ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015izytxo 2703 [ 365 ] Anno Regni Vicefimo Tertio & Quarto Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. XII. An Acft for the iffuing Treafury Bills to the Amount therein mentioned, for the Purpofe of promoting Manufactures by providing for the Settlement of a Number of Induf-trious Manufacturers at TroJ'perous in the County of Kildare. Wl) C it C ,ia) Robert Brooke of Prof- Chap. perous lit the COUtttp Of Kildare, x:r- Cfquire, encourages by tijc #tofpccts opettcb to this Itingbom by tijc enlarge* ment of the Xrabc thereof, embarltcb ejttcnfibely in the Manufacture of lUttcn anb Cotton tnijeeb, anb hath fs? the mote completely carrying on of the faib Mamt* facturc introbuceb anb conftrurtcS at a conftbcrablc Crpencc, a iilariety of Ma-chincry anb Htcnftls ncceffary foi the barious »ranches of the faib Manttfac* ture, anb hath furniChcb employment to a con&berablc dumber of |3crfons, inhere-by a Spirit of 3inbuttry hath been cncotu 4 % rageb,366 Anno Regni viceiimo tertio &c quarto chap. ragcO, ann alfo patp fot tpe Salutation of xn- futí) pcrfons, aitO fot tljc mote coitbe-nicntly carrying on of tpe fain Manufacture, crcctcti anO built tpe Xoton of Froi'perous, a convenient ^situation in tpe county of Kildare fot ¿firing, ptobiQou, anO iHHatcr Carriage, ants large £luanti= tics of tpe fain Manufacture in Confer gttence of tpe fain Cjrertions patp been mane anD folb in tipis BíngOom fot Some Consumption anD Ctpott to tpe great ©cncfit of XraDe anD 3Ju0ultry: 3ln0 topcrcas many inbitfltious Manufacturers in anD about tijc City of Dublin, toJjo tocre uncmploycO in tpe ©ufinefs of tpeir re* fpettibe XraOcs, pabe been lately cncom rageD by tpe fain Robert Brooke, to fettle in tpe fain Xoton of Profperous, topere pc pas built a large Bange of Soufcs anb á>pops fot tpcír ^CccommoOation, aun pto-bines tpcm toítíj all Materials attn 3Imple= ments fot HHíotlt, anb pc is Oaily citcou= raging ail furl) as arc ‘JnOttftrious anb ilncmpIoycO to fettle libctoifc tpere, to tpe manifcll 3l0bantage of gour Majclty’s JlnDuftnous ántb/etts: 3ln áDtbcr tpere-fote to enable tpe fain Robert Brooke to fuppott ann employ tijc fain Manttfattn rers lately fettlcO, anO furip as may perc^ after be fcttlcO ann employed at tpe fain Xoton of Profperous; ©c it CnactcD by tpe Bing’S Moll Cjctelicnt Majclty, by anb toitlj tpe aooicc anO Content tpe Xorbs Spiritual ann Xcmporal, ana Commons in tisis prefent parliament aS fembieb, anb by tpc^utpority of tpe fame, Xpat gour Majictty’s tlicc=Xreafurcr m mice-Xreafurcrs, Bcteibcr. ot paymaltcr= ©encral,Georgi! Tertii Regis. 767 ©citerai, bis oz tltcirSDcputp oz üDepuíícs, c » A r. Co alte fljall front Xime io Xitnc ai t»;c XÌI lìcqttdl Of ti)C faÌC Robert Brooke, ÌfTltC ^ ^ Xreafurp Bilis in littc iromt as tljofc Ijercfofozc tffucD fot anp Sunti 02 Sutnts of tì)3ottcp, noi crcecBing in iìjc toltole tljc Suini of Xt»mip;ftbc Xltottfana ponnbs, io bear ^iittercft ai tljc Xate of Xljzee 0cittc bp ti)e 2Dap fez caci) £>nc iJttitCrca 0omtcs froin tì)t i fitti ng tljcrcof, aita io pafs currcitt ai titc Xleccipt of jo^iiv Ijílttfcíf, OZ toitl) a fufficient Smretp oz Smrctics, io bc appzobca of bp tljc Xoza ©bici Barón oz otte otljer of tlje Barons of p>our £0aj'cttp’s Court of Creljequer, fljail front Xinie to Xime Ijabe giben gooa ana fufltricitt S>c euritp bp süecogttíjancc oz otbertoife, tijc fante to be appzobeb of bp tljc faia ìLorb Citici Barón oz otljer Barón, Sur 3E>aps prebíous Cotíce tijcrcofbcíng giben to Ibis <35a)ellp’s 3lttontep ©encral of tlje pinten« tion io offer futi) Sucurítp, iìating tljc dature of it, futi) Stecuritp to be Conci tionea tijat tljc