ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015Chap. XII. ww* A N ACT FOR Continuing and Amending the Laws now in Eorce, in Relation to Butter and Tallow, and the Casks in which fuch Goods are to be Made up, and for the Curing of Hides, and making up Beef and Pork for Exportation ; And for Preventing the Deftru&ion of Salmon. G II. R. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to theKing’s Moil Excellent Majeity, at the King's-Arms and Two Bibles in EJfex-Street, MDCCXL.[ -S3 ] Chap. --- ■ — XII. U>Y>J A N ACT FOR Continuing and Amending the Laws now in Force, in Relation to Butter and Tallow, and the Casks in which fuch Goods are to be Made up, and for the Curing of Hides, and making up Beef and Pork for Exportation ; And for Preventing the De-ftru&ion of Salmon. CHAP. XII. att ^ w \m/ tty €tgl)t J) Peat of $is late f©a= ▼ ▼ jetty ikins George tty jfltftS deign, ^ntituleo, An Ail for the further Amendment of the Laws, in Relation to Butter and Tallow Casks, Hides, and other Commodities of this Kingdom, and for preventing the Deftrudtion of Salmon ; ©Mhicl) faiD ¿returns continueD anD ¿UnenDeD, by an ¿let uiabe in tty Xentl) peat of $ts faiO late $9a= q 2 jetty 0i $ 4 Anno Regni Decimo Tcrtio Chap. jeftp’S JReijgrti, intituled, An A6b for Conti-XII. nuing and Amending of the Laws in Relation '^vv' to Butter and Tallow, and the Casks in which fuch Goods are to be made up, and in Relation to the Curing of Hides, and making up of Beef and Pork for Exportation, and for the preventing the Deftrudtion of Salmon j iffiBïbiCb faid Act tbas explained and Amended, bp ano? tbet Act made in tbe iCtbelftb $>eat of $is faiD late ¡©ajeftp’s îReiflrn, intituled, An A6b for Explaining and Amending An A6b, Intituled, An AB for Continuing and Amending of the Laws in Relation to Butter and Tallow, , and the Casks in which fuch Goods are to be * made up, and m Relation to the Curing of Hides, and making up of Beef and Pork for Exportation, and for preventing the DeflruBion of Salmon ¡miitch faid Acts l)ade been futtjber Continued bp federal Statutes to tbe end of tbi3 Patent ^effion of parliament, and being found to be extreamlp ufeful and notb neat expiring, ate therefore 8t to be Continued tbitb fucb Alterations and &= mendments, as bp this Act ate made tbetetn : Be it therefore enacted bp tbe Bing « $9oG excellent ^©ajeftp, bp and tbitb t|>e Àddice and Content of tbe iLo?ds spiritual and ïempojal, and Commons in tbis Pîefent parliament Allembled, and bp tbe Autbo?itp of tbe fame, Xbat tbe faid fe= deral Acts herein before Mentioned, tbitb tbe federal Alterations and Amendments bere;Georgii Secundi Regis. i 5 s hereinafter ContaíneD, be anD ate hereby Chap. further ContmueD fo¿ ano until, the xii. itbenty fifth 3Day of March, ffchtch tbill be in the pear of €>ut Ho?D, flDne thow= fano feben h««D?eD and fojty feben, anD ftom thence to the Cut» of the then next áeffíon of parliament anD no longet. 