ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015A N FOR Explaining and Amending, An Att for the Relief of Mortgagees, and for the Perpetuating the Tefiimony of Witneffes, in Suits in Equity; And for Impowering the Dean and Chapter of the Holy-Trinity or Chrift-Church Dublin, to Grant to His Majefty for any Term of Years, the Rooms over the Room commonly Called the Exchequer-Chamber, and other Rooms therein Mentioned; And for Amending a Mifnomer in An AEl to Enable Charles Coote, Efq; to Raife Portions for Younger Children. G. II. R. §§13 DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to theKing’s Mod Excellent Majefty, at the Kings-Arms and I%o Bibhs in Ejjex-Strect, MDCCXL- Chap. IX. ‘-/'Y’NJ^A (X OJ %'f 3 [ *15 ] Chap. 1 , , -...........— IX. wu A N A C T FOR Explaining and Amending, An Ail for the Relief of Mortgagees, and for the Perpetuating the Teflimony of Witneffes, in Suits m Equity; And for Impowering the Dean and Chapter of the Holy-Trinity or Chrift-Church Dublin, to Grant to His Majefiy for any Term of Tears, the Rooms over the Room commonly called the Exchequer-Chamber, and other Rooms therein Mentioned; And for Amending a Mifnomer in An Ail to Enable Charles Coote Eiquire, to Raife Portions for Younger Children. CHAP. IX. Wfctfflueas a» act of j&atiia; meat 4©a0e m rt)is IBUnffDora, in, tDe detent!) feat of $10 patent j©afeaj>’* &ei£n, ^ntituteo, An a& for the Relief of Mortgagees } And for making tile Procds in' Courts, of Equity more Effeaual a-gaiail Mortgagors, who Abfcond; and,cannot be d5 0 Served116 Anno Regni Décimo Tertio Chap. Served therewith, and againft Perfons who, be-IX. ing Served, refufe to Appear j And alfo, for o'-v-'u better Regulating the Payment of the Fees of Attorneys and Solicitors ; 10 aiUOnjG Otl)et €naelap anb expence to tl)e áuíto?; 5fo? ftemobal of tbbicb Doubt, Be ítCnactebanb Declatebbp tbef&inj’di ^oG excellent ^DajcGp, bp anb tbit!) t£e AbbueGeorgii Sccundi Regis. - 117 ADbice anD (ZToitfent of tbe üo;?DS Spitis Chap. tuai anD Cempo?al, anD Commons in ix. tbtS patent parliament AffentbleD, anD bp tbe Autbo^itp of tbe fame, Co be tbe Xtue Sente anD leaning of tbe faiD Art, that after fuel) appearance bp tbe appoints ment of tbe Court as afo^efaiD, tbe plains tiff 0? plaintiffs in fuel) Cattle o; Cantes tefpectibelp, map pjoceeD to brat bis, bet, 0? tbeit Caufe, upon tbe Sequefttatton áDbtaineD bp bint 0? them, as if tbe De* fenDant o¿ DefenDants, baD Actuallp Ap; peareD anD StooD ont fucb p?ocefs of Contempt 0? Sequeffration. AnD tbbeteas Suits in Cquitp fo? per* petuating tbe STeftimonp of CDSUitnefTes, if tbe petfons againff tbbom fticb Ceftimo= np is tntenDeD to be petpctttateD, ibottlD ÜanD out all procedes of Contempt fo? not appearing, 0? tn Cafe of Appearance, fo? not Anftbering, tbe plaintiff in fucb Cafe, bas no i^eans of p?oceeDing in bis Caufe, to babe tbe Ceftimonp of b»s affibtneCfes petpetuateD, anD map tbetebp be put unDet gtcat Difficulties, in Iftes gatD to tbe Settling 0? Difpofing of btS Cffate, o? tailing of $3oncp fo? bis neceffatp Dccafious, fo? tbant of being able to gibe Satisfarto?p CbiDence of tbe Citle unDet tbbicb be Claims ¿ jFo? i&cs meDp tbbeceof, Be it CnarteD bp tbe Autbojitp afo?e-faiD, ^bat in all Suits tbbtcb notb are, g 1 0?118 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio chap. 02 at anp %im bereaftet (bali be fnGi= ix. tuteb «t a tip of bH0 4I9ajeGp 0 Court0 of Cqmtp m tbt0 itittflrDom, aarainG