faia Robert Brooke, 1)25 Ijcirs, ©recutors oz ^Dmtniftrators fljaìi meli aita trulp pap oz catife to bc paia mio gottr fi©ajettp’s Xreafurp ott eberp Xtncn tp?tI)irD 3¡>ap of June, atta Xtocntp foniti) H>ap of December itt caci) gcar, a Suini 4X2 equa! /368 Anno Regni viceiimo tertio & quarto chat, equal to t|jc Amount of tljc !i>alf gearlp xii. qiutcrcft at tfje Bate afoicfatb payable on '——’ tlje Xreafurp ©ills totncl) tljefaib Robert Brooke (ball fo require to be iffueb until a Sum 01 £>ums equal to tlje Befpertibe Smmsfor tui)icb fitclj Xreafurp ©ills fljall be iffueb Iball be refpettibelp paib intogour iDa/eftp’S Xreafurp bp tlje faib Robert Brooke, bis i^cirs, executors ot 3lbminw ftrators at cite entire $apmcnt, anb alfo COUbitioneb tl)at tlje faib Robert Brooke, bis i)?cirs, Ccrerutors m ^bminiffrators (ball anb mill tocll anb trulp pap ot taufe to be paib into gour £0ajeftp’S Xreafurp on or before tbc Xtoentp-fourtb Dap of June, Due tboufanb fcbeit fjunbreb anb itinetp'four, fitdj Suttnof £0onep as Iball be equal to tbc $)intipal £>unt anb Smmsfor tuijicb furl) Xreafurp »ills fball be iffueb; 3lnb alfo cfonbitioneb that tl)e faib Robert Brooke iball from fuel) Xime as fuel) Xreafurp ©ills iball be iffueb until tfje Xtoentp=fourtl) Dap of June, Dnc ti)ouf= anb febeit Ijimbreb anb ninctp=four, ot until there fball be paib into gour ispa* jellp’s Xreafurp bp tl)e faib Robert Brooke, bis ftcirs, CEjeecutors ot ^Ibminiffrators a Sum equal to tlje l&juttipal Sum ot Smtns for to f) try fuel) Xreafurp ©ills fball be iffueb, conffantlp beep emplopeb in tbe tarrping on of Manufactures at tlje faib Xoton of Prosperous, a dumber of Manufacturers at the Bate of eight ^er^ fons for eberp Dnc i^unbreb jDounbs for taljit!) fuel) Xreafurp ©ills fball be iffueb. 3lnb be it further ettatteb bp tlje %\u tboritp aforefaib, Xljat in Cafe furl) Smut asGeorgii Tertii Regià. as iljail bc equa! to tlte dinotili t of tì)C ìijalf gcarlp “Jntcrcft papable on tljc faib Xrca^ furp ©ills toltici) (Itali bc iffttcb as afocc= faib, fljalt itot bc paib front Ximc to Ximc into gour £0ajc(lp’s Xrcafurp bp tfje faib Robert Brooke, |)ÌS ijdrs, GjCCttllOtS o? 3Dmimftrators on ebetp Xtocntp=tljirb S>ap of June aiti Xtocittp=fourtl) Xap of December, tuttil a Principal é>uni m ànime bc paib luto gour f0areftp’s Xrcafurp as aforefaib, cqual to tlje ànimo for toltici) futi) Xrcafurp Bilis fljall bc ilfttcb, it (Itali anb map bc latoful to anb for gour fi0aicllp’s Court of Cjccljequcr from Ximc to Ximc as oftett as furi) Xcfattlt (itali bc tnabe to ilfttc futi) p2orcfs for lebping tltc àntm oi àmms toltici) tlje faib Robert Brooke, bis l)cirs, Cjcccutors oi 3lbimilra* tors ougljt to (tabe paib as aforefaib as gour il3ajc(tp is bp Xato iittitlcb to for HKccoberp of Xcbts Xttc to gour £0a* jcllv. 2(nb bc it furtljcr Citattcb bp tltc tljoritp aforefaib, Xijat for tijc faib durn of Xtocntp=fibc Xitoufaub pottnbS, oi fo muri) tltereof for toltici) Xrcafurp 15ills fltall bc from Ximc to Xitne ilfttcb as aforefaib, tljcrc Citali bc paib at tltc Bcccipt of gour ¿Pajcflp’s Cjcrijcqttcr bp tltc Dattbs of tlje 3ilice=XtcaCurer 02 ilicc=Xrcafur= ers, 02 papmafter General, ins 02 t^teir SDeputp 02 Sbcpttties on eberp Xtoetttp* fourtl) 2>ap of June anb Xtocbtpriiftl) 2Dap of December fubfcqucnt to tlje Ximes at toltici) futi) Xrcafurp JàMlls (Itali bc re* fpettibclp iCTueb, an ^interrii for rite fame at tltc 3Sate of %ftvce pettee bp tlje £>ap 5 31 fornyo Anno Regni vicelimo tertio ik quarto Chap, for each iPnc i^unbreb pounbs aim to. xii. Commence from fuel) Ximc as (ball lie er= - prcffcD in fuel) Xrcafuty Bills toitijowt any fee oj Charge, anb free from all De= Suctions, ¿Defalcations