ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note The Rare Book & Manuscript Library Digital Rare Book Collections University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2014 of P.OuidiusNaib} enty tuled Metamorpholis, tranilated oute of Latin into Snglijh meeter, .... ♦ •- •* . V .J . '* -, \ Tothe ryght Honoraoie and his fingu-lar good Lord ^Robert ErleofLejceiler, 20aronof2Denbpgb,bitpgbtoftljc moil noble order of the Garter. &c. Arthur Gol- Ding <25ent. Uriíbetb continuance of tjcaltfo, i»itb p?ofpctous edatc ano fcltcttte. ^Clcngtl) mp cbartot inbcclc about the mark bat!) fount) tl;c inap* atnO at tb«t incerp races bjcatijicíTc bo?fcc dap. 7¿/l Cb& inoo?U fs b?ougl)ttoo cno bp inbicb the autbo? DiO account *w/Á¡p C^LnO tigbtlp) iottb eternallfameaboue thedarres too mount. iFo? Snbatfoeuct batb bene fe>?tt of auncicnt tpmc in greefec 38$p funO?p men Oifpcrfcblp.anO in tbe iatm cebe, ¿Df tbrofameoarb pbtlofopbie of turneo lb apes,tbe fame l^atb sDuiO into one inbole made tn this boofeeb?ougbt in frame. ;ffow?efcpnD of things in tbíobtéíootke tbe ^octoootb contepne. Cbatnothingbnoer beauen Oootb ap in ftcofaft (fate remapnc. ainoncjct that nothing perifbetb: but that eche fubdance tabes Another ibape than that ttbao.áDf tbcis tinco points be mabes Cbap?oof bp Ibeining though bis i»oc?be the inonberfull ejeebaunge áDf hoboes,men,beads,ano elements,too funo?p ibapes right ftraunge, liBegtnning iottb creation of the ioo?lo,anO man of flpme, 2HnO fo p?oceeoing iottb tbe turnes that bappeneo till bis tptne* Cben ibei»etb be tbe foule of man from oping to be free, 20p famples of tbe noblemen, S»bo fot tbeir bertucs bee Sccounteo ano canoniteo fop d&oooes bp beatben men, 3Hnb bp tbe pepnes of Jlptnbo labc,anO blpffull fíate agen á>f fpirits in tb’dpfiau feelog. 3tno though that of tbeis tb?ee b^cmabe Oifcourfe otfperfcoip: pit fpectallp tbep bee JDifcuffcO in the latter boobcin that o?atton inhere i^c btingetb in $Dptbago?as OtffwaOing men from fcare £)f oeatb.ano p?eacbmg abdmcncefrom 6eib of Ituing things. '¡But as fo? that opinion inbicb f*>ptbago;,as there b?tngs £)f foules remoutng out of beads too men,ano out of men Coo btrocs ano beads both iople ano tame,both too ano fro agen: 31 is not too be bnoerdano of that fame foule inberebp i»ec are enOcrcO inítb rcafon ano Oifcrction from on bte: 215ut of tl)at foule o? Ipfe the inbtcl) b?titc beads as incll as inee Cntop.Cb?ec fo?tcs of Ipfe o? foule (fo? fo tbep termco bee) Sire fOunO tn things.Cb* fird giues pow?e too tb?pue,encrcafe $ grow, aino tl)is in fcnfelcffe berbes ano trees ano (b?ubs ttfclf oootb Cb0w* Cbefecono gmitb poto?e too moue anO bfe of fcnfcsfpuc, aino this remapnes in b?uttCb beads,ano bccpctl) them alpue. ®otb tbets are mo?tall, as the inbicb recepuco of tbe aire Ü5p fd?ce of i3bebi;s,after ocatb boo tbitber eft tcpap?e. Cbe tbtrt» gtues bnOerdanomg,intt,ano rcafon : ano tbe fame 3p it alcnlp inbicb iottb bs of foule oootb bearc the name. a .i). afno JL ,JV .... ¡©«taf tl)C ftrft lioo&e. £)ut of tl|C CfCOtSD, ì^tV • ' i. X . . . v ... 3jnb aiS tT?c feconb bootb contente tbe ftrfi : ette« fo tljetìjirb Contépnetb boti) tbe ottjcr tirarne. 31nbncptl)erbeaft,noi birb, il^oj fi il) ,noìl)erb,noj tree,no? fl)?ub,no?anpcartl)lpfeP8bt (¿§>aue onlp man) can of tljefautspartala tl)e Ijèatsenlp mpgljt. 31 gvaunt tljat felj cn our bacati; booti) from our bob ics go araap, Ut booti) eftfconc0 returne too ap?e : anb of tl>at ap?ctbere map Xotb btrb anb beaft participate, anb fece of tbcitsìiliefepfe. nfo? fetjplc fece irne, ( tl)e tl)tns ttfclf appccrctlj to our epe#) Xotbe tljep anb fece b?ara all oste b?eatlj.Xut fo? too beéme o? fa? iDur ttoble fotsle (felici) 10 Diurne anb pcrmanentfo? ap) 3!0 common too B0feitb tlje bcaft0,3! tbinlut notbinglcOb Cbanfc? too bee a popnt oc bit« tljat fetfbom: booti) p?ofeiTe. £>'ftì)!0 3 am rpgbt fedi ailurbe tbevci0 no CbjtftcnTDpgbe Cbat can bp fcnDneffe bc fo fatte fcbuceb from tijc rpgljt. 5|istb finallp t>ce booti) p?ocecbem fljcraing tljat not all rCbafc beate tì)e nauti of mcit (boro ilrong,fcetcc,ftout,bolD,bar&P,ta!i9 Boto fepfe,fap?e,rpcb>o? bpsblp bo?ne,boro maclj rcnoronb bp fame, Jdo ere tljep bce,altl)ougb on earrlj ofdnobbeo tljep beate tbe name) Sire fo? too be accounteb men : b«t fuclj a0 bnber awe sipf reafonb tuie contmuallp boo line inbertueo laro : 3 no tbat tl)C refi: boo bitter nongljt from btaft0,but ratljetbee giteli feoo?fc tljan beaft0,btcaufe tljep eoo abaco tìjcpi orone begree» Co naturali pbiiofopbpétbe fo?melitlj?eepcrtcpne, Cbe foro?t!) too mo? al! : anb in all are pittbpe,apt anb plapne » * 3^nfiructton0feljicl) impo?ttbep?apfe of bertue0,anb tlje (b itine £>fbicc0,fettbtbcbucrcroarbe0ofeptberoftbefàiiié. { : fo?cjcample.intbetateof3Dapbneeturnbtoo Xàp,. % mp?ro? of birginitie appccte bntoo bs «tap, • : - -a»l)tcb peelbtng neptljcr bntoo fcarc,no? fotte,no? gatterpe, 3Dotì) purcljacc eucrlafhng fame anb tmmo?taHtpe. C3I n |3ljaetons fable bntoo fpgbt tlje Ìdoct booti) ejcpjefle Cbe natureo of arabitùm blpnb,anb poutbfttil fetlfulncffe. Cbe enb febcrcof t0 miferte.anb b?ingetb nttijeìait Bepentance feljcn tt 10 to late tljat aìlrcb?tife 10 pati. 2fnb bom tbefeeaìtncire anb tlje feant ef feit in magifirate Confounbctb bort) bis common fecale anb ceke bis orane oliate. CbiS fabls affo booti) abupfe all par er.ts anb all fucb 2HS b?tng bppoutb, too tabegecobeebeof cocKcringtbcmtoomucb» 31tfttrtbcrbo0tbcomtnenbeti)emeanet anb feillefb too beware £)f raib anb baftp p?omtfe0 febicb moli pernictous are, ^tsxb not too bec pcrfojincb t anb in finc rtplapnlp fljoroes wbat fo?rora too tbe parente anb too all tbe feinteb grovocs Xp bifobcbtence of tbe cbplb : anb ttt tbe cbplb i0 meni Cbebtfobc&ient fubtect tljat agetnft b«S p?incc i0bent. Cbctranffo?mation0 oftbe Crora anb ISaucnboobeclare Cbat ClaxrbacliS anb Colcarters ougbt fepfeip too berciare £>f febom,too feljom,anb febat tljep fpeafee.^o? fo?e agatnft fjt)EfS»flÌ Can anp freenblp bari abpbe too beare repo?tcb ili Cbe sartie feboi« b* fanour eib-^b^ tale booti; eefec befe?ap Cb« UÌUC %ry %'Hoe Epistle. •9- £>ntofthe C^cragcof&jathanbidosietoo haueno fepnbofffap: 3inb that Ip gi)t crebit too repojtes in no Sopfe ibouib be gitten. Jfojfeare that men too late too rail repentance fljonlti bee Djtncn. ^Ijcfableof £Dct>jtocebp all fucljfolH <¿6 tolu % 3i0 arc in fcrc^ing things too come too ctirtoup anb too bolb. % betp goob example is beferibbe in l&attus tale jfoi couctous people which fo? gapne boo fet tljept toongs too fale, C^llfncl) as boo in Sattringfr cafes, anb hawfes,anb homnbs belpght, _ ,.. ailRbbpcc, anb carbs,anb foj too fpcnb tljc tpme both bap anb npght fiLratonge 3In foule c.rceffe of ci)ambcrvDCjfee,oj too mud) mcate anb bjtnfe: Sitppon the piteous ftojie of Hicteon ought too tljinfe. ^Fojtheis anb thep? abherents bfoe ejcceiirac arc inbeebe Ch e bogs that bapip boo bcuour thep? followers on Spit!) fpeebe, Cprefms Smiles mferio? foife in anp Supfe too fl)un Coo iubge betweene their betters lead in peril! thep boo run. J13 arctiTus is of fcc?nfulncfTe anb p?pbe a mp?ro? clecre, ibhere bcawties fabing banitie moil plapnlp map appeere. JfnD 42 cl)c m the felfiatne tale booth fepnblp rcp?efent « Che levob behauiour of a bawb ,anb his buc punifhment. CCCh®1 piteous tale of l3p?amus anb Chinee both conteine Chcheabie fo?ce of frentiefe ioue Sohofe enb is S»o anb papne. Chefa!«?#0* ^ars anb menus ihew thattpme Spill bung too ipght Che fecret fmnesthat foife commit in comers o? bp npght. Igermaphtobite anb ^almacis bedare that iblencffe 31S cheefeft hurceanb chenfher of all bolupteoufnciTe, 2fnb that boluptuous Ipfe b?eebcs ftn: Snhid) Uniting all toogitljer i&J)afee men too bee effeminate,bnweelbp,Soeafee anb litter. ClRicl) liters baughtersturnb too Idtesboo openlp bcclare, Chat none fo bolb too baunt thcmfelues as blinseft baparses arc. Che fllpufes plapnlp boo bedare ageine a toother fpbe, Chat ioheteas cheefell Soifbom is,moll meeibneffe booth abpbe. C^rachnee map example bee that foife ihoulb not contenb 3Hgeinff their betters,no? perfiftin crro?too the cub. ¿$o booth the tale of iftiobcc anb other d)ilo?cn: anb Chetranffojmationof the Carles that bwelt in3Lpciclanb, Coogither Spith the fleaing of of piper £19arficsffem. Che firff boo alfo fl)bw that long it is ere Cob begin Coo pap bs fo? our faults,anb that he Sparnes bs oft bcfbie Coo ieaue our follp: but at length lfe# bengeance ffrifeeti) fo?e. 3inb therfo?e that no wpght fljouib ftriue Spith Cob tn Spo?b no? though* ¿j$o? becbe.?J5ut p?pbe anb fonb befp?e of p?apfe haue cucr Sp?ought Confufion too the parties S»i)id) accompt of them boo tnafee. ;JFo? fomc of fuch a nature bee that if thep once beo tafee Opinion (be it rpght o? Sp?ong) thep rather Spill agree Co bpe,than feeme to tafee a fople: fe obftinate thep bee. Che tale of Ccretts,|M)Uomde,an5 $->?ognee booth contepne Chat folfee are blpnb in thpngs that too their proper Soeaiepertcpne. 2tnb that the man in Sohom the fp?e of furious luff booth rctgne SDooth run too mifdjeefc itfee a \)0}U that getteth loofe the repuc. " '......... 3(1 £>utofthe b. Out of the b).31t alio Ojet&egtfjc crudi Suteabe ofSuonten in their Sutath Sino that no hainousmtfchiefc long Oelap ofbcngcance hath. Sino ladlp that Otftreife ootlj otiuc a man too loobe about alno fcebc all corners of his Suits,Suhat Soap too Suino ijim out iOutofelje CChe gooo faccette of 3 afon tn the lanO of Coicl)O0,anb by. Che Oooings of SlJJcOea fmce,ooo giut too onoerftano Chat nothing ts fo Ijaro but pepne ano traudì Ooo it Sum, iffot fortune cucr fauoteth fuel) as boioip ooo begin : ^Cl)at Soomcn both in helping ano in hurting hauc no match Xt>hen thep too epther beno their Suits : ano Ijovo thatfoj too catch Sin honed meencr bnocr fapzc pretence of frenofhtp, is Sin cade matter. Silfo there is Suarning giuen of this, Chat men ibouiO neuer haddp gitte care too fugttmcs, /i^ojinto hanocs offojetrers commit their date ot Ipucs. 311 Ihcxuesin dneofflepmoothers theOcaOlp hate in part, Sino bengeaunce mod bnnaturall that Suas in moothers hart, Che beeocs of Chefeus arc a fpurre too p?oxuc(Tc,anO a giaffe! i^otu punces fonnes ano noblemen their pouthfull pecres fhoulO patte. Ibtng salmos ibemes that btngs in hano no So?ongfull Soars fboulb tabe, Sino Suhat ptoutfion fot the fame thcpíboulo befóte hano tnabe. &tng 2&cacus giucs alfo there example hoiu that bmgs i&honio beepe their ptomife ano their leages abone all other things. is grauc Ocfcription of the plage anO cno thereof, cjcptdTe Che iutath of Jfioo on man fot fin: ano hoto that ncrctheleffe L-booth Ss fpare ano multipip agcinc fot gooomens fabes. CI)C Suhole Otfcoutft of Ccphalus ano ^tocris mention mabc* Chat manco folbe Ihouio Suarelp ihunne the bpce of tcal03te Sino of fufpicion IhouIO auopo all caufcs btterlp. IHcptouing bp the Soap all fuel) as caufclelTe ooo tnifoeemc Che chadc ano giltlcíTe fot the Oceocs of thofe thatfaultie fcctne. £Dut of t!;c C Che dotie of the Oaughtcr of bing /Mus fetteti) out big. what Suicbco luft Oiiues folb bntoo too tying their SuiUS about. Sino of a rigt)tuous iuoge is gtutn example in the fame, Who fo? no meeoenot frenofhtp Suill content too anp blame. wee map pcrccpue in JDrtalus how eucrp man bp bpno ÍDefptcs too bee at libcrtie,ano Suith an earned mpnb JDooth feebe toofcehisnatiuefople,ano horuthat dr eight Oidrctte 5Dootl) mabe men Snpfe.ano íh arpes their Suits to fpno their oven reOtcttc. wee alfo Icrnc bp 3 carus horn gooo it is too bee 3¡n meant edate ano not too dpmb too hpsh,but too agree Coo Suholfome counfcll: fot thehpte of oifobeoiencc is tSepcntanceSuhen it is too late fotthinbing things amide. Sino partrtch tdicsthat excellence in anp rl)ingptocures 2lJ)cn cnuie,cuen among thofe frenbes Suhom nature mod affures. Philemon ano tysfeerc arc mies of gooip pactentlpfc, áDffparmg thtift,anO mutuallloue bctxucenethe man ano Supfe, ¿Df owe obeoience,of the fcarc of itb the leaft Coo fattffpc the appetite ano epe of fuel) a bead C3 n crcules ano IScbeiopes encounters is fet out. Cbs nature ano b cl) amour of tiroo ioooers that be ft out, wherein the }£>oct coucrtlp taunts fuel) as beeing bacc 3Doo feebe bp fb?geb peocgrecs too feemcof noble race, who St>l)cn tlje? ooo perccpuc no trutl) bppon their fpbe too ftanb, 31 n fteab of rrafon ano of rpgbt bfe fo?ce anO tnpgl)t of banb. Cb is fable alfo fignificstbat baliantneffe of bar t Confiftetb not in ft>oo?bs, butoecocs: ano that all flpgbt ano %xt tSiue place too p?ovx>cfie. jr urtbermo?e in jfteflus feee map fee wbatb?eacb of p?omife commotb too,anO bow that fuel) as bee Enable fo? teo*lit>?cabe tbcpjbarmes bp fo?ce, 000 oftOcupfc Coo fe?eabc tbcmfclues bp poilicic in farre mo?e crucll fciifc. UinO iDcpanira oootb Oedarc the fo?ce of ieaiojie JDcccpucO tb?ougb toolpgbtbclecf ano fonb fimplicitie. Cbcp?occfTc following pcmtetl) out true manlpncffe of bart wbftfi pcelbctb neptberbntoo Death,too fo?roro,grccf, no? frnart. v 3lnb finstUp it fljetves that fucb as Itue in true renorone ¿Df bcrtuebecre,baue after Deatb an eucrlafting crowne £>f glo?ie. Catonc ano BpbliS are examples contraric: Cbo ¿^apb of moft outrageous luft.tbeman of ebaftitie. CLCbo tenth boobe ebceflpbootb contatncone bpnb of argument IK cp?ouing tnoft p? obigtous lufts of fucb as baue bene bent Coo inceft moft bnnaturall.^lnb in the latter enb 3t Cbewetb in l^ippomenes bo«? grcatlp folb offenb, Chat arc ingrate fo? benefits Ssbtcb d5o& man beftom .* ■SKppon them in tfie time of neebe. sjf)o?couer it booth flboo) s. CbacbeavotpCinilltbep nilltbcp)apebooth men in badger tb?(m> :S amb«tbat it is a foolpfijneffc too ftrpuc ageinft tbctbtng which <£ob before beterminetb too paife m tptne too bztng. 2Hnb laft of all 3bonisbcath booth Ibevotbatmanbob ftrtues Stgamllfoieinarning though men fee the peril! oftbcp? ipues. ¿Cbo beatb of 0?pbep Cbetoetb <2?obS tuft bcngcance on the bple &nb fijtcbeb fo?t which bo?riblp Snitb incctt them befple. 3ln fl^tbas of a couctous S»?ctcb the image 5» ec map fee wbofe riches tuftip too bimftlf a bellift) torment bee, 3tnb of a foole febom neptber p?oof no? ioarntng can amcnb, tEnfillbe feele the Cbameanb (mart that fbllp noth him fenb. I^ts Barbour rep?efcnts all blabs iBbtcbftcmeinttb cbplb too bee 3ftntill that tbcp bane blaajb ab?obe the things the? bcare 0? fee. 31 n Cep* anb 3Ucpone appeeresmoft conftant loue, ssucb as bctweenc the man anb iopfe too bee it booth bcljouc. Cbts £ ept alfo is a ipgbt of p?incelp courtefie 3Hnb bountte towarb fucb iobom neebe compelletb fo? too fipe. is btage alfo booth beclarc how bainlp men are led, Cos Out of the tjc. Out of the Out of tbs ,t).The Efdle. £>utof the X»iJ. j£»UtOftI)C Coo fetter refill through font to^esf anb fattfiejof in thetr JjeaD. rfro; 3iool0 boubtfull o;acles anb foothfap;es p;opheritrs JDoo nothing clfe but make fooles fapne anb blpnb tfjexr blcaret) epe0, JDebalions Daughter Warnes too bfe tfee toong With mobeftee ■^no not too bauntwitl) fuel) as are tfeetr betters in begree. CChe feege of Crop, the beatl) of men,the rajtng of the citie, 3lnb daughter of King p;iams flock Without remo;sof pitie, which in the jctj.anb jeiij. bookes bee Written,boo bcclare ^otw hepnous Wilfullperiurie anb filthic Wbo;ebome are 31 n fpghtof <©ob.Che ftentick frap betweene the JLapithes antt Che Centauresis anotcWhcrbp is gtuen too bnbcrftanb Che bcaftlp rage of b;nnkenncfle. CE flftlpfTes booth cjcpjeiTe Che image of bifcrction,Wit,anb great abuifebnefTe. 3tob Ultajc on the other fpbe both rep;cfent a man f baunger.Ch« oration of f-Jitbagora# implies 3 film of all the former Suoorkc.wbat perfon can beupfe 3 notabler example of tene lout atto goblpnefte Coo ones orane natpuecountrpwarb than Cippu# booth ejcprelTe i Che turning« a blaming ftarre of 3ultu# Cefar foowes, Chat fame anb immortalile of bertuou# booing growc#. 3nb iafiip bp examples of 3uguftu# anb a few £>f other noble prince# fonnes the author there booth (hew Chat noblemen anb gentlemen fhoulbe ftrpue too palle the fame 3nbbcrtue# of their aunccter#,or elfetoo match tbefomc. Cbei# fable# out of euerp booke 3 batte interpreten, Coo foew hora thep anb ail the reft map ftanb a man in fteb. jftot abbing ouer curiouflp the mcening of them all, ;tf o? that Sucre labor infinite,anb tebioufneffe not fmail 313otbe bntoo pour goob fLorbfhip anb the reft that 0?oulb them reebi who Snell mpght think 3 btb the bounbs of mobettie cjcceebe, 3f 31 tbi# one epiftle fhouib Suitb matter# onerebarge Which ftarce a boofce of manp qupre# can fácil contepne at large. 3nb Suberea# in interpreting thei# few 3 attribute Che thing# too one,fuhieh heathen mento manp <0ob# impute. Concerning mercp.Suratb for fm,anb other gift# of grace: ?D efcribcb for example# fake in proper tpme anb place. 3Letno man marucll at the fame. 3or though that thep a# bipnb Ch?°ugh bnbeleefe,anb leb aftrap through error euen of kpnb, Ifenew not the true eternali <0ob,or if thep bib him know, yit bib thep not acknowlebge him,but bapnlp bib beftow Che honor of the maker on the creature : pit it booth 313eboue all b# (Subo rpghtlp are inftructeb in thefooth ) Coo thinfce anb fop that ©ob alone i# he that rule# all thing# 3nb Suojketb all in all, as lorb of loib# anb king of king#, With Suborn there are none other <£?ob# that anp fwap map beare, Mo fatali law too bpnb him bp,no fortune for too feare. for dfiob#, anb fate, anb fortune are the terme# ofheathennelfe, f men bfurp them in the fenfe that papnim# boo ejepreffe. 313ut if Sure Scoili rebute their fenfe too rpght of Cbriftian law, Coo fignifie three other thing# tbei#termc# Suec Sue» map b?aw, 313p ©on# Suec tmberftanb all fuch a# <£ob hath plaaft in cheef Cítate to punifi) fin,anb for the goblp folke# releef. 313p fate the orber S»hich is fet anb ftablifocb in thing# HBp d5ob# eternali Suill anb Snorb,Snbicb in bue feafon bring# 311 matter# too their falling out. which falling out or enb flBicaufc our curious reafon i# too Sueake too comprehenb Che caufc anb orber of the fame,anb booth beholb it fall tEnware# too b# ) bp nameof chauncc or fortune Suee it call. 3!f anp manSuili fop thei# things map better lerneb bee £)ut of biuine phiiofophie or fcripture,3 agree Chat nothing map in Suortbiutifo Spiti) hoip Jwtft compare, b.|. t^ewbecit The Epistle. fjswbeett fo fartc foortb as things no Subí* impeachment are Coo 'yertuc and too goblpnefle but furtberers of the fame, 3i truftSueemap tbcinfaufip bféSuiibOtttdcfsrtofblame. SnD per tljcre are (anti tbofe nor of the rube and bulgur fort. 15 lit fuel) as banc of godlpncffe ano leming good report) Coat tbmfce the iSoets too&c that firft occafton of tbeis things ircom 1)oId writ as from the i»di from Subcnce all tuifoome fprmgS. TPbat man is be but SuouUs fuppofe tbe author of tins booKe Cbefirft foundation of bis Sooerfccfrom iS)opfis SurpgbtWES toofeev il*lotonlp in effect bcoootb iuitb (Scncfis agree, 15 ut alfo in tbe order of creation, fane that bee Rafees no Dtíímctíon of tbe bapeS; 5Foj twbat is elfc at all Oat fbapeleile,rude,anb peftred bcaprwbicb Chaos be booth call, Cbsn cuentbat bmuerfall mafle of things iubicb 'Sob btb make 1! n one Suljolc lump before that ecb tbeir proper place bib taKe. ¿Dffobitb tbellopblsfattb that in tbe firft beginning mbs fcantlings s»itb the Subolc true patterne boo agree. Cbe firil bap bp bis mígbtp Suord (faptb popíes) (Sob made lpgbt> Cbe feconb bap tl>e firmament,Subicb beauen or Soelbtn bvgbt. Cbe third bap be bib part the earth from fea anb made it Comnidunbtng it toábate all fepnb offrutes abunbantlp. CltThe Epiflle, Dap IjclHti mahctbclpgbts of fatten to {bpneFrotttbpe, 3lnb ftabiiibeb a law in them too rule their courfes bp. Che fifth oap bcdid maKctheSables anb fifbes of the bcepe, iviri) all the birt s am» fctljercb forolcs that m theatre boo Urcpc. Che fiptb bap ©ob uiabr euerp bead both fcplb anb tame,anb SnoojmHf Cbat crccpc'on grounb accotbtng too their feucrall fcpnbs anb fcojincjef. 3nb in tlje image of btmfelfbe fojmcb man of clap Coo bee Uje'iLojb of alll)is fc>eo?Kcs the bevp feiffamebap. Cbts is the turn of topics woo?bS-3inb iJDuitOwbetber it fcjere H?.p following of the tejet arigbt,o? tijat bis mpnb btb bcare i^im imtneire that there are no ©obs but onO teeth piapnc bpbolb Chat ©ob (although befenewbim not) icaslje that btb bnfolb Che former Chaos’,putting it in fozme anb (acton new, y map appeevebp tljcis btSSnoojbcs onbcrncatb enfew. s. Cbis ftrpfebib ©ob anb nature b^cabe anb fet in o^ber bew. S Che earth from ijtaucn the fca from earth he parteo o^berlp, 2tnb from the tfjtcfec anb foggic aire he toofec the ipefjtfomc ffcpc. 3n theis few ipnes he compzcbcnbs the i»hole effect of that which ©®& inoc^fe the firrt th?cc bapes about tl/iS noble plat. 3nb then bp btftrt'jutions he entreateth hp anb bp largtip of the felffatne things,anb papnts them out too epe With all their bounbs anb furniture: 3lnb Whereas ft>ce boo fpnb Cbe terme of nature topnb &ith ©ob: (accojbtng too the mpnb £>f lerncb men) bp iopning ft,is ment none other thing, 3But ©ob the 3Lojb of nature S»ho bib all insjber tying. Che btffributiono becing boone right Icrncblp ,anon Coo ftew the other ttyce b3pcs Snores he thus ptoceebcth on. Che heauenip foplc too ©obbes anb flams anb planets ftrft h® fiatw Che SDatersnejct both frefb anb fait he let the fiibesbaue. Chefuttle apjeto flicbmng fowles anb bubs be bath affignb, Che earth too hearts both wplb anb tame of funtyp fojrts anb fcpnb. Chuspartlp in theoutwarb pb?afe,butmo?e tnbertebeebe, c feemefl acco?btng too the fenfe of feripture too pjoceebc. 3nb i»hen he comracs to fpcafeeof man,he booth not toainlp fap fum bane Smitten) that he in as bcfo?c all tpmefoz ap, jBemencioncth mo ©o'bstbanontinmahmgbim.liSuttbus |£e both in fcntenceanb in fenfe tys meemng booth bifeuflfe. l&owbecitpit of all ttys iobpletbe creature Wanting 5»as ^arre mojebmine,of nobler ttipntytybicb ihoulb the reibcw paflte JCnbepthof Hnowlebge,rcafon,i»itanb hPSh capacitce, Snb inbtcb of all therefbew ftoulb the JLojb anb ruler bee. Chen epthcr he that mabe thei»o?lb anb fhtngs tn o?bcr fet, jOf heauenip feebt engentyeb man: oz elfe the earth as pet yoong,lurtp,frcfh, anb in her flow?c,aub parteb fromtbeffcpe Xs ut late bcfoje,the feebes thereof as pit htlb inwarblp. Chcinhichi^ioutethms tempting ftrcpgbtft>itb footer ofthcfpttng, IDib raa^e in hkencife to the ©obbes that gonerne eucrp thing, what other thtngmecnes ¿Duib heere bp terme of heauenip feebe, Cha« «cans immo?tailfoi»Ie,s»hie^ iflbtuine,anb comracs mbeebe bj. 5Teom riAasrAaauA«!!)^ SJVSMfj 3NBKÍ The Epistle. ^romi>cauen,atrt) teas infpprocbp d&os, as^opfesfyzwtl) plapne t 3lnD ‘whereas of Prometheus be feemes too nose a bapne 2Deupce,as though be went t»)atl)ef)aOfo?meo man of clap, Although it bee a talc put info? pleafure bp tbe Soap: Tit bp tl)íntcrp?etatíon of tbe name toe toell map gather, 1$ r otó incluoe a mifteric ano fccret mcentng rather. Chis Soeo?o Prometheus figntfics aperfon fage anO topfe, £)fgreat ?o?cfpgbt,S»ho beaoilp intll nothing cnterprpfe. 3! t ioas the name of one that fird OtO images inuent: ii'f tobom tbe poets Doo report tbaf bee too beauen bp Spent, StnO títere dole fp?e,through tobicb be mafie bis images alpue 2Hno tberfb?ctbatbefo?meomcn tbepapnimsoio contrpuc. ir^ow Suben tbe poet reo pcrcbauncc tbat oD altnpgbtp bp i?isp?oulocnce nno bp bis $»oo?o ( tobicl) euerladinglp 3s ap bis toifoome) maOe tlje S»o?lo,ano alfo man to bcare 19 is image, ano too bee tbclo?o of all the things that Suero CBrff maOe,ano that be Grapes bun of earth o? flpmp clap : Vf zz toelie occafion in the Suap of fablingfo? too fap Chat Supfe Prometheus tempting earth toitb Suater of the fp?ing, 2DtO forme it Ipkc the i2?oos aboue that gouerne cuerp thing. Chus map p?ometbeus feemetoo bee tbctcrnallSuc~o?o of <©oo, 1$ is Suifoom, anO bis p?omOence Subid) fo?mcO man of doo. t c 31lno tobere all other tbtngs bebolo the grouno Suitb groueling epe: << 19egaue too man a datdpiooke replete Sottbmaicdp: (i 3tnb toil it him too bebolo the beauen truth countnance calf on bpr„ ct Coo mark anO bnoerftano Subat things arc in the Garrie fkpe. 31 n tbcis fame Snoo?0es,botb parts of man the poet Oootb ejcpjcflfc 2P-S ina glaifc,ano giuetb bs indruction too aSOreife £>ur felucs too know our orone eftate: as that toce bee not borne Coo follow luft,o? ferue the paunch Iplte b?utid) beads fo?lo?ne,_ CNDut fo? too Ipft our epcs as Sucll of boop as of tnpno Coo beauen as too our natiuc foplefrom Subence t»ee baue bp bpnb áDur better part: anO bp the fight thereof too lerne too know SünO knowlcOge him that Dwcllctb there: ano Snbollp too beüote £)ar care ano traueli too the p?apfe anO glo?ie of bis name Who for the fakes of mortal! men creates firft tbe fame. ^o?eoiter bp the gol&en agcSubat other thing is ment, Chan 3110 ams tpntc in paraOpfe,t»bo bceing innocent 3DtDieaDabiift ano happpipfebntiUtbattbsrrougb fin 1$ c fell front <©co?’ ifrom t»bicb tpme foortb all forroro Ot’O begin, ’ Che earth accurfco fo? bis fake, Ois neuer after more Teels foose Suitbout great topie.33othbeate ano cols oio btjeebim foie. JDtfeafe of boOp,rarc of mpno,S»itb hunger,tbtrft anO nccOe, creare,hope,iop,grcefe,ano trouble,feUonbím ano on bis fceoe. ^no this is termo the (Utter age./Bejct Sub1 cl) there oio fuccccoe Che b?a?en age,s»ben malice fird in peoples harts oto breeoe, which neuer ceafeo growing till tt Oio fo farre outrage, Chat nothing butsedruction coulo the beate thereof affwage mensfiomackes forcing bars as fteeie ageind their <£qd,The Epifile. $5rottokeD him front Dap too Dap too (trike them frith Ijtd rod«' prowD (25 pants alfoDiD arpfc that prefumptuous frills capt frrong on Strong,anD fin on fin Ipkc howge anD loftp fiiileS Whcrebp thep (troue too clptnb too heaucn anD ^od from thence too D?aw? 3 n fcojntng of his tjoip froorb anD breaking natures law. Jroz anon enfewb the flooD frbich ouerfleweb all Che fríjol rounD earth anD DrowncD qupgljt all creatures great anD final, excepting feaw that ©ob díd laue as feebe frijereof CboulD grow 3ünorl)cr offpríng.3lU thefe things the poet hcere Dooth (how 31n colour,altring both the names of perfons,tpme anD place, ( Jfor inhere acco?Dingtoo the truth of feripture in this cace, Che bniucrfall flooD DiD fall but fijctecne hunD?eD pccrcs 3Uib fiicanDfiftp after the creation (as appecres OBp rccketttng of the ages of the fathers) fcmber iftop, With frhotn feuen other petfons mo like faufgarD DiD entop Withiu the arke,frl)tch at the cud of one frhole pecre DiD (tap iHppon tl>c hifics of 3rmcnic: Che poet folio wing ap Che fables of t!>c globing <25reekes (frho OjamelciTelp DiD take Che prapfe of all things too themfeiuco) in fablpng frpfc booth wake 31 happen in iDeucalions tpmc, frho reignD in CheiTalp Cpght htWbjeD Pointers lince inopes flooD o? thercbpoñ frcil npe, OJBicaufe that in the reigne of him a mpghtp flooD DiD fall, Chat brownbe the greater part of Greece, towncs,cattell, folk, anD all3 <5>auefcaw that bp she help of boats attepneb bntoohim, 2tnb too the hißheft of the forkt parnafos top DiD fwim. 3lnD fojbpcaufe that hee anD hisfrerebriuen a frhple to Dwell Silmong the ßonnp hillcs anD rocks bnttl the ater fell, Chepocts herebpon DiD take occafion for too fepne, Chat he anb pprrlja did repapre mankpnb of (tones agepne. &>o in the firth booke afterwarb KlmphionS harp is fapb Che firitfoimbation of the frailes of Chcbeetoo haue lapD, d^pcaufe that bp his eloquence anb iufticc(frhich are ment ■215P true accojD of harmonic anb mufical! confent) i^e gathereb intoo Chcbce townc,anb in Dueopcr knit Che people that Dtiperfi anb rube inhilles anb rocks bib fit, &o ¿Dtphep in the tenth booke is repertebteo bclpght Che fauage beads,anD for toehoib the fleetingbirbs from flpgbt, Cco tnoae the fenfele.Te (tones,anb (tap fwifi rtuers,anb too make Che trees too follow after him anb for ips mufick fake Coo peelb him fijabowSphere hefrcnt,210p frhieh is figntfpDe Chat in h?s Doctrineftich a force anb fwcernciTc fras intplpbe, Chat fuch as in ere meft Snrlb,ftcwje,fcerce,harb,iottleife,ruDe, anD bent Sfgeinft gooDorber,frerebp him perfwabcD too relent, 25nD for too bee conformable too hue ui tetter ent awe 3like neptours in a common incale bp inftpee bnber law, ConfiDríng then of things before tch erft the frhole effect, 3 trufi there is alreaDp fpewb iufiicient too Detect Chat poets tcoke the grounD of all their checfeft fablesout ápf feripture tfrhtfh *h^ fbabowingfrith their giofes frent about i Jm$« CooThe Epittle. Coo the trull) too tope# anb lpes.3nb of tf?c fclffame rate 2ltre alfo ihets: Ch«r phlegeton,their ^fpjc,tl)ctr bltffuU ftatc iPf fpints in thMElpfian feelDS. 'Df the former ttoapne j&eemccounterfeit«) oftheplacc »herebamneb foitlesrematne, which iocc call hell-Che Ujirbbooth feeme too fetch bt# pebegree ;tfrom parabpfe ix>f)icl) feripture fbewes a place of bitffc too bee. 3 f iSocta then frith leefmgs anb friti) fables Cbabonjcb fo Che certeme truth,tobat Icttetl) bs too pluc'ae thofe Infers fro Cbeir bomgs,anb too b?ing agetne the barfceneb truth too Ipghf, Chat all men map beholb thereof the cleernclTe fbining b?pg!)t t Che reabers therefore earncftlp abmentflit are too bee Coo feefee a further meening than the letter giucs too fee. Che trauell tane in that behalf although it hauc fum papne yit makes it boublc recompcnce frith pleafurc anb friti) gapne. With pIeafure,fo? barictie anb ftraungenelTeof the things, With gaine, fo* goob infttucsion frbicl) the bnbcrllanbtng brings. 3nb tf thep happening fot too mccte frith anp franton froojb j£>? matter leveb.aceoj&tng as the perfon boortj auoojb 3n&bont the cuill is befcribbe,boo feele their mpnbesthcrcbp 43jouoHte too bpce anb fr antonneffe, Cas nature commonlp 31s p?one to euill) Jet them thus itnagtn in their mpnb. beholb,bp fent of reafon anb bp perfect fpght Jl fpnb '% panther heerc,i»hofepetnteb cote frith pcllon? foots like goib 3ns pleaiantfmcli allure mpne epes anb fenfestoo beholb. 015 utfrell 3 knot» hi# face is grim anb feerce, frbicb be booth hPbe Coo this intent,that frbplc 3 thus ftanb gajing on hi# hpbe, $>e map bcuour mec bnbcmares.iftc let them mo?e offenb 2lt btccs in this ptefent frooik in Ipuclp colours penb, Chan if that in a cb?pftall glaffe forolc images thep founb, IRefcmblmg follies fowle btfagesthat ftanb about it rounb. 30? fute theisfables arc not put in Sighting too thentent Coo further 0? allure too bpce: but rather this is ment, Chat men beholbmg fr bat thep bee fr ben bpce booth rcigne tn fleas ^fbcrtue,Q)OuIbnotletthcirletDbaftcctionshaue thebeab. iF 01 as there is no creature mo?e biuine than man as long 3s reafon hath the foueretntie anb ftanbeth firme anb ftrong: So is there none mo?cbcaftlp,bplc,anb beutlt(h,than is bee, 3f reafon giutng ouer, bp affection match bee. Chcbfc of this fame booke tberfoie ts tins: thatcucrp man { ?parttb from the refbew of the bobp anp more: HBut fuilpnow accomplifbeb,beiirmg pou therfo?e Coo let pour noble, ccurtefie anb fauoz counteruaple £ij}p faults inhere 3itt oz eloquence on mp behalf booth faple. ;fFo?fure the marks inhereat 31 fboote ts ncptljer wreathes of hap, ¿Bo? name of poet,no nop mccbe: but chcefip that it map iSeclpkeo ineliofpouanb alltheimfeanblernebfo?t, SPnanejrtthar cuerp iopghtthat (ball haue pleafure fo? to fpo?t t£mt in this gamine,man as ineit beare inholfome frute swap %s only on the picafant Soanes his rcctjlefTe fenfes (lap. iohP feeme 3} theisboubtstoo caft,asifthatheS»hbtooke with fauo? anb imth gentleneife a parcel! of the boofce woulb not likcwpfe accept thcia>hoIe ? oz cucn as if that thep Who boo e/ccell in imfoome anb tn lerntng,S»oulb not 5wep % inpfc anb lerneb i»oo?Ue arpght :• 0? eife as if that 31 £>nght ap too hauc a fpeciaU care how all men boo applp r30p bootngs too their owne behoof e as of the former twapne 3 hast great hope anb confibencc: fo iooulb 3! alfo fapne Che other fhoitlb accozbing too goob meening finb fuceeffe t 3f otheri»pfc,the fault is thep?s not mpne thep rnuft confeffe. IHnb therefore b?eefip too conclube,3 tume ageine too thee £> noble OErie of JLepceftcr, Sa^ofe Ipfe d£>ob graunt map bee 21S long in honor,helth anb inelth as auncient ¿Befto?s Soajef, m rather as Ctthonufiis: that all fuch ftubents as JDoo trauell too enrich our toong f»ith knowlebge heretofore ¿Bor common too our bulgar fpeech,map baplp more anb more pzocecbe through thp goob furtherance anb fauo? in the fame. Coo all mens p?o3t anb belpght, anb thp eternall fame. 2fnb that (inhich is a greater thing) our natpue countrp map iiougtpme cmop thp counfcUanb thp-trauciitoo her flap. 2fi5arfrtcfee the. jeje. of 3p?lll. 1557, Tour good L. moil humbly too commaund Arthur Golding.Too the Reader. CfflltottU) not tuifij the fimple fo2t oftcnbcb fo: f® bcr, mhetx in this broke the heathen names of fepneb Cobbs rhep fa, Cbe tretoe anb euerliuing Cob the papmms bib not bnofoe: ^^c&Mhich caufeb them the name of Cobbs on creatures fro beffofo. Jfo; nature beefng once corrupt anb fenoinlebge bfpnceb qupgbt 3U?p Adams fall, tbofe little fabes anb fparfees of hcaucnlp Ipght Chat bib as pit remapne in man, enbeuering fco;tb tro burn anb foanting grace anb potoje t® grotoe t® that tbcp lucre at furff, C® fnperlfition bib beeline: anb b?aue tbe fearefull mpnb, ^rraunge in®;ibtppcs of tbe lining Cod in creatures fb? t® fpub. Che lobicb bp cutfome tailing r®te, anb groining fo r® if rengtjj, SC&ough Nathans belp poflTelf tijc bartes of all tbe tuo^lb at length» $>ome in®?ibipt al the boffe of beauen: Tome beabmeus ghotfes $ bones; £>um tofebeb fanbs: fum fcjojmes $ foioles,hcrbes,6iljefl,tras I floncs^ Che fp?e, the ap?e,tbe fea, the lanb,anb cuerp ranning b?®be, Ccbe qucachte groue, eche craggeb cliffe the name of Cobheab t®be, Che npgbt anb bap, the Gating hofrtfes, the feafons of the pare, 3nb euerp if rauttge anb monif rnous thing, fo; Cobbs mitfafecn toare, Chere teas no bertue,no no: bice ; there teas no gift of mpnb £? bobpe, but fome Cob tljert® o? CobbelTe teas alTignbe. Of health anb fiebneife, Ipfe anb beath, of nabineffe anb health, Of peace anb loarre,of lone anb hate,of murber, craft anb Gealth, £>fb.2eab anb topne, ofHouthfullllape,anb of tbep? folemne games, 0nb euerp other trpfltng top tbepjCoDOcstJib bearethe names, anb l®be hoto euerpmati teas bent t® grabneffe o? t® ill, t£e bib furmpfe his f®liih Cobbes enclpning t® his Intll. jfo? Cob percepuing mannes peruers anb tutebeb foill t® finite SDib glue him ouer t® his luff t® ilnbc 02 ftoim therm. 3!5p meanes inherof it caine t® paffe (as in this broke pa fa) Chat all thep2 Cobbes Umij lub®2bomc, theft,02 murber blotteb ba, Mhich argues them t® bee no Cqddcs, but lo®2fcr m effect Chan theptoh®feopenp®nni(hment thep2 t®ings bmth betect. Mih® faing Ioue inborn heathen folke b® arme truth triple fp;e 3n fi)ape of Cagle,bull 02 finaii trotoinne hisfoulebefpje^ sw, c?'The T reface. ©igrpHp Mars tbepj Cob of toarrc tnrangleb in a net 315p Venus bufbanb purpofelp f co trappc him toarelp fet a tiStb® f®tng Saturne eating tap tbe cbilbJen lie begate 1 ©?■ Venus oalpmg toantonlp tottb euerp luffte mate* ^lb® feeing Iuno plap the fcolo i o; Phoebus mm?neanti rein 5fo? Ioffe of I her Inborn m bis rage though tealous mobe befleto ©; clfc the futfle Mercurietbat bearcs the ebarmeb rob ©onuepmg ncare ano bpotng them toouio take bin* foj a Cob i 5fo: if tbcis faultcs in mojtall men o® tufflp merit blame, iHcfbat greater mabneffe fan there bee than to impute the fame ©oCoddss, tob®fe naturcsougbt to bee moff perfect, pureano bright, ipoff betiuou3,bo llp,cbaaff, anb topic, moff full of grace anb ipgtjt %5nt as there is no Cb?iffen man that can furmpfc in mprtb SLbat tbefs o? other fucb are Cobbe3 tobicb are no ©obbes bp kpnb: g>o toouio to ©cb tljcre toerc not note of ctoiffen meH p;ofcff, SEbat too?ffjipt in tbep? o®bcs tbeis Cobbs tobofe names tbep bo beteflh-Mbffife latocs in® h®pc bis tb?alles to® b®,ano be our Cob iitb®be, £>o long is ©tot® our Coo as to® in ctofffen Ipfe p;cc®be» S5nt if to® peelo to fleftjlpe luff ,t® lucre, o^ to to?atb, ©? if t bat Cuup, Cluttonp, o; J^pbe tbc mapffrpbatb. ©2 anp other bpno of ftnne tbe thing the tobichto® fcrue,< 2Eo b® accounteb fo? our Coo moff iuff Ip both beferue» %\)en muff to® tbinh c tbe learneb men that bio tbeis names frequent,, &ome further things anb parpofes bp thofe beutfes ment. 3Bp Ioucanb Iuno bnberffanb all ffates ofptoicclppojt t-JH5p Ops anb Saturne auncient fotoe that are of elber fo;t : 315p Phoebus pong anb luffp b;utes ofbanb ano courage ffouf t 51BpMars thebaleautmen oftoarre that lone to feigbtitout: JIBp Pallas anb the famous troupe of all the spufes npne, &ucb fotoeas in the fciences ano tortuous artes bo typne. 515p Mercurie the futtle ftut that bfe to filch anb Ipe, Wtb f barney ano Merchants tob® to gapne tljep? trauell bo applp& 5Bp Bacchus all the meaner traocs anb ban&pcraftcs are ment; 315p Venus fucb as of the fleffjeto filtbie luff are bent» H5p Neptune fucb as h®pe the feas :315p Phebe mapbens chaff, ano gtlgrimsfutb as toanb^nglp tbep? tpme in trauell toaffe,The 'Preface. 51Bp Pluto facb as belue in mpnes, anb Ioffes of perfottes beab; 5SBp Vulcanc fmptbes anb fact) as too?l?e in p?on, tpnne o? leab, 3i5p Hccat toitcbcs,€;oniurers,an& Necromancers race: »'if) all fucb bapne anb beulilb artcs as fuperttitien b?ace. li J15p Satyrcs,Syluanes, Nymphcs ailb Faunes toitb Other fucb bcfpbe, ICbe plapne anb fimple countrp folbe that eucrp tobere abpbe. 3 fenoto tbei s names to other tbinges oft map aiib mutt agree 3n beclaratton of the tobtcb 3 toill not tebtons ba. But leaue them to tije Heabers toill to tafee in funbjp topfe, i>. 8s matter rpttng gineth caufe conttructicns to beupfe. l N°to toben thou «aott of <^oo 0; man,in ttone, in beatt, 0? tr« ’ 3t is a mpjrour fo? tbp felf tbpne otone ettate to fee. w jfo; bnber fepneo names of Cobies it toas the Iftoets gupfe, &be bice anb faultes of all ettares to taunt in cotiert topfe. L 3nb liisctopfe to ertoll toitb p?apfe fuel; things as bo beferue. J £Dbferuing altoapescomlpneffe from tobicb tfjcp bo not ftoarue, gnb as the perfone greater is of birth, renotone 0? fame, jSLbe greater euer is bis laub, 0? fouler is bis Ajarne. jfo? if tbe States that on tbe earth tlje rorne of ©00 fupplp, SDeclpne from bertue bnto bice anb liue bifo?berlp, $Zcd dagles,Cpgres, Bullcs, anb Bcares, anb other figures ttraunge Botbe to tbcp? people anb tbemfelues mott burtfull bo thep cbaunge* V jttnb tohen the people giue tbemfelues to filthie life anb fpnr.e, iHIbat other fcinbe ofIbapetherebp than filthie can thep toinnei js>o toas Licaon mabc a ¿Kolfe: anb Ioue became a Bull; Che tone to; bttng crueltie, the tother fo? his trull. $0 toas Elpenor anb his mates tranffonneb into ftopue, iFo? follotoingofthep? filthie lutt in toomenanb in topne. Not that thep lott thep? manlp Ibape as to tbe outtoarb tfjotoc. But fo? that in tbeir b?uti(b b?ettes mott beattlp luff es bib grotoe. j?o? tobp this lumpe of flefij anb bones ibis bobie is not toa. If| MH02 are a thing tobicb eattblp epes benpeb arc to fa. $>ur foule is toa enbetob bp Cob toitb reafon from aboue: i£>ur bobie is but as our boufe, in tobicb toa toojfec ano moue. Cone part is common to bs all, toitb Cob of beauen himfelf: Ebe ttotber common toitb tbe beaff es, a bple anb ttinbing pelf.The Treface. Kfyt to}« beaect foirb beauenlp giftes ano cnDleCTc: t©tber groffe, J?raplie,filtbie, tocake, ana bo?ne r© ape as maae of eartfcíp abolle* $oio l©fee bofo long this tloa of clap to reafon a©tb obep, &o long fo? men bp lull Defect account our felues fo© map. But if fo© fuffcr flclljlp luffcs as lafoleffe llores tco retgne, Chan are toe beaffcs,fo© are no men,to© bane our name in bain*, 0no if to© be fo atofona in bice that feeling once b© gone, Ebrn map it focll of bs bee fapa,fo© arc a block o? fione. Cbts furelp ata tbe poets m©ne toben in fueb funa?p topfe SLi)e plcafant tales of turnea foapes tbep fiuapea tco acupfe. HCbere purpofe toas r© p?ofitc men, ana alfo rco aclpgbt ilna fo t© banaie cuerp thing as bcU migbt libe tbe fight. j?o? as the Image pojtrapa out in fimpte tobigbt ana blacke (Chough tuell p?opo;tiona, treto ana faire) if comlp colours lackc^ E)elpghtetb not the epe fo much,no? pet contentes the mpnae Remuchas that that foa&otoea istoitb colours inbiskpnae: Caen fo a plapneana nafcea tale o? ffo?ie fimplp tola (although the matter bee in aáae of baletoe mo?e than gota) árabes not the hearer fo attent t© p?int it in \)is barf, ¡as toben tbe thing is tocll aeclarae,iDitb plcafant termes ana art. 011 tohich the poets kneto rtgbt toell: ana fo? the greater grace, 0s perfian kings ata ncuer go ab?oae foitb open face, But toith fome latone o? filkcn fkarf,fo? reuercnce of tbep? ffate: Cuen fo tbep follotoing in their to©?kcs the felffame traaeana rate* SDíd bitaer couert names ana termes tbep? Doctrines fo empipe, 0s that it is rpgbt aarke ana bata tbep? morning t© efppe. But bcéing founa it is mo?e ftoeete ana makes tbe mpna mo?cgla&* Cban if a man of trpea gola a treafure gapnea baa. ifo? as ti;c boap bath tjis iop in pleafant fmelles ana fpgbts: Cuen fo in knotoleage ana in artes the mpna as much Delights. tfóUbctofabounaant bco?Des ana bcapes in poets packeo báñe é>o bia that (fauing bnt© fetoe) tbep are not t© b© fame. 0na tberfo?c tob©fo a©tb attempt tbopoets to©?kes t© r©ae, í^uíf b?tng toitb bim a ffapea bcaa ana (uDgement t© p?oc©ae. JFo? as there b© mofi tobolfome belies ana p?ecepts tm bee founo, are tbep? rockes ana (ballcfoe ihelucs t© rornie the fljip a grouna. &omtThe Treface. feome natightie perfonc faing bpcìt fljefoo Ipuelp in hfe bcfo, ¿D©th take occafion bp ano bp like bices t© cnfefo. another baemg mo?e feuere than foifoomeo©thrcriup;e, 215aholofng bice (t© outfoaro fhefoe) eraltcD in oefp;e, Conoemneth bpanD bp the barése ano him that mo it make, 0no forties it teo be burno folti) fp?e fo? lefoD example fake. Chefe perfotis ouerfljote themfeiues, ano other folkes Decepue t $ot able of the authors mpno the mining t© eoncepuc. Che author purpofc is to paint ana fet before our epes Che Ipucip Jmage of the thoughts that in our ffomackes rpfe, Ceke bice ano bertue fames t© fpeake ano argue to our face, Mitb fuch perffoafions as tkcp hauc thep? o©inges to embrace, ano if a foicfceo perfone fame his bices f© eralt, Cffame not him that folate the fo©?ke in fuch Dcfaultes f© halt. 315ut rather forth an bpjpght epe eonfpOer foell fhp thought : dà if co?rupteO nature hane the like foithin tba brought, eparke fohat affection o©th perftoaoc in euerp kpno of matter. BJuDge if that euen in hepnous crpmes thp fancp 0© not flatter, ano foere it not fo? o?eao of iafoe o? o?cao of C^oo aboue, Spoff men ( 3 feare) fooulo o© the things that fono affections mone. Chen take theis to©?kes as fragrant fiofoers moff full of pleafant iuce, Che fobici) the IB® conueping home map put t© fohoifome bfe ; 0no fohich the fppoer fucking on t© popfon map conuert, Chfough benpm fp?eo in all her limbes ano natluc in her hart, jfo? t© the pure ano <0oolp mpno,are all things pure ano ciane, ano bnt© fuch as are corrupt the beff co?ruptco bane : ilpke as the fpneff meates ano o?inkes that can ba maoe bp art Blnficklpfolkes t© nouriffimentoffickncffcimconuert. ano therefore not regaroing fnch fohofc opet is fo fpne Chat nothing can oigeff foith them onleffe it bcé cenine, #o? fuch as t© tfjep? p?oper harmc o© fo?eff ano foxing afo?pe Che thinges that t© a g©o intent are forttten pleafamlp, Chough Ouids fo©?ke of turneo Ojapes 3 haue foith peinfull pace $aff on bntill 3 hao attepno the eno of all mp race, ano nofo 3 haue hint maoe fo foell acquainteo foith our f©ng as that he map in dDnglith berfe as in his ofone bee f©ng. MherinTlieTreface. Mfeereín although fojpleafant ffple, 3 cannot mafee account, matcfe mpne autfeo:, tofeo in tfeat all oífeer Dcort» furmount: pit (gentle fóeaoer) tun 3 tru0 mp traucll ín tfete cace $pap purcfeace fauonr ín tfep Cgfet mp Ootngs tai embrace: Coiifionng tobat a fea of godes ano ietoeltos tfeou ifealt fpno, $ot moje Oclpgfetfull tea ib? caco tban frutefull reo tbe mpno. ifo? tfeís 00 torneo perfons Oteme,of Ouids pjefent too¿fee: Cbat in no one of all fete boises tbe Uifjfcf) be to;ate, o® lurfee £po oarhe ano fecret müfertosmio counfeltes topic ano fage, £po gmo enfainples, mo rep;oues of Opee ín poutb ano age, £po fpne írtuentíons to oelígfet, mo matters clerblp feníí, $0 110? mo¿e ífranngc fesríccte to fijeto a torneo toít. íüfee bígb,tfee lotoe: tfee ríefee, fije po¿e: tbe mapflrer, ano tbe flaue: K\)c mapo,tfee toife : tbe man, tbe cbplo: tbe limpie ano tfeetyaue t 2Cfee pong, tbeolo; tfee goo,tfee bao: tbe toaraour Grong ano flrout í ¿Cfee topfe, tlje foto: tbe countríe clopne: tbe torneo ano tbe lout; 8no euerp otfeerliuíngtoígfetlljallín tfeís mírrourfte ípis tobóle díate, tfeougfetes, too¿0C3 ano oteoes erp?eüp IfeetoO to bte» thereof if mo¿e particularerampies tbouoai craue, 3» rcaoíng tfec (Epífito tb;ougb tbou Q>a!r tbp longing bane. fpo;eouer tbou maplf fpno berdn oeferíptíons of tbe tpmes: SSlttfe conífellacíous of tbe ffarres ano pianettes in rfeepj clpmes: Wqz *>ites of Counmes3Cítícs,feíltoSjfeas,forties, plapnes ano fioos: 2Lbe natures both of fotoles^bcalfcs, too^mes, berbes, mettals, 0ones f 8no finallp tobat euer thing ís ffraunge ano oelertable, (tooos, ICfee fame conuepeo fljatl pou fpno molí featlp in fome fable, ano eueu as (n a cbepne ecbe linbe toítbín another topnos, &no both toitb that that toent before ano that that follotoes bínos; g>o euerp tale toítbín tbís bofee oaitb fame to tafee fete grouno áDf efeat tfeat toas refeerfl befo?e,ano enters ín tfee bounO flDf tfeat tfeat folotoes after tt; ano euerp one gíues lígfet SEo otfeer: fo tfeat tobo fo mtenes to ímccrffano tfeem rpgfef, spa# feauc a care as toell tep fettoto tfee tfeíng tfeat toent befo?e, Sis tfeat tfee tofeícfe fee p¿efentlp oefp?eo to fte fo fo?e* $oto to tfemtent tfeat none feaue eaufe fetereafter to complains íbfmce as fetter out of tfeíngs tfeat are but lígfet ano feaíne, The 1? reface. gf nttp If omacfee be fo tueabe ao that ft cannot toaobe, ! %\)t liuetp fctting fo;tb of tbinge oefcribeo in tbio bcobe, 3 giue bint counfell tea abffeine bntill be b® mo;e ffrong, 8nD fo; ten bfe VlyiTcs feat ageinlf tfje speremapdo fong. tf be nocoee toill bare ano fee ano toilfnlip agree (Eb2o«gb canfe mifconffrueD) bntco bice allured fo; ten b«, Eben let bim alfo marbe tbe peine that dmtb tberof enfue, $nd bold bimfelf content tatty that that tea bio fault is due«.-n ^T.T^vACT^^naraM «ary^ The nrit booke ofOuids Metamor pïjofîS, trmtflateD into €\\t^ lyjhe ^Tvlcter. if fijapes tranfftymbe to bobies ffraunge, 3 purpofeto entreat?, 3vr§ pc gobs bouchfafe(fo: pon are thep $fco:ougbt this Idôd.îous fcatc) 4 Co further this mine enterpjife. anb from the too:lb begunne, $raunt that rnp berfemap to mp timers courfe birettlp rumte. 115efo:e the &ea ano &anoe lucre mabe,anb t^eauen that all Doth Hfce 3 it all tpe foo:lbe one onelp face of nature 010 abtbe, c Chaos bight,a huge rube heape,anb nothing elfe but cuen ^ a heaufe lump anb clottreb dob of fæoes togtther bluett, Of thing* at ffeife among tbemfelues, fo: tuant of other one. #0 funne a* pet toith Itghtfome beames the CjapeldTe too:lb bib beta ¿0 ^amefn grotoing bib repapte hir homes toith bo:otoeb light« jjïo: pet the earth amibbes the ap:e bib hang bp toonb:ous fltght Bluff pepfeo bp hir proper toeighf-ipo: toinbing in anb out SDib*A mphitry tee truth hir arme* embrace the earth about, ifoz tohere teas earth,toas Tea anb at>:e,fo teas the earth bnffable. Che apte all oarfee,the Tea Itfeeimfe to beare a Ojtp hnable. $0 btnbe of thing hab proper ihape,but cch confounbeb other, ifo: in one felfe fame bobie fftoue,the hofe anb colbe togither. Chemopffiuitbb:te,thc foftttmh harb, the light toith things of toeight Cijis ff rife btb d5ob anb Rature b:eabe,anb fet in o?ber ffreight. Che earth from heanen,the fea from earth, be parteb o:berlp, ^no from the tlncfceanb foggie ap:e,he tosbethe lightfome fbie. ©Sihich toben he once bnfolbebhao,anb feuereb from the blinbe 0no dobbeb heape.t^e fetting eche from other bib them binbe 3n enbleffe frienbfftfp to agree. Che fire moff pure ano bright, Che fubffance of the heauen it fdfe,bicaufe it toas fo light SDib mount aloft,anb fet it felfe in bigheff place of all. Che fccoitb roume of right to ap:e,fo: lightncife bib befall. Che earth mo:e groffe b»to boton toith it eche toeightp binbe of matter, Snb fet it felfe in lotoeff place.. againe, the toauing toater Wib lalïlp chalenge fo.: his place, the bttnoff coaff anb bounb, £Df all the compaffe of the earth, to dofe the ffebfaff ground #Qto toben he in this fo:efaib toife (tohat ¿?oo fo ere he toas) Çao utà h<*P'\ orf $**KAV45U/\p;mgo ano migbtp fèrreo ano ilafeeo be DIO augment, flotuing ttrearnes ofcrolrco bjcobeo in tuinoing banfreo be pene, tobicb tbe eartb ootb o?infce top fome,ano fonte tuitb reti lette race, po ferire tbe fea : tubero ttnoing feope of larger roume ano fpaee, Bln ffeaoe ofbanbes, tbep beate on ffweo.^e Dio cómauno tbe piatire Sno Champion grounoeo to ffretcb onttnioe : ano ballcpo to remaine Ape bnoerneatb ; ano ebe tbe tumoo to blDe tbem occcntlp Muti) tenoer leaueo : ano ironie tjillcs to lift tbemfelnes on bie. £lno as tino zoneo ooe cut tbel^eauen bpon tbe rigbter Gbc, àno otber ttnaineOpon tbe left iifeetmfe tbe fame OeutOr, Cbe mtoole in outragiono beat ercteoing all tbe re# : CDuen fo Itfceiutfe tljjougb great fojefigbt to (Doo tt fernet) beff, Cbe eartb eneluoeo tn tbe fame (boulo fo oeuioeo ber, So tuitb tbe number of tbe l£caucn,b ir zoneo rntgbt fu li agté, tnbicb tbe mtoole zone in beate,tbe Otmott ttuaine in coloe CSrcecoc fo farre,tbat tbere to otuell no creature Dare be boloe. dettocene tbere tino fo great ertreme$,ttuo otber zotico are 3H3bere temperature of beate ano coloe fnDfftcrentlp io miri, £oio ouer ibis ootb bang tbe ¡ap;e,tubieb sa (t to mo?c flcfgbtiL Cban eartb o; toater : fo agatne tban firc it io mo?e tueigbtic, Cbere batb be placeo mitt ano clouoeo,ano fo; to feare meno minoro, Cbe tbnnoer ano tbe ligbtning ette,tuitb coloe ano bluff ring tniMh«,tf But pct tbe maher of tbe tuo;loepermittetb not altuap, Etjc tuinoeo to bfe tbe ap?e at tulli. jFo? at tbio pjefent oap, Cbottgb ecb from otber placeo be in funo:p coatto afioe : Cbe btolenee of tbeir bopffrouo blaff o,tbtngo fcarflp catt abioe». •Ebep fo tunnople ao rbougb tbop tuoulo tbe inolio in pieceo reno §>o crudi io tbo£e tyotbero tu^atb tuben tbat tbep ooe contettoe. 3no tberefoje io tbe mojntng grape,tbe fóealme ofNabathie, Co Peifis ano fo otber lanoo ano rountrieo tbat ooe Ite Jfarre >5541 Ouids Metamorphofis. Jarre bnderncatb cfje doming Caere, Dio Eurus tabe bte foghi iUbetoifc tbe Jetting of the fennne, ano putting in of night Belong to Zephyr. ano tbe blaffa cfbluffring Boreas raigtte, 3|rt Scythia ano in other lanocs fettjnoer Charles bis toatne. Sno bnnMufter ootb belong tbe coatt of all the &cutb* <*j M,bo bearetb foourea ano rotten miffes,continuali in bio month* v abouc all tbefe bo fot aloft tbe cleare ano ligbtfome fhtc, > . « Mttbout all o?egs ofeartblp filth o? grofiTenclTe bttcrltc. V Cbe bounoea of things foere fcarflp pet bp blm tijus pointed oat, Bat that appeareo In tbe beauen>ffarres gliffring all aboaf, mbtcb In tbe fato confutes boape bao bfooen bette before, 3no to rl^fnrenc toitb liuelp things eebe Region fo: to ffo;e. Bbe beauenlp fople,to CDoos ano fetarres ano pianeta firff bo gaue. Cbe toaters nert boto frelb ano fait be let tbe fiffjes baue. £be futtle ap?c to fliebring fotolea ano btroea be batbafftgnoe. Che earth to bcaffs botb toiloe ano tame of funo?ie fontano feincc. l^oUibcit pet of all ìbis tobile,tbe creature tua n ring to aa, Jarre mo?e oculne, of nobler mtnoe,tobtcb iboulo tbereffoue palio 3n oeptb of bnotoleoge,reafon,tott,ano high capacftte, Sno tobteb of all tbe rettone iboulo tbe H02D ano ruler bee. Cben eptber be that maoe tbe too?loe,ano tblnga tn o?orc fet, beauenlp fèoe engenojeo span : 0? elfe tbe eartb aa pet pong, luff te, fregano in bit flot?rca,ano parteo from tlje fbic, But late before, tbe fóoe thereof aa pet belo tntoarolte. Che fobicoPrometheus tempting ifraigbt foitb toater of tbcifcmgVH^^ &>io mabe in IthenciTc to the <25oos that gouerne euerie thing, ano fobete all other beaffs bebolo tbe grouno foitb grouelittg eie, 7^.. I&e gaue to span a ffatelp Icohc replete foitb maieffie. ano totlloe bini to bebolo tbe tratteti toptb countnance caff on hie» «Jf#, Co marbe ano bnoerffano tobat things toere in the ffarrie fbfe. ^ ano tbua the earth fobicb late befo:c bao neptber Ibape noj befo, SD iD tabe the noble (bape of man,ano teas tranffojmco nefo. Chen fp^ang bp firff tbe golden age, fobicb of tt felfc maintatooe, Clje truth ano right of eucrp thing bnfo.iff ano bnconff rainoe. Cberc toaa no fearc ofpumibment5tpere toss no tfomtmng latoe Sto bjajen tables napleo bp,to Uèpe the foibe in atee. Chete tosa no man tooulo crouch 0; crèpe to juoget^^b can in band, cbep wfojbh < it. hnt I ifik39 m / 2>W Thefirftbookeof Chep liuea fafe toithout a 3udge,in enerie Kcalme and lanae. Ctjejoftie Ppnerr® mas not hctoen from mountaines tohtre tt doa, 3n fabing draunge ana fo?ren lanaes, to roue bpon the fl©a. S^en bnetu none other countries yet, than inhere thentfelucs aia lurpe; iiijere toas no t oione enclofea pet,toith toalles ana aiches aecpe. j$o ho?ne no? trumpet teas in bfe,no ftoo?a no? pelmet too?nc, Che too?lae toas fuche,that foulaiers helpe might eaflp be fo?bo?he. Che fertile earth as pet toas fra,imtoucht of fpaae o? plough, 8no pet It podDeO of tt felfeofenerp things Incuglj. Slna men themfelues contented toell tolth pialne ana Ample fcodc, Chat on the earth of natures gift toithont their trauell doae, SDio Hue bp Kafpis,heppes $ haiue0>bpco?nelle0,plnmmes ana cherries. Bp floes ana apples, nuttes ana peares,ana lothfome tnamble berries, 8na bp the aco?nes a?opt on ground,froip Ioues b?oae train fields, Che &>p?lngt Ime laffeo all the peare,ana Zephyr tolth W milae 8na gentle blalf aia cherilh things that greto of otone acco?ae, Che grouna tmttlae, all hlnae of fruits aia plenteouflp ano?ae. Jto muebe no? tillage teas beffotode on leane ana barren lana,r Co mabe the co?ne of better heaa,ana ranfeer fo? to dana. Che fifreamesran mllbe,then ffreames ran tolnc,* pelloto borntp florae ifrom ech greene tree tobereon the rapes of firle Phebus glotoac. ^ But tohen that into Lymbo once Sa'turnus betna th.zufl, Che rule ana charge of all the too?lae toas bnaerloue Sna that the filuer age came in,mo?e fometohat bafe than golae,[ i??o?e precious pet than frecblea b?aiTe, immeaiatlp the olae - w ana auncient &>p?ing aia Ioue ab?iage,ana maae therof anon, i fouve feafons: Winter, Sommer,§>p?lng,ana 3u tumne of ana oh; Chen firff of all began the ap?e tofth feruentheate to ftoelt. fits Chen Ifycles hung roping aotone: then fo? thecolae teas felt spen gan to (h?oua themfelues in houfe. their houfes toere the thicbes, 3na bufljie queaches,hoIloto caues, o? haraels maae offllcbcs. Chen fird of all toere furrotoes a?atone,ana eo?ne toas calf in grounds Che Ample Ore tofth fo?ie fighes,to heauiepobe teas bound. ^ert after this fueecaea freight,the third ana b?ajen age: $po?e hara of nature, fometohat bent to cruell toarres ana rage» Bat pet not trfjolp pad all grace d p?on is the lad $n no part g©a and tractable as fo?mer ages pad. OuidsMetamorphofis. i jro: tDat ofrtjtó teicHeo 0ge once openeo teas tìje beante esercii! all mifcDief ruHjeD foni), ctien jfaptD ano CrutD terre faine 0no Donelf frante to tjioe tDeir Deaoes : fo? teloni iicpt ffoutlp ut, Craft,Createn, {llitolence,Onuie,|)?toe ano tefcfeco fluii to tein. Ebe iDtpman Dopif Dio fatico to toínD3toDofe ñames pe Dio not fenotee: ano iljtppcs tltat crii in toppes of Dilles ano mountaines Dao pgrotee, Dio leape ano oaunce on DncoutD toaues : ano men Degan to Donno, MtD Dóteles ano OicDes o?ateen in lengtD tDe fré ano fertile grouno, mbtcb toas as common as tDe 0p?e ano ligi;t of &nnne Defo?e« jjìot onelp come ano otDer frnttes, fo? fnlfnance ano fo? lfo?e, infere noto eratfeo of tDe OartD : Dut eft tDp gan to Oigge, ano in tDe Doteels of tDe grouno OnfaciaDlp to rigge. ifo; KicDcs coucDt ano Dtooen oépe3in places nere to l£ell, Ebe fpnrresano Iftrrers omo Dice, ano foes to Ooing tedi. Ebeti Dnrtfull p?on carne ab?ooe,tben carne fo?tD pellote golbe,’ SJ)o?e Dnrtfnll tDan tDe pton farre. tDen carne fo?t¿ Datile Doloe, CDat feigDtes teitD Dottano Rafees Dia ftoo?o in crnell Dlouop Dano. il&en line Dp rautne ano Dp lfeltD : tDe toano?ing guelf ootD ffano 31 n oannger of Dis Dolf : tDe Doli in oannger of Dis guelf : ano fatDers of fljetr tonne in latees : pea feloome time OotD refi?, dettecene bo?nc D?otDers fucD accodo ano Ione as ongDt to Dé* Ebe gtooman féfees tDe gootetnes OeatD,ano Dio agame féfees IDé* , j/ \ Ebe Ifepoames fell tDeir DufDanOes fomtes,teitD popfon oo affaple» one Co fé tDeir fatDers line fo long tDe cDilo?en ooe betoaple. $ vntt&tòv* »4 all goolpnelfe lies tmoer feote* ano flaoie Àftrey laif far, t&wìM j0fDeauenIpDcrtues,fromtDiseartDinfla«gDfero?oteneOpalf* ^A, £1 ano to tDintent tDe eartD alone tbus IDonlo not Deopp?eff, u/a$ 4turv?eJ'Z ano Deauen aDoue in aoutDfull cafe ano carelelfe quief relf, fa S fESpen fap tDat Criantes toent abont tDe fóealme of l^eauen to tei« 7 6 Co piace tDemfelnes to raigne as 6oos ano latelcife flotees tDerein ni, atto Dtll on DUI tDep Deapeo Op aloft tetto tDe fine, f fa Ctll (H5oo almigbtp from tDe f^eauen ofo let Dio tDnnOer Aie* /%> ’<§ ’ ’ul CDeointteDereoftDeapnetopsofDigDÒlympusD^afee, wcC ano pteffeo Pclion teolentlp ftom tmoer JOíTa íf rafee. fa/tHVCOf'fayfafa 3Wen teDelmeo in tDeir teiefeeo teotee tDofe curfeo Caitiues lap, 7 CDe OartD tDeir motDcr t®he tDetr Dlouo pet tearme ano(as tDep fap) \fa. HMO gtue it life.ano fo? bicaafe fonte pmpes (Dento il ili remarne HB.itf. Of if o£ rTf* ■1 Tliefirft booke of £Df t^ae fame docke,(he gauc it fl&ape ano limmes of men again«» Cl)is offpring eke again!! the Cods oio bearea natiue fptght, 3n daughter and in Doing forong inas at! their tohole.Delight. Cheir Dnöes Declares them of blouD cngcnoreD for to bn. Che tohich as fame as Sat urns fonne from l^cauen aloft DiD fie, ^e fetcht a figb,ano thertoithall reuoluing in his thought Che ihamefull an tohich at a fcad Lycaon late has fought, W& pet bnknotone or blotone abroDe: l£e gan thereat to dorme ö (fomacbe like an angrp Iöue. 0no tberfore to reforme f^v §>uch hapnous acres,be fommonDe drefght h is Court of parliament, hereto refortcD all the Cods that haD their fommons Cent. ft? he in the Melton is a foap apparent to the fight* * a c‘ 3tt ffarrie nights,fohich of his patting tohitenette mllkie hight; , " ^ 3t is thedrnte that to the Court ano p?incelppallaee leases, ^^mi3htie Ioue fohofe thunDerclaps eche liuingcreature D.jeaoes* ßöcs of $<0fame kap* to fiano in ifatelp port e a &t)c fumptuous houfes of the pteres, Jfor all the common fort ' $3 jDtoell fcattring here ano there ab?oDe: the face of all the ftoe, Che houfesof the chiefe edates ano ponces Doe fupplie. 3nD fure anD if 3 map be bolDe to tyeahe mp fancie frn i 31 cade this place of all the l^eauen the pallace for to bn. $ofo tohen the bosses attembleD toere,anD eche haD tane his place, loue danDtng bp aloft anD leaning on his puo?ie space, alight Drcaofullp his buthie lockes Dte thrife or four times (habe, v Mheretoith he maDe both £>ea ano llano * l^eaucn it felf to quake, $ns afterfoaro in torathfull tooroes his angrie minoe thus brake. -3 neuer Inas in greater care nor more perpleritie, ipoto to maintaine mp foueraigne fiate ano Princclic ropaltie, Mhen lotth their hunsrethhanoes a piece tb&äooerftateD rout, •DtD.pracnfe for to conquere Ipeauen ano for to cafi bs out. if or though it toere a cruell foe: pet Dio that toarre Depenbe ^ipon one grouno,anD in one ffocke it has his finall enoe. 2IButnoto as farce as anpfea about the foorlDe Doth tufnDe, mutt Dedrop both man ans bead anD all the mo nail kinoe. l|^fioeare bpStyxcs hiDeous dreames that run totthin the grouno, mWr™ other meanes mud fird be (bught: but iuijcn there can be founD heipe to heale a fedreD forest raud atoap be cut, ’A \)fc ■h> iuieij'i Äaa® t0. w <\ iceif n<OuidsMetamorphofis. a &eaff tbat tbe pactes rtmt pet ace founo,in oaungcr (beulo bepuf. WLt baue a number in tfjc too?loc timi mane tifate furmoun t, £>ffucb tofjom fo: tbeir pzfuate Coso tbe comune folfeeo aecotmt, Satyres,Fauncs,anO futtO?p $pmpbCO,toftb SiluanescfcebefiOe, Cbat in tbe ídcdos ana btUie grounoo continuali^ abioe. ^Ubome itito i^eauen Cuce tbat as pet toe boucb not fafe to tabe, ano of tbe bonour of tbio piace copartncro fo?to «tabe, 5>ucb lanoeo as to tnbabite in, toe erif to tbem altignoe, Cbat tbcp (bouio (fili cntope tbe famedi io tny toili ano mfnoc f Bucean pou tbinbe tljat tbep in reif ano fafetie (ball remaínev ífólben P^ouD Lycaon lape in toaifebpfecretmeaneoano traine: Co baue confounoeo me pour fto?oe,tobo in mp bano ooe beare Cbc o?eaofull tbunoer, ano of tobóme euen pou ooe ffano in feare ¿ ¿be boote toso moueo at bis too?oo ano eamelf ip requiroe, Cbe man tbat bao fo traiterouflp agafnlf tbeir iio?o confpiroe CSucn fo toben Ucbclo oto arife to if rop tbe domane name, Bp Gjeooing of our Cefars blouo, tbe bo?ro? of tbe fame, £)io pierce tbe bearteo of all manbinoe,ano maoe tbe tuo?lo to quabe , SffiUbofe fernent leale in tbp bebalfe(€> auguíf) tbou oto tabe, as tbanbfullp as Ioue oocb beare tbe louingeare of bis. . Mbo bechnfng to tbcm toitb bis bano,fo?biooetb tbem to biflfe. > ano tberetoitball tb^ougboli tbe boufe attentiue (Henee io. * attirine as tbat bis maietfte all muttríng bao alapoe, Ì0e b;abe tbefilence once agame,ano tbuo Onte tbem fapOe. Jlet paite tbio carcfoll tbougbt of pouro : fo? be tbatoto oifeitoe, í^atb oearelp bougbt tbe toiebeo act, tbe tobicb be oio entenoe. ^et Oboli pou beare tobat toas bio fault ano bengeance fo? tbe fame, a foule repo?t ano infamie bn fo our hearing carne, £Df mifebiefe bfeo m tbofe ttmeo : tobicb toiibing all bntreto 3 Dio oefeeno in Cbope of man, tb’infameo Car tb fo belo. 3t tocre a p?ocdTe onerlong to teli pou;of tbe Anne, Cbat oto abouno in euerp place tobere ao3 entrcbin. fJt Cbe b?tite toas Idtcr tban tbetrutb, ano partiall in repo?f. ' u Cbe 0?caofull oenneo of Mcnalus tobere fauage fceaifeo rcfo?t ano Cyllen bao 3 ouerpaif,toitb all fije l^pnetráo bie, Ofcolo Lyceus,anO from tbettee 3 entreo bpano bp Cbe berb?ougbleCDe ano crudi beute of late Cb’arcaofan ìàirtg, 5&ii#. &achThè firítbooke of &ncb tíme as ttulligbt on tbe Catti) Dim oarhncfife gan to b?ing. 31 gane afigne tbat (25oD toas come,ano ffretgijt tlje common fo?t ÎDeiioutlp p?apDe,trbereat Lycaon firff dìd malte a fpo;t 8nD after fato bp open p2oufe,ere long 3! minDe to fm, 3If tbat ibis tuigbf a migbtp 0oD o? montali creatore bé. üCbe trot!) (bali tríe it Celie: be mcnt(tbe fequele Dio Declare) 2To ffeale fepon me in tbe nigbt, ano bpll me fenbctuare. ílnD pet be toas not fo content : bot tuent ano cut tije tb?ote, • íDf one tbat lape in boffage tbere,tnbicb tuas an Epyrotc ; 3nD part of blm be Dio to rodano part be dìo to Cetue. Mbicb tuben tt carne fepon tbe bo?oe,fo?tbtnitb 3] oaettb?eiu? Cbe boufe tuttb tuff reuengfng fire Opon tbe otuners beo. Mbo feeíng tbat,fltpt out of Ocoles amajoe fo: feare, ano fleo Blnto tbe ioiloe ano Defert tumos,tubero betng all alone, 3s be enûeuoiûe (but in Oaine)to fpcafee ano raafec W mone, ì0e fell a botuling : tuberetuitbali fo? feerie rage ano mmoe ^e ran me quite ont of bis tuits ano tuareo forions tumbe. é>tfU piactifing bis tuonteo luff of Oaugbter on tbe p©?c Sino Celie cattle, tbirCing fftll fo? blono as beretofoje. l^ís garments turnoe to OjacHíe batre,blsarmcs to ruggeD patues: é>o is bemaoea raueningMolfe : tubofcibape crpicffcip D?alues %o tbat tbe tubicb be tuas befo?e : bis fittane is bo?tc grape, m lœfee Cill grim tuitb glaring epes,ano euerp htnoe of tuape, W* cruell beare in outtuaro ffjape ootb tuetl it fclfe bctu?ape. ¿bus tuas one boufe DeffropeD quite, but tbat one boufe alone E>eferuetb not to be oettropoe,in all tbe Cartb is none» 3Bot tbatfucbfeiceootb raigne tberein,astbat petuoulo belette» Cbat all bao fìuo?ne ano foloe tbemfetues to mtfcbicfe fes to grette. Sno tberefo?e as tbep all offenoe : fo am 3 fullp bent, Cbat all fo?tbtuitb (as tbep Deferue)lball baue Due punifijntent Cbefe tuo?Des of loue tome of tbe dDoos Dio openlp app?eue, ano tuitb tbeir fapings moie to tu?atb bis angrp courage mone, &nD fonte did giue aifent bp fignes. pet dìd it grieue tbem all 2Cbat fucb Dettruttion fetterlp on alt ntanfetaoe iboulD fall gDcmaunDing tubat be purpofeD tuttb all tbe Cartb to Doe, ifóKben tbat be baD all montali men fa cleane DeCropDe,ano tuboe SDn bolle $ltars aftertuaro IboulD ofifer franfein&nce» , . mOuidsMetamorphofis. 5 and tohother that he foere in mfnde to leaue the (¡Earth fro thence Co fauage beaffes to boaff and rpople,bicaufe of mans offence* Che king of (pods bade ceafe their tbongbt $ queffions in cfiat cafe? Sind caff tbe care thereof on bint, ioftbitt a little (pact» promiff for to frame a neboe, an other feinde of men 215p boon&rous meanes,bnlifee the ffrff to fill the boorld agen. land not» his lightning had he thought on all the earth to throb». liDttt that he feared leaff the flames perhaps fo hie Should groto So fo? to fet the l^eauen on fire,and burne Dp all the fitfe. Ije did remember furthermore hobo that bp deff inie, a certaine time Ihould one dap come, toherein both &ea and Jlond and l^eauen it felfe ffjoulde fd'Ie the force of Vulcans (¡torching b?ond> £>o that the hnge and gcodlp b»orfce of all the toorlde fo boide Should go toboreche,fo? doubt iobereoffoubtoirbbeiaioeaffOe (£fs boeaponsthat the Cyclops made,intending to correct, spans trefpaffe bp a punifljment contrarp in effect* and namelp boith inceffant (hobores from heauen ppoured dot»nc;i Ipe did determine boith blmfelfe,the mortall fetnoe to drobone. 3n Aeolus prifon bp and bp he fettred Boreas faff, Wth al fuch botnds as chafe § cloudes or breafee the boith their blaff, and fet at large the ^outberne boinde: boho ffraight boith foatrp toings and dreadfull face as blacfee as pitch,forth out of prifon flings* (pis beard hung full of hideous (formes,all danfeifh boas his head, Wth boater dreaming dobone his haire that on his ihoulders (head* ^istglp forehead formfcled boas boith foggie mtffes fullthicfte, and on his fethers and his bread a ff tiling deb» did fffefee* affcone as he betto&ne his hands the hanging cloudes had crufhf, Mlith ratling nopfe adobune from heauen the raine full faolpgul|t* Che Kainbobo Iunos meffenger bedect in fundrie hue, Co maintains mopffure in the cloudes,great boaters thither drue t Che corneboas beaten to the grounde,the Ctlmans hope ofgaimv Jfor bohich he topled all the peace, tap orotoneo in the raine* loues indignation and his borath began to grot» fo hot* Chat for to quench the rage thereof^ heauen fuff tide not* l^ts brother Neptune toith his boaues boas faine to doe him eafe : Ml ho ffraight affembting all the ffreames, that fall into the teas, ^aid to them ffanding in his honfe: &trs get pou home apace,The firil boote of (Bon muff not Icofee to Jane mo ore,long p;cea loir!) Soloing ffreamespftoolne aboue tbeir banfees, Cme rolling in anotbers necfee,tbep ruSEjeD fo?tb bp ranfees. I^lmfelfe toitb bis tb?otb fade in (bip,ait other Ottes a fiibing in an Clmc. 3fn meDDotoes grame lucre anchors caff(fo fortune did pmuiDe) &no crobeo ibtps did IbaDolo bpnes,rbe tobirb (be SouD did bioe. 8no lobere but totber Dap before DID facoe the hungrp Cote, Cbe bglp §ea(es anD ^o?beptfces-nolo to anD fro DiD Sote. Cbe .^eanpmpbes ioonc?cD bnDer toaues tbe tolunes anD groues to StaD SDolpbines plapD among tbe tops anD bougbes ofeuerp tr&. Cbe grim attograeDp CCEolfe Dio ftoim among tbe Grip ibeppe, Cbe llion ano tbe Cpger Serce tocre bo?ne Upon tlje ooepe. Bit bajteo not tbe fommg HBoare bis crmfecD tufbes to tobet, Cbe twining ipart coulee in tbeffreame bpftoiffnelTe nctbtr Cbe Siting fotoles long bauing fought fo? lanD to reff bpon, Snto the &ea loitb toerie toings tocre o?luen to fall anon. Cb’outragious ftoclling of the x>ea the leffer billocbes o?otonDc, ^nloonteo toaues on bigbeff tops ofmountatnes DiorebotonDe. Cbe greateff part of men loere D?otonDe,anD fucb as fcapte the Sopdc, JFo?lome tpitb faffing ouerlongoiD Die fo? loant of faDe, againff tbe Selbes of Aonie ano Atticke lies a lanoe, Chat Phods bights fertile grouno tobile that it toas a lanoe * »ButOuidsMetamorphofis. 3Bat at that times part of &>ea,anb enen a champion ffeloc, J' Of fobaine taaters fcofnc^ tfje flouD bp fo;ceb rage bib palbe* * ^atjcre as a bill taitb fo;fceb top the tabicb Parnafus bigbf> E>otb pierce tbe cloubcs a no to tbe ffarrcs both raife bio beat) bp;igbt, When at tbto f|tU(fo2 pet tbe §>ea bab tubeimeo all befibe) k Deucalion anb bio bebfel lota,taitbout all other guibe, ftrrineo in a little Barfee tmmcbfatlp tbep taent, 3no to tbe j^pmpbes ofCorycus taitb full oeuont intent Erib bono? bue,anb to tbe Cods to tabome that famous bill k $aaatffacreb,anb to Themis efeein tobofe moffboliebrill i Conffffeb then tbe facies. Bln all tbe too:lb fo rounoe: Si better no; mo;e righteous man coulo neuer pet be founoe Oban taas Deucalion,no; againe a taoman mapbe no; totfe, p Cbat feareb C5ob fo much as ffja^tto; leo fo grab a life. WSR&en Iouc bcbelbe boln all tbe tao;lbe ffeobe ipfee a plaib ofraine? 0nb of fo manp tbotifanti men anb toomenbib remaine But one of eebe,botobeft tbofe both tuff ano both beuout* x i$e b?afee tbe Cloubes,anb bib commaunb that Boreas taitb bio ffout 0no ffurbie blaffs (boulo ebafe tbefloub, that <£artb might fatbeftfe 8no ^eauen the Gfcarth: the £>eas alfo began immebiatlp Cbeir raging furte fo; to ceafe. Cbeir ruler bribe atoape tto b;eabfull ^ace,ano taitb bio too;bes their tacobneffe bib alape« ^e calleb Try ton to him ff raigbt bio trumpetrer, tabo ffobe Bfn purple robe on (boulber caff,aloft bpon the flobe. J 0m> babe him tafec bio founbing Crumpe anb out of banb to biota ' Metreat,tbat all the ff rcames might beare,anb reafe from thence to fleta. tcobe bio Crumpet in bio banb,bpo Crumpet taas a (bell Of fome great Mbelbe o; other fiflje, in facion libe a Bell Chat gatbereb narrota to the mouth,anb as it bib befeenoe. E>io taare mo;e taibe anb to^itben ff ill,botane to the nether enbe: $&ben that this Crnmpe amib the §ea taas fet to Trytons mouth» fyc bleta fo loube that all tbeffreames both Caff,£5ieff,$oub t ¿onthy Slight eaflp beare bint biota retreate,anb all that bearb the founoe Immebiatlp began to ebbe anb b;ata taitbin their bounbe« i Chen gan the §ea to bane a (bo;e, anb b;cofees to ffnoe a banfee, 3 ttb duelling ff rcames of ffotaing floubs taitbin bir cbanels fanfee# Chen bilo bib rife abcue the taaues that bao them onerffota,The firilbooke of ant) as tije loafers Dio decreafe t(;e ground Dio fame to groin, and after long and tedious time the trees did l^ctu their tops ail bare,fa tie that Upon tbs bougbes tbe mud did bang in tmops. Cbe too.jloc reffoted teas againe, iubtcb tbougb Deucalion topde Chen to beboloe: pet fo?btcaufe be fain tbe eartb toas bopde and filent like a toiiocrncffe,toitb fad and looping epes and rutbfull tjopce be then did fpeake to Pyrrha in this tofte. HD fitter, HD mp loutng fpoufe,HD fielie tooman left, as onelp remnant of tbp fere that toater hath bereft. Wbome Mature firtt bp right of birtb batb linked to me fatt 31 n that toe b;o tbers children bene: and fecondlp tbe ebatt and ttedfatt bond of (atofull bed: and lattlp noto of all, Cbc pzefent perils of tbe time that Iatelpe did befall. HDn all tbe Garth from Gaff to Mett tobere Phebus ttjetoes bis face Chere is no moe but tbou and 31 of all tbe mojtall race. Che &ea batb ftoallotoed all tbe reft: and fcarfip are toe fure, Chat our ttoo lines from dreadfull death in fafetie (ball endure. JFo? euen as pec tbe duffcie cloudes doe make mp heart ao?ao. alas p©?e to?etcbed fielie foule,tobat heart toouldtt tbou bane bad i Co beare tbefe beanie bappes, if cbaunce bad let tbte fcape alone i WSlbo ffjould bane bene tbp cofo:t tben^tobo Ibould bane retod tbp mone i jjtoto trutt me trulp loutng toife bad tbou as noto bene d^otonde, 31 tooulo bane follotoed after tba and in the fea bene fotonde. Would <0oo 31 could mp fathers arte,of clape to facion men and giue them life that people might frequent the too?lo agen. s©ankinoe(alas)U0tb onelp noto toprbin bs ttoo confitt, as monldes toberebp to facion men. jfo? fo the <0ods doe Iptt. and toitb tbefe tusjds the bitter teares did trickle doton their choke, tantill at length bettoonetbcmfelues tbep did agro to feeke Co <0oo bp pjaper fo? hie grace,and to demauno bisapde By aunftoere of bis HD:acle.toberein tbep nothing ffapoe. But to Gcpbifus faolp toent, tobofe ttreame as at that time Began to run toitbin his fcankes though tbicke toitb muddie dime, Wbofe facred liquor ttraight tbep take and fp?inkled toitb the fame Cbeir beads and clothes: and aftertoard to Themis cbappcll came, Che rafe tohercof toitb cindtte motte toas alrnott ouergrotone. fo} ttnee the time the raging floud, the too?lde bad ouerflotone,OuidsMetamorphoíis. 7 $0 creature carne tottbín fije Cburcbe: fo that tíje altars fleos Míthout one fparfee of bolle fp:e o; anp flícfce of tomo. . aflame as that this couple came íuítbin rí?e chappelltiente, C!jep fell boUme flat tpon the grounb,anb trembling fettt r&e flojee, ano fapDe: íf p:aper that p;oeábes from bumble heart anb mtnbe ¿pap tit the p?efeuce of the i0obs,fuch grace anb fauo; flnbe as to appeafe their toonhie to:ath,then touch tbou fafe to tell (;© gentle Thexnis)hoto the lofle that on our feinbe befell, ¿pap noto eftfconesrecouereb be,anb belpe bs to repalre ¿be too^fetohtcb b;otoneb bnber toaues both lie in great bifpairc, Cbe Ctobbefle moueb toirh their fute,this anftoere bib them mafee: ^Depart pon hence: €>o fjille pour heabs^nb let pour garmentesflafte, anb both of pou pour dDraunbames bones bebtns pour ihouloers calf, te Cbepff©Deáma?ebattbefetoo?bes,tp!lPyrrhaattbelafl, Refuting to obep the befl the tuhpcb the ^obbefle gane, 3¡5;afee filence,anb toith trembling ebeere bibnfefeelp parbon crane, if 0? fure (be fatoe (be boas afratbe fjir (Sraunoames ghoflto hurt 315p taking bp l;ir burieb bones to rf)20to them in the hurt Si anb toith the aunftoerc here bpon eftfeones in hano thep go, it Che boubefull too:bes toherof thep fcan anb canuas to anb fro* it. Mbicb bone,Prometheus Tonne began bp counfell foife anb fageO ipts coufln germanes fearfulneffe thus gentlp to afltoage. MeII, eptber in thefe boubtfull too;bs is bib fome mtflertc, Mbereof theOobs permit bs not the meaning to efpie, qnelf ionleffe anb if the fence of íníoarb fentence borne Jlifee as the tenour of the too;bs apparantlp boc feme, Bit is no breach of goblpneffe to boe as 0 harbip coulb thep in their heartes the heauenlp befles beleue. I5ut tohat anb if tbep mabe a p;oufe i tobat barme coulb come tberbp? ’ Cbep toent tbelr toapes anb betlb tbeir heabes^nb bib tbeir cotes tmtie, ; 0no at tbeir baefees bib th.:oto tbe flones bp name of bones fo?etolbe, ' Che flones (toho tooulb belene the thing, but that the time of oloe ^epojtes it fo; a fleofafl truth f) of nature tough anb barbe»The firftbooke of 3£egan to toarre botfi foft ano fmotbe: ano tyojtlp____ Co toinne tbertottf; a better fbape: attb as tbep did encreafc, 0 mploer nature In tljem greto,anD niDeneffc gan to ceafe. fo: at tbe fir® their (¿ape toas fuel), as In a certame fo^t JacfemblcD man,but ofctjc right ano perfect Qjapc came fl;o;t. Cuen lifee to garble pmages ncto D?atone anD rougblp tojotigb^ JBefoje tbe Caruer bp W 0rtt to purpofe hath them bought. &ucb partes of them tobere anp iuicc o? mopff ure DID abouno, i©2 elfe toere earrbie,turneD to fleib: ano fucb as toere fo founD, 0no barbeas tooulD not boto no; bcnDe did turne to bones: againe Cbe part that toas a bepnc before,Doth fftll bis name retalne. Cbus bp tbe migbtie potoje of Cod ere longer time toas pa®, Cbe manbinoe toas rcffozoe bp if ones,tbe tobieb a man did raff* SinD libetoifealfo bp tbe ffoncs tbe tobieb a tooman tb;eto, CbetoomanbinDe repap;co toas anD maoe againe of neto. ffltbefe are toe tbe crobce pmpes,ano (Ionic race in DceDe, 35eto.:aping bp our topling life,(torn tobence toe Doe pjocaDc. Cbe luff it eartb of otone accozDc fame after fo;tb Dio bzing, 0cco;Ding to tbeir funo;ie (bapes eebe other lining thing. 0®ame as that tbe mop® ure once caught beate again® the ¿uni 0no that the fat ano flirnte muD in mcajilb grounoes begunm Co ftoell though toarmtb of Phebus beames,ano that ¿3Df things toeil ebertlbt in the fat anD liuelp fople in DdrDe, 0s in their mothers toombe, began in length of time to groto* Co one o; other feinoe of Ojape toberetn tbcmfclues to iboto. €uen fo toben that feuen moutbeD Nile the toatrie flelocs fo?fmfer, 0no to bis auncient cbancll eft bis bjiDleD ffreames betake. &o that the srnnne did beate the muD,the tobieb be left bebinbe, Cbe bnfbammicn that tiloe the grounD,among tbecloDDes DID finDe, ¿©ffunDjie creatures funDzte (bapes: of tebieb tbep fpieD fome, ©uen in the inffant of their birth but netolp then begotme. 0uD fomebnperfect toanting b?eff 02 (bouloers in fucb toife, Chat in one boDie oftentimes apprarco to the eprs £>ne balfe thereof alitte to be,ano all the re® beftoe Both bopoe of life ano feemelp (bape,ffar&c earth to ®ill abioe. ifo.2 toben that mopffure toitb the beate is temp2eo equallp, Cbep Doe concepts: ano of them ttoaine engenocr bp ano bp 0UOuidsMetamorphoiìs. 8 S1U fefnoe of tbtngs.jfo; though rfjat fire teitb tua ferace Debatetb ìpet mopfiure mire tutti) equall beate ai! liufug tilings createti). Ano fo tbofe oifeomes m tljetr binile, one firming tutti) tbe other, in generation ooe agrré ano malie one perfect mother. I Sino tberfo;e toben tijc mirie earth befpjco tutti) fiimfe muo, bought oner all but late before Op Oiolence of the fino, Caught beate bp toarmnefie of the Smnne,ano cuimenefie of the ffiie, ^ things out of number in the teo.:loe,fo;tbtoitb it OiO applie. n ^hereof in part the lifie before in former times hao bene, Sino fome fo firaunge ano onglp fijapes as neuer erfi lucre fette, in that fi>e oio fnch Conifers b;àoe, teas greatip to hie tooe, I 25ut pet thou ouglp Python toert engeno;eO bp bir tboe. ' a terrò; to the nel» maoe foibe, tobicb neuer erfi hai fittotene £>o foule a £D;agon in their life,fo monffroufip fo;egrotene, £>o great a grouno thppopfon paunch oio tmoerneath thachioe^ Che (000 of fitting teho no Inhere before that ptefent tioe Chofe fiinoe of teeapons put in fc;e,but at the fpecfileo We are, 1 £>: at the tf oc* fo toight of fete,a thoufano gaffes toell neare, SDio on that hioeous ferpent fpenoe,of tohich there teas not one? 1 5i5nt fo2cet> fo:tb the beittmo blouo along his floes to gone. &o that hid quiuer almofi Dopoe,be nailoe him to the grounde, - 23no oio hint nobip at the iafi bp fo;ce of (hot confonnoe. J3no leatt that time might of this teo;be deface the teojtbp feme, ^e did o;oepne in minoc thereof a great ano folemne game, s àabicb of the ferpent that he flue of Pythians bare the name. i, mtjere teho fo conio the maifirie teinne in feates of firength*o; Height fiDf hanoe 02 fcote 0; rolling tehcéle,might claime to baue of right, an flDben garland frefl) ano toaue.Cbere teas not anp teheare -, is- aspetaJ3ap,bpmeanestohereoftoasPhebusfainetotocare > Che leattes of enerp ptcafant tré abont his golden beare» y Peneian Daphne teas the firff Inhere Phebus fet htS lOUC, Mhich not blind chaunee but Cupids fierce t cruel telati; dio mone» Che Delian (0oO but late before furp?ifbe teith pairing p;ioe : billing of themonffrous teo:mc,tbe (0ooof loue efpioe, smith botee in hand alreadp bent and letting arrotees go t Co toijome he Capo,ano tehat half thon thou teanton babp fo Wtb tearltfcc toeapons fo; to top t it tee era better fight?The fécond booke of Co (à ttjtó feinoe of furnfture on ont ttoo IboulDers b;fgbt : Mbo toben toe UH toitb fleofafi baño botb man ano beaH can toonno, Mbo totber Dap toptb accote feæne, batte naplcû to cbe grounD, Cbe ferpcnt Python fo fo;ftoolne, tobofc ííltbie toombe oto íjtoc â>o manp actes of tbe grounoe in tobtcb be oto abice. Content tbp felfe fonne, fo2íe Iones to femóle toitb tbp b;ano, jfo; tbefeonr p;apfes to attatne tbou mu fi npt tafee m bano. Co bim qnotb Venus fonne againe,toell Phebus 3 agréé Cbp boto to fl>©te at cuerp beaff,ano fo fljall mine at ttjee-8no Imfee boto far tbat fcnoer Coo ecbe beafi is put bp feinoe, &o mncb tbp gloríe IctTe tban ours m fljœtmg fixait tbou finoe, Cbis fatoe,toitb o?tft of fetbereo toings in b? oh en ap;e be fine, 8no to tbe fo;fet ano Ibaoie top of $)ount Parnafus o;ue. Cbere from bps quiuer fnü offljafts ttoo arrotoes oíd be tafee £>f funo;ie too?fees : tone canfetb ïtone,tbe totber ootb it flafee. Cbat canfetb loue,is aü of goloe toitb point full ibarpc ano b;igbt, Cbat cbafetb loue ts blunt,tobofe Hále toitb leaoen beao is oigbî. Cbe Coo tbis fireo in tbe $pmpb Peneis fo; tbe nones Cbe totber perfi Apollos beart ano onerraft bis boues. Bfmmeoiatlp in fmolo^fng beate of ilone tbe tone oto fíoelt, ¡Hgaine tbe totber in bir beart no fparfee no; motion felt. 3« tomos ano fozrefis is bir top,tbe fauage beaHs to ctjafe, 3no as tbe p;ice of ail bfc paine to tafee tbe ffemne ano cafe, Œntoeooeo Phebe ootb fíje baunt ano foliote as bir guioe, Œno;o;eo Ooe bit treffes teaue fcarce in a billet tioe, ifull manp a temer fougbt bit lourde lotljing ail tbe ront, Blmpacient ano toitbout a man toalbes ail tbe tomos about. Sino as fo; Hymen,0; fo; loue,ano toeolocfee often fougbt â>be tmfee no care,tbep teere tbe furtbefi eno of ali bit tbougbt, ^ir fatber manp a tíme ano oft tooulo fape, mp oaugbtcr oœre Cbote oteefi me a fonneinlate to be tbp latefull fcerc. l£ír fatber manp a time ano oft tooulo fap mp Daugbter Oære, à>f ^epbetoes tbou mp oebtour art,tbeir Craunoflres beart to cb&r*< ôbebating as a bapnous crime tbe bonoc of b;toelp beo jBDemurelp cafltng ootene bir eprs,anO blufijing fomtobat reO, E>to foloe about bir fatbers necfee toitb fauntug armes:ano feo, peare fatber graunt me tebile 3 liue mp matoenbeao fo; to baue,Ouids Metamorphofis. 9 0s to Diana here tofo?e feir father fréelp gauc. Cbp father (Daphne)coulo confient to that ttjou ooefl require, Ï5ur that tbp beautie ano ttjp fo?me impugne t bp cbaffe oeflre : &>o tt?ae tbp toill ano bis confent arc noting in this cafe, 3i5p reafon of the beautie b?igbt tbat (binetb in tbp face. Apollo loues ano longe to banc this Daphne to ¿le ifére, 0no as Ijc longs be hopes, but fus fû?eoœmes ùoe fapie btm there. 0no as light haute toben co?ne is rcapt, o? beoges burne toitlj b?anoesÿ Chat paffers bp tohen oap Draines néere tb?otoe lœfelp fro their banoes» ê>o into fiâmes the ^oo is gone ano burneth in hi* b?eft 0no fæoesbis haine ano barraine loue in hoping fo? the beff. î£ir haire bnfeembo about hir neefee ootone flaring OtO he fée ¿D lloto ano toere thep trimo (quoth be)boto féemelptooulo (he bé f fyc fées hir cpes as bright as fire the ffarres to rep?efent, i)e fees hir mouth tobieb to haue féene he holocs hint not content. l£ir mite armes mio part ano mo?e aboue the elboto bare, Î)ir hanocs,hir Angers ano hir to?pfles,bim thought of beautie rare, âno fure he thought fuch other parts as garments then OiO hi’be, Crcelleo greatlp all the reif the tobieb he hao efppeo. ïBut ftotfter than the tobp?lmg toinoe fljée flees ano toil! not flap, Co giue the hearing to thefe too?oes the tobieb he hao to fap. 3 p?ap thœ jjipmph Penæis flap 3 chafe not as a fo : £>tap #pntph : the ïlambes fo fl® p TOolues, the &>tags % liions to* £dîtb flittring feathers flelie Cones fo from the Coffebaufeeflie, 2no euerp creature from his foe. Iloue is the caufe that 31 Co foliotes thé : alas alas feoto tooulo it grieue mp heart, Co fée tbée fall among the briers, ano that the blouo (boulo flart, 1 Cut of thp tenoer legges, 3 to?etcb the caufer of thp fmart, ■ Che place is rough to tohich thou runff,tafee lepfure 3 tb® p?ap, abate thp flight,ano 3 mp felfe mp running pace totll flap. pet tooulo 3 toilhe thée tafee aoutfe,ano toifelp fo? to bietoe Mhat one he ts tbatfo? thp grace in humble toife ooth fetoe* 3 am not one that otoelles among the hilles ano flonie reefers, 3 am no Gjeepebearoe toitb a Curre,attenOing on the floefees : 3 am no Carle no? countrie CIotone,no? neathearoe tafeing charge Cf cattle gracing here ano there toithin this ^o?refl large. Chou ooefl not fenoto po?e Ample foule,Coo toote thou oofl not fenotoe, C.j* ifromThe fírftbooke of ¿fromfebometbou Séíf.jfor Blftfjou fettefe,tboufeouloife not 8« me fa, gin Delphos ís mp cfeefe abooe,mp temples alto fíar.íe 0t Claros ano at Patata tottfen fíje Lyeian lanoe. 0no ín tbe Ble of Tenedos the people honour mée. M)t Uíng of Coos femfelfe ís fcnofene mp father for to b&. 3i5p me ti fcnotone tbat feas,tfeit 10,ano that tbat ífedi enfne, ■%5y mé men learttc to fnnorie tuneo to frame fütóte ottt?es true. Bin ífentmg baue 31 ffcofalf bono, but fureo baño boo b<* Sü)ñt maoe tfe's feouno feitfen mp heart tbat heretofore feas free. £)f ^bifiebe ano of íurgeríe 31 fount» tbe 2rtes for ttóoe s:be pofere of eueríeberbe ano plant Doth of mp gift procáoc. i*ofec feo Is me tbat ncare an beebe can beate tbe hurt of louc 0no rltat tbe 0rtes tbat others belpe tfjctr floro ootb belpelelfe prout. 0s Phoebus feonlo baue fpofeen more,atoap Penxís líale ZMítb fearefull ffeppes,ano left btm m tbe mtüfí of all bis tale. 0nö as Ibe ran tbe mating toinoes fer garments bacfeefearoc bine, £>o that btr nafceo ffeínne apearoe bebtnoe btr as Che flue, ^tr gcoolp pellofee goloen baire tbat bangeo tofe ano flacbe, Mítb cuerp puffc ofapre oto toaue ano toffe bebtnoe btr bacfec. pr running maoe bír tóme more fapre,tbe poutbfull Coo therefore Conloe not abpoe to toalfe fes feotes in oalpance anp more. 3¡5ut as bis lone aonpfeo fern be gan to menoe fes pace, 0no feítb the better tote before the fleeing #pmpb to chace. 0no cuen as feben tbe gráote Crefenoe ootb tourfe tbe flelíe ípare, amíooes the plains ano champion fieloe fettbout all eouert bare, 2!5otb tfeaíne of them ooe (frame tbemfelues ano lap on fotemanlblpj ÍKIlbo map belf runne feitb all fes force tbe totf?er to outffrip, &be tone for fafetie of fes lpfe? tbe totber for bis ptap, She CirefenDe ape prelf feitb open mouth to bcare the i^are atoap, Cbmlfs forth bis fnoute ano gproetb out ano at fer lopnes ootb fnatcfij 0s though be toouio at cuerie ttrtoe bettoéne bis tótb btr latch: 0gaine in Ooutt of betng caught the l£are ape linking flips, ^pon the fooaíne from bis Rafees, ano from betfeáne bts lips 1 £>0 faroe Apollo ano the $papoe: hope maoe Apollo ffeifr, 0no feare oto make the Spapoen flote oeuißng bofe to flfeff. ^ofeebeit be that oto purfue of both tbs fünfter feent, 0s furtbreb bp the fcatfeeo feings that Cupid bao him lent.V* I At ft I :ii: l i !» It!' ft |i Quiets Metamorpliofis. io &o that be tooulo not iet bir rcff, but p?eareD at Inc bale è>o nére that tij^otigfj tjtrfcattreD batte (be might bis breathing fòle» 3l5nt toben (be fatoe bir b?eacb (»as gone ano ftrcngtb began to faple, Cbe colour fatico in bit cbébes, ano ginning fo? to quaple, £>bé leebeo co Penaeus ffreame ano fapoe notoe ¿Father ocre, £lno if non ffreames baue poto?e of Coos then help pone Daughter bere* £D let tbe eartb Oeuottr me qutcfee,on tobicb 3! feme to fap?e, £>? elfe tins ibape tobicb is mp barme bp ebannging ffraight appare. 2Ubis piteous pjaper fcarce feo : fnr finetoes toareo ffarfee, Sino tbcretoitball about bit b?esff oio groin a tenoer barbe. i$it baite Urns turneo into leanes,bir armes in bougbes OiO grotoe, i^ir féte that boere ere tubile fo ftoift,noto reoteo toerc as flotoe. ^ir crotone became tbe toppe,ano thus of that (be earff ba& bène» Memarneo nothing in the too?loe,but beautie freib ano gréne. ZMWh toljen that Pkcebus oio beboloe(affemon ofofo mette) Che tré to tobicb bis lotte toas tnrnoe becouloeno leffe but lone, ¡ano as be foftlp lapoe bis bsnoe bpon the tenoer plant, »¿bin the barbe netoe ouergrotone be felt bit heart pet pant. ¿n* in bis armes embracing faff bit*ougbes ano launches Iptbe, iàt pzoferoe biffes to the tré,the tré oio from him to?itbe. ell(quot b Apoilo)tbongb mp if ère ano fpoufe tbon can not bé, ^ffureolp from this tpme fo?tb pet (bait thou be mp tré. Ebou ibalt aooine mp goloen Icobes, ano efee mp pleafsnt l^arpe, Ebou ibalt aoo?ne mp Eupnee full of ffjaftcfrano arrotoes (barpe. Chou Ibalt aoo?ttc tbe baliant bnpgbts ano ropall Cmperours i OTben fo? their noble feates of armes libe might ie cenqucrours, Eriumpbantlp toitb ffatdp pompe bp to the Capitoli, Ebep (ball afeenoe toub folemne traine that Doe their oéoes ertoli. 5!5efo?e Auguftus fallace Dco?e full Dnelp (bait tbeu toarOe, Ebe €)be amio the fallace paroeape faptbfnllp to garoe, Sno as mp beaoc is neuer pouloe no? neuer mo:e toitbout Stfémelp buff)e ofpoutbfull baire that fp?eaoetb rounoe about, Cuen fo this bonourgiue 3J thè continuallp to baue Ebp bzaimcbes ciao from time to tpme toitb leaues both frefi) $ b?aue. il^oto toben that Pcan of this talbe t;ao fullp maoe an enoe, Ebe ftato?eli to bis iuff requeff oio féme toconoefcenoe, 315n botoing of |)ir netoe maoe bougbes ano tenoer b?auncbes ootone, C,tj. SitoThe fîrftboohe of and toagging of bit f&melptoppe,as if it toere bir crotone. ÆLtjere 10 a lande in TheiTahe enclofo on euerp fpde OTitb toædOie billes,that Timpebigbt, though mît) tobereofdotb Penæus guying full of froti) from fcote ofPmdus bpe. mhtd) toitb W headlong fallingdotone doth cafï bp btolentlp, $1 milite (frame ipbe flakes of fmolse,befp2incfcling all about %iyz toppcs of très on eptber floe, and makes a roaring out Chat map be beard a great toap off. 2Ebis is ttje fired feate, Xhis is the Ijoufe and btoelling place and chamber of the greate 3no migbtfe tôpuer : ï^ere be fftres in Court of feeble ffone, 8no miniff crs iuffice to the toaues and to the Jipmpbes ecbe one* :Cbat in tbeBjcokes and toaters dtoelt. j^otu did refonte, C^ot knototng if tbep might reiopce and bnto mirtb erbon flDjcomfo# bim) his Countrie 5152cokes,Sperchius toell befæne, WLith fedgie brade and fljaoie bankes of Poplars freib and groene* Enipeus reffleffe ftoift and quiche, olde father Apidane, Amphnfus toitb bio gentle ffreame, and Aeas clad toitb cane : Miitbdpuero other Hpuers moe, tobtcb baning runne their race?. 31ntotbe â>ea their toearie toaues doe lead toitb reffleffe pate, jTrom hence tbecarefulllnachus abfentes him felfc alone. Mho ina corner of biocaue toitb dcotefull teares and mone5l Stugmenrs the toaters of bio ffreame, betoapling piteouffp i$is daughter Io latelp loff. l$e imetoe not certainlp àno if (be toere a line 0? deade.Butfo? be bad bir fought, andcoulde not finde bir anptobere,affuredlp bethought &be did not Hue aboue the molde,ne o;etoe the bitall b;eatb t ^ifgiuing toojfer in bio minde,if ought be toojfe than death. 3lt ftotunde on a certaine dap that loue efpide this spapde Come running from bir fathers ffreame alone : to tobome be fapd& ® SDamfeU too?tbie loue bimfelfe lthe one dap fo? to make &omc bappie perfon tobome thou tiff bnto tbp bed to take. 31 P?ap thé let be %oude our felues in ffjaaotoe here togitber, £)f this oj that (be popnted botb)it makes no matter tobttber, tEntill the toboteff of the dapano |5ome be ouerpaff. 8nd if fo? feare of fauagebeaffes percbaunce tbou be agaff Cotoander in the OTœds alone,than (halt notnæde to feare,, % Cod (ball, bté tbp guide to fane thé barraeteffe euerp tobere.Ouids Metamorphoíis. • ix Siiti not a <^ou of meaner fo?t,bnt enen tbe farne tbat batb Cbe beauenlp fcepter in bis banoe, tulio in mp bjeabfull Una#, £Do Dare botone tbnnber toanD?tnglp : ano tfjerefo?e malte no bali Co ninne atoap.èbe ranne apace,anb bai alreabie pali die 3fen of Lerna ani f lie fíelo of Lincey fet íoít|) traes : mtien Ioue incemiing noto in baine no Unger tpme to léfe, esporr ttje Counrrie all abone Dio b?ing a foggie mtif, Eno caugbt tbe spapben tobóme p©?c fole be bfeb as be Uff. &ucene Iuno Icobíng botone tbat tobile bpon t&e open fíelo, MI ben in fo fapie a bap fncb mtffes ani barbeneffe Ibe bebelbe, SDpb marueil mncl^fo? toell Ibe bnctoe tbofe miffes afeenbeb not rom anp fópner,ma>?iibe $rounb,o? otber ianbiibe plot. §be Icobc abouc bit fo? bU íóue as one tbat toas acqnatntcD ^Slirb fncb efeapes ano toitb tbe bàie bai often bim aeeainteb. Míbome toben Ibe fonnbe not in tbe beauen,onleffe 31 geffe amiffe, &ome tojong agapnff me (qu:tb fije) noto mp bufbanbe tooihing ts. 0nb toitb tbat tooibe (be left tbe í£eanen,anb botone to eartb fibé carne¿ Commannbing ail tbe miffes atoàp. Bnt Ioue fo?efés tbe fame, ano to a Coto as tobtte as milite bU Hernán be connapes. &be toas a gcoalp l^ecfar fnre :anb Iuno bíb btr p?apfe, aitbougb (Coi toot) (be tbongbt tt not,anb enrionfip (be fongbt, ©Htbere tbe toas b;eb i tobofe Coto (be toas,tobo bab tur tbttber b?ongbte Sis tbongb (be bab not bnotone tbe trnt&.f#r bufbanb bp anb bp (Bpcanfe (be (bonlb not fearcb to neare)beoifoe a cleanlp lie, 3nb toloebtr tbat tbe Coto toas b?eb cuen notoe out of tbe gronnbe. Cben Iuno tobo bit Galbanas tbtft at fingers enbes bab fonttoe, SDcffrbe to bañe tbe Coto of gift. Mlbat (bonlb be boe as tbo ¿ (EUcat crueíneffe ít torre to pálbe bis Honer to bit fo. ano not te gine toonlb toébe mtff rnff.fls faff as íbame p?ouobeb, £>o faff agapne a totber fibe bis llene bis minie reuobeb. &o mucb tbat ilone toas at tbe popnt to put all ibamc to flígb*» liSut tljat be feareb if be (bonlb bente a gift fo ligbt, Sis toas a Cotoe to bu tbat toas bis fiffer ano bis topfe, ¿ptgbt rnabe bír tbinbe it toas no Coto, $ b?aebe percbaunce fome ((rife, üioto toben tbat Iuno bab bp gift btr bnfbanbs Hernán got, Pet altogetber ont of feare anb carcleífe toas ibe not. £>&e bab bim in a íeloufie anb tbougbifnll toas íbe ff til. C.íti. ifo?The fìrft boote of -Jfoi bcubf ì)t nuotilo tnuent Tome meanc« to ffe ale irtr from |n'r : tal Co Argus olDe Anftors fonne 1be put bir fo? co rtépe, Cbte Argus bad a» buno?etb epe« : of tobtcb bp turne dio ffépe 0ltoapes a conpie,ano ttje refi dtd duelp íoatcb and toarde, 0nd of tbe cbarge tljep torte in bande bad euer god regarde, tKüíbat toap fo euer Argus ffod tutti) face,lotti) barbe,o? fide, Co Io toarde, befo?e bto epe« dtd Iòti ili abtdc. SlU dap be ler irte gra ?e abrade, tbe £>unne once fender ground, fljat btr fep and fep tfec nccbe tutti) to^ptfecn (Miti) btr bouno. Wlitì) croppes of irás and bitter tuéoeo noto toas é)t daplp fed, and in tbe tfrad of cofflp coucfe and god fcft featberbed, £>be fate a nigbte« fepon tbe ground, and on fucb ground tuljercas SSIas not fomettme fo mucb a« graffe : and ofrentpmeo íbe toas Compelo to d?tnfeeof muddte pttte« : and toben tye dtd deutfe, Co Argus fo? to lift btr bandeo in ntécfee and bnmble totfe, £>be fatue íbe bao no bandeo at all : and toben Ibe dtd affap -, Co marte complatnt,fbe lotoed out,tubtcb dtd btr fo affrap, f Cbat oft ibe ff arted at tbe nopfe,* toould baue runne atoap. tanto btr fatber Inachs banerte« ¡be alfo dtd rcfo?te, WLbere manp a tpme and oft befo?e Ibe bad bène tuont to fpc?rc. $oto toben fbe torteo in tbe ffreame,and fatue btr bo?ned beo, ¿be toas agaff and from btr felfe toould all in batí baue fico. Cbe j^pmpbes btr fiffers rtnetoebtr not no? pet btr olone deare fatber, pet follotued tbe botb btm and tfjem, and fuffred tbem tbe ratber Co touch ano ff robe btr tobere tbeplttf, as onetbat placed fftll Co fet btr felfe to toonder at and gaje fepon tbetr bill. Cbe gao oloe Inach pulje fep graffe ano to btr ff ratgbt tt beare«. £>be a« tbe fepffano Itcrtt bis bande« dtd fbeo fo?tb osterie teare«. Sino bad tbe bad btr fpeacb at totll to fetter fo?tb btr tbougbt, &>be toould baue tolde btr «ante ano cbaunce ano btm of belpe befougbt. DìBut fo? bfeànfe tbecould not fpearte,fbe p?inteo in tbe lande, Ctno letrero tuttb btr feote, toberebp toa« gtuen to fenderftande Cbe fo?rovofull cbaungtng of btr Ibape.iWicb fóne If ratgbt erped out l^tr fatber Inach too is me, and clafptng btr about $tr tobtte and feemelp ^ecfare nccrtc and cb?tffal bo?nee botb ttuatne, ée fb?tcrted out full ptfeouflp,$oto tuo t« me agam. #lae art tbou mp daugbter deare,tubome tb?ougb tbe too?lee 3S fougbfOuicis Metamorphofis. n Sino coulb not finbei anb nota bp cbaunce ari to mp p?efence brought * Spy fo:rolD certifie letter farre a tboufanbe foibe bau bène 3¡mener bab % fœne tfjde mo?c,tban thus to bane thè fœne. Cbou ffaitoff as bombe anb to mp mo?bcs no anfliuere can (bon giuc? X3a t from tpe bottom of tbp heart full fotte figbes boli b;tne fts tokens of tblne mloarbe grtcfc,anb bcolcfullp boll moie , tanto mp talhe,tbe onelp thing leali in tbp pointe to b©e. i 15nt 3 roiffruffing nothing leCTe rban this to great mifcbaunce. !. ï3p tome great mariage eamefflp bib fóke thè to abnaunce? 33 n hope feme pitnc to baue fène bctmêne mp tonne anb thè» m 13 ut nolo thou muli a bufbanb bane among the Ipeirbs 3 fot, n 2no eke thine iffue muff be fucb as other cartels bê. £>b that 35 mere a mo ìtali might as other creatures aro, ifoj then might beatb in length of time quite rib moe of this care? 25ut nom bpcaufe 3 am a <^oo,anb fate both beatb benie? \ Cherefs no helpe but that mpgriefe muff laffeternallie« as Inach mabe this piteous mone quicke figbteb Argus matte m daughter into farther ftelbes to tuhich be coulb not bane . . * 53cce0fe?anbbebimfelfeal©fbibgetbimtoabill? ; / ÌFrom mhence he fitting at bis eafe bietub euerie map at toil!, iiiom coulb no lenger loue abibe bin Hotter to fo:!o?nc, u anb therebpon be calb hts fonne that Maia babbtm bo?tte, ^ Commamibing Argus iboulb be kilo, maoe no long abob* J JButtpbe bis feathers to bis fète,anb tfflkebis ebarmeb rob.; (W,ith mhicb be bjingetb tbingsa fiêpe, anb fercketk foules from ÇelO 8ud put bis l£at bpon bis beao : anb mben that all mas meli * Ì0c leapeb from bis fathers tom?es,anb bobine to earth he flue ¡àub there both !£ac ano minges alio be ligbtlp from him tbme. Uetapnmg nothing but bis ffaffie, the mhicb be ciofclp bribe ;is: 13etmênebîselbomeanbbisfibe,anbtb?ougbtbecommcnfielbe Ment plodding Ipkc fome gœb plaine foule that bao fome flocks to fède. :! ¿no as be ment be pppeb filli bpon an flDfen ¿cede. t inètte Iunos l^etrbman farre in loue mttb this firaunge' melodie. Befpake him thus : <3©b fellom mine,31 pjap thè beartelp $ Come fitte bobine bp me on this bilico? better fède 31 knome ÎCbou ibalt not finbe in all tbefe 6eloes,anb (as the thing both l$obje) JW 3t is a cæle andfbaoomie plot, fo?fbæpebeirosberie fitte City. fotoneThe iîrftbooke of fotone bp bis elboto bp ano bp oía Atlas nepbeto fit. $no fo? to'paffe tbe tpmc toitball fb? fæming ouerlong, $e beloe bim ralbe ofertó ano tbat,ano noto ano rban among, plapo bpon bis mcrric pipe ro caute bis toatebing epes jSUo falla Q(épe.locare Argus oío tbe bell be esulo Oentfe Co oaercome tbe pieafant nappes : ano rbougb rbat tome oio flæpe, i^etof bis epes tbe greater part be tnaoc tbeirtoateb tofeèpe. ano after otber falbe be afbt (fo?lateìp toas it founoe) Mbo feas tbe founoer of tbat |9ppe tbat oío fo itoætelp founoe* Cben fapoe tbe <0oo, rbere otoeit fomettme a #çmpb of noble fam$ among tbe billes of Arcadie,tbat Syrinx bao to narne. jflDf all tbe jßpmpbes of Nonàcris ano jfatrte farce ano naere, 3¡n beautte ano in parfonagc tbps iaoíe bao no pére, ifull offen bao íbe gtuen tbe flippe botb to tbe Satyrs qnícbe ano otber <Èoôs tbat Ofeell in 3ftAcDOs,ano in tbe 3fo?rrffs tbícfee, ¿D; in tbe fruítfull fieloes ab?ooe; 3t feas bit febole oeßre Co foliote cbafle Dianas gutfe in üpapOenbeaö ano attire. Mbome Ibe oto cotmterfatre fb nigbMbat fueb asoío fer fee ípígbt at a bluß) baue taben bfr,Diána fo? to b¿, 3!5ut tbat tbe $ptrtpb too in bír banoea bofee of Co?nell boloe, íUbereas Diana euermo?e oío beare a totee of goloe. Sno per lbe Oio oecepue foibe fo. impon a certaine oap $pmpb,boacefafetbouto agrá Cbat ootb oeßre tbp feeooeo fpoufe ano buibano fo? to bæ. Cbere feas pet mo?e bebínoe to tell : as bofe tbat Syrinx fleo, Cfeougb teapleße toaos ano gane no eare to tbat tbat Pan bao feo, ùntili (be to tbe gentle Areame of fanoíe Ladon came, Libere, fo? tocaufe ít feas fo o&pe, (be coulo not pafle tbe fame, ê*be ptteottflp-fo cbaungé bír Ibape rbe feater ^pmpbrs bcfougbti sano boto feben Pan fcettoeenebts annesso catch i $pmpbbaD tbougto> 3¡n ßeaöe of bir be caugbt tbe íftáoes netoe grotone bpon tbe b?œfee, ano as be ügbeo,feitb bis b?eatb tbe tóccocs be foftlp Árabe Wbíeb maoe a Aíll ano mourning nopfe,feitb Araungneffe of tbe tobicfc ano fto&teneffe of tbe fiable founoe tf?ié <25oD oelígbteo roícb* £>aioe certeffe Syrinx fo? tbp fake ít ís mp füll íntent, ■ . £fiOuids Metaniorphofis. 13 Co mate mp comfort of tbefe K&oes überein tyou öoed lament t &no boto tfjat there of ftmode Heroes toitb tear together hntt, s’ maoe the ppe iofjicb of btr name tye €>r®bes call Syrinx pet ♦ But as Cyllemus tooulo baue toloe this tale,be call tys fight . Cm Argus,anö beboloe tys epes bao bio tym all gmo night. * Cbere toas not one tbat 010 not fl&pe, ano fad Ijc gan to noooe, gmmeotatelp be cead tys talbe, ano toi tb tys ebarmeo roooe, £>o droteo all ^t£s beauie epes tbat earnedlp tbcp dept. Cben ferity tys OToobnife bp ano bp be ligbtlp to blm dept, to ano lent blm fneb a perlous Motor, tobere as tty fljouloers grne Unto tbe necbe,tbat draigbt tys beaoe quite from tty booie due. , Cben tombling oofeme tbe beaoiong bill tys blouOie coarfe ty Cent» Cbat all tbe toap bp tobicb ty roloe ferns dapneo ano befp;ent. Cbere lide tbou Argus fencer fcote,totty all tbp bnnö:ety lights, ::: ano all tbe light is cleane ertina tbat toas tottbin tbofe fights. One enoeleffe ntgbt tbp btmo;eo epes batb nfetoe bereft fo; ape, pet tooulo not Iuno fuffer fo bir ^efromans epes oecap: But in btr paintco peacocks taple ano feathers oio them fef, Mbere tbep remapne Ipte precious dones ano glaring epes as pet» , frty tmbe tys oeatb in great oifpigbt ano as bir rageoio mone» SDeterminoe fo; to to;eebe btr to;aty fepon bir bufbanoes ILoue. jfojtytoity Ibe cad before tytepts right draungeano feglp Ogbtes, Compelling bir to tbinte Ibe fatoe feme jftenoes o; toicbeo fp;igbtes. ■ ano in bir heart fueb leeret pffebes ano piercing dings dje gaue tyv, as though tty too;loe from place to place to tty redleffe fo;roto o;auebto* Chou Nylus toert adigno to dap bir papnes ano trauelles pad, Co tobicb as fame as Iö came toitb much a ooe at lad, {l Mtb toearie bnocbles on tbp b;im Ibe bnäleü faolp Oofeme, * ano dretebing fontbbtr faire long neebe ano cbffdall bo;neo crofemo» £>nty binoe of countnaunce as ibe bao (be lifreo to the fbie, * ano there toitb dgbing fobbes ano teares ano lotoing omlefullp $ 2Dio feme to mate bir mone to Ioue, oeßring him to mabe t* £>ome enoe of tbofe bir troublous domtes enoureö fo; tys fate» P 5£e t(Dbe bis toife about the neebe,ano ftocetelp biffing p;apoe,. Cbat las penancepet at length might bp hie graunt be dapoe. if Chou tyalt not neeöe to feare (quoth ty) that euer ity (ball grieue this if rom this oap fo;ty.8no in tb to cafe tbe better to beleue mte,The fîrfl booke of 2Cbe Stygian toatera of mp too?oea tnparciaü toltnelTe fcéne. Sffmrre aa Iuno toaa appea(bc,imtmotatelp toas fréne Io tmhe ijtr natiue tyape in tobtcb fl&e firff teas bc?ne, sanD else became tbe felfe fame thing the tobtcb (he iras before» Jfo? bp ana bp (be calf atoap bir rough ano bairie bpbe, 3fn tfæoe tobereofa fofc fmoutb ffeinne tottb tcnoer fledge bib bpoe, i£ir bomea fans ooton,btr ties ano moutb toere brought in letter tme, T£tr banoea,btr lbouloera,ano bir armea tn place agatne too come* l£ir clouen Clæa to fingera flue againe rcoue eo toere, flDn tobicb tbe naplea Ipfce politer Œemmea oio fljtne full b?fgbt i clerc, 3|n flue, no lifeeneffe ofa Colo faue tobireneflfe oio remainc ê*o pure ano perfect aa no fnotoe toaa able it to flaine. ê>be batmlT bit felfe bpon bit frété tobtcb then toaa brought to ftoo. 0no though (be glaolp tooulo bane fpobe : pet ourfl (be not fo oo, Mtbout gcoo bréoe,fo; feareQ)t (boulo baue lotoeblifee a Coto. $no therefore foftlp tnitb bit felfe (be gan to p?acttfe boto SDiffinctlp to pronounce hit too?oea that intermitteo toere. #oto a a a CoooelTe (a (be bao in honour euetie inhere, Among xbe folfee that Otoell bp Nylepclao in linnen torébe. ' j©f bertn tpme came Epaphus begotten of the fréoe of mpgbtfe Iouc.Cbia noble pmpe notoe iopntlp toitb bia mother, jSZEb.tougb all the Cttiea of that lanoe baue templea tone tuitb testier. jSTbere toas bia match in heart ano pearea the luffie Phaeton, 0ffaltoo?tl; (Tripling (îrong ano (Tout the goloen Phoebus fonne. Mbome malting p?ouDe ano (Tatelp baumes of bia fo noble race, Sno Onto him in that refpett in nothing giuing place, Che fonne of Io couloe not beare : but fapoe bmo him rbua. #o maruell though thou be fo p?ouDe ano full of too?oea pinna, ifo? euerie fonoc ano trifling tale the tobicb tbp mother ntaUea &bp gpooie toit ano hairebtainoe b?at>e fonbtottb fo? gofpelltab Mell, taunt t|p felfe of Phoebus (T ill,fo? toben the truth is fame, 3Cbou (halt pereepue that father a name a fo?geo thing to bene. J3t thia rep?och did Phaeton toar aa rco aa anp fire : l^otobeit fo? the p?efent tpme oio Ibame repjeffe bia ire. Œnto bia mother Çlymen lïraight he goeth to oetect Che fpitefull too?bea that Epaphus againfl hint DID obietf. Pta mocher(quoth be)ano tobicb ought pour greater geiefe to ber, SiOuids Metamorphofis. 14. 31 lobo at other tptnes of falbe teas foont to be fo fté and fioute^ad nére a U)o:dc to fap,3 load afljamoe to tabe ì é>o fatale a fople : tbe mo:e becanfe 33 conio none anffoere make« \ 5l5ut if 3 be of beauenlp race eratted as pe fap, £ben (betoe fome token of that biff be ano noble bp?tb 3 p?ap. !k 3no bouebe me fo? to be of beauen. Wt b that be gent Ip call li ^is armes abont bis mothers nericano clafping bir full faff, I 55efongbi bit as the loudebis life,and as ibe loude tbe Ipfe iDf Mcrops, ano bad kept bir felfe as Undefiled topfe, li and as (be loifbed iueltbilp W filters to bedotoe, §be toould Tome token gine toberebp bis rigbtfull £>irc to fenofoe 3t is aUoubtfull matter fobitber Clymen moued mo?e k Wtb tfjtee bir Phaetons earned fitte eratting it fo fo?e, £ 1 ¿Ditoitb the (launder of the b?utelapde to bfr charge befo?e, * ■' 2Did boldebp both bir bandes to beauen, and looking on tbe $nnne> S0V right deare cbilde 3 fafelp ftoeare (quotb (be to Phaéton) 2Cb«( fif tbie fiacre tbe tobicb fo b?igbf doth glider in tbine epe ; £)f this fame Vanite that cbeares tbe foo?ld tattb tight inaideremlp CaSert thou begot : and if 3 fapne,tben toitb mp heart 3 p?ap, Chat ueuer map 3 fó b im mo?e bnto mp dping dap« 55ut if thou bane fo great defire tbp father fo? to hnotne, £bou (bait not néde in that bebalfe much labour to beffofoe. ^ Che place from bobence be doth artfe adiopnetb to onr lande* ; 2nd if*b°n tbinke tbp heart mill ferae,then go and bnderdande “ Che troth ofbtm. Mlben Phaéton beard bis mother Taping fo* * l£e gan to leape and flop fb? (ope. I8e fed bis fanfie tbo, mpon the beauen and beauenlp things : and fo loitb milling mindc, jf rom Acthiop fird bis natine borne,and aftertoarde though Inde • §et Underneath tbe mo?n(ng darre be foent fo long, till as $)e founde me tobere hie fathers bonfe and daplp ridng loss. # ft Finis primi Litri. m mTHE SECONDEBOOKE of Quids i5W De p^incclp Wallace of tf?c &unne ft©a gorgeous to brhotoe £Dn ftatelp pillars buildca high of pellofo burniihtgcloe, ilBefet faith fparcfeling Carbuncles that lifee to fire did ft) me. Che raife foas framed curiouflp of |0uo?ie pure ana fine* Che tfno a®?e leaues of filuer clcare a radiant light did caff: 3But pet the cunning foo^feemanlhip of things therein farre pail Che ifuffe foherofthe trncs toere made. ifo; there a perfect plat, I9aa Vulcane ajaftme of all the toojlac: HBoth of the fourges that emb:acc the earth fnith intnaing foaues,ana of the ftedfaff ground, 0na of the heauen it felfe alfo that both enclofeth round, ana firff ana ftnmcff in the £>ea the Coas thereofaid ffanae JLonae founding Try ton fmth W $ f»?ithen Crumpe in hattae: tftnffable Protcw chaungfngape his figure ana his hne, ifrom Chape to Chape a thoufanae fithes as lift hint to renue; Aegeon leaning bopfiroufip on baefies ofmightie Shales ; ana Doris faith hie daughters all; of tnhich fome cut thefnales Wth fplaiea acmes,fome fate on roefees ana dftde thetr gmalp haire, ana fome aiarpae hppon the baches of fiihes here ana theare. j&ot one in all popntes fullp IpUe an other conlae pe fee, #oj berie farre bnlifee, but fuch as fillers ought to baf Che Carth had totanes, men,beaffs % ®2E®as faith furiaiie ttks % roos, ana running Kpuers fatth their ¿ppmphes ana other eountrie Coos. SDirealp ouer all thefe fame the plat of heauen faas pight, . SHpon the tfao a®:e leaues,the fignes of all the zoafaft bright» > inaifferentlp fir on the left ana fir bpon the right. j WLtyn Clymens fonne had climbed bp at length faith fa®rie pace. ¡3na fet his feote taithin his doubted fathers dfaelling place, ^mmeaiatelp he placed fo?th to put him felfe in fight, 3na Ctoaealojfe. jfoj neerc at hanae he could not bide the light* Bln purple Kobe ana ropall ChJone of Cmeraudes frefhc and grant SDtd Phoebus fitte,and on eche hanae ft code faapting faell befeme, §Dapes,iponthes,peares,ages,feafons,times,f efce the equall houres. Chere ftcoae the fpnngtime faith a cfotone offrelh ana fragrant flourcs. Chewt OuidsMetamorphofis. 15 gtjere foapted Sommer naked ffarfee all faue a fobeaten l^at t and autnmne fmeroe foitb treading grapes late at the pjeffing jfaf» and lafflp quaking to; the coIde,ff(nd Winter all fo^lo^ne, u Mitb rugged beade as fothte ao2Doue,and garments all to to?ne* ? Jfo?laoen foitb the Blfpcles that dangled bp ant» dofone 1' iKppon bio grap and boarie beardc and fnofoie frojen crofone* Ebe §>unne thus fitting in the middes did call bis piercing epe, (»tb fobicb full ligbtlp foben be Itff be ail tbingeo doth efppe) • Upon bio cbilde that ficod alcofe agaff and trembling fo?e Sit flgbt offucb biifoanteo things,and thus befpake bim tboje* ’’ 3D noble pnipe,£D Phaeton fobicb art not fucb (3 fa) 2 3Dffobome tbp father Iboulo baue caufe albamed fo? to ba t i * Wbp half thou traueld to mp court i fobat is tbp fotll foitb ma t 5J EbenanffocrdeJe,ofaU tbefoo?loe3D onelp perfect light, 3D if atber Phoebus, (if 3 map bfurpe that name of right, f and that mp mother fo? to fane bir felfe from foo?ldelp fijame, i£pde not bir fault foitb falfe pretence and colour of tbp name) £>ome figne apparant graunt toberebp 3 mp be knofone tbp ¿>enne? and let ma bang no mo;e in donbt. l$z bad no fioner bonne, I 315ut that bio father putting off the bright and fierie beames P Ebat glfffred rounde about bio beade like cleare and golden ffreamef? Commaunded him to d?afo bim nare, and him embracing fapde t Eo take ma foe tbp rigbtfull sure thou nabe not be afrapde, Ebp mother Clymen of a truth from faUbcod If andetb fra* tit and fo? to put tba out of doubt afke fobat thou tutlt ofma, id and3foillgiuetbatbP&efire,tbeilakefokerebpofolde > | Wie Cobs do ffoeare (the fobicb mine epeo did newer pet babolde) P j ®eare foitneffe foitb tba of mp graunt: be fcarce tbfo tale bad folded | 3lBut that the froltlb Phaeton ifraigbt fo? a dap did crane m &be gupding of bio foinged §>taoeo,ano Chariot fo? to bane* Eben did bio ifatber bp and bp fo^etbtnfee him of bio otb* * and (baking tfoentie tpmeo |is beade,as one that foao full fo?otb> iSafpake him thus: tbp foojoeebaue made me rafljlp to content ¡if that fobicb fi)02tlp both of do(3 feare ma) (ball repent* i ^bthat 3 might retract mp graunt, mp tonne 3 doe p?oteff p 3 fooultr denie tba no thing elfe faue this tbp fond requeff * j 31 wap wfffoade, there Ipeo herein mo?eperill than than foane » iThe fécond booke of Kÿe things the tohich thou ooeff oefire of great importance bane: spore than thptoeafeeneffetocll can tofeloe, a charge (as toell appears) ¿Df greater toeigbt.than map agrá toith fhefe t&p tenoer peares. 