ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO PRIMO VICTORIA REGINiE. C A P. XLVI. An Act to vest the Rolls Estate in Her Majesty, and to provide for the future Payment of the Salary of the Master of the Rolls and the Expences of the Rolls Chapel. [[2th July 18 37.] WHEREAS the Mansion House, Chapel, Messuages, and Estates, commonly called the Rolls Estates, which are situate in and near Chancery Lane in the County of Middlesex, and were formerly the Site of the House or Hospital of Converts or converted Jews, and the Hereditaments thereto belonging, were granted by King Edward the Third by Letters Patent bearing Date the Eleventh Day of April, in the Fifty-first Year of His Reign, to remain and continue for ever to the Clerk or Keeper of the Rolls of Chancery for the Time being, and to be annexed to the said Office for ever; and in the Letters Patent by which the present Master of the Rolls has been appointed, and in every of the Letters Patent by which several preceding Masters of the Rolls respectively have been appointed, there have been thereby granted by His late Majesty and His Royal Predecessors respectively to such Master of the Rolls respectively the Custody of the House or Hospital of the Converts for the Habitation of the said Keeper or Master of the Rolls, together with all Edifices, Yards, Gardens, and Orchards to the same House or Hospital in anywise belonging or appertaining, to hold the same 5 L (together410 1° VICTORIiE, Cap. 46. (together with such Office of Keeper or Master of the Rolls) unto such Person respectively during his Life, with all Rights and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Office or to the House or Hospital aforesaid belonging or appertaining, the Wages, Fees, Rewards, Commodities, Emoluments, and Profits whatsoever anciently in anywise accustomed and due to the same Office, to be received yearly, together with all and all Manner of other Rights, Liberties, Pre-eminences, Profits, Emoluments, Mansions, Places, and Appurtenances whatsoever in anywise belonging or appertaining to the Office aforesaid, in as ample Manner and Form as any other Keeper or Master of the Rolls or of the said House or Hospital was or were accustomed to receive and enjoy the same : And whereas the said Rolls Estates consist of the Mansion House, with the Court-yard, Garden, Stable, Coachhouse, and other Houses and Buildings thereunto belonging, the Chapel called the Rolls Chapel, and several Messuages and Hereditaments, and a Particular or Rental of the said Estates is annexed by way of Schedule to this Act: And whereas by virtue of an Act 12 Cur. 2 passed in the Twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, intituled c.35. An Act empowering the Master of the Rolls for the Time being to make Leases for Years in order to new-build the old Houses belonging to the Rolls, and also an Act passed in the Seventeenth Year of I7G.3.C.59. the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act to repeal an Act made in the Twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, intituled ‘ The Master of the Rolls empowered to make Leases for Years in ‘ order to new-build the old Houses belonging to the Rolls,’ and for the better regulating the Method of granting Leases of the said Rolls Estate, and for making Compensation to the Earl of Macclesfield and Sir Thomas Sewell for their beneficial Rights and Interests in certain Leases made of the Rolls Estate, and for regulating the Method of making Leases of the said Estate for the future, the Master of the Rolls for the Time being has from Time to Time granted Leases of the said Messuages and Premises (the said Chapel of the Rolls, and the said Mansion House, Court-yard, Garden, Stable, Coach-house, and other Outhouses and Buildings fit for the Habitation and Use of the Master of the Rolls, only excepted) : And whereas by an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of His l G. 4.C.107. Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for appropriating to the Use of the Master of the Rolls for the Time being the Rents of the Rolls Estate, and the Dividends of the Funds in the Court of Chancery arising from the surplus Rents of that Estate, it was enacted, that the Sum of Four thousand and eighty-one Pounds Four Shillings and Four-pence, Three per Centum Bank Annuities, purchased in pursuance of the said Act of the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, with the Surplus of the Rents and Profits of the said Rolls Estates, and then standing in the Name of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery to the Account “ The Account of the Rolls Estate,” should be and remain in the said Court to tire said Account called “ The Account of the Rolls Estate,” and should be and form a Fund for the Purpose (if necessary) of repairing, supporting, and rebuilding the Houses and Premises called the Rolls Estate, and keeping the same insured from Loss or Damage by Fire, (except the said Chapel and Mansion House, with their Appurtenances,) and be sold, applied, and disposed of for those Purposes 7 or-rn ^ 7 ^ 1° VICTORIA, Cap. 46. 