ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015f io - :'¿ :'.V- - - • *. ‘ ;m >m i - . /ÀÙ ' :Anno Regni Vicefimo Tcrtio & Quarto Georgii III. Regis. teens !®©ie!SiS8Sag;!gS!83©S!©!e!S!S !g®3s a CHAP. XLIII. An Ait for the Relief of the Creditors of John Ttinnadine, Efquire, late one of the Mailers of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, and for veiling the Ellates, Real and Perfonal of the laid John Tunnadine, in Commillion-ers and Allignees for the Payment of his faid Creditors. Wfj) © 3S. C % John Tunnadine, latC of the City of Dublin, Cfquire, teas in the gear £>nc thoufanb feben htitt&tcb anb fifty=eight, nppoitttcb one of the S0af= ters of f?is ipajefty’s li>tgh Court of Chantery in Ireland, in tnhich Office he con* tinueD until the JFirft 3Day of April, £)jte thoufanb feben hunbreb anb cighty=thrcc; 2lnb tohereas the fain John Tunnadine, habinghab fromXimc to Xime confines able £>ums of i0oncy the ^toperty of the 9 % 2 iDUitOJSAnno Regni viceiimo tertio & quarto p. Suitots of tbe fatò Court of Cbancerp Be^ poli tra tutti) i)tm, tuas ittBttccB to letta tbe fatue to federai ferions, toljo aftertuarùs arcarne infoiatiti, bp tubici) <©cans atta bp ittcautioufip bccoming Securitp, ite fuffcrea c tijer Hoff es, a na contrattcB fcbcral 2>cbts bp iDoitgagcs, 31uBgments ana otljcr îÆïaps, atta at lengtì) totaflp fatica iti IjisCtrcum-liantes atta Créait : 3lnB tuijcrcas fcbcral Of tI)C CrcûitOtS Of tïje fata John Tunnadine, tuijofc Oebts are fccurcB bp £0ottgagcs atta 3btBgmcnts, babe tommtncca Suits at Hafu attìnti Cquitp againtt bini fot Bccobe= rp tïjcrcof, toberebp it isapptcbcttBeB tijat bis Cflates atta Cffcits map bc foia at a great tutacr Halite bp i0cans tubereof, ana of t|je Colis atta Cfpcntes tijat ntufl ttcceffarilp attcna fuel) Suits, tljc jfuna fot tbe Belici of ijis CrcBitots talli be grcatlp BiminilbeB, ana as tïje faia üDottgage ana 3btBgmcnt Crcaitots ntufl be paia off tbe full Slmount of tijcir rcfpcttiae 3Debts in Jâîiotitp to tbe 3DcntanBS of tïje Suitots of tfjc faia Court of Cbancerp, tuijofe ùjottep Ijc fo rcceiaeB, tïje jfuttB tubici) tuill bc Icft to pap tbcm tuill bc alfo furtber cottùacrablp aiminiOjea: atta taljcrcas tbc faia John Tunnadine ÌS tuiiling to fatisfp all bis Crcaitots to tbe tttmoll of bis làotocr, bp applping all bis Cflates Beai, jfrecboiB, ana jàerfonal of toljat dature foeaer, in Satisfaction of tbeir 2Dcbts, in fucb £0anncr as ^ercin after mentionea : ®e it tberefote CnacteB bp tlje ming’s üjoft excellent UJafCftp, bp ana tuitb tbe 3taaicc ana Confcnt of tbe Hotas Spiritual ana Xemporal, anD Comntons in tijis ptefent jèarliament affemblea, atta bp tlje 3tutbotitp of tbe fame,821 Georg» Tertii Regis. fame, Xfjat tfjc fatò John Tunnadine fi) il II c H a r. anb map bc DccmcD, tabe» anb conftbctcb as a ì&crfon toitljin tljc 3intcnt anb tl|9can= ins of tljc febcral JLatoS noi» in jfozce in tljis Bingbom to pzebent Jfraubs comi mittcb bp ©anUrnpts, anb tljat fjc tljc faib John Tunnadine fljall attò tS Ijcrcbp bCClatCb tobc,anbtoall3jntcntsanb$nrpofcs toljats iocbrr, to Ijabc bccit a ©anbrnpt from