to have resembled that of the quadrumana (lemurs, monkeys, etc.). What means of defence this species had is not easily surmised, as the canine teeth and hoofs are not large." The last family of the group now under consideration is represented by a fossil known as the Meniscotherium, of which only three species are known. It occurs abundantly in the same Wasatch Eocene strata. M. chamense was about as large as a fox, but with a very different physiognomy. The profile is curved, the muzzle short, and the eyes large. The body is not so slender as that of a fox, or of the Phenacodus^ having the more robust proportions of a racoon. The fore and hind legs were rather short, and of equal length, so that the rump was flattened as in the dog. There was a large tail. In diet the creature was probably a vegetarian. We pass on now to consider the true fossil horses, as worked out by Professors Huxley and Marsh. The modern horse, and that which was known to man in the days before history was written, we may regard as a product of the latest geological period—the Pleistocene. The development of the horse from a primitive five-toed ancestor seems to have taken place along two separate lines, one in Europe and one in America. The latter is the most complete ; for it so happens in that country the physical conditions which prevailed throughout nearly the whole of the Tertiary Era were singularly favourable to the preservation of the skeletons of those creatures which lived on land. The various members of the horse tribe that roamed over North America all through these long ages of the past were specially numerous in what is now the Rocky Mountain region, and their remains are sealed up in the old lake-basins which then covered so much of the country. 2o6 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS, The most ancient of these lakes—which extended over a considerable part of the present territories of Wyoming and U t a h continued to exist so long during the Eocene period that the sand and mud brought into it by the agency of rivers actually accumulated therein to a thickness of about two miles ! Here is found one of the oldest direct ancestors of the horse, the Orohippus of Marsh. During the middle Tertiary, or Miocene period, two other lakes existed on either side of the great Eocene basin. The largest of these, to the east of the Rocky Mountains, extended over portions of what are now Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado. The clays deposited in this lake form the " Bad Lands " of that region, so well-known for their fossil treasures. The other Miocene lake was west of the Blue Mountains, where eastern Oregon now is, but, having since been overflowed by a vast sheet of basalt, its thickness is unknown. In this basin the Miohippus of Marsh first makes its appearance. During the later Tertiary, or Pliocene period, a vast development of the horse tribe took place, so that great numbers of these animals left their remains in the lake-deposits of that time. The largest of these lakes had the Rocky Mountains for its western border, and extended from Dakota to Texas, its northern part covering the bed of the older Miocene basin. Another Pliocene basin, of unknown limits, extended over the older Tertiary strata of Eastern Oregon, and evidence of yet others may be seen in Idaho, Nevada, and California. In all of these fossil horses have been found; but the most important localities are the region of the Niobrara River East of the mountains, and the valley of the John Day River in Oregon (see sketch-map, p. 191). It will thus be seen how abundant is the material for tracing the evolution of the horse in America. In that country the Equus Fraternus of Leidy is believed to be almost, if not entirely identical with the Equus caballus (Linn.) of the old world. The earliest ancestor of the horse in the new world, at present known, HOUSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 207 is the Eohipfius, of the Eocene period (Phenacodus and its allies may be direct ancestors ; but, for our present purpose, we may set it aside as being too remote). Several species of Eohififius 1 have been found, all about the size of a fox. Like most of the early hoofed mammals, it possessed forty-four teeth, the molar teeth having short crowns. In the fore feet there were four welldeveloped toes and a trace or rudiment of another; the hind feet had three toes. Here we have clear evidence that the horse tribe had begun to separate themselves from the rest of the hoofed animals. The two bones of the fore-leg (radius and ulna) are quite distinct, as in Phenacodus; but we shall see presently how one of them gets less and less. The next stage in the progress of evolution, as represented by Orohipfius? marks only a very slight change, the rudiment of a fifth digit in the fore limb has gone, and we see only four. That rudiment represented a thumb; so now we have in the Orohifipus only the second, third, fourth, and fifth digits. The reader will find these shown in Fig. 68, in the bottom row. Here the big digit represents the middle finger of our own hands, the one on the left of it being number two, and the two on the right numbers four and five, counting the thumb as number one. The next drawing in the bottom row shows the three digits of the hind limb, namely, a middle toe and one on each side of it, as in the living tapir. Then follow the radius and ulna, which are seen to be separate—the ulna being the long one. Then we see the tibia and fibula of the hind limb—the tibia being the thick one; and, lastly, we see an upper molar tooth (represented in two ways), and then a lower molar. These drawings, which were made under Professor Huxley's supervision, are quite sufficient to illustrate the changes that took place in the ancestors of the horse; but they do not show the increase in 1 Greek—ebs, dawn ; hippos, horse. Greek—oros9 mountain; hippos, horse; because found in the Rocky Mountain region. 2 CREATURES 208 Fore Foot. Hind Foot. OF OTHER Forearm. Leg. DAYS. Upper Molar. Lower Molar. EQUUS. Pleistocene a n d recent. PLIOHIPPUS. Pliocene. PROTOHIPPUS (Hipparion). Lower Pliocene. MIOHIPPUS {A nchitherhmt). Miocene. MESOHIPPUS. Lower Miocene. OROHIPPUS ( Hyracotheriuwi), Eocene. FIG. 68.