ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015±m & oj y/ [9J] Chap. -- VIII. uw A N ACT FOR The more Effe&ual Preventing of Exceflive and Deceitful Gaming. CHAP. VIII. ttt, and bp an act of parliament, paired in tl)is fBtinfldom, in t£e %zntf) pear of tl)e fteiffn of $is late ¿©ajefty IStinj William t&e Xbird, of (Blonous 4Jf)emory, 3Jntitul= 0d, An Adt againft Deceitful, Diforderly and Exceffive Gaming, after ftecitin# tty manp i©iCcf)iefSi and ^nconbeniencies tl)at 3= rife, and ate daily jfound, to tj)e £©am-taininsr and encouraging; of Sundry 3Jdle, Hoofe, and Diforderly pcrfons, in tJ)eitDift)one&,!leU)d, and Difolutc Cowrie of Ilife, and to tl)e Cncumbenting, De= ceiPinjj, Cou3eninjj, and Debauching;, of 31 a 2 inann94 Chap. Vili. onrv Anno Regni Qacitho Tcrtio man)» of tbe pounflret $02t, boti) of tl>e Mobility, ano (Bentry, ano £>tbetsrmbe ULofó of tbeit Xitne, ano tbe uttet ftuin of tbett Cftates anb-^tunes, ano Xbitb= D^atbmcr them ftont iRoble ano Hatiba= ble Employments ano Cxetcifes: is CnactcD, %\)at tf any. perfon oj perfons, of any 3)egrtee o? Jìiiaitty tbbatfyeber, at any Ximc 02 Xiuies aftet tbe UEtbenty jfiftb 2T>ay of December, tbb«b fball he in tbe pear of €>ut ìto^D (Bob, £>ne tbou= fanb fit buKb2eb ninety eiffbt, Do 02 (fiali, by any fraub, Shift, €ou5enacre,€tce,t«n' Mention, deceit. 02 iEtilatbM 2>etoce, 02 511 partire OTbatfoeber, in l&layinfl: at 02 tbitb Carbs, Dice, Cables, tennis, lèolbls, BittleS, Sbobel^oarb, 02 in, 02 by Coc&ijFtjibtutff,, ibo2re-ìaaces, &>o£* patches 02 jfooti&aces, 02 other t&afthnes, (Same 02 (Barnes tbbatfoeber, 02 itt^jn2_b» ©ettinsr on tbe Sibes 02 ì^anbs of fiub as Co 02 fball lòlay at, iftibe 02 tóun àts afo2efaib, Mìm, Obtain 02 Requite to bim, 02 tbcmfelbes, 02 to any other 02 others, any Sum 02 Sums of $9oneyy 02 other Valuable Cbmff 02 Xbmjs tbbatfoeber, fucb perfoit 02 petfons are dlDabe liable to, anb ilatb wnber Curb penalties, aS in the fatb are i©entroneb anb Set: fojtb ; QKSUbieb faib Statute is €nfo2tebJ; by an 3ftt of ^arliantcnt, i$)abc in the Sixth peat of tbs JRcign of $ct late f!g)ajefty £taeen Arme, gfntitttleù, An Act, for Snppreffing Lotteries and Gaming Table's,' tubereiGeorgii Secundi Regis. 95 tbbetein it i&ecites, tbat tbe fatD ftattb bas Chap. not baD tbe intenDeD tßooD Effect, aitD vm. ¿eberal €bil DifpofeD fbetfons fo? Dibetö jpears laß paß, 6aV>e Set ttp manp $5tf= cbieDotts anD tanlafibfttl (Barnes, CallcD ILottenes, anD habe tbßtebp mofi uns jttfilp anD jfrauDttlentlp grot to tbemfelbcs, grteat StwtS of &Bonep fcom tl)e €btl= D?en anD Setbants of Sebetal ifpofeD pettons 3Do f&eep pitb= lieft anD £Ppen (Banung^Cables, tötete pounff (Bentlemen, anD otbet flntbatp jbetfons, piap at 2Dice anD CarDs fo? ijteat Sunts of 4g)ottep, to tbe Co?tttpti= on of potttl), tbe uttet fötiin anD 3lm= poDetiftjment of manp jFamilies, anD to tbe &ep?oatb of tbe Halbs anD (Bobern^ ment of tbts l&ealm, anD Declates anD Cnacts, CDat all löttblicft Hotteties anD dBaming^Cables, anD all otbet Hottettes anD (Bamingr^ables, tbat iijall be Bcpt in anp \bttbltcft Dfoufes in anp Citp, XotbniCo?po?ate, 0? l&lace tbitbin tbis Bangftom (otbet tban tl)e Groom-Porters-Tabie, to be fötept tbitbin tl)e flKWalls of J^et £t)aiefip’0 Caßle of Dublin, 0? otbet ^oufe in tbbicb tbe Cbief (Bobetno? 