tljc Xlacntp^fiftl) SDap of March, £>IJC tljOUs faitb feben Ijttnbzcb anb eigljtpstljrec, anb tljat I)c anb all anb eberp làart of Ijis Cflatcs, Beai, Jfrccljolb anb ßcrfonal, fljall refpettibclp be anb are ijcrcbp beelareb to be fubjett to t£e fcberal ^zobiftons anb Be? ftrictions, anb liable to tljc fcberal $ains, jàcnaltics, Xifabilitics anb jtòzfeitnrcs bp tljc faib Xatos cnatteb, rcfpetting tljc $cr< fons anb Cßatcsof Xrabcrs agatnfl toijom a Commißton oz Commifltons of ©anb* rnpt ßabc iffncb fàurfuant to tljc faib Atts of #arliament refpcctiitg Jfraubs com= mittcb bp ©anftrnpts, fabe oitlp as Ijercin after ejcccptcb. Anb be it fnrtljer Cnatteb bp tljc Au* tljozitp afozcfaib, Xljat tljc Jlozb CljanccR lOZ of Ireland, OZ tlje JLOZb BCCpCf OJ Coiti* mifftoncrs foz tljc Cußobp of tljc Creai éicalof Ireland, foZ tljC XilllC bCÌttg, tlpOtt Application to bc mabe to Ijim oz tljcm up on tljc Petition of anp libate Crebitor of tl)C faib John Tunnadine, t»l)0 fljall malte AfRbabit bcfoze a ißaflcr of tljc faib litigi) Court of Cljancerp, tljat £>nc Ijttn-breb f&ounbs taas 2Duc to jjim oz Ijcr bp tl)C faib John Tunnadine, at tljC XlttlC of furi) Application, fljall cattfc a Commini' g g on822 Anno Regni vicefimo tei tio Se quatto C » a r. on oi eomuitiuotts of Battimi pttp to be LUI- ¿»calco ano tffuco fotti) againfi tfic fato ' John Tunnadine, aS ÌS ttfual Iti tfic CafC Of ^raocrs committing 3ltts ofBattltruptcp, accotOittg to tfie fato Hatos nolo in jfotee in tfiis BtttgOom conccrtting Battlmtpts ; ano tfiat tfic fato ItotO dfiancellot, Ho2D= Sccpcr, dominiflxoners of tfic <3rcat à»cal, fot tfie Ximc beittg, (fiali fiabe tfic Ulte ^otoers, atto (fiali in all aacfpctts 3lit ano (DtOCCCO agaittll tfic fato John Tunnadine, ano fits ditate aitò dffetts as in tfic tafe of £>jOinarp Battlmtpts. 3ln0 be it dttactcD bp tfic 2lutfioritp afotefaiO, Xfiat tfie dommiUtoncvs to be ttameo in furfi dommiflton ot dommlKons rcfpcttibclp, ano tfic Ì0ajot $art of tficm (fiali al tfieir Jfirlt Meeting 2Dc= dare tfie faio John Tunnadine tO bC a Banlmtpt toitfiin tfic Ì0eaning of tfiis i&tt tbitfiout furtficr #?oof. 3tn0beit furtficr dttattcO bp tfie3ltttfioji= tp afotefaiD, Xfiat tfic fato dommiffioners ano libate drcOitojs of tfic fato John Tunnadine, as alfo tfic ^itigtiecs ficrcin after namcO, (fiali in all J&cfpccts tofiat= eber, ptocccO to Oo ano 3ltt, (fabe as ficrc= in after CJCCCpteO) as Ìf tfic faio John Tunnadine fiao beett a XraDcr ano committco an 3lct of Battltrtiptcp, atto as ìf a doni* miiTton of Banlmtptcp fiao iffucO fotti) agaittll fiitn, ano tfiat tfic fato fcbcral 2lcts of parliamcnt noto in Jfotee in tfiis mittg^ Oottt to #tcbcnt irrattos committco bp BanUrupts, (Itali itt all rcfpects tofiatfoebet,Georgii Tordi Regis. 