ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 Anno Regni georgii in. REGIS Magna: Britannia, Franc ia, & Hibernia, OCTAVO. At the Parliament begun and holden at IVeJhn'mJler, the Nineteenth Day of Mzy, Dom. 1761, in the Firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ©V. And from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the Twenty fourth Day of November, 1767, being the Seventh Seffion of the Twelfth Parliament of Great Britain. LONDON: Printed by Mark Bajkett, Printer to the King’s mod: Excellent Majeity; and by the Alligns of Robert Bajkett. 1768. %3340. 0286 7 ( 4 63 ) Anno oilavo Go orgiillLE tegis. CAP. XXXI. An Ail: for raifing a certain Sum of Money, by way of Annuities, and a Lottery attended with Annuities, to be charged on the Sinking Fund ; and for carrying certain Duties on Wines, and on Cyder and Perry, granted by Two Ails of the Third and Sixth Years of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, to the faid Fund. Moft Gracious Sovereign, <£, gout sgaiefip’s moil Dutiful ant) lopa!****«*)«- ©UbjettS, the Commons Of Great Britain, in Iparliament aflfembleD, totoatDS railing the necefl'arp Supplies to Defray pour agajefip's public Crpences, bauc freelp refolbeD to gibe anD grant unto pour Sgajeflp the %>um of 0ne million Ti>»s™ ot nine hunDteD thoufanD IpounDs, to be raifeo in eean-j ranted; ner follotoing; that is to fap, Che ©urn of ©nc million liJ> thiee bunbieD thoufanD JPounDs, bp annuities, after the.'.Too, 8 6D »««£££,£464 Anno Rcgni o£lavo Gcorgii III. Regis. and 600,000 /. IRatC Of Cfuce pOUilOS per Centum ; anti the ©um of by a Lu"‘iy' ©fr imnojco thoufanb Pounbs, bp a lottcrp, to confltf of ©irtp thoufanb Cickcts ftbc Prices to be attenbeo nmb the like Chicc pounos per Centum annuities); ana that cucrp Contubuto; totoarbs the fain Sum of ©ne million tbtee hunbicb tfjoufanD pounOS, fljall, in refpett of cucrp ©irtp flue pounbs, agreeb bp him to be con--tributco fo? railing fucb &um, be intitlco to receiue Ch?cc Cickcts in the fain lLottetp, upon Papment of Ccn Pounos fo? each Cicfcct: 9no tohercas, purfuant to atm upon tl;c fcueral Ccrms anb Conbitions crptcOcb in the faib IRcfolution, fcueral Pctfons bauc, in "¡Books opcncb at the "Bank of England fo? that Purpofe, fub= fcribcb, together, the fillholc of the faib ©um of ©ne million nine hunbjco thoufanb Pounbs, anb mabe ©e> poiits with the «Cnlljier o? Cafljicrs of the ©ouerno? anb Companp of the "Bank of England of .fifteen pounbs per Centum, in Part of the ©urns fubferibeb totoarbs the fain ©um of ©ne million tbtec hunbjeb thouranb Pounbs; anb of Jfiue Pounbs per Centum, in Part of the Sums fubferibeb touiarns railing the faib ©um of ©ir hunbjen tboufann Pounbs bp a Lottcrp: gour faithful Commons bo therefore moa bumblp befcech ^our agaicOp, that it map be enattcb; anb be it enafteb bp the King’s mott Crcellcnt egajcOp, bp anb tuith the aouice ano Confcnt of the Lo?ns ©piritual anb Cempotaf, anb Commons, in this pjefent Parliament alTcmblcb, anb rbe 9uthojitp of the fame, Chat it ftmll anb map ill Books open - be latoful to anb fo; all Perrons, Parities o? JFojeigm wrnbfcrib’ ers, Booics politic o? Co?po?ate, toho, in putfuance of «1 to u,e the faib IRcfolution, lhall haue, on 0? befoje the Cigfp rjzt teenth ©ap of February, ©ne thoufanb fetten hunbjcb ”s/. anb firtp eight, fubferibeb toluarns the faib ©urns, atm of their Sub- ntabc, in rcfpcct thereof, fuch ©epofits as afo?cfaib,.to attUanc£. ant) pap, aim thep, 0? their Crccutojs, aorninF »e »pay the aratojs, ©ucccflcns, anb affigns, are herebp reguireb to ittrehi directs abtiancc anb pap, unto the Caihier o\ Calhicrs of the faib «*• ©otictno; ot Compatip of the Bank of England (tohich CaOjicr anb CaQjicrs is anb arc herebp appointcb the IRctciucr o? IRecciuers of fuch Contributions, toithout anp other Klarrant to be hab on that Behalf) the fcueral IRcmainoets of the ©urns fo fubferibeb totoarbs the faib ©urn of ©ne million nine hunbtcb thoufanb Pounbs, on o? bcfoje the rcfpetrinc ©aps, ano in the P?opo;tionS herein after iimitcb anb appointcb on that Behalf; that is to fap, 3in tefpeft of their p?opo?tionab!e ©hare of the faib ©urn of ©ne million tbjee hunOjcb thoufanb pounbs, 7 the- 5u,uc;Anno Regni o&avo Georgii III. Regis. 4*>5 the further ©um of Cen PounDS per Centum, (icing: pat of the ©urn fo remaining, on o? befóte flic jSineteentb 17V«’ Dap of April, ©nc thoufanb feben hunbtcb anb firtp eight; tbC fUttflCt ©U111 Of Cen POUIlOS per Centum, otijee Part tfjeveof, on ot befóte the ©cucntb Dap of June t&cn nert follotoing; tbe further ©urn of JFifteen Pounos per Centum, otijee Part thereof, on ot before ,y” tbe Pinctccnth Dap of July then nert folloioing; tbe 15 /. per Cent. further ^um of JFifteen lpount)0 per Centum, other y 20 ugllfi' Part thereof, on ot before the Ctucntictb Dap of Au-guft then nert follotoing; tbe further: ©um of JFifteen u1 Pounbo per Centum, other Pact thereof, on 0? befóte ’y 11 °"* the Ctocntp fírll Dap of Oftober then nert following; anb the remaining ©tun of Ctocntp Pounbs per Centum, ^ on o? befóte the Ctocntp fifth Dap of November then by ,5 Nw. nert foIioUiing; anb in refpeft of their ptopottionable ©bare of the fata ©tun of ©ir hunOtcb theufanb Pottnbo, to be contribiitcb upon account of the faib ilottcrp, the t,rCtnu further ©um of Ctocntp fine Potinoo per Centum, being >>y n ' Part of the ©um fo remaining, on ot before the ©cocn= teenth Dap of May, ©nc thottfanb^feocn hunbtcb anb firtp eight; the further ©um of «rijittp pounbs per -=/. />«• cm. Centum, other part thereof, on ot before the Ctoentpljy 7"”‘1 eighth Dap of June then nert follotoing; anb the re-- ™1 rC , ntaining ©um of JFottp pounbs per Centum, on ot bc= by 8 Sept. fote the eighth Dap of September then nert follotoing. anb be it further enaftcb bp the autljotitp afotefaib, f1“b^;(i!’se;smt0 Chat the feberai ©ttbreribers ot Contriburoto, their of 1,300,000 /. ?«9. firtp nine; anb all the faib annuitieo ihall, front their fain refpeftibe Cotnmcnccmcnto, be pain bp fpalf=pcarlp 1* , .»i ua¡r-Papmento, in cucn anb equal Pojtiono, on the JFifth yWv.tmilj?'™» Dap of July, anb the JFifth Dap of January, in Cberp gear. 6 15 anb466 AnnoRegni o&avo Gcorgii II;1. Regis. Subscribers 3nD be it furtbcr cnafteD bp tbe autbojitp afo?eraio* wi'oicofthfir Chat all fucb Subfcubers 0? Contnbuto?s, their j$re= »wmirih?1 cutojg, aDminiflratojs, &ucccfl'o?s, ano a (Cigna, paging Annuities on in tbe Cilbolc of the ®ums bp them rcfpcctinclp fubferib-°r7 oait’r, cD totoatDB tbc faiD ©urn of ©nc million tb?ee buno?eD tboufanD PounDS, on 0? before tbe ©euentcentb ©ap of October, ©nc tboufanD feuen bunDjcD anD firtp eight; and to the oj paging in tbc «Hboie of tbe tefpeftibe ®ums to be biorVI’s>,°'bg tbem paiD totoatDB tbc faio Lottctp, on o? bcfoje tbc Ctocntp fifth ©ap of June, ©ne tboufanD feben to be allowed bunDjcD anD fittp eight; (bail be allotoeD an JntcreO, bp »"''ofn’i toap of ©ifcount, after tbc IRatc of ©b?ec PounDS per count, rot the centum per Annum, on tbc agonies fo paiD fot compleat* ing tbeir Contributions refpettiuelp, to becomtiutcD from tbc ©ap of coinpleating the fame, to tbc ©toentp fifth ©ap of November, ©nc tboufanD feben bunDjcD anb firtp eight, in tefpett of the e®omcs fo paiD fo? compleating fucb (¡Contributions to tbe faiD ®um