2Tf)P ffate is mortall, toeafec ano fraple, the thing tl;on Ooeff Oefire 33 fuch,tobereto no mortall man is able to afpire, iaeafialilhbop thou ooeff oefirefanoall fo? toantoftoit) 0 greater charge than anp CoO couloe ener bane as pet, 5for toere there anp of them all fo onerfáme ano bitnoe. Ko tafee Opon htm this mp charge,full qutcUljp fljoulo he finoe iltyat none but 3 coulo fit Opon the fierté Sreltrá. $0 not euen he that ruteo this toaff ano enoleffe fpace toe fée ¿oí he that oarts lottlj oreaofull hanoe the thunoer from the §>felc, ¿hall oriue this chare, 3no pertohat thing in all the toorlo peroie 33 able to compare toith loue * $oto firff the morning toap Jipes ffépebpríghf, fo that the ffáoes in ccoleff of the oap 0no bétng frelh haue much a ooe to climbe again® the l£pll* 0miooes the heauen the gaff Ip hetgtfi augirenteth terror ff ill ipp heart ooth toare a3 coloe pfe full manp a tpme ano oft ¿for feare to fit the &ea ano laño from that fame place aloft. JChe Cuening toap ooth fall plump ootone requiring ffrength to gnioe íDhat Tethis tobo ooth barbrotogb má totthin hie fourges totoe l £>oth ff ano in fesre leaff from the heaue 3 heaolong ooton ffjoulo flioeJ Befioes all this the heauen ape ftoimmes ano tobóles about full M 0no toith his rolling orpues the ffarres their proper courfe to Grift. pet ooe 3 feépe mp natfue courfe againff this brunt fo ff out, i]5ot gfuirtgplaceasothers ooe.*but boloelp bearing out j &he force ano ftoiftneffe of that heauen that tobprleth fo about. 30mtc thou hao mp tomgeo S>fáoes ano Chariot in thine hanoe : JMt/ot conloffe thou ooe f 00ff thinfec thp felfe tocll able to toithffanoe &he ftoiftneffe of the tohprlrO ipdes f but that their brunt ano ftoap (|3ea Ooe the beff ano toorff thou can) ffjall beare tfjá quíte atoap i perchaunce thou ooff imaginée there fome fotones of Coos to finoe, Wííth groues ano Cemplcs richt toith gifteo as is among manfeinte. KIiqu art OecepuOe btterlp : thou ffjalt not finoe it fo, Bp bitnoe bptoapes ano bglp (hapes of monffers ntuff thou go. Stio though thou imetoe the toap fo toeil as that thou coulo not ff rap, Bettoáne the oreaoful bulles (harp ho?nes pet muff thou mafee thP tos?* 0ga tuff Quids Metamorphofis. 16 $gapuff the craell îlSofoc ttje tobicb the Acmonian archer b?afoes t ggainff the ramping ïlpon armbe fintb grébte taetb anîi paioes ; $gainiï the *>co?pion lïretcbing farce bis fell anb fienpmb clatoes : 8nû ehe t\je Crab tbac cafietb fo?rb W crœfceD clæs ato?ie jiot in fucb fo?t as tb’otber Dormant» pet as b?eabfullp. jagatne tbou neptber baiï tbe poisse no? pet tfie Hull 3S fenotue i^p lufife courfers fo? to galbe tijat from tbeir nofctrilies tb?ofoe $nb from tfieir moutbes rfje âerie b?eatb that b?œb£tlj in tbeir b?e& 3*0? fcarcelp finit tbep futfer mis iobo hnotues tbeir narurebe#,, Wfàm tbat tbeir cruell courages begin to catcb a bcate. îEbat batbelpüjculo 3 beaie fintb tbem, but tbat % fenoü) tbe feate. 315ut leafi mp gift Cboalb to tbp griefe anb fittcrperili tent) $pp &onne bc&jare aiib (fcohple tbou mapitjtbpfonûe requelï amena, ¿pcaufe tboa fijoulbe be fcnofinte to bee mp cbilbe tbou fêemlf to craue $ certaine figue : tobat furer figue 31 p?ap tb® canû tbou baue t £ban this mp feare fo father Ip tbe tubieb 31 baue of tbæ t Mfiicb p?ouetb me rnofi certainlp tbp father fo? to bàt ÏSebolbe anb marfce mp countenaunce t £D fooulb to Cob tbp fig\)t Coulbe pierce fintbiu mp fiiofuUb?e#, to Çà tbebeaufe plight, $ub Ijcapes of cares ioitbin mp ïjeart.ïlcDfie tb?ougb tbefi)o?lDe fo rounî) £Df all tbe foealtb anb geobes therein : if ought tbere map be founb 3n l^eauen 0? Carcb 0? in tbe ^ca^aRie tobat tbou Ipfiett beff, $no Cure it (ball net be benibe- Ebtà oneip one rcqueiï SCbat tbeu baif mabe 31 beartelp bcfæcb1 tbœ to relent, Mbicb foj to tearme tbe ebiug arigbt ts euen a pumfijmcnf, $nb nor au honour as tbou tbinfielf : mp Phaeton tboubolï craue Bln fieab of honour euen a feourge anb puniraient fo? to baue» SLbou foübiing thon, fiibat bofi tbou meane fintfi fafiming armes about fpp neefee thus flattringlp to bang ? Chou necbett not to bout. 31 baue alreaoie ftoojne bp Styx,afiîe inbat tbou finit of mée $nb tbou flbalt baue. $?et let tbp nert fijiib fomeiobat fiiifer bœ» £hus enbebbisabuertifment : anb pet tbe finifull îiab Miîbtfûîb bis counfell fi?g(ng fffU tbe p?omiffe that be SDefiring fo? to baue the chare as if be bao bæne mab> î^is father bauing mabe belapas long as be coulb fifift, èib leab bimiuberebis Chariot ffcob, fobicb inas of Vulcans gift, &he Sreltree tuas mairie goloe,tbe 3l5ucbe tuas maffie goloe> The iècond boote of Ebebtmoff fellies of tbe topics,ano tolere tf?c tré foasroloe. Ebe fpobes lucre all offplucr b?fgbf:»tbe Cbipfolitcs ano Cemmcs Efjat ffcoObppon tbe Collars}Erace,ano bounces in their tjemmes SDio caff a (bére ano glimmering light,as Phoebus (bone thereon. jjìoio tubile the loffie Phaeton fffflD gating here tjpon, ano tuonoereo at tbe tuo?beman(bip of euerte thing : b&boloe Ebe earelp mowing in tbe Caff bágan mee to bnfoloe l^ir purple Cates, ano (betuoe bit boufe beoeebt Iuitb tóofes reo. Ebe tíoíncbling ffarres íuítbo?eíu tubfeb bp tbe ino;níng ffar are leo : Mbo as tbe Captaine of that l^off that bath no páre no? match, UEtotb leaue bis ffanoing laff of all tuttljm that beauenlp toateb. $oíu toben bis ifatber fatue the tuo?loe thus glitter reo ano trim, ano that bis loaning Offers homes began to toaren Dim, t£e bao the fetberftofeo botones go barneffe in bis bo?fe. Ebe Coooeffes iuitb might ano mapne tbemfelues thereto enforce* i^is fferifoming &táoes full feo toitb (nice of amb?ofie Ebep tabe from younger trimlp otgbt : ano to their beaoes ooe tfe Strong repneo bits : ano to the Cbarpot ooe them tuell appoint. Ebett Phoebus oio tuitb beauenlp falue bis Phaetons beaoe annoint, Ebat fco?cbing fire conloe nothing hurt : tobicb Oone,t>pon bis batte ì$e put the freib ano goloen rapes bimfelfe toas tuont to tueare. ano then as one tubofe heart mifgaue the foHotocs ojatoing faff, * mitt) Cone figbes be thus befpabe bis retcbleffe Tonne at laff. (ano if thou canff)at leaff pet this tbp fathers Io?e obap : è>onne,fpare the tub(p,$ repne them baro,tbcp run To ftuift atoapi _ as that thou ibalt baue much a ooe their fléfng ccurfe to ffap ^ SDirectlp though the zones all fiue betuare thou ooe not noe, a b?ooe bptoap cut out a fbeto that benoetb on the fioe, Contapnoe luttbm tbe bonoes oftb:á the miomoff zones both lie : ") 2KEbicb ftom the grifelp$o?tb?en beare,% é>outb?en |3ole both flie. > ütépe on this trap : mp Cbarpot tabes tpou plainelp (bait efpie j ano to tbintent that beauen ano earth map tuell the beate enoure, jaD?iue neptber oueir high no? pet ito lotoe. jfo? be thou fure, ano if thou mount abone tbp bounoes,tbe ffarres thou burneff citane, againe beneath thou burnff the Cartb ; moff fafetie is the meane. ano leaff percbaunce thou ouermucb the right bano toap (boulo tabe, ano fo míffo?tune (bonlo tbá Dime Opon tbe íu?ítben &>nabe, m\ Ouids Metamorphofis. elfe bp tahing ouermucbe bpcn the leftet band. TOo efje aultar tbou be driuen that ooti; againlf it if and: jndifferentlp betboane them both B! iottfj tba for to ride. Cbe rclf 3 pat to fortunes ioill,iobo be tbp frfcndlp guide, and better for thee than tbp felfe as in this cafe prouide. Mbilea that 31 prattlebcre ioitb tba,behold tbe danfctlb nigbt liBepondall Spaine birtrnnolf boundispafledoutoffigbr. Me map no lenger tartance make: mp loomed light is calo, Cbe Sporning toitb bit conntnance cleare tbe darfeneffebatb appald, CaUe rattle in band,or if tbp minde bp cOanfeli altred bee, Kefufe to meddle toitb mp Mapne: and loblle tbou pet art free, and oofre at eafe toitbin mp bonfe in fafegarde foell remaine, <© f this tbine bnaduKed toilb not fating pet tbe paine, H et me alone toitb giaing If ill tbe too:lD bis loomed light, and tbou thereof as heretofore eniop the barmelefle fight. Cbus much in twine: for Phaeton both pong in peares and toft, BJnto the Chariot ligbtlp lept,and twuncing btm in it♦ Mae not a title proud that be the bjpdle gotten bad. te rbanfct bia father fobom it grieude to fa bia cbiioe fo mad. fcbile Phebus and bia recbelelfe fonne lucre entertaining tbia, Aeous, Aethon,Phlegon,and the firie Pyrois Cbe re if telle borfes of the £>unne began to ltep fo bic mvtb flaming breath,that all the beanen might beare them perfectly. and toitb their boues tbep mafnlp beate bpon the lattifoe grate. Cbe inbfeb tuben Tethis (fenoioing nought of this bit coufins fate) !£ao puf afloe^ano giuen the If ades the fra and open fcope £Df all tbe compaffe of the ©feie foitbin tbebeauenlp Cope: Chep girded forth, and cutting through tbe Clouoes that let their race. Mitb fplaped fnings tbep ouerfletu the Catferne lumde a pace. Cbe burthen toas fo Ipgbt as that tbe Cenets felt it not. Cbe loontco toefgbt tons from the Maine, the Irbirb tbep loell did loot, jfor line as fltfps amide the &eas that fcant of ballacebaue, SDoe rale and totter toitb tbe topnde,and paid to cucrp toaue: Cucn fo tbe Maine for toant of toeigbt it ertt toas toont to beare, 2Dfo bopfe aloft and fcaplc and rale,as tbougb it emptp lucre. Mbicb toben tbe Carrtoare did perccpuc,tbcp left the beaten loap and tailing bridle in tbe tatb began to run alf rap. $>.U meThe fecond booke of Übe riüft feas fo fote agsff ,be fetteto tto bfe of Kcpnc, pet fes toap: an* tbougb be fjao, per baö tt beit in tjapneX H3tcaufe be feanteo potoze ro rnle rite i)o;kß anö tbe Mapne. > eben firff oiö ffeeat colo Citarles biß (Main tbzongbfozee of Phebus ^no in tbe &ea fo;biooen bim ro oiue in traine aCDapes. (rapes übe öerpcttf ac rbe frojen pole botb coloe ano Gofe bp feinöe, Übzougb beat feart tozotfeanö ff tro abour a cooler place ro fitiDe. ano tl;oti Bootes rbongb tbon be bnt floto of fotemanlfep, pet feert f bou faine (as jfame repoztß)about rbp Maine to ffep jpoto toben tmbappp Phaeton front rop of all rbe ä&ie 5i5ebeloe rbe eartb tbar bnoerneatb a great toap off oto lie» fyt toareo pale fo? fooaíne feare^feß íopnrs ano finetoeß queobe, ¿be greatneffe of rbe gliffrtng lígbt fes epeflgfe front bim tobe. $oto totlbt be tbar be netter bao biß farbers bojfes fde 31t pzfet bim tbar be tbns bao fongbt to learne biß pieöegrc. Br grieuoe fern tbat be bao pzeuailoe in gaining biß requeff. üo baue bene counteO Merops Tonne be tbongfe it noto rbe beff» Übuß rbtnbmg toas be beaolong o?iuen, as toben a Chip iß bot ne bp bluff ring toinoes,fer faileclotbesrenr,fer fferne ln pieces totnr» Sino tacling &zuff,tbe tobicb rbe pilote rruffing all ro pzapze abanöons tobolp to rbe ¿ea anö fo?tune of rbe apze. Mbar (boulo be ooe e mueb of tbe beauen be paffeö bao befenoe ano mote be fato bcfo?e: botb tofeebe be mcafurOe in biß minee, Cft Ifflhing foztoarö to tbe Meff tobicb to appjoeb as tben ápígfe not betiöe,ano ro tbe ©aff eft latfeing bache agen. !pe toiff not tobar toas beff to Ooe^is toirtes feere rauiibt fo. JFoz neitber coulo be bolo tbe Hepnes,no? per ourff let tbem go. > anö of bis bozfes ñames toas none tbar be remembzeö tbo. > £>traunge bncotb sponffers oio be fó oífperfeo bere ano tbere ano Dzcaofull (bapes of bglp beaffs tbar in tbe Melkin feere, übe« ts a certarne place in tobicb tbe feoious ^cotpion tbzotoes armes in compaffe far abzooe,mncb libe a ccttple of botoes, Mitb lo^itltc« raple anö clafptng cles, tobofe popfon limmcs ooe ffretd ÜDn enerp fiöe,tbat of ttoo fignes tbep full tbe roume ooe rcrcb> Mbome toben rbe Hao fcebelö all mopff toitb blacbe ano lotfep ftoet, Mitb fljarpeano neolepcínteo ff ingas tbougb be feemoc to tjjzet, toas fo fo?e affraugfe fo? feare,be let tbe bjiDels flache*OuidsMetamorphofis. 18 tSdfjicb bobcn tbe J)o;fc3 felt lie lofe Upon tbetr Ctocatmg bacbe, at rjoaers ffraigbt throughout the 9we bp tnaped Unhnomnc tbep ran ©SHtjercas tbep neucr came before Once that tbe morlde began« jfor l©be tobat map tbeir lamieffe rage bp ebatmee ana fortune o?ue, mttl)oat controlment or reffraint that map tbep freelp flue among ibeffarres that fired are mitbin tbe firmament Cbep fnatdjt tbe Chariot here ano tbere.flDne totjtle tbep conrflng leetit vEUpon tbe top of alt tbe ffeie: anon againe full round Cbep troll me ootime to lotoer tuaped ano nearer to tbe ground. ^o that tbe spame toad in a spaje to fee bir brothers ¿JHame Hun Under biro: tbe ff ngeo clouded began to fmobe amaine, Ccbe ground rbe higher that it teas and nearer to tbe §>bfe. Cbe tamer leas it fet on Are,and made tberefoitb to drie. Chat euerp toijere it gan to cbinbeXbe gpeoed and paff ured gr&ue H>id feare atoap: and toitb tbe leaned,tbe treed lucre burned dame, Cbe parched come did paelde tcbereluitb to toorbe bid otune decaie, £ufoe tbefe are trifle&spigbtie totunes did perilb that fame daic. tmbofe countriedtuitb tbeir folfcc lucre burnt:and foreffd ful of food Witte turnde to albed toitb tbe roebd f mountain* iobere tbep ffcod* jSCben Athc,Cilician,Taure and Tmole and Oeta flamed hie, 2nd Me ertt full of flomfng fpmigs iuad then made Utter drie. Cbe learned Uirgind dailp haunt ,tbe facred Helicon and £b?acfan Hemus(not ad petfurnamde Oeagrion,) £DiO fmoUe both tmafnc: and Aetna bote of natureape before, Cmcreaff bp force of Phebus flame notu raged ten timed mo#. £bC forbt ParnafuSjEryx^ynth, and Othrys then did ftoClt and all tbe ihotu of Rhodope did at tbatprefene melt, £ Cbe libe outrage ipount Dmdymus,ano Mime and Mkale felt, * Cytheron borne to facreoUfeluitb Ofle,ano Pmdusbfe ano Olymp greater than them both did burne ereeffiuelp, CbepaiTmgcolDe that Scithic bad defended not tbe fame 3l5ut tbat tbe barren Caucafus mao partner of thro flame, and fo tuere ebe tbe airie aipeo and Appennyne brftde, i?or all tbe Clouded continuallp tbeir fnofoic topd doe bide. Chen tuberefoeuer Phaeton did cljaunce to caff bid bet», 2Cbc toorld mag all on flaming fire.Cbe breath tbe mbicb be dmfc, Came fmpbingfromjjid fealoingmoutb ad from a f&tljing pot.The fecond booke of l£is Chariot alfo OnDer him began to toare reD hot. l£e conlo no longer Dure ft;c fparhes ano cinoer flpcng out, ¿Igatne t be otlme and fmouto?mg fmofee DID to?ap him rounD about, Cbe pttcbte Darfeeneffe of rbe tobicb fo tobolp bao btm bent 80 that be tnta not tobere be toas no? pet tobicb foap be toent. Ube tumgeo bo?feo fo?cibip DtD D?aln btm tobere tbep fuolDe. Cbe ¡ffetbiopiano at that time (as men fo? truth DpbolDe) (Cbe blouD bp fo?ce of that fame beate D?atone to tbe outer part ano there aDuff from that time fo?tb)becamc fo blacke ano ftoart, Clje mopffure toas fo D?ieD tip in Lybie lanD that time Chat altogitber o?ie ano fco?cbt contmuetb pet that Clpme. Cbe $pmpbeo Id baireabout tbeir cares betoaplD tbeir fp?ings i lakes Beotia fo? b Eurotas running bp the fence of Tenare bopleD tbo. Chen foD Euphrates cutting tb?ougb the miDDes of Babilon Chen foD Orontcs.anD the S*citt?iail ftoift Thermodoon. Chen Ganges,Colchian Phaiis, anD tbe noble litre Alpheus anD Spcrchins bankes toitb flaming fire DiD gliffre. Cbe goloe that Tagus ffreame DiD beare did in the cbanell melt, ftmio Cayfler of this fire the raging beat toas felt. &mong the quieres of fingtng §>toannes that toitb tbeir plcafant lap along the bankes of lUDian b?akes from place to place DiD ffrap. flno Nyle fo? feare DiD run atoap into the furtbeff Clpme SDf all the too?lD,anD biD bis beaDe,tobicb to this p?efent tpme 310 pet bnfounD: bis moutbes all feuen cleane DopDe of toater beetle, kike feueti great ballcps ¿here (fane Duff)coulD nothing elfe be fene. : 115p I ike imffb?tunc Hebrus D?iDe anD Strymon both of Thrace, tOuids Metamorphoiis. ip Ch e flitcffcrne Hiucrs Rhine anti Rhone and Po iuere in like cafe: l and T yber fimo ioftome tlje ©oddes a faitbfull p?omtfe gauc * £Df all tfje ioo?ld the sponarcfiie and foucraigne If ate to fiaue. Che ground did erante eueríe infiere ano light did pierce to hell 8nd made afraide the &íng ano ©uáme that in that fócalme doe dtoell. Che &>ea did ifi?inke and inhere as inanes dtd late before reñíame, became a Champion field of duff and enen a fandp píame* Che hilles crff hit* farre finder íuattes (the Bllelandes did appeare 1 &>o that the fcattred ©pcladcs fo; the time augmented iuere. Che fiihes d?eio them to the deepes: the SDolpfiines durff not plap 0boue the tnater as before,the ¿eales and |9o?kpis lap W catch bellies fipioard on the ioaues ffarke dead, and fame doth go Chat Nereus toitb hi* finfe and daughters all iocre fame as tho Co oíuefijíthín the Raiding ioaues,Ch.:ife Neptune dtd aduaunce I£ís armes aboue the Raiding &>ea ioíth ifurdp countenaunce; ¡and th.JtRfo? fioteneffe of the 3p?e, fijas faine himfelfe to hide. Bur pet the ©artfi the $urce of things enclofoe on euerpfioe (Bctioame the ioaters of the £>eaand &p?ings that noto had hidden ChemRlues ioithin their pothers ioombe)fo? all the paine abidden, «t tap to the necke put fojtfi hir head and caffing fip hir hand, Betiooene hir forehead and the funne as panting (fie did ffand ©Kith d?eadfull quaking all that loas,(he fearfullp did (hake, l £na jinking fometohat lotoer doione ioith facred fiopce thus fpake. © íüíng of ©oas and if this be tbp iotll and ntp defart, CClhp doffe thou ffap ioith dcaoip dint thp thunder doione to dart i 0nd if that neeaes B¡ pertlh muff though fo?ce of firie flame, Ilet thp celeff iall fire © ©oa 3 p?ap thee doe the fame, a comfort Stall it be to haue thee author of mp death. 3 fcaree haue pofine to fpeak thefe ioo;as (the fmoke had ffopt hir breath) Behold mp fingeo haire: behold mp dim and bleared epe, -■ Ijoio about mp icojcfied face the Raiding embers flie. 3s this the guerdon iobereíDítfiall pe quite mp fruitfulneiTe t 3s this the bono? that pc gaue me fo? mp plenteouinclTe and dutie done ioith true intent t fo; fuffring of the plough £ Co d;aio dépe iooundes fipon mp backe and rakes to rend me through / ^ Jfo? that 3 ouer all the peare continuallp am iojought í f:0; gluing foder to the beaffs and cattell all fo? nought f ©.itj. ifo#r The feeond booke of jfo? pcelafng course and other f©oe itbcrcfottb to feecpc manfefndc ? Slno ti>at to bone j pou Unrbafi fteatc franfeinfence 3 finde 2 25ut pat the cafe t&atmp defcrt dettructicn duelpcraue, Mbat tbp brother: totjiat the fc>cas deferued fo? to bauc j Wbp doe the ¿cas bis lotted part thus cbbe and fait fo lofo, Wicbd;afoing from tbp £>feie to iubtcb it ought mott ncare to groin t 3i5ut if rbcu ncpfber dotte regarde tbp bjotbermeptber m&>, Sit lenff bauc mcrcp on tbp bcaucn, Imfee round about and 3$oto both the poles begin to fmofee tubteb tf the fire appall Co Utter rutne(be tbou fure)tbp pallace nerdes mutt fall. 2!i3eboIdbotu Adas gfnnes to faint.bis (boulders though full ffrong7 Hlnnetb are able to Uphold tbe fparfeling Crtrce long. 3f sea and Hand doc go to io?ecfee,ano beauen it felfe doe burne Co olde confufed Chaos then of fo?ce toe mutt returne. put to tbp helping band tbctfoje to faue the little left 31f ought rematne before that all be quite and cleane bereft. When ended tons this piteous plamMbe (¡Bar tb ®i& bold bit peace &>be could no lenger dure the beats but foasrompclde to ceafe. 3«to bir bofome bp and bp (be ¿bmnfee bir cinged beade ipo?e nearer to the §>tpgnan canes,and gbottes of perfones Deane, Cbe &ire of ^eauen ptotetting all tbe Cods and \>im alfo 2Ebat lent the Chariot to bis child,that all offeree muff go Co bauoefee if be helped nct,toent to the bigbett part 3no top of all the l^eancn from tobence bis cuttome toss fo dart, $£is thunder and bis lightning dotone.But neptber did rematne Si Cloude toberetoitb to (bade the (Earth, no? pet a lboto?e of raitte, Chen tottb a o?eaofutt thunderclap Up to bis care be bent 5£t0 fitt,ano at tbe Wagoner a flatt} of lightning fent* Which ttrafee bis booie from the life and tbjeio if ouer fobecte Sind fo toitb fire be quenched fire.Cbe^teedesdid alfo rale SUpon their fences,and ffarting Up fp?ang Utolentlp, one here, 3no there another,that tbep b?att in pieces all their gcre. Cbep tfccfo the Collars from their necfees,and b?eafeing quite a funocr Che Crace and l^arnette Sang afoap: here lap the bodies: ponder Che Crtra plucfeeo from the $aues: and in another place Cbe fljeuered fpofecs of b?ofeen iub&les: and foat euerp pace Che pieces of the Chariot to?ne lap ttrofoed here and thereJ* OuidsMetamorphoiîs. 20 Ï5ut Phaeton (fifre pet blading tt il among lus pellofo ïjaire) &hot heaolong oobme,ano güo along the Region of the ap?e ïlifee to ttarrc in Minier nigbts(tbc foether cleare ano fap?e) Mhich though it Doe not fall in oæoe,pet falleth to our fight. Mhomealmott in another foo?Io and from his eountrfe quite Che Kiuer Padus oio recepue,ano quencht his burning head. Che loafer $pmphes of Italie oio tafee his carbaflTe dead ano burico it pet fmobing ff ill, foith loues th?âfo?feeo flame, anb innate this Epitaph fit the fione that lap bpon the fame. $)ere lies the luffp Phaeton fohich tcofee in hanb to guibe ^is fathers Chariot,from the fohich although hr chaunfl to flioe:^ &et that he gaue a p?ouo attempt it cannot be oenioe. > Mpth ruthfull chare ano heauie heart his father maoe great monc. ano fooulo not ttjefo himfelfe ab?ode,but mourno at home alone, ano if it be to be beleueo,as b;uteo is bp fame, a oap did patte foithout the &uttne.Cheb?fghtnette of the flame ?. d5aue light î ano fo bnto fome fonde of bfe that mifehiefe came. * 5l5ut Clymen hauing fpobe,as much as mothers bfuallp, are foonted in fuch to?etchcO cafe,oifcomfo?tablelp, 1 ano halfe befioe hir felfe fo? foo,forth tome ano fcratcheo b?ett, £>ercht through thebniuerfall too?lo,from Calf to furthelf Meff, Jrirtt féfeing fo? hir fonnes oeao coarfe,ano after fo? his bones. &he founo them bp a fo?ren If reame,entumbleo bnoer Ifones. » Chore fell Ihe groueling on his graue,ano reaoing there his name/ ! &heo teares thereon,ano lapo hir b?eatt all bare Upon the fame. i Che oaughters alfo of the âwnne no lettc than oto their mother, ïBefoatlo in baine foith flonos of teares,the fortune of their brother : ano beating piteouflp their b?caffs,incettantlp oio call Che burieo Phaeton oap ano night,fofjo hearo them not at all, about tuhofc tumbe thep p?ottratc lap, jFoure times the Spame hao filoe Che Circle of hir iopneo ho?nes, ano pet the fitters |)tlDc Cheir cuffome of lamenting ttillt (fo? notn continuall bfe itf hao maoe it cuttome.)£Df the fohich the eloett Phaetufe tü about to fcnoele bpon the grouno,complapnoe hir fœte toere nom. Co fohome as fap?e Lampetie teas nttng fo? to com, ' ^ir fête foere helo foith fooaine rœtes.Che thiro about to teare t£ir rufifleo loefees,filoe both hir hanoes foith leaucs in tteaoc of hcarc. . mv.The fécond booke of j©ne tocpt to fæ !)tc Icggcs mace toœtï : anotijer Dio repine Co fè b*e armes become long bongbes.£lttD ibo?tlp to Define, Mbile thus rljep toono?eD at tbemfelues,a tender barbe began Co groin about tbeir tbigbes ano lopnes,tobicb l&ojtlp ouerran Cbetr bellies, b?cffcs3anD iboulDers ebe,ano banDs fucceffiuelp, Cbatnotbing( faue tbeir moutbes;remamDe,apecslling pitcouflp îîîpon the toofull mothers belpe.Mbatcou^ mother Doe ? Bnt rnnne noto bere noto there,as fo?ce of nature D?ue btr to f £lnD Deale btr biffes tobtle flje might ? ibe teas not fo content : *) 31Sut tare tbeir tenoer brunches Detone : ano from the fiiuers toent > KeD D?ops of blouo as from a toounD.Cbc Daughter that toas rent j CriDc fpare bs mother fpare B p?ap,fo? in the (bape of tree Cbe booies ano the fleib of bs pour Daughters toounDeD bœ. SlnD nolo faretoell.Cbat too?D once faiD, the barbe greto oner all. p $oto from tbefe trees floto gummp teares that ¡amber men Doe call. > Mbicb baroeneD toitb the bcate of funne as from the boughs tbep fal,j Che trtchling Hiuer Doth recepue, anD fenDes as things of p?tcc Co Decbe the Daintie SDames of Home anD mabe them fine anD nice» jpoto p?efent at this monttruous bap boas Cygnus Steucls fon Mho being bp the mothers fiDe a binue to Phaeton Mas in conDicion mo?e a binne. Ipe leauing bp bis charge. ( jfo? in the lanD of Ligurie bis lingDome firctcbeD large) Ment mourning all alone the banbes anD pleafant ttresme $mong the très cncreafeD bp the fitters late ago. 8nnon bis bopcc became mo?e fmall ano fij^tll than fo? a man. C5rap fetters muffleo tn bts face : bis neefee in length began jfar from bis iboulDers fo? to ffretebe : anD furtbermo?e there goes a fine reo ttring a crotte the topntes in bnttting of bis toes : Mifb fetbers clofeD are bis fioes : anD on bis mouth there greto 0 b?oDe blunt bpll : anD finallp toas Cygnus maDe a neto ano bucoth fotole that bight a ê>toan,tobo neither to the toinDe, Cbs 3p?e,no? loue betabes bimfelfe,as one that bare in minDe Che to :ong full fire fent late againtt bis coufin Phaeton. Bin Labes anD iftiuers fs bis iop : the fire be ape Doth ttjon. £ aitD chæfetb him the contrarp continuallp to toon. 5 jfo?lo?ne anD altogether bopde of that fame boDie (bene Mas Phaetons &ther in that tobile tobicb ertt baD in bint bene*OuidsMetamorphofis. 21 31 fee as he IcofeetE; in Ebedppfe. I£e bates the p?feefome light, bates (nm fclfe, lie bates tbe Dap, and fettes t?ts Whole Delight 3it malimg fo:roto fo? bis fonne, ana in bis griefe Doth ffo?me and cbaufe denping to tbe Wo?Ide bis dutie to perforate. qpv lot^quotb be)batb ba& moagb of this Unquiet Ifate Jfrom firif beginning of tbe Wo^lDe.^t p?fecs nte (though to late) HDf re!f leflTe topics artD tbanhelcfTe patnes. ilet Who fo toll foj mt €fo djiue tbe Chariot in tbe Which tbe light fljonld caried be. 3f none dare false tbe charge inbanD,anoalltbe Cods perfilf as infuffictent,be bimfelfe go djiue it if be lift. Chat at the lea® bp bewaring oar bridles fo? to guibe 10is lightning malting cbilDleffe &>ires be once wap lap aflde. JlBp that time that be bath aflfapdc tbe bnappalleD fo?ce Chat Doth remaine anD re® Within wp firiefcDted bo?fe, d 3 tro W be fljall bp trieD p?oufe be able fo? to tell it. l£oW that be fctd not merit Death that coulo not rale them Well, 2Cbe Coddes ffmde all about the £>unnc thus ffo?ming in bis rage 1 SBefecbing him in bumble tofe bis fo?roW to affWage. anD that be Would not on tbe Wo?ld continaall DarfeenefiTe tying, Ioue efec ercufoc him of the fire the Which be cbannll to fling. £ anD totb entreatance mingled tbteates as did become a latng. Eben Phcbus gathered bp bis If cedes that pet fo? feare DiD ran lube fiaigbtcD fienoes, anD in bis mode Without rcfpcit begun Co beate bis Wbiplf ocfce on their pates anD iaflj them on the Aides. . 31 Was no neeoe to biD him cbaufe. fo? euer as be riDes > i>e If ill bpb:aiDes them totb bis tonne,aitD lapes them on the bi&es. B anD Ioue almigbtp Went about the Wailes of beauen to trie, 3f oagbf Were pcrfibt With tbe Are,Which When be DID efpie Continuing in tbeir former if ate,all Ifrong anD fafe anD founD, f)e Went to beW the Wo?fees of men,anD things bpon the ground, pet fo? bis land of Arcadie be tmfee mo# care and charge. Che Swings and Ifreames that Durlf not run be fet againe at large. I9e clad the earth With graflTe, tbe trees With leaues both frelb and greng Commaunoing Weeds fo fp?ing againe that erlf bad burned bene. #oW as be often Went and came it Was bis cbaunce to light tSIpon a i^pmpb of Nonacris Wbofe fb?mc and beautie bright , £>id fet bis heart on flaming fire.£>be bfed not to fpinneThe fécond booke of i>o? pet to curie tjir friflcd fjatre tottfj bodkin o? toitb pinne, É garment toitb a buckleD belt fait girded DID ffjc bucare End in a tobite and flender Call flight truffeo toas bir beare* ?*' Sometime a dart fometime a boto (be bfeo fo? to beare. è>be toas a knfgbt of Phebes tropeXbere came net at tbe mount SDf Mcnalus of tobome Diana made fo great account. 315ut fano? neuer laffetb long. Che Sunne bad gone that dap E god toap paif tbe popnt of $f this cfcape,and if (be do,3 knob tbe too?(f 31 trob. ?» §>be can but chide, (ball feare of cbiding make me to fozflob V De counterfeitetb Phebe (freight in countnance ano arap. End Taps fiD Wrgfne of mp trope,tobereoiod thou bunt to oapj> Che SDamfell (farted from tbe ground and faid bapleCtoooefle dcarc, flDf greater too?tb than Ioue(3| tb(nke)tbougb Ioue bimfelte did beare« Ioue beard bir bell and fmplde thereat,ft made his heart reiopce Co beare the jjipmpb p?eferre b(m thus before himfelfe in cbopce« De fell to kilting : tobicb toas fucb as out offquare might feme. End in fucb fo^t as that a mapde coulde nothing lette beféme. End a* (be tooulo bane told tobat torcos (be ranged bad fo? game, De trcke bir fad bectoeene bio armes,ano not toitbeut pis (hame» > 3l5eto?aped plainlp tobat be toas and tobercfo?e that be came Che bench againif him drone a* much as anp tocman could 3 tooulo that Iuno bad it feme. fo? then 3 knoto thou tooulo not take the deede fo bepnouflp : toitb all bir might file flroue. 3But tobat pro?e tocncb o? tobo aliue could banquiib mfghtp Ioue i Ioue bautng fpeo flue ffraigbt to beauen.Sbe batetb in bir hart Cbe gutltlede fields ano tomo tobeve Ioue bad plapd that naught part* Etoape ibe goes in fucb a griefe as that (be bad toelnfe, jfo?got bir quiuer toitb btr ibaftes ano boto that banged bp, Diftynna gardeo toitb bir traine and p?oude of killing SDeere, 3n raunging ouer Menalus efpping calo bir nére. Che Scamicii bearing Phebe call did runatoap amain?,Ouids Metamorphofis. 2z feared lea® in Phebes fljape that loue fjad come again?, But tohen flje fata the treope of ^pinpbes tfjat garbeo fjir about, &>he thought there toas no mo:e oecept,ano came among the rou t. m &o?o hoto haro a matter iff fo? guiltic hearts to fljift t 8no bepe their countnancerfro the grcttn&bir epes fcarce Durtt ffyz life* &>be pjanbes not bp hir mittrefle fioe,ihe p?eafes not to bet Che fo?emott of the companies* toben !je ttanoeth muct: ano bp cijaunging of hir colour ap. j %i)t treaoing of hir fijffic atomic (he plainelp both beto?ap, > D iana might haue founce the fault but that (he teas a fpap. $ thoufano tobeits Did appear« apparent to the epe, Bp tobich the ii^pmphes themfelues(thep fap)hir fault did toell efpie. $lne times the ¿prone full to the too?loe hao (betooe hir bo?neo face WXhen fainting though hir brothers flames ano hunting in the cfjacc, j&be founo a cole ano lhaoie iatonoe thtougbwioff tohercof (he fpiOe ja i&alloto b?o>be toith triebiing ttreame on grauell bottom gltor* t ¡ano tiding toell the pleafant place,Opon the bpper b?im 5r. £>he dipt hit fote,ano finding there the toafer cole ano trim, tjc jatuap ((he fapo)toith ttanoers bp: ano let bs bath bs here, i Chen Parrhafis caff ootone hir heao toftbfao ano bafiflall chore» i n e reff Dio if rip them to their fbinne&flje onlp fought Delap, i infill that toouloo?tooulo the not hir clothes toereplucbtatoap* Chen toith hir nabeo boop (freight hir crime teas brought to light* !i Mhichpll aihamoe as toith hir hands (he toouiohauehio from tfgffc , if fe beaif (quoth Cynthia)get tijoe hence thou (halt not here Defile ’’ Chis facreo &p:ing,ano from hir f raine ¡he did hir quite erile, Che spatrone of the (bundling loue hao incling of the fact, $Delaping till conuenient time the punittmtent to erect. Chere is nocaufe of further flap. Co fpight hir heart toithall, ^ir hnfbanos JUman bare a bop that Areas men oio call. :: fiDn tohome (he calling lotojing Icobc toith fell ano cruel! minoe £>aioe: toas there,arrant Crumpet thon,none other ihift to finoe r “ But that thou neeoes mnfl be toith barne * that all the too?to mutt (fc spphufbanoes open ihame ano thine in Doing to^ong to tnee* But neptfier bnta hrauen no? hell this trefpafle fhalt thou beare* Hi toillbereuetbaJoftbpC&ape thtougb'pzioetobereofthotitoere £>o harop taentpee mp iftere.immeotatlptotth thatThe fécond booke of * f ê>b 0 raugbt bir bp the fo?etop faff ano fiercely tb?eiu bir fiat agatnfftbegrounoe. Ebe (n?etcbeo toencb bir armes bp meflelp caff, ï£ir armes began tnitb grieflp bafre to iuare all ruggeo faff. l£ir banoes gan tuarpe ano into patnes plfauo?elp to groiu. ano fo? to feme in ffeoe of féete. Ebe lippes that late ago E>io lifee tbe migbtie loue fo foell,foitb fioe ano flaring flaps Became a toioe eefo?meo mouth. ano further leaff perhaps l£ir p?apers ano birbumble foo?ees might caufe bir to relent : ê>be OiO bereue bir of bit fpeacb-Bln ffeaoe iubereof there tuent an p?efull bo?ce ano e?eaofull topee out from a learning tb?ote t But pet the (elfe fame minoe that tuas beforeIbe turner bir cote, »s in bir ffill in ibape of Beare. the griefe Iubereof (be fbotues bp fluffing fo? tb continual! figbes,ano tp (be gaff Ip tb?otues £>ucb flinoe of banoes as then remainoe tnto the ffarrie ê>flie. ano foibicaufc ibecoulD not fpeafle (be thought loue intuarolp Eo be tntbanbfull. £>b bo tu oft Ibc oaring not abiee, alone among the oefert tnœos,full manp a time ano tioe, »ulo ffalfle before bir boufe in gronnos that foere bir otune erctu&ilft l£oto oft ob Dio (be in the billes the barbing bounoes beguile i ¿no in the laümoes inhere (be bir felfe bao ebafeo erff bir game, $otn flie birfelfe to faue bir life iuben hunters fought the fame * jff nil oft at ffgbt of other beaffes (be bio bir beao fo? feare, JFo?getting (»bat (be teas bir felfe. fo? though (be lucre a Beare, pet iuben ¿be fpieo other Beares (be quobe fo? terie paine: ano feareo »lues although bir ¿hire among them oio remaine. BebolDe Lycaons Daughters fonne that Archas bao to name about the age of fiftene peares iuithin the fo?rett came ifiDf Ery manth,not Unoiuing ought of this bis mothers cafe. Ebere after pttebing of bis toples, as tje rhe ffagges oio chafe, Capon bis mother foOenlp it (uas bis cljaunce to light, Mjo fo? oeffre to fee bir fonne oio ffap birfelfe from flight, ano iuiff Ip on him caff bir lœfle as one that oio him flnoiu. But he not Anoining iuljat (be tuas began bis bales to fboiu, ano Iuben be fatu bir (fill perfiff in (faring on bis face, i$e iuas afrapoe,ano from bir fight iuitbo?eiu bimfclfe a pace, But (»ben be coulee not fo be rio,be ttohe an armeo ptfee, 33n full inren t bir tb?ougb the heart iuitb oeaolp inouno to ff rifle,Oirids Metamorphofis. zj ©ut 6od almtgijtp fjelo bis banD,anD lifting botb atoap fiDiD Difapoint the totcbeD ¡act. Jfiu ifraigbt be Din eonuap Cbem though tlje 8p;e toitb tobirling toinoes to top of all the fbi& 3nD there did mabe them neighbour lfarres about the pole on file. Mben Iuno fijining in tbe beauen bir bufbanDs minion founD, &>be fioelDc fo? fpigbt: ann Dotone flje comes to fcmtrp Tethys round* 8nD hnto oloe Oceanus,tobome euen tbe<0oDs aloft $DiD reuerence fo? tbeir futt Defects full manp a time anD oft Ko tobome DcmaunDing bic tbe caufe: anD afbe pe(quotb flje)fobp * £bat 31 tobicb am tbe © uaene of (0oDbes come hither from t§e ftp 1 €5aK> caufe there is 3 toarrant pou. another bo Iocs mp r®me. K ifo? ncuer trail me labile 3 line,if loben t^c nigljr is ctome, 1 ano oucrcaff etb all tbe too;?ID toitb ibaDie Darbneffe lobole, pe foe not in tbe beigtb of beauen barb bp tbe #o?tb?en pole Hlbereas the btmoll circle runnes about tbe areltras 3n 0jo?teli circuit,glonouflp enlfalleo fo? to bos 3n [gape of lfarres tbe Hinging loounDes that mabe me pllapapbe. tl 3?oto is tbere(trolt) pe)anp caufe lobp folbe (boulD be afrapDe Zo Do to Iuno iobat tbep lift ? o? D?caD bir to?atbfull uudD ? i, Mbicb onlp bp mp tooling barnte Doe turne mp foes to goD f I, £D lobat a mfgl)t}e act is Done; bolt) pairing is mppotoje^ 3 baue bereft bir loomansibape, anD at tbis pjefentboi»^ £ febe is become a <0oDDeffe.ILoe this is the fcourgefofotme ^ Mberetottb 3 Hribe mine cnimies.Jloe here is all tbe fpigbt v Cbat 3 can doe: this ts tbe enr e of all mptocnD?ous might. B $o fo?ce. 3 tooulD be fi)oulD(fo; me)bir natiue fijape reffoje, anD tabe amap bit bmtiflj Ibape,3itbe as be bath before SDone bp bis paramour that fine anD proper piece £)f Argos lubom be mane a Coto,3 meane Phoronews $lec& tMbv mabes be not a full oeuo?ce from me i ano in mp ffeao Straight tabe bis £>focetbcart to bis Intfe, anD coll bir in mp bet* ^ecan not Doe a better DceDe(3 tbinbejtban fo? to tabe Lycaon to bis fatbcrinlato. H5ut if that pou Doe mabe ? 0ccompt of me pour foffer cbilDe,tben graunt that fo? tup false, > Cbe€)ren ano the totcbeD Maine of Harrcs in number feuen, ! jFo? tobo?eDome fabe but late ago recepueD into beauen, spap neuer Dine loitbin pour toaucs. j^e let that (trumpet brie * ©pThefecondbookeof * f bating of bit filfoic limmcs pour footers pure Defile. Che <25obs Dio graunt Ijtr for requsff : $ ffratgfo to beanen foe fine, an DáDfome Chariot fo?ougb foe 0p;e.fofocb pamteD peacocks &?w as foe» beret fotti) blaffng epes late tane from Argus beo, as foou foon p?ating fóauen tobitc bp nature being b?eb, l Ipaott on fop fefoets tufflp late a colp colour fp?eb. * ifo? fots fame birbe in auncicnt time bao fefoers fotte ano fofogpt as euer toas tbe b?iuen fnoto,o? filuer cleare ano b?igbt* i^e might baue foe» comparDe bintfelfe in beautie toifo foe kDoues Sbarbane no blemifo,o; foe £>toan foat running foater tones : ®i foitb foe Cáfe foat afterfoaro fooulo toifo foeir gagling out Retorne foe JSomaine CapitoU befet toifo foes about. ì)(s tongue toas caufe of all bis bar mefois tatting tongue Dto mafee i$ts colour tobicb before toas tobitc,became to foule ano biabe* Coronis of L añila toas foe faireff maibe of face, Bin all tpe lano of ThdTalie.é>bá ffcooc in Phebus grace Ss long as foat foe kept bir chaff ,o? at foe leaff as long Ss foat foe fcapeD bnefpibe in Doing Phebus fofong. ysm at foe la» Apollos birbe bir potute packing fpibe* Mbome no entreatance eoulb perfuabc but foat be (foiftlp bioe li}im to bto maiffer,to bcfo:ap foe Doings of bis lone* ¿oto as be flue,foe pearling Croto bir tomgs apace DiD mone: Sub ouertaktng fell in tatke anb toas inqutfitiue ifo? fobat intent anb to tobat place be bib to (foiftlp b?iue. Snb foben foe bcarb foe caufe thereof,flje faib ; noto truff me fore, &bis melfage on foe fobiche foou goffe no goobneffe fotll procure. Snb therefore hearken fobat 3 Tap : btfoame foou not at all, Co take tome foaming bp fop frienbe tn things that map befall Conffoer fobat 3 erff baue bene anb fobat foou faff me noto : Snb fobat bath bene the grounb hereof. 3 bololp bare auoto, Chat thou foalr finoe mp faifofulneffe imputeb to? a crime* if 0? Pallas in a foicker rbeff bab bib Upon a time S foilbe calbe Erifthonius, tobóme neuer fooman bare, Sub Cooke it bnto ¿paíbens fozá that Cecrops Daughters foere* i^ot telling foem fobat foas foifoin, but gane them charge to kápe Cbe Cafket font,ano to? no caufe toffoin the fame to pápe* J ff anbing elofe among foe leaues Upon an coirne on hie, £OmdsMetamorpíiofis. zq \ £Dio marbc tbeír ooínga ano tbeír toojoea,ano tbere 3 oto etyíe -> V l^oto Pandrofos ano Herfc bept tbeír pjomífe faítbfnllp. f Aglauros callea tljem Cotoaroea botb,anO mabea no moje a boa, ) i5ut tabea tbe Cafbet in blr baño ano ootb t|e bnorabnbcae. ; Sno tbere ttjep falo a cbtlüe tobofe partea beneatb inere libe a &nabe. l £>traígbt to ttje CSoooclTe of t bta oéoe a ínlf repon 3 mabe. * Jfoj tobícb (be gaue me tbia retoaro ttjat nener mígbt 3 moje, , Sccompt blr foj mp ilacp ano mp (pffrelfe aa befoje, 7 Sino in mp ronme fíje put tf>e rotule tbat fliea not bnt bp nígfjt. ■ Stoarníngbwoorberbíroeamplutbelboulobeúfrígbt 1 Co boloe tbeír tongnea fo: betng fljent. Bnt pon tullí fap perc&atmce. 3 carne bnfentfoj of mp f6lfe,íbe 010 me not aonannee. 32 3 oare toell fap tbongb Pallas noto mp beaníe ^íff relíe llano, 1 j#et (f perbapa pe Ibonlo oemanno tbe queff ton at blr baño, Sa foja otfpleafeo aa (be la,(be tooulo not tbla Oeníe ; But tbat (be cbofe me firíf blr felfc to beare blr rómpanle. JFoj (toell 3 bnoto)mp fatber toaa a |3jínce of noble fame, Wf Phocis ming bp long oífcent,Coronev v toaa bía ñame : <3 toaa bis oarltng ano bis top,ano manp a tocltíjle |3(ere K <3 toonlo not bañe pon tbtnbe 0tíbaíne)0(0 ftébe me foj tbeír ifere. sppfojmeanobeauttc oto me bnrt.jfojaa3 lepfurelp : ©aent tetttng bp ano cotone tbe (boje Opon tbe grandi Ojie* Sa per 3 cn(fomablp ooe tbe c¡5oo tbat rnlea tbe &eaa Cfppmg me fell ftrafgbt In loue.Sno toben be fato noneeafe ■j 3n furcjbut lode of toojoea ano ttme,be offreo btolence, Sno after me be rnnnea apace. 3 ffenooe aa fall fro tbence, i^rom fano to 8jo:e from (boje to fatto,ffill plaplng jf ore to bole, ■ Untili 3 toaa fo tlroe tbat be bao almoff got tbe gole» Cben calo 3 ont on <25oo ano man. Bnt (aa ít oto appeare) Cbcre toaa no man fo neare at baño tbat conio mp crpíng beare. S Virgin C^DDeiTe pitico me bícanfc 3 toaa a mapoe : Sno at tbe btter piange ano pinche oío feno me pjefent apoe. 3 cal! mine armea to beane,mine armea toare ligbt tottb fetbera Mach 3 toent abont to caff in bal! mp garmenta from mp bacb, \ Sno all toaa fetbera. 3n mp fbínne tbe r©teo fetbera fíacb. 3 toaa abont tutti) toolent baño to ffríbe mp nabeO bjraff, I Bnt netber bao 3 baño noj bjeafí tbat nabeo moje oio rea& I " ' " 3 fan*The fécond booke of / f ran.but of mp fate as erll remaineo not the p?int. ipe thought 3H glioeo on the grouno.&non fcoitfi fooaine bint, 31 rofe ana houereo m the ¡ap?e.ano from that inffant time Cue iuatc on Pallas faithfullpfoithout offence o? crime, 3l5nt fobat analles all this to me,ano if that in mp place Che toicheo tmeteb Nyftyminec (tobo late fo? laefee of grace t2Has turnco to an oot'ous biroe)to bono? calleo ba t 31 p?ap tfja oiott tbou neuer beare boto falfe Nyftyminee (3 thing all oner Lefbos bnofone)oefilce bir fathers couch t Che bead is noto become a bi roe. tobo fe tetoonefie both fo touch 3no p jicbe bir guiltie confciencc,tbat (be cares not come in fight» 3jio? fljjetoe birfelfe ab?oce a capes, but flatetb in the night ifo? (hame leaff folbe (boulo fa bir fault, ano euerp other birce 2Doth in the 3p?e anc 3uie tooces tottb toono?ing at hir gtroe. a mifehiefe take thp ratling tongue the Mauen anftoeroe tbo. Cbp Came fo?fpeabing moues me not.^nc fo he fo?tb cic go ¡anc tels his iLo?oe Apollo boto he fato Coronis lie iKUpch Iftliyis a <25entleman that otoelt in TheiTalie. tKUhen Phebus hearc his loners fault, he fierfip gan to frofone, Snc calf hie garlonc from his heac,anc tb?eto bis Ciall Cobme. Jpis colour chaungee,his face looltt pale,ano as the rage of p?e Chat boplec in his bribing b?eaff ¿ao fet his heart on fp?e, ipe caught me bp his toontec tales,anc bent his goloen bote, ¿no bp anc bp toitb ceaclp fifripe of bnaaopoeo bloto ^trabe though the b?ealf the tuhich his oimic hac toucht-fo oft afo?c. »>he toounceo gaue a piteous (hiibe,anc( chaining from the fo?c Che ceaclp SDart the tobicb the blouo purfuing after fad Upon hir tuljite anc tencer limmes a fcarlet colour cad) £>aioe Phebus tocll,thou might haue tojcafct this trrfpaife on mp beafi? 2nc pet forborne me till the rime 3 hac bene brought a bee. r jjioto in one boop bp thp meanes a couple (ball be Dcao. J Chus muche (he faice: anc toitb the blouchir life Dio face atoap, Che boote being tiepce of foule became as coloe as clap. Chan all t® lare,alas tco late gan Phebus to repent Chat of his louer he hac tane fo crutll puniflmicnr. blames himfelfc fo? gluing eare fo bnaouifeolp. blames himfelfc in that he tcobe it fo outragiouflp. ftOtiidsMetamorphoiis. 2? (¿)c bates ano bannes bts faithfull biroe btcaufe be Dto enfoime of Ijts louers naugbtmefle that maoe fjfm To to ffo?mc. bates bis boto,be bates bio (baft that rafijlp from it toent; ano eke be bates bio half p banos bp fobont the boto Urns bent» (£e takes bir bp bettoame bio armeo cnoeno^ing all tso late 315p platttcr maoe of precious berbes to ttap bir belpleife fate. 3!5ttc icbett be falo there foas no fijifttbut tb at (benoebes muff burne, ano tbat tbe folemne facreo fire foas pzeff to ferue tbe turne, ; Chen from tbe bottome of bio heart fullfo?ie figbes be fef, * (jfoz beauenlp pofojes toitb toatrie teares their chokes map newer foet) ft Bln cafe as foben a Cofo beboloes the cmell butcher ffano CKftitb launctng Are emtyefoo toitb blouo ano lifting bp bio bano 1 aloft to fnatcb hie fucking Calfe that bangetb bp tbe b&leo ■ 0no of the are the oeaotp Dint bpon bio fojebeab faeles. ^ofobeit after ffooete perfumes befiotooe bpon bir cojfe ano much embracing,bauing fo:c befoailoe bir foiong oiuo?fe, l£e follotoeo to the place afiignoe bir boote fouo burne. Cbere couloc be not abioe to fee bio foeOe to afljes turne. I HBut taike the babp from bir toombe ano from tbe firie flame, to ano bnto oouble Chyrons oen conuepeo ffraigbt the fame. 1 Cbe Hauen hoping fo^ bio truth to be retoaroeo toell, (£e maketb blacke/oibiooing him toitb tobtter biroes to otoell. Cbe Centaure Chyron in tfie tobile teas glaO of Phebus bop, ano as the burthen brought fome care the bono? brought him top. jr CHIpon a time toitb golten loches about bir ffjouioers fpieo, s a Daughter of the Centaurs(fobome a certaine $pmpb bao b?eo about tbe bisokc Caycus bankes)tbat bight Ocyroe Came tbitber.Cbio fame fapie pong $pmpb coulo not contenteO be _l Co learne the craft of £>urgerie as perfert as bir £>ire, But that to learne the fecret ocomes of jfare fije mutt afpire. ano tberfo?c toben tbe furious rage of frenjte bao bir cought, ano that tbe fp^tgbt of ^¿opbccie enflameo bao bir thought, • &be Itokt bpon the cbiloe ano fatoe: ftoactebabe the Coos tboe make a man. foi all the toozlo (ball fare tbe better fo? tbp fake. ail foies ano ffekneffe (bait thou cure: tbp pofoie f^all eke be ipche* Co make the oeao aliue again, jfo? Doing of tbe tobtebe againft the pleafure of the Coos,tbp Craunofire foall thee ffnke j&oThe fecond boote of ' g>o foiib bis fire, tbat nener mo;e tbon ffjalt pe rfo;me tbe lifce, 3no 8f a ¿od a bhiDltffe co:fe,ano of a co;fe(fuU ffrauitge) Zl)ou (baie became a <£oD agame, ani t&ice tbp nature cbatwge*. $no tbou nit» farcir liefe sud Deare,tubo noto bp oeffinie, %vi borite to Irne fot cuermoie ano neucr io? to Die, &balt fuffer faci) outragious patite tb;ougbont tbp mcmtcrsall, JIBp toounomg cf a feenimDe Dare tbat on tbp feote fljall fall, Chat ofr tijcu Ujait DiTtrc co Die, ano in tbe lattee e no %\jc fatali oames i^al! bjeabe tbp tb;£Dc ano tbp Delire tbee feno. SEbere mas pet mo;e bebinoe to tcll,fei)en foDenlp fljc fet 8 fo;e Deepe figMno Dolane bit cijabea rbe tearcs Dio tricMc foci, ¿pine olone miffo;tiiKe(quotb tÌ)e)notu Dati; oneriate me Ture. 3 caunot Ottcr anp mo?e,fo; it3o;os teare cut cf b;e l ¿pp amntng toas not too;tb fo mneb as tbat tt ffjoulo procure * Zbe tmatb of d5oo. 3 fede bp p;oufe far betrer bao tt bene ; 3f tbat tbe cbaunce of tbittgs to come 3 nener bao fosfène. JFo; noto mp nattue (bape tmtbojatoes. spc tbtntes 3 batte ocligbt Zo fecDe on graffe ano fltitg in fieloes : 3 fede mp felfe fo ligbt. 3 am tranffo;meD to a ¿pare lite otber of mp tenne. 215ut foberfo;c fbsmlD tbis tentili) fbape all otter fctbolp toimre ? Confioering tbat altbongb botb botte ano man mp fintber bee : Pct is bis beteer part a man as piatiti? ts to fié. ZU latter enoe of tbfs cotnplaine toas fumblco in facb tm'fe, as tobat fyemcanc tbe ffanoersbp coulo feareelp tocll cernie, ilnon ff)e neptber femDe to fpeabe no; full? fo; to nep, S3ut lite to one tbat counterfcttes in fpo;i tbe ¿pare to plap. Mainatotele fbe nepeD piarne, ano cotone bir armes toerc pigiti f toeîtbie Neleus fráoíng groances,ano ali bis paffures large, 8nD fcept a race of graolp Spares.áDf bím be tons afraiDe. y, 0no leaff bp bim bis P?iuie rbcft Iboulo ebannee to be betonine, > ï£e traite a toibetoffop bis moutb>anotims tolto bim faioe. * spp ftfeno 31 p?ap tbrá if percbaunce rbae anp man enquire %\)\& cattcll fap tbou fato tbem notano tabe ebou fo? tbpbire &bts faire pottg Bnllocke. Cotber trabe tbe Bullocte at bte banc, ffjetotng bim a certaine itone tbat lap bpon tbe lance ê>apo,go tbp tonp : Offrane ibis ffone tb&ootngs (bail beto^ap, ils 31 ¿bail 0oe.ê>0 Mercurio Cío Tráme to go bis toap. ünnon be commes me barbe agame, ano altrcobotb in Tpecbe üno outtoaro íbape,faiDc Countríeman 3cb íteartelp be jccbe, Sí no íf tboa jatoeff anp 3ütc come ropling tb?cugb ibis grounoe, ¿Dj Oííuen atoap,tell tobat be toas ano tobere tbepmap be botonoe* 8no à cbtll gerbrá bo; tbp paíne an l^ccfat an btr matcl;. ne Carle percepuing Double gaine,ano grráop fo¿ to catcb* &apoe : ímoer pon fame bill tbep toere,ano tmoer ponfame inil Cbam jure tíjep are,ano toífbbís baño be popnteo tbereCntíll. ñt íbat Mercurius latigbing faíoe : falfebnauc : ano ooffe betoiap Spe to mp felfe i ooffe fíjou beimap me to mp felfe 3 Tap f ánc tottb tbat too?o ff rapt to a ffone be turnee bis Double beare, 3¡n tobícb tbe üaunoer pet romaines tottbont tbe ffones ociare. Cbe Bearer of tbe cbarmeo Moc tbe futile Mcrcurie nte eone arofe tottb toauíng totngs ano from tbat place OiD 0no as be bouereo in tbe 8p?e be bíetooe tbe ffeloes bplcto ÜDf Atticke ano tbe totone ít felfe tottb all tbe trrás tijat gtoto £ 3?tt Lvccy tobere tbe learneO Clartes oíd toboifome p?ecepfcs íljoto, ^ 1 <&tj. BpThe fécond booke of / I 0 !*|i mm 31Bp chaunce the beric fclfc fame Dap the birgms of the fotone. flDf o!oc and aunctent cuffome bare in bafiicts on their crotune 315cfet toitb garlands frefi) aitD gap and droftdc tout) floors ftoccfe Ko Pallas toUne fuel; factifice as Urns of cuff erne marc. Cbetoingeo Cod beholding them returning in a troupe Continued not oireitlp fo?eb>but gan me dotmie to flcupc. 0no fetch a fopnDlailc round about.0nd as the bungrp iktte ^Beholding bnto facnfice a Bullocke redie dtgbt, SDorb fo?e about his foilkcOp?ap oefircus fo? to fnatebe 515ut that be daretb not fo: fucb as datto about and toatcb: £>o Mcrcurietuitb nimbleintngs doth kape a lotocr gate 0bout Mineruas lofttc totwes turotmd and tobaling rate. 0s far as doth tbc awning darre m clcare and 3reaming light Crcell all other darres inbeauen: as far alfo as bright E>ame Phebe dimmes tbe doming ffarre, fo far did Herfes face £>faine all tbe iladies of |jir troupe: ibe Utas tbe bcric grace 0no beautie of that foiemne pompe, and all that traine fo fapre. Ioues fonne mas rauiibt mttb tbe Ggb^aftii banging in tbe ap?e SBeganto ftuelt Imtbin bimfelfe^in cafe as toben the pouldcr l^atb d.Jiuen tbe pellet from tbe d5unne,tbc pellet ginnes to fmoultcr 0nd in bis Aping fcrapr mo?e botejn fmoking b?eff be lb?ofooes ^is Games not brought fro beauen aboue but caugbt beneath tbe clouts, ^e leauesbis io?nep totoaro beauen and takes another race jjiot minding anp lenger time to bibe bts p;efent cafe. great a trutt and confidence bis beautie to bint gaue Mbicb though it famed of it felfe fufficientfo?ce to baue. i |0et toas be curious fo? to make bimfclfe mo?e fine and b?aue» J kembd bis bead and drokt bis bearo,ano p?(ed on enerp 6oc 2Co fa that in bis furniture no to?inkle might be fpioe. 0nd fotbicaufe bis Cloke boas fringde and garoeo b?obe toitb golde, cad it on bis (boulder Up mod famelp to bebolde. 3pe cakes in band bis charmed rod that b?ingetb things afiape 0nd toakes them toben be lid agame.0nd ladlp taketb kape JCbat on bis fairc toelfo?mcd fate bis golden tbacs fit clane, 0no that all other things thereto tocll co?refpondent bane. 3n Cecrops Court toere Chambers tb?a fet far from all refo?t 3®titk puotie beddes all furmlbed in far mod ropall fo?t.' Oüids Metamorphofis. jJDf fobícb Aglauros bao tbe left ano Pancírofe bao tbe rígbf, L ja«D Herfe Í)3D tbe míDOlemoff tbat Aglauros bígbt jfíclf msrbt tbe commíng of tbe Cod^anoifbmg btm bis trame ¿Demaundco bím fo? fobat entent ano caufe be tbítber cante. Pleioncs $epbefo Maias fonne oto uralte bír aunítoere tbus. 31 am mp faneca meßenger bis pleafure to otfcuße Ko mottall folhe and bellílb Scnoes as Itß trmi to commauno» ^p facber la tíre mígbtíe Ioue.Co tfjac tljou ooße demauno 3¡ iotil not fepne a falfe ercufe.31 afbe no mo?e but graunt Co feeepe tbp ßßers counfell c!ofe,ano fo? to be tbe aunt £>f fucb tíje ißue as on bír mp cbaunce fljalbe to get, CbP ßlicr Herfe te tíje caufe tbat batb me íjít&er fet. t H 3 p?ap fljee beare tbou tottb mp !oue tbat te fo firmelp fet. > Aglauros calí on Mercurie bír fco?nfull epes aßoe, ■“ flÉítb fobícb agaífiH Mineruas tullí fjtr ferretes late flje fpíde, JSDemaunoíng bím ín recompence a mígbtp maße of ¿otee: i Sino tooulo not ict bím cnter ín tmtíl tbe fame íoere totee. * Cbe foarltbe <25oooeße caff on bír a fferne and cruell tobe, 3ind fetebeo fucb a cuttíng flgb tbat fo?cíblp ít (barbe k 515otb b:cß and bjeßplatejtoberetottball ít carne bnto bír íbougbt 5 (£ofo tbat Aglauros late ago againß btr fotll bad Ur?ougbt ,1" 3« tobíng on tbe Hemman cbtlde contraríe to bír otbe, Cbe toblcbe (be tarde btr ín tbeebeß. fo? tobícb (to foareo to?otbe. agaínelto falo bír cancrcd beart malícíouílp repíne againß bír ßßer and tbe <25od. and furtbermo?e ín fíne í^oto tbat tbe gotee íobto) Mercurie bao gínen bír fo? tyit méde, tXKould mabe bír botb ín toelrb and p?íoc all otbers to erctede. é>to goes me ffraígbt to (¡Bnuíes bonfe,a foule and írbfome caue Replete Urítb blacbe and lotblp filtb and ßinbing libe a graue. »■ 3¡t ßanöetb ín a bolloío dale tebere neptber iígfjt of émnne $o? blaß of anp ftrínde o? ap?e map fo? tbe Oapeneße come, a d?ep?te fao and dolefull den ap füll of floutbfull colde as Urbtcb ap dímd íoítb fmold?íng fmobe dotb neuer fíre bríjotee, Wl\)cn Pallas tbat fame manlp gpatde app?ocbcd nere tbte plot, é>to ßatde fottbout,fo? to tbe boufe in enter mígbt (be not. u and fcrítb bír 3aueltn poínt díd gíue a pulb agatntt tbe Dar?e. Cbe dor?e ßue open bp and bp and feil me ín tbe flar?e, <2Mb. £bereThe fécond boote of üi T / £ljm faU) ffye Cn«ie Gt tosrbin falf gnatoing on the fleib £>f smahes anti CoSes the fiUfjie fcedc ti?at bcrpcs bir bices frc% Bit JoiijDc bir to beljolDc the figbt.aiton the arofc $no left the gnalnrd losers fleib,and flouthfnllp ibe goes Mitt) lumptil) lepfure lihe a &naple3and fetjen ibe fain the face iBf Pal Ins arts !)ti‘ faire attire adcurnde toirb bcauenlp grace, ^>ljc gaue a figb a fane figb from bottomc of btr heart. 'i^ir Isppes lucre pale, btreha-bes lucre luati, and all bir face toasf&ari; l£ir boDie leane as anp Kabe.§>be Icobcd cbe afbeto. i^ir td't’0 lucre furde toitb filth and d?clTc,hir gums lucre toarpiO) bictu. Cf)c footing of bir feifered gall bad made ijtr Gcmacbe greene. Sind all bebemmoe toas bir tongue, jpo fleepe bir epcs bad fame. Contmuall Carbe and canbred care dtd bcepe bir loablng (fill: flDf laugbfer(fatte at others barmes;tbe l^elbound can no Hull. 311 is againlf bir toill that men baue anp goad fucceflTe.* Sind tf rbep bane,(be frettes and fumes luitbin btr inmde no IcfTe Cban if btr felfc bad tsben barme. Bn feeding to amtep: Sind tooibe diffreile to other folbe^bir fclfe Cpe doth defffop, Cbus is llje torment to btr felfe.Cbougb Pallas dtd btr hare, pet fpabe fl)e tofeflp tbefe felu looses to btr toithout btr gate. Binfeet thou toitb tbp benim one of Cecrops daughters tfote, 3Jt is Aglauroslubome 3J meane,fo> fo it needes muG bee. ¿Zi)i$ faid, ibe ptgbt btr fpeare in ground,and teebe bir rife thereon. 0 Sind tomding from that toiebedtoigbt did tabe bir flight anon, > 2Cbe Caitifc calf btr epe abide,and feeing Pallas gon, j JlSegan to mumb le luitb bir felfe the ¡SDiucIs ^aternoifer. Sind frettmg at bir grod fuccefle,began to biota and bluffer. &be tabes a creobed ffaffe fit band belmeatbde luitb bnubbed pjtcbes, Sind coucred luitb a colp cloude,lubere euer that ibe If icbes l^ir Gltbtc ftete,lbe tramples dolune and feares both gralfe and cootie i Chat all the freflj and fragrant fieldes forme btterlp fo?lomr* $nd luitb bir Ifaffe (fje tippetb of the bigbeff popple beades, &>ucb popfon alfo euerp iubere bngractouflp Ibe ibeades, Cbat euerp Cottage iubere Ibe comes and enerp Xo tone and Cif fe E>oc tabe infection at bir bk:carb. Sit lengtb(tbr mo?c is pi tie) &l)c found the faire 0then tan totunc that flotoed frriblp then fn fealffull peace and topfull toeltb and learned touts of men»OuidsMetamorphofís. z8 0no fo:btcaufe tbe notbíng fato tljat mtgbt p?onofee to toépe, 3jt toa« a co?fle to btr í»eafrt btr batefnll toares fo btepe. ^ioto toben fíje rame toítbín tbe CourMbe toen t tottíjont oelap, ¿tren Ip to tbe loogíngs tolere &íng Cecrops oaugbter« lap, i Cbere oto fíje a« Minema bao. fije latoe bír fcuruíe fííí befmeroe toítb Oením ano toítb 8ltb Opon Aglauros b?ilï, Cbe tobícbe fíje ftlloe tottb bœfeeo tbo?ne« : ano b?eatbíng oit bír face £Dio tbeao tbe popfon tn bit bone« : tobícb fp?eo ít felfe apace, 0« blacfee a« enee Otrgín pttcb tb.tongb 3lung« ano ILígbt« ano all* jatno to tbtntent tbat caute of grtefe abunoantlp fiottio fall, â>be placeo ap befo?e bír epe« bír Citer« bappíe cbaunce 3¡n betng toeooeo to tbe Coo,ano maoe tbe €>oo to glaunce Continuali? ín beauenlpíbapebefo?ebtrtoounoeo tbougbt. taño all tbefetbíngo Ibe paínteo out. tobtcb ín conclufion to?ougbt éuclj confíes tn Aglauros b¿eff tbat fígbíng oapano ntgbt é>be gnatooe ano feetteo ín bír felfe fo? Oerp cancreo fpígbt, " ano libe a to?etcbe íbe toaffee bír felfe toítb refi IelTe care ano pine ILífcc a« tbe pfe tobereon tbe émnne toítb glímeríng lígbt Ootb Ibíne. ï^tr filler Herfes geo fucceíTe ootb mabe bír beart to perne. 3¡n cafe as toben tbat fiíre ís put to greenefelo to©o o? fearne manbpcb gíuetb neptber lígbt no? beate, but fmuloer« quíte atoap : p ^omettine tbe mínOeO to bír á>íre bír Cflfer to beto?ap. S> bo(toell tbe bneto)tooulo pii abtoe fo letooe a part to plap. j :: 0no oft tbe tbougbt toítb totlfull banoe to b?ufif bír fatali tb?a>oe, 5¡5íranfe fije toouloe not fœ tbe tbtng tbat maoe bír beart to bléoc. lafi tïje fate bír tn tbe Oæ?e ano leaneo to a poti. Co let tbe €=oo from entrtng in. Co tobóme noto bauíng lofi l spucb ralbe ano gentie too?De« ín üapne,Gje fato : â>tr leaue 3J p?ap i jf o¿ bence 3! totíl not (be pon fure)onleífe pon go atoap. 3¡ tabe tbee at rbp too?o(quotb be)ano tberctoítball beputbt íJ i$ts roo agaínfi tbe barreo oœ?esano totoe tt open ntfijt. ©be mabmg ptoífer fo? to rtfe,oto fœle fo grcat a toaígbí Cb?ougb all ¿ir límme«,tbat fo? bír Ufe Ibe cculo not ffrrícb bír firaígbt. é>be firoue ro fet btrfelf bp?ígbt : but ficíutng bcoteo not. [ti i£ír bamfiríngs ano bír bnee« tocre fitfic, a cbíllíng color bao got 3n at bír naple«3tb?ougb all btr líinmc«. ano che bír Oepncs began jfo? toant of ólsuo ano Uuclp beatelo toare botb pale ano toan. C.títí. SnoThefecondbookeof * 8nd as the frcting jFiifula fo?grobme and paff all cure Munnes in t&e flelij from place to place,and makes the found and pure Sis bad o? too?fer than the relf, eaen fo the cold of death, &>trake to fjir heart,and clofoe htc betnes,and lafflp If opt hit b?earij t &>l)e made no prefer fo? to fpeake,and though fl)2 bad &one fo 31 had bene baine. jfo? bmp teas none fo? language fo?tk to go, fpir th?ote congealed into Ifone: hir mouth became hard Cone, 8no like an image fate (he If ill,kit bloud toas clearelp gone. Che bohich the benimof htr heart fo fobilp did infect, Chat euer after all the ifone foitk freckled fpots bias fpect. Mihen Mercuric had puniiht thus Aglauros fpightfull tung 8nd cancred heart immcdiatlp from Pallas tofone he flung, 8nd Aping bp iuith flittering bungs did pierce to keauen aboue. Ipis father calde him ifraight aflde(but Vetoing not his loue) ¿aid: fottne,mp trulfie meiTenger and tuo?ker ofmp brill spake no delap but out of hand flie dotene in half bntill ¿he land that on the left fide lakes bpon thp mothersJight. ^onfame inhere ifandeth on the coalf the tobme that Sidon hight. Che fting hath there a heirde of $cate that on the spountaines fade3 Co take and d?iue them to the fca brith all conuenient fpade, f£e had no fioner faid the b?o?d but that the heirde begun 2D?iuen from the mountaine fo the fl)o?e appointedfo? to run. SflUkrreas the daughter of the fting bias tnonted to refo?t SSlith other iladies of the Court there fo? to plap and fpo?t, 3i5etb?cene the if ate of spatelfie and loue is fet fuch oddes, 8s that tkep can not dtoell in one.£k2&ire and iking ofCoddcs Mhofe hand is armd brith triplefire, b>ho onlp brith tris ftotone spakes £>ea and Hand and Ipcauen to quake, doth lap bio feepter doiont Mitl; all the graue and Ifatelp po?t belonging therebnto; 8nd putting on the fijape of 315ull(as other cattell doe) Coes lotninggentlp bp and aotone among them in the field Che fatreif bealf to Icoke bpon that euer man beheld. jFo^tohp t trio colour toas as bihite as anp fointers fnob) S5efo?e that epther trampling feete 0? £>outherne toinoe it fhoto. Ipis nccke toas b?abmo ¿ith rolles of flelh,and from his cljcif befc?e, 8 dangling debriap hung me dobme gmo halfe a forte and mo?e. iris ho?nes toere fmall,but pet fo fine as that pe iuoalo haue thoughtQuids Metamorphofis. zp Cheptad made bp cunning hand o? out oftoare bene fo?ongbf. $po?c cleare thep tucre a huno?eth folo than is the Ch?iffall ffone 3it all tys fo?ehead fearfull frotune o? to?fnklc there toas none, $0 fierce,no grim,no? grieflp Icofie as other cattle haue. 315ut altogether fo Demure as friendlhip fcemde to craue, Agenors Daughter maruelD much fo tame a beaif to fie, 15ut pet to touche him at the firif tco holDe Ihe Durit not heif. Snnon the reaches to his mouth hlr hand Unth herbes and floto?es. Che loutng beat! toas glad thereof and neither frotones no? loto?es, 315ut till the hoped top might come toith glad and fanning cheare l£e Itches hit hands and fcarce ah fcarce the refoue he fo?beare. Sometime he fnfhcs and ffeippes about and Ihotoes hit fpo?t at hand Slnnon he lapes his fnotoie fide agatnlf the golden fano. &>o fcare bp little d?tuen afcoap,he offred eft his b?elf Co firohe atto cop,and eft his ho?nes toith flotoers to be d?elf. at laff Europa hnotolng not(fo? fo the $patoe toas calde) Cm tohome ffje&enturde fo? to ride,toas neratohlt appaloe Co fet hit felfe bpon his bache.Chen bp and bp the Cod JFrom maine d?ie land to maine moplf £>ea gan lepfurlp to plod, 0t firff he dtd but dip his feete toithin the outmoft toaue, 0nd bache againe, then further in another plunge he gaue, 8nd fo If ill further till at the lalf he had his toiled p?ap 3mid the daepe inhere toas no meanes to fcape toith life atoap, Che ilaoie quatung all fo? feare toith rufull countnance calf, I3p totoard ljjo?e from tohence Ihe came,held toith hit righthattd fait £Dnc of his homes: and toith the left did flap tpon his baefee. Che toeather flaffet and tofnffced bp hit garments being Qacfee. t Finis fecundi Libri. ThefTHE THIRD BOOKE 30 of Quids oiTUfet. l^e dD»od nofo bauing latde afioe bis bo?roioed Ibapeof 3MI, i&d in bis likenefle fbeiode fjimfeif: 8no initb ¿is p?etie trull Cane landing in the gie of Crete* ijen in that U>^Uc bir £>ire $ot knowing inhere Oje inas become,fent after to enquire %\x brother Cadmus, charging tym bis filler borne to b?ing. ¿D? neuer fo: to come againe: ioberem be did a thing, 5foj iubtcb be might both iufi’p fctnde and cruel! calico bee* . Mlben Cadmus oucr all the ¿odd baD fought,(fo? iubo is b®. > &l)at can Detect tlje thefts of Ioue i) ano no inhere could btr f& * Chen as an auopde bis fathers imongfull p?e) !£e incut to Phebus £D:acle moll bumblp to Defire §}is bcattenlp counfell,inhere be inoulo affigne hint place to dineli $n l^ccfar all alone in ficld(q«otb Phebus)markebtr inell, iobicb neuer bare the pinching poke, no? d?etn the plough as pit, £>bali mcete tb&* folloto after bir,and Iobere thou feclf bir fit, CberebuilDe a tofeme,anD let thereof Beotia be the name, *Doinne from Parnafus ifatelp top fcarce fullp Cadmus came, tsatben ropling foftlp in the bale before the berde alone i£e fain an l^ecfar on inhofe necke of feruage p?tnt tuas none* $e folloinde after lepfutlp as bir that inas bis guide, 8nD thanked Phebus in bis heart that Dio fo inell p?outde* $otn bad be pafi Cephifus fo?de,and eke the pleafant grounDes, 0bout the Citfe Panope conteinoc initbin tbofe bounDes* Cbe l^ecfar tfatde, ano lifting bp bir forehead to the ikie jFull fcemclp fo? to Icoke bpen iniefj bo?nes like launches hie B)iD initb bir Joining fill the 0p?e: anD calling backe bir eie i&pon the relf that came al©fe,as foftlp as Ibe coulD ftnadac Dokme and latbe bir bame fide againff the grallie mould. Chen Cadmus gaue Apollo tbankes,ano falling flat bploin E>ia kiife the ground and baile the fields inbicb pet be did not knob?, ^e bias about to facrifice to Ioue tlje l^eauenlp iking, ¿nd bad bis feruants goe and fetch him iuater of the fp?ing. 0n olde fo?groinne dnfelled incod ffcodc neareat band tberebp, Sind in the midoes a queaebie plot initb ^eage and £Dpfiers hie* 1The thirde booke of ' Mfjere courbDe about tottb peble flone in libcnelfe of a boto Cberc toas a fp?ing toitb flluer ffreames that foitb thereofDID floto. I£ere lurbeD in bis Ioto?íng Den <0od Mars bis gtíeflp émato map goloen fcalcs ano fine epes beítoolne toitbpopfon biabe. Cbto fptrtmg tongues, tbto rotoes of tétb toitljin bis beaD did flicfce, $0 fconer bao tbe Citian folto fet feote tóítbtn this tf)!cfee £lnD queaebte plot,anD DepeD Dotone tbeir buctot tn the toell, HBuc that to bufcle in bis Den began this Serpent fell. 8nD paring toitb a marble beaD rigbt bo?riblp to bitte. &be Cirians let tbeir pitchers flip foj foDaine feare of this. 0nD toartng pale as anp clap,libe folbe ama^Dc anD flaigbt, g>t©De trembling libe an Sfpen leafe.Cbe fpeclcD ferpent flraigbt Commes trailing out in toauing línbes,anD bnottie rolles of feales, SnD benDing into bunebte bougbts bis boDie fo?tb be bales. 8nD lifting bp aboue tbe toad biinfelfebnto tbe £>bie, Ige ouerlototb all tbe to(oD,as bnge anD big toelnic äs is tbe £>nato that in tbe l^eauen about tbe #o?D?en $ole SDeuíDcs tbe Beares.l£e matos no flap but Dealesbis D?eaofull Dole SJmong tbe Cirians.TObetber tbep DiD tabe them to tbeir tcoles, 0; to tbeir bales, o; that tbeir feare DiD mabe them flanD libe foies, 3nD belpe tbemfcluesbp none of both,be fnapt bp fome aliue, SnD ftoept in others toitb bis taile,ano fonte be DiD Depone SDf life toitb ranbeneffe of bis breath, anD other fome againe I0e ifings anD popfons bnto Death fill all at lalf toere flaine. $oto toljen the émnne toas at bis beigtb anD ibaootoes toareD (bo:t> SlnD Cadmus fato bis companie mato tarience tn that fest, l^e maruelD tobat IbculD be tbeir let,anD toent to feeto them out. ^is barneCTe toas a Ilions fbin that tojappeD him about. i£ts toeapons toere a long ffrong fpeare toitb beao of p?on tnDe, ano ebea light anD piercing SDart.änDtbcrebnto befiDe all the toeapons in the too?lD a flout anD baltant barf. ^2Jben Cadmus came toitbin the totoD anD fato about that part ^(s men lie flaine bpon the gromiD, anD eto tbeir cruell fo 0f boDie huge flanD ouer them,anD licbing toitb bis bio äno blafling tongue tbeit* fo¿íe toounDes, toell truttiefrienDes(quoib be) 31 eptber of pour piteous Deatljes toill flreigbt reuenger be, 0} elfe totll Die mp felfe tberefoae.Ätb that be raugbti«S fe® atnigbtyOuíds Metamorphofis. 31 \ a mígbtíe 2píUfone,at tbe fenabe toitb all bis mígf)t ít calí, k Che ífone toitb fuel) erceoíng fojee ano Violence fojtb toa* ajinen, 1k Ss of a fojí fíje bultoarbes (f rong ano toalles ít tooulo baue rfuen. lty 0nD peí ít oto the fenabe notarme: bis fcales as bato ano tougb p as iftbep bao bene plates of maple oto fence btm toell ínougb, S* fl; feo that tbe ífone rebounded bacbcagainíf bis frecbledflougb. •> But peí bis baroneffe faude btm not agaíntf tbe piercing dart, Jfoj bíttfng rigljí betteáme tbe fcales tbat példeo in that part CHUbereas tlje íopnts ooe bnít tbe bache,it tbírleo tbjougb tbe fbín, ano pícrccD to bis fitíbp matee ano grédp guts toitbin. L l£e fierce toitb to:atbíonngs bache bisbead,and Icafeing on tbe ffrípe £ ¿be 3¡aueling fFcaíe tbar ifiched out, bettoene bis teetb octb gripe. 8 ¡Cbe tebícb tottb tejeífing to ano fro at length be fojtb oio toínoe, feaue that be left tbe bead thereof among bis bones bebínoe. Mben of bis courage though tbe toouno mojehínoled toas the iré, tbjoteboll fttjcloe toitlj puffeo Peines, bfs epes gan fparbleffre. * íCbere ffeode about bis fnteareo cbaps a lotblp fomíng frotb. f^ísfhaled bjeíf plougbes bp tbe ground,tbe tfínhing bjeatb tbat gotb * ¿Dut from bts blache ano bellííb mouth infectes tbe berbes fttll fotole. fei feometime be toinoes bimfelfe in bnots as round as anp Bótele, t, feometime be ífretcbetb out in length as ífraígbf as anp beame. anon agaíne toitb biolent bjunt be ruítyetb libe a ffreame ! Cncreaff bp rage of latcfalne ratne,ano toitb bis migbtie ftoap Beares ootene the toad before bis bjeaflt tbat ifanoetb in bis toáp. p Agenors fonne retiring bache ootb toitb bis Hions fpople SDefeno bint from bis fierce atfauIts,ano mahes him to recople r ape boioing at tfie teeapons point.Cbe feerpent tearing tocod SDorb craibe the ffteie beitoene bis tátb,ano bites it till the blend , E>?opt mirt toitb popfon from bis mouth, did die the grtene graffe blacbe But pet the toouno teas berie light bicaufe be tojitbeo bacbe ano pulo bis bead if ill from tbe if robe: ano made tbe If ripe to die Bp gluing toap,bntill that Cadmus follotoing irefullp Cbe ifrobe,toitb all bis poteje and might did though f> tbjote bint riue, ano naploe him to an £>he behind tbe tobicb beebe did cliue. , Cbefeerpentstoaígbtoíomabetbetreétobend.Bítgríeudefbetrá ^is bodie of the feerpents tatle tbusfcourged foj to bee. Whik f r The thirde booke of filile Cadmus foonojeO at tbe fotgeneffe of tbe banqati^t foc impon tbe fonarne carne abopce : from fobence fje coufo net fenolo, 315ut fure Ije foao be beato tlje bopce.iMbtcb fato, Agenors fonne iKllfeat gajefl tbuo bpon tino èmafee ? tbe túne folli one nap conte Kfya t tfeou tbp felfe foalt be a è>nafec.!£e pale ano foan fo¿ feare, l£ao Ioli I)i$ fpeactj : ano ruifleo top fltffe flartng flcoo bis beare. 3]5ebol0(mattobdper at bfonáoe) SDamc Pallas gliotng tfoougb £be bacant ap?e foao flraigfo at bano,ano baoe font tafee a plougfe Sino cali tbe Serpente tàtb in grouno^ae of tlje tofocb fljoulo fp?mg Stootberpeople outoffeano.^e oto tu euerp tfong Sia Pallas baoe,be tafee a plougfoano carne a fotrofo fofo Sino fofooe tbe ¿erpente tétb fofeereof tbe foiefato folfee fljculo groio, Stoon(a foonotouo tfong to telile clooo began to moue, Sino from tbe feurofo fieli of all tbe pitico appearoe aboue, $eirt rofe bpbeìmeo foltb ferbereo creilo, ano tben tbe ^olow b^/gbt, ¿uccefftuelp tbe Cureto tobóle,ano all tbe arntoj rigfo. Cbuo greto bp meu Itfee cojnein fido in ranfeeoof battlerap Wtb foielos ano foeapono in tfeeir banoo to feigbt tbe fido rfeatoap, éuen fo toben flageo are attiroe againfl fonte folemnc game,Ouids Metamorphofis. 32 $nd toitb bis toothers g au to treat attonemcnt fo? fo mafee, Cbe fobtch at length (bp Pallas bclpe)fo gœd fucceffe did tafee, Chat faitbfull frienditop toas conârrad and band in band tuas plight»? Cbefe aftertoard did ioell afftff tbe noble Cp?ian femgtjf, p* 3Jii building of the famous toftme that Phebus bad bebigbf» J $Qfc) Thebes ffcoSC ln gCDd CffatC^lClo Cadraus mlgljt Chou fap Chatiobcn thp father bamtbc tïjœ it teas a lucfele dap. Co iopne altanre both ioitb ¿Mars and Venus ioas tîjp ebatmee, Mibofc daughter thou baoff cane to toife,iDbo dio th® much aduaunce* $ot ouîp though bir bigb renotone^ut though a noble race £>f fonnes and daughters that ff}e bare : tobofe children in Itfee cafe Bit loas tbp fortune fo? to fè all men and toomen groftmc* Bur ap tbe ende ofeuerp thing muff marked be and fcnolunc* Jfo? none the name of bleffedneffe deferuefb fo? to baue ¿nleffe the eeno? of bis life laff bleffed tobisgrauc, 8mong fo manp p?ofp?ous happes that flolode ioitb g®d fuccelTe* Chine eloeff j^epbeto toss a caufe of care and fo?e diff reffe; îlïbofe bead boas armde ioitb palmed bo?nes,tobofe oion bouds in § tocad jSDid pull their matter to the ground and fill them ioitb bts bloud, But tf pou ûfr the matter locll,pe (ball not finde defart But cruel l fortune ro baue bene the caufe of this bisfmart, Jf 0: tobo could doe ioitb oucrffgbt f great ffaugbter bad bene m&de j©f fund?ic fo?tes of fauage besffes one mining: and tbeibade £>f things toas ioared Oerie ibo?t. Bt teas tbe time of dap Chat mid betioccnc tbe Caff and ©aîtctî the âmnnc doth fame to ffap. WLljm as the Cbebaneffriplmg thus befpabe bis companie, £>till raunging in tbe iusplcffe toasds fome further game fo fpie. *Dnr tucapons and our topics are motft and ffaind ioitb blouo of fearer Cbis dap hath done inougb as bp our quarric map appeare, SUTane astmtb bit fcarlce lobœlcs nertmoaning bnngetb light, OTetoill about oar too?fee agnine.Bur noio Hipeiion b?tgbt 3!s in the mtddes of l£eauen}and fearcs the fieldes toitb âne rapes. Cake bp pour toplcs,and ceafepour too?fee,and letbs go outiuapes, Cbep did cum fo,ana ccaff their ioo:ke, SCberc toas a ballep tbteke Wlitf) pnapie and Ctp?effe très that armed be b}irkp?tcke, Gargaphicbight this f^aDic plotstt toas afacred place Co chaff Diana and tbe #pmgtos tbattoapted on bir grace,The thirde booke of ' Mitbin rlje furtbeif eno thereof there toao a pleafant Botoje £>o baulceo toítlj tbe leauíe tréo the &unne bao there no poto?e: $ot mane bp baño no? mano oeuífe: ano pet no man alíue, 0 trimmer piece of toojfee than that coulo fo? bte lift contriue* With flint ano |Bommp toao it toalloe bp nature balfe about, • 0no on tbe right fioeof tlje fame full frelblp flotoeo out a liuelp fp?ing toitb Cb?iif all if reame: tobereof tlje bpper b?im Mao gréne toitb graffe ano matteo berbeo that fmelleo berie trim* Mben Phebe felt bir felfe toare faint,of follotoing of bir game, Bit toaobir cuff ome fo? to come ano batb btr in tbe fame* Chat oap (be bauing timelp left bir bunting in tbe chace, Mao entreo toitb btr troupe of $pmpbeo toitbin this pleafant place* &>be tafee Ijir quíuer ano bir boto tbe tobicb (be bao bnbent, ano efee bir Btauelfn to a ¿pmpb that ferueo that intent, another $pmpb to tafee bir clotbeo among bir traine (be cbofe, ICtoo lofbe bir buifeino from bir leggeo ano pulleo of bir bofe. Cbe ICbebane ilaoíe Crocale moje cunning than the reif SDio truffe bir treffeo banofomlp tobfeb bung bebino bnojeff. ano pet bir otoñe bung toauing if ill.Cben Niphc nete ano dáñe Mítb Hiale gliff ring libe the graffj in beautíc freíb ano fljáne, ano Rhanis clearer of bir ffem than are the rafnie b?opo, ano little bibling Phyale,ano Pfeke that p?ctie ^opo, ^Boto?oe toater into beffelo large to toaffje their ilaoie toitb. $oto tobile íbe feeépeo this toont, bebolo,bp toano?fng tn the frith i£e toilf not tobitfeer(bauing if ato bio paif ime till the mojroto) Comeo Cadmus ¿epbeto to tbio rfjtcbc rano entrmg in toitb fojrofo (£>ucb toao bis c urfeo cruell fate}fato Phebe tobereflje toafijt. 2Cbe SDamfelo at the ftgbtofmanquite out cfcountnanceoaibtj (Bicaufe then cuericbone toere bare ano nafeeo to tbe quiche) END beate their banoeo againlf their biesffo,ano caif out fucb a lb?lcfec, Chat ail the to©o oto ring thereof: ano clinging to their Oame ¡SEND all tbep coulo to bioe both bir ano efee tijemfelues fro fljame. But Phebe toas of perfonage fo comlp ano fo tall, Chat bp the mtooleofbir necfeeíbecuerpéro them all. &ucb colour ao appeareo in l^eauen bp Phcbus bjofeen rapeo ¿Nreitlp fljining on tbeClonoco,o? fucb ao io altoapeo &be colour of the joining Ciouoeo befo?e the Ratine both (boto,Oúicls Metamorphofis. 2 £>ncb fatígame colane in tèe face of Phœbe gan to glotoe Cèeceffatiotng nabeo in bis figbt.Mbo tbongbtbebao |)tt: gara : flDf iJàpmpbcs abont èie : pet flje tnrnoc bir boote from bim tornio. ; ¿Ino catttng back an angele l©fee3lthe as fíje tooulo banc lent arroto at b t nt bao üje bao btr boto tbere reaot e bent. s â>o rangbt tbe toater tn btr banoe ano fo? co to?eafee rite fpígbt j 3¡5efp?incfeleo all tbe beaoe ano face oftbís tmlncbíe ïàntgbt, i ano tbus fo?efpafee tbe branle lot tbat (bonloe Opon btm Itgtjf. ilìoto mafee tbp toanne among tbp ¿pares, tbon fatoilfe Diana bare» Celi tf tbou can : 31 gtnetbae leane : teli bearolp : Ooe not fpare* J Cbts Oone tbe tnahes no fnnber tb?eafes,bnt bp ano bp Ootb fp?eaO Bí a pap?e of línelp oloe liares borneo Opon ¿ís fp?íncfeleO &eao. »>be íbarpes bis eares,íbe maltes W necfee botb flenoer, long ano lanfce, é>be carnes bts fingers tnto féte,bf$ armes ro fpínole ibanfee. ; á>be to?appes btm tn a baíríe bpoebefet toítb fpecbleo fpottes, : ano plantetb in btm fearefnlneffe. ano fo atoap be trottes » if all greatlp toono?íng to btm felfe tobat maoe btm tn tbat cace Co be fo toígbt ano ftoíft of fmte.HBnt toben be fato bts face :: ano borneo temples tn tbe b?©fee, be tooulo bañe crpoe alas, i 313ut asfo; tben no fcínoe of fpeacb ont of bts Itppes conio patte» ipe fîgbt ano b?apoe : fo? tbat toas tben tbe fpeacb tbat oto remaíne, ano ootome tbe epes tbat toere not bts,btó bitter teares Oto rame, &o part rcmapneo (fane bts mtnoe'of tbat be earff bao borne, ti Mlbat íbonlo be ooe ? turne borne agaíne to Cadmus ano tbe ©uéene i 1 £)? bpoe bímfelfe among tbe ©Kmos i áDf tbís be toas afrapo, jtano of tbe totber tllatbamOe.MbtleOcubtíng tbnsbelïapo» fèis bonnoes efppoe btm tobere be toas,ano îIBlacfcfœte firlï of all ÿ àno â>talber fpectall gaio of fent began alouo to cali. Cbís lattee toas a bonnoe of Crete,tbe otber toas of Spart, Eben all tbe bendi fell in roano,ano enerte fo? bto part, t £>pO folloto frelblp in tbe ebafe mote ftotfter tban tbe totnoe, *. à>pp,Rateai,a>calecliffe,tb?tegœo bounocs comne all cf Arcas tonoe. è>trong iatlbucbe, currtlb ¿auage,â)p?tng,ano ganter freflj offmell, ano iUgbtfajte tobo ta leao a ebafe oto beare atoap tbe bell, jFierce Mœoman butte not long ago in bunting of a 315o?e, 2lno à>bepebeiro toamt to folloto íbápe ano neate co fíeloe afo?e. ano ìlauno a fell ano egee bttcb tbat bao a SMolfe to ; &U anctbecThe thirde booke of * another bjacb calloe CtarOigut toitb ttoo bir Pappies bp ber. ano llaoon gant as anp <0rätono a botono in Sycion b?eo, Blab, jflate tomb, |3atcb tobofe flecfeeo ffein 05 funo?ie ipots toasfpw: Mttgbt,li5otoman,Hopffer, bcautie faire ano tu^itc as tointers fnofo, ‘ ano Catonie full of ouffcie batres that ouer all did groto, Wtb iulfie Huffier pairing all tbe refoue tbere in ffrcngtb* anD Ccmpeff beff of fajtemanlbtpe in bolbing out at length* ano Cole ano &totft,ano little Mf (Blfe,as toigbt as anp other» accompantoe toitb a Ciprian bounotbat mas bis natiue toother, ano Snatch armo tobofe fo;ebeat> ffeoöe a ffarre as labile as fnotoCj. 3Cbe reftiue being all as blacfee ano fliefee as anp Crotoc, ano (baggie Hugge toitb other ttoaiue tbatbao a £>p?c of Crete* ano SDam of Sparta: Cone of tbem ealloe 3ollpbop,a great ano large Sctoo bounö: tbe totber Cbo?le toboeuer gnojring toent* ano Hingtoato toitb a ffjp?le louöemoutb tbe tobicb be frcelpfpcnt, m\tb otuers mo tobofe names to tell it tocre but Ioffe of tpme. 2Dbis fellotoes ouer bill ano oale in hope of p?ap ooe clpme, 2Cb?ougb tbiefee ano tbin ano craggie cliffes tobere toas no toap to gos Ipe Apes ttoougb grounoes tobere oftentpmes be ebafeo bao ere tbo. ©tien from bis otone folfee fs be faine (alas)to flee atoap. Ipe ttrapneO often tpmes to fpeafee,ano toas about to fap, > 31 am A&eon: fenoto pour ilotoe ano spapff er ffrs3 PW > But Ofe of toojocs ano fpeacb oio toant to otter fojrb btemfnoe, STbeir crie oto ring ttoougb all tbe MIido reooubleo toitb tbe totnoe, Jftrff 3lo oto ptneb bim bp tbe bauneb, ano nert came fttloeere in* ano l^plbteo faff neo on bis fbouloer,bote bint ttoougb tbe ffetnne. TLtjefe came foul) later than tbe reff,but coaffing tbtoart a bill, %btv oio gainecope bim as be came,anö beloe tfjeir spatter ttill 53nnl! tl;at all tbe reff came in,ano faffneo on bim to» $o part of bim toas fra from toouno.l^c coulo none otber eo But ftgb^ano in tbe Ibape of Ipart toitb Oopce as partes are toomt, (jfot Oopce of man toas none noto left to belpe bint at tbe b:unt> Bp btaping ffjeto bis fecret grief among tbe speuntapnes bie» afto femrlmg faalp on bis fences toitb toaric tcares in epe, Ss one bp bumbling of bfmfelfe that merep feemoe tactaue, Mtitb piteous tofee in ffeao of banoes bis beao about to traue» $os fenotoing that it toas tbeir &g$o,tbe bumfmen cb«re tbetr bonnwOúids Metamorphoíís. ja With toonteo nopfe ano fo;t Afteon lobe about tbe grcunoti. Zhep bailor tobo coulo lotooctt críethll calling him bp name, > ^ as though be toere not there,ano mucb bio abfcnce tbep Do blame ç Bin that be carne nut to tbe fall, but flacfet to fee tfjc game. : &s often as tbep nameo btm be faolp ibcobe bio beao, I 0nt» faine be iooulo boue bcene atoap tbence in fome other if cab, & But there be toas.ano toell be coulo baue founo in heart to fee t V)is oogges fell Daois,ro that to fêle in place be bob not bá. k Zhep bembim m on euerie fioe,ano in tbe (bape of&fagge, Mítb grêûie tétb ano griping patoes their ïlo?o in paces o;agge. fierce toas ccaeil Phcebes to¿ath, it coulo not be alapûe, i mil of bio fault bp bitter Ocatb tbe rauníome be bao papOe. ípueb muttrmg toas bpó tins fact. â>ome thought there toas entiben Ú great oeale mo:e ertremitte than neoeo.àome commenieO i Dianas oomg : Taping that it toas but tooitbelp if oj fafegaroe of bir toamanboo. Cebe partie oio applie e: 0 uu reafqus to Oefenoe their cafe, alone tbe toife of Ioues ¿ £)f Ipfcing ot: miflibing it not all To greatlp firoue, Sts fecretlp ret'opfi in heart that fucb a plague ivas light £Dn Cadmus linage : turning all the malice ano the fptgbt Concepueo earll againff the toeneb that loue bao fer fro Tyre*' ¡; tapón the feinreo of the toeneb,ano fo.z to fierce bir ire, a notber thing cleane ouertbtoart there commetb in the niche : * Che ilaoie Semell great toitb cbtloe bp loue as then foao quiche. ' fpcrcat fbe gan to freat ano fume,ano fo: to eafe bir heart, s Which elfe tooulo burff,ibe fell in banoe toitb fcoloing out bir'part. ¡3no tobat a gcoopcare baue 31 tocón bp fcoloing ertt i (the feb> Bit is that arrant qneane bir felfe,agafnff tobofc toicheo brO 31 muff aiTap to gtuc affault : ano if (a* men me call) 3 be that Iuno tobo in beauen beare greatefi Tcoing of all* * 3finmpbanoe3to0îtbiebêtobol0etberopalia9afe, ' í; 8no if 3 be the âünêne of beauen ano foneraigne of this place, toife ano filler Onto loue, (bis fifier toell 3 bnoto : But as fo j toife that name is bapne, 3 ferue but fo¿ a Ojoto, Zo coucr other p:ime faapes) 3 toill confouno that ISíábom $oto (toitb a mtfebiefe) is íbe bago ano bearctb out before, f Biropen fljame to all tbetooilo.j ano fijo;tlp hopes to bee ZÏJCThe thirde booke of ' Che mother of a fonne bp Ioue,tbe fobich bath bapt fo m®. patting once in all nip lime, fo fo?e foe doth p?efume Silpon bit beautie.But 3 trofoe tye hope foall fame confume» jfo? neuer let me counted be fo? Saturns daughter mo?e, 3Jfbp bir ofone deare Darling Ioue on tnbome foe trnftes fo fo?e, 3 fende bir not to Styxes ifreame. Cbis ended bp foe role 2nd conereb in golben clouD to Semelles boufe (be goes. 2nd ere (be fent afoap tbe cloud,foe tabes an oloe fopues (bape With boarie batre and rineleD fkinne,frith dots and crmkeo gate. 2s tbougb foe bad tbe palfcp bad bir fable limmes did (babe, 2nd eke (be foltred in tbe moutb as often as (be fpafee. £>be feemde oloe JlBeloame Beroe of Epidaure to bee, Cbis iladie Semellcs $ourfe as right as though it bad bane (bee. ho frben that after mickle talke of pnrpofe miniif red Ioues name teas bpned: bp and bp ¿be sane a figb and fed, 3 toifo frith all mp heart that Ioue bee canfe to thee of this. 315nt oangbter deare 3 d?eade the fro:(f, 3 feare it be amitte. jfo? manie Cadets bnder name ofoods to feme their lull, I^aue into tmdefiled beddes tbemfelnes full often fo?uif. 2nd though it bene the migktie Ioue pet doth not that fuffi?e, £Dnlette he alfo make the fame apparant to our epes. 2nd if it be euen berie bee,3 fap it doth behoue, p?oue it bp feme open Ggne and token of his Ioue. - 2nd therefore piap him fo? to graunt that laike in tobat degr®, What o?der,fafoion,fo?t and (fate he bfe to companie With mightie Iuoo, in the fame in euerie popnt and cace, * Co all intents and purpofes he tha likefrife embrace, ? 2nd that he alfo tying toitb him bis tyight tb?afo?ked Space t With fucb inlfruaions Iuno had enftymed Cadmus $ace: 2nd (be paue fielie Dimple foule (mmediatelp on this l&equelfed Ioue to graunt a bone the frbich foe did not name. 2(ke tobat tbon frilt ftoate heart (quoth tyOfoou foalt not mftte the fame? 2nd fo? to make tb® fure hereof, the grifelp Stygian Hake, Which is foe feare and C>od of ¿5ods beare toitneffe fo? tbp fake. &i)t toping in bir oione mifchaunce,not bauing anp poto?e Co rule bir fclfe, but making fpaoe to half bir fatall boto?e, 3n frbich foe tb?ough hie nonets kelpe foould fro?ke hie oione decap, ^ ^PAide *Ouicis Metamorphofis. p feapD: £>uch as Iuno finortlj pou toben pou ano fije Doe plap, [ ICbe games of Venus,forfj 3f p^ap tb® fl&eto tbp felfe to mat 3 n euerie cafe, rbe (Sod tooulD (aim Ijaae if oat tjir mcacb At fyet l tyab made fuel) t)aff that oat it toas.Mbicb maoc bint figb fttU foie, jfo} neprber flje coulD then bntoilh the thing (be toilbt before, jloi be renofee bte folemne otb. Mfeerefo;e toith fojte heart 3no beaute conntnance bp anD bp to l^eauen be Doth Depart, f SlnD makes to folloto after him tcutfj lofee fait grim anD ftoure f Zl)e fiafeie clouDs alt grifip blacfee,as toben tbep threat a fljoure, • 2Lo tobicb be aDDeD mirt toith tomoe a fierce anD flawing Same, Mttb D?(e ano toeaDfall tbanDerclaps anD lightning to the fame flDf DeaDtp bnauopDeD Dpnt. ano pet as math as map ^ irje goes about bis ijetyment foice anD fiercenelTe to allap. i): Doth not arme him tof ib the fire toith tobicbbeDtD remoae & Che (Siam toith the hnnojetb hanDes Typhoeus from aboae: Bit teas ton crnell anD to fo;e to fife again# hie Hone. %ty Cpclops maoe an other feinDe of lightning farre mo?e light, , Mberein tbep pat math leflfe of fire,lcflfe fiercenelTe,lefler might. bight in l^eauen the feconDe space. Ioue armes himfetfe toith tfjwt » 3no enters into Cadmus boafe tohere Semelleschamber is. §>be betng monall toas to toeafee anD feeble to toithffanDe feucb troublous tnmultes of the Ipeaaens: anD therefore oat of banDe Mas burneD in bir Ilouers armes.215ut pet he frofee atoap i Ipis infant from the mothers toombe bnperfetf as it lap, '' SlnD (if a man map creDit it)DJD in bis tbigb it fotoe, Mbere bpomg out the mothers tpme it Dio to ripemffe grotoe. 3nD toben the time of birth toas come bio flunt the HaDie Ine £>id nourfe him fo; a tobilc bp Health anD feept bun trpm anD fine. ‘. 2:be j^pmpbes of Nyfa aftertoarDe DID in their holmes him htDe, 8nD bzougbtfnm bp toith ¿pilbe till tpme he might ab^Dc be fppse. $oto tobtle tbefe things toere Done on earth, anD that bp fatal Dmme Ehe ttoice bonie Bacchus haD a tpme to mannes effate to come, " Chep fap that Iouc Difpofoe to mpnh as he anD Iuno fate , & Dnnbtng j]iccrarafter meate in fpojt anD pleafant rate, * SDiO fall a teaff ing toith his toife,anD fatDe: a greater pleafttrc Sn Venus games pe toomen bane than men beponDc allnieafure, 1 ~ . if.iy. fe*ie ■Be- IThe thirde boote of &be anftoeroe no.Co tríe tbe tratti, tbcp boti) of tbem agrá Cbe toífe Tyrefias m tino cafe tnoífferent 3!nDge to Ine, Mbo boti) tèe man ano toemans topes bp trpall bnoerffao. JFo? finOing once tino mígbtte £>nafecs engeno?ing in a Marò, l^elfrabe tbem oucrtbtoart tbebacfcs, bpmeanes tobercof bebolOe (as tt rannge a tbíng to be of trutb as etter pee toas tobe) ^e betng maoe a tooman ifraigbf, fcnen totntcr lineo fo. Cbe tight he ftnoing tbcm agame Dio fap torto tbem tfco : ano tf to ffrifee pe baue fucb potere as fo? to tome tbeir fljape Cbat are tbe giuers of tbe ff ripe, befo?e pon bence efeape, One ffrtpe noto totll 3 lentie pou mo?e,l£c (fratte tbem as befo?ne ano Uraigbt returno bis fo?mer tyape m tobicb be 8rff toas bo?ne. T> refias tberefo?e being tane to inoge tbts teff ing li rife, (25aue fentence on tbe fioe of IoucCbe tobicb tbe àDueene bis toife SD io tabe a great beale mo?e to beart tban uóoeo,ano in fptgbc Co to?eabe bir tàne bpon bir 3nbge,bereft b tm of bis 0gbt* 3!3nt loue (fo? to tbe CDoos tt is bnlecfullto totOoci ' Cbetbings tobicb otber of tbe dDoosbpanp meanes batte ooc) SD io giue bim flgbt in tbings to come fo? lofle of figbt of epe, Suo fo bis grieuous punilbment toitb bonont Dio fnpplie. SBp mcancstobereof toitbina tobile in Citte, fielie,ano totone Ctoougb all tbe coati of Aòny toas bruteo bis renotone. ano foibe to bauc tbeir fo?tnnes reao tbat oaplp Dio refo?tc Mere aunftoerbe fo as none of tbem conio giue btmmtfrepo?fe. Cbe firif tbat of bis fotbfaC too?oes bao proufe in all tbe Kcalme Mas frecblco Lyriop,tobom Tómenme íurp?ífco tn |ms flfreame^. Cbe flouo Cephifus oio enfo?ce. Cljto ilaop bare a fonne Mbofe beaurte at bis berle birtb migbt fuiflp loue baite toonne. NardiTus oto lbe cali bis ñame. flDf tobóme tbe p?opbet fage SDemaunoeo tf tbe cbiloe fljoulo line to manp peares of age. Spaoe aunftoere, pea full iong,fo tbat bim felfe be ooe not bnoto. Cbe èHDtbfapers too?oes fómoe long but baine,bntill tbe eno oio (boto ^is faptng to be true in OàDe bp ffraungeneffe of tbe rage, ano if raungeneffe of tbe btnoe of oeatb tbat oio ab?toge bis age, fo? toben peares tb?á times (Ine ano one be fullp ipneo bao, Sii 'Ouids Metamorphofis. £>o that be famcc ro ffanoebiettoenetheftatcofmanano £aO, Che hearts of opuers trim pong men bis beautte gan to moue Sno nt inp a ILaoie frcil; and fairs leas taben in Ijis lone* ^ 51?nt in that grace of Matures gift fucb pairing p^idc DID rafgtte, Chat to be touclji of man oz spapoe he tohoip DtD oifcaine. a babltng $pmpb that Echo hight r toho hearing others talbe, 115 p no meanes can reffraine hie tongue but that it ntooes mud toalbe* { j3o: of hit felf? hath potoze to ginne to fpeabe to anp toighf? (Bfppoe him D:pnmg into topics the fcarefull ftagges of flight* + Chis Echo toas a boop then ana not an onelp bo pee, ” pet of hit fpcach ihe hao that time no moze than noto the cSjopce, Char is to Tap of manp toozoes the latter to repeate. Che caufe thereof tuas Iunos mzath. ifoz tuhen that ioith the feate f £>he might baue often taben Ioue in baliance toith his SDames, * 0nD that bp ffealth ano bnbetoares in miDDes of all his games. Chis elfe tooulc toith hie tatlmg talbe Oetetne hie bp the toap, tUntiU that Ioue hao brought his bull ano thep lucre fleo atoap. i) Che tohich tohen Iuno oto percepue,(he fate toith tozathfull m®0, i Chis tongue that hath oeluoeo me ¿all Ooe th® little go)0, iro? of thp fpcach but Ample bfeheeeafter (halt thou haue. it Che o*oe it felfe oto if raight confleme the thzeatnfngs that ihe gaue, pet Echo of the former talbe ooth oouble oft tfjeenoc 0no bacbe againe toith tuft cepozt the toozoes eartt fpofeen fence. p #oto tohen the fatoe Narcifts ftrap about the jfozreff topoe, [I ¿he toareo toarme ano ftep foz ftep faft after him Ihe bpoe. d Che moze Ihe follotoeo after him ano necrer that ¿e came, Che tohoter euer oto Ihe toare as narer to hir flame. i ilpbe as the liuelp Bzimftone Doth tohich otpt about a match? ano put but foftlp to tbe fire, the flame Doth lightlp catch. £> Hozo hoto often toouloe Ihe fainefif nature tooulo haue let) l (Emrcateo him toith gentle toozoes fomc fauour foz to get i K But nature tooulo not fuffer hie noz glue hir leaue to gutne. pct{(o farre fozth as ihe bp graunt at natures hanoe coulo toinne) ap reaoie toith attentiue care (he harbens foz fome founoe, ^hereto (he might replie hie toozoes,from tohich (he is not bounce. ir.iifl. Bp i \_K*Thethirdebooke of 3)5p ebamttc the Hripling being Hrapde from all bio companfe, &apde: to there anp bodp nie i Hratgbt Echo anftoeroe: 3* &nta?Debe cafiea bio epc afioc,and loobcth round about, ana come (that all the Jfo?rcH ramg)aloud be calletb out. and come (faptb (be:) be liobetb bacbc, ana feeing no man foliofoe, MbP fliHe, be crpetb once againc: ana (be tbe fame Doth ballotoc, HMperfifies and toond?ing much tobat binee of thing it teas rom iobicb tbat anfmering bopcc bp turne fo Duelp fomae to paifc, ¿aid: let bo iopne. s>be (bp fjir brill defirouo to bane faid, 3 it faptb britb none mo?e Uiillinglp at anp time 0; Head) g>aia: let bo iopne.and Handing fometobat in bir otonceonccff, £3pon tbefe b>o?dco (be left tbe Mfod,and fb?tb fl^e peedetb Hreit, Co coll tbe louelp neebe fo? Iobicb ibe longed bad fo mucb> Jjjft runneo bio map and loill not be imb?aeed of no furb. ¿no faptb: 3 firft toill die ere tbou ibalt tabe of me tbp pleafure. £>be aunfloerac nothing elfe thereto, but tabe of me tbp pleafure. $oio toben (be fato bir fclfe thus mocbt,lbe gate bir to the WeoDo, 2nd bid btr bead fo? berie ibarne among the leaned and bnddeo. and euer fence (be Ipueo alone in oenneo and bolloto Caueo. pet Hacbe bir lone Hill to bir heart,tb?cugb Iobicb flje daplp rancs Cbc mo?e fo? fo?rotoe of repnlde. Cb?ongb reffleffe carbe and care l£ir bodie ppneo to ibinne and bone,and toaretb loonderouo bare. Cbe bloud doth baniib into ap?e from out of all btr bepneo, and nought io left but bopce and boneo: tl;e bopee pet Hill remapnes: l£ir boties tbep fap lucre turnde to Honeo.ifrom thence Ibe lurbuig ffiB 3n pisao,brill neucr (beinc bir bead in field no? pet on biU« pet is (be beard of euerp man: it io bir onelp found, and nothing elfe that Doth remapne aliue aboue the ground* Cbua bad be moebt ttfiB to;etcbed $pmpb and manp mo befioe, Chat in the loatero, Mtodo and grouco,o? spountapneo did abptft Cbuo bad be moebed manp men. ^Df Iobicb one mifeentent Co fa? bimfelfe deluded fo, bio bandeo to^cauen bp bent, 2lrtd fapd; 3 p?ap to Cfoa be map once feele fierce Cupids fire SlsJ doe nolo,and pet not iop the tbingo be doth defire. Cbe vSoddelTe Ramnufe(tobo doth io?cabe on loicbcd people tabe) aHented to bio iuH reguefifo? ruth and pttieo fabe* ChewJ Quids Metamorphofis. yj Cbcre feas a fp?fng toitbouten mudde as filucr clears and ffill, «22¡lbtcí) neptber Ibtepebcirds,no? the Coates that fed bpon the ¿ill, j]io? ot^cr cartell troubled bad,no? fausge bcaif bad lfp?d, ^ b?auncb no: ff:cke,no? leafeoftró,no?anp fouleno? bp?D, k Cbe mopiturc fed and kept ape frety the graflfe that greto about, ^ Sino nmb tbetr Icaues the trees did kópe tbe beats of Phoebus out« u Cbe tripling tocarte u>ir!j tbe beate and bunting in tbe ebaee, ■ Sind much delighted toitb tbe fpkng and coleneffe of tbe place, JSDio lap bim botone bpon tbe b?tm: and as be Hoped lotoe Co ifaunebe bio tburtf, another tburlf of tooife effect did grotoe, ¡1 Jfo? as be d?anke,bc ebaunff to fpie tbe 3mage of bis face, Cbe tobub be did tmmcdiatelp toitb feruent lone embrace, ípe fódes a hope tokbout caufe tobp. jFo? like a folilbe noddle $e tbtnkes tbe fljadoto that be fós,to be a liuelp boddie. to 8if raugbteo like an pmage made of garble if one be l pcs, to Cbere gating on bis ibadotoe lfill toitb fired ífaríng epes, fe é>trctcbt all along bpon the ground,it doth bint god to fas b l£ts aroant epes tobicb like ttoo (farres full b?igbt and fi&pnfng bee, i !^nd eke bio Sugars,fingars fucb as Bacchus might befóme, s Sind baire that one might too?tbelp Apollos batre it dóme. ,, u fjjis beardleffe cbinne and puo?ie nccke,and eke the perfect grace i* £Df tolnte and red tndifferentlp bepainted in bio face. ¡ail tbefc be toond?etb to beholds, fo? tobicb(as 3 doe gather) p l^imfeife toas to be toond?ed at,o? to be pitied rather, fc fee is enamored of bimfelfe fo? toant of taktng bóde. 2nd tobere be Ipfces another thing,be Ipkes bimfelfe in dóde. i£c is tbe partee tobóme ¿e tooes, and futer that doth tooe, fee is tbe flame that fettes on fire,and thing that burnetb toe, ¿D ilo?d boto often did be kiffe that falfe Deceitful! thing s’ m l^oto often did be r&ulf bio armes midtoap into the fp?ing i Co baue emb?aif e tbe necke be fato and could not catch birofclfe • Ips knotoes not tobat it toas be fatoe. and pet the foltfi) elfe feotb butne in ardent loue thereof. Che berfe felfe fame thing Chat doth betoiteb and blinde bio epes, cncreafctb all bis If ing. , Chon fondling tbou,tobp oortf thou rangbt tbe fickle image fot* 1 Cbe thing tbou fókeif is not tbere.ftno if a fide thou go t CheThe thirde boote of Cbe thing thon loueif if rafgbr is gone. ?t is none other matter Cba t tbou boeif fa, tfian of tbp fdfe the ibaDcm tn tbcUmter, Woe thing is noting of it feife: toitl; tbcett both abice, M itb tba it fuoulo beparte if tbou foitbtyem tbp fclfr afibc. ¿0 care of mcate conlo mam f)tm thence,no; pet befire of rcif. l!5ur Iping flat agatntt the grounMnb leaning on bis meff, Mitb grabte eves be gajetb if til bppgn tfje falceo face, Sno though bis fight is thought its fo; a little fpace l&c turtles anb fcttcsbimfelfebprigbf,anb bolbingbpbisbanbs Wlitb piteous bopcc bnto the m®b that rounb about bun ffanbs, Crpes out anb fes : alas pe Mabs,ano toas tbere euer anp f da t Imubefo cruellpas 3 i pou fenoto: fo; bnto manp Si place of barb;ougb bane pou bane, anb fo;t of refuge If tong. Can poa remember anp one in all pour tpmc fo long t Kfyat barb fo pinbe a&ap as 3 i 3 fa anb am full fainc, f^otobeit that 3i like anb fa 3 can not pet attaine: l ¿>0 great a biimmelTe in mp heart though boting loue both raigne. ■ 8nb fo; to fpigbt me mote Imtball, it is no iournep farre, #0 o;encbmg s>ea, no ipountatne bie,no mail,no locfee,no barre, 3t is buteneu a little b;oppethat hapesbs ttoo a funber. I£e mould be bab.jfo; totsc boto oft 3 biffetbe foater bnber, 4o oft agafne Utirb bpmarbe moutb btrifetb totoarbe mi 0 man mould fbinfee to touch at lealf 3 Iboulb pet able ba. 3lt is a trifle in refpeet that lettes bs of our loue. Mb at might foeuer that thou art come hither bp aboue. O pierlefffe piece, mbp bolf thou ma tbp loucr thus belubc ? O; mbitberflifletbou oftbpfrienbe thus earneiflp purfube * 3mis31 neptber am fo foto-le no;pct fo grotunc mpeares dat in this mife thou fijouldlf me ibon. Co bauemeto their jfares, Cbe $pmpbes tbeniTeUies baue fubc ere this andpct(as iboulb apoire) Chou boif ptetenbe fome feinde of hope of frienbfiiip bp tbp cb&te. Jfo; mben 3} if retch mine armes fo tba, tbou ff retebcif thine lifeetotfo Jflnb if 3 fmile thou fmileif tep: 8nd mben that from mine epes Cbe teares boe d;op,3 mellpcrcepue the mater tfanbs in thine. Hike geifure alfo boif tbou maHe to euerie beche of mine. Snb as bp mouing of tbp itoate anb iouelp lippes 3 mane, Cl)OBOuicls Metamorphofis. 38 : Cbou fpcafccff tooiDs a!though mine cares eoncciue not to^at t&op bàtte 3t is mp feife 31 meli petcepue,it is mino image tot*» Chat in tins fo?f DduMng me, this fune ioti) procure» L i am i namoiefi of mp feife, 3 ooe both fet on fire, J £nfi am the fame that fioeltetb ta>,tb?oUgb impotent Defire. What (ball 3 Doe i be locoDe o? loo i tobóme (ball 3 loo tberefo?e«» t Che thing 31 fóeke is in mp feife,mp plentie makes me ptn?e. £D tooulo to 60D 3 fo? a tubile mfgtjt from mp boDie part. s J &t>is totlb is firaunge to beare a ilouer lo?appefi all in fmarf, f '* Co toiib aloap the tbtng the lobicb bo louctb as bis heart. : q&p fo?rotoe tafets atoap mp firengfb.3 bane not long to line, 3i5ut in tbe fioure of pontb mufi Die.Co Die it Doth not grieae. *1 ifo? that bp Death (ball come the enDe of all mp griete ano paino 3 tooulo this pongltng tobóme 3 lone might longer life obtaine ; S if 0; in one fonie (ball noto Decap toe ffefifaff Honors ttoaine. Chis faiDe in rage be turnes againe finto the fo?faifie fbafie, y - 8no ro?es the toater tottb the toares ano doubling that be maDe, > Chat tbtoogb bis troubling of the Well bis pmagegan to faoe.y :r Which toben be fatue to fiantib fo, £Db tobltber Dofi thou fiie ? &btDe 3 p?ap tbà beartelp,alouD be gan to críe. , if o?fahe me not fo crnetlp that leñero tb® fo Dare, 3l5uf giue me leane a little tubile mp oa jleo epes to cbáre With fight of that lobicb fo? to touch is fittcrlpfienioe, Cberebp to féfie mp tojetebefi rage ano furte fo? a t(De. Sis in this toife be mafie bis monete firippefi off bis cote Sufi toitb bis fifi outragiottüpbts nakefi ffomacke fmote. 8 ruDDie colour tobere be fmote rofe on bis fiomacke (bórre, ìLvht apples lobicb doc partlp tobtte ano ff ripeo refi appére. [íf £)? as the duffers ere the grapes to rípeneffefuUp come: i an 02icnt purple bere ano there beginnes to grato on forno. J Which things affarne as in the fp?tng be Dio bebolfie againe, t ^ecoulDnolongerbearcítont.)15utfaíntíngttraígbtfo?paíne3 ás fitbanb fupple toare Doth melt againff the burning Same, ' ' £D? mo?ning Detoe againff the &unnc that glaretb on the fame? * CBuen fo bp piccemale being fpent anfi toafieD tb?cugb Defire* £Dto be confume ano melt atoap toitb Cupids fecret fire.The thirde booke of • Ps Iittelp hue of ano reo,bís cbeerefulneifeano ßrengtb 0no all tbe things that Ipbco him OiO toanjc atoap at length £>o cbat in fine remapnco not tbe boote tobicb of late Cbe U);etcbeo Echo loueo fo.üfóabo toben fije fatoe bus ßate, Although in bean fije angrie tóete,ano mmoefnll of bio p¿ioc, §£et ruing bio tmbappie cafc,as often as be crtoe alas,(be crtoe alas lihetoife tottb flattie rcooubleo founo. ano toben be beate bis b:eaß,o ? Arabe bis fete againff tbe grounb, &be maoe libe nopie of clapping tm.Cbcfe are tbe tocones that laß 3©nt of bio lippes bcbolomg ßtll bio toesnteo pmage paß. alas ftoáte bop belouoe in baine,faretoell ano bp ano by «tb figbing fonno tbe fclfe fame toóles tbe Echo Dio repip, mb that be lapoe bio toearie beao againß tbe graffie place ano oeatb DtO cloje bio gajing epes that toamöjeO at tbe grace \ ano beantie tobicb bio late aoo?ne tbcir Spaßers beauenlp face.5 ano aftertoaro toben into pll reeepueo toas bio fpjigbf p goes me to tbe Mell of Styx,ano there both oap ano nigbt j&tanoes testing on bis (baooto ßtll as fonoelp as before Cbe toater $pmpbes bis fißers toept ano toapleo foj bint fo?e ,1 ano on bis booie ßrotooe tbcir baire dipt off ano fijo^ne therefore.} Cbe ^2ßa)önpmpbes alio oto lament, ano Echo oíd rebotmo Co enerp fo:rotofull nopfe of theirs toitb litre lamenting founo. Cbe fire toas maoe to burne tbe co?fe,ano toaren Capers light* a pree to lap tbe booie on toitb folemne pompe toas otgbt. Bat as fo? boote none rematno: Bin ficao thereof tbep founo a pelloto flonre toitb mtlfee tope Icanes neto fp;ong Open tbe ground Chis matter all Achaia though OiO fpjeaoc the prophets fame: Chat euerp tobere of iuß oefert renotomeD toas bis name. But Penthey oloe Echiqns fonne(tobo pjouDelp OiO oifoame Both C5oD ano man) Dio laugbe to fount tbe prophets too?o$ as batne, tKptoaoing btm mott fpttefullp tottb kofing of bis fight, anotottb tbefact fei tobicb belaß fruition of tbtaiigbt. Cbe gam oloe fatber(fo: tbefe toóles bis páctente much 0(0 moue) &>aio: £D boto bappie ibouloeß tbsu be ano bleffchfrom abone, 3¡f tbou toert blinoeas toell as 3,fo that thou might not fie Cbe facreo rptesof Bacchus baño i „#o¿ fare tbe tíme toíll bá,rr Oüids Metamorphofis. 39 8n0 that full Ojojtelp (as 31 geife)that hither f^aii refo:t another Bacchus Semelles fonne,tnbome If tfjOU HOC fuppo?t Witty pompe ano fjononr lífee a <0oo,thp careado fijall be fat freo, , ano in a tbonfano placee che about the Mojos be fcattreo. ano fo? to reaoe ty& inbat tbep are tyat (ball perfourme the oéoe, 3¡t is thp mother ano iljtne auntee that thus ¿all mahe tbéebiéeoe» \ 3j fenotn it (ball fo come to paffc,fo? tnhp thou ¿alt Oifoaine, ^ Ho honour Bacchus as a (0oo: ano then thou ¿alt tnitfe paine freclc holt) that blinoeo as 33 am 31 fatoe fo? that to much, as oloe Tireiias 0(0 pronounce thefe ioo?oes ano other fuefe, Echions fonne 0(0 trouble him.l^ts tuo?0es p?oue true (n oéeoe, Jfo? as the ^?opfeet 0(0 fo?efpeafee fo fell it out tottfe fp&oe. anon this netoefouno Bacchus commes: the tocaos ano fieloes rcbouno, , Witty nopfe oflhouts ano tmínlíng out,ano inch confufeo founo. Cfee fblfee runne floefemg out bp heapes,men,$papos ano tniues togithet Che noble men ano rafrail fo?te ran gaooing alfo thither. Che Czgies of this tmfenobme Coo full fonoelp to pcrfo?me, Che fohtch tnhen PentHey oto percepue, he gan to rage ano lfo?me. ano fapoe Unto them. £D pe pmpes of Mars his fnabe bp hinoe Mhat apleth pon i inhat fieno of hell both thus enrage pour tninOe ^ath tmhing founo of pottes ano pannes i hath nopfe of crcofeeo here 1 l^auc fonoe tllufions fuch a fo?ce ? that them tnhome heretofore ¿0 arming fino?oc i no blouoie trumpe i no men in battail rap Conloe caufe to flj?infee ¿ no íhapiíh ¿?ícfees of fimple fcomen ffap i 3no o?onfeen tumoneffe in?ought bp lnine * % roughts of filthie freafees f ? ano founo of toping tímpanos oauntes i« quite their courage bjeafees? K £>ball 3 at pou pé auncient meniobicb from the totnne of Tyre ? Co b?tng pour ¡¡ouifeoloe Coos bp éea,in fafetie Oío afpp?e i ano fetleo them ini thin this place the inbícb pe notne ooepéeloe ID 3n bonoage quite Inithout all fo?ce ano fighting in the fieloe t O? tnonoer at pou ponger fo?te appjochtng Onto mée $po?e neare in courage ano in peaces t Inhome meete it inere to fá i SKHtth fpeare ano not inith thirfc in hanoc.j tnith glittring helme on heO? ano not tnith leaues e #otn call to minoe of tnhome pe all are b?e 0, ano tafee the ffomaefees of that é>nafee,tohíefe being one alone, Slight Ifoutlp in his otnne Oefence confounoeo manp one. $e fo? hi* harb?ough ano his fp?ing his Ipfe oio noblp fpeno. ♦v aThe thirde boolre of SDoe t>ou no mo;e but take a heart pour Countie to Defenbe. put to Death right baleant lkmgbtes.t0our battaile is toitb fuc& ¿s are but speicocks In effett: anD pet pe Doe fo much Bin conquering them,that bp the DseDe the olbc renotone pc faue, OTicb from pour fathers bp Dlfcent this p;efent time pe bane, 3f fatall Deifnlcs Doe fo:biD that Theba: long ihall ffaitbe, SKUoulD Cod that men toitb Canon (hot might ra?e it out of battDe. MloulD Cod the nopfe of fire ano ftno;oe did in our hearing founo, i?02 then in this our lejetcpeDncffe there couID no fault be fount), ¿hen might toe luff Ip toaile our cafe that ail the too?lo might fee SteiboulD not nabc ofiheaoing teares alhameD fo; to bee, But uobo our totone is taken bp a nafeeb bearoclelTe bop, UXf)o Doth not in the feates of acmes no; ho;fe no; armour fop. But fo; to mopff his haire toitb $5frrbe,anD put on gartanDs gap, SnD in foft purple filke anD goloe his boDte to arap. But put to pon pour helping hano ana firatght toitbout Delap 31 toill compell him popnt bp popnt his letobneflTe to beto;ap, Both m bfurping Ioues high name in making him bis fonne 8no fo;ging of tbefe Ceremonies latelp noto begonne. I^atb Sung Atrifius heart inough thts fonoling fo; to hate ? Xtjat makes himfelfe to be a Cod : anD fo; to ¿bit the gare SDf Argus at his comming there i anD (hall this rouer make Iking Penthey anD the noble totone of Theba; thus to quake i Co quicklp firs(f hefe too;bee he fpake bn to his feruaunts) go* ftnb b;ing the Captaine hither bounD toitb fpeebe,tobp ftap pefo t ^ts Cranofire Cadmus, Athamas anD others of his kinne Uep;oueD him hp gentle meanes but nothing cottlD thep toinne: Che mo;e intreatance that theP maDe the fiercer toas he ttill: Che mo;e his frienDes did go about to b;cake him of his toill. Che mo;e thep DiD p;ouoke his to?atb,ano fet his rage on fire; Chep make him tuo;fe in that thep fought to b;iDte his Defire. &>o haue 3 Came a b;cke ere this,Inhere nothing let the ffresme,' Hunne fmowh toitb little nopfe o; none, but inhere as anp beame £D; craggeB (tones DiD let his conrfe,auD make him fb; to (fap: Bit toent mo;c fiercelp from the ffoppe toith fomte to;oth atoap, Beboloe all blouDie come his men,ano ffraigbt he them DemaunDeO Sphere Bacchus toas,anb tohp thep b«D not Done as he commaunDt^Ouids Metamorphofis. 4.0 * &fr (aunffoerbe tfjcp;tDefair» t)im not, but thfs famefelloin hfere “ a chiefs companion in hts traîne anb toother in this gère, Mée t©be bp fo;ee : ¡anb rhereinithall p;cfenteb to their 2Lo;b !> a certaine man of Tyrrhene lanbe^is hanbes fait bouno initb co;b, * Mhome tbep, frequenting Bacchus rires hab fourni but late before, , $ grim ano cruetl lobe inhich P?e bib mate to fame mo:e fo.:e, 1 JDid Penthey cait bpon t|je man. 0nb tbougb be feareelp ffapb !• if rom puttingbim co to;mentcs lirait. ;© inietcbeb man (be iapbe) k Mbo bp tbp ino;tbie beatb (bait be a fample bnto other, 'à declare to me tbe names of thœ,thp father anb tbp mother. - îânb in tubat Countrie tbou inert borne,anb inhat hath caufeb thfe? JDf tbefe Craunge rites anb facrifice,a folloioer fo; to bot. tops of feare mabe aunftnere thus. Acetis is mp name : ©f parentes but of lotoe begrâ in Lidy ianb 3 came* ijïo grounb fo: painfull ©re to till, no ibeepe to beare me inoll jl $pp father left me : no no; bo;fc,no; 2UTe> no; Coin no; HBcolI. ¿ob Inorc be inas but pai;e bimfelfe, Wtb line anb bapteb b®be 2 £be frifbing fiOjes in tbe poles bpon bis Hfebe be fœfee b)iG banbes bib ferae m ifeabe of lanbes,bfs fubffanee inas bis craft , i^oine bane 3 mabe pou true accompt of all that be me laft> às inell of rpebes as of traces,in inbfeb 3 inas bis beire 8nb fucceifour.if 0; inben that bcatb bereft him bfe of aire, , ê>aue inater be me nothing left.jt is tbe thing alone J Mhich fo; mp lainfull heritage 3 clapme,anb other none* ; ÊKone after 3(bicaufe that loth 3 inas to ap abibe * 3n that po;e toe)oib learne a ihip bp cunning hanbe togufbe, 1 anb fo; to Imoin the rapnie figne,that hight th’Olemen Cote : Mhteh iofth hir milfee bib nouriib loue, anb alfo 3 bib note £he Pleiads anb the Hiadsmopff,anb ebe the fielp plough Mtth all the blnell ings of the ininbs that make the feeas fo rough« * 2nb efee fuch l^auens as are mate to harb;ough bezels in : Mich euerie iïarre anb heauenlp figne that guibes to tytpmen bin» 1 $oin as bp cbaunee3 late ago bib toinarb Dilos faple, * 31 came on coati of Sdos 3le, anb feeing bap tofaple, Emhe barb;ough there ano inent a lanbe.ÜiTœne as that the night Mas fpent,ano mo;nmg can to pare inith rubble glaring Ught? f 3 rofe anb bm mp companie frefij inater fetch ab©;b. The thirde booke of * 3nd pointing them the map that let» direitlp to tbcfeude, 3 ment me to a little bill,ano fc iefoed romtD abont Co fœtobat meatbcrme mere Ipfce to bane erefetting ont. mijictj Done, 33 calD mp toatermen ano all mp spates togttber, and totllde them all to go a baud mp felfe firfi going tbitber. 3loe here me are (Ophcltes fapD) (be mas tbe ¿papiers spate) ano (as be thought) a botte fonno in oefert fields a late, l£e d?agd a bop bpon hie banoe that fo? fits beautie (birs tell me tobcrbcr pou aoe meane to carte me atoap. 3fcare not mp bop(tbe ^atrone fapa)no mote but tell me tuyere fChou aoelf aefire to go a lanac,ana toe toill fet thee there* Co Naxus toara(quoth Bacchus tho)fet fijip bpon the fome. # Cbere tooula 3 baue barbrougb tabe,for Naxus 1$ mp home* !; ILibe periurac Caitifs bp tbe£>ca ana all the €>ons thereof, ■* Cbep falflp ftoare it fljouln be fo,ana tberetoirball tn fcoffe ^ Cbep baae me hopfe bp fade ana go.SHpon the tighter hand 3 calf about to fetch the toinae,for foaia Naxus liana. Mhat mean® i art maa i Ophcltes criae,ana therefutthaU begun k 0 feare of tailing of their prap through euerp man to run. Che greater part toitb heaa ana hana a figne Din to me mabe, 0na tome ata tobifper In mine eare the left hana foap to tabe. I toas amajae ana fata tabe charge henceforth tobo toill for rnej or of pour craft ana toicbeaneffe 3 toill no furthrer be. Chen fell thep to reutifng me,ana all the rout gan grunge: d Of iohich Ethalion fata in fcorne: bp Itbe in pou &tr fnuage , Confiffcs the fauegara of bo all. ana toptlj that toorn he tabes J $£p roume,ana leauing Naxus quite to other countries mabes. Che Ctfoa then aalping toitb thefe mates,as though he baa at laif 0 J!5egon to fmell their futtle craft,oat of the foreneebe calf g i^is epe bpon the £>ea: ana then as though he fiemac to to&pe, ¿apa: firs to tying me on this ccafi pe ace not promife bcepe. 