ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 FOR Veiling the Lands of Knoclroe, and other Lands in the County of Waterford, in His Majefly, His Heirs and SuccefTors, to the Ufes therein expreffed, and for other Purpofes. ^3S3©£S£3S3S3S3S<3£3S3£3£3£50SS£53i3£3£3£SiSS;Anno Regni Vicefimo Tertio & Quarto a issata:®®! An Aft for Veiling the Lands of Knockroe, and other Lands in the County oi Waterford, in His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeifors, to the Ufes therein W'in anb bp an Ztt c paffcb in tije ifourtecntl) anb fiU teenti) g>cars of tije Beigtt of #is late fi!9a* J'eftp Bing Charles ti)C 5>CC0ttb, ilttitulct), An Aft for the better Execution of His Majefty’s gracious Declaration for the Settlement of His Majefty’s Kingdom of Ireland, and Satisfaction of the feveral Interefts of Adventurers, Soldiers, and other His Subjects there, it iS among OtijCt 3Cinngs «Enattefi anb jDtobibcb to tfje «Effect following, Xfyat t|je Commifltoners fot «Execution of tije faib %tt, fboulb £>ct out ot caufe to be £>ct out fo much of tbc fotfeiteb lUnbs as flioulb Amount unto CHAP. LI, expreifed, and for other Purpofes. 11 2D 2 tljc 9*6 Anno Regni vicefimo tertio & quarto Chat, the clear pcarlp ilialuc of %i)tee tyunbreb i .1. potinbs per Annum, anb as ifiouib be near* ' ~~~J rft abfacent to anb lie moll contiguous un* to tilt jfort Of Duncannon, tol)icl) XatlbS fO as aforefaib to be fet out, ihoulb be referto* eb unto li?is fait fipajcllp, lt)is l?eirs anb *>uccctrors, to the “Jntcnt tljat the &ents, giffucs anb profits tijereof map for eber be cmplopcb for anb totoarbs the better £>up* port anb Maintenance of the Jfort afore* faib, anb ail anb cberp tlje^bbenturcs anb £>oibicrs, anb oilier rcprijable perfons to tuijom aup of tlje faib Hanbs fo as aforefaib to be fet out, hab been theretofore allotteb or bifpofeb, flrowlij be forthwith rcpri3eb out of fomc other forfeiteb Xanbs of an dilate of equal ilalue, CClortlj, anb pur* chafe, attp thing in the faib containeb to the contrarp nottoitljilanbing. 3lnb tohttcas in anb bp att 2Ltt paffeb in the Scbcntccnth anb eighteenth gears of the fame JRcign, intituicb, An Ad for the explaining of fomc Doubts arifing upon an Act, intitUleb, An Adt for the better Execution of His Majefty’s Gracious Declaration for the Settlement of His Kingdom of Ireland, and Satis-fadion of the fcveral Interefts of Adventurers Soldiers, and other His Subjeds there, and for making fome Alterations of and ddi-tions unto the faid Ad for the more fpeedy and effedual Settlement of the faid Kingdom, it ig amongfl other things CEnacttb anb protoib* cb, Xhat the Commiflfoners therein menti* oneb, thouib fet out fo matip iXcres of profitable ?Unb as might be of the pcarlp (Ealuc of Xijrcc i^unbreb potuibs, eg migpt ’ ■' ; i If i ' g * dj f u\oc »Georgii Tertii Regis. ‘ 937 migljt tic fufficicnt to Stnftner anD Securec «*p a pcarip l^cnt Charge of Xljrcc ijunDrcD pOUltDS per Annum, tD DC iGtlUtg OUt Of tijC fame, to tlje patent tijat tijc fame migljt lie a perpetual Uebcnue foz anD toboarDs tljc Suppozt anD fitjaintcnancc of tljt Jfozt at Duncannon, atlD bC fCttleD fOZ tijat pur* pofc lit fuel) tuap anD manner as tijc iloiD lieutenant, oz ctjcr Cljicf Gobernoz oz oobernozs, anD Council foz tljc Xime be; ittg UjoulD 2Dirctt, anD tijat in tljc Jetting out of tlje faiD HanDS, tljc Commiflioncrs UjoulD not Dc obligeD to pzoceeD Dp anp Buies of Contiguitp, but oitlp to take Care tijat tlje iilaluc intenDeD be fcturcD. ^itD toljcrcas in purfuancc of tljc faiD ■3lrts, tijc faiD Commifltoncrs DiD fet out tljc fcberal fozfciteD XanDs ijercin after mentioneD, tijat is to fap, tljc XattDs of Knockroc anD Paffagc, containing iDttc IjunDreD anD jfiftp=J!5inc 3lcrcs; Crook, containing Xtoo IjunDreD anD Scbcittp* fibe uteres, Newtown, containing