ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015t-c.ii/r. ttj UIKJtJl lfcq tbrejou utjeqauadai siucpaadjaa 3ii 3i©smj6quuoQ ui sszoi mia iepj z atouo?} sitij suù ioiiim ib tjtoieui m 0 3ìoXa paia itp ^sniatitfe driMay jrhW2/ *i‘oiauain ili aya usua &au opptuad noti 14 S Ì330CÌ*301P3iqnj IO w }63J iati HCl^ * ias.4 et t? udaad capi atollo?} ìq 43i}uiu tuipduaj paddtij indi iitiA £pey sipe || \ ojia tja lemdjic ub r.t]e pe a 5U^tj^A:uiA oiiaaqlaQ ila dacraify 0id| uuapoui ima 1 £j:uuicq e/pia mi papcuiOQ suieui atouie edi arra teq Opimi tmj jawul ernie ine ■tàjvyytjviinna be tp etij ipqe uq :sijjumuì’c ¿et jeq aq oSau pas’iiiA'jaiim^ i /idi ti3Q0aum.!ai]muopnj upa z epe4S ¿eiieJpeimd | ^-.i^nodiqnujajam e < b >ny tpiqe?} yb ienod & u aqaqa imatdjai p?}m b 034 I lunj pac$r -i ju itij aiéptia uj auopipd epfnrj’tùtijaw t>j eiotrb’iuì^'l-tuoq ?jl ìd eaiuapiuiotd eaiaqnm :ejoiaa:d ayaA pa spur 3 3 ine^quiua eptoi 16u z j janqoj z eiputiaaiaÀ tia oj II saiaqnorpde uieinfai iroeiiueA eio 2. tpeiiued idu3i ipiq oap£uunueA p aueAeaim :b:£ejdi ieip p 3d ifpiia noti z 6dtoa au m jtmod nnj mpity a edi àea auoijipé % tiaeji $pfti /aaaQ aatuto umpod aj 034 nfl «nj z ftjtmo eenueA ya I 50?} 4a jd

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D IV RN A L-Maker is the Sub-almoner of Hi” Itory , Queene Regifter ; one, whoiri by the fame figure that a North-Countrey Pedler is a Merchant-roan, you may ftyle an Author : It is the like over-reach of language, when every thinne tinder-cloak’d Quack muft be call’d a i Doctor j(2) Do&or 5 when a Clumfy Cobler ufurps the attribute of our Englifh Peeres, and is vamp’d a Tranflator, lift him a Wricer and you fmother Ceoffry in fwabber-flops, the very name of Dabbler over- fees him, he is fwallowed up in the praife like Sir Samuel Luke in a great Saddle, nothing to be feenehut the giddy Feather in his Crowne. They call him a Mercury but he becomes the Epithet, like the little Negro mounted on the Elephant, juft fuch another blot-rampant • He has not ftuffings fufficienr for the reproach of a Scri-bler, but it hangs about him like an old-wives skin, when the flefh hath forfaken her, lank and loofe. Hee defames a good tide, as well as moil of our moderne Noble-men, thofe Wennes of greatneife, the Body politicks moft peccant humours,bliftred into Lords. Hee hath fo raw-bond | a Being(3) a Being, that however you render him, hee rubbes it our, and makes raggs of the expreflion. The filly Country-man (who feeing an Ape in a fcarkt coar, bledfis young wor~ ibip, and gave his Landlord joy of the hopes of his houfe) did nor (lander his Complement with worfe application, than he that names this llired an Hidoriau. To call him an H¿dorian, is to Knight a Man-drake, tis to view nim through a perfpe-ftive, and by that grofle Hyperbole to ive the reputation of an Engineer, to maker of Moufe-traps. Such an Hi-lorian would hardly pafsmuder with Scotch Stationer in a fieve full of illads and godly Beuks. He would ot ferve for the bread-plate of a egging Grecian. The mod crampc mpendium that the age hath ieene nee 3II learning was torne into ends5 nt-drips him by the head: I have ®1T 3 heard(4) heard of puppets that could prattle in a Play, but never faw of their writings before. There goes a report of the Holland women, that together wTHTtheir^chiidren, they are ,delivered ot abooterkin 5, not unTilcejo^a gar, which lbme~lmaginelo bejthe Offspring oFthe'Stooves: I know not whac tgnis fatuus adulterates the Prefle, but it feemes much after that fafhion, elfehow could this V ermin thinke to be a Twin to a legitimate Writer,when thofe weekly fragments fhall pafle for Hiftory ? let the poore mans box be entituled the Exchequer , and the almes-basket a Magazine. Not a worme that gnaws on