ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N ACT F O ft The Erecting and Building of â New àhd convenient Gaol and Marihalfea in the City; of Limerick for the County, and County of the City of Limerick ; and to enable certain Truftecs or Commiffioners therein named, to Purchafe Ground whereon to Ereâ and Build the fame. DUBLIN: Printed by the Executors of David HaV, Affignee of tbe late Grierson, Printer to the King's Moll Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxxxiv. C rt a t>. XLlV. O 3.S' 7 S’ [ 837 ] : Anno Rcgni Vicefimo Tertio & Quarto Georgii III. Regis. • CHAP. XLIV. ' An Ait for the Ereiting and Building of a New and convenient Gaol and Marfhalfea in the City of Limerick for the County, and County of the City of Limerick; and to enable certain Tmftees or CommiiTioners therein named, to purchafe Ground whereon to ereil and Build the lame. C it C- % the pretent ©aol ant) i|9arihalfea belonging to the Count? attb Count? of the Cit? of Limerick is too narroto anb ilLcontritoeb fot the deception anb fafe anb ccnbcnient Hobging of fitch JFelonS, l&nfonrrs, ot debtors as arc oi ma? be confincb therein, anb is note in a bcr? ruinous dtate: 3fitb toherea sthe Situation thereof is fo confincb, that a healthful anb conbcnient <5aol anb i©arfl)alfea cannot be eretteb anb built 10 C tljcreon : C H A P- XLIV. 838 Änho Regni Vlcciimo tertio &c quarto Chap, tjjcrcon j 2inD boljcrcas a more ijcaltijM XL1V anb conucmtttt picte of örotmtr mar tie ' ' ijaD in faib Citp foi tije purpofc afozcfaib, probibcb tljat proper. Actions be legallp cmpotocrcD to Xrcat foz, anb ^BurcIjaCc tije faule: ©e it fijcrcfoje Cnaiteb bp tije Bing’s <$joft Cjrcclliftt ipajcltp, bp anb öhtb tije 2ibbice anb Content of tijt Xotbs £>pirL tual anb Xemporal, anb Commons in tj)is prefent parliament 3Ufembleb, anb bp tije ^tutljoiitp of tije fame, Xbat tije Bigljt Bcberenb iLotb ©if!)op of Limerick, fot tije Xime being, tije Bigljt honoura; blC Edmond Sexton Pery, Speaker Of tije houfc of Commons, tiie honourable Hugh Mafly, $>ir Henry Hartftonge, ©aronet, Thomas Smyth, Cfquire, tije ir Richard Quinn of tf)C faitlC, ©arOttCt, John Pigott, Cfquire, of Mount Pigott, Standilh Grady of Cappercullen, CfquitC, Edmond Henry Pery, of tl)C Citp Of Limerick, Cfquire, tije Collectot of Limerick foi tije Xirnc being, Caleb Powell of tije faib Citp, Cfquire, Standilh Grady Of Elton, CL qtiire, Thomas Weftropp Of Ballyfteen, CL quite, Ralph Weftropp Of Attyflin, Cfquire, Vere Hunt 31uni0t of Currah, Gfquite, Robert Hunt of Inchiroork, Cfquire, Lancelot Hill Cfquire,of tije Citp of Limerick, Bcbe= tcttb William Thomas Maunfell 'JtrcbbCatOll Of Kildare, Richard Maunfell of tije Citp of Limerick, Cfquire, William Gabbet of Carline, Cfquire, Walter Widendham, Cfquire, Eaton Maunfell, Cfquire, John Croker, CL quire,Georgii Tcrtii Regis, 839 (IMirC, Robert Villers, G fritti IT, Of Kiìpeaken, Ch a r Edward Croker of Ballinagard, BcbCl'ClîD Charles Smyth Of Croah, BcbCtCltfi Thomas Grady, John Dowdall Hammond Df tl)C CltP Of Limerick, GfrlUÍre, BCbCrettfi John Seymour of fatò Clip, Bet)CtTltÖ Henry Ingrani of fato Clip, auD William Fitzgerald of Billinard fijall bc appomtcD