BIBLIOG-EAPHY OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H. P R O F . MARVIN D . BISBEE, JAMES THAYER GTEROULD, Editor. Compiler. [ R E P R I N T E D FROM S T A T E L I B R A R I A N ' S REPORT.] CONCORD: EDWARD N . PEARSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1894. BIBLIOGBAPHY OF METMOUTH COLLEGE AND HANOVEK, N. H. P R O F . MARVIN D . BISBEE, JAMES THAYER GEROULD, Editor. Compiler. [ R E P R I N T E D FROM S T A T E L I B R A R I A N ' S REPORT.] CONCORD: EDWARD N . PEARSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1894. P R I N T E D BY R E P U B L I C A N PRESS ASSOCIATION, CONCORD, N . H . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H. Adams, Daniel. An inaugural dissertation on the principle of animation, read and defended at a public examination, held by the medical professor, before Hon. John Wheelock, LL. D., President, and the' governors of Dartmouth College, for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, July 18, 1799, by Daniel Adams, A. B. Hanover: 1799. O, p p . 27. Adams, John Quimby. See Lord, N. Adams, M. W. See Dartmouth College, Glass of'81. Aegis. The Aegis was first p r i n t e d on a folio s h e e t of four p a g e s , t h r e e n u m b e r s in a volume, ^but with t h e t e n t h volume it w a s c h a n g e d to p a m p h l e t form, a p p e a r e d twice yearly. Since volume sixteen it h a s been published in its p r e s e n t form. Vol. I. 1858-'59. 3 nos. P. II. 1859-'60. 3 nos. F . I I I . 1860-'61. 3 n o s . F . IV. 1861-'62. 3 nos. F. V. 1862-'63. 3 nos. F . VI. 1863-'64. 3 nos. F . VII. 1864-'65. 3 nos. F . V I I I . 1865-'66. 3 nos. F. I X . 1866-'67. 3 nos. F . X . 1. Claremont: 1867. D. 34, 2. D. XI. 1. Claremont: 1867. D. 47, 2. D. X I I . 1. Claremont: 1868. D. 47. 2. Hanover: 1869. D. 42. X I I I . 1. Hanover: 1869. D. 48. 2. Hanover: 1870. D. 44. XIV. 1. 2. Hanover: 1871. D. 48. X V . 1. Hanover, 1871. D. 54. 2. Claremont: 1872. D. XVI.' Concord: 1872. D. [62]. XVII. X V I I I . Lawrence: 1874. D. 86. X I X . Lawrence: 1875. D. 104. X X . Boston: 1876. D. 111. XXI. X X I I . Albany: 1878. D. 128. X X I I I . Northampton: 1879. D. 91. X X I V . Northampton: 1881. D. 99. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Aegis ( Continued.) XXV. New York: 1881. D. 100. X X V I . New York: 1882. D. 110. XXVII. XXVIII. X X I X . [New York: 1886.] 0,145. X X X . [New York: 1887.] 0,131. X X X I . [Syracuse: 1888.] v O, 135. X X X I I . [Boston: 1889.] 0,146. X X X I I I . [Portland: 1890.] 0,149. X X X I V . [Portland: 1891.] O, 163. X X X V . [Concord: 1892.] 0,173. X X X V I . [Concord: 1893.] O, 162. X X X I I . [New Haven: 1893.] O, 167. Aiken, Chas. A., D. D. Dartmouth: Its educational type, work, and products. Oration delivered before the Alumni Association of Dartmouth College, June 22, 1886, by Charles A. Aiken, D. D. O, p p . 26. Alden, Ebenezer. Address delivered at Hanover before the Dartmouth Medical Society on their first anniversary, Dec. 28, 1819, by Ebenezer Alden. Boston: (n. d.) Alexander, A, Memoir of E. Wheelock [in Princeton Rev. XXII, 397]. Allen* C. F. Industrial education: An address before the graduating class of the N. H. C. A. M. A., April 29, 1879, by C. F. Allen, D. D. Manchester: 1879. o , p p . 14. ; Allen, Samuel C. Eulogy on the Hon. John Wheelock, LL. D., late president of Dartmouth University, who Died April 4, 1817, pronounced at the University Chapel, Aug. 27, 1817, being the day of the anniversary commencement, by Samuel C. Allen. Hanover: 1817. O, p p . 19. Allen, Wm. Memoir of Wheelock [in New Englander, 1883, p. 709] also [Am. Q. Reg., X, 9]. Alpha Kappa Kappa. By-Laws, 1892. S, p p . 9, n. t. p . "Alumnus." [Pseud.] Professor Hale and Dartmouth College. S, p p . 20, n. t. p . COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. 5 H. American Philological Association. Proceedings of the sixteenth annual session of the American Philological Association, held in Hanover, July, 1884. Cambridge: 1884. y, O, p p . 63. Anvil. [Weekly Periodical] 1873-'74. Austin, Daniel. Hanover. See Charles, Albert P. Ayers, Walter H. A eulogy on Edward Payson Sherman, of Thetford, Vt., pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, May 22, 1868, by Walter H . Ayers. Hanover: 1868. O, p p . 10. Bacon, Leonard. See Phi Beta Kappa. Bacon, Wm. J. See Broivn, S. G. Baker, Wm. D. See Davis, Czora 8. Barstow, J. Whitney. In Memoriam : Tribute to the memory of Alpheus Benning Crosby, M. D., late professor in Dartmouth and Bellevue Medical Colleges, (obit. Aug. 9, 1877), by his life-long friend, J . Whitney Barstow, M. D . O, p p . 23, n. d. Bartlett, Alfred. See Dartmouth College, Class of'94. Bartlett, John Henry. Dartmouth athletics : A complete history of all kinds of sports at the college. John Henry Bartlett, literary editor; John Pearl Gifford, business editor. Concord: 1893. D, p p . 322, II. The college days and subsequent careers of Dartmouth's athletes [article in Univ. Mag., I X , 1.] Bartlett, Josiah. Music as an auxiliary to religion : Address before the Handel Society of Dartmouth College, April 1, 1841, by Josiah Bartlett. Boston: 1841. O, p p . 32. Bartlett, /Samuel Colcord. Duties of educated men : Address delivered before the Alumni Association at the annual commencement of Dartmouth College, June 20, 1864, by Samuel C. Bartlett, D. D. Boston: 1865. O, p p . 34. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH See Centennial Celebration. Exercises at the inauguration of Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. D., as president of Dartmouth College, June 27, 1877. Concord: 1877. * O, p p . 41. Edmund Randolph Peaslee, M. D., LL. D . : Memorial discourse delivered before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, Sunday, §ept. 1, 1878, by Samuel C. Bartlett, D. D., LL. D. New York, (n. d.) D.41. Port. Characteristics and duties of the times: Baccalaureate sermon, preached at Dartmouth College, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett, June 25, 1882. [Text: 1 Chnm. XII, 32.] Hanover: 1882. O, p p . 18. A positive faith: Baccalaureate sermon, preached at Dartmouth College, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett, June 24T 1883. [Text: 2 Cor. IV, 13.] Hanover: 1883. O, p p . 19. Christianity in the college : Baccalaureate sermon, preached at Dartmouth College, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett, June 20, 1886. [Text: Prov. IV, 7.] Hanover: 1886. Q, p p . 18. —— Christianity in the commonwealth : Baccalaureate sermonr preached at Dartmouth College, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett,. June 26, 1887. [Text: John VIII, 36.] Hanover: 1887. O, p p . 22. The guaranties of a noble life: Baccalaureate sermon, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. D., LL. D., June 24, 1888. Supplement to the Dart. Lit. Mo., September, 1888. [Text: Phil. I l l , 13, 14.] Concord: 1888. O, p p . 15. [Address] to the alumni and friends of Dartmouth College, Jan. 1, 1879. n. t. p., sheet. [Letter to the] alumni of Dartmouth College, May 22, 1880. sheet. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H . 7 Dartmouth College as it has been, is, can be, and should be, Jan. 1, 1881. 0 , 1 1 . n. t. p . See Brown, Samuel Gilman. See Dartmouth College [Article in Gran. Mo., IV, 149]. Eleazer Wheelock and Dartmouth College [Article in G-ran. Mo., XI, 277.] What Dartmouth College has done for New Hampshire, by S. C. B [artlett]. n. t. p., sheet. Bartlett, W. A. See Dartmouth College, Class of'82. Bayard,, Thomas F. Oration pronounced on Webster Commemoration Day, June 28, 1882, at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, by Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, LL. D. Concord: 1882. O, p p . 56. Bell, Chas. H. Bisbee, M. D. See Phi Beta Kappa. See Parker, H. E. Bittinger, J. Quincy. Eulogy on the life and character of Ephraim Jewett Hardy, pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, April 22, 1857, by J. Quincy Bittinger. Hanover • 1857. O, p p . 16. Biographical sketch of graduates of Dartmouth College. Am. Quar. Reg. XII, 379.] Blaisdell, Daniel. [In. See Dartmouth College, Treasurer. BlaJcely, Quincy. See Dartmouth College,, Class of '94. Bournes, Rev. Dr. See Sanborn, B. D. Boyd, Charles H. Eulogy on William Henry Hilliard, pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, April 6, 1858, by Charles H. Boyd. Hanover: 1858. O, p p . 16. Brackett, J. Warren. See Phi Beta Kappa. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Brackett, James, Oration pronounced in the chapel at Dartmouth College on the Fourth of July, 1805, being the twentyninth anniversary of American independence, by James Brackett. Hanover: (n. d.). O, p p . 12. Bridge Matters, [1859] O, p p . 16. / Brown, Francis, Address on music, delivered before the Handel Society, Dartmouth College, Aug. 1809, on occasion of their anniversary, by Francis Brown, Hanover: 1810. D, p p . 23. [Address to the public] Feb. 20, 1818. sheet. See Wood, Henry. Brown, James Wm. See Stevens, Wm. B. Brown, Samuel Gilman. The studies of an orator: Inaugural address, delivered at the annual commencement in Dartmouth College, July, 1840, by Samuel Gilman Brown. New York: 1841. i O, p p . 23. Eulogy on the life and characteristics of Henry Clay, delivered before the students of Dartmouth College, Oct. 15, 1852, by S. G. Brown, D. D. Boston: 1852. O, p p . 42. Address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, at their first triennial meeting, July 25, 1855, by Samuel Gilman Brown, with an account of the proceedings of the society. Concord: 1856. O, p p . 