the dull fcalpe of voluminous Hollinfhedy but at every meale devoured more Cronicle, than his Tribe amounts to. A marginall note 0 william Prinne would ferve for '< winding iheet for that mans worked ..... ° ' liki(j) like thick skinnd fruits are all rinde, fit for nothing but the Authors fate, robe pared in a Pillory. The Cooke, who ferv’d up the Dwarf in a Pye, (to continue the fro-lique) might have lapp’d up fuch an Hiftorian as this in the bill of fare. He is the firft tin&ure and rudiment of a Writer, dip’c as yet in the preparative blew, like an Almanack well-willer. He is the Cadet of a Pam-phleteere, the Pedee of a Romancer. He is the Embrio of a Hiftory, (link’d before maturity. How ihould hee record the ¿flues of time, who is him-felfe an Abortive > I will not fay but he may pafs for a hiftorian in Ger-biers Academy, he is much of iize of thofe knot-grafle Profeflors *y What a pitifull {Seminary was there proje&ed, yet fuitable enough to the prefent Univeriity's, thofe drye Nurfes, which the providence of the v(6) %e has (o fully reform’d that they are turn'd Reformados. But that’s no nutter, the meaner the better • It is a maxims obfemble in thefe dayes, that the onely way to win the game, is to play petty Johns, of this number is the Efquire of the quill; for he hath the grudging of Hiftory, and * feme yawning?, accordingly : Writing is a difeafe in him, and holds like a quotidian, fo ’tis his infirmity that makes him an Author. As Mahomet was beholding to the falling ficknefle to vouch him a Prophet, Thar nice Artificer,who filed achaine fothinne and light that a flea could traile it, (as if he had worked fhorr hand , and r night his tpoles ro cipher) did but Conrriye an Embleme for this skip-jack,arid his flight productions. Methihks the Turk (hould licence Diurnal, beca ufe he prohibits learning and books. A Library, of Diur- nals(?) nals is a wardrobe of frippery, cis a juft Idea of a Limbo of the Infants. I aw one once that could write with his toes, by the fame token I could have wifhed he had worne bis copies for focks, tis he without doubt from whom the Diurnals derive their pe-dcgree, and they have a birth-righc accordingly, being fhuffled out at the beds feet of Hiftory. To what infinite numbers an Hiftorian would multiply, ihould he crumble into Elves of this profefiion > Legion d Ptmme, whofe flefh bred fuch a world of Executors, as being made of the row of a Herring, of nothing elfe but compared Nits, did noc disband his body in more variety. To fupply this fmalnefs they are fain to joyn forces, fo they are nor fingly, but as the cuftome is, in a croaking Committee; they tug at the Pen, like {laves at the Oare, a whole bank together, they write in the pollute,fture that the Swedes give fire in, over oneanothers heads. It is faid there is more of them go to a fuit of Cloaths, than to a Eritannicus • InrhisPoliga-my the Cloachs breed, and cannot determine whofe ifflie is lawfully begotten* And here I think it were not amifs to rake aj>articular how he is accoutred, arid fo do by him, as he in his Siquis for the walhey’d Mare, or the crop fleabicten ; give you the markes of the Beaft. I begin with his head, which is ever in the Clouts, as if the night-cap fhould make Affidabit, that the brain was pregnant. Towharpur-pofe doth rhe Pit Mater lye in fo duly, in her white formailityes , fure fhe hath hard labour ; for the browes have fqueezed for it, as you may perceive by his butter’d bon-grace, that film of a dimicafter, ’tis fo thin and un&uous, that the Sunbeams(9) beams miftake it for a vapour, and ate like to cap him jfo’tis right Heliotrope^ creaks inrhe fhine,and flaps in the What ever it be, I wiih it were able to call in his ears; there s no proportion betwixc that head and