ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ENGLANDS GLORY IN HER Royall King, and HONORABLE ASSEMBLY in che high Court of Parliament,abovs her former ufurped Lordly Bifhops Synod, With a difcourfe betwixt Mr .lohn Cdnjin and a ptelaticall Bifhop, whereumois added the Bifhop of C(interburies Dreame. Printed in the Ycare. mdcxll LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS* The Contrariety betweene Chrifts Apo- ftles and Lordly Prelates. l,^T^He tsfpoftles ofChrifi were without fiver and gold} but the Pre-X lates have both. 2% The csApoftles were poore, yet made many rich • but Lordly Prelates are rich,yet make many poore. 3. The tsipoftles fufferedfor Chrifis fake • but Lordly Prelates per-fecute others for Chrifisfake. 4. The , orno'Bifboj). ^alvin. WEI1 overtaken Sir, I fhall be glad of your company, you feerne by your coat to be a Minifter; I pray you what is your calling. Bijhop. I have beene a Prieft this fixteene yeares, and the laft ordination I was made a Biihop. Calvin. What ? a Lord Biihop. Bijhop. Yes, a Lord Biihop. Calv. Why would you enter into fuch an order j have you any warrant for your calling ? No, let me tell you, you Lordly Biihops and Prelates are but icarbndges fet up by the Devill, to bleare the eyes of the ignorant; yee are unworthy to bee reckoned amongft the flockes, becauie yce have perverted Gods order, and made fuch a bottomelefle pit, that a man cannot diicerne any remnant of that which our Lord Jeius Chrift had ordained among the faithfull. Bifh. Hath not the Church beene governed by Lord Biihops ever fince the Apoftles time, why then doe you ipeake »-gainft that holy Order t Cal'U' Theie horned beafts of the Popedome have ftill uiur-ped the title of Prelates, and Biihops, and will needs be wor-ihipped, under pretence of Church-government; but it is a ftarkelye, they are not fet up by God, but have tbruft them-(elves into this Order. Bijh. The calling is lawfull for the government of the Church. You have no fure ground for that, I am (lire it is (aid in the Word ofGod, that no man ought to take authority upon him in the Church, Heir. 5. Chrift ordained no dumbe Prieft in the Church, nor fuch as vaunt themfelves in their gewgawes : Hee meant not to play a pageant, that men ifcould difguiie themielves; hee intended not that men ihould mocke at God by Murlimewes, and making of Crucifixes,and blcfting of Altars : it is Satan that hath thruit in theie defilements into the Church.Bi(h I never read fmce the Gofpel Was preached in ou& Land, that our Church hath bcene without Biihops togo- « Calv. Whence came Popery and all the filthy puddle, but from an inward plague and impoftume bred in the bowels of the Church; but how many poore foules have been annoyed and corrupted with the ftench of it. Biß}. Why doe you fo argue againft the holy Fathers of 1,1 The Lordly Biihops and Prelates are farre from being holy Fathers of the Church, who whilft they thinke them-felves to match the Angels inholinefie, yet nevertheleffe doe (hake off the yoake of God, and like a fort of piad beafts trample his Word under their feet. Biß. Have not Biihops beenealwayes accounted by the Fachers to be the Vicars of Chrift* fo/v. Indeed many Lordly Bifhcps have proudly ufurped to be called the Vicars of Chrift, who have beene more ignorant thenAfles, yet have aflumed to themielvcs to be the law-full Governours of the Church; but the true effe&uall preaching of the Gofpel doth not confiftin windy elloquence, but in the celeftiall power of the Spirit; as Paul faith, I ¿V.2.1 .& Biß. Biihops are the fucceifours of the Apoftles, and therefore lawfully called to their order. Calv. Are they the iucceflours of the Apoftles, who have no more care of the Doftrine of the Goipel then Bawds, or the priefts of Bacchw and Ventu; with what face dare you ftand to niaintaine your order: You were ordained before to preach the Gofpel, as your felfe confefled even now, are you not ailia-med to bewray your owne impudencie. It is enough to overthrow your fantafticall Hierarchy,if you confider that no man can be a fucceffour of the Apoftles, but he which ferveth Chrift by preaching of the Goipel as the Apoftles did. They are all degenerate and counterfeit iacrificers, which doe not apply the office of teaching. , committed the authority of the Government of t le Church to the Levites in the Law, and the fame is committed nowto the Biihops under theGofpel. . 