of ©nc million tb?ec bunDjcD tboufanD pounDS; anD to tbc Eighth ©ap of September, ©ne tboufanD feben buno?cD ano fittp eight, m tefpett of tbe agonies fo paiD fo? compleating fucb Corn tnbutions to tbe faiD Lotterp ; tobteb ailotoanccs (ball be paiD bp tbe faiD Calbiet 0? Calbiers out of tbc ponies fo contributcD refpettiuelp, as foon as fucb €5ubfcnbets o? Contributo?s, tbeir ffitecutojs, aDminifitatojs, i&ue= ccfro?s, o? aifigns, Iball babe complcatcD fucb refpcaibe Tickets for papnicnts; anD that all tbc Contributors totoatDs tbe be'driS'0faiD (lottctp, tbeit Crecuto?s, 3Dminifitato?s, ©uccefc to Subscribers fo?s, o? affigns, paping m tbe $0bole of tbe s@onep to ZsuSp. be bp them cefpeftmclp contributcD totoarDS tbe faiD «on,. ^um of jjunujca tboufanD PounDS, (ball babe Lottetp Cicbcts DelibcrcD to them to tbc amount of tbc Principal ©urn fo bp them paiD fo? tbc Putcbafc thereof, at the (Rate of Cen pounos fo? each Cicfect, as foon as fucb Cicbcts can conucnientlp be niabc out. ATlirr ano be it furtbcr enaftcD bp the autbo?itp afo?efaiD, fen'iie™1' Cbat all tbe faiD annuities (bad be transferable at tbe IBank Of England. ">anD be it furtbcr cnaacD bp tbe autbo?itp afo?cfaiD, MoneyChat tbc Calljict o? Calbiers of tbe CSobctno? enD Coin» (iiJ°sItmdorth' PanB of ti,e TSanh of England, tobo Iball babe tcccibeD 1,300,0001. 0? (ball teccibc anp Part of tbc faiD Contributions to> toatDs tbe faiD ©urn of ©nc million tb?cc bunn?eD tbou> fanD PounDS, (ball gibe a Kcccipt o? l&eceipts in iKlrit* 'liiteTraH™ ,nS t0 ooctp fucb Contributo? fo? all fucb ©urns; anD ferrablc. that eberp fucb (Receipt (ball be affignalrle; bp 3nDo?fc= ment tbeteupon maoc, at anp Cinie bcfoje tbe jfiftb ©ap uii'4^7 Anno Regni oftavo Georgii III. Regis. Dag of December, ©ne thou land fedcn &unti?eD and firtp eight, and no longer. P?odided altoags, Chat fucfj Caliper o? Caffiiers ©all sfiv*e giuc Security ro rhc goon Hiking of ang Ch?ee o? mo?e Security for of tpc Commiffioners of tljc Crcafurg, o? the ©igb h,%r“a°„udt' Crcafurcr fo? the time being, fo? dulg anftoering and paging into the Keceipt of ©is egaiettg’s Crcbequer, fo? nies into the the publick ilfe, all the agonies tohich he o? thcg hath Excheci“'r-o? hade alrcadg receidcd, and ©all hereafter rcceide, from time to time, of and fo? the faid ©urn of ©ne million nine bund?cd tfjoufand Pounds, and fo? accounting dulg fo? the fame, and fo? Petfojmance of the Cruft hereby in him and them rcpofed j and (hall, from time to time, pag all fitch agonies as foon as he o? thcg fljall rcccide the fame, o? ang Part thereof, o? toithin jiioe Dags aftertoatds at the fartheft, into, and (ball account fo? the fame in, the Crcfjequcr, accojding to the due Courfe thereof; deoufting thereout fuch ©urns as ©all hade been paid bg him o? them in purfuancc of this aft; fo? tohich Sums fo paid, ailotoance ©all be made in his o? their accounts, and be it further enacted bg the 3utpo?itg aiojcfaid, “0. Chat it ©all ana mag be iatoful fo? Cbiec o? mo?c of the ™ the Commiffioners of the Creafurg, o? the ibigb Creafuret u'rs™ee; Of tfjc faio annuities Of «ubtee PounDS per Centum per Annum, Dp this art granteo, anti Ihall fjnpe gooo ano fate Jntercfla anD Cllates therein, fubjert ncucrtbcicfs to Reocmption as is herein after mcntioneD; anD that ucci all the annuities Dp this art granteo Ihall Dc free from all Cares, Charges, anD JmpoUtions, tohatfoctier. i.... «-iirre ProuiOeO altuaps, Chat in cafe anp fuch Contribu* fo.^Tni!!1' tom, tobo babe alreaDp DcpoHtcD toith, oj ihall hereafter “;'d,=viuly pa»to, the faiD Calijicr or Calhicrs, anp ©urn o? Sums of e@onep, at the Cimes anD in the scanner hcfom=mcn< tien’eo, in part of the Sum or Sums to be bp them refpertiuelp contributco or paiD totoarDS the faiD Sum of ©tie million thme bunDjeo thoufano PounDS, or their refpeftiue crecutom, aDminiflratom, SuccetTors, or ah fin,ns, (hall not aouancc anD pap to tijc faiD Calhicr o? Calhicrs the IRcfiDuc of tbc Sum or Sums fo to he com tributes o? paiD, at the Cimes anD in the fanner befom .he Depot,mcntioncD; then, anD in cuerp fucb Cafe, fo much of SW'«***. the rcfpcrtibc Sum or Sums as (hall haue been artuallp 1,ck- paiD, m Part thereof, to the faiD Calhicr or Calhicrs, ihall be fojfcitcD-fo? the "Benefit of tljc Publick; anD all Right anD Citlc to the faiD annuities, after the Rate Of Cb?CC IPounDS per Centum per Annum, in rcfpcrt thereof, (ball be crtinguilhcD; anp thing in this art containco to the contrarp thereof in anp Uiifc nottoith« flanDing. credit to be gnD be it further cnarteo bp the autbojitp aforefaio, >obr. at tile Chat as foon as anp Contributom, their Crccutom, 3d= So,°ooDn' tniniflratom. Succcflbrs, or affigus, Ihall bauc compleat* peiting the." eD tljcir papments of tljc toholc Sum papablc bp them orafaid'sum rcfpcctiucip totoarDS the faiD Sum of One million thme of 1,300,000 /. Ijunomb tijoufanD Pounos, the principal Sum or Sums fo bp them fubfcribcD ann paiD refpertiuelp, Ihall forth* toitlj be, in the Boohs of tljc IBank of England, placcD to tfje Crcoit of fuch refpettiue Contributors, their ffirc* cutom, amniniftratom, Succcflbrs, anD aifigns, coim who?«1 credit plcatinot fuch Papments refpertiuelp; anD tlje Perrons fuch Sums to tohofe CrcDit fuch principal Sums Ihall be fo places, fnayamg;1,“lie their refpeftiue Crccutom, 9Dminifirators, Succcflbrs, or “ aifigns, Ihall anD map haue Potocr to aflign anD tranf* fer the fame, o? anp part, Share, or Proportion there* of, to anp other perfon or Pcrfons, Bobp or Booies Politick4/>9 Anno Regni oitavo Georgii III. Regis. politick o? Co?pajatc, iobatfocner, in tbc "Boobs of tbc "Bank of England; anD fuel) ©unis (ball catrp an 8m t*'“5";"1 nuitj? after tBe Rate of c&jee pounos per Centum per#« h;. Annum, anb (ball l)e tafu'n ano beemeb to be ttansfcctable, aecoibitig to tbc true Intent anb ©meaning lirrab"st;tk' • of tijis aa, until Kcoemption thereof, in fucb ©gamier as is herein after mentioned. aim be it further enatteb bp tbc Sutbojitp afojcfaib, Annuities Chat all tbc annuities bp this aa grantee anb mabe£rJiil',’g papablc, in refpett of tbc fain ©um of ©nc million1 U,,J-nine bunn?cb tboufanb Po units, (ball, from tbc refpectme Commencements thereof, be ebargeb anb chargeable upon, anb are berebp ebargeb upon, anb mabe papabie out of, tbe £©onies tofjicb (ball, from time to time, anfe anb be in tbc Receipt of ibis Qbaicflp'S Cnbeguer, of oi foj tbe ©urpiuil'cs, Crcefl'cs, ©aerplus egonics, anb otber Rebcnucs, compoftng tbe Jfunb commonlp calleb The sinking Fund, after poping, oi referring fuf= ficicnt to pap, all furb ©urns of abonep as babe been biretteb bp anp fojmcr aas of Parliament to be paib out of tbc fame. anb, fo? cBabiiflhng a pjoper egetbon foi n?atoing tbe ™ faib lottcrp, be it further cnafteb bp tbc autbojitp afo?e= the Lottery to faib, Chat fucb Pcrfons as tbc Commilioners of IMS I’iXt«"-£©ajcflp’s Cteafurp, o? anp Cb?ec o? mo?c of them nmufiry-being, o? tbe Eugb Creafurcr, o? anp Cb?ee o? nioje of tbe Commiffioners of the Creafurp fo? tbe time being, fljall nominate o? appoint, (ball be Qbanagcts anb Di= rc&o?s fo? pjcparing anb bclincting out Ctckcts, ann to oucrCec tbe ¡D?awing of Lots, anb to oibcr, bo, anb pcrfo?m, fucb otbcc patters anb Cfjings as ate here* after in anb bp tbis 3d biretlco anb appointeb bp fucb