411 or any of them by Order of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper, or Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal from Time to Time as there might be Occasion, and that the Dividends, Interest, and annual Produce thereof then due and thereafter to accrue due might from Time to Time be paid by the said Accountant General without any Order or Draft for that Purpose to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, subject nevertheless to any Order of the Court, as therein and herein-before is mentioned ; and by the same Act it was further enacted, that the Master of the Rolls for the Time being should after the passing of the said Act have and be entitled to receive the whole of the Rents and Profits of the said Estate called “ The Rolls Estate,” after providing for the keeping in repair and properly supporting and rebuilding and insuring from Fire the said Houses and Premises to and for his own Use and Benefit: And whereas the said Sum of Four thousand and eighty-one Pounds Four Shillings and Four-pence, Three per Centum Bank Annuities, remains standing in the Name of the said Accountant General in the Account aforesaid, and since the passing of the said herein-before in part recited Act of the First Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth the Dividends and annual Produce thereof, amounting to the annual Sum of One hundred and twenty-two Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight-pence, and also the Rents, Issues, and Profits of the Rolls Estate (which on an Average of the last Two Years amount to the annual Sum of Two thousand one hundred and nineteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings), have been received by the Master of the Rolls for the Time being as Part of the Emoluments of his Office: And whereas the Court in which the Master of the Rolls is accustomed to sit as one of the Judges of the Court of Chancery out of Term, together with certain Rooms adjacent thereto necessary for the Administration of Justice there, form Part of the said Mansion House : Anti whereas the other Part of the said Mansion House and the Garden and Appurtenances thereto belonging are not at present used by or for the Accommodation of the Master of the Rolls, and some of the Rooms in the said Mansion House are occupied by Records belonging to Her Majesty’s Court of Queen’s Bench: And whereas, in pursuance of an Act passed in the Session of Parliament held in the Sixth and Seventh Years of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act to enable the Master of the Rolls to demise 6 & 7 W.4. Part of the Rolls Estate to the Society of Judges and Serjeants, e 49. the Master of the Rolls, with the Consent and Approbation of Three of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, hath granted a Lease of Part of the Garden belonging to the said Mansion House to the said Society of Judges and Serjeants at Law for a Term of Ninety-nine Years at a Peppercorn Rent, for the Purpose of building Chambers for the Judges thereon: And whereas by an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act for building certain Offices for the Examiners, Cursitors, 50G.3.C.I6-U Clerks of the Crown, and Clerks of the Petty Bag of the High Court -■ of Chancery, and for making certain Regulations in the Examiner's Office of the said Court, and for making Provision for such of the Examiners, Deputy Examiners, and Clerks as from Length of Service or from Age or Infirmity are or shall be incapacitatedfrom the due Execution of their Offices, andfor making Provision for other Officers of the said412 P VICTORIA, Cap.46. said Court, and for making other Payments in respect of the said Officers, the Freehold of the Buildings in the Rolls Yard, Chancery Lane, where the Business of the Office of Examiners, and also of the Offices of the Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Petty Bag, is now carried on, with its Rights, Members, and Appurtenances, and all other Premises, if any, which should thereafter be purchased for the Purposes of the said Offices, together with all Buildings then or thereafter to be erected thereon, were vested in the Master of the Rolls for the Time being for the Use and for the Purposes of the said Offices, and subject to such Rules and Regulations respecting the Use and Occupation thereof, and of the Rooms and Chambers thereto belonging or therewith occupied, as the Court of Chancery shall from Time to Time order and direct: And whereas several of the most valuable Records of the Chancery of England are deposited in Presses in Closets in the Inside of the said Rolls Chapel, and on Shelves and Closets in the Roof thereof: And whereas the Two Chaplains of the Master of the Rolls have respectively been appointed from Time to Time by the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, and have officiated as Preacher and Reader in the Performance of Divine Worship in the said Chapel: And whereas an ancient yearly Payment or Sum of Four Pounds, chargeable upon and issuing out of the Rectory of Saint Dunstan in the West in the City of London and the Suburbs of the said City, is payable to the Master of the Rolls for the Tim e being ; and by