11 become the godly to deny Chrift to obey ' em: thrift forbids fuch authority in the Church as to removentovc the Shepheards, and make them Lordly Prelates, and take them off from their Flockes. Biß. Do not Biihops preach; therforc they are then Shepheards ftilh Calv. But they challenge to themfelves more then titles of Shepheards, by which their Lordly government, they have not fo much as title of a calling, for the whole order ofthe Church was overthrowne, that they might lift up themielves into thistyranny.4 We do glorifie Chrift by the government of the Church, without which there would be great diiorder,and many ftrange Herefies and fchifmes ariie in the Church. falv. You ihould then (hew forth your heavenly Doftrine, and not become idlebellies,as the lordly Prelates uie to doe boafting themielves to be the chiefe of the people,is this a title to glory in ? Chrift acknowledges none of theie to be Paftors. The lame want is at this day in Popery, which yet are repleniihed with Pafterall titles, great is that finke of lewd company in the world, which under this name doe devoure the people, which though they be dumbcdogges,yetare notaihamed arrogantly to brag of their Hyerarchy: But the Word of Chrift faith, that there are no Paftors, where they doe not labour, and that thoie iheepe are wandring, and difperied^ which arc not gathered together in the fold of God, by the Doárine of the Goipel. Biß. Me thinkes you are very bitter againft us,to (peak ib reproach-full of our Order. £alv. Indeed, befides you, there is many dainty men at this day,who cannot abide to heare any thing ipoken iharply againft the Popifh der« gie i but doth not Chrift denounce a vengeance againft fiich vipers, CMatth. *3.33. ‘Biß. Had not Judas a Biihopriek,as the reft of the Apoftles had,who being dead, the reft did chufe another to iucceed him, as it is, Ail. 1.20.4 Calv. Beter did there fee it neceffary at that time, being led to it by God, to make an Apoftle in the roome of Judas, to be a witneife of the Refurre&ion. And moreover, the Apoftleihip was not conferr’d on any but fuch as preached the Gofpel, here was required fuch a witnefle as law the Lord after his Refurre&ion, and to be a preacher and witnefle ofthe Refurrc&ion. ’Bißj. We have a charge given to Biihops or overfeers by S. Basil, to be carefuil to looke to the Flocke* which order is approved of, as it is, 20.28. Calv. Concerning the word Over-feer or Biihop, here wee mnft briefly note thus much, that Saint Paul calleth all the ciders of Sfhefiu,. * « wrl I one as other, whence we gather, that according by Í15 fcof the Scripture, Biihops differ nothing from Elders,but that 5° thee1^ paffe through vice and corruption,that thofe who were chiefe in^rv citiejbegan to be called Biihops. I call it corruption, to wreit the'names of the Scripture unto their cuitóme, and change the tongue 0f$f/f°We?deny that cuitóme of the Biihop of Rome, and his PopiOi and tyrannical 1 raigne, I plead onely for fuch as are in our Churches, even Vicars of Chlift, fee over the Church to keep it m government. Calv. The Pope himfelfe can fay as much, what can be a fairer ihew then the Pope his titles, wherein he doth not expreffe himfelfe from his owne will to be taken for the adverfary of Chriit, but the Vicar of Chriit, what can be more plaufible then that fofemne preface, In the Name of the Lord, <±Amen; notwithftanding wee know that whilft the hypocriticall Prelates of Satan doe thus pretend the truth, they corrupt it, and with a deadly corruption infeft it. Bijh. But it is pJaine, that they fct up Idolatry and Superftition in their Churches, which is not allowed of by our Biihops. Calv. It may appeare how rediculous our dumbe dogges are, when they are glorious in their masking attire, prefumptuouily uiiirping honour, and ihall fuch Prelates boaft themfelves to be the fucccffours of the ApoiHes. Bijh. Is it not a thing fit, that fuch as are thought meet ihall be received intoTome degree of dignity above the reft. (jalv. There is no dignity of Pi elate nor Bifhop, but only to preach theGofpel, yet if a man would draw them