0? tte tboufano Ceben buntyeO ano Ceben, no £etfon o? \5etfonS tbbatfoeber, i|jaH publttftl? Ctettife, Beep open, à#etb, 02 Crpole to be J0la?e0 at, SD^atbn at, 02 Cbzotbn at, o¿ fl)aU publtcftlj» D^atb, £ia?, o? Xb?oib at an? Hottet? 02 (©ante of tornine, eítbet b?, 02 tbitb Díte, Hot«, Cato«, l>aUs o2 an? otbet Bumbet« o? jFtgttrcs tbbatfoebet ; 3nO tbat no £et= Con o? láetfon« tbbatfoebet (bail publtcb= l? dettile, Beep open, á>betb, o? Cxpofe an? (Baming^able o? Cable«, Debite o? leíate, tbbete an? l&etfon o? l&etfon« íball £la? at Díte 02 Cato« fo? 4©one? o? po2t 02 partirne ; &nO tbat if an? lèetfon 02 l&etfonS íball, aftet tbe Cato jFttft Da? of November, erettile, dpofe, áDpen 02 ábetb, to be pia?eO, Xb2otbn 02 D2atbn at, an? Hottet?, pía? 02 Debite, 02 (bail pttblítte l? dettile, Beep open, á>betb, 02 dpole anv at Díte 02 Cato«, fo2 í£)one? 02 (Booos, 02 (bail 2i3ctt 02 Ha? an? îSKBïa-get 02 amaget«, on tbe áíoes 02 í^ano« ofBÜMSW5 ■'■-5a Geofgii Secundi Regis. 97 futi), U$0 Plap f02 a tip Q&mzp OJ Affla- Chap. fret, o? only fo2 á>po¿t 02 pafttme, ebetp vin. fací) petfon 02 perions are made Htable to, atto are Hato uttoer fuel) penalties», aô in tty fato 3rt ate 09enttoneO anD à>et fo¿tb ; afflbtcb fato Statutes are Cnfojceö bp att 3lrt of parliament, <39aDe in tty Clementi) peat of tbe Äetgtt of $et Hate ÆBafeftp ádueett Anne, ^ntituieO, An Adt for the better Preventing of Exceflive and Deceitful Gaming, attO alto bp Otte O' tl)et M, ÆBaOe ttt tbe fato Ciebentb feat of tbe îaetflrn of $et fato Hate á©afeGp, SJntitttleD, An Adt for Supprefling Lotteries ; ,3n0 it being bornio bp experience, Xbat tty fato úBoob atto áfflbolefome Hatbß, babe not effettuali? ^nftbeteo tbe <©ooo enöß, gfntents atto purpofes, in anö bp t|>e fato 3rtS SDefifftteO ; But tl)at Con? ttatp to t|)e true intent ano Æ&eaning of tbe fato ì&ectteo 3rt0, á>ebetai 2¡>ecett= fui Barnes are oatlp CartieD on, bp fceafon of tty great 2>iffteultte0 tbbicb babe Grífen, «pon tty jÆBetboO of Con= btttion of tty £>ffenOet0, againff tty fato 3rt0 of parliament ; 5F02 ftemeOp tonerei of, ano fo2 explaining ano 0S)alttttg mo2e effettuai tty fato ^tets of parliament, Be it CnarteO bp tty miner’s ^off ex= telient i£)ajeffp, bp anD tbitb tbe cobite anö Content of tbe HO2D0 spiritual ano Cempojal, ano Commons in tb»8 P2efent parliament ^iffembleo, anO bp tbe ^utbo? B b z ?ttp98 Chap. Vili. Anno Regni Decimo Tertio titv of tl)e fame, €bat if anp petfon o? perfons, tyall, aftet tbe 5Fitft Da? of May, ¿Dite tboufanb feben bunbjeb anb fo#?, Crcct, áet up, Continué