etganagers anb Diteftois to be bone anb perfojtmcb j ana that fucb Managers anb Dircfto?s Iball meet together, from time to time, at fome publub Office o? Place, fo? tbe Crccution of tbc Poioets ana Crufts in tbcm rc= pofeb bp tbis ¿let; ana rbat the fain c©anagers ana E>i* ^"1“^ retto?s, o? fo manp of them as (hall be pjefent at anp boas. fucb meeting, o? tbc maio? Part of them, Iball caufe 16oo&3 to be pjepareb, in tobitb eoerp Leaf (ball be bi-Diaeb o? biflinguilljea into Cb?ee Columns; anb upon tbe tnnermoflof tbe faia Cbicc Columns tbere Iball be p?inteb ©ictp tboufana Cickets, to be numbeceb ©ne, Cloo, Cbiee, ana fo onUwras in an antbmetital p?ogreffion. lobece tbe common Crcefs IS to be ©ne, until tbep rife to ana fo? tbe Purnber of ©ictp tboufana; ana upon tbe mioale Column in eoerp of tbc faiD "Books Iball be p?inr* 6 C CD47° Anno Rcgni oftavo Gcorgii III. Regis. cn ©irtp tboufano Cicbets of tbe fame TBjcaDtb anb jtojrn, anD nuinbcrco in like scanner; nnD in tbe cr= trcmc Column of tbe faiD "Boohs tbere (ball be pjinteD a Cbiro IRanh oj Series of Cicbets, of tbe fame J!3um= bet toitb tbofe of tbe otbcr Ctoo Coluins; tobicb Cicbets (ball fcucrallp be of an oblong JFigure, anD in tbe faiD Boohs (ball be joineD toitb oblique Lines, jFIoucifbes, oj De»ices, in fucb fanner as tbe faiD e@a= napes anD ©ircttojs, oj tbe majoj part of tbcm, (ball tbinb moll fafe anD conDcment; anD tbat ctietp Cicbct in tbe CbirD oj ertteme Column of tbe faiD Boohs Iball bane tojitten oj pjinteD thereupon (befiocs tbe JEumbet of fucb Cichet) MIojds to tfjis effect: The LOTTERY for the Year One thouiand feven hundred and fixty eight. Ticket n°. By virtue of an Aft of Parliament made in the Eighth Year of His Majefty’s Reign, the Bearer of this Ticket will be intitled to fuch beneficial Chance as fhall belong thereto, in the Lottery to be drawn purfuant to fuch Aft. Manners to 9nD it is fjctebp enafteD, Chat tbe faiD Qbanaprs anD Booki1 w'th' ¡DitcSojs, oj fo manp of tbcm as (ball be pjefent at anp the Tickets, fucb meeting, o11be majoi IPart of tbcm fo p*efenr, Ujall them .alter to carcfullp eraminc all tbe faiD Books, toitb tbe Cicbets iteBaiiak- therein, anD tabe Care that tbe fame be contriueD, ing a Receipt numbereD, anD maoe, accojDing to the true Jntent anD iortkc lame. ^canjng 0f this 9ft ; anD iball Delincr, oj caufe to be DelinereD, tbe fame Books, anD enerp oj anp of them, as tbcp (ball be cramincD, to tbe Calbicr oj Calbiers of tbe ®onernoj anD Companp of tbe IBank of England, taking from fucb Calbicr oj Cafljiers an 9chnotolcDgc--ment in Minting, unDcr bis oj their Ibano oj IbanDS, importing bis oj tbeir IRcccipt of fucb Booh oj IBooks, anD fo manp Cicbets therein ns (ball be ocliucrcD to bim oj tbcm refpettioclp; anD all anD enerp fucb Calbicr oj Calbiers refpeftibelp is anD are berebp DircftcD anD re= quircD, from time to time, to cut out of the faio 'Boob oj IBooks fo to be put into bis oj tbeir CuBoDp, tbjougb tbe faiD oblique Lines, JFlourilbeS, oj Dcbices, inoenn toiic, in tbe faiD ertreme Columns, fucb Cicbets as Iball be ncccffatp to be DcimcrcD to tbe fe»cral Pcrfon3 mtitlcD thereto as afojefaiD } tobicb Cicbets tbe faiD Calbicr oj CalbiersAnno Regni o&avo Gcorgii III. Regis. 471 Cafijiers (ball ftgn toitb fits 0? tfjeic otun jSame oí jSamcs ; anO be 0? tbcg lball permit tljc refpcftine Per= fon o? Pcrfons fo intitlco, if it be DcfircO, to to?ite bis o? bet Panic 0? sigarfe on tlje co??efponDing Cicfects in tbe fame "Boohs ; anO at the fame Cittie the fain Cafijicr o? Cafijiers (ball ocliucr to fucb Perfon 0? Pcrfons tlje Cicfect fo cut off, tubicb be, fije, 0? tbeg, ate to beep ano ufe fo? tbe bcttcc afeertainmg ano fccuring tbe 3in= terca íuíjicb be, Ibe, 0? tbeg, bis, bet, o? tbeir Crc* cuto?s, 3ominifltatojs, ©ucccffojs, o? 3ffigns, (ball o? mag batie in tbe fain annuities. 3nD be it further cuatíco bg tbe 3utbo?itg nfo?cfaio, on,«.* to Chat tbe faio Cafijicr o? Cafijiers, on o? bcfoje' tbe CbirSCk",»¡íh Dag of Oftober, ©nc tboufano feben buno?eo ano firtgtl:eRe".ai"dcr eight, lball remclincr to tbe faio Managers anoDircao?s,UIt": at tbeir faio ©fficc 0? Place of Meeting, all tljc faio "Books, ano therein all tbe tickets niljtcb tlje faio Ca= finer 0? Cafijiers lball not bauc cut out of tbe fame, ano DeliuercO to tbe perrons intitleD tbercto, as afo?efaio; ano lball then ano there alfo Delinee to tbe faio Managers anD Dircffojs a true ano jutl account in ¡Klriting, unocr bis o? tbeir Ibano 0? Ifmnos, of ail ®ums of egoneg accrueo 0? come to tlje líjanos of fucb Cafijicr 0? Ca= fijicrs, bg 0? fo? tbe Cicfects ocliuereo, o? to be oclu ocreb, out purfuant to tbis 3ft, anD bob) tbe fame, 0? bom miicb thereof, (ball bane been aftuallg paio bg futlj Cafijier 0? Cafijiers into tbe iRcceipt of tlje Crcfjcqucr fo? tbe Putpofcs berein mcntionco j ano tbat tbe faio managers ano Direftojs, o? tlje rnaio? Part of tbcm, mbicb fijall be pjefent as afojefaio, fljall fo?tbtoitb caufe all tbe Cicfects of tbe faio outetmoff Columns íuíjtcb (bail not bauc been ocliuereo to tlje Contributo?s as afc?efato (if ang fucb be) to be ocliuereo into tbe iRc= tcipt of Ibis egajefig s Crcbcqucr, there to be retaineo anO kept as Cafi), to be iffueo, folo, ano Difpofeo of, fo? tailing £©oncg fo? tlje Purpofes in tfjis 3ff mentioneo, as ang Cfj?ce of tbe Commituoncrs of fois tfgajcitg's Creafurg, 0? tlje liJigb Creafurcr fo? tbe time being, fijall juOge fitting. 3nO be it further cnaftcD, Chat tbe faio Sganagcrs anD Tickets of the Direftojs, o? tbe malo? Part of them, tnljicb fijall be P?c= lent at a Meeting as afo?efaio, fijall caufe all tbe Cicfects rolled up, and of tbe niiODle Columns in the IBooks maoc out niitbsmlT h Cb?ee Columns as afo?efaio, tebieb (ball be oclincrco back to them, bg 0? from tbe faio Catbicr' 0? Cafijiers as afo?cfaio, to be carcfullg tollco up ano mace fail toitb Cbjeao o? @ilfe; ano tbe faio eganagers anD Du rcctois,472 Anno Rcgni oftavo Gcorgii III. Regis. cm off vcftojs, o? tfjc rnajo? part of them, as afojefaiD, (ball, ¡uto'a Hox in tjjcir p?cfcncc, anD in the P?efence of fuch COrtlrf» ""unlcTiAi butojs o? aobenturcrs as toil! be there, caufe a.ll the raiO Cickets, tobtcb are to be fo roIlcD up anD ’¡naoc fall as afojefaiD, to be cut off inoenttoifc tb?’otigb the fata oblique lltncs, JFloucilbcs, ojDebices, into a Bor to be P?cpareD fo? t&at purpofe, anD to be mafkcD toitb the Box to bs Letter (A) tohich is pjefentlp to be put up into another fcutii!ftrong "¡Bor, anD to be locheo Drift) §ebcn Different Locks ano Kcps, to be kept bp as manp of the fain managers anD Dircttojs, anD fealeo toitb their %eals, o? tlje'^cais of fome of them, until the faiD Cickets are to be Djaton, as is herein aftCMnentioneD; anD that the Cickets in the fitfl o? innermott Columns of the fain IBooks, fljall remain Bill in the IBooks, fo? Difcobcring anp agiffakc o? jFrauo (if anp fitch OtoulD happen to be committcO) contrarp to the true 8©eaning of this aa. Books to be anD be it further enaacD bp the 3utho?itp afo?efaiD, z Columns, on Chat the faiD Managers anD IDiccftojS, o? the ntajo? iotooTkkS Part of them, tohich tball be p?cfent at anp ejecting tu be primci. as afojefaiD, fljall alfo p?epare, o? caufe to be p?epareo, other "IBooks, in tohich eberp Leaf Ojall be DibiDeD oi DifiinguilbcD into Ctoo Columns; anD