to the Pulpit, to doe chere duty, it leiloneth their Bifhop-like dignity; but if they will bee true B;ihops indeede, itmuftnot be by their Lordly living, but their mouthes rnuft be open to preach; and that not to put forth their owne dreamesand fancies, but to be the true Meilengers ofGod. Bifi. It is true, Biihops are to preach to the people, which if they doe, their dignity is lawfull, as all ancient records teftifie, though they be made Lords. ° 1 Calv. It was a wicked thing, though it be old and ancient from the Fope and his Clergy, to take the title of a Biihop for one that had pre-henunence over other and to have feverall priefts under him, this is to Jeffen the language of the Holy Ghoft, which is a great finne to aker or change any piece of the Holy Writ. » goodwoite "0t *** Pmt **“*t0 dclirc thc Office of a Biihop is GaHfolv. Samt Pmldoth, not meane a Biihop with his palfrey Handing up like an Id oil, but theft words, Shepheard, Minifter, Biihop, Elder, are in holy Writ taken for all one \ that is to lay, for inch as are called In the Church of God, to teach the people, and to be Watchmen over the (hew that it is not an honour of idleneifti And to be called to it he muft not play the idoll, but know that hee is Cent to goe about the favingof foules, and therefore he muftgive himfelfe to it, and take paines about it. Biß. I thinke there is no Biihop amongft us, but he findcs fame employment to doe the Churh or Gommon-wealsh good, although hee doe not preach fo often as other Miniiters doe. Calv, But a true Biihop is a faithfull Paftour to his Flocke over which he is let, he labours in the office of preaching, and to be watch-full, wile, and modeft. It is not an office for a negligent man, it is nos for a doe nothing that this office is ordained. When the Papifts would make a Biihop,after they have made him a Prieft (as they terme it) after that they have greaftd his fingers, and made him a great (haven crowne and have put a Miter on his head with two homes, and a crooked ftaffe in his hand, and a faire ring upon his finger, behold this pretty feltow dad in a fooles attire to play the part of a Popiih Biihop. Biß. When he is conftcrated they give him his charge. Calv. Oh, truth it is, that the Popiih Biihops are not without their charges, for it is their offices to dedicate Churches, toconiecrate Altars, to make holy creame, to give orders, to make all iuch fooliih trifles,this is it wherein the Popiih Biihops imploy themftlves : But the office of a Biihop is not warrantable io to be (pent, it is not an idle office, it is an excellent worke and a travcll, it is not a workc for ileepers. Biß, What lawfull cuftomes have you read of, that have beene uied In the ancient Church concerning the offices in the Church ? Calv, There were Biihops, Priefts, Deacons, Beleevers, and Cethe-cumein, as S, Jerome faith in Sfa. c.6i, Biß. What was the office of the Biihop then ? Calv. The Biihops was not fo above the reft in honour and dignity that he had a dominion over his fellowes: But what office the Councell had in the Senate3to propound of matters, to aske opinions,to goe before the other in counftlling, admoniihing and exhorting, and that by reaion of the extremity of the times.for the fame was a Prieft,which Was a Biihop, faithS .Jerome, Epi. adTit. 1.9. and all the Paftors did execute amongft the people that office of teaching, exhorting and cor-re&ing which Pattiappointed for the Biihops.BiJht Thcrc wcre alio Arch Biihops and Patriarchs in the Primitive Churches. . were ordained in thefe darfce times, that ifany I Cl hioncd in any Church that could not well be ended by a few, might be referred to I provincial! Synod; but you ihall finde that thofe biihops meant to forge no forme of ruling the Church, differing from that which the Lord appointed by his word; but I pray your Lord-fhip (for as you fay you are a Lord BifiaopJ who choie you to bee a jBi/hop. ‘Biß. My Lords Grace hath knowne me a long time. (ßalv. Isthatfufficient? In the chufing of Biihops or Paftors, for äs I told you before, they are all one, there fhould none be thruft in, but fuch as are accepted of all, and none thruft in to any people or congregation againft their will; this the ancient Church enjoyed a long time, which was confirmed by Leo, Epi.go. c. 2. Biß:. In the councell at LaoMcea0 the councell of chufing Biihops was not left to the multitude. Calv. It is tine, becaufe many could not have one meaning,and the uncertaine affe&ions of the people did vary, therefore they ufed this remedy. I. The Clerkes onely did chuie. Whom they had chofen they predated to the Magiftrate or to the Senate, or chiefe men of the people. 