Commtlïïoitcrs for tïjc löttrpofc of löttrrljaitng a conbcni ent atto ptoper iDicec of Grounfi töijcrcon to crctt attfi builö faifi <5aol anfi £l3ar(î)al fea, anû toljcn tlje fante fljallbccoinpicatefi ano Putii fot tlje löurpofc of Difpoùug of fíje lötete o? lölot of <3rottnfi toljcrcon tlje prefent <5aol ftattBS, anD all tlje Crateri; als tljcrcof totoarfis fiefrapingtljc Grpcncc toljicíj Ujall be incumfi, bp erettine attb builfiing tlje fato j|2cb) intenbeb öaol attb S0arfljalfea. 3nD tofjercas ttpon ^htfpcction beittg ìaiclp mafie bp feberal of tlje principal 3¡ínl)tíbÍtatttS Of tljC fait) Cítp Of Limerick, it lias beett foniti) tljat a certain löiccc of örottttfi nearlp afijoining to tlje Biber Shannon, in an open îjeàltfjful anû tonbe= nient jáart of faifi Cítp, tan bc reafona= bip purcljaCcfi anö appiícfi to tlje löurpofe afotefaífi, tonici) faifi jDicce of örounfi bp a ántrbcp tpercof latclp mafie* lias bettt founfito contain about Xtoo Ijunûreû Jfeet in Jfront to faifi Biber, anfi about Xtoo ipunfirefi jfeet in 3>eptlj, be tlje fame mote ot lefs : »e it tljereforc Cnattefi bp tje ^utljotitp afotefaifi, tljat tlje Gommilüon= ers atotefaifi, ot anp jfibeot moteof Xljcm, fljall anD map mcct anfi iSffemblc tljern^ lo Ga reibest 840 Anno Regni vlcefimo tertio & quarto Chap. fclbCS at tl)C ThoJfel of tlje Citp Of XUV. Limerick Olt tI)C firfl XltCfDap in tl)t fpoittl) of [uiy, iPne tljoufanD febett fjun= tirco anD cigfjtp four, anti aftertoarbs at furl) Ximcs, attD at fuel) plates in tlje fatD Citp of Limerick as tijcp fljall from Ximc to Ximc tljittlt proper; anD aU fo, tljat it fljall anD map be latoful to attD foz tijc fatD CommiUtotters oz attp fine oz mozc of tijcm, to Contract attD agree tbitij tljc flutters, Xcffees, anD ¿Pcciipn crs of, attD all otljcr |3crfons intcrcftcD tit fuclj ijoufcs, Xenemcnts, CDiftces, Crcc* tions anD ©uilDings noto ftanDing, o? being ott tijc faiD #iccc of <3rotutD, oz con-tiguous oz aDjoinittg tijereto, anD toljic|> tijcp fljall juDgc itcccffarp to be fatten Doton attD rcntobeD foz tije fftttrpofc of clearing tijc jfouitDation, anD gibing a rcafonable anD proper Cjctcnt anD 3lrea foz tlje builDing of faiD ©aol anD ¿Parfljallea foz tijc abfolute iDttrcljafe of tijc fame, anD from Ximc to Xime to ©cCigtt, 3tflcgn, anD Xap out ijoto attD in boljat ¿painter, attD ixiitlj ioijat Materials tijc faiD <3aoI oz ¿Parfljalfea fljall be ercctcD anD built, anD ijot» tijc fame anD tijc faiD BttilDtttgs map attD fljall from Ximc to Ximc be prcferbcD attD fecpt in gooD Repair, attD £>zDcr, anD to mafec Contracts, anD to Do all ofijez ¿Patters attD Xljittgs recjuifite foz carrping ott, anD effecting tijc fDurpo= fes DirccteD bp tins ct to be Done, anD foz tauftttg tijc fame to be effcctuallp #cr= fcctcD as to tfjern fljall fecm meet. 5lttD be it further CnactcD bp tlje 5lu= tijoritp afozefaiD, Xijat tijc £>itc oz <3rounD on toljicl) tlje prefent ©aol oz ¿Parfljalfea ftanDSGeot-gii Tertii Regis; ffàttbb, ano aXl Ximber, atones, Bticbs, Xilcs, plates, plattfts, Jvan, llcao, ©lafs, ano all otljcr Materials belonging ot ap= pertaining io tljefatnc, fidali bc atto tfje tame arc hereby belleO in rìjc fato ©om= mifltoners, atto