upon the innermoff of tbofe Cioo Columns there (ball be p?intcD ©irtp thou* fanD Cickets, anD upon the outermott of the faiD Ctoo Columns there Qjall be p?inteD ©irtp thoufanD Cickets, all tohich (hall be of equal Length anD TBjeaDth, as near as map be; tohich Ctoo Columns in the faiD "IBooks (ball be ioincD toitb fonte Jrlourilb o? Debicc, th;ough tohich the outermoff Cickets map be cut off inDenttoife j anD that Ctocntp thoufanD anD fiftp fir Cickets, part of tbofe to be containeD in the outermoff Columns of the "¡Books laffmtentioneD, tball be, anD be calico the JF&?» tunate Cickets, to tohich "Benefits ¡ball belong, as is herein after mentioneo ; anD the faiD Managers anD SDi» rcao?s, o? the rnaio? Part of them, o? fuch of them as (ball be p?efent at a meeting as afo?efaiD, (ball caufe the faiD jfojtunate Cickets to be to?ittcn upon, o? other» toife erp?effcD, as toell in figures as in JcHojds at lodvZ'J'ot length, in 9® aimer folloteing j that is to lap, <3pon a,, w.rrunaK Ctoo of them febcrallp, Ctoentp thoufanD Pouiids p?in= :c “s- cipal fl$oncp; upon eberp ©nc of iFour of them febe» rally, Cen thoufanD PounDS pjincipal syjoncp; upon eberp ©ne of jribc of them febetallp, jribc thoufanD PomiDs Pjincipal 99oncp; upon eberp ©ne of Cen of them fcnerallp, Cbio thoufanD pounDS Pjincipal ii£)o= nep; upon eberp ©ne of Ctoetup of them febcrallp, 7 ©ne473 Anno Regni o£tavo Gcorgii III. Regis. ©nc tboufano Pounce P?incipal egoncp; upon cberp ©ne of JFo?tp of them feöerallp, jfine buno?en pounce p?incipal sgonep; upon cncrp ©no of Ctoo buno?co of them feöerallp, ©nc buno?co Pounce P?incipal ogo* nep; upon enetp ©nc of Sir buno?eo of them fcne* rallp, JFiftp PounO0 P?incipal egoncp; ano upon cuctp ©nc of tSinetecn tboufano one bunn?eo ano fenentp fine of t&em feöerallp, Ctocntp Pounoe Principal figonep : CäJbicb Principal Sums, fo to be to?itten, o? 500 l. fo the otbertoife erpreßen upon the fain jro?tunatc Cicfcere, nfkcd,?'imi together toitb JFitic bunoreo Pounce Principal egonep [°[° ',h= to tie allotoen to the ©toner of tbe jFirfl n?aton ©icbct, anc ©ne tboufano Pounce Principal egoncp to tbe ©toner of tbe Laß o?aton Cicbet, ouer anc abotie tbe 16enefite tobicb map happen to belong to tbc Ctoo laß mentioneO Cicbcte, toill amount in tbe Mlbole to tbc Principal Sum of Sir bunoreo tboufano pounce, to Dc conücrtco into annuitice bp cirtue of tbie 9ä in refpcft of tbe faio Lotterp; anc tbe faio sganagcre anc ©i* .he rcäore, o? tbe major part of tbem, tobo iball be p?e* fent at a meeting ae afo?cfain, iball caufc all tbe fain Cicbcte, containce in tbc outermoß Columne of tbe be rolled up faio Iaß*mcntioneO Ißoobe, to be, in tbe Prefence of tbea,,d “cd’ fain eganagere ano ©ireftore, 0? tbe maio? Part of tbem, tobicb Iball be prefent at a Meeting ae aforefaio, anc in tbe Prefence of fucb Contributore 0? anoen* turere ae toill then be tberc, to be carefullp rollen up anc faücnen toitb Cbreao 0? Silb, anc carefullp cut out and cut out incenttoife through tbc fain jFlourilb 0? ©etiice, into an* imo »‘box otber T6or, to be prcparco fo? tbie Purpofe, ano to be marben toitb tbe Letter (B) tobicb ißor ®all be put into “ another flrong TBor, ano loeben up toitb Sencn nifferent®0**“^^ Locbe anc Eepe, to be bept bp ae manp of the fain iStd.up “ aganagere, ano realen up toitb tbeir Scale, 0? the Seale of fome of them, until tbefe Cicbete Iball alfo be o?aton in tbe figanner ano JFo?in herein after mention« ; ano that the tobole TBufinefe of rolling up, ano cutting off, ano putting into tbe fain T5oree, tbe fain Cicbete, anc locbing up ano fealing the fain Tßoree, Iball be perform* en bp tbe fain eganagere ano ©ireftoje, 0? fucb of them ae aforefaio, before tbe laß Sir ©ape immeoiatelp p?e* cening the ©ap bp tbie aa appointee fo? the ©?atoing the fain Lotterp: 9nD to tbe enn euerp perfon con*pum:<*n„. cernen map be toell affuten that tbe Counterpart of tbeg",'“ortho fame JI2umber toitb bis 0? ber Cicbet ie put into, tbe Ä/fc QBor marben toitb tbe Letter (A) from tobence tbe fame «,i»to the map be n?aton, ano that other egattere are none ae berc*Box“- 6 © bp474 Anno Regni o&avo Georgii III. Regis. bg DirefieD, fotnc publicb Notification in Jg>?int fljall fie ftincn of tbe p?ccife Cimc o? Cimcs of putting tbe faiD Cicbcts into tbe faiD Bores, to tfic CnD tijat fucb 3D* «enturers, as Iball be minDcn to fee tbe fame bone, mag fie p?cfcnt at tbe Doing thereof. Lottery to be- ann be it furtbet cnaftcD bg tbe 3utbo?itg afo?cfaiD, SDbat on o? bcfo;c tbe .Fourteenth IDag of November, >-53- ©ne tboufanD fetien bunD?cD nnD firtg eight, tbe fain s@a* nagets anD Dirccto?s [ball caufe the faiD feneral "Botes, toitb all tbe Cicbets tbetcin, to fie b?ougbt into tbe (fmilDbaU of tbe Citg of London, fo that tbe fame mag be there, anD placcD on a Cable p?o«iDco fo? that Pur* pofc, bg Nine of tbe Clock in the jFo?enoon of the fame Mcf.oimbc ¡Dag; anD iball then anD there febcralig attcnD this ©crnice, anD caufe the Ctoo Bores containing the fain Cicbcts, to be febcralig taben out of tbe other Ctoo Bores, in tobicb tbeg (ball bane been locbeD up; anD the Cicbcts o? Lots in the rcfpcaibe innermod Bores being, in the P?cfence of tbe faiD e@anagets anD Direc--to?s, o? fucij of them as lljall fie then p?efent, anD of fucb 3DUcnturcrs as toill be tbetc fo? the ©atisfaftion of tbemfclbcs, toell (baben anD tningleD in each Bor Ditfinfi* lg; fomc©nc inDiffcrcnt anD fit Pcrfon, to be appointeb anD DircficD bg the faiD abanagets, o? the maio? Part of them, o? fucb of them as (ball be then p?cfcnt, iball tabe out anD D?ato ©ne Cicbct from the Bor tobere the faiD numbcrcD Cicbets Ojall be as afo?efaio put; anD ©ne other inDift'erent anD fit Pctfon, to be appointeb anD Di= refteD in libe fanner, (ball tabe out a Cicbct o? Lot from the Bor tobere the faiD Ctocntg tboufanD ano fiftg fir jro?tunate, anD Cbictg nine tboufanD nine IjunDjcD anD fo?tg four Blanb Cicbcts lljall be p?omifcuoufig put as afojefaiD; anD immcDiatelg both the Cicbets fo D?aton Iball be openeo, anD tbe Number, as toell of the jfo?= tunate as tbe Blanb Cicbct, Iball be nameD alouD; anD if the Cicbct taben o? D?aton from tbe Bor contain* ing the JFojtunatc ana Blank Lots Ojall appear to be a Blank, then the numbcrcD Cicbet fo D?aton toitb tbe faiD Blank at the fame Cimc Djaton, Iball both be put upon ©uc File; anD if tbe Cicbct fo D?aton o? taken from tbe Bor containing the jTo?tunatc anDBlanb Lots Sail appear to be ®nc of tbe JFo?tunate Cicbcts, then tbe P?incipal ®um to?ittcn upon fucb Jfo?tunate Cicbet, tobatfocoer it be, fljall be cntereD bg a Clerk, tobicb tbe faiD £@anag* ers, o? the majo? part of them as afo?efaiD, tbali cniplog anD ouerfee fo? this Putpofc, into a Boob to be kept fo? entering the Numbers coming up toitb tbe faiD jFo?