ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015K : FOR Improving and repairing the Turnpike Road leading from Dublin to Mullin-¡rar, and for repealing the feveral Laws heretofore made relating to the faid Road. Friday the Fifth Day of Jun, One /even dred and ninety-five, Royal Affent give John , D. CUf. --- ¿ST, DUBLIN: Triiited by Georg ■ p Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moil \\ Excellent Majefiy. Mdccxcv. •'V-XU Q.b' 3 ^34 [ 100.1 3 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. XLIII. An A <51 for improving and repairing the Turnpike Road leading from Dublin to Mullingar, and for repealing the feveral Laws heretofore made relating to the laid Road. tije federal iStts of AaR«:tt*,k' parliament follotehng, that is t0JU i-Cap, an %& paffeD in tije iftfth gear of the Keign of l^is late £l3ajcftp Iting George the £>cconD, CEntitieD, Ail Act for repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin to the Town of Kinnegadin the County of IV?fl-meath, S!1 iStt paitCS !H tfjC *>CtlCnth gear 7G-2- of l^is fata late ^«vftp’S JJeigtt, entities, An A£t for making more effeitual the faid Jail mentioned Ait, and for the other Purpofes therein mentioned, Sit paffcS lit tfjC 1Ci)iV' '3*“4G-3. teenth ana ifawtteentij gears of the S&cigii ii x ofI I r 1 1002 C H A P. XLIil. 21, 22 G. 3. *5C 3« *7C.3. ■ So much of 30 G 3. as relates to Mullingar Koad, Aitno Rcgtji trieefimo quin!o JPaWv Sing George tije i-tilO, itthirid), An Ad for altering, arnenti-i.ig, and making more effedual the Laws for V>Pl/'nS thC ac* fading ffO"> the City of tv of ¿ri? the Town of the Coun- f M ‘ftmeath,and from thence to the Town p Ofr >n£?r ln the'fame County, and for other jn £CSi™'' mentioned, an ^tet paffcO 30Ca4 ailD OtocntpdeconD ESf ms fa,a P«i«« -tdatCUJ?, CntJtlcD, An Ad for more effectually carrying into Execution the feveral Laws itl nf rw,rTUrn?rke R°ad lead;ng from the the 7 KUh t% t0 Mullingaand for enabling the I ruftees of the faid Road to widen and make more convenient the Approaches from the Town o IChapdtzodto the City of Dublin and for other Purpofes; nil mfiFft in thv XU'mtAtti gear of H?«rtja “0’f , fan preftnt mm, CntirleB, An continuing and.amending the feveral Laws re-ating to the Repairs of the Turnpike Road ^,f0m Dull¡nto Mullingar,and for more effedually enabling the Truftees thereof to widen the narrow Parts leading from to Dulhn, on the North and South Sides of the Liffey,nno offo an 3itt paiieo in fi*» TilXicnh’ddjnitf) gear of tijc J&eign of jais faio prefem mm, e-ntitle*, An Adi! ■ amend.thedaft recited Ad of the Twenty-fixth of His prefer* Majefty, are ItOtO near Crttir- ih®’, nni! ^ame are founa infufFtnent foe beeping t|je faiO ivoat) in -Repair • 3>nn ^srens fo nuidj of an 21 a jwffcD in tie ¿ear of J>ts prefent ‘©neifu’tt 33t.$n, emulffl, An Ail fo, .„LSSd amending an Ad palled in the Twenty-dfcond YearGeorffii Tertii Reois. Year of 11 is prefent Majefly’s Reign, Entitled, a^p. An Ail for Improvement of the City of Dublin by making wide and convenient PaiTagcs through the fame, and for regulating the Coal Trade thereof, and for other Purpofcs, 2(5 t'ClcltCS tO tftc fatD HoaD from Dublin to Mullingar, an& tljcXcdls anti Duties thereof, as alfo anklet paffet) in ti>e Xi)irtpfirit gear of f?is pre^ and of fent ©afCitp, CBntitlcO, An Aid to amend3' 3’ the feveral Ails for Repair of the P^oad from Dublin to Mullingar, I)at>C l3CClt fOlttltJ b? found iiiefH- experience to be inefficient foe tije pur- " pofes tfjcrcbp intenbib; Be it therefore therefore En- Citaaeb bp tlje Bing’s £0o8Cjccclleut 03 a= A£l ^ *1V* vw V { % v >»*» 3 ~v" the laid Atrs j'eftp, bp atib Coirl) tlje^lbbice anbCoaftnt of ■;1 hc r^»1-tlje florbs ¿spiritual anb Xcmporal, anb Commons in lljis prefent parliament eifcmblcb, anb bp tlje ^Ititijovitp of tije fame, Xljat tl)t feberai before rcciteb 21 its, anb all anb eberp Tlje potoers anb Authorities, Articles, Buies, intensities, anb Claufcs rijcictn romainco, except fuel) parts tijereef as repeal tlje fcberal Acts therein rccitcb, be, anb tljc fame arc ijere-ip repealeb anb mabe null anb boib. 2. Anb be it Cnarteb bp the 3int|>oritp (-««a aforefaib, Xbat l)is <5rate William Robert0""“' 2>U&C Cf Leinftev, tl)C G30u .fioblt Arthur Marquis of Dowuihirc, tlje Bight l?o* nonrable George Frederick Carl Of Weft-mealh, George Catl Of Granard, George Carl Of Belvedere, Edward Carl Of Kingfton, Henry Lawes Carl of Carhampton, Charles ÜLliftOUitt Ranclagh, Edmond Sexten OtfCOllIlt Pery, Leitrim, tlje Bight Bcbcrtnb anb fjotu I I I : m8k Ä. T  1004 C LI A P. XLIII. Anno Regni tricefimo cjuinto aitie Henry HoH3 BifijOjJ of Meath the / Si'lSlJi SScljprCllD George Lewis, JLojD IBiGtOH ?/oSkne’ Mpt fyORandle f°}h ^T^Y\, m honourable Lichaul L.OI0 Donoughmore, Richard HoiD Sunderhn, Luke JLoi'D Mountjoy, John JLoiO Vl'rh'n’ ^!cholas ¿Dlil Cloncurry, Laurence Oxmantown, JLotD Edward7 Fitzgerald ihgljt honourable John Foiler, ¿»»pcalite of dje hciicurabje houfe of Commons, 3£UgM honourable ¿ir John Parnell, ho- nourable Den.s Browne, ISiQijt honourable :j'1 J°un Biaquiere, Lhgijt honourable nomas ( onolhq Biijljt honourable Theo-L Jones, Ihgljt honourable William £^fShi™’ honourable Henry Kino- fmljt honourable Jolhua Cooper, W& honourable Henry Theophih/ Clements^ t-rJVfA ,7 7!auan’ »«Sot honourabl Ln-r ¡I'ih’ §?"#a/eftp’s^ru,je.^cr; \vir;aLva^’ honourable Arthur one, .-hig iHrifclip's 3litorncp (Senrraf Thoml11?- R.obert iRochfort> honourable I ¡.omas I acicenham, honourable Clotworthy $? VurTmeAniufWefl£*honS ctLic AiTtlaui iomeroy, &ir a i Karciitr, eijc Siiiglita of tfje ¿ijirc flr > v> uiowile hi n*t1npi Burgh, (Efo'-irr rf 7>- 7 V 'C’ J nomas efnt rt - r B,lt> Arthur Burdett, riugri Carncr„fs ffPfnnir^ r-u Croker, * r'V* ^¿homas > yilihUt, Uiailes Croker, <$fQuire, SSUfcmnB ieríii Regis. o ^orgn JVC&I,. , SSSTJ^^ Denis Bowes ifciy, c H „ r3 S¿U^Z1,ia,“P0^^ William Xi.ur. FÍÍrfí ,J°Í" *S>~. SE Ctou?» °*2¡."’ ??!'"’ Rkl,wl Griffith, Cfqiurc, iScUerCtlD 2>OCtor Arthur Grueber erouu-c TT r Sí(lUiIr’ Jamcs encocle; Srf £íJ ÍT GS$ey'- €fQ,UrC' Jam« Huf-ley Of Beigarde, Cfquirc, SHÜerinait Tames JnTrt0n> "ir7~ Haadcock,«Bfquírc, Conyng-ham Jones, CfQUUT, William Judge,'©fouire ^Hnnfnr Kathrens,©fquirc, ßavwffif 3Ímor (Ífqím-f> John Latouche, cBfquire’ 2:^“-. ffifWirf, Arthur mJS C7 Ar’ Franas CB fq ui re Alex ander Murray, Cfqutre, James Nugent CG nflrR n1 Pion,k)ft’ Hl,Sh O'Reiily, CfQUUe «ePrfi1 Charles Palmer, Cfnture’ cSurflDRS>0£t0|l ßCrCy’ Guftavus P°chford* ntttre r» Pf o3rd Ryan 0f ßallinakill, Cf- SS«$„tÄW“. fi r~l ^ ÄGtltJ) á>ÍDC of ífir íííhrr f!'n;n*M differ, at tlic Äfi!lfh 55lb5r Ä:: Gr'« gjfe « «»ft* ««g K,„, fgs ;a äske ** tm t¿e «mí',®!”'?" ¡mo -.. on the K-ilmainham °n South fide on tic, Äiot „f f.‘b Sr S X ! JBorti) (iflZcfl: (TFnh rtf C T> "•**! ^ WNoiÄ^ Ä«? . |mofove n¿m*, SrnffÄ ui oc ö? iörtl« of tile fai£ rc-^fe5 attD Acts, or anp of rijem fo Ijcrrbj- 11 ‘ pCillcD,oo 6 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto iinti tulio ave not IjeveD? appointe!» fl)ail Ijentefortï) veau to Cominiuconers, «) f iB moaB. C U A V. imuvw> "7 ~ «2S. K’SnS'ici ïcpà'iniig tije wi ®oa». AU former C'ontrafts, fave as excepted,- from i,il iSov J 795 voici. Provided r.ot to dcllroy Securities due to Truf-tees, nçw veiled in prcfeiit -Commifli- oneis, or Securities due by former Trullees, fave as excepted. , Tine be it €natie5 bp tilt Sfuthoritp forfait» xiiat ail Contracts toijatioebev ratmo into bp tftc to.» %mU 5Si .in«tt tlic Cato repcaleb acts, ot anp ò'f tbS anpttiite teCpetting ot affejinj fjijt) jjoaB, or tije Repairs tijtitoi, or ne tliottfantJ feben imnaveo anB nittetpifibe, be null ant| boia, to all intents ana ^urpefes t»l)atio= eber. a tèrobiBcB ncberthelefs, Xi)at nothing herein containtB fijail bcRvop or atmtmll) inch Securities or Contracts as Iiab«. been heretofore paifeD for ¿I3eucv Bue to the faiB Crullecs of the faiB 3RoaB, ana tblnch are berebp actlarca to be bcftcB, ana are aetoraingip bcftea in the faia iaft natneD Commifftoncrs, for the iKurpofc of tavrp, L this prefetti met into execution, or fuel) Securities, Contracts, or other Cn^ rragements as filali Ijabc been heretofore «altea or cinerea into, ana remain actuallp aue bp the faia former Xruflecs, to the cryebitors or ^erfons holbtng the fame, ov cntitlcD thereto, upon tije Jfaith of tlic faiB feberal flits of parliament, fabe snip a certain inaentea Contract, bearingG eorgii Tertii Regis. ,007 2D«ite anD cjccctitcD on tijc Xtoclftlj Dap c «A P. ot June, áDite tíjottfanb febea ijunbtcb anb XU1Í-iiutct}), bp aitb bctíxteen catata tócrfoits lacrcúi ttamcb, anD tljcretofore appoínteb bp íirt of $aríiatncttt, Comintflloiicrs fot inanutg toibc anb rottbcttient ¡KKaps, *meW «lio f&affagcs, tn tijc Cítp of Dubim, 01 tijc one |£>art, anb catata otltcr pcnotts tijereta ttatncb, aab therctofore appoínteb ttt libe í0anncr bp 3lct of &ar= Itantent, Xrttllees of tfjc Xnritptke JJoab irabniff frota tijc íEttp of Dublin to Mulün gar, toíjic) ts Jjerebp becíarcb to be Itcnce= fortlj nuil aab boíb to all '?íatct»ts ann IDttrpofcs ütíjatfoebcr. anD hJ:^íomc0 Iut,trtJ)cItf£, anb it ts tÜeZutDovitpaferefatb, fctjat tt Ojníí aab tnap be latxifai for rfir L" c™"a'J fatb Commtffioaers of tlje faíb Soab lterc --m" bp nomtaatcb anb appoínteb, anb are íercbp reqatreb oat of tlje ftrft ¡f«* to tíjeír ¿iac5 0??o S e ípnbs of títetr Xreafttrtr ttt ffltrtue éc íjis Xa, to pap fací) Arrear as IjaS ¿tí currcb, aab ts btte aab chang for fíuc gcars, at tfje 33atc of Ubrce touabrrrt l’i;,t'(eTvo" * f“r"(sJ la b tan mrnttoneb eronttm beimt ^:!m ronrra£tcb aab agremo be patb bp tlje faíb former Xrttlícfs of %is Hoab,^ to tlje faíb Conintífitoncrs of tnibe ^’tlCCl^ t0 nní) for t5’c JFtríl s>ap of mwry, £ntc tíjctifntiD febea lutnbrebnin »'nctp5fibc latí palf, to be r“cóbcr?b n i¡Ue ^anner as tf tljís 3ítt Ijab not beca 11 Y 2 atabe.icp8 Anno Regni tncefìmo quinto c » a p. mate, any X5jing inciti contaitufi to tije xljii. fpjitvaip notici Whi n any Coromiflion-crs die or rtfign, H Comniifii-orn-rs meet and cled others, c, 3inD he it further Cnattcb bp fyCXu* tl,0!itv sfmefaib, Xhat tobc«ebct stfp of rtc'faio Commiflioners Jjcrein appoint«} by bailee, 0; of tljeir ¿Ducceffots, filali happen to Die ot rtftgn, it filali be latoful for the remaining Commiffioners, o? an? jfitoe oi inote of them, on the jfirft Tuéfday tnanp liBonti), to ciett a perfon to be a ¿orntnUTtonce in ijis :§>tcaa, anb fo icom ■^inic to Xime miring the Continuance of tins 3itt, as often as a tiaeamp fijali happen bp tijo ¿Death o; Stagnation of snp perfon fo eijofen. v,AM„t. 7. 3ufi be it Cnatteb bp tire iSuthozitp afojcfaib, Xhat the Commsifitoners tfcail paiiing cf Ad, afi'embfe betcoeen tfjc ifcours of Xtoclbe anb Xtoo o’Ctcclt in the Afternoon, on the giccoub Tucfday after psfleng this i&ct, at the parliament i)otife in the Citp of Dublin, ot in Cafe of jcailurc thereof, on the 5-ohca Tuefday ncjct funccbing, anb that Jfibc rrirh Power Commiffioners filali be needfarp to ccn- to adjourn. fJ.jj.yfj y @£Ctin0 DÌ tì)t flllD COlljmif- ficners, anb that tije 2ls cf tijc fl9a;cntp of jribe .Commiffioners, fijali be the 2tct sf, anb binbing upon the faib Commit ueners ; anb that it fliail anb map be lato* fui to anb fot the faib Commiffioners, to atfeurn anp Meeting from Ximc to Time, anb from piace to plate, contiguous to, m ronbement to the faib Sttoab. 8, prcbibeBGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1009 8. fÉkroUiDcD iteUcrtïîcïcfs, ^ijat prcbicns c « a ». to üiclj Election after fucb Hacancp ïjaîï) ¿érri^ bccn bctlarcb bp tijc faib Ccninüfltoncrs, 0t anp jfibe ot tncte of tbcin, at fucb Meeting as afozcfaib, tljcrc Ojalt bc ifour= *Ue"1"’ teen 3>aps jlîorice of rlje Xime anb place to be tbcrcbp appointes foz ïîolbittg anp Cieition upon 'anp îflacatup ci Cutïj £oin* mifltoners as afozcfaib, ûgncû bp tlje Bc* gifler of tbe faib CoimmÎTioncrs, anb to bc publiflicb in £>nc or mote of tîjc meft publitlî /èetofpapers of Dublin, anb a Copp tljcreof to bc ferbeb at tlje place of Beft* Dente of ctoerp Comtnilïïôner, at leafl Xbcee Daps prebiotts to tljc 20ap appoint* eb foz fttcb Meeting; anb probibeb, tljat Meeting in fuel) «Election after fuel) jlîotice giben as 1 il Dmiion. afozefaib, fljall be bab tmtijtn tljc Eitp of Dublin, 0? in anp Xobon upon tî)c faiD Boab, toitfjin tbe jfitft 3>ibifton tljcreof. 9. 