ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N ACT FOR The more effedually Paving, Cleanfmg, and Lighting of the Streets of the City of Dublin, and other Places therein mentioned ; and for making Sewers, and creeling Fountains and Conduits in the faid City, for the Ufe of the Poor, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. D U B L I N t Printed by the Executors of David Hay, Aflignee of the late Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King’s Mod Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxxxiv, Chap, Lvn. t-AY'vJ■jua o2 /û* [ ,055 3 Anno Regni Vicefimo Tertio & Quarto Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. LVII. An Ait for the more effectually Paving, Cleaniing, and Lighting of the Streets of the City of Dublin, and other Places therein mentioned ; and for making Sewers, and ereiting Fountains and Conduits in the faid City, for the Ufe of the Poor, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Wlj? € H CE 31an Tltt of partia* c h a r. tnent teas pafife» in the Xlhetecnth lvii an» jfourteettth gears of l^is ijjajcltp’s &eisn, intitule», An A 6! for paving the Streets, Lanes, Quays, Bridges, Squares, Courts, and Alleys within the City and County of the City of Dublin, and other Places therein particularly mentioned: 31 no tnljercas one other 3ct of parliament teas palfeD in the fii* teentlj an» thirteenth gears of t>is faio i0ajeQp’s 3Seisn, intitule», An a a to explain and amend an Ac!, intitule», An Act i a % 2 for1056 Anno Regni vicefimo tert'10 & quarto C n a r. for Paving the Streets, Lancs, Quays, Bridges, LVli. Squares,Courts, and Alleys within the City and *" ’ County of the City of Dublin, and other Purpofcs relative to the faid City of Dublin, and other Places therein particularly mentioned; and for extending the Provifions in the faid A£t to the Baronies of Saint Sepulchre s and Donore: 2lnb tuytreas one otljer ^tt of #atlia* nient teas pallet) In tije Xtoentp«firft anb Xioentp4et onb gears of Dis fait) fDajellp’g fteign, intitules, An Ail for Paving and Repairing the Streets, Squares, Lanes, Quays, and other Places in the City and County of the City of Dublin and Liberties thereof; and for preventing and removing Obftruclions, Nuifances, and Annoyances within the fame, and for other Purpofcs therein mentioned: 21 lit) toijCtCaS a con&bcrable 2>cbt (till remains bur bp tije Cojpojation conftituteb bp tije fail) 2ltts, on Account of ttjc Crecution tijere* of, anb manp streets anb otijer places are in a tootfe Conbition tijan tijep toere befotc tijc faib laft mentioneb act teas paffeb, anb tije benefits to tije #ublicH eppetteb to arife tijerebp, ijabe not accrueb: anb toijereas it is thought ejepebient anb neceffarp to biffolbe tije ptefent Coipoza« tioit, anb to appoint Dtretfots anb Com« mifftoners toefteb toitfj full £otoers fo? tarrping into Cpecution tije #urpofes of tije faib reciteb 21 its, anb for tije otljer purpofcs ijercin mentioneb: aHijercfoje, be it Cnarteb bp tije Iting’s £0ott Creel« lent £0ajcffp, bp anb tuitlj tije 2lbbicc anb Content of tije Xotbs Spiritual anbXem« potal, anb Commons in tijis ptefent $ar« liamcnt afterableb, anb bp tije 2lutl)ojitp of tije fame, X?jat from anb after tije palling of t|jis £ct, all anb eberp Ciaufc inGeorg» Tcrtii Regis. in tbc faiD rctitcO 3lcts tobitb appoittt tljc perfons tljcrcm nameb, to be Commift ftoners ano Cominittee=men for creatt* ing tlK fame, aita rljc faiD fornice Sltts bc rcpealcb. 3lnO tobcrcas tijc fcberal Stvcets, £lttaps, 3lilcp0, Hancs, garbg, Courts, £>quarci5, atto Bribgcs in tbe Cottntp of tljc City of Dublin, anb tbe Hibertics tftcrcof are not propcrlp rieanfeb or ligi)u eb, no: ijabc tfje perfons (ttufter toltole Management tbc fame Ijabe been) effer* tttallp ercctttcO tfje potoers bp Hat» bclfco in tljem for tljat pttrpofc, ano it tornilo tenO grcatlp to tljc fece Jintcrcotirfe, Scatti), ano é>afctp of tlje ^n|)at>itantsi of tbc faio é>trccts ano otljcr platee, ano of all perfotts paffing tljrougl) tbc fame, if tbe falò é>trects ano otber platee toerc propcrlp cleanfeO ano ligljtcO, aito if tonti moti é>ctoere or fraine toere maOc in fucb Arcete ano otber glacce in tbc fato Citp tobere tlje fame are nctclfarp: 3ln0 tobcrcae it toill conOntc to tbc laff mcn* tiotteb pttrpofce, if tbc orbcring, Oirctting, ano managing of tbe clcanftng ano ligbt= ing of tbe fato Strette ano otljer plarre, ano if tljc orOerittg, Ocftgning, atto malti ittg of all tonttnott é>ctocrs, inaine, ano Ulaulte tbcrcin bc put uttOcr tbe Care of tlje fame ¿Direttore ano Commilfiottere, tolto (ball babe tbe Direction ano Management of tbe pabing of tbc faib Strette : *c it tbcreforeCnacteDbptbc3lutboritpaforcfaiD, Xbat front ano after tljc paffing of ibis 31 et, all atto eberp potocr ano 3Uttboritp cjrertifeO bp anp pcrfoit or pecione, 12 M »OOp5058 Anno Regnt viceilmo tertlo & quarto Chap. i&odp 02 Bodies politick 02 C02p02atC, lvii. foj tije clean&ng and lighting the faid ' 1 ' streets; and otijer places in tijc faid Hit?, fljali as to fuel) perfon 02 perfons, Bod? 02 Bodies politick 02 Corpo?ate, ceafe and determine. and hatreds it twill toe neceffarp that a ncto «Eojpojation lljould de created fo2 car* rping the faid federal recited arts into «Bpecution, and alfo foz tije ordering, die retting, and managing of the cleaning and ligljting of tije faid Streets and other places, and fo2 the ordering, deligning and making of all common Seiners, SDzaitts, and Hlaults: Be it «Enacted bp the &u* tijotitp afozefaid, Xljat from and after tije palling of tijis act, tije Bigfjt honour* able ^>ir John Blaquiere, Bltigljt Of tlje Bath, John Leigh, «Efquirc, the Bight ho* nourable Charles JLotd BifCOUJlt Ranelagh, tije Bight honourable James tLo’d Uif* count clifden, ti)e honourable fihajor C5e* neral Henry Lawes Luttrcll, Edward Bellingham Swan, «Bfciuirc, and Thomas St. George, «Efquire, and tije federal perfons to be fucccflxdelp cljofen in fanner herein after mentioned, fljali be 2>irertozs of tije pad* ing, clcankng, and lighting the federal Streets and other places in the faid «Eitp of Dublin, and other tIUTorks to be done itt purfuance of this 2lrt, tdithout anp £>a* iarp, jfee, 02 Bernard, and that the faid S>irecto2S and their £>ucccffo2S, 02 anp ¿fide of them, fljall hade potocr, and thep are hercbp impotocrcd under their hands and £>eals, toitlj the Confent and ^ppzcbation of the Xozd lieutenant, oz other(ieorgii Tertii Regis. io other Chief ©oberttoz oz ©obernozs of c n A Pl this HingDom foz the Xime being, to lvh. appoint jfibe pzoper aitb bifcrcet per* Cons, not being ¿Members of parliament, to be Commiffioners, tobo, anb tljcir Succcffozs, togetber toitlj tfjc faiD Direttozs, anb their Sutccffozs, (ball babe full pomcr anb iJlutbozity to carry into ©rccution this 3tt, anb tbe fa;b febcral reciteb 2ltts, anb fliall babe tbe foie potocr of ozbeting, befigning, making* enlarge ing, railing, beepening, altering, remob= ing, repairing, tleanfing, anb feotnering of all tljc common Demers, Drains, anb faults in tbe faib City, anb of ozbering, birecting, attb managing tljc clcaitfing anb lighting tbe faib Streets anb other plates in tbe faib City, anb that all anb ebery tljc potoers anb 3tutijozities tobicb mere bcrctofozc by any i&tt oz 3lcts of parlia= ment oz otljcrtbifc granteb to, oz beReb in any pcrfoit oz perfons, Boby oz Bobies politick oz Cozpozate, foz tbe tleanfing anb lighting the faib Streets anb other pla= tes toitljin the County of the City of Dublin, anb the ¿liberties thereof, be, anb the fame arc hereby bclteb in the faibDirertozs anb Commiffioners, as fully as fuel) pbtoers aitb 2luthozitics mere bcrctofozc befteb in fuclj pevfon oz perfons, Boby oz Bobics politick oz Cozpozate, oz any of them; anb that it fljall anb may be latoful to anb foz tljc faib Directozs, oz any jribe of them, to anb toith the Confent anb approbation of the ¿lozb ¿lieutenant, oz otljcr Chief ©o= bernoz oz ©obcritozs of tljis ¿aitigbom foz the Xime being, from Xime to Xime to remobe any of the faib Cominiifioitct oz Commiffioners, anb to appoint one other 12 £0 2 perfon Uxio6o Anno Regni viceiìmo tertio& quarto c h a p. ^erfon 02 làerfons in tije fèlacc 02 <§>teah LVI1 of futi) Commiflioncr 02 Commiffion* ers, tobo fljall he Co remobeh, di toljofe filate ti) all he fo haeateh bp 2E>eat§ 02 otijertoife : $20bibch tljat ehetp fubfequent 2lppointment to he mabe of futi) Com= miflxoner 02 CommilBoners he tnahe tolti) ti)C libe Confent anh 2lpp2Dbation of tjje llotb ^Lieutenant, 02 otijer Cijíef ©o* bernot dì ©ohentojs of ibis Binghom fot tije %imt being. 2lnb he it Cnatteh bp tije 2luti)02itp afozefaih, Xijat toljen anp tlatancp Bjaii Rappen eitler bp 3>eati), 02 Jlcftgnation, 02 ot?)ertmfe, of anp of ti)c DirettotS herein befóte nameh, it Qjall anh map he iatoful to anh fot jribc 02 mote of tije faih SDircctotS to elett a et ^erfon 02 fàcrfons, not heing ölDembers of $arlia= meni, to fuppip tije $lace 02 fàiaces of i)im 02 tijem fo hping 02 reùgning, 02 otijertoife bacating ins faih Office ; anh all Werfen anh $erfons fo eletteli, is, anh are ijerehp befteh toiti) tbe fame ^otoers fot putting tijis 21 et into Crccution, as tbe l&erfon 02 Ibcrfotts in toijofc filate anh £>teab 1)e 02 tljep fljall he fo electch, toas 02 toere befteh tolti) ; anh all tije löotocrs l)crebp befteh in tije faih Oircctots anh Commillioncrs, fljall anh map front Xitne to Xime he erercifeh bp tl)e maj'02 $art ofíucij Directos anh Commilftoncrs, 02 of citljcr of tftetn, as fball attcnh at anp $ublicit Meeting of tijem, to he boihen as liercin after is meutioneh, fot tije iBurpofe of carrping into Crccution ibis 21 et, 02 all 02 anp of tire potoers in tbeGeorgii Tertii Regis: fo6t tfie fatò retiteli 3ltts ; aitò tlic /lilumPcr c«» r. of tljc falli S>irettD?s aitò Cotnmffioncrs, ot citljcr of tljetn, ptcfcitt at aitp futi) i0ccting, not Pcing Icfs tpan Xfitcc, ccpt fot tljc ^urpofe of aDjourning, aitò tlictt Pp fuclj as diali atteitò) aitò ai! 31 (ts, £>tDcrs, aitò ptocctDings cf tljc fatò %>U rcttois aitò CommiUtoncrs, ot of citljcr of tficm pzcfeitt at futi) $ufiiiclt Meeting, diali pape tlje fame jfotee aitò Gffctt, as if coite o? maDc Pp all tljc 2>ircttozs and Comitufdoners, faPc aitò cjtrcpt in futi) Cafcs topcrc a grcattr jEluinPcr is rcquircD Pp tijis 31 et. 3lnD Pc it «ZBnactttJ Pp tpe 3ltttpoiitp afotefatò, Xpat tlje fieli ptiPlitlt £0ceting of tljc faip SDircttots aitò Commifltoncrs, to Pc ijaD Pp ilirtuc of tijis 3ltt, diali ' Pc PclP oit t|jc fird Monday after tpc faip CommilRoitcrs diali Pc appmntcD; anD tljat fuefj JDircctozs aitò GommilTtoncrs map mcct Xptcc SDaps in cPcrp (miceli, anD diali pape $ot»cr to aDjourit from Ximc to Ximc : iàjofitòcD tljat no futi) 3tDiouri)i mcnt diali Pe fot aitp loitger Ximc tljait fourteen £>aps. ^itò Pe it GnacteD Pp tpc 3lutpoiitp afotefatò, Xpat tpc fatò SDircctots anD Commiffioners fot tpc fePcral JDurpofes in tijis 31 et, diali Pc fupjcet to futi) Xulcs, Xircetion, anD iHualification, as Pp aitp of tljc fatò rccitcD 3lets tpc Gommiffiom ers tpcrein natncD are fuPtcet to ; anD diali, Pcfotc tpcp ptocccD to tfic GjcctHttòit of tpe làurpofes of tpis 3let, fafic tiic ap= pointittg of tljc fatò GommiifioncrS, tafec 12 fi ùirljioói Anno Regni viceiimo tertio & quarto c h a p. futh £>atlj as picftribcb in tlieafmcfaib lvii. paffen in t|jc Xtocntpi&rft anb xtocntp=feconb gears of l>)is fDafeftp’S ©cign conccrning tije Commifiioners tljcrebp appointcb. 3lnb bc it Cnacteb bp tlje 3lutf)02itp afrucfaib, Xljat cari) of tlje faib Corni tniUtoncrs fo to bc appointcì), diali bc paio out of ti)C Jrnnbs ariltng bp ti)is 3ltt, fm ijis Xroublc anD Slttenbancc, Xtoentp é>l)iilings a Dap fot ebcrp £>ap fjc diali attuallp attcnb anp of tlje faib i0eetings, anb 3U>journmentStijcrcof, anb at torturi) Xince 02 mote of t!)c faib Comtniflioners, ejrriuùtoc of Dircrtots, diali bc ptefent, buring tjic Xime in biluci) tl)c ®uùnefs of futi) Meeting 02 ^biournment diali bc tranfattcb ; of tonici) 3ittcnbances Ctt= trics diali bc mabe bp tbc #erfon atti ing as Gerii 02 é>ccrctarp to tlje J5oarb, in tijc ©oofe of tlje Ì0inutcs of tljcir 1^20= ceebings ; anb tiie jftumber of 3lttenban; tes of eberp CominifKoncr diali bc atteri taincb tlicrcbp, anb futi) Commiflioncrs paib atco2binglp. 3lnb bc it Cnatteb bp tlje £ut?)02itp afoicfaib, Xljat tljc fotmer Commilitoni ers fo2 pabing tlic faib értreets, anb Committcc=mctt, anballjSDfltcers cntplopcb bp tijcm, diali, torttljin Xcn Daps from ti)e SDap of pafling tflis ^tt, bclibcr unto tl)c S>irccto2s anb Commiflioncrs citai biiflicb bp tljis 3lct, all isooits, Xecbs, Contratts, é>ccuritics, ^ctounts, $apcrs, anb CClritings rclatibc to tljc Grccution of tfle faib fotmer 3itts torturi) tflcp 02 anpGeorgi! Tertii Regís. 