3 fie that ttys is not tty Inn a the tobicb 3 aia requelf. 1 jfor luhat occafion in this fort aeferue 3 to be are# i Hlhat commenaation can pou toiit,or pratfe therebp recepue i 3f men a ilan, if manp one pe compaffe to aecepue i 3 toept ana fobbeaall this tobile,tbe toicbea billaines Iaugbf, 8na rotoea forth toitb might % maine, as though thep baa bene Craught* cuen bp him(for fare than be in all the toorlae fo totae Cbere is no CSoD more neare at hana at euerp time ana nee.) 3 ftocare Onto pou that the things the tohich 3 lhall acclare, &!be as thep feme incremble,euen fo moif true thep are. , ; i ‘ " e.h EtyThe thirde booke of Cbe ibip if ¿dDü if ill amio ttjc &ea as in a Dulf ie Docke. 3lbeptoonD?ingat this miracle,ano making butamocke, $er0lf in beating toitb tbeir £D:es, anD on toitb all tbeir faplee, Co make tbeir <0allep to remoue, no Set no? labo? faples. 31ßut 3uic tronbleo fo tbeir ¿D?es that fo?tb tbcp conlD not toto: 3no both toitb UBerics ano toitb leaues tbeir failes Dio ouergroto. 3nD be bimfelfe toitb cluffreD grapes about bis temples rounD, Dio Cbake a paneling in bis banD that rounD about toas bounD SflUttb leaues of twines: ano at bio feefe there focmeD fe? to couch £Df Cpgcrs,3Lpnr, anD panthers flEjapesmoif ouglp fo? to touch. 3 cannot tell non tobetber fearc o? tooDncffe toere the caufe, Jlßut cucrp perfon leaptb bp anD from bis labo? D;atoes. JänD tbere one Medon firif of all began to toaren blacfee, 3no bauing loll bis fo?mer ifjape Dio take a eourbeD backe. iföHbat sponffer ¡ball toe baue of tb&(quotb Licab)anD toitb that Cbis Licabs ebappes DiD toaren toiOe, bis nofetb?ils toarcD flat, $?es atoap to tb?oto, ßerceiueD boto bis banos did (b?iuke anD toere become fo 0)o?t, Cbat noto fo? 0nnes anD not fo? banDs be might them toell repo?t. Snotbcr as be tooulD baue clafpt bis arme about tbe co?De: i^aD ncre an arme,anD fo bemamo in boDte,ouer bco?D ©s leapetb Dotone among tbe tosucs,ano fo?keD is bis taple 3s are tbe bo?nes of Phebes face toben balfe bir light Doth faple. Cbep leape about anD fp?inkle Dp much toacer on the ibip5 ¿Dne tobile tbcp fioim abouc,anD Dotone againe anon ibep flip* Cbep fetch tbeir frifkes as in a oaunce,anö toantonlp rbep to?itbc j^oto here noto there among the toanes tbeir boDies bane anD lithe. 3nD toitb tbeir totoe ano bolloto nofe the toatcr in tbep fnuffe, 3nD bp tbeir nofes out againe as fall tbcp Doe it puife. ¿Df tlucncte perfons (fo? our Hjtp fo manp men did beare) 3 onlp Dio remaine nigh If raugbt and trembling fill! fo? feare. Cbe <25oo coulD fcarce recomfo?t me3anD pec be faiD go ten, Jfeare not but falle to Dia toaro.i^is totll 3 glaolp Doe. 3no fo aflfone as 3 came there toitb right ocuouc intent, Cbaplaine 3 becante.anD thus bis^gies 3 frequent. Chou makffe a p?ocdfe Der ie long(quotb Pcnthcy)to thin tent/ / if W if ^ *? -** Quids Metamorphofis. ffl&at (cooler being ccolae bp timejtnine anger might relent 2But &>irs(be Tpafee it to bio mcn)go take bin* bp ana bp, »tb crneli to?menw out of &am> goe canfc him fo? to Die«. BimmeDíatlp tbep lea atoap Acetes out of fight, ana put hint into P?ifon ffrong from tobicb there toas no flight. But tobile the cruell inffruments of aeatb as Ttoo?a ana fire 3i2£ere in preparing tobcrctoitball r’accompltflj Pentheys p?e, 3t is repo?tea that tbe acodes aia of tbeir otoñe accojae 3i5«rbe toil! not tobo A&eon toas,but rent luttliout aelap Igte right bana off: ana Ino tare bio totber bana atoap. iSDo lift bnto bis mother tbo the tozetcb baa ncre an arme: But hie bio maimea ce?fe, ana toounaes pet blácaing toarme, C.g, ¿3D motherThe thirde booke of ¿D mother fa be fapes: toitb that Agaue bofoletb ont: 9na imirbea imtb bir nechc ato?ie,ana tbtofeebtt baire about* 8na baaing from tits boaie tome W beaa in blouaie Ijanas, crieo: £> felloteco in tbio aeeae our noble conqueif Hanes. $o fomer coula tbe irnnae bane bloiuen tbe rotten leanco fro trees, fcaben tuaiifnters froif barb bitten them,then ata tbe banas of tljefe S0oH lofcfecD luomen Penthcys Itmmes from one another teare. Cbc SCbe^aneo being noin bp this erample brought in fcare, ¿frequent tljis nefofonna facrtSce, ana foitb ftoecte franbtnfence <25oa Bacchus 9ltars loae toitb gifts t« cuerp place ace cenfe. Finis tertij Libri* fTHE FOVRTH BOOKE ofOuids zfAfetamorphofis. dfcttooula not ffout AlcithoejSDnfce Mineus aangbicrbofo 2Ebe£i)igie0 of this netnfouna <25oa in confcience to alloto > Bat ffill tbe tfifflp aotb acme tbar Bacchus i$ tbe fonne ilDf Ioue: ana in this bereCe bfr micro tuitf) btr runne. B'be Pjiefl baa btaaen boltaap,ana that as foell tbe spatae 90 3piHreiTe(fo? tbe time aflae all other buimeffe lapae) 3!n Bucfeflnn cotes,tuitb treflTes t * ¡Sno that oloe ^ag that toith a flaffe his daggering limmes Ooth flap Scarce able on bis 0ffe to flt fo; ruling euerp toap. Chon commcfl not in anp place but that is hearoe the nopfe £)f gagltng toomens tatling tongues ano pointing out of hopes. OTth Tonno of Ctmb?els,Cabots,pipes, ano 3B?a? en pannes ano pots Confufeolpamong the rout that in tbm®;gics trots. Che Chcbane toomen fo? thp grace ano fauour humblp fue, 0no(as the p^ielf oio bio)frequent thp rites toith reuerence Due. 0lonlp Mineus Daugbtersbentoftoilfalneffe,to!tbtoo$mg &uite out of time to b?cafee the feafl, are in their houfes lurking : 0no there ooe fail to fpinning parne, o? toeauing in the frame, and hepe their maioens to their too?kc.3Dftobicb one pleafant oame 0s fl)e toith nimble hano Dio ojato htr flenoer thmoe ano fine, Saio : tohple that others ioellp ooe ferue the <0ots of toine, ilet bs that ferue a better Saintf Minerm, finoe fonie falbe Co eafe our labo? tohile our hanoes about our p^ofitc inalile. 0no fo? to make the time féme ibo?tc,let ceke of bs recite, (0s euerp boofes turne lhall come)fonte tale that map Delight. $ir Taping likte the reff fo toell that all confent therein, 0noThe fourth booke of tberebpcn tbep p?ap that fieli the eloefi iooulD begin. &be bao fticb fio?c ano cbopce of tales fije Saffi not toljtcb to tell ^»!je ooabteo if file nifgbf Declare the fortune that befell Co Dircetes of Babilon toljome noto ioitb fealp brttè Bin altreo O^ape the PMhftine bcleuetb to abioe Bin fratrie Ernies : o? rather boto !>lr Daughter taking frtngs Bn i^ape of £>oue on toppes of tofr?es in age noto faolp fingo : boto a certame toater $pmpb bp friteberaft ano bp ebatmes Comtcrteo into fifi}esDiimbe>ofpongmett manpfajarmes, ^Untili that of tbe fclfc fame fauce bir felfe oio tali at laff : boto the tree that bfoe to beare fratte frbtte in ages pafi, 2Dotb noto beare frutte in maner blacke,bp fp?ineling Op of blab. W* tale (bfcaufe it fras not fiale no? common) fotmeO goo Mo bir to tell : aito thereupon flje in this totfe begun ^)ir bufie bano filli o?atomg out tbe flaren tb?àoe fije fpuu. cf;e totone (of tobofe huge toalles fo monfirous bfgbf t&fcfet Cbe fame is gtuen Semyramis fo? making them of b?tcke) j£>toclt baro together ttoo pong foibe in boufes iopnie fo nere Cbat Onoerall one rcofetoell nie both ttoaine conucpeo frere, Cbe name of btm fras Pyramus,ano TInfbc caloe fras ibe, £>o faire a man in all tbe Ccafi boas none alitie as be? ilio? nere a luoman matoe no? totfe in bcautte Ulte tobtr* Cbts neigbb?oo b?eo acquaintance firfi,tbts nepgbb?ots firfiotofftnie Cbe fecret fparkes,tbfs netgbb?oo firff an entrance in DiOfijofre, j?o? loue to come to that to frbtcb it aftertoarO did grotoe. Sino if that right bao taken place tbep bao bene man ano frffe, 3iì5ut filli their parents ioent about to let tobicb (fo? tbeir life) Ebep coulo not let. ifo? both tbeir beartes frith equall flame oto burnt, $o man teas pnuie to tbeir thoughts. Sino fo? to ferue tbeir turne Bn fieaoeof talfcetbcpbfeo fignes. tbe clofeltrr tbep fupp?ett Mefite of loue,tbe fiercer filli it rageo in tbeir b?efi. Cbe toall that partco bcufe from boufe bao rttten therein a cratip Mbicb fi;?onke at making of the toall. ibis fault not markt of anp 4Df tnanp buno?cOpeares befo?e(tobat Doth not loue efpie.) Cbefc loners firfi of all feuno out,ano maoe a frap teberebp Mo talke togitber fecretlp,ano tb?ougb the fame oio goe Sbdr lotting foldings berte light ano fafelp to ano fro.OuiclsMetamorphofís. 4.4 $oto ao a toneSoe Pyramus anb Thiíbe on tpe torcer &>t©be often b;atoíng one of tpem tpe plcafant bjeatp from otper £D tpou enmono toall(tpep fapb)topp letti tpou louero rimo * Mpat matter toere ft if tpat rfjou permittee liot|j of bo 3¡n armeo eepe oferto embrace i £>; íf tpou tpínfee tpat tpío Mere ouermucp,pet mígptelf tpou at leali make ronme to kíffe* Mb pet tbou ípalt not fínbc bo cpurleo : toe fpínkc our felneo in bet ifo; tpío fame piece of courtefie, tn bouepíng fafe to let áDnr fapíngo to onr fríenblp careo tpuo ftálp come ano goe, iSLpus pauing topere tpep 0©be in baine complapncb of tpeír toce, Mpen nígpt meto nere, tpep babe abeto anb eepe gauc ktffco ftotete tmnto tpe parget on tpeír übe,tpe topícp bío nener máte, $e¡rt morning to iti; pír cperefuU lígptpab b;íuett tpe ffarreo aftbe Mb Phebus toítp bio burning beameo tpe betofe graffe pabbjfbe. Cpefe toncro at tpeír toonteb place bp fo;eappoíntment met. M pere after mucp complaint anb mone tpep couenanteb to get Stoap from fucb ao toatebeb tpem>anb in tpe Queuing late Eo tieale ont of tpeír fatpero poufe anb eke tpe Citte gate. Mb to tpentent tpat in tpe fielbeo tpep lirapbe not bp anb botone Cpep bib agrá at Ninus Eumb to máte toitpout tpe fotone, Mb taríe bnberneatp a trá tpat bp tpe fame bib groto Mpícp toao a faíre pigb fpnlberíe toitp fruite ao topite ao fnoto, i^arb bp a ccoie anb trickling fpjíng.Cpío barga ine pleafbe tpem botp Mo fo bapligpt (topfep to tbeir tpougpt atoap but (iotolp gotp) SDib in tpe iDccan fall to re0,anb nigpt from tpcnce botp rife. Marne ao barkeneffe once toao come,(iraigpt Thiíbe bib bcuife ¡¿I flpifr to tonto pit out of o©;eo,tpat none tpat toere toitpin ^ercepueb pir ; Mb muffling pit toitp clotpeo about pit cpin, spat no man mfgpt btfeerne pit face,to Ninus Cumb ipc came tEinto tpe trá,anb fat pir betono tpere bnberneatp tpe fame. 2loue mabc Ptr bclD.l!5ut fá tpe cpaúce,tpcre comeo befmerbe toitp bltcb, Mout tpe epappeo a ilioncffe all foming from tpe toob if rom flaugptcr latelp mabc ofi^ine to ffauntp pit bicubic tpurff Mttp toater of tpe fosfato fp?íng,Mpome Thifbe fpping furif 9 farre bp mwneligpt,tperebpon toitp fearfull ffeppeo gan fitc, 9no in a barite anb pjkefcimc catte bib pibe picfelfe tperebp. Mb ao Ipe fleb atoap fo; pali tpe let pir mantle fall CUitj. £peThe fourth booke of fobpcb foi fcare ffje left beanti not Iobing baefee at all. $oto foben tlje crueil iL tonefTc |jtr tburff bso ffanebeo focli, 35 n going to tbe Mlo>D ibe founo tbe flenoer foéoe that fell Jfrom ThiPœ, fofoeb foitb btouûie fétb in pieces ffje Oto teare Cbe nigbt tuas fomefobat further fpent ere Pyramus came there mt)o fœing in the futile Canoe tpep?int of Jlions paio, Ml aft pale fo^ feare.315ut foben alfo tbe blouoie clofeebe fato 0!I rent ano torneane nigfo(be fapO)ffjaUlouers tfco confounOe, £Df iùfjici) long life oefcrueo foe of all that Hue on grouno. q&p foule oeferues of this mifcljaunce tbe perill fo? to beare. Bl ¿¿etcì) baue bene tbe oeatb of foé,fobici to tips, place of feare $Dio caufe foé intlje mgfo to come,ano came not bere before. $pp foiciseo lirnmes ano imetcljeo guttes foitb crnell téfo tijerfo# jèeuour pe üD pc liions all that in tin's roebe Oce ofoell. 315uc Cotoaroes bfc to foifo fo? oeatfolfoe ffenoer foeeoe tljat fell Jfrom Thifbeijp be tafees^no ffreigfo ootb beare it to tbe tra:, Mlbicb foas appointed erff tbe place of meeting fo? to bée. Sno toben be bad befoept ano biff tbe garmentfofoeb be bnefo, Hecepue thou mp blouo tco(quotb be.)ano foetefoitball be 0?efo i$i& ffoo?oe,foe fobicb among bis guttes be tb?uff,ano bp ano bp é>io D?afo it from tbe bléOing foouno beginning fo? to oie, 0no calf fomfelfe bpon bis baefee, tbe blouo OiO fpin on foe 8s foben a Conouitepipe is cracfet,tbe toater burning out 2E>otb l^otc it felfe a great foap oft ano pierce tbe 8p?e about. &tje leaues that foere bpon tbe tree bcfpnncleo foitb bis bieco Mlere OieO blacbe.Cfo rmtealfo beffaineo as it ffcooe, 8 oépe barbe purple colour ffraigfo bpon tbe berries calf. 8non fcarce riooeo of for feare foitb fobicb ibe foas agaff, JFo? ooubt of oifapointing pirn commes Thifbe fo?tb in iaff? 8no fa? for louer lœbes about, reiopcing fry: to tell l^ofo barolp foe bao fcapt tbat nfgbt tbe oaunger that befell. 8no as foebnefo rigfofoell tbe place ano facion of tbe tré (3s fobpcb foe fato fo late before ) : euen fo foben foe oto fé %pe colour of tbe Berries turnoe,lbe teas bncertaine fobitber Sic foere tbe tré at fobicb tbep both agréo to méte togitber. ffi^bile in this ooubtfull ffeunoe foe ffmoe, foe caff for epe afioe 8no there bcfoeltreo in bis blouo bir louer foe cfptoeOviids Metamorphofis. 4.5 Hie fpaatoling toítb bis o ping l mimes: at tobicb (be ífaríeo bache, ¡ano Icuheo pale as anp USor^a ßjnööaing though bír ffraefee, Coen libe fíje &ea tuljtcij fooenlp tuícFj tuíjííTmg nopfe Doth moo , Alijen toítb a little blaß of toinbe it is bat touebt aboue. t 313tit toben app^ocfjing nearer bint fíje huelo it toas bír loue. é>be beate fjir b?e0Mbe (bacheo oat,ö)ß tare bír goloen beares, ano tafcíng b«n bettoáne bír armes oíd toalb íjís toounos toítb toares? £>be mepnc bír topping toítb bis bloao,ano htffíng alt bis face (Mbícb noto became as coloe as pfejíbe cribe ín toofull cafe alas tobat cbaunce mp Pyramus batí) parteo tb® ano mee sr ? spafce aunfmere áD mp Pyramus: 3Jt is tbp Thifb,euen Ib® f tkbome tbou ooííe loue mol! íjearteip t|jat fpeafeetbbnto tb®. <¡0íne eare ano rapte tbp beauíe beaoe.l^e bearing Thif bes name, Htft bp bis opíng epes ano bauíng f®ne bír clofoe tbe fame, ÍIBuc toben fbc hncío bír mantle there ano fato bis fcabbero líe «fóKítbout tbe ftocojoe: íUnbappp man tbp loue jmtb maoe tb® Die: £bp loue(ibe fato)batb maoe tb® flea tbp felfe.Cbís baño of mine 3ís ffrong inougb to ooe tbe lifee.ípp loue no leflTe tban tbíne £>ba!l gíue me fojee to too?!® mp too uno. 3 toill pnrfne tbe DeaO. ano tojetebeo tooman as i am, it '¿ball of me be feD íCbat libe as of tbp Death 3! toas tbe on Ip caufe ano blame, é>o am 3 tbp companion efee ano partner in tbe fame, ifo? ocatb tobicb onlp couloe alas a fnnoer part bs t toaine, * feball neuer fo oiCTeuer bs butb?ouDe ttoo,of this fame flaugbter bolöe the ßcber (Ignes foa ap SSlacbe be tbe colour of tbp fruíte ano monrninglibe altoap, f pachas the mnroer of bs ttoaine mapeucrmo;e beto?ap. JEbís faio, ibe t©be tbe ftooao pet toarme toítb flangbter of bit lone ano fettmg it beneath bir b?eß3OiO to bír lieart it (bone. paaper toítb tbedtfoDs ano toítb tbe ir Carentes tmbe cffett* jfoj toben tbe frute ís ttjjougtjlp ripe ¿be SBerríe ís befpettThe fourth booke of tlfif ith colour fencing to a blacfee. Sine that luhich after fire ftemainec,reffee in one Snmbe as Thifbe etc cefirc, Shto tale thus tolce a little fpace of pafofing teas betfoiff, Sine tbm began Leucothoc thus,hir fitters being iubiff. Shi* êrnnne that forth hi* ffreamfng light al foo?lclp things Dotfjcfjearc t^as tane in lone, of Phehus loues nofo litt anc pou heare. 3Jt is repo?tec that this Coe cic firtt of all efpte, (if o? enerie thing in l^eauen anc Carth is open to his tit) $ofo Venus toith the foarltfee Mars acuoutrie Cic commit. 3Üt gricueC him to fee the fact anc fo cifcoucrcD it, l*e (before hir bufbane Iunos fonne th’acuoutrie anc the place 3n fohich this p?iuie feape tuas cone.Mho tuas in inch a cafe l Shat heart anc hane anc all cic fatle in tooling fo? a fpace. * Sinon he fcatlp fo?gcc a net office fo fine anc flight, Shat neptfier tmot no? ncoje therein apparant teas to fight. Shis piece of foo?fee teas much mo?efine than anp hsncfoatpe œfe £D? that foherebp the &>pi0er hanges in flicing from the rcofe. Sine furthermo?e the futtleneffe anc flight thereof tuns fuch. B!t follofoeceucrp lit tie pull anc clofbe foit h euerp touch, | îflnC fo he fee it hancfomlp about the hauntec couch, ipoto inhen that Venus anc hir mate foere met in bee togither ^ir hufhanc bp his neiufonne fnare befo?e conuapee thither E>ic fnarle them both togither fall in micces of all thep? plap Sine feetttig ope the Bno?ie c©?es,calice all the Coes (freight leap, £ So fee them : thep forth (harne inongh faff locht togither lap, a certaine Coo among the rett cifpofec fo? to fpo?t S>iC forth that he htmfelfc alfo foere fhamcC in that fo?t. She refoue laught anc fo in heauett there foas no talrte a fohile, 3i5ut of this pageant hole the êmttthfhe loners etc beguile. SDame Venus highlp ffomaclung this great etfplcafure,thought So be reueugec on the part bp fobeme the fpight Isas fo?ougbt.; Snc lihe as he hit ferret loues anc meetings jjac befo?apc. &o (befoitbfoonne of raging loue bfo guercon to him pape. 2i&hac nctoauapIes(Hyperioiis fonne)thp fomie anc beautie b?ighf^ ©Hhat nofo auaple tbp glittnngepes iutth cleare anc piercing fight » i?o? thou that forth thp gleames art luonr all countries fo? to burtte, Sir t burnt thp felfe iutth othergleames that ferue not fo? thp turtle.Ou'idsMetamorphoiìs. ±6 $no tijou that ougijtO? top torrefai! Icofee on all tblngo fo? to aionlp on Leucochoe Dofltc noto tljc farne beffoto. l] Cbou falfneli on toat Spaioc alone toe epco that toon boffe otoe *J Co all tbe too?loe.è>ometime mo^e rathe toou rife® m tbe diali, Sometime agame toou mafeffe te lare before ebou fall to reali» ano fo? Delire io bobe on bir,toou often ooffe prolong jSDnr totnter nlgbteo. aito in top light toon fapleli efee among. Che fancie of top fauUiemtnoelttfetteetbpfreblefigbt, ano fo toou mabffe meno bratto afrapoe bp Daunting of top light* Cbou Icorte not pale bpeaufe toe globe of Phebc lo bettoane Che coarto ano thè : but Ione Doto caute tote colour to be fame. Cbou loueff toto Leucothoe fo far aboue all other, Chat neptber noto fo; Clymené3fo? Rhodos,no? the mother Orce,no2 fo? Clytie(tobo at toat p?efem tpoe afteiecteo from tbp compante oto fo; top loue abtoe $poff grteuouo tormento in bit beare : toou fómeff fo; to care» SCbou minoeif bit fo mucb that all tbe teff forgotten are» pr mother toao Eurynome of all tlje fragrant clime ¿Df Arabie eftémoe tbe floto?e of beautie in bit time» 5l5ut tobeu bir oaugbter came to age tlje oaugber pali toe mother ao far in beautie, ao before toe mother pali all other» tir father toao feltig Orchamus ano ruloe tbe pnblibe totale ¿Df Perfeyjcounteo bp oefeent tbetob.from auncient Belc. jFarbnoerneato tbe Metterne elpme of Hefperas eoe ninne Che paffureo of tbe firie li¿Deo that orato tbe goloen £>unne» Cbere are tocp feo toitb 8mb?ofie in licao of graffe all night Mbito Ootb refreto tbeir toerie limmeo ano biépctb them in plight Co beare tbeir oatlie labo? out : noto tobile tbe ftceoeo there tabe Cbeir beauenlp fcoOe ano night bp furnebto timelp courfe ootb mab^ %\)i <0oo oifguifeo in tbe toapecf Nuòcile Eurynome jSDotb p?eafe toitbiu the chamber 0o)?e of faire Leucothoe l^io louer,tobome amio.rff#afoeo he founo bpcanoleligbt f*ct fpinning on bir little Hocbc,anb toent me to Ijir right» ja»o biffing bir ao motbero bfe to biffe tbeir tsaugbtero Deare, £>aioe spapoeo toitbo?ato pour felueo a tobile ano fit not liff nittg bere» 3 baue a fecrct thing to talfee. Che ipaioeo atiopoe etbe one, Che <0oo then being toitb W lene in chamber all alone? ^apOiThe fourth booke of \ g>afo: 31 am be that metea the peare, tbat ail things doc feebotoe, ^p fobome the (¿artb Doth all tbinga fa, rbeCpe of all the foo;lDe, 2Erud me 31 am in louefoitb tbaXheHaDieinaa fo nipt Mtb fooaine feare tfjat from bir bsnoa both rocke ano fpinole flipt l£ir feare became biriuotiojono inell. be mane no mo Delates, i5nt turneb to bia proper ibape ano tcoke bpa gltd ring rapea. SCbe oamfeli being fo;e abaflj)t at this fo ifraunge a fight, £lnD ouercome toitb fooaine feare to fa tbe Coo fo bright, £)tO make no outcrie no; no nopfe,bnt bcloe bir patience if ill, 8nD fuffreo bim bp fo;ceD poin;e bia pieafnre to fulfill, f^ereat oio Cly tie fo;e repine. Jfo; (be beponD all meafure Mtaa then enamonreo of tbe &>unne: % dung foitb tbia Difpleafort Chat be another &eman bao, fo; bene fptgbf ano p;e £>be plape0 tbe blab,anb Doth Defame Leucothoe to W &>p;e. I£e crnell ano bnmerctfull iuoulo no ercufe accept, 31Bnt boloingbp bit banoea to beauen foben tenoerlp (be inept, 3no faio it tnaa tbe jbunne that oio tbe babe agatnfi bir bull; Pet like a fauage bead full bent bia Daughter fo; to fpill, i^e put bir oape in DelueD grouno, ano on hie booie laioe 8 huge great beape of beanie fanD.Cbe feunne full pll appaiDe ED id tmek bia beamea Dtfperfe the fans ano make an open inap Ko b;ittg tbp burieD face to ligbt,but fucb a foeigbt there lap Upon tba,tbat thou roulDd nor ratfe thine bano aloft againe, &no fo a co;fe both boioe of blouD ano life thou DiDd remaine, SCbere neuer ebaund fince Phaetons fire a thing that grieuDe fo fo;e &be ruler of the tningeD ffaDeaaatbfaDiD.anD tberfo;e l^e Dio attempt if bp tbe fo:ce anDbertue of bia rap might againe to line Ip beate bir frozen limmea conuap. 315ut fo;afmucbaa Dcdenic fo great attempta Denica, 1$e fp;inclea both the co;fe itfelfe anD place Inherent it Ipca Mlitb fragrant Neftar.SlnD fbereinitlj betnapling much bia cbaunce §>apo: pet aboue tbe darrie fkie thou fijalt tbp felfe aDuaunce. 0non the boop in tbia beauenlp liquo; dapeb foeil S)iD melt, ano moidcD all the earth inttb finite anD pleafant fmell. 8no bp ano bp fird taking rmte among the cloDDea tnitbin y 315p little ano bp little Dio Ini tb groining top begin 5 8 p;etie fpirke of if rankinfence aboue the £umbe to tnim fllt&ougtiOuids Metamorphofis. atj $ltbougb that Clytie migbtercufe ^tr fo?rotn bp tjiv lone Sub feme that fo to plap tf?e blab bir fo:rolu did bir moac, pet tnoulb tbe 3utbo? of tty light rcfo?t to bit no mo?e 31Bat btb toitbbotoe the pleafant fpo?teo of Venus bibe before* Cbe #pmpb not able of bit felfe tbe frantiefce fume to flap, Wtb reffleffe care ana penGueneite bib pine bit felfe atuap. itaebeabeb on tbe bare colbgrounb tnitb flaring baire tmfeempt £>be fate ab?obe both nigbt anb bap: ano clearlp bio erempt t^irfdfe bp fpace oftbjife tb?a bapeo from fuff nance ano repaff £>aue onlp betne anb faue bit teareo toitb tubicb flje b?abe bit faff* Stab in that tnbile ibe neuer rofe but ffareb on tbe &>unne #nbeuer turnbe bit face to bio ao be bis co?fe bib runne. i$it Ittnmes ffaefee faff tnitb in tbe grounb,anb all bit Upper part E>tb to a pale afbcolourb berbe cicaite Uopbe of bloub conuatt. Cbe floure tubereof part rebpart fcufjite beibabolueb tnitb a bletn S5cff like a Utolct in tbe Ibape bit countnance ouergretn. JSttb notn(tbougb faff neb tnitb a ra>te)ibe turneo bir to tbe &unne Snb fc&pes (in Ibape of berbe)tbe lone tnitb tuinclj lbe ffrff begunne* £>be mabe an enbe: ano at bir tale all inontneb: feme benibe ^tt Taping to be poffible: anb otherTome replibc Cbat fneb as are in b©bc true CSobo map all tbingotno?fce at tnill; 315ut Bacchus to not attp fueb. £bps arguing once mabeffilf] Co fell bir tale ao otbero bab Alcichoes tame tnao come* Wbo tnitb bir Ibettle ffpttng t&ougb bir tneb tnftbin tbe Httome, £>aib: flDf tbe ibepebeiro Daplynis loue of Ida inborn eretnbile 0 iealoufe $pmpb(btcaufe be bib tnitb Ilemano bit beguile) JFo? anger turneb to a ffone(fucb furie loue both fenoe;) 31 inill not fpeafce: it io to fcnotue: ne pet 3 boe entenbe Co fell botn Scython bariablp bigrefftug from bio fcin&e,, ^aHao fometimetnomaujfomctime man, as Itkeb beff bisminoc» ¿nb Cclmus alfo tup!! 3 paiTe,tnbo fo? bicatife be doing $poff fattbfallp to lupiter tobeu Iupiter tnao poing, 3o notn become an 8bamant.g>o tnill 3 paffe this botn?e Co ffjetu pou botn tbe Curets tnere engenb?eb of a ff)otn?e: botn that Crocus anb bis loue faire Smylar turneb lucre Co little flotn?es. tnitb pleafant netneo pour rninbes notn tnill 3 cber& JLearne tnbp tbe fountains Salmacis btffameb is of po?e* J-The fourth booke of ®&hp toith his tracers ouerff rong it toeafeeneth men fo fo?e . Chat tohofo bathes him there comrnes thence a perfect man nomp?e* f Che operation of this £&cll to imotone to euerp toigtit. But fetp can tell the caufe thereof,the luhtch 36 toill recite* Che toaternpmphes Dio nnree a fonne of Mercuries in Idc Begot on Venus,in tohofe face fnch heautie did abide, 9s toell therein his father both ano mother might be bnotone, ©f tphome he aifo take his name* SKTame as he teas grobme Co fiftene pea res of age,he left the Conn trie tohere he dtoelt 9no Ida that hah Coffered him.Che pleafure that he felt Co tranell Countries,and to fee ffrannge riners toith the ffate ©ffo?ren lances,all painfulncffe of tranell CiD abate* t£e tranelce through the lance of Lycie to Carie that ooth bonne #crt bn to Lycia*Chere he fab) a pole tohtch to the ground Mias Ch: iff all cleare.jteo femtie fedge,no barren rathe,no robe rnlh toith p.ffcbtng popnt toas there,no? other month toade. Che toater toas fo pure anc (here a man might toell hane fane 9nc nnmb?ec all the granell ffones that in the bottome bane* Che btmoff bonders from the b?im ennirond toere toith cloto?es Beclad toith herbes an frelh and grane and pleafant fmelltng fiobw 9 #pmph did haunt this gmdlp pole: but fuch a $pmph as nept&et Co hunt,to run,no? pet to (h©re,hao anp binde of pleafure. ©fall the Mtarerfatncs (he aloitlp toas bnfcnobme Co ftoift Diana, 9s the b?ute of fame ab?ode hath blotone, li9ir fitters oftentimes tooulo fap: take Itghtfome ©art o? bob), 9nd in fome painefull ererctfe thine pdle time beffoto* But neuer could thep hir perfuade to runne to (hate o? hunt, ©? anp other ererctfe as Phcbes tmightes are toont. Sometime hir faire toelfojmed limbes (he bathefh in hir fp?ing: Sometime (he ootone hir golden haire toith Boren combe doth tying. 9nd at the toater as a glade (he tafcerh couitfcll ap l£oto euerp thing becommeth hfr.Cretohile in fine arap ©n foft ftoate hearbes o? fofcgrane leaueshir felfe Cje nicelp lapes t* CBretotyle againe a gathering floto?cs from place to place the ffrapes. ? 9nd (as it chaunff) the felfe fame time (hr toas a footing gapes. Co make a poifie,tohen (he firff the pongman did efpie, 9nd in beholdinghim defirde to haue h^cfmpanie. ' - 315tlCOtíidsMetamorphoíls. ii SBnt though íhe thought fije ttooe on tiznes bntíll íhe foew to bfm; ' pet fecnt fije not befoje fije bao beoect fur neat ano trim, Sino pjíoe ano peero Opon ínr clothes that nothing fat afejíe. j, Sino framoe hie countnance as might fóme mott amrous to the efe. ©aihich bone íhe thus begon: £> chiloe molí feojthíe foj to bá? Cttemoe ano tahen foz a <25oo,ff (as thou fáemtte to mee) l Chou be a v25oo,to Cupids name thp beantíe Doth agrá, ¡ if thou be a mojtall feight,right happíe folhe are tfjep, * JlBp fehome thou camtte into this feo ¿loe,right happp ís(3¡ fap) Chp mother ano thp fitter taicíf anp báz:) g©o hap 5 Chat feoman hao that feas thp jpurce ano gaue thp mouth hie pap, J5ut farre abone all other,far moje blíff than tbefe is íhá i Mííjomo thou bouchfafett foj thp fetfe ano beofellofe fo? to bé. I $ofe if thou hauc alreop one,let me bp ttelth obtaine i Chat fehich fijall pleafure both of bs.€)j if thou Ooe remains te a ipaioen free from feeoloche bonoe,let me then be thp fpoufe, 3 ano let bs in the bjiOelfe beO our felues togither route. Chis feo, the $pmph oio holo hir peace,ano theretoithall the bop tKKart reo: he fettt not fehat loue feas: ano fure it feas a top ::: Co fee it bofe ercéoing feell his bluihing him became, if o: in his face the colour freih appeareo lihe the fame Chat is in Apples fehich hoe hang Opon the émnnie fíoe J flD? 33uojie lhaoofeeo fetch a reo: oj fuch as isefpioe SDffebire ano fcarlet colours mirt appearing in the Spawe I 1Mi)m folhe in baine feith founoing bjaffe feoulo cafe bnto hit bone* " Wibrn at the latt the $pmpb OefirOe mott inttantlp but this, Sis to hts fitter hjotherlp to giue hit there a fette. ano therefeithall feas clafping him about the 3-uojie neche: lleaue of (quoth he)o?3!amgoneano leaue thee at a beche [’ Mith all thp triclses, Chen Salmacis began to beafraioe, ano to pour pleafure leaue 31 free this place mp frieno (he fapoe. Mptb that ihe turnes hie bache as though (he feoulo haue gone hfc foapt 515ut euermoje fije loshctb bache,ano (clofelp as Ihe map) ? £>be hioes hie in a bnihie queach^feherc bnálfHg on hir hnde ¥ £>be alfeapes hath hie epeon bim.l£e as a chiloe ano free, ano thtnhing not that anp feighthao featcheo fehat he DfO Ifemcs bp ano oofene the pleafant £peoe; ano bp ano bp arniO CheThe fourth boolce of * atpe flawing foauesbe Dippcs bis fate, no mo?e but firlf tbe foie anD io tbe ancles afcerfoarD both fate be plungetb fobole. and fo? to malte tpc matter lbo?t,be tco&c fo great beligbt Bin ciDlenelTe of tljc pleafant fp?ing,tbat (freight pt If rippeD qufgfjt garments from In's tenoer ffein,M ben Salmacis bejjtlöe $ts nahes beautte/ncb Ifrong pangs fo arDefitlp fjtr fjticr, Cfjat fittcrlp flje foas affraugbt.anD etien as Phebus beames again# a mpjrour pure anD clere rebouno foitb b?ofeen gleames i d;uen fo Jjtr eps Dto fparcle fire. Scarce coulblljc fartence mafee i Scarce conlo fijc anp time Delap bir pleafure fo? to take t £>be foolDe baue run,ano ln bir armes emb?accD fjirn ffreigfjtfuapt foas fo far befioe Dir felfe,tbat fcarflp coulD ßjc flap, l£e clapping foitb bis bollofo jjaitDs again# bis nafeeD fiDes, Into tbe foater litbe ano baine foitb armes DtTplapDe glpbes, anD rofomg foitb jits Ijanus ano legges ffoimmes in tpc foatercleare: Ep; ougb fobicb bis boDie faire anD fobite Doth gltffrwglp appesre, Ss if a man an |uo?ie Image o? a ilillie fobite j3>bottlD ouerlap o? clofe foitb glaife that loere mo# pure anD bright* Epc p?ice is foon(crtoe Salmacis alouD)be is mine ofone, anD tberefoitball in all poll ball fi)e baaing ligbtlp tb?ofcme I£ir garments off,flefo to tbe Pale ano calf bir thereinto ano caugbt bim falf betfo&ne bir armes,fo? ought that be coulD beet ^ea maugre all bis fo?elf ling ano bis #rugglmg to ano fro, &be belo bint If ill,ano fciffeD bim a bunD?eD times ano mo, 0no foillDe be nilloe be foitb bir IjanDes Ibe toucbt bis nafeeD b?c#: 0nD nofo on ibis fioe nofo on that (fo? all be did refill ano Ifriue to fo?elf bint from bir gripes)flje clung tnto bim fall; anD foounD about bim like a swafce fobicb fnatcbeD bp in bn#> anD being bp tpc pmce oflßirocs borne ligbtlp Dp aloft, $Dotb fo?itbe bir felfe about bis necfee anD griping talants oft: anD cat bir taile about bis foings DtfplapeD in tbe foinsse; 3D? like as |uie runnes on irtes about tpc fitter rinDe: 3D? as tbe Crabfifl? bauing caugbt pis enmp in tbe &eas, £Dotb clafpe pim in on euerp fioe foitb all bis crcofeeD cleas, ¿But Atlas $epbefo If ill perfifi es,anD fittcrlp Denies Epc #pmpb to baue bir bopeD fpo?t: (pc firges bun Ubefoife, &nD pairing bim foitb all bir foeigbt/aifcleamng to IjimfitU,Quids Metamorphoíís. 44. Striae, ffruggle,to2cfí ano torífbc(lbe faiojtbou frotuarb bop tbp fifí > ¡SDoc tobat tbou canil tbou fíjale not fcape¿e dDoooes of l^eancn agrá Chat this fame toílfull bopano S¡ mapneuer parteo bá. Che 6000 tuero pliant to f»r bomeXbe booíes of them ttoaíne nancee mire ano íopneo botb ín one.Co botb them oto remame £Dne conntnance: libe as if a man fijoulo in one barbe beboloe ¿Tino ttoígges both groining into one ano If ill togítber boloe. Caen fo toben through bír bugging ano btr grafping of tbe totber Zbc members of tbem míngleo tocre ano fafíneo botb togítber, 5£bep lucre not anp lenger ttoo: but(as it tuere)a top ¿3Df oonble coulo not fap it toas a perfect bop, j>o: perfect tueneb: if ftemeo botb ano none of botb to báñe ¿oto toben Hermaphroditus Cato boto in tbe tnater fíjáne Zo tobteb be entreo in a manáis límmes toere toeabeneo fo SCbat out fro tbence bat balfe a man be toas compeloe to go* í$z Itftetb bp bis baños ano faio(bttt not toítb manlp ráre) ¿) noble father Mercune,anO Venus mother oáre. Zbis one petition graant pour fon tobteb botb pour names Ooíb beare, -Chat tobofocommes toítbín fbts ífóHellmap fo be toeabeneo tbere, &bat of a man but balfe a man be map fro tbence retíre. 3l5otb Carentes moueo toítb tbe cbaunce OiO ffablííb tbís oefire Che tobteb tbeír ooubleíbapeo fonne bao maoe: ano tberebpon ^nfecteo toítb anbnbnotone ffrengtb tbe facrco fpríng anón. Cbeír tales oto enoeano Mmeus oaugbters (fill tbeír bufíneCfe pife 3¡n fpígbt of Bacchus tobofe bígb feafí tbep breafee contcmpfuouflp. íMbcn on tbe fooaíne(fceíng nougbt)tbep bearo about tbent rouno £)f tubbííb Cimbréis perfectlp aboarfeano íarríng founo. Mttb íbramíng palmes ano gínglíng belies. ano furthermore tbep felt St cent of é>agron ano of^prrbe that bene botlp fmelt. ílnO(tobíeb a man tootilo tll.beleue)tbe toeb tbep bao begun > 3mmcoíatlp toart frelb ano gráne, tbe fiare tbe tobteb tbep fpun £ &>ío flourífíj full of Jute leaues. 8no part thereof oíd run £lb:oOe in filies. Zbe tb:áOe it fdfe tn bracrucbes fojtbííO fprtng. i^ong burgeous full of ciufíreo grapes tbeír SDífíaues forth oto bring. 8no as tbe toeb,tbep torougbt toas oroe a oápe oarfee purple peto, <£uen ío Opon tbe pamrco grapes tbe fclfe fame colour greto. Zfye oap toas fpent,ano noto toas come tbe tíme tobteb neptber night * ' #o¿Tlie fourth booke of j£o? bap,but euen the bound of both a man map terms of rfgbr. ¿bo boufe at foDaine ternse to (babe, anti ail about tt (bine Mlitb burning lampes,aiib glittering fires to fiaff) before their epcn. &nb Itbcncffe* of ouglp beaffcs toitb gaff full nepfes pclo. 5?o? feare tobereof m fmofcic boles tbe fitters toere compel* Co hide tbefr beabes,one here ami there another, fo? to (bun Che gltff ring light, flue totnlc then thus in comers bltnblp run, tapon their little p?ctte limmes a fine crifpefilme there goes, Sin* Gender finnes in dead ofhanties tljctr fbojtned armes endofe. But boto thep toff their former (hape of certaintie to fenoto Che oarfeneffe tooulo not fuffer tbem.$ofeathers on them grofo, Snbpet toitb (here and belume toings thep hotter from the ground gnd toljen thep goe about to fpeafee thep matte but little found, becoming as their boDies giuc,betoaplmg their Oefpight Bp chirping Ibtrllp to themfelues.SJn houfes tbepdeligbt 8nd not in tocoos x deteff mg bap thep flitter totoards night t Mherethtough thep of the € uening late in Hatfn tabe their name, SMtd toe in (fcngtilb language Baches 0? H&rmice call the fame. Chen Bacchus name toas reuerenced through all the Cheban coal ftmi Ino of hir $epbetoes potom made euerp tohere great boalf, Cadmus Daughters ffje alone no fomtocs tailed haD, ^aue onlp that (nr fillers baps perchaunce ha* made hir fa*. ^oto Iuno noting hoto fhe toart both p?oud an* full of fcome, £ls tocll bp rcafon of the fonnes an* Daughters fhe has bome, 8satfo that Ibe toas aduanntt bp manage in that totone Co Athamas ^ing Aeolus fonne a p?ince of great renotone, Butcbieflp that hir fillers fonne tobo nourcco toes bp hir Mias then eralreD fo?a ¡a tbonfanb toapcs,a tboufanb gates tbat altoapes openffano, Ebfs Ci tie barb: anb as tbe fees tbe if reames of all tbe lands JEDotb ftoalloto in bis grebie gulfc,ano pet is neuer full: Caen fo tbat place benonretb If ill anb btbetb in bis gull ft Ebe fcules anb gboffes of all tbe Uio^lo: anb though tbat nere fo many is Come tbitbcr,pet tbe place is bopb as if tbere toere not any. ik Ebe gboffes toitbout fleib,blood,o; bones,there toandcr to anb fro* l: £Df tohlcb fome batmt tbe iubgement place: anb other come anb go pt Eo Plutos Court: anb fome frequent the firmer trades anb artes Ebe tobicb they tied in tbeir life; anb fome abide tbe frames V 1 and toraicrtfs fo; tbeir totebeoneffe and other yll oefarres. s 1 croeU bate and fpigbtfutl fcrcatb bib bople in Iunos tytff, Ebat in the high and noble Court of l^canen ibe conloe not red: But that ffje o ades muff bitber come: tobofe fate no famer touebt u m rtoefijolbe, bat it gan to quake. and Cerberus erff coucbt &tart fferndybp toitb tbn» fell beaoes tobicb barbed all togttber. &be cailDe tbe daughters of the night the cruell furies tbitber j Ebey fates berabing foule blacbe smabes from of tljeir filrfjic beare u Before the dungeon bo:e,tlje place inhere Caitiucs puniibt toere» ; Ebe tobicb toas made of adamant, toben in the darbe in part ‘‘ Eljey bneto ©wane and by bpon tbeir fete they if art. J Ebere Titius if retched out(atleaft) nine acres full m length, 1 £Did toitb toitb bis botocls fade a Crype that tare them out by ffrcitgtb« Ebe toater fled from Tantalus that touebt bis neatber lip, and apples banging oner him bib ener from him flip* Ebcre alfo labored Sifyphus that b;aue againff the bill ■l&.t!. a roIUtt£tThe fourth booke of a rolling: Hone that from the top came tumbling bofrmetuarb fftli. Ixion on bis reftlelTe tootle to tobicb bis limmcs tnere botmb SDib flic anb fcllotn both at once in turning euer rounb. anb Danaus baugbters fojbicaufe tbep bib tijctr confine bill, £Djetn frmter into running tubbes tnhicb cuermoje Dio fptll. iKUbcn Iuno frmb a touring lobe baö betnbe tbcm all throughout, anb on Ixion fpeciallp befo2e tbe other rout, §>be t ¡rnes from bun to Sifyphus,ano forth an angrp cb<*re £>apes: toberefofo (fioulD tips man enbure continual penance here t 0no Athamas bis toother reigne in tneltlj anb plcafure free t Mho tb.’ougb fospube batb ap bifeainbempbufbanb Ioue ants nto, anb there foubail fijc pourcb cat tb'occafion of bir bate, anb tobp flje came ano fobat flje tnoulb. £>be tnoulb that Cadmus fiat* &boulo forth tbe rume of bio boufc be toongbt to ffopft becap. anb that to mifebiefe Athamas tbe jftenbes (fioulb force fome trap, ^be biDDes, (be p?apes,fbe p2omifes,anb all is tnitb a toetb. anb moues the furies carnetflp: anb as tbefe things (befetb, Cbe batefullipag Tifiphonc tmtb bo?ie ruffleo beare, Itcmouing from bir face tbe £>nabes that lofclp oangleb tbere, j^apb thus: spabame there is no neebe long eircumfiance to mafee, §)uppofe pour forll alreabp bone, Cbis lotbfome place fetfabe, anb to the bolfome 0pre of beauen pour felfe agapne retire, ft ueene luno tnent right glao atuap forth graunt of bit betöre» 1 anb as Oje tnonloe baue entreb beauen,the liable Iris came anb purgeb bir frith ffrcamlngtoops. anon frpen tbe fame %\)e furious ienbe Tifiphone both cloth bit out of bano Bin garment ffrcammg gone blcub,anb tabetb in ijir banb a burning CrcHTec fittpte in bloub,anb girbetb bit about tnitb iureatbeb £>nabcs ano fo goes fortb.anb at bir going out, Jf carejterro^griefc anb peiifiucncfle fo2 compante (be tobe, anb alfo mabneiTe forth bis ilaigbt,anb gafilp Haring tobe* Mtittjin the boufe of Athamas no firmer forte flfo fet, IlBut that the pottes began to quahe anb bores lobe fclache as &be Tonne ioitfitoeu) him, Athamas anb cbe bis frnfe foerr calf Mlitb ongip figbtes Ui fueb a fcare,that out of oo2cs apff 2Cbep tooulö baut ßeb.STbere fioae tbe ifienb3anb Hoptrbeir pafiageeah anb fplapmg forth bir filthle armes bebnit tnitb £>nafccs about, ,OuidsMctamorphofis. 51 C>io toíTe anotoaue hit ijatefall hcao. Che ffoacme of fcaleo fnakca £>io make ah irkfome nopfc to heare aa flje hir i reffca thakea. about hir Ihouloera fame Dio craule: fome traplíng botone hir b&ft £uo hílTe ano fptt out popfon gráne, ano fpítt toith tanguea ínfelf. Chen from ampo hírhaíre tino fnakea toíth benpmt) hano fíje o¿eto áDf toht'ch lf)á one at Athamas ano one at lnoth?eto. Che fnakea oto craule about tfjcir b?calf a, mfptrtng in their heart spoff grteuoua mctiona of the minoe: the boOiehab ho fmari anp toouno: it Urna the minoe that felt the crueli if inga, a papión made m £>p:ap toílé, Ihá alfo toith hir b?inga. Che hit hie fame of Cerberus, the calf ing of the £>nake Echidna,b^co among the Jfennea about the Stygian Hake: SDehroe of gabbing fo>;th abioao: fo¿getflulneíTe of minoe: Relight in mifehiefe; tofflonelfe: tearea: ano purpofe tohole inclinoe: b Co crueli murther: all the tohich 0já oio together grinDe: flno mingling them toítlj neto Iheo blouo hao bopleo them m b?affe, 8no fftro them toith a l^emblock ffalke, ¿oto tohple that Athamas ano Ino if coe ano quakte fb¿ feare, thia popfon ranke ano fell £>bá tourneo into both their toealfes ano maoe their heartea to Ctoell, Chen tohifking often rouno about hir head hir kale&tll b¿anb, é>hé maoe it fasne bp gathering toinoe to ktnole in hir hano. Chna aa tc lucre in triumph toife accompltQjinghir hclf* 2C-0 £Du(I*tc flutes empticheainte lijcc ()ir t)ottic to rt 8no putteih of the fnarleo &>nakca that giroeo in hir b?cif. * BimmeOiatlp ftwg Aeolus fonne dark maooe cornea crping out, Chough all the court tohat meanepec &ira.*,tohp go pee not about Co pitch our tópica toithin thia chach. 31 fatoe earn notoe here rati Si Upon toith hi? ttoo pong tohclpea. 3no there totthall he gan Co chafe hio topfe aa if m oáoe fljá hao a Upon báñe 0no Ipke a IBeolem bopftouHiehc fnatchcth ftom bettoáne Clje mothers armea his little babe Loearchus fmpltng o:« him Sno reaching fcottb pis pjcatie armes $ fleong him Sercelp from him if ttoice o; thucc aa from a flpng: ano oatht hio tenoer hcao fígaíníf aljaroano ruggeoftonebtutll he fatoe him oeao. Che to;ctehco mother (tohither griefe OiO moue hir therebnto that the popfon fpL:eo toithin oio fo;ce l;tr fo to Doe) ^oulo out auo frantiklp toith fcattereo fjatre about hir earca ’ 8nOThe fourth booke of ano lutti) hir little ^eltccrt tnhomc haffclp tyà Carets 31« nafeeo armes Aje erpeth oat [joe Bacchus,át the Mame £Df Bacchus Iuno gait to laugh ano fco?mng fapoe in game, i Chis gucroen loc tijp foffer chilo requtteth foj the fame. 5 Sphere hangs a roche about the ê>ea the fate lohereof is cate §>o bollato tntth the faltiû} luaucs toljicb on the fame ooc beate. Chat libe a houfe it beepetb off the mopff (ng Choluers of rapne Che toppe is rough ano Ajotes his front amiooes the open mapne. SDame Ino (maoneffe maoe hie ffrong)oiO climb this cliffe anon ¿Ino healong ootonef toithou t regaroe of hurt that hong thereon) îDio tbjolne hir buroeti ano hic felfe, the loafer inhere teoatyt Bln fp?incling fepfcmroe gliffero reo. But Venus fo?e abalht at this hir $éces great mifchaunce loithout offence o? fault, l£tr îKntle gentlp thus befpabe.HD ruler of the hault ano telling â>eas, j® noble Neptune lohofe Dominion large çfcrtenoeth to the !£eaucn,tohereof tljemightie loue hath charge, Che thing is great fo? lohicb 31 feto. But ihetoe thou fo? mp fafee &ome mcrcie on mp in?ctcbeO frienos tobóme in thine cnoleffe lafee Chou fteeff toffeo to ano fro. aomit thou them among Cbp CSoooes. £Df right eucn here to ma fonie fauour Doth belong at leaff tolte ifamio the £>ea engeno?eo erff 3S foere SDi iTroth,as of the tohich pet ffill mp pleafaunt name 3 beare. Neptunus graunteo hir rcqucff,ano bp ano bp bereft them ¿0f alt that euer montali Suas. Bln Ileo totjerof he left them a hault ano ffatelp maieff tc : ano altring them in hcln Mtb lhape ano names moli méte fo? <®oooes he Dio them both cn&cfo. Leucothoe toas the mothers name, Palemón lúas the fonne. Che Ehehane ïlaOies follotuing hir as faff as thep coulorqmte, IDio of hir fèto percciue the p?ínt Opon the Otter ffone. 0no tahing it fo? certame Ague that both lucre Oeao ano gone, Bln malting mone fo? Cadmus houfe, thep in?ang their hanbs ano tare Cheir haire, ano rent their clothes, ano railoe on Iuno out offquare, as nothing iuff,but mo?c outragious farre than Dio behoue 35n fo reuenging of his fdfe tipcn hir hufbanoe loue. Che dPoDDcffc Iubo conio not beare their railing, ano in faith =pou alfa Unii 3 mabe to be as immeffes (tyc fapth) £>f mp outragious crueltic, ano fo Ajé oio in oáoe, Jr®#OuictsMetamorphofis. 5t tt)k that loueb I no be® teas folloteing bir teitb fpeebe 3ntotbe£>ea. 5i5utlooult)btt:felfcIjaueDotonetoarDcalf. coulo not If free, but to the rock as nailcb If tekeb faff. 2Lbe fecono as fydeknoekt tjfr b?caif,DiD facie bit armes tear ffiffe, 1 another as fl>de If retebeb out bit banos bpon tlje cliffc, 51 «ns made a If one, ano there If cotsc If ill op ff retching fo?tb bir banc* ■ jnto tbe teater as before, ano as an other If anbes * a tearing of bir ruffleo lockes, bir fingers baroeneo toere * ano faff nco fo bir frlfleb toppe If ill tearing of bir beat*» 5 ano lake tebat gelf ure eebe of them teas taken in that tibe, i Cucn In the fame tranffotmbe to ifones, tbcp falfneo bio abibe. t anb fome teere altereb info birbs tebicb Cadmics calleb bee i iteD in that gmlfe teitb flittering teings If ill to anb fro boe fler, fought knoteetb Cadmus that bis baugbter anb btr little efifloe ilomitteb teere among the Conors that rule the furges teilbe. t Compcllbe tettb grtefe anb great mifbappes that f;as enfeteb tcgitfjcri i anb if raunge fojerokens often fame fince firlf bis comming thither, I l£c bttetlp fo?fahes bis totene the tebicb hr builocb bab, ‘ ^s though the fortune of the place fo barblp him belfab, anb not bis clone, anb fleeting long like pilgrims, at the lalf “ iapon the coalf of Illirie bis toife anb be teere calf. Mbere up ftypinb teitb cares anb pearcs,tebilc of the cbaunces paif " SUpou their houfc, anb of their topics anb fc:mcr tranails tane Cb.ep fablp talkt bettedene thcmfelues, teas mp fpcarc heab the bane £>f that fame ouglp intake of Mars (tp Cadmus )teben 3 fleb > jfrom Sidon i o,2 bib 3 bis teeth in plcugheb pafiure fp?eb * * 3f fo,2 tbe Death of him the C*obDes fo crucll bengeaunce take, 1 ©sateen out in length bpon mp teombe then tratle 3 likoafnake* \$t bab no famcr fapoc the teo2be but that be gan to glibe. SUpcti bts bellp like a §make. ¡anb on bis baroeneb fibs * l£c felt tbe fcalcs nete buDDiug out, tbe tebicb teas tefjolp fret if Mlitb fpeecleb teoppes of blacke ano grap as tbicke as coulb be fee. <1 f£c falletb groueling on bis tecaif,anD both bis fbankes Doe grotee 3« one rcunb fptnDlc ¿iScbkmteifc teitb ibarpneD point bcletu. i$is armes as pet remapneb Iftll.* bis armes tbat bib remapne, f£e Ifretcbcb out,anb fapbe teitb feares that plentuouflp bib rainc a botone ins face, tebicb pet did keepe the natiue fasten feteno, l£,iitj, ComeThe fourth booke of Come (jitter lupfe, come hitho* luight moff lujetcheo on tfjt grouno, 0no luhple that ought of mec remapnes bouehfafe to touche the fame, Come take mee bp the hanb as long as hanb map hatte his name, Before this fnahtth fl^ape ooe tohole mp bobp ouer runne. I^elnoulö haue fpofeen moje tohen fobainelp hte tongue begunne Co fplit in tnio ano fpeache bib fapie t anb as he bib attempt Co make hts mone, he hilf x fo? nature nolo hao cleane erempt ¡ail other fpeach. l£is imetcheb tupfe W nakeb flomack bäte: 0nb erpöe, lobar meaneth this / oeare Cadmus inhere are note thp fate j Cohere are thp HEjoulDers ano thp hanocs i thp heto ano manlp face i With ail the other things that bib thp p?incelp perfon grace i Mbicb notue 3 onerpaffe, But tubp p® Hobbes boe pou belap ? $pp bobie into Ipke mtffhape of Serpent to conuap c Mben this luas fpoken, Cadmus lickt W tupfe about the lippes: 0no( as a place ioith tubichlhe luas acquapnteb tuell) he flippes 3nto hir boifome, louitigip embracing bit, anb caff ^imfelfe about hir necke, as oft ht bab in tpme fo^epaff, grnch as lucre there(their folke lucre there) tuere flaighteb at theflgljt, Jfo.2 bp anb bp thep fatue their neckes bib gliffer flicke anb bug!/, 0no on their fuakilh heabes gretu crells: anb finallp thep both Mere into berie Jasons tournb,anb fcojtfj together goth Cone trapling bp the tothers floe,imtiiI thep gapnb a lurch, Che iohich bttertagainff the place loherc as thep mere then limb. ¡anb noU) rememiuinglubat thep lucre themfelues in fpmes fo/paflf, Chep nepther ffjonne no; hurten men luith flinging no? foith blaff. But pet a comfort to them both in this their altreb beiu Became that noble wipe of theirs that Indie oio fubbelu, Mbom al Achaia toojlhippcb luith temples builorb nctc, 011 onlp Acrife Abas fonne( though of the felfe fame flocke) iSemantb, loho out of Argos ioallrs tmkinDlp bio him locke. 0no moueb luilfull tnarreagainflhis Cobhcab: thinking that Chere luas not anp race of Cobbcs fo? he beleueb not Chat Perfey teas the fonne of Ioue: 02 that he teas concepueb Bp Danae of goiben fljolucr through tohich fli® luas occeiueb♦ But pet ere long (fuch p2cfent fo?ce hath truth) he both repent 0s lueil his great imptetfe agatnfl Cob Bacchus meant, Ss alfo that he bib oiibiane h& jßephefo fo? to ktiofoe. .Quids Metamorphofis. 52 ^ 55nt Bacchus note full glo^ouflpbimfelfe mi&anendotbfl)ofcje. iw $no Pcrfey bearing in W band the montfer Gorgons bead, t £bat famous fpopie iobicb here and there tot ft? fnakifl) baire foas fp?eadj S&>ofb beat the apje ioitb toaupng foings, and a^t be ouerflefo J &be Ly bicke fanoes, tbe d:oppes of bloud that from tbe bead did feto ^ £Df Gorgon being neto cut off, bpon tbe ground did fal. ? ^¡Ibieb taking them (and as it toere conceputng tbertotfball,; J Cmgendjed ftmd^c Snakes and foo?mes: bp meanes foberof tbatcipme JJ ^Did ftoarme toftb Serpents euer fince? euen to this p?efent tpme, if rom tbente be Ipke a toatrie cloud foas carted fantb tbe toeatber? Cb?ougb all tbe beauen, noto here,nolo there as light as anp feather, :® Sttd from aloft be dietoes the earth that tmderneatb doth lie, anDftoiftJp oner all the hw:lde doth mconclufion flte, Mi 2Cb?oj times the chilling beares,tb2« times p crabbes fel cleas be fatm & iDft times to Meaif,oftimes to (¿all did djiue him manp a flats, ? i|>oto at fucb time as bnto rdf the fonne began to d^aine? ^ 3i5tcaufe be bid not tljinke it gmd to be abroad all night? Ur TOtbin lung Atlas feeffern Mealme be ceafed from bis flight?} tir fteqctefffngthataltttlcfpaceofrelfeniopbemight? ir tUntill fucb tpme as Lucifer ihoulo bung the moaning grap, rJi 8nd mooting bang the lightfomc &>unne that guides tbecberefull dap, 1 Cbis Atlas Iapets $vspbcioe, foas a man that did ercell „jj Bn ifature euerie other ioigbf that in tbe ioo?lde did dtoclL Bj Cbc dtmolf coalf of all tbe earth and all that &>ea toberein 1 Che tp^cd il&des and loearied Mapne of Phoebus dined bin? 1 Meremfubfetfiontotbis&iug. a tbonfandefloefees office, * SI tboufandbeirdesof^otberbeafles be in bis fields did boepe: and not a neighbor did anop bis ground bp duelling uie. * $Zc him the ioandung Perfey thus bis language did applie, [ Bif high renohme of ropall race tbp noble heart map moue, 1 B im the fonne of Ioue bimfelfe: o? if thou mo?e app^oue * &ijc baliaw D&des and bault erploptes* thou lhalt perceiue in m# feuclj doings as deferue iufrb p?apfeertolIcdfo? to bee, $ p?ap tbse of tbp courtefie receine moe as tbp guelf, **' JSnd Set m&lwtlp fo? this night feitbin tbp palace relf, * &mg Atlas called if raigbt to minde an auncient pjopbefie ^aoe bpParnaiiian Themys, tu^fc^ this fentence did implie, m mThe fourth booJte of' • Cbt time Iball one oap Atlas come in tobicb tty goloen tr& j &>baii of btr fap;c anö p;cctous fruitc Difpoplo ano robbed ba>, ano be Hjall be ibe fonne of Ioue tfjat (ball enfop the p;ap. jfo; feare hereof be did euclofe b ts 4D;cbaro etteric toap. Mitbmigbtie b tiles, ano put an ouglp £>;agon in the fame Co feape it. .further be fo;bao that anp Hraunger came Mithin bis Kealme, ano to this knight be fapoe p;efnmtuouflie: auopo mp lano, onleße then toilt bp fatter pertll trie v Chat all tbp glo;ions actes tobereof thou docH fo lonoip lie &no Ioue tbp father be t© fiirre to belpe tbde at tty naoo. Co tbefe bis too;ocs be aooeo fo;cc,aoo toent about m o®oe Co Dtfuc him oat bp Hrengtb of band. Co fpeabe teas Ioffe offotaöe £02 neptber coulo intreating faire no; Houtneße tourne bis minor. Mell then Perfey) Stb tbou ooefi mine honour fet fo light, Cake here a p;efent: ano tottb that be turnes atoap bis ßgbfi 8no from bis left Hoe D;etoe mac out Medufas lotblp beao. Ssbugeano big as Atlas toas be tcurneo in cbatHcao 3into a mountaine: Into tries bis beard ano locbs oio paCTe t banos ano Ibouloers maoe tbe riöge: that part tobicb latclp loaf m beao, became tbe bigbett top of all tbe bill: bis bones Mere turno to Hones: ano tberetoitballbe greto ntte all at ones JlSepono all meafure bp in befgtb (jFo; fo <2*00 thought it befl) farre that l^eauen toitb all the flarres oio on bis CEjouloers re®. 3n enoleife p;ifon bp that time bao Aeolus lockt the toino Sno noto the cbcrrdp mooting Harre that pnttefbfolkemminD Co rife about their oaplie too;kc fbone b;igbtlp in the flue, Chen Perfey bnto both bis fate Oio Hreigbt bis feathers tie s-3no girt bis MoOknife to bts fioc,anO from the earth oio Hie.> 1 £no leautng nations nombetieffe bencarb bimeuerte toap 3t laß bpon &(ng Cepheyes fields in Acthiop oio be Hap. Mbere cleanc againH all right ano lato bp Ioucs commaunoement Andromad fo; btr mothers tongue oio fuHcr punilyinent. Mbome to a rocke bp both the armes toben fanned bee bao fane, tooalD baue thought of garble Hone G)k baD feme image bane* But that btr trcHes to ano fro the tobiHHng tomoc oto fclotoe, ? ilno trickling teares toarme from bir epes a do tone btr cheeks Dio fiofof santoares bereat gan ferret fparkes UjitS;in bis b;eaH to gloto. mmmOuids Metamorphofis. 54. * ^istoits toere ffra«gt)t at fight thereof ana rauiibt in tueb toffe, Chat boto ro boncr toitb bte toings îje fcarflp could deuife, Zircone as tic fiaa ffapa l;tmfelfe, î£> ïlaaie faire (cp b&) * ^ottoojtbie offucb banda ad tbefe,but fucbtoberetoltbtoetó l Cogitber, knit in latofull bea the carneff louera bec 31 p?ap tîfœ tell mé tobat tbp felfe ana tobat this lande is named Slna toberefo;e tbou doff ideare f befe Chaîna i tbe llaate ill aibamed ’ tilias at tbe fodame ffrihen domb : and Ipfee a fearfull maid &>b& durs not fpcabe tmto a man. ï$aa not bir banded bène Gaia I §>be tooula batte bid bir bafyfull facc.i£otobeif ad (be might it Wtb great abundance of btrreared (bæ topped bp bit %bt fc: But toben that Perfcy oftentimed toaa earned Ip in band i Co (carne tbe matter, fo^ bicaufe fljæ tooulae not tónte to ffand i 3n dubbome Glence of bir faulted, Owe tolde bim tobat the land &na tobat (be bight t ana boto bir mother fo; bit beautied fade Chough p?iae did bnaautfedlp teo muebbpon bir tabe* I Sna ere fyæ full bad made an onde, tbe toater gan to ro?e t E J3n ouglp monder from the deépe toad making to the fboje • SMieb bare the ê>ea before bid b?ead.£be Virgin fitfiefeed ont* l£ir father ana bir mother both Grad mourning thereabout, J,’ 3« torched eafe both ttoaine, but notfo to?etcbed as the maid Mho totonglp ft: bir motberd fault the bitter raunfome paid. Cbep brought not toitb them anp help : but(ao the time and cace Jlequird) tbep toept ana tojang their bando, and (freigbtlp did embrace ^ir bodie falfened to the rocb.Cben Perfey them befpafce, îànd fapde : the time map feme t«a long tbid fo.troto fo? to mabet 5-1 But time of belpe mud eptber noto 0? neuer elfe be tabe * #oto if 3? Perfey fonne of bir tobomc in bir fótbera fotone Che mfgbtie loue begat toitb chiloe in (bape of golden tboto^e, 2Z2Ebo cut off ouglp Gorgons bead bcfpjcd toitb fnafeiflj beare, 0 8no in the ap;e durff t rud tbefe toinges mp boap foj to beare, i&ercbannce Ojouid faue pour aaugbterd life, 31 tbinb pe Gjonld ad than ï accept mè foj pour fonne in latoe before all other men. ¡t Co tbefe great tbetoed (bp the help of <É»od)3l pnrpofefoj to addo t & fuff defert in helping bir that id (o bard beffaode. i3 couenaunt toitb pou bp mp fo?ce ano manbod fo? tofane bfc> ; Conditionlp that to mp totfe in rccompcnce 3 bane bit«The fourth boote of $)ir parents tolte bis offer ficeigbr :for tuljo tuonili fiicbc threat ano praid tym faire,and promtfde Inm that for performing that Cbep toould enooto bim toitb tfje rpgbt of al tbeir Mealme bafide. ìUhe ao a $allp tutti) bte nofe Opti) cut tbe teaters teide, enforced bp tbeftoeatlng armes QfHotecrsfovri; tbe noe Coen fo tf)c monffer tettb bis brefi Dio beare tbe toanes sfide, ano teas noto come as nére epe roebe as teell a man mpgbt fling amto tbe pure ano baeant atre a pellet from a fling. ©&ben on cbe fooatne Perfey pufl)t bis f®te agatntt tl;c ground, &no filed bpteard to fbe clouds bts fljadoto did rebound SUpon tbe fea : tfje beali ran fierce bpon tbe pairing fbade« ano as an eg le tebeti fie fés a Dragon in a glade 3lie beabtng of bis bleteiflj baefee agalnfi tbe fannie rapes, Doth ceafe bpon blm bnbeteare, ano teitb bis talants tapes £>ure boloe Upon ¿is fealte neefee leali turlrblng bacb bis bead ì$ta crnell tétb mtgbt doe blm barme : é>o Perfey in that ffeao étfcenoing ootune tbe apre a matne toltb all bis force and might Did ceate bpon tbe montters bacbe ; ano bnoerneatb tbe rlgbt l ifinne baro Onto tbe berle bilt W b^beo ftoorde old fmtgbt. > Cbe monfier being tuounoed fore did fometime leape aloft, £tno fometime bnoer loafer dine, befiirring bint full oft £ls ootb a ebaufed 3!5oarebefet toltb barbing 2Dogges about« I5ut Perfey toltb bis llgbtfome tolngs If til béping blm toitbout Cbe mongers rcacbjtottb b^bed ftoord doth fometime belo bis barb Mbere as tbebolloio feales glue toap : and fometime be doth bac& Cbe ribbes on both bis maled fides : and fometime be boti; teouno l$is fplnole taple tubere into fiflb it grotoes moff final and round. Cbe cabale at Perfey from bis moutb fuel; toanes of toatcr calf, ISemired teitb tbe purple bloud, that all bcdrcint at lafi ^ts feathers bene beanie teere : and doubting attp more Co trail bis tuings note tearing teet, be firalgbc began te iere fKp to a roclse tebteb in tbe calme aboue tbe teatcr fiend : I5nt in tbe tempeff euermc?e teas bidden tatti? tbe to. Sind leaning rberebneo and toltb bis left band bolding tufi Cbe top thereof a do?en times bio toeapon be did tbrnfi among bis gnttes. Cbe topfull nopfe and clapping of tbeir bauds Cbe tebieb boere made for Icofening of Andromad from blrbanos,l»!| l fi, Ouids Metamórphoiis. JfillDe alt tt)c coair ano beancn it felfeXbc parent« of tty SJaiOe Ca iTiope anD Cepheus toere glao anD toell appapoe t i : gno calling Dim tbeir fonne in Iato confeDTcD ijtm to bè Zbe l)elpe anD fauegàrOe of tbe tr bonfe.Andromad.e the fé anb caufc of Perfeys enterpztfe from bonDeS noto bcpng fré, Ipe toafljeDbiototfoztous banDs$nDlcaff rbe&nabiebeaoe miti) iping on c!)e graucll baro iboulo card) fome barme,be fpzeD $>oft leaucs anD certame tenocr ttoigs tljat in t|?e toater greto, 8no latD Medufas beao tbefeon : t|je ttotgs pet being mto ano qutcbe anD full of miete ptrb full ligbtlp to them Dzeto &be nature of tins monff t ons beao. to? both tbe leafe anD bough JFull tfratingclp at tbe touch thereof became botbbarD anD tough* anD toerc full glaD to fee tbe cbaunge,bicaufe tbere toast no oooes \ £)fleauèsozttoigs0?oftbeféDesnetotyabenfromtbecoDDes,«- • rii jfoz itili Ube nature euer ffhce io in our Cozall feunoe : 4 Chat bobebotofame tt touebetb 3p;e it toaretbbaro anDfouuse* e. • ¡i 0no tbat tobicb totoer toater toas a ffiebe, abbue io itone, ì Cbzé aitar« to as manp ©od« be mabes ofCurfeanonJ ^pon tlje left banb Mercuncs: jviincruas on tbe righi; &nD in tbe tmODle Iupiters : tO Pallas be DÌO Digbt - ‘ r/ I, Si Cpto ; a Calie to Méreurie : a }H5ull to ropall Ioue, r j ; g i?oztbtoitbbet(DbeAndromadetbepzicetoztobicbheifrouo ; • $ «Enootoeo toitb btr fatbers fóealme. jf oz noto tbe Coo of Itone ? r -0no Hymcn bino martagc hts minte in bali Dio moue. : g Crear ficco toere maoe of ftoéte petfumcs, ano eurtono garlanoes bwif ff, Slbout tbe boufe,tobicb euerp tobere of mirtbfull mufiebe rung j Che glaDfomefigncofmerieminoes.Cbe fallace gates toere fet ©SHiije open, none from comming in toere bp tbe |0ozters lei* &ll j^oblemen ano Certftemen tbat toere of anp pozt lEo tbis fame great ano ropall fealf of CepheyDtD refozt. Mbcn bauing taben tbeir repaff as tocll of meate asinine Cbeir brarts Degan io pleafant mtrtb bp lepfure to encltne, ■ ■■, CbeDaltant Pcrfcyof tbe foibe ano factóus of tbe lanD 25cgan to be mquifitiue One Lincidc out of batto b Cìétitó ano inatters of tbe foibe Dio Doe htm t’tmoerifanDv ' Mbicb bone btfapD;Ctooztbtobmgtjt 3 pzaptbé teli os b^ »• ffltttiaiThe fourth boote of Mtbat fo?ce o? teile tbottgottt tbe beao tu iti) balres ofSDOers Sie« íCfjcn Perfey toloe boto toioerneatb cotoe Atlas lap a píame feo fcticeö ln ott cnerp flöe tetti) ntountaines ijigl), tbat baine Miere anp fotcc to tetti tbe fame. 3¡n entrance of tire tetjíctj Cteo oaugbters of fting Phorcis otodt tcfjofe cbauttce atto bap foas fo* iDfjat otte epe Cerneo boti) tbeír turneo : tebereoíbp totlíe fltgCt 8no ífealtb ín putting fo¿tb W baño be oto bereue tbem quíg&t, 8o tbep from tone to totber teere oelíueríng of tbe fame. Jf rom tebence bp long bltno crcobeb toapes tjnbanofomlp be carne ¿teongb gattlp groues bp raggeo díffes tetro tbe Omette place Mibereao tbe Gorgons otoelt : ano tbere be fato(a te?ctct¿D cale) STbc tyapes as tedi of men as beaffs lie fcattereo eucríe tebere 3¡n open fíelos ano common toapes, tbe tebícb tranffo;mco tetti if rom líuíng tbtngs to ff ones at ßgbt of foule Medufas beare 3i5ut pee tbat be tbiougb b¿ígbmdre of W monffrous teafen Inicio Cbe tebícb be in W left baño bare,Medufas face bebdo, ano tubile tbat in a founo oeao flápe teere all btr fenafcesano tyc9 l)t foftlp pareo of btr beao : ano bote tbat be oio fá fetotft Pegafus tbe teíngeo bo.tfe ano eke bis b;orbcr grate £>ut of rbeír motbers neto teeo blouo. ^oteouer be oto ibote 2t long otfcottrfe of all bis bappes ano not fo long as trete : Sis nantelp of tobat feeas ano lances tbe coatts be cuerflcto, Ano efee tebat narres toítb ffptng totngs be ín tbe tebtle oíd tete 3¡3ut pet bis tale teas at an enoe ere anp tolse tbetefoie, SUpon occaßon bp ano bp of teo?oes reberll befóle SPjere teas a certame noble man oemattnoeo bím toberefojt ¿bá onlp of tbe filiers tfyé batre mírt toítb flooeis lo¿e. feír(aunfteeroe Perfey) ßtb pou alise a matter too?tb repo# 3 gcaunt to rdl poupour oemauttoe. lije botbín comlp pokit ano bcautíc,cucrp otber toígbt furmoumeo ín fucb fo.:t, Cbat ma np futrrs Unto b*r Dio earneiflp &na tbougb tbat tobóle from top to toe molí bctetíftiH Ibe teere, ¿¡ i all bír boote toas no parí moie goDlp iban bír beare. 3 imote fome partios pet aline, tbat.fap tbep oto bír fá. 3¡Ctsrepo.:reo bote ibe íbonloabuíoe bpNeptuncbá gn Pallas Cburcb.iJrs tebtcb'tetole faite Ioues oaugbter tumoe lift &no toítb bit Target bio btr fóce from fwb 8 biUante. iOuíds Metamorphofìs. 0nD leali íí f^onlD Impuniti be, fije tnrn&e W fórme 1? §m$ Ho lotfjlp Swafeeo : tbe fo&lcb( tbe moje to pur L5eto?e Ijir bjetf continuali? fije m ble Ojíelo do: Finis quarti Libri, f THE FYFT BOOKE ofOuids ¿5VTeta ¡r íDtu fobtíe tbat Danacs noble fonne íoao tellíng of t befe tbíngg 3mto a tb?ong of Cepheys &o?oeo,tb?ougb al tbe pallace rings 1 a nopfe of people notbing libe tl;e íouno of fueb as fing 3t foeoomg fea(fco,but libe tbe roje of fucb as tioings bjíng ÜDf cruell foarre, Cbts foDaíne cbaunge from feaff íng bnta frap í^igbt tocll be lífeeneo to tbe &>ea: tobpcb ífanDíng at a ffap íCbetoíoDneireoftbetmnDeoniafeeo lougbbp ratfmgoftbeíüaue* Ibíttg Cepheys bjotber Phyney toas tbe man tbat rafljlp gaue Cbe firfi occafion of tbis frap.Wo fijafeíng ín bps banb 0 2Dart of aib loítb beaD of ífÉlc,fapD loe; loe bere 3 tfantr Ho cbalenge tbá tbat tojongfulipmp tauiíbt fpoufe Dofie boli Hty foíngs no? pet fbp fojgeb £>ao in Ibapeof fépiteD golDe 1&iB arme aloft,tbe fojefaio SDart at PeriVy to baue fent tEÌIlbai Dofic tboub?otber(Cephey cnoe;trbat mabnefle moues tbomiti^ iCo ooe lo fonie aDóeoe fio tbis tbe frienoibipbe Cball finDe ^rnong bs fo? bte g®o Deferta t ¿Ino unii tbou neeoes regnThe fifte hooke of %\)t fauin&gftöp#éces life tolti) fuel) a fcalc befpfgbt t Mbome Rd% bath not from tb® tane : but(tf thou be abuifoc) 315ut bo?neb Hammon : but the beaff tobicb from the &ea artiueb £Dn mp beare botoels fo? to feebe. Chat time toert tbou bep?iueb *!Df tbp bettrotbeb, toben l;tr life bpott the lofing ffobe : áDnleffe percbaance to fee ^fr loft it tooulbe baue bone thè gcob, £nb eatbe tbp heart to fee me fab.änb map it not fufftce Cbat tbou btbff fé bir to tbe roebe faff bcunb before tfjtne epcs 0nb otott not belpe bit bepng both tor bulbanb anb bir Gfcame i ¿Dnleffe tbou grubge that anp man fboulb come toitbfn mp töealme Ko faue btr life ? anb fófee to rob him of W luff rttoarbe b Mbtcb tf tbou tbinbe to be fo great,tbou tboulbff baue bab regaròe 315efo?e,to fetch it from tbe roebe to tobicb tbou fatoffe it bounb, 3 pzap tbé bjotber féíng that bp him tbe meanes is founb Cbat in mine agetoitbout top chille 3 go not to tbegrounbe, permit btm to entop tbe p?ice fo? tobicb toe bib compounbe, anb tobteb be bath bp buebefert ofpurcbace bérelp bought* 3foz brother let it neuer ffnbe no? enter in tbp thought 30;at 3 fet mo?e bp btm than thè : but this map Irell be feb i£c gatto bimrtof a tob?beagaine i HBut Icofecb eft on btm, áno eft on Perfey ireful^tottb eountnance ffoure anb grim,J $of Unotoing tobicb toere beff to bit : anb after little ffap ; i$e (babe tos£Dart,anb flung it fo?tb toitb all the potoze anb ffcap 2Ebat anger gaue at Perfeys beöb.But barme it bib him none, 3¡t ff tcfceb in rbe-Bebffebbes beab that Pcrfey fate bpon. 2Uben Pcrfey ffetmlp ffarting bp anb puütrtg out the 2>art SDtb tbzoto it at bis foe agapne,anb tberetoirbaU bte b^t ; l^ab cliuen a funber, báb be not bebinoe an aitar ff art. 2Lbe aitar(mo?e tbe prtie toas)bib fane the toiefeeb toigbf. rnt tbzeto be not the E>art in baine : it btt one Rhetus right anno I be fo?ebeábe : tobo tberctortb fanfee betone, anb toben tbe 0ále Mas plucheb out, be fp?atolbe about ahb fpumeò toifbbts béle, anoall berarb the brozbe toitb bioub.2Tben all the other rout as fierce as fire flang Dartes z anb fome there toere that crieb out Xbat Ccphey toitb bt^ tonne tn latoe toas too?tbp fo? to bte. }1% ¡¡»I Ouids Metamorphofis. 57 SBut he |>a0 toound him oat ofDewes p^otelf ing folemlp a« be toas iulf and faithfull |^ince,an0 ftoearing else bp alt SLtjc (Sods of l£ofpitalitie,tbat tbatfame toople did fail jfull foje agatnff bis band toas toarlie Pallas ifrcigbt 0nd (badotoed Perfey toitb hie ffjielde,and gaue him heart in feigbt. Cbere toas one Atys bo?ne in Inde, (of faire Lymniacc Che Hi act Ganges daughter thought the iffue fo? to be,) £>f palling beautie tobicb toitb rich arap be did augment» 19e toare that dap a fcarlet Clotse,about the tobicb there toent a garqe of golde: a chepne of golde he toare about hits nechc: and the his haire perfumde toitb sppirhe a coif Ip crotone did deebe, i^ull Itrtene peares he toas of age: fuch cunning flsill he coulde Bin darting, as to hit his marfee farre dilfanttohen he toould* pet boto to handle k?oto and lhaftes much better did he fenoto. $oto as he toas about that time to bende his horned Botoe, a firebrand Perfey caught that did bpon the aultar fmoise, "> and dalfjt him ouerttohart the face toitb inch a biolent ffrohe, > Chat all bebattred toas his head the bones a funder b?ofee* j twlthen Lycabas of AiTur lande his molfe affured friend and deare companion being no otffembler of his rnienb saincb molf entierlp did him loue,behelde him on the ground Itie toeltring toitb dtffigutoe face, and though that gricuous toound iJ5otogafping out his parting ghoif ,bts death he did lament, and taking half Ip dp the 5l5oto that Atys erlf had bent, encounter thou tottb me(he fatde)thon lhalt not long eniop Chp triumphing in b?auerie thus,fo£ hilling of this bop, 36p tohich thou getlf mo:c fpigbt than p?atfe.ail this toas fcarllp fed, 3l5ut that the arroto from the firing toent ifrepncd to the head» l9otobeit Perfey(as it hapt)fo toarelp did it ihunne, as that it in his coteplights hung, then to him did he runne mttb Harpe in his hand beffaind toitb grim Medufas blmd, and thmlf him though the toelf quoting as he (fcod £>id Imfce about tohere Atys lap toitb dint and oajeltng epes, O #oto toauing dnder endlelfe night: and dotone bp him he lies, S* and fo; to comfort him tofthall togither toitb him dies. J fSebolo though gredie halfe to fetght onePhorbas Methions fon a Svvcuitc: and Of Lybie lande fine callde AmphimcdonThe fift booJce of Bp fortune Aiding in tljc blco^tDttl) tobteb the ground boas her, Jf ell oobone: and as tljcp lootilbe bauc tofe,Perfeus faueben met Mlitb both of them. Amphimedon bpon the ribbes be fmote, 3nD toit|j the iibc celcritic be cut me Phorbas tb;otr.. But tmto Erith Adorsfounc that in bis bant) did bolde 3 b^oDc bjoione Btll,bmtb bis ttjo?r fbooio ijc Durft nor be to bolne SLo utafcc app^odj^stb both bis bandes a great ants maifie cap Cmboif boitb cunning po:rrapture aloft be tafeetb bp, ¡3Liid fenDes it at bim.|)e fpetnes bp red bloud t ano falling dotone Mpon bis bache,againlf tbe ground both fenoche bis Dpmgcrotone, Efyen aoinne be Polydemon tbiobocs detract of recall race ano Abaris the ^»cttfjfan, ana Clytus m Itfcccafe. 3nd Elice Untb bis bmtenclocftcs,and alfo Phlegias, 3nd Lycet. olde Spercheiies fonne,tMtb &iucrs other mo, 2Ebat on tbe beapes of co:fes flaine be treades as be Derb go. 01X0 Phyney Dating not p?efnmc to mtete bis foe at band, Eut) calf a ¿Dart: tobicb bapt to light on Idas bubo DiD fland 0lcofe as neuter(tbougb in bainejnotmeDltng betrb the if rap. Ml bo calling backs afrofoning l©ise at Phyney, thus DiD fap, £>itb Vnbctber that 3 built o? no compclD 3D am perforce Eo take a part, bane Phyney here him tobome tbon Dolfe enforce Eo be tbp foe,anD Until this mound mp tu?ongfull tuonnD requite. But as be from bis boop pullDe the 2Dart,umb all bis might Ea tb?flfcj it at bis foe againc,bis limmes fo feeblco feere ME itb lotTe of blond,that dobone lie fell ano could not after Iff are. 2Ebcre alfo lap Odites flame the cbiefe tn all the land $ert to &ing Cephey,put to Death bp fo?ce of Clymens banD. Protenor Uias bp Hypfey ktUde,and Lyncide DID 30 much jfox Hypfey. 3n the rbmng there boas an auncient man and fuck a one as loueD righteoiifnelTe anD greatlp feareD €5oD; Ernathion calico tuas bis name: bubonic fltb bis peares fojhod Eo put on armes^je feigbts Until tongue,inueping earneflip 3gafnlf that linefeed boar the bubicb be banncD bitterlp. 3s on tbe3ltar bebtmfelfe buitb quiuenng bandes DiD flap, £>nc Cromis tlppeD of bis beaD: Ins beaD ent oft ¿freight Snap Mpon tbe3ltar fell,anD there bis tongue net fullp Dead, E>io bablc flill the tanning booses the bobteb it erfi bao fed,OuidsMetamorphofis, 58 k 2nb 6?eat beb fo;tb bis fainting gboff among tfjc burning bjan&cs, CbenBrote f Haramon brothers,ttoins,ffout ebâpionsoftbefrbâbs 3|n toteffling |3ierUflTe(tf fo be that to?ettling couio fnffatne Cbc furious fo;cz of tticing ftoojbes) toere both bp Phyney flaine. 3$ 2nb fo teas Alphit Ceres p?ieff tbat toare bpon bis crotone i(k a ffatelp Spiter faire anb tobtfe toitb Cables banging botone. Cbou alfo Iapets fonne fo? fucb affaires as tbefebnmæte ^ But ntœf e to tnne tbine inffrument toitb bopce anb Ditie ftoccte ^ Cbe tooifce of peace,inert tbttber calltie tb’atfeniblie to reiopce 2nb fo? to fet tbe mariage fo?tb toitb pleafant flnging bopce, 2s toitb bis Œtfall in bis banb be ffajoea gœütoap off, Cbere commetb to bim Petalus anb fapcs in toap of fcoffe : <ü5o üng tbe refoue to tbe gboffes about tje âtpgian Halte, flnb in tbe left fibe of bis beabe bis bagger popnt be ffrafce. î£e fanhebotone beabe toitb fingers ffiüpettoarblingon the firing ' 2nb fo mtfcbauncc finit bp toitb too tbe fong tbat be bib üng, # But fierce Lycormas coulb not beare to fee bim murb?eb fo ‘ Mübout reucngement.&p be caugbt a migbtie ïleauer tbo : Cbat toonteb toas to barre tbe bro?e a rigb t fibe of tbe boufe 2nb tbcretoitbaU to Petalus be lenbetb fucb a foufe to if all in tbe nobble of tbe nccfie, tbat Itfie a fnetcbeb £>rc pe ê>treigbt tubltng botone,againff tbe grounb bis groueling face be fetiop« 2nb Pelâtes a Garamant attempteb to banc caught Cbe left b©?e barre : but as tbereat toitb ffretcbcb banb be raugbt, a $Dnc Cory t tonne of Marmarus t>to toitb a Blandin ff ricfee : i£tm ttoougb tbe banb,tbat to tbe tocob faff napleb bib it fftcUc, 2s Pelâtes ffœtie faff neb thus, one Abas goarb bis fibe : i0e roula not fall,but banging ffill bpon tbe poffe there bibe i jfaff napleb bp the bano.2nb there toas ouertb?otone a &nfgbt £)f Perfeyes banb callbe Melaney,anb one that Donll bigbi ! 2 man ofgreatcff lanbcs in all the Hcalme of Nafamone. Chat occupibe fo large a grounbe as Dorill toas there none, $o? none that bab fucb ffo?e of co?ne. there came a SDart a ffceto 2nb lighteb in bis Cobbes tbe place inhere p?cfcnt acatb both fcto* ^beu Aldon of Barcey be that gaue tbîs bcablp toounb Bebelb him pef&tng fo?rb bis gboff anb falling to the grotmb Wtb toatrte epes the tobite turnbe bp; content tbp felfe be faibThe fixtbookeof Wiify that fame litle plot of grounbe fobereon tfjp co?fe is lapbe, 3» ffeaöe of all the large fat ficlbes toljicf) late thou bibff poffeffe. &nb toftb that foo?b he left him beab.Perfeus to reb?eflfe Chis (laughter a no rljis fpightfull taunt, fireight fnatcbeb out the SDart Chat ff ickeb in the frety toarme toounb, anb tmth an angrie |?art Dio feno it at tfje th?otuers beab; tfje SDart bib fpltt lUs nofc Cucn In the mibbeo, anb at his necke agatne the heab out goes: &>o that It pecreb both the foapcs.OThiles fortune both fuppo?c Jfinb further Pcrfey thus,he killes^but pet In funkte fo?t) Ctoo brothers bp the mother: tone calloe Clytic tother Dane, if o? on a SDart though both ¥* thighes bib Clytie take hts bane t ifinb Danus frith another HDart toss ffrtken In the mouth. Chere bleb alfo Celadon a <25ppße of the &oath: J3nb fo bib baffarb Aftrey tar, tohofe mother fras a 3e to: 3no fage Ethion frell fo?efeene in things that fljonlb enfcfr, l J15ut btterlp beguilbe as then bp UBirbes that auklp fieto. * Iking Cepheyes harneffebearer callbe Thoaftcs loff his lift» anb Agyrt tohom fo? murbrtng late his father frith a knife Che too?lbe fpake lhamc off. $atheleffe much mote remainbe behfoDe Chan fras bifpatcheb of of hano: ft? all toere full in minbe Co mürber one. the toickeb ffrong hab ftoo?ne to fpeno their bleb > ^gainff the righf3anb fuch a man as hab beferueb gtob. f 0 totherßoe (although in baine)of mere affection ffob &he jfather anb the spotherinlafr,anb eke the heaute b?ibe, Mlfyo filleb frith tkefr piteous plapnt the Court on euerie fibe. 31ßut nofr the clattring of the ftoofres ano harneffe at that nbe WUtil) grieuous groncs anb figkes of fuch as toounbeb mere o? bibe, 2?ib raife bp fuck a cruell ro?e that nothing coulo be hearb. ifo? fierce Bellona fo renefrbe the battell aftertoarb, Chat all the houfe bib fwim in blcob.SDuke Phyney frith a rout £)f moe than a thoufanb men enuironb rounb about Che baliant Perfey all alone. Che partes of Phyncys banbe Came thicker than the inters haple both fall bpon the lance» 31Sp both his fibes his epes anb eares. ipe toarelp thereupon OTithb?aioes,anb leanes his backe agamßa huge great arche of tfonc • flnb being fafe bchinb, he fettes his face againtt his foe E&Uithffanbing all their fierce affaultes.Chere bio affaile hi«1 $ocOuiclsMetjmorpliofis. 55 CSpOtt tbe lefí fiOC Molpheus a p?i,.ce Of Choanif, ^no on r^e ríg^t Etliemón fao;ne ^arü bp íit Ak t'oic. H atibe as fbe Cpger toben be beares fíje lotomgotit of jfieate ¡l 3|n fuñóle £peDes>enfo?ceo fe?e fb?ougb abff menee from meare, , C&oulo faínebe Dotngtoítb tbem botb,anocan not tellat tobícb ^ $Mere beif to gíue aOttentnre fírH: £>o Pertey tafyo oto tteb s 2Co be atboíf toítb bot^s of tbem,ano oo^btfui: ¿ubetber (toe q SLo turne tjtm on,tbe rigbt o? ieff Op^n aonamage fpíoe SDtD toouno me Molphey on tfcc leg, ?mo from bím qutgbí bím D?aue. J f^e toas contenteo toítb bte flígb*; fo/tob? Ethemon gane ® j]5o refpite to bím to purfue t bui libe a frantirH man Ctoougí) egerneífe to toounoe |?ís aeche,toitbíut tegarotog toban boto to tfríhe fe? baílele hv rfí bis ijitric ftoo:m ín ttoaíne aganttf tbe 2rcbe: tbe popm tobeteefreemmomg bache agaíne, i 2Dío bit btmfelfetopon tbe tb>ote.^ j. fatm mum celas totfufficícntlC to fer oe Ethemon to tbe gronno* I0e trembleo boloíng w í/to banoes fo? mercíe, but ín baíne. if0: Perfey tb?ulf fefm mougb tbe beart tottb Hermes bffifeeo Asame. í: But toben be fatotbat OalíantneflTe no lenger coulo auaplc, BpreafonofrbemultituoetbatDíobímífíllalfaple, f, £>ítb pou pour felues me foleto cali mine enmte to mine apee, 3 totfl Do fo: íf anp frieno of mine be bere ®e Tapo) &trs turne pour faces allatoap : ano tberetoítball be o?eto £Dut Gorgons beao. íDnc Theílalusífreigbf ragíng to bím fleto, f 2¡10 fapo: go feche fome otber man tobóme tljou mapíf mafce abalbt ( Míitb rbefe fbp fíDltlb íuggtmg copes.ano as be tooulo bañe oafbt ,i; m Jauelrng ín btm tottb tbat tooioeto htU btm out ofbano, MUtb getfurc tb?otomg fo?tb bis SDarfaU 9BarbleOtobe ífano. i^fs ftoaioe tbmugb Eynads noble beart bao Ampínx tbougbt to iboue: l)is baño toas ífonc,ano neptber one no? otber toap coulo íitoue: But Niley tobo oíobanntbmiíclft to be tbe l&uers forme Cbat tb?ougb tbe bounoes of Aegypt laño ín cbanncls btj.octb rumie, 2no ín bis Ibíeloe bao granen paire of filuer,part of goloe Cbe fato.btj.cbanncls of tbe NUc,fapO: Perfey bere bebetoe á if rom tobence toe feteb our píeDegrce: tt map reíopee tbp bífírt Co Ote of fucb a noble baño as mme.d>e latter part v £Dftbefe bis too.joe coulo fcarce bebearoube omt tberof toas o?otoítoc:^-I*. 31-tÍ peThe fìft bookc of &e Inorilo baue efjoagìjt bím fpcaAntg fiiU toitb open moótfjibní fa ,lin 2DiD none foitb palie : tbcre toas foi fpcacbe no pafiage to be fonno. [ Mcbuiung tbem enes JEryx ; è>irs tt ts not Gorgons fece gt is pour otonc fallir beartes tbat matte pou (Tonte in (bis cafe, Come le; \ts on tbis fellotorun ano to tbe grouno bimbeare Chat fetgbtcs bp toiccljcraft : as botti) tfjat bis fate foitb ffcppfag focrc HCficp (Tache Ailífafleneo to tbc Arnie : bc eoulo not mouc a (tee, * a« amico imago all of ffone be fpcacb Ielle oto abtoe. illl tbefó toere tufllppum(hca.ìlDnf' atte ttym toas a fcnigbt <3Df Pcrfcys fianùgn tobofe oefencc as Acont fl©De to fctgbt, > T£c toareó ouergrotouc toitb (Tone at bglp Gorgons fighi. Subente fltll as pct Aftyages fuppofing foi to Ulte, •> ¿no toitb a long Ibarpe armlng ftooioe a toalbtng biotti bim gtnr. > Sitjc f iodio dio cltnlte againlT ttjc fio ne am* cut tbe fparcles biute, j «Hbìle all araajoc ffocoe toononng at tbe tljfng, Sitie Colie fame nature oti l) un Celie tbe Gorgons bno oto bifng» Sno in bis bifagc tobieb boas (Tone a countnance oto remarne £>f toonoiing tftU.a tocarte tooifccít toere to teli pou piarne Cbc ñames ofall tbe common foit.Ctoo bunoieafrom tbatflap SDiOfcape bnflaine ; but none of tbem oto go alme atoap. nt tobóle ttoo bunbieo cuerp onc at figbf of Gorgons beare «IQfere turneo into fiocMcs of ffone.Cben at tbe lengtb tot feare HWoPhyney of bis toiongfull toar fbitbtnfce bintfelfc full foie, But noto (alas) tobat remeote 4 be fato tberc fiano bcfoie T£is face,bis men ItUe gmages in funoiie fljapcs all fione, t^e Aneto tbem toeil, ano bp tbeir ñames oto cali tbem euerptbone ; SDefirtng tbem to fuccot btm ; ano trufiing not bis figbt T£e feeles tbe bootes tbat toere nerbano all toere iparble quigbt, t£e turnes bltnfelfe ftom Perfey boaro ano bumblp as be flanees l£c toiies bis armes bebino bis bacile ; ano boloing bp bis banocs, ¿D noble Perfey tbou batt got tbe bppcr banù be fefe, put bp tbat monff ruous fatelo of tbine ; pur bp tbat Gorgons btao 30jat into fiones tranffoimctb men ; put bp 3 tljà oefire, $ot batreo,noi bicaufe to reigne as fttngg oto afpire, ì£aue moueo me to rnahe tbis frap. Cbe onlp foiee of lotte gn fati mg mp betrotbeo fpoufe,Oio berebnto me moue, ICbe bettcr citte fametb tbme bicaufe of tbp oefert 1 a .6o Bin that 31 Dio not giuc the place«$one otfjer thing 31 craue 1 £D too?tbte feníght* but that thou graunc this life of mine to fane, j %et all things cite befioc be be thus hnmblp fpafee 0ot oaring IcoUe at him to tobóme be Dio entreatance malte, jj cbe thing (qnotb Perfey)tobicb to grant« both 31 can dnoe in heart, Sino is no little courtede to flotee toitbout oefert SKpon a Cotoaro,? totii graunc £D fearfull SDuíic to thee» &et (cate aim: thou (halt not hurt toith anptoeaponbé. » 31 to til mo?eouer To p?oniDe as that thou (halt remaine cHcrlafttrtgmonumcnroftbis Dapc* topic ano patne. Che pallare of mp jfattoinlato (halt hencefo«| be tbp Ctofne •f* mijete thou (halt «ano continnallp before mp fpeufes epen. m Chat of bit bufbano baaing ap the 3lmage in bir flgbt, &be map from time to time recepue fome comfort ano Delight. a¡, bao no foncr fapo tbefe tootoes but that be turnoe his (hieloe 8 mm Gorgons bcaoe to that fame part tobere Phy ncy toith a mieioe t ¿no fearfull countnance fet his fare.Chen alfo as he to?toe bns epes atoap, bis necltc toart differs teares to done tocre o?ioe. SI countnance ih the donic «oche of feare oio dill appeare 1 mtb bumble Itoite ano páloing ijanoes ano gadlp ruthfull cheare. mm conqued ano a noble toife Doth Perfey home repaire ano in reuengement of the right againd the to?ongfullbcp?c* as in his Craunodres ind Defence he falles in ¿ano toith Prete ^ Who tide no toother but a foe Dio late before oefcate ,1, &tng Acrifeof his totoncs bp toarre ano of his ropall feate. H5ut nepther coulo bis men of toarre no? fo?treffe toon bp to?ong à SDefeno him from the grieilp lœhe of grim Medufa long. ¡J ano pet thee falidj Poly deft of little Seriph &ing, ■ ê>uch rcorco ranco? intoarolp continnallp oio ding, * Chat nepther Perfeys p?otoeffe trioe in fuel; a fo?t of b?oplcs „ i]5o: pet tbe perils be enouroe,no? all bis troublous topics pi Coulo caufe tbpdomaefee to relent. Mlitbin tbp dome b?ed Mlo?hcs fucb a htnoe of fedreo hate as cannot be rep?cd. Cbp to?ongfuil malice hath none cnoe.^o?eouer tljou of fpite Repining at hts too?tbp p?aife, his Doings Dodc backbite ; ^Ipholoing that Medufas Death tons but a fo?gcû lie : 3Mtir.The fift ho oke of &o long fill Perfey fo? tothe ttut|rapp8catt% SDcftrmg fuel) as mere his frtcnses to turne stray their eye, D?ue out Medufas cugly head. &t ftgltt teller eof anon C|)t IjatcfuII Cpian Polydeft toas turneo te a Hone. Che (£5cOOelFe Pallas ait this tobiledtd bápe continually T):r brother Perfey eompanie,ttil not» rfjat Aje oto Hie j?rom Seriph in a f)oIlctadottíi,ane leaumg on tijé right Che lies of Scy re attd'Gyarosjlhe made fcom ti)cnce t)ir %!jt SDirertlp ouer that famc ^ea as neare as eye ccaldamc Co T he be and fpount Helicon . anb Irbenftic thtfhcmmt, £>ije fiapoe btr fdfe5atHü tbusbefpaUc the learned fifesnt«, 0 rumo: of an bitcoutfify;irrgijiii ptme tbefe cares of rams Che tebicb the toingeif tfádelbouliútiabr bpflanrptng totrt) ffchftfe. Cljis is the canfe of my nepeare: l feo tilo fog cmatnepioiS’e Be glad to fee the toonoious t&mg.5Fo? pjefent there 3 ffro&e 0nD fair the felfefame Pegafus fpdng of his tnofbetsbimu, ÍDame Vrarae oio emertsme aimaanfirere Pallas thus.T Mbat caufe fo etter moties pour grace to come ano Wit bs, ípoH hearteíppou taeÉcome srrcaiio certaineis thefame £Df this our ¿p?ing,cfjat Pegafus. mas caufer of the fame. 0nd toitb that toóme tíre led |fc fo?cb to lie tfjefacred fp?mg ♦ Mho muling grea tly toitb hit felfe at ffraungenefie of the thing, éwrueyde the MmOes ano groues about of aunriem flately pom 1 Sino toben fyt fato the Botovs to toljicb the ’$■£» oto refo^t, > 0nd pleafant fíelos bedao tmthberlTesOffanijjiehebi ano fo?f? J S>he faio that fo? their Audios fabe they tocrc in happtecace 0nd alfo that to ferue their turne tbep bad To trim a place. Chen one of them replfed thus.O noble llaoie tobo (But that pour bertue greater too?bes than tljefe are calles pou to) Should elfe haue bene of tfjisour troupe^oatfaping is full true. Co this cur trade of life and place is commendation due. 0no fure toe haue a lucbtelot and if the too?Id toere fuch 0s that ire might in fafetie line, but letodnefle rrignes fo much Chat all things mabebs Raides afraide.spe tbinbes 3 pet do fee Che toicbcd Cp:an Pyren if til: my heart is yet Earce free r Jf rom that fame feare toitb tobtrb it tjapt bs flighted fo? to bá» J Chis cruell Pyren mas of Thrace and toitb lns men of tearOùids Metamorphofis. 61 C&e lane ofPhocis baö fubDiiDe^ano from ibis place nei far OTitbin tte Citte Dawlisreignöe bp fo:ce of imengftiil batta, aiD ; 0 ve Dames of Meonie(fo2 tobp te tmeto tusciaell) il 31 p;ap pou Ifap ana tate mp teufe inciti tbia Cromie ( etere feil ICbat tfme atempeff aito a iIjoto?r)be pali : tte Ctoaaaloft Saue eritrei) fmaUer ßjeaaee ttjan mine full manp a time anö oft. . Cte rat me toeatbtr arrtrbpst toojöea fo manca ba, tfjat la® ICo go info au outer teufe ofbia afa all agre?. , Ha tene as tbat tteJbotamtoaa paff atto beauen tßasfccpöeticitare 15 H>fa11 tteClcnöes tobtet) late befane ötö enerptatereappeare, Guitti tbat Boreas baa fub&uöe tte raime batterne toinae. 1 We toouloc baue bp ano bp bene gone.Se Atei tte aco?e* itt minae ICo ramtb bo ; but tue ioitb tDtnga efrapeö front bist bauas, SrpurpoftngtofaUotutJOytjpaitalCuEretffanba» Hna faprb te ttÈaeototllafierfca tte fame tuap toeDitr flit. Hna toitb tfjat too?oefull franttcfelp be leapetb botane frombie? ano pitting euelong onbiafàcetbc bones a funoer cralbt, ano aping, all ateooe tbe grenno tes taieteu blonb beaalbt. et. jßoto ao tbe ufo taas teüing tljt37tbep beara a nopfe af taings e ano from tbe Laute bougtea aloft a founöof grcetmg ringa. , Minerua telung bp ebeeeat cemamxaeD toberae tbe tornite > flDf tonguea tbat fa aißinttlp fpate Dia come fa piarne ano vomttee £>te rbougte fonte taoman o j fonte man bao gr&fco fjir tbat ffaunte, SJttaaa a ßigte of liBiröee.jßpne pica betaatltng tbeic mifcbamice. 31 n coimrerfefttag euerie tbmgfrom boagb ta bougbaia öaunec. il Ha Pallas tuonala atrbe ßgbt,tbe spule ipafee tljus in fummo. , ICbefe alfo being late ago in cbalenge ouercome, ipaae ane fcinoe mo:c of JlBiraea tban taas of aancienc rime beitene. Bin Macedone tbep tocre about tte Citie Pella borite iDf Pierus a great riebe Cbuffe ano Euip, tote bp apae i *Df ßrong Lucina tratteliing mnettmea, nine timea toaa latoe : £)f Daugtjters in l;tr cbtlobcö fafe.Ubts tono ano froltib rout ! ¿Dibatti# filiera tabingpaiöe atto toaring feerie ffouty XBicaufe tbep torri n number nine carne floefeing all togitber Cb^attgl ÜMÜThe fiftbooke of S^btougb all tbe totoneo of TheiTalicanoall Achaiabitber, Sino 1)0 tutti) tbefe 02 fucb libe too?ec0 to rombate oio piouQhc Ccafe off pc Thefpian dDoOOcffeo to rnocbe tbe Ampie foibe Mitb fononeiTe ofpour 2pclooic.&no tfpc tbinbc In oédc >pc can Doe ougbt,conteno toitb 00 ano fa bota pon (ball ipaoe, 3! tnarrant pou pe palfe 00 not in cunnlng no? in bopce. ideare bere tiinc, ano fo aretoe.Me put pou to tbe ebopee, Cbat eptber tue toill banqutlb pon ano fet pon quigbt befioe Pont fonntaine maoe bp Pegaius tobicb t0 pour cbiefett p?ioe, ano Aganippc tea : o? elfc confonnoc pou i)0,ano toc ¿Diali tbc tocooo of Macedone toill OtfpolTelTeo be 80 farro as fnotoiePeonie : ano Ict tbc jìpnipbcs be 3ubgcs. $oto in gioo fo)tb it toa0 a ibame to cope toitb fucsie SD?uDgce, But pet mote (bame tt tuao to pèlo.Cbr ebofen ippmpbcs oto fiorare 3H3p Styx,ano fate tbem ootune on feares of itone tbat gcotoeO tbere. Ebeti Areigbt toitbont commilTion 0? decitoti of tbe refi:, Ebe fo.2moff of tljem pteafing fo2tb tmoeccntlp,p:ofdf Ebe cbalcngc to perforine : ano fong tbe battolo of tbe caotico. ^be gatte tbe Otants»aU tlie p:atfe, tbe bone? ano tbc oooeo, Slbafing foie tbetomtble 0®0eo ofall tbe bc felice l^oto T yphon tffuing from tbc eartb ano from tbe oocpcC belici, $g>aoc ali tbe CDods abouc afratoe,fo grcatlp tbat tbcpfleo ano nener ifatoe ttil Acgypt lano ano Nile tobofe ff reame ia ibeb 3!n cbannele fenemreceiuéo tbem fo?toearieO all rogttber : àno boto tbe b)elbouno Typhon oto parfne tbem alfa tbttber. Bp meanee luberof tbe CDooo erbe one tocrc faine tbcmfeluee to btòe? 3!n fo?geo (bapes.è>be faioe tbat Iouc tl;e |3?ince of (Sodo toae io?toe^ 3Jn fljape of fóam : tobicb <0 tbe caufe tbatat tbie p?cfent ttoe Ioues pmage tobicb tbc Jlpbian foibe bp name of Hammon fcrue, 30 maoe lottb crobeo tuclbeo bo?nce tbat tntoaro itili ooe tenie : Ebu Phebus fn a Uaucn lurbt,ano Bacchus in a Create, ano Phebus fitfer in a Cat,ano luno in a ideate, ¡ano Venus in tbc tbapc of jf tifano boto tbat lati of all Mercurius bio bim in a Biro tobicb Ibis men ooe cali. 2Lbio toae tbe fttmme ofall tbe tale tobicb fl)e toitb rolling trnig Sino pelling tb?oteboll to btr barpe bcfo?e bs ruodp fung. ¿or turile to alio come to fpeabe,but tbat perebatmee pone 0tace Cer ** Ouids Metamorphofis. blp bulb of beare it Crtm to;eatbcbbp tottb pule leauee^no tottb inr tbiunbe gan Ifearc % Cbe quiuering if rings,to trie tbcm iftbep lucre in tune o; no, Ult)tc\) bone,Che plapoe bpon bit flute ano fong bir SDttfe fo. SDantc Ceres firif to b;cake tbe Cactb tottb plough tbc maner founb, S>bc firß matte come ano if ouer Toft to groto bpon tbe grounD, &>be firlf mabe lata, fo; all tbcfc things toe arc to Ceres bounb. jJ j©f btr muli 3 as noto tntreatc: tooulo Cob 3 coulö refounö m ì&iv toonble lauoe : fijc boubrleffe to aCobbcffe too;tbie p;aifc. 4 3l5icaufe the <2?iant T yphon gaue p:efumptuouflp affapes Co conquer flauen,the botogte 3le of Trinacris is lapb cipon Ijts limmcSjüp toeigbt tobereof perfo;ec be Cotone is tocpDc. f V)c ffrtucs ano If rugles fo; to rife full manp a time ano oft. X5ut on bts right banti totoaro Rome Pelorus ffanbes aloft i ' Pachynnus ifanöcs bpon bte left : bis legs toitb Lilybie ^ ¿Ire p2cöfcö cotone : bis monifrous beaö both bnber Aetna lie, ifrom tobence be Iping bolt bp;igbt tottb to;atbfull mouth both fpif 'É ¿tot flames office, be tozelfletb oft anb toallotoerb fo; to toit 0nb if be can remoue the toeigbt of all that migbtie lanb 1 £D; tumble cotone the totones ano btUcs that on bis boote Ifanb. ciöi i5p meaues tobereof it commes to palle that oft the Cartb both IW® * fit ¿inbeuen tbe.&ing of (Dboifes btmfelfe fo; berte feare both quake, ipiTooubting lead the Carcb flauto eliuc fo toibe that light of bap in Slightthe fame pierce ootone to ì^ell anb there the Cbofles affrap g jfo;ecaif ing this,the $;ince of iFienbcs fozfcfce bts barkfome bole, Sine in a Chariot o;atoen toitb &tdebcs as blaeke as anp cole She tohole founbation of the 3le of Siali toarelp betobe. Mlhen th;oughlp he hab ferchteche place that barmc bab none enfetobe, 0s careleifclp be raungbe ab;obe,be ebauneeb to be focne * £Df Venus fitting onbir bid: tobo taking ifreigbt bettoéne bit armes bir toingeb Cupid,faio ;mp fonne,mine onlp lfap, a l;anb,mmc bon«; anb mp mightjgo take toitbout oelap CboftThe fift boote of V > £bofe tcoies felici) alltotgbtcs do fabduc, and ifrtbe them in t^efjatt £Df that fame Óoo that oftoc toojloenioyes tfje lotoclf part; Che (Sods of ilieauetTjanD Iouc btmfclfe,toc poto?c of sea % iLano > ana be toatmlestoe poto« on cfcartbobey top migbtteband : C 0no tobereftoe then Ifjonlo only l^ett Ifiil bnfubdued llano •» y 2Dbp mothers empire ano toinè oton toby dotte tbou not aouaunce. Cbe third part of al thè too?lo noto bangs in doubtful cbaunce. Sino yet in beauen teo notojtbelr oeedes tbou feett me fame to beare, WLe are Deipifoe : f be if rengtb of Ione toitb me atoay ootb toeare, &©ffe not the IDarrer Diane and dame Pallas baue already Crempted them from my bebettes i ano notooflatefobeédy 31 s Cents Daughter to,that if toe let bir baue tor toilfc * £>be toil! continue all bir life a ¿paio bntoeDDeo if til. Jfo? that is all bit bope3ano marbe tobereat tbemfndes to Ibote. But tbou(if ought this gracious turne our bono? maypjomore, ought our empire beauttfie tobicb ioyntly toe Doe bol&e,) JCbts BDamfell to bit bncle toynejjto foner bad ttje toloe JSCbefe too?Des, bu t Cupid opening If reigbt bis qutuer cbofe tijerefro One arroto (as bis mother bade)among a tboufand mo. But fucfja one it toas,as none mo^ tbarpertoas than it, 3^0? none tornt freighter from the Boto the ameo marbe to bit. I^efct bis bnó againif bis Boto ano bent tt out ofbande, 0nd maDe bis fobbed arrotocs ifeale in Plutos heart to if anse, ideare Ennà toalles there If anbes a fiabe Pergufa ts the name. Cayiter bearerb not mo fongs of ^toannestban Doth the feme, 0 tomo enuirons cucrte fide the toatcr round about, 0no toitb bis leaues as toitb a beyle Doth bespe the Auntie beate out, Che bougbesooe yrietde a ernie freib 0p2C : the mopttneffeof t\)t grounde ptoloes funojte fiototes : -concimigli fpnrtg ts all tlje yeare there fennec. Scibile in this garden Proferpme toas talking btr pattarne, Bin gathering cy toer mtotets bleto,02 iltlitcs tobite as llime, 0nd tobtle of spatdenly dettreflte Slide btr spauud and Hap, ©iidcuonng to ourgatoet tor companions torre. By b&P Dis fptoe btr : londe btr(: caught btr bp : and all at once tedi nere. è>o half ic,bote,anoTtoift a tomg is Houeasmay appeare. SL'Ot fladte totib a toatltngboyce afrtgto bid often call liptr SotoeranDbir toaittng q$atdes,but ipotber moli of a 11,Quids Metamorphofis. anb a* ff;e from tbe bppcr pare W garment fomiti tytiut tent, ■; ano fuel) a Olite fimpleneffe ifiv cbilDtff) age pet beare*, &bat euen tbe berle Ioffe of them bio mone bit mo:c to trarr*. j. ZLt)2 Catcher bfoe* W Chariot fotb,anb railing enerp bo?fe J 315p name, to make atoap apace be both them If ill enforce: .l anb (babe* about tbrir neebrs anb ^ane* tbelr raffle b?ible repne* £ anb though tbe beepeff of rbe flake perforce be them conffrepne*. . anb fmrll of Bjimff one berle ranke : anb alfo bp tbe fople WLhtve a* tbe Bacchies foibe of Corinth fotb tbe bonble &ea*, 3!5ettoame bneqnall buttons ttoatne bib rare a fotone fen eafe. 5I5ettoane tbefonntalne* of Cyaneanb Arcthufe ofPife an arme of s>ra that mate* enclofoe tottb narroto borne* there lie*. - £>ftbt* tbe prole callbe Cyane tobicb bearetb greateff fame among tbe i^pmpbe* of Sicihe bib aigate* take tbe name. ©aabo bannring bir bnto tbe toaffe amib bir prole bib knob» k SDame Proferpine, anb falb to Dis: pe (ball no farther go Pou cannot Ceres fonneinlatoe be,toillibe To o? no. Pon fijoulo baue fongbt bir rourteonQp anb not enfoff bir To* t anb if 3 map fotb great effate* mp Omple thing* compare, Anapus toa* in loue fotb me: but pet be bib not fare i a* pou boc noh) fotb Proferpine* li^ebja* content tofoo i SDbi* faibjlbe foeabeb fotb bit arme* ano ffopt him of bi* biap. fei* baff/e tojatb Saturnus fonne no longer then coulb ffap. m SBat cbearing bp bi* toeabfull §>tabe* bib fmigbt bi*ropall mace :: Mlitb biolcnce in tbe bottome of tbe pole in that fame place. $ Cbe grounb ff rrigbt palbeb to hi* ff roke anbtnaoc him toap to l^cll anb botone the open gap both bo^feano Chariot beablong fell. Cbc frlfe fame biater* of tbe tobicb fo toas bnt late ago Ebe migbtp Cobbeffe, noto fo pine* ano toaffe* fjtrfelfe info. ano foongb tbe Palile prole*, tbe tobicb from broken grounb boe bople SDame Cyan taking fodero heart a* toell tbe rautiibment Proferpine againff birtoill,as alfo the contempt againff fnr fountaine* p2iuilebge,oib footobe in fecret batt 0n intoarb codile comfotlrffe,tobicb neuer bib bepart tinnii fo melting into teare* confumbe atoap toitbfmart. ano 3 bnfoff ano bnconffremo confenteb bim foto, mammàThe fiftbooke of 1«, 1&(r naplcs mept fofit: and fed of all wo melt the fmallclf ones: 0s haire ano fetgars,leggcs ano fete: foz tbefe fame fiender parts jEDoe qaic^lp into tuater turne. ano afterfomrD connerts Co toafer,fi>onlDer,backe,fyeff,fioe: ano finally In If eao $Df liuelp blouD,toithtn hir fcepnes co?rupteD there teas fp?eO Cljinne ioater: fo that nothing note remaineo toberebpon pe might eafee holoe,to mater all confameo foas anon, Che carefull mother in the tnhile oto febe hit Daughter oeare Chmughall theUio^lo both §>ea $ ilano3ano pet bias nere the ncarc, Che ipoiningtoithhir Deafop haire hir Guggfng neucr founo,' pet the Cuentng liar that brings the night Upon the grounD. CUjo feafoneo ppnetras at the mount of Aetna oio (he light 0no bare them rclf lelTe in i)tr hanoes through all the Danhiil; night. 0gaine as fame as cbierfull Dap DiD Dim the darres, (hefought hit Daughter (fill from (¡Baft toMed.0no being ouerfojeught £>be caught a third mo liqno: pet hao come b?ithin hir th?cte, Bp cbaunce (he fpieD nerc at hano a pelting thatcheD Cote Mptb peeuilh Diodes: (he bnoebt thereat,ano out there commes a trot Che OoDDcffe afhco hir route D?inbe ano (he DeniDe it not: But out (he bought hir bp ano bp a Draught of merrie go Dofone 0na theretoithall a hotchpotch maoe of dapcD Barlie batons 0nD.jflare anD Cojianoer feDe ano other fimplcs mo?e Che tohich (he in an earthen pot together foD before. SMlle Ceres teas a eating this,before hir gating d®D 0 harD faade bop a flfoeioDc pert toag that coulo no ittaners gcoD t laugheD at hir ano in fcome DiD call hir grteDie gut. Che <25oDDeffe being tojoth therefoith,DiD on the hotchpotch put Che liquor ere that all loas eate,anD in his face it th.teiu. KmmeDiatlp the fhinne thereof became of fpecblcD beUi. 0nD into legs his armes did turne: anD in his altrcD hdc 0 toggling taple dreight to his limmcs toas aDDeD mo;e beliDe. 0no to th’intent he (houlo nothaue much poime to too^ben fcai&e, his boDie in a little roume togither bnir ¿he bathe. Jfo? as toith p:c tie Lucerts he tn facion Doth agree: ¿>o than the Lucert fometuhat leffe in eucrp pepnt is he. Chep©;e olD ioomati inasamaioe : ano bitferlp (he inept;Quids Metamorphofís. b and of tfjc flecked fpottes like ffarrcs tfjat on bis bide are fet a name agreeing tbere&nto in JLattne dotbb* get |c is our Swift tobofe fkiitne tout) grap and pelloto fpecks is fret, j Mtfjtit ülando $ &eas ftjev^oddcCTe fought it toere t© log to fame, die toojlde did toam.and fo fíje toent to Sicili backs againe, Snd as in going cuerp toberc Ibe fercbed bufllp* &be alio came to Cyane: tofictoouid affucedlp * l^auc tolde Ijir all things, bad (be not tranffojmed dene before, !; 25 ut moutd and tongue fo: bttrance noto toould ferue ljir turne nomo:e* ;; ^otobeira token mantfelf Ibe gane fjirfo^ to knoto 2 Wfat toas become of Proferpinc. I£ir girdle flje did Iboto J émll bouermg on dir bollep©le,tobieb fllgbtip from dir fell to Sis ibe that toap did paffe: and that dir motder kneto f© toell, ::i; jffo? tobe» (be fato it,dp and bp as tdougd (be fiad but tdan í 25ene neto adnertifde of dir cdaunce, Ibe piteonflp began * Eo rend dir ruffled baire, and beate dir dandes againft dir foeff, 2ls pet ibe kneto not tobere Ibe toas. HBnt pet toitd rage opp:eff. ■ £>be curff all landes,and faid tbep toereinubankfull euerpedone pea and dutoottbp of tde fruifes beffotoed idem bpen* A 3lBut bittcrlp aboue tde relf Ibe banned Sicily ki 3n tobicb tbe mention of dtr Ioffe ibe plafnelp didefpie. and tderefo:e there tottb crnell dand tde earing ploughed Ibe toake* and man and beaff tdat tilde tde grounde to death in anger ffrake* é>bc marrde tde fade, and eke forbade tde ffeldes to pálde tdeir frute,. - Ebc picmcoufncffe of tdat fame gie of to-died tderetoent fuefe b?ute ' Enough all tde toould,lap dead: tde come toas killed in tde blade ♦* ipioto t© much drought, noto t© muefj toet did make it for to fade, Ebe ffarres and btaffing toindes did hurt, tde bwngrp foules dideate Edecome in ground: tde Cines and listara did ouergeto tbe Sflftbeaffc and other toícked toédes the come continual!? annop, . ,, tidied neptder tpltd no: tople of manto asadle to oeffrop. Chen Arethuie flotfd Alpheys louc lifts from dtr Elean toante i£ir deadend (bedding to dir eacesbirdcatopbafre that toaucs ’ Spoilt dir fo:cbeade fapde: ¿D thou that art the mother deare 315otd of tdeápaíden fought tdmugd all the too;lo both far and neare* ano eke of alltbe eartdlp fruí thine endleffc tople? The fixt booke of anobenotto;otbtoitboutacaufetoitbttostbpfaitbfallfople, Cbe llande dcferueo no punifbment. bntoillmglp €00 toóte Reopened to tbeMauilher t^attjiolenelp primóte. 3t to not fute mp nattue fople fo; totocb 31 tbuo entreate. Bl am but here a rotourner,mp natfue fople ano feate 30 Pifa ano from Ely totone 3 fetch mp Sell Dtfccnt. 3 dtoell but as a firaunger here, but fute to mp intent Cbto Countrie lifeeo me better farre than anp other land. I£cre noto 3 Arethufa dtoell: here am 3 CetleD: and 3 bumblp pou befeebe ettend pout fauout to the fame. 5 time toill one dap come toben pou to mirth map better frame, Sind bane pour heart mo;e frac from care, tobicb better feme me map Co tell pou tobp 3 from mp place fo great a fpace doe firap, Sind Onto Ortygie am brought though to great £>eao and toaues. Che ground do th glue me paffage free,and bp the lotoeíf cauco all the Carth 3 mafee mp toap,ano here 3 wife mp headc, Sind tafee bpon the garreo agapne neare out of fenotoledge fled, ijioto tohile 3 hnderneath the ¿arth the llafee of Styx did page, 3 fato pour daughter Profcrpinc toitbtbefe fame epeo.&be toas $ot rnerrte, nepther rid of feare ao famed bp hit cháre. Cut pet a &ueene, but pet of great Cod Dis the ffatelp jfére: But pet of that fame d;oupfe Healmc the chiefe and fouereigne $«re. i$iv mother geode as garfee as gone,toben fl^e thefe netoes did hearc and long (he toas Itfee one that m another toogoc bad báñe. But tohen t»r great amajedneffe bp greatneffe of bír táne mas put agoe,(he gettes hie to hir Chariot bp and bp and bp to heauen in all pog bage immediatlp doth gie. and there beflotobjed all tor face: hir hatee about bir careo, Co ropall Ioue in tuap of plamt thio fpightfull tale (he beares. as toell fo; tbp bloud ao fo; mine a futer bnto tljx 3 hither come, if no regard map of the mother bee pet let the ctoide hir father moue,and bane not leger care áDf hir(3 p;ap) bicaufe that 3 hir tn mp bodte bare. Behold our daughter tobóme 3 fought to tong to found at Iaff; 3f gnding pou it termo,tohen ofreconerie meaneo io pag. C; if pou finding do tt call to haue a fenotoledge tobere fi>he to become.^tr rautihment toe might confcnt to bears,% $0 tettaution might be made.änd though tfjerc mere to me $o intere# in birat all,pet fowfmnclje as fye 3* pours,it is bnmète Öje be beflotode bpon a tbèfe. Ioue aunfmerde tbus.spp Daughter is a Blefoell Deare anD léfe : a rollup of mine olone flelb cut as meli as out of thine* i3ut if toe in our beams can finde things rightlp to Define, Cbis is not fpight but lone * &nb pet Madame in faith Bi fie ßo raufe of inch a Tonne in lato aihameD fo; to bé, bo pon contented toere tberemitb. j?o; put the cafe that bè s mere defiitute of all things elfe,hoto gerate a matter iff s loues bother fo; tobe;» but tore in him is nothing miff. he inferior is to me fane onlp that bp lot L Che ^eauens to me, the Relies to him the deffnies bid allot* ® 15ut if pou haue fo fo;e Defire pour daughter to dino;ce, ® Chough the againe to grauen repap;e 3 doe not greatlp fo;ce. ;; J5ut pet ronditionlp that the haue tafied there no forte : * $oi fo the deffnies jraue decrébbe eea#e : and Ceres ffarte ^ ifuU bent to fetch hir daughter out : but deffnies btr mitbfforte, ,s SBicaufe the spaide had b;ofce hir faff, ifo; as Ihe bapt one dap 3n Plutos 3D;tpard reebleffelp from place to place to ffrap, # g>he gathering from a botoing tree a ripe |3otonegarnet,t0be sf &euen bernels out and incited them, j^one chauntt hereon to torte, it èaue o^clp one Afcalaphus mborne Orphne erff a Emme Slmongthe other (¡fclues of ipell not of the bale# fame ! Jflare to hit hufbande Acheron boithin htr duffete den. Ì0e fame it, and bp blabbing it bngracfoufip as then, E)id let hir from returning thence. Hgrieuous figh the &uène ,€)f l^ell did fetch, and of that might that had a toitneffe bètte Sgainff hir made a curfed JlSirde. SHpon his face ihe ihead Che mater of the Phlegeton : and bp and bp his head Was nothing elfe but IBeabe and Emione,and mightte glaring epes. knight alcred from himfelfe betmène tmo pelloio mings he flies. t£e grometh chieflp into head and btofeed talants long j 2nd much a doe he hath to flaffee his la?ie mings among. Che meffenger of doming mas he made,a filthie fomie, 0 figne of mifehiefebnto men, the fluggilh fhreebing flDiule. Chisperfon fo; his lauas tongue and telling tales might fème JHUHKINiimThe fiftbooke of Co haue bcfcrueb pnmihmcnt.iBnt tuijac Ihoulo men effame Co be tbe bene caufe toljp pou Achelocs Daughters toeart 3i5oth fete anb feathers like to BirDes,confaetuig that pou bears Che bpper partes of#aiocns Hill i atib commes it To to patTe t 515teaufe tohen Jlaoic Proferpinc a gathering flotoers boas, ipe speremaioes kept hir companie * tohome after pou hab fought Chough all the dearth in i>aine,anon of purpofe that pour thought iptght alfo to the &>cas be knotocn^pe toilheb that pe might iapon the toaues totth honering toings at pleafure rule pour flight, £nb hao the booties to pour requeff fo pliant,that pe founb 5 eolith pelioiu feathers out of hanDpourbobiesclethebrounD ? |nt lead that pleafant tune of pours ojbepneb to beiigbt Che hearing,anb fo high a gift of $ufake periih might iFo? man t of bttrance, humatne bopce to btter things at totU 8nb countnattce of btrginitie remained to pott if ilk 3i5ut means bettoeene his brother am? hie hcaute lifter goth <0ob Ioue7anb parteth equallp the pearebettoesne them both* 8nb noto the CobbeiTe Proferpine inbiffercntlp both retgne ftboue anb bnberneath the CBartb. anb fo both the remaine ¿Dne halfe peare toirh hir mother anb the refbtte totth hir jfere j Blmmebiatlp the altreb is as toell in outtoarbe ch^re > as mtoaroe minoe. fo? inhere hir take might late before app&re j s>ab euen to Dis,hir countnanee nobo is full of mirth anb grace Cucn like as Phebus hauing put thetoatrie cloubes to chare, f ^Doth tyeto himfelfe a Conquers? toith bright anb fining face* > Chen fruitful! Ceres boibe of care in that (he bio recouee i£ir Daughter, p?apbe thee Arethufe the 0o?ie to bifeouer What eaufeb th& to fldetc fo farre anb toherefoje thou became a facreb fp?ing i the toaters tohtff*Che Cobbeffe of the fame £Dfo from the bottome of the Well hir geoblp heao bp reare. anb hauing b?ico toith hir hanb hir faire grane banging heare, Che ifftuer Alpheys aunefent tones the thus began to tell. 3 toasf quoth flje)a $pmpb of them that in Achaia btoell* Chere toas not one that earneffer the llatonoes anb fo?efaf roup ¿0? pitcht hir topfes mo?e hanbfomlpanb though that of mp th^i#* 31 toas no part, to feke the fame of beautie: though 3 toere au courage x pet the p?icke anb p?tfe of beautie 3 bib beare! 66 » c • • Ouids Metamorphofis. a?!>oacrmacijcommenoeb face teas bnto me a fpfgijf. Cbis Sift of boDte in the tobicb another tooulb Delight, 3 rubefbpe teas afljameb off: me thought fe foas a crime Co be beltbte. 3 beare it toell in minbe (baton a time 3n comming toearie from tbeeb afe of Stymphalus,rbe beats mas feruent, anb mp trauellmg bab made it ttoice as great» 3 founoe a toater neptber b®pe no: f^alfoto fobfeb bib gltbc £&itf;out all nopfe,fo calme that fcarce rbe moning might be fpioe. flnb tb?ougblp to rbe beep groanb it teas fo crifpeanb cleare, Chat euerp little ffone therein bib plaine aloft appeare. Cbe bo?ie jballoioes anb tbe {poplars groining on tbe b?im Pilfer, tpon tbe Owing banfces bib caff a ibabofo trim* 3 entreb in,anb firff of all 3 bapeb but mp fate: anb after to mp hnaes. anb not content to toabe fo Seetef 3 put off all mp clothes, anb bung them on a j&alloto bp 3tib tb?efo mp felfe amib tbe ffreame, tobicb as 3 ballpinglp £>io beare anb b?aio,anb forth mp felfe a tboufanb matffries trie, 3n caff ing of mine acmes ab?obe anb ffoimming manronlp: 3 felt a bubling in tbe ffreame 3 totff not bofu no? fobat, 3nb on tbe Hiuers neareff b?im 3 ffept fo? feare. toitb that £> Arcthufa fobit ber runff i anb fobitber runff tbou cribe loub Alphey from W foaues againe toitb bolloto bopce. 3 bi&e v atoap bnclotbeb as 3 toss. iFo? on tbe further fibe >; spp clothes bung fftll. fo much mo?e bote anb eger then boas be, anb fo? 3 naUeb toas,3 fcsmbe the reabier fo? to be. £ ^p running anb bis Scree purfuite teas lifee as foben pe fe Cbe ftllie SDones toitb quiucring toings befo?e the ^effebaube ffie, Cbe dMebauHe ftoaping after them as faff as be can die. Co Orchomen ,anb Pfophy lanb,anb Cyllen 3 bib bolbe ¿Dot foell,anb tbence to Menalusanb Erymanth tbecoloe, anb fo to Ely. all this toap no grounb of me be foonne. t5ut being not fo ffrong as be,this reff leffe race to runne 3 coulb not long enbure,anb be coulb bolb it out at length* pet oner plaines anb fotobbie billeo(as long as laffeb if rengtb) 3nb ffones,anb roefees, anb befert grounbes 3 ff ill maintainb mp race, Cbe &unne foas full bpon mp bacUe. 3 fafo befo?e mp face a lam ifcabofo; toere it not that feare bib mafee me fete» 30uc The fiftbooke of S5ut certcnlp Ije fcaretJ me toitb iramplmg ofljís fáte ; ano of bis moutb tfje bopfious b?eatb bpon mp ^atrlace bleto. j(Fo?toearieo toitb tbe tople of fltgbt : !£elpe Diane ^ 3 tbp trae ano trufiie è>quire(3 faiD)tobo off bauc carteo after tijée Ebp bolo ano arrotocs,noto am tifee attaebeo fo? to bè. Ebe Coooeffe moueo, totee a clouoe of facb as fcàttreo toere ano cali bpon me.l^tooentbus in mtfiie oatbcnefietbere 2;be itiuer pearo bpon me fi Ul ano bttnteo roano aboa t Ebe bolloto clouoe/o? feare percbaunce3 fboulo bone fcapeo otte, ano ttnice not fenototng tobat to ooe be fi alfet about tbe clouoe Mberc Diane bao ntcbiOjanO ttoice be calleo out a louDe ¿oe Arethufe,boe Arethufe.Mbat beart bao 3 pco^c to?ettb tben í Caen fucb as jjatb tbe ftllie llambe tbat oares not fiirre no? quetcf) fotjti |)e beares tbe botoling of tbe Molfe about 0; neare tbe toloes. f purpofe fo? to iopne toitb me ano baue mp eotnpanie. 315nt Delia b?afee tbe grouno^at tobicb 3 finbing fitto blinoe S5pco?ners,bp aggine mp felfe at Ortigie Ooe toinoe, Higbt oeare to me bicaufe te Dot^ Dianas fumarne beare, $no fo? bicaufe to ligbt againe 3 firff toas rapfeo tbcre. Cbus far oio Arethufa fpsafee rano tbentbe fruitfull Dante Etoo 2D?agons to bir Cbariot pacano repning baro tbe fante? Spiotoap betoeene tbe l^eauen ano Cartb ibe in tbe ápertoent? 0no bnto |B?ince Triptolemus bit Itgbtfome Cbariot fent Eo Pallas Citte looe toitb co?ne,commaunomg bfin tofo toe è>ome part tbcreof in grounO neto b?ohen tip, ano tome tljoroof to ir roto suOuicls Metamorphofis. ¿y 3Jn ground long tillde befo?e,&non the pong man bp did (tie and Aping oner Europe and the Mealme of Alias hie, alighted in tfje £>citbian lano. Ebere repned in rbateoalf a iitng calloe Lyncus,to fobofe boufe be entreo fo; to bolf. and being rbere dcmaunded boto and fo>bp be tijitfjer came, and alfo of bio natine fople ano of bio proper name, 3 bigbtiquotb be)T riptolemus ano bo?ne tuas in the totone Df Athens in tbe land of (0race,tbat place of high renotune 3 neptber came bp £>ea no? ilande, bat tb?ongb tbe open aire 3 b?ing iuttb me Dame Ceres gtftes iubtcb being fobme in faire and fertile fields map frnitfnll i^arueifo palde and finer fare» Ebe fauage fting bad fpigbf. and to tptntent that of fo rare and gracious gifts bimfelfe might fame firff founder fo? to be* !