tlje Caio ©otniniiTtoncrS are hereby required tojjcnfocbcr tlje fato prefetti ©aol ot (Barfljalfca fltail bc fallen Oolxm, to Caufè fuel) Ximber, Atones* BricltS, Xilcs, Slates, planlts, 3Ron, ?UaO, ©lafs, ano otltcv 0)atcrials, as tije fame is compofcd of, ano alfo tlje ©round toljereon tlje fame llanos, to bc OifpofeO of fot tlje bell latice tljat ran be IjaO fot tilt fame, ano to apply tlje net ptoOttce tjjcreof totoarOS defraying tlje Gjc= pence tljat fljall be incttrreO by erecting tlje faiO nei» itttenOeO ©aol atto fiparfljalfea, anO purcljaftng tlje ©tonno toljcrcon tlje fame is to be erectco ano built. 3tnd be it further enacted by tlje %\x-tijotity afotefaio, Xljat it fljall atto may be lataful to atto fot all Bodies politico anO Cotpotatc Xrttllecs, ©ttardians of infants, Committees of Xunaticbs, atto 50iOtS, Femes Covert fc)Ìtjj tlJCÌr IJUSbattOS, atto all otljer perfons toljatfoebcr, ruijo are ot fljall be feifeb ot polfcffcO of ot in= terefted in any ijottfcs, Buildings, ot ©rounds toljicii by t?je faiO ©ommiflton' ers, ot any jfibc ot more of tljcm, fljafl be tljougljt ttcceCTary to be purcijafcO fot any of tlje pttrpofcs of tljis 31 ct, by 2DeedS inOentcb and enrolled, to fell atto contoey all ot any fttclj ijottfes, Building, ot ©round, ot any part tijereof, to tlje faid Cotnmifitoners ; and tljat all Con* io 2D tracts842 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto c h a p. tratte, Agreements, ®argains, é>ales, ani» xliv. conOepances toltici) fl)ali ì»e fo ntaOe tip '—■ furi) jkrfons as afozefaiO, it)att he gooD anD pali® in Hai» to all intente ano purpofes b)Ì)atfocbcr, Atto be it furiaci CnactcO bp ti)e Au* tijozitp afozefaiO, Xijat if anp perfon 0? perfotts, ®oDics poiitiefc oz Cozpozate, 0? otijcr pcrfoit oz perfotts fiabittg oz Claim* ing anp ditate, Xitle, Xcrm, oz ‘Jntereft in futi) l^oufes, ®uilDingS, oz <5routto as afozefaiO, fljall vefttfe to agree tutti) tije faio Commifltoners, oz anp Jfibe oz mote of tijem, foz tije é>alc ano Conbepance of tijeir rcfpettibe Xigijts, Xitles, Xcrtns, aito 3interefts tijcrcin, oz tljall not pzo* buce oz ebincc a citar Xitle to Cuci) Cf* tate, JRigijt, Xitle, Xerm, oz gjntcreii as tijep Claim, to tije é>atiSfaction of tije faib Commifltoners, 0? anp Jfibe oz mote of tijem, tijcn ano in futi) Cafe it fljall ano map be iabafni to ano fot ti)e faio Com* mifltotters, oz anp Jfibe 0? mote of tijcm, ano tijep are ijerebp empotoereO ano au* ti)oti3e0 to rifu e a iZUarrant oz CHarrants, pzccept oz pzecepts, OirectcO to tije M)e* riffs of tije Citp of Limerick, tDÌ)0 Ore f)CVC' bp autijoziieO, OirectcO, ano requiteO ac* cozOinglp to impannel ano return a com* petent jflumber of fubilantial perfon qualifico to ferbe on “Jutics, not iefs tijan Xl)irtp=fi;c, no» mote tljatt £>ijctp, otit of toi)iti) perfons fo to be impanitene®, fum* monco, ano returncD, a 3lurp of Xtoelbe perfotts fl)all be Oraton bp fonte perfon, to be bp tije. faio Commifltoners, oz anp jfibe oz moze of tijem, appointeb in furi) bannerGéorgii Tertii Regís. 