an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George 1 G. 4. c. lix. the Fourth, intituled An Act for uniting the Rectory and Vicarage of the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the West in the City of London and the Suburbs of the said City, and for securing a certain annual Payment to the Rector of the said Parish in lieu of Tithes, it was enacted, that the Rector of the said Parish shall be and remain subject to the Payment of and shall well and truly pay the said yearly Payment or Sum of Four Pounds to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being on the Twenty-ninth Day of September in each Year : And whereas the said Preacher hath also been accustomed to receive from the Masters, Six Clerks, Registrars, and other Officers of the said Court of Chancery who are considered to be entitled to Seats in the said Chapel certain Fees, amounting to the yearly Sum of Forty-nine Pounds Two Shillings and Eight-pence or thereabouts ; and the said Reader has received the Rents at which Pews in the said Chapel have been let to Persons not entitled to Seats therein, and Sums have been paid out of the Rents and Profits of the Rolls Estate to the said Preacher and Reader to make up to each of them, together with the said annual Sums, Fees, and Rents received by them respectively, the annual Sum of One hundred Pounds; and there has also been paid out of the Rents and Profits of the said Rolls Estate the annual Sum of Ten Pounds to the Clerk attending the Performance of Divine Service at the said Chapel, and the annual Sum of Nine Pounds oi thereabouts to a Laundress for keeping the said Chapel clean : And whereas certain ancient annual Payments, amounting to the yearly Sum of Forty-five Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven-pence, are payable to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being by the Keeper and Clerk of the Hanaper in Chancery outof the Income and llevenueof Ins Office: And whereas by an Act passed in the Twenty-third Year of the lieign1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. 413 of King George the Second, intituled An Act for making good a 23 G. 2.c.25. Deficiency upon the Revenue of the Office of Keeper or Clerk of the s-4‘ Hanaper, and for preventing any future Deficiency therein to answer the Public Services provided for out of the same, and for augmenting the Income of the Office of the Master or Keeper of the Rolls, it was enacted, that out of the Duties granted by the said Act, and thereby directed to be paid into the Receipt of His Majesty’s Exchequer at Westminster, there should be issued and paid unto the Keeper or Clerk of the Hanaper in Chancery for the Time being, or his Deputy, a yearly Sum not exceeding the Sum of Three thousand Pounds ; and that the said yearly Sum of Three thousand Pounds, and also the yearly Interest, Dividends, and Proceeds which should arise or be produced from the surplus Cash therein mentioned, should be issued, paid, applied, and accounted for, together with and as Part of the ordinary Income and Revenue of the Hanaper Office, in such and the same Manner as the Income and Revenue ofthe said Office had from Time toTime been issued, paid, applied, and accounted for, and also the Payment of the yearly Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds to the Master or Keeper of the Rolls for the Time being : And whereas out of the said annual Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds paid by the Clerk of the Hanaper as aforesaid in pursuance of the said last-mentioned Act, there are now paid by the Master of the Rolls for Land-tax Duty and Stamps Sums of Money amounting to the annual Sum of Three hundred and thirty-one Pounds One Shilling and Sixpence, and also a Fee of Two Guineas to the Clerk of the Hanaper, by which Payment the Amount of Salary or pecuniary Profit received by the Master of the Rolls in respect of the said Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds is reduced to the annual Sum of Eight hundred and sixty-six Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Sixpence: And whereas by an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act to provide for the augmenting 6 G. 4 c. St. the Salaries of the Master of the Rolls and the Vice- Chancellor of *• 2-England, the Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, and the Puisne Judges and Barons of the Courts in Westminster Hall, and to enable His Majesty to grant an Annuity to such Vice-Chancellor, and additional Annuities to such Master of the Rolls, Chief Baron, and Puisne Judges and Barons on their Resignation of their respective Offices, it was enacted, that from and after the passing of the said Act there should be issued and paid and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (after paying or reserving sufficient to pay all such Sum and Sums of Money as had been directed by any former Act or Acts of Parliament to be paid out of the same, but with Preference to all other Payments which should or might thereafter be charged upon or payable out of the same Fund,) to the several Persons therein-after mentioned, as an Augmentation of their respective Salaries