o? 2&eep, anp £>ffice o¿ place, unbet tbe Denominaron of a á>ale o¿ áalcs of Dfoufes, Hans, abbottona», p^efentattons to Hibmgs, piate, ^etbels, àbips, Caros o? Dice, Chap. bp anp ¿©arpiñe, «¡Engine 02 Debite of V111. Chance of auj> bino tbpatfoeber, fucJ) ^rN-1 petfon 02 petfons, anD ebetp ano eítpet of tpem, fyall, «pon being ConbícteD tpereof, befo2e anp one giuftice of t|>e l^eace fo2 anpCouutp, 02 befo2e tpeá©apo2> 02 otpet Cpíef 4©agtütate, 02 otDet ^wftice 02 ^tiüices of tpe peace, fo2 anp City 02 Xotbn?Co2po2ate, «pon tpe ©atp 02 ©atps of üPne 02 mo2e CreDible ®2Hít= neis 02 fflaaítneffes (Vbpícp faíb ©atps tJ?e fatD SfttfhceiS of tpe peace ano 4©ayo2, 02 otpet Cpief ¿©agilítate, are l>erebj> -3«? tpo2i3eD, gitnpotbeteD anD ffteciuíreO to ^Dmtnifler) 02 upon tpe Bíetb of Ctup gjttftice 02 ^ttftíces, °? ti>e ¿©ayo2 02 o; tper Cpief ¿©agilítate, gíttllite 02 §u(lices fo2 anp City 02 í:otbn=€o2po2atc, 02 on tpe Confeflion of tbe pattp 02 patries accttfeD, ípail 5fo2feít anD Eofe tt)e á>um of ©ne l^unD2eD pounDS, to be üebieD bp Dilltefs anD á»ale of tpe ©ffenDets CS00DS, bp íMlarrant ttnDet tpe ©anos anD á>eals of ©ne 02 mo2e §ttGice 02 SJttGíces of tpe peace, of futí) Countp, City 02 Xotbn, tbpete tbe ©Gente iljali be CommttteD; fllibicb fa»D jFo2feít«res, toben J&ecobeteD, aftet DeDuctmg tbe lUeafonable Cbarges of fucb p2orectttion, IpaU go anD be 3pplieD, ©ne XbttD to tbe ^nfo2«ier, anD tbe remaimng Xtoo STDíttJS to tbe Incorporated Society, Í02 p20lll0ting Engliíh Proteftant Schools in tl)lS EíngDOttt, fc>2 tbe C c tifeioo Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. ttfe Of faci) of tl)e fati) Charter-Schools, $S vili, ttyv ihall tinnir 8t to appi? thè Carne unto. v/w; ;3n0be it futthet DeciareO ano CnacteO bj> thè 3tutbo?itp afojefato, Xhat all (Barnes ano ílottetíes, to be DeternttneO bp thè Chance of Caros ano Dice unoet thè Deno= minatton of thè (Barnes of thè 3ce of dearts, fòhataoh, 2©aflet, b^ato o? pairase, are, ano are hereby Declareo to be (Barnes o? Hot' tenes bp Caros o¿ Dice, tbithm thè ^n= tent ano gBeattittjr of thè fato tu part i&eciteO ^tcts, ano that all, ano eberp fàer? Con o? fOerfons tbho Chali Set up, ^0atn= tam, 02 l&eep thè Caio (Barnes .of thè Si ce of b^eatts, i&haraoh, neaCTet, pajaro, o? Ibaffagre, Chali be Sttbject ano Htable to all ano eberp thè féenalties ano jfo?fei; tures in ano b>> thts 3Cct fnflicteO upon anp fòetfon o? fàcrfons tbho Chali Ctect, ¿et up, Continue, o2 Ikeep anp of thè fato (Barnes 0? Hottenes in thts pjefent Si et $0entioncb, ano libali be ì&zofecttteD ano ConbtcteO, ano thè l&enaities ano jFo?fet= tures libali be SneO fo? ano I&ecobeteO, in Itile banner as thè fato fOenalttes ano jFoifettures are bp thts 3lct DtrecteO to be SueO fo? ano i&ecobereO. 3fn0 be tt further CnacteO bp thè 3tutho; titp afo^efaiO, Chat all, ano ebery perfon ano ìàetCons tbho Chali be 3fObentuters tn anp of thè fato (Barnes, Hottetp 02 Hot? tectes, Sale 02 Sales, 02 ihall #lap, Set atGeorgii SecuncU Regis. 