3nD to the CnD that the federal Rules, Regulations, £);>Derg, anD Detections in this anD the faiû JReciteD $cts Mention; eD anD ContaíneD, may be Strictly £>b= fetbeD, anD jFatthfully anD Ctttly execute eD, in the City of Corke, tbhich is a place of great Cxpofti 2ße it CnacteD bp the ^luthoftty afo^ faiD, Xhat John Colthurft of the City of Corke CfCltitte, Edmund Knapp of t\)Z faiD City ^UDerman, anD Edward Hoare the pounger, of the faiD City Cfcjttice, anD the éutbibo¿s anD âmcbtbojj of them, fhall be anD ate hereby 3ippointeD to be »tgb;$£)aficr anD aKUeigh^aftcts of the faiD City of Corke, tbfth the fame anD the lifte jfees, payable anD in the fame manner Recobetable, fo¿ the trouble, Charges anD Cxpences they (hall be at, in the execution of the faiD Office, anD ámbíect to the fame ConDitions, anD to the libe Rules, Regulations, DjDets anD Directions, anD unDcr the fame penalties anD 5Fo?feiturcg, as the 20flcigh=£M)aGcrs of Corke there anD ate tuaDe liable to, R r by15 6 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. bp tbe fatD metiteo 3its, ano tbis ^ xii. fent fo? tbe Due Cxectttjon of tbe faiD Office of »igb-ipiaers of tbe City of Corke, tbbtcb faiD Sfitte ft)all be CxecuteD bp tbem, o? bp tbe ^ttcbibo? o23>utbtbo?s of tbem, bis o? tbett fufftricnt I>eputp o? 3>eputies, Dttting tbe frooD Bebabiour of tb6 faiD John Colthurft, Edmund Knapp, anD Edward Hoare, attO tbe UtblbO20 anD ttti bibo? of tbem, m tbe febetal IDublicit »tgb^oufes, noib anD fo? febetal Jpeats paft, utaDe nfc of m tbe faiD Cttp, o? in Glaces Contignons to tbe faiD Äigb' ^ottfes as tbe faiD Ätgb ^aftets o? tbe ^utbtbo?g o? éntbibo? of tbem ft>all appomt. ^¿obiDeD altbaps, Xbat tbe faiD John Colthurft, Edmond Knapp, ailD Edward Hoare, anD tbe dntbibo;s anD :éutbibo2 of tbem, iball anD map ftom Xtme to Cime be ^mbject anD lUable to be ftemobeD fo? ¿©tsbebabiout in tbe Cxecution of tbe faiD £>ffice, comnutteD bp tbem o? anp of tbem, o? tbe S>eputp o? Depttties of tbem, o? zi' tbet of tbem, bp tbe $9apo2, 3lDetmen, anD Common Cottntil oftbe fatD Cit^in mannet as »igb^aftets ^tppointeD bp tbe 4$apo2 anD ^UDetmen o? Cbief £E)a= gifttate anD ©utgeffes in otbet CitieS anD Xotbns^Cojpojate, ate bp tbe faiD JReciteo Stxts 02 anp of tbem maDe fòemobable, bp fucb £©apo2 anD 3UDetmen 02 Cbief 4$a= giftcate anD löutgeffes, tbitb ILibertp toGeorgii Secundi Regis. i s 7 tbe fato aaeifrb^aftcts 0? anp of tbem, Chap. tbbo fyaU be Co fiietitobeb, of ^ppealmjgr to xn. tj)e next cromgr ^uftices of ^CCTi3e fo? tbe '-'VVJ Muniter OTltCUlt, IH VbbtCb tbC faiO Cttp of Corke hes, iti tbett next Circuit, m futi) matinee as is in otbet Cafes p?obibeb fo? bp tbe fatb J&cciteb ,3cts 0? anp l&act of t^etn ; 3nb in Caie futi) 5KBleigrb;i©aG:et o? »terb^aftets, fo ^ppealmg i^aU be iftefto?eb bp Cuci) giuftices of 3flt3e, befo?e bbbotit futi) Appeal fbail bc beatb, to tbe Office of ffl2ac!£i);0S)after, tbat tben anb in futi) <£afe, tbe petfon 0? petfons tbi)o èrteti in t|)e fatti iDffice front tbe Xitue of futi) fftemobal, ft)all be ^ccountable fo? tbe filli neat p?outS of tl)e Office, to futi) 3Bcigl);$9aftet 0? a!©etffb'£®)aftecs fo J&e= mobeb, anb ft)ail be confibereb atto paib onlp as a SDeptttp o? Deputtes, to fucb <3Heicrb^aftet 0? 