ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N T O Explain, Amend, and Make more effedual An Ad, Palled in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majefty, King William the Third of Glorious Memory, Intituled, An AH fnr the better Securing the Government by Difarming Papifts. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moil Excellent Majefty, at the King's Arms and Tee a Bibles in Ejjex-Street. MDCC XL. Chap. VI. ' C 63 ] Chap. --------------------------VI. irw A N ' > ACT T O Explain, Amend, and Make more effe&ual an A6t, PalTed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King William the Third of Glorious Memory, Intituled, An AH for the better Securing the Government by Difarming Papifts. CHAP. VI. bp an act, feaffeD in tl)e ^ebentl) jpeat of tJ)e ftetg:n of fl^is late 4J9ajeGp, Bin# William tl)e ^C|)irD of CBlojionS ^emo^p, SlntittileD, An Adt for the better Securing the Government by Difarming Papi/ls, ^Jt i2>, a; mon^G otl)et rs CnacteD, That all Papijts within this Kingdom of Irelandiliould before the Firft Day of March, then next en-fuirig, Difcover and Deliver up to fome Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or to the Mayor, BaylifF, or Head Officer of the County, City, JR. Town-64 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. Town-Corporate or Place refpectively, where VI. fuch Papifi then dwelt and refided, all their o'YNrf Arms, Armour and Ammunition, then in his or their Hands, or Poifeifion, or in the Hands of any other Perfon or Pcrfons in Trull for them, or at their Difpofition, notwithftanding any Licence or Permillion for Keeping the fame, before Granted ; And tl)at fCOUt and aftct tf)t faiD jFitft 2DajJ of March, ¡©tie tfcoufand fix l)tmO?eD and ninety fide, it ftjould and uticrbt be ?lalbful fo? any Xtbo o? »to?e ^ttfiices of tl)e f&eace, Uiitf)= in tbe ¿Limits of tl)ctr ‘^urifdictionS and Autbo?ity, and fo? all 09ayo?s, 3>J)ettffs, and Chief £i>fficets of Cities, and Cottons? Co?po?ate in tJ)eit ¿Liberties, by tf)cm= feldes, o? by ®Uattant o? tKKatrants urn dct tbeic $ancs and 3>eals tefpectidely, from Haute to Cmte to £>eatcl) fo?, ^>ei$e, o? Cattle to be Searched fo? and Seised, and Cafte into J)tS o? theit Cuftody all fuel) a tuts, Armottt and Ammunition, as flbottld be Concealed in any f^oufe, ¿Lodging o? other fdlace, tbfiete t|)ey ftjould ^ttipect any fuel) Arms, Amtout and Ammunition to be Concealed, and fucb Amts, A cutout and Ammunition, fo Haftett o? &ei3ed upon Search, and otbcilbife, fyould, by tl)c petfon o? Idee-fons fo BUceidittg, Haltinir and &ei$ingi the fame, be i&?efcrdcd fo? the Hfe of $is fatd ¿©ajefty, $is flairs and :§ucceiro?0, and the laid $erfons ftjould Return a Httte and pacticulac Account thereof, to tl)e ^uiuc fGeoigii Secundi Regis. 6 5 tfie 2Lo?D 2Peputp, 02 otfiet Cfitef e Jfttfing ano $ett; mg of tfie éun, otl>et tfiait m Ctttes ani) tfieit 3>ubutb0, Xotbn0;iro2po2ate, 0Bar^ ftet Cotbns, ano l^ottfes of futi) Cittes anD 3£otfins, tf it ifioulO be tfiougfit to be neccfTatp, and tfie ffiffilattaht 02 ffiffilartants fo2 tfiat pmtpofe tuo fo Ditect ano ,3p; point, ano in Cafe futi) SJufittcs of tfie ideate, ¿©a)>o2,^obereigtt, Bapltff, 02 otfiet: Cfitef &9agifitate 02 C»ffttct, of anp Cito 02 XoU)n;Co2po2atc, aftet futi) Scatti) «taoe, (fiottio fino Cattfe to £>ufpect, tbat anp futi) 3tms, Ormone 02 <3tttmunttt= ou, temaineO ContcaleO atto not &ci3eo, vbete tfietebp refpcctibclp SimpolbctcO ano fiUgutteO, to Cattfe futi) perfon 02#cti fons as tfiep (fioulo 3>ufpcct to fiabe Con= teaieO tfie fame, to be b2ottgfit befo2c fiutt 02 tfiem, to be CramttteO npon fits 02 tfiett Co2po2al £>atfi, tontetnmg tfie fame. 3ln0 tbfiereas tfietc is gooO fòcafou to éufpert tfiat feberal l&erfons Contrarp to tfie 3Cttte ^Jntent ano ¿©eattmg of tfie IR 1 fato66 Anno Regni Dccimo Tertio Chap fait) Hatb, Date 3tms, armour and atm vi munition, in tbeit Cuftodp 02 potber, bp means tbbeteof, man? 4g)ifcbiefs map bap= pen if not 3>pcedtlp p2ebented; 5Fo2ftemedp tbbeteof, Be it enacted bp tbe Bings 09oft Ci= cellent &Daieftp, bp and tbitb tbe satDtiice ano Content of tbe Ho?bS Spiritual and Cempo^al, and Commons in this p2efent parliament acfembled, and bp tbe autbo? ritp of tbe fame, Xbat all ^uftites of t|)e peace, ¿Sapors, Bapltffs, i^agiGtates and Chief Officers, of Cities and 1£otbnS= Co?po?atc, tbitbin tbeir rcfpectibe Counties, Cities and Cottms, fl>tll and map fo? ebct hereafter, life and derate, all and eberp the polbers in tbe faid in part lfte= cited act, in fucb manner as is tbetem and tbetebp Directed, and that all Papifts ftjall Difcober and Delibcr tip, to tome Sittftice 02 Sjnfttces of tbe peace, 02 to tbe %apo2, Bapliff, &f)agifttate 02 Chief Of? Geer, of tbe Countp, Cttp, XotbmCo2= po2ate, 02 place Ibbcre fucb PaPift fucb otber petfons as afo2cfaid, fljall refpectibe= Ip Dibell and iftefide, all Britts, Armour and ammunition, of tbbat bind foebet tbe fame be, bbbtcb are in bis, bet 02 tbeir ligands, pofleliion, Cuftodp 02 potber, 02 iti tbe poirefTiott 02 Cuftodp, of anp Pcr= fou 02 perfons to bis, bet 02 tbeit iEfe, 02 iti ituft fo2 him, bet 02 tbeut, 02 at Ins, bet 02 tbeir Difpofitiou, nottbitbftand;Georgii Secundi Regis. 6 7 mgr any Hiccnce 0? iPcriittfrion, fo? Keep- Chap. mg; anP l^abuig- tbe fame, heretofore iU before tbe jFirft Day of July, tbbtcb fyall be in tbe pear of ePuc 2to?P, £>ne tboufanP fcbeti b»nP2cP anP forty, Dclibcr up m iiUt manner, all fuel) Arms, Armour anP Ammunition, as (ball be itt tbeir poffefo fion, polbet 02 Difpofal; AnP tbat all Papifts anP fuel) other ^erfons as afore-fatp, (ball for cber thereafter, tbitbm the 3>pace of fourteen Days after be, ft)c 02 they, fljall Itnolbingly fret 02 babe, any Arms, Armour 02 Ammunition, Difcober anP Deltber up, to foiuc ^juftice o> f u= Gicesoftbe peace, 02 to tlx ^ayo2, Bayltff, ^agriftratc 02 Chief £Dfificcr, of the Coun^ ty, City, Xotbn;Co2po2ate, 02 place re= fpcctibely tbbete fucb Papin, 02 fuel) otbet l&erfons as afo2efaiP ibail DtbcU anP lac? fiPe, all btS, ber 02 tbeir, Arms, Armour anP Ammunition, that (ball be in bis, ber 02 tbeir D^anPS, poiTefrion, CufloPy, 02 jobber, 02 in tbe l^anPs, poffcOion 02 CuftoPy of any l&ctfon 02 peefons in Xrnft fo2 D^im, $et 02 €bem, 02 at $ts, $et 02 Ebetr Difpofition, except fucb Arms as tbe Cbief C5obctno2 02 d3obcrno2S, anP P2tby Council of tbis BUngrPom tball by licence, Autbo2i3e anP Hicence any Papiit to $abe anP Bleep. ^ AnP63 Anno Regni Decimo Terno C vi!' Ano be it furtf)et CnacteO by tbe Olii' KSV\J affato, ebety Papift ano c.fbcc Action as acefalo, tbbo w>alt at any Xtmc thereafter, $abe o? Beep, Catty o? Ufe any Anns, Atmottt, 02 Ammu= mtion, not being1 IlitenceO, 02 ttotho fyall not