101 at £>tafte, 02 putti at eithet of tty faipCnw. <5ames of ti>e 3lce of ipeatts, pbapaoh, vm. pallet, $a3aro ano patfagre, 02 ftjall #ct Conttaty to tbe ùntene ano ^eautaff of tbe fatb it* l^art J&ecitcb 3cts, 02 tbtS P2t; fent 3ct, ano (bali be tbercof Conbictcb in fucb banner aulì jfo2ut as tu anD bj) tbjs ^fet is p2efctibeb, ebety fucb petfon 02 petfons iball forfeit anb &ofe tbe $um of %\)itty> pounbs, to be £ueb fo2, JiVe? cobeteb ano Applico as afo^eTatt». Slnb be it futtbet Cttacteb bp tbe 3utbo^ tttp afojefaiO, %\)%t all ano ebetp fticb §ale o? &ales of b^oufes, ilaubS, 3tbbottifons, p2efcntations to Cihmcrs, piate, SJetbels, .^bipMoobs o2otbet SCbwgrSbpanp Sante, Hotterp 02 Uottectes, pachine, enfine, 02 otbet Debite Ibbatfoebct DcpcnCiugr upon, 02 to be SDetemuneb by Chance 02 2lot, fhaU, anb ate betebp SPeclatcb to be Boti» to all ^Intenta anb putpofes tbbatfoebet, anb all fucb Cfoufes, iL^ubs, ;Sbbotbfons, p2efentatioits to 2Ubmgs, piate, ^letbels, Sbtps, SoobS, 02 otbet XbtnffS £et tip, anb Cipofeb to $ale itt fpinnet anb jfo2m afo2efatb, ftjall be jfojfeiteb to fucb petfon 02 petfons tbbo fidali 3>ue fo2 tbe fame, bp Action, asili, piamt, 02 9nfo2tua= tion, in anp of Ibis ¿©ajeftps Courts of iaeco2b, 02 at tbe aitees fo2 anp Cottntp tbbete tbe ©ffence tball be Comtmtteb, in tbbtcb Action, Bill, piami, 02 3]« formati; on no CfToijjn, p2otection, 02 ¡EUlacrec of C c 2 Hatb,102 Chap. Vili. wvw Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Hatb, 02 mo?e tjjanflDne Slmpatlance (ball be ¿UlotbeO. p2otrit>eD altbaps, ano bc it betety 3De= tlaceD ano CnacteO bp tbe Zutfyontp afo?e= faio, Xbat if anj? Recioti 02 petfonS (ball tbinft bnn, ber 02 tbentfelbes as:grciebeD bj> tbe gjuDjjment 02 SPetetinination of anj> 3Juftice 0? ^uftites of tbe peate, 02 4$ap= 02, 02 otbet Cbief ¿©affiorate a© atoefaio, upon ait y Conbirtion of, 02 fo2 anp of tl>e iDfc fcttccs in tbis Ha, 02 tbe befo2e in part i&eciteO Haz, fucb petfon 02 perfonS ntap Appeal front tbe CatD gluOgment of tbe faiD 3ltt? fttce 02 Sluftitcs, 02 ¿©ayo2 02 otbec Cbief ¿©affiatate, to tbe next d5enctal=4duarter= «àefl'tons of tbe peate fo? tbe Caio Corinti City 02 Piace tbbete fncb petfon 02 per= ione tbas 02 Abete Conbicteo, bnt tbe per-fon 02 pccions fo ^tppeaiing IbaU, ano be, fbe 02 tbep are betebp SPitecteO to ffttoe &ea= fonatile iftoticc to tbe p2ofccuto2 02 P2ofe= cnto2S of fucb perfon 02 petfons a0 (ball fo appeal, of fncb bis, bet 02 tbeit 3jnten= tion of B2tnirmff ano p^oCecutins- fucb 3p= peal, ano iball €ntet into a ftecoffnisance bcfo2e fonte ^uflice 02 ^uftices of tbe peate fo2 tbe Countp, City, 02 place tbbetein tbe Conbiction tbas ¿©aoe 02 C5iben,tbitb ttbo :èufficient ^uteties, on OTonOition to %ty fucb Appeal at tbe next ¿ttuattet=:èeflion, tbbicb iball be l^cio in ano fo2 tbe Countp City 02 place, tbberem fucb Cottbtctton 02 SjuOffntent tbas ¿©aOe 02 cn CxammeD, anD the fatter then naUp ^att> a»$ &etermmeh> anD not tetlbatDs; 3nO m Cafe fuch garment, Determination o? Contortion aej afo2efait>, itjail be then ano there affitmeb, fa £attp Appealing-, tyall #ap unto fa f&?ofctuto? 