and pecuniary Profits belonging to the said respective Offices, the several annual Sums therein-after respectively mentioned; (that is to say,) to the Master of the Rolls of the Court of Chancery in England such Sum as with the Sums then payable to the said Master of the Rolls in pursuance of the said Act of the Twenty-third Year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George the Second, and in pursuance of the said Act of the First Year of the Reign of His 5 M said414 1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. said Majesty King George the Fourth, and with the other Fees and Emoluments of the said Office, would make up the Salary of the said Office to the annual Sum of Seven thousand Pounds, and to other Persons therein named the several other annual Sums therein mentioned : And whereas the Emoluments of the said Office of Master of the Rolls referred to in the said last-mentioned Act, besides or in addition to the said Interest, Dividends, and annual Produce of the said Sum of Four thousand and eighty-one Pounds lour Shillings and Four-pence, Three Pounds per Centum Bank Annuities, and the Rents and Profits of the said Rolls Estates (after making such 1 ay -ments thereout as aforesaid), and the said ancient I ayments made by the said Clerk of the Hanaper, amounting to the yearly Sum of Forty-five Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven-pence, and the said yearly Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds payable in pursuance of the said Act of the Twenty-third Year of the Reign of King George the Second (after making such Payments thereout as aforesaid), consist of Fees and Parts of Fees, and small ancient annual Payments which are received or payable by the Registrars of the Court of Chancery, the Under Secretary of the Master of the Rolls, the Clerk of the Enrolments, the said Clerk of the Hanaper, the Clerks of the Petty Bag, the Clerk of the Rolls Chapel, and other Persons: And whereas if the said Rolls Estates and the other Offices and Estates now vested in the Master of the Rolls for the lime being were vested in Her Majesty, and placed under the Manage-ment of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings, the same, after making proper Ac-commodation and Provisions for the Court of the Mastei ot the Rolls, and for the Administration of Justice in such Court, and for the Custody and Deposit of the Records and Papers now placed in the Rolls Chapel, and the Performance of Divine Worship in the said Chapel, and for the Transaction of the Business of the Offices which are now in the said Rolls 'Yard, and aftei appiopriatmg such Part or Parts thereof (if any) as may be thought expedient for the Purposes of any of the Offices connected with the Courts of Chancery or the Courts of Law, might be made more available for the public Service, or more profitable than under the Management of the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, or the Receiver appointed by him : And whereas, in pursuance of the Provisions of the said Act of the Twenty-third Year of the Reign of King George the Second, there is now paid out of Duties which form Part of the said Consolidated Fund to the Clerk of the Hanaper an annual Sum, to he paid over by him to the Master of the Rolls, who out of the same has to pay Taxes and Duties, which form Part of the said Consolidated Fund, and then by virtue of the said first-recited Act receives back from the said Consolidated Fund the Amount of such Taxes and Duties, and any other Deficiency in the Amount of his Salary : And whereas the several complicated Transactions aforesaid would be rendered unnecessary if the said ancient Payments, amounting to the yearly Sum of Forty-five Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven-pence and the said yearly Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds, were no longer to be paid by the Clerk of the Hanaper to the Master of the Rolls, or accounted for as Part of his annual Salary : And whereas the Fees payable to the Master of the Rolls by the Registrars of the Court of Chan-13 eery415 1° VICTORIA, Cap.40. eery consist of the Sum of Six Shillings and Eight-pence out of the Fees received by them from the Suitors upon every Decree or Dismission, which are Taxes on the Administration of Justice, and the same could not, it is apprehended, be abolished by virtue of the Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act for the Regulation of the Proceedings and Practice of 3& -l VV. 4. certain Officers of the High Court of Chancer;) in England, because c 94-the same had been made to contribute towards the Payment of the Salary of the Master of the Rolls : And whereas the only Fees payable to the Master of the Rolls which are received by his Under Secretary are the Sum of Five Pounds Seven Shillings and Sixpence upon the Admission of every Sworn Clerk, and a Sum of Five Shil-lino-s for allowing a Marshalsea Court Writ or Warrant to be executed within the Liberty of the Rolls : And whereas it is expedient that the said Fee or Sum of Six Shillings and Eight-pence payable to the Master of the Rolls upon every Decree or Dismission, and the