843 fanner as guríes foz tíjc iríais óf c « A p. 3Jffues jointfi íh i)is £0ajettp’S jfour Courts at Dublin, fip an 3lct mafic in ti)c Xtocntpsnintlj gear of $is late ipajeflp ISting George tlje ¿PCCOllfi, intítUlCfi, An aft for the better regulating Juries, atC fiítCttCD tO fie firaton; tuljlcfj perfons fo to fie impan-nellefi, fummonefi anfi returnefias afozefaifi, are ijerebp require!) to come anfi appear fie* foie tlje faifi Commifitoners, 02 anp Jfific 01 mo?e of tljem, at fuel) Xiine anfi plate as in fuel) ilfilarrant 02 CKftarrants, pze¿ cept 0? pzcccpts fljall fie fiirettefi anfi aps pointefi, anfi to attenfi tlje faifi Commifí {toners, ’till fiifcljargcfi fip tlje faifi Coins miiliottcfS, anfi all parties conccrnefi lljall anfi map Ijafic tljeir iatoful Challenges againli anp of tlje faifi 3iurp á9en, fiut fljall not be at ILibcrtp to challenge tlje 3lrrap; anfi tlje faifi Commiffioncrs, 0? anp Jfifie 02 mote of tljem are Ijcrcfip am tijoji3efi anfi impotoerefi bp pjcccpt cj piecepts, from Xime to %imt as Dcca= fion Ojalf require, to call fiefoje tljem all anfi efierp perfon anfi perfons toljatfoefier tnijo lljall fie thought pzoper 02 iteccCTarp to fie epaminefi as ÍUIitncffcs befoze tljem on their Datlj 02 £>atljs, toucjjing 0? concerns ing t|je pzemilfes, anfi fljall Ijafie potocr to afijourn fucij fleeting from Dap to Dap as Dttafton fljail require, anfi to toms maufi fucij 3Jurp, ¡HKitncffcs anfi parties to attenfi, until fucij Affairs foz tnljiclj tijep to ere fummonefi lljall be concluficfi, anfi tlje faifi 3Utrp fljall, upon tljeir Datljs (toljiclj Datljs, as alfo tlje Datljs to fuel) perfon oz perfons as fljall fie callea upon to gibe Cfiificnce, tlje fail) Commifüoncrs, 10 D 2 02844 Anno Regni vìeefimo tertio Se quarto c h a p. Di anp Jribe Od mote of ti)cm, are Ijerebp xi.iv. cmpolucrcD anD requircD to aDminiiler,) (ijall citquire of tlje tEaluc of ftici) f>oufes, jsuiiDings, atto «EDifttes, anD of tlje re^ fpcttibc EGate, ®ligl)t, Xitlc, Xerm, anD gjntcrcG of tbcrp $crfon 0? $crfons feifet od poffcffcD tl)ercof, od intereGeD tljcrcítt, o? of od in anp $art tijereof, anD Gjall afCcfs od ataarD tije ^um od £>ums to De paiD to eberp futi) ièerfon od #erfon5 fod tXje löurcbafc of futi) ti)eir re* fpectibc unts of fi0oncp fo to De af= feffcD ; tubiti) faiD UlerDict od tlcrbicts, anD ti)t faiD 3JuDgment, SDetree, od 2petcr* mination tbercupon, (jBotite in ¡HJritíng beíng giben to tbe #crfon od iDcrfons hu tcreGcD, at leali ^onrteen 2Daps Defode tbe Xime of tlje jfirG <$)ecting of tije faiD gjttrp, Detlaring tije Xime anD leíate of futi) Meeting of tije faiD Commiffioncrs anD gjurp, bp leabing futi) jBotite at ti)c Dtacili ng=f)oufc of futi) ikrfon od ^er= fons, od at i)is, ber, od tijeir ufual jálate od places of iäboDt, od taiti) fonie Xcnant od £>tcupicr of tlje Ijoufcs, BuilDings, od ßdounD íntcnDcD to be baiucD od alfciTcD, in tafe futi) $artp tannot bc founD out in tijC ecrees, anD ail otljer îâiocceDittgs of tDe faiD Contmifûoners anD 3iury, to De ntaDe, giDen, anD pîonouttccD as afoiefaiD, (bail De fairly toritten on îDarcDment, anD ûgneD anD fcaleD Dy tïje ntaj'oî îdart of tijc faiD Commifûoncrs toflo toere pîcfent at anD piononnceD fucD 3iuDgments aitD créés, anD ail UerDicts, JuDginents, Dc= créés, £>jDcrs, anD otljer ^iorccûtitgs of tïje faiD Commifûoncrs anD furies, fbaH De entereD in tïje 3&olls=Dfltcc of $is i|5a-jetty’s ït>igî) Court of CDanrcry, anD tïje fame, oî truc Copies tDercof, fljall De DeemeD anD taiten to De gooD CDiDencc tDercof in any Court of Hato oî Cquity toijatfoeDcr. 