tflefpecttbely S>eltbet tip tbe á>ame, m <$)annet as afo?efaib, ano all ano ebety petfott 0? petfons, U>t)o GSBittingrly, WkU Imgly 02 Bnotbingly, fyatl babe any sums, Arnione 02 Ammunition, to tbe Hare of, 02 in Xttift fo2 any Papift, 02 102 any futí) otbet petfott as alefato, ano all anO ebety perfon 02 petfons, tbbo upon Dentano 02 bearci) 4Ì£)aOe fo2 A tuts, Armour, ano Ammunition, atco20mgr to tbe Direction in tthis, 02 tbe faio former ^fct, fljall Conceal, ftefttfe, 02 Neglect to Difcobct, anO <£ibe up to tbe pctfon 02 petfons Autbo2t3eO anO ^mpotbeteo Up the fato fo2met Act, to á>earcb fo2, á»ct3e ano Remano tbe ¿ame, all fuel) Arms, Si nuoti t ano Ammunition, as f)e, á>be, 02 02 any perfon 02 perfons m Xtuft fo2 D)itu, fcer, 02 31 bent, ftjall ibabe, 02 fyall üDppofe, fRcfift, üett, $mOer, 02 many JMBife, Dtfttttbanyperfono2 petfons fo SJmpotbereO, to bearci) fo2, ano á>ei3e tbe Sartie, ano all ano cUery perfon anO petfons, tbbo ftjall Elefufe to be €1-ammeo upon f)is, Dyer, 02 Xbetr Co2po2ai ©atU, tbben thereto teguttcO, by any Ctbo ^ufttces of tlhe peace, 02 by toe $9ayo2, 2i3ay=GcoTgii Sectmdi Regis. 6 9 23a?ltff, Raffittiate, o2 (2H)ief £>fficet of Chap. attj» Cottntv, €itp 02 Xotbn;Co2po2ate, Vi. tblntJ) £>atb a» ano eDctp futi) gjnftì- ' ccs of thè l&eace, atto ebetp ftitb Rapo2, Raffittiate, 02 <£bief £Dflìcet, are betebp Siefpectibelp 3tutl)o2i3cD anD BtcciuitcD to abmtniftcr, coneetmnff tbe DifcoPcrp ano SPelibetrp of fttcb 3tius, ^ttiiout atto 21uu munttion, ano aU ano efcerp j&etfon anD $ctfons, tbbo beitiff éttnmioneD m oautit-ittff, ^iffticb bp auy Xibo gluftices of tbe $eace, 0? b)> tbc Rapo?, 23apliff, Raffu fttate 02 4ll)ief Offtcet, of anp Countp, €ity 02 t£otbn=€o2po2ate, tbbere tl)e #er= fon fo éummoneb traili tben SMflbell anD K.efiDe, tbbeteof jRottce m QHuttnff ftjall be ffiPen to f^int, $et 02 UEbem, 02 left at D)ts, 5f>cr, 02 3Tl)ctt ttfttal l&lace of ^bobe, fyall, tbitbout l&cafottable Caute, ftefuie 02 iftegrlect to 3lppcar bcfoje fttcl) ^uftices of tpe peate, 02 fruì) Rapo?, Bapliff, Raffittiate, 02 Cbief £>fiftcet, to be CiammeDas afo?eraiD; <3£Et»etj? fitti) ìbct= fon fo ©ffcnbmff, in 3111, 02 3lnp of tbe battete affato, fyall jFo?fcit in Ran-net follotbmff (Ubat is to £>ap) if faci) l&etfon be a peet 02 peetefó of tj)is 5U= alm, Oe 02 dbe betnff Hbcteof latbfullp ConbicteD at tbe 3HTi3es, 02 at tl)e ^ttati tetsécffions of tbe Countp of Dublin, 02 Countp of tbe Citp of Dublin, tbbete tbe fatD flDffences ijall be CominitteD, fo? tbe 6tft ©ffence, tfjall 5Fo2fctt tbe £unt of %Y)lzz D)unD?eD l&ounbs Sterling j 3inD tbat £> z all70 Anno Regni Décimo Tertio Chap. all anb ebery perfon anb Redons unber vi. the degree of a peer 02 peerefs, fo £>fc »-'w* fenbmg, tyall fo? tl>e firft Offence, being thereof Conbicteb in fanner afo?efaib, 5o?fett the á>utn of jfifty pounbs, anb fyall fttffer 3fmp?ifonment by ár>?bet of the faib 9uftites refpectibely, tbithout 2i3ail 0? ^ainp?i3e, fo? áOne f>eat, anb from thence fo?tbarb, until $e o? á>he babe paib the faib Iftefpertibe jTineS, pe= nalties anb jfo?fcitutes; &nb ebery perfon fo Conbicteb, tbho fyall £>SFenb a ¿econb Cime in the p?emifle0, being thereof Con= btcteb in fanner afo?efaib, ftjall Sincur anb buffer all the penalties anb jFo?