anp l&ecfon 02 £erfon0, iti £>2bet to babe tf>e CeGiutonp of MHitnefltà perpetuateti, tbbere all 02 anp of tbe Defenbant 02 3>e=-fenbant0, babe, 02 ba0 Goob out, 02 Gjall bereaftet, eitbet fo2 not appeatmg, 02 tu OTafe of ^ppeatattce, fo2 not 3nftbermar, 02 fo2 anp otber Caute, GanO out |&?ocef0 of Contempi to & 3>equeGratton, anb tbat tbe éequeGrato20 G)aU ftetutn, tbat no CGate 02 Cffects of fucb 3>efenbattt 02 ©efenbants, are founo tbitprn tbi0 Mmg-tiom to be £>equeGreb, tbe fèlaintiff tu all anb ebetp futi) Cafe, upon bis, ber 02 tbett làubUGjtng tu tbe Dublin <®a3ette, Cibo 3>ap0 ut eacb JMQeefe, fo2 tbe £pace of ^tx tKUeeb0 éutcefltbefp, tbe #ame0 oi tbe fàlaintiff 02 fàlaintiGs, Defenbattt 02 3>efcnbant0, ut Cucb Caute 02 Caufe0 res fpectibelp, anb menttoutugr tbetein tbbtcb of tbe fato 2>efenbant0 babe to tun luto Contempi to a éequeGratton, a0 alto, tbe fato l&eturn, ibaU ano map, upon 3ippUtattott fo2 tbat fburpofe, to tbe Court Ibbece fuxb Caute t0 02 tbaU be bepeub? ut{r, be at Hibettp to Clamine bt0 ®Mtt= neffe0, a0 agatnG fucb Defenbant 02 De* fenbant0, a0 noto ate, 02 ibatt be to in Contempi, anb paf0 fàubltcatton of tbe S>epofitton0, a0 tf fucb Defenbant 02 S>efeubant0 bab 3lppcareb anb ^tnftbereb, anb tbe Caute bab been re^ularlp alGeorgii Secundi Regis. 119 fne, anD publication paired, account# to chap. the nfual CoatTe and Method of inch ix. Court; Hath, Caftom, 0? Bfage at '-/vv' anp Cmic heretofore to the contrary, in any ttnfc nottbtthftanding. and be it further enacted bp the Au= thontp aforefaid, Chat m all and eberv fuch $tut and 3>uits for perpetuating: the Ceftimonpof aUitneffcs, as aforefaid, tbhich noth are, or ihall at anp 3Time hereafter be ginftttuted, Ibhetein the plaintiff had, or at anp srittte hereaftet ihall hade Cramt; ned h^ (KMitneffes De bene Eiie, and the Defendants in fuch 3>uit or ^uits, or a= up of them hade or has £>tood, or ihall hereafter £tand out Procefs of Contempt, to a ¿Sequcfiration for iRon^ppearance, or in Cafe of appearance for not Anftbering, and fuch Return had thereon as aforefaid, or for anp other Caufe fo as the plaintiff cannot proceed to damme his uKMitneffcs in Chief, the plaintiff in all and ederp fuch Cafe upon gibing: fuch Notice in the Dub-iin-Gazette as aforefaid, ihall and map, upon Application for that purpofe to the Court thhere fuch Caufe or Caufes is or are or ihall be Depending, hade publican on of fuch Depofitions, and the Caufe ihall be as againff fuch defendant or Defend dants as ts, or are, or ihall be fo m Con= tempt proceeded on, upon the 3>eciuettra= tion and Return, and the fame ihall be as effectual to all intents and Purpo; ^ t> Xes120 Anno Rcgni Decimo Tertio Chap, fes againG f«ch ®efenbant anb Defen-ix. canto as if he, to SJCfue, ano the faiD ^cpofitions hab been iraften upon an examination in Chief accorbmg to the ufual Courte of fuel) Court ; 3ln? Hath, Mage o? CuGom heretofore to the Contrat?, itt an? tbife nottbithftanbing: ;3nb tbhereas the ftoorn contmonl? cal* led the Exchequer Chamber, tbhete formerl? the Court for Rearing: anb Determining; of Cttors in the Court of Exchequer, the Courts of Delegates, anD the Commiffios nets for Rearing anb Determining of appeals from the CommiCTioners of the fte-benue anb their ^ub-Commifftonets ufu-all? date, is fttttnous anb cannot noth be mabe Me of; ^nb tbheteas it is ne-cellar? to Repair anb &aife the J&oof of the fatb tSoout, anb t^is 4®)ajeG? can hahe no 2UGing