ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 J¿4§03HX^;z//s Víi - i f .i \ i Ì Xl - viVhfUTj;!; ;‘Vi idori -íoriíjo.) riditi 4‘*' -« • \ 1. '•PCL•' •. U' ¡Mv ••: (V i• j ■/ - ri':?,*;. ;■ «j ;jnnj<-!i:!«Yr| fxA . A .x vAi'S |» j;V f ‘ i l*3t : K ¡ >1 ; fp. l.; '¡ ’/r¡f. ’■ ,io: náj / nisTOÍM 3fÍJ ? iAfl¡ 1 *sotîtiô ‘isriw íí? ■ . . m j I II (l\p'yo MO ‘ * 1 : . **i ¿ ‘i r!¡. *•* * ' ,>7• . .• i. :>15'i.'.? Í l - > j a h i ! • í¡. a:í i-* íl i . *•; o - :> .. .-£?** i , >• V. fM V' V y ¡. vi n v> >’ ; if -Xth&s ■Vvv.l jasa,') 77';Í 's^F ’*• i ’ t : ¿ J V . rrtjj*r. .í-3rtú‘ . / . MfÄ, . UvfcH ' ■.«■.. i "V, ■i\ V "J 7 ¡'.iti. Mn ■ V rùiiX o l’VX ) 2 Jy OpO ’ AN ACT FOR. THE ESTABLISHING A N High Court of Juffcice. £>? tDe pzerctbatton of (De Com-monpeaee, ano foz tDtbettec pzcbentfngof ttyt iptfcctes of a nell) $ bloobp naar, enbeabozeb to bt ftttreb upbp EbicUeD pzactù ^.^-•««anbcoirerponDeneiefi! of tl)e cnemieo of tDCf|Cant at JLatt), fi© tu t Chatl*OpO Gharls-George Cock CfCJ; Matthew Sheppard William Underwood ^Ibcniiatl Of London, John Hayes(¡¡jfq; George LanghamMaurice Thomp-fon Cfq; Richard Shute Cfik Mark Hildefley Cfq; Thomas Allein ^iCCCtliau Of London,Daniel Taylor CfCl; Edmond Waring #fq; John Blackwel tl)C pongee Nicholas Juxon CfQj Roger Frith Cfq;Nathaniel WhethamCfqjEdwardCreflet Cfq; Ralph Harrifon Cfq; Benjamin Valentine Cfq, William WebCfq; Owen Row Cfq; Thomas Andrews 2U0etntan Of London, John Hardwick Richard Arnold Cfq; John Thorowgood Of Kensington IRltiglJt, Abraham Babington ©fq; Richard Moor®Cqi Edward Whaley ®fq;William Goff (3^5 John Okey ®fq; Thomas Juxon Cfq> Mark Coe Offence« as are gipen tljem in charge bp this piefent #ct; anb to p?oceeD to the Xrpal, Cottbemnation anb epecution of the £>ffenber anb CXfenbers, anb to inflict upon Dim, tier 02 them, fucbpanilbmenteitber bp2DeatD,jfine,3Jinp2lfonment,02 other cojpos ral punf(bment5as the fait» Commifsronets oj tbe umjo2 pact of tfleni then ptefent (ball fnbge to appertain to 3Jnftne tbonfano fir bun* biebfoitpanb^igbt, Cntituieb, AnAapro- hibitingthe Proclaiming of any perfon to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof. conblp, u,ucI (ip?) conbip,inbefat'D Commifsioners (ball bab pottjer to pioceeb againft anp petfotioz per= ions foi tile feberai Offences tnencioncb lit tuio&ccs of tbe faib late parliament, each of them CntltUlCb, An A& declaring what offences be adjudged Treafon ; ifiC OttC OlbetCb tO bC piinteb tbejfourteentb bap of May,Otte tbou-fanb fijr btmoieb fo?tp anb nine; anb tHe other oiberebtobepzinteb tlje g>ebenteentb bap of July, in the faib pear One tboufanbfijc bun* Dieb foitp anb nine. %tytb\v,%\Je fatD Com: miffioners a;all babe poibee to pzoceeb againft anp perfon o? perfons fot the feberai often: ces mentioneb in one other Piet of the late parliament, czbereoto be pzinteb the Xibo anb ttbentietb oap of January, One tljoufaub firhnnbiebanbfiftp, ©ntituieb, An Abip5,31leffelsoi Voices b? S>ea 01 2Umb, belonging to ibis: Commonwealth; Which faib Offences (ball be pumibcb With 2Deatb. PinbitiSberebpCnacteb bp tbe Piutboiitp afo?efaib,3Cbattbe faib Commifsioners, 01 anp thirteen oz nioze of tbetn, iba» be, anb are b?rebp antboziseb anb conftitnteb an i^tgl) Court of to