823 tabe as Ijcrcitt after mcittiottcb, bc bittbittg Chap. atti) operate upott tljC faib John Tunnadinc, bis Citate atto Cffctts, atta eberp part ttjercof, ani) alfe tljat tljc ìjcirs, Cjccctttozs, 3lbmimltratoj5 anD iJUCgtts, anb tlte Crc= DttOtS Of tI)C fati) John Tunnadinc, tljail 1)C Bottnb tbcrcbp to' all Jlntcnts aito pur-pofes, as if Ijc bab beett a Xraber tnitltin tljc mie 3lntent atti £0catting of tbc fato 2ltts of parliamcitt, anb tbat tbc faib CommifixonerS fltall fcbcralìp tabe fucb £T>atb as is ptcfcrtbeb bp tbc faib iSrts tobetaUen bp tbe Commifiiotters of Battio rupts, anb (bali in all Xljings iHct in rotti fojniitp to, anb pjocccb tuitlj all fueb potoers anb 3tutljozitp of eberp I^inO toljatfocbcr rcfpcctiitg tbc faib John Tun-nadine bis Citate anb Cffctts," anb tbe Xifcobcrp tbereof, anb all ijjattcrs retai tibe tljcrcto as are purfttcb in £bbinarp Commiffions of Battferupt, anb tljat tbc pzibatc Crebitojs of tljc faib John Tun= nadine, (ball 3lfccrtain anb piobe tljcir Debts, anb tbat tbc iaUtgttccs berciti af ter ttamcb, Ojall bc itttitlcb to Ijabc anb (ball babe fueb potoers anb ^utljozitics as 3U&gnccs, unber CommilTtons of Battiti ruptep uftiallp babe; anb tljat tbc faib Coitimiirioncrs, Crebitots anb ^ffignccs fljall pzocceb anb 3lct in all ficfpccts tubati focbcr refpettiug tljc ficai, jfrccbolb attb pezfottal Citate anb Cffctts of tljc faib John Tunnadinc, as ConitnifTioncrs, i&lftg nces, attb Crebitojs of BattUrupts unber £>?binarp Conimilftons of Banhrupts ufuallp bo, fabe as berciti after cjcrcptcb, anb tbat tljc faib John Tunnadinc, anb bis 9 19 2 Citatei :.4 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio &c quarto ' r. cEIlatc ano «Effctts, fabc as berciti after cjo ¡-¡il- ccptco, (itali bc in all ìlcfpcits fubjcct to tltc fato Jlatos cottccrning Battimtpts, atto tltc fMutS atto penaltics tltcreof; atto tljat Ite (Itali allo be entitlco to tltc $zibilegcs, ^zotections, i&ilotoanccs ano 3t0bantagcs tltcreof, to all ^intcnis ano fàurpofes, as if Ite IzaD bectt a XraOcr ano committeD 3lcts of ©anlmtptcp fcoitljiit tfjc Xrue ^Intent of tltc fato ?Utos concerning »artlmipts. $zobiOcD altoaps, atto bc it furtlter «EnacteO bp tltc ^iHtitozitp afozcfaiO, Xltat notljtttg berciti tontatttco (bali affett ot be con= ItrncO to affett in anp £0attner tijc ^joim ture of tijc jKIlife of tljc fato John f unna-dine, to toltici) fljc is cntitlcO cut of tì)C «rifate of Iter foznter ijttsbanO, bttt tbat f!)c map ftcccibe tfic fame Jfrce atto «Elear of all Cjtargcs toljatfoebcr, fot Iter £0airt= tettante atto émppozt, anp tljing licrcin tontaiiteO to tlje contrarp tltcrcof in anp toife ttottoitltftanOing. 2ln0 probiOcb altoaps, atto be it furtiter «Ettatteo bp tljc 3tutliozitp afozefaio, Xltat noifting Jjcrein rontaitteO (Itali ottetto to, oz affett anp èccttritp oz é>ctnrities bp ipoztgagc, giubgmettt, Eerognitattce, statuto 3>taple, oz iiljmbant fairlp ob* taineo from,oz agaittll tltc falò John Tunna-dine, on OZ befozc tjjc Xtoctttp fiftì) £>ap of March, in tltc gcar £>nc rboufatiO feben Itunorco atto ctgjttp tijrcc, bui tijat tltc fame togetìter toitlj all ùnteteli ano Colfs Due titcteon rcfpcttibclp (ball bc OifcljaracO, actozbing to tljeir legai prioria tpGeorgii Tertii Regis. tp, bp the 3fltgnees appointcb unbcr anb bp liirtue of tljis 2ttt, in preference to the DCbtS Of t$je faib John Tunnadine Of att itt= ferior Mature, aitp tiling herein before coittaincb to tije contrarp