anb permanent SJnteteG in the iRooins oPet the fatb Exchequer Chamber, b? ffieafon that the Dean anb Chapter of the Holy Trinity or Chrift-Church itt Dublin, thho ate jg>ei3cb thereof in IRight of their Chapter to the faib ftooms, are not ^mpotbeteb to d&rant an? greater ginteteft therein, than a Cetm for Tort? pears; 2i3e it Cnacteb b? the Siuthorit? afore-fatb, Chat it thaU anb ma? be Hatbful to anb for the Dean anb Chapter Of the Holy Trinity OJ Chrift-Church in Dublin, anb their12 I Georgii Secundi Regis. tDeit ^uccefitys to e Cttp of Dublin, as ft)all be thought iReccfTacp bp the Chief <©oDerno? o? ate tbc 3>ebcntb Da? of tbe fame July, attD menttoneD to be 09aDe bettbeen Thomas Coote of Coote-hiil in tbe Count? of Cavan Cfquite, Frances Coote then JKSfllfe Of tbe faiD Thomas Coote ftnce DeceafeD, anD tbe fatD Charles Coote, Ottl? £>Ott atlD $tit of tbe faiD Thomas Coote of tj)e jFitft JDatt, Richard Geering of tbe Clt? of Dublin Cf' (JUIte, atlD Prudence Coote noU) tbe flKSitfe of tbe faiD Charles Coote, b? bet tbeit jftame Of Prudence Geering, feCOnD Datigbtet Of tbe faiD Richard Geering of tbe fetOnD JDatt, Xbe Uigbt honourable William 2lo?D Ttlifcount Mountjcy, anD tbe ftigbt hon= OUtable Robert JLojD Blfcount Molefworth, botb ftnce DeceafeD of tbe CbitD fbatt, tbe i&igbt honourable Richard Tighe of tbe faiD Clt? of Dublin, ftnce DeCeaS’D, anD James M-Cartney ^unto? of tbe fame Clt? quite«, of tbe j?Ottttb JDatt, George War-button ftnce DeceaS’D, anD Frederick French of tbc fame Cit? Cfquire«, of tbe jFiftb Patt, ^>lt Thomas Taylor of tbe faiD Cit? Of Dub! in ©atonet, ftnce Deceasetr, anD RichardGeorgii Secundi Regis. 123 Richard Warburton of tJ)e fatile Cttjt CC= Ch\p. qtttte, of tl)e ènti) part, anD b? a jFitte ìx. ilebpeD ptttfnant tpereto, in (EonfiDerati; ^ oti of a 4g)atrtagt tl)en ^IntenDcD anD finte fiaD, betlbcen tfic fatD Charles Coote, anD tl)z fato Prudence, anD fo? tfie otl)er OTonfiDetations in tl)e faiD SlnDentttre of meleafe tnentioneD, tfic faiD T. homas Coote, Frances Coote 1)10 mik, anD tl)e fatD Charles Coote Diti (©¿ant anD CottDep, to tfie fatD William 2Lo?D IMtOttnt Mountjcy, anD Robert ItO^D tltftOUttt Molefworth, anD tt)eit Inetto, tfie feDetal $onottt0, ^an= no?0, €aftie0, ^eiTuas:e0, ^otbn0, ?LanD0, 3Tenement0, J^eteDttaments, polc0, b)alf= l&oles, anD pottle0 of HanD, jFeeijFatttt Jftent0, anD otl)cr fiUnt0, éttuate, ìLyins anD 2ieetnjj, in tDe Countteo of Cavan anD Monaghan, tl)erem pattinila tip itDention; CD, tO t^olD tO tl)e faiD William 2Lo?D Hlf; connt Mountjoy, attD Robert ItOjjD TlIilftOttnt Molefworth, attD tl)e éWtDltlO? Of ti)ettt, 1)10 $ett0 anD faiTtjgrn©, to anD ttpon tl)e federai Ufe0, 1Ttttft0, ^ntent0 anD pur; pofe0, anD éttbject to tl)e tetterai Cl)arffc0, p?oDtfoe0, ConDition0, anD ^flteement0, in ti)e faiD ^nDentute of fteleafe partititi iatlp ¿©entioneD, anD arnonff otl)ec0 to tfie iUfe Of t|)e fatò George Warburton, attD Frederick French anD tl)e éUtDlDO? Of tl)etn, £10 Mietuto# anD aDmimfitato?0) foj tl)e Xetm of Ctbo C^unD^eD J?eat0 ttpon SCtuG, arnongr oti)ec tj)mff0 to ìftatfe pojtions anD ^aintenantes fo? tl)e 3 t Jpounfferuw 124 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio ChAp. pouttget CDtlDgtt of tbe ìx. as tbcrcm tS i^enttotteD ; $t tbaS amottg otber tbmgs CttatteD, Xbat it (Dall ano tuay be ìlaUjful, to attD fo? tDe fato Charles Cooce, at attp ^tme Durtttg brê iRa= turai ?Ufe, bj> attp DecD, mai uicttt o? Qiaacttittflr, bp Dim to be CxecuteD, ttt tbe ^efence of ^b?ee 0? mo?e CteDtble JMbttteffes, to Cbatge atto SJttcumbet, all atto ^iugular tbe fato p?emtfes, ttt tDe fato Xctut of irtbo l£uttD?eD peate cotti taitteb, 0? attp patt tbeteof, iti Cafe De fljall ïï>pe ileabtttg SfCTue 09ale, atto tEbjee 0? mo?e Daugbtets o?