0? i^ofecutojs, ins, bet, 0; then £reble= Coils; $nD fach ^ofecato? anD &?ofeta= to?«, fhaU habe futh ftemeDp fo? the fame, as any DefenOant o? Dcfenoauts hath 0? hahe fo? Coils of Suit, in anp other Cafe$ bp iUtb. $ ¿ohtoeh alitoaps, anD be it further €n= aaeb bp the «utWitp afojefaiO, €hat no fath Contortion mace, or gjabgrment gi= pen as afojefaiD bp this 3tt, ihaU be fet aftDe bp the fatD Court of £tuartet;Scfli= on, fo? Ibant of jFo?m, in Cafe the jFartO alleDgeD in the fath Contortion fhaU be p?obeb, to the Satisfaction of the fatD Court i iftoj fhaU fach Contortion 0? SJnDr tuent be temopeh 0? removable bp .Certiorari, 0? anp other SBUrtt 0? f^ocefs tbhatfoeber, into anp of 8?iS ^afeOp’S Courts of Ee? to# at Dublin, until fach OjDer 0? other |&?oceeDtnsrS fyail hatoe been 8ril remoheD to, and gjuDguient ant» Determination dte hen anD 4©aDe thereupon, bp fach Court of #Uiattet;SeCfions as afo^efaib. D DAnno Regni Decimo Tertio 104 Chap. vin. affo, anD be it further enacted bp the 3utho2it? afi^efaid, Xhat no flKGltit of Certiorari, o? other pjocefs, itjail Slffue 0? be gjffuable to temone the ìReco?0 of an? Cucì) Conviction ftom the fato Court of Huattetsâseiîions, 02 to remoto an? 02det o? othet p2oceedmg:S 3Taben 02 $£ade b? tl>e Caio Court of ^ìuartets3>ef; fions, upon, touching: 02 concerning: Cuci) Contortion, into an? of ïtos ÆDajeity’S Courts of îReco^b at Dublin, until the pat; t? 0? parties againft tbhom Curb Con; tortion ft)ail be mabe, before the Stllotbance of fucb oaarit of Certi orari 0? other P20; ceCs, fi)ali finb ttbo fufftcient Sureties to become bound to the p2ofecuto2 in the éuni of One 5)untto0 Pounds, Itoti) Cott; totton to p2ofecttte the fame Itoti) effect, ttotjnn £>ix Calendar Months, and to 0a? unto the p^oiecttto? 02 P2ofecuto2S, bis, her 02 their Cteble Cofts and Charges, in Cafe fuel) 02det 02 Contortion ft)all be af; firmed. ,3nd be it further enacted and Declared b? the 3utbo2it? afo2cfaid, Chat if an? perfon 02 ferions, tbho ftiall fie Contort; ed of erecting:, fetting: Up, Maintaining: 02 fkeeping- an? of the fatd lotteries, 02 the raid Barnes hetein before fet fo2th, 02 there; in, 02 in either of them, fhall 3ldtonture, and ft)all not hato fufficient dSoods and Chattels tbhereon to Heb? the penalties inflictedGeorgii Secundi Regis. io^ inflicteb b? tbts 3tct, 02 ftjall not immedi ^ cHaP. atei? pa? tbe fait) penaities, 02 gride j$e- vm. cuttt? fo? tbe Tante ; 31 diali anb ma? be iatbfui fo? tbe faib giudice 02 indices be= foje ttobom futi) jbetfon ftjali be Condirteb, as afojeCatt), to commit Tue}) pecfon 02 ibetfons to tbe Common=<ßoai of tbeCoum t?, Cit? 0? i&iace tbbetc futi) iPdence (ball be committeb, tbete to continue atto ce= main fc>2 an? Cime not eiceebingr 3>ìjc j^onti)i5. ^ttb be it alio Cnacteb b? tbe &utbo2t= t? afo^efatb, Xbat if an? Sudice of tbe Ìbeace, 0? an? otbec Sudice becein befo?e befccibeb, 0? Ö©a?o«? 