£e entertainde bim in bio boufe,and toben a flape toao be, l£e came bpon bim tuitb a fifoo?d, but ao be tooula baue hillde bim, Dame Ceres turnde pint to a Lynx,and foabing totber ftitllae bint $is facred Eamefoare tb?ougb tbe ap?e to d?iueab?ode agen, Ebe cbiefe of bo bad ended tbisf bir learned fong. and then Ebe $pmpbeo tuitb one content did iudge that toe tbe <25oddelTeo Df Helicon bad toonne tbe dap, But tuben 3 fafoe that tbefe tHJnnurtred Damfels ouercome began to fall a fcoldtng, 3 fapd: fo little fitb to bo pou tbinbe pour felueo bebolding, ¿?o? bearing toitb pour malapermelfe in mabing cbalenge, that Befiacs pour fo?mcr fault,pe ebe doe fall to raplmg flat, abufing tbtio our gen tleneffe: toe twill from bence pjocaae Ebe puntfljment, ano of our to?atb tbe rigbtfull bumo? fade. Euippyes daughters grind and iarde and fet our learnings light. But as tbep tuere about to p?ate,and bent their fiffeo to fmight Ebep? bricked handeo toitb bideouo nopfe,tbep fatn the flumps of quilleo j£elo budding at their napleo,and bob) their armes foft feather billeo. Cclje fain hoto others mouth did purfc and harden into Bill, and fo becomming bncoutb Btrdes to haunt the toads at brill. ifo? ao tbep tnould bane clapt their bandeo their toings did bp the beaue, and banging in the 3p?e the fcoldes of toads did ^ieo them leaue. $oto alfo being turnde to'Birdco tbep are as eloquent as ere tbep toere,ao cbattring flftll, as much to tabling bent. Finis quinti Libri, K.iij. uc I® AcTHE SIXT BOOKE of Quids dyid'ctamorpbofs. jpjrp Ritonia bnto all tbefe foo?bes attentfue bearing bemies, 1™* ^nD both the spufes learneb fottg anb rigfjtfull fo?atb comctibca. ^no rijerebpon toitbin I)(r felfe tlj(s fancie bib arifc* Bit's no matter fo? to p?apfe: but lot our felfe bcuife S>omc thing to be commenoeb fo?: anb let bs not permit ¿Dur s^aieffie to be befpifoetoitbout rcuenging it, ja?ib tberetoitball (be purpofeb to put the Upbtan spai&e Arachnc to btr nccfceberfe tobo(as [jab to bir bene faibe) ^;efumeD to prefer btr felfe before bir noble grace Bln matting clo tb*Cbis SDamfell boas not famous fo? the place 3n tubieb fl?e btoelt,no? fo? bir ffocfee,but fo? bfr iflrte.^ir &ier Was Idmon one of Colophon a petting purple E>ier. t^ir mother boas aeceaff: but (be bias of tbe bafer fo?t5 0nb egall to bir spafee in birth,in liu(ng,anb in po?t. 315ut tbougb this spatoe boere meanlp bo?ne, anb Dtoclt but in a Ibeb £tt little Hypcp: pet bir trabe bir fame ab?obe bib fp?eb Cuen all tbe ilpbian Cities tb?ougb.2Eo fee bir toonb?ous too?fee &hc $pmpbes that bnberneatb tbe tames of Ibabie Tmolus (urfee &betr tmtneparbs oftentimes fo?ftDhe.£>o bib tbe $pmpbes alfo about Paftolus oftentimes tbeir golben Ifreames fo?go« Snb euermo?e it bib them gtob not onlp fo? to fee p l£(r clothes alreabp maoe, but tobile tbep cfee a making bee > ¿>ucb grace bias in bir tuo?femanlbip. jf o? toere it fo that lb« i 2Cbc netoibeme fleeces from tbeib«pe in bnnbcls beftlp makes, 3D? aftertoaro both feemb tbe fame, anb b?atues it out in flakes SUong ItfcecIoubeSjO? on tbe Kocfce both fpinne tbe banbtoarpe tooft» 3D? elfe emb?opb?etb,certenlp pe might perceiue bp p?afe &be boas of Pallas b?inging bp. tobiclj tbmg flje natbeieflfc £Denpetb,anb bifoaining fucb a Spiff reffe to confeife, 3Let bir contenb toitb me (be faibe: anb if (be me amenb 31 tolll refufe no puniibment the tobicb (be IbaU erteno. Minerua t©ke an olbe tomes fljape anb mabe bir bafre 2^ 0nb toitb a ffaffe bir febleb limmes p?etenbeb fo? to ffap. Which bone,(be thus began to fpeafce#ot all that age both h?iagJ Ouicls Mecamorphofis. ¿g Wüte ougbc to isonne, (irperienee botpf long contfouance fp:fog* jEDefpife not mine abmoni(bment.ê>a?fee fame ano cbiefe report ifoí mailing clofoanb Srrao too¿he38mong ttjc modali fo¿t* Ï5ut bumblp gíne tíje (Gobbette place : ano paruon ofbír crâne Í?o? tbeíe tbíne fmabnífeo fco¿beo.3l toarram tíioa fljalt baue jf 0?gíaeneflTe,tf tíjou affee ft bír. Arachne bent fjir bíetoco ana lotonng on bir,lefr bír too^fec : ano barblp (beefcbetoes irrom fipíng ín tbe ïlabieo fócente conntitance Dio befoyap te moble mínbe : tobícb burßlng fo¿tb ín toojbo ibe tbuo bíb fap* ZZhon conimeli libe a botíirg fole : tbp tufe lo fpent ímtb peareo : Zbp Itfe batíj latteo otier long ao bp tbp falbe appeareo. 0ní íf tbou anp bangster baue,o? aiip baugbtrínlatoe, 31 tooulb (be bearb tljefc too:beoof mine : 31 am not fneb ajBDato, 3¡5«t tbat toícbout tbp teacbíng 3í can toell pnongb abnlfe í¡)p fette* 0nb leaff (boti íboulbe# tbínfee tbp too?bo ín attp toífe 0uaíle, fbe fette fame mínbe 3! bápe tottb tobícb à ßrtt begönne. S3abp commeo (be not fjírfelfc 3¡ fap i tbío ntatebe tobp botb (be (bonne t eben falb tbe vSobDeffe ; bere (be io* 0nb tberetoítball (be calí te olbetoíueo rlneleb Ibape atoap?anb (betobe fjitr fette ac (att Minema litte. JCbe ßpmpbeo bíb ttreígbt abo;e bír spaíeffíc* feo bíb tbe pong netomarieb toíneo tbat boere ofMígdonie. Cbe Ralben onlp bnabaíbt tooulbe nongbt at ail relent* 3öut pet (be blulbt anb fobenlp a rtibbpneflfc befp?cnt te cbœüeo tobícb toanjb atoap aga(ne,enen libe ao botb tbe fefcie ¿tobe fanguine at tbe bieafee ofbap, anb ftimetb bp anb bp Æo bìbite at rlßng of tbe 3>tmne.0o bote ao anp fire ê>be tttclietb to bir taclUtng ff(ll,0nb tb;ongb a fonb beßre £)f gloríe, to bit otoñe bccap ail bcablong fo?tb ibe nmneo. jfo? Pallas noto no lenger toarneo,ne noto no lenger (bnnneo ße feetteo tbe cbalenge to belapjmmeblatlptbep carne 0nb tœhe tbeír placeo fcuerallp,anb in a feuerall frame (¡Sebe ßrepnbea toeb, tbe toarpe tobereof tono fine.Cbe toeb toao tibe Sipón a Beame.Hßettotene tbe toarpe a flap of rébe bib fltbe. Cbe toæfe on fbarpeneb pínneo toao put bettoirt tbe toarp, anb to^ougbt Ätb fingaro.0nb ao oft ao tbepbab tb?ougb tbe toarpe ít b?ougbf, Cbep ttrahe íc toítb a íBoren combe. H3otb ttoapne of tbem mabe bali : 0nb gírbíng clofe fo¿ banbfomneffe tbeír garmento to tbeír toaít ïu(ÿ. tScttiro'N The fixt booke of iSefifrac ttjcic cunning tjanocs fjjsce.E&etc catneOneiTe bias r«c| Sis maoc them netier thfnkc of patne.Chep focaucD bcrie mad; jfine purple that luas Dior tn Tyre ,a no colours fetfo trim Chat eci;e in ftjaDolomg other femDe the berp fame toitl; him, Cuett lihe as after fhotmes ofraine lohen Phebus b;ofcen bcames SDse if rife bpon the ClouDes,appearcs a compalf boll) of gleames E&lbich benoctl; ouer all the f£eauen: toherein although there ihiite 8 thoufano funo;p colours,pet thclhaDolnfng is fo fine, Chat I®tie men nere fo luifflp, pet beguileth it their epes: S>o liSie and cuen the felf fame thing eebe colour femes to rife CClhcrcas thep moetc,liihich further off Dee Differ mo;e ano moje. £Dfgltttring goloe foith filUett th;&be tuas toeaueD there ^cdD Uo^e. I C? MhflFnu>« rmf in nnifrantnrt* nfthinmx Dime ifsnnr afniiv ) 8nD if ones put in po;trapture of things Done long afo;e. Mmerua patnteD Athens tofane anD Marfis roebe therein, 0nD all the If rife bethfenehfrfelfe anD Neptune,Uiho fljsdti fv(n Chehono; fo; to gitte the name to that fame noble fotone. 3Jn loftie thrones on epther floe of Ioue inere fettleD Dotane &>fr Deeres of l^cauen mith countnance grane anD full of ipaieffie, anD euerp of them bp hio face ntfcerneD toell might be, Che 3Jmage of the mightie Ioue toas &tngltUc £>he haD maDe Neptunus ifanoing ffrihfng ioith his long th;e tpneo blaoe tapon the raggeD Hocfce : anD from the miDDle of the clift £>he po;trapo iffuing out a ho;fe,lnhich bias the noble gift Jfo; fcuhich he chalengoe to hfmfelfe the naming of the cotone. ¿hr pitturo? out ¿jirfelfe laid; IhielDe anD 2po;ion on hit crolline Wth Caret on hir b;elf ,anD èpeare in hano fenth fharpeueD enoe. &he mafess the éarth(the tolfeh hir fepeare Doth feme to ffrifce )to fente 8n £Dlpf tré foith fratte thereon : anD that the Cods thereat *DiD taonoer : anD taith bietole ffje fintfet bp that plat. pet to thmtent eramples oloe might make it to be fenobme Co hirthatfo; Delire ofp;aifefoffautlp helDe hit olone, Wlfat guerDon the IhoulDe hope to haue fo; hir attempt fo manor, , ifoure like contentions in the foure laff corners ffje DtD aDDe, $ Che Cfeacians * feme ano Rodope the fo;moff corner haDDe ; Mlho being fometiinc mo;rall foibe bfurpt to them the name £Df Ioue ano Iuno,anD luere turnoe to mountames fo; the fame, a Pigmie tuonmns piteous cljtiunce thefecono co;nerluna fames to a ©rane(bicanfe (be toas fo letooe 0s foj fo fifano atfifrife tuffi) beautle)cbargtog W agatnft far natine countriefolhe continuali tuar to Sir, Cbe tbiroe bsb pjoube Antigone tubo ourflf of pjioe contenoe Sn beautie tuitb tbe toife of Ioue : bp tobome ibe in the cnoe Mas turnco to a ©tojfce, no tubit auaileo fjir t^c fotone £>fTroy, o^ that Laomedon bir father tusre acrotone, tlSnt that Cbe ciao in feathers Subite bir la^ietoiugs muff flap ano tuitb a bobbeo Bill betoaple the caufe of bir miflfctmp. Cbe laff bao cbplocleffe Cinyras : tubo being turnoe io fifone, Mas pin «roe pjoffrate on the grounoe,ano lumping all alone, ano culling fall bettoacne bis armes a Ccmples greecrs fine Co tofneb bis Daughters boo/es tuere tranffo?moe bp tu?atb binine* Cbe btmolf bo;oers bao atu;eatb ofiplpf roano abonf, Sino this is all the toojfee the tobteb M merua po^trapo-ont* 5foj tuitb the tree that (be birfelfe bao maoe but late afo?e §>be bonnoco to bir 0rras cloth,ano then oio too?fee no mo?e* Cbe ILpoian maioen in bir toeb oio po?trap to the full Europe toas bp ropall Ioue beguiloe in flfjapeof Bull 0 ftuimmmg HBull,a ftrelling &ea,foliuelphaofl)e iujougbt, Chat HBulI aito è>ea in t erp oeeoepemight them tuell baue thought Cbe llaoie feemeo Icobing bacbe to lanotuaroe ano to trie SUpon bir tuomen, ano to feare tbe tuater fpiinfeltng hie, 0iio ib jmbtngtjp bir fearful! f&te, é>he po^trapo alio there Afteriredf ruggling tuitb an Erne tobieb bio atuap bit beare, 0no oner Leda ffjebab maoc a £>toan ijistuings to fplap, £>be aooeo alfo botu bp Ioue to Ibape of Satyr gape Che faire Antiope tuitb a paire of cbilo^en toas befpeo : 0no botu be tcohe Amphitrios ibape tuben in Alcmenas.beb i$t gate tbe toojtbie Hercules : ano boto pe alfo came Co Danae lifec a fljoure of goloe,to Aegine lifee a flame, 0 IbacpeberO to Mnemofyne,anu Ulte a Serpent flp Co Proferpine. èbe alfb maOe Neptunus leaping bp iSpon a ipaioe of Aeolus race to llbeneiTe of a Bull, 0no in tbe ffreame Enipeus Ibape begetting on a trull Cbe ©laws Otheano Ephialt,ano torbeffjape of Ham ^Begetting one'Theophane Bifaltiespmpe toitb ilanv *Thefixt booke of Sino in a lufftc »»talions öjape toe maoe bim bouering tfjcre )5Dame Ceres toirb tbe pellote loches,ano bír tobofe goleen beare Masturnoètoctatolingémafees :on tobóme be gate tbe tolngeo botò £>be maoc bim ln a Dolpbtns flEjape Mclantho to cnfo:ce. £>f all tbcfe tfnngs ibe milfeö not tbetr proper lbapes,no? pit Ebc full ano íuíf refemblanceof tbefr placco fo? to bit, Bin lifeeneffe of a Countrie elopne toas Phebus pííturoc tíjcre, Sino poto bc noto toare (ESolTebaufees toings,ano noto a Ilions beare, Sino boto be ina fljepeberoeslbapetoas p^antOng atolle Ebe oaugbter of one Macarie oame Iíía to beguile. Sino boto tbe faire Hrygone bv epa unce Dio fuffer rape 5i5p Bacchus tobo eecepueo btr in Itbencfife of a grapc» Sno boto tbat Sa turne in tbe íbape of Cenet oto beget Ebe Double Chiron, fóouno about tbe tomoli fóeroge toas fet a narroto Eratle of p?ef íe fioures tottb leaues of Biute free. #ot Pallas,no no? fpígbt it feife coulo anp quarrell píche Eo tbís bit too?fee : ano tbat oío toucb Minerua to tbe quiche, ffi2Jbo tberebpon oío tenue tbe clotb in pteces euerp tobte* íSícauíe tbe letooneife of tbe ^oos toas blafeo fo ín it. Sino toítban Seras toeauers combe of iSor íbe ficrcelp fmít Arachne on tbe fo?ebeaefull a oofen times ano mo?e. Ebe spaíoc ímpaefent ín bír beart,oío (fomache tbís fo fo?e, Ebat bp ano bp íbe bung bícfeife.fóotobett as íbebíng, £>ame Pallas pítping bír rífate,oto (fap bit ín tbe Ifring irrom oeatb, ano fato letooe Callet line : bnt bang tbou (filifo? mié.. &no leaff bereafter from tfrfs curfe tbat tíme map fet tb¿ frá, 3! tullí tbat tbís Carne punílbment enacteo ftrmelp bes, Sis toell on tbp pofferttie fo? euer as on tbe?. Sino after toben Ibe íboulo ocpart,toítb íuíce of Hecats floto:e S>be fp?tnfeleo bír : ano bp ano bp tbe popfon bao íucb poto?e, Ebat toííb tbe toucb tbcreof bír baire,bít eares, ano nofe oío faoc : Sino beríe fmaü it botb bit beaoe ano all bit boo te maoc. Bin iteaoe of legs,ro botb bír fices fftehe fingars long ano fine : Ebe reif ís bellte. iFcorn tbe tobícb ibe neretbeleffb ootb ttoínc Si (lenoer eb?e?oe, ano p?actífetb ín Ibape of ápíocr 0111 Ebe Spinners ano tbe »blfers crafts oftobícb^e erfi boölbilf, SU Lydia oío repíne beccatane cftbís báoe íbefameOuids Metamorphofìs. 70 Cfetongb Phryg'ic rail, % tfe;ongfe tfee too;lD toa* talfefng oftj^c fcmt» 3Sefo;c feto mariage Niobe feao fenotoen |)ir feerie toell, Wbtn pet a $paiöe in *Meonie ano Sipyle ífee feto DtoelL * Xyafc#. ätiö per Arachnes ptwiifement at |>ame bcfo?e feto epe*, p £o fefe Difcreter ftinbe of talfee ft conio feto not aonifé, $01 (aa befeonetfe)to tfee (Eooa to péloe in fenmblc toifc. J ifo: manp tfetngs Dio mafee feto pjouD.ilßnt neptfecc öto tfee fotone íCfee tofeiefe feto feuibano bnilocD feao, no; feonfea of renoüme *Df tofeiefe tfeepbotfe oefeenoeb toere,no; pet tfee puiflänce £)f tfeat great Healme tofeerein tfeep reignoe fo moefefeir minbe enfeaücs (SUtfeougfe tfee lifting oftfeem alt Die greatlpfetobetigfei) äa ötö tfee ofBpnng of feto felfe.5ino certenlp ifee migfet l^aue bene of motbera counteo toell moto feappfejbau ífee not feo tfeongfet feto felfe, jFo; ífee tofeome fage TyrefiasfeaD begot £fee \3iopfeet Manto tb;cngfe fn&ina offeeauenlp poto?e,DfD fap Efeefe fcinoe of too; Dea in open Uretere Cfeebanea go pour toap ^ 3pace, ano fento Latón ano to Latons cfeUD;en p;ap, janD offer goolp Jpranftinfence, ano tojeatfe pone baite toitfe S5ap* Latona bptfee ntoatfeof me commannoea poufott do* Efee Ojebane toomen bp ano bp obeping tfeerefento, tDecfet alt tfeeir feeaoea toitfe Laurei* leatiea aa Manto Dio reqnfre* ¡9nD p?apmg toitfe Deuout imeni tfe;eto incenfe ito tfee fire* JScfeoloe out commetfe Niob« ennironoe toitfe a garoe jüDf feruannta ano a folemue fraine tfeat follotoeD aftertoacb* fefee toaa fetrfelfe in raiment maoe ofcofflp clotfe of golee ß áDf Phrygi-a facion bene b;aue ano gojgeous to befeolDe. SttD offen felfe ífee toaa rigfet faire ano beantifull of face, 3i5nt tfeat feto to;atfefull ffomafee tfeen Dio tometofeat Jiainefetograce» fefee mouing toitfe feto po;tlp feeaoe feto feaire tfee tofeiefe aa tfeen ¿Dio bang on botfe feir ifeouloera la»fe,oiD patofe atofeile. ano tofeen mptfe loffie Itofte feto if afelp epe* tfee roIleD bao abone, * Ml bat maoueflTc ia it( qnotfe lfee)to p;efer tfee feeanentp rotte iDf tofeome pe Doe but feeare,to fttefe aa Da%are in figfet ^ tofep ifeouiD Latón feono;eo be toitfe üirara.^ getter toigfet &Q mp moff iaereoipateffte Dio ofifer incenfe» 4 a- :? fpi? ipatfeer toaa tfeat Tantalus tofeome onlpaamott fit £fee <2$o&a among tfeem at tfeeir bco;Dea aomitteo fo; to The&í Ij'oohe bf >' a ftlfetof tbe Pléyades te w'p motljéf. JHrtállp Spp <25raunoítre ontbe motbers fíoe ís fljat farne Atlas tífe íLtjat on bis íbouloers bearetbOp tíje beauenlp areltrra. agaíne mp Qtberen pjefer tome Latona tbat fame fro 2Ebe Titan Ccus pmpe,to tobóme tben reaoíe ootone to líe %i)t botogíe <&artb a líttle plot to cbíloe on oto Oenfe t $tom ^eauen,ffom Cartb, f from tbe £>ea pour (Doooeffe bantffjt toas, ano as att outcafr tbtougb tbe too?lD from place to place oto paite, antíll tbat Délos pttpíng bír, fapoe tbou ooffe Arate on laño ano 3 otté>ea,aho tberebpon oto lenoe bfr out of baño a place írnífable. áDf ttoo ttomnes tbere b?ougbt a fceo toas ttje: ano tbís ís bttf tbe fenentb parí of tbe tffae borne bp me. í&ígbt boppíe am % tobo can tbís oeníe t ano fyáll fo tftll Continué» tobo cotb ooubt of tbat i abunoance batb ano toíll p¿eferue me. 3 amgreater tban tbat frotoarce fortune map Gmpeacbe irie. .foí altboügb ib* Iboutoe pulí manp tbtngs atoap, Pet ttjoulo ibe leaue memanp mo¿e.agp ífate ís ont-of feare. áPf tbps mp botoge ano populous race furmtfe pon tbat ít toere ^offtble tome oftbent Cboúfo mtffe: pet can 3 neuer be é>o fpopleo rbattftfmo tWftoo iból¡ taf te Apll toítb me. íleaue qutcfelp tbps letobe fOcttv^át^'pa^meofítbis^ap on pour bcSeiPf^tojteatljcO ^dét^IJbep Isíoett ffrctgíjtafosp ano left tbeír boííerftféi3tiDone?anOdofeIp as tbcpnísp ^Quids Metamorphofis. 7* f^oto mud; from titter barremteffe the Ct&bclfe tons: fo tmic$ JSDtfbeinb m moit: ant in tbe top ofGyntW ftamflifticlr Complaint as ttys to botbbir timnneis. 3lo | poor mother beare, Zffltjo in mv botit onceponttoainetoitb painefnll tranellljeare» áDfall tty other (SobbefTcs crceptloucs Ioffe alone, am lately boubteb tofeetber31 ad5obbeffebe 02 ns. ano if pon belpe rrot c^tlojtett mine,tbe cafenoto Oanbefbfo Chat 3 tty bono? mutt from tyntt ofaifars qnfgbf fo?go. 315 ut tips is not mine on Ip griefe.BeflDesbirtotcfecb fart me,ibenaambe barren in refpert of bír,anottíaei no tobitáíbaamfee &tys falo i Ceafeoff(qi £)fptmííbment. anb the felfe fame too?brs bib Phebe alfo fap. jSDffcariet: anbtbeir b?tble0b?aue tottb gol&ebebecfeeb toere. £>n Cadmus pMlace bib in dotibes bib Itgbt in Thebetoiotte. a fielbe toas bnberneatbtbe toall both lenelUargeanb toibe* JBetrampleb cucrp bap toitb bo?fc that men therein bib ribe, l$ís tyiCt abottf,anb repnbe tym i n to »tafee tym feépe tty ring» §e cribe alas: anb ín tys b?e0 loírtt tbat an arroto ffacfee anb bpanb bp bpa bpíngbanb bíbiet tty b?ible flacfec. ano on ífeerígíjt 6oe of tbebo?fe ty flíppeb to tbegrottnb. %ty feconb tootber Sipylus bíb cbannce toteare tbe founb flDfamarro clatfrírig ín tty ap?e,anb gíning 0reígbt tbe repnr anb fpnr togítber to tys bo?fe,began to 8fe amapne í ao botb tbe ma0er of a (bíp í tobo toben be fés a ^onre apptocbtng, bp Come mt0ie cloub tbat gínnéo to glourne anb lonre ¿0$ clapo»The fhctbooke of Cbotigb itere fe fmall.^otobeít asbe torneo fo? eo flíe, l£ím tb?ottgbtbenecfee.€benocfee ttiercof aíD fl^aUíng tJptoatD ffídtt £$e tteaa appeareb at bts tb?ote.&nb as be fo:toarb gane !£ímfelfe m flptng: fo to gronnobegrouelíng alfo b:aue> arte copplco bp tbebo?fes mane ano fóte arníb bis race, am> tottb bis toarme netoíbebDeb blono berapeb all tbe place. JiSut Phedimus,ano TantaJus tbe beíer of tbe ñame ¿3Df Tan talus bis (Sraunbfatbec, tobo cnff omabtp carne ifrom otber balite erercife to to?effltng,bab begun Zo clofe,anb eacbeat otber noto íoítb b?eft co b?eff to rutt, XMlfen Phcbus Arroto befng fent toítb fo?ce frcm ffrepneb llríng £Dtb Gribe t&ougb botb of tbem as ibepbtD fatt togitber cUng. 0nD fo tbep Ggbeb botb at once,anb botb at once fo: paíne jfell botone to grounb,anb botb of tbem at once tbetr epes DíD ffreíne Zo te tbetr IateG ItgbMnD botb at once tbetr gboffcs dio pálbe, Alphcnor ttf($mífcbaunce of tbeírs tottb beanle beart bebetoe, Ano fcratcbt ano beate bts toofuli b?ett: ano tberetottb flptng oot Zo tabe tbem bp bettoáne W armes, toas as be toent about Cbís too?be offctnblp pí tíe,ttf libe. jfo¿ Phcbus toírb a SDart of DeaolpDtttt btb ríuebínt tb^ougb tbe 3¡5ulbeanb b?afee bí* batt. Sito toben tbe Arcale toas piucbeb out,a percell ofbto líner jBDtb bang Opon tbe babeo beabe: ano fo be bíb beltuer £ 3&ís Ufe ano blonb tato tbe %:e beparttng botb togitber. 15ut Damaíiahon(on tobofe be abe carne nener fl^er)felt $po toonnbes tban one.Blt toas bts cbannce to bañe a grícnons pelt Clpon tbe beríe place at tobtcb tbe leg ís firtt begun Sino tobere tbebamflrmgs bp tbe topnt tottb fupplc flnetocs ron £nb tojjílc to b?ato tbts arroto out be tottb bfó baño aCTaibc, SSnotber tb?ongb W toe^attt toent, ano at fbe featbers ffatoe. ICbe blonb bíb b?tue ont ibis agaíne,anb fpínnmg bíab bibfpout Q great toap off, ano píertt tbe &p?e tottb fp?ínfelíng all about. Zfye la ff of all llionic tottb Grecbeb banbes,anb fpecbe gpoG bnmble(bnt tn feataejbíb fap,£D v0obs 3¡ pou befecbc ¿Dimercíe all tn general!. lt>c totffnot tobar be ralbe Reboto tbatunto all of tbem be ougbt not to bañe p?aíbe. Zbe <3oü tbat belbe tbe Boto tn banpe toas moneo; bu t as tbe»Quids Metamorphofis, l$z could not calltt.#erethclclte the bound bag bene final! $Dt bhich he aide, for bhp fjts heart ic did but light Ip gall. Che rumor of the mifehiefe felfe,and mone of people, ana Che beeping of hie feruants gaue the mother t’tmoerifano Che fooalne ffroUe of this mifchaunce.&he honored berie much 0nd fformea alfo that the Coos bere able to doe fuch 0D®De,or durtt attempt it,pea (he thought it more than right Chat attp of them ouer hir ihoulo bane fo mickle might Ampliion hao fordone himfelfc alreaoic toitlj a knife, Stno enoeo all hie forrobes quite togither iwtk hie life» 0las,alas hob greatlp Doth this Niobe Differ here ifrom totherNiobetohoa late diioaimng anp |Bere JEDiD from Latonas Altars driue hit folke,ano through thetofcme With kaultte (coke ano ffatelp gate bent pranking bp ano Detune* Chen fpighteo at among hir obne, but piteous noteto tkofc: Cfmt heretofore for hie defects had bene hfr greaceff foes, &hc falleth on the copies colae,and taking no regard, SBeffobde hir kpffes on hir fonnes as bhome the afterbarbe E>io knob (he neuer more thoulDe kiffe. if rom bhome (he lifting that bletu ano brofed armes to heauen fapo: ¿D thou cruel! foe Latona feeDe,pea fade thp felfe 3 fap Opon mp tooe 0no ouergorge thp if ornacke, pea ano glut thp cruell hart With thefe mp parent painefull pangs of bitter griping fmart, 3n eorfes feuen 3 feuen times oeaoe am carieo temp graue.) ftetopee thou foe ano triumph nob in that thou toffe tohaue Che bpper hanoe, What i bpper hand i no no it is not fo, 0s bretchea as mp cafe doth toe,pet haue 3 left memo Chan thou for all thp happineffe canff of thine otone account Cuen after all thefe corfes pet 3 ft ill Doe thee furmounf. (¡Upon the ende of thefe fame toordes the rtoanging ofthetfring' 3n letting of the 0rrob file bas clearlp heard: bhich thing spade euerp one fauc Niobe afraiae. Ip it heart basfo With forrobehardned,that (hegretomore bolae.lpir daughters fht Were (landing all bfth mourning bade and hanging baire before ] 0n ftrrob (ticking in his heart, tank* ootone Upon ijirbrotberTliefìxtWkeof miti) Double tarto : tai) caufcD fitr^tr talfeíng fo^to bim ano fbnt bir nioutb : 5l5ut firlï btofibott toa* gone.®ne all tn baine at lad as pet remaineo one : ano fo¿ to fatte that one, I£ír mother fotti; irte boote fol;ole oto cling about bit faff, ano Imping btr oto oner bit bit garment* topolp calí i ano etico out ; áD leaue me one : this little one pet fane : *Df manp but tbi* onlp one tbe lean of all 31 craue. 3l5nt tubile fije p?apD,fo¿ tobóme Ibe p:apD toa* blip. Cpen oofott (beiate mreft of all bit cbilojen quite, ano o?ato(ng to pit fate, ano faplptmoeropen Ito*bitepe*tmmoueo ttmo, 3n all bit boote toa* no life* jFo? euen bit berie tung ano palat of bit rnoutb toa* baro,ano ecbe to otbet clung. Ì0iv jpalfes ceafeo fop to beate,bit necfee oto ceafe to boto, i£ir arme* to tt ir,bit féte to go,all potute fojtoent a* noto* ano into done bit berte toombe ano botoelsalfo bino. ; But pet $e toept : ano being fiopff bp fo?ce of tobitltng toino ®Stta* carieo into Phrygic.Cbete bpon a mountaine* top ^be tocepetb fit J i m (tone, from If one tbe orerie teares do D;op. Svenali both men ano toomen featoe Latonaas open ire ano far tot tb greater fumptuoufneiTe anp earneifer Defire J5DÌO too^bip tbe great mate# ie of this tpetr CoDDeffe topo £DfO beare at once both Phebus ano bi* fitter Phcbe to ano though occafion of tbi* cbannce, (a* men are toont to Do 3ln cafes ltoe) tbe people fell to telling thing* of olo £Df tobomea man among tbe tett tbt* tale enfiung foto. Cbeatmcient fòibe that in tpefieloes of fruitful! Lycia ntoelcOuids MetamorphoíTs. CJe bafcncCfc oftte parties mates rljc tfjiwgf ft fclfc obfenre. pet is tbe matter toonderfull. spp felfe 3 pou aliare ¿Did p?efentlp bct?olDe tlje pono,and fato ttjc berp place 3¡n toíjtcíj tl)ís toondious thing toas done.gpp father then ín cafe, potable fo¿ to tranell toell bp veaíoti of bis age, Co feteí) borne certaíne üDren trence made me to be bis page, appointing me a countrpman Of Lycia to my guide. Mitb tobóme as 3 toent plodding in tbe paitare groundesj fpide amíds a certaíne pond an olde fquare Multar colourd b lache »tb cinder of tbefacnfiicc that ffillbponit ffache. about it round greto toaueríng H©oes.$pp guide anon did ttay t and foftlp, £> be gold to me,be in bimfelfe did fap. and 3 toitb lthe foft tobifpering did fap be good to m©. and tben 3 afhtbim tobetber that tbe altar to© did f© belonged to tbe £2laternpmpbes,o? jfaunes oyother Cod peculiar to tbe place it felfe Opon tbe tobicb toe pod. pe made me aunftoere tbns^y guelf no (¡5od of countrie race 3s in this altar too¿(bípped.Cbat Ctoddelfe clapmes tbts place, jfrom tobóme tbe toife of migbtie Ioue did all tbe too¿lo fo?feno: Mlben toand^ing refflelfe here and there full bardlp in the end flUnfetled Delos did recepue then floting on the toaue, as tide and toeatber to and fro the ftoimming 3land o:aue. Cbere ntaugre Iuno(tobo toitb might and main agatnlf bir ffraue) Latona ffaptng by a SDate and jOlpf tr© that (fed 3n trauell,of a paire of ttoinnes toas fafelp brought a bed. and after bir deliurance folhr report that (he fo¿ feare áDf Iunos tojatb did flic from hence,and in bir armes did beare l^ir babes tobicb aftertoaroe became ttoo <25ods.3n tobicb bir trauell 3n Sommer toben tbe frothing é>unne is toont to burne the grauell „ £)f Lycie countrie tobere the fell Chymera bath bis place, Xbe CoodelTe toearte toitb tbe long continuance of bir race, ®2Hart tbirffie bp the meanes of drought toitb going in the feunne. I£ir babes had alfo fuebt bir bictfes as long as mtlhe toolo rumie. 315p cbaunce (he fpide this little pond of toater here bploto. and coútríe Carles toere gathering there tbefe áDpfper ttoigs that greto £>o tbiche Opon a Ibmbbie ffalhe: and of tbefe rufljes grene: and flags that in tbefe mo^ilh plots fo rife of grotoing b©ne. iuj. &beThe fíxtbookeof £>Ije comming bttíjer fcn&leD Dobone foe boater bp to take Co ccole bit foirff .Cbe cbutlifo clopnes fo?fenDcD bit foe Itafee. Chen gen tip faio tt>c C^oDUeCTe: s>irs tuljp Doe you me fo?feno Cbe boater i feature Doth to all in common boater fenD. if o? neither Ap?e,no: pet foe ílSUater pénate b¿ -> 35 fófce bat that tobicb natures gift hath maDe to all things fro?. C Ano pet 35 bumblp craue of pou to graunt it Onto mée. ¿ 3! did not go about to boafo mp bocne Itinmcs anD ffcin, 35 looulD but onlp quench mp fotrlf. ¿pp fo?ore is fcalrUiifoin if o? boant of mopffurc: ano mp ebappes anD lippes are parching o;ic: AnD fcarilp is there boap fo? booses to tCTue out foercbp. A Diaught of boater botll to me be heauenlp Neftar nolo, Ano fare 3 boil! confefle 3 haue rccciucD life of pom pea in pour goring of a D?op of boater bnto mot, Che cafe fo ffanoefo as pou foall preferue the lines of fofó, Alas let thcfc fame fillie foules that in mp bofome ffretch Cheir little armes(bp chaunce hit babes their p?etie Dolles DiD retch) Co pttie moue poii.M-hat is he fo batD that looulD not palo Co this the gentle dpobbeftes entreatattee moche anD mceto? pet tbep fo? all the humble boo?Des ihe coulD Deutfe to fap, Continues in their botilfull mcoDe of churliih Taping nap, } AnD fo?eatneD fo? to fenDe hit thence onleffe ihe them atoap, Keuiting hit moil fpightfullp. AnD not contentcD fo. tSlifobanoesanD fáete foeffanDing?&©le foep troubleD to anD fro, Until boffo trampling bp anD Dobone malictouflp,foe foft AnD flimie muD that lap beneath boas raifcD bp aloft, saaifo that foe <ü5oDDc(Te boas fo bo?otb that foirff ivas qutjghf Ano unto fuchbnboo?thie Carleshitfelfe foe humblethnot: fpeahefo meaner boojDesfoan might befóme a (DoDDcffe tocll. ¿nr holofng bp hir hanDes to heauen: fo? euer »nought pou Utoell 3n this fame ponD.foe faiD: bir fotfo did cahe effect botfo fpeeue. ifo? bnDerneath foe boater foep Delight to be in DáDe. $oto Diue foep to foe bottome Dobone,nobo bp foeir hcatesfotp pop, Another tohile boith fp?atoling legs foep fboim bpon foe top. AnD ofrenttmes bpon foe banhes foep haue a minDe to ffonD, Ano oftentim ts from foence againc to leape into the pcnD. * Ano there foep nobo Doe p?actife 0til their filfop tongues to fcolo. jO’uíds Metamorphofis. gno lbameIeírelp(tbougb bnDerneat b the loafer) tbep Doc bolo i Cbeír fo:mer íooitt of fabling Sill anuo fíje testereólo. > JTOctr bolees Sil are boarie ano f>arf^,tfjefr trotea baue puffeo goatolcs, CÌjeir cbappes toitb bjatolmg toíoencD are, tfjeír bámer beaoeo Joatoles are íopneo co ríjetr ¿boulDers íuS ,tbe neefees of them ooe Téme cut off, the ríogebone of their bache fftehes bp ofcolour grane. Cbeir pauncbtoblcb is tbegreateS part of all their crune«*? is grap, ano fo tbep Op ano Dotone tbe pono maoe nelolo ifrogges ooe plap* OTOen one of Lycc0 loore not tobo)bao fpohen in ttys fo;t, another of a Satyr Sreigbt began to malie repo#, Mlbome Phebus ouercommlng on a pipe (maoe late ago Bp Palks)put to puniQntent.Mbp fleaeff ebon me fo, aias beer loe It irfcetb me.glas a fo:icptpe UDeferuetb not fo cruellp mp Chin from me to If ripe. jfo? all ble crpíng o:e bis caree qufgbt pulleo toas ble ffeín. fought elfe be toas than one tobóle toounoe.Cbe grleflp blouo 010 fplu if rom eucrp part,tbe ffnetoes lap oifcouereo to tbe epe, Che qutuertng bepnes toitbout a ffefn lap beating nafceolp. Che panting botoels In ble balite pe might baue numbjeo toell, ano in bie b?eS tbe there fmall Scinge a man might eaflp tell. Che Cotm trie if aúnes, the Coos of fl22&©0s,tbe Satyrs of bis bin, Che tpount Olympus tobofe renotone Dio ere that time begin, ano all the $pmpbes,atio all that in tbofe mountaines feept their Sj^pe, £)i grajeo cattili thereabouts,OtD fo? this Satyr toápe. Che fruitful! earth mart mopff thereluith,ano mopSeb oio recepue Chete teares, ano in bir botoels Oeepe oto of the fame concepue. ano toben that tbs bao turneo them to toater,bp ano bp §bc Tent them fo.itb agame aloft to fee the open s>hte. Che Kiuer that Doth rile thereof beginning there his race, Bln Oerie oépeano (homing banUes to áeatoaro runnes a pace Chough Phrygic,ano accojomg as the Satyr, fo the Secarne 31s calico Mariks, of the b?cohes the cleareS in that fóealme. Wtb fuch tramples as thefe fame the common foibe rctttrnoe Co p?efent things,ano enerp man through all the Citte ma>?noe jfo? that Amphion toas oeSropOe toith all his itfue fo. But all the fault ano blame toas latoe bpon the mother tbo. if o? blr alonlp Pelops mournoe(as men report) ano b®Thefìxtbookeof 3fit opening of pío clotpeo oío ideine tfjac euerie man migpt f© l^iolpoulocr on fíje left COe bare of3¡uo?íefo? to bae. } Cpio (pouloer at pio birri) toas libe pio totper boti) in pue gno flcipgmtill pio tarperò panuco moil toicfeeolp pim (lue, Ano tpat tpe (£000 topen tpep pio Innmeo againe togitper o?ue, Co iopne epem in tpeir proper place ano fo?me bp nature bue, SDiO finoe out all tpe otper parteo,fané onip tpat topicp grue 3¡5ettoene tpe tpzoteboll ano tpe arme, topícp topen tpep could nor get Cpio otper maoe of 3¡uo?íe topite in place tpereof tpep fet gito bp tpat meaneo toao Pelops maoe againe boti; topole ano founo Cpe nepgpbo? linceo tpitper carne,ano all tpe Citico rouno gbout befougpt tpeir ì&ingo to go ano comfort Tliebe ; no Arge gttb Sparta, anO Mycene topicp toao PnOer Pelops cparge. gno Calydon bnpateo oftpe frotoning Phebe pit, epe toeltpie fotone Orchomenos, ano Corinth topicp in it ^ao famous men fo? toojfemantpip immettalo : ano tpe (tout MeiTene topicp full ttoentiepeareo OiO polo befiegero out. gnO Patrc, ano tpe lotolp fotone Clcona,Nelies Pyle, gno T royzen not furnameo pet Pittheia fo? a toptle. gno all tpe otper X5o?ougp totoneo ano Cities topicp Ooe ffano i Mitptìi tpe narrato balhe at topicp ttoo è>eao ooe máte at pano, > ¿3D? topicp oo bouno Opon tpe balbe toitpout in maínefirme laño, i glonlp Athens(topo tooulo tpinbe i ) oio neitper come no? feno. Marre Parreo tpem from courteCe tpe topicp tpep oio entcno, epe iiting of Pontus toitpan poli of fauage people lap 3)n fiege bcfo?e tpefr famouo toallco ano curftip oio tpem frap, «¡Untili tpat T ereus iking of Thrace app?ocping to tpeir apoe, SDío banquííp pím,ano toítp renotone toas fo? pío labo? papoe* gno Ctp pe toao fo puilTant in menano reaop copne, gno came of migptie Mariis race, Panchón fougpt to iopne gitanee toitp pirn bp ano bp,ano gaue pirn to pío ifeere m* oaugpter tpio matcp(ao after toill appearc) Mas neptper Iuno, $?eOoent of mariage toont to bee, $)o: Hymen, no no? anponeof all tpe graces tp?ee. epe if urico fnaícpíng Capero bp tpat on fome lacree Dio Canoe • SDio light tpem,ano before tpe315?toe oio beare tpem in tpeir panne, epe ^f uries maoe tpe J15?i0egr©meo beo,gno on tpe poufe oio ruepe . ^Ouids Metamorphofis. 0 eurfeb ©tole tbe meŒengrer of pli fueceffe ano lucfee. ano ail tbe nígbt tíme tobíle fijar tbep torre Iping in tbeit beos, ê>be fatefcpon tbe bebffeos top rigbt once botb Ujeir bebs. ê>ucb banôfell Progne bab tbe bap tbat Tercus oto bit toeb* &ud) banbfell bab tbep toben t|jat fíje toas toougbt of cbtlbe a beo, ail Thracia mo reiopcc at tbem,amj tbanfet tbeir ©obs3anb toilb Cfjat botb tbe bap Of Prognes matcb toitb Tereus fljoulb bebllb foi feafffull,anb tbe bap libetoife tbat Itys firft toas bo?ne : é>o hule tmoto toe tobat bebouesXbe ê>unne bab noto outtoojne i?tue iparuefts5anb bp courte Sue times bab run bis pearlp race, Sîîlben Progne flattring T ercus faibe : 31f anp loue o¿ grâce Betto&ne bs be,fenb eptber me mp ûtfer fo? to fa?, ©: Atibe tbe meanes tbat fjt ttjer (be map come to btfit ma?, jPou map affure pour j?atb?ínlato fíje (bail agalne returne Wtbin a tobtle. pc boe to me tbe bigbetf great gœb turne Cbat can be,tf pou bjtng to paffe % map mp lifter fœ. Bímmebtatlp tbe fcing commaunbcs bis flippes a flote to bée, and (bojtlp after,tobat toitb Tapie anb tobat toitb fo;ce of j©?es, 3¡n Athens bauen be arriues anb lanbcs at Pyrey ftjo?es. affame as of bto fatb?inlato tbe pjefencc be obtatnbe, anb bab of btm bene courteouflp ano frienblpentertainbe, Œnbappie banbfell entreb toitb tbeir talfcing firft togitber. Cbe crranbes of bis toife tbe caufe of bis tben comming tbitbec l£e bab but neto begon to tell, anb pjomifeb tbat toben &be bab bir Aller fæne, (be (boulb toitb fpéebe be fent agen : Mben(fæ tbe cbaunce)came Philomele in raiment berp rlcb, anb pet in beautie farre mo?e rlcb,euen lifee tbe ifairies tojjicb îiepofteb are tbe pleaTant toœbs anb toater fpjlngs to baunt, ê>o tbat tbe libe appareil anb atrfte to tbem pou graunt. iâing Tercus at tbe ûgbt of bir bib burne in bis beffre, as if a man (boulb cbaunce to fet a gulfe of co?ne on fire, ©i burne a ftacbe of bap.l^ir face (n bæbe beferueb loue. But as fo¿ btm, to fleiblp luft euen nature bib bim moue. ifo.2 of tbofe countries commonlp tbe peoplc are aboue SU meafure pjone to lecberte.anb tberefoje botb bp feinbe l£ts fíame encreaft,anb bp bto otoñe befault of biciousminbc ^e purpofbe fullp to cojrupt bir feruants toitb rctoarb :The fixtbooke of for io bribe bir j^arce, that (be (bonlb flenberlp regstbe l^ir butie to bit miff reffetoarb. ¿no rather than to faple, Khz Stable eucn birfelfe toitb gifts be minbeb to affaplc, 0no all bis Uitigoome for to fpenb. or elfe bp force of jjanb Ko tabe bir,ano in maintenance thereof bp ftoo?b to ffanb, iCbere toas not bitber beauen tbe thing but that be burff it p;:**, s>o far tmable boas be noto to ffap bts iatoleffe loue. SDelap boas beabip.ffiacke againe toitb greebie mintre be came jflDf Prognes erranbs for to talbe: anb bnbcrneatf, .Qt fame !£e toorbes bis otone imgradoufneffe.Sloue gaue bim potoer to frame !£ts taibe at toill. 3s- oft as be bemaunbeb out of fquare> iHpou bis toiues importunate beffre btmfelfe be bare. i£e aifo toept: as though bis toife bao toiUcb that iibetolfe. ¿D d?ob,tobat bhnoneffe both tbe fearfes of mo? tall men bifguifes* 515p toorhtng mifebiefe Tercus gets bim crebtt for to feme 0 iouing man, anb totnnetb pratfe bp totebebneffe ertrame. |£ea atib tbe ftoliib Philomele tbe felfe fame thing befires. Wo banging on bit fathers neebe toitb flattruig armes, require# 0gainff bit life anb for bit life bis licence for to go iCo fe bit fiffer.T ereus bebolbes bit totffip tbo, 0nb in bcbolbtng banble# bit toitb btart.for tohen be fato l)ir htffe bit father, anb about bis mdse bit armes to brato, 2£bep all toere ipurres to pricbe bint fortb,anb tomb to feebe bis fire, 0nb fmbe of forcing nouriffjment to further bis beffre. 80 oft as (be bir father bib bectoane bit armes embrace* &o often toilbeb be bimfelfe bit father in that cafe. for nought at all Iboulo that in him bane torougbt the greater grace, l£ic father coulb not fap them nap tbep lap at bim fo fore. ¿igbt glab thereof toas Philomele anb tbanbeb him therefore. Stab toretebebtoentb (be tbinbes (be bao obtaineb fucb a thing? 0s both to Progiie anb b:r felfe fljoulD iop anb comfort bring, Mlhen both of them in berie babe (boulb aftertoarb ft reto. i 2Cfrenbtoarb of bis bailp race anb traucll Phebus bieto, > 0n&on the (boring fibe of ^eauen his horfes botonetoarb fleto. 0 prlncelp fupper toas prepaarbe,ano feme in golbe toss fet t 0n& after nreate to tabe their ref the Princes bib them get, But though the Hung of Thrace that tobtle toere abfenrftom bit (WJjOuids Metamorphofis. 76 Wet ftoeltcb Ijc: ano tn bis minoe reuolumg all the night : :'r face, (nr gelfare,ano hit banDs,tmaginoe all the teft (Che tobieb as pet Ije bao not fóne)as lifete (ns fancte belf. bis flame« bunfelfe.$o toínfee coulo come totttjm b is epes, jfo¿ ibrnfei iig ap on bir.affame as oap toas in cfie fhics, Pandion hclotng in bis bano.tbe bano of Tcreus pzetf £0 go bis toap, ano leasing te ares betcofee him thus fjfs guelf. Dearc fonnctnlato B¡ gtne tbre fjerc(Ctijgot)lp canfe conffratnes) Ztjis DamfellJBptbc fattbtbat in tbp j^incelp heart remaines, Sno fo: our late aliante fake,ano bp the Coos abone, 31 bumblp thee befeche that as a jratber thou ooe loue ano matñtaine tor. ano that as fame as map be(all Delap SKiitll Onto me ftome oner long)tbon let bir come atoap Che comfort of mp carefnll age on tobóme mp life ootb Cap, ano tbou mp Daughter Philomele(it is inongb ptois Chat from bir father fet To farre tbp (lifer Progne is) 3¡f anp fparke of nature ooe toitbin tbp heart remapne, Mith all the baalf ano fpéoe tbou canlf returne to me againe. Bin gluing charge be kiffeD hie: ano ootone bis cboebes OiO raine Che tenoer teares. ano as a pleoge of faith be tcoke the right ’ Canoes of them both,ano iopnmg them oio eebe to other plight. Defiring them to beare in tninoe bis commenoations to |n's Daughter ano bir little fonne.ano then toith much a Ooe 3?o; robbing,at the lalf he bao aoeto as one Dtfmato. £(je fotemifgiufng of bis minoeoio make him fo?e afraro. áltame as Tereus ano the spatoe togither toere a b®?o, flno that their (hip from laño toith 4D¿es toas baleo on the faj¿o> Che fieloe is ours he cnoe alouoe,3l haue the thing 3 fought 3no bp be fttpt, fo barb?ous ano fo beattlp toas tos thought? > Chat fcarce euen there he coulo foseare his pleafure to bauc thought * l^ts epe toent neuer off of bir: as toben the fcarefull Cene iasitrh bmheo talams truUmg bp a i$ave among the ifertie, l^ath lato bir in his nelf,from tohence the pzifoner can not fcape, Che rattening fotole toith grrieoie epes bpon his p:ap ooth gape. i£oto toas their iournep come to enoe: noto toere thep gone a lano 3¡n Thracia, toben that Tereus tofce the ilaoic bp the bano, ^ } &uo leo bir to a pelting graunge that peakslhlp oto flano iUttf. 3!uThe fixtbooke of 3(n tDoabs fo?grotoen,£berc tearing pale anb trembling fo?e fo? feare anb b?eabing all things,anb ioitb feares bemaunbtng fablp fo&ere 3 !£ir filter toas,be Íbet bir bp: anb tbercUmball beto?aibe t£ts foiefteb lufi,anb fo bp fo?ce bicaufe lbe leas a $9aibe anb all alone be banquifijt btt,3t bmteb nought at all SCbat Q)t on filters? on éire, o? on tbe Cobs bib call. £>tje quabetb like tbe toounbeb iiambc tobteb fro tbe OTclaes bo?e tat!) i^etu fljafeen tblnhes btr felfe not fafe: o? as tbe HDoue tbat Cátb l^lr fetbers ítntb bfr otoñe bloub ffapnbe,u>bo (bubbling Hill both fcare iübe greebte l^aufee tbat btb btr late tottb griping talants teare. anon toben tbat tbis majeoneffe toas fometubat ouerpafi, fi>be rent btr ¿aíre,anb beate btr b?eil,anb bp to beauentoarb call íf)tr baños in monrningtotfe,anb faib.C canbero Carle,HD fell anb cruell Cp?ant, neptber conlb tbe goblpteares tbat fell 0 botone mp fathers chufees toben be bib giue tb® charge of mé, $e of mp filler that regarbe that ought to be in thee, $o? petmp ebaaff hirginitie, no? confidence of tbe latoe ¿fíoeolocbe,from this Otilante t¿pbarb?ous heart toitbb?ato * SBcbolb thou ball confounbeb all. fpp filler thorough mée Bis rnabe a Cucqueane: anb tbp felfe though tbts offence of tb& art maoe a bufbano to bs both,anb Onto me a foe a lull beferueb puntlbment fo? letoblp boing fo. SBut to tbtntent ¿D periurbe to?etcb no mtfcblefe map remaine tHnto?ougbt bp tbée,tobp boell tbou from murb?tng me refraine i t&StoulbCob tbou bab it bone bcfo?e this toicbeb rape. Jf rom hence &ben ííjoulb mp.foule moll blefieblp bauc gone toitbont offence. SBnt if t¿e Cobs boe fi® this bóebe,anb if tbe Cobs 3! lap 25e ought,anb in this toicbeb too?lbe beare anp fembe of ftoap anb if toitb me all other things becap not,fure the bap »11 come that fo? this totefeebneiTe full bearlp tbou Chale pap. $^ea 3 mp felfe retorting lhame tbp bomgs mill beto?ap. anb if 3 map bauc potoer to come ab?obe,tbem blafe 3 toiH 3 3u open face of all the foo?lb. o? if tbou fefrpe me ffill r as p?ifoner in tbefe toajbs,mp hopee the herte tocobs f^all fill, j anb rnahe the Hones to hnberffanb.Het l^eauen to this gtue eare 7 anb all the Cobs anb potoers therein if anp Cob be there. r ICbe crucll tp?ant being ebaaft anb alfo put in fcare ¿OuidsMetamorphofis. 77 WSSLttl) thefe and other Tad) ijir tno;des,botb caufes to l)im gang, Cbat Drafting out bio nafeed ftoo;oe that at bis ffttdle bung, l)z tcofee bir tudelp bp the baire,ano to?ung tjir bands behind bir, Compelling bir to bolde them there turtle be bimrelfe did bind bb(es pag tb;ougb the ttoelue celegtall ggnes,ano gniibt full a peare. S3ut tobat (bould Philomela doe i £>be foatebeo foas fo neare Chat gart Hie could not fo; hir life, the toalles of that fame grannge Mere made fo high of matne hard gone,that out (be couio not raunge* a game bir tungleffe mouth didtoant the btterance of the fact threat is the Ini t of penfiueneffie, and toben tbe head is rag Mitt) hard miffo;t»ne, (barpe fo?ecag of p;artife entereth in. 0 toarpeof tohite tjpon a frame of Thrada (be did pin, land toeauco purple letters in betfcfene it, fobicb befo;aioeTheíixtbookeof ;£be fttfcbeo oáoeof Tereus.0no Waning Dónele p?aíoe Si certaíne tooman bp bír fignes to bearc them to btr mtffrette. &be bare tbem ano oelmcrco them not bnotoíng nerctbelcOe bat toas m tbem. Cbe Chanto totfe bnfoloeo all tbe clour, 0no oí btr to?etcbeo fortune reo tbe pioccfic tobóle ttoougbcuc, £>be belo btr peace(a toono?ous tbtng tt ís (be fljonlo fo Ooe) 25ut fo?roto tíoe btr tongue ano too?0es agreeable Onto 3^tr great otfpleafure toere not at commaunoment at tbat ttouna, 0no toápe (be coulo not.fópgbt ano to?ong (be reefeenetb to contorna,; 0no on reuengement oí tbe oáoe btr beart ootb tobolp ground, 3ít toas tbe tíme that totues of Thrace toere toont to celebrate Cbe tb?á peare rites oí Bacchus tobícb toere oone a nígbtttmes late. 0 nígbttímes founoetb Rhodope of finding pannes ano pots; 0 nígbttímes gí uíng Op fjfr boufe ab?ooe &uane Progne trots £Dífguítbe libe Bacchus otbev froesano armeo to tbe pjofe mttl) all tbe frentíebe furniture tbat ferues fo? tbat bebeofe. iptr beao toas couereo toítb a Oíne. 0bout btr Icofe toas tuebt 0 fóeooáres fbín. a lígbtfonte llaunce Opon btr íbouloer rucítf. Sin poatt gaooes terrible Progne tb?ougb tbe tocos,ano at btr bales 0 floebe of froes. ano tobere tbe ífmg of fo?roto tobícb (be falce Cnfo?cetb btr to furfonfnette, (be fepnes íí to p?ocáoe ÜDf Bacchus moííon,0t tbe length (be finding out in oáoe Cbe ontfet Craunge botoloe out,ano críoe noto toell, ano open b:afee Cíje gates, ano tf rctgbt bír fitter tbence bp fo?ce of baño oto tabe, 0noOeplíng bit ín libe attire of Bacchus,bío bír beao íMítb 3uíe leaues,ano borne to Court btr fo?c amaleo leo. 0ffome as Philomela toítt Ibe fet btr feote tottbtn &bat curfeo bcufe3tbe ttnetebed foule to (buotber oto begin. 0no all btr face toart pale.0non btr fitter getting place jBDíO pull off Bacchus mao attire, ano mabing bare bir face j f Cmb?aceD bír bettoáne bir armes.3i5ut ibe connecting tbat &uóenePrognetoasaCucqueanemaoebpmeanesofbír,ourttnat ¡ áDnce raífe btr epes: but on tbe ground fatt fired beloe tbe fame. _ I 0no tobere (be toouloebauetaben Coo to toítnette tbat tbe íbame \ 0no bíllaníe toas to?ougbt to bit bp btolence,(be toas fapne Ko bfe bit band in ffeao of fpeacbe.Cbcn Progne eljaaft a mainc. j-0no toas not able in btr felfo bit cboler to rettratne. Is- *r ”2 W » äI 9 «« §>%> g « »§ a» 'S* ss g or "3 cy - = ^ sa^g <-» —, «-n P rs 0 " ‘ O»'»' » S «g » $ ‘H g »o« »*g S 3 ss sr s S'« to « 2 ** -ga® i *« *S S § 3 §S8 w -ts «£/£*33tafc-'TO M r; <-t S iftillss i<§fs^gsi SI§»f If p - - - « n « «sa^ss» §s» “?p?§ 3* « 5^5« S « oä'T»i»s2S fS« S a Sales' &s5S&S”I» lllllllll 'tT a u i.. — - S. ^3« 3- a Sîb*.S s ,^r tu ^ « sr s? s.*s » D3gB-^E2.^ 5 5 a g s «■&&* i*ts«S1ife^â8.wi 8 g-i s »S' s'S* s ^.o sr £T ^ r ü « "’s sS“S8|enifs 3|?Bs" Ilsi-slll srgfjlig s=g pi {¿i JÍJ î-v S3 3 3 o O O c/ Sgffo O r» S3 S S« ^ a «5 g'«‘W « » S ■ “*** vex Sa af 33 *S SBÏfStS -2 CL 2 "ST «, S3 3ñS« to* w* g C cr 3 «. 2-< W»« w fil- s* Jÿ « « O 2. o ft ” * to 8 '2^5 3 S S » \ex #-r g> §1 ^,3 " o Sñ“3« S £ ~s SsS iss &S2 » 9fe S'a ss a- « g 3 'S“ s S 2 &u ISfi-Sö »s- -ÎT Ç® Jü «•* 2 « S 3 2 a 2 « ffeg 3 »’S Ci W, = » ca s = fl,__ ^8-fffti Ulli« : g» » » «• ~ 9 : S 5=3 Säffä«;s *— rt >T3 f 8 s S H 'j*- 42 ö o s* ^ ^ - O w __________B d “ ytì or «3 »5* M. Po « 3 O-^ JS tos Ht a r f #-! * 5 « SuJ 3 3. S g « S 3 'g TO _ Ï5. rt «T « S '¿U TO «'S a ” » n 6» o 5-0 iSg s g|| SS g fff g^*&s ä S’a'EfE |llV -T I O 9O P <0* TO TO ' "2g58§S s P sa - « u • 2 -3:0 •• « _______ SS «3* «-*■ 5 2 «T •P* ? R » 0 «"a aff c2 f fffta fff 3 ;g£sf Si o a§f §sb^ : 5 » » f S g tr* ¿»vS1 “ S >9 o o r» § "ih'* to' ^ « Figs 3 SÄ II* 3»? IttS v> Id »¿»Ysi v-y^ • Thefixtbooke of 3nb neuer tumor afoap bit faccjnougb bao bene that toouno SUonc to bring him to W enoe.Cbe totbet fitter flit tbrote.ano tootle fome lift ano foule teas in bio member* pic, 3!n gobbits tbep them rent: tebereoftoere Tome in pipfetns bopfo ano o tber fome on bitting fpits again® tbe fire toere broplo, ’t ano toitb tbe geUieo blouo of bim toas all tbe chamber foplo. Co this fame banfeet Progoe baoe bir bnfbano fenotoing nought #or nongbt mtffruttmg of tbe barme ano letoonette fire bao to^ooght. 8no fepning a folentoie accoroing to tbe gnife £Df Athens,at tbe tobicb there might be none in anp toife SBefiOeo bir bnfbano ano bir felfe,(be banifbt from the fame l$it bonfeboloe folfec ano foiournero,ano fucb a* guetttoifecame. l&ing Tereus fitting in the tbrone of bio forefathers, feO 3no ftoallotoeo ootone the feife fame fielb that of bio botocls b;cD, l ano be(fo blinoeo toas bio beart)fetcb Itys hither, feo. > 0o lenger bir mottcruell iopOiffemble coulotbe&u&nc. 2But of bir murtber coueting tbe mettenger to bane, &>be fiaio: the thing tbon affeett for,thou batt toitbin.about i:)e lafeeo rouno, ano aibeoinheres Co put him out of oouf, ¿o be toas petoefnaanotng Inhere,ano calling for him: out ilept Philomeleiuitbfcattreo baire aflaigbt Ufee one that fleo b)ao from fome ftap inhere daughter toas, ano tbreto the bloubp beao ¿>f Itys in bio fatbero face.ano iteuer more toas lb® SDefirous to bane bao bit fpcacbe,tbat able fire might be > i0w inioaro iopluitb toortbie tooroes to toitneffc franfce ano fra. Che tprant toitb a btoeouo nopfeatoap tbe table tboueo: ano rare* § fienoo from feelUIDne tofjile toitb panning mouth he prenes Co perbrahe bp bio meate againe,-anO catt bis bo tods out. Another tobtle tottb tormgtng banoes be toeeping goeo about. 2lno of bio fonne be cerates bimfelfe the toretebeo graue.aiion With nafieo ftuoroano furious heart be folloloetb fierce fopon Pandions oaugbtcrsJ^e that ba&bene prefent tooulo bane Ootn&s Cbefr booies to bane bouereo bp toitb fctbcrs.&s tbcp famoe: $>o bouereo tbep toitb toings in oaDe.iDftobome the one atoap Co tomotoaro files, the other frill about the boufc ootb ttap. ano of their mmtbsr from tbeir brettes not pet the tofien goth; Jf o? enen ttill pet are ttainoe tuttb blouo the fetbers of them both*Ouids Metamorphofis. < 79 and be though fo?roto and Defire of bengeance tearing teigbt, Became a Biro bpon tetjofe top a tuft of feather# iigfjt 3!it libeneffe of a pelmets ereff doth trimlp fianD bpjigbt. 3Brt fieaD of bio long ftoo?D,bid bill fijcoteo out a pairing fpace: a ilapteing nameo to tljio Biro,all armeb fames W face, Cbe fojrote of tins great mifcbaunce Dio flop Pandions breath Before bio time,and long ere age DeterminDe bad bio Death» Hreahey reigning after bim tbe gouernment DiD tabe: a prince of fucb ateoitbineffe as no manteell can mabe aSefolution,tf be mo?e in armeo o: iufiice DiD ereell. ifoure tonnes,and daughters fourebe bao.SDf tebitb a couple teelt ¿to ecbe in beautie other matcb.£be one of tbefe tebofe name HRHas Procris bnto Cephalus Iking Aeolus fonne became a bappte toife.Cbe Cb?aclano and Iking Tereus toere a let Co Boreas; fo that long it teas before the (0oD could get i£fs dearbcloued Onthya,tebile trifling be Did ffand « Mlttb faire entreatance rather than Did bfe the fojce of band. But teben be fate be no reliefe bp gentle meanes could finde, Cben turning bnto bopifous te?atb(tebicb bnto that fame teinde ^ 3js too familiar and tai much accufiomed bp binde) |£e raid 31 ferued am but toctl: fo: tebp laid 38 a part spp proper toeapons, ficrceneffe, fo:ce,and tre,and cruell hart ?> and fell to fauning libe a fole^tebicb did me but difgrace t jfq; me is biolence mate;£b:ougb this tbe peffred cloudeo 31 cbace. Cb:ougb tbte 3 tofie tbe &cas.£btengb this 3 turnebp bnottieflDbeo, and harden §>note, and beate the ground in baple teith fiurdie fircbes. Wen 3 mp brothers cbaunce to get in open 8p:e and £>bie. (3?o: that is mp fieloe in the tobicb mp maifierfes 3 doe trie) 3 charge bpon them teitb fucb b:unt,that of our mating fmart v Che peauen bettoane: bo toundes,f from the bolldte Cloudeo doth fiart <£nfo:ced fire.ano teben 3 come in boles! offjollote ground, and fierflp in thofe emptie canes ooeronfe mp bacbe bp round, 3 trouble euen the gbp# co^ano mabe>tbe berie too?Id to quabe. Cbto belpe in teding of mp totfe(to'fpdde)3 Iboulo bane tabe. Erefthey Iboulo not bauc bene p:apde mp jfatberinlato to be; Iboulo bauc bene compelde thereto bp If out eptremitie.• Thefixtbookeof 1« fpeafcfng tbefe o; otber toóles as if uroíe,Bóreas gatt &o flafhe bis mings.M itb inauing of tbe tobtcb ht rapfeb fijan &o grear a galc,tbae aU tbe caret) toas blaffcD tberctoitbali, ano troubles toas rtje inaine bzooe âea.ano as l;c (rapine bis pali ïBeoulïeo ouer btgbett tops of coings? ht ftuept the gtouno. ano bauing nom in fmobie clonbes bimfelfe enclofeb roano, ÏSetméne bis ouffeie mings ht caugbt Ont hya fftaugbt fo.z feare, 3no Itbe a louer, berte foft ano eafip oto bir beare, ano as ht flem,tbe fiâmes of loue entunóles mozc ano mo?e 3i5p imanes of ffirring.$eitber OiO ht ttap bisfiigbt befóle i$e came mitbin thè lano ano tourne of Cicons mitb bis p?ap. ano tbere fame after being maoe bis tuife lbe fjapt to lap !£ir bendano a paire ofbopes (be at a burtben bztngs, Mtbo elfe in ail refembîeo full tbeir motber, faue in mings Cbefobicb tbcp oftbeir fatber ta>fee.i£otobeit (bp report) Cbep mere not borne mitb mings Opon tbeir booies in tljis fozto ©¡Ubile Calais ano Zetcs bao no bearo Opon tbeir cbin, Cbcp botb mere callom,ï5ut affame as baireoio once begin 3?« Itfeeneffe ofapellom 35¡>omne Opon tbeir cbeebes to fp?out, íCbcnreuen as comes to palTe in 5¡5írbes)tbe featbers buooeo ont Cogitber on tbeir pfnpons tœ,ano fpjeaoeb tonno about £Dn botb tbeir fibes.ano finailp mben ebtioboo once mas fpent ano poutb corne on,togitber tbep mitb otber Minyes ment Co Colchos in tbe ¿alien tbat mas firff oettifOe in Crccce, Œpon a Uta as tben Onbnomen,to fetcb tbe goloen fiées. Finis ícxti Libri. fTfiefTHE SEVENTH BOOKE 80 of Quids z5A£etamor])kofs. jgvg $d noto in fljip ofPagafa tfjc Mynies cut the feas. j||||ano leading bndet endleffe night too age in great difeafe ^*^*¿2Df fcarcitie toas Phmey feme, ano Boreas fornire fiso challe 3toap the ^aidenfaced fonico that did too Outcls toatfe. and after fuffring manp things in noble Iafons band, 3fn muddle Phafis gating tírenme at la# tbep toent a land. Ebere tubile tbep going to tbe &ing oemanno tbe goloen fierce 2£?ougbt tbitber certaine peaces before bp Phryxus out of Greece, ano oftheir o?eaofull labors toait an anftoere to receiue : Aeetas Daughter in bir heart both mightie fiantes conccpue. ano after firugling berte long,toben reafon could not torn Ebe Upper band of rage : 0>e thus did in to? felfe begin. Blu baine Medea doife thou if due. fonte (H5od tobat etc be is againff tb® benoes his fo? tobat a toondtous thing is thio ? Bis anp thing like this tobicb men doe terme bp name of &bue i Jro: tohp fljoulo 3 mp fathers belles titéeme fo hard aboue mi meafure í fare in berp oéde tbep are tco hard and fo?e. mbp feare 3 lead pon firaunger tobóme 3 neuer fato before Should perilb i tobat (boulo be the caufe of this mp feare fo great i Clnbappie toench(and if thou canlf)fupp?eire this Uncouth heat Ehat burnetb in thp tender b?eff. and if fo be 3 coulde, a happie turne it toere,ano mote at eafe then be 3 ihouloe. But noto an bncoutb maladie perforce agatnfi mp toil! EDotb hale me.&oue perfuades me one, another thing mp ffeill» Ebe bell 3 fee and Ithe : the too# 3 folloto headlong ff ill. fflXbp being of the ropall bloud fo fondlp doife thou rane, tapón a ifraunger thus to dote,defiring fo? to baue 3n hufbattd of another too?ld i at home thou migbtelf finde a loner méte fo? thine rífate on tobóme to fet thp mtnde. and pet it is but euen a chaunce if he '$*11 ime 0? no ? <25oo graunt him fo? to line. 3 map toithout offence p?ap fo, although 3 louoe him not : fo? tobat hath lafon trefpaíf me i titubo tooulde not pitie Iafons pouth onlefie tbep crudi be i titabat creature is there but to* birth and p?otoefie might him mone i \ andThe feuenth boolce of Stoo retting all the reff afpöe, tüfjo Inoulöe not be in lone iflUitb Iafons gcoolie perfonage / mp heart affureblp 3s toucbt tberefoftb. But if tb at 3 p?ouioe not remeoie, Mitb burning b?eatb of blaffíng Bulles náoes (inogeb muß be b®, £>f féOes that be bimfelfe muff foto a barucff (ball be fee €)f armeö men in battell rap bpon the grouno bp groin S^ainff tbelobicb it bouetb him bis manbooe fo? to (boto. Sino as a p?ap be muff be fet againff the D?agon fell. 3jf 3 tbefe things let come to paffe J map confeffe right iuell 5Lbat of a Cpger 3 toas b?eo; ano that ioitbin mp b?eff Si heart mo?e barbe than anp ffeele o? ffoníe roche ootb reff. Wtbv rather ooe 3 not bis oeatb toitb tmatbfull cpes beboloe t Sino iop toitb others feeing bint to btter perill foloe / Sß&bp ooe 3 not enforce the Bulles againff him / tobp 3 lap erbost 3 not the cruell men tobicb (ball in battell rap Steife againff hint from the grouno / ano that fame D?agon to Äthin tobofe epes came neuer (tápe / Coo (bielo 3 fo f^dulo oco. But p?aper fmallp ba)tes,ercept 3 put to helping bano. Sino (ball 3 like a Captife then betrap mp fathers lano / $>ball 3 a ff raunger fane tobome toe no? none of ours Doth fenofo / Chat be bp me p?eferueO map ioifbout me bomeloaro roto ¿ Sino tahe another to bis íoífe,ano leaue me fo?etcbeo toigíjt fiCo f o?ments / 3f 3 toíff that be coulbe foo?fee me fucb a fpígbt, h £D? coulo in anp others loue than onlp mine Oeligbt, 2Cbe Cburle (boulo ote fo? me.But fure be bearetb not the face ¡ILífee one that tooto ooe fo. (pis birth,bis courage, ano bis gfßce Doe put me clearlp out of Ooubt be toill not me oecepue, jpto no? folget the great gtno turnes be (ball bp me recepue, pet (ball be to me ffrff bis faith fo? mo?e affurance plight Sino folemlp be (ball be ftoome to fetepe the couenant right. Wähy fearffe thou noto loithout a caufe / ffep to it out of bano: Sno boe not anp longer time thus Itngring fonölp ffano. Jf 0? ap (ball Iafon ttjinfee btnifelfe beboloing Onto tb&: ano (ball tbámarríe folemlp: peabonoieo (bait thou bee Df all the ¿pothers greate ano fmall tb?ougfeout tfee totones of Greece 3F0? fauing of their fonnes that come to fetch the goloen fleece, änö (ball 3 then leaue b?otber,ííffer,fatber, feitb ano fein/ _ Ouids Metamorphoiîs. ■ anobol&C>od0,aHd narine fople, and all that fs therein ? and faüe 3 fenoto not tobftber toitba ffraungertpea : tobp nor t $pp father furelp crnell ieyitp Conmrie rude Cod toot :. Spp brother pet a berfe babe : mp fitter 3 Dare Tap Contented ts toitb all bfr heart that 3 (bonld go atoap : Cbe greatett Cod is fit mp relfe : the things 3 Doe fojfahe are trifles in compaction of tbofe that 3 (ball tabe. 5f 02 fauing of the Cr&htfb (bip renoomeD (hall 3 b&. a better placed (ball eniop toitb Cities riche and fro?, Mbofe fame Doth flo^itt) frefl) enen here, and people that ercell 3« ciitilllife and all god artes : and tobome 3 toonld not fell if 0; all the gcods toft&fn the toojlde SDute Acfons noble fontte. ©Kpome bad 3 to mp latofnll jFeere affctredlp once toonne, spoff bap pic pea and blett of Coo 3 might mp felfe account, and toitb mp head abone the ffarres to beauen 3 fljonlo furmoant. 3!But men report that certaine roches (3 trnoto not tobat ) doe matte amid tbe toaues,and monttruouflp againe a fonder flæte : Sind boto Charybdis dtter foe to (hips that patte tberebp $oto fotopetb in noto fpetoeth ont the ¿ea fncettantlp : and rauemng.ScylU being hemoe toitb cruell dogs abont, amids tbe gnife of Sicihc doth made a barbing ont» Wat fbilletb that ? as long as 3 eniop the thing 3 lone, and bang abont mp Iafons neche,ft (hall no tohit me mone Co fade the danngerons â>eas : as long as him 3 map embrace 3 cannot furelp be afratde in anp binde of cafe. O2 if 3 cbantice to be afratde,mp feare (hall onlp tende But fo? mp bufband.CaUtte tbon him tbp bnfband i ooffe p?etenoe Cap titles to tbp fonle offence Medea ? nap not fo : But rather Icohe abont boto great a letooneffe tbon ooffe go. and (ban the mifehiefe tohile thou mapff. â>be bad no fconcr faid Cbefe too2des,but right and godlineffe and fi/amefaffneffe toere (laid Before btr epes,and frantich lone did fife atoap difmato. ¿be toent me to an altar that toas dedicate of olde Co Perfeys daughter Hecate(of tobome the tottebes bolde as of their Coooette)ffanofng in a tbtche and fecrete tocod fi>o clofe it coulde not toell be fptoe : and noto the raging mod Of furious lone toas toell alatoe and clearelp put to fligb t ;' Tlie fcnenth boote of W$eti fppinof Aefons fonile,tbeflame tbat fénico quenco qatgb* $DiO limile ou?ofbnnTragatnc.b>ir cbfcfeee bega« to glotoe, Ano fiufiEjmg ouer at! bitfaee rbc fcarlet bloao oto flotuc. ¿Ino euen as toben a htricfparfee tbat toas maifees bio, ÌHncoucreo tottfj rbebbiffemg tomoes ts from tbe accorte, Cftfraneo it taltctb nounfljment an&feinolctb in fuctj toife, Kì)àt to bis fo?mer ifrengtfe agame ano flaming it oocb rife : Cucii fo blr quailea tolte Uitjrcb late pe uranio bauc tbougbt bao qaidjt tlSeneOaniibt outofminoe,as icone as Iafoti carne in figbr $Dio felnolc co bis fo:mer fo?ce in Dctoing of tbe grace tKHicb tobicb be Dio auaunce bùnfdfe tben commtng tbcre in place, 3no(as it cbaunccO)farrc mo?e faire ano beauttfuil ef face é>be tbougbt bim tben tban cucrertf, bnt Ture it oocbbcboue l£ir iaogement (boato be bo;ne loitball bicaufc (fé toas iti Ione, ébe gapte ano gafeo in bis face toitb fireo ttaring epcn 33s tbongb (fé neuer bao bu« fóne befóle tbat mffant tíme, èra farre ibe toas befioe bit fclfeifé tbougbt it (boato not bé Cbe face ofanp too?lolp toigbt tbe tobtcb tbc tben Dio fòt, è>be toas not abtc fo: bu Ufe to tmme birepcs atoa^r • 3¡5nt toben be traile fjir bp tbebano ano fpeafemggan top?ap &>¡r foftlp fo? fo fucco? bim,ano piomtfoc farttfullp ¿0 tafee bu? to bis toeooeo toife,(bcfatling bp ano bp il ioéptng,faio.è>ir,tnbat 3 ooe 3 fé apparanrlp. j>ot toanr ofbnototeoge of tbe trutb.but toue (ball me Oeceiae* |Pott fljalbe faaco bp mp meane&0no noto 3 muft rcceine 8 fatturali p?onu(c at pour bano fo? fauing of pone lift. ì0$ maoe a fo tenute boto,ano furare to tafee bit to bis toife, 3i5p triple Hccates bolle ritc0,nno bp tubar otber potoec èra euer ette bao refiocnce tottbin tbat fccrct botoer. $ito bp tbe è>ire of bim tbat (!>onlo bis $ atb:inlato become Allibo all tbíngs ootb beboio^mo as be bopte to oucrcome CbeD?caofutl oaungers tobicb be bao farne afeerto affap. SDuUe Iafon being creoitco recetwoe ofbir ftrelgbt toap Cncbaunteo berbes : ano baumg leamoe tbe trfagc of tbe fame? ] ¡ .^)eparfeorbenceíottbmemebearr,anoto bis looging carne. \ $ert spa?nebao cbalfc § fi reaming ffars ; $ follie bp beapes ow1151 | Co Mariis fàcreo fido,ano- tbcre ffraoc tféonging in a (boefee» jQuids Metamorphofis. ' Si Co fé tbe ffraungc paftimes.Cbe Stoginoti ffatc Iv to fcrfjolDo Miff) pno2ic space abone tbem ali ûio fit in t&oneofgolbe. Stion tbe fyajenboucb Bulles from (fonie nofetb?ils calf £Dut Safeco of fire : tbeir fcafomg bjea tb tfje groining grafie bib blaff, Sub tofee irbàt notfe a cbimnep full of burning fctoeil mafecs, jfllntm foftning in tbe fcell irben firff tbe fire it raises Bp fpnncling toater tberebpou : focb nopfc tbetr bopiing b?cfts Curmopling iritb the firie fiâmes enclofeo in tbetr cbefts, feucb noife tbeir fco^ebeb tbtotebollesmafee. pet ftoutlp Iafon ire tu Co méte tbem.Cbep tbeir b;eabfall epes agatntt bim grimlp bent, Snb efee tbeir bornes ioitb p?on tipi : atto ftrafee tijt bufi about 3(n ffamping toitb tbeir douen dees : ano toitb tbeir beloirtng out &et alt tbe fielbe bpon a fmofee.Cbe Myneis ftxtng that Mere patt tbeir toits toitb fobaine feare. but Iafon féleo nat &o much as anp b;eatb of tbeirs : fucb firengtb batb fo?eerte. Cbeir Dangling Detolaps toitb bio bano be copb tmfearfullp. Snb putting pofees bpon tbeir netfees be fo;ceo tbem to bjato Che beauie burthen of tbe plough tobicb erfi tbep neucr fato, Snb fot to bjeafee tbe fielbe lrbicb cr ft bab neuer felt tbe (bare« Cbc men of Colchos féing tbis,Ufee men arnajeb fare. Cbe Myhies toitb tbeir ibouting out tbeir ma?ebneffe augment. Snb Unto Iafon tberetoftball giue mo?c encouragement. Cbcnln a fouloiers cap of fièle a pipers tétb be tabes, Sito foires tbem in tbe neto ploioOe fielbe. tbe grouno tbe fofeing mafees Cbc féoe fo?efiépte in popfon firong,botb fupple lube ano fofr, Snb of tfjefe tétb a rigbt firaunge graine there grotoes anon aloft. 5?oi euen as in the mothers trombe an infant both begin Co tabe the littelp ftjape ofman,anb fojmco is tottbin Co bue pjopojtion piece bp piece in euerp limine,anb toben Jfull ripe be is,be tabes tbebfe of Sire tmtb other men : ho irben that of tbe carpers tétb tbe perfect ibape of man Mitbin tbe botoels of tbe eartb toas fb?meo, tbep began Co rife togitber o?oerlp bpon tjjc fruitefull fielbe : Sno (lrbicb a greater ironber is)immebiatlp tbep toidoe t Cbeir tueapons grotring bp ioifb tbem.tobô irben tbe (¡préfets bebilbe* Preparing fo? to pufy theft ^ifees(trbicb (barplp beaoeb trere) 3« lafons face,0otone trent tbeir beabes,tbeir bcartes bib faint fo? fcaret SnbThe feuenth booke of 0nt> alfo ff)e that mat« him fafe began abafl&t to bde. 3fo; ton again® one naked man fo huge an iBebelo of armeo enmies benefit colour did abate flno fodainlp both bopo of blond ano Ituelte beate $e and leaff tbe ebaunteo fodeoest&e tobfcb (be tjaD btm gtuen fcefcjc * &bonio fatle at needed helping ebarme (be Wfp?e& ouermo?e» c 9nop?am(be other fecretarteo tbe Web ^efeept in fto^. : C (£e raffing (freight a mfgbfteffotie am to bis tbickeff foes, 2)otb bopoe tbe batted from him felfe ano fumes it Onto tbofie. Cbefe eartbb;eo Mothers bp and bp oio one another toouno 0no nener ceafeo tilt that aii iap oeao bpoti tbe ground. Cbe Oraches toe gtao,t in their armeo Dio clafp their Champion ffouf. ano clinging to bim earnefflp emb^rceo bim about* ano thou 2) fono Medea tm couloff taell bane fbmto in barf JBCbe Champion fo; to bane embtaffe7 but that toi told tbou tot iBp ffjamefaffneffe. ano pet tbou baoff embraced bim,if O;eao ¿¡Dfffapntng of tbine bono; bao not ffato tb® in that dead. 35ut pet as far fc;tb as tbou matff3tbou ooffe in heart retopce, ano fecretlp (altbougb toitbouterp^ffing ft in twpee) 2>offe tbanhe tbp ebarmes ano eke tbe <25oOs as 2lutho;s oftbefara*. $ofo foas remaining as tbe latt conclu0on of this game, 15pfo;ce of ebaunteo berbes to make the toatcbfuU £D;agon da Mitbin iobofe epes came neuer toinke: iubo bao in charge to t Cbe godlp tree bpon tbe Web tbe goloen flares bung* Mitb creffeo bead,ano (joked paioes,ano triple fptrting tung. Ktgbt ouglp teas be to bebolDc.Mken Iafcn bao be(p;ent (£im toitb tbe fnice of rertaine berbes from Lethey fttner rent, , 0no tb;tce bao mumbled certain* inotoes Web are offojee to raff &o found a Qeepe on things that euen as oeao a time tbeplaff, Mlbicb make the raging furges ralme ano flotoing Hiuers dap. Che o;eaofull 2D;agon bp ano bp(tobofe epes before that Wii&mutr erff tot Adeptng mentjoio fall fo faff a (tope Chat Iafon fafelp tcohe tbefidere of goldc that be oioktepe* £DfWcb bis bo tie being p;oad,be led fentb film atoap Che flurbo; of bis goo fucceffe another fairer p;ap t 0no fo toitb conqueff ano a toife be tofoe from Colchos (front)» and in LariiTa batten fafe did go again* a Iona. rfv.Ouids Metamórphofis. ' g? Cheauncíentmen ofTheiTalietogitberfeithtbeirfeiues Co Church toítt) offríngs gone fo? fauíng of thcír childrens líues, <¡0reat heapes of fuming franbíncenfe toere frpco in the flame 2no botoeo fulleo to facrífíce toíth homes fatre giloco carne» J3 But from this great folemnítíe SDube Aeíbn feas atoa?, #ofe at Deattjes om^e ano fpent toftf) peaces .Cben lafon thus gan fap. ÍP toífe to femóme 31 Ooe confeffe 31 otoe mp Ufe tn oéoe, Chough al things thou to me half gíuen, ano thp Defects erceeOe k Bclcífc: pet ífenchautttntent can,(To j toíjat fo haro appeares Mhich ffrong enchantment can not ooe ?) abate tbou from mp peares, 3no aooe them to mp fathers life, as he tbefe feofees oio fpeabe,' ^ Che teares feere Handing in his epes.^is goolp fate oto b?eabe Medeas heart jfehotheretoithall bethoaght hir of hír &ire 3¡ n teaaing fehome (he hao erp?elf a far tmlibe Oeflre. it But pet beto?apfng not hir fhonghts,lhe faio: SD l^ufbano fíe, Mhat toicbeoneffe hath fcapt pour month * fnppofe pon then that 31 am able of pour life the terme fehere 31 fell! to befíofe t j, 3iet Hecat neaer faffer that, |Sour fate (as toell pou bnofe) agafnif all right ano reafon is. But 31 feill put in piafe $j a greater gift than pon require ano mo?e fo; pour bchcofe. % 31 feill aflrap pour fathers life bp cunning to prolong, to ano not feith pour peares fo? to mabe him pong againe ano fírong: , Us &>o our th?®fo?meo ¿oooeffe graunt.feith p?efent helpe to If and a further of the great attempt the fehich 31 tabc in hand. i Before the fpcone feoulo circlefeife clofe both hir ho?nes in one Ch:ee nightes feere petas then to come.aOiame as that fhe (hone ¿ fpolf full of light,ano oto behold the earth feith fulfome face, ¿ Medea feith hir haire not trail fo much as in a lace, . But flaring on hír (houloers ttoaíne, ano barefeote,feith hir gofene t EJngiroeo^ate htr out of Danes ano toano?eo Dp ano oofene alone the oeao time of the nfght. both span, ano Beaíf, anO Biro Mere fall a fláepe: the ¿crpents flic in trailing ftnfearo Üiro feo foftlp as pe feoulo haue thought thep Hill a fleepeijao bene. Che moplf ing 8p?e feas tohilf. no leafe pe coulo haue niouing fene. Che ífarres alonlp faire ano bright oio tn the toelbin (fene Co fehich (he lifting Dp hir banoes Dio tfetfehirfelfe encime: ^ 8nd th?ice feith feater of the b?®be hir haire befpfetcleo ihee; sp.itf. ffnoThe feuenth booke of &nb gafping tbnfe i^e opte : ano botoing ootone bit intro Slpon tbe bare barb gronno,(be faio: © trulite time of nigbt ipod fauijfullbnto p;toitieo,© golocn tfarrre toljofc light moil) iointlp tottb tbe spamc fuccrooe tbe bcameo tfjac blaje Ip oat? Sino tbou tfe& beaoeo Hecate totjo bnotoed bed tbe toap “ > Co compare this our great attempt ano art our cbiefetf dap t > pc ©barmes $ aaitcpcraftjM fbott ©artfj tobieb botbtoitb berbs f £Df migbtie toothing furntG>ed fbe S2Hi?arocoat tbeirmeoe: pc 0p:eo anotoinoeo: pc ©Inca ofipillee, of Bjrobee, ofMrooe alone, ©f danotng llabeo, ano of tbe $?gbt appjocbe pe euerpcbone, Bp cbarmco 31 mahe tbè calme è>eas rotigbpf malie f rougb èm piato*» £lno couer all tbc é>bie toitb ©louceo ano cbafe tbcmtbence agatae, Bp cbarmeo 3 rade ano lap thè toinoco, ano burdtbc supero iato, ilno from tbe botoels of tbe ©artb botb tfoneo ano trróo eoe o;ato, iKUboIetoroDo ano ifoiteffeo 3 temone: 3 mafie tbe Spou wafer* tyak, Sino cnen tbe cfcartb d fede to grane ano featfullp to ¿¡nàta» 3 cali bp oeao men from tbeir grane* i aito tijé £> ligbtte ne Sprone . 3 oathen off, feougb beatenb;adeabate tbpperill itone. i Ottr è>o?cerie oirnmeo tbe spojmittg fede,atto oarfieo § £>un at $rom; Cbe fiatniing b^catb of fine Bulico pe quenebeo fo? mp false 0no canfeo tbeir bntoieloienecfees tbebenoeo pefce to tabe. Slntong tbe ©artfefeeo feotbero pou a montali toaroio fet il no btongbt a fleepe tbe 2D?agon felltobofcepco tocre neuerdjtf Bp incarno tobcrcof oecefeing bim tbat I;ao tbe goloen flàee 3n ebarge to beepe, pou fette tt ttjetice bp Iafon (nto Greece. $oto bauc 3 nróoe ofberbeo tbat can bp bertue of tbeir felce Co fiotofeig pfette of Indie poutb olo toitfeeo age rebuce. 3 am aduroc pe MI it graunt.jfo.2 not in baine batterne Cbefe ttoincling darreo,ne pet in baine tbio ©bariot all alone Bp ojaugbtof ¿¿agone bifeer corneo,Miitb tbat toas fro tbc &bte il ©bariot foftlp glaunceo Ootune^mo dapeo baro tbcrcbp. itffronc aoibe bao gotten bp,ano toitb bit bano bau copto Cbe ¡©¿agonoreineo uccise*, ano toitbrbetr feioleo femetobat tifi, Cbcp mounteo toitb bit* in tbe 3?!CT faljence Irofifeg cotone ibe fato CbepleafantTemp of ThdTalie,ano raaoe bir lagone o?atohi li % i II h k p I [*» * i ft > Ouids Metamorphofis, Co places farther from refo^c: and there Oje take the bt'cfo S$lbat herbes on high mount Pdion,ano toimt on OiTa grein. 2nd ioijat on mountafne Othrisaito on Pyndus groining inere,, £no iobac Olympus(grcatcr than mount Pyndus far)oid beare* &ucb hcrbes of them as libeo bir $e pniioe bp rote and rinoe iDjcropt them inith a b©beo toffe&iio manp ibe ofo finoe SUpon the banbes of Apidanc agrafng to bir minoe; &no manp at Amphrifus fos?os j and thou Enipeus ebe SDidif paeioe bir manp p?etie inceoes of inhich tye inell did libc. Pcncus and Sperchius ifreamescontrtbutarie inere, and fo inere Boebcs raf^ie banbes of fucb as groined there* about Anthcdon inbicb again If the 3le Euboea ifanoes, certame bind of liuelp graflTe (he gatberd inith bir banbes, Che name fobereof inas fcarflp'bnoinen o: inbat tbe berbecould doe infill that Glaucus afterinard inas ebaunged thereinto. $ine darpco foitb ininged jDtagons o?atnen,nine nights in Chariot ftnift &bc fearebing euerie field and frith from place to place did fljif t. febe inas no famer home returnde but that the £>;agons fell Mbtcb lisbtlp ofiiir gathered berbes ba& taben but the fmell, £>io calf their (lougbeoand inttb their flougbes their riueled age fo?go, §>be ioould none other houfe than heauen to hide bir head as tbo^ But dept bir if ill initbou t the doj?es: and as fo? man ioas none Chat once might touch hir.aitars tiuapne of Curie (he builded: one capon bir lefthand bnto |9outh,another on tbe right Co Hecat.Both the inhich aflame as (he ban digbt Mitb caeruin and inith other fi)?ubbes that on the fieldes doe rife, jjiof farrefrom thence (he digde tino pits: and mabing facrifice ¿¡Dio cut a couple of blacbe Hams th?otes and filled inith their blood Che open pits,on inhich ibe pourde of ioarme milbe pure and gmo 8 boll full, and another boll of home clarifidc. t &no babltng to bir fclfe tbereinith full bitterlp fl)e critic ©n Pluto and his ranilbt inife the fouercigne fiatss of ^tll, End all tbe Clues and ¿qds that on 02 in the Cartb doe dinell, Co fpare oloe Aefons life a inbtIe,8no not in half oepjiue l^is limmes of that f.rnic aged foule inhich dept them pet al iuc. Thorne inhen dje h 0 fuffictentlp inith mumbling long befougljt, §>bs bade that Aefons fabled co?fc ihould out of b©?cs be brought sp.iitj. BeforeThe feuenth booke of i?cfo:c tie aitars.Clien toitlj ctiarme« QiccaHtym fn fe tópe £1 (lumber,that bpon the berbcs be lap fo: DeaD a fleepc. ©¡Hbicb Done (pe toilleD Iafon thence a great toap off to go 3nD lifcetotfe all the spiniff ers tb at ferueD bir as tbo: ano not p?cfume tbofe fecretes toitb bnballotoeb epes to fe?, jDjep did as ff;e commaunDeD tbetn.Mlben all toere bopbeD^a fcattreD paire about pir eares libe one of Bacchus froes SDeuoutlp bp ano bp about tbe burning altars goes: 2lnD Dipping in tbe pits of blouD a fo?t of clifteD bjanDcs ilipon tbe Altars binDleD them that toere on both bir banoes. ano tfoife toitb b?imff one,tb?ife toitb fire,anD tp^tTetottp Uiatcr pttre £>be purgeD Aefous ageD co;fe that fleptanD flumb?eD fare. Cbe meoicinc farthing all tbe tobtle a toallop in a pan affe,to fpirt anD leape a loft ana gather frotb began. ÍCbere boplcD (pe tbe reDtes,fáDes,floto¿es,leaues,ffalkes % iuice togitbcr Mjicb front tbe fieloesof Theflahe fae late baD gatbereD tpttpcr. s>be caff tn alfo precious ffones fetcbt from tbe furtljeff Caff 8no tupfcb tbe ebbing áDcean toaffjt fine grauell from tbe Mill, £>be put thereto tbe Deato that fell Upon a sponoap ntgbt: 8no fleffj anD feathers ofaMtcbacurfeD odious toigbt SMicbin tbe libeneffe of an áDtole ab:ooe a ntgbtes ttoflie, J3nD BJnfants in their craoelscbaunge o¿ fudse them that tbep Die* *A iTjrc 2Cbe fingles alfo of a * saaolfe tobicb toben be liff coulD take wife. Che Ibape of man,ano toben be liff the fame agame fo?fabe. anD from the Hiuer Cyniphis tobicb ts in Lybie lanoe §>be baD the finefa&re fcaleD filmes of toater fnaples at psnn* 0nD of an enoleffeliueo heart the liuer baD fije got. £o tobicb the aDDeD of a Crotoe that then baD ItucD not £>o little as nine bunojeD peares the beaD anD Bill alfo. Jtoto toben Medea baD toitb thefe anD toitb a tboufanD mo ¿neb other fcinDe of nameleffe things beffeaD btr purpofe tt>?ougb $01 lengtbning oftbe olD mans tife,flje tcofee a toitpereD bough Cntlatelpfroman ©lpftrá,ano iumblingall togitber DID raife the bottome to the bfan: anD as fpc ffirreD pitper 8no tbitber toitb the toitbereD fficfee,bebolo it toareD gréne» fltoon tbe leaues came buDDing out: ano fooenlp toere feenc #S manp berries Dangling ootone as toell the bough coulD beam jQuids Metamorphofis. % <3n& tuyere the fire baa from the pan the fcummingcaffjO? tobere > Cfjc realomg a:opa aia fall,tbe grouna aia fp?mgltUe flojitb tfjere, > ana floto?ea toitb foaaer fine ana Toft immeaiatlp arofe, WLf)tc b toben Medea aia bebola, toitb nalsea fenffe tbe goea anacuttea the olae mana tfjzorc; ana letting all bio ola blona go Smppltea it toitb the boplea inice♦♦ the tobicb toben Aefon tbo l^ao at bio mouth a; at bis toouitae recepuea in, bia beare aa fcoell ofbeaa ae beara from grap to coleblache rutnea toere. i£ta leane,pale,bo?e,ana toitberea co?fe greto fulfome,faire ana freflj i ¡9ia furrotoea to?inclea toere fulfilae toitb pong ana luff it fleffj. ^ia limmea toart frolicfee,baine ana litbe; at tobicb be toona?ing muck Mememb?ea tbat at foffie pearea be toaa tbe fame 0? fuc(> 0na as from bull tmtoielafome age to poutb be baebfoara a?eto: Cuen fo a (iuelp poutbfull fp:tgbt ata in bio heart reneto. / Cbe toonaer of tbia monffruoua act baa Bacchus feme from bie. ana finaing tbat to poutbfull pearea bio $urfea might thereby Kefto?ea b«e, aio at bir bana receiue ft aa a gift* ¡ana leaff aeeetcfull guile iboula ceafe, Medea founa a tbfft Co fepne tbat Iafon ana bir felfe toere falne at oaaea in to?otb * 0na tberebpon m bumble toife to Pelias Court tbe gotb. Sphere fo?btcaufe tbe Using bimfelfe toaa feeblea fo?e toitb age, t£ie aaugbtera entertainae bir tobome Medea being fage, TOtbin a tobile though falfe pretence of fepnea frtenatbip bjongb* Co take bir baife.|fo? as (be tolac tobat pleafurea tbe baa to?ougb* 5fo; Iafon,ana among tbe reff aa greateff faalp tolae i^oin tbe baa maae bto father pong that toith?ea toaa ana olae, ana tariea long&pon that point: tbep bopea glaa ana faine 9 Chat tbeir olae father might Itfectoife bio poutbful pearea regaine,^ 3na tbio tbep crauing inffantlp aia proffer fo? bit pafne J iKUbat recompence tbe toouia aefire.^be belae bir peace a tobile 3a though (be aoubtea tobat to aoe: ana toitb bir futtle guile £Df counterfetteagrauitiemo?e eger aia them mafee. atTcone a a tbe baa p?omifbe them to aoe it fo? tbeir false* $ 0? mo?e affurance of mp graunt,pour feluea(quotb tbe)tbaU fae Cbe olaeff &am in all pour floefee a Elambe ffreight maae to b£ Bp fo?ce of mp confettione ff rong.BImmeaiatlp a J&am &o olae that no man tbereahouta remembjea him a Elam®^"""¡1 The feuenth booke of Mas tyitfct by W foarpeb bodies tobicb turneti intoarti fo Co bis bolloto Ccmples^atonc: tobofe iotrfj^D tbiotc tyc die fo tint?; 3no tuijcn foe cleane tjab D:ayneo ont ttjat little blouo that teas tapon the ffre toitb betbes offfrengtb foe fet a pan of foaffe, 0nb caff fos carcaffe tbereintoClje spebcine bib abate Cbe largcneffe of foslimmes anb fcarb bis boffers from bis pate, 0n& toitb bis fwnes ab?iogbe bis pcarcs.anon teas plainly bearb Cbe bleating of a neto peanb ilambefrom mib tbe &etletoarb. anb as they toonbjeb fo? to beare tbe bleating, ff reigbt tljc Ham Heapt ont,anb frifinng ran to feefce tbe bbber of forne 2Dam. liing Pelias baugbters foere amajbe.anb toben they bib beboloe 1$it pjomtfe come to fneb cffetf,tbey toere a tbottfanb foibe $po;e earneff at bit than before,Cfoife Phoebus bautng pluefet Cbe Collars from bis bo?fes necHcs,tn I her bab them bucht. Stab note In ^eauen tbe ffreamingffarres tbe fourth night foineb clear«: Wfyen falfe Medea on tbe fire bab bangeb tester ffjere. TOtbberbes that bab no poto?eatall,€beftinganb all bis garoc Mbicb bab tbe charge that nigbt about bis perfon fo: to tearbe Mere though W nigbtfpels anb for ebarmes in beably fltepe all tad. P v v 8nb Pelias baugbters toitb tbs iKEitcb tebicb eggbe them fo?foarb,palf 3?nto bis chamber by the toaccfoanb compaff in bis beb, Cbe«: inhere fo?e ffatib ye boubting thus like fades Medea feb. J0n: teate your fino:bes: anb let ye out bis olb bloub,tbat SI may if ill bp bis eniptte bepnes againe toitb youtbfull blonb ffreigbt teay* pout fathers life is in your banbes: it lietb note in you Co bane him olbe anb teitfoeb ff ill o? pong anb luff ie. $ote Blf anp nature in ye be,anb that ye boe not face & fruiteleffc bope,your butie to your father boe toitb fperoe. tfcrpulfe bis age by itoo?b,anb let tbe ffltby matter out, Cb?ougb fbefe perfuaffons tofocb of them fo euer toent about Co Ibetoe birfeife moff naturail,beeamc tbe firff that thought flgainff all nature: anb fo? feare (be ffjoalb be teic&cb thought? erecutes the toiefeebnefie tobicb moff to foun foe fought, pet teas not any one of them fo bolbe tbataurff abibe Co Imfee bpoit their father toben ibe ffrafee, but to?ibe aftbc !£ir eyes: anb fo tbeir cruell banbes not marking toberc they W Wlttt) faces rurnbe another toay at all auenturc fmit,OuídsMetamorphoíls. 86 %$z all betoeltreo in bis blouo afosfceo toitb fye ímatt/ ano maímDe ano mangleo as be toas oío gíue a foOepne ffavt «£noeuo?ing to baue rifen bp. but toben be oíd beboloe ^ímfelfe among fo manp ftoo?oes,be lifting bp bis olee pale toarpify armeo, faíb: oaugbters mine tobat Ooe pe i tobo bath put SCbcfetoíckeo toeaponsín pour banes pour fathers ttoore to cut i ® ífb that tbeíc beartes ano banoes Dio faint. 0no as be talbeo pee, Medea breaking of bis too?0cs,bts toínOpípc quíclilp flíf> anointbef £>f)t bao not fcapeo pum'toment. but ífpíng bp on bie j é>be ouer fljaoiePclioo fleto tobere Chyron eríf oio otoell, ano ouer Othrys ano tbe grounos renotomoe fo? that befell SCO auticíent Ccramb: tobo fucb tíme as Olo Deucalions flooO CJpon tbe face of all tbe éartb libe one maínc toater flcoD, Bpbelpc of jjfpmpbes tottbfetbereo toíttgs toas tu tbe apee lift? Sino fo efeapeo from tbeflonobno?otoncD bp tbe fliíft. £>be left Aeolian Pytame bpon bír left baño: ano SCbe Serpent that became a lione bpon tbe Lefbian tono. Sino Ida tocaos tobere Bacchus IjíO a BuUocfee(as ís topo) Bln toape cf &>tag tbe tobícb btoionnebao íbáuítolp conuapoe. 3no tobere tbe sire of Cory tus lies burieO ín tbe outf. SChe fictoes tobícb Meras (toben be firíf OiO into barfeingtouft) ‘ affraioe toitb flranngencffc of tbe nopfc.ano che Eurypils totone 3(n tobícb tbe toíues of Cos bao bornes libe ¿Dren on tbeír crotone &ucb tíme as Hercles toitb bis bode üeparteo from tbe 3JIe. ano Rhodes to Phoebus confecrafe: ano Ialyfe tobere ere tobíle Che Telchines toitb tbeír nopfome Cgbt oto euerp t^ing faeUjítcft* at tobícb tbeír baínous toíriseonelTe Iouetafeíng rígbtfall p?ítch» £>ío o?otone them in bis toothers toaue&#o?eoucr (be Oío paite Bp Ceos anO oloe Car they toalles tobere S>ir Alcidamas' ÍDiO toonoer boto bisoaugbter flEjoulfi be turneo to a SDoue; Stbe á>toanníe Terap ano Hyríes^ojleíbe bíetoeoftom aboue, > SCbe tobícb a fooeíne §>toan oío baunt. jfo?Phyllie there fo? loue *- áDf Hyries fonneoioat bis bíOOíng BírOes ano Ikíonstamc^ ano being toilloe to b?eafee a Bull perfo?meo (freight tbe tome; £tUto?otbfttlttbat bis loue fooftfo flfmgbtlp®outobímbfe?The feuenth booke of f íMttjen fo? bis lalf tetoaro be afkt tbe Bull, lie oto refufe Cogiueítbím.CbebopDífpleafDe,raíDítoell:thoutoíltanon itcpcnt ttjou gaue it not: ano leapt botone beaolong from a done. Cbep all fuppofoe ty bao bene falne: but being rnaoe a §>toan Wtb fnotoie feathers in tbe ap?e flacker ty began. I£is motbcr Hyrie knototng not ty toas p?eferueo fo, iaefolueo info melting teares fo? penflueneffe ano too, ano made tbe ^©le that beares bto name, $ot far from bcnce Dothflana CbeCitieBrauron,toberefometime bp mounttngfrom tbe lano With toauing pinions Ophycs pmpe oame Combe oio efcbue l^ir cbilo?en tobicb toitb nakeo fu>o?oes to flea bír 0Í0 purfue. anon fije keno Calaurie fleloes tobicb oíd fometime pertaine Co chaff Diana tobere a Sti ng ano eke bis toife both ttoame mm turnoe to Biroes.Cyilcne bill Opon bir right bano ff©o, 31 n tobicb Menephron like a beaff of toiloe ano fauage m©Oe Co fo?ce bis mother oio attempt, jfar thence (be fpibe tobere fad Cephifus mourneo fo? bio Jieece tobóme Phebus turneo bao Co Oglp ffjape of ftoellíng á>eale: ano Humelles pallace faire lamenting fo? bis fonnes mifcbaunce toitb tobetoltng in tbe aire, at Corinth toitb tyv toingeo Snakes at length flje oio arriue. i$m men(fo auncient fathers faio that toereas then aliue) ¿>íd b?éoe of oeatoie spufljromntes.But after that bír lane o HUlflitb burning of bír tjufbáos b?toe bp toitcbcraft to?eakt bao báne> ano that king Crcons pallace fije on blafing fire bao fane, i ano in bír otone oeare cbílo?ens blouo bao batljoe bír toicbeo knife $ot libe a mother but a beatf bereuing them of life: Jleaff Iafon fbotild baue puniibt bír ffje t©kc btr toingeo Snakes, ano Aping thence againe tn baife to Pallas Cttie makes, Wtcb fato the auncient Periphas ano rigbtuous Phiney to 9 Cogitber Aping,ano tbe $oce of Polypemon tobo r Mias faffeneo to a paire of toings as toell as corker ttoo. j Aegeus enterteinoe bir toberein l;e toas tco blame although be bao no further gone but ffaio bpon the fame, !£e thought it not to be tnougb to tjfc bir as bte gueff ¿DnlelTe ty t©ke bir to bis toife.ano noto toas Thefey P?cff, clnbnotone Onto bis father pet,tobo bp bis Imigbtlp fo?ce i^ao fet from robbers clears the balke that makes the ffreigb* &iu0^e . jüJetuiaMOuids Metamorphofis. ' 87 SBettoane the feas Ionian and Aegean.Co fiatte feiffde . Cbid toojtyie hnfgbt, Medea bad a Nobler readie fiUoc mtb inice of jf linttoont benemouo the tobfeb t^e long ago Ipao out of Scythie tx>ictj bir b?ougbf.Cbe common b?ate to fo Chat of tbe tatit of Cerberus this if Htf ttoai?t firff did groto* Cbere to a caue that gapetb to toe totrb oarfefbme entree loto, Cpcre goes a toap dope ootone bp tobicb toitb triple cbepne made neto £>f tfrong andtturDte aoamant tbe daltant Herele o?eto Cbe cumfy Ipelbounee Cerberus: tobo Dragging arftoard ffitt and to?itbittg bache tjts fcotoling epes btcaufe be bad no Hull Co fa tbe Smnne and open oap,fo? bene modfe to?oth Cto« barbtngopetted out at once,and fptt bis flauermg froth tKpon tbe grantfl? gratte.Cbts ftotb(ao men fuppofe)tojfee note and tbnutng in tbe batting fople In burgeons fo?tb did fbcate, Co bane and mtfebiefe men toitball: and fo?bica«fe tbe fame Dio groto bpon tbe bare bard if Unto, folbe gaue tbe foretold name £>f jHmttornjt tberebnto. Cbe ttmg bp egging of bio <&uan« Did reach to* fonne tbio bane ao if be bad bio enmie bane, ta Sind Thefey of tbio treafon to?ougbt not fenotofng ought bad fane Cbe Goblet at bio fatbero baud tobicb beloe bid deadlp bane; ©Stben fodenlp bp the 3uo:te btlto that toere bpon bio ftoo?d Aegeus feneto be teas bid fonne: and riling from the bo?de ;r Did ffrtfee the mtfebiefe from bio moutb.Mcdea toitb a ebarme Did caff a miff and fo fcapte death deferued fo? the harms ^ Contended, $oto albeit that Aegeus toere right glad Chat in the timing of bio fonne fo bappp chatmce be bad» h pet grieued it bfo heart full fo?e that fucb a tofeheo toigbt Wf& treafon to?ougbt againff bid fonne (bould fcape fo cleare $ qnigbt Cben fell be bn to feinoling fire on Eitaro euerie tobere 2nd glutted all the €>ooe toitb glftdCbe tbiefee neefet Dren toere TOtb garlands to?eatbo about tfeeir homes fenoefet ootone fo? Sacrifice* a dap of mo?e folemnttie than this did neuer rife 25efo?e on Athens(bp repo?t.) Cbe aunctento of the Co tone spade feaffes: fo did the meaner fo?t> and euerp common clotone. and as the tome Did fljatpe tbelr totto,tbepfung this Cong. €> fenigbt Dfparteffe p?otoeflfe Thefeus, tbpmanbodandtbp might Cb?ongb alt the coaff of Marathon toitb toojtbie bono? founded^ * *0*The feuenth boote of JFo; killing of the Crct((& ©nil that toafred thofe fame groans Che foibe of Grcmyon flinke tbemfelnes beholden bnto tb®. Jfo? that toithout difquietting their fieldes map tilled be* X3p tbarbe land of Epidaure bebelde the dubbi(b fonne £>CVulcanedead.H5ptb®lthetotfe the countrie that doth runne saiong Ccphifus banbes bebelde the fell Procruftes flaine, Che dtoellf ng place of Geres our Éleufis glao ano faine J3ebel0 the Death Of Gercyon.Cbat 0?piD Sinis tubo ftbufoe bio ttrengtb m bending trees ano tptng foibe thereto, Cbeirlimmes a funder fo: to teare toben Itofened from the Uopo She trees bnto their proper place DID trice their flrrepncd topo, WZ as btllde bp tb&Cbou maoe the toap that lesdetb to the cotone Alcathoc in Beotia cleare bp putting Scyron dotone. Co this fame outiatoes feattreo bones the lanD Denied reff, 0nb Itbetoife did the è>ea refufe to barb?ougb fuch a gueft : Cill after flottng to ano fro long tubile as men Doe fap 0c length tbep harDeneD into (tones : ano at this p?efent Dap Che (tones are called Scyrons chttes. $oto if tue (hould account Chp Dédes togither toirjj thp peaces, thp dédestoould far furmonnt Chp pearcs. jFo? tb® mo(f balian t p?ince thefe publtbe botucs toe bape ifo; thàtmthcherefullheartes toe quatte thefe botles of tome fo Oeepe« Che fallace aliò of the hopfe and (bouttng Did refounde Che tobich the people made fo? iop.Cherc boas not to be fotinde 3fn all the Citte anp place of fadnette. $atbclette (è)o hard it is of perfect top to find fo great ercette, XBut that fome fozroto theretoithall is medled mo?e o? lette,) Aegeus had not in his fonnes recouerie fuch delight» JiSut that there follotoed in the neebe a piece of fortunes fpight &ing Minos toas preparing toar. toho though he had great öo?e £Df (hips and fouldiers pet the tojatb the tobich he had before Concepneo in his fathers toett fo? mnrttoing of his fonne * Androgeus made hint farre mc?e ttrong and fiercer fo? to ronne ^ Co righettili baiteli to reuenge the great otfpleafure donne, i^otobeit he thought it beli ere he his toarfare did begin Co finde the meànes of fo;retne aides fome friendthip fo? to loin. 0nd therebpon totth Aping fiate totere pattage did permit iBß toent to bifit all the |(es that in thofe feas doe fit.Ouids Metamorphofís. 88 gitoti tifi 3Ile3 Aftypalcy atto Anaphcy ttoatne ©be fíríl conif repnoe fo: feare oftoar tbe laff in bope otgatm ©cofee pari toitb IjimMoio Myconey oio alfe tolti; ¿un bolo £?0 DIO tifo cbalble Cymoley,anO Syphney tonici) of olDe G&as berle ricbe toitb bepnes of goloe,ano Scyros full ofboIOe Sino bai lane mcn, ano Seryphcy tbe Cimati) o; rarber teli, Sino Parey tobicb fo; sparbleff one Ofltb beare atoap tbe bell» Sino Sythncy tobicb a totcfeco tuencbcallDe Ame oto betrap i?o: monp : tubo bpon recett tbcrcof tottboutoelap 3®las turneo to a btroe tobicb pet ofgoloe is grippie IMI, Sino is as blacfee as anp co lepori; fermerà, fòie ano bill a Caootoe is tpc ñame of bír. ÍBut per Olyarcy, 9llO Didyroey,anO Andrcy efee,anO Tene,ano Gyarcy, ano Peparcth tobere ©line troco moff pienteouiìp ooe grotti, gn no toife tooulo agrié rbetr bcfpe on Minos to beffoto» ©ben Minos turning leftbanDtoifc OtO Tapie to Oenope Mlbere rcignoe tl;at cime fting Aeacus.£f)is 3le bao calleo b$ ©f olo bp ñame of Oenope : but Aeacus turnee tbe nome Ano after of bis motbers name Aegma calloe tbe fame» ©b e common follie ran out bp beapes odtrouo fo? to fìat SI man of fncb renotone as Minos bruteo toas to bá. ©be fctngs tpm fonnes SDufee T elamon ©ufee Pelcy,ano tbe pong ©ufee Phocus toent to mette toitb bini* £DlD Aeacus alto clung «tb age,carne after lepfurelp,mto afferò bim tbe canto ©f bis rcpaire* ©be mler of tbe buno;co Sbieco gan panie 1 Sino muftng on tbe intoaro griefe tbat nipt bim at tbe bare, ©to fyape bim atmftoere tbus. © |à;tnceOoucbfafe to tafee mppart Sin tbis fame gooiptoarre of mine : affili me in tbe iuft Keoengement of mp mnrttoeo fonne tbat fiaperb in tbebuff» 3 cranc pone comfort fo: bis oearb. Aeginas fonne replioe : ©bp Tutte is baine : ano of mp Itcaìmc perfo:ce muli beoenioe. • 3Foì bnto Atbens is no lanOe mote fure tb*m ibis aliOe ; é>ucb leagnes bettoeene bs are tobicb (ball infringoe fo; me abt'De» 8toap toen t Minos fao :ano fato : full bearIpibalt tboubie ©bp íeagues. |)e tbougbt ít fo: to be a betrer politele ©o tbteaten toar tban toar to mafec, anD tbere to fpeno bis ffo;eThe feuenth booke of a* pet migbt front Oenopia toalleo tbe Cretti fiéte be fieno, Met* tbitbertoaro toitb poffeo fapleo ano teina at tulli m m S (bip ftom Athens,tobteb anon arrlaing at tbe (frano fs>zt Cephal tolti 0mbaffaoe front b te Conntrtmen a lano. Ebe &lnge tb;æ fonneo tboagb long it tetre finte latt t|ep |ao film fótte fpct feneto t|ep bimano after oloe acquaintance eft bao bène ifccnetooe bp $ablng banoo,to Conrt tbep oro bim firelgbt conttap E|i0 prince tobteb Dio aliare t|e epeo of ail men bp t|e toap, 0e fit tobofe fiatelp perfon filli remafiteo to be («ne Ebe marbeeof b esatte tobteb (n flotoje of former peareo bao bètte ment boloing ont an tfDllfe bjanncb tbac greto in Atticke ianœ 0no to? t|e renerence ofbte âge tbere toent on eptber bano 0 $obleman of ponger peare$.&lr Clytus on tbe rtgbt 0no Butes on tbe left,tbe tonnes of one tbat Pallas bigbt. mben græting firft bao pafi betto&ne tbefe ipobleo ano tbe iâittg, Eben Cephal fettlng firelgbt a bjoebe tbe meffage be oio bfing, defitto aioe : ano Ibetooe tobat leaguee ficaoe tben in foire betteène Iconntrte ano tbe Aeginitcs,ano alio tobat bao bène éeerteo bettolrt tbeir auncetero/oncluolng in tbe enoe T Ebat bnoer colour of tbte toar tobteb Minos oio pietenoe > Eo qnlp’Athensjbe in DèDe tbe conqneff 010 intenoe ) ffîf ail AchaiaMben be tbao bp belpe of learneo fttfll ^te conntrte meffage fartbjeo |aO,&lng Aeacus leanlng filli t§lo left bano on bte feepter, fatoe.$)p ïloioeo, 31 tooulo notfiaue fpoar fiate of Athens fónte Co firannge as tacco? bete to era ne. 31 p?ap commaano.JFo? be pe fare tbat tobat tbte Jle ran mafie 3ls poat0. ^ea all tbat ere § baae {¿ail labaro foi poar fafie, 31 toant no ttrengtb.31 baae fucb fio?e of foaloiero, tbat 31 map i3otb ber mp foco ano alfo fiæpe mpUealmc in qnlet ffap. 0no noto 31 tbinbe me blefi of0ootbat tlme ootb feraeto fl^oluo . mttboat ereufe tbe great gœo tolll tbat 31 to Athens otoe. f 0oo boloe it fir (q> Cephalus)0oo mafie tbe number greto *Df people in t|i0 fotone of pouro : it oio me gœo a late tKHben fucb a gœolp fo?t of pontb of all one âge ano rate £D10 mète me in tbe firtete. bat pet me trafics tbat manp mllte W&lcf) at mp former belng bere 31 baae bebelo ere tbte.ofOuidsMetamorphoiis. 85? 0í tb at the Sung Dito Ggb, a uis rijus toieb plain tfull bo ice did fa?. 3 fad beginningafrcr&art) in better lucbe bits Hap. 3 toonid 3 plainlp could the feme before peur face« lap’. 1 l^otobeit 3 toíU diforderlp repeate it as 3 map. ano leaff 3 feetne to toearie pou toitb oucrlong Delap, I Che men that pon fo mindcfuiip enquire fo; lie in ground 0nd nought of them faue bones ano Duff ranspnetb to be found. But as it bapt tobat Ioffe tberebp did twto me redound ¿ m a cruell plague through Iunos íoratb tobo drcadfullp did bate I Chis kand that of btr bufbaitds itoue did tahe the name a late, Clpen mp people fell: as long as that tbe maladte $one other fámde than fucb as haunts mans nature bfuallp, and of fo great mortalitie the burtfull caufc toas !?id, fe Me ff roue bp^bificbe of the fame the laacteurs fo; to rid. I Che mifebief ouermaiffred art: pea pbificb toas te fébe ¿ C0 doe it fclfc geed. jf irff the aíre torch foggic limbing róbe £>id datlp ouerd?épe the earth: and clofe culme Clouds did raabe JChetuether faint; and tohile the spame fettre times hie light did tabe r* and Glide hie emptfe holies thceetoith, and did as often (labe: *> Che toarme é>outb toíndes toíth deadlp heate continuallp did bloto. infected tocre the Springs, and 13onds,and íf reames that ebbe * ficto. I 2nd (toarme* of Serpents cratold about the fie Ides that lap bntilloe g Mbícb toíth theír poífon enen the bombes and running toaters Slide. 3« fodatue dropping detone ef Dogs,of lpo;fes3 IMjápe and &fne, Of Birds 1 Beaffs both tollo t tame as €)reu, Moines,1 &tome, Che mifchíefe of this fccret fo;e firff outtoardlp appeeres. Che to;etched |$lotoman toas amajoe to fee hts íf urdíc iteres • amid the fsrroto finbíng cotone ere halfe bis too;be toas donne. Mbole floebs of üjrépc did faímlp blcate, and thcretoithall begonne w Cbeír Ateces fb? to fall atoap and leaue the nabed fbm, p and all their bodies totth the rot attainted toere totthin. > Che hiffie lpc;fe that eríf toas fierce in field renotone to toiti j againff his binde greto cotoardlp: and noto forgetting quight Che anneient bono; tobieb he fo oft to get in fight, * &t©de fighing fadlp at the Gaelic as toapting fo,: to pálde Ipts toearie life toithout renotone Gf combat m the fidoe. Che Boarc to chafe,the ^tnoe to runne,the cruell Beare to fall #.j. OponThe feuenth booke of vSipon the berfccs of Kotfjcr beali es hao noto no luff at all, & langmtying teas faine on all.Bln teapes,m fooDOs,in plaints, Cl)t filile canons lap, tehofe UuicSje^t’e 0p?e it fclfe oiffaincs, (it teoiiD?Qns tijing to tell ) not SDoggcs, not ranenmg Joules, jrojDii ìjo?ccotco Moìuis limalo once attempt to tail of them a bit, #F‘ ÌLa&e tuyere rhep fell, there rotteo tljep : ano tolti) tljcir fauo? b?c& S^o’c barine, ano further fftllab?ooe the foulc infection fpjco. OTith Ioffe tl;at toncheo pet incite nere, on i^ufbanomen it crept £tno raginglp loithtn the tealles of this great Cttte ifept, 1 3?t feefee men firff tutti) ftodting heate that fcalr their guts imthm» Che lìgneo tehercof tuere beaming b?eatlj ano fine ccloaroe Hi in Che tongue teas fjarfh f fiocine,the mouth though Oiougft of barnk Jlap gaping Op to hale in breath,ano a3 the patient ff rcines, (tem{S Co Oliato it in^hefucheo thcretettb co?ruptco 2lire befice. J5o beo,no ciocco though nere fo thinne the pane nts eculo abioe, iBttt tatto their haroeneo ffomacUes fiat againff tfje bare rolDc greuno pet no abatement of rlje heate therein thnr bootes founo : 25ut het the earth,ano as fo? ileache tons none thatheipe coulDbfgljc Che èurgtaits ano J^hifmons too boere in the felfe fame plight. Chetr eureleffe cunning hurt themfilurs.Che ncreranpmaii ^PPiccheth his Oifeafeo frieno,ano ooth the beff he can Co fucco? him moff fai thfullp>the fenneroio he catch bane.ail hope of health teas genero eafment no? Difpatcb £Df this oifeafe crcept m ocath ano burlali dìo thep finoe. &eohe inherebnro thateche mans minoe ano fancie teas enclmoe, Chat foilotoeo he. he nctier pall teljat teas fo? his behcofe. Jo? tehp i that nought coulo Doe them gcoo teas felt fco much bp PJ®fe Sn euerie place tetthoat refpect of fidarne o? honeffie . at Mels,at b?r>to,at ponos,at pits>bp ftearmes thep tfyotigfvgUc'i 315tit foner might thep quench their Itfe than ifauch their rfjirll ct)ercbp. 0no tberctoi thail fo heauteano teiteteloie tfiep become, Chat toanrmg patect to rife againe, thep oteo there.^et fonia Che rUfe fame boaters gujlco filli teithout regaro of fcare, fe»o teearp of their lori/ome bees the teuetcheo people lucre, Chat cm thep lept : o? if to ffano their fóble fo?ce Denfoe, ? Cijep tealloteeD cotone ano out of cones immeOtarlp themh^* f Bit teas a Death to euerp man his olone haute to abioe.ofOui'ds M etarnorphofis. ' po 0no fo? tfjcp Dio not knoto the caufr tobereoftbe fichncilc came, Che place (bicaufe tbep Dio it knots) toas blamco fo? the fame. pe Iboulo baue fame fomcbalfc fo?DfaD go pluno?mg here ano there 25pbigbtoaps fl&es tobile that their leggcs tuneable them to beare. ano fomc lie topping on the grouno o? roiling pitcouflp Cbeír focarle epes tobicb afterluarcs Osoulo ncucr foe tpe feble: > £>? ffretcbing out their limmes to l^cauen that oucrbangs on pie, * feomebere/ome there,ano ponoer fomc, in ld;at fo eucr colie Death ffnoing them cnfo?cco them to pálde their fainting Cbofle. Mijat heart hao 3 fuppofe pou then, 02 ought 3 then to fane i Bin faith 3 might haue lothoe mp life,ano tmOjt me in mp grane 0s other of mp people foere.Bi coulo not calf mine eie Bin anp place,hut that oeao folke there If rotoco 3¡ oto fpie Cuen tike as from a fíjahen tioig fohen rotten Sipples o?op, AD? spafl from XBeches,holmes 0? £>kcs tobé goales ooe fcarc their top« ¡Son ifatelp Church toith graces long againlf our Court pou fá: Bit is the fljrine of Iupiter, Mbat »gbc toas he o? Iba Chat on thófe Altars faurneo not their franfuncenfe in taine < J£oto oft,pea euen toith if ranbfneenfe that partlp Dio remainc fetillhnconfumeo in thetr hanos,oio Die both man ano toife i 0s ech of them toith mutuall care Dio p?ap fo? others life ¿ $oto often oioc the mother there in fetoing fo? hir fonñe, ©nhearo bpon the Slltarfl one,hir p?aper fcarce begonne ? I^oto often at the Crmple om?e euen fohile the p?iefl Dio bio éto J15eaDes,ano ponre pure totue bettuenetheir homes, at fooaine Clio Che £Dren 00 tone toithout if robe gtuen? ^ea once toben 3 h^ thought SPp felfe bp offring facrifiice Ioues fauo? to haue fought, 5f o? me,mp Acalme, ano thefe th?á pmps,the £Dre toith grieuous grone ©pon the fooaine funfee me ootone: ano little blouo 0? none Dio iffue fcarce to flame the knife toith tobicb thep flic his tb? ote* Che ficktp intoaroes eke hao lofl the Agries tohcrcbp toe note Mbat things the Ceos fo? certaintie tooulo toarne Os of befe?e 2 if 0? euen thetserie botoels tbere attainteo foith the fo?e. 25cfo?c the holic Ccmple oo cptber iofljlp ctt tbe groutto tjnburtcD DIO fbcp Ile» ®?eIfetoitbcutfDlcmmttctoereburnttnbonfiresbie ? $o reuercncc no«? reparo toas bab#en fcll toglier bp Í 2Cbe eares fo? tbe fíre tbat lose p?epareo fo? otte anorbcr ffraungers co?fe toas burm.^no laff lp feto o? itone Mere loft ro mourne.Cbe filile foulcs of Morbero tolti} tftelr finali Ano tenoer babes,ano age toltb poutb as jfo?tune ino befall t Ment toano?lng gafflp fip ano botone totmonrneo fo? at all» * 3n fine fo fórre outrageouflp ibis belpeleffe turren rauco, Ebete toas not toao ittougb fo; fire,tto; grounD ínoagb fo? graneo, ^finoleo at tbe ffourcneffe of fo (Tour a ffo?me of ills 3 fato ® fatber Iupiter tobofe mlgbcie potocr fulfiUs UBorb Imanen ano <¡£artb,íffipíng fame repo?t tljé noe antllte 3n fioucbtng tbattbou otoff embace in toap ofkouc ere tbto Cbe l\tuer Afops oaugbter fatte Aegina euen bp mune, 8no tbat to tabe me fo?tbpfonnetboucountit noi a fijante?, Keffotc tljoa me mp foibe agame,o? bill rbou me llfectolfe. l£e gaue a figne bp fooaine fiaflb of Hgbtnlng froiti tbe è>htes, Sino Doublé peale of SCbunOcrcracbs. 3 tabe tljis fame 3) Sino as 3 tabe ir fo? a irne atto certame figne toberebp Cbou aoeff confirme me fo? tbp fonne : fo alfa let ir be SI banfcll of fonte bappte luche rfiou trtlnOeff fimo me. ^aro bp fis as tt bapt tbat tíme, tbere toas su iSDhen tré Miti? fp?caoco armes as bare ofbougbes as ilgbtlp onefijaU fé. SLbfs tra? (as all tbe refi of £>hes) toas facrco finto Ioue Sino fptouteo of att $eo?ne tobícb toas fet from Dodon grane. &ere marbt toc boto tbe p?ctle ante tbe gatberers fip of grame £>ne follototng oiber all along In o?ber of a traine, €toat burtbens in tbelr Iitcìe montbes Dio palnfullp Tuffatoci Sito mmblpbp tbe rtrggco barbe tbelr beaten patbmaintatoe. 3s toono?mg at tbe ftoarme 3 ffcooe,3 fatto,® fatber Dére Ssmanp people giue fbou me,as 8nts arecréplng bére. Sino fili mme empi p toalles agalnc.&non tbe ®he tuo guabe^ aniGuids Metamorpliofis. pi ano fMcenffrepnoc of anp b!a®,bia ìofnc b?auncbea (balte, Cbe tobtcb oio palo a certame founo.Mitb tljat fo? o?caofull feare I a ¿buoo?mg tb?Qugb ntp boote fi rake ano bp ììgjdc fitffe rcp beare. ~ jBar pet g &t®e& micron tip tbc grommo ano rise tbe tré. I^ouibeit | ourff net bc fo boloe ofbopeacfenotoneto bè. £?ct bopro J : ano in mp bfarroto fl)?ouie mp ferrei bope. ation carne ntgbt * ano flépe bpon mp rarefiti! earcaffc crepe. $pe tbougbt 3 fato tbc felfe fame 3Dbe toitb all Ijia bougbea ano ttofga, Uno all tbe ^tfmeree crcrptng fi tll bpon bta ratonts ano fp?iga. Mbicb tremblmg totrb a fooatne b?apo tbefe bearne® foibe of tb?eto ano fljeo tbem on tbe grouno about,tobo on tbe fooaine greto 3Jtt btgneffe mote ano moie. ano from tbe eartb tbemfeluce Dio lift : Sno fftooe bpitgbf agama tbe tré : ano tberetottball Dio ilitft ^ Oeirntepgernefie, ano coleblacbe bue,ano number of tl etr fate : Sino ciao tbetr Imimra tmtbfljape of man.atoap mp flape otofiate. 0no toben g tombe,mtibbmg of mp o?eame g tnaoe mp mone * Ebat in tbe dSoosg oio percetue but flenoer belpe o? none. 55ut Uraigbt nweb trantpltng bp ano ootone atto ibuffling oio g beare Sno (tobtcb to me tbat p?efent tinte Dio berte ffrannge appeare ) > $f people talbmg in mp boufe me tbougbt g bearo tbe reare. $oto tobile g mnfing on tbe tbe fame fuppofoe it to bauebén *> èmme fattele of tbe fcoliib orarne tobtcb latelp g bao fan, IBebolo, in cornea me Telamon in bali,ano t&juffing ope fppCbamber om?e, fato : ètr,a figbf of tbmga furmounttng bope ano creOir Iball pou baue : come fo;tbgfo?tb carne 3 bp ano bp • ano etten fucb men fo? all tbe too?lo tbere ffanoing oto g fpie as in mp flépe g o?eameo of, ano bneto tbetn fo? tbe fame. [fc £bepcommtng to me gréfeo me tbeir fouereigne iio?o bp name. ano g (mpbotoea to Ioue perfo?moe) mp Cttte oto oeutoe i among mp neto inbabitcra : ano gaue tbem lano befioe li Mbicb bp oeccafeof fucb aa toerc late otonera of tbc fame 2lap toafi.ano in remcmbtance of tbe race tobereof tbep carne, ¡; Cbe name of CBmcta g tbem gaueXbetr perfona pou baue fan : I, £beir Otfpefttton ia tbc fame tbat er® tn cbctti batb ban. Cbcp are a fpartng binoe of foibe, on labo? toboip fet, a gatberer,ano an bm?ber bp of fucb aa tbcp ooe get. Cbefe fellptoea being libe in pearea ano couragc of tbe minoe, • \ . ¿M. èbaltThe feuenth booke of i>hall go a toarfarc top affaine as that theCaffernc toinoe Mhich brought pou hither ludtelp, (the Cafferne toinoe toas it Chat brought them thither) turning,to the §>outherne coaa Doo fitr. »th rf?tsr ano other fuel) lifcetalhe thep brought the bap to nice Che Cuen in featting,ano the night in fl&ping tfjcp oio fpenoe. Che &>unne nert spo:roto in theheauen toithgoloen beames did b«rnp £lno mil tbe Cafferne toinoe oio bloto ano hole them from returns ' t>tr Pallas fonnes toCephal came (fo; be their doer teas) 3no he ano thep to Aeacus Court togither fo?tb Dio paffe. Che&tng as pet teas faff a flecpe.SDufee Phocus at the gate £Dio metre them,ano recepueo them acco?0ing to their ffafe, 5Foj Telamon ano Peleus alreaote fo?th toete gone, Co rnuffer £>ouloiers fo? the toarres.§>o Phocus all alone S>itr leaoe them to an inner roume,tuherego)Olp parlours ioere, $ncr caafeo them to fit them ootone,3s he teas alio tbere^ $oto fitting toith ihem,hcbeheloaE)artin CephalshanO’ ism ith golocn hcao,the ffeale tobereof he toell might tmoerffano Sftias of fomeffraugc ano tmfenotone tree, tohcncmaineralbe haOpaff 3 labile of other matters there, 31 am (quoth he) at laff £1 man that hath oeltght in torsos ano lowes to folloto game mno pet g am not able fare bp anp meanes to ante H2Sbat tomo pour gaueling ffeale is of,Cf&ih it can not bee, j?o: then the colour thoulobe bjotone. ano if of Cornell tne;i gttocmlo be full of fenubbeo fenots.g fcnoto not tohat iris r 35nt fure mine ties oto neuer fie a fairer Cart than this. Che oneof cljofe fame fyteth?en ttoaine replping to him faio i j£ap then the fpeciall pjopcrcie totll mafee pou mo:e OifmatD, Chan eoth the bcautte of tins hitteih tohaifoeitcr l$e thtotoes if at,Che ffrohe thereof bp Chaunce fs rnleoncuer. ifoj hatirng Done his feate, it flies all blouoiebacfee agen Without the hclpe of anp hano.Che ^¿ince toas earneff then, Co tmoto the truth of all: as tohence fo riche a p?efentcame, Mlhogsue it him,ano toberebpon the partie gaue the fame. 2Dake Cephal anfiueroe his oemauno in all points (oneercept) Che tohich (as tmotoneapparantlp) fo^fijame he ouerlept; Iftis bcautte namelp,fo? the tohich he oio receitie the 2Dart. auo fo;the Icffeof hectare toife right penfiue at (fee hart* *Il t¡:: ty k sili ®sr, fa jli m \ ii II, a t Ouids Mctamorpholls. pz $e tbus tega« ínítb ínápfng eies.Cbfó ènti £D inculo to <0oo tbte fame ^ao neuet Unto me bene giueu.Cbere toas a noble SDamc Cbat Procris bigb* (but pou perebannee bauc oftner beato tbe name ¿Df greatOrythiafobofe renoioneioas bruteo fo bp fame* JCbat bluffting Bóreas rautOE)t blt.)Co tbtS Orythiafljae ífólas fitter.BJf a boote fljoulo compare In ecb oegté Cbe face ano natures of tbcm botb,be conio none otbet oréme 3¡J5ut Procris ioo?tbter of tbe tíñame ofrauifijmcnt(botilo tóme, ìgiv fatber ano our mutuali loue oto malte 00 man ano ioife. ipen faro 3! bao (ano fo 3 bao in oteoe) a bappic Itfe. l^oíobett €*00 íníll ínao otberínífe. fo? bao it plcafeD ijim £Df all tbia i»bile,ano eucn fftli pet in pleafure Ibonlo 3 fiuim. Ebe fecono epontb tíjat fije ano 3 bp bano of latofull beo l^ao iopnoe togitbet 3 mp maffeing Copleo oto íp?eO, Co ouertb?oto tbe £>tags, tbe earlp Corning grap Cben netulp bantng ebafeo nigbt ano gnn to b?cal$e tbe oap, jfrorn #onnt Hymettusbigbeff topo tbat frcàjlp flourrib ap, éfptoe melano agami* mp tnill contiepoeme quigbt ainap. 3 teutf tbe Coooelfe íníll not be offenoco tbat 3 fap Cbe tcotb of bit. aitbongb it inonlo ocligbt one to beboloe !£ir rnoote cbtébeo : altbougb of oap ano nigbt tbe bounoo tìje l)olDe t aitbougb on intee of 2lmb?ofie concinnali? fije ftcOc : |iet Procris toas tbe onlp Sflltgfjt tbat 3 oio loue in oàoe. ÜDíi Procris onlp toas mp beati : none otbet ioo?o bao 3 315ut Procris onlp iti mp moutb i Itili Procris OÍO 3 CtÌC. 3 bpneo inbat a bo!p tbmg ioao tneoloche : ano boln late 3t ina« ago finte (be ano 3 inere coupleo in tbat Care. Mìjicb batto ( ano fpectallp fo farne)« inere a ibame to b:eabe. Cbe Crocile beittg moueo at tbe ioo?D0 tbat 3 oto fpeabe, è>aio : ccafe tbp piami tbou Cardano feeepe tbp Procos Hill fo? meo JBut (it*mp minoe occepue me not) tbe tíme Unii lbo?tlp be > Ebat Un£b tbott inilttbou bao bit notano fo in anger Cbe Co Procos fent me barite agame, in going bomeinaro ao Bpou tbe Coooeffe fapinge inttb mp felfe 3 mufing ioao, $.ti&. 3 gran' The feuenth boolce of 3 gan to D?ca De baD mcafures leaff mp intfe baD maoe fome fcape, iptr ponrfjfull pearcs begarnifljeD toitb beautie,grace anti ¿jape, * 3n matter mace me to beleue tlje Defte alreaDp Done. 0game bir manors did fo?biD mtftrutttng oner fame. 3I5ut 3! baD bene atoap tbut euen tbe fame from inborn 31 came a OfczetoDe trample giue boto light 1? toiues Doe run in blame; 3!5ut toe pco^e iiouers are afraiDe ofaU tbings.^erebpon 3 though* to p?acttfe feates: tobicb thing repentcDme anon? 3no iball repent me tobtle 3 line. Cbe pnrpofe ofmpD?tffs mas to; taffault bir boneff ie toitb great rctoarDs anD gifts. Cbe doming fcoDtng this mp feare,to further mp Oeuice, $pp ibape (tobicb thing me thought 3 felt) baD aitercD toitba trice. 35p meanes tobercof anon bnlmotone to Pallas totone 3 came, SlnD entreD fo mp bonfe 1 the boufe toas clearelp fcoiDe of blame : SlnD fljctoeD fignes of chaff itie tn mourning cuer fitb Cbetr maiffer bao bene rapt atoap. SI tboufanD meanes toberefoit(i Co come to Procris fpescb baD 3 Dtuifoe: anD fcarce at laff ¿Dbtcinoe 3 it. SUorne as 3 mine eie bpotj bir calf, SBy luits toere rauifljf in Curb tntfe that nigh 3 baD forgot " Cbe purpofoc triall of btr troth- right much a Doe €>od toot i 3 bao to bolDe mine otone that 3 the truth beto?apeD not. ; Co lurpe mp fclfe from feilfing btr full much a Doe 3 baD ¡3$ reafon toas 3 ifjotilD baue Done.^be IcdMcd beric raD. SlnD pet as faolp as ffje tobte,no SCligbt altue can iboto £t better countenance than DiD fbe.^ir heart DtD intoarogloto 3n longing fo? birabfent fpoufe.l^oto bcautifull a face Cbiuhe pou ¿t'r Phocus toas in bir tobome fo?roto fo DiD graces What ftjoulD 3 mabe rcpo?t boto oft btr ebaif bebauiour Ifraue 3no ouercame molf conffantlp the great alTaults 3 gaue i £*? tell boto ofc igeffjet me Dp toitb tbefe fame too?Ds i Coons (u&iberc ere be is) 3 fe&pc mp felfe,anD none but be alone ¿ball lure eniop file bfe of me.O&bat creature bantng tys ttlits perfect toculD not be content toitb fucb a p?ofe as ttys Of htr rnoff ffcofaff chaff itie * 3 coulD not be content: 3i5ut if ill to purebafe to mp felfe moze too 3 further toenf. 2 c lalf bp p?ofcrtng enDleife toeltb>ai?D heaping gifts on gifts, In ouerlaoing l;ir toitb too?Des 3 o?aue bir to bit fb1^Ouids Metamorpliofis. ' pi ICb en crfde B1 out: Chine euilt licart mp felfc 3 farDte tafee. Sphere of a ffraunge aduouterer the countenance 3 did mabr* 3 am in dode tty bufband.