saul Fees payable to the Master of the Rolls on the Admission of Cleiks in Court, and on Leave to execute Marshalsea Court Writs within the Liberty of the Rolls, should be abolished : And whereas it will be more convenient, and more consistent with the Honour and Dignity of the Master of the Rolls, that the said full annual Sum of°Seven thousand Pounds should be received by him wholly out of the said Consolidated Fund, and that the said Fees and Payments now received by him, and other the Emoluments oi his Office, should be paid into the Receipt of Her Majesty’s Exchequer in ease of the public Revenue, than that he should receive such Fees, Payments, and Emoluments, and have to account for the same as Parts of his Salary: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Act of the The Acts Seventeenth Year of the Reign of King George the Third (except so ^.3.^9, far as respects any Leases made in pursuance of the Power therein con- c 107 ’r'e_' tained), and also the said first-mentioned Act of the First Year of the peaied. Reign of King of George the Fourth, shall be and the same are hereby repealed : Provided always, that the Repeal of the said Acts shall not revive any Act or Part of uu Act thereby respectively repealed. II. And be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Rolls Estate Act the said Mansion House, with the Court-yard, Garden, Stable, Coach-house, and other Houses and Buildings thereunto belonging, and the said Chapel and several Messuages and Hereditaments adjoining or near thereto, commonly called the Rolls Estate, or the House or Hospital of the Converts, of which a Particular or Rental is contained in the Schedule to this Act, and the Rents which have accrued or shall accrue or become due for the same from the Fifth Day of Januari) last, and all other Rents and Hereditaments which are now vested in the Master of the Rolls by virtue of the Letters latent by which he was appointed Master of the Rolls, (other than and except the said Office of Keeper or Master of the Rolls, Books, Writs, and Records of the Chancery of England, and subject to such Leases of Parts of the Hereditaments which are now subsisting and have been granted416 1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. granted in pursuance of the Powers of Acts of Parliament hereinbefore mentioned or any of them,) and also the said Offices in the said Rolls Yard for the Examiners, Cursitors, Clerks of the Crown and Clerks of the Petty Bag of the High Court of Chancery, and all other Messuages, Hands, and Hereditaments which by virtue of any Act or Acts of Parliament are vested in the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, with their Appurtenances, shall be and the same are hereby vested in Her Majesty as Part of the Possessions and Land Revenues of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in right of the Crown, and shall no longer be granted as heretofore to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, or annexed to the said Office, and shall be within the ordering and Survey of the Court of Exchequer in England, and subject to the Provisoes, Powers, and Authorities contained in the Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled 10G.4.C.50. An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Management and Improvement of His Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases, of the Land Revenue of the Crown within the Survey of the Exchequer in England, and of the Land Revenue of the Crown in Ireland, and for extending certain Provisions relating to the same to the Isles Oj Man and Alderney, and in the Act passed in the Second Year of 2YV.4. c. 1. the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act for uniting the Office of the Surveyor General of His Majesty’s Works and Public Buildings with the Office of the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, and for other Purposes relating to the Land Revenues, and to all such other Provisions, Powers, and Authorities in every respect as the other Possessions and Land Revenues of the Crown within the ordering and Survey of the said Court of Exchequer are subject to. Provision III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That there shall be con-fortheCon- tinued or provided and maintained the said Court of the Master ot of the Rolls as one of the Judges of the Court of Chancery, and the Court Chapel Rooms adjacent thereto, and now used for the Administration of and Offices. Justice, or some other convenient Court and Rooms for the same Purposes in the said Mansion House, or upon or near the Site thereof, or in some other convenient Place, and a Chapel called the Rolls Chapel, for the Performance of Divine Worship in the said present Chapel, or upon or near the Site thereof, and also Offices to be used and occupied by the said Examiners, Clerks of the Crown and Clerks of the Petty Bag of the High Court of Chancery, for the Use and Purposes of their respective Offices in the said Offices now in the Rolls Yard, or upon or near the Sites thereof, or in some other convenient Places. CommisKion IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for era of Woods t]ie ga;j Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Land bf ffi^Trea'1 Revenues, Works, and Buildings, by the Direction of the Lord High surVmay61* Treasurer or any Three of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Trea-appropriate SUry for the Time being, at any Time or Times hereafter to appro-any Part of .)rjate any part or Parts which they may think proper of the ^te'for'the*" Messuages, Buildings, Ground, and Hereditaments now called the Purposes of Rolls Estate to or for the Purposes of any of the Courts of any of the Judgesr VICTORIA, Cap.40. 