* tunate475 Anno Regni ottavo Georgii III. Regis. funate Cicfeets, ano tbe Principal ©ums tobereuntù titcp (tali Oc intitleo rcfpeftiocly, ano ¡armo of tbe falò aganagers (feall fet tbeir Paines as ÌDOitneflcs to fucb Entries; ano tlje falò j?o?tunate ano numbcrco defects fo 0?aUm together, (tall be put upon anotter jFile ; ano fo tbe fato ©jatoing of ite defects (tali continue, by tafeitig ©ne defect at a Cime out of eact 'Bor, ana toitb opening, naming alouo, ano filing tbe fame, ana by entering tbe JFo?tunate Slots in rucij agetboo as is befojc mentionea, until tbe tobole dumber of Ctucnty tboufano ana fifty fir j?o?tunate Cicfeets, ano ©nc mo?e fo? tfjc ILaft o?atun as afo?efaio, Itali be completely o?aton ; ano as tbe fame cannot be After each pcrfo?mco in ©ne ©ay’s Cime, tbe fain e©anagers ano Ì/'S» ©irefto?s (tall caufc tbe 15ores to be locfeeo up ano feal= » co in ¿©anner as afo?efaifl, ano aoiourn till tlje nctt,pa1’ ©ay, ano fo from ©ay to ©ay, ano eoery ©ay (ercept Sundays, Chriftmas-day, djanfefgiuing ano jFaff ©ays) ano then open tbe fame, ano pjoccco as abooc, till tbe fain tobole tSumbcr of Ctoenty tboufano ano fifty fir j7o?tunate Cicfeets, ano ©nc mo?e, (ball be completely Ojaton as afojefaio ; ano aftertoaros tbe fain numbereo Cicfeets fo Djaton, toitb tbe Jfojtunate Cicfeets o?atun againft tbe fame, (tall be ano remain in a firong 15or locfeeo up as afo?efaio, ano unoer tbe Cuftooy of tbe faio Managers, until they Ojall tafec them out to tramine, aojufi, ano fettle, tbe Property thereof. 2nO, to tbe cno tbe jFojtunate may fenolo, tobetber ab» fent o? piefent, to tobat ©egree they bauc been fo ; be it cnaftco, Cbat tbe fain Managers fijall, as foon as coirne» niently may be after tbe faio ©gaining is oner, caufe Number, of to be pjintco ano publitbco tbe jQumbcr of tbe Cicfeets ojaton againfi each JFojtunate Cicfect, ano tbe Principally;.“™;,to ®um tojitten on tbe fame; ano if any Contention ojDiiput««. ©ifpute (ball arife in tbe aojuffing tbe pjoperty of tbe^'^Xd’ faio jTojtunate Cicfeets, tbe maio? Part of tlje faio a©a*ty the Managers agreeing therein, (ball oetermine to Inborn it ootb nase*s' o? ought "to belong : 2nO if any Pcrfcn o? Pcrfons fijallp''»1ity r t fojge o? counterfeit any Cicfect o? Cicfeets, Certificate o? cts'er f'erti-Certificates, to be inane fojtb by oirtue of this 3ct, o? alter any the dumber thereof, o? utt*, ocno, barter, o? oifpofe of, o? offer to oifpofe of, any falfc, alterco, fo?gco, o? counterfeit Cicfect o? Cicfeets, Certificate ojjEcrtifi» cates, o? (ball b?ing any fojgco o? counterfeit defect o? Certificate, o? any Cicfect o? Certificate the Pumbcr tobercof is altereo (ftnotoing the fame to be fucb) to tbe faio Managers, o? any of them, o? to tbe Cafljiet o? 8 Cadjicrs,4/^ Felon y. Managers be fworn. Anno Regni o£tavo Georgii III. Regis^ 'Cadgers, o? accomptant ®eneral of tbe iBank of England io? tfjc time being, o? to anp otbcr Iperfon o? pccfons tobatfocacr, toitb a fiaubulent intention; then ebcrp fucf) ipJctfon o? Pctfons, being tljeteof comnfteD in Due jTo?m of ILato, Until be aDjuDgco a jFelon, anD ftall fuffet ©eatb as in Cafes of Jrclonp, toitboutl5cnefit of Clcrgp: anD tbe fain eganagcvs ann Diietto?s, 02 anp €too o? mojc of tfjcm, ate bevebp autf)o?i?eD, rcquireo, anD inu polueteD, to caufe ang IPerfon o? Jperfons btinging o? uttering fucij fotgeD 02 counterfeit Cicftet o? Cicfeets, Cer* tificate 02 Certificates, as afojefaio, to be apptcbcnoeD, anD to commit bint, fecr, tbent, to }i)is abajeflp’s ®aol of Newgate, o? to tfje Common ®aoi of tbe Countg oi Iplacc to here fucf) Ipetfon o? perfons tball be fo app?e* benocD, to be ptoceeDcD againfl fo2 tbe fain jFelong acco?D= ing to Lain. PjobiDcD a'.toaps, anD it is bercbg enatfeD bg tbe 3u= tbo?itg afojcfaiD, Cbat eucrg Pctfon that fljail be ap* pointeD as afo?efaiD to be a eganager anD Direfto? fo? putting tbis aa in Crecution, bcfo?e bis aaing in fucb Comnuil'ion (ercept tbc aDminiftering tbe ©atb immeDP atclg herein after mcntioncD) (ball take tbe ©atb folloto* ing; that is to fag, I A. B. as a Manager and Director of the Lottery to be drawn in purfuance of an Act of Parliament made in the Eighth Year of His Majeitys Reign, do fwear, That I will faithfully execute the Trull repoied in me, and that 1 will not ufe any indirect Art or Means, or permit or direct any Perfon to ufe any indirect Art or Means, to obtain a Prize or Fortunate Lot therein, for myfelf, or any other Peribn whatfoever; and that I will do the utmolt of my Endeavour to prevent any undue or liniller Practice to be done by any Peribn whatfoever ; and that I will, to the belt of my Judgement, declare to whom any Prize Lot, or Ticket, of Right does belong, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Act. ffllhith faiD ©atb Iball anD mag be aDminiflereD bg ang Ctoo oj mo?e of tbe other Managers anD Diteaojs. b JPjOblDCDAnno RegnI oftavo G'corgii III. Regis. 477 PloBiaen altoapg, Cfjat it ©all ana map be iatoful Cafliier, on to ana fo? tbe fata Calbier 0? Calbicrs, babing giben Refidue of the ©ecuritp as afo?efaia, at anp Cimc o? Cimcs, bcfo?etXiub‘ fucb Calljier 0? Calibers ©all babe rcceibca anp Boob 0? Tl?oobs fo? tije fata Lotterp from the fain aganagets, com» P?ebcnDing the fain gartp tboufann Cicbets, in Cb?ce Columns as afo?cfaia, to rcccibe from the fain Contti» buto?s, o? their €rccuto?s, aaminifltato?s, ©ucccfl'ois, 0? affigns, the agonies to be bp them refpefitiuelp con» tributea on account of the fain Lotterp at S)ne intire Papment, 0? in fucb p?opo?tions ana aganner as afo?e» fain, before fuch easier 0? Calbicvs ©all babe rcceibcn fucb Boob o? 'Boobs; ana the fain Calbiet 0? CailietS ©all gibe a Potc 0? Keceipt unner bis 0? their !J>ana 0? Jj>anBs, fo? the ®um 0? ©urns fo contributca j ana ©all,he fefms be obligcn tbetebp, ana bp this aa, to gibe the Bearer Lottery of ebetp fucb Pots 0? Eeceipt a Cicbct 0? Cicbets of the ertreant Column of the Cb?cc Columns Boob 0? fubferibed. 'Boobs afojefaia, fo? ebetp Ccn pounas fo contributca, pain, 0? anfioerea, as foon as be 0? tbcp ©all be cna= blca thereunto, bp Dclibcrp of anp fucb Boob 0? 'Boobs to bim 0? them from the faiB aganagers as afo?cfaia; anp thing herein containea to the contrarp nottoitb» Hanning. p?obiaea alfo, Chat in cafe anp fucb Contributo? as Contributors afo?efaiB, tobo (ball babe aobancea ana paia aoUm tffgoU%e'is fucb Calbier 0? CaOjicts a p?opo?tion of bis, ber, 0?^“«« to their Confioeration»moncp totoar03 the faia Lotterp, the faid Lot-bis, ber, 0? their Crecuto?s, anminifirato?s, ®ucceffo?s, u. 0? affigns, ao not aabance ana pap unto fucb Calbier 0? Calbicrs the remaining Part of bis, ber, 0? tbeitpofc?' ConKaerationmionep fo to be paia in full fo? fucb Cicbct as afoicfain, on 0? befo?e the Cimcs fo? paping thereof as afo?efain; that then, ano in ebetp fucb Cafe, cberp fucb Contributo? (ball fo?feit ano lofc to li)is aga» jcflp, fo? the (Life of the Publicb, the p?opo?tion of bis, bet, 0? their purebafennonep tobicb be, ©e, 0? tbep, ©all babe fo pain Bourn as afo?cfaio toluarns the Lotterp; ana in fucb Cafe, no Cicbet 0? Cicbets ©all be Beitbereo out bp the fain Caibier 0? Calbicrs to fucb Contributo? 