1063 anp of them ïjatoe 0? ïjatïj ítt tljeír ojc " * «•• Ijis Cultobp, iDotucv, 02 poffclïïon. ' 3üiú be ít Cnactcb bp the ^utïjoiitp atocfaíb, Xljat all anb cbcrp tlje Xuttbs bp tlje falb rerítcb acts, 02 anp of tljcm, belieb ítt tlje faib fo2intr Comtmlftoncrs, anb all ponies remaining in their 02 anp of tíjcír fjanbs, 02 in tlje l?aiibs of anp £>f&eer 02 ¿Dffieers appointcb bp 02 acting unber their autljotitp, be, anb tlje fame are hcrebp belieb in the faib SDircctoS anb Commifltoncrs appointcb bp anb in $urfuancc of this act ; anb tlje faib to= mcr Commiflioners, anb ail other jOfïïrcrs as af02efaib, arc berebp requircb to pap the fame to tlje faib directos anb Corns jnifltoners. anb be it further Cnacteb bp tlje au* tljotitp afo2cfaib, Xljat tlje fcbcral ters, Clerlts, anb Äerbaitts heretotoe ap* pointcb bp the Contmifftoners in tlje faib recitcb acts to the execution of tlje fame, map, until tljcp fljail be remobeb 02 Die, act in all patters anb XIjings tuhitlj in the «Execution of tlje febcral purpofes of tljis act fball belong 02 appertain to tljcir fcberal Offices refpcetibelp ; anb that tlje faib ©irectos, 02 anp jfibc 02 mo2c of tljem, map from Xime to Xime remobe all 02 anp of fuel) Officers 02 other $cr= fons ; anb upon the 5>cath 02 îftcmobal of fuel) îâerfons, appoint one 02 mo2C CIcrit 02 Clerlts, Xreafurer 02 Xreafttrcrs, Xc^ ceiber 02 föeceibcrs, of the iconics to be raifeb bp tlirtuc, anb to tlje ßurpofes of this act, anb fo from Xime to Xime to 12 j|3 2 appoint1064 Anno Regni viceiìmo tertio & quarto c « a p. appoint otïjcrs as tijep fljail önD neccffarp LVI1 ot conDenient; anD aifo otte ot mote £>ur* ' ' pepot ot ^mrflepots, äutpcrDifot ot ä>u* pcrDifots to Dieta tijc ConDitioit of tije feDcral Streets, £luaps, 'Btiöscs, Courts^ Hlicps, places, anD Hanes in tijc faiD Citp of Dublin, HiDerties tijercof, anD ctïjer places in fatD rcciteD iHtts men* tioneD ; anD to fee tijat tïje fame De pto* perip pitcijcD, paDcD, anD ftept in Hepair, anD free frotn Jlîuifances anD .DDitruc* tiotts ,* anD tijat tije faiD Streets anD otijer places in tije faiD Citp anD HiDerties tijercof De ptoperip cleanfeD anD iicijteD; attD aifo fucij otijer ¿Dfficer ot iDfficers as tijc fatD ©irettots ot anp jfiDc ot mote of tijetn fljall tijinli ncceffarp ; anD tije faiD Dirertots anD Comntiffioners, ot anp iriDe ot mote of tijem üjail anD map tafee tuffici* ent ä>ecuritp fot tije Duc Œjtecution of tije refpectiDc Offices, Dp fucij Werfen anD ferions as afotefaiD, as tije faiD SDirec* tots anD Œommiffioncrs, ot anpjriDe ot mote of tijem, üjaii tijinit ptoper ; anD tije faiD Directots, ot attp jfiDc ot mote of tijem, map from Hirne to Hirne remoDc anp ot citijeroffttcijiPfficers, ot otijer î^erfon, anD appoint otijers in tijeîSoomof fucij of tijem as fljaii De rcmoDeD ot Die ; anD tije faiD Hircctots anD Comntiffioners, otanpjfiDe ot mote of tijem, fljaii anD map out of tije fi0onep raifeD anD icDicD Dp llirtue of tijis 3tct, pap fucij rcafonaDic Salaries anD iotoanccs to tDe Hreafurcr otHreafurers, 3&eceiDcr ot &cceiDcrs, CïcrD ot CIcrDs, ot otijer £>fficer ot fDfficcrs fo to De ap* pointeD as afotefaiD, fot anD in ConftDe* ration of ijis anD tijeir rcfpectiDe £>ffice anDGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1065 ant Offices, ant to fuel) otïjcr $crfon ant c „ A r. ferions as (flail be acting ant afltflitig LVI1-in ant about tfec execution of tins act, ^ as to tfec fait ©ircctots, or anp jfibc or mote of tijem, Qjafl feetn rcafonable. ant be it further Cnactct bp tïje au* tfeoritp aforefait, Xfeat if anp Conunif-boner or ConimiflconerS, to be appointes bp tlirtue of tfeis act, tljall tafee, accept, or cpact anp jfec or Betoart mfeatfoeber, otfecr tfean fuel) allowance as is Inrein before appointes for feint ot tfeem, or if anp ©crCoct 0: ©erfotts tafeo íljall be cmplopct as a Clcrfe or Clcrfes, ê>ccretarp or Secretaries, Xreafurer ot Xrcafurers, Bc= cciber ot Hcccibcrs, Snrbepor ot éutrbcp-ots, ^mperbifor ot âmperbifots, ot anp otfecr Officer ot Serbant, Officers ot Serbants, tafeo fljaïl be anp taaps cm= plopct bp tfec fait ©ircctots ant Commit (toners in putting tfeis act, ot anp tfec Corners tfeercof in Cjtccution, fljail eran, tafee, ot accept anp jfee ot XctnarS tnfeat= foebet, otfeer tfean fuefe Salaries ant ai-lotaanccs as (flail be appointes, aliotnet, ant apptobet bp tfec fait ©¿rectors, ot anp Jfibe ot mote of tfeem, fot, ot on Account of anp Xfeing tone, ot to be tone, bp Virtue of tfeis act, ot on anp account tefeatfoeber rclatibe to tfec putting tfeis an into «Execution ; ot if anp fuefe Com* mifleoner, ot otfecr ©flcccr, ot anp ©irec-tot, fljail anp (naps be concernes in wintered in anp Contract ot Bargain mate, ot to be mate, for tfec ©urpole of putting tfeis an into execution, ot anp Contract to ptobitc anp (©ateríais ncccffarp tfecre* 12© to,i o66 Anno Regni viceiìmo tertio &: quarto c » a p. to, et toc a émrctp fot anp $erfon itoiaing LVIL anp Mfite tip liirtue of, ot cnterittg into ' ' anp Contrae retating to tX)e Cjcccntion of anp i&art of tijis 2ie, eberp furi) i&crfott fo offenbing (Itali Oc incapante of ferbittg, ot being cmplopcO ttnacr tijis 3ie, aito (Itali, ober ano abolx, forfeit tfje é>utn of £)ne Multarci) $ounas to attp $erfon ot pedono tolto (Itali fue fot tijc fame, top 3(eion of 3Dcbt, BUI, piatiti, ot 3infoi= inatiott, in aitp of l^is iUajcftp’s Courta of a&ecotti, toitftiit Mv CalenBar i0onti)S after tite £>ffencc committeb; in toltiti) érnit, no Cffoign, ptoteeion, ot tHilager of nato, not mote tìtan one ^parlante (Itali Ite aliotocb. 2(na toltercas a 2T>etot itati) Iteen incurreb bp tltc CommiCDioners appoittteb top tije fato retiteli 3ies, ot fome of titetn, (latea bp titem to amottnt to tlte é>ttm of Xitir^ tpdttoe Xljoufatto pounas, atto uptoattos, ano tite ifuttas fot tarrping tfte fatto 2tes into Cjcetutiott Itabe been mottgagcb bp tite fato fotmer Commifltoners, as a £>etu= dtp fot tite paptticnt titereof, ano finterei! fot t|te fame : ©e it Cnaecb bp tite Zu= titotitp afotcfaiO, Xitat tite Commifltom ers appointea bp ano in purfuantc of tltc fato rctitcb 21 es, (Itali, on ot befote tite 5fir(t 2Dap of January neri, torli atto truip Account tolti) tite fato Dirceots ana Coim miflìonera Itcrcbp appointea, fot ali <§>um ano Smina of i0oncp reteibeb fot tite pttr= pofe of tarrping tlte fato retitcO 2ies into Cjrecution, atta fot all S>um atto S>ums of Ì0ottep paia atta aisburfea tltcrcout, ano djali alfo, toltcn rcguirca bp tltc fato XirceotsGeorgi! Tertii Regis. io(~ Directors and CommifOEoners Tfjcteìbp ap- c H a r. pointed, rentier an 3lcrount of all furi) '\n. patters; anti Xljings bp tljem Done in t§e Cjccrution of tbe fain ^tts, as diali be required bp tljc faib directors anb Contmifltoners Ijerebp appointed, in order tljat tbe faid Accounts map be laid before parliament, for tbe ^urpofc of condder* ing roiiat diali be proper to be done tiicre^ on. $jobided altoaps, Xbat nothing herein contained diali ertend to be condrued, deemed, or talien to eptend to prejudice or inbalidate tlje Securities executed bp tlje faid former Commidioners, bp llirtuc of anp potoers in the faid recited Slcts, or anp of tijem, for anp Sum or Sums of £0onep lent and adbanccd bp anp i&er= fon or $erfons, on tlje Credit of tlje faid Strts, and of fuel) Securities, and tljat fuel) Securitp and Securities, diali be of tijc fame jforce and Cffcrt, as tijep mere before the pafintg of tijis Slct. Sind tobereas it is incumbent on tlie 3Lo?d i0apor, Sheriffs, Commons and Citijens of tlie Citp of Dublin, to $abe and beep in Repair, certain i^arts of tlje faid Citp, tlje annual Cppcncc of toljiclj is edimated to amount to tljrec Ijnndrcd founds, and uptoards : it enacted bp tlje Slutljoritp afozefaid, Chat all and cbe^ rp |àart and jSarts of tlje faid Citp, tubici) tlje nord £0apoz, Sljeriffs, Com* mons and Citijens, tnerc bound to 0abc and beep in repair out of tlje jfuno of tlje faid Citp, diali be hereafter #abcd and i2 g) 2 Repairedlo68 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio tk quarto c H a iRcpaircD bp tljc pabiour oi pabiours lvii. coittvactinjj toitt», di cinplopeb bp tljc faib —J Dircctors attb Commififioners ; attb in iPibcr to Defrap tije Cjrpcntc tltcreof, tbat tlte faib Xotb CBapoz, éificriffs, Com= mons attb Cititene of tljc faib Citp, (fiali pap tljc annua! à>uin of Xljzcc fiunbrcb pouttbs S>tcrling, out of tlte fccbenue of tljc faib City, arifing bp Xolls anb CuU tcms, bp equa! Itali pcarlp papments, on cbcrp Xtncntp fiftl) Dap of March, anb Xtttcntp nintl) ÌDap of Scptember ; tip firll papmcitt tljcrcof to bc inabe on tfjc Xbtcutp nini!) Dap of Scptember ncjct. 3lnb toljcrcas it (bill tcnb muti) to tfjc ftcaltlt, Conbcniente, anb Benefit of tfic pool of tljc faib City, anb to tfic cleanlù nefs tltcreof, if publiefi Jfountains anb Conbuits fot tljc fupplp of (ffllater, tetre mabe o? crcttcb in, oz ttear tljc fcbcral iParficts in tljc faib Clip, anb otijcr ron^ benicnt plarcs : Bc it Cnattcb bp tljc 2iu= tfioiitp afozefatb, Xfiat tlte faib Direttole anb Commifltoncrs, (fiali anb tnap mafie anb erctt iti oi ncar tljc fcbcral Q9arficts in tljc faib Citp of Dubiin, anb in fuclj otijcr Sitrccts oi plarcs tljcrcin, ot in tljc 1LU bcrtics tltcreof, as to tltcm fljall feem propcr, furi) jBttmber of jfountains anb Conbuits, fot tljc Sutpplp of CUTatcr as afozefaib, as tljcp (Itali tintili ncccffarp. piobibcb altoaps, Xfiat no grcatcr j|5umber of fuclj jfountains anb Conbuits tltan Xtocntp fljall bc crettcb, anb tìfiat no greatcr Cppcnrc (Itali bc iitburcb tljerc= bp, tltan after tljc Hate of Xfiirtp pouitbs forGeorgii Tertii Regis* for cari) futi) Jfountain atto Cottbuit toljirO diali bc fo mane aiti) crcctcb, onc toiti) tljc otl)cr. c 3lnb bc it furtljcr Cnactcb bp tljé 3ltt* tfloritp aforefaib, Xljat no perfon or pcrfoits tnljatfocbcr fljall bcftrop, injurc, or bo aitp Damagc to aitp furi) jfountain or Conbttit, upoit pain of j^orfeiting for epcrp futi) £>ffctttc, tljc èum of J'itoc pounbs éncrlittg, upon being toitbittcb tljercof, upon tljc £>atlj of onc or more trcbiblc actttnefs or CfUititcffcs, to bc mabe before aitp 3Jufticc of tire pcace of tire Countp of tire Citp of Dublin, orCoun* tptoljcrc tljciPffcttbctor ^Pffenbers fljall bc apprcijcttbcb ; anb in Dcfault of papmcnt tljercof, futi) Jluititc is Ijcrcbp rcqttircb to tommit futi) perfon or pcrfoits to tljc common <3aol of tljc Countp, tljcrc to bc fcept in tlofc Cuflobp for tljc Xernt of Xtoo £0ontI)S, tmlcfs tljc faib Jforfciturc bc fooncr paib ; anb if aitp ili bifpofcb perfott or pcrfoits fl)all tommit aitp SDcftrnctiott, ìDamagc or ^litjurp upoit anp futi) jfountain or Conbuit bp jfligljt bu* ring tlic Xitne tljc 22latcl)mett of tire pa= rii!) in toljicb futi) Jfountain or Conbuit is ùtuate ougljt to bc fet, tljett, anb in futi) Cafe, tljc ^niount of tljc Crpcitcc tMfjicl) diali attcnb t|)C rcinftating anb re* pairittg of futi) jfountain or Conbuit, diali be paib bp tljc cijurtl) Cdarbcits of futi) parid), to tilt fàib Dircrtors anb Comtnilltoncrs ; anbif futi) CIjurtlj Qfllar* bens fljall refufe or ncglctt to pap tire fame tooitljin Xen 2Daps after Demanb mabe, tf)t fame fljall bc rccobcrcb of anb front 12 p ftttlj1070 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto c » a p. futi) Cfittrcfi Oaiarbens bp ©iitrefs, oz bp LVU- Action of Dcbt, Bili, plaittt, oz Jftifotz 1 maiioit in attpof li)is Upajeltp’s Courts of IRccozb, to bc tommcittcb anb profccutcb in tfie iI5amc oz iìamcs of tijc faib ©i= rcctozs anb Commiirioners, oz of tfieir *>crrctarp, Xrcafurer, oz CEIcrlt, in tofiicfi Action oz £>uit, oz anp 3lttion oz émit brougfit oz commcnccb bp tfie faib £>U rcctozs anb Contmillioncrs, no «Effoign, pzotcctiott, oz Oaiagcr of Hat», oz tnoze tfiatt onc ^impariamo {fiali bc atlotoeb ; anb foz tfic Bcimburfcment of tfje faib Cfittrcfi Cillarbcrts, tfic faib émtns fo paib bp tficnt {fiali bc ratcb anb affcffcb on ail Xattbs, f?onfes, anb Xcttcmcnts toitfiin fncl) pariti), anb bc collcttcb, raifcb, anb Icbicb in tfic fame É0anncr as otficr £0o= nics raifcb foz anp pribatc pttrpofe of furi) parili), are to bc ratcb anb affcffcb, collectcb, raifcb, anb Icbicb. 