69. Discourse commemorative of Charles Brickett Haddock, D. D., Delivered before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, April 19, 1861, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Windsor: 1861. x O, p p . 30. Port. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H. 9 Discourse commemorative of John Newton Putnam, delivered before the faculty, students, and alumni of the College, July 19, 1864, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Concord: 1864. O, p p . 32. An historical discourse delivered before the alumni of Dartmouth College, July 21, 1869, one hundred years after the founding of that institution, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Hanover: 1870. J O, p p . 38. See Centennial. An address commemorative of Daniel Webster, delivered June 18, 1882, . . . before the alumni of Dartmouth College, of Chicago and vicinity, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Chicago: 1882. O, p p . 32. Discourse commemorative of Hon. George Perkins Marsh, LL. D., delivered before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, June 15, 1883, and repeated before the trustees, faculty, and students of the University of Vermont, June 25, 1883, by Samuel Gilman Brown. Burlington: 1883. O, p p . 37+4. Memorial of Samuel Gilman Brown, Born Jan. 4, 1813, Died Nov. 4, 1885. Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Biographical s k e t c h and funeral services. Address, b y A. G. H o p k i n s . Address, b y S. C. Bartlett. R e m a r k s , S. P. L e e d s . R e m a r k s , H. L. Chapman. Obituary notice, H. B. P a r k e r Memorial to Trustees of Hamilton College, W m . J . Bacon. R e m a r k s , Thos. J. Brown. Miscellaneous obituary notices. O, cl. p p . 86. Port. Brown, Thos. J. See Brown, 8. G. Brownson, 0. A. Oration on the scholar's mission, by 0 . A. Brownson, [before the Gamma Sigma Society, Dartmouth College]. Boston: 1843. O, p p . 40. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP DARTMOUTH Burnham, John, Funeral Oration pronounced in the chapel of Dartmouth College, on the death of Eliphalet Hardy, a member of the junior class, who died at Hanover, Jan. 2, 1806. Hanover: 1806. O, p p . 12. Burroughs, Stephen, over : 1798. Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs. Han- O, sh. 7+296. Memoirs of the notorious Stephen Burroughs, containing many incidents in the life of this wonderful man never before published. Stereotype edition. New York, (n. d.) S. 299. Port. Burton, Asa, See Phi Beta Kappa, Butler, G, Arthur, See Dartmouth College, Class of'75. Caldwell, Henry M, A eulogy on Arthur Wellesley Chamberline, pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, June 20, 1860, by Henry M. Caldwell [bound with eulogies on Kimball and Griffin]. Concord: 1860. O, p p . 13. Carlton, Chas, A. See Dartmouth College, Class of '57, Carter, Nathaniel H, See Phi Beta Kappa, Casque and Gauntlet Society, First report Casque and Gauntlet, >90 [by John H. Gerould]. Rochester: 1894. O, p p . 22. Centennial celebration at Dartmouth College, July 21, 1869. Hanover: 1870. Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction, W . H. Duncan. A d d r e s s of welcome, P r e s i d e n t Smith. Historical Address, S. G. Brown. Relations of t h e college to law, I r a Perley. To literature, R. B. Kimball. To science and t h e a r t s , J . W. P a t t e r s o n . To medicine, J . B. Upham. To education, S. H. Taylor. To religion, S. O. Bartlett. Ode, J o h n Ordronaux. O, p p . 101. Chamberline, Arthur Wellesley, See Caldwell, Henry M. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. Chandler, Abiel. See Lord, 11 H. N. Chandler, Chas. H. History of the Theological Society of Dartmouth College, read before the society, June 1, 1868, by Charles H. Chandler. Hanover: 1868. O, p p . 24. Chandler Scientific Department. ler Scientific School. See Dartmouth College, Chand- Chapman, George T. Sketches of the alumni of Dartmouth College from the first graduation, in 1771, to the present time, with a brief history of the institution, by the Rev. George T. Chapman, D. D . Cambridge: 1867. O, p p . 320. Chapman, S. L. See Brown, S. G. Charles, Albert P. Eulogy on Daniel Austin of Brooklyn, N . Y., pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, July 9, 1864, by Albert P . Charles. Manchester: 1864. O, p p . 15. Chase, Austin S. Eulogy on Edward Franklin James of Manchester, N . H . , pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth College, July 19, 1869, by Austin S. Chase. Hanover: 1869. o , p p . 8. Chase, Charles P. See Dartmouth College, Treasurer. Chase, Frederick. History of Dartmouth College and Hanover, New Hampshire, by Frederick Chase. Edited by John King Lord. Vol. I. Cambridge: 1891. O, 9+682. II. Port. Bibliography of Dartmouth College [in Gran. Mo., V. 321]. See Phi Beta Kappa; College, Class of'60. Chase, Stephen. Congregational Church; Dartmouth See Lord, JV. Choate, Hufus. Discourse delivered before the faculty, students, and alumni of Dartmouth College the day preceding Commencement, July 27, 1853, commemorative of Daniel Webster, by Rufus Choate. Boston: 1853. O, p p . 100. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Clarke, Samuel. Clay, Henry. See Dartmouth College, Class of'12. See Brown, 8. G. Coe, Edward B. Address commemorative of Asa Dodge Smith, D . D., L L . D . , late president of Dartmouth College, delivered before the Associated Alumni, by Edward B. Coe, D. D . Concord: 1882. O, p p . 39. Comstock, John M. See Dartmouth College, Class of '77; Dartmouth College Necrology; Dartmouth College Alumni. Condit, J. B. Address delivered before the literary societies of Dartmouth College, July 20, 1841, by J . B. Condit. Portland: 1841. O, p p . 81. Congregational Church, Hanover. Confession of faith and covenant adopted by the Congregational Church at Dartmouth College, Hanover, 1839. D, p p . 8 , n. t. p., Creed and covenant of the Congregational Church at Dartmouth College, with a catalogue of the members to J a n . 4, 1855. Hanover: 1855. O, p p . 28. History of the church in Dartmouth College, by Frederick Chase [in Gran, Mo., X I I I , 6 ] . Cook, Dr. George. Address delivered before the graduating class of the Dartmouth Medical College, Nov. 25, 1890, by Dr. George Cook. [Reprinted from the Transactions of the N. H . Medical Society, 1891]. Concord: 1891. O, p p . 11. Cook. Wm. Nathaniel. See Proctor, John M. copy of a letter from the judges of the Superior Court to the Governor and Council relative to Dartmouth College. [1816.] O, p p . 12, n. t. p . Correspondence between Mr. and the Rev. , of . , a Member of D, 16. n. t. p . College, COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. Crosby, Alpheus. See Dartmouth Phi Beta Kappa. 13 H. College, Class of '27, and Crosby* Alpheus Benning. Eulogy commemorative of the life and character of Nathan Lord, D. D . , LL. D., president of Dartmouth College, delivered before the Association of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, at the annual commencement, June, 1872, by Alpheus Benning Crosby. Hanover: 1872. O, p p . 29. * Address commemorative of Reuben Dimond Mussey, M. D . , LL. D . , and introductory to the annual session of the Dartmouth Medical College, by A. B. Crosby, A. M. [Re-published from the Transactions of the N . H. Medical Society.] Manchester: 1869. D, p p . 23. See Bar stow, J. Whitney. Crosby, Dixi. [Resolutions of the Dartmouth College Faculty on the Death of.] sheet. Crosby, Nathan. Eulogy on Hon. Tappan Wentworth, A. M., munificent donor of Dartmouth College, delivered before the Association of the Alumni, by Nathan Crosby, at the annual commencement, June, 1876. Lowell: 1877. O, p p . 26. The first half century , of Dartmouth College: Being historical collections and personal reminiscences, by Nathan Crosby. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 56. Cummings, Horace Stuart. Currier, Dorrance B, See Dartmouth College, Class of162. The late election in Hanover. [1878]. O, p p . 4, n. t. p . Currier, E. H. See Dartmouth College, Class Dana, Daniel. See Phi Beta of'69. Kappa. The importance of a purified literature: Address delivered at the anniversary of the Associated Alumni of Dartmouth College, August, 1833. Boston : 1834. O, p p . 24. u BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Dana, James Freeman. An epitome of chymical philosophy, being an extended syllabus of lectures on that subject, delivered at Dartmouth College, and intended as a text-book for students, by James Freeman Dana. Concord: 1825. O, p p . 231. Dartmouth College Annual Catalogue 1820-1893. 1 « The first c a t a l o g u e w a s p r i n t e d a t Windsor, J u n e 15,1788, on a n e i g h t by t e n inch sheet b y t h e F r e s h m a n class, containing only the n a m e s of t h a t class. Catal o g u e s of t h e Sophomore class w e r e afterward, from time t o time, published by t h e r e s p e c t i v e classes prior t o 1802, some of them,on s h e e t s b u t six inches s q u a r e . The first official college catalogue w a s issued in 1802. I t was p r i n t e d on one side of a l a r g e sheet from 1802 t o 1819. None w a s issued in 1812. . . . F r o m t h e rival «university,' c a t a l o g u e s on single s h e e t s were issued in 1816 a n d 1817." [From Bibliography of D a r t m o u t h College, Gran. Mo., V. 321.] I n 1797 t h e following b r o a d s i d e was printed on a t h r e e by four inch s h e e t : Catalogue of g r a d u a t e s at D a r t m o u t h University, August.i[2] 3,1797. 