= futures of a perfon Stttainteb in a Premuniré ; 3nb the faib l&efpectibe Sums of Xh2ee t^tmb?eb pounbs, anb 5Fifty pounbs fo jfo?feiteb, (ball go one 09oyety thereof to Dfis ¿©ajefty, Cfis í?eíts anb á>ucce£fo?s, anb the other i^oyety to, anb amongft fuch perron 0? perfons p?ofecuting to Contortion fuch £>ffcnbcr, acco?bing to the ^Direction of the fuftices, befo?e tbhom any fuch €>ffenber il>aU be Conbnleb, p?obibeb altbays, 3fnb be it Cnacteb bp the 3utho?itp afo?efaib, Hbat Nothing herein Contameb, ft)all Citcnb to &ub= fea any Papift, o? fuch other perfon as afo?efaib, to any penalty 0? 5Fo?feitute fo? Concealing struts, Armour 0? 3lnt? munition, tbho fljall boluntatily befo?e any ^nfo?mation d5ibcn, SDifcober anb 3>eltberGcorgii Secundi Regis. 71 SDClrtJCt tip all 1)13 O? l)Ct %t' Chap. mottt 0? ammunition, to forne ^ufiice of vi. tl)e peace 0? Chief flj^acrifttate ; ,3ny Xhmg herein, 0? in the faiD formet 3lct Con tame 0 to the Conttaty, in any tbife notlbithflanOittg. p?otJtt)eö alfo, Xhat this 3ct, o? any Xhtng herein ContameD, ffiall not Cx= tcnD, 02 be ConftrucD to CxtenD, to 5)tn; Oct o? iRefitain any jßobleman 0? d5entle= man from Eeepmgr 0? Hfing a StbojD, anD a Cafe of piftols, anD a <©ttn, fo? the defence of his $oufe, 0? fo? jFotbling, fo as fuel) jßobleman 0? (©cntleman Dio, be-foje the jjitft ©ay of March, ibhich tbas in the ^eat of out Ho?0, £Dne thoufano fix hunojeo ano ninety fibe, £g)afie ffyoof to the Satisfaction of the then Ho,?D ©e= puty, o? othet Chief (©oberuo? o? <©obct; no?s, anD the lb?iby Council of this King: Ooitt of Ireland, Xhat he upon the ChitO ©ay of odober, ibhich lhas in the peat of £>ur 2Lo?D, ©ne thoufano fix hunO?eb ninety anD one, lhas an inhabitant 0? IRefiOent of Limerick, 0? fottie Othet (©atttfon, then in the poffeifion of the iriih, 0? tbas then fonte £>fficet o? Sol? Cier then in 3rms, unOet a Commiffion of the late Bing James the SeconD, 0? thofe ^lutho?i3eD unOet him, to (©¿ant the fame in the Counties Of Limerick, Clare, Kerry, Cork, 0? Mayo, OJ UnOet theit $¿0= tection in the faiO Counties, o? lhas then % ay2 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. a CoumtifftoneO iPffiret iti $is faiO late VI. ^aíeáj*» BittJ William tbe 3CbltD’S àHuat- '—tcrs, belongrutg to tbe iriih &e#iments tben iti bctttff, tbbicb tbete CreateO tbitb, not betng tben a Sfotter of affilar, no? babíng üefo?e tbat Stinte kaftén P2oterti= ott ; ^ttb tbat befóle tbe Mailing tbe fato 3Kt, of tbe à>ebentb peat of tl)c ifteign of late i©ajeftj) ISUttg- William tbe XbitO, Oc DtO ìftetutn atto éubmtt to $is faiO late &f)ajeity’S £>beOiettce, ano batb alto l&^obeo as afo2efai0, tbat De tbas upon tbe Caio Cbito 2>ap of oaober tbitbin tbis I&ingOout, ano fo as fucb iRobleman o? d&entleman batb not at anp Xittte, finte tbe faiO CbùO SPaj» of oaober, upon Cen^ Oet to btm» IftefufeO to Calte tbe áDatl) of ^llleflríattce iRequíteO to be Caben, bp an 3ict of l&atliament in Engiand, £$aOe in tbe iFitft peat of tbe l&eign of tbeit late j^ajcfties, !3Ung William ano àttueett Mary of Bleffeo flg)emo2j>, ano fljall STafte tbe flPatb of Elegíante to $is p^efent 4)0aicfty, Ibben bt ft)all be tbetettnto Jae=> quiteo, 02 batb P?obeo as alefato, tbat be tbas upon tbe iDne ano Sttbentietb 2Daj> of juiy, tbbitb tbas in tbe $>eat of áDuc H02O, €>ne tbottfano fii bun02e0 ano nittctj) one, a CSentleman of diate, tben belonging to tbe Stotbn ano d5at* tifón of Gaiway, but tbat fucb Jftobleman 02 csentleman tefpectit»el>> Mailing fo ¿©aoe $2oof, ano beíngr áüualifíeo as alefato, ma? I&eep ano $J)a&e ture of a à>tbo?o, aGeorgii Secundi Regis. 