2inb be it C-nactcD bp t|je 2tutbctitp E”»*r* «« afozcfaib, Xîjat ail 21 et s to bc boite bp tlje ^.ru°,°' faiD Commilïïoners, 01 anp jfibe ot moteBoi,J of tbem, o) anp Î0ajûtitp of jfibe ci mote of tljem, unDer tbc2lutljoiitp of tljis2tct, üjall bebone anb tranfactcb onlpat £Ê>cet= ings ot ï5oarbs, to be fummoncb anb ton* beneb as betein bcfoic Directes. 10. 21 nb be it furtber ŒnattcB bp tbe c-" 2mtbwitp afotefaib, %ijaî tf)c faib Œom* ^ miflioners, ot anp ifibe ot mote of tljcni, VJ.;;1'" map at tbeir firft fpecring after tbe paf ûng of tbis 2lît, ot at anp fubfeftuent £0eeting fo to be bab, appoint a Xrca* Cuver, at a gearlp â>alarp not c^cecbing 11 z £>itcJOIO Chap XUII. ---S'-; and Rcgiftcr at 50I a Y t ar. Trrafurcr to give Secu rity. Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Æ>itc fnmûrcD îDottnOS Sterling; anD that thep map aifo appoint a Kcgifter, at a ^carfp â>alarp not cjcccrDing fiftp ^ounDs ¿sterling, anû that anp Jfibc 02 mote of the fatOCommiÎSonersaffcmblcD together, mail habc poiocr from Xime to Xune to remobc anp fuel) Xreafurcr 02 îRegifter’ at the free CHIÏiïl anû $!cafurc of the faio Commiûtoncrs, anû to appoint other ?~\ca%£?v w in the £>tcaû of fuch p Hirer 01 t£>fitcers fo rcmobco, anû tn cafe of HDrath 02 Xefignaticn, to ap= point other Xreafurcr 02 Begifier in tlje â»tcaû of fit eh Officer 0; £)&ccrs fo Opinct o? rcftginng. J«D be it ffittaeeo bp the 3luth02iti> ùiD ^emmifficnero! fwr^ fhtnt, (hall tabe from anp gerfon fo appointee Xreafurcr, before he fhall be capable of acting in the fatb Office ^ctnrttp in a £>t*m not lefs than Xiao Etff^ fiVc ^limml^ouiiDs, foiijis faithful £> tic barge of fain ¿Dfiirc, anD for ij)c aaouncing for, anD partner ail 4?oncp fJcOjall recciae as Xreafurcr from i-iine to Ximc, as anp jfibe 02 moie of thefaib «rommilTiDneis appointee anD af= fcmbiei together in Virtue of this 3irt reÌ^jF^,3 ilni3 Ì^nj'Pt’fts herein after Di= retteb, fijall from Xune to Xime Dire» anD fuch Xreafurcr fball beep fuch ©oo&s ?' ;f‘^omìt, anO ut fuch fanner, as the fatD Comimfltoners 02 anp 1'ipe of them mu from Xime to Xime Direte ^Georgii Tertii Regís. IOÍ í n ?,,da m&eteas fíje faíD Ilaah from c « MulJmgar mas íjcrctofoje DíDiDrD J^ni-^ans* but ít been fotuto »«dw tí)nt t!íC ©íWüon» therebpKtt iiiaoe, palie bren tnfnflmeitt to anftocr tíie inl"f gurpofes of tfr faíD a*s, atiD ít 3 be more eppeoient tíjat tíje faíD Boas frorn /° Mullrngar, 0)811 be DÍDÍDCD ÍIUO 3»JP** be tt tijcvefsre CnacteD bt> ufoteíait), ^íiat from anü *-**«* %ftír tptjnttt3>ap Of Novcmber nñt £“{ "‘»i®»*”"* Hem.6#« mS'e, "t Sfbe latofuI fíje faíD Cftm* c •» at f4 ft>ft al eí,p "'rC m tnm cf fijem, o í i! \? 1,0 ñffcr fíjeif ©effiuro, ?Lak üJL^0íounn,lcnr fíjercof, to ssíuíne fírft teícwífí«n.t0 C,Jl'ee ^jbíüons, tí»*«*« fnent'of S/fíu?'«ÍÍJ* tíJÍV ^mence* SÍ3S£ 01 lJ*c lai?3 &°aD as bereín befme mcnt oFR°* SI™*’ onb°y M®- anp to termínate at tljc -Caíl of a TnrJ’ Gd-3^- ^ a ñT¿ afo^efaiD, ano to enD at thp t>n tocorn' 21*» 02 @ntr¿wce into tfje Coton'of í0”“ SSS: *“• “ “ “»'» te and to be calí- ii Z & *3. 3tnb ed the Wef-tern ij.vñ¡ua.ioi2 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto o H a p. 13. 3ttD bc it GnacteD bp tije ^tutìjoritp jìì.ul afojcfaiD, Xìja tfrom aito after tl)e fato Enaéts filli 3>ap of November ncjct, it Ojall ano ?;>ZL7 map bc latoful fot tljc faiD Gommilltoners, ¡¡£<22' ot an]) fine of tijcm. ot futi) perfon ot ■ ;) ‘ai“> perfons as tljcp OjaI! autljoti3c anD ap= point, to eftablitì) ot erett, ot caufe to Ijc citablifi)cB ot crectcD, £>nt 0 t mote pap ©ate ot pap ©ates, upoit ano acrofs anp part ot Parts of thè faiD 3£oaD, ano to builD, i)irc, ot rcitt a XolElioufe, conbe= »-no,ie- nient to ebcrp fneì) ©are; anD toDemanD Iyiv ?ijun "ch ano tabe in caci) of tljc faiD SDibi&ons bp furi) perfon ot perfons, et tl)ctr 2>epu* ties, Gollcctots, et ©ateifeeepcrs, as tfjep ot anp fibe ot mote of ri)em fljall aut|)o= ‘7g*r rise fo to Do, in ILieu of tjjc Xolls pereto* ;,sbe«.! fore coUcttcD at tije febcral ©ates ott thè faiD HoaD, in ir i^orfes or otljcr BeaUs, or bp more tijan’^ijc, tf)c é>um of Xbao èdjillings anD Gigl)t pente i^alfpenup ; if Draton bp Xftrce or f onr Dorfes or otijcr BeaGs, tfje S>um of Xtuo jàfjiliinss anb Xtop pcnce ; if Draton bp Xiao fcorfes or otljer Beafts, tlje èum of M)ite £>ijiIUng anD iDnc pennp; anD if Stato» bp ifmc l^orfe or otijcr Beali-, thè émm of &>i% pe.nce fjalfpemtp; fcr cbèrp torfe, fidare, ©elDing, 3tfs, or i0ule, la= De» oc utilaDen, rljr èum cf ¿ine pennp ì^alfpennp; for encrp Drcbe cf Gotes.Georgii Tertii Regis. jo 13 Cotag, ov neat Cattle, tije $>um of c"A p-^»ijiUings anb S>ijc ?£cncc, by tye &core, aitb fo m proportion for any greater or ieffer dumber; for ebery Drobc of Calbcs, ^>i>cep, ?Umbs, or pigs, tije £>um of £>ne filling ants ‘Cijree ?3e:uc by tije S>rore, anb fo in proportion for any greater or icifcr dumber. 14. £nb be it further Cnatteb by tije 3tm= s„pe tijority aforefaib, Xljat from anb after tljt P a fling of tijis Xct, anb bming rljeTiLV'T6 Continuance of tije fame, it fljatlbelatofui ^3l*-for tfec faib Commiflioncrs to Demanb anb tabe by furij perfon or perfons as tije» fljail autijorife rljereio, at eacij anb ebery pay^gate aforefaib, for ebery S>tage Coacfj or otijer Carriage, plying for $ire, or eon* beying perfons for i^ire, taijictj fljail con* bey at any one Xune, upon any part of faib 3Soab, more tijan g>ixperfons mitijin flbe, or more than Xijrce perfons be&Des tije briber upon tije outfibe of any fuel? Coatij or otijer Carriage, Jibe ^tilings for ebery ijorfe or otijer ©eaft braining tije fame, in Slbbition to tije Xoil Ijerein before bireetcb, to be paib ebery fucij Coaclj or otijer Carriage fljaii oafs througb any of tije faib tioates. 15. 3lub tnijereas tnucij injury fjas arifen to tije faib Hoati, from tije improper Conflruttion of tije CSIJjecls of Cars anb otijer Carriages, anb it is etpebient tijat tije Xolls on fncij COTjeels fljail bear a moje equal proportion to tije Damage tbey may Do to tije faib 3floab, be it CnatteD by i2 A tijeioi4 C H A P. XL11I. V Tolls to be proportioned to the Damage done by bad conftruAinti of Wliecls, as herein. Anno Regni tricefimo quinto the Authority afozcfaib, from anb after the paffute of tijis 3ltt, it fl)all be latoful fot the fait) CommtfEoners to be^ mani ano tabe, by fuel) fDcrfou oz $crfons as they fhall authozi3e thereto, fez ebery Maggon, iKQtatu, Dray, Cart, Car, oz timber Carriage, mobtng on Boilers truth flat Surfaces, tohofe ifellies fball be ^ijrtccn gimmes on each £>ibc of the Shoeing oz gnreahs thereof, anb tohith ^»hoeing oz ^»trcalts (hail be fet on trnth counter* in nit flatdjeabcb j0ails, Bolts, ot é>cretos, tohith tljall not projett abobe the Surface oz plebei of filth S>treatts oz Shoeing, anb that furti éttreaits oz Shoeing (hall be flat, anb £>trtcen gjnthcs oz moze in Breabtl), the é*um of Dnc halfpenny foz ebery i^ozfc oz Beall braiding the fame; fo? ebery Maggon, Main, Dray, Cart, Car, oz Ximbcr Carriage, if the S>oalS anb ^>f)ocing of the jrellics thereof fhall be flat, anb of the Breabth of >i3ine finches oz moze, anb that the é>trcalts oz Shoeing of the ¿Wheels thereof fl)a!l be fet on toith tonnterTunfe flat=heabeb /¡Sails, Bolts, oz ^>cretos, tohtth fball not project abobe the Surface oz 2Lcbel of fuch £>treafts oz ^>|)ocing, anb that furl) £>trealts oz £>|)oe* ing fhall be flat, anb /Sine finches oz moze in Breabth, anb if the ifo?e*3ljclc tljall be fo much longer oz (hotter than the ijinb* ^jcle, that the Mhecls thereof fljall roll a bottble Surface of at leali énjrteen ginrhes on each anb either Ssibe, the éuint of Dite halfpenny foz ebery $ozfe oz Beall brato* ing the fame; foz ebery Maggon, Main, Dray, Cart, Car, oz timber Carriage, Geórgii Teitii Rvis, 1015 íf tíjc á>treabs oz £>íjocíng of fíje ©Hijeéis cH* p* ríjcrcof fljall be ftt on in liítc fanner, ano fljall be /Bine flat ^nrljes acrofs fíje &ljoe* ing, fije S>um of £>nc $ennp fez eberp Ijozfe oz Beaft braining tljc fame; foz eberp ©flaggon, ©Rain, SDrap, Cart, Car, oz Ximber Carriage, if tijc ¡Snreabs oz á>ij0e= ing of ti)c ©Hijeéis thereof tljaii be fet ou in libe álBanncr, anb fljall be lefs tljan /Bine 3Imijcs, but not Icfs tijan á>ebcn ^ncljcs atrofs tíjc á>oal, anD tf tíjc /reze* Birle fljall be fo mutij longer oz ííjozter tljan tlje l^inbí3l,r!e, tíjat tíjc ©ílljecls tijereof fljall roll a boubie Surface of at leaft Xtoclbe 3lncljes 011 eatlj anb either &>ibe, tlje Snirn of áT»nt $cnnp, foz eberp ijozle oz ©calí Draining tlje fame; foz eberp ©Haggott, ©Rain, ©rap, Cart, Car, oz Xtmbcr Carriage, if tlje it>trcabs oz ;§>ljoc= ing of tlje ©Hijeéis thereof fljall be fet on in libe fanner, anb fljall be lefs tljan /Bine ^ntijes, but not lefs rizan á>cbcn 3!ncl)cs, anb Ojal! not roll a boubie <§>ur= tare of at leaft Xtoelbc 3Jnrijes, £>nt #cn^ np itjalfpennp foz eberp ifjozfe oz Beaft braining tlje fame; foz eberp ©Haggon, ©Rain, ©rap, Cart, Car, oz otljer Xim-ber Carriage, if tijc á>treabs oz á>Ijocíng of tlje ©Rijeeis tijereof fljall be fet on in libe fanner, anb fljall be lefs tijan á>cbcn 3incijcs, but not lefs tijan á>ir ^Jncljes, anb if tije foit=7Lxlt fljall be fo muclj longer oz fljozter tijan tlje ^tnb'Blrle, tijat tijc ©Rijeeis tijereof fljall roll a boubie Surface of at leaft Xeit 3lncijcs, tlje á>um of £>ne ^aifpcnnp foz eberp i^ozfe oz Beaft Draining tije fame; foz eberp ©Hag-- i) Anno Regni trice'fimo quinto cron, Main, Drap, -Cart, Car, ai ber Carriage, if tfjc £>tr cafes m Shoeing of die Mlieels thereof filali fee fct on in tifec tìPannct, an® filali fee !efs tfean «acfeen ‘Rjitdjcsbut not Iefs diané>ir3lncJies, an» Ìlmil not roll a Double Surface of %ciì ì» ii cfecs on eadj^Difee, tlje £>um of %too tècnee foi eberp l?o?fe m »eaft Draining die fame; fo? eberp Maggon, Main, ID tap, Cart, Car, ot timber Carriage, if die é>tteafes o) Shoeing of tlje Miieels thereof Qiall be fct on in lifee fanner, anb ilia« be iefs tfian £>ijc gjitcijes but not iefs tl/an Jibe 3lncljes, die £>um of Xi/ree ^encefoi eberp 3?ojfe oj Beali Draining ifjc fame; fo; eberp Maggon, Main, 3Drap, Cart, Car, 01 Ximber Carriage, if tfee é>treafes oj értjoeing of tl>e Miieds tfecreof filali be fct on in lifee fanner, anB filali be lets tlian Jibe ^nefees but not Iefs tfian Jour gintljes, die £>um of Jo urgente fo? eberp f>o;fc oz »call Draining {fee fame; foi eberp Maggon, Main, Drap, Cart, Car, oz Xintber Carriage, if dje -§>trcafes oz ^fencing of die Mljeeis djereof Qiall be fct on in die lifee Scanner,. anDfliall be Iefs djan Jour^lndics, tiie£>um of £>ir J&ence iDalfpcnnp for eberp dozfe o? ffieaft Draining die fame ; foz eberp Mags gon, Main, Drap, Cart, Car, cz Xim* ber Carriage, if anp of die piloting or ^>treafes of anp of die Mlieels of anp fuel) Carriage filali not be flat, oz fliaii be fet on miti) ijigl) o) fprigdieabcD /Rails, Bolts oz Sereins, oz tnitlj anp /Rails, Bolts or Sereins, not being counterJunfe anb flat* feeabeD, oz inliiei) fliall project abobe tlje HebefCari whofi Whcfls fhall he conftriitìc'l a - Uircin fliiii payl'nt iJ'J. p*r Hülfe. Georgii Tertiì Regis.. J017, jlcfacl oj Surface of fitei) Sfeca&s etc » a p. Boeing, tl)c Suini of Due Sbtifùtg mia ,xun-M>ik fililip fé; eberp Jjotfco) 15eafl arato* iug tìjc faine, ' I ‘ r 6. ^i-otoiDfB altoaps, Xijac fot cbtrv ear to&ofc SfUficels fliaìl bc Xitree dat Jttcijes ist:©cesati) a ero Cs tl)c Seal oj Xicr, atta ÌJjiif 1 bi fennec oj put oli fo as tei turn ruutia tìfc Zj&sttee, ana toljofe Z^tvee il)«« lic ficee on fo as not co turn rouna tottft tfjc tKKfiecis, tfje Sttm of £>ne ¿ni m> ^alfpeiutp oni)) aitano mote Ojail bcac manata ot falten at att)) <5ate on anv ©art of tì)e tatù Monti, fot caci) $otfe 01 otfter 2ötaft Bcatoing tljc fante, if tìje Streabs 01 Shoeing of futi) CHaijccIs tic fiat, atta ftton tolti) couittenfunb daMjcaBcB i5atis »Olts 01 Serctos, anatoi)ici) fl)aII not uro,’ fta a boat ti)e Sur fa ce oj jutocl of furi) Sireaits ot Sijocing. * 7* ^rotoDca nrbcrtijcicfs, Xbat Xtoelbc ^?"$s„1PunÌ from paffing of rijis 3ttt, Calibe a HotoeBto alt ©erfons tra* beiiytg tenti) Cats ana otficr Cavnagcs on tDe fata ftoae, to fuppip atta protoce them* felbes tenti) dflilieels of tbe ©reaati), don* uruttton, ana Dimenftons ijerein before aefenbea, before anp ©cnaitics 01 abbiti* onal %okiljall be iebtea for Default there* or, anp XJnng jietein coniatura to tfte con* irarp nottoititiianBtng. '8- bEr‘t furtfjcrCnattea bp t£e2u* , é tof ànp $iVt ConmifUonns o£ tìje faiöofi>arf:atc’’ ) 2 Montlt* Time giwi Perfons to fupply tiiem-irlvrs with Wheeifl of Dimenfions herein. 