1859-'60. Hanover: 1859. O,40. 1820. Hanover: 1820. 0,14. 1860-'61. Hanover: 1860. O,40. 1821. Hanover: 1821. 0,14. 1861-'62. Hanover: 1861. O, 40. 1822. n. i.: 1822. 0 , 1 3 + 6. 1862-'63. Hanover: 1862. O,40. 1823. Concord: 1823. 0 , 1 3 + 3. 1863-'64. Hanover: 1863. O,40. 1824. Boston: 1824. 0,18. 1864-'65. Hanover: 1864. O,40. 1825. Concord: 1825. O, 19. 1865-'66. Hanover: 1865. 0,48. 1826. Concord: 1826. 0 , 1 5 . 1866-'67. Hanover: 1866. 0 , 4 8 . 1827. Windsor: 1827. D, 23. 1867-'68. Hanover: 1867. 0 , 4 8 . 1828. Concord: 1828. D, 23. 1868-'69. Hanover: 1868. O, 72. 1829. Concord: 1829. D, 23. 1869-'70. Hanover: 1869. O. 76. 1830. Haverhill: 1830. D, 23. Also l a r g e p a p e r edition of same. 1831. Concord: 1831. O, 23. 1870-'71. Hanover: 1870. O, 72. 1832. Newport: 1832. O, 23. 1871-'72> Boston: 1871. O, 71. 1833. Newport: 1833. O, 23. 1872-'73. Hanover: 1872. 0 , 7 1 . 1834. Newport: 1834. O, 23. 1873-'74. Hanover: 1873. O, 71. 1835. Claremont: [1835]. D. 24. 1836. Windsor: [1836]. O, 24. 1874-,75. Hanover: 1874. O, 71. 1837. Hanover: [1837]. O, 24. 1875-,76. Hanover: 1875. O, 71. 1838. Windsor: [1838]. D, 25. 1876-'77. Hanover: 1876. O, 71. 1839. Windsor: 1839. D, 26. 1877-'78. Hanover: 1877. 0 , 5 5 . 1840. Hanover: 1840. D, 24. (2 eds.). 1878-'79. Hanover: 1878. O, 55. 1841-'42. 1. Boston: 2. Hanover: 1841. 1879-'80. Hanover: 1879. O, 57. 28. (2 e d s . ) . O, 24. 1880-'81. Hanover: 1880. O,60. 1842-'43. Concord: 1842. D. 26. 1881-'82. Hanover: 1881. 0,64. 1843-'44. Hanover: 1843. D. 24. 1882-'83.- Hanover: 1882. 0,78. 1844-'45. Hanover: 1844. D. 24. 1883-'84. Hanover: 1883. O, 69. 1845-'46. Hanover: 1845. O, 24. 1884-,85. Hanover: 1884. O, 64. 1846-'47. Hanover: 1846. 0,24. 1885-'86. Hanover: 1885. O, 64. 1847-'48. Hanover.' 1847. O, 24, 1886-'87. Hanover: 1886. O, 64. 1848-'49. Hanover: 1848. O, 24. 1887-'88. Hanover: 1887. O, 64. 1849-'50. Hanover: 1849. O, 24. 1888-'89. Hanover: 1888. O, 79. 1850-'51. Hanover: 1850. 0 , 3 1 . 1889-'90. Hanover: 1889. 0,79. 1851-'52. Hanover: 1851. O, 32. i890-'9i. Hanover: 1890. 0 , 8 3 . 1852-'53. Hanover: 1852. O, 39. 1891-'92. Hanover: 1891. 0 , 8 7 . 1853-'54. Hanover: 1853. O, 39. 1892-'93. Hanover: 1892. 0,77. 1854-?55. Hanover: 1854. O, 40. 1893-'94. Hanover: 1893. O, 130. 1855-'56. Hanover: 1855. O, 40. 1893-'94 Alumni edition containing 1856-'57. Hanover: 1856. O, 40. a d d r e s s e s of alumni. Hanover: 1893. 1857-'58. Hanover: 1857. O, 40. O, 200. 1858-'59. Hanover: 1858. O, 40. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . 15 H. Catalogus Collegii Dartmouthensi$ [triennial]. L-1786. 1792. Boston: 1792. :Br. 1795. Hanover: 1795. O , 8 . 1798. Leuphanae: 1798. 0 , 1 5 . 1801. Leuphanae: 1801. 0,14. 1804. Leuphanae: 1804. 0,16. 1807. Concordiae: 1807. 0,22. 1810. Leuphanae: 1810. 0 , 2 3 . 1813. Leuphanae: 1813. O, 28. 1816. Leuphanae: 1816. O, 25. (1814. Andoverii: 1814. 0,24. alphabetical) 1819. Leuphanae: 1819. 0 , 3 1 . 1822. Portimuthi: 1822. O, 35. 1825. Concordiae: 1825. O, 39. 1828. Leuphanae: 1828. O, 44. 1831. Leuphanae: 1831. O, 68. 1834. Bostoniae: 1834. O, 64. 1837. Bostoniae: 1837. O, 68. 1840. 1843. ,1846. 1849. 1852. 1855. 1858. 1861. Bostoniae: 1840. [Bostoniae: 1843.] Hanover ae: 1846. Hanoverae: 1849. Hanoverae: 1852. Hanoverae: 1855. Hanoverae: 1858. Hanoverae: 1861. O, 74. O,80. O, 92. 0,94. O, 96. 0,104. O, 794-34. 0,15+72+ 35. 1864. -f-88. 1867. 4-40. Also 1870. 4-41. 1873. 4-52. Hanoverae: 1864. O, 17+85 Hanoverae: 1867. O, 16+87 l a r g e p a p e r edition of s a m e . Hanoverae: 1870. O, 18+91 Hanoverae: 1873., 0 , 18+95 Dartmouth College General Catalogue. 1880. Hanover: 1880. 0,20+208. 1880-'85. supplement. Hanover: O, 56. 1890. Hanover: 1890. O, 28+242. 1885. —— Dartmouth College Alumni. Sketches of the first graduates of Dartmouth College from 1771 to 1783. Concord: 1823. • Sketches of the graduates of Dartmouth College from its foundation in 1769 to the year 1834. Concord: 1832-,34. [Report of a committee of the Dartmouth College Alumni on the general interests of the College] Jan. 1, 1879. (n. t. p.) O, p p . 7. : [Report of a committee appointed to make a general inspection of the affairs of the College] June 18, 1880. (n. t. p.) o, pp. 7. [Report of a committee in reference to the Alumni Association] 1882. sheet. [Report of a committee on alumni representation] June 25, 1891. (n. t. p.) O, p p . 8. Report of the advisory committee of the Dartmouth College Alumni Association concerning the improvements of the gymnasium and the securing of an athletic field. Cambridge: 1892. O, p p . 23. Plans. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Alumni of Dartmouth College. List of graduates alive in January, 1883, with their past-office addresses, by J . M. Comstock. O, p p . 54. List of addresses of the members of the Association of the Alumni of Dartmouth College. Boston: 1892. O, p p . 70. Addresses of the living graduates of Dartmouth College, the Medical College, and the Thayer School of Engineering, March, 1894. Bound with t h e alumni edition of t h e annual c a t a l o g u e for 1893-'94, and also as a separate pamphlet. Dartmouth College Case. Remarks on the rights and powers of corporations, embracing a review of the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Dartmouth College. Boston: 1857. O.pp. See 1 Kent. Comm. 415. See Cooley. Const. Limit. 279-280 n. See 4 Wheaton 518. See Article in JSf. A. Bev., X , 83, by J . Dutton. —— See Article in Am. Law Bev., V I I I , 189. •• See Farrar, Timothy; Shirley, J. M.; , See Vol. I and Vol. LXV, N. H. Webster, D. Reports. Opinion of the Superior Court of the State of New Hampshire in case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College vss. Wm, H . Woodward, pronounced at Plymouth . . . November term, 1817. Concord: 1818. O, p p . 27. Report of the case of the Trustees against Woodward, together with the constitution, charter laws, etc. [Hanover] (n. d.) Dartmouth College Chandler Scientific School. See Hubbard, 0 . P. Laws of the Chandler Scientific Department of Dartmouth College. Hanover: 1871. ©., p p . 12. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H . 17 Dartmouth College Charter. The charter of Dartmouth College [probably first printed edition], n. t. p. The charter of Dartmouth College [1815]. 1815. Hqnover: D, p p . 14. The charter of Dartmouth College [1816]. 1816. Hanover: D, p p . 14. The charter of Dartmouth College, n. t. p. O, p p . 15. Dartmouth College: Class of '11. Class of alumni of Dartmouth College in 1811: Minutes of their meeting in 1849, also brief biographical notices of the members. Concord: 1850. O, p p . 35. —— Class of '12. A catalogue of the class which graduated at Dartmouth College, Aug. 26, 1812 [etc.], by Samuel Clark. Boston: 1854. O, p p . 22. Class of '13. Class of alumni of Dartmouth College in 1813, with biographical notices of the members. Boston: 1854. O, p p . 100. — Class of '27. Class of 1827 of Dartmouth College : Proceedings at their meeting in July, 1852, and brief biographical notices of the members. Lynn: 1853. O, p p . 36. -— — A memorial of the college life of the Class of 1827, Dartmouth College, by Alpheus Crosby. Hanover: 1869. A memorial of the class of 1827, prepared by Jonathan Fox Worcester. Hanover: 1869. Same, second edition, revised and enlarged. O, p p . 112. Class of '33. [Catalogue.] Sheet. Asa Fowler. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH ——- Class of'88. Records of the meeting of the class of 1838 at Dartmouth College, July 28, 1858, at their twentieth anniversary. Boston: 1858. Class of 'Jfi. Dartmouth College: Survivors in 1890 of the Class of '40. O, p p . 26. Class of '4%. Decennial catalogue of the class which graduated at Dartmouth College, July 28, 1842, by Truman Ricard. Boston: 1853. O, p p . 54. A statistical history for fifty years. Cambridge: 1892. Class of '4$. Memorial of the class graduated at Dartmouth College, July 27, 1843, by Jonathan Tenney. Albany: 1869. O, p p . 61,164. —— Septenary catalogue of the class which graduated at Dartmouth College, July 27, 1843. Manchester: 1851. O, p p . 42. Class of '46. Catalogue of the class of '46 in Dartmouth College. Concord: 1863. 0,pp. 61. —— Class of '49. Decennial catalogue of the class which graduated at Dartmouth College, July 26, 1849, with, a notice of their class meeting, July 27, 1859. Hanover: 1859. O, p p . 15. Memorial of the class which graduated at Dartmouth College, July, 1849, with a record of its class meetings, July , 1859 and July 1869 [etc.], by Clinton W. Stanley. Manchester: 1870. O, p p . 63. Class of '5$. Memorial of the class of 1853, Dartmouth College. Hanover: 1864. O, pp.59. Class of '55. Report of the clasfs of 1855 of Dartmouth College, for twenty-three years, by Edward P. Scales, M. D. Boston: 1879. O, pp.50. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H . 19 Thirty years record of the class of 1855 of Dartmouth College, by the Secretary [Edward P. Scales]. Boston: 1885. O, p p . 53. —- Class of '56. History of the class of '56, Dartmouth College, by Benjamin F. Prescott. Concord. O, p p . 167. — Class of '57. Class Day exercises of the class of '57, in Dartmouth College, July 28, 1857. Northampton: 1858. O, p p . 57. — Report of the class of '57 of Dartmouth College, from graduation to its twentieth anniversary, 1877, by Chas. A. Carleton, class secretary. New York: 1877. O, p p . 