73 a Cate of piftols and a (Butt, fo? the Chap. defence of ins t^oufc 0? fo; jFolblmg, m vi. fuel) gamier as be might babe done, in Calc tins 3ct bad nebet been 4©ade ; .3ny orbing betem Contained to tbe Contrary thereof, m any tbife not-tbitbftanding. Abided alfo, irbat no perron (bail be Cottbieted, 0? gincur any penalty upon tbis 3lct, fo? any £>ffencc Committed con= ttaty thereto, upon any Confcffton 0; dtf= cobery be, 0; 0)e (ball ntafte, being Cr? atnined upon £Datb, no? fijall any fttcb €1= animation be giben in Cbtdence againQ tbe petfons fo Crammed, unlcfs fucb perion (ball be gindicted, fo? babing Com-imtted toilful perjury in fucb Examination ,• 3ny thing herein Contained to the Contrary nottoitbftandmg. 3nd be it futtber enacted by the tho?ity afo?efaid, Xbat toben and as often as any perfon iball be p?ofccuted fo? any the dffenccs afo?efaid, the gjufttces befo?e tbhom fucb p?ofecution iball be then dc= pending, (ball, and are hereby Required and gimpotoeted, to iTendet to ebery futb perfon To p?orecuted, tbe datb of ration, and the £>atbs and declaration, in the faid in part îRecited act Contained and fet fo?th ; 3lnd if any fucb petfon to tbhom fucb lender fball be made, do tc= fufe to Xahe tbe faid £>atb$, and X i peat74 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. peat tbe iato JDeclatation, furi) mefufal vi. mali 3imount to fuU tf)at fucb iyw perfott is a Papift, and tbas fo at tbe tmic of tbe £Pffcnce Committed. pjoPidcd altbaps nebettbeiefó, Xbat tbo’ tl)e perfott to Ibbout furi) fender iljall be utade, ft)ail tabe tbe fato iDatbs, and ifte= peat tbe faid Declatation, and £>ubfctibe tbe fame, pet it ftjall and map be Hatbful, to and fo,? tbe petfon 02 perfons, tbbo if)aU p?ofecute, to ffide Ubidente tbat tU perfott pjofccttted at tU Xtnte of tbe £>£ fencc Committed, tbas a Papift, 0? otbet futi) perfon as afojefatd. pjobtded, nebettbelefs, %Dàt if anp of tbe peoplc tallcd Quakers, fyall be Cbatgs> ed tbitb anp of tbe £Pffences afo?efaid, tip; on p?oof tbat fucb perfon is, and batb been £>ne of tbe pcople Called Quakers, bp p?odutmff and pjobmsr a Certificate, tmdec tbe i^ands and £>eals of 5>ir 0? uto?e Credtble $9£n of 02 l^et Con= ffregation, iDtbnmgr $tm 0^ i^er to be iDne of Xbettt, and Xtbo of tbe ^ute fcribets appratiti & befo?e attp SluQices bc= fo?e Ibbotti fucb Quaker ftjall be ITtied, ittcb ^uftices befo?e tbborn fucb Quaker ibail be Xtted, ftjall not Cendec to fucb Quaker tbe faid £>atbs and Declaration, ^npcbmgr be^m contained to tbe Con^ teatp, notlbitbftandmff, bttt in tbe Jftoom tbetcof, ftjall Cendet to fucb Quaker tbe 2>eciata=Georgii Secundi Regis. 7 s declarations P20bibeb fc>2 Quakers, bp an Chap. -Set tttabe in tbe Cigbtb pear of tbe vi. î&eigrn of i£er late jß^afeftp ©ueen Anne, 3}ntltUleD, An Aft for Explaining and A-mending An AB to Prevent the further Growth of Popery. ;3nb be it Cnacteb bp tbe 3utbo2ity afo^efaib, Cbat tbe á>bertff ano á>beti(fs of ebety County, at ebety 3lflt3es, Conti ttttflion of ©yet anb Cermtnet, anb at ebety áHuatter=á>elIions in tbe County of Dublin, anb County of tbe City of Dub; lin, i^all metutn in Calenbat to tbe gju; ütces of 3flÏ3e, ComntiiTionets of ©yet anb Xermmer, 02 ^ufticcs