® bnfaitbfull tooman thou, Cuen 3 mp felfc can tcffifie tty letode bebauior noto. &ty maoc none anftoere to mp toords,but being ffricfcen bum Sind toitb tbe fo:rolo ofbir heart alon Ip oucrcuw, iForfabetb bir entangling boufe,an& naugbtie bufband quigbt: and bating all tty fort of men bp reafon of tty fpigbt Chat 3 bao torougbt bir,ffraioc abrode among tbefpounfainesbfe, 8nd erercifce Dianas feates. Chen feindled bp and bp a fiercer fire toitbin mp bones than eucr teas before, Wltyn flje bao tbns forfaben me bp tobome 3 fet fucb (fore, 3 prapde bir (be tooulde pardon me, and bib confeffe mp fault, affirming that mp felfc lifeetotfe toitb fucb a great affault Of ricbcffe might right toell baue bene enforff to palbe to blame, Che rather if performance had enfetoed of tbe feme. Mhen 3 bad this fubmiffion made,and (be fufftcientlp ftencngde bir toronged chaffitiesibe then immedtatfp reconciloe: and aftrrtoard toe Itued manp a peare 3n top and ncuer anp iarre bettoame bs did appearc. J15efidcs all this (as though bir loue had bene to fmall a gift) &be gauc me else a godlp dPretond tohich toss of fcote fo ftoiff, Chat tohen Diana gaue him bir,(be faid be lb«uld out go. Sill orbers, ana to.tb this fame Cretond (be gaue this £Darf alfo %ty tohich pou fa3 bold in hand.percbaunce pe faine toould fenoto Mbat fortune to the Ctetond befell. 3 toil! bnto pou iboto Sltoondrous cafe.Cbeffraungenefle of the matter totll pou moue. Che Urinfees of certaine Prophefies furmounting farre abcue Che reach of auncient toifs to read, tbe BreDbenpmphcs did erpofid !3nd mtndlefle of htr otone darbe doubts E>ame Themis being found, > Mas as a recheleffo^rophetiffe throtonc flat againft the ground, j if or tohich prefumptuous bade of theirs Ibe tmbe iuff puniihmenf. Co Thebes in Baeotia (freight a cruellbeaff (be fent, Mbicb torougbt the bane of manp a Migty.Kty ceutrpfblh did fab, toith their cattell and themfelues, bnttll (as toas agreed) Chat all toepouthfull Gentlemen thatdtoelled thereabout Sffemblfng pitcht our corded topics tlje champion fields throughout.The feuenth booke of ffinf #et nc tople teas none fa tie flat ton!» its totgimcttc (fop, ipe mounted ouer at bis eafe thebigbeif of the top, Wl.m euerie man let flip their <25refends,but be them all ontflript $nd enen as mmblp as a btrde in daliance from them febipt. Ml)en all the field deflred me to let mp Ladaps go: (Elje <25refend that Procris tmto me bib giue feas named fo) iffilbo lirnglmg fo? to to?elf bis necbe alreadp from the barn* HMD if retch fes collar. §>carflp bad toe let btmofof band iButctjat toljere Ladaps feas become toe coulD nocbnderffand. Clje p?int remained of bis feete bpon the parched fand, But be feas clearlp out of fight-Mias neuer ¿art 3 troto, $lqi pellet from enforced felmg,no? fljaft from Cretilb bofo, Cljat fleto mo?e ftotit than be Dio runne. SCfjcrc toas not farre fro tbence about tbe middle of the iauno a riling ground,from tobence a man might oucrlcohetbefieldcsj gate me to tbehnap £>f this fame bill? ano there beheld of this flraunge courfe the bap Bin lobicb the bead femes one febilecaugbt>anDerea man txionlo tbittb, HDotb quicblp giue tbe<0refend the flip,ano from bis bighting%inlu ano Jibe a toilte if ore be runnes not fo?tb dtrectlp out, i£o? mabes a femdlafife ouer all the champion fieldes about, 3I5ut Doubling ano indenting ff ill auopdes bis enmies lips, ano turning tbo?t,as ftoift aboutas fpinning febcele he tohips, Mo Difapointtbe fnatcb.Cbe <0refend purfuing at an inch S^otbeote him, neuer lofing ground: but Itbelp flill to pinch 3!s at tbefodaine fluffed of. continuallp be fnatebes 3n bainc: fo? nothing in his mouth faue onlp flire be latches. JTben thought 3 fo? to trie tohat belpe mp SDart at nade could WLtycb as 3 charged in mp band bp leuell aime to thfefe, End fee ntp fingarsto the thongs,3 liftingftom bplofe $pine eics,didlcDberigbt fo?tbagaine,and ffraigbtamidstbeficld (a feond?ous thing) tfeo Images of garble 3 beheld; iDf tobicb pe feoulo bane thought the tone bad fled on if ¡11 a pace &no that fetch open barbing mouth the totber did him chafe. 311 faith it teas the fetll of tiSod (at leaif if anp Ctaddes i^ad care of them) that in their pace there Gjould be found none oddee. Mints farre: and then be held bis peace.HBut tell bs ere fee part (Quoth Phocus; fehst offence 0? fault committed hath pour ;Quids Metamorphofis. 94. ^fs S)ar ts offence be tl;us Occlarfcr.spp 2Lo?0e tfjc ground of all q&pgriefe toas fop. tbofeiopesof mine remember firff 31 tyaU. 3¡c Doth me gao euen pet to tbtnke Opon that blifffali time (31 means fíje ffcfl) ano luff ie peaces of pleafant poutbfull J3?imc) Mbcu 3¡ a bappíeman entopOeto fatre ano gao a toife, janotlje toitb fucb a louíng ¿pafeeoio leao a bappie life♦ Toe rare toas like of both of Os, tbe mntuail lone all one. £>be tooulo not to bane Une toitb Ioue mp pjefence bane forgone. $e toastbere anp Might tbat coulo of me baue toonne tlje loue, ¿o tbongb SDame Venus bao bit fdfe oefeenbee from aboue. Cije glotDing b:anos of louc Oto burne in both our b;effs alike. »>ncb time as firff toitb erafeo beames tbe &>unne ts toont to ffrtfee Ebe tops of Cotones ano mountaines btgbj according to tbe toont £>f poutbfull men,in toaoíe barbes31 toent ab?ooe to bunt. SBut neither bo;fe no; Roanos to make purfuit Opon tbe Cent. $o; é>erumgman,no; knottie tople before o; after toent. $02 3i toas láfe toitb tbts fame ¿Dart. toben toearie toart mine arme mttb ffrikf ng £Dáere,ano tbat tbe oapoio makeme fometoíjat toarme, MitbOjatoing fo; to ccole mp fetfe 31 fougbt among tbeibaocs Jfo; £Wre tbat from tí;e Oallepes colee came breathing in at glaoes. Toe mo;e erceffiue toas mp beate tbe mo# fo; Sire 3 fougbt. 3 toaiteOfo; tbe gentle Sire: tbe Slíre toas tbat tbat b;ougbt Kefreibing to mp toearie limmes.ane (toell 3beart in tbougbt} Comeare $ toonteo toas to (lug. come eafe tlje paine of me Mitbtn mp bofom looge tbp felfe moff Welcome Unto me, ¿no as tljou heretofore art toont abate mp burning beate. 30p ebaunee (fucb toas mp Oeffinie) proceeding to repeate. spo tooros of oaliance like to tbefe,3i bfeo for to fap Great pleafure ooe 3 take in tb®: for tbou from oap to oap S)olfe both refrefl) atto nourilb me.Cbou makeff me Oeligbt 3n toaos ano fclitarie grounos. j^oto tooulo to Goo 3 might Heceiue continúan at mp moutb this pleafant Jbreatb of tbine. 3>cme man (3 toóte not tobo) oio bears ttjefe ooubtfull tooros of mine,, #no taking them amiffe fuppofbe tbat tbis fame name of aire. EbetobicbB! callee fo oft Opon,bao bene Come ilaoie fairer 3£e tbougbt tbat 3 bao lomee fome $pmpb. 8no tberebpon ff rcfgbr toap %e runnesme Itfce a ^areb;ainoe blabtoProcris, to betorap.The feuenth booke of Cbfs fault as bc furmticD it : ano torre tolti) lauas tung. fóepo?te9 all epe toanton too?os toac be bao bcaromie fung. 0 tbing of Itgbt bdtefe ts loue. síje (as 3¡ finte baue barde) 5F02 tooetne to;roto ftoounoeo detona : and toben long aftcrfoar&e é>be carne agame Unto tyt felfc,toc fato toc toas accurto 0no borne to crudi oeffime : ano me fije blameo tour® 3fo; bjealung fatto : ano frcatlng at a dame furmtfeo toame §>be o;eaoeo tbat toblcb notbmg toas : lije fearoe a beaoidTe name. g>be tolto not tobat to fan 0: tbinfee. Cbe to:etcb Dio grcatlp fcare Decelt :pet coulo toc not belate tbe tales tbat talheo tocre. àDaleffe toc fato b® bufbanos faultapparant to btr eie, è>bc toottgto toc monto not bintconoemne ofanp billam'e. jjìert oap as faine as Corning Itgbtoao 02 tue n tbemgbtotoap, 31 toent ab:oDe to buut agatne : ano fpáoíng, as 3 tap import tbe graffe,3 fato come atre ano esfe mppamfull beate. Sino on tbe rodarne as 3 fpafee tbere fómco fo; to beate 0 certame ffgbtng m mine cares of tobat 3 conio not geffe, 3¡5ut ceaftng not fo2 tbat 3 (fili p;océoeo natbeleffe : 0no faio 0 come moto pleafant aire, toftb tbat 3 bearo a fotuto ¿Df rufflmg foftlp tn tbe leaues tbat lap dpcn tbe ground. 0no tbinding it bao bene tome bea® 3 ttocto mp flpntg SDart. 3ft toas mp toífe. tobo being noto foto toounoeo at tbe bari, Crioe out alas.0ffcone as 3 percepueo bp tbe toniche 3t toas mp fattbfull fpoufe, 3 ran me to tbe doteetoaro lidie 0 maoman tbat bao loft bis toits. £bcre founo 3 btr balfe orao l£tt fcattreo garments toafning in tbe blouo tbat toc bao bleo, 0no (tototebeo creature as 3 am) pet oiatoing ffom tbe d outto Cbe gift tbat ffje fjir felfe bao gtuen. Cben fotoIp from tbe ground 3 lifteo dp tbat booieof biro of tobicb 3 toas mene ebare Cban ofmineotone.ano frora btr tocto btr clotbes m bafi3 ta®‘ 0no bmoing dp bir crudi toound 3 toriuco to; to toap Cbe blouo, ano p;apo toc tornilo not tbus bp paffing to atoap JFo;fabe me as a murtberer : toc toartng toesfce at Icngtb 0ud oiatoing to btr oeatb a pace,entotocd all btr ffrengtb Co dtter tbefe feto too;ocs at lato.3 p:ap to® twmìilv bp €>ut bono of toeolocfee,bp tbe Caos as torli aboue tbe £>l«e 00 toofe to tobóme 3 noto muto paffc? as eucr 3 b^e cugbtofOuids Metamorphofis. gDefeeued toellbp tboe,an& bp Houe tubici) bauing brought $pe to my Death Doth euen fn death tmfaDed dill eemaine Co nedle in thp beo ano mine let ncuer atre obtain*» ■H Chit) fed,(he helo hie peace,ano 31 recepueD the fame ano toloe hie alto boto (he toas beguiled in the name» S5ut tohat auapled telling then ? (he quoathoe : ano toith hie blond 1 i£i* little ffrengtb Dio faDe.(0otobeit as long as that (he cono ■d éè ought,fl^e dated in mp face and gafping dill on me i® Cfcuen in mp mouth (he breathed fo?tb hie to?ercbed ghod. 315nt (he &>id tóme toith bettee cbeace to die fo? that hieconfcience toas SDifchaeged quight and cleaee of ooubtes»$oto in conclufton as $)ufee Cephal topping told this tale to Phocus and tbeeed it mWe eyes toece alfo mepd toith teaees to beate the pitions ged, IBeholo liing Aeacus and toith him bis elded Tonnes both ttoaine ¡1 id entee in and aftee them there follotoed in a teaine Cf toell appointed men of toaeee neto lenito : tobicb the J&fng £>tlmercd Onto Ccphalus to Athens fotone to tying. Finis feptimi Libri,q-THE EIGHT BOOKE ofOuids zPvfetumorphoJis. t^e oap Aarfe noto beginning to oifclofe tfce Spooning fyigbti ffjlgano fo? to clenfe tbc o?cupie &hie from osrfceneireef tijenta; *U\ r Cbe ©alterne tomo tocnt Ootone i flabesof foggíe Clonas ¡p¡ Sito from tbc feoutb a merde gale on Cephals faples mo Moto, Cbe tobicb mo bolo fofreflj ano large,that be ano all bio men SSefoie that be toas lashco fo? arriuco fafe agen In toilbeD ^auen. I n that tobfle King Almos toítb bis fléte HDto toa A tl;e eoli of Megara.Sno firA be thought it morte Co mahe a trial! of the fo?ce ano courage of Ms men Slgain A tbc cotone Akathoc toljere Nifus reígneo then. 0mong tofjofc honorable balrc that toas of colour gray, £?ne fcarlet baírc Dio groto Opon bis ecotone,tobereon tfje flap áDf all bis Kingoome oto oepenoe.értre times MO Phoebe fill " l^tr bo?ncs toítb bo;rotoeO light, ano pet tbc toarre bung toancringffill In fidile fortunes ocubtfull fcoales : ano long toítb fleeting toing* 315cttoenetbem botlj fleto bietole. 21 Curret of tbc Kings £ &>fcoO baro aoiopmng to tbe Mall tobicb being totic&eD rings 1 Ifo? Phoebus (fo men fap) oto lapbis goloen toltali there, 3no fo the Aones tbc founo thereof Dio euer after beare* King Nifus Daughter oftentimes refo?tco fo tíjís Mail &no Arabe it toítb a little Itone to raite the founo to Ubali, In time of peace.3no in the toarre ibe manp a time ano oft SBcbelDc the fluroie flames of Mars from that fame place aloft. &no bp continuance oftbc Cege the Captantes names flje Knelt) íCbeír armes,bo?te,armo? ano arap in eueric banoano crcto. 3H5ttt fpecíallp aboue tbe reA Aje noteO Minos face* £>be Aneto tnougbano mo?e than toas inougb as A©oe the cafe. JFo? toere it that be bio bis beao tn li)elmc tottb fetbereDcretf, Co btr opinion in bis ^elmebe Aapneoall the re A. €>? toere it that be tolse in band of Aále bis target toigbt, j^be thought in toáloíng of bis Ajíeloe be toas a eemlp Knight •flD? toere it that be tatfoe Ins arme to tb?oto the piercing 2Dad> Che ilaoie oio commeno bis fo?ce ano manbooe iopnoe toitb Art* iD? o?cto be toitb bis arroto noetabis benito JEoto in baa®H ofOuids Metamorphofis. 9 <5 £to ftoare that fo in all refpeeteo toas Phoebus toon t to ffano, But tohen he Ibetode to« tofage bare to« pelmet lain alto*, |k 0no on a pifee tobite &>teede b:aue trapt,in purple Hob* too rtoe, <1 .¿to fame toas iptlfreffe ofljtr felfc bir tofts toere almoff Ifraugbt. t(j 0 topple Dart flto thought It toas that be in fingars caught, l. ¡1 0nDbappieraUeoibdtboferepnesttotbeinbanobadraugbi * g 0no if fee might bane too bir Uiill^fee could bane fonnoe in barf, 0mong tbe enmies to baue gone. the coulo bane founo in barf, U jFrom dotone tbe bfgbelf Curret there bir booie to baue ttootone, 0mong the tbicHett of the Cento ofGnofFu&to baue flotone* £D2 fo; to ope the b;a?en gates ano let the enmie in, tobatfoeuer clfe fee thought might Minos fauo? toin. 0nd as Ibe fate beboloing ifiU the iaing of Candies tent, { £>be faio: 31 ooubt me tobetber that 31 rather map lament £D; of tbi« toofull toarre be grieues me at the hart ; Chat tbou£D Minos Onto me tbpiiouer enmie art. ;:i But bao not tbi« fame toarfare bene, 3 neuer bao him tmotone. pet might be leaue this cruell toarre,and take me as bi« otone, :> 0 toife, a fdere,a pledge fo: peace be might rereiuc of me. 9 flofeue oftoauffc,0 rljou Piince moff peadelfe: iftbaf flto Chat bare thee in bir toombe tocre lifec in beautte totto thee, 0 right g©0 caufe bad loue on hir enamored fo: to bto. £>b toppic toere 3 if toitb toings 3 though the Sire might glide 0ndfafe!pto &ing vi mos Cent from this fame Curret Aide. . £bentocuId3tttertobo3am,anDbotottofincfiame i DfCupid burned in mptoeff,Deliniig tom to name i SfiEi hat dotone he tooulo aitse toifb me m loan of to« loue, i g>aue onlp of mp fathers Kealmc no queflion be l^o.uiD moue. Jfo; rather than bp traitrous meaneo mp purpofeiboulO tafee place, i 0oue Oeilre of bopeo Hone, pet oftentimes fuel) grace l^ath from the gentle Conquero: proceeded crfetb&t tijep Mbicb tosfee tbe fople baue found tto fame their p;cStand their flap. 01TuredIp the toarre to luff that Minos tafecs in hand, 0s in reuengement of his fonne late murtbered in this land. , 0nd as to« quarrell Kemetlj Infaeuen fo it cannot faiie, Id But rightful! toarre againif the toiong mult (3 beleue) p;ctmi!e, joto if tbi« Cine m tljs ende maii need*« be taton? tohp. $boakThe eight booke of &boulo bis ©tone fioo;oe and not mp &oue be meaneg to loin ft bp * 31 ioere pet better be ¿jonto fpceoe bp gentle meanes fottijout Cbe flaugbter of bis people,pea ano (as it map fall out) Mttb fpendtng ofljts oftme blouD tffl.jffo; fure 3 haue a care g) Minos leatt fome &ouloier ioound tljes ere be be aioare. ifo; U)bo is be in all tbc ioo;lo that bath fo baro a bsrt Cbat iuittutglp agamif tbp beao toouid nunc bis cruell SDart f 3 Itbetocll this dcutfe. ano on this pnrpofe bull 3 (Fano: Co paeloe mp fclfeendoioed ioitb ttys Citie to tbe bano Of Minos: ano in doing fo to tying tbis toarre to enoe. 3Bnt fmallp it anailetb me tbe matter to infenoe, Cbe gates ana pifues of rbfe toione arebept ioitb luatcl; ana foar&e, 8110 of tbe &epes continualip mp father batb tbe garde, spp ifarber oalpts tbe man of iobouie 3 If ana in o?ecoe, $pp jfatber oiilp bmo;etb me of mp deflred rpadc. Mould €>od tbat 3 mere ifatbcricire.Cuib euerte Might map bee J3 (0oo as in tbeir oione bebalfe,ano tftbeir hearts be free JFrom frarefulnelle. jro; fortune ioo;fes agamif rbefono oefire Of fucb as ttyottgb faint bearteonelfe attempt not to afptre. I £>ome other fcelfng in bir heart fucb flames of Cupids fire* 8lrcadp iooulo |aue put in pjcofe fomep;actife to oeifrop Mbat thing fo euer of bir Houe the furtherance might anop Sno iubp tyoulo anp ioomau banc a bolder heart than 3 e Ctyoto fire ano fioo;o 3 bololp ourtt aonenture fo; to flie* 8nd pet in this bebalfeat all there ncedes no floo;o no; fire, Cbere neoetb but mp fathers baireto accompliOj mp defirc. Chat purple batre of bis to me mo;e p:ccious ioere than gol&e: Chat purple baire of bis tooulD mafce me bletf a tboufano foloe; Chat baire iooulo compaflTe mp Oefire and fet mp heart at refl. $tgbt (cbiefelf $uree of thoughts to fucb as are ioitb care opp«ff.) !3pp;ocbe0 iobite iljc fpafee ttjefe ioo;os,ano oarfinefle did cncreafe ^ir boloneffe. ¡3t fucb time as folfec are ioont to finoe releafe *E)f cares that all the eap beftye ioere tooling in tbeir beos, 2i5p fleepc tobteb falletb firif of all bpon them in tbeir beds, ipiv fathers chamber fecreflp Ibe entered: inhere (alatfe Chat euer s^aioen tyoulo fo farre the bounds of Mature paflfe) &be roboe bir jf atber of tbe baire bpon the iobtcb tbe fate jdependedOuids Metamorphoiìs. 97 ©epen&e& botti af tifo atta acati) ana of bis topati tiare* tana toptng in ¿ir foiebea p;ap, bearci tt fotti) fot fa £Us tf tt foetc fame lafofuU fpople acquirea of tbe fa. J3na paffingtfoougb a poterne gate Gje marebea tfoougb tf)C mia ©f all fot enmies (foci) a trafi die boa in tf)at flje aia) inutili 0)c carne bcfo;e tlje làmg. toljom tronblca folti) fíje figbt &t)e timo befpabe.Cnfo;d © Jiung bp lotte againff all rtgbt 3 Scylla Nifus aaugbter aoe p;efent tinto tbà tfécxz $pp natine Copie,mp beufebola ©oas>ana all tbat elfe lo aére 3fo; tfos mp glft none otber rljlng in rccompence 3 craue Cban of tbp perfon tobtcb 3 lotte, fruitton fo; to batte* 8na in adurance of mp lotte recepite tbott bere of tné ipp fatbero Purple balte : ana tbiitbe 3 gine not tinto tb& $ bat're but euen mp fatbers beaa. &na as tbefe foo;as fbe fpabe* íü)t curfea gift foitb foiebea batta (be p;efcrca bim to tabe* SlBut Minos aia abbo;rebfrgift tana trottblea in bio minae Wtb II ranngeneffe of tbe bepnoa s a a io fc;e againd btr binae* ^e aunfwerae,© tljon flaunaer of our age tbe ©oas erpell Zt)é ou t of all ibis too;Ia of tbeírs ana let tbé no fobere afocll* Het refi on neitber £>ea no; llana be grauntea tinto tb®. Mure tbp felfe tbat as fo; me 3 neuer folli agrá Cbat Candie Ioues ofone folfcr place (as long a0 3 tbere ratgne) libali tinto fucb a mondatone 22Htgbt a t£arb;ofo place remaine. jEbtu libe a rigbteoue 3n0ge among bio feanqutfljt foco £>et o;aer bnaer patne of acatb. Mbicb aone bo fotUea tbofo ferneo bim to go a ba?;ae ana £lncbo;stip to foep. Mben Scylla fato tbe Canatan fléte a flore to go atoap, ¡Atta tbat tbe Captaine pèlaea not fo gaia refoara as d)« l^ao fo; bir lefoaneflfe IcoüeD fo; : ana toben in fíne foe fá £bat no entreatance conia p;eaaile,tben bnrlfing cnt in ire Mlitb flretebea bañas ana fcattrea baíre,asfurtous as tbe fíre è>be flj;aming erpea out afona, 3na fobttber code tbou die Heietting me tbe onlp meanes tbat tbou baff conquerae bp i © canberae Cbnrle p;eferoc befo;e mp natine Copie, p;efera Befo;e mp fatber,fobttber flpde © Carle of beart mod bara:* íKübofe conquedas it is mp flnne,fo Dotti itfoell aeferue ìtetoara of tbè,fo; tbat mp fault fo toell tbp turne aia ferue* ©,j* SDotbThe eight booke of iDofEi ncificr tini tlje jfftj gaur,nn:t>ctmt> fmrtjfnll Ione, #02 pei tbat al! mp ìiopt on t\>à alonlp rctteD, moue ? ¿02 tobítber Ojal! i noto refo^t fojfafeen tbn« of tb<* -Co Megara tlje fcD2crc^eD foplc of mp natiuirie e Bebolo ir liecb banquiGjcti ano trooen tm&er fate. But puf tbe cafe ir Gounibf fitti ; pet coulo ir notlmig feaafe. 3 batte fo?cc!ofoe tt to ntp felfe tb.iougb treafon toben 3 gaue ££p fatbcrs beao to tbee. Mjcrebp mp ecuntitcfolhe 3 o?aue Co bate me iufflp fo? mp crime .¡aito all tbe &e almcs atout ipp irtooe erampleooe abbonire. Cbus baue 3 ibet me ouf ¿fai! tbe to02lo thac onlp Crete migfct tabe me in tobicb il Cbou libe a Cburte berne,ano cat me bp tottbout rdicf, C!te iaoie Europ furdp toas not motber tmto tbee : But one of Affncke Sirts tobe re none fcut é>rrpents foffrebbé, But euen fonte crudi Ctger b:eb in Armen 0.2 in Inde, ¿D2 elfc tbe Còllie Char) bdis ratfoe toub ragc of ^ourberne toírroe, Cbou toert not got bp Ione ; ne pertbt» motber toas trguiloe 3¡tt flppecf Bull :ofrbia tbp birtb tbe tale is falfecompiioe. But rarber fame bntotetote Bull etien altogitber toiloe Cb at neucr lotoeo after Coto toas out of fccubf tbp fem £) faiber Nifus put tljou me to penante fo? mp biro. Jfcfcpce tbou in mp punifljment tbou fotone bp me befraptr. 3 batte DeferueD ( 3 canfcíFe)molf tufflp to be papD Mirb oeatb. But let fomc one of tfeé tbat tb;ougb mp lefobncffeltoaifa &>effrop me, tobp Qotfc tbou tbat bp mp crime a gamer art, Commir libe crime tbp felfe i £U>mit ìbis toiefeeo act of me &s to mp iano ano jfatbertoarD in ocroe moli bdnous be* pet ougbfefi tbou io tabe it as a fnenotbip bnto tb®. But íbe toas mode to be tbp toife,tbat ima Coto of erte Coulo plap tbe l^arlot toitb a Bull,ano m bit toombe conili beare £1 Borire, in tobóme tbe 0>apcs of men ana beaffs confouitfeeO foere. f ì$oiv fapll tbou Caríe ^ cópcll not tbefe mp too2t>s tbine carestogloto. £>: ooe tbe tomoes tbat tniue tbp ibpps, in baine mp faptngs bldnr 3¡íi fatti) tt ts no toonocr tbcugb tbp toife Pafiphae P2efcrroe a Bu!! to rbte fo: tbou moie cruel! toert iban be. boto tos is me.Co mabe more bali ir 0anDetb*ne in batto. Cbe toaterfounos toitb &2CMHD b^lesfrom me ano üomntp»wer OuidsMetamorphofis. 3ftt bafne thou flriueff £> tbou Cburle fo?gerfull qutgbf of mp jDeicrtes: fo? euen in fpiglit of tb® purfuc tbee ffill toil! 3f. Upon tbp couched &ale toill 3 take boIDe: ano Ranging To J3e diaunm along tbe ia>ea toitb t bto tuyere (tier thou Do go. &be fcarce Ijaö fato tbefc too?do,but that tye leaped on tbe foaue And getting to tbe toipo bp fo?ce of if rengtb that 2loue bir gaue * Slpon tbe &fng of Candies fteele in rptgbt of Dim claue. Is t$t borne toben bit father fptöe fo; tiout be boncrco in tl;e airc, ¿no being maDe a I^obbp ^auhe dto foare bettodme a paire IDf nimble toings of p?ou ¿paple) be foufed dotone a maine Co feaje bponbir as Qjc bung,ano toould baue to?ne bit fame ©ttitb botoing 3Beafee.l!5ut ibe fo? feare DID let tbe Caricbe go: 0nD as ibc toas about to fall,tbe ligbrfeme 3ire Dio fo Uphold bit rbat flje could not touch tbe £>ca as feemed tbo. Önon all fetbers tye became,ano fo?tb atoap did file ik Cranffo?med to a p?etie SBttd that flietb to tbe £>bie. flno fo? bicaufc like clipped batre bit beao Doth bearc a marke, Cbe Crete it Cyris call,anD toe Doe name tbe fame a iurlse* Aflame as Mi nos came a lano in Crete,be bp ano bp |3eifo;mie bis totoes to lupiter in caufiug fo? to Die SI bunöJcD Sülles fo; fa-nficc.^lnD then be did aoo?ne % l£ts Wallace toitb rbe rnmscs fpoplrs bp conquefl toonne bcfo?n& Cbeüatmöer of bis boufe encreatf: ano noto appcareomo?e ^ Cbe mothers filrbtc toboiebome bv tbe monlfer tbat ibe bo?e - £>f double fl?spc,an bglp thing. Cbts ibsmefull mfamie, 1 Cbis monlfer bo2ne bun bp bio totfe be lttindes bp potltcte ' Co put atoap,ano in a boufe toitb manp note and ferinfcs ’ jfrotn all metis flgbto and fpeacb of foike to Ibet it bp be tbinbo. BimmeDiatip one Daedalus renotomcD in tbat lance w f 0? fine oeutfe anD too?fcmanibip in building,tocut in band Co make it.^e confounDs bio toc?be toitb foDaine flops ano flapeo3 , 8uo toitb tbe great bncerraintie of fund?ie toinoing toapco *J' &cades in anD cut, and to and fro,at Diuers bones aflrsp. r Sind as toitb trickling flreame tbe fl5?a»ke Meander feemes fo plap 3n Phrygia, and toitb donbrfoll race runnes counter to and fro, ■ And meeting toitb bmifelfe doth loofce if all bio flreame 0? no i Come after, and retiring efccleanrbacktosro to bio fp?mg I _ @'tj,T he eight booke of 8no marcbfng eft to open &ca as (freight as anp firing, jnDentetb toitb rcuerfeo If reame: euen fo of minding foapes Enumerable Daedalus toitbin bis too;kc comtapes, |3ea fcarcc bimfelfe could find the meanes ro foinoe bimfelfe toeiiopf. bufte and fo intricate ttje boufe toas all about. S&Utbtn this spa?e oíd Minos íl)et tbe sponffer that oíd beare Cbe éjape of man and Bull.8no toben be ftoife bao feo him there Mitb blouD of Atticke $;inces fonnes that guien fo; tribute toere Cbe third time at the ninth peaces end the lot oíd chamice to light ? £>n Thefeus ling Aegaeus fonne: tobo libe a batiant limigbt Euo cuereóme tbe Minotaur: ano bp tbe poUicte £>f Minos eloett Daughter (tobo bao taught him fo; fo tie > 2 cleto of H mtten at the do;e to guiDe bmifclfc tberebp) j 8s bu tfe as the turníngs torreáis toap be cut DiD toe, Mbieb neucr man bao Done befo;e.8nd (freight be baaing tofa&e;> mitt) Minos Daughter failde atoap to Dia: tobere (bnkmoe* j 8nd cruel! creature that be toas) be leftbir poif alone Upon the (bo;e.Cbus Defclate ano making doiefull mone 0OD Bacchus oíd both comfojt bír ano take bit to bis beo. 8ttd toitb an euerlaif ing tore the mo;e W fame to fp;ed, Ipe tojke the Chaplet from bit bead,and bp to ^eauen it thrift Che Chaplet thirled though tbe 8tre: anD as it glíDíng fleto, Cbe p;ectous (tones íoere turno to tores tobteb blaíeo cleare f 8no take tbeir place (continuing like a Chaplet (fill to fight) 8mio bertoame the knáler dotonc ano him that gripes the £>nafee* i|ioto in this lob tie gan Daedalus a toearinelTe to take áDf lining likeabamibtmatianop;tfoner fuebatime 9fn Crcte,ano longed in bis heart to fee bio natiue Clime* SBnt &eas enclofeo him as if be bab in p;ifon be. Chen thought be: though both &ea ano iland Sing Minos ffop fro mt. 3 am aiuroe be cannot If op the 8ire ano open é>kíe. Co make mp paUage that toap then mp cunning toiil 3? trie. Although that Mmos like ailo;dheld alltbet»o;ld beftoe; pet Doth tbe 8ire from Minos poke fo; all men free abide, Cbts fed: to bncotb arts hr bent the fo;ee of all bis loits Co alter natures courfe bp craft.ftno o;oerlp be knits 8 rctoe offerers one bp nne?beginning toitb the (¡mbOuidsMetamorphofis. Sinti oucrmatcbing iftll eclje quill loirij one of longer fo?f, Eilat on the ffjomtg of o bill a man toouio rlrntkc them groin» CEnen fo the counme ©2ganpipes of ¿©ten rnDes in roto Cep higher than another rife.Cpctt faff nee be toitb if lar %pz rntüole quilles,anö topneD ln the lotncff fo?i toitb ar. 9nD toben be thus baD firnißt them,a little be them bent 3 n compaffe, tbat tbe berie ISiroes tbcp full might rep:cfeitt» Cbere ffcoüc me bp bim Icarus hiss fonne a p:etic Haö, tKmbo fenototng not that Ije in banoes bis otone ocffrntf ion baD. Mlitb fmilmg month DID one tobile bloto tbe fetbers to anD fro iKUbtcb in tbe 9tre on toings of EirDs did flafk net long ago; 9nö toitb biß tbumbeo another tobile be ebafes tbe peloto flföHar SlnD lets bis fathers toonD?ous too?ke toitb ebtlDiib topes anö lutar. jaifoone as tbat tbe too2kc toas Done, tbe too?kman bp anD bp £DiD pepfe bis boote on bis toings,anD in tbe 3irc on bie l^tmg n.aiiering: anö Dtö tcacb bis Tonne boto be t^ouio alfo fiie. 31 toarne tö<* (quotb be) Icarus a mtoole race to krcpc. if o? if tbou bate to loto a gate,tbe Dankeneffe of tbe Da?pe ill ouerlaoe tbp toings toitb toet.9nD if tbon mount to lj(cy Ehe &unnc toil! ffnoge tbem.£berfo?e Tee bettoeetie tbe both tbon flte. ? 3 bio tbae not bebolo tbe ¿tarre Bootes in tbe &kie. p> ßo? Imke Upon tbe bigger UBeare to make tbp courfe tberebp, V i^o: per on Orions nafeeo fiDojo.iSut euer baue an eie ^ Co keepc tbe race tbat 3 Doe keepc,anD 3 to ill guibe tb® right* 3n giumg counfcll to bis fonne to o?Der ioell bis flight, ^e faffncD to bis ibctilDers taramc a paire ofbncotb toings. SnD as be bias in Doing it anD toarn ing bint of tbmgs, l$is ageo cb&kes toerc toct,bis banos DID quake,in fine be gaue 6ts Tonne a ktflr tbe laff tbat be altue (bouID euer baue. 9no tben be mounting bp aloft befo;c bim tcokc bis toap Stigbt fearful! fo? bis followers Take: as is tbe 5Biro tbe Dap Cbat firff ffjc folletlj from bir neff among tbe b?auncbes bie l£tr rcnDcr pong ones in tbe 9ire to reach them fo? to Are», ¿0 heartens be bis little Tonne to fctloto teaching him 9 burtfull ffrt.l^is otone ttoc bangs be toauetb berie trim, 9nD Iffiketb bachtoaro (Till bpon bis fonncs.Cbe fiffjermen Chen ffanDiiig angling bp the &ca,anD fijcpcbcrDcs leaning then Cup. iDnThe eight booke of ®n atm tiic piotigfmim on tijc fwtitto of tjjcfc pi0Ucb Bebolöing ibem,amafeD inere: ano thought t^at tijcp that thoughS5> 30)c äire coulo öfe leere (Doos.anö noto Did on their left (fee fianu M%C 3feS Of Paros anö Of Dele ano Samos Iunos lano: $no on tljetr rigi)t3Lebinthos anö the faire Calydna fraught »th ifoie ofijome: fohen theiBop a froltcke courage caught Co fife at ranöonÄherebpon forking qufght hts gufee, unne tohich burnömofebofealofi, ID to make the max (tuith tohich bis toings toere glctoeb) lithe ano foft# afifone as that the ¡Map tons molt, bis nsfeeö armes be ihakes, 51hd toantmg toheretotthall to toaue no bclpeofifiirebe tabes, 2iBur calling on bis father Icud be Diotoneo in tbetoaue: {find bp this cbaunce of fits tfiofe ^?eas t)t^natwe fo? euer baufc igls tufetcbeö father (but as then no father) ertöe in fears j® Icarus flD Icarus tobcrc art thou fte 11 me Inhere Chat 3 map finue tbfe Icanis.l^c fain tbe fethers ftoim SSlpon the toaurs, ano curlf his act that fo hao fpighteö hftm St laif be tenbe his bootebpattD laiD it in a grauey 0no to the glc the name of him then burieö in it gaue. ano as he of bis to:etcbeo fonne tbs co?fc in grounö öiö biöe, Che cackling partrieb irons a ttjicbc anö feaute tbomebiraipfto Sub clapping toirb his toings fo? iop alouo to call began. Ktjere toas of that fame binöc of )15troe no mo but boas than, 3f.n times fotepafi haO none bene Inas but late aneto y ¿since be boas maoe a biro: ana that tbou Daedalus mapfircto: > fro? tohple tbe too?lo ootb laif tbp fijame (hall thereupon enfeto. j jfo? tobp tbp filterignorant of that tobfeb after bapt, 2D:d put bim to tbfe to be taught full ttoeiue peaces olö anö apt; Ko tabc inif ruction. Iffe did marke the tntoole bone tbatgoes Enough fififes, ano accoiöing to tbe patents tanc of tljofe. ^efileö toethbpmi a piece of p:on one bp one 0no fo öeuifcDirif tbe £>ato tobcrc er& toas neuer nette. f)Biecuer be too p;on ihankesTo iopnoc in one romiD head* Kirnt opening an inoifferem fpace, tbe one point ootonc (hall trrao? 0nö torber o;ato a circle rouno.Che finoing of tbefe things, Ilhe fpigbtfMH heartofDxdalus toitb fucha malice SüßOuids Metamorphofís. loo Cbat headlong from tfje |»o!p toiore of Pallas ooftme be fb?ue l£io jpepbeto fearing turn to fall bp cbatmce. tobicb toas not true* 5¡5ntPallas (tobo oosb fauour toito) did ffap fjfm in bio fall 0no djaungirrg Ijim into a Biro Dio clao pim ouer all ©Etítb federo foft amid tbe 0ire.Cbc quidmeffe of ljts toft (WLfyict) ertt toao ftoift) oíd Ojeo it felfe asnong bio fcoíngo ano facte* 0no as be fpattricf) bigbtbefo?e,fo bigbto be parirte!) if ill, pet mountetb not tino Biro aloft ne (cerneo to bauea toill Co butio b¡r nett in topo of troco among the baugbeo on fife Butttecfectb nere tbe ground ano lapes tjir eggeo in beogeo Ojie. 0no forbícaufe fjir former fall fije ap in minoe Doth bcare. -frbe cuer Gnce all loftp tbíngo doth toare Ip fijun fo? feare. 3no noto fo.rtoearieo Daedalus alighted in the laño «tbtu tbetobicljtbe burning bíllcoof firie Aetna ttano* Co fane iobofe tifeiaing Cocalus oíd toeapon tafee ín baño, jfe? tobicb men thought him mercíful.üno noto toüb bígb rcnotcne t^aD Thefeus ceatt the toofull pap of tribute in the toume ¿f Athens. Cempleo oecfeeo toeretoítb garlando euerp inhere, 0nD fupplicationo maoe ío loue ano íoarlícfee Pallas toere. Sino all the other (Sooo.Bo tobóme more bono? fo: to íboto, (Sifts,bluo of beatto,ano franfeincenfe the people oíd bettoto 0o in performance of tbetr Ootoeo.Cbe right reooubreo name £Df Thefeus through the lanoc of cSráce toao fp?eo bp Aping fame. 0no noto the folfee that in the laño of rich Achaia oíoelt, |3?aio him of fuceor in the barmeo ano perilo that tfeep felt. Sltbougb the lano Of Calydon bao then Meleager: pet toao it faine in bumble toife to Thefeus to prefer 0 fupplication for the aide of bim.Cbe caufe toberfore % Cbep maoe fucb bumble fuit to him toao tbio.Cbere toao a Bore f Che tobteb Diana for to toreafee bir toratb concepnoe before l£ao tbitber ao bir fernant fent tbe countrie for to toaatt. iFor men report that Oeme toben be bao in ttoreboufe plaatt Cbe fullencreafe of former peare,to Ceres oio atttgne Cbe firttlingo of bio co?ne ano fruito: to Bacchus,of tbe fEine: 0no Onto Pallas ©lifeopleCbis honoring of tbe <25ooo ÍDf graine ano fruito tobo put their help to topling in tbe clooo, 0mbitíauílp to all, euen tbofe that otoell inbeauen oio clime. DianaasThe eight booke of Dianaas Altars (ss it f)apt>aiortlp at that time i tbont retoaro of jf ranhmcenfe torre om rfüipt (tbep fap) Cuen (Sods arc fubieit Onto io?atb.fe f^ail not fcape atoap mnpuniibt.Cbougb tntoo?ihippcObe paflTcD me tuptbfpigbt; %)c (ball not make tjis taunt be fcapt nte tnreuengeo qutg^r, ÖDucrb Phoebe. 8no anon the font a Bo?e to Oemes grouno iDf fuel) a bugeneffe a0 no Bull coulo euer pet be tornio, 3 » Epyre ; But in Sicilie are Bullcs murb leffe than bee l^iaeiesOiOgliffcrbluO ano fire: right oicaofull Inasto fee biafcmeo necite, right Djcofull toas bis baire tobicb greto ss tbicte Miti; packing points as one of them coulo torli bp other niche. iUiO like a front of armeo pikes fef clofe in battei! rap Che ffuroie battles on bis back fftooe ffartng tp altoap. Che fcaiomg fonie toirb gnawing boarfe tobicb be ötö caff afffce, Sìpon bis large ano b?aüweö flfielO Dio tobite as CurOcs abtDe. Simong the greateff ¿Dlipbants in all the lano of Inde, ¿H 0 greater tulb than bao this Boare,pe (ball not ligbtlp finoe. &ucb lightning flakes from bis cbappes,as feareo tp the graffe, ijiolo trampleo be the fpinoling come to grouno tobe« be otb paflfe ¿poto ramping tp their ripeo hope hr maoe the plotomen toeepe. 1 0no ebankt the bernell in the earc. 3» taine tbeir floats tbepftoépe;> Bn taine tbeir Barnes fo? farueff long,the likelp ffo?c tbep keepe. ) Cbefpieaöcö SUities toitb cluffreb drapes to grouno be vuDdp fenf, Sno full of Berries looen bougbes from £ life trees be tent. £>n cattrll alfo did be rageXlje fbepehero no? bis Dog, i£o; per cbe Bulles coulo fane the heroes from outrage of this fog. Che foibe tbemfelues torre faine to file. 0nD pet tbep thought $é.not^ Bn fafetie toben tbep bao tbemfclucs toitbin the Citie got. Out til tbeir pince Meleager,ano toitb tbeir p?ince a boot £D 'ilo?os ano luff ie gentlemen of bano ano courage ffout, UMify cbofen fellotoes fo? the nonce of all the Hanos about, Buffameli tuerc to tutn rcnctone. Cbe ctjtcfe that thither came *c*ßor S&rrc both *fhe ttomnes of T y ndarus of great renolone ano fame, ca %ulkx. Che one in all actfuitit of manbooe, ffrengtb ano fo?ce, Cbe other fo? bis cunning fluii in banoling of a b<#fe. &no Iaion be that firff of all the (Salite Oio innent : 0,n o T hefeus toitb Pmthous bettuene tobfcb tiootbete toent 0fc b: Ouids Metamorphofis. ioi 21 bappleleage of amitie: and *tk»o of Thefties rare : ano Lynce tbe fonne Of Apharie and Idas ffoiff of pace. 0nd fierce Leucyppus and tbe b:aut Acailus toitb bis SDar f Bin handling of tbe tobieb Ije bad tbe perfect null and art, And Caeny tobo bp btrtb a toencb, ttjc fijape ofman bad fuonne 8nd Drias ant» Hippothous*: and Phoenix ebe tbe fonne 5Df olde Amyntor: ano * a paire cf Aftors pmpes: and Phylc ©2Hbo came from Elis, Telamon foas alfo there that turtle ♦ and fo teas alfo Peleus the great Achilles £>tre: and >rPherets fonne: ano lolay the Thebane tobo toitb fire Ipelpt Hercules tbe monffrucus beades of Hydra of to feare. «¿be Muelp Lao Eurytion and Echion tobo did beare 1 IT be p;icfee and p?ife fo; fmtcmanlbip,toere p;efentalfo there* f Snd Lclex of Narytium to.aild Panopie beffde: And Hyle: and crnell Hippafus: and Nxftor &bo that fide Mas in tbe l^ime of lufite poutb: 2Po;eouer thither toent * Cb;& children of Hippocoon from old Amide fent. 2nd t be that of Penelope the fatb.iinlato became. And else tbe fonne of Parrhafus Ancxus calo bp name. iCbcre teas ★ tbe fonne of Ampycus of great fo;ecafltng toit: and t Oeches fonne tobo of bis totfe toas bnberraped pit. !3nd from tbe Citfe Tegea there came the Jdaragone ¿DfLycey fo:rc(^Atalant,agiDDlpilaoic,one iDf Schoenyes daughters, then a spaice. £Lbc garment fl)e did toeare a b;apded burton falfned at btr go;gct.ail bir beare tSJntrtmmed in one enlp Knot teas truffed. ¿From bit left &tac banging on bir Ihoulder teas an Juoiie qnmer deft: Mbicb being full of arrotoes, made a clattring as Ifie toent. ana in bir right band the did beare a Boto afreadp bent, l^ir furniture toas fucb as tbis.lpir countnancc and bir grace Mas fucb as in a 15op might iuell be cald a Mencbes face,; ana in a blench be cald a 1115opes.Cbe prince of Calydon j£o toner call bis etc on bir, but being caught anon Bin louc,be toifijt bir to hie toife. but bnto this defire €*00 Cupid gaue not bis confent.Cbe fecret flames of fire l£e baling intoara (fill did fap: £> bappp man is be Mhom-tbis fame iiadie (hall dourbfaue bit ^ufband fo; to be £bc *?lcxippns &Toxeus. yEurytuf ejrCteatus,. \iActmctus* xEvefitni/s, %Alcon> a fro>d thicbgrofren frith trries frhich toe bnfdled to tine fcap> Beginning from a plaine,had thence a large p?ofpiit throughout Che falling grounds thateuerp frap did mulfer round about. aiTœne as that the men came there,fome pitched tip the topics, Some rcobe the couples from the Dogs,ana fome purfuoc the foples 3ln places frbere the sfrinc had tract : Defirtng fo? to fpte Chetrofeme ddfruction.^ofr rberetoasaboUofr bottom bp, JSCo toblcb the toaterihots of raine from all the high grounds d?efo ^Qlithtn the compare of this pono great 0o^e of 3Dpfpers greto : and£>allotoes lithe, andflaebring jf lags,and mco?Hh Kulhesebe, and lajfe Hades on little Arabes,and other baggage libe. jfrem hence the Bore toas rofrjcd out,ano fierflp fo?tb he flies among the thiefeetf of his foes libe thunder from the Cities, ^21 hen Cloues in mating fo?ce the bite to burtt bp biolencecuf, 3£e beares the trees before him dotone,and all the frœd about Doth found ofcrafhing.ail the pourb frith hideous nopfeand Qout againlf him bend their Boarfpcare points frith hand i courage lient 3£e rulhes forth among the Dogs that held him at a bap, . and nom on this flee nom on that,as anp come in map, > m rippes their ffetnnes and fplitteth them,and chafeth the aioap. Eel lion firff of all the rout a Dart at him oidibrofr, ©ahich miff and in a Staple trié Did giuc a little blofr Æfye tiert (tf he that tbreto the fame had bfed Idler might, ) K\)t bacbeat tuhiebbe aimed it mas libelp to? to fnught. 311 ouerflem himJaibn mas the man that calf the Dart. Mcj>pts.. ^tth that the fonne ofAmpycus rape ; Phoebus (if mith hart 31 haue and ft ill doe frorfotp tljré) nom graunt me fo? to hit SEhethfng that3 doe leuell at. Apollo graunts him it as much as lap in him to graunt. I$e hit the â>frine in téde» But nepther en teed he his hibe no? caufed him to blade. Jfo? mhp Diana (as the Dart mas Aping) rœbe afoap JEhehead of it : and fo the Dart could tjeadleffe beare no fisap* But pet the mæoie beaff fherebpmas fet themo?eon fire 0nd chafing libe the lightning (Unit he dttreth forth his ire. Di;e itre did fparble from his epes ; and from his bopling b?eflQuids Metamorphoiìs. ioz ^ebjeatbeo flamfngflahes of fire concepneo in bis cheff. , Sino tabe ito tb tobat a toolenrbjunt a migijtte Miet goes .from engines bent again® a inali,o? bulinarlo fall of foes : WL ten cuen fucb Violence rnibt tbe binine among tbe l^unfs a mapne> Sito ouerttoeto Eupalamon ano Pelagon botb t Inaine Ebat in tbe rigbt toing placeo tnere.Cbeir fellolnes ffepping fa Ano oiatoing tbem atoap,oio fane tbe ir lines toitb mueb a 0ot S5uc as fo^ pto;e Enefunus Hippocoons Tonne bao net ■; Ebe luche to fcape tbe oeaolp oinM^e tooulo atoap bane gof, J Sno trembling turnoe bis bache fo: frare.Cbc binine bim oncrta>fee> * Sino cut bis bamfirings,fa tbat fireigbt bis going bim fo?fcoUe, W «J3no Nxftor to baue Iotibis Ufe toas lifce &p fontine ere Ebe flege of Troie,but tbat be trohe bis rtfì bpon bis fpeare : B 0no leaping qutcfelp bp bpon a tré tbat fi©oc baro bp, ’ SDtofafelpftom tbe place bebolo bis foetnbome be oìo Aie. f (s 2Cbe JlBoare tben topetting fljarpe bis tnffees againfl tbe £>fcen to©0 b Eo mifebiefe Dio prepare btmfclfe toitb fierce ano cruellmajo. fi. 0no miffing to bis toeapons tobicb be fbarpenco bao a ncto, gr 3n great Onthyas tbigb a toouno toiib b®beo gropne be o?eto, Ebe baliant brothers tbofe fame ttninnes of Tyndams (not pet afar Celeffiall fignes) oio both of them on conrfcrs fit & Max. È Ss inbite as fnoto : ano ecb of tbem bao (baking-in bis fili a iigbtfomeJDart toitb beaoofffcele to ttoototttoberebelpff, \ 9no fo? to toonno tbe toiffieo U5o?e tbep furelp bao not miff * 315ut tbat be filli reconerco fo tbe coucrrs of tbe tomo, Ebat neptber bo?fe coulo fblloto bimitto? S>art Ose anp gtoO, gitili after follotoeo Telamon,inborn taking -fobiefeste 5j |ìo béoe at allfc? egerneiTe,a $paple tinte oio méte, Mbicb trippeo tip bis béles,ano flat againfi tbe grounO bim laiq. Sino inb'lc bis b?otber Peleus relieneo bim, tbe spaio £>f Tegea tolte an arroto fto(ft,ano ibot it from btr boto, Ebe arroto lighting tmocrneatb tbe bauers eare bploto, Suo fometobat rating of tbe fkin,oio make tbe blono to (boto, ,, Ebe spa^torfelfó not glaooer toas tofétbatlncfcie bloto, Eban toas tbe |0?inee Meleager.$e tnas tbe firfi tbat fato, Sno firfi tbat (betoeo to bis spates tbe bino tbat ibe Dio o?ato t . Sino famfo; tbis.tbp Valiant art ineiono? (bali féwt batic, " EbeThe eight booke of Cbe men Dio blufb,anD (bearing bp ecb other courage gaue. ©Eiith lbonttng,ano otfo?ocrlp tbetr Oarts bp heaps tbep tbÄ Che number of them bmo?eo them,not fuffring to enfefo Cb« anp lightco on the marfee at fofocb tbep ail Dio ante. Bebolo, enragbe agatnff bis cube the barote Jmtgbt that came j*rom Arcadie,ruHjt rai^lp foitb a foliar in fos fill am? fato pou ponglings learne of me fobat Difference is bettoiS a foenebes focapons auD a mans: ano all of pou glue place Co mp rcooubrcD fo^cc. fo; rbcugb Diana in this chafe i j £>bouio foitb bir otone foielo him ocfcno,pct fijoulo this bano ofmine I i CEucn maugre tDame Dianaas heart confounD this o?peD £>foine, j £>ucb boaffing foo;os as tbefe though Pitoe piefumptuouflp beträte 1 { ano ffrepning out hirafelfe bpon bis tiptoes (Freight be tabes 11 l£fs foliar bp toftb both his banos.But as this dagger meat ! \ Co fetch his blofo, the cruell bead his malice did p?euent: ] anD in his coDDes (the fpÄDing place of Death) his tufihes puts, [ ano nppetb bp his pauncbe.Oofone falles A nexus ano his guts j Come tumbling out befmearoe foitb blouD,anD fopleo all the plot, \ Pirithous Ixions fonne at that abalheo not: j But Ibafemg in his baliant hano his hunting ffaffe DiD goe fenll ffoutlp fo;foaro face to/ace Rencounter forth his foe Co fohome EDuhe Thcfeus criDe a farre.O Dearer bttto mee Chan is mp felfe,mp foule 3 fap,ffap: lafofull foe it fee 5F0? baliant men to feape alasfe. Che oucr barote hart I gn rath aouentring of hint felfc hath maoe Ancxus fmart. | ChisfcD,heffoetoa foctghtieOartofCo?ncllfoith aheao j Of toaffe: fohich being leuelo foell foas libelp to haue fprD, j But rhat a bough of Chcffnut tree thtchlcareo bp the foap \ 2Dtoiatchit,anDbpmcancsihcrofthcDmtofirotDifap. i another Oart that Iafon th?tfojbp fortune miff the Bo?e, i ano light betfoene a ipafftfes chaps, ano rfoougb his guts D(Dgo& ano natio him to the earth. £L he hano of prince Meleager ! plato hitipmtffte. Of tfoo Oatts his firfl oto flie to far, l ano Itghtco in the grouno: the nertamio his baefee ffiebtfaff. ano fohtie ti;cBo?c Dioplap the ficno ano furneorcunoagadj ano grnntmgfiang his fome about togithcrnnrttmihbiflJb I Chcgttijer of the foouno (tbento;eto Cure bis entities nticD,) jOuidsMetamorpliofis. 105 j&tept in, ano bnoerneatb tfje írtelo oto tb?uif fjfs !5oarfpeare tb?ougb. Cattail the punters Routing out oemeaneo íop ínongb. 0nD glao toas be that firff mígtjr como to tafee bim bp tbe baño, 8bout ti)t bglp beafí tbep all tDttf) glaoneffe gnjing llano SnD toono?tng totjat a fíelo of grouno f)ío carcaffe oto potTeffe? íCbere ourfí not anp be fo boloe to touch hun.#ercrbelrfíe, ICbep euerp of them toitb bto blouö tfjeír bunting ffaueo maoe reo, SCben ffeppeo fo?rb Meleager,ano treaotng on bí0 beo á>ato tfcuo; j© ilaofe Atala nt, receíue tbou bere mp feé, 0no of mp gloríe boucb tbou fafe partafeer fo? to bcé. Blmmeotatlptbebglp beao toitb botb tbetuflbe0b?aue «<0nD efee tbe Afín toitb b?íffle0 fíur rígbt grieflp, be btr gaue, STbe ilaoíe fo? tbe gtuero rafee,toao in btr beart as glao 00 fo? tbe gift, Cbe reft repínoe tfjat íbe fucb bono? bao. Eb?ougb all tbe rout íoao murmuring. tobem toitb ro?íng reare . Sino armeo oífplapo that all tbe fíelo mígbt eafíp fié ano beare, s SCbe Theftics crteo SDame come óf ano lap Os botone tbí0 gcare* * 0nO tbou a tooman offer not bo men fo great a fíjame, 0o toe to topie ano tbou to tafee tbe bono? of our game. ßt let that faire fmeotb face of tbine bfguile tijaMeaff that feá Cbat being ooteo in tbp loue oto giue ttjee tbio our fne, 3l5e oner farre to refcoto tb&.0nb toitb that too?D tljcp tcebe SCbegift from bir,ano right of gift from bim.^e coulo not b?oi6e SCbia to?ong: but gnaíbíng toitb bio tátb fo? anger that oíd bople Within,falo fíerflp: leame pe pou that other feto Difpople SDf bono? giucn,tubat Diffrence í0 bettoánc pour tb?eat0,ano oéDe&. 0no tberetoitball Plexippus b?elf (tobo no fucb matter 0?té0es) TOtbtoicfeeotoeaponbeoio pierce 80 Toxey Doubting if®o Mbat inapto tafee,Oeßrfng both t’aouenge bte biotbero blc%. 0no fearing to be murtbereo ao bio b?otber toas bcfo?e, Meleager (to Dtfpatcb all Doubro of mufing anp mo?e> £Dio beate bio fmo?0 fo? campante in blouö of bim agaúie, Befoje Plexippus blouo toao rolo that oto thereon remains. Althaea going totoaro Church toitb p iefento fo? to pilo S)ue tbanfeeo ano too?(bip to the €5ooo that fo? btr fonne bao fitio-SUbeBoare,bebelö bir b?ctber0 o?ought home oeaoano bp ano bp &be beate bir b?efí7anofíloe the totone toitb l&tefeing piteeuflp, 0noThe eight booke of 0nD lifting all bir rich arap, too put on mourning fo&De 3!5ut toben fije finoerlf ©De tojmt man toas Doer of tbe Deeoe, t £>be left all monrnmg,anD from teares ta ficngeance Did p?ocaoe/ Chrte toas a certain* fireb2anD tobicb loben Oenics toife did lie Bin cbiloebeo of Meleager, fye cbaunceD to cfpie Cbe SDcff nies putting in the fire: anD in the putting in, g>be t;earD them fpeafce fycte too?Ds,as fhrp bte fataU tb?0tDeoto (pin* «D latelp bo?ne,ltke time Ice gtue to tb&anD to this b?ano. 0nö tebeu tjjep fo bao fpoken,tbep oeparteo out of bans. BmmcDtatlp the mother caught the biasing bough atoap, 0jbe b:o ugljt it fo;tb,anD caufingail tbe eoales ano ßitucrs fe 3¡3e tapes bp,(be like a foe DiD kinole fire thereto. jFoto?c times (be teas about to calf the fireb?ano in the flame: j?oto?c times (be pnlleD backe bir banD from Doing of the fame. 8 s mother anD as Offer both (be If roue tubat leap to go: Che Dtuers names D?eto Diuerflp bir lfomacke to ano fro. |}tr face toart often pale fo: feare of mifebiefe to enfue: 8nö often rcD about tbe etes through beste of ire (be greto. ID ne tobile bit lenke refembleD one that tb?eatneD cruelneffe: another (chile pe IcoulD fcaue thought (be mmoeo pinoufnrffc. 0no though the cruell burning of bir heart did D?tebtr tcarcs, |$et burff out fome.0nD as a lBoate tcbicb tiDe contrarie beared 0gaiulf the U)inDe,fales Double fo?ce,ano tscompelo to palDe Co both. &o ThelUes Daughter note finable fo? to tocloe l£ir Doubtfull palftons,Dtuerflp is earieD of auo on, 0no cbaungeablp (be toares ealme,ano lfo?mes againeanen. 3I5ut better fiiferginnetb(be than mother fo? to be, 0nö to tbmtent bir b? others gbolfes toitb blouD tofjono?,(be Bln meaning to be one leap kinDe,Dotb too?kc another leap 0gatnff kmoeÄhen the plagte fire toartffrong (be thus DiD fsp ilct this fame fire mp botoels burne. 0nD as in eurfeD bauDS Che fatall totoo (be bolDing at the l^elltlb 0ltar ffanos: &bc fata petriple €5oDDefles of to?eake, pe l^elbounDs tb?$ »bclDc pe all thus furiousfaa ano facrifice of uue.O uids Metamorplioíís. xc 3í tu:caíie,anD no againff all right: toitb Death muff Death be papDc: tretbaf Doth bpon bint flap. ¿fölbp inhere ts noto the mothers bearí ano píete that Cotilo raigne 3n parents i ano the ten spontbes pames tbat once 3 oto fuffaine i .€> toculD tetSoo thou borneo bao a babie m this b?ano, ano that 3 bao not tane tt out ano quenebt ft toitb mp bantr. Ebat all this tobíle thou lineo baff,mp genaneffe is the caufe. ano noto moff iuff Ip Onto Death tbtne otoñe Deferí rt;u D?atoc& ífóecetue the gueroon of tbp DúDt: ano renDcr thou agen Ebp ttoice giuen life, bp bearing firff,anb fcconoarlp toben 3 caught this 8reb?ano from the flame: o? elfe come Drale toitb me as toit^mp baotbers^no toitb them let meentumbcD be, 3 tooulo, ano cannot.Wl bat then fljall 3 ffanD to to this cafe ¿ £Dne tobile mpbjotbers co?fes fume to pjeafe bcfc?e mp face Mitb Ituelp image of their Deaf «.another tobile me mince $Dotb puloe to pine,ano the name of mother Doth me bltnoe $o d too tjs me. Co let pou bane tbe hpper banD is ftnne: SBut neretbcleffe the hpper banc €> b?otberseoe pou totn^ Conotcionlp that toben that 3 te comfort pou toitballThe eight booke of l^aue brought tbfo fcate,mp felfe to pou refo;c in per fen ffjau, Chio fed,lbe turnde atoap bir face,and toitb a trembling band &>id call tty deatbfull b;and amid tty burning fire. Che b^anu SDid tyttyt figb,o; feme to figb in burning in theflame, mtycb fo;ie ano bntoilltng toao to fatten on tfje fame. . Meleager being abfent ano not fenotuing ought at all Wäas burned toitb this flame: and felt bio botoelo to appall »tb fecret fire, i$e bare out long the paine toitb courage flout. 3i5utpet it grieued him to die fo cotoardlp iuitfjouc 2Cbe Redding of bio blond, l£e thought Anceus fo; to be & happie man that dide of toound. toitb fighing called he Slipon bio aged father,and bio fittero,and bio brother, „ and lattlp on bio toife to, and bp chaunce bpon bio mother. $f0 paine encreafed toith the fire,and fell tberetoith againe: and at the felfe fame inttant quigbt ertinguilbt toere both tfoafoe. and ao the afljeo foft and bo?e bp lepfure ouergreto Che glotoing coaleo: fo lepfurlpbio fpirit from him d;eto. Chen d;ouped ttatelp Calydon.iBotb pong and olde did mournc Che &o;do and Commono did lament. and marieo toiueo tuith to;ne 0nd tattred hatte did criealao. l£io father did berap tio bo;ie bead and face toith butt,and on the earth flat lap, > Hamenting that be lined bad to fee that toofull dap $ 3fo; no to bio mothero giltie band had fo; that cur fed crime £Done erecutton on bit felfe bp ftoo;o befo;e bit time. 3lf c^od to me a buno;eb moutbeo toitb founding tongtteo ihoulo fend, Snd reafon able to concepue,and tberebnto ibould lend $pc all the grace of eloquence that eretbe spufeo bad, 3! could not fljeto the too toberetoitb bio fiffero toere beffad. SHnmtndfull of tbeir high ettate, their naked b;etto tbep fmft, ^inttll tbep made them blacbe and bleto.Slnd tobtle bio bodie pit Remained,tbep did cbertfl) it,and cbertlh it againe. Cbcp httt bio bodie: pea tbep fettt the cbitt that did containe 19io co?fe. ttitd after that the co;fe toao burnt to alheo,tbep £)id pjeffe hie alheo toitb thetr b;ctto: and dotone along tbep lap iHpon hto tuntb, and there embjatte bio name bpon thettone, 3nd fillde the lettero of tljc fame toith teareo that from them length Diana fattffidc toith flaughter b;onghtbpon .Quids Metamorphofis. ioy Ebe bottfe of Ocnie,lifts the m t?p toith fetbers euerfebonr, (§>aue Gorgcc anD tbe Daugbfrtnlato of noble Alcmene) anD Shakes Icings to Creteb along tbetr CDes, anD bo?tuD nebs to CanD. Upon their mourbes.9tiD finally (be altrtng qulgbt tl.eir falre anD natlue Ciape,m Ibape of Biros Dtotb fent them tljjcug^ tbe Tire* Ebe noble Thefeus m this toljile toith others hawing Donne teis part tn ktlltng of tbe Boarc, tco Athens tosrD brgonne JCffl take bis toap. But Acheloy then being ftoolnc toith rains £>io Cap him of bis iournep,anD from paffage blm rcCratne. £>f Athens baliant knight (quoth be) come bncerneatb nip rcofe, SnD fen to paffe mp ragtng Creame as pet attempt no p:ccfe. ^Cbis b:coke ts boom tobolc trees fee bearc anD euelong Cones to earrp fsaitb bibeous ro;mg Doton bis Creame. 3 oft baue feenc blm barrp Mbole s>bepcores Canomg nere bis banks,toith flocks of C^crpc tbertnf $ougiir bcoteo buls tbetr Cregtbmougbt Cartes bp finiftncs there coulD §*ea manp luCie men tb’S b?mke batb ftoallotoeD,toben p fnoio (tom* jfrom mountames molten,raufeo btm bis banks too ouerfloto. E(je bcC is fo? pou fo? too reC bntill tbe Kiuer fall Mitbm bts bounDes: anD rmtne agemr toitbrn bis cbancll fmall. Content tquotb Thefeus): Acheloy,3 toill not fure refufe Cbp counfell no? tbp boufe.ftno fo be botb of tbrm DID fcfe. £Df Pomnp boliotoeD DtucrUn anD raggcD Pebble Cone Ebe toalles lucre maoe Ebe flco?e tout) sr oCe teas foft to trcaD bpon. Ebe rcofe thereof toas cbeckertotfe toitb (belles of purple to?ougbt 0nD perle. Cbe §>unne tben full tioo parts of Dap to enD baD brought, &no Thefeus Dotone to table fate toitb fuebas late before $aD fnenolp borne bint companie at killing of tbe Bo?e* 9 tone CDe fate Ixions fonne^nD on tbe other fare Ebe prince of Troyzcn Lelex toitb a thin bearoe bo?ie pate» 9no tben fuebotberas tbeb?a>heof AcamaniaDtD Cloncbfafe tbe botto? to bis too?D anD table fo? to bib, Mbo teas right glaD of fucb a gueC.3mmc6iatlp there came BarefcoteD jjipmpbes tobo b?ougbt in meatc.9nD toben that of tl;e fame Ebe I02DS bad taken tbetr rcpaC,tbe meate atoap tbep toke, 9nD fet Dotone totne in p?ecious Cones. Eben Thefeus tobo DID Imkc iHpon tbe s>ea ibat bnoerneatb DID lie tottbin tbetr ftgbt, > £>aio uell bs tobac is ponfame place, (anD to«b bte fingar right > • p.i,The eight booke of ïpœ popntebtberebnto) 3 p;ap,ano fobat tîjai 3lam> bigbf, ¿Itbougb it færnetb mo than one.£b* &iuer anffocrb thus, gc is not one mapne lano alone tfjat fcenneo is of bs, iCfjere are fcppon a f£ue of tbem.Cbe oiffauncc of tfjc place, JuDcdcIj ijmoer to Dtfcerne betfoecne ecbelle tbe perfert fpace. !3nb tfjac tbe leflTc p& tuonber map at Phcebces act a late, Co fucb as ba&neglotcb ber bppon eon tempt o; bate, Cbcis 3les ioere fumtpme Maternimpbes * &bo tjaufrtg hflleti ^çgfç Ciupre fp«e,ano cal'eb to rbep? ficaff tbe Ccuntrp €5obs r® eate, JFo;gerfing mæ kept frclicfee cljœ tfjat gan 3 to fiueil, 0no ran mo;e large rtjan euer er$. anb being oner fell gntf omaefee ano in iireamc,3 rent tbe inob from inob,mib f&fo * L Sf ra fcslb, i toitb tbe grounb tbe $pmpbes as then ioftb tfomaefes mate ftemcmfcing mae, g tumbleb to tbe è>ea.Cbe toaues of mé 8nb of tbe fea tbe groimD that erft all lobolc toas tuojnt tco bè E>tb tenu a funber into all rfjc glespou ponber fœ, £inb mabc a iuap fa; fcoaters nota tco paffe betioéne them fro. Cbep nolo of Vrchins bane tbep;name.3l5ut of tbeis 3lanù0,,on$ 8 great loap of i beljolD pee) flranos a great fcoap of alone, iSspou map fce.£be ¿partners bo call it Peiimell. Miil; ber (fljœ ions as rben a $pmpb) fa farre in loue 3 fell, Chat of ber mapbenbob 3 ber fpoplb : tobicb thing bifpleafofofo;e iper father &(t Hippodamas, that from tbe craggp fbo?e ïpe tb;ehj ber beablong boione to biotone ber in tbe fea.HBnt3 ¿Dib latcb ber ffreigbt, anb bearing ber a flote cib loiob thus crie. £) Neptune toifb tbp tb;œtpnbe ¿pace &b& baS bp lot tbe charge £>f all clje iuaters luplbe that boanb bppon tbe eartb at large, Co tobom tree bolp tfreames bo ranne, in ¿borne face faite our tnD* £D;ato neere,anb gen tip to mp bonceffectuailpattcnb. Cbîsïlâbfe iobomc 3 ¿are a 8ote mpfelfe bail; burt.Bæ màfce £no bprigbt.Jf Hippodamas perebatmre iocre fatbcrloke, £>; if tbar be crfremitie though outrage bib not fesbe* %)t ougbtcb to bane pitirb ber anb fo: to beare ioifb mô* ¿oit? belp bs Neptune 3 th® p;ap,anb ccnbefccnb that ib® (Mbom from tbe lanb ber fathers to;atb nnb cruelneflfe both c&ate > Mbo fb;ougb l;ec fathers crut Incite is b;otonb : map fmb tbe grace apD tints. Qfnmeafttrable is tbepoto?cof beauet^ano it Can baue none cno,0no lobe tobat Coo ootb mpno to b?ing about, ta!*e effect. 0no in this cafe to put pa out of oottt, Xpon the billes of Phrygie nére a Ceple there ifanos a tré Cf Cke enclofeo toitb a toall. sppfelf the place oto fé. Jfo? Pithcy Onto Pelops félos OiO feno mé ¿here bis father m fumtptne retgnc.not farre fro thence there is a pole tohieh rather l^ao beueotp grouno tnhabite0.1!5ut noto it is a meare 0no £po?ccocks, Cotes,ano Co?mo?antsoo b?éoeano nelfle there. Che mtghtie Ioue ano Mercurie his fonne in Shape of men &efo?tco thither on a tpme.0 thoufano houfes toben ifo? route to looge in thep hao fought, a thoufano houfes baro Chep;0o.ìcs againff ctom.$erctbeleffeone Cotageaftcrtoaro Kecepueo them,ano that toas but a pelting one in oéoc. Che rofe ttjerof toas tljatctoo all toitb tirato ano fenniff; réoe. ^otobét ttoo honett auneient foibe, (of tohom lb® Baucis bight 0no he Philemon) in that Cote thep? fapth in pouth hao plight : 0no in that Cote hao fpent thep? sge.0no fo? thep pacientip SDio beare tfjep? fimple poucrrie,tl;ep rnaoe it light therebp, 0nDihetoeo it no thing to bé reppneo at arali.The eight booke of 3¡ mates not toljctbcc tUcrc fot Ipyntcs o; spatffer yon e® tall, ifo? all tbe boufijolfi toere but ttoo: anfi both of them obcpDe, Ena both commaunöcD.dSHbf n tbe (Dods at this fame Coragc ffaib, 9no fiucUfng Dotone tbcir bfaDs,toirbtn tbe loto made »cbet came Philemon bunging ecba fftalc,baöc reff topón tbe fame Ebcir Itumies: anö büße Baucis brought tbent qmffjons fjontelp gárc, Mtocb Done,tbe embers on tbe bartb tye gan ab?ooe to ffárc, Sino lain tbe coales togitbcr that tocre raabt bp ouer nigbf, anfi tottb tbe beanos anD D?ieD leaues DID make them gather might, ano toitb tbe blotorng of bir motub fiíümahe them binóle bright, Cben from an inner boufe fije fetebt fcarc ff tefes ano elifteö b?anos, kino put tbem^ofern bnDernratb a &feillet tottb bir baños. p ii^tr l^ufbanfi ftbsubetr <2?arficuptot fetebt Coletooffs.Of tbe Uff)írb ébe ßjjeaoeo fmail tbe leaues,ano toitb a ifozfee tcofee Dotone a flitch j0f reírle Bacon from tbe Balhc tnaoe blacbc toitb fmobejanocut a patee tbcrcof,ano in tbe pan to bopling oio it put. Sino tobtle this mrate a fettbmg toas,tbe time in talbe tbepfpent* Bp meanes tobereof atoap toitbout much tcDoufneffe it toent. £ btre bung a Boatole of Batche fcpon a fpirgef bparing. £bc fame totrb toarmeD toater filio tbe tto© olo folfee Difi b?ing Cm batbe ctjeir gueffs foule fette fbcrein.amtfi tbebcufe ÉrrcffoD £1 Couch tobofe bottom fiocs ano fette toerc all of öaUoto tomo, anö on tbe fame a spat of hefige. £bep caff bpon this bcö J SI coat ring tob’eb toas neuer toont bpon it t© be fp^cD Creep? it mere at folcmne feaffes: ano pet tbe fame toas olöe ílnboftbe eourfeff,toitba beO of falloto macte tmboloe» CbeCoDs fate ootone.Ebe ageotoife right ebare anD bride as a Bat, fer out a table, of rbe tobteb tbe tbtrfie feote toas a little fijo?tor than tlje reff.a rple^ero maoe it cuen ¡3 no r©be atoap tbe ffjo^tngncffe: ano toben tbcp bafi it Djiurit Co ffano bp lenell, toitb gratae tpfiucs tbep bp ano bpit totpte. Qjyfi, Eben fet tbep on it ^Pallas fruite toitb Double colour ffttpte. 0no Come Is feep t m ptcHte mopff,ano Cnfituc, anD a rente ápf KaDi£b,anD a lollp lump of Butter freff) anD fate* Üno Cgges rearc roffeD.8U tbefe Cates in earthen ciffieß came* £bm fet tbep Dotonc a grauen cup mafic alfo of tljefame ¿S'clfc fetnbe oí]¿)late,ano $pa|crs mafic ofBcecb tobofe inner fpoeOuids Metamorphoiis. 107 ©Has ruljDlxiitf) peilotu inar.SlnD luijcn tbep pafofcb ijao a tpbc, ©Hbote meate fame ppping from tljefp?e.0nb tberebpon 0 cup of granebebg fepne inas brought. Cbfs tancatnap, anon Came in the lattercourfe,tobicb boas of $utS;,£>ates3D?veb figgcs ic>bfate fmclling Apples in a ipatnnb maDe flat of Cpfper rfoiggns* 0nb l$:uncs ano $$iums a no purple grapes cut nctolpfrom the tree* 0ntr in tpc mtDOcs a bonnpcomb tutu tahen from the Bee, Bcfpbes ail this there Dio enfeto g©b countnanteoucimoje, ©Hith toill not p©?e no? mgarblp,$oln all the lubple bcfo?e, 0s ofen as Philemon anb E>ame Baucis Dili percepue f:be emptie Cup to fill alone,anb tupne t© ftiSl reccpue, majeb at the firaungeneffc of the thing, tfjep gan If repgbt heap ©Hstb fearfull harts ano banes htUo bp t© frame themfelues fco p?ap. JIDefp?iHg fo? thep? flenber cljfere ano fare r© parbonrb bee, &t}ep hab but one peje C©fe inhicb feept then? little Cennantr©, 0nb this f© offer t© the Cobs thep? gueff es tbep bib intenb. Uhe Canber fopgbc of imng bib raafce1he nolo olb folbc t© fpcnb Efjep? papnes in bapne,anb moftr them long.St length be fame t© flpe fa fucco? t© the Cods rhcmfducsjfobo babe hr fijeulo not bpe. 3fo?fo© bee Cods (quoth tbep) anb all this inicheb tobmeibipiball 0bpe their gplt.Cn pou alone this tmfchaf fljall not fall. $0 mo?e but giuepou bp pourboufe,anofGlloU)bp tljishiU £©gfther,anb bpon the top thereof abpoe onr tot It, £hep bothr obepb.Sno as the Coos bio leab the foap before, p £fjep laggeb flofolp after iuitb tljcp? fiaues,ano labozeb fo?e > 0geintt the rpftng of the bill. £bep lucre not micble mo?e y £hatt full a flpgbffijct from the top,toben l©fung baefee tbep fatu t£oto all the tobme foas b?otoneb fane tbeir Ipttle fijeb offiratn, ¿no as tbep U)®nb?eb at the thing ano bib beinaple the cafe Cf thofe that bao tbep? nepghbours b©ne,the olo p©?e Cote fo bafe ©3 hereof tbep bab beene ottmers erfi,became a Cburcb.Cbe p?oppes ©Here turneb into pillars hotngc.Chc firatu bppon the toppes ©¡las pcllotn/o that all the r©f bib fame of burnifijt golb: £he fl©.jc bmb garble paueb iuas.Che b©?es on eptber folb ©Here grauen,0t the fight hereof Philemon anb his mafee Began t© p?ap in feare.Chen Ioue thus gentlp them befpabe/ ^Declare thou rpgbtuotofe man,ano thou flD logman meete t© baneThe eisrht booke of O 0 rpgbruotofc botofbanb tobat pa fooulo moff tljaflp toilb o? eraur, Philemon taking conference a little toitb 1Us inpfe, ^Declared botbe tbep? mornings thus.» couet during Ipfe, ^our Cbaplcpnes fo? t© bee feo Ueepe pour Cemple. 0nb bpcaufe iDur pares in conco?D toa baue fpent, 3 p?ap toben &catb neere tyafow &et botbe of bs tmgitber leaue our hues: that neptber 3 JBebolb mp inputs seceace, no? OEjae fa mpne toben 3 b© bpe. £bep? toifl) bsD fequele totbcp? toill.0s long as Ipfe bib laif, £bcpfecpt the Cburcb.^no batng fpent toitb age of peares fo?epaff, 313p cbaunce as ffanbing on a tpme tnitbout tbe £emplc b©?e £l;ep tolD tbe fo?tune of tbe place,Philemon olb anb p©?e &ato Baucis fl©?iilj grane toitb leaues, $ Baucis fain libetopfe Philemon b?auncbing out in bougbes anb ttoigs befo?e bir epe& 0no as tbe USarfe bib ouergroin tbe bcabes of botbe,ecbe fpabe £© otber tobple tbep mpgbt.0t laft tbepccbc of them bib tabs £bcp? leaue of otber botbe at once,anb tbcretottball tbe barb SDib bpbe tbep? faces both at once. £be Phrygians in that park 2D© at tbis p?efcnt Dap ff ill tbeto tbe tras that Ibapeb toere £Df tl;ep? tin® bobics,groining pit togitber topntlp there. £beis tinng3 did auncient men rcpo?t of creott berie g©b. Jro? inbp there tnas no caufe inbp tbep flbould lpe.0s 3 there fltob 3 fain tbe garlanbs banging on tbe bougbes,anb abbing ncin j iBà giuen to fucb as bono? him toitb feare anb reuerenee freto. I$e bills l;fs peace,anb botbe the thing ano be that bib it fell ¿Did mone them all,but The feus moff.MhQm being nipnbeb ineil £0 bare of to©nb?aus things,the b?©he of Calydon thus befpafce. Ebete arc sD imhanr hnpgbt fun? foibe that has the puWe t® tabe ètraunge ibape fo? once?anb all their Ipues contineineb in the fame, 3nb ot&crfam t© fwiD2ie fljapes baue poiner tbcmfelucs to frame, 03 tbouiD Pro tew binclling in the fea that clàpes the lanb. jffo? noto ap©nker,notoaboarc,ancna&poH,anb fetrepgljt inap thott Diblf become a &nahe, ano bp anb bp a SBuIl £bat people mere afrapb of tkà t© fee tbpbameo fbull. 0no often tpmc0 tbou fambe a Cone,anb noto anb then a tra, 0uD counterfeiting toater (bare tbou fameblf oft to bà 0 H:uct; ; ano another tobple contrarie tberebnt© £!>ouOuids Metamorphofis. 108 1 Cbon fratta fp.2e.j2o leflTer potoer tfjan alto ttjns to no Jjjao Eriiiftftons oaughtsr frhom Awtolychus tobe to topfe. |£er father fraa a perfon ttiat OefppfcO ail fra Ipfe H Cfrpofr?eof Co biffe the clotoeta frith her top that p?anba frith b?auncbea fo. * Cfra fpoben, a a he fuieabt fra are afpoe to fetch fra bio to, i; Che manali Me oio quatte ano fpgfrthe aco;nea that Dio grofr Cfrreon togitfrr frith the leanea to fret full pale began, ® 2no fyttnbing in fo? feate the boughea ano b?auncbca lobcO fran» ? adone aa that fra curfeo hano hao frotmoeo once the tré, *'■ Che bloO came fpfnnlng from the carf,aa fteihlp aa pa fa n 3t iffue from a iBullocba neebe tohofe tfrote ia nefrlp cut J 313cfo:c the altar,fehen fra fleflEj to facrifpfe fa put. ® Chep frere amajeo eucrp:hone.ano one among them all i Co let the to febeo act,Ourlf from the tré fra hatchet call. Che lefro TheiTalian facing btm fapo : Cabe thou bére to thè $ Cfr gocroon of thp goolpncife, ano turning from the tra, l£e choppeo of the fcllotoea beao.amfrcb Done,he frent agen ! ano fratoeo on the Me. if reight from arnto the tré aa then Cfrre iffueo fuch a founo aa tfra.SSliifrn thia tra ofroll 3ì The eight boote ©f S! j3pmpbf©Ceres bcrp Dare,fobo nofo befóle 3 Ope 3¡n cornioli afinp escati B03 giue tb© toatntng tbon (baie bpe %tv Dcoing cére imttjin a toljplc. tje goetb fotlfnllp é)fíiIíbo?rougbtoitbb^íü^eDnclIfe,tjntilUt lengrb tfjc£Dbe jpullo partip bp tbe fo¿cc of ropee, ano cut fottb arte ftrofce, 'feto fall,ano fottìi W foepgbt bare oofone of bnoer fooeb greatffoje, 1 SCbe W[ ©Dnpmpbeo fottb rfjc loffee of tbe fo©0g ano tbepgs fpgtjtlc?} SmajeDjgatbereo on a totano all in moanrmg foaoe ÌK&ent fao fa) Ccres?p;aptng ber reo fo.tcafce tbat foicbeb OréOe &)f ErifittÌions,Ceres u?ao contení tt fljeulo bre fe,; Sino fottb tbe ino«mg of ber beao in nooottig tra ano fro, è>b© Ih©bc tbe fólocs fobici) laoen foere fottb frutefull pariteli tljo, , Sito tfecefottbaHa puniffjmcnc moti ptteons Ih© pjocàoes % co put in p?actpfe : foere tt not tbat bis moff bepncua oeeces, jjìo pitie Dio oeferue tic baue at anp booteo bano. Mttb Ijclpclcffc bungar bini r© ppue,m purpofe ílj© oto flano. Sino fotafmttcb a* fg© berfelfano fantin mpgbt not máte. CJTog fare fogbiDOcrb fainin t© abpoe foitbin tbe l©te tCibcrc plentie fa) Oj© tbus befpaUs a fap.tte of rlje bill.. 2èljere Ipetb in tbe btmoff lotmos of scartane tbe chili Sì Diàrio piacela fotetebeo foplc, a barreine plot : no grapne, $0 frute, 110 f r©,is grofotng tbere : bat tbere o©tb ap remante clnfoélafome golo,fottb tremblmg icariano paleneffe folate a* elofof, Sno fcoDlelFe famtn.iMtil tbou ber tmmcoiatl? foitbofot SDciap tío ffjephetfelf fatto ite ffcmsrke of thè foitetcb, Sino let itf plentte ffatmcb ber fotee. bat lei l)tt footing (fretti Si bone tbe p olmc of mà.Sup leali tbe longneffe of tbe toap ipap malte cb© forane, tabe tbou bare mpebarpot : tabe % fap S5p Ogaggons fa; io beareib© tbfougb tbe faping fo ¿begaue bsr tbem .¿be^pmpb menni# £p,atu> flping tbettee affilio Sìipgbts tu Scythy latrano bp f ¡¿eraggeo top ofbpe f^cunr Cauca fus Dtocaufe btr àmabes foftijinucb a Dea rceffpe. Mberr fectung long fot famm,ib© tbe gaptotboelfc Dio fppe SUniD a barre tne Coup fóto a rsinpttsg bp tbe graffe SSittb ougJp,naple5,anD ebanfemg tt.l^er face palecolouro fose. I£ir beare foas barilj ano ff;nlc, ber epes foere futi ben in ber beao* ■j,Quids Metamorphofis $er fbinnrtoas ffarcfreo,ano fo Hjérc a man mpgfrt tocllefppe Cfre t3crte botoels in fier buffe froto euerp one Dio Ipe. atto efee abone frercourbeO lopnes ber toítfrereo frippes toere fame. 1 g¡n ffeao of bellp toas a ípace tofrere beHp ffroulo frane báñe. d |£erb;df oto frangio Tagging botone as tfraî a man tooulo toante j ÍCfrat fcarcelp to free ríogebone frao frír ribbcs báñe faifeneo toell. f£er íeannefife maoe fret íopnts beine big, anobmrpannes fo; tco (toeíl, flno toítfr ercœoing mfgfr tp iutubs fret fr ato befrpno bopno out. ¿poto tofren tfre #pmpb bebdo tfrís elfe a fatte,(ífre toas in boat £© come t© nére fret : ) Ifræ Declaroc fret llames meflrage.ano Bin tfrat fame little tofrplc altfrougfr tfre #pmpfr al©f oío (fano, **$no tfrougfr fljæ toete bot nctolp come,pit feemeo Ifræ ta fêle £fre fbtice of famin.Mfrerfrppon ffrœ turning barite frer tofrále Conuepo fret into Theilaly.aitfrougfr tfrat famin bœ ap comrarpe f© Ceres to©;b, pit did (frœ tfren agree 2C© ta fret tottl. ano gIpofngtfr;cngfr tfre &p;e fuppo;teO bp Efre topno, ffre fotmo tfrappopnreo froufe : ano entring bp ano bp Æfre captifs cframber tofrere fre dept (it toas in tpnte of npgfrt) &>fré frnggeo frim bettodene fret armes tfrete fno;ting boit bp;pgfrr, ano b;eatjjing fret intofrim,frlcto frppon fris face ano b;eft, SCfrat frungar in fris emptie bepnes mpgfrt to©;frcas fré oio reifc ano tofren Ifre frao accompltifreo fret cfrarge, ifrec tfren fo;f©fee ÎCfrefrutefüll Clpmates of tfre too;lo, ano frome agente betcofce l^erfelf tmtœ fret frntelelTe féloes ano former Otoelling place. jCfre to;etcfreO Erifi&hons co.ife.Mfro o;eammg Ifreigfr t of meato &>io fficre fris frungrp iatoes in bapne as tfrougfr fre frao t© eare an0 efranhing t©tfr on t©tfr a pace fre grpnoestíitmin fris freno, ano occupies fris emptie tfr;otetottfr ftoallotoing, ano in ffeao ÍDf f©0 oeuoures tfre Ittfret ap;e.i5nt tofren tfrat flaepe toítfr npgfrc Mas Qjabcn of,immeOiatlp a furious appetite. áDf feeoinggan t© rage in frim,tofriefr in bis gréop gummes ano in fris meatleffe mato 0©tfr teigne frnHauncfrt.anon tfre re enmmes 55efo;c frim tofratfoeuet Hues on fea,in aireo; lano: ano pit frecrietfr if ill fo; mo;e.3no tfrougfr tfre platters ftano 3&efo;e fris face full funiiifreo,pit o©tfr fre (fill complapne 32DÍO repue fret o;agons bp aloft : tofro ffrepgfrt toítfr courage fréThe eight booke of fiDf hungar,crauing meate at meale.Chefmo i|jae IdouId rn0eri?e mbole haufeholDcs,0;otonelbips,&hP?esanD ttealmes fu%e nctfom Ehe nfo?e his pampas patch conrumes,i? mo?e it maketh monc (along 3no as tfic fea recepnes the b?mbes of all tfjc too?lolp ifoalmes, ' 6 Sink pit is netjcr fatiffpke fo? all the fo?reine tf reames ♦ flno as the fell ano rauenfng fp?e refufeth neuer tomo, I5ut burnefh faggots numberlctfe, ano tolth a furious mmo Ehe mo?e it batkthe mo?e it tfill oefp?etheuermo?e, Cncrcacing in oeuourmg rh?ough encreafement of the ffo?el g>o toickeo Erifi&hons mouth in itoallotoing of bis meats Mas euer &tmgrp mo?e ano mo?e, ano longeo ap to eate. Speatetollo in meate: ano as he ate the place toasemptpffill, Ehe hnngar of ftf s bnnfelelTe Spain the gulf that notoght might fill Ipao brought ijis fathers gmos tm notoghf.HBut pit continetoeoap: l^is curfeo hungar bnappeaib; ano nothing coulo alap Che flaming of bis tfarueo th?ote.:3t length tohen all teas fpent, ¡ano tnt0 his bnfllleo ¿pain both? gmos ano lanos toere fent, 0n onlp Daughter oio remapne fcntoo?thp tm haue hao £>o leino a father. l£ir he folo, fo haro he toas beffao, SBut lb® of gentle courage coulo no bonoage toell abpoe. ftno therfo?e tfretching out her hanos tm featoaro there befpie, jjioto faue m® guoth lb® from the poke of bonoage 3 th® p?ap, thou that mp bfrginitle eniopelf as a p?ap. Neptunus hao it. Mho fas this her p?aper oio confent. 0no though her maiffer leaking backe (fo? after him tb®toent) %ao nelnlp fame her: pit he turno bit Ibape ano maoe hir man, 0no gaue her lobe of filherman.lper mapffer Imking than tUpon her,fapD.h® percepuing bp the cace Ehat Neptuncs gift lrtaoe toell toith her,ano batng glao tm fee ^ei*ie!feiiqup?o fo? of herfelf, fapo thus i toho ere pou b®Ouids Metamorphofis. no 3f pjap poti foj to paroon ma.3 tttrneo not mpne epe & tonefpoe ne a totber from tbi0 piace,but tuo appip $pp labo: baro.3no tbat poti ntap tfjc letTer ttano in ootof? é>o Neptunc fnrtber ttill tbe 8rt anocraft 3 go abotot, Se noto a tobple no limng fliapgbt Oppon tfjtó ieaeil fano (Sppfelfercepteo) ncptber man no^ tooman bare Dio ffano. jper maitter sto belàue ber too:os : ano tnrning bacfetoaro toenr Ìpi0 toap begupio : ano ttreigbt reo ber ber natiue fljape toae fent, But toben ber fatber Dio percepne bto oangbter fo? to batte ¡3 boope fo tranilfo?mabIe,be oftentpmee ber gane jfoj monnp. bnt tbe oamjell ifili efcapeO noto a £pare y ^flno noto a Cotogno noto a Biro,a lpart,a lppno,o? ipare, ? ¡ano euer feober bnngrp £>p?e toitb bnoeferueo fare. Bnt after tbat tbe maiaoie bao toaffeo all tbe meato# J3s toell of ttoje a# tbat tobfcb 8)à bao purebatt bp ber fcate# : Spot! curfeo heptife a# be toaa toitb bigbting ba dio reno ? I§10 flelb, ano bp oimintibtng bto boope 0 (0 tnteno > Co faoe bis boope,tilt tbat oeatb oio fpaeoe i\\s fatali eno. Bui tobat mane 3 to bufpema in fojreine matterà tbue i Co alter lbape0 inlt^in piectnct is latofull enen to 00 ipp ilotoe. JFo? fHinttme 3 am fucb a0 pon 00 noto ma fa p éamtpme 3 topno ma in a &nabe ; ano off 3 fame to ba v a Capteine of tbebero toitb bo;ne0. jfoj ta&ing bo^neoon ma 3 3 lotta tpnetobtcb baretofo,:e otoarme mé ao tbe pjint UDofb plapnlp Ibeto. toitb tbat fame too;o be fpgjjeo ano oio ttint. Finis oftaui Libri.fTHE NINTH BOOKE of Quids zIAfetamorphofs. aplefb fbb©tuas in mpne opinion.inb the hope f© loin her (oue J3DiDmickle ennp anD Debate among bic tooers moue. £23irb tobome 31 entring to tbe bcufeofhim that 0>on!o bane $pp fatb?ilabo,Parthaons fonne (3 fapD) accept tboa m© Wyv £>onnplato.8nD Hercules in felf fame fo?t did tom. 0nD all tbe other facers (freight gaue place bnt© bs tin©, il^e DamiteD of bis father Ioue,anD of bis famous D©Des, 0iiD boto agemfl i)is ifcpDames fppgbt bis piotuefle (fill p?oc©ie& 0nD 31 ageine a farther fpDe fapD tbus jt is albame 2Cbat <25oD fljoulD p^D tea man. (this If rpfc toas long ere be became 0 <£oD). 2Cbou feeilf m© a ILo?D of toaters in tl;p Kealmc Sphere 31 in tupDe anD tupnDing banks Dm beare flip flotuing (freame. 3£o (fraunger (bait thou bane of m© fent farre from fo?reine ianD; But one of boufebolD, o? at lead a neighbour bare at bano. 0lonlp let it b© tom© no binDjattce that tbe tupfc £Df Iouc abbojres m© not,ne that fepon tbe patne of Ipfe £>bee fets m© not t© tafk.jfo? fabccc tbou koffeff rb© f© b© Alcmcnas fonne, Ioue cptber is not father tmro tb©: .j©? if be b© it is bp fin.3lu making Ioue tbp father, SEbon maaktf tbp mother bnt a tub W note cbofetb© rfl$cr Eljou baD f© graunt this tale of Ioue furmtfeD fo? fob©, .4D; eife % feife begot in fyame anD bo?tie tn baffaro©»Ouids Metamorphofis. 8t that be grimlp bendes tifs b;otocs,and mncb a do bebatb Ccd bold bis banns. To foie bis bare inflamed is toitb to;arb. |£e faid no mojc but tbus#p band doth ferue mo better tbati \ ipp tong. Content 3 am (fo 3 in feigbtitig banquilb can) k Chat thou (bait ourrcome tn too^ocs.and tberctotrball be gati ^ spoforcelp to affatle.spo tbougbt it teas a Ibame fo^mo Chat bad eucn tioto fo floutlp talht,in dcoings faint to bo, I 3 catting of mp groniib cloke tbmft fftflp out at length Spine arms* and ff repnd mp pacing armes to bold bim out bp ffrrgtfk 0nd framed eucrp limine tocope.Wtb both bis holloto bands ^ Ipe eaugbt bp dutt and fpjinckea mo: and 3 li&etoife tuitb fands, ^pade bim all pcloto to. One tobple bo at mp nechc doth fnatcb another tobple mp clare crtTp legges be ttriuetb fo? to catch, ^ * ^D;trtppesatmo:andeucrpb)bcretbebauntagebedotbb)atcb» * £pp toetgbrinefle defended mo,and cIocrlpDiDDtifeare ^is ttoute attaults as toben a loaue toitb hideous nopfe doth beate againtt a Kocbe,tbe ftocke doth ttill both fauf and found abpoe * J5p reafon of bis mattineffe.Ma djeto a tobple a fpde, and then incounmng fref^ ageine,too kept our places ffotoc jFull minded not to polo an incb,but f02 to bold it otot. $oto lucre too ttonomg fote to fote.ano 3 tmtb all mp fyett Mas leaning fo2toard,ana toitb bead agetntt bis bead did rett, and toitb mp grpping flngars 3 ageintt bis fingars rtoutt. ® $>o baue 3 fane ttom mpgbtie IBulles togirber forcclp iutt 3n fofemg as tbeir pjpfe to baue tbe fapjctt Cot» in all Cbe fold to bo tbeir make,ana all tbe herd botbe greate and fmall §>tand gating on them fearfullp notknotoing bnto tohitb % Cbe conquett of fo greate a gapne (ball fall.Cb.Jte tpmes a ttofeb W €5aue Hercules and could not to:tneb mp leaning bictt bim fro 315ut at tbe fourth be mo of and made mo to let go $Pp bold: and tuitb a pulb (3 toill telltrutbe) be bad a knacks Co turne no of,and beautlp be bung bpon mp baefee. And if 3 map belouco bo (as fure 3 mane not 3 Co taunt mp felfe tapngloiiuflpbp ttllingof a Ipe,) spde tbougbt a mountains tobclmed me.HSut pit toitb much a do ft? 3 jetted in mp ftoeating armes,and bardlp did fcndm ^is griping bands, l^cfollototng ttill bis tauiitage,futtred not SpoThe ninth hooke of once to b?eath o; gather Ifrength* but bp am» bp be got $$(t bp the necke.2Lhen foao 35 fapn? tm Cnbc imtb kn« to grounb, flno UttTe the buff.j^oiri iuhen In flccngth to foeake mpfelf 3 feunk 3 tfflhe moe to mp fltghts,anb fltpt la fljape of gmake atoap ^Dffoonbjouo lengthens fohen that 3 of purpofe him f© fra? £)to beno mpfelf in ftoelling rollcs,anb mabe a hioecus nopfe ¿DfbtiTingloitb mpfbjkeb tongue fmplingat mp ropes, J3no laughing them to fcome fapb is nip Crable game Cofcanquflh &nakes 2D Acheloy. aomlt thou ouercame 311 other Snakes,pet tohai art thou compares to tfjc &nake £Df Lcrna,tobo bp cutting cfotb if ill encreafement take i ^o?ofa!)uno;eDbcabcs not one fo fone Urns paarbeatoap, ^ 2I5nt that fcppon the ffurap tfjerof there bubbeb other tiuap. £hi$ fpjouttng ¿»nafeelnbofe launching heass bp flaugfjfer bib reuiite flub groin bp cropping,3 fubbcUib,anb mabe it coulb not th?pue. flub thinkeif thou (tufjo being nonetoouibif fame a &nake) tofeape^ mtjo boG imtb fojgeb toeapons fepght anb bnber bezotoeb i^ape t i mis fa pb,i)te Sngar s of mp necke be faff neb in tbe nape > #a thought be graanb mp tfootc as though he bib foitb pinions nip 3 if ruggleb from his churliih thumbes mp pincheb chappcs to flip 315nt bo the beif anb foo.iif 3 coulb he ouercame rnafo. » mm thfrblp bib remapne the lhape of 315ull. anb quieklp tho > 3 turning to the Chape ofiBull rebelib agetnif mp fo. ^ l^eifeppingtomp left fpoccloce, trfb folb his armes about #p foattleb neche,ano follofotng mec then running mapnelp out &>ib toag ma backe,anb mabe ma pitch mp homes againlf the grounb, flub in the bapeif of the fanb he ouerth?eto ma rounb. flub pit not fo content,fnch holb his crueilhanb bib take Uppon mp foetkeb home,that he a funber qntght it b?ake, Hnb pullo it from mp mapmeb bjeiu.Chc foaterfapucs came Siib filling itfcjtth frutcanb fioto?esbtb confccrate the fame, SnD fo mp home the Ci*cfo?p of plentcoufitelTe became, fl Atone as Achcloy hab tolb this tale a ioapting $apb Matrh flaring bearethat lap on both hie fljoutoers anb arapb Hike one of sDame Dianas j^pmphesiutth folemne grace fo?t|j catire 3nb brought that rich ano pjcctous ho?nc,anb fjeapcb in the fame ail kpnbof frutes that l^amcfl fenbes,anb fpcciallp fuch ft«te aHZ Ouícís Metamorphofls. touts fo¡ latter coarfe át meatos of cuerp fo:t ano fate* Mame as oapügbt carne ageíne^ao that tbe »mnnp rapes Dio fepne Opon tbe tops of things,the |D?trtces toent tbeír toapegr Cbep íooulD not tarrp n!2 ttjc flouo toere altogitber falne $m» tfjat tlje Hmcrínbís banks ran foto ágeme ano calme« eben Ach doy amío bis toauesljís CrabttÉ face oto bpoe giio beaooífarmeo of a bame.ftmr though be öiö a^pöe BJn all parts elfe botbe fauf ano fotrno,pit this oefo:mttpe Dio cut bis comb: ano fo: ten bpoe this blemiff) from tbe epe. l$t bpoes bis butt toitb ^alloto leaues,o: elfe toitb feDgeano moe. HBut of tbe felffame spapO tbe lone hillo tb® fierce NeíTeín oáoe, Silben percíng ffcpíftlp tb:ougb % back anarroto maoe tbá bláoe* Jfo: as íoues rffcie toitb bis topfe toas ontoaro on bis toap 3u going tco bis coumrptoarD,enfio:tf be toast© ffap 8t ftoíft Eue nus banbjbpcaufe tbe ffreametoas rífen fo:e Jffboue bis bounos ttoougb rage of rapne that fell but late before > Sgeinfo full oftob©;lp©tos ano ofgulies the rbanmll toas, Cbat fcarceaman coulo anp tobere fpno place of paßage.äs $ot caring fo: bimfelf but fo: biß topfe be tberaoto ffano,. Ebis NeiTus came Onto bím (tobo toas ffrongof baopano Ikneto toell tbe f©:oes,) ano fapffbfe thou tbp ff rengtb íD Hercules 3n ftoimraing.3 toill fpno tbemeanes this JLaoie fball toitb cafe SB© fet bppon tbe further banfe.&o Hercules bettofee l£is topfe t© NeíTus.&bá fo: feare of bim ano. cf tbe b:©kr ÄcDiifc pale.^er bufbano as be bao bis quitter bp bis fpöc £)farrotoes full,ano on bis bacbe bis beaup & pons bpoe* (j?o: to tbe further banh be erll bis club ano boto bao caff) feaio.ßtb 3 baue begönne, tbisb:©fce botbe muff ano fealbé paff,. ^e neuer caffetb further Doubts,no: fáhestbe calmeff place, ¿5uftb:ougb tbe rougbeff of the ffreame be cuts bis toap a pace* j¡toto as be on tbe fuitberfpoe toas taking t)p bis boto,, $e beato bis toeOlocke íb:©kmg out, ano oíd bír calling knoto: J3n0 erpoe to Helfe (tobo toent about to Dcalc tmfaptbfuUp^ 3n running toitb bis charge atoap) l^oatoe tobitber D©ff tbou ffp SCbonHopífer tbou, bppon abante bope bp ftoiftncffe t© efeape #p baños * 3 fap gíue eare tbou NcíTe fo: all tbp Double íbape,The ninth beote of Slight mouc tt)!t to reftapne from ra))f,t(ip father pit tnfgfjt btj il teaming,tubo fop offrtng ftjame to luno noto Doth fòle Continuali topment in bis itmbcs bp turning on a tonale. fo; all that thou ball bo?fc$ fete fobicb lo fo boloetba mafee, pit (bait tbeu not efcape mp banos.3 folli tba ouertabe » With toouno anD not tomb fàte.l^e tuo accopotng as be fpabc. > if o: totlb an arroto as be fico be ttrafee bim though tbe baefee, Sino out befopebts bptlf agttne tbe bmhco iron Cache. <3no toben tbe fame toas pulled out, tbe bloo a mapne cnfefoo 0c both tbe boles tottb pepfon foulc of Lerna è»nafec rmbpctooi SZt)i8 blood DID NeiTus tabe,ano fato tottbin bimfelfe : toell : fit(j 3 naOes muff Ope, pet bull 3 not ope tonreucnogo.ano toitb iTbe fame be Capno a lbirt,ano gaue it tonto Dyanyrc, UlTuring bir if bao tbe pelone too btnole Cupids fppe. 0 greate tobple after toben tbe Daces of tooptbp Hercules Were fucb as ftUeo all tbe trotto,ano albo did sppeafe Cbe batreo of bio ffepmotber, 3s be toppona oap With ronqucC from Oechaha rame,ano toas abotot to pap Ipis tootues to Iouetoppon tbe spount of Cenye,tailing fame i Who in reporting things of truth OrIpgbts to fauce the fame With tales,ano of a tbuig of notogbt Doth cuer greater groto ^bpougb falfe ano nctolp fo:gco Ipes that (bet tiirfUt totb foto) Colo i3yanyrc that Hercules dtO taC a lifting t© il HaOte calico Iolee.0nO Dyanyra (tot;© Was iealous cuer Hercules,}gane creoit totbefame. &no toben that of a Heman firlf the ttomgs no bir came, Me being ffrthrn to the hart,Did fall to reares alone, 8no in a lamentable toife Dio maftc moll toofull mone. 0non (be fato :tobat mane rbeis teares thus guibing fro mpnecpw £$p bufbanos Heman bull retopcc at tbeis fame teares ofmptte. J£ap, fitblbc is to come,tbe beff it boere to (bonne Driap, y &no fop to toopft fum neto ocupcc ano ppaetpfe tobple 3 map, $ Bafope that in mp beo ber Itmbcs the filtfcp Crumpet lap. 8no (ball 3 then complapne ?• op (ball 3 bolo mp tong iottb M U Mall 3 retunic to Calydon i o; Iball 3 tarrp ff ill i i €>; 3 get nie out of lopes,ano let them haw ibid toil iOuids Metamorphofis. 113 ®K(jat ffttist 3 (Mdcager) rcmcmHfng mo to b® ^ EbP ftiffer,tco attempt fum act notorious Dto agree i i 0no fit a harlots dcatb did fljeto (that all tbe tuo;!D mpgbt fit) caa&at grof can caufe tbe toomanfepno to enterp?pfc among i ^ flno fpeciallp toben tberebnto tbep fo^ceo are bp to;ong. £ WUt\) toauering thoughts rpgbt btolctlp her mpnb toas toffed I5g*' at lalt flj® Dto p^eferre before all others,fo? ten feno £be O^tct beffaprted toitb the blod of NeiTus to the enD £o quicken bp the qusplmg loue.0nd fo not hnotoing tobaf £>be gane,(be gaae her otone remote ano greet to Lychas that SDid knotoas little as berfelf: ano to?etcbed tooman5q)© ^5>efp?d him gentlp to her ILotD p?efented it to fee* ¿be nobie p?ince recepuing it tottboat miffruff therein, i SDfd teearc tbe popfon of tbe &>nake of Lerna nert bis fkm. > M(d offer mcenfe ano to p:ap to Ioue be Dio begin, 0nd on tbe garble altar be full boatoles of topne Dio (beD, Mben as tbepopfon toitb tbe beate refolatng, largelp fp:eo Cb^ongb all tbe limbes of Hercules 0s long as ere be coulo, Cbeffoatneffe of bis hart toas fucb, that fpgb no tobit be toould, 55ut to ben tbe mifebeef greto fo great all pacience to furmoant, l£e tbtuif tbe altar from him ffreigbt,ano filled all tbe meant £)f Oeta toitb bis rowing out.l^e toent about to teare %\)t oeatbfull garment from bis backe,but tobere be pulled, there \)t pullD atoap tbe (kin: ano (tobicb is lotbfum to report) 3Jt eptber cleatieo to bis limbes ano members in fucb fo?t 0s that be coulo not pull it of,o? rife it tare atoap JEbe fleflj,tbat bare bis mpgbfp bones ano grfflp finctoes lap* £be fcaloingbenim bopling in bis bIoo,DiD make ttbiffe, 0s toben a gao of if ole reo toliot in toater quenebeo ts* £bcre toas no meafure of bis paine.Cbe frptng benim bent i^is intoaros,ano a purple itoet from all bis boop toent. m imaged finetoes (jinking crakt, and toitb a fecret firengtb Cbe popfon euen tottbtn bis bones tbe sparo melts at length* 0nO boloingbp bis banos to beauen be fapojtoitb hideous r&rc. £D Satumes Daughter fode tbp felr'e on mp Dtfireffes b®re* ^ea fode. and cruell topgbt this plage bebolo tbou from aboue Sind glut tbp fauage bart tberctoitb.iP? if tbp fo map moue &*!• £b®jIBeraue ma of rnp Ijatcfull foule dtlf reft toftb belpleCTe few, 0ttD bo?nc teo cndlelfe topic, 3fo? Death fljall bntco mee ba ffej&te, ¡3nd fo? a cruell ffcptnotber (0 Death a gift ntoff mate. !9nD to tt 3 that otD Dcilrop Bufms toho DID fople j£to temple flakes feuth ffraungero blooD i 3ff 3 *bat Did Dtfporle Antsusofhto meotljero help j’iff 3 that coulD not bee ftbalfeeD at the £>panparD bubo In one baD bodieo tlj?a * $0? at the trppIeheaDeD Ibape 0 Cerberus of tb® * Sire pou the hatiDs that bp the bo?neo the Bull of Candie D?efei > -Did pou fetng Augies liable clen^e ioljom afteriuaro pee flefo ? 0re pou the fame bp tobom the fotolco toere fcaaro from Stymphaly Caught pou the^tagtn spapDentoaoD tobich tub not ratine btttflp/*" Sire pou the feando tubofejjuiffanee rccepueD fo? pour pap Che goloen belt of Tbermodon i SDiD pou conuep afeiap i ne 0ppleo from the 2D?agon fell that fetafeed npght anb Dap i > Sgeitii the fo?ce of ma,defence the Centaures coulD not make, \ ^02 pit the Boare of Arcadieinotptttheouglp^nabe > ¿)f Lerna,toho bp loflte DID groto attD dcoblc fo?ce fftll fafee. * tnaahati to ttSf that DID behold the pamp?ed3adeo of Thrace Wi ith spaungero full of flelfe of men on Snhich thep feD a pace? 3a 3 that dofeme at fpgbt thereof thep? greajpspaungero th?eto,' 0nd borhe the fitted Jades themfeluesanD the their maptferflefo? SZtje Ncmean iipott bp theto armeo Ipco DeaD bppon the ground. JEljeio armeo the mottlfruouo dam Cake bp Tyber did confound. Nippon theto f&oulDero Ijaue 3 i>o?ne the incpght of all the fine. Ioues cruell fejpfe io iueerpe ofcommaundtng fiia.pit 3 SKnfoarie am of dating fftll.But nolo on ma to Ipgbt, Sin bneeth plage, Uiljicb ncptfjer fo?cc of batid?no? fccrtueo mpgif ¿£0? Slrte to able reo rcGlf.iUhe foaff tug fp?e tt fp?adco Slmottg mpne mtado, and tb:ougb out on all mp bodp fades, But all this tubple Euryfthye lines in !)ealtf).£lnD fum men map % Bafcue there bee fum Coddeo tn dade.Cbws much did Hercule fap./ Sltid mounded ouer Oeta hpgh? he ftalltfng gan tco ffrap, 0o lohcn a Bull in mapmed bulM deadlp Dart death beare, 0no that the dffler of the DeeDc to(h?nnfeeafpde fo? feare. SDfi(fpgl;tng mpghipou him haue fane, oft trembling, oft about.Quids Metamorphoiis. lij. jTo feare tbe garment foitb bis bamrs from top to to tbzougbct t 3no tbzolning cotone tfjc mpgfjtpe trces,anD cfjaaSng toitb tbe bUles*, ^calling tip bis banoes too bcauen inhere Ioue bis fatijer Dioelles. 3I5ebolo as Lyclus trembling in a bollofo rock DID lurk, fppeo Ijim.^no ao bis graefoio all in furte l£e fapo.3rt tbou fp: Lychas be that bzougbrelt tmto m& ¿bis plagpc pzefent ? of mp ocatb mufir tboti tbe toother bee ? \$ee quaakt anD lbaakt,anb lokcb pale,astD featfullp gan make Cftccufe. But as toitb bnmbleD banbs b® kneeling to bim fpake, Cbe furious Hcrculecaugbt bim bp,ano ftoinogiug btm about !£is beao a batfc a Dojen tpmes oz mozc,be ficong b»n out 'Jtito tb’Huhoyan fea fottb fezee furmounting anp fling. f$e barbeneb into pcble Hone as in rbe apze be bmg. ¿no euen as vapne confealb bp topstb is fapo too turtle too fnofue, 3nb of tbe fnofti rouno rolleo tip a thicker mafiTe to grotoe, Wbtcb fallctb DoUmc in bapie * fo men in auncicnt tpme report, Cbat Lychas baing fiomogo about bp biolence in that fo?t, (\$is blcoD rben baing DzapneD out, ans bauing left at all $o mopffure,^ into) peblc Hone bias turneb in bis fall. $oto alfo in tb’Euboyan fca apparesa bpgb roefee 3n ibape of man ageinlf tbe tobteb the fljipmen Ibun to tmoefee, 8s though tt coulo tbcm fcele. ano tbep fco call it bp tbe name i £Df Lychas iftll.But tbou Ioucs imp of great renofcnne anD fame* r ^DiDtt fdl tbe trees of Oeta bigb> anb making of tbe fame 8 p pie, Dibit giue to +Poeans fonne tbp quiuer anD tbp bob), 8nD arrotoes tobicb fl^oulD help agein Troy totone to ouertb.2oin« put to fpze, ano as tbe fame tuas kinDling in tbe pple, ¿bp Wk Dibit fpzeD tbp ilpons fkin bpon tbe £dod tbe tobple, flub leaning toitb tbp beao ageinlt tbp Club,tbou lapblf tbae oofcmc 3s cb&rfullp,as if fcoitb flofozes anb garlonos on tbp crotone Chou bablf bnene fee a banquetting among full cups of fopne. 8non on euerp fpbe about tbofe careleffc limbes of tbpne £be fpze began to gather ffretigtb, ano crackling nopfe DiD make, Sflapling bim fubofe noble bart foz oaliance DiD it take. Cbe (Sobbcs foz tbis Defenber of tlje ear tb toere fo?e afrapD Co tobom toitb cb&refull countnance Iouepercepuing it thus fapD. £bt's feare of pours is mp oelpgbMno glaolp euen toitb all &.tf. xVbiloBetcnThe ninth boote of SB? fjart 31 ogj reiopcc £D (tods tbat montali folfe mé call Cbeir king ano father,thinking mé ap mpnofull of tbeir dead, 0no tbat mpne offpdng flauto oar dell pour feines d© ffjoto fuel) jcalc* ifoj though that pou Dcd attribute pour fauo; reo Deferì, Conflowing tys mod d©HD?ous acta : ptt 3 too fo? mp parr am bonno fenra> pou. jperetbeleffe, fow that 3 tooulo not bane l^our faptbfull harts ditbont tuli caufe in fcarfuil paffions toaue,. 3 doulo not baue pou of the flames in Oeta make account, if0? as be batb all otber things,fo (ball be them furmeunt. é>aue onlp on that part that be batb taken of bis mother, Kfjc fp;e l|all baue no podet at all (Eternali is rfjc totber, &be tubici) be tabes ofmee,ano cannot Ope, ne pélo t© fp;e. £2iben this is no from eartblp D20fle,tben toill 3 lift tt bpgber* ano take ! t tittm bcauen : ano 3 beléue this DéDe of mpne 9H21 til g leofante be? reo all tbe Coos.Jf anp 0© reppne, 3f anp Deo reppne 3 fap that Hercule Iboulo become a Cod,reppne be dill fo; mé,ano l©ke be fotone ano glum*-315ut let bun knob) that Hercules oefcruetb tbis redaro, ano tirar be Ajal! ageinff bis tuiil alod it afterdatö. &i)c (25ods aöcntco euerpebone. ano Iuno rèmo tor make ? i|5o ettill ccuntnancc t© tbe red,tintili bir bufbano fpake *‘bc lad, fo; tbcn ber lake teas fueb as indi tbep migbt percepae, ibé DIO ber nöiin2 in cutll part concepue. s&bp&Ivme das talking diti) m ** f?;e tontodalli &>o muebbao fp;e confumoe.anö nod £> Hercules tbou balle $0 carhcitfe fo; t© knod tlu bp.Ctjat part is gups#* bereft faibdb of tbp mother tfroti odd tafee.aionlpnod is lefr Che likencffe that thou t©hff of Ioue.^no as the Serpent flpe 3 it caff mg cf bis dttbereo flaugb,rcnetoes bio péres tberebp, 0iiD toeretk luff per than befo?e,ano l©Uetb ertfp anodpgbt fKll t tb fcourco dales : fa Hercules as fame as that bis IjPdSbf 5£ao left bis mo;rail-!tmbesr,gan in bis better part tor tb?pue5 &no fo; reo fétne a greater thing than dben be das alpue,, fino Uriti) a ffatelp mateffie rpgbt reuerenD t© appére. I0is mpgbrp father r©ke bit« ftp aboue tbe clonop fpbére, Snö in a c!;arpot placco bim among tbe ffreamlng ffarres. f^odge Atlas felt the depgbf tbereof.315ut nothing öißwresOuíds Metamorphofis. Enryfthyes malicc.Cruellp bc pjofccutes tbe tjatc Œppon tbe Oifp.jmg,tubici jje bare agcinff tbe fatfjcr late. Bttt pit Cai malìe ber mone Ornea to tuaplc ber mifcrie Sino teli ber fonnes grearto^ìfeeSjtebtcb all tbe topólo couïo tefíífíe, £)lû AlcmenbaOlDame lôlee.ïSp Hercules lafííoíü 3n toeOloc&e ano in bartie loue fyœ íopñeo tuas tco Hill, 3I5p tobóme fíjé tbentoas bigtottb ebpto : toben tljus A le mena fapD. Cbe$oos at leali bé merctfull ano Ceno tbáe ebeti tíjcp^ apo, ano Ibott tbp labo¿, toben tbe frute tbe tobícb ibón goííc Uutball $oto báting rppe enfo?cetb tbœ toptbíearfull topee reo calí táppon Iüthya p^efioent of cbplúbírtbe^tobom tbe ire 0 <í£)f lunoat mp trauditilo; maoe oeaf tro mp ocfire. $o; toben fbe émn t&ougb ttopee fpuc fignes ifis courte bao fnlïp ron, Sino tbat tbe papnfulloapof bírtíj appjocbeD of mpfonnc, CPp bnrtben íírapneo ont inp toombe,ano tbat tbat 3 oío beare JBeeame fo grcare,tbat ef fo botoge a malìe pee toellmpgbt ftoeare £bat Xoue toas fatber.ipeptber toas 3 able tco en Dure Cbe tratteli anp lenger tpme,bto carne as 3 bao p¿tapD : Ï5ut fo cojrupteo long befóle bp luno mp molí fo, Etjatfo? fm mártir mé tco oeatb Lotti) pepne fije purpofoe fbo» 3fo; toben flEjæ bearo mp pitcous plaints ano gronings, botone Ib# fate ¿>it poníame altar tobícb pou fó tbe re ííanoing at mp gatc. ©pon ber left fenæ Ibœbao pítebt ber rigbt barn, ano befpoe é>b# líapo tbe birtb Lutti) fingars one Lottbiin anotber tpoe 3¡n lattífíopfe.ano fecretlp fíje tobífperoe toítcbíng fpelís »icb bínoteo mp oelínerance mote tban a» ber ocotngs dis. 3 labojO fíill : ano fo?íí bp papne ano toiments of mp fitts, 3 rapio on loue (altbongb m tmpnc) as one befpoe ber toítts. Sino ap 3 tumbeo fin tco Ope.Ebe toemos tbat 3 Oto fpeafce, Mere íartj as eaen tbe baroeff fíones ofberp fíint mpgbf bjcahe. Síjetopuesof Thebee b¿mg tberc,fo¿ íanf ociluerance p?apo Q,it|. 3noThe ninth booke of Sino gíuíng cbátfuU toa¿os,oío fait) 3 flfjoulo not bk Oifmapo, among the other toomen tfacrc tfaat tar rnp labo: came, Eijere toas an bonelf peomans topfe, Galantis toas fjer name* i£er beare toas pelloto as the gofo,fl)e toas a iollp SDame* áno ffonttp fcrneo má, ano 3 oíd lout faer fo? the fame. %W topic (3 knoto notboto) mo fmell feme packing gone about £Dn Iunos panano as flje oft toas pairing in ano out, £>b® fppoe Lucina fet bppon tfae altar boloing falf Ijer armes tmgither on her knás,ano toítíj bet fingars calí Mírbin ecb other 0« a knot,ano fapo Onto ber thus. 3¡ P?ap pou tobo fo crepou bá,reíopce pon noto toítb bs, *pp ilaop Alcmen batb bcr toíflMno fauf is thought a bcO«. Lucina leapeo bp amajoe at tbat tfaat fl)á bao feo. j Sino let baños a funoer flíp.^no 3 ímmeoíatlp Mttíj Icofemng of tbe knot,bao faufoeituerance bp ano bp. Cbep fap tbat m Oecepuíng SDame Lucina Galant laugbt; Sino cberfo?e bp tbe pelloto locks tfae CfoooclTe to?otb bircaug&f, íino o?agge.o ber.3no as (be tooulo bauc rifen from tbe grouno, &b® kept beTOotone, ano Into legges berarmes íb® OíoconfounO. ^er fojmier IfoumelTe fftll rcmapnes: ber backe o®tb k®pe tbe befo Cbat erífatoas in bcr beare: ber Ibape ís onlp alterco neto. Sino fo? foitb Iping moutb belpt a tooman labo?íng,lb® . SDastb binóle alio atljcr moutb.ano noto (be hawitetb fr®: ¿ áDur boníesas Ib® oto before,a Mi cade as toce fé. . ' Mitb tbat (bit fpgbes tai think bppon ber feruants bap> ano tbett l^er oaugbtrínlato ímmeoíatlp replico tbusagen. But morber, Ojee tobofe altrco Ibape o®tb mouepour barí fo fo?e,, Mas neprber fettfa nothin to pou.Mbat toill pou fap rberefo?e,. 3f ofinpne otoñe odere fnfíer 3 tbe toosno.ious fortune íbeto r ¡ Ültbougb nip fo?roto ano tbe teares that from rnpne epeso® floto,. > SDo bmoer. mée,ano ffop mp fp®cbe.l£er mother (pou mutt knofo. * ¿0P father bp another topfe bao m®)barencuer mo 3!Bat this fame ilaoíe Dryopec,tbe fap?clf Laopetbo 3n all the laño of OechalycMbom báíng then no mapfr y (if 0: tobp the *(£00 of Delosano of Delphosbao her frapO) £ A ndramon taketb t© bpo topfe,ano tbinkes him toell apapO; JE i#re is a ccrtame Icaningiake toljofe botoing banks*® ib0& ^m M OuídsMetamorphofis. 116 0 líbemete of tbe falt fea ^o^c.tHppon cfjc b;tm ico groto 011 rounoabont íc spírtlett<és.spp fuffet tijttljet go es JUntoares fcoljat toas fjer oeíf inte,ano (tobtcb pou map fnppofe fffltas moje tco b® offoepneo as) tbe caufe of commíng íbero CEias tro tíje fapjícs of tbe ílafce ft'rflj garlónos fo; tro bcare. 11 0nb m berarmes a babpe ber fíncete bnrtfjen tljé Dio (tolo. TObo fucfcíug on bet‘ b:eft lúas pít not fuü a ttoeluc mrontíj oto. ^ot farre from rbts fame pono oto groto a Lote trée floufljt gap E&itb purplc flototes ano beríes fíncete, ano leaues as grdme as X5ap. ,ÍDf tbefs famefloto;es tro pleafe ber bop mp fuffer gatl;ercO fum, ano 3 bao tbongbt tro oro fo íro,fo; 3 toas tbttber cum. 9 3 fato boto from tbe flínereo floto;es reo D;ops of Olmo oto fall, tino boto tbar tbaoo:íng bo;ríblp tbe b?anncbes quaaüt toítball, pou tmiíf percepue tbat (as tro late tbe Countrpfolh Declare) 0 $pmpb calo Lotos flprng from fbtole Pryaps filtbp toare, 3Éas turneo íntro tlfis fame eré referutng Util ber ñame» Spp fuffer oto not hnoto fo mueb. tobo toben iba bachtoaro carne 8frapD at tbat tbat Ate bao teñe,ano bautng faolp p;apo £be $pmpbes of parOomtro bauc gonc ber toap agen atrapo: Ij^er faetc toere faff neo ootone tottb rrotes.&b® ffrpueo all Ibe mpgbt ■ Cro pinche tbem bp. but tbep fo fnre toítbín tbe eartb toere ppgbt, £&at notbíng fane ber bpper partes Ajee coulo tbat p;efent moue. 0 tenoer barhe grotoes from beneatb bp lepfurlp abone, 9no foftlp ouerfp;eooes ber lopnes.tobtcb toben tbá fato,fljá toent Sbout tro teare ber beare, ano full of leanes ber baño Ate bent. c $er beao toas ouergrotoen tottb Icanes.ano líttle Amphifc (fo ^ao Eury tus bis ©raunofp;e naamo ber fonne not long ago) i* SBDío tele l;ts motbers ongges toer barceno as be ífíll tbem o;eto # 3n fuchíng,not a tobtt of mílhe no; mopffure oto enfeto. 3 ffanoíng bp tbró oto bebolo tbp cruell cbauncc: but uougbt ití 3 coulo reteue tb& futfer mpne. pít tro mp poto;e 3 to;ougbt W Zm 0ap tbe grotoíng of tbp trnnh ano of tbp toaunebes bp dmb;acíng tbá*pea 3 p.totclí 3 toonlo rpgbt totlltnglp l^aue tn tbe felfe fame barhe tottb tb® bene dofeo bp.515ebolD, 6er bufbano groo Andraemon ano ber tojefebeo fatljer oto &ír Eury tus carne tbítber ano enqup;D fo; Dryopee. 8no as tbep afht fo; Dryopec,3 Ajetoo tljcm Lote tbe fr®. p Q.títf. EbepThe ninth booke of %i)cv hilf (lie tomo toliichw't iuastoarmc.aiuj falling Betone fcpiotn 2D to bug fíje rentes of timt tfjcir treia^p fuff cr noto coulo Ojoto“ ’ filo part Web toas not toroD ercept tjer facc.a Deatoe cf tearcs 2DtD ffano bppott the totetebeö leaues late fo:mcö öftrer bearcs, ano tobple ßje might,arto tobple ber monili oto gute bet toap tro fyea&e, $aitb fuel) complapnt as tinker ntpno ffjá laß cf all oto tecabe. 3¡fcre0tt map tor gtuen tco fuel) as are m tejetebeoneffe, 3¡ ftoeare bp CDoö 3 neuer ptt Deferueo tbts oiffreffe. 3 ftiffer pepne ümljout Deferti ipp Ipfc bath guilt leffe báñe, ano if 3 lpc,3 toottlD tljefs bougbes of mine tobicb noto are gráne» {ppgbt tot tbereo bà, ano 3 be atoen botone ano burneo tn thè fp¿e* 2tljts infant front bis mothers toombe remoue pou 3 Defpje : ano puf btm fo:tb tro nurce, ano caufe him tjnoerneatb mp tré ©fi rpntcs tro fucbc,atto oftenrpmes tro piap.ätio toben tbat bè 3s able fo; tro fpcalte 3 ptap pon let bim gráte má báre, atto faoip fap tn tbts fame trunb is bio mp mother oáre. * ISut lerne btm fo; tro ffjun all ponos ano pulling floto?es fromtrás3 ano let him ín bis heart beláue that all the flfcubs be fees, are boopes of the <0oooeffcs.aoeto oáre bufbano noto» abeto Deere fattorino aocto oáre fuffer.anö in poto 3f anp Ione of meé rcmapne,oefeno mp bougbes 3 P?ap rom toonno of cutting boto ano adatto bit of beali fo; ap¡ Ano fo¿ 3 cannot ffropc tro pon»rapfe pon pourfelues tro má» ano come ano biffe mà tobple 3 map pit tonchi ano btffeD Dee» atto lift mto bp mp little bop.3 can no lenger falbe, 5f o¿ noto about mp Itllpe neebe as toere a ffalbe ìChe renocr rpno begtnnes tro crèpe,ano ouergrctoes mp top. demone pour fmgars from mp facc.tbe fp?eaotng barbe orotb ffop $pp Opùtg epes tottbout pour belp.%>b& bao no froner left ii)er talbmg,but ber Ipfe tberetoítb trogítber toas bereft. ¿ut pit a grootobpie after that brr nattue ffjape Dio faoe, l£cr netomáoe bottgbes conttnetocD toarme, jjìoto tobple that Iole mane Kepo;jt of tbts fame toronD^ous tale,ano tobple Alcmcna (tobo 2D t o toápe) toas o;ptng bp the tearcs of Iole toáping tro, 3Bp putting tro ber tbomb rthere bapt a fooeine thing fú ffraunge, Chat bntro mirth from beauíncffe tbep¿ harts it (freight DIO ebaunge* ifo¿ at the oro?c in matter caen a berp bop afctben. Ouids Metamorphofìs. I17 miti) O)02t foft polirne about bis cititi, renobeobarite agen E© pontbfull peares,ff ©o Iòlay foitb countnance fm©tb anotrini* ; jDame Hebce lunos oangbter bao beffofosoe tbis gift on biro* CDntreateu at bis earnetf fute.Mbom mpnOing fullp tbere Ebe giuing ofltltc gift ageme tra anp tra fc?fftteare, SDame Themis fotoulo not fuffcr.ifoi (quotb flj&j tfyig p&fetit botole gs crudi team in Tbebee cotone,ano none but Ione batb potute 2C© banqntib ffatelp Canapey.Cbe b;ot|)ers inaila lifee Monne eptber otber.&no alpue a p^opbet fljall go fófee ì0ìb oftme quirite gbolfe among ttjc oeao7tbe eartb bini ffotallofoting in, Ebe fonne bp tahing bengeance foi bis fatbers oeatb Hjall fonti rEbe name offcpno ano fonebeo man,in one atto felf fame cace. y Sano flapgbt fotitb mifebecfes, from bis fcnts ano from bis natine piace > Ebe furiesano bis motbers gbolfe (bali relf leffelp bim cbace, ^ ùntili bis topfe centanno ofbim tbe fatali goto fo? meeoe, <3nD tbat bis coufin Phegies fformiò o© mabe bis fpoes t© bléoe. Eben l^all tbe fapie Callirrhoee Achelous oaugbter p;ap Ejje mpgbtp loue in bumble fotpfe r© graunt bet cbiloien map Ketpje ageme t©poutbfuU pères,ano tbat beliti II not f© Ebe beatb of bim tbat Dio reuenge fonfoengeo foi tra bé. loue mooetrat ber Tute (bali canfe bis Dangbrrmlaft) t© giue &ibe gift,ano bacile from age t© poutb Calhrrhoëscbitoien Oline. Mben Themis tbiougb foiefpgbt baofpoUc tbeis tempos of piopbe% Ebe Cfot*began among tbemfclues bapnc talbe t© mnlttplte, Ebep m©ptofojbp others mpgbt not gtue Ithe gift as fatell as fboe. jfirlf Pallants oaugbter gruogeo tbat ber bafbano olo ibonlo b©. Ebe gentle Ceres murmuroe tbat ber Iafions beare fotas bc?e. 8no Vulcane fotoulD baue ratio ageine tbe pceres long fpent 25p Erifthonius, 2tno tbe npce &)ame Venus bauing care £Df tpme t© come,tbe making pong of olo Anchife&ffotare* > * §>o cuerp Coo baO one t© inborn be fpeciall fano? bare. * flno tbiongb this partial! loue of tbepis feoitiouflp increalf 2 bnrlpbntlp, till tbe time tbat loue among them pjeaff, 3no fapo.£>o fmallp o© pou ffano in afote of nice this bofotie, 2s thus t© rage * Ebinfees anp of pon bimfelf t© baue fneb pofot?e?; 2s fo? t© alter oelf inpe s*3l tell pon Iolay tteconereb batb bp oelfinpe bis peeres erii paff afotap, Callirrhoes• * The ninth booke of Callirrhoes cbilDjcn muff retorne fco poutb bp Defffop, äno nof bp fo;ce of armes, o; foie faftcpno nmbitioufl^ ano t(o tb’entent tottb mátoer mpnoeo pá map tbio matter beare, (¡Seien 31 mpfelf bp Deffinpeo am ruloe. tobicb tf 31 teere £)f potoer too alter, tbinfeepou tbat our Acacus Ctonio ff tope Sßp reafon ef bio fable age t o? Radamanth (boulD D;©pc t £>; Minos, tobo bp reafon of bus age io noto oifoepno, #no lineo not ln fo iure a ff ate ao berct®fo;e be repgno t JEbe toco;Do of Ioue fo mobD tbe C'odo tbat none of tbem compialo, &>itb Radamanth ano Aeacus toere botb toitb ageeonffrepno ; J3no Minos alfot tobo (as long ao laffp poutb Dio laff,) JSDto euett toitb terrò: efbio namc mähe mpgbtp Healmeo agaff* 3I5ut lijen toao Minos tocaheneö fo;e,anb greatlp ff mo in feare £Df Milet one of Deyons race : tobo pioufclp Dio bim beare fljppon bio fatber Phoebus ano tbe ffoutneffc of bis poutb. $no tbougb be fearo be tooulo rebell : pit Durff be not bio moutb ffDnceopen fo; tto banifi; bim bio töealmc : tintili at laff ISDeparriug of bio otoñe acco;D,Mi!etus ftoiftlp paff Cotefca ano oíd builD a totone bppon tbe Afian gronno, tzfóbieb ff ili retepneo tbe nante ofbim tbat ff rff tbe fame Dio fornii. &no tbere tbe Dangbter of tbe b;©fee Mxandce tobteb Dcotb go £>o often bacfetoarOjCy ane a $pmpb of boop fo (te&oing comlp ao tbe Ipfee toao felDome beato of,ao è>bà bp ber fatbero topnotng banfeeo fo; pleafure toalhing feas, 3H£ao fenotoen bp Milet : tutto tobom a pap;e of ttomnee ty® b;oagbt* £lno of tbe ttoinneo tbe nameo toece Canne ano Byklis,Byblis oog&t iCcobee a mirro;,tonteo ipapoeo in latofull topfe too Ione. Cbio Byblis caff a mpno tm Caune.bur not ao Dio bebone a fuffer tco ber b;otbertoarDÄben firff of all tbe fp;e $Dto feinDle,ff)02 percepito it not.&b® tbougbt in ber Dcfp;c ^DffeiCTing bim fo oftentpmeo no fin,ne pit no barme 3¡tt clápíng bim about tbe neefee fo often toitb ber arme. Cbe glittering gioflfe of goolpneffebeguplD ber longier Ione jißegan front euill tont© to©;fe bp little tm remeue* ^bteconntieo tto fé ber b;otber Decht in b;aue ano trim aftp;e, Bno fo; t© fáme ercàoing fap;e it toao ber tobóle Defp;e. ■8rto tf tbat anp fap^r toere in all tbe fioche tban Iba»Ouids Metamorphoiìs. 118 3|t fppgbts bcr*3\n tobat cafe tyt toas as pit fyk did not fife I£er beate ercábco not fo farro as fo: reo teto ; ano pit £>í)íé fnflfrco in ber tronblco bjtif full manp a burning fit, $oto calletb ib&bim mapífer,noto íbé bíter batetb all Ebe names of bin,è>bé rather bab be flauto ber Byblis cali Eban fuller. pit no fiitbp hope tyk burli permitía) crèpe «itbfn ber tnpnb atoahe. But as ib® lap in quiet flépe, ¿>b® oft bebtlb ber loue : anb oft Ibe thought ber brother came 8nb lap toitb ber, anb (though a flépe) flj® blufijeb at tbe fame* Mben flespe toas gone,(be long lap bumb Hill muting on tbe fpgbt, j &nb faíb toitlj tua tiering mpnb.j? oto too is mémoíf to?etcbeb topgbr. £ «bat mtones tbe image of this bearne that 3 bane iène this npgbt i. * 3 tooulb nor toilb it ibonlb bk tteto. Mbp b?eameb 3 tljen fo e iè>ure b¿ is fap;e altbongb b® üjotilb befe iubgeb bp blsfo; libes m® toelt. anb toere be not mp brother, 3 mpgbt fet ^ ipp loue on bím,anb be toere mé rpgbt to(D?tbp fo¿ too get, £ But tìnto ibis fame match tbe name of binreb is a let* Melico that 3 toabe btoHiU mébnbefpleb beepe, 3Ut come as often as tbep toillfucb beamings in mp flépe. 3n flépe there is no tuitneffe bp¿3n flépepit map 3 tabe as greate a pleafure (in a foit) as if 3 toere atoabe. E>b Venus anb tbp tenber fottne»>ir Cupid,tobat belpgbr, ^oto parent félmgof pour fpo?t bath touebeb mé this npgbt ? §oto lap 3 as it toere refolbb both mar®,6e%anb bone i l§oto glabbe&ít mè t® t^irt&e thereon yaias ten fame toas gone Chat pleafure,anb too baffpe anb befppgbtfntl tons the npgbt 3n bjeabing of mp topes. fD ILoto If name of hinreb mpgbt Betto®ne t>s tto© remoueb mé,boto toell íttooulb agrá ■% £D Caune that of tbp father 3 the baugbtrinlato Iboulb b® t ? l£oto 6t(p mpgbt mp father bane a fonnelnlato of tb® *■ Moulo (0ob that all faue auncetters toere common tco bs ttoapne 3 tooulb tbou toere of nobler Ifocbe than 3* 3 cannot fapne £> perle of beautie tobatflj® is tobom tbou OEjalt mabe a mother* Slas boto ill befalles it m® that 3 coulb bane none other Eban tbofe fame parents tobteb aretbpne t g>o snip Hill mp brother anb not nip bufbanb mapif tbon bé. Ebe thing tbat hurts bs botbe 3s one,anb that bet toóme bs ap infeparablp gotbs, mmThe ninth booke of îofeat mène mp ojeames tferitofeat effect featie Djeamectff map t^cre b& effect in Drames ¿Cfee <0oDs arc farre in better cafe tfeantoœ, l j jffo’tofep:’tfee (25oDsbauemarcbeO tottbtfeep? Puffers as toce j ¡ ¿o Saturne Oio alte toitb Ops tfee ncerelf of fete blœo. ¡ &o T cthys toitfe Occamis : £>o loue OÍD tbinfe it gœd \ Ccd tafee bis faffsr tend tœ bis topic,Mbat tben ? t be (Hobbes j ï^aue latoeo ano charters bp rbemfclues.3nb ücb tfeere is fuefe obbeg ¡ ) ÏSettoène tfee líate of bs ano tfeem,tobp ífeoulo 3 farnple tafee, I ¿Dur toozlolp matrero equall toítfe tfee fecauenlp tfeinge tœ mafee ¿ jí Cfeietoicfeeo loue ífealleptfeer from mpfeart be o?íuenatoap, | ÍD; if it can not bdeerpullï^oDgraniît 3 períí^ map. | flno rfeat mp teoefeer feiffc me lapo on l^erce tœ go tœ graue. # » Jn &tmpoefp?erfeefullcoifentofbQtfeofbsDcorbcraue. *l Slomit tbe matter lifeetfeme.l^e toill fo? fin it tafee. a 5ii5uc pit tfee fonnes of Aeolus no fcrupuloufiieflTeoiOmafee |,i $n going tœtfeep? fuiferebcOs.ano boto come 3 tœfenoto p Cfee feateo of tfeem ^ Cœ tofeat intent tfe eis famplco oœ 3 Ifeoto t }if 0btobitberam3beaDlottgO?iuenyauauntfoulefiUbpfp?e; in 0no let mæ not in otfeertopfe tfean fuff crlpfee ocfp?e ft $pp tootfeers loue.fPit if tfeat fee toercffrtt in loue toitfe má, v j| i^ls fononclTe tœ tnclpne bntœ pcrcfeaunce 3 coulo agree. £ ft értjall 3 therefore tofeotooulo not feauc reíecteofeim if fece 11 S£ao fuoe tœ mè3go fue tœ feim i ano canif tfeoti fpeafee in oéoe ? il £no canif tfeou Otter fo?tfe tfep tnpno i ano tell pim of tfep næoe î Id #p loue truil mafee mé fpeafee. 3 can.âD? if tfeat Ifeame tœ flap |¡ $Pp tœng,a fealeo letter ífeall mp fecret loue betojap. u Cfeis lifees ber bclï. bppon rfets popnt noto relies feet Doubtful mpno ^ ê>o rapfíng bp feerfrtf bppon feer leftfpoe ífeé enclpno, vj 0no leaning on feet cíbolo fspD.ïlet btm aoupfc feím tofeat | Cœ oœ, fo? 3 mp frautiefee loue loill btter plapne ano flat. Slas tœ tofeat fengracíoafnclTc ínteno 3 fo? tœ fall i L îllbat furie raging inmpbattmpfcnfesDœtfe appall i q 3?n rfeinfefng fo,toitfe trembling feano (feet framto ber tœtoipgfet ^ HCfec matter tfeat feer troubleo rnpno in muffng bio inopgfet. b ^er rpgfer band feolors tfee pen,feer left Oœtfe feolo tfee emptp toar. ^ ¿feé güines,ls>feé Doutes,íferé to?pgfetes : Ojeé tn tfee tableo fínoetfe lacfeí* |¡( &fece noteo,lfee blurree,0(CUfeee5 ano lifeco i ano cfeaungetfe tfeio to? toff' «j . • ■Quids Metamorphofis. up £>b© tapes atoap the banano takes it bp.&b© teotes not totjsc &he too u Id berfelf. Siaabat euer ttjmg fíj© mpnoetb fo? fco dcd spifltfeerb ber.a fljamefaffineffc toitb bolDeneffemirt tijereteo mas in ber countnance.&b® IjaD once tojit buffer: Mutagen Ebr name of buffer fot too ra?e fíj© tbougbt it bcff.ano tben &>b© fnatebt tfee tables bp,ano oto tbeís follotoíng totolos íngraue, Ebc bealtb tobícb if tbou giue bet not ib© is not like tro (jane Ebp loner tofttjetb bntco tb©.3! oare not ab fo¿ fíjame 31 bare not tell tb© tobo 31 am,noj let tb© beare mp name, ano if tbou Dcd Demauno of má tobar tbing 3¡ D© Oefpje, IKSoulo <25oo tfjat namcleife 3! mpgbt pleaoe fbe matter 3¡ requp?e, • &no tbat 31 toere bnímotoen t© rija bp name of Byblis,tíll affurarice of mp fute toere tojougbt aceojDíng f© mp toíll. as tokens of mp toounoeo bart mpgbt tbeís fofb© appeere: ípp colour pale,mp bobp leane, mp beaup mírtbleíTe cbáre, S&V toatrp epes,mp ligbes toítbout apparatu caufes tobp, époft embracing of tb©: ano fucb toffes (ífperope Ebou marfeeo them) as berp toell tbou might baue felt ano founo #ot foj f© baue báñe &>u¿fcrlthe.l5ut tbougb toitb gréuous toouno 31 tben toere ffi rífeen t© tlje bart ♦ although the raging flame y £DíOburne toítbín: pit tafee 31(25001© toímeffe of tbe fame, £ 31 OÍD as much as lap in mée this outrage fp? t© tame. 3 * ano long 3) ffrpueo (tojetrbeo toencb) t©Icape tbe bíolent H>art fi>f Cupid, 31 baue enouroe of baroneffe t of fmart, Eban anp toencb (a man tooulo tbínfe) toere able r© abpoe. Jfojce fojretb m© r©fíjcto mp cafe tobícb faínc J (till tooulo fepbe, ano tiitrrp at tfjp gentle baño in fearfull topfe t© crane. Ebou onlp maplf tbe Ipfe of m© tbp loucr fptll o; fane. Cb©fe tobícb tbou toílt.