12 B aSoaa,ioi8 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Chat. Boati, to altee tlje Situation of an? citi)* xLin. fgju ^a? gates loitljin furi) SDífttitts of ' tire faiD BoaD, anb to a'on futi) otljec $ap* gates on anD aceofs an? $aet of fíje pce= fcut Hinc of faiD BoaD, cz of an? neto Hiue of fati) BoaD, oz upon astö aceofs an? $act Of tl)e fo«it, oz on tlje ^>tDe of tlje faiD prefcitt, oz of an? neto Hiñe cf faiD BoaD, accofs an? Hane oz ÍKIfap icaD* tng out Of eitljcc of tijcfaiD Hines of BoaD anddzuíld, toitJjin fuel) SMßcitt, anD to builD, Inte, rizr ozrcnt a Xolldjoufe foz etoecp fuel) ©ate, anD tíme to DemanD anD rcceíbe, bp tuet) $>ecfon oz í^trfons as tljep fljnll atrtl)ozt5e thereto, fuel) Iloììs as ace appointeD b? tljis 3ttt to be tafeen at an? ©ate toitljin futí) 2>ißcitt of tlje faiD BoaD, anD tfwt cbec? fuel) ©ate fljali be DeemeD a $)ap= gate. Provided tro IQ* $cobiDcD altoaps, %ì)nt no ©ate’ fija» be ercttcD aceofs an? Hane IcaDíng oíí.mmunfca* into tfjc faiD BoaD, oc accofs tlje faiD Prefcntuieut BoaD, fo as to inteccept tlje Communita« Si;»« tion bettoecn an? ttooBoaDs repai ceD b? i0cefentment, tüfjeve tlje faiD BoaDS fo ^» repaiceD bp ^cefentment fljali lean into Mulita"1’ tlje faiD Xticnpifee BoaD, oppo&tc to oc toitinn Jfott? ^cccljes of caci) otljec. No Patten- 2 O* 2i»D be it fucti>cc C tract cD, Xljat oJcV„a no ^afienget oc l&affcngecs tuitfe tire fame iSiL Cattle attD Cacciage (¡jail be liable to pa? S'/Sr aitl’ of flle faiD Xoils afozefaiD, mozc tljan fatneDivIiion. once in tfic fame 2T>ap, toitljin t^e fame ^Dilution, but tijat ebeep f&afCengec oc l&aflengecs Ijabing par'D. fuel) %oU oiteciGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1-019 in arttp one SMbifton, map bit ring' ti>c cv* p. JScmasnSer of the fame ;3>ap (eberp itici) 3ì>ap to be computed from XtoeJbe o’Clorìt at jftigljt to Xloeìbc o’Claclt tije fuccceD= tng jfjigljt) pafs atto repafs Coll free '. • • ■ through eberp ^ap-gatc in tlje fame ÌDibifton, toiti) tije fatue Cattle anb Car* ri age for tonici) fuel) Xoll fìjaii ijabe been paio, on producing a Xtckct Denoting tlje f©apment of fuel) Xoll, aito containing futi) other flatters as herein required rcfpctting the farne; tonici) Xicitet eberr Colletto) is required to gibe gratis oh rectibmg tlje Coll, upon fiaitt of forfeit* ing jfibe S>l)illings fot eberp Cbirifiion 02 &efufal, upon Contortion befoje attp 3)uf-tire of tlje $eacc of tlje Countp in toljtch tlje £>ffencc lljall be committee, « before anp of tlje faib Commi IH oners, eberp of tBljant are ijerebp authored to ejraminc into tlje fame, aitdadminifter fParljs foz that #ttrpofe. 21. probided altoaps neberthelefs, Xljat r™.^ anp other ihaffcnger oz ^affengers tra« to.rtTù 'belling rotti! the fame Cattle oz Carriage feme Cattle roijiclj hath been fo charged as afo’cfatd, &&«!£*»-fl?ali be liable to, andaomdinglp be charged ¡tóS™. tlje lilic Xoll as herein befoze incntioneD, toitfj the fame Cattle o) Carriage, not= boirijfiauDing Xoll hab been befoze paiD fot tlje fame Cattle or Carriage bp other i&affenger oj ^affettgers toitljin the fame SWbifion in the fame !>ap, it being tlje true 3Jre pays before cliaig - meat of Xoll in the fame 2Dibifton, in any one 2Dap, fljjatl net on returning toitlj «'.iTu.' the fame ^aflenger ot $affcngers, ot tottDout any $affenger oi piaftengers be Me to Mi liable to the payment of any further m other Xoll than as aforefaiD. Recites 2-5, :3nD i^eroas tlje Xratfetoay or Ropi' "¿Lf3Roal) tty of the Xoyal Canal and the W near tlje Xotmt of Krkock afotefaiD, runs parallel near parallel to anD abjotning tfje faifi Xurn= Kicock. pibe XoaD, anD it is tnejcpcDieiit that any Xoll fljall be payable ot colleiteD upon that ISart of faiD Xurnpiltc SoaD m Xraclu Commifli- taay $ be it CnarteD by t|)e ^authority or Direitors aforefaiD, Xljat it (ball not be latoful either for the faiD Commiflxoncrs of the faiD ^«rnpifee ftoaD or tlje Directors of witttitr a Mile the faiD J&oyaf Canal, to erett any ©aw* o K.cock. 5atf flr cojIe(t anp on or fet an_ Cattle or Carriages paffing on either teart of faiD XoaD or Xracfetuay, toitljin one 4jB»e of the fain Xottm of Kikock. Pcrfo?.24. 3lnD be it further CnatteD by the SSrTiT Authority aforefaiD, Xbat if any i&er= difMncd, fon D)all refnfe to pay the Xoll payable bp pirn or ber in Httirtue of this Titt, it fball be fateful for tbe Coilertor thereof, or l&erfon atting as fuch, to lebp tbe fame bp Diarete of tbe ^fe o«t f^oifes o? other ®eaft102 I Georgii Tertii Regis. " Beali 01 ©cafs, Garriage 0,1 Carriages c » ■'p-upou topici) tisc XoiI is bp tfjis ^tst im* pofeb, o: upon tpe aps, it fpall be latoful foi tpe Collctto:, oi perfoit atóing as fttcp, to fclf tpe fame bp ptiblic 3luttion at anp Xime after tijc *Vw1' Gjrpiration of tpe faib jfour SDaps, rcns Bering tfjc ©berplns (if anp) to tpe ¡©toner on SDeinanB after papment of tpe faib Xoll, anD tpe fidi Capente of fucp SDificefs anb ¡arnie. 25. 3tn& be it fnrtprr ffinatieij bp tip: ¡.„s,., Slutpoiitp afoiefaib, Xpat if anp perfon 01 perfons (pali foiciblp 01 todfullp go di Pay-^aic», pafs tetti) anp ì^oife, Beati, 01 Carriage tprougp anp pappate on tpe faib iUcab, ìtntpoùt paping tpe Xoll bp tifisi 21 a re-- "W >P»r quireD, oiprobucing a ptopcr Xicfcct asT*1““’ aforefaib, at futi) pappate, or filali or obftruéUiìij' itnotoinglp 01 Be&gitcBlp affault, iittcrrupt,Colì' ■ or obftrutt anp of tpe Coìlectors or per-fons emplopcp in colletting or receibing anp of tpe faib Xolls, or anp otPcrtoife in tije Cjcetution of pis or tfjeir Grnpiop-' meni of Sfieceiber or Collcitor, or (pali, infine anp futi) tì>ate or Xolfipoufe, or1 1 • ■ anp (3lobes or Xamps, or anp WJft Xolls or otper ^bfreatt frotu tpis %(t, oc ffom tije proteebings of tpe Commtirton= 1?. C erg1022 C il A P. XLIII. or aflaultiu; Orcifccr, or counter- . fitting 'fio let, Offender coil' Tilted. (hall forfeit id. Anno Regni trieéfimo quinto erg actitts tijctetinner, mtjvdjQjail be erettea nr «latra upon or near any luci) (3ate oi* ^oUdroiiic, or (bali affatili, obftrutt, or any tDberfeer, acting «nber ani in tbc Crecutio» of any part of tl))5 ¿[it or th&U forge, counterfeit, or ?.*tcr, cr Gjatl Dcliber to or rceeibc front any ofticr pcrio» cr perfùns, any Jiìotc cr Xiebet tonti) an ‘Jntent to abcib tljc pay* meni of any e: ti)c fait) Xotts or any part thereof, ebetp perfen fo cffenbing, fcnng conbittcb thereof by tlje one credible GUiitnefs, before any ^inflice of the Peate, or any Commtfuoner ot tl5c fait: Boat, Cfjaii fee ebery fuel) £>ffettte fo’fcit auto pay tbe &um of Xen pottnBS sterling; anb it %aH be iatofu! for ebery Collator or perfen acting as futi), anb aii anb ebery other perfen ants perfons by , feim requireb to affiit in that refpett, to lo b, broiigbt feije any i)orfc or Rories, or other »tail iiSEr cr »cafes, Carriage er Carriages, tbit!) aJj (530Ì3S thereon, anb the 2>nbcr or Ciribers, Slttcnbant or 2lttenbants there* cr, anb to bring them before any Muffire cf tije peace or Commiflioncr of the fata Bcab, toslm is hereby requireb fo enquire into fuel) Offence, anb if upon Conbit* cion before futi) infitte or Commiflconer, upon the £>ath of any one crebible OWliU neis, the party or parties complaints of iipll not pay fuel) penalty, together toirl? the XdII that fl)aU be bae, it fl)aii be latofiti for fuel) ‘Juftice oc Commtfft* oner, ana ijs is hereby requireb, by Gettar* rant tmber bis $anb anb *>eal, to caufe the l?orfe or fjorfes, or other »eait cr ; and if on con vietimi lie iliall not pay Penalty and Toll, /SIKt if?-Georgii Tertii Regis. 1023 ©calls, Carriage or Carriages, or <3oot#3 G « * r-fo oiRrainco to be fcia for payment of tire faia Xells an» penalties, a its Clwrgcs of feissng an'a keeping tlje fame, n“!rMai’ anD of fuel) §>a!e, renbering tljc £>bcr= plus (if anp) upon 2T>emsnD to tilt £>t»nct or iPcnncrs of t|ic fame, or to t!>e perfon or perfons unacr tnljofe Care or in inljofe polfefKcn tljc fame refpeitibrlp teas or were token fo fence, as aforefaia; ana if ,f ;ilfilis no Cufiuicnt 2>iflrefs fljall ijabe been fei cierrt dill:ef$, c8, to fuel) £Dinner or a>txmcrs, ’>’ or otljcr perion or perfons to tlje com-tuott <5aol, tljerc to remain initljout ©ail or C0ainprt5e for anp Xur.e not & meebing one iHUceti, or until furl) fines ana penalties, Xclis ana charges be paiD. 26. 25na be it further Cnastca ov tlje e.,,t,h, 2lutIjDritp aforefaia, Xijat eberp Xitlitt to be giben as aforefaia bp anp Collector, and Date of for anp Carriage toljicfj is ftib/cct to ‘ym different Xolls, fljall rrtiip fpccifp tije ^um rcccibeb, tlje Oatc of tlje Dap, ana of tlje ©out!) anD gear toljercoit fuel) papment is maae, ana tlje ^timber i>orfcs or otljcr ©ealis braising tlje fame °f Ko,les’ Carriage; ana if anp Xicfcct fljall not1J(llfvot trulp fpccifp tlje fame, tlje Ccllcttor of tiuly (perilled tlje Xoll of tlje (Sate toijcrc fuclj Xicliet £“*" fljall Ijabc been giben, fljall forfeit tljc £>tim of Xtoentp ^tilings for eberp fuel) £>ffence, upon Conbiction bp tlje £>atlj of one trebible (HKiinefs, before anp liuitnc of tlje peace, or one of tljc Commimoners aforefaia; ana in Cafe of not paping tlje sad if Penalty i2-C 2 fame "0“"'a'Ì024 Anno Regni trìeefìmo quinto chap, fame immeDiatelp, (Dall De commuta bp xtm. ¿njarrant unber tlse H?anD ani £>eal of ¿£3^ futi) 3Juftice or Commifltoner, to tljetom, urommi'tc.i .«pH (¿ad dì $>oufe of Cojjettion, there to tec licttt to liarb JLabonr foj anp Xime not ' of one £PontD> or ertecDing tije é>pate ;:;r'F,ne until tlje fato .fine (Dall De patD. Colleétor may detain Carriage to meafure Wheel*, 27, ed by Owner 4>n Driver, 2lnD Dc it furtljcr CnaiteD Dp tDe Stutljoritp afojefaiD, %W eberp Collet* tot o? pcrfon atting as futlj, (Dali Dabe joiner to Detain at anp pap=gate, eberp Car, Cart, or otljer Carriage, toDereon tlje Xoll baries, attojDing to tlje »reaDtD of tlje £>trcafes, ot Ujoeing of tlje SJKDeels, anD to meafure tlje fame, anD eberp Com« tnilConcr fljall babe tlje lifee Corner to Sop, anD meafure tDe CHIDcels of eberp fuel) Car ot Carriage, at catD anD eberp n,i ¡f <,pp,,f- ©ate, on anp part of tDe faiD 3RoaD; anD if attp briber o: otDer perfen (Dali IjinDer ot refufe to permit fad) Collcctot ot otDer perfon to meafure tDe QSlDeeis of anp futlj Carriage, ana fljail De eonbittcD tljereof upon tDe :SI>atD of one trebible CEiitnefs befoje anp ^iuilicc of tDe peace fot tDe Countp toljercin fntD iMfence iljall be tommittcD, ot Dcfozc one of tDe faiD Com* Offttder for- milltoners, eberp fucD perfon fo offenD* nlTvw ing, fljail forfeit tlje §>utn of 3Ctoentp i,, Difccfs. finings to De IcbicD Dp SDiftrtfs anD &aie of Ijis, Ijer, ot tljeir Car, ot otDer Car* riage, anD tlje l^otfc c? Jtjo?fcs, ot otDer ®cafis Draining tDe fame, anD tlje (5ooCS tljcrecn, bp flJiarrant unber tlje Dana anD^cal of futD Jufticc ot Commiffioner, rcnDcriiig tDe iPberplus, if anp, after Georgii Tertii Regis. 1025 deducting tlje faiD ifine, and tljc iEjcpenccs c» a . of fuel) Diltrcfs anD Stale to tlje Corner on SDemand. f J • ,r. 28. 3fnd be it fttrtljcr Cnatteb bp tlje If Owner* 2lucljozup afoiefaid, Xljat if anp l&er* fou 0; Jbcrfons 0tuning, renting, 0? occupy '«*«'■ ing anp XanD near unto anp $ap=gatc cttablifljcD oz ercctcD, oz to be ercctcD #urfuance of tljis 3ttt, fljall foz <3ain, XcbzarD, oz otfjcvfcoife Unotmnglp oz toil-r'fcM,,», lingip pertnit anp £erfon oz ldcrfon0 la'ne to avoiil tbljatfoebcr to pafs tljrouglj anp <5atc,’r“"’ ^affage, oz iHap, toitlj anp l^ozfc, »eaft, Cattle oz Carriage liable to Xoll, on paflrng tljrouglj anv <3atc on tlje faiD Xoad to aboiD tfje ibapntent of tlje Xoll Ijerebp appointed to be paib, and be thereof tom bictcD upon tlje £>atlj of anp one trcbible CCtitnefS, befoze anp Commiflioner or •Jutticeof tlze ^cace of tljeCountp toljcrein itzclj £>ffcnce fljall be committed, eberp lie dial! forfeit fuel) $erfon fljall forfeit tlje Smm of131 Xtoentp S»ljilUng0 foz eberp fuel) Dffencc; to be lebieb bp Diflrefd anD Stale of tfjc <3ooD0 anD Cljattcte of futlj £>ffcnDer, bp (HHarrant unDer tlje ijanD anD Steal of fuel) ‘Juflice oz Commiflioner, rendering tlje £>berplu0, if anp, to tlje Stoner, after Deducting tlje faiD jfozfcitttre, anD tlje Charges in tailing and Difpoftng of tljc faiD rri' Carriage, c> Brail, ct fljall »clap to pro* : .AA,V;', rccD to hade the penalties IclhcD as the Cain Directs foj fucl)£>f(cnce, oj fljall omit to Detain any Car, Cart, ot other Carriage, and .prebent the palling through the faiiJ 0ate after Notice fljall be gibrn to him, that the Dvidcr thereof has obfiructcD the execution of this 3ltt in anp Ccfpcct, ederp prrfon fo offcnDing, fljall upon Conbiaion thereof bcfojc anp one fluffier f„. of the peace oj Commilltoncrs, forfeit the jSaum of jfibc pounds, and on jRon.ijjap* meat thereof, fljall be committed bp eMfar* rant under tlje ijand and 5>eal of a tiec of tlje peace of the Coutttp tuljccc Cut!) Offence fljall hade been committed, oi anp one of the fait) Commilltoncrs, to tlje common 0acl or ijoufc of Co:jec* tion, there to remain without Bail or ipatnpvijc, foj anp Cime not cjccccding Chnre Months, or until the faid Jhne be paid, ’ 30, ^ndGeÇH'gü Teftii Äjegis. ^10,2 3°* fïje mitijojitpc,, A P. a.pJcftüD, iCyaf n üjaH b: iatcfuf fo; f*ç-xi.m. taib t£bMtn;tUos:m ai a«p>.fibe s§ tïjcm, .'