2lnb De it furtïjer CnatteD Dy tïje % tu tDority aforefaiD, Xijat upott payment of fucjb âmm anD £>ums of ißoney fo to De atoarDcD anû aDjuDgcD, the #crfon or Verrons to toDom tDe fame fljall De atoarDcD fo? tDe $urcDafe of tïje faiD i^oufcs, ©uilDings, oi <5rounD, oî foî tDe îôur^ tDafe of any Cftate, Bigljt, Xitle, %txm: dì finterei* tDerein, fljall malte anû Cre= cute, oi fêuocure to De màDc anD crccutcD, ConDeyances Dy toay of DecDS of ©argain anD î&alcs, oî ^fltgnment. 02 otljertoifc, to to C tDe '845 C H A l*. XL1V.846 Anno Regni vicefimo tcrtio He quarto c h a v. tijc fain Commiffioners of tlje faio l)oufcs, X11V a¿uiloings 02 0rounOS> 02 of furi) Citate, ’ j&igìjt, Xitlc, Xcrm, 0? ^Interrii fot tubici) futi) Suini 02 Sumís of £0onep fljali bc fo atwarOeD ; ani itt Cafe futi) $erfon 0: perfons to tobom futi) énitn 02 Smms fljall be atoarbeb as afruefaio, fljall not bc able to cbinre tbeir Xitle to tlje prcinif; fes torijefaiO GoininifQoncrs, anb to áJaUe 02 Rotture to bc mabe goob, balio ano legai Genbcpanccs tljcrcof to tlje faiO Cornimi fioners as fljall refufe fo toDo, being tljcre= unto rcquirco, ano futi) àmm 02 Smtns fo alfeffcO ano atnarOcO as afojefaiO being tcn= OcrcO to be paio to l)im, ijcr 02 tl)ein, on tijcir mahiitg futi) Xitle, ano cjcctuting 02 P20-turing to bc ejcccutco futi) Gonbepanccs, Stflignmcnts ano ^{Turantes as afo2CfaiO, et in Cafe futi) i&crfon 02 jècrfons to tobom futi) Suini 02 Smms of à)onep fljall bc atbarDcD as afotefaio, tannot be founo in tlje faiO Clip, 02 in Cafe bp &cafon of ©ifputcs 02 ©iffcrcttces, 02 fot SDcfctt of G-biocncc, it fljall not appear to rije fato Gommiflioners txiitat #crfon 02 $crfons is 02 are intitleo to tl)c #2cimffes in quef-tioit, tljcn ano ineberp fuclj Gafe as afore* faiO, it fljall ano map bc latoful to ano fot ti)c faiO Gommiflioncrs, 02 anp i?ibc or more of rijan, to pap iato ano Oepoùt into tl)c Banlt of Irciand, rijc faiO S>nm ot Smms fo alfclfcO 02 atoarOcO, as t?)e inaine of, ano itUirrijafe £0oncp for rije faiO ijoufes, O&uilDings, anO0rounO; ano ìjis Ì0ajcftp’s f)ig?) Gourt of Gl)ancerp in tflis iaingOom is Ijcrcbp cinpotuerco in a Smmmarp toap, upon tlje febetal periti* ons of tfje refpettibc patries, to i^ear, 3Iti0gcGeorgii Tertii Regis. 847 3Jubge of, anti Determine, as t»cll bp €jc= c h a k amination of QElitncftes upon Datit, as bp XL-1> - y all other 22Iaps anb H0caitS tobicb the ^ faib Court (ball Jubgc proper, thcfebcral HightS, Claims, anb Dcmanbs of all #crfons intcrefteb in or upon the fcbcral iDottfcs, BuilbingS anb Orounb that Ifiall be balueb, anb to aftertain anb malic Dr* bers for the $apmcnt unto fuch $erfon anb l^erfons refpcctibclp, accorbing to their febcral winter ells, fuclj Share anb ^ro= portion of fuch #urchafe £0oncp as the faib Court of Chanccrp {ball 3i«bge fit, tobicb Siubgmcnt in fuclj Cafe fljall be final anb coitclufibe, anb immebiatclp ups on fuch l&apmCnts, anb Cntrp of fuehrer-bitts, 