meet anb fit at fuel) corn benient time anb place from time to time, as bp tbe faib Commifsioners 01 tbe majoi pact of thirteen 01 moze of them , nnber tbeir JDanbs anb £>eais, (ball be appointeb anb no: tifiebbppubliqne pjoclamation in tbe $zeat i>aii0?4) $au ûî 0aiace^ato at weftminft«, ano ta aôjourn front tinte to tinte ano place te place, as tlje faiD $isb Court ot tbe tnajot part tbercof meeting (bail ôolo fit; ano to tabe ojoet fût tlje cljarging of ÆNFenocts, ttrttj) ail o; anp of tbe Crimes, matters ano tbfngs contaitteo ano impotbjeo bp tfiis pjefent^ct, ano fo; tbe receioing tt)eic perfonai anftber tbcrenntO; ano fot tbe epamination of mit-neffes upon Datb (KbDtcD tlje Court batlj Ijerebp autbojitp to aomfniftet) o? otperfbife, ano tabing anp otber Cbioence concerntng tbe Came : 2ino tbereupon, ot in oefault of fucb anfïbtr, to p;oceeo to final Sentence, accoîôing to 3Îutticc ano tbe G&ttit of tbe Caufe, ano fucb final Sentence to ejcecute ot caufe to be crecuteo fpeeoilp ano im-partiailp : &no tbe faib ConttniCsioners, o% anp tbirteen o; ntote of tbem, (bail babe potberano autimitp to appoint ail Officet* tteeoful foi tbeputtingin execution tbe matter ano tblngs (n tbis %a containeo. 2lno (t (s berebp furtber enactco, Xbatall â0ajo?s, £>ber(ffs, HuOices of tbe |0eace, Conßabies,JBapiiffs ano otber âDfficers ; ano ail &>fficers ano pointers of tbe ftrtttp, ano otljer tbe gooo people of tbis Commonibeaitb, (bail beapoing ano affiftitigto tbe fatb Corn-mifsioners fit anp of tlje pjemifes. 2ino bett furtber enacteo, Sbateberp of tbe Commifsioners befojenameo, befoze be (bail oo o; etecutctbc iDfftceof a Coinmifsti oner bpbertueof tljis pjefent 2lct, (bail tabe tbeOatbenfuing; viz. You12-fa C'9f) Ou fnallfwear, That you ihall weiland truly, according to the bell of your skill and knowledge, execute the feveral Powers given unto you by this prefent A <51. Tint) tlje Ho?bs Comtnifsioners fo? tlje 45?eat £>eal of England, o? any one of them, are hereby autbo?i5tb to abtninifter the Cato tDathaccojbingiy. pjobibeb, Xljat this 2tct no? any thing therein container),(hall ejctenb to the biminid); mg o? Itffening any potder o? authority fo?= tnerly gibtn to the fto?b<0eniral o? h&Coum celofa@ar,o?to the Generals at &ea by am thojity of parliament 3 fo? the execution of partial Hatb* pjobibeb alfo, Xhat this act, ana the am tljojity hereby gtben, Chau inbure anb Dane continuance to the jfiritiay of Auguft, £>v,t thoufanblijc h«no?eo fifty anb four, aub no longer Monday the 21 of IA(ovember, 1653. ^\Rdercd by the Parliament, That this Att be forth- with printed and publiihed. perfon to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof. nits anb furthers comniitteb by him in the Hen: Scobellt Qerkof the Parliament, An A<5t prohibiting the Proclaiming of any Xjytyereas Chads Stuart Bing of England, bti ▼ ▼ ityrr ffn tllfr tlfifnWfmfiO 90 late Unnatural anb Cruel floats cottbemneb to Death; aaherenpon, after execution of the fame, fcberal pretences map be mabe, atm title fet on foot unto tbe Binglp Office, to the apparant ha3arb of tlje publiqne peace: jfor pjebentton thereof, JBeit cnactebanbOr-oaincD bp this prefent parliament, anb bp authoritp of tbe fame, Xhat no perfon or per-fons mtmtfoeber