$o emnp craues tbts tbing: but fucb a one as tbougb fíj© b© alpoe fo fu re as furer can b© none,. pit courts fíj© moje furelp pit alpeo foj t© b©, ano toitb a merer fepno of baño t© Imfe fjer felfe t© tb©. Ilet ageO felfees baue ffetll ín lato: t© age it D©tb belong E© fe©pe tbe rtgo¿ of tbe látoes ano fearcb out rpgbt from tojong, feucb poutbfuli p©res as ours are pit rafíj follp o©tb befóme, ílffilósfenoto not to&st is latofull pít.ano tberefoje to© map o©me Ebat all is latofull tbat to© lift; enfetoí ng in tbe fameThe ninth hooke of Cfjc o©fag$ of the mpghtpe ha callo a feruantlhamefattlp5ano after certame fap?e (gone* j ano gentle to©tos,mp fruffp man 3 P?ap thà beare this pap?e Of tables (quoth flhee) t© mp (ano a great tohple afeertoaro ? é>h®aooeO) toother. #oto though chaunce o? toant of g©o regaro£ Che table flippeo ootonc t© grouno in reaching t© him toaro * j Che hanofell troublcO fcjeber mpno. 115ut pitChafent thcm.ano l^er feruant fpping tpme oto put them inf© Caunycs hano. , Macanders nepheto fooeinlp tn anger fl©ngatoap p * Che tables ere he half hao reO,(fcarce able to; t© flap > | i^is fiffoebe from the feruants face toho qttaabt) ano thus OiO Tap.; g ¿uaunt thou bauope ribatoo tohple thou maptf.ffo; tocre it not g JFojfljame 3 fljculb haue bilico tha.fltoap afrapo he got, ano tolo his miff rette of the fàrce ano erudì anftoer maoe 515p Caunye.lBp ano bp the heto of Byblis gait t© faoe, Sno all her boop toas benumo toith 3-cie coloe fo; feare g C© hare of this repulfe. Mane as that her fenfes toere j letamo ageine, her furious flames returned toith her toifts. $no thus flja fapo to aft that fcarce tor f ©ng the aper hitts j ¡anD:to©2thelp. i?02 tobp toas 3 to ralh as t© otfeouer j, 115p haffp to?pghting this mp toouno tohich mofl 3 ought to coaer* J 3 l&oulo toith Oototfall glaunctng to©:Os haue felt his humo; furlf? j Sno maoe a trapne t© trpe hit« if purfue 02 no he ourif.Ouids Metamorphofís. 120 3 fboulo bañe Oetocofirtt ííjecoaíí,tai fœ t be toeatber ctorei Sino tben 3 mpgbt baue launcbeo fauf ano bololp front tbe père» ï5ut noto 3 boptt bp ail mp faples bcfo^Je 3 trpoe t|jc topno : 2 ba tare her garments from her b;cff,ana furioaflpiba tmong, l£er banbs,anb bate her armes,and libe a beblem toitb her tomg Confeffed berbnlatofui* loue.But baing of the fame JDtfpopntedjlba foffobe her land and batefall houfe fo; Ibame, and followed after flpmg Caunc.and as the if rocs of Thrace 3n doing of the tb;a pare rites of Bacchus: in Ipbe race Che marped topues of Bubaiie faio Bybiis hoteling out i Cb?ougb all tbep; champion faloes Che fcbtcb leautng,ran about > 3n Cana to the Lelegs tobe are men in battell flout, and fo to Lycia.&bde bad paff Crag,Limy«,and the b;obe 0f Xanthus,and the cotmtric inhere Chy mzra that fame pobe i£atb<£>oatfflj bodp,ilicns brad and b;iff,and &;agons tapir, Mlben toods did toant: and Bybiis noto beginning lb; toqoaple j Cb;ougb toarpnefle in folletoing Caunc, fanb doton and tape ber bed, 3 ageinff the ground, and biff the leaucs that topnd from irae tad fljeb* Che iptpmphes of Cana toent about in tender ormes to tabe ) l^er often bp.Ehep oftentpmes pcrftoaaed her to flabe 5 |)er loue.flna too;ds of comfort to ber dcafe eard mpnd tbep fr»*.^ ^Quids Metamorphofis. 121 g>b® If ill lap dumbe: and toitb her napies the granilb ifttbat Cjie IiiId» 0ud moptfcd toitb a ffreame of teares tbe graffe bpon the t&lo. v Coe tDaternpmpiies (fo folk report) pat bnder her a fpjing, Mbpcb neuer mpgbt be djpde: ano eonlo tbep giue a greater t&fog t I gmmedtatlp eaen like as tuben p® toound a pitebtr® rpnd, ^ Cbe gum Doth iffne out in djoppes: oj as tbe toclferne topnd t ®3Uitb gentle blaff togitber toitb tbe toarmrb of ©unne,t)nbpnd * Cbe pee: o? as tbe clammp kpnd of cement iubtcb tbcp call \ Bitumen tffuetb from tbe ground full fraugbted rbcretoitball: i, £>o Phoebus n®ce JDarne Bybhs then containing toitb ber teares, ®5Sas tumd to a fonntame,tobic&151 tbofe fame talipes beares • SS&6 tpfle of tbe founder Util,and gufljctb freiblpout ¿from bnderneatb a £>ugarcbelf as if it lucre a fpoiot. Cbe fame of ibis fametoondjous thing perbappes bad filled all Cbe buno;ed Cotones of Candyc bad a greater not befall fipoje n®rer home bp Iphys meanes tranffo?med late before* jfo? in tbe lbP?e of Pheftos bard bp GnoiTus dtoelt of po?e I 3 peoman of tbe meaner fojt that Lyftus bad to name. 5 * ^isffocke toas fimple, and bis tocltb according to tbe fame. i §otob® t bio Ipfe fo bptpgbt toas,as noman conld it blame. ? ¿e came Unto bio topic then big and readp dotone to Ipe, and fapd: ttoo things 3! toitb tb®. Cone, that toben thou out $alt crpe, Cbou maptf dtfpatcb tottb little papne: the other that thou baue “ a H5oapjf o? i!5p?lcs to bjing them tip a greater coC do crane, ano 3! baue no abtlitte.anb therefore if thou b?mg a toeneb (it goes ageinlf mp bcart to tbinke bppon tbe thing) * * although ageinlf mp totll J charge it (frepgbt deff roped bto. Che bond of nature n®des mutt beare in this behalf tottb mas. Cbis fed, both toept ercciedinglp,8s toell the bufband tobo 5 2Dtd giue commaundcment,as the topfe that toas commaunded to. |m Tclethufa earnelf Ip at Ly& her bufband lap, P (although in bapne) to bane god hope, and of bimfelfe mo?e ffap. P JBut be toas full determined. Wt bin a tobpie, the dap 0 appjoebed that the ft ate toas rppe, and lb® did lobe to lap !£er bellp euerp mpnute: toben at mldnpgbt in her relf ¿»tod bp her (o: did fame to ffand) the bé fcarce coulo flap ber tear? s.Mflat cnD remapnes fo? mee (tp 0)é) l^otu Ara unge a Ione i bota bucoth i ijoiu p?0Digicus rcpgncs in mé? gf that the Cods dìd fatto? mé,thep fljoulo Dcftrcp nié qupgfct. £)? iftbeptejould not nt£2 Bcflrop, ai ìeafltapfe pit thep mpgijt i^aue gincn mé fuel? a malattie as rnpght tenti? nature slonD, • ¿)? nature boere acquainted teut&.a (Coin is ncuer fond tKppon a Com,no? ¿pare on spare. Che Ham Delpglyts the Caine, Che £>tag the ^pnoe^tbe Corbe the I^en.But ncuer man coulo (bete», Ehat female pit mas tane in loue tutti? female hpno.O iooulo * Era Cod 3 ueuer bao bène bomc.^tt Icafl that Candy fijoulo $ot b;tng fra?tb all that monflrruous torre, tbc Daughter of the isonne i S>to loue a Bull, i^otobèr tbetc toas a Spale fra Dote bppon. spp loue to furtoufer than hero, if trutte confeCfeD -s t jfo? tyé mas fono of fucb a fu# as mpgflt bar compatì. è»bé > t, Mas ferueD bp a Bull bcguplo bp 2rt in Coin of tré. ^ i ¿no one there teas fo? ber tenth tohom aDuototrie to commit. 3if all tbe conning in tbe teJO?locanD fipghts of futtle tent Merc bére, o? if that Daedalus himfelfe tenth tmeototh toing; g ©f Mar fl?oulD hither flpagaine, tohatcomfb?tiboulDl?eb?ingi Coulo be tenth all t)is conning crafts note? make a boap of mé i 0? coulo he 0 Ian thee ebaunge tbe natiue fljape of tbé i $ap ratber Iphys fettle tbou thpmpno ano call tbp toitfs flbofot tb© : Ojahc thou of theis flames that frolifblp bp flits Miti? oat ail reafon reigne. Chou féff tohat Mature bathe thè maDc (©nUflfe thote) tutte Dccepue tbp felfc.) £?o farre fra?tb topfelp temDe, às rpght ano reafon map fuppo?t,ano loue as tejemen ought ^ope is the thing that b?éoes Defp?e, hope féoes the amo?ous thought. I ¿his hope thp fer Benietb thè. jpot matching Doth reftrepne Ehé from emb?acing of the thing foherof thou art fo fapne. $o? pit the Ipulbanos iealotofie, no? rotogbnefle of her &p?e, ¿o? pit the copneffe of the Menci? Doth hinder thp Dcfp?e. flintThe ninth booke of flno pit t|ou camf not fjrt cniay.#o ctjongh ri,at Cat ans man £>{)cmiD laboi to then* totrermcß ano öm f|)c bcß tbcp caw 3n thp bebalfc,tbcp couis not make a bappp topgbt of thè. 3 cannot inilb theÌbiitg but chat 3 b3ae it. if rants ano frè Che Coddcs baue giuen mè tobac then couto.Ss 3 töüi,fo folli h® Chat muß become tnp imlles mp father to, Car nature ßronger than them all ccnfentctb not thereto. Cbis hinDietb mè,anD nothing elfe.llßeboto the bliffuli tpme, Che Dap of spartage is at hanö- länthee ßjalb® mpne, SnD pit 3 (ball not ber eniop.SmtD the foarcr fece £>ball thirß.® Iuno pießöcnc of manage,fohp toitb thè Comes Hymen tea this foebOing inhere no bipDegrome pou Hjall Cà, t » u 15uc botlsc are B?pDcs that muß that Dap togtthct coupleD bet t Cfos fpoben,lbè did boto for peacc.Sno noto the totber mapö SDtD burne as tobore in louc as OEjè.SnD earneff Ip (bee piapö Cljc fopöale Dap mpgbt come toitb ff èDe.Cbe thing fo? tefoch 0JÓ iottgh Dame Telethufa fearing foie,from Dap ten Dap pioIongD Che tpmc,oft fepning fifcneflc, oft piercnoing djè taD fane gli tokens of lucccffe. at length all Cbtff£s confumeD bène, Che tocDDmg Dap fo oft DciapD Utas noin ait hanD. Che Dap S5efo?e it, raising from her heao the feerchèf qupgbt ainap, SnD from her Daughters bcao ltketopie,fo!rb fcattreD beare flje lapfc ^erhanDes bpon the Sitar,and inith humble hopce thus p?apD. HD Ifis inho Doß haunt the toicne of Paretome,anD Che fèlDes bp Maracotis lahe,anD Pharos fofoch Doth ßanD 31Bp Alexandiia,anD theNyle DiuiDcD into fenen Crear channels,comfoit thou mp fcare,anD feno mè help front fieauen, Chpfelf HD be moueD tt.Che temple Doles DID tremble like a rèDe. SnD bonnes in likenefle to the spone about the Church %nc# „ $119123 Ouids Metamorphofis. ano Kattl esmaoe a caufftmO) tbís fame lucirte íígne, although not fobolp careleffe,pft rpgbt glao fl¡¿ tocat atam. ¡3nD Iphys follotoeü after tjer tottfe larger pace tban ap ¿fjá toas accuttomD.^nD tier face conttnueo not fo tobpgbf. ^cr IIrengtfe encreaíeMnb bet tafee moje fl;arpcr toas to fpgbf. ^er beare greto tbojter,anb Ajee fjao a mncb mo:e Ituclp fpjpgbt* C(jan toben toas a toencb-ifot tbou flD Iphys tobo rpgfjc noto mootfjer toert,art noto a boap. Wtb offrmgs both of poto Z(o Cbnrcb rerpje^anb tbere retopee tottb faptb bnfearfuíLCbep $$ ttb offrtngs toent reo Cburcb agetne, ano tbere tbepj botoes bíb pap, Cbep a!fo fef atable bp, totjícb tbís b;áf máter bao. The vovves that Iphys vovvd a wench he hath performd a Lad» j¡5ert mojroto oner alt tbe toojlo DíD (bine toírb Iigbtfome flame, mben Iano,ano JDame Venus, anb §>tr Hymen topntípcame Ce Iphys manage,tobo as tben tranffojmeb reo a boap ~ Dio tafee Ianthec tto feto topfe,ano fo feer tone entep Finís noni LibrL $^THE TENTH BOOKE ofOuids zPvfetamorphoßs. g Konitbcnce in faffron colourö robe fleto Hymen ttoouglj § apjc, r J. Slnö ínfo Thracia feceing calleo bp Orphy DtO rrpap?e. tye came in Oéíc at Orphyes caü: but neptber Diftlje fing £be toares cf ti)at folcmmriemo? merrp countnance bring, Jtojanpbanofdl of geoD iuckc.i^tö to¿c&toítfit:íjlmg fmofec iiäasomiitbe famer© burnecütc!tcre,no0irrring couio pjcuofef, Ufie eno toas toojfer rijan tlje figne.jfO? as tlje IFüptic Dtö reine äb?oDe accompanpöe toitb a frapne of ^pmpfies ro> bring Ijcr ^enre, ¡a ferpent lurtung in tfjc g raffe mo tfmg tjer in tbe ande: , Mbcreof fljee opoe mcontmenr,fo ftoifc tl;ebanc öio rancie» Mbom toben fíje Thracian $toet baö betoaplo fufficientlp £>n eartbribe Crijoffes oeparteo fience be mtnotng foz reo trie, botone at tlje gate of Ttsnarus MD go tm Limbo lafer. Sino tbence bp gaff Ip folfe ano foules late burtco fie oíd falte l£ts ioiirncp tco Peifephoneeano tco tbclting OfC?fjOlfl5 Cfiat Llsea Lojolp tp^ati reigncs tri tfiofe tmpleafant coaffs» 8no plapmg en íjís tuneo fjarp be tbus began tco founo, ¿D pon tfje &>ouereities of tlje tooriö fet bnoerneatb tlje grctmOj Eco tobóme toce all (totjat euer tfitug ts maOc of nio^raü fcpnöj KepapjCjtf bp pour leaue 3 noto map freelp fpeahe mp mpno, 3 come not boberas afppc tlje i^söp lEcll tes fee: $o? pet tfic foule ttoce beaoeo Curre toljofc bearrsall SöOcrs bá íCffl tpe in cfiepncs.Cbe caufe of tbis mp bpage is mp topfe Mbofe fcotea CJtprr tfingmg öiö ab.rioge íjet pouififull ipfe. 3 toouio baue bojne tt pacicnrlp: ano fo tco Den g ßraue. )iönt Loue furmourttrD potoje.Cbm Coo ts imotoen great fc?ce (ffi Ijaöt flbouc on eartlj.íltio tobetber be rcígne bfére o? no 3 ootot. Ü5ut g bclecue ijce retgnes b&re ü ferne fbat flies abotot fDt fojmer rape repod not to?or.g,L oue couplcO alfo ¿oto. 3¡5p fbets farne places füll of ieare: bp tbts botogc Chaos noto3 Öno bp ttjt fhliteííe of tíjts toaffe ano empspe tag0otne,3 ißefcsclj pa? cf Étiry cinee touede tlje ocßit pe 22 bat toas fo ftoifdp rteieo bp all rbtngs tco pou bclong. 8uö fbougb toce imgnng fo? a tobple otff pagcants Oco p?cIong? |!Quids Metamorphofis. 122 pit fonc o%: late toa? all tea one abpbing place Do route: ZX&tt bade bs tythtx all: tbis place becomes our lated borne: gnb poti Dai ouer brnnatne kpno reigns longed tpmc.jjieto tobm £bis tooman i^aii ijaue lined full ber tpme,ib® ¿ball agen JBecome pour otone.Cbe bfe of tier but fo: a tobple 3 crane* J3nb if tije SDeff npes fo? mp topic benpe tries fo? tea bauc SKeleace, 3 fullp am refoibo fo? eucr ¿sere to dtucll. JSetopce pou in the bcatb ofbotb. £sbe ttjto rale bio fell, 0no plapcb on bis iudtumentgbe blmolelTe gbodes fl?cb fcares t Cai tp?e on Titius grofeorng bart tbe grasbp iSrppc fc?brarcs: JD?e fanning toater T antalus cnoeueretb not rco b?ink: • igno Danaus Daughters cj ad tm fill tbep? tubbes rbatbaue no b?ink« ixions tob&le doib if til: ano boinne fate Sifyphus bppon $t3 rolling ffoneXben fidf of all (fo fame for truth bath gone) JLtje juries basing driken there toitb pitie at bio fong $Dib tpnepe.^no neptfjcr Pluto no? bis ILaote toere fo drong Stab baro of doniacke tar toirbbolb bis in® petition long. SLxjtp called fco/fb Hurydicee tobo teas as pit among %\)z netocome c25bJO-s.anb limpeb of ber toounb.i^cr bnfbanb tmhe l£er to tb conbicton tbat be fljoulo not bache bppon ber lathe, tktmll tbe tpme tbat bee toere pad tijc bounos of Limbo qupgbt: HD? elfe ten lofe bis gpft. Cbep tmke a path tbat ff&pe bp?pgbt Kofe barhe ano full of foggpc mid.ano noto tbep lucre toitbut 3 kenning of tbe tipper eartb,toben Orphye bio begin Em botot btm lead fyee foliotned not,ano tb?ougb an eager !oue 2Defp?ous fo? to fee ber be bis epes did backtoarb moue. 3mmeoiatlp fljrc flippeb bache. l£e retching out bis banbs, SDcfp?ous too bee caugbt anb fo? ten ketcb bee grafping If anbS. IBut nothing fane tbe flipp?p aire (bnbappp man) be caugbt. £>bce bptttg noto tbe fcconb tpme complapnb of Orphye naugbf* iFo? tobp tobar bab lb® tea complapne,onlcffe tt lucre of loue i Mbicb titade ber bufbanb bache agen bis eues bppon ber moue i ^er lad fareluell djes fpake fo oft,tbat fiwrcl l;s bcatb tlje founb, 8nb then reuolteb rco tbe place in tuljicb be bab ber founb* £bts bouble bping of ¿is topfefet Orphye in a dounb, $o lefle than bint tobo at tbe fpgbt of Plutos b?eabfull l£otmb £bat on tbe mibble mcke of tb?e £>uune had paGeD th?cugfi the And iDatrpOgneofPifces and had fintlht full thr páre. (f^áre I Sino Orpin e (torre it that fets til CucceGc bet Gill did reto* Q fD? that he botocd fo tm dm) did btrerlp cfebeto fi Che toomanfepnd.^it manp a one defp?ous toere tm match I ÍSIlithhintjbuthethemtoithrepulfeDidallalifeedifpatch. fi tpealfo taught the Thracian folfee a Gctoes of opales tmmafee l( andofthe6oto?íngp2pmeof boapes the plcafurefo?tm tafee. |ii Cfeerc toas a hplRano on the hpll a berte leuell plot. i 5fap?e gránc ¿nth graGe.But as fo? fíjase o? ccuert toas tytft not, SGmnc as that this poet bo?ne of €>oddes,.in that fame place ¡I &>ate dotoneand toucht his tuned Grtngs,a thadoto carnea pace. Chert toantes uepthcr Chaons tresno? pit the trees tm totnch & f\ reGj Phaetons fuGcrs turned toere,no? Báche,no? I£olme,n0? With it Jio? gentle 2fp,no? topueleGe Bap,no? loftp CheGnuftree. $0? I£a?le fpalt, no? toherof the lhafts of fpeares made bá?. || jio? fenatfeGe jf irre,no2 checrfull plane,no? Staple fleefeed grapne. #o? Cote,no? £>alioto tohich delights bptoaters tm remapne. i|üo? Gender t toigged CemarifK, no? Bor ap gremc of heto. I ¿o? jfigtrdcs loDen toíth thep? frute of colours b?otonc and bleto, #o? Double colours ^p2t!ctr(ts. £tDo?eoucr thither came Che toipthmg 3¡upe,and the iitpne that runnes bppon a frame. CBlmes clad toith C3pncs*and afljes topis,and pitches blacfee as colt, ano full of trees toffíj gmolp frute red Grpped, ®?tparos toholfc iOuids Metardorphofis. 125 #no palmetras Iptbe fobtcb in rcfoaro of conqueff men o© beare, jano ^pnapple toirb tufreo top ant» barfl) ano pttcfeling beare, Cbe tree fro Cybele mother of theCooties moil Dare, if o; tobp;> l£cr minion Atys patting of tbe tyape of man,Dio ope, jano baroeneo inreo this fame tr&dmpng this compana ©¡las p:efent tuitb a ppheo top the Cppicffemoto a tra, &>umtimea bcap beloucooftbeCifoD tljat tDttfj affring SDcot^ arme bisbotu,ano toitb a firing in tune bio tSItall tying, ifo^ballotoco too tbe i^pmpbes that in the faloes of Carthyc mere ¿fjere toas a goolpmpgbtp &tag tobofe homes fuel) tyeotb DiD beare, 53s that tbep ibaootocD ail bis homes of golo DiD typne, m j3no oofone bis tyefi b«ng from bis itecke,a cbepne toitb ietoels fpne, flmiD bis frunt tottb p^ettie firings a tablet baing tpDe, £Dto ioaucr as be tnent: ano from bis cares on eprber fpoe i£ungpetles of all one grototb about bis boUoto temples typgbc. Cbis goolp £>pitfer batngbopo of D?eaD,as bautng qupgbt ifoigot bis natiue fearefutneflMiD baunt mens boufes,ano ©UoulD fuffer folk (pea tbougb imtmotucn)t©eop tym totth tbep? bank But mo?e than tint© all folfce elfe be oarer toas t© tbee J3D CypariiTe tbe fap?efi Wpgbt that euer man did fee 31n Coea.Cbou fffl paffures,tbou totoater fpjings bim leo, iCbon lomatbeoff funD:p flotojes bettoane bis homes Oppon bis bc&. &nmtpme a bo?fman tbou bis baefee fo: pleafure oiofi befirpbe, ^InD baltring btm toitb Albeit bit from place to place Dtofi rpoe. fnfummer tpme about bpgb none toben Titan toitb bis beate SDio mabe tbe balloto crabbeo cleas of Cancer fo? t© ftoeate, ©InUjating Cypanilustoitb a SDart oto Uribe ttys |)art ©upgbt ttyougty 3no to&ett ^at of tbetoouno be fain be muff Depart, |)epurpofDfo?r© Diebimfclf. flisabaf tom:os of comfort fpabe ^ $ot Phoebus t© tym f toilling bim tbe matter ipgbt fa tabc £ 3no not mo?e fo?roto fo,: it than teas requifite t© mabe. But ffill tbe ilao Dio fpgb ano fob, ano as bis laff requett SDefpteO €©D be mpgbt thenceforth from morning ncuer refi. Slnon ttyougb toaping ottermucb bis bt©0 toas orapncD qupgty * ^(s limbes toert grane: bis beare totycb bung bp5 bis fojcbcao tobpgbS Began t© ba a bnfileo bulb: ano tabmg bp ano bp if iltifueffe, toitb a lljarpeneo top did face tbe ffarrie fhpeThe tenth boote of Che do bfo flgb> ano fati? fapo.fppfclfe Qjall mra?ne fo? t&&, ani thou fo? others : ano ap one in manning thou ibalt bra.; èuri) inrao as tbts bad Orphye o?afoen about bim as among Che heroes of beatis, ano flcchs oniBirosfje fateampbs tfjc ano toben bis tbumbe fufficientlp bao trpeo cuerp ®ring, ano fanno that though thep feuerallp in fnno?p founos oio ring, fPic maoe thep all one ^armonie, thus began to fttig. C> Mute mp mother frame mp fong of Iouc. fo? euerp thing gsfubicrt Onto ropall Iouc. ®f Iouc the bcauenlp Iking 3! oft baue ibetoeo the gloiious potuer.3 erff in graner Oerfe Che ¿pants ilapne in Phlaegra fdeloes ioitb thunder, oio rebcrfe# 2Butnouj 31 necoc a mràloer ®ple tra tell of p?ettie bopes Chat tuere the Oerlings of tbed>os :ano oftmlatofull iopes Chat burneo in the b?c®s of dries, toi;o fo? thep? tmehco lu® acco?orngas thep oio oeferue,reccpueo penance iulf. Chewing of didoes oio burns eretohple in loue ofGanymed Che Phrygian ano the thing toas founo tubicb lupitcr that ifeo l£ao rather bra than that he teas, pit could be not betrame Che ihape of anp other iSiro than aegle fo? tra Téme ano fo be fo?ing in the ap?e foitb bo?rotoeO toings truff bp Che Trotane boap tobo Hill tn beauen euen pit orath beare bis rap, ano h?ings him Ne&ar though again® 2Dame Iunos toill it bee, ano thou Amyclys fonne(bao not tbp htaup oe®inra ab?iogeo thee bcfo?e tbp tpme) bao® alio placed bène 31Bp Phoebus in the Srmament.^otD bra it (as is frane) Chon art eternali fo farre fo?th as map bra. jFo? as oft as iuatrie Pifcis giuctb place tra Aries that the foft ano gentle fp?ingtpoe oratb fuecraoe the tuinter fljarp ano ffofo?e ; £>o often thou reneinett thpfelf,ano on the fap?e grràne ciotole $Dra® ibrate out flotn?es.tpp father bare a fpeciall loue tra thee abouc all others.&o that tobple the dio inerti oft tra fra Eurotas ano tminalleo Spartir left bis noble fotone iDf Ddphos (tnbicb a mio the tno?lo is fituate in renotnne) SKUithont a fouereigne .j^eptber fèarp no? 3l5olo regamo lucre, ©nmpnofull of bis dooljeao be refuted not tra beare Che nets,no? fo? tra bolo the bounds,no? as a pepnfull mate C© traudì ouercraggeo bilico,though Web continuali gateOuidsMetamorpliofis. 125 flamed augmenteö moje and mo:e. ano noto tbe fanne bio tifano »II nére miotoap bettoane tbe npgbts laff paff ano nejrt at batto, i, Cbep ffript tbemfelues ano nopnfco rbem toitb oplc of €>Ipfe fat, 11 $no fell to tfaotolng of a ,ê>leoge that toas rpgbt botoge ano flat, I jfptff Phoebus pepffng it oio tb?oto it from bint toitb furb Arengtb,' ßs tbat tbe toepgbt ojaue cotone the clouos in Spingano at length I 31t fell Upon fubflamtaU grouno,tobere plainlp it oto faoto as tocll tbe cunning as tbe fence of btm tbat oiD it tl)?oto, gmmeoiatlp Upon oefp?e bimfelf tbe fpott t® trie, Z\)c Spartane iao maoe baffe t® tabe bp bnaöuifeölp 2Cbe ëleDgc before if ffiU DtD Ipe.liBut as be boas in bano • #® catcb it, it rebounoing bp ageinff tbe baroeneo lano, ! S)iO bit bint fullbpon tbe face.Cljc Cud bimfelfe OiD lenite as pale as Dio tbe latrano bp bts ftoounoing boDp tmfce. $oto culles be bim,notü bjppes be from tbe toouno tbe blood aümp* , ¿notbertobple bid facing Ipfe be ff rpues Usiti) herbes t® ffap. $ougbc bfflteo Heecbcraft.l^elpleffe tuas tbe toonnö.3no lifec as one 515j®fo biolct ffalfees 0} ptoppie tifato ot lltllies groining on ï5;otone fpinolcs,ffreigbt tbep Umbering D^®pe toitb beaup beaos f are $ot able foj t® bolo tbcm bp,but toitb tbeir tops o® ffare ’1 ii both bi® faouloers, noto a tone ano noto a tmtbcr Jptl e. JEbeu faauff atoap mp Hyacinth befranset) of tbe p?pme tiDf pourbfànotb Phoebus) and 3J fdetbp toDuno mp bepnous crpme. £bou art mp fo;roto ano mp fault : this bano of mpnc batb tojougbt : £ijp Death : Ì l&c a niurtberer baue totbp graue tbté bîougbt, ! ÏBut tobat baue 3 offenocö facto /onleffe tbat t® baue plapo» AD: if tbat t® baue lotteO,an offence it map be fapo. Moulo C’oo 3 renoer mpgbt mp Ipfe toitb ano in ffeao of thè, £® tubici) fpfb fatali oeff tnee oenpetb tœ agra, 3i5otb ni mp mpno ano in mp meutb tbou euermoje fljalt b«'» Spp natali ffrthen toitb mp bano,mp fangs faallfouno of t\)à9 Sino in a netumaöe flotoje tbou faa!t toitb letters repaient ÜDur fpgbings, 3no tbe rpme fball come ere manp parcs bœ fpent, Chat m tbp ffotoje a baleant ghinee (ïjall iopne bimfelf toitb tljé.The tenth booke of ftno leaue hfs name bppon the leaucs fo? men reo ráoeano fá. 5ü2EbpIe Phoebus thus Dio p?opbefie,bebolo the blcoo of him WiWb opoe the graife,eraff blmD to bee,ano bp there fp?ang a trim Sino goolp fioto?c,mo?e orient than rbe purple clotb ingrapne, 3n fijape a iiillpe, tocre if not that lltllpes two remapne £Df fpluer colour,tobereas tbeis of purple bcto ace fáne. although that Phoebus bao the caufe of this grcate bono? báñe, £&it tbougbt be ncc fbe fame pnougb.ano tbcrfo?e mo be to?pgbt !£ts fpgbcs bppon fbe leaues thereof: ano fo in colour b?pgbt Che flotee bath * i,to?tt tberon, tobteb letters are of gráf. ©O fmall tbe Spartancs tl)OUgf)r tbc blrtb of Hyacinth rep?áf tüinto them,tbat ttjeptucD^íp bim from tbatoap bntm this. # * y ano as rbetr fathers Dio before,fo tbep Doe neuer nuffe Mitb folemne pomp too celebrate bis fcaff from páre reo páre. But if pcrcbaunce that Amathus tbe rich In metíais, toáre Demaunoeo if it tooulo baue b?eo the Propets tt tooulo (tocare, pta euen as glaolp as the foibc tobofe b;etocs fumtpme DID bcare, a pap?e of toclbeo bo?nes: tobereof tbep Ce raíles nameo are. Before tbep? ocd?c an altar ff©o of Ioue that tabes the care. flDf alpents ano of trauellers,tobieb lotbfome toas to fá, JFo? Ictooncffe to?ougbt rberon.^f one that bao a flraunger bá l^ao Icobt thereon,be tooulo baue thought there bao on it báñe fetliu é»um fuebing calues o; lambes, Cbe bl©D of ffraugers there toas ípíllfc Dame Venus fo;e offenoeo at tbístoicfeeo facrifpfe, C© leaue her Cities ano the laño of Cyprus oíd Oeupfe. But then betbtnbíng ber,(bá fapo.^m bat batb mp pleafant gronno 3Wat baue mp Cities trefpaireo i tobat fault in them is founo i ¿]5ap rather let this toicbeo race bp erpie punniibt báñe, ¿>? Death,o? bp fum other thing that is a meane bettoáne Both oeatlj ano erpie. tobat is that i fane onlp fo? tm ebaunge Cbep? fijape.jn muling toitb berfclf tobat figure toere molí firatittge, é>bá call her epe bppon a bo?ne.2no tbtretoitball fijá thought Cbe fametojbaalbapcrpgbt máte bppon tbemtcobáb?ougbt ? 0no fo lb ce from tbep? mpgbtp limbes tbep? nattue figure robe, 0no turno them into boptfous Bulles toitb grim ano cruell lobe pit ourif the filtbp Propets fiano in ffiffe opinion that Dame Venus toas no Coocefle till lb® báíitg to?oti? thereat, Omds Metamorphofis. nj Co mafce t hep? bodes common firff compcIlD them cuerpcbone jano after cbaungD tbep? former fepno.ifo: foben that ibame toas gone, ls ano that tbcp toereo bja^en faaff,(bae tnrncD tbcm tea Cone, jn tobicb betteecne tbeir former ¿jape toast Diffrence fmall o; none. m bom fojbpcaufe Pygmalion fato to leaDe tbep? Ipfe fn fin sDffenoeo toitb tlje bice tobereof greate ffojc is pacht toit&in Cfje nature of tbe toomanfepnD, be leo a fingle Ipfie. ano tong it teas ere be coulo fpnD in bart to take a topfe. /jioto in tbe tobple bp toono.ious 5^rt an image be Dio grauc flDf fucb p2opo;non,Qjape3anD grace as nature neuer gaue ^¡50,2 can to anp tpomangiuc.Bln this bio too?hc be robe • ¡a cerrame toue.Cbe Icofee of it toas rpgbt a fl^apoens lobe, 5no fucb a one as tbat pee toouiD bcleeue bao lpfe,ano that - MoulD moueD bee, if toomanboD anD reuerence tetteo not t ■ ¿o artificiall toas tbe toojfe. to©nD;ctb at bis art : ano of bis counterfetteo co?fe concepuetb tone in bart. a t£e often touebt it,filing if tbe to©2lt tbat be bao maoe Mere Derfe fie# o? 31uo?pe fftll.pit coulD be not perftoaDe l^imfelf t© tbinb it guojp. jFo: be oftentpmes it luff anD thought it feilTeo bim agcinc.i£e tjilo it bp tbe fiff, t ani talheD t© it.^e beldeueD bis fingars maoe a Dint :: clppon ber flcfi),anD fcareD teaff fum blache o; b?©feD p;int .. ghouls come bp touching ouer baro.g>umtpme tottb plcafant b©:D& anotoanton topes be oatpinglp D©tb caff f©2tb amo;ous tn©:os. £>nmtimc (tbe giftes toberetn pong Sapors are toonteD t© Delpgbt) i t^e brought ber otocbes,fpne rotmo ffones,ano iltUpcs fap;e % tobpgb*» anD pietie ringing biros, anD flotmes of tboufano fo;ts a»D bets, ano pepnteD batles,ano amber from tbe tree DiffiHeo neto, 3n gorgeous garments furtbermotebeoto bet alfo Decide, ano on ber fingars put me rings, ano ebepnes about ber neefce. j Kicbe perles toere banging at ber esres,anD tablets at ber b?eff. ail fcpno of things became her toeH.ano toben flje toas DnD^eff, feb® f t meo not ieiTe beatotifttU.i^e lapo her in a beo % 3Cbe tubicb toitb ^pci in Tyre bias ricblp oucrfp;eD, £ ano terming bee bis beBfelloto>be com ijco sotone bit beeo Nippon a ptlioto fofMS though fin eoalD baue fdt the fame> £t;e feaff of Venus balbeoeb ttocngb the 3le of Cyprus,came anDThe tenth booke of andButlocbs fobpgbt foitb gilden ho mes toe flapnc fo^fecttM: 3nd bp to beauen of fcanbinccnce tbe finobp fame did rpfe, ^ * OTjen as Pygmalion bautng cone bis dutpe that fame cap, 5U5afla?e the altar landing,thus bntb fearcfullbart cic fap. 3f that pou (D'oddes can all things gme,tl)cii let mp bnfe 3 pjap) {i$t durif not Tap ba ponfamc loencb of |uo?p,but) ba lake Cpp ivenctj of juo^p.Venus (tobo iuas nought at all to false ^¡Rfjat f«cb a tottt) as that etc raane)fbeH piefent at her fcaff, Sfo? Ijancfcll of ber franelp belpe did caufe tb?a tpmes at lealf dje fp^e to bindle and to fpp?c tltfpfc bptod in tbc ap^e, Mane as Ije came borne,ffrepgbt ¿ap Pygmalion etc repapje ] Slnto tbe Image of bis toehcMno leaning on tbe bed, ¿Did biiTe bin Bln ber boop Ifrrpgbt a toarmcneflc fame to fp^eD* !£e pat pis moutb againe to bers^nc on ber b?eftdid lap t£is banc. Cfjc | toed foft: and putting qupgbt atuap' Sll bardneife,palded bnderneathebis Sugars, as to fa % pace of toar made foft agetnlf tbe &>unne,02 djaioen to ba Sin diuers fyapes bp ebaufing it bettone ones bandes, and fo %o ferue to bfes. l£e amajde ffod ioauertng to and fro duane iop,and fearc to ba bagapld,ageinebe burnt in loue, Sgeinetoitb faling bo began bis Unfold bops to p?oue. %)t felt it berrpe fleib in Dade. S5p laping on bis thumb, 3$e felt ber pulfes beating. Eben be ffcod no longer dumb 3But tbanhed Venus trntb bis bart.ano at tbe length bo lapd |^is moutb to bers iobo buas as fben become a perfeet mapd. £>bafelt tbe feiffe, and blui^t tberat: and lifting fearefttllp 3£ir epelidds bp,bir lloner and tbe Itgbt at once did fppe. ¿be manage tbat ber felfc bad made tbe Ctoddeffc blcfled fo, 2Cbat ioben tbe 3^one toil b fulfum Ipgbt npne tpmes ber eourfe (ja& 0®> &bis Hadpe toas deliuered of a &>un tbat Paplius bpgbt, flDf lobom tbe |land tabes tbat name. £Df inm to bome a bnpgbt Calld Cinyras tobo (bad be bad none iflTue) furelp mpgbt £)f ail men bn&erncatbe tbefun bane tbougbt tbe bapppeH iopgbt* sDf ioicbed and moff eurfed things to fpeabe | noio commence. pee daughters and pa parents all go get pa fsrre from hence. £>; if pa mpndeo ba to bare mp tale, belaue ma nought 1« this babalfe; ne tbinb that fac& a thing to euer fo?ougb&Ouids Metamorphoíls. 128 áD; ífm tetti bálóuetbe DéDe, belarne tbe bengeance fax MWq IpgbtcD on tbe partpe tbat tbe teícheD act Dio do» jBtit íf tbat ít be poütble rfjat anp tepgbt fo mucb rom nature iaculo Degenerate, as fo; te fall to fuefj S bepncus crpme as tbt's ís, 31 am gíaD fo; Thracia,3f Sim glao fo; ìbis fame too;lD of ours,pea glao ercéoínglp 31 am fo; tbts mp natine fople,fo; tijat tbere ís fucb fpaee dettetene ít anD tbe lanD tbat b;eD a cbplD fo fcopD of grate, 3 tüOU'D tljfC laño Panchaya ÍIjOUiD Of Amomie be ríd;, jano Ctnnamom,anD Coffus fteÉte>ano 3ncence alio tobfeb 2SD©tb fCTue largelp out of tramano otber flotoers flrraunge, • gs iong as tbat ít bearetb $pp?rbe : net tea>;tb ít loas tbe cbatmgey $etoe irás to ijane of fucb a p;pce. £be C£od of loue Denpcs l£is locapons t© bauc burteD tbá?,áD Myrrha, ano be frpes ^ímfelfe bngíltte bp tíjp fault. á)ne of tbe guríes tb;&~ Wtb popfonoe émafees anb bdlif^b;anDs batí) ratíjer blaffeD ti)& £o bate enes fatber rs a crpme as bepnous as mep bee. 31But pít mo;e teícheD ís tbts Ione of tbine than anp bato. £be pcntbfull flo;Des of alt tbe e£aíf ano ^átes of cbáf eífafe 2Defp;e to bañe tljee í© tbeír tepfe,anD earncff fute D© mahe, íDfall (erceptíng onelp one) tbpchopee áD Myrrha tahe. &b® f&les Ijer filtbpe loue,ano íf rpues ageínft tt,anü íuíÉbín ^erfelf fapD.tobítber r©nnes mp mpno i tobar tbtnhe 3 to begtn ¿ péC’oSs (3 p;ap) ano goDlpneffe, pee bolp rifes ano aloe j©f parcnts,from tbís bepnous crpme mp íjíctous mpno tmt|j£gatüe> SnD Difappopní mp teicheDncflfe, Sí leaff íopfe íf ít boc ja íoícbeDncífe tbat 3 íntenD. Ss farre as 3 can fee, £bís loue ínfrtnDgetb not tbe bonoes of goolpnxüe a lobíf. JFo; euerp otber líutng tepgbt Dame nature tKDtf) petimt £0 match Uutbcut offence ef On. £be féecfer tbínbes no Ibaíne £0 beare ber fatber on ber bache : £be Í£o;fe bóUrpoes tbe fame* 0ftobom be ís tbe fp;e : Clje (foie D©tb buche tbe &ÍD ftjat bee ^ímfelfbegate : ano btrDcs D© treaD tbe felf farne bíroes toce feo ¿>f tobsnttbcp bafcfjeo tocre befe;«. 3n bapppe cace tbcp are £bat map o® fo lottbout offence. IBut mans malictons care ^atb raaoe a b;pole fa; tt fclf,ano fppgbtfull Jatoes rcürepne ¿betbings tbat nature fetcetb frtx. pit are tbeír Acalmes (mai fapne) The tenth booke of . a n foiid) rtic mœtfecr toítf» tie fount,nnû Daughter toitlj tfjc fctfctt 2Dcd matc^,tD^erc tljioagà of goiilpnefffe rf?c fcono augments tberatbe* îÆlitb Doublée loue.jpoto too is mœ it bae not báñe mp lot A 3« that fame countrie reo bœ bo?nc.ane tfjac ttys lucfelefie plot ê>|ioulD btneer mœ.Mbp tbtnlte 3 tbits i ¿iusunt bnlatofull tone. 3 ought ccd loue him 3 confcfiTe : but fo as c©tb beboue J ¡ i l$is Daughter : toere not Cmyras mp father tben,3tois 3 mpgbf obtatne t© Ipe tuttb tym.ïSut noto bpcaufe be is Sppne otoñe, be cannot bœ mpne otoñe. Cbe nœreneflfe ofonr bin ! ¡ 2Dœtb btîrr me.Mlere 3 further of percbauuce 3 mo?e mpgbt toiw. flno tf 3 tutH chat 3 tberbp this toicltcenefle mpgbt (bunne, 3 toouId fo?fahe mp natiue fople anD farre from Cyprus runne. # » y, Ætys emll beate c©rb bole mœ bache,that bœing p?efent fftll i 3 map but talhe tuttb Cmyras ane lobe on btm mp fill, | j Hno tempane hiffe btm,tf no mote map further grauntee bœ. f îæabp toiefeeo toeneb * ane canil thou hope fo? further i e©tt not fé ! ft Igoto bp tbp fault thou Dcolf confoune the rpgbts of name ane bln t 1 0ne Unit thou mabe tbp mother bee a Cucqueane bp tbp fin t | catlc thou tbp fathers lemán bœ i tutlt thon bœ both the mœt&er 1 0ne fuller of tbp cbpie i fyall be bœ both tbp frnne ane brother i 6 0ue fianell thou not in feare at all of tbofe fame fullers tb?œ { Mbofe beaos tuttb cratuling fnabes tn Ucae of beare bematteD té? j micb putting tuttb tbep? cruel! tyones folks eves ane mouses, Do ft ] a Cbep? finfull harts f but thou noto tobple tbp boep pit is free, « 3iet neuer fucb a tuiefeeonefle once enter in tbp mpne. 11 ÎDefple not mpgbtpe natures bell bp lullagetnll tbp fepne. What though tbp toilltoere fuilp bent: pit cucn the fcerp thing Q 3s fucb as toill not fuffer thé the fame tm ene tco tying. ft ifo? tobp b® bœtng toell eifpolbe ane goelp,mpnoetb ap p £>o much bis eetotpe that from rpgbt ane truth be iutll not llrap. > Ironie M goDlpneffe,^® calf mro Doiune fjer trofcc fo? berp Ajarne, > Jfo; inbp her gtltte bart did tmcinc thro incll ocfcrueo blame. ^ mpDnrgf)c came,ano Grope botbe care ano carhelTes opp?elf. . 3l5tic Myrrha Iptng b?ooe afoaUe coulo neptfjec Grope no? relf. £>ba frpes in Cupids Games, ano b)m?fees contineinallp Oppon I^er furious lone. GDne inbtle tyro (infers tn Orope Defpapze.anon &b® fullp mpnoes to gtue attempt, but tbame ootb I?olb ber tn. £>bro toiflbesano tyro inotes not tnbat fro oro,no? boin tro gin. ano lifer as inben a mfgbtpe trrofottb area beatoco roinno, $oin rroope imtb a ftrppe o? ttoaine to Ipe bppon tbe groinnD, tancertefne fa inbicb inap to fall ano tottretb euerp inap: ©uen fO bet tnpno initb oointfull inouno effrobleo tbeti oto Grap ^¡5 oil) bare nolo there imcertemeIp,ano tmfee of bo tbe encreace* meafure of ber loue bias reft,no? ptt retrace, fcauc onelp oeatkoeatb Itfeea ber bed. £>ba rpfetb,full tn mpno Co bang berfelf. about a potf ber gfrole tbe Ootb bpno, ano fapo fareinell orore Cmyras,ano bnoerffano tbe caufe fi)f tbta mp oeatb. ano inttb that tnro?o about ber neefee Gjro o?ainea £be nroje. (£cr truffpe nurce that tn another Chamber tap 15 p fo?tune bearo the iobtfp?ing founo of tbeia her tnro?oea (folfe fap.) Ebe ageo inoman rpfing bp bnboltea tbe oro?e.ano inban p febro fain ber tn that plpgbt of Death, tbro ib?rofemg out began £ Co fmpgbt her felf,ano feratebt her b?eff,ano qutefelp tro ber ran ^ ano rent the gfrole from ber neefee. Cben toropmg bttterlp ? ano bolotng ber bettorone her armcs,(bro affet the quefiion inbP £ feba inent about tro bang ber felf fo bnaouffeotp. ^ Ebe ilaop billo ber peace as Dumb,ano Irofeing on tbe grouno sanmouabtp,ina0 fo?pe m ber bart fo? bromg fonno SBefoje tb® bao oifpatcbf berfelf. l^ernurce if til at ber tap, $.j. SnoThe tenth boolte of Snb Vetoing Tyerljcr emptie Duggc s ano naheb hcab all grap, ÜBeíought her fo¿ tfje papnes ftfe tofcc totfh Ijcr both night anD Dap 3n rocking anD in feDing her,(hté tooulo Uouchfafe to fap Mhatenfit toerc that greeueo ber. C£e ILaope turno atoap jSDífplcafoe ano fetch* a fpgh. Cheiiurce lúas futip bent in mpnD Km boíult the matter out ; fo¿ libici) not onelp fi)á> díd bpnb i í£er fapcb,ín fccrct things to hápe : but alfo fapD,put tná ¡ B¡n truíí to fpnD a remebpe, 3 am not (thou üjalt íá) pit altogithet bullo bp age. 3f furíoufencfrc it bé, j 3bauebotbectJarmcsanocl;aunccDl)crbestcl)elp.|fanptupgljt ¡ 515etoitchcth tl;á,bp toíteljcrafc 3 Unii purge ano (et thee qupght, ¡ SD; if it bit the togati) of €ob,toe tljall Unti) facrifpfe Sppeafe the lunati) of Coo right U>c II. Sid hat map 3 nteje furmpfee * 1 j #o thcrucs haue b:oUen in Uppon this houfe anD fpcplD the toelth. l Chp mother anD thp father bothe arc lining ano in beltfr I Mbcn Myrrha hcarD’cr father naamb,a grecuous fpgh fyt fet i <£uen from the bottom ofher hart, l^otobcet the nurce as pet U spífcámD net anp toieheDucffe, JEnt nerethelelTc Ih® geli \ Chere lúas fonie loue : ano (fanDiug in otte purpofe maDe requelf j Km blatte her mptiD turo her, Sub (hit fet her tenDcrlp Chat ere thp father Qjsll it Unotoe. Sc that fame too:D Afe lepi if rom nurces tappe Itite one that hab berne paif her toitts, ano ffept ¡t l$er hanses to her. Snb fenálíng Dotane right humblp at W fàtt? I ¿Dne to!;ple (h« fap?e intreateb her toith gentle tocones anD ftoótfc Another tohple (onleflfe fijé maDe her p?iuie of her fojroto) è>h<* th:eatncD her, ano put her in a feare flj® tooulo nertmojrofo SEeto^aphee hotofyee toent about to hang &erfelf,315nf if . ' tffppon her Isppe. Che ilabpe toept anD fobbcD bitterlp. Chen culling her in feble armes, íl)¿ fapD 3 toell cfppe Chou art in loue. Cppbtligence in this behalf 3 ftoeare &ball ferutfable to thft bit. Chou (halt not netDe to feare ii/U4^ ii/m u;wu vai nnvwv i» wunvmawv« P$m;z nurce gan quake,anD trembling both for age anD feare bfDpB ith furp to her tohith lh® leaning botone !)ir fare é>apD,hence 3 p?ap thae : fo^ce mec not to nip (hamefull cace. SriD tohen the nurce did togc her (fill,(I)® anftocrcD epther get Che hence,o: ceace toaf&c nfe tohp mpfelf 3 thus Do fret. Che thing that thou bcfpjAe to fcnotoe is toicfecDncffe. CheolbOui'ds Metamorphofis. &há rolo hcr,(há did plight her fapth ano help tco her reláf. £>bá Ifftco bp her heao,ano then totth ceares faff guflhing out JlBeeflcobercD all her «urces b:eff: ano going oft about £ut of heauen the goloen Phoebec fleo, ; «íhThe tenth booke of W, iff) clofods mo:e black than anp pitch the darrcs cits bpde their bid, > Che npgbt bacommcibbtfcr bond cfall her foonted Ipgbt, and {»vli bcfo:e all other bib ttjetr faces out of fpgtjt C-cdd I car awn Erjoontc bis Daughter, VdJjo foz loue £pod bertuous tco her fatbcrluarOjteas take bp aboue 0nd made a flrarre m beauen. Cbife tpmes bad M> rrha forarnfng gfoen Bpflumbling, to refuse. 2Tb?® tpmes the 0eatbfull2Db)Ietbataurn 32® ith Dcolefull nopfe p:ognodicates bnbappie lucke. pet came &h® fojtoaro dill: the oarknelle of the npgbt abated Ibarae. t$er left hand held her nurce,hcr right the oarke blpno foap did grope* ¿non thee tco tt;e chamber came: anon the dtD?e teas ope: 0non d)a entred tn.iutth that her foltrfng hammes did quake: l£cr colour dpde: her blend and hart did ckrrlp her fo;fake. ¿he mxrcr Choc app^or hed too her toickedncffe, the mo;e fetjee trembled: ¿f her cnterp?pfe it irked her full foie: Sind fapn thee toould fljoc might bnknotoc bane turned back. /parceled ? l)cr patufing foiumrd bp the hand: and putting her t ^cere take this Damjell Ciny ras,fbee is thine otone lh® fed. ' And fo thee lapo them ten bied.Cbe bricked father takes J^ts botoctles inten fUrbp bed,and there tuith foojdes afQakes £be mapdens fcare, and chores her bp. Sind lead this crpme of thep;es iPpght toant the rpghtfull termes,bp chaunce as in refpeit of pares i^e daughter did htr call,and Ihee him father. Boeing fped iKHith curfed fade in bricked toomb,fl)ee left her fathers bed, £)f tohieh fame after fijee became greate bagged teith her fljame. i]5ert night the lelndneffe doublco.&nd no end bias of the fame, infill at length that Onyras oefp;ous fo; to fcnotoe l^is louerthat fo manp npghts bppon him did beffofoe, IDio fetch a light: bp lohtch he faiue his obme mod hepnons crpme? Sind ake his daughter.nathelcffe,his foirofo at that time 3ftep;ed his fpecche. Chen hanging bpbe o;eto a Kapler b;pghf* 0Ump ran %rrha,ano bpmeanes of oarkneffe of the npghf Srijeetoas deliucred from the death: and draping in the b?oadi SDatebearing faloes of Arabye,ft)& tb?ougb Panchaya pode, and toanojing full npne menttethes at length fljee reded baring tp#i 3n Saba land, and foben the tpme teas noerc at hand erpp.Jde, and that bneach the burthen of her toomb ihee foell could beare? £itOuids Metamorphofis. iji $ot imofoing tofmt a>e migfct Dcfi>jr,w(frcii bcttertuc flicfcnre £Df oeatb,ano teoioufneffe of Ipfe, rf)ts p;aper fbé did make. <3D (locoes,tf of repentant fclkpou anpmercpe take, Scarpe Ocngeance 3 confeiTe 3 baue Dr fcraeD,ano content 3 am to take it pactcntlp. l^oto bé it tco tfjentent iCbat iteptber toitf) mp Ipfc tbe quick,no: toitb nip Death tijc Dead Enopco bé,from both of them erempt mo this fame (fed. 0no altring mé,Denp to mat botb Ipfc ano dr acb.toe fee Eco fucb as do eonfeffe tbep; faults fum merer Gjctoo to bé. Wot decodes did graunt ber ibis tcqticff,tbe lati tijat (Ije Qjoulo make. Wot ground DID ouergroto tor féte,ano ancles as fljé fpske. • Sno from ber burlien tors toent rotes, tobicb tmptbmg boere ano there tDld fallen fo tbe trunk toirbm the ground fljé conio not Ucare. i£er bones DID into timber turne,tokercof the mane teas Wot pitb>anD into Uiatna; fappe tbe bloo of ber did pafTe. Ceramics torre turno to greater bougbes, ber fingars into ttoig, fper fkln boas baronco into bark, fino noto ber bellp big Ebe eatcbfng tré bao ouergrotoen,ano cuertane ber toclf, Sno baffeD fo; to tofn ber neck,ano bpoe it tolti; tbe refi. made no tarpence no; Oclap, but met tbe comining tré, #nD tbzmnk ber face toltbin tbe barkc tberof.aitbougb ttjat fbé Cogttber toitb ber former fbape ber fenfes all oio lofc, pit toépetb ibé, ano from ber tré toarme D;oppcs co foftlp toofe. Ebe tobtcb ber tearcs are bao in pjpce ano bonour.ano tl;e %p;rbe £bat tffuetb from ber gummp bark Ootb beare tbe name of ber, ano (ball Do tobple tbe too;lo Ootb latf. Che mifbegotten cbplo d5reto fìlli tottbln tbe tré,ano from bis mothers toomb Oefplo feougbt meancs to bé DelpuereD. l£er burtbcneD toomb Dio ftoell amio tbe tré.ano ffretcbt ber out. 315ut too?0cs tobertoitb to tell ano btter fo;ib ber grof Dio toant,&be bao no bfc cf fpécb TOtb tobfcb Lucina in ber ttootoes fbé might of belp bcfécb. pit like a tooman labilng toas tbe tré,ano bototoing cotone Cteue offe figbes,f (beo fofrb tearcs as tbougb fbé tbcre fboulo Ottone. Lucina to tbts toofull trécamc gentlp cotone, ano lapo $)er bano tbcron,ano fpeaklng too;oes of eafe tbe mtototfe plapD. Ebe tré dio cranpe, ano tbe barbe ccuioing made atoap, ^ ano péloco out tbe cbplo atouc,tobtcb erpoe ano toaplo ffrepgbt &ap. ? &ig. EbeThe tenth booke of fflej t toafernpmpbcs bppon tfjc foft fiDecre brarbes tye cbplo ofo lap, \ an D batyac bsm tottb ins mothers tearcs. i£is face toas fucb as f^ulf naeoes ijaue p,:apfo. j?o; fuc|) be inas m all ccnDtctans right* jas arc tijc natseo Cupids that in tablespicturoe bee* But to rfjentent lie map ferity them in cucrp popnt agrtr, 3Let eptyer trim bee furntfibeb tofty Icings ant; qutuct iigbf* £>} from tbc Cupids taUc tycp? brings ana boines anu arrofcesqnfgfec Stuap Otppcs toing tprne bnfppueanD mocks t)3 to cur face, &no notyfng map compare ferity prates in ftoifrnciTe cftyep;tpacc, 2U!isftD&rtyeD fmpfetyom feridtc&Ip Ijis graunofatyer brgatc, Sno Utyont bis curfcD fuller batr,Utyo biUDeit teas alate M if but tye tr®,an& latclp bome,became tmirntriaty* Stye faeafejtpfttHpff babe on Inborn man eucr fet bis rpe* S.non a finplmg %& became,anb bp ano bp a matt, 3nD cuerp Dap mote beaUritfull tyan other be becam. gtyat in the eno Dame Venus fell in ioueferity bim: fetyerbp l^eDtD reuenge tye outrage ofljismotyers bi! jTo; as tye ftnwD Cupid kiifDame Venus, bnbetcare $n arrobo ffiefef ng cut did rajc btr fc^rif bppen tye bare £f?c Ctao&rJTc being tDounoeOjtytuif alnap ber forme. SppitrcD not tco bee foDcepe as aftcrferarD ferns fcunO. gf did Deccpuc tier at tbc ftdf.Cbe bra trip of tbr lab gnfiaamo ber. £© Cythera 3ie no mpnD at all (bit baD; $02 bn to Paphosfetycre tye fra beats routtD about tye 0jo?r, ¿tpOiSttyp Gnyde, ?1C2 Amathus-tyat bail) of metalls pea corn from braucit f^cip did afcfirpne. ¿bee lobD Adonis mo;e 2£bmi ijeauen. O bun tyoe elmgeo ap^stD bare bun companpe, y £nc tit tbc tyaooine leant tytr teas to rdf conrtnuallp,, £ 2no fot2 tu) fet Ijcr bcabnpr out rnoS farnrlp to tbc rpe Bp trtmlp Decking of ber felf.£b?ougb l ntyp grcunDS aitD grettrs, ibiD auer trills ano Dales,anD ¿atutios ano ifotip rocks ty& roues* Barehnao ferity garment tuckcD bp arrowing to tye iutonf brá meooleo not. of tbeís fame ííjec íuarneD alfo fbé Adonis fo¿ tea tyamne tljcm, if thou torales baue toarneö bé, J¡3é bolo on colearos (Venus fapo) fo¿ tohoíb Craíb souauttec l^tmfelfe agaittß tbe bolo,map bap feo máte toúb fom mtfcbauitce. fiailíjerfo^c 3¡ p¿ap tbee my toaste bcp foseare t© bolo tíu bé. JfOíí feare tbp ralijneßc burt tbpfclf ano torajis t!je too of más ©«counter not tbefcpuo cf beaßes tobos» nature armeo barb, Jfo¿ Dotor t|)ou bup tbp P¿apfe era Deere procuring tb© fum festb. %[)y tenoer pontb,tbp beatotp bípgbf.rbp counrnancs fap:e ano b^aue 0!tbougb íbep bao tbe fo?ce ira toíu tbe bare of Venus, baue ¿ßo pcto¿e ageiníf rye llpons, no? ageiníf tbe bnßlco ftnpne. i £be epcs ano barfs offauage bcaffs o© nought fra tfjets tricípite» £ be cruell Boares ben re ttmnoer in tbcp¿ brabeo tufljfMno ©rcoeotng fo;ce ano fáerceuelíc is in iipcns fra tottbßano. 0no fure 35 bate fbem at nip bare. Cra btm oemaunomg toljp s’ 0 monffrous cbanricc (g> Venus) 3! toill tell tb© bp ano bp, £bac bapneö fo¿ a fault. Bui noto bntoranteo topic batb maco í0© toeerpe : ano beboloedu tpme this poplar toitb bis fljaoe 0llurerb,anD tbe gretmo fo? cotocb oratb ferne tra reß bppon. 3 pjcp tb© let bs reßb^re. £bep fate tbcm ootone anon. 0no Iplng bptoarö toitb her beao feppen Ins lappe along, £>brá thus began: ano in hi* tale ßjee bulieo bint among. pcrcbaunce tbou baß c; this tpme fjaro of one that oucrcame £be ftotfteff men In fable toas that fame* &>be oucrcame them out of coto r. 0no baro it is to tell Ebrátobttbcr íbe oto in fratrmantoippeo? bcatotp mo?e cpcell. tdppon a feafon as tbe afat of Phebus,tobat be toas £bat fboulo ber bufbano bée,be fapo, 5f.02 bufbauo Ora not palte © Atalanta, tbou at all of buftsno baß no mm ^bonne bnfbanomg.But pit tbou can if not (bonne it 3 tb® ráoe» 0ipuc tbou ßjnlt not be tbp felf. &>bá being fo:e afrapo áDfibis Apollos £7acle,DÍo feéepe berfeif a mapo, 0no Itueo ín tbe íbaop toraües.Miben toraers to ber carne, ^ 0110 toere of ber tmpo.2tunate,njce o^aue atoap tbe fame > tefb bopffous tora;öes,anO tottb ítoe conoítion of tbe game.3 3 aui not tra be bao (gp (b©) onleífc pá able bce 3u ronntng fo? ira banguiß; \m$b muß conteno toítb másThe tendi boote of Jn fs ‘ emani) ippc. ilni) tobo fo toinnes tbe toager, $ agré Cffl bè bis totfe. Bai tf tfjat be bè fotmD roa Qotoe, tbenb® £>ball loie bis beati. £tys of pour game tbe berrpc lato ¿tali bé. é>bré toas in natte tmmerctfull. But fucb ts beatotfes poto;e, 2Ebat tbougb tbe fapD conoition toere ertremeano oner fotone, pii maup futers toere fo rato) t® bnoertafee tbe fame* Hippomencs as a Istser on ofibis fcncurccous game, è>ate bp,anD fapD. 3s anp man fo man to fáfee a topfe tHitb fucb apparane pentì ano tbe tjajaro of bis Ipfe i Sino btterlp be DtD eonDcmne tbe pongmens loue. But toben fato ber face ano bobpe bare, (fo; tobp tbe ìlabp tben £md ffrippe ber to ber nabeo finn) tbe tobícb toas libe to mpne* £); ratber (if rim ebeu toen mane a tootnan) libe tra tbpne : l^e toas amajoe. ano bolbing fep bis baños too beauen,be faptb : jfo?gíuc mee pon toítb tebom 3 fonnD fucb fault euen noto ; 3n fapfb 3 citi not Imoto tbe toager tbat pde ran fo:. Ss tré piapfetb Cbe beatotp of ber,in bnn felfe tl;e fp;e of louc be rapfetb* ' Sao tbjougb an cnup fcarirg leali l|ré fiatilo a toapbe toemne, t[3e toiil)t tbat nere a one of tbern fo fteifr as Ibré niigbt renne* àno toberfo;e (qjb&) p.utnot3 mpfelf inp;eace tco trpe . >..., ;2Chc fortune of tbis toager i ¿oo tjimft lf conrmnatlp Dcotb belp tbe belo ano barope fo;t. noto tobple Hippomenes Debares tbeis ibings tottbm btmfelfr ano otber Irhe to tbefe, Coe Danieli ronnecastf ber fate toerrtoings. SnD tljougbtbatíbá Dìo top as ftoift as art oto from a Curhpe botoe : pii bré spore toantoco at ber feeatofpe tban at ftoiftneiTe of ber pace ^errormtng greatip oioaugmentber beatotpe ano ber grate* ¿be topno ap tobiftong from berfréfe tbe labells of ber fochs Z&lppcn ber back as tobpgbt as fnotoe Dio tolfe ber goloen loefes, Sno erbe tbernb;opD;ttt garters tbat toere tpie beneatbe ber bara» S reo ne fife mire totfb tobpgbt bppon ber tenocr boope cara, Ss toben a fcarlet cúrtame lìrcpno spinto a plaptoreo toall Dsstb cali lilse fl)atotoie,mafeìng it fenile ruDDpe tbcrtottball. $cto tobple tbe ffraunger noteo ibis,tbe race toas fullp ronne? Suo Atalant (as tojer tbatbao tbe toager clarelptoonne) tSEias crotoneo tomba garlono bjauc. £betanquifl)t figbing fo?e> Di u iefe tijt'P: tomes ae>o;ung tra agrément raaoe befóle. ^ofobeeitOuicls Metamorphofis. tëoin&œit nougat at ail DtfmapD tsùtj tbeis menues Iucfeleife cace ffeppeD fm;tb,anD ImKing full bppon tbe mapDens face, &apo : U)berfo;e Dœiï tbou fehe renotone tu banquiCTbing of fnc& 2s foere but DaffarDs ¿cope tutti) ma. 3f fortune bæ fo mncb $pp frœuo tm giue rnæ btito;ie, tbou næûett not bolD fco;ne Cm pælo tm fucb a noble man as 3 am. 3 am bo;ne Cbe Tonne of noble Megarce Oncheilyes fonne,anû b® Mas fonne to Neptune. Cbus am 3 greatgraunDcbplD bp Degré 3» rpgbt Defcent,of bim tbat truies tbe toatcrs.$eptber Dm 3 out ofkpnû Degenerate froui tortue mécte tbcrtm. £>; tf mp fortune bce fo barD as banquier fbt tm bé, Cbou tyalt crbfeine a famous name bp ouercommtng mte. * 3n faping tbas, Atlanta caft a gentlc Imite on bim ànD ûofoting tutjtcljcc fl)æ ratber baD tm lofe tbe Dap o; loin, â>apD tbus. Mbat €5od an enmp to tl;e beaürtpfuli,is bent Cm bung ttfis perfon to bis enD,anD tbetfo?c batb bim fent Cm facto a topfetmtb ba?arD of bis Ipfe 13^3 Gjouîo bœ £p)pfelfe tbe m&ge in tbis bebalfe, tbere is not fure m mæ Cbat Dmtb Deferue fo Dèrclp tm bœ earneD. neptberûœtïï ^ts beatotp mmuc mp bart at all.pit ts it fucb in fmtb ¿3 ioell migbt mmue mce. But bpcaufe as pit a cbplD be is, $}is perfon menues mæ not fo mucb as Dmtb bts âge 3tois. Bæfp&es tbat manboD ts in bim,anû mpna bnfrapD of oearb : BæfpDes tbat of tbe toatrpe race front Neptune as beTetb is tbe fotonb ; bæfpaes tbat be Dmtb loue mœ,anD cmtb mato éo great accompttm toin mæ tm bis topfe,tbat fo; mp faite !£c is contcntcD fo; tm ope,if fo;tu ne bec fo fo;e • • ^ • âgetnfl1 bim fm Denrpe bim mæ. Cbou fftaunger bcncetberfoze* Sltuap J fap noU) tobple tbou mapü, anD i^onne mpblmDp fecD. $p mariage crueil is,anD craues tbe lo&ng of tbpbeû-Cbere is no toencb but tbat tooulo fucb abufbanû gla&lp catcb. 8nD fljæ tbat topfe lucre mpgbt tofp;e tm meere tottl; fucb a tnatcb» But tubp nofo afrer beaDing of fo nranp, Dm 3 tare j?o; tbæ *Umto tbou tm tbat. jfo; fitb fo manp men as are fllrcaDpc put tm aahigbter can nor ioarne tb® tm bætoate, But tbat tbou lotît bée Uiærpe of tbp lpfe,Dpeî Dm not fpare» <3nD iball be perriO; tben bpcaufe b« fougbt ro iiuc tuttb ntœ tThe tenth booke of 0nö fo i bto lone fentoö;tbelp toítlj Heat?) retoárocO bà * 011 men of fnc& a feictojp toitt fpeafee to foule a ffjame. $5nt all tbe too?lo can tefftfue ttjac 3 am no: fa blame. Monto (Éoo tbon foontoff oefilf. £D; elfe bpcanfe tijou are fo maof 2! toon to too <0ob a It tie mo;e tbp fæte of fuitftnelîe (jab. áb tobar a mapoens countenance to in this cbploißj face? 0b ftolifl) bop HippomencSjboto teuetcbeo to tbp cace i 3 toonto tbou neuer baôÆ mee fecne. ICbou toonbp art oflpfe. 0no if fo bas 3 bappp toere, ano that to bee a topfe 2Lbe erne! I Deßnpcs bac not mae fo;bioocn,fure tbou art Xljc onelp topgbt toitb tobom 3 toonto bit matebt toitb all mpbart, Cbto fpohen : lb® pit ratoe,ano but nctottrtben toitb tbe oart £)f Cupid, benng ignorant,oio lone ano feneto it nac Sinon ber father ano tbe foto aüfembieo,toilleö tbat JCbep ¿)outo begm tbep: toamteo race. Cben Neptuncs ilTuc p;a£ö Mitb careful! barí ano feopce tco más,ano thus Deuoutlp fapo. 3D Venus,fauour mpne attempt, ano feno más botone tbpne apO Co compare mp ocfpreo lone tobicb tbou baffon mee lapfe. J ï&te p:aper mofeo m¿ (3 cenfelfe,) ano long 3 not öelapö 2i5efo:e 3 bclpt bim. #oto tbere to a certaine f¿lo tbe tobieb Cbe Cyprian foto call Damafene,molf fertile ano moft rieb áDf all tbe Cy pH an fastos : tbe fame toas confeerate to mes p 3» anncíenctpme,anD of mp Cburcb tbe gleblano toont tm bó. £ 0mto tbto fíelo, toitb goloen leauéo tbere grotocs a goDip tres ^ Cbe crackling bongbes toíjereof are all of pelleto goto. 3 carne 0no gatbercögoloen Apples tb>æ : ano bearing tbence tbe fame Mithin mpbano, ímmeoiatlp to Hippomen 3 gat Bínuífíble tco all topgbts elfe faue bim ano raught bim tobat Co Oto toitb tljem. Ebe Crumpets bleto : ano giroing fo:toarO,fcoi& &et fb:tb,ano on tbe bouering onft toitb nimble toste eebe goto* 0 man toonlo rbinfe tbepable tocre feppon tbe ê>ca tco go 0nö neuer toet tbep; faste, anö on tbe spies of co;nc alfo Ebat fftll to grotoing in tfeefaslo,ano neuer cotone tbcm treao. Ebe man tofee courageat tbe fbotot ano toojoes of tbem tbat fcO, #oto noto to tpme Bippontoncs to pip it,bpe apace : Cnfo;ce fbpfeIf toitb all tljp tfrengtl; : lag not iuanp cace : Ebon ibalt obteinc. 3t to atbing rpgbt oototfuU bribersa m r Ouids Metamorphofis. fisciù indi toitling to©?oes of tfjep# retopfcD mo¿e,02 SD iloto boto ofren tuficn Qèmtgfjt oufCrtppe bím oíd iìjto flap* Sno ga?co long tippon \)is facetijt Ioti) t© go ber toap i £ toérpe Dicati) pjocafceo from tbcp¿ parevo Iippes,atto farce Cbep bao t© roane. Cbrtt Neptunes tmp ber ftoiftnefife f© Difljarrey, Crollo botone a tonefioe of tfje toap ait appiè of tbe tb¿é, Simare tberaMna ceuetous of rl;e g©olp appiè,Ojé £>to ffep afpoe ano fnatcbcD bp tbe rolling frate of goto. IKHit^ tbat Hippomenes eoteo ber. Cìje follie tbat Dio bebolo, Spase nopic tottb clapping of tbep¿ banDs.é>be recompenff ber flotbc flno loíTe of tpme ioidi fratemanibippe : ano CrdgbtageineoHtgotbfc Hippomencs7leaning bimbebino. ano báeíng Capo agen ©atto tafeing fep tbe fecono, lb& bím ouertfflfee. ano toben Cbe race toas alinoti at an eno : Ipe fapo : j© CoDDeffe, tbott Cbat art tbe autbo? of rbis gifc,aoriff mé frénolp noto* ¡3no tfeer.toitball,of purpofe tljat f^e niígbt tfje longer bfé 311 cqmmíng,bátoítb all btemigbtoio botole tlje Iati oft^to 21 ffeeto a toncftoe of rèe fótoe. Cbe il aop fómDc co» matte .. ». ja ootot in tatong of itbp. 3 foícco ber to calie 3¡t bp,ano t© tfje appiè 3. oíd pst a beaup tocpgbf, 0no maos tt offucb maDTmeiFe fljce conio not lift it ffreigbf. ftno ieaff tbat 3 in telltng of mp tale map longer bec,, y Cban tbep in tonnmg of tbeír racc,put0TíppeD qmgbf toas > 8nD be tbat toan ber,marping ber emepa ber fo? bis ito. * Cbinfeif tbou 3 toas not toaytfjp fijantes, Adonis tfemfes tfeqto 3 earneo not tbat be t© mto à)outo franbmccnce alloto ^ ÍBut be fo^getfull neptber tbanfes 1102 franfeinccnce dio gme* ÍBpmeanes toberoft© f©oen to?atbbe tufffp bife me B? toe. ifokí báíng gréeueo toúb tbe fppgbf3bpcaufe 3 toonlo not feé ÍDefppfo of fucb as boere t© come,3 tbongbt ít beC fe? nié C© tafee fucb bengeance of fbcm botb as otbers mígbt tafee b¿te 15p rbem. Üno fo ageíníf tbem botb ín angrr 3 pjocéoe* 8 temple of tfeemotber of rfje (¡Ecboes tbat bototoefetoas SnD buplüco bp Echio n tn a oarfefome grane, tbep paífe in 2Lbat nceDes betoculo tmtUencne íbougbunt of feafongo. ^oc forre from tljís fame temple toas toicb little lígbt aoen mity: B The tenth booke of Mitb pommpe&atolfeb naturallp,longconfeerate ere then Jfoz olo religton,not bnltfee a cauc: tober p?t effs ofpo?e Beffotoeb bab of jmages of tooben ©obbes gob ffo;e. Hippo mencs cntrmg berint© ocfplD the bolp place. ©aitb tits bulatofull luff; from tobicb ttie 3t>olls turnb thep? face, flno Cybcll tottb ttie toimeb toppes btfoepning,DototeD tobitbec b& in rlje lake of Styx might b?otone the toichcb folb togitber. Cbc pennance feemeb ouer Ipgbt. anb therefore (I)© bib catofe Cbmne pdloto manes to grotoe bppon tbcp? neefes: ano b©heb patces 3]n ffeab of fingars tco fuccabe. Cbept Iboulbers toere ttie fame Clsjep toere before: tottb toonbious fo?ce oeepe b?elfeb tbcp became. CIjcpj lohe became facrce, cruel! grim,anb fototc: a tufreb caple £>tretcbt out in length farre after them Upon the gronnb both traple. 3Jn ffcab of fpacb tbsp ro.:e: fn Ifeab of beb tbcp baunt tbe toob: anb bteaofull Unto others tbcp fov: all tbep; crnell mooe Mttb tameb ttetb ebanh Cybells bttts in ffcape of ilpons. febonne Cbets bealfes boere bare; anb not from tbeis alondp fee tbou ronne, But alfo from eebe other bead that rurnes not bacbe to flight But offeetb tottb bis bopffotos toeff to trp the cbaunce of fpgbt: ILeaff that tbpne ouerharbinclTe boe fmrrfall to bs both. Cbis toarning gincnAu poheb ftoannes atoap though aire ffje gotfj. But manbob bpabmontfljmcnt reffrepneb coulb not bo* Bp cbaunce bis bounbs tn follotoing of the trache,a Boare bib fo, anb rotofeb him. 3nb as the ftopnc teas commtng from the to©b, Adonis biHnm tottb a ban a fheto,anb bjeto the blob. Cbe Boare ffrepgbt toitb bis b©he& gropne § buntinglfaffe out D;efo p Beffapneb toitb bis blob,anb on Adorns bib purfeto r «Klbo trembling anb rcrp?ing bach,to place of refuge b?cto. anb bpbingin bis coddsbis tufhes as farre as be eoulb tfcuff ^e lapb btm all along fo? bcab bppon tjje pdloto buff. ¿hame Venus in her chariot btatoentotrt) ftoannes toas fcarcearrineb at Cyprus, toben lb® hneto a farre the fpgb of him beptpueb Of lpfe.£>b® tnrnb her Cpgnets bache.anb toben fljeefrom the ftps Bobillb btm bcab,anb in bis blob betocltreb fo,: to Ipe: £>h& leapeb bctone,anb tare at bmebtr garments from bcrb?iff, anbrentber beare? anb beafetppon her ttomaefe tottbher hff> ' * anaOiuds Metamorphoils. tjy 0n& blaming fore the beffnpes,fapb. pit fl&all tty? notobfeine Cheir totll in all things. 2Df mp grafe remembrance (hall remapne« (Adonis) tohple the toozlo ootb laif. jfrom pare ten pare (hall grotoe ¿thing that of rnp beaninelTe anb of tbp beatb (hall (hotoe i Che liuelp lifeeneffe. Bln a flotore thp blob 31 toill beffotoe. ' i^abd thou the potoze Perfcphoncc ranfe fenteb spints to mafee ¿ftoomens limbes g anb map nor Bi Ipfeepotorebpon ma tafee Without bifbeine anb fppght,to turne Adonis to a flotore i Chis feb,(ha fpzincbleb j^ctfar on the blob,tohieh though the potore Cherof bib ftoeli libe bubbles (hare that rpfe in toeatber dare On toater. 8nb before that full an hotore erppreb toare, Of all one colour totth the blob a flotoze (he there bib fpnb Cuetr li tre the flotoze of that fame tree tohofe frute in tenber rpnbe ^aue pleafant grapnes inclofoe. l^otobat the fcfe of them is (ho:t. ¿fez tobp the leaues bo hang To loce through lightnelTe in fuch fort* 8s that the toinbes that all things perce^toitheuerp little blatt E>o (habe them of anb (heb them fo as that thep cannot lad« Finis dccimi Libri.fTHE. XI. BOOKE OF Ouids zSMetnmorpbojis. p £)fo iobple tbc Thracian $oet foitb this fong belpgbts § mpncs I ¿¡Dffauage beaftes, f b?atoes both ftones anb tras agepnff rbcir ' 3i5ebolb the topucs ofGcomc bo rebDarfiunnes about (fepnbs Cbeir furious b:iffs as in the falb they gaooco on a rout, CfppDe butt from a pi llocfes toppe If ill Qngtng rco bis harp. ¿Df ¿bom one tbcofce her bcab at bun,anb thus began to carp. JBebolb (fapes flja) bebolb pamfame is be rfjat both oifoeine Cls iuomen. anb foitb that fame tooiD iba fent ber lafonce amapne at Orphycs tinging moutb. Cbe ilafonce armo rouno about 16 icaues, SDib bit bmt,ano foitbout a foounb a marfee bebpnb it Icaues. another tb.tetu a ft one at him, tubicb tanguiibt foitb bis ffoate 3no moft melobius barmonpe, fell bumblpat bis fate 0s fo?pe fo? the furious aa it purpofeb. 55ut raib ft no beabp rpotout of frame all reafon note bib bail;, anb frannb outrage reigneb. pit bab the ffoateneffe of bis fong appeafo all focapons, fauing (bat (be nopfe not» grotoing Wrong mtth blofoing ¿almes,anb beating b?ummes,t beblem botoling out, anb clapping banbs on euerp fpbe bp Bacchus btunfcen rout, SDib biotone the fofono of Orphyes barp Cben firff of all ffones foerc $$abe rubbp foitb the p:opbets bla)b,anb coulb not gtue bim care* anb firft the floefce of Bacchus froes bp biolence b:abe the rtng £>f Serpents,birbs, anb fauage beaftes that fo? to bare bun fing &ate gating rounb about bim there, anb then tottb blubbp bancs JTbep ran bppon the ptopbet fobo among them tinging Wanes. Cbep ffoebt about bim libe as foben a fo?t of birbs bane founb, an £)folc a bap tpmes in a tob: anb bem bint in full rounb, as foben a &>rag bp bungrpe bobonbs is in a mo;nmg founb, SSLhc tnbtcb fo?eftall bun rounb about anb pull bint to tbc grounb. Caen fo the ptopbet tbep affaple,an& tb?ofoe their £bp?fcs grane at bim>bicb fo? another bfe than that inuenteb bane. £>um calf m® clobs,fum bougbes of trees, i fum tb?efo ffonesM leaft ren bp foere tilling of the grounb anb lab?iitg men foitb b?afoneb armes not farce fro thence toere founb $h 13d Ouicls Metamorphoiis. 0 Digging of tfjc haroneo cardano earning of tbepi fcoo, «tb ftoeating bjotocs. Ebepféíngtbís fame roof,no longer Atoo, But ran atoapano left tbep? tcoles belano them, GDaerp tobere £b:ougb all the foelD tbep? mattoefes, rafces>anD fijouells fcattreo toere* MUbícb toben the crudi fee nos bao caugbMnobaoafunDer rent £be borneo áDrrn,bacfee ageine to OrphytoarD tfjep toent, 0no (totcheD toigbts) tbep mnrtbjeo him, tobo neuer till that botole £>io btter tearjoes in baine,no? fing toitbont effettuali poto;e, 0no though that moutb ofbis(ob lo:o) tobicb euen tbe ffones bao beato» 0no buto tobicb the UjítleCTe beaffes bao often giuen regarb, Ipis gboff tben breathing into) aire,oeparteo. <£uen tbe fotole* tiñere fao fo? Orphye,ano rbe beali toitb fo?pc fpgbing botoles : £be ruggeo if oneo Dio meóme fo¿ btm,tbe tomos tobicb manpatpme ipaofollotoeo bimtm bére him fing,betoaplcD this fame crpme, i^ea euen tbe trés lamenting bim OiO caff tbep? leaup beare Cbe niters alto toitb tbep: teares (men fap) encrcafeo lucre. pea ano tl;e jppmpbes of bombes t tomos bppon tbep? ffreames Diofaple ®tb fcattreo beare about tbep? cares, in boats toitb fable faple. 1$\* members lap in fuñóle ffeos. li)is bcaD ano barp both cam ¿0 Hcbrus.ano (a tomno?ous thing) as Datone tbe ffreame tbep ftoam* ^isl^arp Dio pélo a manning founo : bio liueleffe tomg oio mahe a cer teine lamentable nopfe as tbougb if ff ill pit fpa&e? ano botbe tbe banfcs in meaning topfe maoe anfmer to tbe fame* at length a ootone tbep? eountrp ffreame to open fea tbep came?. 1 ano IpgbfeD on Methymnyc tbo?e in Lesbos lane. Cbcre toner on tbe fo;reme coaff noto caff a lano tbep toere, But that a cruell naturoe ámafce oio ffrepgbt bppon them flp, arto liching on bis ruffleO beare tbe tobícb toas Dropping D?pe, SDiD gape too tp?e bppon tbofe lippes that bao bène tocont to fing ápofi beattenlp bpmnes. But Phebus ffrepgbt p?cuentingp fame thing?. ÈWpopnts the Serpent of bis binano turnes him intoffone ®2iirb gaping ebappes. aireaop toas tbec^boff ofOrpbye gone £0 Plutosrealme,ano there beali tbe places eff bébíílo £ije tablcb be bcretm&?e bao féne. ano as be fought the félo £>ffap?e Elvfion (tobere the foules of goolp foia dqj tomnne,) %e fomto bis^topfe Eurydicee,fo tobom be ffrepgbt oio rmntm assThe .xj.bookeof 8ttò (itili) tier in imb;acing armes. Cbcre nolo be one faille foalbs Ccogitber toitb bir cbébe bp cbébe : another tubile be ffalbs Bef i;e ber.and another tobple be folloinetb ber. ano noto mttljout ali binde of fo;fepture be fauOp mpgbt auoiu l$ts lubing babtoard at btó topfe. But Bacchus gréued at Che tmtrtbet of flic Cbapleine of b*s 2D:gies, fuffrea not Cfje mifcbéf bnreuenga ta> bé. if o; bp and bp be bound, _ Che Thracian toomen bp the féte toitb to;itben rente inground, £ 13s manp as confenting reo this toicbed act toere found. S 0nd Icobc bob? much that ccbe of them the prophet DID purfeto, ¿0 much be ibarpening of their toes,toitbin the ground them d;efo. and as the bird that ipnds her leg befnarled in the net Cbc tobicb the fotolers futtlcipe bathe clocelp fo; her fee, and teles Oja cannot get atoap,ffauds flicbertng toitb her icings, and toitb her fcarefull leaping bp d;atoes clocerfftll the firings: £>o eche of theis toben in the ground thep faffned toere,alTapd aflapghted fo; to flp atoap. But euerp one teas ffapd Simtth minding rente tobicb htiib her ootone. her frtfbing could not M and tobple (be tobre tobat teas become of Co, of naple,ano tote, £>bé fatue her leggs grotue round in one,and turning intto incoile, and as her tbpgbes toitb bio lent hand f^de fadlp ffribtng ttcoDe, &bé felt them tree : her b;eff mas tré :ber ihoulders ébeiutre tree. !£cr armes long bongbes pé mpgbt baue tbougbMuo not dccepueobé Bnt Bacchus iuas not fo content : be qupgbt fo;f©be their land : and tolti) a better companpe remoued out of band muto the Sftpneparde of bis otune mount Tmolus,and the riuer Padolus though as pit no ffreames of gold it did deliuer, 0e fppgbted teas fo; precious fands.l^ts olde accuffomd rout ¿Df toidtoards and of ftantiche froes enup;ond him about. But old Silenus tuas atoap.Cbe Phrygian ploughmen found ^trn réling botbe fo; d;ambenueiTe and age7and b;ougbt him bound Smith garlands,brito Midas bing of Phrygia,bnto inborn Cbe Thracian ¿;pbpc and the p;aff Eumolphus comming from Che fotone of Athens erff bad taught the ®:gfcs.smbcn be bneto fliis fellotoeand companion of the felfe fame badge and crei». SUppon the comming of this gneif, be bepta feaft the fpace iDf ttopce fpue dapes and ttopce fpue npghts tcogither in that place ! 0 in I % fl! |l » il IIIOuidsMctamorpIiofìs. 137 gnD noto fbelcuentb fpme Lucifer bao muff reo m rfjc £bebeaucnlpboff,toben Midas cammeo tra Lydu ioctinölp gno pèloes tbe oId Silcnus t© bis foffercbplo. ée glao KW be bis fofferfatber bao eftfones recouercö,baö Midas affe bini tebat be iDoulö.fötgbt glaö of that teas bé, Ì5ut not a tobit at latrcr eno tbe better Iboulo bc bé. $e mfnoing t© mifbfe bis giftes, fapo : giaunt tbatall ano Tome Che tobtcb mp boop totocbctb bare map pclloto gelo bercine. C»oo Bacchus graanting bis requeff,bis burtfullgift perforo, flnD that be bau not better totffjt be in bis ffomaefee Oo?mö. föetopcing in bis barme atoap full merpe goes tbe fetng : gito fa: tea trp bis promts true be totoebetb euerp thing, fccarcegiumg creCit t© bimfelf,be pulleo pamg grane tlmgga jfrom of an l^olmetré : bp ano bp all goloen teere tbe fp:tgga ^etefee a flintff one from tbe grouno,tbe If one Itfeetopfc became fregolo l^etotecbeonertacloö of eartb,ano (freight tbe fame SBp fo:cc of totoebing DiD become a toeöge of pelloto gelo. l^egatbcreD cares of rppeneö come : (mmeöiarlp bebolDe £he tome boas goto. &n ¡apple then be pulirò from a tree : f&fcfooulö baue thought tbeHefpends bao giuen it him. 3f ba Capillars high bis fingars lapo,tbep gltlfreo Itfee the fonne. £be toarcr (ubere be teafljt bis banös did from bis banos fo tonne, 0s Danae might baue bane tbertoi tb beguplo. I£e fcarce coulo bolo !£is pairing topes teitbin bis bart,fo: mailing all things golo. tübple be tbas topo,bis officers OiD fp:cD the b©:0 anon, 0no fet Dotene funo:p fo:ts of meate ano manebeate tberbppott. £ben tebttber bis bans did totocb the b:eao, the b?eao teas maffpgolo: £D: (obitber be cbatooc tetrb bungrp toetb bis meste,pa might bebolo £be pcece sf meate bettoane bis latees a plat of gelo reo bà. 3« linking teine ano toater mirt,pa rapgbt oifcerne ano fé Kì)t liquiò goio ronne ootene bis rb;ote. 3majcO at ibe (fraunge fl&ifcbaunce,ano being both a teietcb ano rich,be tetibt t© ebaunge l£is ricbes fo: bis fomiti Cate,ano note be öto abbo:re iCbe thing tebicb euen but late bcfo2e i)t cbéflp longco fo:. #0 tneatc bis hunger Halles : bis tbiote is Gyamlun bp tottlj tfjurff ♦ Sino iulHpo©tbbis batefull golo torment bim as arcarli. &ben lifting bp bis fo:p armes ano ¿antes t© l;»eaucn,be erpee ; £.j. &Tlie. xj. booke of £> father Bacchus paroon me. $p finite 3 fotll not bpöe, ^aue merep 3f bcfoccb tb® anö boucbfaaf fco rio mec qupgbt ¿from ibis fame barme that femes fo got) ano glorious Ont© fpgbfa ¿be gentle Bacchus ßreigbt hppon ronfeffton of bis erpme &efioreD Midas tos tbe ffate b® baö in former tpme., 0no bnuing maoe performance of bis promts,bee boereft bim * übe gift that be bao graanteD bim. 0m leaß be i^oulD baue left bim ilBeoatobeö fcntb tbe «regges of that fame golo fobteb tuicke&lp ^e foiffbeö bao, be iuilleo bim tto get bim bp ano bp Ü© that great rpuer fobicb o©tb ronne bp Sardis totone, ano there 0long tbe cbanell tap tbe ßreame bis open armes tobeare infill be commetb to tbe fpring: ano then Ijie beao tto put ¿full bnoerneatbc tbe faming fpotor lobere greateft teas tbe gut, 0no fo in inaffbmg of ins limbes tco inolb aicap biß erpme. Übe hing (as teas commaunoeo bim) agetntt tbe ßreame Dio clpme.' 0no ßrepgbt tbe potare of mahfng golo orpartmg qopgbt from btm, 3nfeas tbe rpucr,making tt foitb goloen ßreame t© fmtm. übe force mbercof tbe banbes abonf fo fofceo in tbepr bepnes, Übatcuen as pit tbe peilst» golo bppori rbecloDOes remapnes. SLbcuMidas bating rtebes baunts tbe paßsregrounos anogrenesj 0no bp 1 ooton toitb Pan among tbe ilatonös i mountatnesrootß« But tttll a bcao more fat than iupfe,ano ödtifl) tuft be batb, übe lo'jteb as erß,ptt once agatne muß t»©rk tbepr mepßer fcatb* ,/* übe mountapne Tmolc from loftpe toppe t© featoaro l©betb oobme» 0no fpreaotng farre bis bcoreip CpDcs,ertenoefb f© tbe Eotmie üf Sardis fcottb tbe tonefpOe ano c© Hypep fcwb tbe t©tber. übere Pan among tbe faprpeelaes that oafonceo routto tmgitber BJuTetting of bis conning out for fitigmg ano for plap SHppon biß pppe of reefers ano tuar,pre finning for t© fap Apollos miißch Inas not (the t© bis, WO fake in bano 0 farre Unequal] match, inberof tbe Tmole for mogdboulo ßanö, Übeaundenr tuoge ütts oolnne bppon bis bill,ano rtoos biß rare« ¿from trots, ano onelp on biß beao an £Dken garlono iocares, iffilberof tbe 0corncs oanglec oobme about bis bolLotu brot». 0no taking on tbe €00 of neate be fapo: p® notoe not not» Ü© tarrp longer for pour tuöge. Üben Pan bleto lotoe ano ffroug V l&is councrn pppe of c®ocs, ano tutrb biß euoe ano komelp fong \ jpetigp® \ i P f i |i ft II t A |! III l|3 Jl :« It |t ft ft % it jQ| % ' I 'S9! k I I II iOufdsMetamorphofis. 13S Midas earrs, fo? be bp cbaance toas in tbt tbjcng. ) Mben Pan &mne, tbe facreo Tmole tas Phebus turno bis lofec, gno toitb tbe turning of bis tifati bis buffbpe tirare be fljofee. £&en PHebus toitb a ecotone of jlSapbppon ¿io golocn beare pio fimpt tbt grò uno toitb fcarlet robe. Jn Icft bano be oio beare fy ÌBis Wall maoe ofp?ecious ffcnes ano 3uo?pc intermirt, 1 ¿no in bis rigfjt baño fo? to ff rifce, bis botoe toas mop firf. toas tbe berrpe paterne of a goo sputfcian rpgbt y Ifil flnon be gan toitb connfng baño tbe tuneo ffríngs feo fmpgbf. > Cbeftoótencffeof tbe tobicb Dio fo tbe iuoge oftbem oelpgbt, ^ &\)&t Pan toas totUeO fo? to put bis fttéocpppc in bis cace, ^ 8no not to fioole no? to fing tobere toalls toere in place. %bt toOgement of tbe f)olpf?tll toas Ipfeco toell of alt, h: é>aue Midas, tobo founo fault tbertottb ano to?ongfull OiO it cali» 1 Apollo couto notiuffertoell bis foiiflj cares to hépe £ljep: bumaine fyape,but o?eto tbcm topoe, $ maoc tbcm long $ oépe. : £no Silo tbcm full of tobptilb bf ares,ano maoc tljem botone to fag. s «ano tb?ougb to mucb tmffableneffe continuallp to toag. ì$ii boop totping in tbe reff bis manlp figure fili, Mas ponnlftt in tbe part tljat oio offe no fo? toant of fluii, f no fo a lìotoe paaffe Üfes cares bis bcaoe bio after beare. £bis ibame enocucrctb be to bpbc. ano tberefo?e bc bto tocare 1 f purple npgbtcappccuer fmce. 315nt pit bis 3Barbertobo Mas toont to notte bini fppeo it : ano bóeing eagcr to SDifcIofe it,toben \)t nrptber Durff to btter ir, no? coulo ,u 3t feópc in fecret filiere toent ano oiggeo bp tbe motolo, ' Ano tobtfp?mg foftlp in tbe pit,oeclaaro tobat earcs b® fpp&e ^fsmapffer baue,ano turning botone tbe doto?e agetne,oio bpoe éis blabbeo too?0es tlje grouno, ano cloftng bp tbe pit èeparteo tbcnceano neuer maoe ino too?oes at all of it. . è>Dme after, tberc began a tuff of quiurrtng róoes to grotoe p Mbicb bàing rppe bcto?apo tbep? feeoe ano btm tbat cto tbcm fotoe. p JFo? toben tbegcntle fototbcrnc topno oio Ipgbtlp on tbcm blotoe, £bcp brtreo fo?tbtbe too?oes tljat bao berne btirieo in tbe grouno i tofo rep?ouoe tbe &fies cares of Muías toitb tbcp? founo. Apollo after tbis reuenge from Tm©lus tobe bis flpgbt ? a £no ftoerpíng tb?ougb epe ap?e,oto on tbe felffamc fpoc alpgbf jC.y.The. xj. boote of CTHcllcfpontusjfn tbe tóealme of fettig Laomedon, JEber e tf©Dc bppon the right fpbe of Sigarum,anb tjppoif Ehe left of Rhetye cliffe that tpme,an aitar buplt of oib Em loue that ijoercft) all incnneo to©?bes. fetere Phebus bib bebotb Ehe foiefapb bmg Laomedon beginning foj t© lap ifonnoation of the toalles of Troy : tobteb iucD^b from bap t© bap iiHenr barb ano flotolp fojtoarb, ano requpzb no little charge, Ehen be tmgitber toitb tbe <23od tbat roles the furges large, £Dib put tl>mrelueo in Ibape of men,ano bargapnb toitb tbe lung Wt Phrygia, fo? a fummo of goib bis to©;h t© enb t© b?mg. $oto toben tbe to©:h mas bone, the hing tbepj toages them benapo, 811D falilp faalfc tbem botone toitb otbes It toas not as tbep fapb, Chou ifjalt not moeh bs bnreuenbgb '$> Neptune,) 8nb anon fee caufcb all tbe furges of tbe fca t© ruib bppon Ehe Ojoje ofcouetous Troy, ano mabe tbe countrpe Jthe tbe beepe. fEbegmbcs of all tbe bufbanbmen atoap be quigbt bib ftoeepe, 0nb ouertobcimb rbep: feelbcs toitb toaues. änb tbtnhing this t© fittali 8 pennance fo? the faifcbob,be bemaunbeo tljcrtoitljall fe is Daughter fot a monili er of tbe è>ea. tobom becing botinb ^ dm© a roche,dour Hercules Deltuering faufe anb founb, ? Hequp:b bis ffitbs tobicb toere tbe hp:c fo; tohicb he bib eompounb. * STjö toben tbat of fo great befert tbe hing benpbe the bP?e, Ehe ito pec foiforo ;ne falle fotone of T roy be fachcb in bis ire. Stub Telamon in honour of btsfcrutceoißemop Ehe Hasp Hefion Daughter of tbe couetous hing of Troy, jpa; Peleus bsb alreabp got a CDobbelTe t© bis tolfe, £no Ituea but© both tbep: iopcs a right renotomeb Ipfe. Sänü face be toas not p?otober of bis gratmöfp?e,tban of thee ^ Chat toert become bis fatbjmlalo. jfo? manp mo tban b® i feaue bab the bap ofiraigbtplou e tbe nepbetoes fc? t© bee* ^ ¿5at neuer toas u bterci©fo:e tbe cbaunce ofanp one Em baue a c^oDbsJTc t© bis topfe,faue onlp bis alone. f bm© tearrp Thetis thus olb Protew bib foretell. €>o marrp : tljou itjal t beare a fonne toljofe bfflings Ü?all ereell feis fathers farre tit feates of armes, anb greater be (ball bee 3to honour,btfgb rcnotonte^iib fame,than etter erd toasb#. 0. ; ■ Ehi& caufeb loue the toatrp beb of I ncus t© forcare Although Quids Metamorphofis. n c? fllt&ettffl) brs fiart toerc mojc tfjan toarinetbftl) lone ofljrr, fo? fcarc ' She foo?lD fum other greater thing than loue ijimfelf QjoulD b?®De, , flitD toillo the fomte of Aeiicus this Pcleus to fucc&be. jn that iubicb bebimfelf tuouto fame baue Done,ano fo? to false She Jlatp of the fea in armcs a mother her tm mafcc. ICbere is a bapof TheiTaly that benoetb Ipfee aboatue. She iVDes lbmtefm?tb,tubere if the fca of anp Depth did Sofoe jtlucre a bauen.&carcclp Dcott) the tuatcr bpDc the fano. 31 barb a ff)o?e fo firme,tbat if a man tberon Dm ffanD, $o p?tnt of fmte remapnes bebpnb: it binD?erb not ones pace J ¿ecoucrcoisiDitbbouermgndte.aDiopningtmtbisplacc, • ? Sheet is a groae of $pp?tletr®0 tuitb frutc of Dotuie colour, 0m> in the miDDs thereof a Cane. 3 can not tell pou tubitbcc Chat nature o? the art of man foeremalser of the fame. BffftemeD rather maoe bp arte.i£)ft Thetis bitber came fctarlse nabeD,rpDmg b?auelp on a b?po!eD EDolpbins badse. Sheet Pclcus as Q)& lap a Itepe bppon ber often b?aclse. 3no fo?bpcaufe that at ber banoes entreatance nothing tuinnes, folDing her about the neefee tuitb both bis acmes,beginnes £a> offer ftucc. 3nD furelp if thee baD not falne tm tuples *' flm> IbifteD oftentpmes her (bape,be baD obteinD mtubples. Wlbee became fumtpmesabirD: i$e bills her like a biro, > anottO)Lt tuns a malTpc log: but Pdcus ncucr If irD flfobtt fo? that. £bcn rbirolp Chat of fpecfelcD Cpger fmbe She bglp Ibapc: fo? feare of tubofe moff fricrce anb cruel! Imfee, ^is arntes be from her boop ttotclic. &nD at bis going thence, 3n honour of the tuatrp CDoddcs be burneD franlstncence, ¡3no potmeo itipne bppon the fca,tuitb fat of neate anD fbtepc: ^nttll the p?opbet that Doth Dtuell tnitbin Carpathian Doepe, &apD thus. Ebon fonneof Acacus, tbp tuilb thou furefijalr banc aionclp toben (bee Ipes a fliepe tiitfnu her plcafant Caue, Caff grinnes tm trappe ber bnbetuares: bolt) faff tuitb fnarling fenot: ano though ff)oe fapne a bunD?etb ftjapcs,Drcepue tb® let her nor. JIBut fftcUe bntmt ¿bat ere it bat,tm rill the tpme that (bm fteturitetb tm the natiue (bape (bee erff tuas tiimnt tm bee. ®SHben Protew thus baD fcD,tuitbtn the fca be Duclst bis beab, StaDfoffreOon bis latter tum?ces tbeiuatcr fo? tm fp?eD. £.ig. £&cThc.xj. bookeof WX)Z Ipgbtftim Titan botonctoarb b;eto,anb tottfj Drcfpnfng cbapr* approcbeb to tbe tocfïerne fea,tobcn Neryes Daughter fapre jl Hemming from tbs fea,reforts tes her accuffomo cotocb. &nb Peleus fcarcelp bab begon bir naked limbes to totocb, 15ut that (bœ ebaungo from Hjapc to lbapc,bnttll at lengthfij* founb ï^ecfelf furprpfo. She» ffretcljing out ber armes toitb figtjcs proforntb, Mitbont all taioicne rigo? ans fl&arpc créditions reignb '■% 3jtt Trachin.i^e right fao that fpmet3nlifeebimfelf,remapnb 'i î£c left !>ts farteli ano bis Ojæpc(tobcreof be brought great ffoje) Sifone as leaue to come to Court toas graunteü him, be bare a braunebe of £)lpf ittbts banb,ano bumblp did Oectare !£is name ano lunage. Onclp of bis crime no teorb bÉ fpafce, 5Satofl;is 8pgbt another caufcpretenfeblp bib make : ÜDefpríng Icauc toitbm bis fotone ci eoumrpe to abpbe, ft 2Ebe king of Trachmgcnclp ibas to bimageinereplpbe; ft £)nr botontp to tbe meanelî fort (£D Pelcus)ootb erteno r mé are not toont tbe Defolatc our ccuntrpe to fo?fenb, Sino though 3 bee of nature molt mclpneo gob to bo : Cbpne otonc rertotome, rbp graunbfpre loue are forcements tfjerebntc* \¡ ¿piffpenD no longer tpme in fute. 3 glablp bo agrá p i íleo orrannt tbé tobat tbou toilt befpre. Cbeis things that tbou Dcofï fô ^ Co both tbepr topes,ano toitb tbe great AchylJes bib ber fill. ê>bœ fapb : Cbou oaercommciï tiur,anb not toitbout tbe apb epoo : anb then Thetis lifcc,appêto inibapeofmapb, Cbe noble prince unbracing ber obtepnb her at bis toil!, il bapppe topgbt toas Peleus in bis topfe : a bappp topgbt mas Peleus alfe in bis fonne. anb if pœ bim acquigbt >1 Of mnrtbnug Phocus, bappp bim in all things count ptcmpgbt, Ï5nt giitpe of bis brothers blob, ano bannityt for tbe fame ¿From borire bis fathers boufe ano Healme,tro Trachin fab be came» Che fonne of Ipgbtfum Lucifer king Ceyx (tobo in face Crprefî the liuelp bcatotpe of bis fathers heauenlp grace,) $ ll i^tt morning for bis brothers cbaancc tranfformeb late before. ZMben Peleus tbitlxr came, toitb care anb trauaple tpreb fore, IBcljpnD him in a lïjabp bale not farre front Trachin fotone, anb toitb a little ccmpanpc himfelftoent fbifbcr botone.a- OuídsMctamorpIioíis. i_j_o k % tooulo tbep better tocre. tlSlitf) that be toápeo. Pelcus ano ipis frános oefpteo ofljís grfef tbe caufc tea bnoerffano. 1$e anftoero fbns*lfiercbaunce pa tbinh this birD that lines bp p?ap fino parts all other biros in fcare bao toíngs ano fetbers ap. toas a man. ano as be toas right force in feats of armes, P; flno ífout ano reabpe botbe tsa to;cakc ano alfo offer barmes: &o toas be of a conffant mpno. Daedalion men bim bpgbf. ®ur father toas that noble ffarre that bungs the mooting b;pgbf* fino in the toelktu lafl of all gtues place teo Phebus Ipgbt. $p ffuop toas t© mapnteinc peace,in peace toas mp oelpgbt, K «ano fo¿ to kápe má true to her to tobom mp faptb is plpgbt* / $p toother bao felicite in toarte ano bloop fpgbt. ptotocíTe ano bis fojee tobteb noto ocDtfj chafe in cruell flpgbt Ehe ¿ones of Thífbye Unce bis tbape toas altreo thus a neto, n jipght pupffant princes ano tbep? Healmcs oto báretofoje fnboeto. bao acbplo callo Chyonc, tobom nature oto enocto COlitb bcatotpe fo, that toben to age of foto?cranc pares Ibfe gretoj 2 t&ottfano Ounces Itfetng her Dio fo? tor fauour feto. S5p fo?tune as bjpgbt Pbcbus ano the fonne of HaDp May !, Came tone from Delphos,totbcr from mount Cyllen, bp the toap .1 £hep fato her botbe at once, ano botbe at once tobereTane in lone, Apollo till the tpme of npgíjt otffero bis fute to moue. JSaf Hermes coulo not bcare oelap. I£e 0roked on the face Etje mapoen toitb bio ebarmeo roo tobteb bath the poto?e to ebace t find toingin üápe: the touch tobereof oto call her m fo oeao ft (tópe, that Hermes bp ano bp bio purpofc of her fpeo. afffljnc as npgbt toitb ttomckling ffarres the toelkin bao báfpjcnf, ? Apollo in an olo topues fijape tco Chyon clocclp toeut, > Sno tobe the plcafuretobicb the fonneof Maya bao fo2ebent. ^ $ofc toben tyó full her tpme bad gon, Ojfe bare bp Mercuryc fi fonne that bpgbt Awtolychus tobo p?oboe a toplp ppe, ano fuel) a felloto as in theft ano filching bad no pare. ^ í)e toss bis fathers otoñe fonne right: be coulo mennes epes fo blare, > ;; fis fo? to make p black things tobpgbM toijpgbt things black appáre. fino bp Apollo (fo* Ibá bare a pap?e) toas bo?ne bio brother Philammon,tobo in mufick arte ercelleo farre all other, fis toell in finging as in plap. i5uc tobar auaplco it | ’ ' zMtf. fir©The. xj. booke of r Cm beare fucb ttoinne0,and of rlnm Coddco in faucur tm bane fit, ? 2nd that ib<* to her father bad a if olnt ana baleant knight, j that her graundfprc toas the fonne of Ioue that d£od of might * I &mtbglo?ie hurt cmanpfolk? Bltfurelpburted her. * j iforffanDtngtnbcroinueconecptlboeatdbcrfelfprefcr \ JBcfore Diana,and dirprapfd bee face, inbo there foitb all f 3lnfiaamd toitb injatb, fapa: locll, tnttb optics toe better pleafe her ffjalk I Bimmediatlplb® bent her botne, ana let an arroto go, i HMtjict) if rake her through the imngAnbofe fpigbt deferued fcounding fo. iper tcong inert Dumb, her fp&cb gan faple that erff tnas ootr rpfe, I ¿ndaslbrnffepuedfor t©fpeake,atoaplncntblmdanDlpfe. j Ipoto torercbed toas 31 then fD <£od i botn if rake it tm ntp bart i . ^ i ¿®bat Inmjdco of comfort did 31 fpeaUc tm cafe mp brothers fmatt i il Cmtnbtcbbegaue bis care as much as drorb the ffonnp rocks Di Cm hideous ro;ing of tbc Inaucs that om againif it knocke. to CberetuasnomcafurenornoiieenOemmakmgofbtsmone, Si 0o; in bemapltng comfortleffe bis Daughter that teas gone. |i I5ut tuben be fainc bcr boDpe burnr,foto:c tpmes toitb all bio mpgfjf ) I iperuflrbcDfmitb tmtbruif bunfelf amtd the fpre in fpgbt. ? li jfoture tpmes b® toeing tbenee rcpuUf ,Dtd put bimfelft» flpgbt. *■ 1 2nd ranm&tobcrastnasnofoapjasamtballSu'llocfeeioben | a hornet flings him in the neche.spee thought boc tnas as then s spore topgbtcr farre than anp manioc tcoulD bauc thought bis fat* ji ^ao bad fum lotngs. io fled be qupgbt from all, ano bemg flats p Chough eagernefie tm Dpe,be gat tm mount Parnafos hnappe ii 2nd rbere Apollo pitping him anD reining bis nitffehappe, !i SHlbrn ao Daedal ion from tljc cliffe bitnfclf baa headlong flmng, || Cranfformd btm tm a biro,and on the fmdatne as free bung It 2>to giue btm Intngs, and bolnining beake, and b©ked talants fcmn$> $ 2nd oeke a courage full as fierce as cucr it bad borne. 0| 2nd furthermore a greater Ifrengtb be lent btm tbertnitball, | Cbaii one tnould tbtnkeconuepd mpgbt betinitbin a rmme fo frnall 2nd ncln in fijape of €?oOebatoke h® tm none indifferent is, 25ut torcakes bts feme on all birds.2na bpeaufebim felfe ere tbi$ 11 End fale the force of forrotnes if mg tnitbin bis toounded hart, ti ^itmakctbotbcrsoffentpmeotroCojrotoandtmfmart. I Sis Cxyx of bis brothers cbaunce this toonorous fforp fc tb> \ CotnmtiQuids Metamorphofis. Commes ronning tfjitfjer all in fiaffc and almoff out offerir Anaetor the Phocayan tubo toaó Pelycs berdman. $^É8 ^ $apd‘:PeIye Pclyc3fd© hiring fad tpdingobnt© thè. £ declare ft man (gpPcleus) tubai euer that it bé. ^ ftiitg Ccyx at bis fcarcmll tn©:dco did ffand in dotutfull Cotone. £bt? n©ncrpdeiip ftje berdman) gebe did d:itte pour fatteli dottine C© ?ea,and ?um a them did lit bppon t|e pellotu ?and 8nd Imbed on the large mapnepfflleoftoater nére at band. zm roaplcd ?oftlp bp and dotune,and jum a them did jtoim ¡and bare tljcir iollp tinned beaded abcouc tbe toater trim. 8 Ctjurcb ffondeo nére tbe ?ea not decbt tottb gold no: marble Cone $5t)t made of tomo,and bid loitb tréd that doping bang tberon. fftriffberman tbat?at and d:pdebt? netto bppo the ?bo.:e ©id tell? that Nercus and bis $pmpbco did ¿aunt tbe place of po:e, Sud boto that tbap bène tiSoddeo a ?ca.€berc butto a plot bo:grotone -l Mlttb ?alloiu treed bppon tbe ?ame, tbe tubicb is ouerblottme ©itb tpdeo,and io a msrflj. Clrom thence a tocolf an o;ped tupgbt Wrb bibeouo nopfe of ruffling made tbe grounded nére band afrpgb** anon be commeo mé building out besmeared all bis cljappeo Hitt) blcod daubafeen and tottb borne ao bèrte ao thunder clapped* ^i? epen did glaCer red aotip:e, and tbougb be raged ?o:e i£o: bamin and bo: madneffe botbe,pit raged be much mo:o 3n madneffe. Silo: tfé cared not bis hunger bo: tco ?labe, £D: ( tbe death of oreu tin© o: tb:è an end t© mafee. But foounocd all the herd and made a Ijauodic of rl;cm all» ffud jam of bo t©, in debcncc did happen bo: t© ball» 3n daungcr of bio deadlp cbappes,and toff our Ipueo. £ije ?bo:e ¡and ?ca is Capno tuitb bl©d»ano all the ben is on a ro:e. ÌDelap b:édeo loffe.Che tace dcnpeo nob) dotuting bo: to ffond, Wpleotagbt remapneo let atl of bo tabe tueapon in our bond, liete arme our ?elueo»and let b?alt©git|Kr on him ball. Che berdman bdld bis peace.Cbe Ioffe rnoboe Pelcm not at atl. But calling bis offence f©mpnoe,bc thought that Ncr-yes caught ^becbpldleffe tiadpePfamathcdetermpndtoub tbatflaugbter. ^©b©pean£>bttt©bcr fonnetohombébefo:cbabbdld. ; 3ntmediatlp bppon this netoes the bing of Trachin brillo men t© arme them, and t© tabe their toeapono tn tbep.: band, andThe.xj.bookeof 2nd ijc addled ijimfelf to bk tbe leader of tbe band. ^ts topfc Alcyone bp tbe nopfe admonifbt of tbe fame, 3Cit d:cflmg of ber brad, before fl^ee bad it brought in frame, 2 Calf dotone ber beare, and ronning fo;tb caught Ceyx faff about 1 Cbenecke,defp2ingbimtoitbtearestofcndbisfdkfc)itbouc : l^imfeif, and in tbe Ipfe of bim to faue cbe Ipues of tteapne. j j flD ipiinceffe,ceafe pour gcdlp feare {q> Pekus then agapne.) I^our offer ootb deferue great thanks. 3S mpnd not foacre to make 2geinff ffraunge monffers. 31 as noto another toap muff take. ji Cbe feagods muff bet pacifpde.Cherciuas a Caff lebpe, p r and in tbe fame a loftp toU^e Inbofe toppe doth face tbe fkpc, f j 2 topfull mark fo? marpners to gupde tbepj beffells bp. ^ ^ j Co fbts fame turret bp tfjcp toent, and there imtb fpgbes bcbilld ft Cbe ¿Drcn Iping cuerp mbere ffark dead bppon tbe falee 9 2nd eeke tbe cruell ffropgod tottlj b's bluddp mouth and beare. & Cben Peleus ffretcbmg fo^tb bis bandes ten S>catoard, p?apd in feare |ft Co ioarriib Pfamath that (be toould ber fo;e difpleafure 0 ap, g 2nd help bin** &>be no fobft relents tco that that be did p;ap. $ 215 tit T hetis to} bir buiband made fucb earneff fate, that fi;a 1)3 :®brepnd bis pardon, ifo? anon tbe toolie (tobo foould not b« ty Heuoked from tbe daughter foj tbe fmeetenefTe of tbe bltod) perfiffed Ibarpe and eager ftill,bntill that as beffcod f Jfaff bpgbtmg on a bullocks necke, ib« turnd bim tntco ffone t Sis toell in fubffaure as in bet», tbe name of toolf alone j Heferucd. if0; altbougb in fljape bee formed ffill pit one, Cbe berrp colour of tbe ffone beeto?apd bim to bee none, || 2nd that be toas not to bee feard. !£oto be it fro&ard fate in pcrmlffs not Pdcus m tbat land tco bane a fetled ffate. \ f^efuand^etb like an outlato to tlje Magnets. Cbere at laff ^ Acaftus tbe ThciTalien purgd bim of bis murtber paff. fy Bin this meane tpme tbe Trachine king fo?e dered in bis tboug&t % ®2ditb flgncs p both before f ff nee bis brothers death tuere ^003^ ty Jfo? counfell at tbe facret Spclles (tobicb are but topes to fade In ifond fattcpes,and not counfellers in penll to do gode) 2D 10 make bim reedp to tbe Cod of Claros fo; to go. < fo} beatbenilb Phorbas and tbe folk of Phlegia bad as tbo > | Cbe leap to Delphos ff opt,tbat none could trauell to o;fro, > |Ouids Metamorphoíis. 14.2. $at ere ïje on b& íonrncp focnt,be mace bis faptbfull mafef Alcyone p;éupe tra tbe tbíng.3mmeoiatlp tbep; ffrafee ijall 3 batte caufe but onelp fo; tra mra^ne i ¡ano not tra bé aftapD i Sud (ball mp care of tbp rcturne jBrá bopD of feare i $0 no. Cbe fea nié fo?e afrapo Dratb mafee. £æ tbinh bppon tbe fea Dratb caufe mp fleflj fo; feare tra quahe* 3 fatoe tbe foohen rtbbcs of lippes a late bppon tbe lbo;e. ¡ano oft on Curnbes 3 reaoe tbep? names tobofe boopes long befo;e £befea bao ftoallotoeD. Uct not fono bapne Ijopc fecuce tbp mpnD, £&at Aeolus is tbp fatfoínlato tobo bolocs tbe bopffous topno 3n p;ifon,atto can calme tbe (cas at pleafure. ©aben tbe topno# » âre once let lare bppon tbe fea, no o;oer tben tbcm fcpnos. i £&en neptber lano batbe p;imleoge,no; fea cremption fpnos. ^ |0ea euen tbe clotooes of beauen tbep ber,ano toitb rbep; méting iïout Œnfo;ce tbe fp:e toitb bioeous nopfe tra b;ufï tn flaObes ouf. £be mote tbat 3 ora hnofotbem,(fo; rpgbt tocll 3 fenoto tbep; poto;e, ¡3rd fato tbcm oft a lítele foc neb toitbin mp fathers boto;e) feomucb tbe mote 3 tfonh tbcm tra bé fearo. But iftbpfoill ÏBp no tntreatancc map bas turno at borne tra rarrp ftill, ÏBnt tbnt tbou néocs toile go : tben mé ote bufbano tutti) t^iëe tafee; feo (bail tbe fea bs equalíp fragífber toCfe ano fbafee. feo torajfer tban 3 féte 3 íbatl bé certeine not tra feare, feo (bail toæ fobatíocuer bappes tragítber íopntlpbeare, feo (ball toéon ¡be b:oao mapne fea tragítber íopntlp faple. Cbcis tora.oes ano teares tobcretoííb fte imp of Aeolm OÍD affaplfc ï^er bufbono borne oííjeauenlp race, Dio ma he bis barí relent, ^ (IFoj be lobo Ijer no lelFe iban íbé lobo bím.) But fullp bent fcef «meo,neptber fs; t© leaue tbe íournep toincb be «wntThe. xj. books of C© tahe bp fea,no; pic cm giue Alcyone leaue as tbtr Companion of bis perfoue courfe bpioater fo? t© go. f$e manp tumbes of comfo.:rfpabc berfcare atoap t© chace. jiBuc nought bácoulo perftoaoe therein t© make her libe the cate, Chis latt afftoagement of her gréefIjeadded in the end, Mbicb toas the onelp thing that made tier toning hart t© bend, ail rarpancetoíllatturedlpfámeouer long t©má. and bpmp fathers blafing beames 3 make mpfioto t© tbá Chat at the furrbeff ere the tpme (if Cod there© agrá) Che tnmne Dm fill her circle ttopce,ageine 3 toill háre bá. tHhen in fum hope of his returne this pjomis bad her fef, toillo a fljippe immeoiatlp from barb?ougbt® báfer, and t&ougblp rigged fo/1© bá, that nepther maaff, no.: fsple, $o? tackling, no no.: other thing ífioulD appertepning fapie. Dibich toben Alcyone Dio behold,as one toh©fe hart mtfgaue Che bappes at band, Cjce quaskr ageíne, anD reares out guffbing D^ut. and ffrepning Ceyx mher armes toftb pale and piteous Imke, p©:e fetched foule,her latt faretudl at length ffiá fadlp f©ke, and ftoounded fiat fippon the ground, anon the toatermen (3s Ceyx fought dclapes and toas in dotot t© turne agen) é>et hand t© £>¿es, of tofiicb there toere tin© rotoes on epther fpde, and all at once totrfi equall ttrobe the tolling fea deupde. é>fiá lifting bp her toatrpe epes befitlld her hufband ffand p iHppon the hatches making fignes bp bechening toith his hand: e and Ihá made fignes to him ageine. and after that the land } Mas farre remoued from the (hippe,and that the fight bigan C© bá finable t© dtfeerne the face of anp man, as long as ere could fljá lekt fippon the roloíng hále, and toben fljá could no longer tpme fo; otttance hen it toále, é>bá Imbed tttll fippon the (aplrs that fiafhed toith the fcpnd ©ppon the maaff. and toben fbá could the faplcs no longer fpno? £>be gate her t© her emptp bed toith fad and fo;pe hart, p and lapd her dotone. Che chamber did reneto a freih her fmart, > and of her bed did b¿ing t© mpno the dáre departed part, if rom harb?ough noto rbep qupght toere gone: t noto a plafanf gale £Dio blotoe. Che mapffer made his men tfiep? áDjes afpde t© hale, and hopfed fip the toppefaple on the bkSbett of the waatt, 2ndWi Quids Metamorphoiis. u, 0nD clapf cn all bis other faplcs bpeauie no tomb (bonlb foaaft. Scarce full rone balf,(o? fore nor much aboue) the f^tppe bab ronne t^ppon the fca ano euerp toap the lano did farrerbem (bonne, ®$&en totoarb night the toallotoing toaues began t© toaren tobpgbf? 0no ake foe beabp eaflerne topnb bib bloto toifo greater mpgb f, Inon foe Sppfler crpcb flrifce tbe toppefaplc, let rbe mapne flpc ana farble it t© rbe parb. €bns fpafce be,but in bapne. ^o? tobp fo bibeous toas rbe flo?mc feppon foe f©beine b? apb, ¿bat not a man toas able there tea bare tobat otber fapb, 0ni) loiaD tbe fea toifo mating toaues ertramelp raging rc?es. pit fell tbep t© it of them fclues. §>um baalbe afpbe tbe ¿D ?es: &>nm fenfeb in rbe talipes fpoes, fum sotone tbe fapleclofoes renb: £>um pomp tbe toarer out,anb fca t© Tea ageme b© fenb, 8nofoer bales foefaplsparbs botonc.anb tobple tbep bib eebe thing £Difo?berip, foeflo?me increafl, anb from eebe quarter fling She topnbes tottb beablp f©bc,anD botonce tbe ragmg toaues trogifoer» £be Pilot being fo?e btfmapb faptb plapnefoe fenotoes not tobifoet £o toenb kimfclf,no? tobat r© b© o? bib,no? m tobat flate fCbmgs flffib. §>o botoge tbe mifebaf toas,anb bib fo ouermate 811 arte, jf o? tobp of ratling ropes, of crptng men anb hopes, flDffltiUbtng toaues anb tbunbnng ap?e, ronfufebtoas tbe nopfe. She furges mounting bp aloft did fame ta> mate tbe ffepe, flab toifo tbep? fp?incfelmg fo? re toet tbe clotobes tbat bang cn bpe, fDne tobple tbe fea,toben from tbe b?mh it rapfc tbe pelloto faub, Mas like in colour t© foe fame, another tobplc bib flanb 8 colour on it blacker chan ttjc Jlabc of Styx. 0non Utlpcfo plapneano l©mefo tobpgbt toifo fafoing frsfo tbereon. 8nb tottb foe fea foeTrachm fljippe ap alteration take. £Dne tobple as from a mounrapnes roppe it fameb botoue t© !©k$ Sea ballpcs anb tbe beprb of bell. Another tobpte befet Mifo fuelling furges rounb about tobieb nare aboue it met, Ifflfeeb from tbe bottom of tbe tob&?fcp©lc bp aloft 8s if it toere from bell f© beauen, & bibeous Guflbtng eft She toaues bib make in beating full agamfl tbe Call CSailpe being flnken gaue as great a fotonb tbat 8s bib fumtpmctbc BatteUrsmb of$alc,o? noto tbe 00 3n making battrpe f© a toto?e. £i«B as farce lb-pons tonneOuids Metamorphofis. fyofber and bis parents tubora be clrerelp bath fo&one. sanor^cr calles bis fjoufc and tupfe and children bntqj mpnd, janocacrp manut generail ttje tilings be left bcbpnd* Alcyone raouctb Ceyx bare. Ceyx moutb is none 5U3ut onelp one Alcy onc.2ttid tbougb lb® toere alone ©c topgljt that be oefp?cd moff,pit toas be berrp glad mas not there. Ccd Trachmtuard ccd Icobc oefp?e be bad, HI and bometoaro fepne be tooulo bane furno bis epcs fcoblcb nener tno?e J ftbonlo tbe land. Bat toben be fenetu not tubicb tuap teas tbe lbo?e, Jl inhere be tuas. Cbe raging fca did rotole about fo fait: ^ ,1 Sind all tbe beauen toitb clotuos as blach as pitch teas ouer catt, > "'\j ©at nener npgbt tuas balfe fo oarkCbere came a flam at laff, Jr ©at tottb bie biolcnce b?ahe the matte,and ffrafee tbe fferne atoap* ; ¡3 billotoe p?ondlp pjanfetng bp as haunting of bis p?ap r JSp conquett goften,foalloUietb bole and bteafeetb not a funder, J Molding tmtb a loftp Icofee the maters toothing bnder. ttnd Iffibe as if a man fljoulo from the places tuber« tbep gratae Hcno ootune the mountapnes Athe f Pind,and tubole them oucrtbmfoe Into the openfea: fofoft tbe Billotoe fumbling dotone, With tocpgbt and biolent ttroUe did ttnb and in the bottom d?otone £&e C>allpe. and tbe motte of tbem that mere toithintbe fame ®ent dotone tbertoltb and tieuerbp rco open aiercame, But oped ffrangled in tbe gulf, another fo;t againe Caught paces of tbe broken Ibippe. Cbe king bimfelf teas fapne 2 tytuer of tbe funfeen ibippe in t!;at fame band to bold, 3n tobicb baertt a ropall mace bad bills ofpcllotu gold. Its father and bis fatbiinlatoe be calles bppon (alas Snbapne.) But ebaflp in bis mouth bts tutfc Akyonebm 3n bart teas flja: in tong tuas tycz: l£e toiffbed that bis co?ie £© land tubere lb® mpgbt take it bp tbe furges mpgbt enforce t 2nd that bp her moff louing honors be might be lapd in graue. |; 3n ftuimmtng ff til (as often as the furges leauc him gauc £o ope bis lippes) be barped tttll bpon Akyoncs name, 2nd mben be detuned in tbctoaucs be muttred ttill tbe fame.. Behold,eucn full bppon rf?c toaue a flafec oftuatcr blacfce iMd b?cafte5 and bnocrneatbe flic fra the bead of Ceyx ttraefee* npgbt the Ipgbtfum Luciter fo? io?rotae teas fo dim,The. xj. book« of as fcarcelp conld a man dtfccrnc o: tbitibe it t© ba bfnt. i and fojafmucb as is*,t of beauen be might not ffeppe afpde, 5 Mitb tbtdi and oarhfnm cloiuds that npgbt bis countnancc be didbpbt, i Alcyone of fo great mtfcbauncc not fenolmng augbt as pit, I SDtD bape a reefeemng of the npgbts that m the Uibple mo fitr, 0 0nd balled garment» both fo? him ano fo? berfelf lifeetupfe, ii E© foeare at bis bomecommmg tobicb I^ae toapnclp did tarmpfe, ® Ccd all tbe Coddes acuoutlp C^ee did offer franhtncence: if S5ut moff abone them all tbe Church of Iuno ibee did fence. I! and fo? ber bufbano (U bo as then teas none) (brie fenelo before iU Cbe0ltar,toiffbingbealtbandf©nearriuallattbelbo?e, J ana that none other tuoman mpgbt before her be p?efera. w-jl jDiatl her papers this one pace cffcctuallp boas bearD. j ifo? Iuno cotilo not fpnd in hart fntreated fo? t© bee . in ifo? bim that leas alreaop Deao. 515nt to tbentent that 5f rom oame Alcyones Deaolp bands might fceepe her altars fra, • ft &ba fapD. spoil faptbfull meffenger ofmp ccmmaundments,;© fi! Chou Kapnebotoe, t© the flugguiff? boufe of slomber ftoiftlp go. Oil ano bid him fcnD a £D?came In Ibape ofCeyx t© bis fopfe |( Alcyone,fo? t© Ibeo) her plapne the lofing of bis Ipfe. | SDamelris tabes her pall tobereina tboufanD colonrstoere ft anD bofoUung lube a ffringeD boll) bpon the clofcodp fpbere, Is 3!mmeDtatlpDefcenDeDt©tbcD?otojpcboufeof»>lape . ijj Mbofe Court tbe clotoaes conttnuallpd© clocelp cuerd?ape. Tbehonje 0mong tbe darbe Cimmerians tsabolloto mountaine found n •fftecpc. a«D in tbe biUaCaaetbatfarrcDffitbronnetDltbmtbegrcunD, JEbe Chamber t the Dtoelling place toberefloutbfullCape c©rb cetecb» Cbe Ipgbt of Phebus golden beames this place can neucr toteeb. a foggpe miff tottb Dimneffe mfrt ffreames toptoarde from the ground, ano glimmering ttoplpgbt cuermo?e toitftn the fame is found. ty i]5o toatcbfull bird tmeb barbed btll,and combed crotone d©tb call Cbe mo?ntng f©?tb tottb crotoing out. Cbere is no nopfc at all j| ©f ioablng dogge,no? gagling g©fe mo?e limber than the bound ST© binder flape. ®fbeaff ne fopla ne tame there is no found. {u iiio boiogbes are ffiro tottb blalfes of topna. no nopfc of tailing feng ^ ©fman o? toomancuer pittoitbtn that botoer r©ng iDumb gu:et atoclletb tbere.^it from tbe ffioebes fete 5® tb S° . . sueOui’ds Mctamorpliofis. 1^.5 Eberpuer offozgetfulneile.tobtcb ronnetb fncfcling fa t^ppon tbe little pebble ff onea tobtcb in tbe cbanncli Ipe, Ebat önttD flépe a great Deale mo?e tt Dcotb pjonobe tberebp. j&foje tbe entrp of tbe Catte,tbere grotuce of popppe ffoje. »rb föoeb beaoe0,anD otber toéoea innumerable mo;e, £Dntof tbe mtlbre tetóte of tobtcb tbe ntg&t Dcntbgatber (Icrpea, Ano euer all tbe IbaDotoeD cartb tottb Danhißj Dcatoc tbem D;eepea. iöpcaufe tbe crafetng binDgrs of tbe D©¿e no nopfe fboulD malte, %[)tu iß no D©?e ln all tbe boufe,no; poster ar tbe gafe. AmiD tbe Cane, of Ebonye a beoff eD ffanoetb bpe, ¿no on tbe fame a beD of Doíonc tottb h&ucringa blaefee Dcotb Ipe : 3fn tobleb tbe o;oto?pe <0oo of ßccpe bi* litbcr limbea Dcotb reff. About bim,fo:ging funojpe Ibapes aa manp Djeameo Ipe p?eff, Aseare* of come Deo ff ano tn feelDea ln barueff tpmc,o? leauea SDa groto on trce*,o; fea t© Owe of fanöpe cinDer bcauea. Afone a* Ins carne tottbln tbta bonfe,ano tolti? ber baño $ao put afpie tbe oajcling Durame* tbat in ber toap DtD ffanD, Cbe bitgbtnelfe of ber robe rbzongb all tbe facreo boufe DtD (bine. £&e M of flffpe fcarce able fo? f© rapfe bla beaup epen, A t&z® 0; foiose fpmca at tbe leali DtD fall agetne tm reff, Ano triti) bt* noDDtng beao DtD knoefee bla cbfnne agetnff bte bzeff. At (engtb be fijafetng of bfmfelfe,tppon bla clbotoe leanoe. Ano tbaugb be hneto fo¿ tobat 8j¿ carne : be affet ber tobat ßj© mcanD. A) flcepe (tp fl)à?,)tbc reff of tbtnga, AD gentleff of tbe €frDDca, giocete fleepe, tbe pcace of mpnD,tottb tobom crroht care ta ape at oDDca: Web cbcmlbcff mennea toarp Itmbea appallo tottb topltng fo?e. Ano mafecff tbem aa fretb f© to©?fe ano lutipe aa bàfo?e, Commauno a Dzcamc tbat in tbep? fepnoea can euerp tbtng erp;clTe, £0 T rachinc Herdes fotone bimfelf tbta tnffant t© aDDjeffe. Ano let btm liuelp counterfet t© ©uène Alcyonea £be fmage of ber bufbanD tobo ta DjotoneD t n tbe fea i5p fl)ipto?ecfee. Inno totllerb fo. l£er meffage béing tolo, ÜDame Iris ment ber toap. ffjá coulD ber epea no longer bolo ifrom 3àpc.ll5ut toben (b® feit it come Ibá fleo tbat tnffant tpme, Ano bp tbe boatoc tbat bzougbt ber Dotone t© beaue agetne DtD clpme. Among a tboufanD fornica ano mo tbat fatber flomber baD callo Dp M orph tbe feptter of manne* ffjapc a craftpe lao. (¡3.;. ¿poneThe.xj. hookeof $ane other cotilo fo conninglp erpjeffe mans berrpe face, ^isgeffure atm his founötfbopce, ano manner of bis pace, Cc>ther boftb ins tonteo toDe,ano tonteo pb?afe of talk. But tfjis fame Morphye onelp in tbe ihape of man Dcntb toalfe. Cijere <0 another tobo the fljapes of beatf 0; biro Omth tafee, £D? elfe appeerethbntoD men in lífecneífe of a fnafee. &[)t GoDöes Oíd calí títm Icilos, ano mojtall foifee him name Phobetor. &l)cte Í0 alfo pit a rbtro tobo from tbets fame ©¡¡feoffees otuerflp,anö Phan tafos behigbteeb- 3 nt® if reames Cbis turnes himfelf,anoint© Bones, ano eartb, ano timber brames, Sno memeucrp otber thing that toanteth life. Cbeis rb?®. . Great feings ano Capteines in the night are tonteo fo? tco fas, i Che meaner ano inferiour fo?t of others baunfeo boe. * £>t r &lomber ouerpaff the reft, ano of the brothers all C© ocd oame Ins meflage be oto onlp Morphye call. mW) Drone he toying luffeiflj, ffrcpght lapo Dotune his D?ofo?p bca* • 8no fofrlp fh?©nfe his lapfpe limbes iotthin his fluggtih beo. Stop fleto Morphye though £ aire: no fitefering maoe his toingsj Slno came anon tco Trachine.ihere his fetl;rrs of he flings, Sino in thefljape of Ceyx fiances before Alcyones beo, pale,toan,ffarfe naafet,ano fefee a man that boas bat larelp oeaoe. %is beroe feemo tuet, ano of his hraothe hesre toas Dropping o?pe. Sino leaning on her bcD,toith reares he fomeo thus t© crp. spoíf tujctebeo tooman fenotoefi them tbp louíng Ceyx noto ¿>? is mp face bp Death OiffojmD i bcljolo mee toell,anD tijeta é>half fencto mée. jf0; thphufbano, thou thphufbanoes €>bcfi (haltf& ijio groo thp pjapers ano thp feotues haue bone at all ím me?. Jp0? 3 ant oeao. 3n bapnc of mp reíame no reefening mafee. » Che do top fototh anno the fea cur í^íppe oio tarop tafee, > 0no toiling it truth biolcnt blalfes afunocr oio it ibafec. ^ Sno fleeces haue filio mp mouth tofiif b calió in bapne bppon thp name. * $0 perfone tohom thou mapfl mitome brings tpotngs of the fame > ¿bou hcatefi no t thereof bp fslfe report of Aping fame. 215ut 3¡ mpfelf: 3 prefer, rip mp flfiptoefee feo to lijo toe. 8rpfe therefore ano tofuíl reares bppon tbp fpoufc beffoto. putmromuig rapment on, ano let más not tea Limbo go Slumcomeo fo?. in fljetoing of this Ü?ípiü?ccUc Morphye foQuids Metamorphofis. \ii6 fi)(D fepne fíje topee of Ccyx, tbat fljae conio none otter Déme, j5nt tijat it ionio bá bis in oáoe. $po?eoucr fje oto fónte SLw toápe til carne® : ano tte tanoes tbe berrp ge®ure bao 0Cey*. &uéene Alcyone Dio grotte, ano báíng fao jDío ®írre ber armee, ano tb¿u® tíjem famb bis boíp feo embrace.' fitffeao tobereofibá cangfó but ap¿e. Cbe reares ran Dotane iter face* fet® erpeo, farrp : tobitber flpffe ^ fojgitljer let to go. 0noall tbis tobple lite toas a fifópe. HBoríj tolti; ter erptng fc, gnu flapgtteo tolft tbe image of ter bufbands gsAlp fp^pgtf» fete ffarteo tp : ano fongtt about if fpno tini etere (tee mpgt t. (jfo¿ tobp ter (Srcomes atoahing toift ite íbüáAe tao brought a It'gbf.) * 0no toten lb® no intere coulo tini fpno, Ciegan ter face toa fmpgbt, Suo tare ter npgbtclotbes from ter b;e®,ano Arate it ftxrcdp^iiD •> $ot pairing reo tnfp ter beare lb® retti ít toitb ter taño. > ano toben ter nurce of ft io ter gràf oefp^oe fai bnocrffano £be caufe : A Icypne is tnoa>nc,bnD£Diie ano caff atoap TOtttj Ccyx ter oeare fpoufe (tb® fapo.) lleaue comfort ing 31 p?ap. S5p ittpto;ecte te io perriftf : 31 taue fame tint : ano 3 Aneto $i0 tanoes. HUbcn in Departing 3 tm bolo tint oíd purfeto, 3 cangi® a Cbo® : but fuct a Ctott as tocll elicerne 3 mpgtt £cd bé tnp tufbanos, ^aetcleffe te tao not tra nip fpgtt toonteo counfenancc,neptter oio ttotifage ftpne fo topgtf, 2s bárefo3fo;e i t tao b*ne toamf. 3 fato btm tojeteteo topgtt fetatbe naAeo,palc, ano toitt tto beare fftll toet ; cucii berrp gtóre g fato tint Aano.toitb ttaf it® Icofccs if aitp pjtnt appare átfftotíng totcre as te Dio tfaitO tppon ite fle^c bctpno* p ttis is it tbat 3 Dio feare in farre fo?eca®íng mpno, > íüten flpíng mée $ ftée oefptoe tí;ou ítoulo® not truff tl;e topnO* ^ JlBnt fptt ttou toenteff feo ftp Oeatt, 3 tornilo tbat 3 bao gone ©Siiti) tbée. at máte,if máte bao báñe ttou ítoulo® not go alone Without má. &>o íc itoulo taue come tea paffc tbat neptter 3 l£ao ouerltueO .ttde,no; pit bène forceo ttoice toa Ope. aireaop, abfent tn tte toaucs noto toflTeO taue 3 bá, ? aircaop taue 3 perrtfljco. 0no pit tte fea barb tbá > íEttbout má. Ü5ut tte cruclneffe toere greater farre of ntá ■> £&an of tte fea,if after ftp Dcceafc 3 i®tU tooulo ff riue 3a foleto ano in angutfij íWt f® ppue atoap clíuc. " . m »ut Thc.xj. bookeof 25uf ncptfjer foill 3 ffriue in care fro lengthen Hill mp Ipfe, ¿|io: (IxnctctjcD topgbt) abandon tbá: but libe a faptbfuíi tepfe St leaff tepfe note teill come as % companion, áno tbe berfc (ball lopite bs,tbongb not in tbe felffame coffin: pit in betfe* although in tumb tbe bones of bs ffflgttber map not concb, Pit in a grauen Cfcpitapb mp name tbp name fl^ail touch» 1$zv Coyote toouiD not fuffer ber t© btter anp mo?e. g>bá fabo ano fpgbt at eucrp to©?o,tmnll ber bart teas fete. ICbe morning came, ano out (bee toen trpgbt penflf t© tbe lbo;e 2T© that fame place in tebteb fb« tobe ber leaue of bim before. ÍKÜbpte there rt)ámu!tng ff©D,ano fapD,be Uifleo mée euen bare, ^ecre teepro ijee i)(s anchors bp,bare icofo be from tbe páre, ¡ano tebple íb® callo tco mpno tbe things tbere marUeo toitb ber epest 3n tajfetng on tbe open fea,a great toap of íljáfppes a certeine thing much libe a co¿fe come bouering on tbe toaae. St GrfHbá ooteteo tobat it teas, as fpOc it nárcr 0¿aue, although it toere a g©D toap of,pit Dio it plainelp fbotoe £© bee a coice. ano rbougb that tebofc it teas fbá oto not (motee* J^it fojbpcaufc it fámo a te¿ccUe,btf barf tberat oio rpfe: áno as it bao fum ffraungcr bán&teitb teater in ber epes é>ba fapD,alas po:e teretcb toboAe tbou art,alas fo? her iLbat is tbp tepfc,if anp bá. angas tbe teaues Dio ff irre, 2Tbe bobp floteo necrer lano: the tel)icb tbe mo?c that (bat UStbillD, tbe lefle began m her of ffapeo tete t© bá. anon tt DiD arrtue on fl)o:e, SCbcn plainelp fl?á Dio fá ano Unote it, tbat it teas ber fáre. s>bá alabeo tr is bá» ano tbcretettball bcr face, ber bcare,anDgarmenfs Ibá OÍD feare, ano but© Ceyx ftrercbmg out bet trembling banoes teitb feare, é>apD: cumff tbou borne in fucb o plpgbt t© má £) bufbano Dare i ifteturnll in fucb a teretebeo plpgbf ^ Cbcre teas a certeine pare £bat buploeD teas bp baño, of teaues tbe firíf affaults t© b;eafce* ano at tbe banons moutb t© caufe tbe tpoe t© enter tocaUe. §>bá lepr tbercti. (0 teonDcr fare it teas íbá coulD D© fo) p &bá flete,ano teitb ber nctegroteen tetnges oto beate tbe ap?e as tfjo. c ano on tbe teaues a toretebeo bird iba tobiffeco t© ano fro. Site teitb ber crocUing ncb tben grouen t© flenoer bilí ano routtO, libe one that teaplo ano m©;nso (fill wiacc a moaning fe uno. $ofobát N *4-7 i ■ Quids Metamorphoils. $otob«f as f©nc a s dp Dio fouci? bis Dumb ana blcolelfe flcßj, Sino bao emtyaaH bis lone o limbes fcfrb toinges maoe neto ano ftttyy janö toítb ber baröeneo ncb baD hilf bim colölp,though in bapne, jfolfe ootot of Ceyx félíng it ten rspfe bis beaö oíd ffrapne,-2); tob!tber tbat f bc toaues Dio lift it bp. But furelp lj¿ gt felt : ano though compaction cf tfje Coooes both b¿ ano ff}¿ Hflievc turno ta) bttoes. Cbe tone of tbem ¿he fufcicrt t© ttjcir fate, Coittmueo after : neptber oío tbe faptbfull bono abate 0 tocolocfce ín tbcm b¿íng bims : but ffanoes in (tetfafl Hate. ICbep treaoe, ano lap, ano b;ing f©?tb p©ng ano noto tbe * Alcyon (jets * TM 3¡n toititertímc bppon ber nell (toljícb on tbe toater flitts fifi** *d fenennpgbt. SDurmg ali tobícb tpntc tbe fea ís calme ano fftl!, Ano cucrp man map f© ano fro faple fauflp at bis totll. $ oí Acölus fo.: bis offp;ings fahe tbe toinoes at borne D©tb h¿pe, anotoíll not let tbcm go ab;oaöe fo; troubling of tbe o¿pe. Su auncíent father f¿íng tbem about tbe b;ooc fea flp, SDío p;üjfe tbep? lone fo; faffing t© tbe eno fo ffeofaítlp, $í$ nepgbbour o; tbe felffame man maoe anftoer (fucb is cbauncc) éaen tbis fotole alio tobom tbou ferii bppon tbe forges gtaunee taub fpmole fljanhs, (be popnteo t© tbe topoegoatolo Co;mo?ant) M?e tbat be became a biro,of ropall race mígbt Daunt. ¡3.10 if tbou couet ItiieaUp bis peoegré t© f¿he, ^ísSuiiccto;s tocre Ilus,ano Affaracus,ano ¿he ÍFap?e Ganymed tobo Iupiter OÍO rautíb 33 btS íop, Laomcdon ano Priamus tbe lall tbat repgno in Troy. &tout He£lors brother toas tbís man. ano bao be not in p;pme íDfluffp poutb b¿ne tane atoap, bis o¿ocspercbannce ín tpme ^au purebaad bim as great a name as Heéfor, tbougb tbat bÉ £>fDymants Daughter Hecuba bao fortune bo?ne t© b¿. ifo? Aefacus repo;teo is begotten to bane b¿ne % fcape, in 0jaDp Ida on a mapoen fap;e ano íb¿ne í^bofe name toas Alyxothoe,a p©;e mans Daughter that ®itb fpaoe ano mattoche fo; btmfclfe ano bis a lining gat. £bts Aefacus the Citie bates, ano gojgtous Court o©tb Isonne, Sno in tbe bnambicious f¿locs ano to©os alone o©tb toonne. |e falomtn haunts the fotone of Troy, pit bautng not a ruoc l »no blochiib to(t,no; fucb a bart as conio not be fuboetoo Í W.