^.iv' JfffMlMrll ,frft f0\mt Plvc»sit WyS’ïL»-tau in j.cp, to rltä (¡-Ui a}jpr-istf a fit tfiiö pvopei’ fbctiou to art as a ânirbopor of îï)E faib iteib, if (j)n> (ijaii tinnii gît fo ÏÂSS -J R?i l’i ’v < or of-iate ül àc. ■Xirnt to Xtmï, ùm Va S SS-" fff>8î*r!£*s’‘& ftrS partit» Df ' • tï)E ÇaiD Mgtttufitemrs, toMdj ftaii bcR,i"!' pcfb ut car?) ef tfjc Jfo'tuxioearcns of tftc gfar,_ or ai my ^tD/oucmnent tïjcrccf tefpessjeïp, oj as oftcn as ti)crcmifo reî fltmea, tljc â)tatc anû ConDition of thé moab, anû of tlje Xnrnpüîc ôates tbert ?**! ail Wnûgcs anû â>c£ocrs, anD ixiijat Itcpaus are nerefifarp to bc maie aiiD generailp to fnrnffl) fttcî) ¿Dbferba’ tiens in fatû Beport as bc fijail fee nccef= nViJe Ürîœin,ifaitïjfui jäeifojmanre of |ns jP&ce ot âmrbcpoi, anû tbat it„ C)aJl bc fatufiil foz tije faiû Commifltoii-+JI r «S to appoint fucï) â>alarp to the faiû guttom as tijep fljaïï tinnlt fit,net gceûing tipc minimal âum of j-ortp 31 ♦ fce it fnrtljet Œnattcû bp thr atitfjoütp afofefaiû, Xijat tïjc faiû Coin ’ v miffioners, o;anpjfibe o ¡note of tïjcm 11 ' fljall, out of tfje Xoils tbat in.èlilZïïZg tue of tins 4it be reteibeû at the feberaii"”'“"'’ tioates, par ail necefTarp Œppc, tefinauS 12 D 2 32, 3fnû1028 Anno Regni triceiimo quinto f' H a p. ,2. be it furtfler Cnacteb, Xljat xi.m. cjj'Crp ^erCoit appointcb bp anp jfibe or mote of tlje CaiD Commifltoners io matte ii;:, 02 sraucl, repair oj fuperintenb ty fato n.ji jjoaD, oj anp $art tljereof, oj lje,02 tljep .“g'U”r' “ bp futi) l&crfon 02 l&ctfons fo2 tljat \jbnu ir0'“"1’ pofe cntplopeb, fljall l)abe full $otoer anb mutljojitp to big fot, fcatcl), raife, anb carvp atoap anp <5rabel, £>tones, £>anb, ot otfjcr £0atcrials tojjic!) map be toanteb «ini to malte fot tlje ìlfe of tlje faib ftoab, anb to Dis;„s,fcc. malteSDrains in £>jber to carrp off OUlàter from 02 prebent its ijtjiuring tlje faib 3Roab, on 02 tljiouglj tlje Xanbs of anp ^ccCon not being a 2Deer^arft, £>rcljatb, Ijaggarb, garb, l^lanteb JUmnoj 3tbetiuc inakfng Sa- to a £0an{ton=i)oufc, aito tljat eberp futi) ,¡.,,,0 ^erfon f0 appoiitteb fljall malte Satisfar* 'iurVfTa e i*01110 tlje £>tnncrs 02 £>ccttpicrs of tlje ,r Hanb fot tljc 3Damage tljat map be bone tljcrcbp, citljee bp pribatc Compatì after futlj Darnage fljall l)abe becit fuffaineb, ot in Cafe of 3>ifagrcement, tljett tlje ¿Sèi!” famc iJE affcffeb bp tljree fubttantial n,™, i,y Af ìi>oufe=l)clbers of tlje Countp, toljerein Hou'féhoidcrs. fitti) Damage fljall Ijabc been bone, oitc to be nameb bp caci) of tlje l&artics, anb tlje t?)ifb bp tlje ncrt, 02 anp neigljbouring Juflicc of ideate, 02 bp anp Commif* ftoitcr arting unber tljis %ct, toljitlj }Der* fons fo to be ttominatcb fljall be ftuorn bp fucl) JJufìice 02 Commifftoner to be éSppraifers of fucl) SDamages, anb to malte a trite Cftiinatc tljereof, to tlje bell of tljeir Sitili. 33. |èrobibebGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1029 33. J&robibeb altoaps, 'timi nothing '■'» * ?: ijcrèiii toutaineb Rial! autijo2i5e an? nei» l&oab to be iaib out 02 «tabe tbrongb an? ; -$art of an? Denteine 02 Decaparli, 02 be made thro’ an? olb 3Roab ro be taibeneb into an? , ,1, Demefne ez Deer=parlt, 0? to feareij fot 01 Drabèi 0? otfjcr ipateriafó in an? Demtfnc ***£» 02 Decaparli, toitijout ti)e Confent. of tijc Dinner being fivft obtaineD in (miriti ing unDcr Ins l^anb. 34. 3lnD be it Cnatteb b? ti)c 3int|)ojit? If :i 11 y Per- afòzcfaib, Cijat if an? $erfon fliaii ob= 1 ttruct 02 prebent tijc fa io Commiffioners m"!"1 02 an? $crfon acting unfier tijcir 3tuti)o-tit?, in Digging fot, raifmg 02 tarrping atoa? futi) £13atcviais, 02 in mailing futi) Drains, futi) ^crfons tifali upon Conbits tiott b? ti)e Dati) of one cvebibic (miituefs bcfoze an? one giuilice of tbe ideate of t?)t Count? in toijici) futi) Dffcntc fljaii ijabe been committrb, 02 bcfozc an? one of tijc Commifltoners of tijc faib 3$oab, fo2feit he (hall forfeit fot cbcr? futi) Offence a énun not crcccb= *'• ing ifitoe iDounbs, to be lebitb, together toitij tije Cijavges, b? Diftrefs anb é>aic of tj)C Doobs of tije Dffcitbcr, b? tijc dilate rant of an? one futi) Multile of tijc $cace of futlj Count?, 02 of an? one futi) Cozn= utiiTtoncr. 35. 2lnb fcoljeveas great ^Jnconbcnicncc iw, i„. i)as arifen, anb tije public ijabe becnZTS" mutij enbangtreb b? dilatev from courfes 02 Drains IjatiiHff been turntb k-jT"’1 upon #arts of tijc faib Iftoab, from tiàljcnce tijere ijabe not been fufltrient idaifages to i2 E tarr?IQ3© Anno Regni tricefimo quinto c h a p. canp off Cuci) Cdater; De it furtljer Œn* XLU1- actcD, Xljat anp perfon tofjo Qjall turn Ferions turn- ttpott oz malte a Cdap foz anp futi) {Mater Sd “"“"to go upon anp part of tlje faiD ÌSoaD, et Qjall turn anp fuel) ¿Mater into tlje Xrencljcs Dp tlje â>iDe of anp part of tlje fatD ÌitoaD, töitljout futi) perfon oz fome otfjer perfon ozperfons Ijabing firlt maDc a fufltdcnt Drain oz Drains to carrp off fuel) ¡Mater, fo tïjat fucp {Mater Qjall not or¡njurJne a injure anp part of faio ÌftoaD, oz Qjall ÌJX°r puff out, rctuobe, oz injure anp part of t^e JFounDation, oz anp otljer part of anp »riDgc oz à>etoer, oz anp Citali oz jfente to anp Mluarrp, pit, ^ole, $Uber, oz „rMikiw actaterifourie, oz injure anp £0Ue=ftone or Dirrab» Q; Dircttion-poft, oz Qjall builD anp l^oufe -“d'41;»r'.oz part of a ijoufe ttntljui _foztp=ftbc 5fcet Fret of Df titc Centre of anp part of tlje faiD rZ',° ìSoaD, oz Qjall builD anp Celali or malte kSL anp Ditti) toitljin Xljietp=fibe jfeet of dje Centre of anp part of tlje faiD 3SoaD, oz fljall builD anp actinD^ili bntljin Due M iwï'i.i,, ìjunDreD garös of anp part of tije faiD îSX“rds of 3&oaD, oz Qjall remobe anp of tlje ö0atcriais Materiata, ibljirlj Qjall Ijabc becn ufeD foz ftlling anp ■ or detìroy Sto# « a«P part of anp Ditti), oz Qjall Banks„„ fide oelirop oz tabe Dobm anp part of tlje ‘ ’.»acbs oz »anlts txiljitlj are oz Qjall be raifcD bettoecn anp part of tlje faiD 3RoaD. ano tlje Drains oz Xrcncijes on tlje à>ioe ..or make a of tlje faiD XoaD, oz Qjall malte oz Uabe itfiZo. an? oz paffagc front tlje faiD 3&oaD ing, wirhout into tlje XanDS aDjoining, bntljoutnladng ean-yoVy*a- a ©uttcr oz 3lrdj unDerneatj) fucij {Map "r’ OZ paffage, as Deep as t&e Drain oz Dittlj ober toljitj) it is oz Qjall be mabe, ano of ®reaDt^Georgi i Ter rii Regi s. 1031 ©rcabtlj aita ijeigljt ritirici cut io allob) allc » * tftUatcr toljiclj map at anp Dime be therein full &ocm to pafs, ot fidali burn ot per*".»»" >*,* mit oj fuffer to be bttrneb on Ijis ot Ijer Lime, Weeis, ilanbs, ©riebs, Scinte, et iSlecbs ot t&ege* tablesémbftance fot Afljes, tuitfjtn cne£"7of Jijunbreb jfect of tlje Centre of tljc faib lloab, eberp fuel) per fon fljall fot eberp fueh Offender fuel) £>£fcncc, upon Conbittion tljercof, bp tfje Confeflton of tlje partp, ot bp tlje Dati) ot Affirmation of one credible 2fliit= itefs bcfoje anp ^lufricc of tfjc peace or Commiffioner, acting uttber tlje AutIjo= ritp of tins An, ot upon tlje Allieto of fuel) 3lufticc, fotfeit tlje £>ttm of jfibe pouitbS; anb if anp perfen fljall Keep ot Perfon keq> fiabe in Ijis 0? Jjcr poiTeffioit anp Cttr=bog, ipattiff, ot ©ulribog at anp Ijoufe toitljtn l"Xoi Jfiftp garbs of t|jc faib Boab, toitljDut a to lock of uCIoob of Jribe poitnbs Sllcigljt “»*»' ,, at tlje leali faileneb to tlje j|5ctfc of eberp »-VS/;'s fuclj Dog, ot fljall toinnotu ot lap out for ,™„„ tbinnotoing anp Com osi tlje faib lloab,Co"’-ot fcoitljin Jfiftp ireetof tlje Centre tljcrcof, ot fljall lap anp Strato, Dung, ot JRub: bili) on tlje faib Saab, ot fljall ferape tlje “i,““,1, faib IXoab, ot fljall fcour or big anp pit, Ditti), ot Drain, ot fljall lap anp Xtirf'/'¿our on tlje faib 3Xosb, ot fljall leabc on anp part of tlje fame, bettoecn Cnclofurc anb ¿r Cnclofurc, ot permit to be left tljereon or permit cppofite ot near to Ijis or ijcr rioufe anp SÉ“ Carriage toljatfoeber, or anp piouglj or Kmó-^arroto toitljout tlje fjorfc or Itjorfcs, or otljcr ©eatt or ©calls being Ijarncifcb tljereto, unlcfs fuel) Carriages as being unlefs acci-attuali? trabelling anb fjabing perfons in i!'r“U'I„„. j 2 E 2 tljcm,1032, Anno Regni triccfimo quinto e h A p. or fluggagc tljc propcrtp of paf* xtm fnigcrs, filali ftop to rljange Cortes, an3 tubici) fi) a 11 not continue mote tljan ait J)our, or futi) Carriage as fljall iiaue been accibeittallp brokcn colon tijere, anb can* <.riha.ipi.nt noi be remobeb tuitbout JRcpatr, or fljail Sc fet or plani anp jfofelt Xrce, or thè à>eeO of anp futi) Xrce, tu itimi jrifrp jfcec of , Hrak,w„ «)c/entre of anp Bart cf luci) moafi, oc ! 1,11 pati, o, tpall break beton or injnre anp Jroot-patl), ' : con’ or ribe, leab, orcribc anp ijorfe or otijer Beali oit anp }Mrt of anp Jfoot-patb, or injure anp l?orfc=bIocfe, or anp otl)er Xìjing toljiclj li)all bc anace, ercctcC, or put upou anp part of t|je fate IRoaC, for tl)e Ulte of il)e faic Koab, or for thè Con* MrP,rad benicitcc of Xrabcllcrs, or if anp perfori cmw’S tyail fp«ab out anp IUnen, Blankets ^o=ìw or eUlinnotu-Clotb tenibili £>ne funeree «7' , iFect of tlje Centre of tlje faic BoaD, or n,ror,ry foall beat or brp anp ¿Flap, or leabe anp Xianber, £»tones, -Siane, Clap, %\mt, oi Road, ' v ^ “ ““ rxcept for ufe otijcr ipattcr on tï)c faiD ISoaD, ejcccpt foj Ôh“ S °f faic Boab, or fljaïi leabe Carcaie with- o) permit to bc left tïje Carcafe of rgJ'lt$orfe et otijer Béait, oc fljall skin Road> famé, oe permit anp tlje it to be skitmee on the faib XoaC, or tmtljin iiDne l?uncree Parcs of the Centre thereof, cjccept in a ijoufe or drive Cars or garD eiiclofcb tenth Cilails, or fljaU leab or Dribe anp Car or Carriage tenth Xianber, BoarDs. or 11-011 laic arrofs, fo as that either CnD thereof {ball protect beponc the cffilhcels or ^¿ces of the Car* xiage, ot on tofncb fljall be laib anp Beams o) pieces of Ximbcr, 01 plank oi pieces of Blank abobe the Xength of Xinfteen Sfcct, with Timber or Iron profiting bs- Xintber, yoiul Wheels, &C.Georgii Tertii Regis. í033 irccf, epccpt on eattíages tüiílj jfour c „ A P. piiycels, o: CEarts oí tlyt comrnon Cavs, XLIír* lo pínccD togcíljcr tíjat tlje ®eams ox pitees n; l&laníts íl}all be íaib ítengtíj&ars JíCE"; lb«H firag anp Ximbcr o; |0u!=á>tones aíong anp parí of faíb iloaD totííjout beíng üippoítrb bp ÍHHhccls Í,JC íame> «* fljalt crecí anp orcrcas,„. á>¡gn--poít oí anp epar polc oí í¡©ap=buíi!r::í'■7 on anp parí of tlje faíb Koab, o fljallpok’ píate oí crea anp Xurf-ftacft on anp pare «»¡f SLffiífÜ®0^ Í6üU®Crf0n f0 üffC¡ií)li'5 «~r Ofc.. u)aít fo, ebeep fucl) áDffentc fojfc¡t a á>iun d"forfc't not ercccbíng fíje émn of Xtoentp Iings, upo» Conbírtion bcfoic anp 9Juftícc of tlje pcace oz ttominífiioncr, a teína íñ mirtueof anbunber tljísSlcc, bp tíje of onc crebíble CZIíítncfs, or tipon tbe 311 teto of fticíj 3itiftícc or Coimnífiioncr; toíjitíj peitaltíes ano jforfeítures flzaíí be íebteD, tf not pazo t¡pon <£onbíefien, bp Xiífrcfs aníllale of ríjcCoobs anb Cíjat= tcls of tíje £>ffenbcr, bp fflHarrant ttnDcr ílje ií)anD ana á>cní of fuclj gjuftíce or CommiíDoner, rcntrning fije £>berpins ííjcreof, íf anp, to rije £> tañer. 36. 3ínD be ít f'.irtíjcr ©natteb bp tbc 3utijorítp aforcfaiD, Xlzat al! Xurf,,„R, 2Dirt, .Stratu, Ktibbífi), Otones, ©rabel, á>an&, or ¿Unir, tofjícíj fyall be SSSaS-laib on rljc faíb Boab, Ojall be, anb is ” perebp becíarcb ro be CorfctrcD fo fíje faíb ©ommíüioncrs of tíje faíb JJoab, anb to be tftcir fole properrp, anb fl;aíl be folb bp tbCHi, or anp of rljctn, for fíje tSJfc of tljt faíb Hoab, or oríierluife bifpofeb oí» **<■„.