bo prefttme to proclaim. Dr* dare, publiih, or anp map promote charis Stuart s>on of tbe faib charis, comntoitip cals leb, The Prince of Wales , 0? anp Other pets fon to be Bing,or chief 40ag(ftrate of England, or of Ireland, o? of anp the Dominions belonging to them o? either of them, bp colour of inheritance, Smccefsion,election, or anp other Claim mhatfbeber, mfthont the free content of the people in parliament firft hab, anb Ggnffieb bp a particular act or Orbfnance for that purpofe, anp Statute, Ham, BCage or Cuftom to the contrarp hereof in anp mife notmithftanbing. anb be it farther cnacteb anb Orbaineb, anb it is here bp Cnacteb anb Orbafneb, Xhat mhofoeber (hall contrarp to this act, proclaim, Declare, pnbli(h, or anp map promote the faib Charis Stuart the S>op, or anp other perfon to be Bing, or Chief GPagi&cate of England Or Of Ireland, Or Of anp the Domini* ons belonging to them, or to either of them, mithout the faib confent in parliament fig-nifieb as aforefaib, (hall be bcenicb anb ab-lubgeD a Xraptor to the Commonmealth, anb mail fuffet pains of Death, anb inch o-ther pnniflrments as belong to the Crime of ©igh Xreafon. anb all Officers, as men Cibil as ipilitarp, anb all other mell affccteD perfons,(‘97) pcrfons, are fierebp antt)on?£0 ano ceoutretj fojilHUttl) to appje&cnb all rucf) ©ffenbets, anD to b?mg tticmm fafeCuftobpto the nert indite of tl)e peace, tljat tfiep map be p?o? cccoeo agamft acco?bmgip. Die Marti f, ^o. Jamtarii, 1 *4^. Rderedby the Commons aflembled in Parli. amenr, That this Ail: be forthwith Printed and pubhfhed., Adi declaring what Offences fhall be adjudged Treafon. Whereas tl)c parliament fiati) nboliflp eb tt)e Binglp Office in England anb Ireland, anb III tlje ^Dominions anb CtcntoHcs thereunto belonging, anb jhabing i&cfolbeb f Dcclareb, €t)at t\yt people 0>ali fot tile future be goberneb bp its ohm ftc* piefentattbes, 02 Rational meetings in Conn? cel, Cljofen anb Cntrufleb bp tliem fot that puepofe, !^atl) fetleb trie eSobernmcnt in the Ship of a Common!»ealtl) anb free Sitate, boitDout Bingoi^ottCcof JLoibS; iBe it Cm acteb bp tl)is patent parliament, anb bp tlje antliontp of tijeCamc,€l)atifanp perfon fliail maltciottflp 02 abbifcblppubu0) bp Minting, ¿minting, 0? openlpdeclaring, Allattile Cam ©obemment is 'Cptannical, UCttrpcb 01 Clm latofuU 02 that the Commons in parliament affcmbiebacc not the Superne 2tutl)02itp of ttits Ration ; 02 0iail plot, contribc, 02 enbca* boito OU up 02 taife folte againtt the ptefent 02 fot tl)c filbbfrfion 0? alterai H: Scoiseli, Cler. Pari. D. Com. ^n non(198) item of tffe fame, atm fffau Declare tffe fame bp anp open Deco, €ffat tffen cberp fuel) Offence Iffall be fatten, beemcb anb abjtiogcD, bp autffozitp of tiffs parliament, to be i^igff Œccafon. 