nottuitijftanbing. c probibcb altoaps, Chat nothing herein rontaincD fliaii affect oz be beerneb, coit= lirttcb, oz taben to affect in anp Degree, 3ij»pcacij, Dclap, oz Jnbalibate the Cfe^ eution of a Decree of I?is flpajcltp’S Court Of CrrflCflUCr in tljiS BingbOm Of Ireland, pronouneeb on oz about tfje febenti) Dap of February, £>ne thoufanb feben Ijuubreb anb cigiitp three, in a Caufe toherein Mary Spencer, QUibotn, is plaintiff, anb the faib John Tunnadine anb others are De= fenbants, foz tije Jfozeclofurc of tije C-quitp of -Rebemption, anb dale of certain fUttbs in tije faib Decree mentioneb, in HtUrtue of a 99ortgagc of tije faib Canbs therein mentioneb, tfierctofoze ejtccuteb bp tf)t faib John Tunnadine, tO tf)C faib Mary Spencer, foz anb in conftberation of the dum of iponcp therein mentioneb, but that tije faib Mary Spencer, i)Ct CtCCUtOZS, 3tbminiftratozs anb Stflcgns, thall be at full Hibertp to procccb thereon in fuel) toife as to i)er oz them {ball feem meet, anb to habe the full effect anb Benefit of the faib duit, Decree, anb all proccebings tljathabe been alreabp ftab, oz liercafter fljall be Ijab in the faib Caufe, as if tins 3ltthab neber been rnabe, anp Clung herein rontaineb to the contrarp thereof itt anp toife nottmtin ftanbing; it being the true intent anb leaning of this 3tct, Chat no ¿patter, Claim, Circumltancc oz Chins herein 9 % containeb826 Anno Regni vicefimo rertio & quarto c « a p. tontainei) Cfialt iti anp i&eCpcct oí ©egree xuu tuMtCoePer, Xeffen, 31mpcacfi, ©elap oí ' ^ 3Jnbalíbatc tfie á>ecuritp oí (Cuoccebíngs Of tí)t faíD Mary Spencer, foi XtCObCrp of tfie fato $3oitgage ©ebt anb tijc 3lntercft tfiercof. 3lnb ^iobibcb altoaps, Xfiat notfiing fjcrein containeb (fiali affett, 01 be bccmcb, conttrucb, oí tafeen to affett, oí in anp ©e^ grec to itnpeacfi, belap, oí 3inbalitate tfie Cjcecution of a ©ceree of fe?is lljajefip’s faib Court of Crefiequer in tfiis làinghoin of ireiand, piottounceb on tfie Xtoeiftfi ©ap of Decomber, ©ne tfioufanb fébCtt fittiti breb ani cigfitpitfiree, in a Caufe tofjcrcin Thomas Weftropp, Cfquire, atting Creali toi of John Weftropp, CfqUÍre, DCCCalCD, ÍS Jàlaintiff, anb tfie faib John Tunnadine anb otfiers are ©efenbants, fot tfie jfoiCi clofure of tfie Cquitp of Bcbemption, anb átale of eertain Xanbs in tfie faib ©ceree mcntioneb, bp (mirate of a íljoitgage of tfie faib $icmiffes tfierctofoie erecuteb bp tije faib John Tunnadine tO t|)C faib Thomas Weftropp, for anb in Conùberatiott of tfie àmtnof Í0onep oí ©ebt tfierein mentioneb ; but tiiat tfje faib Thomas Weftropp, fiíS CjECCUtOíS, i&btmniCtratois, anb Xffigns, Citali br at full Xibcrtp to proceeb in tfie faib Caufe, anb on tfie faib ©eeree in fitti) CHLiífe as as to fiim oí tficm Citali feem ntect, anb (Itali fiabe tfie full Benefit anb Cffctt of tfie faib ©eeree, anb all neeeffarp jàrocecbings tfiat fiabe been alreabp fiab, oí fierafter Citali befiab refpetting tfie jFotcelofurc of tfie faib ale of tfie faib Xanbs as if tfiis ^tt fiab neber been mabe, anp Xfiing ficreinGeorgii Tertii Regis. 