48. Quinquennial report of the u Class of '57 "of Dartmouth College [1882], by Chas, A. Carleton. New York: 1882. O, p p . 27. Same [1887]. New York: 1887. O, p p . 25. Same [1892]. New York: 1892. O, pp.48. —- Class of '58. Biographical sketches of the class of '58, Dartmouth College, academic and scientific, January 1, 1884. [by S. L. Gerould]. Concord: 1884. O . p p . 72. II. — Class of 60. Exercises on Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 24, 1860. Hanover: 1860. O, p p . 66. — Report of the secretary of the class of 1860, Dartmouth College, 1873, by Fred Chase. Hanover: 1873. O, p p . 35. Biographical sketches of the class of 1860 in Dartmouth College, 1881, by Frederic Chase. Hanover: 1881. D, p p . 28. —Class of '61. Hanover: 1861. x Exercises on Class Day, July 23, 1861. O, p p . 44. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH History of the Class of '61, Dartmouth College, sincegraduation, to Jan. 1, 1872, prepared by the Class Secretary [G. A. Marden]. Lowell: 1872. O, p p . 47. — Class of '62. Dartmouth College : Sketches of the class of 1862, by Horace, Stuart Cummings, 1884. Washington: 1884. O, p p . 120. — Class of '68. A series of biographical sketches of the Class of 1863 in Dartmouth College, by John Scales. [Dover]: 1883. 0,pp.53. II. — Class of '64* Memorial of the class of '64 in Dartmouth College, compiled by John C. Webster. Chicago: 1884. O, p p . 209. — Class of '66. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 17, 1866. — Class of '67. Exercises at Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 16, 1867. Concord: 1867. O, p p . 54. Dartmouth College : Reunion of the class of '67, held at Hanover, N. H., July 26, 27, and 28, 1877. Bingham- ton,N. Y. O, p p . 46. — —— Brief notes of the reunion of the class of '67, Dartmouth College, at Hanover, N. H., June 28 and 29, 1882, (n. d.). D, p p . 7. ___ Dartmouth College: '67 Class letter, October, 1884, (n. d.). , O, p p . 16. Class letter to the members of the class of '67, Dartmouth College (n. d.). O, p p . 29. Class of '68. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, July 21, 1868. Claremont: 1868. O, p p . 39. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H . 21 Dartmouth '68, Decennial Report [C. F. Emerson]. Hanover: 1878. O, p p . 21. Class of '69. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 20, 1869. Hanover: 1869. Dartmouth '69 [John E. Hatch] (n. d.). D, p p . 37. * — —— Secretary's Report, 1873. E. H. Currier, Secretary (n. d.). D, p p . 30. Directory of the class of '69, Dartmouth, May, 1889 (n.d.)sheet. — Class of '70. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 19, 1870. Hanover: 1870. D, p p . 54. — Class Report, '70. 1874. (n. d.) D,pp.33. _ Class Report, Dartmouth '70, 1878. D, p p . 34. Class Report, Dartmouth '70, 1891. D, p p . 40. — Class of '71. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, July 16, 1871. Hanover: 1871. O, p p . 44. — Class of '72. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 25, 1872. Hanover: 1872. O, p p . 40. — Class of '78. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 24, 1873. Claremont: 1873. O, p p . 45. First reunion, n. t. p. O, p p . 8. _ Annual reports. 1-6. S. W. Adriance, see The flight of-years or a record of the class of '73, Dartmouth College, 1893. n. t. p. O, 28. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Class of'74. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 23, 1874. Hanover: 1874. D, pp.48. Reports 1-6. [By C. W. Scott.] [Paged seriatim.] Class of '75. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, Jupe 22, 1875. Hanover: 1875. D, p p . 43. Report. G. Arthur Butler, sec. Class of '76. History of the class of '76, Dartmouth College, freshman year. Samuel Merrill, historian. Hanover r 1873. o , p p . 20. Sophomore history of the class of '76, Dartmouth College. A. B. Crawford, historian. Hanover: 1873-'74. o , p p . 22. lege. Junior history of the class of '76, Dartmouth ColW. S. Sayres, historian. Hanover: 1875. O, p p . 74. Senior history of the class of '76, Dartmouth College. W. R. Patterson, historian. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 40. — — Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 27, 1876. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 74. - Memoirs of the class of '76, Dartmouth College, by — Wm. H. Gardiner, Portsmouth, N. H., June, 1876. Portsmouth: 1876. o, pp. 34. Annual reports by Wm. H. Gardiner, secretary.. Numbers 1-18. Class of'77. History of the class of '77, Dartmouth College, 1874-'75. W. E. Noxon, historian. Hanover: 1875. O, p p . 18. —— History of the class of '77, Dartmouth College,. 1875-76. Fred L. Owen, historian. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 17. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H . 23 History of the class of '77* Dartmouth College, Philip Carpenter, historian. Hanover: 1877. O, p p . 45. — Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 26, 1877. Hanover.• 1877. O, p p . 80. Annual reports by John M. Comstock, secretary. Numbers 1-15. — — Decennial record of the class of '77. Hanover: 1887. O, p p . 65. —r— Class of 78* History of the class of '78, Dartmouth College, by John Howe Fox, historian. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 24. — Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 25, 1878. Hanover: 1878. O, p p . 78. — Annual reports by John P. George. Numbers 1-9. 1878-1893. Secretary's report of Class of 1878, Dartmouth College. [By John P. George.] n. t. p. O, p p . 101. Class of'79. History of the class of '79, Dartmouth College, freshman year. Alfred S. Houghton, historian. Lawrence: 1876. O, p p . 25. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 24, 1879. Hanover: 1879. O, p p . 80. — Annual reports. [Numbers 1-9. C. D. Edgarton, secretary.] Class of 80. Senior history by Wm. I. Smith. 0 , p p . 46. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 22, 1880. Hanover: 1880. O, p p . 78. 24 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Class of'81. Address list of the class of 1881, Dartmouth College. [1889.] sheet. Annual reports [Numbers 1-5. M. W. Adams, Sec- retary]. 1881-'91. Ten years' record of the class of 1881, academic and scientific departments, Dartmouth College [by M. W. Adams, Secretary], Atlanta: 1891. O, p p . 28. :— Class of 1881, Dartmouth College. 1891->93, [by M. W. Adams, Secretary]. Report for Class of '82. The third act in the great drama entitled' '82 in Dartmouth College or junior year on paper, by Luther B. Little, Historian. * O, p p . 40. — Senior history of the class of '82, W. A. Bartlett, Historian. O, p p . 52. Annual reports [Numbers 1-2 ; No. 1 by W. E. : Strong, and No. 2 by I. E. Pearl]. Class of '88. History of the class of '83, Dartmouth College, freshman year. Walter B. Patterson, Historian. 1880. 0 , p p . 36. \ Sophomore history of the class of '83, Dartmouth College, Walter T. Field, Historian. 1881. O, p p . 32. . Dartmouth College : history of the class of ? 83, senior year, by Henry Boynton Johnson. 1883. O, p p . 40. • • —— Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 26, 1883. Hanover: 1883. O, p p . 72. Annual reports [by Wm. W. Niles, Secretary. bers 1-3]. Num- —— Class of'8^. Freshman history of the class of '84, Dartmouth College, William L. How, Historian. Hanover : 1881. ' o , p p . 25. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 25 _ __.— Sophomoric scrapes, or a year in the saddle: A tale of the wilderness, by Louis Bell. Hanover: 1882. O, p p . 38. Junior ease or filtered hopes, written in faith, hope, and charity, by Alfred Edward Nutt. Hanover : 1883. O, p p . 35. — Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 24, 1884. Hanover: 1884. O, p p . 70. — Annual reports [Numbers 1-2 by T. M. Hodgdon, Number 3, by G. D. Lord.] — Class of 85. Exercises of Class Day of the senior class of Dartmouth College, Tuesday, June 23, 1885. Hanover: 1885. O, p p . 71. — Class of'86. Sophomore stories, by Will M. Hatch, assisted by Horace Clark, Jr. 1884. O, p p . 48. Class Day exercises of the senior class, Tuesday, June 22, 1886. Hanover: 1886. History of the class of '86 in Dartmouth, for the year ending June, 1887, by Arthur H. Chase. Concord: 1887. O, p p . 36. 9 — Class of 87. Sophomore history of the class of '87, by Stanley Edwards Johnson, assisted by Charles F . Conn. 1886. O, p p . 51. *: Dartmouth College: Exercises of Class Day of the senior class, Tuesday, June 28, 1887. Hanover: 1887. Q, p p . 64. — Class of'88. Senior history of the class of '88, Dartmouth College, by F. L. Pattee. Bristol: 1888. O, p p . 52. Dartmouth College: Exercises of Class Day of the senior class, Tuesday, June 28, 1888. Hanover: 1888. O, p p . 66. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH — Annual reports [by Wm. B* Forbush, Numbers 1-5.] Freshman history of the class of '89 of Dartmouth College, by J. C. Ross. Hanover: 1886. O, p p . 46. Class of'89. Junior history of the class of '89, Dartmouth College, by Ozora S. Davis. Montpelier: 1888. O, p p . 50. — Dartmouth College: Exercises of Class Day of the Senior Class, Tuesday, June 25, 1889. Hanover: 1889, v O, p p . 68. Annual reports [Numbers 1-2* by Irving E. Sanborn ; Number 3, by J. C. Flagg.] Class of '90. Freshman history of the class of '90, of Dartmouth College, by Henry Hoyt Hilton. Hanover: 1887. O, p p . 26. — Sophomore history of the class of '90, Dartmouth College, by George S. Mills. White River Junction. O, p p . 