ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015\IW V ,í> . -j|PASTORAL Lamenting the Death HIS HIGHNESS (WILLIAM Duke of Gloucefter. A Youth of the Free-School at Camberwell in Surrey. ■■■ LONDON; (Printed for Robert Gibfon at the Crown in Middle-Row in Holborn, and fold by A- BaldwinJ near the Oxford-Arms in JVarwick-Lctne. 1700. 13 f&j>kP ASTOLAL Lamenting the Death of His Highnefs WILLIAM, Duke of Gloucefter. Damon and Alexis. 'Hat makes my dear Alexis now io lad: Whole chearful looks us’d always (to make glad The happy Britijh Swains, happy to fee The lov’d Alexis in their Company ? Thy Lips io pale, thine Eyes io full of T ears, Thy Sorrow plainly in thy Face appears: a 2 ThyA Vafloral. To ask the cauie of this great grief I dread, Grant Heavn, the fair Dorinda be not dead. Alex. Ah ! tho’ Dorinda has a thouiand Charms, And ev’ry night receives me in her Arms; Yet Hill the Lois I mourn is greater far, Albion has loft her brighteft Morning Star, A Star that did fair Lada’sYwain out-run, A Star we hop’d wou’d grow to be a Sun. Da. What is more common than to fee Stars fall ? They’re numberlefs, the lois is therefore fmall. Alex. But fuch was the bright Star I now deplore, As never yet on Albion ihin’d before, Since Princely Edward, Sixth of that Great Name, Did Grace the Kingdom with his matchleis Fame. 1 mourn a 1 outh the Mirrour of His Age, Untimely facrijic d to Death s relentlefs rage. Da. BleisA Pa floral. % Da Bids me! What Youth ? Alexis, prithee lay. Alex. Death has the hopes of Albion made his (prey. Has fnatch’d the Prince out of his Mothers Arms Infpiteof all his Youthful, lovely Charms. As when a Tyger, or a Savage Bear Robb’d of her Whelps does on the Plains appear; A Lamb will not their angry jaws appeafe, But on the Shepherds only Son they feize: So tho’ Death had ten thoufand Lives in ftore, He only would the Royal Touth devour. Da. The caufe Alexis of your grief is juft, Yet to the Almighty’s Hand fubmit we muft: A decent grief becomes us humble Swains, t Let’s Hied fome tears, a debt to his Remains. Alex. Oh 1 let nomeaiiire to our grief be found; Let mournful crys thro’ ev’ry Valley found ; No more let Hills bedeck their lofty brows With fragrant flow’rs, andihady verdant boughs,4 A Pallor al. Let thorns, and thirties, and thebalefull Yew Spring where fweetRofes blulh’d,andMyrtle grew. Let warbling Nightingales lock up theirThroats, And never charm the Rufticks with their Notes. But let black Ravens Tragic fates foretell, And Owls, and Batts by day forfake their Cell; Since the great Shepherdels has loft her Son, And reicu’d Albion is again undone. See, lince the News is fpread thro5 all the Plains, How ev’ry Shepherd mourns in boundlelsftrains. Loathing theirFood theHerds cool ftreamsforlake, And with impetuous courfe themlelves betake To loneiome Caves------. They mourn a Prince, the Mirrour of his age. Untimely facrific'd to Death’s relentlefs rage. The Lambs that us’d on Sunny-banks to play, And frisk and dance with mirth to dole the day, Now droop, as if new wean'd, and with the found Of their fad Bleatings fill the fields around. TheyA They mourn a Prince, the Mirrour of his age. Untimely [aerified to Death’s relentlefs rage. J (bouring flood Da. What Voice is that which from the Neigh-Seems by its Sweetneis to portend fome good ? Alex. Oh! ’tisa Swan,that fingsbeforefhedies, And kindly célébrâtes his Obiecjuies. Bat fee the Train of his Attendants come, \ Lifeleis as flowers long ftrow’d upon a Tomb, j-Or as Men fentenc’d to fome Fatal doom. j Silent and cold their grief they can’t difclofe, Words are too narrow to exprefs their woes. They mourn their Prince, the Mirrour of his age. Untimely Sacrific'd to Death’s relentlefs rage. But fee the Royal Princefs on the ground (For in the Youth her chief delight lhe found) In fable Robes lhe lies lamenting moil Her only Son, her greatefl comfort loft. Such weeping once in Rhama's vale was heard, When Rachel's murder’d Children were interred.\ 6 A Pajloral. She mourns her Son, the Mirrour of his age. Untimely [aerified to Death’s relentlefs rage. Sec the Great William panting without breath Juftly lamenting the young Prince’s death : He never was lb much concern’d before, But only when 'Paflora was no more: A Prince that wou’d a Second Naff an be, In Peace for Love, in War for Victory : What might not be expebted from a Youth ? Striclly inftructed in reformed Truth ? Whom GreatNaJfau would lead to Glorious War, And all his prudent Stratagems declare. He d teach him how to weaken Popifh hands, And from Monjieur to lave the Netherlands. He’d bring the New-fledg’d Hero to the Boyn With Valiant Ormond in brave Feats to joyn, To rufli thro’ Thunder, Lightning, Smoak and all, And Hand undaunted at the Grazing-Ball. S’ f •D’Tn F I N I S.