3- > They receiving the ele&ion, if they thought it good, then confirmed it, if not, they did chuie one themfelves. 4. The matter was moved to the multitude,, not to binde them to their eleftion, but to keepe them from diforder. 5- When the defires of the people were heard, then the Clergy did confirm him;fo neither could the Clergy appoint whom they lifted,nor thaT fz ^°lln^to obcytbc foolifh defjres of the people, according to FINIS.King and Honourable Aflembly in the high Court of Parliament, above Performer LordlyBifhops Courts. Auftin inhis 5. book and 24. chap, de Civitatc Dei. '•*-* •’4»1 y v->il *1 il.L.. IJ V- Vf:.' ■ */j l: KjL'-y Q'/t The high and Honourable Aflctnbly of Parliament are a more holy Aflembly then our Lordly Bifhops and Prelates were in their Courts. The dArvument. Here the Name of God is magnified moftjthere ^/fraument „ is moft holinefle ; but the name of God is magnified more in that high and honourable Al-icnibly of Parliament ( by the Providence of God, and the care of our gracious King) now afftmbled then it was before by our Lordly Bifhops and Prelates in their Synods, Courts, and Convocation ; therefore it mult needs ap- B peare,fine In ft on. CfS. Paul in Levtt. dim pe ire that the high and honourable Aflembly of Parliament aii a more holy Aflembly, then our Biihops and Prelate were *^i.To prove,that where the Name God of is moil: magnified, there is moft hoflhefle : God himfelfc exprefleth to Salomon when he appeared to him, faying, I have heard thy prayer and thy iuppllication, that thou hah made before me, I have hah lowedj?hif houfe (which thou haft built)to put my name there fo/- eve^ajqd’miine^yes and my heart Khajft^e there perpetually I Kings 9. And Chrift faith in his prayer to hislFather, I have (faith he) manifefted thy name unto the men which thou ?aveft me out of the world, John ij. 6. i 2. To prove that the name of God is manifefted more in that high and honourable aflembly of Parliament, then it was before by the Lordly Biihops and Prelates. Which fhall bee done by feven queries neceflary to be taken notice of for the magnifying of the name of God in any aflembly. Court, or Co uncell. . /I. (To iee whether they be lawfully called to it,yea or no. The Lordly Biihops,they have not their calling from God, therefore Chrift reproves them laying, bee not called Rabbi) for one is yourDoftor (to wit, Chrift) and all yee are brethren, cMattb. 23. 8. they ought not to be Lords over Gods heritage, but examples of meeknefle. They have their calling from the Pope, as the Cardinalls of iome Cathedralls have, by which name (as 1 have heard to this day ) they receive their pay. The Pope hee hath his calling from theDevill, Revel. i7. wherefore fay our Lordly Biihops then, that they are Lords, and will not come to God, but take their calling from the th°ePve’ «h2 '¡rS agTil God> 3. neither have oi3vfUeh “leLst?fi;with tllem in their Courts, except ' ..-«*.. • * II. Whc-II. Whether the Word of God be their guide, yea, or no 'h The Prelates have not taken the Word of God for their guide, but the traditions ot men and the divices of their own braine, and the corrupt cuftomes of their owne Courts, which In the 2. di* Chrift reproveth, cJUIarl^ 7. 