48. ——Junior ease, or the third act of the great comedy drama, '90 in Dartmouth College, by James Burton Reynolds. Hanover. 0,pp.41. - Annual reports, Numbers 1-2, by C. A. Perkins. Class of '91. Rowe. Annual reports, Numbers 1-2, by F. E. . Class of 92. Exercises of Class Day at Dartmouth Col lege y Tuesday, June 28, 1892. Concord: 1892. O, p p . 46. Class of 98. Dartmouth College Class Day exercises on Tuesday, June 27, 1893. Concord: 1893. D, p p . 93. — Annual report, Number 1. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 27 Class of 994. ' Freshman history of the class of '94, Dartmouth College, by Quincy Blakely, Jr. St. Johnsbury: 1892. Dartmouth College [Portraits of Faculty, Class, Views. of Hanover, and College Teams], edited by Alfred Bartlett.. Hanover: 1894. o. Dartmouth College: Class Day exercises on Monday,. June 25, 1894. Concord; 1894. D, p p . 75. Class of '95. First act in the great comedy drama, " 95> in Dartmouth," by Burton T. Scales. Dover: 1893. O, p p . 30. Class of 96. The history of the class of 1896 of Dartmouth College, during its freshman year, [by] Robert H. Fletcher and Stephen Chase. Hanover. O, p p . 36. N Class of''97. Toasts delivered at the freshman banquet of the Class of '97. The Windsor, Manchester, February 21-22, 1894. White River Junction. O, p p . 27. - — Courses of study, 1882-'83. —— Courses of instruction, with terms of admission in> Dartmouth College, 1894-'95. O, p p . 14. Laws of Dartmouth College : 1822. 1825. 1828. , 1832. 1837. 1842. 1849. 1855. 1866. 1869. 1874. Haverhill: 1822, O, pp. 21. Concord: 1825, O, pp. 20. Hanover: 1828, O, pp. 24. Hanover: 1832, 0 , pp. 32. Hanover: 1837, O, pp. 28. Concord: 1842, 0 , pp. 16. Hanover: 1849, O, pp. 16. Hanover: 1855, O, pp. 16. Hanover: 1866, O, pp. 16. Hanover: 1869, O, pp. 16. Hanover: 1874, O, pp. 16. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Laws of Dartmouth College : 1877. Hanover: 1877, 0, pp. 15. 1882.. Hanover: 1882, O, pp. 15. 1891. Hanover: 1891, O, pp. 15. N. B. Other editions are supposed to exist but have not been found by the , p p . 12. Dartmouth College Necrology : 1874, sheet. 1876-,77, n. t. p., O, pp. 13. 1877-'78, n. t. p., O, pp. 15. 1878-'79, n. t. p., O, pp. 14. 1879-'80, n. t. p., O, pp. 19. 1880-'81. Hanover: 1881, O, pp. 24. 1881-'82. Hanover: 1882,0, pp. 19. 1882-'83. Hanover: 1883,0, pp. 20. Beprinted List of 1883,0, pp. 3. 1883-'84. Hanover 1884, O, pp. 19. 1884-'85. Hanover 1885, O, pp. 23. 1885-'86. Hanover 1886, O, pp. 20. 1886-'87. Hanover 1887, O, pp. 19. 1887-'88. Hanover 1888, O, pp. 26. 1888->89. Hanover 1889, O, pp. 23. 1889- , 90. Hanover 1890, O, pp. 24. 1890-'91. Hanover 1891, O, pp. 24. 1891-'92. Hanover 1892, 0 , pp. 26. 1892-'93. Hanover 1893,O, pp. 26. 1893-'94. Hanover: 1894, O, pp. 20. Dartmouth College Library. College library (n. t. p.). J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J.JM. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock J. M. Comstock ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. ed. Catalogue of books in Dartmouth D, p p . 24. Catalogue of books in the library of Dartmouth College, Nov., 1825 (n. t. p. ) . O, p p . 44. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H . 2£ Catalogue of the library of Dartmouth College,1868. Hanover: 1868. D, pp.264. —— Appendix to [same] (n. t. p.). D, p p . 30. Specification—Dartmouth College Library (n. t, p.). O, p p . 12. Article in Lib. J. II, 68, by C. W. Scott. Dartmouth College Treasurer: Report by Daniel Blaisdell, 1860. Boston: O, pp. 24. 1861. Boston: O, pp. 28. 1862. Boston: O, pp. 28. 1863. Concord: O, pp. 27. 1864. Concord: O, pp. 27. 1865. Concord: O, pp. 39. 1866. Concord: O, pp. 32. 1867. Concord: O, pp. 36. C. P. Chase, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. Dartmouth College Trustees. Extract from the proceedings of the Trustees of Dartmouth College [on the removal of Pres. John Wheelock.] In the Vermont Republican, Vol. VII, No. 39. See Dunham, J"., and Freeman, P. B. Proceedings July 24, 1863, upon the resolution of A the Merrimack County Conference. Concord: 1863. O, p p . 8. See JST. JET. Register for 1772, p. 12. Report of a committee of the Trustees of Dartmouth College on the recent investigations in reference to that institution [etc.]. Concord, 1881. O, p p . 18. SO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Dartmouth College and John Thornton. Quarterly III, 371]. [Article in Cong. Dartmouth College and the State of New Hampshire. [Republication of various articles in the 2V. H. Statesman and Concord Register, 1828] (n. t. p.). O, p p . 23. Statistics [in New Hamp. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. VI]. [Account of the " disaffection" of 1816] [in Hist, of N. H. Geo. Barstow, pp. 393-421, edition of 1842.] Article in St. Louis Mag. and Leisure Hours, 1887, pp. 351-360, by "An Alumnus." See Bartlett, S. C; Henshaw, D.; Smith, Asa D.; Valentine, B. B. See N. H. Register, 1772, p. 12, et seq. Dart. Univ. See JST. H. Register, 1818, pp. 78-80. Dartmouth [Periodical]: I. II. III. IV. V. Hanover : 1840. Hanover: 1840. Hanover: 1842. Hanover: 1843. Hanover : 1844. D, D, D, D, D, 196. 312. 326. 324. 324. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Hanover: 1867. Hanover : 1868. Hanover: 1869. Hanover: 1870. Hanover: 1871. Hanover : 1872. Hanover: 1873. Hanover : 1874. Hanover: 1875. D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, 4+400. 4+400. 4+400. 4+400. 416. 4+440. 4+418. 4+392. 239. I. II. III. IV. Hanover: 1876. Hanover : 1877. Hanover: 1878. Hanover : 1879. O, O, O, O, 4+440. 4+408. 4+523. 4+537. First Series. Second Series. Third Series. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 31 Dartmouth [Periodical] : Fourth Series. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIIL IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover i Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. O, 4+452. 0,4+448. 0,4+430. 0,4+424. O, 4+406. 0,4+402. 0 , 4+428. 0,4+404. 0,4+414. O, 4+402. 0,4+416. 0,4+334. 0,4+274. 0,4+282. 0,4+280. Dartmouth Index [periodical annual or semi-annual, first numbers Q, others 0.1 1851-3. Dartmouth Literary Monthly. Vol. I. H a n o v e r : 1887. O, 6+442. I I . Hanover: 1888. O, 6+432. I I I . Hanover: 1889. O, 6+376. IV. Hanover: 1890. O, 6+379. V. Hanover: 1891. O, 5+414. V I . Hanover: 1892. O, 8+423. V I I . Hanover: 1893. O, 8+424. V I I I . Hanover: 1894. O, 8+486. Dartmouth Phoenix [three times a year] 1855-8. Dartmouth Scientific Association, constitution. sheet. Davis, Ozora Stearns, and Baker, William Drummond, editors. Dartmouth Lyrics: A collection of poems from the undergraduate publications of Dartmouth College, edited by Ozora Stearns Davis and William Drummond Baker. Cambridge: 1888. D, p p . 100. See Dartmouth College, Class of'89. 32 BIBLIOGBAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Dewey, Benoni; Wheelock, James; and Gilbert, Benjamin. A true and concise narrative of the origin and progress of the church difficulties in the vicinity of Dartmouth College, the same being the origin of President Wheelock's disaffection tothe trustees and professors of the college, with documents relative thereto, by Benoni Dewey, James Wheelock, and Benjamin Gilbert. Hanover: 1815. O, p p . 68. Dimond, E. W. * See Walker, Jos. B. Documents relative to Dartmouth College, published by theorder of the Legislature, (n. t. p.) 1816. O, p p . 39. Duncan, Wm. H. born, E. D. See Centennial celebration; Lord, N.; San- Dunham, Josiah. Oration for the Fourth of July, 1798, delivered in the meeting house in the vicinity of Dartmouth College at Hanover in New Hampshire by Josiah Dunham. Same. 2nd ed. Hanover: (n. d.) O, p p . 16. Answer to the vindication of the official conduct of the trustees [etc.] with remarks on the removal of President Wheelock. [See D. C. Trustees.] Hanover: 1816. O, p p . 94. Oration delivered at Hanover in the vicinity of Dartmouth College before the several Washington Benevolent Societiesof Hanover, Lebanon, Lime, Norwich, and Hartford, on the thirty-eighth anniversary of American Independence, and in> commemoration of the great events in Europe [etc.] by Josiah. Dunham, Esq. Hanover: 1814. D, p p . 25. Dunham and True. An almanac of the year of our Lord, 1796. Hanover: [1796.] S [24.] • Dunham and True's second year's almanac for the year of our Lord, 1797. (n. t. p.) S [24.] COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . 33 H. Almanac for the year of our Lord, 1798. (n. t. p.) S [24.1 Eaton, John. Eulogy on Hon. James Willis Patterson, LL. D., member of the U. S. House of Representatives, U. S. Senator, Superintendent of Public Instruction for New Hampshire, and professor in Dartmouth College; by Gen. John Eaton, Ph. D., LL. D., delivered at Hanover, N. H., June 14, 1894. Concord: 1894. O, p p . 33. Edgerton, C. D. See Dartmouth College, Class of '79. Elliott, Geo. See Fletcher Prize Essay. Elsberg, Louis. Lecture introductory to the eighty-seventh course of instruction in the medical department of Dartmouth 1 college, delivered Aug. 1, 1883, by Louis Elsberg, A. M., M. D. Hanover: 1883. O, p p . 23. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Oration delivered before the literary societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston : 1838. O, p p . 30. Emerson, Reuben. Oration on music, pronounced before the Handel Society, Dartmouth University, Aug. 23, 1814, by Reuben Emerson, A. M. Andover: 1814. 0 , p p . 