% BpThe.xj. bookeof 51Bp Ione, be fppoe Eperie (tobom ofí be bao purfetob ) Elftotigb all tbe tornees) tbcnfittìngonberfatberCebnusb?im . o;pmg of ber beare agetnfl tbe fonne,tobicb bangeo trtm l SHppost ber badi,affane as tbat tbe $pmpb toas toare of btm, •> &be fleo as toben tbe grifllo toeolf cotb fcare tlje fearefull bpno £)? toben tbe patacón farrc front b:©fees appallare bappes tco fpno, Ebe Troianeìtnpgbt ronnes after ber, ano btimtg ftotft tlj?ougb lene, Pnrfetoetbber ¿boni fcare 0©tb fo?ce apnee ber fette to meue. JlBebolo an acoer lurlung in tbe graffe ¿ere as fija fleo, p SD io bpgbt ber fate toitb b®&eo tatb, ano in ber boepe fp?cO £ i$is benim. è>b& Dio eeafe ber flpgbt ano fcoOdn fcll cotone ceac»ò l$er loucr being pali bis toitts ber carfeefle oio embrace* àncerpoe, alas tr Irbctb ntee, itirfeesmee oftbiscbace. 25ut tbis 31 fearo ncr. neptber toas tbe gaine of tbat 3 toillt» iiSilojtb balfe fo mueb. jpíoto tto© of bs t\)à (to?etcljeo fonie} batte tulio, Ebe tocunD toas gíuen tb® bp tbe inatte, tbe caufe toas giuen bp nub, Ebe totcUeOOcr of botb am 3 : tobo fo: t© comfort tbee WL ili malie tb® fattffactio» toitb ntp Oeatb. iSKiib tbat at Iaff SDotone from a roche (tbe tobícb tbe toaues bao bnoermpnoe) be cali ^ítnfelf int© tbe fea. i^otobcét Oame Tcthys pifping iiecepuo bim foft fp, ano as be bppon tbe toaues Dio ftoim, è>bce couereo bini toitb fefbcrs. àno tbougb fanne be tooulo baue DpOe,, 8>b® tooulo noi let fjirn.mi rotb toas be tbat oeatb toas bim Cenpoe, > Sud tbat bis fonie comprilo tboulo bee agetnfl bis toillt© bpee J esiitbin bis tojetebeo boop fliU, fremtobtcb it toonlo oepart, 8no tbat be toas ccnflrcpno f© line perfo:cc ageiníí bis bare» il no as be on bis ftjoulocrs noto bao netolp tahen toings, i0e montiteli bp, ano ootone bppon tbe fea bis booope oings. f£ts ferbers toonlo noi let btnt flnhe. 3n tage be Optietb ootone, 0no oefptatlp be flriucs bimfelf continuallp t© ecotone. Ione oio malie bim Itane, long leggs : long netti D©tb flill remapne, l^ts bcao is from bis IbonlDers farre : of è>ea be is moli fapne, ano fo? be fcnocrncatb tbe toaues oelpgbtetb fo? f© D?iue Si ñame arco?oing tbcrebnt© tbe ilatms o© bim giuc* Finis vndecirai Libri.fTHE.XII. BOOKE OF 14.8 Ouids <3VEetamorphojis. 3lng Priam béíng ignojam that Aefacus his tonne JDio line in ffjapc of biro, oíd ut(D?ne: ano at a tumb toberott i£is name toas to?ítíen,Heftor ano his brother tolemlp Dto heepc an áDbít. Paris toas not at tbis obfequpe. tEttlnn a tobpie toifb rautffjt topfe be b?ougbr a laff mg toarre I£ome Onto Troy. 2Dbere foilotoeo bun a tbotofano Ojippes not farrc Confpp?o tmgitber, toifb the apoe that all tbe Greekes could fpno: 8nD bengeance bao báñe tañe fio?tbtoitb but that the cruell topno , j2Dio make tbe feas bnfaplable, fo that tbep? fljippes tocre fapne !3f rode at fiffbpe Av vlys in Baeotia ten retnapne. i£áre as tbe Greekes according tco tbep? toamt made facnfpfe £0 Ioue, and on the altar old tbe fíame aloft did rpfe, Sbep fppde a fpeclffeo émake crápe bp bppon a planetrá bpe ®ppon tbe toppe tobereof there toas among tbe brunches bpe ¡a nett, ano in the nelí epgbt birocs, 311 tobicb ano ábe tbep? bam £bat flickering fleto about ber Ioffe,tbe bnngrp fnabe dio cram Mtrbfn bis matoe. Clje ttanoers bp torre all ama?0c tberat. SBnt Calchas Theftors fonne tobototeto tobat máníngtoasínfbaf, fcapd.toá íball toin. Hcíopce pá Greekes bp bs Iball peníb Troy JIBut long tbe tpme toill bá before toá map our toíll cniop. 8nu tben be tolo tbem boto tbe biros npne páres dio flgnífte Wícb tbep bcfo?c tbe totone of Troy not tabfng ít íboulo ipe. %ht Serpent as be toound about tbe bougbee ano b?auncbes greene, ÍBecame a ffone,ano ffill ín ttone bis fnalnlb íbape is fánc. Cbe feascontínetoco berrp rougb and fuffreo no t tbep? boffe Slmbarkeo fo? tto paffe frem tbence tco tahe tbe further ccaff. &ttm thought that Neptune fauo?eo Troy bpeaufe búnídfotobuplo £íje toalies tljerof. Ü5ut Calchas (toba both fcncto,ano neucr ijíllo ^ís peace in tpme) declared tbat tbe dfodoeffe Phebe mutt ttppeafcd bá toítb ínrgfns blcod fo? to?afb ccncepueo íutt. 3ff©ne as pifie páloeo bao tco cace of puplícite toeale, 3no reafon got tbe bppcr band of fathers louing jeale, that tbe Haope Iphigen before tbe altar ff©o flroong tbe topping minitters, too gtue ber inapoens dcod: tftiitj. £beThe.xij. booke of &\)t CSodDefiTe faking pi tic, caff a miff before tbep? epcs, 21nD as cljep pjapD anD ffirD about tm make tbe facrilpfe, l Conucpes her fiuigljt aioap, anD iottb a l^pno her rearne fupplpes ^ Cbus fcoitb a daughter mcete fo? ber Diana bamig pleafD, Che raging furges imtb her tu?atb tmgitber toe re appeafb, I Cbe tboufanD fbippes baa kupuD at p®pe. anD foben tbep bab aboDe spucb trouble, at the length ailfafe tbep gattbe Phrygian roDe. am;D the ioo?!D ttoaenc beanen, anD earth, anD fca, there is a place, i'1 &ctfromtbebcanD0ofecbeoftbemtnDifferentlpuifpace, ¡1 Jfrom tobence is fcene tobat Cuer thing is p?amfD anp inhere, p although the iieainie bie nere fo farre,anD rounDlp t© the eare ? Si Commes tohatfoeucr fpofeen is. ifarne bath bis Dinelling there, Kj « i ®2Hbo in the toppc of ail the boufe is loogeD in a f oi»?e. jl a thoufano entrpcs,glaDcs,anD holes arc frameD in this boto?e. I Cbere are no Cfojes ten ffjet. Che Danes ffano open npght anD Dap, > Cbe houfe is all of founding b?affe,aHD rojeth euerp toap, £ J1 iScpo^tingDotobleeuerpinmiDithearethpeoplefap. 5 Ml Cberc is no reff mitbin,there is no filcnce anp inhere. s J0!t is there not a pelling out: bnt humming, as it inere « Cbe found of furges boring beard farre of, are like the found Chat at the end of tfjunoerclappes long after Doatb redound, :j mtjen Iouc Dosth make the cloinoes fro crack, imrkin the courts is p?eace M ¿Df common people,tnhich fro come anD go Do neucr ceace. anD millions both of trotljes anD Ipes ronne gating enerp inhere* d anD inro^Des confufelp 8pe in heapes. £D( inhich,fum fill the eare Hi Chat hearD not of them erff, anD fum Colcarpcrs part Dro plap Cm fpreab ab?ooc the things thep hearD. ano euer bp the inap Che thing that tuas imtenteD groincs much greater than before, anD euerp one that getts it bp tbe enD aDDes fumtobat moje. Jlpght credit Dinelleth there. Cbere Dinells rail) erro?:£bere D®th Dfoell i SHapite fop: Cbere Dtuclietb bartleffe feare,anD SB? we that loues t® tell i tEincercapnenetoes bppon report, tobereof be Doth notknoine Che audio?, anD Sedition inho freff) rumors loues tco foine. i| Chis j?ame bebeloctb inbat is Dame m beauen,on fca,anD land, \ anD inbat is U)2oagljtin all the ino?lD be lapes to imDerffanD. • | i£c gaue tbe Troyans foaming that the 0no fiétong Cygnet ttoougb tpe f®lo o: Heitor,be oto ffrap. 0t latf toítb Cygnct be oto máte. 5F0; Heitor bao oelap Inttü tbe tentb peare aftertoaro. Cbcn baffíng f®;tb bis bodies Uítb fiaren manes,agcínft bto fo bto ©barrot be enforces. 0110 b?anOiCfbto0 bto fljabtng oart,be fapo: £) noble topgbt 0 comfort let it b® tco tb® tbat fucb a baleant bnpgbt 3s is Achilles btiietb tb®. Bin Taping fo be ttoeto 0mpgbtpOart,tobicb tbcngb it bit tbe marb at tobícb ít fleto, pit pertt tt not tbe fbinne at all. $oto toben tbio blunfeo blotoe -> ^ao bit en Cygnets b;eff, ano oto no p;tnt of bitting trotee, p ¿bou ©oDDeffe fonne (gp Cygnet) fo; bp fame toe Oíd tbe fcnotoe) ^ Wpfoamojeff at m® fo; tco f® 3 can not toounoeo b® i (Achilles to©nD;eD mneb tbereat.) Cbto belmet tobicb p® f® JiBeocct toítb bo;fes pelloto manes,this flptlo tbat 3 o© beare* defend m® not. jf 0; ornamento alonlp 3 tbem tocare. M tbto fame canfc armeo Mars bímfelf íthetopfe. 3 toíll Dííarmc #pfelf,ano pit ímrajco toill 3 pafle toítbout all barme. 3¡t ís toa fum effect,not borne t© b® of Ncryes race, á>o tbat a man be bo;ne of bím tbat toítb tbmfojfceo mace Hules Nereus ano bto Daughters t©,ano all tbe fea befpoe* 2Cbís fapo5be at Achilles fent a oart tbat fijoulo abpoe Uppon bis Ajalo, 3t perceo tbtougb tbe ff ále ano tb?o«Sb npne foto áDfDren bpoes,ano ffapo tippon tbe tentb. A chilles bolo 2Dío fo;eft it out, ano fo;cpblp oío tbtotoe tbe fame agapne. bodpe báfng bit agetne,bntooun0eo Dio rcmapne, Sno clare from anp p;ínt oftoouno. ©be tbiro toent ábe ín bapne, pít&io Cygnet t© tbe fame giue full bío nabeo b;íff* AdúllesThe.xij.bookeof Achilles cbaíeb Ithe a IMI tbat íit tbe open lift Mttb orbitili ba¿nes Dcatf) pali) ageínft fije fcarlet clotbes tbat tfjcre 8re íjangcD bp toa malìe bím torce, ano toben fie tooulb tbem leare jaDnjtf) fpno l;ís toounos belabeb. Cben Achilles Icoht bppon í£ís BJaaelíngs fockcí,tf fije beao tbereoftoere toce o? gone. %\)t beao ffacfce faft. £^p baño bptohe ís toeaheneb tben ( iBe fenc te totoarb Cygnet, ano tbe torapon oto not ftrap, ^ ijioí toas not ftjunneb. 3nfomucb ít lígbteo full bppon f$ie fljouioer :anb tt gane a rappe astf bppon fum ffon 3ft Ipgbíeb bab,rebotonbtng bache, l^otobeeít tobere ít bit? Achilles (atoe tt btobpe, ano toas bapnlp glao of tt. JFo? tobp tbere toas no toounb.3t toas Menetes btob.£ben lept ì$z baftip from bto Cbar pot botone,ano Itfee a maoman ftept £co careleffe Cygnet totíb 1)íb fto©?b. l^efatoe bis ftocoto btb pare ^»ís Cargct ano bis mojíon botbe. SBu.t toben ít touebt tbe bare, Iptó boope toas fo baro ,ír oto tbe rogé tbereof abate. i §e eoulb no lengar fuffer bím feo trpumpb in tbat rate, >Ouids Metamorphofìs. 150 jBttf foriti; the pommel! of f;i0 fiu©?o oio tfoumpfrim on the pare, ) cum bobs I)im tod! abouttfje b?etoes a cojjcn times ano mo?e, 0nB placing on tjim as be ft ill gaue badie amaajo him fo?e, 0no troublefo him tutti) bufifcmng, not resetting a toljir* £ben Cygnet gan t© bé afrapo, ano unites bégan reo flic IBcfox bis epes3ano oimo bis as be itili oio pélo, |ti gluing back, bp ebannee be met a fifone amio tbe feeio, 0gdnff tbe tofoicb Achilles tlyuiff him bach toitb all bis mpgfof, 0iiO tfoiotoing bun ageinlf tbe gronno, oio caif folm bolt fcp?pg bt. £bcn bearing bolfotofdp hrirb boti? bis fcnés agelnff bis cbeif, 0no leaning toitb bis elbotoes ano bis target on bis b?eff, , ' $e ibet bis beaopéce cloce ano fttff,aitD bnOerneatbe bis cbm $o baro it ifrapno3 that toap fo? b?catb boas neptber out no? in, flno clofeO bp tbe bent of Ipfe. ano banmg gotten fo £be bpper bano, be toent about t© fpople bis foafiquiflEjt fo. 5H5ut nought be in bis armour founo. jFo? Neptune bao as tbo £ranifo?mo bim t© tbe fbtole tobofe name be bare but late ago. £bis labour, this encounter b?ougljt the re# ofmanpoapes, to eptber partpe in tbep? If reugtfo a tohple from battell ftapes. $ofoj tobple the Phrygians toatcb f toaro foppon tbe toallesof Troy* 0no Greekes lifoetopfe tuftlym tbep? trench, there came a oap ofiop, 3n tobicb Achilles fo? bis luck in Cygnets ouerfh?oto* a Coto in toap of facrifpfe on Pallas did beifotoe. Wofe intoaros toben be baa bppon tlje burning altar cait to that the acceptable fume bao tb?ougb the aper pali £0 (^QO&arOjano the bolp rptes bao ba& then? Deices,the refit ©Has fet on b©?os fo? men t© eare in oilTbes fpndp o?etf. £be p?inces fitting ootone, oio fecce bppon the ro to fleib, to both tbep? t|?trff ano p?efenc cares tuitl? b3pne tl?ep Dio rette#?. l£arpes,no? fongs, no? bollotoe fiutes t® bére oio them Delpgbfc £bep falbo till tbep npe bao fpent the greater part of npgfot. to all tbep? commnnication teas of feates ofarmes in fpgbt £ljat bao bène o©ne bp them o? bp tbep? foes. 8no euerp topgbt ^elpgbts t© bppen oftentpmes bp turne as came about £&e perills ano the «arroto b;unts f?imfelf bao ibifteo our. iFo? tobat thing (bouto bé talfot béfo?e Achilles rather i£)? Wat bpno of things than inch as theis cauto téme mo?e mécer fo? AchillesThe.xij.booke of Achilles tcD bk talking of * 115uc in thep? talk molí b?éme 2¿2£as then Achilles Wct0?p of Cygnet, 3t oto féme S toonocr that the fleih of him ííjoulo bé To haro ano tough 3s that no toeapon mpght hane poto?e to rajo o? perce it though, XBut that it Dio abate the eOge of ffeele :3Jt toas a thing Chat both Achilles ano the Grcekes in toonotous maje Dio b?íng» Chen Neftor fapo: Chis Cygnet is the petfon noto alone ilDfpour tpme that oefpeo ffale, ano coulo bk perff of none» 5!5ut 3 hauc féne noto long ago one Cene of Perrhebyc, 3 fatoe one Cene of Perrhebye a thoufano toounoes Dcfpe Mth imattepnteo boope. 3n mount Othris he Dio otoell: ano toas renotomeo fo? his oéoes: (ano tobteb in him rpght toell a greater toonoer oíd appare) he toas a tooman bo?ne. Chis Oneouth maoc them all much mo?e amajeo than befo?ne, ano euerp man oefp?eo him to tell it. ano among Che reff, Achilles fapo. ^Declare 3 p?ap th¿ (fo? toé long Co hcare it euerp one of Os) £D eloquent olo man Che toifeoome of our age: tohat toas that Cene ano hoto he toan Another than ins natiue lhape,ano in tohat rooc, o? in 5123 hat fpght o? fkirmiQj, ttoéne pou firff acquaintance oío bégin, ¿no toho in fpne oio fjanqutfij him if anp Oanquilht him. Chen Neftor. Chough p length of tpme haue maoc mp fenfes Dim ano opuers things erft faene in peuth noto out of mpnc be gone; j$it beare 3 if ill mo things in mpno; ano of them all is none among fo manp both of peace ano toarre,tljat pit Ooth take ^)o?e tteofaif rote in mcmo?pe, ano if that tpme map make a man great JIo?e of things though long continuance fo? to fee, Ctoohuno?co paeres alreaop ofmp Ipfe full paffeo bé, ano noto 3 go kppon the thiro. Chis fo?cfapO Ceny toas Che oaughtcr of one Elatey. |u beatotplbae oto paflTe Chemapoens all of Theííaly. j^rorn all the Cities bpe ano from thp Cities alfo 0 Achilles came (fo? tohp &>hé toas thp countrptooman) lfo?e of tooers toho in fcapne 3n hope to toin her loue oto take great trauell fute ano papne. Chp father alfo hao ptrehaunce attempteo here to matrbt 3l5ut that thp mothers marpage toas alreaope then Otfpatchf* C>? l^é at lealf alanceo, leutCenymatchttoitb none, „ , ,.Oüids Metamorphofís. 15-1 ^otobáít as fl)á en tbe tíjozc toastoalfeiitg al! alone, £í}C(j0oo of fea Dio rauíüj ber. (fo fame Dotb «tafee rcpo;t) ano Neptunc fo; tfje great oeligbt be feaD ín Venus fpo;t, &apD: Ceny,aífee mée tobat tfeou toílf,ano 31 toíll gfue ít tbé. (£¿ís alio tuuteo te bp fame.) Cfee tototig báre Dame tai mée (gp Ceny inafees mée totfb great fbíngs.anD tfeerfoje t© tbentenf 31 tnap no mo^ conffrepneD bé tai fuefe a tfeíng, confcnr 3¡ map no mete a tooman bee. ana íf rfeott grattnt tbereí©» jt is euen all tbat 31 Deíp;e,o: toitb tferé fo; tro Dm. |n bacer tune tbeís latter tornees torre bttreo, ano ber topee SDíd teme a matine« topee a« tt toa« ín Deeoc. ¿o? tco ber efeopre jOjedDoo of fea bao gíucn confent^e gramttcDbím bcfpoe £bat frte from toounoíng ano from burt be tronío from tbence abpDe» AnD tbat be íbonlo not Dpe of ííále. Hígbf glaD of tbís fame gratmt Atoap toent Ccny, ano tbe faloes of Theflaly dio batmt, flitb ín tbefeareoofCbeualrpe from tbat tprne fpent bis Ipfe» %\)t otter bolo * Ixions fonne bao tafeen t© bis topfe * Tiritfovs Hippodame. 3ttD feeueríng brotoes ín boto:es of bougbes of irá« $fs CiotoDbteD b;otber« one bp one be ptaeeD tn Degrás. Cbere torre tbe 3lo;Des ofTheflaly. 31 alfa toa«antong ~ £&c reft,a cbárefull nopfe of fealf tb.:ougb aU tbe pallare r©ng. i jfetmt maoe tbe altar« fmofec,anD funt t!;e topoate carrells f©ng. * Anón comme« tn tbe mapoen b;pDe a gcolp toetteb oí face» tVftb topar« ano ntapoens follototng ber toitb comlp gate ano grate, Mtó-rapo tbat fie Pmthoustoa« bappp tn bis topfe: tfóübicb banDfell bao Decepueo ts toellnáre tb:ougb fiooeíne firgfe. fo: of tbe crnell Centawres tbou molí cruel l Ewryt, tbo Jltfee as tbp ffouiacfee toas toitb topne farre otter cbargeD: f® Aflame as tboubebillDff tbe b;poe, tbp bart began t©frapne» Alto ocubleD toitb tbp D?©nhenneíre tbp ragíng luí! díd reígne* £()e feaíf toas troubleo bp ano bp toitb tables oucrtbjotoen. lije btpDe toas bapleo bp tbe feeao,fo farre toas furpe grotoerc» |¿rce Ewryt caugbt Hippodame,anD euerp of tbe rett Caugfjc fttcb as eommeo nert to banD, o; fucb as Ufete fyim bcfiE toas tbe líuelp ítnage ofa Cítíc tañe bp fees. -£be boufe Dio ring of toomens ibréfees.toié all üp qttícfelp rofe. Ano ftríf fapo Thtfeus tbus.^baí apUf i art mao ¿ Ev vry tm i tbatThë.xij.booke of £bat oareíl (fæing mé alíue) rnífbfe Piñthous i $ot fenotoing tbat in one tbou o®ll abbfe bs botbe < 0no leal! !£e mpgbt baue.fecmo feo fpeaUe m bspnc,be tb.mtftoap fuel) as p^eaff ábout tbe b?pOe,anD robe bet from tbem treating foje thereat, ¿£o anftocre maoe í)ím Ewrytus : (fo? fucb a oéoe as tbat SDefenOeO coulo notbúc íoírb to®?ocs) but tottfi bis fatorpe fitt l£e fleto at gentle Thcfeus face,ano bebo btm on tbe b?iit. i5p cíjannce baro:bp,an auncícnt ruppe of image to®?»* oto ffano. t»icb being botoge bimíelf moje botoge íir Thefcus tæfee (u baño, ano rtoetot at £ wryts beao. $e fpetoo as toell at montb as taño Spin elcooes of blœo, ano b?apne ano topne,ano on tbe Topico groattO 2iap fp;atróíng bolt bp?pgbt* &be beatb of bini o io fet tbe rclf í£i¿aotobieltmbeO brothers fo on fp?e, that all tbe quril Wtb one bopee (repito out bill bill. j£be topnebao gínen them bart. &bep.J firfl encounter loas toitb cuppts 9 Cannes ttootocn ouertbtoarf, ^no brittle tanfecros, ano toitb boatoles,pannes,oiGjes, ports,« trapes, Æbings fertting latefoimeatc ano o?inbe,ano tljcn fo? bluoop frapes. "• /firtt Amycus Ophions fonne toitb out remojfe began ÌLan rane ano rob tbe b?poeboufe of bis furniture. Ipe tan 3no pulteO botone a ilampbeame full of lpgbtes,ano lifting it > fllofr libe one that toitb an Aromtb fetch bis blotoeto flit £ An ©ris neebe in faerlfpfe, l^coiitbcfo:cbcaob-t 3 A Lapith nameo Celadon,ano crulîbeO fo bis bones STbat none coulo bnotobim bp tbo face : both epes fleto out at ones* l^isnofe toas beaten bache ano t® bis pallai battreo flat. £Dne Pelâtes a Macedone ercæoing to?otb tl’crat, pullo out a maple freflHes faite,ano napt bim in tbe nccbs, % bat bobbing toitb btócbmagcinitbis h¿ctt tco grouno be berli*. Ano as be fpitteo out bis tcétb toitb blacbítb bl©o,be lent Another blotoe t® Amycus tobicb iïrepgbt t® bell bint Cent. Gryne ffattoing bp ano loto?ing toitb a fell grim bifage at Ætjc fmobing altars, fapo : tobp bfe toe not tbeis fame ? toitb that ï£e caugbt a mpgbtp altar bp toitb burning fp?e tbereon, ^ áno itamongtbe tbicbe 11 of tbe Lapithcs tb?cto anon. ^ ano tío® be oner tobelmb tberetoltb callo Brote ano Orion. Cbis Ononsmctber Mycale is bnotone of certeintpe Zpc epone refilling t® bane oratone bp toítcbcraft from tbe%e» i F P® t I il II il ill » ,llï jii In !k b p 1 ii U ■1 i I w I i| I « l)S «1 1 kOuids Metamórphofis. 152, fall íearelp (bali rfjoubp it (gp Exadius) map 31 gct à toeapon : attotmtfj tbat in ffeao of toeapon,be Oto fet banooppona Ootoö barto borne tbat on a ippnetrébpe íiaas naplö,ano toitb tto© fpncs tberof Ije ffrafcc out eptfjerepe 0f Grync : tobereoffum ffacfec fcppon tbe borne,ano fum oto flpg appon biß bearo,ano tbere toitb bl©ö Ithe icltp mírt oto Ipr. ¡a flaming fp?eb?ano from amtos; an aitar Rhaetus fnatc&t; miti) tobicb bppon tbc leftfpoe of bis beao Charaxus latcbr 0 bloto tbat eracht biß fhutl. Cbe bla?e among biß pelloto braue tfan finoging üp,ao itb:p come toitb ligbtnittg Maffeo toere, ano in biß toouno tbe feareo bl©o wo mähe a gréuouo fauno, 00 toben a pace oritele reo tobot tane Op toitb tongo io omtonO 3n toater bp tbc fmttb,it fpirto ano biffetb in tbe trotogb. Charaxusfrom bis curleo beare oto ffjafcc tbe fp:e. ano tbotogb ì$t toounoeo toere,pit caugbt be bp bppon biß fbouloero ttoapne 0 ffone tbe Blatome of eptber D©?e tbat toell toouto loaoe a toapne* Che maffe tberof toao fucb aß tbat it famulo not iet bim bit ps fo. Jt Ifgbteo ff)02t : ano toitb tbe falling Ootoiie of it 0 mate of biß tbat Comet bpgbtet all in pèrcs fmtt. Cbcn R hxte reffrepning not biß íop,fapotbuo : 3! tooulo tbe rotor Df ali tbp mateo mpgbt uí tbe felffamemaner p.jouc tbem ffotot. StiDtoírb bißbalfeburnc b¿ono tbe toonno be fearebeo netua $ot ceaßng fo: to lap on loaöc Oppon biß paté amapne, ! ùntili biß beao toao crollano of bis fealp tbe bmico Dio ffamn Smong biß b?apneo. 3n toHp ruffe be paffeo ff repgbt from bim £flj Coryt, anö Euagrus, aitO t© Dryant on a rotoc* Df tobom toben Cory t(on tobofe cb&heo p©ng moffp ootone gan grotoj Mas fiapne,tobat p:apfe o: bonour Euagrus)baff tbou got ißp hillmg of a bop ? mo tootoeo bim Rhetus fuffreö not Ccd fpeahe, bat in biß open moutb oto fbmff biß Imming bjano, 0no cotone biß tijjoteboll t© bisebeff. Cben tobiffcing in fjts banO ^is fpißb?ano romto about biß bcao be fcercclp oio affaple £be balpant Dryant. bar toitb bimbe conio not fo p’euaple» ii°i as be triompbt in bis lucho, p:ocáOíng fo: t© mähe Continuali flaugbter cf biß fc2ß,ffr Dryant toitb a ffafec {töRbpfe popnt toas haroneo in tbe fp?e) oto caff at bini afopne wie tbmff bim t&ougb tbe place m tobicb tbe ano tyouioerß topne, !$eThe.xij. booke oí £)c groano ano from bis cannell bonc coulo fcarcelp pnll tfee ffafee. ano báing fopleo toítfe bis blmo tm flpgfet be oto feim tafee» Arnaeus alfo ran atoap, ano Lycidas Itfecfcupfe. 3no Medon (tobóte rpgbt (feouloerplate toas alto toonnoeo) flpcs. fyo OtO Piíenor, foOtO Cavvnc,anO ÍO OÍO Mcrmeros Solfeo late ontronntng eucrp man,nota taottnoeo flotoer goes; ano fo oto Pholc, ano Mentías, ano Abas tafeo toas toont Km mafee a fpople among topioe lloares as oft as fee oto feunt: ano áfee tfee top^aroe Altylos tafeo counfclleo feís mates Km leaue tfeat frap: but fee tm tfeem tn feapne of icautng plateo» |£e ¿efee too NeíTus (tafeo fo; feare of teotmomg fámeo ífepc) &apD,flp not tfeou (fealt fcapc tfets frap of Hcrdes botoe tm Ope. J5ut Lycid ano Evvrinomos,anO Imbrcus, ano Are (¡Bícapte not oeatfe» fi>tr Dryants feano oto a!l altfee tfeem fpare» Cayneius alfo (tfeougfe tfeat fee tn flpíng tocrc not flaefee, pit toas fee toonnoeo on tfee face: j?o; as fee ImfecO bacfee, a taeapons popnt oto bit fetm fnü mtotaap bettoáne tfee epes, Mfecras tfee tto?e ano fO;efeeaO máte. jFojall tfets Oeane,ptt Ipei Aplñpnas fno;ttng faff a flápe not mpnotng fo; to toafee, Mrapc tn a clofee of Hpcarífeínnes tofetefe tn Olía mount toerc rafee, ano tn fets Utfeer feano fee fetllo a potte of tapne. Mfeom tafeen SCfeat Phorbas fata (altfeougfe tnbapne) notmeOImgtottfetfeem,tfeen fet fets fingars tm tfee tfeong: ano fapíng, tfeon (fealt 0?tnfe 2Cfep toptte toítfe toater tafeen from tfee Stygian fountapnes b;ínfe, tfe;eta fets oart at fetm. £fee oart (as fee tfeat tpme bp efeaunte ¿ap bolt bpjtígfet feppon fets bacfee) oto tfe;ougfe fets tfe;otefeoll glauttee. !£e opoe ano felt no papne at all. Cfee blacfee ftoart btmo gutfet out, ano on tfee beo ano tn tfee potte fcll fluífeíng ípfec a fpont. 3 fata Petreius go about tm pulí out of tfee grouno an £>feen trae. Ü3ut as fee feao fets armes about tt rouno, ano ífeaafet tt tm ano fro tm mafee ít Imce, Puithous caflf a SDart tofetefe napleD tm tfee trá fets ta;ptfeing ffomaefee faff. Cfezougfe p?otoefle of Pinthous (men fap) taas Lycus flapne. CbJougfe p;otoeCDe ofPinthous opoe Crome. Ü5ut tfeep botfe ttoapne íieífe feonour tm tfeep; cotiquerour toere,tfean Dytfistoas,o; tfean Mas Hclops. Helops toítfe a oart taas ffrifeen tofetefe tfe;ougfe tan k>is feeao, ano entrtng at tfee rpgfet care tm tfee leít eare toent. fluíOuids Metamorphofis. 153 0no Dydis frani a flfpp?pe fenappe cotone flpomg, as be mette £o fluirne Perithòus p?eacing on,fdlbeaotong ootone,ano toft^ $ís fjoiügenefTc b?ahe tfjc greateft tbsttoas in all tbe frttb, 0nD goaro bis gatta bpport § fi ump.fid to?eafee bis ocarb còrnea Pharc? ano from tbemount a migbtp roche fritti botte bis banocs be tare ; Wtc&aí te toas about tco tb?otoe, SDube Thefcus Dio p?euent, gao fr tt t an áDíten plant toppo» bis migttp dbotoe lent $im fuct a blatoe,as ttat te b?atoe ite boneMnti pafi no furtter. jfo? IcpfurétooulO not ferue tim tten bístna pinco co?ce ta murtber, tys lept on bpgb Bianors backc, toljo none toas toarnt reo beare IBefpoes bimfdf. ageinfi bis fpocs tts tottos fafi ntpptìig toere, > atto fr itt bis left batto ra&ing tolo toppon bis to;etoppe beare * Ì$b cuft tini fritt tts fenubbeo plant about tbe frofrmng face, ano maoe Wfrattleo b?otocs ito b?eal*e. ano fritt bis áDfccn mace $eoucrtb?eto Nedimnus : anoLyccfpesfritb tts oart, fino Hippafus tobofe bearo Dio bpoe bis b?eíl tbe greater part : Sno Rìphey fallar ttan tbe tróes,ano Therey tobo toas toante fimong tbe tilles of TheiTaly fo? crudi Bearcs t® bunt, atto beare tbem attgrp tome alpue. 3fi Dio Dcmoleon fppgtt ^ £tat Thefcus tao fo gtoD fuccdTe atto fo?tune in bis ipgtt. > an olà long ^pnelrto rateo fa# te firauetoitb all tts mpgbt £® pluchtop tobóle botte trunfe i rate. tobicb toben te conio not b?ing £® pafiTe, te b?aUe it of,ano at bis emnpc oto tt flmg. JBut Thefcus bp aomontiljmettt of beauenlp Pallas (fo ^e tooulo tane foibe beleue it toere) fiart baebe a great toap fro £{je toeapott as it carne. fWt fell it noe toitbout tome tarme. 3ft cut from Crantors left fpoe bulfee.bis (bouloer, b?cfi,ano arme, £bts Crantor toas tbp fatters è>qup?e (Achilles) ano toas giucti $;im bp Amyntor ruler of tbe Dolops,tobo toas atinen 2Bp bar teli fo? eco gì ue bini as an boffage fo? tbe peace £m bto obfcrueo faptbfnllp. ©2Hben Pelcus in tbe p?eace a great toap of beffilo bim tbus faine oeao oftbts fame toouno, D Crantor oáreff man ta mto of all abone tbe groutto, ^ola tàjre an obtcgtfc l)é fapo : ano botb toitb totee of bare Sino batto,at iiout Demoleons teao te tt.icto an affbcn oart, Wtcb b?abe tbe toatling of bis rtbbcs, ano fitchiitg in tbe bone, &DÍD (tabe, l^e pulleo out tbe fi cale-unti; mud; a oro alone. &j. S-beThe.xij. bookeof 2Tbe bran tbcrof ffacfee ff til be^pnD among bis lungs ano tpgïies ; Cnfozff era courage toirb bis panne, fjc rpfetfj ffretgbt bpjigbts, i Sino paining at bts cmnp imttj ¿is brcn bpeo reb ^Blttb tiïüoD lucre then bts toeapon. 33 (foj then mp courage gaue ^ £$ee iîmtgtb fapû:fœ boll) much cbp bornes îcffe fo?ce than $ron baue, ? ano tbcreluttbail mitb manlp might a Dart at bim 3! b;aue. * ZZMjici) iuben be coulo not (bonnets clapt bts rtgljt banb fiat bppon ï£is fozebeab tcbcre tbe trouno fijoulû bæ. f oz mbp bis bano anon îfôlas napleb tm bis fozebeab faff, $ee reared out amapne, 0nb as be ffasd amajeo anb began tea fapnt foz papne, pour father Pelf us (foa be ffœb barb bp bint) ttrabe bint bnOcr SCbemtDOle bdlp mitb bis fma>zD,anD rtpt bts toomb afunoer. £Dut gtrDcsmà Dorill ffrcpgbf, ano traplcs bts guttes fcppon § ground $nb trampling bnoerneatb bis fate bid fa^cafee tbem,ano tbep mound about bts leggs fo fnarltng, that be coulo no further go, liBut fell oohjncbcaû toitbemptp momb J5cugbt bæfeb Cyllartho |)ts beamtpe in that frenneb frap, (at leafftopfe if tué graunt Xt)at anp mpgbt in that ffraunge ¿jape, of natures beamtpe Daunt.) ^is bearo began but then fm buD : bis bears mas libetbe golo : ja>o alfo lucre bis pdlotoe lobes, Web gœolp tm behold spioluap beneath bis fijonloers bung, überc reffeû in bis face £ ibarpe ano ImelpcbœrfuInelTe toftb ftoate anb pleafsn: grate. j$iz neebe, bzeff ,ffjouloers, armes, ano banes,as farress be teas mat£ micrc fHcb as nener earners toiozb pit ffapne them could 0? cam ^is nearber part Itbetupfc (tobicb mas a bozfe) mas euerpUibtt full eqnall mitb bis tipper psrt,o; little tuonfe than it. f 0? bao pœ giuen bitn bozfes neefee,ano beao, be mas a beaff f 0? Cailor ten l;aue rioocn on. ê>o bout Ip mas \}is fyeff : hanofomc mas bts baebe tœ bears a rabble ; anb bis hearsQuids Metamorphofís. Stas blacks as tente, trae t&at lite tapie ano fate titilli to&pg&tity toerè, fi fall manp females of bis race did imi!? bini t® tljev? make, IBatonlpoameHyhnomc ft: loner tjebiD tabe. £)fall tbe baldares in tbe toaoes tbere aio not anp otoell $o:e comi? tban Hylonome. &f)t bfbe berfelf fo iodi * 3n oalpance, ano in lonmg,ano in btfring of ber loue, > i!^ £b3f Hjé alone billD Cyllarus. 3s mucb as did beboue f- |n focbpe ltmbes,ibé tnmmeo them as moli rbe epe migbi moue.* TOitb combing,fmeotbe Ibé maoe ber beare : ibé toatlotoeober fall oft 3¡ti fóofes ano in &ofemarpc,o? Piolets ftoreteano foft : húmeme fl?é cama ILillpes tohpgbt : ano ttopee a oap lijé toattjt 5 ì$zr btfage in tbe fpitng tbat from tbe toppe of Pagaie pai! : * ' Suo in tbe if reame ttjre riapre a Dap did batb ber limbes : ano on pr leftfpDc o: ber Iboul&ers carne tbe comiprff things, Sino none J!5at fpneff ihtnnes of cbopceff beafrs. aiiUe eebe Icueo otber : * Cogitber tbep among tbe btlles roanio bp ano cotone : t®gitber jEbep toent to conert : ano tbat tpme tmgitber tfjcp oto enter CbeLapithes bonfe, ano tbere tbe frap rtugirber mo aouenter. 2 Dare on Cyllars left fpoe came,3 fcnoto not tobo it fent) Web fumtobat toioerneatbe bis necfee bis b?eif a funoer fplcnf. ; Ss tpgbtlp as bts bart toas raa;o, no feoner toas tbe oart k pucht out, but all bis boope toert flrarfe colo ano opro ftoarr. Jmmeoiatlp Hylonome bis Optng limbes bp Capo, : ano put ber bano bppon tbe toouno to ffoppc tbe bl®o,ano lapo $er moutb too bis,ano laboreo foie t® flap bis patting fp?pgbt. a Èut toben tt)é fatoe bim tbüougblp oeao, tbrn fpcabmg torces tobícb i $ot roo mp bearing come fo? nopfe, Ajé ffiht berfelf bppcn (mígbc £be toeapon tljat bao go?co bimano opoe toitb bini anon (Embracing búnhéctoéne ber armes. Cberealfo Aso befo?c p %neepestbfc grim Pheócomesbotb man ano boife tobo tooie £ ¡í tt iipons fhínne bppon bis bache fail hnít toitb hnotts afo¿c. 3 $e fnatcbíng bp a timber log (tobícb fcarcelp ito® g®0 téme ©ten conio baue (ftro) oto tb?otoe tbe fame toitb fmee í xtréme Ht.Phonolenycs forine. 2C^c logge btm all in fitters ffrafee, Sino of bis beao tbe bjapnepan ina tboufatto preces b;ahe, £bat at bis moutb,bis earcs,ano epes,ano at bts noiettoiHs t®, ^ts cruffbeo b?apne came roping oat as crearne is to®nc t® 0® t jfromThe. xij. bookeof jTrom fiats oj riddles made of ìdìdD,o? as a Cullate oaf j?rom ftrepner o; from Colender. But as \)c teent about Cm Artppe bini from bis barneffe a* be lap bppon tbe ground, (^out father hnotoetb this falliseli) mp ftoo?d bis gutts did teound, Telcboàs and Cthonius bot&e,tetre alfo flame bp ma. £>ir Cthonius fo? bis tecapon baa a fo?feed bougb of tra. t Cbe tmtber bad a oarr. $}is Dart did toound. met pou map fa ^ Cbe fcarre tberof remapning pit. Chen boas tbe tpme that 3 &boulo fent bane bane tm conquer Troy.Cben teas tbe tpme that 3 ^pgbt tb?ougb mp fo?ce and p?otoeffe, ifnot banquitb Heftor flout, pit at tbe leafl baue billb bim toag,3 put pou out of SDout, But then teas Heftor no bodp : o? but a babe. 2nd noto 3m 3 fojfpcnt ano toojne toitb pòrca. Mbat IboulD 3 tell pou boto Pirccus dpdc bp Periphas i j3D? toberefoje fljoulo 3 malic ilong p?sceAe fo? tm tell pou of Or Ampycus that Arabe Cbe folmefmte Occle on tbe face toitb Dart of Cornell tra. Cbe tobicb bad neptber bead no? popnt f £)? boto that Macarce Of aaeiintaflte Pelithronye toitb a leauer lent a blotoe Cm Erigdupus on tbe b?eA tobicb Did bim ouertb?otoee ifull toell 3 dm remember that Cymelms tb:eto a dart saabicb ipgbted full tn Ncflcyes flanls about bis p?iuie part. 8nd rbmb not pou that Mops tbe fonne of Ampycus could dm gmd but onclp p?opbefpe. Cbis Aout Odites tobm l£ad botbe rbe ibapes of man and bo?fe, bp Mopfis dart teas flapne^ 3nd labouring fo? to fpeabe bis la A be did but Arme in bapne. #o? Mopfis dart tmgitbcr napld bio tamg and neatber ebappe, 3nd peering though bio tb?ofe did malie a topde and deadlp gappe. Ifpue men bad Cene alreadp flapnc : tbcp? toounds 3 cannot fap : Cbe names and nontber of them all rpgbt toell 3 beare atoap. Cbe names of them tocre Stiphelus, and Brome,and Helimus, Pyracmcn tolti) bis fO?eA toll, and Aout Antimachus. Our Aeppes the biggeA Centavvre there botoge Latreus armed in Alefus of Aemathias fpople flapne late before bp bim. t£is pares toere mid ttoane poutb and age,bio courage Aill toas ponfl» ¿na on bis ab?un bead bo2e bcares para bare and there among |3is furniture toas then a ftom?d, a target and a latente ? Aeiuathian libe.Co botbe tbe parts be did bis face aduau{tce»sOuids Mctamorphofis. Sititi bjanoífijíng tyí$ toeapon b:aue, ín círcletopfe OÍD p;atonce ) about, ano ffoutlp fpafee fijéis incomes. ano mufi 3¡ beare ínítb peta i ¿ame Cenye ? fo: none other than a meotber 3 auoto) 1 $0 better than a moatber tnill B coaut ttié toijple j Hue. 3£ememb:cfi not inbat fljape bp birtb Dame nature oto the giue /fo;gettfi tbou boto tbou purebafeofi tbts counterfetteo ibape ÜDf man f Confpoerefi tobat tbou art bp birtb i ano botofo: rape f bou art become tbe tbtng tbou art í éo tafee tbp oitfaffe, ano / Clip fpmole,ano in fpínning parné go ererepfe rbp bano. 1,1 jiet men alone tnitb feates of armes. Ss Latrcus maoe this fiout, m feo:iteffcll taunting in a ring (fill turning bim about, L Cbio Cenye tnitb a Bart oio bit bim full bppen tljcfpOe OTbercastbebo?feanDmantnereiopnOfcogiibecinabpoe. ♦ £be If rpp0 maoe Latrcus mao : ano tnitb bio latonce in rage be firaefee 0ppon fir Cenyes nafeeo ribbes. Cbe latnnce rebounoeo baefee jttfee bapleffones from a tpleo boufe, 0; as a man fboulo pat Ornali if ones bppon a o:omiIets beao. ì£e came mo?e nére tnitb that, flno in bis bjatonco fpoe Dio firpue tro tb:uff bio ftnro;o.J2:bere tnas $0 toap fo: fincato too enter in. pit fíjale tbou not fo pafie fpbanoes (fapo be.)Mell fitb tbe popnt is blunteo tbou fijalt ope Nippon tbe eoge : ano tnitb that tom;D be fetcljt bio bSotn ato:pc, 9no fpoling tnitb a ftotoping ffrofee along Ijis bellp fmit. £be firppe Dio glue a clinfee as if it bao on marble bit. fino tbereinitball tbe fincato oio b:eafee,anü on bis -ned» oio Ipgbf. Mlben Ceny bao fufficientlpgiuen Latreus leaue to fmpgljt ficllj tnbicb tnas bnmapmeable. Meli noto rcp be) lets fee, I nip fincato able bee 0: no ten bpgbt tbe flelb of tljee. 3¡it taping fo, bis ojeaofull fincato as fane as it tooulo go lebnoerneatbe bis (boaloer tbiulf,ano tojinebing feo ano ft0 tang bis gutts,inaoe toouno in toouno UBeljolo toitb bpoeous crpe £be Dotnblememb:eO Centawres foje abafljt bppon bim flpe, i 9no tbjotoe tbepj toeapons all at bim. Cbep: toeapons botone oio fall 9s if tbep bao rebateo báñe, ano Cenye fo: tbcm all 9üpoes bnffrifeen rb:ougb. i^ea none toas able t Imo tm ojatoe. £be ffraungeneffe of tbe cace maoe all amajeO (bai tc fatue. j?p, fp fo: íbame (g> Monychus) tbat fuclj a rabie can $cf0uercQme one topgbt alone, tobo fcareelp is a man. Mg. SltljongbThe. xi]. bookeof 0ltbongb (t© faptbeberp trurbe)bc is tbe man, snb toé itb:otigb faprstiieCTe tljat tbat be toas borne bp nature fo? t© té, Mbat p:ofirs rbeís tuge limbes of oursítobar bclpes our eotoble fo?ce? £>? tobar auaples our Dotoble fbape of man as toe!! as bo?fe Bp pmüaíít nature topnb in one i 3 can not tbinbe tt;at toé flDf foucreigne CmobcíTe Iuno toere begot, o.: tbat toé bé Ixions foimes, tobo toas fo ffout of courage ano fo baulf, fls tbat be ourlï on Iunos loue attempt tes giuc affault. 2Ebe emnp tbat o©tb banguiffj Os is feareelp half a man. (pan : belrne blccfes, $ ttones, f mountapnes tobóle bppon bis barí b?apne Sno p?cffe pé out bis Kuclp gboffe toitb très, ÏLct timber ebofee Ms ebappes,let toepgbt enfo?ce bis oeatb in ffeab of toounííng ffrobe. ibis fapí : bp cbaunce be gets a tré blotone botone bp bluffring blaffs SDÍ èoutberne topnís,aní on bis fo toitb all bts mpgbt it caffs, 0nb gaue erample t© tbe reff t© í© tbe libe. îKattîjm SI tobple tbe fbabotocs tobicb bib bpbe mount Pelion toarco tbin: 0nb not a tré toas left bppou mount Othris ere tbep tuent. ê>tr Cenyetmocrneatbe tbts greatebotogeppleof timber pent, £>tD rbaúf anb on bis tyoulbers barb tbe beaup togges bib bears* But toben aboue bis face anb beab tbe très bp ffaefeeb tocre, §>o tbat be bao no touting place t© D?atoc bis b?ctb : t® ne tobple l9c fapnteo : a no an other tobple be beaueo at tbe pple, ¿0 rumble botone tbe loggs tbat lap fo beaup on bis baefee, 0nb fo? r© toinne tbe open ap?c ageine aboue tbe ffaefee : 0s if tbe mountapne Ida (lo) tobicb p©nber toe b© to jbo bpgb>bp eartbguafee at a tpmc (boulb cbaunce to íbaben bé. ¿pen ooto: tobat etc become of bim. £>um bolb opinion tbat Cbe bariben of tbe tombes bab Dtfuen bis foule f© Limbo flat* But Mop fus fapo it toas not fo. Jfo? be bib to a b?otone Birbffptng from amio tbe ffachc ano toto?íng bp ano botone. 3ft toas tbe firff tpmc anb (be laff tbat caer 3 brbilo Cbat fotole. silben Mopfus foftlp fato bim fo?ing in tbe tolb, %?e l©Hcb toifflp after bim, anb crpeb out on bpe. i^aple pérleffe perle of La pith race, baple Ccny,late ago * 0 balean: Snpgbr, anb nolo a biro of tobom there is no mo « > 3Cbe autbo? caufeb men beléue tbe matter tea bee fo* ' Ctor fo?roto fet bs in a rage, 3t toas t© bs a gréf £batOuids Metamorphofis. 156 ©at hv (0man;foes one fenpgtit teas fcfllo Uniljoat rrla-f. Eben ceaff toa not rco tmeabc onr tome till moff teas flainc in fpgbf, 0no that the reff otfeomfiteo lucre fleö atoap bp npgbf. 0a Neftor all the p:oceffe of this battel! oio rcbcrce UBettoane fbe Oaleant Lapithcs ano mtffbapen Centawrcs fierce* Tlepolcmus DifpleafeO fo;e that Hercules toas patt GBitb filence,coulo not bolo bio peace, but out theis tootocs bio caff, jpp ilo;o, 3 mufepoti ffjoulo forget nip fathers pjapfe fo qupgbr. ^ $01 often bnto moe Ijfmreif toas toconteb to recite, C J^oto that the clotoobreo fplli bp him lucre ebaflp put tco flpgbt. * tfpgbt faolp Neftor anftoero thus. £®ibp f^QulD pou met conffrepne Co call tco mpno fozgotten gräfs ? anb fo; to rare ageine Elfe forrotoes noto outtoojne bp tpme i o; fo :ce in a to Declare Cbe batreo and bifpleafure tobicb 3tc0 pour father bare ? 3(n fotb bio Doings greater lucre fban mpgbt bee locll beläueo. filo tbe toojlb luttb biff b renotume lubicb noblp be atcbceueo« Mbirb tbtng 3 tuoulo 3 coulo oenpe. if o; neptber fet tote cut Deiphobus,Polydamas, no? He&or that moff ffout Sno baleant Iwpgbt tbe If rengtb of Troy.if o? tobo twill p;apfe bio fo? > ^our father ouertbjeto the toalles of Meilen long ago, f ano rajeo Pyle, anb Ely totones bntoo?tbpe feruing fo. * 3no farce ageinff mp fathers boufc b® bfoe botbe ftoojo ano fp?e, 3nö (not to fpeahe of others Inborn be fciUeo in bis ire) Cfopce fir to® lucre the fonnes of Nelc all Inffp gen tlcmen. Ctopce fir of bs (erceptmg ma) bp him lucre mtinbjeo then. £fjc Death of all the reff mpgbt fame a matter not fo ffraunge: IButffratmge toas Pencly mens Death lubo bao tbepolme toebaunge ffiiD Icaue ano take tobat ffjape be liff (bp Neptune to him giuen, £be founoer of the boufe of Ne!e.) ifo? toben be bao bane o;iuen £© trp all Ibapes, ano none coalo help: be !aff of ail became Elfe fotole that in bis b®fccD facte Doth be are the flaffbing flame &ent Dotone from beanen bp Iupitcr. 1£e p;aaifitig tfjefe btros, With flapping toings, ano bototoing bcaUc,ano bofcco talants gtrDS At Herde, ano baferatebt bis face. 2Co ccrtctne (33 map fap) £bp father amöe bis ibaft at him. if o; as bä tolling lap Among the clotooes, be bit him bnoerncatb tbe toing 2Ebe ffrobe Mias fmall; l^otobat bpcaufe tbcrtoitb the finctocs being b?ofee,The.xíj. bookeof i^e toantes terengtfc tm mapnteíne 8pghf,he fell me to fije grouno, SL|j:oug|> toeafceneffe of his toíng. CÍ;e fljaft that te ícheo ín the tooumi, 215p reaten of the burthen of hís boope perte l;ís fpDe, 3 I Suo at the ieftfpDc of fjifí necfce ail blœDpè feo; ti; oto glpoe. i'1 ¿jiote tell mee ¿> tíjou beatotpfull Ho;d Smtrall of the fléte ¿f Rhodes, tf mé tro fpeafce tl;e p;apfe ofHcrcle it bé méte, 11 515ut léate that of mp brothers Oeathes men tljinh 3 oto oefp;e & farther toenoge than filence of the p;otoeffe of thp fp;e, 3 loue thé eaen telth all mp hart,ano tafee thé fo; mp fréno. When Neftor of htepleafant tales bao maoe this frénolpeno* îCbep calleo to; a boll of topne,ano from the table toent, I Sno all the refoeto of the npght in flépíng tounolp fpent. Ü 4 3I5ut nepfune Ulte a father tobe the matter fo;e tco hart 2Chat Cygnet too a ê>tean he teas conterepneo to conuert, Sino hating férce Achilles,he oto to;eafce bis crudi téne fi Nippon him mo;e toncourteouflp than hao beféming bène. 4 if0.2 teben the toarres toell notre full ttopcefpue pères bao laffeO.Hé to îUnlhome Apollo thus befpahe. €> neuete tonto mé ii ípote cére of all mp b;otbers impes,tobo helpeott mé to lap- 1 JfounoationofthetoalleaofTroy fo; tehtch tee hao no pap, 1 Sno cante thou fpghes to;beare to fé the 3flan Gmpp;e fallí tt Sno Doth ft not lament thp hart tehen thon to mpno Ocote call: I» ê>o manp thoufano people flapne in feépíng Ilion teall í i €>; (to thententpartíclerlp 3 00 not fpeahe of all) Si Kememb;ete thou not He&ors C^ote teho harrpeo teas about il Ipts totene of Troy í tehere nerethelelTe Achilles that fame (tout ii Snt> farro in fpght mo;e buteherlp, tobco terpues toith all hie mpght | Cto Crop the toco;he of mé ano thé, lineó teill in healthfuil plpghi* í ^feuerhéotocometoithinmpoaungerhelhallféle | Wbat fo;ce is in mp trpple mace. Ï5 ut fith toítb ftoco;o of teéïè ¡tí 3 map not méte him as mp fo, 3p;ap thè tmbétoare lì ¿0 hill him toith a fooeine thaft ano rio mé of mp care. Apollo Dio confent : as toell his tonde tetto pleafe, ts| Ss alte te; a p;puate gruoge himfelf hao fo; to eafe. Sno in a dolio he do tone among the bote of Troy oíoApoe* Where Paris D;tbbling out his Rafees among the <25rébes hé fppoc ? itnû tellina Inni tohat Coto he toas/apD toherte;e Ocote thoutoaate ChpncOuids Metamorphofis. 157 Cbpnearrofoes ott the fimple fo¿t i Bit anp care tbou baffe tbofe thatarc tbp fránoes,go turneageinff AchillesbeaD, <3nD like a man reuenogc on him tbp brothers that arc Death 3fn Taping tl)tój^b?ougljtí)mitDt)cre Achilles tottbí)tób?ont) ^ ©Slas beating ootone the Crofane folk, anb leuelD fofns bona e that Achilles tuntblcD DoUme ffarbe Dead bppon tbc lonD. ' Chis foas tbc onelp thing foberof tbc olD lung Priam mpgbt j Cabe comfort after Heitors Dcatb.Cbat ffout ano balcant bnpgbt r Achillesfobttbaoouertbiofoenfomanpmeninfpgbt, 5 ®2tas bp that cotoarb carpet bnpgbt béráueD of bis Ipfe. Wb® bbe a captif ffale afoap tbe Spartane princes topfe. jlBut if of íueapon ínomanííb be bao fo?ebnotuen it bao p$ oeifnpe báñe ten lofc bio Ipfe,be fooulo baue báñe moje glaü Cbaf ¿uáne Penthefileas bill bao flatnc bint out of baño. $oto boao tbc feare of #b2pgían folb,tbe onelp glo?p, ano ^Defence of <25ráfees,tbat peereleíTe pjínce ín armeo, Achilles turno Ccd a(fbco.Cbat fame <¡Dod tbat bao bím armshbím alio bueno, totolo be Duff: ano of tbat great Achilles bpoetb ffíU. ja tbíng of nought, that fcarcelp can a little coffin fill. ^ofobát bio tom?tbp fame Doatb lpne,anD fp?eaoetb oner all Che &>o?lo, a meafure máte fo¿ fucb a perfone tco báfall. Chía matebetb tb& Achilles full. 3no this can neuer Dpe. m target alfo (tco tbentent tbat men mpgbt plapnlp fppe Wbat fopgbts tt toas) d(d moue Debate,ano foj bis armour bur# ®Ut DeaDlpfoDe, $Qt Diomed, H02 AiaxOylye Durtt spabeclapmeo? cba!enoge t© the fame,no? Atreus pronger Tonne, ¿o? pit bis eloer, though in armes much honour tbepljao foonne. jalone tbe fonneo Of Telamon anD Laert DiD affap Which of them tfo© of that great p?pfe fboulD beare the bell atoap. IBut Agamemnon from blmfelf the burthen putts,anDcláres m banoes of ennpe, cauffng all tbeCapteines ano the |E)áres ¿)f Greece too máte amia the camp tmgitbcr in a place, Co tebom bo put the baring ano the iuDgemenc of the cace« Finis duodecimo Libri.TTHE. XIII. BOOKE OF Qtiids zZMdetamorphofis* |iíjf| ILotöcß ano Capfepnes being fet tägiger foftb tbe fcing fyjjh üno all rbe foulotcrs tfanoing rouno about tbent in a ring, c SCbeotoncr of tbe feuenfo'ö íbálo, toa tt¡cís ofo Aiax rpfe, y 0no (as b e coulö not b;pöle totatb) be ca® biß frotoning epeo > 33ppon fbc íboje ano on tljc flacte rbat tbcre at ßncbo: lúes * Sno ttootoing Op biß banöes, £> €>oo anö mnlf tpee plcao (% b«) ÜDur cafe befo;e oucfl)ipp2ß^ ano muff Vlyffcsffa no toítb mees» But lifee a tojetcb be ran bis toap toben Heftor carne toítb fp¿e, embicb 3 oefenoing feont tbeis líjíppcs oío fo.jce bím toa retp¿e. Bit eafpec is tbercfoie toítb tooajocs ín p:ínt toa mapntemeffrpfe, Cban fo: toa fpgbt ít out toítb fiffß. But neptber 3 am rpfe 3n toaajoes, no.: l)ée ín oáocs. i?c: loaKe boto farre 3 bím ercell 3n fcattell ano ín feates of ar mea : fo farre beares b« tbe bell 3from mee ín talftlng. $eptber tbínH 3 requífite toa teil i&y acteo among pou. |ßou pone felneß baue fánerbem berrp totlf. Bat let Vlyíles teil pou bis Ooane all in buotber muotber» Sno fcaljertoitea tbe onlp npgbt iß p#up ano none otber. JCbe pzpfe te greac (3 Doa confelTe.) jfo: tobícb toá ffrptie. Bnt pít 3t í3 oiíbonour tantea mée, fo¿ tbat ín elapining ít a)o tace a perfone ffanoetb ín contentíon fo? tbe fame. Coa tbínfe ít mpne alreaop,ougbt toa countco bce no íbame $o? p:poe in mée: altbougb tbe tbíng of rpgbt great baleto b& ¿>f toíjíéb Ylyfles ífanoes ín bope. jfo? noto alreaope fcás !£arb toonne tbe bononr of tbiß p?pfe, ín tbat toben be Iball fit Befpoea tbe qnííTbon,t)e map b?ag be ffrauc toítb má fo: ít, Uno (bongb 3 toanteo Oaliantncife, pít íboulo nobílítée ^ahe toítb mé. 3 oí Telamón am fenotone tbe fonne toa bá «bo bnoer baleant Hercules tbetoáUea of Troy oíd fcale, Snö m tbe íbíppe of Pagafa tco Colchos laño oíd faple. |3ís fatber toas tbat Aeácus tobea erecutctbrpgbt 0mong tbe gboffeo tobcre Sifyphus beaucs tap toítb ali bis mpgbe Xbe maflpe ffone ap tumblíng ootone. %\t bpgfeff Icue of all Sklclmotoleogetb tbís Aeácus, ano ooatb bis fonne bím cali, Cb«ß am 3 Aiax tbe tbíro from Ioue. ü?it let tbís ^etegrá jOuids Metamorphofís. $ acones ín tbís cafe of mpne abapfable n&t bá> ? £)n!cíTe 35 p:©ue ít fiullp toítb Achyllcs ccd agrá f toas mpfyotber, ano 35 ciadme tíjat toas mp bjor^ers. Mbp ^IjoulDfi t&ou tfjat arí of Sifyphs tomo, ano fo¿ tco filcíj ano Ipc <£rp?effeíf (jí»n ín enerp popm, bp fajgeo peoegrá y «aip tljá too fíje Aeacyds, as tbougb toe Dio not fae i £bá t© tbe boufe of Aeácus, a íf raunger fo¿ ta¡ bá i * Arto ísítreafon tbat pon íboulo cbís armour mee oenpe IBpranfe 31 fo?mer toas ín armes, ano náoco neta fppe £cd fetcb mée fcoitb f&i tljtnfe pon bím mo;e toambpe ít íoj t?aue, £bat carne t© toarrefare bínoermotf, ano fcpno btmíelftco raue, ÍBpeaufe be tootrfo íjaue (buno tbe toarre i bñtíll a futtler bcao ¡ano mojcbnptofitable fo? bímfelf, fír Palamed éfcrpoe tbe craftp fetebes of bis fearcfull barí, ano o?eto pn fffljtb a toarfare tobícb be fougbt fo cotoaroíp reo efebeto t ¿putf be noto náocs eníop tbe beif ano rtcbetf arnteur i toba) Moutonone at all bañe toóme onleOTe be forceo torre tberto t ¿no 3 toítb Ajame bá pnt befpoc mp coufin germanes gtfts SBpcaufe too iban tbe fozmefí b?unt of toarres 3 fougbt no fljífts * tl^oulo C*oo tbts mífcbáf mapffer bao ín berrpe oaoc báñe mao, £>? elfe beláuco fo too boe: ano tbattoá ncuer bao 515?«igbtfucb apauíonbmco Trov.Cben íboulo not Pxans fonne gtt Lcmnos lífee an outlatoe too tbe íbame of all Os toonne. Mbo lurfeíng noto (as men repo?t) ín tocoOes ano caueswocotb moue JCfje feerrp flínts toitb fpgbes ano grones, ano pjapers to €>©0 abone £0 feno Vlyfles bis Oefert.Mbtcb p?aper (íf fíjete bá ^ Moo) mutt one oap tafee cffea. ano noto bábolo boto b® c S5p o tbe a feonloter of our Camp, pea ano as tocllas toé S Capteíne too, alas, (tobo toas bp Hercules affignoe £0 baue tbe feápíngof bis fbafts,} toítb papne ano bungarppnoe¿ Bísclao ano feo tottb fotoles, ano o?íbs bts arrotoes bp ano botone at bíros,tobícb toere bpoeAmpe p?eparoe t© ürop Troy totone* m líurtb bá bpeaufe bá ts not íf tilín compañía tKHítb Gp Vlylles. Palamed tbax to?etcbeo fenpgbt perOfc, tHoulD ccfee be bao abanoono borne« jfo? fijen íboulo Ir til tbe famt ^ane báñe alptie: 0; at tbe leatf bañe opoe tottbont our Oíame« But t^s companíonbearíng (ab) t® toell tn totefeeo mpno ®tsThe.xiij. booke of ìpis maonette üriricb tic Palamcd bp toiföome ont 0(0 fpno, 2ppeacl)cö bim of treafon tbat lie p?aetpfbe ta> bctrap HClje 0ráltííb bolle. äno fo? to boucb tbe faa.lje ff>etoo ffrepgfjt toap 2 matte of gatto tbat ije triniteli bao biooen (n bis tenr, Eno fo?geö Retters tobícb be fepno from Priam tco bá fcnt. i 3Cbuß epfber bp bis murtb?ing men o? elfe bp banfttjment > 2batetb b® tbe (¡Drálvílb ßrcngtb. ICbtß iß Vlyfle* fpgbt. iCb(0 (0 tbe fearc be puttes men til. But tbougb be bao mo?e mtgbc iDban Ncftor batb,(n eloquente be ßjalnot compatte má ¡Lea rbtnls biß leatoo abanooníng of Ncftor fo? tm bá jßo fault : tol;o báfng caff bebpnö bp toounomg of biß bo?fe, 2nö flotoe toitb age,toitb calli ug on VlyiTes toartng boarce, Mas ncreibelcffe betrapö bp bim. £>tr Diomed fenotoes tbtßcrpme 31$ twfurmpibe. j?ö? be btmfelfe Dio at tbat p?efent fpme Mebuke bim oftentpmeo bp name, ano fàrceIp bim bpb?apo SMttb ßping from biß fcllotoe fotoljo ßmö in náoe of apo. Wiitb rpgbtfull epes Omtb 000 bebolo tbe oàoeo of modali men, lio, be tbat belpco not biß frano toante beip bimfelfagen, 2uo as be Dio fo?fake biß fráno in tpme of náoe : fo bce Dio in tbe fclffame perrill fall fo?faken fo? tm bá. #e ntaoe a roo t® beat brinfelf. l£c callo ano erpeo cut , Silppon biß fellotoeo. Srtreígbt i carne : ano tbcre 31 fato tbe lout * üßotbe quake ano ßjahe fo? fearc of ocatb, ano koke as pale ao clout, 3 fet mp (bàio bettoáne bim ano biß foce, ano bim beßrio : 2no faböe tbe oaßaroo Ipfe. finali p?apfe rcöcunoes of tbat 3 oio, But if tbou tollt conteno toitb ma,letß to tbe fclfc fame place 2gein : bá toounoeo as tbou toart : ano in tbe fo?cfapo cafe £Df feare, befet abont toitb foeo : cotocb bnoerneatb mp (bàio : £nö tben conteno tbou toitb má tbcre amio tbe open fàlo. 30:tobát, 3¡ bao no ftoner rio tbiß ebampion of biß foco, But tobere fo? toounoeo be fcarce befo?e coulö tottcr on biß toeß, l^e ran atoap apace, as tbougb be nougbt at all otó aplc. ánon commes Hedor tao tbe fàlo ano b?ingetb at Ijts tapie Cbc CoOOes. $ot onlp tbp hart tbere (Vlyfle«) oto tbe faple, But euen tbe ßototeß eourageß ano ßomackß gan tco quaple, rß>3 great a terrour b;eugbt be in* l?it in tbe mtooß of all J^iß blajop raffe, 3 coapt toitb |nm, ano toitb afopliug fallOuids Metamorphofis. Jritî ouertb?omc him f© t\je grounb.anotber tpme,mbeti hé pa make a cbaIenbge,pou mp 3Lo?bcs bp lot bio cb©fe eut mé, gno % bio march btm bano t© banb. pour mtifbes mere not bapne. ¿fo? if pou afôe mée tubat fucceffe our combate bib obteine, 3 came abrnp bnbanquifbeb. Bebolb the men of Troy bought fp?e ano fto©?b, ano all tbe fcenoes our naupe too beifrop, flnD tobere mas flpe ViyiTcs tben toitb all bio talk fo frmotb i Cbis b?tff of mpne tuas fapnc too fence pour tboufanb Huppes fo?f©th Cbe bope of pour returning borne, ¿fo? fauing that fame bap -, ê»o manp fipppes, this armour giue. But (if that 3 (ball Tap > £betrutb)tbe greater honour nom this armour bcaresatoap. ^ flub our renobmes tœgitber It lift. ¿Fo? (as of reafon ought) fln Aiax fo? this armour, not an armour nom is fought ¿fo? Aiax. ilet Dulychius match mftb tbeis,the bo?fes mbpgbf y ¿fRhefus,baffaro Dolon,anb the cotoarb carprtknpgbt £ l&itig Priams Helen, anb the ffcltb OfPalladye bpnpgbf. ^ £>f all tbeis things mas nothing b©ne bp bap no? nothing brought Wtbout the bclpe of Diomed. 0nb tberefo?e if pee thought £o giue them too fo fmall befcrts,beupbe the fame, anb let &tr Diomed bane the greater part. But tubat fljoulb Itbacus get Hnb if bebab them v Mbo broth ail hi* matters in the bath, Mho nencr mearetb armour,mho ffjmtes ap at bio ofrme marft £cd trappe bio fo bp ffeltb bnioares t Che berp beabpéece map mthbnghtnelTe of the gliffring golb bis p?iuicfeares bem?ap flttb (hem him lurking.$eptfcer mell of fo?ce Dulychius mere £be toepght of great Achilles helme bppon hie pate t© toeare 3t cannot but a burthen bé (ano that rpght great) tea beare (With tobofe fame ibtimptfij armes of his) Achilles mpghtp fpean?, flgen his target grauen totrlj the mbole hotoge mo?lo theron Agrees not toith a fearefull hanb, anb cbéeflp fuch a one Ss taketb filching euen bp fipnb. Chou ¿ojell thou b©tf fake 8 gift that mill but toeaken fboe, tohich if the folk ofdDréeke &&all giue tbâ th?ough thep? ouerfpght,it mill bée but© tb& £)ccafion,of thpne emupes fpoplb not fearea fo? t© bée 8nb flpghc (mherin thou comarb,thou all others rnapH outb:ag) hinb?eb bée mhen after thee fuch mafies thou ibalt b?ag, f o?eouer this thp tyala that fates fo f«lo the ro?ss of fpjbtThe. xiij. boote of 31* founti.But mpnc is gafyt ano bafet ano ffrichcn tfjarrongfj qupg&t Si tboufano tpmes,tolti) bearing blotoes. ano tberfote mpne mutt toalfe f 8nDputanotberMbtetoo.JButtobatn®ocsaIlibistal&:’ f ÌLets noia há faene anotbcrtohple toíjat eche of tas can o®, Che tfncUeÜ of one armeo foes fyis armour tb;otoe into, f flno biobs fetch the fame fro thence, anotobiebofbsootb fetch i Che fame atoap,retoarop® him tberetoitb.£feasfarrecioiIretc& . J Che toares of Aiax. at the enoe thereof there oíd enfeto a muttring of the fouloiers,ftll Laertis fonne the p?cto á>c©o bp, ano rapfeo foberlp his eplioocs from the ground I (£)n tobicb he hao a little tobple them piteheo in a ffouno) ano lobing on the noblemen toíjo longo bis toojDcs r® bére . l^e thus began tutti? conila grace ano feber pleafant eb®re. fpp &o;ocs, if mp Oefpie ano pours mpgtjr erff bane tafeen place, isl 3Jt ihoulo not at this p;efent tpme haue báñe a Oototfull cace, ¡i Mhat perfon hath moil rpgbt to this great p;pfe fo? tostel? to® tfrptte, i Achilles (houto hís armour hane, ano to® ütllium alpue* l Mlbom fitb that cruell ocífíníe t® both of bs oenpes, i (Mi itb that fame to©;o as though he toept, he toppte b«s foatrp epes) t Ml hat topght of reafon rather ought t© b® Achilles bep;e, Chan he through tohom t® this pour camp Achilles oíd repapo ¿ aionlp let itnoc auaplefir Aiax h®re,that b® x 3s fuch a oclt ano groffeheao,as he íhetoes húnfelf t® b® > &e let mp to(t(tohich ap bath Done pou g®0 j® d5r®fees)burt m®. * ¡| But fuffer this mine eloquence (inch as it is) tohich noto $j £D©tb fo; hio mapifer fpcafee,ano oft ere this hath fpofee fo; poto, 515® bnotfoepno. ìlet none refufe bis otoñe goo gifts he things. ifo? as fo; ifoefee ano auneetois,ano other fuch Itbc things g MUjerof out felues no fotonoers are, 3 fcarcelp Dare them graunt £® b® our otoñe,But fo?afmuch as Aiaxmafees fjishaunt Co b® the foto?th from Ioue : earn Ioue the fouitoer is alfo iDf mp houfe : ano than fotone oefeents 3 am from Ijim no mo« Laertes IS mp father, ano Arcefms bis, ano h® Begotten toas of lupiter. ftno in this peoegr® Js nepther anp oamneo foule, no; outlato as p® f®. iptucouer bp mp mothers fpoe 3 come of Mercuree, ¿nether hono;t© mp houfe« £ has both bp fathers fpDe Srtip^Quids Metamorphofis. 160 finii mothers (as pou map percepite) 3 am reo thou (BoDOeffe Tonne, in bp (boulott tbou bee afrapD £d) raje great T roy,tobofe ouertbtotoe fo? thè is onelp ff apo i ani taping bank bppon him 3 Dio fen&bim (as pou fé) ff# baleant Doings méte foj facb a baleant man as b®» ano tberfoje all the DaeDes of him are mp DéDes. 3 Dio toouno ^ king Teleph toitb bis fpeare,anD toben be lap bppon tbe grouitD, £ 3 toas intreateD toitb tbe Ideare to beale him fafe ano founo. * £bat Thebe Ipetb oucribiotone,is mp Déoe pou muff think 3 maoe tbe folk of Tcnedosano Leitos fo; to lb?ink* Bo b Chryie anD Ciilas Phebus tOtottCS 3UD Scyros 3 DiD take, ano mp rpgbt bano LyrndTus toallcs to grouno Dio letteli make, 3 gauc pou bun rbat ff culo confouno (befpDcs a number mo) w-: £be baleant Heftor. Heftor tbat our moff renofmneD fo Is aapne bp mé, £fjisarmour bare 3 feto agein to bans £bte The.xiij.bookeof Cbls armour bp tbc foblcb 31 founo Achilles. 3 it gane Achilles fobple bo foas aliuc: ano note that be is gone 3 clapme itas rnpne otoneageln. Mbat tpm* tbegreefe of one i£ao peril the barrs of all rbe Crcebes, ano that our tbeuiano fapie 0t Awlis bp Ewboya ffapO, bpraufe tbe fopnoes mo fapie, Contlnefomg eptber none at all o? dome agelnff bo long, 0no that onr Agamemnon foas bp cell npesonerlfrong Contmannoeo foj to facrlfpfe bio gilrlelTe Daughter tm Diana,tobirb her father then refufiug fo? tm oca Mas angrp foltb tbe Cooos tbemfelues, ano though be forte a feing ContlnueO alfo fatbetlpbc: bp reafon, 31 oio b;tng i£ts gentle nature tco relent to; publibe profits fabe. 31 muff confelTe (tobcrcatbls grace Iball no oifpleafure fabe) JIMoje a parctall iuoge 3 Onoertmbe a rpgbt baro cace. ^ofobalt fo? bio brothers fabe, ano fa? the repall mace Committee, ano bio peoples foeale, at length be foas content Cm purcbace p?apfe toptb blmo. Chen teas 3 tco tberamtber fent, Mho not perffoaoeo foas tea bee, but eompaff fottb fum guple. l£ao Aiax on this errano gone, our Ifoppes bao all this fobple Hpne (fill there pit fo? foant of fopno. $)o;eouer 3 foas fent Cm Ilion as ambaffaoour. 3 bololp thither foent, 0no entreo ano bcblllo the Court, tobertn there foas as then €5reat ffo?e of ponces, SDubes, 2Lo?os, bnpgbts,ano other baleant meni 0iio pit 3 bololp neretbeleflc mp meffage oto at large Che fobteb the fobole effate of Greece bao gluen nice erff in charge. 3 maoe complaint of Paris, ano accufee him tm bis beao. JDemannoing reffitutton of &uecne Helen that fame ffeo 0no of tbebmtpe fottb her tane. 115otb Priamus the bing 0no eebe Antcnor bis alpe the tom?oes of m& oto tting. 0no Pans ano bis brothers, ano the refoefo of bis trapne Chat bnoer him bao maoe the fpople, coulo baro ano fcarce refrapne Cbere foicbeo banos. J£ou Menelay om bnofo 3 om not fepne, 0no that oap teas the firff in fobteb foee topntlp gan fuff tpne 0 rail of pcrnils,ffo?e fobereof oto then bebtno remapite. 3t tuoulo bee ouerlong tm tell eebe p?ofifatle thing Chat ouring this long laff tng foaire3 toell tm paiTe 010 b?ing, iBp fa?ce as toell as pollpcle. jfo? after that the furttesa* Quids Metamorphof Encounter once loas ouerpaff,our cmnpes ncuer ourff <0(ae battell in the open falo, but hilo tbemfdnes loitbin n;t)c^iuallesanD bulloarhs till the tpme the temp páre oio begin, $oto to^at oioff thou of all that lobple>tbat canil o© nought but ffrébe? too lobar purpofe ferueoff tbou t jf o; if tbou mp oèoes faite, 3 p;a£tpfo funo?p policies to trappe our foco tmioare : 3 fo;t!fi?oe our Camp loitb treneb tobicb beret©fo;e lap bare; 3 bartneo our companions iotrb a quiet mpno t© beare £be longneffe of rtje toérp toarre : 3 taught bo bolo loé loere jBotbe r© bè feo ano furniíbeo : ano t© ano fro 3 loent £0 places lobere the Counfell thought moff mère 3 iboulo bè fenf. Bebolo the híng oceepueo ín bis o;eame bp falfe potence 3 £f loues commaunoementjbaoe bs rapfe our fécge ano get bs henee, > £be ambo; of bis o©ing fo map toell bè bis Oefcnce, „ ¿polo Aiax iboulo bauc letted ibis,ano callo tbem bache ageíne £0 facke tbe totone of Iboulo bauc fougbt loítb mpgbt 1 rnaíne, MlbP OiO be not rellrepne tbem toben tbep reaop Ioere t© go t Wp t©he be not bis fto©;o in baño i tobp gaue be not as tbo feum counfetl ib; tbe fléting folh t© folíolo at tbe b;unt i 311 faptb it bao a trpfle bène t© bim that ap is lo©nt. feucb haunting in bis moutb t© bane. But be bimfelf Oiù fíp 8s íoell as others. 3 oio fé,ano loas aibameo 3 £0 fé tbé toben tbou fleott, ano Oioll p;eparc fo eotoaroip £0 Tapie ainap. &no tberbppon 3 thus alouo oto crp. What 1mène pee Ors i lobat maonelTe 0©tb pou moue t© go t© flippe i 9no fufar T roy as g©0 as fane,thus out of baño t© Otppe i Wat elfe this tenth père beare pè borne than Thames io fucb libe to©;0 9no other, (tobicb the eloquence of Heroine oioab©;D,) 3 fought tbem from tbep; Oping tbippes. £ben Agamemnon callo £œgitber all tbe capteínes lobo loítb fcare lot re pit appallo. But Aiax ourff not then once creahe. pit ourll Thedîtes bé feo bolo as raplc bppon tbe híngs, ano be loas papo bp mée jFa; píapttig fo tbe falocpe Jache, Cben 0©o 3 on mp toes y 9not©mpfcarefullcouturpmengaucbartagcinfftbcp;foes, í 9no (beo nelo courage in tbep; mpnos tb;ougb taífe that fro mè goes. ' ifrom that tpme f©;tb lobat cuer thing barb baleamIp atcbèueo Bp this g©o felloto beme, is mpn?,tob© him from flpgbt rep;èueO. pi.The. xiïj. boote of SnD 'noto tco tcncbe tbértobícb of ail tbe Crébcscommentetb D? fæfeecb tbæ * ïBuc Diomed ccmmunirates tolti) mœ ì$Us daings, ano allotoetb mœ,and tombes btm toell apapd Ea baue VI)’ lies enee ao companion at tbe b?apd, and fumtobat totani) pou toül it grannt <3 troto) atone fo? mæ Dut of fo manp tboufand Cfréfeee bp Diomed píltt ta bæ. $o lof tompellco mec ta go; and pit 3 fetting Ipgbt, 0o toell tbe pernii of mp fbeo ao oaunger of tbe npgbf, ïiullo Dolon tobo about tbe felf fame frate rbat npgbt Did tfrap, Ebat toé toent ouf fo?. $3nt 3 firlï competid bim fa beto?ap 011 tbingo concerning faptblclTe Troy,and tobat it toent about. £21 ben ail toao learnd, and notbmg left bebpnd ta barben ouf, 3 mpgbt baue tbrn corne borne toitb p?apfe. 3 toas not fo content. ^ |3?oeæüing frutber ta tbe Camp of Rhefus ffrcpg&t 3 toent, £ 0nd tolled botbc bimfdfand all bis men about bis tent. * 0uo falting bottje bto chariot and btô bojfes tobicb torre tobpg&f, betumeo borne in trpumpb libe a conquerour from fpgtn. Denpe pou mee tbe armour of tbe man tobafè flædeo tbe fo ÎSequp?edfo?btoptapîngofcbefppeanpgbf?andfo ' â^ap Aux bé mon bpno ta mec tban pou are.tobat f^onlD 3 Declare buta peu boto mp ftoo?ü cto toaffe rpgbtbaleantlp Sarpedons boiïc of Lycia i 3 bp fo?ce did cuerrb?otoe Alailor, Crome,and Ceranos, and Haly on a rotoC. Alcander,and Noëmon fa, and Prytann befpde, 0nd Thoôn and Theridamas,anD Charops alfo dpde 3i5p met, andfo did Ewnomos enfo?fl bp crudi fate. 0tid manp ma in fpgbt of Troy J fleto of bacer Hate. 2Cberc alfo are (0 eountrpmen)about mée tooundings, tobieb SLlje place of îÿvm malte beatorpfull. ê>ee bére (bis band did ttoieb fl>in afpde) and crédit not bapnc to©?des?. Tobare tbe b? ttt Ebat altoapco ta bà one in pour affapns batb neuer mi®. 0nd pir ofall tbto tobple no d?oppe of blaô baîb Aux fpent nippon bis feüotocs. 2311 oundleETc is bis bodp and bnrenr. Ï3ut tobat Otilio rbat, as long as be fs able fo? to baunt fougbt againfl torbe Troy and loue ra faue our fléte ¿JífraM* tèe did fo. fro; 3 am not of fucb nature ao of fppgbf Meli daings f® deface ;fo tbat bec&aieudge not tbe r£0btOuids Metamorphofis. i6z ' $fall men tra bintfelf alone, and tbat be paid tra ma Sum ff>are, tobra of t^e honour Icnhc a partener fo? tra ba. Patrodus alfo bauingon Achilles armour, font %bz Eroians and tbep? leaser hence,tco borne our naupe bent. And pit thinks ba that none durff mate toitb Hedor faumg bo. 3fo?gctting botbe the lung,and cede bis b?otber, pea and ma. ®2atjerc b& btmfelf toas but the npnetb,appopmcd bp the ding, and bp t(je fo?tnneofbto Iotp;eferd ten ora the thing. J5ut notu fo? all pour baleantneCTe, tobat Bfiuc Ijso 3 p?sp l^ourcombate i (ball 3 tell i fo;fmtbe,tbat Hedor tuent bio toap and bat> «0 barme. $oto too to mee boto grauetb it nip bare Em think bppon that feafon toben the bultoark of our part • ' Achilles dpde i Wen neptber tearcs,no? graf, no; fcare could made tyte fo? to ffap, but that bppon tbeto ffjonlbers Bi bid take, 3 fap bppon tbeto ffjouldcrs 3 Achilles bodp trade, 2nd tbto fame armour elafpt tberon,tobtcb noto tra toeare 3 Irake. Sufficient ffrengtb 3 baue tra beare as great a toepgbt as tbto, Sind ake a hart toberein regard of honour rrateo to. Ebinkpou tbat Thetis fo? ber fonne fo inffantlp befougbt Sir Vulcane tbto fame beauenlp gift tra glue bcr,tobicb to to?ongbt WUtl) fucb creating cunning, tra tbenrent a fouioier that ^atb neptber toit no? Unotoleoge I^oulD it toearc^ l$c Unotoes not tobat E&e things ingrauen on tbe Ibald dm mane. jJDf Ocean fe, ©f land, of beauen,aud of tbe ffarres no fkill at all batb be. Ebe Beare tbat ncuer opues in fea be dratb not tnoerttano, £fjc PIeyads,no? tbe tbe Cities tbat bra ffano > EJppon tbe eartb, no? pit tbe ftom?o tbat Orion boldcs in bano. * IpC fades tra baue an armour of tbe tobicb be batb no null. I and pit in fpnding fault toitb ma bpcaufe 31 bab no toill Era folloto ibis fame papnfull toarre anb fougbt tra ibonne tbe fame, ^ And made it tumtobat longer tpme befo?e 3 tbitbee came, £ ias not boto ba fpcakes rep?ccb tra ffeut Achilles name. jFo? if tra baue diffembled in tbto cafe, pa count a crpme, botb offenders ba. £>? if p?otra£ting of tl;e tpme pee count blame tora?tbpe, pit toas 3 tbe tpmelpcr ofbs ttoapne. Achilles louing mratber bint, mp topfe dto ma detepne. £&e fo?mer tpme toas giuen tra them, tl;c reff toas giuen tra poto. AnaThc. xiíj. bookeof 3no tbcrefo;c í3cd 31 little patTealrtjoag^ 3 coulo not noio SDcfeno mp fault, Itti) fucb a man of p?otoeCTe, bírtb ano fame as toas Achilles,tuas toitb mée offcnocr in tbe fame« 3£ut píe toas be efppéo bp VlyíTcs toif, bnt nat Vlyííes bp lie Aiax tote, ano leali pée tooonoer at Ube rapltng of tbis foliíb Oolt at má,boe Oootb obíert Hcptoebe to pou. j?o? tí tbat 3 offenoeo too Oetect è>ir Palaraed sí fo?geo fault, coulo pou toítbout pour lbame 0rrepne bimano conocmtte bini ábe too fuffer fo? tbe fante i 3I5ut neptber conio ür Paìamcd ercufe blnt of tbe crpme £>o bepnous ano fo manlfclf : ano peu pour felues tbat tpme $otonelp bis moptcmentbaro, but alio oto bebolo Í$í8 oéo anoujebeo too ble fa ce bp b;tngtng in tbe golo. áno as fo? Philoftetes, tbat be ÍS in Lemnos,3| . ÍDcfcruenot too bx toucbr tbertoítb.SDefeno pour crpme: fo? fobp í •Pou all confcntco tbcrbntco. Pít Ooo 31 not Oenpe, ' 215ut tbat 31 gaue tbe counfell too conucp bini out of toap ? ifrom tople of toarre ano trauell tbat bp reff be mpgbt alTap i ¿ca cafe tbe grcamclTc of bis pepnes. l£e oio tberetoo obep ' Sino bp fo Oootng ís alpoc. $ot onlp faptbfull toas Cbís counfell tbat 3 gaue tbe man, but alfo bapppe,as 2£be gooD fucceÍTe batb íbetoeo ftnce. Mlborn fitb tbe oeífnpes 0© &equp?e tn ouerrb?ototng Troy, ¡appopnt not mée íberto ; S5ut let fir Aiax ratber go. fo; be tottb eloquente j£)? bp fome futtle pollpcie, (bali b?íng tbe man fro tbence pacpfíe bim ragmg tbtougbotfeafc, ano to:atbfull tre. J i^ap. fir¿ tbe nuce Simois í^aii too bis fp?ing rctp?e, ^ 8no mountatne Ida Iba. l tberon l aue Gonctng ncuer a tré, í^ca ano tbe fawblrffe fotone of Tmy bp tobes (pali re fbetoO bé?, S Í3efo?e tbat Aiax bloctoíb toit fijall augbt at all auaple, ÍSUben mp attempts ano p?a(?pfes in peur affcp;rs co faplc. 3 ^oítbougbtbouPHiloactcstottbtbebmgoffenceobó, w» ^Enotoítb tbpfcllotoescucrpebone,anomo0 ofall toltbmée, ültbougb tbou curífc ano ban mae to tbe bclldb pit fo¿ «P* Sno toiffbcO ín cbp parné tbat 3 fcp cbaunce mpgbt croffe t}p toap, > 5; £ f purpofe fo? tro otato mp bloo : pit toill 3 gtoe oHap / fcícb ib« bnbtr once agente, &ttO (tf tbat fo?tuñéíap ^ ■MOuidsMetamorphoíis. id} #men,) I toil! as toell íjauc tb® ano ®Uc tbpnc arrotoes,as 3f tjaue ttje Eroíane p^opíiet tobto Op m® furp&feo toas, as 31 Dio t be ®;acles ano Crotanc fares otfciofe, £t; as 3 from ber cbappcil through tbe tbicfeeff of ber foes Ebe Pipgian Paliads image fetefet; ano pit sorb Aiaxffill > Compare btntfelftoitb m®. §0® fenotoc it toas tbe Deftnpes tullí £ jCijarTroy t^oulo neucr rafeen bá bp anp forre, tmcill ^ £bís 3mage firff tuerc gor. ano toberc toas then our baleant fenigbt £>ir AiaxY tuberc tbe If atelp toantes of fucb a ijarop topgbt i Mbp fearerb b® ? tobp oarcs Vly lies bewring tbjougb rbe toafeb Commit bis perfone rco tbe npgbr bis bupfneffe too Oifpatcb^ ano fbjougb tbe ppfees nor onlp fo; ico palie tbe garbeo tuall t J5ur alfo fo.: rco enter to tbe Ifrongdf taíme or all ^ flno fo; to tafee tbe 300II from ber Cljappell ano ber ib?pnr t ano bcare ber tbcnce amto bis foes i j?o; bao tips oácc ofmpnc Ü5áme left bnDajne,in bapne bis ftjalo of ¿ren bpoes feue n folo febonlo pit tbe »>onne of Telamon bane in bts left baño bolo. £ljat npgbt fuboetoeo 31 Troy totonc. tbat npgbf oto 3 it toin. 0no openeO it lb; pou Itfectupfe bnitb cafe to enter in. Ceaie to opb;apo mee bp tbeís lofees ano mumbling torotocs of tfepne Mitb Diomed: bis pjapfe is in this fa® as toril a? mpne. Ü11D tbtui tbp felfe toben fo; out ibippes tbon Diooeft in reffeeto ffano, Mart not alone: tbe muitituOe toerc helping tijee at bano. 3 bao but onlp one toitb m®. í23btD(ifbebaonottbougbt > fttopfeman better than a If rong,ano tbat picfermrn fought > $ot altoap follotoe fo-jee ofbano)tooulo noto lifmfelfbaue fougbt * ¿bis armour. £>o tooulo totber Aiax better ftapco to, 2no force Ewrypylc, ano tbe fonne of baulrAndrcmon to. $0 Icffc mpghtciefee Idominey,anD refer Merion es l^is countryman, ano Meneiay. jfoj cuerpone oftbefe áre baleant men of baño, ano not infer ¡oí tuteo tb® 3n uiartiallfeates. 3no pic tbcp are confcmeo rulte to b® SBp mpne aOupce. Ebon baft a bano tbat feruetb toell in fp¿bf* £bou baft a toit tbat ftanos in n®oe of mp Direction rpgbt. Ebp foice is toitlefte.^ bat® care of tbat tbat map enfeto. Eboutodlcanft fpgbt: tbe feing barb ebufe tbe ipmes fo; fpgbting Oeto Bp mpne aoupce, £bcu onlp toitb t!;p bocp canil auaplc. p.ig, JfatThe. xüj. boote of H5«ff 3f tolti) boDpe ano toítfe mpno to pjofite bar not faplc, $no lofce hoto much ttje mnplfer botherceU the gaüp fíaue, £D; Ico’í c boto much p?ebemínence the Cápteme ougpt t© fratte 8boue feis foulDpcr : euen fo mucí) erceü 3 aífo tfrée, toiifarre paflfiug IJrengthofhanD inclofeD ís m má. 3n toit rdfs cljáüp ají mp fo?cc. í$p ilojDes 3 p;ap beffotoe Chis gift on him tobo apfjath báñe pour toatchman as pá fenotoe* 8na fa¿ mp tenne páres carb ano care enDureD fo¿ pour fabe Jfnlí «compente fo: mp Deferís toith tips fame honour mafce. Our labour Djatoeth fo» an enD,all lets are noto bp mée tD!f| ' :D.3tiD bp bringing Troy in cace to tafeen bè 3 •/»•»•e alrsapp rafeen it. #oto bp tl;c hope that pá Comepuc, totthm a tohple of Troy the ruíne fo; to fá, Sino bp rhe Coddcs of tohom a late our emnpes 3 bereft, fins as bp toifeiome Cm bá Done pit anp thing is left, 3?anp bolo auentrous DáDe, o; anp per Urns things Chat afhcrh batata both of Ipfe anD limb ten paffe ten b;ing^ aflf.. O; tf pá thuife of Croiane fates there pit Doth ought remapne,’ Remember má. o; if from mee ibisarmour pou reff rapne, ¡ - ; iSsffotoe it on this fame. WLiifr-tfrat he flietoeD toith fris fratto Mine rúas fatali image, totjicb harD bp in fpght did IfanD, Che ilo ids tocre moueD toith fría too;Desr$ then appáreD plapney Che fo;ce that is in eloquence. Che lerneD man Dio gapne £ Che armour of the fealeant» i£e that did fo oft fu Ife me * filone both ftue, anD ftoeoto, a»D Ioue,anD Hcftor coulD not bpto One burnt of fenati), fino tobom no fo;ce eoulDfeanquiflj ere that tpoe, $oto onlp angatífe ouercommes. 1&e D;atoeshts ftoo?D anD Tapes; knell : this is mpne pit. tanto this no clapmc Vlyffcs lapes. Chis muli 3 fefe agemíf mpfelf : this biabe that hereí©fo;e l^atí) batbeD báñe in Croiane bloD, muíf noto feto mapffer go;es Chat none map Aiax cuereóme faue Aiax. Míth that too;D. 3nto hís b.jeS(not toounDcD eríf) he rb?ulT his Deathfull fujo;D. 5^ts baño to puli it out ageíne fenable toas. Che bloD iüMD fpout it out. 2non the grounD belfapncD toherc he ffoD^. £t>ìd b;a'De the p;etpe purpíeüeto;e feppon a ciotole of groyne,, ^ihich of the toounD of Hyacinth ba&erff engenb;eD beene. Che fclf&mc letters afee that fo; the c&ptotoere to;ictentbaii>. Ouids Metamorphofis. i&j. Here noto agaíne arnio the floto¿e neto hatten fo? the man, former tpme ccmpiapnt, the laif a name oíd repjefent. VI y fíes baaing toomie tbepjpfe, toitbin a topple toas fenc £© Tboants ano Hypfiphilcs realme the lano oefambe of olo f oj murdering all the men i^ertn bp toomen ouer bolo. At length attapníng laño ano luche aceojDing to bis tttpno, £© carrp Herdes arrotoes bache be fee bis faples t© topno. Hbicb toben be toitb tbe Io¿o of them among the €¡ráhes i?aD brought, ano of tbe crnell toarre at length tbebtmoff featc bao tojougbt, at once both Troy ano Priam fell.ilHD Priams to;ctcbeD toife Jlolf (after all) ber toomans lbape,ano barbeo all ber Ipfe jrtfojreme countrpe. %n tbe place tbat toíngetb tes a (freight ICbe long fp?eo fea of Hellefpont, oto Ilion burne in height. £be HinoleO fp?e toitb blaming ßame continetoeD bnalapo, ano Priam toitb bis ageo bl©o Ioucs altar bao berapo. ano Phebus pjectteflfe caffing bp ber batiocs t© Ijcancn on bpe, i Has o;agO ano baleo bp tbe beare.£be Grayes moll fppgbtfnllp £ (3s eebe of them bao pjifoners tane In m&oe of öiito:pe) tDiO 0:atoc tbe Croiane topues atoap, tobco Imgring tobple tbepmongbf Among tbe burning temples of rbcp: c^oooe0,oio bang about £bep? faci ^aibípnco ano images. Artyanax Detone toas calf from that fame turret from tbe tobteb bis m©tbcr in tpme pall !paß ifietoeo bim bis father Ifano oft frighting t© tefeno ^imidfano that fame famous redtne of Troy that oio oefeetto ft an manp noble atmeetojs. 3no noto the nodberne topno Hübp;ofpcrous blaifSjt© get them thence oto put § Greches in mpmt. £bclbipmentoentab©?o,ani bopö top faples,ano maoefro thence, 3 Dáto oáre Crop (the toomen crpoe) toá baleo are from hence, 8no tbertoitball tbep hilf the grouno, ano left pit fmohtngfftll Cbcpj uatiue boufes. ilaff of all t©he tbippe agemlf her toill ÍDuernc Hccub: tobo (a piteous cace t© to) toas founo amio £be tumbes in tobteb her fonnes toere lapo. Ano there asHecubOfO ©mb?ace tbep; cbiffs ano htffe tbep; bones, Vi y fíes topo of care íDto pull her thence, pit raugbt lb® fcp, ano in her bcafom bare Slfoap a crum of Hedtors outt,ano left on Hedors graue l^er boíp bearrs ano reares, tobicb ftu pco:e cffríngs fijá bim gaue. flgemtf the place tobere Ilion toas? there ie another lano p,iiij> ^anuteoThe. xiij. booke of ^anureb bp the Bifton men. gn ìbis fame Healme did ffanD feing Polemncfiors palace riebe, t£D iobom feíng Priam fent (gis (trete infant Polydorc to foffer, to rbentenc i T)e might bée out of Daunger from the loarres : loberm be ment > Kpgbt lopfdp,bßD be not ferity him great riches Cent, a bapt 2L(d if irre a totdteo couetous mpnD tco treafon ano Dccept. fo; loben fbe Hate of Troy DecapD, ttje fotcfecD fetngof Thrace ÍDíocut bis nurcecbptos ioeajanc.anD (as though ttjc ünfult race fEtogitber loitb tbe boöp coulD baue qupgbt báñe put atoap) > fcc tfjrelu bun alfo In tbe fea. 3ft bappcncD bp tbe \oap, > 2Dbat Agamemnon toas compelo iottb all biff ffefe to ifap ' tiappon tbe coal! of Thrace, but ill tbe fea íoere loeren raime, 0nD till tbe btöeous (formes did reafe,anD furious iopnbs íoere faine, feiere rpßng gafflp from tbe grouno toljicb farre about bim b¿afee, ¿ Achilles lotti) a tb?eatmng tolse DtD libe refcmblanee malte, j> 0s loben at Agamemnon be bis to?ongfullffccíD:D DID íbabr, 0nD fapo : Sfnmpnofnll part pee hence of mee E> Cftátses i anD muli íBp mento tbanhleffe tbus lottb mee be burprD in tbe Duff i $ap, díd not fo. llBut toa tbentent mp Desti; Délo honour baue, 3Ut Polyxene in facrtfpfe báflapne Dppon mp graue. £ftm3 much be fapD : anD ffjoulp bis companions Doing as 3¡5p biffati of bis crudi gboff commaunDmentgtucn them toas, ferri? ber from ber mothers tappe, tobom at that tpme,íoell nérr, 3¡n tljat moli great aDuerfiíte alonlp ffjoe did chare. Ehe banltpe anD bnbapppe mapD, anD rather to bee thought 0 man than toomanfto tbe tumb lottb crudi banDS loas brought, 2ud make a curfeD facrtfpfe. TO® mpnDing conffantlp t^er honour, toben ffjee ffanDmg at the 0Uar pjefl tco Dpe, percepbD tbe fauage ceremonies in malting rcaop, ano Cbe crudi Ncöptolemus lottb nafeco ftoffijtD in batiD, è>tattD (faring tottb bngentlc epes bppon ber gentle face, £>bs fapD. jaolo bfe tbou toben thou lotlr mp gentle btoD. £&ecace iicqtimcs no moje Ddap. beffeto tbp loeapon in mprbeff, £*? in mp tl)?ote : (in faptng fo fife pjofcrco bare her bjeff, 0nD áffe ber tbiote.) affare pour fdues it neuer ßjalbee feite, Ubar anp lopgbt (ball (bp mp toill) baue Haue of Polyxcenc* ^oiübßt tottb furb a faertfpfe no Csd ptx can Ddpgbf.Ouids Metamorphofìs. i 3 tuoulD Defpje no mo:e but that mp tojctcbcD mother mpgbt jBé ignorant ofthis mp Death. ^p mother btnDjetb mée, 0nD malíes the pleafare of mp Death much Icffer foj to b¿. §;otob¿it not the Death of mde fljoulo iufflp grane her hart : jBut her otoñe Ipfe. $oto to thentent 3 fráip map Depart £0 Limbo, ffanD pò men alof : anD firb 3 afbe but rpghf jfojbeare to touch ma. é>o mpbloD bnlfcpneD in his fpght ¿hall farre moje acceptable b¿ tobat euer topgbtbe bee Mbom pou pjepare to paclfpc bp facrtfpfing mee. pit (if that thefe Iaff toojocs of mpne map purehacc anp grace, ) 3 Daughter of hmg Priam erff, anDnoto in pjifonerscace, IBófaehe pou all tmraunfemeo to renDer to mp mother $p boopc : ano foj boriali of the fame to tabe none other ¿etoaro than teares : foj tobple íh® coulD íbá did reDáme toifb Chis fapD : the reares that Hjá fojbare the people coulD not bolo, flno euen the bsrrp pjáff himfelf full fo:e ageinlf his totll SnD U)óping,thjulf her through tbebjeft tobicb íb¿ hilo ifoutlp ffill. &b¿ ffnbing foftlp to the grour.o toitb fapnting leggcs,DtD beare Caen to the berrp latter gafp a counrnance bopD of fcarc. Shd buhen fl)¿ fell, fljá bao a care fuel; parte of her to hpor, Ss iuomanhoD anD chailitre fojbiDDeth to ba fppDe. Che Croiane toomcn tobe her bp, ano mojning recbcneD feing Priams chilojen, anD to bat bloD that houfe alone bao £bcp fpght foj faper Polyxecne : thep fpgbcD ¿be fo; rbá Mho late toart Priams topic, ltr|?£o late tusrr counteD foj to oí Chefloiojeof Aiìa in bis fiotoje, anD 55 uóne of mothers all ; JIBut noto the botpe of the fo as rutll lot did fall, Sud fuch a botpe as the fip VJyííés did not pafife tüppon ljcr,fauing that eretobple 0j¿ Hedors mother loas, feo harDIp foj his mother conlD a mapffer Hedor fpno. (Embracing in her ageo armes the bcDpc of the mpnD Chat toas fo ffeuf, lh¿ potojD theron toitb fobbing fpghes tonfoft £be tearcs that foj her hufbanD anD her chilojen háD fo oft SnD foj her conmrpe Ih^aDeD báñe. feb¿ toépeo m her bcouno SnD biff her pjetpe mouth,anD maDe her bjilf toith Grebes to fcunD, SccojDing to her buonteD gupfe, anD in the iellpeD blcoo Bórapeo all her grido beare,ano in a fojrotofull moD feapaThe. xiij. booke of &>apD theiß anb manp other tom?öcß fotth b?eHbefcrafchf anb rent. C> Daughter mpne, the laH fo? fohom thp mother map lament, (5?02 inhat remapneß i) 311 fpmningmpappopweorafbe, (hall fap: this fame iß ih® ' Chat iuaß fumtpme hing Phams fopfc, this foaß the fameuß mother £Df Hcilor. anD notu aftcrloffe of fuch a fo?t of other, Chou (inho alonlp in mp greefetnp comfo?t Dibit remapne,) Co pacifpe cur emnpcß bo;ath bppon htß ttunb art (lapne. Chus bare 3 Deathgpftß fo? mp foeß. Co tohat intent am 3 £j3oH bo?ctcheD topght remapntngffilty tohp do 3 Hnger ?• tsbp £Dmih:huttfull age p?eferue mte Hill aliue i to tohatmtent j£o? cruell (0ODDC0 referue pome? that hath alreaDpXpetu Co manpepeereß ?* onleffc it bo? mto bnrpallß fo? to fee i anD toho tuoulo thinfe that Priamus mpght happp counteD b© 6>ith Troy iß rajeD i’^appp man iß h® in being Deab.Quids Metamorphofis. Me anti kingdmme be fo:l»ent togitber: and tbisffead Ipe fas not tb® bio Daughter flaine. H3ut peraduenture t|iou ¿ball iifec tbe daughter of a king ijaue fumptuous burpall nofo, 2nd toitb tbp noble aunceto?o tbp bodpe lapd (ball bee. £>ur linage batb not fo gcod lucke. tbe molt that fljall tco tbee 25® peelded arrtbp mmtbers teares, ano in tbio fo?reinc lano f:® bpoe tbp murtbcreo co?ce foitball a little beape of fans* $o; all is loif. $ap pit remapneo (fo? toborae 3J toell can ffcno Bin ban tc liue a little tobple) an imp tmto ntp mpno foff d®rc,noiD onlp left alone, fumtpme of manp mo fCije pamgeff, little Polydorc, oeliuereD late ago £co Polemneftor king of Thrace tubco dtoelles tuitbfn tbeis bounds 3!3utfc)&erfo?cdai 31 ffapfo long in toaffbing of ber toounos, 2nd.face berapd foitb go?p bleed f in raping thus,lb® focnt £0 feafoard foitb an ageopace ano bo?p beare beerent. j 2nd (tojetcbeo fooman)a0 fljee calld fo? pitcbcrsfo? to b?atoe toater,lb® of Polydorc on lbo?e tbe earkeffefatoe,. 8no®ke § mpgbtp mounds at tobicb tbe £p?ants ffcucoiD tnent tburrofo, £be Croiane liabpes flfcesked out. 25nt fl}® tuas Dumb fo? fo?roto. £be anguifb of ber bart fo?clofDe ns toellber fpeecb-as ®ke l£er teares Deuotu?ing them toitbin. &>b® ffend affonped l®ke SIs if (bee bad b®ne 0 one. j$)ue tebple tbe ground lb® ffaard bppon. Snotber tobple a gaff Ip lake (b® keff ten beaucn. anon &b® leaked on tbe face of bun that lap befo?e Ijer htllo. £>umtpmes bis foonndcs,(bis tooundeo 3 fap) (bee fpccfallp bebillo. and tbertoitball fb® armd ber felfe ano furniffjtber toitb ire; Mlberetb?ougb as ftone as that ber bart teas fullpfet on fp?e, Sis tbougb tb® ffillbadbanea ¿u®ne,ta) bengcance lb® ber bent (Enforcing all ber Units tiafpno fome kpnd of ponnilbmeut. Sno as a ftpon robbed of ber tobelpes beconimetb toeuo, 2nd taking on tbe feting ofbtr ertmpe tobere b® ff®b, Jdurfefoetb bint tbougb out of fpgbt: euen fo ueene Hecubee ($ofo baning mepnt ber teares toitb to?atb)fo?gemng qupgbt that f® tS2Has old,but not ber p?incelp bard, teo Polemneftor toenc £be curfed murcberer,and defp?De bio p?efence tea tbentent £co Ibeto tcobiin a made of gold (fo made ffj® ber p?etencc) Web fo?ber Ipttle Polydorc toas bfo not farre from tbence. ........, Cbc f *: The. xiij. booke of ICíje Cbjactan fetng beleeutng ber,as eaget oftbe p;ap, 5 Aent toitb ber t® a fccrct place.flno as tbcp tbere oto ffap, Í £&ttb flattrtng ano oeceptfull rang be tbus tœ ber oto fap. J !£ake fpæoc 3! p;cp rito Hecuba, ano gtue tbp Tonne tbtsgolo» 31 ffoeare bp CDoo tt (bail bœ bts, as tuell tbat 3 o® bolo fllrcaop, ao tbat tbou (balt gtue. Nippon bim fpcaktng To, flno ftoeartng ano fo?ftoeartng t®, ffto lœfceo ff ernelp tbo, flnû bœmg Tote ínflaamo toitb to.:atb, caugbt bolo bppon bim, ano fetrepgbt callmg outfoi tueco: t® tbetopues of Troy at bano Dio in tbe trapíos face beffotoe ber naplcs, ano fcratcbrO ont ^ts cpes, ber anger gaur ber bart ano maoe ber ff rong ano (Tout* tfouff ber fingars in as farre as coulo bæ, ano oio bo?c J5cr note Ijis cpes (fo: tobp bts cpes lucre pnlleo out tefe#) J5ur botbc tíje places of tije epes berapo fcub tutebeo bl®o. Ztje £b>ac(ans at rbep; Cpjannt s barme foj anger toerfng fo©o, Began t® feare tbe £rotanc tupucs toitb oarts ano ffoncs. 0non ffî uóme Hecub ronnlng ata ffone,toitb gnarring feajo tberon, flno totrrpeo tt bæitoéne ber taetb. flno as ffjæ opte ber cbappe £® fpeahe, tn ffcao of fpœcbe Ibœ barht. tbe place of tbts miflcbapp& lÆemapnetb ff tU,ano of tbe tbtng rbere Oone bearcs pît tbe naine. -Itong mpnofníl of ber former tiles,fljá facip fo? tbe famé Œlîentbûiulingm tbefàlDcsofThracc.^crfojtnnemoueo not l£er Crotansonlp, but tbe Œræfces ber focs tmrutbe: loriot ¿)!0 moue euen ail tbe ŒoDûes to rutbc : ano fe effectuait^, Zÿat Hccub t® oeferue fucb eno cucn Iuno OiO oenpe. flltbcugb tbe mo;ntngef tbe fclffamc toatres bao fauc;cr fceenc; &tobao no lepfuret® lamen t tbe fortune of tbe &ucene, $c? on tbe flaugbters ano tbe fall of Ilion fo; t® rbtnb. fl boufebolo tare mo?e nccrcr borne oto tn ber ffomacke ffnfc, jfîo} Memnon ber beloueD tonne, tobom Oping Cto bcbtlo Nippon tbe torce Aclnllcs Cpeareaimotbc ^^pgtan falo. ê>ito fato tt, ano ber ruoop beto tuitb tobicb Qto toontcû toas £L& ope tbe b;ea&ing of tbe cap, OiO tnt® paleneffe paffe : flno ail tbe ffcpe loas bto luitb clotooes. Ï5ut toben fins cojee teasgone £® burningtoaro, Cjá cotilo not fpno tn bart t® !®Ke tberon : Ï3ut tuitb ber beare about ber rares flto bnâleO ootune befoje £be mpgfctpe loue, ano tbuo gan fpea'fee Onto toæpmg to;e. tOuids Metamorphofis. i6r £>ralthat pane tpep: btoelling place bppon tpe golben fhpe Cpe lotoelf (fo; rpjougp all tpe too: lb tpe featoeff flnpncs ¿atte |) But pit a 6oDDdTe, 3! Deo come, not that rpou Ipoulblf Detrae } Chat 2lltaro,(h:pneo, ano polpbapes bit mabe tco honour ma. > pit if tpon marke bolo much that | a tooman Dcd fo? thè, * 3fn beeping npgpt toitpin ber hounbeo, bp banging in tpa light, £ boa toell maps tpinhc moe toojtpp Turn rctoatb tco clapme of rpgpt. But nepther noto is that the thing the moaning carco tco pane, $c pit her ffate io fnch ao noto octo honour fo; to craue. Bereft of mp bére Memnon toho in fpghfing baleantlp Co help hio bncle, (fo it toao pour iodi £D €5oDoeo) bio bpe £f flout Achilles if urbpe fpeare euen tn hio doling p;ptne* 31 feto to thee £> king of Cbbbeo to bo him at this fpme &um honour ao a comfort of hio Death, anb cafe thio hart £)f rapne topicp greatlp gréucb io toith toounb of percing fmart, $o foner Ioue hab graunteb bame Aurora her befpje But that the flame of Mcmnons cojcc that burneb in the fpje ÌDib fall : anb flahp rolleo of fmoke bib bark the bap, ao iopen 8 foggp mitt If carneo bptoarb from a ISiuer oj a fen, Stob fuffrerh not the §>onne to (hpne toitpin it. Blacke ao cole Cpe cinber rofe : anb into one rounb lump afTcmbliug topole ©reto grolle, anb toke botpe (pape anb peto. Cpe fp;e bib Ipfe it Icnb, Cpe Ipgptnelfe of tpe fubifance felf bib toingo bnto it lenb, Snb at tpe firif it flittreb like a biro : anb bp anb bp Bit fleto a fetpereb birb tn babe. &nb toitp that one gan flp Bfnnumerable ms of felffame U:ot> : topo once o; ttopce ÌDiD foie about tpe fp:e, anb mabe a piteous (pneking tpipre. Cpe foto;tptpme in tpep? Aping rouno, tpcmfelueo tpep all toftpbjeto 3n battello ttoapne, anb farcclp fo;tp of rptper fpbe one fleto Co fpgpt a rombate. EKH itp tpepj bilico anb pokcb talento kàne } 0nb toitp tpep; toingo couragieuflp tpep to?eak tpep; to.jatpfull tane, r 8nb mpnbfull of tpe baleant man of topom tpep iflueb bane, Cpep neuer ceafeb fobbing cepe bppon tpe others birlf, ùntili tpep falling both botone beao toitp fpghfing ouerpieff, l&D offreb bp tpcpj bobpes as a tootfbp famfpfc ©nto tpep: coufln Memnon topo to aupfo burneb Ipco. Cpcio ioeetnc birbo torre nameo of cpe founber of tfcrpj fleck ;The. xiij. booke of ifcjmcn bo tall them Mcmnons birbs. 8nb euerp p&re a flocftg Mcpap:c to Mcmnons f umb,tohere ctoco Do in ttjc fo;efapb topic 3n manner of a poerempnb (lea themfelues in facrtfpfe. Cfj us tohcre as others bfb lament that Dymants Daughter barbt, Auroras otone groef bafpcD her, that fmallp tya it marhe tlihieh thing to this ptefent tpme toith piteous teares both (hefoe Jfo; though the bniuerfall toojlo flfa fijeabeth inoptfing beatoe. Pit fuffreo not the beffinpes all hope to perrlih qupght Cogtthcr toith the totone of Troy. Chat gob anb goblp fenpghc Che fonne of Venus bare atoapbp npghtbppon his baclte !£is ageo father anb his CDobbcs an honorable pacfcc. £Df all the riches of the totone that on Ip p;ap he chofe, s>o goblp toas his mpnb: anb like a bannilht man he goes 3I5p toarer toith his otone pong fonne Afcamus from the 3le * Antandros, anb he (honnes the fljoto of Thrada tohieh ere tohple > Che toiefeeb Cptants treafon bib toith Polydores blob befpie. * Bnb hauing topnb anb tpbe at to(U,he fauflp topth his trapne &rrpucb at Apollos totone tojjere Anius then bib retgne. 3i2aho being both Apollos p;aeff anb ofthat place the king, tDib eitrertepnehun in hishoufc anb bnfo church him b.jfng, Snb thetob him bothe the Citieattb the temples tmotoen of oib, SlnD eeke the facreb trees bp tohieh Latona once tobe holb Mhen (heeofchplbbirth traueileb Slffone as facrtfpfe Was bone toith £>rens intoarbs burnt acceding to tlje gupfe, 8nbcaffmg incence in thefpto? anb ffjeabing topne thereon, Chep iopfuli to the court returnb,anb there thep tofee anon ISepalfe of tneatc anb bjinfe. Chen fapb the gob Anchyfes this £> Phebus fouereine pfaff, onleflTe 3 take mp mat fees amiifc, (iUt 3 remember) toijen 3 firff of all this totone bib fa, ^foto?c Daughters anb a fonne of thpne thou habbeft tface toith fh®. ISing Anius (hefa hts heab toheron he toare a mpter tohpgfc SRbanftoero thtts.i) noble piincc, in fapth the« geffeif rpght* flDf chtlD?cn fpue a father then, thon btbbett nfa beholo, HiSthaJ noto (toith fuch bnconlfancie are monall matters rollb) Sim in a manner chplblclTe qupght. 5F°? tohat auaples mp fonne M ho in the 3 le of Anderland a great toap hence both toonne i Mhfch ccuncrp tabes his name of him,anb in thefelffapb place, ■«»Ouids Metamorphofis. róg 3fn ffeat) of father, lifee a feing be Soloes rije ropall mace. Apollo gaue bis lot to him: &no Bacchus fo; to ffjotoi 1^10 lone, a greater gift bppon bts fullera DID beffotoc, Chan conlo bét toiffjt o; crcotteo. if o; tobatfoeuer tbep pm tofocbe,toaa turneo into come, ano topne,ano ople ffrepgbttoi flno fo tbep; toaa riche bfe in them. aiTone aa that the fame hereof to Agamcmnons carea the fquo;ge of Croiana came, i lleaff pon mpgbt faff pour ffo;mea alone ano toó not fóle the fame * gn part, an bolle be hither fent, ano íobítber 3 toonlo 0; no pío tafee tbem from mó,fo;cíng them among tbe C¡rófeea to go Co fóoe tbe (©rófeiff) armp toitb tbep; beanenlp gift. But tbep Cfcapeb tobitber tbep coulo bp ffpgbt. 3 couple toofee tbep; toap Co |Ie Evvboya; fofber ftoo to Anderland 0Í0 flp Cbep; bothers ttealme. fln boff of men purfetoo tbem bp ano bp, Sno tineateneo toarre onleffe tbeptocre oeliuereo, ifo;ce of feare &uboetoing nature, oio conffrepne tbe brother (men muff bcare Mttb fearfulneffe) to renoer bp bio fullera to tbep; fo. jfo; neptber foaa Acnsas there, no; balcant Heftor (tobo PiO mafee pour toarre laff ten pórea long) tbe countrpe to oefeno. $oto toben tbep Ajoalo lifee p;ifonera bane bóne fcttrco,m tbeeno Cbep calling bp tbep; banoea (tobicb pit tocre free) to beancn,tiD crp Co Bacchus fo; fo fuccour tbem, tobo belpt tbem bp ano bp, 8t leafftopfe if it map bee termo a help, in toono;oua fopfe Co alter folfee. if 0; neuer conlo 3 lerne ne can furmpfe Cbe manner boto tbep loll tbep; fliape. Cbe thing tt fclfe ia fenotoen. ©aítbfttbcreotoíngsaatobpsbf a» fnoto tbepqupgbtatoap areflefoen Cranffo;meO into ooucboufe Oouea tfep topfc oanie Venus buroea. Mfeen that tbe time ofmeate toaa fpcnttá tbcia $ fucb lifee troica, Cbe table toaaremouco ffrepg!)t,ano then tbrpioent fo flópe. $ert mo;roto rpffng bp aflame as oap began to pópe, &bep toent to Phebus j©;acle,fobieb toilleo tbeni to go HBnt© tbep; mother ccnntrcp ano the coaffea tbep; ffoefee came fro. t&tog Anius bare them companie, ano toben atoap tbep C^ailo9 ^e gaue them gífta. Anchifes bao a feepter all of golo. Afcaniusbao a quiuer ano aClofee right b;aueano trim, Aenacas bao a ffanoing Cup p;cfentcO bnto him. Thcbaoc Therfo tob© bab beme feing Anius gueff cr-cfebple MThe.xiij. booke of ÌDto rent) it out of ThriTaly : btit Alcon one of Myle Did malte tbe cuppe. ano bee tberon a tforp po:trapo one. 3ft toas a Citte tutti) fettcn gates in circuit rouno about, CElbicb men mpgbt eaflp all oifeerne. £bc gates Oio reprcfcnf Ebc Cities name, ano Ojetuco plapnetobat cotone tberebp tuas mew, OTtbouttbe cotone Suerefuneralls a ooing for the oeao, * Mitb berces, tapers, fpres, ano tumbes. Ebe topues tutti) ruffled beao> ano ffomaefes bare prettoco greet. Ebe npmpbcs Tèmo teares to Qeav Sino toaple tljc Drping of tbept todies. Ebe IcaudelTe trees 010 (rare, ano IteWng on the parcbco tfunes Coats romeo boere ano there. 5I5ebolo anno ibis Thcbane fotone toas Ipudp portrapo out Echions Daughters ttoapnc,of tobicb tbe one toitb courage If oul Dio profer botbe ber natteD tb?ore ano ffomaefee to tbe fenpfe ; 0no totber toitb a manlp bare oto alfo fpeno ber Ipfe, foz faufgaro of ber countrpfolb : ano boto that tberOppon Ebep both toere earpeo folemlptm berces, ano anon Mere burneo in tbe cbecfelf place of all tbe Thcbane fotone. Eben (lea® tbepr Image (bouio or cap tobo opoe toitbfucb renatone^) l©ut of the SUTbcs of the mapoes tbereiffueottoo pong men, r flno tbcp Onto tbep? mothers Outt oio obfequtes agen. Ebus much toas graueo cnrfouflp in auncient precious bratto, ano on the brim a traple of flotores of bearbricb gtloeo toas. Ebe Eroians alfo gaue to bint as cefflp giftes agen. IBpcaufebe toas Apollos prfrff tbep gaue to bint as then a Chi® to fefrpc in franbmcence. Ebcp gaue bint furthermore 0 Crotone of goto toherin toere fet of precious ®ones great ffore. Eben calling to remembrance that the Erotans iffueo toere £Df Tcwccrs bloo,tbep faplo to Crctc,S^ut long tbep coulo not there abpoe tb’infrertoti of the aire : ano fo tbep oio fo?fahe Ebe hundred Cities, ano toitb fpfroe to Itay letoaro oio mafee. Ebetoinrertoerco baro ano rough,ano to® tbemberrpfo2e. Sino toben tbepr Ibippes arriueo toere bppon tbe perlous (bore Simung the Strophad Jles, the biro A èlio oio them frare. Efjc coftes of Dn lich,Ithaca,ano Same tbep paffeo toere, Sino arfce tbe Court of Ncritus tobere topfe VJyfles reigno, Sino came to Ambraccfor the tobicb tbe Cobs ffrong ®rpfe mapntf (R0» Eberefatoe tljcp turned mtoflene the tuoge tobtofr twage pitrv*. Ouids Mefamorphofis. fit A&ium in Appollos Church in dgne frerof Doth iff. £bep betoed alfo Dodon grsue inhere £Dhes fpahe: and frecoad jDf Chaon frbere the fonnes of king Moloilus frape a mod Wngracioqg fp;e bp caking tmngs. jFrom thence frepcoaded bp £be counrrpe of fre Pheaks fraught fr tfr frute abundantlp. echo frep land in Epyre,ailD to Buthrotos frep frCHt ©Kberas the Croiane p;ophet Dtoelt, toljofe reigne Did rep;efcitt an image of frep; auneient Troy. Where being certifpde > fDf things f© come bp HeIen(frbo frbple there tbep cud abpoe > 3frfo;meo them rpght fapt^ftiflp of all that froulo bctpDe) * fffjep patteo into Sicilic. s&tfr comer« fr;a this lano Chores out into the &ea: of frbtcb Pachinmis front Doth dand. SJgeind the foufreoad: LiHbyc Doth face the gentle fred, flnD Peloretmt© Charlfis toapne Doth no;frfrard beare his fred. £he Crotanesbnder Pelorc gate frith o;es andp;ofp;oustpdes And in the cuen bp Zanclyc fro;e frep; date at anfro; rpdes. Nippon the lefcfpDc redleffelp Charybdis ap Doth beatc them. 0no ftoallofrefr frfppes t fpefres them bp as fad as it Doth cate them. Sna Scylla beatefr on tbep; rpght: tofjicij from the nauell sofrne Bis patchcD bp frith crnell enrres: anD bpfraro to the crofrne SDofr hape fr$ coumnance of a mapo, &nd(if that all bee treto £bar |9oets f ipne) fra fras ftimfpme a mapa rpght fap;e of hefr. £o her made manp froers fute: all tohich fra did efeheto. 9ni> going to the fait &>ea npinphes (to tohont fra fras rpght Dare) js>(Kc daunted, to bofr manp men fra gaae the flippe that pare. £cd tobom the iUdp Galatc in kembing of her heare * £>apd thus frith fpghes, But thep that fought to fra (UD Hadp) toere > $onc other than of humane hpnb,to tohom feifreut all frare * ¿f harme, frou mpghted (as frou dod) ginc nap. But as fo; lit® although that 31 of Nercus anD grap Doris Daughter ba, 8nd of mp fuders haae frith ma continuallp a garD, 3 could not fcape the Cyclops lone, but to mp graf full h'arb. (UMtfc that her tearcs Dio doppe her fpache.) Sdone as that the mapd ^adD;poe them frith her marble fromb, f mosnee the npmph, fre fapD. fcare Ctodbede tell ma all pour graf,and hpoe tt not from ma: JFo? trud ma 3 frill bnto pou bofre true and fecret ba. £henbnto Cratycs Daughter frus the npmph her plapnt Dio frame.  Thc.xiij.booJce of ©í Ratone anb npmpb SimetHis bo;ne toas Ads, fcfoo bream* a fop tee bofoc bis parents, but to rna foe greater iop. o; bef ng but a firtesne páre* of age,this fep;c ftuecte bep £Dio tafee mee tcc bis loue,tobat ipme about bfo cbplbifo foiir JSD.bc tenoerbeare lifec moffp botone to fpjotot DÍD Srff begin* 3 touch bim fceponc all ©oDbeo fofoob, ano lifeetepfe mée 3Ebe ©tarn Cyclops, nrpfocr (ifbcmaunbeb it fooulb bee) 3 toell toere able fo? to tell pon tobifoer that foe loue j©£Acis, o; foe Cyclops bate OÍD mo?e mp üemaefee moue. íDberc toas no oboes bettoáne tfeem.SDb Deere ofo fále tobat foing is loue. 2foe lone of hub bim fo furp;pfefo, Ufoat Polyphcrae regarbing net bfo foape anb bollotoe Caue, flnb baaing care to pleato both go about to mafee bim b;aue. ^foß arre ftiffe brare be feembefo notoe toifo ff rong ano ffurop tafees, 9nb toifo a fpfoe bofo marcuffotte bfo b;iffleo berb: anb tafees SDelpgbt to lofee bppon bimfelf in toaters, ano to frame $i0 countnanee. £Df bis murfocrous fjart tbe toptoncffe toetefo tame* i^is tmaffauncbeb fop;ff of blob is quenfoeb: foippes map paffe 3nb repaffe fandp. gn tbe tobple that be in loue thus toas, iDnc'Tekmus EwrymedsTonne a man ofpaffing ffeill 3n birbSpgljf, taking ianb foat tpme in Sidll, toent bntill JUfoe o;pcb ©pant Polypbcmc, ano fapb: ©bfo one rounb epe ©bat noto amío fop fo;ebeab llanos foall one bap ere foou bpe X5p dp VJyiTes blinbeb boe. Zl)t ©pant laugbt tberar, 0nb fapb© folifo fofofap;e foou becepueb art in that. Jfo; tobp another (euen a toeneb) alrcabp batbe it blpnbeto ©bus ffeo;nírtg bim foat tofo bim trufoe bpeaufe be toa* bpgb wpnbeö» iBe epfoer mabe foe greunb to foafee in toalfeing on foe foo;c, rotofo bim in bfo foabpe ©aue. Mifo tocbgeb popnt before ©here foots a bin into) foe &ca: tobereof foe fea both beate iDn epfoer fpbe. ©fee one epb fénb came bp anb mabe biß feste ©feeron, ano after came bfo fo^pe toquen. flffoue as b&Ouíds Metamorphofìs. 17® fab a t frte tote lapo Dotane fría flaffe tafricfr taas a tafrole «II able foj to bá a rnaaflf tco anp ffrippe, be tafees $ts pppe compact of fpuefeoje rábes,ano tfrertaitfrall fre n ¿0 lout) a nopfe that all tfre frilles ano tasters ifrerabotst íppgfrt eaflpfrére tfre ífrírlneiíe of tfre tfrepefreros fofriSling 31 iping bnoerncatfre tfre rocfte,anD leaning in tfre lappo £>f Ads marfet tfreis taojoes of bis tafricfr farre 3 frearo bp frappe, Spoje tofrpgfrt tfroti art tfren ^jimrofe leaf mp &aop Galatcc, $poje freifr tfran mease, moje tall ano Crcpgfrt tfran lofrp Sloertró. $oje bjtgfrt tfran glalTe,mo;etaanf0n tfran tfre tenDer frío fojforfr. £fran CoelslefljeUcs continuali? tattfr taattr tene, moje fmotfre. $)oje efr «retail tfran tfre tainters &un,oj Sommers (frabotae cota, y ^oje fámelp ano moje camlp tfran tfre panetto to bcfrolo, > Àtbaldo moje tfran apples bese altfrongfr tfrep taere of goto. > $po;e eléve tfran frozen pee,moje (tacete tfran (drape tfrjongfr rppe ptais, tyojt foft tfran batter netolp maoe, oj botane of Cpgnet is, 8nb mnefr moje fapje ana beatatpfnll tfran garoein to mpneepe, Bui tfrat tfron from mp companpe continuali? ooff flpe. Sno tfron tfre fdffame Galatc art moje tettiflj foj to frame Cfran £>ren of tfre talloerneOfe tafrom neuer tapgfrt Dio tame. $oje flátíng tfran tfre taaues, moje fraro tfran toarrpeo €)fee to ttapne, $eje tougfr tfra tallloto ttoiggs3moje Iptfr tfrá Is tfre tapio tofrpgfrt frpne, $o;e tfran tfris recise bnmcuable,moje tiolent tfran a if reame. ^oic pjotao tfran pacocfee pjapfo,moje ferree tfrd fpje $ moje ertráme» spo;e rongfr tfran Bjárs,moje cruell tfran tfre neta oeliaereo Beare, éoje merciletfe tfran trooert fnalse, tfran fea moje oeafe of rare. Suo tafriefr (ano if it lap in má 3 efraeflp taoulo rcflfrapne) $ot onlp ftatfter pacco tfran tfre flag in cfrace on plapne, But alfo ftolfcer tfran tfre tapno ano flpgfrtfull apje. But if Cfrou tatito me taell, it taoulo tfrá irise to flpe ano bá a gráf £qj tarrpe from má, pea tfron tooutoif enoeuonr all tfrp potaje £os ísápe má tafrollp to tfrp felf, Cfre &uarrp is mp botaje ^eataen oat of tafrole mapneifone. $o ^un in fommer tfrere can ftoelf» ¿0 nipping colo in tainterfpme toitfrin tfre fame is felt. ©ap apples taeplttg botane tfre bougfres frane 3? ano trapes libe gelo, Snopurple (drapes on fpjeaoeo tülpnesas many as can frolo. Botfretafriefr 3 oo referue fo; tfrá, Cfrpfelf (frale toftfr tfrp frano»The.xiíj.bookeof Che foft ffoáfe dratob;pes gather, tostel) in torabbp djaBotoedane. £&e Cornell berrpes alio from tbe tré tbp fclf fljalt pnü : jano pleafant plornmcs, fum pelíoto Ipfee neto toar,fum bleto, fum fall jíDf rnbbp íetoce. €>f CljeCnurts ófec(tf mp topfe cbou toilt bá) Ztyu fbali bau? do;e: ano frates all fortes : SUI irás fljall ferne fo; foá. Chis Catrell bare is all mpne otone. ano manp mo hefpoe > &>ra eptber in the bottoms ferir, c; ín tbe torabes them bpbc, > 2riD manp daubing at tbcp; dalles ora m mp £aur abpbr. ^ Kty number of them ítf a man fóculo affe) 3 cannot íbotoe. ffufybcggars of tfjcp? Catteüfcfe tbe numberfo? tai fenotoe. 8no fo; tbe graotudcof the fame,no mbit beláue tbou má, 25ut come tbpfelf (ano ¡f ibón tulle) tbe truth tberof tra fee, &ee boto t bep; feddcrs full Qra mafee them drabble, leder toare È>bet bp at boms In doce toarme pánes,are lambes. Ebcrealio are 3n other ptnfolDs mtoos of felffame p^amngtpme. Etys bane 3 altoapes mplfee as tobpte as fnoto. toberof 3 fum bra fane Cra d;infe, anb of tbe red is mabc grab cháfe, ano furtbermo;e #ot onlp dale anb common gifts anb pleafures toberof ff o;e 3s tra bá bab at eebe manttes baño, (as lieuerets,fcíbbs,anb £Doc*# a pap;e of pigeons,o; a ned of birds neto found, 0; fóoes,) &ball bntra tbá p:efenteb bá. 3 found this tratber bap fl papte of Bearetobelpes, eebe fo Ipfee tbe other as tbep lap í3ppon a bill,that fearcc pá cebe otfeerne from other map. 0no toben that 3 bio fpno tbem 3 sto tabe them bp, ano fap Eljsis tulli 3 fo; mp ilaop feetpe fo; ber tbcrtoitb tm plap. $ato put tbou bp tbp fap;c b;pgbt bead grab Galat 3 tbá p;ap abone tbe gránidj toaues : noto come mp Galat,cerne atoap, ano of mp p:efent tafee no fco;ne. 3 fenoto mp fede fra bá a lollpe felloto. jfo; e uen noto 3 bib befeolo and fá gppne image in t¿e toater Ibáre, ano fare má thought 3 tfflfet SDetogbt tra fá mp graolp fijape, and fauo; m the b:rafee, 25ehólo boto big 3 am not loue in hcauen (fo; fo peu melt Kcpo;t one loue tra reigne,of tobom 3 pude not fo; tra ften) 3s botoger than this dougbtp co;ce of mpne. a buib of beare iDratb ouerb;ápe mp bifage grim,anb Ibabotoes ss it toere a groue bppon mp fboulbers ttoapne, ano thinfe it not fra bá "> a (game fo; that toitb b;idfrb beare mp boip rough V® >Ouids Metamorpliofìs. 171 J fofole Üfauojeo fpgbf it is t© fié s leauelefifc tré ) a Ioti)cïp rïîingr it is ,a bo;fe tmtijout a mane t© kæpe.' à0 fetbers 0© become the biroes, ana becommcth ibæpe, Caen fo a bearD ano bjtftleo fktn becommcth aifo mcir. g haue but one epe,(winch o©îb Sano amio mp fecmr. iubat then t £tns one rouno epe of mpne is ivhe a mpgbfp targe t. ¿j?p ? IHeiwes not the â>un all things from beauen t pi t but one onlp epe fyati) lies. mojeouer fit pour §>m mp father beâtes the ftuap* $im (mil g make tbpfatb.nnlafoj. l^auc mercp g the p?ap, Sino barken t© mpne humble fute. jTo; onlp (wt© ti)ée pàio g. ©ucn 3 of inborn botbe beauen ano loue oefppfeo bœ 3nO ©he tbe percing tbunoerbolt, o© iïanti in aine ano fcare £)f tbæ £> Nerye. £bpne ill (mil ts grémoufer t© beare Ebau is tbeoeaolp £bunoerclappe.pit coulo g better fpno ' gn baw t® fuffer this contempt of tbpne (with parient mpno BJftbou Dioî (bonne all other folk as tuell as mœ.But (wbp Keietfing Cyclops o©ff thou loue o(warf Acis i (wbp fap 3 fdjeferlï thon Acis bnf© niée i (well let him Itkco bée ÏSotb of (jimfclf, ano alfo ((which 3 tnoulo be lothe) of thœ. Sino if g catch him he (hall fòle that in mp boop is £be fo;ce that (honlo bée. 3 (hall paunch him quiche. Chofe limbes of his 3 tutll inpéece5 tearc, ano ffrein them in the faeloesjsno in £hp (oarers, if he o© thè haunt, fot g o© fiwelt tmthin. ano being chaafte the flame o©th hurne mo?e fàrce t© mp bnreiï. $j$à thinks mount Aetna (with bis fo?ce is clofeo in mp b^eff. ano pit it nothing moueth tbà. ÜlTæne as ho bao talkt Chus much in Oapne, (3 faine (nell all) he rofe : ano fuming ffalfet Slmong b is to©oes ano (nœnteo &atwnDes,as o©th a Bulctnn,token £he Coin is from him tane. ì&e coulo him no (»here refl as then. Sinon the faeno efppeo mde ano Acis (where to© lap, ÏSefoje (née totff ox feareo it : ano crping out gan fap 3 fee pee. ano confounoeo mpght 3 bee (with cnoleiTc ihame, JBttt if 3 make this oap the latt agràmenr of pour game. Chefs to©;0es (nere fpeke (with fuch a rare astjerrptocll became Sin augrp «Siane. Aetna flj®ke (with lotoonefie of tbe fame. 3 fcaaro tbertoftb Oopt bnoerneathe the (water, ano the fenpght Simetlms turning ffrepgbt W backe, OiO giue bimfelf t© flpg fyt, fta.i#. SinoThe.xuj.boofee of flna crpea help tna Galatc, |»elp parents 3 pou p?ap, ana in pour fcingaome nta recepue teh© perrtte muff ffrcpghtteap, £!jc rounaepa acufilmaoe purfetot: ana renaing bp a fiace £Df Aetna ftockc,ftecte after him: of tohich a Uftle pace JSDia Ads oucrtakc. ana pit as little as is teas, St ouertepefmeo Acis tebolc, 3 tp^ctc^cD tepght (alas) £>ia that tohich acffnpes teoula permit. 5f©?thtoith 3 brought t© paffg SCtjat Acis Gjoulo recepuc the fo?ce his father haa be fo;e. i)is fcarlct bloa aia iffuc from the lump,ana mo?e ana mo?e Mitbin a tobplc the reaneffe gan t© bannilh: ana tfje beto ftcfcmbleo at the firff a te©be toith rapne aiffroublea neto, Minch toerdh dare bp length of tpme.anoit the lump aia clpue, 21 no from the holloto cliffe rljcrof hpgh raaes fp?ang bp alpue, flit&at thcholteto iflfueof tljc Hone the bubltngteater Game trickling out. 2lno bp ana bp (tehich is a to©na?ous matter) ilbc ifriplingrteith a breath of raoc about his homea hcaa Sluatinff his boap t© the toaffe. Mh© (faue he teas that ffeaa Spuch biggar than he erlf haa bane,ana altogithcr grap) ? Mas Acis if til. ana being turita t© toater, at this aap {* |n S;apc of riucr (fill he bearcs his former name ateap. ^ SThc &aap Galat ccaff her talk ana ifrcpgkr the companpc b?ake, ? £lno Ncrycs oaughters parting thence, (team in tl;c gentle lake, > £>ame Scylla home ageine retnrna. (s>te* aurlf not her betake ' Cffl open fea) ana epthcr roama bppon the fanap ii?o?c ¿dark naakt, o? tehen fo; toarinefle Oja coulo nor tealft no mojc, £>ha tl;cn toitkajeto her out offpgto ana gate her t© a p©!e, 3na in the tenter of the fame,her heatca limbes did c©ie. IBcholo the fojtune.Glaucus (teh© then being late before Cranffo;mea in EwSoya jlc bppon Anthcdon ihoie, Mas nete bccomne a atedler in the fea) as he aia ftetm along the coni? teas tane in loue at fpght of Scylla trim, ana fpake fad) te©;acs as he ata think mpght make her tarrp ff ill jJit 8ca Hja ffill,anD frnift fo: fcare te^ gate her t© a hill £har biittea on the &ea. rpght Oape ana bpteara tearp aia te®te 21 loftpc toppe teith tras, benentho teas Ijdtetee at the f©te. i^arc Scylla ffapa ana being fanf bp ffrongneffe of the place, (teot kneteing if he monffer teere, o; Cto, that aia tec cljace,)Ouids Metamorphofìs. 172 &b œ lofceO backe, Sno toamo;ing a t bis coîour ano bis beare W&itb tobicb bi* Iboulocrs ano bis backe ail tobcllp concret» toere, ê>bè fato bis neatber parts toere Ithe a fio? tolti? tapie to;ptljoe rouno M(?o leaníng eco tbenèrelïfôockc, fapo tbus tolti? lotoo crèrc founo, 3fap;e mapû, 3 neptfjcr monffer am no; crudi íauage beali : îièut of tbe fea a <22oo, tobatfe poto;e ano fauotir ts not leali, jfo; neptber Protew in tbe fea no; Triton baue mo;e mpgljt ^0;ptttbefcnneof Athamas tbat notoPalacmon bpgbt. 3¿ít once 3 toas a mojcall man. 313uf pou muli knoto rljat 3 Mas giuen tco featoo);kes,ane tn tbcm imé onlp DtD applp. jfo; fumtpme 3 DtD o;ato tbe o;ag m tobicb tbe ffibes torre, Sino fumtpme lifting on tbe cliffrs 3 anglco Ijtrrc ano rbere. £bm butretb on a fap;e grccne mebe a batik tokerof tone balf 33 cloafa toitb fea, tbe re® is clan toitb berbes tobicb neaer calf, $o; borneo í£)r, no; faelp Ibèpe, no; ibafcbearo croate Dit? fèoe. &bz bufpe Ï5æ DtD neuer tberc of fioto;es ftoæte ftncUtng fpèoe, $0 glaofum garlónos eucr tberc toere gatf?ereo fo; tbe beat). ¿0 bano tbofe flotoers eucr pit toitb bcokeo fptbe oto lb;eo. 3 toas tbe fïrli tbat eucr fet mp fcorebppon tbat plot. $oto as 3 o;poe mp o;oppíng netts, ano lapo ab;ooe mp lotte, Eco tell bato ntanp fflbes bao bpcbaunce ta net bène fenc, ¿D; tb;ougb fbep; otoñe reo Ipgbtbâlèfeon bapteo b©ke bène beni * (Cbe mateer fecmetb Uke a Ipe, but tobatatiaples ta Ipe t) Sffcone as tbat mp p;ap bao totoebc tbe graffe, lt bp ano bp Ï5egan ta moue,ano flafk tbcp; finncs,ano ftolm bppon tbe o;pe, Ss in tbe &ea. ano as 3 patofo ano toamo;eo at tbe fpgbt, % fpp ozaugbt offices euerpebone t© featoaro tœke tljep; flpgbt, Í Sno lea ping from tbe ffjo;e,fo;f©kc tbcp; netofouno mapffer qupgbf* ^ 3 toas amaleo at tbe rbing : ano lïanoing long in ootot, 3 fougbt tbecaufe ífanp<0oo bao b;ougbt tbfs fame abotot, fiD; elfe fum ietoce of berb. Sno as 3 fo Dio muftng Ifano, Mbat berb (q? 3) batb fucb a poto;e î ano gatbering toitb mp bano Æbe graffe, 3 bote it toitb mp t©tbe. cpp tb;ote bao feareelp pic, Meli ftoallotoeo botone tbe tmcoutb ietoce,toben like an ageto ffc 3 fdt mpne tntoaros fœoeinlp t© Ibake, ano toitb tbe fame, S loue of etljet nature iti mp b;eff toitb toóle nce'came. Sno long 3 coulo it not refilt : but fapo oère lano aoéeto. aa.ii$. ifo;The. xiìj. booke of 3fo; tieucrC^all 31 ijaunc tb© mo;e. 0no fatti) tbatfaojb 3rb;eto $pp bon vc in tbe Tea. £be Cobbes thereof receputng mte, SUoucbfauco in tbep? o;oer mè inffalleb fo? t© bé. jt>efp;ing olD Oceànus anb Thetis fo; tbep; fafee, IDbe red of nip maialine afaap from mce f© tabe. ITbepballofaeb mce,ano fcaataS fap& npne fproes tbe bolp rpmc STbat purgetb all pjopbanebueflfe, tbep cbaigcb mk that rpme E3cd put nip b;effbulfe bnoerneatbe a buttero Ifreames. anon W$t b;©hcs from funo;pcoaffes ano all tbe feeas bio rpbe bppon $$p bcab.ifrcm fabence as f©ne as 3 ret urnrb, bp ano bp 3 felt mp felf farre otberfapfe though all nip Iimbes,tban 3 i£ao bène before, anb in mp mpnb 3 teas another man, ¿bus farre of all that mé befell malie tuff report 3 ran. STijus farre 3 beare in mpno. Cbe refi mp mpnb percepueb not. Cben firfi of all this bo?p grane grap grifilb bearo 3 got, ano this fame bulb of beare tobicb all along tbe Teas 3 ffaape, ja«b tljets fame mpgbtp Ibonloers, anb tbe is grapity armes,anb fate Cmnfounbeb into finneb But fabat auaplerb mk -, JCbis g©olp ibape, anD of tbe (Hobbes of fea t© loueb b© i £ <©; fa; r© be a Cob mp felf i if tbep belpgbt not thè i> 0s be teas fpeafting this, anb (fill about t© tarter mo;e, S>amc Scylla Ijim fo;f©fee : toberat be faerdtg angrp fo?e. 0nb bàtng quichcncb faitb repulfe, in rage be tabe bis faap £© Cuccs Titans caugbters Court tobicb fall of monfiers lap. Finis Libri decimi tertij.fTHE.XIIII. BOOKE OF m Quids ^\ietamor^hoJis. 2Dto pao tp’Ewboyan fiipcrman (top® latclpiiMsbccomme ; 0 d(5oo of fea tco DtueU in fea fo? ap, ) alreaope ftoomme |3aff Aetna topicp bppon tpe face of datane Typho Ipes, Cajgitper toftp tpe paffute of tpe Cyclops topici) oefpes Ì5otp ipiougp ano parrotoe, ano bp tdemes of ®ren fets no ffo?e : 0n Zande, ano cracht Rhegion topicp ff anos a rmtper lpo?e : 0no ¿be tpe roagp ano ipipto;cebe fea topicp being pemmeo in OTitp ftoco mapne lanoes on eprpcr fpDe,ts as a bouno beftoin £pe fcntefnll &ealmes of Italy ano Sicill. if torn tpat place l£e cut ting tp?ougp tpe Tyrrhene fea toifp boip pio armco a pace, 0rrpueo at tpe gratfpe pflles ano at tpe palace ppe Df Circe Phoebus imp topicp full of funo?p beati cs oio Ipe. ©Upon Glaucus in pet p;efence came,ano paoper gr&teo, ano Kecepueo frónolp toelcomming ano greeting at per pano, fapo. €> (f’OOOeffe pitie met a <25oo 3 tp® oc fp?e. £pou onlp (if at leaff tpou tpinh mce to®?tpp fo great pp?e) Canti eafe tpfs lone of mpne. $o topgpt ocotp better bnoto tpan 3 £pe poto?e ofperbes, topo late ago tranffo;meo toas tperbp. 0no noto tco open tolta tp® of tpis mp grdef r|jc greuno, support tp’Italyan fpo?e ageinff MeilenctoilLss 3 founo ifap?e Scylla. &pame it is to tell poto fcojnfull ip® oio tabe £pe gentle to®?ocs ano p?omite* ano fute tpat 3 oio mabe. JBut if tpat anp pofc?e at allconffff in cparm?