—Limb-bones and teeth of American fossil horses (after Marsh), illustrating a gradual progression from Eocene times. The Phenacodus is omitted. The nearest European forms are given in italics underneath. HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 209 size that took place. Orohippus was found by Marsh in middle Eocene strata, in the same beds as the Dinoceras described in our former works; it was but little larger than Eohippus, and in most respects very similar. Now, the Hyracotherium of Europe and America came near to Orohippus, so that the delicate drawing on p. 210 (taken from Cope's great work on the Tertiary vertebrata) will give us a very good idea of this graceful little creature, which ought to be specially interesting as one of the earliest members of the horse tribe; and we trust that the restoration of it in Plate XXI. will help the reader to picture it to himself as it was when alive. It is somewhat too large in proportion to the Fhenacodus, but if drawn much smaller perhaps some of its features might be lost. We have no guarantee for the stripes which the artist put on both the animals. The young American tapir has stripes like those represented on the body of our Phenacodus; but it is not likely that the tapir comes at all in the line of the fossil horses, nor is there any positive reason to suppose that Hyracotherium was striped : the artist thought the stripes would improve the picture—as they do,—but they were not due to any suggestion from the writer. Mesohippus, from the base of the Miocene, is rather abundant in the beds in which the great Brontotherium was found. Here we see, from our diagram (Fig. 68), that the fifth digit has become decidedly smaller, and the fibula of the hind limb was probably incomplete* The next stage, represented by Miohippus, is an important one. This genus comes very near to the European form Anchitherium; and here we see that the small fifth digit of the Mesohippus has practically vanished, while the ulna has lost one end, and is beginning to dwindle down as shown in the? later forms, such as Hipparion. There are several species of Miohippus, all larger than Mesohippus, and more specialised both in the skull and feet. They were about as large as a sheep. A still greater change manifests itself in the Protohippus of the lower Pliocene—which resembles most nearly the European form p CREATURES OF OTHER BAYS. u HORSES AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 211 Hipparion. Some of the species of Protohippus were as large as an ass, and the European Hipparion was quite as large; the latter we have ventured to restore as seen in Plate XXII., where it is somewhat too large in proportion to the wild horse drawn below—but this was done purposely, in order to show it better. Here (in Hipparion) we have another decided advance towards the modern horse; the two extra toes have become much smaller, so much so that we may suppose them to have been of no use at all, as suggested in our restoration. In other words, they have become " rudimentary."x In the fore limb of Protohippus the ulna has dwindled considerably, and the upper molar tooth is getting deeper, and its surface for grinding the food more complex; in fact, very like that of Equus, shown at the top of the diagram. In the Pliocene period we have the last stage of the series before reaching the horse itself, viz. the Pliohippus, which has lost the small hooflets of the previous American form, and the two side digits are reduced to mere " splints," as in a modern horse. This transition is a greater one than the last; but yet the gap between the two forms is not very great Pliohippus does not seem to have been any bigger than Protohippus; but we see at once how very horse-like it must have been.2 Only in the upper Pliocene deposits does the true horse appear, and then the genealogy is complete. It roamed over the whole of North and South America, and soon after seems to have become extinct. There is no doubt that man and the horse were contemporaneous in early days; but it can be proved beyond doubt that, at the time of the Spanish conquest, few if any horses were left. It has been thought, from certain 1 It is important to note that in Protohippus the two side digits are larger than in Hipparion^ and were probably of some use, whereas in the latter form they would seem to be too small to touch the ground. 2 Professor Marsh has collected remains of some thirty or forty species of more or less horse-like animals; some of these, such as Parahippus^ HyohippuS) and Merychippus, may not be in the line of descent. 2i2 CREATURES OF OTHER DAYS. references contained in old narratives, that at least in South America the animal may possibly have still lingered on after the coming of the Europeans. What cause can have led to its extermination, it is impossible to say. The present race of wild horses, which roam in such vast herds on the Pampas, are not the descendants of the fossil horse of South America, but have sprung from those introduced by the Spaniards more than three hundred years ago. We pass on now to trace the line of descent in Europe. In the year 1839 Sir R. Owen described an imperfect skull of a small animal not larger than a fox, which was discovered in the London clay of Heme Bay, in Kent, under the name of Hyracotherium, because at that time it was (wrongly) supposed to be related to the living Hyrax—that peculiar little creature inhabiting Syria, which may be the " coney" of Scripture, and looks like a rabbit. Similar and more complete remains were afterwards found in various parts of Europe, and more abundantly in America (see Fig. 69). To a closely allied form the name of Pachynotophus1 has been given, while Ptiotophus and Orohippus are probably identical; and they are all nearly related to a previously known, but larger animal, called by Cuvier Lophiodon. In Europe the horse is generally traced from the small and slender Patoptotherium, of which the whole skeleton is known, by way of Pachynolophus to the Anchitherium ; thence to Hipparion and so to the Equus caballus. Paloplotherium has been found in France, England, and elsewhere^ and looks like Hyracotherium. Hipparion seems to have had a wide geographical range, for its remains have been discovered in the Sivalik hills of Northern India, in China, and at Maragha in Persia, in Samos, in Pikermi (Greece), in France, Germany, and England. The Anchitherium occurs in Miocene 1 Under the name Hyracotherium some very different forms have been confounded ; and Owen's species may possibly be identical with Cope's Phenacodus. r,.,,,4*'"*%-^Xy Miff 40H •»?