2lttb bc it fttrtficr CEnactcb bp tfjc Un? «jozitp afozcfaib, Xfiat no perfon {fiali bip tficir ipattbs, oz calali) tficm* fclbcs, oz aaiafl) anp Xincn oz Cloatfis, oz anp aiclfcl oz otficr Xfiing in, oz {fiali ixrntcr anp ì?orfc oz otficr Beali, at anp turi) jrountain tbfiicfi {fiali bc crectcb, oz tfizoto anp fotti caiater, Jfiltfi, oz Stiri tficrcin ; anb tfiat cacfi anb eberp perfon bzfio {fiali upott tfic £>atfi of onc ozmozcrrc= biblciiaiitncfsoz aaiitttcffcs, tobe mabe bc= foie tfic faib Stircctozs oz Commiflioners, oz attp Xtoo oz mozc of tficnt, tofiiefi £>atfi tficp are ficrcbp intpotocreb toabminillcr,be cottbittcb of £>{fcnbittg in attp of tfic tersGeorgi! Tertii Regis; 1071 tcrs aforefaib, Arali, for cbcrp furi) £}ffenrc, c a p. forfeit tire Attiri of jfibc é>I)illings, io bc 1 v" lebicb bp SDiftrefs off itici) £T>ffenbcvs ©oobs, bp (HHafrant of t!)c faib Direttore or efommiflionets, ozanp Xtoo or mere of tfjcm; attb in elafe no Ooobs or Cijat; tlcs of furi) nDffcnCcr rait bc founb, it Arali anb map bc latoful to anb for tire faib Dircttors anb Commffuoiicrs, or anp Xtoo o) more of rirem, to ronttnit furi) jSDffcnbcr to tlic Itroufe of Correttimi, tfjcre to bc itept to Jjai*D Xabour for anp Xime ttot ejrcccbing tire à>pace of &cbcn Daps. 3lnb bc it Cttattcb bp rijc Slttriroritp aforefaib, Xfjat tire faib Direttors anb Contmifltoncrs, Arali anb map btiilb anb malte é>ctocrs anb Draitts of fucl) 3>U menftons, anb to furi) Cjetent in furi) £>trects anb otlrcr #latcs in tire faib Citp attb Xibcrtics tljcrcof, as to tlrcnt Ajall feetn erpebient anb ìtcreffarp, probi; beb tl)attl)c Jnljabitants of futi) é>trccts in toltici} f»cn é>etocrs anb Draitts Arali bc intenbeb to bc mabe, Arali coittributc furi) proportiott of tijc Ctpcncc of tlje fame, as to tire faib Direttore anb Coni; miAìbners Arali fecm tncct, anb from Ximcto Xitne, clcattfc, feottr, Iteep anb preferbe tire fame in propcr Drbcr, ftc; pair, anb Conbitioit. anb be it Cnattcb bp tire autljoritp aforefaib, XIrat toljeiteber tire faib Di* rectors anb Commimotters, or anp jfibc 0: more of rircnt Arali tinnii it cjtpcbicnt anb neeeffarp, tljat a £>ctocr or Drain Aroulb 12 2 be1072 Anno Regni viceiîmo tertio & quarto c ». a p. |jc tnabc 02 bullt in anp Street 02 otber Lvii. afflare, it fljaü anb map be latoful to anb f02 the faib 3Direct02S anb Commiflïoners to gibe Notice tïtcrcof to eberp Jlnÿabiu ant 02 Æ>ceupicr of eberp l^oufe in fuel) Street 02 otïjer place, anb bp fuel) Notice to rcquirc titem to meet tbe faib 3Dirccto2S attb Commiiïïoners at Cuti) Xime anb plate as (bail bc ejep2cifcb itt fuel) Notice, ut 02bcr to confer tbereupon, anb to afeer* tain attb agrée to tbe ptopottion of tf)e Grpcncc toltiti) tbe Jinljabitants 02 Ou ittpicrs of fuel) IDoufes ougbt to Contribute totoarbs tlje mailing of fuel) âtetocr 02 2>2ain ; anb tobateber ê>um fball at fuel) ipecting bc agrccb bp fuel) ^jnljabitants 02 £>ccupicrs, 02 Xljrce=fourtljs of ti)em, bp tKUriting ttnbcr tïjeir $anbs, to bc eoutributcb totoarbs tbe Capente of mailing anb builbittg fitcl) é>etoer 02 Xraitt, filali bc a (Cftargc on tije febcral fouies in fuel) Street 02 otber plate, anb filali bc applotteb anb affeffcb rateablp bp tltc faib £>irctto2S anb Commiiïïoners, 02 anp jfibe 02 tno2e of tljcm, accotbing to to tl)c £0ctljob pteferibeb in tbe faib £it mabe in tljc Xbirteentb anb jfourteentb gears of l)is fi0ajeftp’s Beign, for af= felüng tfjc Bâte tljcrcin tncntioncb, anb filali bc lebicb in tbe fame i0anner as tbe otber Xates anb ^fffeffments btrein mem tioncb, arc to be lebicb. 3inb tobercas tbe tlcanftng of tbe Streets anb otber plares in tlje Citp of Dublin, batlj been bcrctofoic tonbutteb anb manageb unber tlje 3>ircction of tbe Hotb £0apo2, £>bcriffs, Commons anb Citiîcns ofCìcorgi i Terni Regis. i of tijc Caia Citp, anb tljc «Spente tbereof Ijacli bccn bcfrapeb bp tijcm out of ttjc licbcituc arifing bp tbe Xolle ani Cui* toms of tiìc Caio City; anb it appcars bp a Kefolution of a Committec of tlje fioufc of Commoits,tbatuponan2lbcragc of tfje lafl: •jCctt gcacs, tbc émm of Xtuo Xijoufanb anb Xbirtcen j^ounbs batlj bccn gcarlp applico bp tbc faib Xotb £13apot, Sijcnffs, Commons anb citisene, fot tbc jàurpofe of clcattfmg faib é>trcets anb otber ìMaccs : £KIJf)crcfovc, anb totuarbS tbc cnabling tbc faib Dircctors anb Commifltoncrs to Dc= frap tljc Crpcncc of clcaitùng tbc faib ¿treets out of tbc jfunbs bcrctofotc apt= plicablc to tbc fame, bc it Cnactcb bp tbc ^utbotitp afotefaib, Xljat tbc faib Xotb C0apot, é>bcriffe, Commons anb Citisene of tbc faib Citp fljall pap to tbc faib Direttole anb Coinmifltoners, tbc annual é>um of Xtoo Xboufanb |àounbs out of tbc Kcbcnuc of tbc faib Citp of Dubiin, arifing from tbc Xolle anb Cuftoms tbcrcof, ot fo murb tbcrcof as fucb Xolle anb Cuftoms fljall bc fuflicicnt to pap, tljc fame to bc paib bp cgual l)alf=pcarlp pap= mcnts, on eberp Xtocntp=fiftJj Dap of March, anb XtOCntp=nÌntIj Dap of Septem-ber in tbc Qtat, tbc firft i&apmcitt tbcrcof to be Due on tbc Xtocntp*fiftb Dap of March, Dne tboufanb fcbcit buitbrcb ano cigbtp*fibc. 2lnb tobcrcas tbc Eatcs anb ^ffclfmcnt cflablifljcb bp tljc faib vetiteb 3ltt mabe in tbc Xbittccntb anb jrourtccntb gcars of tbc &eign of line faib Ì0ajcftp, batb ptobcb berp intufficicnt fot tbc purpofes tbcrcbp 12 in intenbeb:Anno Regni vicefimo tertio &c quarto ■ intcnbcb; 3?» 02bcr tbcrefote to cniarge tijc fiuta fot furi) jSurpofes, ani tl)e bet* ter to ritablc tl)c faib 2>irerto2S ano «Tom* inifli'oncrs to pay tljc Grebitots of tljc faib Gotpotarioit tfjc interdi accruing oit tije ptiitctpal é>unts ìDuc to tbcm, ant» tlje lliu tcrclf of futi) 3>ttm atto émms as tifali be bottotorb puvfuant to tl)is 2lct, anb alfo to ¿Difcljargc furi) Stinti jpal é>ums : 0$e it «Eitattcb by tljc 3lutl)ozity afotefaib, Xbat ouc ot mote abbitiottal Bate ot Bates, ZU fdimeitt ot ^Ufcffmcnts {Itali ttoicc in ebery g>car, ot oftener if it fltali be tbottgljt ttccbful by tljc faib Xircctots anb Gom= mifltoncrs.ot any éeben or mote of tbem,be laibanb aifcffcb by tlje faib SDircctots anb Coinnuffioncrs, ot any é>cbcn ot mote of tl)cm, upoit all anb ebery tljc Xanbs, lioufcs, S>I)ops, 22larcI)oufcs, Gellars, Baults, anb Xcncmcnts tmtijin tì)t faib City, Xibcrtics, anb otljcr $laccs in tbe faib renteb 3ltts mentioncb, in futi) éntro anb éntms of sDoncy as ti)C faib £>u rcttots aub Commifiioners, ot any énbett ot mote of tjjem, fljall ycarly, anb ebery igear buvittg tljc faib é>eben gcars, £)?* ber anb £>irctt, fo as furi) abbitionalBatcs ot gUTcìTmcnts bo not crrccb éùjc 0cnce itt tbc ftounb, in any otte gear, of tlje ycarly Bent of furi) Hanbs, Ijoufcs, é>bops, ULlarcIjoufcs, Cellars, liaults, anb Xcnc= niente, arro2bing totljc £0obc ptefrribcb by tl)e faib lati mentioncb 3lct, fot rating anb aifcfftng tbc vBoney tljcrcm mcntion= rb; toltici) abbitional Bates anb SUfdTs tncnts mali be paib, rollcctcb anb lebieb in ine fame Scanner as tbc Bates ot ìSCTclD ments cttabiifticb by tfce faib recitcb 3tts 0)Geórgìi Tertii Regi*;. 107$ èi attp of tfjcm, are tlicrcbv Dirette!) to bC e » A r. paib, rollcttcD anD JcbtcD, anD diali De ap= 1 v'i plicD foz rljc purpofcfl of tjjis 3ictv ' 3UtD teli e rea 5 tìje fBattner of rating anD «ffcfftJtg publirb ©uilbingo, Dcab ¡Ulallo, anD Sloib Sparto of ÓroitnD» aita tijc £190= rboDs fez Beroberp of fitti) 33atro anD Zù fcifmcnte mcntioneb in tfjc faib rccitrD ;31ct paiTcD in tbc ^Cfjirtecntfj anD jrour= trenti) geare of ilio ijfJafeffp’s Beigli, foz tifjc gurpofeo tbcrein, babe itot pzobcD cf= fccttial: lòt it C-ttatteD bp tijc 2ltitljoritp, afozefaib, Xbat it filali atto map bc fotofili to anD foi tijc faiD direttolo anD Cominif* donerò, « anp é>rbcn oz moze of tijcnt, anD tljcp areljcrebp rcqnircb, tol)cn,anD ai fuc!) Xitnee as tijc Bates attD ^tffcffi mento, Iiercbp Dircttcb to bc maDc, diali from Xime to Xime bc maDe, to Batc anD 3HTefo totoarDO tijc iSmrpofce afozefaio, all Paridi CimrelKO, Ci)nrrl)=garDo, anD otlier garbo, Clzapcie, anb otner publicU ©itiibingo alfo all £l9ectingi ì?onfee, £t9ecting=l)oufe garbo, attD Bttrp= ingrl)oolfl anb £j9arUet=})oufco, anD all DraD tllallo, anb iÉloib Spacco of OronnD intl)c faiD CTitp anb JLibcrtico, attD otljcz placco in tbefaib rccitcb^ltto mentii otteD, ettept tfje Baronp of Donore, at futi) Batc ao t$c faiD Dircttozoanb CommifQon= ero, oz anp é>cben oz moie of tbctn, diali £>),■ ber anD Direct foz cbtrp &quare garb of tijc <5rounD DrcnpicD oz bclongittg to furi) Cburcbce, Clntrcij garDo, CbDpclo, anb gibliclt »uilDingo, i19ecting=l)oufeo, £Pcct= ing=boufc garbo, attD Burpittg (Srotttibo, ■ j H 2 étrlioole1076 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio Squarto e h A &cfioolß anu (©arltet^oufcß, not occecö= Lvn. qm in tfic gcar tfic Katc of jrouv gente foi eberv Panare gart) ; anD alto to ftate anD äftcfß all S>eaD CZUallS, ani üioiD Spaces of <3rounD aDjoining to oj on tlje j0iöcs of anp Street, 3Lane, £luap, Court, cimare, 01 3llicp, totoarDß tljc gurpofeß afozefaiD, at futi) Bäte aß tfie faiD Xirec* toiß anD Connnifüonerß Ojiall 02Dcr anD Snreet in üöanncr afojefaiD, fot eberp garD runiting £0eafnre of futi) XeaD ¿ti a II 0: U01D Stpaec of urounD aDjoining to, oj along tfic é>iDe of anp Street 02 giare aß afojefaiD, not cjtcccDing in tfic gcar, citficr tfic Xatc of ¿Dne é>fiilling anD é>ir gente foj eberp fuefi garD, 02 of ¿Due £>fiillmg in tfic gounD of tfic pcarlp halite of fuefi OrounD inclofcD bp faiD XcaD (liliali, 02 fuefi iUoiD é>pace, Alali bc balueD at aß ficrcin after mcntiom eD ; if tfic £>tnner 02 £>tonerß tfiercof filali S>eftre to bc SUfeffcD bp fuefi lattcr iSate, fuefi ìiate 02 ßattß, ^ITcffmcnt 02 ZU feffmentß fo to bc maDc from Xime to Xime upon anp gariffi Cfiurefi, Cfiurefi^ garDozCfiapcl, to bc paiDbptfic Cfiurefi 02 Cfiapcl üiiarDcnß ; anD tfie ivate 02 ftateß, 3HTelfmcnt 02 2tfrcffinentß fo to bc maDc from Xime to Xime upon anp (©ectingi looufe, iJ3ecting=li?oufc garD, oj Burial OrounD bntfiin tfic faiD Citp anD Xibcrticß anD glarcß aDjoining aß aforcfaiD, to bc paiD bp tfic iginiftcr anD 3>caconß 02 otfier gerfonß ufuallp officiating tficrcin ; anD tfic Kate oi 2f(feltmcnt fo to bc from Xime to Ximc maDc upon anp Scfiool, £0arfceti i?oufc 02 publitli BuiliDing, to bc paiD bp tfic à>tfioofii)9attcv, derb of tfie Q5arbct, Xrcafurcr,Georgii Tertîï Regis. 1077 Xreafurer, oî $îincipal Dfficer of fuel) c » a p pttbltcb »uilûing refpertibclp, oî tlje Dtoner oî Dinners, #îopjietoî 0? piictojs tbercof ; anû if fuel) Clmrcl) oî Cljapel âîâarûens, ipinittcrs, Dcacons, â>cïjool?it3aftcrs, Clerlt of tlje fI0arfeet, Clerlt, Xreafurer, oî $nitctpal DfSter, oî otïjcr î&erfon, Dtoncr oî ¿Dlxmers, $10* Pîîcîoî oî îâîopîictoîS, üjali rcfitfe oî negiert to pap tïje famé toitlnn Xcn Daps after Demant) maûc, tljen anû in ebcn> fuel) Cafe, fuel) Bâte oî Bâtes, ^ffeffment oî SHTcffmcntS, fljall be lebicû off anû front tïje îâerfon oî ferions fo rcgtrircû to pap tfjc famé, bp Diftrcfs, oî bp Action of Dcbt, 13iïl, plaint, oî ^Information in anp of lins fißafettp’s Courts of Bccoîû, to be tommenteû anû pîofecuteû itt tïje ißame oî J3ames of tïje faiû DirertoîS anû Commifûoners, oî of tïjeir â>ccrctarp, Xreafurer, oî Clerlt ; in minci) Action oî £nut, oî anp Action oî âutit brotigljt oî commenceû bp tïje faiû DirertoîS anû Corn* mifltoners, no Cffoign, ^îotertion oî ¡Ma* ger of Xato, oî moîc tijan one 3Jmparlance fljall be allotoeû ; anû in Default of |âap* ment of fuel) Bâte oî Bâtes, Stffeffment oî SlfCefCments to be maûc on anp ipceting^ $oufe, £>cijool, i0arfeet= fjoufe, oî publirfe îSuilûing as afoîefaiû, tïje famé fljall be anû remain a Cijargeupon fuel) flI9ccting^oufc, £>cï)Dol, £0arltet4joufe, oî publiclt »uilû* ing, anû be paiû bp tïje Xanûloîû oî Dtoner tïjereof refpcrtibclp, anû rctobcrcû in £Bam ner as afoîefaiû ; anû fuel) Bâte oî liâtes ^.fCefTment oî 3tffcffmcnts fo to be frotn 12 B Xi nieï 078 Anno Regni vïceiimo tertio 8c qüârto c » a p. %imi to %ime ntabc upon anp S>cab LVII. • Iwimt vu »»r— *L 'Tlv*w 2jjall 01 doib â>pace of <¡5rounD, fljall be ' paiD bp tïje refpcitibe Stoner 02 Otoncrs, #2op2ieto2 02 iatopnetots thereof, to be re* cobcrcb in cafe of Befufal 02 J2on=papment bp mttion, »ill, plaint 02 ^Jnfcmnation in fl0anncr afojcmcntíoncb, 02 bp 2>iflrefs as herein after isbirettebto bcntaûe ; 02 in Cafe tJje UPtoncr 02 £> toners, $2op2ieto2 D2 î02op2tctO2S of anp fuel) £>eab Odali 02 doib â>pacc of <¡3rounb, fljall not be lut 0 ton 02 cannot bcfouub, fo as tfjat tbe faib Bate 02 Bates, ^ffeffntent 02 ^ffeffments mabe, 02 to be mabe thereon, map be re* cobereb anb rcceibeb, that tïjcn anb in eberp fuel) Cafe, tlje (Srounb inlcofeb in fuel) 2>eab Odali anb fuel) doíb á>paee of <3rounb, diali remain anb be a â>ecuritp to tlje faib 2Diretto2S anb Commifltoners for tile fame, anb all Arrears