of tbe peace in the County of Dublin, anb County of tbe City of Dublin, ail petfons tbbo babe been Conbicteb, in putfuance of tbts Stct, tbbo babe not paib tbe jFine 3intpofeb; On pain of j?o?fettingr fo? ebecy fucb ©miß ßon, tbe á>uttt of Cen pounbs, to be îaecobcteb in a Nummary 2KHay, by Cibil 26iii to tbe tUfe of tbe ^nfo^tner ; 3nb fo2 tbe better Cncoutatrmg perfons to difcobet anb Conbict ©ffenbets a cram ft tbts Slct, 23e it futtber Cnacteb by tbe 3utbo2ity afo2efaib, Xbat as often as any perfon fo Conbicteb, fyail not pay tbe jfine 9tit; pofeb puefuant to this 3ct, tbitbin ©ne Calenbat ig)ontb, after bis 02 bet Peats 9mP2ifonment iball be etpireb, tbbeteby m tbe72 $*m 02 tbem, Xben ano in fttcb ffenDet 02 £>ffenDets, fyall babe anD f&ecetbe tbe ^tmt of Xen potinosi, I02 ebety ¿Dffenbet fo ContoctcD a3 afo2e= fàtD, to be crtben 02 DiftctbuteD, to ano ^Imongft fttcb petfon 02 perfons p2ofe= catini to fllonbtctton fucb £>ffenDer, ac* co2tungr to tbe Xatection of tbe ‘^uftitcs be^ fo?e tbbom futi) €>ffenDet fì>ali be Contorta eb, tbbicb fato 3>tmt of Xen pottnDs, tbe <®2anb^nr^, tbbo ì^aU p2efent fttcb ®U fenbet to be SJnfolbent as a^efaiD, ff>aU p2efent to be ILebpeD on tbe Popiili ^Jn-babitants of tbe Countp, Contiti of tbe City, 02 tfòunty of tbe Xottrn, fbberetn fucb ¡DfFenbet fball be £onbi(teD, anD tbe fame tyall be iRaifeb anD patD to tbe petfon 02 perfons f)ereb>> gfntitleO to tbe laib 3>um of Xen pottnDs, bp fttcb tbapS anD means, anD in fttcb tttannet as 4g)o= nep is HfuaUj) HebpeD attD JRaifeD, tip-on tbe Countp, to anD fo2 tbe lacinia butfingr petfons- ìftobbeD of $9onep 02 (BooDs, bp Xo2ies, fHobbcts 02 &ap-patees, 3nD be it futtber CnacteD bp tbe %tv tbo2itp afo2efatD, Xbat tbe Sfttftices of tbe peate, fo? tbe faiD Countics, anD aTotitu ttes of oiitieoi, anD Cottnties of Xottrns re-C^orgii Sècuodi Regis. 77 tefpecttbely, fijall otite in ebety #car, at Chap. tbe :©tO;.$>uwmer;€i«atter 3>eflions, peat; vi. Sy, tifue tbetr SMBartants ligneo by riyz ^'VNJ 9«aitc$ tbbo bolo tbe fato .èeflions, ano ttnoet tbe $eal of tbe Chairman of ebec» fucb ^efftons, therein meqturutff, Corn? manOittff ano Autbo^ms, all $tcrb atto petty Conftables, tbttbm tbetr refpecttbe Wontes, patties ano Dibtftons, ano any tElbo otbec Pecfons m eacb barony, Ibbom tbey tball tbinft 8t to ap? point, to $earcb, atco?omgr to tbe Dirette on tn tbe fato foautet Act, fcv Arms, Ar= mottt ano Ammunition, in tbe poffeOton, Beeping potber, 02 CuftoOy of all Papifts, o? otbec fucb Pecfons as afojcfaiO, Ibitbin tbetr rcfpcmbe Counties, Cities ano Cotbns ; Ano tbe Cbief l^affiftrate of ebety City» ano ColbtvCo2po2ate, not being- a Coun= ty of a City, 02 Count? of a Cottm, 02 bis Deputy, ftmll once tn a pear iffue bis OSflattant to tbe Conftabfcs of fucb City 02 Cottiti, to Search in fanner afo^efaio, ano tbe Cbief 4$agrifttate 02 bis Deputy, ncirlecnngr to giffue fucb Warrant tn fanner affato, (ball, fo2 ebery fucb ifìlegrlect, 5fo2feit tbe 5>um of Cen pottnOs; Atto ebery l^tjgrb Conftable as afo2cfaiO /I5e= grlectttiflr 02 Eefufiug to execute fucb Warrant, fball jtofeit tbe £um of jftbe pounos, ano ebery petty ConQable fòt* Srlectingr 02 ftefuftng: to execute fucb ¡¿flBacrant, (ball JFo2fett tbe Sum of Clbenty 3>biUmffS; All Ibbicb fato re? ili 1 fpectibc78 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. fpecttbc penalties ano