ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015A N ACT For the F u r t H e R IMPROVEMENT O F T H E Hempen and Flaxen Manufa&ures of this Kingdom. G. II. R. DUBLIN: Printed by GeorgeGrierson, Printer to the King’s Moil Excellent Majefty, at the King's Arms and Two Bibles in Ejfex-Street,'M.DCCXL.Zt' Une tbottfanO feben J)tmO?eO ano fo?ty, no SKBJeaOec ftjall ®meaOe, no? anj> petfon o? f&etfons £>ell, o? €xpofe to £ale, anp piain Hinen doti), beingr of ojjexceeOingtbe $et of 5Fout= teen i)ttnO?eo, commoni)) calieO jFoutteen i)unO?eo doti)?, fobici) ibaii noe be, foben cyrcen, ano befo?e tbe fatne fbail be iaiea= cbeO o? a29i)iteneO, 3Cbift)> etsrf)t gjnebes b?oaO at tbe ieaft, ttpon fbain of 5Fo?fert= inff tbe dttm of 5Fo?tp jéi)tlitng:s fo? ebe-tj> futi) ibiece of Hinen dotb fo iKGio; ben, é>oio o? Cxpofeo to &aie ,• ftno tbat no tflafleaOet itjaii mabe tate of anp fteeos in »abingr anp piatii Htuen^dotbS of tbe iSetof JFotttteen bunO?eO,commonl)) caiieo jfouttesn bunb?eo dotbs, o? ttp= foatos, ti)at foattnot be 5Fo?t)> fnebes foibe at ieaft, wpou Pam of #o?feitmff tbe ^um of jFo?tj) ^DUlings fo? et)etv intere of faci) Hinen (doti), bp bmt 3K!Hot»en in anp ELeeOS not jFo?tp 3fncbe0 foibe at ieaft; ^tno tbat no Happet foaii Happ o? étamp anp piala Hinen doti) of tbe ^et of jfoutteen fèunojeo, commoni)) cai? ieO jFoutteen i)unO?eO Ciotbs, o? upfoarD0, tbat ftjaii not foben fobiteneo be ttyttp fir SJncbes b?oao at ieaft. 3inoGeorgii Secundi Regis. 143 Chap. be it futtbct €aacteb bp tbe %u? xi. tbojjtty afctfefatD, <2EJ)at ftom ano aftet tj)e jFitG 3>ap of Jutie, ut tbe peat of ©ut ito?b, ©ite tboufaaD fetoett DuaD2CD atto jFo2tp, ebetp OKBcabet fyall tcuip étattip, ut legrible d)atactets Ubiti) ©pi ano !Lautp:2i3lac&, ott efcetp piece of d5?eett piata ?Lmeu doti) of tbe £>et of jfottt= teett J)uaD2eD, comutoalp caiieb jFotttteea ^uttb?cb Clotys o? uptbacDS, bp bmt, J)ts foutaeptttaa 02 ^ppjenttce 2®!oPen, tbe fRuutbet of J)ttab2eDS contaitteD iti tl)e 2ia?eaDtl) of fucl) doti), togctbec Ubiti) tì)e JFttft iiettet of l)i0 d)2iftiaa= patite, atto alto l)is ^it^uattte at full JLettgtI), upott paut of JFo?feittngr tbe 3>uttt of jFctftp ébtllmsrs, fc>2 eDetp piece of fucl) 2,iaea doti) bp bttti 02 tbettt afóflobeu ano ©rnitteD to be ¿©atftcD as afojefaiD; 3tnt> tbat ebetp tKQleabet fyall SKBleabe all Iliaca atto temperi patti to J)utt Delibet-eb, mto doti) of futi) tettata ^cabtl) as Gjall be ajteeD upott, bctUbeea tbe ©Ubaet atto ©Ubaets of futi) paca aaD futi) SSleatoet ; p2obiDcD fucl) nfóeaDtb be aot €oa= ttatp to tbts 02 aap fo2tttet llatb, upoa Paia of 5?o2fettiagr to tl)e ©Ubate 02 ©Ubaet0 of furi) paca, tbe full halite 02 p?ice a= gteeb upoa fo2 aKMeabiagr futi) Paca ; 8ao tbat ebetp &eeD=£t>)abet 02 otljec petfoa, mafttaff &ccD0 fo2 Sfófleabmcr Hiaett dotb 02 i)empea doti), ftjall equallp Di= VttDe all t|)e 3>plit0 