* All Turf, Dmifr, Straw, or Ruhbifh Roac!, 12 F bv if asthey íL'iL »Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Commifli-oners, &c. may pull down, (ill up, or level Wall» Drain or Ditch, built within ' 30 Feet Centre of Road, t°34 Chap, bp tl)ClU US tí)CV OK 8«V Of tljCtn fl)nJ tijinlt fit. ofjjjj be it further C-nacteb to the 3liiti)oritp aforefaib, Xijat it fijall anb mai W latti fu l fot the faib Commiffionetfc c, rufb igterfon or Actions as (bad be ai‘thoví5CD bp them, ft anp Jftoc of them, to pull fioton or fill,up, anb lebel anp 2Bali, ©rain, or ©itch toljtth ^ built ór «tabe, or be begun to be but It or mabe after the pairing of this ^tt, upon anp part of the faib 3Icab, toithw ©ihrtp feet of the Centre of the iaib ííoab anb cut boton ot remobe anp jfoicft ?m tohich Sjall be fet or plantes after the paffi4igof this 31«, toith»« jreet of tlte Centre of anp Dart of the fato 3Soab anb to cut boton, lop, or top Branches noto grotoing or Ranbmg. or mihch map hereafter grot» ot flanb abjom= 2 to anp ¿art of the faib moab, or on tre Debgcs, oz in the »anbs thereof, tohit;J arc or foall be more than ifibe jfeet abobe the fLcuel of the Boab, or nearer than 4ortP'-fibe .feet to tlje Centre thereof, anb to tabe anb carrp atoap the fame, the ©toners oz ©ccupicrs neglecting to cut boton futh »ranches foz Xtoelbc ©aps after Notice in CKIIritíng giben foz that ¿urpofc, unber the ifninb of anp Vagito trate oz Commifitimer, anb to tabe up anp ¿¡jap oz paffage from the faib 2&oab into anp ificis 0? Hans abjoining, toyirh map cbflrurt the free palfagc of SUUster, anb to remabe the fame bp buztbing a Gutter «-NrtiMPv m Olvrh Hipvpín. at a ÍUÍTtUCnt nr cut down 'Free planted alter paflii.t: of A£t within 50 Feet of Centre of Road, and cut down Branches 5 Feet above the Level of Road, or nearer than 4.5 Feet to the Centre, if Owner neglect to do fo for 1 z Days after Notice,Georgii Tertii Regis. 1035 Dcptlj, ani) io fcouc ano clear atoap all c b a p. £>b!truetions toijicl) map happen to be JSijiiL made in anp Drain fot carrping atoap and to fcour iHUater from tlje faid 3Road, 02 for prebend “1 obS' ing its injuring tljc fame, ano to pull "T.'o pui, doton ano remebe anp £>igtupoft toijid) fljall be ercetcD contrarp to tfjis 3lit, Itrfl «*<. obtaining a ©Warrant under tije UanB ano S>cal of anp SiEiagiflratc, or anp of tije Commifltoners for fo Doing, anO to letop m tlje Crpcncc thereof bp Difircfs ano à>ale £xc“e br of the ©oods of tlje ¿Difender, or of tlje Stoner 02 Dctupier of tlje Hand tsjfjcvc^ in fuel) 2KKap, paffage, ot 2D rain, 02 Bufljes or »ranches fljall be, rendering tlje £>bcrp!us, if anp, to tlje £>toner on Demand. 38. 2lnd be it further ©natted bp tljc Commifli-Slutljotitp afetefaid, Xhat it fljall and Z'nTwf map be latoful fot faid Commifltoners, oj zltZSk, fuel) perfott 0: perfotts as tflep 02 anp >-Ac|. iride of tljem fljall antljojije and appoint, to pull Doton 02 taufc to be pulled Beton, anp Ijonfc 02 part of a ijcnfe, 02 Hime* Bill), tofjich fljall be built contrarp to tljis 3Ut, tijat tlje Cjtpences of fo doing fljall be ledicd off tlje ©00BS and Chattels of tlje perfen ‘ Id catifed tlje fame to be erected; and tijat it fljall and map be and any Per* latoful fot anp perfon to bill anp Dog £5*«» toljielj fljall be kept contrarp to tljis 3«t, -»y» toitljout being fuco oj profetuted fot fo.....' doing. 39. 3lnd tohcrcas Atones, »ricks, and Diing, o? Manure, frequent!? fail on tlje 1 2F 2 faid1036 Anno Regn i t ricefirn o quinto c h a t.faja aaoaD front c Cars on ¡»ftitij tijCR ave laßen, anß ave left remaining tljereon, to tije great ^liuonßentence of ©erfotts ifCar*car trabeUing tije faiß 3íloaD, be it tljertíote Äs‘iC Cnattcß, Xijat eberp Car tijat fSjall carrp Ax'bc J"1" ajtjj Otones, ©ricits, SDung, ot ¿Banttre on t{)c faiß ijoaß, fljaü be boarßeö ou rfjc .front, Snßes anß ©aelt tljercof, toitij ©oarßs cigijt ‘Jneijes ijigij at tfje icaff, anß tijat fot eberp Car fo laßen toJnci) fljalf Gate keeper not bc boavßeß in ¿Banner afotefaiß, it additiona f fljall anß map bc iatofttlfot tije<5ate;fcccj/er ,s at ctocr? öatc 011 tfk faiö 3£toaß, to ßemanß attß tabe, ober anß abobe tíje otljer Xoüs ijcrcbp appotnteß, tíje á>ism of ¿Pne á>i)ii= ling fot eberp íttcíj Car eberp Xttne tt il’aii pafs tltrongij anp of tije faiö Cates, itt lifte ¿Banner, anß toitij tlje fame 3Setne= ßies, ttpott ftefufai, as in Cafe of anp otijer Xollunßer tijis3lct papable at anp Xurit= pilte=Cate on tije faiß ftoaß; anß tije ¿Pünter ot ¿Dlwncrs of eberp Car icaßen as afotefaiß, toititout bring boarßeß as afotefaiß, fljall fot eberp fuclj Car fotfeit tije ámtn of Xen á>ijüiings, ttpott Con= bittion on tije ¿Patíj of onc ereßibie a2iit= ttefs, befóte anp falliré of tije $eacc toitljin ijis 3Jurifßitiion, ot anp Comnnflt-oncr atting bp tlirtue of anß ttnßer tljis 31tt, tbijiclj ámm ífiali bc icbicß in tbc ¿Banner befóte ßiretteß. Driveréoí 4°. am be it furtlscr Cnatfeß, Xijat if an? ®r,toer 01 in Care of anp Car, ¡myoneto Cart, 3>rap, ot (Iftfaggon, fabe enip fttelj as are rcfpectíbcíp Brattin bp £>nc fjotfe onip, ot bp Xtbo f)otfes a=breait, mit?) IBrißlesGeorgii Tertii Regis. * c.3, ©ribìc&in tljcu- £0outijs, ano coiibutieb c^y-oz briben by Come perfoti IjolDing tljc C-J--C Heins of futi) ©rible, fljail ribc upon tfje fame, oz any ©art of tljc faib ftoab, not ijabing fonie otljcr pecfon on jfoot, oz on ipozfcbark, to guibe tlje fame; oz if t|)e' 3>riber oz Necton in Cave of any Carriage fljali by Negligence oz toilful ‘ipisbcija-biour Ijinber, obflruct, oz interrupt tlje paffage of any otijer Carriage, oz any of teis fipafcfty’s ¡Subjects on tijc faib Saab ; oz if tljc HJribcr oz perfon in Care of any z^U"! empty oz unloabcb Car, Cart, oz otljcr Carriage, fljali refufe oz neglect to turn aftbe, anb malie tUHay foz any Coacl), Ci)a= riot, Cljaifc, loabcb 22Jaggon, Cart, Car, ©ray, oz otijer loabeb Carriage, ebery fuel) perfon being conbicteb tljerccf by l)is oton Confeflcon, oz by tijc £>atlj of any pne crebibie QHIitncfs, before any 3luCicc of tljc peace, oz Commiffioner unber tijis 2lct, fjiall foz ebery fuel) Offence, if fuel) £>f= fenber be not tije Stoner of fuclj Carriage, . forfeit tljc Sum of %tn Shillings, anb if fuel) iDffenber Ojall be tf)e Stoner of Carriage, be Ojall forfeit tljc Sum op ■ ^rtoenty anb ebery fuel) £>f- fenber fljail, on Non-payment tijereof, be coinmitteb by ¡HUarcant unber tljc i)anb anb Seal of a ‘Julticc of peace oz Com-miftconer, to tljc <3aol oz iboufc of Correction, of tlje County bollerein fuel) Offence Ojall be cominittcb, tljeve to be Itcpt to barb ¿Labour for any Xime not cjtcecb ing £>ne S0ontlj, oz until tljc faib iruie bc- . paib; anb ebery fuel) pffenbev oz perfou-_• 12 G fon.1038 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto ('ha p. XLIII. Perfons refi (ling or af-■faulting Collector, or Attempting •Refale, i» Care of fuel) Carriage offenDíng in am> , of tpe fnit! Cafes, map, ftp tftc of tins 3ltt, anD tmtljout anp ÍHHarranr be appreljenDeD bp anp $erfon tofto (hall fee fuel) Offence committeb, anti be con- ®f?cí °L*2mmt0 a Confiable 02 other grace Officer, to be conbcpcb befo2e fuel) 0} Commiflfoner of njc iaiD moab* 4>. 3Cno be it further Cnattrtj bp the ^uthontp afotefaib, at in cafe anp pMf°nor i&erfons (hall refift or malte fot' oble £>ppofttion agaínfi anp ferien 02 Ssf0|í ZPlS?.¡5 rf ÜMC of +ftiS-a?H or fijall affault anp Colietfor of geXoíls m the execution of his or their £-ffice or Offices, or (hall malte or attempt to malte anp Be feu c of Cattle, Carmen- or other ©oobs Diftraineb or fcisco ftp -K:ect;„gto ^OHÍtabíC OV ,ufea ^uu confiable lija if refufe or necrint tn ..... ZTf P* «*•“»» 0WM« bfáSV° t re, or bp anp Commiffioner purfuant to ihe Snrettions of this 31 et eberp fnrt» iv«- fon offering therein, S beSS&n thereof, before anp of rbf ?tvfnrmii5“nc,r>bf iji5 «■ 6« fffiL”81*» ®aiJ’ fov tnerp fuel) iDffcnce *¡M«.le“ ^onnbs, nor lefs than Jrórtp nt.Uje accretion of fnch Sirior ¡K2?' mifltonctvano in Cafe ¿cíame fia»Sit mmtoner is hetebp cmpotpcrcb ano re= quirrb,Georgi Tertii Reo;is. i°39 O o guivcb, on Conbntion before him. to tom* ^ TAn''-mit fuel) ¿Pffenber to tl)c tornine« ©aol oi $oufe of Correction of the Count? Wherein the tDffente (hall be committeb, there »•£££.. remain for an? Xitiic not erteebing Xuvee ¿Months, unlefs t|je faiD forfeiture than be fooitcr paio. 42. 3inD be it further Cnacteb b? the Sluthorit? aforefaib, Xl)at all fines, pe= nalties anD forfeitures, impofeb for an? £>ffcntc committed againfr tljis Sis, tpe ¿©anner of lcb?ing anb applping Which is not herein particular!? biretteb; thall anb ma? be lebicb b? XiRrcfs anb â»alc or toe ipffenbers ©cobs, b? Warrant unber toe Daub anb £cal of tlje Commiffioner or Hufticc before toïjom tlje iDifenbcr fixait be conbittcb, b? tlje ¿Pati) of ¿Pne tremble ÎKIÏitnefs, or Ijis orlpcr olxm Confeluan ; anb in cafe of flowpapment thereof, or ot an? fine or Renaît? roljith filali be un-pofeb b? the äutljorit? of tljis i&tt,thc ¿Difender fljall be committeb b? an? 3uf= ticc of the iPeacc of tlje Count? Wherein the ¿Pffcntc Ojall habe been committed,or an? Commiißoner acting unber tins% it, b? {KHarrant unber |)is i>?anb anb £>cai, to tlte common ©aoi or l^oufc of correct tion of the Count? Where the ¿Pftcnrc uja.l be committeb, there to remain Without ©ail or i0ainpri5e, for an? Ximc not erceebing Xhtee ¿ßonthS, or until the faib line, ifovfeiture, or Renaît? be paib ; anb cher? fnch fine, .forfeiture or iPc-nalt?, When paid, fljall be applieb bp fuel) 12 G 2 • 3HifUCC All Fines,&c. under this Art not i/therwit; Ik tore directed. (hall l>" levicil by Ihf-trefs and Sa c, nr Offender commi tic il to Ijaiil for 3 Monihr, and Fine when paid to he applied ns Jull'.ce or rmno i\egni triceiimö quinto lg jS%ÄÄÄTiji- hall i- tuitiiior, anö the dLotìifnìiipc: #*»♦ *4-*_ r ur - ^ ^ jnuormer ov Battiez r*«» «,Ä: ?’*'"% *nD *& ^"{fables of other ¿¿ KS íf r^ S'^V01' p?ltl? ,n one ano pam» •«. » («tí 3«nicc nfS Ere miflißiicrs Own frem proper ' €om‘ Commifìì-oners and Jufh’ces a>e rmpowei edto fidminiftcr Oaths in exe cutionof Añ, aad Perfons fweannefalfe. )y deemed guilty of i’e. - j-iry : aitò? 6p «, miffioner or *«»¿7 nflf *£crP £°m Ijabe Sotuer MtWn wí ^me’ ü)a! aûmimfler all ¡ &%n Wires or SucttrD ov ave IjevebP ve- *** for thc^^^» nwf= anp tóerfon malí J*» tpls ans it Ma® or 5fl£SífSÍe or/«Wcribe anp potaerrs to be tafcerfbr öcöJ31 em* purfuance of tbfe 7f/t L ^ ri?c °^> or in of carrying thislätt ¿i?r/°ifijc &«vpoCes (ball tftereintoÄfi ?«®Wution, «ns falfelp, eberp fiicfj fâcrfanlhfm or fö,ear PI£t»o», fuffer tlje îâaing^»t ionŒon= enagrü again!! ¿erfonî? aiîîî, a»i> corrupt Jöcr/urp of MlfiiI <•> b/l'k™,1' 44» 'í11 Û be it further ern ,'t^r 2uf&oritp aforcfaS bp 1 Äc anp £)ath is rS L’ " atütcfaiö - ü ü” i firtc-M tohere anp ¿wj, t> ,,PÎ ^ 111 all Ca: fcortp, iC Je or (|ic 6r ?5™,atlm of f ^-««ÂVÿîsyÿ« Difln fs *aken not un lawful for '"■'aut of Form Georgii TertSi Regis. 1041 trefs fljail be mabe for anp Sum 02 Sums cu,. at ilDonep to be Irbies bp Virtue of this xliii. 2!ci, t|jc 3Diihtfs itfelf fljall net be beem* L i-.Tr* cö mtlatofui, nor the fDaetp or fMrttes “fir7 malting tije fame be beemeb a Xrefpaffcr or Xrcfpaff&s on Recount of anp ¿Default or toant of jForni in anp ^.rocccbtngs re« fating thereto, nor fhall the |3artp or $ar= ties btffratnmg, be beemeb a Xrcfpaffer or Xrcfpalfcrs, ab initio, on iJSreount of anp Jrrcguiaritp tbljirtj fijali be aftcr= marbs Done bp tlje l^artp or parties DiG training, but tfjc $erfon or #crfons ag= gricbcD bp fuel) ‘Jlrreguiaritp map rerober full Satisfaction for tfje fpccial damage in an iäetion on tlje Cafe, 46. 3lnb be it further Gnatteb, Xhat all > ,i.cP„ anb eberp #art of tlje prefent nine of faiD JJoab, anb of anp nctu nine of Koab to to be fubject be mabe purfuant to tlje joiners anb in this and no Virtue of tljis %a, (hall be toitijin anb h‘rAd' fubjett to the föototrs of this 3i£t, anb of no other jLato tohatfoeber. 47. 3tnb be it further Citacteb, Xhat The Com-the faib Commiflioncrs, anb cacljanbcberp ,t®o £)berfeer toho Ojail be appointeb bp tlje faib Commiflioncrs, (hail, in refpert to the *^,inw faib Hoab, habe the liltc $otaer anb 2lti= thorities as anp of the ¿Dberfccrs appoint 1"»“' eb tmber anp of tlje Xatus notu in jforee, or tohich map be hereafter mabe for the amenbing, repairing, or malting the $ub= lie Jioabs, notu habe, or are, or Ojail be entitleb unto,•104^ Anno Regni tricefimo quinto c h a r. 48. 