24. Evarts, Wm. M. Eulogy on Chief Justice [Salmon P.] Chase, delivered by William M. Evarts before the alumni of Dartmouth College, June 24, 1874. Hanover: 1874. O, p p . 30. Everett^ A. H. Address to the literary societies of Dartmouth College on the character and influence of German literature, delivered at Hanover, July 24, 1839, by A. H. Everett. Boston: 1839. O, p p . 60. Fairchild, Jotham. Oration pronounced at the meeting-house in the vicinity of Dartmouth College on the Fourth of July,, 1811, by Jotham Fairchild. Hanover: 1811. O, p p . 15. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Family School for young ladies. Mrs. J. M. Sherman's (for merly Mrs. Peabody's). Catalogue, 1857-'58. Hanover: 1858. D, p p . 12. Catalogue, 1859-60. Hanover : 1860. D, p p . 12. Farley, Stephen. Oration pronounced at Hanover, N. H., July 4, 1804, being the anniversary of American Independence, by Stephen Farley. Hanover: 1804. D, p p . 16. Farmer, J. Sketches of graduates [in N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. III. 102, 238; IV. 281]. Farrar, Timothy. Report of the case of the trustees of Dartmouth College against Wm. H. Woodward [etc.]. Boston: [1819.] O, B. p p . 406. FarriSy Wm. W. Faunce, D. W. Field, Walter J. See Fletcher Prize Essay. See Fletcher Prize Essay. See Dartmouth College, Class of9 83. Flagg, J. C. See Dartmouth College, Class of '89. Fletcher PHze Essay. The Fletcher Prize Essay. The Christian in the world, by Rev. D. W. Faunce. Boston: 1875. D, 8+36. The Fletcher Prize Essay, 1877. The children of the light, by Rev. Wm. W. Farris., Boston: 1877. D, 8+312. Amusements in the light of reason and Scripture, by Rev. H. C. Hayden, D. D. New York [1880.] : D, p p . 162. • The Fletcher Prize Essay, 1879. The light: Is it waning? Why? How much? and what shall we do? Boston: 1879. £>, p p . 156. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 35 The abiding Sabbath : An argument for the perpetual obligation of the ford's Day. The Fletcher Prize Essay for 1884, by Geo. Elliott. New York: 1884. D, p p . 280. The Fletcher Prize Essay, 1889. Prayer as a theory and as a fact, by Rev. D. W. Faunce, D. D. New York [1889.] : D, p p . 250. Fletcher Prize Essay, Dartmouth, College, 1892. hallowed day, by Geo. Guirey. New York: 1892. The D, 16+286. Fletcher, Robert. Lessons from the characters and great achievements of great engineers: Introductory lecture for the students of the T. S. C. E., by Robert Fletcher, Ph. D. Hanover: 1881. O, p p . 14. Fletcher, Robert H. See Dartmouth College, Class of '96. Folsom, Charles L. Oration pronounced before the Handel society of Dartmbuth College at their anniversary exhibition Aug., 1820, by Charles L. Folsoin. Hanover: 1821. D, p p . 16. Forbush, Wm. Byron. See Dartmouth College, Class of'88. Foster, Eden B. Ministerial fidelity and its reward: Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. Royal Nathaniel Wright . . . preached at Hanover, N. H. [Text: 2 Tim. IV, 7, 8], by Eden B. Foster, A. M. Hanover: 1850. O, p p . 37. Fowler, Asa. See Dartmouth College, Class of '33. Fox, John Howe. See Dartmouth College, Class of'78. Freeman, P. R. Refutation of sundry aspersions in the " vindication of the present trustees of Dartmouth College in memory of their predecessors," by Peyton R. Freeman. Portsmouth: 1816. O, p p . 32. 36 .BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH • Review of Mr. Freeman's Dartmouth College pamphlet [from Concord Gazette, June 18, 1815], French Revolution, including a story founded on fact of Leontine and Matilda: A drama written and exhibited in the United Fraternity at Dartmouth College, 1790: exhibited also at Winsor in May, 1791. New Bedford: 1793. " D, pp. 67. See Dartmouth College, Class of y76. Gardiner, Wm. H. George, John P. See Dartmouth College, Class of '78. Gerould, Samuel L. Gilbert, Benj. J. See Dartmouth College, Class of '58. See Dewey, Benoni. Gilchrist, John James. See Phi Beta Kappa. Gillett, E. H. President Wheelock and his contemporaries. [Am. Pres. Rev., XVIII, 251]. John Wheelock and Dr. Chauncy [Am. Pres. Rev., X X , 463]. John Wheelock and the great revival [Am. Pres. Rev., XVIII, 520]. Gilmore, Jas. A. See Smith, Asa D. Gove, L. D. See Leeds, S. P. Gregg, Jarvis. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in the chapel of Dartmouth College, July 4, 1834, by Jarvis Gregg. Hanover: 1834. D, pp. 28. Griffin, Chas. Henry. See Rowell, Edward T. Guirey, Geo. See Fletcher Prize Essay. Haddock, Charles B. Discourse delivered at Hanover, May 7, 1841, on the occasion of the death of Wm. Henry Harrison, late president of JthefTFnited States, by Charles B. Haddock. Windsor: 1841. O, pp. 24. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 37 Eulogy on Daniel Oliver, LL. D., late professor . . . in Dartmouth College, delivered in the college chapel in October, 1842 [in addresses and miscellaneous writings of C. B. Haddock, pp. 425-446]. Rural ornament: Address before the Ornamental Tree society at Hanover, May 7, 1844 [in addresses and miscellaneous writings, pp. 528-556]. Address delivered before the Connecticut River Agricultural Society at their annual fair at Hanover, Sept. 27, 1849, by Charles B. Haddock, D. D. Hanover: 1850. O, p p . 16. —— See Phi Beta Kappa, - See Brown, S. G, Hale, Benj. Valedictory letter to the trustees of Dartmouth College, (n. t. p.) S,pp.24. —— See " Investigator." See "Alumnus," Hall, Frederick, See Phi Beta Kappa. Handel Society, Oratorio by the Handel Society of Dartmouth College, Aug., 1826. ;(n. t. p.) O, p p . 4. Same, Aug. 21, 1827. O, p p . 4. Same, Aug. 19, 1828. O, p p . 4. — Concert by the Handel Society of Dartmouth College, July 27, 1842. O, p p . 4. Sacred oratorio as performed by the Handel Society and the Piermont and Orford musical societies at Hanover, N. H., July 2, 1818. Hanover: 1818. O, p p . 12. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP DARTMOUTH Hanover, Town of Accounts of the selectmen and overseers of the poor, 1846-1853. Reports of financial affairs, 1854-1893. [These r e p o r t s a r e issued y e a r l y , and v a r y in size from D. 16 t o O, 40. I n 1886 a revised edition of t h e r e p o r t w a s published.] Town of Hanover vs. Henry S. Dewey et als. brief [by Wm. H. Duncan]. Plaintiff's. Hanover Aqueduct Company. An act to incorporate a company by the name of the Hanover Aqueduct Company* 1820. (n. t. p., 1820.) D, p p . 12. Hanover Engine Company, No. 1. By-laws instituted May,1824, revised Oct. 1843. Hanover: 1843. D, p p . 12. Hanover, Schools of District No. 1. Programme of studies and exercises in the schools of District No. 1. Hanover, N. H. .1887. O, p p . 11. n. t. p . Hanover society for discountenancing vice and promoting general morality. Hanover: May, 1814. (n. t. p.) sheet. Hardy, Eliphalet. See Burnham, John. Hardy, Ephraim, Jewett. Hatch, Will M. See Bittinger, J. Q. See Dartmouth College, Class of'86. Haughton, Eev. James. Offerings: The devotions of the people [sermon at the St. Thomas church, Hanover], by the RevJames Haughton. [Text: 1 Cor. IX, 11.] Hanover r 1873. D, p p . 19. Hayden, H. C. See Fletcher Prize Essay. Henry, C. S. Patriotism and the slave-holders' rebellion: Anoration [before the Dartmouth College Alumni Association^ July, 1861], by C. S. Henry. New YorTc: 1861. • O, pp.34. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H. 39 Henshaw, D. Dartmouth College [Article in Amer. Jour. Educ. XXVII, 277]. Same [Article in Christian Qbs. XIII, 17]. Hill, Howard F. Hillard, G. S. See Kappa Kappa Kappa Society. See Phi Beta Kappa. Hillard, "Wm. Henry. Hilton, Henry Holt. See Boyd, Chas. H. See Dartmouth College, Class of '90. Hine, Orlo D. Early Lebanon : An historical address delivered in Lebanon, Connecticut, by request, on the National Centennial, July 4, 1876, by Rev. Orlo D. Hine, with an appendix of historical notes by Nathaniel H. Morgan. Hartford: 1880. D, p p . 176. Hoadly, Geo. See Phi Beta Kappa. Hodgdon, T. M. Hopkins, A. G. See Dartmouth College, Class of'84. See Brown, Samuel G. Bee Dartmouth College, Class of984. How, William L. Hubbard, John. See Parish, Elijah. Hubbard, Oliver P. Lecture introductory to the eighty-third course of instruction of the N. H. Medical Institution at Dartmouth College, July 31, 1879, by Oliver P. Hubbard. Read before the N. H. Medical Society at Hanover, Sept. 17, 1879. Concord: 1879. O, p p . 38. Early history of the N. H. Medical Institution with a sketch of its founder, Nathan Smith. Lecture introductory [etc. as above]. [Second edition of proceeding]. Washington: 1880. O, p p . 41. Index [periodical]. "Investigator" Port. See Dartmouth Index. [pseud, for Daniel Oliver], 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH James. E. F. See Chase, A. S. Jesup, Henry G. A preliminary catalogue of the flowering plants and higher cryptograms growing without cultivation within thirty miles of Hanover; to which is appended a list of vertebrates of the same region, by Henry G. Jesup, A. M. Hanover: 1882. O, p p . 74. Catalogue of plants, both native and introduced, to be found within fifteen miles of Hanover, N. H., during spring and early summer, by Henry G. Jesup. Concord: 1890. D, p p . 2 6 . Johnson, Henry Boynton. See Dartmouth College, Class of '83. Johnson, Stanley Edwards. '87. See Dartmouth College, Class of Kappa Kappa Kappa Society. Catalogue of the Kappa Kappa Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Hanover: 1869. O . p p . 