ut eacb aaD cbcrp © 0 meco t144 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. laeet) b? Dim mabe, ano fpall líftetbífe xi. fer upon ePer? futi) &eeo b? D»m tuabc, a 09atft tbitD att gitoti adatto, contai^ in? thè ftrft ?Lettec of piS Cl)?iGtatt'il5ame, ano alto, Die Rítmame at Hen^tl) in piai» Icflribie Cbarattcts, upon paia of jfo?feit= ingr tpe á>um of í:tbentp á>píllinjgrs, fo? ePct? ©dente in not eguali? E>iPibinflr tpe á>pltts o? jÉpar&inflr pis Ubarne as afo?e; fatò; 3nD tpat no afóaeaPer ipall mafte ufe of an? fteebs in ©MeaPinp; lUnen Clotp o? f^empen ClotP, tpat ipall not bc eguali? 3C>tPtòeD ínto à>plits ano $9atl^ co as afo?efatò,upon pain of jFo^feitinjg- tpe á>um of $;tbent? á>píllínírS fo¿ ePer? JReeD tpat fucp fflaUcabet ipall «tabe ufe of, tpat ipal.1 not be eguali? DiPtòeo ano Catiteo as afo^efatò. 3inD be it futtpet Cnatteb b? tpe 3lu= tpo?it? afo?efatò, 3Cpat íf an? 3®3eaPer, Bleatpet, Cattiet o? otper perfon tbpat? foePet, ínttufteb íbítp an? Sanen o¿ l^em? pen $>atn, o? Hinen o? Campen Clotp, (pali fcaubulentl? à>ell o? ^mbe33le tpe fame, o? an? l&att tpeteof, of tpe Ualue of ©ne ápillínfr o? uptbat&s, fucp MHeaPer, Bleaeper, Cattiet oj* otpee fberfon ipall, fo? ePer? fucp iPffente, jfotfeit to tpe fàetfon 3lg-griePeO iCteble tpe Halue of fucp pata o? Clotp, o? of fucp patt tpeteof fo dotò o? ^mbe33leb. Sititi be it futtpet Cnacteo b? tpe Zn> tpojit? afo?efatò, 3Tpat ftom ano after tpeGeorgii Secùndi Regis. 145 tbe fitta 2Dap of june, in tbe Jpeat of iDut Chap. Ho2d, £>ne tbonfand fedeb bnnd2ed ani) xi. fo2tp, no i&erfon 02 Jàetfons tbbatfoebet, fl)aU !Steep, Cntplop, 0? malte mie of anp Idubliclt ©leacb'Patd, tbitbtn tbe City of Dubim o? jftbe 09iles tbereof, tbttbout lucente fc>2 tbat ptttpofe Sta bad ano Obtatned ftont tbe XcuGecs ^ppomtcD fo2 Cncotttaging tbe f^entpen and jFlaxen &9anufactutc0 of tbiS I&ingdont, 0? anp fide 02 mo2e of tbent, on pam of JTo^feit-ing tbe èmn of Xtbo $ttnd2ed \àonnds, and tbat no 5Fee 02 Jftetbatd tball be ta&en fo2 fucb Micenee 02 Unente*, and be it fnttbet Cnacted bp tbe tbo2ity afo2efaid, Xbat all £>fifences cotm ntitted agama tbbat is betem bcfo?e €n= acted, except tbe Iteeping of a idublicft 26lcacbiPatd tbttbout ILtcence a$ afo2efaid, tbbicb ftjall be beatd and SPetetmincd bp tbe faid Xtttftees 02 anp jFide 02 nto2e of tbent, t^all be beatd and jFinallp 3Petet= mined bp tbe faid Xtuflees 02 anp jFtdc 02 mo2e of tbent, 02 bp anp otte 02 ttioje Quatte 02 ^nftices of tbe l&cace, 02 Cbtcf ^affiatate of anp Citp 02 3£otbni£o2po: tate tbitbin tbeit refpecttde gjtttifdirttons, tbbo, ttpon Complaint to bnn 02 tbent ntade, iball, npon Ciantination of one 02 mo2e (HÉitnefS 02 ¡Mttnelfes npon iPatb, tbbicb 4Datb tbep ate tefpecttVieip berebp gjmpotbeted to adminiaet, adittdge and SPetetmine tbe fame, and fffne l)ts 02 tbeit © 0 a ale oí tbe Offendets (Boods (tbe