3tobgments, Sentences, Decrees, £>tbers anb other ^rocecbings of the faib Commifli'onerS anb 3luricsas afotefaib, all the Cllate, night, Xitle, 'Derm, 31ntereif, tafe, Xruft, f^mpertp, Claim, anb Dc-manb in Hato anb Cquitp of the $crfon ot $erfons for tobofe anting from tlje Sale of futi) CP tate 0? JlttCtCft of fuel) Feme Covert mi t|)C Conbepaucc of fuel) Citate ot ùnteteli to tftefaiD Commifltoncrs.ftjallbe pain to fuel) perfon ot perfons as Q)e 0)all in Spiriting unber Ijer ì^anb ¿Bottinate to Ceteibc tlje fame in Cruft, to be rcinbefteb in Canbs, Cenemcnts, m !i?crebitamettts to be eon* bepeb as aforefaib, anb fettleb for futi) 3Sfc, Citate, anb fitteteli as tl)e fame Feme Covert l)ab in tlje premiffes fo pur» cljafeb bp tf)t faib Commifltoners. Blnb be it Citattcb bp tl)e Blutlwitp afozcfaib, djat tl)e Coitbcpancc of anp Citate ot Jjntereft to tbe faib Commit ftoners, bp Bargain anb Sale, anb eiu rollcb in tlje Colls £>flttc of l^is fl0ajeftp’S 3f)isl) Court of Cl)antcrp of Ireland, boitljin Sit £0ontl)S after tl)C malting thereof, fljall as effettuallp anb abfolutelp conbep tl)e Citate of tl)c perfott fo conbeping, as anp ¿Fine oj Cccoberp tooulb 01 toulb bo, if Icbieb oz fuffercb thereof in bue 5fo?m of Cato, Blnb be it furtljer Cnarteb bp tlje Blu» tbojitp afmefaib, Cljat all anb eberp Cenant at SPill, oz Ceffcc foz a gear, m from gear to gear onlp, in poffcflion of anp fuel) fjoufes, Builbings, 01 ©zouitbs, oi anp part thereof, tolntlj 0)all be pur» cljafeb bp tlje faib CommifOoncrs afoze» faib, ft)all beliber up tl)c poffeffion of fuel) pjemiffes itnmebiatelp to ti)e fain Commiffioncrs, 02 to fuel) perfons as tbeGeorgii Tertii Regis. faiD Cotnmifùoncrs, oz anp ifibe oz moie of tljem, Usali appoiitt, to taUc poffcGìoit of tljc fame, tu Cafc tlje faiD ContmiG ùoitcrs, oz anp ifibe oz mozc of tljem, oz Itici) perfon autjjori5cD bp tljem, fljall pap, oz tenDer to ijint, ijcr, oz tljem, éut iBoittljs Bent of tlje faiD pzcmiircs ; oz in Cafc tlje faiD Commiflioners, oc anp ifibe oz moze of tljem, fljall gibc Ijirn, ber, or tljem é>ii fBontijs jftotitc to quit futi) polle Ut on, tljcn fttclj perfon or perfons in poffeflton fi)all, at tlje CnD of tlje faiD é>ijc flBontljs, oz as foon after as Ije, fljc, or tljcp fljaU be reqttircb, pcaccablp aitb qnictlp bclibcr tip tlje pof= fefltott of tlje faib premilfes to tlje faiD Comntifltoners, or anp pct-fott or per= foits autl)ori5eD bp tlje faiD Commilitone ers, or anp ifibe or jnorc of tljem, to tabe poifciTton tljcrcof ; anD tijat in Cafc anp fitti) perfon or perfons in polfcB flou as aforcfaiD, fljall refufe to gibe futi) polTcfltoit as aforcfaiD, tljcn it fljall anD map be latoful to anD for tlje faiD Commifftoncrs, or attp ifibe or more of tljem, as aforefaiD, to iflrne tljcir pretept or prcccpts to tlje àfljcriffs of tlje faiD Citp to Dclibcr polfcfbon of tlje prc= milfcs to futi) perfon or perfons as fljall in futi) prccept or pzcccpts be no* minatcD to receibc tlje fame ; anD tlje faiD éfljeriffs are ijeccbp requircD to Dclibcr fuclj poCCcfùon of tlje faiD prcmiffcs actorDinglp, anD to lebp futi) Colls as fljall accrue front tlje iffuing aitb etcru* ting of fitti) prerept or