ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015A N Chap. XLVII. Making, widening, and repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin to Ratoatb, and for erecting Turnpikes thereon, in Aid of Barony Pre-fentments. Friday the Fifth Day of June, One thoufemd jeven hundred and ninety-five. Royal AJfent given. John Gayer, D. Cler. Pari. S-Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Georgii III. Regis. X -• o^. ' o^. '= ■' - the Cjrpcncc of maft= ing, atncitbing, anb repairing the ivoatis front Dublin to Curraha atlD Ratoath, in tl)C Counties of Dublin aitb Meath, habC been paib for many gears pail bp the 3Unb=l?oIbcrs of the rcfpcctibc Baronies of the faib Counties through which faib 33oabs bo pafs, anb the faib Hoabs arc ruinous anb bab, anb in fontc glares fo narrow that the fame Will rcciuirc for tlje Benefit anb 2lbbantagc of all gerfons trabclling thereon to be wibcucb, anb in other glares to be tarricb bp a new 3Unc 12 u of Chap. XLVII. Expences of repairing Road from Dublin to Curraha and Ratoath,have been paid by the Landholder»: faid Roads arc had, narrow, 3cc.1090 Anno Regni tiicefimo quinto chap. 0f ¿Direction, anb in as mud) as Cucì) XLVIL ^Improvement cannot be effetteb in tjjc IV1 fon» tra- ' orDitiarp Cotirfc bp $refeiument; it is Road ih oil Id cfpebient anb rcafonable tljat all ferions b$!T“ uûng «»9 journeying on tïje CaiD Boat), fl)ouiD contribute to tlje Cjrpcnce of maiu ing anb repairing tlje fame; be it tljcrc; fore Cnactcb bp tlje Bing’s £0oft CjtceH lent t$)ajicftp, bp anb tvitb tlje 2lbbice anb Content of tlje JLorbs Spiritual anb ^Temporal. anb Commons in tins prefent parliament afTemblcb, anb bp tlje 2lut|)o-ritp of tlje fame, Xljat for tlje better fitrbeping, tvtbening, {fattening, amenD* ing, anb beeping in Bcpair tlje faib Bonb, anb altering tïjc Xinc thereof, bp aboibing hills, anb mabing tlje fame Ft r Tons here* eaftcc of Slcccfs for ptiblicb îlfe; it fljall iVr,"!; fa latoful for tlje Carl of Bedivc, tlje Df Meath, tlje Bight honourable ¡‘"pin-i.. John Foftcr, Speaker of tlje hoiife of ui’iRoaü; Commons, tlje Bight henoucable Colonel William Burton Conyngham, John Toler, IJiS tJ3ajcfl;>’s Solicitor <5cncral, tlje ajcnis * bers of parliament for tlje Counties of Dublin anb Meath for tlje Xime being, tlje Cljairman of tlje ¿Quarter lentous of Kilthainham for t«)C XÌ1UC btiltg, Cûlo= IlCl Hugh O’Reily, (Jorges l.ovvther, of Kil-rue, CfC|Uil‘C, James Hamilton, CfflUiVC, Of Sheep Hill, Henry Steevens Reilly, (Effluire, iljajor Majdey, Edward Bulkely, (Efflturt, Daniel at)b Frederick Faulkincr, (EifluirCS, William Rathburnc, CfflUil'C, James Bourfiquot, effluire, JtiDcrman William Worthington, . (Dujor Faviercy Colonel Cowley, anb I îenry • Hamilton, effluire, tufa are ijcrcbp ap= pointcb ?u,uc; / ( ■, 1 , fGeorgii Tertii Regis. 