0? Contnbuto?6 mabing fucb Default, but the Cicbet ana Cicbets Vcfaich ©ould babe been ocli» beten to fucb Contributo? ana Contributo?s, baa tbep pain the full agoncp fo? tbe fame, (ball be retutnea ana Dclibeten to tbe fain aganagers ana Dircfto?s bp tbe fain Calbier 0? Calibers, together toitb tbe other Cicbets (if anp) in tbe outcrmoil Column of tbe Boob ana Boobs 6 C belt478 Anno Regni o£tavo Gcorgii III. Rcgis. firn berein mcntioneo, ano oircäeo to bc ptcparco, tebicb Iball not baue bccn nifpofea of to Contributots as afoic» and thè Tick- fato 5 anD fueb Cicket miti Cickets, upon ano fot tobicb ZlZohï Defaults of Pagmcnts (bail batìc been niatìc as afo?c= dolami bMkfaiDi Bjali (jC Dciiuerco imo tbc iRcccipt of iDis e@ajcQp's d,A!,a. crcfjcqucr, toitb otber tbc falò unoifporeo Cickets (ir arti) tbccc to bc tetanico ano kept as Ca®, ano to bc iflueo, foia, ano aifpofca of, fot tbc Purpofes, ano in tbc scanner, betein befote oircäeo ano appointco toitb rcfpcct to tbc faio unoifpofeo Cickets ; ano tbc faio Contributot ano Contributots mailing: fueb Default, fljall not batìc ot rcccitìc, ot bc intitlco to batìc ot reccitìc, anp TBenefit ot aotiantagc fot ot inrefpeä of tbc agonep tobicb bc, file, o? tbep, fbaii batìe paio fot ot totoaros tbc pur» ebafe of fueb Dicket ot Cickets ; anp tfjing herein con» tainco to tbc contrari nottoitbfianOing, ìilviviu- Ptotìioco alfo, ano it is betebp cnaäeo bp tbc Su» thè Commif- tbojitp afotefaio, Chat out of tbe agonies compofing tbc faio JFunO, conunonlp calleo The Sinking Fund, it filali ano map bc latnful to ano fot anp Cbtce ot mote of tbe Commiffioners of tbc Crcafurp, ot tbe ijtigb Creafurcr fot tbc timc being, to rctoatD tbc fato aganagers ano Dircäots, ano tbc Clerks ano ©fficers to be emplopeo bp ano unocr tbcm, ano anp otber ©fficers ano Perfons tbat fljall ano map bc anp «KUaps emplopeo in tftis affair, fot tbeir Labour ano pains, ano to Difebarge fueb inci» Cent Crpcnccs as Cball neccffarilp atteno tbe Crccution of tbis aa toitb rcfpca to tbc faio Lottcrp, in fueb scanner as anp Cbtcc ot mote of tbc Commiffioners of tlje Crea» furp, ot tbc ©igb Creafurer fot tbc time being, (ball, front timc to tinte, tbink fit ano rcafonablc in tftat T5cbalf; anp tbing in tbis aa containeo to tbe contrarp nottoitbfianDing. silfo“™"of 9n0 be fartber cnaaco bp tbc ambotitp afotefaio, chances, &c. Chat no Perfon ot perfons flmll feil tbc Chance ot Chances of anp Cicket ot Cickets in tbe faio Lotterp, ot anp ©bare ot ©bares of anp Cicket ot Cickets in tbc fmo Lottcrp, fot a Dap ot Part of a Dap, ot fot a longer Cinte Icfs tban tbc tobole Cime of Dtatoing tbe Lottcrp tben to comcj ot fljall reccitìc anp agoncp tobatfoctìcr in ConfiOcration of tbc IRepapment of anp ©uni o? ©ums of S©oncp, in cafc anp Cicket ot Cickets in tbc faio Lottcrp [ball p?oue jrottunate ; ot (bali lap anp töager rclating to tlje Otatoing of anp Cicket ot Cickets in tbc faio Lottcrp, eitbcr as to tlje Cinte of fueb Cicket ot Cickets being Dtaton, ot tobetber fueb Cicket ot Cickets bc o?aton jFottunate ot iUnfottunatc i r.n.ty. ano all ano cocrp Perfon ano Perfons tobo fljall offeno in 4Anno Regni oftavo Georgii III. Regis. 4-^ in anp of the fain patters, (bail forfeit ana pap Creblc the Sum ana Sums of sgonep ta&icfj (ball bafte been rccciftca bp fucb Perron ana Perfons, contrarp to tbe true Intent ana leaning: of this aft; to be rccoacrca bp attion of Debt, 75ill, Plaint, oj Jnfojmation, in anp of lifts ajajeftp’s Courts of Kccoja at Weftminfter; in tobiclj no Cfloin, protection, Pjiailcgc, 0? ©Hager of Haft), o? nto?e than ©ne Imparlance, (ball be alloftica; ©ne agoietp tohereof to be fo? the Ofe of rpis aaaieftp, fpis Ipeirs, o? Succefi'ors, ana tbe other e§oictp to be paio to tbe Perfon or Perfons toljo lijali fue for tbe fame; ana efterp fucb ©ale, ©Hager, or Contraft, ana eaerp agreement relating thereto, (ball be, ana is berebp Be* clarea null ana ftoio. ana be it further cnaftca bp the autboritp aforefaia, Perform felling Chat if anp Perfon 0? perfons (ball beep anp ©fficc oitSE^V ©fficcs, o? (ball print 01 publilb anp Scheme 0? p?opo= ¡,s fal, for reccitiing anp Sum or Sums of s®oncp in Con*™ po“"" ’ narration of anp Intcrcft to be grantca for the fame in anp Cicfect or Cicbcts in the fain Lotterp, tohereof fuclj perfon or Perfons (ball not then be aftuallp polTefl'en, or in Confiacration of anp Sum or Sums of egonep to be repain, in cafe anp Cickct, or Pumbcc of Cicfects, in the fain Lotterp, tobicb (ball not be in the aftual pofleffion of fucb Perfon or perfons, (ball prone fortunate or On* fortunate; all ana efterp fucb Perfon ana perfons Iball r . forfeit ana pap the Sum of fine bunarca Pounos; to be recotieren bp attion of Debt, TBill, Plaint, 0? Infor* mation, in anp of lifts S©aieftp’s Courts of EccorB at Weftminfter; in tofjich no Cfloin, Protcftion, ©Hager of Lain, o? more than ©ne Imparlance, (ball be allotoea; ©ne egoietp tohereof to be for the Ofc of lifts e@ajcftp, lifts 5>eirs, or SucccflojS, ana the other agoietp to be pain to the Perfon 0? Perfons toljo (ball fue for the fame; ana alfo (ball fufifer Cbrec Months Impjifonment toithout ISail o? s©ainpti?c. ana be it further euaften bp the autboritp aforefaia, Offences com-Chat if anp ©ffence againft this aft, or anp of the acts land agaiult of parliament tnaac in this Kingaom for preuenting ;v4s>rrf-pjiftate ana unlawful Lotteries, (ball be committee in lawful Lotte-Ireland, the ©ffenBer (ball incur the liftc penaltp ana Puniibment, to be infliftea in libc scanner as if tbe ©f* >««, fence toas committca in this fi&ingBotn ; ana that fucb ami may 1« penalties as, bp this aft, or anp of the fain afts, arc Si“'m aitettea to be recoftcrea in anp of lifts egjajeftp's Courts of iRecojB at Weftminfter, (ball, in cafe of ©fences com* mittca againft this aa 0r anp of the faiB afts in Ireland,480 Anno Regni o£lavo Georgii III. Regis. be recouerca in ang of !£>is epajcllg's Courts of EecotB ill Dublin. Snti, to tfjc Cnb that all ant) etterg tbc Pagments upon tbc JFottunate Cickets mag be mote eafilg afcetraincb, fcttlcD, anb abjufieb, for tbc Perfons tobo Iball become umtlco tbcreunto, be it further enattcb bg tlje autbotitg After the afotefaib, ©bat as foon as conbcnicntlg mag be after the tile Lottery, ©¡atoms of tbe faib Lottetg Iball be completeb ana enact), all ana eberg tbc fain JFottunate Cickets Ojall be for ct'i'tih- crcbangea fo? Certificates to be fiance bg fucb of tbe faia spanngers as (ball be appointcb fot tbat Purpofe. Managers to gtiDbc it further cnafteo« Cbat fucb of tbe faiD the Time for naoers as ang ©brec ot mote of tbe Commiflioners of •I'Ss'.'V'd tbc ©reafurg, ot tbe loigb ©reafurcr fot tbe time being, delivering out (ball appoint to take in tbe fain JFottunate Cickets, ana iae?™' bcliuec out tbe fata Certificates fot ana in lieu thereof, Iball giue timelg Potice, bg aouertifement to be ptintca ana publiUjco in spanner as tbeg (ball tbink fit, of tbe ©ags ana ©hues fot taking in tbe fain Cickets, ana be* liueting out tbe faia Certificates, fot ana in lieu of tbe fame; ana ettevg Certificate Iball be numbereB in Courfe, accotaing to tbe bringing tbc Cickets to tbe epanagers keikir0^- fo to be appointca fot crcbanging tbc fame; to tobicb tering Perfons Purpofe, fucb spanagers iball enter, ot caufe to be en* Name,, tcre0f jnto a TBook ot 15ooks to be bg tbem kept fo? tijat Purpofe, tbc Panic of ctierg Perfon tobo Iball b?ing ang fucb JFottunate Cickct o? Cickets to be crcbangea hiof'hSr f0? hicfj Certificate ot Certificates, ana tbe Pumber o? Tickets, &c. Pumbers of tbe JFottunate Cickct o? Cickets tobicb (ball be fo b?ougbt, tbe iUalue in Principal 09oneg paga* blc thereupon, ana tbc ©ag of tbc epontb, ana tbe gear of out Lota, toben the fame teas fo brought > tobicb TBook ana TBooks iball lie open in tbc ©ffice to be ap* pointca fo? taking in the faia Cickets to be crcbangea k'cgS'V“ fo? fucb Certificates, fo? all Perfons conccrnca to pc» ’ " rufej all tobicb Certificates (ball be fignea bg tbc spa* nagets fo to be appointca, o? tbc majo? pact of tbem, anb be bireacb to tbc accomptant Ceneral of tbc TBanfc of England fo? the time being. ¡”T” SnD be it further enattcb bg tbe autboritg afo?efaib, fh"£iSri‘Sr tbe fdib Sccomptant ©eneral of the IBank of Eng-Sams in the land fo? the time being, to tobont tfjc faib Certificates arc tmiiic««. t0 be tlireaen as afotefaib, Iball, upon receiving anb tak* ing in tbe faib Certificates, ot ang of them, giae CtcOit to tbe Pctfons natneb therein, in a TBook or TBooks to be bg bim ptobioeo anb kept, for tbe Principal Guilts cen* taineb in cuerg fucb Certificate > anb the perfons to 7 tobofeAnno Regni oftavo Georgii III. Regis. 