0? otbec Cbief 09a= igridtate of an? Cit? 02 ŒotbmCojjpojate, diali Regiert 02 ì&efufe to do tbbat is ide-qtticeb of btm anb tbem b? tbiò ^rt, fucb gludices anb 09a?o20 anb otbec Cbief smagrì dcates To jlìegriectingr 02 Idefufingr, ibail cefpectibel? jfo^feit anb pa? tbe 5>um of Cen ibouubs fo? eacb Offencc, iDne ü^oiet? tbbeteof to be patb to an? ibccfon 02 ì&etfons tbbo iball ^*ue fc>2 tbe fame, anb tbe otbec $J)oiet? tbeceof to tbe Incorporated Society f02 P’Omotittgr Engiiih Protettane Schools in tbis Bingrbom, fo? tbe Hfe of fucb of tbe faib Charter Schools, as tbe? (bail tbinft fit to appi? tbe fame unto, anb fbaii be î&ecobeteb tbitb full Codô of £uit, b? Action, JBiil, i&laint 02 gjnfctfmation, in an? of i^tö Æ9aiedp’0 Coutts of Jdc= co2b, 02 at tbe ^fities fo2 an? Count?, Ibi 02io6 AnnoRcgniDecii-noTertio Chap. 0? COtttttp of a Citp, mi, Viii. plaint o? information, no Cffoign, l&ro; tcction or 2Haget of Hath, nor more Man one imparlance Mall be allotbeb, fuch j&roCecution being Comuienceb tbithin §>ii ©onths nett, after fuel) ftefufal of fuch iuQtces or ©apor, or other Chief ©agb fttate. ^robibeb altbapS, 9(nb be it herebp €n= acteb anb I>eclatcb bp the 3luthoritp a= forefatb, %\)at nothing in this 3ttt, or in anp formet ^icts agamft (Baming contain^ eb, Mall Citenb to prebent or lumber anp £etfon or l&ctfons, from Naming or l&lap= ing at anp of the (Barnes in this or m anp of the faib formet acts mentioneb, ibithui the precincts of $is ©ajeap’s Cat= tie of Dublin, or other $oufe in ttobicb Me Chief (Bobernor or (BobetnorS of this ISUngbom, for the time being, Mall laefibe, burmg the time fuel) Chief (Bobetnor or (Bobetnors Mall arttiallp ifteftbe therein, anb no longer, l&robibeb alfo, 3lttb be it further CnacteD anb IDedareb bp the authoritp aforefaib, Xbat nothing herein cotttameb MaU (fcp tenb or be anp Maps Conarweb, 3^eemeb or Xaben to Cxtenb, or in anp &ort to Effect or ^reiubice, anp Cffcate or inberea in, out of, or to, anp ¡©armors, honours, ftopai&cs, 2Lanbs, tenements, ^Ibbotb; fons, i&refentations, i&mts, ibices anb $erebita=Georgii Secundi Regis. 107 $etebítautcnts tbbatfoebct, tobícb ibail o? cHap. maj>, at any ©me o¿ Címes beteaftet, vm. be, acco^íng' to tbe üatbs noto tu Wt' tnjgr, ite^allj) ailottcb to, o? $elb bp, o? bp 4tf)eans of anp aUottment o«? |&attttion bp flotts, but tbat ail l&etfons tbat noto are, o2 tbat beteaftet fyall become, laealip anb Xtttly á>eí3eD, as $att €>toners, 3Joínt^€enants, anb Cenants ut Com= «ton, of anj) ^auno^s, H^onotits, l&opai-tíes, ilanbs, Cenements, abbotofons, |b?efentations, ftcnts, á>etbices anb í^etcbb taments, ftjall, ano be, fíje anb tbep, anb bis, bet anb tbett, ífeíts anb afftgns, ts, anb