109! pointcb Xrtiilccs for tl)e pnrpofcs afore^c « a p. faiD, anD for putting into Cjccrution tlje fcbcral powers anD 3luti)ontics mcntu oneD ano conraincD in tins 2ltt, ana tire Smrbibors of tfjern, ana for anp Xljtve or more of tijem; anD furl) perfott mtD perfons as fljail be appointeb Xruilccs in pike Gates purfuancc of ttjis 3lct, or anp Xl)ree o? Houfe, 10 be more of tijetn, or fuel) perfott oj perfons as anp Xiirce or more of rljcm Q)all ,o u autljorijc anD appoint to crcet, or cstifc to" be crctteD one or more <5atc or cSates, IClirnpiltc or Xurnpifccs, in, upon, or acrofs anp parr or parts of faiD £toaD 01 JioaDs, anD alfo a Xollipoufe oj XolP iroufes, ana tljcrc to rcccibe anD tafec tfje Xolis anD ¿Duties following; before anp I!)orfc, spare, <3clDing, 3tfs, S0ulc, Cattle, Coacb, Berlin, Cjtarior, Calafl), CI)aifc, Cljair, XanDau, pljacton, Ca= briolct, Curricle, ©ig, 22laggon, JKIain, 2Drap, Cart, Car, Ximbcr, 02 otijer Car* riage fl)all be permittcD to pafs tljrouglj tlje fame, tljar is to fap; fo2 cacl> attD for every cberp Coaclj, Berlin, Cljariot, Calafl), d“«„b*s CI)aife, Cljair, XanDau, pljacton, Ca= h«S! brioict, Curricle, 02 <3ig, if Drawn bp'’"1-5>ijc potfes 0: Beads of Burtijcn 02 moje tfjc g>um of £>nc Shilling anD ^>cbcn pence Ijalfpcnnp; if Drawn bp a lefs tw,, dumber titan Srijc ijorfcs 02 Beales of ¿77 „d1* Burtijcn, anD mote tljan XWo, tlje &um “7.",T of £>ne filling anD £>nc pennp; if b.\ Drawn bp Xtoo potfes 02 Bealls of Bur* w”““'2’ ti)cn ti)e £>um of Cigljt pence; if Drawn bp £>nc porfc 02 otijer ©calf tlje of XIjrcc pence; fan cberp Car calico 3 Jaunting Car, ia u 2 3l11092 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto g h a p. giatuuuig=Car, tljc £>um of Xljrcc pente; XI Vn- for cbtrp iootfc, ilßarc, ©clßing, ilfs, or e'ÄT ¿pule, until anp pcrfon rißing tljcrcon, äAw" tl;c Sunn of Xtoo pence; fru rberp l)mfe, lwfru’c,, oclDuig, üfs, 0? lljuic, laßen or or unladen, unlaßen, anß nor Drawing or pairing anp perfoti rißing tljcrcon, tfjc ätim of £>nc „ 6J ptr pennp l^aifpcnnp; for eberp Drobe of s,,,,’, io, jäDym, Gotos, or j|3cat Gattlc bp tljc S>co2e, c Xtoo Shillings anß S>ir pence, anß fo in proportion f02 nnp greater 02 Icfs Jl5um= ber; for eberp Drobe of Galbrs, pigs, w,«fT:-s C3oats, Sdjccp, or Xambs, Dnc Shilling ’ anß Xljrcc pence bp tljc *>core, anß fo in proportion fo2 anp greater or lefs dumber, tofjici) faiD refpettibe Sum or ¿hums of £0oncp fijali be ßcmanßcß anß talicn in tljc Jiamc of, or as a Xoll or Dutp, anß tljc ¿Poncp fo to be raifcß, ....Toi), anß tljc wljolc Xigljt to faiD Xoll is anß Ttuiic«for be Ijcrcbp beließ from anß after tlje ¡VomT’’ puffing of tins it it, anß During tl)c full March/1795. Xertn of Xljirtp.-onc gears, from tlje Xtocntpofiftlj Dap Of March, £>!2C 11)011= fanß feben ijnnßreß anß ninctp=fibe, in the Xruliccs Ijrrcin namcß, anß hereafter to be namcß. Money 2# ilnD be it furtljcr Gnactcß, Xljat all crjodYio, Smrns of ÖDoncp Which babe been l)cre= tofo2C granteß bp tlje Granti juries of not expended tlje Gountp of Dublin, for Repair of tlje for fin« i Cabra JRoaD, or an? otI)cr part of tljc fnall be hand- XoaDS from Dublin to Ratoath, anß net as TrX.'hy pet Inin out 02 crpcnßeß or aecomucß for ^TnZllor c'jcr’ but ^ibclj babe been prc= fenteb or lebirb ptirfuant to anp prcfent= mentGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1093 meat bp tljccSranbJJurp o? ap Of January, £)l1C tijOttfaitD fd It fttUD breo anb ninetp*ttoo, Ojaii