thereof, toge= tíjer tolti) t|ie Crpence of Becoberp; the fame to be recobcreb bp Dtflrefs, BUI, ^ttion of îDcbt, plaint, 02 information againll tlje firfl 02 anp other #erfon 02 îâcrfons tobo fljall claim a Bight in, anb üDeeupp fueb SDcab Odali 02 Orounb, tljere= ininelofcb, 02 fuel) doib ä>paee oförottnb; tobícb Bates anb ^UfelTments on fueb pariti) Cburcbcs, Cburcb^garbs, anb other £>arbs, Cbapcls, anb other püblich lômlbtngs, Dcab Odalls anb OJoib Spaces of 0rounb, fljall be in lieu of all former Bates anb SUfellments impofeb on tbe fame bp dirtuc of tbe faib former reciteb ^its. bp ^utbotitp tiahu^n anp $crfon »? ferions liable to tbe IDapment of anp £>um oj ÂumiGeorgii Tertii Jtegis; ¿»urns: of CDottep rateb or attclfcb bpc tSlirtue of this o? of tlje faib former 3lcts, flrall jReglcct or Befufe to pap fuel) £>um o? £>ums of ipottep fo ratcb anb af-fcCTcb upon anp froufe, $>bop. cHIlare^ Iroufe, illault, Cellar, or Xcrtemeht, or upon anp paritlr Cfrurcir, eirurcir=garb( or otijer garb, Chapel, or otijer publicfc Builbing, i0eeting«^oufe, £0ccting=!3oufe garb, or Burping (Krounb, £>rirool or uparftct=$oufe, or upon Dcab 32lalls, or Hotb Spaces of <5rounb, to tije Collector or Collectors appointeb bp tire faib Direc* tors to Demanb, Collect anb Beccibe tire $ium anb Smms of £0oitep fo rateb anb affeffeb refpectibelp, for tire £>pace of Xcrt Daps after perfonal Dcmanb thereof, or Demanb in (minting left at tire place of 3lbobc or Occupation of fuel) perfon or perfons fo rateb or atfelfeb, or liable as aforefaib, neglecting or refilling to pap tfie fame, tljat tljen, anb in eberp fuel) Cafe, it Iball anb map be latbful to procccb as herein before mentioneb; or for tljc Col* lector or Collectors to enter into or upon anp part of tfje premises toitljin tire faib Citp or Countp of tire faib Citp, or places tljercunto ab/oining, as fjercin before men= tioiteb, anb Dittraitt tije Ooobs anb drat* ties of fuel) perfon or perfons fo rateb anb aCfcffeb, or toljo flrall be liable to tire papraent of fuel) Bates anb SUfclfments; anb if tire fame flrall not be rcplebieb, or tire ponies paib toitlrin jfibe Daps tlrere= after, together toitlr tlje Coll of maUingfnrlr' Diftrcfs, to be afcertaittcb bp anp Xt»o of tire faib Directors or Commiltfoncrs, tfren to Sell fo mutlr anb fuel) part tlrcrc^ of as brill befufimcitt to pap tljc faib Bate 12 E 2 anbi oSo Anno Regni vicelimo tertio & quarto c h a p, aMtj SHfcffmentS, togctbcr toitlj tlje Colta J m attcnfiing tijc fame, atto return tije £>Der= plus, if anp, to tljc áPtoner oj iPtoners of fuci) (5ooD3 atto Ctjattles. ^nfi fot tlje Getter afccrtaining tlje j&ates of futi) tyoutcs tacere no eafi QUalls anfi Uoífi à>paces of ©rounfi, toljerc it is nccelfarp to afcertaxn tije fame, as Ijerein befóte mentionefi; it fljall anfi map be latoful to anfi fot tlje faifi SPircctots anfi Commiffioners, otanp Jribe ot mote of tijcm, bp QUriting unfier tijeir l?anfis, to dominate anfi 2lppoint anp irour iPer^ fons tijep tljall tinnii fit to malte anfi aU ccrtain a Ualuation bp tlje gear, of t|)C Xeni toltici) futi) fjoufe ot ijoufes is ot are QUojti), tf let to a émlbent Xenant, ot of toljat futi) 3Pcafi QUall, ot Uoífi à>pace of <®rounfi tooulfi be Xet fot bp tlje jfoot to a S»olbcnt Xenant, anfi no mote; toljirij Ualuation, toljen mafie, fljall be returnefi bp tlje faifi Jfour iPcrfons to tlje faifi ¿Picee-tots anfi Commifltoners, tolti) an 3tffifiabit tfjereto annejccfi, to be mafie befóte anp ttoo of tlje faifi SPircctotS ano Commiflcon* «rs,Geoi'gii Terni Regis. io8r ezs, purporting, that fait» tElaluatton toas maöe accorOing to tire lieft of their â>aiu ano Snotolcogc, toitijout partiality or irabour to any perfon oi perfons concentro oi in* tcreftcO in fuel) Valuation ; tohieh tlalu= ation being maöe ano rcturneO, fljall, for the purpofc of this 3lrt only, anû for no other pnrpofe, be DeemeD ObiDcnce of the Sent of fuel) tjoufc or ijoufes, or of the ila= lue of fuel) 2)caö CSïall, oz tloiD â>pace, ot the Sent they might be let for rcfpectibdy to a é»olbent Xettant* C li a P. LVII. 3lnD be it further Cuarteo by the Zu-tïjozity afozefaiO, Xhat if any perfott ap= poíntcD a llafuatoz as afozefaiO, to îlalue any l>oufc oz iconics, 3DcaO tHUalls, oz SoiD Spaces, tljall negiert or refufe to Oaluc tljc fame, or fljall not return fuel) Valuation in Xtoenty^otte Stays after Ije is fo appointcb, anD be cottbirtcO of fuel) Regiert or Sefufal, before any Xtoo of faiD Stirertors anD Commilïïoncrs, either by his oton Confeffton, or proof upon the £>atlj or £>aths of one or more Mlitncfs or ti£iitncffcs, fueh perfon fljall ^forfeit the £tum of Jribc pouttDS, to be rceooereü by Stittrefs anü â>alc of his OooOs, anûlcbieo as other penalties againft this ano the Caio 21 rts arc maöe rceobcrablc. probiOeD altoays, anO be it CnactcD by the Authority aforefaiD, Xljat nothing in this 2lrt eontainco fljall erteno or be eonffrucD to ertenO to, or to Charge with the aforefaiD Sates, any jficlO, Arabic, or iPcaOobo Omino, or any OarDen, garD, S>eaD small, or Sleiû é>pace beyono inhere 12 â> the1082 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto Chat. the publirk flights arc uctD fijccU, or to 1 vn cronerate anp parilh or parilhcs, or BoDp polititR or Corporate from patting anD Repairing anp Square, Street, ILanc, paffage or plate, or anp part of anp Square, street, flane, paffage or place lyljirl) thep Ijatoc been actuftomcD or ought to ijabc pabcD or repaircD, ttor to cjroner* ate anp parill) or parilhcs, BoDics polU rich or Corporate, from the ^Regulations anD pjoinftons of the Sltt of the Xhit* tccittl) anD ¿Fourteenth gears of pis pre* fettt #ajtflp, or from Bctobcrpof thepap* mntt of furl) Compofitioit Bates or HU feffments, as tljcp fljall or map be rcipec^ tibclp liable to, unber tl)is or tlje faiD for* nter Slits, as herein is CnactcD, anp Xhing to the contrarp in anp toife nottoithllanD* ing. Slnb be it further CnatteD bp the Hu* thoiitp afojcfaiD, Xhat the pmpertp of all parifl) oz publicR ©lobes anD Xamps note ufcD anD crcctcD foz lighting the faiD Streets, anD other plates in the faiD Citp, toith all the iron polls anD ipa* terials thereunto belonging, thall be, aitD the fame are hercbp beltcD in tlje faiD S)i-retto?s anD Commifitoners. SlnD fo) the better lighting of the faiD jfetreets anD other places: 15c it CnattcD bp tlje Stuthojitp afojefaiD, Xhat the faiD SDirettojs anD Commiflxoners, o? anp Xhrec m mote of them regularlp affemblcD, anD founing a BoarD, Ihall habc full potacr anD Sluthoritp, front Xime to Xtme, to retnobe all o; anp of the !latnps aU reaDpGeorgii Tertii Regisi 1083 reaop eretico ano to tic eterico, attD alio to c H A r. leilanDDifpofeoffucI) Xatnps, tronfi, ano gofisas tlicp fljall tinnii fit, aito to p:o= bioe atto erect Xamps tu Cuci) glares, ano in furi) Scanner, ano at Cuci) Difiattccs throughout tfie Streets ano otfjer gub* licit glares in tl)c Caio Citp as fljcp Cl)ali tinnii p,toper ; atto tfiat Cucì) XampS fl)aìi Oc of Cuci) Sozt aito jfaOjton, atto tfiat tijc Carne filali be ligijtco, cleanCcD, fnufi feo, maintaitteo, ano repaireo in Cuci) fanner as tbc Caio Directors atto Coni-ntifltoncrs fl)ail orOcr. grobiOcD,XI)at Cuci) Xantps fijall bc eretta CO ano fitto at boti) SiOes of tlje Caio Streets, ano otjjcr places, ano fljail not be eretico or fitco a greater Di fiance otte from another tfian Xbaetttp garos, atto fljall not protect leCs tfian Xbao JFeet from the ijoufe, tECtali, ot otijer glace to ballici) tficp fljall be fijceO; atto tfiat tlje Caio Xamps iì)all be kept ligljtco ano burning from émitifetting to js>un=rifing During tlje fcoijolc gear, ^no be it «ZEnacteO bp tlje Stutfiontp afotefaio, Xljat ali Diobcs ano Xamps ballici) fiabe been atto diali be erecteo, dì put up ano ligijtco at tèe spente of p:i= bate gerfons, filali bc firco ano placco ott tlje Carne Itine o? Ifiattgc baiti) tlje publitìt Xatnps to bc ftjcco in tfie Came Streets 02 other glares, atto in Cuci) ¿Banner as tfie Caio Directors ano Commiffconers, or anp Xhree or moie of tìjcm diali tljinit proper; ano tf tlie Dbaner or Dccupicr of anp $oufe or giace Uaficre Cuci) DIobe or Hamp filali not bc fijccb atto placco in tfie ¿Bau* 12 & 2 ne?84 Anno Regni vicefimo temo Se quarto a i’. iter herein before mentioncb, (ball not hhtbin Xen ©aps after Notice from the "-J faib ©ircctors ani) Cominiflioners Qjaii be left at fuel) Dotife et other place, requiring that fnch um fl)all be paib to tlje faib ©irectcrs anb CommiUtoncrs, anb fljall be bp them applico to tlje fcbcral purpofesof this^rt. 3lnb tohereas the prefettt £©obe of rat^ ing tlje Xap foz lighting tlje ¿Directs anb other places in tlje faib Citp is incon-bciticnt anb inabequate; anb in orber to befrap tlje Crpcntc of pzobibing anb erecting fuel) Stamps or Slights, polls anb girons, anb alfo tlje pearlp Charge of erecting, lighting, fupplpiitg, mainaining, anb repairing the fame, it is neccffarp that a mozc equitable iPobc of atCeffment fhoulb be eflablilltcb: »e it Cnactcb bp tlje SlutSjozitp aforefaib, Xljat as foon after tlje palling of this i3ct, as to the faib directors anb Commiflioners fhall appear pzacticable anb erpebient, one oz more Kate or Kates, ^fCelfmcnt or %U fetfincnts ober anb abobe tlje Kates anb ^IfeiTmcnts herein before mentioneb, fljall, once in eberp gear, oz oftener if it fljall be thought ncebful bp tlje faib ©¿rectors anbGeorgii Teitii Regis. anb Commifli'oners, ot aitp 02 mote of them, he Iain anb affcffco bp the faib birectors aitb Commifltoners, ot attp Seben or more of them, upon all attb eberp the Xanbs, Dottfes, Shops, ©Harchoufes, Cellars, Kauits, anb Xcncments, an® other places britinn the faib Citp anb the ?Uber= ties thereof; tolhch &atc 02 Kates, 21G fclfmcnt 01 ^HTcffments, fljall be alfclfca anb applotteb on all futh Xartbs, fcottfes, ©Harchoufes, Cellars, CJaults, anb Xe-nements, anb other glares, ,iit Manner follobrittg ,* that is to fap, on all Xanbs, i?oufcs, anb other places, afeertaineb to be of thcpcarlp Kent or iHalttc of Xtoentp gounbs anb uptoarbs, as the fame ttanb, ot fhall habc been afeertatneb anb rateb totoarbs the Maintenance of the ©Hatch in fuch garifh 02 glace rcfpcctitoclp, a Kate not epceebing .fiDne Shilling anb Sip genre in the gounb gearlp, for cberp gounb of the faib pcarlp Kent 02 Xlalue; anb ail fttrh l^oufes attb other plates afeertaineb anb rateb as afotefaib, to be of the pcarlp Kent 02 ttalue of Xcn gounbs, anb ttnbcr Xtoentp gounbs, af= ter a Kate not cpcecbing £>ne Shilling in the gounb pearip, fot eberp gounb of the faib pcarlp Kent 02 Ualuc; anb on all fuch Xanbs, Routes, anb other places afeertaineb anb rateb as aforefaib, at lefs than Xcn gounbs pcarlp Kent or flaiue, a Kate not ejctcebing i|3inc Settee in tlr gounb for eberp gounb of tljc faib pcarlp Kent ot Halue; anb that fuch feberai Kates anb affelfments fljali continue foj Scben gears from the Xtoenfpsflfth Dap of March, £>uc thoufianb feben hum breb anb cightp=four, anb fljall be lebieb >2 X anb1086 Anno Regni viceiimo tertio 5c quarto c h a p, ant) pain in fuel) fanner as mentioneb lvii. in tlje aforefaiD fcbcral reciteb acts, or a tip of them, in refpect to the affei&ng anD applotting, lebping, anD paping tlje Bate or Bates, aifeffment or afteff* ments tljcrcbp pjobibeD for Raping the streets anD otfjer places therein men* tioncD, anD fhall be in Slicu of all former Bates anD aifcCCments for lighting the faiD Citp. ^tobiDeD altoaps, Xhat if anp inha* bitant ot ^Inhabitants (halt regiller his, her, or their iftames in the Boobs of the Clerlt o* ifeecretarp of the faiD ^Directors anD CommiUxoners, anD engage to light iPne oi more pribate ©lobe or Globes, toith their ILights turneb to the streets, nattes, ibaffages, or Courts, fubject to the fame Begulations toith the publicb Stamps, anD (hall pap for the lighting the fame, fuch inhabitant or inhabitants (hall be ejeempteb from £>nc l>alf of the aifeffment for the Support of the pub* licit Stamps tohieh he, (he, ot thep tooulb othertoife be liable to. anD be it CnacteD bp the authotitp aforefaiD, Xhat if anp Stamp Slighter emplopcD bp a Contractor, (hall embe55lc or fell jflPil, 0? light ©lobes 01 Stamps on his oton Account, 0? anp other Jberfon foz him; anD alfo, that eberp fberfon t»ho B)all bup fuch -©il, upon Conbittion tljere= of before anp of l?is Ut5ajeltp’s indices of the tbeace, fhall be liable to a jfine of Xen IbounDS sterling, to be raifeD anD lebieD bp a Warrant from unDer the i?anD of theGeorgii Tertii Regis. tljc fait) iuftice, upon tljc Dffenber’S C5ooDs anti Chatties; aitO if no fufficient Dif= trcfs is to be ijab, that then or in that Cafe, to be liable to %l)tte £0ontlj’S im= pjifonment. 