8. And Saint Auftin faith, he that ftin cl Canon defpifeth the truth, and prefumeth to follow cuftome, either <¡ui contcmp-hee is envious to his brethren, and froward and injurious to ta, thole to whom the truth is revealed, or elle he is unkind towards God , by whole inlpiration the Congregation and Church is inftrutted. Objett, The Biihops doe not deny the Word of God,oneIy they would have thole Ceremonies and cuftomes of decencie (which have been a long time ufed in the Church) ftill to continue. Anfre. To plead for cuftome fas faith Saint Gregory) let TolV.Aver-them take heed, for the Lord faith, I am the way , the truth fane £, and the life, he faith not, I am the cuftome, but I am the truth. In procefie of time an ungodly cuftome groweth ftrong, and is kept for a law, and graven Images are worlhipped by com-« mand, lVifd* 14.15. III. Whether they lay afide all finfter reipeft. The Prelates have combined together for themlelves, and contrived for their owne finifter ends and ulurpation, though to the great difperfion ofdivifiohs both in Church and State, moving of warre, and afflifting of the people of God“, not re-fpefting any thing more then there owne glory and finifter refpe&s: Such the Lord complaines of (faying) Yee, who turne judgement into Wormewood, and leave off righteous neflej know your mighty fins,and how you afflift the juft,and take bribes,& turn afide the poor3Amos 5. Yet by theie means our Lordly Biihops and Prelates laboured to raile themfelves to honour, of whom Saint Gregory faith (boldy,) that who- . * foever calleth himlclfe an univerfitll Prieft, or defireth to bee , •> called a Lordly Pried fin the pride of his heart) he is the fore-runner of Antichrift. Objeft. The Biihops have not onely fought after their own finifter relpefts, but they have alfo laboured to bring the Church to a letled order of dilcipline alfo. Anfto, But they have not gone about to fettle the Church U 2 InJn his 4. fioohjmd^ Jn his 42. Strrn. to the Brethren in the Wilder-rtejfe. In his Book,^ of Virgins. in true order and diicipiine, according to Gods holy Word, but in fiich a way as they thought beft toconferre that honour upon them (and thofc by refpetts) at which they aimed. But who can abide, fath Erarmur, that the Biihops fhould occupy an open tyranny again!! Chritis Doftrine, and make ' Lawes for their owne advantage, meafuring all things according to their gaine and glorious Majefties 5 they that enfnare the'people with rites and ordinances devifed for their owne profit, and thus fulfill their tyranny, doe not fit in the chaire of the Gofpel , but in the chaire of Simon Magus and Caiphas. • ’ IV. Whether they labour for the flouriihing of the Gofpel of jefus Chrift. IThe Prelates have laboured in the fuppreifing of the Gof-pcl, and fiiencing of the faithfull Preachers thereof and have fcattered the flocke, and driven them away : But behold,faith the Lord, I will vifitunto you the evill of your doings,/«^. 2. And Saint asfaftin faith, Take heed (faith hee, oh yee Pallors) left the Lord (ay unto you, I have made you ilewards over my hcufihold, and yee have given them no bread j thou tHatdoft fo, iaith hee, art not a gatherer together, but a icat-terer; thou art not a watch-man, but a hang-man, take him Jaylor,8cc. Objeft, Thoie whom the BUliops have filenced and puni-fted, are fiich as have gone about to bring in iome new Here-fies, which the Church of England hath not allowed of. iAnfw. I fay with Tertmlliau,\tt them take heed unto whom the thing feemeth new, that in it felfe is old, it is not fo much the novelty of the matter as the truth, that proveth what is Hercfie; whatfoever iavoureth againft the truth,that is an He-refie, be the cuftome thereof never fo olcL V. Whether they fet up and exalt the Kings Highnefie. The Prelates have gone about to exalt themfelves, and to make themfelves great and mighty, that fo like cruell tyrants tncy might raigne over the Land ; nay, were they not ambitious of the Popes ufurpation, like him to fit above the King, but (ft they were) bleiTed be God) they are prevented. Let them now learne of Davids Prieft and Levites, to carry them-ielves towards our ‘David ( whom God preferve unto us in honourhonour and length of dayes) not to decline from theLatves of God and from the commandement of the King touching all things, a Chrcn, 8. And Saint Chryfojbome faith,wee went in, faith hee, and humbly bcfought the moil Chriftian Prince InhhSpifb to call a counfell, but our Prelates would over-turne (if they tolnnocen- couldj both Counfell and Parliament, and defire no Court tins but of their ownc choice: No, they had rather that our Roy- all King ihould hazard his Crovvne, and the whole King- dome ruinating, then themfelves be ruled in the Courts of Juflice. Objeff. But the Bilhops ihould call an afiembly concerning matters of Religion, becaule they are the Governours of the Church. Anfwer. Herein