3lnD Wffcrcas tl)t Beepers of tffe &ibrrtp of England, anb tffe Councclof &tatc, conffltuteb, anb to be front time to time con* Citttteb bp autffozitp of parliament, arc to be tmber tffe Cato Eepzcfcntatibes in parlia* ment, cntcnfteb foz tffe maintenance of tffe faib C5obcrnment, fffftff ftbcrai powers anb autffozities limitcb, gibtn anb appotntcb unto iff cm bp tffe parliament ; 2i5e it itttevbtfe en# acted bp tffe autffofftp afojcfaib, €ffat if anp perfon (l)aii maiictouflp anb abbtfcbip plot 02 enbeabo? tffe fubberfton of tffe fatb Beepers of tffe jitbertp of England, o) tffe Counccl of â»tate, anb tffe fame iffall Declare bp anp open beeb i a; Iff all mobe anp perfon oz perfons foz tffe Doing tfftreof, oi Sir up tffe people to rife agamft tffcmoz ettfftr of tffem, tffeir oz ettffer of tffeir Sltttffontits, €ffat tffen cberp fntff Offence anb Offences Iff all be fatten, SDtem# eb anb Oeclareb to be ïffgff €rcafon. 3inD Wff créas tffe parliament, foz tffeir in ft anb lawful SDcfcnce, ffatff ratftb anb lebpeb tffe 3lrmp anb Sfojct* note unber tffe Commanb of Thomai jLozb Fairfax, anb ace at pz tient ne# ceffitateb, bp reafon of tfft inatfffolb Difira# étions ttfftffin tiffs Commombeaitff, anojfn# baftonstffzeatneb from abzoao, to continue tffe fame, boffftff unber <5on muft be elle infirm mental means of pzeferbing tffe toemaffeeteb people of tffis Ration in peace anb fafetp ; zsc ft fnrtffcr enaefeb bp tffe autffozitp afozefaio, €ffat if anp perfon, not being an Officer, âmlbier oz Member of tffe artnp, 0;aii plot, contcibe,U 7/ C199) confrilir o? endcabo? to ftír up anp fl0ntínp in tí)tfaíd airmp, o? iWtíjtyatt) anp Soldiers o? Officers from tfteir obedience to tpeit <§>u* peno? Officers, o? from tfje pjefmt <¡5oberns ment as afo^eíatd; o? fijan p?ocurr, ínbtte, apd 0; afOft anp jftirtgners o? strangers to 3fn= bade England o? Ireland, O? fljaU aOljCtetO anp 5Fo?ccs ratfed bp tpe enemies oftí)eparlía= mento?Common=ibealff), 0; Beepers oftpe Htbcttp of Engiandjo? íf anp perfon fijall coun< terfeit tpe (¡5reatá>eal of England (fto tpe time being) ufeb ano appointed bp autpojitp of parliament,"Cpat tfjen ebrrpfucf) offence and offences ftjail be tafeen, deemed and Declared bp tfjeautpomp of tins parliament to be J^iflf) Xreafoti; and eberpfueft perfons fijallfuflfet pains of 2p:atf), and alfo forfeit unto tfje Beepers oftpe^ibertp of England, to and fo? tpe ufe of tpe Cominontbealtp, au and 0ngu= lar fjisand tpett Hands, tenements and $e= reottameuts, cSaods and Cbattels, as in cafe of i)ign Xreafon batí) been ufed bp tt)e Hams and statutes of tpis Hand to be forfeit and loft, pmbided altbaps, Xfjat no perfonsfljail be indicted and Arraigned fo? anp offbe fences mentioned int&is 3lct, unlefs fuel) 4Df= fenders (pall be indicted 0? pmfecuted fo? tf)e fame miffjtn one pear after tpe Offence committed. Die Larue, 14 Matt, 1649. ORdcrcd by the Parliament, That this Aft be forthwith Printed and Publiihed. Men: Sctbcll, Cleric, f arlimmti. $1 n a An(soo) An Aft declaring what Offences ihall be adjudged Treafon. Whereas tbe parliament fjatft abolifljcb tbeBinglp Office in England anD Ireland, attD in tbe dominions anti Xmt tones thereunto belonging ; anb fjabing ite« tblbeb anb £>eclareb,cbat tfte people Qjali fo? tf)c future be gobetnebbp its oibn aSep?efen« tatibes o? Rational gettings in Councel, cfjoCrn anbentrufteb bp them fo? tf|at purpofc, $atb Cetleb tbe d&obernmcnt in tbe xbap of a Commontbealtl) anb frittate, Ibitbout Btng o? $ottfe of 2£02bs: 25e it Ctiarteb bp tljis p?efcnt parliament, anb bp tbe StutboUtp oftbefame, Xfjat ifanp perfon fliall mabncuilpo? abbifeblp publiilj, bp editing, punting, 02 openlp declaring, Xbat tlie iatb (I50bernment is Xprannical, ilfurpeb o? unlawful ; 02 tliat tbe Commons in parliament affembleb are not tbe «èmpjram ^utiiontp of tins Rations 0? fljaii plot, Contcibe 02 Cnbeab02 to ttir up, 0? raite jfcuce againft tbe p?efent <5obernment, 02 fot tfje ^ubberOon 02 Alteration of tbe fame, anb fljallbeclace tbe Came bpanp openbeebi Xbat then eberp fucb Offence (ball be fatten, befm= eb anb abiubgeb bp Autbontpof this parliament to be t^igb Xreafon. 