3nb be it ftirtfjcr Citattcb bp tfje %\\* tfioritp aforefaib, Xhat the faib feberal Directors anb Commiflioners, ot anp jfibe or more of them, are fjcrcbp impotoereb from Xime to Xime, at attp of their faib Meetings, as Dcra&on fball require, to contract toith anp #crfon or t&ejfons for cleaitfing anb lighting all or anp of tljefaib Squares, Streets, £luaps, Courts, 2Uleps, places anb ILanes; tohith Contract or Contracts, fhall fpecifp the feberal flatters to be performcb, anb the prices to be paib for the fame, anb the penalties to be fuU fereb in Cafe of jUomperformancc thereof, anb fhall be figneb bp the faib ¡directors anb CommiUtoners, or anp jfibe or more of them, at fuch their Meetings, af-fembleb anb forming a ©oarb as aforefaib, anb bp fuch ©erfoit ot $cr foils ron= trading to perform fuch patters; but prebious to the mailing of anp fuch Con= tract jFourteen Daps /Notice lljall be giben inXtoo or more publicli iBctufpapcrs, eje* preflxng their intentions to mabe fuch Contracts, in orber that anp perfon or l^erfons milling to unbertabe the fame, map mabe ©ropofals for that purpofc, to be offercb anb prefettteb to the faib Directors anb CommiUtoners at a certain Xirne anb i&lace in eberp fuch i3otire to to be mentioned 12 % 1 ©robibcblo88 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio&: quarto Chap. $robibcb altoaps, ani) be it «BttattfD bp lvii. tfie 3lutfic2ttp afotefaib, Xfiat notiti ng ^ fierein containeb, (fiali ertenb, ot be com ftrueb io coietto to prebent tfie $crfot; mance of anp Contract mabc tcitfi tfie CDjpOiation Of tfie Citp Of Dublin, fot clcanùng tfie faib Streets, ot of anp Cons tract mabc rotti) attp $ari(fies in tfie faib Citp, fot tfie figfiting tficrcof fot tfie Xe= mainber of./>tfie Xime eppreifeb tn futi) Contracts, but tfiat fuefi Contracts (fiali fubCtft fot tfie iàttrpofcs tfiercin mentioneb. iDrobibcb aifo, attb be it Cnactcb bp tfie Slutfioritp afotefaib, Xfiat notfiing fierein containeb (fiali ejetenb to prebent tfie Cfiurcfi aniarbcns anb #ari(fiioncrs of tfie feberai $artffics in tfie faib Citp, from Icbping anb recobcrtng all Xapcs fot figfiting tfie Xamps in tficir rcfpcctibe riifics, anb all Arrears tficrcof tofiicfi (fiali be bue at tfie Ximc tfie Contracts note in being fot figfiting tfie fame, (fiali ccafc. 3lnb be it furtfier Cnactcb bp tfie 3lm tfioritp aforefaib, Xfiat cberp $erfon lofio (fiali rontract toitfi tfie faib 2>ircctots anbCommilltoncrs fot ligfitingtfie Streets anb otficr glares in tfie faib Citp, 01 anp of tfiem, (fiali empiop one 02 mote per= fon ot i&crfons in cberp tariffi, fot tfie Xrimming, Cicanfmg, anb bue figfiting of tfie faib Xamps, tofiicfi (tierfon ot pern fons (fiali attenb in tfie ìlàlatcfi iconic of tfie faib parili) in CHIlintcr tifi tfie l?our of four in tfie (Porning, anb in Summer till tfie pour of tino in tfie dooming, in Cfibct tfiat anp Jlnfiabitant ot (Kllatcfi= man of tfie faib Citp anb liberties tficre= of.Georgii Tertii Regis. • 1089 of, mag gibc jRotire io Inni of ang jRcg= Ciuf. Icct; anî) tïjat ttpott ang Compiami mafie i-vn. io tijc fato Dircttors aito Commiffioners ^ SJ of ang jftegiett of SJtttg in tijc faio Con* tractons, 0? in tijt pcrfoit or ferions fo bp fijcm empiogeO fo? tlje Xrimtnittg, Clcanftng ano ILigìjting tijc faio Xamps, it fljaii ano mag bc iatofui to ano fo? tijc Caio Dircttors ano Commiffioners, 0? ang tïn*cc of tljcm, aito tijcg are ijcrcbg ini-potocrcD ano rctittireO npoit ang 3lnfor= mations crljibircD, o? Compiaint maoc in tijat Z3cïjaïf, immcoiatelg to àmmtnoit tijc ì^avtp 0? parties atrnfco, ano tijc Cîïitttcffcs on citijcr fiOc, aito to tramine CUitncffcs upott £>atij, o? being of tije Scopie caiicù üttuahers, Affirmation ; ano if ttpon iPatlj, dì Affirmation ittaDc bgang of tijc Scopie calicò £fitaKcrs, fncij fiu gicct fo romplaincO of fljaii bc probcO to bc committcO, tijc faio Contratto? o? Ccn= trattors, fljaii fo?feit fttrij èmm 02 shunts of i0onep asto tijc faio Xircttors ano Conti miffioners fljaii feetn jttil ano rcafonablc, not cjcrceDing Xtoentg êfljilüngs; ano fncij ànun 02 âutms fo fo?fcitcO, fljaii bc DcOucteù out of tijc CHiagcs bue to tijc faio Contratto? 02 Contratto?s, atto bc applico to, ano bc mabe $art of tijc Tutto fo? #robiOing atto f0aintainittg tijc Xigijts. Ano toijcrcas cbii DifpofcO ferions ijabe broite, atto mag toiifuilp breait ano Oeftrog tijc Xamps crcttcù in tijc éurccts of tijc faio Citg : j|3oto to prebent tijc Ulte maiiciotts îâratficcs fo? tijc future, bc it furtijer CnattcD bg tijc Atttijotitg afrnefaio, Xijat tf ang #erfon fljaii toiifuiig breait, r 2 ti tijroto1090 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto c.. a p. tijvoto boton, 0} ejctinguiffi anp Xamp LVU tljat ffiall be Jung up, anb Cet up to 1 " jL\Q])t tlje streets, Xancs, 02 Courts, oi tuilfuUp Damage tije $olts, 3>ron, 01 otljer jfurniture tljcreof, etoetp Action fo offenbing tljerein, anb being thereof conbirtcb bp tlje £>ati), 02, being of tije people callcb fttuabers, Affirmation, of one 02 mote ICTitnefs 02 CClitneffes, befote tlje 3Lo2b £0apo2, 02 anp one 02 nunc of $is s^aieftp’s Suffices of tlje l&eacc foj tlje Citp of Dublin, ffiall fo2 tlje firlt !S)U fence, forfeit tlje S>um of jfortp SffiiD lings fot cacl) Xamp fo broken, tljrotou boixm, 02 crtinguifljeb, 02 otljertoife bas mageb, anb fo2 tlje fcconb Offence, tlje ;§>um of Jfiftp fillings, anb fo2 tlje tfjirb, anb cberp otljer iDffencc, tl>c £>um of Xljrec pouitbs, to be recobercb anb le* bieb, in fuel) fanner as Ijerein after is meutioneb. Anb be it further Cnatteb bp tlje Au= tlj02itp afojefaib, Xjjat it ffiall anb map be latoful to anb fot tlje Xojb £0apoj for tlje Ximc being, 02 anp one 02 nunc of $is tBajeflp’s Suffices of tlje $cacc for tlje Citp of Dublin, fo2 tlje Xime being, to Ijcar anb betermine anp £>ffcnces, toljicl) are Ijcrtbp mabc fubjett to, anb pu= niffiable bp anp ^ectmiarp penalties, anb toljicl) arc not Ijerebp requireb to be otljertoife bcarb anb betermineb; anb tfje it02b i0apo2, 02 fuel) Suffice 02 3iutti= ccs of tlje #eace, arc Ijerebp autijorD jcb anb requireb, upon anp ^Informations crijibitcb, 02 complaint mabc in tfjat Be= half, toitljin ten SDaps after fuel) Offence committeb,Georgii Tcrtii Regis. lopt committcti, to Cummon tljc partp 02 c.. A parties areufeb, anb tljc üllitncffcs on LV11 citljer â>ibe, anb if tlje partp or par= v tics accufcb fljall bc latofullp ton= Dictcû of fucïj dffcncc, bp tïje datlj 02 (being of tljc pcople calictj Ælualtcrs) Icimt Affirmation, of onc 02 more 22Iiti nefs 02 {KKitncfCcs, toljiclj datlj tlje fais ¿02D ü3avo2, anb tlje faib ^luttice 02 3)uf= tires is, anb arc Ijerebp impotocrcb anb requireb to abminitter ; 02 on Confeffion of tïje partp djargeb toitlj fucïj dffcncc, tlje Xo2b iPapoj, anb faib 3)uttirc 02 3)ut= tires fljall gibe futlj 'Jiubgmcnt, Sentence, 02 détermination, as is confojmable to tljc Xenor anb truc Î0eaning ïjercof ; anb it fljall anb map bc latuful fot tljc Xorb £0apoj, anb fucïj 3lutticc 02 3Jufticcs to iffuc a üîfarrant 02 amarrants fo2 lebp' ing tljc pcnalties 02 jrorfeitures fo ab^ jubgcb, on tljc <5oobs anb Cljattlcs of tljc dffenber, anb to caufc â>alc to bc mabc tljcreof, in Œafe tïjcp fljall not bc rebeenteb in fibe daps, renbering tljc parties tljc âmrplus (if attp tljcrc bc) anb in Café anp perfoit 02 perfons lljall bc conbitteb in tljc Canner befote preferibeb, of breafe* ing, tljrotoiitg boton, 02 cjctinguifljing anp Hamp tîjat fljall bc crcctcb, anb no <5oobs 02 Cljattlcs of anp perfon fo dffcnbutg, can at tljc Xime of fucïj Coit= biction be founb ; tljcn anb in fttclj Cafe it fljall anb map bc Xatoful to anb fot tljc Xojb Î0apo2, anb tljc faib 3ïnflicc 02 3iuf tires of tljc pcacc, bcfû2C toijorn fuel) per fon 02 perfons fljall bc eonbictcb as aforc faib, to commit fucïj dffenber to tljc tyoufe of Cojjcttion, tljcrc to bc ftept to Ijarb ÏLabour, fot anp Xime not lefs tljan 12 ta 2 onc109 - Anno Regni vicefimo tertio Sz quarto c n a p. onc ¿ponti), anb itot cjtcecbing ti)t àpace Lvn- of Xijrcc ¿Pontijs, ot until futi) penalty ' o jrojsfeiturc fijaii bc paib. piritica ncbcrtìjcicfs, Xijat if anp pcrfon et pcrfons, fljaii tíjínlt inni, Jjer, et tijcmfelbcs aggricbcb, ot remato linfa-tisficb in fi;e 3Jubgnient of tije faib 3¡uf; fico ot 3ÍUÜÍCCS, tijcn futi; perfon et per= fons italiani! mapCcmpiain ot Appeal'to fije 33ufRte5 of tljc peate, at tije neri Genes ralot áHuartcr àefltons, to bc itelo fot tije faíb Cítp of Dublin, tobo atc ìjcrcbp impeto* creo to àttmmon anb tramine auitneffes upon ¿Dati), ot being pcrfons talicb ¿ttua* itero, on tbeir folcimi 2lfiirmation, anb finallp to bear anb cjcamiite tije fame, anb malte futi) £>tbcr tijcrciit asiljall bc agree* abic to tije á>tatc attb Circumflanccs cf tije Cafe ; anb in Cafe of Conbiition to iffne a QBlarrant ot CKHarrants fot tije Xcbping anb rompclling bp futi) i33cans as afotefaib, tije papmcnt of tije faib pcnaities anb jforfciturcs. £nb bc it ftirtijcr Citactcb bp tije 3iu= tìjoritp afotefaib, Xijat tije pcnaities ot ifotfcitures fljaii bc paib to tije Dircttots anb Coinmiffioners, to bc bp tijem ar= eomttcb fot, anb applico as part cf tije Generai jfunb fot tije feberai purpofcS probibeb fot bp tijis 2ict. 3lite bc it furtiicr Gnattcb bp tije 7iiu tijotitp afotefaib, Xijat if anp perfott et perfoits fljaii ficai ot fortibip carrp ateap anp of tije faib Xamps, Jm\S, ot jhìr* niturcGeorgii Tertii Regis. " io93 ruture tljcrcof, furi) pcrfott et perfons c „ A... being tljcrcof latofullp conbicteb, fljall be LVI'. abjubgcb guiltp of jfclonp. ' ■~'“J 3nb bc it furtljcr Cnattcb bp tijc 3lu; tfjozitp afoicfaib, Xijat alt tbc f0oitcp raifeb bp fllirtuc of tijis Za, anb all £00= itics appzopziatcb, gibcit, oz paio foz tlje fcberal purpofes of tijis 3ict, fljall bc, anb tlje fame are Jjcrcbp bcftcb in tijc fain Dircttozs anb Commiflioncrs as £Pitc «crai Jfunb, applicablc to tlje feberat pur; pofes of tijis 3tct, anb to anb foz no otljer ÌUfc oz purpofe totjatfoeber. £nb bc it furtljcr Cnattcb bp tlje Zu* iijozitp afozcfaib, Xijat if anp -Kcceibcr oz ìlcccitoers of attp of tlje tKcbenucs appli; cable to tlje purpofes of ttjis Za fljall flap* peit to bic, befozc Ije oz tijcp fljall jjabe fullp paib anb fatisfieb all tlje £0onep bp l)tm oz tljcm rcceibeb bp Ulirtuc of tijis 2ltt ; tijat rijen, anb in eberp furi) Cafe, tlje Cjcecutozs oz ^tbminiflratozs, Cretti; trir oz 2lbminiltratrir, oz otljer legai 3£e* pzefentatibe oz itcpzefcntatibes, oz perfon oz perfons poffefftng tlje late Citate anb Cffctts of anp futi) Eeccibcr oz Xcceibers, fljall, out of futlj Citate oz Cffctts, pap t^e faib Xreafttrcr oz Xreaftircrs foz tlje Xime being, all futi) é>um oz énitns of iponep bp futi) Ucceiber oz Hcceibcrs fo receibeb anb not paib, oz fo muri) fljercof as tlje faib Citate oz Cffctts toill ertenb to pap; anb tijc Keccipt of Xljzcc oz moze of tlje faib CommiGtoncrs fljall bc a goob Difcljarge foz fucl) flJouep ; anb eberp Cjcecutoz oz 2lbminiltratoz, oz otljer per; - : u£ fonïc>94 Anno Regni viceiimó tertio Sc quarto c « a p. fon as afotefaib, map, to anp Action ot JAii Citions commcnccb et brougijt agatnft Jim, ber, oi tijem, pi cab ot gibe Chíbente of tïjc #apment of tfjc fame, anb tljaíí be aiiotoeb 0apmcnt of tïjc fame out of futi) Cttate of Cffctts; anb in Cafe of finxn papment of tije fame bp tïje $»pare of Xb)entp*one 2Daps after tije fame fljaii bc bemanbeb, it fl)ait anb map be latofui to atti fot tije faib Xreafurer ot Xreafurer s fot tïje Ximc being, anb ije ot tïjcp is anb are ïjcrebp biretteb anb rcquireb in ïjis, ijer, ot tïjcir otan jfêame ot Barnes, to commente anb brtng one ot mote 2lc* tioit ot Citions in anp of Dis fi^aj'eflp’s Courts of Beanti at Dublin, againft fuel) Cpecutors or Stbjniniftrators, or tlje otijer $erfon or îâerfons as aforefaib, for tije Becobcrp of tïjc fame, anb after bebmting tïje Cppence of recobering futi) â>um, tïjc Xreafurer fl)ail Account for tïjc Bc* mainber. 