be paib obcc bp tfte Xreafurer of tfte Coutttp of Dublin, anb iftali be betleb upon tlje Conditions ftcrein after mentioneb, in tfje fatD Xtuf-tres for tfte purpofe of carrping tftis Act into «Effect; anb tftat it iftali anb map be King’s Benc'i iaroful fot tfte Court of Sing's ©eneft oX“»,'™ to malte an £>rbcr upon tlje Xreafurer of tlje faib Coitittp of Dublin, for tftC pH l*; pofc aforefaib, in tlje fame spanner as if by Affidavit tfte fame ftab been buip arcountrb for “fzTr“ft"“ purfuaitt to tfjc Xatos noto in being, anb unDcr toftieft furfj prefentments mere grantcb upon ait Application to be mabe to tftc faib Court of Sing’s ©cnrft, bp Affibabit of Xtoo ot mote Xruftces for tlje ptirpofc aforefaib, anp Jlato to tlje contrarp in anp toifc notttntftftanbing: probibcb altuaps, Xljat a Uecognijancc r. . iftali be entercb into bp tlje perfons ap=; i piping for tlje fame, conbitioncb for tftc Expenditure, juft C-jcpcn&iturc of tlje fame. 3. Anb be it Cnacteb, Xljat cberp w.,., Xruftcc in tfjts Act, ot tofto fljaii be fterc= after cftofcit a Xrnftee purfuant to tftc Xc*™?: probi&ons tftcreof, iftali poffefs anb be ^' competent to cpevnfc tlje ^Eitc of a J,uU tice of tfte peace upon cberp part of tfte faib Scab, fo far fortft as iftall or map be neccilarp for tfte purpofe of carrying tftis Act into Cjcccntion. 12 X 4. Anb1094 - Anno Regni triceGmo quinto c » a p. 4. ojnD iie it C-mirteo, Xljat it fl)ali ano xlvii. jnnj, j,c jamfnj foj tìje imo Xtuilccs lot '"".atei antl HIlO Otiti 115 tljC XClill afCiCfillO, tf CTCtt lei!“. Oatcs in, upoit, oì actofs t!)c Caio &faO, di ait}’ part tljcrcof, ov actofs anp fune Keej. DZ J40nu jcaottts imo tlje fame, atto to lutilo, Ijirc, oz reni a XoII f)oufe ot XolI= ijottfes conbenicnt to cbrrp Gate, atto to taUc atto oetnatto bp fttclj prtfon di pcr= fons as tljcp fljall autlwisc tljcrcto, tlje Xotls ìjerein bcfo?e mcnttoneO. t™h.c 5. 2111O Oc it GnartcD, Xljat tljc fa io f oTt Xritttccs, atto futi) perfott or perfons as {T)au jjC furccÌTtttElp nomina trO purfuant to tljc potuers of tljis 21 tt, oi anp Xljrce 01 mote of tljcm, tnap, ano tljep are Ijcrcbp impotoerco to affign ober tlje fato Xolls ano SDtttics as a étecnritp fot anp £>nm or ^ttms of £13oucp not ejccecDiug in tlie tuljoic t’jc ¿nini of _fibe XIjoufanB Intel eli not potittos; to Oc raifcO at fuclj 3Jntcrcft as re/S^anj iljalt Oc agrcco ott bettneeu tlje fato Xruf= iu/S,. tces, atto tbc Xenoer 01 JUnOers tljcrcof, not cpcccoing tljc JSatc of èijc pouttos Op tJjc ijuttOreO, bp tljc gcar, to be paio ajaìf gcarlp, tljc fame to be iato ont ano erpenOeo fot tìje pttrpofc of rarrping into -C-ffctt tlie toionting, fljoHcniitg, .orameno» ing tljc faiO JRoaDs, di fot maHirg anp ite tu Ulne 01 »rioges foj cft'ertttatntg tìje fante. Truftees to 6. 2ftto Oc it CitatteO, Xljat fot eberp K. nof cjcceeTting jftftp potino , ujat fviiH,mih'ir1' 0)al1 bf lriU *11 ^ibbantc tipo» t|5f ertoti ¡LTLwi«.i>f tpis 2ltt, a X ebeti tute or iffllntirg lite Principal is to be paid ; U}8llGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1095 fliall be ftgttcb bp %\jrce Xrtiftces for c-« * ?. fccuring eberp ;S>um ti;at map be bor* roteeb in purfuatice of this 5ltt, anb tije Ximc icljcu tije principal S0oner tljcrcbp agreeb to be paib, fliall be fpenfeb in fuel) debenture or CLZUriting; anb t!