Odet= plus tbbeceof fball be ftend?ed to tbe Otte net o¡? Otbners) to ílebp tbe rcfpecttde lóenaltíes bp tbeut ^ntutteo, tbbícb toben Hedíed tbail bclong and be lóaíd to tDe ^nfo?ntet o? ^nfo?mets, o? futb otbec fíetfon o? lóetfons as ate beteinbefo# pat= títulatlp mentioned to be SJntítled to ti)e fante tefpecttbelp, fitfi Dedurttitcr tbeteout tbe á>iwt of Albelde lóente, to be lóatd to tbe Confiable o? Confiables, fo¿ Cietutíngr ederp futí) 303artant -, Sínd tf no fuffitíent infirefs can be fottnd, tben tbe faíd %tttí' tees, o? futí) jftde o?mo?e of tbem, o? fitti) gjttfttce o? glufitces of tl>e lóeate o? Cbtef ^afftftrate tefpecttdelp, ííjall tomntit futí) Offender o? Offendets, to tbe ü)oufe of Cojjtectíon toítbín tbeít refpecttde 3Jutífdtt= tíotts, tbere to be ftept to batd Habout fo? tbe fpate of one $©ontb. 3ittd be ít futtbet Cnatted bp tbe %\v~ tbojítp afojetaid, Xbat cdetp jflat Djeffer, fi)empí5D?eífet, ló?ofeffed $J)aftet of 2Lm= en vüBbeels, and ló^ofeffed $9aftet of D^attbels, beíttflr a Proteftant, tball be at íUs bertp to $et Bp, and Cxettífe b«s ^tade ín anp Cítp o? 3toton:Co?po?ate, and du* ring bis Befídente and follofibíncr b»S Xtade tbetetn, tball be deented and be a jpteetnan tbeteof: l&jodídcdGeorgii Secuftdi Regis. 147 Chap. |&?o\3iDeD nebertbelefs, Xbat no fuel) xi. 5Flai=D?eiTet, o? ï&empsDaelîer, p?ofeffeb ^©altet of ILinen vMHbeels, 0? p?ofeffeb Rafter of C^atcDel®, tball babe an? might to note in tbe election of an? 4©agii Gtate, io2 fuel) <£it? 0? CoOjn;Co?po?ate, 0? of an? Member to £>erbe in this oj an? future parliament in this Bingbom, b? tHitrtue onl? of Curb jfreebom, Si no tbbeteas, b? an stet of parliament paffeb in this Btngbom, in the jRintb pear of tbe JReiflm of $is p?efent &9ajeft?, gin? tituleo, An Aft for the further Encouragement and Improvement of the Flaxen and Hempen Manufaftures, git is Cnacteb, that front ant» after the 5?trft Da? of May, £Dne tJ)ou-fanb feben bunb?eb ant» tbitt? fix, if an? QUeaber ftjall glmbeîîle, 0? Conbett to bis otbn mfe, an? jFlaxen 0? hempen patn w libereb, o? that (ball be Delibereb to bun to be amoben, Curl) tKCleaber ober anb a* bobe the penalt? tnflicteb on fuel) £>ffem bets b? tbe 3ct therein îReciteb, i$)aDe in the èetonb pear of the fteign of $iS late 4©ajeft? Bing George the fitft, being latbfull? Conbtcteb of Curb Offence in tbe fanner Directeb anb ^ippointeb b? tbe fatb rettteb 2Cct, (ball fo? tbe jfitft £E>ftence 5Fo2feit anb pa? to tbe part? aggriebeb, tbe 3>unt of jfo#? Shillings, oum of Cb?ee £ounös, o? fuffet â>u Months 3Jmp?ifomnettt. Be it Cnacteö b? tbe 3utbo?