417 Judges of t he Court of Chancery, or of any Courts, of Law or Equity any of the or Bankruptcy, or of any Office or Offices belonging to or connected ocpmUofT with the Business of any such Court or Courts, or for a Depository of 0f Records.' the Records of the Court of Chancery, which arc now accustomed to be kept in the said Rolls Chapel, or of any other Records of any other of Her Majesty’s Courts of Law or Equity, or other Public Records, or for any other public Purpose connected with the Administration of Justice, or the Custody or Preservation of Records or Documents, and for such Purpose or Purposes or any of them to cause any Building or Buildings thereon to be altered or pulled down, or any Building or Buildings to be erected thereon. V. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioners for the Time Separate Ac-being of Her Majesty’s Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and ““"to“be Buildings shall cause a separate and distinct Account to be kept in ^jon;es re. the Books of their Office of the Rents and Profits and other Monies ceived and received in respect of the Hereditaments vested in Her Majesty by virtue paid under of this Act, and of the Payment and Application of the same, and th,8AC • after deducting thereout all the Expences incidental to the Collection and Management of the same Rents, Profits, and Hereditaments shall yearly and every Year pay over the Residue of the said Rents and Profits and other Monies to be received as aforesaid into the Receipt of Her Majesty’s Exchequer at Westminster to the Account of the Consolidated Fund. VI. And be it enacted, That the said Accountant General of the SJle of Stock Court of Chancery shall and he is hereby required, by Order or ^ ^"gof Orders of the Master of the Rolls to be made in a summary Way A( Un(| 0,her upon the Petition of any Person who shall be appointed by the Lord Co- i«, and High Treasurer or any Three of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Residue Treasury for the Time being by Writing under his or their Hands to ""ep‘r0t of receive the Monies to be produced by the Sale of the said Sum of consolidated Four thousand and eighty-one Pounds Four Shillings and Four-pence, Fund. Three per Centum Bank Annuities, now standing in the Name of the said Accountant General, “ The Account of the Rolls Estate as aforesaid, after Payment of such Costs as herein-after are mentioned, to sell the said Sum of Four thousand and eighty-one Pounds Four Shillings and Four-pence, Three per Centum Bank Annuities, and out of the Monies to be produced by Sale thereof to pay to the Person or Persons named in such Order or Orders to receive the same all the Costs and Charges of procuring and passing this Act, and of all Proceedings had or to be had in pursuance thereof, which shall be directed to be paid thereout by such Lord High lreasurer, or Three of the Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, together with the Costs of such Petition and Order, and all Costs relating thereto, the Amount thereof to be certified by One of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, and to pay to the Petitioner appointed to receive the same as aforesaid the Residue of the Monies to be produced by such Sale, after Payment of all such Costs and Charges as aforesaid, for the Purpose of being paid by such Petitioner into the Receipt of Her Majesty’s Exchequer, and the same shall he carried to the Credit of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 0 N VII. And418 Ancient Payments out of the Hanaper to cease. Repeal of^ Provision in 23 G.2.C.25. Abolishing Payment of certain Fees to the Master of the Rolls. Other Fees to be paid into the Exchequer. Repeal of Provision in 0 G. 4. c. 81. 1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. VII. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act the said ancient Payments, amounting to the yearly Sum of Forty-five Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven-pence, payable by the Clerk of the Hanaper out of the Income or Revenue of his Office to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, shall be discontinued and be no longer payable. VIII. And be it enacted, That so much of the-said Act of the Twenty-third Year of the Reign of King George the Second as directs the Payment of the said Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds by the Clerk of the Hanaper to the Master of the Rolls shall be and the same is hereby repealed. IX. And be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act the said Fee or Part of a Fee received by the