ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015Chap. IV. l/WJ A N ACT FOR Continuing ieveral Temporary STATUTES. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moft Excellent Majefty, at the King’s Arms and Two Bibles in Ejfex-Street. MDCC XL. ■■■ ruq o2%!*> [ S3 3 Chap. - - ----- IV. A N ACT FOR Continuing feveral Temporary STATUTES. CHAP. IV. e & e 3 $, t&e febetal ?latbs anD Statutes Deteitt after 09en= tioneD, ate fount) bp experience to be of dsenetal Hfe, anb fit to be Con= tinueD. 2i5e it enacteD bp tï)e itinff s $)oa excellent ^ajeftp, bp anD tbitï) tl)e ^Dbice anD Confent of tl)c ïLo?Ds Spiritual anD Cempo?al, anD eoutmons in tbis P?efent parliament aiïembleD, anD bp tfce ^utl)o?!tp of t^e famé, 3Cï)at an M ^n= titUleD, An Adt for the Real Union and Di-vifion ofPariihes, &9aDe in tl)e éeconD Jpeat of ï^is late j^aieftp Binsr George tbe JFirft; anD alfo, an 3ct 4©aDe itt tj)e Œentb & * ??eat54 Chap. 1-V. Anno Regni D«cimo Tertio peat of fatb late 40ajeftp, ^Jntitttleb, An Ad for Explaining and Amending an Ad, Intituled, An ABfor the RealUnion and Divifion of Panfhes; And for Confirming an Exchange Made of a Piece of Ground, whereon the Pariih-Church, and Vicarage-Houfe of the Pariih of St. Anne, in the Suburbs of the City of Dublin, was, by a Former Ad of Parliament, Direded to be Built, for another Piece of Ground; And for Appropriating fuch other Piece of Ground to the fame Ufesj Both tttyity 3lcts, bp a ^ubrequent 3ap of March, Ibbtcb fyall be tit tyz peat, £>ne tl)oufanb fcben Imntyeb atto 5Fo?tp, atto to tyz €nb of tyz next hellion of patltament ; ^UD alfO, 3ttt 3lCt, gftttttuleD, An Ad for the better Securing the Rights of Advowfon and Prefentation to Ecclefiaftical Benefices, £©abe in tyz jFitfl peat of $is p^efent #ajeGp; 3Gtb bp a j$ubfeqttent &ct con= tmtteb to tyz Xtbentp fifty S>ap of March, Ibbttb ftjall be in tyz peat £>ne tbottfanb feben imnbjeb anb jFoztp, attb to tyz €nb of tpe Xbett next i&eGton of parliament; Sinb alfo, 3tt 3tct, gfntitttleb, An Ad for the more EfFedual Punifhing Stealers of Lead or Iron Bars fixed to Houfes, or any Fences, belonging thereunto; 3Utb aftettbatbS COtt= tintteb to tyz Ctbentp jftftb 2>ap of March, tityity ftiall be in tyz peat, iPne tbottfanb feben buntyeb anb 5Fo?tp, anb to tyz Cnb of tpe %tyzn nett ¿efTion of parliament, Be, anb zaty of tyz faib Sict3i herein abobe ^©entioneb, are berebpGeorgii Secundi Regis. $5 i)etebp 4$abe perpetual, anb to conti= Chap. nue in full jFo?ce, as tï)ep notb febetai^ iv. ip étant) fo? €bet. wv anb be it futtyet CnacteD bp t£e au= t£o?itp afojefaiD, XDat an act, ^jntituieb, An Ad for the more Speedy and Effectual Repair of Bridges throughout the ieveral Counties of this Kingdom, H)i)ici) tbaS aftettbatbs continueb bp an act utabe in tbe jfiftf) peat of i^is œefent $9ajeftp ; anb aifo, an act, gintituleb, An Ad to' prevent Frauds and Abufes in Bay-Yarn, exported to Great Britain, iJE)abe M t\)Z éebentj) peat of $is p?efent ¿©ajeftp, anb aftet= tbatbs continueb to t&e jFitft Dap of November, tbibci) ft)all be in ti)e Peat, €>ne tiioufanb feben imnbjeb fo?tp anb Dne, anb ftom thence to tpe €nb of tpc %bzn nett éeflïon of i&atliament ; anb aifo an 3ict, ^ntitttieb, An Ad for the further Improvement and Encouragement of the Fiihery of this Kingdom, ^abe itt ti)e Clebenti) peat of $10 p?efent ÆBajeGp ; 3inb aifo, one oti)et act, ^ntituleb, An Ad for the more Effedual preventing and further Puniihment of Forgery, Perjury and Subornation of Perjury, and to make it Felony to Steal Bonds, Notes or other Securities for Payment of Money, and for the more Effedual Tranfporting Felons, Vagabonds, and Others, ibaffeb in tf>e ŒJntb peat of $is p?efent ^ajeGpi ânb bp an act fo? continuing febetai 3Cempo?atp Statutes, anb fo? otyet i&utpofes tfjeteitt mentioneb, paffeb tDe éebentl) peat of i^ts p?efent p i^ajeflp,¿8 Anno Regni Décimo Tertio chap. sjftaíefty, continúes to tbe Xtbentp jFíftb iv. 2>ap of March, tbbícb fbali be ín tbe Feat of £>ut Ito#, fiDue tbottfanS Ceben bun= ojeo ano 5Fo?tj>, ano to tt)e €ns of tbe €ben next ^eflion of patlíament; &nb att tbe abobe iaft temes 2kts, ano cbctp Claufe ano ft?obtfoe tbetein contamos, fo fat as tbe Cante üanb untepeaieb, ate betebp contmueb in full j?o¿ce, to tbe Xlbentp jfíftb X>ap of March, tbbicb íball be tn tbe |>eat of áDut H02S, áDne tboufanb Ceben bunbjeS anb fifí? á>eben, and ftorn tbence to tbe Cnb of tbe Xben ttext écíftott of i&atlíamettt, attb no ítongrer. - 3nS be ít futtbet €nacteb bp tbe 3fu= tbo?tt^ a fosfato, Xbat att 3et, 3Jn= tftttlcS, An A¿t for the more eaíy Recovery rif Tythcs, and other Ecclefiaftical Dues of friten Vafne, í$aSe ttt tbe 5FítG Feat of $t8 p?efettt í©ajeftj>, anb continúes bp febetal acts of Fatíiantettt, to tbe Ctbentj) 3Hftb 3E>ap of March, tbbicb íball be ttt tbe $>eat, áDtte tboufattD Ceben bttnSjeb anb 5fo?t>?j attb ftottt Xbence, to tbe Cttb of tbe Cbett ttext éeflton of Fatliatnent, be futtbet continúes attb of jfojce fo¿ j?ottt Feats, ftorn tbe fatb Xtbentp 5Fiftb S>ap of March, tbbicb iball be ttt tbe Fear, áDne tboufattb Ceben buns¿cb attb j?o?tp, anb ftont tbe Cxpítation of tbe faib jfout Feats, to tbe €ttb of tbe tZEben nert á>ef-fíon of ^atfiamcnt, attb no ILonírer* A N