ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 October* 9* 4J\[juml? yj The Continuation of our week 4y 3\(eiPes from the 4., of Odober ¿0 the io4 of the fame. Containing thefe particulars of note} befides ether. The affaires of the King ofDenmarke, as they now (land, with his ioyning with the MarqueiTeof 'Badon or IDurlacke-j. . The taking ofa French ihip, by Sir SackuillTreuers calledLeS. PJprite, called Le $. bjprite, new built by the Hollander, and brought into the Road of Harwich. A great and bloudy fight made lately in the Pes fian Gulfe neere Cm, betwixt the Englifh, Dutch, and the Portugails. With diuers other particulars of moment, from feuerall parts of Chriftendome. Printed by Authentic. London Printed for Nathamell Putter, i 6 z 7.From the Hague, the 4. of O ftober, V .. ." . . Sir: fince my laft wee haue learned that the King of Denmarke is flill keeping thetownesof Lukcftadt and Crimpen, the land being drowned about them for their preferuation. We were here verie glad when wee vnderftood firft that there were 3coo. French men inquartered intoCrim-pen to defend it. But now wee doe not know what to lay, feeing that it is here verie confidently reported, that the Kings ©f France and Spaine haue made a league borhforoffeniiue anddefen-fiue warre : Neuerrhelefle there are many that report verie confidently, that the Kingof France hath referued to himfelfe, notwitbftanding this aforementioned league, to ayd the King of Den-marke and thefe vnited Prouinces. The Imperials which inuaded lately the land of Meckden-burg, haue done great hurt in the fame land, and pillaged it molt pitifully, the Gentrie and the other Countrey people. They haue likcwife taken the towne of Wifmar in the fame land,which is a Sea-towne, in which they may build (hips (feeing that there is wood enough in the lame land to doe it) and make it another Duynkerke in the Eaftfca, as the other is in the North fea, vn-kfle the Engliih, Daniih, and Low-Countrey men cut them off in the beginning of their growth. Many haue feared that the Duynker- kersyfcers, which are now preparing a fleet of (otti failes or more, intend toiaiie thorow the Belt towards theEaft Tea, ro infeftthe fame with piracies, or elferobefiege feme places by fta.whicb the Imperiabfts will befiege by land: But thole which are acquainted with thofe parts fcare no inch matter, feeing that the winter draweth neere, beginning there to freeze in the moneth of Otto; ber, and wifh therefore that the Englifh.and theis vnited Prouinces may looketo themielues, ano be prouided againft them, and efpecially they. which lie about the I fle of Ree.^ r D Concerning the warlike affaires of thele I ro-uinces, there is not much to be written of rhem for this prefent j for fincethat the Prince of O-range hath taken the townc of Groll, hee bath been bufie to forti fie it. But he is now come with his whole Atmie about Bergen opZoome, feeing that the Spanilhhaue lately rat ed two Sconces about Bergen opZoome, which will bee vene hurtfulltocbevnitedProuinces, vnleije they bee razed or taken by the States. They haue ra,fed thefirft atSantvhec, which is a village that lycth betwixt Lillo and Bergen op Zoome, and the fc-cond they are amaking neere to the Ba.fer fteeple againfiit, and fetch ftones from the fame fteep.e and Church to defend it againft the water.When the Spanifh begunneto ratie the firft Sconce, it happened that iome aoco. men of the States «Eking » dltebcd*The fubttauce and true effett of a Letter, Jent from Harwich t the 3. of Oflober, 1 0 2 7. Qlr Sack util Treuer^ Admirall of a Fícete lying on the Narrow Seas oucr againft TeiT.ill, hailing intelligence,that the French King his workmen, werein building of fine Ships, in thcHar-bour of Tcilall aforefaid , for his prefent and fpeciall vfe, whereof three were already Built and ready to launch.the one called Le Royt or the King The other called La Rcync? which is the Queene. The third La S. Efyrit, which is the Holy Ghoft. The faid Sir Sachui/l (with great vigilancic) waited for thccomming out of the fame* And after fomc dayes attendance, two of the faid Ships, \ iz. the