2®letffb;$9aftccs fo lfte= fto?eb. p?obibeb aifo, %ì)àt if tl>e faib John Colthurft, Edmund Knapp, anb Edward Hoare, 0? anp of tbettt, 0? tl)e ^utbibo2S 0? £mrs btbo? of tl)em, ftjall 3lien, 3liTigrn, ^ell, iteafe 0? otbettbife àDifpofe, of bis 0? tbctc Office of aÉHeijjb^aftet 0? w&xtìfcQ&à* ftets, flbbicb bp tbis p?efent 3lct is tHefleb in tbeuu anb tbe turbino? of tbcttt, to a= np petfòn o? petfons Ibbatfocber, Xbat tben anb in fttcb Cafc, tbe faib Office of aKDleigrb^aftet fo as afo?efatb, d>?atitcb to tbem, fibail as to tbe pecfon 0? petfons ia t 1 fo158 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. fo 3Uicmng, ^CCTiflrniriff, ^elling, Heafing, xii. 0? otbertbife Difpofinflr of tbe fato Office, Ceafe ano ®etetmine, ano alto, eber?) £>ale, cK^ant 0? ileafe, tttaOe b?> tbem contrae?) to t|)e ùntene of ti)js 3ct, iljaU be abfo= lutei?» iftttll ano moto to all intenti? ano |&urpofeg tbbatfoeber, I&?obt0e0 alfo, %\>at if tbe faib Office of »tgb^afterg fo? thè City of Co. ke, fyall become iiiacant b?> tl)c Deatj? 0? fóetnobal of tbe faib John Colthurft, Edmund Knapp, anb Edward Iloare, O? Otl)CttblfC, tf>CU attD ttt e\)e= r?> fucb Cafc, it rtjaìl, ano tua?) be itatb; fui, to ano fo? tbe $9a?»o?, aioetuten ano Common Counitl of tbe fato Cit?> of Corkc, b?> aSHntmg unOet tl?c Common <§eal of tbe fato Co?po?atioit, to iltlomi; nate ano ^fppotnt tlbo otber l&ctfong to tbe fatOiPfftce of fóWetgb^aiter, tttbo, afc ter futi? iftotuinatton ano ^fppomtment, ftjall bolo tbe fante to tbcm, ano tf)e éurbtbo? of tbem, to be CrecuteO b?) tpem= felbeg, 0? tbe &utbtbo? of tbem, o? bis, 0? tbeit fufftctent ìPepttt?) o? Deputieg, Ou= ring tbe gooO Bebabtottr of tbe fèetfong fo SippotnteO, Ubttb tbe fame jFeeg, ano tmoet tbe ItKe Klegulationg, ConOtttong, EUtleg, fOenaltieg ano jfo?fettureg, ag tbe »tgb^attetg of Corke uotb are, o? tball bc ^ubiect auO Utable to b?) tbe fato denteo, ano tbtS p?efent £ct, fo? tbe Oue Crectmou of tbe £>fftcc of ametgb^affer, ano to tbe fame f&otber of ftcmoOal ag tg berentGeorgii Secundi Regis. 159 i)eteitt Appointee fo? tpe fait) John Colthurft, Chap. t^e faiD Edmund, Knapp, anb Edward Hoare, XII. anti their Deputies tefpectibely, ^ ;3nb tbbereas, Coopers babe heretofore been frequently appointeb flUeigb^ailers, by tbbicb ^©eans jfraubs babe been Com? imtteb, anb the Ilatb for the foegulat ©rattbmg of ©utter anb £allott> Cas&s, thereby greatly Clubeb; ©e it therefore Cnacteb by the 3utbo? tity aforefaib, Chat for the future, no Cooper buting the Xnue Curb Cooper (ball detcife, 0r jfollolb tbe Xrabe 0? ¿©yGery of a Cooper, 02 (ball employ any apprentice or other petfon in 0f)att= mg Casfts for l&acfting up of ©utter or Xallotb, for bis Hfe or in ITruft for him, (ball be capable of being appointeb a aaHetgb?i?9afler, or ^Deputy 3KDleigb=®a= fter, any Xbmg in this ^tet, or any for? met Hath to the contrary thereof not? tbithftanbing. ^nb be it further Cnacteb by the 3lu? thortty aforefaib, Chat tf any ^etchant? Dealer or other petfon iball, from anb af? ter the irtbenty ninth Day of September, tbbicb tbtU be in the pear of £>ut Horb Dne thoufanb feben hunbreb anb forty, Catty, or Conbey, or caufe to be Catti? eb, or Conbeyeb any Cash or Casfcs of ©utter or %alloU), to any Cuftom^oufe, 8> f MBhatf16o Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. Œflbatf o? Eep, 02 to anp otl)cc filate o? xii. plates foi Hoaûniff o? Difcbar^íng of