prcccpts on tlje perfon or perfons fo rcfubng to gibc io $- polfcirion 849 j H A P. XLIV»85° C H A P XLIV. Anno Regni vicefuno tertio & quarto poiTcìTton as afoìcfaib, bp SDittrcfs anb Spnlc of bis, ijcr, or tfjcir <3oobs. 2lnb bc it €itattcb bp tljc 3lntbojitp afoicfaib, Xbat all éntms of sipoitcp, oi otljcr CTonfibcration, ftccontpentc, 02 é>a-tisfaction to bc paib anb mabc purfuant to anp fuclj Agreement 02 Ucrbiit as afcucfaib, anb alfo all futi) Cofls anb Cljargcs as fljall bc cjcpeitbcb in obtain= ing anb pafltng tbis 3l(t ; anb alfo all fuclj Cofls, iTljargcs, anb iEjcpences as tlje faib Commilfioncrs, dì anp of tbem, fljall bc at 02 puttointbe CEjcecution of tbe Xtutts anbièotocrsijcrcbpbcllcb in tbem, fl)all bc paib out of fucfj OJonics as tbe faib Commiffioncrs, 02 anp jribe dì mote of tbem, fljall rcccibc fot t0c idurpofcs of ibis: 3ltt. 3lnb bc it furtber CEnactcb bp tljc Hit' tboìltp afozcfaib, Xbat it fljall anb map bc latoful to anb fot tljc faib Commif= lioners, dì anp Jfibc 02 moie of tbem, as aforefaib, from Xirne to Ximc, to impofe anp rcafoitablc jfinc, not cpcccbing tbe émrn of Xcn iDounbs, on anp or é>bcriffs, 02 tbeir Xrputp or Xcpu= tlcs, ©ailiffs or 3lgcnts rcfpccribclp, tnljo fljall malte anp Xcfattlt in tljc $rcmiifcs, anb on anp làerfon or perfons lobo fljall bc fummoncb anb returneb on anp fucij 3urp or 3iurics, toljo fljall not apptar, anb alfo on anp iiatitncfs or ffiHitnclfcs tobo fljall not attcnb, or fljall refufe to bc ftoorn or to gibc CEbibcitrc to tbe faib Commiffioncrs, anb on anp $crfon or jòcrfonsGeorgii Tertii Regis» 851 pcrfons fummoncb anb returncb oit fuclj c » a p. Jurp or “Juries, toljo tfiall refufe to bc xuv-itoont on anp futi) Jurp or Juries, or ' ' ’ to gibe his or their ÌLI eroi et, or fljail in otljcr íDanner tuilfullp negiett his 0? tljcir 2Dutp in or toueijing tl)c premiffes, or from Zime to Zi me to lebp fuel) .fine or Jines bp £>rber of tljc faib Commit fioners, or anp Jibe or more of tljcm, as aforefaib, as tljc Cafe map require, bp 3>iftrcfs anb á>ale of the iPfifenbers Ooobs, together toith tljc rcafonable Charges of eberp fuclj Ziltrcfs anb á>ale, returning the £>bcrplus, if anp be, to tljc ip toner ; anb all fuel) Jutes toljiclj fljall be fo rccobcreb anb rcccibcb, (ball be applico totoarbs tljc purpofes of tljis met. mnb be it further Cnactcb bp tljc mu-titolitp afotefaib, Zljat it fljall anb map be latoful to anb fot tlje faib Commit ftoners, anb anp Jibe ot mote of tljcm, at anp Zime ot Zimes hereafter, bp CHriting unber their Ijattbs anb ^>cals, to nominate anb appoint fuch perfon to be Zreafurer anb Clcrlt, as tljcp fljafl tljinli fit, fot rercibing anb paving the potties to be rcccibcb anb paib in purfuance of the faib met, anb fot other mets as map be neceffarp to be bone in tljc Crccution of tljc Comers anb muthotitics hercbp giben to tlje faib Commifleoners, toljiclj Zrea furer anb Clcrfc fljall from Zime to Zime be remobable at tlje îÆIill anb plea fure of the faib Commifitoners, ot anp jibe ot mote of them, bp Jnltrument in 10 J 2 aairiting, Chap XL IV. lei Anno Regni viceiimo tertio & quarto IKiriting, untici’ tijciv ijanDS anti £>eals; ano tijat tue faiD