Master of the Rolls for the Time being from the Registrars of the said Court of Chancery out of the Fees received by them upon every Decree or Dismission, shall no longer be received or be payable to the Use of the Master of the Rolls, or be received or payable to the said Registrars from the Person or Persons by whom such Fees are payable to them ; and also that the said Fee received by or paid to the Use of the Master of the Rolls upon the Admission of any Sworn Clerk, and the said Fee received by or paid to the Use of the Master ot the Rolls for allowing a Marshalsea Court Writ or Warrant to be executed within the Liberty of the Rolls as herein-before is mentioned, shall no longer be received or payable. X. And be it enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven no Fees or pecuniary Profits whatever, other than and except such Fees or pecuniary Profits as shall have accrued or become payable previously to the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and other than and except the Salary directed to be paid by this Act, shall be received by or be payable to the Use of the Master ot the Rolls in respect of the Execution of his Office; and that all and every Officers and Persons who now receive for or pay to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being any Fees, Portion or Portions of Fees, or any other Sum or Sums of Money whatsoever in respect of his Office, shall continue to receive the same, or the like Fees, Portion or Portions of Fees, and Sums of Money (except such as are hereby abolished) for the public Use, and shall jury the same into Her Majesty’s Exchequer, at such Times and Seasons as the same have been heretofore usually paid to the Master of the Rolls for the Time being, or at such other Times and Seasons, and in such Manner, and subject to such Regulations, as the Lord High Treasurer or any Three ot tire Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury tor the Time being shall from Time to Time direct, anil with such Deductions and Allowances only as have been heretofore usually made and allowed. XI. And be it enacted, That so much of the said Aetoi the Sixth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth as relates to the Salary of the Master of the Rolls, and requires an Account of the Amount of Fees paid to him, or'of Sums of Money received or payable to his 4. Use,1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. 41i) Use, to be delivered from Time to Time to the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being, shall be and the-same is hereby repealed, save and except as to the Delivery of such Account up to the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and the Payment to the Master of the [tolls out of the Consolidated Fund as heretofore of the Deficiency (if any) in the Amount of his Salary up to that Day. XII. And be it enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of Salary to be July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven there shall be issued and paid and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon ¡n |ien 0° s the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Fees. Ireland, (after paying or reserving .sufficient to pay all such Sum and Sums of Money as have been directed by any former Act or Acts to be paid out of the same, but with Preference to all other Payments which shall or may hereafter be charged upon or payable out of the same Fund,) for the Salary of the Master of the Rolls of the Court of Chancery in England, in lieu of all pecuniary Fees and Emoluments now received by him, the annual Sum of Seven thousand Pounds, to be computed and commenced, in the Case of the present Master of the Rolls, from the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and to be computed and commenced, in the Case of every succeeding Master of the Rolls, from the Death or Resignation of his immediate Predecessor, in like Manner as if his Appointment bore Date the Day next subsequent to the Day of the Death or Resignation of his Predecessor ; which said annual Sum of Seven thousand Pounds shall from Time to Time be payable and paid quarterly, free and clear fiom Land Tax and all other Taxes and Deductions whatsoever, on the Filth Day of January, the Fifth Day of April, the Fifth Day of July, and the Tenth Day of October in each and every Year, by even and equal Portions, the first Payment thereof to be made on the Tenth Day of October next after the passing of this Act; and if any Person having the Office of Master of the Rolls shall die or resign such Office, the Executors or Administrators of the Person so dying or resigning such Office shall be entitled to sucli proportionable Part of the said Salary as shall have accrued during the Time that such Person shall have executed the said Office. XIII. And be it further enacted, That from and after the. said Salary to be Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven Pai(1 ‘° lhe there shall be issued and paid and payable out of and charged and Read?