3JnD toljcrcas XljiceDutiarca 2>ti xliu. ^entures of jriftp pouitas caci), amount* Recites 300 iner iit tl)c Oillljolc io tljc à>um of Jfiftcen formtrly ifTu- Xl)oufaita pottnas Sterlina, bcaring tereft at tljc Bate of jfibe pouitas Xen c>i,.‘ imC- ^ijjiungs áuctling bp tl>e Dunarei) bp tl)c £>cai'> fatte iffueb fo long Once as tlje f£>car üT>nc tljoufanB febea lumBrea ana tíjirt^tbrce, upon tlje Crcait of tl;e Xolls and fame filli offe ¿a BoaB, ana fìlli Rana cut impala, paid, at d an ana an fricar of fitteteli is bue tfjereon: tereft due 10 3lna toltcrcas tljc iftma arifing front .he,eo„, faia Xolls Is noia, ana for fonte Xime and that Tolls pali, Ijatlj bceit fotuta infufltclent to an* ”tfor“d!f!‘ ftoer for aifcRarglng tlje faia ùnteteli, t'X*1"' ano for tl)e repairlng ano heeping in Be= eudi’eqdug Pa'f tljc ilOijolc of tljc faia BoaB, atta R«ai„,K. for otljcr necdfatp anB contittgent pntres In tljc Cjrccution of tlje fata former and Road is 3itts; aita tljc fata BoaB ts nota in manp ruieous State( parts in a ruinous ana alntofì itttpaffable é>tate, anB toill regni re a berp large àmm and w 11 re• of tponep to Ue crpcnBcD tijercoit, in toiBi Snmt<>tvideu cnuig ana putttng tljc fame tnto conti píete Bcpair: 2inD toljcrcas tljc àucttritp on toljiclj fíje fato ànttn of jfiftcen Xìjouì ieC„ se- fanb peanas áueríing toas ient, toouía vh i .iK eppire tottij tlje Xermmattcn of tpe fata ié,',“ÙSif fcberal recitca 5tcts of parliament, bp tonici) tljc Creaitors Ijolaing faia 2>cbcn= anj.hun i, tl!tes tt>oulD ceafc to ìjabe anp Xicnon tljc Kt,«fo»t¡- Xolls of faia BoaB, ana aitljougl) it tuie fame, fo fv,. . 7 , „ ^ , far as confi il- ts tu atta peoper to continue tìici) á>ccurítp State of Road; for tljcir Benefit, fo far as is confittene SSh. t5>c ni alti ng ana tompletittg tlje Bc= imereli'te* Pairs fai® Boaa, pet tljc fame cani duced, notGeorgií Tertii Regis, ,04~ not be cffectrb toítíjout «During the fnsc „ A P. «rcft Ijerctoforc papable oh tlje fa'íb de; XJ in b entures, Jo as tijat tlje Entorne ariüttg fiomtíje Xoíls of fa i a Hoab, map in fu" tttrc be abequate as ludí to Díftljarge tlje jíHíct'cíl of fait) debt, as to befrap the nc* ccuarp Gppcures of tbibcuiitg anD repa 1 r-mtl)C íaíb Hoab, anD of carrping into execution foe tljc public Benefit, the ^urpofes of tijis 3ttt; be it therefore eiu attcb bp tlje iJlutljoritp aforefaib, Xhatr <, „ from anb after tfjc ánpteentí) dap of ra- f»"’®'* nuary, lufiicfi tuas in tlje gear of cur %oiü -£>ttc tljoufanb febeu Ijunbrcb attb ninctp=P^iI' tDrce, no further or otljcr ^nretell tljatt !Kt, at tljc mate of jífouv ^cuntís bp t!)c J)uu-faveaslur -Dtcb, bp tljc gear, from tijat dap, fljall be paib or papable upon anp gart of tljc fatb debt of Jriftecn Xhoufanb ?0otttiDs, fectircD bp tljc debentures Itrretoforc if* fttcb, fabe on Ip on fuel) of tljcm as Ijercin after particularlp mentiotteb; anD if from -nff™ t^at dap to tlje pairing of tijis 3lct, anp liigher Rate tltc fameot lKmñ has beeu paid ijtgitcr Hate of gintcreft from dap upon anp of tljc fatb debentures, fabe fuel) as hereinafter particularlp mcn= tioneb, fljall be paib, tijat tljc Gpccfs of fuel) ^apment, ober anD abobc tlje faiD Hate of jfonr $OUttb5 per Centum per Annum, fljall, out of tljc nept 0apmcttt ofr™"°!’« gintereft of tlje fame debentures, be 0c= bucteb anb retaineb for tljc gurpofes of"”"1'"“' tijis 3lcr, fo tijat all #erfons cntitleb to r<.„anc«. the faib debentures, fljall tit refpett to l;,,7,'K 11 gintereft from tijat dap, be placeb upon fer li.tercit C an equal ^footing, epeept as herein after epcepteb. 12 H 2 49. 0ro=1044 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto ca 40. ©rotoibcb altaaps ntbcrtljelcfs, Xijat xi.ui. j,t ns mucfi as tljc following S>eljcn= tores, uoDicD ftmtofote amongfl others theii.iiowmg m iffucD in flirtuc of tl)c ftiiD cciotc Nu”b"i’ vccitcD acts of parliament, anb bearing tbc foiioming lumbers, tljat is to tap, dumber XI)irtp5fcbcn, ^timber Xl)ir= tp,cigl)t, dumber Xi)irtp=nine, dumber fortp, dumber Xtoo #unbreb aub §>e* toeittp=cigl)t, dumber Xtoo l^unbreb aub ^cbentpitunc, dumber Xtoo i)unbrcb anb ffiigbtp, dumber Xiao l?unbreb anb eigl)tpsone, dumber Xtoo i}unbreb anb iEigl}tp=ttoo, i-Himbcr Xtoo ij^unbreb anb CEigljtpitljrce, dumber Xtoo j^unbreb anb C-igl)tp=fonr, timber Xtoo ii?unbreb anb iEtgl)tp;ftbe, dumber Xtoo l^unbrcb anb $igl)tp=ftjr, dumber Xtoo I^unbrcb anb eigl)tp=fctoen, dumber Xtoo i^unbrebanb CEigI)tp=eigl)t, ^timber Xtoo i^unbreb anb unbrebanbi5ine= ip^rtoo, jpttmber Xtoo l)unbreb anb 0int* tp=tijrte,il5umberXtoDl)unbrcbanbi5tnes tp=four, dumber Xtoo punbreb anb 0inc* tpsnine, anb jl-htmbtr Xljree #tmbreb, icsoi.«*. earl) for t|)e principal £>um cf jriftp i&ounbs Sterling, being Xtoentp^t&ree ions”:“'’3 in ^timber, amounting in tlje (HKijole to tl)e S>um of j£Dnc Xljonfanb £Dne ijunbreb bearing anb jfiftp i&onttbs, anb bearing ^ntereft V^Zuor at t!)e Xate cf Jftbc ^otinbS Xen £>J)ti= ml'coL^ipace of %\no fuccefübe ipontbs, anb to be lignes bp tïje î&egiftcr of tïjc faib CommiiKoners, to cali uponeacij ans eberp of tbe ¿olbers of tbe fais SDebentuves ijerc* tofore iffueb for tije 2©.boic of tije faib &>um of ififteen iLïjouianb pounbs, fabc onlp anb crcept fucb of tbem as berem be* fore particularïp enumerateb, to tije ^mount of £>ne ICboufanb Due i^im-breb anb ififtp pounbs, ans mentioneb to babe been inbefîeb in %vuïï for Charmes as aforefaib, ans to reguire eacïj i^oïber of tbe fais ©ebetuures, fa'oe as afotefaib, to J 12 1 Commif-fioncrs by Notice pub-lilhed in Dublin Newfpa- 1 pers lhall call on Holders of i i Debentures, fave thole as before ex- cepted and enumerated, r i to bring in and depofue with Regilter, on or before l6ih | Feb 1796» ;ii the old De- il bentures, ^ s 1 11046 Chap XL1II. and out of Tolls (hall iccdvc all Jnterell dtie j6 Jan. 1793, « 5i Pfr Cent, per Annum, and thence at 4I. per Cent and in lieu of Debentures which are to be lacerated, Holders to receive new ‘ Debentures bearing only 4 per Cent. Iniercft from i(> Jan. 1796, If not Money fulficient in Hand to pay oft Arrear of Interdi, CommiHi-oners may ¡f-fuc Warrant direéling Treafurer to pay Arrear 0/ interdi to Anno Regni tricciimo quinto bring in ai:D bepoftte toitl) tljc 3&egiiier of the faiD ISoaD, catl) anD eberp of the faib Debentures, fabc as aforefaib, on or be= fore rlje Snytccntb Dap of February, tobici) mill be in tljc gear of our JLorb, Dnc tbotifanb feben ijunbrcb anb mnetp^fyc, tufjen carlj anb eberp ijoiber of tlje faiD Debentures (ball be cntitlcb anb accord ingip be paib out of fuel) jfmib as Qjall arifc from tljc probnee of tljc faiD Xclls, ail Jlntcrea Due on faib Debentures re= fpcttihclp, to anb for the Suncenrlj Dap Of January, £>11C tljCUfaiiD feUCn ljUtlDl CD anb ninerp tijrcc, at iijc Bate of iSounbs Xcn ^billings bp t|jc Ijunbrcb, bp tljc gear, anb thence at tlje &atc of J-our pounbs bp tl)c Ijunbrcb, bp the gear, to anb for tije £>ij;tceiub Dap of January, Due tljoufanb feben IjunbrcD anb mnetp-ub, fubjett to Dcbuttion for Cfrccfs of |Japmcitt of JintercR as aforefaib, anb in flieu of, or erchangc of faib original Debentures toljiclj (ball be tljeu laccrateb or canccllcb, that the faib Dinners thereof fljall vecctbc other Debentures to be iffucb in £)3flnncv ns !)ci*cui After tniectcD, fovftz curing a lihc ^>ttm, bearing 31ntcrcR at JX* a^ of *9ur ^unijs bp tljc i?unbreb, »P toe gear, from tlje Sup teen tlj Dap of ¿lwyV^)nc t,)0tlfa!|b feben huitbrcb anb nXm'1; aiIiJJ.u €afc tiJd'e fljall not be rX ^3D!ICP.Efficient in the ijanbs of tlje i im rnIU,Uii'^Vcl's’ cr oi tiicir Xrca= \ll¡9ofx inti) 3trrcar of gjntcreil the faib^ fS,a t°reia‘a’ f0 6»e «P°n the faib fcbcral original Debentures, to anb Georgii Tertii Régis* 1047 nitîï fût* tl)0 ffllî) âijctcmtlj of January^ Chap. ^nc tî)oufanD fcDcn ïîunDrcfc nnû ninetp^ JHÜL W, tïjat tïjeu it (Ijali be lafcofui for tïje faiD old Deben- Commiflïoncrs, or a ni' ifibe of rïjcm, at -'X'X a ®oarb to be for that Surpaie ftelD, topercof jfêoticc (hail be giben in «Banner as herein menrionee tnith refpest to com bening ipcctings of tfic fais €onu!ufffon= ers, to iffue ait drber or 223arrant to their dreafurev, Directing him to pan to each anb cberp of tlje Reisers of tbc faib debentures, fucij linear of 3'ntcreft as fljaïi appear to be rcaiip anb bona fide but, to anb for tljC âUftecnil) dap Of January, dne tljoiifanb feben ijutibreb anb ninctp= ûp aforefaib, on eadj of them rcfpcctibclp, at the rcfpcatbc Bates aforefaib, bn equal (Sales anb proportions, until tïje CKKJjoIe thereof fljall be bifcîjargeû out of futh âmms as fljail in Uirtue of his dffite fir ft come to, or be in ijis i^anbs : probife p«a«a eb nebertheiefs, Xïjat tïj pamnent fo to EœX be inabe bp tïje fair Xrcaturcr, on Zc= count of tïjefaib Sircar, ftjail be mabe tori ft be paid . equal diftribution, fo as that eat!) anb muutiur. eberp Œrebitor or i^olber of faib deben* cures f: ectcibe i)is or her ^ntereft to one parr:tuiar dap, toi thou t preference, or f ruaiitp to one mote cyan another. 51. 3tnb be it CEnatfcb bp the 3lttthoritp aforefaib, Xfiat it flmff anb map be iatofn! to anb for tijc faib (Eomimfitoncrs, or attp 5fibe of them, from anb after tJje Jrifrccnth dap Of January, £Pnt thowfaub fCbCtl ijisn'- breb anb r.inetp=fir, to tr.altc out Warrants or debentures, to bear date tijc 1212 &itteenth Crjnmif-fioners after Ja‘ • 179^. m.'V iflue Debentures, diu tied 10 Tn ; furer, requiring him t-; : y ' Hoi- d thd £TCVf- 1 g irtcrrft uc 4!. jrr Cent.1048 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto G H A V. XL1II. per Annum, till Principal paid off in one Sum. Debentures not chargeable with Stamp Duty no Warrant or Debenture to if Cue for more than 5c!. &>ittccntb Dap of the fame Sconti), anb to be figneb bp them, anb counterfigneb bv tljeir iKcgifter, anb toljitl) faib ©liar* rants nr Debentures (ball be biretteb to tjje Xrcafurcr of tlje IColls of faib 3ffoab, tbcrebp requiring l)im to pap thereout to the perfon or perfpns nameb in futi) OflJarrant or Debentures, their «Ejccutojs, mbminiflrators or Stfft'gns, the groining gintcrcft of tfje Sum of €0onep mention* cb in futi) Warrant or Debenture, at the aaate of jfour pounbs bp tlje ijunbreb, bp the gear, from the Date of eat!) Deben* ture, as tlje fame fljall from Ximc to %\mt betome bue, until inch Xirne as the principal Sum mentioneb in futlj amar* rant or Debenture tball be paib off anb bif* tbargeb at one entire papmenc; fuel) aiiarrants anb Debentures not to be tljargeb or chargeable miti) anp £>tamp or other Duties, bp 2ltt of parliament impofeb on anp Deebs, amritings, ot other Securities for ilDonep ; probibeb that no amarrai)t or Debenture to be iffueb to the faib Xreafurcr bp HHirttte of this 3lct, fbalf be for anp greater Sum than jfiftp pounbs Sterling. Perfons to 2lub be it further Cnattcb hp the “Slid" 3tuti)flvitp aforefaib, Xljat all anb eberp transfer I:: Z perfon anb perfons, to rohom fuch amar* rants or Debentures (ball be giben, his, filler’s Hook, her, or their «Brecutors, i&bminiffrators, is’fc*. or ^UDtgns map, bp «¡Bnborfcment on fuch amarra'nts or Debentures not fubj'ctt or liable to anp Stamp or other Dutp, tranf* fer the Bight anb Benefit of the Sum mentioneb Bi Gcorgii Tertii Regis. 