would appeare their Lordly ufurpation, fo to objett to be trayterous, thus to caft off the Kings Government. This ufurpation in the raigne of King Heyiry the fecond, cauled him to call a Parliament, where he reformed —r > many abufes in the Clergie, although the Ai ch-bifhop of Can~ J°' eC^t° terbnrj^like a perjured Papifticall traytor, refilled him. VI. Whether they labour for lettlement of peace. The Prelates have much erred herein, and that not onely in their owne Courts to defturbethe Church, but have alfo much troubled the State, of which Saint Paul warneth Timothy to beware, 2 Tim. 2. But let fuch Prelates/for all their fury and rage) remember that faying of Pompews, it is adulterous, it is wicked (faith hee) thus to be ruled by their rafhnefle, to the diforder of the Church of God. Objett, The Bilhops doe not defire warre and troubles,their intent was to fettle the Church to a conformity in peace, it they could have done it. Anfw. There can be no true peace to goe about to bring in Idolatry and fuperftition amonglt the people of God. To this purpofe faith Conftantine, 1 have judged , faith hee, that this ought before all other things to be the end and endeavour and that to this I addrellc my power and authority in government, that the unity of Faith, pure love, and agreement of religion towards Almighty God might be kept and maintained amongftall the congregations of the Church. VII. W hether it be done in truth and fincerity. B 3 Notmen. Not as our Prelates, to worfhipOod indumbe ffieWes, and fuperffidom Ceremonies, but to worihip hm in feint end m Zh, John4.24. Efíbammfaith My deare children, faith r .. . , ¿heve mindfull that yee bring no Images into the Churches, ^but^evermore carry God in your hearts; nayfuffernotfuch Oj tierejies. nQ not in your houfes, for it is not lawful! to leade a Chriftian man by his eyes, but rather by the ttudy and exer- Objett. There is many good aftions which the Eiihops have done freely for the good of others in reliefe of the poore,&c. Jn a Sermon Anfw. Wee mutt make ufe of that goodnefle which wee can cfhü prea- finde in them, as B a films Magnus teacheth us by the comparé before rifon of Bees; When they (faith hej flye to the flowers, they doe not crop them, and carry them quite away, but fucking fo much as ihall fuffice for their Honey making, take their leaves of the reft: Even fo let us take from them fo much as is found and agreeable to truth, and commend it, and forfake the reft. I. But that happy aflembly in the High Court of Parliament, are fueh as are lawfully and warrantably afiembled by the prayers of the whole Church, and having favour of all Gods people, praifing God for the lame, according to the cuñóme of the Church in the Apoftles time, Aü.\6 .and 47. II. The honourable and worthy Aflembly of Parliament j oh how ciearely doth it appeare unto us, that all their confutations, and all their proceedings are grounded upon Gods Word. And as He^ckiah in the firft yeare of his raigne, and in the firft month opened the doores of the houfe of the Lord, and repaired them, and caufed the filthinefle to be carried out of the holy place, as it is in 2 Citron. 29.3. and 5« even fo have that honourable Aflembly of the Parliament, ever fince their firft meeting, opened the mouthes of the Minifters that were ftopt, and thofe who before feared a catch-pole to trap them for preaching (fhrift iincerely, now ipeake boldly in the cauie ofGod$ andblefledbeGodtheygoeonftill, continuing the therepairing ofthe Houfe of God^and purging of the Church from rdoiatry. popery, fuperftition,and all filthiueffc. «* . That holy Aflembly of Parliament, who amongfl: us o ignorant but may perceive that not any finifter end, or y “refpeu do they aime at,but for the magnifying of the name ofofGod, the propagation of theGofpel, the purity of Religion, and the juft punifhment of wickedneife and vice: Is there any licandaloui perfon in the Realme that can accufe them of unrighteous judgement, by bribes or finifter refpeft: No, had I a thouiand lives I durft lay them to ftake for them in thisbehalfe: Doe wee not fee how ready they are to fpend their meancs, yea their lives even to their laft bi eath,to foriake their owne private profits and pleafures, and all for the letting up of the glory of God, the honour of the King, and the good of the Kingdome, being followers of God, as dearc children, £phef 5.1. IV. They that feared the Lord fpake often one to another, and the Lord harkned, and heard it, M*l. 3. 