* and chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of clerk at Great Britain and Ireland (after paying or reserving sufficient to pay tire Holla all such Sum and Sums of Money as have been directed by any former clmPel-Act or Acts to be paid out of the same, but with Preference to all other Payments which shall or may hereafter be charged upon or payable out of the same Fund,) in lieu of the yearly Payments now made out of the'Rents and Profits of the said Rolls Estates to the Preacher and Reader of the said Rolls Chapel, and to the Clerk attending the Performance of Divine Service there, and for keeping the said Chapel clean, and on the same Days or Times and in the same Manner as the said annual Salary of Seven thousand Pounds is heroin-before directed to be issued and paid to the Master of the Rolls, the annual Sum of Two420 Master of the Rolls to have the same Power of appointing Officers as he now exercises. 1° VICTORIA, Cap.40. Two hundred and twenty-five Pounds to the Preacher for the Time being of the Rolls Chapel, to he paid and applied by him (in such Proportions and in such Manner as the Master of the Rolls for the Time being shall think proper and direct) to the Preacher and Reader at the said Chapel, and to the Clerk attending the Performance of Divine Worship thcrein, and in payment of the Expences attending the Performance of Divine Worship at the said Chapel, and of keeping the said Chapel clean. XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, I hat the Master of the Rolls for the Time being shall be entitled to appoint all such Officers (except the Receiver of the Rents of the Rolls Estate) as he would have been entitled to appoint if this Act had not been made • and that the present and all future Officers appointed by the Master of the Rolls (except such Receiver as aforesaid) shall have all such and the same Powers, Authorities, Jurisdictions, and Privileges and shall be entitled to the same Salaries, Fees, Profits, and Emoluments, as they would have been entitled to have, receive, and enjoy if this Act had not been made. The1° VICTORIA, Cap.46. Hie SCHEDULE to which this Act refers. 421 The Rolls Estate consists of the following Particulars : 1 lie Mansion House, in which is the Court. The Chapel and Office thereto belonging. The Secretary’s Office. Coach-house and Stables. Porter’s Lodge. Robing Room. Also of the following Houses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 It 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 Holmes Meharey Kennedy Oakley Price Lightfoot Coleman West Highatt Reeve Crookes Batchelor Mosley Savage Maclean Smith Birch Shaw and Sons Levy Bealby Shaw Quin Allingham Sewell Talmage Oakley Number Rental. TENANTS. Number of Expiration of the Term. Yearly Rent. Fetter Lane. 123 129 125 119 115 133 124 117 130 118 120 112 113 111 135 127 116 136 131 114 137 122 121 182 - | 134 - I 20 Chancery Lane. 5 July 1845 5 July 1838 5 July 1846 5 January 1847 5 July 1845 5 January 1855 5 January 1857 5 July 1840 5 July 1847 5 July 1847 5 July 1845 5 January 1839 5 January 1839 5 July 1841 5 July 1848 10 October 1851 -5 January 1852 - 5 January 1847 . 25 December 1840 5 April 1840 5 July 1847 5 January 1839 - 5 January 1848 5 January 1846 . 5 January 1848 - S July 1850 £ s. d. 36 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 50 0 0 35 0 0 33 0 0 31 10 0 44 0 0 28 0 0 54 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 42 0 0 100 0 0 34 0 0 T3 10 0 35 0 0 32 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 36 0 0 40 0 0 Moulton Northcroft - 18 1 5 July 1858 . 56 1 Walford 97 5 July 1843 . 1 42 ' 5 O 8 | 5 January 1MB - | 54422 FVICTORIÆ, Cap.46. Number Rental. TENANTS. Number of Houses. Expiration of the Term. Yearly Rent. Chancery Lane—continued. 30 Heath _ il 5 January 1841 31 Steer _ 15 5 January 1845 32 Mayhew - 19 5 July 1845 33 Acton - 17 5 January 1840 34 Chilton - 7 5 July 1838 35 Ryder - 35 5 July 1838 36 Steel - 12 - 37 Baddeley - 5 5 April 1856 37 a Carlon - 6 5 April 1856 38 Thomson - 9 5 January 1845 39 Battye 20 - 40 Davies - 13 5 July 1852 41 Jones - 10 5 January 1845 42 Hamilton - 16 5 July 1838 43 Offord - 98 10 October 1838 - Carey Street. 44 I Hepburn - - | 61 | 5 January 1837 - | Rolls Buildings. 45 Moy i 5 April 1841 46 Reeve 4 5 July 1837 47 Legg - 17 5 July 1847 48 Barrack 3 - 49 Tristón - 2 5 January 1848 50 Smith 19 5 July 1845 51 Robertson 18 5 January 1848 52 Walker 19 5 July 1848 53 Hasterick 16 - 54 Howlett - - - 6 5 July 1845 Waste Land at Norwood. 55 I Richardson - - | - - - | - £ s. d. 50 0 0 63 0 0 50 0 0 35 0 0 52 10 0 50 0 0 60 0 0* 70 0 0 93 0 0 54 0 0 40 0 0» 60 0 0 60 0 0 36 0 0 40 0 0 60 0 0* 29 0 0 35 0 0 38 0 0 36 0 O' 38 0 0 38 0 0 40 0 0 38 0 0 38 0 0* 34 0 0 1 1 0 The Leases of the Houses which are distinguished by the Mark (*) have expired. The following Offices, (videlicet,) the Subpoena Office, the Exnminer’s Office, the Crown Office in Chancery, and the Petty Bag Office, and some Rooms in which Records are deposited, are also situate upon the Rolls Estate; but, under the Statute Fiftieth George the Third, Chapter One hundred and sixty-four, they are vested in the Master of the Rolls, in Trust and for the Purposes of the Act only. LONDON : Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty. 18S7-I