47. General catalogue of the Kappa Kappa Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, 1842-1892. [Compiled by Howard F. Hill.] Lebanon: 1893. O, p p . 77. Port. Kent, George. See Phi Beta Kappa. Metrical effusions in connection with college life and reminiscences, 1814-1882. Washington: 1883. D, p p . 40. Kimball, Gilman. The president's annual address: A biographical sketch of Dr. Nathan Smith, founder of Dartmouth Medical College, by Gilman Kimball, M. D. [American Gynecological Society, reprint from Gyn. Trans, vol. VIII.] (n. t. p.) O, p p . 16. Port. Kimball, P. K. See Seaman, Galen B. Kimball, Richard B. The true life of a scholar. Address delivered before the literary societies of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., July 24, 1844, by Richard B. Kimball, Esq. New York: 1844. O, p p . 18. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H . 41 Collegiate education. Address before the alumni of Dartmouth College, July 19, 1871, by Richard B. Kimball. New York: 1871. O, p p . 15. See Centennial Celebration. Knapp, Samuel L. See Phi Beta Kappa. Lancaster, Daniel. The true safety of a young man : A sermon preached at Gilmanton, Oct. 16, 1851, at the funeral of Thomas Burns Mack, senior in Dartmouth College, who died in Hanover, Oct. 13, 1851; by the Rev. Daniel Lancaster. Concord. O, p p . 16. Lane, John. See White, Wm. Leeds, Samuel P. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done: Discourse delivered on the National Fast, Sept. 16, 1861, in the Congregational church at Dartmouth College, by S. P. Leeds. [Text: Matt. VI, 10.] Winsor : 1861. O, p p . 31. —— Remarks made by the pastor of " the Congregational church at Dartmouth College," on the Sunday (March 9, 1862) after the president's emancipation message, (n. t. p.) O, p p . 3. God's work of preparation ; Sermon for Thanksgiving day, 1862, delivered in the Congregational church at Dartmouth College, by S. P. Leeds. [Text: Eph. V, 20. Isa. XI, 3.] Hanover: 1862. O, p p . 14. —— Address at the funeral of Capt. Lorenzo D. Gove, slain by the rebels in Virginia, delivered in the Congregational church at Dartmouth College by S. P. Leeds. Hanover: 1863. O, p p . 12. ^- A reasonable service: Sermon preached at the college church, &ov. 12, 1876, by S. P. Leeds. Hanover: 1876. O, p p . 16. See Brown, S. G, 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP DARTMOUTH Leonard, Wm. 8. Rambles in the highways and byways of a doctor's life : Address before the graduating class at the 92d annual commencement of the medical department of Dartmouth College, Nov. 22, 1887, by William S. Leonard, M. D. Concord: 1888. O, p p . 21. Lewis, Tayler. See Phi Beta Kappa. t Literary Tablet, or a general repository of various entertainment. I. Hanover: 1803-1804. Q. I I . Hanover: 1804-1805. Q, 104. Little, Luther B. See Dartmouth College, Class of '82. Long^ Clement. Jesus exalted, yet divine : Sermon delivered in the Congregational church at Dartmouth College by Clement Long. [Text: Phil. II, 9.]„ Concord: 1859. O, p p . 29. Serving God with the mind : Discourse commemorative of Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, D. D., late professor emeritus of moral philosophy and political economy in Dartmouth College, by Clement Long, D. D., LL. D. [Text: Matt. VI, 10.] Concord: 1861. O, p p . 48. See Lord, JSf. Lord, George Dana. See Dartmouth College, Class of '84. Lord, John King. The dangers of a scholar: An address delivered before the Gamma Sigma society of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1844, by the Rev. John K. Lord. Boston: 1844. O, p p . 32. See Chase, F. Lord, Nathan. Address delivered at Hanover, Oct. 29, 1828, at the inauguration of the author as president of Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord, D. D. Winsor: 1828. O, p p . 28. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 43 Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. David Peabody, professor of oratory and belles-lettres in Dartmouth College, Oct. 20, 1839 [Text: 1 Cor. XV, 5-7,], by the president. Hanover. O, p p . 15. Philosophy and faith : Sermon preached to the graduating class in Dartmouth College, on the Sabbath preceding commencement, 1842. [Text: John VIII, 42-57.] Hanover: 1842. O, p p . 28. Eulogy on John Quincy Adams delivered March 24, 1848 r at the request of the students of Dartmouth College. Hanover: 1848. O, p p . 22. Sermon preached at Dartmouth College on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 26, 1857, by Nathan Lord. [Text: Jer. VIII, 20.} Hanover: 1858. O, p p . 28. —— The Bible, the guide of life: Baccalaureate discourse to the class of 1858 at'Dartmouth College,'by Nathan Lord. [Text: 1 Thess. V, 21.] Hanover: 1858. O, p p . 39. Report on a memorial of the alumni of Dartmouth College of Boston and vicinity to the trustees on scholarships and prizes. Boston: 1858. O, p p . 54. Discourse commemorative of Ira Young, late professor in Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord. Hanover: 1859. O, p p . 32. Resurrection : Sermon preached April 3, 1859, on occasion of the death of Rev. John Richards, pastor of the church at Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord. [Text: 1 Cor. XV, 36.] Concord: 1859. Paul a model: Baccalaureate discourse to the graduating class of 1860 at Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord. [Text; 1 Cor. II, 2.] Hanover: 1860. O, p p . 31. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH — Wickedness destructive to manhood: Sermon preached at Dartmouth College, November, 1850, by Nathan Lord. [Text: Prov. XII, 3.] Hanover: 1851. O, p p . 17. — Discourse on the character of the late Stephen Chase, professor of mathematics in Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord. Hanover: 1851. * o , p p . 24. — Discourse commemorative of Abiel Chandler, founder of the Chandler school of Dartmouth College, delivered at commencement, July 29, 1852, by Nathan Lord. Boston: 1852. O, p p . 32. — The millennium: An essay read to the general convention of New Hampshire, June, 1853, by Nathan Lord. Hanover: 1854. O, p p . 56. — The improvement of the present state of things : Discourse to the students of Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord« [Text: Luke XIX, 13.] Hanover: 1853. O, pp'. 64. — Same, second edition. Hanover: 1859. O, p p . 68. —- Ground and substance of justification : Discourse to the students of Dartmouth College, November, 1853, by Nathan Lord. [Text: Job IX, 2.] Hanover: 1854. O, p p . 71. — Prayer in chapel, (n. t. p.) 1862. sheet. — Sermon on the death of Rev. Clement Long, professor in Dartmouth College, by Nathan Lord. [Text: 1 Cor. XIII, 9, 10.] Hanover: 1862. »Of p p . 24. — The cherubim and the flaming sword: Baccalaureate discourse delivered ft) the graduating class at Dartmouth College, July 17, 1863, by Nathan Lord. [Text: Gen. I l l , 24.] Boston: 1864. O, p p . 32. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 45 Letter to the alumni of Dartmouth College on its one hundredth anniversary, by Nathan Lord. New York: 1869. O, p p . 89. [Resolutions of the Dartmouth College faculty on the death of Nathan Lord.] In memoriam, by W. H. D [uncan.] (n. t. p.). O, p p . 12. See Crosby, A. B. McClure, David, and Parish, Elijah. Memoirs of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, founder and president of Dartmouth College, and Moor's charity school, with a summary history of college and school, to which are added copious extracts from Dr. Wheelock's correspondence, by David McClure, D. D., and Elijah Parish. Newburyport: 1811. D, 8+336. Port. M'Farland, Asa. Wisdom of God as exhibited in creation : Sermon delivered at Hanover before the Franklin Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, on the festivities of St. John the Baptist. [Text, Prov. VIII, 27.] Hanover: 1797. , D, p p . 16. See Phi Beta Kappa. ——• See Thompson, T. W. Mack, Thos. B. Magnet. See Lancaster, Daniel. [Periodical monthly], vol. I. Hanover-. 1835. Marden, Geo. A. Poem before the alumni association of Dartmouth College, June 22, 1886, by Hon. George A. Marden. 1886. O, p p . 15. See Dartmouth College, Class of '61. See Phi Beta Kappa. Marsh, Geo. Perkins. See Brown, S. G. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Member of the Junior Class. [1818.] The home in the west: Poem delivered at Dartmouth College, July 4, 1817. Hanover: 1817. D, p p . 19. Memorials of judges recently deceased, graduates of Dartmouth College, 1880. Concord: 1881. O, p p . 139. Merrill, John. Merrill, Samuel. See Swift, Samuel. See Dartmouth College, Class of '76. Metcalf Harry B. President Tucker and the new Dartmouth. [Article in Gran. Mo. Sept., 1893.] Mills, Geo. S. See Dartmouth College, Class of '90. Morgan, Nathaniel H. See Hine, Orlo D. Moor's Charity School. An act more effectually to define and improve the charitable establishment known by the name of the President of Moor's charity school. Approved June 10, 1807. sheet. —— See Observations of facts, etc. See Sketches of the history, etc. Munde, Paul F. Specialism in medicine : Introductory address before the medical class at Dartmouth College, Aug. 2, 1882, by Paul F. Munde, M. D. [From the Atlantic Journal of Medicine.] Mussey, Reuben D. See Crosby, A. B. JST. H. Bible Society. Third report of the N. H. Bible Society, communicated to the society at their annual meeting in Hanover, April 21, 1814. Concord: 1814. O, p p . 30. New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Report of a committee appointed to investigate the propriety of the removal of the N. H. C. A. M. A. from Hanover, June 1, 1886 (n. t. p.). O, p p . 42. COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N. H. 47 — Reports of the trustees of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Concord: 1867. D,,12. Manchester: 1868. D, 19. Manchester: 1869. D, 84. Manchester: 1870. D, 38. Nashua: 1871. O, 45. Nashua: 1872. O, 33. Concord: 1875. O, 7. Concord: 1875. O, 43. Concord: 1876. O, 19. 11. Concord: 1877. O, 42 " 12. Manchester: 1878. O, 45. 13. Manchester: 1879. O, 55. 14. Manchester: 1881. O, 60. 15. Concord: 1883. O, 61. 16. Concord: 1885. 0,107. 17. Manchester: 1887. O, 263. 18. Manchester: 1889. 0,104. 19. Manchester: 1890. 0,177. Annual report. Agricultural Experiment Station : 1. Manchester: 1889, O, 104. II. 2. Manchester: 1891, O, 72. II. Bulletins: 1. Ensilage. April, 1888, O, pp. 16. 2. Feeding experiments. June, 1888, O, pp. 14. 3. When to cut corn for ensilage. July, 1888, O, pp. 10. 4. The science and practice of stock feeding. Nov., 1888, O, pp. 31. 5. Fertilizers and fertilizing materials. March, 1889, O, pp.18. 6. Experiments with fertilizers. April, 1889, O, pp. 32. 7. Tests of dairy apparatus. May, 1889, O, pp. 16. 8. Feeding experiments. Nov., 1889, O, pp. 17. v 9. Effects of food upon milk. Feb., 1890, O, pp. 16. 10. Cooperative fertilizer experiments. Mar., 1890, O, pp. 13. 11. Pig-feeding experiments; Nov., 1890, O, pp. 14. 12. Fertilizer experiments. Mar., 1891, O, pp. 13. 13. Effect of food on butter; on quantity of milk. May, 1891, O, pp. 11. 14. Ensilage in dairy farming. May, 1891, O, pp. 7. 15. Patent cattle foods. D e c , 1891, O, pp. 7. 16. Effect of food on composition of butter fat. O, pp. 20. JST. H. Medical Institution [Annual circular~\. 1824, n.' t. p., 0 , 8 . 1825,jn. t. p., O, 8. 1840. Hanover: D, 11. 1843. Hanover : O, 8. 1845. Hanover : O, 8. 1846. 1847. 1849. 1850. 1851. Hanover : t>, 12. Hanover: O, 8. Hanover: O, 8. Hanover: O, 8. Hanover: O, 8., 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH 1852. 1860. 1863. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1880. Hanover: O, 8. Hanover: Q, 3. Hanover: Q, 3. Peterborough : Q, 3. Peterborough : Q, 3. n. i.: Q, 3. n. i.: Q, 3. Hanover: O, 6. Hanover: O, 6. Hanover: ID,8. Hanover: D, 7. Hanover: D, 7. Hanover: D, 8. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: Hanover: D,, 8 . 0, ,8. O, 8. 0 , 8. o, 8. O, 8. O, 8. o,,8. O, 8. O, 8. s. s. 11. [Annual circulars w e r e doubtless issued on o t h e r y e a r s besides t h o s e e n u m e r a t e d above, b u t t h e compiler h a s been, as yet, u n a b l e t o g e t t r a c e of them.} Statutes of Dartmouth University relative to medical graduation, Aug. 25, 1812 (n. t. p.). D, p p . 8. See Dartmouth College, Class of98S. » Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences. Constitution and bylaws of the Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences, with first report of curators, 1842. Hanover: 1842. Niles, Wm. W. O, p p . 28. [same] with second annual report of curators, 1843» Hanover: 1843. O, pp.18. Noyes, Brainbridge C. JSfutt, Alfred Edward. See Thomas, A. A. See Dartmouth College, Class of '8£. Observations of facts vindicating the right of Dartmputh College and Moor's Charity School to the grant made by the legislature of Vermont in June, 1785 (n. t. p.) [1807 ( ? ) j . O, p p . 16. Oliver, Daniel. Address delivered in the chapel of Dartmouth College upon the introduction of the author into the professorship of moral and intellectual philosophy, May 19, 1825, by Daniel Oliver, M. D. Concord: 1825. Remarks on a pamphlet entitled, Professor Hale and Dartmouth College, by " Investigator" [pseud.] (n. t. p.). , o , p p . 34. ' COLLEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 49 —— Address delivered before the temperance society of the medical class of Dartmouth College, Oct. 31, 1832, by Daniel Oliver, M. D. Winsor. O, p p . 16. See Haddock, C. B. Ordronaux, John. See Centennial Celebration. Owen, Fred L. See Dartmouth College, Class of '77. Paine, Elijah. See Thompson, T. W. Parish, Elijah. Sermon preached at Hanover, Aug. 23, 1801, the Sabbath preceding Commencement of Dartmouth College, by Elijah Parish. [Text: Gal. IV, 4.] Hanover: 1802. Sermon preached at the meeting house in the vicinity of Dartmouth College on the Sabbath preceding Commencement, 1806, by Elijah Parish, A. M. Hanover: 1806. O, p p . 15. Eulogy on John Hubbard, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy in Dartmouth College, who died Aug. 14, 1810, pronounced at the college, Sept., 1810, by Elijah Parish, D. D. Hanover: 1810. 0 , p p . 27. See M Clure, David. Park, Edwards A. Duties of a theologian: Anniversary address delivered before the Theological society of Dartmouth College, June 24, 1839, by Rev. Edwards A. Park. New York: 1839. O, p p . 35. Parker, Henry E. Memorial discourse [at the funeral of Timothy Francis Kendrick, 1879. Poem by M. D. Bisbee]. In memoriam: John Baldwin Stacy, a member of the senior class at Dartmouth College, who died May 6, 1880. Discourse at the funeral at Vershire, Vermont, May 9, 1880. (n. t. p.). See Brown, Samuel G. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH Parker, Joel. See Fhi Beta Kappa. Pattee, F. L. See Dartmouth College, Class of '88. Patterson, James W. See Centennial Celebration. See Fhi Beta Kappa. —.— See Sanborn, E. D. Patterson, W. B. See Dartmouth College, Class of "76. Fedbody, Andrew P. The uses of classical literature : Address before the united literary societies of Dartmouth College, July 26, 1843, by Andrew P. Peabody. Boston: 1843. O, p p . 27. Peabody, David. See Lord, N. Peaslee, Edmund Randolph. Synopsis of the course of lectures on general and human physiology in the N. H. Medical Institution, Dartmouth College, by E. R. Peaslee. Hanover: 1848. O, p p . 54. -, See Bartlett, S. C. Perkins, C. A. See Dartmouth College, Class of '90. Perkins, Cyrus. Eulogy on the Hon. William H. Woodward, late member of the corporation of Dartmouth University, who died August 9, 1818 ; pronounced at the request of the trustees on Commencement Day at Hanover, Aug. 26, 1818, by Cyrus Perkins, M. D. Hanover: 1818. O, p p . 16. Inaugural dessertation on fever, read and defended at a public medical examination holden before Hon. John Wheelock, LL. D. and the governors of Dartmouth College, for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, July 21, 1802. Boston: 1802. O, p p . 34. Perley, Ira. See Centennial Celebration. C0ELEGE AND HANOVER, N . H. 51 Beters, Absalom, Fifty years out of College: Read to a remnant of the class of '16, met at Dartmouth College on the semi-centennial anniversary of their graduation, July 19, 1866. New York: 1866. D , pp. n. Feitengill, 8. B, The college cavaliers : A sketch of the service of a company of college students in the Union army in 1862, by S. B. Pettengill. Chicago: 1883. D, p p . 91. Bhi Beta Kappa, Hampshire. 1806. 1809. 1812. 1815. 1818. 1822. 1832. 1836. 1838. 1839. Andover Hanover: Hanover: Andover: Hanover: Haverhill, Hanover: Concord: Concord: Concord: : 1806. 1809. 1812. 1815. 1818. Mass 1832. 1836. 1838. 1839. fraternity of Alpha of New Catal [ogue of the f 1841. 1844; 1851. 1853. 1856. 1860. 1867. 1874. 1884. 1887. O, 15. O, 16. D, 16. O, 16. 0,16. : 1822. 0,15. O, 23. 0,23. O, 23. O, 24. (h n Concord : 1841. O, 26. Hanover: 1844. O, 28. Hanover: 1851. O, 39. Hanover: 1853. O, 40. Hanover: 1856. O, 44. Hanover: 1860. O, 62. Hanover: 1867. O, 68. Hanover: 1874. O, 73. Hanover: 1884. O, 74. Hanover: 1887. O, 76. v Dartmouth College . . . . Aug. 26, 1800, by Asa Burton, A . M. [ T e x t : I John IV, 8 ] . Hanover: 1801. D, p p . 18. — Oration pronounced before the society of #. B. K, at their anniversary at Hanover, Aug. 25, 1802, by Asa McFarland. Hanover: 1802. D, p p . 24. The ghost of the law or anarchy and despotism : A poem before the #. B, K, of Dartmouth College at their anniversary, Aug. 23, 1803, by J . Warren Brackett. Hanover: 1803. O, p p . 24. Oration pronounced before the society of $. B, K, at their anniversary at Hanover, Aug. 21, 1804, by Stephen P . Webster. Hanover: 1804. O, p p . 15. — Oration pronounced at Hanover, Aug. 27, 1805, before the 0, B, I(. society, by John Vose. Hanover: 1806. D, p p . 14. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DARTMOUTH The connection between moral and intellectual improvement: Address delivered at the anniversary of the New Hampshire Alpha of the #. B. K. society of Dartmouth College, Aug. 26, 1817, by Daniel Dana, D. D. Exeter: 1817. D, p p . 20. — Oration pronounced before the society of Phi Beta Kappa at Dartmouth College, Aug. 19, 1824, by Samuel L. Knapp. Boston: 1824. O, p p . 32. -— Pains pf the imagination : A poem read before the #. B. K. society at Dartmouth College, Aug. 19, 1824, by Nathaniel H. Carter. New York: 1824. O, pp.31. — Oration pronounced before the 0. B. K. society of Dartmouth College, Aug. 25, 1825, by Chas. B. Hadducki Concord: 1825. O, p p . 35. — Oration on the importance of cultivating the sciences, delivered at Dartmouth College before the New Hampshire Alpha of 0. B. K., Aug. 21, 1828, by Frederick Hall, M. D. Baltimore: 1828. O, p p . 28. — The characteristics and claims of the age in which we live : Oration pronounced at Dartmouth College, Aug. 23, 1832, before the New Hampshire Alpha of the (P. B, I(. society, by George Kent. Concord: 1832. O, p p . 42. — The believing spirit: Discourse delivered before the New Hampshire Alpha of the