1049 mentioneö in fuel) ©narrants or Dcbcn-titres, ipljicï) Cuborfcntcnts, upon JÎ2otue to tlje îaegifter of tlje faiû Commifitoners, anb Cntrp thereof maße tu a ©ooï» îo De îicpt for tï)at îâurpafe, tuf)icï) tlje fais giftet fi}aü upon îâcgueft ana on payment of £Dnc ânjiiling Britiih-malte accorbingip, auD fljall on îaequeft permit tlje fame to üe bictoeö at reafonable üjouvs ou 0ap= ment of tfte iifte Jfee, fljaïl entitle tlje Sorfee or 2Uïïgncc, ïjis or ïjer et««tors, ^Dminiftrators, or mffigns, to tlje foie benefit ateruing from tlje âmm fo tranG ferreD or afltgncb; anD tfjat tï)c faiDÎHllatî rant or «Debenture map in ïil»e i0anncr be afiigncD or transferreD bp fuel) ^.IRgnec, bis or ïjer Cjtecutors or^föminiftrators, anb fO toties quoties ; cUtÔ aftCrÎUÎÎ) ment, it fl}all not be in tlje Corner of tlje ¿erfon or ferions toljo maße fuel) 2liugn-ment, to malte boiß anö releafe, or Bit* charge fuel) Stflignment, or tlje êntm tljerebp transferreû or aiïtgncb, or anp $art thereof. r,. îôrobiDcô altoaps, Xljat no fmlßer or ¿Dinner of anp Debenture fljall be at fUbertp to call in, or fue for tlje 1&rincis pal âèonep containeö in fuel) Debenture oz ©Warrant, tmtfjout tlje Content of tlje fain Commifitoners, or anp ifibc of tljem, m cafe tlje ^ntereft thereof, at tlje Hate aforefaiö, fljall be paib on DcmanD, one Pcarlp ©ale before anotljer fqali become ¿tie, but tljat in cafe of Default of $ap= ment of fudj ^ntereß in ißanner afore= faib, that tljen it fljall be iatoful for tlje 12 K îSolber Provided no Holder call in his Princi-* pal without Content of Commiluo’i-ers, in cafe Intereft paid one Yearly gale before another due, and in cafe of Default the Holder may proceed, Sec.1050 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto chap. ^>o!Dct* cf each ©Warrant or ¿Debenture, to talie fuel) proceedings for enforcing the payment thereof, as by Xain or in equity he may be intiticD unto, any Xhtng herein before contained to the contrary thereof nottmthflanding. Recites Fropofal of Meffrs. An-derfon and Webb. 54* 31 nd tbhtteafi John Andcrfon, of the City cf Cork, Merchant, and George Webb Of Athlone, in tJjC County Of Weftmeath, Gentleman, proprietors of Coaches con* drying ins ^ajeily’s ipails to and from federal parts of this kingdom, and par* tituiarly front Dublin to Galway by the aferefsid asond, and from Dublin to Mullingar, did propofe to the former Xrufices of the faid Call mentioned a&oad, to con* trait tdith them for effecting and complcat* i»S ti)e total Repairs of tlje faid Bead from Dublin to Mullingar, and to tthden the fame, federe ti)c fame fljould thereafter be found neceffary, toitljin a limited Xime to be agreeb upon; and to cobeitant and centrati to cypcnd on fuch CSIorlt, a à>um et Xcn Xhoufand pounds Sterling and to ftnlt tlje fame for eber, Without re* q taring any Debentures or other é>ccu* nty for the fame, or for the Repayment thereof, and to Ueep the (Hlihole of the faid Soap m effettuai Repair, for the Xcrm ofXhtrty*one gears, from tlje Date of tuct) Contract; ani) aifo, to pay etocr to Vgl5a,& Sniffers or tljcir Xrcafnrcr, the £al«1181 of ®lie Xhoufand £>ne Sterling, from the Date Ì^S5ontroit’ i0 be applied by the faid Xrt.uecs, and under their Drdcrs, in dif* charging H A f. xi.rn. Ilntcreff cn tljè cvU »!!IH S>il3t of fifteen XJjoufanb ¿minis, ani fa? Opinent of üDfficefs Malades ani r»iLt,iî?Cni C^!JCÎΫS, piûl>ir!CD tfjat tl)C S-iiii*lf !^CC£Vc,0,îîd affisa oner tlje bffiole wi f °Ltî)Cfa5^KcaD, iutenbcb to lie ie= lnci bp = tatneb, unto the faib Contraitois, mith all gotners of Icbping tfjc fame, burins the toljoie of the faib Xerm of Xijiirionc gears; anb t|)c tno2C cffectuallp to infine a Completion of tljc iutenceb fliiipi-obc^ ments on dje faib &oab tuitffin a hmiriD propofe, tijat in ¿Default time &&,*?** t0 üc t0 t!,cm ‘T^SiiCb, ffioulb be fubjetf to â>cqticifration, toitii jpotoer to furrcnbcc fudj Centrait, on gibing iwtbclbe £0ontf)S Notice, anbprob= ing a prebious Cjcpenbiture of f ibc Xljoiti fanb goutibs at leatf, in the repairing anb amenbing tljc faib £oab : 2inD tnftcrcas the fatb Xrultees at a public ©oarb for that f t giirpofc bttlp conbcncb, bib alTeiit anb pr‘,vtvù!i and that former Trailers ap- Giuraci yvu.i V? faid Andcr- of them, to enter into fuel) Contract 0 Contracts founbeb cn the faib bcfojc re-citcb i^ropofai, fuffi'ett to futij madations as thep ffiail think f it,to anb ibidj the fc'Ub John Andcrfon ailb George Webb, their 1"T’“1 t,*,r Crecutots, SiDnrimiiratots, anb 3lffigns, 02 in cafe of default bp them, 02 failure, 02 J!5oit=petfo2mance thereof, to anb mith 12 K 2 fuch  paro off ano Oifctjargco, ano ipai proui* üon fe? fo Ooms tljall be ínfcrtcO ín fuel) Centratt c: dEontraets, ín fuel) SIBanntr as tlje faío ¿ommiflíoners fijail tJ)ínfc ut; ..mofan pvobíticO nebertíjdcfs, Xi)at no parí of tljc falo á>um of Xteo XijoufanD peimos, : ■ Jii¿”atE-, íljall be applieO to tíje payment c: iDiu cfjargc cf tíje principal ;§>üír.s ouc &y fíje -outflanoíng Dcbnui’.rcs cf faíb BeaD. 56. 21 nOGebrgii Tertii Régi- io C 11 A P. XLIU. Recite ; C6. mnD toïjcicas many pacte ofIthJ iaJ «oa® af !°n°6 S°w ïS>eC Süct^StHs R . S“«pon, 0Î aMoimttS nifgSt to? maDé ZTÏt mmt \»SSSS5 mote —■ flWtet, ana'■ *{L; Pc it CnactcD bp bp abciDUig i?v ib, ropottion of the Cam apart i«#I tSSommiffioners, ot anp fLattas, as the ta fl il »«age ncccffarp fibe oi mote of mote mm- Cot carrptng thetametii ^ the ttient to ^»iSSS’openanD make the £>tbes thereof, anb to moaD> a,iB that fame as a2f f«°LJmingip tVjencefotti) be, the fame ih»u a“°!f V&iana ana cetftain pa« of t|e|t^ £ubc that front ^Lff Tuch^ccupier o jssa1054 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto C n a r. XL1II. as fljall be fo altrrcb or ríjangcb, as &a= tisfattion anb exchange of furl) ©rounb to be mate ufe of in ti)e malting fuel) neto Boa», tl)c fame perfon or perfon3 being t|)c £>rcupiers of tije olb anb neto Boab to be cjcchangeb 02 giben in Satisfaction as afotefaib; anb that from the Xime furl) net» Bcab fljall be mabc paffablc pur* iuant to tfjis 3iet, the üDrcupíer 02 áDreu^ I... P>cl-s map at i)ts, her, 02 tijeir Crpence, ,obeop',Kd- inrlofc 02 fence up fucij oib Boab, anb that tlje oib Boas fo enclofeb anb fence», fliali net be liable to be iaib open. and from 'time new Road made paflable, «'Id Road to be flopped, and not liable AM Holies m.i\ demtle. or tell fame to 11 mm ifi-oners by pi i-sate Agreement, or by Valuation of jurv, f.-c, and ill'll! be indemnified hereby for to do ;ig, e..:;-ck,se. 57* 31nb be it furtijcr Cnacteb bp thè ; XnpWtf afotefaib, Xhat it (hall be Iato* c ou i, ve. lui toz ali ©oìucs iMitick, £ojpo2at0 02 Collegiate, Cotpstations aggregate 02 folel Crcasto25, 3lbminiifrat02s, 02 Cuarbians anp Committecs 02 otljer Xrttftces, not onlp mi Beijalf of themfelbes, bnt alfo on £>Ci)tlÌf Df Ceiluique Xrufls, ^nfatits, 3Jf= lUl U!ib02H, Xunatics, 3lblOtS, Femes Coverta, 02 otljcr pm'ons, anb f02 ali Femes Lovms feì5eb in tijcir ohm Bigijt, anb fot ali perfons i)abing an Citate fo2 nife, tpiiy Bemainber in Xail, anb fo2 all anb eberp peuon 02 perfons toljo are 02 Ojall br fci5cb, poffeffcb of, 02 intcrcilcb in ano orouna fclìid) Ojall be nccelfarp fo2 thè rsl&* afotefaib, to bernife anb leafc, 2? *til (lnu conbep thè fame to thè faib 1«! thSurB’ citìJEl’ k? *,rii,atc 3lgree= h»CSiM?,Ì?‘t6cm,r an? of them, 02 SS« «mi.?»“ « #««1» wpancs ut,»!, Hall w lo mai,” Hall ¡* balio Georg» Tertii Regis. io55 H A P. If Owner, Orcupier, &c. after Notice herein, refute to dentile, or to fell arid con-v.:v Grounds, Src. ' balio to all ano i&urpoCes, anp CXU1[ fiato, Statate dj ìtfagc, oj attp cttjtv #at= v— ter o? Xiting tobatfoctoer to tijc contrari1 thrreof in attp toifc ituttoithflanOing, ano all 5Fcofteos in Xrtiit, CicccuiojS, 3tomi= niftratojs, ©uarOians, Coininittees or Xrttftees, Cojpojations aggregate ot fole, atto aii otijer i&erfons ave ano fitall be jjcrcbv inoemitifico fot txiijat tljcp Gjall Do Op tiiirtue of, or in |&urfuatttc oc ibis 31 et. c8. JinO bc it furtijer CnacteO, Xltat if furi) £>toner, ^roprictoj, iPctupicr, Com* miflioncr oj Commifliottcrs*, Commuto ot Committees, ©obies l^oliticlt, Cojpojate oj Collegiate, aggregate oj fole, m anp otìtev Ce rio si oj ilerfotts, in anp lotte in* terefieo in anp futi) XanBS, Xenemcitts, ©ttilOings, èenfes, dirounoo rcharO, gara, o. MianteO 2JHaife, fLaton oj 2t0cnuc, npon jfourteen iDaps petite to them gtoen o. left in ffiiltiting at thè 3Dtoeliing4)oufc o. ftcuCcs, or filate oj platee of XboOc offuch t^erfon ot ^crfons, oj at tlje l?eaO ~W&tcl oj £>fficcrs of furi) *oOp politica, Cotpo^ rate oj Collegiate, aggregate oj foie, oj at thè l^oufe of thè Xenant ut #offeflfon offuchXanOS, Xenetnents, f?ouies, ^uilo _ ings, OrouttOS, ot ittereOitamentS, eftept as before crcepteo, Citali neglcct or refnft X SmMiaJUafe, fot «2S faib Cotntnifltottets or anp irtbt of thetn Si« «fluite, ano toltici) tljcp are Ijcrcbp emootoercO to grant at futi) Xcnt as (Itali b^oeemeo reafonable, or «all not agree 12 I. 2 l0k io$6 Anno Regni triccíimo quinto (' H ap. for tftc á>alc of, anb accorbínglp conbep anp fuclj XanDs, Xcncmcnts, IDoufcs, dSrounDs, anD fycrcDítaments, $art or Bar ts tljcvrof, or tljcív 3jnterett tljereín, or, bp Üleafon of 3lbfencc, fljafl be pre* bcntcD from treatíng or agrecing as afoze* ÍXiu™,. fa»®» t}Jcn aníi ín anp of fuclj Cafes, tlje a Jury to be faiD Commífltoners or anp jfíbe or more who(hall af- of tljcm, fljall caufe it to be eirciuírcD iitto, “£££' anD afccrtaíncD bp anD upan tlie ¿Dati) cf Saftcrfamc a of Xtoclbe i n ti i ff c r e 111 iBen of tlje : ,i¡"u. ccuntp toljcrcin tlje lUnDS anD Bremiffes c *1C» íSDatl)anp Xíjrce or more of i.:«* futí) Commífltoners areIjcrcbpímpotoercD a^r'' aiiD requírcD to aDmínifler, toljat ^.nnual X’rto ^cnt AjaH be pa¡D, or toíjat fóecompenfe o^o“a fl)aü be maDe to fue!) áDtoners, áDccupicrs, or proprietors, oz otticr Berfoit oz Ber= fons interefleD fez, o: tipon Account of tlje toíDcníng of anp íurlj 3XoaD; anD íuíDrDer tíjemtnto tlje faiD Commífltoners, oz anp jfíbe cz moje of tljcm, are empotoereD anD reciuírcD from Xímc to Xíme, as tljere íljall be íPecaficn, to ütminen anD calí be* fozc tlje faiD ‘Jltirp, anD ejeamíne upon áPatl), all Berfons tobatfocbcr fuljo íljaíl be tíjougljt ncceffarp oj pvoper to be era* mincD as (HüttncíTes, toucjjing oz concern* ing tíje Brcmíffcs, toí)icí) áDatlj anp jfibe oz moze cf fuclj refpectibc ComintíTtoners are Ijcicbp ímpotoereD anD reguírcD to aD* mínrlter; anD íf anp of tlje Barties ín* tereítcD fljall requeft tíje famc, Ojall alfo cante ti)c faííi gjurp to Dicto tfjc Blacc o«z Blaccs m S&ucítíon, anD fljall ufe aü otber latotulfflUaps anDfi0eans, as toe» foj tljeír, as foj tlje faiD guríes, bcttcrjnfojmatíonm tpe $remiCteS; antafter tpe fait 3iurpc fljallpabefo cnquirct attb fcttlet futi) Kent o? Becompenfe, tpep tlje faiD Commifftom ers, o? anp jfibc 0? mote of tpem, map ac^ ccpt of, ant execute a Xcafe oj Xcafes fot fucij Xerm, ant at fuel) Bent as fpall be agreet on o? afeertainet in banner afoie^ fait; ot in Cafe tlje premiffes are to be purepafet, map thereupon accept a Com bepance, ant ortcr ant atjutgc tlje Sum ot Sums of S0oncp fo agreet upon oj affeffet bp tpc Slurp, for fuel) purepafes, to be pait to tlje perfons interedet in fuel) Xants, Xenements, »uiltings, Routes, eSrounts, or ^eretitaments, epeept as be« fore ejcceptet, aecorting to pvibate 3lgtfcs ment, or to tpc tHiertiet ant Sinquifition of fuel) Slurp, topicp Agreement ant Com bepaute, or Uertiet or SJnquifttion, ant the £>rter ant Stti'utication fo pat ant mate, being enrollet at tlje Andante of*»**“' the fait Commifltoners, or anp Jribe of them, in tlje Bolls Sfitte of tpe ijiglj Court of Cljancerp, «jail be final ant conelufibe to all ‘Intents ant purpofes agamo au parties or perfons topatfoeber, claiming m pofteißon, Bcbtrfion, Bemaintec or otpertoife, tpeir l^cirs, Crceutors or »6* mintdrators, ant Succcffors refpettibelp, as meli abfent as prefent, infants, Femes Coverts, ¿unatiefes, 3itcots, ant perform unter anp otper 3>ifabilitp, »obres poll* tiefe, Corporate, Collegiate, aggregate or foie, as toell as all otper perfon or per* fons bopomfoeber ; ant eberp futp üMxmer, flPctupier, ant proprietor, ant all ant eberp perfon ant perform interedet mtoc;8 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto c n a p. fuel) ILatibs, tenements, »tuibingS, xi.m. jDonfcs, Drcuttbs, or i)crcbitaments, io ' DcmifcO or purcljaCcD as aforefaib, (itali tljcrcbp Ite front tfjcnccfovtlj, to all 3in* tents atto $urpofcs, fubjcct to futi) Xcafe or grafts as fljall be masc tljcvccf ; or if folD, diali brbibcdcDof ali Xigljts, Claims, gintercfts, ov |£ropevtp of, in, to, or out «rul for futn- of tlje fame; anb for tlje fnmmoning ano Commiflion- returning of fuel) Jurp ano 'Jm'ics, tde Warrant to fait) Coinintinoncrs, or any jfibe ov move comif,“f of tfiern, are ijcre'oj? cmpotocreD from Xime to Xime, to iitue tfjett* GSlarvant or CZliat* and i 4 Days rants to t|jc édjcriff of tlje Cotintp in vSmZ-'" tnliiclj ti)e fati Xanbs diali lie, thereby re? qutring dim to impanel, fummon aub re* turn an intniferent giurp of not iefs tdan Xt»entp*four |2>erfons, to appear before tlje faib Commiflioncrs, or anp jfibe or more of tljem, at futi) Xime anD $lace as in futi) aHfarrant djall be appointed