>c faib 'i-oUs (bail ftatib a §>mtritp for t|je S&uid principal anb 35ntcrcil of all Stints to',,ter'lli be boztoteeb tinber tljis5ltt; attb tljcXrcas fttrer fot tije Dime being (ball not pap Order o Juf-anp ^)um or Sums of 20oncp ott attp t'utht £>rbtr of tije faib Xruttccs, toljerebp be fliall be bifablcb to Difcharge tije 3Jntcrcft I r.tcrcft. of faib £>uuts. 7. 51 nb be it Cnatteb bp tije 5lut!)oritp Debenture» aforefaib. Xliat it fliall be fateful for tije perfoit or perfons to teijom furl) Dcbcm do,rc,I""t ttires fl?a;l be tnabe papablc, tljeir dEfcctt* tors 02 5fbntittiifrato?s, bp HEnbozfcmcnt to transfer tije fame to anp otljer perlon o? pet-ions, tbeir ffpcttitozs, 3U>miniftra= tots 02 5UTtgris, anb fo in it be spanner, toties quoties, anb after fuel) 5UTignmcnt it fliall not be in tije poteer of tije pcr= fott afltgning 02 transferring tije fame to relcafc or bifrljargc fuel) Debenture fo afflgneb in ip a niter afrgefnib. 8. 51 nb be it Gitartcb, Xliat if tije rrllJ„T,f 3?ntcrcil ttjfitcf) fliall be papablc on anpXdl.,D'?y0",!f Debenture 02 Debentures to be iffueb in appointed» purfuante of tljis 5ftt, fliall be ltnpaib iT! *“»' fo2 tije &>pacc of one spontlj after nitp r:,' of tije Dcv>s appointee foz the papment thereof, tije JLoid $igli ffljancclloi, 02 ^'¡tdtbv’ %0}D Beeper of tije Great £>eal, map anb ‘‘ler for S - 2 Jzj queftration;*1 1096 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto , cmp. is ano ave berebp reqnircb upon a föetis xi-vu. tjDI1 0f Dne oí tno¡e of tîje fyolbers of ' ^ faíD Debentures, (fating tïje Antevea Due on futí) Debenture oí Debentures, ano toben tlje fame became Due, anb on an Affibabit berifping t(je Xrtitl) of fuel) petition, to appoint a Bcccibcr to re cibe from tlje Date Beepers otttI)c faibBonbS, anb Collectors of tl)c faib Bates, Xolls, anb Duties, fo muti) of tl)e faib Bates, Xolls, anb Duties, as map be necclfarp to pap fuel) Rinterra, anb tlje Bercibcrs jftes, anb all veafonable Coßs attenbing fuel) Application, ot map make furl) Drber for fequeñering tlje faib Duties anb Xolls, oi fuel) tBonirs as map be in the ijanbs of tljc faib Xrcafurcr for tïje fBapiment thereof, as to Jiufnccfljall appertain; Court of anb fuel) Bcccibcr fljall babe all fuel) anb ;j;to tljc Jibe Aib of tljc faib Court, to enable ■ him to enforce ^apment of a êmf&cicncp of furl) Xolls, Bates, anb Duties for tljc fDurpofc afojcfaib, as is ufuallp giben to Bcteibcrs bp tlje faib Court appointeb for tbe vcecibing ti)t Bents of mortgageb Cilates. 