$, tpen let £pat facret montp of tppne caff eparmes : 0; if mo?e fo?ce b® fet 3n perbes tco compatte tpings toitpall, tpen fcfe tpe perbes tpat paue Spoil ffrengtp tn tombing, $cptpet tpinb, 3 come tco crane 0 meocine fo? tm peate tnpfelf ano cure mp toounoeo part : 3 fo?ce no eno. 3 tooulo pane per b® par tenet of mp fmarf. JBut Circe (fo? no natures ate mo?e Ipgptlp fet on fp?e £pan fucp as tpé is) (topitper tpat tpe caufe of tpis oefp?e estere onlp in perfetto? tpat Emme Venus bearing ap 3n mpno pet fatpers o®oe in once oifcloffug of per plap, 0>io ffirro per p®rebntc&) fapo tpus. 3t to ere a better toap Jfo? tp® tea fanepe fucp a one topoofe to tu ano topaie oefp?e 3sThe. xiiíj. booke of 33s bent to tbine,ano tu|)03 is finogD toitb fclffame bpnoof fpje. Eijou too?tbpe arc of fute to tbcé. ano (creoit mé) tbou Couloir 3iPá tooDe in DceOe,tfanp hope of fpáoing $iue tbou tocttlDlf, &no therefore Dotot not. ©nip of tbp beatotpe Ipfcing fjatie, 3Lo,35 tütjoa am a ©oDDelfc ano tbe imp of Phoebus toaue, tsmfjiD can fo much bp cbarmes,tobo can fa much bpberbes, bo taolo $pp felfea» tb®. 3f 3 Difocfnc, Difoeme mas alfo tboto. $3no if 33 pálo,pálo ebon Itbetopfe: ano in one cnlpoáoe Sueitge tbp felfofttoapne. 2Eo ber intreatingtbus era fpéfce, if ir® trás fíjall groin (g? Glaucus) in cbe fea,ano ráhe (ball ttopue ©n toppes of billes,ere 3 (as long as Sc)11a is alpue) £>o cbatmge mp loue. Cbe CtooocíTe inert rpgbt to;orb: $ Otb Ibe could ijiot hurt bis petfone biting falne in loue initb bim, ne inoulo: fe»b® fppgbteo ber tbat toas p?efetD before ber. Sino bppcii SDifpfcafure tane of tbis repulfc, lb® toent ber toap anon, flits toicbeD ttóoes ofgriflp ietocc togitber flbde oíd toap, ano in tbe toaptng, tottcbmgtbarmes ibee ouer them oíd fap. ano putting on a ruffet clobe, íb¿ palfcD rtoougb tbe rotot ©f fauage beatfes tbat in ber court came fatoningrounoabotof, flno going Onto Rhcgion cltffe tobicb tfanoes ageinfl tlje íbo¿e ©f Zanclc,entreD bp ano bp tbe toaters tbat Do ro?e M it!; biolent tpoes, bppon tbe tobicb íb® ffoo as on fírme lanb, flno ran ano neucr toet ber fete atobit. Cbere toas at bano fl little plaíb tbat bototoeb libe a botoe tbat IfanDetb bent, CKHljcrc Scylla tomnteo toas to retí be*felf,ano tbitber toent if rom rage of fea ano apto* tobaí tpme tbe fonne arnto tbe fbpc 3s tobotelf mabíng íbaootoesfbott bp mounting bp on bpc. Cbis plaíb Dio Circe then infect ageiníf tbat Scylla carne, flno toítb ber popfons tobicb bao potme moíf molírous ¿apes to frame SDcfpIeo it. é>b® fp?íncleDtberctbe tctoceof benpmo toáoes. flno ttopee npne tpnies in toitcbíngmoutb Ib® fofrlp mumblmg,táDes fl cbarme rpgbt Darbe of bncoucb too?Dcs. $o foner Scylla carne Mtbtn tbis plaflMno ro tbe toaafí bao toaoeo in tbe fame, SBut tbat ñ)é fatoe ber btnDerlopnes toítb barbing buggs attetnf. flno at tbe firíf, not tbinbmg toítb bet boop tbcp tocre mepnt fls parts f berof, íbeé If art eD bacb, ano rateo tbem, Ano foje £>bié toas afrapo tbe eager curres íbouio bpgbt ber,il5ut tbe mo?e .OuidsMetamorphofis. ij± jbíjé potinco íbent, fíje furer ffill djá toáis feo baue tíjem tfjere. gu féhíng loíjere ber lopnes, ano tbpgbes,ano féte ano ancles foere, Cijappes Itfee tbe ebappes of Cerberos m deao offnem 0jé founD. $ougfjt elfe loas there fijan crncll curres from bellp botone to¡ grounb.' &o tnoerncarbe mid&apgn lopnes ano toomb rcntapníng founo, pr manníflj maffpes baches toere ap íoítljtn the loafer ojoíono. i£er loner Glaucus toept tíjeraf,ano Circes beo refufoe Cbat IjaD fo palling cruellp ber íjerbes on Scylla bfoe. J5ut Scylla in that place abobe. 8nb fb2 fije bate Hijee boje Co Circetoaro, (adame as máte occaüon fcruOe tberfoje) fafote fpoplö VlyíTes of bis mates, ano fljoítlp after, flj® i^ao alfo ojoíuno tíje Croíanc fléte, but that (as pie loé fé) £>bé Inas cranffo.jmo roo roch of done, íobícb fljipmcn íoarelp Ivonne* Mben from this IScche tbe Eroíane fléte bp fojee of j©?es bao loonne, $no from Charybdis gréope gulf,ano locre in maner reaope baue arrpuöe tn Italy,t|)c íopno oíd rpfe fo beaop, 2s íbat ít Djaue íbem bache bppon tbe coatí of Affricke. Sitytt Ehe Epjían ¿Euieene (lob® aftetluaro btipaetentlp ííjoulo beare Efje going of tbis Eroíanc pjmtce aíoap) oíd enrerteíne Aeneas in her boufe,ano loas rpgbí glao cf bim ano fapne. tdppon a pple mnoe bnoerneatbe pjerence of facrifpfe é>bé goaro ¡jerfelf Opon a flo®k;D, ano m mod tucfull íopfc ¡fls Ibé bcrfelf bao báñe bcguplo: fo Ajé bcgoplcD all. ©ftfcmte Aeneas Aping from tbe neloíp rérco trail Äf Carthage íntbatfanop laño, retpjcD bache agen Eco Sicil!,¿bcre bis faptbfull frétio Acedes reignö.^no loben l£e there bao Done bis facrifpfe,ano heptan £>bít at l^ís fathers rumb, be out of baño oíd meno bis talipes tljac ¿ame Iris Iunos meffenger bao burnco bp almoff. Sino fapííng tbencebe hepe íjíscourfe aleof along lije coad áDf Aeölye ano of V ulcanes 3¡les tbe íubfcb of bjímdon fino he. 8no padíiig bp fije ^cremapos roche,(^is pilot bp a drohe j©f temped being Detono m fea) be faplo bp Prochite,ano Inarime,ano (í»íjdbbppon a barreíne fjíll o®tb daño) 2Etjc laño of apeale,fobfeb bath tahe that name of people flpe ^ Eberc Olnellíng. Jfo¿ tbe ¿spje of Cfcooes abbo?ríng btterlp £ Ehe leaioonede of tbe Cercops, ano tbep; toilfull periurpe, - anoThe. xiiij. boote of 0no éefcc tbepr guplefull sealing oíd tranfforme t!)m eucrpcborte 3nt® an cuillfauoreo fepno of beali : tbat bcemg none iEbep mpgbi pie fìlli refemblemeu. Ipe hntc in leiTerfpace E.\)zyi membero, ano be beare mé fìat tbepr nofeo tm rtjepr face, Cì?e tobicb be filleo furrctolihetottb torinchles cuerp tobere. ^ t^e ciao rbep; boopeo ouer all toitb falloto coulouro beare, Í ano pur tbem turco tbtó fame Jle t® otoell for enee tbere. •* Bui firfì be Dio beréue tbem of tbe bfeof fpéebe ano t©ng, ©SUbicb tbep tco curfeo periurpe Dio bfe botbeolo ano p®ng. Cqj ebatter boarcelp, ano t© fìjr&ke, f© iabber, ano t© fqueafee, batb tbem lefr, ano for t© moppe ano moine, but noti© fpeabe» A enanas bauiug pali tbfo Ble, ano on bio rpgbtbano lefr Ebe cotone of Naples, ano tbe fumb of Myfirn on bis lefr, iIcDgtfber initb tbe fennp grounos : at Cumyc lanoeD, ano ©Siene Ont® longlpboe Cybillsboufe, toitb tobom bc inent urbano Ebat bc r® fé bt$ fatbers gbofìe mpgbt go bp Auernc oépe. febse long bppon tbe eartb in Cotono ber epeo oto fireo feépe. ano at tbe lengtb affane ao tbat tbe fprpgbt of propbefpe ‘(Mas entreo bcr,fìjé rapfingtbem Dìo tbus ageine replp, ¿> mofì reuoiomeo topgbt, of tobom tbe goolpneffebp fpre ano baleantnette is trpoe bp fto©?0, great tbrngs tbott orofì reqop,?*. liBut fearc net Crotane. fo? tbou Ibalt bé Io?D of tbp Oefpre, SD® fé tbe reuereno irnagc of tbp oérebéloueofpre, among tbe fapre Elyfian féloeo tebere goolp foibe abpoe, Sino all tbe lotoefì feingommeo of tbe tuorlo 31 tulli tbee gupOe. $0 tuap r® bertue fs reffrepno. Etna fpofeen, fijé oto íbotoe a golocn botugb tbat in tbe tu®0 of Profetine oto grotue,, ano toilleo bim t® pulì tt from tbe tree. ì£e Dio obep : ano fatue tbe polare of oreaofull bell, ano tobere bio grannofpreo lap ano élse tbe agro ®boff of fìotut Anchifcs. jf urtbermore terno tbe euff orneo of tbe latto arrpbo at late before, ano tubat aouentureo íboulo bp tuarre betpoe bim iti tbat place. iFrom tbenee retpríng bp ágeme a flotu ano toérp pace, ìgc ois afftuage tbe teoioufiiefìc bp talbittg tot tb W gup&e. if or ao be m tbe ttoplpgbt Dtm tbto oreaofull toap Dio rpoe, l£e fapeo : tobttber prefent tbou tbpfelfa ©oooeffe bé. £>r fucb a eneas ©od o®tb lotte moli oérlp, 3 unii tb®Oui'ds Metamorphofìs. 175 $q} ener as a <0oDDelTe take,anD toill aeknotoleDge mé Ebp feruanf/o; faufgupDfng mé tbe place of Dear!) f© fé, jano foj tbou from the place ofDeatb baffe brought mac fauf ano fo; tobicb oefcrt, tohat tpme 3 (ball attepne t© open ap^e, 3 tutll a temple to thé bupID rpght fumptuous, large, ano fap?c, 0no honour thé toitb fcanhincence. Ebe pjopbctiffe did caff $er epe bppon Aeneas backe, anD fpgbing fapo at laff. 3 am no (DoDDeffe. $eprber think tijou canff toitb confcience rpgbf, aaiitb bolp fncence honour giuc t© anp moztall fopgbt. JBut t© then tent though ignorance tbou erre not, 3 baD bène \ eternali ani of toojlolp Ipfe 3 Ojoulo none eno baue iène, 3f that 3 tooulo mp mapoenboDon Phebus baue beffotooe. |jotobéit tobple be ff©D in hope t© baue tbc fame, ano trotoDe Era ouerceme mœ toitb bis gifts, tbou mapD of Cumes (cp be) m Cb©fe tohat tbou toilr,aiiD of tbptoiffj tbeotoner tbou ¿al tbé. 3 taking full mp bans of Duff, anD Ibetomg it bim there, Eefp;eD like a frale t© line as manp pére* as torre Ornali grapnes ofclnDer in that beape. 3 qufgfjr forgot t© craue 3mmeDiatelp, the race of all thefe pares in ponth f© baue. fit DiD be graunt mé alto that, bppon conDicion 3 p tiïüloulD let bim baue mpmapDenboo,tobich tbing 3 DiD Denpe. SnD Co retcaing Phebus gift a fingle Ipfe 3 IeD. > SBut noto tbe bleffefull tpme of poufb is altragitber flcD, > ilttDirkfome age toitb trembling pace ts ffcIne bppon mpbeaD. ^ Mhicb long 3 muff enDure. jfo? noto alreaDp as peu fee freuen bunD;eD peares arc come ano gone ano that the number bat jfullmatcbcD of tl;e granes of Duff,tb;ébuuD?eD barueffes mo 3 muff th.îé btmttfcù bimages fé moje before 3 go. Ebe Dap mill come that length of tpme ffjall make mp boDp finali, 0nD little of mp toithereD limbes Iball Icaue 0? nsugb* at all. 8nD none ffjall tbink that eucr <0oD toas tane in loue toitb mas, Cfcuen out of Phebus knotolcDge then pcrebaunce 3 grotocn (ball bé. E»; at tbeleaff that eucr be mé isboe be ffjall Denpe. &o foje 3 iball be alterco. 3nD tben ffynH no mannes epe Elicerne mx. ®nlp bp mpboptel ¿all bé knetoen. jfo?fcbp Ebe fates ffjall îcauc ntè ff ill mp bonce fo? feike tra knoto mé bp. âs sybili in tbe torniteti ump fucb talk as this Dio frame, Ehe \ rThe.xni'j.bookeof de datene bnpgbc Aenæasbp ac Cumcs fro Limbo came. Sína Ijawmg oæne fíje facrifpfc accuifomo fo; i\je fame, :|)e rctâe bis touriiep tco t\se coati tunica bao not pic t^e name Mccepueo ofbis rcurce. 3ti ibis fame place [je fauna amate 3©f Üipfe Vly îles Macare of Neritus ¿b© late H3efo:e> (jaD after all bis long ano tcoioufe coplee, cljere fltepo. fpptng Achemenides (tubom late ago afrapo Cbep bso among mount Actnas Cliffs abanoono toben tljep fleo Jfront Polyphemc :)ano to©no;íng fo; f © fé be tuas not oeao, S>apo tbus. à) Achemenides, tobat cbaunce, o; ratber tobac C*dü Coo batbe faboe tbe Ipfe of tbé i Wat is ttje reafon tbaf & barb;ous trippe beare» tbé a &ml&? o; tubile faplefl tbeu $ C© bim tbus, Achemenides bis olone man fréîp noto Srio not forgrotoen as one fo;lo;ne, no; ciao (n b;iftleo bpoe, àpaoe aitfuier. pie age ine 3 fcjoulo 3 potilo in pernii bpoe ¿f Polypheme, ano tbat 31 inpgbt rbofe ebappes of bis bebolo 3l5èfmeare0 foitb tbe bieco of men, but if tbac 3 Dai bolo di* Cjippc mo;e bére tban ali tbe Acalme of iupfe Vlyiïcs^ 3f leifer of Acnæas 3 oca malie account tban fo; tpp fatber, neptber (rbougb 3 Dio as mneb as come mpgtjt ber,) 3 coulo pnougb bé èbanfefull fo; bis gffioneflfe totearos mé. £b&t 3 ffiU fpeabe ano bieatbe : £bat 3 tbe §un ano beauen 0© fot: 3s bla gtft. Can 3 cbanfcleffe tben o; mpnoleffe of bini bé f £bat ootene tbe rouno epeo gpants tb;oce ibis fonie ofmpne teent not i Sno tbat frem bencef©;tb teben t© ope ít euer be mp lot 3 map bé lapo In graue,o; fure not in tbe <25pants matoe i y 3Mat bare bao 3 tbat tpme (at leali if feare Dio not toitbo?atee & 5¡5otb bare ano fence)toben left bcbpno, poti tahing Ibippe 3 fatue* * 3 tooulo baue calleo after pou but tbat 3 toas afrapo 3¡5p maluìig ouferpe t© mp fo mpfelf f© baue béte;apo. if o; euen tbe ìtopfe tbat pou oio mafee Oio pnt Vly (Ics ibippe 3« oaunger. 3 Oio fé bini from a craggeo mouncaitte flrtppe $ mpgbcp rocfee,ano ínt© fea it tb;otoe mioteap ano mo?e. ¿igeine 3 fatue bisgiants patee tb;otoe botuge big tfones great flo;e Ss if it toere a 0ing. Sno fo;e 3 feareo leaiï pour Ibippe &boulo o;oteneD bp tbe tester bé tbat from tbe tfonesoioflsippe, bp tbe ffones tbemklues,as if mp Celi bao bène tlertn» _OuidsMetamorphofìs. \-jC S5nt foben tbat fipgbt bao faueo pou from Orati?, be Dio begin jS?n Aetna fygtjing t>p ano coirne to iuallsc ; ano ioit b bia paires tment groping of tbe tréa among tbe tooDes. änö fojbpcaufe |)e conio noe fé,he Uno che bia fljtnnea ¿¡gettiti tbe rocha tette inhere, àno ffretcljing out bia grifip armes (iobicb all bagrpmeo lucro Miti) bafeen blob) tea fcaluaro,bc tbe CÉràhifl? nation baño, jano fapo, j© if that fnm g©o cbaunce mpgbt bjing Unto mp hanD VlyíTes o; fum mate of b?a,on tobom ton tojcahe mpne ire. Uppon tobofe botucUa in iti? mp rótb 3 iifec a Igatohe mpgbt tpje : lining membera mpgbt toitb tbeia mp talanta icáreo báñe. íEbofe blioo mpgbt babble ooton mp f hotel tobofe fieli? mpgbt pant be * $ßp íatoes 1 bobo Ipgbt 0.2 none at ail tbia lofing of mpne epe (ttuàne ®2loulo rème * Cbeia infoca ano manp ino tbe ernell fàno Dio et p. il fijHDDjlng bojrojperceo mó tea fá bis fmnogeo face, {fino crudi banoea, ano Ut bla frunt tbe fofeile tonno epclelTe place, ano monfiruoua membera, ano bis beato befiotobereo imtb tlje blcoo àDfman. 25efo¿c mpne epea then ocatb tbe final left fojrofc? ficoo. 3 loheo euerp minute tco bée feafeo in bis patue. ? 3 loheo euer loben be fijoulo baue eramo mà in W maire. > 8no in mpmpno 3 oftbat tpmemó tbougbr tbe image faine ^ Mbcn bauing Dingo a Dojen of our fdloluea to tbe grotuno ano Iping Ipfce a Upon fàrce o; hunger fierueo botono ÍUppon tbcm,berp eagerlpbe ooUme bis gmopgnt JEbepj bototuela ano tbepj límbea pit moje tban balf aiiue cío par, Sino toitb tbepj fiefi? togitber erafijt tbe bonea ano maree inbpgljf* 3 trembling lihe an afpen leaf ßoo fao ano blooicfie qnpgbt. Sino in beboloing boto be feo ano bdheo fep agame ^is bloop tatrtetl^ at b he)toe came font® the auncient Lamyes fotone ¿>(tohieh the férce Antìphatcs that feafon toare the crctone. Si cotople of mp mates ano 3 toere Cent Ont® him cano ¡a mate of mpne ano 31 coulo fcarce bpflpght efcape his hano. Che tinto of bs oio toith his hl®o embreto the totcheo face iDf leatoo Antiphate, toh® toith ftomjo bs Aping thence oto chace, ano follatoi ng after toith a rotot thtoto ffones ano loggs toh ich ocotoni 3Borb men anolbippes. f Qtobéttottebpchaunceefcapeofouno, Mhich bare VlyfTès ano mp felf. ê>obaumg loft moft part sDf all ottr Deare companions, toe toith fao ano fo?p ha« 8no much complapmng,oto arrpue at pœtioercoaff tohich poto ? ^ap hen farre hence, & great totip hence 3 fap) to é fé it noto > 25ut fruii inè trulp ouer nére 31 fato tr once. 3nD thoto Aenæasd5oDDeffe Venus fonile thè i uff eft hnfghtofall Che Croiane race (fo? fith the toarrc io o®ne,3¡ can nor call thé fo) 3 toarne thé get thé farre from Circes otoellmg place. Jto? toben our ffnppes arrpueo there, rememb?ing eft the cace ¿¿feruellhïng Antiphatesj anoof thathellilh topght Che rouno epeo gpant Polyphemc, toé hao fo finali oelpght C® biffi bncototh places, that toé fapo toé tooulo not go. Chen caff toe lotts. Che lot fell out bppon mpfelf as the, SUO Polytc, anO Eurylocus, anO OU Elpenor tobo iDelpghteo t®t®much in topne, ano epghténe other mo. &Ü toa? oto go t® Circes bonfe. &ff®ne as toé came thither, SUio in the poetali of the fall hao fet our fête t®gither, ïii & jfi I i ite u iaQuids Metamorphofis. 177 3 tboufano Slpana luoluts ano beares aio pur bs in a feat* i5p mating bs. llBut none of them Ims tos bee feareo there, if 0; none of them conio Oo bs (jarme : bat Imtij a gentle 3no folíobiíng bs tnííb falún íng réte tbep¿ toanton rapier t!;ep igamr. gnonoio Damjeils fucícome te ano leo bs though the ball (Che tobscb lúas maoe of marble toc, fiatar,arches,rof, ano 2E© Circe. S>b® fate bnoerneathe a traurrfe in a chapee 9loft rpgbt rich ano 0aíeip,ín a chamber large ano fapje. loare a goolp longtrepno golune : ano all ber rtíf aifpje Mas euerptnbit of gcloímítbes too;fc. Cbm fate mee alio bp Cbe toupmpbes ano ber iUOpes tobole fpne fingers neucr bneiu Mbat taking inaili mo máme, no? tbueoe from t&bojleo fpinoleO?eio. Cbcp ftmeo barbes, mm pícaíng out the fiolocrs tfjac lucre nsirt, Dio put tljem into) matunos, ano lindi ínotfferent fpace bcttmrr, 2D io lap tbe leaues ano ifaììy on bcapes accojomg to iljcp? belo, > &no lerfelf the toffe of them Dio ouerfee ano beh?. fP;c berme ano tbe bfe of r|j?m rpgbt pcrfftílpib® Jsneto, Sino fu tubar leaf it lap, ano lubtcb in nurture tuoulo agrá?, Sno fa perufing euerp berb bp g®o soupfement, lfc& . Dio tuep tbent out. 0(Tame as fijé b¿¡ emting in oto fee, gno gróring bao botbe gíuen ano tane,fijo Jobeo cb&refullp, Sno graunting all tbat toá Defp’Oe, eommaunOeO bp ano bp & certeine potion í© bá maoe of barlp parcbcO o;pe Sno Uipne ano Ijonp nurttoitb cíjóefc. ano luítb the fame fijó fípe l^ao mcpnt tbe ícíuce of certeine barbes tubfeb tmefppoc oio Ipe H3p rcafon of tbe ftueetenefife of tbe Ojinb. skee tobe lije cup Driíuereo bp ber ímebeo baño,ano quaft it clétrelp bp QKítb t&írffpe timotes. JfóHbíeb oame, ano tbat tbe eurfeo fofteb ba& fmft Dur bígbeS beare tippes toitb ber luano, (it is a Ojame, but pit 3 bill Oeclare tbc truth) 3 tom all rough toitlj bjiflrlco beare, ^ ano conio not made complaint toitb i»o?ces.3n too of fps cb 3 there £ Dio malie a ratogbtitb grunting, ano toitb grouding fate gan beare ■ iPp bifage ootonciuaro to the grouno. 3 felt a bobe t gropne ¿o tueren baro bppon mp month, ano bjainmo iicrft to iopne ápp beao ano íbouloers. ano rbe banoes toitb tobteb 3 late éao taben bp the cbarmec cup,lucre turno to fete as tbo. éucb fo;ce there is in Sheene. 3n fpne iuptb other mo 3131m, The. xiiij. hooke ZW mffeû of tbe fdffame fatoee, t&ep ttjet mé frt a &fpe* if rom tino miffebappo Furilochus alonlp feapte. jfo? tobp ï)e on! p tooulD not ra£fc tije enp. tolncb bao l>t not ficû fro, ^eOjauîD baue béne a b?fffleo beaft as fcuell as toe. ano fo éboula itone (jane bo?ne VJyíTes tornee of oar mtfcbaunce, no? b« l^anc come t© Çirce tco reuenge onr barmes ano fet bs free. Zt¡c pcaccp?ocnrer Méreurie bao gíuen f© fjim a tobpgbt if sp?e ÛGto?e toqsfe reste fs Macis, ano of tbe (0cûûcs it ÎVioly bpgbt ^ICTuroe bp tb?s ano beanenlp fyües, b* entreo Circes boto?e. &no béing btosen fo? t© D?inh tbe rup of balefullpoto?e, âs Circe toas about tæffrolto ber toano bppon bis beare, S^e tb?uff ber baefee, anû put ber toítb W nabeo fto©?D in feare. Zljen fdl tbep t© agrément ffrcpgbr,ano faptb fit bauo toas plpgbt. Sudbéing maoeIjcrbeofellotoe,brelapmeoasínrpgbt ' î ABf ooto?pc, fo? r© b«tto bto men agetne in perfrer plpgbt» 5 â>bé fp?meleD bs toitb botter tetoce of bncototb botbes, ano ffrafeo iDbe atol» enoof ber cbarmeo rootppon our bcaûe«,ano fpabc î!21lffl?oes cca îbs former contrarie. £be mo?eibé ebarmoibe mo?e Sïrofe toé feptoaro from tbe groano on tobieb toé ûaarûc bcfo;e. £)ur buffles fdl atoap, tbe clift our rloucn dés fotfoiîe. ®ur fboulDers oto returne agetn : ano nert our elbotocs tœbs ¿Duc armes ano bsnocs tbep? fc?mcr place. Zÿtn toeeptng toé entym ¿Dur îlo?0, ano l;ing aboutit necbe tob© alfo toept apare, ano not a to©?o toé rata fpabe tban fueb as mpgbt appére if rom barts moi tbankfull t© p?océte. S® é tarpeo rljcp? a père 3 fntbaî tobple fatoe manp tljings, ano manp tbíngs oto bére. 3 mar&eo alto fbis cne rbfng toftb ffo?e Of otber gere $SUmb o»e of Circes foto?e ebéf mapoes (tob©fe office toas al toap îSlppon fucb baltotocs raatteno) Oiû fecretlp beto?ap :Æœ mé. 5fo? in tbe tobple tiip &o?û toítb Circe feepralone, JOjîs niapD a pœngmamics image ffjcatoû of fap?e tobpgbf marblc ffeti* 'CTitbm a Cbauncell. j©n tbe beaûtbcroftocre garlónos ffo?e Sno éhe a to©ofpedse. 2lno as 3 oemaunoeo ber toberfo?e &no tob© irtoss tbep bono?o fo in borp Cburcb,ano tobp Îi5e barc tljac biro bppon Ijiss bcao : â>bé anftoéring bp ano bp éapo : lernc berebp ftr Macare r© bncerffano tbo poto?e iBp ijMljt? anû marhe îboa todltobat 3 AjaN f»P ■ ■" jebero î  s ¥ f k i ¡5 I I Í » * S i f ! J OuidsMetamorphoiis. 178 ICbere reigno erembple in Italy one Picus Saturnes fornie Mb© louco marlífee be:feano bao oelpgbt t© fe tjjenuomte, I0e toas of feature as p© fe. 0no bp tíjís image fare £be berrp beatutpe of the man 0©tb Ipuelelp appcere. 10(8 courage matcljt bio pcrfonage. ano fcarcelp l;aD be mell £>©ne ttoentpe pcereo. !£io countnance did allure the npmpijcs $ Dtocll among the Latían tulles. £be npmpbeo of fcuntameo ano of bjofeeo, 05 t&ofe that tiaunteo * Albula mere rauiffjt Inttlj bis loifees Now cd~ ano fo mere tbep that Numicke beares, ano Anio t©, ano Alme ledTybcr. Efjai ronnefb lbo:r,ano ticaop Nar, ano Farfar ccole ano calme, 0no all fíje npmpbeo that tofoe t mao aff ramgbt-SDomne fell ber berbes t© grouno.0nO bp ano bp > JCb:ougb all ber boneo tbe flame of lone the mar© gan t© frpe. * 8no mben ffj© from tbio fozcco beate bao calo ber mitto agen, ? &b© pnrpofoe t© beto:ap her mpno. Itot tout© him ao then > feb© coulo not come fo: ftoiftneffe of bio bo:fe ano fo: bio men ^ £&at garoeo him on eucrp fpoe. &it l^alt thou not (g? lb©) JlBb.g. &oThe. xiüj.booke of &o íTjíft tb# fro mp baitöes altboagb tbc topnD üjouId carrpe tf}k, 3Sf 3 Das toase tnpfelf, ¿fall tbe ifrctigtb of berbes faplenot, k>? if 3 baue not qupgbt ano cióme mp cbarmes anD fpcilrs fo;gotte. 3?n fapmg ciicis fame to®;Dcs, ib® maDe tbe IthenelTe of a Boare Mlirbout a bßDp,caufing ic t© ftoiftlp pafie befóle t&ing Picus epes, anD fo: t© teme t® get bim t© tbe tooDe, wabere fo; tbe tdtclssneflfe of tbe trdes a bo;fe mpgbt D© no g©D. JmmeDiarlp tbe hingtottoarca a tobóte purfare did mäße Nippon tbe ¿aDotoe of bte p;ap,anD qaihlp Diö fojfahe l^ug fomtng bo?fco ftocatmg bache: ano follotomg tsapne toan bope» ÍDID runne a fmte among tbe tomDea, anD tbiougb tbe bußjeo crope, ÍCben Circe fdlamumbltngfpelleß, anD p;aptng lihea tottcb SDtö bonour ffraunge f tsncototb CtoDDeo in bncototb cbarmeß,bptoljicb g>b& bfee t© mähe tbe m®ne Imhc Darh,a»D tojappe ber fatl;ers tcaö %n toairp c loto-srß. 8nb tben lihetopfe tbe beauen toas onerfp;cD ¡¡Mit!) DarhnrflMnfc a foggpe mfff HeamDfeptoarDfrom tbcgrounD. 0nö neare a man about tbe hing t® garD btnicoulD beefounD,-Bur euer? man in blpnö bp toapes ran fest trmg in tbe djace, Ctnougb ber tncbanntmencß. 0t tlje lengtb fljá gettmg tpme f place, ésapD. Bp tbofe Ipgbtfum epes of tbpne tobicb late baac rauifytmpnc,, 0nD bp tbat g©slp perfonage anD louclp face of tbpne, Í Oje tobicl; eompelletb meé tbat am a CoDDelfe t© enclpne S® mähe tbiß bumble fute t® t&á tbat art a moitall topgbf» SUTtoagc mp ñame,ano mähe tbts fonue (tob© bp bis beauenlp fpgbf Ífo;ef¿á* all tbings) tbp faihdniatoe: anöbatelp l;clD net fco?ne ¿f Circe tob© bp Song Dtfernt of Titans ffothe am bo;ne. 2TÍJU3 nuicb fap¿ Circe, i£e rpgbt fórre retettmg ber requeff, 0no ber,fapD; tol;©fo ere tbo« art go fet tbp hart atreff. 3 am not tbpne, no; toill not bée, torber bolees mp hart: anD lang <2oD graunt fyá map it bolö,tljat 3 map neuer Harr £:© IralyDsncßTe of & fo;reine Inff front bono oflaiufullbcD, 0s lang as Ianus Daugbtcr mp fto&te ünger i$ not Deaö. ¿ame Circe beuing oft renctob ber fute in bapne bafo;e, £>apD: ccarelp a>alc tbou bp tbp fcojne. 5*0? neuer r^ait rbcu mo;r Kemme t© §fngcr. Cbou t^alt lerne bp p;®f tobac one can D® JEbat is p;cuoheö, anD in leue, pea nnD a toeman r®. But Circe iß botbe flirö t® to;atMno in 1 i I i r gl Ja ¡) II Ni lf! ü ii p ii it i i I 1Í, k< fl in Ii Isti Í jjk 3ll k k k ■ft \ i kOuicls Mctamorplìoils. 175 $0en ana a toomah. Eteree ijcr face t© toefftoare fíjeüfo mane* Sino ttopee r©<£alitoaro. Zinpeetyè lapo ber roooppon bis beao. ano tbertoitball tb?É ebarmee Ajee caí?. Stoap femg Picus fíco. Sno toonojing tbat be fleo mo?e ftoifi tban tarli be fesoiiéne to©nf„ fato tbcfetbers on Ina fimi, ano at tbe feoeln b;unt JiBecame a biro tìjat Cannes cl;e toaooes. tonerai fje rafeing fppgbf* »tbangrpebiUoio iobbppon baro sDfees toitb siìbtsmpgbr, Sino in bis m©oe maoe bollotoe boles bppon tbep¿ botigbcs. Ebe beto $f Crimjen tobicb toas m bis ciche, bppon bis ferbers greto. Ebe gelo tbat toas a clafp ano Dio bis clofee t©girber belo, 3fs fetbers,ano about bis neche goes circletopfe lifec goto. ì$ia feruants laring in tbat tobple ofr oaer all tbe grotmo 3n bapite, ano fpnomg no tobere of tbep; fepng no intlmg, fonno, SDame Circe. ( jfo; bp rbac tpme Ib« bao maoetbe apèr fyecte, 8110 fuffreo botb tbe fonne ano topnoes tbe míff pe ffeames r© dàce) 9no cb*rging ber toitb macter treto, oemaunoeo fo¿ tbep? fepng, ¡3no offnng fo?ce, began tbep? oarts ano Jandinga fc? t© fling. fp?incling nopfom benfm flrcpgbc ano ietoceof popfoning ntpgbf» E>io cali r©gitber Eribus ano Chaos, ano tbe npgbt, ¡ano all tbe ftènoes of carhnefle, ano toitb botolnig om along spase pjapers bnt© Hccate. Acaree enoeo toas ber feng, Bai tbat (a toano?eus tbin g t© teli) tbe to©oes leptfrom tbep? place Ebe grornto oio gronc : tbe trés nére bano I©fet pale ir» ali tbe cbace : Ebe graffe befpjenc toitb o?oppes of blco l©fet reo : tbe fiones Dio feemv E© toare ano belioto boarce : ano ooggs t© botole ano ra?e ertràme : ¡ano all tbe gronno t© cratoleto fnahes blacfee fcaalo : * gaflfp fp;pgbis ilptobifRingbp ano Dotone. Ebe felfee toere flapgbteo at t|?irf0 fpgbts. Suo as tbcptefflnon'ng if©o amaa?o5lb® ffrofete ber tDircbing toano 53ppon tbep? faces. Se tbe tonebe toberof,rbere out of bano Carne to©nb;ons íbapes of fauagc bcaff es bppon tbem all. $ot one ¡Ketepneo ffill bis naniie ffjape. Ebe fetting fonne toas gone Bepona tbe btmoff ceaíí of Spaine, ano finger longo in bapne E© fó ber bufbano. Bo'tbe ber foibe ano people ran agapne Eb?ougb all tbe tosoes. Ano ruer as tbep toent, tbep fent tbep? epes Befo?e tbem fo? t© fpno feim cut, bui no man bini efppes. Ebcn finger tbougbt it not pnougb t© toépe ano teare ber beare, Sno beat berfelf (all tobicb bio.) é>b® gate ab?ooe, ano tbere Bb.itf, MaunogoThe. xiiij. booke of Katmörtt) oncr all tljc bjoatc irpio falos Iilic onc bcfros lottte. f&tt npgbts ano full as manp oapes (as fortune leb bp fitta) £>i;e ffrapo mée ouer |)üle0 ano calca, ano neuer latteo reff, $o? méate, no? o?mfi of all tbc tobple. £l;e feuemb Dap,fo?eopp?eff Sino tp?eo botbe toitb traudì ano toitb fturotoe, Dotoneff)é fate SHppon colo Tybers banfe, ano tljcre toitb teares tu ma>?ntng rato é>'ga toarbling on ber gréef in tune not fluirle no? ouer bpe, ÌDib malte ber moane, as Denti? tbc ftoan : tob® reaop fo? t® ope jSDcorb fing bis burlali fong befo?e, l^er maré molt at laff HSllitb mte?nmg, ano fijé ppnoe atoap : ano finalip fijé paff W l über ap?e. lißur pit ber fame remapneo in tbe place, 5fo? bob p tbc aunctembufbanomen accozoing tco tlje cace, ¿to ñame it finger of tbe npmpb fbat opeo in tbe fame. *Df fucb as fbefe are, manp tbinge tbat pére bp fo?tune carne P ^otijer® mpbértnganompttgbi.MétocringreCptben & ¡3no a ugge bp osfecmrinuance, toerc commaunoeo pít agen * C® go a b©?o ano bopfe bp faples. 8no Circe tolo be alt fi Cbat long ano octotfull pattale ano rotogb feas fboulobs befall. 3 p?omis tijé tl;ofe to®?oes of bers mé tb?cugfclp maoe afrapo ; & £no tberfo?e bit&er 3 m® gare,ano bare 3 baue mé ffapo. f!S Cbis toas tbe eno of Macars tale. ¡¿Ino ere long tpme toas gotte,. Aensas $urce toas burpeo in a tumb of rnarble ffone, Sino ibis tt)o?t bctfc toas frt tòcron. 3» ibis fame berrp place $$p ^urrecbplo tobom rbc fco?lO Denti? fin oto tco bé a cbplo of grace $ édmeritig mé Caieta quiefie from burntng bp tbe Grayes, l^atbc burnì mé oeao toitb futi? a fp?e as tnttlp toinues inm p?apfe. ¿bep? Cables from tl;e graffpe Crono toere l®?oe,anb bp ano bp frolli Circes ttaunoerous boufe ano from ber treafons farrc tbep flp. Ano mafiing f® tbe tbiebgrotoen grouesUbere tb?ougbtbcpdlotoouff £lje 8?aop Tyber tuteo fea bis guffbing Creame orntb tb?uff, ty Aénaeas gof t\)t fóealme of fitng Latinus Favvnus fonne 2nO éfie bis naugbter, tobom in fepgbt bp fo?cc of armes be foonne. l^e enterp?pfeo toarre ageinff a Ration farce ano ffrong, p Sno Turne toas to?otbe fo? bolotng of bis topfe atoap bp to?ong. £ |i igeine tbe febpteofLatium met all Fyrrhene,ano long li mut) bufpe care batoli bííto?te bp fo?ce of armes toas fougbf. Cebe Partie t® augmsnt tljep? fo?ce bp folcine fuccour to?ougl;f, iQuids Metâmorphofis. ‘ 180 Anû^fanp fcnt the Rutills help, ano manpcame f® apd JDje SCroianes : neptber to the gœd Aenæas ill apapd efp?ing help t Cb’Actolian bnpgbt fapd none could toell bà fpaard* 3no inerente,be told bim boto be neptber durfi be bolo £® pjeff bio facbero folk t® toarre of inborn be bad no bold» anp of bio eounerpmen bad left ao then alpue * C® arme, ano leaff pé tbtnb {<$ bè) 3 0® a fluff contrpue, £ Although bp bppening of tbe thing mp bitter græf reupne ^ 3 Ml abpde t® made a neto reberfall. After that Cbe tôrédes bad burned Troy and on tbe ground bad lapd it fiat» And tbattbe $Mnce of Narix bp bio rauiCbing tbe mapd 3fn Pallas temple, on bo all tbe perniante bad otfplapo mb(cb be bimfeif deferud alone : Cben feattred bére and tbere And barrped ouer all tbe leas, toé <0rédes toere fapne t® beare #pgbt, thunder, tempeff, totb of beanen and fea,and lafi of all ê>o:e ibipto?ecbe at mount Capharey t® mend our barmeo toitbaU. And leaff that mé tea made tea long a pjoceffe pé mpgbt déme 3n retting fo?tb our beaup bappes, tbe Cfrébcs mpgbt that tpmeféme &pgbt retofull euen t® Priamus. tf^otobét Minerua Ibee £bat toearetb armour tœde mé from tbeluaueo and faued mé» But from mp fathers Kcalme agetne bp biolence 3 tuao d?iuen. jfo? Venus bearing fftll in mpnd the tuonno 3 bod ber giuen Hong tpme before,did toraib reuendge. Bp meaneo tuberof fucb topic &>ia tolTe mé on tbe fea,ano on tbe land 3 found fucb b?op!e Bp tores, that in mp bart 3 thought them bliff of <0od iubom erff 2Ctje biolence of the raging fea and hideous tupndo bad perff, And tnbom the iu^atbfull Capharey bp Ibiptocbe did confound : ®ft tuifibing alfo 3 bad there among the refi bène omofono. $pp companp noto bauing felt the turajff that fea 0? toarre Could forale,did fapnt,ana tuilbt an end of firaping out fo farre. But Agmon tubot of nature and t® férce through fiaugbtero made $>apd* ïïîabat remapnetb fir* tb?ow0b Web our paciencetannot toe* Bb.iitf. W«Tlie. xiiij. Booke of tffiUbat further fppgbt bath Venus pit ten tom;k ageinfif tsmoje/ tMitn tom;fe mtffo?rnnc0 map fcé fearo than baue bène felt before*, Cben p;apcr map aouattntaogc men,mio bototoing map them bote. 315tó toben tbe tornili ís paíf of things, then feare is ímocr fate, Sino toben that baie is bpgbcíf grotone, then bote mntt nert enfeto*, although íbee báremesi, ano Do bate ts all ttohícb tbíng ts treto) JEbat ferae b&re tmocr Diomcd : $$it Cet toá ípgbt ber bate, a no oérelp tt í!;ou!o ßanö bs on to ptirrijafe bpgb rífate. Cfóitb fueb ßotot tom;oes Dio Agmon fifírrr oame Venus bnto ire ano rapio ageine ber fettico graoge. $ot manp bao oefp;e J£a beere bím talli thus out of fquare. tlje mafie of b& tbat are l£ís fténDes rebuhte bim fo; bis tempes. EnD as be Oíd pjepare Km anfore, bottje bis topee ano ttoote bp tobíeb bis topee íboulo go¿, W&m fmail : bis beare to feathers turno : bis necke toas ciao as tbo, Mfb feathers : fe toas b;iíf ano backc. SCbe greater fetbers ífacke Hppon bis armes : ano into toíngs bis eibotocs bototoeo backe.. &ke greateíf po;tíon cf bis fate toas turneo into toes. SI ¿aroenco bill ofbo;ne Dio grotoe tppon bis moutb ano neje,. Sno fljarpenco ac tíre neatber eno. i£ís feliotoes Lycus,Ide, RetIienor,Nyft,anO Abas ali íf©Dto©nD;mg bp bis fpOe. 3no as tbcp tomnojeo, tljep recepto the feltrarne fljape ano beto. Sno ßnailp tbe greater parí of all mp baño tp fleto, Eno clapping toitb tbcp; netomaoe toíngs, about tbe o;es OÍD giro* ano íf pé Da? oemauno tbe íbape of ibis fame oototfnil biro, The Elk* ^uen ®3 not terrp &toannes : fo o;atoe tljcp trrrp turre Ktie íbape of Cpgnets tobpgkt. miitb much a Oto 3 fcttleo íjáre, ano toitb a tittle remnant of mp people Dm obrepne SCbc D:pgrotonO0 of mp fattofnlatofeíng Dawaus tobm titrefgne gn Calabry. £bns mueb tbe fonne of Oenyc fapo. anon &tt Vcnulus retutningfrom tbe king ofCaJydon, jroifmke tbe coafi of Puteoll ano the fectoes of Mdlàpie, gn tobicb b® fato a Darkfomc oenne fo;grotone toitb buffbes bpe> ano toatreo toitb a little fp;mg. Kbe balfegoate Pan tbat boto;c poffclTeD it : but bértmfo;e it toas tbe fap;pes boto;e. a fljepebero of Appulia from tbatcouurrpe fcaaro them furff* llBur afrertoaro rccouering bart ano baropneffe tbcp ouríf E>efppfe bint toben be chaceo tbem,ano toitb tbep? nimble féfe ContinetoeoOuids Metamorph Conffnetoeö on tbep? oahmcfng if ill in tpme ano Ehe fljepcbero fotono mis fault tuitb tbem:ano toftb \)is lofotlibe li £>io counterfertc tbcpj minpon Datonce, anD rappeo out bpbeapes Brabble of tmfauerp taunts tuen like a coutitrp clopne, Km tobicb, moil leafoo ano filtbp termes of purpofe b e Bns after be bac once begoit, be coulo not bolo bio tong ISJntfll tbar in tbe timber ofatrö bis tbjotc toasclong, if o? noto be is a tra^ano bp bis tcioce Otfcerne pet j^is manners, jfo? tbe £Dlpf topic tcotb fenfiblp 3Bp berrpes full of bif rerneffe bis rapling tong. Jfo? ap Eije baribneffe of bis bitter fooiDes tbs berrpesbeare atoap. $oto toben tbe kings SünbaifaDour returnco borne toitbeut ¿be fuccour of rl/Aetoiian pi i,nee, tbe Ilutills being ffout space lucbeleffe toarre foirhout tbcp.J help: anD much on eptber fpbc WUns ibeD of blfflD. ISeb-olo king T umc maoe burning b;oncs to glpoe tappon rbrpi ibippes, ano tbcp that bao efcapeo toatcr, 0©ce 3nfeare of ^:e.Cbc flame bat* finogD tbe i«tcb,tbetoar, ano tooD, Bno other things that nourtfb fpje, ano ronomg bp rbe maße Caught hclObppon the faples, ano all tbe tabling gan to toaffe, Ebe Joiners featesoioalfo fmoke:toben calling to her mpno SCbat tbeis fame i^ippesi tocrc ppnetrees erß ano ilja'irn toitb tbe fopno E>n Ida monnt, the mother of tbe Cootes onme Cvbd fiiio Ebc ap?eto(fb feuno of belles, ano nopfe of thalmes. Bno as ib® billo Ebe repnes that mice the Upons tame tobicb her ebarpor, £>b® ? &apD thus, © Turnus all in bapne theis fcotcbco bancs of tb® > ÜDo caß this fpje. f02 bp mpftlf oifpopitteo tt (hall bee. 3 töilnot let tbe toaßtng fp;e tonlume rhcisibppcstobicb are B parcell of mp fo?cß Ide of tubicb 3 am meß chare. 3t tbunojeb as tbe d^oODeßc fpal?e,ano Umb tbetbunber came , B ßo.jme of rapne ano flipping hapie. ano f®oepne toitb the fame Ebe fpnnes of Aflrey meeting fierce ano fepgbtmg berrp fo;e, £>tö trouble botlje the fea ano ap?e ano fit them on aro?e. JDame Cybel bfing one of them fas ferne her turne that rpDe, JDio tycahe tbe Cables at tbe lob ich the Erotane ibippes ofo rpbe, Bno bare rbcm p?one,ano bnoerncatbe tbe boater Dio them o?pue Ehe Eimber of them foftmng turno to boDpes ßrepgbt alpue. Ehe ßemmes teere turne t& peaocsdbe ojfs to ftoiwmtng fette $ toes, EheThe. xiiij. booke of Cbe fpoes tea ribbes, (be bate tfjac though tbe mioole gallp goes became (be riogebone of tbe baebe,tbe faples ano tacblfng, beare i ano inno armes on eptber fpoe tbe fapleparos torneo toere. Cbep; bebo is oufbpe as before, ano noto in ibape of mapo £bep plap among tbe toaues of tobicb men nolo tbep loere afrapO. Sno bmrtQ &eanpmpbes, loberas tbep tuero b;eo in mountapnes barb £bep baunt fo; ap tbe íoater foft, ano neuer afterluaro ^ao mpno t® fóe tbep; natpue fople. But pit forgetting not i^oto manp perils tbep bao felt on fea bp lucbleffe lot, £bep often put tbep; helping bano teo fbtppes oíí reí bp topno, íDnleíe that anpcarpeo <0r©bes. jfo; bearing (fill in mpno £be burning of tbe totone of Troy, tbep bate tbe dftábes bp bpno. ano tberfoje of Vlyfles fljippes rpgbt glao tbep tuere fa» fá £be Ibíuers. ano as glao tbep toere as anp glao mpgbt bee, £03 fe Akinous ibippes tore baro ano turneo inno If one. Cbeislbippes thus bauing gotten tpfe ano báíng turno eche one CtB npmpbes, a boop luottlo baue thought the miracle fo greats &bonlo into Turnus toicbeo hart fumgoolp feare baue beate, ano maoe him ceafe bis toilfull toarre. But be Dio (fill perdí, ano eptber partpe bao tbep;®d ground toaron tbe grotoing toeltb of Iuly mpgbt be ffapo, Mas rppc fo.2 beauen. and Venus bao great fufe alreadp made Eco all tic ©oddes, and cléptng Ioue DId tbus toitb bim perftoade, j£)ére fatber tob© Ijaft neuer bène tmcurtuous bnt© mée, $oto fljctoe tbe greateff eourtefie (3 p?ap tbé) tbat map bé. and on mp fonile Aenxas (toben a graundcbpld bnt© tbé l£atb got of mp bl©o) íftíjou toilt boucbfafe bim atogbt at all) Houcbfafe fum €5odbead t © bea otoe, altbougb it bé but fmall. 3Jt le pnougb tbat once be barbe alreadpe fétte f be fóealme j®f Píuto bíter pleafureleífe, and paffed Styxis Area me. Sette Cfoddcs aiTemeo : nepf ber Die & uétte Iuno tben appére gn countnance ftraunge, b»c dio confent tolti; glad and merrp cbére. Cben loue. Aenaeas to©;cbp la a fapnet fnbeauen f© bé. Cbp toiflj foi tobom tbou dm® It toilb 3 graunt tbé franfe and fré. Ebis graunt of bis made Venus glad. &bé tbanfct blm fo? tbe fame* Sino glpdtng rtoougb tbe atre bppon ber pobed dones,(b® carne Eco Lawrent lbo¿e,toberc ciad toitb rade tbe rluer Numickc oépe Eco featoard (tobtcb la nére at band) totrb tfealmg pace dati; crèpe. £>bà bade tbfs rluer toalb atoap tobat cucr menali torre gn g©o Acnaeas bodpe,and tbem bnder fea t© beare. Ebe bojncd b;©be fulfillo ber beffano tolti; bis toater fljére £Dto purge and cíenle Aenaras from bis mortali bodp clére, Ebe bettet po?clon of blm dio retnapne bm© blm fotond. Ibis mmfber bauing ballo toeo bim did nopntbis bodpe rotottd Mltb beauen Ip odours, and dio toueb bis moutb tottb amtoofie Cbetobíeb toas mtrt tolti; jjìcciarftoéte, and made btmbpanobp & <$oo f© tobom tbe Romanes gtue tbe name of Indiges, CBndeuerlttg tottb tbcp.z temples ano tbep? altars biro t© pleafe. Afcanms toitb tttc ootoble name from tbence began t© reigne, gn tobom tbe rule of Alba and of Latium old remapne. Jjiert bsm fuccéoed Silmus, tob©fe foune Latinus itilo Sbeaunctent name and feepter tobicb bis graundfprtcrtt old toéld» SCbefamous Epit after tbto Latinus dio iuceéde. iCben Capys and fetng Caper as. Bat Capys toas tndéde Ebe fotmeff of tbe tto©. jfrom ìbis tbe feepter of tbe Healme ^efeended bm© Ty bcrioe, tob© dpotoning in tbe arcarne* It tn.ty be interpreted Ripple bee. Tlie. xiiij. booke of jEDf Tyttfr left that name tijereteo. Ebfs Tyterine begat ¿fàrce Remulus ana Acrota. i5p ebattnee it bapneo that Ebe elder brother Remulus for counterfeiting eft da tbunoer,toitb a thunderbolt toas billed from aloft» ¿From Acrota tobfflfe ffapeoneffe did paffe &is brothers risiti, Ebe crotone Dio cóme t© Aucntmc, tob© in tbe fclffame bill $n tobieb be rcpgnco burped Ipes, ano left then© bis name. Ebe rule of nation Palatine at length reo Proca came. 3n ibis fcings reigne * Pomona libo, dere toas not tco b© fetmo among tbe tomonpmpbesanponcín all tbe Latían ground dar toas fo conning for t® heepean ¿Drtparo as toas fije, ¿£-or none fo papnefull c© preferue tbe frute of euerp tree. £íno tberbppon 0j© bao ber name, febèe pal! not fo; tbe toodes ¿£or ritiere, but tbe milages ano bcugbes fl;at bare borbe buooes ano pientuo us frute. ?n fico of oarta tbreooíng b©fce fijá bare, usuiti; tobícb tbe ouerluffp bcugbes íbá eft atoap dio pare dar fprcaoeo out t© fatte, ano eftoio malte tljértoirb a rift E© gteffe another imp bppon tbe fiochetottljin tbe elift. ¿Ino leafi ber trees fijoulo oie tbrougb orougbt,toitb toater of tbe fp;mg$ feb® mopffetb oftbepr fuelling rots tbe little crumpled firings, dis toas ber loueano dole oelpgbft8no as fo; Venus Daces, febá bao río mpno at all of iban, 3no forbpcaufe fija o?áoes Enforcement bp fije eounerpe foibe, fija inailo ber paros about, ¿pot fuffring anp man at all t© enter in or out. Mlfyat baue not tbofe fame nimble laooes fo apt t© ft ifit ano oaunce de Satyrs o©nev or dat tbe Pannes that toantonlp 0© prauneej itb borneo forbeaos i ano tbe olo Silcnus do is ap £po;e poutbfull than bis páres i ano dehe tbe ftáend that fiares atoap Ebe tbaeues ano robbers toil b bis bobe, or toirb bis prtup part i E© toinne ber lone t15ut pit than tbeis a farre more confiant bare * Turner-. l^ao flp * Vertumiuis, tbougb be fpeO no better than tbe refi. £D lloro,boto often being in a moatoers garment oreff, 16at c be in bunoells fijeaues of torne i ano toben bo fo toas Opgbf, i$e toas tbe berrp patterne ofta baruefi ntoatoer rpgbt. ¿ft bpnomg netomaoe bap about bis temples be mpgbt fdeme il bapmaher. fl)f t tpmes inbano made baro toitbto©rh ertrame bare a gcaoe, that men tooulo ftocere be boo but nctolp then Clnpcah Ouids Metamorphofis. 18? iUnpoafct fife foérpe Oren. l£ao bc tane in bano agcn £Hb?eoomg b©&c,pé tuoulo baue rbougbt b& bao a garOener bène, £)? p?opner of fum fcpnes. £D? bob poti bim tottb laDDer féne zmppon bis neche, a gatbcrcr of frate pé tooulo btm séme. ^2Hit|)ftDQ3^i! a fonloter, tolti) bis reo an &tig!er be ino feeme. Sno fitiallp tn nianp fijapes be fougbt to fpno acceffe Eo top tbe beatotp but bp fpgbt 5tljat iti) bis bari opp;eHe, $po?eoncr, putting ori bis beao a toomanes tofmple gap, 0no ffaptng bp a Uaffe, grape bearcs bc fo?tb to fpgbt otD lap iEtppon bis fo;ebcaìJ, ano Dio fcpne a belcanti fo? to bé. S5p ntcanco tobercofbc carne tottbtn ber goOlp o?tparos fré, 0nD toono?ing at tbe frate, fapo. spucb mote fluii ball fboa 3f fé Eban all tbe $pmpbcs of Albula. i^aple Haop mpne, tbe floto?e ÌSnfpotteC of pare mapoenboo in all tbe too?lo ibis boto?e. ' Sno toitb tbac too?o be btfieD ber a little : bnt bis tulTe tasiao fncb aa treto olo toonien tooulo baue neuer gfuen plt fó, Ehen fifitng ootonefcppon a banfc, bc loheofcptoaro at Ebe b;auncbca bent tottb baruelfs toepgbt. Sgeinff bit« tobere be fat 0 goOlp ©Ime tottb siili ring grapes oto grctoe : tobicb after bé $ao p:apfeD,ano tbe fcpne, Itbetopfe tbat ran fcppon tbe tré, Bat if (q> bé) fbis ©Ime toitbour tbe fcpne cito fingle ffano, 3!t fljoulo baae notbtng (fautng leaucs) tco bé Defp?efc : ano igeine tf tbat tbe fcpne tobicb romito fcppon tbe ©Ime bai) nat Ebe tré to leane fcnto, tt IboalD fcppon tbe grounD !p fiat, jPit art not tljou aomontlbt bp erample of rbio tré Eo fatte a bufbano, tteptber dcdU tbou palle to marpeo bé. J5af tooulfc to©>oo tbcatoonlDelf. &are £>uéneHelenneacrbaO $po faterà, no? tbe llacp tbat mo raufe tbe baiteli mao JBettoéne tbe balfb?ute Ccntawrcs ano tbe Lapy thes, no? tbe topfe ÌDf bolo Vlyiles tobo toao ébc ap fearcftili of bis Ipfe, Eban tbou Qjoulolf baue. jf o? tboufanoo noto(e«é noto moff cbéflp tobé Ebou fémelf faterò to abbo?re) oefpte tbé,botb of mett, sam* ©oooeo ano balfgoooco, pea ano all tbe fap?peo tbat oo otoell 3n Alban« bilico. Bar tf cbcn totlt bé topfe, ano mpnoett toell Eo match tbp felf, ano totlt gtue eare to tbto olo tooman bére, (Co toljom tbon mo?e tban to tbem all art (truff mé) lèi ano oére, àno mo?e rban tbou tbpfelf belèfcS) tbe common matebes flé, ) * ArtoThe.xiiij.bookeof ¿Ititi ebofe Vcrtumnus toi tbpmafee. 0no tabe tfjou métco bœ 10ig pledge- ifo; mo?e Ije t© ^fmfeïf net fenotuen telati to mœ. 5 î^c roues not (the a ronneagate though all the tuorlo ab?ode, Chtacountrpe bérabout (the iubicb is large) is bis abode, l^e doth not (Ifhe a nomber of tbeis common turners) cali fyis loue to euerp one he fæs. Cbcu art the firtf ano lad 2Cbateuet be fet mpno bppon. 2Uon!t> tnt© tbœ ì$é botues fnmfcif as long as Ipfc oath lad. spo?ccner b& Ss poutbfuil, ano tuitb beatutpe Ibéne enoeteo bp natures gift, Sino aptlp intco anp Ibspc bis perfone be can (biff. 2i;bou cand not bio bint bé tl;e thing,(tbcugb al things $ djouldd name) 213ut that be fitlp anti tuitb cafe (mil drepght becomme the fame, SBcfpdes all tbis,m all one thing borhettoapnc of peu Oelpghf, Sino of the frufes that pou loue bed the firff lings are bis rpgfyt ♦ ? Sno gladlp be rccepues tbp gifts. 315ut neptber couets hé Ebp apples, pommes, no? other frutes nets gathered from the tré, $0? pit the herbes of plcafant fent that in tbp garopnes bæ ; ilio? anp other fcpnd ofthing in all the Idd?Io, but th®, i^aue merep on bis feruent loue, and tbinh himfclf to craue ^eere p.tefent bp the moutb of mo?, the thing that he ioould bane, and feare the Cod that map reuenge : as Venus ü>b© doth hate i^ard harfed folhes, and Rhamnufe tuha dath epthcr fane 0? late Crpjede her iu;ath Uiith mpndfull tmeafce. $nd to thentent thou map 2Ehc mo?c betuare, of manp things tcljich tpme bp long delap loathe taught mœ, 3 tulli ibetue îljœ one tobicb cuer all the land iDf Cyprus blamed is nb?ode,tobicb being rpghtlp fhand ipap eaflp boto tbp haroned hart and mahe it fo? to pild, £Dne Iphis bo?ne of lotue degré bp fortune bad bebilo She liadpe Anaxarete defccnded of the race <0f Tcvveer, and in betuining her the fp?e of loue a pace £Did fp?cd it fclf though all bis bones. îKHitbtobicb be drputng long, ÎÆHhen reafon could not conquer rage bpcaufe it boas to dreng, Came humblp to the ILadpcs boufe ; ano one tubple laping ope î^is (notched loue befo;e her nurce,befougbt her bp the hope iDf&aûp Anaxarete ber nnrcecbplos god fuccede, ê>b® inoulû not bæ agelnd him in that cace of bis didreffe, another tuhple entreating fap?e fnm fréno of hers, he p?apdQuids Metamorphoiis. 184, f^irn earnefflp toitb carefuîl bopce,of fur trance a no ofapO. £>ftpmes be did p?eferre bis fate bp gentle letters fent. HD ft garlonos mopffeo toitb tl;e ocatoe of teares that from bint tocm J$t bsngco on ber poff es. £)ft tpmes bis tenoer fpoes be lapo àgetniî (fje tb;eiijolD fjarD, a»0 oft In faoneffe DID Optympo Eljelochc toitb much bngencleneffe. Cbe&aop crueller fTban are tbe rpfing narrotoe feas, o; falling fefooes, ano farre ipo_2e barû than fféle of Noricum, ant» than tbe ffonnp reefee Sbat In tbe quarrpe batb bis r©te,oiO bim oefppfe ano moebe, ÏBefpoe ber Darings; mercpleffe, of ffatelpnefTc ano fppgbt §>bè aoomg p;otoo f fiio.mefull to©,:Des,oefrauos tbe to;etcbeO topgbt <0f berrp hope. SBut Iphis note bnablc anp mo?e ,£© beare tbe tournent of bis gresf, ffill ffanotng there before I£cr gate, fpabe tbets bis lateffto©?oes. toell Anaxarete, jtboii bail tbe tipper bano. I£enccf©itb tbou ibalt not néoe tœ bat flgræueù anp mo:e toitb mè. Co trpumpb baroelp; Co baunt tbp felf toitb top : go 6ng tbe fong of Oictoipe : <0o put a crotone of glittring bap bppon tbp cruel! bcao* 5Fo? tobp tbou baft tbe &ppcr bano, ano 3 am glaolp oeao. Mell ffoelp barren toeil : reiopce. Compete pttfljalt ibou bee jDf fumtobat in mat fo; ten baue a IpKtng. STbou iljalt fœ japopnt toljerein tbou map# mœ oémte motf rbanhfull Ont© tbè» jàno in tbeeno tbou fljalt confcSTc tbe great oefert of mé. 5l5ut pit remember tbat as long as lpfe m mé osîb lai?, Cbe care of tbè fijail ncucr from this bar* of mpne be caff. Jfoj botbe tbe Ipfc that 3 0© I;ue in bopc of tbè, ano tœtber mibicb nature giuetb, (ball bane eno ano paft'e atoap tœgttber. JCIje fpoings neptber ofmp oeatb iball come t© tl;è bee fame* Sppfclf (3 0© affure tbee)fotU bè ¿.linger of tbe fame. Sppfclf (3 fap) toil! piefenr bee that tbefe fame mull epen ¿)f tbpne map feeoe tljemfelucs Oppon this liuelette eo?ec of mpne* 2But pit S) <25oDoes,(tf pou bebolo mennes oèoes) remember mee. (f£p t©ng toil! feruc t© piap no moic) ano caufe that 3 map bee ilongtpme bèrafter fpoàert of ; ano length tbe lpfe bp fame Cbe tobicb p& bane ab.uogo in pères. 3n Taping of this fame iifreo tip bis toatrpe epes ano armes tbat toerco toan tljofe fame ifulpes tofneb oft be bao toitb garlouoes oeebt ere fynniTlie.xiiij.bookeof 0m> fanning on tbe toppe tberofa falter tbns tío fap. ü íjau cruell ano bngoolp tepgbt, tbeis are tbe togeatljes that map fpcíf pleafure tbfc. 3no teitb that team be tbiuiling in bio heao, CSaen tben DíD turne bim totearos ber as goo as being oeao, Sno tejerc'geolp oto totter on tbe poffe teitb ffrangleo tbiote. Cbe toicbet tebicb bis fárefull fate in fpjatelíng mapnelp fmcte, JDío mahe a nopfe : ano flptng ope betejnpo bis oomg plapne. ? Cbe íeruants íb?ábt,ano lifting bp bis boDpe,bct in bapne, i Conutpo btm to bis morbero boufe, bis farber erff teas ûapne. ' ï^is mother lapo bim in ber lappe,ano clâptng in ber armes i£er foitiics colo boope,after tbac üjá bao beteaplo ber bannes tkííib toóles ano Doings motberlpbe, tbe co?ce teitb morning cbáre Co burpall faolp tteotigb tbe totene teas bo?ne bppon a bare. Cbc boufe of Anaxarete bp cbaunce teas náre tbe teap 315p tebicb this piteous pomp oíd paite, ano of tbe Oolefnîl lap Cbc founo came to tbe cares of ber, tebom €too alreaope gan > Co Urthe. pit let bs fâ fç (bœ) tbe burpall of this man. > ¡âno bp tbe bpgb tepoe teinooteoe boufe in faptug fo, fijœ ran. * Scarce bao (bee tecïl on Iphis lobt that on tbe bare OiD Ipe, But cbac ber epes tern fl arfe : ant from ber limbes tbe blob gan flpe. gn fteao tberof came palendTe in. 3no as 0jœ bacbetearo teas 3n mpno to go, ber fate ffaefee faff ano coulo not If irre. Üno as &bá teoulo bane calf ber countnance bache,íbá ceulo not Do it. 8nD Cbe Horttip baroneíTe tebicb a late oto in ber ff omache ff ano, ©mitbín a tobple oio ouergroto ber tebole from foie to crotene. Sino leatt pou tbinfe ibis geere furmpfDc,ruen pit in Salamin totene ig)f Haop Anaxarete tbe image ffanoetb plapne. Cbe temple alfo in tbe tebicb tbe image Ootb rtmapne, 3s bnto Venus confecrate bp name of loher out. ¡¿Ino tberfoje teeping tocll tbeis things, 3 p?ep tl;tr Icohe about ¿oD ílaop, ano ateapteitb pjpoe : ano be content to frame Cbp felf to bim rbat louctb tbæ ano ca nnot queueb fre Same. ê>o nepfber map the Hen tons colo tbp buDOing fruit irás bill $0? pit theíbarp ano bopffeus tepnoes tbpflotejtng <0arDpncs fpill. Cbc (0oo that can bppon bim cabe tebat bpno of t^ape be lift $ote bauing fapo thus much in bapne,omittcO to pcrGíí 3nbeloamesibape,anolbeteoebimfelfaIu0pgemleman,OuidsMctamorphofis, 18? flppáríng fea bcrcb®rcfu!Ip, euen libe as Phcbus toban Ijauíng ouercomme lije clotooes tbat uto toíftjffanD bis mpgbt* E>©tb biaje^ífif b;ígbtfnm beamesagcín teítb fuilcr beate ano Ipgbt. ' tyc offeeo fo;ce. bul nota no fo;ce toas nceDfull m fíje cace. > foi tobp íb® beeing cangbt ín loue teítb beatotp oí Ijis face, > sanas toounDeD lijen as toell as b®,anD gan t© páelD a pace. * $CVt Proca reígntJ Amulius ín Avvíónye bp tojoiig. Eíll Numitor tbe rpgbtfnll bep;e DepofcD berrp long, ttas bp bis Dangbters fonnesreífo;De. &no on lije feafífnll Dap Ef Palc, fonnuatíon oftbe toalles of Rome tbep gan r© lap. £>©ne after Taeye, ano tbe Jlo;Des of Sabine 0trb Debate: ¡ano Tarpcy fo; ber traptrous DáDe ín openíng of tbe gafe Ef Tarpey toto;e toas p;efí t© Deatb accojDtng t© Deferí Wtb armour beapt bppon ber beao. Eben tórce ano ífotot of barí Ebe jabines libe t© tmngleffe tomines toítbout all nopfe of talfee affaplo tbe Romanes ín tbep? flápe, ano r© tbe gates gan ffalfce Mbíeb IHas fonne bao clofeD faff toitb loches ano barres. 3¡5ut píl Earne Iuno bao fet open one, ano as ib® openeD it l^ao mase no nopfe oferabíng toítb tbe bínoges, fo tbat nene ^ercepnD tije openíng of tbe gate bul Venus allalone. ano (b® bao íbet ít bp, bnt tbat it ís not latofnll t© Ene C*od t© bnb© anp tbíng anotber $5é luefepe tokens fc¿ Ijímfclf bis enterpjpfe tm om, > SDíO tafee bis ritt bppon bis fpeare anobololp lept fntm ^ tyis blmDpe ebarpot. üno l>c lent bis bojfés feilt) bis tobippe S ptrfeíng laí^ano though the apje full fmmtbclp botone oío flippy Sino ífaping on tbe tomop toppe of moulftápite PáUtinc, t£e tmfee afeap king Romulus tobm there oio tf>eu üefpne Cbepjpuáíe caces of bis foto bnfémlp foj a feing. Sino as a leaoen peilet bjoaee enfosco from a ffíng Bís tomnt tm opeamío tbeffepe: euen fo bis mojtalí fleíb é>anfe from fembotone tbe futtle apje. Bn ffeO feberofa freC^ 8no gmolp ffjapc moje 8atelpano moje máte foj facreö fljjpne» ^accéoeo, lífeeout Quirin that inífatelprobeOmtb (bpne. HcríiJía foj bcr feere as toff, of mmjníng maóe none cnD, ©infill &uán¿ ¡unootocommauiio oame Iris teo oífeeno üpponOuids Metamorpliofis. Ülppon tlje fóapncbotoe Cotone, ano tbno ber tnedage fo? fra 00, © of tbe batían country ano tbe Cabine nación tra Ebon pcerleüe perle of teomanboo, mott tomjrbp forreo bé Zt)C topfe offneb a noble ptince as beertrafoze toas gè, ano (fili ten béc tbe topfe of bim canoni?eo bp nome, Quirin : ceafe t&p icáreo. ano if tbou baue oefp;e tbe fame JCbp boi? barbano fo? tra fé, enfeto mé tra cíje qucactje Ebat grotoetb greene on Quinm bill, tobrafe (baootoes ouerreacbe Ebe tempie of tbe domane &fng. ©ame Tris OiO obep. 3no Hpoing bp ber papnteo botoe, in fonner to©;oes OiO fap $er errano c© Herfilia. &bé fcarce lifting bp ber epes, Mitb fober csuntnanceanftoero. © tbott dEooeeíTc (io; furmpfe 31 cannai tob® rljon art, bur pit 3! toell map tmoerftano Ebou art a d5oO0elTe) laeoe mee © oére Cooocffe léoe mee, ano jj&pbufbano tomé fyetoe. Mtom tf tbe fatali fuders ttoae ? ed tll of tbep; gracions gaoneffe graunt mee leane but once t© fé, > 31 (bali acconnf tnè intra beanen recepueo fo¿ tra bee. * 3¡mmeoíarlp toitb Hiav vmants imp tra Quirins bill G)àtoent. Ebete glpomg fromtbefhpa darre (frepgbt botone tra grottotoasfenf, Ebe fparbes of tobrafe btpgbt blajing beames oto burne Hcrfiiias beare* Ano lo s tb tbe darre tbe ap¿e OiO bbrr beare tra beanentoaro beare* Ebe buplocr of tbe cotone of Roome recepning drepgbc tbe fante 25ettoa?ne btoolo acquapntco banoeo, oio alter botb ber name J3nó éfee ber bbbpe,caíling ber Dame Ora. ano bp tbto &gé iopntlp toitb ber bufbano fo¿ a (0oooe(fe tora^ipt io. Finis Libri decimi quarti.* Hercules ^THE. XV. BOOKE OF Quids <£VCetamorj)hoJis. perfone fit the topple teas fought fufffcfem tco fuffeine Ct)t burthen of fo great a charge,ano to£o?tbp fo? ta refgirt 35tt ffeaD of fu:b a migbtp prince. £be noble Nume bpfame (imbo barpeo then Dppon tbe f rutbe before fa paffe ft came) SppopnteD ta fbe €mpp?e toa*. £bis Numa thought ft not Binougb that be tbe fenotoleDge of tbe Sabine rites bat) got* £be Deepenefle of tbe noble toft fa greater thing* teas bent, ^ JBCa fercb of thing* tbe nature* out. £be care of tbf* intent l EDfDcanfe that be from Curie ana bis natiue Countrpc toenf * Mitb pepnfuH trauell, ta tbe totone tobere Hercules did beffe. Sint) afisfng tubs it toa* Of Greece that in tb^talian coatt l£ao Impit that totone, an ageo wan toell fane in ffo?pe* olD, 7 £afatiffpebtsmpnDtberin tbep?oceffethus him tola, £ a* Hercules enricbeD toitb the §>panmib fepne bio bolD *' t£i* bopage from tbe Ocean tea, men fap toitb luefcp cfat l£e came a lano on Lacine coaff. 8no tobple be there Dio put i£i* beace ta gracing, bebimfetf in Crotons boufe Dio reff £be greateff man in all tbofe part* ano fcnta ffraunger* beff t ano that be there refreib* him of bis teDfou* traueIl,ano £ba: toben be iboujo ocpartje fapo. tobere noto tbp bonfe Oath ffano^ £>bali in tbp cbiloef* cbito?en* tpnie a xi:tfic buploeo ba. ®&bfcb toa>?De*#itfs bane i)?oaeD treto a* plapnlp noto to® fa. ^ JFo? tobp there toa* one Myfcclus a Grecke, Alemons fonne, SI perfone mo?e in fauour of the od ano Ckepe oeparteo both tcagttber. £lp Dio rpfe Alemons fonne, ano in bimfelf Dio fecretlp Deupfe Nippon this DtOon. liong bis mpno ffroue oototfall ta) ano fro. n Cbe Ooo bao go. i)fe ccuntrp latoe* Dio fap be fboulb not go, £ & no Death toa* maoe tbe penaltie fo? biw that tooulD Da) fo. ^ _ ^*-r- * . 8n&OuiclsMetamorphofis. 187 0nb bufhpe npgbt bab pat bp bers moli thick Unti) flams befp?cb. Che feltrarne <Éod bp IVlyfcclusbib feme ten (iano eftf©ne, CommaunDing him the feltrarne thing that be before bab Dene, flnb tb?eatning mo ano greater plages onleffe be Dio obep. ? Chen being ffrichen fo?e in feare be toem about ffrepgbtmap > f$ia boufebolo from bis natpue lonb f© fo?reine t© conuep. * £1 ramo? béeeippon Dio rpfe rb?ougb all cbe totoneof Arge flno DifobeDtence of tbe lame mas lapeo to bio charge, aflame as that the race bab firn bène pleabeb anb tlje babe apparanti? percepueb, fo that mitneffe bib not nèbe, arrepneb anb fo?lo?ne t© beauen be cafl bis banbes anb epes, anb fapb : £> <0ob tob»fc labours tmelue baae purchase tljcetke ffcpes* aflifl mé 3? tbe p?ap. Jfo? tbou art autbo? of mp crpnie. Mben iabgement fljoalb bé giaen it mas tbe gupfe in auncient tpme Mitb mbpgbt If ones t© acquit tbe etère, anb élse mitb black« t© cafl £be glltpe. Cbat tpme alfo fo tbe beaap fenteace paff. Cbe flones mere cali totmercifoll all blacke int© the pot. JBut token tbe flones mere poto?eb out t© number, there toas not a blacke among them, ail mere mbpgbt. anb fo through Herdes poto;e a gentle iuogemcntbib pmcébe, anb be toas quit that botole. Cben gaue be tbankes f© Hercules,anb baaing p?ofp?cus blafl, Cut oucr the Ionian fca, anb fo bp Tarcnt patt Mbicb È»pariancsbuplt,anb Cybans, anb Ncxtb {¡dentine, anb Thurinebap, anb Hmefe,anb éke the pafluresfpne SDf Calabrye. anb bauing fcarce toell fought the coafles that Jpe iSIppon the fea, be founb the mouth of fatali Aeferye. $et farre from rbence, be alfo founb the tuinb in tobicb the grounb S>ib bluer Crotons bolp bones,anb m that place bib founb Che Citte that mas totlleb him, anb gaue tberet© tbe name HDf bim that there lap burpeb. smeb originali as this fame Cbis Citte fft tb’Italian eoaff is fapb t© bane bp fame. !£ére btoelt a man of Samos Jle, tobo fo? the bate be bat) C©iLo?Dlpneffeanb Cp?annp,tbougbt)nconffrepnbmasglab C© make bimfelf a bannifljt man. 3nb though this perfone toeere -> i'arre btffant from tbe Ctobbes bp flte of beauen : pit came be nére £ Co them m mpnb. 0nb be bp fpgbt of foule anb reafon clére ^ Bebilo tbe things tobicb nature b©tb t© fleiblp epcs benpe. ) Cc.ig» SuiThe .xv.bookeof 8nd toben forth care moffbtgilam be had affuredlp > 3mp?inted all things in bis hart, be fct them opcnlp f 3b?oabc fo? other folk to lernc. l£e taught W filent fo?t Which foonb?ed at the heauettlp foo?des tfjep: mapffet bio report) Che firff fonnbationof tbetoo?lb :tbecaufe of euerp thing: SffiUhat nature toas: i lchat toas Cod: tohence fnoto t Ipghtning fp^ngj #nd tohrtbcr Ioue o: elfe the fopnds in breaking: clcfobes Did thunder: Mlhat (hakes p earth: fohat lata p ffarres bo kcepe thep? courfes fcnoer t {¿no inhat focuer other thing is hid from common fence, 1st alfo is the firff that bib intopne an abff incnce Co faebe of anp Ipuing thing, l£e alfo 6rff of all £>pakrtbus: although rpght Icrneolp, pit to effect but fmalh pé mo?tall men foibcare to frank pour fleff) foifh foickeb fobe. pée time both co?nc % frutes of trees anb grapes f herbes right gob* 3no though that fum bee barffj anb harb: pit fp?e map make them toell 15ofh foft ano finóte, pee map haue milk, anb honnp tofoch doth fmell £Dffloto?es of tpme. ¿he lauas earth doth pólo pou plentiouflp ^ ápoff gentle fobe?anb riches to content bottje mpna and epe. > ¿here netdes no .daughter no? no blob tcxget pour liuing bp, ^ Che beaffes do b?eake thep? faff forth fleifo $ pit not all beaffes neptber* ifo? ho?fes, íbópe, anb Uotbcrbeaffes to liuc bp graflehad leuer, Che nature of the beaff that doth delpgbt in blodp fobe,, Sis cruell and biimerctfull. 3s Jlpons fetree of mode, Armenian Cigers, Meares, and Molucs. áDh (thata foickebneffir 3t is to cram the matoe forth mafoe, and frank bp fleíb forth flefb, Snd fo? one liuing thing to Iiue bp killing of another: 3s tobo ffjould fap, that of fe great abundance fohich our mother Cíje earth doth polo raoff bountuouQp,nonc other mpght delpght Chp cruell tfothe to ebatoe bppon, than grlflp fooundes that mpght Crp?cffe the Cyclops gupfe ? o? elfe as if thou could notffafonebe Che hunger of thp grrt&pe gut anb euil l mannerd patonche, Onleffe thou ffropd fum other fopght, SB tit that fameauncicnt age mhichüJée haue naamd the golden foo?ld,clecnc bepd of all fuch rage, iltbd bleffeblp bp frute of trees anb herbes that groin on ground, v 3nb ffapned not their mouthes in blod.SLhen birds might fafe f found > iflp inhere thep liffeo in the ap?e. Che hare bnfcaard of hound * ?¿5aenf packing, ouer all the f«loes,$o angling h®be iuith baptOuidsMetamorphofis. 188 |Diö lang tle féip fil| t|at loie mißrußing no oecept. sali tltngo toerebopö of guplefulneffe : no treafon toae in fraß t 2But all loao frénolltfppe loue ano peace. 3iBut afrer r|at t|e laß iDf one (folat <ßoo To ere |e toso) oifoepning formet fare, Cai tram t|af cruell troppe of |io fotti flel|meate oto not fpare, tr)t mane a foap fo? foicbeöneffe. ano firtt of all t|e Impfe WLas ßapno tolti blrao of fauage beaßee in riüöing t|cm oflpfc, 0no t|at |ao notling bène amiffe, if t|ere |aO bène r|e ßap. -, 3Fo?to|p toègtaunt, toit|outt|eb;cac| ofgoolpneffefoémap > 3Bp orati confonno t|e t|mgs t|at féfee tra tabeour Ipueo afoap. * 2Put as tra Ml t|em reafon foae : enen fo agctn t|ep? foas $o reafon fo|p tra eate t|ep? fleti. C|ia leafooneffe t|ence oiö paffe ,€)n furtier ßili. CEtleras fiere foae no facrifpfe befo?nc, SCIe öfopne (bpcaufe foitl lobeö gropne |e fo?©feö bp t|e co?ne, ano oio oecepue t|e tillmen of t|ep? |ope nert pére t|erebp) Mae oémeD fora?t|p bp Defert in facrifpfe tra öpe. de €5oate fo? bpglting bpnee foae flapne at Bacchus aitar fo|® Mireabee faci mifoèDee.£|ep? olone offener tuas lurtful to fiele tfora« 2ßur to|at lane pou pra?e t|eepe mifomne a cattell meebe ano merlo, Createo fo? eco mapnteinetnan,fo|rafe fuìfomme öugge oco pélo quiète gettar, folco 0©t| clot|e te foitl pone forali in foft arap i Mllrafe ipfe orati; mo?e bs benefico clan Orati pourDeat| farrefoapf CCl|at trefpaffe laue t|e SDren orane i a beati foitlonc all guple ¿)?craft, bn|urtfull,ömple, bo?ne tra labour euerp fo|ple * 3n fapc| |e te bnmpnofull ano bnfora?t|p of increaee jSDf co?ne, t|at in |ie lare tati fpno |ie tilman fra releace 5from plotogl, tra cut |ie t|?ote : t|at in |ie |art can fpnoe (3! fap) dofe neebee toit| |atc|ete of fra ffrlbe, folrafe fbinne io foo?nc afoap «t| lab?ing ap fo? |im : folco turno fo oft |ie latto moff tougl, C^lra b?oug|t fo manp larueßee |ome. pit io tcitotpnougl dar fuc| a great outrageoufeneffe committeo io. C|ep fatler dep? fofebeoneffe bppon t|e <0oooee. ano falflp t|ep ora gat|er dat in tle orati of pepnfull ®r t|e Ipgleff omt|oelpg|t. a facrifpfe bnblemii|eo ano fap?eff Intra fpg|f, (ifo? beafotpe fora?bet| t|em t|ep? lane) aoo?nO foft| garlonO0,ano Miti glittring gelo, io cpxeo at t|e aitar fo? tra ffano. C|ere lèrce le fora?oe0 (|e footee not fola# fobici § p?éfi orati p?ap,fr £c,iitf, anoThe. xv. boche of SttD on fj(0 fiwbcao fufferctb íjtrn bcttoáne bisíjo^ireg te lap •> Bbeeares of cojnc t^at be btmfclf batb ítoougbt fo; ín fíjedap, f ano G apnetb tottb í)ís bl©0 tl;e tmpfe tbat be btmfelf percbaunce I^atbe ín tbe toater Otjáre ere tben bebüo bp f©oeín glaunre, 3mmeotatíp tljep balíng out bis barrffríngs fftll alfue, 0no po2tng on tbem, feche tberetu (SeODcs feereís r© retrpue. Mbeneecommesfogríéopappetptem men, oftoícheD meate i ano oarc pé iS> vét motrall metí aouemure tbus reo rafe i $apo© not (j befdcbe pee) fo. But gítie gradeare ano báoe 2¡T© tl;at tbat 3 íball toarne pon of, ano trutt ir as pour cráoe, íLttat tobenfoeuer pou 0© rafe pour sáDrcn, pou oeuoto;® > ^onr buisSííOinín, ano fo2afmucb as <£oo tbís ínífant boto;e ? $>©tb mouc mp f©ng ía fpeafce, 3 foíll obep bí* bratteníppoto?e, ' í^p éoo Apollos femple 3 toíll fet pou open, ano Étfíclofc íbe to©no?ous beaueno tbcmfelues, ano mahe pou bnoerffarm 2Cbe lacles ano fccrcts of íbe <25oolp maieiípe. <£5reate tbíngs,ano fud; as toít of man eoulo nr ucr pít rfppe, ano fucb as baue bcene bioocn tong, 3 purpofe r© oeferpe, 3 tnpno i© leaue tbe cacti), ano bp among tbe flarres r© ffpe. 3 mpno t© leaue ibis groS'rr place,ano ín tbe clotooes t© Gpe, ano on flrotot Atlas lljauloers ffrong t© retí mp frlf on bpe, ano Irnhtng ootone from brauen on men tbat toanoer btere ano tberr %n 0;eaofuü fcare of oeatb as tbougb tbep topo of reafon toere, B© giue tbem erbo?tatíon tbus: ano plapnelp t© bntopno Bbe tobóle oífcourfe of oeffmíe as nature batí; affígno. j© men ainaa?D toítb 02C80 of oeatb,tobp feare pee Limbo Styx¿ 53nO otber ñames of banítte, tobícb are bnt Pocts tríchs i sano perrilla of ar.oíber toü2lb all falte furmpfeo garre i 3F02 tobúber fp;e o; lengtbof tpme eonfume tbe boOpes bére, f0ce toril map tbinbe tbat furtber barmes tbep rannot fuffer mo;r; jFoj foules are frá from oeatb. ^otobect, tbep lúitng cuermo;e Bbep2 fo?mer otoellíugs are tecepuo ano Une ageíne ín neto. JF02 3 mpfelf (rpgbt todl ín mpno 3 beare tt t© be treto) Sallas ín tbe tpme of Brotan toarre Euphorbus Panthewes fonno €>npgbt tl;2ongb tob©fe bart tbe ocatbfuli fpeare of Mcnclay oíd romtsi 3 late ago ín Iunos Cburcb at Argos oto beíjotoOuids Metamorphofis. 18p 0nb feneto the target tobt’ch 3! in ntp left bans iljere Dili fjoib. ai things b© ehaugc,315ut nothing fure bmtb perrt^.Chis fame fp?ight. 2D©th flate, ano fiffemg hare ano there booth ftoiftlp take his fipght > Jfrom one place to another place, anb entreth euerp topghf, 5 KemouuigoutofmantfflbeaiMnboutofbealf t© man. H5ut pit it uener pemCbetb no? neuer perriih cam Sno euen as fttpple tear toith cafe recepueth fpgures ffrannge, Snb kapes not ap one Chape, ne bpbes affureb ap from chatmge, anb pit continued) altoapes tear in fubtfaunce: &>&3l fap Kl)t foule is ap t&o felffame thing it teas anb pit affrap 3t flatetb int© funb?p Chapes. Cherfo;e leafrCtoblpneCTe J25ce banquifljt bp outragious Itiif of bcllp brafflpncfle, 5fo?beare (3 fpcake bp p?opheftc) pour kfnffolkes gljo ffes t© chace j JBp daughter: nepther nouriflj bl©b toith bl©b in anp race. > anb ftth on open fea the topnos b© bloto nip faples apace, ' Bin all the too?lo there is not that that Cfanbeth at a flap. SCbings cb anb flat»: anb euerp Chape is mabe t© paflTe atoap. 2Che tpme trfclf contutuallp is Carting like a b?oke. Jfo? neptber b?oke no? lpgbttomme tpme can tarrpe ff ill. I5«t l©ke as enerp toaue b;pues other f©?tb,anb that that conmtes bchpub SBotbe th?n0ethanb is th?u# itfelf: Cnen fo the tpmes bp kpnb ID© dp ano folloto bothe at once,anb euermo?e renetm Bfo? that that toas befo?e is lef|,anb ffrepght there b©th f nfeto another that teas newer ertf. Ccbe ttoinclmg of an epe ¿>©tb channge. 3® tie fee that after bap commes rtpgbr anb barks the fkjv anb after npght the Ipghtfum &>unne iufecebetho?berlp. JLtke colour is not in the heauen tohett oil things toarp Ipe a? mibnpght fotino a Cape,as toben the bapffarre dare anb b?pgbt p Commes fo?rh bppon his milfetobpgbt ffeese.ageine in other plpghi £ JEhe mo?mng PaiJants Daughter fap?e the ineffenger of Ipght JEDeliuereth int© Phebus banbes the too?lb of darcr beto. Ehe circle atfo of the tonne totjnr tpme it rpfeth ne to anb toben it fetteth, Ischeth red. but token it mounts mo0 hpe, JCben lakes it tohpgijt, bpcanfe that there the nature of the fkpe 3fs better, anb from filthpe bioCTe of earth bath further flpe 2E!je image alto of the sp©ne that Ojpnetb ap bp npght, 3s neuer of one quamme. if o? that that g wet.; Ipght C©The. xv. booke of Cm Dap, is letter than tbe met that follotoetb, tit! the full. And then contrarptopfe ecbe Dap her Ipgbt atoap dmtb putt. tftHbat i fait tt)ou not boto that tbe pare as «patenting ptapng £be age of man, Departed itfelf in quarters fotoje i firff bapne 8uo tenser in tbe fp:ing it ts,euen like a fueling babe. Cben grane, anD bopo of if rengtb ,and lulb>and foggpe,is f be blade* SnD ebares tbe bufbandman toitb Dope. Cben all things flojilb gap. Cbe earth toitb fio tales of fundjp beta then fatnetbfo? rco plap, 8nd bertue fmatt o; none tco berbes there Doth as pit belong. 2Tbe pare from fpjiugtpde pafftng foitb cm fommer,taeretb (frottg, JlBecommetb Ipkc a tutfp poutb. in our Ipfe though out inhere is no tpme moie plentiful!, moie lulfp tabote and ffouf. d;en follotaetb ^arueif taben the beate of poutb grotaes fumtabat cold 3iSppe,malo, difpofcd mcane bettairt a pmngman and an old, and fumtabat fp?cnt toitb grapilb beare. Cben bglp tafnter lalf Hike age ffealrs on toitb trembling ifeppes,all bald,o; ouercaff m itb fljirle tbinnc beare as tobpgbtas fnotoe.iDur bodies alfo ap ? Dm alter If ill from tpme tco tpme,and neuer Ifand at (tap, i ift&a (ball not bee tbe fame taee taere tm dap o? pifferdap. * -ZL\)t dap batb bane taa taere but fade and onlp hope of men, 8no m our numbers toomb taa bad our dtaelling place a&tben, Dame Mature put tm conning band and fuffred not that taee ^ ilQfttbfn our mmtbers Ifrepneo toomb fljould ap DiffrelTeo ba, > X3ur btaugbc bs out tm aire, and from our p?tfon fet bs fra. ^ &\)z cbpld netobo?ne Ipes bopd of if rengtb. Mitbin a feafon tfjo fyz taering fotacrfmted lerties like fauage bealfes tm go. Cben fumtabat foltrtng, and as pit not firme of fmte, be Ifandes 5Bp getting fumtabat foj tm bclpe bid finetaes in bid bandes. Jfrom that tpme groining ftrong and ftaift, be palfetb fm;tb t|je fpace , j0f poutb: and atfo to earing out bid mtooleage a pace, \ Cb.iougb damping ages Ifappe path be ronnetb out bid race Cbis age dmtb bnoermpne tbe ftrengtb of former peart*,and tb?otats 3ft Dotone. tabicb thing old Milo bp erampleplapnelp Ibotoes. if oi taben be fatoe tbofe armes of bid (tabicb baretmfoje bad bane 8s liroiig as euer Hercules in tom?ktng oeadlp tanc £>f biggelf beaffes) bang flapping dotone, and nought but entptpibin, toep t, 8nd Helen taben fl;a fata bee aged tpjincles inOuidsMetamorphofis. rpo 0 glaffe foept alto : mufing in herfelf tohat men bâti fane, -, Chat bp tto© noble pinces tonnes to® ttopce hao rauitot bène. £ Chou tpme the eater bp of things, ano age of fppghtfull cène. ^ SDeffrop aH things. ¡ano tohen that long continuance hath them bit, pou lepfurelp bp lingring Death confume them euerp tofjft, j8no theis that toè cal! (Éléments o© neuer ffano at ffap. -Che emerehaungtng courte of them 3 toil! before pœ lap> S (Éiue h®oe thett©,Chis enolcffe Uio^lo contepnes therin 3 fap^ 3Foto;e fubffanccs of tobtclj all things are geno;eo. flDf tbeis fotoer epe (Éarth ano ssaater fo; thep; maire ano toepg&t are tonben lotoer. Che otber cotople aire, ano jfp;e the purer of the ttoapne i^ount bp,f nought can bàpe thè cotone. ano thoughthere o© remapne £ fpace bettoâne eche one of them : pit euerp thing is maoe £)fthcmfame fotone, ano imeo them at length ageine o© face. Che earth refoluing lepfurelp Doth melt t© toater Ibère. Che toater fpneo turnes t© aire. Che aire erbe purgeo dare Jfromgroffeneffe, bp aloft,ano there becommetb fp;e. 5from thence in o;oer coutrarp thep bacbe ageine refp;e. j?p;e thicbening paffeth int© aire, ano aper toering greffe, îSeturnes t© toater : Œîiarer àbe congealing int© o;offe, Becommeth earth- ilio bino ofthing bépes ap his ibape ano heto. irò; nature louing euer chaunge repap;esone toape a ncto Apport anothcr.nepther o©th there perrito ought (truff ma) . 3n all the too^lo,but altring tabes neto toope.ifo; that tohich foé > 2D© terme bp name of being borite,is fo; t© gtn f© bà ^ Another thing than that it toas : ano libetotfe fo; to ope, C© ceafe f© bâ the thing it toas. ano though that barpablp Chings paffeperchaunce from place t© place : pit all from tohence fljcp Returning, o© bnpemffheo eontmeto fftll the fame. (came But as fo; m one toape, bœ tore that nothing long can laff. Cucn fotijeages ofthetoo;!ofront goto t©3ronpaff. (Éuen fo haue plates oftentpmes erchaungeo thep; effate* JFo; 3 haue fane it fea tohich toas fubffanctall grouno alate, flgctne tohere fea toas, 3 haue fane the fame become o;p lonO, Sino (belles ano fcalcs of éeaffto forre haue Ipen from anp ffronO* Sino in the toppes of mountapnes hpgh olo ancho;s haue bène forniti* £Dâpe ballepcs houe bp toatei'toottebène maoe of leuell grouno, gnuThe.xv.bookeof StaO bilica bp foK e of gulling off baue into Tea bòne toorne. Itero grandi grouno io fumtpme tene toberc marna toaa beforne, Sino that tbat erff oil) fuffer orotogbt, becommctb ffanofog labri. ^¿re nature fenoetb neto fpringa out, ano there the olo in tafeea. if ull man? riuera in the toorlo through ear tbquabea heretofore Itene epdfer ebaunogo tbepr former courfe, or orpoc ano ronne no morei éo Lycus béing ftoallotoeO bp bp gapfng of tbe grouno, 0 greattoap offro tbence ta in another ebannell founo. <2ncn fo the riuer Erafinc among the faleea of Arga ênnhee onetobple, ano another tobple ronnea greafe ageine at large, Caycus alfo of the lano of Myfia (ae men fap) ¿ptflibing of bio former beao, ronnea noto another toap. 3n Sicill alfo Amafcnc ronnea fumtpme full ano hpe, 0no fumtpme if opping bp bio fpring, he mafeea bis cbandl orpe, £]ten oranti the toatere of the b;©be A»igm$ heretœfore, Mbtcb noto ia fuch that men abhorre t© totoche them anpmore. Mbicb commea t© paire, (onlelTe toè toill oifcreott îjteeta qupgbf) ÏSpcaufe the Centaures banquflfbeO bp Hercules in fpght Did toaih thepr toounoea in that feme br©he. 315ut D©th not Hypanis Chat fpringeth in the ê>cptbian bilica, tohieh at hie founrame ta JSpght pleafant, aftertoaro becomme of braebiih bitter taffe i AntiiTà^anO Phcnycian Tyrc,anO Pharos in fpmc patt Mere compatì all about toith toauea : but none of all theia tbrœ 3s noto an 3le. igeine the fotone of Lewcas once toaa fræ jf rom fea, ano in the auncient fpmc toaa iopneo t© the lano, 5i3ut noto enuirono rouno about toith toater it o©th Ifano. $$cn fap that Suill alfo hath bane iopno t© Italy Cìntili the fea confumoe the bounoa bœttoæne, ano OiO fupplp Che r©me toith toater. ifptego t© fófce for Hehcee 9no Buryc tohieh tocre jí)f mánp tbíngs tbat come tco mpnd bp béetfap,and bp fluii * üDf g©d erperience, 3 a fetoe toíll bíter t© pou mo. Mbat i dffltb not toater tn bis fljapes cbaunge draungelp f© and fro : Cbe toell of ¿o;ned Hammon ís at nœnetpde palTtng coid. 3t mome ano eueu ít toeretb toarme. & mídnpgbt none can bolo 1$is band tberín fo? paíTing beate. Cbe toell of Athamane, $s fapd tco binóle toœde tofjac tpme tbe m©ne ís ín tbe toane. Cbe Cicons baue a certetne dreame tobícb bœlng o?©nfe d©tb b?íng pennes bototoclles ínt© sparble bard : and tobatfoeucr tbíng 3¡s totocbt tbertoftb, ít turnes roo done. 3no bp pour bounds bebolo Cbe riñera Crathe and Sybaris malte pellote beare libe gold anoamber.Cbere are alfo fpjínga (tobícb tbíng is farremo?e draunge) Mbícb not tbe bpdpeonlp, but tbe mpno o© alfo cbaunge. Mb© batb not bato of Salmacis tbat fotole and dltbpe fmb ? ¿D?of tbe labe of Acthyop, tobícb ífa man doo o?ínb, ^e eptber ronnerb mao, o; elfe toítb to©nd.2ous o?oto*íncire ifo;goetb qupgbt bis memore. Mb© euer d©tb repode Í^ía tbírd toítb d?atogbt of Clitor toell, batea toptte, and d©tb delpgbt Ín onlp toater ; eptber fo? bpeaufe tbere is a mpgbt Contrarp but© toarmíng topne bp nature ín tbe toell, C? elfe bpeaufe (fo? fo tbe folb of Arcadyc d© teli) JVlelampus Amythaons fonne (toben be delínered bad feíng Prætus daugbters bp bis charmes and berbes from beíng mad, ) Cad int© tbat fame toater all tbe baggage toberctoí rball $^e purdgd tbe madnede of rbep? mpnoa.flnd fo ít díd befall, Cbat lotbfomneffe of topne dio ín tbofe toatero ap rcmapne. ageíne ín Lyiiceft contraríe edeet t© tbís d©tb reígne. Jfo? tob© fo Oüínbe* t© mucb rberof, be râlerb báre and tbere 80 íf bp quadmg topne no tobpt alapd be d?©nbeu toere. Cbere is a ïlafcem Arcadye tobícb Phency men did ñame 2 3n auncíent tpme,tob©fe oetotfulnededefeructb íudlp blame,> ........ ........ ■ aThe. xv. booke of 0 npgbt tpmcs take tfjon bréoe of tt,fo? tftfou taffe the fame ) a npgbttpmcs,if toil! butt, but if tbon o?inh it in the bap 3t bnrretb not. Cb«s lakes anb ifreames (as foell percepue pré map) ^auc btucrs polices anb biucrflp. (tan fo the tpme bathe feréne Cbat Delos tobicb ffanbs ffebfalf nom, on manes teas floting fréne. flnb (Salpes bsue bane foie afrapb of fruffbing bp the |les Symplegads tobicb tmgitber baibt bppon tbe fea erctobples, 315ur nom bis if anb bnmouablc agemft botbe topnbe anb tpbe. spount Aetna toi tb W banting ©ouens of b?imffone (bail not bpbg flp fp?pe : neptber mas it fo fo? euer erff. jf o? tobitljer %ty ear tb a liuiug creature bré, anb that to b?eat be ont hither anb thither flame, great tto?e of bents it bane in fnnb?p places, anb tbatit baue ttje pom?e tmibiftthofebents in biuerscacts, #oto bamming ttyis, nom opening tbofe, in moning t© anb fro t £); that tbe mbiftung topnbs reffrepno toitbm tbe eartb bplctoe, £D© beate tbe (tones ageinff tbe Cones, anb other fepnb of Ifuffe £)f fp?pe natnre,mbicb b© fall on fp?e mitb enerp pnffe : affame as tbofe fame mpnos Dm ceafe, tbe canes (ball (freight bré colD. £)? if it bré a &o?cn rnomib that fame offp?e tabes both, j©?b?imffonemirtmitbclapilb fopleon fp?ebœtbipgbtlpfall: 7 mnDototeblp affame as that fame fople confnmeb (ball £ $,0 longer prélb tbe fattp fobet© frébe tty fp?e mitball, > anb ramming nature (ball fo?go ber moittcb nourffbment, Cben being able t© abpbe no longer famtff;ment, if 0? mant of fuffenance it (ball ceafe bis burning. J b© fpnb ïPp fame, that tonber Charlfis mapne in Pallene are a fepnb £>f people tobicb bp Dpntng tb?pce th?réfpmes in Triton lake ïSecommc all fetb?eb,anb tbe Ibape ofbirbcs bppon them take. £be Scythian touches alfc are repc?teb fo? 1© b© Cbe felffame thing (but barblp 3 gtue crebit tbèrbnf©) Ï5p fmearing popfon oner all tbep? bobpes. llBut (anb if 0 man t© matters trpbe bp p?©f map fauflp glue bclréf, ) ZüSSim fré bom flelb bp Iping ffill a tobple anb hetcbtng beate £>©rb turner© little lining beaffes. 3nb pit a further feate, (So kill an ©r anb burpe bint, (the thing bp p?œf manias) J3nb of bis rotten fieib mill b?rébe the Comer gathering llBrés, C&bicb as tbep? father bib befo?e? lone trélbes epcrébinglp,OuidsMetamorphofis. ipz 0no bntœ toœ:h in hope of gapne tbcp? bufpe limbes applp. Sitie l^omet fs engentueo of a Iuffpe burpeo â>tœoe. <5o pull atoip rbe deas from Crabbes rtjat fn tbe fea oœ b;éoe, Sno burpe ntl tbe re® in motolo,ano of the fame toill fpjing ja ©cojpion toljtcb toitb tojftbcn tapie toill flecaren fo: tco fftng, £bc Catcrpillcrs of ebe fëloe the tofncb are toœnt tœ toeaue l^o?e filmes bppon the leauesof trás,tbep? former nature leaue,' (©ülbtcb thing fs fenotoen tœ bufbanomen) ano turne tœ üButterflpcs, ÍLhe muD batb in it ccrteínc fæoe toberof grane froffbes rpfe. Sno fir® it brings them fœrcleffe fœ?tb. Zhen after, it Oœtb frame ÏLcggesapt tœ ftoím : ano furthermore of purpofe that the fame spap ferue them to; f© leape a farre, tbep? bmoer part is mpcb £¡&o?e longer than tbep? forepart iff. Cbe 215cartobelp alfo tobicb SLhe Bearc batb nctolp lítrrco,fs no tobdp ímmeDíatlp. . 31¡5nt libe an eutll fauo;ec lu np oíflcfí) alpue Dœtb Ipe. i SLhe oam bp lícfeíng fijapetb out bis members o?Dedp J £>f fucb a fpfe, as fucb a pace iff able tœ concepue. £>} marfec pà not tbe 5l5és of tobom our bcnptué reccpue, i£oto tbat tbep? pœng ones tobicb oœ Ipe toitbin tbe firfquare toar áre límbleííe beopes at tbe fir®, ano after astbep toce 3¡np?oceffe cafiebotbe fœtcano tomgsj'îfôlbaf man tooulo think iff icio Spat ilaope Venus limpie bíroes tbe SDœues of filuer beto, Wt Iunos biro tbat in bis rapte beares ®arres, o? loues ffotot finpgbt SEbs CÉarnc, ano eucrp otljer fotole of tübatfccuer flpgbt, ] Cauto ail bá batebeo out of egges, cnleffe be DfO ft hnotoe i , é>um fólfi oœ bolo opinion toben the bachcbonc tobicb oœtb grotot 3n man, is rotten in tbe grauc, t!;c pitb beccmmcs a fnafec. ^otobate of other things all theis tbepj firfl beginning tafee. j¡ ¿SDnebíro there is that Oœtb reneto íífelfanoas tt torre SBcget ttfelfeontittnalîp, Cbe&pdans name it there 9i Phoenix, $eptfecr co?ne no? herbes this Phoenix líuctb &F» 3E5ut bp the ietoc.* of franfefneenre ano gum of Amcmye. 8no toben that of bis Ipfe toell full fpuefeunoreo páres are pa®, Nippon a l^olmetré o? bppon a Date træ at the la® mafecs him to»b bis talanrs ano bis barocneo bill a ne®. y tobicb toben that he toitb Cafia ftodete ano Jiarous foft bathe 0?e®, > Sno ®rotoeo it toitb Cpnnamom ano ^p?r|ïa of thé te®¿ *The. xv. bookeof \$c rucdcrh Dotane bppon the fame,and in the fppces dpes. ¿cone after,of the fathers coree men lap there deoil) arpfe another little Phoenix tuhich as manp pères muff line 0s Did his father, l^e (aCfcone as age doth Arength him glue Co beare the burthen) from the tré the tuepghtp nett doth lift, 0nd godlplp his cradle thence and fathers herce doth (him 9nd Aping though the futile aire he gettes to Phebus totune, and there before the temple dore doth lap his burthen dotane. But if thatanp noueltpe tuorth tuondrmg bé in theis, spucb rather map toe toonder at the Hyën if tue pleafe. Co fé hotu interchatmgeablp it one tuhple doth remapne 0 female, and another tuhple becommeth male againe. Che creature alfo tuhich both line bp onlp aire and tupnd, ¡% 011 colours that it leaneth to doth counterfet bp dpnd. ç Che CDrapeged Bacchus,tuhen he had fubdetud the land of Inde, 2 SDtd fpno a fpotted beali cald Lynx, tuhofe brine (bp report) Bp torching of the open aire congealeth in fuch fort, 0s that it doth becomme a Aone. è>o Colali (tuhich as long 9s tuater hpdes it is a fljrub and foft) becommeth Arong 9nohardaAoneasitdothtotDchtheap^e.Chedaptuouldend, y 9nd Phebus panting Aèdes thould in the Ocean oépe defeend, > Before all alterations 3 in tuordes could comprehend. * è>o fé tué all things channgeable. i£>ne nation gathered Arength : 9nother tuereth tueabe : and hothe do made ejrchaunge at length. ë>o Croy tuhich once tuas great and Arong as tuell in tuelth as men, 0na able renne pères fpace to fpare fuch Aore of blod as then, #oto bating bace hath nothing left of all her tuelth to (hotue, ¿aue mines of the auncient tuorkes tuhich graffe doth ouergrotoe, 0nd tumbes tuhcriu thepr auncetours Ipe burped on a rotue* £Dnce Sparta tuas a famous totune: <£reat Mycene Aorist trim: Bothe Athens and Amphions totores in honor once did ftuim. 0 pelting plot is Sparta notu; great Mycene Ipes on ground. flDf rheab the totune of Oedipus iuhat haue tue more than found 0t Athens ding Pandions totune tuhat reAeth more than name i $ott) alfo of the race of T roy isjrpAng (fo fapth fame) Che Citie Roome, tuhich at the band of Tyber that doth ronne totune from the hill of Appennync) alreadp hath begönneOuids Metamorphofis. rp^ ®8&(tb srrcac aoupfement fo? tea lap founoation of ber date. %W totone tbendjanngctb bp increafe tbe fo?mc it bao alafe, Smi of tbetmiuerfallfco?lo In tpme to commelballbolo %\ic fouerelntpc fo p?opbefics a no lotto (men fap) ijaue tolo. 8no as (3 oca remember m«)fobat tpme that Troy oecapo, %\>z p?opbet Helen Priams fonne tbeis to©?oes enfeimng fapO S5efo;e Acnacas Dotofing of bio Ipfe In topping plpgbf * j® (©oooeffe fonne, beleeuc rnte (tf tbou tbinfc 3 bsue fo?efpgbt jflDf things tea comme) Troy fljalnot qupgbt orcap inbplctbou Doff Hue» JBotbe fvie ano ftocD?0 (bait Onto) tljec tbp psfTage free Ip glue. JEbou mtttt from bence: ano T roy toitb tboe conuep atoap In batte, infill that botbe tbpfelf ano Troy In fo?reine lano b& plaaif $po?e framolp than tbp natlue fovle. (f)o?eoucr 3 fo?efof, a Citte bp tbe offp?ing of tbe Prolans buplt (ball bee, £>c great as neuer In tbe too?lo tbe Iphe foas fane before $0? is tbts p?efent, neptber (ball be feme fo? cuermo?e. a number of moff noble peeres fo? manpe pares afo?e ¿ball make it ffrong ano pupITa nt: iBut b® that (ball It mate Cbe fouerelne Haope of tbe fcQ?lD,bp rpgbt oefeent (ball take l^is firtt beginning from tbp fonne tbe little Iule. ano tube» Cbe eartb batbe bao ber tpme of bim, tbe ffcp ano fcclbin then £>ball bane bim bp fo? euermo?e,ano beauen (ball bee bis cno. Cbus farre 3 (toell remember mee) oio Helens foo?ocs ertenO 2To goD Aenxas. 8no it ts a pleafure bntm mrie Cbe Citie of mp eountrpmen increafing tbus to fez: ano that tbe Grecians bicto?ie becommes tbe Croians tocale. S5ut lead fo?getting qupgbt tbemfelues our bo?fes bappe to ffcnle Bepono tbe mark: tbe beauen ano ail that bnoer beauen is founo, SDeotb alter ttjape. £*o Doth tbe groano ano ail that is in gronno, 2no luce that of tbe foo?lo are part (confio?mg bob) tote ba $ot onlp fleflj, but alfo folules,tutjtcf) map toitb paffage fide ISemoue them into) euerp hpno of bcaff both tame ano foplo) &et liuein fauftp boneff Ip toitb flaugbterbuoefplo, 2Lbe boopestobicb percbaunce map bane tbe fp?its of onr b?otbers? ¿©ur fitters, 0? our parents,o?tbe fpirits of fum others 8lpeo fo bs eptber bp fum frcenoibtppe 0? fum bin, J3D? at tbe lead tbe foules of men abpoiugThe. xv. booke of 0nd let bs not Thyefteslphe thus furmtb bp our fe©;des SiSlitb foicoope bDtuclls.©b fcotu teatod erample bo anodes t ii^olD Undicalp p;eparetb bo btmfelf t© murtber man i . ¿bat toitb a cruell bnpfe d®tb cut tbe tb;ote ofCaIf,attD can > SHnmouablp glue bactng ten tbe Ictuing of tbe Dam ? * j©; fficBe the bio that tnaplctb ipfce the little babe? o; eate C!)e fotole that bo bimfelf before baD often feD toitbmeate i i ££2bat ioants of brier tniefeednefife in tD©;kfng fucb a feate ? -* whit map bo after paife tco D© ? toell eptberlet pour ffeeres Meare out tbemfducs tottb to©;M* clfe impute rbep; Death Spares* Sgemfi tbe topnd and toeatber cold let CCietbere paid pa cores, 0nd bdders full of bailing uitlh recepue pa of tf;t€>oafes. 0tnap fcmrb fpnndges, fnarcs, ano gdnnes,atuap toitb 3£ifp anb net, 0toap toitb guplofull feates: fo; folulcs no Ipmettoiggs fee pa fet, $o feared ferbers pitebe pee bp to fcape the keddare In, f5e toitb Deceptfull hapted bfflfee fake filbcs fo; t© tofn. 3f atogbrDeo barme, deffrop It.but deffropt and Deo no mo;e. jj^beare the fleflj: and fade pour montbes toitb fitter f©de tbcrfo;& SjDen fap that Numa furntlTbeD toitb fueb pbilofopbpe 0s tbis ano lifee,returncD to fils natlue fople, and bp CEntreatance toas content of Roomc t© take tbe fouerelntpo, Upgbt bappp In bis topfe tobteb tons a npmpb, rpgbr bappp in i^is gupdes tobteb lucre tbe £pufes npne,tbis Numa did begin 3£© teach Religion, bp tbe meanestobereof h® fijottlp d;eto Cbat people but© peace fob® erfl- of nought but barrel! imeio. 0no tube« tb;ougb age bo ended bad bts reigne and afee bis Ipfe, Cb?ougb Latium bo toas m©;ncd fo; of man and cbpld and topfe 0s toell cf bpgb as loin oegra. ipts lopfe fo;fablng qupgbt %%z £irie,m bale Aricine did bpdo bor out of fpgbt, 0mong tbe tbickeif grones^nd rberc toitb fpgbes and plapnts did let j Cbo facnfpfe of Diane tobom Oreites erttbao fee £ .from rauricam Cherfonefe,and in tbat place bad feti J fpoto oft ab bid tbe tocndnpmpbes and tbe tuaternpmpbes perftoade bgeria fo; t© ccafc bor mone ? tobat meanos ofcomfo;t made £Cbop i %t) beto often Thefeus fonnebce toaping thus befpake ? s© j$pmpb, tbp m©;ning moderate: tbp fo;roto fumtobat fiafee: Jot onlp tboubafi caufo t© fyavt tbp fortune fo; t© tafee, 35e?wlftOuids Metamorphofis. ipi l&boio life Nappes of ot|?er foIfea,anD tbia mifcfetmcc of ffjpnc fefell gràue fbè (effe. tocolo <£>oo eramplea (fo rfrcp toere nor mpne) fppgbr comfort tba. But mpne pcrchauncc map comfort tba. 3f tfen 3Jn talli bp bap balie beard of one Hippolytus ere noto, Chat tbtongb bis fathers fpgbt belafc, ano ffepDames craft foaa Gapne, 3t toill a to®nDer fóme t® tbà, ano 3 Ml baue much papne C® mafe tba f® belane tbe thing Bat 3 am berp ba. Che Daughter of Pafyphae in bapne oft tempting rné f$p fatbera chamber t® Dcfplc,furmpfòe mè t® baue fought Che thing that ff>à toitb al ber hart tooulo fapne 3 (bonis baue Io?otig&f. Sito tobttbcr tt torre fo? feare 3 (boulo ber toicfeoncffe bcfo?ap, £>? elfe fo? fppgbt bpeaufe 3 bao fo often fapo ber nap, È>ba ebarego ma tmtb bit olone offence. S^p father bp ano bp Conoenmmg mè, oto banifb mse bis fóealmc toltbout caule tobpe. ano at mp going Ulte a fc sto ban me bitcerlp. C® Pit they T royzen outlaioelife mp chariot ff reigbt t®fe 3 £fip tuap lap baro bppon tbe (|o?e of Corinth. &®ocmlp Che fea Dio rpfe,ano life a mount tbe toaue tue ftoelt on bpc, ano fämeD botoger fo? t® gretoe in D?atoing euer npe, ano ro?mg clpneb m tbe toppe. Gip ßarra immcofatip a bo?neb ballottar from anno tbe b;otacn toaue, aub bp Che b?elf did rapfe bim in tbe ap?e, ano at bis nofetbitlls anD ipis platter month DID puffe out part of fea bppon tbe lanD. ^Dp feruants barra boere fo?e afrapü. 115ut mp hart mtifing ap Säpponmp to?ongfufl banifljment, did nought at at! Difmap. ^p bo?fcs fetting bp tbep? earea anD fnottmg toereD fbpe, ano bamg greatlp flapgbteDtoitb the monffer in tbep? epe, Corno Dotarne t® fea : ano on the roefea mp tamgon D?eto. 3n bapna 3 ifrpuing fo? t® bolo them baefe, lapo bario bppon the repne ail tobpgbt iottb fame, ano baling baefe lap almcff bolt bp?pgbt, ( ano fure tbe farceneiTe of the ffaoca bao patocD t® mp might, 5I5ut that the lobbia that ronnetb ap about tbe Crtra rouno, i Dio btcafce bp Dating on a ff«b, ano ouertb?eta) t® greuno. Cben from tbe Cbarpot 3 tuaa fnatebt the b?pDlcs batng caff about mp timbra, pà mpgbt baue fane mp ßneloes fficUing faff i rnppoit the ffttb : mp gtuia D?atoen out alpue : mp members, part &till left bppon tfe ffump, ano part f®?tbbarrpeDta)ttb tljc cart : Ì« £be The. XV. booke of £be crabbing of mp b?oUcn bones: anb toitb tobat pairing pepne 3 bjeatbeö out mp toecrp g|)offr. Ctjcre Dio not tobole remapne £)nc pace of all mp eo?ee bp tobieb pec mpgbt btfceriie as tbo $23bat lump oj part it teas. jfO? all toas toounb from toppe t© to. $oto can# tbou npmpb? o; barefi ttjou compare tbp barmes toitb mpne* spo^eouer 3 tbe lightlelTe Healme bcbilb toitb tbcis fameepne Snb batbbe mp tattreb bsbpe in tbe riner Phlegeton. ’ anb bao not b?igbc Apollos Ihnne bis canning iijetüöe bppon i $pp bobpe bpbis furgerp, mp Ipfe tjab qupgbt bä gone. ^ $23bicb after 3 bp fot:ce of berbes anb Idccbecraft baö ageine ■ISeccpub bp Aefculapius n?rares,ebcugb Pluto bib bifbcine* JDben Cynthia (leaß tbts gift of bets mpgbt te©ifec md> greater fppgbt) 2Cbiofie clotobs DID rounD about mac calf. anb t© tbentent 3 mpgbt 215ee faufe mpfelf, anD barmclcffclpappare f© others fpgbt: £>b® mabe mee olb. Snb fc? mp facade left it in fucb pfpgbfr £bar none can finotoe m© bp mp l©fie. Sub long ibee botoreb tobitbet ¡C© gtuemec Dele 0? Crete. St length refilling botbe fmgitbcr, &b® plaaß rate b®re. Snb tbertouball ß}® babe me giue bp qupgbt t&\)t name that of mp bo?fes in remcmb?ancc put mac mpgbt. Horfcß.iinv• jfoj tobereas erß * Hippolytus batb bdene tbp name (g> ¿02) Twycc metn. 3 ¿ill tbat * Virbie aftertoarb tbp name ftp: euer bee. jf rom tbat tpme f©?fb toitbin this to©b 3 fiaepe mp reltbence, as of tbe meaner Ctobbes, a dFob of fmall magnificence anb hderc 3 bpbe mdc imbcrncetbe mp fouereine Habpcs toingr ilDbeping bumblpt© ber belt in cucrpfcpnD of tblng. 3l3ut pit tbe barmes of otber falb coulb nothing help not: fc©fe A^gerias fo:rotoes c© afftoage. SDotonc at a mountaines fate g>b® Iptng rncltcb inr© teares, till Phcbus filter Ibdcne Jfo; pitic of bergreate Difirefiem tobieb lb® bao bet l&nr, SDib turne her t© a fountaine cldere, anb melteo qupgbt atoap l^cr members int© luster tblnne that neuer Ihoulb bccap. 2Ebe ßraungeneße of tbe tbing bib mafic tbe npmpbes alfonpeb; an& % be ilabpe of Amazons fonneamaajb tberat bib Oatiüj Ss toben the Tyrrhene Eilman fatoe in earing of biß lano v Ebe fatallclob ftrß fiirre alone toitbouttbe help ofbanb, Snb bp anb bp forgoing qupgbt tbe eattblp ¿bapeofclob, E© take tbe fdtmelp ibape of man, ano lt)o;tlp tifee a Cto E© ■OuidsMctamorphofis. ip5 C©feIloftbíngsastbent©eomme.£beTyrrhenesDíDbfmca1í > 3lBp name of Tages, f£e Dio teach the Cufbanes firff of all > £¡0 geffe bp fearcbing bulbs of beaffcs tobat after 0jouID befall» * ¿D? libe as Dio feing Romulus loben f©ocinlp be fcuno l£is latonce on monntapne Palatine faff rroteo in tbe grouno, ano bearing leaues, no longer noto a tocapon but a trœ, Wlfyicl) fbaootoeD fucb as to©no?inglp came timber fc? too fœ. £D? elfe as Cippus toben be in tbe ronning b?©fce bao feme $is bonnes, 5?o? tobp be fato them,ano fuppofing there bao bæne $o creoit to bæ giuen bnt© tbeglau ring image, bee put oft bis fingers ten bis beao, ano felt it fo tco bet. SnD blaming noto no mo?e bis epes, incomming from tbe ebafe tMb conqueff of bis foes, be ffapo. Sino lifting bp bis face ano toitb bis face, bis bornes t© beanen, be fapo : tobat euer thing 3s bp this toomoer meant <£5oddes, 3f topfull netoes it b?fng 3 p?ap pœ let it iopfull tco mp folk ano countrpe bit : 5H3ut if if ftoeafen euill,iet the eutil light on tnæ. 3n Taping fo, an altar graene of clototoers be oio frame, ano offreo fuming franbincence in fp?e bppon the fame, ano potoco boatoies oftopne tberon,ano fearcbeo tbertoitbafl %bt quiuermg intoaros of a ibœpe t© bnoto tobat Iboulo befalt a Tyrrhenetoijaro bluing fought the botoellcs, fato fberin €>rcat ebaunges ano attempts of things then reaôpc t© begin, Mbicb tosre not plapnlp mantfeff. ílBut toben that be at laff i$is epes from intoaros of the beaff on Cippus homes bao caff, ^aple bíng (be fapo.) jfo? bnt© tbé Cippus, bnt© tbœ, . ano t© tbp homes Iball this fame place ano Roome cbeopent bee, abjioge Oelap : ano mabe thou baffe t© enter at the gates tKabicb tarrpe open fo? tbœ. ê>o commauno the frathfaff fates. Kb ou fijalt bœ bing alf©nc as thou baff enteco once the tetorne, ano thou ano rbpne fo? euermo?e (bait tocare the ropall crotone. tMitb that be ffeppíng bacb bis f©te, oto turne bis frotoning face ¿from RoomctoarO,faping.ífarre}€) farreé ©cooes fucb banofel chace.* £ji)o?e rpgbt it toere 3 all mp Ipfe a banmlbt man iboulo bœ, Shan that tbe bolp Capitoll mœ reigning there fl;oulo fœ Cbus much be fapo : ano bp ano bp togttber be oíocall ¿ Kbz people ano the &>enaco?s, 215m pit be 6rff of all > Do. it?, píoThe.xv.bookeof $E>to bpoe bfe bojneotoitb lLato?cll Ieauco: ano then foítíjone tbe foalf { t^e firanomg on a mount tbe tobicbbto men bao mace of foooeo, Slntrbatting after auucfent gupfc maoe p?apcr to tlje CobOco &>apD: íjeere to one t^at ffcall (onleffc p® bannilb t)tm pour fotone Bmmeoiarlp) b® lung of Roome ano tocare a ropall erotone. M?ar man tt to, 3 brill top Agite» but not bp name beto?ap. l£e hath bppon bio b?oto ttuco ljo;neo. £be lot jaro b®re b®tb Tap, Chat if be enter Roome, pou ffjall Iphe femante btm obep. I£e mpgbt baue emreo at pour gateo tobff b open fo? bim lap, 3ü3ut 3 oíd ffap bím tbence. 8no pit there io not tout© mee 53 nérer fr®no tu afftbe too?lo, ti; otobát fo?bíb btm p® ® Romaneo that be cotrtme ñor once luúfrin pour toallee* ®?ff baue fcefmiro, bpno btm faff in fetters hite a rb®f. 3D? in tbtofatalllCpjanto Oearb, cffcarcOifpatcbpour mpno. feucb nopfc ao ppnetrao mahe toljat tprne tbe beabp caffernetopnbe £D®tb to!;ij amongff them, o? ao from tbe fea o®tb farre rebouno; Caen fuefj among tbe foils of Roome that p?efcnt ioao the found . l^stobát in that confufeo roare of fearefull foiis,isiD fall £)ut one bcpce afamg, tob® to to® i 3no ffaring tberetottbali Nippon then? fo?ebcaoo,tbep bio ixfee the fo?efapo bo ?neo. iffgert (cp Cippus) lo, p® baue tbe man fo?inborn p® f®he. ánb then i^e pullo (ageinff b& peopleo toil!) bio garlonb from bto beao, átto C^cUjcd them the tto® fap?e bo?neo that on bio b?etoeo tom lp?e& J3t that tbe people oaffbetb botone rbep? Iccfeeo ano fpgbtng, to 3Spgbt fo.jpe (tuljeo toculo think it t retu t) t® f® that beao of bis spoff famous fo? bte gmo Deferto. £>it oio tbcp not fo?get 2Cbe honour of bio pericnage, but loillmglp oto fee &be 2Uto?eil garlono on bto beao ágeme. 3no bp ano bp Sbe Senate fapo. Mcll Cippus, firb tontill tbe tprne tbou Ope 2Cbou mapff nor came toitbm rítete toalleo, in® giue tb® ao much grouto 3?ti honour of tb®, ao a i®nte of ff®reo can plough tb® rounds 315erto®nc the batoning of the oap, ano Ibetttng in of npgbt. £po?eoucr on the b?ajea gate at totoicb tbto Cippus mpgbt $?auc enrreo Roome, a pap?eofbo?neetocregrauoe t©rep?efent ln®no?ouo ibape, ao of bio o®be an enoleffe monument. 1^® fptifeo tob® r® poeto are tbe p?efent fp?tngo of grace, $oto ibetoeefo? pou fcnotoe, nepfberare pou bullo bp tprne o? fpace)Quids Metamorphofis. 196 $0to Aefculapius in the 3¡|0 that is in Tyber dápe among the toed fapntfs of Roome bad forano fo; to crápe, a cruell plage tito bíertofo;e infect the Latían aíre, ano peoples bodpes ppning pale the mnrreine did appap;e, mbtn fp;ed toitb the buriall of tbep; fránds,tbep did percepue Ebemfelues no helpe at manned band no; bp |9bíCcl¿ to recepté Cben fáfetng help from beauen, tbep font to Delphos (toblcb dtotb ttand amid tbe too;ld) fo; connfell to bá baa at Phebus ba no. 315efácbíng him toitb &e Wnll apo to fuceour tbep; diffreffe, and of tbe mpgbtpe Citie Roome tbe mffebáf to rea;ette. flLbe quiuers tobicb Apollo b;pgbt bí«ifclf toas to amt to beare, Che íBaptrás, and tbe place itfelf tíogitber traben tocre. and bp and bp tbe table from tbe furtbett part of all &be Cbaúcell fpahe tbcfs toa>;as,tobtcb did tbep; barfs toitb feare appal, Cfje t^ing pá Romanes fáfee fo; báre,pee tyotila baue fougbt mo;e up |0Qtir countrpe. pea and nárer borne go tobe it noto. $ot 3 Apollo, but Apollos foiine is bá tbat mutt redteffe i^our fo;rotocs. Eabc pour ionrnep toitb god bandfell of fucceflie, 'ano fefeb nip fonne among pou. ©aaben Apollos bett toas told among tbe p;u$ent &cnato;s, tbep ferebt tobat totone did bold $is fonne, and tinto Epidawre a Callpe fo; bim fent. affame as tbat tb’ambaffadout arrpued there tbep toent tanto tbe counfell and tbe Jlo;oes of Cráfclano: teljom tbep p;ap > %(o baue tbe Cod tbe p;efent plages of Romanes fo; to ffap, > and fo; tbemfelucs tbe 0;acle of Phebus fai;tb tbep lap, ^ Cbe Counfell toere of funo;p mpnds and could not toell agrá.] £mm thought that fuccour in fucb náde denped fljould not bá, and diners did petftoaoe too ketpe tbep; bclpc, 1 not tco fend Cbep; Codbes atoap fitb tbep tbemfclues mpgbt náde them in tbe end, Mlbple dototfullp tbep ofana on debate this curious cace, 2Tbe euening ttoplpgbt btterlp tbe dap atoap did chace, and on tbe too;ld the iba&otoe of the earth bad darhneffe b;ougbt, } Ebat npgbt the Ho;d ambattadotir as flápebppon him to;ougbt, > £Dio d;eame be fato befo;c bim ttand the Cod tobofe help be fougbt, * 3« tbape as in bis cbappell be toas toamtedfo; to ttand, Wtb rpgbt band ttrobing dotone bis herd, and ttatte in totber band, rnáhelp faping; feare not, 3 totll comme and leaue mp ty?pne. pd.íí?, £b<*The. xv.booke of Elis ferpent toted üotb tojeatb fenottes about this ffaffc of mine i^arh toell, ano take goD bäoe t|erof: that toben tijon f^alt it fä, Ebou mapil it Imotoe. jfo? intca it traitfenmeD toill 3 bee, But bigger 3 teilt bee. fo? 3 teilt feme offucb a fpfe, 2s mapceleff iall boDpes toell to turne into fuffife. &trepgbt teitb ttje bopce, tbe €*jd: ano tetri; tbe bopee ano <0oD,atoap Silent fläpe: ano after Qeepe teas gone enfeteeD ctj at full Dap. $ert mooting bauing clätelp pur the fp?pe ftarreo to ilpgbt, Ebe iLo?oes nor knoiteng tel;at to Do, affembleb ail fo;tb?pgbt »tbin tbe fumptuous temple of tbe ¿00 that teas rcquprcD, änö of bis mpno bp beauenlp ögne fum knotoleüge tijep DefpjcD. E|ep fcarce bao Done tbcp? papers, teben tbe €>oD in l^ape offnake % Äitb lofrpe crelf of golD, began a bitTmgt fe? to make, i Mlbicb teas a teaming giuen. &nD toitb bis p:efenee be DID ffjabe * Cbc ältar,ßnpne,Do;:es,marble fio;e,anD rofc all laps teitb goto, y J3no bauncmg bp bis breit be tfapo rpgbt ffatelp to beboto £ 0miD tbe Cburcb,anDrounD about ins fp?peepcs be rote. - ■ E|e fpgbt DiD frap tbe people. But tbe tepaeleffe p.feffltobofe beare Wins rruffeo in a fsp?e tobpgbtCaU; oft» knote tbe €00 teas there* 8nö fapo, beboto ti? Cod. 3s manp as bä bfere |Bjap kerb teitb mouth ano mpno. £) tbou our glorious CoMppäre Co our bäbofe, anD bdpe tbptolfeetbat hetpe rbpbaUotoes rpgbt. Cbe people freiem tooiünppeö bis CPoobcaD there in fpghi, Kepeatmg ooteblc that tbe p.feß bio Tap. tbe Momapnes äke SDeuoutlp did teitb CoDlp bopeeanö bart bisfauour feke. Ebe 0oD bp ncDDing Dio confcnt, ano gane affureo figne Bp teaming of bis goteen ereil that on bis beab DID tepne, 0!iD btOeö ttepcc teitb fpirting tong. Eben trapio be iotene f|e fpn$ Sink glitring graces of bis ebureb- &nD turning baefee bis epen, lf& lokeD to bis altarmarD anD to bis fojmer fli^pne ¿no temple, as to take bis leaue ano bio them all fare tee!!. Jf rom tbence rpgbt botege bppan tbe grounD(tob!cb ftoätc of floto;es Dte Ebat people ffreteeö in bis teap,) be pallet) ffatdp ootene, (fmell SnD benomg into botogbts teent tlnongb tbe bart of all tbe iotene, ?HlnctU tl;at bä tbe botetomg tebarf befpoe tbe bauen tobe. ^l;ere naping,toben be bao (as fäm&j Difmiß teitb gentle lobe. |)L3 trapne of Cbaplepnes ano tbe folke ti;at teapteb on tymtytytx-,OuídsMetamorphofis. ipy fpk lapo íjím ín tbe nomane Grippe too faple atoap toogi'flier. %f)e ßjt'ppe oto fßele tbe buttben of bis 0no Naplcs bojne tm Jolenelfe, ano Cumes tubero Sybcll bao |)tr temples, ano tbe fcaloúrg barbes, ano Linterne tebere grotees fío;z j3Df malítche trasmito Vulturne tefncb beares fatto apace from 0jo¿e, Sino Si nueíTe teto as ÜODcrs are as tobpgbf as anp fnctee, , 0no Mmturne oí ínfctteo ap?e bpeanfe t fílanos fo lotee, ¿ 0no Caiete tebere Aeneas oto btó nnree in tumbe bellotee, ' 0nb Formy tebere Antiphates tbe Lcftrigon Ot'O hépe, Sno Tradie entrono tortb a firn, ano Orces motmtaptte fiíépe : Uto'Ancón lutti) tbe bopüons as tbat tbe Ojíppe Srrpyeo b&re,'fü2 note tbe fea teas rengb?) íbe <25oo letfiíppe l^ts cirdes, ano m benoteg botogbfs ano tealioteíng teaues OtoglpOe * ¿nía) bis fatto temple tobícb teas bnploco ipcre befpoc £ tHppcn tbe ll)o;e. ano toben tbe fra teas calme ano pactípoe, ^ Me fe?$íapo Coo of Bpidavvre, !)¡b fatto Cburcb fc^fcohe, meThe. xv. boote of (ZIje IoDgtag of bía nráreff fréno totncl; fo; a tpme |jé trabe,) 8nü tmtb bin cracking fcalea Din in tljs fanti a furrotue cut, ano tahing bolo bppon tbe Seme Din in tbe £no alfo flaine in facrifpfe full manp catrell npne. ¡änon be carne tra Roome tbe bean of all tbe foojlo : ann tbere Z\)z ferpent lifting bp bimfelf, began bin bean tra beare 3Kpgbt bp along tbe maaff, bppon tbe toppe tobereof on bpe Í3z Iraben rounn about,a méte abpning place fra fppe 5Z\)z Tyber orati; Deupoe itfelfin tiuaine, ann Orarti embjaee - • ¿I little pjetpe Silano (fo tbe people ferme tbe place) ¿ Jrrom eptber fpne fobereof tbe banhea are oiffantequall fpace. > Apollos £>nafce Defccnoing from tbe maaff conuepn bini rbttber,’ Sinn taUing eft bia beauenlp fbape, aa one repapjmg bitbe e Cra b?fng our Citíe bcaltbfulncffe, oíd enn our fonoteca qupgbf* SUrtjougb tra bé a <0oD toitb ba anmitten toere tbia bipgbt. pit toan be borite a fojreiner. I?ut Caefar batbe obtepno» m 6oDbcao in bia natiue fople ann Citie fobere be reignn. tàtuboni péreleffe botb in peace ano toarre, not moje bia toarrea bp fenft Mitb triumpb, noj btö great erplopto atcbéuen bp bla foit, $oj pie tbe great renotome tbat be obtepnn fo fpénelp, l^aue turnen tra a blajing ffarre, tban Din W progenie* Jfoj of tbe anca of Caefar, none ia greater tban tbat brá Heft fucb a fonile bebpnn blm aa Auguflus fa, tra bé t£ia bepje. jFo; are tjjep tbínga moje barn tra ouercomme tbp fóealtne Qt Bjitame ffanning in tbe fea i ojbp tbe feuenfoin ffreame 5Df Nylc tbat bearetb ^apertane bíctojíoua ibippea tra coinè s? j® j tra rebellioufe Numidye tra giue an ouertbjoioe i ì2)j Iuba hing of Mooren anoPons (bJbicb pjounelp Din lt beareOuidsMetamorphofis. ipg ilppon the name of My thridatc) too fo?ee bp ftuo;c anc fpeare JCco peels them fubieas bnto Roome i o? bp bis tuff Cefcrt 2To merit ntanp t rtnmpbcs,ane of ftmt to baue ¡)ts part t Chan rucf) an bep?c to leaue beebpno, in fofjom tbe Recces Co fljofoe Cfrcacmg faucurbnfo men fo; that tbep Co beff oboe $o great a p?ince Cppon tbe foo?le i $oto to tbentent that bot ^ £>bonlc not bee bo?nc of mc?tall feoc,tbe other teas to bee i Canonpjeo fo? a ¿5oD. 2®i bicb thing ioben golcen Venus fee, ^ (&>bdc alfo fafoe bclo D:eacfull ceatb teas fo? the btffijop then p?epaarc, anc bofu confpiraepe toas fo?ougbt bp foicbeCmen) &bde lobec pale. Sine as tbe (Soccer came anp in her foap, £bra fape tmto them one bp one.iBeboIc anc fee 3 p?apj 1® itb boto crceectng eagcrnelTe tbep febe mde to betrap, Sine tottb tobat toonejous craft tbep ffrpue to tabe mp ipfe afoap* 3 mdene the thing that onlp note remapnetb bnto mee £)f Iulc the Crotans race, tyuff 3 then onlpener bee £bus Cert toitb bnceferneo cares i ^otu femetb note tbe papno £Df Dicmeds fpearc of Calydon to toounc mp banc agepne t l£ofo femes it mee that Troy agesne is loll though ill Cefence i i^otu femes mp fonne Aeneas libea banmlbtman, from thence £0 toancer farre ageine, anc on the fea to toffee bee, Sine toarre toitb Turnus fo? to mabe 10? rather (truth to fap) tKflftb Iuno:’ tobat mdene 3 about barmes paffee manp a cap Slgemff mpite cffp?ing, thus to Cano i Cbm p?efenf feare anc too permit mde not to tbinb on things noto pail fo long ago. l^ee fe bob toiebeo ftoo?ces agetnff mp beac are tobettec. 3 JIBefecbe p^ bdepe them from mp tb?otc, anc fet the trapto?s bp £bepi pitrpofe. neptlcrfufferpou came Veftaas fp?e toc^e 3l5pmiurtbering of her bitTfjop. Cbus toent Venus toofullp Complapnfng ouer all the bcauen, anc motec the locoes tbcrbp. Sine fo? tbepcoulc not b?eabe the ifrong Decrees of Ccffinpe, £brp ibetoec ffgnes mod manifell of fo?rofoe to enfeto. i?o? bat tells fcpghting in the elofoees Uittb craffbing armour fie!». 8nc e?caofuU trumpets fobmtee in the aire,anc bo?nes debe blctu, Ss loarning men before banc of the mifebdef that CiC b?cfc>, 8nc Phebus alfo Irobutg oim etc caff a e;ofo*p Ipgbr,K The.xv.bookeof íHppon ífie earth,tohich temo Ipfcetopfe to bá in fo?pepIpgbt. ^ Jf rom tmDecneac^e amio tbe fiarrcs b?anDs oft fómo burning b?pght £ Bit often rapnco o?oppes of blmo. Ctjc mo?nmg if arre Icofct bleiu, / ¡ano toas befpotteo báre ano there íoítíj fpeciss of rufip helo. ICbe mame bao alfo fpottes of btoo, 2L¿e &crácbe ctole fent from hell 5 £Dio totth her tune bnfo?tunate in f uerp comer pell. £ ^^It^ares from Buo?p images in fuM)?p places fell. * ¡ano firtbe Chappells of fíje (¿oboes toas finging bearD,ano tu©?oeg ■j0f tb?eatning, $ot a factifpfe one figne of gcoo autojDes. But greate tarmople tm bde at bano cbep? baetffrings 0© Declare» ¡ano toben tbe bead is rippeo bp the mtoaros beaoleiTe are. ¡about tbe Court, ano euerp boufe, ano Churches in tbe npbgts &be ooggs oto bótele, ano euerp tobere appeereo gafflp fp?pgbts. Sno ioitb an earthquake fljahen toas the totone. pit eculo nor all ÍCbeís i irnings of the CoDDes Difpopnt the treafon that fljoulo fall, B]5o? ouercomme tbeoefiinies. Che nafceo ftoco^es tore brought BJnfcD the temple. 5?o; no place in all the totone toas thought máte to iotD?k the mifcb&f in, o? fo? them t J ¡ano toas about tto hpoe him toith the clotoo in tohich lb® bto Aeneas,tohen fijae from the ftu? Paris, tohen from Menelay ibffe DtD him faufe conuep. But Ioue per father tfaping her OiD thus Onto; hir lap. Mbp Daughter mpnc, iotlt thou alone bte ff rpuing to p?euent tElnuanquifijabie Definite t Bn faprbano if thou toent Cbp felf inttD the boufe in tobicb the fatall íufiers fb?ee p ID® otoell, thou lijoulDefi there of b?affe ano fiále fubfianfíall f¿ £ £be regífiers of things fo ffrong ano mafipe maoe to bce, ^ £bat fauf ano euerlaff íng,tbep Oco neptber fiano in feare Df tbunoer,no? cf Ipgbtníng, no? of anp ruine there. Che oeffnpes of tbpne offp?ing tbou fi^alí there fpno grauen Dápe Bn aoamant. Bl reo them: ano in mpno B two them fcápe. ¡ano fo?bpcaufe thou fyalt not beiqupght igno?ant ofall, B íoill Declare tohat things B marfct herafter to befall. 2 he man fo? tohom then mahctf fate,bath ImeO full his tpme &10 ¿Mr _________________ ,OuidsMetamorphofís. ipp 0nM?atifng ronne bte race on eartb muC noto tco beauen bp clpme* dijere ttjou fbalt mahe a d5oti of bini ap bono?0 fo; tro bé t¡® itb temples ano toítb Slltars on tlje earttj. spoieouer bé SEbat te bte l?ep?e ano beares bis ñamo, íball aliatene fuCepne Cbe bartbett lapo bppon bis bache, ano íball our belp obfepne l£ís fatbers muttbet tro renenge. Cbe fotone of Mutinye. ¿SeféOgeo bp bte potoie, (bali pàio, Cbe félos of Pharfaly tubali faele bím, ano Philip pos ín tbe Healme of Macedonne é>ball once ageíne bé Capite toítb blroo. Cbe greate Pompeius tenne ¿¿all banquiCn be bp bím bppon tbe fea of Sicilyc. Cbe Homane Captepnes topfe tbe &uéne of Aegypt tbiougbber bpe jO:efumptton truCíng tro ber matcb tro mucb, Iball tácate ínbapne Cro mahe ber Canop ouer our bpgb Capítol! tro reígne. Mbat Ibouto _T teli tbé of tbe toplo ano barbette nacícns tbat botbe tbe Oceans otoellíng bde r Clje bníuerfall plat , HDf all tbe eartb ínbabíteo,Iball all be bte. Cbe fea &balt fcntro btm obeoíent bé Ithetopfe. 0no toben tbat be !£atbe Cablili) t peate in all tbe tooilo, tben íball be fet bte mpno ■> ¿ro cíuíll matterò, Opjpgbt latoes bp íuffíce fo¿ tro fpno, > flno bp erample of bímfelf all otbers be íball bpno. Cben baníng care of tpme tro coinme, ano of poCeríípe, 2 bolp topfe (bali beare tro btm a tenne tbat map fupplp $>te carefull cbarge ano beare bte ñame. 3no laClp tn tbe eno > %e íball tro beauen antong tbe Carreo bte annetto^ afeette, > l$ut not befoie bte Ipfe bp lengtb tro o?ropíng age oro teño. * ^10 tberfo;e from tbemurtbieo coice of luíais Caeíar tahe Sb fotole toítb fpéoe,ano of tbe fame a burníng creffcO mahe, Xbat from our beauenlp pallate be map euermoie Irohe botone ÍSppon our ropall Capitoli ano Court toítbtn Roome fotone* l£e fcarcelp enoeo bao tbete toroioes, bnt Venus ont of baño ámío tbe tenate boufe of Roome ínuífible oío Cano, Sino from ber Caefars boope trohe bte neto erpulfeo fpipgbí Cbe tobícb Ajé not permíttíng tro refolue tro aper qupgbf, SDío place ít ín tbe tepe antong tbe Catres tbat gtíCer bipgbf 8no as Gjé bare ít, fl)é oío féle ít gatber beauenlp mpgbf, dno te; tro torren fpipe. $bé no temer let ít flpe,~ %5ütThe. xv. booke of 13ut that a gmDlp Ibpnfng tere it bp a loft did ffpe 3ud Dieto a grcate toap after it bipgbtbeames lihe burning |eare* tKabm Imkiug on bis faunes gmí Débcs confeffeo that rbep toere ¿F arre greater iban bis otoñe, ano glati be toas tm fé that t)é ŒrcellcD bim. although bis fonne in no iopfe tooulû agrœ Cm banc bis Dæoes p;cferD bcfo;e bis fathers : pit Doth fame', (iESîbra ap is fré, ans bounû tco no fonimauno) ioitbiïanD tbe fame | ¡ano ffrpuing in that one behalf ageínff bis hcff ano toil!, pioceeDetb rm piefcrre bis DæDes befoie bis fathers fftU. v . J Cuen fo tm Agamemnons great renotmie giues Atreus place Carien fo Acliilles cesses, fbc D&ües cfPeleus Dm abace. Cuen fo beponb AegæfefàrreDmfb Thefeyes p^oisclfego. SnD lthat 3 map tramples bfe full matching tbeis) cuen fo 3s Saturne Idle in fame than loue. loue rules fbe beauenlp fpïjcrc«, 8nî> all the triple flfjapco too;Id. 2lnû our Auguflus bearcs SDommion oucrall the earth. Æbepbctbeare fathers: Cbrp £lre rulers both. pee Cod Des tm tohom both fp;e ano flom;D gane trap, Ml baî tpmc pélotth Aenæas came from Troy : peeCmDDcs tbattoere £)f moitall men canonpjeD : Chou Quivin tub® DtDttrecre STbe toalles of Roome : anD Mars tnbm toart fbe baieant Quirins fp;e SllD Vefta Of tbe bOUfcbDlïJ CoDDCS of Caefar loitljl tbp fp?e a^off boiptano thon Phebus tub® -tut tb Vefta alfo act iDf boufeholD : ano thou Iupitcr tubm in the bps W part iDfmouutapne Tarpey baffe tbp Church : ano all pee Cocoes that map Cffil itb eonfcience fauf bp poets bee appealed tm : 3 p;ap Het that fame Dap bee Hoioe tm comme ano after 3 am DeaD, 3n tobicb AuguPus (tobm as noUrof all tbe toojID is beao) © upgbt gluing bp tbe care tberof afeenb rm hcaucn fo? ap Cbcre (abfent hencej to fauour fuclj as bntm him fijal! p;ap, i^olobatte 3 brought a ium;h tm eno tobicb neither loues fierce tu;atb> T>oi ftomín,not fp;e,no; freatiiig age ioith all the fo;ce it hath ire able tmabóitfl) çupgfjt. Iter comme that farall hctu;e 2<2f hicij (fauirtg of ibis imtlefiefb; hath oner mee no pottle, ¿Ino at bis pleafare make an cud of mpne fencertcpnc tpme* i^it Ujall the better part of nié affurcó bee fmelpme áloft abone the ffarrp ffcpe, ílnDaü the tbc;lo f^all nencr ÜSe able fo; tm quench mp name, jjo? Imüe hoto farre ío cue* trh* Ouids Metamorphofis. 200 ’ Cbt {tornirne Cmpi’jf lu> fhc ng!i: of cantinoli (Tjall ertalo, g>o farre fljall all foibe rea&e t&io toa>?b. atto tpme toit&otU all en& (3f poeto ao bp pjopbeficabout tlje trntbmsp ante) Ipfe tyall euerlaff tnglp bee lengtbeneD ffill bp fame. Finis Libri decimi quinti» jlJT LO^ don by Willy ani Sercs dxveUing at thè vpcjl enti of ièauìtó c^urcl), at tfjc tigne of tlje IfjeDgeljoggc. mrf i ,