ít? afo?e? faio, Hbat tbe fatD íReciteD Claufe of tbe faib a ct, be from bencefo?tb laepealeO ano «tabe íTiuli ano Boto. 3n0 OBHbeteas tbe 4tf)etboO of p?oceeOí ing in tbe Bfual jfo?ms of 2latb, fo? tbe ftecobcr? of fucb 5fmej5 o? i&enalttes, as ate SlmpofeO on tbe febetal flappers appointée b? tbe fato ^ruGees, ts founO to be attenoeo fbitb great Déla? ano €x¿ pence > 5Fo? ftemeO? tbbereof, Be it Cnact^ eo b? tbe 3utbo?it? afo?efatO, Xbat ftom ano after tbe jFittt Da? of May, flDne tbou= fano febea b«nO?eO ano fo?t?, ít ftjall ano ma? be ilatbful, to ano fo? tbe faio XruGees in tbe íftame oí tbeit Cletft fo? tbe $:tme being, to á>ue fo? in a £um? mat? tlHfla? b? Cíbtl Bill befo?e t|>e fuDges of 3£ft3e in tbett refpecttbe Circuits, ano at tbe Mettions in tbe Count? of Dublin, ano Count? of tbe Cit? of Dublin, ano i&ecobet agatnG all ano ebet? flappet ano flappers, ano btó, ano tbeit á>ecutit?anO á>ecuttties, all fucb á>um ano â>ums of Agone? as babe been SJmpofeO finte tbe 5?ttft Da? of May, Dne tboufanO feben bunO?eo ano tbitt? eight, o? fljall be from timeGeorgii Secundi Regis. 149 tutte to tinte beteaftet tutpofeO bp tbe fato Chap. STtuftecs, o? anp Committee of tbettt, bp xi. 3iaaaj> of jFme 0? penalty ou futi) ÌLaps ¿et ano SLappets, atto tbat Coptes of tbe £>?Pets of tf)e fatò Xxuftees tbbecebp futi) Cietft ts ^ppotnteO, atto flbltetebp faci) Jftae o? 5Fme0, penalty o? pettalttes babe beett, 0? ftjaU be ^mpofeb, tabeit ftottt tDe 23oofts of tbe faib n:tuftee<5, attb $tgn= eb bp futi) Cletft fo? tbe $4ttie betng, fbaU tefpecttbelp be Xaben, DeerneO, atto ao; juOgeo, 5FuU atto £>ufftctent CbiOence tbat futi) £etfon ts tl)eic <£letft, atto tbat futi) jftne atto 5Ftnes, 0? gettali)) ano pt; nalties babe been fo SJmpofeo, $?obtOeO nebettbelefó, Cbat no futi) £t' bii 26tU fibaU be ©?ougi^t fo? fòecoberp of anp gte'atet 0? target &um, tban tbe éuttt of Xtbent)) i&ounO0. 3nO bbbeteas, no JLuten Clotb «tabe in tbfó ttmgOom, can be CxpofeO to éale o? €xpo?teO, unlefó fati) doti) contata ^Ttbentp ttbo gfncbes ano a balf in 232ea0tb at leaft, ano unlefó tbe fame be HappeO ano 3>tampeO, ano tbat tt batb been jFounD bp €xpertence tbat tt tbtll teno greatip to tbe benefit of tbts Etng-Oom to ibetmit Hinen Clotbs of lefó 2©?eaOtb, tbottgb tbe fame fl)aW not be flappeo ano £tatnpeO, to be CxpofeO to $ale ano €xpo?teO. £ p i mI 50 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio, &c. )hap. xi. m it €ttacteb bp tbe autbo?itp afo?e= fato, €bat fo? tbe Cetttt of jfout peata, to be Computeb (tom tbe jFttft Dap of May, ut tbe peat of- ©ut Ilojb, ©ne tboufattb febett bmtb?eb attb fojitp, attb fcorn tbe €rpitattott of tbe faib jfout peata to tbe €rtb of tbe tbett next Seifiott of patitamene, it ibali attb «tap be ILatbful fo? anp perfon tbbati foebet, to Crpofe to Sale, attb to <£*= po?t out of tbia fSUnffbom anp Htuett Otlotb, ttnbec tbe Set of %tn bttnbjeb mabe tbttbm tbe fame, altboujb tbe faib Htttett Clotb botb not «ttontam $;tbentp ttbo ^ttcbea attb an l^alf iti 25?eabtb, attb altbottfirb tbe fame ibowlb ttot be Itap; peb attb Stainpeb ; &np Hatb o? Statute to tbe €ontratp ttotUjitbftattbittflr. A N