2inb be it furtïjcr Cnattcb bp tïje tijoritp aforefaib, Xijat fo foon as conuco nientlp map be, buring tije Continuante of tisis 3ltt, after tïje iâcrfon or $erfons, or citïjcr of tïjem atting as Xreafurer or Xrcafurcrs to tïjc faib Commifltoncrs, fljaii at anp Ximc ijabe rcceibcb tïje â>um of Ont ljunbreb îâounbs, ironies ap¿ pointcb to bc rcceibcb bp ïjim or tijem bp «Eirtue of, anb for tïje fëurpofcs of tïjis i&tt, ïje anb tijcp fljaii from Xime to Ximc, pap tïje fame into tïjc »anfe of ireiand, in tïjc j]3amc of, anb on Account of tije faib ©irettors anb Commifüoncrs, anb to bc bifpofeb of bp £>rber of tïje faib Xircctors anb Commifüoncrs, or anp JfibeGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1095 oi more of them for the teurpofes of c H * tijifiSlrt. Lvn. 3tnD be it further CBnactct) bp tije Tin* tliontp aforefaib, Xbat tbe faib Divertors anb Commifltoners, ov anp j|5ittc or more of them, map, aitb tljcp are berebp im= potoercb from Dime to Xime to borroto at llittcrcft upon tije Crebit of tije jrunbs, Bates, anb iMeifments Ijerebp beileb in them, fuel) Sium anb ¿nuns as tijep tbali fiitb neteffarp for tije $ttrpofcs aforefaib, not crcecbing in tije toijolc tije ¿nun of Xett Xboufanb founts, anb map bemife or mortgage tije faib jrunbs, Bates, anb 3Ufcffments, or aitp £art thereof (tije Cofts of fuel) Mortgage to be paib out of fudj Bates anb 3Htcffmcnts) as a ¿>ccu= ritp to anp $crfon tobo ibail abbance futij ¿nun or ¿nuns, bp (minting uttber their Common ¿»cal, in tije CHUorbs, or to tije Cffcrt foiiotoing: By Virtue of an Aft made in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of His Majefty King George the Third, intituled, An Acl for the more ejjeclually Paving, Cleanftng, and Lighting of the Streets of the City of Dublin, and other Places therein mentioned, and for making Sewers, and ereSling Fountains and Conduits in the faid City, for the Ufe of the Poor, dncl for the other Purpofes therein mentioned; we the Direftors and Commiffioners for Paving, Cleanfing and Lighting the Streets- of Dublin, in Conlideration ot the Sum of to the Treafurer of the faid Commiffioners in Hand paid, did grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, fuel» u i j Proportion1096 Anno Regni viceiìmo tertio &c quarto t h a p. Proportion of the feveral Rates and Affeffments LV11- eftablilhed and veiled in the faid Directors and *' Commiflioners, by Virtue of the faid Act, as the faid Sum of doth, or fliall bear, to the whole Sum advanced on the Credit of the faid Act ; to be had and holden from this Day of in the Year of our Lord, One thoufand feven hundred and eighty for and during the Continuance of the faid Acl ; unlefs the faid Sum of with Intereil at the Rate of per Cen- tum per Annum, ihall be fooner repaid and fa-tisfied : Anb that Copies of all fucij S0oxU gages or Securities diali he entercD in the 05ooliS or JRrcorbs of tfjc faib SDirec^ tors anti Commifftoners ; anti tijc $erfon or ^erfons fo ientiing or abbancing anp i^onep upon the Cretiit of tins 31 tt, diali not he anftoerabie or accountable fo? the Application or /13on=Application of the fame; anti it diali he neceffarp on anp Suit or Controberfp toftatfoeber, to probe onip the Abbastcing anh $apment of the fame to the faib Xreafurcr ; anh in ail Cafes tahatiseber, inhere anp Notice or $rcccfs iffuing out of anp Court of Hat» or Cquitp, reiatibe to this 0? faih former Acts, d)aii be neceffarp to he ferbeh on faib Directors anb Commifftoners, oi the Co?* portion crectch bp this Art, Serbice of the fame on the Xreafurer appointeb bp faib Streams anti Commifftoners unber this Art, diali be Bcemcb anb abjubgeb goob attb fufficient Serbice to ail intents attb idurpofes tnhatfoeber. AnbGeorgii Tertii Regis* 10^7 2tnb be it fnttltct ènactcb bp tijc ^Ctt= c „ A r. titozitp afozcfaib, Cltat ai! perfons to l\ii. toltemi furi) tPoztgagc 0z £>ccuritp fljatl bc mabc, oz toìjo fljait bc intitlcb to tije £0oncp tijcrcbp fccurcb, map from Cime to Cinte transfer tljcir Kijjljt, Xitic, Entered, oz Benefit to tit e faib tl5ozt= gages oz à>cturitics, anb titc faib pzin* npal anb Wintered titerebp fccurcb, to attp perfon bp uniting oz ftgnùtg an 3Inbozfc= meni on titc Bacii of fuel? Securities, in titc ¡¡Ulojbs, or to tijc effect follotoutg : I do transfer this Mortgage Or Security, with all riiy Right and Title to the Principal Sum hereby fecurcd, and to all the Interell now due upon the fame, unto his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns. Dated this Day of One thoufand feven hundred and 3nb bc it ffinattcb bp tije ^tutijozitp afozcfaib, Cltat furl) Cransfcr anb HU fignment fltall iittitic fuel) 3lfltgnce, itis (Erccutozs, iJlbrniniftratozs anb affigns, to titc Benefit thereof, anb papment titcrcon ; anb fuel) Slffignec map in iifee fanner affign oz transfer tijc fame again, anb fo toties quoties -, anb titat it fittili not bc in the pettier of fuel) perfon mito (l)all itabc mabc fucl)3lffigumcnt,to malic boib, oz bifeitarge titc £>ugmalS>ecuntp oz ponies tijcrcbp bue. 2lnb bc it ©nattcb bp tltc 3iutiiozitp afozcfaib, Cijat all perfons to whom fuel) £0oztgagc, £>ecuritp, oz affignment1098 Anno Regni vicefimo temo & quarto chap. fyall Ite inaile, fljall tic (in fàzopoztiott to Lvn. tjJC g)tims mcntioneb) Crcbitozs on futi) jfunDS, 3Rates, atti Slllcffmcnts, on tiie Crebri toriercof Cuci) S>ums are abbanceb in equal 2Degrec Uriti) anotljer. 3lnb !ic it furtljer Citacteb bp tlje 2tu< tljozitp afozefaib, Xriat trie $;topertp of iuclj Xcnbcr in tljc ilDoztgage oz é>ccuritp, Citali bc bcemcb attb abjubgcbin atlCourts oC Xato anb Cquitp, to be fèerfonal anb not &eal Clfate. 21 nb bc it C-ttactcb bp trie 2tutljozrip afozefaib, Xljat tlje Caib Xirettozs anb Commiffioners, oz anp J5ine oz znoze of tricm, fljall fiabe full fàotoer anb %\X'-trioritp, from Xime to Xime to malte anb orbato Xttles, »pe=Xatos, anb otrier Begulations, for trie goob -Kcgulation of trie Caib Corporation, anb for trie more effettuali^ camping into Cyecntion tlns 3tct, anb tl)e Caib febcral reciteb 2lcts ; Curri Bulcs anb Bpc^Xatos to bc approbeb of bp tlje Xorb Cljanccllor or Xorb Commiilioncrs of tlje eal, oz anp Xtoo of tl)e Xljjce Cljief 3iubgcs Co? tl)e Xime being, l&zobibcb, Xfjat no 3£ule o? Bpe-Xato to be mabe bp triem, friall fjabe trie Jfozce of a BpeiXato, unlefs trie fameiriall be bgneb aztb cottfirmeb bp jftine ìDtrcttozs anb Commiffioners at tlje leali, at Come #MbIiclt Meeting; trie fame being ftrft pzopofeb at Come Rubiteli Meeting of tlje ZHrettozs anb Commiffioncrs ¿rourteen £>apsGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1o99 ©aps at leali pzebions to faib t$)ecting, c „ * P. anD j|5oticc of it being tafecn ittto Coniti beratioit, gibcit in tljc à'ummons of tljc 2>ap; ani) tljat no ©pennato Ijcrcaftcr to bc mabe, at a illceting iuljcrc Jhnc ©ircttozs anb Commiffioners at leali are ptefent; aito alfo ejcccpt tljc ftcpcal, ^lltc= tatton, o? émfpenfion Citali Ijabc been pto* pofeb XIjirtp ©aps pzebious to tlje faib Meeting, anD jBotiee of faci) 3Jnteittion giben in tljc àmmmons of tlje 2Dap* 2lnb bc it Citaiteb bp tlje 2lutljozitp afozcfaiD, ©fiat tljc faib ©ircttozs anb Commiffioners Citali, at leali once eberp gcar, at fuclj Ximc as tlje Commiflton* ers of Jlmpzclt 2lccounts Citali appoint, buip account befote tljc faib Commi!* fioners of jlmprcil 3Urounts, fot all &3o* nep receibcb bp tljem, or anp làcrfon an* plopcb unber tljem, bp tlirtuc of tljis 3tet, anb for all £0onep bifburfcb anb cjcpcnbcb bp tljem in tljc Cjrccution of tljc fcbcral làurpofes of tljc faib ; anb fljall prò* bucc to fuclj Commiffioners of ^Jmpzctt 3lccouuts, clourljcrs for all fuclj DiG burfements anb Crpcnccs ; anb tljat fuclj 3tccounts fljall bc flatcb anb aubiteb in tljc ufuat ¿partner. 3nb bc it Cnattcb bp tljc 3lutIjoritp aforefaib, ©fiat tljc faib ©ircctors anb Commiffioners fljall bc £Mic Bobp Coi* potate, bp tljc inaine of tljc ©ircctors anb Commiffioners for pabing, cleanfittg, anb ligfiting tlje àurcets of Dubii», anb fljall fiabe a Common £>cal, to bc bp tljem ng2 ap*1160 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio ¡k quarto Chat, nppointctj ; anb anD tftcír àmccclforg 1 v" to be elettro anb appointeD in tlie filate of furi) of tljc Caio SDircctors ariD Com* mifftoncrs I/crein itaincD, as diali Die, re* figit, or otlicrtoifc barate l)is £>fRce, anD to be affotiatcD to tljcm as bp tljis 3trt is DircctcD, diali Ijabe perpetual émccef* üon, anD map fue anD be fuco in all Cotirts of Hato anD Cnuitp, in anp daufes or éntits to be brouglit bp or againft tftem bp tìjat inaine ; anD map tabe anp á>ccuritícs upon anp Contraete to be maDe bp tlicm, for anp ^urpofes lirrcin before méntioncD, in £>rDcr to tilt more effettuali^ rarrping tljis 5lct into CBrcrution. 3lnD be it «ZBnatteO bp tlje 'Jlutiioritp aforefaiD, Xljat tlic faiD SDirertors anD Commifùoncrs, or anp JFibc or more of tlicm, ntap rontratt miti) anp iderfon or lécrfons for a Dotifc for tfjc £>urpofc of tranfattiitg tljc Buùncfs of ibis eotpo* ration, anD tabe a Xcafe tljcrcof, fot futi) Xerm as tljcp diali agrce upon, at anp pcarlp ficnt, itot ertccbing jriftp tfounbs bp tl)c gcar ; militi fieni, togctljcr miti) tlic Xajtcs of furi) Ooufe, anD all itc= teffarp Crpcnrrs fot fiepairs tljcrcof, anD of ptobíDíng i8rcommoDations tbcrcin ncrclfarp fot tranfaetmg tlic Biu futefs of tljc faiD Cojpojation, diali be paio our of tlic jrtutDs to be raifeb ano IcbicD bp miirtuc of tljis 5Ut. SlnD be it CnattcD bp tlje Slutljontp afoiefaiD, X&at pzebious to tlje neto pa* bingI IQI Georgii Tertii Regis. toinganp Street, Xane, £luap, ignare, chAP. gaifagc, oz giace, oz tljc CarriagctoapS tijercof, tijc fato Directozs aito Coturni^ ùoiters, oz ani» Xlzzce of tljcm, oz tlie gerfott rontratteD tolti) foz futi) ncto fatiti meni, diali bp iffilritittg Icft at tlje gipe aciatcr, o? otljer gublick Office belongs ing to tlje Cozpozatiott of tlje Clip of Dubiin, gtbc jfourteen Daps dcar gotice to tijc Cngineer, £>Herfccr, oz anp ger= fon oz gerfons acting as futi), oz otljer gzincipal £>fficcr of tijc fato XozD sgapoz, é»Ijeriffs, Commons, aito Citisens of Dubiin, oz of tijc gipc ffllater Committee tljcreof, toljo diali as Jjerein before mem tioncD, toltimi tlje Xime, aito in grefe= reme to attp otfjcr Colorii, lap anp Brami), or é>crbicc gipe oz gipcs tofjicf) tljtp map tinnii proper ; or repair anp Brand) or é>erbiccs tonici) map be tljercin, or toljicl) from ti)e Xime of pernice or ot^cr Caitfcs, tijep map appreljenD map be going to 2Dccap ; aito if tljcp negiett fo to Do, or Ojall toilfulip or Itnotoinglp lap gipcs of unfounD Ximber, or fljall at anp Xime toitljin Xljree gcars after futi) Street, Xanc, i&llep, é>quare, Court, galfage, oz giace tl)all bc nctolp pabeb, bzeafe up t|)C fame foz tlje gurpofe of iapiitg a lieto fl0ain oz é>erbicc gipe, oz gipes, unlefs it filali appear tijat futi) Xcpairs became neceffarp ttjzougf) ^edbent, tl)ep diali fozfeit anD pap Xcn £>l)illings foz etoerp garD in Xcngtl) fucl) Bzcadj filali be ; tlje fame in Cafe of J&efufal oz J5on= papment, to be fueD foz anD retobereD bp ittioli, Bill, glaint, oz Sittfozmation, 12 % bzougljti ,w>2 Anno Regni viceiìmo te ilio &r quarto g h a r.tyottgljt bp tlje Caio Diteftozs ani) Cozm Lvl1 inifKoners in tljcir otom iftame, oz in tlje ' jiame of tijcir à>ecretarp, detto, oz Xreafurer, againft tlje Xreafurer of tlje fai» dtp, in anp of $is £!9ajeftp’s Courts of 3Recoz» in Dubiin, an» appiie» totoares tí)e íánrpofe of tfjis 21 et. 2Cnfi toc itdtattc» top ti)e2tutf:otitpafo’e= fai», %l)àt toifjen añ» as often as anp $art of tlje $abements of t|)e fai» à>treets an» otljer #ìaces toójícíj ijatoe tocen, an» fljaii be compleatefi, fljaii toc tatoen up fot tlje fèurpofe of iaping tripes tìjercitt fot tìje émppip of CEiater, oz of amenbing tlje fame, 02 in Cafes of acci= »cittal iFire, tfjc fame CbaU be repaire» tonti) ali conbenient à>pee», bp tbe iàabionr oz í&abíours contratting tonti), óz cmpiopc» bp tfjc fai» Dirertozs an» Commiflioners, an» in futi) £@anner as tlje lai» SDirertozs an» Commiflioners, oz anp Xtao of tljem fljaii birctt ; an» t|ie Capente tijcreof totali be pai» bp lite fai» Hoz» ¿0apoz, peritos, Commons, an» dtiscns of ti)c fai» dtp, oz of tlje #ipe CElater Committee afozcs fai», an» map be fue» foz an» recobere» in £0anner Iato mentionefi againft tlje Xrea= furer of tlje fai» dtp. 2tn» foz tfje better fteeping tfjc fai» ^»treets an» otljeriMaces frcc from2tnnops anees, áPbftruttions, an» iftuifances : Tòt ít Citarte» bp t|je 2lutl)ozitp afozefai», Xijat tlje fai» 2Dircrtozs, oz anp ifibc oz moze of tljem, tojali anfimap, in tlje fame banner as otljer £)fQ£cers are appointc» bpGeorgii Tertii Regis. i bp tljem, appoint a pzopcr ans fit #erfon c to bc an Jitfpcctoz of ¿Ehüfanccs, toijo map bc rcmobcs in libc #anncr as otljer iDfficcrS appointes bp tïjc fais IDirettozS ; ans fljalï ans map tafie fucïj üifficient â>ecuritp foz tljc Suc Cjcccution of ïjis Office, as tljcp fljall tljinit pzopcr ;anB fljall ansmapoutof tïjci0onep raiftB ans IcbicB bp «Ilirtue of tijis 2ltt, pap ûicij reafonabic £>alarp ans ^Uotoancc to Ijim, not cjc= cecsing â>i;etp î^ouitss pcarlp, as tijcp fljall tijinfi fît. 3nB be it CnacteB bp tlje Slutljozitp afojcfaiS, Xljat tljc fais 3Jnfpcctor, ans anp £>upcrbifoz acting unficr tljc fais 2Di= rectors anS CommiflionerS, fljall Ijabe ^otoer to bieto all 2lnnopances, iPb^ ftructions anS ¿Ruifances, ans alfo all Neglects of iDtoncrs or iDccupicrs of tjoufes, in feraping, ttoceping, ans cleans fing tljc irootsQUaps along tije ¿front of tljcir ponies ans tenements, once cberp 5>ap, as bp tljc fais fozmer ^cts is re= quires. 