9. Ant be it Cneetcb bp tbc Auti)orstp aforefaib, Xijat it Ojali be larofui fee tlje etaej™'1' faib Xniiicees, or anp Xljrce of tijent, upon tïje Deatlj or Bcftgnation of anp Xruftec ijerein nameb, or Ijcrcaftee to be apppointeb in ^itrfuance of tljis An, to elect anctljcr in Ijis Boom, anb ebevp Xruflee fo clectcb, fljall act in as full anb ample banner for tl)c fàurpofes of ears rping tljis Act into execution, as tlje XrnRecsGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1097 Xruilces fjci'rirt nameD ave ijevcbv cm=c” vnP' potocreD to Co, probiDeD tljat cbcrp $cr= fori fo to De dcttcD a Xruficc, 0)aU bc cfiefen, nominatcD, aitc appointcb at a YiSccring ìd bc for tijat idurpofc IjelD pur* filane to Jftoticc in ijjanncr as Ijctcin afta- Diretteci, fo? itoìDiug a ©oarD of faiD Xrultecs. io. 3lnD bc it CEitatteD, Xljat tfjc faiD Truftees lo Xruilces, or anp Xfircc of tfiem, fljali 5,;“,‘kÌe mcct at tijc 3&opal Cjccltange, cr at tfje^Tco.r.., ifour Courts in tfie Citp of Dublin, on on 1 Monda/ tljC iridi Monday ili tljC potiti) Of Auguft, and cled a after tfjc pafling of tljis 3ltt, anb at bici) ilL“”'’ Meeting, 02 at a tip 3tDjournment tficrcof, iijall anb map dett a Kcgilicr anb Xrea= ftircr of tl>e faiD KoaD, anb appoint to futi) £>fTicer fuclj é>aiarp as tijcp Citali tinnii fit; probiCeD tijat tije fante (Itali «ot crcccD tS>w édjilling in tijc iDoitnD, upon tijc SKcccipt of tlje Xolis fo to bc paio anb coUertcD bp tlirtuc of tljis 3lrt; anb tijat upon tlje DcatI), ftcfignstion, upan Dratii. or ìiemobal of furi) £>Ì6tcr, it Citali bc latoful for tlje faiD Xrufrccs to clett of fuch Oilì-anotltcr in i)is $lace or £>teab. majr bc clctt- cd. ir. 31 nD bc it ¡EnarteD, Xljat tlje faiD, I or more Xruilces (Itali in lifee iljanucr at faiDtVT,V firft ijjcetiiig, or at anp 3lDjoimtment^ tltcrcof, ekrt iPne or more émrbcpor ot"“'d,,-p" ^urbepors of titc faiD 3RoaD for tlje l^ur- ‘ pofe cf fupcriiUcnDing tlje mafiing, tmD= cning, ano rcpairing tijc faiD iloaD at futi) SUinual&alnrp as tlje faiD Xruilces (Itali titilli» fit, probiDcD tftat titc fame iì Y (itali1098 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto c 1. a p. fljall not cpcccD tije £>tun of £>nc £>ijilling xlvii. jjj, tljc Ul9ile, for cbcrp £}9ile of Hit u ' tnfjiclj Gjall He Depute!) to tije XruR anD Care of fuel) £>nrbepor or guirtocpcivs fo to be appointcD, to be pais out of tije Sums bcftcD ¡n tf)C faiD Xvuftccs in ftir- Trultees to tuc cf tijis ^tt; tuitlj liltc pctcev to t|jc S faiD Xruftees upon tije Dcatlj, 3Kcfigita= tion, or Xcmobal of fuci) iaurbepor or jfeurtoepors to elect £>ne or more otfjer Smrbcpor or Smrbcpors iti Ijis or tljeic place or £>tcaD. TtuW 12. probtDcD altoaps, Xljat tije faiD may adjourn Xrtjltccs, o? anp Xfiree cf tljcm, toljo p,mS8“° Gjall fo meet on tije Dap anD at tije plate ijtrein before nameD anD appointcD fo? tije purpefe of carrping tljis 3ltt into Cpctu-tion, fljaif in Cafe tijep tljinfi fit, aDjourn to anp otijer Dap anD plate fo? tije purports aforefaiD, firft publifljing Notice of fuel) SlBjournment in Xtuo or more of tije Dublin jBctofpapcrs Xtn Daps tJte-bious to tije Dap appointcD for ijolDing fucij Meeting in pttrfuancc of fuel) 31D= journmtnt. Anil may ^ 3 * 3lnD probiDcD aifo, Xijat tije faiD Xruftccs fljall ar.D map aDjourn to anp as .«¿Ciliary; future Dap, anD again meet as often as it fljall be nctcCfarp for putting tijis 71 tf into Cretution, anD if at anp furij £13cct= ing, a fuffuient dumber of Xruftees, t™c. ti)at is to fap, Xijrce Xruftecs fljall not appear to art or aDjourn, in fmlj Cafe tije Xreafurer ana &cgi8cr cf tije faiD JXoaD, fijaU bp jjoctce in feme of tije Dublin on publishing Jl2cix)fpr.pcrs,Georgii Tertii Regis. 