of tbijidj Xime atto i&Jace ail jDcrfons in* terefteb d)ail ijabc jfourtecn Daps Notice, prebiotis to tlje Reefing of fuel) ^iurp, gibcit or left in banner aforefaiD, anb tijt faib &dcriff is Ijercbp requireb to impanel, fummon anb return furi) Xtoentp=four Criunuf- i£>erfons arrorbinglp; anb out of tf)è fUcr* iw"», u j'l. fons fo empaneleb, fummoncD anb return* ,or,i cb, or out of fuel) of tljcm as C)all appear, faib Commiflioncrs, or jfibe or more of tijem, diali taufc to t>: ftyorn Xtueibc, !xl)o Ojall be tlje Jlurp for tlje |Snrpofcs afovefaib, anb for Default of a ftiffirirnt ^umber of Jiny «Jen, tlje faib <£*i)cnff u)all, if veqmreD bp tlje faib Commiflion* ers, or anp jfibc of t|)cm, return fo manp ^»tanbers*GeorgU TertU Regis- 1059 VjCOI - C? xSw1« ££"£ ip tl)c $umfcev n J ti,it au ^et' Cue* fury; Sf \ lawful Cons eoncernct, fl)a* n^c*.aHenae the 3tr* tttjalUnseg, but not t J ¡jf the fait ray of t|e ^S^La?ht» wmcSo he f*»otn; ffiXtcSniirfoncrs, or any §« 0%** ant the wit ^ouimu *Kimffei, or more of t|cm, attiirg * ' %im £■,&*„ fJS or fines, — to impofe any ^oun?is sterling, for not ejecting f W1VJa Sheriffs. bailiffs any one ^*ne, on fut^ a g- iu tX)t S«U » «rnrVpS ™ «>»>l «’ fufe ‘«S famW Wilfully their 3!lertitt, or in 1» v ti.erc;n contrary fSall neglect leaning of tins to tfic true intent ant ^.ct; anti«^touching the ^remittee, t^0i\Sl «fife t? be ctaminet or giw mho fhall retuie iu t0 ^itnc to if EDitence; ant from X fine ant X *rit ®»««« 'KSitri* ft h«» |Sd« 1» «S “'J'1«' '*» «** “ fount. All Sums affefled or 5*. an. W it fur*« S3 - - ut\) ^°a£ovciaiB, toiler for S°i^. ’or, or affeitet of CntJ SKIS^SSSS^SBi\o6o 0 H A P. XLIH.. •mil if Pcrfons »»titled refufc Cune after Notice, ■or to execute Deeds or d.cafes according to Agreement or ■A He Ament; Anno Regni trìceiìmo quinto peri tfjerero for anp of tljc i&urpofes afore-JfoiD, map be pain out of the probuce of the i-olis atiftitg bp iOittuc of this 2ltt: nnb that upon payment of tljc Annual Kent orp turba fc ipottep fo agreeb for or af= fcflrti, or Xnibcr thereof, anb Kcfufa! to >it Cafe anp |0erfou eutitKb to the fame, fljall, after .1 out teen S>aps Notice gibcit or left at his or her i?oufr, or at the%oufc of the Xc »ant or £>mtpter of futi, ©rouubrefufe ot nrglctt to tccctbc the fame, anD to cr-ecutc a proper Xcafc or SDcrb of Conbcp^ rn fnitl Comm«fl Srfhp £ 9e /aiD Co»i»»Woners lobgS ttt the 15ank of Ireland, ttuber an £Drber on KS?» ? W9b Court of «Sancerp tr? their cKI f°1' S5 fÌSrr^oriunpn Rn0 to ai® ^lr&,i?piifes anb <5rounbs to the faib Koabs, tn £>rbet to tuiben them or to £ef%Stlpatfjs tiKlcon> Without the 9&mSS&S of anp «on,,,™,. ^ further Cnattcb bp the Cfc *l££vlt? aforefaib, Xhat the faib Com' SltS fl>*1 babe full Corner, ana thep im2;?r «« *>•** nr«S?«5"S fep to V S™\?v * io e, paia as aforefaib, or any {¡¿lap the Money to be loJgcd in the Bank of Ireland, under Order on Petition to Chancery, and Commif iioners end their Workmen may proceed with Work. •&c.Georgi! Tertii Regis. io6i: Mav tcfpctdng fuel) Xtial ant «Ramina* cotton. •—^ 6*. m..D be it further «Buatte» bp the R muthoritp aforcfaiD, Xhat the IRctt.» to ^0«» to be actrecb for or afCcffcb as aforeiaiD, ilull be paid _ » ^ <-____ a tí the oat of Toil , fliall be paiD from Xune to Xum, as t»e v „ fame fhall become Due, out of tljeXoUS of die faiD IStoaDS, bp $alf*pearlp payments!, to die l&erfou or l&crfons mijo üiail be cm dtlcD thereunto, the firft papmeut tljcre= of to begin anD be mabe at the Cub of £>tt CaienDar iBontljs nept after futi) Cromia filali be tafeen anD be poffcfixb bp thejtaiD ,, CommiOtoncrS as aforcfaiD ; anD t£e 0er, fon or Actions entidtD to & fame, (hall, During í^íítSíntS^"“** this Sta iiatie tilt ftiinc CEftatc cinB 3*nce- GrOM¿s-, teft in itici) 3£entS as i)C, Ü)C, oc ti)cp SouiO IjaDc ijao in tije faiD «BrouiUtè ut Cafe tfjis met neber liaD been mape ; anD in default of papmrnt $mof, the tart «*¡x flLmnmiCtoners, toitfju. Xli.ctp 3T>aps at-ycm,„,01> ter the fame fhall become Due, anD fhall taw £«« tama» <* «.« *!■<»'«« ?' Ss the faiDCommifltoners, it ftallanD map a*-^. be lawful for the l^rhon or ^ thall from to X.ntc be entuleD to ^anl whicH the fai »cuts, or anp of them, »»»¡«h. mence or protende one or more at Cato on the Cafe, or ut 3>ebt, a gaunt fuch Xreafurer on mtcou..t of fuch IR ent, anD thall anD map upon fuch mtttott or Actions retobee the ifìonep fijen hue, tos nether toith h»5> her, or their full CoftS of ¿suit anD habe fuch for the ÍRÍ. ail.«» »v %to ini od 2 C II A }\ xml. Anno Regni tricefimo quinto Cafes, fato flj&oney aito CoAs fo reeotorrcb, tolteli pai», may be allenita to furi) Xrcafurcr in Ijis Sltrount toith thè fato Commifltoners. e»“- r 6I2*Jrsi'^ificDaItoayfi>neijcrtI)eIcfs,Xijat c„rra w hi ftirljXicaftirce diali «or tic aliatoci in itici) Account, any CoAs atrettoant on fucij ^>uit or Milite, in Gaie tt Alali appear to tljc faiD Gonunifltoners, or any iribe of fileni, tiiat futi) CoAs I)al)c becn incurreb by file toilful £>efault or fìsica of tbe fato Xrcafurcr, atto tìjat be filali Ijabe tonifica to pay tiic émm or £>ums fo re* cobcreb, toj)tn Ijc Ijas bren in #oifcAton of a fuAtcient j'utto, aito IjaD becn bornia or oitoercb te pay ano Oifcbargc die fame; r if r. anb if any of tije faiD Ketits Alali at any A;-1' Xiinc be in Grecar anb tutpaib forine , £>pacc of £>ir £0011 tps after tlje fame oiigljt to be paia, a Court ofCciuity, tipon ^Application ut Scanner bercili after inetta tioiteb, Alali appoint a Bcccitoer to rcccibe fo tinteli of tljc Xoils as Ajall be fttffiricnt to pay tilt fame, togctljcr toitij futi) jpecs or £>alary as diali be appointcb by thè Court for fttcii ÌRcceiber, as alfo tlje ne* ceifary CoAs out of ibcclict of fucb pitcatioit. r />3*^nb be it Gnatica by tbc Stutboritt» aiotcfato, Xljat fticlj iPrbcr Alali be maDc ! . tipoti fàctition anb 3lfBDabit, after rea* lonable Xtme giben to tbc fatb Com* miluoitcrs, or tiictv Xreaftircr, to AictoGeorgii Teitii Regis. I O'63 64. nm tc it ahumby afcrcfai®, %l)at fo toon ai> iffeffmcin «jail lie mane as afoccfnsD, ft? anr iuih A^~ Slurp, it fljall be lawful for Com= ^ iniiitoncrs, bp t|>cinfclbis., oi iu- cci*s or bp sup ^crisn or $5crfons, bp l:ii.t. ¡>0^-faib Coromiflteners, ov anp '$itoc or more -of them, emplopeh to talie i&offefiion cf the (Brotinfcs fo atfcflxb, snb u>e hereby teauircB upon SDematiB, ano m iLlirtuc of a precept to be fo him for that S„Jn‘ purpofe Dircitcb bp the faib Comtuunon-or anp jfibc or more of them, unset theitVnSiili »eats, in Cafe it «all be fount) ncrcJtarp to iifuc the fame, to g)bc the 3DoiCciTtou cf fuel) <5roi«)6s «as foal} be therein menfionetj anb fieftribep; an- in cafe of fech Befufal by on niaflc?, tn ee as therein, to exect taic Ot U!ty “e r Vf, ,«, »,>„ f'td) 2Dcmanb, anb Xenber of fuel) i* -« ¿eag bv Ham is ufual to be giber, ro a ; : , Sheriff on executing a utirit Habers fa- , ■ cias Foffeflionem, within Xen Days Dclibevy of fuel) precept, to cpnUc ai b Kin3 c , obc ythe fame, that then fuel) ^iiCnJ n*f on implication againfl h>m, tit cafe ho foali wear to to in ¿«fault, »«*«»£« ™ « fmnifoment, bp irine or Httaehmem, as upon Complaint to ^ts ^ajeftys Court of Bittg’s ©end), fljall appear fit anb proper to be in inch Cafe awarish or tin* pofeb. 6- ^tna whmas a Continuance of the ci tr ILtne of Boab callcb Conyngham Road, leas* °f,: fug from the «fit? of Dublin, bp tljc S>ibe «• of*1» «*»«&’* p»««*"“ M'Sni Park to the XoWtl of ChapeUzod, Will fe.tb ’ i2 n 2 much1064 Anno Regni tricefimo quinto chap, unici) to tljc ^Improtoemcnt of fo public!* an Stonilic, anb tlie fame being in manp but cannot be $arts too «arroto for tlic Coucourfe of paiTcngcts trabclling on tlie fail» ftoab, PtoixPatf »t is abfolutelp netclfarp, for tl)e é>afetp anb 2lbbantage of tlic i&ublich, tljat tlie fame filati be toibeneb, follici) cannot be effetteb toitliout altering tlje prefent nine, bp carrptitg tlic fame tijrongi) $art of tf>e faib $arb, anb tlirougii otljer ©rounbs anb toalleb Cnclofurcs belonging to certain ■Jnbibibuals, anb it is ejepebient, in cafe tiicp filali be permitteb to pafs tiirougl) tlic fame, to enable tlie faib Commilitone ers to purftie tlje faib nine of 3&oab ; Be it tliercfore Cnatteb bp tlie 3ut|ioritp Commiffi- aforefaib, Xjiat it 0)afl anb map be lato= widen and re. fui for tlie faib Commifltoners, or anp PJiredif Jrifcc of tfiem, to toiben, malte, grabel to go through anb repair tlie faib 3&oab, atcorbing to futi) to defray Ex- Hint or émrtocp thereof as fljall be agreeb orrolir1 on, of tlie Breabtli of Cigljtp jfeet at tlie leaf!, anb to befrap tlie Cjcpcntes thereof out of tlie 3LolIs to be lebieb in iHirtue of tljis 3ltt. provided faid 66* Idrobibeb altoaps, miiat fuel) nine lliall not en- of 3&oab filali not cucroatl) upon, or enter without Hi, into anp f&art of tlie faib Phcenix Park, “1‘ili toitliout tlie Jleabe of f)is iBajeftp, or tlie ha“'1 2Loi'1) lieutenant or oriicr Cljicf ooberno? owne,‘òf“f ®obernozs of tljis Itingbom, being firlt other enclofed fo? tljat limrpofe Ijab anb obtaiueb; no? tiirougl) anp tuallebin (Srouitbs toitliout line ilcabc of tfic perfon or #erfons ottm* tng anb occupping rfjc fame, anb tulio Oiall be compenfateb for tlic fame, in fanner asGeorgìi Tertiì Re as bp tins 2tct bircitct! in other Cafes of ^ forming netti ilines of Boat). 67. mito formas ro tarrp S? tlìc ilntcnt ani» SBearung ot tt)iG ;iiU!M u, is requiftte to abb'to the powers bcftcb ut ®“,s£ Stano Utìtieo, bp an *« « fetonO gear of «is ptefent S0aje3p, titiCO, An Aft for improving and keepn e ReDair the Poft Roads of this Kingdom; be it further ematico bp the ¿ritto fai»33« *t ftall bejamful for the orai ^ ‘aurtTof'the Countp of Dublin, at Eafter^g, a1l5 Mkhaelmas %tXUX, a«0 fOt $e trf*«*— tibe Grant) juries of the Counties of Kd-,„rp Meath ailfi Weftmeath, at any ^UU)tS Which thalt be holoen after the pauin^anb tuirlna the Continuance of ttjts ^a, w ?irHSfSKg IS?aSt3» Sort, 0; »1W ““Ai,', IlSif|S||3 firm futh t&rcfcntments- rs lambicco altoaps, Xh**t 1,0 0urti ( msìssm .'rrtvided Af* fUavit made a» herein. 12 fl('"A p- ÍLintof rite fa id Bead, unlcfs it iijall ap; pear bp 3UStial)it of Xtoo credible pcv= fans, cobo read and toritc, tfjat fue!) Bridge is »ecriTarr foe flip pnopofe of fl)orrcning i lie ¿Pifíame,o) avoiding of Dills, o% foi t!)e greater Comxinrurc of Crabellers, oz toil! tend to facilitate tlic Jntcrcourfe betioecn a up Xfcoo points of fíje fat'd Bead. rr» i For.,,, G9. prothdcd alfa, Xfjat no sPoncp íhall io^uMn^ 6c fo prefemed, unlcfs tíje federal jorms f0l. obtaining prefentments foz Bridges anD otíjer Bcquiütcs, íljaíl be purfueb anD obferbeD as in Cafes of Bridges prc= rentable under tljc BoaD 3tcts notó in be= ing, oz tíjat licreafter fl)alí be cnatíeD re= íatibc to fíje fame upon mi bile prefers ment Beads, anD tijat rclatibc tijereta the faiD refpertiDe ©rand "Juries íftall ñaue all fuel) anD tlic liltc potoers as bp faiD BoaD 2ias arc in refpett to Bridges Deft-cd in them; and ttjat all ponies fo to be prefented, iljail be accounted for in libe spanner, anD bp ümilar Sfffidabits, and under tlje like Begttlations in all Befpccs as are or Hjali be enacted m refpett to Bridges on publicft Beads repaired bp prefentmeuts. Bridges ar Boundarie Where warGeorgii Tertii Regis. 1067 tun tije iji3cnep prefentcb, fi)n!I be pttrfueb C^!L*U1’-aub obferbeb. 1—~ 71. 2lnbbe it farther Gnatteb, Xijat ail j*E£ proW&ons bp tije Scat13«*, ma6c.wc re* «airing (utiiicu ©reaches in ©vi.)ge.s ou B,,aci,e, fuel) Scabs, (hail ejetenb to the fait) Scab extended to from Dublin tO Mullingar, DC a«P UCOO 1L.WK thereof to be matsc purfuant to tins -let. 72. 2lnb be it further CBnattcS bp the 2Uithoritp aforefatb, tljis 2lct il)ail be anb continue in iforcc for the Xernt of Hhirtpione gears, from tije law SDap of this prefetti é>cÌQons of parliament, anb from thence to tije «Bub of tije then ttejet ^cUtons of parliament. This Aft to continue for 31 Years, and to End of then next Seilions of Parliament. And faid Aft 73. 2lnb be it «Enactcb bp tlje ^utDoritp temcda aforefaib, Xijat tljis prefetti 2iet thaU be publick beemeb, abjubgeb, anb tafeen to be a pub^ Iteli 21 et, anb (hall be j'ubiciallp tajun tire of as fucD bp all thè 3Inbges, Dufhccs anb all other perfons iMijatfoeber, tmth* out fpetiallp pleabing tty fame. Aft.í V T. "«SN 7 ^'«5 ' à 1 I, I Î! p i. ' • 1 J ‘¿•V ,• V, *. ; . ■ ■ -i \ M û il