827 ïjcvein eontaineb to tïjc cotttrarp tïjcreof c « a ?. in anp ürifc nottoitljftanbing; it being tlje truc JntMtt ant) ¿0canmg of tïjis 21 et tïjat no <$)atter, Ælaim, Circumflante, 0? Xlring Ijcrcin eontaineb, fl]ait in anp i fpect oz SDegree taljatfoebcr leffen, impeacl), oz inbalibatc tïjc ê>ccuritpoz #rocecbings of tï)C faib Thomas Weftropp for tfjC HCCObCrp of iris fais ipjrtgagc 2>cbt, anb tïje 3)n= tereft tïjcreof. 21 nb probibeb altoaps, Xijat notljing ijereiit eontaineb fljall affect, oz bc beemeb, conftrucû, oz taben to affect, oz in anp SDe^ grec impeacl), belap, oz inbalibate anp collateral â>ecuritp oz â>ecurities toljici) l)as oz ïjabc been entereb into bp anp |Ser= fon oz ferions toljatfoeber to anp Cre= Ditor or Crebitors of tïjc faib John Tun-nadine, JOÎntlp tOÎtl) ÏJÎm ti)C faib John Tun- nadine; but tïjat fuel) Œrebitor orCrebitozs of tïjc faib John Tunnadine as Iwbe anp fuel) £>ecuritp or ê>ecuritics as lafl afoze mem tioneb, fljall bc at full ïUbertp to proceeb for tïjc ïtccotoerp of tïjc Î0onep incurreb tïjerebp refpcctibelp, againft fuel) î&erfon anb jâcrfotts, Iris anb tïjcir jâropertp oz jâroperties, as ijabc fo jioineb in â>ceuritp ¿Oitl) tl)C faib John Tunnadine aS afOCtfaib, Îtt fuel) fl^anner as to fuel) Crcbitoz oz Cre= bitors Cball feem meet at anp Cime Ije or tïjcp fljall or map tïjinfe it erpebient fo to bo, anp Xlring ï)crcin eontaineb to tljccontrarp tïjereof in anp toife nottoitljftanbing; it beittg tï)e truc gjntent anb fipcaning of tï)is 2tct, tïjat no flatter, Œlaim, oz Xlring ijerein eontaineb, fljall in anp îlcfpeet oz Degree toljatfoeber leffen, impeacl), belap, y % 2 OZ8a8 Anno Regni vîcdimo tertio 8e quarto chap. dz intoalíbatc tfic Sccuritp o? îbzoccebings of xLiii. fuel) of tfie faiO CTreDitois as ïjatie anp Swuritp oz Securities to tfiem reCpettibe= ïp JOilttlp tolti) tfie faiD lohn Tunnadine. jßzobibeb t|)at no mote fi)all be rccobcrcb bp fuel) Crebitoz oz Crcbitozs rcfpcctibclp out of t|)e effects of tfie faib John Tunnadine, anb from tfie faib jkrfons fo joincb tolti) |)im, tfiait fl)all become Cute on tfie jroot of tfieir feberal attb refpettibe Securities fot #¡tíncípal, fitteteli anb Colis. 2lnb be it further Cnatteb bp t|)c i&m tfiozitp afozcfaib, Xfiat tfie 3üïïgnecs fo appointeb as afozefaib, oz tfic 09a)ozitp of tfiem, fljall bp anb out of tfie Cítate oz effects of tïje faib lohn Tunnadine, fo meant anb intenbeb to be belieb in tfiem as afoze* faib, oz bp tfic ponies to be raifeb anb pzo= buceb bp Sale thereof, oz of a Competent #art tfiercof in tfic firft Jâlacc, anb befozc anp #art of tïje faib Cítate anb effects afoze= faib, oz tïje iconics to be pzobueeb tficrcbp, oz bp Sale tfiercof, fljall be applieb to anp otfier iöurpofe tol)atfoeber, $ap off, Dc= frap anb SDifcfiargeallfucfi Colls, Charges anb Cjepences as fljall attenb tfic applping fin, palling anbobtaini ng tfiis ^tet, anp tljing fierein eontaineb to tl)c contrarp tfiercof in anp toife nottoitfiffanbing. 3lnbbeit furtfier Cttacteb bp tfic tljozitp afozcfaib, Xfiat from tfic Ximc at tolntl) it (fiali oz map be pzobcb to tfie Satisfaction of tfic faib Commífíconers fo appointeb as afozefaib, tfiat tfie faib John Tunnadme toas bifmiffeb from tfie faib Cim plopmcnt of gaffer in Cfiancerp, all Com bcpanccs,Cìeorgii Tertii Regis. 