1099 jfretofpapcrs, ant) bp a lihc poiting tfjercof, c,Up. on tfte Xunipi&esdSareg to be Xen SDaps prebiouftp giben anb affiiieb, appoint a an'l porting future ©ap ibitftin a £l9ontb, anb not Manner here-iefs than a irortitigijt for tije Meetingin of tije faib Xrtiftccs. 14. 3lnb probibcb alfo, Xljat tije per; T,Cara„r foit tuijo fijnll be elettcb Xrcafurcr of tije SL™», faib Xoab, ffiall not art untii i)c djall enter into goob anb fit fitt tent £>ecuritp bp fill Difcharge Inmfeif anb Xi»o Sureties in fuclj S>um0 uy’ as tljc faib Xruftccs fljail tijinfe fit, con; bitioneb tljat fuel) Xreafurer (ball truip anb faithfully account for, anb pap ail Srntns toljici) fljail fiabc tome to ijis Danes purfuant to tije £>rber of tije faib Xruf; tecs as often as requireb, anb for the feitljful Cjcecntion anb Difcljargc of ijis £)fiue, fucij S'cturitp to be Dcpofitcb in tije Daubs of tije Chairman of tije ©oarb at tofjiclj fuel) 5>ccuritp iijall be tntcrcb into. 15. Stub be it Cnarteb, Xhat it Ojali If fuch full anb map be iafcofui for tije faib Xruftccs, or anp XIjrcc of tljem, in Cafe fuel) firft injecting ft)all not be ijab in £}Janncr aforefaib, to meet at tije place or places aforefaib, at or on tije firft Monday cf anpc' fuccecbing iQotiti), anb tijen at fuel) firft Meeting, or at anp 3lDjournmenttljcrcof; to appoint £>nc or more .Collcrto: oj CoD TiilI,tobe lectors of tije Xolls to be pnib on the faibIRoab in tEirtuc of tljis 31 tt, anb tlje ¿".«ib, perfons liable to pap tije fame, are Ijerebp requireb to pap fucij Xolls to fuel) CoD 12 Y 2 lector] lOO Anno Regni tricefìmo quinto c n a i'. lettor dv GcIIcctors; ani) tire faio Colica .\!.vii. fol- cr CoUcctors, ani etoerp £mrW?;,'’Cof i'SIT tJ;c farti JixeaO fl)a«.«poii ilPatì), if reqtsirr# »•SST bp tire fato Xruficts, or ni!? %imt of tìjcni, at anj» C0crturgof tire fari) £ruf* by Trulleih ; rs, gioc a mie anD perfett SUconnr in amriting unocr tirar i)anQsi, cf ali £0o= rocs tijep filali fiabe rcccibco, paio, ano OisintrfcD in fili etite of tiicir rcfpcctibe ìDìSìcs ; anD anp illonep in tiicir or anp of tljeir ìaartbs, Arali ire paio to tiic faio ; ;i,ir IZvuftees, or to tl>dr Xrcafurer, bollici) i-Ài'.';- §nm ano é>tuns, ano cbcrp otìjcr àuim ano &>ums diali in tire firii place be ap* plico in Ocfraping tire Crpcntes of tljis 3lct of parliament, ano in carrping tire purpofcs tjrcixof iato full ano xomplcte Cjmution. Ttll»cto 16. 3inD Oc it Gnatico, Xijat tire faio !5Dr«flees diali cut of tire iconico inbefico kit',, in tiretti bp SHirtuc of t^is 3itt, malte foci) SUlotoancc unto tire faio CoKettors, ano ctijcc pcrfons ncccffatiip cmpiopco bp tire faio Xrniiccs in anp batter re= iating totijis 3Ut, fot tfreirCarc, Haboitr, ano pains in cjcentting tire Xruiis re* pofcO in. tiretti, ano alto to futi) pcrfou ano perfons iolro filali bc aiTriìing in ma-iti ng, toioeiting, amenOing, ano repaia ing tire faio 3RoaBS, as diali to tire faio Xrailccs fccm jtift ano rrafonabic, ano ^laìi bc bp tiiem appointtO at a J5oarD to Oe for tirai purpofc irelD. r,,r„n. m probioco aitoaps, Xfiat