forfeitures, (bali, vi. ano map Oe :S>ueD for, bp Cibil 2&tU, at tl>c ^IT^es for tbe tefpectibe Counties, or at tèe £*uattets£eiTiott8 tbbere rifece are not anp Aflires belo for tbe faiO Counties 02 Cities, tbbete fucb Cbtef ¿©agiftrates, $igb ano pettp Conftables as aforefaiD reCpet^ ttbelp Mbell aito JReftOe, bp anp l&erfon tbbo (bali 3>ue for tbe lame: Ano tbe ÌuGiceS of fucb ^Inarten&eirions ate berebp impotbcrcD to $eat ano 2Detetmine upon all Ctbti 2i3iUs brottgbt for &eco; berp of anp of tbe j&cnalties bp tbis Act ^nflirteO ; AnD ftitb f&rocefs, 3>ecree ano Ciccutiou, fball pirite as is ufualin Ctbil 2J5iil«5 ; òKUbicb faiO tefpectibe f&enalties fo iRecobetcD, togctbcr tbitb Cofts of éuit, fyall be to tbe fife of tbe pcrfon fo éu' mg in banner aforefaiD. AnD be it fnttbet €nacteo bp tbe Att= tboritp aforefatD, Cbat if anp iufiice ibaU, after Due information upon £>atb (ball babe been utaOe before bnn, of anp Amts, Armour ano Ammunition, being ConcealeD bp, or in tbe CuftoDp or pof; feffion of anp Papiit, or otbet futb feet; fon as aforefaiD, î&cfttfe or Neglect to Search, or to caufc Search to be i^aOefor futb Sinus, Armour anO Ammunition, Vbitbin a reafonable STiute, after futb in= formation (ball babe been fo 4£)aDc, eberp futb iufticc fo I'lefttfutg or jßeglectmg, tball for eberp futb ftcfufal or Neglect, forfeitGeorgii Secundi Regis. j9 5Po fidali SiuOgc tt tteceffarp, to Scatti) fo?, 3£abe ano jèaje, 02 tatife to bc éeatcbco fo;, $£aben ano $ci3c0, accodo; mg to tbe Dttections in tbte atto tbc fato l&ecitcO ^5ct, all ^tiito, ^riuottt atto ummtton of Ibbat jRatute ano limo fo= daet tbe? be, tbbicb ate 0? fljaU be in tbc ibanos o? polle ffton of anp Papift 0,? otbet futb pctfon as a fosfato, 0; m tbc IbanDS of anp otbet pet fon 02 pcrfons tn itttft fo? tbent, 02 any of tbetn, 0? at tbett l>tf; pofai, 02 tbat i^all be CotttealeO m anp $oufe, SLoOgmg 0; otbcc place, tbbctc tbep fyall fufpect anp fttcb acute, at; mout ano anuttunitton to be Conceal= eo; 3tnp Xbtng tn tbts aa to tbc contrae? nottbttbGanomg. ^nO tbbeceas S>otibts babe attfen, Ibbe-tbet Papifts 0? IfteputeO Papifts, map not= % notlbitb;8o Chap. VI. Anno Rcgni Decimo Tertio tbitpftanDingr tpe Tait) itt l&att îaeciteD 9fct perein bcfo?e 4$enttoneD, Beep 02 $aPe, tu pis 02 pet l&olbet 02 CuftoDp, fc>2 3>ale 02 otpettbife, ®53atlifte â>to?e0, â>tbo?tii 2i5laDes, Battels, ïlocfts 02 étocfts of <©uns, 02 jFire^ttus, anD jgrrcat fnconPe? nienciesutap follotb if not P2ePenteD> jfo? fôemeDp tbpereof, ©e tt CnacteD anD 2DeclareD, bp tpe 3u= tpo2itp afo?cfaiD, Xpat no Papift 02 otpet fucp pcrfon as afo?efaiD, ipall, fo? â>aie 02 otpetlbtfc, Beep 02 l^aPc, foto2es, jâ>tbo?D=23iatJes, Cartels, 3loc&s 02 étoffes of (©uns, 02 jFtte-^ïtms, anD ePetp Papift 02 otpcc fucp i&erfon as afo2efaiD, fo £>f= fenDmg, bcmg tpcrcof ConPitteD bp 3fn= Dicttnent befo>e tpe ^tiftices of ^ITi3e, fo? tpe Cotintp IPpcte fucp £Dffcnce ipall be ComnutteD, 02 befo?e tpe Œonmiiflïonets of Oyer anD Terminer, 02 bp ^nOlCtUient befo?e tpe ^tiftices of tpe lôeace, at tpe ^atiattet^cCTtons fo2 tpe Countp of Dublin, 02 tpe Cotttttp of tpe Cltp of Dublin tefpectibclp, if tpe ©ffence Ipall be tpere ComnutteD, ipaU 5?o?fett tpe £>um of XtPentp potinDS Sterling, anD tpe £Dffen' Dct fo ConPictcD, ipall buffet 3imp2ifon-ment fo? tpe £>pace of £!