appurtenanes ; thofe of all Luggs are no more fir for chat fmall Noddle of the circumcifion, than braffe boffes for a Geneva Bible. In what a puzling newtrality is the poore foule that moves betwixt two iuch ponderous byafles. His collar is wedged with a peece of peeping linnen, by which he meanes a band, tis the forlorne of his fhirt, crawling out of his neck, indeed it were time that hisfhirt were jogging, for it has ferv’d an apprentiflup? and (as prentices life) it hath learned his trade too, to which eife6f tis marching to the Paper Mill, and the next week fets up for it felfe in the fhape of a Pamphlet.His gloves are the fhavings(io) 9f his Panels, for he cafts his skin like a cancelled parchment, the itch represents the broken feales. His Bootes are the Legacies of t to black Jacks, and rill he pawn d the lilver that the Jacks were tipt with, it was a pretty mode of boot-hofe-tops. For the reft of his habit, he is a perfect Seaman, a kind of Incerpawlin, he being hatig'd about with his courfe compofition, thofe pole-dames papers. But I muft draw to an end, for every Cbara&er is an Anatomy-.Le-rftutc, and it fares with me in this of the Dtuyunll-inAfcg/^ 25 with him that reads on a begg.d Malefadtor; niyfubjed fmels before I have gone haife .horow him :■ for a parting blow, then, the word Htjlo't&tj imports a fage & folemn Author, one that curls his brow with a fullei'n gravity, like a Bull-necked Presbyter, fince the(ll) the Army hath got him off his jurisdiction, who Presbyter-like (Weeps his breaft with a reverend beard 3 full of native moflc-rroopers. Not fuch a (quirting (cribe as this that’s troubled wirh the Rickets b and makes penny worths of Hiftory. The Colledge- Treafurv , that never had in bank above a Harry groat, (hut up there in amelancholly folitude, like one that is kept to kecpe pofTei-fion, had as good evidence to fhew for his tide, as heeforan Hifiorian? foif heeneedes will be a Hiftorian, he is not cited in the Sterling accepti-on , but after the rate of blew caps reckoning, an Hiftorian Scot, Now a Scotch-mans tongue runnes high Fullam s , there is a Cheat in his Ideome *, for the fenfe ebbes from the bold expreflion, like the Citdzens Gallon, which the drawer interprets but half a pinte. Infumme^ a D iur~(I*) a Diurnail-mifcer is theantemark ^ an Hiftorian, he differs from him as a Drill from a man or (if you had rather have it in the Saints gibberifh) as a Hinter doth from a Holder-forth.3ftibtgiiianatimtatis dp(f fouida f0t latronea be boni* ipaltb9m aVtuim^fuj tuffci i tuttircctptcdo./Ecc€ curiofitae vitiofa. mtl^ccrctumeiimtl, Xatro t>cjctcr q venta finaliter ipetramt quebtff proppeta in $ qgt tllo q cupiunt effe in Penetra gioite virginia marie, /lotr •eff te <$ funt latrcnesmò q? furcnf alt nee terre capif;tur bt ne mudo:f3 furanf vita colpi 4>pito vel tgaliter.Ouantu s modica comedèdo -z bibédo -rc.;£cce au do a ceutre termilli iieritaa vttiofa .36 ponam9nos i medio a cetro eft circuferéti recipicdo necemraté : -r ite crini9 yi me^ circuferétia eft cela et f ( dio cu *po I cruce pemiétte.36 bicit feri ---« -qnra.Obfecro vo8 fratreap mtaj bei: t éjetybeat^ coipoia veftra fjoftta viué tem fanctà beo jplacenté:ronabile obfe quia veftrfi.&d rom.milota beo pia cète magia -z min9 nò placetbeo. ilota be patre nro btó bilico orate: cui appio pinquitbemò d tripudiàdo catabattjac eaatòC5.^ag$-zmin9:ma0(-zmm9:ma 1$1 mm9.Cù afit fuiffet admrat’a btó ntco qd fibi poc vellet. *ftndit qp qcqd pii lucranf i poc mùdo:totu pdutp ma ì 0 vel mm9.233edium aut eft qò fatta l ì aitimi placetbeo:-zbifplicct biabolo. r jepfonaautò vtiiofapòt bici. Surge \ nuple bc eicrremis -z fta inmediu. bijtit 1 pp virgo martc| uida-r fpofo fuo iofeprj ‘{btimoperqcpericrv Secundo per fapte1 •1 'Ccrtio per mellen]