829 ppattccs, ^flìgnmenis, 0? SUicnations bp c n A r. tp faÌO John Tunnadiiie, 1ÌU1DC fròlli aliò XLIIL after falò XiiP of anp QSanotS, Xattòs, XencmcntsoilicrcCitaincttis^fftces^ccs, Xeafcs, Gooòs oi Gpttlcs, 01 Xransfcr of ps Xcbtsjn ps 01 in otpr Jòcrfons /Santes, tmlefs tp fame filali pile becit fo pnrcpfcò, transferrcò, toitbepcò ot.afltgneò foi .a fttil, reai ani) bona fide Goitfiòcration flialiijc ticcmcu anòtaltcn tabe nuli ànò botò aitò of no C-ffcct toptfocbcr : SUtò it (pii be iatoful fot tp i&P'gitccs appointcò bp tijis Slct, 02 tp £13a/o2 pari of tprtt, to ©argain anò é>eif, (gratti, Gonbep aitò Xcinifc, 02 otprtoifc Difpofc tprcof, in as ampie £0anner as if tijc falò ìDcbts fjaò rcinatncò in tlje /Sanie of fìjc falò John I unnadine, aitò as tf fjC 02 tl)C?> pò re= maincò artuallp fctfcò 02 polteftcò of t|jc itite G-fiate 02 ^npritawe to ps Sten uffe at futi) Xiute as tp fatò GommiCKon filali 3Ì(fnc, anò tpt eberp fttcij <3rant, ©argatn, é»alc, Gonbepattcc, aitò XifpoP ttott of tilt falò SUTignecs, 02 ti/e £0ajo2 Jòart of tiicm fljall òc gooò anò abailaòle to ali ^Intents, Conltrurtiotts anòjSurpofcs in tlje /Laro agartU tp fatò John Tunnadine, anò ps iptrs, Grctutots, Stomiitiflratots aitò SUftgtts, aitò againil all otpr jPrfons ciaiming bp, from, 02 tittòcf tp falò John d unnadine, aitò fuefj otpr £crfon aitò jÌ5cr= fons to tobom ftùb Gonbepattcc 02 Gon^ bcpanccs, SIP'gnincrtt, 02 SUiettation pbc beett 02 pali 02 tnap bc maòc bp tlje fatò John Tunnadine, 02 bp l)ÌS i!0CanS D| $20- ctircttient. $2obiòcò altoaps, XPt òpere aitp $et'= fon pali Slppear to fiabe palò ànp reai io 21 balttablc8jo Anno Regni vicefimo tertio quarto c h a r.baitiablc Confiberation, anb tfje fame bas xliii. ,1Dt uccit a full, real anb bona fide Confi* ' v ' Deration fot fucij 5>ale ot transfer be* fot e tfie Jfirft Dar of February, in tbe gear Due tboufanb feben bunbreb anb eigi)tp=four, futi) baluablc Confiberatictt fijali be a ILitn anb Charge upon tbe Debt, Citate oz effects fot tubiti) tbe fame tuas fo giben. 3ütb be ít fttrtber Cnattcb bp tbe ^tutbo* ritp aforcíaíb, Xbat aii anb eberp $crfon anb 0crfcns tubo Ojaii bab,e ateepteb of anp Xrult or 3-niíls for tbe »cnefit of tbe faíb John Tunnadine, attb ffiali tOÍlfullp anb fiaubuientip tonteal tbe fame ín orber to protert anp Cítate real or perfonai of tbe faíb John Tunnadine, 0¿ attp JÉUirt tbereof from bis Crebitozs, anb Chali not tuítbín jfortp*ttuo Daps nejet after tbe refpettíbe final Craminatíon of tbe faíb John Tunnadine, bífCObet attb bíftlofe fttCb Xruit or Cffate to Dne or more of tbe Commíflioners nameb ín fucb Commíf* fions, or to £>ne or more of tbe ^ffig* nees of tbe refpettíbe cuates of tbe faíb John Tunnadine, anb lífeCtbífe fubttlít bím, ber, or tbemfclbes to be ejeamíneb bp tbe faíb Commíflioners, anb trulp bífeo* ber tbe fame, tfiall forfeít tbe éum of Díte hunbreb #otmbs of latuful S0onep, anb bottbíe tbe tlaluc of tbe Cítate, 3*cal or perfonai, fo conccalcb bp tbe faíb Xruítee, to anb for tbe «Efe anb ©enefit of tbe faíb Crebítors, to be recobcreb bp ;3ttíon of Debt, ín anp of hís £0at'eflp’S Courts of Uccorb ín Dubiin, ín tbe Í3ame of tbe ^ffignee or i&fltgnces mtber tbe faíbGeorgii Tertii Regis. 