Xtoo IjunDreDanDSijctpsfir litres; Knocknegapie, containing Cigijtp=tbjo 3lcrcs; Rahin, containing /¡5inetp=fout ^crcs; anD in Fatieg, toljiclj mere retrcttcijcD bp Captain Bolton, containing Xbzo IjunDreD anD -sebentpittoo uteres in tlje ®aronp of Galtire in tijC COtintp Of Waterford, OZ COltlltp Of tijc Citp Of Waterford, atlD rC^ ferbeD tlje fame unto Ijis late ©ajeltp Bing Charles tljc ScconD, foz tljc fulfilling anD anfmering tljc intents anD purpofes afozefaiD; anD ijis faiD late fljajcllp DiD bp betters patent, bearing 2Datc tljc Xt»cn= 11 C tp=firttÜ3& Anno Regni Vicefîmo tertio Se quarto c h a i>. tpifirtt 2Dap of May, in tï>e Xtoentpibttt li- g>car of l)is fati tate f$)ajeitp’s -Reign, '—(5rant tijc iame unto Richard Cari Of Arran, Marcus JLOìD UifCOUnt Dungannon, ¿sBÌE John Tempie, Unigbt, ttjcn ¿batter o£ ti>c Xolis of t|)ÌS ItìtingDom, à>ir Rohert Byrane, anO é)ir Theophilus Jones, aiti ti)C ÌtCttS Of tïje £mrbiboz of ttjem, in Xrutt fot ani to anftocr tïjc ÎLlfes, jntcnts ani jDurpofes afoicfaiD, ani not anp toap foi tite llfc, »citcfit ot ©citoof of tlje faiD patentées, o? attp of tïjcm, oz anp of tijeir $eirs : 3lnD toiiercas tJjc digiti tyonourable Richard late Cari of Arran, furbibei all ani eberp tì)C faiD otfjcr patentées, anD bccamc fciìeD of all anD eberp tbe fati Xanis bp émrbibozs Clip* to tfte îllfeB, ^utents anD Jàurpofes afozefaii, anD tije fame after titc Xetcafeof lite faiD Cari DcfcenDcD npon tïje ttouourai ile tlje XaDp ciiariotte Butkr, onlp ìDaugi)* ter ànD $circfs of tlje faiD Cari ; anD toftere* as on acrount of tbe 45mozitp of titc faiD XaDp charlotte Butler, anD of ber ufual 3üe* ùDcrtte in Engiand, tlje faiD Xrulls anD jàuti pofes couiD not be ermttcD as tïjc public j&crbice requirci, ani it tïjcrcbp became neccffarp to ben tlje fati Xanis in otljet Xruttees fot tlje faiD Jàurpofes : 3lnD tobercas bp an Xtt paffei in tlje Xentl) fpear of tije ìRcign of i^is late fi0a/cftp istiug William tijc %ì)itìs, intitUlcD, An Aét for thè better Management and Difpofal of thè Lands fet apart for thè Support of thè Fort of Duncanncn, it ÌS CltaACD anD JdZûbÎDCD, Xbat ti?e faiD Xanis fljoulD be belici in 1 hilip Savage, Cfquire, Thomas Broderick, Cfquire, ColOtUl William Ponfonby, £>tr John )Georgii Tcrtil Regis. 979 John Mafon, ant Allen Broderick, CfgUirC, C hat, tljcir l^eirs aitD 3li&gns in Xrutt foz ant to anftoet tljc iiifcs, intents ant puts ""J pofes afozcfait, ant to no otfjcr Itlfe, XvtiSJ oz pitrpofe toljatfoebev : i&nt toljercas gout iJJajcltp Ijatlj been gracioutlp picafet to eppzefs gour Bopai 3ntention of cn* couraging certain Citi3ens of Geneva to fettle in tins gout sajajeftp’s Bingtoro of Ireland, bp incozpozating tijc fait Citizens, ant bp granting to tljcm a fufKcieni 4£uantitp of Hant foz tljcir Settlement: ^nt toljercas tlje afozcfait Hants, oz a part of tJjem bp tljcir Mature ant Situ* atipri.are txicll ataptet to tlje Cllablifljmcnt of a Cozpozation te&gnct foz tljc Htbancc= mentof Commerce ant Manufactures: iXnt toljezeas it mill be contubbe to tlje Jau iterefts of tljis Bingtom tljat gour Ma= jellp (boult be citablct to (Brant the fame, oz a part of tljcm to tljc fait Citijcns of Geneva, oz otljcrtoife to Difpofe of tlje fame in fuel) fanner as to pour Majeltp’s JUopal CHliftom Ujall feem spcct 5 map it pleafe gour £0ajeltp, %t)at it map be Ctt-attcb: iant beit Cnartct bp tlje Bings f0oft Cjccellent Majcftp, bp ant toitlj tlje Hb-bice ant Content of tlje Hozts Spiritual ant Xcmpozal, ant tlje Commons in tljis rnefent parliament affembict, ant bp tlje Slutijozitp of tlje fame, Xbat tlje fait Hants, ant all tlje Cftatc, Bigljt, Xitlc ant 3Jntcteft in ant to tlje fait XotonS ant Hants abobe mentiortet, toljufj bp t|je latt rccitet TLcts toerc beflet in tlje fait Philip Savage, CfQUire, Thomas Broderick/ 11 C a