Queene, and La S. Ef/ir/t^ being well prepared both with men and Munition, fetouc from the Haucn of Teftail in Holland and Anchored in theRoade. The S. Ffp^it orthc Holy Ghoft , lying further from Land then La Reyne, was foonc taken , after three of our Ships gaucher each one a broadc-fide, and La Reync feeing it, made all pofflble fpcedetogoebackc into the Hauen of TeiTull from whence fhcc came, hoping that there ihcc may be fafeft from danger, where ihee bewayieth the lofTcof her holy Spirit, now Captiucd vnder the hands of Aicr enemies. FromThis Holy Ghoft is a princely fhip, (though not fit of that rftmc is giuen her;hauing 42 peeccs ofbrafle ordnance mounted, and i4 vnmounted which were for the feruicc of the Admirall, bc-fides armour and munition for aboue 2000 men and about 200 barrels of gun-powder at the leaft.’ It is reported the French would haue blowne her vp rather then haue yeelded, but the Hollanders would notconfent vnto it. Jhue^euihiP°f ri,^three3 called the King, which fhould haue beene Admiral!(as we hear!; and the other two, lye yet in Holland. Another Letter written from Amflerdam, dated the 21 of September 161 j. concerning the late fight in the Perfian Gulfe neere Goa be. trvixt the Engltjb and the Portingalls. C °me twodayes paft the Portingals hauing re-^cemedfome Letters from Lvtorne, fom? of the laid Letters bring aduice from thence, that there is great hcauinefte vpon the Burfe or Exchange,by reafon of a great fight which hath bin as they report, about Goa in the Perfian Gulfe’ betweenetheEnglifhand Portingall Merchants’ They report here that there were two Englifh ftips againft ten Portingals,and of the Porting feme of them were Carrackes, and of the fa id^ten mips (as it is reported; thereis but one of them B retur- \(io) At Moitntpellitr the King hath caufed all the proteftants to bee put out of the towne : and at Nifmes the Protertants haue like wife put out all the Papifts. We vnderftand from good parts that in Languedoc the Duke of Robm. hath taken a towne of moment. MonGeur Sonbife is made Gouernor of Rochel, andcheRochellers h3ue declared themielues for defence oftheir Religion, and the treaty of peace which was concluded betwixt the King and them. Brifiodjbe 3 of Ottofor>1617* There came in here lately three prizes taken by the Merchant men of war of this City, the oneaPortingai,theother a Hamburger, the third a French man. The Portingall hath 200 cherts of Sugar, and other good commodities; the other two are fraught with good merchandife, Portfmotttb, the UJl of September. Here ariued lately three (hips of the Hollanders richly laden from the Eajl Indies^ which are thought to be worth 400000 pound : they came firft vnder the command of the lower Caftle, but after by order were brought into Portfmouth ha-ucn, where they remaine, till further dirc<3i©nbe giuen for their difeharge. W(«■) We vnderftand chat hi* Maiefty hath lately fee to fea three feuerall fleets, for the feifurc of cer-taioe fhips of warre lately built in Hollandand Ze-land, for the feruiee of the French King, three being built at Amfierdaml and were to paflfe out of the Texell, one called the King, yet <*i the flocks j another the gueeneoftbe Sea - a third, Le Saint Efprit, or the Holy Gbojl; the later being finifhed fet forth of the Tejee/about the end of the laft mo-neth, a fhip ofeight hundred Tunnej which faid fliip had 42 pieces of ordnance mounted in her, •ui\. 24 brafle pieces, and 18 iron pieces, befides in the hold n pieces vnrnounted, 200 barrels of powder, and armour and munition for 2000 men* which ihip was taken and brought into Harwich the 26 or 27 of the laft moneth, fas we are here informed) by that brauc and worthy Seaman Sir SackuillTrcner and his company. The fecond fquadron which lyeth to and again before Zeland^is vnder the command of Captainc Meruin^ and attendeth carefully vpon the other French fhips built at Enchufen. A third fquadron or fleet which lyeth to and againe the lie of Wight, is vnder the command of Sir Henry Meruin,z\\ which are appointed chiefly for the interception of the French Dutch bade {hips in Holland, B 3 Brijtol,