in Gafc ^^h-Cttri) perfori or perfons fo botino to aerotmtI IOI Georgii Tertii Regis. atcount tetti) tljc faiD Xritftccs, diali not r- » * <*• malie Cuci) Account ani iMpmettt to tijc ci™, fato XrtiftccS, oc to tlicir Xreaiurec ^7°":™'' toltimi Xcn Daps after Demanb, oc 1..».!» Jiiotice in fllllriting ùgneb bp tiic Xcea^ c°»v;«Tonor iurer, to be perfonallp ferbeb ttpott oz left at tijc lai! làlacc of Slbobc of furi) ^ertoti or $erfons fo tljercbp requtrcU to atcount anb pap ober tlje fame; anb tonici) j3o= tire in Cafc tljc fame diali not fiabe been perfonallp ferbcD as aforefaib, diali bc pofteb oti t|je Xiicnpibe-CJatcs on fato 3cloat>, CEigljt Daps peebious to tlje Dap on toniti) iuclj Account aito papmcnt is fo tljercbp rcciuircb to be ma&c, tliat tljcn it diali be latofnl for tlie fato Xendccs, or anp Xliree of tliem, to malie «Enqtiirp into futi) Default, as tocll bp Confcflton of tl)e l^artp neglecting fo to bo, as bp ffijcamination of Dne oz tnozc rrcbible asiitncfs oz aHitncffcs, atto tbefatb Xeuf tces, oc anp Xljrcc of tljcm, diali upon Conbittion tommit tlje £crfon fo offenda ing to tlje common anb, or orljcr materials for carrying tins Act into Ocerution, as arc note bclteb in tlje Xruftces appointebfoj repairing tlje 3&oab leaking from Dublin to Makhide, unber anb by Xlirtne of tlje febcral Acts of parliament following, tljat is to fay; an Ait paffeb in tlje XWcnty=fijctii gear of ijis tBajefty’s 3Rcign, «Entitleb, An Aa for making, widen’ng, and repairing the Road leading from Dublin to Malahide, and for eredling Turnpike-Gates, and receiving Tolls thereout, in Aid of the Barony Prefentments, and for appointing Truftees for carrying the faid Purpofes into Execution; aitb OtlC OtI)er 31 paffeb in tlje Xwcnty-eigljtl) gear of Bis £0ayetty’s 3Seign, Cntitlcb, An Ail for extending to the Roads leading from Dublin through Raheny and Clohtarf the Provi-fions of tire faid laft mentioned Ail paffed in the 1 wenty-lixth Year of His Majelly’s Reign, andGcorgii Tertii Regis. 1103 and alfo for continuing the faid A£t; flllD OttC * d1' other Act paffcb in tlje Xtocntp-nintlj gear of litis iipajcftp’s Bctgtt, CEntiticp, An Ail for rendering more effectual the faid two herein before recited Ails; anb that tf)C faib Xruftccs, or attp Xln'ce of tljcm, ft)ail from anb after tljc palling of tljis Act, be inbrflcb toitlj all anb ctoerp fueb anb tl)c like Corners as are befteb in tljc faib Xruftccs namcb tit, anb bp anb acting uttber tlje Authojitp of tljc faib lalt re* citeb Acts, but fubjett to fuel) Bcgula= tions anb Alterations as are herein cjc= preffeb anb mentioneb, to citable tljem to mafce anb complete tlje faib Boab, anb to purcljafc oj rent fuel) XanDs, Xettcments, anb J)crebitamcnts, as fljall or map be nctelfarp for tlje ^ttrpofe of ttnbctting or altering tljc faib %int of Boab, or anp |&art tljcrcof; fuclj $urcljafcs or Bents Pin-chafes or to be mabc anb afeertaineb cither bp pri= *™’/nodbe Date Contract, 0) in Cafe of Stifagrecment afeertained by in fuel) spanner as tlje faib Xruflees arc in Hirtue of the faib rccitcb Arts em* 1« potoercb to proceeb in purcha&ng o? rents ing the fame.