831 fait) rcfpectibc ComimiTtoncrs, itt toljiclj c h , f, Cafe full Colts lljall be allotocb to either $artp. #zobibcb altoaps, anti be it further Cnacteb bp tfjc Slutboritp aforefaib, Xljat tlje faib |ohn Tunnadine fljall UOt l)C prti clubeb from obtaining a Certificate from Ijis Crcbitors, anb tlje Commiflconers nameb in tbe faib Commiflion or Com* miffions to be fucb out againft film bp ffteafoit of bis ijabing loft sj^onep at earning, or of fiis not fiabing Kept Slc= counts of tlje ponies bp liim etjpenbcb in tfjE i|3aintenance anb Cloatbing of Jjimfelf anb Ijis ifamilp. Slnb be it Cnacteb bp tfje Stutljozitp afojefaib, Xijat in Cafe tbe faib Cftate anb effects of tl)C faib John Tunnadine fljall be mote than fufficient to pap off anb bifebarge tije Cofts, Charges, anb Ctpences of applping foi, anb paffing tijis SIct, anb to pap off anb bifefiarge tlje full Amount of tfje C0ojtgagc anb 3Jubgment SDebtS of t\je faib John Tunnadine, anb the “Jntcreft anb Cofts bue thereon rcfpectibclp, tfjen, tljat tfje Slffig* necs appointeb unber, anb accozbing to tfje true.^Jntcnt anb leaning of ibis Slit, oz anp Xiao of them, (ball applp tlje Surplus of tfje faib Cftate anb effects, 01 of tbe £0onep pjobticeb tbercbp, to the jMpment of tbe 2E>ebts note remaining bue Of tbe faib John Tunnadine, to tbC £>uitozs of tlje faib Court of Cbancerp, in Confequencc of 3>ums of fiJDotiep be* pofiteb bp tbe faib SmitozS, oz unber 10 SI 2 fibersAnno Regni viceiìmò tertio Se quarto Ciup. jSDjDcrs of tïjc faiO Court, in tïjc IjattDS Al.IH. uf tjjC faiO John Tunnadine, attO aïfû tO tòc î&apmcnt of otïjcr Simple Contran 2Dcbt5 of tI)C fais John ! unnadine, rate* ablp, ano in tDzopóztions ; aito if anp Surplus fljalï rèmatit after t&tpmcnt of all fut») îDcOts as afotefaio, aito tïjc Cofts tìjcreof, tfte fame Surplus fljail Oc paio tO tïJC faiO John T unnadine, ÏJÎS CtCCUtOZS, xCOmmiftrators, or iMigtts. 5ln0 Oc it Citattcù Op tïjé 2lutïjoritp aforefaio, Xijat in Caie it fljaii appear on tïjc Cramtnatioit of tïjc fato John Tunnadine, or OC OtijCrtOÌfC proOcO tO ÎÏJC é>atisfattion of tïjc Commiffioncrs to Oc appointée unocr ano Op diente of tïjis 31 tt, tïjat anp $art of tïjc C-ftate anO CffCttS Of tïjc fato John Tunnadine ïjatï) Occn acQtttrcO oz pttrcijafco Op or miti) tïjc Montes oz tdzopcrtp of tïjc âmitots of tïjc fato Court of Cijanccrp, tïjat tïjctt, aito in futi) Cafe, tïjc èpe* cificft îbart of tïjc fato Citate or Cffccts fo purcïjafcti, fljali Oc applico to tïjc îflfe of fucïj ânütozs, tu furïj djattttcr as tljali Oc OiretteD Op tïjc faiO Court ; anO alto, tïjat in Cafe tt fljàll appear, oz Oc pzoOtO as afozefaiO, to tïjc fato Comtnifltoncrs, tïjat tïjc fato Joìin Tunnadine ïjatïj tcilìClt anp â>ccuritp oz àicruritics in Ijts oton j!3amc, oz to ïjimfcïf, foz anp ânim oz é>ums of £0ottcp, tïjc #zopcrtp of tïjc faiO Smitozs, oz anp of tïjcm, tïjat tïjcn, ano in fttcïjCafc