are betebp mabe anb Contínueb €a= pable to accept anb Cabe, fucb Cftatcs anb gjntetcfl, anb $arts tbetetn, ín fncb anb tbe libe manner, anb to íttcb anb tbe libe Bles, as i)z, ibe o? tbep, míjrbt, tboulb, o? coulb babe bone, bp o? bp Hit; tue, o 1 ín Confequence of anp Slott, §ctoU, Chance o? ailotment tobatfoebet, bab tbís p?efent art nebet bcen mabe; anp tbtnff beteín containeb to tbe contrata tbetcof nottbítbGanbiní. anb tobeteas ífo^ftaces ate fomtb gteatlp to gomóte anb Cncotttage gíble? nefsanb I>ebaucbetp, amona; tbe ifatmets, attíScets anb 3>a?íílaboutets of tbts Bingrbom, to tbe gteat 3Dettíment anb freqnent í&ttín of tbett jFamílies. 2iae ít Cnacteb bp tbe autbo?ítp afojefaíb, Xbat anp $etfon o? perfons tobo &un € e o?108 Anno Regni Decimo T ertio Chap 02 ftall Caufe to be mutt anp C?o?fe, vui g©are, 02 (Beldmg fc>2 anp Offllaget, Sum 0J sums of 4©onep, 02 anp Plate, 02 other «Boobs 02 Chattels Ubbatroener Refs 02 of Refs XHalue than Xtbentp pounds, (ball, fo2 ebetp fuel) Offence, fo2= feit fucb f^o2fe, f$are 02 tiBeldmg, anti alfo, the further Sum of Xlbentp pounds, and eberp petfon tbbo (ball B.notb= mglp 02 Mflilfullp be p2efent at fuel) ftace, 02 ^o2fei€otttfe iball 5fo2fett tbe ^tim of jftbe Sellings, all tbbicb 5fo?feitutes and penalties iball be ftecobeted befo2e any §u(hce 02 Suffices of the peate, 02 Chief ifeagifttate tbitbm their tefpectibe futtfdics tions, tbbo, upon Confeffion of the patties, 02 due p2oof upon t|)e Oath of One 02 nto2e Credible oaHitnefs 02 daUitneCTeS, (tbbicb Oatf) the faid Suffice 02 Suffices ate bete= bp ^Jmpobbeted and inquired to ^dminis (let)map Heat and Determine tbe Same, and bp Warrant undet bis, 02 their Hand and Seal Directed to a Conffable, Sci3e fucb Ho2feS, (©ares, 02 (Beldings fo j?02= feited, and Rebp fucb Sum 02 Sums of ^onep adjudged agamff anp fucb petfon 02 petfons, bp Difftefs and .Sale of btS 02 their (Boods, tendeting tbe Obetplus (if anp there be) to tbe tefpectide Otbnet 02 Otbners, and if in Sit Daps aftet gjifu; ing fucb Warrant, fucb Ho2fe, i^ate, 02 (Beldtng cannot be found and fei3ed bp fucb Conftable as afo2efaid, then and in fucb Cafe fucb Suffice 02 Suffices of tbe peace 02 Chief ¿©agifftate, (ball, upon Cramina* tionGeorgii Secundi Regis. 109 tíott of o«e o? mo?e aiasttnefs o? aKMittteffes, Chap. ^fccttaín t|>e amaine of fucl) í^o?fe, '©are, vm. o? <5elbín£, anb bp b»s fóMarrant Hebp fuc^) amaine bp 2DiGtefs anb á>ale of ti)e Offenbets dBoobs tn ©annet as afo?efatb; ano in Cafe fucl) l&enaltíes fo 5Fo?feíteb anb^bjubgcb atenot^aíb, o? tbe ©ffenbet batí) notrufftctentd&oobs on tbbitbtbe fame can be fo 2lebieb, tben anbtn fucl) Cafe be o? tl)ejj ftjall be put íu tJ)e á>tocbs fo? tbe £pace of Cb?ee $outs; ;3nb tbat fucb Jaunnmrto?fes, ©ates o? (Belbíng-s map be elfectuallp á>ecuteb, all í)ifrb aub $ctí tp ConGableS are betebp iftequíteb to deije aU fucl) $o?fes, ©ares, o? dSelbings fo foon as map be after fucb