wnr* esoobs tbítbm tbts Bínfftiom, tbítb att glntent to Cxpoit tbe farne, on tbbicb Cash o? Casfts tbe Œ&eiffb^aftet 02 aia}ieigrb=4©aaers fidano 02 abanos íjjall not be á^atbeb o? 232anbeb tbeteon, as bp tf)i0, ano tbe afoiefatO î&eriteb 3tts ate íáequíceD anb ïï>itecteo, Cbat anb m ebetp fucb Cafe, all ano ebetp fucb Cash 02 Cashs of aeuttet anb ballotti, tbat íliall not be garbeo 02 B?anOeD tbítb tbe «tffb'Æ&aftet 02 »ígb;£5)aaets 0f)atb 02 202ano, as alfo tbe aetittet ano Callotb tbetcm contameb, ftjall be fop feiteb to anp perfon tbbo tbill áseíje tbe fame, anb gibe Stofoimatíon tbereof to tbe j^apoi 02 otbet Cbtef ^affiútate of tbe Citp, 02 3TottmíCo2po2atc tbbete fucb Cuftom^oufe. asabarf 02 $Up, 02 otbet ibiace of Cipoit Ipes, 3lnb in fucb l&iaces tbbete tbere ts no fucb 4E)apo2 02 Cbtef í©agiftcate, to fome ifteiffbboutíní gluflice of tbe l&eace, tbbo are betebp fte? quíteb tbítbm tbeit tefpectibe ^luttfbícttons, to examine tbe fame, tbítbont ílofs of Hame, anb tf it ibaU 3ppeat upon €>atb, tbbicb £>atb tbe fatb 4$apo2 02 Cbief fl©ag:ifltate, 02 Sudice of tbe l&eace babe betebp potbet to ^bmmíftet, tbat tbe faíb Casus of 20uttec 02 ballotto 02 anp of tbem tbete ^ntenbcb fo2 Cxpoitatíon anb tbat tbep ate not 202anbeb, as tbiS anb tbe faib laecíteb ^tts íaequite anb 2¡>í= rect,Georgii Secundi Regis» idi cert, that then futi) figapoî, Chief cn**. Otate ano f uftice of the peace, itjaU SPê= m date, ano is hereby taequiteo to spedate ano satJfuDffC, îbithout jfabotit o? affette on, futh Casb o? Casbs ano the mt-tet ano ttallotb therein Contained not garbeo 02 sanded attojoing: to the t>v rechons of tins, ano the Caio formet acts to be jpo2feiteb, £Hte ÆBotetp to the ‘^ttfoj; met, ano the other $I)oietp to the P002 of ti)e patiti) tolete fuel) á>eí5Ute rtjaii be j^aoc. ano fo? the further p^ebentinsr JFtaudS in Cipo?tmjj fuel) dSooOs ano Conmtodfc ties to jFo?eijjn i$atbcts> 2ôe it further enacted by the 3iutbo= dtp afo?efaiO, Chat if anp ïUttOiŒUïais tet 0? othet áDfficet of the hebende, ^n* ttufteo thith the loading; 02 ptittirtet on 2aoatO anp butter 02 ballotto, in Oet to be exported, thaU, ftom and aftet the faid cthentp ninth 3Dap of September, fS>nt thoufand feben hundred and fo?tp, ped mit 02 buffet anp Casb 0) Casbs of 21end tet 02 Xailotb, to be âbtpped 02 üoaden on îBoatd anp á>híp, 2öoat 02 lleffel in det to be €xpo2ted, unlefs fttch Cash 02 Casbs of iButtec 02 %aUotb, habe been garbed and sanded bp the Mfleigh^a* fter 02 îliaaeisrh'Âaers, putfuant to this andthebefo2e ttecited aas, Xbat then ano in ebetp fuel) Cafe, ebetp fttch ÍUnd=a®lai* à f î ter,16i Anno Regni Decimo Tertio Chap. ter, o? otfcet Æ>ffitet of tDe fôebenue ©f; xii. fenbtngr r^erein, ftjail 5Fo?feit tl)e âum of %m â>J)iUtttff0 fo? ebetp Cash of Buttet, attb fo? ebetp Casft of CaUotb tbe â>ttm of Œbbentp dbiUings, tbat ftjail be fo ïLoaben ou Boatb anp 3>bip, Boat o? Œeffei, fo? exportation conttatp to tf)ts 3lct, t|)e famé to be îftecobeteb bp Cibil BiU, befo?e tl)e ^JuGice o? ^uGtces at tt>e aCTtîes, o? befo?e tl)e ^uftites of tbe peace, in tl)e eountp of tl)e €itp of Dublin, anb Conntp of Dublin, at tl)e ^uattet^cGions of tf>e f&eace, C^elD fo? tl)e faib Counties