481 tobofc Creait fucb principal ©urns llj.ilI be entereD tljc faia "Book o? IBooks, bis, her, 0? tbcir ffirecutojs, oi’ the laid aominil!rato?g, ©uccctro?s, ano Sffigns, lljall anD maySums' &c' babe 13duet ro afflgn 0? transfer tbc fame, 0? any Part, ©bare, o? p?bpo?tion thereof, to any other Perfon 0? Pcrfons, "Booics politick 0? Corporate tobatfoeucr, in 'Boohs to be prepares ano kept by tlje fain 3ccomptant ©eneral; ana tlje fata Principal ©urns fo affigneo 0? transferees (ball carry tbc fata annuity of Cb?ee potinos per Centum per Annum, ana iljall be taken ana Decmca to be ©tack transferrabie by birtuc of this 3ft, until tbc Rcaemption tbereof in fanner herein mentionea ; anD^IJj““10 the faia 3ccomptant ©eneral of the "Bank of England fo? »¿3°^ the time being, is hereby authorises ana Direfteo to can«";«”^* cel ana file the Certificates, as they Iball, from time to thereof, time, be rcccmcD ana taken in by bint; anD to giae the Pcrfons bringing in the fame a JSote unacr bis Jpano, teftifping tbe Principal agoney fo? tobicb they (ball bane CrcOtt in the faia IBook 0? TBooks, by Reafon 0? ageans of tbe Certificates fo receiuco, taken in, ana cancellea as afo?cfaio, ana of the 3nnuities attenaing the fame. 3nD, fo? the mo?e cffcftua! Crccution of this 3tt, beB’"kto'm: it further enafteD by tbe 3ut!jo?ity afo?cfaiD, Chat tbefikandAc faiD ©oberno? ana Company of tfje 'Bank of England, Gi> ana tbeir ©ucccfifojs, (ball, from time to time, until the fata annuities Iball be rcocemca, appoint 0? employ ¡Due 0? nto?e fufficient perfon 0? Pcrfons tuitbin tbcir ©fficc in the City of London, to be tbcir Chief 0? JFirfl Calljicr 0? CaHjiers, ana HDne other fufficient perfon toitbin tbe fame ©ffice to be tbeir accoinptant ©cncral; ana that'°obfe fo much of the agonies, from time to time, anD at any the Sinking Cimc, arifing 0? being in the Receipt of the Crcbcguer lir/i/ome, of 0? fo? the ©urpluffes, CrceiTes, ©bcrplus agonies, anD other Revenues compofing the jFuno commonly merit of the^ calletJ The sinking Fund, as (ball be fufficient, from Anm,iticSi time to time, to anftoer the ijsalfiycarly payments of tbe fain annuities, (ball (after paying, 0? referaing fufficient to pay, all fucb ©urns of agoney as, bcfo?e the puffing of this 3ft, ¡ball babe been Direfteo by any fo?mer 3fts of parliament to be paio out of the faiD JfunD) by ©?Dcr of tbe Contmiffioners of the Crcafuty, 0? any €b?ee o? nto?e of them, 0? the ®>igb Crcafurer fo? the time being, toitbout any further 0? other Warrant to be baa in that TSebalf, be iffiieD ana pain at tbe faiD Receipt of Crcbeguer to tbc faiD JFirfl 0? Chief Calbier 0? Calbicrs of tbe faiD ©ouerno? ana Company of the "Bank of England ana tbeic ©ucceffo?s fo? tbe time being, by toay of 6 JT 3lmp?cQ 3482 Anno Rcgni o£lavo Gcorgii III. Regis. 31 myjeft aim upon account, fo? the payment of the falo .-i«.«»»?, annuities; aim that fucb Cathier 0? Calhiers to tobom S'S! the fait) agonies (hall, from time to timé, he iOTueo, (hall, ran feom time to time, toitljout ©clap, apply ano pay the thereof. fame acco?Dingiy, aim tcimcr his o? tfjeir accounts there« of acco?oing to the Due Courfe of the Crcbequer. Accoinptant aim it is hereby alfo enafteo, Chat the fatO 3c« comptant General fo? the time facing (hall, from time m£'"'wirtiy' to time, infpeft mm craminc all Eccciprs ano payments the Vouchers. of the faio Calljicr 0? Calhiers, ano the Vouchers re« lating thereunto, in ojoct to p?eocnt any JFrauo, JBegli* gcncc, o? Delay. Annuities ano be it further enafteo fay the authojity afojefaio, tStiZT Chat all pcrfons ano Co?po?ations intitleo’ to any of the faio annuities, ano their Crecuto?s, aominifirato?s, SucceOo?s, ano ailigns, rcfpeamely, ano all Pcrfons aim Co?po?ations latofully claiming unoer them, lhall bane gooo, fure, afafolute, ano ínDefea^iblc Cuates ano 3!ntcrcfis in the fame, accoming to the Ceno? ano true leaning of this 3ft, ano lhall be poUeCTeo thereof as of a pcrfonal Cfiate, toljich Ojall not be ocfccnoable to Ibcirs, no? liable to any jfo?eign attachment by the CuUom of London, o? otbertoife; any Lato, CuUom, o? fijfagc, to the contrary nottoithUanDing. aim be it further enafteo by the 3utho?ity afojefaio, Chat all the egonies to tohich any Pcrfon o? Pcrfons lhall be intitleo by oirtuc of this 3ft, in refpeft of any Sum aooancco o? contributco totearos the faio Sum of £>nc million th?ee hunD?eo thoufanO pounos, on tohich the faio annuities, after the iRate of Cb?ec Pounos per Centum, (hall be attenoing, ano the P?incipal Sums to be oetcrminco by the D?atoing of the faio Lottery, to be ,,„i toad- attenoco toith annuities after the lilte Eatc, fljall be aooco joint-stock t0 ani) tuaDe part of the 3!oint Stock of annuities tranf« trnnsfe rabie fcrrable at the IBank of England, into tohich the fcueral att.tcBankt gumg camping; an Sntcrcu after the fame Eate tocre conucrtco by certain aas of parliament, maoe in the Ctocnty fifth, Ctocnty eighth, ano Ctoenty ninth, gears of Ibis late agaieUy’s Eeign, ano by fcueral other fubfe» fubjefr to Re- quent Stts; fubjeft neuertbelefs to |Eeoemption by par» liamcnt, in fuch fanner ano upon fuch JSotice as in the faio aa maoe in the Ctocnty fifth gear of Ibis faio late egajeuy’s Eeign is oitefteo, in refpeft of the feberal ano refpcttioc Sums, o? any Part thereof, fo? tohich the fcoeral ano refpcfiioe annuities therein mentioneo, o? any of them, are payable; ano that all aim ebery Per» fon ano Petfons, ano Co?po?ations, tohatfoeoer, in P?o»4 $3 Anno Regni odavo Georgii III. Regis. P?opo?tion to the agoncp to tobicb 6c, (be, o? tfjei?, (Jail be intitleD as afo?cfaio, (ball bane, ano be beemeti to babe, a p?opo?tional Jntcreü ano Share in tijc fain 3loint Stock of annuities. 