anti Abatements tubatfoeber, until fuel) Ximc as the prin= ripal S>ttms (ball be rcfpeetibcly pain off at one entire payment. Anb be it further enacteb fjy> tfjc Autho= rity afozefaib, Xbat cbery Xrcafury ©ill toljicl) fball be iffueb purfuant to fljis Act, ■Ijallanti may,after tlieXtocnty=fourtl) Day of June, £>ne tbonfanb feben IjmttueD anb nincty=four, if not fooncr pais, be reccibcb, taiten, anD be current to any IRcceibcr oz Coilcctoz of tfjc Cuttoms, ercife, oz any 3&ebenuc, Aib, oz Xay in tfjis laing^ bom, for anb in Satisfaction of any Cuf=* tom, ercife, Aib, or Xar tijen but, or thereafter to become bue or payable to gour £0aj'cfty, gour t)eirs anb Succef= fors, arib fball be taken, pafs, anb be curs rent at the Receipt of gottr £0ajfeflp’s Xrcafury, from ebery fuel) Becciber o? Collector for or in &efpcct of the Cuffoms, Crcife, or any other axebenue, Aib, or Xar by hint receibeb or collccteb, from anb after the faib Xtocnty4ourtb Xay of June, one thoufanb feben hunbreb attb ninctysfour. Anb in XzSer to aboib fmall fractional Xibiftoits of Xaily 3jntercli lefs than a Jfarthing on the faib Bills; Be it Cnactcb by the Autljozity afozefaib, Xhat no futh Bill fljall be iffueb for any Sum lefs than eight pounbs Sir Shillings anb eightGeorgii Tertii Rcg;s. eight |3cncc; anb that the fails Robert Brooke map, at his Option, habe anb xu rente one ©ill o’ feberal ©ills fot fuel) Sunn oj ^tims as he fhall choofe, on the Conbition afotefaib, not ctcccbing in the Whole fuel) Sum fr>2 Which fuel) ©ill 02 ©ills, pnrfuant to tl)C iDiOlaiftons in tins 2let map at anp Xiroe 02 Ximes be ifftteb, fo as no ©ill bo iiluc fo2 anp Sum greater than eight pounbs S>if ^hillings anb eight penee, crccpt fuels Sum as eight pounbs Mv Shillings anb eight pence ihall be the Common Xibibcr of. 2lnb be it further enactcb bp the 2lu-thotitp afotefaib, Xisat neither the Sir pence per pounb, not anp other Jfcc fl;all be papablc to, not be bebneteb 02 rcccibebbp the tlice=Xrcafurer 02 tlicCiXreafurers, Xcteiber, 02 papmalter=<3encrai, Clcrfe of the pells, 02 anp other Xfitcer 02 Officers of tfjjs Bingbom, fot 02 on Account of tlje iffuing tlje Xreafurp=©ills heeebp biretteb to be iiluc, 02 fot reccibing anp S>um 02 S>ums of fiBonep Which Ihall be paib into gour £0ajeftp’S Cjcchcguet in putfuance of this 21 tt. 2lnb Whereas it map tenb much to the 2lbbantage of the fain Xowit of Profpe-rous, attb to the Conbenience of the 3jn= habitants thereof, if a fparltet Were helb therein, fo that fuels ^inhabitants coulb fupplp themfelbcs truth ptobiftons, anb other i^eceffaries, Without beiug unber a i^eceflttp of repairing to billant places 5 21 2 for 37 * Chat, XII. 3/2 Anno Reg. vìcef. tertio & quarto, &rc. c i. a r. foi ti;c pttrrljafc thereof ; 55c it tìjcrefoze xir. c-naiteD bp tijc lutimi tp afozefaiB, Xljat tj)C f3iu Xotmt Of Profperous l’C, 3till ti)C fame is licx'cbp conitituteD aSparitctiXotmt, anfl tfjat a iparltct map be ijclB in tijc fait! Xoton OH eberj> Wednefday ana Saturday fot eber ; atta tijat ali $zobi&ons atta «EommoBitics tattici) fljall oc map be foia ana purcljafea at tijc fata £i9aritct, fl)ail ana map be tnoujjfjt oz carnea into ana out of tijc faia Xoton free from t|je $ap= ment of all Xoils, Cufloms, ana «Bratti; ons toljatfoeber, fot oz bp Xeafott of bringing oz carrping fuel) ièzobiùons anB CommoBities to oz from a f0arUet, oz on anp $zctcnce inljatfocbcr. 3lnB be it CBnatteB bp tlje ^.utijozitp afozefaib, Xljat tfjis 3ltt A)ail be Beemeb, aBjuBgeB, ana taitett to be a iMbiicit Htt, ana be juBiciallp taitett Notice of as fuel), bp all 3iuBges, 3luilicesf, ana otijer $cr= fons toijatfoeber, toitijout fpceiailp pieab; ing ti)e fame. A N