tefpectibelp, in tty famé mannet as Cibil BiUs ace noVb ufeb anb practifeb ; 3lnp îLatb to tl)e Conttatp notltut^ftanDmi. anb ttrt)eteas grreat abtifes are commit; teb in tbe Citp of Dublin, anb üiberties tijeteunto abjopnmgr, bp Vbtlftti 3Dittping of (B?een;^ibes anb Calbes^bms, anb bp «©aftnnff anb Cutttng; tpem in 5?leain^ ; Be it enacteb bp tbc ^«tbo?itp afo?e= faib, Xl)at ebetp aKmeiij^^after appoint; eb fo? ŒUJeiflrinnflr of d&?een;$tbes, in tbe faib Citp anb lUbetties o? J)ts I>cptitp, ftjaU, from anb aftet tJ)e jFtcft Dap of May next, fteep p?oper entties in Boofts to be bept fo? tpat ïbntpofe, of tpe tDSletgftt of aU d5?een#ibeS bp tpem ¡ffiMeiflrbeb, exp?ef? ftngr tpe Dap on tbbicl) tbep tbere ŒWeiirb5 eb, t!)e Bupers anb èellers jlîames, tbe iftumber of f^ibes 3KD3ieijg:|)eb in eacb l>?auffbt,Georgii Secundi Regis. 163 Djaujrbt, tpe ?aug|)t, ano tpe ^UoVbattcc maOe on xn. caci) S>?aujgri)t, ano ftjaU £tbe a Copy of u'v>J luci) €ntty, étffneo Abiti) ins jRante, unto ti)c Buyer of futi) f^tOes upon i)ts ftequett, unoec ti)e penalty of %zn &f)tUmcrs fo? ebety iDmtffton 02 ilìeglect ti)cccm, ano no #etfon tbi)cti)er 2i3ttj>et: 0? 3>eUer, fo€m= pioyeo in Buytnflr o? ^eliinff of f= fencc, ano tf eiti)et Buyer o?éeiiet of <©?een= i^iDes, SDbject ajainfl ti)e 3tUotbance tttaOe by ti)e (Metgi^JÌBaftet 0? i)»8 3T>eputy,tt)at tpen itmay be 2laÌbfulfo? ti)e fato Mitigò 4tBafteto?l)t0l>eputy tf tbeteuntoiaequtteO, to Caufe t&e fato bfioe 0? $tOe0 co bc MlaftteO, Cieaneo ano 2D?aineO, ano itt Cafe it appeateo upon faci) €iamination ti)at ti)e l&atty iPbjecting; to tbe ^UloAbancc offeteO to be maOe by futi) OTetgrb^after, fo? ti)e JWtt, éculis, ftutnps, ^tnclbs, ano oti)et jfilti) tijecein containeO, i)aO not a SJuft Caufe fo? futi) ©bjcctton, ti)at ti)en ti)e \bacties Co iDbjectingr, ftjall \Óay to ti)e fato Qfflletg&gMet 0? i)ts Deputy, tp?ee ibence fo? caci) $tOe, fo ?!12flafi)eO ano Cieaneo, as a l&ecompence fo? i)is ttouble ; ^nOAbbere any grteen i^tOc 0? $tOes, Calbe^fttn 0? Caibe^ftms i$, 0? are SDtfcoOeceO by any of ti)e fato »tffi^aftetii 0? tj)ett 2E>eputte0, to bc C t 3Jm=i^4 Anno Regni Decimo Tertio, &c. ghap. «Impaireb dBafymff, jHauirbtermar o? xu. atiittingr tbe fame, tbat it fljaU atiD rnap o-v-s* be llatbful to atto fo? tl>e fato Witigty batter o? bici 3>eputv, to f&eep ano I>e-tain tbe $tbe 02 l^ibes, 4Ialbe=5>&tn 0? CalDe^fcms fo 3Jmpatteb, unta tf)e #e= naltp 0? f&enalties, fo? tbJ)tcl) tbe petfon 0? $erfons eipofiufir tl>e fame to $ale, ts, 0? àte iiable to be Hebieb ano l&aifeb, ano fbat tbe fato penalty anb l&enalttes (ball be ÌUbieb anb Iftatfeb out of tbe of tbe iDffenbet anb iDfFenbers b$> Wmt' rant ttnbet tbe ft^anb anb éeal of tbe ito?b jftBayo? of Dublin, tbitbin tbe fatb City of Dublin anb iLibetties, anb of tbe ^enefcbais tbitbin tbe tefpertibe HibettieS tbeteto 3fbjojminff, tbbtcb faib 2lo?b S&ay= 0? anb denefebals tefpecttbelp, ate betebp ^mpotbereb to^nquire into futb iDffenteS anb to ©eternane tbe fame, upon tbe ¿>atb of £>ne 0? mo?e fufftcient a®itnefó o? ®2Uitneffes, anb tbe pcnaltiee fo ìLtbu eb (ball be ©ifttibuteb, £>ne ¿©oietp to tbe l&oo? of tbe \barift), anb tbe otbet $9oittp to tbe fbetfon 0? f&etfons 3fnfo?; mtngr.