>nc peat, anD until pe 02 ipe ipall paPe paiD tPe faiD iFojfeiture ; 3nD tpe faiD 3>utn fo 5Fo?feit^ eD, tuap be ârneD fo?, anD IftecoPetcD bp OTtPil ©tll, at tpe affres fo? tpe Countp tPpeteGeorgii Secundi Regis. 8 r tbbete fucb SPffenbet (tuli be ConbictcD, o? Chap. at tbe éeflions of tbe peace fo? tbe Otoun^ vi. tj) Of Dublin, 0? Couiltp of tbe <£|tp Of VY>J Dublin, if tbe ©tFcnbet ft)aU be tbere Con= tncteb, bp anppetfon tbbo fyall 3>ne fo? tbc fame, 5fo? IRecoberp tbbeceof, iutb p?o: ccfs, I>ecree atto erectttton tball SJflue, as isufual upon Ctbil filisi aita tbe SQo-nep tbben fo ttccobeteb, fl)aU aro tojetber, ibitb Cofts to tbe tttfe of tbe petfon fobo fljaU j$ue fo? tbe fame, ^nD tbbeceas ntanp Papifts, m £>?Dct to babe tbe Hfe ano benefit of atms, of= ten Iteep Proteftant éetbants, tbbo camtot be puniibeb fo? Cattpmgr atuts, tbbicb is equallp SDangxtous to i^is ¿©ajefty, ano $tS Proteftant .^ubjeCtS, aS tf fucb Papifts actuaUp CattieD o? 2H5o?e tbe fato acms; 20e tt (ZEnacteD bp tbe autbo?itp afo?e= fato, Xbat tbbete anp Proteftant isetbant, bp ano tbttb, tbe SDirection, Confcnt o? p?tbttp of bis Mailer, (betng: a Papift, o? otbet fucb l&ecfon as afo?efaib) ibaU e ^utbohty atoefaid, alt $uits anb ld2ofecu= tions fo? any Offence againG this act, fyall be Commenced tbitbin One peat aftet tbe Offence Committed, and if fuel) 5>utt o? Pjjofecution (ball be Com; menced after tbe end of tbe faid peat, then tbe fame (ball be 3&oid and of none effect ; any Xbing herein con-tamed to tbe contrary notlbttbGandmg. 9nd be it furtbet Cnacted-by tbe Xu? tbo2ity afo^efaid, Chat ebery perfou 02 l&erfons bjfofefftng tbe Proteftant Religion, tbbo iball, from and after tbe jPttG Day of July, ibbtcb »ball be in tbe pear of Our ?Lo?d One tboufand feben bundled and JFo^ty, educate 02 buffet to be e= ducated, any of bis 02 tbett Cbild2en, ei; tber §on 02 §>ons, Daughter 02 Daugb= tets tinder tbe age of fourteen pears, in tbe Popifh iReltgiott, iball be deemed a Papift, to all intents, ConGructious and purpofes of this act. l^obided allbays, Xbat nothing in tbts act (ball Cttend, 02 be ConGrucd to er- tend to Hugh Carl of Mount-Alexander, nottbitbGandmg bis babing partied a Popifh QSUife out of tbe fSUngdom, in tbe peat One tboufand feben bund2ed and tb^ee, be babing been allbayS a Pro tenant, and babing altbaps iljelbn a become tngGeorgii Secundi Regis. 83 ittflr 3eal fo? tbe ^ttcceffion in $iS ¿©a* Chap. jefty’S ftoyal $ottfe; 2ibtit the faiD €atl vi. utap babe anD beep arms, atntottt anD ammunition, tins an 0? any other act to t|ye contrary in any Ibife notttutbftanDs inff. i&?ot>iOeD aifo, 3ibat nothing herein cons tatncD, ftjall CrtenD to the Sbfatmtng of ^lt Walter Blake 26atOnCt; 2i5tlt that \)Z anD Xtbo of i)is .Sctbants may carry arms, Viz. jfo? bunfelf a :$ibo?D, a <©un, anD a Cafe of l&iftols; anD fo? Ins Htbo ^erbants, being Proteftants, a Cafe of pifs tols, anD 5?u3ee each, be babing been ens ttufteD tbitb a CommanD in tbe army, by $tS 09ajefty Bang William tbe CbitD, of (©foments ^ento?y, QHflbicb Cruft \)C faithfully S>ifcbargeD; anD babing taften tbe SDatbS of allegiance anD abjuration, anD babing ebet fince bebabeD |)tmCelf as a dutiful Subject. anD be it ftittber CnacteD anD 2De; clateD by tbe authority afo?efaiD, Xbat tbe fatD act l&afteD in tbe 3>ebentb peat of tbe foeign of $ts late ¿©ajefty, fktng William tbe XbltD, of per ano terminer, fhali