3no be it further enafteb bp the 3utbo?itg afo?cfaib, Transfer Chat ISooks (bail be conftantlg kept bp tbe fain accompt» ant ©encrai fo? tbe time being, toberein all afiSgnmentS ¿ccomPtant o? Cransfers of all ©urns abuanceb o? contributeb to» * ' toaros tbe fain Sum of ©ne million tb?ce bunb?eo tbou» fanb Pounbs, ann of all Sums bctermineo anb after» taineb bp tbeD?atoing of tbe faib ilottcrp, lball be enter» co anb regiUereo ; tobicfj ©nttics lball be conceitieb in .of proper = mabe upon anp fucb Denife, until fo much of tbe faib 5™%'¡n“λ ©Hill. as relates to fucb ©Hate, Share, o? 3!ntereft, bewm-entereb in the ©ffice of the fain ©oberno? ann Companp; anb tbat in Default of fucb Cransfer o? Debife, fucb Share, ©date, o? 3intetefl, lball go to tbe ©recuto?s, aominiflrato?s, o? SuccefTo?s. PiObibeb altoaps, anb be it enafteb bp tbe 3utbo?itp Tre.ii.ry to afo?eraib, Cbat out of the agonies arifing from the Con» .lent Charges tributions totoams railing the fain Sum of ©ne million nine bunb?eb tboufanb Pounbs, anp ©b?ee o? mo?e ofti^Aa, tbe Commilioncrs of tbe Creafurp, o? the JJ)igb Créa» furer fo? tbe time being, (ball bane potoer to oifcbarge all fucb incinent Charges not berebp otbertoife p?obioeb fo?, as (bail neceffarilp attenb tbe ©recution of this 3ft, in fucb scanner as to them lball feem iui anb reafonable; ano alfo to fettle anb appoint fucb ailotoances as (ball be and to make thought p?opct, fo? tbe Serbice, pains, anb Labour, of the faib ©albiet o? Calbiers fo? rcceibing, paging, anb^A™™-8 account»484 to be at (lie Dilpofal of the Governor and Company of t!:e Bank. Bank to continue a Corporation tiil thebe Annui-t es be re deemed, Säe. No Fee to be taken for receiving or paying the Contribution-monies, Annuities, &c. on T enalty of zol. The Monies arifing by the Duties upon Anno Regni odlavo Gcorgii III. Regis. accounting fo?, t(jc faiD Contributions j anD alfo (ball Ijauc power, out of the i&urpluffcs, Crccffcs, ©oerplus ebonies, anti otljcv Rcuenties, compoting tbe J?unD commonly calico tbc Sinking Fund, to make fuel) fur* tljcr allowances as fljall be jitBgeO renfonabte, fo? tljc §crt)icc, pains, anD labour, of tfje faiD Calljicr 0? Calljicrs fo? ccccming, paying, anD accounting fo?, tljc faiD annuities payable by Oirtue of tins act; anD alfo fo? tljc %ctoice, Pains, anD Labour, of tljc faiD accomptant ©encral, fo? performing tbe Crufl berc* by repofcD in bim : ail loIjic!j allowances to be mabe as afo?efaiD, in rcfprft of tbc ©ctuicc, Pains, anD Labour, of any ¿Officer o? Officers of tlje faiD ©ooetno? anD Company, lljall be fo? tlje Life anD TScncfit of tbe faiD ffiouerno? anD Company, anD at tbcit Difpofal only. P?cbiDcD always, anD be it further enacteD by tbe autbo?ity afo?cfaio, Chat tbe faiD ©oocrno? anD Com* pany of tljc Bank of England, anD tbeir %ucceflb?s, not* WitbflanDing tbc IRcDemption of ali o: any of tbeir oton jtunDS in purfuancc of tbe arts fo? efiablilbing tbc fame, o? any of tijem, Ifiali continue a Co?po?ation fo? tbc Pur* pofcs’of tljis act, until all tbe fatD annuities Iball be re* DccmcD by Parliament; anD that tbe faiD ©oocrno? anD Company of tbc "Bank of England, 0? any Qgcmbcc thereof, iball not incur any Difability fo? o? by reafott of tbeir Doing any flatter 0? Cbing in purfuancc of this as. 3nD be it furtljcr cnartco, Chat no .Fee. ISeirarD, o& ©jattiity robatfocucr, (ball be DcmanDCD 0? taken of any of ijjis agajefty's ©ubiefts, fo? rccciuing 0? paying tbe faiD Contribution=monies, 0? any of tbcm, o? fo? any Dailies 0? Receipts concerning tbc fame, 0? fo? ifluing tbe agonies to? paying tljc faiD annuities, 0? any of tbcm, 0? fo? any ¿Transfer of any Sum, great o? filial!, to be maDc in purfuancc of tins art; upon Pain tfjat any Officer, o? Pcrfon cffcnDing, by taking o? DcmanDing any fuclj fee, RrtoavD, o? ©jatuity, (ball, fo? cocry fucb Offence, fo?feit tlje ioum of Ctucnty PounDS to tbc Patty ag* gncocD, With JFull Colls of ©uit 5 to be rccoocrcD by action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, 0? 3!nfo?mation, in any of l.ois egajeDy’s Courts of Rcco?D at Weftminfter; Wherein no Cffoin, P?otcftion, P?iOilege, o? ©Hager of Lcto, 3lnnirtion, 0? ©?Dcr of Rcffraint, o? any mo?c titan ©nc Imparlance, lljall be grantcD 0? aiioWcD. 3nD be it furtljcr cnarteD by tbe autbo?ity afo?cfaiD, Chat tljc agonies arifing by the Jmpofitions, Rates, 0? Duties, upon mines anD Oincgar impo?tcD into Great Britain,Anno Rcgni oftavo Gcorgii III. Regis. 48 ^ Britain, gtantco by an 3ft of Parliament maoe in t(je 'vincs :,ml C&iro gear of tfic Eeign of ©is parent e@ajeflp, inti* £5X*™«. tUlCO, An A£t for granting to His Majefty feveral ad - 'ft1 ditional Duties Upon Wines imported into this Kingdom,3 and certain Duties upon all Cyder and Perry ; and for railing the Sum of Three millions five hundred thouland Pounds, by way of Annuities and Lotteries, to be charged on the (aid Duties; ano alfo the egonics anting bp nd Duties tljc Hates ano Duties on CpOcr ano Pcrrp gran ten by i„7rSdver an 3ft of parliament mace in tljc ©irtb gear of ©is ranted by Aft Picfcnt agajefip’s Eeign, intitulcb, An Aft for repealing6 the Duties granted upon Cyder and Perry by an Aft made in the Third Year of His prefent Majefty’s Reign, and for granting other Duties on Cyder and Perry in lieu thereof; and for more effeftually fecuring the Duties on Cyder and Perry impofed by feveral former A6ts ; anD toljicb (ball be pain into tbe Ecceipt of itjis egajeftp’s Crcijcqucr from ano after tbe Jfiftb Dap of April, ©nc tboufano fcocn bunoieo ano firtp eight, ano alfo all arrears tfjetcof, ano of tbe Duties on Cpoer ano Pcrrp repealco bp tljc faio 3ft, tobteb firnll be paio into tbe fain Ecceipt after tbe faio Dap, (ball be carrico to, ano mane Part of, tbe““J"”-faio j?unO commonlp calleo tbe Sinking Fund, totoaros JinkingFund, malting goon tbe Papment of tbe EemainOer of tfcc 3n= nuitics granteo bp tbe faio 3ft tnaoc in tbe Cbiro gear of rpis p?cfcnt sgajcfip's Eeign, ano tobicb bp an 3ft he.recitedAcl maoe in this Sclfion of Parliament are ebargeo upon°f jC"-IIL tbe faio jfuno from ano after tbe fain jfiftb Dap of April, ©tie tboufano fetien bunDicO ano firtp eight, until the Capital ano Joint §>tock, on tobicb the faio 3nnuities Capital, &c, ate attenoant, be reocemeo on tbe Jfiftb Dap of January, ©ne tboufano feoen bunOjcO ano firtp nine, in purfuancc of tbe faio iafi mentioneo 3ft, ano alfo totoaros mafo (. ing goon the Papment of the 3nnuitics granteo bp this aa. 3n0, in o?ocr to oboiatc anp Doubt tobicb map arife, toitb refpeft to the Continuance, after the Ecocmption of the rain Capital ano Joint ^toefe, of the faio Jntpo* fitions, Eates, o? Duties, upon S/Hincs ano Oincgar, granteo bp the faio 3ft maoe in the Cbiro gear of His Piefent e©ajefip’0 Eeign; ano the raio Eates ano Du= ties on CpOer anO Petrp, granteo bp the faio 3ft maoe in tbe @>irtb gear of jDis pjefent egaieftp's Eeign; be it tberefojc oeclareo bp the 3utbo?itp afoicfaio to be tfje true Jntent ano leaning of tbe faio 3fts, Chat allfthe the faio Jmpofitions, Eates, 0? Duties, upon Staines notwithftand-ano atnegar, ano the faio Eates ano Duties on Cpoer demotion. 6 © anO 64S<5 Anno Regni ottavo Georgii III. Regis. ana perrp, ana all Scatters ana Cbings containea in the rata atts relating thereto, lliouia continue in full jTojee ana OEffett until the fame lljouio be fpeciallp repeal-cb o? alterca bp Parliament. ana be it further cuactco bp the 2utbo?itg afotefaio, Chat if anp perfon o? Perfons lhall be fuea, molcftea, o? pjofccutcB, fo? anp Srfaing none bp Uirtuc o? in pur-fuancc of this aa, fuel) Perfon o? Perfons lljall ana General niv.e. map plcaa tljc (©cncral Jffuc, ana giac this act, ana the Special flatter, in ®uioence, in his, her, o? their Defence o? Defences; ana if afrerVuatas a OcrBict lhall pafs fo? the Defenoant o? Defenaants, ot the Plaintiff o? plaintiffs lhall nifeontinue his, her, o? their aftion o? p?ofccut!on, o? be nonfuitca, o? Jungement Qjall be ginen againff him, her, o? them, upon Demurrer o? othertnife; then fucb Defenoant o? Defenaants lljall babe T«bie Colts. Drcble Cofls at»ar3cB to hint, her, o? them, again« anp fitch Plaintiff o? plaintiffs. k I' INIS.