Commifftoncrs, ot any fitjc or more of t lìtui, diati anD inay malte itici) Glioma tue or talari» unto fitti) Xreafnrer anD Clcrk to bc etnploycD by ani tinbcr tljc faiD Cominifltoners, for tljcir Care anb i&aiits in tbe Cjcecution of bis faib Office oi £>iuccs, as tljc fata Comi mifuoners, oi any Jribe ot mote of tfjem, fi)all tl)iuli rcafonable, fo as futi) Allotto ance ot à>aiary Do noi cjtcccD tije é>um of fortp $ounDs by tljc gcar, anD tlje faiD Xreafurer anD Clerfe diali tipoit iDatl), if requircD, gibe in a irne, eyaet, anD perfect Account in dUriting, unDerbisljanD from Xime to Xinte, of ali iljomcs toijicij fjc diali fiabe reteibcD, paiD, anD DisburfeD by tlirtue of tliis ilet, ot by Beafon of bis faiD Office ot DtTtccs, bollici) £>atb tlje faiD Commifùoners, ot any Jribe ot mote of tiicm, are fnreby impoibcreD to aDmini= dee. 2ltt0 be it further ŒnacteD by tbe Xu? tljoiity aforcfaiD, Xbat fot tije fupplying anD continuing a fufficient /Bumber of fit anD able lâcrfons to bc CommiffioncrS fot putting in Œjcecution tbe ^obiers anD Xrufts cotttaincD in tbis :3ct, fobett any of tije faiD CommiffioncrS diali Die, ot rc= f’tfe to act, tljc furbibing anD remaining Comntifûoners, ot any Jdbe ot mote of them, djall by 3Jnftrument in tKKriting unDcr tbeir ïjanDs anD â>eals, from Ximc to Ximc, nominate anD appoint in tije Boom of ûtcb Commilïïoncr ot CommilRoncrs fo Dying ot reftifing to ait, foGeorgii Tertii Regis. 853 fo ntanv mote fit anD aDIc iDcrfotts in tlje c » a p. JitooHt of futi) lUcrfotts as fljail refufe to XI-IV-att, 02 Ijappett to Die ; attD eDcrp net» Centi mifitoitcr fo to De clcctcD, ttominatcD, anD appointeD, fljail fiattc full pomo; anD 7in-tjiojitp to att anD to Do in all Xljings retatine to tlje i&cmiifcs, in as full> large, anD ampie £0atmcr, to all 3liti tents anD $urpofcs, as anp of tlje Commifltoners IjcrcDp ttominateD anD ap= pointeü. 3lnD De it furtljcr CitacteD Dp tlje %\u tljojttp afojefaiD, Xfiat if anp iJfttion fljail De Drougljt, 02 éuu't commcitccD againlt anp l^erfon 02 ßerfons fot anp XIjing Done in purfwaitcc of tljis :3ltt, 02 in Me-lation to tlje 02Ctttiircs, eDcrp fttef) Fiction 02 émit fljail De Djottgljt toitljm énje i@ontljs nett after tlje jratt Done, anD fljail De laiD in tlje Countp of tlje Citp of Limerick, anD not clfctoljerc ; anD tlje Dc-fenDant 02 OefcitDants in üiclj Fiction map pleaD tlje general Jllfue, anD gific tfiis iJCct anD tijc fpcttal fljattcr tljcrcm containcD, in CDiDcncc at anp Xrial to De fiaD tfiereupon ; anD if a iilcrDitt fljail De giDcit fo2 tfic SDefenDant in fuclj Action, 02 if tfie iMairttiff 02 iMaüttilfs fljail De* come nott=fuitcD, 02 fuffer a SEnfeontinus ance of Ijis, Ijcr, 02 tljeir iättion 02 3lc= tiotts, 02 tf upott SDetnurrcr 3Jt'öSntent Hjall De giDen againft tlje liMaintiff 02 fMaintiffs, tlje SDefenDant 02 XefenDattts fljail IjaDe DouDIe Cofls. 2lttD 10 (¡5854 Anno Regni vicef. tertio 8r quarto, &c. c h a p. 21 ita ijc it fttrtijcr «Enactca a? tije 2lu* xliv. afozefatB, ÌCljat tijis et fljall be a ^tiblich 21 et, atta fidali bc fleemeb aita tafecn polite of as Cuci) b?> all 3iu0ips, fluiti tea, atta otljcrs in all Courts ana placca, txutljout plcabittg tljc fame.