Cfguire/940 Anno Regnî vicefimo tertio &r quarto c H A r. ŒfauifC, Colonel William Ponfonby, ê)Îr John 1,1. Mafon, aitt Allen ' Broderick, CfC|UitC, tljCÎt Oars ant 2llïïgns, tulticlj came ant te= ftentet to ant are noto teilet in tlje ii^eir of tîje é>nrtitOÎ of tljC fait Philip .Savage, Thomas Broderick, CfquirC, ColOttCl William Ponfonby, â>it John Mafon, aitt Allen Broderick, Cfquirc, 02 in Ijis 02 tljeir OTtgits 02 2UHgnec, 02 tlje IJeir of fuclj 2t(Kgnee 02 3Uli£gnces fljall tc ant Ijcrcbp arc teilet ant atjutget to tc teilet in gour fljajeltp, gone ijcirs ant â>utceffo2s, freet ant tif= cljarget from tlje atote tlfes, ant from all «Utes toljatfoebcr Ijcrctofoie limitet bp tlje fait iJltts 02 anp of tfjem, 02 otljcr* toife, fating to all perfons toljatfoebcr, ant to all Doties politick ant Cotpojatc, ail fuel) polfclïïon, Cltate, ÏJigljt, Xitle, Claim, JDemantt, Cntrp, Action, 02 Caufe of Action toljatfoebcr in Halt 02 Cqttitp, as tlje fait perfons 02 anp of item Jjat 02 migljt Ijatc ijat if tijis ptefent 3ltt Ijat not been mate. 3lnb be it Cnattcb bp tlje £utij02itp afotc* fait, Hiljat from aitt after tlje palling of tljis 3tt, it fljall ant map be laitful fo? gour iJJajcftp, gour IJcirs 02 âmrccffojs, to <5rant tlje fait Hants, 02 anp part 02 parcel of tlje fame, to anp Botp 02 Botics, politick ant Cojpojate, nota being 02 ijere-after to be createt, 02 to anp perfon 02 perfons in Ijis 02 tljeir politick Capacitp fo2 fnclj Citâtes, on fuel) Contitions, ant Subject to fuel) limitations ant llrittions as gour iljajcltp, gour ijeirs ' antGeorgii Tertii Regis. 941 ano Sttcccttors diali by gour futtersc patent, JUmit anb appoint of atti) coni tenting the fame, atti) tijat all futi) Cftates, 0 ¿Limitations, ¿Stcltrictions atto Conbitiotts diali ì3c, anb diali bc abjubgeb to be goob anfi fufSctcnt in Unto artotDing to the 3Jtt~ tent ano leaning of fitti) ¿letters patent, as full? as if ti)e fame toere herein partis culariy fet fotti), any 1Lato, Statute, 02 Slfagc to t|)c contrary in attytotfe not* toitbftaitbing. 3lnD tobercas it may be ttcceffary anD oepebtent, in date gour £0aj'eify OjouiD hereafter incorporate the aferefaib Ci* tijetts of Geneva, ot other i^roteifant ¿foreigners coming to refibc in this Bing= bom, that fuel) ¿foreigners (hottib be Ma? turali5Cb: ©e it iBnacteb by the Authority afozefaib, %\\at from anb after fitch in* corporation, the afozefaib Citizens of Gc-neva, or other }2>rotcftaitt ¿foreigners toijo {ball be incorporateb as aforefaib, (bail be beemeb anb taken to be ¿Natural ©ortt iambjects of this Bittgbom, attb diall be intitleb to anb enjoy ail the ¿Sights, #ri= bilegcs anb immunities tohich the ¿15a* turai born Subjects of this Bingbom are intitleb to attb enjoy, ebery fuch ¿foreigner habing ftrft taken the ;©ath appointeb to be taken by an 2ltt patTeb in the tflintz teenth attb Xtoentieth gears of gonr £0ajetty’s Bcign, intitules, An Ane tjioufanb febett liunbreb anb eigfltpiûr, fuel) Xools as fliall appear to tliem to be xeallp anb bona fide tlie Xools neceffarp to carrp on tlie Xrabe ox Manufacture of fuel) ^rtificers refpectibelp. îâxobibeb altoaps, anb it is liercbp «En* acteb, Xïiat eberp fuel) 3lrtiScer fo im* poxting fuel) Xools as afoxcfaib, fliall, be= foxeGeorgii Terni Regìs. 943 foie futi) Xoois filati tic flnppcO fot tfjis c « A ?. BingOom, lap tiefotc tijc fatò CommiUt* li. oncrs a à>ci)eOule containing an Account ^ ' of tiie febcrai 3lrticles intcnbco to be im* pottcD mto tljis l&ingOont as atòtcfatò, as aitò tijc $ott from roderne tijcp are to be fl)ipptD, ano tijc |èott in tijis BingOom into tonici) tiiep are to be impotteo, ano tljat a JLiccncc diali be obtaineb front tfic faiO ULontmifltòners, ot anp Xljrcc of tijcm, unbcr tljcir iianOS, fot tfje iaoing ano impotting of futi) Xoots as afotcfatò. ii JF 2 A N