ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N T O Continue and Amend A N ACT, Made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of HisPrefent Majefty, Intituled, An Acl for the better Regulating of furies. G. II. R. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moil Excellent Majefty, at the King’s Arms and Two Bibles in EJfex-Street,MDCCXL. 7ZJT.’ -flÂX' [ 59 ] A N ACT T O Continue and Amend An Aét made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of His Pre-fent Majefty, Intituled, An Aft for the better Regulating of furies. CHAP. V. an 3ct 4©abe in tfiiS W f&inflrbom, in tty jHinti) peat of tty laeign of m l&jefent 0Bajeftp, gfntituieb, An A6t for the better Regulating of juries, ¿atb bp Experience been founb life? ful anb beneficial, anb is noth Expiring; be it Enacteb bp tty Sinj’s Ex? cellent $J)ajeGp, bp anb tbitl) tbe abbtce anb Content of tbe ILojbs Spiritual anb Cempojal, anb Commons in tbiS pjefent fbatliament aCfembleb, anb bp tbe autfio? ntp of tbe fame, %tyt tbe faib act anb cfcerp Claufe therein, £>abe as is beremaf? tet $9entioneb, ^fiaU be anb is fiercbp €1 Con?6o Chapj V. O'Y'NJ Anno Regni pedn|o Tertio, Continucb to tbe Xtbentp S>ap of March, ibbtcb ftjaU be tu tbe $>eat of £>ur 2Lo?t>, £>ne tbotifanb febea btmtyeb ano fojjtp fot», aito ftorn tbence to tbe €nb of tl)e tbcn next ^cffion of ì&atliament, ano no longer. > r a, pjjobibcD nebettb^efó, ano be it CnacteD bp tbe ^ftttbctfitp afo?efatO, Xbat anp per= fon 02 pctfons, JilcttttneD on a Vbbo babe bab tbe fUctb, maj> be Cbaliengreb fo? gjuft Cauti ; Sinp Xbittff in tlje faib fojniet o? ut tbis 3lct to tbe Contea5 rj) m anp Abiti nottbitbGanbing:. $;ot»DcD alio, Xbat no Claufe in tbe fato 3tct, ft)aU €xtenD to Cnable anj> SluDge o? 3Jubg:es of affile, to o?bec a lefó Munì? ber ti)an Xbittp fix, o? a grteatet iEumber tbandiitp,on anj> Venire, tobe fUetutnebby anp flDfficet tbbo batb tbe Return of f tttiee. p^obibeb affo, anb be it 2T>eclateD ano Cnacteb bp tbe autbozitp afojefaiD, Cbat Abbcnfoebec it ìball bappen, tbat a 3furp fo? tbe Xtpal of anp fiffuc 02 ^CTues bp Nili Prius, iliali not be JftetutneD bj> tbe ébctiff o? ^betiffe, but (bali be ttetutn= cD bp tbe Cornee o? Cojjoncrs, o? otbet iDificet o? ©ffteere negali? appomteb, tbat fucb Cojonet o? Cojonets, £E>fficet oj SDfficets, fl)all laetutu tbe fame tflumbet of ^utojjs, ano unbet tbe fame £Iualifi5 catione as tbe ^betiff b? ìlatb is 2idounb to Do, anb tbe 3Juto?s fo JaeturncO ftjall be ballotto fo? in tbe fame manner, A N W