ftaces, anb Cattp tbern befo?e tbe neit ^uGíce of tbe $eace o? Cbtef ©affíGrate to tbe SJntent tbat tbe áDffenbets map be p?oceebeb a? Srainfl íu ©antier afo?efaibj i&?obibeb tbat tbbete fucl) l&enaltp o? j?o?feituce etceebs tbe á»um of SCen l&ounbs, anb anp #er= fon tbtnfts í)ím o? tbemfelbes ^g-g-ríebeb bp anp^bjubtcatíon, be o? tbep map 3ppeal to tbe nett sroingr 3ubjare of 3&¡3e, tbbo m a áatmmatp íKOlap map finallp !))eat ano Determíne tbe fame, anb malte fucb $>1 bet tbeteon as be ibail Deern ©eet anb ^uG, $?obibeb alfo, 3lnb be ít Cnacteb bp tbe Síutbo?ítp afo?efaib, 3£bat all á»um o? éums of ©onep fo ILebieb as afo?efaíb, anb tbe ©onep arífín# bp tbe á>ale of fucb ^o?fe, ©are, o? cBelbmflr, tbbicb tbe € e 2 $et;no Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap, $etfon fci3tng the fame is hetebp autho^ vili. ri3ct> to £>eU, ftjail be paiD anD 3>i{fribu= teb, ©ne XhitD $art thereof to the poor of the parity or parttyes tttyete Cuci) fòaces tbere, One other ChtrD part thereof to the Incorporated Society, fo? Promoting Engliih Proteftant-Schools itt tl)ÌS f&ittgDom, aitD tl)e other ChitD part to the informer ; pro= DiDeD altbaps, %ì)àt it tyall anb map be Jtalbfttl to atto for the Corporation of $orfe= BreeDcrs in the Countp of Down, ^ncorporateb tinbet $is ¡ftf)aieGps &opal Chatter, to Continue theic &aces accorD= iitgr to the pothers giben them bp t|)e Caio Chatter, tbithout being Subject to anp of the penalties 4$enttoneD in this 3lct. ProbiDeD altbaps, anb be it CnacteD bp the 3tttijoritp aforefaiD, ityat no petfon or petfons tyali be ^mpeatheD, ProfecuteD or ¡SglolefteD for anp of the ¡©{fences Com= mitteD againft this 3ct, unlefs he, tye or thep be proiecutcD for the fame tbithin three Months after the ©{fence Commit^ ten. ProbiDeD affo, 3fnD be it further Cnact= et> bp the authoritp aforefaiD, Chat if anp ¡§uit or Action tyali be CommenceD or ProfecuteD againG anp petfon or petfons for anp Ctying Done in purfuance of this act, ebetp fuch £uit or Action tyali be CommenceD tbithin three Caien? Dar Months next after the ¿Fact tbas CommitteD anD not aftertbarDS, anD lhaUIll Gcorgii Secimdi Regis. (ball be ïUîîj o? ©zongbt ta tbe County Chap. Citp 02 place tbbete tbe Cattfe of Action vm. fljaU acife anb not elfetbbete, anb tbe 2De= ^'Y>J fenbant anb Defenbants tbetem (bail anb map pleab tbe dSenetal fffue, anb gibe tl)iö ^tet anb tbe Special gattet in Chíbente, at tbe Htpal to be bab thereupon, ano tbat tbe Came tbas bone in putfuance of, o2 bp tbe 3utbo?itp of this act, anb if tbe plaintiff o2 plaintiffs (ball become ^on=á»uíteb o2 Difcontinue Y>i%, bet 0? tbeit Action 0? Actions, á>tiít 02 ámíts, 02 if upon Demuttet ^ubgment fbaU be giben agama tbe plaintiff 0? plaintiffs, tbe I>e? fenbant 02 Defenbants iball anb map me= cobet Xteble Coffs anb babe tbe lifte î&e= mebp fo2 tbe fame, as anp Defenbant 02 ^efenbants batb 0? babe fo? CoQs in anp otbet Cafes bp îtatb. 5F i A N