2lnS be it CnacteB bp tljc Rlutijoritp aforefais, Xljat all lijeaps of SDirt or Rtfljes, »earns of Ximber, »oarSS, 3>tabes, Humber, atones, »ziefcs, 4@as terials foz £0oztar, oz Bubbiflj Iping on anp ¿foot OEtap oz Carriage HJHap, ans not pales in oz cnclofcs purfuant to tlje ^Regulations in tlje fais former 3lcts; alfo tyolcs foz receibiitg Coals uncoberes, oz not pzoperlp coheres, fljall be seemes Rlnnopanccs, £>bftructions, anS ¿Ruifan* ces; ans ober anS abobe tlje penalties 12% 2 ans1104 Anno Regni vicefimo tcrtio & quarto c » a h. anb /oifciturcs top anp of tijc faib retiteli oj^tts intìittcD ot incurren concerning tlje Cante, tijc ¿Ptoncr ot £>toncrs, £>ccupier ot Occupiers of tlje itoufc ot iijoufcs befóte toititi) fóci) 3lnnopanccs, £>b(lntctions, aitb jiiuifanccs, oz anp of titcm íljatl be, Citali fot cbrrp fucJ) ¿Mence, Jùtzfeit anb pap a à»um ttot ejccecbing jfíbe áiijíllíngs ; toltici) jfozfeiturc, anb alio tite fcbcrai fo feiturcs toltici), purfuant to ti)e faib fot* tncr 3ltts, Citali bc inrttrrcb fot neglcctmg of fcraping, ftoecping, anb cleaniing tite faib Jfoot iHllaps, fltaii, in Cafe of jfton* papment on Stcmanb, be iebicb bp tlje faib ^Infpcttot, anb anp otte of tite faib ^uper= bifozs, bp Diftrefs of tite t5ocbs anb Citati tlcs of tite £>totter ot ¿Pccupíer cf tite itoufc befóte toljicl) fucit 3lnnopance, ¿Db? Ciruction, ot Stufante (Itali be, ot befóte toijicit futi) Jroot IHIlap Citali not be fcrapcb, ftoept, anb tleanfeb. ^nb be it Cnartcb bp tijc ^utitoritp aforefaib, Xljat no (òerfon Citali, after tite ì?our of Xen of tite Cloclt in tite jrorenoon of anp 2Dap betboeen tlje Xtoentp=fiftl) March anb Xtoentp-nintlt September, or after Clcbcn at anp otljer Xinte, Dribc or taufc to be SDriben titrouglt anp Street or otiter $Iace in tite faib Citp, anp Car^ riage on toltici) fitali bc laib anp Beants of Ximber abobe tite Xcngtlj of Xen jFcet, crcept on Cartiagcs toítlj jrour XCTfjeefs, tmtlt tlje faibtscams laib Xengtit ££laps on faib Carriagcs, unber tijc #enaltp of fou fciting fot cberp furi) ¿Mence, tlje à>um of Xen £>Ijillings, to bc lebieb bp tijc faib 3¡nfpcttoz, anb anp onc of tbc faib 3>uper* bifotsGeorgìi Tertii Regis. 1105 bifozs, bp ìDiftrcfs of tbc i^ozfes oz Car* c » A riagcs bratuing futi) Ximber, oz of tije faib Ximber itfclf. 2lnb bc it fttttber CEnattcb bp tbc %u* tljozitv afozcfaib, Xbat no #crfon oz ptt* fons tobatfoctocr, fl)all tbrotu boton into anp Street, front anp l?oufc, oz tbc Hoof of anp Ii?oufc, anp Stoncs, Briclts, 3aub= bifl), oz Snoto, mtlcfs at caclj «Enb of tbe faib l?onfc, attb atrofs tijc jFoot Mlap be^ fotc fucl) fyoufe, tljcre Ajall bc Ijung out oz placco fomc jfcncc oz Ì0arb, not Ijtgljcr tljan tfjc fycabs of lèalfcngcrs ; anb if anp lacrfon oz |2»crfotts (Itali Dffcitb Itcrctn, tbe Dtoncr oz Dtoncrs, Dccupier oz Dtcupicrs of futi) Donfc oz lioufcs, for eberp furi) Dffcnrc, fliall iozfcit anb pap tljc Sum of JFibc Sfjiliings ; follici) jforfcitnrc, in caie of /3on*papmcnt, A)all be lebteb anb re* robereb in futi) scanner as tfjc faib laft mcnttoncb ^orfeitures, are to bc lebieb anb rccobcrcb ; anb if anp perfon oz iacr= fons Ojall fittb Ijintfelf or tljrmfelbcs ag* griebeb in tbc lebping of tljc faib Jfor^ feitures, or anp of tbcm, bp tbe faib 3in* fpettor anb Superbifor, upon Complaint tljercof to tbe faib Dirertors anb UEommif-ùoners, to be lobgcb toitb tlietr Sccretarp or Clcrfe, tbe faib Dircttors anb Commii* ùoners, or anp %ì)tec of tbem, diali ap* poittt a Ximc for hearing tbc faib S0at* ter, (of toljicl) tì)t 0crfon or jaerfons com= plaining (ball babe iftotice) anb diali et* amine into tbe qacrits of tbc faib Com* plaint upon Datb ; tobicb Dati) tbe faib 2Direttozs anb CommiAioners are berebp impeto ereb to Slbminittcr, anb tbeir ^ubg* n 21 mcnti io6 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto c h a p. meni atto ©etifion in futfi Ì0atter (fiali he fittal ano rontluftbe. ^zobiDcb altnaps, Xfiat if upon futfi Dcar^ ing, it Ojali appcar to tfie (aio Direttoti ano Commifltoners, oz anp Xìjtee oz mote of tfiem, tfiat futi) iàerfott oz làcrfotis fo tomplaitting, fiati) oz fiabe ittcurrco tfie jForfciturc of tofittfi fie or tficp ifiail fo rompiain, tfiat tficn ano in fttcfi Cafe, futfi #erfon or iSerfons ifiail, in 3Ueu of futfi jforfciture, forfeit tfirce Ximes tfie 2lmount tficreof ; tfie fame to be iebico off tfie <3ooDs ano Cfiatties of futfi (èerfon or (éerfons, bp ¡Marrani of tfie fato ©irct= tors ano Commifùoners, or anp Xfiree or more of tfiem. 2ln0 be it CnatteO bp tfie ^utfiozitp afozefaiD, Xfiat tfie faiO ©irettozs ano Commifltoners, (fiali fiabe fuii iàotocr ano 3lutfiozitp to taufe émmmonfes to be iffueo bp tficir ^cttetarp oz Cierlt, to re* quirc tfie ^ttenoante of ali (àerfotts ne? teffarp to be ejcamineD as IMitneffes in anp batter Oetcrminabie befoze tfiem, ano to 3t0mmiiter ©atfis to aii ¡Mitncffes ano otfier iàerfons reiating to anp batter oe* terminabie befoze tfiem ; ano if anp (Berfon oz (Berfons fo émmmoncb to attenO tfiem, ifiail a&efufe oz jftegiect to atteno purfuant to futfi émmmons oz Sntmmonfes, cbcrp futfi làerfon il)ali jfozfeit ano pap tfie é>um of Jfoztp à>fiillings ; ano in Cafe of |5on=papment on ©emano, tfie fatò ©i* rettozs ano Commifltoners, oz anp Xfirce of tfiem, ifiail ano map bp ¡Marrani unocr tfieir ì)anbs, taufe tfie fame to be iebieb out\ Georgii Tertii Regis. 1107 out of the <3aobs anb Chatties of fuch c „ A p. perfott. lvii. Anb be it Cnactcb by the Authority aforefaib, Xtwt if any pcrfon or per* fons ffiall £>bttruct, ipolctt, or Aflauit any pcrfon acting tutber or cmployeb bp tljc faib «Directors anti Commifboners in any ipatter relating to the Cyccution of tins Act, ebery pcrfon fo offenbing there* in, attb being thereof conthctcb by £>ath, or, being of the people calico ¿Quakers, by folcmn Affirmation of one or more ffillitncfs ot SUitnclfcs before tlje Horb fl0ayor, or any one or more of t?is fipa/clty’s lattices of the peace for the City of Dublin, or County of Dublin, or before any Xhrce or more of the faio ^Directors or Commiffton* ers, ffiall .forfeit fuch Smm as the faio Xorb spavor, or fuch 3lufticc of the peace, or fuch directors or Commiffloners ffiall think proper, not lefs than forty £>l)iU lings, or more than f ibe pottitbs, to be lebieb anb recobereb by Olfarrant anb Committal of fuch Xorb £0ayor, f ullicc or ^uftices, or ^Directors or Commiflion* ers, in the fame spanner as the faib for* feiture anb forfeitures for breaking, throtoing bottm, or ejetinguiffiing any ¿Lamp, is anb are herein before appointeb to be lebieb anb recobereb, toith like a&eme* by anb Appeal to the perfon or perfons thinking him» fter, or thcmfclbes ag* griebeb. Anb be it Cnacteb by the Authority aforefaib, Xhat all pigs or Attune, that ffiall be founb feebing, or at large in anp 13 A 2 ofil08 Anno Regni viceiimo tertio Se quarto c h a p. of tljc é>trccts of tijc faib Citp bp ifrigijt J^ì1. or bp Oap, map tic biilcb bp anp ikrfon ^ toijatfocbcr, ani map be fci3cb, taben atuap, ano bifpofcb of bp fuc|j ^crfon or |Berfons to anb for ijis ano tljeir otmt «afe. 3lnb bc it Cnattcb bp tijc 3tntijczitp afozcfaib, Xijat if anp Conftabìc oz «ZTott^ ftablcs, callcb upon bp anp ièerfon Ijabing a 2£Iarrant 02 ^lutìjozitp ftgncb bp Xt»o 2Direct02S oz Commifltoners to SHftrain foz anp jfine oz 0cnaltp incurreb foz tljc iebp; ing of toijicij tljep arcùnpotocrcb to ‘Jlifnc a amarrant, fljali Xcfufe to 3lib anb 3tflìft Ijini oz tljcm in malting futi) SDiftrefs anb é>aic as fljali be fo impofeb, ijeoz tijcp fljall foz eberp fitti) Offettcc jfojfeit anb pap tije é>um of Jfoztp £>i)iliings ; anb if, anb as often as futi) Conitabic anb Conilabics fljali anb map be tonbitttb of tljc ìiiic £)f-fcnce, tijc faib 3Dirtttozs anb Commilitone ers, oz anp Xtoo of tijcm, map Commit futi) Conftabìc oz Conftabics to tijc ®ribe= tocil of tije faib Citp, foz anp Ximc not ejcceebing à>cbcn 2Daps, tijcre to be bept to ijarb Xabour. 3tnb toijcrcas tijc fife of ^arroto toìjecicb SDrapS, Carts anb Cars, ìjabe becn founb to bc toerp injurious to tijc #abemcnt: Be it Cnattcb bp tijc 3lutl)0' Zitp afozcfaib, Xijat eberp JUceitfc grantcb bp tijc ©obernozs of tijc ifounbiing ì?o£= pitai anb cmozb Dottfe, to anp Brctoer’s Drap, oz to anp Cart, to $ip toitijin tfje tljc Citp anb ìUbettics of Dublin, oz tolti)« in tijree fi0ilcs of tijc fame, fljali from ano after tijc Xtocntp=fiftij Dap of March, One tijonfanbGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1109 tljotifaiìù febeo inmbrcb ano cigi)tp=fibc, e.. A p. be of no ^utf>o?itp to permtt attp 2>rap, dì LViI-Cari to pipasi afotcfatb.unlcfstijc CZftijccis ' v ' tficreof fl;aìi bc of tijc J5rcabtit of Jfottr 3jncf)cs at ti)e lenii on tijc à>oai, anb tije £>trcaits fet on torti) Rat ijeabeb Bolts, ot Couitferfttttit Rat Ijeabeb ¿fratte ; no? to attp Cart brattm bp mote tijatt otte ì^ojfc, uniefs tijc ilittljccls be of tije ©rcabtij of febeo ‘Jneijcs at tije icaft 00 tijc oai, atte tije é>trcaUS fet 00 as afotefatb ; aob if to be brattm bp mote tijan ttoo Ijotfcs, uniefs tijc (Hlbceis be jRittc ‘liit-cijes broab on tijc é>oal anb in itlte i)9ait= ncr fet on ; anb tjjat eberp lUccnfc grant= eb to anp Car, to $ip ttntinn tbc faib Citp, fLiberties anb émbttrbs, fljail front anb after tije faib 2Dap bc of no ^utboiitp to #ermit anp Car to #lp as afotefatb, un* icfs tjje C£li)cels tfjereof bc of tfje JBrcabti) óf tljree jfncijes at ti)e ieaft on tije S>oal, anb titc JÉ>treahs fet ott as befote mention= eb; anb tftat eberp »rctttcr’S 3>rap, Cart, ot Car, plptng after tijc faib Xtocntp* fiftij 2>ap of March, £)ttc tljottfanb febeo ìjunbreb anb eigijtp=fibe, tbitijout itabittg futi) aaibcels rcfpcctibelp, iljall bc conùbcr= eb to ail 3intcnts anb purpofes, as plptng toitijout Htcettfe, anb be fubjett to attb iub^ jett tbe jfiDttmers titercof to all tije jfotfcit* ùtes anb^enaltiesbplLato Cnatteb agaittft iberfons plptng 3>raps, Carts, ot Cars, bottitin ftib Citp attb Htbcrtics, tttitljotit lUcenfe fcom tRe faib Gobcritots. " 3ttb be it Cnacteb bp tijc ^utbotitp afo?efaib, %ì)at eberp Hiccttfe for a iércto= 13 » CCSit i ó Anno Regni vicefimo tertio &: quarto c ii a p. cr’5 JDrap, Cart, oz Car toljiclj fljall oz map Lvn. jjC gvanteD after tije palüng of t|J*s Sltt, —~ there fljall he a Claufc inferteb, fpccifping the li&rcabti), atiD Shoeing of tije CHizecls of tije Drap, Cart, oz car, fo Hicenfcb as abobe Dcfcribeb refpetfibclp, anb tljat anp jücettfc graittcb after faib Xime toitljout futí) Cíaufe, tljall be nuil anb boib, anb of no Cffctt, 2lnb be it Cnactcb bp tije &utl)ozitp afozcfaib, Xijatif anp ^erfonin anp £>atl) oz 3tffibabit, bp í)ím oz J)cr mabe, o«z tafeen in pttrfuantc of, oz bp tlirtue of tijis oz tije faib recitcb 3ltts, fljall bé guiitp of faife smearing, futí) iderfon being Icgaiip ronbitteb fljall fuffer tije penalties Cnatt* eb againft $crfons guiitp of toilful anb corrupt l^erjurp. 2lnb be it Cnatteb bp tije Slutijoritp aforefaib, Xijat no &ttion oz ámít toljici) fljall be coinmcnccb or profecutcb againft anp IDerfon or ^crfoits, for anp Xijing bone in $urfuanc of tfjis 2ict, fljall be com* menceb oz pzofecuteb, otljcr tizan in fuel) banner anb unber fuel) Regulations anb ¿Directions as arc preferibeb in tije faib recitcb 3ltt, pafCcb in tije Xijirtcentij anb ifourtecntij jkars of fus £0ajeftp’s Reign, toitlj refpett to Actions or é>uíts com* menceb anb profecutcb againft |0erfons acting unber tije faib 21 ct, for anp Xijing bone in #urfuance tijereof. 2lnb be it Cnatteb bp tije ^utizoritp aforefaib, Xijat notijing Ijerein containeb, relating to #abing tije Streets, lljali ex- tenbGeorgii Tertii Regis. nit iCttil to Sackville-ftreet Ct Marlborough-ftreet, C h a i*« o? insure % a* 02 SUTeffment tljcrc^ J^vlt on, other than tljc faib Bates anb 3lf= ^ ~''J feffmcnts fot lighting tljc fats Streets ana otljer places; 1102 inbalibate tijc Ciaufcs in tijc 3lct of the jfiftcentb ana £>i;ctccntl) gears of tyis ptefent fiPajeftp’S Beign, afeertaining a peatlp §>um to be paia bp tljc Oobernms ana <3uarbians of tlje ?Lping4n ipofpital, ana bp tijc Hotb £@apoj Sheriffs, Commons, ana Cltiscns of tijc Citp of Dublin, foj ttjC pabement arottna £>t. Stephen’s Green, nor from tijc Bcllrittions ana p20biftons rclatibe tijcrcto; not to repeal 02 alter tljc Claufe anb p2obi&on in tijc 31 it of the Xtoentp=firft anb Xtocntp-fcconb gears of i^is faib iOajeflp’s Bcign, rclatibe to tljc ptobofl, i^cllotos, ana Scholars of ¿rinitp College. 