ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO UNDECIMO GEORGII IV. REGIS. **************************************************** CAP. V. An Act to repeal the Provisions of certain Acts relating to the Removal of vagrant and poor Persons born in the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, and chargeable to Parishes in England ; and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof. [19th March 1830.] WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Laws relative to the Removal of vagrant and poor Persons horn in the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, and chargeable to Parishes in England; and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof: Be it therefore enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That so much of an Act made m the Heped Seventeenth Year of the Reign of King George the Second, intituled I . Q 2 c 5 An Act to amend and make more effectual the Laws relating to logu and Vagabonds, and other idle and disorderly Persons, and to Houses of Correction, as relates to passing Vagrants to the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey; and also so much of an Act passed in ^ • Fifty-ninth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act to amend the Laws for the Relief of the Poor, as relates to 53G.3.0.U. the Removal of poor Persons born in Jersey and Guernsey, who have become chargeable to Parishes in England; and also to so much of E18 and 5 G. 4. c. 83. Power to remove chargeable Poor born in Jersey or Guernsey, at Expence of complaining Parish. TM&, û*/o7 / 11° GEORGII IV. Cap.5. an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for the Punishment of idle and disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds, in that Part of Great Britain called England, as relates to the Removal of poor Persons born in the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, and being chargeable to Parishes in England, shall be and the same are hereby repealed. II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Two Justices of the Peace, and they are hereby required, upon the Complaint of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of any Parish, that any Person born in either of the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey hath become chargeable to such Parish, by himself or herself, or his or her Family, to cause such Person to be brought before them, and to examine such Person, and any other Witness or Witnesses, on Oath, touching the Place of the Birth or last legal Settlement of every such Person, and to inquire whether he or she, or any of his or her Children, hath or have gained any Settlement in that Part of the United Kingdom called England ; and if it shall be found by such Justices that the Person so brought before them was born in either of the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey, and hath not gained any Settlement in England, and that he or she hath actually become chargeable to the complaining Parish, by himself or herself, or his or her Family, then such Justices shall and they are hereby empowered, by an Order of Removal under their Hands and Seals, to cause such poor Person, his Wife, and such of his or her Children so chargeable, as shall not have gained a Settlement in England, to be removed, by and at the Charge and Expence of the complaining Parish, to the Place of his or her Birth. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s most Excellent Majesty. 1830.