oz Cafcs.fttcïj&ccuritpoz £>ecuritics tljall Oc aojuogco Op tïjc fato Commifltoners to Oc no jôartof tïjc Citate Or 0zopertp of tïjc faiO John i unnadine, OutGeorgii Tertii Regís. bttt fljall be flcemeb to íjabe becn orígí^1 nallp paffcb anb tafeen tn Xruft fot futí) ámítoz oz á>uítozs to toljom tlje £0onep, tbe Conüberatíon of fucb á>ccurítp oz áiccunties, bíb oziginallp belong, anb Ojall be giben up anb afligneb to fucb ámítoz anb émítozs, oz tljeir 3Scpzcfcntatíbes oz 2fügnees, iit futí) íBannee as fljall be oz= betcb bp tije faib Court of Cbanccrp, anb íbalí ín no á>ozt be fiable to anp of tbe 2E>ebtS Of tfje faib John Tunnadine. 2lnb be ít Cnatteb bp tfje ^fntfeozítp afozefaib, Xljat anp Ueccípt oz Jeicceípts ctccutcb bp tfje faib [ohn Tunnadine, at anp Xime befoze tfje pafltng of tljís ZLct, to anp Xcnant oz Xenants of anp fáart of fjís «fílate oz #zopertp, oz to anp otfjer f&crfon oz J^erfons toíjatfocber tobo floob iltbebtcb to t)ím ti)e faib fohn Tunnadine, on anp otíjer Account tobatfoebcr, fljall be bcemeb, tafeen anb tonübercb as goob anb fufltcíent Xífrljarges anb ^rquíttances ín tbe Xato to tfje #erfon oz l^erfons to toljom fuclj 3&eceípt oz 3&eceípts fljall Ijabe becn fo paffcb; f^zobíbeb tljat tljefame fljall babe becn fo paffcb foz íBonep rcallp anb trulp paib toítbout jfraub oz Colluüon bp tbe l^erfoit oz íáerfons to tobom fucb Xe= ceipt oz Xeccípts fljall babe bcen fo ejcccuteb to tbe faib John Tunnadine as afozefaib, anb not otbertoífe, anp tjjíng beteín befoze to tbe contrarp tbereof ín anptoífe nottoítlK flanbíng. l&zobíbeb altoaps, anb be ít furtber «fu* atteb bp tbe 3lutbozítp aforefaíb, Xbat áPnc of tbe Slllígnces bp anb unber tljís jo © mtt 833 - h a r XLII1. 834 A'1110 Regm vicef. tertio Se quarto, &c. c h a P. 1&et fljall be natncb anb appoíntcb bp t1)e xun %orb Cftanccllor, or tíje Xorb meeper, or 1—v—’ commíflioners for t$c Cuttobp of t|je <¡5rcñt á>cal of ireiand, foi tljc Ximc bcíng, attb Cíjat Thomas Weftropp, tOÍtí) Auguftine Fitzgerald, CfQUÍreS, bOtí) Of Newtown-Perry, i jmerick, be tljc otjtcr ^ÍDgnees unber faib Commífiton, anp tfeing íjereút contaúteb to tlje contrarp tljcrcof ti» anptbífe not= tcíffittanbing. $robíbcb altoaps, XI)at notlnng í)ereín rontaineb fltall be conftrucb to affcct anp é>alcs rcallp anb bona fide íjab, or £l9onep lebíeb unber anp Cjcccution íffueb bp anp real anb bona fide Crebitor out of anp of $ís iBajcflp s Courts of Xccorb ín tijís Bíngbom, on or before tfjc jfirít February, One tljoufanb feben ijmtbreb anb eígi)tp= fonr. 3nb be ít furtiter Cnatteb bp fíje 7i\u tljorítp aforefaíb, Xfeat tiris map be beemeb anb tafeen as a Public ^tet, anb as fucií pleabcb anb giben in Chíbeme ín atl Courts of 'Juttice ín tíjís Uíngbom, anb tfeat tfeis ^tet bo í&afs üjitfeout tfee #ap= ment of ifccs, fabíng altoaps to tl)c Bíng’s iQoft Creelíent s©ajettp, anb to all Bcbícs qaolítíefe anb Corporate, anb to aU anb eberp $erfon anb Berfons, ejccept tí)e faib John Tunnadine, aU fUCl) Xígljt, Xítle, anb 3Jnterctf botli in Hat» anb Cquítp, as tíjep or anp of tijem mígíjt feabe íjab ín Cafe tfcís Ijab neber paffeb. AN