3lnb ibbereas The Keepers of tpe Liberty of England , anb tijC Councd of State tonftitutcu, anb to be from Cime to time cènftitutebbpautbontp of pai# Immemore to bé unber tbe faibilepiefentatibrs in parliament a entrufteb fb2 tbe ^atnte= nance of tbe fawobemment, tbifb febrral poibersanb &«tbo2ities limiteb, giben anb ap-Z2-72. ( 201 ) appotnfcD unió them bp tíje parliament, m it imcruife Cnatteb bp the 3Eutt)o?itp afore« fóibjXpaí if anp perfcn fljaU maUciouflp anb abbifeirtp plot o? enbeabor the fubberßon of Ibeidtb BtCpcrö Of tlß&tbCrtP Of England, c? the Councei of á>fate, anb the fame (pall be* clare bp anpopen b®b, or (JjäU mobe anp per« fon o? perfons for the boina thereof, or ftit up the people to rífe agamí* them, 02 either of them, their 0? cither of tpeir 3tutöo?ttieO; £hat then eberp fuch Offence anb Dfftnces Wall be caben, öoemeb anb beclareb to be $tgh Xrcafon. 3lnb Whereas the parliament/ for their full anb lawful befence, hath ratfeb anb lebpeb the 8:mp anb fences now unbrrtbc Commanb of Thomas &orb Fairfax, anb areatprefentnee ceffitateb, bp reafon of rfje manifolb 2>iftrattis ons ibirljmtljts Commonwealth, anb Jnb*= Oons threatneb from abroab, to continue the fame, which unber <3ob, muft bethemftrus mental gratis of prefcrbtng the Well* affettcb people of this Ration in peace anb fafetp; 2Se it further Cnarteb bp the autho* ritp aforefa/b, Xhatifonp per fon, not being an Officer, &o!bier or Member of the %x~ mp, aia‘1 plot, ccntribr, 02 enbeaborto ßit np an? ápmínp in the faib ^rmp, or wittjbraw anp -poibters or Officers from their obebtence to their «tmp'ríor Officers, 0? from the pre* f°nt <5Wernment as aforefaib; 0? flwu pro« cu-e, inbite, aib or affift anp foreigners or strangers to inbabe England or Ireland . or Wall abhereto anp forces raifeb bp the Cite« mies of the parliament or Commonwealth, or Beepers of the Eibertp of England,or if anp perfon (hall counterfeit thecreat £>eai of England,( 002 ) England foj the time being, ufebanb appofttteb bp Stuthontp of parliament, ^hat then cbc« tp fact) Offence anb Offences (ball be taben, btcmcb anb beclareb bp satthojitp of tips parliament, to be f?igh Creafon; anb eberp fuel) perfon Owl! fttffec pains of beatb, anb alio fojfeit unto the Beepers of tt)c jLiuerrp of England, to anb f02 tt)c tifc of tt)e Common« Wealth, all anb Angular bis anb their &anbs, tenements anb $etebitaments> (SoobS anb Chattels, as m cafe of tyigh 'Creafon hath beenuftb bp the Haws anb Statutes of this jLanutobe forfeit anb loft, P2ontbebalWaps, ICftat no ptrfons (ball be inbicteb anb at« caigncb fo? anp of the Offences mentioneb in this 3it, uniefs inch offenbers Own be inbu rttb anb pwfecutcb fo? the fame Within one peat after the Offence committrb. 