3lnb be it further Cnactcb bp tijc 3tu= tljoiitp afoicfaiD, Xbat nothing Ijcrein containea ftall be conttrucb to repeal ot alter that part of tljc 31 ct of tijc Jfiftecntlj ana Snrtecntl) gears of l?is faib i©ajef= tp, as to repairing anb amenaing tljc pabement abjoining ot belonging to Stables, Coatlj=boufcs 02 otljer £>ut=ofltccs bp tijc Stonier 02 Stoners, £>ccupicr oj iOccupicrs tljereof; nor to exonerate him oz them in anp Bcfpcft from tljc Confc= gueme of not tomplping tljcretbitlj; 02 to repeal 02 alter tijc fcbcral herein befote rceiteb 3lcts of parliament, otljer tljan fuel) parts tljereof as are Ijercbp repealeB anB altercB. 13 16 a ana1112 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio 8c quarto c h a p. 3lnb toljcreas it ijatij bcett p2opofcb to lvh. tjje <3obcrtto2S anb GuarbiattS of ti)e tyoU ' pital fot tije 35telief of $002 Xping4n 2210= men in Dublin, founbcb bp tfjc late SDoctor Bartholomew Molle, bp tfje Jlta/or |é>att Of tije 3lnljabitants of (.¡ranby Kow, Palace Rotf, and Cavendifh Row, fotti) tUÌti) tO tabe boton anb remobe ti)e prefcnt 22Jail tn= cloftng ti)e Garbcns of ti)e faib i^ofpitai, as far as tnap be neteffarp for ti)e $ur= pofcs intcnbcb, anb to fubiiitute in tije £>tcab tijereof a fecute anb certain jFence or Hailùtg of 3ron or £0etal caft, tutti) Xatnps at propcr 2>iftanccs tljereon, anb otijcr 3itttptcUcments, as bp a i0e= morial figneb bp %ì)tee jfourtbs of futi) 3Jni)abttantS tnap appear; tubiti) Ì0emo= rial 5ati) been approbeb of anb agreeb to bp ti)e (3obcrnors anb <3uarbians of ti)e faib ^ofpitai; anb tfje faib amorfe tnben compieatcb tnoulb tenb to tite $ealti) anb ¿Prnament of ti)e Cttp of Dublin: ^tttb tnijcrcas ti)C faib 22tojfes requtre tfje :3u= ti)otitp of idarliantent to carrp tl)e fame into «Etecution : ®e it «Enattcb, Xbat from anb after t|)e i&afltng of tijis Ziti, it iljall anb map be latnfui to anb fot tije Gobcr= nois anb Guarbians of faib l^ofpital, anb timr £>ucceffo2S, togctijer tutti) <É>ijt £>Ucr= feers, as Ijeretn after biretteb, to bcmanb anb reccibe bp tijemfeibes, 02 bp anp i^erfon 02 ^crfons bp tijem auti)02i3Cb anb appointeb as ijerein after biretteb, futi) ibum 02 £>ums of Ì0oncp as are ijeretn after fpecifieb ; anb in ifaiiure of #apment tbereof to enter in anb upon ali anb caci) anbGeorgii Tertii Regis. ili'} aiti cicrp of tije rcfp ertiti e fjolitogs fol= c h a *. tototog ; tijat is to Cap, tïjc éoufc á>outl)= toari of tije á>taile4ane in Granby Ro«-, anD nortiitoari ín Granby Row to tije l?ottfe of Paul Canning, Cfquírc, íncluiíng tije fame; aiti all atti earlj ani eierp tije ïjoufe atti ìjoufes in Palace Row, íncluiíng tije fjoufe of William Beane, Cfquire ; ani alfo all aiti eacij ani eberp tije ironie ani isjoufes in Cavendiib Row, from tïjc é>tahle= lane ialOUti) Of Charles Gordon, Cfquite’S l^ottfe, nortljtoari to tije ijoufe of William Ponfonby, cfqttire, incluûtjc, ani iillrain fot futi) àmm ot àmms, ani futi) 2DiItrcfs to fell ani iifpofe of accoiiing to Hato, on tije jlîonspapment tljcrcof. ^totniei altoaps, Hljat tije faii «Soier? nois ani Gttariiatts, ani jÆtoerfeers, o? anp Hl)rce ot mojeof tijcin, filali toitljin jfotir* teen 3>aps from tljc îèalïïng of tljis p:e= fent 3lrt, applp perfonallp to tati) ani cien» tije feicral reftient 3lnijabitants in tïjc faii SHftrirt alrcaip fet folti) ; ani in Cafe anp of faii Xencments ic ïjeïi oi occuì pici ip Xenants fot anp Xcrm not tts teeiing jfiic gears, from May cnfuiitg, ot tenants unicr pinots, ot £>cctipicrs toitlj an Cítate foj Hifc in faii Contents, ti)at faii ©oicrnois ani £>ierfcers filali fozttjtoiti) applp ip tHariting to t|je feie* ral ani refpcctiie Hcifois, c3ttariiaits, ot ìRentatoiers, to afrcrtain toljetijcr tije faii feicral ^crfoits fo intcrcllci, ie intlittei to atteie to tije Xerms fjcrcin after fpctiftei, ani tliat ti)C fcieral per* fons fo tonfenttog, map ani fljall ic fot 13 c eicr1114 Anno Regni viccfimo tertio Se: quarto c h a p. cücr Ijcrcaftcr fiel» an» boutt» foi tljem* Lvn- felpes, tiieir l)eirs, Crectttots, ^»minù ' djatots ait» 3lfltgns, to an» fot all an» ûttgular tïjc ConDítíons ijcreín after fct fotti); an» tljat all, ait» ead), an» cuerp pcrfott ot $crfons tulio diali »iffcitt frotn, ot »ifapptobc of tlte fame, tïjat is tô fap, of tlte Cppcnce to be incurre» bp tïje 3dit-mo»al of fai» ptefent 3lnclofure, an» alfo fuel) annual Contribution as afotefai» ll)all an» tnap be fot cber cjccmpt from fitti) lOapmcntS ot Contributions ; att» tljat t|)c ptcfent 3I)illittgs per ifoot, runnittg iBcafttre, accot»ittg to att 21»^ mcaftirement on £Patlj to be tnabe títere^ of; tl)e £>ttc l^alf of fuel) émut ot £>ums to bctotnc papable Xliírtpíone 20aps after tïjc fading of tïjis ptefent 3lct, an» tlte otljer Ijalf tljcreof, toitijin £>nc Sconti) after fai» ïUlorlt diali bp fai» ©obernors an» £>ucrfcers be certifie» to be fittidie» an» compiente». #tobí»c» altuaps, Xljat fuclj â>um ot £>ums to be coliate» annttallp accot»ing to fuel) 2i»mcafurcment, diali not epeee» tlje â>um of £>ttc átfiíllíng an» Cigïjt petite Xljree jfartliiugs per ifoot, run= ingGeorgii Terni Regis. 1115 ing i@eafurc, to bc collettcb ani bccoincCHAr. papablc bp Ijalf pcarlp papmeittS; tbe lvh. Jfirlt papment tbcrcof to bc mabe on t|jc jfirlt 2Dap Of Novembcr HC)Ct Clt= fuing, of fobici) faib é>um of £>nc é>bil* ling ani «Eigbt pcnce Xbrcc jfartbings per jfOOt, CÌgljt pCltCC per Toot iball bc paib aiti papablc to tljc <3obcrnots of faib Ijofpital, ani tbeir Smcccffots ani 51T ftgits, fot eber, amonuting to a £>um of ififtP'Onc pounbs Cigbt értnìlings per Annum, to bc bp tf)em appiicb fot tbc ilfcs anb lAcncfit of faib ijofpital; anb tljat tbc Xcmainbcr of faib é>um fo to bc annualip raifeb, tbat is to fap, tljc é>nm of £>ne ^»billing anb Xbrcc jfartbings bp tbc j'bot, ot tbe 0tofs àmrn of j^inctp pounbs Xfoclbc S>biiii»SS anb Clcbcn pcncc bp tljc gcar, fljall bc fov cbcc al lottcb to tbc maintaining anb ligbtiitg a fufltcient jRumber of iUmps furronnbing faib jinclofurc, in fuclj #anner anb for fuclj Xenix as to tbc faib <3uarbians anb £)bcrfccrs fljall feem mcct. ptobibcb altoaps, Xljat it (bali anb itiap bc latoful fox tbc ©narbians of ‘Pittors on beljalf of tbeir rcfpcttibc 2Uarbs, anb alfo perfons Ijotoing poffcflions bifpnteb at Xafo, to acccbc to fncb Xajc ot é>tibfcrip= tion rcfpcctibclp, anb tbat tbc Xeccipts of faib ©obernots anb Oberfeers, ccrtifping tbc 3tmount of fuclj papments iljall bc anb bccome cljargcable anb a Xicn on fuclj refpcctibc Xenements againit all perfons tobatfocbcr claiming Bigljt, Xitlc, ot interrii tbcreto, anb until bif= ebargeb, oz Icgallp tenbereb into Court, or otberfoife be a bar to anp Cntrp, bp prò-13 C 2 ccfsi6 Anno Regni vicelimo tertio 8c quarto a p. tefs of Xato, op otbcrtoífc toljatfoebcr into ^ tlje fame. probibtb altaaps, Xßat totere anp perfon oz perfons reübent toitijin tijc limits preftribeb bp tlpis 3tet, are Xenants bp tijc gear, op fop a greater op IcfTcr Xerm, not epteebing ttoo gears uneppireb from tße firft £>ap of May nett, anb fljaü britl) pezmiffum of tlpeir refpettibe immebiate Xeffozs, pap futí) 3tppoztionmcnt of futí) Xap o? Xapes as afozefaib, tfjat tlje 3&e; ceipt of faib ©obernozs anb iiDberfeers fljallbe receibcb anb flaitb goob, anb tafeen in part papment of futí) Xcitt as fljall become nept papable in bar of CEntpp, 2Dif= trefs, o? otijer protefs of Hato, fop ttje aäetoberp of t|je fame. ppobibeb altoaps, Xßat totere aup pcr= fon op perfons reübent anb tonfenting, fljall fjoib anb enfop anp fiottfc op Xenc= ment, toljereof tipe Xerm of ifibc gears fljall be uneppireb from tijc ifirlt 2Dap of May nept enfuing, tljat tijc onc ijalf of faib Sunt of áPne pounb Jfíbe Shillings Sterling bp tlje ifoot, be papable bp faib Xenant on ijis otoit proper Peljalf, anb tfpat Ipe bc Ipcrebp 3lutl)opi5cb anb im-potocreb to fet off, anb tbarge tijc otijer Ijalf of faib «Eppcnte againft Ijis refpettibe immebiatc Xcffor in tijc gcar prcte= Ding tlje «Eppiration of faib Xerm, in ipanner afozefaib. probibeb altoaps, Xßat faib <5obcrnozs anb £>bcrfeers map, if requireb bp four Parts in übe of faib “Jnhabitaitts, raife, lebp,Georgii Tertii Regis. 1117 lebp, anti 31 Refs anp $tun 0? Stints in Chap, fanner as afo?cfaiD, fo? tljc £>uppoit anD Maintenance of a jDatrolc anti 20atcl), foz ti)c £>ccuritp of tlje j^eigljboiuIjooD anD fain intcnDeD Clofmc, not ctcccoittg rfje annual £>um of £>ijc $cncc bp tjje iroot running Mcaftuc as afojcfaib; anb tijat fUCl) iSattS Of Cavendifh Row anD Granby- Row, as ajc not inclubeb in tlje 2Dillntt as afrucfaib, as alfo Gardiner’s Row anD Great-George’s Street, Temple-Street, Dorfet-Street, or Drumcondra-Lanc, CalttbazD Of Granby-Row, Eccles-Street, anD anp ttCiJJ ©uilDings tijat map hereafter be crcctcb near 01 coittigious to tlje fame; anD alfo tfjat part of Great Britain- treet oppofitC tO Granby- low anD tlje ijOfpital, atlD t|)C C011= tinuancc of tije fame to Summer-Hill, map at all Ximes on tfje jDapment of fuel) rate* able Contributions bp tlje jfoot as map be founD ncceffarp,not ercccDittg ;=ur 0ence bp tlje ifoot as aforcfaiD, anD bp aftertain-ing a Continuance of tlje l&apment tljcreof, bp tlje Confent of ifouj ibarts in iibc of tlje ^Inhabitants of eaclj street rcfpectibc= Ip, anD liable to Claufes of DiGrefs as aforcfaiD, be intitlcD to tl)e OuarD anb ^rotation of fuel) OHiatcl) anD |DatroIe as aforefaiD; anD tijat tlje fcbcral iDcrfons UefiDcnt in tlje fcbcral Streets aitD Hjoufes bttttofoje recitcD, agreeing to fain refpettibe iDapinents, Gjall anD map be fjelD, anD arc Ijcrebp DeclareD to be free from all anD lingular tlje Xarcs, Ccltcs, or 3Jntpo&tions jjcrctoforc or fjcrcaftcr to be laiD on for tlje iDurpofes of ¡Matching tlje Citpof Dublin, of. anp #art tljcreof. 13 2D l&ro*18 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto A P. .VII. probibeb altoa?S, Xijat fuel) ©ober* nors, ©uarbians ant £>berfccrs, ma? appoint a Xrcafttrcr taitljin Xtaent? onè 2Da?s after tbc palïïitg of tins 3lct, tal)o (bail fortittcitlj gibe â>ecurit? b? Bons anb amarrant for bonble tijc âmnt tïjat probabl? ma? bc bepoûteb in Iris i?ant)s ; ant) fljail en tïjc ftrft Monday in March an* nuailp, promt ce ijis febcral Accounts, toit!) atï), anD Submit tije fame for 3infpceti* on to fait) ©obernors ot £>berfeers, attb alfo to cber? Jnïjabitant taitljin tins SDiÎtrirt. £>robibcb aliaa?s, Xbat no $art ot portion of fait) Xajc oz Xa;ccs as afore* fais, (bail oi ma? bc ïcbieb oz aifeifeb on tïjc ê>ebcn ï^ottfes â>outbtaarb in Granby-Row, tljat is to fa?, tlje Ooufc anb ïjioufes nota ^¡nbabiteb b? Î0iilrcfs Mc. Donnell, Stephen Wybrants, ÎffQUÎrC, tfjC ïpOttOttra* bit tBiûer Baron Metge, Nathaniel Monts gomery, CftiUÎrC, Henry Fofter, ©fquirC, anb i]5iftrefs Tenifon, until fuel) Xime as tlje Builbing nota ttfeb as a Coffee* ijoufe üiall be remobeb ot taben botan, but tïjat fuel) â>ebcn i?ottfcs fljail remain on tïjeir former footing, as if tïje fozego* tng Claufes îjab not been inferteb in tbis i&ct. ^Inb be it ©narteb b? tfje 3luti)o;tit? afojcfaib, Xijat William Xorb Clifrount Ennifkillen, lohn XoZb tUifcOUnt Erne, Ans drew Caldwell, Cfquire, Crofton Vandeleur, Cfquire, Heitor Graham, ©future, anb 1 homasGeorgii Tertii Regis. inp Thomas Burrcmghs, GEfqUtre,Oe appoitttCD ti)C C h a p. iTtocrfcers, togctijer tolti) tijc ©ttarOtans 1 vn anù Xruftccs of faiD ijofpitai, fot con* Ottcting atto tnfpecting tijc intcnDct» IHHoiO. of tijc Cfiange of ^tttiofure as afrncfaio, aito alfo tip ano tolti) tije ^fppvoPatiou aito Coitfcnt, oi attìje JRcqmfition of jfonr #arts in jftoc of tijc Celierai 3ini)alii= tants of tijc faio 2Diihitt, to appcutt, rc= gttiate ano tontroni fato intcttoco fattole oi Ciìatcl), aito to toiiect ano rccctoe tijc fcOcrai propottional ^tffcifmcnts for tijc i^aintenance of tijc fame, aito to 2l«oimt Dtt ti)C irìrft Monday in March aS afOlCfaÌD, fo: tije 3&cccipts tijcrcof. 3ln0 Oc it furtijer QBnactcO Op tfje 3ltP tijoritp afotefaio, Xijat ti)e Cofts ano Cijajgcs of picpapng, Oiatoing, oOtain= ing, ano pafltng tijis 21 et, iijall Oc paio Op tijc faiO Dùectors ano CommiGtoncts, as foon as map Oe, out of tijc Olii £@onep to Oc rccciOcO Op tlùtuc tijeieof. 3ln0 Oc it furtijcr