‘ pouttget CbtlDjctt bv tDe fato Prudence, fo? tbeit pò?; ttotts, U>itp attp dttm o? 3>unts of 09ottep De (pali tDIttb 8t, ttot exceeDtttg ttt tDe tbbole, tbe $um of CtgDt 3TboufattD pounDs, gjttfteaD of tbe £>uttts ttot exceeDtttg £E>ne XDoufattD pouttDS, tbbitb De ts ^ntpotb= creo to Cpatge, bp tDe ì:tu& of tbe Xetttt afo?efatD, as att ^CDDtttott to tDe éunt of jfout ^DottfanD pouttDS, p?obtDeD bp tpe Xtttft of tDe fato Xetnt, fo? fucD Xtbo pouttget CbtlDjett, fo as fucD futtDet <$um o? £>uttts of ^ottej), tbitb tDe fatD 3>um of Tout CpoufatiD pouttDS, Do ttot 21; tuouttt to mo^e tDatt tDe £>tttti of Xtbo XDoufattD pouttDS a picce, fo? fucD Xb?ee 0? ttto?e 3>augDtets 0? pouttget CDilD?cn, tf tpe fame tbete equally DiDtDeD atttottgG tDettt, tO be ì&atfeD bj> tDe fatD Frederick French, Di» €xecttto?s attD 2tDmmifttato?s, iti tDe fame #Datutet attD be DtOrtbuteD attDGeorgii Secundi Regis. 125 ano PatO to ano antong- fucb Xfwc ojchaf. nio?e Dattfrbtet0 0? poungtr CI)ilD?e«, ut ix. futi) j&bate0 atto p¿opo¿tton0 ano at ftirb rcfpectitjc .Cinte©, aito Unti) futi) rcfpectiOe ^amtenatitce mtbe mean time, tiU tbc fato á>um0fbali refpectiOclp become papable a0 tiyt Pojtiotts atto it9auitenancc0, PzobtOeO bp tbe fai!) irtuft of tbe Xetnt of Xtbo bun= 02eo peat© afojcfatO, fo? tl>e Dawgbtet© 0? pounget CbtlO?cn of tbe fato iglacttage, ate to be iftatfeO, DtfttibuteO, ano paio. •3n0 tbbetea©, tbe fato Certtt of Ctbo JmnojeD ??ear© 10 bp tbe fato ìRc; ttteo à>ettlement, lltmtieo to, ano taciT eO in tl)e Caio George Warburton finte DC= teafeO, ano Frederick Trencli of tt>6 cttie= ment, ano a0 one of tbe ^tttGee© of tbe Caio Xettn of ictbo bnnOjeO peat©, bp fl©t= ftafte, tnfteaO of tbe fato Frederick Trencli ; &n0 tbbetea© no patt of tbe fato à>utn of Ctgbt CbonfanO ponnO0 batb pet bcett i&atfeo, ano tbe fato i£)tftafte tf not mcG ttfíeo map bcteaftet 3Delap 0? &>bfltu(t tbc iaatfinjj tbeteof: m in CnacteO ano Declareo bp tbc att= tbo?ttp afojefatO, Cbat it lìjail ano map be Hatbful to ano fo? tbc fato Frederick Trench, bis €xecuto?© ano ^OtumiGtato?0, anobeanotbep, t0, ano arebetebp^mpotfr 9 i % etto126 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio, &c. chap. eteO to Iftaife fucb 3>um ano 3>utns of ix. i©onej>, not eiceeOmjj in tbe tbbole tbe ^ntu of etgrbt tboufanO pounos, as tbe faiD Charles Coote putfuant to tbe poto; ets g-tben to bini, in ano by tt>c faiO act, toall ebatje on tbe faiO ilanos ano p«?c= mtfes eompjjijeO in tbe fato Xerm of Xtoo bnno^eo peats, fo? tbe purpofes in tbe faiD act ^entioneti, in futi) ano tbe fame banner, ano as JFullp ano effectual-ly to all intents ano putpofes, as tbe faiO Frederick Trench bis etecuto?s ano Storni; niftratojs coulo o«? miffbt babe maifeo tbe fame, in Cafe be, o? tbep bao been jftam= eO m tbe fato 3ct 3infteaO of tbe fato Frederick French, bis €iecuto;s ano 30mini= fttatOZS, anO tbe faiO Frederick French in tì)& fato 3ct mentioneo, bts executors ano mtnifftatozs iS, ano ate berebp 3>ifable0 to execute all o? anp of tbe potbets tbere= bp dftben to, o? tHeffeO in bbn o? tbem ; anj? ^binjgr in tbe faiO ,3ct contain^ co to tbe eonttatp nottoitbffanOingr. A N