2tnb be it further Cuacteb bptheauthontp afojefaib, Xtibt if anp ptrfon OwU counterfeit the &}oncp of this Commonwealth, 02 (ball bjing anpfalfe Q^onep into this Hanb, conn« terfeit oj other, lifte to the $$onrp of this Commonwealth, bnoWing the &)onep to be falfe, to merchanbi5e o? matte papinent in be« ceit of the people of this Ration; o? if anp perfonthaU hereafter faiffp fo?ge anb counter« feit anp fuch binbr of Copn of (¡5olb 02 &\i* ber, as is not the proper Copn of this Commonwealth, anb is 02 Own be tnrrant Within this Ration, bp confent of the parliament, 0? fuch as fhall he bp them anthohscb thereunto; 02 (ball Wing from the parts beponb the S>eas into this CoihmonWealth, o? into anp the dominions 0 the Came, anp fuch falfe anb counterfeit C pn of i$onep, being currant Within thefatjieas is abobrfaib, (mowing the i1 fame/273" (203) fame &)oncyc>3befaifcanb counterfeit, tot&e intent to titter 0? mane payment Unit) tlje fame totttjin this Commonwealth, by &)er# cliatiotec 0? otlKitbifc, 0? if any perfon Qjalt impair,3>tmtni(b,5falfi6e,Clip, toa(b,l&ottnb 02 5?tle, incale ci ^lighten, fot lbtcneb lucre 02 gams* fane, any tl)c proper Roneys 02 Coyns of tl)is Commonwealth, 0? the ^Dominions tncirof, 01 of tl)t Roneys 02 Coyns of any other Écalm, aiotocoattb fuffereo to be cur# rant autbuuljisCommotnjoealil), 0? tf)e2Do# minions thrreof; Chat ttjen all aub ebtry fuel) Offences abobe mentioneb, fliall be anb arc iiciebybeemebaub abiuogeb i)tgl) Xrcafon, anb tljc íDñcnDcrs therein, tijcir counccUois. pjocurers, aybers aitb abettor, being conby rteo accoibíng to tl* nawaof this Ration of any of tlie fatb áDffcnccsJ M be beemeb aub abuibgcb Crayton againft ibis Com# montoraitb, anb Ojall fuffer anb babe fuel) pains of 2>catl), anb 5fOiffíturcs,as in cafe of l?igl) Crcafon tsufebatib oibaiurb. ^jobibtb always, anb be it Cnacteo by tlje 3foth02ity afotefatb, €l)at this 2kt touching tf)c ®)o# ntys anb Coyns afotciato, 02 any thing there# in containcb, not any Slttainbcr of any perfon Í02 the fame, (ball in anp Wife ejeteno 02 be jiibseb to mane any cotruption of 26loob, to anyihct?ciro2 l)cirs of any fitch Offenber, 02 to mane the ffidifcof any inch Offenber to lofe 02 forfeit her Ootoct, of 02 in any nanos, Ce# nemmts 02 ^rreottaments, 02 her Citie, Action 0? ^nfereft in the fame* Die Mariis^ 1*7 IhIH, 16419. ORdered by the Parliament, That this Aa be forthwith printed and publifhed. Hen: Scobell, Ciernof the Parliament. An(2°4) Aft for a Seal of the Parliament of the Common wealth of Sngland. Be itCnactcb bp tips pisfent parliament, €hatthe&cai ctigtabtn toith thc^rms Of FnglaridatlD Ireland (that tS (0 föp, % Croß anb a i?atp) ibitt) tl)is 3Infcciption in the CltCle €l)atlS to lap (The Seal of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England) (hall be thegwi of the#atltaimnt of the Common* Ibcalthof England, to bconeipufeb bp ¡©¿bet of parliament. 3tnb be it further Cnacteb, ^bat tobofo* eber (hall counterfeit the fame, (hall be ab< fttbgeb anb taten to be smitpof $igh%rca* fon,anb(hallbttrpeb mfueh maner, anb am bergo tht lit« ¡penalties as are appointebbp anp art of parliament in cafe of $igh€rea< ton, ..«■ The Mercuric n.fanuani, 1650. ORdered by the Parliament, Tha this Aft be forthwith printed an publiihed. HcnSctbell, Cleric. TarlUmem