16. And bleiled be God now we have a gracious King, and an holy AiTembly of Parliament, true Ifraelites indeed, in whom there is no guile, who to their utmoft ftrength and powder labour for the flouriihing of the Goipel of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, who labour that the Churches maybeeferved with preaching Minifters, and that the peoples follies may not bee ftarved, as they have beene, but that the Minifters may doe it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glorified, 1 Pet.4.11. % V. The honourable AiTembly of Parliament, are right Parliament proofe indeed, who giveunto Cxfar thole things which are fafars,and unto God thofe things which are Gods, as Chrift commands, Mmh. 22.21. Yea, and will give the Prelates that which they finde them worthy of, and fee juftice excuted through the whole Land, that the King may rule in peace, and the people live in comfort. VI. Bleiled be the Lord who hath reduced 11s to peace,and put it into the Kings heart in calling of the happy aiiembly of Parliament; Oh Lord we cannot chufe but much admire and praife thy Mercy, to fee how thou haft eftabliihed our peace, iince their fitting, to the joy both of King and State j oh how iweet a nap doth the Church now begin to ileepe in the armes of her Savior, fo that wc may now fay Chrift hath brought us to the Banqueting houie, & his baner over us is love,Cant.2.4. VII. Oh what truth,what finccrity doth plainly appeareto dwell amongft that holy aiiembly of Parliament who without all doubt are filled with the HolyGhoft, who have profiled a good profrifion before many witnefie, x Tint. 6.12.They fpare not the mighty for their wealth, nor oppreife the poore for their poverty, they lay the juft cenfure upon the offenders, and fetfree the innocent, guiltlefle perfons. Let us but a little meditate upon Gods mercies towards this Kingdome fincethe Parliament began .in thoie great things that he hath done for us, and it will make us hand amazed at our happy fudden change 1 how hath the Lord aflwaged the Plague, hopped warres, which we feared on every fide, caufed divilions toccaiearnongh us: This holy Aflembly findesout the golden wedges, they cah out the accurled things, God is worihipped, our gracious King is ehabliihed in his Throne lfi peace, and all the whole Land is comforted, who wiih the prosperity of King and Kingdome. o /i - Ou j n ;. \ FJ3\(IS.The Report of The Biiliop of Canterburies Dreamc,for an adver-tifement to all proud Lordly, pcrfccuting, unpreaching,opprelfiag,tyrannizing Prelates, who fupprcfic the Preaching and pregreffe of the Gofpdl. IT u reportedof his Arch grace of Canterbury, that when be >vas a poon Schokr w Oxiord, hee dreamed, that he fhottldfirfi be a Bijbop, then Arch bijhop ef Canterbury, and a great perfecuter ef Gods Miuiflcrs and peoples {vh;cb wee fee all verged) and that at lafi hefunke dome into heH, whereupon he awaked, and then and fince,oft related this dr came; enough to have terrified and awake his Lcrdjhip,iftrue, ohthat a man had but the view of H ell (faith F at her Latianer in his Sermons) hee fhould fee on one fide of ft a tow of vnprea-eking Prelates in their fquarc Caps / warrant yw as far re as between e this and Dover. And no mar veil fince they have fo hated, difpifed andblaffheamedbeth the wsrdof God, thetrue Treachers and levers thereofdriving away, and filencingGods fanhfuh Minifiers, andfetttng vp in their roemes and peaces, Bcd>or ignorance,Lomine Vrunkatd,Str Wili-iacn Wild- oates that hunt el h after Whores, and fuck alfe M can play dififiembltng hypocrites, whereby the Devils empire of darhujje exceedingly fieri ¡hot h : leafifaithfull Pteacbingjhouldrcote it out. But the Churches hope is, that God in his good time will nowin this happie Parliament time, hcare the prayers ofi the people of this Land every where put vp ? that the fees of thofeLordly prelates, pope fucccfjors,tyrants,ferficcutcrs of Ckrifl,&c. fhallbe■, Nidos coium ubique dcftiucneios 5 orelfe put to fame better vfes. FINIS. D.WA*